UMASS/AMHERST # 31E0bbD05aD553E • ••: •• ••»' =.^ aV4 LIBRARY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE -t 74 H3H2 1865 SOURCE. This book may be kept out TWO WEEKS only, and is subject to a fine of TWO CENTS a day thereafter. It will be due on the day indicated below. OCI 4 1899 I TRAIN BAOTIOJSS OP THE IlAMPSIIIllE A(}RTCULTURAL SOCIETY 1865. PREPARED BY THE SECRETARY, AMHEKST: nJULllSHEl) r.Y TJIE BOCIF.TY. 1865. LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF MASSAC _2'''^ AMHERSl ^at)S. (^ .^6 %ixnv[h jof i)^t ^atxd^,- The Sixteenth Annual Cattle Show and Fair of Hampshire' Agricultural Society, occurred on their grounds, in Amherst, on^ the 26th and 27th of Sept.- l8&6. Since the last publication of the transactions of the Society, the society has been steadily growing in numbers and prosperity, and has gained a strong hold ttpon the community within which it is located. The expediency of holding its exhibitions within an enclosure, and upon lands of its own is no longer an experiment, but the experience of si'2^ years has demonstrated that it is the true way to make the So- ciety popular and prospero-usJ The great prejudice which in tHe' first year of the adoption of this plan, existed in the minds of some of its members, has been gradually dissipated, and it now re- ceives the hearty support and co-operation of the Farmers and Mechanics of the District. Each successive exhibition has brought out a larger number of contributors, and a better variety of articles for competition. The effect of this ia already visible. Farmers are paying more attention to the improvement of their farms. The old established customs of their fathers are bein^ discarded. Experiments brought out by the patient trials of some,- are eagerly adopted by others, — and a great improvement in Agriculture is the result. Labor saving implements of farming are rapidly introduced ; and very few persons who make farming their business can now be found who do not use the Mowing Ma- chine, the Horse Kake, the Hay Tedder, the Horse Hoe, and the 4 ■ ANNALS OF TITK SOCIETY. Corn Planter, and the result is an increaaed production of cropss with a smaller amount of labor. In the production of Fruit, a marked and viHiblo improvement iH 8cen. It is not many years since the best displays upon our tables came from without the limits of the society. Now our farmers can vie with any portion of the community in this res- pect. Thousands of choice varieties of Fruit trees have been in- troduced, with profit and pleasure. In the stock department of our Show a marked improvement is visible. Choice grades of Sheep have been sought for and in- troduced by some of our enterprizing farmers, and the result of their experiments has induced many others to imitate their ox- ample. Some of the finer varieties of Cattle have also made their appearance among us, and considerable attention is paid to this department. Although not so largely a manufacturing community as some others, yet in this respect our exhibitions have nothing to be ashamed of. Each year presents some new feature in this res- pect, and encourages bright hopes of the future. To the ladies of the Society are we largely indebted for the success of these exhibitions. Their skillfull hands bring forth in- numerable articles — of fancy and utility — whilst the "golden product of the milky kine"' attests to their skill as housewives. And last but not least their smiling presence adds grace and pleasure to the exhibitions, which we could ill atFord to dispense with, — may the day be far distant when this untoward event shall befall us. ■ The experience of several successive years had fully demon- strated that the days fixed by the legislature for our Annual Ex- hibition were much two late in the season. Carrying as it did the time nearly into the middle of October, we weri.' apt to have stormy weather, — induud fair days were rather the exce])tion than the rule. Many of the finer productions wore past, — few ilowery ANNALS OF THE SOCIETY. O Withstood thu frosts ot that ponod — and the shortened days <^avu little time for the exhibition. To obviate this dilliculty the days for oxlnbition were last year changed by legal enactment to the latter part of September. Thus far this change has been condu- sive to our prosperity, and future oxpcrieuce will undoubtedly testify to the wisdom of the act. The first day of the exhibition opened bright and fair, and the roads were soon crowded with exhibitors, bringing in their pro- ductions, Long strings of Cattle, driven by sturdy farmers ; Rosy cheeked Matrons with their domestic productions ; Youths and Maidens, all wended their way towards the Park, giving ample employment to the Secretary in receiving tlieir contribu- tions. At an early hour the Ilall presented an imposing appear- ance, and although the number of entries in this department was somewhat less than in previous years, yet they made ample rec- ompense in quality for what they lacked in quantity. The following entries were made : Town Teams 3 ; Working Oxen 17 ; Steers 12 yokes ; Cattle for the Stall 6 ; Bulls 9 ; Milch Cows 11 ; Heifers less than 3 years old 3 ; Calves 4 ; Swine 11 ; Sheep 13 ; Poultry 16 ; Stallions 5 ; Colts 18; Farm Horses 13-; Roadsters 12; Breeding Mares with Colts 4 ; Trotters 5 ; Equestrianism 2 ; Carriage Horses 34; Miscellan- eous Stock — Herds 3 ; Collections of Fruit 4 ; Pears 4 ; Apples 19 ; Grapes 4 ; Peaches 2 ; Quinces 7 ; Cranberries and Dried Fruits 16 ; Flowers 10 ; Seeds Grains and Roots 45 ; Fine Arts IG ; Garden Vegetables 23 ; Collections of Garden Vegetables 2 ; Wines, Jellies, Canned Fruit and Pickles 14 ; Mechanic Arts 22; Bread IS ; Butter 8 ; Cheese 6 ; Domestic Manufactures 23 ; Honey 5 ; Fancy Articles 39,— Total, 487. In the Floral department, notwithstanding the blighting effect of the long continued drought, a fine display greeted the eye. The specimens presented were of the finer varieties of flowers, and most of them arranged with uxfjuisite skill. It it^ liupud 6 ANNALS OF XUE SOCIErY. that a more favorable season next year will give our ladies great- er scope in competition in this department. The ladies contributed quite largely to the department of Fan- cy articles, all of which were so meritorious that comparisons would be invidious. Of Domestic Manufactures there was as large display as usual, demonstrating that the use of the loom, spinning-wheel and knit- ting needles had not become obsolete. The display of Fruit was much larger and finer than had been anticipated. The ravages of the Canker Worm, and the scorch- ing drought, hiad led us to anticipate a meagre show, but we were joyfully disappointed. Two Ibng tables- groaned beneath the weight of luscious looking Apples, Pears, Peaches, Qtiinces and Grapes. To the cultivation of the latter fruit, our farmers are now paying considerable attention. One contributor alone, contributed fifteen varieties.* It bids fair to becomea souree of profit. Of Garden vegetables a fine display was mad'e, — better thaii in any former years. Within a few years our farmers have been turning their attention to this branch of agriculture, and this re- gion of the Connecticut valley sends annually to the city markets vast quantities of v&getables, which yield a remunerative compen- sation to the producer. The Fine Arts were well represented by artists of acknowl- edged merit, and amateurs of coneid'erablc skill.- Out of doors the show of Stock was creditable to the Society.- Working oxen fit for the shambles, Cows, Heifers, Calves and Steers, made up an imposing collection of Stock. The choicer breeds of Swine were also well represented by a score of comj)et- itors. The Poultry department also presented quite an attractive ap- pearance,, many choice breeds of fowls being represented. ANNALS OF THE SOCIETY. 7 Th'e forenoon was devoted to examinations by the Convnittees, and also -by tlie numerous spectators. At 2 o'clock a goodly number repaired to the Hall to listen to an address by Professor Chadbourne of Williams College, His theme was *' Agriculture as an Employment ; Its Dignity and JReqidrements." It is un- necessary to say that it was full of thoughts instructive, and it is much to be regretted that we are unable to publish it in our transactions. By a formal vote of the Society, a copy was reques- ted for publication, but for reasons satisfactory the request was declined. A new feature was this year introduced on the first day. Heretofore the trials of speed have been restricted to the last hour of the second day ; but this year a match for a purse was made between two Stallions owned respectively by Charles Ho- sier of Deerfield, and Julius Shepard of Greenfield, which added znuch to the entertainment of the day. A match game of Base Ball was also played between the Hampshire Base Ball Club of Northampton, and the Nicsean Nine of Amherst College. This interesting game absorbed the atten- tion of the spectators, until the dusky shades of evening warned them of the close of the exhibition for this day. The second day of the Show opened in unclouded splendor, and the spacious grounds of the Society were soon crowded with pedestrians. This day is more particularly devoted to the exhi- bition of Horses, and the entries were more numerous than ever before. At ten o'clock a grand cavalcade was formed extending nearly around the half mile track, which under the Marshalship of Sheriff H. A. Longley, and preceded by the Belchertown Brass Band, made several circuits of the grounds. After this the ex- aminations of Committees occupied the time until one o'clock, when a half hour was devoted to feats of equestrianism, in which two ladies appeared as competitors and won enthusiastic plaudits from the crowd. 8 ANNALS OF THE SOCIETY. At half past one, such loaded rose-bush by th^ REPORTS. 17 humbles-t 6ottage, awakens emotions that the golden PaLice fails to do. How many a poor soldier upon his narrow couch in the Hos- ■pjital, or in the foul prisons of the South, who dreamed of soft -summer days, vv'hen he was wont to sit upon the door-sill of his Mother's cottage, among the hills, — while he looked lovingly up- on the white roses, that nodded to him in the soft, zephyr, or of the home spare bedroom, beneath the windows of which, were .grouped the red and white roses that perfumed his room, while his dear Mother nursed him when ill, he thought of a time, when again he should beat that home among the roses ; — but, alas ! they were transferred to a home in the celestial city, — rath- er than to a Mother's care, and not even a rose was laid upon their marble brows to speak of loving hands and hearts. It is estimated that more than 100,000 species of plants have. become knov/n, and' since there is such a vast number, it affords a wide field for abundant research for the Horticulturist. SECTION III. The UiiUiy of Flowers* Heretofore, we have: spoken of the Beauty of Flowers, and we find them possessing Utility also, f^hey , possess great medic- inal properties, either in their blossoms or roots.: The leav,es of roses, are an astringent. The fresh plants of violets, form a use- ful mucilaginous purgative. Poppies, afford an anodyne. It is said that a syrup of the juice of the tiny flower, of the Forget-me- not, is a remedy against consumptive coughs. The seed of the Sun-flower is used to fatten poultry. Bees, and many kinds of insects feed UDon the nectar of flowers. . The flowers of the Ai^nic^, Chamomile, and Lavender are used exten- sively by Physicians. 3 is RBP0BT6. The decorative pat-ts of architecture, were originally derived from flowers and plants. One writer upon Floral Architecture, states, that "Hiram or- namented the capitals of the celebrated pillars he wrought for Solomon with lillies and pomegranates ; and the Corinthian capi- tal is stated to haVe been first invented by Callimachus, a famous architect, .who, being engaged to tnake more pillars at Corinth, took the form of his enrichment from passing a basket, covered with a large tile, that had been placed on the ground over a root of acanthus, the stalks and leaves of which had burst forth, and spreading themselves on the outside of the basket, were bent back again at the top by the corners of the tile, and its beauty so delighted Callimachus, and yet was so novel, that he adopted the form of the basket surrounded with the acanthus as a capital for his pillars;'"- — thus, originated the Corinthian style of architec* ture. The Gothic style of architecture was derived from the bud or germ, the Grecian, from the leaf, and the Indian style from the flower. Designs for printing, or stamping all kinds of fabrics, are often taken from a flower, vine, or a bouquet. Paper-hangings often present an imitation of flowers^ Painter's, copy from Na- tures floral department. The most exquisite perfumery is made from flowers. One hundred pounds oY the petals of roses affords scarcely half an ounce of oil. This oil forms what is called ■' i "Otto of roses," and an ounce costs enormously. If you fub one drop of this oil with one tea-spoonful of fine sugar into a pint of Water, gradually stirring it all the time, you can make a superior article of rose-watelr. A choice perfumery is now made of the roots of lillies. Flow- ers are useful to decorate the sick room, and they cheer the patient. We once' were the recipient of a floral gift, from a kind hearted Physician, and we could almost shed grateful tears over the bouquet, and with "Keats," could exclaim "a thing of beauty is a joy forever." REPORTS, 1^ The best qualities of forage often exist in the flower of the grasses. For instance, clover should be gathered ere the blossom becomes too mature, or the forage is injured. Flowers are the harbingers of fruitage. The blossom must precede the kernel, or we have no grain. Thus, we find flowers useful as well as beautiful. SECTION IV. Preservation of Flowers and Leaves. ■ There are mauy ways of preserving flowers and leaves in a dried state, so as to retain much of their pristine beauty. "When the cold snows of Winter are on the ground, they are beautiful to the eye. An Herbarium of dried and pressed flowers should be made by our youth in schools, and the study of Botany more generally pursued. Flowers for the Herbarium should be gathered when in full bloom, and pressed until quite dry between clean white paper. A year's file of any of our Newspapers will afi'ord ihe best po«si- ble apparatus for drying them. After the specimens of flowers are placed between the sheets of paper, lay a board on the top, and beneath them, then, place a heavy weight upon them. They will dry in a few days, according to their juiciness. Some may need pressing for two weeks or more. When dried, transfer them carefully to the leaves of a blank book of white paper, prepared for them. Some transfix them with glue, or by passing their stems through loops cut in the leaves of the herbarium. The nicest way of retaining them in place, is, by carefully sewing them in. Beneath each plant, write its common name, artificial class and order, generic, and specific distinction, and natural or- der ; the place where it is found, and season of year in which it flowers. To guard an Herbarium against insects, and moisture. 20 EErOP.TS. wash tlie whole over with a wegji solution of corrosive sublimate, care being used, as it is a deaJly poison, — but good as a wash. Grasses niay be tastefully arranged with Immortelles, and wild red berries, and nicely preserved. The'leaves of Autumn, with their gorgeous tints may be pressed, and preserved for years. After drying, and pressing them, their upper surface should be delicately varnished, with white varnish ; then re-dried. They can be arranged in the form of a Harp, or a Cross, on nice card-board, and framed, and they make the Lib- rary, or family Sitting-room look cheerful in the light of a glow- ing fire in Winter time. The gatherei; of Autumnal loaves should commence collecting them, when they btgin first to change from green, into bright colors, to make a fine assortment. It is a peculiar charm of our American forests that they deck themselves in their gay, autumnal livery, to delight us with their. mosaic appearance. It was formerly supposed that frost changed our leaves into crimson and yellow hues. It is now the opinion of scientific men, that the leaves of our treesare changed and fall as the ripened fruit of the tree. In England they have nothing but the russet brown upon their forests, and can scarcely believe our Au- tumnal scenery to be as gorgeous as American artists represent it to b«. When Dr. Hitchcock of Amherst College was in England, he exhibited ske,tches of our Aiitumal scenery. His English friends expr,esped ^ astonishment, because ths artist had put so many colors upon his trees, while they deemed^it inapossible that they were actually so. When Dr. Hitchcock told them ''no paint- er could imitate the many and, gorgeous tints of our Autumnal scenery," they were doubly astonished. • At one of the Royal evening parties £vt France, a lady appeared with a sash and headdress, formed of ;weli preserved' and brilliant Autumnal leaves from America, ^nd they creatfed universal ad- miration. -Nature is prolific in beauty, and when we cati transfer her charms to our houses by a careful preservation of it, it is REPORTS. 21 pleasure to ourselves and ©tiiers. It is best that we teach the; rising generation to observe, love and fathom Nature's mysteries, and their minds will become purified, refined and elevated. ■'iii oAiii ion bir> unctuall>/ if possible for them. It was a matter of discussion as to which collection deservedly stood first in point of beautiful arrangement. In consideration of the largest collection, the first premium was awarded to No's. 8 and 12, which was furnished by Mrs. S. W. Boutwell, of Lev- erett. She stated that she had raised 70 different varieties of onfii species of flower represented in lier bouquet, and had 7 va- rieties of Coxcomb in her larger bouquet. We would take the liberty to suggest it to be objectionable to have seperate bouquets ofl"ered with the intention of having them considered as one "Entree." They should be entered singly. It should be a law like that of the Medes and Persians, that not one of the Commit- tee should know to whom they are awarding premiums, and then let those who receive premiums be satisfied. The second premi- um was awarded to Dr. Bonney, of Hadley, for a Floral Harp. It was exquisitely arranged, and exhibited rare taste, and the premium awarded him was considered equal in value to the first 32 RBPORTS. premium. The third premium was awarded to the pyramid of powers with a ground-work of Verbenas. There was one exquis- ite collection of Verbenas that did not arrive in season for an entree, therefore did not take the premium it deserved. In years to come, we hope all the ladies will endeavor to compete with each other and to bring fiowerg to our Agricultural Fairs. HAERIET C. RICE, Ch. Com. on Flowers, 1862. Ei^t>OETa. m g^porl on Jfruits. APPLES AND APPLE-TSSES. Apple-trees and apples is the subject of this report. A farm without an'apple-orchard, is a sad spectacle. The farm is qUita as imperfect as our national flag without the stars. The farmer who has> and wishes no Ofcllard, lacks both taste atid econoiiiy. Taste, — because an apple-orchard is a "thing of beauty." Econo- my,-— because raising apples is a source of decided profit. What more beautiful scene than an apple-orchard in full bloom, in the freshness and glory of Spring-time ? The tree.s themselves, ele- gant in conformation, and clad in their simple, leafy verdure, are ornaments. But when crowned in the blooming-time with mil- lions of blossoms, pink and white, and laden With sweet perfume, they remind us of the "Elysian Fields." Apples are a pallatable and healthful article of food. Eaten without preparation, they are a luxury. And the choice dishes, such aa saucesj preserves, tarts and various kinds of J^astry thdt can be made from them, are manifold. As an article for the market that always meets with a ready sale, apples have no ri- vals. An orchard standing on a single acre of ground, will aflford more profit than can be obtained from the acre in any other way. I will show this hereafter. BRIEE HtStOHY OF THE APPLE^TP.EE. The apple-tree has a very remote origin. According to an ancient tradition, Adam was choked with an apple tendered him .24 REPORTS. by the fair hand of Eve. Said accident caused a remarkable pro- tuberance on the anterior part of his throat. This peculiarity has been transmitted, and inherited by all the sons and daughters of the original proprietors of Eden. The Old Anatomists made use of this curious traditi'cin, 'and named th'e prominence in question, "■Fonnuin Adayni," or Adam's apple, and it bears that name to the present day. Skeptics will probably doubt the above narration, but they v,'ill .credit those ancient Crreel?-and Koman naturaiists who described the apple-tree and its fruit with great^ aceuracy. Theophostus, ■ Heroditus, and Columella, all make mention of the Apple-tree. Pliny says, that the Greeks called them "Medica'" from the coun- try Avheife they first originated. Pliny described them as a fruit with a delicate, tender skin, easily pared off.- He says of the crab*apples, or "wildings," that they are small and sharply sour, for which peculiarity they receive many curses. Columella, a , practical hiisbandman who lived and .wrote long before Pliny's _time, not only describes the apple-tree but also the process of £r-afting, and gives several different methods, which he saye, were handed down from the "Olden time." Apple-trees were brought to this- country very early. In 1629, bv the order of the, "Governor and company of Massachusetts bay," in New England, apple seeds were brought /rom England into the colonies; and Governor's island was granted to Governor Winthrop in 1632 on condition that he should plant a vineyard, and an orchard. The pilgrims also cultivated orchards, near Plj^mouth Kock, soon after their arrival. Many of our best va- rieties of apples originated here among us. The Baldwin origi- nated in Wilmington, near Boston, more than one hundred years ago, and for a, long time was called the "Butter apple," or the "Woodpecker apple." P^ev. Wm. Blackstone planted the first orchard in Rhode Island, in 1836. In this orchard originated the "Yellow Swe'etin'g." The "Newtown Pippin came from a' seed- REPORTS. 2&' ling originating on Long Island more than 150 years ago. But , a long hi&iory of Apple-trees is not needed here. THE PROFITS OF RAISING APPLES. Apples are profitable for food, prepared in a great variety of tvays. They are profitable as an article for the market. The farmer cail raise no other crop, (every thing considered) with so large a margin of j)rofits. Let us see if this be true, or not. — An orchard containing fifty trees, properly set out, will cover an acre of ground. In ordinary seasons, each tree ought to yield three barrels of fruit. The whole orchard will produce then, one hundred and fifty barrels of apples, annually. These are worth, on the spot in common seasons, one hundred and fifty dollars. — An acre of gra,ss-land will produce about three tons of hay, com- monly worth, not more than thirty dollars at the time of carting. The apples can be gathered with as little expense as making the hay. This will leave a large balance in favor of the orchard. Aside from this, the orchard will produce in addition to the ap- ples, a fair crop of either grass, potatoes or oats, without detri- ment to the tree. I might take the corn, or wheat crop, or any other ; not excepting tobacco, and make the same comparison and yet the balance, (other things being equal) would still be in favor of apples. An orchard of forty Baldwin Apple-t^e'es has yielded three hundred barrels of fruit in a single season. A farmer in Leverett, two years ago, gathered one hundred and one barrels of Seedling apples, from a single tree. Another sold two hundred and fifty dollars worth in a single season, gathered from an old- orchard, covering one, and one half acres of ground. But these facts are sufficient to establish the great profits of raising the fruit under consideration. 2.6 KEP0RT8. SITUATION AND SOIL, MOST SUITABLE FOE AN ORCIIAKD. A side hill, or a gentle slope, facing the South or Southwest, and sheltered in the back-ground by a higher eminence, is a good situation for an orchard. Avoid low, flat, or over-moist grounds with clayey subsoil, also Bandy plain lands. Orchards will not flourish in such situations, nor on such soils. Dark, rich loam, intermingled with gravel, with subsoil of yellow loam, intermingled with gravel, is the most proper soil for an or- chard. A soil that naturally produces the oak and sugar maple, will produce a thrifty orchard. Avoid lands and locations that bear the pine or hemlock, — they v/ill not grow an orchard. HOW, AND WHEN TO PLANT AN ORCHARD. The best time to set out an orchard of young trees, is in tho Spring. Let it be done early — as soon as the frosts are well out of the ground. Go to the nursery and select your trees. Be careful to get thrifty, well formed ones of such varieties as you desire. Those of a larger size are the best. Never select any less than six, or eight feet high. They are more apt to live, and you will get an orchard sooner by so doing. Secure as many roots on the young trees as possible, and be careful not to wound or , bruise them in taking them from the ground. The holes should be dug in well marked rows at intervals, of thirty or thirty-two feet apart. This is quite near enough for the good of both trees and land. Spade out a hole twelve inches deep), and five feet or more in diameter. Cover the bottom of the hole with some well-made, rich compost, to the depth of three or four inches. Now set the tree carefully in, straightening out all tho small roots and fibers, and draw in the fine dirt upon them. — After all the dirt is drawn in, place over the whole the grftssy BlPOETft. 27 turf, it' on sworJ land, with tlie grass siJo down, and if deemed necessary, secure the tree to a stake by a piece of soft cord, or etrip of cloth, au(J the thing is done. THE AFTER TREATMENT OF TEE YOUNG TREES. Do not meddle with them much the first year. If the season ia a dry one, they may need watering, but they will require no pruning. Young trees will bear but little pruning for a few years. They need all their foliage to gather from the atmosphere important principles of growth. After the first year, a compost, composed of well rotted manure and wood ashes should be ap- plied annually around and near them. It is an excellent plan to wash the bodies and larger limbs at least once every season with a solution of Sal-soda or soft soap and water. This will keep off parasitic growths, and destroy insects and worms. Examine them often near the ground, for the detection of that enemy of Apple- trees — the borer. If you find the bark penetrated by this worm, seek for it with a piece of bent annealed wire, and destroy it. — Clear the leaves and twigs from worms and catepillars as soon as you discover any. If any pruning is done, do it with a sharp knife, or fine toothed saw, and cover the stub with a coating of grafting wax, or cement. If the land can well be cultivated, it is better for the young trees. Potatoes, corn or oats, will flourish well in an orchard and give a fair crop without injuring or impairing the growth of the trees. . Be careful in ploughing or cultivating, not to wound the roots, or bark, or in any way to disturb them. If the land is kept down to grass, a surface of several feet should be kept clear of turf, near the body of every tree. This can easily be done with a bog-hoe or pointed shovel. Or, what is quite as eflfective, the same space can be covered with mould. ■28 REPORTS, now TO RECRUIT AN OW ORCHARD. Many farmers have on tlieir premises, old orchards, producing ■very little fruit. It is desirable to make them bear, until a young ' .orchard can be brought forward into a bearing condition. Can anything be done to reinvigorate the old and barren trees, and to enhance their productive powers? I answer yes, and from per- sonal experience with an old, worn out orchard. My method, and one which proved successful, was the following. First, the trees were cleared of all dead and decaying limbs, with the saw. Then all the moss, and old dead bark was well scraped from trunk and limbs, with a sharp hoe. A quantity of turf for a space of six feet in circumferance was removed with the spade, from around the trunk, and one bushel of compost ajoplied. The com- post was composed of equal parts of ashes, charcoal dust and well made manure. Then the turf -{Vas replaced, the grass side down- ward. On the following year, the leaves were larger and darker green, and for a number of years the quantity and quality of the fruit was doubled. WHAT VARIETIES OF FRUIT TO RAISE. Any person about to plant an orchard, will do well before do- ing so, to answer the following question. What trees will flour- ish best in this latitude, and on the peculiar soil of my farm? — What varieties of apples will suit best the tastes of my family for home consumption ? What kind of apples will find the most ready sale in market? What varieties are the best bearers? — Supposing you wish to set out an orchard of one hundred trees. Seventy-five of these at least, should be calculated to produce market fruit. The remaining twenty-five, may consist of selected varieties of Summer, Fall and Winter fruit, adapted to the tastes .and predilections of the family. Those designed for market, REPORTS. ' 2B -should not reach over four varieties, and those all virinter fruit. — If I were to name the kinds, all things considered, as being most economical and desirable, they should be the following : Ehode Island Greening, Roxbury Russet, Baldwin and the Newton Pippin. These varieties are excellent bearers, and the fruit ai- ■ways meets with a ready sale. HINTS ABOUT GATHERING AND STORING WINTER FRUIT. Apples should never be shaken off from the trees. They wiM 'become bruised and decay much the sooner. They ought to be ■carefully plucked off with the hand, one by one, and placed in a basket. From the basket they should be transferred to a shallow box, not over ten inches deep, in the same careful manner. Now let them stand in an out-house or open shed, until very late in the Autumn. So long as they will not freeze, keep them in this condition. Then in time remove the boxes, after taking out all decayed and decaying fruit into a dry, cojl cellar. Elevate the boxes on pieces of timbei-, a little way from the cellar bottom. — Apples after being gathered, should be stired as little as possible. They never should be poured into a box or barrel, for this will bruise them. A shallow box is preferable to a barrel, as there is less pressure from above downward. And besides, the apples will keep cooler, and the decayed and decaying ones, can be more •easily removed. THE APPLE AS AN ARTICLE FOR FOOD, IN ITS RAW AND COOKED STATE Apples eaten in their natural condition, are a palatable, and healthful article of diet. They cantain no inconsiderable amount of the nutritious principle, and they are easily and quickly di- gested, and promote the growth and the health of the body. — so REPORTS, Bilked or roaHted, tliey are excellent as a dessert or eateu with milk and bread. Fried with butter or lard, or stewed with white sugar, they make a fine relish, eaten with fresh or salted meats. With cider molasses, they when stewed, make the old fashioned " Apple Sauce," the favorite dish of our ancestors, a hundred years ago. And the article when properly made, is just as good now, as ever. Apple pies, tarts, jellies, &c., form no mean part of the delicacies of every well ordered pantry. The dried fruit, finds a variety of uses in the hands of the skilful house-wife, in the preparation of numerous delicious dishes when the raw fruit cannot be obtained. APPLE CIDEP. OR WINE. Every latitude produces those fruits and acids, conducive to the health of the inhabitants. In Tropical regions, when great heat prevails, very acidulous fruits are required, and they have the lime and the lemon. In the Frigid Zone where intense cold pre- vails, few acids are required, for the inhabitants need none. — They drink the Oils and eat the fatty flesh of the Whale, Walrus, and Seal, and grow rotund and obese, and so are proteced from freezing. In these " Temperate regions " we seem to need not too much fatty food, nor too acidulated fruits or drinks. So we have the Grape, Cranberry, Currant and A25ple, moderately acidulous in their character. Apple cider, the fermented juice of the ap- ple, when properly prepared, is not only a grateful and healthful acidulous beverage, taken at proper times and in proper quanti- ties, but it takes the place of imported wines and brandies, in the cure of many ailments, incident to the human system, and pecu- liar in these latitudes. In cases of indigestion, from a lack of a proper secretion of the gastric juice ; it gives tone and vigor to the stomach, and helps to restore its normal functions. In the latter stages of typhoid and KKPOnT'. 31 bilious fevers, it is quite aa useful as most foreign wines or brandies, and very much more so, than the vile preparations palmed off upon the public, purporting to be the genuine, im- ported articles. The sweet cider, boiled down to a syrup, enters into the composition of many delicious articles of food. Brandy, distilled from the fermented wine is pure spirit, and useful for bathing pur];>oses, and w'hen old, is not much inferior in a medi- cinal character, to brandy distilled from grape Avine. Good cider cannot be made from inferior or decayed, or worm eaten fruit. — The apples should be ripe and mellow before they are. ground out in the mill. They should be mixed, the sour and the sweet, in about equal proportions when carried to the apple heap. After the fruit is ground in the mill, the pomace should stand in the vat a day or two, being frequently stirred with a wooden shovel. Being thus brought into contact with the air, the cider will have a fine, rich color, and a better flavor, acquired by the digestion of the apple skins which contain a fragrant oil; and by. chemical changes wrought in the cider proper, by atmospheric influence. Tho cider should be stored in well cleansed barrels or casks, and put i^pto a dry, cool cellar. After fermentation has quite ceased, the barrels or casks should be hermetically closed. No foreign sub- stance should ever be added to cider, with the idea that it can be improved or made better thereby. Those who wish to poison their cider by chemicals, will bear in mind that when they do so, their cider become a tnedicinal tincture unfit for a beverage, or to use in any way unless prescribed by a Physician. Cider will keep fit for use much longer if bottled, soon after the vinous fermenta- tion has ceased. ■ DAVID RICE, Chaieman. gtport on Jfuntn %xiith^. This department the present year, also included that' cf the' fine arts. There is no portion of the exhibition so well calculated to please, and to attract the attention of those interested, as the one under consideration. It is in fact the ornamental part of the show, and the one that most pleases the eye and charms the heart of the beholder. Without it, the hall would be comparatively unattractive and common place in its general appearance. With the addition of the veiy fine and gaudy department of " Flora," the specin>ens of the Fine Arts and Fancy Articles, make one of the principal, attractive features of our Agricultural Hall, and do much for the credit of our Annual Exhibition. THE FINE ARTS: The cultivation of a taste for the Fine Art^ in our iiouseholds, should be encouraged. Hardly a family exists among us, but what one or more of its members has more or less natural talent in this direction. A cultivation and practice of the arts of paint- ing and drawing, is not only a source of recreation and amuse- ment, but ajEFords many clever specimens abundantly fit to orna- ment the parlor, and the drawing-room, where the more elabo- rate and costly articles, could not well be afforded. It is aot expected that our agricultural community can deck their EEPOHTS. 33 abodes -WitK costly paintings frona the hands of t!lie " Old Masters." It would be far beyond their wishes or their means. The more simple productions from the Easels of their own families, — home productions of the genius of their darling sons and daughters,, will do equally as well, and be to them, far more precious, A culture of this taste, not only enlarges and strengthens the im- agination, but refines and beautifies the mind, and gives to the budding intellect, a proper and a healthy turn. Besides this, painting and drawing are among the educational accomplishments highly to be desired, in the polite attainments of our sons and daughters. Our sons, who learn to handle the pencil, and crayon with skill, in the future, may be able to execute the architectural designs' for their own dwellings, and to use their acquired art in many useful and satisfactory ways. And our daughters, may finish in oil and water colors, many beautiful landscape scenes, from still life, of views in the vicinity of their ^' old homes^' that in after years, when perhaps far away from the " dear old home," will be to their sweet remembrances, of the places where they spent the period of their young lives. We would respectfully suggest to future Committees, the propriety of oflfering handsome premiums for original specimens of architectural designs, and also, of landscape views, in oil and water colors, of scenery in our own immediate vicinity, than which no other spot on earth, offers a more beautiiul field for the eye and labors of the ambitious and tasteful artist. Holyoke, and its surroundings, — the villages of Amherst, Hadley, Hatfield and Sunderland ; with green and luxuriant meadows on every side, and the valley of " Old Con- necticut " ; the stream itself winding along like a great ribbon of silver, — all these afford scenes worthy the study and the skill of any artist, however fastidious he may be. Most of our ladies^ consider music, a great, and a very necessary accomplishment, in the sum total of their polite attainments, but painting and draw- ing will bring them into more immediate communication with 34 REPORTS. nature, and wliile tliey make sweet melody witli tlieir voices, and even upon "stringed instruments''; let tliem also be able to transfer to canvass, tliose beautiful rural scenes around them, decked in beauty, through God, by the benignant hands of the Seasons, and then music shall clasp hands with art, and confer upon them a twofold blessing. May we not hope, that another Season may afford us, through the exertions of our " ]iovie artists, many original specimens of paintings and landscape views, that shall do both them, and our society honor? FANCY ARTICLES. Our exhibition is always honored and adorned by a great * variety of beautiful specimens of handicraft, the product of the dilligence of our wives and daughters, in the dejiartment of Fancy Articles. In fact, this section of our exhibition is very nearly related to that of the Fine Arts, and it is sometimes very difhcult to separ- ate and class articles in their j^roper j^^laces, drawing the line of distinction between Art and her less pretentious Sister. Many Articles in this department, betray the possession of as much skill and taste, and even imagination in the Artisan, as would be re- quired in perfecting a first class orginal joainting or dravring. Designs in Crocheting, Worsted Embroidery, lace making, and in the manufacturing of the innumerable creations of genius on exhibition, require no small amount of inventive and executive talent. Fancy articles so called are wsuaUy "thhirjs of bcautij" and often of great utility. When beauty and utility can be combined in the production of an article, the advantage gained is twofold, for while the eye is pleased a real benefit is conferred. A great many of the articles on exhibition in this department, are either portions of decorative and ornamental apparel, or else they enter irito that list of choice conyeniences without which no REPORTS. 85 well regulated parlor, in its qoecial adornments would bo con- sidered quite complete. Picture frames, wrought in cone and shell work — fancy chair and ottoman covers of silk and velvet patchwork, or worsted embroidery, — fancy card baskets, and lamp-mats, watch cases done in colored beads, and a thousand pretty and useful things I can- not name here, go to make up the long list of the interesting cataloge usually presented for our inspection and approval. This department, also, should receive that encouragement it so well deserves. It was the policy of your Committee to reward every exhibitor, giving the largest premiums to articles of the most merit. By so doing, exhibitors will in the future be encouraged not only to swell tJie list of articles, on exhibition, but to compete for the largest premiums, by producing articles of superior ex- cellence. In closing, we would say, that we believe it to be the duty .of all Committees, to be punctual in attendance, and to attend faith- fully to their duties. Not one of the Committee appointed was present, but our " heiter-half!' Acting as chairman protem, we humbly submit our report. DAVID RICE. Leverett, Oct. 1865. ^it^oxi an "^amn ajr!£r % Pontir-§^^. In offering their Eeport on this sweet theme, the Committee da not intend to write a treatise on Beeology. They desire, rather, as did a good old deacon of whom you may have heard, " to ex- press a few remarks," which may serve the interests of those en- gaged in the rearing of bees. " De gustibus non est disputan- dum" — concerning tastes, there should be no dispute — it is said, and yet to us it seems strange that there should be any diversity of opinion respecting the pleasure derived from the consumption of honey. But true it is, what is meat to one man is often poison to another ; and hence the diversity of views and tastes. From history, both sacred and profane, we learn that some countries abound in the product of honey. Indeed, the land of Canaan is described as " flowing with milk and honey." And should it prove true that by this all sweet substances are intend- ed ; yet from the great number of bees found there at the pres- ent day, the prime reference doubtless is to honey as the product of the bee. In India, especially, and in the Indian Islands, the forests swarm with bees, so that in the language of Mr. Roberts, they " literally flow with honey ; large combs may be seen hang- ing on the trees, as you pass along, full of honey." Not unlike ■this are the woods upon the western coast of Africa. Between •RirpoRTS, 37 'Cape Blattca and Sierra Leone, and especially near tTio Gambia, it is said, " these are fall of bees, to wliich tlie negroes formerly, if not now, paid considerable attention, for the sake of the wax." Their hives were made of reeds and sedges, in the form of bask- ets, which they suspended upon the outer boughs of the trees, so thickly as at times to cause them in the distance to resemble the fruit of the trees. Of the abundance of honey as elsewhere found — the product either of the wild bee or of those readily coyed into the suspended hive — evidence is not wanting. But as we look about us, should we say even we see a land flowing with milk, well might we ask, where is the honey ? Of no Canaan fields, of no Indian wilds, of no African thickets, teeming with bees and rendered sweet by the juices pr^essed from the fragrant flower, can Hampshire County boast. As compared with other lands, truly are the honey makers in this region " a feeble folk." Since, then, with us, honey does not grow of itself, or spring out of the earth like a plant, the question comes, shall we possess it? Shall this delicious product enrich our larders? Shall this luxury gratify the palate of our friends ? shall it tickle our own palate even ? If to these questions an affirmative response is given, then does it become us to care and make provision for the little busy bee, which " improves each shining hour " in gathering for us these delicious sweets. But in making provision for these little busy bodies, we do not gratify the palate merely ; we may also replenish our purse ; for surely a large profit accrues or may accrue to the wise apiarist. This is readily seen. Should we not think five, or six or even one hundred, per cent., a large income for our money or our pro- duce, to insure us? Yea, verily, and yet even this high amount, is sometimes yielded by these little workers. The statement made by one a few years since is: " By the mode I pursue, cer- tain swarms are made to pay, in the increase of stock and honey, a profit of 100 per cent., while others give from 500 to 600 per 38 REPORTS. cent. The average profit upon my entire stock for several years, has been 327 per cent., per annum." Such a statement as this speaks well for the little bee. It shows what has been done by them ; and what they have done, who shall say they may not do again ; yea, even surpass ? Such a profit as already described might have endangered the ancient Jews title to Zion ; and at the present day it might be thought to border on the boundary of usury, to say the least. But enough of this. Sufficient has al- ready been said to show that the production of honey and the honey-bee, may be made both pleasant and profitable. THE APIARY. If now we would unite the useful with the agreeable, what shall be done ? To this question let me reply first, have respect to your Ajjiarij. If you would raise honey, you must have bees ; and if you would have bees, then for them you must provide a home. For bees are like riches. If they are not cared for, if they are not made happy and contented, they '' certainly make themselves wings ; they fly away as an eagle toward heaven." Since then we must have an apiary of some form, what shall that form be ? Upon this point tastes are evidently diverse. Not long since, we observed somewhere in the neighborhood of fifteen or twenty hives stationed in a row ; each was mounted upon the top of a perpendicular post, and so far apart were they, that a coach and four might pass between them without detriment to either it or the bees. If vision serves us clearly, the dome of heaven also furnished their shelter above, and the pleasant light of the moon and the stars by night, while the scorching sun by day, rested fully upon them ; for not even a bough of any kind was near to protect them. Now this is one kind of an apiary ; but we must confess that it does not happily accord with our notions respect- ing it. The opposite extreme to this, is a close and well walled flEPORTS. • 39 building on all sides, with only a comparatively small opening for passage-way. But to tins structure we equally object. Both poles should be avoided ; for truly between these there is, doubt- less, a golden mean, far preferable to every other structure. A very simple arrangement would be this, and we believe it will meet all the wants of the bee, and present fewer obstacles to it than most any other. Erect at regular intervals in the ground, where you locate your bees, a few perpendicular posts of suffi- cient length to be made firm in the earth, and at the same time, to allow a form to be constructed upon which the hives may rest, and also a roof to shelter these from the rains and snows and from the heat of the sun. Should no hill or embankment||;pro- tect this simple, open structure, let a wall or a board screen be erected a little in the rear of it, for the purpose of breaking the strong currents of air which might otherwise sweep through it to the great detriment of the bees. With such an apiary as now described, the bees will have free ingress and egress in all direc- tions, without experiencing the hostile blasts at home ; and yet experiencing a proper circulation of air, which is very desirable, yea, essential to their comfort. To add a thought farther here, w*e observe, it matters compara- tively little which way such an apiary fronts. The bees will rearlily depart and return to their hives, let this be in any direct- tion. In the location of his apiary, therefore, let the bee-keeper be guided by the situation and the conveniences of his garden, selecting, however, as pleasant a place as can be found. An easterly or southerly front is preferable, especially if it opens uj^- on flowery fields, and is under the overspreading arms of some noble elm or other shade tree. For the bees there should be a shade either natural or artificial, at least in Summer. Upon this point well does the idea of Virgil agree with our own, "First, for tliy bees a quiet station find, And lodge them under covert of the wind ; 40 REPORTS. For winds, when homeward Ihey return, will drive* The loaded carriers from their evening hive. Far from the cows' and goats' insulting crew. That trample down the flowers, and brush the dew ; The painted lizard, and the birds of prey, Foes of the frugal kind, be far away." THE BEE-HIVE. But hives are as essential to tte culture of the tee as are apia- ries themselves. Of what kind then shall these be ? Just here the difficulty arises, as the multitude of patent hives indicates. Well has one said : " To criticise the productions of art and sci- ence is easy, but to create them is difficult." Thus it would seem to be respecting the creation of the bee-hive. Easy, indeed, is it to construct new fangled hives, but the hive that shall surpass all others in utility and simplicity of structure, that is the point. The true philosophic principle in the construction of machinery, is to make the machine which is to accomplish a given work as simple as possible. Now it seems to us that this principle might and should be employed in the construction of. the bee-hive. For what is the object of the hive? It is simply this, to furnish the bees a suitable place, where they may rear their broods, provide their winter's supply of food, and deposit their surplus honey, so that the owner may easily and safely possess it without detriment to the bees. Now this can be accomplished with a very simply constructed hive — a hive which every apiarist, or farmer even can make for himself. The hive of which we speak is as good, yea, better, than those complicated structures so often found in the apiaries of the wealthy and the fanciful, but which are not wanting upon the benches of the less favored. So complicated are some of them that it must be more than a sabbath day's jour- ney for the bees to pass through all their windings ; and it seems as if the bees would need to be furnished with the clue of Ari- adne., with which to extricate themselves. Now instead of all * REtORTS. 4S I to preserve his stock alive, or to increase it in the least degree. But though it may be good in its place, as a general rule we think there is " a more excellent way." This we deem to be that of naiural colonization. Here in accordance with the laws of their nature, governed by their own instinct, they issue from the old homestead to find anew home for themselves, — a home where' they may enter upon all the departments of domestic life, and economy, and enjoy all its felicities. This mode of colonization we believe to be the true, the natural, the best one — the one to be followed, unless adverse circumstances compel to a different course. In this, our idea accords with that of one who has had experience- in bee culture. To use the language of another, "I have had much expei'ience in the production of 'artificial colo- nies,' and also in what is termed the non-swarming svstem of beea But I have abandoned both, and am satisfied that the bees ' kirow the best time and mode of conducting their colonization.''' Truly of bees, no less than of birds, or of animals in the highest and even to the lowest species, as regards colonization, may it be " said-natura optima et sa[i entissima muter" — nature is the best; and the wisest method. But as in the natural swarming of bees, they issue from the maternal hive, unguided by man, the question comes, how shall these be gathered into their new home ? It iscustomary forbees, upon swarming, to alight at first near the hive. This is the same as to soy to the owner, " here we are ; and, if you will make us a new and happy home, we will cheerfully work for t/ou ; but if you will not thus provide, we'll away and work for ourselves." By this process of theirs, they try their strength, they plume their wings, and prepare for a journey to the owner, unknown. Now if by any means, they can be induced to alight handy for hiving, a great thing is accomplished. They generally will have their own way. But it is said, that a board placed in front of the apiary, having one end resting upon the ground, and the 44 REPORTS. • . other upon a post erected for tliat purpose is & good place' for the bees to swarm. That they do sometimes do this, is hown. But, that they always will do this, we cannot affirm. Surely this is a simple means for the apiarist to try to induce the bees to swarm within his power. The experimenting with such a swarm- ing board, can do no harm if it does no good. But should it do good, it is well worth the knowin:f. For one great source of pleasure in the colonizing of bees, is to have them swarm in places of easy access, and dislodgement. But, being alighted in almost any place, they may be hived and returned to the apiary. Before hiving the bees, the hive should be made sweet and clean. It should have been kept from the weather, and used for no other purpose, save the happy culture of bees. A sweet hive may be cleansed by rubbing it in the inside with a few leafy hazlenut boughs dipped in a solution of salt and water, or with a few wal- nut leaves, (either branch being fragrant to the bee,) and then sprinkled with a solution of honey and water. This attaches the bees to their new home when once therein, and forthwith they begin to deposit their own comb and honey. But how shall this army, it may be, of 50,000 strong, all supplied with fine, gleam- ing steel, and commanded by a powerful queen, be thus trans- ferred from the place of alightment to the hive? This is some- times a difficult work ; and, yet usually it can be done with little or no detriment to the bees, or to the owner of the same. We would not delay the advancement of science or knowledge, but were we to hive' bees, seldom or never would we cut off the branch of the tree, upon which they have swarmed. Certainly we would not do this, when this would injure the tree and could be avoided. Place a table near the swarm, upon which a strip of board may rest, or spread a clean linen cloth upon the ground upon which a like strip of board may lie, and then if the bees are suitably alighted, turn your hive bottom upwards, and with a sudden jar of the limb they will fall upon the hive which is now ' REPORTS. 41 this complexity, a simple box-hive is all that is essential. Such an one as we would advocate is perhaps fourteen or fifteen inches square at the bottom, and is eighteen or twenty inches in height. It contains two d^'partments, an upper and a lower. " In this lat- ter one the bees rear their broods and deposit their winter's pro- visions ; hence it should possess ample room. Into the former, honey-hoses are inserted to receive the surplus honey. These are inserted through a door in the back part of the hive, opening into the -upper department only ; and they are connected with the lower department by means of narrow apertures, which will admit the bee, but which always should be closed until the bees have amply provided for themselves; then they may be opened to their use. These honey-boxes should not be very large, nor as they are sometimes seen, square on the bottom. Rather should they be in the form of parallelepipeds, from five to six inches square at the end, and from ten to twelve in length, having glass at one end, for this convenience of the apiarist in observing the deposits. We deem the boxes now described, preferable to the large square ones for this reason, if for no other, the same amount of honey looks better in them, and generally will contain com- paratively less empty cells. Then ag lin, the trouble of exchang- ing a full box often for an empty one is not prejudicious at all, for who would not often desire this little trouble ? The luscious look doubly pays for all this, and the owner has the money besides. Upon the face of the hive, at or near the bottom, is a narrow passage-way for the bees. This should be narrow, of whatever material the hive is made, as Virgil says, " whether this be com- pacted of hollow bark, or woven with limber osier," yea, or of boards. In general, narrow inlets are all the bees need for their use, and they prevent the ingress of many insects which might jprove destructive to the bees. During the warm weather, how- ever, it is well to raise the hive from the form-board upon which 42 REPOETS. it rests a Ittle, by means of a few narrow sticks placed at the corners of the hive's. This arrangement will give the bees a better cir- culation of air at that season ; more easy access in the swarming time, and a greater opportunity to remove all foreign substances, should any such find admission to the bees sacred domain. TEE COLONIZATION OF BEES. "We come now to another department of bee culture, and it is an important one. Shall we colonize bees, or shall we not? If so, how shall colonies be promoted ? Unless we would lose our stock, truly we should promote this, and this may be accomplish- ed in various ways. One way to do this, is to import bees. But is this the best way? Truly are Russia, Germany and Italy ready to supjily your demands ; yea, Siberia, Africa and South America, will willingly lay their hordes at your door. But will this mode of increase pay? For the common farmer it will' not pay. The rich may thus increase their store, and experiment at great expense for the benefit of the poor, if they choose. But the first outlay for imported bees is two great, too serious a draw- b ick for the poor here to embark. He can only let the rich en- gage in this enterprise, and gather the few crumbs of information and honey-drops, which fall from his more wealthy friend's table. Another mode of colonizing, is that of " artificial Colonies." By this method, the apiarist drives from a single hive, just at the right season, the old queen with a suitable number of bees to make a swarm, which are transferred into another hive. Or another mode is to gather bees from the various hives, among which shall be a queen. These are all located in a hive newly prepared, which they soon adopt as their future home, and in which they readily become a happy family, and engage in all the duties and pleasures of house-keeping. Truly artificial coloniza- tions may be expedient, and even the best at times; yea, circum- etances may even compel the owner to adopt this mode, in order BE3PORT3. 47 the comb ot strained from the broken cells, it is pleasant to the taste, and good for food. In medicine it is useful as a detergent and an aperient; yea it enters largely into the practice of phar- macy. Boiled with water and enriched with spices and ferment- ed, we have the delicious metheglin, the wine that .gladdens the heart of man, or even bears, vinegars and soups. From the comb "Wax is made, a useful article in the laundry, and essential per- quisite "to the seamstress, and, as in nothing is light more essen- tial than in religious things, how often does the burning wax of the chandler's art, furnish that very light. Numerous are the uses of honey and wax, and true do the products of the bee com- bine the useful with the agreeable and exhilarating, and afTord j)leasures not always to be despised. LESSONS OF THE BEE. Truly, our "labor is upon an humble theme, but not mean the ■praise, if the adverse deities assist 'US, and Apollo invocated.hear." Various lessons may indeed be derived by us from the little bee, a few only must suffice. See the bee from early dawn and through the live-long day, perched upon the flowers of the field. From one after another does 'he cull the sweet nectar, until late at night he returns home with wide destended sac, to spend -an almost sleepless night in the immediate cares of home. From hia indefatigable toils, well has he earned those beautiful lines, "Ilowdoth the little busy bee Improve each shining hour, And gather honey all the day, From every opening flower." Well may the bee here become the instructor of man.. Another lesson derived from the bee is, that humble but honest labor is not to be despised ; yea this is the best policy for all. The life of the great mass of the bees is one of unceasing activity. Diligent 'laborers themselves, they are not pleased with loiterers ■about their hives ; neither will they allow drones there to remain 48 REPORTS. after certain seasons. When the time comes to rid themselves of these, they do not wait for a trial by jury ; they then have re- course to the linch law. Instinctively do they believe in the great gospel truth, if a man "will not work, neither should he eat." Now though we are not at all dis^^osed to favor the linch law ; yet we fully believe that drones and do-nothings in a com- munity are no benefit on the whole to themselves or to their neighbors, and that they should if possible be made to feel that honest labor of any kind is not degrading but ennobling to man. Again, we learn from bees, that division of labor is for the best interests of all concerned. Look at the bee. When young and unable to go forth on ceaseless wing, it feeds the brood, builds cells, prepares the bread, dilates the pollen, and performs other work about the hive, while the older bees furnish the all needful supplies. See them now as they go forth to their own new home. Without any difficulty in assigning the parts, one engages in the gathering of honey, another in collecting the pollen, another in forming the cells on the principle of the greatest space with the least amount of material, another still as watchman, and so through the whole community. What harmony here exists ! What regularity in their work, well worthy the imitation of man. Now how different is this in some communities of men. Here, as they say, some are "jack at all trades," but how often is it that such are good at none. Some will make and botch every thing they possess, rather than spend a single cent, regardless of beauty, utility, personal ease and comfort, or the hajipiness of themselves or of others. They will get all they can, and keep all they get. To such it may be said, go to the bee, "consider her ways and be wise." Again the bee teaches us a lesson of loyalty to the government. Among the bees there are no copperheads, no disloyalists, no traitors, no free-booters, no doubtful warriors, no stupid and ..rum-besotted generals, no delinquent, cowardly officers, no de- REPOilTS. 45 turned over upon the table or the cloth, with one corner of it resting upon tlie stick above noticed. If the hive is sweet, usually your work is done, until at nightfall you replace them in your apiary, or should they not be favorably situated for this mode of hiving, with a wing, you can carefully brush them into the hive; or yet again, you may suspend the hive just above them, and if you choose throw a clean linen cloth over them. If the hive pleases them, they will soon take possession without much more strategy on your part. Bees will seldom leave a sweet hive, when they are once jjlaced therein with their queen, and though better modes for hiving bees may be devised, none has ever come to our notice better then the one now expressed. ENEMIES OF EEES. As the ocean does not always furnish a calm, smooth sea; aa the weather on shore is not uniformly fine and fair, so in bee culture, all is not always fair weather. The apiarist is liable to losses from various sources, — some of which we can, and some of which we cannot provide against. Diseases, more or less preju- dicial to the prosperity of the bees, come upon them. The bee- moth — that pest of the hive, infests this. Ants are sometimes found therein, mice not unfrequently intrude. Birds catch them, while on the wing. Toads, frogs, lizards and snakes consume them when within their reach. The hornet and other insects overpower them by their superior strength. The spider weaves for them his slender net. Cold winds, sudden showers, and the fleecy snows prevent their safe return to the hive, or the robber- bee, and the bee-robber tak^ advantage of them while off their guard, or of the secrecy of the rightto do their foul deeds. Thus against these and other foes, are the bee and the bee-keeper called to contend ; and while the latter may not always succeed, watchful, though he may be ; yet ifl the main, here it will be still true, "labor omnia vnncit " — labor conquerors all things. A6 BEPOBTS. FEEDING BEES. One great object of bee-culture, is to obtain from tHe bee the greatest amount of he ney. Now how shall this be done? "Will feeding answer the purpose? By giving them an inferior sweet, shall we receive a more delicious one? Shall we feed therefore, or shall we not feed the bees ? To this we answer, experience teaches that this practice does not amount to much, when more honey is the sole object — that this does not increase the amount of marketable honey — that no one ever receives back the amount fed, or has the quality of this much improved. Hence giving to the bees an inferior article to obtain in the end a superior one, does not gain much favor. You may as well search for the phil- osophers stone, to change every thing into gold, or the alchemists universal solvent to change all substances into their original ele- ments, as to take this course. Again, should you feed your bees, they inight irnitate the loiterers and tattlers in the street, instead of continuing their well earned title of busy-bee. AVe have no doubt, however, but under certain circumstances, it is well to feed bees. For instance, when without this supply they \yill perish for lack of food, or when a person, having a large number of small swarms, does not wish to diminish these by consolidating them. Under such circumstances he must feed ; but even then, he must not use the multitude of common sweets, unless he wishes to ruin his whole stock. Such a course would make a Ben Franklin of many a man, by paying too dear for his whistle. PRODUCTS OF HONEY. « Setting aside the bees themselves, we now approach to us the pleasantest part of bee culture. How delicious is honey ! It is one of our pleasantest luxuries. Look at the clean, white, silver, capped cells, all filled with the delicious, aerial, ambrosial sweet, a fitting nectar for the gods ! Who does not like it ? Either in REroEtrS. 49 serting, skulking privates. No, tliey are all loyal to tlieir qncen. For her safety they are all ready to hazard their own lives in the breach ; all willing to leave their own proper work to become soldiers when war is in the camp ; and, rather than seek exemp- tions from military duty, to die honorably and gloriously on the field of battle. How different is it with ?i.s at the present day ! Well may we seek and learn lessons of loyalty from the little bee, of which one has well and not very untruthfully versed. "Hut if intestive broils alarm the hive, (For two pretenders oU for empire .strive,) The vulgar in divijcd factions jar, And murmuririgjounds proclaim the civil war. Infl.inied witli ire, and tumbling witli disdain, Scarce can their limbs thiir mighty souls contain, With shouts the coward's courage they excite. And martial clangors call them out to fight ; WitQ hoarse alarms theliollow camp rebounds, Thai imitates the trumpefs angry sounds ; Then to their common standard they rep.iir, Tlie nimble liorsemen scour the fields of air. In form of battle drr.wn. they issue forth, And every linight is prcud to proTe liis wortli. I'ress'd for th(ir country's honor, and their kings On their shaip beaks they wlict their pointed stings ; And exercise their arms, and tremble with their wings." Ileport oil StaHions, iljc Jjorsc ixn^ |Orccbinof. The committee appointed to examine and report on this class of horses, ascertained from the Secretary, that but three entries were made ; and of these, but one liorse was exhibited, and that, a " Messenger and Morgun", as it was called by the owner, Mr. Asa Wilson, of Bclchertown, to whicli the third premium was unanimously awarded by the members of tlic committee present. As the sul)JL'et of brocdijig domesticated animals of the farm is one that dcr-ply inttrests the mcmliers of the Hampshire Count}' Agricultural Society, as it dons the mcnibers of every other similar Society in the Commonwealth, it is nowproposed, in compliance with the expressed desire oi the President and Secretary, with the approval of the other members of the cTom- mittee, to submit some views and considerations touching that department of the subject which relates to the principles, tho theory and i)raclicc of breeding horses. In complying with these desires and, the chairman is fully aware of the difficulties witli Avhich his subject is encompassed ; and, .there- fore, if the views and considerations which he has the honor to present upon these topics, sliould not be entirely approved and indorsed by all, he will not be surprised; for no one has ever writLcn upon this important and difficulfc subject or the topics KEPORTS. 51 thereof, vr'ith. universal approbation. Ho hopes, liowerer, to present his views and considerations in snch a manner, that they may serve to aid the young farmer who is inquiring for information in regard to tliis dc})artment of stock breeding. , The phace of the horse in the vertebrate animal kingdom, according to the systematic arrangement of Van Der Hoven, tlic Dutch Zoologist, is in class XVII., called Mammals, (^Mammalia), order IV., Parhijdermat't^ Family XIV., Salidingula : feet with a single perfect toe, covered by a broad hoof without supplementary hools. Incisors in a continuous series in both, jaws; molar teeth complex. Two inguinal mamma?. Incisors 3 ; canines, ^-]; or none ; molars in adults, elo 5 i'^ younger indivithials witli a small anterior molar, de- ciduous, (ivolf lootfi, of Dutch writers.) All the species of the genus horse, belong to the old world, says the author quoted, and are at home on the wide mountain-plains of Asia and Africa. They live in troops, arc swift and feed chiefly on grass. The intestinal canal is wide and long ; they have a single stomach, a large coecum, and no gall-bladder. The horse, (^Equvs Caballufi,') is not now met Avitli in its original wild State, but has returned to that state in the slrppes of Asia and the extensive plains of South America. The wild horses differ from those in domestication in hi^ving larger heads, and smaller bodies. Of all the domestical animals, none is a greater pet with man than the horse. The period of gestation is eleven months. In the fifth year, the milk teeth arc usually replaced by permanent teeth. The horse lives about thirty years ; but there are cases on record of forty years or more having been reached by this beautiful and highly useful animal. It is difficult to determine the country of the old ■world of which the horse was a native. Some writers assign 52 r.EPORTs. Arabia as its home, wliile others claim Etrypt. The first men- tion of the horse is in Genesis ; and it, like the cow, sheep and dog, appears to have been early placed nndei- the direction of man as if created " a domestic animal " for his use, howso- ever, -whensoever and whercsojvei- needed, — and always to bo humanely treated when thus employed, for, the merciful man ever regardcth the life of his beast, said an ancient oriental Sage. Having thus biiefly sketched the history of the horse, it may not be deemed inappropriate to cite Job's inimitable de- scription of this animal, so transcendently sublime and grand, elegant, truthful and beautiful, as to.havc been the admiration of all past ages as it will continue" to be of all coming time. It is quoted as thrown into the hemistich form, as it appears in the original, in which Hebrew poetry is written. God is rep- resented as speaking to Job and asking him: — ITast tliou s'lvpii the Iiorse strength ? Ilast thou clolIieJ his neck witli thunder ? Canst tliou niiike liim afraid as a grasshopper? The glory of liis nostrils is terrible ! lie paweth in tlie vaHey, and rcjoieetii in strength : lie goeth on to meet the armed men. He mockelh at fear, and is not alTrighted: I ITeither tuinelh he back from the sword. Against him rattleth the quiver, The glittering spear and the shield. He swalloweth the ground with rage and fierceness : Nor doth he believe that it is the sound of the trumpet. He saith among the trumpets, Ila, ha! And from afar he scenteth the battle, The thunder of the captains, and^the shouting. In comparing this marvellous description of the horse by the great Hebrew poet,— compassing all the great and sprightly images which the thought of man can form or conceive of this proud animal, expressed in a style of vigor, force and beauty, — with the descriptions of Homer and Virgil, those of both the SEroRxa. 5S latter sccra tamo and powerless. Dr. Clark adds : — " I caunot but particularly observe, that whcrCas the classical poets chief- ly endeavor to paint the outward figure, lineaments, and mo- tions, the sacred poet makes all the beauties to flow from aa inward principle of the creature, described, thus giving great spirit and vivacity to his dcscriplion." Of the horse in the United States as of the cattle of New England, Mr. Flint, Secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Agriculture in his fifth annual report, says: — " It is true for the most part, that they form no distinct breed, but owe their origin to sources equally various, to the English, the French, the Spanish, the Flemish, and tlie Danish horses, imported at different times by the early settlers, as suited to their con- venience. The only race, that can claim exemption from this remark is the thorougli-bred, traced to the blood of tho Arabian, the Barb, and tlie Turk." Herbert in his book, " The tTor»e of America," says. The thorough-bred horse of America is tlic only family of pure and unmixed blood on this Continent." Then he adds, " The only thing that constitutes a truly thorough-bred horse, is that ho cither proves bac'c directly on both sides to oriental sire and oriental dam, or proves back so far, into the mist of antiquity that the memory of man runneth not to the contrary." Mr. Herbert in speaking of the Vermont draught horse, says, " Whence this admirable stock of horses came, or liow it has been created, there is no record. ... I have littlo hesitation in pronouncing that the bay draught horse of Ver- mont, has in its veins principally Clcavciand Bay blood, with some cross of thorough blood, one at least, directly or indirect- ly, of the improved English dray-horse, and not impossibly a chance admixture of the Suffolk. . . . All that I believe 54 KEPORTS. or desire to put forth, is, that there exists a type of horses of great merit for many purposes, over a large district, subdivisi- ble into some three or four classes, modified by more or less blood — of thorough blood, — yet all showing the characteristics of the other English families named, and doubtless have de- rived their own peculiar merits from those several fami- lies. . . . The mares of the various glasses of this type, from the heaviest to the lightest, are the best brood marcs I have seen in America from which to raise stout, hardy, sound, active and speedy stock for all practical purposes, to well selected, large sized, bony, Ihorough-brcd Stallions. . ; . This is ncaily what I believe to be the history of the Morgan horse, as styled, — that is to say, I believe it to be an entirely artificial animal, probably, in a great degree in this instance, by possessing a small portion of one pa:ticular strain of blood. The perpetuation of that strain by in-breeding, or by breeding from sires of that race, either with cold-blooded, or hot-blood- ed mares, I know to be impossible, for the original strain must go on, from generation to gcneratiun, in a. scale dimimrendo. Eut that the same stamp of horse can be again reproduced, re- produced ad infinitum, by having recourse to the same system of artificial crossing which produced it, and that many, if not all its best qualities may be retained, or even improved, by judicious breeding, I in no wise doubt or dispute." In order to show that the English thorough-bred has had much to do in improving the horses of this Coiuitry, it is only necessary tj state that a list of 282 'thorough-bred Stallions, imported hither from England, is on record, and mostly within the last hundred years. In those imjiortations, the best blood of England has como to our country to inipiovc the qu;ility and style of our horses : hence, they arc, what tlioj are to-day, be- - REPORTS. 55 cause of blood. The list of imported marc*fe is supposed to bo more numerous than that of sires. It is claimed both for the Morgan and Black Hawk horses, as for the Messenger and other noted horses, that they were made whiit they were by thorough blood. This being universally admitted, why should not thorough blood still be used by all desirous of improving their stock ? It is not proposed to discuss the origin of the thorough-bred, for want of space will not permit. Tliat there is such a distinct and generally recognized type of the horse family, none will deny. This is sufficient for the present pur- pose of the committee. Stonchengo, a modern English writer in discussing the prin- ciples of breeding, says, as '' the food of the embryo depends entirely upon the dam, it may be espected that the health of the offspring and its constitutional powers will be more in ac- cordance with her state than with that of the sire ; yet^ since the latter impregnates the germ, it is not surprising that in externals and general character there is retained a facsimile, to a certain extent, of him. . . . The preponderance of one or the other of the progenitors will depend upon the greater or lesser strength of the nervous system in each. No general law is kiiDwn by which tliis can bo measured, nor is anything known of the laws which regulate the temperament, bodily or mental power, color or conformation of the resulting offspring. ... As bad qualities are quite as easily trans- mitted as good ones, if not more so, it is necessary to take care that in selecting a male to improve the stock, he is free from bad pointSj as well as possessed of good ones. It is well kaown from observation, that the good or bad points of the pj-ogenitors of the sire or dam, are almost as likely to reappear in the off- spring as those of the immediate parents in which they are dor- ■ 56 . EEPORTS. / mant. Hence, in breeding, the rule is, tliat like produces like, or the likeness of some ancestor. . . . Tlicrcfore, the purer or less mixed the blood or breed, the more likely is it to be transmitted unaltered to the offspring. Hence, wliichever of the progenitors is of tlic purer blood, that one will generai- I'j be better represented in the offspring ; but as the male is usually more carefully selected and of purer blood than the female, it follows that he exerts more influence tlian she docs ; the reverse being true when she is of less mixed blood than the sire. . . . The influence of the first impregnation seems to extend to the subsequent ones ; this lias been proved by several experiments, and is especially marked in the equine genus. In the series of examples preserved in the Museum of the College of Surgeons, the markings of tlie male qungga, when united with the ordinary mare, are continued clearly for three generations beyond the one in which the quagga Avas the actual sire ; and they are so clear as to leave the question settled Avithout a doubt. . . . When some of the elements of which an individual sire is composed are in accordance with others making up those of the dam, they sometimes coalesce in such a kindred way as to make what is called a ' hit.' On the other hand, when they are too incongruous, an animal is tho result wholly unfitted for the task he is intended to perform." Herbert in " The Horse of America," adduces several in- stances in which a " hit " has occurred, by carrying out the last axiom cited above. He says, " I think that it is clear by recent events, that, previous to the last quarter of a century, (1857) the American turfman was breeding in loo nuich of the old Virginian and South Carolinian ante-revolutionary stock, and that the American racehorse has been improved by the re- sent cross of modern English blood. It is also worthy of re- JlEPORTS. 61 mark, that every one of the foremost successful of modern English Stallions in this Country, which hare most decidedly hit with our old stock, — Leviathan, Sarpcdon, Priam, and Glencoe, — all trace back to several crosses of Herod blood ; Glencoe and Priam not less than three or four times each to crosses of Partner blood, and directly several times to the Godolphin Barb, or Arabian, which are the very strains from which our Virginian stock derives its peculiar excellence. It is further worthy of remark, that two Stallions have decidedly hit with the importe.d English mare. Reel, as proved by her progeny, Lecompte and Prioress, respectively to Boston and Sovereign. Now Reel, through Glencoe, Catton, Gohanna, and Smolcnsko, has herself no less than seven distinct strains of Herod blood. Boston traces directly through Timaleon, Sir Archy, Diomed, Florizel, to Herod. Sovereign, also, through Emilius, his sire, has Herod on both lines as his paternal and maternal g. g. g. sire ; and Tartar, the sire of Herod, a third time in one remove yet further back. This goes to justify the opinion of Stonehenge, that the recurrence to the same origi- nal old strains of blood, when such strains have been suffi- ciently intermixed and rendered new by other more recent crosses, is not injurious, but of great advantage ; and that, on the whole, it is better, ceteris puribus, to do such, than to try experiments with extreme out-crosses." Did space allow, something might be said of in-and-in breed- ing, out-crossing, the advantages and disadvantages of eachj the causes of a " hit," but these topics must now be passed over. The importance of health and soundness in both dam and sire, is now generally admitted. Defects from accidental causes, as blindness from over-feeding or over-driving, they not 68 REPORTS. being hereditary or constitutional, may be disregarded, as in the case of Lexington. Stonchcnge recommends a Govern- ment inspection of all horses and mares used for breeding, as a national good ; for it would be a guaranty against constitu- tional and organic defects; As to the age for breeding, the mare should not be less than three years old and the sire to which she is put should not be less than eight years old, that is to say, he should be of full maturity. Of the influence of sire and data, Abd-el-Kader an Arabic writer says : " It is true, the foal proceeds from sire and dam, but the experience of ages has proved, that the essential parts of the body,- — such as the bones, tendons, nerves, and veins, — proceed from the sire. This is true beyond doubt. The most ignorant Arab knows that any malady specially belonging to the bones, under which the sire may be suffering, at the time of covering, will be perpetuated in his produce, such as splints, bone and bl.)od spavins, the shape of the bones and all diseases of the Tertcbral column. The dam may give to her produce color, and a certain amount of resemblance in form, the foal naturally partaking of some of the qualities of the animal which had so long borne it ; but it is an incontestable fact, that it is the sire which gives strength to the bones, sub- stance to the tendons, vigor to the nerves, rapidity of pace, in short, all the principal qualities. He also communicates what may be called moral (?) qualities, and if he he of unquestion- ably high blood, the foal is preserved from vice. Our fathers Iiave said, ' A horse of noble race has no vices.' An Arab will lend his Stud horse gratuitously ; he never accepts pay for his services. To hire out a Stud horse for money, is, in the eyes of an Arab, an unworthy action, and is contrary to the gener- BEPORTS. 59 osity for which he is renowned, and, although the law allows it, I have never known an instance of it. But though the Arab lends his horse gratuitously, he does not do so to the first comer for any mare. No : the suppliant is often obliged to make use of the intercession of persons of great interest, or of his wives, if he would not see his request refused. On the other hand, the Arabs are very difficult in their choice of a Stud horse, and if they cannot find one of pure blood, they prefer leaving their mares unproductive rather than put them to a common horse. To procure a good sire they do not hesi- tate to travel any distance. The proceeding discussion has al- ready intimated my conclusion, to wit, that the sire has more to do for the foal than the dam. And my conclusion is identi- cal with the universal opinion of the Arabs. They say. El hasr ilebal elfahal — ' The foal follows the sire.' " In confirmation of this view the writer quoted above, de- scribes the Arab horses, as distinguished under the following heads :— " El Hon, El Hadjim, El MeJmeref, and El Ber- doune. The first is that when sire and dam arc both of noble race ; the second, when the sire is noble and the dam of com- mon race ; the name implies defective ; the third is when the dam is high-bred and the sire half-bred, and is of much less value than the second, on the same principle that a man whose father is white and whose mother is a negress, is superior to him whose mother is white and whose father is a negro ; and the fourth is that class when both sire and dam are badly bred, an animal that is reported as a stranger in Arabia. ''The value of a horse is in its breeding." In regard to the respective value put by the Arabs on their 60 REPORTS. Stallions and marcs Ab-el-Kader says : " Arabs prefer mares to Stallions for the following reasons : first that they look at the profit which may arise from a mare as very considerable. Some breeders have realized $20,000 from the produce of a mare. They have a proverb, ' The fountainhead of riches is a mare that produces a mare.' This is corroborated by Mahomet who said, ' Let mares be preferred, their bellies are a treasure, their backs the seat of honor.' ' Tiic greatest blessing is an intelligent wife, or a mare that produces plenty of foals.' These words are thus explained : Their bellies are a treasure, because the mare by her produce increases the riches of her master ; and their backs are the seat of honor, because the pace -of a mare is easier than that of a horse; and there be those that say it is sufficiently so as in time to render a horse- man effeminate. The second reason is, that a marc does not neigh in war, that she bears hunger, thirst and heat better than a horse, and that therefore, she is more useful to people whose riches consist of camels and sheep. Our camels and sheep thrive only in the desert, where the soil is so arid, that Arabs drinking chiefly milk, find water seldom, oftener than every eight or ten days, in consequence of the distances be- tween the pasturages found in the neighborhoods of wells. The mare, like the Serpent, increases her powers in hot weath- er and in arid Countries. Serpents living in cold or wet Countries have little venom, or courage, whereas those living in hot and arid Countries are more irritable and the virulence of their poison is greatly increased. While the horse less easily bears the heat of the sun, the mare finds her energies increased by the greatest heat. The third reason is that a mare requires less care and less nourishment. The owner can lead and turn her out to graze with the sheep and camels and not be obliged REPORTS. CI to leave a person constantly watching her ; whereas a horse must be highly fed, and cannot be turned out without a constant at- tendent. These are the reasons for an Arab's preference for mares. It does not arise from the foal's inheriting the quali- ties of the dam rather than those of the sire ; it does not pro- ceed from its being better at all times and under all circum- stances to ride a mare rather than a horse ; but it is based on material interests, and. on the necessities enforced by the de- scription of life which Arabs lead. It must, however, be ad- mitted that a horse is nobler than a mare, is stronger, more CQuragcous and faster. That he is stronger, is thus proved : If both were struck by the same mortal wound a mare would fall at once, while the horse would seldom drop until he had carried his rider into safety. I saw a mare struck by a ball on the leg, the bone was broken, and being unable to bear the pain, she fell immediately : a horse was hit in a similar manner, the broken limb hanging only by the skin, yet he continued his course, supporting himself until he bore his rider from the battle-field and then fell. The Arabs prefer mares to horses for the reasons given, and these are sufficient to show why, among us, the value of a mare is greater than that of ahorse, though the breeding were the same ; for while on the one hand the foal takes more after the sire than the dam, on the other the proprietor of a horse cannot gain in many years as much as the owner of a mare can in one year, if she throw a foal. A horse, however, when he has displayed any extraordinary qualities, it often happens that he will not be parted wilh, he producing, probably to his mas- ter in the way of booty or otherwise, as much as the most valuable mare. I saw among the Aunazas, a tribe extending ti EEP0B-T8. from Bagdad to Syria, horses so beyond all price that it was almost impossible to purchase them, and, certainly, impossible to pay ready money for tliem. These animals, of a fabulous value, are sold only to the highest personages, or to rich mer- chants who pay for them by thirty or forty instalments., or by ^ perpetual rent, setded on the vender or his descendents. The birth of a horse can never be considered a misfortune by an Arab, however much he may prefer a mare for the material ad- vantages which they procure. Mares almost always produce, and it is on that account principally, that they are preferred. I repeat it — the birth of an animal that guarantees its master against humiliation can never be considered a misfortune. A poet says, ' My brothers reproach me with my debts, yet I never contracted one but for an honorable purpose. In giving the bread of heaven to all, in purchasing a horse of noble racCj and; buying a slave to attend upon me.' " Stonehenge says, " My own belief, founded on much obser- vation is, that much depends upon the comparative physical power and strength of constitution in sire and dam, even more, perhaps, than upon the composition of the blood. Where the blood is tho same in kind, the difference in progeny, which often occurs must be attributable to the individual nervous system, power, energy, or something akin thereto. Something more than mere breeding must be souglit to explain this, and I am inclined to think it is in the constitution, possessed by the individuals." Let these considerations be duly weighed by all breeders of horses as of other domesticated animals. In the choice of sire and dam for breeding purposes, two, much care cannot be given in regard to soundness of wind and BEP0F.T3. €$ limb, healtlifulness of constitution, endurance of performance and whatever else makes the most perfect animals. " Ereed- ing," says a modern writer, " is always more or less a lottery,'* but when carried on by dams and sires of unknown pedigree, it is a hundred fold more so than it need be. " Were I," says Stonehenge, to establish a breeding stud, whether of cart Or carriage horses, hacks or hunters, I would never introduce a single mare whose dam and grand-dam as well as the sire and grand-sire are not producable as good specimens of their re- spective kinds. Beyond the second remove there would al- ways be some difficulty in going with the low-bred mares, but I would certainly go as far as this in all cases. If the sire and dam, grand-sire and grand-dam, were, on the whole, of desira- ble form and performances, I would choose the produce as a* brood-mare, but not otherwise ; and though of course, I should be obliged to pass over some important defects in individuals, I would not do so if they were common to all, or nearly all, of the four. In this way I should expect to do more than by simply choosing 'a great roomy mare' without knowing her pedigree in the belief that she would bo sure to reproduce her likeness." Having determined on turning one's attention to breeding liorses, the next point to be considered, is, tlie kind of horses to be bred, whether farm horses, roadsters, trotters, or saddle- horses. Select as good mares as can be found in view of all the conditions, such as are specified above, then, use a sire of the best blood of the various breeds known, such as the thorough-bred, Cleveland Bay, &c. If it be desirable to breed trotters, use the pure thorough-bred sire, the best type of that blood and race that can be obtained. 64 BEPORTS. The discussion which lately took place in England between Lord Redesdale and Admiral Rous, indicates plainly, what the general opinion of the diminution in the stoutness of our horses is, says, Stonehenge. Breeders should, therefore, he adds, " turn their attention to this point, and be doubly care- ful to avoid breedy or diseased sires and dams. It cannot be denied that our modern thorough-breds have size and speed; hut they do not shine in staying powers. But there are strains particvilarly free from this defect. It should not be forgotten, that though the thorough-bred horse will bear more work, especially at high speed than any other kind, yet he can only do this when well-fed and warmly housed. Being a native of a warm and dry climate, he requires to be protected from the weather ; and the young stock must be well-reared in all re- spects, or they will never pay. If, therefore, the breeder is not determined to put up warm stables, and if he is stingy of his corn, he had far better let his Stud of mares be composed of lower bred animals. If a thorough-bred horse and a don- key are both fed upon the lowest quantity and quality of feed which will keep the latter in condition, the donkey will beat its high-bred antagonist over a distance of ground — that is to say, supposing the experiment to be constituted long enough to pro- duce a permanent effect upon the two animals. A cart-horse, colt or one of any kind of low blood, will do well enough if reared, till he is put to work upon grass and hay; but a race horse, or hunter, of high breeding, would show a badly developed frame, and be comparatively worthless for his par- ticular kind of work, if he were not allowed his corn from the time that he is weaned." This prolific subject is far from being exhausted ; but the KEPORTiS. 66 length of this report forbids the further discussion of it at this time. It has been the purpose of the committee to present views and considerations, that shall aid in guiding those wlio are engaged in, or purpose to turn their attention to, the busi- ness of breeding horses. Let ^^^ such procure the best mares for this purpose that can be had, and then use none but sires ol pure bluod, prefcrrhig like the Arabians, that the mare shall go unproductive rather than be served by a common horse ; for, " The foal follows the sire." LEANDER WETHERELL. ^u CuUxtru. STATEMENT OF DAA^D S. COWLES. I procured a swarm of bees in 1837 and experimented for years •with differently constructed hives, finally adopting Weeks Patent Bee-hive after making some improvements upon it. Since Phelps obtained his patent I have used his hive and prefer it to any in use. It requires some experience to use this hive. It is built ia six divisions, three large boxes and three small ones, the large boxes hold thirty pounds the small ones eight. Only a few bees are necessary to guard the hive from the bee miller and robber. Moth traps are placed under the edges of the large boxes which can be drawn at any time and the moth worms destroyed. The honey made is purer for having a free circulation of air through the hive. The boxes can be drawn when they are full. I take off the samll boxes as often as the bees fill them to prevent their Bwarming. If bees have sufScient room they seldom swarm. The large boxes I take off in August or September. If there is a large number of bees in the hive, it is best to leave two boxes for their wintering. If in drawing the small boxes, I find I have taken the queen bee I replace her in the hive, as unlike other bees she will not know to which hive she belongs. By cutting off the communication between the boxes and rapping lightly upon the one I wish to draw, the bees will fill with honey in a few moments, and I can do what I please with them unharmed. Bees know their master, and to be made profitable must receiv* REPOBti. St some attention. I now have twenty swarms of bees. My bee- house stands fronting to the Southeast, and is protected from the North and West wind. I white-wash the shelves occasionally to keep the moth miller away and the house neat to please the bees. By keeping a neat house and clean hives I have never lost a swarm in time of swarming for the whole twenty-eight years. On warm days in March and April, I place plates of rye flour where the bees can collect it and carry it away to their hives for food for their young in the comb. The longer the comb is used to increase bees the smaller the bees will be. Owing to some peculiarity of the season, the bees have made less honey than usual, and it is not as white as that of former years. When it is collected slowly it vfiW be of a darker color. DAVID S. COWLES. CHOPS. STATEMENT OF LEVI STOCKBRIDGE. To the Executive Committee of ihe^ Ilavipshire County Agricultural Societij. Gentlemen: — The crop of broom corn which I entered for premium was grown on two acres of ground, which was in pota- toes in 1864 and tobacco in 1863. The field was put into good condition for the crop, by plowing and harrowing on the 22d of May. One half of it was planted May 24th, the remainder the 8th of June. At the time of planting, four hundred pounds per ftcre of Wilsons Phosphate was applied in the hill, and it had no 68 HEPOBTS, other manure. Nearly one-fourth of the crop was seriously in- jured by the drought, and did not fully mature. The yield was eighteen hundred I'lounds of most beautiful brush, and one hun- dred and forty bushels of heavy well ripened seeds. The cost of cultivating the crop, and other expenses were as follows : Intere.-jt on the land at $273,00 per acre and taxes, $38,00 Phosphate, 16,00 Plowing and Harrowing, 8,00 Planting, ' 5,00 .Hoeing and Cultivating, 25,00 Harvesting, . 10,10 Scraping brush and cleaning seed, 13,00 Total cost of crop, ' $115,00 The credit is as follows : Eighteen hundred pounds of broom corn at one shilling per Ik, $300,00 One hundred and forty bushels of broom-seed at 50 cents per bushels, 70,00 Total receipts from crop $370,00' Deduct its cost, 115,00 Profit, $io5,00 The large profit of $127 per acre was not so much in .con- sequence of an extraordinary large crop 900 lbs. per acre, as of the small cost of the fertilizer applied to the land, and the high Iprice at which the brush was sold. LEVI STOCKBRIDGE. SfiPORti'^ M €oxn €xny. STATEMENT OF CORN CKOP GROWN BY J. M. SMITH. The soil upon Avliich my crop was grov/n in 1865, consists of "U'hat may be called alluvial. The land is situated in Sunderland Meadow (so called) and Contains by measurement nine acres and sixty rods. The crops taken. from the land in the years of 1863-4, were hay with the ex- ception of one aild a quarter acres, upon which a crop of corn Ava3 raised in the season of 1864:, upon which twenty-five loads of manure were harrowed in. For the crop of the present season the land was ploughed six inches deep, a portion in the fall previous, the remainder last Spring, with no perceptible difl'erence in the amount of the crop*. The manure was made as follows : In the Fall of 186-1, several piles of muck were drawn upon the field, amounting in all to twenty loads to the acre, and with it ther e was mixed Fish Guano at the rate of ten hundred per acre. The following Spring tea loads of barn yard manure to each twenty loads of muck wore mixed, turning twice before using. Immediately before planting thirty loads of this compost were put upon each acre, spreading broadcast from the cart, and the surface well pulverized. The seed was dropped with the corn planter,- and at the same time^ two hundred lbs., equal parts of Superphosphate of Lime and Plaster of Paris v/ere dropped in the hill. The corn was hoed fQur times, going through with a horse five times. The corn was cut close to the ground, bound in bfindles^'ahd shocked between the tenth and twentieth of 'Seotember, 70 REPORT?. The amount of the crop was 1368 bushels oi ears by measure. The amount of fodder was 20 tons by estimation. VALUE OF CROP. Corn 72,96 bushels per acre, Fodder two tons per acre, One third manure per acre, EXPENSES. Ploughing, harrowing and planting per acre, Manure and Fertilizers, Cultivation, Harvesting, $72,96 20,00 16,00 $5,00 48,00 8,00 12,00 -$10.8,95 73,00 ■ $33,96 M. SMITH. STATEMENT OF SAMUEL S. HIBBARD. To the Officers of the Hampshire County Agricultural Society. Gentlemen : — I have the honor to make the following report respecting the crop of Indian Corn I entered for your premium : The piece contained by measure, exactly two acres. It was in tobacco in 1863-4, and was manured with 25 loads of yard manure to the acre. This year it received 1000 lbs. of Fish Guano per acre, which was cultivated in after plowing. The land was prepared the 13th of May, and planted the 28th, by hand. The rows three feet eight inches apart, and hills four feet apart in the row. It was hoed three times and harvested the 21st of September, by cutting at the roots and stocking eight bundles in a stock. It was shocked the third week in October, threshed the last of November. The yield was 187 bushels or 93J bushela pesr acre; EEPOETS, fL The following is the debt and credit with the land ; no charge being made for harvesting and husking, or credit given for the fodder. Interest on land at $200 per acre and taxes, $28.00 Plowing, cultivating in manure and harrowing, 9,00 Fish Guano, 40,00 Cultivating crop and hoeing, 16,00 Planting, 4,00 Seed, 50 Total expense, $93,50 Credit by 187 bushels corn, $205,70 Net Profit, $112,20 SAMUEL S, HIBBARD. North Hadley, Dec. 1st, 1863, STATEMENT OF I. F. CON-KEY. The crop of 1863 was potatoes, on which no manure was used except phosphates in the hill. The crop of 1864 was Tobacco, oa which I used one ton of Fish Guano, spread and ploughed in with a dressing of compost made of loam, horse manure and a de- posit from sinks, harrowed in, twenty loads to the acre. I gave the land one ordinary ploughing in Sept. 1864, with no other preparation for the seed. The cost of ploughing was $6.00. No manure was applied. The seed was planted in Sept. 1864, one bushel to the acre. Cost of the seed and planting $1.90. It had no other cultivation. It was harvested July 8, 1865. The cost of harvesting including storing and threshing, was $11.50. I had one ton of straw. The amount of rye obtained was twenty- four bushels. I. F. CONKEY. Amherst, Aug. 28th, 1864. TA JK£PeRX4. P^ildj €0to3. STATEMENT OF OLIVER WATSON. The native cow offered by me for preroinm, is eleven years old, and has been owned by me four years. She calved July 18th, 1864. The calf, at' seven weeks old weighed 24G pounds, was faltened wholly by milk from said cow ; who besides fattening this calf supplied a family of six persons with mi]k and butter, during those seven weeks. During the two weeks following September 5th, she gave 266 quarts of milk, weighing 583 pounds. Her milk is very rich in cream. During two weeks she made 12 pounds of butter per week, since that time no j^ains has been taken to ascertain the exact amount she would make. This same cow togeth^' with another exhibited by me at the same time, produced during the ten following months, COO pounds of butter. OLIVER WATSON. REPOBTS. Treasurer's Report. ■' RECEIPTS. « Cash on hand Dec. 27th, 1864, Cash received for Life members certificates, Cash of A. P. Howe, (error) E. H. Howard work, Cash from E. F. Cook, use of Park, " 0. Watson, Dinners tickets sold, " . E. F. Cook, from Peddlers, " Joseph Potwine, entrance fees and dinner, received from State, " from John Sisson for grass, " on Life members note. DISBURSEMENTS. $485 92 100 00 2 00 2 50 6 00 12 75 70 50 778 62 eoo 00 12 00 2 00 |2,072 29 Current expenses, $894 91 Premiums, 497 31 $1,392 09. PERMANENT FUND. Hampshire Hall and Park, $5,200 00 Cattle pens and tables, &c., &c. 275 00 Tickets of various kinds, 50 00 Life members notes, (about,) 120 00 Cash on hand, 680 17 Total Permanent Fund, $6,325 17 Respectfully submitted, M. N. SPEAR, Treasurer. Amherst, Dec. 27, 1865. 74 REPoaiSi OF THE Art. 1. The Officers of this Society shall be one President, 'Bix Vice Presidents, a Secretary and Treasurer and an Executive Committee of seven, to be chosen by ballot, except the Vice Presidents who maybe chosen by nomination at the annual meet- ing, and to serve one year, and until others are chosen in their stead. Art. 2. The President shall preside at all meetings of the So- ciety, and in his absence one of the Vice Presidents. Art. 3. The Secretary shall keep a true record of all the do- ings of the Executive Committee and the Society. Art. 4. The Treasurer shall keep an account of all monies, re- ceived into and paid out of the treasury. His accounts shall al- ways be open to inspection by any member of the Society, and he shall give Bonds, in such sum as shall be designated by the Exe- cutive Committee, for the faithful discharge of his duties, and he shall make an annual report, previously audited. Art. 5. It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee, to call special meetings of the Society, and upon the request of not less than ten members from each of four different towns they REPOETS, 75 shall call such meetings ; to designate the time and place of an- nual exhibitions, and make all necessary arrangements therefor; to appoint Sub-Committees for examination antl to award pre- miums ; and to have a general supervision over the funds and af- fairs of the Society. The President and Secretary shall be mem- bers of the Executive Committee. Art. 6. The Annual Meeting of the Society shall be held on the last Wednesday of December each year, and twenty members shall constitute a quorum to do business. Art. 7. Notices for all meetings of the Society shall be signed by the President and Secretary, and published in some newspaper in the County, or circulated by handbills, or in any other manner, that may be designated by the Executive Committee. Art. 8. Any male person may become a Life Member by pay- ing to the Treasurer the sum of five dollars. Any lady, by pay- ment of two dollars and fifty cents, may become a Life Member. Art. 9. A!l premiums not called for within six weeks after the same are awarded shall be paid into the treasury and be con- sidered, as 23resented to the Society. Art. 10. These By-Laws may be amended or altered by a majority of the members present at any legal meeting. 76 REPORTS. OFFICERS 1866. PRESIDENT, AUSTIN EASTMAN, of Amherst. VICE PRESIDENTS, Hon, LEVI STOCKBRIDGE, Hadley. 1 CHESTER SMITH, Hadley. Doct. N. G. TROW, Suuderhind. | TIMOTHY PUTNAM, Leverett. PARK WARNER, Granby. SECRETARY AND TREASURER, MIRICK N. SPEAR, of Amherst. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, E. F. COOK, Amlierst. OLIVER WATSON, Amherst. CHAS. H. FIELD, Leverett. L. V. B. COOK, Belchertown. LEVI P. WARNER, Sunderland. ROYAL M MONTAGUE, Hadley j Rev. JOHN JONES, Pelham. AUDITOR, a N. WEBSTER, of Amlierst. DELEGATE TO THE STATE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE, LEVI STOCKBRIDGE, of Hadley. BEPORT*. LIFE MEMBERS OF THE HONORARY LIFE MEMBERS. Hon. A. H. Bullock, of Worcester. Hon. C. C. Chaffee, of Springfield. Hon. George T. Davis, of Greenfield. Hon. Edward Dickinson, of Amherst. Charles L. Flint, Esq., of Boston. Prof, Wm. C. Fowler, of Durham, Conn. W. C. Goldthwait, Esq., Longmeadow. Rev. F. D. Huntington, D.D., Boston. Z. C. Montague, Esq., of Amherst. Hon J Y. Smith, of Providence, R. I. Hon. M. P. Wilder, of Dorchester. Hon. Henry F. French, of Amherst. 12 Adams, Asa Adams, Mrs. Asa Adams, Charles Adams, Mrs. Charles Adams, John S. Adams, Mrs. John S. Adams, John Q. Aiiisworth, Foraester Albee, John E. Aldrich, Charles P. Alien, Mrs. Hiram H. Alleu, Lysander H. Allen, M Adams Ayers, Elijah Ayers, Mrs. Elijah Albee, Mrs. Lydia Allen, James W. Aldrich, Nehamiah W. Allen, Benj. B. Baker, Alfred Baker, Mrs-. Alfred Baker, Enos Baker, George Baker, Mrs. George Baker, Joel Bangs, Charles H. Bangs, Danforth K. Bangs, Mrs. Danforth K. AMHERST. Barnard, Alvin Barnard, Mrs. Alvin Bartlett, Mrs. David Bartlett, Moses S. Bartlett, Lewis A, Barrows, William Belden, Horace Belden, Timothy C. Billings, Warren S. Blanehard, Horace Bogiie, Mrs. Elisha Boltwood, Lucius Boltwood, Hon. L. M. Boltwood, William Boltwood, Mrs. William Braley, John Biidgman, Guilford Briagman, Miss Mary S. Ri'iggs. Ebene'-cer Briggs, Mrs. Ebeuezer Buruliam, George Burnham, Mrs. George Bliss, Zenas W. Carter, Samuel C. Carter, Mrs. Samuel C. Chapin, Otis H. Church, Elihu S. Church, Mrs. E. S. Church, Spencer Clapp, Oliver M. Clark, Simeon Clark, Mrs. Simeon > Clark, Prof. William S, Clark, Mrs. William S. Cobb, Henry Cobb, Mrs. Henry Con key, Hhamar F. Conkey, Mrs. Hhamar F. Conkey, Miss Jennie C. Conkey, Edward Cunkey, ]\liss Kate Conkey, William Converse, Daniel Converse, Mrs. Daniel Cook, D<.vid S, Cook, Mrs. David S. Cook, Enos F. Cook, Mrs. Enos F. Cook, Rev. George Cook, Mrs George Cooley, Allen Cooley Moses D. Cooley, Samuel Dexter Cowles, Chester Cowles, Mrs. Chester Cowles, Clinton J. 78 REPORTS. Cowles, Mrs. Clinton J. Cowles, Enoch Cowles, Mrs. Enoch Cowle'', Erastus Cowles, James Cow'es, Mrs James Cowles, Mrs. Jonathan Ccwles, Jr., Jonathan Cow'es, Jr., Mis Jona. Cowles, Levi D. Cowles, ]\Irs.. Levi D. Cowles, Mnses Cowels, Mrs. Moses Cow'es, Ransom Cowles, Mrs. Ransom Cowles, Mrs. Submit Curtis, Oliver H. Curtis, Mrs. Oliver H. Cusliman, Avery R. Cushman, Mrs. Avery R. Ciishraan, Ephraim Cuslimm, Jr., Ephia'm Cushniaa, Jr., Mrs. E. Cusliman, Ji hi R: Cushman, Mrs. John R. Cusliman, R'lnford C. Ci-^hman, Mrs. S. C. Cutler. E. Pumeroy Cutler, Miss Esther Cutler, George Cutler, Mrs. George Cutler, William Cutler, Mis. Samuel F. Clapp, Mi.vs ILittie Chittenden, Mrs. Erastus C^o^itr, Mrs. James. Clark, Mrs Sti!m£|m D. Dana, Joseph .Dana, Juseph D. Darling, Benjamin R. Deuel, Charles Deuel, Mrs. Charles Dexter, David Dickinson., Asa Dickinson, Bela U. Dickinson, Miss Charlotte Dickinson, Charles Dickinson, Daniel Dickin on, Mrs. Daniel Dickinson, Mrs. Edward Dickinson, l^Iiss Emily E. Dickinson, Enos Dickinson, Mrs. Enos Dickinson, Enos 2d Dickinson, Mrs. Enos 2d Dickinson, Joseph Dickinson, Josi.ih Dickinson, Mi s L. N. Dickinson, Miss Loviua ' Dickinson, Miss Lydia Dickinson, Marquis F. Dickinson, Mrs, M. F. Dickinson, Moses B. Dickinson, Mrs. Moses B. Dickinson, Mrs. Oliver Dickinson, Purler Dichiiison , Samuei S, Dickin^cm, Mrs. Samuel S. Dickinson, Mi>s .Sarah M. Dickinson, Waitstill Dickinson, Mrs. Wa,it.>till. Dickinson, William Dickinson, William A. Dickinson, I^Irs. \Vm A. I'ickinson, William E. Dickinson, Wlliim W. Dickinson, Mrs, Mary Dutton, Alonzo Dutton, Mrs. Alonzo Easlmnn, Austin Eastman, Mrs. Austin Eastman, Mrs. Baxer Eastman, So'omon K. Eistman, (ylia.s. A- Eastman, Mrs. Chas. A. Ea>on, Mrs. Sarah E. Edwards, Simeon Ferry, Miss Sarah P. Fish, Cummings Fish, Mis. Selh French, Miss Mary Fu-ld, Edwi:i G. Field, Mrs Edwin G. Ga'loud, George B. Ga^kill, Chester (iates, Lansfurd Gnylord, Flavel Gaylord, Mrs. Williarfi Graves. George Gray, Joseph P. Gray, Mrs. Joseph P. Gunn, Lyman Goodale, Lewis Hall, Mrs, John B. Harlow, Nathaniel L. Hastings, Edmund Hastings, Mis. Edmund Hastings, James Hastings, Mrs. James HastiLgs, Joseph C. Hastings, Mis. Joseph C. Hastings, Mrs, Thomas Ela^kiiis, John H. Haskins Mrs, John H. Hask n-.. Henry W., Ha>.kiiis, Mrs. Harriet C. Hawley, Cliail s M. Hawley, Harrison, Hawley, Justin Hawley, Stetson Hay ward, Charles F. Hayward, Mrs, Chas. F. Hills, Henry F. Hills, Leonard M. Hills, Mrs, L. M. Hills, Liberty Hills, Samuel Hills, Snmuel T. TTills, Mrs Samuel T. Hills, Dwighl L, Hitchcock, Prof, Edwarcj Hiclhcock. Mrs. Edward ilobart, Edmund Hob.'irt, Mrs. Edmund H(, George W. Hobait, Mrs, George W. Htibait, Jeremiah \V. Hobart Joshua Hohart, Stillman Hobart. Mrs Stillman Howard, M W. Howard, Mrs, M. W. Howard, Roswell H. Howland, Warren S. Howland, Mrs W S. Flubbard, Ethan D. Hulibaid, Mrs. Ethan D. Hubbard, Hon, R. B. Hubbard, Mrs. R B. Hutchinson. Charles E. Ho vard, Mrs, Sarah A. Henderson, Hon Horaca Henderson, Alpheus R. Henderson, Mrs. A. R. Hunt, Wm W. Howard, Mrs. H. C. Ingram, Ezra Ingram, Plarrisnn Ingram. Mrs. Harrisou Ingram, Iltifus I li^ram, Luc us Ingham', Thomas Jackson, Henry Johnson, Earl Johnson, Mrs. Earl Johnson, Orrin Jones, Mrs Mary Joy. Horatio N. Kellogg. Eleazer Kellogg, James Kellogg, Lyman Kellogg, Mrs. Lyman Kellogg, Willard Kellogg, Willard M. Kellogg, Mrs. W M. Kellogs, Mrs, William Kenfieid, Charles S. Kenfield, Mrs. Chas. S. Kellngg. Henry C. Leland'Mrs. John Lincoln, R. S. Lincoln, Mrs. R. S. Loomis, Austin D. Lovett, Edward B. Leach, B. F, KEl-ORTS. ?• Lovell, John L. Lovell, Mrs. John L. Lewis, Hattie E. Marsh, Henrv A. .Marsh, Mrs. H. A. Marsha! I, Atisel C Miir.hall. Mrs, Ansel C. Mather, Mrs William E. Mayo, Mrs. Noah MtCloud, Milton McCloud, Mrs. Milton Mc^Master, Charles McMaster, Mrs. Charles Merrick, James E. Merrick, Mr.=. James E? Merr;ck, Rev. JaraeS L. Merrill, Calvin Merrill, Mrs. Calvin Merrill, Miss Harriet 0. Mosman, Abner A. Munseil, Guy C. Munsell. Mrs Gay C. Nash,' Mrs. Charles Nash, Henrv C. Nash, Mrs Henry C. Nash, Luther Needhaui, Emory H. Needliam, Mr.s. E H. Ne son, Miss Julia C. Nims, .Seth Oiney, Mrs. Almira Palmer, Dwight W. Palmfr, Mrs. Du-i-htW Palmer, Mrs- Sabra D. Palmer, Fiedi rijk A. Palmer, Mrs. Y. A. Pomeroy. David Pojeroy, Mrs. David Pomeroy, Lorenzo H. Poiueruy, Mrs. L. H. Potwine, Thomas ATHOL.— Putnum, Pvufu.s, BALTIMUKK. M. I— Brow BERNAKDSTON —Slate, BOSTON.— Smith, Alvau. Alden, Thomas Barrett, Leonard Brid^eman, Pliineas Chandler, Georfj' Chandler, JIrs George Chandler. Henrv J. Clark, Norman P. Clark, Mrs N P. Cowles, Samuel D. Cook, L. V. B. DickiUson. Samuel Dunbar, CharUs T. Dwight, Nathanial Roberts, Reuben Jr. Reed, Thomas Reed, Mrs. Thomas Rich, AI}'heus Roberts, Mrs. Fanny H. Robbins, Alva Robinson, Ferdinand Robinson , Mrs. F. Russell, Emer.-on Russell, Mis. Emerson Smith. John W. Smith, Mrs. John W. Stratton, R. W. Stratton, Mrs. R. W. Sissou, John Si.sson, Lucius W. Sisson, Taber T. Shepard, Prof. Chas. U. Skinuer, J. Ij. Smith, Mrs. B. F. Smith, Samuel D. Sniilh, Timothy Smith, Mrs. Timothy Smith, William B. Smith, Mrs. William B. Smi>h, William W. Snell, Prof. E. S. Snell, Mrs. E. S. Spaulding, Philip D. Spaulding, Mrs. Philip D. Spear, Ebenezer P. Spear, Lyscom S}'ear,Mrs. Lyscom Spear, Mirick N. Stanley, Edward A, Stearns, William A. D.D. Stratton, Dr. Chester Str..tton, Mrs Chester Sweetser, Luke Sweetser, Mrs. Luke Thayer; Charles E. Wright, Sylvanus M.— £9i Putnam, Mrs Rufu^. Horr, n, Smith. Wheelock, Dana- Jonathan S. — 1 Wetherell, Leander. Shaw BELCHERTOWN. Goodale, Asahel Goodale, Rufus Grraves. Mrs. Wm. Hall, Le i B. Hanuum, George 0. Hannniii, Lyman W. Hannum, Mrs. L W. Holland, Mrs. Luther Montague, Ephraim Packard, .Joel Perkins, Samuel G. Ru^sall, Francis H. Turner, Mrs. £. G.. Temple, Dr. Theroil Taylor, Dr. Israel H. Taylor, Mrs. Israel H. Thayer, Jason Thayer, Mrs. Jasoa Thayer, Reuben Thayer, Mrs. Reuben Thurston, Siillman Tuckerman, Prof. Edwarti Tuckerman, Mrs. Edward Turner, Rudolphus Tyler, Prof. William S. Tyler, Mrs, Williaix. S. Whitney, Miss Hattie Whitney, Mrs. S. W. Wiley, Miss Dolly T. Ward, Horace Ward, Mrs. Horace Warner, Aaron, D. D, Warner, David S, Warner, George Watson, Oliver Watson, Mrs. Oliver Webster, Charles N, Westcutt, JaredT. White, John C. White, Mrs. John C. White, Martin Whipple, George A. Whitney, Sinun W. Wiley, John Wiley, Mrs. John Williams, Enos D. Williams, Mrs Enos D. Williams. Frederick William Lucas Williams, Orria Williams, Mrs. Orrin * I Vv' oodworth Rev. C. L. i Vv^ood worth, Mrs. C. L. Geo. W. Horr, Mrs. Geo. — 1 , George L. Howe, Geo. — 3 Sabin, Lyman Th lyer, Morris Thayer, Manser R. Thayer, Mrs. Rufui? Thnyer, Savannah A. Ihayer, Mrs S A. Thayer, William Thi mpson. Dr. Georg« F. Walker, Emory P. W.bsttr, Jonathaa Wilson. Asa Wiley, Otis— 3« BO EEPORTS. BRIGHTON.— Clark. Kev. Sereno D. Clark, Mrs. Sereno D.— 2 Boyden, Hon. J, W, Dickinson, William P. Dickinson, Mrs. P. CHICAGO. HavHn, Joseph D.D. Haven, Mrs. Joseph Hubbard, Orton I Pierce, Francis A. Tapley, George W. I Payson, Joseph K. — 9 CLINTON, N. Y.— Swift, Eev. E. Y. Swift, Mrs. E. Y.— 2 COVENTRY, Vt.— White, Rev. Plioy H.— 1 COLERAINE.~Sprague, Joseph G.— 1 Ely, John D. Fogg, Josiah Bust, Horatio N. Colton, Rev. A. M. Colton, Mrs. A. M. Abbott, Frederick Ballou, Hiram Blodgett, David Fobes, Henry Gillett, Daniel B. Howe, Joseph J. ERVING.— Stone, J. E.— 1 FREDOM, Pa,— Howe, A. P. DEERFIELD. Mosher,Cbas. Stebbins, Benjamin Z. Stebbins, Evander G. EASTHAMPTON Matthews, Horace , Sabin, Sherman ENFIELD. Kimball, C. H. Moody, Augustus Potter, Lyman D. Randall, A Ivan Rand ill, Ozias Root, Joseph 1 Stebbins, Moses Stebbins, Mrs. Moses- Sabin, Mrs. Sherman Williston, Hon. Samuel — 6 Shearer, Lyman F. Smith, Edward P. Smith, Henry M. Woods, Cyrus F. Woods, Hon. Josiah B, Woods, Rufus D.— 18 Howe, Mrs. A. P. Howe, Doct. H. A.— 3 Aldrich, Christopher C. Ayers, Rodney ■Barton, James M. Barton, Phinehas D. Chapin, Philo Clark, Augustus Clark, Charles F. Clark, Spencer Dickinson, Samuel B. Eastman, Samuel F. Eastman, Mrs. Samuel F. GRANBY. Ferry, Charles S. Ferry, Lucius Lyman, David Lyman, George J. Montague, Giles F, Montague, Holland Nash, Lorenzo S. Patrick, William J. Preston, John H. D. Richardson, Orsemus Smith, George N. Smith, Jared C. Smith, Nelson Smith, Jr., Samuel Smith, Jr., Mrs. Samuel Smith, William A. Stanley, Ileury F. Stebbins, Cyrus Taylor, Milo A. Warner, Alonzo Warner, Park Witt, Horace Woodford, William H. Ingram, Robert — 35 GRANBY, Conn. — Gavlord, Ebenezer. Gaylord, Mrs. Ebenezer — .3 GRAND RAPIDS, Mich.— Cutler, Robert. "Cutler, Mrs. Robert— 2 GREENFIELD, N. H.— Downes, Almeron S.— 1 . Carter, John Adams Benjamin Adams, Mrs. Benjamin Adams, Levi .Avdams, Mrs. Levi GREENWICH. Douglas, Stephen HADLEY. Ashcraft, John 0. Beaman, Jonas Bonney, Dr. Franklin Bonney, Oliver E. I Warren,. Samuel M. — S Carter, Benjamin T. Chapin, Edwin Clark, John Clemons, Mrs, Horace KEPORTS. 81 ('omins, Simou F. C'owles, Daniel Cowles, Mrs. Daniel Cowles, David S. Cowles, Mrs. David S. Cowles, pjlijah Cowles, Mrs. Elijah Cowles, Lewis Cowles, Mrs. Lewis Cowles -Tohn S. Comins, H. C. Com ins, Mrs. H. C. Comins, Mrs. Ellen Dickinson, Alphonzo Dickinson, Mrs. A. Dickinson, Caleb D. Dickinson, Ehliu S. Dickinson, George Dwiglit, Rev. E. S. Dwight, Mrs. E. S. Granger, Lorenzo N. Granger, Mrs. L. N. Gray, Amos Gray, Chester Green, Dorus Green, Henry Green, Linus Green, Mrs. Linus Hibbard, Mrs. Willard Hawley, F. A. Hawlev, Warren F. Hayward, E. E. Hibbard, Edward P. Ilibbard, Samuel S. Eibbard, Willard Hill, Eoderic B. Hooker, Benjamin Williams, P. Smith. Huntington, Theodore G. Huntington.'Mrs. T. G. Huntington,*Mrs, T. P. Hurd, Horatio C. Ingram, Z. E, Kellogg, J. C. Kellogg, Benj. A. Kellogg, Mrs. Martin Kellogg, Stillman Kellogg, Mrs. Stillman Kentfield, J. B. Kentfield, Mrs. J. B. Lamson, Charles E. Lawrence, Hubbard Marsh, Henry M. Marsh, Timothy S. Montague, Royal M. Morton, John A. Morton, Mrs. John A. Newton, Walter Nash, John W. Nash, Mrs. Samuel ^ Newton, William Newton, Mrs. William Pasco, Theodore Pasco, llvs. Theodore Porter, Edwards J. Porter, Eleazer Powers, Alfred Powers, Mrs. Alfred Russell, Horace Russell, Mrs. Horace Russell, John Russell, Mrs. John Russell, Samuel' Richardson, H. L. Scott, Mrs. Rufus Shattuck, Joseph H. S^hipman, William S, Smith, Charles Smith, Charles H. Smith, George C. Smith, Mrs. George C. Smith, Chester Smith, Mrs. Cotton Smith, Edmund Smith, Enos D. Smith, Mrs. EnosD. Smith, Erastus Smith, Francis Smith, Giles E. Smith, Jeriah S. Smith, Hon. Joseph Smith, Mrs. Joseph Smith, Oliver E. Smith, Roswell 2d Smith, Mrs. Ross'ell 2d Smith, Thaddeus Smith, Mrs. Thaddeus Stockbridge, Levi Stockbridge, Mrs. Levi Tower, Samuel Tuxbury, Rev. Franklin Tuxbury, Mrs. Franklia Wallis, Addi White, David White, Mose.s Warner, William P. West, Parsons West, Mrs. Parson.s White, David White, Moses Wood, George A. W^hite, Samuel G. Williams, Mrs. P. Smith. Wilder, Samuel C— 12G HARTFORD, Ct.-- Faxon, William. Fuller, Walter— 2 HATFIELD.— Hubbard, George W. Porter, Henry S.— 2 HOLYOKE.— Dickinson, Edward— 1 IOWA.— Strickland, William G. Strickland, Mrs. Wm, G.— 2 KEENE, N. H.— Sprague, Joseph G.— 1 KEY WEST, Fla.— Allen, Benj. W. LEVEEETT. Adams, Alden Ashley, Marvin Ashley, Mrs. Marvin Ball, Orus Ball, Mrs. Orus Ball, Silas Bangs, Howard Boutwell, Levi Boutwell, Mrs. Levi Boutwell, Samuel W. Boutwell, Mrs. S. W. Clark, William Wells Cutter, Mrs. Seneca Dunklee, Hezekiah Field, Abner Field, Mrs. Abner Field, Alden C. Field, Mrs, Alden C. Field, Asa L. Field, Mrs. Asa L. Field, Charles H. Field, Mrs. Charles H. Field, Harrison Field, Harrison 0. Field, Mrs. H. 0. Field, Moses Field, Mrs. Moses Field, Zebina Field, Carrie M. Fitts, Nathan H. Graves, Elmer Gilbert, L. A. Graves, Kellogg Hobart, Baxter R. Hobart, Mrs. Baxter R, Hobart, Charles D. Hobart, Colburn Hobart, Peter Hobart, Speucer 82 KEPORTS, Howard, Baxter Bubbard, George Hubbard, lloswell Ingram, Elijah Ingram,' Elisha Jones, Edward Kimball, David Leach, Chester Leaclr, Mrs. Cliester Leach, Humphrey S. Leach, Mrs. H. S. LOCKPORT, N. Y.— Sears LODA, 111.— Hunt, James LYNN.— Fuller, S. B.— 1 Lock, Ezekicl Lock. Mrs. Ezekiel Moore, Dexter Nutting, liucius Nutting, Ransom Porter, Cephas Putnam, Timothy Putnam, l^Irs. Timothy Rice, Josiah Rice, Mrs. Josiah Pv,ice, Dr. David Wo'odhury, Jasoa H, — 73 Simon — 1 1—1 MINNESOTA. Farrar, Mrs. George H. | Nutting, Truman MASON VILLAGE, N. H.— Fisher, Rev. George E.— 1 MELROSE, Pa— Guernsey, Mr». Martha— 1 MOUNT PALATINE, 111.— Wright, Abram— 1 MONTAGUE. Boutwell, "William H. Paine, Alonzo Dean, Richard Eastman, Rev. David Ford, Mrs. Emily Harrington. Samuel Harrington, Mrs. S. Hawks, Charles K, Eaker, Hon. Osymn Barrett Dr. Benjamin, Chamberlin, Dr. C. N. Childs, Paris Clapp, D. M. Clark, William Clark, Jr., William Dickinson, George P, Fitts, Elijah B. NORTHFIELD.— Brown, I Paine, Mrs. Orrin Russell, Calvin Spaulding, Jr., Peter — 7 NEW SALEM. I Eastman, Mrs. David I Haskins, Nelson Powers, Mrs. Samuel — 7 NEW YORK CITY. Nash, Rev. John A. Nash, Mrs. John A. Shipman, Jr.. John Smith, Rev. Prof. H. B. NORTHAMPTON. Hinckley, Samuel L. Hillyer, Winthrop Kirkland, Harvey Lewis, Lucius Parsons, Charles T, Parsons, Samuel L, *Shepard, Ashur Sheoard, Henry Smith, S. M. Charles T. Brown, Mns. OSKOSH, Wis., Mrs. David Strong, Mrs. A. A. Smead, Mrs. S. S. Smith, William H. Smith, Mrs. William H. Taylor, William Willis, Lawson S. Wood, Ira Wood, Mrs. Ira Wood, Seth Woodbury, Mrs. Jasou 11 Nutting, Mrs. Truman — 3 Russell, Mrs. Calvin Smith, Charles H, Hunt, Horace Powers, Samuel West, Joseph J. Woodman, Dr. George S. Woodman, Mrs. G. S.— II Kellogg, Ansel | Kellogg, William OTISCO, N. Y.— Clark, Luke M.— 1 OREGON.— Warren. James R Btrong, Ebenezer Strong, Elisha Strong, William Thayer, Justin Trumbull, James R. Trumbull, Mrs. J. R. * Washburn, Luther I. Wells, Samuel Wright, Ansel— 27 Charles T.— 2 Russell, Chaunccy R.— 3 EEPORTS. S3 PELHAM, Eaton, Calvin D. Fales, Abijah Fales, Daniel Gates, Asahel Gray, Horace Gray, Mrs. Horace Jewett, Sylvester Jewett, Mrs. Sylvester Jones, Eev. John Kieth, A. C. Shaw, E. B. Aldrich, Tyler D. Ballou, Emory Boyden, Sanfonl Bufl'um, Thomas Chapiri, Philo Cad well, Aretus J. Cadwell, Mrs A. J. Cook, Nathaniel Cook, Mrs. N. Cook, Olney PALMER.— Field, Erastus S. Reed, James Chapman, Mrs. Mary PHILADELPHIA, Pa— Arnold, W. A. Wilson, John W. PITTSFIELD.— Frink, Henry, Frink, Mrs. Henry— 2 PRESCOTT.— Paige, Christopher. Paige, Benjamin K.— 2 PROVIDENCE, R. I.— Leonard, Dexter M.— 1 ROCKFORD, 111.— Bartlett, Mrs. Harvey— ROSEMOND, 111.— Smith, Brainard, Smith, Mrs. Brainard- SALEM— Jewett, Rev. George B.— 1 SARATOGA, N. Y.— Crapo, Mrs. Asubah— 1 SHARON, III— Godfrey, William B.— 1 SOUTHAMPTON.— Edwards, Elisha—1 SHUTESBURY. Newell, Lemuol A. Newell, Mrs. L, A. Newell, Miss Mary A. Rankin, Ansel A. Rankin, Mrs, Ansel A. Russell, John Shaw, Jr., John Thompson, E. C. Ward, Joseph G.~29 Stever, Col. Jacob Montague, Albert— 3 Adams, S. Ward Bartlett, Moses Dudley, Samuel F, Allen, Levi W. Alvord, Hervey Bates, Emerson Clark, Marcellus Cogswell, Milton B. Gaylord, Lorenz(» Judd, Andrew T. Judd, Edward H. Judd, Edwim H. Judd, Watson S. Bowman, William Bowman, Mrs. Wm. Brown, Joshua T. Brown, Sylvester Brown, Mrs. Sylvester Childs, Israel Childs, Mrs. Israel Chittenden, L. O. Chittenden, Mrs, L. O. Clark, Mrs. Austin L. Cooley, Charles Cooley, Mrs. Charles Cooley George Crocker, Daniel B. Crocker, Stougliton D. Crocker, Mrs. S, D. Dudley, Mrs. Samuel F. Fitts, Edward Howe, Abraham S. SOUTH HADLEY. Kellogg, Amos Lathrop, Paoli Lathrop, Mrs. Paoli Lyman, Lorenzo W. Lyman, Mrs. L W. Montague, C. Newton Montague , Elliot Moody, \lvaa Moody, Hovey Nash, Thomas M, SUNDERLAND. Crocker, Zaccheus Darling, B. C. Darling, Mrs. B. C. Delano, A, C. Delano, Mrs. A. C. Dickinson, E. P. Dickinson, Mrs. E. P. Dickinson, Mrs. R. Dunklee, B. F. Dunlap, Samuel Dunlap, Mrs. Samuel Field, Erastus S. Gaylord, William Graves, Alden Graves, George W. Graves, Mrs. Hubbard Newell, Samuel A, Shores, David — 8 Preston, Joseph S. Smith, Edward L. Smith, Gilbert A. Smith, Mrs. Gilbert A. Smith, Henry N. Smith, Jason Smith, Mrs. Jason Smith, Philip Snow, Mrs. Sheldon— 29 Graves, Mrs. Marvin Graves, Timothy Graves, Mrs. Timothy Gunn, Issac S. H. Hemenway, Mrs. B. C. Hobart, Albert Hobart, Mrs. Albert Hubbard, Alanson Hubbard, Mrs. A. Hubbard, Mrs. Ashley Hubbard, Avery D. Hubbard, Mrs. A. D, Hubfcard, Claudius B. Hubbard, Mrs. C. B. Hubbard, David Hubbard, Mrs. D. 84 REPORTS. Hubbard, Kelita Hubbard, Martin L. Hubbard, Mrs. M. L. Hubbard, Moses 2d Hubbard, Mrs. M. 2d Hubbard, Parker D. Hunt, Melzar Hunt, William Hunt, Mrs. William Hunt, Zebina Hunt, Mrs, Zebina Lyman, Hon. Horace Montague, Jobn Montague, Mrs. John Montague, Warren Montague, Mrs.. W. Kewton, Lyman A. Parmenter, Miss Alatbea Pomeroy, William D. Prouty, James B. Pkicbards, Perrin N. Pvichards, Mrs. P. N. Robinson, E. E. Eobinson, Mrs. E. E. Eobinson, John H. Rowe, Appleton E. Rowe, Mrs. A. E. Russell, Emmons Russell, Mrs. Emmons Russell, J. Wiley Russell, Mrs. J. W. Russell, William W. Russell, Mrs. Wm. W. Sanderson, Eli Smith, Austin Smith, Mrs. Austin Smith, Elihu Smith, Mrs. Elihu Williams, Oliver— 106 SPRINGFIELD. Smith, John M. Smith, Mrs. John M. Smith John R. Smith, Nathaniel Smith, Mrs. Nathaniel Smith, Austin N. Smith, Mrs. A. N. Taft, Horace W. Trow, Dr. N. G. Trow, Mrs. N. G. Warner, Levi P. Warner, Mrs. L. P. Warner, Wallace R. Whittemore, D.D. Wiley, Ebenezer Wiley, Mrs. Ebenezer William, Franklin H. Williams, Henry 0. Williams, Mrs. H. 0. Briggs, J. L. Crouch, J. S. Gunn, Wm. F. Gunn, Mrs. Wm. F. i Wildes, Ansel F. Hubbard, Caleb, T. Young, J. J.— 8 Montague, Isaac W. ' TAUNTON.— Sandford, Rev. John. Sandford, Mrs. John— 2 UXBRIDGE.— Fitch, Dr. Newton. Fitch, Mrs. Newton— 2 WARE. Bowen, Sylvester Brakenridge, Hon. W. S. Devens, Arthur L. Devens, Mrs. A. L. DeWitt, Francis G Ibert, George H. Gilbert, Mrs. G. H. Phelps, Samuel H. WENDELL.— Ballard, Daniel. Whittaker, A. G.— 2 WESTBORO.— White, Samuel N. White, Mrs. S. N.— 2 WILLIAMSBURG.— Bartlett, Newman W. Graves, Levi N.— 2 WILMINGTON, Vt.— Smith, Dr. N. W. Smith, Mrs. N. W.— 2 WORCESTER.— Cummings, Rev. E. A.— Cummings, Mrs. E. A.— 2 WHATELY. — Graves, C. A. Ludden, Parmenus WEbT BROOKFIELD.— Aiken, Eenj. P. Rice, Joel Richards.. F. D. Sage, Orrin Stevens, Charles A. — 12 RErOKTS. So Sninmary of Member^ ITonorHry Members, Amherst,. Athol, Baltimore, Md., Beruardston, Boston Belchertown, Brighton, Cliicago, Clinton, N. Y., Coventry, Vt., Coleraine, Deerfield, Easthampton, Enfield, Erving, Freedom, Pa., Granby, Granby Ct., Grand R,apids, Mich. Greenfield, N. H., Greenwich, Hadley, Hartford, Ct., Hatfield, Holyoke, » Iowa, Keene, N, H., Key West, Fla., Leverett, Lockport, N. Y., Loda, 111., Mount Palatine, Total, 12 Montague, 7 394 New Salem, 7 4 New York City, 11 - 2 North.impton, 27 1 Northfield, 2 4 Oshkosh, Wis., 3 37 Otisco, N. Y., 1 2 Oregon, 1 9 Pelham, 29 2 Palmer, 5 1 Pittsfield, 2 1 Prescott. 2 8 Providence, R. I., 1 6 Rockford, 111., 1 18 Roseraond, 111., 2 1 Salem, 1 3 Saratoga, N. Y., 1 35 Sharon, 111., 1 3 Southampton, 1 2 Sbutesbury, 8 1 South Hadley, 29 3 Sunderland, 106 126 Springfield, 8 2 Taunton, 2 2 Uxbridge, 2 1 Ware. 12 2 Wendell, 2 1 Westboro, 2 1 vWilliamsburg, 2 73 Wilmington, Vt., 2 1 Worcester, 2 1 Whately, 2 1 West Brookfield. 1 1027 KULES. All stock and other articles for exbibition must be entered in the name of the owners. All horses must be driven for Exhibition as the Examining Committees may direct. Milch Cows. Each competitor at the time of entry, will file with the Secretary a certificate' of the Cow's age and breed ; and a general statement of quantity and quality of milk and butter in any given period. The correct pedigree of pure-bred animals must be given when the entry is made, in writing. It is very desirable that specimens of the stock of each Stallion should be exhibited with the sire. Competitors for premiums on crops will be furnished with blank statements by a committee, who will themselves ascertain the quantity of the crop. All statements respecting crops for premium must be sent to the Secretary before November 15th, 1865. In accordance with the custom of similar societies, only fifty per cent, of the above premiums will be paid when awarded to persons not members of the Hampshire Society, but all such are invited to become members. Any male person may become a life-member by paying to the Treasurer the sum of five dollars, and any lady, by the payment ©f one half the amount. All premiums not called for within -six weeks after the same are awarded shall be paid into tli^' treasury and be considered as "orcsented to the Society. In extraordinary cases Gratuities may be awarded by' Commit- tees in addition to the above premiums, but the payment of them will depend upon a vote of the'Executive Committee. Whatever Books may be presented to the Society for the purpose will be awarded as gratuities. N-o animal can receive more than one premium. '^ SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION OF THE :exjSli^£»3:o:x:fl:e3 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, WILL BE HELD AX HAMPSHIRE PA.IIK, AMHERST. MASS., t Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 25 and 26, 1866. ^ri^miums aitir Cnmmitttfs, The Executive Committee of Hampshire Agricultural Society oiFer the following Premiums to competitors for the Seventeenth Annual Exhibition,- and have appointed the followi-ng membei^a of the Society, Committees on the several departments thereof: — MOWING MACHINES. For the best Mowing Machine, $10,00 Committee. Levi Adams, Hadley ; 0. Watson, Amherst ; Stillmaa Kellogg, Hadley. MECHANIC ARTS. Eor all articles in this department will be awarded by the Examining Committee, 30,00 Committee. Samuel D. Cowles, Belchertown ; Horace Gray, Felliam ; E. Stevens Church, Amherst. DOMESTIC AND OTHER MANUFACTURES. For all articles in this department will be awarded by the Examining Committee, $35,00 Committee. George Burnham, Amherst; Aldpn C. Field, Leverett ; Mrs. W. Con- key, Amherst; Mrs. Emmons Eussell, Sunderland; Mrs. Enos D. Smith, Hadley. FANCY ARTICLES. For all articles in this department will be awarded by the Examining Committee, $50,00 Committee. George W. Allen, Amherst ; Wni. Barrows, Amherst ; Mrs. John Jones, Pelham ; Mrs. George 0. Haiinum, Belchertown; Mrs. S. C. Wilder, Hadley. 90 PREMIUMS. aiiecEi^L^ivEotJs. BREAD. For the best sample of Wheat Bread, $2,00 For the next best, 1,00 For the next best, 50 For the best sample of Rye Bread, 2,00 For the next best, 1,00 For the next best, 50 For the best sample of Rye and Indian Bread, ^00 For the next best, ' 1,00 For the next best, 50 For the best sample of Graham Bread, 2,00 For the next best, ' » 1,00 For the next best, 50 Committee. Dr. N. G. Trow, Sunderland ; Mrs. J. P. Gray, Amherst ; Mrs. Geerge Burnham, Amherst; Mrs. Calvin D. Eaton, Pelham ; Mrs. HaTiison 0. Field, Leverett. BUTTER. For the best ten pounds, $4,00 For the nest best, 3,00 For the next best, 2,00 For the next best, 1,00 CHEESE. For the best forty pounds, . $4,00 For the next best, 3,00 For the next best, 2,00 For the next best, 1,00 Committee. C. N. Webster, Amherst ; Mrs. Stillman Kellogg, Hadley ; Mrs. E. P, Spear, Amherst; Mrs. Wm. Newton, Hadley ; Mrs. John B. Ward. » Pelham. HONEY. For the best experiment in keeping Bees with the sample of Honey and written statement, $2,00 For the 'next best, 1,00 WINES, JELLIES, CANNED FRUITS, AND PICKLES. For all articles in this department will be awarded by the Examining Committee, $8,00 Committee. Dr. David Pvice, Leverett ; Mrs. F! N. Granger, Hadley; Mrs- James Crosier, Amherst; Mrs. Rufus Thayer, Belchertown ; Mrs. Ephriam E. Eobiuson, Sunderland. PEEinUMS. 91 COLLECTIONS OF FRUITS. For the best collection of Fruits, regard being bad to quantity, quality and variety, $5,00 For the next best, 3,00 For the next best, 2,00 For the uext best, • 1,00 APPLES. •For the best collection ^ raised by the exhibitor, $5,00 For the next best, 3,00 For the next best, ' ~ 2,00 For the next best, . 1,00 For the next best, 50 PEAES. For the best collection, raised by the exhibitor, $3,00 For the next best, ' 2,00 For the next best, 1,00 Committee. Hon. Levi Stockbridge, Hadley ; Cuminings. Fish, Amberst ; Vm. H. Smith, Leverett ; Spencer Hobart, Granby ; Levi B. Hall, Belcbertown. CPANBEPPIES. For the best sample, 4 quarts, fliOO For the next best, 60' QUINCES. For the best collection, raised by the exhibitor, $2,00 For the next best, 1,00 For the next best, 50 GRAPES. For the best collection, raised by the exhibitor, $3,00 For the next best, ' 2,00 For the next best, 1,00 Committee. Dr. Frapklin Bonney.'Hadley ; Charles Deuel, Araher.^t; Mrs, Lorea Beals, Sunderland ; Mrs. Lyman W. lianaum, Bolchertown ; Mrs. Wm. H. Smith, Leverett, 92 PREMIUMS. FLOWERS. For the best collection, regard being bad to number of species, size and beauty of specimens and arrangement, $5,00 For the next best, 4,00 For the next best, 3,00 For the next best, 2,00 For the next best, * 1,00 For the best collection of Wild Flowers, 1,00 For the best twelve DAHLIAS, regard being had to variety, 1,00 Committee. Prof. Ricliard H, Mather, Amherst; H. A. Marsh, Amherst; Miss Cliiirlotte Phelps, Hadley ; Mrs. Prof. Edward Hitchcock, Amherst; Mrs. Dr. N. G. Trow, Sunderland. DRIED FRUIT. For the best sample, For the next best, For the next best. Committee. $2,00 1,00 50 Pvev. J. Clishe. Amherst ; Mrs. Thomas Buffiim, Pelham ; Mrs. Moses Hubhard, Sunderland. GARDEN VEGETABLES. For the best collection, of not less than ten vai'ieties, regard being had to quantity, quality and variety, $3,00 For the next best, 2,00 For the next best, • 1,00 Committee. Rev. John Jones, Pelham ; Munroe ThaJ-er, Belchertown ; Elihu Smith, Sunderland. SEEDS, GRAINS AND ROOTS. For the best bushel of Barley, For the best bushel of Buckwheat, Carrots, Corn, " " " English Turnij)s, Mangel Wurtzels, Millet, Oats, " " " Onions, " " *' Parsnips, $1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 PREMIUMS i)! For the best bushel of Flax Seed, ^ $1,00 '* " Potatoes, 1,00 Eye, 1,00 " " Swedish Turnips, 1,00 Winter Wheat, 1,00 V Spring Wheat, ' 1,00 " ten pounds of Clover Seed, 1,00 " " " Carrot Seed, . ' 1,00 " *' " Timothy Seed, 1,00 " 100 " Winter Squashes, 1,00 " collection, not less than -twelve varieties of Garden Seeds, 1,00 For the best collection, not less than twelve varieties of Flower Seeds, 1,00 For the best sample of ears of Seed Corn, 1,00 10 lbs. Broom Brush, 1,00 2 lbs. Hops, 1,00 For the best collection of Fruits, Vegetable Flowers, Grains and Seeds, from any town or Farmers Club, 1st premium, 5,00 2d " MO 3d " 3,00 Committee. S. C. Wilder, Hadley ; Edmnnd Hobari, Amherst; Asahel, Gates, Pelham ; Eliot Montague, South Hadley ; Lyman Hannum, Belcher- town. TOWN TEAMS. For the longest string of Cattle of not less than thirty pairs, $25,00 For the next longest string, of not less than fifteen pairs, 10,00 For the best string of Cattle, of not less than 10 pairs, 10,00 Committee. John A. Morton, Hadley ; Flavel Gay lord, Amherst ; Tyler D. Aldricb, Pelham. WORKING OXEN. For the best pair, five years old or more, For the next best, For the next best. For the next best, ^5,00 4,00 2,00 1,00 94 PREMIUMS. r. For the best pair, four years old, 5,00 For the next best, 4,00 For the next best, 2,00 For the next best, 1,00 Committee, Hon. Horace Henderson, Amherst; Asa L, Field, Leverett ; Willard M. Keilogg, Amherst ; Phineas Bridgman, Belchertown ; Josiah S. Smith, Hadlej. TRAINED OXEN AND STEERS. For the best pair of trained Cattle, $3,00 For the next best, 2,00 For the best pair of trained Steers not more than 2 years old, to be driven and managed by a boy not more than 14 years 1st premium, $2,00 2d " 1,00 Committee. Bela U. Dickinson, Amherst ; James Fales, Pelham ; Geo. 0. Haunum Belchertown. STEERS. For the best pair, three years old, $4,00 For the next best, 3,00 For the next best, ■ ■ - 2,00 For the next best, 1,00 For the best pair, two years old, 3,00 For the next best, 2,00 For the next best, 1,00 For the next best, 50 For the best pair, one year old,, 3,00 For the next best, 2,00 For the next best, 1,00 For the next best, 50 Committee. Lorenzo S. Nash, Granby ; Lemuel H. Newell, Pelham ; Howard Bangs, Leverett ; James A. Baker, Amherst ; Asa Wilson, Belchertown. MILCH COWS. For the best pure bred of any breed, $5,00 For the next best, 3,00 For the best grade or native, 4,00 For the next best, 3,00 For the next best, v 2,00 Committee. Hon. Henry French, Chester Smith, Philip D. Spaulding, Amherst; Sylvester Brown, Sunderland , Enos D. Smith, Hadley. PREMIUMS. 95 HEIFERS OF LESS THAN THREE YEARS. For the best pure bred of any breed, $4,00 For the next best, 2,00 For the next best grade or native, 3,00 For the next best, 2,00 For the next best, 1,00 Committee. Luke Sweetser, Amherst ; John Clarke, North Hadley ; Shirley Libby, Belchertown. BULLS. For the best Thoroughbred, - |10,00 For the next best, of any Breed, 8,00 For the next best, . 5,00 For the next best, 3,00 Committee. John M. Smith, Sunderland ; Benj. Adams Hadley; Oren Williams, Amherst. CATTLE FOR THE STALL. For the best pair, f 8,00 For the next best, 5,00 For the next best, ' 3,00 For the next best, 1,00 FAT^CATTLE. v For the best pair, _ • $8,00 For the next best, 6,00 Committee. Gen. Parsbns "West, Hadley ; Ansel C. Marshall, Amherst ; Lorenzo W. Lyman, South Hadley ; Thaddeus Smith, Hadley; Thomas Buffum, Pelham. CALVES. For the best herd, not less than five, ^5,00 For the next best, ^ S,00 For the best pair of Steers, 2,00 For the next best, 1,00 For the best Bull Calf, . 3,00 For the next best, 1,00 For the best Heifer Calf, 2,00 For the next best, 1,00 Committee. Simon F. Comins, Hadley ; John C. White, Amherst ; John 0, Aschraft, Hadley. S|6 PEEMIUMS, SWINE. For the best Boar, ' $4,00 For the next best, . 3,00 For the next best, 1,00 For the best Sow with Pigs, 4,00 For the next best, • 3,00 For the next best, 1,00 For the best weaned pigs not less than 4 months old, 3,00 For the next best, 2,00 Committee. E. P. Cutler, Olney Gaylord, Amherst ; E. P. Dickinson, Sunderland. POULTRY. For the best Cock and six Hens, $2,00 For the next best, IjOO For the next best, 50 For the best pair of Turkeys, 2,00 For the next best, . 1,00 For the next best, 50 For the largest number of Domestic Fowls, 3,00 Committee. Willard Kellogg, Amherst ; Willie Crocker, Sunderland; Geo. Jones, Pelham ; Willie Kingman, Amherst ; Charles Adams, Iladley ; Morton Thayer, Belchertown ; Charles M. Field, Leverelt. SHEEP. For-the best Buck, .• $4,00 For the next best, 3,00 For the next best, 2,00 For the best lot Ewes, not less than six, 5,00 For the next best, 3,00 For the best lot Lambs, not less than 6, 3,00 For the next best, 2,00 For the next best, 1,00 Committee. N. Austin Smith, Sunderland; Sylvester Jewett, Pelham; Cephas Porter, Leverett. MISCELLANEOUS STOCK. Premiums will be awarded on Miscellaneous Stock to the amount of $12,00 Clqr^.w,itlee. Col. Samuel F. Dudley, Shutesbury ; E. D. Hubbard, Amherst; Horaca Russell, Hadley, BEPORTS. STALLIONS. For the best Stallion, • $10,00 For the next best, 8,00 For the next best, 6,00 CMrunittee. Wm. W. Russell; Sunderland ; Joseph F. Gray, Amherst , John W. Nash, Hadley. BREEDING MARES WITH SUCKING COLTS. • For the best Breeding Mare, $5,00 For the next best, ^ 4,00 For the next best, • 8,00 For the next best, ^ 2,00 For the next best, 1,00 Pommittee. Harrison Field, Leverett ; Edward Boltwood, Amherst ; Geo. B. Smith, Hadley; Ebenezer Wiley, Sunderland ; Wm. Thayer, Belchertown. COLTS AND FILLIES. For the best three year old Stallion, $5,00 For the best three year old Gelding or Filly, 4,00 For the next best Colt or Filly, 3,00 For the next best, . 2,00 For the best two year Colt or Filly, 3,00. For the next best, 2,00 For the next best, 1,00 For the best yearling Colt or Filly, 3,00 For the next best, 2,00 For the next best, 1,00 Committee. Guy C. Munsell, S. R. Crosby, Amherst ; Bradford M, Field, Leverett. FARM HORSES. For the best pair of Farm Horses, $8,00 For the next best, 5,00 For the next best, 3,00 For the best pair of Mule.«i, 5,00 98 PREMIUMS. SINGLE FAEM HORSES. For the best Single Farm Horse, $5,00 For the next best, 4,00 For the next best, 3,00 Committee. Hiukley Thayer, Haijley ; HarrisoQ laaram, Cliarles R. Dickiason, Amherst; L. V. B. Cook, Belchertown ; Joseph G. Ward, Pelham. CAREIAGE HORSES. For the best pair of Carriarge Horses, 8,00 For the next best, 5,00 For the next best, .■ 3,00 For the best Single Carriage Horse, 6,00 For the next best, 5,00 For the next best, 4,00 For the next best, 3,00 For the next best, 2,00 For the next best, 1,00 Committee. Prof. W. S. Clarke, Hon. Edward Dickinson, Amherst ; Daniel Field, Leverett; L. N. Granger, Hadley ; Alden Green, Sunderland. ROADSTERS. For the best Roadster to wagon, . . $10,00 For the next best, 6,00 For the next best, 5,00 Committee. C. F. Woods, Enfield; Alvin J. Johnson, Sunderland ; Edward P. Hibbard, Hadley; Avery R. Cushman, Amherst ; Calvin D. Eaton, Pelham. EQUESTRIANISM. For the best display of skill in riding and managing a Horse by a Lady, $5,00 For the next best, ,' 3,00 For the next best, 1,00 CoiAmUtee. J. R. Cushman, Joel Packard, Wm. Conkey. PREMIUMS. 99 TRIAL hF SPEED. One Huncli-ed Dollars will be given in Premiums in this Depart- ment. j^^ REPORTS. Fertile best Report oftlie Chairman of any Examining Committee, upon the Exhibition assigned him, said Report to be published in the Transactions of the Society, . $10,00 For the next best, ' 5,0() COMMITTEE ON REPORTS AND CROPS. Vomiititiee, Austin Eastuan, E. F. Cook. 0. Watson, Rev. John Jones, Charles H. Field, Leyi P. W^irner, L. V. B. Cook, Royal M. Montague, M. N; bpear. EXPERIMENTS. For the most thorough and reliable experiment on the appiication of manures, entries to which were made previous to June 15th, 1866 and premium to be paid in November, 1869. 1st premium, $25,00 2d premium, 15,00 In addition to the above offers, the Massachusetts Society for the Promotion of Agriculture will pay three premiums of $100,00 each for the same experiments. Persons desirous of competing for these premiums must enter their names upon the Secretary's book previous to June 30, 1866, and obtain from him printed directions respecting the manner of per= forming the experiments. 100 PREMIUMS. PASTURE LANDS. For the best experiments in reclaiming or improving worn out lands so as to increase their value for pasturage, commencing in 1866, and continuing three years, entries to be made before June 15, '66, $10,00 For the next best, 6,00 UNDER-DRAINING LANDS. For the best conducting experiment in thorough drain- age, by means of covered drains of tile or stone, upon not less than one acre, with not less than forty rods of drain to the acre, $20,00 Entries for the above experiment must be made with the Secretary on or before August 1,1866, and the premium will be paid in November, 1867. The competitors must give a written statement of the character of the soil and subsoil, the method and expense of drainage, and the effect upon the crop of 1867. CROPS. For the best conducted experiments in raising Indian Corn, Broom Corn, Wheat, Rye, Oats, Barley, Onions, Potatoes, Carrots, Mangle Wurtzel, and Winter Squashes. Entries to be made with the Secretary, on or before July 1, 1866. 1st premium, Solon Robinson's Agriculture 2d premium, $3,00 CRANBERRIES. For the best conducted experiment in raising cran- berries on not less than ten rods of laud, with written statement. 1st premium, $5,00 2d premium, 3,00 f'REMUJMiJ 101 A ltl$ol^Io^Jl:^Tt7 KJij. FOREST TEEES. ^ Tor the best plantation of not less than five hundred oak or other forest trees, suitable for ship timber, planted by the competitor. 1st premium, $10,00 2d premium, Harris on Insects. ORCHARDS. For the best orchard of not less than thirty apple or pear trees in one lot, regard being had to their form, vigor and variety. 1st premium, $3,00 2d premium, 2,00 PEAR TREES. For the best thirty pear trees set out during the year 1866, and in good condition, Sept. 15, 1867. 1st premium, $3,00 2d premium, 2,03 APPLE TREES. * •» For the best thirty apple trees set out in 1866, aud in good condition Sept. 1st, 18G7. 1st premium, $3,00 2d premium, 2,00 PEACH TREES. For the best thirty peach trees set out duriiig tlie spring of 1800, and in good condition, Sept. 1, 1867. 1st premium, • $5 00 2d premium, 3.00 # 1U2 PRExMIUlIS. GRAPE CULTURE. For the best experiment in growing grapes, on not less than i of an aero of ground, entries to be made on or before July 15, 18GG. Premiums awarded in 18(37. Statements to be made in writing of the soil, manner of planting, and crop of 18G7. 1st premium^ $10,00 2d premium. 5,00 ^ ... v/* •»-i^A r-^^H^ 2 ■yN^wt y^'ili^y •••/^t-^- -.-V mt- 9-'^^ St-'^^j :. ■Si^.^^S^'4-l?t*^*f-^'