v^ ■/ '9^0 -'^ 3 TRANSACTIONS OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE OF ST. LOUIS Vol. XXIV TITLE PAGE AND INDEX MARCH, 1920, TO DECEMBER, 1923 PUBLISHED UNDER DIRECTION OF THE COUNCIL ST. LOUIS VON HOFFMANN PBESS COKRECTIONS. Vol. XXIV, No. 1.— Bottom of p. 16: Vol. XXIII, No. 9, should read — Nipher, Francis E., Studies of Properties of In- tegral Numbers, 9 pp. ; New Evidence of a Relation Between Gravitation and Electrical Action, and of Local Changes in the Electrical Potential of the Earth, 5 pp. Ill Academy of Science of St. Louis LIST OF OFFICERS, 1923 President G. T. Moore First Vice-President ^-F. E. Nipher Second Vice-President.. Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary. Treasurer Librarian Curators DmECTORS Xeo Loeb A. G. Pohlman J". I. Shannori -H. E. Wiedemann -R. J. Terry H. C. Irish Hermann von Schrenk W. E. Shahan , H. M. Whelpley IT COXTKNTS. r.KC.K Taui.e op Contents iv List of (Officers _ _.. iii Tai-ucs PiMi.isiiKi). Mart-li, lyiiO, lo December, \9'2'.i: V 1. Tal)le of Contents and Price List, Volumes pp. I-XXIII — Issued Au-ust. VJ2\ _ - - 16 2. C. II. TriiNF.R. — Efolofrieal Studies of the Eiilo- moKtraca of tlie St. Louis District. Part I. IHaptomus pseitdo-sanguimus sp. nov. and a Preliminary List of the Copepoda and Cla- docera of the St. Louis District, I'lates I-IV. — Issued Novend)er, IM'Jl _ _ 25 3. C. 11. Da.nfortii. — liiifo FoH'Uri Putnam in Mis- souri.— Issued December. 1921. ..._ „ 8 4. Li;(i L()i;m. — Cancer. Its Course and Its Causes. — Issued April, 1922„ „..._ _ 10 f). AicrsTUS G. PoiiL.MAN. — Do We Hear Sound!— Issued April, 1922 _ _ 7 tj. V. \V. Fkkickms. — Development of the Chemiial Industry in the Last Ilumlred Yeare. — Issued April. 1922 16 7. Piiii. Rait. — Ecolof^ical and Behavior Noies on Missouri Insects. — Plates \ -\'l 1 1. — Lssued .1 une, 1922 _ 71 8. Otto Widmann. — Extracts from the Diary of Otto Widmann : Xestirifr Habits of the Purple .Mar- tin; How Voun^: Binls Are Fetl ; Wlure the Martins Roost; The Crows' Winter lioost at St. Louis; Our Birds in Winter; Charfura Pfla(jici-ae]iipom No. I 19G 2.00 Wislizenus, a., Atmospheric electricity. 4 Tratis. Acad. Sci. of St. Louis pp. Price WisLizENUS, A., Meteorological observations made in 1861 in St, Louis. Engelmann, George, Difference of temperature and of relative humidity in city and country. Engelmann, George, Fall of rain (including melted snow) in St. Louis from 1839 to 1861. Engelmann, George, Stage of the Mississippi River at St. Louis in 1861. /!>'wALL0W, G. C, Descriptions of some new fos- sils from the Carboniferous and Devonian rocks of Missouri. Shumard, B. F., Notice of some new and im- perfectly known fossils from the Primordial zone of Wisconsin and Missouri. Shumard, B. F., Descriptions of new Palae- ozoic fossils. Engelmann, Henry, Topaz in Utah. Wislizenus, a., Additional remarks on atmos- pheric electricity. Parry, C. C, Ascent of Pike's Peak, July 1, 1862. Engelmann, G., Altitude of Pike's Peak and other points in Colorado Territory. No. II 75 $2.00 Engelmann, George, Additions to the cactus flora of the territory of the United States. Engelmann, G., On Pinus aristata, a new species of pine discovered by Dr. C. C. Parry in the alpine regions of Colorado territory, and on some other pines of the Rocky Mountains. Engelmann, George, New species of Gentiana, from the alpine regions of the Rocky Moun- tains. No. Ill 331 $2.00 Parry, C. C, Notice of some additional observa- tions on the physiography of the Rocky Moun- tains, made during the summer of 1864. Wislizenus, A., Atmospheric electricity. Engelmann, G., Meteorological table for 1863, 1864, St. Louis, Mo. Wislizenus, A., Thoughts on matter and force. Broadhead, G. C, Coal measures in Missouri. Shumard, B. F., A catalogue of the Palaeozoic fossils of North America. Swallow, G. C, Some new varieties of Spirifer. Prout, Hiram A., Descriptions of new species of Bryozoa. Wislizenus, A., Atmospheric electricity. Bandelier, Ad. F., Observations of ozone, made in Highland, Madison County, 111. Contents and Price List Vols. l-XXIIl 5 pp. Price Swallow, G. C, Notice of remains of the horse in the altered drift of Kansas. Engelmann, George, The variations in the stage of the Mississippi River at St. Louis. EngeLxMann, George, A revision of the North American species of the genus Juucus, with a description of new or imperfectly known species. Parry, C. C, Account of the passage througii the Great Canon of the Colorado of the west, etc., 1867. Harrison, Edwin, Age of the porphyry hills of southeast Missouri. SwalivOW, G. C, Mr. Meek's notes on my pre- liminary report of the geology of Kansas, as edited by Dr. Hayden. WiSLizENUK, A., Yearly report of atmospheric electricity, temperature, and humidity, from ob- servations made at St. Louis, Mo. Parry, C. C, On the character of the persistent snow-accumulations in the Rocky ]\rountains, Lat. 40''-41'' north, and certain featuivs per- taining to the alpine flora. VOLUME III 602 $7.00 No. I 192 2.00 Engelmann, George, Notes on the genus Yucca. RiLEY, Charles V., On a new genus in the Lepidopterous family Tineidae, with remarks on the fertilization of Yucca, Walsh, Benj. D., Descriptions of North Ameri- can Hymenoptera. WisLiZENUs, A., Atmospheric electricity. Hayes, Richard, Catalogue of earthquakes for 1871. Riley, Chas. V., Supplementary notes on Pro- nuba yuccasella. Gage, Jas. R., On the occurrence of iron ores in Missouri. No. II 64 $2.00 Riley, Chas. V., Hackberry butterflies; descrip- tion of the early stages of Apatura Lycaon, Fabr. and Apatura Herse, Fabr. ; with remarks on their synonymy. Riley, Chas. V., On the oviposition of the yucca moth. Engelmann, George, Notes on the genus Yucca. Riley, Chas. V., Description of two new sub- terranean mites. Broadiiead, G. C, On the well at the insane a.sylum, St. Louis County. Trans. Acad. Sci. of St. Louis pp. Price liROADUEAD, G. C, Occurreiice of bitumon in Missouri. Gage, Jas. R., Results of investigations of In- dian mounds. Riley, Ciias. V., Descriptions and natural his- tory of two insects which brave the dangei-s of Sarraceuia Variolaris. Riley, Chas. V., Descriptions of two new moths. Hayes, Richard, Catalogue of earthquakes for the years 1872-73. Schmidt, Adolf, On the forms and origin of the lead and zinc deposits of southwest Missouri. Marcou^ Jules, On the Tcrebratula Mormonii. Sawyer, Amos, On climatic change in Illinois — its cause. No. Ill 140 $2.00 Schmidt, Adolf, Iron manufacture in Missouri ; a general i-eview of the metallurgical districts and their resources. Riley, Chas. V., Remarks on canker-worms and description of a new genus of Phalaenidae. Riley, Chas. V., Notes on the natural history of the grape Phylloxera. NiPiiER, Francis E., On a new form of lecture galvanometer. Engelmann, George, Notes on Agave. Riley, Chas. V., Notes on the yucca borer, Megathymus yuecae (Walk.). Broadhead, G. C, The Rocky Mountain locust and the season of 1875. Broadhead, G. C, The meteor of December 27, 1875. CoNANT, A. J., Archaeology of Missouri. Broadhead, G. C, Age of our Porphyries. Engelmann, G., Addition to article on Agave. Engelmann, G., Addition to article on Yucca. Engelmann, George, About the oaks of the United States. No. IV 202 $2.00 Seyffarth, G., Corrections of the present theory of the moon's motions, according to the classic eclipses. Croswtell, C, Mound explorations in southeast- ern Missouri. Engelmann, George, The oaks of the United States, cont'd. Riley, Chas. V., On the larval characters and habits of the blister-beetles belonging to the genera Macrobasis Lee. and Epicauta Fabr. ; with remarks on other species of the family Mcloidae. Contents and Price List Vols. I-XXIII 7 pp. Price Riley, Ciias. V,, On a remarkable new genus in Meloidae infesting mason-bee cells in the United States. ItiLEY, Ciias. V., Additional notes on Mega- tliymus yuccae. Riley, Chas. V., On the differences between Anisopteryx pometaria, Harr. and Anisopteryx aescularia, etc. Riley, Ciias. V., A new oak-gall on acorn cups. Engelmann, George, The flowering of Agave Siiawii. Engelmann, George, The American junipers of the section Sabina. Engelmann, George, Synopsis of the American firs. VOLUME IV 680 $7.00 No. I 192 $2.00 HoLME.s, Nathaniel, The geological and geo- graphical distribution of the human race. Coruna Y Colludo, Antonio de. The Zoque language. Scott, Chas. M,, On the improvement of the western rivers, Seyfparth, G., Egyptian theology, according to a Paris mummy-coffin. Nipher, Francis E., Report on magnetic obser- vations in Missouri, Summer of 1878. Wadswortii, J. L. R., The tornado of April 14, 1879. Nipher, Francis E.. Report on magnetic deter- minations in Missouri, Summer of 1879. Hambacii, G., Contribution to the anatomy of the genus Pentremites, with description of new species. Engelmann, George, Revision of the genus Pinus and description of Pinus Elliottii. Engelmann, George, The acorns and their germination. No. II 203 $2.00 Seyffarth, G., The hieroglyphic tablet of Pompeium grammatically translated and com- mented on. Riley, Chas. V., Notes of North American Microgasters, etc. Riley, Chas. V., Descriptions of some new Tor- tricidae. Nipher, Francis E., On certain problems in refraction. Nipher, Francis E., Magnetic determinations in Missouri during the summer of 1880. 8 Tra)if!. Acad. Sci. of St. Louis pp. Price Todd, Charles A.. "Rovorsion of type" in di{i:astrie imisele of the human being. Pkitchett, II. S., EpiuMueris of the sat<.'llite.s of Mars for the opposition of 1881. EngkliMann, Gelations of the D(n-n- nian and Carboniferous in upper Miss. Val- ley 15 .25 16. Baker, Frank Collin.s, Critical notes on the Murieidae 23 .25 17. Combs, Robert, Plants collected in district of Cienfuegos, Cuba 101 .75 18. Trelease, William, An unusual phyto- bezoar 7 .25 12 Trans. Acad. Sci. of St. Louis pp. Price 19. HuRTER, Julius, Contribution to herpetology of Mo 7 .25 VOLUME VIII 224 $3.50 No. 1, NiPiiER, Francis E., Method of measuring pressure on structure due to wind 24 .25 2. Von Sciirenk, Hermann, Trees of St. Louis a.s influenced by tornado of 1896 19 .50 3. Robertson, Charles, New or little known North American bees 13 .25 4. Hitchcock, A. S., Ecological plant geogra- phy of Kas 17 .25 5. liAKER, Frank Collins, The moUuscan fauna of western New York 25 .25 6. Woodward, Calvin M., Efficiency of gearing under friction 13 ,25 7. Kinsley, Carl, Dynamo-electric machines. . 31 .50 8. Engler, Edmund A., The normal to the conic section 25 .25 9. Kirchner, Walter C. G., Contribution to fossil flora of Florissant, Colo 29 .50 10. Von Schrenk, Hermann, On mode of dis- semination of Usnea barbata 11 .25 11. Pammel, L. H., Histology of caryopsis and endosperm of some grasses 23 .50 VOLUME IX 319 $3.50 No. 1. Hitchcock, A. S., Studies of subterranean organs. I. Compositae of vicinity of Manhat- tan, Kas 9 .25 2. Weller, Stuart, Kinderhook faunal studies. I. Fauna of vermicular sandstone at North- view, Mo 45 .50 3. Woodward, Calvin M., Relations of internal pressure, etc 9 .25 4. NiPHER, Francis E., On gravitation in gas- eous nebulae 9 .25 5. Ball, Carleton R., Notes on western willows 23 .50 6. Pammel, L. H., Anatomical characters of seeds of Leguminosae, etc 175 1.25 7. NiFHER, Francis E., Temperatures in gas- eous nebulae 11 -25 8. Thom, Charles, The process of fertilzation in Aspidium and Adiantum 31 .50 VOLUME X 235 $3.50 No. 1. See, T. J. J., On temperature of sun and rela- tive ages of stars and nebulae 47 .40 2. Robertson, Charles, Some Illinois bees.... 11 .25 3. Weller, Stuart, Kinderhook faunal .studies. II. Fauna of Chonopectus sandstone at Bur- lington, la 75 .50 Contents and Price List Vols. I-XXIII 13 pp. Price 4. Hitchcock, A. S., Studies of subterranean organs. II. Dicotyledonous herbaceous plants of Manhattan, Kas 13 .25 5. Von Sciiuenk, Hermann, A severe sleet storm 9 .25 6. NiPiiER, Francis E., Certain properties of Ijwht-struck photographic plates 17 .50 7. Klem, Mary, The development of Agarico- crinus 19 .50 8. Alt, Adolf, Glandular structures appertain- to human eye 25 .50 9. Nii'iiER, Francis E., Positive photography, with special reference to eclipse work 7 .10 10. Nipher, Francis E., Frictional effect of rail- way trains upon the air 15 .25 VOLUME XI 225 $3.50 No. 1. Baker, Frank Collins, Revision of Lim- naeas of northern Illinois 25 .45 2. Rolfs, P. H., Florida lichens 17 .15 3. PoATS, T. G., Lsogonic transformation 11 .15 4. NiPHER, Francis E., Relation of direct to re- versed photographic pictui'cs 21 .75 5. Nipher, Francis E., Specific heat of gaseous nebulae in gravitational contraction 8 .25 6. Lefevre, George, Advance of zooology in 19th century ' 35 .25 7. Nippier, Francis E., Physics during the last century 21 .25 8. Trelease, William, Progress in botany dur- ing 19th century 19 .25 9. Baker, Frank Collins, Interesting mollus- can monstrofiities 5 .25 10. Weller, Stuart, Kinderhook fauiuil studies. III. P'aunas of beds 3-7 at Burlington, la.. 69 1.00 11. Harris, J. Arthur, Normal and teratological thorns of Glcditschia triacanthos 9 .25 VOLUME XII 111 $3.50 No. 1. CiiEssiN, Alexander S., True potential of force of gravity 11 .25 2. Mackenzie, K. K., and B. F. Bush, Lespe- dezas of JMissouri 11 .50 3. Chessin, Alexander S., Motion of gyro- scopes 15 .45 4. Norton, J. B. S., Notes on plants of S. W. I United States 9 .50 5. Baker, C. F., Revision of Elephantopeae. I. 15 .35 6. Bush, B. F., N. American species of Chaero- phyllum and of Triodia 23 .50 7. ]\lACKENzn;, K. K., a.nd 1>. F. lUsu, New plants from Mi&souri 13 .50 14 Trans. Acad. Sci. of St. Louis pp. Price 8. Norton, J. B. S., Sclerolinia fructigena, ... 9 .45 9. Chesrin, Alexander S., Relation between Bessel functions 11 .25 VOLUME XIII 214 $3.50 No. 1. II.vMBACii, G., Revision of Blastoideae, etc.. . 69 1.50 2. NiPiiER, Francis E., On predetermination of speed of trotting horse 9 .25 3. HuRTER, Julius, Second contribution to herpetology of Missouri 11 .25 4. Sheldon, Walter L., Literature of ethical science since DarAvin 57 .75 5. NiPiiER, Francis E., Law of contraction of gaseous nebulae 23 .25 6. Keiser, Edward, and S. W. Forder, New method for determination of free lime 11 .25 7. Bush, B. F., New genus of grasses 11 .25 8. Harris, J. Arthur, Polygamy and certain \ floral abnormalities in Solanum L 27 .25 The germination of Pachira, etc J VOLUME XIV 197 $3.50 No. 1. Klem, Mary J., Revision of Palaeozoic Palaeechinoidea 99 1.00 2. Baker, Frank Collins, Molluscan fauna of dells of Wis 9 .25 3. Baker, Frank Collins, Notes on Planorbis truncatus Miles 5 .25 4. Nipiier, Francis E., Primitive conditions in , solar nebula 13 .50 5. Casey, Thos. L., Notes on Pleurotomidae, with description of new genera and species. . 49 .75 6. Bush, B. F., The genus Othake Raf 11 .75 7. Bush, B, F., The Texas Tradescautias 15 .25 VOLUME XV 302 $3.25 No. 1. WiTTMACK, L., Our present knowledge of ancient plants 17 .25 2. Casey, Thos. L., Revision of American Paederimi 233 1.50 3. Baker, Frank Collins, Molluscan fauna of McGregor, la 11 .25 4. Weller, Stuart, Paraphorhynchus, new genus of Kinderhook Brachiopoda 7 .50 5. Kirchner, Walter C. G., Bacteriological examination of river water 35 .50 VOLUME XVI 495 $3.50 No. 1. Celebration of fiftieth anniversary .50 2. Baker, Frank Collins, Notes on mollusks, Alpena, Mich 17 .25 Contents and Price List Vols. I-XXIII 15 pp. Price 3. NiPHER, Francis E., Pressure measure- ments in a fluid stream 17 .25 4. Olatfelter, N. M., Preliminary list of higher fungi, etc 63 .50 5. Terry, Robert J., Na.sal skeleton on Ambiys- toma punetatum 31 .25 6. Casey, Tiios. L., Stapliylinid groups Aleo- charinae and Xantiiolinini 211 1.50 7. Weller, Stuart, Kinderhook faunal studies. IV. Fauna of Glen Park limestone 39 .25 8. DuGGAR, B. M., The relation of certain ma- rine algae to various salt solutions 10 .25 VOLUME XVII 292 $3.50 No. 1. WiDMANN, Otto, Preliminary catalogue of birds of Mo 289 3.00 VOLUME XVIII 82 $3.50 No. 1. Woodward, Calvin M., Air-ship propeller problems 11 .25 2. Hurter, Julius, and John K. Strecker, Jr., The amphibians and reptiles of Arkansas. . 19 .25 3. Trelease, William, Mexican agaves known as zapupe 11 .50 4. Branson, E. B., Fauna of residuary auburn chert of Lincoln County, Missouri 15 .50 5. Ewing, II. E., New North American Acarina 27 .50 VOLUME XIX 180 $3.50 No. 1. Nipher, Francis E., Nature of electric dis- charge 21 .50 2. Hav, Philip, Observations on Samia cecropia Linn 29 .25 3. Phillips, Frank J., Hail injury on forest trees .' 9 .50 4. Nipher, Francis E., Nature of electric di;^- charge 17 .50 5. Strecker, John K., Jr., Studies in N. Amer. batrachology 11 .25 6. Alt, Adolph, Histology of eye of Typhlotri- ton spelacns from i\Iarble Cave, Mo 15 .50 7. Palmer, Ernest J., Flora of the Grand Falls chert barren.s 17 .25 8. EwixG, II. E., New Acarina from Iiulia. .. 11 .25 9. Keyes, Ch.vrles R., The Guadalupan ' series, etc 1 ^^^ ^_ Abundance of meteorites on Painted Des- \ " ert 10. Turner, Ciiari>es 11., Ecological notos on Cladocera and Copepoda, etc 27 .25 16 Trans. Acad. Sci of St. Louis pp. Price VOLUME XX 327 $3.50 No. 1. NiPHER, Francis E., Nature of the electric discharge 17 .25 2. Thompson, Charles Henry, Four new plants from Mexico 11 .25 3. Drushel, J. Andrew, Studies in glacial geology, St. Louis and vicinity 11 .25 4. Engler, Edmund A., Figurate numbers.... 23 .25 5. HuRTER, Julius, Sr., Herpetology of Mis- souri " 2ie 2.00 6. Rau, Phil, Sexual selection experiments in cecropia moth Further observations on samia cecropia Linn y 47 .25 VOLUME XXI 97 $3.50 No. 1. EwiNG, H. E., Origin and significance of parasitism in Acarina 70 2.45 2. Lindsay, George A., Annual rainfall and temperature of U. S 8 .30 3. NiPHER, Francis E., Nature of electrical dis- charge 10 .35 VOLUME XXII 141 $3.50 No. 1. Rau, Phil, and Nellie Rau, Biology of Stagmomantis Carolina 59 1.50 2. Nipjier, Francis E., Local magnetic storms. 9 .25 3. Sampson, F. A., Preliminary list of mollusca of Missouri 43 1.10 4. NiPHER, Francis E., Variations in the earth's magnetic field 17 .40 5. Hume, H. Harold, The flowers of Diospyros Kaki L 13 .35 VOLUME XXIII 372 $4.00 No. 1. Rau, Phil, and Nellie Rau, Longevity in Saturniid moths 79 1.00 2. Klem, Mary J., The history of science in St. Louis 51 .40 3. Trelease, William, The agaveae of Guate- mala 25 .25 4. NiPHER, Francis E., Disturbances on earth's magnetic field 25 .25 5. NiPHER, Francis E., Gravitational repulsion 17 .20 6. NiPHER, Francis E., Graphical algebra, etc. 13 .20 7. NiPHER, Francis E., Graphical algebra.... 9 .20 8. Harris, Harry, Birds of the Kansas City region* 160 1.00 9. NiPHER, Francis E., Study of properties of integral numbers 16 .30 -to' •Supply exhausted. Transactions of the Academy of Science of St. Louis Vol. XXIV No. 2. ECOLOGICAL STUDIES OF THE ENTOMOSTRACA OF THE ST. LOUIS DISTRICT. PART I. DIAPTO- MUS PSEUDOSANGUINEUS SP. NOV. AND A PRELIMINARY LIST OF THE COPEP- ODA AND CLADOCERA OF THE ST. LOUIS DISTRICT C. H. TURNER Issued November, 1921 V ■• '■* •» L ECOLOGICAL STUDIES OF THE ENTOMOS- TRACA OF THE ST. LOUIS DISTRICT. PART I. DIAPTOMUS PSEUDOSANGUINEUS SP. NOV. AND A PRELIMINARY LIST OF THE COPEPODA AND CLADOCERA OF THE ST. LOUIS DISTRICT 0. H. Turner DiAPTOMUS PSEUDOSANGUINEUS Sp. NoV. The form is closely related to Diaptomiis sanguineus Forbes and Diaptomus conipedatus Marsh, both of which it resembles in having a very rudimentary endop- odite on the fifth foot of the male. If we ignore color, it is almost impossible to differentiate the females of this species from those of Diaptomus sanguineus Forbes. The males, however, are quite distinct. The fifth foot is quite different, as is also the armature of the male an- tenna. The fifth foot of the male of this species is sim- ilar to that of Diaptomus conipedatus Marsh but the antipenultimate joint of the right male antenna, in ad- dition to a hook, similar to but somewhat longer than that of Diaptomus conipedatus Marsh, also bears a hya- line flange similar to that of Diaptomus sanguineus Forbes. Description of the female, {pi. 1, fig. 1; pi. 2, fig. 1). — The female is about 2.00 mm. long and the widest portion of the thorax is about 0.54 mm. wide. The reflexed an- tennae extend to the distal extremity of the furcal setae. Viewed from the dorsal aspect, the cephalothorax widens gradually from the tip of the head to about the third thoracic somite, from which point it gradually tapers to the tip of the abdomen. Viewed from the lateral as- pect the body slopes continuously upwards and back- 2 Trans. Acad. Sci. of St. Louis wards from the tip of the head to the third thoracic somite. Thence it extends almost horizontally to about the middle of the last thoracic somite, from there sloping abruptly to the abdomen. The cervical suture is distinct. Each latero-caudal margin of the thorax is produced out- ward and armed with two nipple-like tubercles (pi. 1, fig. Ic; pi. 3, fig. 4b). About the middle of the ventral surf- ace of the first abdominal somite, and located nearer the sides than the middle line, there is a pair of long curved spines, somewhat larger than the tubercles (pi. 2, fig. 2f). The outed ramus of the fifth foot is two-jointed (pi. 3, fig. 5). The subrectangular first joint is twice as long as wide; for two-thirds its length the second joint is al- most straight on its outer edge, the inner margin taper- ing gradually from its base to that point ; there the foot abruptly turns inward at an angle of more than 45°, terminating in a blunt point. On its lower third it bears three spines. The inner one, which extends to the angle in the segment, is the longest; the next about half this long; and the outer one somewhat shorter than the in- termediate one. The inner ramus of the fifth foot is straight and about five times as long as wide ; at its tip are two setae which are about half as long as the ramus. The outer margin, on its distal third, is distinctly hairy. The specimens so far found are of a dirty white color. Description of the male. {pi. 1, fig. 2). — The male is about four-fifths the size of the female ; the tubercles on the laterocaudal margin of the thorax are absent or in- conspicuous ; there is no armature on the first abdominal somite. The first basal joint of the right fifth foot is short, about as long as broad (pi. 3, fig. 1) ; the second basal joint is about twice as long as wide and fully twice as long as the preceding joint. The inner ramus (endop- odite) is missing; the outer (expodite) is composed of two joints of about equal length. The first of these joints is about the same length as the second basal segment but Diaptomus Pseudosa/nguineus Sp. Nov. 3 much more slender and bears at its outer distal mar^n a broad tooth-like expanse. The second joint is slightly- curved inwards, its distal extremity somewhat wider than its proximal. Near the tip of its outer margin it bears a straight spine which is about two-thirds as long as the somite. At its tip is a stout curved claw which is about the same length as the segment. The first seg- ment of the left fifth foot is about as long as the second and the whole appendage extends to a little beyond the tip of the first segment of the expodite of the right foot. The two segments of the outer ramus (exopodite) are of about the same length; the second bears at its tip one long and one short claw-like spine. The inner ramus (endopodite) is slender and about as long as the outer ramus; is unsegmented; its distal third pronouncedly hairy; and the inner margin of its intermediate third coarsely crenate. The antipenultimate segment of the right male antenna (pi. 1, fig. 2; pi. 2, fig. 3) bears a stout almost opaque curved process composed of the same material as the body of the antenna. This process is a little shorter than the next segment of the antenna. Intimately connected with this process and extending along the whole margin of the antipenultimate segment, is a hyaline flange similar to that of Diaptomus san- guineus Forbes. Like the female, the male is of a dirty white or gray color. In the prime of life Diaptomus sanguineus Forbes, so far as my experience goes, is red in color, or marked with red or blue. However, it is not claimed that this color difference is of taxonomic value. In other localities the color scheme may be different for it is well known that color in Entomostraca sometimes varies with environment. Nevertheless, the color described is that of individuals in the prime of life, for numerous speci- mens were found in copulo (pi. 3, fig. 3) and many more with spermataphores attached (pi. 1, fig. 3j ; pi. 2, fig. 2g). Habitat. — The specimens were found in a spring-fed 4 Trans. Acad. Sci. of St. Loins marsh where about two inches of water rested upon more than two feet of water-soaked silt. Originally this marsh was a reservoir which had })een constructed on a shelf-like depression between two hills. In addition to receiving the wash from the surrounding hills, this pond was fed by a spring which furnished sufficient water to cause a continuous overflow through the spillway of the dam. The fine materials washed from the surrounding hills have gradually transformed this reservoir into a marsh Imt the water continues to flow out through the spilhvay. It was near this spillway that the specimens were found. A group of cattails, which has been gradual- ly increasing in size since the day when it was sur- rounded by water many inches deep, still flourishes, and patches of duckweed are scattered over the surface of the marsh. At the time the specimens were found the temperature of the water was 25°C., the temperature of the surrounding atmosphere being over 32°C. The PH of the water was 7.6. Associates. — The following Entomostracans w^ere found associated with it: Bosmina longirostris (0. F. Mueller), Ceriodaphnia rigaudi Richards, Cyclops lenckarti Glaus. In May Cyclops alhid}psis occidentalis, Herrick & Turner, '95. pp. 150-151. pi. 3g Collected in June, 1920, from a small permanent pond near Jefferson Barracks, Mo. The bottom was muddy and the pond held no vegetation, the water itself being clear. GENUS PSEUDOSIDA HERRICK 1884 30. PSEUDOSIDA BIDENTATA Herrick 1884. Paeudosida tridentata, Herrick & Turner, '95. pp. 147. 148. pi. 36 fig. 2-6 ; pi. 50, fig. 9. In June, 1910. a few specimens were collected from a swamp near Union Avenue and Natural Bridge Road, St. Louis. Succession of Life in a Teansitional Pond A transitional pond is one which is dry during part of the year, but which, during periods of high water, is con- nected to a permanent pond or lake. It is not the purpose of this section to give an exhaus- tive treatment of the succession of entomostracan life in ponds and lakes but, by discussing the succession of clad- oceran and copepodan life in one transitional pond for Diaptomus Pseudoscmguineus Sp. Nov. 11 two successive years, it is hoped to demonstrate the futil- ity of drawing conclusions as to the nature of and the reasons for the succession of life in inland waters with- out spending years in accumulating accurate data. In one of the parks of St. Louis there is a lagoon-like pond that is several hundred yards long. About three- fourths of its length from one end is a strait-like con- striction, the portion of the pond beyond this constric- tion being at times of high water much shallower than the remainder. During dry weather this portion gradu- ally dries up. This shallow arm is the transitional pond that is to be discussed. During the high waters of early spring large areas of grass are submerged which die after a certain length of time. From that time until the pond dries up there is no vegetation higher than algae in the water. The depth of the water varies from a few inches to two feet, with mud bottom. The pond is ex- posed to the sun during most of the day, the temperature of the water ranging as high as 35°C and the hydro- gen ion content varying from PH 7.2 to PH 8.2. The record presented is for the spring and summer of 1920 and the spring and summer of 1921. Spring and summer 1920. — April 4. Water high; much grass sub- merged; temperature 15 °C.; Simocephalus serrulatus Koch and Cy- clops viridis (Jurine) var. insectus Forbes present in moderate num- bers. May 5. Water high; grass growing in water; temperature 16°C.; Simocephalus serrulatus Koch the dominant form; Cyclops viridis (Jurine) var. insectus Forbes present in large numbers. May 20. Water high; grass abundant; temperature 22°C.; Simocephalus serrulatus Koch the dominant form; Cyclops viridis (Jurine) var. insectus Forbes and Bosmina longirostris (0. F. Mueller) present in large numbers. May 22. Water high; grass dying; temperature 29°C.; Simoce- phalus serrulatus Kock the dominant form, Bosmina longirostris (0. F. Mueller) abundant, Cyclops viridis (Jurine) var. insectus Forbes and Daphnia pulex (de Geer) present in small numbers. June 20. Water becoming shallow; no grass in pond; pond teem- ing with animal life; Daphnia pulcx (de Geer) now the dominant form, Cyclops viridis (Jurine) var. insectus Forbes, Bosmina longirostris (0. F. Mueller) and Ceriodaphnia laticoiudata P. E. Mueller abund- 12 Trans. Acad. Sci. of St. Louis ant, Simocephalus serrulatus Koch and Oxyurella tenuicaudis (Sars) present in small numbers. July 20. Pond drying up rapidly; no vegetation in the water; temperature 35°C.; animal life very scare, a few specimens of Cy- clops viridis (Jurine) var. Inscctiis Forbes and of Diaphanosoma brachyurum (Lievin) found. August 17. Pond nearly dry and entomostracan life has almost disappeared, a few specimens of Cyclops serrulatus Fischer found. Spring and summer 1921. — April 2. Pond moderately high; no vegetation in water; temperature 19°C.; hydrogen ion content PH 7.9; Cyclops albidu^ Jurine the dominant form; Cyclops viridis Jurine var. insectus Forbes abundant. April 16. Pond moderately high; temperature 19°C.; hydrogen ion content PH 7.0 (a heavy rain having fallen the previous night) ; Cy- clops viridis (Jurine) var. insectus Forbes and Cyclops serrulatus Fischer abundant, neither dominant, Cyclops albidus Jurine has al- most entirely disappeared. April 23. Water high owing to heavy rains; temperature 17°C.; hydorgen ion content Ph 7.4; Cyclops viridis (Jurine) var. insectus Forbes dominant, Cyclops serrulatus Fischer abundant. April 30. Conditions about the same as on April 23; Cyclops viridis (Jurine) var. insectus Forbes the dominant form, Cyclops ser- rulatus Fischer abundant, Bosmina longirostris (O. F. Mueller) pres- ent in small numbers. May 11. Water at greatest height; grass growing in water; tem- perature 22°C. ; hydrogen ion content PH 7.4; distribution of life about the same as on April 30, although BosmAna longirostris (O. F. Mueller) Sars may be more abundant. May 20. Physical features about as on May 11; Cyclops viridis (Jurine) var. insectus Forbes dominant, Bosmina longirostris (O. F. Mueller) abundant, Cyclops serrulatus Fischer has disappeared. June 1. Water falling; hydrogen ion content PH 8.2; Cyclops viridis (Jurine) var. insectus Forbes dominant, Bosmina longirostris (O. F. Mueller abundant, Cyclops fimbriatus Fischer, Macrothrix lati- cornis (Jurine) and Scapholeberis mucronata O. F. Mueller present in small numbers. July 5. Water lower, otherwise physical conditions same as on June 1; Cyclops viridis (Jurine) var. insectus Forbes dominant and present in enormous numbers, Moina brachiata (Jurine) abundant; no other cladocerans nor copepodans. July 19. Water quite low, otherwise physical conditions same as on July 5; no perceptable change in life conditions. July 27. Pond quite shallow; hydrogen ion content PH 7.2; literally thick with entomostracan life confined to the two species Cyclops viridis (Jurine) var. insectus Forbes and Moina brachiata (Jurine), the former dominant, all other cladocerans and copepodans absent or so scarce as to escape detection among the myriads of the two species mentioned; the Moinas bearing summer eggs but the Diaptomus Pseudosanguineus Sp. Nov. 13 Cyclops not active sexually; of the countless millions of females practically none bearing eggs. "When one remembers how prolific these creatures usually are this pronounced sexual impotence furnishes food for thought. August 12. Pond almost dry, communicating with the permanent pond by a very shallow neck of water; the hydrogen ion content PH 8.0; water almost void of cladoceran and copepodan life; repeated hauls of the dredge discover a few specimens of each of Cyclopa ser. Tulatus Fischer, Cyclops viridis (Jurine) var. insectus Forbes, Moina brachiata (Jurine), all bearing eggs or young. Two weeks ago this pond was literally teeming with life, today it is almost void of life. The explanation is as f ollow^s : A succession of life appears in the pond. Cy- clops viridis (Jurine) var. insectus Forbes gradually be- comes the dominant form. One by one the species asso- ciated with it die out until only Moina brachiata (Jurine) survives. Cyclops viridus (Jurine) continues to multiply until it is present in numbers unbelievably large, but they are sexually impotent. In a few more days that immense population disappears almost entirely. What is the cause? The deaths during the early and inter- mediate stages of the season may have been due to the elimination of the vegetation, or to the rise in tempera- ture, or to the fluctuations in the hydrogen ion content of the water, but none of these factors accounts for the catastrophic destruction of this Cyclops in the early part of August. True the pond contained living grass at the beginning of the history and no vegetation at the close, tut Cyclops viridis (Jurine) is as much at home in water free from vegetation as it is in the midst of water plants. The pond was quite shallow at the time of the climax but this copepod flourishes in the shallowest ponds as well as in the deeper lakes. The temperature of the water varied from 19°C to 17° and up to 35° but this species of Cyclops thrives throughout that entire range. The hydrogen ion content of the water descends from PH 7.9 to PH 7.0 and then ascends to PH 8.2 but this ento- mostracan has been found breeding throughout tliat entire range. When the pond contained multitudes of 14 Trans. Acad, Sci. of St. Louis these minute crustaceans it must have been highly charged with the products of organic decay but this water did not have a disagreeable odor and this creature has been found flourishing in fetid water. Has not the marvelous prolificacy of this species, co-operating with the rapid evaporation of the water, caused the popula- tion to outgrow its food supply and thus to induce a famine which caused universal sexual impotency fol- lowed by death? The few individuals of Cyclops ser- rulatus Fischer which were found in the pond soon after the catastrophe were dwarfs of their kind. This is in harmony with the above conclusion, for excessive reduc- tion of the food supply means underfed naupli, and underfed naupli develop into undersize adults. As stated above, these seasonal life histories are re- corded for the purpose of showing that a study of the succession of life in ponds and marshes, for only one or two seasons, does not furnish sufficient data to warrant the formation of scientific conclusions concerning the succession of life in inland waters. These two records have certain things in common. When winter gives place to spring there is very little life in the pond. Species after species appears, each to remain for a longer or shorter period of time. Some cladoceran or copepod becomes the dominant form. The living individuals con- tiuously become more and more numerous until the his- tory culminates in a catastrophic elimination of almost the entire population. This is about all the two years have in common. In April, 1920, the first forms to be- come conspicuous are Simocephalus serrulatus (Koch) and Cyclops viridis (Jurine), neither of which is domi- nant; in April, 1921, the first to appear are Cyclops al- bidiis (Jurine) and Cyclops viridis (Jurine), the former of which is dominant. In 1920 Simocephalus serrulatus (Koch) becomes dominant in the early part of May and retains the dominancy until the latter part of June, when Diaptomus Pseudoscmguineits Sp. Nov. 15 it is succeeded by Daphnia pulex (de Greer) ; in 1921 Cy- clops viridis (Jurine) achieves the dominancy about the middle of April and retains it until the elimination, and neither Simocephalus serrulatus (Koch) nor Daphnia pnlex (de Geer) appears in that pond during the season, altho they do exist in other ponds of the district. Simo- cephalus serrulatus (Koch), Daphnia pulex (de Geer), Ceriodaphnia lacticaudata P. E. Mueller, Oxyurella tenuicaudis (Sars) and Diaphanosoma brachyurum (Lievin) are present during a part of 1920 but none of these appear in 1921. Cyclops albidus (Jurine), Cyclops fimbriatus Fischer, Scapholeberis mucronata Birge and Moina brachiata (Jurine) are in evidence during a part of 1921 but were not encountered at all during 1920.* Surely such contradictory data do not warrant reliable generalizations. Commensalism and Symbiosis. — In the small ponds and marshes, Cyclops viridis (Jurine) almost invariably forms a symbiotic union with certain one-celled green algae. This same species often bears certain Vorticellidae (Pyxedium sp.? and Vorticella sp.?) as commensals. On several occasions Daphnia pulex (de Geer) has been noticed bearing a certain species of Brachionidae as a commensal. The union was not permanent. The rotifer attached itself by its toes and was free to leave when it became necessary. Whenever I have attempted to secure photographs, the attached commensal has al- ways escaped. Moina brachiata (Jurine) occasionally bears certain Vorticellidae as commensals (PI. 4, Fif. 3). A certain species of Vorticellidae has been seen as a commensal on Diaptimus pseudosanguineus, sp. n. (PI. 2, Fig. le.) •These forms may not have been entirely absent from the pond but if they were present, they were so rare as to escape detection. 16 Trans. Acad. Sci. of St. Louis Commensal Vorticellidae {Pyxedium sp., etc.) have been discovered on Scapholeberis mucronata Birge. Explanations of Tables. The following tables epitomize the results of field ob- servations. In the tables on seasonal distribution cer- tain months are omitted, those being months in which no field work was done. The tables on seasonal distribution, those on distribu- tion according to temperature, and those on distribution according to habitat epitomize the work of four collect- ing seasons; the table giving the distribution according to the hydrogen ion content of the water is the result of only one year's work. The centigrade scale is used for temperature; the hydrogen ion content is expressed in PH values. The tables record the results of field observations, and contain neither inductions nor deductions. Distribution of St. Louis Copepoda From April 1909 To June 1910 1909 1910 p. P P P P c 1-5 P P P < p q; P o p p > o 1^ p. < P a P P a 1 CvcloTJS albidus 9 C^vflons hipiisnidatus 3 dvrlnns fiisna. A flvplnns nTinlpTnt.iis S C!vr1nns sprriila.t.us . P P P fi C!vplons viridis inseota 7 DiaDtomus nallidus 8 r)iflr)t,nmiis saneruinfius. 9 r)iar)t,omiiR sifilis. P ^^^ Diaptomus P send o sanguineus Sp. Nov. 17 Distribution of st. Louis Cladocera From March 1909 To June 1910 1909 1910 1 Alonaceostata a >. o 5 3 < u y C i; O > o p p < IS c 3 »-s 2 Bosmina loneirostris. . 3 CeriodaDhnia laticaudata P 4. CeriodaDhnia reticulata P p p p p 5. Chydorus sphaericus 6. Daohnia loneiremus P P 7 Daohnia pulex 8 Levdieia acanthocercoides P 9 Levdieia auadraneularis P 10. Moina brachiata P P p 11. Moina rectirostris 12 Pleuroxus denticulatus P P p p 13. Pleuroxus hamulatus 14. Pseudosida bidentata n 15. Scapholeberis mucronata P P p p P p p p P p p 16. SimoccDhalus serrulatus P p 18 Trans. Acad. Sci. of St. Louis DiSTEiBUTiON OF St. Louis Cladocera From April 1920 To August 1921 1920 1921 1 Alona rectaneularis P. < 1-5 1-5 CO 3 bC 3 P P P a 3 P 1-5 P P P CO 3 bO 3 < 2. Bosmina loneirostris P P P p 3 CeriodaDhnia lacustris 4. CeriodaDhnia laticaudata p P 5. CeriodaDhnia ricaudi P 6. Chvdorus sDhaericus P P P P P P P P 7. DaDhnia loneiremis hvaUna P 8. Daohnia loneiremis loncisoina . . 9. Daphnia pulex P P p p P P P 10. DaDhnia retrocurva 11. DiaDhanosoma brachvurum 12. Diaphanosoma leuchtenbergianum p 13. Kurzia latissinoa 14. Levdieia auadraneularis P 15. LatonoDsis occidentalis p P P P P P P P P 16. Macrothrix laticornis 17. Moina brachiata P P P p 18. Moina rectirostris 19. Oxvurella tenuicaudis p p p p p p 20. Pleuroxus denticulatus 21. Pleuroxus hamulatus p 22 Scaoholeberis mucronata P P 23. Simoceohalus seirulatus P Diaptomus Pseudoscmguineus Sp. Nov. 19 Distribution of St. Louis Copepoda From April 1920 To August 1921 1920 1921 1. Cyclops albidus 2. CvcloDS bicusoidatus a < P IS P a 3 P en 3 < • • P p p p p p p 3 P P P n 3 M> 3 < 3. CvcloDS f imbriatus 6. CvcloDS fusca. . ... P 7. CvcloDS le^ickarti P 8. Cvnlons nhalpratiis P P P P P 9. Cyclops serrulatus 10. Cyclops viridis insectus P P P P P P P P P P P P P P p p P P 11. Diaptomus ashlandi 12. DiaDtomus oreeonensis 13. Diaptomus pallidus 14. Diaptomus pseudosanguineus n 15. Diaptomus stagnalis P 20 Trans. Acad. Sci. of St. Louis Temperature Distribution of St. Louis Cladocera 1. Alona costata 2. Alona rectangularis , 3. Bosmina longirostris 4. Ceriodaphnia lacuustris 5. Ceriodaphnia laticaudata 6. Ceriodaphnia reticulata 7. Ceriodaphnia rigaudi 8. Chydorus sphaericus 9. Daphnia longiremis hyalina , 10. Daphnia longiremis longispina 11. Daphnia pulex 12. Daphnia rctrocurva 13. Diaphanosoma brachyurum 14. Diaphanosoma leuchtenbergianum. 15. Kurzia latissima 16. Leydigia acanthoceroides 17. Leydigia quadrangularis 18. Macrothrix laticornis 19. Moina brachiata 20. Moina rectirostris 21. Oxyurella tenuicaudis 22. Pleuroxus denticulatus 23. Pleuroxus hamulatus 24. Pseudosida bidentata 25. Scapholeberis mucronata 26. Simocephalus serrulatus Oi P P P P ia> P P ■^ c^ o P P P P P P P P P a, O LITERATURE Birge. E. A. ('78). Notes on Cladocera. 1878. — ('19). List of Crustacea Cladocera from Madison, Wisconsin. Trans. Wis. Acad. Sci. 8:379-398. pi. 13. 1891. — ('18). Key to North American fresh-water Cladocera. Fresh-water Biology, by Henry B. Ward and George C. Whipple, pp. 689- 740. 1918. Forbes, E. B. ('97). A contribution to our knowledge of the North American Fresh-Water Cyclopidae. Bull. 111. State Lab. of Nat. Hist. 5:27-82. pi. 8-20. 1897. Forbes, S. A. ('76). List of Illinois Crustacea, with descriptions of new species. Bull. 111. State Lab. of Nat. Hist. 1:3-25. 1876. — ('82). On some Entomostraca of Lake Michigan and Adjacent Waters. Am. Nat. 16:537-543, 640-650. pi. 8. 9. 1882. Herrick, C. L. and Turner, C. H. ('95). Synopsis of the Entomostraca of Minnesota. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Minnesota, Zool. Series 2. pp. 1-524. pi. 1-81. 1895. Diaptomus Pseudosanguineus Sp. Nov. 25 Marsh, C. Dwight, ('18). Copepoda. Fresh-water Biology, by Henry B. Ward and George C. Whipple, pp. 741-789. 1918. Schacht, F. W. ('97). The North American species of Diaptomus. Bull. 111. State Lab. of Nat. Hist. 5:97-207. pi. 21-35. 1897. Turner, C. H. ('10). Ecological notes on the Copepoda and Cladocera of Augusta, Ga., with descriptions of new species. Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis 19:151-176. pi. 36-38. 1910. Explanation of Plates PLATE I. Pig. 1. Diaptomus pscudosanguincous, sp. nov., ventral view of female; c, tubercles on the distal margin of the thorax; d, strong curved spine on the lateroventral portion of the first segment of the abdomen. Fig. 2. Diaptomus pscudosanguincous, sp. nov., lateral view of male. Fig. 3 Lateral view of the female; j, spermatophore. Fig. 4. Antenna of the female. PLATE II. Fig. 1. Lateral view of female illustrating a case of commensal- ism between this form and certain Vorticellidae; e, one of the com- mensal Vorticellidae. By examining that portion of the illustration labeled e with a magnifying glass the protozoan will be distinct. The use of the glass will also reveal retracted Vorticellidae among the eggs. Fig. 2. Caudal extremity of the thorax and the first abdominal somite of a female (lateral view); f, stout curved spine; g, sperma- tophore. Fig. 3. Antipenultimate segment of the male right antenna; h, terminal claw; i, hyaline flange. PLATE III. Fig. 1. Fifth foot of the male; a, endopodite of the left fifth foot. Fig. 2. Antennae of the male. Fig. 3. Pair in copulo. Fig. 4. Enlarged view showing the tubercles on the caudal mar- gin of the thorax; b, the tubercles. Fig. 5. Fifth foot of the female. The terminal setae moved re- flexly, while the photo was being taken, thus causing the appendage to appear to have several terminal setae. There are only two long setae at that place. PLATE IV. Fig. 1. Ccriodaphnia rigaudi, shell markings. Fig. 2. Ccriodaphnia rigaudi. Female, b, antennae c, beak-like projection from head. Fig. 3. Moina brachiata, female, showing commensalism; a, Voitl- cellidae. Fig. 4. Pleuroxus ham-ulatus. Fig. 5. Ccriod/iphnia laticaudata. Fig. 6. Ccriodaphnia rigaudi, female, showing the escape of a young specimen from the brood sac. By turning the page sidewise the details of this photo become more distinct. 'J'i;a\s. .\( ad. S( r. ni Si. Ldi i.s. X'oi.. .\XI\' Pl.ATK I >i *>.3>ia.v>^- VfA. 1 Ki^'. 0-3>Mt Kij;. ;> Kij;. 4 Tk.ws. A( All. S( r. oi Si. Loi IS. Vin.. XXJV Pi All: II E^F > V"' > "^IBtto^ I Ki^'. 2 Kis. Tka.ns. A( Alt. S( r. oi St. Lmis, Vol.. XXIV Plate III 1 ^^5« ^r z^'^- ■ I /^ ■ \^! W--- * ' . I fof, , yf 1 iri jT W 1 / SjR^ m V ■"* O.IWI.TVI, tjf'yw'i r,-. 1 f ^!^^9^^Hh^ O.HV'^-'*^' FiK. :{ I'i;: Fig. 4 Tkans. A( ad. S( r. lication and migration of cells is limited to one kind of cells. Any kind of tissue may thus become overactive, cancerous. It may be certain ])arts of the skin, mammary gland, stomach, tongue, chock, intestine, liver, uterus. If it starts in the skin, skin-liko forma- tions are produced in excess, and in the most varied parts of the bodv where thev do not occur normallv. When the cancer starts in tho mammary gland, breast tissue grows in excess and is found in internal organs as metas- tases. So it is with the stomach. In cancer of the stom- ach irregular stomach tissue may be found in the stom- ach itself, but a few cells may be carried to the liver and elsewhere and start the growth of stomach tissue there. In the ovary and tesies, and occasionally elsewhere, not only single tissue may be found to grow, but through the simultaneous growth of various tissues very complex Cancer Its Course and Its Causes 3 structures can develop which resemble disorganized em- bryos. And parts of this abnormal formation may again become invasive and set up secondary growths in other parts of the body. We see then that in cancer parts of our body become overactive and grow and move in a somewhat hasty, dis- organized way. This excessive growth of parts of our body is the essential disease, not, as in tuberculosis, the destruction and cell death caused by the toxins of bac- teria. In cancer no immunity is produced in the diseased or- ganism such as is found in varying degrees in infectious diseases, because the essential invader and product of the disease is part of ourselves, our own body. Now, an organism defends itself only against something strange, which carries a chemical element into its economy quite different from that to which it is accustomed. A de- fense can therefore be set up against the strange bacteria and thus immunity develops; but no such chemical reac- tion occurs against the own cells of the body which are very familiar to all the surrounding cells and do not carry anything essentially new into the host. They pro- duce nevertheless certain alterations in the metabolism of the body and may thus cause a certain loss of weight and other changes. But these are inconstant and of rela- tively minor importance. The injurious effect of cancer is essentially of a mechanical and locally destructive character. The cancer cells destroy important and nec- essary organs, or they interfere with their function; they may open the blood vessels and cause bleeding; they may break through the surface of the body and may give rise to putrefaction. However, there are great differences in the activity of different cancers. Some are relatively inert and may exist for many years without doing seri- ous harm; but the majority of cancers are quite active and desti-uctive in a relatively short time. 4 Traits. Acad. Sci. of St. Louis It is possible to rcmovo cancer cells Avliich develop in an animal from the original host and transplant them in- to other individuals of the same species. AVc may re- peat reinociilation indefinitely, carrying the cells from animal to animal. This lias been done in mice and rats. A swelling develops, which ordinarily is not painful, but merely weakens the animals. Now such transplanted cells, which grow in an individual, different from that in which they originated, are strange to the new organism, and thus defense })rocesses may be set up and a certain immunity be jjroduced against these grafted cancers. But this is an immunity against body cells of a strange individual and not an immunity against a microorganism, such as we find it in infectious diseases. Cancer is then an abnormal growth process. It re- peats in an exaggerated and irregular and endless way what may take place normally in a regular and self -lim- ited manner during the embryonic develoj)ment or in the repair of wounds in various organs, or after the grafting of tissues to dilTerent ])laces. Under all those conditions we find an increased cell multi})lication and we may even find an invasive growth. But under normal conditions all this is limited and comes to an end as soon as a certain stage in the process has been reached. It may, however, occur that processes of a tyj)ical embryonic development, or wound healing, which is kept up over a long i)eriod of time, change into the endless, continuous excess growth of cancer. AVe shall refer to that again later. AVhat are the causes of this excessive multii)lication and invasiveness of a limited number of well defined cells of our body which in the end succeed in destroying themselves? As late as ten years ago the majority of physicians would jirobably have answered this question by stating that the causes of cancer are unknown to us; that the causes of tuberculosis and other infectious dis- eases, on the other hand, have been fully determined. Cancer Its Course and Its Causes 5 To-day it would come nearer the truth if we would ac- knowledge that while the external cause of tuberculosis is known, much has still to be learned about the cause of tuberculosis. That the external factor does not consti- tute the only cause of tuberculosis; that many individuals are equally exposed to or perhaps even invaded by the tubercle bacillus, but that the result differs very much in different cases. What part does the character and constitution of the exposed or invaded organism play in this infection? Does heredity play any part? Is the shape of the thorax, the condition of the lymphatic apparatus, of the circulatory organs of importance in determining the character of this disease? Does it assume an espe- cially virulent course in certain populations, because they lack an acquired or perhaps inherited immunity? How does the toxin of the tubercle bacillus produce its specific effect on the organism? There are, then, multi- ple causes of tuberculosis and the analysis of the inner causes of tuberculosis still remains a large field for fur- ther investigation. In the case of cancer, conditions are somewhat analogous. We can speak very definitely about some of the principal causes of cancer, but as in the case of tuberculosis certain aspects of the problem need still further investigation. In general, the causes of cancer in animals and man are the same. In many respects, however, animal can- cer lends itself much more readily to an analysis than human cancer. One of the most completely analysed kinds of cancer is that of mice. The common variety in mice is cancer of the breast in female individuals. Mam- mary cancer in mice is essentially caused by two factors : 1) a disposition to cancer which is inherited in certain families and strains, and 2) a chemical stimulus which emanates from the ovary and causes the disposition in- herent in the mammary gland in certain families to as- sert itself; thus cancer develops. The hereditary dis- position to mammary cancer varies very greatly in dif- 6 Trnna. Acad. Sci. of tit. Louu^ feroat straius; in souio families almost 100% of all fe- males become cancerous; in other families almost none become diseased. This constitutional characteristic is transmitted by heredity from generation to generation, with only slight modifications. Even the age at which the cancer a|)[)ears in mice is determined by heredity. In other kinds of animal cancer, heredity plays a similar role. And there is much evidence that the same holds good in the case of man. But in man conditions arc much more complicated through continued interbreed- ing. This prevents the hereditarily transmitted consti- tutional factor from being as clearly recognizable as in the case of animal cancer where it can be followe flic nerve ending or to the cells which overlie the nerve ending. This stat(>nient holds for the sensations of touch, of pressure, of smell and of taste. We also recognize that heat is transmitted llirou^h various substances which may intervene between iho source of the energy and the part which j)erceives the sensation. Therefore when tlie end or^an is affected by the energy which arises from the object rather than by the object itself, we are dealinf2: with distance rather than contact organs. The end or^an resolves the energy, not the ob- ject, in terms of code messaji^e. We do not see heat; we feel it. We do not feel lii^ht rays; we see them. It would therefore follow as a matter of fi^ood loi^nc, that we do not see or feel energy in the form of sound; we hear it. Sound, next to heat, is the most dillieiiH form of eniM'- gy to deal with satisfactorily. From an experimental point of view it is the most dillicult form of ejierjjjy to analyze. The reason for this is easily <^rasped. In so far as sense organs are concerned, they are crude physical instruments when compared with the scales for measur- ing: pressur(\ the thermometer for measuring tempera- ture, or the photographic plate for measurin;^: li^''ht. However when it comes to sound the reverse is true. All physical instruments for registering sound are ex- tremely crude when compared with the Innnan ear. In fact no instrumiMit for measuring sound has yet been devised which does not have a human ear on one end of it. The ])honodeik of Miller i>resents an instrument of great di^licacy but with a limited range of registration. We are likely to visualize tlie wti- mum intensity. It can be detinitely stat<(i tli.it a liini^e op- eration of the ossicles is impossible under the nuM-hanic conditions imjiosed. It e;in be shown that the anu)uut of enert^y ajtplietl to the diuni nieinbr;iiie nndei- usual op- timum conditions is insullicient tit ino\e the mass, dis- rei^ardiiii; all friction and attaciinu'uls. It has heen demonstrated that niea>uiable variations of the drnni membrane position ha\"e no elTeet on the KKpiid contents of the iniiei- e;ir in the li\inicks up a droi)ped vibration in high frequencies up to 1 /250th of a second. This eliminates any feature which includes the element of inertia. The phonograph and ear mechanism therefore become very dissimilar. K we are to agree that an ear cannot operate under the requirements of an indirect activation it is not unlikely that all theories based on this premise are also erroneous. This not only accounts for the variations in interpretation of the end- organ function but it also makes their discussion unnec- essarJ^ The assumption that we do hear sound is much more satisfactory from a biological view point. It falls in line with the activating factors which operate other sense organs. One does not assume that the retinal cells are indirectly activated by a radiant heat reflected from the choroid merely because the choroid is black. One does not construct thermo-sensitive organs out of rods and cones to explain why they face what a])pears to be the wrong way and why they touch the pigment layer. One regards the eye-ball as a reasonably light-proof space exce})t to the energies entering the pupil. One searches, as Parker has done, for an explanation of the inverted retina and finds it in the comparative anatomy. We may therefore assume that the inner ear occupies a reasonably sound-proof si)ace except for the energies nor- mally entering through the footplate. We may also search for the explanation of the refined histology of the end-organ in the pattern u])on which it is developed rather than in terms of functional requirements. Over a hundred years ago before the histology of the end-organ had been reported by Corti, men thought seri- ously on this problem. Carlisle in 1805 made far reach- ing deductions on the basis of comparative aiuitomy. Later in the forties the great anatomist and ])hysiologist Johannes Mueller }»erformed experiments which formu- li Trans. Acad. »Vtt. uf St. Louis lated the so-called inoh'cular theory. The conooptioii that tlu' sound pulse itself activates tlie end-or^^an fell in- to disrepute as a result of the work of \(>ii lichnlioltz amonj? the physicists and the modern sciiool of otoloLi^ists headed hy Politzer. The mechanics of the direct activation theory has been gone into in no little detail hy the writer. The physics is that of the string telephone and the recognition that sound pulses like light rays behave differently in vari- ous physical media. The drum membrane according to this theory affords a sort of catchment area for minute energies in the air. These energies within the mem- brane flow for the most part to the most tense area, the attachment of the ossicles. The ossicles behave like a solid rod transmitting the energies with longer wave length to the footplate area. This is widened to fa- cilitate the discharge of the energy into the li(|uid of the inner ear and is insulated from transmitting the energy into the surrounding bone by an elastic annular ligament. In this manner a small amount of the energy from the drum membrane reaches the liquid of the inner ear as a sound pulse. The sound pulse in tiie inner ear licjuid, apart from wave length, is identical with the sound pulse of the air of the external auditory canal. The shiver in the liijuid is therefore dei)endent on the physical character of the liquid and not dependent on the elasticity of the bony container or the membrane of the round window. In other words no nuiss shifting of licjuid occurs. The scheme does not involve the element of inertia and a|>- pears to fit the facts of the comj)arative anatomy. The entire histological picture of the end-organ may be reinter])reted on the basis of the direct activation the- ory. The basilar membrane insulates the end-organ from sound j)ulses which might gain the sensitive epithelium through the bony container. The vestibular membrane limits the energy entering the cochlear duct through Do We Hear Sound? 7 the Scala vostibuli. The membranes are, in other words, damping in effect — just as the iris and choroid are part of the li^ht-proofinpj arrangement of the eyeball. We are at once in a position to argue according to this theory why individuals with ossicles gone may hear. We are also able to state why greater energies are requifed to hear low pitches than high pitches. We may explain the failure of the sound-proofing of the end- organ when sufficient energies of high pitch are applied to the surface of the individual. It may be well therefore in our investigation of sound sources and of subjective sound registration to bear in mind that we do hear sound itself. We may come to re- gard the apparently crude apparatus of sound transmis- sion as one of highly refined function. We may not be so likely to accept explanations, like the piano-tuners named in Dr. Wead's recent article in Science, merely because these explanations appear clear. If we do hear sound perhaps something may be done in time for certain conditions of deafness. One reason why fifty years of research has contributed nothing to treatment of the un- fortunate who cannot hear, may be due to an erroneous conception of the mechanics involved. The writer de- sires to place himself on record on the side of the popular rather than the scientific explanation. We do hear sound! I i Transactions of ttie Academy of Science of St. Louis Volume XXIV No. 6 DEVELOPMENT OF THE CHEMICAL INDUSTRY IN THE LAST HUNDRED YEARS F. W. FRERICHS Issued April, 1923 M« DEVELOPMENT OF THE CHEMICAL INDUSTRY IN THE LAST IirNDHED YEARS F. W. Frerichs It was indeed a pleasure to me when I received from the Academy of Science an invitation to take part in a cycle of lectures which had been arranged for the purpose of discussing before its members the achieve- ments of scientific research and the development of the condition of life, which we are witnessing in our period of time. It is only natural that chemistry should have a place in this discussion since this branch of knowledge has come forward in modern times to enter more than any other science into our daily life. Chemistry was in its infancy at the beginning of the .19th century. It is true that at an early time men began to inquire the why and how of things about them, and to take them apart. It is true that from such analysis, particularly of inorganic things like rocks and ores, men began to learn the characteristics of the simple elements which go to make up our world and how they behave when brought together in compounds not occurring in nature. But the scope of chemical work done at that time was so small and the amount of chemicals pro- duced was so insignificant that it hardly deserved men- tion among manufacturing industries. Berzelius (1779 to 1848) did his experimenting in his kitchen, his cook his only assistant, and yet in this most primitive laboratory he discovered a number of elements and determined their atomic weights. He lived, as Woehler put it, in those happy days, when every rock he picked up contained a new element. E.Mitscherlich (1794-1863), Heinrieh Rose (1795-1804), Leo])old Gmelin (1788-1853) and Robert v. Bunsen (1811-1899), worked steadily on the establishment of facts about the interaction of elements and tried to co- 2 Trans. Acad. Sci. of St. Louis ordinate thoni into a system, while Gay Lussac (1778- 1850), Borthollct (1748-1822), Araj^adro (177G-1856), Proust (1754-182G), Stas (1813-1891) and many others were workin«j: on intoriiiolecular relations between the elements. While men like these were tirelessly experimenting to establish facts, there ji^rew up a set of men who were destined to lead chemistry to its hif]^liest development. Woehler (1800-1882), Liebi;-,- (1803-1873) and Ilofmann (1818-1892) were three men whose names for all time will be indelibly connected witli the development of chemical science and chemical industry, I had the great privilege of being introduced into chemistry by Frieder- ich Woehler, to be a student under him for three years, and to be assistant in his laboratory for a term of five and a half years, during all of which time I enjoyed daily intercourse with this illustrious man. When I entered the University of Gottingen in 1870 the course in chemistry was carried on quite differently from wliat it is now. During the time I was a student I heard one lecture course on inorganic chemistry by Woehler. The course, comprising one hundred and twenty hours, was spread over twenty weeks. I heard a lecture course of forty hours on organic chemistry by Huebner, and one course on physics by William AVeber (who was one of the inventors of the telegraph) the course also compris- ing forty hours, spread over twenty weeks. These two hundred hours of lectures were all I heard during three years up to my graduation. But we worked in the lab- oratory daily from eight to twelve and from two to six, and work we did. During all these days our teachers were with us, going from student to student inspecting, exhorting and criticising our work. It was on these oc- casions that our teachers would speak to us individually and collectively, and so we heard by word of mouth many interesting facts about the early development of chemis- try. Development of the Chemical Industry 3 When Woehler was young, chemical research centered about inorganic bodies and Woehler occupied himself with the study of minerals and mineral substances. His first great discovery he made in the field of inorganic chemistry, when he in 1827 isolated aluminium by fusing aluminium chloride with sodium, obtaining a metal of silvery lustre but unusually light. His investigations of cyanogen compounds in 1828 led him to the greatest dis- covery of his life. In investigating the properties of cyanate of ammonium (CNONH4) he studied its insta- bility in aqueous solutions, effected its transformation into urea (CO.NH2 NHo) and recognized this body by its reactions and its properities. I well remember the cluster of urea-crystals, crystals several inches long, and of the thickness of a pencil, which were made at an early time, securelv enclosed in a liter flask to serve as an exhibit in lecture courses for many years to come. In order to understand the importance of this discovery we must remember that at that time chemists were con- fining their efforts to the study of inorganic chemical compounds. They were also interested in organic things, meaning those resulting from growth of vegetation, or from living things, all of which contained carbon, but these bodies were found to be exceedingly complex and almost without number. Methods of analysis had been developed by which the qualitative and quantitative composition of organic com- pounds could be ascertained, and it was known that in such compounds carbon was combined with other ele- ments like nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen in many pro- portions, but all chemists had failed to build up from the elements a single one of the many carbon compounds which occurred in nature. These com]>ounds seemed to be exceedingly complex, and since all efforts had proven futile to produce any of them from the elements in the laboratory, it was generally believed that organic com- pounds could be produced only through the agency of "vital force". 4 Traniiblished correspondence. But about 1838 Liebig began to drift into chemistry of ])laiit and animal life, and so we find about the middle of the 19th century Woehler, Ilofmann, and Liebig as the great leaders in three fields; inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, and agricultural chemistry. lender the guidance of these illustrious men and many of their colleagues, the three fields of chemis- try have been developed by their many followers into Development of the Chemical Industry 5 chemical industry as we have it today. It is character- istic that none of the leaders ever actively engaged in the industries. They worked in their laboratories for the love of science, leaving the fruits of their work to be reaped by their followers. But owing to their methods of teaching, their students became their friends, remain- ing in contact with them in later life, and it seems this inter-relation between university and industry has been largely instrumental in the phenomenal development of our chemical inorganic and organic industries. The first branch of chemical manufacture established on a large scale was an outgrowth of the French revolu- tion and the Napoleonic wars, when the English block- aded the continent of Europe, and when the French could not obtain potash for making soap and glass. It was known that soda in many cases could be substituted for potash, and there was an abundance of salt. So the French Government offered a large reward for a chem- ical process to make soda from salt, and the LeBlanc soda process was the outcome of it. The LeBlanc soda process involved the manufacture of sulphuric acid and the chamber process was highly developed. As a by-product large quantities of hydrochloric acid were obtained, for which there was no immediate outlet, and the wasting of which poisoned the rivers, until it was learned that chlorine and bleaching powder could be made from it. Chlorine was made by the aid of manganese peroxide which was wasted, and the Weldon process was invented which regenerated this waste. Later hydrochloric acid was decomposed by the Deacon process, in which a eat- alyser was used for the first time on a large scale. The sulphur used in the process was lost and many efforts were made for its recovery, when the ammonia soda process superseded the LeBlanc process, putting an end to a beautiful combination of chemical processes. This most marvelously developed chemical structure, built up at the beginning of the 19th century, was superseded by a cheaper process at the end of tlu* same century. The 6 Trans. Acad. Sci. of St. Louis LoBlanc soda proooss had become obsolete whoii the chemical industry be,ii:an to develop in this country and therefore it has novor reached this continent. Instead we make in this country soda ash by the ammonia soda process on the largest scale and the details of manufac- ture are worked out in the best research laboratories established by the soda factories themselves. The process was particularly adajjtcd to the rtM^uire- ments in the northern part of the United States, where enormous deposits of salt are underlying the surface near the Great Lakes. On account of the permeability of the soil to water these deposits could not be reached by mining operations, but we have learned to get hold of the salt by boring wells, letting water into the salt deposits, and jjuniping the brine. So abundant is the sujiply of salt, and so cheap its recovery, that it has become profitable to waste half of it in the process and to waste all of the chloride in order to save cost in the manufac- ture of soda ash. This is one of the few cases where it has been found that waste is economy. The soda industry in the United States is most flour- ishing and repeatedly I have been asked to helj) in estab- lishing the industry in China and Japan. Only recently an agent called to induce me to come to Bombay, India, for the ])urpose of establishing the art. In all instances I liad to decline, knowing that in these countries there is no rock salt and that salt must be made from the ocean water by evaporation, the product containing much mag- nesium chloride and being expensive, costing eight dol- lars per ton for 85% pure salt, while here we pump the pure article for fifty cents. From recent reports, how- ever, I have it that rock salt is found in ^lancliuria, which would make it possible to transi)lant the industry into that country for the ])urpose of covering their own requirements. But even the ammonia soda ]irocess may be limited to the consumption of local industries. AVhen our own civilization progresses westward and reaches the great Development of the Chemical Industry 7 natural deposits in the soda lakes in western States, then we may have soda for the digging of it. With the replacement of the LeBlanc process by the ammonia soda process we lost the by-products of the former, which in time had become valuable and neces- sary for the purpose of making chlorine. But the elec- tro-chemical decomposition of brine into sodium, chlo- rine, and hydrogen has met the emergency, and today we have large electro-chemical plants near Niagara Falls which make caustic soda and chlorine in quantities to satisfy our wants. And I have also heard of a process for making synthetic hydrochloric acid from chlorine and hydrogen, this reversing the former mode of manu- facture. The chamber process for making sulphuric acid, which first was developed on a large scale in con- nection with the LeBlanc soda process, has experienced a similar transformation. The chamber process makes cheap sulphuric acid of moderate strength. If greater strength than 60° Be. or 75% acid was required, it was formerly necessary to concentrate the weak acid in plati- num vessels at great expense, and fuming sulphuric acid was obtained by the distillation of sulphate of iron at great cost. Today we make sulphuric acid by the con- tact process and the mode of working is reversed. We make sulphuric acid anhydride first and dilute it with water to make the weaker grades. To make sulphuric acid we need sulphur as raw material. This we had to buy from Sicily, or we used pyrytes, a combination of sulphur with iron, which we imported from Spain. In most recent times Hermann Frasch showed us a way to recover sulphur which we knew to exist in Louisiana deep down in the earth. He built large steam plants, blew superheated steam through a double pipe down to the sulphur deposits, melted the sulphur, and forced the molten sulphur out through the other pipe to the sur- face of the earth. Tlie supply seems to be inexhaustible, and we command the supply of the world. The sul- phuric acid industry has often been referred to as a 8 Trans. Acud. Sti. uf St. Louis iiicasiirc for tlio i)ros|)ority of tlic ontiro chcmifal indus- try, since siiljdmric acid is used for many chonrK-al jn'o- cessos. The followintc tabic i;ives the production of aul- pliuric acid in the I'nited States in the hist ten years. SULPHURIC ACID 50' Be.* Date 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1019 1920 Produrtion in the U. &. Value Tons 50° B. Dollars 2.700.000 17.369.872 2.950.000 18.338.019 3.575.000 22.684.526 3.800.000 24.479.927 4.120.000 32.657.151 6.300.000 73.514.126 7.200.000 87.541.181 7.450.000 Not determined 5.500,000 estl mated 5.000.000 estimated •The Mineral Industry, 1920. G. A. Rouah, Editor, McGraw-Hill N. Y.. 1921. For many centuries fine porcelain ware was made in China and Persia. Art collectors search eagerly for specimens of old manufacture, and ))raise them as ])rod- ucts of a lost art which they represent as flourishiiiLC cen- turies aj?o, and small vessels and vases are sold for thousands of dollars. The fact is that kaolin of a cer- tain composition was used in tiiese j^oods. Kaolin comes in pockets and in isolated mines, and if the mine was exluiusted, the nit was lost. The chemist of today has analyzed kaolin and ascertained its composition. By ])ro])erly mixing materials he has learned to rei)roduce the finest quality of porcelain at will. We mine in Arkansas bauxite ( Al.O. 2II..0), a mineral containini^ almost pure alumina. Wf sliiji it to St. Louis, where by th(> aid of cheap limestone and coal the impur- ities are removed in one of the lar.i^est manufacturing: ])lants of the country, and juire alumina is made from it. This we carry to Niagara Falls to produce aluminium by an electrical ])rocess. The ij^reat discovery of ])roduc- iuix aluminium, made by Woehler in 1827, has been improved by Hall, an American chemist. He isolates the metal by an electrical process, and a large i)art of the Development of the Chemical Industry 9 world's requirements takes its way through St. Louis and becomes a product of the United States. We turn now to organic industry, particularly to dye- stuffs, the development of which to a great extent is the work of A. W. V. Ilofmann and his followers. Ilofmann first studied law in Gottingen, but turned to chemistry, becoming a student and co-worker of Liebig. When in 1845 the School of Practical Chemistry was started in London, Hofmann, upon recommendation of Liebig and largely through the influence of the Prince Consort, became its director. For about twenty years he remained in this jiosition, doing much work on coal-tar products, including aniline, and in 1856 Perkin, one of his assistants, discovered mauveine, the first aniline dye- stuff. But the public support extended to the College of Chemistry was dwindling and Ilofmann returned to Ger- many, first to Bonn in 1864, from where he was called to Berlin in 1865, to succeed E. Mitscherlich. There he spent the rest of his life working tirelessly and with great success on the development of coal-tar chemistry, on which he spent twenty of his best years in England, scoring little success for lack of support from the Eng- lish government. Fuchsin had been discovered in 1859 by Professor Ver- guin of Lyons, France, who made the dye but did not clear up its chemical compositions, which, many years later, was disclosed by Ilofmann and his followers. And from the fundamental work of his school sprang suc- cess upon success. The most brilliant colors were found among the derivatives of aniline, but they generally lacked permanence under the influence of light. For many cen- turies beautifully colored rugs and tapestries had been made in the Orient. The colors were known to be per- manent and almost indelible. They were derived from the madder and indigo plants, which were cultivated on a large scale. It was natural that attempts should be made to produce these dyestuffs in the laboratory, but thev seemed to be com])licated and their composition was 10 Trans. Acad. Sci. of St. Louis (liffionlt to ostalilish. After many efTorts Graobe and Lioborniann in 18G8 recoKnizod that alizarine, which was tlien known to be a constituent of Turkey red, the mad- der dyestufT, was a derivative of anthracene and antlira- cene was found in coal-tar. In the same year Graebe and Tiiebormann succeeded in makin<^' artificial alizarine from anthracene, which was identical with Turkey red. The invention was (juickl}' taken nj) by manufacturers and ar- tificial alizarine superseded Turkey red, thus makiiii^ unprofitable the cultivation of the madder ])lant. In 1875 I had the privilege of meeting Liebennann and also Hofmann on the occasion of the seventv-fifth anniversarv of Woehler's birth. On that occasion Prof. Liebermann related to us how thev had worked on the svnthesis of alizarine. When success was assured they repeated the entire process in a single ni,i::ht, to make sure of results before publication. At that time there was no ])atent law in the North German Federation, and patents had to be secured in three dozen ])rinci])alities. Tliis made them of little value, and the inventors gave their work to the ]mblic, securing for themselves only the immor- tality of their names. The process of making artificial indigo is largely cred- ited to Adolph V. Bayer, who recognized its constitution. But many years of tedious work were required before the Biidische Aniline & Soda Fabrik succeeded in ])re- paring artificial indigo at a ])rice caj)able of competing with the natural article. Since 1897, however, artificial indigo has been sold and soon afterwards a process was worked out which made use of na])hthalene as a raw material. Xa])lithalene was always available in great quantities and at a low ])rice, and the na]>hthalene pro- cess made it ])ossible to drive natural indigo out of the market. An interesting story is connected with the inven- tion of the nai)hthalene process, the first step of which was to transform naphthalene into ])htliali(' acid. For- merly })htliali(' acid was pre])ared by oxidation of Naph- thalene with nitric acid or chromic acid at great cost. The Development of the Chemical Industry 11 yield by attempted oxidation of naphthalene by means of sulphuric acid was too small. It so hai)pened that in one experiment the mercury thermometer broke, where- upon it was found that the reaction of the material became very animated, and the yield of phthalic acid by heating naphthalene with sulphuric acid in presence of mercury was almost theoretical. The accidental break- ing of a mercury thermometer led to a very important discovery which became the basis of a cheap way of making indigo. These are only a few instances in which new chemical manufacturing plants have been established on a large scale on the basis of laboratory research. Many other industries followed, among which the manu- facture of medicinal chemicals has become most impor- tant. For the preservation and possible development of many industries which have sprung up during the war, when importations of chemicals were impossible, a liberal tar- iff and a wise patent law are most desirable and almost imperative. Particularly the dyestuff industry will have a hard fight for its existence. At a recent meeting of manufacturers in New York, a petition was formulated and sent to Congress asking for an embargo on the importation of dyestuffs, since manufacturers realized that nothing short of an embargo could save the indus- try, until a complete and liberal revision of our tariff law has been enacted. Of equal importance would seem to be a wise revision of our patent law. Many chemicals, particularly of the medicinal variety, are now manu- factured abroad at a much lower price than in the United States. The third branch of chemical research and manufac- ture, agricultural and biological chemistry, is repre- sented by Justus V. Liebig and his school. Being a part of organic chemistry, it differs from it in that it does not attempt to make its products in the chemical laboratory, but is endeavoring to ascertain the conditions and requirements under which plants and animals will grow, 1- Trans. Acad. Sci. of St. Louis tlieii to provide those conditions and let nature do the rest. In this manner tlie ;j;reatest chemical industry was created, an industry wiiich secures food for men for times to come, by re^uhitin*^: tiie cultivation of tlie soil. W'licn as early as 18.*W Liehiir directed attention to the fact that all plants for their j^rowth rcMjuire carbon, nitro- gen, and the elements of water, he also proved tliat cer- tain mineral substances were necessary for plant life, amon*i: them potash and j)hosphorus. Carbon and nitro- gen could come from the air; phosphorus and potash could come only from the soil, and when these were exhausted, veji:etation necessarily would starve. This led Liebi<>: to the statement that it was the decrease of soil fertility, and neither ]ieace nor war, which was fun- damental in brin,ii:ini2: about the decay of nations. In Lie- biiif's opinion old civilizations in Africa, Asia, and Euroi)e were extinquished by sterilization of the soil, and undoubtedly the same will occur in America if no fer- tilizer is sujiplied to our fields. It is recognized that phosphates and other mineral fertilizers in some form must be added to the soil if its fertility is to Ix- main- tained. Nitroi^en may be derived from the air by cidti- vation of clover in a rotation of cro]is. The early Roman writers on agriculture knew the value of legumi- nous crops as restoratives of soil fertility. Hut the fact that legumes assimilate nitrogen from the air by a bio- logical process has only ])ecome known within the last fifty years. If an uninterrupted succession of large crops is desired, it ])ecomes imj)erative to supjily nitro- geneous fertilizer in a more concentrated form, sucb as Chilean nitre of anunonium salts. Dr. lji))man. Director of the New Jersey Agricultural Kx))eriment Station, was quoted in the hearings before the Senate Connnittee on Agricultuie and Forestry (Senate Document 'XVM)) as having estimated that the total annual loss of nitrogen from all land under cultivation in the United States, after allowance for all returns to the soil, was between three and four million tons. Considering only the lower Development of the Chemical Industry 13 figure of three million tons, manure, ammonium salts from eoke ovens, and Cliilean nitrate will replace less than ten per cent. The remaining ninety per cent — two million, seven hundred thousand tons — would have to come from nitrogen fixation ])lants, similar to the one our government attempted to put up at Muscle Shoals during the war, where one million horse power could be developed, as J. W. Worthington of the Tennessee River Improvement Association has testified. It has been stated that one half of one pound of fixed nitrogen can be made per horsepower hour by the Haber process. One million horsepower would make over two million tons fixed nitrogen per year, which is a large part of the amount which the United States may require. The cyanamid process is said to require eight times as much power, and one million horsepower would only make two hundred and fifty thousand tons. The Claude process, which is similar to the Haber process, but is w^orking under high pressure, requires less power and makes more fixed nitrogen per horsepower than the Haber process. Only the cyanamid plant was in operation at Muscle Shoals at the time of the armistice, and was reported as running at the rate of forty thousand tons per year, — sixty to seventy such plants would be necessary to sup- l)ly the nitrogen which is necessary to keep up the fertil- ity of the soil in the United States. A large part of this can be made in Muscle Shoals, provided the water power is developed as Henry Ford proposes to do if he can lease the plant. His proposition is before Congress and it would seem desirable for the good of the country that the plant be utilized for making fertilizing material. The ])eople of the United States have invested over one liundred million dollars as a war measure in this enterprise and it is expected that additional thirty million to fifty million dollars be spent on the second and third dam across the river to develop the water power. The first expenditure was nuide so that we 14 Trans. Acad. Sci. of St. Louis mijj^ht bo indopondcnt of Chiloan nitre in case we should bo cut ofl" from Sontli AnuTioa. Nitrates are necessary for making explosives and ar(^ therefore necessary for our national defense. \-\>v tliis reason it would seem desirable that tlio plant he (-(Hnpleted. But it is only fair, that in tinn^ of ]K»aoe the lar^e invest- ment should b(^ utilized. Mr. Ford is j::uaranteeinrocess. However, processes on similar lines have been tritMJ in Germany and abandoned for cheaper ones. Had tlie war lasted longer, the Haber plant at Muscle Shoals might have ]iroven ,iust as groat a failure as the manufactun' of airi)lanos. In the Treaty of Versailles the Allies stii)ulatod that a commission of allied engineers be admitt<'d to the Ger- Development of the Chemical Industry 15 man nitrate plants for the purpose of learning the pro- cess. Tlie commission went there, was shown the plants at Oppau and Merseburg, were given every information tlioy asked for, were given large quantities of the cata- Ivser used bv the Germans, and returning to Muscle Shoals, failed in setting the plant to work. Under these conditions the War Department acceded to the request of The American Institute of Chemical Engineers that a paper be submitted describing the German and United States synthetic ammonia process, hoping that the Mus- cle Shoals plant could be put into operation by outside assistance. The paper was presented and read at the Detroit meeting in June, and was authorized for publi- cation by the War Department. Shortly after, the per- mission to publish was withdrawn upon demand of the American patentees, and the paper was never published. Meanwhile the Muscle Shoals plant is at rest, waiting for the man who is to blow life into it and make it run. If Mr. Ford obtains the lease it is sincerely to be hoped that he will associate himself with chemists who will show him the way. The farming population of our country is most fortunate in having in the Department of Agri- culture of the United States a splendid research labora- tory to guide its work. It is a well-known fact that the unprecedented develop- ment of chemical industry in Germany was largely due to its research laboratories and to their relation to the universities. At German universities the leading pro- fessors are not overburdened with work and can devote a large part of their time to solving questions of general interest. In the United States the conditions are differ- ent. Professors of universities are overworked and the men who are best prepared for research are overbur- dened with routine work. The consequence is that a great many manufacturers are operating in the dark, wasting money and time in their operations. Professor W. D. Bancroft in a recent article calls par- ticular attention to the fact that, as far as can be learned, 16 Traits. Acad Sci. of St. Louis in the ccrainic's, rii1)l)<'r, i^aint, vaniisli, loatlior, dyoinj]; and printiTiiT, ccllnlost', ci'llulosc iiitrat«'S and acftatos, pliototrrapliic and otlicr industries, tlio o]iorat()rs of plants have a vast amount ot" ciiipirical iiit'ornuition as to \vlial happens and know |)riict ically notliin.i; about wliy it hapiu'us. Tlic silicate imlust rifs are avowcilly empirical and so is the dyein.LT industry. The rnhher industry knows practically nothing" about the theory of vulcaniza- tion. People in the cellulose industries do not seem to know how many cellulose nitrates there are. The photo- uraphic industry has only empirical knowled.ire in reirard to emulsions and has no adequate theory in reuaril to photoirraphic develoj)ment Nearly all the tanneries in the countrv run on an emiiirical basis. All th("S(» industries will eventually be put on a sound and scientific basis, and this work will have to be done by chemists. Conditions as they are described by Professor Bancroft were recognized many years aifo by The American Institute of Chemical En,i?ineers. This body of men devotes not a small jiai't of its activities to developiui? courses for students in Chem- istry at our universities wliich ensure etKcient prep- aration for industrial work. Its Coimuitt(>e on Education, Dr. A. D. Little of lioston, Chairman, has recently secured with much labor and at ^reat exjuMise very complete information from many Ainerican univers- ities, and a comprehensive report will be circulated shortly amoni; the interested institutions. Columbia rni\-ersity of New York, The Institute of Technolo.iry in Boston, The Polvtechnic Institute in lirooklvn, N. Y., and Cornell Ctiiversity, are co-o])eratin.u'. A iiumbtM* of universities have already remodeled tlieir courses in chemical enuineerinir, and it is hoped that others will follow, for the benefit of our chemists and of our chemi- cal industrv. 1 Transactions of the Academy of Science or SI Louis Volume XXIV No. 7 ECOLOGICAJ. AND BEHAVIOR NOTES ON MISSOURI INSECTS PHIL RAU Issued June, 1922 ECOLOGICAL AND BEHAVIOR NOTES ON MISSOURI INSECTS. Phil Rau. The notes on the ecology and behavior of Missouri insects, spiders and myriapods here presented were made in the vicinity of St. Louis during the past few years. The region comprises an area of about forty miles west and thirty miles south of St. Louis. There are two ex- ceptions, however; some dozen notes bear the locality of Wesco, Mo., which is one hundred miles south-west of St. Louis, and a few are from Lake View, Kansas. Wher- ever no location is mentioned, the observation was made at St. Louis or its immediate environs. The order in which the species are generally arranged is as follows : Hymenoptera, according to Hymenoptera of Conneticut.* Coleoptera, according to Blatchley, Colooptera of Indiana, 1910. In the orders of Diptera, Orthoptera, Lepidoptera, etc., the species observed are so few that no taxonomic arrangement is followed. All of the material has been indentified by expert ento- mologists whose names appear in brackets along with the specific name of the insect. I wish here to extend to these gentlemen my thanks for their kindness in naming the material. Wasps Scolia bicincta Fab. [S. A. Rohwer]. This wasp was seen at Wickes, Mo., feeding on the flowers of smartweed and buck-brush in late August, and on goldenrod on September 15. Scolia duhia Say. We record in Wasp Studies Afield having found Scolia dubia for two successive seasons, flying about the manure heaps near a barn, and really conspicuous by their absence elsewhere in the large field •state Geol. and Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull. 22, 1916. 2 Trans. Acad, of St. Louis surroiindinfi: this barn. On Soptonibcr 1 of tlio third year they appoarod witliont the sliy cinders and tlie wasps liad no folia,u:e uj)on which to rest; hence many paused to rest on the mannre-i)ih's. T.onir and careful watching, however, revealed none of these enterine: the manure for prey or hosts. A few smartweeds in blossom nearby afTorded them food. By seven o'clock, all had dis- appeared, and efforts to locate their sleepinj? abode were futile. In this the tliird year also their dissemination over the field was nil. A visit to the area on October G showed that they were not to be found so late in the season. Scoiia nohilitata Fabr. [S. A. Rohwer]. Taken on tlie flowers of buck-brush at Wesco, Auj^fust 1, 1920. Elis atriventris Galian. [S. A. Rohwer]. A dead speci- men of this wasp was lyini:^ on the hot sand at Tiake View, Kansas, July 29. Elis quinq^iecincta Fal>r. [S. A. Roliwer]. WhiK' i have made observations on the .i;re,2:arious sleepinu: hal/its of the males,* I have found notliin.c; on the habits of the females cxceptiniif on one occasion in a dirt road, where one made three attempts to ^et under some clods of dirt, and under the last one she remained hidden for some time. Since this species is supposed to stini? and oviposit in the larva of may-beetles, this may indicate that she was searchin.i,' for prey. This species was seen feedin.u: upon the flowers of ^felilotus alba. ( )n another occasion, on July 2(), a ji:rou]) of a dozen males and one female was found sippin.i!: the nectar of these flowers. Elis interrupia Say. | S. A. Ixoliwer]. This species was also on tlie buck-brush llowers at Wesco, Aui^ust 1, 1920. Tipliia vulgaris Rob. fS. A. liohwer]. This medium- sized wasp was taken from the mouth of a roliber-fly, Proctacanthus milhcrti Macq. [F. Knab] on Au^ist 18. •.\nn. Enl. Soc. Amor. 9:227-274, 1916. Ecological and Behavior Notes 3 Tiphia inornata Say. [S. A. Rolnvor]. Taken on the sidewalk in the city on September 12. Brnesia sparsiformis Ckll. and Roll. [S. A. Rohwer]. A pair was discovered just at the conclusion of copulation on a clay bank at Jerseydale, Mo., July 31. Bruesia hexar Blake [S. A. Rohwer]. Dasymutilla zella Rohwer [S. A. Rohwer]. Basymutilla mutata Blake [S. A. Rohwer]. Can it be that wasps, like the rest of us, may sometimes be gravely misjudged because of the company they keep? The part of a stubble field bordering the woodlands con- tained a large number of burrows occupied by Cicin- dela larvae, and about this particular area an abundance of the three above-named species of velvet-ants lurked. The abundance of both larvae and wasps seemed to indi- cate that there might be some relation between the two, especially since it is known that certain species of Mutil- lids are parasitic upon Cicindela larvae. We spent a good many hours in the field on many days watching the parasites move about in the vicinity of the beetle burrows, in the hope of catching them redhanded at something or other, but all that they did was to slowly walk about doing nothing that we wanted or expected them to do. Thinking that in confinement some results would be obtained, several jelly-glasses were filled with soil and a Cicindela larva and a Mutillid introduced into each. The larvae immediately made their burrows, and the Mutillids dug deep into the soil. The way those jMutillids bury themselves is quite interesting, and since they are often seen in the open fields with particles of earth cling- ing to their velvety bodies one is led to believe that this behavior is for some reason necessary. The head is the simple implement which these insects use in digging their way sometimes for several inches into the soil. They thrust the head under the earth and pry it up, by manip- 4 Trnns. Acad, of St. Louis iilatin that with certain Pompilids the process is reversed — that instead of the sting causing slight injury and slow death, the sting here causes immediate total paralysis and slow re- covery? PompHoidcs anicricanus Beauv. [S. A. Koliwer]. Sev- eral of these were seen in the wheat stubble in early September, and on October 3 one was carrying away a spider, Pardosa nicjripalpis Emerton [N. Banks]. I also saw this red-banded Pompilid walking about the sand at Wickes, ^lo., on October 3, 1917. Without ])re- liminary warning it j)lung(Hl into a crevice anil soon came up again with a medium-sized spider, later identified as Pardosa niyripalpis [Emerton]. This is one of the vag- abond hunting spiders, some of which, according to War- burton*, burrow in the loose sand. The wasp, with its jaws inserted in the ventral portion of the spider's ab- •CambrldRC Nat. Illat. 4. p. 417. Ecological and Behavior Notes 11 domcn, walked backwards for twenty feet and deposited its prey under a loose piece of clay. After walking about for five minutes, probably looking for a desirable hole, she returned to the spider, grabbed it in the same way, dropped it for a few seconds while again she looked about, then returned, picked it up and removed it to a spot under another clod. There she left it again while she investigated an opening under another lump of clay only an inch distant. This at last seemed satisfactory, for the wasp then fetched the spider, dragged it under this lump of earth and remained there for fifteen minutes. Losing patience at last, I lifted the clod and found the spider in a very neat depression, but I could not tell if the hole was natural or a wasp-made one. Both spider and wasp were then taken. This wasp also seems to abound until late in the season. At Herculaneum, Mo., on October 18, on the shore of the Mississippi river, about a dozen were seen in the half- hour from 10 to 10 :30 a. m. One in particular was atop a spider, Philodromus sp. [J. H. Emerton]. Approach- ing too near we frightened her away, and she never re- turned for her prey. The spider was probably more frightened than injured, for after a few minutes it seemed to recover its faculties and walked away. Pompiloides marginatus Say. This wasp was carrying off a spider, an immature Xysticus sp. [J. H. Emerton], on October 19 at Hematite, Mo. Pompiloides subviolaceiis Cress. [S. A. Rohwer]. This beautiful wasp was taken while she was foraging about a lot of piled logs at Creve Coeur Lake on August 30, 1916. She was also seen carrying away an immature Xgsticus [J. H. Emerton] at Hematite on October 19. Psammocliares {Lophopompilus) aethiops Cress. [S. A. liohwer]. Several individuals of this species were seen flying about the bluffs at Clifton Terrace, 111., on October 28, 1916. The days w^ere then warm, but the nights were so cold that I marveled that they could sur- 12 Trans. Acad, of St. Louis vivo. Tlicy were also socn on a iiiitl-Soptomhor day at Iloniatito, Mo. Tlio day was dull and gloomy; despite the fact that wasps of tliis ,«>:enus are supposed to he sun- lovinu^ creatures, more than a dozen of these were seen on tlie sandy patches alon.ir Joachim creek, apparently forairiiiff, walkincf nervously ahout and explorin*:: all small holes anil crevices. They were also out here on Octoher 19. Arachnophociotnis frrnn/incKs Say. [S. A. Kohwcr]. Two specinuMis of this Pomjiilid wasp were taken at A\'i(.'ks, Mo., on .Inly 17, and one at Moselle, Mo., on Sep- temher L'."}. On .July o, IDl'l, Mr. F]rnst Schwarz and I watched one of these wasps carry an enormous Lycosid spider, Dolmcdes idonciis [.) . 11, Hmerton] crossin<2: the road amid many passinij^ automohiles. The wasp grasped the spider's paljn in its mandihles and was walk- ing hackwards, dragging the spider thus; this was no easy task, and she was obliged frequently to tug and strain when the spider became lodged against some ob- struction. She was compelled rej)eatedly to leavi- her property by the ])assing machines, but each time she left it she took an elaborate flight of orientation, just as we have seen other individuals of this species do when leav- ing their prey when homeward bound to examine the nest. Each time she returned to it readily, excepting oue time when for its safety we moved it two feet to place it out of the track of the passing automobiles; as we ex- pected, she returned to the exact spot where she had left it, and after a prolonged search stumbled upon it as if by accident. ■ Anoplius hyacinthiuKs I S. A. Kohwer] was found feed- ing on the flowers of a wild i)ea, August 17. AnopUus luctnosus Cress. | S. A. Kohwer] Hew in at the laboratory window oii July !». Pcpsis eleganshv]). [ S. A. Kohwer] was observed feed- ing on the flowers of a composite on July 17, and on the blossoms of the Madeira vine on August 11. On August Ecological and Behavior Notes 13 4, 1917, they were rather abundant in open spaces, road- sides, etc., bordering on the forest. Planiceps niger Cress. [S. A. Rohwer]. At Meramec Highlands, Mo., this wasp was walking about on a clay bank, probably foraging. In the course of its travels it walked over a heavy spider-web; when in the center, it bit a hole through the web with its mandibles, and drop- ped through it to the ground below. Notiochares philadelphicus Lep. [S. A. Rohwer]. This wasp was taken at Cedar Bluff, Mo., on July 9, 1916, and on a mud embankment at Jerseydale, Mo., on October 19. On August 13, one was seen in the dusty road carrying a spider, Lycosa scutulata [Emerton]. This prey, when taken from the wasp, was limp and made only slight re- sponse to stimulus. Sixteen days later the response was still slight, and shortly after that date the spider seemed dead. Our first real acquaintance with this wasp was when we discovered four holes in a bald and hard-packed area near the old log smoke-house, and three of these black wasps (beautiful blue in the sunshine) were loitering about the area. They walked slowly about, or flew languidly to near-by plants; they casually nosed about any holes or irregularities in the surface. The four holes mentioned had been recently dug, for the fresh earth still lay in front of each. For about two hours these wasps lingered about these holes (PI. VI, fig. 5), but did nothing constructive that we could see. In their slow walks over the area, their antennae and wings moved nervously, but they paid each other no heed. One hole was dug out ; it was seven-sixteenths inch diameter at the mouth, very crooked, and went down at an irregular slope for two and one-half inches. It was empty. A second one was found to be of about the same size and irregular direc- tion, but it contained a large spider, Lycosa scutulata [Emerton], with its abdomen almost eaten away by a large larva. 14 Trans. Acad, of St. Loui.'^ My opinion of the wasp's listlossnoss was at once cliani^od wlu-n one discovered a sjtider. This s])ider was on her hiri>:o, sj)roadin.u: weh at the hase of the smoke- lionso wall. I was attracted by tlie aniazinjr ra])idity with which the wasp traveled over this web without ])e- coniin^ ensnarcil. l)y a line trick, like a hare before the hounds, the spider suddenly ceased tiie race and stood stock still in the center of the web, while the wasp in full pursuit daslied ri^ht past her and did not discover the error, it seemed, until she had reached the ed^e of the web. Then she betrayed her agitation, by (piiverinii: wiuiTs and antennae, but for some time appeared either rather stupid or near-sir cocoon of this wasp, Ecological and Behavior Notes 21 taken from a sumac twig, was found to contain not the rightful owner hut the parasite, Diamorus zabriskiei Cress. [R. A. Cushman], which was fully developed and occupied the entire space. Cerceris clypeata Dahll). [S. A. Rohwer]. Taken at Kimmswick, Mo., by sweeping the low grass at 5 p. m. on July 17. Cerceris rani Roh. [S. A, Rohwer]. A male was found feeding on ])uck-brush blossoms at Wesco, about a hun- dred miles from the point from which it was described. Philauthus politus Say. [S. A. Rohwer]. Taken on July 2, in an area of white sand at Silica, Mo., in com- pany with several other Hymenoptera. Philantlms punctatus Say. [S. A. Rohwer]. Taken at Hematite, Mo., as late in autumn as October 19, 1918. Crossocerus scutellatus Say. [S. A. Rohwer]. One in- dividual of this species was seen to enter three holes in a clay bank at Lake View, Kansas, July 27, 1916; then it returned to the first one where it was captured. Another was tw^ice seen doing ''the Higland fling" before its hole in the bank; it would poise before the hole in humming- bird fashion for many seconds and sometimes move from side to side, and eventually dart away. I did not ascer- tain if it w^as foraging in these holes or actually nesting there. Crossocerus incavns Fox. [S. A. Rohwer]. This wasp was found in the same clay bank as the above species. One entered a hole in the bank, and despite the fact that the tunnel went in for several inches it remained near the entrance kicking out loose dirt, until it was captured. Xylocelia ater Mickel. [S. A. Rohwer]. At Lake View, Kansas, on July 27 and 30, two were seen to enter crev- ices in the dirt bank. Xylocelia spiniferus Mickel. [S. A. Rohwer]. Taken at Creve Coeur Lake, Mo., October 7, 1916. Diodontus corusanigrens Roh. [S. A. Rohwer].* On *Thi.s is a new species described from this material in rroc. U. S. Nat. Mua. 37 :270, l'J20. oo Trans. Acad, of St. Louis July fi, 191S, an ckler stem was taken witli tliis adult wasp within; in IfMJ) five wasps omcri^od Ix'twccn March 31 and April 14. This indicates but ono generation a year. Didincis tr.ra)ii(s Cress. fS. A. Rohwcr]. On October <1, 1 !»](!, about a dozen of these were seen walkinir about on the loose soil at the base of a clay bank, apparently killinu: time. Triipoxfilon nihrocinctum Pack. fS. A. Rohwer]. An elder twig contained a gallery three inches long and one- eighth inch in diameter. The lowermost cell of this was one-half inch long and contained the black cocoon from which this wasp emerged during the middle of July. A very thin partition of mud separated this from the next cell, which was one and three-fourths inches in length. Next was another partition of mud, and beyond this was the old case of a cuckoo-bee, Chrysis {trichri/sis) parvula Fab. I S. A. Rohwer]. No explanation has been found for the enormous size of the second cell. Trifpoxylon johnsoni Yo\. [S. A. Rohwer]. This nnl- bodied Trypoxylon was this time found occupying a hole in a mass of soil which was clinging to the roots of an ui)turned tree. The burrow was onl\* an inch deep and wide enough to accommodate only the wasp's body. We have previously found it in twigs. Trypoxijlon friyidum Sm. [S. A. l^ohwer]. A di'ad male found in the stem of a sumac. Trypoxylon clavatum Sm. IS. A. Rohwer]. This emerged in June 1920 from a Polistcs paper nest with mud plugs taken at Meramec Highlands October (5, l!ni>. Chlor'wn ichncumoneum Linn. Feeding upon flowers of Aster muUiflorn, Octoltcr (i, 191!), and on buck-brush blossoms at Wesco, July 30, 1920. Chlor'iou cyaneum Dahl. Found on August 14, 1919, carrying a cricket, Gryllus assimilis Fab. [A. N. Cau- dell]. The cricket, at first quite helpless, slowly regained Ecological and Behavior Notes 23 the ability, after several hours, to respond slightly to stimulus, but died the next day. Priononyx hifoveolatum Tachenberg. [S. A. Rohwer], We arrived upon the scene, a mud bank with sparse vegetation, just in time to see the wasp riding her hopper, Melanoplus scudderi Uhler [A. N. Caudell] to her door. She trundled it along in the regulation manner, riding atop and grasping the hopper's antennae in her jaws. She left it, as her sisters P. atratnAn and P. thomae usually do, beside the mouth of the burrow while she went in for a final inspection of the interior, poked her head out the door and dragged it in, and half a minute later she emerged and began packing in the soil. The burrow was only a small, sloping pocket in the earth, similar to that of P. atratum but somewhat smaller. The hopper gave only a slight response to stimulus, and died the next day. The wasp's e^g was attached exactly in the place where P. atratum and P. thomae habitually fasten theirs, on the right side of the body at the base of the hind leg. Priononyx atratum Lep. [S. A. Rohwer]. A grass- hopper, Melanoplus femoratus, which was taken from this wasp lived for four days, August 1 to 5, 1920. Other wasps of this species were taken on flowers of buck-brush at Wesco, July 30, and on Aster midtiflora as late as October 19, 1918. Ammohia pennsylvanica Linn. [S. A. Rohwer]. Cap- tured in the kitchen at Wickes, Mo., September 4, 1917. Sphex (Ammophila) pictipennis Walsh. At St. Louis, in 1918, several of these wasps were seen out on October 12 ; one was even earnestly trundling a caterpillar home. This was not the latest date of their appearance, how- ever, for one was taken at Hematite, Mo. on October 19. Others were taken in summer from the flowers of sweet clover and buck-brush. We took possession of a cater- pillar, Leucania unipuncta [S. B. Fracker] which one was taking home at Wesco, August 1 ; it lived six days. 24 Tra)is. A ((id. of St. Lauis Sphcx [Ammophila) uhhrcviata l-'ali. [ S. A. Ivoliwor]. Two of tlu'si' woro socii in copulo at Wickes, Mo., on Sep- tombor 4, 1917. Tlicy aliirlitod on a leaf nearby, reniainod for porliaps tlirec minutes and resumed tbeir fliijlit liii^li in tlie air witiiout separatin