TRANSACTIONS OF THE he Wee Sl UO UC CUTE FY OF EDINBURGH VOL. XLITI. THE BEN NEVIS OBSERVATIONS ‘1893-1897-—~ ALEXANDER BUCHAN, LL.D., F.R.S., anp ROBERT TRAILL OMOND. a EDINBURGH: PUBLISHED BY ROBERT GRANT & SON, 107 PRINCES STREET, AND WILLIAMS & NORGATE, 14 HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN, LONDON. MDCCCCV. € Price Two Guineas. - =" Lowe “9 tf ‘ iw Tol Hits 9d "+ . R 2 : ‘ , RA ; 7 : ib . es Lise 6 ar a a on My eK gt f ? Pa! ss : fu. abies as. bE 5 a a 7 . . - * » oa *: * * ke, aS Pay * 4 ‘ ¢ as # c ~) Tt ihieve Nore CT ONS OF THE Ph OMeeeeme > O CTE T Y EDINBURGH. ETON VOL. XIN. EDINBURGH : PUBLISHED BY ROBERT GRANT & SON, 107 PRINCES STREET, AND WILLIAMS & NORGATE, 14 HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN, LONDON. MDCCCCV. THE METEOROLOGY OF THE BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORIES. feenely IY LIT. CONTAINING THE OBSERVATIONS FOR THE YEARS 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896 AND 1897, WITH APPENDIX. EDITED BY ALEXANDER BUCHAN, LI.D., F.R.S., anp ROBERT TRAILL OMOND. FORMING VOLUME XLIII. OF THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH. EDINBURGH: PUBLISHED BY ROBERT GRANT & SON, 107 PRINCES STREET, AND WILLIAMS & NORGATE, 14 HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN, LONDON. MDCCCCYV. CONTENTS. PAGE Explanation of the Tables, . i . : 5 ° : . - . 1 Observations for the Year 1893, : : ; ; ‘ C : ‘ 2 3 Ma 1894, : ; é F : : : ‘ ae 200 5 1895, : 2 : c : ‘ c : >| S192 2 rs 1896, ‘ : ‘ : : j : F . 284 - 1897, - : : : ; : : : . 378 Depth of Snow on Ben Nevis, : : : - , - : . 5. Al Anemometer Readings, ¢ : ; ; : : : : : . 472 Mean Valves at the Ben Nevis and Fort-William Observatories, . : é : . 481 APPENDIX— The Inter-relations of Barometric Pressure, Temperature, Humidity, Rainfall, Cloud, Sunshine, and Wind, illustrated by the Observations made at the two Ben Nevis Observatories. (First Paper.) By AuEexanpER Bucuan, LL.D., F.RsS., a 0 : : : ; . 9505 Repoit on Hygrometric Researches mainly at the Ben Nevis Observatories. By A. J. HERBERTSON, M.A. .2heD a : ; : : : 2 3, 529 EXPLANATION OF THE TABLES. Tue following tables, in continuation of those in the previous volumes, contain meteorological observations made at the Ben Nevis and Fort William Observatories. The hourly records of the Barometer, Dry and Wet Bulb Thermometers, Rainfall and Sunshine at the two Observatories are printed side by side, those at Ben Nevis being on the left and those at Fort William on the right-hand side. These four subjects are placed first in each year’s records, and following them are the hourly values of Wind and of Amount of Cloud at the Ben Nevis Observatory, the Temperature in a Stevenson Screen, Radiation Temperatures and Amount of Cloud at the Fort William Observatory, Monthly and Annual Mean Hourly Values at the two Obser- vatories, and the Log Book. The Barometer and Rainfall are recorded in inches, the Temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit and the Sunshine in hours and decimal parts of an hour. The Wind Force is on a modified Beaufort Scale of 0 to 12, and the corresponding velocities in miles per hour are given on page 5 of vol. xlii. The amount of Cloud is on the scale 0 to 10, the symbol = denoting fog or mist. All interpolated entries are enclosed in square brackets and are included in computing the daily and hourly mean values. In the Barometer and Temperature tables, the highest and lowest readings, and in the Rainfall and Sun- shine tables, the highest only, are printed in bold-faced type. In this volume, the hours of observation are Greenwich Mean ‘lime, except in the Sunshine records which are given in Local Mean ‘Time. The Barometric readings at Fort William are reduced to 32° and Sea level, those at Ben Nevis to 32° only. To save space the first figure of the Barometer entries is omitted. At the Ben Nevis Observatory, where the pressure ranges from over 26 to 23 inches, the missing figure is always 2; e.g., 5-212 represents 25°212 inches, and 4-753 represents 24°753 inches. At the Fort William Observatory the whole inches range from 31 to 27, and therefore when the figure before the decimal point in the tables is 1 or 0 the missing figure is 3, but when that figure is 9, 8, or 7, the missing one is 2; é€g., 0376 represents 30°376 ; 9°727 represents 29°727 ; and 8°618 represents 28°618 inches. A description of the instruments used at the two Observatories, of the methods of observing, and fuller details of the records will be found in the introduction to the previous volume of observations. See Transactions, vol. xlii., pp. 1-8. - TRANS. ROY. SOC. EDIN.—VOL. XLIII. A 2 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. BAROMETER. ReEpuvED To 32°. 4407 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. JANUARY 1893. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | 102) ea aa id) Lb Ga agente at On COON) oP aaeDe aie Mean, Ins. Ins. | Ins. | Ins. , Ins. f Ins. | Ins. | Ins. Ins. | Ins. | Ins, | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. 1 | 5°25: § 5°320) 5°319] 5°324 5°31 7] 5°330) 5°334| 5°355 5°357| 5343) 5°380) 5°370| 5°384) 5°390] 5:887) 5295) 5°387 | 5°332 2 |5-40 iby 5421] 5°424| 5-424 5-415 5-414) 5°405) 5°406) 5-396) 5°397| 5°389) 5°368) 5°368) 5°353] 5:336] 5331) 5°341 | 5-397 3 | 5:343) 5°350) 5 3) 5 9| 5-438 5-451) 5-465 5-467) 5:477) 5-486] 5°506 5-514] 5°525| 6°533) 5-544] 5-549] 5-51] 5°558| 5-561| 5-570 | 5-464 4 | 5-572) 5°578) 5-587| 5°592) 5-591) 5-591] 5°597| 5°604) 5-606) 5°612) 5-607) 5:604 5:607) 5°615] 5619 5-623) 5°618) 5-622) 5-627) 5:623) 5-624) 5°620) 5-618) 5-614 | 5-607 5 | 5°616) 5°621) 5-616) 5°611) 5-607] 5-607| 5°613) 5°619) 5628) 5-627) 5-622 5-617} 5604) 5°588) 5°582 5°77) 5°570) 5:563) 5°557| 5°543) 5°526| 5:512) 5:503) 5°484 | 5-584 6 | 5°47) 5-470) 5-465) 5-452) 5-440) 5-433} 5-427) 5:422) 5-422) 5-411) 5:397) 5°389H 5369) 5°352) 5°338 5°330) 5°309) 5°308) 5°315) 6325] 5°316} 5310) 5°309) 5309 | 5379 7 | 5°801) 5°323) 5°348) 5°358) 5°340) 5°344) 5°350| 5°356) 5°367) 5363) 5°352) 5°367) 5368) 5°367) 5°862 5°355) 5°359) 5-369) 5°373) 6°382) 5-342) 5*342) 6°354| 5362 1 5-354 8 | 5°320) 5°329) 5-328) 5-328] 5-306) 5-287] 5-279) 5-275} 5-280) 5-279] 5-287) 5-254 5-253) 5°255) 5-206) 5-206) 5°204/ 5221) 5-204) 5-190} 5-218) 5-213) 5-209) 5-202 | 5-256 9 | 5127) 5231) 5°227) 9-216) 5-217) 5-246) 5-267) 5-285) 5°298) 5308) 5°316) 53119 5°316) 5°322/ 5°335 5°840) 5°349) 5363) 5°37) 5°395) 5-407) 5-418) 5-432) 5-432 | 5°317 10 | 5°433) 5-450) 5:455) 5-465) 5-477) 5-492! 5-504) 5°517! 5°524) 5°57] 5°78) 5-583} 5590, 5:608) 5-617) 5:632) 5647 5-659) 5°673) 5-688! 5-702! 5-707] 5:76] 5°721 | 5583 Tl | 5°728) 5°737) 5°752) 5-755) 5-762) 5 763| 5-763 5°770) 5°779) 5°77) 5°78) 5°7749 5°759) 5°755) 5°743, 5-725) 5-718) 5°724) 5-718) 5-708) 5704) 5-691 5-693) 5683 | 5-740 12) | 5°667) 5°641) 6-657) 5°643) 5-637) 5°645) 5°637) 5-634) 5-637) 5°638) 5-633) 5°625} 5-607) 5°99) 5°591 5°591) 5°57 5 5°573) 5°556) 5°553) 5°550) 5-588) 5-533) 5-526 | 5-604 13 | 5°18) 5°12) 5-504) 5-495) 5-475) 5-456} 6445) 5-446) 5-430) 5-421) 5-426) 5°4179 5-379] 5°371) 5°348 5°347| 5°339/ 5314) 5°303) 5300) 5-299) 5-300) 5-276) 5-263 | 5-391 14 | 5°228) 5-198) 5-174) 5-143) 5-108) 5-089} 5-069) 5-060) 5-069) 5-124] 5-166) 5-150} 5-140) 5-200) 5°253' 5-290) 5:339) 5-366) 5-411) 5-416) 5-438) 5-460) 5472) 5-489 | 5-244 15 | 5°507| 5°520) 5-535) 5°42) 5-541) 5°542) 6:536) 5548) 5°547| 5°537| 5:519) 5:501f 5-498) 5-468} 5-460, 5-451) 5-428) 5-408) 5°394) 5-362) 5:328) 5°303/ 5°269) 5:240 | 5-457 16 | 5°231) 5:197 5-196) 5-196) 5-181) 5-179} 5-172 5°177| 5°179 5185] 5:189} 5-180} 5°198) 5:178) 5-209) 5-230) 5-248) 5-255) 5°270) 5-288) 5-298) 5:308/ 5-304) 5-294 | 5-222 17 | 5:270) 5*259 5251) 5-218) 5-201) 5°189) 5-195) 5:191) 5-218} 5-256] 5-274) 5-286} 5-295) 5°304) 5°315 5-319] 5°324) 5:324) 5-330) 5°332| 5331) 5°313) 5-291] 5-301 | 5-274 18 | 5°298) 5°277 5-285) 5-280) 5-297) 5-341) 5-380) 5-420) 5-449) 5-454) 5-477] 5:487f 5°508) 5:523) 5°528 5°565) 5°571] 5°577| 5°578) 5:84) 5°587| 5:578) 5°574| 5-562 | 5-466 19 | 5°550) 5°550 5-553) 5:538) 5-522) 6-516) 5-504! 5-499) 5-504) 5-486) 5-495] 5:47] 5-462) 5:457| 5-458 5-443) 5-438) 5-441) 5-438) 5-444) 5-447) 5-457) 5-450) 5-431 | 5-482 20 | 5-426) 5-431 5-411) 5-412) 5389] 5:382) 5-379} 5-374) 5°372) 5-382| 5-386] 5-413} 5-404] 5-452) 5-463 5-486] 5-497) 5-517| 5-547) 5-561| 5-566) 5-556) 5-563) 5-561 | 5-455 21) | 5°37) 5°551 5°568) 5-582) 5°596) 5-602) 5-608) 5°616} 5:623) 5-646) 5-647) 5-661} 5-664) 5°669) 5°671 | 5°687| 5672) 5-680) 5:6S7| 5-682) 5-688) 5:678) 5-660) 5-651 | 5-639 22 | 5°641) 5°634 5-626) 5°606) 5°595) 5-587] 5-584) 5-594) 5:596) 5°597| 5-593) 5-581 5-572) 5°66) 5°58 5541) 5°550) 5-587) 5°528) 5-518) 5-496) 5-485) 5-460) 5-460 § 5:563 23 | 5-436) 5-443 5°430) 5°427| 5-407) 5-385) 5:401) 5-413) 5-411) 5-403) 5-399) 5-399) 5395 5°393) 5°384) 5°374) 5°372) 5-366) 5°361) 5°360| 5°359) 5°344) 5°344) 5°339 | 5°389 24 | 5°316) 5°305 5-289) 5-261) 5°239) 5-208] 5°183) 5-165) 5-160) 5°145) 5-142) 5-153} 5-143) 5:139) 5:141| 5:150) 5°141) 51438) 5:157) 5-155) 5°165) 5-140) 5-146) 5-192 | 5-182 25 | 5°213) 5°245 5-251) 5:265| 5°263) 5-271) 5-288) 5-311) 6°321) 5-327] 5-339) 5-338} 5-840) 5°331) 5°329) 5:324) 5°31 1) 5°299) 5-267) 5-249) 5-225) 5-197] 5-144) 5-065 f 5-271 26 | 5-016) 4949 4-890} 4-800) 4°770} 4-724) 4°716) 4°711) 4-717) 4°797| 4°847| 4-875} 4-917) 4-949] 4-971) 4-981) 4-998) 4-998) 4-989} 5-019) 5-024) 5-031) 5-050) 5-060 } 4-908 27 | 5°077| 5:077| 5°103) 5-115) 5°127| 5-139) 5:158) 5-170) 5-189) 5-209} 5-219) 5-215) 5-216) 5-217) 5-204! 5-192) 5-175) 5164) 5°162) 5-165) 5:150| 5-136) 5-113) 5-067 | 5-157 28 | 5:040) 5-004) 4-974) 4-934) 4-921) 4°877| 4°855) 4-845) 4-862| 4-865] 4-866] 4-861} 4°845) 4-825] 4°818) 4°807| 4°803) 4°814) 4°815] 4°799) 4°73) 4-740) 4-732) 4-727 | 4850 29 | 4°710/ 4704) 4°686) 4-639) 4°662) 4613) 4°685) 4°71) 4°725) 4-742) 4-763) 4-780} 4-796) 4°828) 4-842) 4°867) 4-889) 4-907) 4-924) 4-963) 5-002) 5-030) 5-047) 5-051 | 4°815 30 | 5064) 5-070) 5-080) 5:079) 5-095) 5-106} 5-104) 5-108! 5:116) 5-113) 5-121) 5-118} 5-101) 5:095) 5-075) 5-057) 5-025) 5-019) 4-991) 4-977) 4-974) 4-981) 4-974) 4-972 | 5-059 31 | 4982) 4°978) 4-964) 4:951) 4-919) 4-877) 4-875 4-869) 4°881) 4-907] 4°943] 4-954) 4-976 5-000) 5-028) 5-042) 5-044) 5-048) 5°052) 5-060) 5°078) 5-082) 5-080) 5-077 | 4:986 Mea. | 5°334| 5°32) 5°331| 5°320) 5°314) 5°309) 5313) 5°318) 5325 5°34) 5°342 5°341] 5°340, 5344 5346 5°848) 5°348) 5°351) 5°351) 5°353) 5°352) 5°347| 5°342) 5°337 | 5°336 BAROMETER. ReEpucep to 32°. 4407 reer ABOVE SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. FEBRUARY 1893. Ins. j Ins. | Ins. Ins. | Ins. { lus. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. f Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. Ins. | Ins | Ins. | Ins. | Ins.} Ins.| Ins. ] Ins. 1 | 5-079, 5-069) 5-057! 5:063) 5:069) 5-078) 5:087| 5-103) 5-120) 5-141) 5-155] 5°165}5°172) 5°182) 5-186] 5-179] 5:166 5:154) 5-134) 5-111) 5-096) 5-064) 5-033) 5-045 | 5-118 2 | 5-026) 5-043, 5:030| 5-027) 5:007| 5-014) 5-016) 5-034) 5-052) 5-082] 5-104) 5:135) 5-163] 5-184) 5-218) 5:227| 5°289 5264) 5-274) 5-290) 5-801) 5°306) 5318) 5°331 | 5:°154 3 | 5°342) 5:359) 5:370| 5°380) 5:387| 5-394] 5-403) 5-406] 5-410) 5-416] 5-426) 5:483] 5-434) 5-439] 5-450) 5-435] 5-443 5-445] 5-452) 6-445] 5444) 5-456) 5-453) 5-456 | 5-420 4 | 5477 5462 5°461 5°460} 5:481| 5°472) 5-472) 5°483] 5-495) 5-498] 5-511 5°528) 5:531| 5-540) 5°557| 5:564| 5-574 5:579) 5°586) 5:588) 5:597) 5598) 5°607| 5614 | 5°531 5 | 5612 5°590| 5°57 4) 5:566) 5:541) 5-545) 5-540) 5:54) 5-546) 5°550) 5-533) 5:545| 5-538) 5°529) 5513) 5°516, 5:524) 5°526) 5-518) 5:512) 5512) 5-517) 5°b13 | 5542 6 | 5:499) 5:495) 5-483) 5-473) 5°457| 5-435) 5:444) 5-450) 5-449] 5-448] 5-445] 5-434) 5-397] 5-380) 5:376] 5°343) 5°308 5-273) 5°218) 5-211) 5:178) 5-173) 5213) 5-218 | 5:367 i \or2i5) 5212) 5 5183) 5:225] 5-215) 5:225| 5-220) 5-226] 5-223) 5-247 5-256) 5-254] 5-265] 5-278! 5-268] 5:262) 5°264 5:254) 5-221) 5*181| 5*132) 5-060) 5-005) 4-967 | 5:202 8 | 4-937) 4-914! 4-906] 4-902 4:941| 4-975) 5-000) 5-010) 5-009} 5-022) 5-023) 5-032} 5-042) 5-054] 5-045] 5:050) 5°040 5-045) 5-051) 5-053) 5-059] 5-059] 5-054) 5-040 | 5011 9 | 5-047) 5:045) 5033) 5-025] 5-007, 4-988] 4-960) 4-916] 4-904! 4-854] 5-820) 4-770} 4-730) 4-675] 4:619) 4-540] 4-536, 4:507| 4°475) 4-445) 4-423) 4:364] 4°351) 4-326 } 4-728 10 | 4331 4-335) 4°314| 4°290) 4-275] 4-270] 4°341| 4-444) 4-512| 4-567] 4-611| 4-715} 4-770) 4-817] 1-860) 4-888) 4:916) 4-916] 4°891) 4-864 4°801) 4-737] 4:695) 4°710 | 4:620 11 | 4-656) 4-577) 4°597] 4-568] 4-595| 4-563| 4-627| 4:651| 4-671] 4-698] 4-718) 4-738] 4-739] 4°758| 4-756] 4-755] 4-764] 4-766] 4°760) 4-768] 4-745] 4-746] 4°746| 4-757 | 4-697 12 | 4771) 4°785 4-813) 4-830} 4°868) 4-904) 4-926) 4-941) 4-969) 4-979) 4-997] 5-013} 5-026) 5-034! 5-042) 5-041) 5-050) 5-051) 5°0538) 5-055) 5-052) 5-047] 5-045) 5-039 | 4-972 13 | 5029) 5-018 5-004) 4-992) 4-977) 4-964) 4-948) 4-930) 4-919] 4-900} 4-880] 4:852} 4°830) 4-782) 4-761] 4°729) 4°700) 4°695) 4-691) 4-682) 4:674| 4-676] 4:669) 4-668 | 4°832 14 | 4°659) 4-631! 4-604] 4-579] 4-540] 4-498] 4-440] 4:382) 4-337] 4-314 4-284| 4-264] 4-240] 4-224! 4-230] 4-262) 4-323) 4-363] 4-387] 4-424] 4-450] 4-486] 4-521] 4°557 | 4-417 15 | 4570) 4-606) 4°617) 4-646! 4-677) 4-730) 4°784| 4-840 4-877] 4-904] 4-928) 4-942} 4-946) 4-936] 4-929) 4-939) 4-946) 4-938) 4-947) 4-960) 4-962) 4-951) 4-956) 4-941 | 4853 16 | 4-906 4°907 4-901) 4°855| 4°848) 4:829| 4:836) 4-843 4-842) 4:827] 4-815] 4-809} 4-800) 4-790) 4-795) 4:814) 4°820) 4°826) 4-836) 4-855] 4°858) 4°859| 4-853) 4-861 | 4°841 17 | 4°878) 4°893 4-918) 4-936) 4-964 4-976) 4-992) 5-026 5°033) 5-051] 5-070) 5-087} 5-090) 5-098) 5:104) 5-104) 5-102) 5-103) 5-100) 5-084) 5-046) 5-024] 5-017) 4-998 } 5-029 18 | 4-983) 5:004) 5-005) 5-001) 5-007) 5-015) 5-033} 5-059’ 5-075) 5°100] 5-119] 5-123) 5-125! 5-185) 5-151) 5-150) 5:149) 5°155) 5-168) 5-178) 5-173] 5°177| 5178] 5172 } 5-101 19 | 5*166] 5:145| 5°139| 5°129) 5-124! 5-118) 5-109] 5-104! 5-094] 5-090| 5-070) 5-058) 5:052| 5-037| 5:028| 5-011] 5:000| 4-985] 4-963) 4-956] 4-943] 4-933] 4-927| 4-899 | 5-045 20 | 4°903} 4895, 4-889) 4°890) 4°885) 4°874) 4-872 4°871) 4859) 4°859) 4-844) 4-840) 4°829) 4812) 4-797) 4°782 4-756) 4°747| 4-738) 4°711] 4688] 4-661) 4°638) 4-623 } 4°808 21 | 4:596| 4578 4-573} 4°559| 4-550) 4-542] 4-538] 4-537 4-531) 4-530) 4:585) 4-539] 4-557| 4-552! 4-560) 4-569] 4-578] 4-589] 4-602) 4-619] 4-636] 4-651] 4-661] 4-672 | 4:577 22 | 4°677| 4°688) 4°722) 4-715) 4-732) 4-762) 4°775| 4°812) 4-841] 4-864) 4-882) 4-893) 4-901) 4:899) 4:907) 4°917) 4°925] 4-936) 4-944) 4-959) 4-960] 4:964) 4-968) 4:969 4 4°859 23 | 4-971] 4-970] 4966] 4-960] 4-958] 4-958) 4-961 4-962) 4-963} 4:964| 4:963) 4-956} 4950) 4°945) 4-936] 4-924] 4-917] 4-910) 4-905) 4-901) 4°886) 4:877| 4°867| 4°855 | 4°934 24 | 4°842) 4°831) 4°815) 4°796) 4°77) 4-778) 4°767| 4-760) 4-756) 4-742] 4-787] 4-783] 4°725| 4-714) 4-704) 4-698) 4°683) 4-684) 4-687) 4-686) 4°682) 4-682) 4-679] 4682 | 4:735 25 | 4°684| 4-684) 4-673) 4-671] 4-669) 4-667) 4-671 4:678) 4-686) 4°695) 4-701| 4-710] 4704) 4°715) 4°717| 4°720 4°74 4°717| 4°723) 4°724) 4°732) 4°733) 4:735) 4°727 9 4-702 26 | 4°723) 4°724) 4-712 4°699) 4-683] 4669) 4°658] 4-634) 4-632) 4-607] 4-586) 4-555} 4528) 4:475| 4-461) 4-429} 4-402) 4-378) 4°374) 4°337| 4°367| 4°376) 4°365] 4°381 | 4-531 27 | 4°380| 4°379| 4°385] 4°393] 4-419] 4-435] 4-446] 4-481) 4-510) 4:536] 4:564) 4:587 4-608) 4-628) 4:647) 4682) 4°702) 4°731| 4°743) 4-769) 4°790) 4816) 4°832) 4°853 | 4°597 28 4°86) 4°S85) 4-902 4°912| 4-930) 4-934) 4-941] 4-937) 4-919] 4-902) 4-949) 4-987 4-998| 5-028] 5-054! 5-065] 5:091| 5-108) 5-116] 5133) 5:182) 5-131) 5°123] 5-118 | 5-007 | | | MEAN, | 4922 +919) 4916) 4°912) 4-915) 4-915) 4-922) 4-931 4-937) 4-942] 4-948) 4-953} 4-953] 4-952) 4:953) 4-950] 4:951| 4:52) 4-949) 4-947] 4-940] 4-933] 4-930] 4-928 | 4:936 | | / | | | BAROMETER. FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. REDUCED TO 32° AND SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. JANUARY 1893. ] 2 Tus. | Ins. 9-993} 0-017 0°233} 0:240 0:056} 0:079 0°343) 0:348 0°390) 0:392 0°289| 0:276 0°086) 0:099 0093) 0:087 9-894) 9-909 07152) 0-170 0481) 0-493 12 ‘| 0:416) 0°406 13 | 0-206) 0°199 14 | 9:930} 9°885 15 | 0:252) 0-263 16 | 9°850) 9°815 17 ‘| 9°873) 9°861 18 | 9911) 9:918 19 |0°179| 0:175 i Ht SCOOOMNS OF WNP 20 | 07139) 0:138 21 | 0°304) 0-304 22 | 0:293) 0-286 23 | 0:015) 0-003 24 | 9°867) 9-859 25 | 9°833) 9°864 26 | 9°646) 9-591 27 | 9:667| 9°680 28 | 9°660) 9:628 29 | 9:264) 9-235 80 | 97597) 9-603 81 | 9485) 9-480 MEAN. ors) 0:010 Ins. 0-033) 0 0:241 0-088 0°356 07392 0:263 0:107 0:072 9-898) 9 0-179 0°495 0°398 0179 9-868 0:271 9-795) 9°7 9-835 9-928 07167 0-124 0°307 0:263 9-997 9°846 9°861 9°516 9-699) 9°7 9°581 9-206 9°605) § 9-469 0001 4| 0-132) 0148 | 0-384} 0-384 3} 9°083) 0:091 7/ 07511 0 3} 0°377| 0°375 0" i) 5| 9°829} 9-850 4) 0°100} 0°103 5| 9°637| 9°639 6 a Ins. | Ins. 0:061| 0:073 0°226) 0:236 0°364| 0°372 0-207] 0°194 0°020} 0:009 9-904] 9-919 0-205) 0:220 07106 9°72 0:290) 0:276 9°764| 9°763 9-970} 9-991 0°130} 0°108 0°326] 0°332 0:232) 0:224 9-980) 9-977 9°755| 9°737 9°892) 9-916 9319] 9°252 9°763] 9°776 9-508] 9°486) 9-182) 9:186 9:397| 9:384 9-981} 9°980 ns. | Ins. 81 42] 0:234 74 85 96} 0:400 0191} 07175 0094) 0:097 0-002} 0:006 9-941] 9:955 0°247) 0-266 0524) 0528 0°377| 0°372 0-084) 0:076 9-813] 9°844 0292) 0°304 9°761| 9°757 9°871) 9°896 0-027] 0:056 0°108} 0-092 07114) 0120 0°343} 0°354 0°220) 0:216 9-978] 9:971 9°712) 9°701 9°937| 9°955 9-216} 9°230 9°793] 9°810 9-476] 9-464 9-204) 9-221 9-641) 9°645 9°385} 9°401 9-988} 9:994 0:0 0:2 O17 0:3 0°3 BAROMETER. Ins. Ins. 9°643) 9°645 9-615) 9°620; 9-947) 9:958 0-066) 0:066 0234) 0°232 0°137) 0°140 9-765 9°77 9°510) 9°481 9°614) 9°604) 10 | 8776) 8773 11 | 9°142) 9-080 12 | 9:359| 9-399 13 | 9°685) 9°676 14 | 9°164| 9°137 15 | 9:099) 9°116 Oona ore come 16 | 9:488) 9-482 17 ‘| 9°462) 9°472 18 | 9°543) 9°529 19 | 9°653) 9°676 20 | 9°392) 9°380 21 | 9-119) 9-099 22 | 9:213| 9:229 23 | 9:594| 9°958 24 | 9-465 9-454 25 | 9°293) 9-292 26 | 9°333) 9°333 27 = | 8926) 8-931 28 | 9:476) 9°500 Mran.' 9°490 9°488 Ins. 9-632 9°593 9950 0-051 0°226 07134 1| 9°764 9°47 9-594 8755 9-095 9°427 9-656 9:099 9136 9-454 9°504 9509 9°661 9373 9-081 9°237 9°597 9°433 9-284 9:321 8-940 9513 9:482 Ins. ; 9°658 9°585, 9-964) 0:052 0:209, 0°115) 9°75) 9°499 9:579, 87.25 9-112 9-468 9°640 9-081 9°197 9-425 9530 9-495 9-650 9°375 9-065 9263 9-597 9-418 9-284 9:307 8952 9°525 10 Ins. 0115 0:236 0201 0°396 0°399 0167 07109 9-994 9965 0-288 0'530 0°367 0-083 9-883 0:292 9°70 9:936 0-090 0:088 0:145 0°372 0-212 9°971 9°686 9-961 9°398 9°831 9°458 9°236 9°645 9:433 0:008 ant Ins. 07126 0228 0-213 0-388 0-390 07145 07114 9-981 9:981 0°300 0°527 07362 0:082 9-900: 0255 9°761 9-942 07104 0:079 0-165 0:376 07185 9°959 9°677 9-965 9°434 9-836 9-441 9:267 9°637 9-470 0-009 14 17 18 19 20 21 BD) 23 Mid- night. Mean. Ins. 01241 0:120 0-219} 0-206 0215} 0:222 0°392} 0°384 0°389} 0-380 0°127) 0:109 0°113] 0-107 9-967) 9°958 9-976] 9-984 0314] 0°325 Os wena | wo _ Or © O30 RAND ROE BASH BOM6~1 WHO OWNIN WT NWOAA@W Wr PS QPOOGOCSO GOOSS COSLHS CLOSE DO HON CC Orr OO Ww S Ss Rs) 2 S Sj i Ins. 07136 07196 0232 07392 0:364 0099 0104 9-942) 9-¢ i=} OO ONTO “298 055 047 SOW k WOVoeocd WWNHH 3] 0°084 7| 0°283 3] 0°359 5| 07125 2| 9904 Ins. 07170 0150 0°264 0:393 07348 0:057 0-094 9:912 0:033 0°384 0°475 0°286 0025 0:091 07126 9°831 9978 0:192 9-720 9-925 9°567 9°782 9°359 9°399) 9°546 9°57) 0-014 Ins. 07186 0138 0:27) 0398 0°354 0:059 07106 9°910 0:055 0-404 0:471 0-280 0020 0-119 0:093 9°853 9-982 0:217 0:081 0°297 0°353 0°106 9°899 9°723 9:910 9°572 9°767 9°353 9°423 9-516 9:598 0-017 Ins. 07194) 0°120; 0:285' 0°400) 0°352 0059 0110 9-908 0:070 0-417 0-469 0-011) 07144| 0:070 9-865 9:969 0:210 0:106 0°316 0°351 07102) 9°888 9°724 9°80 9°573 9°756 9°335 9-439) 9-491 9-607 0-016 Ins. 0202 07104 0:298 0-400 0346 0°057 0111 9-906 0:091 0434 0°472 0°265 0-014 0156 0:0388 9°883 9°965 0213 0-111 0°321 0346 0-094 9-885 9-740 9°861 9587 9°755 9330 9°479 9-471 9°622 0-019 Ins. 0-211 0088 0303 0°392 0334 0051 07106 9°916 0:107 0452 0°458 0-260 0-003 07184 9-996 9°897 9-949 0:206 07135 0321 0-342 0:073 9-877 9°736 9°835 9593 9°742 9°317 9-512 9°485 9°634 0:017 Ins. 0:218 0068 0°315 0-389 0:323 0:070 07105 9:914 0126 0-470 0°458 0-244 9995 0-204 91956 9°S09 9:937 0200 0139 0318 0°341 0:060 9°874 9°727 9802 9°621 9°726 9°303 9°547 9°479 9°644 0:016 REDUCED TO 32° AND SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. Ins. 9°648 9°601 9-966 0:053 0:205 0-089 9°785 9564 9°549 8-711 9117 9505 9°627 9034 9°219 9°421 9°540 9:494 9637 9°373 9055 9:285 9°603 9°413 9282 9-293 8-966 9°540 9-484 9°485 Ins.| Ins. 9:670) 9°680 9°601) 9°624 9-979) 9:993 0-061) 0:068 0:202) 0:192 0-076) 0:065 9789) 9°796 9-591) 9°607 9°525) 9°495 8°740) 8:823 9-139) 9°151 9°541) 9°571 9-610] 9°596 8:995} 8:948 9-279) 9°326 9-403] 9:391 9°564) 9°594 9°508} 97523 9-632) 9°621 9:372] 9°373 8542) 9°557 9-490] 9:498 Ins.| Ins. 9°710| 9°726 9:641) 9°656 0:005} 0-013 0:080} 0-091 0°187| 0°192 0:073} 0:067 9°816} 9°804 9614] 9°622 9-458] 9°423 8:924) 8:994 9°168} 9°193 9-594) 9°627 9°576| 9°563 8-901} 8839 9*393} 9430 9°382| 9°367 9-620} 9°648 9°548) 9°578 9°625) 9°610 9:378 9:368 9: “049 9: ‘O41 9 389 9" “552 9510 9°515 Tus. 9-748) 9°681 0:023 0-113 0-192 0-040) 9-834 9°637 9°374 9-064 9°243 9°648 9-526 8°S17 9:456 9°366 9-668 9°612 9-603 9°375 9-040 7| 97438 9°614 9-364 9-310 9-206 9:108 9°536 9-523 Ins, 9°769 9-706 0:034 0127 07189 0:034 9°857 9648 9°320 9:121 9-264 9°658 9-491 8748 9°495 9°358 9-690 9-638 9-579 9-367 9:048 9-464 9°622 9350 $310) ¢ 9174 9°139 9°559 9°527 Ins.} Ins. 9°785} 9°786 9°739] 9°764 0:037} 0:038 0141) 0°151 07182] 0°185 0:019] 9-993 9°852] 9-860 9°659] 9°656 9-263] 9°205 9°210] 9-281 9+288] 9:302 9-676] 9-680 | 9449} 9-407 8'699] 8663 9°517} 9°519 9°364] 9:346 9-704 ee Ins. 9-784 9-780 0:042 0157 07163 9-969 9:872 9°651 9°142 9340 5] 9°494. | 9°653: Ins. 9779 9°805 0-032 0:169 0168 9:947 9-864 9-649 9063 9-384 9°317 9690 9°319 8°615) 9504 9°346 9°718 9°667 9:307 9:053 9°505 9°562 9-302 9-309 9:049 9-230 9518 Ins. 9°767 9°820 0-026 0179 0:155 9-922 9°861 9647 8-984 9-419 9-302 9691 9282, 8699 9°510 9°356 9°720 9672 9°480 9291 9:061 9°510: 9548 9°294 9°310 9-024 9-256 9°681 9°517 Ins, 9°769 9°830 0:036 0190 07156 9-883 9-860 9°636 9:017 9°445 9:312 9°698 9-262 8812 9°517 9°366 9°716 9°665 9-482 9°274 9-079 9°521 9°540 9-283 9°307 §:993 9-288 9°707 9-523 Ins. 9°758 9°861 0:040 0199 0171 9851 9843 9°646 §:°985 9°441 9318 9°701 9243 8°851 9°527 9°378 9-714 9-680 9-480 9°265 9-100 9°545} ¢ 9°532 9°279 9319 8-976 9-325] 9° 9°727 9°527 Ins. 9:735 9°870 0:048 0°204 0169 9-829 9°818 9-641 8-965 9-425 9°316 9:706 9-213} 8'869 9-529 9°386 9-707 9-698 9-461 9-247 9: 117 5] 8:950 Ins. 9°717 9-892 0:050 0:201 07155 9°779 9°760 9-638 8-921 9406 9:322 9-702 9-209 8-909 9-532 9-402 9-701 9°705 9-448 9-222 9131 9-568 9-525 9-284 9°331 9°372 9°738 Ins. 0:216 0:055 0320 0°387 0317 0:073 0:106 9:904 0-144 0-464 0447 0232 9971 0-214 9-918 9-908 9-928 0-203 07145 0°317 0°328 0°045 9°872 9-758 9-761 9°631 9-701 9-283: 9563 9°474 9664 0-011 Ins. 0°229 0-054 0°333 0°390 0°316 0:081 0°109 9°886 0°153 0-473 0°439 0°225 9-957 0°235 9-875 9-901 9-918 0:187 07147 9°318 0-306 0:035 9°876 9°798 9:714 9-652 9°675 9:270 9°586 9°489 Ins. 07125 0-181 0-211 0382 0°368 0140 FEBRUARY 1893. Ins. 9688 9-901 0:043 0:24 07151 9°743 9:708 9638 8°867 9°345 9°310 9°697 9195 8929 9-524 9°407 9-666 9°707 9432 9-202 9°146 9569 9°508 9°280 9°345 Ins. 9-680 9-918 0:046 0215 0149 9°725 9-651 9642 8-857 9:273 9301 9698 9:196 8-967 9520 9-422 9620 9°713 9-422 9176 9169 9°574 9°500 9-284) 9°347 8932 9°388 9-740 9°520 8-911} 9-424 9-745 Ins. 9°649 9:932 0:049 0222 07149 9-779 9595 9°635 8827 9-225 9-300 9°695 9-181 9:007 9511 9-429 9593 9702 9°417 9154 9:182 9583 9°492 9286 9°34] 8912 9°435 9°735 9-509) 9°505 9°501 Ins. 9°639 9:948 0:057 0233 0-145 9°72 9-555 9-621 8-792 9-191 9-328 9-692 9-189 9-056 9°513 9-439 9574 9°702 9°412 9138 9°203 9-589 9-480 9-289 9°335 8922 9°464 9°724 9500 Ins. 9°711 9°750 0:015 0:1387 0-182 9-966 9°785 9°609 9°226 9°117 9-238 9617 9-423 8-894 9-412 9396 9°631 9°618 9547 9°310 9-086 9-440 9569 9°345 9°305 9-124 a Wis) 9°620 9509 4 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. BAROMETER. ReEpucep To 32°. 4407 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. MARCH 1893. 1} 2B] ele) el eS | coe on ees |! 142! 15: | erie eta ieee esOn so; eat || s25n ios nigh, Mean. ipa Ins. | Ins. Ten ee. Nee Taal me cee Ins. | Ins. | Ins. Tae iin Taealaines en men ine. mol a ies. Thee, Ins. | Ins. 1 | 5-101) 5-083} 5-052) 5-010) 4-966, 4-902) 4-832) 4-787] 4-755] 4-741] 4°744] 4-734] 4-718] 4-719] 4-718 4-714] 4-718] 4-718] 4-723] 4-732| 4-742] 4-757| 4-783] 4-810 | 4-815 2 | 4850) 4-879 4-929] 4-963) 5-010 5-034) 5-085) 5-126] 5-156] 5-212] 5-239) 5-258} 5-285] 5-328) 5-357/ 5-366) 5:394| 5-415] 5-443] 5-446] 5-451) 5-460) 5-456] 5-461 | 5-233 3 | 5-468) 5-457| 5-451] 5-451) 5:453| 5-433) 5-424] 5-424] 5-390] 5-376] 5:364| 5:363) 5:30) 5:347| 5329) 5:302| 5-289] 5-271] 5:267| 5-269] 5-259) 5-252) 5-256] 5-240 | 5-353 4 | 5+237| 5-206] 5-196] 5-201) 5-204 5-213] 5-217] 5-225] 5-229) 5-218] 5-236| 5-249) 5-265] 5-260) 5-279) 5-270] 5:278| 5-288] 5-300] 5316] 5°314 5-328) 5:352| 5-370 | 5-260 5 | 5°371) 5:375) 5364) 5°385| 5-388] 5:385| 5-407] 5-427] 5-438] 5-455] 5-471] 5-488] 5:501| 5:514| 5-533] 5-542] 5-538) 5-559] 5:579] 5:602| 5-605] 5-602] 5-593] 5-587 | 5-488 6 | 5:579| 5-578) 5:563) 5°547) 5°537| 5°583] 5:528] 5-519] 5-512) 5-504) 5-513] 5-51 9) 5-523) 5-533) 5:535| 5-561] 5:566] 5:569] 5°578| 5:572) 5:578| 5-584] 5-580| 5-575 | 5-549 7 | 5°568) 5-561! 5:544] 5-532) 5528) 5-533) 5:523] 5-537| 5-538) 5528) 5:543] 5-533) 5534) 5:541| 5-564) 5-563] 5°576| 5:579| 5°585| 5°595| 5-602 5:609] 5-607] 5-622 | 5-560 8 | 5:609| 5:626| 5°623) 5-614| 5:631| 5:600| 5-609) 5-623] 5°613] 5:620| 5-614] 5-608) 5-615] 5°614| 5-603, 5:602) 5°587| 5581] 5°564| 5:549] 5:537| 5-536) 5°518| 5-501 | 5:592 9 | 5-481) 5-455) 5-442) 5-424] 5-401] 5-374] 5:343) 5-346) 5-336] 5-332] 5-303] 5-314] 5-302! 5-300] 5-270] 5-241] 5-255] 5-263] 5275] 5-282] 5:261] 5-272) 5-287) 5-291 | 5-327 10 | 5:313| 5°302| 5:321) 5-349] 5-349) 5-345] 5-374! 5393] 5-443] 5-476] 5-490) 5-512} 5-534! 5°568| 5:563) 5:550| 5°553] 5°555| 5564] 5:570| 5:568| 5:560| 5°547| 5:518 | 5-472 11 | 5°506) 5-481) 5-444] 5-413) 5:397| 5°375] 5-353) 5-341] 5-323] 5-316] 5-311] 5-300) 5-288) 5-273] 5-273! 5*249] 5-250] 5-245] 5:250) 5-238) 5225) 5-212! 5-198] 5-182 | 5-310 12 | 5°171! 5:161| 5:139| 5-120] 5-110! 5-087] 5-070] 5-061) 5-050! 5-080) 5-025] 5-006} 4:991| 4-967| 4-945] 4-916] 4-899] 4-900] 4-900} 4-897] 4-923] 4-917] 4-929! 4-934 | 5-006 13 | 4-946] 4-957) 4-962] 4-967] 4-980| 4-997| 5-008! 5-016] 5-033] 5-030] 5-043) 5-0624 5-080] 5-080] 5-085) 5-092] 5-082] 5-093} 5-092} 5-090] 5-082) 5-067] 5-050] 5-048 | 5-039 14 | 5:002| 4-991| 4-968] 4-970] 4-943] 4-933] 4-933] 4-916, 4-931! 4-909] 4-909] 4-929} 4-926] 4-923] 4-920] 4-900] 4-907] 4-901] 4-902] 4-904 4-903] 4-898] 4-878] 4-879 | 4-924 15 | 4-858] 4°$35] 4-832] 4-822] 4-799) 4-792] 4-781] 4-803] 4-789) 4-796] 4-799] 4-777] 4°787| 4781) 4°762| 4:732| 7-769] 4°75] 4°773] 5:761| 4-755] 4-758] 5-719] 4-693 | 4-781 16 | 4-667] 4-658) 4-660] 4-663] 4-665] 4-676| 4-668] 4-691] 4-712) 4-733] 4-747] 4-764] 4-772] 4:783] 4-792| 4-794] 4-800] 4:803] 4-804] 4-804] 4-797] 4-791] 4-789] 4°787 | 4:742 17 | 4:790] 4°790| 4819] 4-854 4:858| 4-902] 4-942) 5-004] 5-048] 5:078| 5-112) 5-114] 5-112] 5-117] 5°148) 5-168] 5-178) 5-200] 5-231] 5-267] 5-288] 5-305] 5-323) 5-332 | 5-082 18 | 5-339] 5°344] 5:356| 5:373| 5386) 5°395| 5-414] 5-427] 5-454! 5:477| 5-510) 5-527) 5°55] 5:560| 5:562| 5-582) 5-587] 5-602! 5°609) 5:615] 5-628] 5-628] 5-635) 5-643 | 5:508 19 | 5:647| 5°649) 3-648 5-644] 5:647| 5-651) 5-656] 5-665] 5-676) 5°685| 5-685] 5-686] 5°686| 5-687| 5:692| 5:689| 5-687) 5:688| 5-688) 5:692] 5-688) 5°682| 5-682! 5-678 | 5-674 20 | 5667] 5-669] 5-672) 5-670! 5-678] 5:683] 5-690] 5-694) 5-693) 5-700] 5-701] 5-700} 5°698) 5-692) 5-691] 5-685] 5°680] 5:681| 5°675| 5°673] 5°670| 5-668) 5°665| 5-660 | 5:682 21 | 5:649] 5-640] 5-636] 5-634] 5:627| 5-623] 5-619] 5-626] 5:638) 5-648) 5-659) 5-661) 5°659| 5:650| 5-648] 5-642) 5°638| 5-642] 5-648) 5-653) 5:657| 5°654] 5-649] 5-650 | 5-644 22 | 5:647] 5°636| 5-628) 5:608| 5°617| 5°619] 5-631) 5-628) 5-629] 5-631] 5-639| 5-647) 5°651| 5°649| 5-633] 5-635) 5:627| 5-634] 5-630] 5-632) 5-619] 5-615] 5-616] 5-607 | 5:630 23 | 5-595] 5-593] 5-585) 5:83) 5-582) 5-587] 5-593] 5-599] 5-606) 5-611| 5-618] 5-624) 5°628| 5-628) 5-631| 5-634) 5-628) 5-636] 5-640] 5-654] 5:663| 5-680] 5-676] 5-679 | 5623 24 | 5:679] 5-683] 5:679| 5:681| 5°683) 5-686] 5-694] 5-707| 5-715] 5°723] 5-733) 5-744] 5°756) 5-769] 5-767] 5-764) 5°769] 5-775] 5°776| 5°779] 5*782| 5°785| 5°78] 5°785 | 5°737 25 | 5*780} 5°788] 5-788) 5°784| 5-778] 5-782] 5-789] 5-795] 5-800] 5-805] 5-812] 5-820) 4°5g2| 5-812) 5:06] 5-811) 5-808] 5-806] 5-806] 5:81.4| 5-801] 5*798] 5-794) 5-789 | 5-800 26 | 5°785| 5°782| 5-774) 5°760] 5-756) 5:754| 5-752) 5-747] 5-749] 5-749] 5-752| 5-753) 5°749]| 5-744] 5-742) 5-736] 5°733] 5:729] 5:729| 5-735] 5-728) 5°717| 5°711| 5-700 | 5-744 27 | 5°689] 5-669) 5°655| 5-643) 5-633] 5-631) 5-619| 5:621| 5-623] 5:622! 5-612| 5-594} 5-603| 5-586] 5584) 5:585| 5:583] 5-586] 5:585| 5-597] 5:94) 5-598) 5-610 5-599 | 5-613 28 | 5591] 5°592! 5-582) 5-585) 5-587] 5:590] 5:598) 5-600) 5-605] 5-606] 5-607] 5-606} 5-608] 5:609| 5°606] 5:598} 5:598) 5-602} 5-602] 5:606| 5-599] 5-603] 5:603| 5-591 | 5-599 29 | 5580] 5:567| 5-552 5:54) 5-533) 5-529] 5-523] 5-514) 5-509] 5-506] 5-499] 5-486] 5-480] 5-462) 5-459] 5-448] 5:430| 5-425] 5-416] 5-404] 5-400] 5-383] 5-369) 5357 | 5-474 30 | 5:358] 5*333] 5-324) 5-315] 5:314| 5-309] 5-304) 5-293] 5-292] 5-288] 5-290] 5-277] 5-273) 5-262) 5-240) 5-225] 5-207] 5-205] 5-192] 5-172) 5-166] 5-159] 5142) 5-125 | 5-253 81 | 5-090] 5-086] 5-074 5-062) 5-048) 5-038] 5-038) 5-026] 5-024! 5-016] 5:007| 5-012} 5-018) 4-997| 4-989] 5-014] 5:038) 5-051] 5-060) 5-078) 5-097] 5-112) 5-127] 5-144 | 5-052 Meav. | 5:374] 5:369] 5363] 5°360| 5:358| 5-355) 5°355] 5-361] 5:365| 5368) 5-374] 5-376] 5378) 5379] 5:378) 5:375| 5°376| 5°380] 5:383] 5°387| 5°387] 5:387| 5:384| 5-382 | 5:378 BAROMETER. Repbucep To 32°. 4407 reeT ABOVE SA LEVEL. FIRST FIGUR® OMITTED. APRIL 1893. 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REDUCED TO 32° AND SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. APRIL 1893. Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins.} Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. |} Ins. | Ins. 9°727| 9°748} 9-756] 9°784) 9°802) 9-830) 9-855 9°879) 9-901) 9-917| 9-936, 9:94] 9-943] 9-948) 9-954] 9-960) 9-973] 9-990) 0-004] 0-027] 0-026) 0-030) 0-032! 0-036 | 9-917 0030) 0°040} 0-044) 0:049} 0-057] 9-069) 0-082) 0-099) 0-103} 0-112) 0-123 0-131] 0-123) 0-125) 0-117) 0-117] 0°127] 0-139) 0°138) 0:145) 0-143) 0°154) 0-163} 0-181 | 0°108 0°168! 0°167| 0-166) 0-176} 0-173) 0-175) 0-181) 0195) 0:197| 0-207 0-210 0-213} 0-208) 0-213} 0-208} 0:212) 0-214] 0:226} 0°242) 0-260) 0-266) 0-271) 0-271) 0-283 | 0-213 0-283} 0°291} 0-287] 0:297| 0°306| 0-312) 0°318)| 0°321] 0-310) 0-306) 0-288 0-285} 0:274) 0-258) 0°245) 0:239} 0:232] 0-239) 0-241) 0-249] 0-251) 0:247| 0-242) 0-240 | 0-273 0233) 0°227] 0-218) 0-214) 0-210} 0-210) 0-199) 0193} ()'185} 0-167] 0°155, 0°139} 0°123) 0-109] 0-099) 0-089) 0:081) 0-080) 0-084) 0-098) 0-100) 0-102) 0-111) 0-114 j 0-147 0°119) 0-133] 0-136] 0°151) 0°171) 0-184) 0-208) 0-227] 0-227} 0-226) 0-227) 0-229} 0-233) 0-216] 0-213) 0-217] 0:225] 0241) 0-282) 0-328] 0:328] 0°314| 0-333] 0°342 | 0-230 0363) 0°376 0-386] 0°401) 0-411) 0-438) 0-457) 0:475] 0-478] 0-475] 0-473 0-468} 0°474| 0-478] 0°480} 0:485] 0°496] 0°510) 0°520) 0:542] 0:548) 0-552] 0-560) 0-571 | 0-476 0°571) 0°568) 0-578 0°581| 0°595! 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Repucep To 32°. 4407 rEET ABOVE S&A LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. JUNE 1893. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. 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REDUCED TO 32° AND SEA LEVEL. First FIGURE OMITTED. JULY 1893. ‘ 5 le Mid- 1 2 3 4 S| 6 7 8 9 TORS etal | 12 night. 18) 14 iH | 16 | G7 | iS || 1 | 2d | Mi |) By) oe Mean.|| Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. } Ins. | I 07130) 0°128) 6°124) 0°119) 0°118) 0:110) 0-098) 0-094) 0:078) 0°:067| 0-056) 0 0-060} 0:064} 0:069] 0:075] 0:074) 0-094) 0-106] 0-126} 0-128) 0-132) 0-143) 0- 0-191] 0°198} 0-199] 0-200) 0°204| 0-215) 0-222) 0-222) 0-218) 0-209) 0-201) 0 0181} 0:178) 0:172| 0°160} 0°152) 0°152) 0°152| 0:144) 0°134) 0-128) 0-120) 0:097 ; 0-051) 0°049} 0°050) 0-047) 0:053) 0-057) 0-059} 0-061) 0-053) 0-044! 0-040 0-064] 0:064) 0-070) 0:068) 0-062) 0:062 0-054! 0:037| 0:034! 0-020) 0-018) 9-933] 9:921) 9°909) 9:891) 9°893) 9-894 *871| 9°867| 9°859) 9°846) 9°847 9°771| 9°789} 9°763) 9°759 9°74) 9°735 *727| 9°72) 9°702) 9°681) 9°669 9-620} 9°597| 9°594| 9°584) 9°55 519) 9°498) 9474) 9°467) 9-460 10 | 9°635| 9°644! 9°661) 9°672) 9° ‘732! 9°740) 9°743] 9°744| 9°747 11 _ | 9°801} 9°800} 9-791) 9°791) 9 07| 9808) 9°811} 9°797) 9-791 12 | 9°789| 9-788) 9°788] 9°785) 9°783) 9-781 *784| 9°793) 9°791) 9-791) 9-787 13. | 9°749] 9°746) 9°742) 9°742) 9°741| 9:746 57| 9°757| 9°759| 9°767) 9°775) 14 | 9°873] 9-884) 9-882) 9-891) 9-900) 9-911 931) 9:986) 9°948) 9-943) 9-947 15 | 9-993] 9-980) 9-974] 9°972) 9:970] 9:976} 9-982) 9-983) 9°976) 9-968) 9°960) 9:959) 16 | 9°887| 9°878) 9-868} 9°862)| 9°853] 9°852) 9°851] 9-849) 9-846) 9-841) 9-831) 9-827 17 ‘| 9°698] 9°697| 9-701] 9°708) 9:705] 9-709) 9°712) 9°716) 9-716] 9°726) 9:741) 9-749 18 | 9:913} 9-920) 9°924| 9:924) 9-930) 9-929] 9-928) 9-921) 9-906) 9-893) 9:873) 9°861 477) 9°455| 9°438] 9°418] 9°397| 9°390) 9°387| 9°382) 9:379] 9°379] 9-373) 9-360 8] 9:201] 9°194] 9-200) 9:207| 9°215) 9-241] 9-273) 9-282) 9-290) 9-296) 9°311 9°529| 9°536| 9:547| 9°555) 9°565) 9°577| 9°592) 9°595] 9-608] 9-614) 9-626 9-709} 9-720} 9°731) 9-739) 9°755) 9-780) 9°803} 9828] 9-807| 9-869} 9-879! 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REDUCED TO 32° AND SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. AUGUST 1893. Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. 9-954] 9-941) 9935) 9-929] 9-919} 9°919) 9-915] 9-910| 9-901} 9°897| 9890) 9-876} 9-865] 9:855] 9°842) 9-837] 9°825| 9°816} 9:309| 9°802) 9°802| 9-800} 9-791) 9-790 | 9-867 9°784| 9°778} 9°772| 9°773] 9°769| 9-771) 9°769] 9-769, 9-772) 9-776] 9°70) 9°770} 9-762] 9-749] 9°739| 9-730} 9°723] 9°714| 9-690) 9675) 9-663) 9°640| 9°612) 9°580 | 9-731, 9°545]| 9°523] 9°501] 9-485] 9°459] 9-454) 9-447] 9-440) 9-426] 9:423] 9-438] 9-446] 9-445] 9-444] 9-446) 9-440) 9°446] 9:453] 9-457] 9:464) 9-468) 9-469} 9°467| 9-468 | 9-461 | 9-469) 9°465] 9-458) 9:452) 9-453! 9-457) 9-460) 9-466) 9-471] 9-470) 9°474) 9-472} 9-481] 9-490] 9-488] 9-489] 9-499) 9:518] 9°537| 9°558) 9:580) 9-604) 9-618) 9°636 | 9-503 9-655] 9°681| 9704] 9-731] 9-760] 9-788] 9-803} 9:836, 9-853] 9-871] 9:893] 9-911! 9-928] 9-942] 9-959] 9:975] 9-982] 0-000} 0-014] 0:028] 0-038] 0-048) 0-057| 0-069 } 9-897 | 0:069} 0:063] 0-059} 0-056} 0-054) 0-053) 0-047) 0-034) 0-017] 0-003] 9:981| 9-968} 9-943] 9-917] 9:900| 9-889] 9:872) 9°851| 9-832/ 9-823 | 9:F21| 9°813)'9°799| 9-792 | 9-944 9-797) 9-798] 9°799} 9°795| 9°795] 9°804] 9:805] 9°812| 9°810} 9-809] 9-805] 9-815} 9-810] 9812] 9-815] 9°817| 9850) 9°883} 9°915| 9-935] 9-952) 9-968] 9-978) 9-989 | 9-849 9-991) 0-003) 0-003) 9-999} 9-998) 0-006} 0-012) 0-025) 0-026} 0-040) 0-035) 0-039} 0-046} 0-062] 0-059] 0-070) 0-069) 0-081} 0-092) 0-109) 0-116} 0-121] 0-119) 0-123 f 0-052 0:116| 0°114| 0°108] 0-103) 0-104) 0°111) 0-120} 0-117) 6-112} 0-102} 0-087) 0-070} 0-049} 0-038} 0-013) 0-004] 9-994/ 0-000} 9-999) 0-015} 0-026] 0-027) 0:025) 0-020 } 0-061 10 | 0:011) 0-005} 9-996] 9-995) 9-989] 9-988) 9-975] 9961} 9-Y56] 9-954] 9-954! 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ROY. SOC. EDIN.—VOL. XLIII. B 10 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. BAROMETER. ReEpucep To 32°. 4407 rEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. SEPTEMBER 1893. ae 1} 2} 3 }4]o)6)7 | 8) 9 [10] a1 | a] is | 1 | 15 | 16 | a7 | as | 19 | 20 | 2 | 23 | Mid" | Mean. | (=) Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ms. ] Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins, 1 | 5°486) 5:490) 5-485) 5-478) 5-480) 5484) 5-495] 5-502) 5-500) 5°500| 5-511] 5-506) 5:510, 5-514) 5°517| 5°510) 5°515) 5-523) 5°531) 5-543) 5-542) 5°547| 5554) 5-554] 5-512 2 | 5°562) 5°569) 5°571) 5569) 5-580) 5°587| 5°610) 5-618) 5°629) 5-646) 5:658) 5-668] 5°678 5-688) 5°694) 5:696) 5-701) 5-701) 5°710) 5°724) 5-731) 5°781) 5°731) 5-732 | 5-658 3 | 5°722) 5°721) 5°721) 5°721| 5:721| 5-720) 5-725) 5:730) 5°733) 5°737| 5°739] 5°741) 5°748 5-749) 5-743) 5-741) 5°735) 5°735) 5-735) 5°737| 5°733) 5-731 5727) 5-719 | 5-782 4 | 5°715) 5°704) 5-699) 5°685) 5°680) 5°682) 6-680) 5-681) 5-685) 5:683) 5°680) 5°677) 5668 5-663) 5°649) 5-635) 5-623) 5-613) 5-607) 5°599) 5:582) 5-575) 5-565) 5°547 | 5-649 5 | 5:535) 5°516/5°502 5-487| 5:476| 5-466) 5:449| 5-440) 5435) 5-423) 5-416] 5-402] 5-391) 5°374| 5°369] 5-356] 5-335) 5°332| 5-324) 5:317) 5:310| 5-303] 5°304) 5-296 | 5-398 6 | 5*285) 5°275) 5:264) 5-251) 5250) 5-244) 5-243) 5-240) 5-236) 5-231) 5:228) 5-225] 5-218) 5-200] 5184) 5-174) 5-161) 5-188) 5-127) 5-122) 5-106) 5-096) 5-092) 5-081 | 5-195 7 | 5-078) 5:071) 5-070) 5-066) 5-066) 5-071) 5:084) 5-091) 5°102| 5:105) 5-111] 5°120) 5°132) 5-139] 5-135) 5-119] 5-106) 5°110} 5-119) 5-111) 5-113} 5-092) 5-092) 5-079 | 5-099 8 | 5-076) 5:068) 5-054) 5-035) 5-032) 5-032) 5-035) 5-041] 5-046) 5-058) 5-071] 5-082] 5-090) 5-106] 5-129] 5-131] 5°155| 5-190) 5-229) 5-247) 5-259) 5-260| 5258 5-276 | 5-123 9 | 5279) 5:27) 5-277) 5-259) 5:276) 5-273) 5-287) 5-297) 5°31) 5°323) 5-332) 5:341) 5359 5-363} 5:366) 5°368) 5:372) 5°375| 5°389) 5:398) 5-406) 5-413] 5-421 5-433 | 5-341 10 | 5°427) 5°438) 5-440) 5-447) 5-449) 5-461) 5-479) 5:500) 5°518) 5:533) 5°545) 5:557]5°565 5-569) 5-582! 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Repucep To 32°. 4407 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. OCTOBER 1893. Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. } Ins. | 1 | 4°795} 4*801] 4°807| 4:813} 4-829] 4-845] 4-857] 4:884] 4-906] 4-920} 4-932] 4-948} 4-960] 4-968] 4-975) 4-994] 5-000) 5-008) 5-009) 5:016) 5-015) 5-013) 5-016) 5-012} 4-930 | 2 | 5-010) 5-003} 4-995] 4-987) 4-982] 4-962] 4-962) 4-947] 4-940] 4-925] 4-914] 4-899] 4-876] 4-862] 4-846] 4-829) 4-823] 4-815) 4:808) 4-791) 4°778) 4-772) 4-757) 4-746 | 4-885 3 | 4-740) 4°735) 4-731] 4-719] 4°721) 4°717] 4-721] 4°724| 4-720] 4-721] 4-713] 4-710} 4°702| 4-687] 4:672) 4-653] 4-641) 4°633) 4°620) 4-612) 4-601) 4-592) 4-587| 4°574 § 4-677 4 | 4-570) 4-562) 4:554| 4-545] 4-548) 4-547] 4-550] 4-556] 4:555] 4-564] 4-564] 4-571} 4570) 4-569] 4-578] 4-574] 4-582) 4-587) 4-593) 4-599) 4-600) 4-609) 4-613) 4-616 } 4-574 5 | 4616) 4°613] 4-608} 4-603] 4-610] 4:615] 4-624] 4-622] 4-646] 4-653] 4-663] 4-673} 4-677| 4-693) 4-694) 4-701] 4-707| 4-723) 4-731) 4°734| 4-737) 4-735) 4-741) 4°746 } 4°674 6 | 4°746) 4°743] 4-744] 4-751] 4-760) 4:769| 4-788] 4-802! 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Pit BAROMETER. REDUCED TO 32° AND SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. SEPTEMBER 1893. Mid- night. 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REDUCED TO 32° AND SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. OCTOBER 1893. Ins. | Ius. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins, | Ins. | Ins. } Ins. 9-431) 9-439] 9-446] 9461] 9472) 9-481] 9°488] 9°487| 9:489/ 9-490) 9-486 | 9°390 9-318] 9°304| 9°283] 9:273] 9°265] 9:263] 9°245| 9:242/ 9-233) 9-221! 9-216 | 9°352 9-112] 9-089} 9:071| 9:077| 9:074| 9:064| 9-065] 9:053) 9-045} 9-039] 9-025 | 9°133 8-988] 8:986| 8-990} 8-996] 9-010} 9:018} 9-034) 9:036) 9:050} 9-060) 9-068 | 9015 9-114} 9°119} 9:126} 9:134} 9°153] 9-163) 9°175) 9:°177| 9°183) 9:189] 9-192 | 9-119 2| 9-341] 9:354] 9:372] 9:392] 9-414] 9-432] 9-449] 9-464] 9-479] 9-483] 9-489 | 9-331 593] 9°590| 9°590] 9:594| 9:601| 9°616] 9:629] 9-637| 9°645| 9-653] 9-653] 9-661 | 9-585 9°636| 9°640] 9°643| 9°655| 9°658| 9-673] 9-693) 9-702) 9-721] 9-739] 9-757 | 9-670 9:761| 9:746] 9°735| 9-721] 9-708) 9:697| 9°698| 9-693] 9-695] 9-701] 9-699 | 9-758 9-639] 9:633| 9-637] 9-627| 9°628| 9-618] 9-627] 9°61) 9-624] 9-608] 9-560 | 9°643 9-569] 2-592] 9-606] 9-619] 9-649] 9-664] 9:674] 9-690| 9-696] 9-709] 9-722 | 9-584 9886) 9:897| 9-899] 9-903] 9-911] 9-920] 9-935] 9-946] 9-967| 9-965] 9-977 | 9-861 9944} 9-927| 9-896] 9-875] 9-823] 9-783] 9-750] 9-722| 9-697] 9-677] 9-669 | 9-910 9:607| 9-615] 9°630| 9°628] 9-644] 9-656] 9-660] 9-652| 9-641] 9-636] 9-636 | 9-612 9:589| 9:589] 9-593) 9-599 9-613] 9-619] 9:613) 9-619] 9-623] 9-622] 9-621 | 9-603 9669] 9°680] 9-704] 9-722] 9-746) 9-778] 9-800] 9-818] 9841] 9:860] 9-868 | 9-672 9-984] 9-986] 9-998] 0-008} 0-030) 0-029] 0-048) 0-052! 0-056] 0-070! 0-084 | 9-987 5| 0-099] 0-117 0-125] 0-137] 0-152| 0-168] 0:169| 0-175] 0-187] 0-189] 0-193 | 0-118 0:261| 0-266] 0-272] 0-270] 0-286} 0-288] 0-281] 0-276] 0-280} 0-267/ 0-262 | 0:247 0-063] 0-046] 0-050] 0-034] 0-035] 0-018] 0:004| 9-979} 9-958] 9-959) 9-952 | 0-089 9765] 9-815] 9-876] 9-934] 9-986! 0-036] 0-043] 0-057] 0-060] 0-081] 0-077 | 9:924 0:073] 0-083] 0-092! 0-099] 0-138] 0:158] 0-169] 0-189] 0-217] 0-234] 0-251 | 0-093 0:373] 0°349| 0-340] 0°326| 0-314] 0-280] 0:269| 0-252/ 0-208] 0-134] 0-152 | 0-313 2| 9-951] 9-920] 9-899) 9:870| 9-846] 9-813] 9-776] 9:744) 9-718] 9-686] 9-657 | 9-938 9493] 9-486] 9-476] 9-456] 9-451| 9-432! 9-413] 9-385] 9-388] 9-345] 9-370 | 9-500 9526] 9-524] 9-547] 9°550| 9°565] 9-585] 9:601| 9-627] 9-669] 9-680] 9-704 | 9-518 9739] 9-708] 9°702| 9-701] 9-699] 9-699] 9°697| 9-685] 9-661] 9-649| 9-623 | 9-733 2| 9-438] 9-449] 9-470) 9-470] 9-483] 9-494| 9-490] 9-489] 9-484] 9-477] 9-472 | 9-462 9570) 9°600| 9-617] 9655] 9°691| 9°710| 9-736] 9-758] 9-786] 9-805] 9-814 | 9-576 3/ 0-093] 0-007] 0-025] 0-046] 0-073] 0-092] 0-103} 0-130] 0-145] 0-153) 0-161 | 9-992 0106] 0:077| 0:052| 0:027| 9-989] 9-927] 9-871] 9-814] 9°785| 9-742] 9-668 | 0-060 9-698] 9:698| 9°702) 9705) 9°715| 9-716) 9°717| 9-715} 9-717} 9-715) 9°712 | 9-703 Ins, | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins, | Ins, 9°234| 9-248 | 9°264 | 9-268 | 9-284 | 9-302 | 9-314 | 9-336 | 9:355 9°484| 9-479 | 9°472 | 9°464 | 9°455 | 9:443 | 9-448 | 9-432 | 9-422 9°206] 9-211 | 9°215 | 9-200 | 9-202 | 9-196 | 9-200 | 9-200 | 9-194 9°025] 9:015 | 9:002 | 9-000 | 9:001 | 9-009 | 9-012 | 9-018 | 9:016 9-066] 9°067 | 9:065 | 9:066 | 9-078 | 9-077 | 9:082 | 9-092 | 9:099 9°193] 9-196 | 9:200 | 9:207 | 9:214 | 9-227 | 9-243 | 9-261 | 9-280) 9:3 9°497| 9:506 | 9°506 | 9:515 | 9°523 | 9-540 | 9-561 | 9°577 | 9:581 9°661| 9°659 | 9°651 | 9°655 | 9-650 | 9-654 | 9-662 | 9-669 | 9:663 9°775| 9°777 | 9°786 | 9°787 | 9°785 | 9-798 | 9-802 | 9-818 | 9-814 10 | 9693) 9°6738 | 9°661 | 9-670 | 9:667 | 9-659 | 9-661 | 9-669 | 9°669 11 | 9°556| 9°524 | 9-517 | 9-513 | 9°514 | 9-512 | 9-511 | 9-516 | 9°521 12 | 9°726| 9°734 | 9°744 | 9-757 | 9-768 | 9-784 | 9:798 | 9-826 | 9:8438 13 | 9-989) 9-997 | 0-005 | 0-002 | 0-001 | 0-011 | 0-012 | 0-027 | 0:018 14 | 9°656| 9°631 | 9°604 | 9-589 | 9-582 | 9-570 | 9-560 | 9:574 | 9:579 15 | 9°630) 9°626 | 9°606 | 9°598 | 9°588 | 9:583 | 9-585 | 9-590 | 9:591 16 | 9-610) 9-590 | 9°584 | 9°580 | 9-562 | 9-557 | 9-550 | 9-558 | 9-590 17 | 9°884| 9-896 | 9-902 | 9-931 | 9-988 | 9-954 | 9-960 | 9:972 | 9:974 18 | 0:072| 0:074 | 0:076 | 0-086 | 0-078 | 0-092 | 0-099 | 0-085 | 0:096 19 | 07193) 0°193 | 0°187 | 0°193 | 0-199 | 0-207 | 0-227 | 0-237 | 0-243 20 | 0:238) 0-234 | 0-212 | 0-200 | 0-186 | 0-168 | 0-159 | 0-150| 0-111 21 | 9-939) 9-924 | 9-902 | 9°892 | 9-892 | 9-893 | 9-886 | 9-886 | 9-880 22 | 0:075| 0-064 | 0-037 | 0-037 | 0-026 | 0-029 | 0-025 | 0-027 | 0:032 23 | 0-267| 0-287 | 0-289 | 0-303 | 0°325 | 0346 | 0-358 | 0-383 | 0:394 24 | 0-126) 0-097 | 0:078 | 0-063 | 0:050 | 0-047 | 0-044 | 0-044 | 0:044 25 | 9°625| 9-604 | 9-562 | 9-567 | 9°582 | 9-569 | 9-549 | 9-552 | 9-545 26 | 9:366 [9-366 ][9-366]|[9-376][9°396][9-442][9-446][9:474]| 9-514 27 =| 9°717| 9°737 | 9-745 | 9:763 OTT Tae. 788. 798) 9-791 28 | 9:612| 9-585 | 9°549 | 9°53] | 9°479 | 9-447 | 9-395 | 9-365 | 9-348 | 29 | 9:447| 9-447 | 9:440 | 9-426 | 9°432 | 9-442 | 9-434 | 9-452 | 9-464 | 380 | 9:821| 9°838 | 9°857 | 9°868 | 9°878 | 9-897 | 9-916 | 9-935 | 9-946 ) 381 | 0-172) 0-187 | 0°183 | 0°188 | 0-190 | 0-194 | 0-190 | 0-195 | 0-196 Mzan,| 9°695| 9°692 | 9-686 | 9°688 | 9-687 | 9°691 | 9-693 | 9-701 | 9-704 COND TR CWHH 12 BAROMETER. REpDucED To 32°. SoMNI]8 OF whore Megan. | 5°367| 5°363 BAROMETER. REDUCED TO 32°. Ht CDOOND OLWNHE .| 5°109) 5109 9 1 Ins. | Ins. 4991) 4:974 4966) 4-956 5124] 5°131 5107] 5°125 5:217| 5190 5°447| 5-444 5°717) 5°727 5°796| 5°789) 5859] 5°859 5°851) 5:847 5870) 5867 5°877| 5°870 5°667| 5628 5°345| 5°326 5266] 5268 5288) 5:272) 4576] 4517 4°666} 4°702 5°255) 5-261 5°631) 5641 5°865] 5°863 5439] 5429 5°481] 5:491 5449] 5°452 5°159} 5°129) 4-898] 4-926 5°487| 5°445 5*360) 5°361 5°333] 5-329 5-080} 5-066 3 Ins. 4965 4-938 5131 5177 5144 5471 5729 5'787 5855 5839 5°863 5861 5°626 5:313 5:272 5'252 4°464 4739 5:273 5°655 5:864 5°392 5°49] 5-450 5°120 4-963 5°445 5°305 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 4407 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL. 4 5 Ins. | Ins. 4°969) 4-954 4:925| 4:914 5130) 5129 5202) 5214 5:097| 5:099 5°488) 5°496 5:733] 5°741 5*792| 5:786 5°850} 5°848 5°835] 5°827 5°859] 5860 5845] 5°842 5°615| 5°603 5*285) 5°286 5*280] 5°285 > 6 7 Ins. 4°945 4°S06 5122 5238 5:080 5512 5°751 5'785 5°846 5813 5°854 5*834| 5°832 5592] 5582 Ins. 4-930 4-906 5118 5267 5:076 5522 5753 5792 5855 5825 5°87] 8 9 Ins. 4:923 4°899 5118 5297 5096 5565 5777 5'785 5862 5832 5881 5°835 5°579 5-260) 5:258 5299] 5:300 5-224] 5°204 4-401] 4°381 4-792) 4°816 5:282) 5°295 5656] 5°656 5°867| 5°870 5349] 5°311 5°512)'5 516 5438] 5-413 5-099] 5-088 4-991] 5-013 5°422) 5°427 5°374| 5°376 5°311 5:061 5°361 *5'279) 5:270 5-048) 5-047 5°355] 5°352 5-189] 5-166 4:355] 4°319 4°851| 4-883 5°316] 5°303 5667] 5°657 5864) 5°860 5°301] 5°318 5°512| 5526 5°42) 5°387 5:053} 5-038 5:027] 5:088 5422) 5°43] 5°38] 5°396 5265) 5°245 5056] 5°065 5350) 5°352 Ins. 5122 5535 5545 5°539 5642 5232 4:720 4°505 4'254 4667 4°520 4712 4539 4-708 5124 5-414 5425 5209 4871 4225 4381 4-846 5006 5298 4-976] 4-984 5473] 5°487 5492) 5°509 5°720) 5°730 5:849| 5849 5932 5°929 5°844| 5848 | Tns. 5122 5515 5545 5*548 5648 5°232 4-715 4596 4:228 4-659 4-481 4-759 4545 4-694 5124 5-401 5°436 5°185 4-902 4-213 4372 4°869 4-990) 5°307 Ins. 5127 5554 5543 5540 5628 5252 4-700 4:43] 4263 4-666 4+532 4:689 4°512 4719 5123 5446 5°409 5150 4°836 4-244 4:373 4°826 5:022 5:261 4:997 5509 5°503 5°867 5*732) 5° 5915) 5: Ins, | Ins. 5°526| 5534 5°197| 5154 4-712) 4°719 4-320) 4-205 4°309| 4-322 4677 4:665 4544 4:550 4671 4:648 4:493 4-469 4: 744 4774 5218 TTT | 5506 5840) 5°104! 5°819 5098 5137, 5°161| 5 5567) 5586) 5° 5525| 5°512| 5° Sesns wwaow A oO or ee ar) Ne) 3| 5067 5) 5544 6} 5*498 5757 5'880 ‘S11 5°803 089) 5:085 7 0 CO CATE ci — Oo ey i “I 5-248 5°307 Ins. 4910 4°914 Lays las) 5312 5119 5565 5787 5'786 5860 §°841 5891 5834 5568 5246 5321 L109) pei 2 Ins. | Ins. 4-918} 4913 49464 4: 960 5:076 5347 5189 5'586 5°792 58064 5 5862) 5833 5'896) 5804 13 | 14 | 15 Ins. 4914 4:943 5-089 5343 5174 5598 5°793 5°809 5860 5°838 5'909 5°825 5°546] 5°527 5'246] 5:241| 5:227 5*324] 5°331| 5°325 Ins. 4-898 4:977 3} 5-042 2) 5°378 }| 5°246 9} 5°620 7\ 5°790 5°810 5844 5833 5899 7| 5°75 5483 5217 Ins. Ins. 4-916 4922 5°105 5°330 5-141 5571 5°783 5°800 5°863 5°838 5'898 5°822 5°560 5159 5°863 5:344 5°540 5°397 5018 5:103 5°440 5:408 5:284 5069 5115 4°301| 4°283] 4-261 4°959} 5015} 5-003 5*283] 5:308] 5°361 5°696| 5°713] 5-732) 5-740 5°864 5°378 5548 5°356 4-966 5°157 5°432 5°400 5°183 5085 5093) 5-078] 5-051} 5-028 4-249] 4-240} 4:271 5:061) 5-071} 5083 5°397| 5°332} 5°457| 5:472 5°749} 5°749) 5°757 5°822} 5-798] 5:779 5°427] 5° 5°532) 5°310 4°905 §:241 5-402 5°382 5121} 5-093] 5-069 5:084} 5-100} 5°114! ¢ 9°854 5-403 5°52 5°343 4°952 5°197 5°434 5406 5170 5:087 5°842 5°404 5°522 5°338 4°939 5:242 5°427 5:385 5167 5091 5°23) Qvrorvgr over 3 387 5°37 04 1 5°360 4407 YEET Ins. 5:251 5619 518) 5523 5587 5563: 5-116 4705 4-034 4:384 4-566 4-600 4524 4°360 4:933 5°319 5:427 5°357 4:995 4538 4277 4:454 4691 | 5148 8] 5°152| 5+144 5087 5546 5°498 5°769 5°895 7| 5918 5806 5°362 Ins. 5277 5622 5°525 5°591 5544 5092 4-708 3°935 4-406 4500 4637 4568 4:345 4°991 53829 5*399 5368 4:985 4-418 4:286 4°458 4671 BS) 5111 5110 5°550 5°520) 5784 5:923 5'925 5°806) 5085 5:083 5*366] 5-370] 5°360] 5:364) 5:361] 5 ABOVE SEA LEVEL, 4912 4-995 5-028 5°382 5-259 5°627 5°781 5808 57841 §°818 5883] 5:879 5°77) 4-765] 5°755 5-469] 5°457| 5-444 5-201) 5°203] 5-209 5°326] 5°323] 5°327| 5315 4-985] 4:932] 4°928) 4-913 4-299] 4°302] 4°317] 4°349 5°118} 5-119} 5151) 5:160 5-468) 5°491) 5°531 5°760] 5-769] 5°77 5°769| 5°746] 5°727 5-433) 5°482) 5°415) 5:446] 5:420 5:474] 5°448] 5-465) 5-443) 5451 4849) 4°821] 4°830] 4°834) 4°836 12} 5°344] 5°364) 5°388) 5-408 4 4 6 16 Ins. | Ins. 4-916) 4900 5:028) 5:048 5:015} 5004 5374) 5°377 5-271) 5:277 5'635| 5652 5°768] 5°771 5°812) 5819 5°841) 5°845 17 | 1s Ins. | Ins. 4:917]| 4:919 5:061) 5-081 4-997} 5-000 5'378) 5°370 5316] 5°344 5655] 5:662 5790) 5806 5°825] 5832) 5845] 5°850 19 |} 20 Ins. 4:923 5089 5000 5365 5367 5682 5808 5'838 5849 FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. NOVEMBER 1893. Mid- 21 night. Mean. Ins. 4:943 5:098 5:007 5°357 5368 5692 5°805 5844 5854 22 | 23 Ins. 4:947 5109 5014 5338 5389 5°701 5799 5:845 5:851 Ins. 4:949 5114 5028 5:298 5421 5°709 5°792 5:848 5°850 Ins. 4-934 4-992 5-069 5301 5:230 5592 5°74 5°811 5°852 Ins. 4°963 5118 5:073 5281 5-424 5-714 5°799 5855 5°850 5°834| 5°840 5°883 57844] 5°855 5880] 5°889 5°754| 5°738 5427] 5°427 5°223] 5:24] 5309] 5°319 4°864| 4°865] 4°797 4-380] 4°480] 4°445 5'181) 5:203] 5:201 5°535] 5°566] 5:°570 5'797| 5°816] 5833 5692) 5:668] 5°616 5427 5456 5197 4840 5415 5380] 5°380} 5°381] 5°377| 5°368 5°375) 5'385] 5°368) 5:381] 5°383 5:076] 5:078} 5:072) 5063] 5:072 5°860 5°885 5731 5-410 5°249 5°327 5:225] 5*220] 5°209] 5-197 7| 5°128) 5:137| 5°138) 5°139) 5-134 °355) 5°360) 5°362) 5°365) 5:372) 5:37] FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. 5863 5886 5°720 5°394 5°253 5°320 4786 4-496 5:209 5°582 5'841 5598 5-441 5:458 5:866 5°890 5719 5°388 5:258 5318 4-709 4535 5°216 5604 5°844 5°565 5871 5'888 5°693 5:367 5:260 5°305 4-664 5871 5-885 5681 5360 5°262 5°298 4-624 4613} 4°626 5228) 5-247 5°621] 5617 5°853] 5°863 5'509} 5:480 5-445] 5:440) 5°458 5°459] 5°460) 5:453 57183} 5-173} 5°177| 5°173 4°847| 4°853) 4°859] 4°876 5'427| 5°430] 5°433} 5-434 5°373] 5°363| 5°348] 5:362 5'374| 5°353} 5°358] 5°344 5:069) 5:069} 5:075| 5-085 5°126) 5°129] 5:126) 5-127 5°842 5882 5-791 5509 5254 5°308 5008 4-392 5°028 5420 5°744 5°760 5-403 5491 5°303 4944 5224 5-402 5378 5157 5098 5°374| 5'372| 5°372) 5°373 | 5363 DECEMBER 1893. Ins. } Ins, Ins. 5304] 5°306 5623] 5:594 5498} 5: mals Ins. 5°302 5627 5502 5610 5511 5°C08 4727 3°921 4:470 4-424 4644 4567 4°322 5:081 5°361 5°404. 5°455) 5 5°025 4-428 4304 4°492 4°665 5213 5091) 5 5°158 5'557 5°550 5°797 5°932 5'931 5-808 5093 Ins. 5°287 5628 5:515 6592 5522 5:055 4713: 3888 4°44] 4°486 4640 4571 4322 5:028 5°357 5:407 5°424 5016 4417 4-290 4-478 4642 5-209 5°103 5127 5562 5537 5°793 5935 5*929. 5°800 5088 5617 5°568) 5°550 5°559} 5°566 5°796} 5801) 5 5°920} 5:917 5924) 5917 5°7924 5*789) § 5088} 5:083 5324) 5:578) 5481 5409, 4-910 4°725 4:076 4°545 4198 4689 4561 23) 4°324 5'207 5:276 5'373 5414 3) 5028 5] 4°299 4318 4-542 4:759 5'27& 5:073 5:097 5524 5584 7| 5809 3] 5914 5877 5764 5083 Ins. 6403 5561 5518 5670 5'357 4:843 4:797 4179 4621 4168 4:74] 3] 4°569 4521 5:209 5°365 5396 5:307 4:985 4:238 4:357 4:748 4:873 5357 5'017 5°333 5*505 5°657 5824 5924 5884 5°789 Ins. 5°365 5568 5511 5641 5381 4-873 4788 4-106 4:578 4134 4°723 4569 4:381 §:237 5311 5369 5376 5014 4:266| 4°282) 4-264 4°340] 4°346) 4°352 4°605] 4:662! 4°711 4:799} 4°828 4:844 5315] 5°327) 5341 5:061} 5°055) 5-037 5'181| 5°229) 5:277 5521] 5°506| 5515 5:618] 5°637| 5-652 5'822) 5°819) 5828 5928 5°879 783. 5°782 Ins. 5:341 5572 | 5-491 5'628 5:393 4:858 4°767 4-099 4°570 4144 4:710 4:559 4:39 5226 5:305 5:366 5-405 5:026 4-248 4:329 4-566 $748 5294 5065 5145 5'519 5°597 5°812 5*926 5°871 5760 Ins, 5:499 5553 5548 5664 5263 4°733 4°662 4:213 4680 4°486 4771 4-561 4680 5*128 5-402 Ins. 5:480 5°553 5'538 5:668 5284 4776 4°725 4186 4674 4422 4-771 4569 4°636 5°158 5394 5442 5-441 5:293| 5-230 4:952) 4-939 4-217) 4-222 4:386) 4-380 4:836, 4°850 4937) 4-963 5'353, 5°338 4-982 4-976 5'430| 5-456 5*511| 5-508 5696) 5-714 5'851) 5-860 5930, 5+925 5'863. 5: 858 bye 794 5 ‘781 Ins, | Ins. 5°429] 5-456 5564 5:563 5528) 5:539 5673] 5674 5326] 5312 4:807| 4°792 4°72) 4761 4188] 4-209 4°648] 4°665 4°238] 4:337 4°739) 4-761 4°581) 4579 4°561] 4589 5:216| 5°178 5°385] 5°379 5426) 5°431 5288} 5°254 4-988] 4-963 4-219} 4-215 4370] 4°376 4-799} 4°826 4+902) 4-929 5°356] 5:355 4-996] 4-997 5°365| 5:42 5°527| 5°512 5°672| 5682 5°831) 5'841 5915) 5-926 5'874| 5°871 5:791) 5°791 Ins. | 5°301 5579 5517 5607 5°468 4-989 4734 4-149 4:477 4°405 4°652 4-591 4°443 5036 5°294 5414 4°370 5035 4-448 4°305 4558 4°787 5:214 5-109 5'160 5524 5086] 5:098] 5107, 5:116) 5-120 5:128] 5°134! 5 139 5138 FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 13 BAROMETER. REDUCED TO 32° AND SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. NOVEMBER 1893. { | i \ 3 eae Go| 7) lee) a ao Mito gian@y I> 48. |.14 | 15 |e diety eae tei s20| eet yt 23) | ops) id \ H | aa Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. 9°589, 9°566) 9°505] 9°503) 9:487| 9°481| 9:474) 9-473} 9:475) 9°468) 9°473) 9-447] 9°447| 9:444) 9°453) 9-454] 9-481] 9°505! 9°485} 9°504) 9°533) 9°525) 9°531) 9°525 9°521) 9521) 9°503} 9-495) 9°482/ 9-460) 9°463 9-475] 9°475] 9°489| 9:512) 9°532) 9°544| 9°566) 9°584) 9-612) 9°631] 9°650) 9-668) 9:692) 9-706] 9-716) 9°712) 9-724 9°729) 9°722} 9°722) 9°716| 9°709} 9°700) 9°694) 9°698] 9°691] 9°681] 9°664| 9648] 9°632| 9°610] 9:592) 9576] 9:568} 9°560| 9°564] 9°578) 9°594) 9°617| 9°642] 9-706 9°749, 9803} 9°829] 9°867| 9891) 9:921| 9°942 9-979] 0-004! 0-030} 0:040} 0:047} 0-051) 0-057) 0-056} 0:051] 0-056) 0:048) 0-048) 0-041) 0:022/ 9-993) 9-950) 9-920 9°863) 9°821) 9°757) 9°750} 9°787| 9°718) 9°725, 9°738) 9°756} 9-792] 9°844) 9-892} 9-908) 9-936) 9°948) 9°974, 9°998) 0-036) 0°062) 0-086, 0-098) 0°137| 0°158' 0-166 0°171| 0°195} 0-202) 0-222) 0-235] 0:258) 0:271) 0°300} 0°308) 0:322] 0:332) 0°330] 0°338] 0°352| 0°358) 0°372) 0°390} 0°402) 0°412) 0°433] 0:446] 0:455) 0°458) 0-464 0°475) 0:483} 0:487] 0°492) 0:496] 0°505) 0°513) 0°528] 0°541) 0°549) 0°549) 0°552! 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REDUCED TO 32° AND SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. DECEMBER 1893. Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. f Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. ; Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins.| Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins, | Ins. -9°817| 9°836] 9°890; 9°917| 9949] 9-991) 0-009} 0-042] 0:066] 0-095) 0:102} 0-105} 0:103) 0:109} 0-119] 0°129) 0-142) 0°162) 0°166; 0°186] 0-213) 0-241) 0-263) 0-293 | 0-081 0°301) 0°321} 0°335) 0°353) 0°365) 0°371] 0°381] 0-390] 0-383} 0-372) 0°360) 0-340} 0°312) 0°288) 0:271) 0-251) 0:226) 0-220) 0°207| 0°193) 0-187] 0-186) 0:170) 0-167 } 0-290 0°159} 0:149} 0°135) 0°113) 0°118] 0°125) 0:127/ 0-128] 0°134| 0-125] 0:110] 0-088} 0-089} 0-095) 0-096] 0-111) 0112) 0°133} 0°146) 0°161) 0-172) 0-188) 0°183} 0-196 } 0-133 0°175| 0°170} 0°165) 0°157| 0°151| 0:160} 0-168} 0-180} 0-189] 0-198] 0-198} 0-215} 0-214/ 0°222) 0:232) 0-252) 0-259] 0-271} 0-289) 0:300) 0°301) 0-313) 0-297) 0-292 } 0-224 0:289) 0°281) 0-260} 0:251} 0:232) 0-237] 0-219) 0-200] 0°181] 0:157] 0-129) 0-086} 0:029) 0:001) 9°985) 9°982) 9:986] 9-964) 9°956) 9°941) 9-915) 9°889) 9-863) 9-836 | 0-078 9°795| 9°771| 9°780| 9°718} 9°689} 9°677| 9°651| 9°632| 9°598] 9:557] 9-505] 9-469} 9°420] 9°377) 9:368] 9°344| 9:365] 9°377| 9°378| 9:369] 9°353] 9°327) 9°312) 9-281 | 9-505 9-299} 9:275) 9265) 9:258) 9-280) 9-281) 9-274) 9-281] 9-286] 9-292! 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Min. 1 | 87:0 32°9| 36°4 32°3| 35°6 32°3 | 34:3 32:0 | 34:0 31:9 | 34°3 31°5 | 84-9 31-0 | 34°8 29-9 | 34:4 29-4 | 33°8 28°6 | 34:2 28-9 | 34-2 29°39 37:1 23-0 2 | 23°9 21-9} 21°0 19°9 | 21:2 20:0 | 21:4 20:5} 21:2 20-0 | 22:0 20-9 | 22°8 21:8 | 23-7 22-2 | 23:8 22-9 | 25°6 23:8 | 26°5 25:0 | 27-2 25°64 37:2 20°3 3 | 35°9 33°9 | 34:1 32°5 | 82°8 32-1 | 32-1 29:0 | 30-7 28-0] 82:0 29-2 | 32°2 29:2 | 29:7 27-3 | 30°38 28-6 | 31:1 28-9 | 32:1 29°3 | 33-0 30:1} 37-7 29°5 4 | 29°3 28°5 | 29:0 28°3 | 29°8 28-7 | 29:5 28-7 | 29:4 28:5 | 27:0 26:3 | 26:0 25:3} 25-1 24°7 | 25:1 25:0 | 24:9 23°6 | 25:2 24:4 | 26:3 25:2] 31:0 24:0 5 | 29-4 29-2 | 29-4 29-3 | 29:9 29-7 | 30:0 29°6 | 30:0 29°7 | 29:3 29:0 | 29:9 29:2 | 29:2 28-7 | 27-1 26°7 | 26-4 25-7 | 24:9 24°5 | 24°6 23-9130:2 15-7 6 | 14-9 15:7} 17-4 18:3] 20:0 20-4] 19:4 19-9} 19-3 20:0/ 19:9 19-8 | 21°5 21:7 | 20-1 19-9} 22-0 21:8} 24-4 23-7 | 25-9 25:4 | 27-6 26:8] 34-3 14:3 7 | 32°7 31:0 | 341 31:0 | 34:8 32:1 | 32-2 31:4 | 32:5 31:8 | 338-3 32-1 | 34:1 32°6 | 34-1 32-4 | 33-7 32-2 | 33-2 32:0] 34:0 32°2| 35-9 33:39 36-6 31:9 8 | 33°0 29°5 | 33°4 30-0 | 33°5 30:4 | 33-2 30-5 | 33-2 30:9 | 33-8 31-5 | 34:3 32:2 | 34-7 32:2] 85-1 32:4] 85-5 33-0 | 35°8 33:4] 36-0 33:8939-3 32:6 9 | 36°6 33°9 | 36:1 33-6 | 36:3 33°8 | 37-1 33-7 | 34:2 32-0 | 32:4 30°5 | 32°5 30°5 | 31-8 29-9 | 32:0 30-0 | 82:4 30°5 | 32°6 30°8 | 34:5 32:0] 39-4 29-0 10 | 29°6 27-9] 29:2 27:8 | 30°7 28-9} 30-2 28-8 | 31-0 29-8] 31°1 30-1 | 32:0 31-0 | 32:9 31-7 | 34-0 32°5 | 35-1 33:7 | 37-2 35°4 | 89-2 34:3439-4 29-0 Il | 33°2 32°3 | 32:9 31-5 | 32:2 30-8] 31-5 30-3 | 31:3 30-2 | 30-1 29-2 | 31-7 [30-0]] 32-2 31:2] 80-9 30-4] 30:2 29:5 | 31:3 30-7 | 30°6 29-3} 35°8 29-8 12 | 28-9 28°4 | 28:1 27:8 | 29-2 28:8 | 29-4 28°8 | 29-8 28-9 | 28-7 28-2 | 29:1 28-7 | 29-0 28-7 | 29-4 28-9 | 29:9 29-5 | 31:1 30°3/ 31:8 30:9] 38-3 27-4 13 | 3774 36:0 | 35°9 35:0 | 37:0 35-5 | 38-6 36:8 | 38:4 36:9 | 38-9 37-9] 40°7 39-5] 42-4 41:0] 41-0 39-9] 41:4 39-5] 42°8 40:3 | 44:9 39-0] 45-0 35-9 14 | 37-9 33°8 | 36°6 32°5 | 37:9 33-9] 33:8 33-1 | 33°6 32°5 | 33-4 32-2 | 84-2 32-6 | 30-9 32:1] 29-5 28-0] 30°0 27:3] 30°0 27°6 | 31°5 28°89 38-3 28-3 15 | 311 30°3| 30-0 29:3} 28:3 27-6 | 27-5 27-3 | 27-7 27-4 | 27-2 26-9 26-7 26-7 | 26:7 26-6 | 27:3 26-8 | 29:0 28-4| 31-6 30°3 | 82°3 31:0] 87-1 25-9 16 | 37-8 37°3 | 38:1 38:0 | 88°1 38:0] 38:7 38:5 | 88:7 38-7 | 38-1 38:1] 38-1 38:1 | 88°8 38-7 | 39:8 39-7 | 44:6 42-9] 45:3 43:0) 45-8 43:2] 47:8 37-0 17 | 38°7 37°5 | 38-9 38:0 | 89-9 39°5| 40:0 39-8 | 41:3 40-9 | 42-1 40-0] 42°C 38:3] 40°6 37-9 | 42:7 37:3 | 42:5 36°7 | 41:3 36°6 | 42:0 36:8] 47°3 38-1 18 | 47-8 44:7 | 47-7 45:0] 47-9 45:3] 47-9 45-1 | 47:5 44°8 | 47:2 44:6] 47°8 44-7 | 48-2 41-9] 48-7 45:3 | 48°6 45:5 | 48-3 45-4) 48-7 46:2} 49-1 44°5 19 | 45:5 43-4|45°6 43:1 | 45:4 43:3] 45-1 43-3] 46:0 43-7 | 45:5 44-2) 45:3 44:6] 45-7 44:9| 46-4 45-3 | 46°1 45°6 | 47°7 46:4 | 48-2 46:4] 48-5 39-1 20 | 40-0 36°6 | 40°8 36:8 | 40:1 36:4] 41:8 37-0 | 40-2 37-1] 39:2 37-0] 41°6 37-4] 41:8 37-0! 40-4 37-0 | 40°6 36-7] 39°6 36:0] 38-0 35:5] 42:3 36-0 21 | 39:3 36:3} 39°9 86:7 | 41-1 37:1 | 40°8 27-0 | 41:2 37°3| 41:4 37-2 | 40-4 37-9] 41:7 37:9| 41-4 38°38] 40° 38°3| 41:7 38°9| 41:9 39:2] 46-4 38:3 22 | 46°1 43-7 | 43-2 42°6 | 44:2 43-2] 44-1 43-6 | 44:3 43-9] 45°6 44:5 | 46°8 45-1| 45-7 44°8| 45-9 45:0| 47:1 45°8| 47-2 46°2| 48:4 47:1] 50-2 43-2 23 | 47-4 47-1| 47-9 47:°2| 46°9 46°5| 46-1 45:9 | 47-9 47-6 | 49-1 48-0| 48-3 48-0] 49-0 47°5| 49-9 47:2! 48-3 47-0| 48°6 47:7] 4971 48:1] 51-8 45-7 24 | 483 46-6 | 46°7 45°7 | 45:9 45:3 | 45-9 45-0) 45:5 45-0 | 46-0 45-3] 45-4 45-1 | 46-1 45:8 | 46-4 46-0 | 46:7 46:1] 47-2 46:9 | 46-9 45°9] 48-7 41°8 25 | 41-5 39°5 | 400 38:7 | 40-0 38°6 | 42:9 40-0 | 43-1 39°6 | 42°5 38-9] 42-9 39-4 | 39-7 38-2|40°0 37-8 | 40:3 38-5] 41-0 39-2 | 43-2 40:7] 44-3 38-8 26 | 43°3 39:9] 42:0 39:2) 42:4 39-8 | 42-4 39:9 | 42-5 40:0] 42:2 40:0] 43-7 41-4] 43-7 42-6 | 44:3 43-6 | 39:3 37-6 | 40:2 38-7 | 42:0 38:6] 45-3 38:8 27 | 40°7 38:2) 40:3 37:8] 39-7 36:9 | 38:4 36-7 | 88-8 37:1 | 39:0 37:2] 38-2 36-7 | 87:4 35:9 | 36-7 35:3 | 36-9 35-9 | 37-0 35°5 | 37-1 35:9] 43°8 35-7 28 | 42:0 37-7 | 42-0 37-0 |[41-8][36-8]|[42-0][37-0] [42-1137 -1]|[41-3][37-3]|[89-21[35 -2]|[39-3][35-3] [39-4371] [40 1][87-1]| 39:2 37:3 | 40-6 37-4] 46-4 37-8 29 | 43°3 40-7 | 43°8 40°1| 43:9 40-1 | 43-7 40-0 | 43-4 40-1 | 43:3 40-2 43:8 41-0] 42:7 40:8 | 42-1 40°83) 41:2 40-4] 41-8 41:2] 45-0 43:9] 45-4 41-2 30 | 44:3 43-9 | 44:2 43:6 | 44:5 43:7 | 44-0 43:3 | 44-2 43-8] 44-9 44-2] 44:7 44-0] 45:3 44:8] 45-6 44-9 | 45°5 44-6 | 47-8 45:9] 48-2 46-1] 51-7 43-6 81 | 47-2 45-1 | 50:0 44:8 | 48:8 44:9 | 48:3 44:3 | 48-4 44-4 | 46:8 44:2) 45-2 43-0] 45:7 44-0 | 45-2 43-8 | 44-2 43:3] 44-9 43°8 |] 45°6 43-9950-2 41:7 MEAN.| 87°5 35:6 | 37-2 35:3 | 37-4 35°5 | 87-2 35-4. | 87-1 35:5 |37-0 35-4 | 37-3 35°5 | 87-1 35°5 | 37-1 35-5 | 87-3 35°5 | 87-9 36:0 | 38-7 36-4] 42-4 33-5 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Midnight.| Mean. Dry. Wet.|/Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet.|/Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet.!Dry. Wet. 1 | 34:2 29°6 | 33-9 28-9) 33:0 28°6 | 31:9 27-8] 80:4 26-5 | 29:0 25-9 | 25:8 23:8 | 26°6 23-7 | 25°8 23-7 | 24:4 22-7 | 23:1 21-9 | 23-7 21:8431-7 28-1 2 | 28°8 26:1 | 28°6 26-7 | 29:5 27:2| 30-0 28:0] 31-0 28-9 | 32:0 30:0 | 32:0 29-9] 31-9 30-1] 34:1 31:9] 34:4 32:0] 86:8 34:2] 35:3 33:9] 27-7 26-0 3 | 33°9 30°8| 34:3 30°8| 34:9 31:0) 34:0 31:1] 34-0 31-2 | 33-7 31°3| 33-9 32-2] 31:9 31-4 | 31-9 32:1] 31-3 30°7 | 31-3 30:3 | 31-1 30-3] 32°6 30:5 4 | 28:0 26°7 | 28-4 26°9 | 28:0 26-7 | 28:0 26:5 | 28:0 26-7 | 27-8 26:6 | 29:0 27-8 | 29-1 28-1 | 29:0 28-2] 28:9 28:2) 29-1 28-7 | 29:2 28-9} 27-9 27-0 5 | 25°3 24°7 | 26:0 25:2 | 25:0 24:3 | 23-9 23-4] 20°8 20°6| 20-9 20:6] 19:5 19:4] 20-1 20:0/ 18-2 18-8] 19:7 20:2] 16:3 17:0| 16-9 17-7} 24-7 245 6 | 28°7 28-0 | 28-9 27-7 | 29:7 29°0| 29:7 29:0] 30°5 29-6] 306 29:5 | 32:9 31:0! 34:0 31-1 | 34:1 31:3] 33-7 31:0 | 32:7 31:0 | 32-9 31:0] 26:3 25-5 7 |36°0 33-1) 385° 32°7| 85:1 32°1| 34:7 32:2 | 34-6 32-2] 33-7 32-0| 33-4 31:8] 33-1 30-2 | 33-2 30-1] 32'1 29-7 | 32:3 29-4 | 32:9 29°31 33-8 31°6 8 | 85°3 33°8| 35:8 34:0 | 36°5 34:2 | 37:2 34-4] 87-7 34:5 | 37-3 34:3 | 37°6 34-4 | 37-0 34:3] 87-7 34:3] 38-9 34-7 | 37-9 34-0 | 37°8 34:0] 35-8 32:9 9 |35°7 32°7| 35-7 32°6| 34:5 31-8] 32-8 30°7| 32:5 30-4 | 32-3 30-2 | 32:0 30-0 | 30:6 [29-0]| 80°6 28-7 | 30-2 28-2] 80-0 28-3 | 29-3 27-6) 33-1 30-9 10 | 39°3 34°5 | 38:9 34:6 | 88°1 35-1 | 34:7 32-3] 85-2 33-0 | 33-7 31:7 | 32:9 31:1 | 33-9 31-7 | 33-2 31-7] 34:6 33-0 | 34-2 32°6 | 33-7 32°4133-9 31-9 11 | 34:2 32°0/ 35:3 32:9] 35-7 33-2] 34:2 32:2] 35-4 33°6| 31-9 30-3] 30:9 29-4| 29-7 28:9 | 29:4 28-7 | 29:0 28:2] 29°3 28-6 | 28-8 28-1] 31-7 30:5 12 | 32:0 31°3/ 33-1 32-1) 34-9 32:7 | 34:5 33°3| 84:5 33°6| 35°7 34:7] 35:9 35°1| 36-5 35-9/ 36°6 35°9| 36:4 35-6 | 87-0 36-4 | 38°3 37:1] 32°5 31-7 18 | 43:9 38°8 | 43-4 36°7 | 42:2 37-0 | 39-8 35:8] 39-6 35-0] 40°5 35-2] 40-2 34:9/ 39:9 34:2] 37-7 33-3] 39-4 33-8) 38-9 33-2/ 38-0 33:1] 401 36:6 14 | 32-4 29-7 | 31-7 29°8| 33-7 30-4| 34:0 31-4] 34:0 31-7 | 31-1 29-2] 31:3 29:5 | 31-0 29:5 | 32:0 29°6| 315 29-4 | 31-7 30-6 | 29°8 28:8} 32-6 30-6 15 | 35:0 [32-0]| 346 33-5 | 35-0 33-9| 35:0 33:9 | 35-9 34:4| 36-2 34:9|36:1 35-0| 36-6 35-6 | 36-5 35:8 | 36-7 36-1] 36°8 36-0] 37-0 36-7} 32-4 31-5 16 | 45:9 43°3 | 46:3 43-0] 45-7 42°6 | 42-9 40-6 | 40-6 39-2] 40:0 38:3] 40-0 38-0] 37-6 36:2/ 39-4 37:8 | 88:1 37-0] 39°8 37-9} 38-7 37:0] 40-7 39-4 17 | 421 37°8 | 42-1 38:3] 41-9 38-7 | 42-1 38-6 | 42-1 38-8] 41-8 39-0] 39-5 38-0| 40-3 39:0| 40-9 39-9] 41:3 40-8] 46-9 44:2] 47-0 443] 41-7 39-0 18 | 49:0 46:0 | 48:3 46-1] 48:7 45:6] 47:0 45:0] 47-1 44:2] 46-1 43-4] 46:0 44:0| 45-8 43:1] 45-0 43-2| 44-7 43:5 | 44-9 43-4 | 44-7 43-5[ 47-2 44-7 19 | 47-9 469 | 48-0 47-0| 47-3 44°6 | 45-9 43-0] 43-0 41:0 | 42:5 40-1 | 39-1 37-9] 41-0 38:7] 41:3 37-2] 41-1 36-7] 41-6 36°7| 40-9 36:8) 44-7 42-5 20 | 39°8 35°3 | 37-2 35:0) 36°6 34:9 | 87-2 34:2] 37-7 34:0] 37:2 33°8| 37-6 34:5 | 37°8 34:1 | 37-2 34-7 | 88-1 35°1| 88-4 35:3 | 38:8 36-1] 39-1 35-7 21 | 42°2 39:9 | 42°8 40:0 | 42-3 40-4 | 41-3 40-3 | 41-1 40-7 | 41°6 41°3| 41-7 41°6 | 45:3 44-2] 46-0 44-2| 46-2 44:0/ 45-0 43°8| 45-0 43-7} 42-2 39-8 22 | 49°4 47°6 | 49:9 47:4) 49:2 46:4 | 47:9 46-0] 47-2 46:3] 47-0 46-3 | 48-0 47-0 | 48°1 47:1] 47-9 47-2| 48°6 47°3| 48-4 47-2| 47-7 471] 47-0 45:8 23 | 51-1 47°5 | 50-1 47:2) 49:3 47-7 | 49:0 48-0| 48-9 48:1] 49-2 48-2] 49-0 48-1/ 49:0 48-0 | 49-2 48-2] 49:2 48-1] 48:5 47-7 | 48°8 47-6] 48-7 47-6 24 |46°2 43-7 | 46-4 43-9 | 45-8 43°1 | 465 43:5] 44-9 42-3] 45:3 41-8| 45-1 41:6 | 43-0 40-9] 44-4 41-0 | 43-9 41:2) 43-1 40-9| 41:9 39-8] 45-6 43-9 25 | 43°4 40°9 | 42° 40-6 | 39-0 38-0 | 41-4 40:0| 41-9 40-4 | 41:5 39-3 41-3 38-9] 41-2 38:8] 40-0 38°0| 42-2 38:3) 43-2 39-4 | 43-1 40-2] 41-6 39-2 26 | 43:2 39-4 | 42-8 38:8 | 42:0 38-7 | 40-9 38-3] 41-2 38:7] 41:1 38-9] 41-9 39:0| 41:3 38°6 | 40-4 38-2] 39:1 37:3) 40°1 37-7 | 89°9 37:2] 41-7 39-3 27 | 88°3 37:1 | 88-1 37:2] 88-2 37-8 | 39:0 38:5 | 42-9 38-9] 42:3 38:4] 42:5 38-9] 43-1 39:1] 43-1 39-0] 41-4 59:3] 41-2 389-7 | 42-7 38:4] 39-7 37-6 28 | 40°6 37:4 | 40°8 37-7 | 411 37-8 | 41:3 38-0] 42:7 39-2] 43:3 40-0| 41:8 39-2| 44°5 40°8| 43-9 40-9] 44-1 41-2) 46-1 41-4] 45°6 41-4} 41-9 38-2 | 29 | 44-7 44:0) 44-6 44:0] 44:8 44:1 | 48-9 43:7 | 44-0 43-7] 44-1 43-7] 44-0 43-8 | 43-7 43-3 | 43°6 43:5] 43-9 43-7] 44°83 43:1) 43-9 43°6] 43-6 42-2 30 | 48°6 46:3) 50:2 46°5 | 50°5 47-0 | 49-0 46-7 | 50-4 47-2| 51-0 47:2| 50-7 47-4| 50°3 47°6| 47-6 46-9] 50-4 47-4 | 50°6 46-1) 47-9 45°51 47°5 45°6 31 | 45°0 43°8 | 44:9 43-8 | 46:0 43°6 | 45-4 43-4] 44-9 43-6 | 43-5 42-6 | 43-3 42-7 | 43-0 42°1| 42-4 40-9 | 423 40-7 | 42°1 40°5| 41-9 40°8] 45-2 43:3 Mean.) 39-4 36°8 | 39°3 36:8 | 39:2 36-7 | 38°6 36°4| 38-5 36:4 | 38-2 36-1| 37-9 36:0| 38-0 36-0| 37:8 36:0] 37:9 36°0| 381 36-0 | 37°8 35:9] 37-9 35:9 716 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. TEMPERATURE. Dry AND WET BuLss. FEBRUARY 1893. a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 For Day. | |Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|/Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet.! Max. 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Wet. 1 | 244 24:4) 25°5 25°5 | 25:0 25:0 | 24:9 24-9 | 248 24:8 | 24:1 24-1 | 23°7 23-7 | 24'0 23°9 | 24:0 24:0 | 23:9 23:9 | 23°38 23°3 | 24:0 24:0} 24:0 24:0 2 | 26:0 26:0 | 26°1 26:1 | 25:9 25-9 | 26-0 26:0 | 26:0 26:0 | 27-0 27:0 | 26:8 26-8 | 26:9 26:9 | 26:0 26°0 | 25-8 25°8 | 25°9 25:9 | 27-2 27-2) 25-1 25-1 3 | 80°0 30:0} 301 30:1] 30°9 30-9 | 30°8 30°8| 3171 31:1 | 31°9 31-9 | 32:3 32:2 | 382°3 32:3 | 82°4 32:4] 32°6 32°6 | 82°5 32°5 | 82°7 32°74 31-4 31-4 4 | 320 32°0| 32:0 32:0 | 31:9 31°9| 31-7 31°7| 31-6 31°6 | 31°8 31°8 | 31:9 31-9) 81-9 31:9) 31:8 31°8/ 31°38 31°3| 381-0 31:0 | 80:9 380-9] 32-0 32:0 5 | 28°8 28°8 | 28°8 28°8 | 29:0 29:0 | 28-9 28-9 | 29-1 29:1 | 29:0 29:0 | 28°38 28°3 | 28°3 28°3 | 28:7 28-7 | 28°9 28°9 | 28°38 28°8 | 27-9 27:9] 28:5 28:5 6 | 312 31:2 | 28°9 28°3| 29:1 29:0 | 29°8 28°5 | 31:0 31:0 | 32:°9 32:1 | 32°9 32:9 | 33°3 33:3 | 34:0 34:0 | 34:0 34:0 | 82:1 32:1 | 309 31:04 8071 30:0 7 | 26°7 26°7 | 25:9 25:9 |) 25°F 25°7 | 25:7 25°7 | 25-9 25°9 | 25:3 25-3) 26-0 26:0 | 25°3 25°38 | 25:2 25:2) 25-1 25-1 | 24°8 24:8 | 25:2 25°24) 26°7 26°7 8 | 23°2 23-2 | 23-0 23-0 | 23-1 23-1 | 22°7 22:7 | 23°3 23°83 | 24°6 24:6 | 25:0 25:0 | 25-1 25:1 | 25°3 25°3 | 24:8 24°8 | 25:4 25:4 | 26-2 26-2] 23°8 23:8 9 | 310 31:0] 31-4 31:4] 31-9 381°9 | 32:0 82:0 | 25:3 25°3 | 26-2 26:2 | 25:2 25:2 | 25-0 25:0 | 24:2 24:2 | 24°6 24°6 | 24°7 24°7 | 24-9 24:9927°8 27°8 10 | 27°8 27:8} 27°7 27-7 | 27:0 27:0 | 26:4 26:4) 261 26:1 | 25:2 25:2 | 25-9 25-9 | 26:0 26°0| 25:6 25°6 | 25:°5 25°5 | 26:9 26°9| 27°3 27:°3}261 26-1 | 11 | 23:9 23-9 | 231 23°1 | 22-7 22:8 | 22°6 22°8 | 22:2 22°3 | 21:9 21:9 | 22:0 22:0 | 21°4 21-4 | 21:2 21:2 | 21°3 21:3 | 22:0 22-0 | 21°3 21:4] 23:5 23°5 | 12 | 16-1 16:2) 15°83 15:9} 168 16:9) 16-9 16°9| 17:0 17:0} 16-1 16-1] 16-8 16°8| 17:0 17:0|17-°0 17:0] 16-1 161] 16:0 16-0} 15:7 15:7} 16-4 164 | 13 |21°8 21°8| 19-1 19°4|19°6 19°6 | 19-4 19:4) 18-9 18-9 | 18-9 18-9] 19:2 19-2 | 19-8 19°8| 20°8 20:8 | 21:0 21:0} 21:2 21-2) 21:5 21:5}18-4 18:4 | 14 | 28°9 28°7 | 30°2 301 | 30:7 30°7 | 27°3 27°7 | 27°9 27-9 | 24°0 24:0 | 24:5 24°5 | 24°7 24:6 | 24°3 24:3) 24:8 24°8 | 24-1 24-1 | 23°6 23°6) 25-1 25-1 | 15 | 22°2 21°3 | 22°8 20°6 | 22-1 21-0 | 22:9 21:1 | 23°3 23°1 | 25:0 25:0 | 24°7 24-7 | 24-1 24:1 | 22°4 22°6 | 22:2 22:3 | 22:9 22°9 | 24:0 24:04 23°] 22°8 | | 16 | 27:0 27:0} 27-4 27:4) 27-1 27:1 | 25:2 25:2 | 24:9 24:9) 24:5 24:5 | 24°6 24:6 | 22°7 22:7 | 21:5 21:5) 21:2 21:2) 21:4 21-4] 22-0 22:0) 25:2 25°2 V7 | 23°38 237 | 23-1 23-1 | 22-7 22-7 | 21-5 21°5 | 21:2 21:2) 22°1 22-1 | 22:5 22:5 | 21°9 21°9 | 22:3 22:3 | 23'2 23°2 | 24-1 2471 | 27°38 27°34 22-7 22°7 | 18 | 32:0 32:0/ 31:0 81:0] 81-3 31:3) 30-8 30-8 | 29:8 28-9 | 29:3 27:9| 30-0 27-0| 29:7 27:0| 29-9 29-2) 32:7 32:0) 32-2 321|/33:1 33:1] 32-1 31-7 19 | 33:0 33°0 | 32°5 32°5 | 33°8 33°8 | 33:2 33°2 | 33°1 33°1 | 33:0 33:0 | 33°0 33:0} 33:1 33:1 | 33:0 33:0 | 82°3 32°3 | 32:0 32:0] 311 32:0] 32°38 32:9 20 | 26°7 26°7 | 27-9 27-9| 26-0 26:0 | 25-9 26:0 | 24°6 24:6 |.23°8 23°8| 24:0 24:0 | 24:0 24:0 | 23°6 23°6 | 23°3 23:3 | 23-1 231 | 28:3 23°3]26°8 26:8 21 | 23:3 23°D | 23°5 23°6 | 23°0 23:1 | 22:1 22°3 | 22:2 22:2 | 22:0 22:0} 21:4 21:4 | 22°0 22:0 | 21°3 21°3 | 22°1 22:1 | 23:0 23°0| 28°4 23-4) 22-4 22-4 22 | 217 21°71 20'1 20°1| 20°0 20:0! 19-4 19°4/19°8 19°81 18:8 19:0) 188 18°9!118°5 18°5) 18-1 181) 17-8 17°8}17°8 17:8} 17°9 17-9} 20°8 20°8 23 |19°2 19:0) 17°7 1775 | 17:0 17°71} 1671 16:2 | 16:2 16°2|) 15:9 15:9] 15°8 15°8|15°5 15:5] 156 15°6)15°8 15:8) 15-9 15°9)15°6 15°8]15:8 15:8 24 |19°6 19°6 | 18°3 18°7| 181 18:4] 16°7 16°9| 15:0 15:0] 15:0 15:0) 15-0 14:9] 15:2 15:2) 14:1 14:1] 13°8 13-9] 13°8 13°8) 13:0 13:0} 15-4 155 25 | 17-0 170 | 18°9 19°2}17°6 17:9) 17°4 17:8} 166 16°8| 15-0 15:0) 15-0 15:1) 15°38 15°3) 15:9 15°9|15°9 15:9) 15:7 15°7| 14°8 14:°9]15°5 15°6 26 | 16°2 16°2| 15:2 15:9) 15-9 15:9| 16:8 16:8) 16°7 16°7| 16-7 16°7 | 16:2 16:2| 16:2 16:2) 16:2 16:2|}17°0 17:0) 171 17°1| 17:0 17:0} 15:5 15°5 27 | 17°9 17°9| 18°3 18:3) 171 17-4) 17-4 17:5) 17-7 17-7) 17-7 17-7 | 16-2 16:2] 16-1 16:2| 16-8 16°38} 17-0 17-0) 16:8 16°38} 17:1 17:1} 17-0 17:0 28 | 24°9 25°] Eades 25°9 | 22°9 23°2| 21:9 21:9] 21°9 21:9 | 21:0 21:0 | 21-0 21:0 | 20°3 20:3} 21°9 21:9 | 23:0 23°0| 24:°2 24:2 | 24°7 24-7) 21:1 21-1 a, 24°8 24:8 | 24°6 24°6 | 24-4 24-4 | 24-0 24:0 | 23°7 23°7 | 235 23:5 | 23°5 23-4 | 23:4 23-3 | 23°38 23:3 | 23°5 28-4) 23°5 23°5 | 28-7 23°38] 23°8 23:7 FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. iL TEMPERATURE. Dry AND WET BULBS. FEBRUARY 1893. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 For Day. | | | | Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|/Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|/Dry. Wet.J Max. 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Wet. 1 | 47°8 44:0 | 465 42:4 | 46:8 42:9 | 49-3 45:0 | 51°1 44-9 | 48-2 43:0 | 47°6 43-1 | 43°8 40-3 | 43-2 39°8| 41°5 38°6 | 89°8 37:9] 37°8 36-7 | 43°4 40-7 2 |47°8 42°9| 48-1 43°6 | 48-0 44-6 | 48-1 44:2) 48-1 44:9] 48:0 45°3 | 47°8 45:3 | 47:2 45:1/ 46:7 44:3] 46-9 44-1 | 46°8 44:1 | 46:1 44:2] 44:2 41°5 8 |501 49°2| 508 49:7 | 51:0 50-0 | 51-8 50-3) 52-7 50°5 | 52°8 50:2 | 52°5 50:4] 51°3 49:3] 51:0 49-4] 50°5 49:2) 49-9 48-7 | 494 48:6] 48-7 47-4 4 | 56°8 53°8 | 58°3 54°7 | 59-0 54°8| 58-0 54-2] 61:0 55°7 | 59-9 55-0 | 56-2 52°9| 54-9 52-1) 5471 51°6 | 54:0 51-0 | 52-4 50:2) 52-7 50-7] 54-4 518 5 | 66°7 57:0 | 68:0 57°3 | 68-8 58:1 | 67:2 58-0 | 65:8 57:0 | 64:7 57:0 | 63:7 56-0 | 61-2 54:2 | 59-2 53°6 | 565 52:0 | 55°5 51:4) 53°2 50°] 59°6 53-7 6 | 63:0 56°7 | 66-4 58:9} 63°8 57-1 | 64°5 57:4] 64:1 56°7 | 63°8 56-1 | 60:0 53°3|59°7 52°8| 581 52:0] 57:7 52°8| 55:1 51:9) 53:3 51:1] 58-0 53°3 7 |60°2 48-4 | 60-9 48-4/ 61:0 48:7 | 601 48-1] 59:1 48:2] 58-2 47-2 | 55°6 46:2 | 53-0 45°3| 50-7 44:6 | 49°5 45:°0/ 47:0 48°6 | 48:2 44:-4954-9 47-2 8 | 61:3 52:0 | 61°8 52°8/ 59°6 51:0 | 59°3 51:7 | 59°38 51:8) 59°5 51:7 | 59-2 51:2 |57°5 500} 568 49:4] 53-5 48:0) 51:3 46°7 | 501 46°09 54:9 47:9 9 | 63-0 55:2| 64:7 55:4) 63°8 55:2) 65°6 55-7) 65:7 56+1| 65:1 56-2 | 63:3 54:0 |57-7 51:5 | 56-1 50-4] 54:2 49°6 | 51-9 48-2 | 49°9 47°2755°8 49°9 10 | 58°3 51°3 | 58-2 50°9 | 58-0 51°7 | 58-1 51°3| 57:3 52°8| 53-9 51:9 | 53-1 51-6 | 52-2 50:8 51-9 50-8] 516 50-4) 511 50:2) 513 50°4052-9 49-2 1 | 85-2 52°7 | 58°3 51°5 | 52-7 51-8 | 52°1 51°5| 521 51-6 | 52-6 51-9 | 52-8 51-9] 52-0 51-2 | 52°3 51:2] 520 50°8| 51:3 50-7 | 50-7 50-2751°5 50-7 12 | 54:3 52°9 | 54°7 53°3|55°3 53-8) 55-0 53:8) 57°8 55:4| 58-6 54-1 | 54-2 51-4) 53-3 50°6 | 52-7 508) 51-9 50-3) 51-1 49°9) 51-1 49°6 | 52°8 51°5 13 | 57-9 53°2 | 59-2 54:8) 616 56-2) 63-4 56-8 | 64:0 57°5 | 63:0 57-3) 61:7 56:0 | 56°5 53-4) 54:0 51:8] 54:0 51°5 | 54:2 517 | 52°38 60°61 55°38 525 14 | 59:0 53°3 | 62°3 54:2) 64:2 56:1 | 66°3 53:3] 66°6 52:9) 64:9 55-2 | 63-1 53-9] 59-7 53°3| 58-0 52°7 | 55:1 50°3 | 53-4 49:3 | 51:9 48°37 56-7 51°6 15 | 65:0 56°9 | 65°8 57°6 | 65°9 58:1] 64:5 57:3] 61:8 56:1) 61:0 55-2 | 59:0 54:0] 56-1 52°2| 53-2 50:2] 52-2 49°6 | 51°3 49-2) 51-0 49°3] 56-1 51:8 16 | 58:2 53:0) 57:4 53-4 | 53-7 52:7 | 52°3 51:3] 52°8 52:0) 58-1 52:4] 52-8 51-7] 51-5 50-3 | 52-0 51:3] 51-3 505 | 51:3 50-4 | 51:1 50°37 52°6 50°6 17 | 60°3 53-2 | 61:0 53°3 | 60°3 52°8| 60-2 52:4) 58-1 51:9) 56:4 51-0] 55:0 51-1| 54:4 50°6 | 53-7 50°6| 53-4 50:0] 53:3 50°7 | 53-1 49°8] 54:2 503 18 | 52°8 511 53:0 51°3 | 54:4 52-4 | 54-4 521) 54-6 52-4) 54-6 53:0 | 55°2 53:1) 53-8 52:2| 51-8 50:0] 48-9 48:1) 48-0 47:3) 47-9 47-1517 50°0 19 | 57°8 54:3 61°8 55:9 | 62°5 56:4| 62-0 55:8 | 57-0 52-7 | 56-4 52:2] 56:3 53-4| 54:8 52°5 | 55-0 52°5 | 54:8 52-4] 54°5 52-4 | 538 51:0] 54:3 521 20 |55°7 53°6 59°3 55°8| 59-0 55-4 | 56-0 54°0/| 53-0 52:3 53-9 53-0) 57-2 55:3) 54°6 53:3) 53-2 52:4) 52°3 51:0) 52°3 51:0) 51-9 50°97 54-0 52°5 21 | 52°3 50-5 56°0 53-2) 57-6 52:4| 57-9 52°9| 58:1 53:0| 54:7 49:8) 54:3 50-2 | 52:0 48:4) 50°7 47°8] 50-1 47:4] 49°9 47°8| 48°6 46°61 52°8 50°3 22 | 56°6 53:0 55°7 52°5| 56°5 52:0| 59-1 53-2| 6071 54°3| 60:5 54:4) 56-0 52°1 | 55:5 51-4] 54-2 50-4] 53:3 50°2/ 55-6 501 | 55:3 49-9] 53-5 50-4 23 | 54:7 51:0 52-4 50-7 | 53°3 50°3 | 53-8 50°0| 51-8 49:4 | 52-0 49:5| 51-4 49-3| 50-0 48-2| 50-0 47-2) 50-1 47-9| 50-0 47-6 | 49-1 48:2]52-0 49:9 24 | 55°9 50°2 56-0 51-9} 589 53-0 | 55°6 51-2/ 55-9 50°6 | 55:9 50-0) 53-8 48-8 | 52-0 49-0 | 50-7 49:3] 50°8 50-0} 50°8 50:1 | 50°9 50-4] 53-4 50-1 25 | 54:0 49°38 54:7 50°6| 55:3 50°3| 54:5 49:7 | 54:0 49-9 | 54-2 49-8} 54-0 49-0 | 53-3 48:9 | 52:0 49-1 | 52°7 48°3 | 52°3 47-7 | 52-0 47°9) 52°83 49-0 26 | 568 52°6 55°8 50°7 | 55-4 50-0 | 55-1 50-1| 54:5 50-0 | 54:9 50-2| 55°6 50-7 | 53°9 49-0 | 53-0 49°1|52°6 49-1] 52-0 48°8 | 51-1 48°5] 53-0 49-4 27 | 60°3 55° 59-2 55°0| 60°0 55:0 | 60°5 55-1 | 62°3 56-6 | 60-7 55:2] 59-1 55-2 | 58-4 53°8 | 57-9 53°9| 56-7 54:0 | 56:0 53:3 | 55:9 53°37 565 53:3 28 |58°9 56°8 59:0 561 | 59-2 55:9 | 59°0 55:0 | 59-2 55:°9| 59-0 55:0| 57-9 54:2] 57-1 53-8) 560 53°5| 551 53-0 | 54:2 52°6 | 53°9 52°4755°9 53°8 29 | 53-4 48°5 | 54:2 48°6 | 54-6 48-5 | 55°5 48-5 | 55-7 48-1 | 55-0 47-2| 53-9 46-8| 51-0 44:9 | 48-3 43-4] 45-4 41°9| 43-7 40°5 | 42-8 39°7951°5 47-7 30 | 55-0 46:2 55°6 46°1/ 57-0 47-7 | 57°1 47-8 | 55-0 46:8 | 53°6 46-0| 53:0 45°9/ 51-1 44:5 | 49-1 43:3] 46-9 42:3] 47:0 42-7 | 47-0 43:07 48-9 43-1 31 | 57-1 51-2 59-9 51°8| 59-6 51:0 | 58:9 50:8) 57-4 49°3 | 56-9 48:3) 56-5 49:2] 54-2 50-1 | 53-2 49-4] 53-0 49-4] 52° 48-4 | 519 48°2752°6 47:7 Mean. 57°0 51°9 57-7 52:3 | 58-0 52:4 | 57:9 52-2) 57-6 52-2| 57-0 51-8] 55-9 51:2] 54-0 50-1 | 52°9 49°5 | 519 49°0| 51-1 48°6 | 50°5 48-2) 53:2 49-7 | | 24 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 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Wet. 1 | 70°2 62°0| 74:1 62°3| 74:9 64:0 | 73°1 63:2] 72°9 63:4] 69°3 62:1| 65:1 58°8| 64:3 58-6 | 63:9 58-1 | 62:9 57°6 | 62°9 58°0 | 61°8 57-7] 63°6 57°8 2 | 62°8 59°6| 64:9 59°9| 69:3 61:8 | 69:0 60°8 | 66:2 61:0 | 64:9 59°4| 69:3 62:2] 65:0 59:4] 61°6 57°83] 58°9 55°9| 57°6 55:0 | 56:2 54°31 61-2 57°5 3 | 67-2 61:6 | 68:0 61:9 | 68-9 61:3 | 68:2 61:2] 67:0 60:2 | 65-2 61:3 | 64:3 59:9] 63:0 60-2] 61:9 59:4] 61:0 59:2] 60°1 58°7 | 59°3 58-0] 62:0 58°5 4 |673 61°3| 68:2 61°4| 67-9 61°8| 66:4 60:9] 65:2 60:0 | 63°3 58°9| 61:5 57:8] 60:0 56°8|58°6 55:9} 57°8 55°4| 57°0 55:0 | 56°9 55:0) 61-7 58:3 5 | 69-9 62:0] 72:2 63:0| 732 63°3 | 72°6 63°6| 72:1 63:0| 72-9 63:0| 72:0 63:1 | 66°8 60°3| 61°5 57:7 | 59°3 56:2 | 57-7 55-0 | 56°0 54:0] 62°7 57-7 6 | 67°8 57°6| 65°7 57°9| 65°2 57°6| 65°5 57:51 65°1 58°3| 63:9 57°6 | 64°9 58-2] 63°6 58-0 | 63°6 57:9} 62°9 57:9 | 61°8 57°8 | 62°2 57:2]61°8 56°6 7 | 68:4 61:7 | 70°0 63-0) 73:1 64:4| 74:4 65°8| 72:9 65:2|71°5 64:2|70°8 63°8| 69:0 63:2|69°3 62:4] 68-0 62:2] 65:9 61°6| 63°2 61:7] 66°9 61:2 8 | 76-4 65°6| 75:1 64:9| 66°7 62:1| 66-0 62:1] 69-0 65-4 | 69°8 63:2| 69:0 62°8|66°6 61:9] 65:2 60:9} 65-0 60°7 | 66:2 61:0 | 64:0 60:2] 67'4 62-7 9 | 67:5 58:3] 64:1 57°7| 63:9 57-0 | 63-0 56:3) 63-2 56-2 | 62°7 55:6 | 63:0 56°0| 61-8 55-7 | 61:2 55:1 | 59-9 (54-6]| 60:0 54-6 | 59°0 54:1] 63-4 58-0 10 | 62-7 58-4) 61°7 583) 57:2 55:0| 57-0 56:0 | 59°0 57-4] 60°6 58:4 | 60:2 58-0 | 58°9 56-2] 58°8 56:2] 57-4 55:3 | 57-0 54°8 | 56°9 54°71 60-0 56°5 11 | 65:9 59-9 | 65:3 61:2| 61:0 57-9] 59°8 57:2] 60°3 57-7 | 61:3 58°3| 60-7 57:9] 59°5 57-7] 57°8 56°0| 56°6 54:6 | 56-0 53°8| 57:0 55:0] 59° 56°5 12 | 59-0 56°8| 59:3 56°7 | 58°8 56:2| 58:3 55-9] 59:0 55:9 | 58-0 55:0|57°3 54:6 | 56°6 54:1] 561 53°6 | 55-4 52°9 | 54-8 52°8 | 54-4 52°3157'°3 548 18 | 57-8 52:1) 58:2 52:3) 58-0 52:3) 57-9 52:4| 57-5 52°6| 58-2 52-7| 57-9 52°6| 56:4 51:7| 55:1 50°8] 54:7 50-0 | 58-6 49°9 | 58°0 49°2155°5 51°6 14 | 59-4 52°9| 60-1 53:1 | 59:5 53:0 | 61-1 53:3] 60°6 53:0 | 59:7 52°6| 59-0 52°3) 57-7 511] 56-7 51:2) 561 50°5 | 54:2 503/521 49:0] 56-0 50:9 15 |60°7 53°3|59°9 52:2) 61-0 54:1 | 60-9 54:5] 61:0 53°5|59°8 52:6) 58-7 52:5) 58-4 52-2)57-2 51-9) 56:2 51°8| 55-0 51:6) 54:7 51°77 156-7 51-1 16 | 59-8 54*1 | 59°6 53-7 | 59°7 55-0 | 57-9 55:0 | 59-8 56:0 | 58-0 55:1| 56-1 54-2] 54-7 53-8] 54:3 53-6] 55-0 51°3 | 53-0 50:9 | 52°3 50°6] 55-7 52:9 V7 |562 51°7| 57-1 52:4| 57-9 52:2) 56-4 52:1] 566 52:4] 58-7 51-9| 56-2 51-9|55°6 51-4) 54:9 51-4] 55-0 51°6 | 54:8 52°0 | 54°6 52-2755°3 51-4 18 | 60:1 54°6 | 57-2 58-2) 55:4 52°7| 55-3 58°5| 54:5 52°5 | 53-4 51-4 | 53:3 51:8 | 58-4 52:1] 53:1 52:2] 53-0 52:4] 53-1 52:5 | 53°6 52°9) 55-1 52-9 19 | 59:0 57:8) 59-0 57°5 | 60:4 58°7| 60:3 58:9] 58-6 57:4 | 59-2 57°5| 58-4 56:4] 57:2 55-7] 56-0 54:9] 55:9 54:2) 55:0 54:4 | 56-2 54:9) 56°8 55:9 20 | 55-9 53:0|55-0 51°4}53°7 50°9/53-5 51-6] 54:8 52°5|56-0 52°6| 54:8 50°7|54°6 50-4] 53°8 50°6|52°8 50°6 | 52-1 49-7 | 51-7 49:0} 54:6 52:1 21 | 57-1 51°7| 60-0 53°7 | 59°5 53-0] 58-2 52-9] 57-4 53-5 | 55-0 51:9| 55:0 52-0] 53-9 50-6] 54:0 51-2] 51-6 50:2) 51-5 49°6 | 51°8 50°3] 54-4 50°8 22 | 59:4 52:°3|59°7 52°6|58°8 516/582 51-°8]59-0 52:3| 56-6 51°5| 58:9 52:4] 56:0 51:2|52:3 49:4] 51-2 48°5| 49-6 47-7 | 49°0 47:1] 54-4 50-2 23 | 63°7 55°7 | 64°7 57:1 | 67-9 59°2| 66-1 58-9] 65-0 59°0 | 62-9 58-4] 62°3 58°3| 621 58-1) 61:4 58-3) 61:4 58°3| 60°4 58-2 | 60-7 58°4]58°3 54:1 24 | 59-7 58°3| 62-2 59-3/ 61-1 55°8| 56:8 54:71] 54:0 52-1] 54:8 52°5| 55:4 52:3] 54:1 51-9/53°9 51°4]53°6 51:4 | 52-9 50°6 | 53-0 51°07 57-1 55-2 25 | 58:3 54:3) 59:4 54:2 |59°6 54-7 | 59-1 54:3] 60-5 55:4] 61-9 56:2] 58°9 54:9] 57-2 58-7 | 56-0 53:2) 55°6 53°2|55°3 531 | 55°3 53831566 53:7 26 | 59:1 55:0] 60°3 55-7 | 61:0 55°6| 61:7 55:0] 62:0 54:2] 61:3 54°1| 62:0 53:9] 59-2 51-5 | 56:3 50:4 | 53-2 49:0) 52°3 48-9) 50-1 47°2)57°5 52-7 27 | 61-0 54°0| 62:7 54:0) 64:9 55°5| 65-9 56:2] 64:3 57-9 | 64:2 55-7 | 63-7 56-9] 58-4 530/561 52:3] 55-7 52°9| 53:5 51:0) 52-0 497) 55°5 50°8 28 | 59-7 57°9|59-7 58:4] 61:4 57°3| 604 56-2] 60:3 54:8] 60°8 55°5| 58-1 54:0] 56-7 53:2) 561 527 | 56:0 52-7 | 55°9 53:2) 55°2 52°8] 56-2 53-4 29 |59-0 54:0) 59-7 52°8| 58-7 54°1| 57-4 58-2|58-0 54°3| 56-7 53°7|55°8 54:2] 55-4 538-2|55°8 52°2| 55-4 52-2 | 54:0 51°5 | 53-2 5001563 53-4 30 | 59:4 53-0| 60-7 53°5|61°8 54:6 | 61-3 53:9] 60:9 54:0| 60:0 53:2] 57:9 52:1] 56:8 52-1|56°3 51:3] 556 51:0) 55°3 51-0) 54-7 50°9]57:1 521 31 | 59°8 52:9] 59-4 52:3 | 59-9 52:0| 59-7 57°3| 58-9 51°5| 58-6 51°7|57°0 51:0] 56-1 50-7 |55°6 50:3] 55:2 49°8| 55:0 49°4 | 537 49°71 56-4 51-2 Mean,| 62°3 56°6 | 62°7 56°7 | 62°6 56-6 | 62:0 56:4] 61°8 56°5| 61:3 56°1| 60°6 55:7 | 59-0 54°8|57°9 54:2] 57-0 53-7 | 56-2 53:3 | 55°6 53:0] 58-5 54°6 28 TEMPERATURE. 1 2 3 4 Dry. Wet.| \Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet 1 |84-5 34-5 | 33:5 33:5 | 33°6 33°6 | 33-1 33-1 2 | 39:2 39°2| 40°0 40:0 | 4071 40°1 | 39°3 39:3 3 |39°6 39°6| 39:7 39°7 | 40°9 40:9 | 42:2 42:2 4 | 38:2 38:2 | 38°5 38°5 | 38-4 38:4 | 38:4 38-4 5 | 88:5 38:5 | 37:2 37:2 | 36:4 36:4 | 3671 3671 6 | 32°6 32°5| 32°6 32°6 | 32:2 32:2] 32:0 31:4 7 | 44:2 44:1] 44:5 44°5| 44:1 44:1 | 43:0 43-0 8 | 44:3 44:1/ 44:1 44:0] 45°6 45°3) 45:0 44-9 9 |48°6 46:°9| 48:9 47:0| 50-0 47:4150°6 47:1 10 | 47:2 44°6| 45:7 44°0| 44:9 44+1 | 45°6 45°5 11 | 48:1 48:1] 48:1 48:1} 47-8 47:8 | 47:9 47:9 12 | 48°0 48:0} 47:6 47:6 | 47:0 47:0 | 47:0 47:0 13. | 46°3 44:1) 46:2 43°8| 46°8 43°7 | 46:1 44°6 14 |51:7 460) 51°9 46°9| 51:6 47°3 | 50:4 46:0 15 | 54:3 54°3/ 53:0 53:0|50°5 50°5 | 50°0 48-0 16 | 58°3 53:3) 52:2 52°2)51°6 51°6| 51:2 51:2 17. | 50°0 50:0| 50°6 50°6| 50:4 50:4 | 50:0 50-0 18 | 49-1 49:1] 48°6 48°6| 48:0 48:0 | 48°8 48-8 19 | 44°6 44:6 | 44:2 44:2) 44:0 44:0 | 43-1 43:1 20 | 43°9 44:0} 41°9 41:9] 40°6 40°6 |-40°1 40-1 21 | 42°5 42°5143:9 43:9| 45:0 45:0 | 43°7 43-7 22 | 41:1 41'1 | 41°2 41°2| 40°6 40°6 | 40°8 40°8 23 | 36°8 36°8 | 36°6 36°6 | 35°8 35°8 | 35°5 35:5 24 | 34:2 34:2 | 34:0 34:0 | 33:8 33°8 | 34:0 34:0 25 | 37°6 37°6 | 37-1 37:1 | 36°9 36°9 | 36°7 36°8 26 | 37:0 37:0] 37°38 37°3 | 37°2 37-2 | 36-9 36-9 27 «| 87°9 37°9| 37°6 37°6 | 387°1 37:1] 36:4 36-4 28 | 37:5 36°9| 36:2 36°1/ 36°6 36°6 | 36°6 36°6 29 | 43:8 48°6| 45:0 44:1 | 44:0 43°6 | 438-2 42:8 380 | 43:5 42°9| 45:1 37-0} 39°6 39°6 | 40°5 405 31 | 44:2 44:2| 44:3 44:3) 44:5 44:5 | 44:6 44°6 MEaAn.| 43°0 42°5 | 42°8 42°2| 42:4 42-1 | 42-2 41:8 13 14 15 16 Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|/Dry. Wet.|/Dry. Wet 1 | 39:8 39°7 | 40°6 40°5 | 41°3 41°3 | 40:1 40-1 2 | 39:9 39:9 | 39°5 39°5 | 39°9 39°9| 39:2 39-2 3 | 41°7 41°7 | 41°6 41°6 | 40°7 40°7 | 40°4 40-4 4 | 39°6 39°6| 40°5 40°3| 41°6 41:2) 42-4 42-2 5 | 35°1 35:1 | 35°6 35°6 | 35:9 35:9 | 36:0 35°7 | 6 | 40:0 38°8 | 41°6 39°9| 41:0 39:4] 40°0 39:1 7 | 47:1 47:1) 47°8 47°8| 48°6 48°6 | 48-9 48-9 8 | 48:0 48:0 | 48-4 48:4) 48-6 48°6 | 48°3 48°3 9 |59-1 53:0 | 60°6 52:9) 62:2 55:0| 60°1 55:0 10 | 50°0 50°0| 5071 5071 | 49:4 49-4 | 49-9 49-9 11 | 48:0 48:0 | 48:7 48°7 | 48:3 48:3 | 48°6 48°6 12 |46°6 46°6| 46:9 46:9 | 47:2 47:2! 46:1 46:1 13 | 51:9 50°1| 53-1 50:1 | 53:7 51:0 | 53:2 50°9 14 |58°5 55:8 | 58:2 56:0 | 60:0 56°7 | 58-1 56:6 15 | 56°4 55°7|57°6 56:0 | 572 56:0 | 56°9 54:5 16 | 51:1 51:2) 52-1 52°1| 51:0 51:0) 49°8 49-9 17 | 49°6 49°6 | 49°3 49°3 | 49°5 49°5 | 49°8 49:8 18 | 48°5 48°5 | 46°7 46°7 | 46°6 46°6 | 46°0 46:0 19 | 44:2 44:1) 44:5 44°5| 45:0 45:0 | 44:6 44-6 20 | 43:1 43°1 | 42°5 42:5 | 43-4 48-4 | 43°0 40°6 21 | 39°8 39°81! 3971 39°1]| 41:0 41:0} 40:0 40:0 22 |41°3 41°3| 40-9 40°9/ 41°6 41°6| 40°8 40:8 23 | 39°5 39°5 | 39:1 39:1 | 39:0 39:0 | 38:0 38:0 24 | 38:0 38:0! 38:4 38:4] 39°6 39°6 | 39:2 39:2 | 25 | 38:6 38°6| 39-1 39-1] 38:7 38°7| 37:4 37-4 | 26 | 39:0 39:0| 38-2 38-2] 38:7 38-7 | 38-6 38-6 27 | 36°8 36°5) 38:0 38°0| 39°7 39-7 | 39-4 39:4 28 | 42:7 42°7| 42:9 42:8] 42°5 42°4 | 42:2 42:0 29 |48°5 44°8| 47°3 45°9| 45:3 45:0 | 44°7 44°6 | 80 |43°9 43°9| 43°6 43°6 | 43-2 438°2| 42:0 42°0 | 81 | 45°9 45:9) 45°7 45°7 | 46:4 46°3 | 45°5 45:5 } | MEAN, 44°9 44°4) 45:1 44°5 | 4F:4 44°8/ 44°8 44°4 .|Dry. BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. Dry and Wet BULBS. AUGUST 1893. Wet. 41:0 39:0 40:4 41-4 36:0 39°6 48:0 48-0 53°9 49:0 48°8 44°9 50°5 56°0 54:0 49°1 49°8 45°5 45°5 43°5 40°7 40°1 38:0 38°9 37°8 38°5 39°6 40°6 43°7 422 45:2 44:2 41:0 6 .|Dry. 329 39°0 43°6 37°8 32°9 41°9 46°8 50°9 46-2 46:9 45:0 47:0 53°0 50°9 50°6 49°6 47-9 43°3 40-1 45-7 40:0 37'3 34:2 34°8 35°9 350 377 43°3 40°7 44°7 42-2, 34:0 & 8 9 .|Dry. 33°5 39°8 5 | 43°7 37°9 33°5 35:0 45-0 47-2 51°8 7 48-0 | 47-0 45°3 48-0 53°1 53:0 50:0 49-2 48-9 42:9 41-2 46°3 40-1 386 34°6 36°5 7 | 385°9 34:2 389 38° 44:8 40°8 44:7 42°9 Wet. Dry. Wet. 330 OOS Se BOF 34:9 39°6 2 GON AITO ADENEK AD 34:4 39°6 43°6 38°4 34°4 36:0 44-0 (or) ~ AOS PR Rous 55 SHNNK GH Co wwoannin sir i 10 Dan 36°1 39°9 44°6 39°8 34°3 36°7 44-9 471 52°6 479 475 45°6 50°1 55'9 54:6 49-9 50°1 49°5 436 42:0 39°8 40°8 39°6 3671 371 370 36°0 41:0 47 +1 41°8 450 43°7 .|Dry. 40°5 40:0 40°6 34°8 39°7 44°6 47-2 54:0 49-0 49°6 52°7 50°7 55:4 55°9 47-2 49°7 44:3 37°8 37° Wet. 35'8 39°9 446 39°8 34°3 36°7 44°5 47-1 49:0 | 53° 479 47°5 45°6 48:2 54°4 54°5 49-9 50:1 49°5 43°6 42:0 39°8 40°8 39°6 36°1 | 371 37°0 35°8 41-0 33°6 41°8 45-0. 43-0 12 For Day. 44°1 454 Max. Min. 41°3 32°9 40°4 36:9 44°6 38°6 42°7 37°7 88'°5 32°7 42:7 32:0 48°9 41:5 48°6 44:1 62°2 48:1 50-1 44:9 49°8 46°9 52°9 44-7 53°7 46:1 60:0 50-4 57°6 50:0 53°3 46°6 506 49-0 49°5 44:3 455 42:9 43°9 40:0 46:3 39:0 416 366 39°7 39°6 39°1 39°2 39°7 42°9 48-5 44+] 46°4 466. .|Dry. Wet. 39°8 39°7 40°4 40-4 41:2 41:2 401 40:1 35°0 35°0 38°5 37°38 45:0 45:0 475 47°5 56:0 50°7 50°0 50:0 47'8 47°8 46°7 46°7 51°6 49:1 58:2 54:7 55°8 54°7 52°5 52° 49°7 49-7 49°3 49°3 43°5 43°5 42°7 42°7 39'1 39:1 41:0 41:0 89°5 39°5 38°2 38°2 38'5 38°5 38'0 38:0 37°0 36°8 42°6 42°6 44-9 41:2 43°4 43-4 45°5 45:5 44:5 43:9 ps OO SNS ee ee ES 23 Midnight. .|Dry. Wet. 40°77 38°7 391 39°2 326 41°1 42°3 459 46°8 48:1 47-1 43°3 45°7 54:1 53'1 40°7 38-7 39°1 89°2 32°9 411 42°9 47-2 48:9 48-1 471 48:2 50°6 54:1 53°2 48-2 501 45°1 44-7 43°5 41°3 36°6 36'1 368 36°6 38°2 36°0 42°8 41-1 43°9 43°6 43:1 48-2 50°1 45-1 44°6 43°5 41-2 36°6 36:1 36°8 366 38-2 Biss) 42°8 41-1 43°9 43°6 42°6 Wet 40°4 390 38°6 39:0 32°6 42:7 43°1 462 45°6 48°] 476 44:6 46:0 54:2 53°6 49:0 49°9 45-1 45°0 42°6 41-4 37:2 35°2 37°5 36'1 380 36°2 42°1 40°6 41°1 44°8 42°7 Dry. 40°4 39°0 33°6 39:0 oo Lo x Pir OO WWW PER EHR AONE PRP SNAG BAKE Doss SESS S255 GENS HANNE ASESS ANONG HRS | WW eR ANISH We AASS cre 29 Dry AND Wer BuLss. AUGUST 1893. FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. TEMPERATURE. 2 | BP IORID HOASS ALFAD CLAD HASH Nowaan + BMD AH GONAH MAFSS PROSK Ade GH HSHROS G Ss CaMmanr SHO CDHAOMD DBOr-O1O HANSON Nowa he) ; AoDtHtD HBOWDid COoOrnst SORDO Hone N NTOMDOr iver} [= Bia id 1616 IDIAQAD6O COiD Hig iQ 1419191019 1910 Hh Hig 19 HHS 15 15 Yon} a AD 1D AG ASD SH HID AD WW WOriQid Ww WOH1iG1i91w 1919191919 1919 19101910 ito} D 5 BHOMNS™ AVAERD SSHSS SOMMH NOHHOS AArRON 19 S| SOIWOMW HOO DABIGN OVAND MSM m1 AAHON WMNDSS S FROAQD HAGA MDAGG DNLEIG COHHMS GHaAMOHAN 10 EIQD1BOH HODBLK HSOSI9D AMHR ROWHO GOHOLAD & FH |SS6S65S SSSCOR RONKN SOOSS SOOSS SODSaOR 8 O19191S 1915 1G BSCS SSSSS SSSHOG 8098 Wiosisoo wo SS ES = _O————— SS SSS LIOA SOG HASHA OHSOHH GHANOS 9S9HH SAHMIHMD © 8 | BOEr oA OAH AOMION DASSON AOMONM SGHASEID CATOIDD NOMI A HDA Hr~ ANCOMmM HOHNM MNAMOOr i =| Om AAI HOD COTDD DOOD OHOODO HOonnA AMON ON”O st a ID AD AD AGD SH 1ADIDW OO OiVGwowowo WOowW191D 19191919169 191910101910 bYen) 60 FAD AD AGT AD SH 1D 1D 1D AD 319 1G9ig9 CW 1969191019 1919 HriGig 10 Hi 101010 Yen) = “| sSOhome MH SS HAANS CLAAN PMPr9mr SONAAAG @ SB | LODHWOS MSWSN HOROM AL HAM GORVWOHR SOGRAN OD HODI~RDO ADIOND ONmRAN HHH NT Or~ODD DroONnrm Soa we OO OO SHG 6919 CI~SH O1OM™10SH DNOND OTOMM ODOHOoOrn-wD Ne) FAG 19.19 1G 1 IAD CMO OMOMmM~ OMMOOWO 1919191919 19190190 O19 Neo) = C910 19 1 SH IDADAD LOH WAG iD CW WcOiDWi® 191iQ iS riGQriq 19 H19 190 101G Yes} BPSDIGH OAENO HOOOGH MINOW BOSMA AABAAN BHONS MAr-AH SOMO HANMOIG DANNY OmModr-o N NHO1UD AWDBMS TOAaRMO ANNOM MGHtdodH ANMHrD I~ tS cd AON SHH CODD O19000000 ODO HOnnH NormAtwoso 1D eS WD ADAG ACD SH LAT ID LOL Widiagw © WwoWr191D 1914191919 191919101010 ven) ney & 1D1AD 1D ASD SH wD iD iQ iQ wW OriQiQw~6W 19 661919 1D 19 191910919 19 SH H101910 Ww ~ | EP SLOSS BAWAN PANVD DEwoieSs HeHAHt mg9eSHs CN | pWOROH WEEN ANSOSH NNSKHS FOMHS Honotbne © HO COMmMOD COnOMm Onto OHOnC MOOoOooO DIreioOne aeal £4 6D 6D SH CO Od Mm=190DO190 DOODMOH ONMAIDO ONMOAB OWOnr-WOO I~ A 3S 19 1919 1 WOWMOMOOMO OOwmrsom SOoOSoS WD AD AD AD AD «1 19 19 ~~ LO ie} (D209 AD 1D LCD SH IDADADWO OO OidMwoewowo OwisgsOrwq® 19191919019 19H 19 191019 Yo} BNOQAN AWSMDHA ANAAH DOMOD NOMAD HANWAOS SNOAON POPHO FOtAS SOLNOW SLED GomoaH SAasisiss SrBHS FORNH CHHoKm MOHtMMHM ANAdANHwoD eo} SS eae Tilo DHD O1WOMN ODAr-OW9O HOGQHnH Nooaotewo ive) Oo AD UD AD ACD SH AD AD AD COW WirgiQwew OwWwMigigd 1916191910 191019 1901010 von} el ID AD AD AD SH ADI AD OW Origigww 31 COiwgiQrag 191 HiGiqg 10 HA H19 1010 wo | sO N22 GION A AOAMON PO AAD APAOO OAAANG w SN | SSOP BROAA GCAAHSH SOMI-N PANS SOnHAH O HOl~H DO ODOHM~ CONDOM FHNRHD ONL OD wWOWRADrH S HO HM1ID1IDS BDi9ADO19 Br~H19M BMOMDO WOHMO OONKRAD co (D289 1D 2D ACD ACS IDIDWOOO POWOOMM OMWO ID 1919191919 19101910190 6 Ne} J 269 2 1D CD ACD IAD OOO OiQwowow 19 O19 19 1919191919 19191919 1019 ven) eee age PSP PONSH MHOSHO MOP H NHMAoIrX HOLPON OHOVA AADKA LAAPAMD OMINOM SOLhNSOHMr meHig HO DOIMr~AH DHOOrN COO lc oio} Hie MAN nn OoOMSHO iver) COA HHO DMODAMH COOMMOH OHArODO HNOnH MROHWOSO er} 2 ie ipidio a HID ID ID = 1919 9 tc SSeow piesa AD 1D 1D 1G 19 1 we = SSinisom IDADID LOW OrigiQw © 190191919 1919191919 19 -H19 1910910 ver) for} ENOENO FOSMIS SHSHH ANGIGD® MBAeY ASHOnsD N | EPPOMS BAM MG HOOHN SOPHMA OVNATS qHoMOD & HOM OM H HOOND ABWRBDH ONMOD 190OOMO OHNWDOO co oH H19 co 0D OMrHOCOH FPONDOMe ONDHD OAMHO ONWOOD oO Dy 1 10 19 109.109 IDA ID CWO OriQgigqwm © WOMwWOOig 191919191 191019 1918 Yen) (DO 2D 2D ACD ACD IDADLO EO WOrigQw WO WWO1iD 1D 1919191919 1G 10919 19 19 10 lta} BSPEPAHS PHYOOGH HONODHD OONWD™ SASH YHSAMA A SESE Wor PO OANSH Ae STAO Medd EANOKHAHD A Seca T= 1960N SDOMDD ADAr~w1O DHAHOn FBHORDMDMMHH iver) b 00 CI tH SH 00 MORDMD DODH1O ADH rO MDAGAHAA Anowoso oO LD US AD UD SH HID AD AD LO 1G AQ AD 1919 C191iQ «19109191019 1916 W199 1019 Von) So DAD ID AD H 1D iD iD9 WOW OiQgw OW 1919181 1919191910 1919016101910 we oO SOF OSAN SPAS9 HHOth Onn MOS FooOtH ASEhAOM & N | sOHSSHH SCHAAF NHSAH OMOLA SMITH COMOMO AQ HID HOD DODOD ~M1DOA DOHOM BAOAANH OMOODOSO ~~ EPH19 6 119 DOON1IG DBDOMI~O COHOnm OmMatHO WH HOOD (op) (DQ 2D 2D ACD ACD ACD WIAD OO WOiTgiDwow WOwWwMOiq 1919191919 191919 1919 Ven} D2 12 121.919 19 IDAD OPO WMO OOD WOcOi9gwOiG 1919101019 19 19 19 19 1919 we BIE PTSD HOAHD Orton HOA BWHMAD OMAN 19 BODADO PHO BMH GHOGMH QOOAH AEHSS GAMtoA SOCOM BO1ID~SD CDOMesH ABOrMIDO DhRHADD FAOrntr st DM1IDHS DMWODMH DOHHDOOHO ANDRO AMAMN NOnNwoor = 1D 1G 1D AD SH HIG AG AD 6 CH1G91iG9iG9 6 1919 O1916 191g HHH 19 HH19 1010 Yen) a IDID ID ADAG wD WMO OiQwow©s 1901919 1G 19191091910 191919191910 ito} I~ EPONPIG QNARD mM MIIMN HSOALY SOOKHN AHOGAWA © T | SSAHOP POM MD HANOH AMHMDH HALO ANAMRDIO © HH1ID H19 He OlM™ODO OBAUDA CONMNAr~ Or~-OOCM 190NoOHrO iis) H19 COOM DANA ANDOO HOOAND OOM OOLr-OMD®D S D2 1D 1D 1.19 FID IGAD © WOIi91iGD9 aD OH WOO191® 1919191919 19.109 Hh 191919 von} 28 1919 10 1 IDC WOMmO OMOOMmR WOWM1QDWO19 161901901919 19190 191919010 Ne} BOOGHIG GTOHDH OMmiaoHt HomMNS DOWMA SuMHOID © BHANOAD wWAAHA MMIBMN HOA A ODHARD MORDOMA 19 ADMDAND Oi1wWHOD BONDS CDHDOMOH OMOWDO FHOR0nHr ina) { > OD sH SH 10 OD ODA HH DOMMOO HOMO MAAHN NONWwOr- ~ SHAG 1D 1 SHH 119.191 1G 1D HID Hi H1G919 191 HAW 19 HHi9 1910 en} ive) PF DID1DAD AD DAD O WMO OOMMOMOO OWwO19191G 1919191919 1919190191010 Yen) No} SOAR AANA WONGSOHD SHOMGS OMIDNS DNOMIH © | EPMNPO HX SOM WSOTHWM AHOOH BROBAD OOMENA © HAY ONS ASCO H MOB H FBAMrO DOODH HAHAH eer 1a Potro t DPmaMdrO FPiGONnH MreHANN wiv 0890Nre LrABAMM re 2S 19.19 10 1D Fi 1D IAD CO] COrwDQ SHAD 1 C1919 191919 Hi 1910 H19 1019 ww FIDIDiAQAGAGT 1D WOO OOM OMOMOOWM 1919190019 191919191010 eo} BANOWD WAGON POSH HA AHOMe OLROH AHEM oO BIBI PL WOM POWOM WHADH WSMNA Manon D 09 109 o> Dis AGDDWAQDAD OMDO1OM OMr~rOo COBdtAHHr oD WHO190T-D ANWDNON DOAAHINOD FPHAMWMAD WOH M Notowoon oO a HD AD AD SH DID AS AG AD 191d Hig aM Wi Higig wis HAs 32 HAi91910 Yer) i ID AD AD AD AD wD WOOO OriQgQwo Ow WwO1i9191 1919191919 1919191019 wG iY BOWRBSD SOMIGSOM HOOANH SHhede AHNSHSE HRomMOt A 1 MSOOOH ASSHO APAAKMS MSOMRD ODOSOGS ANNSSS HOISH OO Hed FIO HON HRRDO HOHE WMD1DCOOH HHOotArnre ive) Po mRRAK SDH FHRNOCNM HODATH OFONO WwODHHD N Dy 209 19 2D 1D 1D THAD IDIIN LH OriD HiD C19 69 iG iq 14191 Hiq 1910 H1919 10 ive) 1G 1G 19 © i WOriQ OP OOM OMOMODM 19196190 OID 19190 OW O19 Jo} [ESaieoe PABWAD WOMMG HOWARD WODAR WRS19SOM 19 BIINPSS OP AD HROM~S MHoOt SHHAS HEMMNS b&b 60 NAO DIDS O19 AMWMDOD CDOMOy Otr-ODO Ho masts inal b> 09 6D Hid rt CDM AI~ OD BHONODO NODOO Wom AHed AAS Oro ~ sy [RSs aes GD AD ID AD AD ww HiG sw 619191919 1.1 HAHiqW 1910 LG 1D LCD Yon} 10 FID AQID ADAM wIiDW OOO Oiwqowowo Wwo1i9191Q 191919 10919 UD UCD UCD AD AD UCD ite) ESDODN LOMO ONOAH WAAHN OHMS DOnOHH | gh FOI OWE SOD GCONMS ALHHN BOSSH AADMHD © Byrd oD 09 69 co S.w HON NOOMN FOND BRIBANA MANMNHAMrr ten) 520 G> 00 COO BOM ON wor OCOON fOrmnHO PfOHOOIMD AN DO 2S 1G 19 19 19 id 9 ig~w WOi9iQes C19 61919 wid HHO 19190 H19190 190 Yon) D919 19 10 1 Wig OdOrm OOMmMmMMR OWOMWND 19190190019 1IN1DOOO1ID No} | BAP PAH HWrNOO MARSH HOALND NOSWH MOSSSH © BORBOHS MOMNS MHON HA LOGE AH GOh PEAHHWH | DPOAMDD O1WMO'OD GRODWD DNOWH OMRBOH AnwMAML~ ine) MIDW19D TH MOH1ON DBHRDMDOWOD MAMOO W190 HCO MNoOoor oa) a HAD 1 1D AD THIS ADAG = rwGQragrg@id DH C19 191 wd1iVQdTH Haq 1919 H19 19010 Yen) 19 IDADIDIAD AGM wADIDWW WOO OiQwoewowo WwWMiQwrwe> 1919191091 1919.19 1919190 lm : BPE PDS HBONS ON BSH AAHOW MIAH ieepam 4d | SOHO ID MSOOHAR WAESR GOSHH LARDA AMON We a EANCON COSHH H1D1IDOMmRH MOAN AONKND OWOOGH AMHAMIOr Ye} | HI=~NORMD MOMDO DMOIMOM ~WMOnMDM ~ODAD DI~Nmaoo (na) D2 HD AG 1D GD THAD IADAD OO OrGrQidw C19 1iG iq = 191919 H1Q 1910 W119 14010 Yer) | AAO 010919 10 OOOO OOM OWMWMMWO 1919191919 1919 15 io} [i ° | = a eae = | BONAR O HAARHI~ HOAMN DHWAAD HHNON LASRSSD OD HAM HH MOO HE OAMGH ARON AAHSOH MIROHD DWOANASD ATVGMOO ADAM ANAPwOCWOHO DHOOM BHAMOMm HHI 19s MOHAN ABDBNOM~ DANBABWM~ AMON ANoror- a SHAD AD AD AD SHAD AD AD AD 1D rw AG iag ~ Wisq1w9ig 14ras9iwD Hig 1019 HiG97i49 was 16 = IDAGADADAD wqdiwqD@ OwWO OiwwpwmowowW OOiG9i9i® 1919191019 191919 191019 Yen) BEPOAS OM MMH HtRMINS OL@SMS GSOMPEN SOMANO © S| EE Soa DOOD HAEHS ANTQO WHOND ONIADD HNO SSH HO HRI ANON MOMOr~ ODOOHON MHAHArr iter) HOHDI~CO MOOMI~-H OCOMOHN WOTTON OMORDWDW DOOMOD a D2 ACD ACD ACD ACD HiQ DADO WiGQiQiQs C1191 191019 Hig 1919 H19 1010 wD QO 80 169 10 169 WOWOOl- POM OMOOWNM 1919 11919 11019 © O19 eo} | BAUHPOD OSL DOH UM9ON HALOK APDAH PAMWDON TH | Bi12091929 DO SH HOM SOBHHH DSOHS OCSHEN ARSIOME © DOA D1OMM~~ COOMOH MrOCWOM WOAHARRH FHHAHOaHS sH b> 09 SH SO SH OD COCOmMO OD NADH NMRMMDO Moiwo go Wo. erere ™ SHAD 19 1D AD TH 19191919 191919 W119 H1910 191g BMH wi9 HAW1w16 wo | = FID iG AND AG AH wsBiQD WOO OiqwowWwW OHO1i9iGid 1919 1G i991 = 1919191019 19 ie} loon 1 oY.) LDOrAN OHAMOM AMMO MMNMOM~ ANMHARD MNM0A10 sH | ro OOD DH DANOMO1D DANMAND OmMMOD HRMOWOSO wWODAMAHSO ine) | Sys ie usa ele, Rn ee eaiem ae: ei vela ee emer” ater wba hisiirebe Tepe ert aataened ue Materiegh geo wre Peed ea eer) ee ene De be ewa mLiert | Ness. siec iaruler win ecnitr tes hed ascr er peseee. tee ie = | HOD HODODID GOHDO 1IOMDHArM HOANMwO LRAON MMO0NoOr~ io) | HODMDDMO DOIIMN ANWAN BMWIOOAN WwrREDDOD Dre-WOAnHD [op | 29 29 1D AD AD HID ID ADO WriQrigagdw WriqQw iri 1919191919 1910 H19 1010 po} | 3S SO 1 19 169 WOOOM OWOOMM OOM WDM 19191901919 191019 0 O19 eo} Bie || ; 2 ANMH1D OM~OMDO ANMAID OP ORO FNAMH1ON ONnDROnG bs | PANO HID OPORO FAAMAMD OPDHDO FDNMHIG OFDROrn4 < rrr ARN ANNAN ANN AOD Ss AA AN HRN ANNAN ANANNNOOOD s 30 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. TEMPERATURE. Dry AND Wet BUuLps. SEPTEMBER 1893. | 1 2 3 | 4 5 6 if 8 9 10 iit 12 For Day. es Se == —— ——— | —=< ———, _— Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet.|/Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|/Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.} Max. 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Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.,Dry. Wet.|/Dry. Wet.|Dry. .|Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet./Dry. 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Dry and Wer BuLss. BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 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Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|/Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|/Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet.!Dry. Wet. 1 | 52:7 49:4] 52:8 49°8| 52°9 49°8| 52°7 49:0] 5271 49:1! 50°8 48:4] 50:2 487 | 50:2 48°7/ 50:1 48:0| 502 48:0) 51‘1 48-6 | 49°9 48°5450°6 48°3 2 | 50:2 48°6/50-0 48:4] 50:2 48:9 | 502 48-2] 49°8 48:3 | 48-2 46-0 |[47-0] 45-9 [46-4] 45-1 | 45-9 44:8 | 46-1 45-0 | 46°7 45:1) 45-9 45-0] 48-1 46:8 3 | 50°2 45°8| 50:3 46:0] 51:5 46:4) 53:2 45:7) 48:0 45:1 | 46:0 440] 45:0 42°7 | 43:3 41:2] 43-9 41°8 | 42°5 41-1 | 42:0 40:2] 41:7 405] 45°83 43:2 4 |50-0 45:0) 511 45°2|52°0 45:9 | 50:3 45-0| 49°8 45:4 | 47-2 44:0| 46:0 42°9| 44:7 42-4] 42-4 404) 41:0 39°6 | 40:1 39:0} 40°3 39:3] 43°4 40-9 5 | 49:0 47:5} 50:0 48°5| 50:0 48°3| 51-3 49:1 | 49°8 48°0 | 49°0 47-2| 48-9 47-0 | 48-4 47-1] 48-6 46-9| 48-0 46-1 | 47-2 45°8| 47-4 45-2] 44-9 43-6 6 | 51°8 49:0 | 52°5 49°7| 52:0 489} 50:9 48°3)50°5 48-4 49°71 47:5) 49:5 47:3) 49:4 47:0| 49°1 47:1] 48:8 47-0 | 48°6 47:2] 48°7 47:3] 49°3 47-4 7 | 53:0 49°3/| 53-8 49°5| 53:8 50:1 | 53°7 50°2| 53-7 50°0 50°7 4771 | 48°6 45:9| 47:0 45:0 | 47-4 45:2] 47:0 45°0 | 46°7 44°6 | 46°3 44:1] 49-1 46:9 8 | 46:3 44:4] 46:4 44:7 | 46:2 44:2 | 46:3 44:2] 45:0 43°7 | 45:4 43-4] 44-2 42°9| 45-4 43°5| 42:4 41:3] 44:2 42°6 | 42°5 41:0] 41:8 40-7] 44:8 43:1 9 | 52:2 47:0) 53:0 47:1 | 53°8 47-4 | 53°3 47:°2| 53:0 46°7 | 52°6 46:0] 52°7 46°7| 53:0 47:1] 52°8 47-2) 52°3 47:2 | 48-4 47:1 | 47°6 46°38} 47:0 43°8 10 | 49:1 45°9| 49-3 46:1) 49-1 45:4] 48:1 45:3] 47:0 44°6 | 45:5 43:0] 47-0 44°0| 46:7 44:0| 47-0 43:4] 44°7 42°2| 44:2 43-0/46°8 43:1] 46:6 44:2 11 | 48°6 44:9] 49°7 46:0 | 48:0 44:8] 48°5 45:0] 47-4 44:0 | 45°8 43:0 | 45:2 42-7) 45°6 42°9) 46:5 42:9] 44:8 42°3 | 45:9 42-7 | 44:9 42°59 47-1 44:1 12 | 49°3 45°6 | 48:2 44:9] 47-7 44°6| 47-9 44°2| 45°6 42°8| 46:5 43-4 | 47-1 42°9| 45-3 42:3) 45:0 41:6 | 44:8 41:2) 45:0 41:3) 45:7 41:7] 46:4 42°9 13 | 49°1 45:2) 48°4 45:5 | 46:9 45-7 | 46°9 44:1) 45:0 44:0/| 44:9 44-0 | 44:4 43:3] 44-7 43:6 | 45:2 44:6 | 44:9 44:5 | 45:0 44:9 | 45-4 45°39 45-0 42-9 14 | 550 55:°0|54:4 54:3) 55:4 55:2] 54:4 54:1] 54:2 54:0| 53°9 53-9) 55:2 54:°9/54:9 54°6| 54:8 54:4| 54:4 54:3 | 54:8 54:8) 54°38 54°8751°5 51:3 15 | 565 56:5) 57:5 56°8|57°7 56:3] 56-9 55-4|55°9 55:1 | 56:2 54:0| 55:2 53°8| 56:0 54:0] 55:6 54:2] 55°2 53°5| 55:5 54:4) 55:3 53-9] 55°38 55:2 16 | 54:9 52°9|55°3 52:°2| 54:2 52:4] 54-4 52:0|53°5 51:9 | 54-2 51:4] 53-4 51:0] 52:0 50:1] 51:0 49°8 | 50°8 49-9] 51-8 496] 51°8 49:0] 54:2 52-7 17 | 53°9 50°0| 53°3 49°3 | 52:1 49°4] 51°9 49°7|51°8 48-0| 50°8 47°7| 48°5 45:7 | 46°3 44:2] 44-9 42:9] 43:0 42:0} 42:0 40-7] 40°7 39:9] 49:2 46°8 18 | 51:8 51:3] 54-1 51:2) 531 51°5| 52-1 50°9| 52:2 49-7| 51-6 49:2] 50°8 49-3] 51:0 49-7) 51:1 50:0} 52:0 50:4] 51:9 50-2] 51°8 50:0] 48-7 47:5 19 | 56:0 52:2] 55:0 52°5 | 54:2 52:2 | 52-4 51°9| 52:1 51-6 | 52-0 51-1) 5171 49°8| 51:1 50:0) 51:0 49:4] 51:4 49:0} 51°0 49°3)50°6 49:0]52-4 50°7 20 | 52:4 52:2 |52°9 52°7| 53°6 53:3 | 53-7 53°5| 54:2 54:2] 54:6 54:4/55°9 55:8] 55°7 55°6|56°7 56°5 | 56°3 56:1) 57:2 56:5] 57-4 56:1953-1 516 21 | 57:4 56°7|57°6 56°8|51°6 49°2| 50-7 47°6| 49:4 46:3| 48:0 44:2| 47-3 43:3] 46°7 42°5| 45°7 43:2 | 46°6 43-4 | 48:0 44:7 | 47-4 44:5]53:0 51:3 22 | 52:9 483) 51:2 47-7 | 52-0 47:1/ 5071 47:0] 48-8 46:3 | 49-7 46:1| 50:5 45°4| 49-0 44:8/ 49°6 46:0 | 50:7 46:0 | 501 45:6] 50:2 45:4]50°4 46°5 23 | 52:0 48:5) 51:2 48:0) 49°6 47°3| 49°9 47:5] 49°7 47-8| 50:4 48-2|50°8 47:8|50°0 48:0] 50-0 48°4| 5071 47:9 | 50°3 47:5] 51:4 48°5]7505 46:9 24 | 54:2 53:9) 53-8 53°3| 54:1 53:2) 53:9 531) 54:0 53-1 | 54:3 53-2) 54°3 53-3] 54:1 53-2] 53-8 53:0 | 53°9 53-0 | 54:0 53:3] 54:1 53:6] 53°3 52°5 | 25 | 46°7 43:4| 48-0 43:2) 45°9 42:4 | 46:7 42:0) 44:1 41-3) 45-4 42:5] 43-9 40-9] 43-3 40-4] 44:8 41-8 | 43-0 40:7 | 41:0 39°8| 40°0 38:5 | 47-6 [45-2] °26 | 38:7 37°5| 40°7 38:5 | 40:9 38:2] 42:9 39:0 | 42°3 38°5 | 42°9 39:0] 42°1 39°3| 41:2 39-4] 41°9 39:0 | 44:0 39:4 | 44°3 [39-5] 44°3 [39°7)) 41°6 [38-5] 27 | 48-0 44:7) 47:0 45:1) 47:1 46°8 | 49-1 48-2] 50-0 48:3] 50-1 48°5|50°3 48-7| 50:0 48-4] 501 48-0 | 50:2 47°9| 50°0 48°0| 50:2 47-7) 47:2 44-4 28 | 50:1 44:4] 46:8 44:1] 45°7 43°4| 46:1 42:2| 46°3 42:2 | 44-2 41-9] 44:0 41-0] 44°1 40-9 | 43°6 40:9 | 43:3 39:7 | 43°1 40:2 | 42°7 40:0} 47°9 45°5 29 | 425 39:0] 43-9 39:1 | 42°8 39:0} 41:1 38:4] 41:0 38:0| 39°8 38:0] 39:1 37:3 | 38-7 37:0| 38°0 36:3 | 38°3 3671 | 38°3 36:4) 37-0 35°2]40°9 38-0 80 | 42:2 36°7| 401 36°3/ 41-1 36°8| 40:0 35-7 | 39°1 35:5 | 88-1 35:0|38°6 34:9 | 36°7 34:7 | 36°8 34:2 | 35:9 34:1 | 86:0 34:4) 34:8 33-2] 38:3 35:0 81 | 39°7 38:1] 40:2 38:7 | 40°5 39-4] 40°6 38-9] 41:2 39:4) 41:7 39:7 | 42:7 37-8 | 42:2 37:5 | 41:9 37:6 | 41:9 36°8 | 37°6 36°3 | 37:1 35°9}37°9 35°9 Mean,| 50°2 47:4] 50°3 47:5 | 49°9 47:2| 49°7 46:9] 48°9 46:5 48-4 46:0] 48-0 45:6 | 47°5 45°3/ 47:3 45°2| 47:1 44:9} 46°8 44:9) 46:6 44:7147°8 45°6 TRANS. 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33°8 33°3 | 35:2 34:4 | 36°6 35°8 | 35°2 84°7 | 34:9 34:2| 34°5 33°8 | 34:8 33°8 | 32:9 32°4| 33-0 32:4 | 33:3 32°7 | 32°8 32:2 | 33°8 33°3131°5 31:2 15 | 39°0 38:1|39°6 38-7 | 39°9 38°8/ 39:4 38-5 | 38°8 37-9| 37°1 36°3| 36:0 35:0 | 36:4 35:7 | 35:8 35°4 | 36:0 35°3 | 37:0 36:1 | 375 36:2] 35:2 34:5 16 | 44:9 40°9| 45:3 41:2) 40°5 42-1 | 46:9 42°7 | 47:9 43°8| 47-4 44:4 | 47°5 [44-0] 46-7 [43:7] 47:3 [43°4]| 48-0 43:0 | 46°6 43-0 | 45-0 42:3] 45:2 41:2 17 | 43°2 41:2) 45:2 42:3 | 45-2 42:0] 44:8 41:3 | 44:8 40°7 | 45:5 40-2} 44:6 39:4] 43:2 38:5 | 40°0 37°8| 39:7 37:7 | 40°0 37:7 | 40:4 37:3] 42-9 40°5 18 | 319 29°8 | 33:9 29°8 | 32°5 29°6 | 33°5 29°8 | 32:4 28°8 | 32:4 28°7 | 32°9 28:8 | 32°0 28:7 | 32:3 30°4| 31:3 29°5 | 31:9 30:2 | 30-7 29°79 34:5 31-1 19 | 3855 31°8/ 35:4 32:1 | 35:5 32:2} 35°0 32:1] 85°3 382-1] 35:3 32:1 | 35:1 32:1) 34:7 32:1) 36:0 32°2| 34-7 32-2] 34:8 32-2 | 35°8 32:2134:0 30°8 20 | 385 34-7 | 38°3 34:3 | 37°8 34:1 | 36°8 34:1 | 35:6 33-4 | 35:0 32°8| 36-2 33°8| 34:9 32-6 | 330 31°3| 31°8 30°3 | 32:0 30°8 | 30°8 30:0] 35-4 32°8 21 | 367 36:3 | 376 37:2| 38:1 38-0 | 39-1 38:9 | 41:0 40°5| 43:0 41:1 | 43:3 41°8| 43:9 41:9 | 43°6 42-7 | 44:9 43°8 | 45-8 43-7 | 44-4 41:0] 36:9 35:8 22 |37°7 34:0/ 38:0 34:1 | 38°3 33°9| 37-1 33°6 | 37:9 33°5 | 38:0 32°9 | 85-7 32°3 | 33-5 [32-2]) 32°8 32°] | 31:7 30°3 | 30:1 29°7 | 32:0 29-4} 37-8 34:7 23 | 39°9 36:0) 39:°2 37:0 | 387°3 36:1) 37-7 36:8 | 38°3 37-7 | 4u°7 39-8 | 45:5 43°4| 46-2 43°7 | 48°8 43-9 | 48-9 44+1| 48:8 44:3 | 48-0 44:3} 39-4 36-0 24 | 45:4 43-9 | 46-9 44:9 | 47°2 45°0| 47-1 45-1 | 46:4 45°2| 46°3 45°5 | 47-7 46-7 | 49-3 46°8 | 48°8 45:9 | 48°2 45:2 | 47-0 45:3 | 46-6 44:8] 46-7 44-4 25 | 51:2 49°38) 49-9 48-0 | 48°8 47-3) 47:8 46:4 | 47:3 46°5 | 46:4 46:2 | 46°8 46:4) 42:2 41:9| 41°4 40°5 | 40°8 39°3| 40-1 38°5 | 38°4 37:0] 46:5 45-5 26 | 38:0 33°6 | 38°3 33°8| 37°7 34:0 | 37-0 33°5 | 35°4 32°8| 35°6 33-0 | 34:8 32°4| 34:6 32°7 | 34:1 32°3 | 33-9 32°3 | 35-1 33:2) 36:0 35:2] 36-8 33°8 27 | 49:0 48°4/ 49:0 48-4) 49-4 48°3 | 49-5 48°7|50°8 49-7 | 51:4 50°2| 51-7 50°7 | 52:2 51°0|52°3 51°3 | 52-1 51-2 | 52-3 512) 52-2 51-4] 46-0 45°3 28 |52°8 51:2 52°8 51:2) 53-0 51°7 | 52-9 51°6 | 52:7 51°7| 53-0 51-7 | 52-6 51-6 | 52°6 51-6 | 52:5 51°5 | 52-0 51°3| 51-7 51-0 | 51°8 50°69 52-2 51-3 29 | 50:0 49:0 | 49°9 49°2) 50-1 49°6 | 506 49-9 | 51-1 50-2| 51-4 49°5| 49-1 47:1) 47-9 46°1 | 46°8 44°8 | 46-1 43°9| 45-1 43-4 | 44:5 41:6 }49°5 48-1 30 | 41:0 36:4) 36-8 34:4) 35°3 33-0 | 33°8 32-2 | 32°6 32-2| 31:5 31°6 | 31:4 29°8 | 32:2 30-2 | 32:2 31°7 | 32-1 31:5 | 32:0 31°5 | 32:0 30:0] 38:1 35°5 Mzan,| 41°6 39:0) 41°6 39°1 | 41°5 39:0 | 40°9 38°7| 40:5 38-4) 40:0 37:9| 39°8 37:8 | 39:3 37°3 [89:1 37:3 | 88°8 37:0) 38-7 36:9) 38°6 36:7] 39°6 37:5 E100 O D~ODOOChM DAAIDOWO OigrOOS Br~ODW OrnigMorico PAADON DMANMA OHOAN OVSOBSOH ANSSS FONMSYH _— [SEE ESS HYSSOH PPPSOO GOES PHYS OngHHG BEAR RD QOHIAA AVAME QERNA SRARA ARSRAS A g |EANRAS BAAAN RRARAD SRAAN AAARA Asewan HADOHS CASAS SOMSHG GEAVHY SSWOOG ONHHON F S |p SOS HOSHR HOPHO ONEKNG PHRSH HASHAw 26°7 26°6 DECEMBER 1893. Dry AND WET BULBS. BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. TEMPERATURE. HAAMDHA HOMGIG ONWMH COSHH BOOSH OL WNHPPO @ 3 oe poles Dee Surtees MOMrSW NMONWe. H DOG me AHH COHOIGH OABABAH AMAA b& NNODAN an SARK GCRSODH OMMHaAD © SOQBAD ANAK AAANG GAAAA AdAdN dradcocdoc A 2) SIR DNG ANAAN HAHAD BOAAH AARAAN NOOMAD A IOAMOWHD WOEBGPGO ONDOD COSHH Mowe wT SSIS . 3! KS} SIS SF OEE nase a sp oar Pane ee FeSO OOOO S GNI IG sit Stk HHO OO ONHMH ONO WOAH AWHAANN ENAMOaN MANSHD GQHMGK OAHDKA LKRSOWH SOHMMHIADH oO A RSSS DANA ANNAN ODAANN ADNAN Homadd A S | Sam DNd AANAN HNHNGD DAANH ANDANN MAMMA A Sheree pLETs grass Speen Saves SEsaes = Seedas seees geee0 225 e5 Ae ae seer Dac OW HANONH CHMHANS os, SOAS SSNRR ARRAS SARAAN AHDABA RBHODD A a SAO ANANA AANA DONA ANON AMAMNH A ual SNOHHA RAR AHHON OWNSCOH WODNS OMONNS N a LOSAOOE BICIEMH GS) COOSA CSD eoes) SURIGH SS] Cows erp SS HOO eH OOODIOM HAONH OMe MAADON MHHHA ANOHK OHHAG Crono H ao AvP ABs ASNAR NANRS SRARAN ASASA BBHHHH A | E2888 RANAN TARAS BAN ANAGAN AOA A SeoSON OTRO SONLS SROST INPSS SSHSLS © ipo saa a Dae ue an DOAHS HOQnH COON COMME w a m6 Kw _ PODNAS BRAAA RAANH BANANA ADAGA Anaodc A x SBN ANANAN HANNG ONAN ANONN ANDHONN A = | agens gmwee Senge SSRN GPORs SoheRe F Po peg e caer eane coeee erce= pantee = Poco HOSHA COON QHNDAR HHONHA QHADANN IEDR RAIN! Caraibi NIN HEGS ES n RAND DANAN ANDAGDN Nocacd eink q HANDAN NDMONN A A AMM AANNAN A A SPENNS SRESS Soaee FOeTS Panes Suseae F Boe oat era o nee grees PRITe aesees - DHS OROAS OMOMH o c : EMoneaS BARRA AAANS DMAMDAN ADAGDN Noomacd a a Sac as ANAAN HAAN ONAN ANGDAG AGDOMONA A peeege caeee canes geben eaces mag & poteee peor efeen geerr ebere gosece 2 . DNHO OMRONS OQHOVN = eo) Poo = : AUABaS SANAa ATNNCD COICO CIN NOMAOAN Nace AN QAO AAIOD AAANN HANNAN DANN ANMDAN NWMONA AN SARONTH DOANH NONDM COMROMID THOOWDMW DOMHAN O BOOMDSS HOHWID POOH OS WROAND OnIW19ND AMOCOND 16 SLUNAYS HSANK RARNS SNRAN AKAKA RHBRAH A BSRASRZ RANSR SNRAS SHASS ARSAR RSSBRA & HAG MHAANAA Ar 3 5) -_= N . SSSI at Cale Big Gs ye en ae ee Ae NPR HE PES ESES CRSA ey Reece Cre ars esa mrs . HS ARO CMONS HHOMVN QAO a xz : AU a8SR SQAAN AAAND DAMAN AMAON Nocmac A AraADSD AAAGA ANAND DONA ANDAN NOONAN A - =e i>) . OOO NS eNO aia) cea en Nee fe Bee eae ie oa oe eters Matera” os . lADNS ODONS Noom : SUNISaR BANA AAA NANA AAAI Acoca asco so a SABO ANANA TAANG ANANA ANDAN ADAAIDN A So for) Pa for) a mc aa tals Bie a ee eee, Eanes Soran eee S Oe ee oe ania wWeocioe ime aes Gaaeley x OA WHONR CANS Nor a p > é N99 29 BARNS RARAS BAAAA AAAAN Neocococts A S SHARaS DAAAAN ANAND OANA AANGN Adocodomc A inp) SOMON “MEIN HN MOFAN wDHDOMO HOBDMDO O-MSM ORBOHArN ww NOAAHH CHABDOS KHADR ABOOH HSARNDDM MOWWOE > LOPS O IR GOS SII TSO) SHPO re! ere ch te eas : WOAAH HS SAABSO ~Omiom * NHOS LiWAANM DAMASS KH a DAD COHAS ADDMA HOODS HMAONAG © PHOHAS HOMOH ANUNAO 19 5? ABBR Meant RAAAD DAANAN ANAAN Acocddc A SUG one ONANNAN ANNAN a ANNAN Nac cscd NAN = 3 COrHSoo ADMMroe AAY INDMINDOO ORARNOOM SOC oem ee Nee Ga nee Ca nao Sep ee In ee ee USI Stree DACA a AANH MROND DWINORO © SONBAA SAAN QSAR OAAANA ANAAN AmMmmMMM A © Sonido a0 68 OANA ANNNGD DANAN ANNMN NMC N Q oaO0oc SCI Se S10) GOING Oa ES OG a oS SSO rt nm KPSBSR BAAANA AHANH BANANA AANA Usoesac ray c 2 s 43 NOO WHKRHH COONAN SChOWS WHALING AWMOMM Ces 0 gan Oia Se ea SESS ARRAN SNAAS SASRS NRASA SBSRES SS EoNBRA DANAN AHNAN DNANN AAAANN Nocomo AN = ANGI CDCD CONAN MANN COANNAA ANACON 69 G9 C9 C0 C000 oD ica SOCONCO DOKDHN GCOOKNN OMODS NRMOOIN THMOMON XH : im SAIak OC Aaeiaccs Slaamiec GriSiSoa QW Fy OI CINICIS CO ONO isc ey See ae pee el ee een lees eee oy : Arete Se ene DOHOD LOAAH HGRA BAMANS © B'S 10109 69 QUAAN ANUIB® COGS HEAVY SVsAaan See ¢ AANA ONNAN ANNAN Nac A = oo _ _ 1G ean ane ees = Bee oee noe ea Gi ome aio ; BomieadtS Wien hOwO BUPSSS BAPTS Oe aS CaONe GANSN RASRRR S SSRBSR SEaSa SRHAS SSSRa RRABA SEEERS 5 Sanaa DANAA ATHATA DANMAN AANA Aan A 0-010 eee ea a ee | Ke Pe ee ep Rm ee Pe] | ee SP ee] eee] =] = Meee = | - | - ft =f P=] =} - | - | =F -] =] - | =} = |] ea = | =] = - | - - ee ee elee ie te ee he a = } PK] ee | | 007] 019] = |! 0-026 re en ee eee ea te ie | aes =| — |. hae ee ee Se S eee = i— | = | = |005) - | - | = | 003 | - | -020} -043 | 025 | 092 | -087 | -057 | -024 | -004 | -009 | -021 - | 0-390 | | Sum |0°105 0-182 0-115 0-252 0-128 /0-164 [0-188 0°133 |0:264 0-361 |0-082 0-116 [0-158 |0-150 |0-184 |0-283 0-209 |0-228 |0:203 0:303 (0-137 |0"184 |0-148 0-149] 4-426 RAINFALL. APRIL 1893. eee = 004 — | — | ose fom!) =} - | = | = [-org)-007/ - | = | = | - | = | =_| =} 0-059 2 | 023 | 083 | -022| -018| - | -017|-o10/ - | - |-oo3] - | - | - | - | - | 003) - | - | - | - | - | 007} -005] -015] 0-156 EO, 0i0) Se) = |) =) = 4 = | =] =a - f=} - | =) - | =) =] =] -]=-} =) = 0-050 4 = = = = = = es & = Z = = = = = = es ee = = = & * 2 ed 5 a = be = = Ss = = = = & = = = = = = = = = = = ene eo a Sa Se) ae |S |] =") = | = | = | 005) +238) +415) 045) = || = |) regs 7 = = eS 2 = = = = & = = = = = = = - = = = = 3 = = = 3 = = = = = = = = = = = =, = = = = = = = = = |) & = = = eee) S|) ae) 2 | 8 hE Fe | = | +004} -o08| -o16 | -006'| -080/| -008'| 003) = | =_| - | 0-068 eee ee eK eee Pet eH | Rm Pe eR a te fea] = = mel | - fs ee ee ee ee | Soe vies fe 005) — ly = ate0:005 nee ee ee eee ee bf Pm ee ee ee = =. ee eee eae eee liecosit-o0s| - |) -— | = |= | = == f= | = bh = | | 0:006 1 | - | - | - | - | - J] = | = | = | -003} -021 | -025 | -025 | -035 | -015 | ‘003 | -010 | -005 | 012 | 040) 043) 044 | -016 | -007 | 010] 0-314 16 | -013 | -037 | 020 | -045 | -055 | 065 | -052| -083 | -043| -030/ -014| o16} - | - | - | - | -_| - |-- | - | = | - | - | 0-478 a ee eee eee es | sete | — | = | = | 0038) = |004)003) = | - | - | = | 0-010 18 | -010| -017 | -040 | -008 | 008 | 020 -024| -020| ‘010/008; - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 083} +100) -034] 010) - | - | "03837 0°375 : | 002 ee One en eee | fm Pane ee = Se | = = Oraar en 0! 02002 ee eee = f= | - | - | pepe am a 0-060 ee a ee eee me |] fee ee me Se Pe oe - eso Oe eR SS | mf = | =f eh a -j}/-/-] - - ne ee ee ee een ene he | =m] me See So Se me a - mae | = | - | - | - | =} == =) - bk - | - f - | - ee Se | eee | eh - ce fet TE See So) Se | a (em a | - wee || — | — | - | = | =] = ee a a Pe ce eee peer cree fo Ss ts 2 = = = = = = = = = = ~ ss = a = = z = = = = = = = = 38 ter ee) ae | ee OTS)! =. | O13); -081 {018 || —- | °Ob4| — | = |) 016) 5 7028) 0-158 29 | -003/-009} - (:013| - | — | — | -010)-O10| 181] - | 083] — | 003) -067| 024) - | - | - | - | = | 008/010) 007) 0-378 30 | -020| -023 | -035 | 048} - | 007) - | -003| - | -017/| :010| -037] -033| ‘005 | ‘003; - | - | - - |°025] - | - | 004] 0-270 Sum |0:132 |0-141 |0°172 {0-135 |0-067 |0-113 0-086 |0-116 |0-074 {0-210 |0°071 [0-164 {0°084 |0-023 |0-090 |0-092 |0-044 0-051 |0°193 |0°316 0-497 0-092 0-022 0-097) 3-082 F TRANS. ROY. SOC. EDIN.—VOL. XLIII. 2 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. RAINFALL. INCHES FOR Hour ENDING— MAY 1893. . | a ies 7 : Fai Mid, 1/2]/3|4/5 ]6)7 | 8 | 9 | 10} 12 | 12) 18 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 28 |e |Amount, 4 0x4) -012)| 00g | -o02| = | = }'-0280'1\-009;| 018) —="Neorosooe y= |) = |) — | =o} i a een ene ose a9/-|-|-|-|-] =] =] --| - | =] =#lso06] = | = | 011, -002)010) 001) 2) 9) = | — |) = moa2iorag2 3 |-006) - | 001 | 022] -020|-001)-007; - | - | - | - | - J - | - | - | - 2s ale eel! il cat) eel OOD @ opie Poa] = a ee SS oy ye ai remmeeeeramer N n| en e = 5 = is = = — = = - — | - = = = = = = = = = = es = 6 = = = = - = - - - - =- - — = = = = — = = = = = = = Co | ial Sey et eae Vee epee |) a || eee alee eee ess NS ee ee || = gba) 2ilinewt Se | sya ey as | s | = ll Ss [oe Peet ae ies] = | = | =] | = | = | | = 9 ~ = = = = = - = = - —- — — = = = = = — = = = — = lag | - |. fo ]-)2)ed2] 2) 2) SiS eee) 2 | 2 | 2h © | -o20:| -o2si| one \Eoas 8 30 | - | - | - | -001| -003| -005 | -004| -002| -001| 003} - | - | — | - | -010| -003| -002| -003 | -009 | -027 31 | -023) -062| -018 | -006 | -005 | -010 | -020 | -003 | 003} - | -009| -043| -090 | -039 | 343 | -298 | -212 | -103 | -182 | -018 | Sum (0'753 0:632 |0-670 (0671 |0:223 |0°348 0-334 [0-419 [0-440 |0-184 |0-413 10-419 [0-882 {1-129 {1-257 10-941 |0-764 oss 0:738 [0-724 | | JULY 1893. 21 22, | 23 sae Amount. —|—-— ~~ }—— & | Z x Sen 0-002 043 | 004-001 | -002] 0-391 _ | = | 2 |-067 1 sorter — | = }-993|\ = }) 0-8B8 020 | -030 -006 | 030] 0-620 001! — | - |-004] 0-184 045] - ~ | 003] O-199 001] - —- | 002} 0-062 ~ | 2 +S | ealomoe 061 | 223 -024| 053] 0-425 006 | -007 006 | 005] 0-765 ‘1021-174 -031| 052] 0-546 052 | 012 009 | -025| 0-816 040} 089 -053| 009] 2-194 089 | 205 -018| 003] 0-942 021] -001 002 — | 0°312 — | = | = | opeiito-007 0351-010 -022 -020) 1-031 -022| 007-007 O11) 0-444 -/| — |-oo1 | = iieeae, ~ | — |-004| 2 ieoson 002] | = | 908) 1-095 005 | -002, — | -033) 0-267 a ~ | 001] 0-467 0°545 10-768 0-207 \0-329] 12-319 AUGUST 1893. 027 006 010 004 "025 014 010 ‘005 oe re) SN oo ms fet oy lt fl 4 co 029 014 003 003 0243 0°541 0:912 0-250 0-236 0-029 0243 0°275 0-280 0-251 0°207 0-001 0°342 0-214 0°075 0-610 0°865 0°436 3004 2:371 0-792 0288 0288 0°271 0:034 0-016 0-006 0°168 1°546 14°794 FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 45 RAINFALL. INCHES FOR Hour ENDING— JULY 1893. leo eimsmie || 50) gi el) Salo: Ih tom 1 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | Mid-Ts mount night, : 1 = = = s. = = = ee a = 3 a = z E = = eee se | Lf eh Se fh Pe |) ol c=} 0'006 3 a = = = ES = Ba = b = a 2. a - 3 s = 4 Ss = = = = = 2 = = = = = ae = is = Es 5 2 i = S 2 = 3 = es = = 2 = ds = = 6 s = = = 2 = 2 = = 2 = = = = = = _ | a ae 2 We oS sleek aoa ea ey Sa eee eee 2091 101209 Bee tt5) 186 | -127 | -060 | -058| 011; — | - | = | = | - SS) eagle |p oman ees eee 0 GBT: ero | — | = | = | 003! -005|-040)| 053| = -| - BOG ened eer |) cesta) 2s Mee IIE) se RR TR Vani Cor aaa | ce ee Se eran ey ey) | es 7) a Sp ome ree Fa eee) eae — | -020| -022| -003} - |-002] 0-070 ta) Sei | a2 Ne a ee eS wll Se tel ene | Pai ee 210 3 aa | - Sas) allo peel See Ss GO aeIR = Sal elds Sy oe ee ee 02003 | eed meals | ea tena ee P| Reet ete ee eh E een a Se eed SU a Se scl jet SK al Ne | 3 = SE aE (re (cn (ren en ee — | +047] -040/ +130] - | -003] 0-220 17 | -022| -019| -015 | -014 | 029] -028|-029} - | - | - | - Se See) Saleen ht call0:298 ee ese | oe eh | orgy a Wk ‘060 | 085 | -075 | "107 | 008 | 027] 0-423 19 | -050 | -060 | -040 | -057 | -078| -078| -100| -039/ - | - | -005 ele eal Selle sil 008-004 OG 20 | - |-010) — | -008| -023| -047|-003) — |-005|-004| — 003; - | - | - |-006) — | 0:389 ile ee Pee lees Mh can tesa oie |e gailo0G8 - | — |-038] -005| -— | 0-172 22 eee oeh 005) = | =| =} = |e | all SS A eae ey PON EEN | O01) 2 a a ie = = = = 2 = = & = = = . = es a 26) -032)-008| “= |-008| - | -— | — |-005}) — | 015) - -004 | 022-048; - | -005|-003] 0-456 Seen ee Sl | -ggo| = | =| = | | = ea aa se Nel gogo ee eee ecaereee e H e eono) - - | = | a pect = = = | = 1 = | eot0 neem ce Cairo | oe he |) 2 | eo SPSS Sl Suh a) 2] en en eee ee ee se Se) Fl Sh Sl -ogg) — | = | = So) Sel =) Sy =] = | Sef 0-098 eee eee 0031) 020) 064.) 088) 158-027) 018| = | —- | = | - | —- | - | = | - | = | = |-osol-o20) = | - | = | = | 0-390 ee ees re ena ee See ee Sh | = | = be ee er) SS Sl Se Sponge cape colo) — | - |-- Sy) = ROW etl | Si Real SS ibe Ei) lt ei ea Nena Neal | iin SuM [0318 /0°310 [0-212 0-211 0-231 0355 [0-164 [0-115 (0-058 (0-055 |0°073 0-028 J0-043 |0-093 0-215 [0-507 0-496 /0-106 [0-097 (0144 (0-185 0:278 0-027 0-248] 4-569 RAINFALL. AUGUST 1893. 1 eee ee eee ce | |) = | = | 24 = 017%) -o10il-008+|-0091(-o05:) “005 || 0-049 eos Polen = | Soo ee Sees | | | = | ee eee Pe | = | S| Pe) = Pooer 3 | — | 022] -053 | 028 | -009| 114) -079| - | - | -060]-018| -040]-030] - | -090| - | -022|-007) - |-010}-008} - |-012] -— | 0-602 eee 014) 090} -060)| “050 004) = | = | = || — | -046/-007]-024/-071; - | - | = | - | - | - | - | =| - | — | 0-874 5 = = = = = = 2 ES = See = = = a = = = = = = a = = 6 S bss a = = = = 2 = = A = 2 2 = = = 2 = 2 = z Pee is) = | = | = - |-022|-008|-o12] - | - | -003| -015 | -o24 S| soe ie 0-084 eee | = | - | 010 | 022 | 097) = | — | = es ee! 2 OORNI002 |) Ste HS Se ose rn en ee one eee eee | le fe | a eee oe ee 7 fee | 2 oe] 2 EO ee S| 2 | =] | =. |) 2-2 eres 003: 080) 2 “10101-00711 0-208 ee eee ce) ee en | eB See Sh? |) | — | —* | ons] 00d |-045)) 013) = | — | =-| = | O-083 Serer onme Orem) So fen) Sl oop) 2a A | | | = | | | } a eee a Ss | S| RH Pos a en eee eee P| | - | |] He fle et ee pe ye e es ee eee mn ee Se See) Se Sah eee oe | | ee SP So | fee ef oS = ee ee ee ee eee Se |) es |] =| = | SH Sl SS = | 2801 004] — | orase 16 = = = = = = zs = = = = as = = SAA ot ae — = be = = = 3 ee ee eee = c= | 1.008") eo | = oo | a eee lee OlalcO2eh =i Sa) eOrond ee eee i 2 29-008) -195)|-064 -060'|-008| — | = |-— i) a (ye (ae ee i oe onooe | a Soles «| = | — | -057| -006)| = || = | +020)! -o10 — |-040} 0-137 eae) | — | = Sa Sioa S5\\' = = |S Sees = fe 1 2 i Sa) ey on)! 26 21 | -062! -127| -012| 003] - | - | :003| -006) -188|-011| - | - | -070| -138| -077 | -115 | -003 | -050 | -259 | +180 | -027 | -058| -070| -040| 1-449 | 22 | -005 | 027 | 003] -o28| - | - 003 | -053 -043 | 028 | 018] -100 | -054 | “168 -180| -017| -043)-017] - | - | — |-003| — | 0-790 en ee en enna siag48)| 2391-085 | — | -005|-020) — | 050) = | — | = | = | — jail o-pe em read 084) 028) =i! = ara Sr eae 5h Su) Su Se i005!) Se oon! 25) Sagara nme racce a) CO) ean eee ee Ci eS se) | SP Se eee et | Sot So Be a ou9 een) a1 wen neat) | 2 | |) cl 2 Sel ol 2.) 2 | ool 2abocie ee ee ee een eee | Ss) Pe) SER Se) a | sf eh eg SB = cs eo eS | of | Wf eS) Soh Sb 2 ee |) es z | a ene eee) of | St ee Sy op Cl Se Shy) Shy 2 i en ee en emesis | | - | - | — | ) Se) = loos Ss.) 2.) 2 | otos e005 "-020)| 004, — | = | 2 ae Sia 1 = i-o09 | -060'| -383 | 101 | 069/010) -.| - | — |.-.| =.| = | 0-661 Sum |0327 0-348 |0-253 |0°164 |0-059 0-128 0104 [0-106 |0:270 0153 0-148 |0:324 {0-513 [0-387 |0:786 0496 |0-159 0-167 |0:448 0-191 |0-153 |0°380 |0'116 |0:262] 6-442 46 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. RAINFALL. IncHES ror Hour ENDING— SEPTEMBER 1893. ti) 243 \ al 6 | 6 |) 7 |) 8°) ool omenmn monte ch 145) 150) des tz |) 1smleomeepmleoi alee abs night Amount. 1 | -016 | -026 | -093 | -020 | -040 | -008 | -077 | -021 | -126 | -101 | -095 | -001| -008 | -006 | -004| -004 012 | -049 | -070 | -017 | -052| -051 | -044| 016] 0-957 2 | -014| -004| -008 | -002| -002| -008 | -0241-007|-009] — |eaa ] 2 | 2 | —- | = -b 2] = | Sea 5) Ss gai eesti Brae Gl 2-4) 007 | =e = a cae) ce eee | es ee ie eee eS See hee |) genie 4 S = x 2 = a a z: za “i 2 z E sf ei a = a = a 2 = < Bi) | -|-|=}=) 2) =} Soe) See Se) =} | = | =) covalnoa Goss \-con| 166 | 003) -comiemen 6 | -001 | -003 | -001 | -094 | -002 | -003 | -006 | -002 | -004| 009 | -030} - ] -017/ -021 | -008| -020 -008 | -039 | -027| -012]-006| 002) - | -.] 0-315 7 | — |-002|-015} — | — | -002| -003 | -072 | -029 |'-137 | -003 | -o02] 001 | -005 | -003| -025 -040 | -045 | -028 | -032 | -169 | -004 | -009| -005} 0-631 8 | 066 | 042 | -024 | -015 | -038 | -124| 170] 026] - | —- | - | — |-084|-o56/ +120] -017 | -003 | -009|-017 | -010| -001 | -005| - |-004] 0-831 9 | -005 | 002 -085 | -003'| "003-0061 — | -004) 002 =) 2 i) = Poos!. = | = | =) = Nor) S825) 2) 2) ere i, y= — |-004/ 002] — = = 3 S = = = E = = - - - - - - | 005} Owl [ae eels el Ee — | — | — | — |-011} -019|-018 | -005 | -022 13 | 190 | -160 | -201 | -185 | -336 | -270 | -302 | -171 | -843 | -375 | -268 | 209] 221] -009|-006) - | - | - | - | = | - | - — | -002 | -040 | -065 | -013 | -069 | -010 | -076 | -050 | -209 | -063 | -049 | -015 | -007 | -002 | -067 | -022 | -043 | 038 | -128 | -046 | 141 | 041) 147] 1-343 089 | +180 | “106 | -192 | -200 | -301 | -245 | -171 | -012 | -013 | -008 | -003 | -009 | -005 | -018 | -091 | -004 | -019 | -026 | -049 | -014 | -012 | -007 | 023] 1-797 16 | -007 | -007 | -129 | -002 | -021 | -053 | -024 | -002 | -025 | -002| 004] - = | oe = 17 | *110 | 030 | -008 | -006 | -003 | -001 | -060 | -018 | -069 | -040 | -189 | -063 | -151 | -021 | -119 | -008 | -010 | -002 | -011 | -008 | -006 | -014 | -009 | -084] 1-040 18 | 068 | ‘021 | -022 | -049 | -028 | -078 | -050 | 226 | 091 | -204 | -150 | 109 | -058 | :070 | 027 | -076 | :085 | -099 | -050 | 142 | -082 | 120 | 050} 217] 2-122 19 | ‘082 | -165 | 080 | -315 | -092 | -087 | -012 | -004 | -020 | :069 | -059 | 002 | -006 | -001 | 011 | 049 | ‘004 | 108 | -015 | °053 | 103 | 150 | ‘002; 008} 1:497 20 | - | 006} 001 | -001 | ‘002 | :009 | 005] 011} 002} - - - — | 033} 007 | 010} 006) - = = = = = | = 0:093 21 — | 009 | -026 | 029 | -066 | -012 | -009 | 037 | -008 | -007 | 034 | 003 | -001 = 031 | 030} 0-302 22 -o17|-003|-o01] - | - | - | - | - | - | - , — |-o03] — | — |-o12| -081| -o10 | -020/ -118| -056 | -054| -o07 |-010 | -o09| 0-346 23-082 -004 | -029 | 067 |[-050][-030)[-020] -030 | -009 | -032| 013 | -028] -o16 | -004 | -005 OY al ip = Silas e 013 | -024 | -030 | -031 | -068 | -063 | -033 | -022| -024 | -030| -002) 0-340 261 =p04'|-098'|'-004 |-020 | <001'1026| |. -| SaMMla tant aD eel ooh ce fs tee | ceca Aca ae ts i a ees ye, soe oe ee me | St eee SMe eee Sh 27 | — | — | -030 | -018 | -007 | -014 | -009 | -029 | -065 | 020 | -090 | 001] 019] - | - | 019) - | 019] - | -020| 002] -002 | -006 | -009} 0-379 28 | -001 | -006 | -050 | -u10 | -042 | -039 | -014 | -057 | -104| -085 | -o16 | 005 -035| - |-oo1; - | — | - | -022| -oo1|-002| - | - | — | 0-490 29 | -072| -090| -032 | -005 | -024| -038 | -015 | -010 | -159 | -009 | -035 | -064| -075 | 146 | 008 -006 | -022 | -081 | -053 | -023 | -050| -o10 | -042| -o08} 1-077 30 | -055 | -034| -046 | -018| 002) — | -010/ -015 | -025 | -027 | -058| -020| -069 | -022| +103 -035 | -020 | -006 | -002 -035 | 034 | 140 | -017 | 028] 0-821 Sum [0879 |0-815 |0-964 1-089 [0-906 |1170 1-082 |0-981 {1-210 [1-344 |1-090 [0-596 40-795 0-426 {0°523 0°510 [0-296 0-632 0°561 0-699 |0-661 |0:972 |0°357 |0°693] 19-251 RAINFALL. OCTOBER 1893. 1 | 012 | "012 | 026 | -025 | 010) 005| - | 029 -016|-094; - , — [054] - | -005| -035 | -004| -022| - | 001] :001] -017 | 018 | 027} 0°413 | 2 | 036 | 029 | 025 | 055 | 003 | -012 | 030 | 080 -007 | 010) -020 | 030} -011 | -004 | -021 | 028 | 024) 001) - | — | = | Oni) = = 0°378 | 3 | 050| 022 | -070| 012} - |-004) - | = SO Sa ee eae ee eee ee ee Me eer | S|) OURS | 4 - = = - = = = = a = = = = = = — | 005} °014; 001) - = = = = 0-020 | 5 - - - - ~ - - - | = | 013 | 040} -004} - | ‘010 | :017 | 019 | -004 | -007 | -013 | °001 | 001 | 003 | 001 | 008} 0-141 | 6 | :007 | -005 | -011 | ‘022 | -036 | -009 | 005 | 020) 095] -c06} — — | -018| -026 | -003 | -009 | -009| 038} - | -001|) - = = = 0-228 (een ene cys ieee Se SS Se Sool = a a Sao ty > fh = || O1od B= | = y= = = | = | 010 esti Os3i Rob | 110) 150))' 132)! 160i) “104 |) -040)) "0461/5022 E004. | ee 9 - = = = = = = = s = = | 2 a = = le = = - - | - -— | 019} 022, 0-041 | 10 | O11 | 005} :001 | 002) - = = - - - — 010 | 004 | 066 | -002 | +120 | *014) 029 001 | 013 027 | ‘060 | *020 | 025) 0410 | 11 | 002 | -006 | -010 | -029 | 079 | -132 | -073 | -014 | -015 | -061 | -065 -045 | -086 | -004 | -060 | -051 | 031 | “104 | 090 | -094 ‘083 | -159 | 083 | 118} 1-499 | 12 | -120 | -038 | -071 | -050 | -065 | -036 | -045 | -027 | -010 | -025 | 035 | -075 | -019 | -035 | -022 | 069 | ‘082 | -018 | 016 | -043 +023 | -018 | 003 | 033] 0-978 | 13 | -005 | -043 | 003 | -018| C04} 002) - | - | - | - | - = | - | -003/ -010| -022 | -021 | 009 | -010| -006 | -043 | -017 | 087 | 061] 0-364 | 14 | 020 | +127 | -045 | -012 | -060 | -107 | -084 | -139 | -012 | -008 | -006 -081 } -061 | -045 | ‘080 | 059 | 057 | 018 | 036 | 008 -013 | -060 | ‘020 | -031} 1-189 15 | O11 -030 | -026 | -012 | -011 | -051 | -093 | -034 | -089 | 071 | 065 -034 J -057 | -007 | 012 | -008 | -010 | 010 | 003 | -002 001 | -001 | 005 | 003} 0-646 16 | 004 | -007 | -006 | -042 | -006 | -059 | -010 | -092 | -021 | -036| 077 +193] -296 | -061 | -208 | -050 | 054 | 029 | -019 | -040 -030 | -090 | 091 | 012] 1-533 17 | -013 | -008 | 012 | 004] 006] - So] |) SS ESRB ee ao SS Sen = | = | Ome ‘004 | ‘011 +026] -045 | 024 | -018 010 | 004] 011 +040 | -010 | 009 | -011 | 018} 020] 0-272 | i=) So! lor) S S| on 18%) Pe Sel oe Some a 19 | -021 | -026 | -013 | -036 | -035 | -043 | -088 | 015 | -004| | — - - - - — 059! -054 | 026 | 042 | -008 -007 | 002 | 004 | 002} 0-435 20 =e is = = > — | 007 | 040 | 032 | 030] -110 +160] 095 | 059 | 048 -032 | -019| -027 | -021 | ‘018 | ‘004 | 006 | 005 | 001} 0-709 21 “009 | :062 | -050 | ‘089 | -087 | -070 | 072 | 057 | 050] -050 +021 | 022 | -062 | -246 "152 | -100 | :015 | :007 | :002 , -008 | -001 | 009 | 0514 1:292 | 22 | 004 | 002 | +014 | 002 | 022 | 050 | -004 | -007 | -026 | 009 | 003-010 | -037 | 085 | 060 037 | 030 | 036 | -010 | ‘001 | 003 | 044 | 004 | 001] 0-501 | 23 | 002 | :003; - - = - ~ - - - ~ ; ‘001 | 006 | -003 | -015 | 009 | 031 | -022| 013 | 009} 0-129 | 24 | 043 +061 | 066 | -140 | -150 | -124 | +103 | 104 | 053 | +104] -094 126] -106 | 093 | 050 +158 | 109 |'-024 | -070 | 134 | 170 | -210 | 180 | 211] 2-683 29 | 179 | +249 | +261 | +814 | -420 | -057 | 070! 151 | 170 | 190 | 178 | 188} -027 | 012 | -011 | 005 | -043 | -075 | 034 | +014 | -004 | -116 | -258 | 150] 3-176 | 26 | “111 | 054 | -020 | -072 | -032 | 010 | -053 | -015 | +020 | -056 | 008 | -011 | -090 | -026 | -009 | -011 | -029 | -011 | 016! 062 | -017 -006| - = 0°739 | — | 009 | -035 | -101 | -030 | :010 ‘008 | ‘030 | 036-078 | 047 | 058 | ‘051 | 058 | 040 | 022 | 024 | 040} 0672 | cel) |e ae ae a | 28 | “059 | -070 | 122 | 176 | 053 | 150 | -213 | +253 | -276 | 217 | 165 | 005} — | -051| 097 | -126 | 008 | -053 | -168 | 008 | 016 | -011 | 034 | 041] 2-372 29 | 063 | ‘012 | 017 | -010 | -251 | -060 | -045 | -026 | -092 | -080 | -033 | -009 | -035 | -009| -018/ 006) - | -010/-018/-001; - | - - = 0795 30 = eee ae = =) ie oa we se = a = - | 004] -001] - - | 003 006) 001; - 0°015 | Baik || Ss = Zs = = ae * e cS ‘010 pi, = a . ~ - 0-010 Sum (0773 0°818 0°381 |1-083 |1-°332 0-998 |0:999 |1-143 |1-039 |1°151 |1-090 |1-178 ]1-209 [0-872 {1-144 1-188 0°885 |0°666 |0°685 |0°529 0:534 0-884 {0:897 |0°866] 22-844 FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 47 RAINFALL. 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RAINFALL. INCHES FOR Hour ENDING— NOVEMBER 1893. , ¥ i.|-2) 8°) 4°] 6B } 6°) 7 | 88) Bll tom netoMy Testa) tee ae el ty.) sues romeo ml eo atin 2g | Mia: Amount. | Sere a |e) ee ae ee NN SN [a 1 | -030 | -063 | -045 | -048 | +110 | -021 | -071 | -076 | -060 | -078 | -138 | -060 | -075 | -019 | -019 | -024 | -109 | +039 | -027 | -011 | -052 | -047 | -071 | 030] 1:323 2 | 001 | -018 | 024 | -030 | -020 | -020 | -093 | -052 | -170 | -018 | -068 | -025 | -012| -009 | 020/010} - | - | - | - | - | - | - | — | 0590 3 — | = | — | 020} -007 | -020 | -040| -006 | -007 | -013 | -025 } -043 | -050 | -058 | -03g | -025 | -040 | -022 | -029 | -028 | -012 | -006 | 001} 0-490 4 \ooet-007| - | =} =| = Sp) Sal ee ee ea ee et eae aT i) 027 | -101 | 079 | :093 | 032 | 0138 | 008} - = = 013) -0051 — = S = g ee = = re ia 2 0:371 : ae ee eae ee eel =) 016 | 008! 005| - = [= | - | = | = woze g {=| - | = | =] ae! 24) 2-]"— | 005, soar ae com = 90a) 006) = | Sey See Ris Si Re eee a eer 9 é = = cs = at = = x S e Ss = a “ os Si a = is = 2 st 40 | ba. cee 1 So Beat 2 2S) Fe ee te ||) oe ee ee Siem Le lps = lee : 7 a ae (ee ee ee ee a ee eee esl ae fe Pos Pe 4 120) SP So) Seay eS a]. 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DECEMBER 1893. q [oni = | -006 | 0054, = | ces 008| Sel) Sa as te] |) la ee | ee 2/-=-] =| -=-] =] =) =] -.) =) Set j) =F — |. ==} -025'\ -034 | 095 || 185} -103)| “158 | -199)| +120) 1491) “arate 3 | +124 | +125 | -099 | +109 | -090 | -030 | -105 | -174 | -169 | -110 | -130 | -079 | "158 | -036 | -018 | -029 | -048 | -001| 018 | 038} -002} - | - | - | 1-692 4 | -004 | 029 | 025 | -010 | -021 | -028 | -024 | -010 | -010 | -014 | -006 | -020 } -012 | -010 | -010 | -008 | -001 | 004 | -005 | -003 | 011] 002) - | - | 0-267 5 | -016 | 025 | -002 | 009 | 011 | 018) - | -010| -025 | -050 | 015 | -010] 138 | -172| 123 | -0S0 | -011 | -009 | -007 | 003 | -024 | -047 | 072 | 050} 0-937 6 | 033 | 023 | -071 | *013 | -045 | -040 | -042 | -037 | 020 | -078 } +180 | +102} -140 | -397 | -283 | 145 | +143) -060 | -001 | -034 | -028 | -040 | -102 | O11} 2-018 7 | -017 | 082 | 048 | -025 | -051 | -011 | -038 | -002 | -059 | -082 | -048 | -020 | 130 | -033 | -025 | -020 | -053 069 | 008 | -002 | 010 | -013 | 015} 0-861 8 | -021 |[-020}|[-020}][-010}][ -010}|[ 010} -010}[ 010} -030}[-040}][-050}|[ 050} -050}[ 050) 040) 020] [010] [ -010]|[-020][-030][-030}[+030]][ 030] [-030] 0-631 9 | -023 | 030 | -115 | -080 | -018 ‘047 057 “208 | -042 | “121'| 103 | -011 |'-012) -022'| 052 | 020} +008 | +033 | “038 057) - | 013 | 032-015] 1-157 10 | -008 | -008 | -007 | -010 | -002 003 - | - | = | - [[-020}[-020)[-020}[-020][-020]|[ 020] [-030]} -011 |[-040]|[-050]| 039} 0-328 11 | -070 | -023 | -025 | 030 | -027 | -011 | -016 | -009 | -042 | -012 | -050 | -009 } -052 | 049 | -001 | -002 | -067 | -119 | -035 | 015 | -015 | -015 | -010 | -002 ois 2} =f) =|] ==] =] = | =) Se See) Sh = lso) Se) =") SS = n= | 25) See ee 18 | So) See | Sch 2 Se) Sel Sa Era rer aN Sere eee) =. 00) 032i 00208 Olas Germann 14 | -030| -010 | 017 | 014 | -031 | -042 | -028 | -008 | -051 | -079 | 042 | -033 | 051 | -002 | -001 | 001 | 001 | -010 | -011 | 025 | 019 | -033 | 032-030] 0-597 15 |[-050}|[-050)|[-050)[-030] -014 | +134 | 022 | 009] 003; - | - | -008} -018 | -024 | -072| -275 | -351 | -286 | 089 | 092 | -044 | 040 | 032-073] 1-766 16 | :072| -090 | +109 | -042 | -010 | 011 | -001 | -009 | -133 | 190 | -302 | 118] -115 | -190 | -098 | 070 | -119| 054 -058| 003; - | - | - | - | 1-794 17 | = | —- | = -| - | = |[-004]| 006 | -004' -009'))-016)||-005 | -002)-007| - | =| = | = | = |= | = | = |) =) ee aGiogS | 1 | - | - | = | - | = | = | 008 | -005 | -018 | 042 | -068 | -024 } -049 | -043 | -047 | -037 | 031 | -018 | -019 | 009 | -010 | 010 | 011 | 006] 0-450 } i | -|-}]-|]-}]-}]- | - | -)- | - ] - | - | - | - | = | — |[-040][-040)][-030] -028 | -005 | -050 | 070 | 130] 0-388 | 20 | +245 | -256 | 140 | -150 | -086 | -030 | -041 | -028 | -019 | 025 | -012) -002} -001 | :025 | 025 | -049 | 017 | 050 | -064 | -027 | 051 | -137 | 068 | 043] 1-591 21 | 013 | 080 | ‘072 +164) -040 | :026 | -035 | -059 | 062 | 067 | 073 | 115 | -237 | +125 | +158 | -123 | 095 | 073 | -097 | 092 | 148 | 089 | -015 | 090) 2-143 22 | 015 | :027 | 010 -008 | -018 |[-030][:039]) 039 | -108 | :437 | 217 | 031 | 088 | 023 | -007 | :008 | 012 | -030 | -013 | 085 | -015 | -006 | -007 |[-010]}} 1-233 | 23 | 006 | 007 | ‘005 +033 | 028 | 012 | -105 | 078 | -057 | -009 | :013 | -067 | -069 | 008 | -006 | :003 | 166 | 100 | ‘022 | -115 | -077 | 006 | -040| O11] 1-043 24 | 023 | 009 | 014 +006 | -006 | -001 | -002 | -026 | 172 | 075 | 170 | "104 } +168 | +258 | -068 | 014 | -009 | -005 | 090 | 063 | 093 | -006 | 003 | 050} 1°435 25 | +103} 118 | 050 +063 | +150 | -050 | -062 | -041 | 044 | -056 | -022 | -069 | -019 | -023 | -092 | -079 | -093 | -025 | -042 | -014 | 069 | 039 | 002 | 025] 1-350 26 | 010) :095)-010 :010) 004) - | :001) 001) - - - | 0071008; —- - - - - = = = = - 0°146 27 - - | +007 :006 | :008 | 025 | -011 | 010 | :008 | -010 | 018 | 029 | -129 | -080 | 056 | -093 | 046 | :074 | 033) - = = = = 0°543 28 - = = = = = = — | 007 | 007 | :003 | -002 | 005 | -005 | -004 | 010 | -010 | 008 | 007 | 015 | 004 | 010 | -012 | 017] 0-127 | | 29 | 019} 006 | -010 :006 | :005 | :013 | 005} - - - - - - - - — | 011 | 005} ‘017 | 002) - | 002} 002; - 0°103 30 = - |006) - — | 014 | 021 | 029 | :047 | -024 | 030 | 7029] -014 | -025 | -026 | -046 | -022 | 019 | -026 | 019 | 002 | 011 | 080 | 028} 0463 | 31 | 010 | 022! -061 018 | -060 | 052 | -059 | 080 | :040 | 033 | -018 | :010} ‘011 | -005 | 002 | ‘010 | 062] :010} - = = = = = 0-563 | Sum |0°923 1135 0979 0°851 |0°735 |0°639 0°745 0°881 |1:170 1°577 |1°526 |0°951 }1°581 |1°636 |1:260 |1-206 |1:541 |1°198 |0'934 |0:915 |0°886 |0°776 |0°797 |0°822} 25-664 | | FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 49 RAINFALL. IncHES FOR Hour ENDING— NOVEMBER 1893. eo aecmaries || 6 | 7 lanl eo, | Tonnies 0 4s | 14 | 35 | te | a7 | deel ton! Boel on | 991 98 ain Amount. 1 | -054| -066 | -107 | -080 | -023 | -027 | -040 | -040 | -025 | -062 | -090| 030} 043) - | - | -027| -033! -027| -020| -013| -044| -043| -040| 010] 0-394 Se ee 005 || 0101) 030)| «010-| -010)| -045||-017,| 057 |-0031-020)| 010) — | — |-o13\-o14) — | - | = | =| — | — | = | — | ose 3 |_| —- | — |-o03| — | —- |-007} -023| -005 | -o10 | -005 | -025 | -085 | -080 | -050 | -055 | -027 | -026 | 020! -o10| 004] - | — | — | 0-415 eee | Alco mieaga mines | toil bee | cl ee eS 1S 9-006 SN ut} e100.|-070| 003) = eoo7 oases hows | -= | he V2) 2] fe Se Ee | = | os é| 2 elem meee |e HN ee We ce, 71] a, RS i | a UV er ee MMe Mem elt ee ene = | Se ee W Weg P i n ea es eee et ellie ee | & eel ee: | | een an | |e em Ny ae (ie oP nc. 21 eseeae | Ran pscetp (ace a) oe A | | a | a ene iss) | | A engi Pe |. eh Solo ob I Ne ig a all Megas ee eS) 1 eee ee | ice bl | ol 2 2 a oes i sl ee eee ieee bl ek ee AP eee Pe I _ o 12s |) a iG s ui ii 2 a Sie S . we £ z a ca es: = ie 2 _ z a = Gt ee ee ee ee ecm MS ne) oe ee cee he el a ee) en enn een ee ee en fe foe} ee ee ah) SP) 2 loot onoor i ie eo wena en eem cme oy | eee Su) oo te 3 |) a aR eee ee Se eee eer - eye ie il fee dl cee er leimey | Marne 17 | 027! 670 | -005 | -o03 | -137 | -238 | -117 | 038 | -067 | 053 | -040| -o18}-003 - | - | - | - | - | - | — |-0091 -017|-010! -003| 0-850 Peron fs l[-- | - arenes (= | b= | Come eySa eo ew ols Gong Peete s |. | | | K ee eee | | NS ee eis Cal pet ine * Sees ech - f= | = Eee eee Soles S aU ie a eee se | ai se ey | | Lt feog) = | | =. | 2008: 005 | “054-0881! 0-190 Mra ere eoss 007 e038 044 = coo) = |-oi4) =) 2 Ps) —- | | re) 2) eye) oS) ] 2 | 2) oss meme eee We fee te) See | ~ | K | OS | pool sony oro 008) — | = | — 2 | o-oo 24 | — |-o20! — |-003! — | -010/ -004] -003| -005 | -010 | -020 | -033 | -057 | 090 | -010 | -025 | -015 | -013| -012| -008| — | -003|-005| -005] 0-351 25 | _ | — | -003| -034| -037 | -055 | -132| -130| -036| -014| -013|-o03] - | - | - | - | - | - | -007]|-014| -006|-004|-003} —- | 0-491 ne a 0s aioe ea ay} - | - f= | 2 el eee ee | — | = oo a7 | _ | — |-003|/ — | — |-003] - | -005| -030! -o86| -117 | -081 | -030 | -019 | -038 | -118 | -147 | -o66 | -134 | -158 | -o62 | 012 | -088 | 036) 1-183 28 | -036 | -020 | -080 | -076 | -016 | -030 | -020 | -005 | -003 | -005 | 064 | -010 | -027 | -025 | -044 | -025 | -035 | -085 | -143 | -148 | 082 | -080 | -028 | -019] 0-996 29 | -017 | -007 | -012| -016 | -022| -026 | -008 | -007 | «040 | -128 | -204 | -098] -255 | -314 | -389 | -363| 179-125 | -068| -006 | -010 | -028 | -031 | 010] 2-353 30 | -022| — | -029| -008| -003| -004| 003; — | - | — | - | — | — [Loosyf-oosjf-o05) -— | — | — [{-005)[-005)f-0057|(-005] - | 0-104 | gum. /0-168 10-254 10-322 [0-310 [0-354 |0-450 [0-376 |0-279 [0271 |0-380|0-513 |0:308 {0-480 (0-533 [0-549 [0-632 0459 0-359 [0-414 | 0365/0297 |0-14210-21410-146] 8-505 ' | RAINFALL. DECEMBER 1893. 1 |-o05;-007] - | - | - | -} -]-]-}-|-|-]-)|- |-.J -.] =! - | -.] - |=] =] =] =] 0-012 meee me Pete) e |] fe] | eye SE tH | — | -o12| -062/ -072) 034) -o12| -040)| -058 | -088'| -037 | -030] 0-390 3 | 042 | -050 | -050 | -036 | -060 | -051 | -061 | *118 | -087 | -115 | -038 | -043 | -068 | “021 | -013 | -007| -033/ - | - |-o12] - | - | - | — | 0-905 peed eo g2 1-030 |-012|\-005|-003|-008/ — | — | — |= | - | -|-|-|- | -.| - | - | - | - | = | - 1-004} o-058 5 |-004) - | - | - | - | - | - | -020| -006] -044| -003 | 008 | -187| 167 | +173] -0i9| - | - | -- | — | -088| -058| -048 | -o08] 0-733 6 | -016 | 003 | 045] - | -007 | 020} -012] -020 | -013 | -075 | -042 | -077 J -244 | +257 | -295 | 070 | +105 | 005] - | -015 | 020] -010 | -072 | 003] 1-426 7 | -065|-058) - | -020) -040| - | -008] -008 | 020] 008} - | — | -005|-050|-004} - | -006| - | -032] - | - | - |-008|-o10] 0-342 8 | — | -005| -010| -029 | -166 | -116 | -080 | -047 | -058 | -194 | -140 | -157 } -093 | -u80 | -003 | -032 | -005 | -080 | -003 | -015 | 003 | -008 | -004 | -028] 1-306 9 | -030 | -029 | -005 | -063 | -004 | -018 | -020 | -052| -020| -031| -012| - } - | -003| -020| -032| -018 | -004| -021 | -038 | -006 | -005 | -038 | 003} 0-462 fom roie) 003) = | — | - |-008) - | = | = | = | = | = | — | — | -004| -022| -030 | -079 | -028 | -075 | 086 | -038| - | 008] 0-397 11 | -003 | -046 | -022 | “181 | -068 | 018 | -012 | -012 | -009 | -055 | -022 | 094] -067 | -072| 018 | -020| -012/ 007) ~ | - | -048}-078| -080| 024] 0-968 eee) Se =| -032))-028)|-020)| 010) — |) — | = | = | = |-003| - | - |-006) — | — | = | -008)-003| --| — | o-ts reece eee ewes ee) | =] - | - | Se ee) Sp eae = | S| 0-078 mecos = |= | 010-022) = | 003) 090/021) = |-045|-055}-010/ - | - | - | - | - | — | - | = | = | -050/ 036] 0-345 15 | -085| -031 | -020|-083) - |-013]-008} - | - | - | - | - | -010/ -o21 | -149 | -238 | -127 | -193 | -166 | -096 | -080| -024 | -078 | 083] 1-505 16 | -068| +108 | -180|-010) - | - | - | 006} -043| -211 | -097 | -097 | 015 | -018 | 030! -111 | -202| 072-010) - | - ) - | - | -003y 1-281 e003) eee o12) 008 | —aloom ee an se | | — | - | eee Sel So = | 2 = oon 1 | - ; - | - | - | - | — | -004| -007 | -019| -080 | -093 | -096 | 098 | -010 | -017 | 023 | 025-005] - |-003] - | - | - -002] 0-477 19 | - | - | - |-003)-- | - | - | - | - | = | - | — | — |-013] -045 | -o10 | -012 | -018 | -089 | -155 | -088| -018|-090 -060] 0-551 20 | -008| -006 | 040] -047| 028] - | -003|-010]-006} - | - , - | - | - | - | - | = | -010/-012] -004} -014| -060| -047 -026] 0-321 21 | -004| -018 -028 | -090 | -030 | ‘010 | -005) — | -047 | -022 | -017 , 020] -056 | -083 | -014 | -057 | -056 | -032 | -048 | 080 | 082] -035/ - -006] 0-840 92 |-004| - - | — | -043| -028| -062 | -007 | -020 | -124 | -183 | -017} 028] -005] - | - | - |-018/ - | -043/-004] - | - -004] 0-590 23 | - | — | — | 020] -003| -005 | -033 | -015 | -022| 007} - | -020]-018| - | - | - | -060/ -020/ -003| 032] -027/-012/-016 - | 0-313 ma | - | - | - | — | — | = | :042| -190/ -175 | -187 | -183} -160 | -103 | -094 | -038 | 021 | -018| — | -023| -020| 007] 003} - | - | 1-264 25 | -093 | 014-005 | -028 | ‘020 | -010 | -003 | -022| 006 | 007) - | - | -040} +158} -080| -018| 003/026] - | - | -040/-005} - -048] 0-626 ee eo eee eee imeoeles Hooda! = (| ~ | = | = = | - | = | = |= | 278 ooos 27 | — | -003| .003 | -026 | -004 | -022 | 021 | 005] - | 042] -017] -041 | -062 | -047 | -023 | -060 | -103 | 036 | 038] -006} - | - | - | - | 0-559 28 |-004; - | - | - | - | - | - | -004) - | - | - | - | — | -008| -003 | -003 | -003 | -014 | -005 | -010 | -009 | -003| -013 -020] 0-094 Re btgaeopalt-00e)| 003 003/003 00s (ee ween eee | - | — | —~ | b= | = ho] a9) 2 1 We yee o-oae ee 004) = | = |/-003+|-003 |-012 | 7018) -008)| 010)| -010)| 028) = |-- | - | 04) = | — | — | - | = | = || = | O10} o-110 Bl |004/ - | - | - | - | - | - | = | O10) -004) - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 003} - | - | - | - | - | = | o-2 Sum. 0°515 |0°400 |0-444 [0-668 |0: 536/0:356 |0°427 |0-669 |0°590 /1-224 |0-902 [0913 }1-053 |1-107 |0-941 |0-809 0-896 |0°606 |0-480 |0°644 [0-568 |0°393 |0°581 0-416] 16-138 TRANS. ROY. SOC. EDIN.—VOL, XLIII, ; G 50 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. SUNSHINE. Hours—ror Hour, LocaL Mran TIME, ENDING— JANUARY 1893. 4 5 6 7 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12} 18 |) 14 ) 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | -19 | 20 || 21 } Total. [Possible 1 = = 5 = = = = = = = = = = - - - - - 680} 1 2 = = = = = > = = = = = = - = - - - - - 683} 2 3 2 e e = = = = = = ie == = = = = = - - 686] 3 4 - ~ - - - — | 0°95) 1:00) 1:00) 1:00) 1:00) 0:89) - | - = = = = 584 6°89 4 5 = - - - - — | 0°59} 1:00) 1:00} 1:00) 1:00) 0°53) - | - - ~ - - 5:12 6°92 5 6 - - - - = - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6:95 6 7 = = 2 = = = = = = = = = = - = = - - - 699, 7 8 “ = z x Z = = = = = = = eal = = - - - 703} 8 9 - - - - - — | 0°55} 0°70} 0-10} 0:90) 1:00) 1:00) 0°56 - - - - - 4°81 LOT 2 10 = - - - - | - - - = — | 0°38). 0-41) - - - - - - 0-79 711} 10 11 - - - - — | 0°28 1:00} 1:00, 1:00} 1:00) 1:00) 1:00) 0-40 - - - - 6°68 715) 11 12 - - - - - — | 0:95} 0:95) 0°66} 0-17) - = = = - - - - 2°73 7:20} 12 13 - - - - - - - - — | 0:29) 1:00} 1:00) 0-10) - ~ - - - 2°39 Pay || alg} 14 = 2 = = = = = = = = = || OE) = = = = - - 0°78 7°30} 14 15 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - - 7:35} 15 rT fg | Mee || geaee | eerie Mm eee ee) | 2 | 2 RS a ean ae ee EA |e BL = 741] 16 GN St S| Se Se lei = = |= = = - | - |) -]- - - - 7464 17 18 = = = = = = = = = = - - | - = - - - - 752] 18 19 = = = = ee = = = = = = = We - ~ - ~ - 7°57 19 20 a = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - - 763 20 21 = = = = = = = s ~ & = = = = = = = - - 769 f 21 22 = ee a = = = = 2 = = = ~ - | - = = - - = 7754 = 22 23 - - - - - - - = - - - - - - - - - - - 7°82] 23 24. - - - = - - - - - - - - - - = - = - - 788} 24 25 = = = = = = = = = = = = = - - - - = - 7:94} 25 26 = = = es eS 2 = = = = = = = = - - - - - 801} 26 27 = = = = - = 2 z = Z = = = = = = - - - 8:07 27 28 a = 2 = - = ~ = = = = = = = = = - - - 8-14 28 929 = = 2 = = os = = = = = = = - = = - - - 8-21 29 30 = = BE = = = = = = = = = - | - = = - - - 8°28 30 31 = 2 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - - - 8°35 31 Sum. | - = le = — | 0:28) 4:04) 4-65) 3°76) 4:36) 5°38) 5:61} 1:06) - - - - - 29°14 | 231-43 | Sum. SUNSHINE. FEBRUARY 1893. 8:42 TY et) Gaal Sg) a ol canal) Se es ema gl cme PS oth, =| -| - - it Dos ee] = oy a) ao | = | sf SCS te - 8-49 2 Bio \es Mie Sines as cee! shes Ie Re re l= |). S|, Aelia ee ee - 8°56 3 Be Sl any ce Ue ce Ai sh lee eee, I Ea) te a ey - 8°63 4 Beh = Wh Ne el or tages a ae OSU 02) | = = ea ae ire 010] 8-70 5 6. |e lee de Ws Se ea AS ee gee - 8°78 6 7 ie ee es ee em ee ee ea! | Ss ea ae Spl es ales - 8°85 7 Bot Sa He Te) ee eM ahem Oe Te ae Te et eee lee - 8:92 8 i Nie | eek | em Vm ET sae | | Oe FR (aa es jhe |) OS ie - 9-00 9 UU ioe iat ea ewe ie So | a) | ce -}-]|-|- - 9-08} 10 ll = = es x = It Mes = = = - - - - - - - - 9°16 11 ED Sg] Sl Sh Sh GS) PSB Sh ee Ws Were hs 0-88] 9:23] 12 13) aaa SN oe a ae 36] 50) <8} 40) - |-=- | - | =<} = | = | = | - | - 211] 9381] 18 ce | eae | eee ee ee lee |) ote oi ee ee eee fa lo ee - |. 939] 14 1a ee | Ni | (ies eae | ae 40; 04) -40f 1°00] 1:00] 1°00} -92) - | - | - | - | - 476) 9477 15 AG: Wee ol eee Bhteaaliiae WSS ol) es | en =| = | = Sell - 9:55] 16 17 = = = _ is = = = = = = - - ~ - - - - - 9°63 17 WB) = ee fem ae =] AION 12) Bt oS) ic |, eee O71] 970] 18 TO = Se = = ea 20 -/-/-]-]- |] - 074] 9-78] 19 ee ee ee Ss om ca eae - | - - | -]- 0-26} 9:86] 20 DA |) era eee le ee ca ge 18] -24) +12 - -|-|- 054] 9949 21 22) MES tere gl) core ter te 12, - | 06 -32 ~ mY AS eee No 0-50; 10°02] 22 @i/-|-=-|]-/]-)-]-] = )= 26] °87| °34| °34| - -|-);-] - 181] 1010] 23 Ye en Men ee ee Ee |) STA |) = Higher a ie - 1018} 24 Pfam mam ee |e em [Hae ae Ry = =| +05 Ved ee Wes 0°05] 10:26] 25 26 = = c = = = = es = = - - - - - - 10°34 26 it~ } =f me = ey 18, 60} -08 68) --26) 20) 16) - | - | - | - | — 216] 10-42] 27 28 x 2 - | - = = = = 2 = = = - - - - - 10°50 28 Sum. | - | - | - | - | - | 0:86) 1-08} 1°61) 1°74} 3-90] 2°87) 1-88; 1°13) - | - | - | - | - ] 14:57 | 26427 | Sum. FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 51 SUNSHINE. Hours—ror Hour, Locan MEAN TIME, ENDING— JANUARY 1893. A) B® | GAN BO |) ao Wasco aee F aisy aI ley ais aire || aI} ag) |] 2). aL . |Possible. il = E = = = = 20 = = = 2 = = = - 3°80 1 paeeieceis. | . | 2 eee Sol og 2 Par Hamm em Vem ee a ey 3:90 2 ieee = | = = eee le 20] - OP ee Ml oe PE So ee 4°10 3 eee | = |) = > eee 1G) <2) soo) Be, ae | Sa Se eS ye 4:18 4 | im fe PS Se Pe ma apy aero) cy Tree | al | 4:25 5 CREE ee = =. ee lee | = See ees ee = 4:35 6 ee — | Sr Se ee ee ee) S| = ee eee eee yt CS = 4:45 7 eee | | ee ee we eee ee = | a ene es = 4°55 8 Ome | = Sheen Seis Za eOOneOOlGOOk 58) = | = ee ys 2 = 3°86 | 4:65 9 Pes |, =) lp eee eee 0) GAl OH) EI ee ey =} ee He ee 2:42] 4:75) 10 UL || oP |S es TH) Riese) ee ee FA| 0) il) a BY = =P ST i71]} 4:804 11 for | = ee ee | ee eee a ae Soleo =) = |) StS eal = P= 0-70} 4:90] 12 eS a eas ese teco| a0! <7) = | - | - Pe |S | = | 348) 500] “Is ith, J esate ea accel SPSS apace | ca ee 0s} — wi | = | = | =f = | os |] = 088] 5:05] 14 1B = = = = = = = = = a = = = = = = = = 5°10 15 Gm eee IP ae ee, iit sty pee or eoet 10) = |) =) eal nn ee 5154 16 17 a is ee = = = a 48] 60) — = = = 3 = e a = 5°20 17 18 2 dl = = = = 2 = = = = = = = = = - - 5:23 18 tC an eo en es ee eee | el fe 1 Ske ee 5:26} 19 ee ome ye ots) Sogn |e | = | - f = he ye ye 5°30} 20 21 = = = % = = = = 2 = = = = = = = = = 5:33 21 wee Ye Pe A ey | Se eee ei ee a | 5:36 | 22 Se ee ee eee | ee ce | | eS ees he 5:40} 28 94 = ar = = = = = = = = S = = = = = = - 5°45 24 25) | feat] S| Tn ca eS 48) -80} -50| ‘02; - | - Oa eee SF Be 5°50 | 25 Poe ae =) = f= | Ss = il) veal Se) ae) oe a = | Ss |] = 5°55 | 26 27 = = = = = = = = = = = - = - - - - 5°60 27 28 = s 2 = 5 = = = = = = = = = = = - - 5°65 28 99 = & = = = = = = = = = = = eas = = = = 5°75 29 30 = a = = = = = = = = = - = = = - - - 5°80 30 31 a 2 = 2 = = = = = = = = - = = - - - 5:90 31 Sum. | - - | = | 0-20} 1:62) 6°47} 6-92} 6-49] 2°85 013 =| <=] = 155:26 | Sum SUNSHINE. FEBRUARY 1893. eee ese lh = i) =. |e = | = aa “99| CH 70, = Se oa pe | = | = 2°42 6:00 1 Pee | = | = | = | = | — | :20) 298] 3531 90] +60 MMe) ahi omy, || Ts 3:21] 6:20 4 ee aie eh ee eee “60 °51) *14 ea esl ce. || 1:25] 6-25 2 a lh Nez ee ee aaa eee i | le ee ee = 6°35 3 5 is = Z = = = = 40} 13% +20) - 2 = = - |=] <= 73 6-40 5 6 = a = = = = = 22) +1 = = = = = = - - "36 6°45 6 ema Weel | = eal 2 le he Ml ipl ae = | = |} = | = || | 85 | 6:50 7 Bh | ee ea Se] Sas Siar eae Wa = || OG) ey a) Sy a = = |) = | = 81 6-60 8 9 = 2 = = = = = = us = = = = = = - - 6°65 9 Oa a ee = fe ee Pe | 100) Ol = es | = |} = | = 2494 6:75} 10 ll 2 = = = = = = an = = = zs = = = - - = 6°80 11 eee) = emia = = l= 27| 60) -44) - 10} -93) -18} = | - | = } — 252] 6:90} 12 TD eet ee || peo Se 43| -76| -82] -05| - See eee Na eo 2-06 7004p 18 TA wasnt th etl Per = =| =| = Bo Oy) C3) 5) SSS i = i] a} = 0-42 710) 14 Til et alee ees ll Bea i) ea 64} +85] 1-00] 1-00) 1:00) 1-00} 1:00) - | - | - | - | - 6°49 7209 15 16) || nl Se Ween Se) | = 43) “34 09) - cam ecelliic.. | ae oe O86} 7304 16 17 = 2 = = = 2 2 492| +17) — 12] - a = = = - 0-71 7°40 17 Gh ip Sel ee sie = le CDi O5ieee2ol me O0l 62) 52) =) = ee 3:19 7504 18 eh = | l= aa Sel 05) :80) -72) 48] -95] 1-00) <64 - | —- | - | - | — 414} 7-60} 19 DO = ae ee Nee a 07| +-38| -38) 08] 37; -10) - | - | - | - 138] 7:70} 20 maj|}-!-|]-!1-]- = | -05| -48) -7o) - | - | - | -| -| -|-]|- 123, 7:80] 21 BO | 2 lose thee oe COON ee 7 b306-70) 50) “68, 87) = 1 = | = 1, = | = 414) 7:90, 22 23 | - | - | - | - | = | -88} 1-00} 1-00} 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] +33 Se all alll ox the 571} 8:00} 238 94 = _ & = = 02) — = = = a a = = = = 0:02 810 24 Domne cl =) alee a ee 05] 24) - 10) -35)) 20) 70) 67) = | = | = | = 2:3] 8°20 |} 25 a | a ee hk ee - | = |) ee ee Se ee ee a es . 8:25 | 26 mee es. | = le aie 88°79} -30] 1:00} -29} -73) -26) - | - | - | - | - 4:25] 830} 27 Pel || at Neo Bes = ei es 38] -58| -80) 1:00 -|-]-]- 276} 835} 28 Sum. | - | - | - | - | — | 0:49) 3-45) 7-78) 8-15] 10:09] 9-28] 7-30] 6-82) 0-95) - | - | - | - | 54:31 | 201°55 Sum. 52 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. SUNSHINE. Hours—ror Hour, Loca Mran TIME, ENDING— MARCH 1893. | 4/51617)8 | 9 | 10] 11 | 12 | 18 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 |) 20 |) 21 I Total. (Possible. | | a S| eS | ee | ea | eae, | Ss a | ee | Ss | eS | es | eet | ees ns | ae aes sea es ae i ON ee AS VN Sg eee ee ee eee = 1058] 1 } Opes 2 ee ee ea el ee ee SOlmeesa laos (Ih eel meen a ee 0-64) 10°66 2 a ee en ee ee ee el eee || lfc a eee i) eee lee | = 10-74 San Fed a ee eee | ea ee ee ee | Sei Go ee el os. |) = 10°82 4 | ae ees re (ieee ea ine ee ee | =. iP oe) geal ee a eR et e 10:90 5 R 6 ceil See Sale 1 ea aT | re ea feel.” = | a | = 10:99 6 |. 7 ae (ea ee | eas eee eee eee) ee =26| 2 30) ocr Ae ae 0:56 | 11:07 7 Sil, esa eee le Ol es ee 2 ee RR a a eS ee ae aI oe ae 0:10} 11°15 8 fi orl te eer cS | |S ee | = 11:28 Gye 10 = = E = = = = = = = = - - = - - - - 11°31 10 AT Ne eal Se ee en ase aie a ee aes | sa | oc, ae ee ee = 11:39} wu T3.0)|l SE Ee Nee) os SS, 2 een ee ep Pi te ee es = 11-47] 12 1S? lcs ol ee ee ei Se Ue a ee | a 11:55} 13 14 = = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11°68 14 Ue |e a eter emilee ee iS? || se ee eM pe ie at ee ess - 11:70 et Tey ele elie eS he alle el Se a 2, hee | ne = 11-79] 16 ial ee ese at & al bs TO hese eet =" 1h cased Man Mena Hera i I ests ott O12) 11°87] 17 TE HS Nee RR Pema cee een lh So -08] -70| 1:00] 1-00) 1:00) 1-00 -32) - | - | - 5-10 11:95] 18 Ty |) es el 04| 1-00} 1-00] +70} -82f -38) -96| -64| -60| -90) -39} — | - | — 7:36 | 12:03] 19 ie eon eae. Pee Pal ee 10] 1:00) 96] -98} -90| -02 Se eee ee se 3-96} 12:11] 20 OV ales! ea =e *54| +60} 1:00] 1:00} 1-00} 1-00] 1-00) 1-00] 1:00] 1:00/ -44) - | = | - 958] 1219] 21 Deal psa) seal -20] 1-00] 1-00] 1:00} 1-00} 1:00) 1-00] 1:00] 1-00) 1-00) 1:00] -44) - | - | - 10°64 | 12:27] 22 23 | —- | — | — | +10} -88| 1:00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00} -90/ -40| -90| 1-00] -6oj - | - | — 9°78} 12°35] 23 Deleon alines Haat al ey bes -16| -36] 1-00} 1-00) 1:00} -88/ -86) -70| -16) - | -— | - 612] 12-43] 24 IB Asal tlle al gto ayo) SE) oO GG) = f S| Sy Si} ei Ss sh Si | 4-02 | 19°51] 25 FT| Ses |e | oan ee eee -48| -96] 1-00} 1:00) 1:00) 1-00] 1:00) 1-00] -32) - | - | - 776) 12°59] 26 Dee el 12} 92} -70) -62| -O1] -O6) -o2| -10) — 236 49 eel | een ee 3°35 | 12°67] 97 Dee les acs Mh ea -60| 1:00} 1:00) 1:00] 1-00} 1:00] 1-00) 1-00] 1:00] 1-00] -54) - | - | - } 10-14] 12:75] 28 AS | estes |e Sel ees CS ae ee te GO| 2) Os wax) “eel aa} = |] oS | = W = | = 3:84 | 12:83] 29 So ee en eames | Sern aes 22" reenliie SR || Ae ee ee |e = 12:91] 30 Suen | etm TL a Nase all on te Bh” | eae enn aoe neh | ee = 12:99] 31 Sum, | - | = | - | 0°64) 5-20) 6-20| 7-24) 7-15] 9-28] 8-44) 9-88| 8-70] 8-88] 8-32) 3-14) - | - | - | 8807 | 365-44] Sum SUNSHINE. APRIL 1893. fone al|| Mean : EA = hae ry |e 0:03 | 13-07 1 Dal Sainte ol ae 4) eS = ‘09l-= | = see Ee (ot 0:02 | 13-15 2 eee. ee ee 23 20 Spelt alte ieee he = 13-23 3 a a ie a ee 60] 1-00} 1:00) 1-00] 1-00] 1-0 1:00] 1-00] 1:00] 1-00] -92) — | - | — | 11:52] 13-31 4 5 ee Sales i= 44} 1-00] 1:00! 1-00] 1-0 1:00} 1:00] 1-00] 1-00] -82} ~ | - | - | 10-26} 13:39 5 Goh 4 ale 40) 1-00] 1:00] 1-00! +85) 1-0 ODP esol fe. Pe eee eee ge 575 | 13-47 6 Te Noel ee 04) - -80/ 1-00] 1:0 “08| | *22|' -B0| -B5le Gol sanl been me 610] 13°55 7 Soll alr 60} 1-00] 1:00] 1:0c| 1:00] 1:0 1:00] 1:00] 1-00] 1-00] 1:00] -16) - | -— } 11-76] 13-63 8 i | eee | eee 76, 1:00} 1:00} 1:00] 1-00] 1-0 1:00] 1:00] 1:00} 1-00] 1:00} 2s} - | - | 12-04} 13-71 9 10) =e), Sane -78) 1:00] 1:00] 1:00} -62) — SP, Sei] hes tl eee lee eg ea ee 454] 13°79] 10 1 | =| -20| 1:00:95] +70) -32 = = 30| -94| -38} - | - 4:79} 13°87} 11 TDi 4] eee et ea || eae ee BD hee ailyre= aelinics! alyeroeal tae nl meal 0-44 13:95] 12 13) 24) 2 -32| 1:00] 1-00/ 1-00] 1-00] 1-00 TOO)! 74llbe #85 | omen | ol Weal | 920] 14:03] 13 Te a) ae =e Pee ie eee i = ed es | ee Ben yl = 1410] 14 i | es | Wee A (Ce am fe eae nee = em eal ee ees dh) lle ee E 1418] 15 Gh tec eae |e eet Sai 2 - =F fil 2p ||" See) 5 1426] 16 17 0a | ee |e | ne | ee te = Lal comes Namen | ENS = 14:34] 17 18) Sepals oe aal i= sailien|| ea = So) Seales | = |) 2a 2 14:42] 18 10: Wee coe ie Nee he 18] -07) -89] 1-00 2 "OB || Meece||| Seal adel |e 2°85} 14:50] 19 BO) ieee ae 05] 25] - | — 42} 39] 40] -30/ 61) -o2] - | - 321] 14:57] 20 7 ta ea A 32} +56] 1-00} 1-00} 1-00] 1-00] 1-00 1:00] 1:00] 1-00} 1-00] 1-00) -48} - | - | 12:36] 14:65] 21 ODA) Set ee ea oale = ‘12| +87} -97| 1-00] - 1-00} 1-00} 1-00} 1:00) 1:00] -27 = 9:99] 14:73] 22 PE \| = i) = 87| 1:00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00 1:00} 1:00] 1:00] 1:00] 1:00) 1:00) -12) - | 13-99] 14:80] 98 DA: ile em 63} 1:00] 1:00} 1-00] 1-00] 1-00} 1-00 1:00] 1:00] 1:00} 1-00] -87| 22} - | - | 12:72) 14-88] 24 OF) it Zee 86| 1:00} 1-00] 1:00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-06 -74| +98] 82] 1-00] 32! °36 - | 12:03] 14:96] 925 7 ae ee Wee ee ae 08] -07| -41 04 een eel a=t lvoe || be eee 1:05} 15:03] 26 Oi ee ee 14 36] 1-00] 1-00] 1:00] -47 96, - Os) Sains tam elk Se 5:94] 1511] 27 pg) Se ee = = Sime | ce | ell ee - 1518] 28 ie eee NS hs. | Sil (a ee ee | Rm emre| Ree Wah Lil Some haa ee = 15:26 | 29 Pip oe | SA) 2 = 2 Sees Wes. | = = 15°33 | 30 Sum. | - | - | 3:14] 8-26] 12°65] 14-33] 14-61] 14:56] 13: 11:53] 10-40] 9°95] 10-45] 10°44} 3-17] 0-12} - } 150°59 | 426-45 | Sum. FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 03 SUNSHINE. Hours—ror Hour, LocaL Mran Timez, ENDING— MARCH 1893. 4/5 /]61/]7 /| 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |] 138] 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | Total. [Possible. tof eo Se HMMs ee ek et) ee eee) eae ele = 1 Me eee | | Se ee ee @| = || = Ble -S, ieee hewn eee 75 2 3 a s = = = = = = = = - = - - - = = - = 3 eee ee. | Boe 05] 02) - Sal" Oye) UC eee |) peel, uit etl) es 58 4 5 iz = = = a a = = = = - = - = - - = = 5 ess feu. | a PS i Se ee Sl Se We 1°50 6 eee | = |). | et ieee 41} 88} 1-00] 1:00} -90) -to) - | — | — | - 4:29 7 @ | 2. RS aa eee Os) Gl el = |} = | = i Sy = Su Al pesavill eae ee 0:92 8 | ea ha ee & Oyl| iO! x ee ey = i Ss i = | = Ss 1:83 9 io | a= Be he 40| 80] -32] 1:00] 1:00] -50| -90) ‘11; - | - | ~ | - | — 5:03 10 ll ad = = = =e = = = = - - - = = - - 11 1D || = ee ee Se) a See eS = 12 Teme = lash 2a Se 57| <47| 16) 35) — ei AG OG = |) = | = | 2-20 13 We, sg We ee NM Th ad | a etl cee (eee em AO | eee |e = 14 15 = - ~ - - - - OL = - = = = = - - = 0-01 15 j 1G |) * Se Rae el |e a aes (ee | ee SOW cosmos 50) OO OOOO" a | a ee ee) Pe a 03) = = 06] -28| +60 7 ala o15 | 15-40 1 ec |g = a ES a oles.) Sei = = 15-48 2 oe So 2 ll tend) eee ee x Sl a 15°55 3 Ay ot a ees 04) - = yl) cee) = |) = 0:84} 15-62 4 bet eae Beles he i) a es 05) - | - 0:46 | 15-70 5 PylPer i = 14) +50] 1-00) 1:00) 1: 06] - = 6:32 | 15:77 6 7 Nee hl Sa = -41/ 03] +28) 1:00) - 1:00] 1:00] -78| -22) — } 10:36} 15-84 7i He eg, Re alll 2a oe -89] 1:00| -9: 5 11 ee ee al Sane ee 4384} 15-91 8 ie -47| 1:00] 1-00, 1-00] 1-00] 1:00) 1:00 76| -32| -86/ -45| — | 11-60} 15-98 9 10 = : = Od Mas8|) = = = = - - - - 115) 16:04 10 ll RF a! i» a = a = ra = = = 16°11 lL iS Se ss). Eee ee eee SaaS Heel hee = 16-18; 12 Tye ee ae -73| +16] 1-00) 1-00} 1:00 a cl) all!) = |) = S11} 16-24} 13 ay) 2 -32| 41] -09/ 1-00] 18) 1:00) - Sxl chi ole) =) 6-48} 16:31) 14 15 ee 15] - -20/ -08| +50) 84 2 BH yi) = || = 4-70 | 16:37} 15 ALG) nhc ale Nec, i, = || = Be alee all wee ee 013} 16-44] 16 17h na) = 69] 19} +74) 19) - | - 3 eS) Berle 2:31 16°50} 17 hol ac ee ae Sa ee oat Sal) eS ar ie = 16:56] 18 Tse) wee ee een eae ace EA Ce Si RES) ee ie 0:99! 16-62} 19 20 a z a a a = = = = = = - - - - - - 16°68 20 oT ee eh mee Wee Wee) ee POp lee Wib=n ames We eee 0:05] 16-74] 21 29 = ee = = = = = = = 2 = = = - 13) 28) —- - 0:41 } 16:80 22 Sore tlie fee |) LE och (Se RE ARR a tle ee | a eg | = 16:85 | 23 ire WE Reet ieee Ph Nl SD, Sh Rl a VBR la lh re G1 et Lea ee & 16-91] 24 Py | lee ea Ketel I TY oe] eee ee = Sh Srl ae 2 16:96 | 25 AS el) Sl eee ee hse |p ee NS ee ee = 17:02 | 26 | =) a bs | He = Ie I | a | ee ee = 17:07 | 27 Soya eee! pe 1 il Sf a ee ey les Mash al) Peay Ee iy ed = W712) 28 D9 Soler ees re S 10/37) - OO] -14) 21) 05] - | = | = 03) |= 0:92} 17:16} 29 30 | - | — | 1:00} 1-00] 1-00] 1-00) 1-00] 1-00, 1-00} 1:00] 1-00] 1:00} +90] -01; -07, -60) - | - | 11-58} 17-21) 30 Ste Ser Bes ete ll ill Jes ek SP A Ne Re ice ee Fee = 17:26} 31 Sum. | — | 0-82] 3-25} 4-72} 4:87) 6-17| 8-47) 7-09, 7:49} 8-21] 6-28] 3-99] 2-42) 2:44) 2-70, 3-35] 0:67) - {| 72:94} 508-40] Sum. SUNSHINE. JUNE 1893. 1 Aaa ee P| Tee heen 0:95 | 17-30 1 ie | Seal penal eseat| fe |) ee 90| 97, -42) — 3:14] 17-34 2 Bi Sas|) eet eee | Fes ely CE 50| 96 x i sae 3:13 | 17-38 3 4 =) | ete ae eee edi tepelee al ae 0-10 | 17-42 4 Bea Seale = lee 04) 65) -30) — 1:00} 1:00 91) — 7:88 || 17-46 5 Biol Mele aes lame eae Sui es = 17-49 6 mollis | Ma era ee = Db lee th! pe 0:25 | 17-52 7 Sale = 70| 1-00) 1-00} 1-00] 1:00 10) 2 ee 7:09 | 17-55 8 Meneses ec 42) 97 = Ze ce 718 | 17°58 9 i || = 36] 08} -91| -40 05] 1:00) -91) 12) 4:26 17-61) 10 11 | +19] +55) -80/ -29) - 70! + 52) 56 38) 04 9-291 17-649 11 12 | -32| 1-00| 1:00] -79] 42| - ae | 5-40 | 17-66 12 Wien oo fice ‘98) 1:00/ +78] -76| 1:00) 1-00 rule ke = 816} 17-68) 13 14) |e -90| 1-00, 1-00] 1:00) 1:00) 1-00 1:00} 1:00) -92) - | 15°38 17-70} 14 wah -41| 1:00) 1:00} 1:00 °75) +98 = |= |=] = 7840 17-719 15 NG Sei meet) || Dee) Gee ie S |=) = |= = 17-72} 16 ae pe 38) -80| 1-00! 1-00 1:00} 1:00} 1:00} -50} 13°63 17-73} 17 18 | 40} 1-00} 1:00 1-00] 1-00, 1-00) 1-00 1:00] 1:00] 1:00 -73] 1713) 17:74) 18 19 | -05] 1-00) 21) - 12) - | - 1:00} 87} 35] -48) 6:00} 17-744 19 | 20 SS etna | eee Ree re Se ean |) eal = 17-75} 20 21

| = 20 91} -40/ 80} -31| -65f 1-00] -73/ -32/ -91] 1-00] 40) — = 763) 14:45] 14 TS || 2a (a eas ea Se ac 70} 1:00] 1-00} 1-00] -83/ 30] 81] +23) - ee 5:87 | 14-554 15 ik | Se et ee detee cigs a ese | ae ea dl) rei ep es al oe 057] 14°65] 16 ip re’ OO) eeailee60lee-bo| WOM aogier 44/30) — || | — | 2 | = 2) = 4:90] 14-70] 17 ei | Bee ay Ate 1 fe | oa (en = TO} S29 taka oe 010] 14:75] 18 TOMB ee eile Sal, os 06] 25]. - Fn eet 54 i100) 1-00) “33 = | — i) 2a) = |S 405] 14:35] 19 eee i = | os he Sh te Dee) = || = HO GMS | = 161] 14:95] 20 meee |) al, 83] +28] 21 °15| 1:00] 1-00] -44) -g2} 1a] -24) - | - 508} 15:00} 21 ea ee i ei Bele e-gol (16) -07| -43) 79] 98] = | = 4) = 3°55 | 15-02] 22 ee een |) | 40) Ooh 37) eevee 36) 49 — | 15] -16] 02 = | = |- = 2:95 | 15-04] 23 i |= 30/ 90] -42! -91) 50) -34) - e249) 01) 49!) S20 ee 4:81] 15-06| 24 eee = || — | “Te! 1-00) bil 20) - | = Cl | nae Meta eat) a 202] 15-08 | 25 Peewee | — | = | = | 04 sa] 22) <4) — | - a 23 = 1:24] 15:10] 26 Paes = |= | KH 02} - 50} 26 - | -09| -20| - 59| +62). 03] - | - 2:31} 1512] 97 eee Sa a ee 8 eso "| toga : 0-20} 1514] 28 Pe ee =) Or) 24" a9) } -82} -98| -96| 1-00] 1-00, -90) - | - | - | 1loBo| 13°30] 13 ae recom clolee oa) 10), 12" 19), 94) 50] 12! 64) -19| 70) -88| — || = | “= 4-66 | 13:25] 14 15 - | — | 68) °62} - | -80} +96) -98) +74) -90/ 1-00] +20] -50]/ -42| -24) - | - 8-04] 13-20] 15 Gey | = S| cee all Pea 22] -08| +20] -56] -42/ 04) -08) - | - | - 160] 1810] 16 aes = like = eee | | | es bE 13:00] 17 i) = |= a bac20\" 3, & = | = | SS ee 1:34] 12:90] 18 HOR a. eto GO} e035] e-20)) 80s 52/299 6s!) 84) -72) <2) -29) - | — |= | = 4:35 | 12°80] 19 ee i eee = WO lerroGlee=70)) S00) 06) <79) <62| +88 48] = | = | = 5:92 | 12°70] 20 a] - | - | - C3 acme Oc mecOmO oi | — | = | = |p = yea 0-79} 12°60) 21 P| S| =e ee - | -12) -26) - | -20) -50; -10/ - -|}-]- | - 118} 12:50) 22 23 || Seah 18 ee | Oil] = || = di] = 72) 14) 04) = | - | - 161} 12-40} 23 eee ee ieee coe tet G0) 82), 42) -62/,-96| 1-00) 52) 2 | - | = 6:56 | 12°30] 24 ee ee leer ee econ 20 70) 1:00) 72|| -70) -14| 19) +26) = | = | = 5°50] 12:20] 25 26 - | - |] - = 22/32) -04I 02) 25) a = 0°62] 1210] 26 ie = | = = Pel SX) 5 es || | | en 30) = |= O72} 12:05] 27 Pome sili | = We cid - | - | ~ | - | -10] -34] 1-00] 1-00] -80] “56 - | - 3°94} 1200] 28 29 | - | - | - | :04) -68} -30] -70] -94] -9sf -62] -38 E34 alr 498 | 11°90] 29 BO esa = jas | = =f = 2 =18)) 10) 701) = | -46 -}|-]-|- 0°87 | 1185] 30 31 Sari ae, coal ae > | ea | ae s =) = 2 11:30] 31 Sum. | - | 0°10 2-44) 4-12} 4-80} 3-73| 8-38) 7-45] 8-96] 8-68| 10-01) 9-36] 9-08) 8-48} 5:94] 0-86] - | - | 92:39 | 404-95 | Sum. TRANS, ROY. SOC. EDIN.—VOL. XLIII. H 58 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. SUNSHINE. Hours—For Hour, Loca. Mean Timgk, ENpING-- SEPTEMBER 1893. 4i°5 lee | 7 | 8 | 9 b10 | 11 | 12] 33} a | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 |) Total. Possible tee) = ica es = Se || | a ers aaa mel = 13°87 i Age Oe eee res ee | eg 09} - | 20) 18} +29] v71] 94] 16 BO; eae 3:07 | 13°78 2 3 |= | - | 49} 1-00} 1-00}: 1-00] §97! 1-00] '<98) 99] —=73) 400): 1-00] +82) 30)~- |.- | - | 11-28] 13-70 3 1 Vee) 17} +32} :34| 1-00] 1-00! 1:00] 1-00] +87} 1-00/ 1°00) 1-00} «30 - |-.- 9:00 | 13-62 4 ie ere ee eee |e Pee ee GIR Ge a gee Sree le 0-03 | 13:54 5 Ge ice)! eae ew Ve Segall) «=: = ete ee Oe = 13-46 6 1 he Se eel a Se eal eee ame lc lade = 13°38 7 8 Jige, Silage io Ay) 01) 480) Sap a) eee Sas Se == 1:38 | 13-30 8 9 decer | sthees ISN) = |= |) Sy ee eee OG ete AaOG) = Neen eee 0-26] 13-22 9 10 Jeo See IP 10} 41) 07} 16) +20) -51| 74] 1:00) 43) .-- del] 20|2— | 426] 13:14] 10 12 }-— | Sf = |) — |t1Oolp V-00lpapooln 100) are) =8o| MBE) B18) og) — | ==) = eS eS 669} 13-07] I1 12 SS | a a ees CL) |) = | eed ee ey ee |e tS = 12:99] 12 BS ea ey aie || Se Se | ee See eee eee oe if aS = 12-01) aS TEE: (CS eA ea a ee Teen MMM Inco eee Is ol ra = 12:84] 14 ee ee lilies ie =. 1 lg ee ee Neer | ee cg een = 12:76 | 15 16 Ss ee ae ee a ee a ee eae sale | = 12°68} 16 17 | es | eee emma ag rs dt ha SP ere Pe ale Sa = 12°60] 17 18 ee eel ee eames LS |) ee OE ea tele = 12°52] 18 BOY ee Secs Nh Sy 1S a Ve celle | | eee dete = 12-44) 19 20 Sieg (PS) =. ||) ee eee Bol mec iet ilies eer ete eee ee 0-40} 12:36] 20 OUR eee eee eee |) ee a a Se ae = 12-28} 21 an ae Yee 1 CCE Re iam ese ae ee ae PSU) eS = 1220] 22 SSI ft ne et mem ec NS | 8S RE OR ces a = 1212] 23 A ESN ESS |S Se ei i= |S | Se ee Pee See Tea ee es = 12-04] 24 ie eek ae 141 :O01| aN50| MRCS RCO 1h S| TO = sB0le— ee ee = 277 | 11:96] 25 BE fie OSB te |e eee ee Slee Se a a ee = 11:88 | 26 (ae ea ee | a ee Wena pee ey (fy || Se Se a sel. = = 11:80] 27 een Wien a Pee eg ee ||) | Ce ee eee fee Sie Say = 11:72] 28 Te ee | ee ements |S) | = | SR es Ue Me eee ls = 1164] 29 Ot ee ee | ee me Se ee Sees - 11:56 | 30 Suu. |°- | - | 0-49] 1-14] 2-98] 3-70): 3-56] 4-30 354) 3°95] 3-57| 3°92" 3-91) 2-04) 1-74] 1-00 - | 39-14] 381-38 | Sum. SUNSHINE. OCTOBER 1893. ee See = = = Als jes, oeei = - 11-48 1 218) Sa - - | - |.- Sates os fs | = 11:40 2 Boy Sef} SB ge — | 226] ia] gr02| STG} 92] vi94) aoe) 84, = | © L = | — | — 3:74] 11:32 3 4 | — | — | -- | 18} 1-00] 1-00] 1-00) 1-00] 72) -76) -12 04 =g\(peee lh ete poe 582] 11-24 4 a Pa (a Fe Pe ee me ee ee = 11:17 5 6 (2) =e a= al) | a eee amet peared nes sf eles IP = 11-09 6 A as rm Ue Sf RC ir tS || 0-91 | 11-01 7 eae eee EG ee a = = as LS ee Wes PS s 10:93 8 Qi] RO A= = Se OS Rm fame ie” cr Tee ee rena eaall | 0:03 | 10-85 9 io | - | -'|— — [PN al eae eet) ae ie ee ees | ole I le : 10-77} 10 AL ea) elie of) = |) aS Sel = (ieee ol) sr eg Ne Re ol = 10°69} 41 12 (eae ee ea ee le | ee ee wer = 10:62] 12 13 ea eee ee mrt eG) of Fg al Oe eS a ae ee 0-72] 1054] 13 14 ps8) ae c= el Ste See yer (a= [Ra ie Sasi | [ae = 10-46 | 14 15 STP Sf tc NRE RE Rates iets fit ES es Te Sb) ee = 10:38} 15 $6 | =| = bP a te tee ee HK Se OS ye = 10:30] 16 Gy ee aan cee ee era ae OL MOS ca Na 2S ultoee ne ae eee eel es 0-06} 10:22] 17 UR Be Pieces ream ree (Me nf | Pe ee er ee ee = 1014 18 9 |-- | -t} | - | = |= | = [ee tee - |-- Ses SR ey = 10:06 | 19 20 tee} =f | =.) = | See te eee ee ee tee PRS | = 9:98 | 20 7A Wi (em (ac Vem We Veta ea | | |e | emt | eel) = 9:90] 21 O2 = | mt fm fe fe a a ee = ee ee a = 9:83} 22 93 f-— | mile f= | a fe ee lee Tee = Jee | = = fee | = | = | = fee = 9:75] 23 24) - | = '[m— | - | = | = fee [eet ee fae fee poe fee pee je | - | ay] = = 9°67 | 24 Be | Seal Melee. ea S| |g SS ee eae Pane ima peer alk ye = 9°60] 25 26 f=) Te a mt = a ee es el ea = 952] 26 OT bam | a fe Se ree meee Seale | ee | oe ee = 9:44] 97 O28 |-- | —bem | a |S i =v ee ete | = a ee = 9:36 | 28 OD j-— | =e ee [ara Pa ee tee Nie ee tm are fe ee = 9:28] 29 3 = | = we P= Sei eiOOr iy Almreenl meson mages iemmeD pl agrce kee tes, 2) le ee 268] 9:20] 30 Gh 2" |) =) [== 4) Seale See 28 OB = ee | | ea O31] 912] 31 Sum. |. - - | 0419 1-00) 216, 2-01 1°64) ae) 273) 1°35] 0-96] 0°38) -- | -- | -- | - |-- | 14297] 319-32 | Sua FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 59 SUNSHINE. . Hours—ror: Hour, Locat MEAN Time, ENDING— SEPTEMBER 1893. | : AM |erbe | eGs3| | 715) SOB) OOF) jG] S| WAY Pst] pa) 1a] het] zi) ‘1ge| 198 | 20 | 21 | Total. |Possible. eG = =~| =-|'=-|)--] --[}--| =-| --]| --])--| --] --|/-—-|] = = 11°75 1 Day Se eS 58} 94] +62] +96) | -88] 88] 96° 83] 1:00) +72} --| -~| - 8-42 | 11:70 2 5 | = f= y= 20| --| -14] -30| 1:00] 1:00] ) -72] 94} 96 -90/ -32} -~| --| -~] - 6-48 | 11:65 3 4 = — | -~| - | 20) :46] 96] 1:00) 1:00] 1:00] 1:00] 1°00] 1-00] -64) --| -~| -- 8-26 | 11-60 4 |e 2) = Ol, Ot), <02))— 56) | 56] 18! -04), -32) --| - =| = 1:70} 11:55 5 | =) Se en ee 08] 50) 42) -O4fj—--| =-| — 2 = 1-04] 11-50 6 |) Sy Pe Se) ee i shai OaNTaIOOI) “B6]" 2219 —~ | =~ |) -- |) =-|)=-| = 312 | 11-45 7 2 | a er 46) 76] -84| -50};-~| -~| = 16 —-| --| - 272] 11-40 8 oy —-| — | - | --| -~| :01) -30]| 1-00) 1200] 4-94) | -62) . -88 31200): -90| 12] ©—~| !- =| - 6°77 | 11:35 9 1@ |) =| 22} 1:00, :80] -72| 82] 96] 1°00] 1-00] 1°00, 1-v0| 1-00] -54) --| -~| -~# 10-06] 11:30] 10 mie i —| 18| 1:00 1-00} 1-00] 1:00} 1*00] 1:00] 1-00; 1:00 1°00} 1-00) 46) --| --] --| lo-sa] 11:25] 11 ee eit Wm || -48i5 O09 -9alN 40) Caio WS «| (Se-| Qe -] | as] onl em| | — 275] 11-20.) 12 Peete! ei Py Se ( 28] 80) 1°00| 1-00} -80| -02) -~| -~]| - 390] 1110] 13 te SN ee ry a) ea ee ee | A eee en ee Se) owl = 11:00} 14 if | 2 ee) re x 20| -48) -64| -76] -02 -08 =~ | =|} --])- 218} 10:90} 15 Moiese) = fe | 30| -82| 86) 88) 1:00| 1-00] -80 -40) -54/ -38) -~| -~| - 6:38] 10:30] 1 Ee eg | eee ke eel ep ce) | 60| 1-00] 03): -~| -=| — 1°63} 10-70] 17 18 = = = = = = - - - - = = - - - - 10-60 18 ig |=) eS fe 38, 26] 13) -31] -J5] -50| -10) -09 -58} +13 =|) =.) = 2:93] 10°50] 19 | a= | |, = “V1. -27|)> +43) 41 0-49) +36] -49 +78) 26) 11) =~) --| — 3°64] 10:40] 20 3 |) oe nD =) =) SJ) = = | <4 se =e = 0:04} 10°30} 21 eee 5 | = hoe |p = {| Qe} On| alg} = |) SS = teehee) ei). e 0-93] 10:20] 22 meee eae || 1 — 12} -09| 16) - “081 °40) 1-00)°1:00,% -77) -82)) -15|) =| — 4:59] 10°15] 238 be | Ea or “7 Ade Ogie -08\h=— | —~ | == | = -| =—iPo— |= 114] 10:10] 24 Pees) ei a= |e = ‘28 1-00] 1:00] 1:00] 1-00] 1:00) 1:00) +79 -76 = [=f - 7:83] 10-00] 25 Sema |= t= “2/E 1-00) PI-O0/e1-00)) 1-00} 1:00) <96| “04) —-~}| ——| =| —- | ==) = 652] 9:90} 26 meee ee em rae RB bane plex | =| = | —- | =- | se [eee |e 178] 9:30] 27 22) SS ete EE) a aS | Se eee een ee =i |e69|iee30) 8-08) == ll) =e) eae en fe 120] 9-70] 28 eee eS Shalit azlt | ~ Pes ‘Nol -S0\e Bi) —- | == | == ee r= 0:33 | 9:60} 29 eee ee eae ee eel Sel cell 8 eel | te |) S|) eel 0-207 9:50} 30 Sum. | --| - | - | 0:60 3-79) 7-47] 10-20] 1205) 13:38) 13:02 ocd 10:89) 11°62) 8-81) 3:17} =-| =~] --] 108-28] 322-95) Sum. SUNSHINE. OCTOBER 1893, eale==: | = = ==" eoleaey 6 ==) = ii) eel ee | aa) Sl) = 213] 9°40 1 eae ee | | ag) A tal) pp) “oz '--| --| —~| —+| -~|!= O77 || 935) ~2 3 | =) 24) = 22] 1-00 1:00, 83} 69, -u5| “69! -75) -6l] --| --| --| - | - 644] 9:30 3 A | SS) essai -16| 1:00 1:00, 1-00] 97] 1:00] 1-00' 1-00, -47/ “11; --| = | - | - 771 | 9-20 4 me en een eae ea Peace =|) ag) -- | _ | oa] iste 019] 9:15 5 el ole 2 Se ee ee ee es ee = eS Be | Si G12) 9:10 6 7 | = SSS ee es 54). -87| -92) 64) --| — iG) OR =] = i es | = 2°86 9-00 7 || a: Be Re CS aa aa | ey (cee es ee |. sme | Mw [Si Rael ae a 8-90 8 See eee Pel = t—| AB i) aD pee! bi) 34) =-| -~| -~| —«] ==] = 1:92] 8:80 9 eae e652) 12 bools Sole | tei) =<] 6) —-| +19 Se) See elt ieee 3-70" 1 ane ee ee ea | 1) 09/9 -05/) 274) 12} 65) -76) 13} --| - |:- | =] = 207] 855] 11 | SS ee ee Giles tees eno) avo 70) 5 “14\5 12) .--| =~ | t=) p= ies 3:24] 845] 12 13 = = = = = 60! -26) “- = =- = = = = - = 0°86 8-40 13 ca) = Sie Sp Se aa ee ees a | =-| is ae iee = 8:35] 14 15 = z = = = = = = = = ~ = Soe - - 8°30 15 ie |p ==. | = | b=—| = aa eee =| —-| =~ | f= = = 8-25 | 16 aor ae am eee | fa) 18 ‘32 62] — O2\ea— le = ||) eee ee 1:09} 820} 17 1) ee ee ae), a epee ewe til. 06! 5h eee) c= 2 017] 810] 18 POR ak Pe Pot p=) | One, 14) ——| =| Soe | = = 0:36! 800! 19 20 = Ls = = Sade eG = = =~ | = - = = - - - 7:90 20 2d) eens alee aa fa ae) = -] == | =< | ae a= a - 7:30] 21 2) || S| | ee Onley agin -2oipe =47|' 10/33) =~] --| --| | - 144] 7-70] 22 93 ds w = = 26 - = = = = = - = = - - “26 7°60 23 24 = 2 = = S = = = = - - - - 7°50 24 Bens == | el We = agi") “56 -38) | 10) --| |=-| '- = 148} 7-40) 25 eet == | | eee W760 ===) 06) | 431) 20) —~|/}-- | i= |) = | = 146 ]/ 7:30 }) 26 Dipl) we) a ee Pe ee SS fe ha |S 2 (|) Bi en ee a ee ee ee ee ee ete Peto) =~ fo) —~| 1--| f= | )--] fo OS 7-101) 28 29 = = S = Ser | | 18} 29) -72) 1:00) +10) +10) - = = = - 2°32 7:00 29 Oe =) ee OR Am Sid 78) 1-00) 1-00) §-38) —~! |-—| [—~|/-~| '- 538] 6:90] 30 Be =| == | — | ==) P=) =| Poel 64} | fi) 0], SE eel ee eS Si = 0-74] 680] 3 Sum} =| —- |= | =-| 2-38) 3775 5-38! 61s! 7-02) 7-31) 6°47) 55) 2°57) -58| |--| |---| |-~| _—~ | | 44°99 | 258-70 | Som 60 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. SUNSHINE. Hours—ror Hour, Locan Mran TIME, ENDING— NOVEMBER 1893. 14{/5}6{7 1/8 19 | 10/11 | 12 | 18 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | Total. [Possible. | ee ae ee ee ee ee ee | ee ee | oe ee ——— Sie | 1 “ 2 = a Be = : = | — = = = = - - 9:05 ih a on eee eeececne = ff SS Se a = | = 2 8-97 2 Bofese] = fs lS) Se ee ae eee sie} =f = | = | = 8-90 3 A} 2 | = fe [eee |) ee oeBor Toros timo mt0s05 20:24) 10:05). cm | eae ae 1-15 8-83 4 oe ee ee eee Ce eee ec =] eres pecs |) = = 8-76 5 ¢ 2 Stee 0-29| 0°73) 0°79] 0-021 0:03 0-02 Shy | ae ee 1884 8°69 6 | 7 | s - om = = = = = = |= = = = = = - - - 8°62 iat 8. sade) Woes eee! Sal | Oe Be pao en sO0) me |) a ee 0°35] = 8:55 8 9 — | = | = | 0-22] 1-00] 1-00) 1-00) 1-00) 1-06) 0:68) 1:00) 0-37; = | = | = | = | = 7271 5-48 9 10 {| = | = |) — | = | = | 0:82} 1:00) 100) MeoONPao0), t<00|' 1:00) 0747) = | = | =) =) = 729] 841] 10 Ww | = | = f= | = | =. | 0-86] 1:00) 1-00) Hoon 00) 1-00) 1-00) 014, = | =a 4] =) = 700] 834] 11 12 | - | - | = | = | 6-11] 1:00] 1-00] 1-00] 1:00] 1-00] 1:00) 1:00] 0-38 - | - | - | = | - 7:49 827] 12 18) =] |S ] =. |. = 10-92) 1500) co EOOF MICO) l:00! 1-00) 0:35) == =| | = 7271 820] 13 1S eS = lS) = 190202024 toon asa moera So Nee ee en ee ea | = 2-41 813] 14 15 Ss es ae | a ef yee ee = 8:06} 15 16 at = — - Z = Bd 2 = ell B= 3 = = s = = - = 7:99 16 17 = = = = ss = = = = = = - = - - - - - - 792 17 19 Weal es Nl ee ae Sl) a et SN Se z 7-86] 18 19 a s = a = = = = = a a = = z = - - 7°80 19 2 | = | = | = | - | = | = | O-Ii) 2:00) 4-00) oo) 1-00) 0-87) - | - | - | = | - | = 498] 7:74] 20 Pie = =) 2. R740 92 OOO OLN emcee! =. = 3) a ae 258) 7°68] 21 Sian | ean eh Wein en Derr ee ier |) |) SN 5 eee a| eel ean S 762) 22 23 a os as at 2) = = = = = = = = = = = = = 7°56 23 | Bw ee Sel ell Meret ah een oes | | ell a Ree Se = 750) 24 Sel eons a ee | ee eee ee ee = 745] 25 SB alk oul = =A.) =| = 1 en ie BN aig ee El n= all Weg ee ea = 7:40} 26 27 = = = = = - = = = = = - - - - - - - 7°35 Of De aller = =e ar mee ec Ate Nl) Pee igs i ey oe S 7:30} 28 DOr eee wl oe = een =) | | es eee aN ip ee eae ties Bl Soe 8 2 724) 29 AD calh Sealy Sauls a = | oo ie ce | | ES ee a ee rey Me 2 pe fe eis = 719] 30 | | Sum. | - | - | - | —- | 0:33]. 5-65] 7-00] 8-99] 6-89] 6-87) 6-07| 6-11) 1°76) - | - —~ | 49-67 | 241-86 | Sum. . ‘ i 7 q SUNSHINE. DECEMBER 1893. a tie | Saks) = Tl SS are ee eae ewe ee of ne fe 111] 7-14 1 Bi Se age Nise 1 ee). ol] Sf RS wh Se TS a ene . 7:09 2 3 = = = = - = | = = - = = = = = = = = - - 7:04 3 A Woe el) a | Sie ey = | | | jm Pe] Pe = = s |= = |b}= | = = 6:99 4 a ae (ee al mee = tL || en ee ha ee = 6:94 5 60) 2 Wee ee SP 2 | a ee De 8 oe es ie Se : = 6-90 6 ie |) oe SP eerlie— | = || = pl) a eee ee Te sh = 6°87 7 Bo — WZ Yea ao ea em emcee an ee 0) a = 6°85 8 at i (eed i | ee a ee ewe eee ery | Pe ee a 6°83 9 107 >|, =P cS |e | a. | et a eS Sh ea Rss ee ee = 681} 10 TR on ey | (em EN ms | Ns Re te call Sie eee = 679% 11 a ee, a em er re ee a | eee ie cs = ea ages = 677) 12 13) | So] he ce |) Sc) ee rm eee || Oa eg lien eee ee ee Ed 675] 18 i es ro emer se) | I ea ea ie eel = 673] 14 ia eee) oe ene i a fig = he | Ue a ae ee er Pa = 671] 15 J aa ee We ee et = NG) 7) Ee a ea eee creer, |S a 669] 16 U7 tp ee Se | et, Le | a ea ee Nee i ee Se eae ie = 668] 17 18 |-= = |=) = | 2 EP eee) een) ne = = 667] i 19> = Sa ere ee ese ce |r ON iia Wepre = = 666 | 19 20° |) = ei det Ve | Ge 1S emma eae ok al Mey! en oll] B= ee ieee en) ee a = 6-65] 20 7) me | ame ee ie eile = me a ae ei he reat re amo) Fe = 665} 21 Oe ec lye | Ce. a) EN SA eer te | | ESA a = Peale = 665 | 22 OB We so alte we Te Nt tea) kel) ee ara SE | SE all 2 st a ae = 6-66 | 23 24 | - ae ee es ah ce |e) ee = ee = 2 = 666} 24 Bf = ee f= eh a Reng ae aa |r | tee Nae ey | = 667 | 25 %@ f= | af eH | = 1 Se ear) a Re eee ea Sa = 668 | 26 27 ey eee en me en a ee he |e | el EP Se ee eS eens | oe 2 669 | 27 a mnie iimem ea | SSeS eo See ee ea) = 6-71] 28 Peed Mees ai) Shc ih = Sel | ye ah cg eae ek Ne ea am - 6°73 | 29 go | -|-|- |- | - | - Sirsa ee SN Pe anaes ips = = 6:75 | 30 3 =| = =a ele = | Pe SSeS Sense] = 677) 31 | eo cms fea (lot ee eee |S | 1:11 | 210-18 | Sum FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. Hours—ror Hour, Loca MEAN TIME, ENDING— 61 NOVEMBER 1893. 4) 5) 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | tO | WL | 12] 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | Total. [Possible 1 - | - -|-|-] - Osi} 25, ale Bia 5 =) = ff = | = | 087 | 6°75 1 2 - - = - - ~ = 04) +28) +23) 10) - = - = = = = 0°65 6°65 2 Pens eo Lo ee ae Saco. = = -}|-]-1]-] - - 6-60 3 4 = = = = = = = 30 :08) 61) 52) +85) -33) — = = = = 2°69 6°50 4 5 =| os] Ss fs} = | tee) = je] WOO) Ne Bgl) ea ee | Se Se | 2:90] 6-45 5 Cole [je i — | = = 66. “86 “80]) 88" — -|-]|-]- 170 | 6-40 6 ee | = ee Ope = t= | ee} = | = =H | eel 0-09} 6°35 7 ee | = = | 067" 1-00), 04) 1-00) +36) = | = | = | = | = 245] 6:25 8 9 - - - - - - 64 1:00 1:00) 1:00) +96; 08) - = = = 4:68 6:20 9 10 | - | - | - | - | - | - | °56 1-00, 1-00) 1:00) 1-00) 1-00) -26) - | - = 5821 600] 10 if = eee a le i os See ho | = - |] - O51} 5:90) IL mie f= |= its |e | a = | - | - OBS Se) = ee 002} 580] 12 Bo) = A SSE ie) Meta a teat aa =A eee ep el eel ee = 575] 13 14 - - - - - - - pa}, =96) 250) 59) — = = = = = 2°58 565 14 15 SN Se Sosa Se ae ie Ue en ae a =| =] = O16] 560] 15 LO | eS live alt este | [tae = ee i a ee = 555 | 16 ees tele Cee | ah alo =) Sl) SNe |) RS = bs I] ala nee tie a se Ce > th | | oe ee 0-49] 545] 18 U@ f= fee ee mm ee RS Se = 40} 19 Pa a> ia =o he =. a= TSS | | Ae (ee |) O15] 5:36] 20 Pee ee oa = a ee a = | Hf |] ep ee = 533 | 21 22 - - - - - - - 53 30) *21) +30) - = = = = = 1:34 5:30 22 Eee ee ee te ye par | = - ==) = : 52H | 23 ieee ea a | a ie he tk - |) |) |) eh ee - 523] 24 eae foal =" | = f= =f = | Seo ies | of - 520] 2% 26 eee eet Ae fey COlesss) WO) = | =p = | = ee 2211 515] . 26 Pee ee eae ee =) a eee - SOM 27 28 - - - - - - - - = - - = = = = = = 5:05 28 Ce ee er ees ee ee ee | | om | ll = - 500] 29 Sx) fe ae ii Doeeosie eoonmels| ay — | | ee 2:03] 490] 30 Sum, - | = | = | — | = | 2:49) 4°61 5-44] 7-92) 4°59) 5:05} 1-25] - | - | - - | 31:35 | 171-63 | Sum. SUNSHINE. DECEMBER 1893. fee ee = = ee 60, 1-00} 1°00, 1-00 -47) - | -.| - | - | - | - 407] 4:80 1 2 a (a 2B) 28} - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - ODL | 4:75 2 SMa ed ee ee ee i ee se) a tea = 4:65 3 ea | ea Se ee ee ee = ep KH] ee Pe 4-55 4 le a] = Pe | Semen fey yt PS - 4°45 5 | |e a (a =-}/-/-];-]-f-]-]- 4°35 6 Pee = | ae aR ee eH KH Ke] KH ] He ee Pe - 4°25 7 ee eee eee = | = |) | = |) Se ee - 4:18 8 eee = |) = |= | — = f= | = | - | - | = f = | S| = 0-12] 4-10 9 Pe eee lela eae a =} - | = | - fam ah - 390] 10 a ee tea ee = | | = ee - 3:80] 11 Pay = | = het = | - | =] = 2G) | SS) SS a 0:26] 3-75] 12 ee i ee ea ea = fm | = | | le - 3-72| 18 Wa foe eS SS | ae ee ee | ee - 371} 14 a a eae ff | = - - 370] 15 16 =|} >f-=] =) =] 5+] =] = je ss ae SS | =| = - 3-68 | 16 We = Sha fee fl =) fates | oe 10) 22) - | - | = | = | = | = 7] = 032] 367] 17 iS | = f= fe f=} =f = f= f= f=] a a SSS = = - 366 | 18 19 Se el po I RT dl ee ee a = 3:66] 19 POMP) rien =) oe 02} 04 02) - | - | - | - | - | - O14] 3:65] 20 91 a E = = 2 = = = = = = = - - - - - - - 3°65 21 CA ee a ee eee | | Sue eos || ae |e - 365 | 22 PRS oN Nee ee I eT eh I a ae i Ve et ee ic - 365 | 23 ae ee ee = | = pm ae eel - 3°66] 24 a | Se ee SS ee I Sn a Oc - 3°66 | 25 oie ee fee ee ee ee = | | ee - 3:67 | 26 Be se ee ee SS |) re lien ee eal - 368 | 27 Poe eo | = bem fame f= Pee - 370] 28 PQ fom oe ee eee Pe | ee OY ee ec se - 371] 29 ee ie he | me om | ea me - 3-72] 30 31 Sf = LS lee Se 02} 14) - S = | = = = O16} 3:75] 31 Some = | | = a Se O60 L:bb) 1541-40, O49) - | - |’ — | - | = |= 558 | 121-48 | Sum. 62 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. WIND. DIRECTION AND Force (0. to 12). JANUARY 1893. 1 2 3 4 5 6 fa 8 9 10 1 12 Max. Dir’n. Force. | Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force.) Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n Force. |Dir'n. Force |Dir’n. Force.!Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force. } 1 | ESE 7| ESE 7\| ESE” 7-8)/ESE 7-8'SE 7-3-| ESE 7|ESE 7-8 | ESE 7|/ESE 7-8|ESE 7-8|E 7 | ESE 6 8 } 2 /E 0-1 | E 0-1 | NE 0-2 | E 0-2 | E 0-3 | N 0-2:) NNE* 0-2} NNE” 0-2} N 1-3 | N 14|NNW -1-2')N 1-2 4 a NE 1-3|N 1-3'N 14|NE 1-3 | NE 0-4| NNW. 0-4}.N 1-4|N 0-2 | N 1-3 | Calm O|NE -1-2|N 1-2 4 ip fe N O|N 2| Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Caln 0} Calin 0) Calni 0} Calny 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0\5 1 2 2 | 5 |SW 2|)SW 2)SW 1); SW 0-1; SW 1|/SW 1-2) SW 1-2,| SW 1).SW 0-1 | Calm 0|Calm 0) Calm 0 4 6 SSE 4) SSE 3-4/8 218 218 1,58 0-1 | Calm 0] SSE 1|SSE 12) SSE 2|SE 2) SE 3) 6 7 | SE 7 | ESE 5-7| E 5|E 5|E 5-6 | E 5|E 5|/E 4-6|E 5-8 | E 5-7 |E 4-6 E 4-6 8 8 1) 5-7 | E 5-7 | E 5-7 | E 4-6 | E 4-7 | E 3=7-| b 3-8] E 4-8|/E 3-8 | E 5-8 | E 4-8 Eo 4-6 8 it 9.) 5 7-8|E 6-7 | ESE 6| SE | SE 5-6 | SE 5| SE 5 | ESE 4\E 4|SE 3-4 | ESE 1|/ESE 12 8 } 10 {N 2\)E 1-2|N 1-2)ENE 0-2} Var 0-2) N 1-3 NE 0-2 | 0-3 | E 1-3 | Var. 0-2 | E 02|E 1-2 3 / : 11 Var 0-1 | ESE 0-1|NNE 0-1/)E 0-1 | Var. 0-1] N 0-1| N 1-2;)N 1-2|N 1-2; N 0-3 | N PE) 0-1 3 12 N 1-3|N 2-4|N 2-4 | Var 1-4 Var 1-3] N 2-4] N 1-4/N 1-4 | Var. 0-2 | N 143 | N 12 1-3 4 13 N 2-4|N 2-+|NNE 1-4|N 3-4) N 2-3) NE 2-3) NNE° 2-4|NNE° 2-4|/NE 24) N 2-4 | N 2-4-NE 2-4 5 | 14 N 2-4)N 2-4/N 2-4)NE 3-5 | NNE 3-4}N 2-4| NE 2-4) N 3-6 | N 3-6} NNE - 1-4|NE 1-3 | \E 1-3 6 I 15 NE 2-3 | Var. 0-1|N 1-2 Var. 0-2 | NE 1-2 | NNE: 1)N 0-2 | N 2-3|N 2-3 | N 1-2 |N 2-3 | N 2 3 / 16 |N 3|NNW 2-4|N 14|N 2-4 | N 2-3 | NE 2-4 | NE 2-5|N 2-4|N 2-4| N 2-5| NE 2-6 | N 3-5 6 17 N 2-3) N 0-1|N 1-2)N 0-1|NNW 1-2/N 2-5|N 2-4|NE 2-5 | NE 2-5|N 345| NNE ~ 2-4 |} 1-3 5 }' 18 | NE 2-4) Var. 1-4| NE 3-4 | NE 2-5 | NE 1-5 | NE 1-4| NNE. 1-3] NE 1-2| NNE~ 1-3| NE 1-3 | NNE . 1-3] N 2-4 5 19 wa 2-3 | W 1-3| WNW 2-3) W 1-4|NNW 1-3}NNW 1-3] W 3-4| W 3-4 | NW 1-3| WNW 2-4) WNW. 1-3] W 3-4 4 20 N 1-3} NE 2-4|N 14/N 1-4 | Var. 1-3 | NE 13; ENE 1-4|ENE 1-4' NE 0-3 1-4 NE 1-4 | Var 1-5 6 21 NNE 3-6 NE 3-6|NNE 1-4) W 2-4)N 14/N 3-5 | NNE* 2-5|N 2-4) N 1-4| NNW~ 2-4/-N 3-5 | N 1-4 6 22 |NNE 1-3 HE 12|NNE 13/NE 13 NE 2-4 | NE 1-3| NE 1-3|NNE 1-3|NNE 1-2 1-2|N 1-2|/N 1-2 5 23 |NNE 1-3 NN 2-3|/NNE 2-4|N 1-3 | SE 12|ENE 1-3] NE 1-3 | NE 1-3 | NE 1-2|NW 1-2/N 1-2/N 1-2 4 24 | WNW 3-4 NNW 2-4) WNW 3-4] W 4 W 2-3 | W 2-4) W 3-5} WSW 3-5!SW 3-5 | SW 4-6| WSW 2-5|/N 1-3 6 25 | N 1-3 N 1-2) NNW 1-2|}NNW 1-3) W 1-2/;NW 1-2|N 1-2 | NW aN 1] NW ~ 0-1/)W 2-3 | W 2-3 8 26 | SSE 8 SSE 9|SE 9| SE 10 | SE 9-10 | SE 8-10 | SE 7-8 4-5 | WSW - 2-3] Var 1-4| NE 1-3) E 1-2} 10 27 |WSW 1-3 W 1-2| W 1-2| NW 1-2 | NW 1-3 | NW 1-2) N 1-2|}NNW 1-2|W 2)W 1| WSW 2) WSW 2 6 28 | SSE 6, SE 6| SE 7-8 | SE 6-7; SSE 5-6|/SSE 6-7] SE 7|SSE 7|SE 6|SE 5 | SE 4|SSE 3-4 8 29 | SE 6-8 SE 6-7 | SE 6| SE 7 SSE 6-7|SSE 7 | SSE 4-5 | SSE 3/8 3/SW 2-3/5 2-35 2-3 8 30 | WSW 2 WSW 2|WSW 2-3| SW 2-358 3). SW 2-3 | SW 3 | SSW 3|/SSW 2-3 |SSW 3/8 3-4/5 3-5 7 31 |SW 3-5 SSW 3-6/}SW 4-6 | SW 3-5 | SSE 3-4/8 4\S 3-4/5 2-4 | SW 2-4) WSW 2-3 | W 2-3 | W 4 6 | MEAN 3°39 3°24 3°21 316 2°98 3°06 3°05 2°89 2°76 2°66 2°58 2°56 : } aw a ae | 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 > 23 Midnight. |Mean. | “ —— fe ———— | — sae — i eee ; | Dir’n. Force. Dir'n. Force. Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.| Dir'n. Foree:} Dir’n. Force |Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n Force.|Dir’n. Force.| Force. 1 | ESE 5-6|ESE 5-6|/ESE° 45 ESE 46/E 6-7|E 7| ih 4-5/5 4/E 3-4| E 3-4 E 3-4 | E 0-2} 58 . 2 |NNW 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-3) N 0-3 | N 0-2 | W 0-3 | N 1-3 | N 1-3|N 2-3 | N 1-3} N 1-3) NNE 2-4] 16 : 3 | NE 1-2|N 12|)N 0-1) N 0-1| N 0-2) N 1-2|N 0-1] .N 0-1| N 12/N 2|N 1-2|N 1-2] 1:5 { 4 |S 2/SW 0-L| W 1, SW 0-1 1-2 | SW 1|.SW 2)|SW 2|SW 2|}SW 2|SW 2) SW 2) 1:0 5 | SE 0-1} sE 1-2 | SE 2|SE 2) SE 2-3) SE 2|SE 2.3)SE 3) SE 3-4 | SSE 4|SE 4| SH 4/18 6 | SE 3/SE 3|SE 3\SE 3-4 | SE 4.5| ESE 4-5|ESE 5-6/SE 3-4 | ESE 5|SE 4-5| ESE 5-6) ESE 6| 31 7 Ve 4-6 ) EB 4-6|E 3-7 | E 3-7 | E 3-7 | E 4-6] fi 3-5|ENE 3-5) ENE 3-6} ENE _3-6|ENE 3-7! E 4-7) 51 8 |B 4-5-| 15 5-7 | B 6-8 | B 6-8 | B 7-8| B 748 | $| 5 8|B 8|\E 8|E 8|E 7| 65 9 |E 1) ESE 2|SBh 1/SE 2) 5H 1-2} Calm 0| NE 0-1 | NE 12 | ENE 2| NE 0-2) NE 1-2] Var. 0-1) 2°9 10 | NNE 2) N 1-2|\E 0-2 | E 1) £ Q-1 | a 1-2| E 0-1| NNE’ 1-2| NE 1-2|N 0-1) NNE 0-1! Var 0-1] 1:2 | 11 | Var. O02'NNW 2|N 1-3| NNW 1-3|N 1-3 | N 1-3| N 12|N 2-3 | N 13|N 1-8 | Var. 0 2] Var 1-3 | 174 | 12 N 1-3 | NE 1-2| N 2-3 | NE 3-4 | NE 1-3 | N 2-4|N 2-3| NE 1-3] N 2-4 | N 1-4 2-4|)N 2-4 | 2°4 1S. iN 2-4 NNE 2-4| NE 2-4)N 2-4] N 2-5| NE 2-5 | N 3-5 | NE 2-3| N 2-4 | N 2-3 | N “2-4 | NE 1-3) 3°0 14 N *3-5.| N 2-4|N 25|}NNE 2-4 |NNE~ 2-4|N 2-5 | NE 1-3 | NE 2-4 | NE 1-4|N 1-3 | Var 1-3|N 1-3] 3:0 15 N 1-3) N 1-2|N 12|NNW 1-2|N 0-1| N 0-2) NNW 1-2| W 2-3 | WSW. 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2-3) 1°8 16 | N 1-3 NE 1-3| N 2-4) NE 3-4/ENE° 2-3}/N 253) Var. 0-1) N 1} Calm 0 | Calm O|N 12|N 1-3 | 2°4 17 N 2-3: N 2-3|)N 2-3) N 2-4 | Var. 0-1} N 1=3-} } 1-2| N 1-3 2-3 | N 1-4| NNE 2-4) NE 2-4 | 24 13 | NE 2-4} Var, 1-3|N 1-3}NNW 1-3|NNW 1-3|N 1-3|NW 1-3/N 2-3 | N 2-3) WNW.-2-4|NW 1-3| NW 2-3) 24 19 | WNW 1-4!) W 1-3 | NW 2-3 | NW 1-3 | N 1-2 | NW 1-3|N 1-3| NNW 1-2|N 1-3 |.N 1-3 1-3 | N 1-3 | 2°3 20 | NE 1-4) NE 1-4| NE 1-4|NNE 14|N 2-5 | N 1-6 N 3-5) N 1-4|NNE 14|N 1-3|NNE 3-6|NNE 1-4! 26 21 N 3-4;);NNE 2-5;NNE 24|N 2-4 NE 1-3 | N 2-4, NNE. 2-3) NW 1-2 N 1-3) E 1-3 | NE 1-3/E 1-2) 2:9 22 |N 2-35} NNE 1-3|NNE 1-;|N 12,N 2-4|NNE 2-3! NE 2=-3|NNE 2-3! NE 2-3 | NE 3-5 | NE 2-5|NNE 1-3] 2:2 23 | N 1-3-| N 1-3|N 12|NE 1-3| Calm 0O|N 1-2 NNW 1-3|N 1-4|N 143/NW 2-3!NW- 0-2] WNW 2-4! 1-9 24 W 1-4 NW 1-3 | NW 2-3|WNW 1-3) WNW 2-3) NNW 1-3 W 1-2| NNW 1-3) WNW 2-5|) WNW 1-5| NW z-4| N 1-4) 2°9 25 |W 12/WSW 2|/WNW 1-2} WSW 1-2)7SSW 1-2/SW 1-2°S 3-4 4/8 4|SSE ~4-5| SSE 6|SE 7-8 | 2°4 26 | NE 1-3 | NW 1-3 | NW 12} WNW 1-3|N 1-3 | W 1-3 . NW 1-3 | W 2-3 | NW 1-3 | Var. 1-3 | NW 1-2 | NW 1-3} 4°1 27 | SW 2\SW 2/SSW 2-3/SSW 4/8 3-4 | SE 4 SE 3-4 | SE 4) SSE 4|SSE 3/5 4|SE (oh PAC} 28 | SE 3-4! SE 4/)5si 4)SE 4) SSE 3-4 | SE 4)/SH ° 4-5/5 4-6 | SE 446 | SSE 5-7 | SE 7|SE 6-7 | 5°3 29 |S Ww 2-3) SW 1-2 |SW 2| WNW 2) W 2-3 | W 2-3 SW 2-3 | WNW 2| WNW- 1-2} WNW--2-3 | W 1-2|}SSW 2-3] 3°5 30 |S 4-5 SSW 4 | SSW 4| SSW 41.5 4-6/5 4-6 5 3-6/5 5-6)8 5-7) SSW -6-7 | SW 6-7 |S 4-6] 4:0 31 | W 3-4: WNW 1-3 | W 1-4] WNW 1-2| WNW 1-3| W! 1-3 | NW 1-3| WNW 1-2] W 0-2 | WS W DAE NKE 2-3 | WSW 2| 2°8 MEAN| 2°63 2°52 2°55 2°63 | 2°58 2°79 2°65 274 2°90 2:94 311 3°06 | 2°86 | NE7J. ENE. E74. ESE 26, SE6l, SSE 24. $31. SSW12. SW39. WSW15. W 37. WNW 22. NW27. NNW 22. Calmor Var. 41.. BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 63 WIND. DIRECTION AND Force (0 to 12). FEBRUARY 1893. | , 1 2 / 3 4 8) 6 if | 8 9 10 11 12 Max. Bal — i a pe ee ee = Dir’n. Force | Din’. Force. Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Foree.|Dir’n. Foree.| Dir’). Force.|Dir’n. Force. Din’n. Force. Dir’n: Force .|Dir’n: Force! Dir’n: Force. Te a 2| WNW °3) NNW_¥F2|N 0-1| WNW 1-2}WNW ~1/N 1-2 | NW 1-2! NW 1-2 WwW 12|NE 12/N 0-1 4) ZW 2-3} WNW 1-3 Var. 0-2} NNW 1} WNW 2-3}NNW 1-3} WNW 1-2] NW 1-2' NW O01 1-2|N 0-1; N 0-1 4 3 | SSW 3|)SW 2, WSW 12) W 1-2|W 2)WSW 2-3) WNW 2-3/ SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 SSW 2S 3/5 3 G 4 |SSW 46/58 46|SSW 46)SW 3-5 | SW 4) SW 3-4/8 3-415 3-4 | SSW 2-4 SSW 3-4) SSW 3/SSW 2-3 6 5 | SSE 1\)SSE 2-3/ SSE 3 | SSE 2) SE 3 | SSE 4| SE 3/58 418 3.8 3/5 2\5 3-4 5 6 | SSW 3/SSW 3-4) SSW 3 | SSW 4| SSW 3/8 4)S 418 3-4/8 4-6 | SSE 3-5/5 4S 3-4 8! 7 aw 2-4) WNW 3-5 | W 3-5 | NW 14}WNW 23/NW 1-3 | NW 2-4 H NW 1-3 | NW 1-3 | W 1-3;};NNW 1-3) WNW 1-3 5 8 W 1-3 | W 1) NW LN 1-3 | N 2-4) N 2-4|NE 2-4) N 0-2} NE 1-2| N 0-1) NE 0-1 NNE 0-2 4 9 Var 1-2 | W 1-3 | NW 1;N 0-2 | NW 0-1 | NW 1-2| W 2|WSW 2-3|}WSW 2-3; WSW 2-3) W 24, WSW 2-4 5 10 | N 14|N 1-3] N 1-3| N 1-3 | W 12|NE 0-2) N 1-3} N 2-4) NE 2-4 2-4| N 2-5|N 2-5 6 11 | WNW 1-4} NW 3-7| N 2-6| N 2-6 | SW 2-6 | NW 2-6 | NW 2-5 | NW 1-5|N 2-4 | N 12|N 1-2) WNW 1 7 12 E ATEN 1-2|N 2) N 1-2 | Var 0-2 | NE 1-2 | NE 1)/N 1-2|N 1-3/)N 1-3|N 1-3 | N 1-3 3 13 | Calm 0| NW 0-1 | NW 1) NW 0-1! W 0|SW O;S 0;58 1|S&h 1;)SE 2)SE 2|SE 3 5 14 |SE 3/ESE 3-4|/ESE 3-4|/ESE 3-4) ESE 5|ESE 6-7/5 8|E 10,|E 10 E 10|ESE 9-10/E 7-8| 10 15 | WNW 3-5|WNW 1-3} WNW 2-4! NNW 1-3| W 3-4 2-3 | NW 3) WNW 1-2/NW 1-21 W 1-2) WSW 1-2} WSW 1-2 6 : | i 16 |SE 5-6 | SE 5|SE 5| SE 5-6 | SE 6) SE 6| SE 51 SE 4) SE 2) SE 3-4 | SE 5| SE 6 6 17 |SW 3-4| WSW) 3-4) SW 3 | W SW” 2-3 | W 1-2| WNW 1-2; WNW 1-3 | W. 2-3 W 2-3 | W 2-3 | W 2, 5 18 |SW 2-41SW 2-5 | SW 2-4] WSW 2-4) WSW 2-3] W 2-3| WSW 2-3 1 W 2-3 W 1-2 | NW 0-2 | W 1-2 | W 1 5 19 |SW 3)/SW 3/ SW 2-3 | SW 3) SW 3/58 2-3 | SSE 3)SE 3| SSE 3 SE 3|SE 4|SE 4 5 20 |SE 4 SE 4|SE 3/5 218 2-3) 5E 3|SE 1 | SSW 2) SSE 2 SSE 1|/ SE 218 2 4 21 |SE 3/ SE 3 | SSE 2|SE 1-2 | SE 1|/ NE 0)/ENE 0-1} Calm 0 SE 1|SE 2|SE 12)ESE 1-2 3 22 |B 1-2/E 2-3 2-4) 5 4)/BNE 13/08 3)E 2-31 ENE 1-2'E 2) ESE 2-3) E 0-1|/ENE 23 4 23 | NE 1|NE 0-1 | NE 1| NE 1) ESE O|E 0-1| E 1|E 1,E 0-1 Calin 0 | Calm 0|N 0 1 24 | Calm 0, Calm 0|SE 0-1 | Calm 0) Calm 0) SW 0) SW 0-1; SW 0-1|SW 0-1 SSE 1)/SSW 0-1}/WSW 0 1 25 |E 1, NE 0-1}ENE 0-1!NE 0-1|}ENE 1-2); NE 12/NE 1|NE 1-2;ENE 1-2 ENE 1-2/E 2) SE 2 2 | 26 | SE 2-3/SE 2) ESE 2) SE 2| ESE 1\E 2-3|ENE 2-3] ESE 5| HE 4 E 4) NE 2-4|NE 2-4 6 27 |ENE 2-4/ENE 1-4/ENE 1-4;ENE 24|ENE 1-3|/NE 1-3 | NE 1-3 | 1-3] N 1-3 | 2-3 | N 1-2|N 2-4 4 28 | NW 1|N 1-2| Var. 0O-1])WNW 1-2}NW) 1-2/)SSW 2)/SW 2;8SSW 2-3/8 4 SSW 3-4| SW 2-3/WSW 23 a MEAN 2°43 2°54 2°32 2°21 2°23 2°3 2°34 2748 2°45 2°45 2736 2-41 13 14 15 1G 17 18 | 19 | 20 21 22, 23 Midnight. |Mean. Dir’n. Force.|Din’n. Force.|Duvn. Force. Dir'n. Vorce, Dir'n. Force. Dir'n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. | Dir’. Force.| Force 1 | NW 0-1 | NW 0-1 | W 1-2| NW 1-3 WSW 2) WSW 2|SW 3/ SW 3) SSW 4\S 3 | SSW 4|SW 4} 2-0 2 |NNW 0-1/ NW 0-1 | Calm O|N 1,;NNW 0-1] WNW 1-2! W 1) WSW 21SSW 1-2/5 3/;SSW 3-4/SSW_ 3-4] 1°55 3 | SSE 3|SE 3, SSE 3/ SSE 4 SSE 3/5 2-375 2-3 | SSW 4'SSW 4/SSW -4-5;S 46/S 6-7! 3:0 4/5 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2-35 2\s 218 2|SW 2-3 )SSW 2-3 | SSW 3 | SSW 2| SSW 1} 30 ES atts 218 2|SwW 2-3/5 3-4|S 3 | SSW 3 | SSW 2|SW 3 SW 2-4/5 3 | SW 3/SSW 3-5} 2:8 6 |S 4)SSW 5 | SSW 5/SSW 4-5/SSW 3-5/SSW 3-5] SSW 6 | SSW 6|}SSW 6-7} SW 6-8 | W 3-6} WNW 2-5} 4:4 oN Ww 1-3| WNW 2-3| W 1-3 | W 1-2 | W 1-3 | W 2) WSW 1-2! WSW 1-2| SSW 2/8 3| SSE 3| SW 2-3 | 2°4 8 | N 0-2 | N 0-2; NNW 0-2|N 1-2 | W 1-2} W 1-2)WNW 0-2}WNW 2; W 1-3 | NNW 2) Var 1-3 | NW 1-2 |) 16 9 |W 1-3} WSW 2-3)}WSW 4-5| W 35|NW 1-3] WNW 1-3} Var. 13) |) NW 2-4|/N 1-4 | NW 2-4 |N 1-4|N 14 | 2:3 10 | NE 2-5|NNE 14/|NE 2-4| NE 1-4) W 0-1 | W 1| WwW 1 |W 2-3 | SW 3 SW 4|/SW 3-6 | NW 0-2 | 2°4 ie IN 1-2 0-2 | N 1-2|N 1-3, NNW 1-2} WNW 0-2| W 12|N LW 2 | WNW 1|)N 0-1|N 0-1 | 2°2 12 |N 12/NNW 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-2|NNE 0-1|N 1-2| N 2) NNE 2|N 0-1|N 0-2 | NE 1} N 0-1) 14 13 | SE 3-4 | SE 3| SSE 3) SE 3-4|/ ESE 4-5/SE 4| ESE 4|SE 4/SE 3-4 | SE 4| SE 3-4 | SE 4} 2:3 14 | ESE 5 | ESE 3/58 2| WNW -2-3 | NW 14} WSW 2-4|N 1-3 | NW 2-4 | NW 1-3 | WNW 1-4] NW 1-4 | NW 2-4 | 4:7 15 |S 2-3/5 3| SSE 4/SSE 3|SE 5-6 | SE 5| SE 4-5 | SSE 3| SE 4/SSE 3-5/SSE 4)SE 4-5] 3-1 16 | SE 6|SE 4|/SSE © 2-4) WSW 2)|WSW 1-2) W 2} Wsw 1-2) W 1-2 | WSW 1-3) W 2-3 | WSW 3|/SW 2-4 | 3:8 17 | WSW 2-3|}SW 2|SW 12}SSW 23/8 2-3 |S 2-3 | SSE 3/5 3) SSE 4)SSE 45/SSW 4|SSW 4] 2:8 ig |W Te2 WwW 2) WNW 1-2} W 1-2 | WSW 2} WSW 1-2|SW 1) WSW 1/SW 2) SW 2) WSW 2) SW 2 | 2°0 19 | SE 4| SSE 4|SE 3/SE 3-4 | SE 3/SE 3-4 | SE 4-5 | SE 4-5 | SE 5 | SE 4-5 | SE 5) SK 4-5 | 36 20 |SSE 23/SSE 12/8 1-2/8 1|8 3 | SSE 3| SSE 1-2|5 21S 2) SSE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE NV 21 | SE 0-1 | Calm 0.| ESE 1/5 1/ESE 0-1/ESE 1-2} Calm 0//E 1\)E il 1|/ENE 1-2/ ENE pi Patcal 22 | NE 1-2|ENE 0-2| NE 12! NE 12/)/NNE 0-1/N 1-2 0-1) N 0-1 | NE 0-1; NNE 0-1] NE 0-1 | E 0-1] 1°6 23 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| W 1) W 0-1 | Calm 0} Calm 0} Calih 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0} Calm 0; Calm 0} 03 24 | Calm 0 | Calm 0} Calm 0} Calm 0 1) NE 1)/N 0-1} NNE 0-1) NE 0-1 1/E it | ESE 1} 0-4 25 | SE 2, SSE 1/8 1's 1) SSE 2) SSE 2) SSE 2} SSE 2)8 2) SSE 2|SSE 2;SSE 1-2] 1:5 26 |ENE 2-3|ENE 2-4|NE 2-5| NE 2-6|NNE 2-6| NE 2-6|N 2-6 | NE 3-6 | N 2-6) NE 2-4) NK 3-5 | NE 2-4] 3:2 27 NN 1-2 1-2)ENE 1-3!/NE 1-2 1-2) NE 0-1 1-3 |\N 1-3 | NE 12) NE var 0-2|NNE 0-1] 1:9 923 |NW 2-3|SW 12|WSW 0-2)|NNW 1-2) WNW 1-2| NW 0-1] WNW 0-1) NW 1 |W 2|/SSW 2|/ Sw 2-3 | WSW 2) 1:8 MEAN 2°22, 1:96 2°09 2°18 2:07 2°12 2°04 2°36 2°50 2°64 2°66 2°41 | 2°38 N73. NNE9. NE46. ENE20. E31. ESE20. SE73. SSH41. S54. SSW46. SW49. WSW34. W56. WNW 32.. NW44- NNW 12. Calm or Var. 32. 64 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. WIND. DIRECTION AND Force (0 to 12). MARCH 1893. if 2 3 4 5 6 Vd 8 9 10 11 12 Max. Div’n. Force.| Din. Force. Dir'n. Force. | Dir’n. Force. | Dir’n. Force. | Dir’n, Force. | Dir’n. Force. | Div’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force. | Dir’n. Force. | Din. Force. 1 | SSW 3| SSW 3)S 8-4 | SSE 5| SSE 4|)SE 5-6| ESE 7-8|SE 8| SE 8|SE 7|SE 4-5 | SE 2-3) 8 2 |N 1-2 | NNE 2|N 2|NE 12)N 1-2| N 1-2 | NNE 1| ENE 1) Calm 0|ENE 0-1) NE 1-2|/ENE 1-2 5 3 | SE 6|SE 5-6/5 6| SE 6|SE 6| SE 6 | SE 4-7|ESE 5-6] ESE 6-7/SE 6-7 | SE 7\ 5h 6-7 ul 4 WwW 2-6 | SW 3-6; WSW 2-5| W 2-4|N 1-2}/NW 1-3} W 1-3} WNW 1-3}NW 1-3|NW_ 1-3|N 1-3] W 1-3 6 5 | N 1-3] N 2-4|N 1-3| N 0-2 | N 1-3 | N 0-2| N 1-3 | N 1-3 | N 1-3|N 1-2|N 1-2 | N 1-3 4 6 | NW 0-1| NW 1-2 | NW 1-2} WNW 1-2} WNW 1-2] W 1-2 | W 1-2 | W 1-2} WNW 1-2/ W 1|W 1|N 0-1 3 7 | NNW 2-4) NW 2-3|NNW 1-2| NW 1-3] N 12|N 0-1) NW 1-2| NW 0-1 | NW 1-2|N 2-3 | N 1-2| N 1-4 5 8 | NE 1-3 | NE 1-3}NNE 1-3} WNW 1-4|N 2-4 | N 2-5|NW 2-4/N 1-2} NW 1-3| NNW 1-2};NW 2-3|N 1-2 5 9 |W 3 | W 2-3 | W 2-3 | W 3-45 2-3 | W. 1-3) WSW 2-3] W 2-3 | W 2-3 | WNW 2-3 | SW 2-5 | W 1-3 5 10 |ENE 2-5|NE 14/ NE 2-5| NE 2-4| NE 0-3 | NE 1-4|N 3-7 | NE 3-6 | NE 3-7 | NE 2-7| N 3-. | N 2-5) 7 11 | WNW 2) W 2-3 | W 3) W 2-4 | W 3; WSW 3-4) SW 4|WSW 2-3] WSW 3| WNW 2-3 | NW 2-3 | W 2-3 + 12 | NW 2-3 | NW 2-3 | NW 3-4 | NW 2-4|NW 2-4) W 2-3) WSW 2-3] W 3) WSW 2-3} WSW 3|/ SW 3 | SW 2-3 4 13 | NE 1-2}NNE 1-2/ENE 1-2 0-2| ENE 1-2| NE 1-2 0-2 | NE 1-2|N 0-2 | NE 1-3 | N 1-3] NE 13] 3 14 | NW 1-2; NW 2-3 | NW 2-3) NNW 1-3} NW 12}NW~ 1-3| WNW 2-4] W 3-4 | NW 1-3;NW 1-4;);NW_ 1-3) W 2-4 4 15 | NW 2-5 | NW 13|N 1-4| NW 1-4 | NW 1-3 | W 1-4 | NW 1-3 | W 1-3 | W 1-3 | SW 2-4| WNW 2-4| NW 1-3 5 16 | E 0-1| E 02|ENE 0-2| NE 02)ENE 0-2;/ENE 0-2/E 0-2 | NE 0-1|/ENE 0-2/N 0-2 | NE 0-1 | NE 0-1 3 17 |E 1-3| NE 1-3 | NE 0-2 | NE 12|/ENE 1-4/N 1-4|N 1-4|E 1-3 | Calm 0 | Calm 0|WSW 01/WSW 2] 4 18 ENE 2-3) ENE 3-4| ENE 2-4/ENE 2-4) ENE 1-3] NE 1-3 | NE 2-4) N 2-4) ENE 1-3|N 1-3| ENE 1-3| NE 1-3 4 19 |NW LT2)NNW 1IN 1-2| N 1/N 1 12/N 1-2|N 12|N 0-1|N 0-1|N 1|/N 12; 3 20 | WNW 2) NW 2)NW 23/NNW 1/N 0-1)NNW 1-2/NNW 12/NW 1-2|/NNW 1/N 0-1 | Calm 0| W 2) 3 21 ! SW 2|SW 1-2| SW 2|)SW 2) WSW 2) SW 2)/SSW 2-3 | SW 2|SW 2|SW 2|SW 2) SW 3 3 22 |WSW 1-2)SSW 2|SW 2|/SW 3 | WSW 2|SW 2/W 1-2? | WSW 2) WSW 2) SW 2|SW 2|SW 2 3 23 | SSW 2)/SSW 1-2/SSW 1-2/SW 12| SW 12 | SSW 1/ SSW 1|SSW 2| SSW 2) SSW 2) SSW 2/8 2) 2 24 | SSW 1| SSW 1| SSW 1| SSW 1| SSW 1);SSW 12/8 2/58 12 1-2/5 1-2|8 2|8 2 3 25 | SSE 4|/SSE 3-4/S 3-4|S 3| SSW 2|/SSW 2-3| SSW 2) SSW 2 | SSW INS 1-2/8 12/58 1-2) 4 26 | SSW 1} Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| ESE 1} Calm 0| SE 1| SE 1| SE 1|SE 1| ESE 1|E 1 2 27 | NE 0-2 | NE 1-2|N 0-1) N 0-2| E 1|E 1-2} NE 0-2|NNE 1-2) 5 2|/E 3 | ESE 3/ESE 4-5] 6 28 | SE 4|SE 3-4 | SE 3| SE 4|SE 3| SE 2) SE 2| SE 3| SE 2-3 | SE 3) SE 2|SE 2) 4 29 |SSE 12/SSE_ 12/)/SSE 2|SSE 2| SSE 2) SSE 2| SSE 2|)SE 2| SE 2| SSE 2| SE 1-2 | SE 2-3| 3 30 W 1-2; WNW 1-2} NW 1-2} WNW 1-2} NW 1-2 | W 1-2| W 0-1 | W 1-2 | W 1-2] WNW 1-2] W 1-2 | WSW 2 4 31 | SW 4-5) WSW 2-4); WSW 2-3} WSW 3] WSW 2-3/ W 1-2} WSW 1-2/SW 3) SW 2-3|}SSW 2-4) SW 1-3) WSW 2-4] 5 MEAN) 2°32 2°26 2°24 2°26 2°02 2°06 2°27 2°31 2°16 2°23 2716 2°26 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 Midnight. |Mean. —- aoa pees 2 aea|| eee | ee ie So teen Dir’n. Force. | Dit’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force. | Dir’n.Force.| Dir’n. Force. | Dir’n. Force. | Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force. Dir'n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.| Force. 1 |SE 218 2/8 2-3 | SW 2) SW 2 |S 2| SW 2|SW 2-3 | SW 2| WSW 1-2) WNW 1-2|NW 2-3] 3:6 2 |NE 1) Calm 0 | Calm 0|N 0-1| ENE 2|E 1|/ENE 0-1) ESE 2|SE 3/| SE 45 SE 5| SE 5| 17 3 |SE 6/S 4|5S 4/SSW 4-5|/SSE 5-6/SSE 4-6/8 4|SW 46)SW 2-5|WSW 2-6) WSW 2-5| WSW 3-6] 53 4 |NW 1-3 | W 1-3 | NW 1-4 | W 1-4| W 2-4|NW 1-3|N 1-2|N 1-3|N 1-3 | N 1-3 | N 1-2| Var. 0-2] 2°3 5 |NW 1-3/NW_ 0-2|N 1-2 | NE 1-3] N 2-3 | N 1-3 | N 0-2 | N 1)N 0-1|N 0-1, N 0-1) NE 0-1} 1:5 6 N 0-1) NE 0-1|ENE 1-2|N 0-2| N 1-2|N 1-3|)N 12|/ WNW 2-3;}NW 12)/WNW 3/NW_ 1-2/N 1-2) 1-4 tf N 2-4) N 1-3] N 1-3 | N 2-5) N 2-5 | N 2-5 | N 2-5 | N 2-4 | N 2-4 2-5 | D 2-4) N 1-3) 24 8 |N 0-1|N 1| NW 1;NW_ 1-2) W 1-2)NW 1-2|W PASM = PAA Nine 2-3 | W 2-3 WNW 2-3| WNW 2-3} 2:0 9 | N 1-3 | SW 2-4) WSW 2-3|NNE 2-3|N 1-3 | NE 2-4 | NE 0-3 | N 1-4| NE 1-3| ENE 1-4, NE 1-3] E 2-5 | 2°5 10 N 2-4) NE 1-4 1-2|N 1-3 | NE t-2} ENE 0-1|E 0-1| N 0-2 0-1} Var 0-2| WNW 1-2}WNW_ 2} 2°5 TAN Ae 2-3); WNW 2-4) WNW 2-3|/NW 2-3|}NW 2-4|/NW 2-4/NW 24/W 2-4|NW 1-3);NW = 1-2\)N 2-3| WNW 1-3 | 2:7 12 | SW 1-3 | WSW 3] W 3-4 | W 23) WSW 3-4|WSW 2-4] WSW 2-3} WNW 2-3] W 1-3 | N 0-2 | N 1-2| N 1-2) 26 13 | N 0-2| NE 0-1/N 1-2|NNW 1-2/N 0-2 | NW 0-1) WNW 1-2| W 0-2; NW 1-2}/NW = 1-2|)|NNW 1-2) NW 2| 14 14 | NW 1-4;NW_ 1-3} WNW 12]/]WNW 1-3} WNW 1-4] NW 1-3} W 1-3 | W 3-4|NW 1-4|NW~ 1-3|WNW 1-3|NW_ 2-3] 2:3 15 |W 1-3} NNW 1-2} NW 2-3 | W 3-5 | N 13/N 14|N 1-3| N 1-2| W 1-3 | N 0-21 N 0-2 | Calm 0} 271 | 16 | NE 0-1| N 0-2 | NW 0-1} Var, 0-1|}ENE 1-2)NNE 1-3) i 1-3 | NE 12|)NNE 0-2| NE 1-3|E 1-2| NE 1-3] 11 TEIN 12|)NNE 23/NNE 1-2 0-1/ N 1-3/N 1-3 | N 1-2|ENE 1-2] Calm 0|/ENE 1-2/E 2) E 2-4] 16 18 | NE 1-3 | Kk 12 |r 1-2 | NE 0-1 | NNW 1| NE 1/N 0-1| NE 1-2| Var. 0-1) NNE a 0-1; N 1/ 1°8 19 |N 1-2|N 12;NNW 1/NW 1;NW 1-2) W 2|W 2)]WNW 1-2|NW_ 2-3) NW 3);WNW 2/NW 3] 15 20 |W 2;}WNW 1/W 1;}WNW 1/W 0-1 | W 0-1| WSW 1|SW 1;WSW 1/WSW~ 1/SW 1-2 | SW 2) 1:2 21 | SW 2-3| SW 3| SSW 3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2) SSW 2|SW 1-2 | SW 2;}SW 2-3/SW 2) SW 3) SW 2-3) 2:2 22 | SW 0-2; WSW 0-1/SSW 1-2/SSW 1-2/5 1-2] 5 1-2 1| SSW 1| SSW 2| SW 2| SSW 2)SSW 2-3] 18 23 |8 2/5 1-2 | SSW 2|SSW 2) SSW 1|/SSW 1-2) SSW 1/SSW 12/SSW 1| SW 1| SW 1) SW 1; 15 24 {|S 1-2/5 1|S 1-2|8 1-2 | SSE 2 2| SSE 2\|8 2-3 | SSE 2-3 | SSE 3/5 3/8 3/18 25 | 5 1-2 | SSW 2| SSW 2| SSW 2) SSW 2| SSW 2|SW 2|SW 1)/SW 2) Wi 1/SW 1; WSW~ 1} 20 26 |E 1| SE 1|E O1;/E 0-1/8 1 1-2| E 0-1 | NE 1| NE 1| NE 1\E 1-2) E 0-2| 08 27 ESE 5-6| ESE 4-5|/ ESE 5|ESE 2-5|/ESE 4-5|/ESE 3-4/ESE 3-5|/ESE 4-5|HSE 4-5)SE 4 | SE 3-4 | SE 4-5 | 3°0 28 SE 2|SE 2|SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 2/SE 2|SE 1/SE 2 | SSE 1-2 | SSE 1| SSE 1-2 | SSE 1| 23 29 | SE 2| SSW 2/58 2-3/5 215 2-3/5 2\8 2)/SW 2-3) SW 2) WSW 2-3) WSW 1-3] W 1-2] 2-0 30 =W 1-2; WSW 1| WSW 1/SW 1/SW 2) WSW 2) SW 2) SW 2-3 | SW 3) SW 3) SW 3/ SW 3-4] 1:8 31 | SW 1-3 | SW 3)WSW 2-3) WSW 2-4| W 2-3] W 1-3) WNW 0-2} WNW 1-2) NW 1-2 | NW 12|NW 0-2;NW) 1-2) 23 MEAN 2°00 | 1°84 1:94 1:94 2°13 2°03 1°74 2°06 1:90 2°02 1:97 2°16 | 2710 Nis. NNE11 NE52. ENE26, E29. ESE17. SE55. SSE 22. $39. SSW48. SW71l. WSW 44. W68. WNW36. NW78. NNW14. Calmor Var. 16, 4 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 65) WIND. DIRECTION AND Force (0 to 12). APRIL 1893. a 1 2 | 3 4 5 6 7 | 8 9 10 11 12 Max. e| a ae ee | || Oe ee eee ee ee ee Sa ee ee ee Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. | Dir’n, Force. |Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n, Force. |Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n, Force.|Dir’n, Force. 1 | NW 0-2| N 0-1 Var. 0-2| WNW 1-2} WSW 1-2} WNW 1-2| NW 0-1); WNW 1-2) W 1-2 | W 1-2/SW 1-2} WNW 1-2 3 CANN ig 1-2} WNW 1-2) W 1-2} WSW 1-3| W 1-2 | W 1-3 | W 1-3 ; W 1-2} WNW 1-3| W 1-3} WNW 1-2| NW 1-3 4 3 | NW 1-2| NW 1-2 | WNW 2| NW 1-2 | NW 1-3 | SW 1-2 | NW 1-2 | SW 1-2 | NW 1-2|N 12|)NNW 1-2|N 12 3 4 |NW 2| WNW 2|WNW 1-2) W 1)SW 0-1 | WSW 1|/SW 1|}WSW 0-1/)SW 0-1 | SW 0-1/8 0-1;8S 0-1 2 5 |SE 2\S 2/8 21S 2|SSE 1-2|SSE 2) SSE 3| SSE 3|SSE 2-3 | SSE 3-4 | SE 3) SE 3 4 6 |S 3/5 2-3 | SSW 3/SSW 2-3/8 1-2 | SSW 1| SSW 1|W 0-1}NW- 0-1|SW 0-1/8 0|SE 0-1 3 7 |N 0-1 | Calm 0) Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| WSW 0| WSW O|N 0O|NNW 0-1|)N 0-1|N 0-1 | N 0-1 1 8 |W 1} NW 1| NNW 1|N 1|N 0-1) Var. 0-1| NNE 1|NNE 0-1|N 0-1|N 0-1) N 0-2| N 0-1 2 9 |SE 2/SE 2-3 | SE 3|SSE 2-3| SE 2|SE 2| SSE 1|SSE 2| SSE 1-2/8 1-2/8 0-1 | SSE 1 3 10 |NW' 1-2| NNW 1| NNW 1|N 0-1) N 0-1| N 0-2| N 1| NNW 0|NW 0-1] Calm 0} Var. 0-1/8 1 2 e 11 | ESE 1\E 0-1 | Calm 0|E 0-1} NNE 0-1| NNE 0| ENE 1|N 0-1 | Calm 0/SE 1| SE 1| Calm 0 1 TZN; 0-1| N 0-1) N 1|N 1-2|NNE 1-2| NE 1-2 | NE 1-3 | NE 1-3) NE 1-3 | NE 0-2 | NE 0-2 | N 0-2 3 13 | Calin 0| NE 0-1| N 0-1| N 0-2 | N 0-2 | N 0-2 | N 1-2'N 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-2 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 3 14 2) W 2| W CA NWP 1-2 | W 2-3 | WNW 2| NW 1-2 | W 2-3 | WNW 2|W 1-2 | W 1-3 | W 1-2 3 165 | WSW 2-3} WSW 2-3| W A NE 2; W 2-3| WNW 1-2} WSW 2-3; WNW 2-3; WNW 1-2 0-2; NW 1-3|WNW 13 3 16 | WSW 1; WSW 1) WSW 0-1) WSW 0-1} WSW 0-1} WSW 0| W 0-1} WSW 0-1/SSW 0/S 0-1/8 0-1 | SE 1 3 17 | ESE 2-3|SE 2|ESE 1-2| ESE ESE 2-3) ESE 3|/ESE 3-4) ESE 3-4|ESE 3-4/SE 3)SE 3|SE 3 4 18 |S 3/S 2-3|S 2-3/8 2-3/8 2-3/8 2-3/5 2-3/SSW 2-3) SSW 2)S8 1-2)}SSW 12/8 1-2 3 19 | SW 2-3) WSW 2-3) WSW 2-3] SW 1-2 | SW 2-3 | SW 2| SW 1-2/8 2\S 2-3/5 38/SSE 2-3|SSE 3 5 20 | SSE 2\|SSE 1-2|/SSE 23/SE 2-3 | SE 2-3/8 1-2|5S 12|/SSW 12/8 1/8 12|S 1/8 1-2 3 21 |SE 2|SE 2|SE 1|SE 1/SE 0|SE 0-1 | ESE 1| SE 0-1) SE 1|SE 1|SE 1\SSE 12 4 22 | SSE 2-3 | SSE 2-3 | SSE 2-3 | SSE 3/5 2-3/8 2-3/5 2-3/5 2) SSW 1|;S8 1-2/5 1|/SSW 1 3 23 | SE 2| ESE 2|SE 3|SE 2-3|SSH 2-3/8 2\/SSE 23/SSE 2-3|SE 2| SE 3|SE 2-3 | SE 2 3 2461S o/s 0|Ss 0-1/8 0-1/8 1/ SSW 1|SSw 1|/ SSW 1/S 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0|SSE 0-1 1 25 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 0-1|SE 0-1 | SE 1 1 26 |S 0-1| SW 0-1| SW 0-1} WSW 0-1/; W 0-1} W 0-1 | Calm 0|/SW 0-1 | SW 0-1 | Calm 0| W. 0-1 0-1 3 27 | N 1-3| N 1-3|N 1-3 | NW 1|WNW 1-2| W 1-2)}WNW 2|W 2| SW 1);SSW 1-2|SW 1-2 | WSW 2 3 28 | Calm 0; Var. 0-2 Var 0-1|N 0-2 | NE 0-1| N 0-1 | SW 0-1 | SW 0-1| W 0|SW 0 | Calm 0| WSW 0-2 2 29 1-2| W 1-2| W 1-2| WNW 0-1/ W 1-2| SW 0-1 | WSW 1|WSW 0-1] W 0-1 | W 0-2 | Calm 0| NW 0 2 30 | N 0-1 | NW 0| NE 12|N 0-1|N 1-2|/N 0-1| N 0-2 | NE 0-1| N 0-2) N 1-2|}ENE 0-1|)N 0-2 2 MEAN 1°47 1°38 1°47 1°38 1°38 1:23 1°38 1°33 ely, 1°25 1:08 128 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Midnight. |Mean. Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.| Force. 1 |WSW 1-2|WSW 1-2} WSW 1-2) WSW 2|W 1-2| W 1-3 | W 1-3| WNW 1-2| WNW 1-2} WSW 2-3) W 2-3 | W 133) a5 2 |WNW 1-3| W 1-3} WSW 2-3| W 2-4) W 1-3|NW 1-3| WNW 1-3|}NW_ 1-4| NW 13)}NW 1-2)}NW_ 1-2} NNW ZL} 29 3 | NNW 1-2| W 0O-1);NW 0-1/N 0-1) N 0-1| NNW 0-1)/NW_- 0-1) NW 1) NW 2}WNW 2|)}WNW 1-2|NW PAIL akg} 418 0-1 | SSE 1|SSE 1/s 1| SE 1| SE 0-1] SSE 1) SSE 1/|S 1/Ss 1| SSE 1| SSE 1-2} 1:0 5 | SSE 3| SSE 1-2| SSE 1-2| SE 2| SSE 2-3 | SSE 3|)SSE 3/8 3/5 3/8 3/S 3/8 Bill PAG 6 | SE 0-1] SE 1|SE 0-1 | SSE 0-1 | Cal n 0} Calm 0 | Calm 0) Calm 0 | Calm 0| Calm 0| Calm 0|N 0-1} O's 7 | Calm 0|S 0-1)/SSW 0-1/SSW- 0-1/S 0-1/SSW 0-1/8 0-1/5 0-1 | Calm 0} Calm 0 0-1} WSW 0-1} 0°3 8 0-1 | Calm 0| SE 0-1 | Calm 0|N O|N 0-1 | ESE 1|SE 1 | Calm 0} Calm 0 | Calm 0|SE Zi 026 91S 1-2|SSE 1/s 1/SSE 1-2] WSW 1} WNW 0-1] W 1-2| NW 1-2| NW 1 1-2 | NW 1|WNW 1-2] 1°5 10 | SSE 1/SSW 0-1] Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0|SE 0|SE 1| ESE 0-1] ESE 1|/ESE 0-1] ESE 1] 06 11 | Calm 0} Calm 0} Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm O|N 0} Calm 0} Calm 0 | Calm 0| Calm 0|NNW 0-1} NNW 0-1] 0:3 12 |N 0-2 | NE 1-2| NE 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-2] NE 2|)NE 1-2 | Calm 0 | Calm 0} Calm 0| NE 0-1 | N 0-1} 11 13 |S 1| Calm 0} WSW 0-1} Calm 0| W 1|W 1-2}WNW 1/WSW 1-2|)WSW 2-3) WSW 2|W 4 || Ni 1-2] 1:0 14 |NW 1-2|}|NW- 0-1|W 1-2) WNW 1-2) WNW 2-3| W 1-2 | W 0-1 | W 2| NW 1-2| W 2| W 2) WSW 2-3] 1:8 15 | W 1 WwW 12!NW 0-1!N 0-2! W 0-1 | W 0|/WNW 1!W 1|W 1'WSWw 1|SW 1|/Sw 1) 5 16 | SE 1-2; ESE 1-2) WSW 0;Ss 1-2 | ESE 2|SE 2-3|}ESE 2-3/ESE 2-3/ESE 1-3/ESE 23)|ESE 2-3/ ESE P|) acm 17 |SSE 3| SSE 3/8 3-4 | SSE 2-3)8 2-3/8 3/8 3/S 3/58 3/S 3/8 3/8 3H 29) 18 |SSW 1-2/8 2\8 3 3/SW 1|/SW 1|W 1-2 | SW 12|SW 0-2 | SW 2|SW 12;/SSW 23] 2:0 19 | SSE 3| ESE 3|SE 2-3| SE 4|SE 3-4| SE 4/SSE 3-4 | SE 4|SE 4|SE 4|SE 4-5 | SSE 3-4] 3:0 20 |S 0-1/5 0-1/8 0-1 | Calm 0|W 0| Calm 0} Calm 0} Calm 0|SE 0-1 | SE 1| ESE 2|SE PA) at aL |S 1-2/8 1-2|5S8 1/8 1|S8 1-2|S 1-2 | SSE 2|SE 3|SE 3-4/SE 3| SSE 2|SSE Z| \peiieD, 22 18 0-1 | SSE 1/SE 2|SE 12|SE 2|SE 2|SE 2) SE 2| SE 2| ESE 2|ESE 1-2/ESE 1-2] 1:9 23 | SE 2-3 | ESE 2| ESE 2|SE 2|SE 2| ESE 1|]SE 1] Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| SSE 0;S ON) Sat 24 1S 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0} Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm (ON 03) 25 | SSE 1/SE 0-1 | SE 0-1 0-1 | WSW 1|/SW 0-1 | SSW o/s 1 0-1/5 0-1/8 0-1/5 0-1} 04 26 | Calm 0|/NNW 0-1};NW- 0-1|NW) 0-2|N 0-1) N 0-1|N 1-2| NNW 2\N 1-3]N 1-3 | N 1-3|N 1-3] 08 27 |WSW 2-3) WSW 2|W PANNE 2-3 | W 2|W 0-1 | W 0-1 | W ms TW 1-2| W 0-1) Var. 0-2] 1:5 28 0-1 | W 0-1) W 1-2 | NW 0-1 | W 0| W 0-2 | NW 0-1 | Calm 0|W 2|NW 1-2 | NW LW 1-2) 06 29 | NE 0-1| NNW 0-1|N 0-1 | Var. 0| NE 0-2|N 0-2] NE 0-2) N 0-2 | Var 0| Calm 0| NW 0-1 | Calm Oh) 037 30 |N 1-2| N 0-2 | NE 1-2 1-2| NW 0-1} NW 0-1) N 1-2 | Calm O|N 0-1 0-2) N 1-2| NE 0-2} ud | '||MBAN 1:23 1°08 115 1°23 113 1:12 1:20 1:28 aleae abe 1°35 145i 27 N75. NNE5. NE20, ENE2. H3. ESE32. SE76. SSE53. $95. SSW 22. SW 32. WSW41. W83. WNW31. NW45, NNW14. Calmor Var. 91. TRANS. ROY. SOC. EDIN.—VOL. XLII. I BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. - WIND. DIRECTION AND Force (0 to 12). MAY 1893, 1 2 3 4 5 6 i me 9 10 u 12 | Max. | Dir'n. Force |Dir'n, Force. Dir'n, Force.'/Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. |Dir'’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force:'Dir'n. Force. | Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. ZN 1-2} NE 0-2 | N 1-2/N 0-2 | N 1-2|N 1| Calm 0} W 0-1 | W 1-2) W 0-1 | Calm 0|WNW 0-1 2 2 | Calm 0 | Calm 0, SE 0|SE 0-1/ESE 1-2/SE 2| SE 2-3 | SE 3| SE 3] SH 3-4 | SE 3|SE 2-3 4 3 1S 218 1-2| SW 1|/ SW 1-2 | SW 1|SW 1-2 | SW 1|SW 1|SW 1| SW 1-2) W 1-2 | W 0 2 4 | SSW 1/)SSW 1-2;8 2;|SW 1-2;}SSW 1-2)SW 1-2 | SW 1-2|SSW 1-2|}SSW 1-2/8 218 1-2/8 1-2 4 5 |SE 3-4 SE 4) SE 4-5| SE 4-5 | SSE 4/8 5/S 4-5 | SSE 4|SSE 4-5/5 4-5|SE 4-5 | SE 4-5 5 6 |SE 3|SSE 3| SSE 3 SSE 3/5 3-4 |S 2-3/5 2-3/8 2-3/5 2|S 2-3|S 2\|S 2 4 7 |SE 3-4|ESE 3-4/SE 4-5 | SE 6| SE 6 | SE 6| SE 6-7 | SE 6-7 | SH 5-6 | SE 6| SE 5-6 | SE 6-7 7 8 | ESE 6-7] ESE 6|ESE 3-4) ESE 4-5/SE 5 | SE 4-5 | SE 4|SE 5-6 | SE 4-5 | SE 5-6| ESE 4-5|SE 4 Ve 9 |SE 2|SE 2|SE 2|SE 2/SSHE 2-3)|SSE 2\8 1/8 0-1 | SE 1-2 | SE 2|SE 2/SSE 1-2 83 10-|S o/s 0| SSE 1/S 1/S 1-2 | SSW 1| SSW 1/8 0-1 | SW 1)}SSW 0-1|)SW 0-1 | SW 1-2 3 AD We 2-3 | W 2-3 | WSW 21 Ww 2-3 | W 25 SW; 2|W 1-2) W 2-3 | W 2) W 2-3 | W 1-2 | W 0-2 3 12 |NNW 0-1}NW_ 0-1} NNW Th) ANG 2| W 1-2) WSW 1-2] W 1-2 | NW a |) AN 1-2| NW 1| NW 1|/W 1 3 13 | N 1-2 | NW 1-2} WNW 1-2|)SW 1|)SW 2-3 | SW 2)SW 12|SW 2\|SW is 2\8 1-2/8 1-2 3 14 |W 1-3} WSW 1-3| W 1-3 | NW 1-3 | W 0-2 | W 1-3| WNW 1-3) W 1-2; WSW 1-3] W 23|]WSW 2-3! Calm 0 3 15 |SE 1| SE 0-1); SE 0-1 | Calm 0} Calm 0 | Calm 0| SSE 1| SSE 1/SE 2) SE 2-3 | SE 3-4 | SE 2-3 4 | 16 |SSE 1-2/SSE 1-2/SSE 1\s 0-1|58 0-1/8 0-1 | SSE 1/Ss 1| SSE 1-2/8 1/8 1|S 0-1 2 17 |SE 1| SE 1| SE 1| SE 1-2| SE 1-2|SE 2| ESE 1|SE 1-2 | ESE 2| ESE 2| SE 2-3 | SE 3 5 18 | ESE 3-4] ESE 4| ESE 4|ESE 3-4/ESE 45] ESE 4|E 4-5] E 4\|ESE 3-5|H 3-4 | ESE 2| ESE 3 b 19 | ESE 2|SE 2| SE 1-2 | SE 0-1)/SSE 0-1/8 0-1/SSE 1-2/SSE 2|SE 2| SSE 1/SSE 1-2/SSE 3 4 20 | SE 3|SE 2-3| SE 2|SE 2|SE 2|SE 2] ESE 2| ESE 3| ESE 2|SE 1-2|}ESE 0-1/SE 1 3 21 |SE 2| SE 2-3 | SE 3|SE 2-3 | ESE 2)\ ESE 2|ESE 23/ESE 3-4/SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 2| SSE 1 4 22 |S 2/8 1,8 2/SSW 0-1|SW 1-2) SW 0-1 | SW 1-2 | Calm 0 | Calm 0); SW 0|SW 0-1/SSW- 0-1 6 23 | SSE 3-6 | SE 5-7|S 2-4/8 2-3 | SW 2-4 | W 1-3|WSW 1-3} WSW 0-3|WSW 2-3] W 1-2| W 3-4 | SW 2-4 7 24 | SW 2-4) W 1-2} WNW 1-3| N 0-2 | N 12|N 0-1| N 1-2|N 0-2| N 1-3 | NE 0-2 | Var. 0-1| N nf 4 25 |W 1-3 | W 1-3; WNW 1-3) W 0-3 | W 1-3; NNW 0-2! W 2|/ENE 1-3|N 0-3 | N 0-2 | N 0-3|ENE 0-3 4 Calm 0| NE 0-2|N 1-3 | N 0-1| N 0-1 | N 1-2|N 0-2 | N 1-2|N 0-1| N 0-1 | NE 1|/N 0-2 4 2-4| N 3-4 | N 2-4) N 1-2|N 1-3 | N 2-3|)ENE 1-3|N 2-4|N 1-3| N 1-2)N 1-3 | N 1-2 4 1-2|N 0-2 | NW 0-1|N 0-1) N 0-1, N 0-1 1-2|N 0-1|N 1-2| NE 0-1] NE 1-2|N 2 3 1-2|N 1|N 1|NNE 0-1] NE 0-1) N 0| Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm O|N 0 2 2|N 2' NW 21N 12|)N 2) NNW 1 1-2 0-1 | NW 0} Calm O|N 0 | Calm 0 3 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-3 | N 1|N 0-2'N 1-2|N 1|N 0-2 | N 0O|N 1-2|N 0-1 | Calm 0 2 2°08 2°05 2:00 1:76 1:95 1:82 1:89 1:92 1:89 1:87 1°79 1°69 13 14 15 16 17 18 | 19 20 21 22 23 Midnight. |Mean.|) Dir’n. Force. | Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force. | Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.| Dir'n. Force. |Force.| 1 | Calm 0|NW- 0-1) NNW 0-1] Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 (EN E 0| NW 0 | Calm O|N 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0] 05 2 | ESE 3| SE 2-3 | SE 3|SE 3) SSie 2) SSE 2,8 2|SE 2|SSE 2|SSE 2\8 1/S 1-2} 2°0 3 |W TE AWE 1| WSW 1|SW 1-2 | SW 1-2 | SW 2|SW 1-2 | SSW 2|SW 1-2 | SSW 1)/SSW 1-2/8 1-2 | 1:3 4 |S 1| SSE 1|SE 1-2| SE 2)SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 3|SE 4|/SE 4|/SE 4|)SE 3-4 | 21 5 |SE 3-4 | SE 4-5| SE 4|SE 4|S5E 4)SSE 3-4/5 3-4 | SSE 4|SE 4|SE 4| SSE 3 | SSE 3| 4:0 61S 1-2 | SSE 1-2 | 3E 2|SE 2)SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 2|SE 3|SE 3|SE 3|SE 3) 25 7 |SE 4-6 | ESE 5| ESE 6 | ESE G6|ESE 5-6|/ESE 4-5/SE 6-7 | SE 7| SE 7|SE 7|ESE 6-7| ESE 7|\ 58 8 |SE 5 | ESE 3| SE 2-3 | E 2-3 | SE 3|SE 3-4 | SE 3-4 | ESE 3 | ESE 3| ESE 3|ESE 2-3/|SE 2) 3-9 9 |SE 1-2 | SE 1-2 | ESE 1|SE 0-1 | Calm O1S 0-1 | SE 1|/E 0-1) SE 0-1 | SE 1/SE 2|SE 2) 14 10 | SW 1-2 | W 0| WSW 1|W 1|SW 2|SwW 2-3 | SW 3|SSW 2-3) WSW 3| WSW 3} WSW 3| WSW 3/ 15 11 | WSW 1-2|SW 2| WSW 21 W DAN KE 0-1 | NW 1) W 1|/NW 1) W 1-2 1-2)NW 0-1] WNW 0-1] 16 12 |NW- 1-2)W 1-2 | WSW 1|W 1-2 | W 0-1}; WSW 1-2)N 0-1|NW 0-1);NW~ 1-2)WNW 1-2|}NW- 2-3) WNW 2-3} 1°3 13 |S 1-2/8 2-3 | SW 12/8 1-3 | SSW 2)/SSw 0-2!|SW 2) WSW 2-3| SW 2-3| WSW 2-3) W 1-3 | WSW 1-3] 1:8 14 |SW 1|SW 1-2 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| SE 1-2|SE 2| SE 2|SE 2-3 | SE 3|SE CAN) als: 15 |SE 2| SE 2|SE 1|SE 1|/SSE 0-1/SE 2\ SE 2|S5E 2/SE 1-2 | SE 2|SE 2)SE 2| 1:4 16 | SSE 1| Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0|z 1/SE 1-2) Sl 2| SE 2| SE 1|SE 1! SSE 1] 09 17 |SE 2|SE 2|SE 2|SE 1-2|SE 1-2|SE 3) SE 5|ESE 4-5| ESE 5 | SE 4|SE 4| ESE 4] 2°4 18 | SE 2|SSE 1/3 0-1 | SW 0-1 | SW 0-1 | SW 0-1 | SSW 1/SSW 1-2| SSW 2| SSW 2| SSE 2|SE 2] 2:5 19 | SE 3|ESE 2-3/SE 2|SE 3-4 | ESE 4| ESE 3 | ESE 2| ESE 3|ESE 3-4) ESE 3-4/ESE 3-4/SE 4| 2:3 20 |SE 2| SE 1-2 | SSE 1| SSE 2\8 1-2/8 1/8 1-2|SSE 1-2|SE 2-3|SE 3| SE 2|SE 2] 1:9 21 | SSE 2|SE 12|)SSE 23)/SE 3-4|SSE -.12/S 0-1 | SE 1-2 | SE 1| SE 2|SE 2|SE 2|SE 2) 21 22 |SSW 0-1) SSW 2)38 21SW 2|8 1-2/5 2-3/8 2-3/8 3\8 3-4/8 3-4 | SE 5-6 | SE 3-6] 1°8 28 | Var. 1-2| W 2-4 | W 1-3 | W 1-3 0-2 | W 0-2 | SW 2-3|SSW 1-3|/SW 2-4 | W 2-4 | SW 1-3)SSW_ 1-3] 2°5 24 | NW 0-2|N 0-2|N 0-2 |N 0-1| WNW 0-2|N 0-2); NNW 1-2| NW 1| NW 1-2 | NW 1-2) WNW 1-3} WNW 1-3] 1:3 25 | NE 2-4) N 0-3 | N 0-2 | N 0-3 | NE 0|NE 0-2 | N nN 1-3 | N 1-3| N 0-1 | Calm 0| NE 0-1} 1°4 26 |N 1-3 | NE 0-2| N 1-2) N 1-2) N 1-3|N 0-2 | N 0-1 | N 1-2|N 1-3|N 1-3|N 1-3 | N 2-4] 13 27 |N 2-3|N 1-3|NNE 12|N 0-1] N 1-2/N 2|N 1-2|N 1-2|N 2|N 2-3|N 1-2|N 1-2} 2°0 23 |N 1-2|N 1-2|;N 0-2) N 1-2/N 1-3} ENE 1-2/N 1-2|NNE 0-2|N 2-3 | N 2-3 | N 0-2 | N 0-2} 1°3 29 | Calm O|N 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| Calm 0 | Calm 0| NW 0| W 0| NW 1|WNW 1-2} WNW 0-1|N 2) 04 3 N 0-1|N 0-2 | N 1|N 0-1 1-2|N 1-2 | Calm O| N 0-1 | ENE 2|NE 2\E 2-3 | NE 1-2} 11 31 | N 1-2| N 1-2 | NE 1-2} Var 0-1 | Calm 0| NW 1|N 2|N 1-2} NE 0-1) NE 1|NE 0-1 | NE Li 6 MEAN 1°82 1°71 1°56 1°63 1°48 1°63 1°89 1°98 2°39 2°37 2°21 2°24] 1:90 | N126. NNE3. NE19. ENE6, E7. ESE 53. SH180. SSE 46. S63. SSW 24. SW50. WSW21. W56. WNW13. NW 25. NNW6. Calm or Var. 46, -BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. ; 67 WIND. DIRECTION AND Force (0 to 12). - JUNE 1893. ; = 1 2 3 4 5 | 6 7 8 9 10 ig 12 Max. Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. Dir'n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force. 1 |NE 1|/ NE 0-1|N 1-2|N 0-1) N 0-1/ N 1|/N 1| Calm 0|N 0| Calm 0| Calm 0|Ss 0 2 2 | SSE 1) SSE 2|S8 1/SSE 0-1/SSE 0-1)SE 1|SE 0-1} SSE 1| SSE 0|SE 1-2| SE 1-2 | ESE 2 3 38 |SE 2-3 | SSE 2-3 | SE 2-3/5 2,;SSW 2-3)/SSW 1-2/}SW 2-3 | SW 2)}SSW 2-3] WSW 0-2/}SSW 0-2/8 1-2 3 4 |SSW 2|SW 2)SSW 2-3|)SSW 2-3|SSW 2)/SW 2|SW 1-2 | SW 2) SW 1| SW 1-2 | SW 1-2| W 2-3 3 56 | WNW 1-2! WNW 1-2)}NW 1-2;/NNW 1|N 0-1 | Calm 0\Ss 0|SE 0-1 | SE 1| SSE 1/S.. 1\S8 0-1 3 6 |S 2-3|)SSE 2-3]|SSE 3/S 2-3/5 3|5 2-3/8 2-3 | SW 13/58 2-3/8 2-3 | SW 1-2| SW 2 3 7 | Calm 0\E 0 | Calm 0} Calm 0|zE 0-1|E 0 | ESE 1|E 0-1|E 0-1] E 1|ESE 0-1} Calm 0} 2 8 | SE 2|SSE 2|SSE 2| Calm O|Ss 1-2/8 1|8 1|8 1|8 1| SSE 1|)SSE 1-2|/SSE 12 2 9 |S 0-1 | SW 0-1 | WSW 1)/NW 12|N 1| NNW 1|/NNW 0O/]NW — 0-1] Calm 0| W 0|Calm_ 0/58 0 2 10 | ESE 0-1\E 0-1) E 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0|N 0-1) N 0 | Calm 0 | Calm o/s 1-2 1|SSE 0-1 2 11 | Calm Calm 0 | Calm 0O|N 0-1|N 1|N 12)N 1-2 | Calm 0|N 0-1| N 0-1 | Calm 0| i 1 2 1 LW 0-1) V 1|W 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0)SE 0-1| SE 0-1) 8 0\S 0-1/\5 0 2 Ss \ENi O|N 0-1|N 0-1|N 0-1| N 1|/N 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0|SE 0-1 | SE 0-1/S 1 2 14 |SE 1-2| SE 1-2|SE 1|/SSE 12)|SSE 1| SSE 1|SE 1-2 | SE 2|SE 2-3 | SE 2|SE 1-2|SE 2 4 15 | SSE 3 | SSE 3|SE 3/5 2-3|5 2-3/5 2-3/8 2|S 2-3/5 3/5 2-3 | SSE 2\Ss 3 3 16 3S 2-3 |S 3| SW 2\8 3|SSW 2-3|/SSW 3/SSW 2-3/5 2-415 2-3/8 2-4 | SSW 3 4 17 | WNW 1-3) W 2-4 | W 3) W 3-4 | W 3) W 3 | W 3| W 3 | Calin 0| W PAW ME 2-3 | W 2 4 18 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0} Calm 0 | Calm 0|SE 0-1 | SSE 0-1 3 19 |N 1-2 2\N 2-3| N 2-3)N 2-3) N 2\|N 3/N 2|N 1-2 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-2 3 20 |N 1-2| NE 0-1} Var. 0-1|N 0-1) N 1-2|N 0-1|N 0-1 | N 1|N 1-2|N 0-1 | N 0-1; NE 0 2 21 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| W 0-1|NW 0-1) Calm 0} Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0|SSE 0-1} Calm Oi 2 22 |S 0-1| EH 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 6 23 |N 3-5|NNE 25|NNE. 1-4 2-5 2-4| N 3-6 | N 2-5|NNW 1-3|N 2-5|N 3-6 | N 2-6 | N 2-5 6 DAN 4-7|N 3-5 | NE 3-4/ENE 1-2] Var. 0-1] ENE 1) Var. 0-2} NE 1| NE 0-1) N 1\/N 0-2 | Calm 0 7 25 |N 1-3 | NE 1-3|ENE 2-3 1-3 | N 1-3|N 1-3 | N 1-4|N 1-3 | N 1-3|N 2\|N 2-3 | Calm 0 4 26 |N TSN 1-2 | Calm 0| Calm 0 | Calm O|N 0-1|NNW 0|NNW 1-2} Calm O|N 0-1| WNW 0-1|N 1 4 27 |SE 4|ESE 4-5| ESE 5 | ESE 5|ESE 5-6|E 6 | ESE 6|E 6|ESE 5-6|SE 4-5|SE 4|\SE 3 6 28 |S 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE SSE 3-4|SE 3-4 | SH 3| SSE 2|SE 2-3/5 2|/SSE 0-1|/SSE 1-2/S 1 4 29 |N 0-1) NE 1/NE 0-1|}WNW 2/)W 1-2} WNW 2-4|NNW 1-2|N 2|N 1-2 | NW 2)|NW 1-2|/N 1-2 4 30 | Var. 0-1) N 2|N 2-3 1-2 | NW 2|NW 1-2)}WNW 1-2|SW 1-2|SW 1|SSE 1-2/SE 2| SE 2-3 5 IMEAN 1:57 1°65 1°65 1°45 1°52 1:52 1°40 1°38 1°23 1°32 1532 123 13 14 15 6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Midnight. |Mean. Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.| Dir'n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Force. 1 |SW 0-1| NE 0|NE O|N 0-1|N 0-1 | Calm o/s 0-1/8 0|S 1/8 1/SSE 1-2|}SSE 1-2} 05 2 | ESE 2|SE 3| SE 2-3 | SE 2| SSE 2|ESE 1-2)SE 2|SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 3|SE 3| SSE 3 17 3 /S 2) SSW 2| SSW Zs 1-2|8 2-3 1-2/S 2/8 218 1-2} Var. 0-1/S 1-2/5 2) 1:9 4 |SW 1-2| SW 1-2 | W 1| Calm 0); NW 1-2} WNW 0-1| NW 1-2} W 0-1 | Calm 0| NW 0-1 | W BAN NAS 1-2} 15 5 iS 1-2\/SSE 1-2/8 1-2/SSW 1-2/8 1-2 |< 1-2/8 2\|S 2/8 2/8 2/SSE 2-3) SSE 74\) 133 6 SSW 218 2\s 1] WSW 0-1|/SW 1|SW 1-2} WSW 1-2] Var. 0-1] Calm 0 | Calm 0|/WNW 0/ Calm 0| 16 7 Calm O|E 0|E 0-1} ESE 1|SE 1-2/8 1| SE 2|SE 1| SSE 2|SE 2|)SE 2|SEH 2| 08 8 | SSE 1-2/8 1 | Calm 0| W 0-1| NE 1-2 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| NE 0-1| N 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0} 0-9 9 | Calm 0| Calm 0} Calm 0|Ss 0-1/SSE 0-1|SSE 0-1} Calm 0 | Calm 0| Calm 0|SE 1|SE 1/8 0-1] 0-4 10 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0} Calm 0|NW 0-1} Calm 0| Calm 0 | Calm 0| Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0} 02 11 | Calm 0/SE 1-2 | SE 0-1 | SSE 1-2 | ESE 1| NE 0} Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| Calm 0| Calm 0| W 0-1} 0°5 12 | SSE 0-1 | Calm 0| Var. 0-1) W 1-2|N 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0, SE 1-2) SSE 0-1) Calm 0; WNW 0| 0-4 1 iS 1-2| SE 2)SE 1-2 | SW 0;S 0} Calm 0 | Calm 0|SE 0-1 | SE 1-2|SE 2/s 1-2|SE 1-2} 0°7 14 |SE 2-3| SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 2-3|/ESE 1-2/ESE 1-2/SE 2-3| SE 3| ESE 2-3|SE 3| SE 3|SE 3-4 | 271 15 |S 1| SSE 3 | SSE 2| SSW 2/8 3/8 2/8 0-1 | SE 1-2|S 2/8 2)/SSW 23)SW 1-2| 2:3 16 |S 2|SSW 2-3|SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 1-2);NW 1-2) NW 21W 2-3|NNW 0-2} NW 1| NW 2| 2°4 17 | Var. O-1/] Var. 0-1 1-2| NNW 12/NNW) 2/N 1-2/N 1-2 | NNW 2| NNW 2) Calm 0} Calm 0 | Calm 0} 1:8 18 |SSE 0-1}/SW 1-2|SE aa visay 1/ Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| NNW 0|/NNW 1-2|N 1/N 2|N 2-3 | 0°5 19 |N 1-2|N 1-2| N 1-2|N 1-2|N 2|N 1-2|N 1| Calm 0|N 1|N 0-1| N 1/N 1| 16 20 | N 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm O|N 0-1 | Calm 0} Var 0} Calm 0 | Calm 0| N 1|/N 0-1 | Calm 0} 05 21 |SSE 0| ESE 1| Var. 0} Var 0-1) NE 1-2;}ENE 0-1/3 0-1 | Calm 0} Calm 0| Calm 0|/ SW 0-1 | W 0-1} 0°3 22 | Calm 0 | Calm O|N 1-2 1-2|N 1-3 1-3|N 2-4|N 2-4| N 3-5 | N 2-6| N 2-5 | N 3-5 | 1:2 23 | NE 2-5 3-5 | N 2-5 | N 1-4|N 3-6| N 4-6|N 46|N 3-6| N 4-6| N 2-6| NE 2-4|NNE 3-6] 3°8 24 | NE 1-2| NE 1-3|NNE 1-2|N 1-2|N 0-1| ENE 0-1|N 0-2 | NE 0-1| N 1-2| NE 0-2 | N 2-3 | N 1-3] 15 25 |ENE 1-2| Calm 0 1-2 | Calm 0|ENE 12/N 1|N 1-2|/NNE 1-2/N 1] Calm 0|NE 0-1} NE 0-1 | 1°4 26 |W 1-2/N 1-2} W 0-1/8 1/s 0-1/SSE 0-1/5 1-2 | SE 2|SE 3| SE 3/SE 4| ESE 4] 1:2 | 27 |SE 3-4| SE 3-4/SSE 2-3/8 1-2/8 2|SSE 92-3|SE 3/SSE 23)SSE 2-3); SE 3/SSHE 2-3)SE 2| 36 28 | SSE 1-2 | Calm 0|SE 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm O| N 0-1 | ESE 0-1}ENE 1-2|N 0-1|)E 0-1/N 0-1/N 1-2} 1:5 29 |N 0-1/ N 1-2; N 0-1) N 1-2 1-2}ENE 1-2} NE 1|N 1-2| NE 2|N 2|N 2|N 2-3] 1°5 30 |SSE 2-3/SE 3/SE 2-3/5 2-3/SSE 2-3] SE 8/SSE 3-4/SE 3| SE 4|SE 4/SE 4-5|SSE 4-5] 2:5 '||MEAN 1:27 1:42 1:22 115 1:42 110 1:30 1:25 1°58 1°43 1°62 1:70} 1:41 N45. NNE5. NE27. ENE9. E15. ESE 20. SH88. SSE58. S90. SSW19. SW29. WSW4. W 28. WNW10. NW16. NNW14. Calm or Var. 143. BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. WIND. DIRECTION AND Force (0 to 12). JULY 1893. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | 11 12 Max, |Dir'n. Force. Dir'n. Force. |Dir’n. Force. |Dir'n. Force. |Dir'n. Force. Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n, Force. |Dir'n. Force. |Dir’n. Force. Ditatkoree. (Diva Moree Div’n. Force. 1 | SE 4-5 | SSE 4 | SSE 4-515 3-4/5 3-48 3-4/8 3-4/8 4-5/S 4\8 2-4|5 2-3/5 2-3 5 2 |SSE 3-4|S 3/S 3|/SSW 1-2/S 1-2/|S 1-2/8 1-2/8 2|S 1-2/8 1-2; SW 0-1} WSW_ 0-1 4 3 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0} Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0} Calm 0 al 4 |SE 1|SE 0|KSE 0-1|E 0-1|NNE 0-1' ESE 0-1|/ESE 12/ESE 1-2/ESE 1-2|/ESE 1-2/SE 1|/ESE 0-1 3 5 |SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 23)ESE 1-2|SE 1-2 | ESE 1|)ESE 1-2|/ESE 1-2/SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 SE 3-4 | SE 3-4 4 | ' 6 |SSE 3-4|SSE 3| SSE 3|SE 2-3/8 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 3-4 | SE 3-4 | SE 3-4 | SE 2-3; ESE 2-4|/ESE 3-4 4 7 \|s 3-4|S 4|SSE 2-3|/SSW 0-2|S 0-25 2-3|S 9-415 1-4/S 1-3|SSW 1-2,S8 1-3/8 1-2 4 8 |SSE 2-3|SE 2-3 | SE 38-4|SSE 2-4|SE 3-4/SSE 3-4|/SSE 2-4/SE 2-4 | SE 1-3 | SE 4-6 | SE 3-4 | SE 5-7 8 9 |ESE 8-9|ESE 6-7/SE 5-7 | SE 4-6|ESE 46; ESE 5-7/E 4-8|ESE 45/|E 4-8 6-9 | EB 5-7| ESE 5-7 9 10 |S 2-3/8 2-3 | SSE 3| SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 2|/ESE 2-3/ESE 2-3/ESE 2-4| ESE 3 | ESE 3| HSE 3-4 4 11 | ESE 0-2|E 2|E 2-3 | SE 3| SE 3-4| ESE 2-3/5 3-4|ESE 4-5|ESE 23 2-3|ENE 1-2/E 0-1 5 12 |E 1-2|E 0-1| N 0-1 | NE 0-1| E 0-1|NNE 0-1|/ENE 0-1/ENE 0-1 0-1}; NNE 0-1/ENE 0-1|NE 0-1 2 13 |N 1-2|N ING 1-2/|N DEN 1-2| NW 1| NE 0-1| N 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 2 14 |N 0-1|N 0-1| N 0-1) N 0-1| SSE 0-1 | SSE 0-1) N 0-1|N 0-1 0-1 | Calm O| N 0-1 | N 0-1 1 16 | W 0-1 | W 0-1|N 0|N 0-1 | W 0-1 | W 0-1 | W 0-1 | W 0-1 | NW 0-1 | W 0-1 | Calm 0} Calm 0 1 16 | Calm 0 | Calm 0} Calm 0} Calm o/s 0-1/8 0-1 | Calm 0|SW 0-1 | SW 1;SW 1) W 0-1/5 0-1 2 17 |N 0-2 1-3 | N 0-3 | NE 0-2 | N 1-2 0-1 1-2|E 0-1|E 0-1| SSE 0-1 | NE 0-2 | SE 0-1 3 1g |N 1| Calm O|N 0-1 | Calm 0| SW 0-1) WSW_ 0-1! W 0-1 |} Calm 0|WSW_ 0-1/SW 0-1) WSW 0-2|SSE 0-1 6 19 |S 1-2} SW 1-2); WSW 0-2}; WSW 1-2) W 1-2) W 1-2| W 1-2} WSW 1-2}WNW 1/WNW 1|W 0-1/5 1-2 3 20 | SW 1-2 | SW 1-2} WSW 1-2} WNW 0-1] W 1-2| W 1-2| W 1|/N 1-2|NW 2-3) NW 1| W 2) W 1-2 4 21 |N 0-2| N 0-2 1-2 | Calm 0O|N 0-1 | NE 1|W 0-2 | NE 0-1 | N 1/NW 1-2|)|NW 1)WNW 1-2 3 22 |N 1-2|N 0-1| NNW 1)/NNE 0-1|N 0-1 | Calm 0|NE 0-1| NE 0-1 | Calm 0O|E 0-1| NE 0-2 1 2 23) | N 1)/NNW 1-2};NW 1-2/N 1)/NW 1-2 2|W 1)WSW 0-1) WSW 1| SSE 1\§ 0-1/8 0-1 2 24 1S 1-2 | SW 1-3 | SW 1-3 | SW 0-2 | W 1-3) WSW 1-2) WNW 1-2|SW 1-3 | SSW 1°W 0-1) NNW 0-2! Var 0 3 wD) OW, 0-1 | W 1-2| W 0-1} WNW 0-1! Calm 0|WNW 0-1! Calm 0 | Calm 0|NNW 0-1| N 1|NNE 0-1|NE 0-2 2 26 |N 0-1) N 1-2) N 1-3 | E 0-2 | N 0-2 | N 0-2 | N 0-1| N 0-1) N 0-1/ N 0-1) NNE_ 0-1} Calm 0 3 27 |N 1|N 1|N 1-2 0-1 | Calm O|N 0-2 | Calm O|N 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 2 28 | SW 1-2 | SW 1-2} WSW 1-2/SSW 1-2/8 2-3 | SW 1-2} SW 1-3 | SW 1-3} WSW 1-2} SW 0-1} WSW 1-2|SW 1 3 29 |N 0-1|NW 1-3/N 0-2|NNE 1-3] W 0-1) WNW 0-2/N 0-1| NNE 1| Calm 0 | Calm 0| W 0-1| N 0-1 3 30 |N 0-2| N 0-2| N 2-3) NNE 1-3/N 1-2} Var, 0-1|N 1-2| NE 1-2|N 2-3 2-3 | Calm 0|/NNE 0-1 3 31 | NE 0-2} Var. 0-1) N 0-2| Var. 0-1/E 0-1/N 0-1/E 0-1| E 0-1 | W 0-1) N 1-2|/E 1/E 0-1 2 MEAN 1°71 1°66 1°74 1:32 1:42 1:39 1°45 1:47 1:42 1°45 1:29 1:29 a Wes 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | Midnight. |Mean. Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n, Force.|Dir’n, Force.|Dir’n, Force.|Dir’n, Force. Dir'n. Force. Dir'n. Force.|Force. 1 |SSE 3-4/8 1-2 | 4SE 1-2 | SE 3-4 | SSE 2-3 | SSE 3-4 | SSE 4|SSE 4|SSE 4-5|S 3-4|/SSE 3-4/|S 2-3} 3°4 2 | Calm 0} Var. 0| Var. 0| Calm O|N 0-1| N 0-1] N 1-2| N 0-1 | N 0-1| N 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm O} Lt 3 | Calm 0} Calm OF ENG 0-1 | Calm 0) Calm 0} Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0|S 0|5 0-1 | SSE 10-7 4 |ESE 0-1/N 0-1 | Caim 0|/ESE 12/ENE 0-1/ENE 0-1/HESE 1-2|ESE 12/ESE 1-2|SE 2|SE 2| SE 2-3] 1:0 5 |SE 3| SE 3-4 | SE 3| SE 2-3 | SE 2-3|/SSE 2-3] SSE 2| SSE 2 | SSE 2| SSE 3/5 2\8 3) 2:4 6 |SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 1-2 | SE 1-2|SE 1-2/8 3/S 3-4/8 3/S 2-38 3/5 3-4 | 2°38 7 s 2-3/5 2-3) 3 3/S 0-2; SSW 0-2/5 0-2/5 0-2/8 1-3|S 2-3/8 0-1/5 0-1 | SE 3] 2°0 8 | SE 46|ESE 5-7] SE 6-8 | SE 4-6] SR 4-7 | SSE 4-6 | SE 3-5| ESE 6-8/ESE 5-6|ESE 5-7|ESE 6-7|ESE 7-8/ 4:7 . 9 |ESE 48/ESE 6-8] HSE 7-9/SE 6-7 | SE 5-6| ESE 5-6|/ESE 5-6|SE 6-8 | SE 5-6 | SE 4-6 | SSE 3/8 1-2] 58 . 10 |E 2\E 2-3 | £ 2|\SE 1-2 | SE 3-4/SSE 2-3/SE 2-3 | ESE 2|SE 2|SE 1-2 | SE 2-3 | SE 2| 2:5 : ll |E 0-1 | Var. 0| NE 1|NE . 0-1|.Calm 0/5 0-1/ EB 2| Calm 0/5 1|E 0-1) 5 12/5 0} 1:5 { 12 | ENE 0} Calm 0| Calm 0|NE 1| Calm 0 | Calm 0| Calm 0 | NNW O|N 0|.N 0-1| N 1|/N 1-2| 05 13 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0|WSW 0-1| NE 0-1 0-2 1-2 | Calm 0 | Calm O|N 0-2 | Calm ONIN 0-2! 06 14 |N 0| NE O'N 0-1 | Calm 0| NE 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm O|N 0-1} 0°3 15 | Calm O|N 0, Calm 0 | Calm O|N 0) Calm 0| Calm 0} Calm 0 0-1 | N 0-1 | N 1/N 0-1] 0°3' 16 |W 0-1 | W 0-1 SSW 1-2/8 1| Calm 0) SW 0-1 | SW 1) SW 1) SW 0-1 | W 1| W 1|WNW 1-2} 0°6 17 |N 1-3|N 1-3 N 1-3 | N 2-3 | N 1-2 | N 0-2 | N 1-3|NNE 2-3|N 1-2|N 12|N 1-2|N 1-2] 1°4 1s | SE 2-3|58 1-2 SSE 2-3 | SE 3-5 | SE 3-4 | SE 3-6 | SE 3-4 | SE 4|SE 4\8 12°58 1-2/8 1) 16 19 | SW 0-2/8 1-3 8 1-2 | SW 0-1)}SSW 1-2/8 1-2 | SW 0-2 | W 1-3 | SW 2-3|SSW 1-3|SW 1-3 | W 1-2] 14 20 | SW 2-4|WSW 2-3 SW 2-4) WSW 0-2! W 0-1|NW 0-1) ENE 1-3|NE 0-2| N 12/N 1-2/N 1-2/N 1-2] 1:5 PA OW 1-3 i) Wu NAYS 01/)SW 1; WSW 1-2) W 1-2 | W 1| W 1|N 0-1 | N 1|N 0-1} 1°0 22 | Calm 0|;ENE 0-1 N 1-2)ESE 0-2|S 0-1} Var. 0| NE 1|N O| NNW 1-2|N EN 1|/N 1-2] 0-7 23 |S 1|S 0-1 8 1-2/8 0-1|SSW 0-1|SSE 0-1/8 1|SSW 1-2) WSW 1/SSW 1-2/SW 1-2/8 1| 1:0 24 | NW 1-3; WSW 1-2) W 1-2 ; Calm 0 | W 0-2' NW 0-2; NNW 0-1| W 0-1: WNW 0-2|N 0-1/N 1-2 ; Calm 0} 1-1 25 |E 1-2|ENE 0-2 NE 1-2 1|E 0-1 | E 1-2|E 0-1| N 0-1|N 1-2|N 0-2| N 1-2| N 1-2] 0°8 26 |E 0-1} Var. O|N 0-1 | Calm 0| NE 0-1 | Calm 0|E 0-1} N 0-1 | Calm 0O|N 0-1|N 0-1| N 1| 06 27 | Calm 0 | Calm 0's 0|SSW 0-1/ESE 0-1/|S 0-1|)/SSW 0-1/5 0-1 | SSW 1\5 TES 1-2/8 1) 0:5 28 |SSW 1-2|SW 1-2 | W 1-2 | W 0-1| WNW 0-1|N 0-1| NE GEN 0-1|N 0-2 | N 0-1) N 1-2|N 1-2] 1°3 |} 29 |N 0-1|N 1-2 | Var. O|N 0-2) Var. O-1|/N 0-1) N 0-1| N 0-2|NNE 1-3|N 2-3 | N 2-3|N 2-3] 1:0 | 30 |N E 0-2|N 0-1| N 0-1| E 0-2 1-2|N 2-3) N 0-1| N 1|N 0-1| N 1-2|N 1-2|N 0-2| 1:2 31 |N 1-2|N 0-1) E 0-1| E 0-2/8 0-1 | Calm O|N 0-1/}ENE 0-1|N 0-1 | N 0-1) N 0-1|NNE 0-1) 06 MEAN| 1°48 1°39 1°60 1°32 1°24 1°31 1:48 1°53 1°60 1:47 1°58 1°58 | 1°46 N 157. NNE13. NE25. ENE11. E45. ESE 48. SE75. SSE36. S883. SSW1¢6. SW 34. WSW 20. W48. WNW11. NW12. NNW 7. .Calm or Var. 103. BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 69 WIND. DIRECTION AND Force (0 to 12). AUGUST 1893. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ifit 12 Max. Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.) Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force.| Dir'n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.'Dir’n. Force. 1 | Calm O|N 1-2| NE 0-1 | N 2-3 | N 1-2/N 1-2|N 0-1) NE oN 1|NW _— 0-1] Calm 0 | Calm 0 3 2 | NW 1-2|N 1} Calm 0} Calm 0|N 0-1} Calm 0| W 1 | Calm o|N 1|/NNW 1-2|N 0-2 | N 0-1 4 3 | SE 3| SE 2-3/8 2-3/8 1-2 | SSE 1|SSW 0-2} WSW 1-2} WSW 0-2|SW 1) WSW 1| W 1|W 1-2 3 4 |WNW 0-2} W 1|SW PAN MAE 0-1/5 0-2 | WSW 1;);SSW 1-2|SW 0-1/8 1-2;SSW 0-1/SSW 1/SSW- 0-1 2 5 | Calm 0|NNE 0-2] Calm 0|E 0/E 0|E 0| ESE 0| ESE 0|\E 0| E 0/E 0|E 0 2 6 |S 0 0-1)S 0-1)8 0-1)5S 0-1/5 0-1|/E 1-2} E 1-2 | SE 1-2 | SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 2-2 7 7 |SSW 1-2|)SSW 2-3/SW 1-2 | SW 0-2 | SW 0-1)}SSW 0-2)SSW 0-2/SSW 0-2/SSEH 0-2/SSW 0-2/S 1-3/8 1-2 3 8 | WSW 1|8 1-2/5 12/Ss 1-3/8 1-3/S 1-3/8 0-2/8 0-2|/SSW 0-1;/SSW 1-3/S 1-2;SSW 0-2 3 9 |S 1-2/8 1-2|SW 0-2}SSW 0-2/SSW 0-1/8 0-1/SSW 0-2/S 0-2/5 0-2 |S 0-2 | SSE 1-3 | SSE 2-4 8 10 |ESE 24/ESE 3-6|E 5-7| ESE 5-7|ESE 6-8/E 6-8 | E 7-9 | SE 7-9|SSE 7-8|SE 7-8 | SE 8-10 | SE 9-10} 10 11 |SE 3-4 | SE 2-3 | SE 4-5/SE 45'S 2-4/8 3-5 | SSE 3-5 | SSE 1-3 | SE 1-3 | SSE 2-4 | SE 3-5 | SE 1-6 8 22 SW 0-1} WSW 0-2|}W 0-2| WNW 0-3 0-2 | W 0-2 | W 0-1 | W 0-2 | W 0-2 | W 0-2 | W 0-2 | W 0-2 3 13 | WSW 1] WSW 0-1} WSW 0-1| W 1-2)WNW 2|W 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0|SW 0-1)SSW 0-1/8 0-1 | SW 0-1 2 14 |) W 0| W 0-1 0-1| W 0} W 0; W 0| W 0-1 | W 0| W 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0|S 0 2 15 |W 0-2;SSW 0-2}WSW 0-2| W 0-2 | W 0-2|WSW 0-2) WSW v0-2/W. 0-1 | W 0-1 0-1 | SW 0-1 | W 0-1 3 16 | SW 0-1 | W 1| Calm Oo; NW 0-1} W 0-1| W 0-1 | Calm 0|/ WNW 0O/|SW 0-1|WSW 0-1| W O| NW 0-1 2 17 |SW 0-2 | SSW 1/5 0-1 | SW 0-2|}SSW 0-2) W 0-2;}SSW 0-2/SSW 0-2/SSW 0-2/SW 0-2 | SW 0-3 | SW 0-3 3 18 |SSE 0-1]/S 0-2/S 2-3/SSW 0-2/5 0-2|8 0-3|/SSW 1-2) SW 0-2/8 1-3 | SW 0-3/8 0-3 | SW 0-2 3 19 | SW 0-2/8 1-2 | SW 1-2|SW 0-2 | SW 0-2|SW 0-2 | SW 2|SW 0-2 | SW 0-2 | SW 0-2 | SW 0-3|SSW 0-2 3 20 |SSW 1-4/SW 1-2| W 0-1; WSW 0-2|SW 0-2; WSW 0-2|SW 1-3; SW 0-2 | SW 0-2' WSW 0-2) W 0-3 | SW 0-2 4 21 | SE 3-6 | SSE 3-4| SW 0-2 | SW 0-1/8 0-2)S 1-2/5 2-3 | SSE 0-2 | SW 1-3/5 0-4/8 0-4 | SSE 3-4 6 22 |W 0-3} NNW 0-2] W 0-3 | NW 0-2 | W 0-2|NNW 0-1} NW 0-2 | W 0-2 | W 0-2! W 0-2 | W 0-1 | Var. 0-2 3 23 | W 1-2 | W 1-2} WSW 1-2|SW 1) SW 0-1|WSW 0-1|}SW 0-1/8 0-1/S 0-1/8 0-1 | W 0-1 | W 0-1 2 24 18 0-2) 1-2 | SW 1|W 1|W 1|/N 0-1 | Calm O|N 0-1) N 0| N 1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 2 25 |N 0-1] NE 1-21N 0-2) N 0-3 | E 0-1| N 0-3 | N 0-1 | NW 0-1| N 0-1| N 0-2 | N 0-2 | Var 0-1 3 26 | N 0-1| N 1-2}Calm 0-1/N 0-2 | N 0-2 | N 0-1|N 0-2 | NE 0-2)N 0-1 | N 0-1 | N 0-2 | N 0-2 2 27 |N 1)/ENE 0-1/E 1|E 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm O|N 0-1|N 0-1|N 0-1/ N 0-1|N 0-1 | N 0-1 al 28: | N 0| NNW 0-1|NNW 1-2/N 0-1 0-1| N 0-1| N 0-2 | N 0-1|/N 1-2 | Calm 0o|N EN} iL 2 2 iN 1|N 1-2)N 1-2| NW 1-2 | NW 1|N 1-2|N 0-2 | N 1-2|N 1-2|N 0-1|N 0-1 | Calm 0 2 30 | NNW 3-4} NNW 3\N 3-4|N 1-3 | N 1-3| N 1-2|N 1-3|N 1-2|N 2-3|N 2-3| N 1-3 1-2 4 ; ol IN 1-3|N 12/;N . 1-2|N 0-1} N 0-1| N 0-2 | N 0-1| N 0-1|N 0-1|N 0-1 | Calm 0} Calm 0 3 MEAN 1°32 1°50 1°39 1:26 113 115 1°26 0:98 118 1:21 1°32 1°29 } 13 alee 15 16_ 7 | See 8 19 20 21 22, 23 Midnight. |Mean. ___ |Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n, Force.|Dir'n. Force. Dir’n, Force. | Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.) Dir’n. Force. | Dir’n, Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.) Dir'n. Force. Force. 1 | Calm 0| W 0 | Calm 0|Ss 0-1 | Calm 0|SSE 1/S 0-1/8 0-1/8 0-1| WSW 0-1) NW 0 | Calm 0} 05 2 |NW- 0-1} Calm 0|SW 0-1 | Calm 0, SW 0-1 | SW 1/8 1|8 0-1/5 1-2|/SSE 1-2|SSE 2-3/SK 3-4 | 0°9 3 |W 0-2} WNW 1-2|NW_ 1-2 1-2) W 1-2| W 1-3}; NNW 1-3| W 1-2} W 1-2) W 0-2 | W 2-3| WSW 1-2) 16 4 18 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| NNW O|N 0-1|ENE 0-1/3 0-1|NNE 0-1|N 1-2 | Var. O|N 0-1 | Calm 0| 07 5 | N 0-1) N 0-2 0-2 0-2 | N 0-2 | NE 0-i1|NNE 0-1/ Calm 0 | Calm 0o|N 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0/ 03 6 |SSE 3-4]/SSE 3/SSE 4-5|/SSE 46/SSE 4-6/SSE 5-7/SE 6-7 | SE 5-7|SSE 6-7/SSE 5-6|/SSE 4-5/S 2-3 | 3:0 7 18 12/8 1-2;}SSW 0-2|SW 0-1 | W 0-2} WNW 0-2} WNW 0-2) W 1-2) WSW 1-2] W 0-2 | W 0-2) WSW 0-2/ 1:2 8 |SW 0-3 | SW 0-1 | SW 0-2 | SW 0-2 | SW 0-2 | SW 0-2 | SW 1-3/5 2-3/8 2\|8 2-3 |S 2-3/5 2-3 | 1°5 9 |SE 2-3/SSE 2-3/SE 3-4|SSE 3-4|SE 2-4 | SE 3-5 | SE 3-4/| SE 4-5|SE 4-6 | SE 4-6| SE 4-7 ESE 5-8 27 10 |SE 9-10| SE 6-9! ESE 7-9|SE 7-8 | SE 6-8 | SE 6-8|ESE 7-9|SE 7|SE 6-7 | SE 7|SE 7-8 | SE 3-4 | 7:0 11 |SSE 36)SSE 2-6 SE 5-8 | SE 6-8|SSE 26'S 1-2|)SSW 0-1'SW 0) SW 0-1 | SW 0-1| W 1-2! WSW 1-2] 3:0 12) | W 0-1) W EO VV 1-2 | W 0-2 2) W 1-2) WNW 1-2; NW 2-3 | NW 0-1 | NW 0| W 0-1 | W al alsa 13 | SW 0-1/5 0| SSW 0| Calm 0 | Calm 0|S 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| W 0-1)}WNW oO;NW_ 0-1| NW il || Oe 14/8 0|Ss al 1/8 o/s 0-1/8 0-2;SSW 1-2/8 1|/SW 1-2/SSW 0-2|SW 0-2 | SW 1-2} 0°5 15 | Calm 0| Calm 0;/SSW 0-1/SSW 0-1/SSW 0-2/S 0-2 | SW 0-1 | SW 1| Calm 0|/SSW 1-3} Calm 0; W 0-1} 07 16 | Calm 0| NW 0-1 | W 1| W 0-1 | W 0| W 0-2 | SW 1-2 | W 1-2} WSW 1-2) WSW 0-2| SW iL 5 W 1-2| 06 LE SW 0-2;}SSW 1-3|SW 0-2/SSW 0-1) W 0-1/SSW 0-1/8 1-2 | SSE 1/s 0-3/5 2-3/5 0-1;/SSE 13) 11 1s |SW 0-2 | SW 0-1 | W 1}; WSW 0-2/| Calm 0 | Calm 0| W 1-2 |W 0-2 | W 1-2 | W 0-2 | SW 0-2 W 0-2 11 19 | Calm 0|SW 1-2 | Calm 0 | Calm 0|SSW 0-3/8 1-2/8 0-2/8 0-1/8 1-2/8 1-3 | 5 1-3 s 1-3} 11 20) |W 0-1 | W 0-2} WSW 1-3} WSW 0-2) W 0-3 | SW 0-2; SW 1-2 | SW 1-2,8 1-2/8 1-2, SE 2|SE 1-3; 1:3 21 |S 3-4/8 1-3 | W 2-6 | W 2-5|WSW 2-4) W 0-3;NW 1-3] W 1-3|NW 1-3] W 0-3 | W 0-2| NNW 1-4 2:2 22 |WSW 0-2|SW 1-2/8 1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| W 0|NNW 0-1] Var. 0-1) W 0-1| NW 1 W 1-2 Ww 1 09 23 |W 0-1 | W 1-2 | SW 1-2| W 0-1 | W 0-1 | W 0-1 | Calm 0| W 1| W 0 W 0-2 | SW 1-2 | WSW 1 0'8 24 |SE 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm o/s 0| W 0| W 0-1 | W 1|N 1|N 0-1| N 1|/N 12/|N 1-2 oe 25 |E 0-3 1-2|N 0-2 | NW 0-1| N 0-1) N 1-2 | NE 1-2|N 2|N 1-2\)N 1-2| N 2|N 2-3 | 12 26 |N 2| NNW 1-2/N 1|/N 0-2) N 0-2 | N 0-2 | N 1-2 |N 2|N 1-2|N 0-1| N 0-1 | NE 0-1} 1:0 By | IN 0-1| N 0-1| N 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm o|N 0-1/N O|N 1|N 0-1 | W 0| WNW Get Ord 28 |N O|N 0-1/N 0-1/Calm 0/Calm 0/Calm = 0O|N 0-1|N 12/N 1-2|N 2|N 0-1|)N 1-2) 07 29 |N 0-1 | Calm 0|N O|N 1|N 1|/N ep 1-2|/N 1-2/N 1-2|N 2 N 1-2|N 2 11 30 |N 3 2-3 | N 2-3 | N 2-4) N 0-2 | N 0-2 | N 2-3 | N 2-3 | N 2-3|NNE 2-3/N 2-3 | N O-1} 2:2 Bu N 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| NE O|N 0-1) N 0-1 | N 1-2|N 0-1 | N 1-2) N 0-1 | N 1-2|N 1-2] 07 MEAN 1°34 1°32 1°53 1°34 1:26 1°32 1°60 1°58 1°65 1°60 1°63 1°61} 1°36 N59. NNE4. NE8, ENE. El6. ESE9, SE 45. SSE31, S92. SSW41. SW79. WSW31. W113. WNW10. NW22. NNW 12. Calm or Var. 70. 70 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. WIND. DIRECTION AND Force (0 to 12). SEPTEMBER 1893. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 aul 12 Max. \Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.!Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. lorce. r LN 1-2|N 1-2|N 0-1|N 0-1|N 0-1 | N 0-1| N 0-1| NE 0-1 | NE 0-1 | Calm 0|E 0-1 | Var. 0 4 2 | NE 0-2 | N 2-3| N 2-3 | N 1-3 | N 2-3) N 0-2 | N 1-2|N 2-3 | N 2-4|N 0-2 | N 1-3|N 1-2 4 3 \s 2) SSW 2)|SSW 1-2|SW 1|SW 1| WSW aL WW 1|SW 0-1 | SSW 0|S 0-1 | Calm O;S 0-1 2 4 |WSW 1-2) WSW 1-2] W 1-2|W TARY 1| W 1) W 1| W 0| W 0| W 0) W 0|S 0-1 3 5 [SW 1-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 1-2|SW 0-2 | SW 0-2|S 1-2/8 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 1-3 | SW 2-4| SW 1-2 | SW 1-2 4 6 |N 0-1) N 1-2} WNW 0-1|/}NW 0-2} WNW 0-1) NW 1| W 0-1|NW 0-1| NW 0| W 0-1 | W 0-2| WNW 0-2 2 7 |SW 0-1; WSW 0-1|N 0-1| N 0| WNW i) Wy 1-2) W 0 | Calm 0} Calm 0| W 0-1 | W 0-1 | W 0-1 2 8 |N 1-2 | W 0-1|NNW 1-2] Calm 0} Calm 0 | Calm 0| W 0} Calm Oo|N O|N O|N 0-1 | N 0-1 3 9 IN 0-2| NE 0-2|NNE 0-2| NE 0-2) N 0-1 | NE 0-2|N 0-2 | NE 0-2 | NE 0-2 | NE 0-1| N 0-2 | N 0-1 3 10 N 0-2 | N 1-3|N 1-2] NE 1-3 | W 0-1| N 0-2) N 0-1| N 0-1| N 0} Calm 0| NE 0} Calm 0 3 11 |SW 1-2) WSW 1-2) W 1-2 | NW 0-1) NW 0-1 | N 0-1| N 0-2 | N 0-2 | N 0-1 | Calm 0| Var. 0|s 0 2 12 WSW i-2|SW 2-3 | SW 1-3 | SW 1-3 | SW 2-4) SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 1-2|SW 2-4 | SW 1-3 4 1B We 0-2) WSW 2-5|SW 3-5 | SW 2-5 | SW 2-4 | SW 2-5| WNW 1-5| NW 2-5 | W 2-6| WNW 0-4| WNW 1-5| NW 1-3 6 14. |N 0-2 | N 12|)N 0-1) N 0-2 | NW 1-2); WNW 1-2} WNW 1-2) Var. 0-1| N 0-1| N 0-2| N 1-2 | Var 0-2 4 15 |WSW 2-4] W 1-4| WNW 1-3| W 0-3 | NW 0-2 | NW 0-3 | W 0-2 | W 1-3 | W 0-1 | Var. 0-3 | W 0-3 | W 0-2 4 16 |N 0-2|NNW 0-3|NW 0-2] Var. O-1|NW 0-1|N 0-1|NNE 0-1| NE 0-1|N 0-1} Var 0) W 0-1|/NW 06-2 3 | U7) aN 0-2 | NE 0-1| N 1-2|N 0-1| N 0-1|}NW 0-1}/NW_ 0-1|NNW 0-1) NW 0-1] W 0-2 | N 0-1/5 0-1 2 1s | NNW 0) WNW 2| NW 1-2| NW 0-1 | NW 0-1 | W 0-2|WNW 0-2} WNW 0-1| W 0-2 | W 0-1 | W 0-1 | W 0-2 3 19 |NW 1-4|NW- 1-4| WNW 2-4|NW 0-2|NNW 0-4| Var. 0-2{NNW 0-3] W 0-3; NW 0-2) W 0-3| NNW 2-3|NW 2-4 4 20) IN 2-3| N 3-4 | N 2-3| N 0-2|N 0-1 0-1/N 0-2 | NW 1|N 0-1) N 1-2 | Calm 0|N 0-1 4 2 aN 1-2| N a ON 1|N 1-2|N 0-1 | Calm O|N 2-4| N 2-4) N 1-4) N 1-3|N 2-4| N 1-4 4 22 | NE 0-2 | Var. 0-2 | Var. 0-1 | SE 0-1/SE 1-2 1-2|SE 0-2} NE 1-2| NE 0-2} ENE 0-3|/E 2| NE 0-2 3 i 23 |NNE 2-3|NNE 2-3|N 1-2|N 2-3 | N 38-4|NNE 2-3|N 0-2 | N 0-2 | N 1-3} N 0-2 | N 2-4 | NE 0-1 4 ) 24 | NE 0-1) NNE 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-2|N 2-3 2-3 1-3|N 2-3) N 1-2| N 1-3 | N 1-2|N 0-1 4 25 |ENE 1-3/5 1-2|E 1-2/5 0-2|}ENE 0-1/| NE 0-1|NNE 0-1|N 0-1 | Calm 0) Calm 0 | Calm 0|ESE 0-1 3 |, 26 | Calm 0|SE 1| ESE 2|ESE 12|N 0-1 | ESE 2|SE 0-1/E 2\E 1-2|)E 2-3 | E 2-3 | E 2-3 3 27 |S 1\s 2) SSW 2| SSW 2\S8 1-2)}SSW 2-3|/SSW_ 2-3/S 1-3 | SW 1-2|/SSW 0-1) W 1|SW 0-1 3 DSi Wi 2-4; WSW 2-3) W 3-4 | W 3-4 | W 3/SSW 3-4|WSW 2-4|SSW 2-4) SW 3-5|SSW 3-4) WSW 3) W 1-2 5} 29 | SW 1-3 | SW 1-4|WSW 2-3} SW 3-4 | SW 4-6| WSW 2-4 3-5 | W 3-4 | W 4-6 | W 5-7 | SW 2-5| WSW 3-4 te || 30 | WSW 2-3|)SW 2-3 | SW 1-3] WSW 1-3; W 1-3 | W 1-2) SW 3-4/5 4-5 | SW. 3-4| WNW 2-3) WSW 3-4} WSW 2-3 5 | MEAN 1°45 1°83 1:67 IB 1:40 1°40 1:43 1°50 1°35 1:27 1°43 113 13 “4 1b 16 iy 18 19 20 21 “ee 23 Midnight. |Mean. Dir’. Force. Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n, Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n, Force.|Dir’n, Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n, Force. |Dir’n. Force.|Force. te BN 0-1) N 0-1|N 0-1| N 1-3| N 0-3 | N 0-2 | NE 1-2) N 1-2| N 2-3 | N 2-3| N 3-4 | N 2-4) 11 2 \IN 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0} Calm 0 | Calm 0; N 0-1 | Calm 0) Calm 0;S 0|S 1/8 1-2/8 Ph ale, 3 | SSE 1-2/8 0-1 | SW 0-1/8 0| W 0| W 1| WNW 0-1| W 0-1 | W 0-1 | W 0-1 | W 1|WSW 1-2] 0:8 4 |s 0-1)S 0-1/8 0-1 | SW 0|S 0-1 | SW 0-1/5 0-1/8 1\8s 1-2 | SSW 2| SW 2-3 | SW 2-3] 0°9 DLW. 1-2| SW 1-2|58 2-3 | SW 0-2 | SW 1-3 | SW 1-2| SW 1-2| SW 2-3| W 1-2|N 1-2| NNE 1|N 0-1} 17 6 |W 0-1 | SW 2|WSW 1-2|SW 0-2 | SW 0-1 | SW 0-2/SSW 1-2/8 1-2|S 1-2|5 1-2/5 0-1 | SSW 1| 0-9 TP WNUE 0-1 | W 0-1; WSW 0-1| W 0-1 | W 0-1 | W 0-2} WNW 0-2] W 1-2 | NW 1-2|N 0-1| NW 1-2 | W 0-2 | 0'7 8 |N 0-3 | N 1-3 | NE 1-3 | N 0-3/8 0-1) Var. 0-1] Var. 0 | Calm 0|ENE 0-1|/ENE 1-2|N 0-2 | NE 0-1 | 0°7 9 | Calm 0| Var. O|N 1| Calm O|NW 0-1|N 0-1) N 0-1| N O|NNE 1-2|)N 2-3 | N 1-2|N 1-2} 0°8 10 | SE 0-1/5 0-1/5 1|SE 0-1 |} Calm 0/S 0| SW 0| WSW 0| SSW 0|SW 0-1 | SW 0-1 | SW 1] 06 TLS 0/Ss 0\S 0-1 | SW 0-1 | Calm Ons) 0-1/8 0-1)/SSW 0-1/S 0-1 | SSW 1|/ SW 1-2 | W 1-2 06 12 |SW 2-3 | SW 2|SW 2|SW 1-3 | SW 1-2 | SW 0-2 | SW 0-2|}SSW 2-3} WSW 1-3/8 1-2| W 0-1 | SW 0-2} 2°0 138 | NE 0-2 | N 1-2|N 0-1|NNE 0-1] NE 0-1 | NE 0|NNE 0-2|/N 1-2;|;NNE 1-2|N 1-2| N 0-1| N 1-2 | 2°0 14 |W 0-2 | W 1-3 | W 0-2 | W 0-2 | W 0-2] SW 1-2 | SW 1-3 | W 1-2| SW 2-4 | SW 1-4| WSW 1-3) WSW 1-4} 1-4 15 | NW 1-2} W 1-3 | NW 1-3 | Var 0-2| NNW 0-1| NW 0-2 | NW 0-3| NNW 1-2| NW 1-3 | W 0-2 | N 1-3 0-2 | 1°5 16 N 0-1 N 0-1 | W 0-1| NE 0-1|NNE 0-1) NE 0-1) N 0-1|N 0-1| N 0-1}; NNW 1-2| W 0-1| N 0} 06 17 |N 0|N 0-1)/ENE 0-1|E 0-1| NE 0-2 | NE 0-1) N 0-1 | NE 1-2|N 1-2| N 0-1| N 0-1| N 0| 06 18 |N 0-1 | N 1-3 | NW 0-2) N 0-2 | N 0-2 | Var 0-2 | W 1-2 | NW 1-2 | W 2-3| WNW 2-3} NW 1-3 | NW 1-3} 1:2 TOie (OWE 0-2 | NW 1-3 | NW 1-3 | W 0-3) WSW_ 0-2] W 0-2 | NW 1-3 | NW 1-2| NW 1-2/|)N 1-2|N 1-2| N 2-3} 1°8 20 N 1-2|NNE 1-2/NNE 1-2/)N 0-1|SE 0-1) N 0-1) N 0-1| N 0-1| N 0-1| N 0-1 | N 1|N 0-1; 10 21 NNE 23/|NE 1-2| NE 1-2|NNE 1-3|NNE 0-2]|SE 1-3) NNE 1-2|/ NE 1-2|N 1-3 | E 0-2 | NE 1-3 | E 1-2| 1:7 22 | E 1) NE 1-2|NNE 2-3/N 0-1 0-1 | N 0-2 | Calm O|N 2-3 | N 2-3 | N 1-3| N 1-3} NNE 1-2| 1:3 23 NN E 1-3 Var. 0-2 | NE 1-2| NE 1-2|NE 2-3) N 2-4|N 2-3 | Var 0-1| NE 0-2 | N 1-3 | E 0-2) E 0-1} 1°8 24 N 0-1 NNW 1}; WNW 1-3) W 2-3 | W 1-2|N 12; 1-2| NE 0-2 | NE 2-3 | NE 0-2 | NE 0-2|NNE 3-4| 16 25 ‘SSE 0-1/SE 1/8 1| NE 0-1 | SE 0-i | SSE 1-2|SE 2|SE 2-3 | SSE 2/SSE 2-3/SE 1| Calm 0; 1:0 26 ESE 3 | SE 2-3 | SE 3|SE 2) SE 2|SE 2-3 | SSE 2|SE 2|SE 1| SSE WS 1\s 1} 18 27 SSW 0-1! SW 2 W 1-2 | Var 0-1 | W 0-1 | Calm 0| W 2| W 2|W 2)WSW 23) WSW 3 | W 2-3 | 16 28 N 2) WNW 2-3) W 1-2| W 12)}W 2-3| W 1} WSW 1-3) WSW 1-3] W 2-4 2-4/SSW 2-3/SSW 2-3! 2°6 29 W raat 1-2 | SW 2-4) WSW 2-5|/SW 1-2 | SSW 3/W 3-4 1-4 | W 2-4| WSW 2-4| W 1-2 2-3 | W 2-3 | 31 30 WSW 3-4) WNW 2/WNW 1-3/NW 2-3/NW 0-1] WSW 1) W 1-2 | WSW 2 12|}NW . 1-3/NNW 1-2] WNW 2-3} 2°3 |MEAN 113 1°33 1°38 1:02 0:93 1:07 1:18 1°35 1°58 1°55 1:47 1°50 | 1:36 Niv7. NNE23, NE45, ENE6, E17. ESE5. SE21. SSE7. $46. SSW 22, SW 78. WSW 35. W108. WNW 23, NW 46. NNW 12. Calm or Var. 49, BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 7] WIND. DIRECTION AND FoRCE (0 to 12). OCTOBER 1893. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | 8 9 10 1 | 12 Max. Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force. 1 | NW 1-2; WNW 2-3|/ NW 1-3 | NW 1-3 | WN 2-3 | W 2-3) WNW 0-1| WNW 2|}WNW 1-2) W a DNVE 2-3 WNW 2-3 4 Wi 12} WSW 1-2|}W 2-3| WSW 1-2| WSW 0-1| W 1-2} WSW 1-2) WSW 1-2/}SSW~ 1-2|SW 1-2)S . Wi 1-2 3 3 is 2-3 | SW 1|N 1-2|N 1;NNW 0-1| NW 1|}NNW 0-1/SW 2|)SW 1-2/8 1/8 0-1 SSW 0-1 4 4 |SE 3|/SE 3| ESE 2) ESE 2| ESE 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0|NE 0-1 | NE 0-1 | SE 1-2 SSE 0-1 3 5 | N 1|N 2|N 2|N 2-3) N 2-3 | N 2-3|N 2-3 N 2-3|)N 1-2] N 1|NNW EN 1-2 Bi | 6 | N 0-1| N 0-1| N 0-1 | N 0-1 | Calm 0|NE 0-1) NE 1|/N 1-2'1N 0-1 | Var. 0-1| NE 0-1 iN 0-1 74) 7 0-1 | SW 1|SW 0-1 | W 0-1 | NW 0-1)SSW 0-1/SSW_ 0-1/8 1/8 1-2 1-2/8 0-1 | SE 0-1 2 8 | ESE 0O1/E 1-2 1-2 | ESE 1| ESE 1|SE 2|SE 2|SE 2/NNE 1-2|NE DIN: 2-3) N 2-3 4 | 9 |W 2|SwW 2-3|SW 2|SW 2|SW 2|SSW 2-3/8 1-2/8 3| SSE 2-3/8 2-3| SE 3/58 2-3 if | 10 ‘SSE 1) SW 0-1 | W 1| WSW 1,WSW 0-1) W 0-1 | NNW 1)/N 1|N 2-3 | SW 0-1 | NW 2\/SW 0-1 4 | | | 11 |SW 3-5 | SW 3-4'WSW 1-4|SW 1-4|}SW 2-4 | SW 3-4 | SW 2-4; WSW 2-4| W 1-3 | W 2-3 | W 1-2) NW 2-3 5 | BN 1-3|NNE 1-2) NE 3-4| NE 1-3|}ENE 2-3/|E 1-3/ Var. 0-1|NNE 2-4) NE 1-2;NNE 0-2|N 1-3 2-3 4 | 13: |) Var. 0-2 1-3| NE 1-2|N 1-2|NNE 2-3}NNE 0-1|NW 2-3 | NW 3-4 | NW 1-2| NW 2-3 | W 2-3 | WSW 2 if 14 |SW 2-3) SW 2-3|SW 3|SW 3} WSW 2-3|SW 2-3 | SW 3|WSW 2-3| W 2-3 | W 1-2} W 2-3 | W 2-3 3 15 |W 1-2 1-2 | W 1-2/SSW 1-2/SW 2-3 | SW 3) W 2-3 | W 1-2); WSW 1-2| W 2-3 | WNW 2} W 2 3 16 | W 3 |W 3) W 1-3} WSW 2-3) WSW 2|WSW 2-3} WSW 2-3] W 1-2 | SW 3|WSW 1-3| W 1-3 | Ww 2-3 5 17 | NE 1-3 | NE 0-2 | NE 1-3|N 1-2| NE 1-2| NE 1-2 2-3| N 12/N 1-2|)N 0-1| N 1-2|N 0-1 3 18 | NW 23|WNW 3|/WNW- 3| W 3-4 | W 45 | NW 1-2})WNW 1-2} WNW 2-3) NW 2-3 | W 2|W 2-3 | W 3-4 5 19) 4) 0 2-3 | NNW 2|WNW 2-3|N 1-2 | NW 2} NNW 2-3 1-2|/N 2|N 2-3|NNW 1-2|N 0-1; N 2 4 20 |S 3-4/5 3|SE 3-4/5 3-4/5 8-4/SSW 4-5/SSW 4-5|SSE 4-5 | SW 3-5 | SW 2-3 | SW 3) WSW 2-3 5 21 |SW 2-5 | SW 2-5 | SW 2-5 | W 2-4| WSW 3-4) W 2-5 | W 3-4 | SW 3-5 | SW 3-5 | W 38-5| WSW 2-4) W 2-5 6 22 ft NW 1-3 | NW 2-4 | W 2-4 | W 2-4 | NW 2-4| NW 2-4) WNW 2-5| WNW 3-6| NW 2-5|N 3-5|NNE 2-5) WNW 3-5 6 BS ulEN 3-6 | N 3-6 | N 3-5 | N 3-5 | N 3-6 | N 3-5 3-6 | N 1-2|N 3-5 | N 3-5 | N 2-5 | N 1-3 6 24 | WSW 2-5|SW 1-4|SW 3-6 | NW 2-4 | W 3-4 | SW 2-3 | WSW 2| NW 2-3 | W 2-5} WSW 2-3) WNW 3-6| NW 2-4 7 25 |WSW 2-7|SW 3-7 | SW 4-7| W 2-5|WNW 23|} NW 2-3 | NW 2-3 | N 2-4 | WSW 2| NW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | WSW 3 7 26 |W 1-3|N 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-3| N 3-5 | N 3-6 | N 3-6 | N 2-4) N 2-5| NW 1-4 | Calm 0 6 27 IN 3-6 | N 3-6 | N 3-6 | N S27 Ni 2-4|N 3-4 | N 1-3 | Var 0-1 | N 2-3 | W 1-2|N 1-2 | N 2-4 Hf 28 | NW 3-4| WNW 2-3! NW 2-3 | W 2-4 | NW 3-6 | W 3-6 | W 3-6 | NW 46|WNW 2-5| NW 2-4 | W 2-3| NNW 2-3 6 29 | NW 1-3 | Var 1-3|N 1-3 | W 1-3] N 2-4|)N 2-3| NE 24|/NNE 2-4) Var. 0-1 2-3 | N 2-3|N 3-4 5 i 80 | N 1-3|N 1-3 | N 1-3 | N 1-3|N 2-3 | N 3-4 | N 14|NE 2-4| NE 2-3|NNE 1-3|N 1-2/|SE 1-2 4 | 31 |N 0-1|NNE 0-1|N 1|N 1|/NNE 2-3|N 2-3 | N 3| NE 2-3 | N 2-3| N 2-3 | N 2-3|NNE 0-1 8 | |MEAN 2°29 2°27 2°40 2°19 2°31 2°37 2°26 2°45 2°23 2°05 2°10 2°00 13 14 15 16 Li 18 19 20 21 22 23 Midnight. |Mean.} Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n, Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force |Dir’n. Force.|Force.|) 1 |SW 3-4| W 1-2| W 1-2|SW 0-1|WSW 1-2) W 1/SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | WSW 2); WSW 1-2|}SW 1-3 | SW 1-3] 1°9 2 |WSW 0-1;/SSW-) 1-2/SSW 2|SW 1-2/5 2-3/ SSE 2-3/5 2|SSE 2-35 2-3 | SSE 2|SSE 2-3/5 2) 1°7 aS 1| SSE 2|SE 2|8 2-3/8 3-4 | SE 3| SSE 3-4 | SE 3-4 | SE 3|SE 3|)SE 3|SE 3] 1:9 4 |SE 0-1 | SSE 0-1 | Calm O|N 0-1|}NNE 0-1/N 0-1 | Calm O|N 0-1/N 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0|/NW~ 0-1! 0°7 5 |NNW 0-1|NNW 1-2 0-1|NNW 1-2|N 2-3 | N 0-1; NE 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm O|N 0-1 | NW 1|NW 0-1; 1°3 6 | Calm O|N 0-1} NW 1/NNE 0-1} NNW 1|N 1-2;NW 0-1/ W 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0|WNW~ 1| Calm 0| 06 7 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0|/SSE 1-2/| Calm 0|SE 1/SE 1-2/|SE 1| SE 1-2|/ESE 1-2/|EHSE 1-2] 08 8 |N 2-3|N 1-2|N 1-2|N 3|N 2-3|N 3-4 | N 1-2 | NW 2-3 | NW 3) WNW 3|WNW 2-3| W 2-3 | 2:1 9 |SE 3-4 | SE 3-4 | SE 3-4 | SE 4-5|SE 4-5|SE 5-7 | SE 4-5|ESE 6-7/ESE 6-7/SE 5-6 | SE 3/SE 2-3) 3°4 10 | WNW 1-2|W 1-2|WSW 1-2] W 2-4) WSW 2-4|WSW 3-4) W 23/WSW 2-3|SW 2-3] WSW 1-3|SW 2-4) WSW 3-4] 1°8 Tol Og 2-4! NW 1-2)NNW 1-2! W 1-2; WNW 2-3} SSE 1-2 | Var. 0-1; NE 12/NE 1-3; NE 1-3 | NE 2-3' NE 1-3] 2°3 12 |N 0-1) NW 1-3 | NW 12|}NNW 2-3/N 1-2|N 2-3| NW 0-2) N 1-2\)N 1-3|NNW 1-3|N 0-3 | N 0-2} 1°8 13 |SSW = 2-3|)SW 2|SW 2-3)5 3-4/5 45/8 6-7|SSW 4-5/5 4-5 | SW 4/SSW 3-4/SW 4|SW 3| 2°9 14 1-2 | NW 1-2} WNW 1-2| W 1-2 | NW 2| NW OWN ee WNW © 2 | We 2)|WNW 1-2) W 1-2}WNW = 2) 21 15 | NW 1-2|WSW 2-3|WNW 2-3} WSW 0-1| W 2-3 | W 2-3 | NW 1-2 | W 2-3 | SW 2-3 | WSW 3| WSW 3} WSW 3) ]| Peal 16 |W 1-2)}WNW 3-5| NW 3-4 | NW 3-5 | SSE 2-4|SE 1-2 | Var. 1-3 1-3 | N 2-3| NE 1-2)N 2-3| N 1-3] 2°4 17 | NE 0-1 0-1 | Calm O|N 1-2|N 1-2;}NNE 0-1/N 0-1| NNW 0-1| NW 0-1| NNW 2| NNW 2) NW 2-3] 1:2 18 | WNW 2-3) W 2-3 2) W 2|N 2-3 | N 0-1) N 2-3| WNW 1-2|} NW 1-2 | NW 1-2 | NW 0-2 | W 1-2 | 2°2 19 | NNW 0-1} NW 1-2)/NNW 1-2) W 1-2| WNW 0-1| Var. 01) WSW 2\8 2\8 3/5 3/8 3/8 3-4] 19 20 |SW 3) SW 23!WSW 2-3/}SW 2-3 | W 3|/WSW 3-4;SW 3|/SW 3-4 | SW 4|/SW 2-4| W 2-4 | SW 2-4) 3:3 21 |SW 2-4|SW 2-6 | NW 2|S8 0-1 | Var. 0-1| N 1-3|N 1-4| NE 12|NNE 1-3|N 1-2 | Var 1-2|N 1-3} 2°7 22 | NW 2-6 | SE 2-4|N 1-3| N 1-2| NE 3-5 | NW 2-5 | N 1-3 | Var 1-3|N 1-2|N 1-3 | NW 2-4|N 2-4} 3°0 23 | WNW 1-2| W 2/SW 2-3) WSW 2-3|/SW 2-4 | SW 3-4 | SW 38-5| WSW 2-3| W 2-4| SW 2-3 | SW 3-6| WSW 3-5] 3°4 of | W 2-4 | SW 3-4 | W 2-4 | WSW 4) W 2-3 | SW 3 | SW 3-7 | SW 2-6 | SW 3-7 | SW 3-7| WSW 3-6/ WSW_ 3-6} 3°5 2 iN 3-4 | NW 2-3) WSW 1-2) W 2-3 | W 3|/ SW 2-4 | SW 2-5 | W 1-2 | W 2-3 | NW 3-4 | NNW 2|NNW 1-2) 2°9 2% |N. 12|N 1-2|N 1-3 | NE 12}/NNW 3-6 14/N 2-5| NE 2-4|N 3-5 3-5 | N 3-5 | N 3-6 | 2°8 27 | NW 2-4 | NW 2-3 WSW 2| NW 1-2} WNW 1-2} WNW PAIN GE 2-3 | NW 2-3 | NW 2-4| WNW 2-4) WNW 2-4) W 4) 2:8 28 | N 3-4| NW 1-3| NE 2-3 | NE 1-3 | NW 1-3 | NW 2-4) WNW 1-2) W 1-3 | NW 2-4|)N 2-4|N 1-3 | W 1-2] 2°9 29 |N 2-3| N 2-4|N 2-4| N 2-4|N 2-5|N 1-2} NE 1-2|N 2-4|N 1-3|N 1-3| N 1-3 | NE 1-2 | -2°3 380 | SE 1-2|N 1-3|NNE 1-3|N 3/N 2-3 | Calm O| N EH IN 1-2/N 12}NNE 0-1/E 0-1 | N 0-1} 18 31 |N 1-2| W 1|SwW 2| WSW 3/SW 3-4 | W 3-7| WSW 3-6/S 6-7 |S 6-8|SSW 6-7|SSW 6-8/SSW 8 | 32 MEAN 1:90 1°98 1°84 2°05 2°48 2°29 2°24 2°39 2°56 2°44 2°50 2°47 | 2°25 N173. NNE18 NE35. ENE1. B4. HSE10. SE35. SSE14. $35. SSW16. SW83. WSW55. W96. WNW 40. NW 72. NNW 23. Calm or Var. 34. 72 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. WIND. DIRECTION AND Force (0 to 12). NOVEMBER 1898. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 alae 12 Max. ‘Dir'n. Force. |Dir'n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force. |Dir'n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n Force.|Dir’n. Force. ul / SW 7|SW 6-7 | W 3-4] WNW 2-3} WSW 1-3/8 1-2) N 1-3} WSW 1-3] SE 2-3 | SW 1-2|N 2-3| NNW 1-2 if 2 | WNW 0-1|N 1-2 | NW 0-1) NNW 1-2} NW 2-3| NNW 2-3|)N 2-3 | N 2-3 | E 2-3|N 2\E 2-3) ENE 2-4 4 8 | NNW 1-2|N 0-1|N 1-2|N 0) Calm 0; WNW 2| NW 1-2|NNW 0-1| W 1-2| W 1-2 |SW 2|)SW 2 3 4 |N 2-5|N 2-5|N 1-3 | NE 1-2|N 3-4) N 3-4 N 2-3| N 2-3 | N 3-4) N 3-4|N 2-3 | N 12 5 5 W 4| NW 2-3 | W 3| NW 2-3 | N 2-4 | NW 2-4) N 2-5|N 3-4 | N 2-3 | N 3-4 | N 3-5 | N 6-9 9 6 |N 4-6|N 5-6| N E-6 | N 3-4|N 3-4 | N 3-4|N 3-5 | N 3) N 3-4 | N 3-4 | N 3-5 | N 5-6 6 7 |N 3-4| N 0-1| N 2-3 | N 1}/NNE 1-2|N 1|N 1-2|N 0-1 | Calm O|N aN 2|N 2-3 4 8 iN 2|N 0-1} NE 0-1 | NE 0-1) NE 2-3] NE 1-2|NNE 2-3|NNW 1-2) NE 2-3|NNE 3-4|N 3-4 | N 2-3 4 9 Calm 0 | Calm O|E 0-1 | NE 0-1| NE 2|NE 0-1 | NE 0-1 | NE 1-2| NE 2| Calm 0 | Calm 0|NNE 0-1 3 10 | E 0-1) E 1-2] E 0-1] NE 1-2} NE 1-2) NE 2|NE 1-2' NE 1-2| NE 2-3| NNE 1-2/N 0-1|NNE 1-2 3 | | 11 |NE 0|NE 0/Calm O;/NE O-l/NE 212/NE 1-2)/Var. 0-1|2 3 | ESE 2|SE 12/45 0-1} 1% 1] 3 12 | ESE 1|SE 2|SE 2|SE 1/SE 2|SE 1/SE 0-1! SE 0-1| SE 2|SE 2| SE 2-3 | SE 2 4 13 |SE 3|SE 4/SSE 4|SSE 3| SSE 3-4 | SSE 3-4 | SSE 3-4 | SSE 3| SSE 3158 3-4|S 2-3 | SSE 3-4 4 14 | Calm 0| Calm 0} Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm O|N 0-1|N 0-1| N Q-1/ Var. 0-1|N 12 |N 2-3 5 15 2-3 2-3 2-3! N 1-2'N 0-1 0-1'N 0-1 | Var. 0-1) N 0-1} ESE 1-2 | SE 2-3 ' SE 2 4 16 |S 4/SE 4/SSE 45]/SE 5-6 | SE 4-5 | SE 4-6 | SE 5-6 | SE 4-5 | SH 5-7 | SE 5-6 | SE 4-6 | SE 3-5 8 17 | ESE 7-8|ESE 6-8| ESE 6-7 | ESE 7| SSE 3-4| SE 3| SE 2/ Calm O|N 1-2|N 2-3 | N 3-4 | N 5-7 9 1g | NE 3-9 | NE 3-8] Var. 3-7] Var. 2-6|ESE 6-9/ NE 3-7| ESE 5-8| NE 3-7 | E 2-5|ENE 3-6| NE 4-7) N 3-6 9 19 |N 2-5 | NE 2-5| NE 2-4|N 2-4, NE 2-4; NE 1-4] NNE 2-5| NE 13-6 | NE 3-7 | NE 2-5 | NE 4-9| NE 5-8 9 20 |N 2-3|NNE 2-3|N 2-3|N 2-3 | N 2-4|N 2-3| N 2-5|NNE 2-4|N 2-3| N 2-3|N 2-3| N 0-1 5 21 |N 0-1|/N 0-1] N 0-1/N O|N 0) Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0|s 0-1 | SW 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-2 4 22) EN 3-6 | N 2-4] NE 2-5|N 2-4 | N 2-4| N 1-3|N 1-3|N 1-3| N 1-3 | Var. 0-1| N 2-4|N 1-3 6 23 | NE 1-2| N 1-2/N 1-3 | NE 1-3 | NE 0-2 | NE 1-3 | NE 1-3|N 1-3 | N 1-3 | NE 1-2|N 9-4|N 3-4 6 24 |N 2-4|/N 3-4|N 3-4|N 4-6|N 2-5 |N 0-1] NE 1-2| NE 2-3|NNE 24| NE 1-2|NNE 1-2| Var. 0-1] 6 2% |N 0-2|N 2-3| N 2-3 | N 1-3|N 2-3|N 1-2/N 1-2|NNW 1-2)}NW 23|NW 2|NW 2-3/N O1) 3 26) | N 3-4| N 5-6 | N 3-4 | N 0-1 | NE 1-2 | SE 1-2 | SE 2-3 | SE 1-2|SE 2-3 | SE 2-4 | Var. 0-1) E 1-3 6 27 |W 2) W 2-3 | NW 1-2|N 2-4 | NW 1|/N 2)N 1-2|NNW 1-2| NW 2| NW 1-2 | NW 2-3 | NW Waray) 4 | 28 |N 2-3) NNW 2-3| NW 2-3 | NW 2-3 | NW ae 1-2] NW 0-2; WNW 1-2) NW 2-4| WNW 4-6| NW 1-3 | W 47 7 29 | NW 2-5 | W 2-5 | NW 3-6 | NW 3-6 | W 2-5| WNW 3-6| NW 8-7 | NW 2-5 | W 2-6 | SW 3-7| WNW 3-6 | SW 3-7 tf 30 | N 2)N 1-2 | NW 1-2| N 1-3 | N 1| Var. 1-2|/E 1|N 1-2/|N 1-2} NW 1-2 1|N 2-3 3 MEAN 2°72 2°67 2°52 225 2°30 2:08 2°22 2:08 2°45 2°40 2°60 2°83 13 14 “15 16 | 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Midnight. |Mean. Dir'n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.) Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.| Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.' Dir’n. Force.|Force. Lt | N 1-2 1-2| Var. 0-2) NE 1-2 | NE 2-3 | N 1-3 | N 2|)NE 1-2|/N 1-3| Var. 0-1|N 0-1 | NW 0-1} 22 2 |NNE 1-3|}NNE 1-3/N 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-2|N 2|NNE 0-1|N 1-2|N 0-1 | NW 0-1} NNW 1-2/ N. 1-2} 17 3 )/SW 2\8 1\8s 2)8 1|SW 1-2) SW 2| Calm 0 | Calm O| N 1-2|N SUN 2-3 | N 1-2] 14 4 1N 23)N 2-3 | N 0-1/N 1-2/N 3-4 | N 2) NNW 2-3|NNW 1-2] NW | INOW? 2-3 | W 2-3|N 1-2} 2°4 5 IN 4-7|N 3-5 | NE 2-3| N 1-3 | N 2-5 | NE 1-2 | NW 1-2| N 4-5| N 3-6 | NE 2-4\)N 3-5 | N 4-6] 3:5 6 IN 3-4 | N 1-2| N 2-3 | N 2-3 | N 1/|N 2-4 3/N 3|N 2-3|N 4|NNW 3-4|N 4) 3°5 a NaN 1-2|N 1|N 1-2|N ON 1-2| NNE 2|NNE 2-3/N 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-2|N 2-3 | N 2-3] 16 8 |N 2-3|N 12|N 1-2| NE 1|N 2|N 0-1 | N 0-1 | NE 0-1 | NE 0-1| NE 0-1| E DRE Q-1| 1:5 9 Ni 0-1) E 0-1|/ENE 0-1/E 1-2 | NE 1-2| NE 2|NE 2-3 | ENE 1} ENE 1|z 2\E 2|5E a is 0) 10 | NE 2|N 2-3 | N 2-3 | N 2-3) Var. 0-1/ NE 0-1 | ESE 1-2|E 0-1| E 0-1/E 0-1 | E 0-1| NE 0) 1:3 11 | Calm 0|=E 1/E 1| ESE 1/ Var. 0-1|SE 2| ESE 2| 5 2|E 2\E 2| ESE 2| ESE 2))|| aoe 12 8 2-3) 5 3| SE 2| SE 2| SE 2-3| SE 3/SE 3-4 | SE 3| SE 3| SE 3/SE 3|SE 3} 2:2 13 |SE 3)SE 3| SSE 3| SSE 3-4 | SSE 3-4 | SE 3/8 2-3 | SSE 2| SSE 2-3 | SSE 2|SSE 1 | Calm 0} 2°8 i4 N 2-4) N 1-3 | N 2-4| N 3-4 | N 2-4|N 3-5|N 3-4 | N 3-4| N 1-3| N 2-3 | N 1-2|} N 2-3) 1:7 15 | SE 2-3 | SSE 1-2 | SSE 2) SSE 2,8 2-3)5 3-4/5 3,8 2,8 3-4|5S 3/58 4'8 4| 2°1 16 | SE 4-6 | SE 7|SE 7|SE 5-6 | SE 5-7 | SE 6-8 | SE 4-6 | ESE 7| ESE 7 | ESE 7 | ESE 8| ESE 8] 5'7 LAS Ni 4-6| N 2-4| N 2-4] N 2-4|N 3-5 | N 1-3 | NE 3-6! N 3-6 | N 4-9 | N 5-9 | N 3-8 | N 3-9 | 4°3 18 | NE 2-5|NE 2-5|ENE 2-5|NE 2-4 | NE 3-5| Var. 1-3/SE 2-3 | NE 1-4| NE 1-4|E 1-3 | NE 14/N 1-3 | 4:0 19 N E 1-4| N 2-5|N 3-6 | N 3-7 | N 2-5 | N 2-5 | N 1-3 | N 3-6 | NE 2-4) N 2-4|N 1-3 | N 2-4 | 3°7 20 |N 2-3|N 2-3| NNE 3-4|N 4|N 1-3|N 2-3 | N 1-2|N 2-3 | N 2-3 | N 2-3 | N 1| NE 1| 274 21 |N 2) N 2-3) N 2-3|N 1-3 |N 1-2] W 1-2; Var. 0-1)/NW 1-3|WNW 2-4|NW 2-3|N 9-4; NW 2-4] 13 22 N 1-3 | N E 1-3 N E 1-3 | N 2-4|N 2-5| N 1-3 | N 0-2 | N 1-3] NE 1-3|ENE 1-3|N 2-4| N 1-3; 2°3 23 N 2-5 N 4-6 | N 4-6 | N 3-6 | N 3-5 | N 4-6|N 3-5 | N 2-4) N 2-5 | N 1-3 | N 3-5 | N 3-6 | 3°0 24 N E 2-3 N 2-3) N 1-2| N 1-2 | NW 1-2|N 2-3 | N 1-2|)N 1-3 | N 1-3|N 1-3 | N 2-3 | N 2-3 | 272 25 NW 1-2|NNW 1-2|N 2-3|N 2| NNW 1|N 1|N 1|N 1-2|N 2-3|N 2-3 | N 3iN 3) eg 26 |NE 12|/NE 24/N 2-3 2-3|N 2|N 2-3|N 2|N 2-3] N 1-2|N 2-3 | W 2-3|WSW 2] 23 27 | NW é 2-3 N WwW 2-3| NNW 2-4|NNW 3-4|N 2-3|N 2-4| NW 1-2|NNW 2-3|NNW 2-3} NW 2|NW 2-3 | NW 1-2 | 2°2 28 | W N W 3-5 | W F, 2-5 | W 2-4 1-3 | NW 2-4 | W 3-6 | NW 2-4| WNW 2-4| NW 2-4 | NW 2-4) W 2-5 | NW 2-4] 2°8 29 N NW 2-5|WSW 3-7 WSW 3-7|WNW 2-51 \\NW 2-5|NNW 1-4] Var. 1-2| NW 1-2 | NW 1| W 0-1] N 0-2, NW 1| 34 30 | N 1-2, Calm 0 | Calm 0 0 1| NNW 1} Var, 1|W 0-1| N 0-1| N 0-1| N 0 | Calm 0} 1°0 all MEAN 2°58 2 52 2°52 2°43 9-47 2°52 2°12 2°32 2°38 2°38 2°53 2°40 | 2°42 N 306. NNEI7, NE&1. ENE7. E29. ESE19. S57. SSE20. S19. SSWO. SW1l. WSW5. W22, WNW12. NW52. NNW 22, Calm or Var. 41. BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 73 WIND. DIRECTION AND Force (0 to 12). DECEMBER 1898. 1 2 3 4 5 6 tf 8 9 10 11 12 Max. —— —— pa Re a ee ee ee ee eee Dir’n. Force.| Div’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. |Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force. EN 0-1) Calm O|N 2-3 | N 1-3|N 2-5/5 0-1|E 0-1| EH 1-2|E 1-2| NE 1-2|N 1-2| NE 1-2 5 2 |NE 0-1| NE 1|/N 1|N 1|/NW .1-2/N 2-3| N 2-3 | NW 3|/NW 23|/NW 1-2)NW 2|NW 2-3 4 3 |N 1-2|N 1-2|N 12,>N 1-2|N 1-3 | SE 1-2|NW 1-2/Var. 0-1) NW 1| Calm O|N 1-2/N 1-2 4 || EN 1-2|N 1-3|)N 3-4 N 2-4) N 3-4 | NNE 3) N 1-3|N 1-3|N 1-3 | N 1-2|N 2-4|N 2-3 ct 5 |NW 0-1|NNW 0-1|/NW 2-3) W 2-3 | W 3) WSW 3|WSW 2-3} WSW 2-3| W 2-3 | WSW 3|WSW 2-3) WSW 3 4 6 |SW 2-4 | SW 2-4 | W 1-3 | W 1-4 | W 3-4 | W 2-4 | W 3-5 | WNW 2-5) W 3-5 | W 2-4) WSW 2-5) WSW 3-5 5 7 |NW 1-3|NW 2) W 2/NW 1-3) W 0-2} WNW 1)|WNW 1-3] W 1-2 | W 0-2 | Calm O|/NW 1-2/Var. 0-1 4 8 iS 4-5|/SSE 5-6|SSE _ 6-7 SE 8|ESE 8-9|SE 89|ESE 7-S|SE 6-8 | SE 7-8|SSW_ 57|SW 5-7 | SW 3-6 9 SW 3-4 | NW 2-4) WNW 2-4) WNW 2-4| W 1-3|N 1-2) NW 1-2|N DW 1-2 | NW 0-1}; WNW 1-2) W 1-2 4 10 | SW 2-3 | SW 3/SSW Bais) 2-3 | SSE 3| SE 5| SE 5-6 | SE 7-8|SE 9-10/SE 10-11]|SE 11|SE 11) 12 11 |W 2-3| WSW 3-4/SSW 3-4 SSW 45/SW 3-4|SSW 5-6) SSW 6|SSW 5-6) SSW 5 | SW 3 | SSW 3) SW 2-3 6 12S 2-3/SSE 3-4/|SSE 4 SE 5|SE 5-6| SH 7 | SE 8| SE 8| SE 5|SE 4|SE 3| SSE 3 8 13 |S 12/SSE 23)SSE 23 /)SSE 3-4|SE 2-3|ESE 3-4| ESE 6|ESE 7-&| ESE 8|SE 7-8|E 5-6| E 3 8 14 |N 1-3 | N 2-3) N 1-4, N 1-3| NE 2-4|N 0-2 | N 1-3| N 2-4|N 2-4| NE 1-3 | NE 1-3 | NE 1-3 8 15 |SSW 6-9)SSW 5-9|/SSW 5-8) W 2-5|NW 1-2)/NW_ 1-2/N 1-3 | W 1-3|NW 1-2| W 2-3| WSW 3-4|SW 3-5 9 16 |WSW 4-6} WSW 3-6;/NW_ 1-4| W 1-3 | W 3-4 | W 2-4 | SW 3-5 | SW 4-5| SW 3-7 | SW 3-7|SSW 48/5 5-8 8 17 |SW 0-2|SSW 1-3) WSW 1-2|S 2-3/5 2-3/5 3-4 | SW 3-7 | W 2-6 | W 2-5 | SW 3-5 | SW 4-5| WSW 3-4 9 18 |SSE 8-9|¢s 2-6|SSE 6-7|SSE 5-6|SE 7|8 5-7|SSE 7-8|SSW 7-9|SW 6-8 | W 3-5 | W 2-4) WSW 2-3 9 19 |S 3-5/8 4-6/S 3-4/5 5-6 | SE 6| SE 6|ESE 8-9|SE 8-9 | ESE 10|SE 10-11} SE 10|}SE 10-11} 11 20 | NW 1-3 | NW 2-3 | N 0-2 Var. 1-2; Var. 0-1} NW 0-1| N 1-2/N 1-3 | NW 1-2|N 0-2|N 0-1 | N 0-1 3 2) |Var. 1-2|N 0-1|NW 1-2/N 1-3 | W 1-2 | Calm 0| Var 0-1) N 12)/NW 12/)W 23|NW 23/NW_~ 2-3 4 22 | NW 1) WNW 1-2|}SW 2-3 SSW 3/5 4/8 4-5|S 3-4 | SW 4-5|WSW 2-3 |SW 4-6| W 2-4| NNW 1-3 6 23 | N 12)NW 12|W 1-2 | NW 1-2|NW 23/)/NNW 2-3|NW-) 2-3|N 12)NW 24|/NW 1-3|NW_ 0-3/ W 3-4 4 24 18 3-4/8 2-4/8 4-5/8 4|/SSE 5-6|SE 5-6 | SE 6|SSE 4-6|SSE 6/8 5-6|S 7-8|SSW 5-6 8 25 |W 12|W 1-2 | W 1-2 | SW 1-3 | W 1-3 | NW 1-3 | N 1-2} WNW 1-2} NW 0-2 | W 0-2 | NW 2|SW 2 4 26 |NW- 0-1} WSW 1-2/W 1| NW 1| WNW 1-2| NW 2|W 2| Ww 2| WSW 2) WSW 1-2/|)SW 4| SW 3 5 2 NS 3-4/8 3-4/SSE 45 5 3-4 | SSW 3/S 8-4|SSW 3-4/S 4-5/8 3-4 | SSW 3| SSW 3 | SSW 3 5 28 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| SSE 0-1 SE 0-1] SE 0/|/SE 0|SE 0-1 | SSE 1) SSE 1| SSE 1-2 | SSE 2\S 2-3 4 29 | SSE 4| SSW 4|SW 3, SW 3| SSW 4|W 2-3 | W 3) W 2-3) WSW 2-3| WSW 2-3|}SW 3|WSW_ 3-4 4 30 | SW 4| SSW 4|SW 4 SW 4|SW 3-4 | W 4|WNW 3-4|NW 3-4| WNW 3-4| WNW 3-4] W 3-4 | W 2-3 4 31 |NW 2-3;/NW 23)|N 12 NW 1-2|N 1-2; NNW 1-2|N 2-3) Var. 0-2|N 0-2 | NE 1-3 | NE 0-2 | N 1-2 3 MEAN 2°58 2°65 2°82 | 2°89 3°10 3°06 3°53 3°60 3°55 3°26 3°48 3°29 13 14 15 16 17 18 TOM 20 21 2 | 93 Midnight. |Mean. Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Force. 1 |N 2-3 | N 1-2| NE 1-2|N 3|N 1-2|N 1-3| N 2-3 | N 2-3|N 1-2} NE 2-3) N 0-1|N 1-2 | 1:7 2 |W 2-3} WNW 3|W 3-4 | NW 1]WSW 1-2;/NW 1-3/NW-) 2-3|/ NW 1-2} NW 1|/W 1-2| W 1-2|N 1-2] 19 3 IN 2\E 12/|N 1-3|NNE 1-2|N 1-2| N 2-3) N 1-2|N 2-3 1-3| N 1-3 | N 3-4|N 3-4] 17 4 |N 1-2)NNW 2-3|N 3-4| N 0-2 | NE 1-2 2|NNE 1-2|NNE 0-1|NNE 12|N 1|N 0-1} NW 0-1] 2:0 5 |SW 3| W 2-3 | NW 2-3) W 2-31 WNW 2-3} WSW 0-1|NNW 1-2} NW 2|W 1-4| W 2-4 | SW 2-4) WSW 2-4] 2:4 6 |W 2-5 | W 3-4 | W 2-4 | W 1-4| W 24|NW 2-4|NW_ 0-1] W 2-4; WNW 2-3] WNW 24|NW 2-3} WSW 2-4] 3:0 7 |NW- 0-1) W 2-3 | N 2-3} WNW 1-2] NE 0-1) N 1-2) NNW 1-2) W 1-2)/WNW 2/|SW 2-3 | SSW 3/58 4| 17 8 |W 3-6 | W 4-7 | W 3-6}; NW 3-6|NW 2-4/|NW 25|/NW 2-5| W 47|/NW 3-7| W 3-6 3-6 | W 3-5) 5:5 9 | WNW 1-2;NNW 1/WNW 1|NW_~ 1-2|}WNW 1-2|/|NW_) 1-2) WSW 1-2} WNW) 2/] WNW 1-2] W 1-2}WSW 1-2|SW 74\| Gr / 10 |SE 11-12]SE 11|SE 11)SE 10-11]ESE 9-10} ESE 10| SE 4-5|SSW 3-4) WNW 2-4|N 2-5 | NW 1-3} WNW 2-3] 6°5 11 |} WSW 1-2};SSW 2-3|/SW 2-3 | W 2) SW 2) W 1| SW 1-2} WSW 4/8 3-4 | SW 3 | SW 2-3! SW 2-3 | 3:2 12 | SE 3/8 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | W 2| WSW 2|WSW 2-3) SW 2-3 | W PA) VN 1-2 | WSW 1|SW 2)| 3:5 138 |ENE 1-2|NNW 1-2/N 1-2|N 2-4) NE 1-3] NE 1-3) ENE 1-3|N 2-3 | N 2-4|N 2-4) N 3-4 | N 2-3 3°4 14 | Var. 0-1| W 2|NW 1-2} NW 1-2| NW 1-3 | NW 3-4 | W 1-3/8 38-4|SSW 3-4|SW 4-5|SW 4-6 5-8 | 2°6 15 |SSW 3-5) SSW 5| SW 5-6 | SW 4-7|SW 3-6 | W 3-5 | SW 3-5 | SW 4-7 |SW 4-6| WSW 4-6) SW 46|SW 4-6 | 4:2 16 | W 3-7] WSW 3-5| SW. 3-8 | SW 3-6 | SW 2-7| WSW 3-6| W 2-5) WSW 2-4|NW 23/SSW 23/5 1-2| W 1-3 | 3:9 17 | WSW 2-3] SSW 3/SSW 3-4/8 4/8 5-6/5 5-6| 5S 3-5 |S § | SSE 7-9 7-9|S 6-7 |5 7-8 | 4:3 18 | NW 1-3 | SW 2-3|WNW 1-2} NW 1-3)}SSW 2-4|)SSW 3-4) WSW 2-4| SW 2-4|SSW 46/SSW 5-6}SSW 3-5/S 6 | 4°5 19 |SE 8-10}ESE 7-8|SE 7-8 | SE S|SSE 5-6/S 2-3/8 2-3/8 4/8 3-5|SSW 2-3|SW 1-2|)N 1-2| 6:0 20 |N 0-1; NW 0-2 | N 1-2|N 1-2 | Calm 0| W I SAME 0-1; NE 1|N 1,N 1-2'!N 0-2 | N 1-2} 11 21 | Var 2-3) N 2-3 | NE 1-3 | NE 2-4) N 1-3 | Var. 1-3| N 1-3|N 1-3 | NE 2-3 | NE 1-2|N 12/|N 2-3] 1°8 22 | NW 1-3 | W 1-2) NNW 2-4] NW 1-2} NW 0-1} NNW 1-3} NW 2-4 | Var 1-3 | NW 1-3| Var. 1-2| NW 1-2 | W 1-4] 2°5 23 | Var 1-3 | N 2-3 | NW 2-3 | W 1-2|NNW 1-3/N 0-2 | NW 1-2}; WNW 1-2| W 1-2|}SSW 2-3|}SW 2|SSW 1-2} 2:0 24 |SW 3-6 | SW 3-6 | SW 3-4 | SW 2-4 | SW 2|WSW 2-3|SW 1|SW PH ANE 1-2| Var. 0O1/N 1-2 | W 1-2] 3°7 26 | SSE 3-4| SW 3-4 | W 1-3 | NW 1-3 | NE 1-3 | N 0-2| N 1-2|N 1-3 | NE 12|N 1-2 1-2 | NW 1-2} 18 26 |SSW 3-4|/SSW 3-4/S 3-4/SSW 45/58 3-4/5 4-5/S 4-5 5|S 3-4 | SSE 45/S 3-4/5 4) 29 27 | SW 2-3 | W 2-3|S 1-2/8 2-3 0| W 1| Calm 0| SSW 1/S 1| Calm 0/5 0-1;SSE 0-1] 2°3 28 | SSW 2\|8 2|SSW 2|}SSW 2-3|WSW 1-2/}SW 2-3| WSW 2-3 3-4 |S 3-4/5 3-4|58 3-4/8 3-4 | 1'8 29 |} WSW 4/W 2-3 | SSW 4|WNW 3/SW 3-4] SW 4|WSW 3-4|SW 3-4 | SW 4|SW 3-4 | SW 4/SW 4| 3-4 30 | WNW 4|NW 1-3 | W 1-3) WNW 1-3|N 2-3 | W 3-4 | W 3| NW 2-3 | NW 2-3 | NW 2-3] N 1-2 | N 2-3 | 31 31 | N 1-3|N 2|NE 1|N 1-2] Var. 0-1|N 1-2 | NE 1-2|N 1-2/N 2|N 1)/NW oO-1/N 2-3] 16 E | 3°06 3:06 3:06 2°94 2°48 2°68 2°28 2°84 2°76 2°73 2-44 2°82 | 2:96 N 125. NNE5. NE2. ENE. E7. ESE. SE44. S$H28. $67. SSW50. SW8l. WSW44. W98. WNW30. NW9l. NNW12. Calm or Var. 24. TRANS. ROY. SOC. EDIN.—VOL. XLIII. K BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. CLOUD. AMOUNT OF CLOUD (0-10). JANUARY 1893. | | ; 1]2}3]4]5]6]7 {8 9 |10}11| 12] 13] 14] 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 28 | MI | atom, | | fo) - 1) =/=/2=/=/ =) =] =] =! =/10/10)/=]= 9/=!10/=/30| 5|=/=/ 1] 0 0 9 2 0} 0} Of 2)10)10;10)/l0) =| =) =/=] =] =] =) =/ =|] =] =] =! =] =)] =] 10 8 Sy SSS SS SS SS 5S tt | = to = | to | SF St = to to | = | =| |) ©! 8] ie 10 OO) 1) PO EO Ol O) O} @) O} Of O} Oy OVA po) =]. =) =)=)=) = 5 SS SS SSS OOO sh ©) OO) OC OO Oy Oe Oy Oi Oi) O} O 0 4 6 38); =/=/=/ 8/10;)10) =) 10) =] =) = y=] =] =] =] BE] ES SE ES SE ES = = 10 7) Sf Ee ES SS SS ES J SS SS ES SE ES] =P =] 10) 10) 10) 7) =} 7) 10) 8) 10' 6 = 9 5S ea Wo a 0 et | 10 9 |= =S/e=/e/=]/= 0; 0 OO, OJ =/= Oo} OF =) Ol OF OF} O} O} GO} O} O 0 4 10 0}; 6) ==) 38) 2] ] OSS St = | 7) 8 = | =], Oe) 0S SS = U 11 OOO ON OT SO OW OC) 0) Ol OF OO CW Oy Ow Oe Oo} OF OF O)ayl = 1 12 |=, O| 0; O} O}] Of} OF} O| OF} Of} OJ BPH=H] =) =/=)/2=2)/ =2/2=/=)/=/=/=2 = 6 13 ——— WW} =) =)/=/=/= =)/2=/=/=2 (i OR ay SS on Ey a 0|10)10); 10); 10 8 14 $)10 W)/=/)/=/=/=/2=2/2!)°2)/2=/=)/107 =] 44/=/=/=)/ 2)/=/=)/=)/=/=2 = 9 bb |=)/=)=)/=/= Sl=H,/ S/H) =/ S72) =/=/= 1/2 /2=/=/=/=/=/= = 10 oe er i — 2 i =]= = =Sl_=/=;=/10/= = 10 W= B=/2/2/2/2/=/= =/10) =] 10P=/=)/=)=/=/2=/2)/=2=/=)/=/=)/] = 10 Wo |S) elele\leal=)\=e2l= ele ell=)/2S)=/) S/S) =)/)=)=, =) =! = 10 W f|/HSl/Bl/=/=/=2/=/2=/= =/=e =/[= | Sl=H/=/=)=!'(2=)/=]/ = 10 20 |Hl=l/=/=/=2=/=/=/= =/]= = HSl=eHl/=,/=),=/=/(= = 10 21 S,_S0]BS/]2, E/=/=/=,2=/=/= Sl='! 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E 2 a Ee) Su MM MSS AS SS MM e miners Seon SMM MUMS ASSoH SMM z e | 8 | wenn Wm MM Me HM ASS OM = WwleSS MOSSY SNM MM MMe Feo SMM s S| WS MM MM MAE MSS PRRSS CHM yyy qf ices Seon Sm Mes aeooH onium 2 a | emi wenn MMM MMeSy ASCSo mM Onegin gS meee SoSH SMM WMS AAeoH HMMM = ag | memnn menu WM Wee =SSoN Coos HM SZ Hmne WeooU SUM HMMs eeeeo WH 2 S [mam HM HA AM) 1eAe9 I] SOSH MSS | OB HMMS SACO H MMM MMe SAS! SMM em an aa a mL a a [MS [A | ASSTSE Crores] z Ire Sooo yy % ims wy ascas yn 2 Sf mma mae HQ AA jy ASRS |] Aan |) B mimnee SOSSH NM MNS eASe™ HMMM Se} Ss] mumim ween WS Wry coees yoo = WSS SHPO Hy OHS MMS eAce™ eM ri Sf 3 fommmmm wma HMM WN #SS SOMO Ayo I] Wee SucoH Hem SiMe* =eoos MMM Z ~— a | EAN La WE A A NOUV IWS! cr coeer cence iii SP WMS Se SST SS MIE SES IOS St HPS IE MILAM es 3 2] Sai MA MMS MAM MM MNO SOSH ooo S Hee FSS OHO WM WIMSs F8eeom OU MM F ae Dee eS he ee eee eee eee er seer as nie ee |S [mie TAT HNL WME ees SSS IS HI WSS SSSSO Sy i i [OS DOOM NE | II S e | [niin won MSM Mssem eAese =o MM s HM MSS SSS] HI HMMS I FXSSA OO HH S 8 2] nmin Win WM SES eASCeH SSM F Wee MISS YOM M MMMM SkSSF We WMM Z | S fe | sisi wm Minin Ws ASo Hs Hee UH s Mee MySS* AHO WM MMMe MN SSSo4 WWMM 2 © | SmSii mm MoM MMM MM eA YS SSO! YN S IMSS SHSSS AS WI MMe SSSO4 WET MM L ~ | SHS WM HM eM PP NS Weeemm IWS RESSS Soo NSM ShSSe We IS © | Signi meni ww MMM ASS Se Soom F WM NSS NPSCSO Sao yy yy Me SCPSSS OMIM Z © | Sms Winn mS MMe eee NS Zoom S WM MSS WESHS ROW WMMSe SVSSS WWMM ] SS i mA HA MS CARRS Soe yy & WSS SSS S YAO WH WMMMY’ exeee Wom co] SMS MMMM MMMM MM MS | SAR SS Seveses yy WMS PSSM YOM WM WASSS WeMMM fo | Smt me SE MS SRS A I OS a [tiles eccce ne miln Minn WeoSS MOH MH Z B = fmm A A MS AS SAM Z 2 | tmnes cccce wou mnMmie SoSee HSMM & 5 | ANOS OS Phe Ness Games A nan ee 5 |nsese cneos ramme erase RASKIN RNRRS | Ss 3S 76 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. AMOUNT OF CLOUD (0-10). MAY 1898. CLOUD. 1 SCMOOMND OP WN- MEAN. n> HH a CODO NANOS OPMOEPD DWODWOLMO H 10 ~I rw olll | ES _ =) a for) a So n moe for} _ = _ ~I . res “I fon So ~“ a oC NI o LS) | oo CO “I oo wo ° oo mS oo a “I a oO a oO “I “I = “I wn Co for} for) “Nn wo So ~“I o = & e5 ~I SS) et met — SCOHMHS DWPRHOO NONOO “10000 1/2}3{/4/5]6 {7819 |10/ 1/12] 13] 14/15] 16] 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 28 nee SPS HESS) 2) =/ =) =) 2) 2/ =] =] =] SH] 10) Se] 10; Se] =, =/=)]/=| = — 2 2 OC i eon Om alo = =/=]=/=/10}] 9] 9/10]/10} 9] =| 10]10/10].10;/10; =| 9; 8] 6| 6] 2] 2 2 Sa 7a NOR SEE GH Ol Zi wl wil ap ZEN eee Si Gar Oho Gh 2h Sy s 1 0; 2/= 1) 2;/=/)=/)=/eE By GO Pa) a OO OT CO Cy al) ak J, a 0) | ee = — i i 2 i 7 Gu Omiad 9}10)10);10})=/10)}/=/=/)=)/e= 0 0 OO a Si eee Oe ha lh OP Bl Wi we We eA oe Ze Sal 2 O} G4) O 0 0] 1) 4] 6; 9} 9} 8] 10/10/10} 10) 10})10)10/10)10/10)=)=)=)=)=/=/ = =|=/=/=/=/=] 0]=/ 0] 0| of of o/=| 7] 9| 9] 6|=|] 4/=l=e/=! = = SSO ea a OG eS 7) Sa Oe er eS | ON ey S| © 0 PN ES OE ON eH lO SI Gi Gl) Gy GB Wal Wes ww we ew |) Go lo.) ue 10/;10;10} 9); 9;10} 9} 9} 7} 9] 9} 10] 10] 10} 10} 10} 10} 10; =/ =] 10} 10} 10) 10 5) 6] 4) 2)] 8/10) S fey =f =] =] =f] =] =] 10) 10) 10) =|) =) =) =) =] =. = =) =/=)] =/10) =] 10/10) =) =)/=/=7=/=/=/=/=/= 7|=/= 4\;= = — 2 ee 6) 5b) =)/=)/=/=/2=)/=/=/=. = SS ES ES ES EE ES SE BE Ee ES EP EF ES ET =] 8 10] FTI =] bf EE 8 ee se 97, =/= 9);= 9} 9/=l=Bz/B2/=/=2 = a0 (ea Ve 2 eG 0 i fe 9/ 7} 9]10) 10}; =} 10 = =|=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=| 9/=| s}=/=| 5/=/ =| 9/10] 6] 6] 3| 5] 7 AS) = =) 10) OF MOR ORS 2) Gas AS as 7a) SONS 9s CON Oo Si Os elOR | = =/10),=) =) =) =] =] =] =] =] =] HP =e =] E= } = 110) 20) 10) =) Sy=fs= = 8:0 | 8°4 | 8°7 | 8°5 | 9:0 | 91 | 8:9 | 9:2 | 8°8 | 8:6 | 8°7 | 8:5] 8°5 | 8:8 | 8°6 | 9:2) 9:1 | 8°7 | 88 | 85 | 8:1) 7:9) 8:2) 8 JUNE 1893. |) =="\S5 10) 9) 8) “Ohiston aon onl oul to[|aiose 94] ston) = Sale) aa onl eral oui a = = =/=/=]= 4710/10; 8; 7} 2] 3] 4) 4) 8/=s/=)] = Sl=/s/= O,;=)/=/=)/=/= 9} 4)10}10}; =/}10)=/=/= 9)/10);=/)/=/= = ==] 8) =) =/ 2/2] B=) =/ =] =] =)10) =) =) =|] =/=/=2=/=/=/=/= = == | Sa NO alloy), GT DN OP te ely ce ee Ze GO By Si a By Gl yo |] uo 9119) 10) BSP], ey Se] Se Sf Et BE Se SE SE I Ef ES] ES] ES] =] 10] =] =] =] 10 10} ==) 8] 9} =/=/=/= =) =) = — oar i i 2 — a = SO 2 ee Aa 7 ON Si (8 10) Sie |e TOO OI a7 6 A Oy OW Ay Sl OG} sy wy dh ay 4 al Si By ey By A Oy tO Woy Sy a PS) = = (Se oS Se Py 2 7 SD PaO ONO | Oy) Sy) Sy ak Sa oy @ 0 OO Oy Nes a Sh B= Oil CWP Ol fey ee Ze et al a ON a Oy) Gh @ 8 i lt As Gee) SL OR Om On Ss On Toit Om OM Sa Shee) Chil) 4 ee eile nO) 0 ON OT CO) Bi Oh Oy Sy) By 4 Bi By) Ol Oa Be) Ga Ze TO) ao] Oh Sy CG! @l oO 0 OA ON Oy ON ON Ory I By ab a Ory Zell es a Be By a A a zi GO | 5 CO Ca By PA EE ea tas Shy EN a ey Cy eh ey) ao) |] a) fh aK) ff 3) ft) 0| =| 0| 0| =| 01] Oi toOy Ton) 0) oO) | 5| fos! o | vol voll™onl Wr mouneonl Ton eto ON ON OP OO ON) O} OO] OF} O @] O}]) OF MO) Os) OF O11 O} OF O} Si] so] ao 7| OO} O} =) 0) = FS) =] EB BSB fF BE SH =| 8 Ub hE Oy O} 2) 2) =) 8) = SPS PS FF ES = ES ES ES = |] ES] =] HE PF =] 10] 10) 10/10) =] = 9)/=/=/= = =| 8} 3] 2)|=/=]=/10}/=)]=)] 9/10] 9| 9} 9/10/10} 9} 9] 4) 9|] 7) 10) 10 10) =f =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] 10] =! 10] 9} 8] 9} 7/10) 9/10/10} 10 5 KO it 0 fe — tt i ee ee ie |) = = =|=/=/=/=|=/=/=/=/=]=/=/= 1}; =)/=)/=/=)/=/=/=2 = 0 “O} 0% 2) 2) ON soso) HO! Gila oO | 0.) OA <0] cor! coll) conlmtonienIn ine BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. CLOUD. AMOUNT OF CLOUD (0-10). JULY 1893. 1/2]/3|4]5]e6]7|s| 9 |1ola!12]a3| 14] 35] 16 | 17] 18| x9 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 28 Au [Mean, 1 Bl Bi Bh we Sy 2 Si bl 7] Gl Gl bl) Gh Ga Wil GN Sa oa Ga Be aly 7] oy al@) 7 Deleon! 8 |) 9 = = =/=/]=;,10]=)]10/10; 7} 9} 8} =]10} 4] 38] 2 8 3 7|/10])10)10}) 9 9 7| 9} 8} 9410/10) 10)=/=) 9/=/10/ 8)/=/=] = 9 4 /=/10)/=/= 9 = = =} 8f 5/10) 7/=/=/=/=/= | 3 UO || 9 Pe LON LON LON LON LON LON MOM LON LON GSS sos.) S|) 1 1) 0) Ol) 0} 20) BF) On a 1 5 6 Th ON A ets ee I ya)! |) aka) | | 7 9) 10} 10] 10/10) 10/10)10/10} 10 8 7 |10;10)10! =|10)/=/;=)] 8/]=)] 6); 10) 10710) 9/ 9; 9) 9/10) 6) 6]10/10]}10; = 9 Bee eLOn LOM =) 19) =) 9) 7 a Ga ay 5s) 9 9) = |) =) 10) =] 10) S79 10) Sy S10 |) = 9 9 ==] =] =) 10) =) =] ] j=] FE] ES SE] SE] SE] ESE SE SE | SE SE] SE SE] SE = = 10 10 =) = J Sf SE EY ES SE Ee BE ES] BE EY SE] SE ES 1 = SL = 9), ES =H )/=/=/= = 10 eee | 4 5) 8 SS SS SS SS | = 10 9) 69) 10) 10 | 8 | 10) 10) 10) 9) 6) 8 9 9 12 ome econ |e rgiad|e—— ——el ——|— S 10 1 7) 29) 10) 10:1 10.) LO 10 13 Ql @) Sy eS eal eB Bal ES eS SS SS = = a) SE 10 10) =] |) SE = = 10 47)=/)/=/=/=/= = = =]710) =/10)} =/10) =/=]=]=)] =] 10 0 10 15 9) =) =)/ =/ =] =] =] =] =] 10] 10} 10]10;/10} 9) 9)]/10})10} 9} 9} 10} 10;/ 10; 10 10 16 9/10;}10;}10; 9/10)10)10)10) 9)=)=y7=/=2=/=e= =/= =/= =/| = 10 ip¢ i i i a 2 =/= = = 10 18 |=/=/;= Co 0 ee = 10 19 sr i 2 Sfp=H);=/= = 10 20 |=H=lHl=/=/=/=/=/=/=2 =/= =/= = = 10 77 a ei i 2 i 2 2 2 Sl=/=]/=/=/=)/=)/]=] = 10 220) Sf) SF Sf ES EE BE ES EB BE I SE ES ET EB SE SE SE I BE SE BE SE SE SE] S| C= 10 23m ee 4 6) 6) (8) 6) 2) 3) 7} G6) 6] 6 8|/ 7}10)/10};=)/10;/=)=/=)] = 7 24°72] )2=/2=/2=/=/=/2=/2=/=/2=/2=)/=]= SlH,=)=)]=)/=/=/= = 10 2) | SS ES SS SS SS SS SSeS eS SS aS SS ee ee eS eS eS ee ee 10 7) | SSS SS eS Se ee eee ee ee ee ae 1 9 27 Gee A ee let |e Ane a OE a eS ON OM OE T9791 10) (9) 7) 4 “Dal Si 9h % 5 6 28 |10/ 10/10) =) =) =] =) =] =] Bl B=) HPS) Eel SE BE) SE I BEL Ee SE Il Sel Eel =e = 10 29 )=]/=/2=/=/=/=/=/=/=)/=/=/= SHH] =)/ =/=/=)/=/=/= = 10 0S SS ES ES ES ES ES BS I BE SKE | ED EI BS I BE | BE | SE SEL SE BE El SE = = 10 a ea aan 2 a 2 aad 2 2 10 MEAN. | 8°9 | 8:9 | 8:8 | 9:2 | 9:5 | 9°3 | 9:2 | 9-1 | 9:2 | 9-1 | 9°3 | 9:4] 9:3 | 9-3 | 9:3 | 9-4 | 9°5 | 9:4] 9:°2| 9:3) 9-2) 88/92) 86 I 9:2— CLOUD. AUGUST 1893. 1 =/10}) =;=)/=/10; 8} 9]10/10)10) =J=) =|] =)/=/=/2=/=/=/=/=/= = 10 2 SS SPS] SE] SE BE ES | ES SS EI EP Ee SE SE | =] =] =] 10/10) 10) = / = = 10 Ce ee = 10 4 SPS Sf] ES SE] SES ES ESE |] ES] ES] =] = 710] 10] 9) 9) Of EPS] SE] SE] SE] = = 10 BS He Sj] EP SE ES Ef ES I SF SE |] = } HP =H] 10] 9) 7] 7) =] =] =I] 10; :«21Y4O«~0 0 8 6 0;=; 0; 0} 1)/=)=/=] 7] =] 9/1010] 9/10) =/=/=/=/=/=/=/=2 = 8 7 )/=/=/=]/=)] 2; 2] 6] 9|] 9)10)/10) =J=/] =|] =/=/=/=] =] =] 6] 6] 10] 10 9 8/10) 10) ])10) =St'=)/=!S/2)/ =) =) 10810; =) =),=!=/=)]=1/10; 10! 9! 8 8 10 9 ON een LON LON Se ON ON MON ON ON elon te T2516) 5) 9) 44) Sb) Shion 9 ld 8 10 Ay Py 2) eS eS Sao SO SS Sis =/|= =/|= = 9 11 SS SS ES BE EB ES ES ES ES EP ES BS SE SE SE | EB | SE ES] SE] SE = 10 ee SS ESS SS SS SS aS SS a= | = | 8 9) 8 2] 66h 66 U8 | 64 4 8 13 LY Oy Sy By By Vy By Bi TON Cy Bi WOT) Oy Sy GS AK OSH eye sh cy Pa et al) 6 14 Saeco Oneal eat co = le O10! 9 AON Oo) 8 i=) Hla lo; 1) ty) r=) = 8 wb |}=;=/10; 6] 6)/=)/ =/ =/ 10] =|] =]= 710} =} 9;10} 9} 9} 8)10)10);=)/= = 9 16 a = 5 | 8] 10] 10 = = 10 Ses ee | — || — | — a — i — i = = = 10 19 ee 9);/=/= 9} 10 = 10 20 BL Fa ea te a = = = 10 Se SS = SS SS SS SSeS vO aS SS SS aS SS SS aS SS SS eS eS 10 7 i (i 2 — 2 a2 2 2 2 — = 10 23 |= /=/ 0} Sf) =) =] =] =] =] =] Ss] EP a=] HE) SH) SE] SES = = 10 24 )/=]/=)/2=/2=/2=/2=/=/= = = = — = Sl=/= = 10 A) SS SS eS SS aS I eS SS tl Sr eS eS SS S = = = |= = 10 26 ee ee = — | — = = = 10 27 =S/)=]=;]=/]=/=1/10)] 8} 8/10} 10} 10} 10 Sl=H/l/==\= | 00) |) 1) i 8 28 QO) Gl Bl Slee hlol=lio\l=el= = Bile co? lin |e elle On | 8 2 FIO) DH ON Aap CH wy wy Ze Ty Oy By BB SS ey) eh 6 30 Onn ee ee SS = a a aS SS BE 10 SS SS SE = 10 31 er = = SlHl=Hs=s= = 10 Mean. | 8°5 | 8:9 | 8°6 | 9:3 | 8-7 | 9°3 | 9°41 9-4 | 9-5|9-6 | 9°51 9-519-4 | 9-6 | 9°6 | 9-41 9:5 | 9-1/8:7|8-6| 8&6) 81)8-7) 9-0 9:2 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. AMOUNT OF CLOUD (0-10). SEPTEMBER 1893. 1] 2/8) 4] 5] 6) 79) eon aton tae) to |e} a | xp | 16.| 17 | 1g: a9) 20) )ien \aealioe) |e eht. pe a Fi ee a a 2 = |= = SBSH], =)=)/=)/=)= iy 7 MO SS = 0) ©) OM! O} @ 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 i ) 1lj= 7 9 3 6 | 10 9 4 | 10 5 3 a 8 : OO Oy Oy) Ol OF Ol @}) @O} G! O} OH O) WO) OG} O} Gl O} O} GO] ©] ©} O}] = — 2 2 2 2 a =/|= = |= = 6 EHSPLHS/=H),=/=/= SPH PHS Hl =ay=)/=)/=/=/=2 = |= = = CWO | WO) “aoe | Stal S|) Se) Ee lala l=a Ss /Ssl= ==) =) =/= = 8 — = = = = = = 8 — 7 — = = = = Qj eie\|=s=,=\eE SSS SSS ae One SS a |) Ol = 7 10 Sy ON OOO ON ey) SS SS SO Oe si 2) O]} Ol Oi OF} Oo 1 11 D2 ON 2 32 NO ROR TOM lan eel — sO) 1 ATO) a1 Oil 8 ee Cie ese eee 2 12 OSS SS Sa =/|/=)\= a = 13 SS SE] ES SE BE ES ES ES ES BE SP SE | BE I SE ES SE BE SE ESE EI ES = = 14 =Sl/=/= a i a a 2 2 22 = 15 rr 2 2 = 16 == | = = i i 2 a 2 = yy =Sl=|/= Sle f=] =) =F =] =/=/=2/=/=)/=/2=/=/2=/= = 18 — — = — = = = = — = = = = — = — — — — J = 19 2 2 2 2 = 20 =Sl=/= = = SPH yHl =H) =] =/ =] =] =) =) =/=/= 10 PA Nei ey = = SflpHP=Hl=) =/ =] =)/10)/=/=)/=);/=]/=] = 22, => = — = — = = — = — — — — = — — — = = = => => => 23 =/=/10,=) =)/=/=/=F)=/=/=) 8] =] =/=/2=/=)/=/=]/ = 24 — = => — = = — — ad — = — — — = — = 2 |= =/= CLOW Se Aa Se RON Sh Oe sOo Os SON ON ON aOR SO SOs 9 Ao |) 0) |) = 0; 0jJ =/= Ol =) =] =) =7=/ =/2=/2=/2=2/2=/=/=/=)!] 8 = = 27 — = — = — = => — => = — — = — — — = — — 28 ,;=/= as =2\l|=/le=/e/=\=!=!/ = 29 |=/=/=e= = ea (2 a — tnd = 30 ES lP=H/=)/= =) =) = SS SSeS eS aS eS SSS SS = | = = MEAN. | 8°8 | 8°8 | 8:4 | 8:3 | 8-4 | 8-8 | 8-6 | 8-5 | 8-9 | 8:9 | 8-8 | 9:6] 9:4] 9:2 | 9:0 | 9:3] 9°6 | 8-9 | 8-6 | 8-9 | 85|81)87] 8:9 CLOUD. OCTOBER 1893. 1 i 2 2a 0 ae 2 2 = 10 2 — i i 2 FD ef 22 = 10 3 SSS = | 10) 10) 6 ON On) = 9| 9] 6] 6] 4) 5) 5) 9) 2)eB)/=a)=/e= 4 8 4 );=/=,] 0} OO} O| 1 LT} 2} 2) 3/10) 9410) =) =) 10) =] 9) =] 2) 0} OF} O 4 5 5 A O} Of Of OhS lilo! =) ea) eS lea asl Seleatdel=]=/=2)/2=/=e2/=/e2lel= = 8 6S) =] Se) =] BS] S| = SF ES J ES | =] 10 JF = | =] 10] =] 10) = | =| =] =] =] 10) 10 10 CVS) So eyo = |) 2 CE AO) OS SON 1@ |) |) Bato) She) OE | = 8 8 Wee re Oy lO) | lo) | S| SS SS aS SS SS ea ela] ae Se) =) 2) Ol El oO 1 8 9 SPH _=H)/=/=e=/= 8/= 9H )=])/=)72/=2/2/=2/=/=2=/2/2=/2=/2=)/e2 = 10 10 SlH/=);=/= 9)/=,=)/=/10) =) =) 27 =/ =) =/ 2) =) =; =/2=)/=/= = 10 11 — i 2 2 2 2 2 = 10 i | SS) HSS lelel=/=lSelalalsllalealealse = |= — i i) 10 Ie Se Hle Ea la|=l=)=alal=al=]) ===) ealela=/=)/=)/=l=l= = 10 i |S) SS (ele) /elelae\l=!lale=)a2l=a)leale]/ela)=l=/2l=lel=)] = 10 15 =e eS eS SS SS SS =|/= SHSlHl fel) =/=/=)/=)/= = 10 ig | SSS (ele) e) =) =2)\=2) 2)lelealelelealel=elelelelelele = 10 W)=) =] S/2=/2/2)=/=/=/=)] 6] 8s =] =] =] =] =! =] B] 0} OF 2) 1 1 8 18 3) 7) 6] 4) 7) = l=SlllSl=/=)/S/=/S/42/=/=/ e421] =]/2/=/=)] = 9 WW) | SSS) Sj) eS) el=laeal=)a2)=)la la) =a] 2) =)=)/=/=/e=/=l=/ = 10 z = =|=/= =|/=)/|= Sj jill (ele el=l=/=)/=)/=)] = 10 21 — i — SS SS SE BHP SE I BE I SI SE Ee I SE Ee ET ES ES = = 10 22 ES) SE) SE] Se) Se] BE] BE] BE] ES ES EB EY EF SE SE BE BE EE ET ESE Es = = 10 78) |= | SSS Hl =o] =) 8) WO) Ol Salaelalea)=/=/]]) =e) =/=)]=/=e=)/ = 10 24 =/= = = =/= = — SHSl=e)=)/=/=/=)/=/=/=2 = 10 25 SS Se een eS eS eS SS eS aS aS aS SS eS = 10 2 );=\/= = =/= 2|=)S)=le)el2)/2/2)/ =) =) 0) w 10 7 .,/=\= = = HSH =f] ==] =/=)/=/=/=/=/=/=)/=)/= = 10 28 = = ]=l(S=/=)/=/=/=/=]=/=/=)/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=] = 10 7 ee | || SS i 2 2 — 2 10 SY SSH =] 8) BS) ey Bla! Fle] Ole Blea] == =/=/=/e2/=/=e/ = 8 SS SS SS ea | a Sa = || SS Sle lS Ee SE ES Ee le =| = 10 MEAN. | 9°3 | 9:4 | 9°1 | 8°9/ 9:3} 9-5 | 9:0 | 9:4] 9:3 | 9:7 | 9:8 | 9°81 9°6 | 9:7 | 9°8| 9°8 | 9°7 | 9:7 | 9°5 | 8-9} 9-0} 9:1]}9:1] 9:0 9°4 | BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. AMOUNT OF CLOUD 0-10). NOVEMBER 1893. Mean, 2 G7) GY DH Oy) aL If) | | ane) aly pay ize alts} 9) aly 40) |) Sal) Ba OB} ane i = SESl=jH);=/=/=/= = 10 2 => — = = — — — — = = — — 10 4 Sl=/=/= 2); 6/10! = ]/=/= Bi Ol) Qi ey ey le 1 L)=/=/=/=/= = 5) el ef Sa a Ea tl SB! ol = 9) 6/=}; 87=;=/10] 8] 8/= =/|= 10 6 SlSH)/=/=/= 6); 2)}/=/= 2)=/)/=7=/=/2=/2=/=2 2);= 4/10;/=/= = ii 2 =] eS eS Sf SS 10) = 0 SS SS SS SS SS Tao at |) a) eS S|) = = 10 ee = = = = 6/=)/= =/!|=/=/=/] O| O} O| 0} O 0 9 Oy Of OF CH On Ol Gir Oil Oy Oy Way Diy Oi Oa Oa Oe Oa SO CO) ON C0) Ve <0) 1x0) 0 10 Oo} OF OF} OF OF O ay wy Ly Si Sl By) Zaye Sy SOR Oe OW ON Oi ON Or x0} 0 11 OO, Of MO) OF OF OF OH OF} OF Ol OC OQ] OP Oy Cy yO SO Oa Wi ON Oe (10) 0 12 oO} OG! 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DECEMBER 1893. 1 SPH (= =;/=]/=)] 0] 1] I= 1 =/=] 8/10)/=/2=/=)/=/=/=/= = 2 SlHfH/=/= CO 0 an 0 C—O dB a = 3 a i 22 2 2 2 2 22 2 = 10 4 /=;/=)/=/=/=/=2 = = =/= =l=)/=/=/=/=/= = 10 5 SS ES SS ES EE ES | ES ES ES ES SE SE ESE J SE BE SE SE SE | ESE SE] SE = = 10 Oe se i 2 a 2 2 =/=/= = 10 7 =] =] SE) SES] EH BE J BE ET SL SE SL ET Ee BE SL Ee EL Es = = = 10 8 SSS ES ES ES SE | BE ES SE ES EP ES ES SE I SE SE SE SE EF SE] Ef = = 10 9 — a 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 = 10 10 |= l= =/=)/=/2=/=/=/= 9/=/10})10) = = SlS/=/= = 10 1 ee 0a 2 2 2 22 — 2 2 | 10 12 i 2 2 2 = 10 13 SPH _HP /=/=)/= = =| = Sl=H|= = = = = 10 14 Sf], ]/=/=/ =) =)/=/=/= = = = |= = 10 166)=)|=/]=/]=s =l/=/= ===) = | = Sl=)/=/=/= = 10 = SHS ES ES | ES SS ES = S| SF SE SKS T= CO 8 C8] 66 8] 62) 2) 1) lol; = = Wop] ) =) =) =) B=] Bf BE] BE SE SE ET BE I BE SE SE SE SBS SE BE BE SE = = 10 Oe ON e123) 10 SS eS SS SS SS SSS |) ES | SS = = = = 10 20 SS ES SES ES ES ES ES ES SE SE Ee Ee Ee] ES] = I = = = ea 10 21 — = = = — = = = — — — = — — — — — = 10 22 = = SHSPHfpHl_EPy=/=)/=/= = Sl S/=/= = 10 23 a i 2a ia 2 = = = = 10 24 SlPsHl/=)/=/=/= = =|/=/= = = 10 25 SPH, /=/=)/= = =/= SPS ,=]j)/=/=)=)]/=)/= = 10 26 = =/l= = =Sl=H=l/=/=] 6] = 10 MW )H)=H/=/=)/=/=/= = =/= = = }=/]10/ 10] 10) 10/10) 10 10 28 CN LON LON TON LON aS = = =Sl=/=/= = = 10 29 =) =) =/=)/=/2=/2=/=/=/=/=/=2 : = a ss 10 80 fH) HE) BE BE SE BE SE BS BE BE SE ET SE J SES I ES = = = = 10 3 a ea ef ein a = 0 0 Mean. | 9°9 |10°0 98 10-0 9-7 | 9°6 | 9-4 | 9°4 |10-0 10-0 | 9°7 | 9°7 10:0] 9:9 | 9-7 | 9:°9 | 9:9 | 9°8 | 9-7 | 9:7 | 9°7 10°01 9°5 | 9°7 9°8 79 80 Temperature—Dry and Wet Bulbs. Taare Black Rada gh 10h 12h 14h 16» 21h 22h al Ni Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. | Dry. Wet.|} Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. 1 | 34:7 32°8)33°7 285) - —- | 33:7 28:9] - —- | 248 22-9 | 24°1 21:°9938°7 | 22:8) 44:1) 28:8 8 2 | 23°6 22°-4|25°5 23:7 | 27:6 25:1 | 28-9 26:3 | 30°1 27-9) 34:0 31:9 | 34:9 32°04 35:0/ 19:0} 33:2} 10-1 4 3 | 30°9 29°1|31°S 31:0 | 35:0 31:3] 34°8 31:0 | 33:9 31°1 | 31:9 ([31°8]| 381°6 30°9f 38:2) 28:8] 61:0] 21°5 ii 4 | 23°7 23:0 | 23°8 22:9 | 25:1 24:6 | 266 25:4 | 27:7 26:5 | 28:9 28:0 | 28°9 28°17 32:0 | 21°99 59:4] 15:1 2 5 | 25:9 25°6 | 26°8 26°0 | 25:3 24°6 | 26:0 24:9 | 24:1 23°5| 188 18:0} 19°8 19°8930°3| 16°89 43:2 | 23:0 4 6 | 21:9 21:3 | 24:2 23-7 | 27-8 26:8 | 29:1 27:9 | 29°9 28:9 | 34°8 31-4 | 34:3 31°19 35:°0/13'9] 31:5) 13°57] 10 7 | 84:1 32-1 | 33-7 31-9 | 366 33°6 | 36-0 32°8 | 35°38 382-2 | 33-9 [80-1] 32°38 30:1436-9| 316) 48:1! 29-21 10 8 | 35°6 32°9| 35:9 33:2] — — |361 341) - —- | 38:2 34°8| 38:9 34:9} 39:2 | 28-8] 41:0! 28:8 8 9 | 31:9 29:6 | 32:9 30:8] 36:0 32:1 | 35:9 32:7 | 32°9 32:0] 30°6 28°7 | 30:2 29:4939-9 | 29:0] 66:9} 22°3 0 10 | 34:3 32°9| 35°8 34:2] 39°9 34-8 | 391 34°7 | 34:9 32°6 | 33°6 32:0 | 35:2 32°1] 40°0| 27°44 66:9) 20-2 9 i 30°9 30:1 | 30:0 29:3] 31:4 29-9 | 35°8 32:7 | 34°4 382°1 | 295 28°6 | 28:9 28:09 36:0] 28-1) 64:2; 22:2 5 12 | 29:6 28-8] 29:9 29°6 | 32°] 31:1 | 33:9 32:2 | 35:1 32:9 | 36°6 35:8 | 37:0 35°99]. 37-2| 27:0} 42:6) 27:0 8 13 | 40°1 39:9 | 42°1 40:0 | 45:9 39°3 | 43°7 36:2 | 40:0 36:1 | 38:2 33°8| 39:2 33°99 46:9] 35:0] 79°4| 27-1 9 14 | 29:0 28:0 | 29°6 27:1) 31:5 28°4/ 31:6 29°8 | 34-4 31:9 | 32:2 29:7 | 31:9 29°7} 40:0 | 27:2] 63:3) 29:0 2 15 | 26-2 25:8| 29:1 28:3) —- - | 34:9 32:9) - — | 37:0 35:9 | 36-9 36:°0]37:0| 24-0} 48:3) 18-1} 10 16 | 40°3 39°8 | 44:9 42:°9| 46:8 43°8| 46:7 43:1 | 48:2 40°9 | 39:2 37°6 | 38:1 36:9] 48:0 | 34:8] 576) 34:0} 10 17 | 42:9 37°5 | 42°8 37-0 | 43:2 87:1 | 42:4 39:3 | 42:7 38°8| 41:2 40:0 | 41°9 41:0] 44°8| 37:2) 75:3, 33:9 8 18 | 49:1 45°7| 49:1 45-7) 49-0 46:1 | 48°6 46:0 | 47-4 44:9 | 45°3 43-4 | 45:0 48:°6]49°5| 41:4] 55:7| 41°67 10 19 | 46:9 45:7] 46°6 45-7 | 48°7 46:4 | 48°3 47-1 | 45°8 42°8| 41°7 36°7 | 41°6 36:6 {[48-5][87°9]} 51:9} 41-1] 10 20 | 40°8 36°8 | 40°8 36°6 | 38-1 35-1) 37:2 34:6 | 37°3 33°9 | 36:1 34:2 | 38°7 35:2] 42-2) 33°38) 55:0) 34:3] 10 21 | 41:4 38:1] 40-9 38-1 | 42°1 39-1 | 43-0 39:9 | 41°6 40°4| 46:2 44:1] 46:7 44:1] 46:9 | 35°87 52°9| 32:1] 10 22 | 46:2 45°1| 47:6 45°38] - — |50°2 47:4) - —- |48°7 47:2) 48:7 46:9150°9| 43-0} 55:0! 41:07 10 23 | 50:2 47:1) 48:9 47:1) 49-7 48-1 | 50°7 47:2) 49°3 48:0] 49°7 48:3 49:4 48:2152:0| 44-9} 53:3| 44:2] 10 24 | 46:8 46:0} 47:0 46:0 | 47:4 45-7 | 46-7 44:0 | 46°8 43:2] 45:0 41:0 | 44:7 41:2] 49°38] 42-3] 56:2| 44:5] 10 25 | 401 37°8| 41:0 38°7 | 44:3 41:2| 42°9 40:1] 41°7 40:0 | 40:7 38:0} 42°6 38:2} 45°5 | 37-9} 79:1) 34:1 i 26 | 44:7 43°8 | 39°2 37-2) 42-0 38- 0) 42°2 38-8 | 40°8 38:0) 40°9 38:1 | 39°6 37-2) 46:0| 38-07 68°3| 38:3] 10 27 | 35:9 34:5 | 37-1 35:7 | 37-4 35-9 | 88:5 37-2 | 39:2 38°2| 43:5 39:1) 41-9 39:49 44°7 | 34:09 47-3} 30:1 6 28 | 39:1 36°8 | 39°8 37:1) 41:1 37-4| 40:9 37:5 | 41:9 37°9| 44:6 40°9 | 44:9 41°69 45°3 | 37-3] 44°9| 35°37 10 29 | 42:4 40°8/ 41:2 40:2] - — |44:9 440) - —- | 43°9 43:6) 44:1 43:°89747:2| 40-1] 53°38] 37:6] 10 30 | 45:9 44:9) 45:8 44°7| 48-5 46:0 | 50°9 46°6 | 49:2 46°8| 47:5 46°8| 51:0 47:°5}52:1) 42:7} 55:9) 39:7] 10 31 | 45:7 43°7| 44:4 43-2) 45-8 43°7| 44°6 43°6 | 45:5 43:4] 42°6 40°8 | 42°8 40°89 51:6 | 41°5] 54°38} 42°07 10 MEAN] 37:1 35°4/ 37:5 35:5] —- — |39°5 367] - — | 38:1 35:9| 38:3 36:0] 42°38 | 32:4] 55:2! 30:3] 8:0 STEVENSON SCREEN. Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. 1 | 36°9 35°4 | 39°2 37°7 | 39°2 37-6] 41:3 39°2/ 41°6 39:1 | 41:2 38:4] 38:0 36:9] 43:0] 34:1] 70:9] 30:0 5 2 | 37:4 36:0 | 38-1 37:1] 42:2 39-9 | 43-6 40-7 | 42:4 40:3 | 42-1 40-0 | 42°8 41°89 44-7 | 34:8] 77:7 | 32:3 8 3 | 441 43°8) 45:0 44:2| 47-7 45:7 | 47-6 44:7 | 48:1 44:4] 48-0 45:8 | 48:6 45:9] 49-2] 40-0] 80:1] 38:9} 10 4 |46°7 45:0|46°6 44:9] 45°6 44:9 | 45-7 44:9 | 45:5 44:8) 44:9 44:0| 45-6 43:6] 49:9 | 44:0] 53:3] 44:07 10 5 | 44:9 41°9/ 44-7 41-9|) - - |43:°2 405] - — | 43:1 41:1] 43°7 41:4] 46:3} 41:3] 75:4) 386} 10 6 | 45°9 42:°1| 47:7 43:0] 48-8 44:9| 48:0 44-6 | 464 43-6] 47:1 45:9 | 46-9 45-7}50°3| 41:0] 71:2] 39:8 7 7 | 46:0 41:7 | 44°9 41:2) 45:8 41°8| 44-8 40-5 | 44-9 40-7 | 42:9 40-6] 40-0 38-7] 47:5 | 39°54 58°9| 40:0} 10 8 | 37:7 36:1 | 38-2 36:8 | 37-9 36:2 | 38-9 37:2] 40°6 37-6 | 42:8 40-2 | 41-2 39:3] 42°9| 36:2] 64:1] 32:5] 10 9 | 44°8 43°38 | 44°1 43:7] 45:0 44-6 | 46-2 45:1] 46:7 45-5 | 40:9 38-6 | 41-2 39:0] 47:0| 39:5] 50:0} 38:6} 10 10 | 43:6 40:2} 43°9 40:9) 48-1 42:4 | 47-6 42:1] 45:0 41:0 | 42:4 41:4 | 40-4 39:5] 48-7 | 35:5] 83:7) 39°3] 10 11 | 41-1 38:2} 40:2 38:1 | 39-7 38-1] 39-7 38-0] 40:5 38:1] 35°8 34:6 | 35-0 34:7] 45:8 |[84-7]] 83:7 = 10 12 | 31°8 30:1) 32°6 30:99} - - | 87:2 33:9) - -— | 84:2 32-1] 38°7 32:2]40:5| 29:9] 75:4] 25-4 9 13 | 25:9 24:7 | 27-9 2671 | 32-7 31-2) 35:8 32:0 | 37°6 34-9 | 89:2 35:2| 40-4 35-9] 39-4) 24:8] 81:3] 19:0 4 14 | 41-1 37:9 | 426 39:2 | 43-2 40-6 | 45-2 42-2| 41-0 40-0] 40-9 38-9] 40-9 38-9} 46-8 |[37-7]] 75:0) 34:5] 10 15 | 59:9 36°6 | 41°6 37°6 | 44:2 39-8 | 43-9 37°38] 44:1 37:7 | 43-9 38°6 | 38:7 34:9] 45°8 |[36-9}] 93°38] 33:3 7 16 | 42-7 40:2| 43:7 40-7 | 448 41:2) 47-0 41:9] 38:8 37-6] 41:1 37:0| 40:4 36:21 48-0| 37-0] 77°8| 27-4 9 17 | 36°3 34°9 | 37:2 35:9 | 38-8 37-3 | 38-0 36-9| 38:0 37:1 | 38-9 36:9] 40:7 38-1] 41°6 | 35:5] 73:4) 34:57 10 18 | 47:6 47:0 | 46°8 46:2| 48:7 47-9| 49-0 46:8] 48-7 46:8] 88:1 38:1] 37:7 37:7]51-9 | 37-0] 89:5] 37:0] 10 19 | 38:9 38:2) 41-7 40°77} - —- |53-2 47-2] - — | 52:1 47-4| 51:9 47:2] 55-0 | 34:0} 91:3} 30:0 7 20 | 44-9 42:2) 44:6 42:1] 45-7 41-8 | 45-7 42-2 | 432 41:0] 40°6 38:9] 39:5 38:0] 52°9 | 37-7] 78:0) 42:1 9 21 | 37:2 36:2} 38:4 36°8 | 42-0 38-9/ 40-9 38-7! 40°9 38:9] 87:1 35:6 | 37-2 35-71 43°3 | 36-01 75:2| 34:6 9 22 | 40:0 36:8 | 40°8 36:9 | 40:2 36°7 | 40°3 36-9 | 40°3 37°3 | 35:2 83:7 | 86:1 34:7] 42°4 | 33-9] 83:3] 34:3 9 23 | 285 [27°4]| 30°5 28:1 | 36-0 31°5 | 37:9 33-2 | 37-4 32:9 | 34:7 31-5] 34:9 31:7] 40°9| 37-6} 87:2] 23°6 1 24 | 30-3 29-2| 32-0 30:7 | 84:6 31°1 | 34:9 31:9] 85-0 32°1 | 29°9 28:4) 28-0 26-99 35:5) 27:41 51:0] 23:4] 10 25 | 30°7 [29°3]) 321 30°2 | 83:9 31:9 | 85°5 32-2 | 35-3 32-2 | 29°1 28-2) 27-9 26:9] 36:3 | 25:0} 78:3} 20:0 7 26 | 32°6 30-2] 31:9 29°6| — 32°38 30°) - — | 35:1 32:1 | 385°7 32:7] 35°8 | 24:9} 44:3) 17:3] 10 27 | 35'2 33:0 | 37:6 32-9 | 34:2 32°8| 39-9 34-2] 38-8 33-9] 30-7 32-1] 33-4 31:3] 41:8 | 29°5] 95:0} 30°3 8 28 | 34:7 33°7 | 35°9 33-9 | 88-7 37:1] 40°8 37-1 | 42°3 38-2 | 37:8 36-1 | 37:0 35:8] 43°6 | 30°6} 78°8| 24:9] 10 MEAN] 38°8 36°8| 39-7 37-4] —- — | 42:3 39:0] - — |39°6 37:6 | 39:2 37:2] 44:9 | 34-9] 74:9 | [82:1]] 85 STEVENSON SCREEN. FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. TEMPERATURE AND AMOUNT OF CLOUD. JANUARY 1893. Amount of Cloud, 0 to 10. 10h | 14h 5 5 10) 10 9 9 0 0 2 0 10} 10 10} 10 9 9 0 0 8 1 6 8 7 8 10 1 5 2 10 0 10 9 8 9 10} 10 10} 10 10 7 10} 10 10} 10 10} 10 10} 10 9} 10 10 9 9} 10 10} 10 10} 10 10} 10 10} 10 8:3 | 7:7 Ho oe Tn) ra = He mH NODSOOHM BRODORM WKHOCOHD DHONS WOWSDSD SOMSH a cp rs 22h 10 FEBRUARY 1893. — o — No} wi Hm i=) = = [> elas) eH oH rary i=) — = a So — NOS OOCHMWO ONLOWM WHWCTUO NONUWO NOON FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 81 STEVENSON SCREEN. TEMPERATURE AND AMOUNT OF CLOUD. MARCH 1893. Temperature—Dry aud Wet Bulbs. Ae es Black | Radn. Amount of Cloud, 0 to 10. gh 10% 7a. | yn 16" 21h 2Qh Bulb.) Min. Yon [rom | 14s | 21 | 228 Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. nee Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet.) Dry, Wet, i j [eee aes i aa 1 | 39-9 33°7 | 38°9 33°7 | 36:0 34:0 | 38°7 365 | 38:1 36°9| 37:1 36°6 | 37:2 36:6] 40-4] 33:0] 53:0} 28:2] 10} 10] 10] 10] 10 2 | 37:9 37:0) 38°6 37:7] - - |438:1 40:0) - — | 34:2 32:9) 35:2 33:9] 44:8 | 33:9] 85:0] - 10} 10 9 4 8 3 | 44:3 37:0| 46:1 39:0] 46:0 41:2 | 47-1 48-1 | 43°3 42:1 | 47:1 46:0 | 47-4 46:5] 48-6 | 35:3.) 57°3| 27:7] 10!) 10] 10] 10] 10 4 | 45:3 41:9) 45:7 42:3) 46°8 43:4 | 47°8 43°7 | 47°8 42°9| 46-9 44:1 | 478 44:6] 49:2| 44:0] 76:7| 40°9 9 9; 10} 10 3 5 |46°9 45:2) 461 45:2; —- - |50°7 49:2) - — | 48:9 47:5 | 48:2 47:°2151:3| 45-1] 64:7| 40:71 10 | 10!} 10] 10] 10 6 | 44:7 44:2) 45:0 44:7|47°6 46°7 | 48:9 45:1 | 48:2 44:5) 46°7 43:7 | 46:0 44:2]50°8| 43:9] 74:7] 42:8] 10] 10 7 | 10} 10 7 |49°6 48°7| 49°8 48°9| 53:9 50°1 | 52°5 45°7| 51:0 45°7 | 44°8 42:0 | 45-8 42:9] 54:2 | 44-:0]127°0| 43:3] 10] 10 3| 10 4 8 | 46:5 43°3 | 46:7 44:1] 46°9 44°9| 47-1 45°9| 47:9 47:0|46°6 45°6 | 46-7 45:4] 48°8| 40-0] 73:3] 34:9 9 7 10} 10] 10 9 | 47:6 46:8} 49°2 47:0! 49°8 45°1 | 46-7 43:1] 41°6 39:0] 43:7 37:6 | 41:9 37-7150°9| 39:0] 91:9] 42:5] 10] 10 if 6 8 10 | 41°9 37:0} 43°1 37:9} 44°9 39°3 | 45°9[40°5]) - — | 42:3 39°8 | 43-2 40°8]47-6| 36°4]101°6| 35-8] 10 7| 10 7 8 11 | 42°8 41°8| 43:2 42°6| 44:7 43°6 | 46:1 45:0) 46°6 45°1 | 47:1 45:7 | 45:2 44°71 47-7) 41-6] 64:4] 39:°3} 10] 10] 10] 10] 10 12 | 44:3 43:7] 44:2 43:6) - - |43°9 43-2) - - |46°9 45°7 | 44:3 42:1] 47:2| 42:0] 67:0} 41°8] 10} 10} 10] 10) 10 18 | 42:2 39:0) 43°3 39°5| 44:1 40°7 | 45:2 40:1] 44:7 40°7 | 42°3 39°9| 41:1 38:6] 46°6 | 37:4] 87:9] 32:3 9 8 9/ 10]; 10 14 | 43:5 42:1] 44°§ 43:°2| 47:4 44:9 | 48:0 45:9 | 47°6 45°6 | 47:2 44:2 | 46°7 44:3] 48°5| 35:9_) 61:7| 37:0] 10/] 10] 10] 10] 10 15 | 45:0 40:1 | 43:1 39°6 | 42°0 39:71 | 41:7 37:6 | 42°6 36°1 | 48:2 35:2 | 35:1 33°8]47-0| 31:0] 71:9) 38:0] 10] 10] 10); 10] 10 39°1 | 29°3]111°3] 28:7] 10 9 g 10}; 10 17 ‘| 33:2 [30-4] 35-2 [31:2]! 34°7 31:8 | 35°5 31:9 | 33°9 32°4 | 31-9 [38U-2] 30°9 28-6] 37-8 | 29°3] 113-7] 24:8] 10) 10] 10 if 1 18 | 35:5 [31°7]| 35°9 30°8 | 87°3 31-7 | 88°6 32:2 | 39:1 33:0 | 30°7 28:2 | 29°3 27:4] 41:9 | 26°39 113°6} 22-0 i 5) 3 0 0 19 | 32:9 30°9| 35:0 31:9] - - |42°6 39:1) - 409 39:0 | 41:0 39:2] 44:0 | 25:0] 104-0} 18°3[ 10] 10 8] 10) 10 20 | 48:9 43°5| 44-7 44:1) 46°6 45°5 | 48-1 46°2 48:0 45°7 45:2 42°8 | 42°8 40:9150°0/ 40-0] 91:3] 38-7] 10} 10] 10 6 2 21 | 43°6 39°8[ 45:1 40:9] 49:1 42:°9| 51:2 45°6 (53:5 46°9 | 45:7 41°7| 40°9 40°57 54:0 | 37:°9]104:2| 42:3 6 8 2 1 3 22 | 46°1 41°7| 48:2 48:1) 52:°2 45°4| 54:9 46:2] 56°7 45:1 | 43°7 39°8| 40:1 37-9] 56°9 | 34:0] 104:4| 25°8 4 3 il 0 0 23 | 37'2 34:°9| 39°9 37:2) 51:0 45:°2|55°8 47:9) 55:2 48:3) 45-4 41°6| 44:8 41°8]57°6 | 30°38] 99:9] 22-6 0 0 7 3 2 24 | 48:9 40°8| 44:1 41°7| 53:4 46°8 | 59°7 50°9| 59°6 51-2 | 45°8 43:2 | 43:6 41:9] 60°8 | 34°6] 102°4 | 27-7 9 8) 10 0 0 25 | 45°9 42°5/49°2 45°3| 52:8 47°7| 54:9 47:7, 51°8 46°9| 48:2 45:9) 47-6 45:9] 56-0 | 35:2} 106:2| 26:2 3 7 9/ 10}; 10 26 | 47:1 46:0} 48:1 46:2) - - |57°9 51:8} - — | 46°8 43:3) 45°6 42°9]59°5 | 44:3}102°3| 40-4 8 7 4 0 7 27 =| 44:2 39°9| 45:1 40°6 | 45:0 41°3 | 49°9 43°8| 49:9 42°3] 42-9 38-9} 41:3 37-8] 52:1 | 40°09} 105°4) 34-4 7 5 4 1 1 28 | 42°1 37:5) 45:4 39:0] 51:9 43:3 | 55:9 45:1 | 58-7 47°9| 43°8 39°7 | 40°7 37:2] 60°4 | 84:2} 109°8| 25:4 0 0 0 0 0 29 | 40°7 37:9| 42:7 39:°9| 54:0 46:3] 55:3 46:1 | 55°9 46:8] 51°8 45:0) 48:7 44:7] 58-8 | 32°27 99:1) 23:6] 10] 10 9}; 10; 10 30 | 47:1 45°4| 46°8 45°7 | 48-2 46°1| 47:0 45:1 | 48°7 44:9) 45-7 43°6 | 44:6 42°71 50-3 | 40°7 | 105°8| 40°8 8 8 9/ 10}; 10 81 | 48:0 45:7 | 49°2 46:1 | 47°4 46:2] 47:0 45:8 | 46°0 45:4] 44:3 43°5 | 43°6 42:4751°3| 43:0] 105°8| 38:9} 10] 10; 10} 10 9 Mgan| 42°8 40:4] 43°7 40°8] - - | 47:8 43°3] - - |43°7 40°7 | 42°3 40°2]5071| 368] 91:2] [83-5]) 8-4 | 81) 7:7 | 69) 66 STEVENSON SCREEN. APRIL 1893. 16 | 33°2 [31:2] 32°9 31:8 | 387°1 33:3 | 33°8 31:9 | 83:0 31°9 | 82:0 29°6 | 33-7 30:9 Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.) Dry. Wet. 1 | 43:2 40-2 | 44°6 42:1 | 46°9 41°7 | 47:7 42-1 | 45°8 42-2 | 42°6 39:3 | 43-1 41°2 49-0. 388°5] 93°3| 33-4 9 8 9 7 9 2 |45:9 43°9\ 46:7 44:7) - - |50°7 46:9] - — | 48:1 45:7| 47:8 45°89 53:3 41:7]109:7| 37:6 7 9 8} 10; 10 3 | 47:9 45°9| 48:1 46°6 | 50:2 47°4| 50°38 47°4| 53:2 48-4 | 45-2 43:2 | 43-2 41°7] 55-9 | 42°38) 112-9; 43:1] 10} 10) 10 3 0 4 | 88:2 38-1) 41:7 40:9 | 52:2 47:2 | 57-9 50°8| 59:1 48°8 | 44:7 42:1 | 42:7 40:6} 59-7 | 36:0] 111-2; 28°6 0 0 0 0 0 5 | 43°6 41°7 | 48:0 45°7 | 55:9 48-8 | 61°9 50°9| 58-3 50:4 | 50°6 46°1 | 47°38 44°6 | 62:4 | 35:6] 107°7 | 27:8 0 0 0 1 0 6 |50°4 47:5 | 52-2 48-7 | 60:1 53°7 | 60-8 53°9| 58-7 51:9 | 49°7 48-7 | 49:4 48:2] 63-9 | 40-9] 1055 | 31:4 1 2 8| 10} 10 7 |49°0 47:1) 50:0 47°7| 53:4 49°6 | 55-9 50:9 | 54:2 49:4] 48-9 46:1) 48-7 46:0] 57:2 | 43-0] 110:2! 35°3 8 3 1 7 6 8 | 48:9 45:1) 51:0 461 | 56:1 49:4 | 62:1 53:2 | 61°8 54:2} 47°8 44:1} 47-0 43:0] 62°8 | 44:3] 113:2| 37:8 1 0 1 0 0 9 | 43°9 39:1] 48:9 42:6) - - |58°9 45:7) - —- | 44-2 41:1} 42:2 39:9] 61°3 | 33°8]113-4] 25-4 0 0 0 1 0 10 | 47-1 42°8| 49:4 44:8) 50:0 45°3 | 46°6 43:1 | 43-2 41:9} 41-2 39:9) 41:3 40:0] 51°6 | 32-7] 103-0| 36-7 8 8} 10} 10) 10 11 | 42:7 38°9| 44°5 39:2) 48-1 41°3|50°5 43:1| 52:9 43:2] 43-0 38:1] 40:0 39:0] 54:4 | 39°67 113°3] 35°3 1 1 5 1 0 12 | 41:7 38°4| 47:5 42:41 49°3 44:4150°7 44:9) 50:3 45°8! 46°8 45:2) 45-7 44:9152-2/ 31:2] 113°6| 27°6 6 8 4; 10 8 13 | 45:2 40°7| 47:0 41°7| 51:0 445 | 54:3 47°1| 516 46°9| 43°6 40°6 | 41-9 39:4]57-0 | 39°3]113°3| 30°6 1 1 3 2 0 14 | 47:2 44:7) 45:8 44:7 | 48:1 45°3/ 50°8 45:0] 496 46:1] 46:8 43:7 | 46:8 43:2]52°6 | 40:3] 99:2) 36:3 7 9} 10} 10} 10 15 | 47-0 44°7 | 46°3 45:0 | 48:1 47:2| 50-2 49:0] 51:4 49°5| 39:2 38-5 | 39:2 38:°2]51°7 | 39:0] 59:9 OF LON LON Se LON LO 16 | 36:0 35:7 | 37:0 36:0) - — |42°9 38:9] - — | 41:6 37:7| 40:9 36:9] 43°8 | 33:0] 70:4) 30°77 10} 10}; 10| 10 8 17 | 42:3 37-7 | 43°2 38:2| 44:6 39°8| 45:1 41:1] 45:2 41:7 | 44-9 42:3] 44-9 42:6] 47°8 | 37-0] 67°7; 31°76] 10| 10) 10; 10) 10 18 | 48:9 47:9) 49:1 48:1] 49-9 48°7| 50:0 49°3| 51:1 49:8 | 49°3 47-9| 48:9 48-4]52°3 | 42-0] 81:3) 42-2] 10; 10) 10/ 10 8 19 | 53:1 51:0 | 56°3 52°5| 62:5 56:4] 65:4 56°3| 63:5 56:2] 58-0 531/601 54:1] 68:7 | 48-2]1186| 45-0 i AN UO | to 9 20 156°4 54:1) 6071 55:7 | 61:7 55°9| 65-9 58:0 | 60:0 55:1 | 48-2 45:7 | 47°5 45:4]67:0| 46°57115-9| 44:8 8 6 6 8 8 21 | 47-9 44:9 | 48-9 45:9} 54:7 50-0) 60:4 53°5 | 607 53°6| 51-0 47°2| 49:4 46:0] 62-4 | 44-:0]1194) 39:07 10; 10 4 0 0 22 | 52°6 46°9| 54:9 49:0} 61:4 52°9| 63:4 55°6 | 70:2 58-4] 58°5 52:8) 53-7 50°64 71:1 | 42°87 114-2) 35:3 5 1 2 4 3 23 | 54-5 50:°9)/61°'7 541) — —- | 70-4 54:4] —- — |56°9 511/521 48-7] 71:3 | 43°0]121°0| 34:3 0 0 0 0 0 24 | 52°6 48°7| 58:1 52°5| 64:4 55°6 | 65°6 56°5| 66°8 57°6| 55:0 51:2) 54:8 51:0] 68-4 42-37111:2| 33-4 0 0 0 5 3 25 |53°0 49°9| 57:2 51°7| 62°8 55:1 | 64:9 56-1 | 63:2 55-2|55-4 51:1 | 54:9 50°89 67-2 | 43°49117-°9) 39-2 0 0 1 8 9 26 | 51:1 49°3| 51:9 49:3] 56-2 52:1|55°8 51°5| 54:9 49°1| 51:0 47:2) 47-7 45:°2]57°3) 47-:0]1123| 46-07 10) 10 8 7 1 27 | 52:9 47-°8| 53-2 48:1] 54-6 48:9| 54:6 49-9) 56-2 49°7| 50-3 47-7 | 49:4 46:0] 562 41:7] 112-2) 34:8 5 7M a) 9 9 28 | 51:0 45:0| 49°9 44:8] 48-8 43°3| 501 45:1) 47:2 44°1| 44-2 41°5| 43°6 41-9] 51-2 | 41-:0]110°7| 36:3 7 7 9; 10] 10 29 | 43°6 42:3/ 40°6 3911] 42°8 41:0] 47:0 46:7 | 46:2 [42:9] 48-4 40-4| 42:8 40-6] 488 | 40:0] 108-4, 37:6] 10) 10 9 8 | 10 80 | 44:4 40:7] 45°6 42:0} - - | 43:0 401) - - | 40°5 38-6) 39-0 37:-4]4971 37:3] 98°38) 33:4] 10 6 7 7 3 Mean) 47°4 44°4| 49°3 45-7] - ~ |55°1 489) - ~ |47°9 44:6] 46°6 44:0] 57°6 40°2]105°3 | (35°5]) 5:7 | 5-4 | 5:8 | 63) 55 TRANS. ROY. SOC. EDIN.—VOL. XLII. L 82 FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. STEVENSON SCREEN. TEMPERATURE AND AMOUNT OF CLOUD. MAY 1893. Temperature—Dry and Wet Bulbs. in Black |Radn, | Amount of Cloud, 0 to 10. pa ee ee Max| Min: sell ena ; cae Bulb. | Min. gh 108 12h 14h 16h 21h 22h eee 108 | 14 | gi» | gen Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. ras 1 | 43°8 4171 | 46:7 43°7 | 48°1 43°1 | 46°6 42:1 | 48°9 44°6 | 42:2 39-2 | 40:0 37:8] 50-0 | 36:0} 122°3 | 31°6 9 9 6 8 4 2 | 45:1 42:1] 48:3 43°5 | 47-9 42:4) 47-9 44°7| 48-4 44:3] 46°8 44-7 | 46°9 44:3]50°9 | 38-7] 79°2| 284] 10| 10} 10) 10] 10 3 | 46°6 45:°9| 47°5 46:2 | 49°5 48:2 | 50°6 49:2 | 52:1 50:4) 51:0 49:2| 50:2 48-9] 53°6 | 44:6} 74:7] 41°87 10} 10} 10] 10] 10 4 | 55:1 51°9| 55-9 51°8 | 57-1 53:1) 58-9 54:4 | 576 53°6 | 54:2 51-6 | 53:9 50-8] 60:0} 47-9} 1148) 44-17 10} 10 ii 9 9 5 | 61:4 53:9 | 62°9 54°6 | 65°3 [55:4] 68°8 [58:0] 67°4 [58°8]| 58°9 53-4 | 55°3 51:1] 69-8 | 48:97 115°S) 41°83 10}; 10) 10 7 3 6 |58°9 54:4) 61:3 55°9/ 64:7 56°7| 67°99 59°71) - - | 58:3 52:1) 56°6 52:2) 68°7 | 50:0}120°8) 41:3 8 8 il 6 6 7 | 55:1 46:°2)56:2 47:1] - - |61°7 48:5) - - |50-4 45-7) 48-9 44:9} 62:9 |[48-6]} 117-7 | 38:9 2 6 1 2 1 8 |55:1 45°9/| 58-0 46:7 | 60°6 50°38 62:5 52°7 | 59:7 51°3| 57:2 49°3| 53:8 48-0] 63:3 | 44°71 120°3 | 35-0 8 g ’) 6 2 9 |56°5 50-7 | 60°4 52:9] 66:2 55°3 | 66°9 55:8 | 65°8 55:0] 55-7 49°7 | 54:7 49:2] 68:3 | 42:0] 124-7 | 31-3 7 7 7 2 1 10 | 55°9 49°8 | 57:8 51:2 | 58-1 50:9 | 57-9 49-9 | 57-9 50°8| 51°7 50:2] 51:1 49-9} 61:1 | 48571012) 3407 10} 10) 10) 10} 10 11 | 50:1 49°7 | 50:2 49:9 | 52:2 51°2| 53-1 51:1 | 51:8 51:2] 52-2 51:0 | 52:1 50:99 55-4 | 49-6] 94:8) 46°38} 10} 10} 10) 10] 10 12 | 51:8 50°9 | 52:3 51:6 | 54:3 52°3 | 54:2 52:7 | 54:8 53-1 | 52:2 50:2| 51°7 49°9]57°7 | 49-0] 73°6| 47-9} 10} 10} 10] 10] 10 13 | 52°7 511) 53-9 50°7 | 57°7 52:1 | 59°8 54:2 | 62°9 55:9 | 54:0 51°6 | 54:3 51°57 63°8 | 49-0] 115-2 | 47-4 7 8 3 4 5 14 | 53-4 50°0) 579 52:99} - - |64:0 54:8} - - | 57:9 52°6| 55:0 50-1] 67°9 | 49:0] 123°3 | 44:2 9 8 7 6 5 15 | 54°9 50°9| 57:3 52°7 | 63°8 56:2| 65:9 57:1 | 64°3 56:9 | 52°9 49-9 | 51°S 49:2] 68°7 | 47°8]125°3 | 39°7 | 10} 10 9 9 9 16 | 53°8 50°7 | 54:9 50°7 | 57°8 51:9 | 57-2 52°6 | 52-2 51-2) 51:9 51:0} 51°7 50°49 58°3 | 48-4} 110-7 | 46°6 7 9; 10/ 10] 10 17 | 53°9 50°3 | 58-1 53:0} 60°6 52°8| 61:3 53:2] 60°6 52:4] 53:8 50:4 | 53°6 49-8] 62°8 | 45°51127-8 | 41-4 9 8 9 | £0 9 18 | 49-9 48°6 | 50-2 48:9| 51-7 49:9) 53:0 51:1 | 54°7 52:1] 49:9 48°8| 47:9 47:2]56:2| 48-2] 80°6/ 484] 10] 10; 10 i 6 19 | 53°7 52:2) 54-4 52:9 | 54:8 52:4) 64:0 56°7| 61:8 55:4] 54-9 52-1 | 54:9 52:2] 65:5 | 46:0] 121°8 | 39-0 9 9 4 9 9 20 | 54:9 53°2| 54:2 52:8) 54:4 52-5) 59°8 56:0 | 557 58:1) 51:9 51-2| 51:0 50:1] 60°9 | 50-3] 122°5| 47-3] 10) 10 7 6 7 21 | 49°9 48°8)53°9 522} - - |561 521] - —- |50°7 47:7) 501 47:1] 57:8 | 49:0}118-4| 45:97 10 7 7 6 7 22 | 50°4 49°3 | 52-1 50°3 | 55:9 52°3 | 55:4 52:1) 58:3 52°3/53°7 49°7| 53-2 49°9]59°7 | 47°34 127-7 | 43°27] 10 9 8| 10] 10 23 | 5387 50°9| 51:2 49:5 | 55-9 50°9 | 519 49°8| 53-1 49°2| 49:9 47:1 | 5071 47:6} 56°8 | 48:8] 124-2) 49:3 7 9; 10} 10] 10 24 | 55:1 49°7| 57:5 51:2| 56:7 50:2 | 56:0 51:0 | 55:2 50°7 | 50°7 49:0 | 50°7 49-7} 59-4 | 48011204] 47:5 8 7 |) LO | Wo) 25 | 53°3 47°8| 53:2 47:2°| 54-4 49°1| 54:4 50-1 | 54:4 49-2] 52:0 49:0| 52-6 48:29 55°3 | 49-3] 108-8 | 48-4 5 6 9} 10] 10 26 |51°9 49:2| 51:3 50-1] 54°6 51°1| 55:8 50:3 | 55°1 501} 52°8 48-9 | 52:0 49:0} 58-3 | 48°87 120°0| 47-47 10; 10; 10 8 8 27 =| 54°8 531) 57-1 54:2 | 62-1 56°8| 58-9 54:7 | 60:2 54:9] 57:2 53-7 | 56°6 53-9] 62°3 | 50°1}120°8) 466] 10) 10 9), 10), 10 28 | 53°7 52:7) 53-7 52:99} - —- |58°8 557] - —- | 55:9 531] 54:9 52:8] 59-4 | 52-0] 93°8) 5257 10; 10/ 10 95 a0 29 | 50°7 47°8| 51:8 48-7 | 52-9 48:2) 54:7 48:8 | 55:7 48°7 | 48°2 43-2| 45-0 41:9] 56-2 | 44:97117-2| 5071] 10/ 10 8 2 3 30 | 47°2 41°6| 5071 43:0) 53:7 45:7) 55:8 46:0 | 57:0 47-7 | 49:0 43-7 | 46-0 41-7 | 59-2 | 37:9] 126-4 | 29:3 3 2 3 2 4 81 | 517 47°2|52°5 48-6 | 56°8 50°8) 59:9 52:0 | 58°8 50°8 | 52°8 49-1 | 52°6 49:0] 61°8 | 42:2)129°9| 37:2 9 9 6 8} 10 Mwran| 52°7 49°3/54:3 502; - - |581 521} - — | 52°6 49:5|51-6 48-7] 60-4 | 46°8}112°7 | 42-4 | 86 | 8-7 | 7:8) 7:6 | 7:4 STEVENSON SCREEN, JUNE 1893. Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.) Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. 1 | 54:7 50°8 | 57*1 52:9 | 57°1 51-5 | 59:7 51-7 | 58°8 51:8 | 50°2 47:1 | 48°5 45:8] 60-0 | 48:0} 1093] 47:3] 10 8 a 3 1 2 |51°8 48-9) 52:9 49°8 | 551 50°8 | 58-8 52-1 | 60°6 53-0) 53:1 50-2] 51-7 49-1 | 62-9 | 41:2] 1238] 33:27 10] 10 8 6 3 3 | 58° 52°9| 59-7 54:0 | 60-0 55:5 | 57-7 53-7 | 57:0 58-4| 54:7 52:1) 58:8 51:2] 62:5 | 45-07 123-0] 37°3 3 4 8 qi 8 4 | 52:3 50°0|56°3 52:9) - - | 56-4 58°38} - —- | 51:7 501/| 50-1 48-7] 58-0 | 47°74 1200) 451] 10 7 9 9 9 5 | 56:9 53:0 | 58:0 53-2 | 62:9 56:1 | 62°6 54:7/| 65-0 56:0| 57:0 53:0| 56:2 53-9] 65-0 | 49°1]125°7 | 47-5 4 3 2 7 i 6 | 58-1 55:0 | 59°9 56°8| 56-9 56°6| 58-9 56-9 | 56°8 55:9| 55:0 54:6 | 54-9 54-2]60°7 | 54:7] 81-0) 523] 10} 10; 10) 10] 10 7 | 57-9 55:1) 59:1 56-0 | 61-2 57-4 | 62°8 58-2] 60°7 58-9 | 58-0 56:1] 57-1 55-9} 63-0 | 53271088) 53:7} 10} 10} 10 5 7 8 | 60:1 57:7 | 62°6 59:0 | 68:9 61-7 | 68-5 61:5 | 69°8 61°6 | 57-7 56°2| 56-1 55-0} 71°3 | 51-27127:2) 44-7 0 2 @|| 1 6 9 | 58°38 55°9| 60-0 56°7 | 64°8 59-8 | 68°8 58°8| 70°3 61:2| 59-7 54:°9| 58-2 54:8] 72°1|51:8]71280) 46-9} 10] 10 2 5 6 10 | 62°7 55:8 | 64:2 57:0 | 67:2 58-9) 69-5 8-9] 69-3 60-6 | 60:4 54:6 | 58°8 53-1] 72-2 | 52°24137:9] 44-0 3 3 7 1 2 ll | 59-2 54:9/63°9 57:2) - - |70:8 62:0) - - | 61:7 57:1] 61:0 56:9] 72-0 | 48-0] 127°5| 42-4 3 2 2 8 7 12 | 63:0 57:9) 65:0 58-9) 69-9 60°5| 70:7 60:9] 70°5 62°5| 61-6 58-4 | 58-2 56-7] 72-4 | 51:0} 133-0| 46°6 1 2 7 1 1 13 | 61°2 57-1 | 63:9 58-7 | 648 58:8| 66:0 60-0 | 64:9 60:9) 57:7 56°6| 55-9 55:04 68-0 | 49°3]130-7| 43:2) 0 1 3 1 0 14 | 59-7 56°6| 64-4 59-0| 71:9 60:3) 70:8 60:9 | 71:7 60°9| 66-2 55:9] 63-2 561] 74:1 | 481413800) 42-7 1 1 4 3 7 15 | 660 59°5 | 63°9 58°8 | 69°9 61:6 | 69°8 62:1 | 69:9 62:0| 63°8 58:9 | 62:2 57-9] 72:3 | 52541255) 47-297 5 4 6; 10} 10 16 | 62°8 59:2 | 64:2 60-9 | 62:1 59:9) 60-9 58-9 | 64:3 59:9] 57-7 57:1| 57-8 57-3] 65-0 | 56141225) 52:8] 10 0s LON KO. 17 | 60°8 58°8| 63°1 59-9 | 67-9 62:3 | 67:2 62:6 | 66°5 61:9] 59:8 57-9 | 56-3 55-8] 69°3 | 56:0]130°3| 56:8] 8 8 3 0 0 18 | 58°5 57:0) 60°8 586} - - | 68:2 63:0} - -—- | 608 58:9] 59-2 57-9] 70:0 | 54:1}125:°3| 53:3) 10|] 10 il 0 il 19 | 64:9 59-9 | 64-1 58°7| 64:1 58:1 | 64:8 56:8 | 64-7 55:0| 55:6 50-2|52-0 48-7] 67°1 | 52:1]134:0| 52:3 6 4 3 0 1 20 | 55:3 4971 | 563 49°9| 57:8 50°3/ 58-0 51:2] 57:9 51:0) 54:2 50°8| 52:5 49-2}60°6/51:0; 95°99; 46:2) 10] 10, 10 7 4 21 | 55°7 50°8| 56-7 50:2) 61:0 52-2 | 64:9 55:9 | 62:9 54:8 | 55:0 52:1) 55-7 52:2] 65-4] 44:3)138°7) 37-1 9 8 4 GA) 0) 22 | 55°9 52°8| 559 52°8)53°9 51-9] 52-8 52:2) 51-8 49-8] 47-1 46-0] 48-1 45-7] 56-0] 47:9] 80°2| 52:2 GH LON LOR lO ene 23 |50°4 47:0} 51:9 47-9) 50°6 47:9 | 49-9 47-6] 51:3 48:6) 50°5 48°7/ 50:8 48°4]52°5| 45-9] 68:2) 44:9] 10] 10) 10] 10} 10 24 | 56°7 50°3 | 5571 49°3| 55:9 49°9| 54-9 49-9| 55-9 49-1 | 52:0 49:0 | 52:0 48:2]58:0| 49:0] 120-8] 47:6 7 8 8 9 9 25 | 53°6 49°6|55°3 50°38) - - |55:9 49:9) - - | 53-1 47-S$|52°3 48:°0]57-0| 50:1] 102-°0| 49-2 8 6] 10 9) 10 26 | 53°0 49°1 | 52-2 49:2) 55:4 51:0 | 55:2 50-7 | 58:9 52°7|53:0 49°8| 51-9 48-9] 62:0 | 47-0] 123°0| 4371 8 9} 10 9] 10 27 | 61-2 54:9 | 60:9 55:4 | 63°6 57°7 | 62:9 57:9| 63:6 58°8| 58-9 58-1) 58-1 57:9] 65-0 |[51:2}} 132°9|) 491 4 Te LO) LOR 0 28 | 61:2 59:2 | 60°3 58:0 | 61°8 59°5 | 62°6 58*1| 64:0 59°8| 57-9 56°6| 58-4 56:9] 66-0 | 57:0] 123°5| 48:9 8 8 7 9} 10 29 | 54°9 53-9| 55-9 54:0 | 56-9 53:9 | 55:9 53:0| 55-9 52°7|54:5 52:0| 54:9 50-9]58°8| 54:2] 70:5) 54:4] 10) 10} 10} 10 8 30 | 57°9 53:5 | 58°8 53°8 | 62-9 56:8 | 65-1 57:9 | 61-4 58:1] 57:9 54:0] 57:9 54-8] 66:0 | 46-3] 123-9 | 42:3 il 0 il 0 0 | Mean) 58:1 542/594 550] - - | 62-4 56:4) ~ - | 566 53:5] 55:5 52:8] 65:2|50-21117-4| 468] 66 | 65 | 66 | 62] 62 | FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 83 STEVENSON SCREEN. TEMPERATURE AND AMOUNT OF CLOUD. JULY 1893. ‘Temper —Dry ar : d 10. perature—Dry and Wet Bulbs Max{Min, |Black | Radn, Amount of Cloud, 0 to 10 gh 108 12 14h 16 Qin 22h Bulb, | Min.) ga |! ion | yan | 218 || 22 Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.!Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet 1 | 63°9 58:2 | 69°8 61:3] 71:9 62:9] 75:9 62°9 | 63:9 62°9| 64:1 58:1 | 62°9 57-9] 76:5 | 50:0}132°8|} 42-8 4 3 3 4 7 2 | 58°6 563/581 566) - - |65°3 60°99) - - |60°7 57:8] 58-9 56:0] 71°3 | 55:0] 1866} 48:9] 10] 19 6 3 2 3 | 62°7 58:9] 65:9 61:0| 68:4 62:7 | 67°9 61:9 | 68°1 61:1] 61:1 59-0} 60-8 59:0] 72:1 | 53°2]141:2| 48:9 3 6 6 8 | 10 4 | 62°8 59:5 | 64:5 59:2) 65:0 59:9] 68-2 61:9 | 66°6 60°9| 58:2 55:9) 57°38 55:4] 70°8 | 57:0] 182°9| 54-1 7 6 7 10} 10 5 | 59°8 55°9) 61:1 56°3| 65:8 60:2 | 72:8 63°8 | 72°9 64:1 | 60°7 57:7 | 59:1 56-1] 75:1 | 54:°94131:0| 53-1] 10 4 1 1 1 6 | 63°8 58:9} 67:1 61°3| 65:1 55°9|65°5 58:1 | 65:0 57°6 | 62:9 57-8 | 61:9 57-9] 70-1 | 51°39 132°7| 44-0 8 8 8} 10] 10 7 | 69:0 62:2] 69°9 62:0) 69-4 62°3| 70:0 63°5 | 74°8 65:9 | 68°8 62:2] 67°5 62:2] 76-0 | 59:0} 123-7 | 55°8 3 4 i 6| 10 8 | 68:7 64°7|73°7 64:2| 78:0 66:2| 75:2 65:0 | 65:8 62:2] 64:9 61:0} 64:5 60°7 | 79:3 | 61°2] 141°5| 51:7 7; 41! 10] 10) 10 9 | 62:7 60-9] 62:0 59:9; - - |63-4 57-8} - - | 60-9 55:2] 59:8 54:9] 71:7 |59-2}135-7| 59°17 10] 10] 10] 10] 10 10 | 64:8 57-7 | 67°4 59°6 | 63:2 59:3] 60°2 57°6 | 56°2 55°6| 57:9 55:9 | 56°0 54°81 68°3 | 54:97 1311) 531 9 &} }) a0) 6 8 11 | 60°8 57°7 | 62:0 58:2 | 65-8 60:9] 65:0 61:1 | 59°2 57:1] 57°0 55:9} 55:9 54:6] 69-1 | 53°39 1300] 47:0] 10) 10 9 7 8 12 | 58°7 56:0) 60°1 56-7 | 59:1 56:0| 59:2 56:9] - — | 56:0 53°8 | 55:4 53:0] 60-4 | 53°39104:7 | 49-1 9 8 | 10 10; 10 13 | 55°9 52:4] 55:4 51°8 | 56:2 51°7 | 58°1 52°7 | 57-8 52:8) 55:0 51:0| 54:8 50°79 60:0 | 52°59112'2) 51-17 10) 10}; 10) i0, 10 14 | 55:1 51:3) 55:9 51:9 | 58:2 53:1] 59:9 54:0) 60°9 53:9] 56-6 51°6 | 55:9 50°8}61°8|50°6] 1052} 49°57 10; 10] 10) 10) 10 15 | 561 49°5 | 58-0 51°3 | 61°3 53°8| 60:0 53:1 | 60°2 54:1 | 56:2 51°9| 55°8 52:0} 63:0 | 51°1]129°8| 46:5] 10 9}; 10; 10} 10 16 |55°6 53°7|57°7 55:7) - - |58:9 58:4)}-- —- | 54-1 53-6] 54:1 51°7]61:8|50-9]129:0| 49:3] 10|) 10) 10) 10 8 17 =| 56°3 51°6 | 56:1 51°2| 56°3 51°7 | 57-1 53:2) 56:4 52:3 | 54:7 51°9| 54:9 52°0959°0 | 51-49113-9) 50:0] 10) 10} 10 7 8 18 |56°7 54:6 | 58°2 55:8 | 58°8 54:3 | 56:4 53:1 | 54:7 53:3 | 52°8 52:0] 52:7 52:0] 60:0 | 51°24107:9) 47:2] 10 9/ 10} 10] 10 19 | 55:9 55:7 | 58:0 57:3) 58°7 57°6| 58:2 57:5) 59:8 58°6| 56:1 549/560 54:6] 60:3 | 52:°241021) 52:77 10; 10] 10 8} 10 20 |58°8 51:9] 56:2 52:9/ 55:0 52-7 | 54:7 52:0 | 538-4 521) 538-6 50°9| 52:8 50°91 57-0 [51:09 105-0) 52:5] 10; 10) 10] 10) 10 21 | 55:4 51°8| 56:8 52°8| 58°1 52°9/60°5 541 | 58:1 53°38] 53:4 51°6| 51:0 50°34 61°8 | 50°09 127:2| 47-2] 10 8 8} 10) 10 22, | 54:9 51:1) 55:8 50°7 | 58:0 52:4) 59:9 52:8 | 58:0 52°8/ 52:0 49°4| 49:9 47:9] 61:1 | 49°09} 129°0' 45:1} 10 9 6 2 2 23 «| 56°3 52:4] 59-0 53:9 - — |67:1 58:9) - — |61°8 58°8| 61:5 58°8}69°1 | 46°19131:3 43°5 2 | 6 3 | 10!) 20 24 | 58:4 57:1) 57:4 565 58:9 57°7 | 62°9 59°9| 56:6 54°7 | 53°8 51:9) 53°3 51°84 63-2 | 53°24125:0| 55°77 10) 10 7| 10; 10 25 | 560 54:0) 57-6 55:0 59°8 56°7| 5971 54:8 | 58-8 54:7 | 56-0 53°6| 55-7 53-7] 62:2)521]131-0 5027 10) 7 8} 10}; 10 96 | 57°8 52°8| 58:4 54:2 | 59°5 54:6 | 61:2 57:0) 61°5 55:7 | 56:0 50:9 | 52°3 49:1} 62°7 | 52°27119-1 | 51°0 6| 8 9 2 1 27 =| 55:8 52°0|58°0 52:3; - —- | 64:3 55:3) 65°8 56°8| 55-4 52:0| 55°7 53:0] 66-0 | 42:0) 125°0| 36-1 4 2 3 8} 19 98 |55°1 53:3] 55:8 54:8 | 57:0 56:2| 59:7 58°6| 60-2 56°3| 56-1 52°9| 56-0 53:0] 61-9 | 50-2]110-2| 42:7] 10| 10] 10] 10} 10 29 | 56:2 53°9|56°9 54:4 58-9 55°1|59°6 53:7| 57-7 53°6| 55:2 52°3| 55:1 52:2] 60-0 | 53-8] 95:7! 53°07 10| 10} 10 8 9 30 | 57°3 52°8)57°9 53°3) - —- | 61:2 54:8) - —- | 56:0 51-7 | 55:2 51°7] 63°3 | 51:0]185:0| 47-9 8 8 8 9 8 81 | 55:3 51-6 | 561 52°5 | 58°9 53°6| 60-0 53-0/| 59°2 52:2] 55-1 51:0] 55:0 50-0] 62:2 | 53°3]120°3 50-7} 10 8 6 9} 10 Megan] 58°7 55°2/60°2 56°00} - - | 62°8 57:2} -. —- | 57:5 54:3] 56:7 53:8] 65-7 | 52°5 123°, 49°39 84) 79] 7:9 | 8:0) 8:5 STEVENSON SCREEN. AUGUST 1893. Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.|} Dry. Wet. 1 | 55:9 51:9) 56-2 52-6 | 58-0 54:1 | 58:2 54:3] 56°1 53-6 | 53°9 53:4|53°7 53-2158°6 | 50:8] 93°38) 49°57 10) 10; 10; 10] 10 2 |57:6 54°8|57°8 54:2) 59-7 55-1] 61-7 54:8] 59-1 54:0] 54:6 52-1 | 54:0 52-2) 64-2 | 53:1] 184-1) 52:17 10] 10 9} 10] 10 3 |56°3 55°3| 561 55°6|57-7 56:4] 60-1 58°0/57°9 55°2| 55-4 546/548 54-2] 61°3 | 52°2]126-0) 52-17 10; 10 8 9} 10 4 |56:9 55:0] 58:2 55°7|59-0 55:7 |57:0 55:8| 58:2 54:8] 56-7 54°8|55-8 54:0] 61°7 | 52°9}113:3 | 50-2 OF) 10) 10 9] 10 5 | 54:6 49:1] 56°8 50°8| 56:9 50-7 | 59:8 53-1|58°6 52:0) 51-3 48-1] 49-9 47-5] 60°8 | 49°7] 130-1] 49:2 7 6 3 2 1 6 | 54:0 49°6/ 58:2 52-4) - - |64:2 54:7) - — |592 54:6 | 59:9 55:5) 65:2 | 38°8} 130°2| 321 5 4 8/-10}; 10 7 |58°8 56°9|58°7 57-6 | 59-5 58:2) 59-9 58-7 | 59°6 58:9|57-9 56:8 | 55-9 55:4] 62°6 | 55-2] 93:3] 54:8 9} 10} 10 6 4 8 | 58:0 57-0} 608 59:3| 66-1 61:7| 63:9 61:8 | 64:8 62:1 | 61:7 59:4] 59-9 58:97 66:1 | 53:9] 105-0) 51:77 10] 10) 10] 10] 10 9 | 62:1 59-7 | 64:8 61:3} 72:9 65:7 | 79°6 66-8 | 82:1 68°6 | 70°2 63-2] 68-1 61-3] 83-2 | 56°07 133°3) 53:3] 10; 10 1 5 8 10 | 69:0 59°9| 67°5 60-6 | 70-1 62:5] 71:6 62:9] 74:2 63:4) 64:0 60°8| 65-9 60°8} 74:3 | 64:01135°3 | 52-0 9} 10; 10) 10) 10 11 | 69-1 61:2] 70°5 62:0 | 68-1 61:2| 70:7 62:8 | 62°9 61:0| 61:0 60:0] 61:1 60:0} 7171 | 60°2}113':0] 56-2} 9 9; 10 7} 10 12 | 58°8 57°9| 60:2 58:8 | 61:5 59:3] 61:8 59:7| 61-5 58-7 | 57-2 55-7| 56-9 54:9] 63-8 | 56°07100'8| 58:47 10) 10] 10 4 4 13 | 59:2 51°5| 63°8 59-3} - — |70°8 63°8} - — | 62:1 59:0] 60°9 58:2} 72:1 | 48°0}128'0| 41:2 2 2 3 2 1 14 | 63:8 61:0) 66:9 62:7 | 73:0 65:1 | 72-0 66:6 | 71:7 66°7| 65-9 63:3 | 65-0 63:0] 76-2 | 55°39130-8| 53:2] 10 9 9 1 1 15 | 64:2 61:8| 68:3 64:8 | 73:9 68:5 | 73°7 67-8 | 70°9 65°8| 66:1 63:7 | 64:1 63:0] 75°3 | 60:0] 131-8 | 56°6 9 4 3; 10] 10 16 | 60°6 59:9] 61:2 60°5 | 63-3 62-1| 64:7 62:8 | 64:7 62:0 | 59-9 58:8 | 59-0 57-9] 67-5 | 59°87119°0) 60-27 10; 10 9 9 5 17 | 61:9 60-6 | 62-4 60-8 | 64:4 61:8 | 66:2 62°8| 66-8 62-9 | 63-2 61°7 | 62:8 61:5] 68-0 | 575] 87°8| 54:3] 10) 10) 10) 10] 10 18 | 63-5 60-1 | 67°6 61:8 | 61-8 60°6 | 59°8 59:0| 59-9 59°3| 59-2 57:2| 58-3 56-9] 67-8 | 57:9] 107-4| 57-3} 10| 10] 10 5 6 19 | 60-1 57-7 | 62:2 58-5 | 62°6 58-8| 64:2 59:0| 60°1 57:9)| 61:0 57°8| 63:9 58-1] 67-3 | 56:29 125:8| 53-2 6 4 7} 10 8 20 | 58:0 56°4|59°8 57°0| - — | 626 57:0} - —- | 59-0 56-0} 58-1 56-2] 65:2) 55:91 125-1) 51°8 9 8 6} 10} 10 21 | 55:0 54:0|57°8 54:5 | 59:0 54:2 | 56-2 52:8) 57:1 53:8] 56:8 54:0| 55-6 53:9] 60-3 | 52°38} 94:3) 55°37 10 8} 10] 10] 10 22 |56°6 55:°0| 57:1 55-2| 57:4 55:6 | 59:1 57:2|55°8 55-0| 54:3 52:3) 53°6 50°9] 60-0 | 54:1] 108-7 | 53-4 9/ 10 &}] 10 8 23 | 56:1 58°1) 57-1 54:1] 55°9 55-6| 601 55:4] 56:2 53-3) 53-1 50°6| 51-4 49°6] 60-2) 481471122) —- 10} 10 8 9 9 24 | 53-4 51°8| 57:2 54:0/ 58:9 52-3] 59-7 53-1 | 60:9 54:3| 53-9 51-0 | 53-8 52-0] 63-2] 47:0} 124-1] 44°3 9 6 6 7] 10 25 |56°6 51:9] 57:3 58:4) 59°9 54-0 | 59-4 54:3) 59°0 53-2| 56-0 51-9 | 56-1 51:8] 61:0 | 52:9] 126-7) 48:17 10 4 6} 10} 10 26 | 561 51°7| 57:9 52:0 | 59:8 54:0 | 60°7 52:9] 57°7 531] 56-0 52°9| 56-0 52-6] 61-9 |52:2]103-1| 51-0] 8 9} 10} 10] 10 27 | 54:7 51-2/56°6 51:9} - - |56°0 526] -— - | 49:9 48-2] 49:0 47-9]59°9| 49°87 104-2; 46°07 8] 10) 10 0 0 28 152-6 50°7|54:2 51:9] 56-8 54:2/58:1 55:8] — —- | 52:7 50:0| 50-8 48-1] 62-1] 50541222) 34:37 10) 10 7| 10 2 29 | 58-1 53:4| 60:2 54:9) 65-1 57-0 | 64:8 57:8 | 60:9 56°6 | 58-1 53-9| 57:8 54:0] 66'8 | 50:0] 130-2) 46-0 4 2 9) 10 7 80 | 58:8 54:6] 59-3 55-0 | 61:2 56-7 | 60°8 56°6| 63:0 57°4| 585 56:2 | 59-0 5614641 | 55°2]115-0) 52-2] 10) 10) 10 8 8 31 | 60°6 58-8| 61-7 59-6 | 59-0 57:1| 58°6 57:5 | 59:3 58-7| 59-7 56-8 | 59°5 566) 62°3| 57-0] 83-0} 56-2] 10) 10) 10] 10} 10 Mean| 58-7 55°6/60°5 569] - - |63°1 583] - - | 58:3 55-8|57°8 55-4] 65-6 | 53-6] 115-7 | [50-9] 85 | 8:2) 81 | 78) 75 84 FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. | | STEVENSON SCREEN. TEMPERATURE AND AMOUNT OF CLOUD. SEPTEMBER 1893. Sl ature—Dry and S. Y Temperature—Dry and Wet Bulbs Max.| Min, | Black |Radn. Eee of Cloud, 0 to 10 gh 108 12h 14h | 16h 21h 29h Bulb.) Min. | gn | ion | 14m | 21m | oon ast Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet. ‘Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. ra if 1 | 60°7 57:2) 59°5 57°1 | 61:2 57:1 | 61:0 56:8 | 60°8 57:4 | 60:0 57:1 | 60°0 57°37 62:1) 57:°2] 86:0} 565] 10] 10} 10} 10] 10 2 | 61°6 57:2 | 63:2 57:5] 66-1 58-0 | 65:9 57°7 | 66°6 58°6 | 54°9 52-0 | 53°6 51°09 687 | 53°2) 1271) 57:1 9 7 3 0 0 3 |53°3 51°4)55°9 53°0] - - | 65:0 58°99} - —- | 56:0 53:9) 54:7 52°67 66-0 | 44:°3]126-4) 37:9) 10 tl 2 3 3 4 |55°3 53°7 |57:9 55:1 | 63°7 58:9 | 64°9 59°6 | 65°8 60°8 | 58°3 56-5 | 58:0 50°37 67:7) 48:3] 1181} 39°9] 8 4 2 1 2 5 |59°8 56°6 | 59:9 56°7 | 63°3 58°8 | 62°2 57°5 | 61:9 57:4) 56°9 56:2) 57-0 55°39 64:0 | 55°87 113-2) 50:2 9 8 7 | 10 2 6 | 58-9 56:0 | 61:2 56°8 | 61:1 56°8 | 58°6 56:0 | 56:8 55:7 | 54°6 53:0) 54°7 53°09 62:9 | 54:0]122°4) 50:3 4 9} 10} 10] 10 7 |55°8 54°9/ 56:5 55°8 | 61:2 57°6 | 62°8 54:9 | 58°8 55:1 | 55:0 52:8) 54°9 52:0] 66:1 | 53°6]128'9| 51°7] 10} 10 4 5 6 8 | 54:6 52:4) 54:6 50°8 | 60°0 54:1 | 51°6 49:2 | 52°9 49°2|50°0 46:3 | 48:8 45:6] 60:9 | 48°5]130°5 | 48:7 8 3} 10 4 2 9 |49°6 45°6 | 50°3 45°3 | 52°9 45°6 | 51:9 45°3 | 55:0 47:2} 44°9 42:0 | 42°6 40°59 569 | 42°07 121°3) 39:3 5 7 4 1 0 10 | 45°6 42:6) 47:1 44:0} - - |54:7 46°99} - —- | 43:2 41:1] 40:9 39:9] 58-2) 38-1] 125-2] 28°6 6 7 1 0 0 11 | 45:1 42°7 | 48:3 44:9] 56-0 49°7 | 58:4 52:0 | 58:1 52:0 | 47°8 45:2 | 46:9 44:8] 59-3) 35°57112°6| 26°0 0 0 2 2 2 12 | 53:0 49°8 | 55°6 51:2] 57:2 52°0| 58:0 53:1 | 55:2 52:7 | 54:9 53:4 | 54:7 53-8] 58-4) 43-07 110-0] 38:2 7 ZN LON LOS TO) 13 | 58°9 587 | 59°8 59°3 | 61°5 60°6 | 60°7 56°8 | 62:3 56°6 | 56°8 51:9) 55°7 52°27 63-1 | 54541233) 53:9] 10) 10 8 5 6 14 | 55°1 54°7 | 56-2 55°7 | 61:1 59°6 | 625 59-0 | 60°6 58°7 | 57°9 57:3] 58:8 58°6] 63:0} 54:1] 761) 52°0} 10] 10) 10} 10] 10 15 | 57°8 55:8 | 59:2 55:3 | 61:0 55:2 | 60°7 54:9 | 58°9 54:2 | 56:4 52°8| 55:7 51:9] 631 | 55-47 124-0} 54:3] 10| 10] 10 7 5 16 | 54°3 50-9 | 56-9 51:3 | 58:9 52:4) 60°7 53-7 | 57°8 51°9| 52:0 49°7| 51:3 49-1 | 62°0 | 50°44 120-2] 48°6 4 8 8 9 9 V7 | 52:2 51:7) 52°9 526} - —- |56°9 5477) - - | 53:9 52°6| 54°6 52°4759-9| 49:9] 107-0] 47:3] 10] 10) 10 9 9 18 | 56:0 55°0| 56:2 55°5|57°7 55°7 | 58°3 55:1) 57:0 54:2 | 54°6 42°7/ 53-9 53:°2158-9 | 52-9] 72:3) 51:7] 10! 10} 10] 10 9 19 | 49°5 46°9| 49°7 46°9| 54:1 48:2) 53:1 47:1 | 50°5 45:9 | 46:2 44°7 | 47-2 44°8]55-4| 45-6] 99-2) 45°6 Ay a0) 9), 10 9 20 | 47:9 43°7| 4971 44°4| 50:2 45:7 | 51:1 45°6 | 51:9 45:9 | 46:1 43:2 | 45:8 43:3] 53:3 | 45:37110°3] 41°5 8 8 8 9 8 21 | 41:2 40:0 | 43:0 41:2 | 45:0 43°4| 47:9 45:3 49°] 44:9] 44:9 42:1 | 46°6 43°69 49-7 | 40-2] 65:1] 33°38] 10] 10] 10 5 9 22 |47°8 43°3| 47:7 42:1) 48:2 42°9| 47:0 42°0 | 46:4 42:2 | 40°5 38:4] 89°3 37°6] 49°9 | 39:9] 94:0] 34:2 7 3) 10 6 6 23 | 37°9 35°8 | 40°8 37:7 | 44°6 40°9| 49°8 42:9 | 48:3 45°9| 46:9 41:7 | 46°7 41°99 509 | 32:0] 107°0} 31:1 5 6 6 6 5 24 | 46:9 41:°9/47°5 41°83; - - |48:9 44:3) - —- | 49:9 46:2] 49°1 46°5951:7| 41:7] 93:2] 36:2 9 9} 10 8; 10 25 | 43°8 40°9 | 46°3 41°3 | 48:9 41°8 | 50°6 42°6 | 50°8 43:9 | 44:6 40:7 | 43°4 40-2] 54:3 | 33°9]110°0| 32:4 3 3 8; 10] 10 26 |43°9 40°5 | 50°7 45:°2|52°9 46:7 | 50°9 45°7 | 49°8 45:0 | 48:9 44:5 | 49°0 44°8]55°0| 36:0] 106-2) 26:3] 0 1 4 9 9 27 | 47°8 47:1 | 49:1 48°3| 511 50:2 | 55:8 52:9) 51-9 48°5 | 48:2 46:4) 49°9 47°9]57-0| 45:°2]116-8} 44:4) 10] 10 7 ©) 0 28 | 52°9[51°8]) 53°7 52°7 | 54°6 531 | 56-9 52:9 | 56-0 49°9 | 49:2 47:2] 49°9 47°8]53:1/ 49:0] 101°3} 46:0} 10] 10 8 3 9 29 | 47:2 45°5 | 52:9 47°7 | 49°8 47°8 | 52:7 49:0 | 53:2 49°6 | 50°7 49°3 | 512 48°9755:0) 39:0] 102-0) 44:3] 10 9 9 7| 10 30 |51°6 48-7 | 50:9 48-7 | 50°8 48:7 | 50°9 49°6 | 50-2 4771 | 49°7 47-7 49°3 47°7]54:3| 49:0} 91°8} 45:0] 10) 10) 10} 10) 10 MEAN] 51°5 49°1| 53:1 49:9) - - 1563 51-4) - —- [51:1 48°6 | 50°8 48°5958-9| 46:-4]7108-2) 43:1] 7:5] 7:7 | 7:3 | 6:5] 6:7 STEVENSON SCREEN. - OCTOBER 1893. Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet.! Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. 1 | 51:5 49:0] 50:2 48:3) - — |52°9 49:4) -— -— |50°5 47:9} 50°7 48:1] 55°8 | 47-0] 96:6} 43-0 9 7 8 7 9 2 |47°7 46°3| 47:9 46°8 | 50°1 48°8 | 49°8 48:0 | 49-9 47:9 | 44:8 43:9) 46:1 44°9951°8 | 45:21105:0| 45:17 10] 10] 10 7 8 3 | 45:1 43°2| 47-2 44°1 |) 49:4 45°8 | 50°7 45:7 | 53-2 45°6 | 43-2 41:1 | 42°38 41°2154:9 | 40°0] 105°0| 34-4 3 3 4 6 5 4 |41°4 39°6 | 42°4 39:9 | 48:0 43:9] 53-0 46°8/ 50:4 45:0 | 42:2 40°3 | 40°1 38°9] 54°38 | 35:0 }112°7| 27-2 3 3 8) 0 0 5 | 43:4 42°1| 44:7 43°7 | 47:0 45°7| 50:1 48:2) 51-7 49:1] 48°7 46:9 | 47°9 46:2] 51-6 | 34:0] 74:8) 26°47 10) 10] 10 9 5 6 | 49-0 47°7|49°9 48-0 | 52:0 49:1 | 52°8 49:4) 51:0 48:2] 49:0 47:0) 49°0 47:0} 52-4/| 46:5] 58-4] 44:37 10] 10 9; 10} 10 7 | 47:0 45°9| 50-1 48-2 | 54:3 49°9) 54°1 49:9] 53:7 50°83) 46°77 44:8 | 45°8 44°61 55-9 | 43°71 105-7 | 38:3 8 if sii} i) |) 310) 8 | 44:9 43°5| 45:1 441) - —- |46°3 44:3) - — | 42:0 40°9|44°6 42°9} 46:7 | 41-3] 61:3] 34:0] 10] 10] 10 3 7 9 | 41:9 40:9] 45-6 43°8| 5071 46°9 | 53°8 47:2|53°8 47:6] 53°6 47°3 | 52-2 47°7] 54-8 | 36-0] 90:2] 30:2] 10 8 8} 10} 10 10 | 46-2 43°7 | 49-9 45°7 | 495 45:9| 49-7 46:0] 48:1 45-4] 46°6 44:0 | 45°2 43°0152:8 | 41:0] 98:0] 16:3 1 8 7| 10} 10 11 | 48:0 45°8| 48-9 45:2/| 48:9 45:°9|/49°9 48-6) - - | 46:0 42:9} 44°9 42°2151-9| 42:0] 97:7] 41:6] 10] 10 9; 10] 10 12 | 48°8 43-1 | 46-2 43-1 | 46°5 43-7 | 48:2 44:9] 47-9 44:0] 44-7 41:6 | 48-9 41°1} 52-0 | 43-2] 98°7| 40:3 7 9 9 4 6 13 | 45:5 42°7 | 47-2 44°1| 50°2 45:1) 48-8 45:2 | 46:7 44:2] 45:2 44-7 | 45°0 44°79 51:3 | 88:4] 99-7) 35-0 9 9} 10; 10| 10 14 | 48:9 48-7 | 50:2 50°0|55°9 55:3) 54:7 54°2|54:8 54:2 | 55:0 54:°6| 54:9 54°79 51:1 | 44-3] 63:8| 44-4] 10] 10] 10] 10{ 10 15 | 55-9 55:7) 56-2 55°9) - - |57:9 568) - — | 55:8 54:2} 55:8 53°6158:0/ 54:0] 71°2| 54:0] 10] 10 9] 10 8 16 | 54:8 52°4|53-8 52:2 | 53:4 52°7| 55:1 51°9| 54:0 51-7 |50°9 49°6| 50:7 49°8157-0) 50:6) 64:1) 53:04 10] 10 9} 10; 10 V7 | 50°3 47°51 51:5 48°8| 53-1 49:0 | 53-2 49:0] 51:8 49-2) 43-9 42-2] 41°8 41:0} 56-9 | 41:19111-8) 41°3 a 8 7 1 3 18 | 47:8 46°9) 4971 48-1] 50-1 49-7 | 53-9 5171 |52°1 50°9]51°5 51-1 | 52°1 50°67 54-0] 38-0} 73:0] 3071] 10} 10 “i 30) 8 19 | 52-2 50°2| 53:1 50-9) 54:8 52:0] 55:0 52-2) 52:4 51°8|50°7 49:2] 51:7 48°9157-0| 50-1] 81:5 | 48°3 8 9 9 10} 20 20 |50°0 48°8!51:1 49°7| 51:7 51:0| 53:0 52°6!53-9 53-4|57:0 56:3! 56°9 56:1]57°3/ 48-9% 56:1! 46:8] 10) 10} 10! 10] 10 21 |57°5 55°9| 56:0 55°2|57-7 56:4) 57-9 56°6 | 50°7 47:6 | 45:5 43:1] 47:1 43°7] 68-1] 44:0] 68:0, 54:8] 10} 10) 10 4 6 22 | 50°6 47°6| 51:0 47:°2| - - {511 47°8) - — | 49-8 45:°9|50°8 46:°0]52-:0| 43-9] 77-6) 421] 10] 10] 10 9 9 23 | 50°2 46°0 | 52-4 46:4 | 53:2 47°9|51:5 48:0] - —- |50°4 48-4) 50°3 47°9153-4| 49:0] 77:0) 44:0 | MO MO io) |) ao 24 |53°7 52°9 | 54:1 53°2|54°6 53°8| 54-0 532/542 - | 54-2 43:9) 53:9 53°91 54-9| 51-1] 62:9] 48-1] 10) 10] 10} 10] 10 25 | 48°6 [47°0]| 47°2 47:2 | 44:8 43:0 | 47:2 43°1| 46-6 41:9] 44:9 41:9 | 42°9 41°7155-0| 52:0] 82°8| 47-0] 10] 10 6] 10); 10 26 | 40:7 37°7 | 39°8 37°5 | 42°0 38°6 | 40:4 38-4] 43-0 39:1 | 42°2 39°1 | 44°5 39:6] 44:3] 37-8] 75°6| 34:8 7 4] 10 7 7 27 «=| 44:9 42:0/45°7 42:7) - - |47°3 45:2} 49°5 48°3| 50°7 48-2} 50°9 48°0]51°7| 41-9] 59°2| 3517 10; 10}; 10) 10} 10 28 | 54:1 52°1 | 53°9 52:2| 50:0 44:9) 46°9 43°38) - - | 43-7 40°9/ 43-2 40°3]53-7 | 42°6] 72:0; 47-5] 10] 10] 10 @\ LO 23 | 39°9 38°2/ 41:0 37:9) - - {44:1 391) - - |36°7 35°3 | 38:4 36°11] 45°3 | 36-2] 81°5| 34:3] 10 7 6 2 i) 30 | 36°7 33°2 | 42°0 37:0 | 42°8 37°6| 40-2 36°6| 39-9 35:9] 36°8 34:5 | 35-7 33-9] 44-4 | 34-5] 87:3) 27:0 1 5 4 7 9 31 | 35°6 33°8 | 37-1 34:9 | 39°8 37:8] 40-4 38°7| 40-9 38-9] 42°6 37-8] 42-1 37-2] 43:0 | 331] 80-6) 27°6 8 MO) 2) |) 1) MEAN) 47°5 45°5 | 48-4 46-2) - - |50°4 475} - - | 47-3 45-1] 47-1 45-0] 52-7 | 42°8] 82-3) 39°2] 8:3] 8:5) 86) 7:8 | 85 aS 2) ae | | STEVENSON SCREEN. FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. TEMPERATURE AND AMOUNT OF CLOUD. Temperature—Dry and Wet Bulbs. | Black} Radn, 85 NOVEMBER 1893. Amount of Cloud, 0 to 10. Max. | Min. ; gh 108 12h 14h 16 21h 22h Bulb.) Min. | on | 10 | 14» | ain | gon Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.] Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. 1 | 42:9 40°8 | 48:1 40°2| 45:2 41°9| 45:2 41:0] 42°5 39:1 | 40°6 38:2 | 40°8 38:3] 46°9 [86:2] 79:2) 84:0] 10 8' 6] 10}; 10 2 | 40°8 38:7 | 44:0 40:0 | 42°9 39°7 | 44:7 39°6 | 42°8 38:2 | 41:1 37°9 | 88°7 36:7] 45:0} 35:0] 74:3) 30-4 4 8 8 8 9 3 | 39°7 38:9 | 39°9 39:2] 40°8 40:8} 39°7 38:9 | 38:2 37:6 | 38:1 37°3 | 38:7 37-7] 41-7 | 836°9] 44-7) 31°8)°°10 | “10 | 10] 10] 10 4 | 36°6 [34:0] 38°7 34:9 | 40:0 36°2| 41°7 36°7 | 40°3 35°9 | 36:0 35°7 | 38-2 [34-0]] 42°2 | 82:1] 65°8, 25:3 7 8 8 3 5 5 | 36°5 35:2) 37°38 361) - - |39°9 37°38} - —- |386°1 33:2] 34:1 31:7] 43:5 | 32:3 73) 30°83 8 2) 8 1 a 6 |381°2 30°2 | 34°8 32:1] 39°8 35-7 | 39°3 36°8 | 38:1 36:0 | 35°2 32:7 | 36-1 40°6 | 30°7] 83°5 | 25-4 1 2 9 8g 9 7 | 386°7 34°7 | 38°5 36:1 | 39:9 36°9| 40°1 37:0| 39:0 36°6 | 36:9 34:9 | 37-7 40:9 | 33:0] 63:0 | 28-7 Qi Bit iW} 10} 8 | 86:0 34:2 | 37:2 35:9 | 40°7 38-7 | 42°8 40°8 | 42°9 40°7 | 36°3 34:9 | 34-7 44:0 | 33-8] 805) 29:3 ii o) 8 t 1 9 | 86°9 35°5 | 36°9 35:4 | 42°5 39:4 | 42°5 39-7 | 41-9 39°8 | 37:7 36:2 | 35°4 45:0; 82-9] 80°38) 23°6 3 2 |e) 1 4 10 | 86:2 34:3 | 36°3 34°35 | 41:9 38°3| 41-9 39:2 | 41°8 39°8 | 35:2 34:1 | 36:2 45:3 | 33-8] 803 36-9 2 4|) 5 i 3 11 | 41°3 40:0 | 43-7 41°7 | 47:1 44:0 | 46:2 43°8| 45:2 43:1 | 44:0 42-0 | 43°3 47°6 | 35:2] 71:3! 31:3 6 8) 9] 10} 10 12 | 41-8 40°2| 42:2 40°83} - - | 42:0 411] - — | 81:8 31-0 | 30-4 [30-0] 43-7 | 29:8] 47-9; 39:1] 10| 10); 8 1 0 13 | 30°7 30°9 | 30-7 30°8| 32:4 32°6 | 34:7 34°3 | 33:1 33:1/31°6 31°6 | 30°3 35'0 | 28'7] 45:0; 22:3} 10) 10; 6] 10} 10 14 | 29:0 29:1 | 29:5 29:2 | 32:3 31:3 | 35:2 34:4] 35:8 34:9 | 32:2 31°7 | 33:2 87°0 | 265] 61:4] 23°8 Si) MO 7 7 7 15 | 33:2 31°7 | 34:9 33°9 | 37:6 36°4 | 39°9 38°8 | 39°6 386 | 3671 35:3 | 35:9 40:2| 296] 61:0) 24:5 8 9; 9 Qi io) 16 | 44°8 39°8 | 44°6 40°2| 45:7 41:0 | 46:0 41°6 | 47°5 42°9 | 47-7 42°9 | 48-3 48:9) 33:7] 50-4) 32°83} 10; 10; 10} 10] 10 17 | 41:1 40:7 | 41:1 40°2} 41:5 40:1 | 45:2 42:2 | 45:0 41:2} 40°9 37:8 | 39°6 48:2| 40:0] 54°3| 39:3] 10; 10) 10] 10] 10 18 | 383°9[81-0]) 86°1 32:0 | 34°9 31:8 | 34:4 [31°5]| 33°9 33:2 | 32°4 [29°5]| 31-7 [2 41:4 |[32:0]] 62°3| 31:2 7 a 8 8 7 19 | 33:2 33°2| 34:3 30°99} - —- |35:8 82:1} - - | 36:2 ee 34:9 [3 37°0 |[29°0]] 43:0) 24:2 6 7 7 a 9 20 | 362 33:2) 37°7 34:2) 38°6 34:7 | 38:7 34°51! 37:0 34:4 | 33:2 31-2 | 30°9 89°0| 301, 58:3 26-8} 10: 9 9 31 3 21 | 29°7 28°6 | 32°8 31:4) 35°9 35:0 | 37°8 37:2 | 89°6 38:9 | 44:0 42°8| 45°6 45:8 | 28:9] 44:3 21:0 4 Vy) al) |) a) at) 22 | 39°9 35:9 | 35:1 34:1 | 39°6 34°6 | 38:2 34:2 | 37°3 33:5 | 32°9 31:1 | 31:7 47°9 | 32°3] 60°3 33°4 8 6 8 8} 10 23 | 37°9 [820] 88°7 33:8 | 40°2 38:2 | 39°6 37:0 | 37°9 36°8| 49°9 44:2 | 49:7 50°0 | 29°6} 62:9 21:3 8 8} 10} 10] 10 24 | 46°7 43°7 | 45°2 43°6 | 44-8 43-1 | 47-0 44:9 | 47°1 45:1 | 48°9 45°83 | 48°6 50:0 | 48-9] 63:1 41:2] 10] 10] 10 |) 0 25 | 47:0 46°5| 48:1 47°7| 51:0 49°9 | 49°9 47-7 | 47:9 46:3 | 41°3 40°6 | 40°8 40°0 | 39°2] 59:2) 41°87 10} 10 9} 10) 10 26 | 38°6 32:2| 36:9 32°70) - —- |3885 33°83) - —- | 33°9 31:9} 33-0 42:0 | 31:5] 62:7) 30-0 7 9 6} 10} 10 27 | 43:9 43°7 | 45:9 45°6 | 48:5 47°8 | 49°7 48°8| 49°9 48:9 | 52°8 51:7 | 52°7 52:9 | 33°3] 63°3| 32:3] 10} 10] 10} 10] 10 28 | 51:9 50°8| 52:0 50°9|52°5 51:0 |52°9 51:2 | 53:0 51:7 | 52°7 51-6 | 52°3 53°8| 50:2} 57°6| 50:2} 10} 10}; 10] 10] 10 29 | 50:0 48:9 | 49:9 49:0 | 50:0 49:1 | 49°38 49:2) 49:9 49°8| 46°1 44:9 | 45°5 52:4) 45:2] 57°5| 498] 10; 10] 10; 10); 10 30 | 40°5 35:9 | 39°6 36:3 | 41:0 36°6 | 36°8 34:1 | 33:7 82:0 | 31°8 30-9 | 32:2 46:2 | 28:9] 70:2| 34:9 8 8 7/ 10) 10 Mean] 38°8 36°8 | 39:5 37:4) - - |41°9 393) - —- | 3891 37:2) 38:7 44:5 | 83°38] 62:°8' 31:6] 77 | 80) 84) 7:5) 8:0 STEVENSON SCREEN. DECEMBER 1893. Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.) Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.) Dry. Wet. 1 | 23°3 22°9 | 22°9 21°8 | 27°1 24:5 | 27-0 24°8 | 25:7 23°8 | 30°0 27°9 | 380°6 28°9]35°8 | 216] 71°6| 17:7 7 4 3 7 9 2 | 31:2 29:9 | 33°5 30°7 | 35°6 32:9] 39°3 36°6 | 40°6 39°2| 47:0 45°6 | 47°3 45:8) 48-0 | 23:0 -— | 22:0] 10 9; 10) 10] 10 3 | 47:2 45°2/47°9 45°83} - - |50°6 47°99) - - | 47:1 43:9] 47°8 43:0] 50°8 | 46-1] 52°3) 44:77 10) 10} 10 8 5 4 | 50°2 47°9|50°2 47°9|50°7 48:1] 50:2 47°5 | 48°8 46:7 | 47:0 44:9 | 46°8 44:-8]51:1| 45-0] 54:8) 42-3 9} 10 9 4 8 5 |45°8 44:7 | 46:0 44:9) 47:1 45:9| 47°8 46°8 | 48°3 46°6 | 46°0 45:2] 47:0 46:0] 49°0/ 43-9} 51:9) 4017 10; 10} 10/ 10} 10 6 | 51:2 48:8 | 50:2 48°9| 49°3 48:1] 49°7 48:4] 48°6 46°8 | 421 40:1 | 42°8 39°38]52:1| 41:0] 53:2) 44:27 10| 10} 10) 10) 10 7 | 35°3 34:1 | 86:9 35:1 | 39°1 36°2| 38°9 36:4 | 38°1 35°8| 37:9 36:0 | 39:0 36:0} 43-0 | 34:1] 49°0| 31:1] 10) 10 8 8 8 8 | 44:9 42:7 | 46:1 44:5 | 43:2 40°9| 41-7 39°7 | 40°8 38:7 | 41:2 36-7 | 42:0 37-0] 47:0 |[86-2]] 51:2) 85:1] 10) 10} 10 5 4 9 | 88°8 37-9| 361 35:0 | 38:0 35°8| 37°8 34°9 | 34:8 33°8 | 35:9 35°8 | 37°2 35:6] 43-0 | 34-9] 46°7| 33°38] 10) 10) 10 5 | 10 10 | 401 35°8|41°9 36:0} - - |40°6 356) - -— |40°8 39:7 | 39:4 37:2] 43-0 [35:3}) 56:5] 30:2 6 8} 10} 10] 10 11 | 34:8 33°8| 35°8 34:8 | 86:9 34-6 | 34:9 33:8 | 35:8 34:7 | 34:9 34:1 | 85°1 34:0] 41°7 | 30-9] 44:9) 311] 10; 8| 10 8} 10 12 | 38:1 34:4/ 37:9 34:8 | 36°9 34:9 | 35:8 34°6 | 38°0 35°S | 87°2 35:°9| 35:0 34:0] 39-0 | 32:0] 47:9) 2757 10) 10] 10 1 2 13 | 35:4 34-4 | 36-4 34:6 | 36-8 84:3) 87-5 34:91 37-0 35:0] 38°1 36:2/ 89°1 36:2] 39:3 | 34-2] 47°5| 303] 10) 10; 10; 7 2 14 | 41:7 38:4] 41°8 38:1/38°8 37:1] 42:9 38:7 | 40°8 37°6 | 41°9 36:0 | 41°8 37-7 [[43°3]| 36-9} 49-2] 32:0 S| ts 7 3| 10 15 | 47:1 44:2| 47-1 44°8| 48-1 45°9| 47:3 45:6 | 50°0 49°31 49-1 48-9] 49-2 48:9]51:1| 38-8] 55:3} 36:0 8 Da es 0) es 0 an 0) 16 | 48°6 47-7 | 49:3 48-9 | 52°8 49:°9/51:9 49:6] 48°8 48-2) 47-9 46-8 | 47-0 45:9]53°5| 46-0] 54:9) 460] 10) 19) 10; 9} 10 17 | 44:7 43:0/45°8 44:0) - - |45:0 42-4; - - | 48-1 41-9] 48:0 42-7] 49-1 [40-4] 57:4} 40:0] 10) 10 6 2 2 18 | 47:9 44:4 | 43-2 41-1] 41:5 40:3] 41-8 39-8 | 41-2 39:3 | 42-9 39-8] 42:8 39-0].50°1| 41-0}, 52:1] 41-2] 10) 10} 10 9 7 19 | 43-7 38:0} 41°8 38:1 | 43-1 39-7 | 44-1 40-6 | 44:1 41:0] 42°5 41-0 | 44°6 42°7]45-0| 39°0] 48:1/ 325 7 10; 10] 10, 10} 10 20 | 87°6 35°7 | 36-7 35°2| 37-9 35°8'37°8 35-2) 37-9 35°8 | 34:5 34-0 | 34-2 33°85 44-9 | B41] 54:2! 32°8 7 5 4! 10] 10 21 | 38:3 37:0| 41:2 39:0] 42°1 40:0 | 42:8 40-7 | 44-8 41-4] 43-9 41:1] 44°8 41°8]460 | 34:0) 44:9) 301] 10) 10] 10) 10| 10 92 | 43°8 43:°1|45°1 44:6} —- 45°8 42°3| 44:9 40°8| 44:4 41-0 [45:0/40-5]] 47:2 | 41-4] 49:9] 3714 10), 10 9 8 8 23 [48°2][41°0]]| 44°8 42°70} - - | 45:9 43:2} - 45°9 45-2 |[45°5 144-6] 47°8 | 42-0] 48°6| 37-0] i6 | 10 Sule lOve 20 24 |[46°6][44°0]| 48-2 45°38} —- - |48°9 48:2} —- - |43°9 42:3] 43-9 42:7149-°0 43°38} 49:4] 41-0] 3 10} 10] 10); 10 2 | 41:7 38:9/ 41:3 388} - - |387°8 37:0] - - | 89-9 38-0 |[39-2][37-5]] 44-0 | 36-2] 46:3) 35-6] 10 8} 10 6 5 26 | 43:7 42°6| 44:6 42°99] - —- | 44:8 43:7) - — |48°5 43:3 |[48-5][43-5]} 49-0 [38-0 49:9} 32:0] 10} 10} 10] 10; 10 27 |[40-7][45°4] 46-8 46-2] - - |46:7 46:3] - —- | 45:9 45-8 [45:4]/45-2 49-0) 44-1] 51-0) 409] 10| 10) 10) 10/ 10 28 | 42°5 41°8/40°'7 40°33) - - |42°5 42:3) - — | 47:2 46:9 Le-atar OW 47°4 | 40-0} 49°7| 33:7 9 6}; 10} 10) 10 29 |46°9 46°6|46°8 46:3} - - | 466 46:2} - — | 46:1 45:7] 46:3 45:9] 48-0 | 45-5] 52:0) 43:97 10] 10] 10] 10; 10 30 |[47:0][46°5) 47°5 47:0) - = |47-4 47-1; — —= | 45-1 43-2] 45-0 43:0] 48-0 | 44:2] 50:0) 44-27 10) 10/ 10) 10) 10 31 rea bees 47-9 468) - - |47°7 455) - —- | 88-1 37-0/37°3 36:0] 48°4| 37:5] 54:8) 42:57 10] 10 i) 1 il | MeEan| 42:4 40°5 | 42-7 40°38) - - | 43:2 41-2 - |42°6 40°6| 42:7 40:5] 46°6 | 38:1] 50°8| 35°38] 9:3 | 9-2 | 88) 7:8! 81 86) BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. MoNTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN VALUES AT BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY, 4407 FEET, AND AT. Fort-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY, 42 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL. : BAROMETER—BEN NEVIS. Be Te ORS WO Wei. Ge) G Bj) |) a) |) ase || mo) ae ee ae) as |) ey) ae || a |) ood || om || oD | mw “Jan. «| 59342 | 5°334 | 5°332 | 5°331 | 5°320 | 5-314 | 5°309 | 5°313 | 5°318 | 5°325 | 5:334 | 5-342 | 5°341 | 5°340 | 5°344 | 5°346 | 5°348 | 5°348 | 5°351 | 5°351 | 5°358 | 5°352 | 5°347 | 5342 Feb. ..4°927 ]4°922 | 4-919 | 4°916 | 4912 | 4°916 | 4°915 | 4°922 | 4°93] | 4-937 | 4-942 | 4-948 | 4°953 | 4°953 | 4°952-| 4°953 | 4°950 | 4°951 | 4-952 | 4°949 | 4-947 | 4-940 | 4:933 | 4:930 Mar. ./5°381 | 5°874 | 5-369 | 5°363 | 5 3€0 | 5°358 | 5°355 | 5°355 | 5°361 | 5°365 | 5°368 | 5°374 | 5°376 | 5°378 | 5°379 | 5-378 | 5-375 | 5°376 | 5°380 | 5°383 | 5°387 | 5-387 | 5-387 | 5384 Apr. .f} ‘b78] 575| °572| °567| -564|) “563| ‘667 | °572) °b76| ~580| *583| °585| “588} °589| 589] °585| *683| ‘581) 582) °583| *588| “589| °5b86| °585 May .} “491] ‘486| -480| “476! “4741 "472! “476) “481! *484| -489| -494| -497! “500 ‘503) ‘506! °504| °502| °502| *501| ‘501} °502| -504| *504' °500 June .f “490] “484 | “479| “474| 473] ‘474 | °475| *480| “484| -488| -492| -496| “4999 °498| -499| °500| -501| 499] -497| °496| °497| 499] °499| -498 July .} ‘381] °3877| ‘3873 | 3867] 365] °8€5| ‘3867| °372) °376|) *378| °382) -385| ‘3879 °385| °385| °382] 381) °380| °378| °377| °376| °379| -380| °379 Aug. .]} 442] "438 | 433) °428|) °423| -421/ °423) 425] 428) °432| °434| °4385| “4399 °440| -441] -488| °438] °440| ‘441| °443,) °449| “450| “449| -448 Sept. .] 240] °284 | °228] -221| -213| :210] ‘211|] °215| :217) :228) :226| :229) :233] °238) :237| 235] 229) °227| -227]| °230| ‘230) °227] -225| -222 Oct. .f 165] °164) -161| -157| °153) °154] 155] *161/ ‘167/ 171] 177} °181] “181f °180| 176] °174| 175] °178| 181] *182] *181| 179) -177| -174 Noy. .] “3717 “87 | °8€3| 361] °355] ‘852| °850| °352| -3€0| °362| °366|) ‘370| “360 °364] ‘361 | °355| °360] °362| °365| 372) °371| ‘374| °372| -372 ‘ Dec. .f 117} °109} 109] *104] ‘098] ‘090| *089| ‘0S5} 085} C83} ‘0&8| -093] OSS} “083| ‘077] -083] -086} *098| °107| 116] °120/ 128] +134] *139 Year .§ ‘327% °822) ‘318| °314] °309| ‘207! ‘808! ‘811! °316! °319| ‘324! 328! 3291 329! 329] ‘328! °327| °328) °330| 332) °3833] °334] °333! -331 BAROMETER—FORT-WILLIAM. Jan. .4 0020] 0°013 | 0°010 | 0°CO1 | 9-993 | 9°986 | 9°981 | 9-9E0 | 9-988 | 9-994 | 0-008 | 0°009 0009 4 0-007 | 0-CO8 { 0-008 | 0:012 | 0:014 | 0'017 | 0°016 | 0-019 | 0-017 | 0-016 | 0:011 Feb, .} 9498} 9490 | 9488 | 9°482| -484] “485 | -490} -498| *510| °515 | 9523) 9527 9°529] 9-525 | 9-520 | 9°518 | 9°517 | 9°523 ) 9°527 | 9:525 | 9°520 | 9°509 | 9°505 | 9°501 Mar. .J ‘991] “£86| 982] ‘976) 973] -973| -975| -976| -979| -980|) 982) ‘9&3| -981] ‘977 | ‘976| -973] “971| ‘970) ‘978| *980|) 988) -988} -991} -950 Apr. .}.0'161 [0158 0°159 | 0°157 | 0°157 | 0°158 | 0°166 | 0-170 | 0-172 | 0-170 | 0:169 | 0-161 | 0-158 | 0°149 | 0°143 | 07135 | 0-135 | 0°136 | 0°142 | 0°147 | 0°156 | 0°158 | 0-165 | 0°165 May .} ‘C30] “026| °024/ 019} 19} “019] ‘027] *029] -034/ ‘033| -034] -030| -027] ‘023] :021| ‘017] 015] -O14/ *016|) ‘019/ °025) C29) *035) -033 June .} 9991 [9°87 | S286 | 9°¢82 | 9°981 | 9°9E3 | 9°987 | 9-988 | 9°989 | 9°9E5 | 9°986 | 9-984 9983 49-978 | 9°977 | 9:974 | 9°972 | 9°969 | 9:971 | 9:972 | 9:979 | 9985 | 9°991 | 9:992 July .f “S60] "857; “855| “851] “€49) “848] *853|) “855| “858| “€56| 855] °850| -850] “846|) -845|) “840| *838) -836) °839) -840| ‘847 | 852) °857| °855 Aug. .[ ‘S18f -912/ 910) °905| -902} ‘901]/ ‘905| ‘904! -908| -S09| -909| -907| -906] ‘903| °904] ‘895| ‘898] ‘898| ‘902/ ‘906| °915) *919| ‘920} -918 Sept. .[ *746] °742) -739) °730|) 725) °722) °725) :728) -781) °7382) 731 el “W297 °728| 727) °724) -724| -721) 723) °725) -7380) °728) “730) °727 Oct. .} “698] “695| “€92| -€86| “6&8| “€87| -691] “693| “701| -704| °707| ‘707| ‘706 -701| “€98| 698} “7C2) -705| °715| “716) °717| “715) “717) “715 Novy. .]0°026}0°019 0°016 | 0°CO9 | 0-002 | 0-001 | 0-003 | 0-005 | 0-014 | 0-017 | 0-019 | 0-021 9-014 f 0-009 | 0-004 | 9-998 | 0-002 | 0-003 | 0-008 | 0'013 | 0°019 | 0-022 | 0°026 | 0-027 Dec. .}9°711} 9°704 9°702 | 9°695 | 9-690 | 9°682 | 9°E82 | 9-677 | 9°676 | 9°673 | 9°676 | 9°679 9°672 f 9°6ES | 9-661 | 9°662 | 9°673 | 9°€83 | 9°691 | 9°698 | 9°710 | 9°717 | 9°728 | 9-730 Year .§ ‘888 “&&2! “£80 | "874| -872] -870| °874| -875| -€80| “S8l| -Es3] -882 880] “876| ‘874) -870] “872| “€73| -877| *880] °885] -887| -890] -889 TEMPERATURE—BEN NEVIS, Jan. 22°8 ] 22°9 | 22°8 | 22°7 | 22-9 | 23°0 | 23°2 | 23°1 | 23°1 | 231 | 23-2 | 23-4 | 23°6 4 23:8 | 23°6 | 23°0 | 23:3) 23:2 | 23°3 | 23-4 | 23°3 | 23:2) 23:1 | 23-1 Feh, .} 23°7 | 23°83 | 23°7 | 23°6 | 23°6 | 23°6 | 28-4 | 23-2 | 93-1 | 23:3 | 23°7 | 24-2 | 24-5 | 24-8 | 24:6 | 24-4 | 24:0 | 23°7 | 23°5 | 23°5 | 23°4 | 23°3 | 23:5 | 23°5 Mar. .} 281 | 28°2 | 27°8 | 27°6| 27°3 | 2771 | 27-0 | 27-3 | 28°0 | 25°3 | 28-7 | 29-2 | 20°5 | 29:8 | 29°9 | 29°9 | 29-7 | 29:2 | 28°5 | 28°6 | 286 | 28°6 | 285 | 28:3 Apr. 34-0 | 83-7 | 33°6 | 33°5 | 33°4 | 33°3 | 33°5 | 33°8 | 34°6 | 35°2 | 36:0 | 36:4 | 36-7 | 37-2 | 37°0 | 37-1 | 36:8 | 36-2 | 35°8| 35°1 | 34°6 | 34:1] 34:0 | 339 May .] 36°3 | 363 | 361 | 35°7 | 35°6 | 35°7 | 35:9 | 36-2 | 36°7 | 37°1 | 37°09 | 38:4 | 38:9] 39°7 | 39°6 | 39:8 | 39:1 | 38:9] 38°3 | 37:9 | 376] 37:0] 369 | 36:8 June .}| 40°7 | 40°4 | 4071 | 39°8 | 39°9 | 40:2 | 40°4 | 41:1 | 41°7 | 42°6 | 43°2 | 43:8 | 44°6 | 44-9 | 45:4 | 45°3 | 45°2 | 45°0 | 44°2 | 43°7 | 42°8 | 42°2 | 41°6 | 41°3 July 41°1 | 41:0 | 40:7 | 40°6 | 40°3 | 40°5 | 40-7 | 40°8 | 41°5 | 41°9 | 42°5 | 43:2 | 43°7 | 44:0 | 44°3 | 44:1] 43°6 | 43°3 | 42°7 | 42°3 | 41-9] 41°5 | 41:2 | 41°0 Aug. .| 42:9] 430 | 42°8 | 42:4 | 42°2 | 42°0 | 42:2 | 42:5 | 42°9 | 43:3 | 43°7| 44:1] 44:5 | 44-9 | 45:1 | 45:4 | 44°8 | 44-7 | 44-4 | 43:9 | 43°6 | 43°3 | 43-2 | 43°1 Sept. .} 35°83 | 35°7 | 35-4 | 35°4 | 35°4 | 35°71 | 35°0 | 35:1 | 36:4 | 35°9 | 36-4 | 37-1 | 37-4 | 37:2 | 37°3 | 37°3 | 37-0] 36°38] 36:5] 36:4 | 36°71 | 35°9 | 35°6 | 3574 Oct. 31°6 | 31°8 | 31°9 | 31°8 | 31°7 | 31°6 | 31-2 | 31-2 | 31°3 | 31-7 | 32°1 | 32°5 | 32-7 | 32°9 | 33:0] 32:5 | 32°0| 31°38] 317 | 31°5| 31:5 | 315 | 31:5} 31-4 Nov. 25°6 | 25°7 | 25°6 | 25°8 | 26:0 | 26:3 | 25°6 | 25-2 | 25-4 | 25-4 | 25°7| 26:0 | 263 } 26:3 | 26-4 | 26°5 | 26:0} 26:0 | 25°7 | 25°7 | 26:3] 26:0 | 25:9 | 25:4 Dec. 26°3 | 26°1| 26°2 | 26°2 | 26-1 | 26:1 | 26-1 | 26:5 | 26°6 | 26°7 | 27-1 | 27-2 | 27-4 | 27-4 | 27:3] 27:4 | 27:3] 27-1] 26:8 | 26:8 | 26°6 | 26:4 | 26:5 | 265 | Year .f 324} 324] 32:2] 321 | 32:0! 32°0| 32:0 | 32:2| 32-5 | 32°9| 33-4] 33:8 | 34:2 | 34-4 | 34-5 | 34-4 | 341 | 33°8| 33:4] 33:2 | 33-0 | 32°81 32°6 | 32:5 TEMPERATURE—FORT-WILLIAM, Jan. 27°6 | 87°5 ) 37:2 | 387°4 | 37:2 | 37-1 | 37°0 | 37°3 | 37:1 | 371 | 37°3 | 37-9 | 38-7 | 3974 | 39°3 { 39°2 | 38°6 | 38°5 |) 382] 87°9 | 38:0 | 37°8 | 37:9 | 381 Feb. .} 38°8 | 39°0 | 38°8 | 38°8 | 38°5 | 38:5 | 384 | 38:4] 38°4 | 38°7 | 39:4 | 40°5 | 40:9] 41:6 | 42:0 | 41:9 | 41-5 | 40°7 | 40°2 | 39°9 | 39°7 | 39°4 | 39:1] 38:8 | Mar. .| 41°3 | 41:2 | 40°9 | 40-7 | 40°4 | 40°3 | 40°1 | 40:3] 40:9] 426] 43:3 | 44°6 | 45-7] 46°7 | 47:2 | 47-4 | 47-2 | 46°9 | 45°7 | 44°6 | 43-7 | 43-4 | 42:4] 41°9 | Apr. .] 45°5 | 44°8 | 43°1 | 43-9 | 43:4 | 43°3 | 43:1 | 44:2 | 45:5 | 47°3 | 48:8 | 50-4 | 51°9 } 53°2 | 54:0 | 54°7 | 54:3 | 53°6 | 52-7 | 50°5 | 48-7 | 47°9 | 468] 46:0 May «| 50°1] 49°7 | 49°3 | 49°0 | 48°7 | 48°7 | 49-2 | 50°7 | 51°6 | 52°8 | 54:0 | 55°3 | 56°2 | 57:0 | 57:7] 58:0] 57:9 | 57°6 | 57°0| 55:9 | 54:0 | 52°99] 51°99} 511 June .] 54:2 | 53°7 | 53°3 | 52°8 | 52-4 | 52°6 | 58°6 | 55:1] 56:7 | 58:4 | 59:4] 60:5 | 61°0 | 61°5 | 62:1 | 62:9 | 63:1 | 62°9 | 62°5 | 61°2 | 59°0 | 57°3 | 561 | 551 | July .| 55°6 | 55°3 | 54°9 | 546] 54°3 | 54°6 | 55°3 | 565 | 57-5 | 58°9 | 60-1] 6171 | 61°6 | 62:3 | 62:7 | 62°6| 62:0 | 61°38} 61°3/ 60°6 | 59°0 | 57°9 | 57-0 | 56-2 Aug. .| 56:8] 564 | 55°6 | 55°3 | 552 | 55°2 | 55°61 566 | 57°7 | 58°9 | 60°3| 61-1 | 61:9] 62:3 | 62:8] 63:3] 62°6 | 62°4 | 61:8 | 60°6 | 59:2] 58°7 | 58:0 | 57°6 Sept. .] 503 | 59°4 | 50:0 | 49°7 | 49°2 | 49°4 | 49°3 | 49°5 | 50°5 | 51°7 | 52°9] 54:2 | 551] 55°6 | 55:9 | 56:3 | 56:2] 55:3 | 53-9 | 52°9 | 51°7 | 51°3 | 50:9 | 50°6 | | | Oct. .| 46°9 | 47°0 | 46°8 | 467 | 46°4 | 46:2 | 4671 | 463 | 46°6 | 47°4 | 48:1 | 49:2 | 49-7] 50:2 | 56-3] 49:9] 49°7 | 48°9 | 48:4 48-0 | 47°5 | 47°3 | 4771] 46°8 | | Nov. .} 383] 3 38°7 | 39:0 | 39°1 | 39°0 | 38-8 | 388°9 | 386 | 388 | 39°2 | 40-2 | 41:1] 41°6 | 41°6 | 41°5 | 40°9 | 40°5 | 40-0 | 39°8 | 39°3 | 39°1 | 38-8 | 38-7 | Dec. .] 423] 42°1 | 41°8 | 42°0 | 41°9 | 42°4 | 42°3 | 42-1 | 42°3 | 42°4 | 42-4] 42:6] 43:0] 43:0] 43:1 | 43:2 | 43:0 | 42:8 | 42:9] 43:0 | 42°6 | 42°6 | 42°6| 42:3 Year . 46° | 463 45°) | 45°83 | 45°6 | 45°6 | 45°7 | 463) 47°0 | 47-9 | 48°8 | 49°8 | 50°6 | 51-2 | 516 | 51°7 | 51-4] 51-0 | 504 | 49°6 | 48°5 | 48:0 | 47-4 45:9) bb we . BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 87 MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN VALUES AT BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY, 4407 FEET, AND AT ; FortT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY, +2 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL, 1893. WIND FORCE—BEN NEVIS. i. Mid Ben Cea oe ecG ae |S e eee mu OM LOrNe tianl TF 8 We | As he Tf te. || TON) e20F ere hoops lvaps) er oUe H night. 3°21 | 3°16 | 2°98 | 3:06 | 3°05 | 2°89 | 2°76 | 2°66 | 2°58 | 2°56 | 2°63 |} 2°52 | 2°55 | 2°63 | 2°58 | 2°79 | 2:66 | 2°74 | 2:90} 2°94 | 3-11 | 3°06 2°32 | 2°21 | 2°23 | 2°36 | 2°34 | 2°48 | 2°45 | 2°45 | 2°36 | 2°41 ] 2°22 | 1:96 | 2°09 | 2°18 | 2°07 | 2:12 | 2°04 | 2°36 | 2°50 | 2:64 | 2°66 | 2°41 2°24 | 2°26 | 2°02 | 2°06 | 2:27 | 2°31 | 2°16 | 2°23 | 2°16 | 2°26 | 2°00 | 1°84 | 1°94 | 1°94 | 2°13 | 2°03 | 1°74 | 2°06 | 1:90 | 2°02 ; 1°97 | 2°16 1-47 | 1:38 | 1:38 | 1:23 | 1°33 | 1°33 | 1-17 | 1-25 | 1-08 | 1-23 | 1-23 | 1-03 | 1°15 | 1-23 | 1:13 | 1:12 | 1-20 | 1-28 | 1-27 | 1:37 | 1:35 | 145 2°00 | 1°76 | 1°95 | 1°82 | 1°89} 1:92 | 1°89 | 1°87 | 1°79 | 1-69 | 1°82 | 1°71 | 1°56 | 1°63 | 1°48 | 1°63 | 1°89 | 1°98 | 2°39 | 2°37 | 2°21 | 2°24 1°65 | 1°45 j 1°52 | 1:52 | 1:40 | 1°38 | 1°23 | 1°32 | 1°32 | 1°23 | 1°27 | 1°42 | 1°22 | 1°15 | 1-42] 1°10 | 1°30) 1°25 | 1°58} 1°43 | 1°62 | 1°70 1°74 | 1°32 | 1°42 | 1°39 | 1°45 | 1°47 | 1°42 | 1°45] 1°29 | 1:29] 1°48 | 1:39 | 1°60 | 1°32 | 1°24 | 1°31 | 1°48 | 1°53 | 1°60 | 1°47 | 1°58 | 1:58 1:39 | 1°26 | 1°13 | 1°15 | 1°26} 0°98 | 1°18 | 1°21 | 1°32 | 1:29 | 1°34 | 1°32 | 1°53 | 1°34 | 1°26 | 1°32 | 1°60 | 1°58 | 1°65 | 1°60 | 1°63 | 1°61 1°67 | 1°37 | 1°40 | 1°40 | 1°43 | 1°50 | 1°35 | 1:27 | 1°43 | 1°13 | 1°13 | 1°33 | 1°38 | 1°02 | 0°93 | 1°07 | 1°18 | 1°35 | 1°58 | 1°55 | 1°47 | 1:50 2°40 | 2°19 | 2°31 | 2°37 | 2°26 | 2°45 | 2°23 | 2°05 | 2°10 | 2°00 | 1°90 | 1:98 | 1°84 | 2°05 | 2°48 | 2°29 | 2°24 | 2°39 | 2°56 | 2°44 | 2°50 | 2:47 2°52 | 2°25 | 2°30 | 2°08 | 2°22 | 2°03 | 2°45 | 2°40 | 2°60 | 2°83 | 2°58 | 2°52 | 2°52 | 2°43 | 2°47 | 2°52 | 2°12 | 2°32 | 2°38 | 2°38 | 2°53 | 2°40 2°82 | 2°89 | 3:10 | 3:06 | 3°53 | 3°60 | 3°55 | 3-26 | 3-48 | 3-29] 3:06 | 3:06 | 3-06 | 2-94 | 2-48 | 2°68 | 2-28 | 2°84 | 2°76 | 2-73 | 2-44 | 2°82 2°12 | 1°96 | 1°98 | 1°96 | 2°04 | 2°03 | 1:99 | 1:95 | 1°96 | 1:93 | 1°89 | 1°84 | 1:87 | 1:82 | 1°81 | 1°83} 1°81 | 1:97 | 2°09 | 2°08 | 2°09 | 2°12 DIRECTIONS—BEN NEVIS. January. | February. March April. May. June July August. !September.| October. |November.| December. Year. 221 84 130 84 130 acs 168 167 194 194 326 134 1986 97 60 71 24 24 34 37 11 60 44 93 28 583 93 61 50 20 36 30 74 22, 22 10 42, 14 464 86 104 75 118 230 127 117 65 27 47 76 63 1135 49 97 74 133 98 128 109 128 61 50 29 106 1062 52 89 117 64 72 41 52 115 106 118 14 128 968 56 89 108 119 74 35 64 133 137 144 30 135 1124 49 66 103 67 34 28 20 33 64 103 69 112 748 41 32 16 91 46 143 103 70 49 34 41 24 690 HOURS OF SUNSHINE—BEN NEVIS. Ce ce Marae ee WO toe ataeene || ie | 15 | 16. | ay sae) fo) | 20) |p at rotate per enese re - | - | - | ov] 404) 465] 3-76] 436] 5:38| 51) 100| - ay (Sea eae eee ee 13 - - = - 0°36 1°08 1°61 174 3°90 2°87 1°88 113 - = - = - 14°57 6 = - | 064] 520] 620) 7-24] 715| 9:28] 8-44] 9-88] 8-70| 888] 8:32) 314] - - - | 83-07 23 | - 3714 8°26 | 12°65 | 14°33 | 14°61 | 14°56 | 13°72 | 13:26 | 11°53 | 10°40 9°95 | 10°45 | 10°44 3°17 012 - 150°59 35 - 0°82 3°25 4°72 4:87 617 8°47 7-09 7°49 8:21 6°28 3°99 2°42 2744 2°70 3°35 0°67 - 72°94 14 0°69 | 686] 8°75| 7:99] 9:65] 10:04| 927] 900] 849] 937! 9:29) 631! 5:80] 712) 7:57) 865, 689/ 2°32] 13415 25 0:07 1°35 3°35 3°86 3°93 5°45 6°42 6°38 5:08 4°85 4°83 3°19 2°12 1°72 1°44 1°62 101 5667 11 = = 1°63 2°30 2°81 2°81 2°04 3°01 2°27 3°32 2°36 2°08 1°65 1°44 3°68 2°46 0°28 = 34°14 7 - 0°49 114 2°28 3°70 3°56 4°30 3°54 3°95 3°57 3°92 3°91 2°04 1°74 1:00 - = 39°14 10 - - | 019] 1:00] 216] 2-01] 1:64] 1:85] 2-73] 1:35] 096] 038] - - - - - | 14:27 4 - - - | 033] 565] 7-00] 899] 689] 687| 607] G11] 1:76) - - - - - | 49°67 20 - - - - - - = 076 O35] - ~ - = = 1 0 0:76! 9:03 | 20°61 | 29:10 | 42-72 | 57-15 | 65-74 | 68:38! 64-87 | 69-61 | 63-41! 53°15) 39°15 | 33°53 | 30-71! 20°25 | 8:97’ 2:32 679-46 15 SUNSHINE—FORT-WILLIAM. = or = = = 0°20 1°62 6°47 6:92 6°49 2°85 1 0°13 - = = = 24°68 16 = = = = 0°49 3°45 778 8°15 | 10°09 9°28 7°30 6°82 0:95 = = = = 64°31 27 - - | 576 | 8-94 | 11-14 | 11-59 | 11-40] 12-81 | 13-48 | 13-6: | 10°94 | 6-63 / 1:09] - = 107-42 35 = 0°49 5°38 | 12°51 | 18°07 | 18°72 | 16°93 | 16°43 | 15°92 | 16:06 | 16°10 | 14°29 | 12°88 9°63 0°38 = = 173°79 48 119 3°75 6712 7°88 9°48 | 11°17 | 11°15 | 11°78 | 11°98 | 12°83 9°47 8°70 | 10°07 8°66 4:04 0714 - 128-41 28 3°03 | 6-94 | 897 | 10°97 | 13:34 | 13°72 | 14-66 | 15°26 | 14-07 | 14:06 | 13°28 | 14-76 | 13°63 | 14°63 | 11°98 | 3:00) - | 186-30 40 1:96 4°15 6°58 Wel. 849 9°59 9°83 8°80 | 10°54 9°96 9°62 6:93 672 5°55 4°24 0744 - 110°51 24 0°10 2°44 4-12 4°80 3°73 8°38 7°45 8°96 8°68 | 10°01 9°36 9:08 8°48 5°94 0°86 = = 92°39 23 - - | 060] 3-79] 7-47 | 10-20 | 1205 | 13°38 | 13:02 | 13-28 | 10°89 | 11°62] 881 | 317) - 108-28 34 - - - | 038) 3:75] 5:33| 618| 702] 731 | 647 | 5:45 | 2:57 | 0°53 - - - | 44:99 18 oa = = = = 2°49 4°61 5°44 7°92 4:59 5°05 1°25 = = = = = 31°35 18 = - - - | o60| 155] 1:54] 140] 049) - - - = 5°58 5 6°28 | 17°77 | 31:77 | 53°20 | 73:76 | 94-39 | 104-45 | 114-64 | 120°80 | 117-91 | 103°50 | 87°09 | 68°70 | 48°67 | 2150) 3:58) - | 1068-01 29 ( 8g) BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY.—LOG-BOOK, 1898. Jan. 1.—Strong E.S.E. or E, winds till 184, after which | it moderated. Thin fog on or passing over summit till 21"; clear and cloudless thereafter. ‘Temperature falling all day, 17°°4 at 1"; 6°°6 at midnight. Thermometer box changed at 23" 7", Height above snow not altered. Jan. 2.—Cloudless till 3%, Thereafter the sky got quickly overcast, and at 9" fog came on, and did not clear again till midnight. In middle of day, with temperature 14°, there was a thin mist on summit, A little snow fell in evening. Jan, 3.—Lunar corona seen at 8}, afternoon with temperature 18°. Jan, 4.—Summit clear till 17", and sky cloudless most of the time ; but fog and haze below. Earth shadow seen at 9%. Thermometer box changed after 7%. Height above snow not altered. Jan. 5.—Fog, with snow falling, till 5"; cloudy till 94 ; cloudless and air dry during the rest of the day, but thick haze and some fog below all round. Bright aurora seen at and after 18}. Jan. 6.—Summit clear at times in forenoon ; thick haze and fog below. Lunar corona seen at 1, Jan. 7.—Squally E. winds all day. Fog till 13%, cloudy thereafter, with fog passing over at times. In early morning it was doubtful whether any snow was falling; but owing to the strong wind and drift the rain gauge was useless. Barometer pumping wildly all day. Jan. 9.—Wind gradually falling in force all forenoon. Thin fog till 6", and at times till 15%, Air very dry there- after, humidity falling to 18 per cent. at 22. Bright aurora at and after 18, Jan. 10.—Fog all round below to-day, occasionally rising to aud passing over summit. Aurora visible till 24, and at 5" and 64, The zodiacal light was seen to S.W. at 20", A weasel (stoat) was trapped inside Observatory to-day. It was pure white, all but about 2 inches of its tail, which was black. Jan. 11.—Sky cloudless till but fog all round below, which rose thereafter and covered summit also. Aurora seen from 3 to 64, and again at night. The zodiacal light seen to S.W. at 19" and 20%, Very bright afterglow seen between 17" and 18, Jan. 12.—Sky cloudless in forenoon, but fog all round below, on which glories and fog-bows were seen. This fog rose to level of summit by 12", and covered summit duriug the rest of the day. When it came on first it was mist, though the temperature was only 23°. Aurora seen at 3% and 4%. A fog-bow seen at 11" to-day was triple, and the outermost bow had red outside, while each of the other two had red inside. Jan, 13.—Fog all morning; Mist observed in 29h a) clear but somewhat cloudy, and air saturated all afternoon. Thermometer box changed after 155, Height above snow not altered. Jan. 16.—Mist all day, with drizzling rain and ice forming on exposed surfaces. ‘Temperature rose quickly till 34, when it was 32°°1, and fell slowly during the rest of the day. Jan. 17.—Ice forming freely on all exposed surfaces in early morning. Jan. 18.—At 4" the hourly observation sheet was blown away. Mist, with ice forming on exposed surfaces, all day. Jan. 22,—Thermometer box shifted at 4"30™. Height above snow not altered. For the last few days rain has fallen frequently, with temperatures below freezing, Jan. 26.—Severe 8.S.E. gale in early morning. Tower screen used from 2" to 6" inclusive, as the high wind and drift made it difficult to reach and read the Stevenson screen, The rain gauge was put out for the first time at 92; apparently no snow fell before 75. At 9* hail was falling, and at 14" snow like that which accompanies St. Elmo’s Fire; but no sound or appearance of St. Elmo’s Fire was observed. Jan. 27.—Top clear at 84, 94, and 10; but fog on hills and passing. ‘Lhermometer box shifted at 9" 10™. Height above snow not altered. Jan. 28.—Very thick fog from 6" to 184, Standing on roof it was impossible to see more than about 10 yards. Dry white fog crystals forming rapidly. A little snow fell in forenoon, but gauges were useless owing to drift. Feb. 6.—A snow bunting was seen this morning near the snow porch of Observatory at 3" 40™. Top clear at 7h, 9h 14», 15 and 164, but sky partly covered with cirro- stratus, and cum, fog on hills all round. Clouds looked “hard packed” and windy. Heavy rain between 20% and 21", and very heavy rain about 21" 30™, Thermometer box shifted at 14" 20™. Height above snow not altered. Feb, 9.—Lightning, accompanied with earth currents, at 19 40™, 45™, 48™, and 52™, the two last being fainter. Lightning also at 21 5™; three flashes in close succession. No thunder heard. St. Elmo’s Fire seen on kitchen chimney at 20". No rain gauges out after 20". Little snow fell, and there was considerable drift. Tower screen thermometer used from 21" to midnight. Feb, 12.—Thermometer box shifted at 1" 28™. Put one stage higher on stand, ‘Top clear from 9» to 14%, and again alter 21; but generally thin fog blowing over and air always saturated. Air very clear to S.W. at 114, though detached fog on hills to S, and E. Solar halo seen at 10". Feb. 13.—Sky cloudless till 6", and ouly cirrus till 112. Thick fog all afternoon. Fog gathered in valleys after 6%, and gradually rose higher. ‘lhe upper glow was seen at 6". Air scarcely dry all morning, and thin fog blowing 1893. | over occasionally. Fragment of solar halo seen at 8" on cir.-str. near horizon. Feb, 15.—Thermometer box shiftedat11210™. Height above snow not altered. When top was clear to-day, sky was partly covered with windy cirrus, and cir.-s, and cum. lay round horizon. Sky cloudless from 21" to 234, but thin fog blowing over. Aurora seen at these hours; not well defined nor very distinctly seen. Feb. 18.—Glimpses of sunshine after 104, but top clear and air dry after 16" till 215, The clearing was accom- panied by a slight fall of temperature. At first fog lay on the hills round, but it had broken up and disappeared by 204, though horizon was still hazy and some cir.-strat. was seen. Mist or fog after 225, A rise of temperature when the fog came on again. Feb. 21.—Top clear occasionally, but fog hanging about the hills round always. Just after 125 six snow buntings were seen on M‘Lean’s Steep. In the afternoon there were slight showers of snow, all six-rayed crystals of regular form. Feb, 23.—Thermometer box shifted at 3" 20™. Height above snow not altered. Sky apparently clear above all day; but fog either on hill top or forming a stratus pallium just above it. In the middle of the day cum. fog was rising freely from Glen Nevis and passing along summit. Lunar corona seen at 21). Feb. 24.—Sky apparently clear, but mostly thin fog on summit or stratus just above summit, and cloud on or over hills round, Very calm all day. A few streaks of cirrus seeu at night moving from eastward. Feb, 25.—Sky pretty clear, but thin foe on hill top most of the day. Lunar halo seen at 4%, and lunar corone most of the evening. Glories, some double, seen at 17}. Feb. 27.—When top cleared at 10", fog lay on hills to N.E., and continued to pass over the summit at intervals all day ; but there was no low-lying fog in the valleys. March 1.—Top clear, but sky covered with ugly-looking cirro.-stratus from 2" to 9, Gale from S.E. from 6" to 10" with heavy drift; but air was dry from 7" to 9}, at other times thin fog passing. Lunar halo 2. to 54. No rain gauge out till 115, but little or no snow fell. March 2.—Thermometer box shifted at 12 15™, Height above snow notaltered. Top clear at 12" and 133, but detached cum. fog among hills. Top clear again after 18" ; no fog below, though at times thin fog passing and sky getting gradually covered with cirro-stratus. Strong S.E. wind rising after 20". Lunar halo from 22 onwards. March 5.—Uhermometer box shifted at 4? _ Height above snow not altered. March 7.—Top clear and air dry for a short while in afternoon, but fog on or over hills round and _ horizon cloudy. The snow at first gorge was measured this after- noon, and found to be overhanging the edge 240 inches (20 feet), When measured last year (May 22, 1892) it overhung 312 inches (26 feet). March 10.—Measurements of snowfall in morning very doubtful, owing to drift. At 95 the gauge was found blown over on its side, and that hour’s fall was lost. Thermometer box shifted at 13" 15™. Height above snow not altered. March 11.—Drizzling rain began at 64, when tempera- ture was 27°:0, and the temperature only reached 32°:0 at 20" and 21", being below freezing the rest of the time, TRANS. ROY. SOC. EDIN.—VOL. XLIII. 20™. BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY.—LOG-BOOK. 89. though heavy rain was falling and coating everything with ice. March 13.—Thermometer box shifted at O02 35™. Height above snow not altered. At 5" a light was seen above the horizon to E.N.E., possibly the zodiacal. light. March 14,—The snow which fell at night after 205 was heavy and hard, and did not drift much. March 15.—Thermometer box shifted at 3" 25”. Height above snow not altered. March 17.—Thermometer box shifted at 72 20. Height above snow not altered. Top cleared first at 7"; fog on hills to KE. and again on Ben Nevis at 124. Faint solar halo seen at 10%. March 18.—Thin fog till 8"; top clear after that, but air saturated till 19, dry afterwards. Foy on hills or passing till noon. No fog below after that. Air clear in afternoon. Rum, Mull and Jura seen. After 17" the upper joint was put on thermometer stand No. 2. The box was taken off while fixing the upper part, but was replaced at 17" 25™, Same box and thermometers as before, height not altered. At 19" the afterglow was seen, aud at 20" the western horizon was still red with sunset colours, March 19.—Sky cloudless, except for some passing cumulus in forenoon and cirrus and cir.-cum, in middle of day ; but fog on hills round at about 3000 feet all day, which covered Ben Nevis also at 23" and midnight. March 20.—Mist and drizzle till 114, after which the fog layer was just below or on the summit till 15", and above it as stratus or as dry fog after that hour. At 1ll*a fog-bow was seen, and again at 13", At 11" snow bunting seen near doorway. March 2\1.—Sky clear, except for a little cirrus and cirro-cum. ; but haze in valleys up to almost 4000 feet, with, in morning, patches of fog among it. S.W. wind force 2 to 3 all day, which was apparently not felt below the top of haze. March 22.—A snow bunting was seen again this morning at 11". Haze in valleys to-day, but thinner than yesterday, and apparently extending to a greater height, no upper surface being apparent. Rum, Sky, Mull, ete., were seen through the haze, and no hill tops rose above it as the higher summits did yesterday. March 23.—Thick haze all round all day, Ben Cruachan being about the furthest visible hill. Faint solar halo seen at 155, and portions of lunar halo at 23 and midnight. March 24.—Thick haze all round all day, rather thicker than yesterday. Some heather burning going on. Fog on summit 5 to 94, but no rain or snow. Fog on lower hills or in valleys afterwards till noon. March 25.—Cloudless sky, but thick haze all round till 8», The sun when rising above the haze was distorted. The haze continued, and the sky was cloudy till 164, after which it was mostly fog. March 26.—Misty and drizzle in morning, fine later, but haze all round. At 20" 25™ strong earth currents began to affect the telegraph, and from 215 to miduight an aurora was observed. It was brightest at 224, when there was an arch whose under side rose about 12° above horizon, and streamers reaching at times to about 70° altitude, The arch and streamers were very unsteady, and sometimes streamers appeared below the arch. The arch M 90 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. was white in colour, and the streamers occasionally tinged with green. ‘The earth currents in telegraph wire were intermittent, but it was not noticed whether they coincided with brighter displays of the aurora or not. March 29.— Aurora seen at 2, single arch, no streamers. Lunar corona formed on high cir.-cum, at 3", small and badly defined. Thick haze all day. Solar halo visible from 8 to 134. Mock sun at 11%. It was distinctly outside the halo. March 30.—Top clear 17" to 19", but sky covered with cirro-stratus. Solar halo seen at 174. April 3.—Top cleared after 20", leaving cloudless sky and fog on hills. The moon rose shortly after 225, and it was then seen that the valleys were full of stratus fog at about 2000 feet. Faint aurora seen at 22" and 23%, April 4.—Horizon hazy all day. Fog in valleys at about 2000 feet till 9"; none after that. Sky cloudless, except for some cirrus in afternoon and evening. Some of these clouds near the horizon looked like detached elevated patches of haze. April 5,—Thick haze all day; in forenoon so thick that the hills at the other side of Glen Nevis were barely visible, but sky almost cloudless and air dry. April 6.—Hazeall day. At 15" 37™ a peal of thunder was heard, and thunder clouds at about 4000 feet height were evidently hanging about the hills to E. From 18" 30™ to 215 20™ there were frequent peals of thunder and flashes of lightning, and rain fell heavily, especially from 195 to 21%. St. Elmo’s Fire was seen on kitchen chimney at 20" 35™ and at 21%. Rain was falling heavily at the time, and the summit was free of fog. The storm was accompanied by strong earth currents in telegraph cable, a click of the needle occurring simultaieously with each flash. The flashes followed each other at intervals of from one minute upwards, and in some cases only about two seconds intervened between the flash and the follow- ing thunder. No discharge took place inside the Observa- tory, and no damage was done. No outside observations were taken at 19, 205, and 215; the rainfall for this period was measured at 224, and divided by estimation over these hours, April 7.—At 5 fog lay over the hills to N. and E. at from 3000 to 4000 feet. This continued all day, and frequently it rose and covered Ben Nevis also, April 8.—Fog on hills round till 9% From 10" to 13 detached fog rising out of valleys to S.; after that no fog in valleys, but haze, the latter due partly to burning heather. April. 9.—Sky cloudless, except for occasional scattered clouds at horizon; but slight haze all round. No fog below. April 10.—Cirrus gathered on the sky at 3%, lying in “Noah’s Ark” form, pointing E.N.E. and W.S.W. A solar halo was seen at 7", No fog in valleys till 5"; but after that, detached fog among hills till noon and fog on summit all afternoon, Slight drizzle of snow after 15», April 11.—Fog cleared off summit at 54, but continued in detached portions on the hills round till noon, after which it rose clear of them and formed cumulus till sunset, but from 20" onwards the sky was clear, Air very clear except to afternoon. Aurora seen 224, 23, and midnight, a single, badly-defined arch, no streamers. April 12.—Sky cloudless, except for a little cirro-cum., LOG-BOOK. (1893. till 7°; but fog in valleys, which rose and enveloped summit; thereafter slight showers of snow fell during the evening. Aurora seen at 1", 24, and 3%, April 13.—Top clear after 2", leaving sky cloudless, and fog on hills all round to 4000 feet till 10", after which it rose and formed cumulus overhead, but in the after- noon the clouds came down again and enveloped the summit after 164, though clearing at times in the evening. April 19.—Summit cleared after 45, but sky overcast, or nearly, all day, with cir. and cirro-stratus and loose scud and fog passing frequently over the hill top in the evening. Thick haze all round in the afternoon. A solar halo seen at 12) 30™, April 20.—Sky cloudy, but fog on or over hills all round, and at times rising and enveloping summit. At 21 and 225 sky was cloudless, but thin fog passing. Air dry all day, except at 3" and midnight. St. Elmo’s Fire seen at 2" on kitchen chimney and tower. Thunder peals heard from 162 15™ to 16 50™ down to south-east. April 21.—Thick haze all day. Fog lay over hills all round till noon, and breaking up into detached cum. fog to W., N. and §., and in the evening fog. was all gone. Sky nearly cloudless all day. In early morning thermometer box and roof of Observatory were completely saturated with dew. At 0% 15™, thermometer box was lowered one step. Height above snow, 48 inches. A robin redbreast was seen on office roof at 5}. April 22.—-Temperature high all day; highest hourly reading, 52°°5 at noon. Sky cloudy after 2 and till 215; cloudless thereafter. Haze around all day. No fog in valleys, April 23.—Sky cloudless down to horizon all day, except for a little cirrus on E. horizon at 17" and 18. Haze all day, thicker to W. in the forenoon. Apri 24.—Light 8. and S8.S.W. airs till 1 p.m., and calm the rest of the day. Sky cloudless all day, except for a little cirro-cum. from 18} till 21"; haze allday. No fog below. April 25,.—Sky cloudless till 74, but some cirrus above horizon to E, and §.E.; sky cloudy thereafter till 18); almost overcast till 20", and fog the rest of the evening, but moon seen gleaming through the fog at times. Fog lay over Loch Eil, and in valleys to N. in the early morning, Calm till 9", but light variable airs thereafter, chiefly southerly. Thermometer box was lowered one step on ladder at OF 15™, Aprii 26.—Foe or overcast sky till 21", but sky cloudless since, leaving detached cum. fog on hills around. At midnight humidity was 47 per cent. A solar halo seen at 11> and a corona at noon, An aurora seen at mid- night, a well-detined and complete arch extending from a point E. of N.E. to W. by 8. No streamers were seen. Judging from the appearance of the arch, this would be a magnificent aurora, but sky being very bright (nearly full moon), details could not be distinguished. April 27.—Sky cloudless till 45, but cloudy thereafter, with cum., cir.-cum., and cir.-s. till 16%. Mist and fog the rest of the day. Air very dry and clear in the early morning. Lowest humidity was 38 per cent. at 3). Detached fog lay over hills all day. Slight showers of sleet fell after 23. Aurora seen at 14, with single arch and streamers shooting to the zenith. A halo at 13" and 14h a ior Gi Dod asf. tf Ad od é e 1893. | April 30.—Thermometer box raised one step on ladder ab0? 15™. May 1.—Fog clearing off summit at times in the fore- noon, and after 20" top quite clear of fog. Sky about half- covered with cirro-stratus, and fog over hills all round. Air dry at 23" and midnight. Humidity about 80 per cent, May 4.—Top clear after 17, but sky overcast with cir. and cir,-str., and heavy strata-cum. above horizon all round, and detached cum. fog on lower hills, aud thin haze in valleys; after 21" no fog was seen below. At midnight fog was on summit again. A solar halo was seen at 18> and 19, with mock suns. Thermometer box was lowered one step on ladder at 0» 15™, May 5.—Air dry after 4", Sky overcast during day, but clearing somewhat in the evening. Patches of fog lay in valleys most of the day, at times rising and passing over Ben Nevis. A strong south and south-east breeze blowing all day. Haze all round. A solar corona seen at 11 and 125, and solar halos were observed at 104, 13}, 184, and 194. May 6.—Sky overcast, except at 54 and 6", when fog was on summit, till 20", when sky began to clear, and it was almost cloudless at midnight. In the early morning fog gathered in valleys to S.E. and S.; but during the forenoon this all disappeared, and no fog was seen in valleys after 64. Thick haze around all day. Solar halos were seen at 8" and 17}, May 7.—Strong 8.E. winds all day, increasing in force toa moderate gale in the evening. Temperature falling unsteadily all day. Fog lay in valleys to S. and E. in the early morning, and blowing over summit till 9". Sky was almost cloudless till 21"; but fog off and on summit thereafter. Cir.-str. above horizon to W. and N.W. almost all day, and haze all around. May 8.—The strong S.E. winds of yesterday continued to blow till 2%. Fog and overcast sky, or nearly so, all day, with occasional sunny intervals in the forenoon ; after 22" fog cleared off Ben Nevis, leaving sky cloudless. Solar halos were seen from 9" to 12%, May 9.—Thin cirro-stratus covered the sky till 20%. Solar halos were seen on it from 6" to 16.. Aurora seen at 232 and midnight. No streamers. May 10.—To-day the large screen (summer pattern) began to be used at 1". Aurora seen at 1"; there was no arch, and streamers were just visible. Solar halos formed on cir.-str. were observed from 65 to 125. Haze all round. After 18" mist came on with slight drizzling rain the rest of the evening. May 13.—Mist cleared off and sunk below summit after 8, leaving cloudless sky till 134, but rose again to level of Ben Nevis, and blowing over the summit all after- noon till 20"; continuous fog thereafter, May 14.—Summit clear after 35, but sky very cloudy till night, witli cirrus and cirro-str., on which solar halos were seen from 8" till 13%. After 22% sky was cloudless; but at midnight there was fog in valleys to 8.E., and a little blowing over summit at times. Variable W. and S.W. breezes till 145, and calm till 18"; light 8.E. winds thereafter. May 15,—Temperature high, and air dry all day. Sky very cloudy or almost overcast with cir. and cir.-str., on which solar halos formed almost all day. Detached fog BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY.—LOG-BOOK. 91 in valleys to N. and E. in the forenoon, but after 13% no fog was seen below. A little fog was seen on hills to N.E. and §, at and after 195, Thick haze around all day. Solar corone seen at 11" and 12}. May 16.—Sky overcast all day, except at 195 and 205, when fog enveloped summit, and air saturated at those hours. Detached fog in valleys all day, and thick haze all round, Slight showers of rain fell in the afternoon. Solar halos seen at 11 and 13}, May 17.—Sky cloudy or overcast with cir.-s, till 64, fog and mist thereafter, but summit clear at times in the afternoon, and thick strato-cum. fogs on hills to E, and S. Solar corone seen at 7" and 12}, May 19.—Mist or fog all day, except at 14" and 15%, when summit was clear and sky half-covered with cum., and cum. all round above horizon. Showers of rain all day. At 15» 30™ a peal of thunder was heard down to S.E. At this time summit was clear, but the appearance to the S.E. was very ugly, thick banks of cum.-str., and below this nimbus just tipping hill tops came rolling up, and at 155 45™ enveloped summit, accompanied with a heavy shower of hail and rain. The mist on the summit at this time was very thick, and inside the Observatory it was very dark. This continued till 16 10™. May 20.—Mis% till 16"; summit clear at times there- after, but sky cloudy or overcast with cum.-s, and nimbus, with heavy showers of rain. The general appearance of the sky to the S.E. and W. was very thundery, Earth currents in telegraph cable in the afternoon; a click of the needle of telegraph instrument was heard at 16" 30™ ; but no lightning was seen and no thunder heard. May 21.—Mist or overcast sky all day, with light showers of rain and hail. Temperature pretty low all day, and much colder than has been experienced during the past fortnight, the temperature at midnight being 32°. Thunder was heard frequently from 11 50™ till 15" 40”, but no lightning was seen. During the above time strong earth currents were observed in telegraph cable. May 23.—Strong earth currents in telegraph cable all afternoon. May 30.—Summit clear and air dry almost all day, but temperature low throughout, and falling decidedly at night. Fog below level of summit to N, and E. in early morning, which by midday all disappeared, leaving the air very clear in every direction. June 1.—Summit clear most of the day, but sky cloudy. Solar halos seen at 54 and 15® 45™, June 2.—Air was not saturated—humidity 92 to 99 per cent.—to-day till noon, although a thin fog covered the summit all the time. This fog cleared off in afternoon, but came on again at night. Thick haze all round in evening. A solar halo was seen on very thin filmy cirrus at 155 and 194. June 6.—Summit clear till 3", and no fog below, but sky overcast, except for a clear strip at N.E. horizon, which at 38 was gorgeously coloured, as was also the lower surface of cloud. The clouds fell to level of summit by 4", and enveloped it as a wet mist, with drizzling rain till 19", After this the top was clear at times, but air not dry, while the sky was overcast, and ail the hills below were covered in mist, which occasionally rose and covered summit also. The wind veered from S.S.E. in early morning to S.W. by noon and W.S.W. 92 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY.—LOG-BOOK. by 19"; at and after 215 it was calm. steady to-day, 41° to 45°. June 7.—Mist or fog almost all day. In the ciear intervals the sky was observed to be heavily overcast, and there was thick haze all round, and broken patches of fog on lower hills. June 8.—Mist in early morning and a little fog in evening. Sky almost cloudless in forenoon, but heavily clouded with cum. and cum.-s. in afternoon. Thunder was heard in distance from 19% to 204, and a heavy shower of rain fell between 20" and 21%, Thick haze all around all day. June 9.—Summit clear till after 22, when a thin dry fog which did not saturate the air hung about the hill top. In the early morning (till 4") the sky was almost cloudless, and thick haze was all around and below. There was also low in the valleys a layer of stratus fog. In the course of the forenoon this fog rose gradually in large cumulus masses, and by 14? it was clear above the hills. The haze which it left behind in valleys was not so thick as the haze in morning. In the evening the cum. layer gradually sank again, passing the summit downwards at 185, 195, and 205, At 21" the sky was almost cloudless, the cumulus being all below level of summit. At 22%, 235, and 245 fog hung about the top. June 10.—Cum. fog all round below and hanging about hill top, and occasionally enveloping it till 115. There- after the clouds rose clear of hills, leaving haze, but no fog in valleys. The cum. clouds above all but vanished by 205, but a stratum of cum.-s. came up from S.E. thereafter and covered sky at 21" and 225. This also soon vanished, and at 23 and midnight the sky was cloudless, except at and near horizon to E. and 8. Spectrum colours in N. sky all night. At midnight a distinct slightly pinkish afterglow filled the N. sky above the spectrum colours— 20° to 45° altitude. June 11.—Sumunit clear all day, except for a little fog at 9". Sky cloudless till 44, but cloudy during the rest of the day, with various forms of cum. All evening the cum. clouds were of the real summer type, large piled-up masses that looked very grand. Haze below all day, which thickened after 17" so much as to reduce visibility to 0-1. At the same time cum. began to form in it below level of summit. From 20" the general appearance all round was gloomy and thundery. June 12. —Summit clear, except for a little fog passing at 17". Sky only slightly clouded till 84, and cloudless after 22", but heavily clouded during the rest of the day, with heavy, thundery-looking cum. types. Thick haze all round all day. Showers of rain fell in evening. Distant thunder was heard in various directions from 14% 45™ to 19", but no lightning was seen. June 13.—Cloudless till 64, cloudy till 10", and heavily Temperature very clouded sky with thundery cumulus till 19" ; cloudless again | at night. Thick haze below and all round all day, with, in early morning, low str. fog on lochs and river courses. Distant thunder was heard from 13" till 174, but at 18", and till 18" 20™, the thunder cloud rested on summit, when several peals of thunder were heard close overhead and the lightning was very vivid. The last flash of light- ning seen came into the Observatory, aud a loud report was heard in office. The same flash affected the telegraph wire aud fused the faces of the lightning protector plates. [1893. The same thing. was done by the same flash at Fort- William. June 14.—Sky almost cloudless till noon, slightly clouded during the rest of the day. Fog low down in some valleys and on lochs and rivers in forenoon, rising later on, aud by noou the valleys were clear. Thick haze all around all day. June 15.—Sky slightly cloudy in forenoon, but almost overcast all evening. Thick haze all around all day, and low fog to E. and 8. in forenoon. Solar halo seen at 16". June 17.—Sky cloudless almost all day. Thin fog passing till 7". Air dry during the rest of the day. Cum. fog all round below till 18". Thereafter it dis- appeared; but at 205 low str. fog was observed on Atlantic about Mull. This gradually crept eastwards, and by midnight there was a low stratum of fog below 1000 feet in valleys in every direction. Air much clearer to-day than during last week, the visibility being 3, though tiere was a thin blue haze all over the hills. June 18._Sky cloudless till 22%. Fog in valleys or hanging about the hills most of the day. This fog in early morning was a low str. stratum in valleys; later in forenoon it gradually broke up into cum. type, but did not rise higher than level of summit. This cum. type ou sinking in evening gradually disappeared except to N.E. and E. (where the cum. continued to form and rise) ; but a fresh stratum rolled in into all valleys from W., as it did yesterday, but more quickly. After 21" this stratus fog gradually rose, and at 225 it was passing summit. At 232 and midnight the sky was overcast with cum.-s., and the fog below was broken up into detached patches. Very little haze all day. Temperature high all day, all except the miduight reading being above 50°, and from 9" till 18 it was above 60°. Calm or almost so till 21", when a northerly breeze set in. June 19.—Sky almost cloudless till 54, but mist or fog in valleys, which rose and covered summit; also from 62 till 14%. The fog cleared after that, and the sky gradually became cloudless, till at 22 a stratum of fog came up from W. all over the country to level of summit, which at midnight it covered also, Solar halo seen at 16". Temperature falling all day; at midnight it was 35°°1. June 20.—Fog on or passing over summit all day. Till 8" it was of a misty nature, but thereafter it became a dry fog. The stones of hill top were quite dry all day, and from 9» till midnight the hygrometer indicated a slight dryness of the air. June 21.—Top cleared after 24, and sky was pretty clear till after 4", but haze and broken fog below all round. After 4", and during the rest of forenoon, fog hung about the hill top. It rose clear of summit in afternoon, but came down again after 19", Although a thin fog was frequently on hill top to-day, the air remained slightly dry. June 22.—Calm all forenoon, with mist and drizzling rain, and temperature ranging from 36° to 39°. After noon the temperature began to fall, reaching 32° at 184, and 30° at midnight. Heavy rain accompanied the fall of temperature till 15", when it changed into snow and sleet, which fell heavily during the rest of the day. June 26.—Summit cleared in afternoon, and till 22 the air was very clear in all directions (V. 4); but the sky i ” fe Be ra) Aw indy fo Be Speryeriaty oe =F 1893. | was somewhat cloudy. After 22" a dark cloud came up from S., with haze below, and fog was passing summit at 23" and midnight. The radiating points of cirrus bands on sky at 195 were W. and E., well marked. June 29.—Mist till 235, when summit cleared, the mist falling below level of top, and sky cloudless overhead. Heavy showers of rain in morning, and slight drizzle most of the day. June 30.—Sky cloudless, except for a little cirrus at 5% and 6", and again after21". Foe lay all round below in early morning, but gradually vanished in the course of fore- noon, leaving thin haze in valleys till 19", when a thick haze bank was seen approaching from §.E. and 8. This haze was all around by 22), and reduced ‘‘ V” from 3 previously to 1 at and after 225. July 1.—Summit clear and air dry all day, but thick haze all round, with some broken cum. fog among it to E. and S. A solar halo was seen at 5%, July 2.—Fog or mist on summit from 4" till 115, and fog hanging about hill top and passing at times till 205; sky nearly cloudless thereafter. Thick haze below in early morning. July 3.—Top clear, but sky cloudy, and fog and haze all round below all forenoon. Overcast, and mist on summit, with heavy showers of rain in afternoon. Dew on roof in early morning. July 4.—Fog and mist ou or passing over the summit till 205, but clearing a little at times in the afternoon. At 21" the fog sank below level of Ben, leaving sky almost overcast with cir.-str. Air slightly dry since noon. A fog-bow and glory were seen at 12" 30”. July 5.—Top clear all day, but sky overcast till 9%. It then gradually cleared, and after 14" the sky was cloudless, except for a very little cum. forming and reforming in it. Fog all round in morning to about 4000 feet; this gradually sank, and finally disappeared at 14", leaving a thick haze in valleys, which diminished somewhat later in the day. At 21" str. fog began to form in valleys to N. and E. among the haze. July 6.—Sky almost cloudless till 3", except for a little cirrus which gradually overspread the sky, and in the afternoon it was completely covered by dense, hard-packed cir.-stratus, and continued so the rest of the day. Haze and a little stratus fog in valleys in morning, which cleared somewhat in the afternoon, when the visibility was birely 3. After 15" the haze increased very much, and at 21" fug began to form on it to the E. and S. July 7.—Cloudy or overcast sky all day, with fog passing at times till 11". Yesterday’s very thick haze continued all day, reducing the visibility to 1. At 19" there was observed to the 8. a layer of lumpy, thundery- looking cumulus, from which loose scud came drifting over our sky, whilst the horizon was covered all round with dense, hard-packed strato-cirrus. At 22" 30™ lightning was observed illuminating the whole of the southern horizon, each flash being followed by a peal of thunder. By 23" the sky was overcast with cumulo-stratus, and very heavy rain began to fall shortly afterwards, whilst St. Elmo’s Fire was seen and heard from the tops of every post, ladder, anemometer, as well as Observer’s pencil, cap, ete. Between 23 and midnight frequent flashes of lightning were seen playing all round the Ben, each followed by a peal of thunder. The storm by this time BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY.—LOG-BOOK. 93 appeared to have passed over us away to the N., and nothing was seen or heard till 0" 45™, when very vivid flashes, followed by thunder, began to play in the ueighbourhood of the North Cliff, and continued to be seen till 25 35™ on the 8th. All through the storm the tele- graph instrument was clicking loudly, as many as eight and nine clicks being heard at one time, the last occurring about 2° 45™ on the 8th. By midnight the wind, which had been S. and of a slightly squally nature all day, increased somewhat in force, and began to blow in fitful gusts from the §.E. Air slightly dry all day, lowest humidity 81 per cent. at 15", 19", and 205. St. Elmo’s Fire was observed at each hourly observation from 23" on 7th to 2" on 8th inclusive. July 8.—Sky cloudy or overcast, with mist on or pass- ing over the summit all day, and thick haze all round. Temperature falling slightly 51° to 49° till 64, after which it rose to 57°'1 at 114, and fell slowly the rest of the day to 47°-9 at midnight ; air slightly dry from 65 to 145, but saturated the rest of the day, except at 18", when the humidity was 99 per cent. After 10" strong earth currents were observed in the telegraph cable, causing the needle to click repeatedly. At noon and 135 very heavy cumulus clouds and thick haze were observed to E. At 14" thirty brilliant flashes of lightning followed by thunder were seen, the hill being then enveloped in mist. A_ slight crackling sound was heard inside the office at 145 50, and eight minutes afterwards a brilliant flash of light- ning was seen which entered the Observatory, producing a bright flash and smart crack at the telegraph connections in the office; no damage done, the line-wire being dis- connected at the time. Mr. Craig saw simultaneously a flash, followed by a crack, in the dust-room of the tower, the lightning having apparently entered from the outside by the south brass tube, connected with the aspirator, which was being used at the time. Nothing further was seen or heard, but the telegraph instrument was kept dis- connected for several hours afterwards. Very heavy showers of rain were experienced during the storm. Strong squally S.E. winds till 194, when it backed to the E.S.E., becoming more steady, and increasing to a moderate gale (force 7-8) at midnight. July 10.—Mist all day, except at 18, when the summit cleared—after a heavy shower of rain—for a short time. Thunder was heard to N. from 16% 40™ to 174 10", whilst the telegraph needle was clicking for some time before and after this. When the summit cleared at 185 a very thick haze and gloomy appearance was observed to the N.E., and detached fog and thinner haze all round in valleys. July 11.—Summit clear from 2" to 4%, but sky cloudy and fog all round and passing at times. At 5" mist came on, and continued till 11", when the top cleared again, but sky was overcast or nearly so, and heavy showers of rain fell at times all afternoon. Frequent peals of thunder were heard to the S.E. and S. from 12" 35™ till 174, and a flash of lightning was seen to S.E. at 132 20™, apparently about four miles off. St. Elmo’s Fire was heard hissing from 15" 30™ till 155 50™, aud the telegraph needle was clicking all afternoon. Very light E. winds all day, and temperature ranging from 42° to 47°. July 12.—Sky cloudy and fog all round below till 4%, when the summit became enveloped in fog, which changed 94 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY.—LOG-BOOK. (1893. into mist, accompanied by drizzling rain at noon, and! with hoar frost from: 3" to 5%,.and ice was observed :on lasted till 17". At 19" the fog fell just below our level, and almost all the surrounding country was hidden from view by it, the greater part of the sky being covered with cirrus and cirro-cumulus, which . gradually sank and completely covered the sky all the rest of the night, July 13.—Summit continued clear till 35, after which fog came on and continued the rest of the day, but lift- ing a little between 15 and 194, : July 14.—Mist or fog till 225, but summit clear at times between 13" and 17", At 234 the top was clear, but the sky was overcast by a thin layer of stratus, which gradually disappeared, leaving the sky cloudless at mid- night, At this time (23") a layer of stratus fog was seen to N. and E., with detached patches elsewhere; these gradually increased in extent, until, at midnight, the Ben was completely surrounded by fog, reaching to about 4000 feet. July 15.—The sky became cloudy again at 1", whilst fog began to pass, and continued to envelop the summit till 98. Although the sky continued overcast or nearly so the rest of the day, the atmosphere was remarkably clear, Barra Head, coast of Ireland, etc., being seen. A thin blue haze, in which patches of fog kept forming and disappearing till 20", was observed in valleys all round, and the clouds kept rising and falling, at times tipping hills all round. - July 16.—Top clear and sky overcast till 10"; patches of fog were observed in the haze, in valleys, in the early morning, and these increased in extent until, at 104, the summit was completely surrounded by fog. The Ben was after this enveloped in fog, which changed to a wet mist, accompanied by heavy showers of rain at and after 194, July 17,—Pretty strong earth currents were observed on the telegraph instrument, causing the needle to click frequently between 18" and 204, July 18.—Summit clear shortly after 3" till after the 54 observation, with cumulus fog on hills all round and haze to northward. ‘The band of cirrus observed at 4" had its radiating points, lying N.W. and S.E., very well marked. Fine sunrise to-day, the clouds on horizon being tinged a brilliant crimson. At 6" mist was again on summit, and continued all day, but breaking occasionally between 16" and 17}, July 20,—The door of the Stevenson screen was found partly open at the 13" observation, having been tampered with by tourists, July 23.—Summit clear from 3" to 18, and at 20%. A band of cirrus was seen at 3" lying N.W. and S.E., and having a pretty quick motion from N.W.; this gradually assumed the form of cirro-cumulus, and loose cumulus-scud began to drift over the sky at noon, and at 17" the sky was overcast with cumulo-stratus. Mist on or passing over summit after 184, no fog below, but haze in valleys between noon and 174, visibility being 3 at this time. July 26.—Mist till 16", after which it gradually cleared, the fog lifting at times, and at 22" and midnight the sky was almost cloudless, A lunar corona was seen at 22", A Ptarmigan was seen on summit this morning. July 27.—Summit clear, but sky cloudy all day. Detached fog continued in valleys till noon, after which it disappeared, leaving a slight haze. The roof was covered any small pools in the hollows of the rocks. A partial solar halo was seen at 204, a lunar halo at 23), and a Junar corona at 1 and midnight. ee Aug. 5.—Mist till 13", after which the summit cleared till 174, when fog again came on, but cleared again at 21). At this time the sky was overcast: by a layer of stratus, which disappeared, leaving sky cloudless after 22". Hoar frost was observed on the roof at 234 and midnight. . A beautiful lunar corona was seen through a thin haze at midnight. is Aug. 6.—Sky cloudless till 4% (but fog on summit at 26). Top clear again, but sky overcast and thick haze in valleys, till 154, mist thereafter. Lunar corona seen at 1”. The hoar frost continued on the roof, stones, ete., till after sunrise, the summit being quite white at 42 as if with a thin layer of snow. hes Aug. 7.—Mist till. 4, after which it sank below our level, leaving sky cloudy or overcast till 115, and again from 21" till midnight, mist being on the summit during the interval. Some fine glories were seen this morning, Aug. 9.—Summit clear (except at 204), but sky very cloudy all day. A thick haze continued in the valleys below all day, reducing the visibility to (1-2) im, the afternoon, Temperature high all day ; the 15" reading of the dry-bulb (62°2) is the maximum for the month of August since the opening of the Observatory. Frequent flashes of sheet lightning were seen illuminating the southern and western horizon at 23" and midnight, the flashes being almost continuous ; no thunder heard. Aug. 10.—Summit clear and air dry till 3", mist on or passing the rest of the day. Lightning continued to, be seen on horizon till 25. A flash of lightning was seen about 182 10™, and telegraph needle clicked from about 195 till after 215. ; ate Aug. 12.—Mist with drizzle till 155, summit clear and sky cloudy with cirrus and cirro-cumulus thereafter ; when the top cleared, fog was seen covering the surrounding country and reaching to 4000 feet; this gradually broke up, and disappeared after 214, leaving haze in the valleys. A solar halo was seen at 17, and an aurora at 23 and midnight ; it consisted of one arch with long streamers, reaching beyond the pole star to A Cepheus. The shadow of Ben Nevis was seen at 19% 30™. Aug. 13.—Top clear and sky cloudy all day, except at 2% and 17"; haze all day, and patches of fog forming and disappearing during the greater part of the day, in valleys. The aurora continued very bright till after the 2) observa- tion. A solar halo, exhibiting prismatic colours, was seen at 19", and a quadruple glory round the shadow of the tower at 5}, Aug. 14.—Summit clear during the greater part of the day, but mist after 22", Air dry all day, except at 23" and midnight. Sheet lightning was seen to W. and S.E. aby es Aug. 15.—Mist, fog, or overcast sky all day, with very thick haze in the valleys in the afternoon; air dry from 4" to 21" (except at 7" and 84), saturated the rest of the day. A fragmentary rainbow or sun-dog was seen at 17 and 185 30™. At 204, peals of thunder were heard to S.W., and at 20> 20™, vivid flashes of both sheet and zigzag lightning were seen to the S, and S8.W., some of them ouly being followed by a peal of thunder. The 1893. | wind was §.W. at this time, and the storm gradually approached, and at 21" a heavy shower of rain began to fall, the drops being very large. The lightning continued to play about the hill top till after 235, but very few peals of thunder were heard during this time. St. Elmo’s Fire was seen and heard by the people in the hotel between 21" and 225, but was not observed at the Observatory. The telegraph instrument kept clicking from 21» till about the end of the storm. Several double flashes were observed, and a photograph was secured of a distant flash at 20" 40™. End of storm not well marked, but probably about 235 30™ or 238 45™, The storm apparently travelled from $.W. to N.E. or N., and then appeared to return to 8.W. again. Aug. 16.—Top clear, but sky cloudy from 18" to 212, mist the rest of the day. A triple fog-bow and quadruple glory were seen at 18" 30™, and in the outermost bow of the fog-bow the outer edge was red, in the other two bows the inner edges were red. Aug. 23.—The mist, which had been almost continuous for the last two days, showed signs of clearing at 24, and at 35 the summit was clear aud the sky cloudless but for a bank of cirro-stratus on the S.W. horizon, and fog was on the hills all round. The mist came on again at 4}, a continued all day, but for slight breaks at 18" and 23%, Aug. 27.—Summit clear, but sky overcast, or nearly so, from 7 to 134, and from 18" to 21"; mist or fog the rest of the day till 21". Sky cloudless after 215, except for a little cirro-cumulus at midnight, which disappeared soon after the observation. A triple lunar corona was seen at midnight and 22%. A lunar fog-bow was observed at midnight, and there was hoar frost on the roof at and after 22). Aug. 28.—The hoar frost was entirely off the roof at 4h, Lunar corone were seen at 1 and 2", and lunar fog- bows at 25 and 3, Aug. 29.—Summit clear the greater part of the day, but mist passing after 13"; sky cloudless at 10%, 195, and 204, Fog continued in valleys and on the hills all day, almost completely hiding the surrounding hills and at times enveloping Ben Nevis. Air dry till 15%, and at 184 and 215; the humidity was very low in forenoon, the lowest being 31 per cent. at 9% and 104, the sky at these hours being practically cloudless, and cumulus fog below our level. Light N. breezesallday. A triple fog-bow was seen at 17%, the outermost bow having red outside and the two inner having the red inside. A lunar corona was seen at 21%. Aug. 30.—At 1" and 2 the summit was clear, but sky cloudy, and fog all round above 4000 feet, and at 3” mist came on and enveloped the hill all day, except for short intervals at 19 avd 20"; drizzling rain after 19%. The humidity fell from 95 per cent. at 1" to 50 per cent. at 24, but was saturated at 3" and after. Moderate N. winds, force 2-3 all day. Lunar corona seen at 1". Sept. 2.—Mist or fog till 135, after which the fog lifted, but the clouds were just clear of Ben Nevis and tipping the hills all round. The clouds sank again, forming fog at 17" and 18", after which the sky remained cloudless till midnight. There was rather thick haze in valleys, which passed over the summit as a thin fog at 22h, Air dry from 134, lowest humidity 66 per cent. at BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY.—LOG-BOOK. 95 19", Light N. winds till 13, calm till 204, S. breeze thereafter. A lunar corona was seen at 22. The shadow of Ben Nevis and pink afterglow were seen this evening. Sept. 3.—Sky cloudless or nearly so till 11%. The stratus fog in the morning reached to 4000 feet, and kept passing over the summit till 16", after which it gradually disappeared, leaving thick haze in the valleys below ; fog, however, began to re-form in the valleys at midnight. Lunar coronze were seen at 1), 24, and 35; a partial solar halo at 17", and a lunar halo at midnight. Glories were seen frequently in forenoon and afternoon. Sept. 4.—Summit clear and air very dry till 23"; lowest humidity 33 per cent. at 10". Sky very cloudy in forenoon, with various forms of cirrus, which almost wholly disappeared after 154, except a few small patches. A thin layer of stratus fog lay in the valleys to N.E., E. aud §. in early morning, but disappeared after sunrise ; small patches, however, continued to hang about the hills near the horizon all day, especially to S. and W. There was a thin haze below in forenoon which increased in afternoon, when the visibility was barely 3. During the afternoou a thick haze appeared over the Firth of Lorne and crept up Loch Linnhe, forming into stratus fog in the evening. At 23" this fog began to pass over Ben Nevis, and assumed a slightly misty character at midnight, causing saturation. Lunar corone were seen at 2), 3}, aud 23". Two or three butterflies were seen on the top to-day. Sept. 8.—Several peals of thunder were heard to southward about 2" 57™, and the telegraph needle gave several sharp clicks; nothing was heard after the 35 observation. Darometer pumping from 13% to 18%. Sept. 9.—Air remained saturated all day, though the top was often clear after 9"; the clouds, however, were usually just clear of the summit or fog was passing, causing saturation; thesky was cloudless at 22, but thin fog was passing. At times the visibility was 3-4, when the Paps of Jura, Skye, etc., were seen. Sept. 10.—Fog on or passing till noon, clear the rest of the day. ‘he sky was cloudless in morning, when the top was clear of fog. The fog rose in afternoon, forming cumulus clouds, which disappeared after 18", leaving sky cloudless again till midnight, when cirrus began to form, Air dry from 13" to19® and at midnight; the dry bulb read lower than the wet six times during the day. Air very clear to westward in afternoon, Barra Head, ete., being distinctly seen. N. breezes in forenoon, S. till 18%, veering to S.W. thereafter. There was a thick covering of hoar frost on the roof and woodwork from 21}. Sept. 11.—Sky cloudless or nearly so till 11". Fog on or passing till 17"; top clear and sky cloudy thereafter. At midnight fog had formed all round and was passing at times. Air very clear in morning, visibility 4. Air dry all day ; lowest humidity 48 per cent. at 4%. The wind veered from S.W. at 1” to N. at 65; it again became 8, at noon, but veered again to W. at midnight. The hoar frost continued on the ground till after sunrise. A faint aurora was seen at 35, Sept. 23.—From 4" to 7" there was so much drift that no rain gauge was put out. The ground is deeply covered with snow. At 172 10™ a dry bulb, wet bulb, and a minimum were put out in small box on ladder stand No. 1. Duplicate readings were taken till 3" on the 24th. Up 96 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY.—LOG-BOOK. to and including midnight the large screen readings were entered on daily sheet, after that the small. Sept. 25.—Thermometer box shifted at 145 8™. Height not altered. Top clear after 7%. Clear views all round. Rum, Skye, Mull seen. No fog below, except some on hills to E. after 18%. Sept. 26.—Fog on or passing all day, but sky apparently clear above. Fog very thick in afternoon. During a short clear spell at 22 a lunar halo was seen. Oct, 3.—Thermometer box shifted at 11210™. Height not altered. Top clear in afternoon. No fog below, but haze to S.; after 18 patches of fog on hills to 8S. and E., and occasionally on Ben Nevis also. Oct. 4.—Fog lay among hills to E. till 10". Sky clear, but fog or scud on or near the top all day. Faint aurora seen at midnight. Oct. 7.—Thin fog with frequent clearances most of the day. Up to 4" heavy fog lay in valleys to N., and after that was in valleys all round or passing over the summit till 14". After 155 there was no low fog, except some patches to N.E. at 174. Oct. 8.—Sky clear in early morning, overcast by 5", fog passing at 6", and snow falling at 74. fell was in large flakes and soft, it did not drift, but lay 6 or 8 inches deep. Top and sky clear again after 204, but fog rising and passing over Ben at times. Thermometer box shifted at 20% 12". Height not altered. Oct. 15.—At 23> 10™, fresh dry and wet put out. | Box and minimum not altered. The snow which fell a few days ago is now very much melted off, there beiny only a few patches more than 6 inches deep. Oct. 16.—At 1210™, fresh dry and wet put out. and minimum not altered. Oct. 17.—Summit ciear after 18", and sky almost cloudless the rest of the evening, and air pretty dry after 225, Cumulus above horizon all round, and a little detached fog in valleys to S. A portion of an aurora seen at 21, with faint streamers. Oct. 23.—Summit clear for a few hours in forenoon, but sky overcast with cum.-s. Thermometer box shifted at 10" 10™ in small box on ladder stand No. 2. Barometer fell -084 between 225 and 234, and at the same time the wind was blowing in strong gusts from S.W. At midnight, barometer had risen again ‘045, but continued falling thereafter. Oct. 25.—Strong, gusty S.W. winds till 4", moderating in force during the forenoon. Very heavy rain fell till 74, and heavy showers of hail and snow the rest of the day. The usual hissing noise which accom- panies St. Elmo’s Fire was heard at 22> and 232, but, being bright moonlight, the discharge could not be seen. Oct. 26.—Summit clear alter 22", except for a little fog blowing over hill top ; but sky overcast with cum.-s. aud having a very ugly appearance generally. Snow fall- ing almost all day, and a good deal of drift flying about in the afternoon. Oct. 30.—Fog till 4%, sky cloudy till 6", and thin fog passing ; almost cloudless till 9", and fog off and on till 14"; continuous fog the rest of the day, with slight showers of snow in the evening. Thermometer box shifted at 72 10™. Height not altered. Box The snow which | [ 1893: Oct. 31.—Summit clear occasionally at 9" and 13}, but sky cloudy. A fog-bow was seen at 13}, Nov. 4.—Fog or overcast sky till 15", almost cloudless till 18", except for a little cirrus; no fog on hills below. Air very clear to W. and S.W. Visibility about 4. Fog on again after 184, Thermometer box shifted at 115 10”. Height not altered. Nov. 6.—Fog clearing off summit at times during the day, but sky cloudy. Thermometer box shifted at 20" 10", Height not altered. Nov. 8.—Thin fog till 18" and sun gleaming at times about midday. Sky cloudless till 224, but fog over hills to N. and E. Fog came on again at 23". Light showers of snow fell between 9" and 15", Aurora seen at 204. Thermometer box changed at 19% 15™, Height not altered. Nov. 9.—Sky perfectly cloudless all day, and fog on hills to E. and §. till 45, thereafter spreading all round and rising to height of Ben Nevis, and blowing over summit at times in the afternoon, but in the evening it sunk again to about 3000 feet. Air very clear to W. at 35, Fladda, Tobermory and Barra Head lights being seen. Air dry all day, except at 165; humidity was 30 per cent. at 35, Aurora seen at 1» till 45, and at 19", 20" and 21», Shooting stars at 3. A mouse was seen in lobby of visitors’ room, Nov. 10.—Sky cloudless till 6", somewhat cloudy with cirrus till 15"; but cloudless again since. Fog on hills all round to 3000 feet; but after 16" it began to break up into detached cum, fog, and in the evening lay over hills to E. and §. only. Aurora seen at 19", and on till mid- night. Nov. 11.—Sky cloudless all day, and fog all round to 4000 feet. Aurora seen at 1" and 20%. Nov, 12.—Sky cloudless all day and fog around to 4000 feet ; in the afternoon fog had sunk a little, and some hill tops were seen above fog. Aurora seen till 34, and at 22" and after. Nov. 13.—Yemperature fell 7°°9 between i* and 24, but rose again 4°°7 at 3%, and remained pretty steady the rest of the day. Air dry all day, humidity ranging from 36 to 76 per cent. Sky cloudless all day, and haze at horizon all round in the afternoon, thicker to W. and N. Detached fog lying in valleys all day. Aurora seen at 1 till 45, and at 20% and midnight. Nov. 14.—Sky cloudless till 4%, cloudy and fog on summit at times till 13%, continuous fog thereafter. Detached fog in valleys in early morning, str.-cum. at horizon to S. and W. at 44%, Air very dry up till 84, lowest humidity 27 per cent. at 4%. Calm till 6", and light N. wind during the rest of the day. Aurora seen at 12 and 2%. Nov. 15.—Summit clear and sky cloudless till 2, and some fog in valleys. Fog, with occasional breaks, during the rest of the day. Nov. 16,—Thick fog all day, and dark-coloured crystals growing on ali exposed objects. Nov. 20.—Fog cleared off summit after 105, but leaving hills all round enveloped in fog and sky somewhat cloudy, with cirrus till 17", but cloudless thereafter. Air very dry at times in the afternoon, humidity being 32 per cent. at 20%. Glories were seen at 14" and 154. Thermometer box changed at 11"15™. Height not altered. “Sf: OF oy 1893. ] Nov, 21.—Sky cloudless till 74, and a little cloudy with cirrus till 11"; since then mist and fog, with drizzling rain and snow after 235, Fog on hills and in valleys to N. and W. in early morning, By 11» it had spread all round, and at times was blowing over Ben Nevis, and at 12 it had settled down on summit. _ Nov, 23.—Fog or overcast sky, clouds just tipping hill tops all round. Thermometer box changed at 0" 20™, and raised one step up on ladder. Height above snow, 54 inches. — Nov, 26.—Summit clear froin 7" till 114, and again at 16" and 194, but sky almost overcast. After 205 fog was very thin, and did not appear to be much higher than Ben Nevis, as the moon and stars could be seen distinctly through it. Lunar fog-bows and corona were seen from 21 till midnight. Thermometer box changed at 9" 10”. Height above snow not altered. _ Nov. 29.—Mist with very heavy rain till 185, and snow and sleet thereafter, the greatest hourly rainfall being 0°413 at 165, This evening the usual report could not be sent to papers, owing to telegraphic communication breaking down. No signals were got from either post- office or low-level observatory all day. _ Nov. 30.—Thermometer box shifted at 18" 15™. Height above snow, 42 inches. ‘lo-day Mr Jackson, telegraph lineman, came up and tested instrument, and found all right at this end. In the evening, communica- tiou was opened witli post-office and low-level observatory, the fault being found in cable between Red Burn crossing and Achintee. The report was sent to daily papers at the usual time. Dee. 2.—Summit clear after 45, and sky cloudless till 84, and fog on hills all around except to W. Fog on again at 94, Airdry at 7", the humidity was 39 per cent. Snow fell after 14", and sleet at 20". Thermometer box changed at 62 15™. Height not altered. Dec. 5,—Mist, with heavy rain and drizzle, with some showers of snow and sleet all day. Glazed frost forming, temperature being 32° or less, except at 15" and 16, when it was 33°. Dec. 8.—Barometer falling quickly till 105, and till this hour a strong S.E. gale blew. Thereafter the barometer rose, and the wind veered to S.W. and W., and INSTRUMENT BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY.—LOG- BOOK. 97 moderated to a gusty breeze. Snow fell most of the day, but owing to the strong wind and heavy snow drift the gauge was not out. From 4" to 7" inclusive the tempera- ture was taken from the tower box instead of the usual screen outside. Flashes of lightning were seen at 18%, and St. Elmo’s Fire was noted at midnight. Dec, 9.—At 15" 30™ thermometer box was changed. The fresh box was put one step higher than last on ladder stand. Dec. 10,—Barometer falling till 18". Wind backed to S.E. by 6, and blew a whole gale till 18". Thereafter it veered and moderated. At 174 and 184 the temperature readings were taken from the tower thermometer. Heavy drift all day; but apparently there was no snow falling till evening. At 104, 12 and 13 the summit was clear and the air dry. Dec. 11,—Flashes of lightning seen at 1", and thunder heard at 10". Heavy drift all morning. St. Elmo’s Fire seen at 23", Dec. 14,— Flashes of lightning geen at 7}. Dec. 15.—Thermometer box changed at 155 30™. Height of box same as last. Temperature rose in after- noon to 36°, and with heavy rain and high wind, the snow was thawing quickly all evening. Dec. 17,—Thermometer box Height above snow not altered. Dec. 22.—Several flashes of lightning, accompanied by clicks in the telegraph instrument, seen between 19 and 205. Dec. 26.—Fog except at 235, when top was clear. Sky covered with cir.-cumulus. Snow showers in early morning, drizzling rain forming glazed frost in afternoon, Thermometer box changed at 1&4 30™, The box was raised a step on ladder stand, being now the highest on the fixed ladder. Dec. 28.—Sky cloudy till 65, and summit clear except for passing mist. Mist and drizzle during the rest of the day. Bee 29.—Mist or fog, and drizzling rain, with S.W. to W. winds. Glazed frost forming. Dec. 30.—Mist and heavy drizzle all day. Wind veering from W. in morning to N.W. at night. Glazed changed at 14% 10™, frost forming. Sea eG. 18d: Barometer No. 1385 has been in use all through the year ; No. 1285 has not been used. Thermometers. Dry bulbs 535541 and 192677, with wet bulbs 535542 and 192671, have been in use. A new set was added to stock in December—-Nos. 861089- 861090—but they have not been used yet. From May 9 to September 24, when the large ther- mometer screen was in use, maximum thermometer 117293 and minimum 116918 were in use. During the rest of the TRANS. ROY. SOC. EDIN.—VOL. XLIII. year minimum thermometers 138533 and 138545 were put out in the small box on ladder stand. The bent thermometer for the tower storm-box has been used occasionally. Black bulb No. 186 was in use from June 8, when it was brought up from low-level observatory. The usual patterns of 5-inch rain gauge have been in use, the smaller size in summer and the larger in winter. The Campbell-Stokes sunshine recorder nad been in use. The anemometer has been out of order all through the year, N 98 and Chrystal’s direction-instrument has not been in use. The driving clock of the latter continues to be the standard time clock in Observatory. The rainband observations have been made by means of: the small direct vision spectroscope. Some photographs were taken in the early part of the year and in summer, but since September the camera has been at Fort-William Observatory. Richard’s barograph was in use till December, when the clockwork became foul and refused to ‘work. The drum, with clock, is now away getting cleaned and repaired. The stephanome has been in use as usual. The depth of snow is measured as formerly at Post A. Observations of the number of dust particles in the air have been made with the large instrument in tower; the small one is at the base station. There have been several breaks in the rainfall owing to snowdrift and high winds. In other respects the observations have been uninterrupted during the year, although the outside BEN NEVIS -OBSERVATORY.—INSTRUMENTS, ETC. (1893. part of the hourly routine has been from five to seven minutes late on a few occasions. ‘During the latter half of the year communication by telegraph has been faulty, owing to the cable getting fused and burnt by lightning. Besides the permanent plant of the Observatory, there are various instruments—balance, weights, thermometers, tubes, aspiration-psychrometer, etc.—at Observatory be- longing to Mr. A. J. Herbertson. During August and September they were used at this Observatory in connection with Mr. Herbertson’s work on hygrometry, a similar set of observations being made at sea level at the same time, The permanent staff consists of R. T. Omond, A. Rankin, J. Miller and Sam. Weir with R. M‘Dougall since July, Throughout the year the following have acted as observers at different times :—Messrs. A. J. Herbertson, C. Stewart, A. Shand and J. I. Craig. R. M‘Dougall was telegraph clerk in summer and autumn. George Day and Wm. Stewart acted instead of S. Weir at different times. * are “fy I ao Sst ;. SGg Pt ae OF ‘ Peer Lo Sos 3 as . hie '\s > = - > mt ere SD t I , Ss Y at : | E a } a } a = <) = | ss —- —- = -- - - sd - - — ee ee ~ + ; a, 7s te ; é { : ry i = i f se a | ‘ - = 1 : H = i j ' ‘ = i ee)! i : Fe =- + < a ‘ ; E * 5 | * : Se i ee en a eg = _ - =~ ese A rer tr dW EI, LY LEI PERNA OER en Se oe eS ee ae or 100 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. BAROMETER. ReEpucrp To 32°. 4407 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. JANUARY 1894. | 4 . Dalai Oks |G lO lt arenes 9 | 10 | 11 | 12] a3 | 14 | 35 | 46 | 47 | 48/19 || 20) 21 |22 | 28 ght. s. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. 1 ; 3. 5°755| 5°747) 5°743] 5°740| 5°741)| 5°736) 5°747| 5°747)| 5°741| 5-729) 5°731 5°726) 5°724' 5-712) 5-709) 5-708) 5-704! 5-707) 5:700| 5695] 5-687) 5°686 2 6 5| 5°685) 5°685| 5°688) 5°679| 5°686) 5693) 5-703) 5°704| 5°718) 5-714 5-711 5-708) 5°695) 5-708) 5°727| 5°720] 5-734) 5°749) 5-762) 5:73) 5°755) 5-761 3 : 3| 5°787| 5°781) 5*812) 5°823) 5-836) 5:827| 5808) 5°840) 5:845) 5°845) 5:848 5°872| 5°867) 5°858) 5-851) 5869] 5:877| 5:876)| 5:871| 5-874 5874) 5-863 4 15: 5°861)| 5°851) 5825) 5°796| 5°792) 5*791) 5°803) 5:799) 5-752) 5°7481 5-709 5685] 5°695 5-679) 5637] 5-609) 5-624) 5-600) 5:557| 5:565) 5°518) 5-525 5/5: 5°475| 5°457| 5:424) 5°379) 5°384) 5°381) 5°350! 5°340] 5:334| 5-278) 5-262) 5:227| 5°195 5*156) 5°121| 5-085} 5-022) 5-036) 5-026} 5:021) 4-991 4-952 6 |4: 4°877| 4°863) 4°827) 4-804) 4-784! 4°782| 4°785| 4-807] 4829] 4-834] 4°840 4:847| 4856) 4837] 4:833) 4835] 4-865) 4°868) 4-915] 4-913) 4:908) 4-926 7 | 4:92 4-937] 4°940| 4:955| 4°959] 4-958) 4-952) 4-970) 5-000) 5-008) 5-014] 5-025 5-044) 5:065 5-099) 5°120) 5:144) 5:155) 5:17) 5°176) 5-193) 5214) 5-225 8 | 5:2: +248) 5°251| 5-245) 5°234) 5245) 5-235) 5-209) 5-212) 5-186] 51649 5-126 5:112) 5:118) 5-081) 5-033) 5-009) 5-002) 4-989} 4-979] 4-965] 4-951) 4-943 9 | 4:938 4°97 2) 4-968) 4-970) 4-972) 4-982) 4-990) 5-007) 5:022) 5-088) 5-046] 5-050 5:057) 5:057)| 5-049) 5-064) 5-060) 5-084) 5-071) 5-078) 5-042) 4-971) 4-915 10 |4°8 4-791] 4-726) 4-679] 4-640 4-681! 4-734] 4-778] 4-802] 4-833) 4-857 #355 4°865] 4:903, 4-935) 4-945) 4-960! 4:968) 4-916) 4:905! 4-884) 4-904) 4:885 11 | 4°86 4-921) 4-923] 4-921) 4°930} 4-924! 4-900) 4876] 4°830) 4:818] 4-824] 4-812 4:917| 4:967 5-018) 5-042) 5:080| 5-107] 5-119} 5-110) 5-088) 5-045} 4:981 12 | 4:96 4-921] 4:895] 4:892) 4-884) 4:892! 4-920) 4-935] 4-950} 5-005) 5-026) 5-062 5:073) 5:11] 5-118) 5:152) 5-164) 5-171) 5-167] 5°156} 5-180) 5-099) 5-029 13 | 4:989 4-905) 4°870| 4899) 4-835} 4°860] 4°899) 4:907| 4:912) 4-959) 4-998 4-998 5:016| 5:020 5-017} 5:020) 5-020) 5:035| 5-044) 5-049) 5-049) 5-059) 5-068 14 | 5:068) 5-070) 5-083) 5-089} 5-098) 5:104| 5:114] 5-126) 5-144) 5:151| 5-178) 5°175) 5-181 5°186} 5-192 5-199] 5-209) 5:212) 5-220) 5-226) 5:235) 5-236] 5:234) 5-231 15 | 5*224) 5-221) 5-217) 5-211) 5-204) 5-192) 5-192) 5184! 5-186) 5187] 5-178) 5-148) 5-128 5:092 5059 5-033] 4-973} 4°908)| 4°897) 4-912) 4-917) 4-912) 4-914) 4-908 16 | 4-900) 4-901! 4885) 4:872) 4:832) 4°824] 4-832) 4-824] 4-843) 4-848] 4:876] 4-897] 4°878] 4:879| 4°873 4866] 4:867| 4:865) 4-887) 4°889] 4:880| 4°877| 4°878] 4°852 17 | 4°829| 4-797, 4°757| 4-707) 4°661| 4654) 4:662) 4°645) 4-630) 4°655| 4°655) 4-651] 4-642) 4-631) 4-628 4:631) 4°625| 4°627/ 4-627) 4°629) 4-630) 4°637| 4-645] 4°648 18 | 4°651/ 4°662 4-669) 4-673) 4°680| 4-699) 4°715) 4°732) 4-749] 4-779] 4795] 4-809} 4:820) 4°842| 4-862 4-876] 4-909] 4:914) 4-939) 4-959) 4-974) 4-995) 5-009] 5-020 19 | 5°035) 5:043, 5:045) 5-039) 5-032) 5-034) 5-006) 4:997| 4:967] 4-958] 4-930) 4-884] 4-843] 4*805) 4°719, 4-693) 4°681] 4°689)| 4-628) 4-621) 4-596] 4578) 4540) 4°507 20 | 4461) 4429 4-396) 4362) 4:354| 4°363] 4:371) 4:399) 4-432] 4-470) 4-520) 4-559] 4-588] 4°631 £667) 4°691| 4°748) 4772) 4°766) 4-789) 4°839) 4°851) 4894) 4-913 21 | 4:946/ 4°950 4-953) 4-944) 4:938| 4-944) 4:914) 4-901] 4-883) 4°855| 4°857| 4-820} 4-775) 4°775| 4°763 4-758) 4°735) 4°734) 4-741! 4-737] 4°721) 4-718) 4-698) 4-673 22 | 4-672) 4-670 4°659| 4-619) 4°621| 4-590} 4:588) 4-602) 4-568) 4°587| 4589) 4-571 4:574| 4:584) 4°582 4-630) 4-673) 4:714) 4-766] 4-794] 4-818) 4°844| 4°869] 4-892 23 | 4912) 4°934 4-958) 4-961) 4:984| 5-030) 5-048) 5-078} 5°119} 5-154) 5:172! 5-194] 5-210) 5-218} 5-228) 5-235) 5249) 5-265) 5-265) 5-269) 5-258) 5-246) 5-220) 5-202 24 | 5*186) 5°149 5125) 5111) 5-090) 5-059) 5-035) 5-057] 5-037) 5-026) 5-019) 4-978} 4-946] 4-937| 4-922 4-899] 4-891) 4870) 4:845) 4-863] 4-860) 4-867| 4-862) 4°884 25 | 4°883/ 4°878 4-885] 4°882) 4°885) 4:876] 4°882) 4-891] 4-892) 4-870] 4°872) 4-836] 4-816) 4:785 4740 4-715) 4-695) 4°686) 4:688) 4:695) 4-702) 4-709] 4°718] 4°716 26 | 4708) 4°710 4-716) 4:718) 4°716) 4°724] 4°724) 4-741] 4-745] 4:760] 4-766] 4-776] 4-771| 4774) 4:786, 4:798] 4:778) 4:747| 4°711] 4°698| 4-682) 4-693) 4°67) 4°657 27 | 4653) 4°660, 4°622| 4-600) 4-572) 4:519) 4-496] 4°505] 4-500) 4-486] 4:503) 4-497] 4-484] 4:453] 4-488 4459] 4-465] 4°460| 4-482) 4-472) 4-471) 4-454) 4-458) 4-457 28 | 4-465] 4-448) 4-458| 4-428) 4-415] 4-428] 4-404] 4-381] 4-398) 4-432] 4-466) 4-515 4-587] 4-630] 4°685| 4-755] 4-814] 4-865] 4-906] 4-942] 4-973) 5-003] 5-037] 5-054 29 | 5-073) 5-110, 5-120) 5-129) 5-134) 5:131] 5-139) 5-147] 5-183} 5-110) 5-079) 5-022} 4-929] 4-841) 4-762 4-635} 4-566) 4°522| 4-488) 4-501] 4-429] 4-438) 4-479] 4-493 30 | 4*475) 4°477| 4:463) 4-453) 4:461] 4-474) 4-458) 4-490] 4-522) 4-508! 4-494! 4-503] 4-493) 4-486 4:454) 4-482) 4-480) 4°482) 4:496) 4°493} 4-507) 4-465) 4-480) 4-495 31 | 4-493) 4504) 4-498) 4-487] 4°507| 4516) 4517) 4-536) 4:558) 4:571| 4-582) 4-598} 4-616] 4-637 ar 4-694] 4722) 4°750, 4-773) 4:789] 4-785) 4°808) 4:829] 4-844 MEavy.| 4°998 eal 4-988) 4-976] 4:970} 4-962) 4-963] 4-970] 4-974) 4-980} 4-987) 4-984] 4-978] 4:979) 4:978 4-978) 4-979) 4-979) 4-983) 4°987| 4-986) 4-985) 4:981| 4-974 | BAROMETER. ReEpucep To 32°. 4407 reer ABOVE SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. FEBRUARY 1894. | Ins. Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. 1 | 4849) 4°853) 4°853) 4-855) 4-874) 4-894) 4-902 4-906) 4:925) 4-911] 4-911] 4-889} 4-842) 4-813) 4-762) 4°745| 4-776] 4-779] 4°794) 4-832] 4-847) 4°872) 4-903] 4:937 | 4°855 2 | 4-963) 4-954) 4-948) 4-957) 4-991) 5-025) 5034 5-018) 5-013) 4:931) 4-909] 4-919} 4-917] 4:931| 4:887| 4:884| 4-898] 4-917 4:903, 4*889) 4°878) 4880, 4°891| 4:884 | 4-984 3 | 4904) 4-909) 4°947) 4-919) 4-946) 4-971) 5:002 5-027) 5-069) 5-080) 5-141) 5-172} 5-201) 5-255) 5-274) 5-320] 5-363) 5-415] 5°425 5-441) 5-445) 5-464) 5-473) 5-487 | 5°194 4 |5°478) 5-470! 5:459) 5-454) 5-434) 5-429) 5-431 5-414) 5-397] 5-390) 5:385) 5-346] 5:307| 5-325) 5:348) 5-337) 5:349] 5:357| 5°368 5°372) 5°372!| 5-400) 5*418} 5-435 | 5395 5 | 5460) 5:471) 5-480) 5-497) 5-510) 5-523) 5549 5-544) 5-563) 5569) 5°564| 5°566) 5:555| 5-539) 5-530) 5-520) 5:522| 5-474) 5-462 5-406) 5-393) 5:382) 5°325) 5-305 | 5-488 6 | 5:199) 5-163) 5°117; 5-011) 5-005) 4-957) 4970 4:947) 4-940) 4-915) 4-906] 4-914] 4-886] 4:855| 4:825] 4-822! 4-804] 4-764] 4-792) 4-771] 4°790) 4°762) 4°742) 4-738 | 4-900 7 |4°733) 4-716) 4-691) 4°720) 4-740, 4-763) 4-774 4°784) 4-792) 4-771) 4°773) 4-750} 4-743] 4-740) 4-723] 4-735) 4-753] 4-781] 4-824) 4-825) 4-855) 4:895) 4-894) 4-932 | 4-779 8. | 4915) 4-932) 4-955) 4-986) 5-059) 5-094) 5-137 5:175| 5:217| 5-243) 5-266] 5-254] 5-261) 5-228) 5-241] 5-211] 5-228] 5-226) 5:218) 5-196 5*180) 5:162) 5:146) 5-104 | 5151 9 | 5:059) 5-046) 5-014) 4:956| 4-963 4-935) 4-925) 4-895) 4-887) 4:875| 4:855 4-8551 4-843) 4-830] 4-812, 4-795] 4-791) 4-788] 4-764) 4-755 4-696) 4:713) 4°665) 4:634 | 4°848 10 | 4°633} 4-595] 4-598] 4-559) 4-539, 4-541) 4-542) 4-567) 4-586] 4-555 4-586 4-590] 4-592! 4-613] 4-623] 4-645] 4-660) 4-674] 4-695] 4-703] 4-703] 4-691] 4-687] 4-684 | 4°619 11 | 4°687| 4-682) 4-673) 4-663) 4-650, 4-625) 4-589) 4-563) 4°511) 4-476) 4-444) 4-435} 4-397| 4-357] 4-329) 4-290] 4-229) 4-173} 4-100) 4-041 4-023) 3-978] 3:960| 3869 | 4:364 12 | 3°874) 3-931) 4-026) 4-195) 4-330! 4-392! 4-438) 4-486) 4-522! 4-573] 4-601) 4-628} 4-651) 4-670) 4:673] 4-700) 4-722] 4-749] 4-786) 4-802 4-829 4:864| 4-910 4:947 | 4-554 13 | 4°995) 5-028) 5-060) 5:096) 5-126) 5°155) 5°170) 5-190) 5-209) 5-214| 5-218) 5-223} 5-235] 5-243) 5:261) 5-268] 5:301] 5317] 5-326] 5-342! 5-361) 5-369] 5-380) 5°386 | 5-228 14 5°398 5-401) 5:398) 5-394) 5°389, 5-401) 5-408) 5:416) 5-419) 5-425) 5-427) 5-433] 5-428) 5-426) 5-411) 5-413] 5-419] 5-417] 5-421) 5-418] 5°406) 5-408) 5-404! 5-399 | 5-412 15 | 5°396) 5°399) 5:393) 5-388) 5°384, 5°381| 5°385) 5378) 5-381) 5-365] 5°37 1) 5-369] 5:351] 5°345| 5-339) 5-339) 5:340) 5°348! 5-351) 5-334] 5:330) 5:324) 5-322) 5-318 | 5-359 16 | 5°317| 5°318) 5°309| 5°301) 5-305) 5-305) 5-303) 5:304) 5-308) 5:303) 5:320) 5313] 5°317| 5°307| 5:310 5°303| 5-303) 5-296] 5-298) 5-292) 5-296] 5-314! 5-302] 5-308 | 5:306 17 | 5°324) 5°345) 5°348) 5-355) 5-367, 5384 5:393 5*406) 5:412) 5417) 5:432) 5-438) 5-450) 5-445) 5-451) 5-474) 5-487) 5-495) 5507) 5:25) 5-531) 6°554) 5-558) 5-564 | 5-444 18 | 5°576) 5°555) 5-552) 5-569) 5579) 5°587 5°588) 5:596) 5:613] 5:614! 5620) 5-627] 5:614) 5:624| 5-632) 5:637| 5:°652| 5-644) 5-658] 5-659] 5-649] 5-652) 5-654) 5-643 | 5°616 19 | 5°638) 5-605 5°610) 5°595) 5584) 5°606 5:590) 5:614| 5-609) 5°599) 5:594) 5:577] 5-590] 5-586) 5-569) 5-563) 5-570) 5-588] 5-586) 5-596] 5-601) 5-609) 5-598) 5°613 | 5-595 | 20 | 5°619) 5°632) 5°636, 5:650| 5°661) 5-679 5-692) 5-707) 5°719) 5-725) 5-726, 5-733] 5-713] 5-700) 5:688) 5-682) 5-686) 5-680] 5-675) 5°658| 5-644) 5-629] 5-617) 5-604 | 5678 | 21 | 5°587| 5:564! 5 560) 5: 541 5-525 5°629) 5°580) 5°527) 5°520) 5:529) 5:530) 5-524] 5-530) 5-530) 5:519) 5-542) 5-564) 5-567] 5-588) 5-582) 5-584! 5:597| 5-610) 5-618 | 5554 22 | 5608) 5°609) 5°622) 5-616) 5:616) 5°616) 5-606) 5-592) 5-583) 5566 5°536, 55399 5:495] 5:458) 5°420) 5:377| 5:348] 5:300] 5:281) 5-253) 5:194) 5°192) 5-156) 5-186 | 5-449 |} 22 | 5172 5173) 5°173, 5158) 5°111) 5085) 5:059 5-044) 5-012) 4-953 4-926) 4-816} 4°740] 4°617| 4°486] 4°378) 4:486| 4-452! 4518) 4523) 4-535) 4:584) 4-611) 4-601 | 4°798 | 24 4°618 4°613) 4-637, 4-641 4648 4662 4:669) 4°702) 4°720) 4°726) 4° 749, 4°755 4°753) 4°782) 4:802) 4°811] 4°857| 4:871] 4:913) 4:923) 4-945) 4:971) 4-959) 4:953 | 4°78 25 | 4:93 oa eee 4*789| 4°729) 4°671] 4627) 4°577| 4:565) 4:523 4517, 4-535] 4°525) 4°530) 4506] 4:468) 4-498) 4-500) 4:483] 4°488) 4-462) 4-490) 4-464) 4-553 | 4:591 | 26 | 4°544) 4°580) 4°593) 4°631) 4-682) 4-681] 4°693) 4-700) 4-723) 4-743 4-752| 4-781} 4:805] 4°816) 4*821| 4°812| 4-802) 4-767] 4°720] 4°675) 4:603) 4°626) 4-680) 4-644 | 4-703 27 | 4°658) ad 4-658) 4°675 4°669 4:689) 4°730) 4°788) 4:813} 4°841| 4:840, 4-873] 4-891] 4-921) 4-924) 4-952) 4-960] 4-978] 4-985] 4-987] 4-995) 5-013) 5-011) 4-999 | 4°851 | 28 |! 5°001) 5-003 ak 4°947) 4931] 4-921] 4:907) 4:909) 4-908) 4-921 sped 4-974] 4989] 4-991 5-008) 5-021) 5-029] 5-026] 5029) 4-985) 4-966) 4°916] 4-869] 4°767 | 4:956 Mra». | 5:07) va me 5°076| 5084) 5089) 5:094) 5-099) 5-105] 5-098 5102, 5-101} 5:094| 5088 5:078 5-073) 5-084, 5084) 5-088} 5081) 5:075) 5:083) 5-079) 5-075 | 5:086 FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 101 BAROMETER. REDUCED TO 32° AND SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. JANUARY 1894. 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 |.18 | 19 | 20 | a1 | v2 | 23 | BMI: Itean, a 2 3 4 5 6 ti 8 g) | al) abl Pak night. Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. } Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. |Ins. | Ins. | Ins, 0°538} 0°541| 0°531| 0:533) 0°528} 0°529] 0:530) 0:529| 0°540) 0-539) 0:533) 0°538] 0°520} 0-514) 0-511] 0-508] 0-501 0-504) 0-496) 0:°504 0-496) 0-491! 0-482] 0:479 | 0°517 0°471| 0-477] 0°472) 0-464) 0-464! 0-460] 0°456) 0°470} 0°483) 0:495) 0-493) 0°494] 0-487] 0-490) 0:498} 0°513} 0-523) 0-547] 0:574| 0-597) 0°622! 0-643) 0:649] 0-652 | 0:521 0°654! 0°663! 0-673) 0-680) 0-689} 0°702| 0-712) 0-715} 0°7 25) 0°743) 0-732) 0°729] 0-727! 0°734| 0°719} 0°734| 0-732 0-737] 0-746) 0°753 0-746] 0°739) 0-741] 0:738 | 0-719 0°739) 0:731| 0-712) 0:698} 0°687| 0°672) 0:647| 0:646} 0:638) 0:622) 0:601) 0°578} 0:549] 0:531) 0-512) 0-496] 0-465] 0-453] 0-441) 0-417) 0-402) 0-388) 0-360) 0°341 | 0°555 A 0°31 8) 0°286} 0-264 0-229) 0-213} 0°187| 0°165) 0-144) 0°126) 0-085) 0:035] 0-004] 9°976) 9-946] 9-933) 9-890} 9-861] 9°816) 9°789) 9°751) 9-715] 9-695} 9-652 | 0:017 9°621)| 9°589) 9-559) 9°541) 9°532) 9-525] 9-522) 9-532) 9-542) 9-580) 9-590) 9°591] 9-582! 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BAROMETER. Repucep To 32°. 4407 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. MARCH 1894, la | g-| 42} os] ef} 7-|-8¢]) 9%! deel a settee! ae] as] a6 | ae |The laa) | a00||or |Soor Ros nigte,| Mean. | i Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. |} Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins, | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins, 4-711) 4-671) 4°600) 4-607) 4°604| 4-648) 4658) 4:630, 4-634] 4-625) 4°645} 4-654] 4651! 4-623) 4:578 4-604) 4:640) 4-611] 4°640) 4-621) 4:601] 4-590) 4:575) 4:552 | 4-624 4-684) 4°624) 4°667| 4°682) 4°697| 4-756) 4°798] 4-833) 4-905} 4-929) 5-001] 5-044] 5-087] 5:°103] 5-127: 5°164) 5-195] 5-208) 5-238) 5-245) 5-260) 5-267) 5-278) 5-284 | 5-003 | 5:277| 5:261) 5:244) 5:243) 5231) 5°213) 5207) 5°197| 5:195) 5186) 5-190) 5195] 5-188) 5-154) 5-153 5-141) 5138! 5-140) 5°131) 5:090) 5-102) 5-076] 5-066) 5-042 | 5-169 ‘994! 4-959) 4-963) 4-944) 4-935) 4-947 4-991) 5-039) 5°105) 5°158) 5°187| 5-215) 5-273) 5:286| 5-308 5-359) 5:390) 5-413) 5-429) 5-438) 5-449) 5-437) 5:442) 5-445 | 5-213 442) 5-438) 5°425) 5-424) 5-416) 5°389) 5-370) 5°829 5-285] 5:225) 5-167] 5118] 5-075] 5-021) 4-968 4-910) 4°892) 4-861] 4°857| 4°831) 4°807] 4-755) 4:672) 4°641 | 5097 657| 4°640| 4:630) 4°637| 4-645) 4°680) 4-696) 4-732) 4-782] 4-803) 4-829] 4-878] 4-905] 4-959) 4:979 5-024) 5:062) 5-089} 5-112) 5-114) 5°139} 5151) 5°165) 5:176 | 4°895 179) 5°167| 5°157| 5-147) 5°142) 5:136) 5°127| 5-096) 5-079} 5:058) 5-034] 5-043] 5-003) 4:978 4935 4890) 4°862| 4:834] 4:796] 4°772) 4°729] 4-691) 4:682) 4-657 | 4-966 637 738 6 4:587| 4591) 4°625) 4:649| 4-670) 4-687) 4°707| 4°720) 4°737| 4°744] 4-750} 4°754| 4°755) 4- 741) 4-729) 4-741] 4-753] 4-761 4-763) 4-756) 4-750] 4-744] 4-734 | 4°712° | 4:714) 4°707| 4-673) 4668) 4-667] 4-652) 4°661) 4°631) 4°632) 4-630) 4-602] 4:559) 4:531 4539) 4:556| 4:580) 4:589} 4:597| 4°615) 4:620} 4°633) 4°646] 4643 | 4-628 ‘637 | 4°649] 4-647| 4-640) 4-656] 4-668) 4-674] 4-685) 4-688| 4-703] 4-720] 4-728] 4-739) 4-746] 4-750 4-748) 4-754] 4-739] 4-716) 4-667| 4-596) 4-510] 4-406) 4:314 | 4-658 ‘237| 4-147) 4-077) 3°985) 4°168) 4-238) 4-344] 4°366] 4:378] 4-408] 4:414) 4-438] 4-449] 4-447) 4-448 4:440) 4-473) 4-479] 4-500) 4:518) 4512) 4-557) 4-564) 4°559 | 4-381 4°552) 4556) 4°561) 4°555) 4°537| 4-547) 4°548) 4-562) 4-584) 4-589) 4-616) 4-612] 4-600 4°589) 4-562 4°571| 4-584) 4-562) 4:567| 4°560) 4562) 4-557] 4:535! 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5-568) 5-579] 5-592 5-597) 5-600} 5-598] 5-610] 5-610 5:618 5-612] 5-620| 5-629] 5-640) 5-652) 5-657| 5-658) 5-662) 5-664 | 5-590 28 | 5°656) 5:649} 5:644) 5-643) 5°645) 5-650) 5-646) 5-649) 5:653) 5°657| 5°657| 5°653] 5°651| 5°646) 5°635 5-631) 5-610) 5-614] 5-604) 5-609) 5-615) 5-598) 5-586] 5-580 | 5-633 29 | 5:574| 5°564] 5°550| 5-548) 5-544) 5:527/ 5-533] 5-523] 5-515| 5D16| 5-507| 5-502) 5-500] 5-487| 5-482 5-455] 5-456) 5-443] 5-438) 5-436] 5-436] 5-430) 5-418) 5°405 | 5-491 30 | 5384) 5°366) 5°343) 5°331| 5°315) 5°304| 5°302] 5-300) 5-299) 5-290) 5-283] 5-281] 5-269] 5-261] 5-254! 5-236) 5-232] 5-224) 5-210, 5-222] 5:225) 5-216] 5-204) 5-185 | 5-272 31 | 5-180} 5-173) 5:169) 5-169) 5-162) 5-177] 5-186) 5-198) 5°199] 5-210) 5-214) 5-225] 5-231) 5:237| 5-241) 5-249) 5-256) 5-268] 5-282) 5-300) 5:318} 5°323) 5-329) 5-336 | 5-235 MAN, | 5°176) 5-163) 5:155) 5°149) 5-156) 5-166] 5:177| 5°183} 5-191] 5-195) 5-200] 5-206} 5-207| 5-202 US ea 5:209] 5-211) 5-218 5217] 5:216 aoe 5206] 5:198 | 5192 | a COONS OP WNe —_ — a wh uce no ive} oo | BAROMETER. Repucep To 32°. 4407 FEET ABOVE Sea LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. APRIL 1894, Ins. . | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | las. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins, | Ins. | Ins, | Ins, 1 | 5:342) 5:343) 5:347, 5°352) 5361) 5371) 5°386) 5395 5-406) 5-414) 5-420) 5:422) 5-431) 5-438) 5-433) 5-485) 5-440) 5-440, 5-445) 5-453) 5-448) 5-434) 5-423) 5-419 | 5-408 2 | 5-407) 5°398) 5:390, 5°389) 5°388) 5:381| 5:385) 5°380 5:379) 5°382| 5:379| 5°367] 5°370) 5°367| 5°356) 5°356) 5350) 5 B45 5342] 5°348) 5°349| 5:346] 5:348) 5-342 | 5-368 3 | 5°337) 5333) 5°325, 5-323) 5-824) 5:324] 5-338) 5-342 5-344] 5°348| 5:357| 5-363) 5-364) 5-364| 5-368] 5-361] 5°370| 5-374) 5-388) 5-397 5-402] 5-405) 5-412) 5-414 | 5362 4 | 5-413) 5-418) 5-427) 5-482) 5-443) 5-465] 5-481) 5-492. 5-506| 5-515] 5-526) 5:539) 5-546] 5:556) 5-564] 5-570) 5:576| 5-582 5-592| 5-610) 5°621) 5:626) 5630) 5-638 | 5-532 | 5 | 5°636) 5°633| 5-629 5-631) 5°634) 5-641) 5°646) 5-658 5°650) 5°657| 5-662) 5-664] 5-669) 5-675) 5-667| 5660 5-656) 5°656, 5°659) 5-668) 5-666) 5-666) 5:658) 5:650 | 5-654 | 6 | 5°641| 5-634] 5°614) 5°607| 5°595| 5-583) 5-567| 5-562. 5551) 5-552) 5:550| 5-545] 5-535] 5-523) 5-516] 5:516] 5°13] 5-509 5-517| 5-516) 5-524) 5-521) 5-518] 5:514 | 5551 | | 7 | 5°506) 5-494) 5-479, 5-472) 5-471) 5-469) 5:478| 5-478 5°485) 5-484) 5-484] 5-479) 5-479) 5-477) 5-465) 5:463] 5°451) 5:458 5-452) 5-453) 5-459) 5-450) 5-441! 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5-476] 5-482! 5-485] 5:479) 5-479] 5-476] 5-469) 5-461] 5°452| 5-435) 5-412 | 5-420 | | 29 | 5409) 5407) 5-416) 5-405) 5-408) 5-410) 5:413) 5-422) 5-424) 5-428) 5:434) 5-434] 5-443] 5-452) 5:457| 5:459]| 5-463) 5-470] 5-476] 5-492) 5:504) 5°57] 5521) 5:5387 | 5-450 | 30 aia 5°050) 5°51) 5°566) 5°575) 5°591) 5-606) 5-624) 5641) 5-661] 5°668 5°681] 5-694) 5-702) 5*710) 5-721] 5:728} 5°742) 5°747| 5°762) 5°76) 5°77] 5-781) 5781 | 5674 MEAN. | 5°280) 5°275) 5°272) 5-270) 5-272) 5-274) 5-278) 5-282) 5-284) 5:288 5290 5-290} 5:291) 5-292) 5-290) 5-293) 5:288) 5-290) 5-291] 5-294) 5:298) 5-298) 5:298, 5-298 5286 BAROMETER. FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. REDUCED TO 32° AND SHA LEVEL. = 10 2 ee Ins. 9°26] 9135 9-899 9°614 07126 9185 9-781 9-089 9260 9-194 8:579 9-085 8:98] 9254 2) 9°390 9°739) 0:092 0117 0°192) 0-192 0°279| 0:271 0:198) 0:195 0:277| 0-271 0-409] 0°417 0°477| 0°475 0°283) 0:275 0-091) 0:083 0:074/ 0-076 0-210) 0°212 0:115} 0°101 9917) 9:907 9-669) 9:661 9°739) 3- | 4 Ins. 9151 9207 9-877 9550 0102 9186 9°769 9163 9206 97199 8439 9°:063 8:937 9274 9:396 9°769 0103 0113 07192 0:249 0178 0277 0°431 0°457 0:245 0:079 0086 0:220 0:098 9°875 9°663 9°728 Ins. 9:205 9173 9:893 9:578 0116 9:180 9781 9-087 9-232 9193 8-492 9:071 8:957 9-262 9°390 9°747 0-092 0111 07192 0:257 0-184 0-268 0-421 0-467 0:255 0°077 0-078 )216 07103 9-890 9-661 9°730 BAROMETER. Ins. 9°905 9:974 9°863 9999 0:229 0°267 0-112 9-984 9-802 9°854 9°884 9°841 9°901 9740 9607 9°560 9°374 9°638 0°100 07165 0:017 9-907 9°686 9°562 9°384 9-444 9°533 9-842 9973 07126 9°842 Tns. 9°904 9-989 9861 9991 | 0°227 0265 07116 9994 9820 9-850 9°892 9°845 9:905 9°760 9°593 9544 9°383 9-626 0-088 0173 0:029 9-909 9°706 9-582 9°404 9°432 ‘| 9°528 9818 9-976 07106 BAN,| 9°844 COND NOPWNWE EE Ins. 9°926 9°952 9°863 0:027 0°235 0:247 0:090 9°956 Ins. 9°914 9:967 9-861 0:01] 0°229 0255 0-102 9-970) 9°776, 9°786 9°852| 9848 9-882) 9°888 9'826) 9°815 9°893) 9°891 9°730) 9°714 9°621) 9°629 9°540) 9:558 9372) 9°374 9°648) 9662 07104) 07112 0°159) 0°157 0011) 0:007 9-888) 9:872 9678) 9°664 9°544 9-389 9-446 9°536 9°860 9-962) 07147 9-386 9°454 9545 9°884 9:949 0:170 9528! 9839) 9°840 5 6 Ins. 9171 9°303 9°855 9-556 0-058 9236 9°753 9°199 9:180 9-209 8776 9060: 8881 9°301 9-430 9°818 0127 0:127 0°211 0:245 0:184 0°293 0449 0°451 Ins. 97124 9-261 9°873 9:544 0-090 9-214 9°769 9-187 9°188 9-203; 8-650 9:053 8899 9-286 9414 9789 0°109 0°109 07198 0:249 0176 0°277 0°438 0°457 0°235) 0°229 0:081} 0:081 0°092} 0°106 0-220} 0°232 0-095] 0089 9°864) 9°853 9°661) 9°678 9°736] 9°746 8 ~~ 9 10) 11 FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. 103 MARCH. 1894. - Ins. 9°165 9-401 9-821 9-680 9-982 9°278) Ins. 9178 9°360 9°839 9600 0-022 9252 9-753 9-223 9166 9°225 8824 9:071 8-879 9°316 9-442 9°837 0131 0135 0-216 0:251 07194 0-311 0°457 0°447 0-231 0:087 07126 0-233 0-081 9-847 9695 9-756 Ins. 9-181 9°465 9°835 9°732 9-918 9-312 9699 7| 9:271 3, 9130 7} 9°247 06] 8:878 3) 9081 8880 9°321 9°468 9°879 0:144 0°145 0-246 | 0259) 0:25 0:200 0°329 0:471 3) 0:433 0°215 0:075 0°140 0°236 0:065 9°835 9713 9°768 Ins. 9-191) 9°520, 9°829 9°802 9°864| 9:368 9°673, 9-291) 9-122 9247) 8 “894 | Ins. 9:188 9°580 9°814 9-832 9803 9°425 9-650 9-292 9101 9-256 8927 REDUCED TO 32° AND SEA LEVEL. Ins. 9°945 9-949 9°879 0-066 0-249 0:241 0-091 9°936 9°758 Ins. 9930 9:949 9°867 0:040 0243 0°245 0:082 9940 9°762 9°848 9°898 9°807 9°883 9-710 9-643 9:546 9:374 9-680 0-122 0°157 0-005 9876 9°662 9°522 9°392 9°454 9°544) 9-902 9°943 0:193 9°841 9-902 9°811 9°865 9°698 9-651 9538 9-380 9-706 0°131 0°157 0-007 9°882 9-664 9°524 9-390 9°473 9°556 9°925 9:949 0:217 9°846 9-844) § Ins. | Ins. 9-962) 9:974 9:946) 9-940 9-889 0:097 0269 0°221 0:084 5; 9°944 2) 9°746 9°852 9-918) 9-795) 9°879) 9-676) 9°649) 9-532) 9°534) 9°388] 9°388 9°726] 9°758) 0:142) 0:147 0°149) 0:144 9-998) 9-997) 9°878] 9°875) 9-664] 9:666, 9:509) 9-519 9-403] 9-412 9°478] 9°489 9568) 9°578 9-941) 9-948 9-954) 9-959 0:238] 0:262 9°850} 9°854 Ins. 9-y84 9928 9°891 0107 0:263 0:219 0-084 9908 9°740 9°863 9:930 9781 9°865 9-664 9-639 9°516 9-396 9776 0:140 0:131 9-989 9°854 $°656 9°508 9-412 9°486 9°580 9-956 9:959 0:280 9-850 Ins. 9-998 9°921 9893 0:105 0:257 0°209 0:084 9-920 9-732 9°858 9:932 9°787 9°866 9660 9°627 9°504 9-407 9°796 07142 071138 9-981 9°351 9°646 9°500 9°428 9°500 9592 9°968 9°967 0°300 9°851 Ins. 9994 9:906 9:897 0°108, 0:259 0-205) 0:080 9-905 9718 9-865 9:933 9-816 9°864 9°639 9-622 9-492 9-412 9-810 0149 0:107 9-972 9°845 9°632 9-474 9-412 9-499 9°588 9°969 9-964 0°308 9-848 © CHDSTOS CDOOCS GOGO Sows WOGOOS OOO NOWGE AMOS OBASWA iwi NWN Sreoeed OrOr ot CvuSr1 Ore ST Or 6 Ot 1 CO BD OOO OSI ANSNWES Hwee HOBROWD NMOAWO 16 Ins. 9160: 3} 9°762) 9-780) 0:056 9:418 9| 9°639 4) 9:474 9-316) 9:035 3} 9°286) 9° 8-971 9-099: 8-975 7| 9300 20] 9°546 4| 9-947| 0118 3} 0139 243) 0244 0°218 0:202 0°316 0'446 0314 0-098 9:986 07106 59| 0°157 9:978 9-715 9°739 9759 2| 9:398 4) 9-268 4! 9: 580) 2| 0127 5| 0°253 2| 0:230) 2| 9°70 18 21 22 ORE Ins. 9°154 9°820 9°782 07110 9°365 9-703 i=] 9°320 9:097 EWNWONW ANMABa”Z } FS BN WODIBR GD : Dew westyoe 8998 9-089) 9:039 9°324 SL NOrF Oo 9:979 1354S AWOSDS CS OUSRS 0:165 0°224 0°330 0:459 0294 0-085 9-986 0°128 07151 9°955 9-705 9-763 9-708 9:792 9 124 OOGOOG OOGSOGOS GOODS 5] 9-756| 3} 9°749 7| 0:037 5) 0°225 | 0°306 2) 0-082 Ins. | 9160 9°888; 07132, 9°323' 9:262) 9°314 9-151) ¢ 9-124 9-050 9-083 9-151 9°366 9-646) 0°134 0°165 0-271 0-253 0374 0-483 0-091 0:186 0°159 9°955 9-700 9-842 9-786 Ins. | Ins. 9158. 9°150 9:904 9-908 9°722 9°714 07140 07136 9:297 9257 9°765 9°783 9:234 9-202 > DOCSOS HHS OWE OO “IW DOnIsINI SS 2} 8-790 Mid night. ules. en 9-179 9-583 9°809 9°875 9:694 9:480 9°555 9*259 9°137 9°195 8880 9-083 8991 9°315 9°517 9-908 07126 0-147 0:240 0-241 0-211 0:°327 0°457 0°380 0163 0:046 0130 0188 0:025 9°783 9°741 9°764 Ins. - 9-124 9908 9°682 0°136 9-223 9-801 9-168 9°292 9:185 9-089 9:033 9-223 9°380 9-700 0:077 07124 07185 0281 0-206 0268 0-402 0-481 0-294 0-095 0-072 0210 0°129 9-935 9-679 9-892 9°76 Ins. | Ins. | 9°996} 9998 9-892] 9-879 9°891} 9-885 0-118] 0-118 | 0°247] 0:237 0193] 0°183 0-068} 0052 9892] 9°885 9°728} 9°724 9-865] 9°865 9°941} 9:933 9-818] 9°816 9-840} 9°832 9615} 9°593 9-616} 9°596 9-484] 9:474 9-424] 9-436 9-828] 9-840 0149} 0°148 0-089} 0-067 9-845} 9°839 Ins. 9°996 9°865 9-883 0-110 0:233 FIRST APRIL 1894. Ins. 9:984 9°845 9880 07110 0:223 0:143 0:026 4| 9°860, 9-744 9867 3| 9°883 9°830 9°826 9°52 9°558 9-430 9-458 9°874 3| 0143 0-036 9-920 9:786 9°614 9°399 9-398 9-490 9-620 3| 9:981 9-980 0°338 9827 22) 9°824 2} 9°822 7| 9°833 | 9°993 Ins. 9-984 9-883 07132 0:219 07123 0:012 9°844 9-750 9°873 9°865 9°525 9°534 9°406 9°486 9-924 0°137 0-019 9-914 9:760 9°620: 9376 9-404 9-504 9°628 9-982 0°365 9825 Ins. 0:000 9°837 9-921 07160 0:229 0111 0:016 9°846 9°792 9°885 9°875 9°858 9-806 9°515 9-508 9-406 9:522 9:978 0°149 0-031 9-924 9°740 9°625 9°387 9-402 9-500 9-660) 9°683 0:001| 0-009 9-998) 0-012 0382) 0°396 9830) 9°837 Ins. 9-984 9°831 9:899 0:146 0223 0115 0:014 9°840 9°74 9°873 9:869 9-840 9818 9°522 9°520 9-400 9°500 9946 07145 0-022 9°921 9-752 9-626 9-380 9°397 9-500 Ins. 0-008 9°853 9-933 176 0:243 0113 0-022 9°855 9°814 9°893 9°865 9:°877 9°806 9-515 9500 9-400 9°550 0-006 0-163 0:033 9-928 9°733 9°619 9°392 9-410 9°508 9-714 0-018 0-026 0°416 9°846 Ins. | 0-011 9-865 9:943 0-190 0:247 0126 0:028 9-846, 9:828| 9-888 9°883 9:892 9-800 9°505 9542 9:394 9570 0°025 0°165 0:033 9-928 9°736 9°606 9-394 9-405) 9514 9°734 0°009) 0-042 0°426 9°852 Ins. 0:002 9°867 9:977 0212 0:267 07127 0:016 9°842 9°846 9°89] 9873 9-902 9:788 9°527 9-540 9°386 9596 0-066 0173 0:033 9-923 9°733 9-587 9-407 9-420 9*522 9°71 0-001 0:076 0:446 9°861 Ins. 0: 006, 9-869) 9-959 0202 0:273 0121 0:024 9846 9-838 9°893 9877 9°896 9°792 9500 9°550 9°384 9-588 0-050 0173 0:034 9-922 9-736 9°593 9-410 9-412 9-518 9-749 0-011 0-062 0:438 9°858 Ins. 9975 9°899 9-898 0112 0°243 0183 0°057 9°896 9°73 9°867 9°895 9°835 9°844 9°614 9°585 9-470 9°455 9°841 07140 0088 9-961 9°817 9°637 9-458 9-407 9°489 9-623 9956 9-989 0:306 Ins. 9-996 9°871 9°985 0:224 0:269 0125 0-018 9°830 9°850 9891 9°859 9-908 9-782 9569 9-542 9°386 9°616 0-080 0178 0:035 9-918 9°720 9591 9-408 9423 9520 9-800 0-000 0:094 0°456 9°865 | 9°844 104 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. BAROMETER. 1 ah vs Ins. | Ins. | Ins. 1 |5:770 5:763| 5°766 2 | 5°606 5°585) 5°555 3 | 5:145 5°129) 5117 4 | 5:047) 5:021! 5-033) 5 5 | 5:244 5: 238) 5234 6. | 4:986] 4: 978 4-970 7 | 4:972) 4-964) 4-960 8 | 5:°180) 5:177) 5165 9 | 5-040) 5-048) 5-039 10. | 4:886) 4°874 4:841 11 | 5:028) 5:032°5:082 12 | 5:295) 5-308] 5-314 13 | 5°522) 5°511) 5-505 14 | 5:374| 5°351) 5341 15 | 5°482) 5:437) 5-436 16. | 5°542) 5-547) 5532 17. | 5°712) 5:713) 5:712 18~ | 5°795) 5:789) 5-780! 19 | 5°762) 5°753) 5:744 20 | 5:498 5:485) 5-468 21 | 5°378) 5:370) 5:365 22 | 5:440, 5:442) 5:443 23 | 5658) 5°664! 5-679 24 | 5867) 5-866] 5868 25 | 5°716 5-704 5683 26. | 5-460, 5°447| 5:433 27 | 5:420 5:403) 5392 28 | 5°127|5:111| 5114 29 | 5:074) 5-068) 5-066 80 | 5181) 5°177| 5170 81 | 5186, 5134) 5°129 | MEAN.) 5°364 5°358) 5°351 BAROMETER. | Ins. | Ins, | Ins. 1 | 5:247) 5247) 5-247 2 | 5'292! 5:279) 5-270 3 | 5°358) 5°373) 5:379 4 | 5:462! 5:454! 5-445 5 | 5°285) 5:277| 5-265 6 | 5°366) 5°359) 5-365 7 | 5345] 5:837]| 5329 8 | 5:366} 5:362) 5-363 9 | 5:336| 5324) 5-321 10 | 5°347| 5°330) 5-322) 11 | 5:138) 5-134! 5-188 12 | 5:306} 5°318) 5-327 13 | 5-451) 5-463] 5-464 14 | 5°560) 5554) 5-548 15 5472 5456! 5-432 16 |5: 514 5*510) 5:510 7 1 5:278 5272 5246 18 | 5°132) 5-136) 5-126 19 | 5:355| 5°359) 5:358 20 | 5°803) 5:306 5310) 21 | 5°515) 5-515! 5-505) 22 | 5°480) 5-458) 5-460 23 | 5°380! 5°364) 5:351 24 | 5°147| 5°155) 5-163 25 | 5441) 5-440} 5-433 26 | 5730| 5-731] 5-744| 27 | 5*896| 5°887| 5-887 28 5°889} 5°883| 5°876 29 | 5-919) 5-925] 5-929 80 | 5°976) 5°970) 5-966 MEAN, ss 5°439) 5-436 REDUCED TO 32°. 4407 FEET ABOVE SekA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. MAY 1894. 4/5 |6 {7 ] 8 | 9 | 10] a7 | 12 | 33 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 8] 19 | 20 | 2 | 22 | 28 Ecos eho | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. } Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins, | Ins. | Ins. | Ins, | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. ] Ins. 5°759) 5°758) 5°766| 5°767] 5°71) 5°764| 5°760] 5°765) 5°7621 5°765 5°761| 5°757| 5°748) 5°737| 5°724| 5-720) 5-700) 5-693) 5-675] 5°652) 5-646 | 5-740 | 5°524) 5°504) 5-493) 5466) 5:457) 5°447| 5-429) 5-412) 5-395] 5°368 5:336) 5°310] 5°278) 5°245) 5°223) 5-204) 5-183] 5-149] 5-158] 5°155| 5-153 | 5-360 5113} 5°100) 5-096) 5-096} 5:102) 5:113) 5-102) 5-096) 5-0844 5-068 5-048] 9-032] 5-048} 5:057| 5:070) 5-078] 5-090) 5-085) 5:083] 5069] 5-057 | 5-087 5°035) 5:049) 5-067) 5-079] 5:096| 5:112) 5-139} 5°157| 5:17.24 5189 5:205] 5°218) 5°227) 5:213) 5-226) 5-226) 5-235] 5-244) 5°252) 5-244) 5-246 | 5156 | 225) 5°222) 5-224] 5-224) 5:224) 5-219] 5-217] 5-214] 5-203) 5-188 5°169| 5°157| 5:129] 5-108] 5-088) 5-062] 5-050} 5-029] 5-010) 5-010) 4-994 | 5-153 961) 4-958) 4-960} 4-960] 4°959) 4-962] 4-965] 4-961) 4-9628 4-976 4-975] 4-986] 4-989) 4-995] 4-998) 5-000) 5-002) 5-004! 5-001) 4:992| 4-975 1 4:978 | — 962) 4°961| 4-961] 4-966] 4-970) 4-979] 4-996] 5-011] 5-019] 5-039 5-060] 5-078] 5:092) 5:102| 5121) 5-136) 5°153) 5173] 5:°176) 5°190) 5-187 | 5-051 | 155} 5°145) 5-136} 5°139] 5°132) 5°132) 5-132) 5-133] 5-130) 5°126 5°117| 5°102| 5-095] 5:086| 5-076) 5:051| 5-023) 5-006} 5-021) 5-040) 5-043 | 5-106 | 044) 5°037| 5-043) 5:047| 5-042) 5-042) 5:038) 5-038) 5-030) 5-020 5-012! 4-988] 4-993] 4-992] 4-974) 4-966] 4-959) 4-950) 4-932) 4-923) 4°898 | 5-004 | 816) 4°838) 4-857) 4°57] 4°853) 4°830] 4-797] 4-782) 4-790) 4-804 4-830] 4°859] 4-879] 4:890] 4-909] 4-929) 4-966] 4-982] 4-995) 5-009] 5:021 | 4:879 5:043) 5:048) 5-062) 5-072) 5-086) 5:095) 5-110] 5122) 5:-138475°150 5°169] 5:177| 5:196] 5:198] 5:212) 5-224) 5-245) 5263) 5:272) 5:278) 5-291 | 5:147 5°327| °337) 5°351) 5°369) 5°387) 5-408] 5:417] 5-431] 5-445] 5-460) 5-474] 5:482] 5-494] 5:495] 5:496) 5504) 5514) 5°519) 5-518) 5-520) 5°522 | 5:433 5°493) 5:492) 5°489) 5:478] 4-484) 5:485| 5-482) 5-472] 5-468) 5-464) 5-455] 5-444! 5-435) 5:425] 5°416) 5-417] 5-415) 5-409) 5°396) 5°389) 5°385 | 5-455 5345) 5°326| 5°331| 5-334] 5°334) 5°346| 5°349] 5-349] 5-359] 5-278) 5°383] 5°384] 5-390} 5:391] 5°386| 5:889] 5-402) 5-419) 5-414) 5-426) 5-424 | 5-372 0°440) 5°453) 5:468) 5-475] 5:489) 5°504] 5°511) 5°515] 5°523) 5-527] 5-531] 5530) 5-525] 5°519) 5°521| 5-F29) 5536) 5-546) 5:°550} 5551) 5°548 | 5-504 5°535) 5°542) 5°566| 5°573] 5°575| 5°591| 5:602| 5:618) 5-631) 5°641) 5-649] 5653] 5:672) 5°666) 5°669) 5-681) 5:696) 5-711) 5°725] 5-728) 5-713 | 5:627 | 5°722) 5°719| 5°737| 5°741] 5:754| 5°75] 5°788) 5°796] 5°798) 5-805) 5:800) 5:7 99) 5-799] 5-799] 5°801| 5-801) 5-807] 5:808) 5°813} 5-811) 5-804 | 5°776 | 5°773) 5°767) 5°70) 5°73) 5°72) 5°770| 5°769] 5:74) 5-778) 5-788) 5-783] 5:782| 5:781) 5°774| 5°74) 5°770| 5:74] 5:75) 5°75) 5°73) 5:°766 | 5°76 5°735 5°727| 5°725) 5°721| 5-715) 5-701] 5-698) 5:690| 5-682) 5-673) 5656) 5°640) 5°624| 5:607| 5°593) 5:575) 5565] 5°554| 5-531} 5527) 5°513 | 5°655 | 5°45 1) 5°446| 5-441) 5:427| 5°441| 5-435] 5:421) 5-429] 5-4179 5°413) 5-403] 5°403] 5:393) 5°395] 5°387| 5°387| 5°383] 5°388) 5°385) 5°386| 5°381 | 5-419 5°861| 5°365) 5°370| 5°374| 5:381) 5:387| 5°394] 5:404] 5-406) 5-409) 5-406] 5-409] 5-409] 5:409) 5:41) 5-420) 5-426) 5-435) 5:437| 5-438) 5-437 | 5-400 9°448 5°454| 5°462| 5:477| 5:489) 5495] 5°511) 5°517] 5-529] 5540) 5-552) 5:558) 5:561| 5:567] 5°578) 5-594] 5°611] 5°625] 5-636) 5-637) 5-647 | 5-534 5°683) 5°700) 5°718) 5°734| 5:751) 5-761) 5°776) 5-786] 5:795] 5:809| 5-826] 5-828] 5-831] 5°833] 5°838) 5:844| 5°854| 5-865) 5-868] 5-869) 5-868 | 5-785, 5°863) 5°858| 5°858| 5:863] 5:873) 5°874| 5°869| 5:869] 5-865} 5°858) 5-848] 5-838) 5°831] 5°817| 5-808) 5-801) 5-801) 5°792) 5-777] 5:751) 5-733 | 5-835 | 5°670 5°654) 5°639) 5-628] 5-614| 5-609] 5:599] 5-590] 5-586) 5°571) 5-350) 5-588) 5-498] 5°497| 5-495) 5-488) 5-486] 5-486] 5°485| 5°465) 5:454 | 5°571 5-432 5442) 5°442) 5-453) 5-445) 5-440) 5425) 5°377| 5-401 5:461| 5-485] 5:474) 5-458) 5:446) 5:471) 5:453) 5:455] 5432) 5-417) 5-432) 5°480 | 5:442 | 5°370) 5°355| 5°343] 5339] 5:335) 5°326] 5°323) 5°307] 5301} 5°288) 5-278] 5-253) 5:249) 5:236] 5:217| 5:200) 5-198) 5178) 5:°172| 5°146) 5:135 | 5-282 | 5°111) 5°114! 5°112/ 5-113) 5-119) 5:103} 5-104) 5-111] 51024 5-095) 5-073] 5-088) 5-070} 5-066} 5-056) 5:047] 5:059| 5-075] 5-071] 5:083) 5-077 | 5-092 5°057| 5:064| 5-068) 5-078} 5-092) 5-102) 5-110] 5-126) 5°138} 5-145) 5-160} 5:°160) 5:155| 5°154) 5-159) 5°164| 5:179] 5182) 5-186] 5191) 5:182 | 5-128 5°166) 5°160) 5159) 5-163) 5170) 5173] 5170] 5:173) 5:168} 5°157| 5-153} 5°149] 5°144] 5:189) 5°139| 5142) 5°143) 5-149} 5151) 5149 5147 | 5158 5°129 5128) 5:132) 5:136) 5142) 5149) 5154) 5:°164| 5-169} 5°176| 5-187] 5190] 5-195] 5°195) 5-200) 5:208) 5:217| 5°229) 5-238) 5-239) 5-245 | 5-176 | 5°347) 5346] 5°350| 5°852! 5°357) 5-359] 5°360] 5:361) 5:363! 5°366| 5:366] 5°363) 5:361) 5°37] 5°356) 5:855] 5°359] 5:360| 5°359) 5°357| 5°852 | 5°357 | REDUCED TO 32°. 4407 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. JUNE 1894, Ins. | Ins, | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | 5°248) 5°253) 5:262) 5-274) 5:288) 5-297) 5:304| :311| 5:313] 5322) 5:326| 5:324| 5-330) 5:321| 5-321) 5°320) 5°321 5-320) 5319) 5°310) 5-306 | 5-297 | 5260) 5-256] 5-251) 5-244] 5-232) 5-238) 5-249] 5-246) 5-252) 5-253] 5-260) 5*267| 5-268] 5-273) 5-275] 5:287| 5310 5:333| 5-342) 5-348] 5-355 | 5-276 | 5390] 5*392| 5-402) 5:411| 5-423) 5-432) 5-442] 5-449) 5-453] 5-459] 5:470| 5-472! 5-469] 5:471| 5-475] 5-475] 5:478| 5-486) 5°482) 5-483) 5-483 | 5-442 5434] 5:431) 5-415) 5°416) 5-416) 5-413) 5-401] 5-389) 5-386] 5-386) 5:377| 5:370| 5:359] 5°345| 5-339] 5328) 5°327) 5326] 5320) 5-312) 5-294 | 5-381 5°256) 5°254) 5°260) 5-262) 5-268) 5-268) 5-279) 5-283) 5-287] 5-294! 5-310! 5-306] 5319] 5-318) 5325] 5-328) 5:340) 5°348) 5:358) 5362) 5-366 | 5-301 | 5°366] 5°364| 5°364| 5:367| 5:367| 5°372) 5°374) 5-394) 5-402] 5-405] 5-409) 5°398] 5:391) 5-370) 5-364) 5:359| 5:355) 5:362| 5°358) 5°355) 5°357 | 5-378 5°323| 5319] 5316) 5:318) 5-323) 5*332! 5:341| 5:342) 5°3421 5:347] 5:358] 5:360] 5:362) 5:356| 5°358) 5*361| 5°372' 5380] 5°380) 5:375) 5-374 | 5-348 | 5360) 5°361| 5°367| 5:372) 5:379) 5-386] 5:387] 5°385) 5-385] 5-380 5:382! 5-376] 5-366] 5:362) 5-360] 5°355| 5353) 5:349| 5°346) 5:336) 5-331 4 5-365 | 5320) 5°322! 5:326| 5°338) 5:348) 5°353) 5°360| 5-367) 5-371] 5:377| 5:385' 5-385] 5:387| 5-381] 5:377| 5°382| 5°388 5:393) 5-392) 5-376) 5-360 | 5-261 5°310} 5°293) 5-282) 5:261) 5-234) 5-218! 5-200) 5-186) 5-162] 5°146] 5-139) 5°183] 5126 5°117| 5117 5-116) 5:122) 5-129] 5°136) 5-136) 5-137 | 5-196 | | 5°182) 5-132) 5°134) 5:136 5-188) 5188) 5:141| 5-142) 5-145) 5-152) 5:155| 5:166| 5-170) 5-180) 5-187 5:204] 5°225] 5-250} 5-270) 5-284) 5-296 | 5-174 | 5°338| 5°342) 5:349] 5-363 5°377) 5*384| 5°388| 5:391| 5-393) 5-394) 5:393| 5:387| 5°388) 5:387| 5396 5:409| 5-410) 5-421) 5-429) 5-444) 5-444 | 5-382 | 5°473} 5479) 5-491) 5:515, 5:526| 5-539] 5:549] 5:565| 5-576) 5°580| 5584) 5:584) 5:586| 5-581) 5°582 5583) 5587] 5-583) 5:580| 5-571) 5-568 | 5-544 | 5°557| 5°551) 5°550) 5°552) 5561) 5-556) 5:558) 5562! 5-563] 5-562! 5-566] 5:550| 5-544) 5-540) 5587 5:522| 5519] 5°500| 5-497| 5-496] 5-488 | 5-541 5°41 2) 5°388) 5:375) 5°374) 5°358| 5365) 5°61) 5°369| 5°375] 5380) 5:3893] 5:407] 5-416) 5-427 5-436, 5451] 5-471) 5-487) 5-499) 5-504) 5-506 | 5-421 | 5601) 5°496) 5501) 5:504) 5-504) 5-501] 5492) 5-484] 5-478) 5-468) 5:455] 5-451] 5-486) 5:419| 5-407 6-402) 5:393) 5°381| 5°349) 5°339) 5303 | 5-450 5°280| 5-222) 5:205)| 5182 5165) 5-150] 5-136] 5°138) 5-135) 5:145) 5-146] 5:133] 5:141| 5:144) 5: 146 5°143) 5-151) 5°148) 5151) 5-149) 5-185 | 5-170 5123) 5°127| 5°133) 5°144) 5-157) 6:167| 5:178) 5194] 5-207) 5-229! 5-244] 5-255] 5-270! 5-280] 5287 5-299| 5319] 5-330] 5:340| 5:351| 5-351 | 5-224 5°374| 5°366) 5°366) 5373, 5°366) 5:364| 5°362| 5°347) 5-349) 5-346) 5:334) 5-322] 5°307| 5:296) 5-295 5-290] 5:281| 5-283) 5-286) 5-293) 5-298 | 5-332 5°312) 5°318) 5°328) 5:336' 5:54) 5°367| 5-383) 5-403) 5-419) 5-433) 5-448) 5-461! 5-470) 5:474| 5-480 5-491) 5°501| 5:508) 5°517) 5°520) 5-521 | 5-415 5°501| 5°505) 5°507| 5°507) 5°517| 5:522| 5-520) 5°526| 5525) 5531] 5°530) 5:535] 5-580) 5-516] 5-522 5519) 5°517] 5-518) 5:507| 5-496] 5-488 | 5-516 5°488) 5°484 5-423) 5-418 5-400) 5°379| 5°369] 5°363) 5°365) 5°362| 5°359| 5-371] 5-373] 5-384] 5-389 5:389) 5-394) 5:393) 5:391| 5°392| 5-389 | 5:399 | 5882 5324 5317 5°307| 5*282 5*268| 5-248 5220) 5°196) 5°157) 5°142| 5°102 5°105| 5102) 6100 5-100) 5°104| 5°116| 5°124| 5131) 5-137 | 5-209 } 5°165 5°176) 5°178) 5198, 5-212 5-229) 5-246) 5-258] 5:275) 5-291) 5-323] 5:334 5:345) 5-358] 5:372 5:386| 5-405] 5-415] 5-426) 5-428] 5-435 | 5-288 | 5443 5-451) 5°454, 5°471 5:477) 5-491) 5-504 5°509| 5:527] 5°545) 5-567) 5585 5-611) 5-620) 5°628 5-639) 5°654) 5°6738 5:687) 5-699 5-709 | 5-552 5°755 5°765, 5°776 5793, 5°807| 5°816) 5°822) 5:839) 5-848} 5°855] 5°867| 5°872 5°876| 5:877| 5880 5880, 5:881) 5-891 5°898) 5898) 5-898 | 5833 | 5886 5°889) 5-898) 5-902 5'908) 5:907 5:901) 5:902) 5:902) 5-907] 5:904| 5-902 5:896, 5-889] 5:883 5:881| 5°886) 5-891] 5°899] 5-895) 5-892 | 5°895 | 5°871 5°860) 5:867)| 5:871) 5°876) 5°878| 5-879) 5-899] 5-906] 5:910| 5-903) 5-905! 5-903) 5-900) 5:905 5-909} 5-912) 5-919 5-919] 5-920! 5-920 | 5-895 | 5-926 5°928 5-932) 5-940) 5-942) 5-947 5-952 5*957| 5:960) 5:961| 5:965| 5-964! 5-962) 5-958] 5:960 5:960| 5-965] 5-971] 5-975] 5:97) 5978 | 5-952 5968 oe 5970) 5:979 5:984| 5-985) 5-988| 6-992] 5-988) 5-988] 5-986] 5-983! 5-979) 5-972 5:963, 5:957| 5:957] 5: alae 5952, 5:947 | 5-972 5°483 57432 5433 a 5440 5-442 544 5'447 woe: 452) 5:456 5455, 5:456 5:454) 5-456 5-458) 5°463) 5-469 5:471| 5:471) 5-469 | 5-450 | a ee ee FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 105 BAROMETER. REDUCED TO 32° aNnD SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. MAY 1894. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 WO) YP a TT aaa aM Ty US | ale) aus yp al) AN) |) Pal) ee | 23 nent Mean Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. Ins. | Ins. } Ins. 1 | 0-449) 0-442) 0-443! 0-437| 0-437] 0-442] 0-433] 0-435] 0-429] 0-419] 0-403) 0-392} 0-386] 0:374| 0-362] 0:358! 0354) 0-342] 0:340] 0:331! 0-332] 0°306, 0-294) 0-275 | 0-384 2 | 0-248} 0-218] 0°168) 0-150) 0-107] 0:076] 0-045] 0-025] 9:994] 9-973] 9-948) 9-931] 9-897] 9-863) 9-833) 9-795] 9:759| 9-730] 9°707] 9°699, 9-693 9694) 9:693) 9°689 | 9-914 3 | 9699) 9:695/ 9:694) 9°680) 9°677| 9°681| 9-679) 9-693) 9-693} 9-683] 9°668) 9°662} 9:658) 9°64] 9-654) 9-650) 9°658| 9°668) 9°682! 9-693] 9-710) 9°712) 9:704| 9-704 | 9°681 4 | 9°698) 9°692) 9°699) 9°720) 9-720) 9-731] 9°746) 9°768) 9°787| 9°804| 9°812/ 9-830] 9:840) 9°844) 9-856) 9-858] 9°854) 9-866] 9°878] 9-884) 9888 9-894) 9-890] 9:881 | 9°810 5 | 9:878) 9°874| 9°862) 9°856| 9:850| 9°847] 9-850) 9-845) 9°830| 9-814] 9-789) 9-781] 9-764) 9:742) 9-711) 9-683] 9°654, 9°621) 2°590| 9°558) 9°533) 9-522) 9526) 9°519 | 9-729 6 | 9°520) 9°517| 9°506) 9°508) 9°502) 9-506] 9-504! 9°509| 9-495) 9-488] 9-499! 9-520} 9-520) 9-528) 9-528) 9-534 9°534) 9536) 9°540 9°544) 9°548) 9°545, 9°534) 9°536 | 9°521 7 | 9:528) 9°525] 9:516 97520 9-526) 9°524] 9°533)| 9°534| 9°546) 9°560) 9°556) 9-580} 9°581) 9°611| 9°615) 9-631] 9647) 9°671) 9°687| 9°703) 9-715) 9°731) 9°737| 9°743 | 9-605 8 | 9°737| 9°739) 9°721) 9-716) 9-703) 9-701) 9°689! 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0-207) 0:193} 0-178) 0:161] 0-141) 0-139) 0-124, 0-130} 0-122) 0°110! 0-100} 0:109) 0:120} 0-118) 0°108] 0:102 | 0-184 | 26 | 0°092/ 0-085) 0-066) 0-058 0-065) 0-077) 0-077) 0-082) 0-090) 0-092) 0-093) 0-066) 0-065 0-099) 0-099) 0:092) 0:091) 0-103} 0-104] 0-109) 0-128) 0-117) 0-106) 0-094 | 0-090 27 | 0:070) 0:055) 0-044) 0-031) 0-011) 0:003] 9-998) 9-983] 9-963] 9-947) 9-937! 9-908] 9-880] 9-868) 9-847) 9-831) 9-818! 9°814) 9-819] 9-802) 9-790} 9°786| 9-773) 9-757 | 9-905 28 | 9°739| 9°729) 9°717| 9°711| 9-710} 9°701| 9-697| 9°691| 9:687] 9-671) 9°670) 9°670} 9-669] 9°652) 9-645) 9-643] 9-638] 9-637) 9-636] 9°637| 9-647) 9-644) 9°644| 9-645 | 9-672 4 29 | 9°638) 9°637 9°632) 9-632) 9°632| 9-634] 9°637| 9°647| 9°651] 9°655) 9°658) 9:654] 9-658) 9-659] 9:666) 9:677| 9°684/ 9-701) 9-711) 9°714| 9-724) 9:734) 9:738) 9-740 | 9-671 ' 30 | 9°744| 9°743] 9°740| 9°738) 9°734| 9°736] 9°732) 9-732) 9-718] 9°700] 9690! 9-694} 9-682) 9-682) 9°67, 9-672) 9:674| 9:673) 9°684| 9°686) 9°691| 9°698) 9-690) 9:689 | 9-705 | 81 | 9°684} 9-684) 9-682) 9°682) 9-684) 9°688) 9-692) 9°692/ 9-691] 9692) 9-694 9-696) 9-692) 9-692) 9-692) 9-700 9°709) 9°720] 9°729] 9°742| 9°758) 9°773) 9°779| 9:790 | 9°710 : MEan,] 9:971| 9:969) 9:960) 9-962) 9-961) 9-964) 9-963) 9-965] 9-961] 9:956] 9°950] 9:947] 9-940) 9-937 9°933) 9-932) 9:929 9-932) 9-935) 9°941) 9-947 9953) 9-953) 9:953 | 9°951 3 | | ¢ 1 nla a Pl . nl ¢ BAROMETER. REDUCED TO 32° AND SHA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. JUNE 1894. | Ins. Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. J Ins. | Ins. | Ins. 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REDUCED To 32° AND SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. AUGUST 1894. _ Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. Ins. 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REDUCED TO 32° anp SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. SEPTEMBER 1894. ce oy 4) Sl 6 | 7 i) 8 | sono IP | a2 | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins, | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins, | Ins. | Ins, | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins, 0°112| 0113] 0:113' 0°111| 0°112| 0-116] 0-124! 0-128} 0-118] 0-126] 0-121] 0-115} 0-113) 0-115) 0-103] 0-095} 0-102] 0-117 0-130) 0°143) 0-160] 0-171] 0°173) 0-179 | 0-125 0179} 0:181) 0-181 0:181) 0-188) 0-201) 0-206] 0-209} 0-211] 0-202) 0-196) 0-184] 0-173) 0-163] 0-154) 0-145] 0-138] 0°146 0-157) 0°168) 0-169} 0:173} 0°172| 0°164 | 0-177 0°164) 0°155) 0151 0-147] 0°145} 0-141) 0:139] 0-139] 0°135] 0:131| 0-124) 0-111] 0-099 0-082) 0-071) 0-072) 0:067| 0-078 0-090) 0-106) 0-107} 0:100) 0-118) 0-121 | 0-117 0:119} 0:122/ 0129) 0-129} 0130) 0-137) 0:147| 0°149) 0-155] 0°152) 0-158) 0-153} 0-143) 0-139) 0131) 0-129] 0-127} 0°141 0-153} 0-171) 0-180) 0-185) 0°187) 0-185 | 0-148 0'185! 0-194| 0°191' 0-188] 0-188! 0-199] 0-205! 0-207] 0-212! 0-218) 0-220! 0-220] 0-220 0-212) 0-207] 0-203) 0-202} 0-204) 0-219) 0-232) 0-242] 0-244] 0-250} 0-245 | 0-213 0249] 0244] 0240! 0-236] 0-240] 0-2 40] 0-248} 0250] 0:247| 0-240] 0-234] 0-235] 0-233' 0-218] 0:206| 0-193) 0-188] 0-189 07188) 0°194| 0-188) 0°182) 0°164) 0°155 | 0-217 07148} 0°134) 0-114 0-110} 0-098) 0-098) 0-090} 0:078) 0-077) 0:066) 0°051) 0:042} 0:023) 0:022) 0-011) 0-001; 9-993} 9:999) 0-004 0-009) 0:006} 0-012) 0-013) 0-009 | 0-050 0-006) 0:005) 0-018) 0:023) 0-033} 0-044) 0-053! 0:058) 0-063) 0-073) 0°069) 0077] 0-083) 0:097) 0°111) 0°125) 0-139] 0°162) 0-191) 0-222) 0-232) 0-248) 0-262) 0-275 | 0-111 0°290) 0°301) 0-303) 0°322) 0-332! 0-342) 0°360| 0°378) 0°387) 0:401| 0°408) 0-409} 0-413! 0-416) 0:407) 0-407] 0-404] 0°414 0°419) 0-481) 0-435] 0-445] 0°448) 0-453 | 0-389 10 | 07451) 0-441) 0-430, 0°426} 0-431} 0-417] 0-420) 0:413} 0°404| 0-407] 0°392/ 0°373] 0°361' 0°353) 0°337| 0°326] 0°321] 0°310) 0°312) 0°298) 0-285] 0:275! 0266) 0-250 4 0°362 11 | 0-237| 0:207| 0-190] 0189] 0-184] 0-178) 0-189) 0-197] 0-208! 0214] 0:223| 0-237] 0-244 0-251, 0-261] 0:267| 0:283| 0°306| 0-316! 0322] 0-332| 0-355] 0-362) 0-371 | 0-255 0:458 0-433 0 | Mid- 138 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 night. 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H OCDOOND NLP WNe- Ins. 5854 5741) 5612 E 5°317 5-260 §:293) 5186 5097 5378) 4-949 5°335 5236 5082) 5° 5159) 5 4:976| 4-978 §'249 Ins. 5848) | 5:739) | 5°308 5°318} 5:281 4*826 4-624 5298) 5 5-298) 5-282 5° 4-167 5217 5350) 5% 5640 5°646 5°687| 5°6 825] 5: 740| 5:7 | 4346 4718 5-099 5697 5820) 5 | 5*800) 5 4437 4-719 5:071| N.| 5°226| 5214] 5: | Ins. 5841 5°744 Ins. bay 835 1 Co S109 DO cont STOO SWANN OOWo™ WARwM ord Or o co Or Non SE eS oH a co Ba & Cay D tn 1 COVE O9 Or OU BH Oro BH Orvovor Sr Orv gvov9ver on — aS to) Ins. | Ins. 5*800} 5-800 717| 5°721) 5°725 5°504| 5°503 5°293] 5°285 5°301] 5°306 5°260} 5°256 4973) 4-953 5) 5*292) 5-316 §'324) 5°324 5180] 5-197 5°182) 5194 5:192) 5°192 4:971| 4-968 5465) 5°481 §:296| 5°311 3| 5-436) 5:456| 5725) 5°744| 5685) 5°713 7| 5878) 5878) 5 5| 5354) 4-274 4-439) 4-439 4-860| 4°872 5*226) 5°231 2) 5°228) 5:241 5°303| 5°322 5:084) 5°122 5°391) 5:419 5°154| 5°155 4°567| 4574 4787) 4°828 5:252) 5°252 4195) 4°377 Ins. | Ins. | Ins. 5°790, 5°795) 5°785| 5-7 5*720 5707) 5-699] 5 5:492 5-470) 5-452 5-283. 5-269] 5-249 5314 5819) 5319] 5-3 5-248, 5-240) 5-239) 5 4:949) 4:938} 4-931 5:334) 5°346) 5°350 | 5319 5-295) 5-279] 5-265 5214) 5-218] 5-226 5188) 5188} 5-194 5*196) 5*196} 5187 4-969) 4-935) 4:947 5°329| 5°30) 5°316) 5 5°153] 5 5436) 5 5'148) 5: 4:574) 4 4°878| 4 5485) 5 5 4523 46 5463 5:47] 5481) £ 5°758 5°754) 5-752 5741) 574115 ‘756 1884 5885] 5-900 B 204) 5:083} 4-964. 4°465) 4-498] 4°531 4892 4-924] 4-932 5247) 5:248) 5245 5° 250) 5 249) 5-248 Ins. 5769 5675 5418 5°251 5314 5224 5) 4-942, 5*366 5223 9} 5:238 8) 5°241 78) 5145 4°893 5287 5:254 5-459 | 5102 576) 4:575 76} 4°990 5485 Ins. 5°765 5'669 5-408 5:255 5:313 5'228 4-943 5°380 5:216 5:264: 5258 5164 4879 5:272 5:248 5-465 5-089 4:579 5:033 5480 5-065 4-951 5°303 5°530} 5-763 5°765 5917 4-810 4638 4:972) 4: }| 5°256) 5° | 5-663 5404 5150 5'266 5169 4-869 5:24 5-280 5459 5°069 4608 5:0738 5448 4-896 5-064 5304 5561 5765 7| 5-916 4653 4-950 5271 254) 5252 Ins. 5761 5:257 5°107 5:297 5660 397| 5°388 5-254 5°302 5-222! 5-221 4-993 5-408) 5 5:296 5:269 5172 4879 5202 5-290 5451 5033 4614 5-099 5°440 4°816 5-094 5°304 5571 5772 7| 5°793 5°919 7\ 4°691 4-671 4-951 5284 5°248) 5" 5377 5:369 3} 5°395 5:492 5737 5°818 FIRSY FIGURE OMITTED. Ins. 5°762 5'663 5373 5261 5309 Ins. | Ins. | Ins. 5°198) 5-201] 5-201 5-033] 5-036 5-020 5°13] 5°133) 5-137 4-805] 4°803 4-821 5-041] 5-028 5-008 5'227| 5-239 5-248 5°179| 5160) 5-152 4°796| 4-795) 4-793 4-941| 4-973, 4-975 4-850] 4841) 4:816 4-695] 4-688, 4-686 4°543| 4-536 4-518 4-784| 4800, 4-821 4°371| 4-416) 4-392 4-364] 4-354! 4-368 4°697| 4-714) 4-731 5-083] 5-090 5-078 5-286] 5°303) 5310 5-419] 5-426| 5-431 5°366| 5343] 5332 5°368| 5:371| 5390 5-404] 5-406] 5398 5-494] 5-510] 5516 5*750| 5754] 5-770 5°818| 5-813) 5°814 5*790| 5°783) 5:786 5*821| 5-825] 5823 5°710] 5*706| 5-708 5°585| 5579] 5583 5:723] 5734] 5-738 5'873] 5878) 5°873 Ins, FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. NOVEMBER 1894. : Mid- a1 | 22 | 23 | night,| Mean. | Ins. 5011 } 5°052 5132 4-828 5:016 5259 5123 4°797 4987 4°804 4°678 4°507 4825 4°351 4°376 4-759 5056 5°326 5*429 5326 5386 5376 5518 5°785 5814 D774 5'815 5°710 5561 5'764 5862 5198 5-023 4936 4-990 5067 5'259 4902 4°864 4:879 4°744 4603 4-629 4-711 4°336 4°551 4967 5164 5852 5403 5278 5449 5395 5640 5815 5°798 5°784 5°752 5651 5°610 5°839 5181 DECEMBER 1894. Ins. | Ins. | Ins. 5°74) 5°753, 5-756 5:655) 5°646) 5:637 §°360} 5°352) 5344 5255] 5°262) 5:257 5311) 5°300| 5-312 5°215| 5°212) 5:20 5] 5-026] 5-044) 5-061 5-404) 5°398) 5-400 5021) 4-948) 4-965 5°326| 5°346) 5348 3) 5-271) 5264) 5°244 5°181) 5°142) 5127 4-985) 5:032) 5081 5118) 5-070) 5018 5:287| 5°265) 5°264 5:412) 6400) 5-370 5*987| 4-964) 4-932 4-604! 4-612) 4-615 5°182) 5-216] 5-256 5°395) 5°381) 5°356 4641) 4°585) 4-428 5:1638} 5°181| 5-189 5°326) 5°343) 5°344 5°600) 5°617| 5624 5°759) 5°754) 5°744 5°808| 5°813] 5-799 5°896) 5°878) 5:858 4-630) 4°565] 4:538 4-679) 4-702] 4-701 4-984) 5-012) 5:024 5°306) 5°313) 5°327 5242) 5°238} 5:230 Ins, 5°749 5626 5338 5:256 5-299 5198 5-076 5°388 4°927 5343 §:247 5-118 5136 5-002 5259 5346 4-889 4607 5282 5325 4-270 5201 5354 5630 5-731 5825 5°820 4-481 4-727 5027 5328 5220 Ins. 5'792 5695 5-460 5:272 5296 5242 5026 5309} 5:223 | 5-211 | 5245 5177 a 4980 | 5225 | 5151 5°385 5116} 4:607 | 4-918 5:419 5-040 4°55 | . f ‘ ; ; ‘ a A AL iT “y BAROMETER. FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. REDUCED To 32° AND SEA LREVEL.-: CONG OP WMH | 9°851 .| 9°700 8525 9°408) 8-238 | 0558 AN.| 9°814) 9°802| 9-794 1 2 3 4 5 E SS SS SS eS Ins. | Ins. 9-494] 9°496 9342) 9-332) 9°525} 9'520 9°337| 9°363 9°397] 9:403 9-805] 9°806 9496] 9-475 Ins. | Ins. | Ins. 9°477} 9°506} 9°507 9-410} 9°387| 9°362 9°571} 9°561) 9°541 9-291) 9:303} 9°322 9°465] 9°432) 9°415 9:794] 9°798) 9:800 9°589] 9°579) 9°533 9-251) 9-257) 9°273) 9°293} 9°310 9-489] 9°482) 9:476) 9°471] 9°458 9-247) 9°271] 9°251} 9-249) 9-249 9°18] 9°136] 9°128} 9-129) 9-128 8+945) 8-922) 8°915} 8-913] 8:914 9°385] 9-403) 9°422! 9-440] 9-455 8°749| 8°697| 8°698) 8:712) 8-736 8823] 8°843] 3°861] 8-864] 8-893 9-266] 9°282/ 9°301] 9-331] 9°348 9-617) 9°602) 9°591} 9°587] 9:565 9-859] 9°878) 9°887| 9°897] 9:893] 9 0-005} 0008} 0:004| 0-008] 9:995 9-836) 9°818) 9°784] 9°755 0-057] 0-068] 0-079] 0°102 9-926} 9°910} 9-903) 9-894 0°125) 0°128} 0°137] 0-144 0°462) 0°463} 0°472) 0-475 0-458) 0:456} 0:4.46) 0°433 0-414) 0°412] 0:399} 0°395 0°478) 0°478} 0°470} 0-467 0-305) 0°302) 0°292) 0295 0104) 0:086] 0-072} 0:067 0°456) 0:458} 0°462} 0°475 0:055 9916 0117 0°446 0°464 0-418 0-481 0°309 07120 0:443 9-696 9°699 9-694) 9:695 6 7 8 9 TO) jj 3b 3 Ins. 9506 9-332 9501 9-400 9°385 9820 9-448 9°306 Ins. | Ins. 9°520] 9°535 9°335] 9°356 9-483] 9°464 9-419] 9-454 9-373] 9°387 9820] 9:841 9429) 9°410 9:308] 9°317 Ins, 9°536 9374 9°435 9479 9°392 9:842 9-390 9320 9°354 9253 9133) 9:009 9:47] 8°755 8:959 9:448 9°597 9-923) 0-017 9-662 0145 9°889 0 204 9-448 9°259. 9°128 8-921 9°469 8°737 8:909 9°378 9°557 893 9-004 9:439] 9-408 9:256| 9:259 9-128] 9-128 8-944] 8-978 9°476| 9:485 8736] 8°752 8-911] 8:935 9:397| 9-429 9:553] 9569 9-905] 9:913 0:004| 0-016 9:719| 9°675] 9-656 0:113] 0-131] 0:136 9:899] 9:888] 9-890 0158] 0-171] 0:186 0-489] 0-494] 0:504 0-428] 0-418] 0-426 0-402] 0-416] 0-422 0478] 0:469] 0-444 0:283] 0-276] 0:275 0078} 0-098 0-125 0:488] 0-489] 0:506 6°698] 9°698} 9°707 Ins. 9°522 9409 9°369 9°535 9-474 9°838 9°363 9°329 9°29] 9248 9-114 9:066 9°426 8774 9:023 9°485 9°631 9-918 0:015 9-764 0117 9-878 0°232 0°519 0-418 0°438 0:427 0-264 0:208 0514 Ins. J] Ins. 9°502 9-483 9-431] 9°445 9-360] 9°339 9-540] 9:549 9°520] 6:556 9°832] 9°823 9°328] 9°309 9°327] 9°319 9°27 2] 9-253 9°236] 9-226 9-098} 9:070 9-083} 9:096 9-390} 0°362 8°760} 8760 9°04} 9-041 9-506] 9°527 9-639] 9°656 9-908} 9-898 0:007} 0:003 9-800} 9-833 0-119} 0:096 9-877] 9°889 0°241f 0-247 Ins. 97530 9°381 9°398 9510 9°406 9°847 9-390 9°335 9°317 9259 9:129 9-039 9460 8768 8975 9°460 9°619 9924 0:016 9°752 07126 9°887 0-214 0°520 0°426 0430 0-442 0°266 0175 0°526 9717 07418} 0-404 0-444 0-244 0°225} 0°231 0517 0°505} 0°485 0:435) 0°433 0:426 0:219 0°510 9720] 9°720} 9°716 14 Ins. 9:471 9-466 9338 9°565 67598 9808 9-290 9°305 9°264 Sh2PAI 9-061 9:121 9-309 8°760 9-062 9°551 9-666 9-888 9:984 9350 0:077 9°903 0:259 0476 0396: 0:429 0386 0-214 0:244 0519 FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. TUL NOVEMBER 1894. 15 Ins. 9-458 9-489 9329 9571 9°624 9°784 9:278 9°332 4276 97198 9-036 9140 9°252 8°762 9:073 9574 9°687 9-880 9:971 9874 0:057 9°913 0271 0:470 0°395 0439 0363 0204 0°281 0515 9-716 9717 16 Ins. 9°459 9°511 9°323 9°568 9-680 9-792 9°272 9°345 9-268 9-190 9:014 9°162 9°184 8771 9-081) 9: 105 9°587| 9°607 9°705} 9°725 9-902) 9-943 9-950) 9-942 9:907} 9-928 0:037| 0:019 9-955) 9:979 0°290) 0°317 0°746] 0°478 0:402) 0-411 0°458) 0°474 0°350) 0°356 0201) 07188 0:293} 0°3138 0°511) 0°507 Oont ont “ICO QOS COMAININI 3MISHES How HOU | 9°762 7| 0°351 2) 0-479 | 0422 9} 0°185 9-721) 9°728 9°734 19 Ins. 9°456 9°561 9-268 9°557 9:742 9-729 9°274 9:409 9°332 9173 8°985 9:240 8964 8°787 9:148 9°627 9-972 9°939 9-962 9-987 0:038 0:481 0°348 0°360 07512 9-735] 9°734 21 Ins. “449! 9-449 75) 9°580 9239] 9°249 9: 9: *696] 9°680 2] Qs =| 9. 9 9: 9 9°734 Mid- 28 night. 22 Mean. Ins. 9°430 9°583 9°268 9°471 9779 9°649 9-254 9°469 9-293 97148 5| 8°952 9°336 8°792 8°830 9222 9°635 Ins. 9-482 9-454 9-384 9°474 9°563 9°777 9°363 9°352 9-352 9-216 9-062 9-100 9-230 8°765 9-029 9°496 6673 9-926 9-969 9°847 0°055 9-953 0:257 0483 0°423 Ins. 9*426 9-573 9:273 9462 9°793 9-620 9°260 9°489 9-280 9-142 8945 9-360 8-761 8834 9*244 9626 9°854 9-998 9871 5} 0-010 9:941 07109 3} 0'443, 0:472 0°420 Ins. 508] 9483 759] 9°776 260} 9°259 459} 9°464 9-203: 9°634 9°823 9-998 9°884 9-990: 9-970 0-089 0-410 0°480 0:420 0°482 0°314 07151 0'401 0°502 9735 REDUCED TO 32° AND SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. DECEMBER 1894. ie, | Ins. ine 0°479) 0:467) 0°466 0387) 0°369) 0°355 0°140} 0:121) 0°106 9°880) 9-866) 9°864 9°890} 9:892! 9:893 9-899] 9°85) 9-877 9°716] 9°696| 9:680 9°742| 9°752| 9794 0:004 9-992) 9-982 9:563) 9°589| 9:605 9:818) 9°787| 9°755 9°784, 9°76] 9°762 9:517| 9°13) 9°503 9°769 9795) 9-815 9°526| 9°547 9-891 9-913 9°885) 9834 9-191) 9-099 9°132| 9-135] 9°135| 9°159 9926! 9:958| 9-977! 0-007 9'852| 9840] 9°812) 9:833 8-069) 9:845 9-958 0-263 0:267 0°575| 0°582 0:338) 0-268 8-932) 9-921 9°355| 9°359 9'833, 9°846 9785) Ins. a 0°483) 0-479 0°383) 0383 0174 0-160 9°902) 9-891 9°884' 9-892 9°915 9°905 9750 9°734 9°666, 9698 0:031) 0-012 9510 9°523 9°872) 9°847 9°802 9°786 9°549) 9°523 9°703 9°743 9°504) 9:510 | 9°871, 9°877 9-964) 9:923 9°325! 9:259 9°944 9791 9:021 9°197 0:027 9°841 8'040 9°852 9:973 0:273 0:256 9 799 9-811} 9°824 9:921 9-919] 9-931 0: 236 0-251) 0:263 0'320 0:294/ 0-278 0'560) 0°563 0:491 0436) 0-399 9-041. 8-959) 8-920 9°361/ 9°362| 9-359 9:778 9:800| 9:826 9°781 9°568 | | Ins. 0-462 0°337 0:073 9°856 9934 9°869 9°570 9924 9-951 Ins. | Ins, 0°449] 0:463 0°338] 0°336 0:072} 0-076 9°859] 9°860 9°906) 9-918} 9°924 9°877) 9°875) 9°871 9°648) 9° 614] 9:588 9-820) 9:979} 9°639| 9°747 9°760 9°47 9°841 9-600 9977 9°746 9:019 9-240 0:049 9°846 8-176 9-866 9:976 0:281 0:281 0°590 0:188 8924 9°372 9°859 9°788 Ins. 0°463 0354 0:086 9°856 9°67 9-764 | 9-455 9-893 9°689 9°692 9-082 9-319 0117 9°845 8°727 9°890 0:020: 0°317 0:403 0°633 9-957 9-021 9°474 9:934 827 9257) 9:27 0-076) 0101 9842! 9°840 8°310) 8-480 9-858] 9:88] 9-991} 0:007 0°283} 0:297 0°320) 0:360 0°593} 0°603 07120} 0:045 8:914] 8°965 9°393} 9°425 9:874| 9-913 9°795} 9°809, 0:067) Ins. | Ins, } Tus. 0:456 0336 0:050 9°838 9°945 9°853 9518 9-968 9°935 6°707 9°694 9°767 9-424 9°922 9°762 0:123 9°681 9079 9°418 0:1387 9'809 9113 9-910 0:051 0°347 0°457 0:648 9°761 9:100 9°545 9°962 9°3849 Ths. 0-462 0°342 0:070 9°852 9:939 9°869 9547 9°946 9:951 9-692 9°689 9°760 9-429 9-911 9°720 0°103 9°694 9:093 9°367 07134 9°838 8-941 9:899 0-044 0°341 0°437 0°647 9°861 9°054 9°515, 9-943 9-842 9°839} 9°831 0-449} 0-442 0-320} 0:306 0:026} 0:008 9°820} 9-794 9-948} 9-942 9-490] 9-468 9:983] 9-979 9-925} 9-899 9°7174 9°715 9°680} 9693 9°760) 9°737 9398} 9°403 9-919} 9-905 9°793} 9°820 0°134) 0°152 9°681} 9°672 9°061} 9:069 3} 9°549 | 9-438 5 9°883 Ths. 07429 0-290 9-994 9-789 9:934 9°819 9°455 9:985 9°874 9°728 9°751 9-713 9-400 9°883 9°864 0°156 9°656 9:057 0°130 9°705 0-087 5) 0°349 0°480 0°645 9°518 9°169 9°621 9:971 9°849 Ins. | 0°422 0:274 9-984! 9°453 9°996 9846 9-729 9°770 $683 9°390. 9-869 9°895 07157; 9°647 9-062 9-581, 07121 9664 9°487) 9-876) 0:098 0°352 0°482 0-660 9°480 9-204 9°632 9°967 9°849 9:786| 9° 9-938) 9: 9:805 9° Ins. 0-418 0264 9-960 9-804 Ins. 0420: 0:273 9-974 9°793 9-465 0-034 5| 9°791 9°795 2/ 9-804 (9683 9°38 9-829 9-902 0158 | 9622 29-085 9-646 07101 9-613) 9°522 9°573, 9°623 9:878 9:879 0°116 0135 0°363 0°371 0°488, 0°506 0663 0°660 9°522, 9°438 9-245 9-245 9°648 9-660 9°979 9-987 3) 9-938) | Ins. 0°415 0-260 9-957 9°816 9:924 9°796 9-498 0:046 9-760 9°801 9°812 9°682 9°376 9°797 9:916 0°152 9:600 9110) 9676 0:081 9°439 9°690| 9°880) 0°156 0°377, 0°510 0°657 9°375 9:277 9°662 0-003 9°855 9:856 9°855 Ins. Ins. 0-254, 0°250 9-958 9-950 9-832, 9:834 9-924' 9-932 9-797 9°792 9°513. 9527 0:055 0°056 9°737, 9°693 9-811 9°849 9°818 9-823 9°673| 9°657 9°408| 9°448 9°755] 9°708 9-924] 9:917 0-141] 0:132 9°576| 9°538 9-109] 9109 9°718| 9°760 0-060] 0-025 9°347| 9-235 9°725| 9:755 9°885| 9°886 0°170| 0-196 0:38) 0:384 0°520] 0:528 0-649] 0°60 9-330] 9:299 9-275] 9319 9°676| 9°683 0-012] 0-017 9°853] 9°851 Ins. 0413) 0°413) 0°406 0:234 9-939 9844 9930 9°785 9: 0-047 9-659 9-833 826 9: 9 9: sh 9: 0 9: 9°841 112) 9°5 9: 9- 9: 9:095 765 9°893 0:207 0°374 0538 0°620 9-254 9°335 9-693 0-029 Ins. 0°439 0°302 0:027 9°844 9:923 9°836 9°572 9-933 9°853 9°715 9°71 9720 9:469 9-790 9-759 0056 9671 9-104 9482 0-050 9°576 9084 9°877 0-073 0°327 0°430 0614 9°739 9°127 9°549 9942 9°828 Ins. 0°388 0:186 9:915 9-876 9-920 7| 9°763 9°631 0-040 9°529 9-883 9-815 9°599 9-670 9°535 9-872 9-995 9-392 9-119 9-903 9-891 8-675 9°783 9:923 9-933 0-221 0-233 0°358, 0-328 0°550 0:558 Ins. 0°398 0:226 9:933 9°866 3°934 9°781 543) 9567 0-044 9°623 9-860 9-826 645, 9°641 496) 9:564 649) 9°695 900) 9°892 0:084 9°495 9°107 9°840 9-980 8:969 9775 9:917 0:217 0°367 0°545 0'593 9:205 9°331 9°715 0-046 9°837 9°810 9°615 9°620 9535 9°876 0-035 9°451 9°103 9°870 9937 8828 9781 507 107 800 999 TEMPERATURE, BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. Dry AND WET BULBS. 112 1 Dry. Wet.|Dry 1 |18-2 181 2 14:9 14:9 3 11-0 10°8 4 | 12-0 11°8 5 | 18-4 13-2 6 | 137 135 7 | 86 83 § | 19-4 19-4 9 |17:4 17:4 10 | 27-3 27:3 11 | 35-4 35-4 { 12 | 28-0 28:0 13 | 28-4 28-4 14 | 28-7 28:7 15 | 24:0 23-2 16 | 29:9 29°8 17 | 28:0 28-0 18 | 24:9 249 19 | 23-3 23:3 20 | 27-0 27-0 21 | 25:9 25:9 92 22:0 22:0 23 123 12-2 24 20°9 20:9 25 23-2 23-2 26 17-4 17°4 27 326 32-4 28 18:0 18-0 29 16:2 16-2 30 25-0 25-0 31 17-6 17°6 \ean, 21:4 21-4 oe WES Gd © 09 CO a iS Se) — i w Oo _ Bom mWwW Boomny wWyrys ASaN SAWOS — more ee role) 4 oa wore ~1.0 6 <0 Ww TSS BOGAN SCMOHE SOW ISSMHHO CoorF SNNwSd OCOnme GrIOMW Wh wrow wrth SSNHISNH WNHUDS HSHSE SSUSH SASH WKONWN- Wooo BIG@Mw w EB SON GON NNHA~I~IS BDHSODL SOUS BUSHES S CAWOS NOS NWKNNw Nee Wwwhwc #= 00 00 GO C9 co So ew no oe b 1c or £OOnNTN “I ow WwwPc ood £#aOOsThW 1) oo reed or NmNNNW NNNNw wey to b WNNNWNWwW NMNNwWWw Ww bo RSI GHONIO Ww 5b HNN NNNNWW NNNNW ID by OOWM WWHRO Moor NS CRNINIDS WHNHS DAWA NWNeNN NNNWWwW NNWNwW wr b PoE WOME DODHE DOGAIDM SHWBSOE BH roreeoH Hoo 3 Ht WNNMNW NNMMwo NED Se SNERS SRERS WAISSONY ISSHN POOH DOWOH SGEMAD SUB AS CGONHND SH HOH MWNe to tS op SaNHaNd SOGQNN HDSS~1 H SNES SKSES HN Re oe Pb Oe NTNI CONT RNR we bor i MNWODWHR BH ROHD AHMUCSO UWMDOUOW NIOOOr wo nu KH wo Ll we s No — No ra 12:0 wo mehw So Vo SaN wo SoS 66DHS wb 30°6 > Oi O2 Go B MWwWOROD GOWSS SOKW Wonwwy BNR Rr NMED Or cocoran HAION SO HHepN eH NWNWASHS GOK “TO COO MIO 8 .|Dry. Wet. 16:2 9 ry. Wet. Dry. Wet. 15°7 17°9 | 10°8 131 13:0 hw NNYNwew wre AS NHOSN SGWAIGS Ow ANIDSSS SHS OS WY wbw Oo Ron a> ow MH DOOGOW OHA~IG Hee NNe Wwe h “ID0OCD0OO NWrOr ss wnNre BONO Sor wrmoc Nr WNWRNNYW NWNWW WNNNNwW WNHrre SS) tS) 16°2 V7 11:9 14:3 12:3 WSSNS ASNHSS wo HPNrNs NOs EenNOOF, ONINW OO DOOSMWS OH EAN FHSS mH eave) © GO 12 27°4 | 28°3 27:2 | 29°3 22°4 | 23-1 11:3] 19°4 32:1 | 33-7 21°8 | 23°2 19:0 | 32:2 23°5 | 33°8 21°7 | 22°2 19°8 | 28:5 174 | 25-0 19°0 | 2071 22°2 | 25'5 JANUARY 1894. For Day. ..Dry. Wet.] Max. Min. 147 11°3 a Oo ve} G0). 00;02/60, Ca Ca UNICO EIS CbHSSe PHONO AKER’ SO DNNMNNY NNNWNNW NF-H Ono orwjwo TT.) 509 ot | 13 — Dry. 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Wet, 15-4} 16-2 11-1] 15-9 12-1} 11°6 13:2|.13-7 13°8} 13-0 9-2] 6-9 19-2] 14:3 170] 16-9 269 | 23:5 35:0 | 29-9 27°7 | 30:9 28-4 | 28°6 28:2 | 29°3 23°8 | 26-9 30-0 | 25-0 28-6 | 30°8 25:0 | 27°6 23°8 | 25-9 278 | 28-0 268 | 26-6 21+7 | 25:4 12:6 | 19-9 19:4 | 13-2 24:1 | 28:7 17:4] 20°8 32:0 | 20°3 180 | 24-9 16°5 | 18°8 25:5 | 21:9 5 17°54 18°9 15:0} 17°9 21°44 21°7 Mean. 16:2 158 11-4 13°5 12°8 6°6 14:2 16°9 23° 29°8 30°9 28°6 29°3 26°8 24°9 30°7 27°5 25°8 27°9 26°5 25°2 19°8 13°2 28°7 20°8 20°3 | 24°8 18°6 22'0 18°9 17°9 21°6 FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 113 TEMPERATURE. Dry AND WET BuLss. JANUARY 1894. i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 W For Day. Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|/Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet.|/Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet.!Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet.|/Dry. Wet.] Max. 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Wet. 3 18:0 32°5 21°7 32:7 23°6 35°6 25°6 25°6 26°6 18-2 26°2 16'8 19°7 18°7 28°3 28°5 26°0 21°6 22°9 24°7 25°0 22°6 26°1 17°6 31°8 18:0 32°5 21°77 82°7 23°8 35°5 25°6 25°5 26°6 18:0 26°0 16°8 19°7 15°6 28°2 28°5 25°8 21°4 22°9 24-7 24°8 22°5 26°2 176 B19 24°8 19°6 22°6 24°3 12 Dry. 19°4 33°0 21°9 30'5 23°9 35°6 25°4 26°2 26°4 19:0 29-9 18°1 20°3 20°1 27°5 28°7 25°7 21°8 24°6 25-2 26°5 22°7 26°4 Wes 29:2, 25°3 20°4 21°6 24°9 Wet 19°4 33°5 21:9 33°5 23°9 356 25:4 26:2 26°4 19:0 29°7 18:1 20:3 16‘1 27°5 28°7 Midnight. .|Dry. Wet. 311 27°5 26°9 22°0 27°9 32°6 23°4 29°2 20°38 19°7 24°8 18:0 13°0 27°0 31:0 22°2 21°2 23°1 26°0 25°3 22°5 25°8 18°7 20°3 19:2 30°4 21°3 25°0 24:1 311 27°5 26°9 22:0 27-9 32°6 23°3 29:2 20:1 19°6 24°8 18-0 13:0 26°9 307 22:0 21-2 23°3 26°0 25:2 22°5 25°8 | 2 18°7 20°3 19°3 30°7 21°3 25:0 24°1 .{ Max. For Day. 32-0 35:2 27-0 33°6 279 36°2 32:2 29:2 28°5 20-2 32°5 2771 21:1 27°0 31:0 31:0 26:0 23:2 26-2 26-2 29:0 26°7 30-1 20°3 31:9 32:2 29:2 25:0 28°5 Min. 14:3 27°5 21:7 22°0 20°7 27°5 22°3 22°8 20°3 17°8 19-2 16°7 13°0 12°3 25°5 22°2 21-2 20:1 20°1 24°7 22°5 PMD) 18°7 16:0 19:0 19°7 19°4 20°4 20°4 | FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 115 TEMPERATURE. Dry AND WET BULBS. FEBRUARY 1894. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|/Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet./Dry. 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TEMPERATURE. Dry AND Wert MARCH 1894. ] 1 2 3 4 5 6 if 8 9 10 11 12 For Day. Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet.|/Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet./Dry, Wet.|Dry. 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FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. Dry AND WET BULBS. | Dry. 45-9 39°5 47°3 39:1 40:0 43-7 46:0 47-0 44:3 44-7 51°4 52°8 46°3 44°8 46:1 40°6 44° 47-2 382 COND NP wWNr- 45-7 Wet. 44:9 37:0 42°83 38:2 38°9 39°3 39°8 426 42-4 43°7 49-1 47-2 41:1 38°5 45-2 38°9 43-1 45°3 86'1 43-7 [40°5] 41°3 [40-1] 48°6 [45:3] 40°4 1°5 41:1 44-2 39°9 40°6 46'8 47 "1 42:1 2 Dry. Wet. 4571 391 45 °2 38:0 38:1 42-0 45°6 445 44-2 44°2 51:0 50°8 45:0 44°5 45-1 40°5 425 47 °3 36°3 44-4 36'8 41-4 373 374 38'3 39°5 41:2 42°6 43°3 49-0 46°3 40°4 38°6 44-1 38°7 42°6 45°3 34:9 43-0 [40-0] 42:0 [40-6] 47° [45-1] 45°6 45°6 47-4 47°3 42°3 40°7 47-1 49°5 44:3 40°4 417 40°6 44°6 40:0 39°1 46°6 46°7 41°6 eo “I PP Peo Pe Pee 1S HOE Swow~a weowE Do FPROOM WH POH i 34:3 41-0 [39:5] 39°6 [38:8] 48-0 [45-4] 45:0 45°8 46°7 46°6 424 38°'8 47:0 48-9 43°8 40°3 42:1 41:1 44-2 40-0 37°5 46°3 46°1 41:2 42-2 40°0 44°3 38°0 36°3 41-1 45:0 43°3 450 46°6 50°7 49-3 45:0 43-2 44-0 386 42°6 46°9 34°5 40-7 [39-2] .|Dry. 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Dry AND WET BuLBs. AUGUST 1894. TEMPERATURE. ANOHN FHHOoOnH LD ADAG AG AQ 19 19 19.19.19 MOND S BOCAOnH IDAD WOW 16 19 AMDI~ Do OrAaoM AQ IDAGD AD AD 1919 1910 19 moe eoO NHOMm1O HI 00 G90 HAO SOY IDG 1G BiB 1910 G19 6 MRaRo 19:19 19.118 CO DID © I G16 S00 00 AD 1G 1G 19 1G 1 M19 Om AD UD 1G 1 1. AD 60:4 50:3 577 541 POMAD OnAHOM Nooo aiicacao IG 1D 1B iG AD 1419 19 16.10 Di~-OsedD COOI1NrO IMBONS MRAOS 191919 GB 19151610 6 MH OOO © l- O10 SaNHHO 1B 19 19.1015 10 D190 18 10 101 10.10 10 61 5 5 5 5 HONOD ~OO O15 00 GIs 1g COG’ HO ncad 1919191019 1916 161415 ~rOAND Arnon DIDO SQ HOD1900 191919 G19 1919141410 19 1G 19 19 1614 1918 Mean. Y. 1 1 0 5 4 et.JDr 59 5 5 i 5 6 0 9 6 3 3 54 5 5 5 5 | Midnight 55 5 5 5 5 | Acn19 so a1 Semon IH 60 o> 1915 16 1G SH IDO NM ANMOD Qaangnan HIG 1G 15 13.16 1919 (© C019 ASOSAAG 2 52-5 55° 6 3 8 6 6 Wet.|Dry. 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FEBRUARY 1894. i] 0201/0201 [-020)]-020))-020]{-020](-o20}[-o20}f -020}(020) -003 | 0054-018 -017 | -106 | -073 | -040 | -233 | -093 | 008 | -031| - | - | - | 0-827 043 010 049 | -130 | 255 | -353 . -080 | 092 | -170 | -003 | -027 | -015 | -005| 018] 010) 003) - | 1-324 022 Ob OL 053 -078 | 020 | 012 | 050 | -008 | -015]| — + -006| -006| 026) -003/ — | — |-o11/ ~- | - | - | - | 0-329 010 | -030 | -047 | -063 | -050 | -012| -007 | 003 | -008 | oc | -020| -042} 060 -238| 121) - | - | - | - | -020) — | -009/ -o30] - 0°850 god |) — ec 2 i Zz 2 E * 5 = a a ce 3 = S o is S ei ss a : 6 | - | — | — |-080! 050) -200 ! -198 | -316 | -386 | -460! -300 | -267 4-336 +177 | -035 | *127 | -018 | -005 | 062 | -026 | -016 | -010 | 061 | 028] 3-108 -033 | -060 | -059 | -046 | -006 | 030 | 101 | -003 | -022 | -022| -010 | 045] -054 , 029) - | — | 022) 018) 017, - — | 012] 026] 0-615 Meeel-oe2|-o15| — |-102| - | — | — | -004| 004 - |-030/ - | - | -050] 020) - | -050; -030 045 | -004| +100 | 044] 0-530 405 | 134 | -015 | -050 | -071 | -004| -027| -020 | -023/ — | -003| — |-028! -o09 | -030 | -092| -008 | -041 | -008 -012 | -005 | -006 | -004 |, 010] 0-705 -004 | -015 | -037 | -030 | -040 | -032 | -015 | -020 | -009 | -004 |[-005]|[-005}[ 005} [-005}[-005][-005][-005}[-005]) - | - | - | - | - | —- | 0-246 - | - | — | - | — [-0123/-0207[-030}[-030][-050]) - | -077] -228 | -175 | -102 | -160 | -09s | -088 | -090 -145 | -028 | -010 | -059 | -010] 1-412 ET cpio 02810901-005) — | ees P— 1 - | = | - | - | = | =) = l= 1 =e) 009) — |) o-o2 Perm ees|ggs| - | = |---| — | >£ lsospleosaicose) = | - | - | - | - 2-2) 2 2 | bo 2") onan Sees 2 a | ee) See | =) - | S| S lots coor Nass | harem (aes Ue Memesiniyg20'-003||004|-003) - | = | = |= )=)-f2]-)-])-|-]-)=]- |=] = |=] = | oso 0101 |9:052 0070 |0-089 |0-117 10-080 |0-038 |0-051 (0-027 |0-037| - |0-010{0-010 |0-062 |0-136 |0°057 10-008 '0-008 |0°047 {0050 |0°007 [0-068 0°127 |0°120} 1372 . l4u BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. RAINFALL. INCHES FOR Hour ENDING— MAY 1894. | | Mid- 1/2) 3s |4 5] 6] 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 1] 12] 18 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 26 | 21 | 22 | 23 |e Amount 1 = a = = = te eS =; a = ne ke 3 = = = = =e = = = = 3 = 2 | - | — | — | -014] -008 | 620 | -020 | -016 | -011 | 004-012 | -053 } -019 | -013 | -042 | -027 | -027 | 039 | 085 | -042 | -072 | -055 | 122] -022] 0-793 | 3 | -002| -049 -005 | -032 | 047 | -076 | -026 | -039 | -012| 002 -005 | 009 | -050 | -009 | 015 | -017 | -020 | -003 | -003 | -004 | -040 | -020 | 006 | 003} 0-494 4 1010) 2] = [S35] Se Se ea See OOH Onianimess |e | |) || Ne a ea | eee ee ee Bij -|.-/|-—-}] 2) -] =] =] = | = | 25a = fl = | -005 | -o16 |) -008') -012)| -0224/-0127) “018 -018)) 031) 1eG Ono om 6 | -026|-003 +012) - | 010 | 005 | -038 | +115 , -102| -025 | 007 | 029] +141 | -040 | -001 | -067 | 010] -003 +002 | -027 | -065 | 003 | -030| 0224 0-783 | 7 | 024) -051 +032 | -017 | 043 | 027 | -042 | 006-031] -002 | -001 | -034 | -063 | -093 | -030 | -080 | -026 | 001 -008| -036/-001} - | - | — | 0-648 8 | — | — = | 002} 001 | -006 | -010| -010 -009| -008 | 019 | -016 } -025 | -020 | -030 | -047 | -095 | -070 | -040 | -020 | -033 | 073 | 048 | -003] 0-585 9 | :008| = V-00h Seo = lS SS ee 003)1-603;| «022'|/<010)| <010) '-055) 1/008) ]1-002) ena |) ene ean Ce ttoeg 10 | - | - — [[-010}|[-020}[-020}[-010]) - - |[-010][-030][-030}f[-030] -019 | -033 | -016 | -010 | -032 -002| 003] -034/ - | - | - | 0-309 11 | — | -001 -022} -012 | -007 | :002| -002| 055 -105 | -011 | -034 | 006} -018 | 009 | -020 | 087 | -019| 046-017; - | - | - | - | = ] 0-473 12 | 048), — | -024:| -020) 015 | 017} 018) —- | =) eye S| = | -082'| 032) -002)), =. 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JUNE 1894. a aos hes -Weyeas |) -1- | - | - | a SS Genoa Se OO See a seat Balle SA ol ee je er _ CTD a ee eee oan ee ea ee) 2 ee i eS ee ho: aed Gaul) ce be | = | 002) 001)! = |/-00L|-001 | col) -0oL|Peeniee ee | = f= }017) - | = | = | - | = |°= | Seo Ge eee © eee | RS em e | _ a 7 NS = 2 S E is Rie, |e 2 = S| 2" Sa afl | c= = | = | 2nie _ # 8 = = me = = = As i eS 4. bee ae =P eS = = = = = = — = = = = Oye iat a=} = | - | = | 2s | See) 2.) | | | — |082} 029) 001) = | -006"| 0531) :086)|f-094" ecnonlenio) maaan 10 | 006 001) - | - | - | - | = | -020} - | -028] -028 | -035]-003, - | -001 | -012| -060 | -076 | -286 | -189 | -217 | -241 | -234| 148] 1-580%F 11 | 013 007) - | — | -007| - | -004] -016] 016) -004| 005] - | - | - | -050] 100] -003/| -012| -002| - |-009/ - | -0351-004) 0-287) 2 OL) -00l) = | = | = | =*) = lea eee) =) - f= | - | = beac! -rorel-coo)| cot) 29" Sais a eee mM | |] 2} =) - | 2 2 ee fe Poor} = | = |-oorl =. | 002) © |ooe!|) 2 eee 15 | 004} — | 006 | -002) -074 | -047 | -160| +115 | -261 | -064| -216 | -085 | 120 | 002] -005|-001|-001) - | - | - | - | - | - | = | aaegm tae) = ce | ey 2 eed Beer ef = | = = = | = | — | = 010) =oor|Eodzale 006 mont ena 17 | “042 | 045 | 183 | -092 | +137 | -180 | -140 | -062 | -406 | 136 | -091 | 047] -029 | 028 | -013| 004-004) - | - | - | -051/-005/-005| - | 1-700} is ee 200 ‘054 122 018 O11; - | — |-001/-002} - | - ]-011) - | -022/-002; - | - | -006|-025/ — |-009/ = |-007) O-a5amm 4|- : BEAlis - |= | = | = | - | - | - | - | = | 001} -904 | -007 | 078 | -046 | -223 | -082 | 151 | -080 | -13 826 | 20 | ‘095 | -162 | 006 | 003 | ‘001 | — 031 | -001} —- a = Se = BY 33 = =, = = : = ? ee 21 5 v y i Bf 2 e 2 ? 4 i, Zz : | i. 2 > y a w is 5 Z , pd ae eee Nye a earl - | = | 004} -011 | -025 | -046 | -077 | -033 | -011 | -012 | -003| -006| - =| ate 0-228 | 23 | | 002) 005} —- | — | - | - | 019] -028 | -024 | -006 | -043 | 140 | -016 | -110 | -074 , 028 | -006 | -027 | -004 | -007 | -012| -o64 | -039] 0-644 24 | 036 006 | 042 | -001 | -018 | -069 | -028 | -022 | -009 | 053 | -088 | 030] 033) -001/-001] - | - | - | - | - | - |] = | — | — 7 ogam OB | al ekce a ea a) ee eee meer ne) eee tl) Ss a a 2 008] 0-008 26 004} 007} - |:008; - |-011|} — | -o01] —- - | 008} - - - = SID = = = = = = - 0-051 | 4 | - - - - - - = = = = — | 009] — =e = - | - = = - - - : | 28 | = | +002) 2 1-006) = 2 S| oe ee ee eee a te | Et a a oe 0-008 | 29 = MS = = = = x Baty ce a a = 2 Sle BW) oe = = = = = = = -% 3 Gal ea ee =H = ae ot Se ee ee ee -@ Sr OD vied of dq « 2 ore © : | a Som. 0:27 [0-346 301 [0°284 0°252 0°319 0°333 |0-287 (0-721 0°322 0-412 |0-295 [0-414 |0-080 0-313 0°310 0-235 0-17 |0°385 [0-502 |0-412 |0-517 0-519 0-367] $980 i FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. . 141 RAINFALL. INCHES FoR Hour ENDING— MAY 1894. | | | i tal a mews) 4 | & | 6 |) 7} 8.) 9 |) m1 12] 48.1 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | MATa mount. ‘ cht, me) | - | - ee Ale oe ge Mate | | eM Sea ee Ie alien eee ere |b 3 9} — | — | — | = | = |-010|-007| -o08 | 007 | 010} — | -010] -015| -o08 | -o10 | 014 | -010| -o16 | -017| 007] 010) — | -013/ — | 0-170 See oso) = |-o10|-023/ = |-o07| 008) — | 2 |’- | - | - | - |owl-— | - | - | — |= | 2 | = |-ol one eA esi) -003)| -004|-007| 003/008) = | - |=} =2/=2,—-/—-])-)-)-1-]) 275727212) 2] oe es) | fe | | KK ~ | —~ | - | = | = | -013| -007 | -050 | -063 | -047 | -033 | -067 | -020! — | 0-300 6 |-007) - |-006) - | -007| — | -010] -043 | -027 | -o10 | -o10| -003] -044| - | - | -026|-007| - | - | -020}-017]} - |-o10| -023] 0-270 033 )| -007 | -065 | -010 | -030| -015 | -040 | -co5|-018| - | = |-020) — |-o37) — |-o40] - | _ | - | - | - | - | — | — | 0-320 gs | 003} - | — | -010/ -020| -013 | -020 | -030 | -037 | -033 -023| 0444 -058 | -005 | -025 | -065 | 150 | -160 | -096 | -009 | -015 | -070 | -040 | -007| 0-938 SPN opa| | | -903 S| = | = | - |-oaz] —- 4-118] -o05!/ — | — | — | = | — | = | oie ee 2 | ~ | -010! -030/-067| — |-003| — |-o10| -007|-070)-066|-027| — |-o33| - | - | _ | - | - | _ | —.1 = | o-aas Re |-oi7|-010| 018 | — | -024|\-018| — |-025|-013|-007] — | - |-o1l-o1| - | - | =| — | - | - | — |-o08) ose 013 | 004 | 006 | 012 | 005} - - = = = = = = = = = = = = ae = = sf = 0:040 = | = | — | -003} -007 | -003 | -o12| -015 | -003| — | -028 | -044] -026 | -037 | -027 | -006 | -o17| — | -010|-025 -oo5} - | - | — | 0-963 - - -— |:005; - - = = = = = = = = = =, = = a SW = pe = Re 0-005 nmin airy oc) ee fos PD A Grease cae) Ss th, ea) Garten Pe 005, 2°) -013,| S| See Sa 22 | — | = | — | onolee) S gosh 2 | 2°) = | Sh o-oss .) 2 ee = seein) =.) — | | |-005|| — | 005) = | = | 2 2 ea eee ie i SE | Se ey ae eae 006 | -004| — | — | — |-o03| — | - = See = 4) SS a | a -020| - | -033|-003} - | -017 | ‘020 | -020| -003 | -007 “020 ‘010 on) eS Lis) Sale ee 2a Gens eis | = | = | — | = | 015) Osa [-ouoy(-otoyr-o10jf -o10]f-oxo}-o10y[ 00g] = | = | = | = | = | = | = || oxo 8 Sy S25 So 5) 2a a ee ee eral NR I igo a = ~ = = = = — |-005| —- = ~ = = - - = = = = = = = 0:005 WM. 0°624 [0-745 |0'521 |9°500 |0-172 0171 0-234 (0-140 (0-154 0-249 0-070 [0-208 ]0100 0°325 [0-135 0-271 0:297 |0:257 |0:460 |0°397 |0°383 |0-422 |0:358 |0-523] 7-716 144 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. RAINFALL. INCHES FOR Hour ENDING—— SEPTEMBER 1894. }2} 2] 3] 4]5) 6) 7] 8 | 9 | 1] a] 12) 13] 1 | 25 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 2 | 22 |28 it1Amount, ght, ee ee eee ee) |. a ee ose |. 0-006 yoy sy a} Sy ee 2 Sl 2) See er ado -002'|, = |':022)) ei nia ee en es eee 0026 Ble |i] al a eo Sa 2 ee eae) = ||-005.| L001! 0401) Se eCHoN Ont mw Ma) OG 0-242 @1 oo] fy) Sy 29 2) 2a 2 ee | 2.) = cago: ood) iene ode ue iadea) coo Stems 0°324 | B | 001-007) — |\-004,| “o08'|*9a6|"014))< = |S | ee etn |) |) Sig cna fe 0-068 | 6 fos} - ] eo) ee See el a) Ue | rey | a ee ee 0-008 T= | Sh ee oon) Se) S| 2 dbs eeecnae ~ | -008| 041 | 029] 001) - | — | +005) — | -001| -015 O-114 | eal ee eee eee eat aee hs | — | See te hoe fs | 0002 Wye) = | Sh SMe | Se) Sl Sh Sena mm 2.) Sl, ly alll ah aan ee Irate 0°020° ML | 012) 011 | -026) -077) -095) -087 | -080) 018] - | - | - |ooz] - | - | - | - | - BENS ies = = 0:303 eon ee oe er ese oe a ee See |W “a 14 | - | - | - | - | - | -002} -010| -027 | 020] - | -001| -002] -001 | 002 | -001 | 001} - | ool) - | -016| - | -001) - 0-086 | | 2} =} S.4)-002) =: |-002') -001 Ne | ee ie a ia ee eee ee eS.) 0-005 | Ie eee eae ee ee eee | SG ee see Ly | |e af Pee Re We |e) ool a 1 Zell aR a ee ESI a Ue a ea a ae ee ee ee ee eS SS es le i eB. | elk. s fo Se Sa So a es ee te eeeeneee i | | K a a es lo eee oS 2 | kes eee ee Sei 2 = | -= eee ee || Ee) on) ee Ses a Vs | 2th Se es a ee | Bye eo lee P| | So) eee |) cy CRE Ge ee a eee -@ ep.) et ot | ee) a | So) Se Ee oO) ES ae a Ae i 24 3 = 2 = = = = = = = 2 2 See il) = E = - = |:005-| = = = 0°005 | 25 s = By = = = S ¥ a ie if a es = F: = = = a a = a -= 26 —=}/- 42) 2) =) =] = |) SS Se) S41 = | = | 005: 6204 -062) 006-016) =|) ares enn rn ae fie ee eee ee eee (a ee em ese || a ee ee eRe ler a E Be | om | Bo | A eR ears | Sa a } 0) te} eee = | oo) ee i) fk ee ee eo 3 SUM. \0:021 |0:018 0-026 |0-084 |0-101 0-077 |0-055 [0-040 |0-025 (0-006 |0-001 [0-006 {0-019 0-012 o-062 0-174 (0-127 [0-121 0-119 [0-044 [0-091 (0-035 0-041 0-013] 1318 | RAINFALL. OCTOBER 1894. il, = = = = = a A, 2. ms oe _ = 3 im = = & x) = = = = = a = Deis Sa all S - elle =a) Sepa 2 es te = Eg Ret ae e = E = : = Somes, ieee ily | eel = 0 EA ee. (ih eke E a Sh | ag ea oan Pe ee = 2 es 2 AL Wee ae ef Po || = = = Es a S é E: a pi 2 de ma al ge 2 enh Wes = = 3 Bl be |e) = fe | Sl) 2S ce] | Yeap eel iis | ek es > ia ean ee en Pe erere cy | || Pa | tee svete (cowie less were lt |= a Vilas | ees eel | See = | = See et RS |) | SRE hp See004 iy = 3/0175) -012)1 001i) eae faecal | B= > = f= | at = | = | a oersoom ae | a — | - |- = Sah] |) = | Seti = Se en 9; -|/=-),-]-}-] -) - | = | = | = |-o10, - | -013! -004 | -006 | -031 | 044 | -031 | -084 | -111 | -238 | 083 | 048 002] 0-65a 10") <057 1 °078'| -066.1,-080 | 009). = | 9) Sa ee ee eres) oo =|! Sel aaa | aaa edt ieee — | = | Sah a 11 ae ae eee ee eee ee esc || es eee CEE Te _ 12 - | - |003} - | - | - | - | = | — | -010]-002) - | -032| -054 | -013 | -002 | -019 | -003 -009 | :002| -068 | 010} 0-228 13 | -060 | 136 | -169 | -011 | -086 | -075 | -063 | -062 | 065 | -035 | 030 -034 | -070 | -005 | 122 040 | -007| -004| 002} - | - | - | — | - | 1076 PA) SS Olt |= 001") =) Se ea erro 2 gop| = ‘loom ame -|- - |=] =| =) 00am 15 =} =} = | = | =. | OtO) — Foor =f 29) = J -o01) 004) — | = | 002) — 9) = — | "010: it) an 16 | -002| - - = 2 = Seoul. | = = a = es = ES - = = ms 3o|Pe ss, = st 0-017 17 | 002} - |-003|-005|-001} - | -003 | -ov5 | -015| -004| -005 — }-001/ -o06| — | 006; -006|-018| — | -007 -064| -004| - | -O01] 0-161 18 | — | - }:003|/-002; - | - | —- | =) 2} -— | = 1 - 4-07} - | 001]! = 003) = | = | = 9 2G) See ee WO] -}-] =} =) =] = | =) = | = | 008000] - |-003 | -022)| 017) cof) = I —| = | = |=) Ses 20 - - - = = = = = = = i [hy = = z — |; 002} -006} - - = = = - 0-008 hd on ern ee eae ne ee ee | ee ee ee eee ere Se Lt a 2) - | =f = |e) = | So) Ve eS ey ee) = | 008) 2) = J) 2 en 2B) a ee! Se le ; - | - | - | = | = [[020][-050][-050]|[-050)|[-050]} 0-220 24 {[-050}[-020][-010] - | - | - | - | - | = | 008} -015 | -027] -046 | 013) -050 -048 : -071 | -053 | -047| 013) 008) - | - | - | 0-474 % )-f - 7 -} - | - | - | - | - | = | = 1-009! -009] -008 | 102! -017 | -016 | -031 | -011 -011 | 002) 001/001) - | - | O2Im 6) | = Pe Sets he) eo ee ee me el ce Nl ee al) ee =3 27 - = = = = as Z = £ = ce = 5 2 - al he oes ie a ba fll es = # = =a a2} - | - | - | - - - | - =i) ee - | 001] - S| 0049/0110) "008i) =| aie - | — | 7015} :009 | -008} 0-050 2» 010 | -004 | -010 | -011 | -068 | -011 | -008 | -052 | -057 | -050| -089 | 009} -006| 001] 001) - | - | - | - | - | - |-028| - | — | O-4ie a1 | - | - | - | - |} - | = | - | = | 005] -o80) -o24 | -o27 | -011 | -041 | -082 | -038 | -004| -o01 | 003) - | -042 -028| -180| 282) 0-748) | | | ; Sum. |0°181 (0-233 |0-272 |0:059 (0-161 |0-086 |0-084 |0-161 |0°148 |0°130 0-198 |0-116 {0'170 |0:202 0-343 |0°240 0-183 |0°125 |0116 |0°183 0-419 0-212 0-350 |0-303] 46 i \ | | = os = = FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 145 RAINFALL. INCHES FOR Hour ENDING— SEPTEMBER 1894. ee soi 4 i S|) 6 | 7 Si Gy] aa |p a BY ee aes I a ae |) ass I) I) |] Blo) || Ba |) BP Bae oh | 1 4 = 5 a Bs 2 Lhd) = a = = 2 a ag oe em s ‘S iP a 2 \ = = = = = = = = = = = 2 = = = = = = = = = = = = ee Ye Pe ee SS Sy a Sepa ee Sa Sy = eee i | | — | — | = | =f 4 - | P= f- | =} =f = 007/ — |-040| - | 006) — Memoicoos) — | - | = | - | - | 017) - | - |004) - | -f -} -]| -}| =| - | -]} -]| -}] - | -] -4] - 7 6 -. = ee 1 fe, = = = = = re) ae = = a = ab “an a = = = = ee, | iL - = = = am = 2s 24 =s = 25 ee: > = = ae = = as = = = = = 8 2 = = s = = = = = = S es = = x : e = = al = ae 2 = BI 9 Ss = = = = = a = = = = ay = = = = as &, = a a = = as EE |e (a ne Sem ereifiies oli, s=.'|) See fh Ces g ll eeemell ai Ui pad Ny o- aill | SSeS ea eaalh(t ; 010 ' -007 | 013 ; -020 | 024} -010| 003; 007) - | - | - | - } - = lls) ean Bo MN ee ese ea et hee ne et | See | | eee ee ey ee oe eee wie 1 = | 004.) = il Se le003) =o = F = |) = | — | = Samoa estes ae aii aml =|) Par wees M. |0:013 |0°007 |0:013 0-020 |0-024 |0-010 |0-024 |0-011 0-007 0-007 - | - | - | - | - | - | = (0:023|0:024} - (0:040] - 0-006 |0:013] 0-242 RAINFALL. OCTOBER 1894. 2 if S| Set a eS ge! 0) 8 a MR en Sl) a aa | E Pees ee NO eee ee pe ae aly ce a ee 3 = | =) 2 Se re ees | | or: oa a el Pee rol ome sh pee en ee eal goe ool, Sule Sol tS alt esalh, 20h Sa Sa ean 0-007 eee ee Sy S|) 2 ee =) = | -905.| -o20'| 025 | 003)! <087'| 058-087 |'-0701 045 '-o0nill 1o:s50 er A oodles i|) |) aalioe night Amount ' \ a | | ee || 1 | -030| -003| -oo9| - | -oo1|-o01] - | - | - | --| - | - | - |-023}-008|-007) - | -oo1| -021| -006|-o01| - | - | - | oun 2 | — | — | 006) -028 | -155 | -178 | -029 | 008 | -015 | -008 | -007 | -010| -o10 | -032 | -002 | -003 -017 | 038 -o0z|-002/ - | - | - | - | 0-550 Bl. | | - | - |) Set 2) Sate i opei-o57 018 |-001| — | = | = | 007 |j-048)\1i7)||-052 | -ds0i orgie 4 | 013) -012| -013| -022| -034 | -057 | -055 | -070 | -005 | -012| -011 | -050] -038 | — | 010 | -003 | -005 | -006 | -011 | -017 | -018 | -033| -075 | -0134 0-583 6 | -012| -010| -017 | -023| -o81 | -005 | -047 | -017 | -173 | -087 | -034 | -078 | -031 | -033 | 080 | -003 | 001} — | -017 | 023) 128 | -012| 132] 142) 1-131 6 | -024| -018| 112 -062| -036 | -o80 | -134 | -056 | -055 | -o28| -036|-005}-003/ - | - | - - | -'| = | = |o22| — | -o0a]) o-eys 7 | — | -042 | -063 -060 | -108 | -100 | 090 | -096 | -094 | -084 | -028 | -016 | -023 | -050 | -041 | 114 | -097 | 160 | -091 | -008 | -004 | -006 | -010| -oo2} 1-387 § | 009-001-005 +202 | -135 | -033) -027| — | -084| +116] -089 | 157] -115 | -090 | -082 | -008 | .087 | -030 | -037 | -013 | -006 | -002 | -020| -010] 1-358 9 | -063 | -018 | -001 | -006 | -003| — ~ | = | = | 0254-067 | -076 | -043 | -ov6 | -007 | “097 | -015 | -012 | -005 | -094 | -009 | -095 | 010] 0-652 10 | -028 | -190 | -060 | -060 | -084 | -034 | -030 | -030 | -045 | -015 | -006 | -005 | -022 | -062 | -063 | -040 | -045 | -006 | -004 | -042 | -042 | -013 | -013| -o20] 0-959 11 | -006 | 041 | -001; -012/ -071 | -044 | -025 | -006 005] 012) — | — | — | -008| -029; -011 | -010 | -022) -035] -066 | -042 | -017 | -009| -o10] 0-482 12 | -009| -012| -012| -018 | -023 | -025 | -o06 | — 001 | -069 | -028 | -019 | 069 | -022 | -012 | -007 | -015 | -010 | -004| 001) — | -002| -0034 0-367 OM Mog ee Seale ven - | — | - | — | — | =" ¢-020)¢-030][-050][-100][-100]{¢-100)[+100)) 112 | -oos | 0-620 14 | -016/ -010 “089 061 | 112} -106 | +123 | -075 | -033 | -064 | -085 | -012| -022 | -026 | -008 | -062 | -102 | 102") -012 | -020 |"-084 | -050°| -024 | -133) 1-430 15 | -026| - — | — | — | = |t-200][f-100}[-050} -050 | -076 | -066 | -022 | -010 | -008 | -009 | -015 | -011 | -008 | -008 | -006 | -004| -009} 0-578 16 | -017 | -002| -007 | -006 | -007 | -007 | -003 | -007 | -006 | -008 | -010 | -007 | -006 | -001 | -004| -012| 006] org} - | - | - | - | - | — | o-sa 17 — | — | — | -030 | -138 | 152] -147 | -136| -159 | -124 | -137 | -122 | -252 | -100 | -074 | -043 | -062 | -025 | -058 | -085 | -032 | 022] 1-898 18 | -014| -011 | -022| -009 | -001 | -001 — | Sele") = | = |-o10 | -039 | 020 |/-040;| 038] 006) =| 20] 2):/ Meee eat 19 se he rege -008 | -003 | -017 | -003 | 018 | -032| -032 | -034 | -043 | -031 | -034| 063] 0-318 20 |-007} - | — | — | - | — |-043| -130] -160 | -252| -086 | 020} -014! - | -009| -001 | -032| -002| -016 | -010 | -028 | -012 | -022| -0094 0-848 21 | -072| -009 | -020 -009 | -010 | -001 | -002 | -042| 005] - | -021 | -026] -006 | -010 | -040 | -031 | -022 | -078 | -087 | -031 | -022 | -072| -055 | -060) 0-681 22 | — | -009| -014 | -023| -033 | -042| -010 | -015 | -001 | -015 | -004 | -010] -014 | -037 | -053 | -006 | -006|-002| - | - | - | - | — | -002] 0-296 SO Sais essa | ae Pine Mises ae z — | -007 | -030 oo} - = [2] El 2 el orca yi a ee ee ee eee | || cS ae Re ea este | 8 Se Ne Wl oa) eget eI ill eS 0 | (eg | et = | ers = 26 = = floes = = = = = = = — = = = = = = = = a7 — |.) 2) = | 2a) 2 | See pe |) | | 2+) 28) Sal 2 036, 080: \-058)) 202ei mente en te 28 | -002| -005 | -026 | -001 | -013| +012] -010 | -010 | -065 | -024 | -034 | -068 | -063 | -043 | -088 | -033 | -080 | -024 | -090 | -030 | -082 ‘038-083-031 | 0-965 008 | 010] 0-554 | = = 0:014 Sum. 0-431 |0-474 0°575 0-711 0:932 |0°829 |0-787 0°819 0-993 0:912 (0-754 |0°800 ]0°728 0-727 0:864 0°505 |0°7S5 |0°695 (0°649 |0°517 |0:926 |0°599 [0-796 0:591} 17-399 RAINFALL. DECEMBER 1894, Ay) eso, Aca en pec = =) Sra SS S| - | Sie se SS ae a BW Ves eh Bee So ee a ee! S| 2 ol Se | = 3 a 3 a 2 e 2 2 ¥ as & e = = = 2 H = E 2 2 = oe a 4 = = = S 2 . - 2 = Z a ES ie be ks ES = a = Bs = = = Ss fat 5 = es = es £ _ a ¥ a e = “ e x & a 3 fs = = 2 i f 5 Gah eA eal eae Pes | || Se ea ee - |-007| - | -004) - | -051| -020] 0-082 Fol OUBne =: | - | — | = | -002| -016 | -006 | -027 | -019 | -012 | -002 | -002 | -059 | -087 | -042 | -002] -008 | -003 | -044 | 068] 0-352 8 | *073'|013.|-055 |,-008:|-005'| 002), = | Saale sicoos = |) - | — hs - | - | = | = | = 45 testo 9 = a = = = = = = = = _ = = =. = a = == = = = = - = —= 10 |[-003][-003] -005 | -007 | -011 | -006 | -002 | -003 | -017 | -007 | -058 | -136 } -089 | -055 | -030 | 070} 018 | -003 | -002 = | — | 2 Sores gC i a a Me ae - | - | -002} -024 | -010 | 016 § -118 | -090 | 039 | 003) 002) - | - =| = |) ee oem ON oe a= lee - | - | - | - | = | — | -029) -026 | -012 | -056 | -047 | 031 | -011 | -o11 | 011 | -004| -o01 | 004) - | — | 0-243 | 13 | - | - [050][-100} -189 | -148 | -112! -165 | -074! -052 | 049 | -020] -007 | -004 | 012 | -062 | 143] 110! -119| +105 | -025 | 028] ool} — | 1-575 1} = | = yes = | =.) = | 2 | Selcaew son -o10.| 018-017) - | = voeey S| Meo) 2 ee loo iq een 15 | 042 | -111 | -023 | -188 | -177 | -159 | -105 | -083 | -112! -069 | -125 | -057 | -061 | -020 | 018 | -020| -o08| - | -004| 012] - | -001| -020] -013] 1-428 16 | :002)-001)| = | — |'-003||'-003) Oo) Soy Ser =). pf = | - |= VS See ee ee ee 17 | - | - | - | 006} -002| -009 | -016 | -011 | -006 | -019 | -001 | 001 | 002] 001 - | -007 | -040| -031 | -012 | -002| -018 | -048 | 101 | 038] 0-371 | 18 | -025 | 033 | -020 | -021 | -026 | -042 | -124 | -069 | -078 | -037 | -007 | -007 | -030 | -050 | -012 | -042 | -009 | -032 | -029 | -032 | -038 | 053 | -102| 064] 0-S82 19 | -039 | -037 | -043 | -040 | -009 | -040 | 073 | -095 | -098 | -125 | -109 | -090 J -063 | -087 [[-050]| -035 | -022 | -016 | -021 | 008 | -012| -009| 001} — | 1-192 20@]}-|-|-{-]}-]|-]-;-4-]-]-]-]-]--1]- | - | - | = |-008} 004) 004) -012 | 018) osama 21 | 054 | -099 | 089 | 118] 001; 002} - | - | -007]|-011|-001; - }-021) - |-007| - | -007{ -007 | 020) -073 | -100 | -238 | 275 | -253] 1-383 | 22 | 174 |[-150]| +140 |[-050]|(-020}] -016 | 010-058; - | —- | - | -} - | - | -}-+-]|- 1] -1- | =] = |-040|-089) oO-a5ume 23 | -091 | -062 | 070 | -067 | -092'| -099 | -057 | -058 | 024 | -039 | -010| 013} -018 | -008 | 007 | -010| -o02| 001} - | - | - | - | - | = | 0-798 hy) eee — .| 002) 007.) =" }-001) 001 |-006-4-004). — | - | - | —-} — | =} 24) 2 | Sel) Se 2 | - | - |-002/-002]-001) - | - |-oo1| — | -009} -001 | -001 | -018 | -016 | -017 | -050 | -008 | -007 | -004 | «008 | -014/ -033 | 013 | -042] 0-250 | 26 |-048 | -053 ‘210 | “177 | 231 | 116 | -044| 012] 002] - | - | - | - | -010] -022/-020]-004|-001;| - | - | - | - | - |-004] 0-954 27 | -002| - | +009 | -020| -009 | -018 | -004 | -005 | -031 | -021 | -004| -001} 002} - |-001} - |-o02/ - | - | - | - | - | -o12|-015] 0-156 28 | -043 | -026 | -008 | -010 | 059 | -018 | -046 | -075 | 093 | -043 | -159 | -371 | -376 | -323 | -083 | -050 | -093 | -099 | -111 | 092 | -167 | «100 [100] 100 | 2-645 | | 29 [-100}-050)[-030){-020}} -020) -020) {-020][-020]{-020][-020}{ 020] 020] -020]{ -020}[-020]f-10]{-010}{-010]{-010}-010) - | - | - | - | O-470) | 30 |[-010}f-020}{-020)[-o20}|{-020}[-010) - | - | - | - | - -|-{- |=) - 7s 24 25 20) 23 Se A Ee RE a ee O10] 003 | -002| -008|-oo1] - |-o04) - | - | - | - | - |-= | 2 | 2 |-008|-001] = | = | orpogmm Sua [0709 0658 (0-774 (0°849 |0°878 |0-718 0-619 0-659 |0°653 |0515 |0°603 0-814 |0-877 (0-752 |0°367 [0-412 0-438 \0-365 (0-392 |0-351 |0°394 (0-543 (0°72 |0°814] 14-926 ee eee eee SE FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 147 RAINFALL. INCHES FOR HouUR ENDING— NOVEMBER 1894. mee) 3 | 4) 5/6) 7 | 8 | 9 | to) aa | a2] a8 | 14 | 16 | 16 | 17 | 18-) 19 | 20 | at | 22 | 28 |, Amount, | Me Ciaroos i= | — | — | - |= | = |= |e f= fe - |] = Ne ee te Ghee pose eerie Eh, a leo en se cos)-147 | 060)! — | =o) =) ae = oon = | 018) = = = | 2 fee! 2 eS pee). | 0-030 eee = | a) SS eS ony | 033) 010) - | — | = | = |.-~. | 067 | -078 | 049) -060)| -006 |! 0:313 4 | — | — | +057] -055 | -145 | -063 | -004/ 013] - | 018] - |-007] 016} -004 | -003) - | -010| -020| -010 | -020 | -017| -046 | -064| -013] 0-585 5 | -030| -060 | -097 | -033 | -040 | -087 | :033 | 030-060; -110| - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |-007|-018] -010| -065| -060] 0-740 Sea 018 1040) -085:| -082| 056 |-077| - | =~ | -.|-007| - | - | - | - | - | - | = | - |] - Sle) 2 ay, 7 | — | -023 | -047 | -023 | -100 | -055 | -065 | -117 | -083 | -140 | -050 | -055 | -072 | +143 | -197 | -040 | -093 | -050| 040] - | - | 020] - 1°413 8) 007) — | -030/ +103] -070| -027| 070) - | - | — | 023] -054] -123| -025/-098/ - | - |-007| - | 003] - | - |-o12| - | 0-652 memo ie | = | -/| - | - | - | = | = | 017) -083]-077|'-078| - | - |-o28| - | - | — | -047/ -013| -057| 010] 0-465 10 | -025 | -085 | -025 | -065 | -020 | -010 | -030| 020] 007) 003) - | - | -030| -035 | -028) -u22}-058| - | - | -034| - |-013| — | -007] 0:517 Ti | - |-013| - | -017| 033] -017 | -003| 015} - | - | - | -005] -005| -027|-013) -o07|-003| 050; - | - | - | - | - |-007] 0-215 eee I-05) /:-030)| 035 | -030 | -035 | 030 | 007 | 018 | 008) — | - | = | - {| - | - | - | = |-= | = | - | ~"| = | --] oom Dee = oH Se ee | - | — FY = | -060)) 170 | 805) -150)| -052')'<073 | 0104, 0-820 14 | — | -_| +153} -027 | -020 | -080 | -020| 037) - | -096| +015] - | -092] -048 | -068 | -097 | -090 | -033 | -007 | -010 | -070 | -070 | -200| 123] 1-356 G5) -120| -157|-033| - | - | - | - | - | -007| 023] -010| -090] -033 | -087 | -075| - | -010|-032|-008} - | - | - | — | 012] 0-697 16 |-010/-006) - | - Se | |e ee nb 2 \))010 | “080: alten a teanlt ele |) Boel eae eeoctOG 7 | - | - | - | - | -010! -010] -015 | -025 | -083 | 102 | -070 | -067 | -123 | -045 | -035 | -060 | -017 | 043 | -005 | -005 | -013 | -050 | -017! -o10} 0-805 eerste |) | -005| — | - | - | = | =) = | - | — | —- | -020/-087/ 078) -020) - | - | - | - | = | = | o-t95 19) - | >| - | - | - | - | --| - | - | = | 003} -007 | -003 | -084 | -060 | -016 | -042 | -025 | -050 | -010 | 047 | -070| 003) - | 0-420 ee 9 015 | -025 | 075-065 173), = | = | - | - | - | = | - | = | =) | -007|-ore) — | = | = | o-sze 21 |-037| - |-010| - | -015| - | -028) -003|-004} - | -020|-007] - | -006| -047 | -053 | -037 | -080 | -037 | -033 | -020 | -067 | -053 | -083} 0-640 ee 001-008) 017) 005). = | = | =) =8) =" -018)-020| 047; — | = | = | 8) =') = | = |= ] = ff one meee | - | = | - ey ie 1) 1) 0,” || ee eae VR rs 1 eR ee ee | coe eee | | - | - | - | - =) 0] SG |e ee ENS Re i ie - 1 0-005 5 = = = = a = S = 2: xe e = a = = = 2 = 2 = = 2 = es 26 =| 2) oe = | = aie SP || el an aa ee ee ae 2 eee tS | = | | |] = | | CK =.) 21 ae - | = | -003|-017| -013] 004) - | 0-037 2s | - | -003| 007} - | - | — | -003] -005 | -042 | 008 | -007 | -023] -015 | 012} - | -003| -003| - SF Ss en 007) ean I Os58 Seo) )-028 ||-027 | -010| -015| 008; - | - |-004| - | - | -}| -| -| -| -]| - | - Sa Se ee asa, /30}- | -| - = a | =) =|) 24) 2 ae = | = s Se : | sum, 0-404 [0-545 [0-566 [0-406 0-685 0°540 0-408 0347 (0368 0676 [0-230 [0-422 |0-635 (0-637 |0-701 [0-415 0-464 0-420 |0°327 |0-504 0-493 |0:466 [0-615 |0-341 | 11-615 RAINFALL. DECEMBER 1894. 1 is = = 3 = = = = = = = = ~ }o- — = = = = = = = = = = 2 — = x = = = = = = = = = = = => = = = = = = = = = = 3 = = = = = = 2 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = es = = = 4 z, = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 2 = = = = = = me | - ey ee a) oy | eel een AOC Sm =| = || > i eI Se I cee eae i aes 0-008 eee |) 004) = |. — |-003)/ = | aie | -)| = | - | =| = loo) = | — | = | -0g5.| “ogo 0-082 eee = | =) | =) | = | =. | -010) +053) = 007) 023 | -017 | -015| - | -035|-003/ = || — | - | = | -087|-015|- 0-220 Pec meat |) =. =) See Se) } se | Ke] Se ae oda mie eee = | i Se ee | - | Ht eS ee = LS Wodoi tai), 0-180 Me0s5| — | -005| 010/025) - | - | - | - | — | 070) -237} -116 | -064 | -020 | 043 -003| 003) - | - | - | - | - | = | 0-631 ie i i! | = | 051-078) =e 1045 | 050) 020) - | - | = | = | = | = | = = | = ft ogo eee i |) — || — | — |-- | = | = | = | =018'))-042 | -050 | -025 | 080 | -020|-005' - | -'| - |-003| = |-012]) 0-950 13 | — | -010| -190| -140| -210 | -255 | -190 | -085 | -072 | -076 | -043 | -027 | -003 | -004 | -110 | 096 | -027 | -003 | 047 | 013 017] -010| - | - | 1-628 eames) | —) |-0201 042) 003 ei} — | -| - | — |.- | - | =} = = | = | = joss} 0-150 15 | -015 | -040 | -020 | -054 | -036 | -037 | -060 | -053 | -120 | 027 | 045 | 010] 010) - |-007/-005; - | - | - |-006} - | - | - | -012] 0-557 ne ee eg O04) | i |} 003 euler =) | =} | = | -2| = | = Weer Se pS ley 0-022 mz) — | — | — | -020! -020) -087 | 003) -040| 057/010! - | - | - | - | - | - |-027) - | -030| -003! -010| -140| -040! 110] 0:597 8 | +040) 083) -004/ - | — |-033) - | -010| -030/-010/ - | - }-007|/-008| - | 035] - | - |-005|-008|-007|-015| - | -015] 0-310 mig |003 | -034|-010| - | - | -053| -027| -013| -020/ -010| -007| - | -003/-005) - |-003| - | - |.- |-007| - | - | - | — } o-195 SSS = HK = 0071) 20235) O60) 0-090) 2 | +150) 120 -100|-057/ - |-- | - |-006]-004|-003| - | - J - | - |-o10] - | —- | -010} -048| -137| -120] -115] +135) 103] 1-113 522 | 014) -076 | -007 | -110 | -010 | -047 | -003 | -010 | 030 | -033| 013) 007] - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | -010/ -040f 0-410 23 | -043| 014-016 | -007 | 035 | -030| 010 | 005} - |-007| - | - ]-017]-016|-030] - SS SS) Sh SS) O20 | 24 | eee es | | | = co ie a 003)| = | - | ~ |= |= | = Se = |=) 2 ons 25 | ee 005 | -003/| — | 2) = |F008)) 25) = I-07) -007| — | 009) — | = | = |/-o20/)014) — | -006|)-084) o-mT 26 | -060| -068 -127| -080| -048|-012|-013; - | - | - | - | - See |=. Se ae Sees i008) | Sean IO-406 ie = (007) = | - | -:|-008)-010) = | = | =f =| -)} =| - | -|-]/-)/ =) =] - =| =] ong | 28 |-013|-003 - | — | -011| -036 | -054| -038 | -045 | -123 | -080 | -053 | -114 | -073 | -035 | -065 | -020 | -033 | -034 | -016 | 017 | -017 | -008 | 005] 0-893 | 29 | -050| 010 -025 | -020 | -005 | -003 | -014| -016 | -014 | 010 |[-015)[-015] - | - | - A cab nce 0:309 q [-015][-015) [-008]] - ty a = SS s = = Es = = = - - - = = - |[°010][-010][-010]] 0-068 SM = | eae eee) - | | |) eS | eas | eevee = Som, 0-466 0-468 0-549 0°505 |0-405 [0-614 |0"374 |0-299 |0'513 [0-447 0-273 [0-369 0-390 [0-297 (0-272 [0-343 (0"135 [0-087 (0-176 |0°220 0195 |0'332 [0-362 0-686} 8-777 148 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. SUNSHINE. Hours—ror Hour, Loca Mran TIME, ENDING— JANUARY 1894. | 4 Silo 7 8 9 10 | 11 | 12 | 18 | 14 |] 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | Total. |Possible. | | 1 = = a = as = = = = = es E = = ke = = = - 6°80 1 2 5 a = = = = = a = a 38) — = = = is = = 0°38 6°83 2 | 3 Bs rs os & es = oe £ = = = = S = & = = = - 6°86 3 4 = S = BS ES = £ : = ee a et: Ee bs zs fg = = - 6:89 4 5 s = ee = = = = 10) ol; - a a = = & = = O11 6°92 5 6 = = = = cs = = x 2 2 z i= S = = = = 0°18 6:95 6 7 = = be = ee = of = = : 2 = = = = = = = - 6°99 i | 8 - . es zs s = = es a us = zs “ = = 2s = = - 7:03 8 9 = z a 2 S = tty e Es s s a5 Ss = = a = = = 7:07 9 10 - z a is = = s = = a & Ae = a! = iz = = - 711 10 haa = = = = as = ss s = = = = = 3s 2 a as = - 7:15 11 12 = = = = = = = = = & = = Bs x Z = = = - 7°20 12 13 a = = ie = 2 = = = s a = S = = a = = - 7°25 13 14 = x = = = = = 2 & Zs = = = = = = = = - 7°30 14 15 = Ss = = = = aa a = = Bs z = = = Ss = = - 7°35 15 16 = Z = a as = 2 ez ss = = = = = = 2 = = - 7°41 16 17 = = = = a = = = = = - = = = = = = = - 7°46 17 18 is = = = = = 2 # z = = Z _ = = = = = - 752 18 19 = = = & be = Z = = = 2 = oa Ss oe = = = - 7°57 19 20 . = " = a 2 SS 2 a = = = = = 2 = = = - 7°63 20 21 = = < = = = = Z < = & s = S = = = = - 7°69 21 22 B a e 2 a = = = iE = = = = = a = ES = - 775 22 23 = es I a Saltese | = *60]/ 1:00); “69) “18; = | = | = | = = 2°47 7824 23 24 S = mi = = = = = = = = = a a = es = = - 7°88 24 8 = = = 2 & 2 =n = = = = = = = = = = = - 7°94 25 26 = = = = a = te = e. = 2 S = = = = = = - 8-01 26 97 = = = = = = a £ 4 = = = = = = = = - - 8:07 27 98 = = = = x 2 = = = = = = = a = = = = - 8:14 28 29 = = = = = = = = = = = at = = & = = = - 8:21 29 30 is es = 2 = = 2 = = = = e zs = = = = = - 8:28 30 31 = = = = = = = = a = = = = = = = = = - 8°35 31 Sum - - - - - - — | 0:10, 0°61f 1:00} 1:07 0-31} - - - - - - 3:09 | 231°43 | Sum. SUNSHINE. FEBRUARY 1894. 1 = = = & = = = = = = s = 2 = = = = - - 8-42 1 2 = = S = zs = ‘Ss es ie = = = = = = = = - - 8-49 2 3 - - - - - - - - - - - = - = - = - - - 8°56 3 4 =. = x = = = = S Ee: = = = = = = = - - 8°63 4 5 S = £ s a 2 = = = = = s = = = = - - - 8°70 5 6 = z 4 = = = = = = = s = = = = = = = - 8:78 6 ff = = - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - 8°85 i 8 & = a 2 2 = = 3 = = e = = = = = = = - 8:92 8 9 - - - - - - - - - - = - - - - - - - - 9-00 9 10 = es = = a _ = = = = ze = & = = = = - 9:08 10 1ht as = = = Ss = 2 Es = = = = - - 9°16 11 1 i = = eo 2 = = = a = = a = = = = = = - - 9°23 12 13 = = = 2 = = = = = = a = = = = = - - - 9°31 13 TE We PS th -23} 1:00] 1-00/ 1-00} 1:00] 1-00} 1-00) 1:00) -77) - | - | - | - | - 800} 939} 14 15 = ao = = fs Bs = = = = = = = ee = = = - - 9°47 15 16 ss & = = Bs = = + S = = = = = = = - - - 9°55 16 17 e = = = = = = = = = - = a = = = = - - 9-63 17 18 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - - 9°70 18 19 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - - - 9°78 19 20 - - - - - - 13) - 40} 10) - - - - - - - - 0°68 9°86 20 21 = S = = = = e Ls = = = = = = = = = - = 9°94 21 22 - - - - - ~ - - 15} - 30) 09) 07 - = - - 0-61 4 10:02 22 | 93 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - - 10°10 23 | 24 = é S = = = 3, eee = = = = = = 2 = = - - 10°18 24 25 a = = = = = =e = = a = = = - - 10:26 25 26 ell 3 = = = = = = = = = = = - 10°34 26 27 | = = = 2 2 = s = = = = - ~ - - 10°42 27 28 2 2 = e = = = 2 = = = = - - - 10°50 28 | Som. | - - - | — | 0°23) 1:00) 1:13} 1:00) 1:55} 1:10} 1°30} 1°09) 0°84] - - - - - 9:24 | 264:27 | Sum. SUNSHINE. FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. Hours—ror Hour, LocaL Miran TIME, ENDING— 149 JANUARY 1894. bo si | | 1 _ = ~ | Reece a7 BP | Os) KO 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | Total. }Possible. il Ly = * a 2 rs = = w Z Bs = 1°70 3°80 1 2 = oe Ls = = = = = = = = a = 2:18 3:90 2 3 ¥ 2 = = = A Ee = = = = = = 1°84 4:10 3 4 a as = = = s i = s zB = = = 0:08 4:18 4 5 = = = » = = = 2 = = = 2 = 0-11 4:25 5 6 = = = 5 = = = = = = = 2 = = 4:35 6 7 = = = = ~ ss = = = = = = - - 4°45 7 8 = a3 a = = e a = = = = = = 3°88 4°55 8 9 “ = = S = a ee = 2 = = = = 0:06 4°65 9 10 = s o = = a . = = = = = = 0:07 4°75 10 11 = = = = = Ss = = Es = = = - - 4°80 i 12 pe s = pe = 2 m= = = = = = = 0:03 4:90 12 13 = = = = = = & = = = = = = 0:20 5:00 13 14 = = = = = = = = = = = = - - 5°05 14 15 a = z = = a = = = = = - 5°10 15 16 2 = E = = 2 23 = = & 2 = ~ = 5°15 16 17 = = = = = = = = = co 2 = = 5:20 17 eee ee | 2 Pe ol ell ay eee ee 030) 5:23} 18 19 = = = a = ae * = = = 2 = - - 5:26 19 20 = = = = = = = = = = = = - 0°56 5°30 20 21 = ss = = = Z = = = = = = = 0:08 5°33 21 92 Es a = = = a 2 = = = = = - 5°36 22 58 | 20) 2g ee ees eer (eee (ee eS See |e | 316] 5:40} 23 94 a = = Ss = = = = 2 = = = = - 5°45 24 25 = 2 = = 2 = = = = = = - 0°21 5°50 25 26 = 2 = = = Z = = = = = = - = 5°55 26 7 ns = = = = = = = = = = = 0°16 5°60 27 28 = = a = = = = = = = = = - 1:02 5°65 28 99 = 2 = = = =) = ~ = = = = - - 5°75 29 30 = = = = = = = = = = = = - 0:04 5°80 30 31 = = = = = = = = = = = ~ - - 5:90 31 Sum. | - - - - - - - - - - 15°68 | 155:26 | Sum. SUNSHINE. FEBRUARY 1894. eee am a ee. eee ee = Nee leer ee = 6:00 1 eee ee fe | Lh ey ae |) ge ae ee ae || = 6-20 2 3 - - - - - - = - 30] 34) 60) - - - - - - - 1°24 6°25 3 4 =. ses Ih ciel) Se aes RI PRN || ae a i | eS, | = 6°35 4 5 - - - = - - - 20} :03) :22) +70) °20/ :O1) - - - - - 1°36 6°40 5 6 - - - - - - - = - = ~ = = = = - - - - 6°45 6 Peewee Se ae See | ek | 6°50 if nen eee eke he ci el Seeger Bek | mf Se 0:05} 6-60 8 ee | = | aeeoiieorl os) - | = | = | = = ys 0:05] 6°65 9 eee = | = | =| = 1 - Os | oS eee ea PS ree eee |e || 0:03} 6:75] 10 11 2: = = = é ie ~ ES = = = = = = = - - - 6:80 1l eee ee ose =) | el] Bd) = See =| =) Sh eee 1:08 6:90 | 12 Pm = is | = lcs fs ie yl} UGG) || = = |< *12} 1-00] 1:00] 1:00] -76] -12) -39) 50) - | - | - | - | - 4°89 7:30 | 26 Pie | =| = | = = ‘05| 34) 1:00) 1:00] 1-00] 1:00) -61; -22) - | - | - | - | - 5:22 7:20] 27 98 = ss a = = = = = = = = - - - - = = 7°10 28 29 = = = = = E = = = = os = = = - ~ = = = 7:00 29 BOM es ee f= |= 71) 1:CO| 1:00] 1:00] 1:00) -93] -37| - ER a) yf 6:01 6:90 | 30 31 o = = = = = = = = = = = = = - - = = = 6°80 31 Sum. | - - | = | - | 0:20) 7:75 13°38] 14:99 13°79] 11:60] 10:02 ee 8°57| 1:67, - | - | - = 90°80 | 253-70 | Sum. 158 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. SUNSHINE. Hours—ror Hour, LocaL MEAN TIME, ENDING— NOVEMBER 1894. 4 5 6 7 8 9 | 10 |] 11 | 12 | 18 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | Total. Possible. 1 - _ - - = = - = - - - - - - = - = = - 9°05 1 2 - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8:97 2 3 - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8:90 3 a = = = = = - = = - - - - - - - - - - - 8°83 4 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8°76 5 6 = = a z S = = = = = = = = - - - - - - 8°69 6 7 = = = = a = = = = = = = = = - - - - - 8°62 7 8 = a ee eS = = = = = = = = - - - - - - - 8°55 8 9 = = 3 = = L = = = = = ~ = - - - - - - 8-48 9 10 = = = = = = = = = = = = = - - - - - - 8:41 10 ll = = = = = = = = = = = = - - - - - - = 8°34 11 12 = = = ae = = = = = = = = = = ~ - - - - 8-27 12 13 Nie ee ae | = 10} -88} 1:00) -50) - | - | - no ee || alle ih 2°48 8:20} 13 14 x = 4 x = Se = s = = = = = - - - - - 8:13 14 15 = = = = = = = = = = = - - - - - - 8-06 15 16 = = = = = 2 = = = = = = = - - - - - - 7:99 16 17 = = = E 2 = = = 3 = = = = - - - - - - 7:92 17 18 = a = = = = ms = = = = = = - - - - - - 7°86 18 19 a Ls = = -_ = = = = = = = = _ - - - - - 7:80 19 20 = us = x = a = = = = = = = ~ - - - - - 7°74 20 1 2 = ES = 2 m a = = = = = = - - - - - - 7°68 21 22 = = = = = = = = ze = = = = - = - - - - 7°62 22 23 = a 2 = = = = = = = = = = = = - - - - 7°56 23 24 = = zs = = = 2 = = = = = = - - - - - - 750 24 25 = = = = = is = = = = = = - - - - - - 7°45 25 26 - - - - - 58) 1:00) 1:00) 1-00} 1:00) 84) 84} 22) — - - = = 6°48 7°40 26 Q7 = = = = = 40/52) 05] - = = = - - - - - - 0:97 7°35 27 28 = = = = = = = = = = = = - - - - - - - 7:30 28 29 - - ~ - - - - - - - 10} - = - - - - - 0710 7°24 29 30 - - - - - - = *72) 1-00f 1:00) 1:00) 1:00; 14 - - - ~ - 4°86 GUD 30 Sum - - - - — | 1:08) 2:40) 2°77) 2-501 2-00; 1:94) 1°84) 0°36) - - - - - 14:89 | 241°86 | Sum SUNSHINE. DECEMBER 1894. 1 Sle Se - | - ‘74, 84) +58) 34) -14) - = |= = -|- = 2°64 7s 1 2|-- | - | = | = | — | £0] 96) 4-00) 1-00) 1-00] 1-00] 1-00) - | - | =] =.) - |,- 6:06] 7097 2 3 = = = = - "22; 1:00) 1-00} 1:00} 1-00) 1:00 1-00} -20) - - - - - 6°42 7:04 3 4 - - - - - 24, 1:00) 1:00) 1:00) 1:00) 1:00, 1:00; 22) - - - - - 6°46 6°99 4 5 - - - - - = = - = =| = = = - - - - - - 6°94 5 6 - - - - = - - - - - - - - - - 6:90 6 7 - = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6°87 7 8 - - - - - - 80} - O6] °35) +12) °50) - - - - - = 1:83 6°85 8 9 = = ES = = = = Ss = = = = = = = = - - - 6°83 9 10 = = ial mS = = ES S = = |e = = = = = os - 6°81 10 11 = = = = = = e = = 5 = = = = - - - - - 6°79 11 12 = = 2 2 = z = = = = = = = = - - - - - 6-77 12 13 = = S = = a2 = = = = = = = = _ = - - - 6°75 13 14 e = = = 3 = = = = = = = = = - - - - 6°73 14 15 = = = = Bs = = = = = = = = = = - - - - 6°71 15 16 ~ - - - - - - - - 22) - - - - - - - ~ 0:22 6°69 16 17 = & = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - - - 6°68 17 18 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - - - - 6°67 1 19 = = Ss = = ie = = = = = = = = = - ~ - - 6°66 19 20 - - - - - - - *20 1:00} 1:00, -°88) -96) —- - - - - - 4:04 6°65 20 21 = = = a = = = = = = = = = = = - - - - 6°65 21 a te | ae ey ee | a oe BA ea ee 2) ik - “| 665] 22 23 = = = ~ = = = = = = = = - = - - - - - 6°66 23 Mm \oa =) = | B=) S. ) S e r fs Sarl eM ee ee eps O15] 666] 24 25 = = & i = = = = = = = = = = - - - - - 6°67 25 26 = = = = és = = = = = = = = = = - - - - 6°68 26 A id ee ee em ree ea Si Pee Se i ee I Rr |S = 669] 27 28 x = = a: = = = = = = = = = = = = - - - 6°71 28 99 = = = = 25 = = = = ~ = = = = = - - - - 6°73 29 30 x = = 2 = = = = = se a = = = = = = - - 6°75 30 31 ss ns = = = = = = = = = = = - - - - - 6°77 31 Sum - - - — | 0°56) 4:50) 4:04 4°64] 4:91) 4:29) 4:46) 0-42 - - - - 27°82 | 210718 | Sum } FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 159 SUNSHINE. Hours—ror Hour, Loca, MEAN TIME, ENDING— NOVEMBER 1894. | | 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1055 16 17 18 19 20 21 } Total. |Possible. il - - - - - ~ 02, - - - = 130 = = = = = 0°15 6°75 1 5) y = 4 a 2 S = = s = a 08 = = = = = 0:08 6°65 2 ee ee ek ee Se. |. aol ost = | oy S fe Ss 0-43 | 6-60 3 4 - - - - - - - 20! -03 15" = = = = a = = 0°38 6°50 4 ees a Oe ol |e fae eh ae eh 2 6°45 5 emer | = | 2 fs el eee 05) 22] - | - ae | Se een ee 0:27 | 6-40 6 MR ao RC a een ene eee | | | ae Ee 2 . 6°35 7 Pee sh ee eieee ov | - | = 1 - seal eo Ws = E 6-25 8 ees fa ee 08) +11 Es eM bee es o19| 620] 9 10 - - - - - - - 36, 20) 16 34 Mey = = - = - - 1-19 6°00 10 eee es |S) = a so ||) Boe REAM AR Ue Ae ae dae O11] 5:90] ee Se ef ee Bee ee fe 2 Sh s 580) 12 13 - - - - - - 40, :97| :40] — 16) — = = = = = =- 1°93 5°75 13 eee 2) ee alee S| nn) =| lee PS eee 0-45] 5:65{ 14 15 - - - - - - - - | - 18} - - = = 2 = = - 0:18 560 15 ees ee he See lee | Sb | - te le Se a 555 | 16 Se be co RR Ra eee eS) i a (eK ana | Pe - 550| 17 en ees eee a i i He [ele a lo a Se Soar 545 | 8 Seem Sejm [| Le Sol) fs eh a at RS Cl foie |) 2 = 5401 19 20 - - - - - - - - 12) 69) 56) — = = = = - 1:37 5°36 20 21 = - - - - - - - - - = = = = - - 5°33 21 mets 8 ee eee a he) eh le eS z 530 | 22 Pe ee | Ll ee i ee | Ll eee s 5:26] 23 24 - - = = - - - *58 1:00] 1:00) 1:00 82 | - = - - - 4°40 5:23 24 25 = - s es = = = = | = = = = = = = = = - - 5:20 25 26 - - - - - - - = | > 46) -O7| - - - - - - - 0°53 515 26 eee | | lee = | |= | | ee = 510] 27 meee eee 2 S|) See ie | eho | | Pe eee 2 5:05 | 28 929 2 me = = = = - 10)" “66) “11 °75| — = = = = = - 1°62 5:00 29 eee ee ee | ee eee a Pf ee = 4-90 | 30 Sum | - = - ~ - 0°42) 2:77, 2°46] 2°23) 3°23) 2-20) 0-14) - = ~ - 13°45 | 171°63 | Sum. SUNSHINE. DECEMBER 1894, 1 = = = = = = = = = = = = = - - - - - - 4°80 ul 9 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - - 4°75 2 3 - - - = - - - - 1-00} 1:00) 1:00} +50) - - - - - - 3°50 4°65 3 4 = = = - - - - - - *95) 1:00} 55) —- - - - - - 2°50 4°55 4 5 - - = - - - - - - - = = - - - - - - - 4:45 5 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = - - 4:35 6 7 - - - - - - - - - - - = - - ~ - - - - 4:25 7 8 - - - - - - - 22} 67] 58} ‘87; 04) —- - - - - - 2°38 4-18 8g 9 - - - - - - - = - - = = = - - - - - - 4:10 9 10 a id = a 2 = = = = rs = = = = = - - - 3°90 10 VW ae ‘a 3 = = = = = = = es = = - - - 3°80 11 12 Re s x = = = = = 2 ae = = = = = = - - - 3°75 12 13 = os = = = = = = = - - - - - - - - - 3°72 13 14 = = = = = = = = 02} =:93{ 19) 10) —- - - = = = 1-24 371 14 15 Bs ES = = = = es 0: 08} +42) - = = = = - - 0°52 3°70 15 16 ey = £ = = = = = = 15) — = = = = - - - 0°15 3°68 16 07 = = = = z = = = = = = = = = = = - - - 3°67 17 18 Ss = a = = = = = = = = = oo = = - - - - 3°66 18 19 = = = z = = = = = = = = = = = - - - - 3°66 19 20 s = & a = = = 03} 1:00] -64| — (= = = = = - - 1°67 3°65 20 21 » s & i = = = = = = a = = = = - - - - 3°65 21 929 = = = = = = = = - = = = = - - - - - - 3°65 22 93 = = = = = = - = = = = = = - - - - - - 3°65 23 94 Bt = Ss = = = = = = = 2 = = = = = - - - 3°66 24 25 J = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - - - - 3°66 25 26 = = = = = = = = 20) 03) - = = = = - - - 0:23 3°67 26 27 = 2S = = = = = = +46 = = = = = - - - 0:46 3°68 27 28 = = 2 = = = = = = = = = = - - - ~ - - 3°70 28 29 Fo = = y = = = = = 18) —- = = = = - - - 0-18 3°71 29 30 i Ci Sy 5 ay “i ~ 03! -o1; — fe i a x = = - - 0-04 3°72 30 31 - - - - - - - 15) +70] =*91) 1:00; °45) - - - = = G2 321 3°75 31 Sum. | - - - - - - — | 0°48) 4°08} 5:45) 4°48) 1°64) —- - = = = = 16-08 | 121-48 | Sum. 160 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. WIND. DIRECTION AND Force (0 to 12). ; JANUARY 1894. af 2 3 4 D 6 ia pe 8 9 10 : 11 12. Max, Dir'n. Force.) Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.) Dir'n. Force.|Din’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n, Force. | Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force. ee LN 2-3|N 2-4) N 1-2 | NE 1-2|N 2-3 | N 1-3|N 1-3 | NE 0-1| NE 1-3|N 1-3|} NE 12|N 1-3] 4 es | 0-1| NE 1-2|N 0-2|N 1| NE 1-2|}SE 2-3 | ESE 2-3|ENE 1-2] ESE 2/)E 3| ESE 4| ESE 3-4 7 3 | ESE 5-8/ESE 5-7|/SE 4-5|/ESE 6-7] BSE 4|SE 3-4|/ ESE 3-4|ESEH 3-4/HSE 5-6) ESE 5-6} ESE 5-6] ESE 4 8 4 |ESE 4-5|/ESE 4-5) ESE 4-5|ESE 45/E 4-5/5 6| ESE 6 | ESE 5 | ESE 5| E 4-5/E 5-6 | E 5-6 9 5 |E 5-6 | E 5|E 5-7| ESE 6-7|ESE 6-7|E 6-7 | E 7|H 7-8 | E 6-8 | E 5-7| ESE 5-8|ESE 5-8 9 6 |E 4-5/E 4-4| EB 3-4 | E 3-4 | E 5) E 5|ESE 5-6] ESE 5| ESE 5|SH 4|SE 4|SE 4 th 7 |SE 4-5 | SE 4-5 | SE 4-5 | SE 4-5| SE 4-5 | SE 5|SE 5|SE 6/SE 5| SE 5|SE 6|SE 6 6 8 1S 3| SSE 4/SSE 3-4/SSE 4/SSE 3)SE 3-4 | SSE 3|SE 3-4) SE 7|SE 7|SE 7|SE 7) 10 9 | ESE 9|SE 5-6 | ESE 5|ESE 3-4| ESE 3|SE 3-4 | SE 3/SE 3-4 | SSE 3| SSE 3/| SSE 3)8 3-4 9 10 |SE 10|}SE 10-11|SE 11|SE 10-11/SE 11) SE 11/SE 10 | SE 9-10 | SSE 8-9/5 5-7|SSW 4-7|)SSW 6) tt ll |SE 7-8|S 47|SSW 3-6/SSW 2-4/SW 2|SSW 2-3; SSE 3|SE 3| SE 4-5 | SE 6/SSE 6-7/SSE 5-6 9 12 |SE 10| SE 9-10 | SE 7-9 | SE 8-9 | SE 8-9|SSE 8-9|SE 9/SSE 6-7|S 4-6/5 4-6 | SW 4-7 | SW 5-7| 10 18 |SE 11/SE 11-12|/SE_ 11-12/SSE 10-12/58 5-9 | SE 7-10|SSE 7-10/S8 5-9 |S 6-10 |S 5-8 |S 6-8 | SW 7-8| 12 14 | SSW 2|)SSW 2-3 | SW 2|SW 2|SW 2| SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW. 0-1) SW 0-1 | SW 0-1 | SW 0-1 3 15 |SW 0-1|}SSW .1-2|SW 1-2/8 2|}SSW 2-3/SSW 2-3|SW 1-2 | SW 2) SSW 2|SW 3/SSW 23/8 3 8 16 | WSW 3-4)}SW 3-4 | SW 3-4) SSW 3-5|SW 3-5|SSW 3-6|SW 3-5} WSW 2-5 | W 2-5| WSW 2-4) WSW 2-4] WSW 1-3 6 17 |S 4|SSE 3| SSE 3-4 | SSE 4|SSE 4|}SSW 2-3/8 3-4/5 3)SW 3-4 | SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 1-2 4 18 | NNE 1|/N 1/N 1|/N 0-1| N 0-1| N 1|N 1-2 | Var. 0-1|N 0-1) N 1| Calm O|N 2-3 4 19 | Calm O|N 0-1 | NW 1-2] W 2-3} WSW 2-3 | NW 2-3 3-4 | SW 3|SW 4|SSW 3-4) SSW 4\/SSW 3-5 8 20 |SSW 5-7/8 4-7\5 5-7|/SSW 45/SSW 46/SW 2-4) NNW 2-4; WNW 2-3! NW 2-31 N 1-2) N 12|N 1-2 7 21 v 1-3/N 2-4|NW 1-2}|NW 1-2|}NW 1-2};NW 1-3/NW 2-4|NW 2-4) NNW 2-4(NW 2-4) WNW 2-3] W 2-4 5 92 |WSW 2-4) WNW 2-4|;NW_~ 1-3] W 2-4] WNW 2-4]/NW 3-5|/NW 2-4|/NW 1-3} WNW 2-4) NW 2-4) WNW 3-4] WSW 3-4 5 23 | NE 2-4| NE 1-3|ENE 1-3 2-4 | NE 2-4 1-3|N 2-4| NE 1-3; NE 1-3] E 1-3|ENE 1-5/ Var 1-2 4 24 |SSW 3-4/SW 3|WSW 3-4] WSW 2-4] W 2-4 | WSW 4/SSW 3-5| W 2-41 WNW 2-4 | NW 2-4) NNW 2-4] W 2-4 5 25 ah Ni 2-4) N 1-3 | W 1-4 | NW 2-4 | W 1-3 | NW 1-3); NNW 1-3} NW 2-3 | NW 2-3 | NW 2-3 | NW 2-3 | NW 2-3 t 26 | NW il] 2 0-1)/NNW 1-2/N 0-2| N 0-2; N 2| NW 2|N 1-2;|NW 1-2|/N 1-2 | NW 1|N 2-3 5 ie BENG 2-5| W 3-6 | N 3-7 | NW 2-8|N 3-8 | NW 3-6 | NW 3-5 | NW 2-5| WNW 2-4|N 2-4 | NW 2-4 | NW 3-4 8 28 1N 0-2|NNW 2-3| WNW 2-4) NW 2-3 | NW 1-3 | NW 2-4 | NW 2-4 | NW 2-5| WSW_ 2-3] Var 0-2 | SE 2|)E 2-3 5 29 |N 1-2|N 12|);N - 0-2)N 1| NE 12 12/NW 1-2) NNW 1; WNW 1-2| W 2-3 | W 2-3|58 3 9 F 30 | SW 3-6 | W 2-6|NW 3-5|NW 2-5|NW 2-4|NW 24|NW 2-4) WNW 2-4|NW 2-5] W 2-4|.NNW 2-4|NW 1-4 6 a STR NIV 1-3 | W 1-3|NNW 1-3]N 1-4 | NW 1-3 | NW 2-4| WNW 1-3} NW 1-2 | NW 0-1 | NW 2-3| NNW 2-3) W 1 4 oz MEAN 4°00 3°90 3°74 3°77 3°58 a79 3°81 3°40 3°55 3°40 3°52 3°56 ( | ; | i 4 ; a 13 14 15 16 ite 18 19 20 21 22 23 Midnight. |Mean. | ra | : Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.! Dir'n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n, Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.) Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n, Force |Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n Force.|Dir’n. Force. | Force, 1 |N 1-3|NNE 0-1|N 0-1) NE 1-2|)N 2-3| N 1-3 | N 1-2 | NE 0-1) N 1-2|N 0-1) N 1-2|N 1-2| 1°6 2 | ESE 3|/ESE 3-4| ESE 5| ESE 5 | ESE 5| SE 6 | SE 5-6| ESE 5-5} ESE 5|ESE 5-6) ESE 5-6|/ESE 6-7| 36 3 | SE 4-5 | ESE 5| ESE 6| ESE 6 | ESE 6| ESE 6| ESE 5-6/ ESE 5|)ESE 5-6/E 4-5 | ESE 4/ESE 46) 51 4 |E 3-5 | ESE 6| ESE 45|ESE 45/E 5-6 | E 6-7| E 4-5|ESE 5-7/ESE 7-9| ESE 5-8/ESE 6-7|E 4-7) 53 5 |i 47|NE 3-6 | E 3-5 | E 4-7| E 4-7|E 4-8|/ESE 5-9|/E 5-7 | E 5-9 | E 3-5 | E 4-7| E 4-6) 59 6 | SE 4| SE 4-5 | ESE 4|SE 5-6 | SE 5 | SE 5|SE 4| SSE 6-7 | SSE 5 | SE 5 | SH 5|SE 4-5| 4°6 7 |SE 4-5/5 4/58 4-5|SSW 3-4|SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2-3/8 3-4/5 3/5 2-4/5 2-4/SSW 2-4) 42 8 | SE 8|ESE 7-8| ESE 6|SE 8| SE 9 | ESE 9| ESE 9-10} ESE 9|ESE 9-10) ESE 9-10| ESE 10 | ESE 10| 67 | 9 | SSE 3| SSE 3| SSE 2-3 | SE 3| SE 4|SE 3-4 | SSE 3/ESE 3-4|ESE 3-4} ESE 45/SE 7 | ESE 9) 4:1 10 | SSW 6/S 4-6] SSW 3-5|SW 3-5|SSW 3-4/S 2-3 | SE 3| SE 7|SE 6-8 | SE 7-9 | SE 7-8 | SE 7-8 73 | 11 |8 4-7| W 1-3} WSW 2-3] W 1-2/8 3] SSE 2-3) SSE 2-3 | SSE 3-4 | SE 4|SE 6/ SK 8|SE 9) 4:3 f 12 |SW 3-6/5 3-5|/SSW 3-4/8 3-4/5 3-4 | SW 3-4/5 2-3 | SE 3-4 | SSE 5| SSE 6-7 | SSE 6-7 | SE 8-9] 61 3 eS) 7-9|S 4-7/5 3-6] SE 3-5 | SE 5-7| SE 1-3/8 3-4) 5 3-4/5 2-3)S 2-3/5 2-3/SSW 2-3) 63 | 144 |SW 1|W 2| N 0-1| NW 0| NW 2) NW 2| NW 1|N 0-1 | N 0-1 | NW 1/NW 0-1] W 0} 1:3 15 |S 3-4/5 3-4] SE 4| SE 5| SE 5-6 | SE 7-8|SE 7-8 | SE 5-6 | SE 4|SE 3-4 | SW 3-4 | SW 3-4] 3:3 |) 16 |WSW 1-3| W 2-4) SW 3-4) W 1-3 | W 2-3 | W 3-4] WSW 2-4] WSW 2-3] WSW 2-3/SSW 2-3/SSW 3-4/8 3-4] 3°2 17 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2| WSW 1| WSW 2| W 1-2 | NW 1| Calm 0| WSW 0-1) Calm 0) Calm O|N 0-1} 21 18 | ESE 1-2} NE 0-1| N 1-2| NE 1-2| ESE 2-3 | N 3-4 | N 2-4] N 0-2) N 0-2 | NE 0-1 0-2 | N 1-2) 1:2 | 19 5-6|SSW 3-5/8 4-7|58 6-7/5 6-8|SSW 3-5) W 3-6|}SSW 3-5|/SSW 4-5/5 4-6/5 5-7/5 4-5] 33 20 |N 1-3| NE 1-2|N 0-2) NE 0-2| N 0-2 | N 1-2| NE 0-2| NE 1-3! NE 1-3 | NE 1-3| N 1-3 | N 1-3} 2°6 21 |NW 25;NW 2-5|SW 2-3 | Var. 1-3| NNW 1-2;NW 24/NW 2-4| NW 2-4;NW 2-4|NW_ 1-3| W 2-4|N 1-3] 2°5 PPA | NY" 2-3 | NW 2)|NW 1-2|N 2-5|N 2-4 | Var 1-3 | N 1-3 | NE 1-3 | NE 2-4| NE 1-3}ENE 24|N 2-4) 2°7 | 23 | E 1-2|NNE 2-3|/NE 1 NE 1-2| NE 1-3|N 2-3 | N 1|N 1/N 1-2 | SW 2-3 | SW 3|SW 3-4] 2:1 il 24 | NW 3-5| WNW 3-5| W 2-3: WSW 2-4) W 2-4 | NW 2-4 | NW 2-5 | Var. 1-3 | NW 2-4 | W 2-4| NW 0-3 | N 1-3] 31 | 25 |NW 23|NW~ 1-2/8 3 SSW 3) NW 2)}NW-~ 2-3|N 2-3|NW 1-2)|NW~ 1-2/N 1-2 | Var 1-2|N 0-2} 2°2 26 | Var. 1-2|}NW 2-3| WNW 1-2; NW 1-2}|NW~) 2-3] W 3-4) WSW 3-5) WSW 3-4] WSW 3-4;NW 3-4|NW 23/NW 2-5] 2-1 : 27 |NNW 2-5] W 3-4 2-4| NW 1-4|N 1-3|NNW 2-4) NNW 2-4|N 2-4|NW 2-5|NW 2-7|NW 3-5|NW - 2-4] 36 | 28 | ENE 1-3| NE 1-3| NE 1-3 NE 1-3 | NE 2-3|NNE 0-2/N 1-2| NE 1-3|NNE 2-3|/ENE 2-3|N 2-4| NE 1-3 | 2°2 29 |S 5| SSE 5-6/5 6-7|8 6-8|}SSW 6-9|SW 5-8| WSW_ 6-8] SW 4-6 | SW 4-7| SW 4-7 4-6 | NW 2-5] 3:78 80 | W 2-5| W 2-5 | W 2-5 N 2-5 3-6 | NW 3-5 | NW 2-5 | NW 2-5 | NW 1-4] WNW 2-4| WNW 2-4] WNW 2-4] 33 | d 31 | Calm O|N 1-2|N 1-2] N 1-3) N 2-3| N 2| N 2)|NW 0-2 | N 3-4) N 2-3 | N 2-3 | N 1-2| 1°9 i MBAN 3°55 3°35 3-16 | 3°34 3°76 3°66 3°50 3°42 3°69 3°65 3°90 } 3:90 3°62 | : | | 7 “> N103. NNE5, NE36. ENEG. £39, ESE76. SE94. SSE 33. S55. SSW38. SW51. WSW 25. W42. WNW17. NW96. NNW14. Calm 14, BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 161 WIND. DIRECTION AND Force (0 to 12). FEBRUARY 1894, 1 2 3 4 | Bi 6 | ft 8 9 10 11 12 Max. SS z as a ae ae oe eel se bs Dir'n. Force, |Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. Dir’. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force. ay We 0-1 | W 1-2 | W 1-3' NW 2-3] WNW 1-2] NW 0-1 | NNW 0-1/N 23|NNW 1-3|}NNW 2-3] NW 12} WNW 2-3 4 2 | NW 1-3 | NW 1-4|N 2-5 Var. 2-6] NNW 2-4] W 2-3| WNW 3-4 | NW 2-3| WNW 2-3} W 3-4 | W 6-7 | W 2-4 ith 3 | WNW 2-4'|NW 1-4 | W 1-3, NW 1-3 | NW 1-3 | W 1-3, NW 1-3 | W 2-3|N 2-4 | W 1-3 ; SSE 1-3) WSW 2-3 4 4 |W 1-3 | W 2-3 | W 2-3 | SW 3) W 3-4 | SW 3-4 | W 3-4 | WSW 2-4] W 3-4 | W 2-5| WNW 3-5! W 3-5 6 ooo: | N 1-3|}ENE 2-3) Var 0-1|NW 1-3|}NW 23/WNW 1-2} NW 1-2; W 2) NNW 2-3/NW 0-1} NW o/NW 2-3 8 6 |S 6-8/5 6-9 |S 5-9|SSW 7-9|SSW_ 6-8|SW 7-9 | SW 6-9 | W 5-8| WSW 4-8] W 4-8| WNW 3-7| NW 3-7 9 NW 2-5 | NW 2-6 | NW 2-5 | NW 2-5 | NW 2-5| NW z-5 | NW 2-3 | NW 2-4| WNW 2-3] W 2-3 | NW 1-2|NNW 2-3 6 8 |N 2-5 | NW 3-5 | N 1-4/NE 2-5) N 2-3 | N 2-3|NNE 3-41) NW 2-4 | NW 1-2|N 1-3 | N 1-3} NNW 2-5 5 9 | NW 1-4 | WNW 1-4| NW 1-3); WNW 3-4] NNW 2-3| NW 2-3); WNW 2-3| NW 2-4 | NW 2-3|NNW 2-3) W 2-4 | NW 1-3 6 10 | W 3-7|NW 26|/NW 2-6|NW - 3-6|NNW 2-5|N 1-6 2-6 | SH 2-8 | SE 2-6 | SE 2-5 | SE 3-7 | SE 2-5 7 11 |NW 0-1);NW- 0-1/NNW 0-1/ NW 1]WNW 1|/WNW 1/|W 1-2|SW 3/S 4-5|S 4|/ SW 4-5 | W 3-5 7 12 |E 1-3 | NE 2-5|NNE 4-7/ NE 5-9 | NE 2-4) NE 2-5|N 3-5 | N 2-4;ENE 2-3|)N 1-2 | N 2|N 1 9 13 |N 1-2|;N 0-1| N 12|N 2-3 | N 24|NNE 3| NE 2-3) NE 1-2| NNE 1|N 1-2 | Calm O|N 2-4 4 14 | NNW 2|NNW 0-1|N 1|N 1-2|N 1|N O|N 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| Var 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 2 15 |S 1/8 1|SSW 2)5 12/8 2\S 2-3 | SSW 2|8 3/5 3/5 3-4 3-4 | SW 3-4 4 16 | SSE 4/8 2-3|/SSE 3-4/SSE 3-4/S 3\S 2-3/8 3/S 3/S 3-4/8 2-3/8 3/8 3-4 7 17 |SE 6| SE 5|ESE 4-5|SE 3-4] SE 1| SE 1-2|SE 0 | Calm 0| NW 1)NNW 1-2/N 0-1|N 1 6 18 |SE 1|SE 2-3 | SE 3-4|SE 3) SE 2-3 | SSE 3/5 2-3 SE 3/5 3-4 |5 4|SSE 3-4;5 3-4 4 19 |S 4/58 4/8 4-515 5|SSW 3-3/5 3) SW 2-3} WSW 2-3] W 2-4 | SW 2-3 | SW 3)SW 2-4 5 20 | SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | N 1-2|N 0-1| N 0-1/N 0-1 | Calm 0| NW 0-1 | NW 1| NW 1| WNW ail 3 a Sw 1-2|SW Bu ANE 1-3} WSW 2-3] WNW 2-3 WwW 2); WNW 1-2} WNW 2-3 | W 2-3 | W 2-3) WSW 2-3) WSW 2-3 3 22 |WNW 2-3} W 3|WNW 1-2|)SW 2-3 | W 2-3) WNW 2-3| W 2|W 2-3); WSW 1-2/}SW 2-3 | W 2-3 | W 1-2 8 23 | WNW 1-3| W 1-3 | W 1-3 | W 1-3} WNW 1-3| W 2-4 | W 2-4| WNW 2-4| WSW 3-5| W 3-6 | SW 3-6 | WSW_ 3-5 8 2 | N 14|N 1-3 | Var. 1-3 | NE 1-3] N 1-3 | NW 2-3 | NE 1-2 |} 2-3 | NE 1-2} NE 1-2|N 2-3 | NE 1-3 4 25 |W 1-2 | W 1-3 SSW 2-4'SSW 5 | SW 4-7/SSW 5-8/SSW 5-7| W 3-6 | SW 3-5! WNW 2-5|NW 26; WNW 2-5 8 26 | Var. 2-6| Var. 2-6 | Var 2-5|NW 1-4|NW 1-4)NW- 2-5|N 24|NW 2-4|)N 1-3) Var. 23|/NW 1-2/NW_ 1-2 7 27 | WNW 2-4] NW 2-6 | W 2-4 | W 2-4 | NW 2-5 | NW 3-6 | NW 1-4| NW 2-5| WNW 2-4| NW 2-4 | NW 2-3| WNW 3-5 6 28 2-5 | W 2-3 | SW 3|/SW 3-5|/SSW 45) WSW 3-5|/SW 4-5 | SW 3-5 | W 2-4|NW 2-4/ Var. 1-2|SW 2-3 9 MEAN PA ak 3°18 2°80 3°25 2°75 2°82 2°64 2°73 2°64 2°64 | 2°68 2-71 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 a | 2 23 Midnight. |Mean, Dir’n. Force.' Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.| Dir'n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. Dir'n. Force. Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Force. OAS 3-45 4|S 4/8 4| Sw 2-3 | W 1-3/NW 1-2/NW 1-3/NW_ 1-3|N 1-4|/NNE 13/N 1-3 | 2°2 2 |WNW 2-4;NW 2-4|NW 2-5|/ W 1-4] N 1-4|NW 24/|NW 24]NW 1-3/NW 2-4|NW 2-4|NW 3-5} WNW 3-5] 3:1 8 |W 0-1,S 1-2!NE 1-3 | NE 1-3 | Var. 1-2|/N 1-3! N 0-1| N 1-2!) N 0-1} N 1-3 | NW 1-3; N 1-2] 1:9 4 |W 3-6 | W 2-4) Var. 1-4|SW 1-2) NNW 1-2|}|NW 2-4) WNW 2-3|NW~ 1-4| W 1-4;NW 1-3)}NW 1-2/NW _ 1-3} 2°8 5 | WNW 2-3/5 2-3 | SSW 2| SW 2|Sw 2-3/8 3-4 | SW 3-4]5 3-4|8 4-5 | SSW 5|SSW 46/S 5-8 | 2°7 6 | WNW 2-5| WNW 2-5| WNW 2-4) WNW 2-5| W 2-5| WNW 3-5} WNW 3-6] WNW 2-5|NW 3-5|WNW 2-4)NW 3-7) NNW 2-6} 5:2 7 | NW 2-3) NW 2|N 1-2 WwW 1-3 | W 1-3 | NW 1-3 | NW 2-3 |\Var. 1-3) 2 1-4|N 1-3 | Var. 1-3 1-4] 2°6 8 |N 2-4|/NW 2-4|NW 1-2}WNW 1-3|}|NW 25|NW 25|/NW 2-4/NW: 1-4/NW _ 1-4| Var 1-2;NW 1-3|}|NW_ 1-3] 2°7 | 9 |INW 2-3|)NNW 2-4|N 1-3|)NW 24|NW 2-4/W 1-3 | W 1-3| WNW 24|/NW 1-4) W 1-4;NW 2-4] WNW 2-6] 2-6 } 10 |SE 2-6|/ENE 3-7|/ENE 2-6| NE 2-4] NE 2-4|ENE 1-4/NE 2-3| Var. 0-1] NE 0-1 | E 0-1| N 0-1 | W 0-1} 3-2 i | 11 | WNW 2-4|NW- 2-5) W 2-4|WNW 2-5|NW 2-4|/WSW 2-4] WNW 2-5! W 25;/NW 25)NW 2-5|NW 3-6] W 4-7 | 2°9 12 |NNE 1-2|N 0-1 | NW 0-1] Var. 0-1| NE 0-1| N 2\|N Oo; N 1-3 | N 1-2|;N 2-3 | NE 1-3|N 1-2 | 2:2 13 | NE 1-3} N 12|N 1-2|N 1-2|}NNE 0-1|N 0-1| NE 2-3) N 1|NE 0-1 | N 1| W 0-1 | NNW ip 33 14 | Calm 01S 0-1/8 1|8 1-2/SSW 0-1/8 0-1/SSW 0-1/WSW 1-2}SW 1-2/8 1-2 | SSW 1)/SW 1-2] 08 15 4/8 3/SSE 2-3/5 2-3| SW 3-4 | SSW 3/8 3/8 4|8 3/58 4\8 4/8 4| 2-9 16 |S 3-4/SE 34/SE 3-4|/SE 4/SE 35/ESE 46/SE 5-6/SE 5-6/SE 6 | SE 6|SE 6|SE 6-7| 4-0 17 |NNW 1-2/ENE 1-2/E 1-2/N 0-1|NNE 0-1|N 0-1 | Var, 0-1/E 0|z 0|SE 0} ESE 1|SE Hiss 18 3| SSE 3/58 2-3/8 2-3/5 3/SSW 3-4/S 3/5 3\S 3/58 3/8 3/S 3-4 | 3-0 19 |SW 2-3 | SSW 418 4-5|SSW 3-4|/SW 2-3 | SW 2-4|/SW 2-4) SW 4|SW 2-3 | SW 3| WSW 3) SW 2-4] 3:3 20 |NW-~ 1-2/}SW 1-2 | SW 1-2 | SW 1) W 1-3} WNW 1-2|W 1-3| SW 1-2 | SW 1|/SW 2|/Sw 1-2} WSW 1-2] 1-4 21 | WNW 2-3| W 1-2} WSW 2-3;NW 1-2;}NW 12/Var. 1-2|N 0-2 | N 1-3| N 2-3 1-2 N 0-1| N 1] 2:0 22 |W 2-3 | SSW 3|SW 2-3|}SSW 3-4|/SW 3-5 | SW 2-5) W 2-4)SSW 5-7 SW 5-7| WSW 5-8|SW 4-7 | W 1-4] 3-1 23 |WNW 4-6|SSW 5-6/5S 6-7 | SW 6-8|NW 47/5 3-6 | NE 5-7 | NE 2-4 | NE 25|NW 1-3/N 14/NE 2-5 | 3°8 24 |ENE 24|W 1-3| Var. 1-2|NE 2-4| NE 2-4 | NE 2-4] NE 1-3 | NE 1-3) Var. 0-2/8 0-2| Var. 0-2| W 0-2} 2:0 2 |W 8-5| Var. 2-5|N 3-5 | N 2-5|NW 3-6;NNW 2-5|NW 2-6'N 2-4 | N 2-5 Var. 2-6|NW 2-6) Var 2-6; 3:9 26 |N 1-3 | SW 12|NW 0-2) W 1-2} WNW 2-3|SW 3/8 3-5/8 4| SSW 5 |SwW 5-6 Ww 3-6 | W 2-7 | 3:0 | 27 | WNW 2-3|N 2-3|NW_ 1-3| W 1-3|WNW 2-4|NW 1-3|NW_ 0-2| W 2-3 | W. N W 2-4! W 2-4 | W 2-4 AW? 2-4| 2:9 28 |WNW 1-2} WNW 2-3| WNW 2-4) WNW 1-3} WNW 2-3)| W 2-4| WSW 3-4) SSW 3(/5W 6|/SSW 6-7|/SSW 7-8/S 8-9 | 3°7 MEAN 2°68 2°68 2°54 2°52 2°57 2°64 2°62 2°66 2°77 2°80 2°84 3°07 | 2°75 N86. NNE8. NE32. ENE7. E5. ESE3. SH30. SSE8. 873. SSW28. SW58. WSW1S. W87. WNW59. NW 118. NNW 20. Calm 32, TRANS. ROY. SOC. EDIN.—VOL. XLIII. x 162 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. WIND. DIRECTION AND Force (0 to 12). MARCH 1894. i | 2 3 4 5 6 Hi 8 9 10 11 12 Max. Dir’n. Force. Dir'n. Force.|Din’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force. | Dir'n. Force. Dirn. Force. | Div’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force. 1 \s 8-9 | SSE 9/S 9/S 5-9|SSW 6-8|SW 9-5| WNW 2-4|NW 3-5|NW 3-G6|NW 2-4|NW 2-5) WNW 3-6 9 2 NW 2-5|NNW 2-5|N 2-5 | NW 2-5 | NW 2-4 | NW 3-5 | NW 2-4|N 2-5 | Var. 2-4) W 2-5|WNW 1-3! WSW 2-3 5 3 W 1-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 3) SW 3) WSW 3-4| W 3/ SW 2-4 | SW 4| WNW 3|SW 2-4 | NW 2-3 4 4 |SW 4 SW 4|SW 3-4 | SW 3 | SSW 3/SSW 0-1) NW 0-2 | SSE 2-4/8 1-2 | SSE 1-3 | N 1-3 | N 2-5 4 5 |N 1-2|N 1-2| NNE 1| NE 0-1|NNE 1-2|N 1-2)}NW 1-2}NW 2-4) WNW 24|NW 3-4|NW 3-6] WNW 5-7 9 6 |N 1-7| Var. 2-10) Var. 2-7 | NE 2-5| NE 2-5| NE 2-6 | NE 2-5|NNE 2-4) NE 2-4) NE 2-5 | NE 2-4| NE 2-5] 10 7 |E 0-1) 0-1 | Calm 0| SW 0| SSE 21S PANES) 3| SE 3/5 3-4/5 4/5 5-6 | SSE 4 8 8 |S 4-5|S 5-6 | WSW_ 3-5 | Var. 0-2 | NW 0-1 | NW 1) NW 1-2 | NW Bie 2) WNW 1-2| NW 2-3 | NW 1-2 6 9 |SW 2-3 | SW 3) SW 2-3 | SW 3-4/5 2-3 | SSW 3 | SSW 3) SW 2-3 | SW 3-4 | SW 3|SW 1-2 | SW 3-4 4 10 |NW 1-2|)WNW 1-2) W 1-2) WNW 1-2)}NW 1-2}NW 2-4| NW 1-3|NW 2-3|}NW 23/]WNW 1-2|NW 2-3| WNW 2-4 7 11 | SW 6-9 | SW 6-9|SW 5-11] WSW 5-10|/NE . 4-9|NNW 48/NW 3-7|NW 26/NW 2-5|/WNW 4-5|NW _ 3-5} WNW 3-6] 11 12 |W 13|NNW 1-2)N 1-2)/NNW 12|)/NW 1-2/}NW_~ 2-5|/NNW 2-4/NW 2-4|/NW = 2-5/NW 1-3) WNW 2-4) WNW 2-4 5 13 | SW 2|SW 1-2} WSW 1-2} WSW 1-2| W 2) WNW 2-3} WNW Bil We 2-3} WNW 0-1/5 2-3 | SW 1-2/8 1-2 3 14 |N 0-1| NE 1-2|NE 12/NNE 1-2|}NNE 1-2/NE 1-2} NE 1/ NE 1-2 | Calm 0 | Calm 0} NNW 1] Var. 0-1 2 15) EN 12\|N 0-1 | N 1-2|N 1 2) NE 1-2|N 2)N 2\N 1-2 | Calm O|N al 1-2 2 16 |N 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-2}NNE 1-2|N 2|N 1-2 1-2) Ni 0-1) N 0-1| N 0-1| N 0-1 2 17 | NW 2|W 2) W 1-2} W 1) W 1-25) Wi 2| NW 2)|WNW 2-3) WNW 2| W 1-2 | W 12/|W 2 3 18 | SW 3) SW 3|S 2-3 | WSW BI MS = BA Nie 2-3 | W 2-3 | W 2-3 | W 2-3 | W DalaNva 38-4] WNW 2-3 4 19 |W 2|/W 12);NW 0-1) WNW 1-2;/NW 1-2;NW 12|)NW 2|\WNW 2|WNW 2)/WNW 2| W 1-2 | W 2 3 20 | WSW 2) WwW 2-3 | W 2|WSW 2-3)SW 3| WSW 3| W 3| W 3-4 | W 3-4 | W 4|W 2-3 | W 2-3 4 21 |SSW 2-3|SW 3/SW 2-3 | SSW 3| SW 3) WSW 3-4} WSW 3|WSW 3-4 | SW 3-4 | W 3| SSW 3 | SW 3-4 5 22 |SW 3|SW 3/SW 3| SSW 3| SW 3|WSW 2-3|SW 3)SW 3/ SW 3) SW 3/WSW 3-4|SSW 2-3 4 23 18 3s 3-4|8 3-4/8 3/8 3| SW 3 | SW 3)SW 3/SW 3|SW 3|SW 2-3|SSW 3-4 4 24 | SSE 3/SSE 3-4/SE 3-4| SE 4| SSE 2/8 3/58 3 | SSE 3| SSE 3 | SSE 3| SE 3-4 | SSE “4 4 25 |SE 3-4| SE 3/8 2-3/8 2| SSE 2-3/5 1/8 2| SSE 2|S 2-3 | SSE 3| SSE 3|SE 3 4 26 1S 3/S 3/S 8-4]S 3|SW 2-3 | SSW 2)SW 1|SW 1/SSW 1-2|SW 1-2|SW 1-2/SSW_ 1-2 4 27 =| SE 3|SE 3-4 | SE 3|SE 3|SE 3/5 12/58 1/8 1/8 1) SSW 1|5 1-2| SE 3 4 28 | SSE 3/58 3| SSE 3/5 3/8 2-3/8 2-3/5 3/S 3/5 3/8 2-3 | SW 3/SSW 2-3 3 29 | WSW 2-3) SW 3 | WSW 8 | SW 2-3 | W || WN 2-3) WSW 3-4/SW 3-4 | W 2-3 | WSW 3| WSW 4) WSW_ 3-4 4 30 | WSW 4/SW 2-3 | SW 3-4 | SW 4|/SW 4-5|SSW 3-5) WSW 3-4|SW 3-4 | SW 3-4 | SW 38-4/SW 3-4 | SW 3 5 31 1S 3/S 3/5 2| SSE 2/8 3/5 2-3/8 2-3|8 2-3 | SSE 3/5 2\|S 3/5 2 3 MEAN 2°90 3°03 2°81 2°63 2°66 2°58 2°48 2°73 2°58 2°45 2°65 2°81 13 14 15 16 ay 18 19 20 21 22, 23 Midnight. |Mean. a I— —a oe | eae eee caer eee es pa Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n, Force. | Dir’n. Force.) Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. | Dir’n. Force. | Dir’n, Force.| Dir’n.Force.| Dir’n. Force. Dir'n. Force. | Dir’n. Force. |Force, 1 | WNW 4-7) WSW 3-5| W 2-4 | SW 5-7 | SW 5-6| WSW 4-7|/NW 3-6] WSW 4-7| WSW 4-7| WSW 3-7| SW 38-6| WSW 4-8] 5'3 2 1-3 | NW 2-3 | W 2-4| NW 1-3 | NW 1-3 | WNW 2-4 | NW 0-2 | Var, 1-2 | NW 1-3 | W 1-2 | NW 1-2 | WSW 2) 26 3 | WNW 3-4| SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 3-4 | W 2-41 W 1-3] WNW 3-4| SW 4|SW 4|)SW 4) SW 4/ SSW Bi | all 4 | NE 2-4|N 2-4|NE 2-4| NE 2-4| NE 3-4 | NE 1-3 | N 2-3| NE 1-2|N 0-1 | N 1| NNW 0-1) Var. 0-1} 2°3 5 | WNW 3-6) WSW 4-5) WSW 4-5|WSW 1-4]WNW 2-4|}WNW 2/WNW 2-4| WNW 2-3|NW 2-4)WNW 2-4/| Var. 1-4|] Var. 3-7] 2:9 6 | NE 2-6 | NI 2-5 | NE 2-5| NE 1-2) NE 2-4| NE 2-4|]N 2-4 | NE 2-3] NE 2-3 | N 1-2|N 1-2| NE 0-1} 3:2 ve Vis 4-5 | SSE 5 | SSE 4-5|SE 4-515 5-6 | SSE 6-7 | 5 7|SSE 6-7 | SSE 7-8|S 7-8/5 6-7|S 5-6 | 4:1 8 WNW ZA Wi 2-4] W 2-5 | SW 3-4) WSW 2-3] W 2-4) WSW 2-3] W ANE 1-2}; WSW 1-2} SW 2-3)}SSW 2-3] 2-4 9 |SW 3-4 | SW 3-4 | SW 3] WNW 1-2) W 2-4) WNW 2-4) NW 2-4) N 1-2 | NW 1-3) N 1-2} WNW 2-3} WNW 1-2! 2:6 10 |NW 2-3\)W 0-1 | W 1-2| W 12|NNW 2-3| NW 3| WNW 3-4|SW 3) SW 4/8 4-5 5-7 | SW 4-7 | 2°6 11 |NW 2-4) W 2-3 | W 2-3|NW 1-3|NW 2-4) WNW 2-5|NW 2-4) WSW 1-2| W 1-3|NW 1-2|}NW 1-2!1|NW 0-2] 40 12 |NW 1-4] WNW 1-2] W 1-3 | W 1-2|NW 2-3|NW 2-4|NNW 3-4] W 12/NW 1-2)}NW_ 0-1|)SW 2| Sw 2-3] 2°2 13 | SSW 1|SSW 0-2|)NE 0-1 | NE 1-2|N 1-2| NE 3| NE 2-3|ENE 23] NE 2-3 | N 1-2| NE 1-3 | N 1-3} 18 14 |NW 1-2/SW 1-2 | Var 0-1|NW 0-1] Calm 0|WNW 0-1};NW-~ 0-1/W 12};NW 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-2|N 0-2) 1:0 165 | N 1-2|N 2|N 0-1] NE 1-2} N 1-2 | NW O|N 0-1 | N 0-1 | N 21N 12|N 1-2|N 12) | es 16 |N 0-1|N 1-2|N 0-1) N 0-2 | N 1|N 1-2 | NNW 1} WSW_ 0-1} Calm 0|N 0-1 | N 0-1 | W 1] 10 17 | WSW 2\SW 2| SW 2) W DAWG 2-3 | W 3| WNW 2-3] WSW 2| WSW 3| SW 3|SW 3|SW 3| 21 18 | WSW 3 | SW 2|/SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | NW 1-2| WNW 2| NW 2-3 | W 2|NW 1-2 | NW 1-2| W 1-2 | W 2) og 19 |W 2-3| WSW 2-3) W 1-2 | SW 1-2) W 12)) W 2-3 | WSW 3|W 1-2) WSW 2-3) WSW 1-2} WSW 2-3) WSW 3] 19 20 |W 3|S 3/58 2-3|SSW 2-3|SW 3|/ SW 3| SW 3-4 | SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 3| SSW 3 | SSW 3) 29 | 21 | WSW 4|WNW 45|SW 3-4| WSW 2-3| WNW 2-3] W 3| W 3|SW 3|)SW 3| SW 2-3 | SW 3) SW 3!) au 22 |SW 3/8 3/SW 3/SSW 2-3) SW 2-3 | SW 1-2 | SW 2-3 | SSW 218 2-3|S 3| SSE 3-4/5 3-4) 2°9 | 23 |SW 3/5 3/8 3/5 3) SW 3| SSW 3/58 3|SSE 4|SSE 3-4 | SSE 3-4 | SSE 3-4 | SSE 3] 31) 24 |SE 3|/SE 3-4 | SE 3|/SE 3-4] SE 3) SE 2-3 | SE 3/SSE 23/SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 3/SE 4) 3 25 | SSE 3 | SE 3| SE 3| SSE 3/SSE 2-3/5 3/5 3|/SE 3-4 | SE 4/SE 4|SSE 4| SSE 8] 2°9 26 |SW 1| SSW 1/8 1-2/8 1) SSE 1/8 1| SSE 1/5 1-2 | SE 2-3 | SE 3|SE 3-4 | SE 3| 1:9 27 | SSE 2| SSE 2-3 | SSE 2-3 | SE 3] SSE 2)|SE 2|)SSE 1-2/5 1-2)5 2-3/8 2\S8 2-3/8 2-3 | 2°2 © 28 |S 3|8 2|SSE 2|/S8SW 2|SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2-3)}SSW 2-3|SW 2)SSW 2-3|SW 2-3 | WSW 2) 26% 29 |SW 3-4| WSW 3-4) WSW 2) WSW 2|W 2-3) WSW 2-4| WSW 3-4] WSW 3|/SW 3-4 | SW 3 | SSW 3) SW 2-3] 3:0 30 | SW 2-3 | SSE 2|SSE 2|SSW 2| SSE 8| SSE 3/S 3-4 3/5 2-3 | SSW 3| SSE 3| SSE 4|} 3:2 | 81 |S 2-3/|SSW 1-2|/SSW 1-2|SSW 2| SW 2)1SW 2|SW 1-2/5 2|SW 1|/ SSW 1|/SSW 1-2/SW 1| 25] MEAN 2°77 2°61 2°39 2°34 2°52 2°63 2°71 2°40 2°61 2°48 271 2°69 | 2°64 | N66. NNE6. NE38. ENE1. El. ESEO. SE36. SSE51. S90. SSW 39. SW133. WSW58. W74. WNW48. NW77. NNW10. Calm 16. BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 163 WIND. DIRECTION AND Force (0 to 12). APRIL 1894. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | 8 9 10 1 | 12 Max. Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force. | Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n, Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n, Force. Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force,|Dir’n, Force. 1 |SW 1/SSw 1-2|)SwW 1) SSw 1|/SW 1/SW 1/SSW 0-1|SW 1/s 1-2/8 1/s 1-2/SSW 1-2 3 2 |SSE 2| SSE 3| SSE 3|SE 3|SE 3/SE 4|SE 3-4 | SE 4|SE 3-4| SE 3|SE 3/SEH 3-4 5 | 3 |SE 2-3 | SE 3| SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 2-3| SE 3| SE 2-3 | SE 3-4 | SE 3|SE 3| SE 3/SE Z 4 4 |SSE 1| SSE 1) SSE 1/8 1\S 1-2|SSW 0-1;SW 1| Calm 0 | Calm 01S 0-1 | SW 0-1 | SW 0 2 5 | NE 0-1 | ESE I} ESE 1-2|SE 1\8 2|SSE 1\8 1/SE 2)SE 2-3|SE 2) SE 3|SE 3 3 6 |SE 3/SE 2-3| SE 2-3 | ESE 2| SE 1-2| SE 3|SE 4] ESE 4|SE 4|/SE 3-5 | SE 3-5 | SE 3-5 5 7 |SE 3-4 | SE 3-4| SE 3|SE 3|SE 3-4|SE 3/SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 3-4| SE 3|SE 3-4 4 8 | SSE 2/8 Pas Pas) 2-3 | SSE 2\8 3-4 | SE 3|SE 38-4/SSW 2-4/5 2-3/5 2\8 2-3 4 9 3| SSE 3 | SSE 415 3| SSE 3/SSW 2-3/SSW 3-4]|SSE 4-5/8 5 | SSE 4-6 | SE 5-6 | SSH 3-5 6 10 |S 3-4/5 2-3 | SSE 3|S 3/58 2-3 | SSE 2-4|/SSE 3-4|SSE 3-5 | SSE 5| SSE 5-6|S 3-5 | SSE 5-7 8 ll {8 3-6/5 3-4/5 3-5/5 3-5 | SSE 2-4/8 3-5 |S 2-4/8 3-4)5 12|S 3/5 2-3/8 3 6 12 |SE 5-6 | SE 5| SE 4-5|SE 6|SE 3-4 | SE 4-5| SE 4-5|SE 4-5 | ESE 4-5 | ESE 5-6 | SE 5 | SE 5-6 8 18 | ESE 6| ESE 6|SE 6-7 | SE 6-7 | SE 5| SE 5-6 | SE 4-5 | SE 4-5 | SE 4-5 | SE 3-4|SE 6| SE 6-7 7 14 |SE 3-4 | SE 3 SE 3|SE 3-4 | SE 3-4 | SE 3-4 | ESE 4| 5 4| ESE 4|SE 4-5 |SE 4-5 | SH 4-5 7 15 | SW 1| SW 1| SW 0-1/SSW 1-2)5 1-2|8 1-2/8 2-3) 5 2-3) SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 3/SE 3 4 16 |S 2-3 | SSE 3/S 2\8 2|SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 8|ESE 3-4/SE 3-4|ESE 3-4|/ESE 3-4| BSE 3 4 17 | NE 2) NE 2-3 | NE 1-3|NNE 1-2|]NE 1-2| NE 2-3|NNE 2-3| NE 2)NNE 0-1] NE 0-1|NNE 0-1| NE 0-1 3 18 | NE 0-1| ENE 1| ENE 1|E 1| ENE 1|/ENE 1-2|/ENE 2-3| NE 1-3'| NE 1-3 | NE 0-1) NE 0-L|NNE 0-1 3 19 |N 0-1 | NNW 1| NNW 1| NNW 1|N 1-2|N 0-1|'NW 0-1|NNW 0-1/NW 0-1|]W 1-2|SW 0-1 | SW 1-2 2 20 | SW 1) SW 1-2) SW 2)SSW 1-2|)SW 1-2| SW 12;SSW 1-2|/SW 1-2/8 1-2/8 1-2|8 2/8 2-3 3 24/8 2-3/5 3| SSW 3/5 31S 2/8 3-4/8 2-3/8 2-3/5 12/8 2-3/5 2)S8 2 4 22 | SSE 5/8 3-45 3-4| SSE 4|SSE 4-)| SE 3-5 | SSE 3-4 | SE 4|)SE 3-5 | SE 4-5 | SE 3-5 | SH 4-6 7 23 |SE 5-6 | SE 4\SE 4-6 | ESE 4| ESE 4-5 | ESE 4-5 E 4-5 | ESE 3-5 | SE 4| ESE 3-4 | SH 4-5 | SH 4-5 6 24 |SE 3-4 | SE 4|SE 4|SE 6|SE 3-5 | SE 4-6 | SE 5|SE 3-4 | SE 5-7| SE 4-6 | SE 3-5 | SE 4-6 9 25 |5 6-9/SSHE 6-9,)SSE 4-8/SSE 5-7/8 4-7|S 5-8|SSE 5-8|SE 5-7 | SE 4-7| SE 3-6 | SE 4/SE 4-6 9 26 |S 3-4| SSE 3-4 | SSE 3-4/8 3] SSE 3| SSE 3-4 SSE 3|S 3 | SSE 3-4|SSE 3-4|SSE 3-4/8 2-4 4 27 | SE 2-3 | SSE 3|SE 3| SSE 3 | SSE 2| SSE 2-3/8 2-3 | 5 2-3 | SE 2;S8 1-2 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 3 28 | Calm 0 0-1| NE 0-1) E 0-1/ E 0-1/E 0-1/ E 1} Calm 0} Calm 0 | Calm 0/5 0-1] SSE 0-1 4 29 |WSW 2-3] WSW 3| WSW 2|SW 2|SW 2|}WSW 2-3) W 2-3 | NW 2) NW 2|WNW 2-3) W 2 Wi 2 3 30 |NNE 0-1| Var. 0-1|NE 1-2 | NE 1|NE 2) NE 1-3 | NE 1-3) ENE 1-3| NE 1-3 | NE 0-2 | N 1-3 | NE 1-3 4 MEAN 2°73 2°77 2°73 277 Pay ( 2°88 2°88 | 2°90 2°85 2°83 2°80 2°98 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Midnight. Mean. | a pes S3)} = = |e Se — — at —— Be | ew — Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.) Dir’n. Force.) Div’n. Force. Force. 1 |ssw 12] Wsw 1|/Sw 1| WSW 1)/SW “1/sw 1|SSW 1] SSE 1-2/8 2|SSE 2|SSE 3/SSE 2-3] 1:3 2 |SE 3-4 | ESE 3|SE 3] ESE 3|SE 3|SE 4-5|SE 4-5/SH 3-4 | SE 3-4 | SE 3/SH 3/SE 3] 3:3 3 |SSE 2-3|SE 1-2|SE 2)SE 1-2 | SSE 2|SE 2\|S 1-2 | SE 2|SE 1-2 | SE 1|SE 1/SE it) BA} 4 {SW 0-1/SSE 0-1/5 0-1) 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0} Calm 0|Calm 0 | Calm 0| ENE 1}ENE 0-1] 05 5 | SE 3|SE 2|SE 1|SE 1|SE 2-3/SSE 1-2/8 2| ESE 2/SE 1-2 |SE 2|SE 2-3 | SE 2-3] 1:8 6 |ESE 4-5|SE 3|/ESE 2-3|ESE 3-4|SE 3/SE 3-4/ SE 3| ESE 3/SE 3| SE 3/SE 3|SE 3) 3:2 7 |SE 3| SSE 3|SE 2-3 | SSE 2/SE 2-3 | SE 2|SE 3] SE 2|/SE 1-2 | SE 2| SSE 2| SSE PA) Gf 8 |S 2-3/5 1-2)}SSW 1-2}SSW 1-2|/SSW 1-2;SSW 1-2/SSW 1-2/S 2/8 2\S 38/SSE 2-3/SSE 3, ars 9 |S 2-4/5 3/SSW 2-4|SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2-4 | SW 1-2) SW 2-3|SSW 2-3]SSW 3| SSW 3/5 3|| 3:3 10 | SSE 6-8 | SSE 6-8/5 4-6/5 3-6/8 3-5/5 3-5/5 2-4/8 5-7 |S 4-6|S 3-7/5 4-7/5 4-6| 4:4 11 |SSE 2-3 | SSE 3] SSE 3/SE 3|SE 3-4 | SE 5| SE 3-4| SE 4-5 | SE 3-4 | ESE 4|SE 5 | ESE 6} 36 12 |ESE 5-6/SE 5| SE 5-6] SE 6|SE 5-6 | SE 6-7 | SE 7-8 | ESE 7|SE 6-7 | SE 5-7 | SH 5-7 | SE 6-7 | 5:5 18 | SE 7|SE 6|EsSE 4-6] ESE 4|ESE 4-5|SE 4-5 | SE 4-5| SE 4-5 | SE 4/SE 3-4 | SE 3-4 | SH 3-4] 5:0 | 144 |ESE 5-6|SE 7|SE 6-7 | SE 6|SE 6-7| ESE 5-7|SK 7|SE 6-7|SSE 5-7/SSE . 6|SSE 3-5)SW 1-2} 4:8 | 15 |SE 2-3 | SE 2/'SE 2-3 | SE 3-4 | SE 2-3;SSE 2-3)SSE 3/SE 4;SSE 3-4/SSE 3-45 218 IE PAS 16 | SE 2-3|SE 2| ESE 2|/ESE 2-3/SSE 0-1] NE 12}ENE 1-2] ENE 2|ENE 1-2|NE 1-3|ENE 1-2| NE 1-2] 2°3 ay | NE 9-1] ENE 1| NE 1| NE 0-1| NE 1-2)NNE 0-2|)NNE 12] ENE 1| NE 1|ENE 1| ENE 1}/ENE 0-1] 1:2 18 |N 0-1| NE 0-1| E 0-i|E 1-2|/ Var. 0-1|)NE 1-2] NE 0-1) E 1-2 | NE 0-2 | NE 0-1) N 0-1 ify) 21) 19 |SW 1-2| SW 1|Sw 1|SW 1-2} Sw 1-2 | SW 1-2 |SW 1|SW 1-2 | SW 1-2| WSW 1-2) WSW 1| WSW iby} alc 20. |S 2-3 | SE 2)SSEKE 1-2) SE 1-2/5S 1|SE 2-3 | SSH 218 2/8 2-3 | SSE 3/SSE 2-3 PA) alts) 21 |S 2-3| SSE 1-2|SSE 2-3|SSE 2-3 | SSE 2-3/8 2-3|SSE 3-4] SSE 3-4|SSH 3-4/5 2-3 | SSE 4)/SSHE 3-5] 2-7 | 22 |SE 3-5 | SE 4-6|SE 3-5 | SE 3-4 | SE 4|SE 4|SE 4|SE 6|SE 6|SE 4-6 | SE 6-7 SE 3-5| 4:4 23 |SE 4|SE 4|SE 3-4| ESE 3-4|SE 3-4 | SE 3-4|SE 2-3 | SE 3-4 | SE 3|SE 3/SE 3 | SE 3] 3:9 24 |SE 6-8 | SE 5-7 | SE 3-6 | SE 5-8 | SE 5-6 | SE 4/|SSE 46/SSE 6-8|SE 6-9/SSE 3-6|SE 5-8|SSE 6-9] 5:3 25 |SE 4|SE 4/SSE 45/SSE 3-6|SE 38-5|SSE 3-5/SSE 4-6|SSE 4-6|SSE 4-5/5 3-4/5 3-4/5 4] 50 26 =| SE 3| SSE 3/58 2-3| SSE 3)SE 3 | SSE 3| SSE 3| SSE 3 | SSE 3|SE 3|SE 3 | SSE 2-3) 31 | 27 | Calm 0|E 0-1 | Calm 0| Calm O|N 0-1 1-2|N 1-2 0-1 1 | Calm 0 | Calm O|N 0-1) 1:3 0-1 | SW 0-1 | SW 1) Sw 0-1 | SW 1-2 |SW 1-2| SW 2) SSW 2| WSW 2|SW 2|SW 2-3 | SW 3-4} 1:0 29 |WNW 1-2}/WNW 1|NW_ 0-1|W 1|W 0-1 | Calm 0| NNW 1|NNW 0-1 0-1) N 0-1 | NNE 1|N 0-1) 1:5 30 | NE 1-3 | NE 1-3 | NE 1-3| NE 2-4) N 1-3 | NE 1-3)ENE 2-4| NE 1-2|ENE 1-2}ENE 1-3|/ENE 1-2|E 2-3] 1:8 MEAN 3°00 2°75 2°52 2°63 2°55 2°72 2°78 3°05 2°87 2°70 2°83 2°75) 2:79 Nib. NNE9, NE42. ENE21. E15. ESE38. SE 245. SSE102. S108. SSW 24. SW49. WSW10. W6. WNW3. NW5. NNW6. Calm 22. BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. WIND. DIRECTION AND Force (0 to 12). MAY 1894. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Max. |Dir’n. Force | Dir’n, Force. Dir’n. Force. Dir'n, FVorce.|Dir’n. Force. | Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.| Dir'n, Force.|Dir’n. Force. 1|E 2-3| NE 1-2| ENE 2/5 2-3, ENE 2-3/ NE 2-3)/ENE 2-3|N 1-3 | N 1-3|N 1-2) NNW 2-3] Var. 0-1 4 De ENIWY: 4] NW 3! NNW 4|NW 23|/NW 1-2/|N 1-2|WNW 1-2;|NW 1-2)}NW _ 1-2) W 1) Nw 1-2) W 1-2 4 | 3 IN 12|NNE 1-2/3 0-3 | N 2-3 | NE 0-2 | Var. 0-2 | NE 1-3} N 0-2} NE 0-2 | NE 0-2|NNE 1-3|N 1-3 5 4 NNE 1-4;NE 2-6|NNE 2-5| NE 2-4) ENE 1-4|NE 1-4 | NE 2-5 | NE 2-5 | NE 1-5 | NE 2-4|ENE 1-3/ENE 2-4 6 , 5 | NE 1-2| NE 1-3| NE 1-2| NE 1|N 1-2 Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0O|N 0-1 | W 1-2 | W aL ANY 1-2 3 : 6 | Var. 0-1] 1-2] WNW 1-2} W 1-2;NW 1-2|NW 1|W 0-1 | W | NE 1-2} N 1-2 | SW 12/NW 0-1 3 7 | WNW 1| WNW 1| NW 1|WNW 1-2) NW 1 | WNW 1|W 0-1 | NW 0-1 | W 1-2 | Calm 0| NW 0-1| N 1 2 ; 38 WSW_ 1-2/ SW 1|SW 1-2) SW 2) SSE 2 |) SSE 2-3 | SSE 2/8 2\8 2-3 | SSW 2-3/5 2|SSW 3 4 9 |W 1-2} WNW 1) WSW 2-3) W 1) SW 2-3|SSW 1-2/SSW = 1-2/5 2\S8 2-3/8 2-3)8 2-3 | SE 2-3 5 10 |SSE 3-5|S 3-5 | SE 3-5 | SSE 6|SSH 3-4/| SSE 2|SSE 3-4|SSE 3-4|SE 4-5|SE 7-8 | SE 7-8 | SE 6-7 8 11 | WNW 1| W 1-2 | W 1; WSW 1-2|)SW 2| WSW 2|WSW 1-2) WSW 1-2|)SW 1-2} W 2) W 2| WNW 1-2 2 12 | Calm O|N 0-1| N 0-1| NE 1|N 1-2|N 0-1|N 1-2|N 1-2| NE 0-1| N 1-2| N 1-2|N 0-1 D 13 | NE 0-1} NNW 0-1|NNW 0-1/N EN 0-1| N 1| Calm 0 | Calm 0|S 0-1 | SSE 0-1 | E 1|E al 3 14 | ESE 3| ESE 4|SE 3-5|ESE 4-5|EH 5|ESE 3-5|ESE 3-4|/ESE 3-5|ESE 3-5|/BESE 4-5|ESE 4-5) ESE 5 5 15 | ESE 2|)ESE i-2/SE 2-3| SE 2|/ESE 2-3/ESE 2-3] ESE 3) 5H 1-2 | ESE 1| ESE 1/5 1| Calm 0 3 16 |N 0-1| NE ‘1|/ NE 2-4| NE 1-3 | N 0-3 | NE 2-4| NE 2-4 | NE 2-4|N 2-4|)N 24|/NNE 2-4/N 2-4 5 17 | ESE 4-5| ESE 5|ESE 45/5 3-5|ESE 4-5|ESE 4-5|/ESE 4-6} ESE 6| ESE 6| SE 4| ESE 1|SE 1 6 18 | Calm 0 | Calm O|N 0-1| NNW 0-1] E 1)/ENE 0-1|N 0-1| N 0-1 | N 0-1 | Calm 0| ESE 1|ESE 1-2 2 19 | NE 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| Calm 0|/ENE 0-1/E 1-2| NE 12/ESE 0-1)N 1-2|8 0-1 | SE 0-1 | Calm 0 2 20 | NE 1/ENE 1-2] ENE 1|}ENE 0-1| NE 0-1 | N 0-2 | NE 2-4 | NE 0-1| N 1-2) N 0-2 | NE 0-2 | N 0-1 4 21 | NE 0-1 | Calm 0} Var. 0-1/ NE 0-1|N 0-1 | NE 0 | Calm 0|/ENE 0-1|N 0} Calm 0| NE 0-1 | Calm 0 2 22 |SE 1|SE 1) SSE 1/8s 0-1/8 1/8 1/58 1-2/8 2/8 2/8 1-2/5 2\S 2 2 23 |S 1-2 | SSE 1;S8 aL SS uh psi 1-2/5 2\8 1\8 1-2/5 1-2/8 1/8 1/8 1 2 24 | SW 1|W 1| W 1-2| W 1-2| W 1-2 | W 1) WSW 0-1]5 0| W 0-1 | Calm 1) OV SNe 1-2 2 25 | NW 2) NNW 2-3/N 2|N 1-2| N 1-3 | N 2-3 PAN ANE 2|NE 2-3 | N 2-3 | N 2-3 | NE 2-3 4 26 | Var 0-1) N 1-3 | NE 3-5 | N 3-6|ENE 2-4) N 2-5 | NE 3-7| ENE 2-5| NE 3-7|NNE 5-7|N 4-8/1 3-8 8 27 | NE 2-4|/ENE J-4;ENE 1-3/ NE 1-2|ENE 2-4) ENE 2-4) NE 2-3|NNE 1-2)ENE 24/E 2-4 | Var. 0-1|ENE 2-3 5 28 | NE 1-3 | NE 3-6 | N 1-4|N 1-3|N 2-4) N 0-2| N 1-3| N 0-2 | NE 1-3 | N 1-3] N 1-3|N 1-3 6 29 | NE 0-1 | ENE 1)/ENE 1-2/N 1-2| NE 1-3 | Var 0-1| ENE 1-2|E 2\E 4/5 3-4 | H 4\E 3 4 30 | NE 0-1 | Calm O|\E 1|/E 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0) NE 0-1L-| Calm 0|zE 1-2| E 0-1 | Calm 0| Calm 0 2 31 |E 0-1 | ESE 1/SE 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| Calm 0 2 MEAN 1°50 1°69 1:87 1°81 1°82 1°63 1°82 1°61 2°02 1°94 1:90 1°81 | 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | 21 22 23 Midnight. Mean, Dir’n. Force. | Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force. | Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. Dir'n. Force.|Dir'n, Force.|Dir’n. Force.| Dir'n. Force. |Korce. 1 | NE 2) NE 1-2} NE 1-2|N 1| NE 1-3| N 2-3 | N 1-2|N 2'N 2-3| N 3) NNW 3-4] NW 3} 271 DAW: 1-2)|WSW 1-2) W 1)};WSW 1-2| W 1-2| WNW 1-2| NW 1-2} W 2|W 1-3| NNE 1-3/N 1-2 | Var. 1-2} 1° 3 | NE 1-3 | NE 1-3 | NE 1-4| NE 2-5| NE 1-4| NE 1-4| NE 1-3|N 1-3| N 1-3/ N 1-4| NE 1-4|NNE 1-3] 19 4 |ENE 2-4) NE 1-3 | N 1-3|N 1-4|N 1-3| N 1-3)ENE 24) NE 2-3 | NE 2-4| NE 1-3| NE 1-2| NE 1-2) 2:6 5 | WSW 1| Sw 1-2|WSW 1-2|}SW 2|SW 2| SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2) WSW 1-2! Var 0-1} WNW 0-2} 14 6 |W 2-3) W 1|W 1| NW 1|)WNW 1/SW 2-3)WSW 1-2)/WNW 1|W 0-1|NW 1-2|}NW~ 0-1| W 1) 12 7 | Calm 0 | Calm 0) WSW 0-2}|WNW = 1] WSW 1|SW 1| Var. O-1)}NW 0-1|NW = 0-1|.W 1 | Calm 0} W 0-1} 0-7 8 |SW 3;SSW 3-4 SSW 3-4|SW 3/5 2-3/5 3/8 3/58 3-45 4) WSW 3) W 2-3| WSW 1-2] 2°5 9 |S 2-3 | SSE 2|8 8-4 | § 2| SSE 2\|SSE 2-3/SSE 2-3/5 2-3|/SSE 3-4|SSE 4-5/S 3-4 3-5 | 24 10 |SE 6-7/5 4|WSW 24!WSW 2-3|SW 2-3 | SW 3-4 | SW 3| WNW 1-2| NW 1|/WNW 1/]WNW 0-1| WNW 1] 36 py a a's 1-2| WNW 0-1] W 0-1 | NW 0-1 | Calm O|N 0-1 | Calm 0| W 1| Calm 0 | Cabo 0| NNW 1} Calm 0| 10 12 | Calm 0 | Calm O|NW- 0-1|N 0-1 | N 0-2 | Calm 0 | Calm 0|N 0-1| NE 0-1| N 0-1 | NE 0-1 | Calm 0} 06 13 |SE 1| ESE 2| SE 2| ESE 2|5 2-3 | ESE 3 2-3 | ESE 3| ESE 3| ESE 3 | ESE 3/ESE 2-3] 15 14 |ESE 3-4/ESE 2-3] ESE 3/SE 3/E 8-4 | EB 3 | Calm 0|=E 1| ESE 2) ESK 3| ESE 3] ESE 3) 34 15 | Calm 0 | Calm O|N 0-1| N 0-1) HE 2|ENE 1-2)}ENE 0-1|N 0-1/1 0-1 | NE 0-1| NE 1-2 | NE 1-2 | 1:2 16 |N 1-3 | NE 1-3 | NE 1-3|ENE 2-4! NE 1-4|E 3-4] E 4-5| ESE 3|E 2-3) ESE 3-4!SE 4-5 | SE 4-5 | 28 17 |SE 1-2 | ESE 2|E 3| ESE 2| ESE 2) ESE 2)5 1|SE 1-2) ESE 1} Calm 0|E 0-1 | Calm 0} 2°38 18 |E 0-1) ESE 0-1/5 1| Var. 0-1] Var. 0-1/NE 0-1/8 0-1| E 1|\E 1|E 0-1) E 0-1 | Calm 0| 06 19 | NE 0-1) N 0-2 | N 0-1| NE 0-1| NE 1| NE 1-2 | NE 0-2 | NE 0-1 | Var 0-1/ NE 0-1) E 0-2] S 0-1} 07 20 | NE 0-1| NE 1-3 | NE 1-2 | Var 0-1 | N 0-1) NE 0-1| N 0-1| NE 0-1| NE 0-1) NE 0-1 | NE 1| NE 1| 0-9 21 | Calm 0| NE 0-1 | Calm 0| NE 0-1 | N 0-1|NNE 1-2|}NNE 1-2/N 0-1 | Calm O|E 1|/ESE 1-2] ESE 1| 05 ee SSW 1-2/8 1\8 0-1/)58 1-2/8 ae) 1-2)58 1-2/5 1;8 1-2/8 1| SSE 1/ SSE 1/ 13 23 | SE 1| Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0/5 1} Calm 0) Calm 0° Calm 0|S 0-1;SSW 0-1| SSW 1} 08 24 | WSW 1-2|/SW 0-1 | SW 1| Calm O|ENE 0-1|N 1|N 1-2} NW L)WNW LN 0-1 | NW 2|}NW 1-2] 1:0 | 25 |ENE 2-3/4 2-3|NNE 2-4| NE 1-3| E 2-4/5 2-4) B 2-3 | SW 0-1, NE 1-2 | Var. 0-2 | NE 1-3 | NE 1-3] 2:2 26 N 2-4|N 1-2| NE 1-3 | NE 1-4| N 2-4] NE 1-3|N 2-4| NE 1-3, NE 3-5 | NE 3-6 | NE 2-5|ENE 2-4] 34 27 |E 2-3) ENE 1-2 2|N 1-3 | K 2-3/ENE 2-4/ENE 3-5] NE 13! ENE 2-3/ENE 2-4|N 1-4| NE 1-3} 274 23 N 0-2|NNE 1-3] NE 1-3 | NE 1-2);ENE 2-4|N 1-3|N 1-4|N 1-3; N 1-2| NE 1}ENE 0-1 aby ales) 29 Calm 0|E 1-2)NE 0-1|N 0-1] Calm 0|E 8-4| ESE 2-3/E 1 £ 1/K 1-2|E 0-1|/ESK 1-2} 16 30 | N 0-1|E 1| ENE 1| NE 1|/ENE 0-1] 0-1 | Calm 0| Ez 0-1 E 1|E 0-1| E 0-1 | Calm 0; 05 | 31 | N 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0; WNW 1/W 1-2 | W 0-1 | W 0-1; W 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0} Calm 0| 03 MEAN) 1°58 1°40 1°52 1°44 1°60 1:94 1°65 10 1°52 1°56 1°53 1°42] 1°67 | | We N1l0. NNE13. NE115, ENE 40. E62. ESE57. SE25. SSE 20. S56. SSW9. SW 26. WSW20. W44. WNW2l1. NW28. NNW8, Calm90. BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 165 WIND. DIRECTION AND ForcE (0 to 12). JUNE 1894. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 aul 12 Max. Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.| Dir’n. Force. | Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force. | Dir’n. Force.) Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force. 1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| WNW 1) NW 0-1 | NW 0-1} WNW 0-1} WNW 0| Calm 0;/S 0-1/8 0-1)S 1-2/8 1-2 2 2 |SE 1-2|SE 2|SE 2|)SE 2|ESE 3-4/5 4/ESE 45/E 4/E 4|ESE 45/ESE 2-4/E 2-4 5 3 |NNE 0-1] Calm 0| SE 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm O|E 0|zE 0-1] E 12|/ESE 1-2/5 2|SE 1-2 2 4 \|E 0-1 | ESE 1| ESE 2| ESE 2| ESE 2\E 1-2 |} ESE 3) ESE 3-4] E 1-2 | ESE 2-3 | ESE 3-4 | E 3 4 5 | ESE 2| ESE 1| ENE 1| NE 1-2 | NE 0-1) E 1) 2|E 1-2/5 1|E 1-2 | Caim O|N 0-1 2 6 |N 2|N 1-2| NE 1-2 | NE 1-2|N 0-2| N 0-2 | NE 1-3|N 0-1} NE 1-2|ENE 1-3] Calm 0 | Calm 0 3 WN 0-1| N 0-1) NNW 0-1|N 1-2|N 1-2|N 1|N 0-1} N 1 | Calm 0} Calm 0 | Calm 0 0-1 2 8 |N 0-1| N 0-1) N 0-1 | N 0-1|N 0-1|N 1-2| N 1 | Calm 0} Calm O|s 1-2|5 1-2 0-1 2 9 | SSE 0-1| SE 0-1] SE 0-1/SE 0-1 | Calm 0 |Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 1 10 | SSE 0-1] SSE 1;S 1/8 0-1/8 1/8 1-2/8 0-1/ 8S 2\8 1-2/5 2-3 | SSE 1-2 3 3 11 | NE 1-2) NE 1-3|NNE 2-3|NNE 2-3/N 1-2|N 0-1; N 1-2| NE 1-2] NE 12|/ENE 0-1 N 1-2|N 1-2 3 12 | ENE 1| NNE iL |] ANT 0-1| NE 1/ENE 1-2| NE 0-2 | ENE 1|NNE 12/ENE 1-2|E 1-2 | ENE 1|N 12 3 13 |N 2-4 1-3|N 13|N 2-4|N 1-3|N 1-3| N 0-2|N 0-1|N 0-2|N 0-2| NE 1| ENE || 14 |N 3|N 3 3|N 2|N 12h Ni 1-2|}NNW 12|}NW = 3-4| NW 3)/NW 2-3| WNW 2-3] WNW 1-2 4 15 |SW 2-3 | SW 3) WSW 2-3} WSW 3-4| WSW 1-3|SW 2-4) WSW 2-4) SW 1-3 | W 1-2| WSW 1-2) WNW 1-2|W 0-1 4 16 | NE 1|N 1| Calm 0|/NW 0O-1|/NW 0-1)/NW- 12/)W 1-2|SW 1-2/8 2-3 | SW 2-3 2-3/SSW 3-4 5 17 | WSW 4)SW 3-4 | SW 3/SSW 3-4/SW 2|}SSW 2-3/8 1-3/5S 1-2}SSW 0-2|SW 2-3 | W 1-3 | NW 0-2 4 18 |W 1-2| W HER NAY 1-2| W 1-2| SW 1| Calm 0| SW 1-2| WSW 1-2| W 1-2| SW 2|W 2-3| WNW 0-2 3 19 |WSW 0-1) NW 0-1 | NW 1| NW 1)WSW 1-2| W 1-2|WSW 1-2/SSW 2-3/8 1-2/5 2-3/8 2-3|}SSW 2-3 4 20 | Calm 0| NNW 1-2| NW 0-1} NNW 0-1|N 1-2| NE 1-2}ENE 1-2| NE 12)N 1-2| NE 1-2 | Calm 0| NE 1-2 2 21 |SSW~ 1-2|}SSW 2)/SSW 1-2|SSW 2 SW 1-2| SW 1-2| Sw 1-2| WSW 0-2|SSW 1|WSW 1-2|SW 2-3 | SSW 2 3 22 |SW 2|SSW 3) SW 2-3 | SW 3/SSW 1-3 2-3 | SW 2-3/5 2-3 1-2|SW 2\SSW 2-4/SSW 1-3 4 23 2|WSW 1-2) WSW 2|WSW 2-3|}SW 2-3 | WSW 2| SW 3-4;SSW 1-2|}SSW 2-3/|S 2-3|SSW 2-3|/SSW 2-3 4 24 |WNW al 0-1|N 1-2| N 1|W 1-2} WNW 1-2|N 1| NW 2-3 | NW 2-3) WNW 2-3) W 2-3) WSW 2-3 3 25 | SSW 1/SSW 1-2/S 1-2/5 2/8 1-2/8 2\8 1-2/8 2\S 2\S 218 1-2|S 1-2 4 26 | NNW 24 EN: 2\|N 2\|N 2-3| N 21N 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-2|N 0-1|N 1| Calm 0 3 97 | SSE 1| SSE 0-1| SE 1|SE 0-1| SE 1-2|SE 0-1 | SE 1| SSE 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 2 28 | ENE 1-2 1-2|E 2)5 2-3) E 2-3 | ESE 3| SE 3-4| SE 3|SE 3|SSE 3-4|SE 2|SE 2-3 4 29 | SE 1-2/SE 1-2| SE 1-2 | SE 1-2 | SE 1-2 | SE 2|SE 1-2/ SE 1| SE 0-1 | SE 1| SE 1-2| SE 2 3 80 |S 12/8 1-2/8 2|SSW 1-2|}SW 2| SW 12/SSW 1-2/SSE 1-2/|SSE 1-2|SE 2|SE 2|SE 1-2 2 MEAN 1°38 1°42 1°48 1°62 1°47 1°50 1°62 1°58 1°47 1°73 1°62 1°52 | 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 73) Midnight. | Mean Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.) Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Force. i [SW 1-2|SW 1| Calm 0 | Calm 0|N 0-1|N 0-1| NE O|N 0-1 | SE 1-2 | SE 1| SE 2) SE 2)| 0°7 2 |SE 2-3|ESE 1-2|E 2| ESE 2|\E 3|E 2|E 2| ESE 2) 5 1-2|ENE 1-2) NE LENG QO-1} 2°5 38 | ESE 1-2/SE 12|ESE 1-2/| ESE 2\/ESE 1-2|SE 2| ESE 2| SE 1|SE 1-2 | Calm 0|E 0-1 | Calm 0| 1:0 4 |SE 2-3|SE 2-3|ESE 2-3/ESE 2-3|/ESE 3-4) ESE 3|ESE 3-4) ESE 3-4|SE 3 | ESE 3 | ESE 2|SE 1-2| 2°5 5 | Calm 0| NE 0-1| N 1| NE 0-2 | Var. 0-1|}ENE 0-2/N 1-2| Var. 0-1/E 0-1|N 0-1 | N LN 1-2] 1:0 6 | Calm 0} Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0|/ENE 1-2}ENE 1-2|/NE 1-2 | ENE 1| NE 0-1} NE 1|N 0-1 0-1] 0-9 7 | Calm 0} Calm 0 | Calm O|N 0-1 | N 0-1 | Calm 0|NE 1-2|N 0-1] N 1|/N 1;/NW 0-1;NW_ 0-1] 06 8 |S 0-1) Var. 0-1/SSW_ 0-1/} Calm 0|SSW 1-2|SW 0-1 | SW 0-1 | Calm 0|Ss 0-1 | Calm 0/SSE 0-1| SE 0-1} 0°6 9 |NE 0-1 | Calm 0} Calm 0 | Calm 0| ESE 1 | Calm 0} Calm 0| Calm 0|E 0-1 | Calm 0;s 0-1 | Calm 0] 0-2 10 |S 2-3/5 1-2/8 2)S 1-2 | NW 1|/N 0-1 0-2) NW 2-3 | Var. 0-2; NNW 1-2|/N 0-1) N 02] 14 ie | N 0-1| NE 0-2 | NNE 1|/N 0-1)/ENE 1-2|N 0-1 | ENE 2| ENE 2) NE 1-2| NE 2| NE 1-2 | Calm 0; 14 12 | NE 0-2 | N 0-1 | Var. 0-1 | NE 1-2/ENE 0-2|/ENE 1-3 0-1) NE 2|NE 2-3 | NE 1-3| NE 1-3 2-3] 13 13 |N 0-1) N 0-1;/WNW 1/NW- 0-1/NW~- 1-2] WNW 1-2) W 2| WNW 2/NNW 12/NNW 2-3|)N 2-3| N 2-3] 1°6 14 |WNW 3/NW~- 1-2|)W 1-2| W 1-2 | W 1-2) WSW 1-2|SW 3/SSW 2-3|SW 3-4 | SW 2-3 | SW 2) SW PAI) 938} 15 |N 1-2|N 1-2} NNW 1-2/Var. 0-1| NE 1-2| NE 0-2|}ENE 1-3| NE 1-2 | NE 1-3 | NE 0-2 | N 1-2| NNW 1 alg} 16 |SSW 3-5|/SSW 4;/SSW 45)|SSW 4/SSW 4-5/S 2-4/SSW 3-4|S 2-3|SSW 3-4] SSW 3|SW 2-3 | SW 4| 26 17 | WNW 1-3|SW PAN WE 2-3 | SW 1-2| W 29-4|NW 1-3) WSW 1-3; WSW 1-2] W 3/WSW 1-2) W 1-2} W 1-2] 2°2 18 |W 0-1 | W se WVA 1-2 | WNW 1; W 0-2 | NW 1-2 1-2 | Var 0-1) Var. 0-1 0-1} WNW 0-1] NW 1) 2 19 |S 3)8 3/8 3/8 2-3 | SSW 3|/SSW 2-3|SW 2-3 | SW 3|SW 3-4} WSW 3-4] WSW 2|W 1) 2:1 20 | NE 1|/N 0-1/N 0-1 | NE 0-1 | Calm o|N 0-1) N 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0|/WSW 0-1;SSW_ 0-1]/S 1} 08 21 |S 1-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2|Sw 2 2-3|8 2\8 2-3|SSW 2-3|/SSW 2-3|SW 2-3|SSW 2-3|SSW 2-3] 2:0 22 |SwW 2-4| W 2-3 | W 1-2|}WNW 2-3) WNW 1-2] NW 1-2 | NW 1-2 | NW 0-2} WNW 1-2) NW 1-2| WNW 1-2 1-2} 2:1 23 |SSW 2-4/SSW 2-3/SW 3-4 | W 1-3 1-2|N 0-1 | W 1-2| NW 1 | Calm 0| Var. 0-1 | NW 1) Var. 0-1/ 1:9 24 | NW 1-2 | NW 1-2 | NW 1-2 | W 0-2 1-2|/N 1-2] W 2-3 | N 0-1 W 0-1 | NW 0-1 | SW 1|SSW 1) 15 25 |SSW~ 1-2|)SW 2| WSW 1-2| WSW 2) WSW 1-2|SW 2-3 | SW 1-2 | W 2)/WNW 3/NW- 3-4|WNW 2-3}NNW 2-3] 19 26 |N O|N 0-1 | Calm 0} Calm 0 | Calm 0|E 1-2|/ESE 1-2|SE 1-2 | SE 1-2|SE 1-2 | SSE 1|/SSE 1-2) 12 27 |SE 1|)SE 0-1) ESE 1-2| ESE 1-2 | SE 1-2|SE 1-2 | ESE 1-2) E 1-2|\E 12|E 0-1|N 0-1/ENE 1-2] 09 28 |SE 1-2/E 1-2/ESE 12/SE 2\/SE 0-1 | SE 1-2 | Calm 0|s 0|SE 1|SE 1-2 | SE 1-2|SE 1-2} 1°9 29 |SE 2-3 | ESE 2|SE 2-3] SE 2| SE 1-2|SE 1| SSE 1| SSE 1| SE 1-2) SE 1)/SSE 1-2/SSE 1-2} 15 30 |S 1-2/8 1-2/8 0-2/8 1-2/ESE 12/SE 1-2| SE 1/SSE 1-2/SSE 12/S 1-2/8 1-2|SSE 1-2] 1:5 MEAN 1°53 1°38 1°45 1:33 1°55 1:40 1°58 1°38 1:58 1°42 1:33 1:33 | 1°49 N105. NNE6. NE 44. ENE23. E36. ESE40. SE72, SSE20. S65. SSW 46. SW52. WSW 27. W38. WNW 23, NW37. NNW11. Calm 75. 166 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. WIND. DIRECTION AND Force (0 to 12). JULY 1894. 1 2 3 te lll wee 6 7 8 9 10 u 12 ‘| Max, Dir'n. Force. |Dir’n. Force. |Dir'n, Force. |Dir'n. Force. Dir'n. Force. |Dir'n. Force. | Dir'n. Force. |Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.) Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force. 1 |SE 2-3 | SSE 2/8 2|S 1-28 12 | SE 1|SE 1|SE 1-2| SE 1-2| SE 2| SE 1-3 | SE 1-2) 3 2/8 2-3|S 2-3|SE 3/5 2 SSE 2) SSE 3/8 2-3 | SSE 3 | SE 3/ SE 3-4 | SE 3-4 | SE 3-5] 5 3 |N 1-2|N 0-1|N 1-2) N 0-2 N 12)}NW_ 0-1) NNW 1-2| Var. 0-1) NNW 1)NNE 12/NNE 1-2/N 0-1 3 4 | WNW 1-2} WSW 2-3) WNW 2-3| W 12 WSW 2-3) WSW 3/SW 2|WSW 2-3|WSW 2-3|SW 1-2|SW 2/SSW 1-2) 4 5 |SSW 0-2)SW 0-2/5 1-3/8 2-3 | S 2-3 | SSE 3\5 3/5 3-4/5 3\8 3/5 3-4/5 2-4 4 6 |S 2-3/5 2-3/8 1-2/8 2-318 2-3|5 2-4/8 2-4/SSE 2-4/S 1-2 | SSE 2|SE 3/SSE 2-3 7 7 |SSE 2-3/SSE 23)W 12|WSW 1-2 5S 12/SSW 1-2;SW 0;S 0-1|8 2,8 1) SSW 2|8 2} 3 8 |s 12)SW 1-2/8 2|/SSW 23/SW 23/SW 2|WSW 2-3)WNW 1|/WNW 1/W 1-2|WNW 1)W 12) 3 9 |S 1-2/8 218 1-2)SSW 1-2 SSW 0-1/S 1-2 | SSW 1; WSW 1|SSW_= 0-1/SSW_ 0-1} Calm 0 | Calm 0; 2 10 | SSE 2|/SSE 1-2/SE 1-2/ESE 1-2 SSE 1/8 0-1 | SE 0-1 | SE 1-2 | SE 2|SE 2-3) ESE 2-3/ SE 2 3 | 11 |SSW 1-2/SW_ 1-2)SW O;SSW 1-2) 12/8 1|Ss 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0} Calm 0|SSE_ 0-1) Calm Oo; 2 12 |N 1-2|)N 1) N 2)/NE 12|N 1-2|)N 12|N 1)/N 12)N iW 0-1|NNE 0-1 2} 3 13 |N 1-2; NE 1)N 1-2|N 2;NE 12)NNE 2-3|N 2-3)NNW 1-2}NW 1-2) NW 2)NW 2-3| W 2-4) 4 14 |W 1|N 1|N 1-2)N 1-2|N 2|N 2|N 2-3 | N 3) N 2|N 1-2|)N 1-2| N 1-2 3 15 |N 12|N 2|N 2-3|N 3|N 2-3) N 2-3| N 2-3| N 3|N 2-3) N 2-3| N 0 | Calm 0 3 16 | SW 2)SW 2-3/SSW_ 2-3/8 2-3/8 2/8 2-3/8 3 | SSE 3 | SSE 3/SSE 3-4|SSE 3-5/SE 3-4) 5 17 ;|NW 1-2|N 1-2} WNW 2-3)NW 1-2| WNW 1-2) W 1-2) WSW 1-2} W 2(NW 1-2'| W 1-2} WSW 1-2|SW 2-3] 3 18 |N 1-2) N 1-2'N 1|/N 1-2, N 12)\N 1-2| N 0-1) N 12;/NNE 1-2|N 12)N 1|N 2-3 3 19 |N 1-2) N 2|N 2-3 | N 3-4 | N 2-3 | N 3|)N 2-3) N 3 2-3) N 3|/N 1-3 | NE 1 4 20 | WSW 1-2) NW 1)|NW 1-2) NW 1)NW 1-2)/WNW 1/|WSW 1-2} WSW 1-2) W 2|WSW 12|)SW 2-3|SW 1-2) 8 21 |SW 1-2| SW 2-3 | W 2-3 | W 2-3 | W 1-2 | W 3| SW 2)SSw_ 1-2/8 2|8 0-1|5 2|S 1 3 22 |WNW 1-2) W 1) W 0-1 | W 0-1 | W 1-2 | Sw 1| SW 0; WSW 1/SW 1|W 12/8 1| SW ez 23 |N 1|)N 1)NNE 1-2/N 12|N 1|N 1} Calm o| N 12|NNW 0-1/N 0-1|N 0-1 | N Th) aa 24 | NE 1-2|N 1-2|N 2-3|NNE 2-3/NNE 1-2|NE 1-2|E 2) ESE 2, Calm 0| SE 1-2|SE 1-2; SE 1 4 25 |E 3-4|ESE 5-6|/ESE 5-6/E 6 5|E 4-5|ESE 5-6|ESE 6-7|ESE 5-7|H 4-6| E 4-6 | SE 5-6] 8 26 | ESE 3-4| SE 3-4] SE 4-5|KSE 45/SE 5| SE 4|SE 3-5 | SE 4-5 | SE 4-5 | ESE 4|SE 4| HSE 4) 5 27 |SE 3|ESE 2-3|SE 2|SE 3/5 3-4 | ESE 3|/ESE 2-3|/ESE 2-3| SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 2-3|ESE 2-3) 4 28 | SE 3-4 SE 2-3 | SE 3-4 | SE 3| SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 3|SE 3| SE 2-3| SE 2) SE 2-3 | SE 3]; 4 29 |S 1\8 0-1 | Calm 0| NE 0-1|N 0-1) N 0-1| N 1| NE 1| SE 1| SE 12 | SE 0-1 | ESE i 2 30 | N 1)N 0-1/ N 1-2|N 1-2|N 0-1| N 1-2) N 0-1|N 0-1) N 1|NNE 0-1|/N 0-1| N 0-1 2° 31 | W 1-2) W 1-2} WNW 1-2) WNW 1-2} WNW 1-2) WNW 1-2) WNW 1-2} WNW 1-2) WNW 1-2) Calm 0}; WSW 0-1/SW 0-1) 3 MEAN 1°82 181 2°00 2°08 1:94 2:00 1:84 2:48 1:87 181 1:85 1:84 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 | 23 Midnight. |Mean. ——— = SS Dir'n. Force.} Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force. Dir'n. Force.| Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force. |Dir'n. Force.|Force. 1 |SE 0-1 |.SE 2-3 | SE 3|ESE 2-3|SE 1-2| SE 1-2 | ESE 2|SE 1-2/| SE 2\ SSE 2\S 2-3)SSE 1-2/ 18 2 | SE 3/8 2-3 | SW. 0-1/SSW 2-3) SW 12)WNW 1-2) WNW 1-2|N 0-1 | W 1-2 | NW 2'N 0-1| N 1-2) 2:2 3 | Calm 0O|NW 1-3|NNW 0-1|N 0-2) N 12|NW 12|N 0-1 | W 1-2| W 1-2);NW 13 NW 0-2|)WNW 1-2) 1-1 4 |SW 23)58 12|\SSW 2-3/SSW 12|)SW 2-3/5 2-3/5 2-3|S 2-3|SSH 2-3/8 24 SSW 2-3/8 1-3 | 2-2 5 |SSE 3/8 2-3/5 2-3|8 2-3/SW 2-3/8 2-3|8 2-318 23/SSE 3-4/58 13,5 2-4/8 2-5 | 2:6 6 |S 3|SE 3-4 | SE 3-4 | SE 2-3 | SE 2-3]8 3| SE 4|SSE 4-5|SE 6-7 | SE 5-7 | SSE 6/S 1-2} 3:2 7 |SSW 1-2)SSW 12'S 2-3 2-3|5 1-2 | SSE 2-3 | SSE 3| SSE 2-3/8 2-3/8 1-2\8 1-2/8 2-3} 1:8 Seyinyy 1-2 | W 12|}WNW 1-2) WNW 1-2| W 1-2} WSW 1-2) SW. 1-2 | SW 1-2 | W 0-1 | SW. 1|SW 1-2 | SW 1) 15 9 |SW 0-1) SW 0\Ss 0|}SW 0-1|/SSW_ 0-1) SSW 0} SSE 1\s 1/8 0-1 | SSE 1 SE 12|)ESE 1-2/ 08 10 | SE 1| SSW 1| SW 1/8 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0) Calm 0 | Calm 0); W 0-1 | SW o's 0-1|8 aby) ala) 11 | Calm 0 | Var 0-1|N 0-1) N 0-1 | Calm 0 0-1| N TON 1-2|)N 1-2|N 1-2) N 1-2|N 1-2] 08 12 |E 1-2|E 12/5 12|N 1-3|NNE 2-3| NNE 2|N 2-3| N 2-3) N 2-3 | NE 1-2|N 1-2) NE 1-2) 16 13 | WSW 2-3|SW 1-2/8 2-3 | SW 2|WSW 2-3|)SW 2) SSW 2)SSW 1-2)S 2-3/8 1-2/8 1-2,| W 1-2) 1:9 14 |N 1|N 1|/N 1-2) N 1 1|N 1-2|N 2-3| N 2-3 | N 1-2|N 12|N 2-3 | N 2) 1:7 15 | Calm O|}NW 0-1|N 0-1|N 0-1| N 0-1 | Calm O|N 1}NW 1-2|NNW 0-1) NNW 1-2/|SW 1| SW 1-2) 14 16 | SSE 3/8 1-3|S 2-3)SW 2-3/SW 1-2) WSW 1-2| W 12|SW 23/W 1-2 | W 1-2;NW 0-1) W 1-2 | 2:3 17 | WSW 1|W 1-2 | W 1-2| W 1-2 | SW 1-2}NW 1-2)SW 2) WSW 1) SW 1-2 | SW 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm O| 14 18 |N 12)N 2-3| N 1-2|N 2|NNE 2\|N 2-3, N 2-3 | N 2-3) N 2,N 12|N 1-2|N 2) 17 19 | N 2-3| N 1-2|N 1-2|N 0-1|NNE 0-1|NNW 1-2)N 0-1} Calm 0| W 12|N 1 NW_ 0-1) WNW 0-1) 17 20 |S 2-3)}SW 1-2|/SSW 2|SW 2-3) W 23) W 2) W O-1}NW 1-2);NW 0-1|NW 1:2);WNW 1/SW~ 1-2] 16 21 |S 12/58 2-3|8 2-3/8 1-2/8 1\8 12|8 1-2/8 1-2/8 2/SSW 12) W 2 | Calm 0} 17 22 | SW 1|)SW 0); SW 1-2| WSW 1| WSW 0 | Calm 0) W 0-1 | N 1-2|N 2|N 12|)NNE 1-2|N 1-2) 1:0 23 |N 0-1| N 1-2 Ni 2-3 | NNE 3) Var. 0-1 2-3)NEH 1-2|N 2-3|NNE 3-4|N 2|N 2|N 2-3) 15 24 |SE 1-2| SE 1-2 1-2|E 2,5 1|E 2| ESE 2|NE 1-2 | i 2-3|E 2-3) E 3-4 | E 3-4: 18 25 | SE 4-6| ESE 5-7|E 6-8|ESE 6-8|ESE 5-6|SE 4-6| ESE 3-4|ESE 4-5/E 2-3| E 3|E 3-4 | ESE 4) 50 26 |E 3-4) ESE 4-5/E 3-4 | E 2\|ESE 3-4|E 3-4) ESE 3-4/USE 2-3|)E 2|SE 2\E 2-3 | SE 2-3 | 3°6 27 | SE 2| ESE 2-3/SE 2-3|ESE 1-2) SE 2-3 | SE 2|SE 2-3 | SE 2|SE 2-3 | SE 3| SE 3-4 | SE 3-4 | 2°6 28 | SE 3| ESE 3\E 2-3 | ESE 3) SE 3) SE 3| SE 3| SE 3| SE 2-3 | SE 2|SE 1-2 | SSE 2) 2°7 29 | SK 0-1|ESE 0-1|E 1\E 1-2|E 1/E 1|E 12)NE 0-1|N 0-1) N 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0} 07 80 |N 0-1| N 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0} Calm 0} Calm 0} Calm 0 | Calm 0\s o/s O|S 0-1 | Calm 0| 05 31 |S 0-1)}SSW 1-2/8 218 12/SW 12/58 2|8 2/5 1-2/5 1-2| SE 2-3 | SE 3 | SSE 3), 15 MEAN) 1°66 | 1:82 1-73 1°82 1:60 174 181 1:81 1:89 174 179 1°73 | 1°85 | N 1538. NNE16. NE13. ENEO, E36. ESE37. SE98, SSE 33. S109. SSwW28. SW57. WSW24. W43. WNW 23. NW24. NNW8. Calm 37. } BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 167 WIND. DIRECTION AND Force (0 to 12). AUGUST 1894. af 2 3 4 5 6 Uf 8 9 10 11 12 Max. Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force. Dir'n. Force. Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. 1 |SE 2-3| SSE 3-4 | SSE 3| SSE 3| SSE 3/SSE 2-3/SSE 3-4/8 4|S 4| SSE 4|SSE 3 | SSE 3 4 2 |WSW 1-2|SW 1-2 | SW 1-2 | SW 1-2 | SSW 1|SW 0-1) SW 0-1/8 0-1;S 0-1/8 0-1 | Calm 0| SSE 0-1 8 3 IN 3-4| N 3-4| N 2-3|N 2-3) N 1-2|N 2-3/NNE 2-3|N 2-3 | N 3(/N 2-3 | N 2-3 | N 2-3 4 4 | Calm Oo|NW~ 1-2 1-2 | Calm 0| W 0-1/5 1) SSW 1/8 0-1/8 0-1/8 1-2 | Calm 0| SW 1-2 3 56 | W 2-3 | W 1-2 | WNW 2) W 2|WSW 2-3) SW 1-2} WSW 0-2/}SSW 2-3|/SW 1-2|SW 0-2 | SW 12} WSW 1-2 3 6 |SSW 2-3} W 2-3/5 2/SSW 2-3|SSW 1-3|/SSW 1-3/SSW 2-3/5 2-3 | SW 2-4| SW 2-3 | SW 1-3 | SW 3-4 4 7 |N 1-2|N 1-2| WNW 1-2| W 2|SW 1-2;}SSW 1-2}/SW Wi 1-2 | SW 1-2 0-1 | W 1-2/}SSW 1-2 3 8 |S 2|SW 2|WSW 1-2|}SW 2-3 | WSW 1} WSW 0-1|SW 1-2 | SW 1-2 |SW 1-2 | SW 0-1)/SSW 1-2/S 1-2 3 9 |N 0-1 | Calm 0O|N 0-1 | Calm O|N 0-1|N 0-1 | N 0 0-1 | N 0-1|N 0-1 | N O|N 0-1 2 10 | NE 2-3 2-4 | N 2-3 | N 3-4|N 3-4 |N 0-1| N 2-3|N 3|N 0-1|N 1-2|NNE 1-2| NE 0-1 4 11 | NE 2-3) N 2)|NNE 1-2|N 2-31 N 2-3| N 2,;NNE 0-1}; NW 2! NW 2| WNW 2-3! WNW 0-1| NW 0-1 3 i | NW 1-2|N 1-2|);NNW 1-3/N 2-4|NNW 2-3| NW 0-2; WNW 1-3| WNW 2-3| NW 2-3 | NW 1-2| NW 0-1 | NW 0-1 4 13 |ENE 2-3|N 2-4|N 2-4|N 2-3 | N 2-3 | N 3-4|N 3-4 | N 2-4|NNE 2-3|N 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-3 4 146/|S 2-3 | SW 2-3 | W 2-3 | SW 1-2| WSW 0) SW 23) WNW 2-4) W 2-3 | NW 1-3 | N 0-1 | W 0-2 | W 1-3 4 15 |W 1 | Calm OUN 0-2 | Calm 0) N 0-1| N 0|NNE 0-1|N 2-3 | N 1|N 0-1| N 0-1| N 1-2 3 16 2-3| N 2-3 | N 2-4|N 2-3) N 2-3) N 2-3 | N 1-3|N 2-4) N 2-3|NNE 1-3|NNE 1-3| NE 1-2 4 17 |NNW 1-2} NNW 2|NNW 1-2|N 12|)}NNE 1-2|N 0-1 | N 13)|N 0-1) N 0-1|/N 0-1) N 0-1| NE il 4 18 |N 12|)ENE 1-2 2-3 | N 2\|N 2-3 | N 2-3|N 0-1| N ie 0-1 0-1| N 0-1/ N 0-1 3 19 |W 2) Sw 1-2 | SW 1-2}WSW 2-3|SW 2-3 | SW 2-3|SSW 2-3|SW 2-3|WSW 2-3) SW 1-2| SW 2|SSW 12 3 20 |N 2)N 2-3 2-3! N 2-3|N 2-3 N 2-3 | N 2-3 N 3-4 2-3! N 2-3] N 1-2 0-1 4 ee |) W 1-2} W NVA 1-2 | SW 2| SW 1-2 | SW 1-2 | Sw 0-1} WSW 1-2) WSW 1|SW 0-1 | SW 1-2 | SW 0-1 2 22 |NNE 0-1/N 1|N 1);N 1-2|N EN 1-2|N 0-1| N 0-1| N 1|N 0-1| N 0-1 | Calm 0 2 23 | E 1|N 0-1|E 1|}NNE 0-1|N 0-1 | Calm O|N 0-1| N 1-2| NE 1-2 | NE 1-2| NE 0-1| NE 0-1 2 2 | N 1-2|N 1| NE 1-2|E 2\|N 1S EN 0-1| N 0-1| N 0-1 | N 0-1|N 0-1|NNE 0-1/N 12 2 25 | NW 1-2} NNW BN 2|N 2-3) N 2\|N 2-3 | N 2|N 2-3 | N 3-4| N 2-3 | N 0-1 | SE 0-1 4 26 |E 1|N 0-1) N 1| Calm 0|N 0-1/ENE 1-2/E 1-2 | NE 1/E 0-1 | E 1 | Calm 0|/E 0-1 2 27 | N 0-1| N 0-1 | N 1-2| N 1-2|N 0-1 0-1 | N 0-1| N 0-1| NNW _ 0-1} Calm 0 0-1 | ESE 0-1 2 28 | N 1| NW 1-2|N DIN 12)N 2-3| N 23/NNW 3-4| NW 3-4) N 2-4 2-3| N 3-4| NNW 3-4 4 29 |N 4|N 4-5|N 4-5| N 5-6 | N 5-6 | N 5-6 | N 5-6| NNW 4-5|N 4|N 2-3 | N 2-3 | NW 3-4 6 30 | W 4-5 | W 5-6 | W 4-5| W 5 |W 3-4 | W 3-4 | W 4|NW 2-3|WNW 3-4|/NW 3-4;/WNW 9 3| NNW 1-2 6 31 |NNW 2-3|/NNW 2-3|N 2;NW 1-2|}NW~ 0-1/NNW 0-1|NNW 0-1|/NW_ 0-1) W 1-2| NW 1) W 1); W 0-1 3 MEAN 1°87 1:97 2°00 2°05 1:79 1°69 1:76 1:97 1:79 1°44 1°23 1°32 13 14 15 16 alré 18 19 20 21 22 23 Midnight. |Mean. Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n.Force. Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.) Dir’n. Force. | Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.| Dir’n. Force. | Dir'n. Force.|Force. 1 | SSE 3| SSE 1-2|SW 2-3/|SSW 2-3|}SW 0-1 | SW 0-1 | SW 1| W 1-2} WSW 1-2| NW 1-2} W 1-2} WNW 1-2] 2°4 maivar. O-1| N 1-2|N 1| NE 1-2|N 0-2 | N 1-3 | N 2-3| N 2-4|N 4-5 | N 4-5|N 3-5 | N 5-8 | 1:8 3 | N 1-3} N 1-2|)N 1|N 2|N 1-2|N 0-1] N 1-2|N 2-3| N 2-3|N 1-2|N Z2|N 1-2] 21 4 |SW 1|SW 1-2/8 1-2 | SW 2) W 2-3 | W 2-3 | W 2-3 | N 2-3/NW 2-3 1-2)/NW 23]/NNW 2-3} 1:4 5 |W 0-2); WSW 0-1|/SSW 2-3|/SW 2-3 | W 1-2 | SW 2-3 | SSW 3) SW 2-3 | W 2-3|WSW 2-3) WSW 1-2/SW 1-2] 1:9 6 | WSW 3-4| W 2-3 | SW 2-3 | W 2-3 | NW 2-3 | W 1-3 | NW 0-1| N 21N 1-2|N 1-2/N 2\|N 1-2 | 2°2 7 |SwW 1-2)}SSW 1-2)SW 1-2)}SSW 1-2/SSW 12 1-2/8 US) 1-2/5 218 2-3/SSE 2-3/8 2-3 | 1°6 Es AS 1-2/8 12|SE 1-2/5 0|Ss 0-1 | SSE 0-1/5 0-1 | W 1] WSW 0-1] Calm 0| NW 1|/N 0-1; 11 9 | Calm 0|N 0-1 | Calm N 1-2 | Var. 0 ENG 0-1 | Calm O|N 1-2|N 1-2 | Calm O|N 1-2} 0°5 10 1|N 12/'N 2-3 | N 1-2|N 2-3 | Var O|N 2-3| NE 1-2|N 1-2|N 3 2-3 | NE 1-2} 1:9 a=W" 0-1} N 1-2); N 1-2; N 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-3!NW 1-2|);NW 1-2! W 1-2|N 1-2 | W 2) 16 122 |NW 0O-1/NW 0-1|/NW~ 0-1|/N 1-2|N 2-3|NNE 1-3|N 2-3 | N 2-3|N 1-2)N 2-3 | NE 12/ENE 2-4] 1:8 mis | N 12|)N 2-3 | NE 1-2|N 1|N 1-2|/N 1-2 1-2/SSW 2-3/8 2-3/5 2-3/8 3/8 2-3) 2:3 14 |WSW 2-3|/SW 2-3 | W 1-2} WSW 1-2|)SW 0-2| WSW 1-2} WSW 1-2|}SW 1-2|WSW 2-3) WSW 1) SSW 2 |SSW 1-2] 18 P15 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm o| N 1-2|N 1-2 | NE 0-1 ar. 0-1|N 1-2|)N 1-2 2-3 2-3| N 2-3} 1:0 16 |NNE 2-3/NE 1-2] NE 2-8 | NE 2|N 3|N 1-3 | NE 1-2)N 2-3 | N 2-3 | N 2\|N By} det 2 | 2:3 | 17 |NNE 0-1 2-4 2-3 | N 2-3| N -3|N 3|NE 0-2/NE 12|NNE_ 1-2/Calm O|N 1-2|N EQ |) 1:4 1g | Calm O|N 1-2 | Calm 0|N 1-2 | Calm 0 | Calm O|N 1|W 2) WNW 1-2) W 1-2| WNW 2-3) W 2-3 | 1:2 19 |SW 1-2) WNW 1|/W 0-1| WNW AU AY 1-2 | Calm 0 | Calm O|N 2-3 | N 2-3 | NE 3/N 2-3|N 2-3) 1:8 20 | NE 1-2 0-1 | Calm 0| ENE 1-2/ Calm 0; 2 0-1 | Calm 0| NNW 1;WNW 1-2| W 2) W 1-2;WNW 1, 16 21 |WSW 0-1/N O|N 0-1| N 0-1 | NW 1) NE 1-2|N 1|/NNW 1-2/N 0-1|N 0-1 | N 1-2|N 1-2} 1:0 22 | Calm 0} Calm 0 | Calm o|N 0-1} NNW 0-1) Calm O|N 0-1 0-1) N 1-2| NE 1|/ENE 1-2|SE 1| 0-7 23 1|N 1| NE 1-2|N 1/N 1-2 1-2|N 1-2|N 1|NNE 12/N 0-1|N 1-2/N 1|/ 10 24 1|NE 1/E 12/E 1-2/SE 1-2;}ESE 0-1|ESE 0-1]S 1/8 12|8 1-2/8 1|W if} alert (25 | SSE 0-1/8 1-2 | ESE 1-2 | SSE 1-2 | SE i 0-1) E 0-1|E Nj 1-2|N 0-1 | Calm 0|E 0-1} 1°4 26 |SE 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm O|N 0-1} N 0-1} N 0-1) N 0-1 | Calm 0o|N 0-1 | N 0-1) N 0-1 | Calm 0| 0:5 27 |SE 1| Calm 0/SE 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| SSE 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| SW 1-2 | W 1-2 | W 1-2] 0°6 | 28 |NW 3-4|WNW 2-3/W 2-3|NW 2-3]/WNW 1-2| NNW 2|NW 0-1/N 1-2|N 1-2|N 2-3|N 3-4| N 4| 24 99 |NW 2-3/ WNW 4-5|NW 3-4|NW 3-4| WNW 3-4|NW 2-4/|NW 45|NW 3-4|NW 45|WNW 5|NW 3-4) WNW § 4| 4:1 30 |NW 0-1) NNW 1-2|W 2-3|N 1-2 2-3| W 1|/ NW 1-2| W 2-3|} WNW 2-3} NW 2|N 1-2|N 1-2} 2°7 31 |N 1-2|N 1-2 | NNE OFeNI 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-2|N 0-1|NNW 1-2)N 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-2} 1:3 MEAN 1:26 1°35 1:39 153 1:42 1:2 1-27 1°65 1°82 1:76 1:89 1:92] 1°64 | N304. NNE18. NE29. ENEG. E16. ESE4. SE9. SSE17. S35. SSW22. SW59. WSW 25, W593. WNW 23. NW 47, NNW 22. Calm 49, 168 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. WIND. DIRECTION AND Force (0 to 12). SEPTEMBER 1894. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Max Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. | Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Korce. 1 | NW 1-2 N 2|}NNW 1-2|N 2\N 1-2|N 1-2|N 21N 1-2 | NNW 1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 2 2 | Calm oN 1-2; N 1-2] N 1-2|N 2\N 1-2|/N 2-3 | N 1-2; N 1-2|N 0-1| NE 1 | Calm 0 3 3 |N 1-2,.N 2-3| N 2-3|N 2-3|N 2-3 | N 2-3) N 3-4 | N 3-4 | Calm O|N 0-1|N 0-1) N 1 4 4 (|N 2-3' N 2-3) N 2-3|/N 2-3|NNE 0-1|N 2-3 | N 1)/N 2-3|N 2|N 2-3| N 2-3 | N 2-3 4 oN 1-2 NE 1-2) N 2-3|N 2|N 2-3 | N 2-3) N 3-5 | N 2-3 | N 3-4| N 2-4) N 3/N 0-1 5 6 |N 1-2|N 0-1| N 1-2|N LN 0-1 | Calm 0|N 1/ Calm O|N 0-1) N 0-1 | Calm O|N 0-1 3 die LN, 2\|N 2-3| N 2-3|N 2 Ni 1-2|N 3-4|ENE 1-2|N 2-4|N 3-4| N 2-3 | N 2-4) N 2-3 4 8 | NE 2|NNE 3)|NNE 3-4|/N 3-5 | N 3-5 | N 4-6| N 4-6|N 2-4) N 2-4) N 2-3 | N 1-2|N 1-2 6 9 IN 0-1 NNE 1| NNE 1)N 1-2| N 1-2] NE 0-1] NE 1-2|NNE 0-1| NE 0-1 | NE 0-1 | NE 0| ESE 0 2 10 |W 2-3 | WNW 1-2} NW 2) NW 2-3 | W 2-3 | W 3) WNW 3/ NW 2-3 | WNW 3/ W 2-3|WNW 2/|]W 2 5 1 OW 4-5 | W 3-4] WNW 2-3| WNW 0-2| W 0-3 | NW 1-2 | NW 0-3 | NW 0-2 | NW 0-1 | NW 1-2) W 1-2} WNW 3-4 5 12 |N 3-4 | N 3-4| N 1-2 1-2| N 1-2| NW 1-3 | N 0-2 | N 1-2 | NW 1| NNW 1) NNW 1] NNW 1 4 13 |N 1-2, N 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-2|N 2|N 0-1|N Zan Zan 0-1 1|N 0-1; N 1-2 2 14 |N 1-2 | N 1-2|N 2| NNW 2| NW 3| NW 3| NNW 3| NW 3|NNW 3-4|NNE 2-3| NNW 3| NW 1-2 4 15 |N 2 / N Zin 1-2|N 2-3) N 0-1) N Be ICE 0-1 | N 0-2 | N 0-1} N 1|N 0-1| N 0-1 3 16 |Calm © 0|W 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0O;S 0-1|SE 0|SE 0-1/5 1/s LS 1/ SSE eS al 3 1 17 | SSW 2 SSW 2-3/SW 1-2} SW 12/8 1-2;);SSW 1-2/S 1-2|SE 1-2 | SE 2|SE 2|ESE 23/SE 2-3 3 18 | SE 3 SSE 2-3 | SSE 2-3/5 2-3|SE 2-3 | SE 2| ESE 2-3| ESE 2)5E 2)EH 2/4 2-3 | E 2-3 4 | 19 | ESE 3-4 ESE 3-4/E 3-4| E 3| ESE 3| ESE 3| ESE 3| ESE 3| SE 3 | ESE 3| ESE 3 (SE 3 4 ‘ 20 | SE 1-2 SSE 1-2/8 1/8 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0|zE 0| ESE 0-1/SSE 0-1) SSE 0| ESE 0 2 21 | ESE 2 ) E 12/5 12\E 1-2/E 1-2| E 1-2/;E 1\/E 2|5 2\E 3/E 2-3 | ESE 3 4 4 22 | ESE 3-4 SE 4|SE 3-4| SE 2| ESE 2-3 | ESE 2| ESE 2|SE 3| ESE 2|SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 4 : 23 |E 1-2 E 1-2| ESE 1-2 | ESE 2\/E 1-2|SE 2|SE 2|NE 1 0-1 | ESE 1-2 | SE 1|SE 0-1 2 ; 24 |NNW 0-1; NNW 1-2/N 1-2|N 1-2|N 1|/N aS NE O|N 0 | Calm 0} Calm 0|SE i| SE 1-2 2 \ 2/8 18 12/5 0-1|5S 0} Calm 0 | Calm O|N 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0} WSW 0-1) SW 0 | Calm o| 2 26 iN 1/N 1-2|N 1|N 1-2|N 0-1| N 1-2|N 2|N 2-3) N 1-2|N 2-3 | N 2-3|NNE 1-2 4 27 +| Calm O,|N 0-1) N 1-2|N 1-2/N 2-3 | N 2-3; N 3) N 2-4|N 3; NNE 2-3|N 1-2| N 2-3 4 28 | N 1-2 N 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-2|/N 1-2|/N 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-2 | Calm 0|N 1| NE 1-2|NNE 1-2 3 29 | ENE 2 | E 1-2|SE 2\E 1|E 2-3] E 2-3) E 2-3|ENE 2-3| NE 1| ENE 2)\E 2-3) E 0-1 3 30 | SE 1-2 | SE 0-1/SE 1| Calm 0| Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0|ESE 0-1)SE 0-1 | ESE 1| SE 2 24 MEAN abrir e 1°88 1°80 1°67 1°62 175 1°83 1°73 1°45 1°55 1°50 1°43 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Midnight. |Mean.| Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force | Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.) Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Force, 1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0} Calm 0 | Calm O|N 0-1 | N 1| NE 1-2|N 1-2|N 1/ENE 0-1|N 1-2] 09 2 | Calm Oo|N 0-1 | Calm 0O|E 1-2 | Calm Oo; N 12|)N 0-1| N 1-2|N aot EN 1-2) N 1|N 1-2] 11 3 | Calm 0 | Calm O|N 1-2 | Calm 0 | Calm 0} Calm O|N 2-3| N 1-2|N 1-2| N 2-3 | N 3/N 2-3] 16 4 |N 2-3| N 1-2|N 1-2| N 1-2/N 1| NE 1|/N 2-4) N 2-3) N 2-3 | N 2-3 | N 2 | Ni 2) 21 5 IN 1|/N 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-2|N 2-3 | N 2|N 1-2/N 2-3 | N 1-2| N 2|N 2) NE 1-2} 21 6 |N 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm O|N 1} Calm 0 | Calm O|N 0-1/ N 1-2| N 1-2 | N 1-2|N 1-2|N 2-3] 08 (he Pant 3-4 | NE 2-3|NNE 2-3|N 1-2'N 1-2 | Calm O|N 0-1| N 2\|N 1-2|/N 2-3 | N 1-2|NNE 1-2} 21 8 |N 2-3 | N 2-4|NNE 1-2/N 2-4) N 2-3 4-6| NE 2-4|N 2-4] N 3| NE 3|NNE 2-3|N 1| 2°9 9 |SE 0 | ESE 0| ESE 0|S 0| SSE 0| SSW O|Ss 0|WSW 1-2) W 2) W 1-2| WNW 1-2| W 2) 07 ptf 2|W 3 | W 3| NW 4|W 4) W 4-5 | W 4|WNW 3/)WNW 45| W 4-5| W 4| NW 3-4) 30 | AS ANY: 0-1 | NW 1-2|N 2-3 | N 0-1| N 2-3) NNW 2-4) NW 2-4 |N 2-3 | N 2-3 | N 3|NNW 38-4|N 4-5] 2°2 12 |N 0-1|N O|N 1|N 1|N 0-1 | N 1 ACHING 1-2)NNE 1-2|N 1-2 2 Ni 2| 14 13 | N 1-2|N 1|/N 0-1 | NW 1-2| N 0-1| N 1-2| NNW 2\|N 1-2) | Ni 1-2|N 1-2|N 2\|N 1-2} 14 14 |N 2-3|N 2-3| NE 3/N 3/N 2-3) N 3) N 2 (EN 1-2) N 2|N 2|N 2-3|N 2-3) 2°5 Ib |N 0-1|N 1-2|N 1|N O|N O|N O|N 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0)5 218 2|8 1) 08 16 | SSE 1-2)58 2)}SSW 1-2)}SSW > 2-3/S 2-3|SSW 2-3/SSW 2|SSW 2\S8 2| SSW 2) SSW 2|SW 2) 13 17 |SE 2-3|SE 2|SE 2-3 | SE 2-3| SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 1-2|SE 2|SE 2-3| SE 2|SE 3°) Bae 18 | E 3) ESE 3-4| ESE 3| ESE 3-4| ESE 3| ESE 2-3| ESE 3|)E 3/5 3-4 | E 3-4 | ESE 3 | ESE 4| 28 | 19 | SE 3/ESE 2-3/E 2-3| SE 1-2|E 1|N 6| ENE o|N 1} NE 1| ENE 1|\E 1\E 2| 2:2 20 | SSE 0|SE 1/8 0-1/8 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0|SE 1-2 | Calm 0| SE 1-2 |SE 1/SE 1| 0 21 | ESE 2-3/SE 1-2 | ESE 2) 1-2 | SSE 2| ESE 2\E 2-3|E 1-2/E 1-2 2-3) E 3) E 3-4] 2°0 22 SE 2-3| E 2-3| E 2/58 12|E 2| ESE 2-3 | E 2-3/SE 12/E 1-2 | ESE 2|SE 1-2 | SE 1-2] 23 | 23 SE 0| Calm 0 | Calm 0| Calm 0} Var. 0-1|E 0-1 | Calm 0|N 1|N aN 1-2| N C|N 0; 09 24 SE 0-1 | SSE 1-2/8 1-2/8 0-1) SE 0-1| SE 0-1) Calm 0/5 1)5 1-2/8 1-2/8 12/58 1-2) 09 | 25 |S 0-1/5 12|N 1| Calm O|N 0-1 | NNW 1|N 1-2|N 1-2 | NE 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-2| N 1-2) O'7 26 |NNE 1-2|N 1|N 1-2|N 1-2|N 0-1) N 2-3|N 2-4|N 2-3 | N 2-3|N 3|NNW 3/N 1| 1:8 | 27 N 0-1|NNE 0-1|N 1} Calm O0|NNW 1-2/N 2-3 | N 2-2 | N 1-2; N 2-3 | N 2-3 | N 1-2|/N 1-2] 18 | 28 Calm 0| NE 0-1) E -2|E 2-3|NNE 1-2| NE 1-2 | ENE Dey) 1-2] NE 12|;ENE 1-2| NE 2-3| NE 1} 14 29 EN E 1-2] ESE 1| ESE 1| SSE 1-2 | SSE 1-2|SE 2| SSE 0-1|ENE 0-1/E 0-1|ENE 0-1/E 1-2/E 1-2] 15 | 30 | SE 1-2 | SE 1| SE 1-2| SE 2|SSE 1-2| SE 1-2 | SSE 1-2)8 2/8 218 2\S8 2| 58 2) 11 MEAN 1°28 1°35 1°42 1°38 1°28 1°57 1°60 1°70 1°75 2°05 1°95 1:93 | 163 rE ; N 208. NNEJ8. NE24. ENE12. E56. ESE 43. SE66. SSE16. S39. SSW1l. SW4. WSW2. W221. WNW10. NW21. NNW17. Calm 62. BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 169 WIND. DIRECTION AND Force (0 to 12). OCTOBER 1894. 1 2 3 4 5 6 fi 8 9 10 11 | 12 Max. Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. Dir’n, Force.) Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force. Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force. 1 |S 2-3 | SSE 2-3/5 2-3/5 2-3/5 2-3/8 2-3 |S 3/SW 2-3|/SSW 3-4/SSW 3/S 3 SSW 2-3 4 2 |SSW 2-3/SW 2-3 | SW 2-3|SSW 1-2/SSW 12/SW 2|/SW 2)SW 2)'SW 1-2] WSW 1-2/| W * 1-2 SW 1-2 3 3 1S 1-2 | SSE 1-2|SE 2-3 | SSE 2-3 | SSE 2-3/5 1-2/SSE 2/8 z2|S 1-2/8 1-2 | SSE 12 SSE 2 3 4 ]8 1-2 | Sw 0| W 0| Calm O|N 0-1 | N 0 | Calm 0| Calm 0| NNE 0} Calm 0| NE 0-1; NE 0-1 2 6 | N 1|N ata DN EN 12|N 1-2| NNE 1|N 1|/N 1|NNE 0-1|/NNE 1|/NNE 0-1, Calm 0 3 6 | BSE 2|SE 2|)SE 2) BSE 2) ESE 2-3 | SE 3|SE 3|SE 3-41 SE 3-4] SE 3) SE 3/SE 3 4 7 |r 3-4|E 3/SE 2-3 | SE 3|SE 3/ SSE 2-3/5 2/8 1-2/5 1-2/8 2\8 1-2|S 1-2 4 8 |S 1-2/5 1-2/8 12/5 2\58 2/8 2-3 | SSE 2/8 218 2/\8 2-3|5S 2\8 2-3 3 9/5 215 2-3/5 3/58 3-4/8 2-4/8 3/5 2-3/8 3/SSE 2-3/8 2-4/5 2-4/SSW 2-4 5 | 10 'N 12|N 1| NW 1;/NNW 1-2, NW 1-2 | NW 1-2} WNW 1-2} WNW 2| NW 1! NW 0-1} NW 2:| W 1-2 2 11 |W 2-3 W 31 W 2-3 | W 3 | W 2-3 | WNW 2)| W 2) W 2) W PAW NE 2) W 2) W il 3 | SUR 1-2 | SSW 2\SSW 2-3)SW 1-2;SSW 2-3/SSW 2-3/SW 2/18 2|SW 2|SW 2-3|SSW 2-3) WSW 2 3 13 «| NW 2| NW 2-3 | NW 0-2; NNW 1-2|NNW 0-1|N 1-2| NW 1-2)|)N 1-2 | NW 12/|/N 2|N 12/NNW 1-2 3 id | N 2-3;|;NNE 2-3|NNE 2-4/ NE 3-5 | N 1-4| N 2-5|N 14|N 2-4) N 1-4|N 2-4|N 2-3|N 4-7 tf | 15 N 3-6| NNE 3-5|N 2-4) N 2-4) N 2-4|N 1-4|N 3-5 | N 2-4| N 1-3/N 1-3| N 1-2} NNW 1-2 6 | 16 |N 24|NNE 3-5|N 3-5 | N 3-5 | N 2-5 |N 3-5 | N 2-3| N 3-4] N 2-3 | N 9-3|N 2-3|N 0-1) 5 plz | N 1-2/N 12/N 1-2| N 2-3 | N 3|N 2-3) N 2-3) N 2-3| N 3) N 2-3|N 12|/N 1-2 3 P18 | N 1|N 0-1|NNE 1-2|NE 12|NNE 23/ENE 1-2!NNE 1-2/N 0-1| NE 1| NE 0-1|/ N I NT 1-2 3 |} 19 | Calm 0|N Ni 1|N 12|N 0-1|N 1-2| N 2|N 12|N i-2|N 1-2 | NNE 2|N 1-2 3 ) 20 | NE 3-4|ENE 3-5) NE 2-4)/ENE 2-5|)ENE 2-4/5 2-4 | NE 1-3|}ENE 2-4/ENE 3-4|NE 2-4 2-4 | B 2-4 tf ESE 3-4/E 2-4 /E 2-3 2-3|}ESE 2-3/ESE 2-3/E 2-3 | NE 2-3! ENE 2-3] E 2-3 | E 2-3/ E 1-2 4 N 12|N 1-2|N 1|NNE 0-1| Calm 0O|NNE 0-1|)N 0|/NNE 0-1|N 0-1| N 0-1 | NW 1| WNW i 2 0-1 | SSE 1/8 1) SSE 1-2 | SSE 2-3 | SE 1-2 | SE 2-3 | SE 3|SE 3| SE 2-4| SE 3-4 | SE 3-4 9 ESE 5-7 | ESE 5-8 | SE 3-4 | SE 3-4 | SE 3) SE 4)Siu 4|SE 4-5| ESE 5 | ESE 6| ESE 6| ESE 7 8 N 0-1| N 0-1) N 1-2 | N 0-1|N 0-1}; NNW 0-1| NNW 1|N a |BN} 0-1| N 12|N 1 | Calm 0 7 N 2-5|N 2-4|N 2-5 | N 2-4) N 2-4|N 1-3| N 1-2| N 1-3) N 2|N 0-1|N 1/SE 1 5 E 4-5 | ESE 2-4/5 2-3 | ESE 3-4 | ESE 3) E 3/5 3| ESE 3|)E 3| ESE 3 | ESE 3|SE 2-3 5 SE 4/SE 4|SE 3-4 | SE 4|SE 3-4 | SE 4|)SE 4|SE 4-5 |SE 5 | ESE 5 | ESE 5\E 5-6 7 SE 5-6 | SE 5 | SE 4-5 | SSE 3-4 | SSE 1-2/8 1;WSW 1-2|}W 1|SW 1-2) WSW 1-2} WSW 1-2|WSW 1-2 6 12/8 0-1| N 0-1 | NNW 1|N 2|N SING 1} Calm O|N 0-1 | N 0-1 0 0 4 SE 5 | SSE 4-5 | SE 5 | SE 6|/SE 6| SE 5-6 | SE 6|SE 7|SE 6-7 | SE 6 {SE 5 |SSE 5-6 8 2°50 2°42, 227 2°44 2°31 2°24 2°21 2°29 2°23 2°24 2719 2°15 13 14 ib 16 17 | 18 19 20 21 22 23 Midnight. |Mean, Din’n. Force. | Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force, |Dir’n. Force. Dir'n. Force.) Dir’n, Force.|Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force. |Dir'n. Force. Dir'n. Force. Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Force. 1/8 3/8 3|SSW 3/5 3 | SW 3 | W 1-2 | SW 3 | SW 2\)SSw 1-2/8 1-2/5 2\8 PAN Ab 2 |Sw 1-2 | SW i1-2|SW 1-2 | SW 0-1} SW 0| SW 0-1 | SW 1/8 12/5 1-2/8 12/5 1-2/5 1-2} 1°5 ES 1-2 | SSE 2| SSE 2-3/8 2-3)5 1-2 | SSE 1/8 12/5 1/8 1/38 12)8 1-2/5 1-2| 17 4 |N 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0} Calm 0 | Calm N 0-1| N 0-1|/ENE 0-1) E 0-1, Calm Oo; N 0-1) 0-2 5 | NE 1 0-1| NE 12/ENE 0-1|N 0-1| N 0-1| NE 1-2) 2 1/E 2-3 | ESE 1-2 | ESE 1-2 | ESE 2-3} 11 6 |SE 3/SE 3/SE 3} 2-3| SE 3-4 | ESE 3/E 2-3 | BE 2-3 | E 3-4 | E 3-4| ESE 3-4] ESE 3} 2°9 me iS 1-2/8 1|SSW 12/SSW 12/SW 1-2|SW 0-1)}SSW 1-2/SSW 1-2/SSW_ 1-2/5 1-2/8 1-2/5 1-2'| 1°8 8 |SSE 2-3/}SSW 1-2/8 12/8 1|8 2/5 2-3 | SSW 2/8 2-3|58 1-2/8 1-2/8 2/8 2) 19) “9 |SSW 3-5/SSW_ 3-4/S 2-4 —4 |) SW 3-5 | SW 1-3 | SW 2-4)SSW 2-4] NW 1-2 | W 1-2 | W 1-3 | W 1 |. 2°8 10 | NW 0-1|/NNW 0-1/N 0-1 | WNW 1|W 1-2| WNW 2) W 2| WSW 1|W 12;/SSW 1-2} W 1-2 | W 1-2] 1:3 Ww 1|/WSW 1-2/S 1-218 1-2 | SW 2'SSW 2|SSW 2-3'8 2-3/8 1-2'18 3/8 2-315 1-2} 2°1 Ww 2\)SW 2-3 | SW 1-2} WSW 2-3] WSW 2|SW 3 | SW 3|WSW 2-3} WSW 2-3) WSW 81 WNW 2| WNW 2-3} 2°3 N 12|N 1-2|N 0-1| Var. 0-1 1-2| NNW 1-2/N 1-2|)N 2-3 | N 0-2| N 1-2/N 12|N 1-3] 1°5 iN 1-3| NE 2-3| N 2-5|N 2-4|NNE 1-3|N 2-4) N 1-3 | N 2-4|N 2-4|N 3-5 | N 3-6 | N 2-5 | 3°0 NNE 2-3/N 0-2 | N 12|NNE 2-3|N 2-3| N 2-3 | N 3-4|N 1-3 | N 2-4|N 2-4| N 2-4|NNE 3-5] 2°7 NW 0-1) N 0-1/N 1-2|N 1-2) N 1-2) NNE 1|N 2-3| N 1-2|N 1-2/N 2-3| N 2-3 | N 1-2] 2°3 N 0-1| N 1-2|N 1|N 1-2|N 2-3) N 1| Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm o|N 1/N 1} 15 N 1-2| NNE SN 1|N 1|/NNE 0-1/N 0 | Calm O|N 0-1|N 0-1) NNE 0-1] Calm 0 | Calm 0} 09 N 0-1 0-1 | NNE 1|/N 1-2) NE 3|NE 0-1} NE 1-2| NE 1|}ENE 1-2| NE 1} ENE 2 NE 1-2} 1:3 E 24\/ENE 2-4!ENE 2-3|E 2-418 3-6 | SE 3-7! E 4-7 | ESE 3-6 | ESE 3-6 | E 3-5 |E 2-5 | ESE 2-4 | 3°5 NE 0-1/NNE 0-1/E 0-1 | Calm 0| ENE 1|/NE 1} Var, 0-1/N 1|N 1/N 1-2|N 2|N 1-2] 17 WwW 1) NW 0-1] WNW 0-1!| W 0-1 | W 1| SW 1-2)SW 1-2 | W 0-1|WSW 0-1|SW 0-1 | Calm O;S 0-1} 0°7 SE 4| ESE 4| ESE 5 | ESE 5-7 | ESE 5-7| ESE 6-7] ESE 7 | BSE 5-8|ESE 8-9|ESE 89/E 7-8|E 6-8 | 4°3 SE 7| ESE 4| ESE 4|ESE 45/ ESE 5-6| ESE 5-6] SH 4-5 | SE 3| SSE 1|E 1 | Calm 0 Calm 0} 4:1 N 12|N 1-3|N 2-3)N 2-4) N 3-5 | N 2-4) N 3-5|NNE 2-5|N 2-4|NNE 3-6|N 38-7|NNE 3-6] 21 SE 1| SE 1|)/ESE 12/ESE 12] ESE 3] ESE 3|/ESE 3-4] ESE 4|ESE 45|ESE 3-5] ESE 4) ESE 4| 2°5 ESE 2-3| ESE 2-3] ESE 2-3| EH 3] SH 3] ESE 3) ESE 3|SE 3 | HSE 3|SE 3-4 | SE 3-4 SE 3-4] 3:0 ESE 5-6| SSE 3/ SSE 3| SSE 3-4 | SE 3-4 | SE 3|SSE 3-4 | SSE 4/SEH 5-6 | SSE 6-7 | SSE 5-6 SE 5| 43 WSW 1} WSW 0-1] W 1| WSW 1) WSW a AKA 0-1 | WSW 1|SW 1|/SW 1|SW 1|SSE 1-2/8 2) 1°8 Calm 0| WNW 0-1} W 1) W 0-1) WSW 0-1/SSE 0|SE 1|SE 2-3 | SE 3-4 | SE 3|SE 4|SE 4] 12 SSE 5-6 | SSE 4|SSE 3-4 | SSE 4|SSE 5-6 | SSE 6| SSE 6 | SSW 6|/SSW 5-7|SW 5-6|SSW . 3-6| SW 6-8! 5°5 2°05 1°76 1°89 1°98 2°37 2°13 2°45 2°31 2°35 2°52 2°48 2°47 | 2°26 Nis4. NNE29. NE22. ENE14. E37. ESE60. SE77. SSE38. S92. SSW30. SW 42. WSW20. W34. WNW10. NW16. NNW10. Calm 29. TRANS. ROY SOC. EDIN.—VOL. XLIII. Y 170 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. WIND. DIRECTION AND ForcE (0 to 12). NOVEMBER 1894. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Max. ee ee! Lee a oe et . Dir'n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force |Dir’n. Force. | Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. EEE DOING Cy NE OES. Dir’n. Force. 1 |SW 4-8 | SW 2-5 | SW 2-5| WSW 2-4|SW 2-4 | SW 2-4 | SW 3-4 | SW 2-5 | SW 2-4|SSW 2-5;)WSW 2-5) W 1-3 8 2 |SW 2|SW 2| SW 2-3|SSW 2-3|SW 0-2} WSW 2-4| WSW 2-4) SW 2-5| WSW 2-5| W 3-5 W 1-4; WSW 3-5 5 3 |SSW 2-3/SSW 2-3/S 2-3|58 5-6 | SSE 3-4 | SE 3-4| SE 5-6 | SE 6-7 | SE 8| SE 8 SE 7-8 | SE 8 8 4 |W 3-6 | W 3-6| WSW 2-5) WSW 3-6| WNW 1-3] NW 1-3 | W 1-3 | W 1-3 | W 1-3 | NW 1-3 WSW 1-3} WNW 1-3 6 5 | WSW 2-3| W 1-2) WSW 1-2| W 1-3| WSW 2-3} W 1-2} WNW 1-3} W 1-3 | W 1-2 | W 1-2 NW 0-1; WSW 1-3 3 | 6 | NNW 2-3|}|NW 1-2|}NW~ 1-2|NNW 2-3) W 0-2|NW 0-2] W 0-2 | N 0-1 | NW 0-2| WNW 0-2, WSW 1-2} WSW 1-3 5 7 |SW 2-4 | W 2-3 | W 1-4 | W 2-5 | W 1-4 | W 1-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 1-3 | SW 2-3|SSW 1-3 WSW 2-3/SSW_ 1-2 5 8 | Calm 0|NNW_ 0-1} Calm 0| NNW 1|N 1-2/N 1-2|NNW 1-2|N 0-1|NW 1-2|NW 1, WNW 1-2) WNW 1-3 4 9 |N 0-1| N 1)NNW 0-1} WNW 1-2/} WNW 1-2) WSW 1-2|/SW 2) SSW 3 | SSE 3-4 | SSE 3) SSE 3-5 |S 2-4 5 10 |W 2-4 | W 1-3) WNW 2-3} NNW 1-3|NW 1-2) WNW 2-3|}NW 2-3|WNW 1-2)|NW 1-2}NW 2-3; NW 2-3) WNW 2-3 4 11 | WSW 1) WSW 0-1} WSW 1|/SW 1| Sw 0-1} WSW 1-2) WSW 1-2|SW 2|SW 2|WSW 2|SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 5 12 |S 3-4 | SSW 4/S 3|S 3-4/5 2-4/8 2-3 1-2 | Calm O|N 1-2|NNE 0-1| NE 1-2 | NE 1-2 4 13 |NNE 2-4|NE 1-4|NE 1-3|NNE 2-4/N 12|)NNE 12/N 2-3 | N 1-2|N 2|NW 2|W 2-3) WSW 2-3 i) 14 | WSW 2-4/SSW 3] WSW 2-4|WSW 2-3} WSW 2-3|WNW 2-3|NW 2-3) WNW 1-3] W 2-3 | SW 2-4 | W 2-3 | SW 3 5 15 ;WSW 2-5|SW 3-6 | SW 3-5 | SW 2-4); SW 3-5 | SW 4-5|SSW 3-5;SW 3-6/5 3-6/5 3-5 , SW 3-4) SW 3-4 6 16 |WSW 2-4|SSW- 2-4|SW 1-3 | SW 3-4 | SW 2-4 | SW 2-4|SW 2-3 | SW 24/SSW 3-4|/SSW 3-4|SW 3-5 | SW 3-5 7 17 |SSW 68/SSW 6-8/S 7-918 6-8|SSW 5-7|S 5-8|SSW 6-9/5 5-8|5 6-9|S 5-8|SSW 5-7/8 5-7 9 1s |S 3-5 | SW 2-4/8 3-4/8 4-5/5 4-5|S 6-7/S 5-6 |S 4-5|SSE 5-6/S 4-6 | SSE 5-6 | SSE 6-7 1 19 |S 3)SW 2-3)SSW 2-31}SSW 3-4/SSW 4-5/SW 3-4/5 4-5/8 3-4 | SW 3/SSW 23/58 3|/ SW 2-3 5 20 |SSW 1-3/S 2-4| WSW 2-3|}SSW 3-4|/SSW 3-5|SW 2-4 | SW 3|SW 3-5 | WNW 2-4|N 1-3|NW 1-2|}NNW 1-2 5 SNe 3-5| WNW 1-3] WNW 1-3] NW 1-2 | NW 1-2 | NW 1-2 | NW 2-3 | NW 2-3| WNW 2-3} WSW 2-3| W 2-3 | W 2-4 5 22 |WSW 3-6] W 3-6 | SW 3-5| WSW 3-5) WSW 3-5/SW 3-4| SW 3-5 | SW 2-3 | SW 3-5| WSW 2-4) SW 3-5 | SW 3-6/ 6 DS NW 1-2 | W 2} WNW 1-2] W 1-2 | W 1-2 | W 1-2|WSW 2-3] W 1-2 | W 1-2|WSW 1-2|W 1-2} WSW 1-2 3 24 | Calm 0| Calm 0|/SSE 0-1]/SE 1|SE 1|SE 1-2|SE 1-2 | SE 2|SE 3|SE 3|SE 2-3 | SE 3 4 25 |SE 3/SE 3| SE 3|SE 3|SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SSE 2|SE 3|SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 3 3 26 |SSE 3-4|SE 2-3 | SSE 4|/SE 3| SE 3|SE 2-3 | SE 1-2 | SSE 1-2/8 3/ SSW 2)}SSW = 2-3|SW 3 4 27 | SW 0-1 | W 1|SW 0-1 | SW 1|/ SW 12;NW 1-2|NNW 1-2|/W 1-2} WSW 1-2) W 2-3 2-3 | W 2 3 23 | NNW 1/NW 1-2)W 2|}WNW 2|/NW_ 1-2] NW 2|NW 1-2| WNW 1-2) W 2-3; WNW 2-3] NW 2|NW 12 3 29 |NW- 2-3| NW 2| WNW 2-3|WNW 1-3} WNW 1-2] NW 2-3| Var. 1-2|ENE 1-2|N 3-4 1-2|N 1-3 | N 2-4 5 30 | N 2-3, N 2-3] NNE 3-4)}NNE 2-3/N 2-4|N 2-3 |N Dalla 2-3 | N 2-3/N 2-3| N 2-4| N 3-4! 6 MEAN Paar fs) 2°52 252 2°82 2°48 2°60 2°73 2°55 2°98 277 2°85 3°02 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Midnight. |Mean.| Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n., Force.) Dir’n. Force. | Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force.|For 1 |W 1-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2|Sw 2| SW 1-3 | W 1-3 | Calm 0|SW 0-2 | W 0-1 | SW 0-2 | SW 1-2 | SW 1-2| 2:5 7 2 |W 24|WNW 23) WNW 1-3) W 1-3 | NW 1-3 | W 1-3|WSW _ 0-1| W 1-2}; WSW 1-2|)SW 1-2| SW 2|SW 2) 23 3 | SSE 6-8 | SSE 4-6 | SSE 4-5 | SSE 5-6 | SSE 3-6 | SSE 3-6 | SSE 6-7 | SE 6-8) 5 2-6|SSW 2-4| WSW 3-5} WSW_ 3-5] 5:1 4 NW 1|W 1-4} WNW 1-2| W 1-3 | SW 1-2 | SW 1-2|}SSW 2%3/WSW 2-3/SW 2-3|WSW 1-3} WSW 1-3] W 2-3 | 2°4 5 | NNW 1-3] W 1-3|NW 0-2|N 0-2 | N 0-2 | N 1-3 | W 0-2|NW 0-2)NNW 1-2)/NW- 1-3|NW~ 1-2) NNW 1-2! 16 6 |SW 3|WSW 2-4\|SSW 3-4)SSW 2-3|SW 2-3) WSW 2-3| WSW 1-3} WSW 1-4} WSW 2-4| SW 3-5| WSW 1-4| SW 2-4] 21 7 \s 2-3/8 2|W 1-2) WSW 1-2|/SSW 0-2| W 2-3|WNW 1-2| W 12;NW 1-2|NW 0-2/N 0-1| NNW 0-1] 1:9 8 | NNW 1-2/N 12\)N 1-3 | N 0-2 | N 1-3|NNE 1-3/N 2-4|/N 0-2| N 0-2| Var. 0-1) Var. O-1)/N ~° 0-2] 12 9 |SW 2-3 | NW 0-2 | N 0-2| WN 1-2 | NW 1-3 | NW 1-2 | NW 1-2 1-2)|NNW 1-3} WNW 1-3| NW 1-3) WNW 2-4] 1:9 | 10 |W 2-3| WNW 2-3| WSW 1-2) WSW 1-2) W 1-3 | WSW 2|WSW 1-3} WSW 1-2| SW Saves 0-1 | SW 1-2| SW 1) 19 | aS, 2-4/8 2-3|SSW 2-3|SW SSW 3-4/S 3-5 | SW 2-4 | SW 3-4] SW 3)/SSW 3-4/S 3/S 3-4 | 2°3 | ee 1-3|N 0-2 | N 1-2|N 1-3|NNE 1-3|N 2-3 | Ni 1-2) N 1-3 | N 1-3 | N 0-2| NE 1-3| NE 2-4) 2°0 13 |SW 3-5|SSW 45/S 5|S 5-6/8 5-7|S 6-8/5 6-9'| SSE 6-9|S 6-8| WNW 1-3} WSW_ 1-3] SW 2-3| 36 14 | SW 2-4 SW 1-2 | SW 1-2 | SW 1-2| SW 2-4 | SW 2-4 | SW 2-3|WSW 2-3) WSW 2-3} WSW 2-4|SW 2-4 | SW 3-5] 2" Ti Sw 2-4| WSW 1-3} SW 1-3! SW 1-4, SW 2-458 2-5/58 2-4) WSW 2-3!SW 1-3| SW 2-4| WSW 1-2'SW 1-3} 3% 16 |SW 2-418 1-2) SW 1-2 | SW 1-3 | SW 1-3 | SW 2-4 | SW 2-4 | SW 2-4|SSW 2-3|SSW 2-4;SSW 3-5|/SSW 5-7) 3* 17 |SSW = 5-8| SSW 5-7|SSW 4-7|/SSW 5-7/8 5-7|SSW 46/SSW 5-7/S 5-78 5-8|SSW 4-6 3-6 | $ 3-5 18 | SSE 5-6 SSE 5-6/8 5-7|SSW 4-5|SW 2-3 | SW 1-2 | SW 1-2/8 2/8 2|SSW 1-2} WSW 2-3) SSW 2 19 Ss 2-3 | SW 1-2) SW 1-3|}SSW 2-4|SSW 2-4|SSW 3-4|SW 2-4 | SW 2-3 | SW 24|SSW 3-4/SSW 1-2) WSW 1-3 20 | NW 1-2} NNW 0-2| NW 0-2} WNW 0-2/NNW 1-3] NW 2-4 | NW 2-4 | NW 1-2 | NW 2-4 | NW 3-4 | NW 2-4| WNW 3-4 PALA 2-4) WSW 2-4|WSW 4-5|SW 3-5 | SW 3-4 | SW 3-5 | SW 3-4|SSW 3-5| SW 2-4 | SW 3-5 | SW 3-5| WSW 2-5] 30 | 22 WwW 2-4) WSW 2-4) WSW 3-5] W 1-3) WSW 1-3] W 1-3 | W 1-3| NNW. 1-2) NW 2-3| WNW 1-3] NW 2-4 | NW 1-2; 31 23 |W 1-2| WNW 1-2} WNW 2|/WNW 1|NW 1|N 0-1|NNE 0-1|WNW 1/NW 0-1|W 0-1} NW 0-1| W 0-1; 1 24 |SE 3|SE 3| SSE 3|SE 3|SE 3|SE 2-3|/SSE 23/ESE 2-3) SE 3|/SE 3-4 | SE 3/SE 2-3) 2° 25 | SSE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 2|SE 2|SE 2-3 | SSE 1-2 | SSE 2|SSE 2| SSE 2| SSE 2-3 | SSE 2-3 | SSE 3| 2b 26 | SW 2-3 | SSW 2| SSW 1) SSW 1|SW 1-2|SW 1|SW 1| Calm 0 ) Calm 0; WNW 0-1} Calm 0O|SSW 0-1} 1" 27 W N W 2-3) W 2| W 2)WNW 2-3|WNW 2-3) WNW 1| NW 1-2 | NW 1-2 NW 0-2 0-1 | NNW 1| NNW 1) 28 | NW 2)}NW_ 1-3|NW 1-2 | NW 1-3] WNW 2-3)|NW 2-3] WNW 2-3;}NNW 1-2, NW 2-3|NW 23/NW 2-3|WNW — 3) 290 29 N NE 1-2|N NE 1)N 1-3 | N 2-3| N 2-4) N 3-5 | N 2-4! N 1-3 NNE 3|N 2-3 2-4) NNE 2-3] 2" 30 | N z-4| NNW 2-4|N 4\N 5-6 | N 2-4|N 3-4 | N 3-4 | N 3-4 N 2-4| NNW 2-3) WNW 1-2] WNW 1-2] 2°99 MEAN 2°85 2°48 2°50 2°67 2°60 2°70 2°55 2°45 2°42 2°25 2°20 2°37 | 2 N67. NNE13 NE6. ENE1. EO, ESE1. SE 46. SSE32. S58. SSW 60. SW131. WSW74. W74. WNW5l1. NW70. NNW 24. Calm 12. BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. Lf WIND. DIRECTION AND Force (0 to 12). DECEMBER 1894. 1 2 3 4 5 6 a 8 9 10 u 12 Max. Dir’n. Force.|Div’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force. Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.) Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force. 1 |WNW 2/)WNW 2-3| WNW 2-3] W 2-3| WNW 2-4} WNW 3-4/ W 3) W 3-4 | W 3|WSW 2-3) WSW 3| SW 1-2 4 2 |WSW 3/]WSW 3-4) WSW 3| WSW 3) W 4) W 3-4 | W 3|WSW 2-3|WSW 2-3|SW 2-3 | SW 1-2|WSW 2-3 4 3 | SSW 218 2|8 2/8 2) SSE 3/5 2| SSE 2|S 12/8 1-2/8 1-2/SSW 0-1/8 2-3 4 4/8 4|SSE 3| SSE 3-4/5 3/5 2/8 1-2/8 12/8 1-2/8 1-2/S 1\S8 1-2/8 1-2 4 5 |N il 1-2|N 1-2|NNE 1-2|NNE 1/SE 1-2 | ESE 2| ESE 3 | ESE 3| ESE 3|SE 3 | ESE 2 3 6 | SSE 1/SSW- 0-1|SW 0-1 | SW 1| WSW 0; WSW 0-1|/SW 0-1 | W 1|W 0-1} SW 1-2 | SW 1-2|)SSW 1-2 2 7 |SW 1|SSW 1| SSW 2/8 2)\SE 2-3 | SE 3|SE 4|SE 4-5/8 5 | SE 6| SE 5-6 | SE 5 6 8 |NE 12|NNE 2-3/N 1-2] NE 1-2|NNE 0-2|NNE 1-2/N 0-1|N 2|N 2-3} N 2-3 | N 0-1 | N 1 3 9 /S 2|S 2-3|S 3/S 3 3/8 3-4|/SSE 3-4/8 3/58 3 | SSE 3| SE 3| SE 3-4 9 10 |SSE 5-6/SSW 3-6|SW 3-6|SSW 2-5|SW 2-3} WSW 3-4] WSW 2-3| SW 1-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SSW 3/WSW 2-4 6 Zi |SSE 23/SSE 3-4/SSE 4|SE As SSE 4/SW 2-4 | SSH 5 | SSE 5-6|S 5-6 | SW 3-7 | SW 3-6 | SW 3-6 uh 12 |SW 1-2} WSW 0-1 1|}SW 1-2 SW 1-2 | SW 1-2 | SW 1-2 | SW 2|SW 1-3} WSW 2-4|SW 2-4| WSW 2-4 8 13 |SW 4-6; WSW 5-8} WSW 6-9|SW 5-8 SW 2-7 | W 3-7 | SW 4-8; WSW 3-7|/SW 4-8| SW 4-8 | SW 4-8 | SW 4-9 9 14 |W 1-4|NNW 1-3/NW_) 1-3|N 1-3|NNW 1-2) W 2\|N 2-3 | N 1| WNW 0-1| W 0-1;NW 0-1|/N 0-1 4 15 |W 3-4 | NW 2-4| NW 2-4| N 1-3/N 0-2| N 0-2 | NE 0-2 | N 1-3 | NE 1-3 | N 1-3 | N 1-3 | NE 1-2 4 16 | NNW 1|N 1|/ NE 1|N 0-1 | Var. 0-1| N 1-2|} NE 0-2| N 0-2 | Calm O|N 0 | Calm O|N 0-1 4 17 +| SSW SSW 5 | SSW 4|SSW 4 SE 4|8S 44-5158 4|SW 3-4 | W 2-3|N 0-1| NW 1-2| NW 1-2 {5 18 | SSW 4|)SSW 4);SSW 5-6|SW 3-5 SSW 3-4|WSW 3-4|N 4-5|N aN 0|/NNW 0-1|N 0-1 | NW 0-1 6 19 | Calm 0|NE 1} NNE 1)NNE 1-2/N 2-3| N 2-3 | N 3-4 | N 2-4|N 3-4 2-4 | N 2-4|N 2-4 4 2-3 | N 2-3|NNE 1-3) NE 1-2) NE 2-3; N 2-3 | N 1-2|N 1-2|N 1\/N 1-2| N 0-1 4 4|W 3-4 | NW 2-3 | NW 1-2|}N 0-2 | NNW 3| NW 1-3 | NW 1-3|NNW 1-2|N 0-2 | NW 1-2 9 -8 | SW 5-9 | SSE 4-7 WNW 1-2/N 1-4| NE 3-5 | N 3-8 | N 6-10 | NE 5-9 | NE 5-9 | NE 4-9| 10 -2|N 0-1 | N 1-2 | W 1-2 | NW 2| NW 1-2|NNW 2-3| W 2) W 1-2 | W 2-3 | W 3 3 1| SSW 2| Sw 1-2 | SSW 1/SSW 1|SW 1| WSW 1|Sw 1| W 1|W 1|NW 0-1 2 -2| WSW 1-2|SW 12}SSW 23/SW 3| SW 3 | WSW Dalya 3|W 4|/WSW 4/SW 3 4 —4 | W 3-4|WNW 3/WNW 1-3/N 1-3| NE 1-3| NE 1-3)NNE 1-2|N 0-2 | N 2-3 | N 3 5 -5 | N 4-5|N 3-5 | N 3-5|NNE 3-4|N 2-4| NE 1-3 | NE 3-5 | NE 2-4 | NE 2-5|NNE 2-4 5 -2|WNW 2|NW~ 2-3) W 2-3 | W 4) WSW 3-5| WSW 3-5| SW 2-5| WSW 3-6 | W 3-6| NW 3-7 8 -5 | SE 2-5|ENE 2-6|ENE 2-6|ENE 2-6| NE 3-7| ENE 3-7| NE 3-7|NNE 49|ENE 5-9| NE 4-9 9 3-7|NNE 2-5| NE 3-5 | NE 3-5 | N 3-4] NE 3-5 | NE 2-5 | NE 2-5|ENE 3-5|ENE 14|/ENE 2-5 i 2-4| NE 1-3 | NE 1-3) ENE 2-3}ENE 2-4|NE 2-4) ENE 3-4|ENE 0-2/ENE 1-3|ENE 0-2|NNE 0-2 4 79 2°87 2°68 2°37, 2°60 2°82 2°68 2°68 2°69 2°65 2°66 15 16 ily) | 18 | 19 20 21 22 23 Midnight. |Mean. Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.) Dir’n. Force.'Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force.) Dir'n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Force. -1)WSW 2-3; WSW 12|W 2|WSW 1-2|WSW 3-4| W 3-4 | W 3-4 | W 3-4 | W 3-4| WSW 3-4} WSW 3/WSW 3-4! 2°8 2 |WSW 3/WSW 2-4] W 3-4 | SW 2-4 | SW 3| SW 3-4 SW 2-3 | SW 3 | SW 2-3 | SSW 3/SSW 2-3) SSW 2) 2:9 3 {8 2/8 2-3 | SSE 4|SSE 3-4 | SSE 3/8 3\8 2-3|/SSE 3-4]SSE 3/5 3-4 | SSE 4/5 Berl) 25) 4 |S 1-2/8 1-2/8 1| Calm O|E 0-1| E 1/E 1/E 0-1|E 0-1| N 0-1/ N 1 iL) ules) 5 | SE 2-3) SE 1-2 | SE 2/SE 2|SE 2-3 | SE * 3/SE 3|SE 2)|SE 2-3 | SSE 2|S 1/ SSE 1-2) 21 6 |SSW 1-2|SW 21SW 1)/SW 1); SW 1|SW 1-2|SW 1-2 | SW 1|SW 0-1 | WSW 1/SW 1|)SW 0-1] 1°0 7 |SE 4\/SSE 23/SSW 1-2}SW 2|W 1-2/NW 1-2) WNW 1-2} WNW 1|/NW~ 0-1)/NW_ 0-1) NNW 1/NNW 0-1] 2°5 8 |N 1|N 1| W 1]WNW 1-2/N 1)/NW 0-1/8 o/s 1/s 1-2 | SSW 1| SSW 1/8 1-2] 1°3 9 |SSE 3-4/SE 3| SSE 5/SSE 4-5]SE 5| SE 5-6 | SE 6| SE 6-8 | SE 6-7 | SE 7-9|SSE 7-9/SE 6-8 | 4:4 ) | SW 2-3) SW 2-3 | SW 2) WSW 2|SW 1-2} SW 1-2) SW 1/SSW 1-2/S 12/58 1-2/8 1-2/8 2) 225 SW NW 0-2| WNW 0-2) W 0-1 | WSW 2} WSW 0-1| SSW 1|SSW 1| SSW 1/8 its) 1-2'S 2] 2°38 WSW 3} WSW 4-5/SW 4-6| SW 2-4| SW 2-5| WSW 2-6|SW 4-6 | SW 4-7| WSW 4-7|WSW 4-6|)SW 5-8] 31 WSW 5-8} WSW 4-9] WSW 5-8) SW 4-8 | SW 3-8 | W 4-7 | WNW 3-7] WNW 3-6;/NW 26/NW 2-5|NW_ 1-4] 5:5 WSW 2|WSW 1-2|}WSW 1-2|SW 2|SW 1-2 | SSW 2|8 2|/SSW 2-3|SW 2-4|SSW 2-4|WSW 2-3] 1°7 ENE 0-2|}ENE 0-2/E 1-2/E 1-2| N 12) EN 0-2|NNE 0-2|N 0-1| N 0-1|NW 0-1! Calm 0} 1:5 N 1 1|N 1-2 | NW 1} W 0-1/8 1/8 2) SSW 3 SSW 3/S 4/8 3-4 | 1:2 N 0-1} WNW 2-3;}WNW 3/\/NW_) 1-2} W 2|W 2-3| WSW 3-4| WSW 3/SW 3/SW 3|/ SW 2-3} 2°8 N 0-1| N 1)/N 1|N 0-1] N MIEN; 0-1|N 0-1 | NNE 1|/NNE 1|/N = 0-1/ N Lez NNE 2-3|NNE 3-4| NE 2-3| NNE 1-3] NE 2-4| N 2-4| NNE 4|N 4|/NE 2-3 | NNE 3/ NE 1-3] 2°6 Ww 2) SW 1) WNW 1-2| W 2; WSW 2-3);SW 2-3|WSW 2-3); W 1-3'WSW 2-3) WSW 1-4} WSW_ 3-4] 2:0 WwW 2-3 | W 1-3|}SSW 2-3|/SW 3\S 3-4|SSW 35|SSW 3-6/SSW 46/SSW 47/SSW 5-9|SW 4-8] 31 NE 3-7|NNE 3-7|NNE 3-5|N 3-6 | N 2-4|N 2-4|N 3-4 | N 2-3|NNE 1-2|N 1-2 NNE 0-2) 4°5 WSW 12/WNW 1/SW 1| SSW 2) SSW 2\8 2/SSW 1-2|}SSW 1/SSW 1) SSW 1| SSW pi i a) WSW 12/W 1-2 | NW 1) NW 1| W 1} W 1|WSW 1-2) WSW 1|/ SW 1|SW 1) SW iL]| aGal WSW 1-2} WSW 1-2| W 2|SwW 2|SW 2-3 | WSW 2|SW 2-3 | SW 3/ SW 3) SW 3) WSW 2-3] 24 NNE 2-3/] NE 12}NNE 2-4|NNE 2-4/N 2-4|NE 0-2;NNE 2-3) N 1-3|N 2-4 | N 4-5|NNE 2-4] 2°5 N 2-4|N 1-3] N 1-3 2-4| N 2-3|/N 2-3'| N 12|NNE 1-2/NNE 1 NNW 1; NNW Wy) Bare NW 4-7 | NW 4-6| NE 3-5 | NE 2-6| NE 3-6 | NE 2-5|N 2-6| NE 2-6 | NE 2-5|ENE 2-6) NE 2-5 | 3:8 NNE 2-5|NNE 3-5|N 2-6|ENE 2-5|ENE 26|/NNE 2-5|NNE 3-6|/NNE 3-7|NNE 1-5/NE 1-4 2-5] 4:3 NE 1-4| NE 2-4|NNE 2-3/ENE 2-6| NE 2-6|ENE 2-5/ NE 2-4| NE 1-3 | NE 1-3 | NE 1-4; NNE 3-5] 3-4 NE 12|/NNE 1-2|NE 1-2| NE 1-3|ENE 0-2/ENE 1-3|NE 1-3| N 0-2 | NE 1-2|}ENE 0-1/ENE 0-2} 1:9 2°31 2°40 2°35 2°45 2°48 2°37 2°63 2°50 2°47 2°55 2°47 | 2:57 NNE46. NE66. ENE26. E8. ESE5. SE32. SSE28. S59. SSW54. SW101 WSW72. W54. WNW20. NW38. NNW12. Calm 6. BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. CLOUD. AMOUNT oF CLouD (0-10). JANUARY 1894. . | 4/218) 41|) 516) 7) 8 ) Sa) aon alae iste | 14") 15 [16/17 |! 187) to) 205s tao | 23 | Mid | Mean. ) | ght. 1 ON ON WO Oa SO} Sy tiI@ | 10) =) She] OP tafe t= f=] 2) oy o | 0 0 5 SS SS OO 8S) Sa = FS St 0 SS ea SS SS Sa tS |] SB ES tS | 0 8 8 | 10)) 10) 10) 105) 10 SSS SS SS SS SS SS SSS SS SS SS SaaS eS SS = 10 4 1110/10/10) 10) =J=/=)/ = =) =/=)/=]10)=/= 9) 4)/=/=)/ =! =)=/10] = 10 6 — a eo i 2 2 2 2 2 Ge = | SS S| = |) 10 2 9 7 ON Meo 42 1 2) 1) =/=.2/2=/=/=]7=/e= } i = 8 8 = = (= |= =|/=/= 0; = = S =, =/= = 10 9 — ee i 2 = iz SF =), B=/=/=/=)/2=/2/=2 = 10 10 SSS SS SS SS eS a Sa SE ES I Sf SS aS ee SS) = 7 6,/=)=/)=)/= = 10 11 = =/10/10)}/=)/=/)=/= =/= = =\|= =,=/ 8; =/=]/10] 10 10 WS) ese /=/=/=)/=2 = ee SS StS SS SSeS. See 10 1S = | = S| SL te OY |) Oy 10). 10) | = | SON Var S SS SS FS Ee Fh ES | SS | S= = 16 Wd@y)=,=/=/= Sj = =) 0) il 9 15 TSS SSS SSS eS SS | SS SS SS SS Ss Sa SS SS SS | SS |S SS | =|= = 10 16 5,=/= = eS SSS SS aS SS aa eS eS eS = | = ;=/=/ = 10 17 = = = eS eS SS SS eS eS eS = 10 18 SES Hl lHlHl/=Hl/=—Hl Hela iE SS SHS PS aS I ES | ES YP ES Ee ES ES Sy ES = 10 19 = | =S/= = ee ee te 0 = 10 200, =/= =) 9) | — ee ee 10 A |=) Se'=/=,= = ,= ea SS = SS SSS eS | SS | SS | ES | S| = | = 10 2 )/= 2, 2=/=/=/=2=)/2=)/= 2/= = P= SS SS SS SS Sea 8 6 2 9 23 Aa Oe ARS ale ak 5|/=/= 3), = 2) 77 6) 8] 9)/=/=/e i = 7h 72 ee ee = eS SSS SS ff SS ES | SS |) ES 10 8 PS eS Sl SS ] BS ES ES I ET SS Ee = Slesl =e )=/=)/=)/=/= = 10 26 SlSs/l= = SS SS aa Sa a I aS I SS J SS SE | ES SE LS ES = 10 27) = = =/=2=/=2=/°2/=/2/=2 — i er i 2 0 = 10 28 S=S S52] =f =] =] BE ES BE BS BE I ET ES ES] ES S 6,=/|= 9,/=/=)/= = 10 30 | = = = Sf) Sf SS) =e ) ] 0 | tO toa SS aS fF Sy S| Oe | =| = 10 31 | = (= |) 0S) SS SS SSS = |) = = ea es 8 9 | | Mean. |8°5 9:1 9:2/9:4/9-2/ 8-9 9-4 | 9-5 | 9:8/ 10:0 9°6 | 9:9] 9:2 | 9°6| 9-7 | 9°8 | 9°7|96|9°6 9°7|9°6 |) 93) 89) 88 9°5 i | i CLOUD. FEBRUARY 1894. 1 0O;/=|= =|/= =l=|=\=|/=/]=\)=/=;=/=/=!/=/l=/=/l=/l= = 10 2 Se) ) =) =) =)\e — 2 2 2 = 10 3 |=)/=/= SS FS aS SS SS SS KET EB I ES SE BE I BE BE BE ET EY ES = = 10 4 Sl=/s= = a i 2 2 2 2 22 7 10 5 110) 7) Halel=aleal=l=a!l=!l= = = =/ 3} 1)10/10;/=/=] = 9 6 — a er eV 2 — eo a = Sl=H/=/=/= = 10 7 SPH) =]) =) =)/=2)/=2)/=)/=)/=)/=/=)= i = 10 8) =] =] =/10) =)]=)/=/=/= = = = SS SS SS) ES ee = 10 9 0) | ee — = =Sl= = a BS, ,~Sfl=)/=/=/= = 10 10 SHSlHl=Hli_=/=)]/=/s= = Sl =fy=/=/= SHSPHl_HSy=es/=/=/= = 10 11 SPH ,=)=/10) =} =/=)/)=/= — = SlpSH sy Hsy=/=/=/= = 10 5 ee a2 0 aa aa a 10 13 =|/= 0) 7) 2) =) =] 2) =2/ =/2=2/=72/=/=/=/= 1);=/= CW LOR 10 8 14 ON OO OO Ol Oy) O] Oy ay Wi) ae Bee Oe a Oy) Dy MO MO | Oy 9 3 15 SHESPHl_=$/10) =) =) B= / =) BS) ES) BE) Ey SES SE BE Ee BE BE BE BE SE] ES = = 10 Cn 2 2 22 0 a 22 2 2d 10 Wo) =) =) =) B=) Ee] 2/2) 2) =] =] =] Hy] S|] SE] BE BE S| 0 SE SE] ES] oS 10 18) SS = SS SS SS SSS SS aS Ft = FS a) 10 | 0) 0 LOT 105) ON 8 9 10 19 9] 9) =) =] =] =H] ES) BE BE ES Ee SES ET EI SE BE EI SE Ee Ee SEL ESE = 10 20 SPH PH) =) =)/ =] =] =)/10] 81/10) 6) =) =) =)/=)/=/2)/2/=/=/= = 10 21 — 2 a i — 2 2 2 — 2 — 2 — oO 0 = 10 22 OPS) =) =) 0 OSS SSS oS a aS eS SS SS SS eS aS eas Ss = 8 23 a 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 = 10 24 2 2 i 2 = 10 25 SSH) Sj) a aH SB SH SH SB SH KH SE KH SE S| SE 10;10} 4) = 10 26 | — | Fe ee | SS | SS SS | Saree eS SS SS = SS eS | = 10 > 7 a 2a 2a ef 0 eV — Ge |e V0 V2 sO Ue a = 10 28 eS SS = 1) = SS a SS a SS eS SS eS SS ES SE | SS Sl = = 10 MEAN. | 89] 9°5 | 9:3| 9-5 | 9:0 | 9:3 | 9°6 | 9°6 | 9°6 | 9:4! 9°3 | 9:7] 9-6 | 9-8 | 9-7 | 9:7 | 9°7 | 9:1 | 9°6 | 10:0] 9-9 | 10-0] 9:2] 9-8 9°5 173 MARCH 1894. AMOUNT OF CLOUD (0-10). . BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. CLOUD, j rosy I SSORS SCASSOS SCSSOD 2MOSS AHONS SCONBMHO ~ " MONAHAN OONSCS DRCOKR ROMS DOSCOM CHOHORM SO Ei or) ce EEE rae : SONOS CONN 19 = Si1c°0 e iS "eo LNA Wt WA UUM WU WM ETAT A aT Th i all SANS SS, SOM INS WHS ITT SS TIN ae 4 ¥ rH So COCHo su 1p a | LUA ew tl Po Mn WM eee en ee rs SMePSS WANS MS PWS NEP ST STM es ' ooonr SY eo} & | LAN AW IM All LW Ma WAN MM W#e eee MWS xq SMS OW MM A SS IIT ATE = ; coonmo SY C ~ n WM WM TW TT ail LON MI Wee eeS SSS SSS SS WEE SEMA SSeS NES MM Sy MEM N —) | | lll ill HS MM WLS eS SoseNS I) ee SOSSOS HN UM MET SLE ES ISPS ME NE UES Il F iI > 1 “ (ee) | WEAN YUM UM AM He SoM We SS COS II ss ST ee IM Wee ws ea) feats CONTI I alles Pes re * =H us LT a MW WS? Ail aN; SS SUT SMS WSS WN S222 TIS BS ISS) SST Nh 5 = x E a a urs lll ll I 7 Mil i Sse a! SCY ah ||| ee SSN WMS SOME INES NE TIS AIEEE TM Bs tral ‘ ro] ap | Ill | WIN WAT | Se SS Seo SO SS AISA ll S NMS ee SMS SS Sse ses eal * A nN lll | Tr lll Ml All ll ee a Oe SS ee sree 1S ILM? AT 2 iS Sree eo INE = ||| ee || [ees Law nm a Ha a GIA Ee OIE Srey Smale tl (WS WMS! SMM Spee y oO 4 4 ~ a] il ea) ; arts =I ; Ye) : | LU TM HL TN ANTEC SOT Wier Socio eS Ne ae) WA UM WN NS We SOT MS" S eR . s¢ Ne) a PU TN TW mn EA Hi oS Pe i eS oS SS MW SEe SS SM Th Ihe MESS SOMME SSS Me ie} Ine} WANS HI WEAN UW Al WAM UM Pa bas Se SOS Cau PETE SS AS TAN IETS? TSS SEMIS? Stee 5 So oO | NAN A Ta TST TL EI ee MS SS SS StS Wi eS | WN UIT WN MS SME WIS I “ | ll IE NT OO ESO MWS Sess! vs nme S MMS WM We MMM WMS MeSH AWM MM MMS WSs & lvoe) lor) | ll | II SH MS PIO WIMP SS moe SS WS mS MMM WM Wes aN EOS SMTA TMS Te Hl Ill ll 1S SCOTTI MU PS SS tse WES NS AES? A = SS MS AN UM ANT ALE SS i a ee ~ | ll | Itt TL Wl ll eS eM ea re aa WSEPS SS TC TA PURE SSS ST La Wn UN AL a : Ney % 9 ~ | IN WN UN Ul IHL {tl Ul | AA TTT WN ete Sem ce a HM Me lS SUS MN WE MMS SMSO Mh MMM A MW MS TU ee o oO | NTT EAE AEST ANE TTR STENT WE ree So otsKonse WN ANS MW SSO TS SP = a A MST zy 5 H ~ WL WML TH UIT WSN UM a A SPO Mit S Soe ocey = : NSS S SM MSS, SU SRS OS MNS STN vo) | ™ oo Ce) | WM SSM NS eS MMM WW tse eee too = =) WINES HW SMM MM WS MMM SS? > ST I SL TH = | ae A q > ive) lor) So COsHID CO le oor) | BGI DOSEIET BES IS) OER E et an RRO) 6 Sp BEIT en GIs aire a Sar ois are a = =) 174 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. AMOUNT OF CLOUD (0-10). or a 12} 13 15 16 H ~I — vo) to So bo en to wo MAY 1894. Mid- night, Mean.| NAMOOCOOD OOINPN OO CI~100 oo rs COnNn Or WNrH 10 18 O;=/10) =) =) =/=)/=)/=/=/=/= SPH yPH,=/=/=)/=)/ =] =]/= = =S)/=/=[/= 9S pS je SE] SE] EP SEP =H] 10} j=] ES] =] =] 10]}10) =] Sfs= = SPHyPHy,=)=)/=)/=/= 4) 5 6) 1H lyHey=/)=2/=/2=2/2/=)/=)/=/= = =|=|/=/=|=/=/=| 6| 7| 7] 9/=|7/=/=|]2/ S| 3] 4/9/10] 10] =| 10 Sl=Hl]/=H/=)/=)/= 9); = 9) 9J/B)=Ba7=/2/2/=/=/=/2/2=2/=/=2=/=2 = =|=/=/=/=|=/=|=/=)/=2/=! 9/=/1|=/=| 9|=/2/=|/=/=/2)| = =/= ON 108) 04) 25) 25) 35 SN eSeeses |) LO LOn) TO) | LOM Os 5 Os se = 10) 10} =] Ee) Ee) =) SS) =] =] ES] BS] BE EB SE BE BE BE BS BE | BE] SE | ES] =] OE IO yy By Se ah ey ww) A el ON OW Ea Seale |) Sl Gy |] Oy Bi 2B 2 1) OP i ee Gy Be ail SLOT 1 ee a 1) 1) O|] Ll 2) 6) =) =/es)= = =]/=]=/10); 9} 9/10/10] 10}10/10)10}/10)=/)/=)]=/=/=) 8] =] =] =) 10 8 1 4)10}10};=;}=];=]=)/10;10/ 7} 8]10}10/; 9) =j;=)/10]} 9) =/]=)2)/=]/= 6 =/=] 0] 0; 1} 2) 4] 1/10/10) 9) 7} 8110/10) 8)10) =) =] 7) =)=)/= 0 0/0 Oy OT OV OV Oy O} 6] Oh tee Gy ee Veo sty Ol Oy} Bi Gl Oy @ 0 0; 0 OV OV OF OP OF O} UW) BH) Bl i 2 ON oN a 7h Ol li O} OF © 0 0} 0 ON Sa) 45) SOF Oe SOs SOM OR Os LOM TON |) OM) <80| 53h XG ale sO OR ae 1 2 iL 8,7 [Sl] =e] =] =] =] SE] =) =] 8 =] 27] 5] 9) 10) =] =) 10) 8110) 7] 8) = SHSlHl=Hl(Hlae/HlHl=e/e/=2/=/= 72/42/42 /=/=/=!1 7/=/1=1 8 = 8 1 10} =]=]10);10| = 4} 5] 8] 5/10; 9] 9/10) 6/10/10) =J)=)]/=)=)=/= = a SPS SF ESE ES EY ESE | SE | SE BE BE SE ES ESE = | = 1] 10 i 1 =/10/10/=/ 7|/=/=]=/10)/=] 2] 5/10) =]/10/=/=)/%0)/=/= =/=] 2] = Oy Oy Of OF OO Wy zy al 2} 8}/10} 9J=JlJ=/=/=e=2 Sl=' =);/=/= 10 10} = | =) 7a} 8) Ol wy Fi @ | MOO |) Sl Saya toy it@ | 7) Sle!) Spo i 0 | | .| 8:0 | 8:5 ae 7°8.|\ 7:7 | 8:0 | 7:9 | 8:1 | 8:4 | 8:7 | 88 | 9:0 | 8°6 | 9:3 | 9:2} 9:1 | 8°9 | 8°7 | 8°7 | 8:8 | 86 | 8:3) 8:1) 7:7 CLOUD. JUNE 1894. Uy Oy) Oy, al 1 ia en ese eral siflecaey ol) “OU omleRg ON ON OM Sasa 0) 1 OF), a 2a, aa Wy Pl By) Be SA al PMO Sh AE GH BF ab 0; 0 (0) On On| On et Wy 7 2 Sy Ss a CEE SC tif aio) al) |} Sf aE a |) Ko) 8 4/ 8\/= 7)/=/=/e=2 4\;= = = = SPS sl=a/=/= = SH] =] =] ES SE = ES SY = EET =] =] =] 10110) 9) OF 8} 7} 8] 10) 10 105) 8 2 4a 80) Oe ON OR OR On SOR LON 10) |) 10!) 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Or omplll | ed Ne) o CNoo oo owolll | co bo oo cb la) eRHolllS oO ns i NWOO co moll lll oo or od ewoced oa) 3 Sree oo HH orcsos Ill! 7:91 7° an cooons ll | w pep COooMo “I ec Coono “I ~ GB eee ‘on eons, yD JULY 1894. BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. AMOUNT OF CLouD (0-10). CLOUD. SOS Se ISS OOS Ont OO Se ec Os OS Lara Se a a re ie) See 2 hs ONG cols iene S| 8 | Sniniine miesn? Susi We ws li ites i = TIEN TIA WA WII Wee Gore eo om a SES MES TOMS SS STAN! MEET WSSU See? I eS LATA TEAL TOTTI ITT SUSI. Cree ce emt teoene oN SS MUS STS A WS Sect se oS HMM? MMS SM WM WM Wgers Says eS =F a | Cuts WMS SUMS WM We Meters WM Wes PT WANS a SSeS SNe Ss & | olen sonee > nmme win OST eo a hee nn MSS MS SPOS MRS Seal eee Ee |S (> HS WES, SN 1A AN A ee eeu TT = SOT WSO CTT NETL es = Wi PS Say MNT A MSW PIS yeeeee ice QW ANE AN ANE ANE WTI TET AN PSS se iii ile ss ee ed HMMS SUM WHS HM WeleSs WMeets =F HA WL a Il LOW INSEE HIS TSS = 2, Sf Sumi WMS SMM MMM Ieee ye yess & I HMM MS MM WSS FMM S Smit SoM SMM TMNSS Wy Sees jygyrene S AW WM WM WSey{Ver OS He mm & Sn MW SP WM S CS ME SSS yo tec =n in tO MME SSE SSIES I Ss SS Mii SS ui 2 SE RS oes Seek coe, as) I Hi WN WMS SMM SFSus eo UF WW Fs ee in ee 2 ee SSM SAN SNS AT SI eS Seer SS eens eco as SH MMMM WN WM WEeSsHe SiMe nM Ss SSO SEM SA! WMS ME SNS" TIS Sc SH WMS WM WPS SMS MS SO HM Sm MM A A TE AT AE Se 92-29 RS ce Suu MMMSS WS MMM WM Wes Wse FSP! IM SS SST ADS NH A SS OOM AT TI a See IP I A Se HW SA WM WPS Hj ees yy S Se HME NATAL yee TIT INOTN 2 D e ane ce WW Me SM WM SSS OPO MM & SSH MA MMM MM SM AE At HPS S"s MESS HM A eS Se ONS HS SoH WM SSune Winn enee* Iisa 2 WU A We MM WES S SO eI S SoH MM MMMM SUM WM PUSS WMA WE = i WH WMS CMM WN Wego SASS ys SMA WM SH MN SEW Se PS ee HEU MH MMMM MMM MQM WSsos = WsIer yn =F Osi SMM SUMS SMM SUAS yess eS MMM WMP WM MMS Agee -onse | S SOA WNIT SST ME Se STE SS IATIEMIETI Ses" IIIS pee loess: A HMC MM MMM MS MM Myer SH NSCrMW sF Se TIT SME SENS: NN) STE SOS be TT tas tag ee PHU MUMS HM MMMM WnMsn “nWecs zecoe yy J : iS} : eee ats ead te et aot GG GGG GIS 2 5 Fe eet, Sela CRGUGN GINO =a. E = o—ae} @ 4 » ae VT SEPTEMBER 1894. AMOUNT OF CLOUD (0-10). BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. CLOUD. i Senos MAMDOO1 Ese\ten See) EVENS S SeMe Ds) Oonttoire ts VOOR'S LSI Sic) KEAN Qe SES Shei) = EE = a 25 Orsi Weller ss Me So Ale a lieSe oo S a Sse Mii MUM teees MS ws i ‘= a | Sx West S22 |e oeaas eS Cl Ae eae Fa aes i wm mime Mit mim Swe os Si Senaie ees A | SMM MMe SoS NS i Scnie eis & erseco Hn? MMMM WMA SS SMM MM SMM MS MS a | Seema SAS Seooe yl Sere ir eons — arecs imine Mmmm MMe S MM th OS ARS I S R | sya Nee cs ae es, I esr cee ce | S ss SaooO HMMS SUM MM Smee eS SMM WM A bales g | SHC Ne AIS LOPS IS Sec eS onl aNcooe iii mm im SMM MEM MM mS mS MEME MES MS IM = cs) | Sees MMe cee NSN SS See SS rae Ste asiine ae ercco Whine Sinn WN{ow Sm MM FMM HM gs SS | ero Saree e NS IIS Sea SS SSeS ane SSS SSF MMM Cee Th SP SN Sa as Pes Silene Ieee shese ese a amaiioae sesoe Wil SNe M MSs SHSM eSMsoM =F s | SOT ee Ol (SS MPSS Slory ese se ee gece Wl SMe MMS MM CHS MM PS MMS Mg + | WSIS Sie WAS I CNS I] CmQoe gogoo F lA 25 % esa SSoo WS Siike esses Se ore er [oe srecse Wii Pugs mnnns Sern SSMS | a | LSS MISS Te Siihkert ses: jeowa ee oo SENS© ue Sn -nnMe Seen “sume = Sele Sie erally | ea ORS Sk See. | IPO Sr (eS sence Hise Smmme Smune PPO MM SMM M FS 2] er min Sune? esi eAess seseu qooe 3s BOOS We Sn SUS Me Se Mn Ss is a SS TM SOS TS Sates hs Sein se iat SssSo iii Swi SiS Se i 2S iS is QO jer SSS AS MI SOSH I MISSS SIjoee pol oS IIIS Mele pea TES ITI Salers | BOSSES SHI O> HS il SOS™ UL |IIgee eosoo BT moos MMe TMM WMSoh SMM MMMM V | eS SSS eS ClSeS" NI Sese ells es waros Sj i MS SM Me SMeS® SHSM M SHMMO™ F Sess hh eS SS all SMS US MS AS See FSS SH SA SH MM SA MMS MM SMM | SOO Sots OSs SOS SSe PPI IS Cee ee elk UMN MEMS ak elt Ss MRS oa OOM | HINSS IHS III SSW Gosor yjooes S memessoo Simm SS ME SoS MM ee MSWMM s SOS% j) OJOS [PASS I SNS Signa gsooo B S erses Siti Mt MMi mM MSS WENN SSM MMS SB SOHO I IIMS MASS i SOON M SO MSM Weeee & = Sos Sih SMS MIMS eS SSNs SS It MLNS & TO OE OS INRIA SHAN ANRAR RARAS 4 BH jraaws onwas Name erese FARAR RHARSA E BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. Lore v CLOUD. AMOUNT OF CLOUD (0-10). NOVEMBER 1894. ey 23 5 HN ASW Ep AMOS He TUT) aE) | ate AEN atay a aay Nh ale |) alts) |] aly |/ Xo) 1) Bal | B21) 933 ee Mean. ee fe De eee! a | Seale | eS 1 SlHlyPHs/=])/=/=/=)/= = = SHSl=Hsy=/=/= = 10 2 =Sl/=/= z Sl l=H/=/= = | = = — a = 10 3 = fF = = SSS SS SSS SSS SS (ESOS oo SS SS | = = 10 4 i 2 = = 10 5 a SlHl=Hl=a/e=l=/= = 10 6 )=)=/=/=)/=/2=/2=/2/2=/=/=/= = =/= = = = 10 i — i i i 2 — = = =Slj=/=/= = 10 =) =) SS SSS eS eS eS SSeS S| SS SS SS eS = = 10 9 =);=/=)/=)/=);,= = = = = = }=/= = 10 10 )=)=/= H =/=/= = = 10 Wl |} =)/=)=/eE= = = = = = = 2 10 2)/=)/=/=/e=2 = | = a eo = = 10 2) = | ES SSeS Oe hd oS $3) =)= = |= = |=] = 9 14 Sfp=/=/= =| =| = SlPSf/=]= = = 10 SSS eS eS eS = =l/=|/=/=/= a = 10 1 SS eS eS ee ee ee ee eee ee ee) 8 10 WW }10) =) =] =] =] =] = = | EF = ES EY BE ES BE BE SE I BE SE Ee Ee I EE = 10 18 a i 2 — = = 10 19 = Sia 1 1 0; 0;10) =] =) =) =F = / =] B=) =] =] =] SE SE I ES I = LE = 8 20 SS SS ES ES | SS SS ES I ES ES SE ET ES] SE SE SE S Ll)j=)/=/=/=2 = 10 21 SlS//=/2!=)=);s= = Sl=H/=/= = = = = 10 22 a 2 2 2 2 2 2 = = 10 23 =] /)/=)/=)/ = =/=)=)/2)/=2=)/ =) =) =2=)]/= = =/ 0J= 0; 0 0 8 24 OM On On ON One Onis Oo Or) Sao SS SS | 8) OF 0 FO SS = 5 25 SPH lHl=)/=/=)/=/=)/=/= iS). j) TO) | AMO) LTO KG) Stes By PA) ts |B} |B 1 8 Pome mOR ON LOM Say a — =) 10 27) sae 4) 8) 2 Ol] 0) WON sO) ON On) 0 0 3 27 0; O0| Oj 0} OJ =Js= 1} 4) 2)/=)/=]=/=/=/= = = = 7 28 SPH lH] a) =/=/=)/=)/=/=)/=/e= a = 10 29 SSF ES ES ES SE SE | EB ES ES ES ESP =H 10] 8 I ES] SE SE Se SE J ES EI = = 10 80 HP SHEP BE] ES] SE] SE] SE SE] Et} =] Of} OF Of}: OF: Of: 6] 2] OF} OF OF} OF} OF} O 0 4 MEAN. | 9-0 | 9:1 | 9°1 | 8°8 | 9:0 | 9°3 | 9°3 | 8°7 | 9°4 | 9°2 | 9°2 | 9°41 9°5 | 9°5 | 9°3 | 9°3 | 8-9 | 8:4] 8°7 | 8:7 | 9°3 | 8:71 8:8] 86 9*1 CLOUD. DECEMBER 1894. 1 OR ROM OMe On ON cde) oral aol 2 Oil 4 = 0!) Ol ON) LO LON One rO 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (0) 0 0 2 1 3 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 (0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 QO} 0} 1) 3) 3) =) =) B=] =) SES) BS Sta ES | SS ES = = 8 6 9) 8) =) =) =) =) =) = | =] SS) St eS = = = 10 foo 8H SS SS BS Se I SS I SP aS I SS HS | = = = = = 10 8 Sf =] SE lS | ES l= Gy Oy 2) |) WA) il 4 1 O;=/=)/2=/=/= 0; 0 = a 9 19 | 10 CY 4 2 2);10;10;}10) =/;=/10710] =|] =/10) =/=)/=/=/=)/=/=2 = 9 WO =) =) =) =) =/=/=/=/=/= = = = =" | 16) Salon eerie ek) 9 i ee One) 8) 7 || — ||) = = = e)/e=/e)=)/=/=)=)/=)/] o 3 9 12 9/10) 10) =) =) =) =] =] =] =] BE EP = | = ES = = = = 10 1) ee SSeS SS eS eS SS = is =/=|= = 10 14 SPH Hs )=)/=/=/=/=/=. = = =|= SlPEH/=/=/= = 10 MH |)=/=)/=/=!/=/= = = = =/= 9 =l/=/= = 10 aes) = |) = | SS SS) = | = |) S|) 5) 68) | 10 | 10 3/10/10] 10); = = 9 ES SS eS ee ee = = = = 10 US eS eS SS eS ee ee ee = = =l/=/=/=)/= = 10 TOSS = SS SS SS I ESS ESS I SS SS BS ST BS BS I BS BS SE SE ES SE ES ES I = = 10 4 a | ele] e) el 2) 2) 2/22) =)/ 1] 0} 0] 0) OS Bala a= | = |=) =) = 8 2b =| =/ = = = )/=]= = =|=|= = 10 el) | | = =/=/= = 10 ea) — | — | =Sl=/= = SS aS = ES S| SE ] =] ZS = =|= = 10 q 2X ies = |= = a 7 il = f= 0 = 9 aoe | = | = | = = 10 = =) =) =)/=i/=le = =] = 10 Poe e— 3 — | | | SS | SS | S| SO 7 8 = 10 an |) — |, | 10) = =/=/= 10 10/10; =/=/=/)=]/ = 10 28 = = = | = = — = — = = — — 10 2 ||| — = = = = = =|/=/=/= = 10 Soae—se— | — | — |) = = 10 = =| = 10 a ea | — = =(|=/=/=/= = 10 | MEAN. | 8°3 | 8:1 | 8:4) 8:4] 8:2] 8:5 | 8-9 | 8°6 | 8°5 | 8-5 | 8°4 | 8°57 8:2 | 8-1 | 8:3 | 8°7 | 8°7 | 8°5 sie! || CoH) 4) sites || (SISA 7/Say || fei) 8-4 ! ; | | TRANS. ROY. SOC. EDIN.—VOL. XLII. Z 178 FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. STEVENSON SCREEN. TEMPERATURE AND AMOUNT OF CLOUD. JANUARY 1894. ian: Temperature—Dry and Wet Bulbs. Binet pace Amount of Cloud, 0 to 10, a 6 ee i EE He AN Gad eens aa gh ron | gam] ag Wh =| aye | aap Bulb. Min. Fou | rom | aah | o7milieos a) —— =| —— = Ss 2 fee | — | | Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. 1 | 34:6 32:1| 34°9 31:8 | 86°9 33:2 | 36°9 32°8) —- — | 34:5 82:7 | 84:1 32°2137°8| 382°3) 51:4] 24:0 6 if 7 4 by 2 | 29:9 29:0] 31°8 30:0 | 34:0 31°8 | 34°9 33:0 | 37°4 33:9] 35:0 31:1 | 34:2 31°39 38:0 | 30'1] 54:1] 24:2 wy 6 3 8 10 3 | 32:3 32-1 | 32:4 27-9 | 33:6 29°6 | 33°2 28°9 | 32°8 29-4 | 82:2 28-4 | 338-2 29-79 34:5 | 31°9 02} 24:8 3 4 1 2 0 4 |(31°6][81°0]) 32°8 31°] | 35°8 32:1 | 35°9 31°8 | 35°38 32:0} 35°9 30°9 | 35:8 31-6} 36:2 | 30°27 49:0] 21:0 il 8 8 9 8 5 | 33°7 [33°3]| 83:7 380°1 | 34-2 81-1 | 33-2 29:9) 32:0 29:4 | 32:0 29°9 | 31:9 29°94 36:0 | 31:04 49°3| 26°97 10) 10} 10] 10) 10 6 | 21:9 20:9 | 22:0 19:9 | 25:7 238°5 | 24:9 24:1 | 23°9 20:9 | 29:4 26:0 | 29:2 26:8 32:5 |19°4] 42:9] 19:2 0 2 4) 101) 10 7 | 32°8 [29-2] 32°9 28:4) - — | 383°8 81°8}| - — | 38°6 34:3] 36°6 33:2] 39:2 | 24:7) 49°71 16:0 i 10 10 2 2 8 | 37:1 32°8 | 34°6 30°8 | 86:1 32:3) 86°9 31:3) 85:0 30:3) 34:4 30°8 | 35°7 31:7939°2 | 8l°o] 71:2) 26°2 Y) 1 0) a 9 9 | 40-4 37:1] 39:2 36:4] 89:7 37:0 | 39°4 37:4) 39:2 37:1] 44:0 40-0 | 43:3 29°79 44°6 | 34:5} 49:4) 32°57 10 10 10 3 8 10 | 46:0 42:9} 47:0 44:3] 50°5 45:0} 50:9 44:9 | 50°9 44:9) 49-9 45:5 | 52:6 47-1} 51-9 37'°6 | 68:7 | 35°87 10 9 9 10 8 11 | 45:9 45°3| 44:7 44:3] 44:4 44:0] 44:8 42°6! 43°3 41-8] 40-5 39-2] 42:9 40-5548] 40'S] 56:4] 43-27 10 9 10 i De 12 | 47:9 44:4] 48:7 44:4 | 48:4 44:0 | 48:0 43:4 | 47-7 42-9) 43-9 40-2) 47-4 42°4150°5/ 40°38} 66:5) 38°17 10 10 9 1 6 13 | 51:1 43°7 | 50°6 43-4 | 50°9 43-9 | 50°2 43-4) 46:0 44:0] 41:1 40-4] 44:7 43:4] 53°0 [40-0] 68:2) 41:7] 10 9 Th 10 10 14 | 43:0 41°3| 42-4 41:0] - = | 44:1 42-7)" — — | 39:0 38:2] 38°7 37:9] 45:0 | 38°6 0:0 38:0 3 9 7 9 8 15 | 371 36°8| 38:0 37-4 | 38-9 38-0 | 42°7 39:7 | 43-2 39-6 | 43-2 39-6 | 42-8 39:9} 45:0] 36:0} 47:6/ 29°87 10}; 10] 10) 10] 10 16 | 46°7 45:0] 46:9 45:1 | 48:5 45:4] 46-8 46:1 | 47:1 46:1] 44:3 43:9] 44:8 44-04 49-0| 43-14 53:2] 39-3] 10 10 10 i 10 17 | 43:1 41°8 | 42:9 42:1 | 41°9 40°3 | 42:1 41:0 | 41°6 41:0] 41:0 40-4 | 40°8 40:11 46:2) 40°09 48:7; 40:97 10 10 10 10 10 18 | 41°9 41:0 | 42-2 41:2 | 44:9 42-1 | 45:2 42:0 | 45:2 41-1 | 43:1 39-8 | 43:5 39-9] 45°6 | 39°94 75°8| 37:7] 10 9 9 3 6 19 |[42-9][41°8]] 43:1 42-1 | 46-9 44:3] 47:9 44°8 | 48:7 45-3} 44:8 42-8] 46:2 42:9149:2| 37-9} 51°7| 32:5] 10 10 10 10 8 20 | 42°5 41:3] 43-2 41°9 | 48:2 41°2| 44:9 41°9| 44:5 40:0] 45:7 41:0 | 44:7 40-9 | 47-0 41°34 53:0] 38:8] 10 9 10 10 9 21 | 46:9 48:4] 48-8 41:5] — — | 42:7 40:0; — — |89°7 36°7 | 40:0 371} 48:0 39°6} 50:2) 39°49 10 10 10 3 6 | 22 |(39°6][87°6]) 39-7 37:2 | 38:8 37:2) 39-0 37-7 | 39°9 35-8) 87:7 31:9] 36-7 31:1} 42:0 | 85-9} 48:3] 34:37 10; 10] 10 1 0 23 | 29:2 28°8| 31:0 29:2] 35:1 30:2) 35°6 30°8 | 34:2 30°8 | 32:3 31:9 | 32°8 31°94 38:1 | 27:01 70°6| 22°6 1 1 9 10 10 24 | 45:2 44°6| 46:2 45:6 | 47-6 46:1] 46°9 46:0 | 47:1 46°4| 47-1 43:1 | 45:2 42-0} 49°1 | 33°24 55:°2) 31°94 10 10 10 10 10 25 | 40:9 37:7 | 41:1 87°8 | 40-1 37:2] 41:9 37°8 | 33°4 33-0 | 83:9 33-0 | 34:7 32°99 45°8| 32:0} 57:-4/ 35°49 10] 10) 10) 10] 10 26 | 34:5 32°2 | 32:6 32:3 | 33:9 33:1 | 37'7 34:1 | 36:0 34:2 | 39:1 38-2) 41:0 40-3} 41°2 tBe-01 60°4| 29-1 7 10 9 10 10 27 = |[45°5][43:0]| 43-9 41:6 | 41:0 38°6 | 34:8 37:8 | 89°4 35:9] 40-0 34:6] 38°8 34-5 50°8 |[36:0]] 55°7| 37-2] 10 10 10 8 10 | 28 | 37-1 36:0) 39:4 387-1) - - |389°5 36:3) - — | 86:9 33:0 | 37-1 33:8} 42°0| 32:9] 52:3) 31:8] 10) 10 8 ii) 4 29 | 35:1 34:2) 35:4 34:8 | 39-2 35:6 | 37-8 34:8 | 36:9 35-7 | 44:4 43-1 | 42-9 42-0} 47:7 |[82°0]] 58:0] 26-97 10) 10) 10] 10) 10 | 380 | 388-0 34:7] 37-9 34:0 | 38-7 32:9] 38°9 33:3 | 36:5 33-0| 38°8 33:2) 37:9 32°84 46:0] 32-4] 50:3] 33-4] 10 8] 10 il 8 | 31 | 35°38 33:2 | 35°3 33°1 | 36°8 34:8 | 34-7 33°9 | 34:3 33:7 | 82°1 32:0 | 32:0 30°9) 38-5] 30°21 44:0! 31:8 9 10 9 10 10 / Mean! 39:0 37:0} 89:0 36°7| - 40:2 387°3] —- — |89:2 36:3] 39:4 36°39 44:0) 34:37 55°71! 31:8] 8:0 | 8:4) 8:4] 71 | 7:6 | 1 | | ae : | STEVENSON SCREEN, FEBRUARY 1894. | =A A = Jo: 3 J ee 7 Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. ] 1 |[33-0][82°9]| 33:2 32:8 | 33-9 33°3 | 35°38 34:6 | 33:2 32:9 | 45°9 42°3| 47:7 43°29 48-9| 28:0} 47:5] 24:8] 10] 10] 10 2 4 | [46°8][45°0]) 45°1 44:5 | 46°8 46:5] 48:9 47:8] 46-7 46-0 | 45:9 42:8 | 46:9 42:°5450:9| 43-2] 51°8| 42:0} 10 10 10 8 7 | 3 | 41-0 38°6| 40-6 38:1] 40°1 37-0] 43°7 38-1 | 42-8 38-2] 41-1 37:8| 42-1 39:0] 47-7 | 39-9] 64:0] 37-0] 10) 10 7 2| 10 4 45°9 45:3) 46°8 46:2] — — | 45°9 45°38) — — | 43°9 40°3 | 43-7 40°2449-1) 41:0] 51:8} 38:77 10 10 10 10 al 5 | 39°6 36°9| 41:4 38:3 | 42:4 39-7 | 43-0 40-8 | 42:0 39:5 | 43-9 39:6] 44:0 41 1] 45:2| 36-1] 60:3) 32-1 5 9 7 1 8 6 | 45:8 45°8| 46:3 46:4] 49-9 49:3] 48°6 48-6 |51°3 49:8] 49:8 47-2] 49-6 46:0].52:3| 45:0] 52:9] 42-0] 10 10 10 10 10 7 | 41:1 89°8| 41-0 39-9 | 41:6 40:1] 41:3 39-8 | 42-7 40:9 | 42-7 38-8] 42:0 37-8150°3/] 40:2] 56:6] 39:0] 10 10 10 4) 3 8 | 45-1 401] 44-6 40°6| 45:1 41:1] 44:9 40:9] 42-0 39-9] 43-9 41-7 | 45:3 42-0 | 46-1 37°77} 57:0 | 34:1 i i 8 10 8 9 43°3 40:9) 44-9 40°9| 45-0 41-7 | 44:1 39:6} 41°1 38-1] 41:1 37:0] 41-9 37:5} 46:1 | 38:8] 61:8) 39:1 Uf 9 9 9 8 10 | 38°9 34:1] 39°1 34-9] 40-1 35:1 | 39:9 34:7) 88:7 34:9] 39:6 35:2 | 37-7 346 | 42:2 Biadsy| | A Swell 9 9 8 10 6 1] | 32:9 32:7 | 32:9 32-7) — — |37°9 37:7 || — - 3°9 41°6 | 43:0 40°91 46:2] 381-4} 53:9} 31°87 10 10 10 10 10 12 87°0 33°7 | 34°9 33-9 | 38-9 84°7 | 39°9 34°2 | 36°2 34°8 | 34°8 33-6 | 36:0 34°81 44:1 | 84:0) 80°38] 32:0 1 7 9 10 10 3 32°9 30°9 | 35°0 32-9 | 366 35°38 | 39:7 36:0 | 37°9 35:1 | 30-4 29-0 | 29-6 [29:0]] 40:0 | 29-4} 82:0} 25:8 6 10 4 2 1 14 | 21°7 20°7 | 23°7 22°] | 300 271 | 32°1 28-9 | 32°9 29:8 | 28:1 25-7 | 28:0 25°94 35:0 | 20°34 82-9) 15-9 2 2: 4 8 7 15 | 33-1 31:2 | 34:0 31:9 | 86-8 33-9 | 38-4 35°8| 39°5 36:9 | 37:9 36:9 | 37-8 37:0]39:9| 27:2) 49:0] 24:37 10) 10] 10] 10/ 10 16 | 40:3 39°7 | 41°83 40-7 | 44:2 42-6] 46:8 42-9 | 46:2 42:0] 42:1 39-0] 40°9 38:21 47-2| 36:1] 49:2] 34:9] 10] 10] 10] 10] 10 WW 37°0 36°5 | 36°9 36:2 | 37:1 36°5 | 37-9 87:0| 88:0 87-1] 37:6 36:8 | 37:2 36°81 42:1 | 36:0] 53:5] 35:2} 10 10 10 10 10 18 | 40:0 36:1 | 40°3 36:3] — —- |40°1 37:0} - — | 388°7 35:1] 38:4 34:°9741:0/ 35:9} 46:9} 31:5} 10 10 10 10 9 19 |[40°5][86°2]) 39-9 36-3 | 41:4 38-8 | 42:7 39-6] 41:3 39:1] 41°3 39°8| 41:6 39°89 43-6| 36:6] 79°6| 35:21 10 10 8 10 10 20 | 41-0 40°6 | 42:0 41-1) 43:0 41:2] 43-9 41-7 | 43-2 40-6 | 40:0 39°5| 40:1 39:09 46:2| 38:9] 91:9] 38:2 9 8 8 || 107) 20) | 21 | 40-3 38-9] 41-6 40-0! 42:7 41:3} 433 42:5 | 45-1 43-9| 39-3 36-9| 41-0 38-0) 45-8| 37-54 67-0| 339] 9! 9! 10] 1] 4 | 22 |40°3 38:4 | 41°38 39°0| 42-9 38:6 | 44:9 39-9 | 44:2 38-9] 48-1 40:0] 41-8 39-9] 45:9 (85:0]] 92:1) 30°54 10 10 7 10 10 23 42°9 40°8 | 44:3 40°9/ 44:8 41:2] 43:6 40-8 | 42°8 40°8| 39:9 35:9 | 37:1 34:8] 47:9 [35:0]} 64:5] 37:2) 10 10 10 3 8 24 | 53°6 32:8 | 35:9 82°8| 37-0 33:8] 35:5 33°8| 36°6 33:9] 38-1 34-5 | 35:9 33-0] 40-0 | 30:24101-2| 30:8} 10 6 8 0 2 25 | 41:0 40°6| 44:8 43-9] — — |45°2 40:3) —- — | 42:6 37-4] 43:1 36:94 48-0 |[86:0}) 77°9| 31°77} 10; 10; 10]; 10 6 | 26 | 40-8 88-8} 41-9 39-3] 42-1 29-9] 43-9 41:0] 43-9 41-1 | 41-0 39-8] 44:5 43-7] 44:3 | 37-0f 59°0| 32:91 10] 10/ 10] 10] 10 27 39°9 36°2 36°38 84°9| 38:0 35°9| 41:7 37-1 | 37:2 35:1 | 87:0 34:4] 389-2 36:01 48°5 | 35:2] 96:6] 34:0 4 10 8 3 8 43 | 40°4 87°7 | 38:3 37:0] 87:0 35-9 | 88-2 36°7 | 39-9 36:9] 42:9 38:3] 43-9 39°3144:0| 34:0) 65°38] 34:8} 10] 10] 10] 10] 10 | Mran| 89-1 37-2] 39:6 37:7] - - |41°9 39:1] - - |40°6 37:7| 40'S 37:9) 45:3 | 35:44 66:3) 33:3] 88 | 91] 88) 7:3) 77 | i FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 179 STEVENSON SCREEN. TEMPERATURE AND AMOUNT OF CLOUD. MARCH 1894. ‘Temperature—Dry and Wet Bulbs. mas Melee Black | Radn. Amount of Cloud, 0 to 10. gh 108 eee 16 ain | ven Bulb.) Mine (ox | yon | 14 | 21 | 298 Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Diy. Wet. | i Y Sho a ee 1 | 41°6 39°6 | 39°6 37:9 | 42:1 38:0 | 42°38 39°3'41°8 38-1 | 391 36°8 | 39°7 37-49 43-2 [36-5] 90-7) 37°37 10] 10 7 10 8 2 | 43-4 39:8} 44:0 39°9] 41:9 39:0| 44:0 39°9 | 45:1 39°9 | 40°2 38°9| 41-8 39:7} 46°7 |[36°5}} 90°4] 34-0 7 8 9 5 8 3 | 39-1 87:9) 40-0 38-7 | 42°7 40:0 | 39°7 37:8 | 41-2 38°38) 39-0 36°3| 35:9 35-0) 45-0 | 833541000} 3617 10}; 10) 10) 10; 10} 4 |37°9 36°7|41°5 37-4) - — |42°9 38:0] —- — | 38:0 34:8 | 36°8 35°64 45-4 | 33°01100°5 | 32:0 4 4 2 2 if ji 5 |40°5 39°1| 40-9 39:1 | 40:1 38-9 | 42:0 40°7 | 44-7 43°9 | 44°7 41°3| 44:0 41°57 49-0 | 33:2] 56:7] 31°37] 10} 10] 10] 10/ 10 6 | 43:0 40:0 | 42°8. 39:9] 43:9 39-9 | 45:0 40:0] 43-9 39°9 | 40:2 37°7 | 39:0 36:94 45-4 | 37-44 72:0] 38:2 9} 10 7 1 3 7 | 33°6 32°8 | 35°8 32:7 | 46:9 40-7 | 43:9 38:9 | 44-9 39-9] 44°9 41°S | 45°6 43:0} 47-2 [31:0] 108°5 | 25:4 7 Soi LOM LOS eo 8 | 38:9 35:9] 40-8 37:9 | 43-7 39:8 | 38:2 36:9) 36°5 35-7 | 38-0 36°8| 38:0 36:9} 46°3| 35:0) 99:3) 341 3 if 10 9] 10 9 | 43°8 40:9) 43-9 41°8 | 46:2 43°9 | 44:9 42:0 | 43-1 4174] 39-9 37:0 | 39:1 37-1 47-0 | 30°39 | 61:3] 34°37 1 10 10 2 3 10 | 38°3 36:3 | 39:2 37:7 | 37-2 35°8| 41°8 38:9 | 41°9 38°9 | 40°2 39:1) 40°1 38:6} 44:5) 34:0} 94:3) 32:9) 10 | ff LOM LON SO 11 | 4271 37:1) 41°9 36:9; - — | 38:2 34:9] - — |39°2 36°8 | 37°8 34:9} 50°71 | 33:91 98:0} 37:4) 10 6 | 10 7 4 12 | 38°7 36°9| 40°9 37°8| 43:4 38°7 | 40:4 37:0] 37°7 35°7 | 37°8 36:7 | 37:0 45°91 45-1 [35-0] 91:0] 32°8f 10} 10 Tao) 4 13 | 35°9 35°6| 38°9 37°7 | 42°6 39-1! 41:1 38:9] 40°9 37:9 | 37:2 36:0 | 40°2 37:1] 44:3 [34-0]} 86:2] 31:8 9 i} alto) 8 6 : 14 | 35:1 34:5) 35°9 35°3/ 41-2 39-1 | 4071 38:0] 42:0 39:0 | 34:5 33:9 | 32°8 32:3} 45:7 | 33°34103°'9| 31:27 10; 10 6 2 5 15 | 35°1 34:2] 35:1 34°5 | 40°9 38:5 | 41:9 37°7| 41°8 37°8| 34:9 32°9 | 35-2 33-6 f 45:0 | 30°27 104:8 |) 29:0 hj) l(G) 3 3 8 4 16 | 30°9 29-7; 34:9 31°8| 39:9 37:0 | 43:4 39°7 | 45:0 40°7 | 38°6 36:4 | 37°9 35°9] 45:2 | 27:°297104:2) 21-2 0 1 OW 7 a 17 | 33:0 32°0| 37°9 35°9| 42°8 39-7 | 44°6 41°7 | 44-9 42:2) 44°2 41°7 | 44-7 42:0] 46:1) 30°29 90-0} 23:2 4 5 7 8 8 | 18 | 44:5 43°9/ 44:8 44:0} —- — |46°9 460] - — | 45:9 45°7/ 44:9 44:8447:2| 43-0f 586} 41°87 10] 10] 10} 10] 10 19 | 45°6 45°1| 45:0 44:9] 45:9 45°6| 46:0 45:9) 45:1 44:9 | 45:2 44°8/ 45:3 44-61 46°8| 43-74 63:9} 43°77 10; 10] 10; 10] 10 20 | 45°3 44:0) 44:9 43°9/ 46:9 43:9 | 47:0 43:5) 46°6 43:0 | 44°7 42:2] 44°2 42°3748:1/ 45-49 79:2]| 42:07 10 9 9 9} 10 21 | 45°8 42°5 | 45°7 42°2| 48-6 44:1 |50°4 45°2) 51:2 46:1) 47-9 44:3 | 46°9 44-1} 52°0 | 43:0$ 1032] 41:8 7h 6 4 4 9 22 | 47:0 45:1) 47°9 45°4|50°5 46°9 | 52°2 47-8] 55:0 49°9 | 43:2 42:0 | 41:7 40:6] 55°9| 40°29 87:4} 407 4 9) 0 0 0 23 | 37°8 36°8/ 48°9 41:9/ 51:1 46:2) 53:7 47:9) 59:5 50°2)43°5 41:1} 41°2 39°37 60°0 | 32°79 101°0 | 24-1 0 0 0 0 0 t 24 | 40:2 38:1] 43:9 41:1/53°9 47:9) 59°9 49°8| 62:1 50°9|]49°9 45:6 | 49:0 44:9} 63-1 | 33°87104:3] 26:5 0 0 1 0 0 Fi 25 | 40°9 38:9} 43°8 41:0) - - |59:9 49:9) —- — |45°6 42:4] 43:6 41:0} 62°9 | 35:0}1080] 29-2 0 0 0 0 0 - 26 | 40:9 39:0/ 43:1 41:3 | 52°9 47:2] 59:9 49°8/60°9 50°9, 45:8 42:6) 46:1 42°8} 64-3 | 33:0] 107:3| 27-0 0 0 0 0 0 4 27 | 41:2 39°7| 45:5 42°4/| 53-2 47:1|60°6 50:1 | 63°9 50:9} 44°6 41:7 | 41:4 39°6] 65:0 | 36:09 107-4| 29°5 0 0 (0) 0 0 28 | 39:0 36°9| 416 39:0| 53:0 46:0 | 56:0 47°6| 57:1 47:9] 46:2 43-0] 49:1 43-9458°6 | 32-77 98:3] 25-1 0 0 OQ} 0 29 | 50:0 45:2)51'7 46°8| 54-7 47:9] 55-9 48°8/| 56:0 48:9] 50°1 44:9] 49-4 44:4]57°8 | 42:09 95:0} 36:1 9 9 9 3 3 380 | 48°9 41:9 | 50:9 43:2] 54:7 46:0] 57:0 47°2| 57:9 48:0) 49°9 42°38) 45-9 42:4] 58-8 | 43°39105°'7| 37:8] 0 0 1 i 8 81 | 49°8 44:7] 49:8 44:8] 52:9 46°8| 57:0 48'1|59:0 48°8|48:2 45:2] 47-9 45:1958:7/40:19107°8] 3267 0 0) 4 2 1 Mzay| 40°9 38°7 | 42°5 39°8|) — - |47-°7 42:9] - — |42°6 40-1 | 42:0 39:8451:0| 35:8] 92:9) 32:9] 5:8 | 5:9 | 5:6) 5:1) 5:5 i } STEVENSON SCREEN. APRIL 1894. s : eee 7 Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.} Dry. Wet.) Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.! Dry. Wet. | ; 1 | 46:1 44:9) 46:8 44:9) - - |58°6 47-2} - —- | 41°8 39:4] 39-9 37:9} 55-9 | 40:1 )115°6| 39:5 8 8 5 3 2 ¥ 2 |45°7 42:°9| 49-7 44:9| 55:0 47:3/ 58-6 47:8 | 59-8 49:8] 52-6 45-2) 53-4 45-4] 60-4 | 40°34 103-9) 39-0 8 8; 8 0 0 8 | 45:9 42:1) 47-9 44:3] 53-0 47:1] 55:9 487 | 58-0 49°9/46:4 44-2 | 43-2 41:9459-2| 39:0]101°8} 31:2 6 9 6 6 3 bd 4 | 41-6 40-7 | 42-9 41°6 | 48-8 44-9/ 51:8 47-0 | 51:9 47-7 | 44°8 42°7/ 41-1 40°19 52-9 | 35:0] 93-9} 28°9 8 D 8 0 0 5 | 481 41°5 | 46-0 43°7 | 53°7 48-0 | 56-9 48-2 | 55-7 47-7] 491 43-2] 46-2 42-1} 58-5 | 32:0] 1105 | [25-0 1 1 0 0 0 q 6 | 43-9 39:9] 47:9 40:9 | 46:9 40-2] 49:2 42-0] 50-0 43-0] 46-4 41:4| 46:6 40:7 151-9 | 37°6 118°0 30°2 9 a 5 4 3 § 7 {49:5 42:9} 49-2 43:0| 51-9 44:9] 52-6 45:0 | 52:9 44:2] 46°6 41:9) 47°5 42-7 455-0 | 40-7 | 104-7 | 37-0 5 5 3 2 9 8 | 48:8 43:9/50°0 44:9) - — |55:°9 49:0; - — | 47:0 44:3) 44:6 42-7 | 58-4 | 41-9} 108-6 | 38:0 10 a 4 5 5 3 9 |53°8 488] 55:0 48:1| 51-9 48:8) 49-1 47-6 | 51-8 48°9| 47:6 46:1| 47:7 46-4} 56-3 | 42-0] 101-0) 35-9 8 9}; 10 4 6 iy 10 | 52:6 47:2) 53:9 47-7 | 52:9 48-7 | 54:0 47:5 | 54:7 49:9] 53-6 48-7/ 53-7 48:9]56°6/ 41:2] 85:6) 3717 10; 10) 10) 10) 10 > 11 | 50:7 49:5] 53-0 50:9] 54:0 51:1/ 59°8 54:2 | 63:8 54:9 | 54-9 50:2| 52:1 48-0] 64-0 | 48:7] 110-0; 47-7} 10 iy 8) 6 3 4 12 | 59:0 49:5!59°8 50°6 | 58-4 50:°9/57:4 49:9 | 55-9 47:9) 48:9 42:-2| 47:7 42:34 61:3 | 44:9 120°3 378 2 3 8 4 6 13 | 46-7 40-0] 47-9 40:2) 48-9 41:7 | 49°8 41°5| 47:8 41-0 | 45°3 39-4 | 44:9 39°34 50-9 | 42-5 | 116-2 32°] 2 3 fy) 19) \) 10) ~14 |48-8 39-9 | 48-8 41:5 | 49:3 42°2/ 48-9 42°8| 49-3 43-6 | 49-0 44:9] 48-4 46:1] 51:7 | 42-0 li7°9 [35:0] 2 3} 10 10 10 15 | 49:9 45:9)54:°38 46-9| — —- |57:°9 47-9] - —- | 47-4 44:2] 44-2 42°1959-2| 41-2]113-5) 3777 2 2 7 i \| io) 16 | 44:8 41:5] 44:9 42-1 | 48-7 45-2] 54:0 48:9] 54:0 48-9 | 46-4 44-4 | 45:9 43-9]56-0 | 35-4; 1000} 2914 10) 10 OF LON eeLO 17 |466 44:1] 46-8 44:6 | 49-7 45-9] 49-9 46:°9| 51-9 46:9] 48:9 45-9) 47:9 44:9]54:0| 41:0} 97:2} 40:3 10 10 10 TKO) Oy 18 | 49:9 44:7 | 49-9 44:9|54:4 46°6/ 54:9 46-2| 53-7 45:8) 42:9 39-2] 42°1 38:-6456-0} 41:0 7/1252] 43:8 7 8 6 by 5 19 | 43°8 40-7 | 48°3 43:2 | 52-8 45:9] 55-0 47-8} - — |46:°9 43-1 | 46-8 42:99 55-3 | 31°8 | 112-0 234 6 & 6 8 8 20 | 48-0 44-7 |51-0 45:°9| 56-7 48-7159-8 49-8 | 59:6 49-9] 48-3 44-6 | 46-9 43°34 60-6 | 36-4 | 1128] 28-6 0 2 4 if 4 21 | 48-4 44:6 |51°3 45:9) 55-9 48°6| 55-7 48-7 | 57-7 49-6); 49:1 45-9) 47°3 45:2} 57°8 376 105°0} 29:0 0 1 if 5 8 22 |52°9 45:8) 51:1 44:8; —- — |51°8 45:0} - — | 46:0 40:3) 44:9 40-2} 55°3 43-7 4106-4| 36-1 3 3 3 3 4 23 | 48:0 46°9|51:9 44:9 | 53:9 45:7 | 53:0 45-9 | 49-9 43-6 | 462 41-2/ 45-5 41-0 [54:9 43-0 124-1 39:0 6 6 4] 10 9 24 | 47-0 43-1 | 47-2 43:2 51:6 456 | 50-2 46:0 | 48-9 45:2 | 48-8 46-2/ 48-1 41-:1755°0| 43°371165) 4117 10/ 10) 10] 10 7 25 |49°5 43°6/50°1 43-7 | 52:2 48:2/53°2 45-4|50:°9 46-7 | 46-2 43-4] 45-7 43:2] 55-7 | 39°09118°6| 38-0 a WN id 10; 10 26 | 48-7 45:61 48-0 45-3] 50-0 46-7 | 52-0 46°6| 52-7 46-7 | 45-2 42-6 | 43-2 41:7453°8| 44-8] 95:0] 42°87 10] 10) 10] 6/ 2 Q7 516 45-9| 51-1 46-1 | 52-2 47-7 | 55-0 49-1] 57-5 50-7 | 48-8 45:7 | 46-4 43-9].57-3| 40-5] 1092) 3806] 7| 9) 9| 7) 0 28 | 46°6 43-9/51°6 47-2) 57-5 49:2| 58-1 51-7 | 55:7 50°7| 48:4 46-6) 48-7 47-0)58-0 | 35°07 112°8 | 26°6 0 1 ae yy INO) || M0) | 29 | 48:9 48:5/49°7 48-9} —- — |63:3 51:4] - — |51:9 48-9] 50-6 48-2) 54:9 45°8 100°2 45°7 10 10 10 9 9 | 380 |49°8 42:2/49°8 42°3 | 52:2 44-9 | 49°8 44:3 | 52:4 45:3 | 49:0 42-7 48-2 42:9156°0 | 47°71123°3| 45:6 3 3 Bl 8 | Mean] 48-4 44:2/49°9 44:9] —- - | 53:9 47:3) - — |47°8 44:0 | 46°6 45:2 156:4|40°5]1091| 35°7f 5:9 | 61] 65] 6:2} 6-0 i} { 180 FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. STEVENSON SCREEN. TEMPERATURE AND AMOUNT OF CLOUD. MAY 1894. Temperature—Dry and Wet Bulbs. rect eee BinealiRadne Amount of Cloud, 0 to 10. — : Max.| Min. Bu | Lo. | —— gh 10» | 12h | 14h | 16h 21h | 22h : “7 gb | 10h | 14h | Q1h | 29h Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. 1 | 48°6 44°6 | 49°7 45:2] 54:0 47-1 | 54:2 47-4/53°3 46°9| 48-2 44:2] 47°3 44:0] 55-8 | 44:07 114-0] 37:0 10 9 7 10 10 2 | 48°6 47°9| 50-7 49:3] 51°3 49-9! 51:3 50°3| 50-9 50:0 | 49:3 48-°2| 49-0 47-7] 52-2 | 45:0} 114-2] 43-8 10 10 10 10 10 3 | 46°9 [42°4]| 47-9 [48-0]] 49-5 44-9 | 49-8 001 47:0 43°21 41°9 41°2 | 41-8 37:2] 52:3 | 41:0} 1136 | 39°7 9 10 if i 4 4 | 42-4 [86°0] 42-2 [36°8]| 44:2 [37-3] 45:2 [39:0]) 43-7 37-7 | 48°7 37:1 | 42°6 37-1] 46°3 | 35-9] 108-4 | 32:5 6 9 i 8 9 5 | 45:2 40°2| 47-7 41:6 | 47-2 41-2] 44-9 41:4] 44:3 42°41 47°8 46:8) 47°38 46:8] 51-2 | 41:0} 114:2| 38-1 7 7} 10; 10) 10 6 | 45°9 43:2! 49:6 45:6] — — |48:°3 44:2) —- — |48°3 41:2) 44:1 41°8152:71 | 42°37 99-7] 38°8 9 8 8 9/.10 7 |42°7 40°9) 45-7 42°7 | 45:2 43-2] 45-9 43:3) 47:0 48°9| 46-2 43:7 | 45-7 42°9152-0/39°7}1106}] 38:1] 10] 10 7 i 4 8 | 45:0 48°8 | 45°3 44:3] 46-7 46-1 | 50°5 49:4] 51:9 50:2) 51-0 48°7 | 47:7 45:8 52-3 | 43-0] 110-6 | [40:0]} 10] 10] 10} 10} 10 9 | 48-9 42°8| 51:3 44:2] 482 44:0] 49:9 44:1 | 49-4 44:4] 44:2 42-2] 49:1 40°69 52°7 | 42-49114:8| 38:6 9 10 8 7 5 10 | 50°7 44°7 | 48-9 44:9] 49-8 45:9| 48-9 46°3] 51:2 47:6 | 46:6 44-2] 44:9 42-7 152-2 | 41:3] 107-4] 38:0 10 10 10 7h 6 11 | 48-9 46°8 | 48:1 46:0 | 49:4 46°5 | 52°3 47:9|50°5 46:91 45-9 42-6 | 45:2 42-2/53-3 | 44:0] 104:8| 40-2 9 10 9; 8 9 12 |49°7 46°6 | 50-0 44:7 | 505 44-9 | 51°3 44-8] 50°8 44:9| 46:8 43:4 | 44:6 42:0] 54:3 | 41-1] 110-6] 38:3 i i 9 6 4 13 | 47:1 43°9| 5071 45:6) —- - |55°8 47:4) - — 1506 44:6 | 49°3 43:7 f 58:1 | 37°44123°3 | 31°6 4 i 9 10 10 14 | 47:4 44°6| 47-5 44-8] 50:0 45-9| 51:6 46-2) 52:5 47:5] 49-4 45-9| 48-8 46:0] 52°8| 44:7] 66:4] 42:2 10 10 10 10 10 15 | 47-9 46:2) 48-9 47:0| 49-0 47-9 | 49:1 47-7 | 48-7 47-3| 46-2 44:9 | 46:2 44-7] 49-9| 45-5] 70-2] 446] 10] 10] 10] 10] 10 16 | 48°5 43°83 | 48-0 44:6 | 49-7 46:2] 51-9 46:0] 50°5 45:5 | 44:6 40-4 | 43-4 39-9} 54-4 | 44-0] 122-0 | 43:2 10 9 8 7 if 17 | 47-7 42°5) 48:9 43-1] 56-7 46-9] 58-9 48:9] 56:5 49°4| 49:2 45-8] 47:8 44:71 59-4 | 39-71 118-6 | 38:3 8 8 7 8 7 18 | 51-1 45:2) 53:1 46-7 | 58-1 49:2] 58-9 49-9] 58:9 49-4 | 48-1 43:9] 45-8 42:2) 60-1 | 43-0} 117°3| 40-2 0 0 1 10 10 19 | 44-1 37-9] 43-0 37-7 | 44:3 37-9] 42-6 37-9 | 42-2 38:0 | 38-5 36-1] 365 34-69 .46-2/38-0] - | 384] 8] 10] 10) 7| 7 20 | 389°6 35:7| 42:1 36:6) — — |46°4 39:5) - — | 87:1 35:7| 34°8 33-8} 48-1 | 29°97119:0 | 27-4 6 7 9 7 3 21 | 41°9 36:9] 44-1 38:8 | 46-7 39:1] 48-1 41:2] 48-2 41:6] 40:6 37:6 | 40°9 38:3] 50-8 | 830:2}125-4| 21-2 6 ul 7 3 3 22 | 44-4 40-6 | 47-6 42:0] 51-6 44:4] 53:0 44:8/54:1 45-7 | 43-1 38-9] 43:1 38:4] 54°8 | 31-24 117°6 [22:0] 3 5 3 5 3 23 | 47-7 43°3/ 51-9 46:0 | 58-0 48-9] 59-8 49-1] 59:9 49-7] 49-0 42-9| 46:8 41-9 61:0 | 32°51120°0| 23°6 1 2 3 0 0 24 |50°9 45:3) 54°7 47-7 | 58°38 47:6 | 57-6 49-4] 58:7 49:4|50-1 43:1} 46:9 41-0} 60-0 | 35:91113-0] 27-2 10 10 10 4 2 25 | 53:1 48:1 | 52-9 48:4|56-°9 48°8|57:0 47-6 | 53:9 46:0] 47:1 41:9 | 45:6 40-1) 58-2 | 41:21 122-3 | 35-3 9 8 il 4 2 26 | 48:0 42°8| 48-1 42-6 | 49:3 44-7 | 49:3 44:3 | 50-2 44:5 | 42:9 40-9 | 43:4 39-9) 52-2 | 39'S} 116-8 | 35-0 9 9 5 i 5 27 =| 46°9 39°7| 48-2 40-2} - — | 49-9 [42:0]} - — | 44-0 40:1 | 43:7 39-4] 53°7 | 39°27119°5| 33-1 8 9 9 if 7 28 | 46°7 43°9| 48°8 45:2] 45-3 43-2| 47-9 44-7] 47:3 43-5] 44:5 42:0 | 44:4 43-1]50-°8| 41-2] 99-9] 39-2 10 9 10 9 9 29 | 50-2 45:3) 52°9 47-2| 57:1 47:7|56-0 47-7 | 49:9 45-7 | 46-0 44:7 | 46-0 43-9} 58-0 | 39-0] 126-8} 31-0 10 7 7 9 5 80 | 50-7 45:1) 52°8 47-1) 49-9 46:1] 49°5 46-6 | 47:3 45-7 | 45-2 44:2 | 45°2 44-2] 56-2 | 35:9) 123-8 | 27-1 1 3 10 10 10 81 | 49°8 45°8 | 50-7 462/538 46:9| 57:9 49°31 56-5 49-6 | 47-4 44:9] 46-1 43°79 59-1 | 42-8) 127-4) 35-5 9 9 7 4 4 Mran| 47°3 43:1] 48-8 44:1! —- - |51:4 45:6| —- — | 45:8 42°6|44:8 41:8] 53:9 | 39°7 |[112°4]| 35°5 | 7-7 | 8:0 | 7-7 | 7:4] 6°6 STEVENSON SCREEN. JUNE 1894. Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. 1 | 51°5 48-1) 55:9 50°2| 59:0 51-4 | 61:0 50-9| 61:0 52-41 53°3 48°8| 49°7 46-6] 62-1 | 36-7) 11971| 27-9 3 4 2 7 4 2 |57°3 49:8) 58:9 49-7 | 52-1 51-9 | 58-0 51:6 | 60:8 52:9} 51-9 48°8| 48-4 46-2] 64:8 | 41-09 125-2] 31-4 6 6 9 5 4 3 | 53°8 47:°9/56°3 49:7] - —- |65°3 51°9| — — |53°9 50°71] 54:1 49-21 66°5 | 39:0] 129-4] 30:0 6 6 8 10; 10 4 | 56:2 49°8/56°9 50°5| 56:9 50:2157:2 50-7| — — |52:0 46:1] 51:8 47:0] 59°6 | 42°3123:0) 36-4 li 7 8 8 8 5 | 48°9 45°7 | 49°9 45°8.| 53-1 48-4 | 53-2 48:7] 56-1 49-1] 50-9 45-7| 48-2 44-7] 58-9 | 46:01120°3| 446] 10] 10} 10 6 6 6 | 52:8 46:0| 56-5 48-7] 58-0 49-0| 59:8 50-1) 57-9 50°1|51°6 47-9] 50:6 46-9} 60-4 | 40:59 108-6 | 28-7 9/ 10] 10 6 if 7 | 548 48:1) 54-1 47-9| 59-6 49-9 | 63:2 52-8) 57-0 50:2) 53-1 47:7| 50:1 45:9] 64:0 | 42:2] 129°9| 36-2 8 9 8 8 9 8 | 55°8 50°7 | 57-5 51°4| 57-8 51°6 | 57:9 51:7 | 60-0 52:9] 54:5 50°3| 53-2 49-91 60-3 | 40-9] 125°6 | 33-9 6 3 yy lo) pt 9 | 57-1 52-1) 56-9 52:0|59-1 528 | 57-7 52-7) 57-3 54:0| 53-7 51-5 | 52:4 51-39 63-3 | 50:0] 133-9 | 47:6 8 9} 10} 10]; 10 10° | 51-5 5074) 51-8: 50:7) = — |54°9 53:3] — — |51:2 47:9] 51:2 47-2955°5| 50:0] 76:8) 46:8 10 10 10 10 10 11 | 52-2 48°7|53°0 49:3|53-9 49°8| 54-1 49:3] 50:8 48°6| 51-2 49-6 51:2 49°79 57°5 | 47°89 121:2| 43°7 10 10 9 9 10 12 | 52-8 49-6 | 56°6 51°2)57-6 51-2| 56-6 50:8] 52-1 48-°0|52°5 48-1 | 52:0 46-9159-0 | 45-0] 112-4] 46-0 10 9 9 9 9 13 | 56°7 50°5 | 59-9 53:1) 63-9 56:0 | 66-2 58°8| 65-0 61:8} 51:9 48°4| 49-1 46°84 66-5 | 45-0] 124:0| 37:0 0 4 ] 2 14 | 51:0 47°7 | 52:2 48-7) 54:5 50-7 | 52-6 49-7 | 52°8 51:1/51-°9 51°6|51°6 51:0)54:514334 92:3) 38-9 10 10 10 10 10 15 | 54:1 53°6 | 54-1 53°7 | 55-7 54-9 | 548 511] 57° 51:7 | 51°9 47-1] 47-9 45°1] 57-5 | 47°54 108-0| 50:0] 10] 10} 10 3 6 16 | 54:9 50:9 | 54:2 49°4|57-6 49-9 | 56-2 48:2) 57-9 51-7 | 55-2 51:2| 54-8 51-6] 59-3 | 47-2] 123°3| 44-0 9 9 CO aa) 1100) 17 | 53:0 52°5|52°8 52:2) — - |155:0 49°8| — — |49°5 46°5| 48-1 45:4] 56-0 | 49:0}116°6| 52°6 10 10 7 8 5 18 | 49:9 46:2|538-1 48-21 53-2 48-8) 53-2 48:6158-0 49:6 50°6 47°3| 49°6 46°8] 58-2 | 42-4] 123:0| 40°8 3 5 8 af 7 19 | 54:8 50°3|53:5 49°6| 55-8 49°5 53°7 49:°1|54:0 49:1] 51:5 50:2] 51:7 50:8} 56°6 | 48:0} 110-2 | 41°6 9 9 10 10 10 20 | 53:0 47°7 | 54:6 48-1) 55-6 48-8) 55:8 48-9] 56-7 49°2 | 50°7 47:2) 48-7 45-9] 58-5 50-0) 121°9| 4814 10 9 9 3 3 | 21 | 54:8 50-2) 55-1 50°0| 58-0 52:0| 58-7 52:0] 59-8 52-7| 53-9 50-1 | 53-8 50°34 61:8 | 38-3] 120-0} 29-0 i fe |) allo) IK) 8 22 | 54°9 51°2| 531 52:0) 54-6 538] 54:9 54:1] 56:8 55:1 | 52-1 48-2 50°8 46:9] 59:0] 48°8] 1113} 44:3 10 10 10 9 10 3 | 50°9 49°8|51°6 50-4] 52:4 51:2) 53-8 52°41] 51-1 49°7 | 50:0 47°8 | 48:9 47:8] 54°8 | 48-0] 1120} 45°6 10 10 10 10 9 24 | 52:2 47°6|51°9 46-1] — - |57:2 49°5| ~ — |48°2 45:3] 46:2 44:0] 59:0 | 47-6] 121:0| 44°6 7 6 6 9 25 | 51°7 48°2| 51:9 48°8/53°5 50°8| 54:0 52:2) 53-4 52:6 | 53-6 53-0 | 53-4 52:91 54:5 | 43-2) 75:8 | 39-0 10 10 10 10 10 26 59°9 57°5 | 61:2 58-0 | 61°8 58:7 | 62-5 59:5] 64:8 60:8 | 60°3 58:7 | 59:8 58:31 66°7 | 52°3) 127°9 | 52°5 9 9 10 7 7 4 62:2 60°7 64°8 61°9| 68'9 64:4 | 65°8 62°4| 67-0 62°9| 65:7 61:9| 62:9 60-8} 70:1 | 59:0] 93:7| 57°6 10 10 10 9 6 : | 28 | 66°6 62:2] 68-1 63°1|74°6 65:1] 75-4 64:1 74:0 62:1 | 65:0 57°9| 63°5 57:8] 76°3 | 56:2] 1285) 47:0 1 i 1 0 0 ‘ | 29 | 64:9 61°6 | 68°8 63-5 | 74-4 61°8| 74:9 65°3| 75-1 65°7 | 67-9 63-7 | 65-2 62-4| 768 | 53-8|127°6| 450] O| O| 1] 1) 1 } | 80 | 67-9 63:9] 71-9 66°3| 77:0 66:0) 77:9 66:9| 77:7 64°8| 67-9 61-1 | 63-7 59°8| 79°4| 54:9] 127-3] 44:9 0 0 1 0 0 h | MEAN 55°3 51°3|56°6 52:0| — - |59°4 53:2) — - |54°3 50°7| 52-8 49:9]61°9 | 46°5]116°3| 41:9] 7:3 | 7-4] 7:9 | 71) 7:0 a % ® FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 181 STEVENSON SCREEN. TEMPERATURE AND AMOUNT OF CLOUD. JULY 1894. Temperature—Dry and Wet Bulbs. Amount of Cloud, 0 to 10. — = =< ee Max.|Min. | Black | Radn. gh 102 =| = ah 14n | 16h 21h 22h Bulb. | Min} gn | yon | 14m | 21h | Q2u Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.) Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. \Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. 1 | 66°9 62:71) 717 64:3) - - | 8271 66°9| - — | 691 61:9] 64:8 60:0} 84:0 | 55:0} 133:0| 46:9 0 9 0 0 1 2 | 72-4 64-9) 74:2 66°2| 71-7 64:0 | 60:8 59:1 | 58:2 57-6] 58-1 57:3| 57:3 56:8] 81-4/ 57:0] 185-5] 49-8 1 2; 10] 10; 10 3 | 57-1 53°6| 57:9 54:5 | 59:0 54:0) 60:7 54:0 | 60°7 53°4| 53:1 50°6| 51:0 49-0 | 62°3 | 50°9]112°3 | 52:2 9 9 9 3 4 4 |56°6 54°8| 56-0 54:8 | 58°7 57:0| 58:4 57:0 | 58°8 57:0] 57:9 56:8 | 58:0 56:9} 62°9| 50°38] 1103) —- OF 10) LO SLO 9 5 | 56-7 55°7 | 57°2 55-9 | 58°8 57:3 | 58:8 57°8 | 59°7 57-7 | 54:9 49:9 | 55-1 50-8] 63-2) 54811023} 555] 10; 10) 10 4 0 6 | 65°8 58-2 | 67:3 59:3 | 69°8 60:0) 71:2 61°5| 63:9 59:9] 59°0 57:1] 62°8 57:9] 72:5 | 53°8}121:0| 43-0 8 8 9; 10! 10 7 | 53:2 52°1|55°0 53:0.| 55:2 53-1 | 58-7 52:9 | 53-8 51°6! 52-2 50:2] 50°8 49-0] 64:0 | 51°77 1234} 50-8] 10 7 8 1 6 8 | 53°9 53°0|53°8 52:7) - — | 57:0 53:0) - = | 53:0 51:9) 52:7 52:°0157-6 | 47°3}123°6| 42-47 10) 10) 10] 10) 10 9 | 53°6 52°1| 53:6 51:9) 55:6 54:0| 561 54:1 | 56:0 54:2] 54:9 53-7 | 54:8 538-8457:0] 51-0] 76:2) 50°37 10| 10} 10) 10) 10 10 | 52°7 52°71) 52°9 52:2 | 53:3 52°8| 53-7 53°1 | 58°2 55:8 | 55:1 53°8| 54:0 52°91759-0/ 51:97 104°3] 51-9] 10} 10] 10] 10 7 11 | 56°8 54:1 | 59-2 55-9 | 64:0 57°8| 66°8 56°6 | 60°7 56°7 | 55°8 53°5 | 55:0 53°6 | 66°9 | 50°24138°4|] 46-4 wl 8 7 8 & 12 | 58:1 54:8) 58:1 54:2 | 59-7 55:0] 59:0 54:8 | 58°7 54:4 | 54°3 52-7 | 53-9 52°87 59-8} 51:09 101-3 | 45-2 8} 10; 10; 10; 10 13 | 538°6 52°5 | 54°8 52°8 | 55:7 54:1 | 57:1 54:9] 59-4 55:8 | 55:2 54:6] 54:8 53:0] 60-0 | 52:9} 1382°0| 52°07 10; 10) 10 i) jy 10) 14 | 54:9 53°6 | 54°9 53:5 | 54:9 54:0| 57°38 55:8 | 58-7 55:3 | 56°9 53-7 | 56:2 53°71] 58°8| 53:7] 73°83} 52°38] 10] 10] 10; 10; 10 15 55:2 51:7) 56°2 52:1) - — | 6071 54:5) - — | 55:1 50-2} 54-0 50:0] 61°1 | 54:0) 124:3| 53:3] 10) 10 9} 10} 10 16 | 525 50°6 | 54:4 52:2| 57-2 54:7| 58-1 56:2| 56-2 55-1 | 54-2 53-9] 54-3 53-9}59:0/ 51:1] 82:8} 49:9] 10; 10}; 10} 10, 10 17 +| 55:0 54:0/57°8 55:4) 54:8 53-6] 54-7 58:0| 55:4 54:2) 53-1 52°5| 53-1 52-8458-1|52:°87106-0| 52°70} 10; 9] 10}] 10] 10 18 | 56°7 54°3| 57:1 54:4| 59:0 55:1) 64:2 56:8] 65:°1 56°1|55°9 50°2/ 51-6 48-1] 65:3) 51°37131:2| 51-5] 10) 10 7 3 2 19 | 58°9 53:0} 60°8 53°5 | 62:1 54:1) 65°1 55-7 | 62:9 54:8 | 54°3 52-7 | 53-0 51:1] 66-0 | 47°39 181-7 | 42:0 7 7 | lo} ie) 20 | 54:7 53:2] 55:9 53°6 | 59°38 56:1) 58:0 55:2] 581 56-0] 54:3 53-1] 53-2 51:0] 60-0 | 49°2}119°8|) 46:27 10; 10; 10; 10) 10 Q1 | 55:8 52:2) 55°8 52-7 | 54:2 52°3) 53-2 51°6 | 58-4 55-2/ 54:0 52°8| 53-8 52:9} 59-0 | 49:0} 103°5 | 45°6 9}; 10 0; 10) 10 22 |58:0 54:2|58°0 54:0} - - |62°3 55°7| — — | 55:2 52:1) 53-0 50:9] 64:0 | 50:29127°6° 47-4 4 4 2 8 4 93 | 59:1 54:5] 60-9 54°8 | 64°5 55:0| 65:8 57°6 | 64:4 56°6|56°8 54:5) 54:8 52°97 68:0|45:191380:2 39°3 1 1 5 1 1 94 |59°9 54:8] 62:0 55:9 65:9 58-2] 68:4 59:9) 68:0 60°0| 59°8 55:1 | 57°3 54°49 70°0 | 50°09 134°8 430 0 0 7 1 0 25 | 61:4 53-2) 63°7 54:7 | 65:0 56:3| 66-8 55:8 | 63:4 56-1] 61-2 56-0] 60-9 56:1] 67-4| 49-7] 94:9 42-1 9} 10 9} 10; 10 96 | 65:6 60°8| 67:1 61:3 66:5 60:9] 67:3 61:3 | 67:9 59:4] 64:8 50°8 | 63-3 60-01 70°9 | 57-0} 122:2 56-0 Gi A) OK) 1a) 27 | 697 62:5 | 72°6 64:4 | 72:0 64:1| 74:4 65°2| 74:9 63-8 | 67-0 60°6 | 63:2 59:0] 77°4| 59°39128-6 57:0 3 3 6 3 4 98 | 67:2 60:9] 69:2 62°4| 72°6 62:1] 75-1 63:0 | 72:9 63°8| 68-8 59-6 | 65°0 58-2] 77:2 | 57:0] 186:0| 50°7 3 3 6 6 6 7 29 | 65:3 58°6| 67:9 60°38) - — |74:9 638°3)} - — |65°7 61:1] 65:0 61:0} 79°8 | 52:2] 1385:0, 45°4 0 0 4 9; 10 30 | 65-9 61:2/ 66:8 61°9| 71°9 65:0] 70°5 65:9 | 69:1 63:5 | 63:7 61:0 | 61°4 58°54} 76°9 | 55°9]131:0 | 495 0 0 2 6 5 31 | 61:8 58-2) 64:2 60-6 | 68°7 62°9/ 71-7 61°3 | 68-9 62°9| 61:0 58:8] 59°1 57:8] 74-2 | 53:9} 127-°8 | 50° 5 8 “| 21@ |! 210) ‘ Mean] 59°2 55:5 | 60°5 563 - |63°5 57°] — —- | 57:9 54:6] 56-7 54:2) 66°6 | 52-29117-°9 | [48-7] 68 | 7:0) 78) 76) 7:3 STEVENSON SCREEN. AUGUST 1894. Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. 1 | 601 58:9} 61:1 59°6 | 61-6 59°7|58°6 57-9] 59-8 59-0 | 56:2 55:9| 56:0 55°8162:1| 56-0] 82:3] 58:0} 10; 10) 10; 10) 10 2 | 57:0 54:0) 57:5 55:4 | 57-7 54:2) 60°8 55-7 | 57-9 55:0| 56-1 54:2157-7 54-3] 62°5| 54:0] 90°2} S117 10; 10; 10/ 10) 10] 8 | 59:8 55:1) 59-7 56:0 | 62°7 57-8| 61-8 59°1| 61-6 57-1| 58:8 56:0 | 57-9 56:0] 63-0 | 53:2} 83:5] 50-2 9 9) LON LOD | 0) 4 | 55:2 53°1| 56-4 58°8 | 55:8 53-1] 58-2 54:2) 57-0 55:0] 55-2 52:8/54:9 51:8]60:0/ 54:0} 99°3| 55:0} 10} 10); 10 8 8 5 | 562 51°7|) 58:1 53:0] - — |56°8 540) - = | 51:9 50°3|52°8 51:04}58°7 | 51-14 115-1) 49:2 a Si a@) 6 6 | 6 | 57-8 5271) 56°8 52:2) 53-9 52:1]53°8 52-0] 57:1 54:0/54-0 51°6/ 54:1 52:2158+1| 51:07 98:2) 47:3 8} 10} 10 Hi Uo 7 |54:4 53°3| 55:7 53°5| 57:0 53°6 | 57:7 53°8| 56°8 54:4| 53-8 52:9] 53:5 52°8159-4| 52-21106-2) 49-17 10] 10] 10} 10] 10 8 | 55°6 54:9] 55:8 54:9 | 58°6 56°6 {[62:0]58-7]| - — | 56:0 55°7| 55:9 50°5]63-0| 52:9]107:0| 5317 10] 10 8| 10} 10 u 9 | 62:0 58-7 | 60:2 58°G| 64:1 59-S| 62-9 57-1 | 63:0 57-6 | 56-3 55:8) 55-1 54:49 64-9 | 54:09 126°8| 52°6 8} 10 8} 10} 10 10 | 57:8 51-2| 59:0 52°3| 56-0 52:7] 58°6 52:5]58-2 54:1] 55-7 51:0/ 54:4 51-0] 61-1 | 51-°371202) 509 5 8 8 6 4 11 | 56:2 52:0) 54:7 51:4| 53-9 52:8] 56°3 54:6 | 59-7 55:9/ 56-7 53°3| 56-1 52-9]60-1| 51-2] 73:7) 483] 10; 10; 10/ 10/ 10 12 | 57:0 56:0} 56°8 55:9) - — |60'1 580] - — | 56:1 51:8] 55-9 51:2)60°4/ 53-9] 87:3} 5317 10) 10} 10) 10 9 13 | 57:4 51-7 | 58:3 52:0} 60°6 52-9} 60-0 53-0 | 58-9 53-2| 51-0 50°1| 50°9 50-3] 61:2 | 50-49110°3| 50-0 9 Cn LON OR LO ' 14 | 56:5 54:0) 55-9 53-41 56-8 53°3/ 57:3 54:0 | 54:4 52-7 | 54:5 53-9] 54-1 52°54591| 50-07112-2) 50-27 10 9 8} 10} 10 i 15 |58°0 53:8| 58-9 54:4] 62:0 57:1/56°7 54°6| 57:0 54:6 | 56:9 56:8 | 55-8 50-8] 62:8 | 51-3] 125-8} 51:0 i Soi) LO) | 0 7 5) 16 |53°9 48:6 | 54:3 47-5 | 55-1 58°1| 54:6 49-2] 58-0 51-1 | 50°6 46:3] 50-8 46-7] 59°5 | 50:2]125°3) 44:2 7 8 7 3 if } 17 | 54:0 51:3 | 55:4 52:0) 57-1 52-7 | 62:0 60:2/58-0 - | 55-3[53-0]] 54:1 52-4] 62:4 | 46-41130°0| 425] 10] 10 8} 10 8 18 | 55:2 51°7/| 56°5 52:0) 61°8 54:2) 59-8 53:5) —- — |53:8 50:0/53°8 51:1] 62-6 | 50°09121°6| 47°6 9 9 7} 10; 10 19 | 53:9 53°3) 55:1 54:4) - — | 58:0 57:2} - — |541 49:8] 53:4 4911]59°3| 52:0] 779] 51:6} 10; 10) 10 8 7 20 | 54:2 49-2) 54:3 48:9] 56-7 50:9] 57-2 49:9] 56-8 50:8 | 52-0 48:2] 51-4 47:7] 59°3/ 51-67 1121) 47-4 8 9 9 9 9 21 | 50-1 48:9] 50-4 49:5 | 51-9 49°8| 55:4 51-7 | 56:5 52°8| 49-9 48-2] 49-9 47-9]57°8| 46-2] 117-0/ 43°67 10; 10 i 8 4 22 | 51:9 49:9| 56-8 52-7 | 58:8 54:8 | 60-0 54:7] 58-9 53-2/| 52°9 50-1 | 52-0 49-8] 60:3 | 41:2] 112-0} 33:8 5 “|| 10) 3 4 93 | 57-2 51:9| 60-0 53-5] 60-1 54:8| 60:9 55:0] 60-0 53:3 | 50-2 48:2/ 48-1 46-4] 62°6 | 47:7} 117-6 | 47°8 3 4 9 2 1 24 | 54:0 49°8| 54:9 48-9| 55:9 49-7 | 57-3 50-1] 59-0 51°6| 49:9 46:2] 48-9 45-8] 61:1 | 42-4] 1183) — 4 6 9 3 3 | 25 | 51:2 46°7| 54-2 49:1 | 60:1 52-0| 63:8 54:8] 64:9 55:6 | 52:0 49-2/ 50-7 48°14) 61:6 | 43:0] 115-7 | 36-7 0 0 0 0 0° 26 |53°6 49:3) 56:7 50°9| - — |62°1 54:3] - —- |541 49-9/ 53-2 49:7] 64:4] 41:8] 121-4/ 34:3 8 7 6 8/10 97 | 54:7 50:6] 56°6 52:2] 60-2 52-9/ 61-9 59-8] 61-0 54:5 | 54-2 51-1) 53:9 50:9] 64:8 | 47-0] 1245) 40°5 8 9 9 7 wo 28 | 55-8 52:2) 55:9 52°8| 55:3 51:9 | 55:9 52-6 | 54-3 53-2 | 54-6 53°8| 54:2 53:6 | 56-9 | 52°3 78:9} 51-3] 10} 10) 10 if |) WO) 29 | 54:7 52:2/55°8 53-2|56-5 54:3 56-8 55°5| 58:9 55-2/ 56-1 52°5|55°3 52°7]59-9/ 47-3] 825) 43:6] 10; 10) 10) 10) 10 30 | 58-9 53:9] 56:2 53-°2|56°6 54:1) 57-7 55°6| 56-8 55-7 | 55-2 53°6| 54-8 53-0] 59-2 | 53-2} 113°3 Fkcts)) | ala) jf a) |] Ka) | aK) |] a0) 31 | 55:3 54:5 | 55-9 54°8| 56-8 55°8| 56-5 55:7 | 586 55-7 | 50-9 48-4| 49-6 47-34 58-6 | 50-6] 76:7) 528) 10] 10| 10 8 3 MEAN] 55°8 52:4|56°6 52:9} - — | 588 54:8} - — | 54:0 51:4 | 53-5 51:0} 60°9| 50071059 [48-0] 8:2 | 85} 88 ! 153) | 1S) 182 FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. STEVENSON SCREEN. TEMPERATURE AND AMOUNT OF CLOUD. SEPTEMBER 1894. "Woinpanature “Day and “Wet Bulbs. | pont of Cloud, 0 to 10. | ___- Max.) Min. } Black | Radn.} gh 10h Jah iN GIG | 9h 22h | Bulb.| Min. } gn ygh | 14h gyn 29h Se | : ae = | awe = -| eee Dry. Wet.) Dry. 7. Wet. Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.} bry. Wet., Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. | i 1 |49°6 47°7| 53:0 50°4/ 57°0 50°8| 58:1 50:3) — — | 48:0 45:2] 45:4 43:6] 62°7 | 40°77115°4| 33-6 ii Bi 9 3 1 2 |49°7 46:1 | 51:2 46:7) — — |57°2 49°6| - — | 48:1 43°9)| 44:1 41°5160°3 | 37:9] 122-4] 29:2 Wy 5 6 3 1 3 | 47°2 43°3|49°9 45:0 | 54°9 48°8 | 56:6 49°1 | 51°9 47°6| 48'S 46°8 | 47°8 46:2159°2| 36°4]112°8| 30°6 aie 4 8 9 9 4 |47°6 43°9 | 49:2 45°6 | 54°9 48:0) 57:1 50:0 | 57°9 50:9 | 50°8 49°6| 50°4 49°1]759°8 | 39°97 1192) 34-2 Wy © 8) 10 10 10 5 |53°7 47:8 |52°9 47°5| 54°8 48:9] 57°9 50°5 | 55°9 49:7 | 45:2 43:6.) 44:7 43°49 59-6 | 44°87117:9) 45-7 6| 9 6 2 3 6 | 47°6 45°6 | 52°4 47:2] 55:2 47°9| 55°7 47:8 | 56°9 49:0|51°9 47°1| 51:0 47°19 5977 | 38:3] 1240] 30:3 5| 9 9 9 9 7 | 52:0 48:1 | 53-2 49-1 | 55-1 50°3 | 56-9 51-7 | 57-9 50°9| 48:9 46:3] 50-0 47-2]57-0| 45°38] 109-3) 41-4] 10) 10 8 9) 10: } 8 |50°9 46:0 |52°6 46°3|55°8 48°6| 57:2 48:3 | 57-9 [49:0]| 51°6 [48-0] 51:3 47°8 59-2 | 39°0] 109-9] 32-4 6 7 5 5 8 9 |53°6 49°3| 54:4 49°7) - — |59°4 5271) - — |49°3 46°7| 46-2 45:0961:5/ 42°6]1101)| 42:7 One 2 0 0 10 {511 49°6 | 52°9 50°8| 57:9 52°5 | 58°6 52-7 | 57:0 52°6 | 538°7 50°6|51°6 50-7 |59°1 | 38-37108-3| 29°5 9 9 4/ 10] 10 1 | 58:7 55:1 | 58°9 54:2 | 60°5 55:5 | 59°9 54°6 | 60°0 54°9/53:3 49:4) 538-9 49°99 61-7| 51:0] 113°7; 50-4 8 9 9 5 4 12 |51°3 48:3) 54:4 501] 58:0 51-8 | 60:7 521 | 63:0 54°8| 51:9 49°5/ 51-9 49:6] 63°7 | 43:0}111°3| 39-7 3° | a4 0) 6 8 13 | 52-9 50°8 | 58°9 51°0| 57-0 52:9) 56°9 53-9 | 58:4 54°6 | 53:2 51:8|51°8 50°5]58°8| 50-4] 76:2] 43:0] 10 10 10 1 1 14 | 54:1 52°8| 55:2 53°0] 55:0 53:9| 54°7 53-9 | 56:2 55°5| 55:8 54:8| 55-9 54°8]56°8| 48-6] 68:6] 43:5] 10| 10] 10] 10} 10 15 | 55:2 54:6 | 56°9 55°6| 58-9 55°9| 58-9 58:0] 578 51°9/51°9 49:1] 51:0 48-7] 60°3/50°8} 705} 51:47 10; 10 9} 10 4 16 | 49°8 47°38) 51:3 49:0) —- - |60°2 53:2) — — |45:9 45:1] 45:0 44:6] 61°6 | 42°57112°7| 33:3] 10; 10 2 0 0 WZ | 49°0 47°7 | 52:0 50°0| 59°6 56°1 | 63°5 56:9 | 64°8 57-6 | 52:0 50°7| 50°0 49:1] 66:2 | 88:9] 105°9| 38-! De yl 0 0 0 18 | 61:3 48°5 | 53:7 50°0|59°1 52°9|58°7 53-4) 59-0 54:0| 49:5 47-9) 46°8 46:2]61°7 | 42:1]104-4] 326] 10! 8 0 3 3 19 | 50:4 48:4 | 53:2 50°1 | 56°8 51:1 | 57-8 52:0| 60:0 53:1 | 52°9 49:9] 52°3 49°8]61:] | 41°0}112-4| 33:1] 10 10 4 10 10 20 | 53:2 50°8| 54°1 51°8| 56:8 52°8| 57:2 52:4) 56°9 52°0| 52:4 50°6|51°9.50°19577 | 49°59 77:0] 47:4] 10 10 10 10 10 21 | 53°8 51°3 | 55°3 52:0 | 57:0 52:0) 59:0 52°6 | 57°8 53:4 | 54:7 51:3 | 54-9 50°9]60°3 | 49°44 106-9} 48-0 9] 10 9] 10] 10 22 | 48°8 46°2|52°1 49°2/ 59:0 51:0) 53°6 50°7 | 57-7 49:2 | 50°8 47°6| 50°6 48°5] 60-7 | 40311219} 31-0 0 0 8| 10] 10 23 |51°7 48°3|51°8 48:7) - -— |58°6 52:0; - — |47°8 45°2| 46:1 43:99 60°4| 46-0} 1136] 45°9 9] 10 6 2 0 24 | 46:3 44:3 | 48°S 4671 | 561 50°9 | 56:9 49-7 | 58:7 52:0 | 48-9 46:1 | 46:0 44:1] 61:0! 36-07115°9] 34:2 0 0 2 3 1 25 | 48°7 42:0 | 46°6 45:2 | 54:0 50°2| 58°5 51°0| 59:0 52°9| 50:0 47:0] 48°38 46:1] 61°0| 37:14 108-0] 29°5 0 0 1 1 2 26 | 48:2 44:3] 50°0 44:4) 53:1 47-0 | 51:1 47-0 | 53:5 48°1 | 44:2 42°7 | 43-8 42°19 57-2 | 42°07 114-0} 35°3 4 8 8 2 2 27 «=| 44:8 42:1] 49°9 44:8) 53°6 46-2] 53:1 45:7| —- — |42°4 40:2| 40-1 38°07 58:0 | 37-19114°6| 2871 1 if 2 0 0 28 | 47°1 42°9|49°6 44:0) 51°2 45:7 | 52:0 46°9| 51-8 47-6 | 48°8 46°9| 47:9 46°] | 53°9 | 86:2] 1063) 27-7 1 2 5 8 6 29 | 49°3 46°5| 51:0 47:7 | 53°3 49-0 | 54°3 49-6 | 53:0 48°8| 46°6 44:9 | 43-7 42°49 55°S | 43°71 1050} 36°0 1 i il 0 0 30 | 48:1 45:7/ 48:9 46:0) - — |538°8 49:2| —- — |40:7 40:1|38°7 38:°2]55:2| 387-3] 93:2] 29°33] 10] 10] 10 0 0 MEAN] 50°4 47:5 | 52°3 48°7| - — |57°3 51-2) — — |49:7 47:1) 48:5 46°59 59-7 | 41-91 106:7| 36:9] 5°9 | 6:8 | 5:8) 5:0] 4:7 STE VENSON SCREEN. OCTOBER 1894. Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. !Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. 1 | 430 41°6 | 49°8 46:9 | 56:2 49°3| 550 49°8| 54:9 49°9|51°9 48:0 | 51:8 46:9] 56-3 | 34-0] 80°9; 25:17 10) 10; 10; 10] 10 2 | 54:2 49°8| 5671 51°3| 56°8 51°8 | 58:4 52°4| 57-8 52:0) 48:1 46°0 | 44:2 43°1) 59-9 | 43-0] 105-1) 461 1 3 4 0 0 3 | 45°2 43°2/46°6 44:8) 52°8 49°-4|/55°2 50°71) - - | 44:2 42°8| 39°38 39:°2]58-0| 36-0} 98°0| 27°7 0 0 1 0 0 4 | 47:0 46:0] 51-0 48-1 | 54:1 49°7 | 57-0 51:4| 58-7 52°7 | 47:8 45:9 | 43-9 43:0] 59°3 | 36:07 100°0| 27-2 5 2 0 0 0 5 | 48:8 47:2} 49:3 47°1 | 50:2 47°5 | 51:0 48:4) 51:0 48°8 | 49:0 48:1 | 49:0 47-9] 51°3| 40-9] 63°8) 33:1] 10) 10] 10} lo; 10 6 | 49°8 47:3] 51:2 47:9 | 56°2 50-7 | 55°38 49°8 | 56:1 50°6 | 521 46°9 | 50°38 47:0} 56-4 | 47-2]121°8 | 44-0 4 8 8 9 8 7 |50°2 48°1) 51:2 49:0} - —- | 56:2 51:0} - -—- | 51:0 49°9| 50:8 49:9} 57:0) 47-7] 81-4) 46:07 10; 10) 10] lo} 10 8 | 49:2 49:0] 50-2 49°9| 51:4 50°6 | 52°0 51:0) 52:0 51:1) 50°7 50-0| 50:8 50:0] 52°7 | 47-3] 58-4) 44:17 10) 10; 10; 10} 10 9 |55°7 52:1) 56°1 52°3 | 58°7 52:1) 57:1 52°1 | 54-3. 52°4 | 54:1 58°6| 54-4 53°9959:1 |) 49-9] 74:0) 48:2) 10) 10} 10} 10} 10 10 | 50:2 49:1 | 56-7 52:0 | 59:2 58°8 | 56°9 52-7 | 57:5 53:0| 49°6 46:9 | 49:7 46:9} 60°8 | 48°§]110°3) 45:0 2 2 3 ii 9 11 | 46°4 44:1] 50°7 46-9 | 55-8 50:0 | 56:2 50°5 | 57:9 51:7 | 56:0 44:9 | 47:3 45:9} 60-2 | 40°0} 102°1 | 31-6 1 0 6} 10} 10 12 | 55:9 53°7|57°3 54°7 | 57:0 54°8 | 55°0 54:0) 54:4 63°9| 55:3 54:7 | 55:2 54°79 57°8| 46-7} 59°6| 47:57 10) 10} 10} 10] 10), 13. | 56:2 55°1| 55:9 54:7 | 58-0 55°8| 58:1 56:0 53°6 51°6 | 48°7 45°9| 46-9 44:°57601/ 48:3] 90:7) 53°38] 10) 10 7 io 10 14 | 43°3 39:7] 45°8 40°9| - - |47°9 41:2} - - |44°7 40°6 | 42:9 40-2] 50°0 | 88°0}101°3} 326 6 7 8 8 7 15 | 44:0 41°7 | 45°8 42:0 | 47°5 42:2) 48°8 42°8 | 48-1 43:1] 41-0 39-0 | 41:2 39-2} 50-0 | 40°34 104:0| 36°8 Uf 8 9 8 5 16 | 44°38 41°7 | 46°5 43:2 | 47-2 43°9| 50°0 44:9 | 49:8 44°9 | 46-2 43:5 | 45-7 43°1}50°8 | 38°83} 92°6| 35°6 7 8 9 9} 10 17 | 46°7 44°1| 48-5 44:9 | 50:2 46°0| 51°1 45°9| 49:9 46:1) 43°8 42°8 | 44:1 43:2) 53:0| 43:3] 95°6| 41:1 7 7 7 6 | 10 18 | 39°6 36°9 | 42°8 38°6 | 43-9 39°4 | 44-4 39°2 | 43-7 38-0 | 34°1 32:2 | 33:4 31:6] 48:0 | 82°38} 96°9| 30°9 1 2 6 4 0 19 | 311 29°8| 32°9 30°9 | 40-4 37:3 | 42°1 38°9 | 39°8 37°7 | 35°7 34:3 | 33°5 32:2] 43-2 | 23°8] 89:3) 13-7 5 5 9 2 3 20 | 41:0 38:3 | 42:1 39°1/ 45:9 40°51! 45:2 40°5| - -—- | 421 38°7 | 42:1 38:6146:3| 383-01 73:2! 26°84 10 7 6 9 9 21 | 42:2 38°4| 44:0 39:3} - - |44:9 39°9| - - | 80:9 29-9} 30°7 29°7147°9| 30°3] 836] 30°6 il 8 4 0 1 22 | 291 28°7 | 82°3 30°7 | 44:9 41°8 | 45°8 41°8 | 45°4 42:0 | 33:7 33-0 | 34:2 33°31 47-2 | 26:0} 81:9} 15:0 4 2 9 4 i) 23 | 30°9 30°7 | 86°2 32°0 | 45:0 39°7 | 47°1 37°8| 46:7 37°9| 47°1 41°3 | 46°8 41°51(47°7] [29-7] 82:0) 15-7 9 9} 10) LON) 6 24 | 46°6 44°7| 49°2 46°7 | 50°9 48-2 | 52°9 50°8| 53:0 51°7 | 51-2 49°9| 51:2 50°24[54°9)[41°5]] 56°9| 37°57 10 0 |) LO Os Stone 25 | 46°6 45°6 | 47°8 46°7 | 49°8 48:2) 49:4 48:1 | 46°9 43°3 | 44:2 40:2 | 43°9 40717521 | 42:87 87:0| 35:0] 10 So LOG eG 9 26 | 32°38 31°5 | 36°9 34:9 | 41°3 37°7 | 43°6 39°8 | 44:3 39°5 | 36:2 33-9 | 35°8 54°8452:0| 3803] 86:4) (20:0) 1 1 6 1 1 27 | 35-5 33°6 | 38-0 35°6 | 44:9 39-1 | 45°8 39-9] 43°6 39-4 | 36°9 33:9 | 37-1 33-7} 47°8 | 33:09 87:1| 26-1 3 4 4 0 0 28 | 42°8 38°7| 44:6 38:9] - - |45°8 41°33] - —- | 47°3 43:6] 46:5 43°64 48-0 | 36-0] 59-4, 21°54 10) 10) 10] 10; 10 28 | 43-4 41°7 | 43°7 41°6 | 45:0 42:0 | 45°7 43:1) 43:9 41:3 | 39-7 38-6 | 40-0 39-1] 48°8 | 88°38} 56-2; 42:07 10} 10 8} 10 8 3 32:7 32°1 | 36:0 34°7 | 42:3 40°2| 45°3 42-7 | 43-4 41°5 | 33°2 32-7 | 34:7 33-9] 48-7 | 30:3} 806) 21-4 0 0 2 0 0 81 | 49°6 45°5 | 50:7 46:2] 49-4 46-4| 51:4 47:9) 54:3 49-8] 58°8 54-9 | 60°3 54:9] 59-4 | 33°8 575 24-54 10 9) LO) SOn a Mran| 44°3 42°2| 46:6 43°6] - —- |50°7 46:3 45°3 42°8| 44-5 42°4153-1)| 88°34 84:4 | 33:1} 65 | 65 | 6:8 | 66 | 6:7 FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 183 STEVENSON SCREEN. TEMPERATURE AND AMOUNT OF CLOUD. NOVEMBER 1894. Temperature—Dry and Wet Bulbs. Amount of Cloud, 0 to 10. = ae fade & Sie. Max. Min. } Black] Radn, gh | 10h 12h 14h 16> PL Bulb.) Min.) on | yon | 14m | ath | gah Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.} Dry. Wet.) Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. 1 |53°9 51:2/54°8 51-9] 559 52°5| 56:3 53°2|55°7 53:1 | 550 52°8| 54:9 52-4])605 53:0] 70:3} 498] 7| 8] 9] 9] 10 2 | 55:9 53-1] 56-2 53:2| 54:4 52:5|53°6 51°5| 54:5 51-4 |53°6 51-6 | 53°7 51:1]57:7 52:5] 642] 51-4] 9) 7] 9] 9] 8 3 | 58:7 50°7| 59-1 51:1] 56-9 52-4| 57-3 52:1/ 55:8 49:0/ 49-9 48-2] 51-0 47-6|60°5 49:2] 67:0] 485] 9] 9] 10] 10] 10 4 | 48:5 449/480 449] - - |50°5 47:6} - - | 48-9 47:7| 49-9 48-6|52-8/ 47-0] 78°3| 43:0] 9] 10] 10] 10] 10 5 |501 49:4] 50-5 49°6| 49:4 46-7| 49:3 45°9| 49-4 43-9 | 48-6 45-1 | 48-4 45-8] 53-0 45:9] 59°3] 4757 10; 9] 9] 10] 10 6 | 51-2 48:3| 51-2 48-7| 50:8 47:9/ 51-5 47-7| 52:0 47:8 | 53:2 48°7/ 51-9 47-9] 54:0 48:7] 60°9| 441] 10/ 10] 9] 9] 8 7 |5i:6 49°1)50-7 48-5/ — - | 47-9 47-4) — — | 43-2 42:1] 44:3 43-6]54:0 43:0] 586] 47:0] 10! 10] 10; 6] 8 8 | 44:3 43:0 | 44:9 43:3] 45:8 44:7 | 46-8 45-2| 49:8 45-8 | 48-9 45-0 | 48-0 45:0] 50-0 403] 580| 381] 7| 8] 10; 7| 4 9 | 49-2 45°3] 48-1 44:9] 46-1 45-7| 50-8 49-3] 49-7 47-0 | 45-2 43-2| 47-0 44-8452-1 43-9] 60°5, 41:0] 10) 10] 9} 6] 10 10 | 44:5 42:5] 45-6 43-9| 45-7 43:61/45-2 43°83) — - 1449 42:2/ 43-9 41-9149-0 41:0} 78:7 | 397] 5] 10] 10] 10] 10 11 | 41-9 409/429 41:2; - - [43-4 41-9] - — | 44:2 42:2] 45-6 42:3] 46-6 40-4] 58-0| 38:6] 10] 10| 10] 10] 7 12 | 43°7 41°6| 44-6 42°3| 45:3 42:9] 44-9 41-7] 45:1 41-2) 43-1 39°8| 42:1 39-7146-0| 40-7] 51:5 | 395] 9] 10' 9| 8s| 7 13 | 36-7 34:3] 38-7 35:9 | 42°6 37-7 | 44-1 38-7 | 43-0 39°1| 44:3 42-3] 45°6 44:1}50-°2 36°83] 74:3] 296] 3] 5!| 9] 10] 10 14 | 42:5 40-5 | 40°6 39-4| 43°6 41-6 | 41-9 39-9| 41-1 39-4 | 39°5 37:9 | 38-2 37:11 48-7 | 37-0] 75:2 | 36:0] 10] 10) 8] 10] 10° 15 | 40:7 38:7 | 42:4 39-1 | 39-0 37-9 | 40:9 38-9| 44:5 39:9| 44:6 40-3 | 44-8 40-8]45-0 | 33:3] 53-0] 31:37 9] 9) 10) 8] 8 16 | 45:2 41:2| 45-0 41°7|45-8 42-7 | 46-7 43°8| 46°2 43-2] 48-1 42-9 |[47-5][41°5]] 48-1 | 40°S] 527 | 39-4] 8| 8) 9] 8] [8] 17 | 53:7 50:0| 54:2 50°7| 55-0 51-7|55-S 51°8| -— —- | 54:7 50°6| 53-2 50-2456-4/ 48:5] 61°83] - | 10} 10} 10] 10] 10 18 | 49:9 45-7/50:1 451] - —- |49°9 45-6| - — | 46:8 45:7| 47:0 44:8].54-0 43:8] 673] 430] 9| 9! 10] 9] 9 19 | 42:9 40:9| 46:3 43:7 | 47-0 44:7 | 46:9 45-6| 49-4 46:7] 49-1 47-9| 49-0 48:1150°9, 40-2] 51°8| 34:87 9! 10} 10] 10] 10 20 | 518 498) 46-9 44-1] 46:5 43-0) 45-3 40-1 | 43-4 39-2 | 41-1 3901437 49-2]533 40°34 545 | 4404 10/ 10, 2) 4; 5 Q1 | 43:7 41-2) 44-9 43:1] 46-7 44-21 45-8 42:9 | 45-2 42-7] 46-8 45-2/ 47-2 45°8148-0! 40-0] 59:5 | 356) 6| 10, 10} 10] 10 92, | 52:8 48°9|53'1 49:1] 51-7 48-9 | 51-2 49:7 | 49-9 47:°9| 48-2 45-9/ 48-3 45:8]53-7 | 44°31 55-7] 4514 10| 10| 10| 6] 8 93 | 46:0 44:0 | 46-7 44:2| 47-0 45-0 | 47-0 45-7| 46-3 44-6 | 40-7 39-7 | 39-1 38:3] 48-8 | 35-3] 55°6 | 41-3 8| 7| 8] 6] 4 94 | 31:2 31:2 | 31-8 31:9| 38-1 36:9 | 42-0 39-5 | 39°5 38-1] 38-9 37°4| 39:7 37:3] 42:3 | 304] 66:2 | 2454 10] 10; 2] 2] 4 95 | 44-9 42-2/ 45-2 42-4) - - |47-9 45:1] - — | 42:5 41-2) 42-2 40:9] 49-3 37-3] 54:3] 3127 9] 10] 10| 10] 8 26 | 34-7 33-9 | 36*1 35°1| 40-2 38-7 | 44-2 41-4 | 43-6 40-7| 41-1 38-9 | 39-9 38-4] 44:3 34-04 49-2 | 29°67 4] 2) 7) 10| 6 27 | 38:5 37°4/ 41-0 39-2 | 42-9 40°6| 42-9 40-9 | 43°6 41-8 | 46-7 45-8 | 47:0 45-7] 46°38 32-3] 48:3 | 26-0] 10| 10) 10; 10] 10 98 | 48-9 48-7 | 49-4 48°9| 49-9 49:5 | 50-9 49-9| 50:0 48:9| 50:8 48-6 51:0 48°6]51°8 45:8] 53-4) - | 10] 10) 10) 10); 10 99 | 49:9 44-9 49-8 44-8| 49-0 43-4 | 47-9 41-6 | 47-0 42:0] 46-2 41-6| 45-7 41-2]52°3/ 44-0] 69-2 | 4427 8| 7) 3) 6] 5 BO | 44:9 43:2 45:2 43-2| 46-8 44-6 | 48°0 44-7 | 478° 43-9 | 46-2 43-6 | 45°1 42:9] 48-3 43-3] 52-9] 397] 10) 10) 9) 8) 7 Mean] 46°4-43:9| 46°8 44-2) - - [47-9 4551) - - | 465 44:1| 46-5 44-1]50-9 | 41-8] 60°7 | [39°4]] 8-6 | 8°9 | 8:7 | 8-4] 8:0 STEVENSON SCREEN. DECEMBER 1894. Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet.) Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. 1 | 44°9 42:3] 45°9 43:2 | 46°8 44:0| 46°5 43-7 | 46-2 43°5|45°6 43-7 | 45:0 43:1] 46-7 | 42-0] 49°3 | 37-9] 10] 10] 10] 8| 10 2 |39°8 38:0/41:7 39°7| —- — |41-8 39:9] - — |32:7 32-4/31-9 31:7] 45:3 31:3] 686 | 33:77 3| 3] 4] O| Oo 3 | 33-3 31:7| 31-7 31:1 | 34:0 31:9| 36-7 35:9 | 38-1 36-9/ 38-0 36:4| 37:7 36:-4]39°9| 27-4] 49-7] 183] O] O}] O} O| O 4 | 926-2 26-0 | 27:1 27°1| 29-2 28-7| 32-4 31-8 | 29-9 29-0] 26-9 26-6 | 27-1 26°5438°3 25-2] 46-4/ 154] 0] 10} O} O|} O 5 |31:1 30°6| 32°5 31-9| 33-1 32°0| 34-2 32:9| 33-8 32-9| 33-9 33-2| 34-7 33-°9134:8| 23-4] 47-1 | 154] 9| 9] 8] 10] 10 6 |35-0 34:7 | 35-4 34:9| 38-6 37-6| 40-7 39-3 | 42-9 40-0 | 39-8 39-2] 38-9 38-2] 43-6 | 32-7] 45°6 | 233] 10} 10] 10] 10] 10 7 | 46-1 42:2| 45-1 41:2] 44:4 40-9| 45-0 41:6 | 45:7 42°8| 44-5 42°3| 41-4 39-8] 46-3 | 35-0f 47-0 | 302} 10] 10] 10] 10; 8 8 | 35:8 33°8 | 365 34:1| 40-1 87:3| 39-3 37°3| 36-9 35°2| 31-7 31:0| 309 31-5] 43-5 | 306] 62°0| 273] 3) 7] 3] 10] Io D9 135-2 33-6/35:38 341) — —- 139-1 87:1] - —- | 47:9 40°6| 45-6 40-5] 43-5 | 29°8] 45°3 | 25:6) 10] 10/ 10) 10] Iu 10 | 49-6 48-9 50-0 49:0] 49-9 49-3] 50-2 49-2] 49°6 49-0] 47-9 46:9 | 48-7 47:77] 52°3| 45:3] 522] 397] 10) 10] 10] 38] 5 V1 | 53:5 51-21 54-2 50:7 | 55:6 50°3| 48-6 46°6| 47-1 45-3] 42-2 40-9| 41-1 39:3]56°0! 41:0] 62:6 | 3764 10) 10); 10; 1); 4 12 | 43-8 41-2| 44:7 42-2| 44:5 43-9| 46-6 45-9 | 47-3 46-6| 52-6 49-1 | 52:3 49°31 53-2 | 36-34 57-1 | 29°67 10] 10] 10] 10] 10; 13 | 52-8 50-9| 55-2 51°81 55:7 50:2) 53-7 48-91 50:9 48°6| 49-9 44:7 | 49:9 44:1] 56:4 | 486} 59:3! 483] 10! 10} 10! 10] 8 | 14 | 42-9 45-9] 42:9 40°7 | 44:3 42-1] 44-9 42:0] 44-0 42-1] 46-0 42-7] 47:1 43:-4]50°2| 41:1] 60:1 | 362] 6| 6] 8|/ 8] 9 15 | 40:2 38-2| 40-3 37:9| 42:7 38-8] 43-3 39:1] — - | 40-9 37°6| 41:2 38-2449:0| 37:0] 52:3 |) 3287 8) 8) 38/ 6/ 10 Wema7-1 35-°5|37°3 35°9| - -— |36°3 341) - — | 88:7 81°6| 34:8 32-2)41-7| 32-7] 46-2] 81-6] 10; 9] 7) 10) 1 17 | 44-1 43-1 | 44°8 43-7| 46-9 43-8 | 46-3 43-2| 46-8 43°7| 46-1 44-1] 44:8 43-2[47:7 | 32-5] 50-9 | 3231 10; 9] 5] 10) 10 18 | 39-2 38-1 | 39-9 38-1 | 41-9 39°2| 40°8 38:6 | 40-0 38-0 | 39-6 37:8 | 40:3 37-8] 49°3| 37-2] 54:2 | 370] 10) 9] 8) 10] 10 | 19 |[42°51[40-0]| 42-7 40-7 | 45-0 41:7 | 45-0 40-9] 43-9 40-0 | 427 39-1/ 42:5 38-9] 46-2| 37-6] 46-3 | 343] 10) 10) 8| 6] 5 20 | 38-1 35-71 36-7 34:9| 39-2 36-8 | 41-1 38-9 | 40-7 39-4 | 43-0 42°0| 44-5 43-7) 46-4 | 36-6) 615 | 8001 1) 1) 8| 10, 8 21 | 43-9 40-9 | 42:2 39:9] 43:9 31:4 45-1 42°7| 45-5 41-8| 46-1 44:9] 50-9 48-6] 49:0 | 41:2) 60-0 | 377} 6| 5); 10} 10} 10 92 | 41:6 40-6 | 42-2 39-4| 41°6 36-0 | 40-5 34:9| 39-8 34:9] 41-9 37-7 | 40°2 37-9]57°4| 388] 52°8 | 395] 10| 10; 9) 10} 10 93 | 43-9 41-:1|43-7 41:3] — —- | 45-0 44:0] - —- | 45:1 43°6| 44:6 43:0] 45-5 | 39:0] 47:2 | 369] 10) 8) 9/ 10/ 10 94 | 42-0 41-9 | 42-2 42-1] 42:6 42:5 | 44-2 43-9| 45-0 44-7 | 45-2 44-9] 44-4 43:9] 45-4| 41-0] 48°6 | 396] 10) 10) 10; 10] 8 25 | 47-6 47-5 | 47-9 47-7| 48°6 48:2|49°8 49-3|°- - | 49-0 48-2] 49-1 48-1]50:0/43°1] 51-1 | 41-9] 10) 10) 10) 10) 9 26 | 45-1 40°6 44°3 39°2| 44:2 39-2| 44-0 39-9] 43-4 39-1| 43-0 39°1| 43-6 39:1] 50°8| 41:3} 533) 3997 6/| 7) 7) 7| 4 97 | 42-2 39-1 | 41-9 39:4 | 45-2 39-3| 44-6 39-6| 41-4 38-9 | 41-4 38°6| 41-5 39-2] 45°7 | 39°8] 59-0 | 35-7] 10) 10; 8| 10) 8 98 | 45:5 44-4 45:9 45:0] 49°6 45°8 | 44-7 41°9| 39:8 37-7| 37-8 34°2| 36-7 34:6] 50°0 | 35:5] 48-5 | 37:0] 10) 10) 10) 10) 10 29 | 45-7 34-1 40-0 33°7| 37-7 34:1 | 39°9 39-2 | 37-2 33-7] 30°5 30-3| 31-1 29-9] 41-0 | 29°8] 46-7 | 31:27 10| 10; 8 | 10; 10 30 | 32:9 30:8, 34:1 30°9| - — |34:9 313) - - | 28-1 27:8] 27-0 26-7] 36:3) 25:3] 46-4) 3800] 8/ 7/ 8) 5) 5 31 | 29°8 29-1 30°9 98-7 | 32:6 30°5 | 33°5 30-7 | 30-2 27-7 | 30-8 28-9| 31:7 29°3]33°8| 24:6] 63-4 | 248] 8) 8) 6 | 7| 10 | Mean] 41-0 39°1| 41-2 39°0| - - |42°6 401] - - | 408 38-7] 40-7 38-7 | 46°5 | 35-6] 53°0 | 326] 8:0) 33 | 76 | 78) 78 184 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. MontTHLy AND ANNUAL MEAN VALUES AT BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY, 4407 FEET, AND AT Fort-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY, 42 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL. BAROMETER—BEN NEVIS. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Wi 18 19 20: 0) 2 22, 23 4-980 | 4°987 | 4°984 ] 4-978 | 4°979 | 4°978 | 4°978 | 4°979 | 4°979 | 4:983 | 4-987 | 4°986 | 4:985 | 4:981 5'098 | 5°102 | 5°101 J 5-094 | 5:088 | 5-078 | 5°073 | 5°084 | 5:084 | 5-088 | 5-081 | 5-075 | 5083 | 5-079 "195 | -200| 206] °207/} °202] *198) -200) ‘209) -211) :218) -217] -216] *212) = ‘288 | *290] *290] °291| °292) -290| °293] °288| +290] -291] °294| :298| -298) ‘298 +360! -361| ‘363] °366] °366) °363| °361] °357|) °356| 355) °359| -360| °359! ‘357 444 | °447| “4509 °452| °456|) °455| °456| °454) °456| °458] -463| 469] °471) “471 873 | °375| °3877] °378| °378| °375| °374| °873| °371| -369| -3868| -369| °369) -368 "838 | °342| *344] °347|) 346] °344) °342|) °344| °345] *346) °348|) °351| °350| °348 669 | °672| ‘673] °674| °674] “671| ‘668| “668| ‘668| “671| “676] °676| *676| ‘676 369 | °370| “368] °363| ‘3861 ‘3856| °353] °353] °354/ °355| °352| °850) °346| 343 178 | °181| 180] 180) °183) “182) 185) °190) °197] °198| “196} -198| ‘201 -201 "241 | *250) ‘2499 °248] °252) ‘251 ) +254) ‘254 ) +252) °248) -249] °242| °238)| -230 5'294 | 5°298 | 5°299 | 5°298 | 5°298 | 5°295 | 5°295 | 5:296 | 5-297 | 5°298 | 5-299 | 5-299 | 5:299 | 5-296 BAROMETER—FORT-WILLIAM. Jan. .49°631 4 9°623 | 9°614 | 9-605 | 9°593 | 9°582 | 9°579 | 9°573 | 9°578 | 9°583 | 9°594 | 9°596 9°593 ] 9°586 | 9°591 { 9°589 | 9-597 | 9°594 | 9°599 | 9°598 | 9°603 | 9°603 | 9°605 | 9-601’ Feb. .] "696] 690) -694| -694| -699} -703] ‘706| -709| -721| 716) ‘714| °712| °707]} 698 | -690| _-680| 680] 680] ‘688| -689| -688] “687| -692| -690 Mar. .J[ “760 °748| °739) °730| °728| °736| °746] °756| °763| *768] ‘773) °774 “(744 “772| °765| "760| “759} -762|) “770) “777 | -785| °786| “788| -784 | ;Apr. .] ‘846] 844 | °842) °839|) -840) -841) “846|] -850] °854| -850| ‘851| -848| ‘845} -839) °835) °827] °824| °825| -830) ‘837 | °846| °852| -858/ ‘861 May .]| ‘975] ‘971| -969| :960| -962] ‘961| °964| ‘963} °965) -961| ‘951| °950| -947} -940| ‘937) °933|) °932| °929| *932]) ‘935 -941| °947| °953| -953 June .f[ ‘965] ‘964| -965) ‘963] °964| 965] 966] *965| °965/ ‘961| °958| -955; -951) °948| -946| +942] °943] 942) -945/ 950) -960| ‘971| °980| -983 July .f “840] °836| °832) °828] ‘828] °826| °827] °S28|) °829|) -825] °823) °820) ‘819} ‘814] ‘813] ‘809| 808] ‘803| -806| °805| °810| °816|) ‘821| -822 Aug. .] ‘830f ‘827)} °824/ ‘818] ‘816| °816] °819) °822) °824| 823] °823) °822) ‘821] ‘818/ °818| ‘814| ‘813| ‘S13| -817| ‘821) -830| °837) ‘841| -840 | Sept. - | 0°234 | 0-233 | 0°231 | 0°228 | 0°227 | 0-229 | 0°234 | 0°238 | 0-244 | 0244 | 0°244 | 0°238 | 0°235 | 0228 | 0°224 | 0-215 | 0°211 | 0-211 | 0°220 | 0-227 | 0-237 | 0°240 | 0:245 | 0-246 Oct. . | 9°935 } 9°932 | 9°929 | 9-923 | 9922 | 9°921 | 9-924 | 9-925 | 9-932 | 9°934 | 9-932 | 9-926 | 9°920 } 9°911 | 9°904 | 9°899 | 9°896 | 9°898 | 9°903 | 9-904 | 9°907 | 9-905 | 9:904 | 9-903 Nov. .] °702] -700| -699; -696| “694| *695| “698| -698| °707| ‘711| ‘717| ‘720! -720] °716| -716| 717] “721| 728) °734|) -735| °734| -734) °735| °735 Dec. .] ‘827] °814| °802|) °794/ -785| -781| °788] °795| °809| ‘S27! ‘$42| “849 -847] “846/ 849] °849] ‘856| °855| °855|) °853] °851| “841| °837| -824 | Year .|9°853} 9-848 | 9:845 | 9-840 | 9-838 | 9-838 | 9-841 | 9°844 | 9:849 9:850 | 9:852|9°851 9-848 | 9-843 | 9°841 | 9°834 | 9°835 | 9°835 | 9:842 | 9-844 | 9-849 | 9:852 | 9°855 | 9-854 TEMPERATURE—BEN NEVIS, Jan. .] 21°6 § 21°4 | 21°5 | 21°5 | 21°8 | 21°7 | 21-7 | 21:4 | 21°5 | 21°6 | 22:0 | 22:1) 22:2] 22:1 | 22°0 | 21°9 | 21-8) 21-9 | 21°7 | 21°5 | 21> | 214 | 21-3) 21:3 Feb. .| 23°8 | 23°6 | 23°4 | 23°5 | 23:2 | 23°3 | 28°3 | 23:2 | 23°2 | 238°6 | 24:0 | 24°4 | 24:9 | 25°1 | 25°1 | 24°8 | 248 | 24°8 |) 24-1 | 24°0 | 24°4 | 24°1 | 23:9 | 24-1 Mar. .} 27°38 27°8 | 27°38 | 27°38 | 27-4 | 27°2 | 26:9 | 27°2 | 27°38 | 281 | 28°5 | 28°8 | 28°9 | 2971 | 29°3 | 29°6 | 29°4 | 28°38 | 28:4 | 28:1 | 28°0 | 28:0 | 28:1 | 28:0 | Apr. .] 30°1 } 30°0 | 30°0 | 30:0 | 29°8 | 29°6 | 29°9 | 30:0 | 30°3 | 31:0 | 31°6 | 32:1 | 32°6 | 32:8 | 33°0 | 33:1 | 32°8 | 32°5 | 31°9 | 31:0 | 30°7 | 30:6 | 30°4 | 30-0 |May .f 27°59 27°4 | 27:1 | 27-3 | 27:0 | 271 | 27°5 | 27-9 | 29°0 | 29:3 | 30°3 | 30°7 | 31°0 | 31:3 | 31°1 | 31:2 | 30°9 | 30°6 | 30°0 | 29°5 | 29°3 | 29°0 | 28:6 | 28:1 | June .} 36°3 } 36°4 | 36-2 | 35°9 | 35°8 | 36°3 | 36°8 | 37°3 | 377 | 38°2 | 38°8 | 39°2 | 39°38 | 40°3 | 40°6 | 40°6 | 40°2 | 37:8] 39°4 | 38°9 | 38:2 | 37°9 | 37°5 | 37-2 July .| 42°19 41°7 | 41°5 | 41°0 | 41°0 | 41°3 | 41°5 | 42°0 | 42:7 | 435 | 44-4 | 44°5 | 45:2 | 45:5 | 45°8 | 45°83 | 45°3 | 44:9) 44:2 | 43°7 | 43°3 | 42°9 | 42°6 | 42-2 Aug. .] 384 | 384 | 38°2 | 381 | 380 | 37°7 | 37°9 | 38:0 | 38°4 | 39:1 | 39°6 | 40°3 | 40°7 |] 40°8 | 41°3 | 41°2 | 41°0 | 40°6 | 40°0 | 39°5 | 39°2 | 38°38 | 38°5 | 38:3 | Sept. «| 35°4 | 35°7 | 35°5 | 35°3 | 35°3 | 35°3 | 35°5 | 36:0 | 36°S | 37°6 | 38°3 | 389 | 39°6 | 39°83 | 40:1 | 40°1 | 39°4 | 39°0 | 381 | 373 | 87-1) 36:9 | 365 | 35°9 | Oct. «| 32°19 31°8 | 32°0 | 31°8 31°7 | 31°4 | 31°5 | 81°6 | 32°2 | 32°7 | 33° 33°7 | 33°9 | 34°1 | 34:4 | 34°1 | 33°7 | 33:5 | 33°2 | 32°9 | 32°5 | 32°6 | 32:3 31:9 | Nov. .| 31:7] 31:3 | 31-4 | 31°3 | 31:1 | 30°9 | 30°9 | 30°8| 31°0 | 31°71 | 31°4 | 31°3 | 31-4] 31°5 | 31°8 | 31°5 | 31°2 | 31:1 | 31:0 | 31°4) 31°5 | 31:5 | 31°6 | 315 | Dec. .] 28'°2 ] 28°2 | 28°4 | 28°4 | 28:4 | 28°3 | 28°0 | 280 | 27-8 | 27-8 | 27°6 | 27-9 | 28:0 | 27°8 | 27°3 | 27°4 | 2771 | 27-0} 27°0 | 26:9) 26°9 | 27-1 | 27:2 | 27°3 | | Year .{ 31°21 3171 | 31°1 | 31:0 | 30°9 | 30°8.| 31°0 31:1 | 31:5 | 32:0 | 32°5 | 32°8 | 33°2 | 33°4 | 38°5 | 33-4 | 33°1 | 82°9 | 324 | 32:1 | 31:9 | 31°71 815! 313 Jan. .] 39°2 | 39°0 | 39°0 | 38°6 { 38°38 | 39:2 | 39:1 | 39:0 | 39°0 | 38°9 | 38:9 | 39°6 | 40:0 J 40°4 | 40°2 | 40°0 | 39°4 | 39°1 | 39:0 | 391 | 3921 39°3 | 39°3 | 3974 Feb. .] 39°6 | 39°7 | 39°4 | 39°4 | 39°4 | 39:3 | 39°0 | 39°0 | 39°0 | 39°1 |] 39°5 | 40°5 | 40°8 J 41:4 | 41°8 | 42:0 | 41:4 | 41-4 | 40°8 | 40:8 | 40°7 | 407 | 40°6 | 40°6 Mar. .} 41°4] 41°3 | 40°38 | 40°3 | 39°9 | 39°8 | 39°0 | 39°0 | 20°7 | 40°8 | 40°2 | 44°0 | 45:2 f 46°3 | 46°9 | 47°90 | 47°8 | 47°3 | 46°71 | 44°5 | 43°6 | 42°7 | 42°1 | 41°5 j) Apr. .] 45°17 44°9 | 44°3 | 43°8 | 43°6 | 43°5 | 43°4 | 44°5 | 46°2 | 48°3 | 49°5 | 50°9 | 51°7 | 52:8] 53:4 | 54:0 | 54-2 | 53°6 | 52°3 | 50°6 | 49:2 | 48°1 | 47-0 | 461 May .] 43°8 | 43°2 | 42°9 | 42°8 | 42°4 | 42°3 | 43°2 | 44°6 | 46°0 | 47°6 | 48°6 | 49°9 | 50°29 511 | 51°3 | 51°5 | 50°8 | 50°4 | 50°0 | 48:9 | 47°5 | 46°2 | 45:2 | 44-4 | June .] 51°1 | 50°5 | 49°5 | 49°0 | 48°5 | 48:9 | 50°5 | 52°2 | 58°83 | 55°6 | 56°6 | 57°5 | 58:2 | 59:0 | 59°1 | 59°38 | 59:4 | 59°7 | 59°5 | 58:3 | 56°4 | 54°7 | 538°3 | 524 | July .] 56°0 ] 55-4 | 54°8 | 544 | 541 | 54:2 | 550 | 56°6 | 57°7 | 59°4 | 60°5 | 61'°5 | 62°19 63:1 | 63-4 | 63°5 | 631 | 62:6 | 62:1 | 61:2 | 59°7 | 583 |) 57-2 | 567 |Aug. .| 53-0] 52°8 | 52°6 | 52:4 | 52:3 | 52-2 | 52°4 | 53°38 | 54°5 | 55:9} 56°5 | 57:4 | 57°7 | 58°5 | 58°5| 58°8 | 58°6 | 58-2 | 57-4 | HG | 55°1 | 54°4 | 53-9 | 583 Sept. .} 48:2] 47-7 | 4771 | 464 | 45°9 | 45°8 | 45°7 | 46:4 | 48:1 | 50°6 | 52°2 | 541) 55°3 | 56°1 | 56°8 | 57-4 | 57-4 | 56-4 | 54:3 | 52°5 | 514 | 504 | 493 | 48°83 1Oct. .| 43-2 | 42°9 | 42-7 | 42:7 | 42°6 | 42°5 | 42°5 | 42°8 | 43-2 | 44-4 | 45°9 | 47°7 | 49:0] 50°1 | 50°38 | 50°4 | 49°9 | 48°5 | 47:2 | 464 | 45°7 | 45:3 |) 44°8 | daca Nov. .] 46°38] 46°9 | 46°2 | 46°2 | 46:3 | 46°71 | 46°0 | 46°1 | 46:1 463 | 46°6 | 47-1) 47:1] 47:4 | 47°6 | 47°7 | 47°5 | 47:2 | 47°1 | 46°9 | 46°83 | 46°5 | 46°4 | 46-4 Dec. 40°'7 | 41°2 40°99 | 40°9 | 40°7 | 40°7 | 40°5 | 40°5 | 40°9 | 40°9 | 41°1 | 41°6 | 42°2 | 42:2 | 42:3 | 41:9} 41°6 41°7 | 41°6 | 41'1 | 40°7 | 40°8 | 40°6 | 40°65 |Year .§ 45°7 | 45°5 45°0 | 44°7 | 44°5 | 44°5 | 44°7 | 45°3 | 46°2 | 47°3 | 48:0 | 49°3 | 50°0 J 50°7 | 51°0 | 51°2 | 50°9 | 50°5 | 49°8 | 48°9 | 48:0 | 47:3 | 46°6 | 462 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 185 MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN VALUES AT BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY, 4407 FEET, AND AT Fort-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY, 42 FEEL ABOVE SEA LEVEL. 1894. D FORCE—BEN NEVIS. | = 2 3 4 5 6 fe 8 9 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Ps Mean 3:90 | 3°74 | 3°77 | 3°58 | 3-79 | 3°81 | 3-40 | 3°55 3:40) 3:52 | 3:56] 3:55 | 3:35 | 316] 3-34 | 3-76 | 3-66 | 3°50 | 3:42 | 3-69 | 3-65 | 3:90] 3:90| 3-62 3°18 | 2°80 | 3°25 | 2°75 | 2°92 | 2°64 2°73 | 2-64 | 2°64 | 2-68 | 2°71 | 2°65 | 2°68 | 254 | 2°52 | 2°57 | 2°64 | 2°62 | 2°66 | 2:77 | 2°80 | 2°84 | 3:07] 2°75 3°03 | 2°81 | 2°63 | 2°66 | 2°58 | 2:48 | 2:73 | 2°58 | 2°45 | 2°65 | 2°81 f 2°77 | 2°61 | 2°39 | 2°34 | 2°52 | 2°63 | 2°71 | 2°40 | 2°61 | 2°48 | 2-71 | 2°69] 2°64 277 | 273 | 2°77 | 257 | 288 | 2°88 | 2:90 | 2°85 | 2:88 | 2:80 | 2-981 3-00 | 2-75 | 2°52 | 2°63 | 2°55 | 2°72 | 2°78 | 3:05 | 2:87 | 2:70 | 2°63 | 2°75] 2-79 169 | 1°87 | 1°81 | 1°82 | 1°63 | 1°82 | 1°61 | 2°02 | 1°94 | 1:90 | 1°81 } 1°58 | 1°40 | 1°52 | 1:44 | 1°60 | 1-94 | 1-65 | 1°40 | 1°52 | 1°56 | 1:53) 1-42] 1-67 1°42 | 1°48 | 1°62 | 1°47 | 1°50 | 1°62 | 1°58 |) 1°47 | 1°73 | 1°62 | 1°52] 1:53 | 1°38 | 1°45 | 1°33 | 1°55 | 1°40 | 1°58} 1°38 | 1°58 | 1:42 | 1°33 | 1:33] 1-49 1°81 | 2°00 | 2:08 | 1°94 | 2°00 | 1°84 | 2:48 | 1:87] 1°81 | 1°85 | 1:84 ] 1°66 | 1-82 | 1°73 | 1°82] 1:60 | 1°74 | 1:81 | 1°81 | 1°89 | 1°74 | 1°79 | 1°73] 1:85 1:97 | 2°00 | 2:05 | 1°79 | 1°69 | 1:76 | 1°97 | 1°79 | 1°44 | 1°23 | 1°32 } 1:26 | 1°35 | 1°39 | 1°53 | 1°42 | 1-21 | 1:27 | 1°65 | 1°82] 1:76] 1°89 | 1°92] 1°64 1°88 | 1°80 ; 1°67 | 1°62 | 1°75 | 1°83, 1°78 | 1°45 ; 155 | 1:50) 1°43, 1:28) 1:35 | 1:42) 1°38 | 1-28) 1-57 | 1-60! 1°70 | 1°75! 2°05 | 1:95] 193) 1°63 2°42 | 2:27 | 2:44 | 2°31 | 2-24 | 2:01 | 2:29 | 2-93 | 2-24 | 2-19 | 2:15 | 2:05 | 1:76 | 1°89 | 1-98 | 2:37 | 2-18] 2:45 | 2°31 | 2°35 | 2°52 | 2-48 | 2-47] 2-26 2°52 | 2°52 | 2°82 | 2°48 | 2°60 | 2°73 | 2°55 | 2°98 | 2°77 | 2°85 | 3:02 | 2°85 | 2-48 | 2°50 | 2°57 | 2°60 | 2°70] 2:55 | 2°45 | 2:42 | 2:25 | 2:20 | 2:37] 2°61 2°79 | 2°87 | 2°68 | 2°37 | 2°60 | 2°82 | 2°68 | 2°68 | 2°69 | 2°65 | 2°66 9 2°53 | 2°31 | 2°40 | 2°35 | 2°45 | 2:48 | 2°37 | 2°63 | 2°50 | 2°47 | 2°55 | 247] 2:57 | | H | 88 | 2°45 | 2:41 | 2:47 | 2°28 | 2°34 | 2°37 | 2:39 | 2:34 | 229 | 2-29 2-39, 2-23 | 2-10 | 2-08 | 210 | 2:20 | 2-24 | 2-24 | 2°24 | 2°31 | 2:28 | 2°33 | 2:34] 2-29 DIRECTIONS—BEN NEVIS. January. | February. March. April. May. | June. July. August. | September. October. |November.| December.} Year. 74 22 120 114 Po 324 | 316 204 86 146 1788 49 57 142 58 21 41 | 39 43 13 102 640 1 45 110 68 54 21 84 74 1 24 572 62 315 64 102 133 20 | 95 126 62 48 1210 | 135 71 70 98 140 a i 126 104 | 100 1232 1s1 66 41 88 83 82 ifil 67 198 164 1144 127 12 64 63 66 83 27 49 136 100 916 106 10 43 54 40 70 34 26 108 54 814 " 16 22 90 75 37 49 | 62 29 12 6 444 [ JURS OF SUNSHINE—BEN NEVIS. Ea j \ ; Percentage 8 9 10 11 12 wes |) ite 15 | 16 | 17 18 19 20 21 | Total. | 67 possible, | | | - - - 010} OGL} 1:00) 1:07] 0-831 - - - - - = 3:09 1 0-23 | 1:00] 113] 1:00] 1°55] 110] 1:30] 1:09! 0°84 - - = - - 9°24 3 4:25 | 838] 9:24) 9:05 | 10°95 | 11°35 | 11:97 | 10°07 | 11°43 | 9:23] 4:20 = - = 100°52 28 4-46 | 5:90] 5:93] 7:25] 568] 674| 742] 9:48, 9:97] 9°50] 6:00 = - = 82°24 19 646 | 618] 648| 7°34] 7:30] 646! 5:35] 3:86/| 4:29] 4:58) 348] 2:56] 1°37 = 78°44 15 7:92) 8:94] 990) 894] 770] 750| 602] 7:05) 544] 550] 5:39| 5:30 | 4:44) 0°35 | 117-04 22 866 | 10°76 | 10°56 | 9°05) 9:73] 8:97 | 8:03] 748! 579] 438] 4:26] 4:93] 233 | 0:37 | 114:89 22 4°88 | 623 | 523] 531] 4:07] 3:41] 2:31 | 266 | 1°58] 1:44) 1:32) 1-61 = - 45°06 10 11°23 | 14°04 | 12°49 | 10:99 | 12:94 }| 15°94 | 13°16 | 13-18 | 12°16 | 685 | 0-51 4 - = 126:37 33 7°87 | 10°22 | 11°40 | 13°61 | 10°91 | 9°67 | 8:30 | 6:52) 654 | 3°48 - = - - 90°82 28 - 1:08 | 2:40] 2°77 | 250, 2:00) 1:94] 1:4) 0:36 - = = - = 14°89 6 - 0°56 | 4°50] 4:04) 4:64) 491) 429) 446 O42: - - = = 27°82 13 116 | 12°55, } 23°34 | 36°97 | 55°46 | 73:29 | 79:26 | 79°45 | 78°58 | 79°05 | 71°16 | 67°95 58°82] 44°96 | 25°16 | 14°40! 814] 0°72 | §10-42 18 RS OF SUNSHINE—FORT-WILLIAM. = wa = = = eee 140) 3°47] 3:80) 4°09; 2°92) —- - = - - 15°68 10 - = = - - 0:20} 099] 2°33) 269} 3:29) 620) 2°85| 1:87 - - - - - 20°42 10 - = - 0°09 | 6:43 | 11°22 | 15°07] 15:44] 15-79] 14°79| 14°48] 14°54| 14°61 | 8:28) 1:21 = 131°95 43 = = 1°71 | 9:24 | 13°83 | 16°07 | 14:57 | 15:92] 14:69} 16°64] 15°10) 13°56| 14:92 | 12°07 | 6°31 | 0°64 = = 16527 45 _- 3°60 | 7:59 | 10-40 | 12-14 | 10°61 | 1224] 15°98] 15°80] 15°38| 13°63| 12°15] 12°70 | 11°70 | 10°99) 611} O20) — fF 171-22 38 - 5°38 | 11°70 | 11:85 | 11°52 | 13°89 | 12°33] 11:94] 10°90} 10°93] 9°39) 11°52) 11°68 | 12°26) 12°35 | 9°32) 341) — 170°37 36 -} 0°25 | 3:34) 7:88 | 10°59 | 11°56 | 11°12} 10°96] 10°27] 10°71] 11°42] 10°95) 11°50} 9°24] 871) 773] 547) 150) - 143-20 31 - - 0-48 | 5:07] 7:69] 872] 7-49] 614] 4:12] 6:22] 564) 653] 5°99] 630) 485) O83) - - 76°07 19 - - - 2713 | 9°85 | 16°20] 12°74] 14°11] 15°76} 15°84] 17°00] 14°54) 17°03} 9°91 | 1°77 - - - 14688 45 - - - = 0°20 | 7°75 | 13:38] 14:99] 13-79] 11°60] 10°02) 883] 857] 167}; - - - - 90°80 36 =F) us - - - - O14) Ta 77) $2246) 62:23) )8:28)| 2:20)) O14 = - - - - 13°45 8 - = - - - - - 043) 4:08] 5°45] 4:48) 1:64) - - - = = = 16°08 13 0:25 | 12°32 | 29:36 | 49°37 | 73:22 | 95°78 | 100-19 | 111-72 | 114-26] 117-59 | 114-21 | 102°78| 96°75 | 70°90 | 45-21 | 22°37} 5:11] - | 1161°39 32 | a, ‘ TRANS. ROY. SOC. EDIN.—VOL. XLIII. 2A (qlee: BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY.—LOG-BOOK, 1894. Jan. 2,—Fog with a few clear intervals. and 14, 0:38" sunshine was recorded — the record since Ist Dec. 1893. was changed. Height not altered. Between 134 first | At 0" 10™ thermometer box | cirrus till 20, but thereafter sky got heavily clouded ; -and fog and haze was all round below, Feb. 13.—Aurora seen at 32, Feb. 14.—Very fine all day. Cloudless till 9". Some Air very dry ; Jan. 6.—Snudden fall in temperature this morning ; at | lowest dewpoint —27°-6 and humidity 9 per cent. at 13%. 4 the reading was 13°:3 and at 8 0°°7, lowest hourly reading ever recorded here. registering minimum recorded 0°:0 as the lowest. bunting was seen at snow-porch to-day. Jan. 7.—Thermometer box shifted at 32 20™, not altered. Jan. 10.—Wind blew hard—force 11 at times—till 84 when it veered from S.E. to S. and 8.W. and moderated. It backed again after 18", and increased to a gale of about force 8. In the evening the surface of snow was quite brown all over hill top with the brown fog crystals formed during the gale. Jan, 13.—Very strong S.E. gale this morning; force over 11 from 1* till 4%. Thereafter it moderated some- what but continued very squally all day. At 24, 34, 162, 17" and 18" the temperature readings were made from the storm box in tower. Jan. 14,—Thermometer box Height above snow not altered. Jan. 21,—Karth currents in telegraph cable at 23" 35™. Jan. 22.—Earth currents in cable at 4" 40™. Thermo- meter box shifted at 21" 30™. Jan. 25.—St Elmo’s Fire was heard at 16" and earth currents moved telegraph needle at 21". Jan. 26.—At 16 to-day the top joint of ladder was fitted up and a fresh thermometer box put out. Jan. 28.—The depth of snow at the wreath post was 107 inches at 15» to-day. Jan. 29.—Karth currents noted on telegraph instru- ment at 18° and midnight. Lightning seen at 22 and 238, Feb, 2.—The amount of rain measured for the hour ending noon to-day was 0:944 inch. Feb. 3.—Thunder and lightning noted at 1" 52™, and earth currents in telegraph instrument at 3 33™ and 5» 50™, Feb. 4,—Lightning seen at 195 24™ and 19" 25™, and St Elmo’s Fire at 22", feb. 5.—Thermometer box changed at 20"15™, Height above snow not altered, Feb, 8.—Thunder preceded by strong click in tele- graph instrument at 4" 30™, and again at 5" 0™ = Light- ning was seen at 6» 4™, k), Feb, 9.—St Elmo’s fire seen at 1" and lightning at 5™ past midnight. Feb. 11,—Thermometer box changed after 16", Height not altered, shifted at 232 30”, The latter is the The Self- A snow | found to be 126 inches at 155 to-day. The depth nearer the cliff is about 2 feet more. Height | Thermometer box changed at 1" 30™,. Height above snow not altered. The depth of snow at wreath post was Feb. 18.—Thermometer box changed at 202 30”, Height not altered. Feb. 20.—Thermometer box changed at 11 12™, Height above snow not altered. Feb. 21.—Strong currents in telegraph cable all evening —mainly keeping needle over to left side (current down hill). Eh 22.—Thermometer box changed at 1" 15™, The fresh box was put one step (the last) up on ladder stand. Feb. 25.—Lightning seen at 21, 224 and 23". During these three hours the telegraph instrument was continu- ally clicking. Besides the clicks there were all afternoon strong currents in cable, keeping needle hard over to the stops for some time. At 23 a bright aurora with very active streamers was seen to W.N.W. and N. while at same time lightning flashes were frequent to S.W. and 8. where the appearance was very ugly. Bright auroral streamers were seen as far South as S.W. by W. The last click was heard in telegraph at 23" 59™. Between 21 50™ and 22" thunder was suspected after some of the clicks, but this is doubtful as the wind was roaring in precipice and in chimneys and this might have been the noise heard, Feb. 26.—Depth of snow at wreath post 137 inches. March 1.—Stormy all day. Tower-box readings en- tered in daily sheet up till 5" inclusive. Strong earth currents on wire all evening. March 3.—At 18" St Elmo’s Fire seen, snow-hail falling at time. March 4.—At 165 20™ box shifted. Height not altered. March 5.—At 22 St Elmo’s Fire seen. March 6.—Strong click in wire at 15 37™—St Elmo’s Fire seen at 2, The midnight observation was taken 5™ late. March 7.—Box changed at 12 20™, At 3" dry 27°:9, wet 21°-9, and calm with no fog to be seen about. At 3h 7™ dry and wet 21°°5. Wind S.S.W. force 1, and thin fog just on. Very dark fog crystals forming in afternoon. March 9.—St Elmo’s Fire seen and heard at 19". Snow-hail falling. March 11.—Used tower thermometer from 1» till 4° inclusive. With tower door open and wind blowing 7, | : » 1894.] the Richards Barg. in top room of tower rose 0°250 during a squall. March 12.—St Elmo’s Fire seen at 14, March 16.—Box changed at 12". Height not altered. Lunar fog box at 1". March 17.—¥og coming up from W. in early morning and as it crossed summit on other side of first gorge, it flowed down into the corry close to cliff. March 19.—Mouse seen and caught as it was quite tame, but was let off again at 1" in lobby. Fog-bows and triple coronz seen at night. March 21.—From 3" to 35 30™ observed lunar glories formed on passing fog. Observer on top of tower was often out of the fog. When the fog was between him and moon a very bright triple corona was seen, and when it: passed tower a single-ringed glory bounded by a faint red ring was observed. Repeated measurements of the outer edge of red gave 2° 45’ as radius, and this’ was in all the trials made exactly the same as the outer edge of inner red of corona. A bright fogbow was seen at same time, radius 35°:0 (extreme outside), The glory was seen against the snow not twenty yards from base of tower. The fog kept passing in great waves, and flowing sheer down the cliff all morning. March 22,—Thermometer box shifted after 1", Height not altered. Top cleared after 11" leaving sky cloudless but thick haze all around below. Haze was yellowish white under sun and moon, but dark blue, almost black, on opposite side of observer. Immediately over the haze and directly under the moon the sky was a dark copper colour all night. Bright aurora seen at midnight. March 23.—The boundary between the white haze on | the side of the moon and the dark blue haze on opposite side was well defined to-day. At 4% this boundary was measured by stephanome and found to be 59° 30° from a point in the horizon perpendicularly under moon, At 21 45™ a double moon was seen. The real moon was just clear of the horizon to eastward and the spurious moon a little higher—an exact copy of real moon but much fainter, it partly overlapped the real moon, There was no appearance of cirrus at time. It was probably a mirage. At 225 5™a pillar of light 1° 50’ long descended perpendicularly from the moon to where the “mirage” had been seen. The moon at time was behind streaky cir.-s, At same time a mock moon was seen 23° 3’ to S. of moon—same height above horizon. March 24,—Faint glimmer in nothern sky all last night and in early morning to-day—probably auroral. The cir.-s. that was seen to S.E. from 225 to midnight last night covered the whole eastern half of sky at 25 and 34, then gradually vanished. It lay in long bands lying N. and 8. while some cir.-c, stripes in it lay E, and W. The upper limit of haze rose at 14, The Zodiacal light was seen last night and again to-night. Snow bunting seen at 15™ and a mouse in snowporch at midnight. March 25.—Haze higher to-day than last three days. Zodiacal light and faint aurora seen at night. March 26.—Thick haze in sky ; very clear overhead all day. Zodiacal light seen at 21". March 27.—Hazeas before. Snow bunting seen at 11. March; 28,—Haze as before but rather higher. March 30.—Faint aurora seen at 35, and bright aurora at 2145, and all night after that accompanied with strong BEN NEVIS- OBSERVATORY.—LOG- BOOK. 187 earth currents in telegraph cable. The currents were in both directions but continued for several minutes in each direction at a time. At 21" the aurora was all over the sky in the form of bands stretching from W.S.W. to E.N.E. with a very dark belt to 8S. the centre of which was about 30° above horizon. There were also thinner dark bands to N. March 31.—At 1" and 2 aurora consisting of a crown at zenith and streamers radiating from it in all directions, but chiefly to W.S.W. and E.N.E. Snow bunting seen at 7" on summit. April 1.—When the summit was clear to-day it was. noticed that the haze, which had been very thick all round since March 22, had disappeared. April 8.—For the three days, 6th, 7th, and 8th, fog covered the hills below in broken cumulus-like masses and occasionally blew over Ben Nevisalso. The crystals formed out of the fog were quite white, no brown or other colour inthem. To-day the temperature was very unsteady, alter- ing as much as 7° in a hour as the fog went on and off. April 11.—At 155 5™ thermometer box put one stage lower on stand. Instruments and box not changed. Shower of rain and sleet about. 19 30™, and earth currents in telegraph cable all afternoon, Lunar halo seen at 23. April 12.—Lunar halo seen at 1%. April 15,—Thermometer box shifted at 4"20™. Height. above snow not altered. Double lunar corona seen at midnight. April 16.—Lunar halo seen at 2», April 18.—Thermometer box shifted at 155 23”. Height not altered, April 19,—Lunar halo seen at 25 and Solar halo at 14%, April 26.—Thermometer box shifted at 20 10™. Height above snow not altered. April 28.—Aurora seen at 24, a single faint arch, no streamers. Solar halo seen at 16%. April 29.—Mist most of the day, but at 105, 19" and 205 it only just reached the level of Ben Nevis filling the valleys and passing over the summit. May 1.—The fog on summit sank just below the level of hill top in the evening. At 18" and 19" fog was passing, but at 20" it was all below, hiding all the other hills, and the temperature rose nearly 5°, At midnight the fog was passing over summit occasionally again and tem- perature fell 6°. Solar halo seen at 184 and 19¥ on cir.-str. May 5.—Thermometer box shifted at 94 10™. Height above snow not altered. Summit clear, but fog on hills below and sky half covered with cirrus and cir.-cum. at 9, 104 and 114. Solar halo seen at 102. May 9.—Solar halo seen at 85, Thermometer box shifted at 10 10™. Height above snow not altered. Some glories were seen at 19%. May 12.—Thermometer box shifted at 105 10”. Height not altered. May 13.—Thermometer box shifted at 45 12™. above snow not altered. Earth shadow seen at 4}. May 16.—Thermometer box shifted at 122 10™, Height above snow not altered. At 16% top cleared, but fog lay over hills at 4000 feet till 195, after which it broke into detached masses, and by 225 was risen up as cumulus. Height 188 May 17.— Fog lay among the hills to N. till 8" after which there was little or no fog among the hills, and the air to W. was very clear, the outer Hebrides being clearly seen. The N. horizon was red all night. At 16" the wet bulb was dry and the value for that hour was interpolated. May 18.—Dry and wet bulbs shifted at 3" 8™. Box not shifted. The shadow of Ben Nevis was clearly seen after suurise at 4". Fog lay in the valleys to N. till 8» after which it broke up. Some cir.-s, and cum. near horizon all day, but at 19" fog came on summit suddenly. May 22.—Earth shadow and Ben shadow well seen at sunrise. At 5 some glories seen in passing fog on summit. Fog lay on Rannoch Moor at 3" and 4", and light fog was blowing over the summit from 5" to 10"; after that haze, rising higher than the summit, surrounded the hill, May 24.—Cirrus and cir.-str. gradually overspread sky from the North. Solar halo seen at all hours from 6" to 17%. Considerable haze all day. Wet bulb dry at 152, and value in daily sheet interpolated. May 25.—Solar halo seen at 11%. clear in afternoon there was no fog below. When top was May 27.—Thermometer box shifted at 7°10". Height above snow not altered. May 29.—Thermometer box shifted at 0*15™. Height above snow not altered. Fog on or passing. almost all day. St Elmo’s Fire heard and felt at 14, and just before 14* hail came on, but it changed to small hard snow, not like the ordinary St Elmo snow. May 30.—St Elmo’s Fire heard and felt at 15%. It appeared to be stronger than yesterday, but on neither occasion was there any strong current in telegraph cable. Heavy shower of ordinary snow after 15", May 31.—At 16" there was a fall of conical snow like St Elmo’s snow but no sounds were heard, so the dis- charges if present must have been faint. June 2.—Two ravens seen at 64. June 6.—Solar halo seen from 5} to 9%. June 7.—Masses of fog lay among the hills and oc- casionally covered Ben Nevis also till 94, after which it rose forming cumulus clouds and leaving the air clear below. As the clouds sank again towards evening a slight shower of rain fell about 18", but no measurable quantity was got in gauge. At 23" a bank of fog at about 4000 feet height filled the valley to N. A mouse was seen at the observatory doorway at 11}, June 13.—Summit cleared about 1% by mist sinking down and dispersing, It lay in detached. masses among the hills most of the day and from 14 to 17 cum.-fog rose up the S.W. side of Ben Nevis in great masses. After 18" fog lay over the Atlantic and the Western hills about as far as the head of LochShiel.. It seemed to be at about 3000 feet height. Cirrus gathered to West and N.W. after 214. Air very clear all day, no haze. June 14.—Great masses of stratus fog lay among the hills at about 3000 feet till 8, after which they rose slightly and the clouds that had gradually formed over- head sank down and mingled with them. Mist in Ben Nevis almost continuously from 9" onwards, but there was no fall of temperature when it came on. June 15.—Yhermometer box lowered one stage on ladder stand No. 2 at OF 5™, June 18.—Strong display of St Elmo’s Fire at 2%. It was too light to see anything but the hissing noise was BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY.—LOG-BOOK. [1894. very loud especially from the objects on the tower. Ordinary snow was falling heavily at the time. June 21.—Detached fog gathered among the hills in early morning, first seen far N., gradually increasing till at 5 it lay as stratus fog over Loch Laggan and Moor of Rannoch. It took a more cumulus form as the day went on, and from 8" onwards the summit was mostly in fog. Hoar frost on roof in morning. Solar corona seen at 7". At 14" the summit was clear for a short time and there was no fog below. June 25.—Summit clear till 3". No fog below at 14 and 2 but detached patches among hills at 3". Sunrise colours very brilliant at 22 and 35, June 26,—Thermometer box lowered one stage on ladder stand No, 2 at 02 5™, June 28.—Sky cloudless after 11"; fog lay on the surrounding hills, and passed over the summit all forenoon, after which it disappeared but haze remained in the valleys, especially to the S.W. At 19" the haze to W. appeared to lift and the Outer Hebrides were seen. A halo was seen shortly before 10", ‘Thermometer box was lowered one stage on the ladder after the midnight reading. June 30,—Thick haze all day and sky cloudless or nearly so: the haze extended to between 20 and 30 degrees above the horizon. Only very thin detached patches of low lying stratus fog were seen to the N. and E. in the early morning and these disappeared soon after sun- rise. The sun rose behind haze at 3" 20™. Air very dry all day. July 4,—The snow has disappeared from about the gauge but there are still large patches of snow to the East and West of the observatory. The hourly readings of the dry and wet bulb in the summer box were entered in the daily sheets, and the readings in the small box discontinued. July 6.—Heavy rain began to fall after 15 and lightning followed by thunder was first observed about 175 15™, The storm continued till about 19" 30™. Earth currents were first noticed in the telegraph cable at 165 and the instrument clicked all through the storm. The mist frequently lifted from off the Ben during its progress but never for any length of time, showing thick cumulus-fog clinging to the hill-sides all round. July 7.—At 14" 52™ peals of thunder were heard to the S.W. and some faint earth currents were noticed in the telegraph instrument. A thunder cloud was observed stretching from §.W. to N.W., having cirrus trailing out behind. St Elmo’s Fire was heard at 16" 20™ and was particularly loud during a sharp fall of hail which lasted but two or three minutes. No flashes were seen. July 15.,—The sky was only slightly cloudy from 4" to 14" but fog lay all round to about our level and frequently passed over the Ben. A triple fog-bow was seen about mid-day and again at 19" 30™. Some fine glories were seen in the evening, one surrounding the shadow of the tower had five series of rings at 205. July 21.—The top cleared at 15; bright luminous rays, like auroral streamers, reaching an altitude of between 50 and 60 degrees, were seen to N. and N.E. No arch could be seen but this was probably owing to the fog which lay up to our level and was passing frequently over the summit. St Elmo’s Fire was heard, hissing strongly at 1894. | 13 and again at 17%. 19™ and at 175 30™. between 17» and 18. July 24.—A lunar corona was seen at 2" and a lunar halo at midnight. July 26.—A click was heard on the telegraph instru- ment at 5" 2™ and rather weak earth currents were in the cable all day. July 31.—Solar halos were seen at 10" and 11}, and a glory surrounded the shadow of the tower projected on fog at 5), Aug. 15.—Several peals of thunder were heard and a flash of lightning seen shortly before 13", A sharp click was heard on the telegraph instrument at 12"55™, evidently due to a flash passing down the cable, as the paraffined paper of the lightning-protector was pierced. A heavy fall of rain, hail and sleet occurred between 12" and 13}. Aug. 17.—A few clicks were heard on the telegraph instrument, indicating the presence of slight earth currents. Aug. 20.—There were strong earth currents in the telegraph cable all day. Aug. 21.—Detached stratus-fog lay among the hills at 1 and ice-crystals formed on the roof. Heavy showers of snow fell from 6" to 14 and some sleet in the evening. Aug. 22.—Lunar corone were seen this morning and a Solar corona, and glory round the shadow of the Tower were seen at sunrise on thin passing fog. The pink after- glow and green flash were seen at sunset to-day. Aug. 23.—Pink afterglow was observed at 20%. An aurora stretching from W.N.W. to N.N.E. was seen at midnight. It apparently consisted of two arches with short streamers, extending both upwards and downwards in the western part of the arch, but details could not be made out very well owing to the moonlight. Aug. 24.—The aurora was very faint at 1 but became more distinct at 24, the dark segment being then well defined but no streamers were seen; it was again very faint at 35. A fog-bow and glory were seen at 64. The foreglow and afterglow were seen to-day. Dew lay on roof at 23" and midnight. Aug. 31.—Au aurora was seen at 23" and midnight. It consisted of a single arch with very short rays at its western part, darting both upwards and downwards; the dark segment was well-defined and the aurora arch stretched from N.W. by W. to N. by W. Sept. 1.—The aurora continued to be seen till 2" when it was reduced to a small luminous patch to N.N.W. An aurora was again seen at 23" and midnight. Sept. 2.—The aurora continued visible till 3%. It had streamers reaching 30° upwards at 1* and was then brighter than at midnight. Very faint aurora from 22 till midnight. Sept. 14.—Some difficulty was experienced in sending off the report to-night, owing to the presence of strong earth currents in the cable, which continued from 21? till after midnight. Sept. 15.—Solar fog-bow and glories at 165 and lunar corona at 235, A “redpoll” was seen on a ledge of rock beside the bucket-stage this afternoon, and a covey of five grouse above Buchan’s Well, on the afternoon of the 7th. Sept. 27.—The air was very clear to-day, the Outer Hebrides and Ireland being seen. An aurora was first Thunder peals were heard at 17" Lightning flashes were seen to S.E. BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. LOG-BOOK. 189! seen at 22) but was then very faint, at 234 it had become brighter stretching from almost due W. to N.N.E. It was brightest in its N.W. portion and had streamers there about 50 degrees upwards but was very faint elsewhere ; it had become a luminous band with no definite arch at midnight. Bands of cirro-stratus lay at N. and W. horizon. Sept. 28.—The aurora continued visible till 45, At 1» it extended from W. by N. to N.E. by N. but had decreased in extent by 34, stretching then from W.N.W. to N. No streamers. The foreglow was seen before sunrise. Sept. 30.—A very faint aurora was seen from 205 till midnight. Oct, 2.—Aurora with single arch and short streamers at times was seen from 21" to midnight. Oct. 4.—Sky cloudless and haze in valleys all day, Temperature very high (47 to 56) and air very dry all day. Humidity 27 to 38. An aurora was first seen very faintly at 205; at 21" it stretched from N.E by N. and had streamers about 35 degrees upwards at 225, The rest of the night it was very faint. Oct. 5.—Sky cloudless and stratus-fog below all day. It rose towards night and was on or passing as mist from 20", There wasa fall in temperature of 10 degrees (47° to 37°) at 20" when the mist came on. ‘he aurora again became very active with streamers (short) at 14 and 25 when it extended from N.W. to N. but was very faint at 35 and 42, Oct. 11.—A lunar halo at 19 and lunar corona at 204. Oct. 16.—Lunar corona seen at 5". Double solar fog- bows at 84 and 9" and a lunar fog-bow at 202. Oct. 17.—Solar fog-bow seen at 10%. Oct. 18.—At 1" 20™ asmall thermometer box was put out on ladder stand No. 1 as the louvres of the large box were getting choked with hard ice. The small box readings were entered on daily sheet from 2" onwards. Oct. 23.—Very strong wind at night. Tower screen in use ; no correction applied to it as it read almost the same as the Stevenson—not over 0°:2 of difference—at such hours as double readings were taken. Oct. 24.—Tower thermometer used at 1" and 2}. Oct. 26.—-Aurora seen at 1". Thermometer box shifted at 62 15™. Height not altered, Oct. 27.—Faint aurora seen at 194, Oct. 30.—Thermometer box shifted at 4" 20™. Position not altered. Aurora, single arch, seen from 21" onwards. Also seen at 52, 84 and 95. In the afternoon a weasel was seen near Observatory. Oct. 31,—Aurora continued visible but always getting fainter till 3. Nov. 4.—At 5" a mouse was seen in front of house near kitchen window. Nov. 8.—At 135 St Elmo’s Fire was heard as a hissing noise on all posts, chimneys, ete, Nov. 12.—Thermometer box shifted at 152 25™, The fresh one was put on ladder stand No. 2 instead of No. 1 as formerly. Height above snow of old box 39 inches, of fresh box 51 inches. Nov. 13.—Heavy hail and snow fell from 21" to 234, and at the same time there were strong earth currents in telegraph cable. Thermometer box shifted at 4% 15™, 190 Height not altered. Severe southerly gale in evening with great drift. Tower screen in use from 18" to 21%. Nov. 14.—At 23 48™ strong earth current in telegraph cable, one heavy click, At same time thunder and light- ning were observed at Low Level Observatory—none here. Nov. 15.—At 24, 34, 54, 62, 74 and 8, tower screen was used. Faint earth current in telegraph cable at 32 22™, St Elmo’s Fire was heard at 11 and again at 135 45™, Nov. 19.—Thermometer box shifted at 318". Height above snow not altered. Nov. 23.—Aurora seen after top cleared at 20". Single arch with no streamers and very dark space below. Variable in brightness at different hours. Thermometer box shifted at 23" 15™. Height above snow not altered. Nov. 24.—Aurora continued visible faintly till 3" and was again seen at 19>, - Nov. 26.—Fog lay on hills to S. and E. till 4", after which it rose and covered Ben Nevis also till 7"; it then sank and lay as a thin layer of loose cum.-fog on all the hill tops round for the rest of the day, the sky above being cloudless. At 1" the dry and wet bulb read 30°-9 and 27°-1, yet within 3 minutes after they were read a wave of fog blew over the hill. Faint aurora seen at 23 and midnight. Nov. 30.—After 10" the fog sank below the summit and lay over the hills round at about 4000 feet all day. Air very dry on summit all afternoon. Dec. 1.—Fog lay among the hills at from 3000 to 3500 feet till 84, after which it rose, and by 10" was blowing across the summit. A faint aurora was seen at 23}. Dec. 2.—¥og lay on the hills at 4000 feet in early morning, gradually sank down in the course of the day, and by the evening was lying as haze and low fog in the valleys. The Ben shadow and earth shadow were well seen at sunset, Dec. 3.—At 3 it was seen that fog lay over Loch Lochy, along Caledonian Canal valleys and on Lochiel. The shadow of Ben Nevis and earth shadow were well seen at sunset. Dec. 4.—Thick haze mingled with patches of low-lying fog in the valleys all day. It lay thickest over the Lochs and on the Moor of Rannoch. BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY.—LOG-BOOK. [1894. Dec. 5.—At 1" clouds were noticed above N.E. horizon}, the first for some time. Haze and fog lay in the valleys till 5%, after which they rose, and there was thick fog on summit all the rest of the day. About 165 30™ a weasel was seen at scullery window yellowish white in colour with black tip to tail. Dec, 8.—Thermometer box shifted at 8" 20™. Height. above snow not altered. At 94a rainbow was seen, and at 14 some badly defined glories. A lunar halo was seen at 194 and 22 and a lunar corona at 234. Dec. 11.—Thermometer box shifted at 23513". Height above snow not altered. Dec. 12.—A lunar halo, faint and badly defined, was. seen at 34, Dec. 15.— Thermometer box shifted at 16"18™. Height above snow not altered. At 23" and midnight fine needle- shaped crystals of snow were falling. Dec, 16.—Thermometer box shifted at 13"10™. Height above snow not altered. A faint solar halo was seen at 135 and 14"; no colour in it. Dec, 19.—Thermometer box shifted at 12" 20™. Height. above snow not altered. Dec, 20.—Thermometer box shifted at 11515™, Put. one stage higher on stand. At 11" the fog sank down leaving sky clear and lay on hills at 4000 feet or more till 154 after which it rose over Ben Nevis also and turned to wet mist at night. Some glories seen at 14%. Dec. 22.—The tower screen was used at 44, 0°-4 being added to its readings that being the difference between the Stevenson and tower thermometers at 35 and at 54, Dec. 24.—All day the summit seemed to be near the top of the mist, and when it did sink below the top it covered all the hills round. W. Stewart who came up the hill with mails reported that he got into the mist at about 700 feet, and that it was continuous all the way above that. Dec. 27.—Thermometer box shifted at 19" 15™, Height. above snow not altered. Dec. 31.—Thermometer box shifted at 15" 25™. Height above snow not altered. 1894. ] BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY.—INSTRUMENTS, ETC, et INSTRUMENTS, ETC, 1894, Barometer No. 1385 has been in use throughout the year ; No. 1285 being kept as a reserve instrument, a few comparison readings were taken in May. Thermometers. Dry Bulbs 192677 and 535541, with Wet Bulbs 192672 and 535542, were in regular use. Dry 861089 and wet 861090 were also occasionally used in the beginning of the year. From July 4th 1° to Oct. 18th 1" inclusive, the large Stevenson screen was in use; for the rest of the year the small screens on ladder stands. The tower screen was also occasionally used. Max. 117293 and min. 116918 were used in the large screen. Mins. 138533 and 138545 in the small screens. Black Bulb 186 was in use during the summer. The sunshine recorder has been in use throughout. The anemometers have not been in working order. The driving clock is still used as the standard clock in the office. Various forms of 5-inch rain-gauges have been ex- perimented with during the year. The rainband has been observed every afternoon with the small spectroscope. The Richard’s barograph has been in regular use since January 15 when the clock was returned after cleaning. The photographic camera has been at the Low Level Observatory all the year. The depth of snow was measured as usual at post A. till Dec. 22 when the post was broken by a squall. On Dec. 23 a temporary post was erected a little to the south of A. at which the depth has since been taken. Occasional readings have been taken with the Dust- counter in Tower. The rainfall records are broken by the gauge being not out sometimes in high winds and drift, otherwise the records are continuous except that the tower screen readings have been used once or twice in strong winds instead of the Stevenson. The observations have been occasionally a few minutes late. Mr A. J. Herbertson’s hygrometrical apparatus consisting of Balance, Aspirators, Drying tubes, etc., has been at the Observatory all the year. Mr T. Marr continued the work with them in September, and again in December. The telegraph cable has worked fairly well throughout the year. The staff of the Observatory consists of R. T. Omond, A. Rankin, J. Miller and R. Macdougall. Up to July 20 Sam. Weir and after October 12 T, Kay were also members of the staff. MrC. M. Stewart was in charge of the Obser- vatory from June 30 to October 12. Messrs Russel and Wilson also acted as observers for a time and G. Day and W. Stewart as cook, etc. R. Macdougall acted as telegraph clerk in summer. The only change in the routine observations is that since June 19 a record has been kept of the visibility on the following scale :— Summit only seen . Hills across Glen Nevis, Aonach More, ete. Glencoe Hills Monagh Lea Hills, ete. Mull, Cairngorms, Ben Cruachen, or Schie- hallion ; Jura, Rum or Skye. : Treland or Outer Hebrides oe © Sun OO 192 | | BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 20 BAROMETER. REDUCED TO 32°. 4407 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL. JANUARY 1895. | | | 2 3 4 5 | 6 7 8 9 UG) |) sti |) a |) By ME SIS a) aye | tS] a) | Bo) i 2 ee as Mid- 1 night. Mean, Ins. Ins. S. Ins. | In .| Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. |) 5°329| 5°341) 5°344) 5°350| 5-351] 5°348] 5°359] 5°362) 5°375] 5-385] 5°381| 5:371) 5:356] 5°351] 5°361) 5°34) 5:323] 5°312! 5-294] 5-258) 5-222) 5-203) 5:195) 5-164 | 5-320 | 5°155) 5°155) 5°160) 5152) 5-139) 5-114] 5-095) 5-056) 5:010) 5-024] 5:024| 4-988} 4-976] 4:969] 4-950) 4-947) 4:935| 4-920] 4-910) 4:911] 4°910] 4-911) 4910} 4-907 | 5-010) 4*897| 4-900) 4909} 4:914) 4-915] 4-925] 4°964) 4-994] 5-015] 5-023] 5-085) 51241 5-144] 5°166] 5194] 5:202) 5-225) 5-237) 5°282 5:301| 5°343) 5°350) 5°379| 5°352 | 5- 118] 5°397| 5°392| 5°391| 5-439] 5-445] 5:447| 5°481| 5-497] 5°514| 53513] 5°528] 5-524 5-528) 5-530) 5°534] 5°531| 5°36] 5°546) 5°546 5-552] 5:548) 5°548] 5538) 5-530 1 5-501 | 5°522! 5°513) 5-497] 5-492) 5-476] 5:465] 5:447) 5:435| 5:433] 5-418) 5-402] 5383] 5:368] 5°358] 5°354] 5°349] 5:352] 5°343) 5°345' 5:340| 5-330} 5°318) 5-309) 5292 | 5-398 5°270| 5°258) 5°253] 5-235) 5-219] 5-207] 5188} 5°167| 5164] 5-149] 5°137] 5-133) 5:113) 5-096) 5-110] 5121] 5-110) 5°118] 5°117| 5-098) 5-084) 5-074) 5-065) 5-076 | 5° 5°074| 5°110) 5°178) 5:156} 5°143} 5-103) 5:141) 5°208) 5°235) 5: 53241 5°326) 5°316| 5°358) 5:344! 5:324! 5:317| 5°323) 5336) 5°320| 5:353) 5°351) 5°379 5°370| 5°377| 5°373] 5:362| 5°355] 5°349] 5:346| 5°351| 5'347| 5°344] 5:332| 5:324] 5:314] 5:306] 5-301) 5°02) 5:291| 5-283) 5:285| 5-283) 5-277] 5:271| 5°268) 5-264 5°252| 5253) 5°251] 5:247| 5-231] 5-231] 5:238) 5:242! 5-250) 5-248] 5-252! 5-247] 5-240] 5-237] 5°243) 5:243) 5°242] 5-249) 5-246) 5:252) 5:246) 5-249) 5-249) 5-251 5°248] 5:242) 5-230) 5-224) 5-216] 5-203] 5-206) 5:206| 5-208] 5:208| 5-207] 5-200] 5°182] 5:165) 5°156] 5-161) 5°152] 5150) 5°140, 5:137| 5:131) 5115) 5-113) 5:103 11 | 5°100} 5-099) 5-095) 5-091) 5-072) 5-055] 5-062) 5:053) 5:057| 5-059] 5-031] 5-021] 4-995] 4-976] 4-984] 4-981) 4-968] 4-959] 4-951) 4:935) 4-965) 4°931) 4°934) 4-918 12 | 4*918} 4-903} 4*895] 4°883) 4-869] 4-835] 4:808| 4°797| 4°781| 4-755] 4-718) 4-710] 4-715] 4:676) 4-635] 4645) 4°647| 4°669| 4-679) 4-685) 4°659) 4-696) 4°691) 4-640 | 4- 18 | 4630] 4°624) 4°582) 4-547| 4°647| 4-603] 4°610) 4°541) 4-544] 4-552) 4-458] 4-496] 4-450) 4-348] 4-344] 4339) 4332] 4-451| 4-433 4-483) 4-490) 4°501| 4-492) 4-495 14 | 4495] 4-469) 4-497] 4°502| 4-470) 4-463] 4-451] 4-430) 4-452) 4-411] 4-440] 4-439] 4-474] 4:520] 4-486] 4511) 4-452] 4-502) 4522, 4°521) 4:560) 4°72) 4°554) 4-589 15 | 4580} 4°571| 4°598| 4°591) 4°607| 4-591) 4606] 4°623] 4-628) 4-630] 4-644] 4-634] 4-628] 4-627] 4-628] 4-626) 4°624| 4°620| 4°620 4-623) 4°623) 4-621) 4°619) 4-614 16 | 4°608) 4°599) 4°590) 4-580) 4°567| 4-562] 4:560) 4-561] 4°565) 4-566] 4:554) 4:547] 4-536] 4-529] 4°521] 4-514) 4°15) 4:508| 4:507) 4509) 4506) 4°510) 4511) 4-509 17__| 4°505] 4°505) 4°503) 4°501) 4-496] 4-494] 4-496] 4-512] 4-525] 4-533] 4-536] 4-536] 4:531) 5°528) 4°542] 4-549] 4:560] 4-565] 4°573) 4°588) 4°597| 4-613) 4°632) 4-651 18 | 4°652| 4-668) 4-684] 4°688) 4-702] 4-713} 4-737) 4-769] 4°795] 4-817] 4-840] 4-860} 4-881] 4-901] 4931] 4-953) 4-976] 4-997] 5-020) 5-048) 5-073) 5094) 5111) 5-122 19 | 5135] 5°148} 5°160) 5:164) 5-171| 5°176| 5°182) 5-197| 5-210] 5-222) 5-228] 5-225) 5-220) 5-214] 5:207| 5198) 5-207] 5208) 5-208) 5-212) 5:210/ 5207] 5°194) 5-190 } 5 20 | 5°189| 5189) 5-178) 5°165) 5:179| 5164] 5-170) 5-176] 5°180| 5-195] 5-198) 5°191] 5184] 5-171] 5173] 5-184) 5°178] 5°176) 5°185) 5:217) 5-219] 5221) 5:224) 5-210 21 | 5206] 5"184) 5°195) 5-232) 5-229) 5-260} 5-295) 5-295] 5321] 5-322) 5-342) 5-372) 5:388| 5°381| 5394] 5-403) 5-406] 5382] 5:393) 5:378) 5:358] 5332) 5:326) 5-298 22 | 5'253] 5214) 5-187] 5°178) 5°184) 5°174) 5-147| 5-201) 5-227] 5-169] 5-213] 5-177] 5°192) 5°186] 5190] 5196] 5°186) 5:178} 5°154| 5148) 5-112) 5112) 5-081) 5-066 23 | 5:062| 5-038) 5-049] 5-039} 4-993) 5-026] 5-053} 5-086] 5-100] 5°118) 5°130| 5°136] 5-132] 5°138) 5°147| 5-147] 5-136] 5-126] 5°106) 5-086) 5°041) 4-984) 4°919| 4-852 24 | 4°811| 4°742) 4°665} 4-616] 4596] 4°560| 4-532) 4-498] 4-492] 4-491] 4-496) 4-516} 4-542] 4-570] 4-612) 4:634 4-649] 4°725] 4°729 4-753) 4-$35] 4879) 4°907| 4-928 25 | 4:939| 4-947) 4-933] 4-937] 4-943) 4-927] 4-917) 4-917] 4-932] 4-933] 4-933] 4-930] 4-926] 4-930] 4-965] 4-965) 4-975] 4-986] 5:005) 5:023] 5-037] 5-053) 5°058) 5-068 26 | 5:062| 5-073} 5073) 5-063) 5-041] 5-038] 5-037| 5-034] 5-034) 5:028| 5-017] 5-009} 4-975] 4-961] 4-935] 4-909) 4-912] 4-909] 4-895] 4°889] 4°872) 4°866) 4°861) 4°831 27 | 4°820| 4°856] 4-887] 4-911) 4-946) 4-965] 4-980) 5-012] 5044} 5-068) 5-086] 5-091] 5-104) 5°127| 5°184) 5-158) 5-161] 5°175] 5°193] 5205) 5-208) 5-220) 5:23) 5-243 28 | 5°248) 5-262) 5-276] 5:288) 5:289) 5-293) 5-305 5-342! 5°375| 5393) 5-403) 5°406) 5-407] 5-405) 5°410| 5°426) 5-428] 5:428, 5-428, 5-428! 5-416) 5°402! 5°382| 5-360 29 | 5°358) 5°356| 5358] 5°31) 5°354| 5°367| 5-381) 5-399] 5*422| 5-443) 5-474) 5-487] 5-503} 5°532| 5°552) 5:578) 5°599| 5°619 5-652) 5*660| 5°672) 5°694) 5°71) 5-716 10 | 30 | 5°727) 5-750) 5-776} 5:791| 5-791] 5*795) 5°817| 5°835) 5:854) 5:869) 5-874] 58741 5-878] 5-905] 5-906 5913 5924 5920 5920 5'924| 5924) 5°92) 5914) 5-909 | 5-863 31 | 5:906| 5°895) 5°885| 5-881! 5°870] 5-858) 5-846) 5°836] 5-824) 5*793! 5-786) 5-760] 5°737| 5°730) 5°694] 5°681| 5-673] 5°672) 5664) 5°656] 5°652| 5-642) 5°636) 5°630 | 5759 | Mean] 5:088) 5:086| 5-086] 5-083) 5-081] 5-075) 5:079) 5-085) 5-094] 5-095 5:098] 5-098} 5« ve 5*092| 5:095| 5-099) 5:098] 5105. 5-107) 5111) 5111] 5-112) 5°108) 5°102 7 5: 095 | 1 | Ins. | Lus. i SCOOND O1h WHF BAROMETER. REDUCED TO 32°. 4407 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL. FEBRUARY 1895. I nS, 5 Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins, Ins, Ins. | Ins. | tus. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. 5°611| 5°624) 5°622) 5°614| 5°601| 5586) 5°578) 5°582) 5-586) 5-599] 5°601! 5-593) 5°598) 5-601) 5598) 5:601| 5°603) 5°602) 5:597| 5°590) 5°588) 5578) 5°568) 5°559 5°48) 5°516) 5°504) 5°482) 5°469| 5-455) 5°437| 5-423) 5:434) 5-434] 5-440) 5-419] 5-401) 5-400) 5408) 5°409] 5°414) 5-486) 5°424) 5-434) 5:449) 5:450) 5444) 5-464 5*484| 5°507| 5°490) 5-494) 5°495) 5:507| 5°522| 5-525) 5-542] 5°548] 5°550| 5:545] 5°551| 5-562] 5°558) 5:568) 5:575| 5°590} 5°595| 5:595| 5:602} 5-613} 5°620| 5-630 5°638] 5°639| 5°634) 5°631) 5°627| 5°627| 5°617] 5°615| 5°606| 5-612) 5°617| 5°622] 5°625| 5:632! 5-633) 5:610| 5°615] 5°620) 5°617| 5°640) 5°646) 5:647| 5°637| 5°620 5° 2 5 : 5 2 5 5 | 5°602) 5590) 5°76) 5°60) 4°42) 5541) 5:520| 5°31) 5°33) 5523] 5517] 5-481) 5°470| 5-449] 5-417) 5-408] 5°383| 5-366) 5°347) 5328) 5-306] 5-290) 5-264) 5-236 15 6 | 5°201) 5°167) 5151) 5°127| 5°066) 5-028) 5-044) 5-024] 5-016] 5-008) 5-002/ 4-974] 4-948) 4-904| 4°874] 4-886) 4-923] 4-901] 4-921] 4-917) 4°934) 4-929) 4°961) 5-007 | 4 7 | 4-989) 5:017) 5015) 5-009) 5°006| 4-987) 4-996} 4-999} 5010] 4-985] 4-989} 4-998} 5-020) 5-045) 5-059] 5-063) 5-068) 5-069) 5°088) 5*107/ 5°120) 5°124) 5*156) 9°169 15 8 | 5°74) 5-187) 5-197) 5201) 5°206) 5-212) 5-223} 5-234 5-237 5°250| 5+259) 5-271) 5:277| 5:233| 5-285) 5-291] 5-294] 5-297| 5°300| 5:306) 5°312) 5°313) 5°321) 5°320 | 5-2 9 | 5°325] 5-324) 5320) 5°32) 5°323) 5322) 5823) 5:330| 5°332| 5°335| 5°341) 5-339) 5330) 5:326| 5-320) 5313) 5300) 5-299] 5°300| 5-291) 5-281) 5-263) 5°255) 5-208 158 10 | 5°250) 5°232) 5°22) 5-214) 5-204] 5-196] 5°193| 5-195) 5193) 5-189) 5°186) 5-187] 5°17) 5-161] 5°151| 5°139) 5°142) 5-143) 5-153) 5-144) 5°147/ 5151) 5°150) 5-150] 51 AL | 5°148) 5°147| 5°142) 5°138) 5136) 5-137) 5°180| 5-145] 5151) 5159, 5-162) 5-166] 5-160| 5-157) 5156] 5°152) 5°158) 5-184) 5168) 5°170) 5-181) 5190) 5193) 5-201 | oe 12 | 5°204) 5-201) 5*208} 5-211) 5218) 5-223) 5-240) 5-251) 5260 5270, 5:282! 5-294} 5-294] 5-294) 5-302) 5°302| 5°316) 5323) 5:324| 5°332) 5°335/ 5337) 5343) 5-345 | 5:2 13 | 5°342) 5°337) 5°330) 5322) 5329) 5322) 5-321) 5°319) 5330! 5335) 5°355 5°3621 5°366) 5361) 5369) 5-373 5373) 5°380| 5384) 5-383) 5°392| 5°391) 5892) 5-405 | 5-3 14 | 5°407| 5-410! 5:403) 5-406) 5-409] 5-403) 5-430) 5-442) 5441) 5446, 5460, 5-447) 5-468) 5-452| 5-453) 5-468) 5:500| 5-494] 5498] 5:495| 5-490) 5-512| 5°13) 5-576 | 5-4 15 | 5°568) 5°67) 5°570) 5°588) 5°585) 5594) 5°620| 5-622) 5°630| 5-661, 5-681) 5-693} 5-672) 5676) 5°676) 5°677| 5°674| 5-716) 5°722) 5-710) 5693 5-711) 5°725) 5-774 | 5°65 16 | 5°749) 5°768) 5°790| 5°802) 5*824) 5-812) 5-805] 5°833) 5°852| 5°831 5-855) 5-854] 5°879| 5°860) 5872) 5883) 5-888} 5-908) 5*915| 5-915) 5°915) 5°914) 5°916) 5-913 15 17 _| 5°918) 5°915) 5°900| 5°82) 5°878) 5-866) 5-865] 5:864| 5°860| 5-864 5-864) 4-857] 5°84 5-830) 5°27) 5811] 5-810] 5°813) 5°807| 5-797 | 5°787| 5-779) 5-771) 5°72 15 18 | 5°73) 5°760) 9°754) 5°747) 5°747) 5°742| 5737] 5738] 5°736| 5°729) 5-730, 5:728) 5-724] 5°720| 5°717| 5°717) 5714) 5-718] 5°712| 5*703) 5701) 5°699) 5°70) 5°705 | 5: 19 | 5°701) 5°701| 5°700| 5°697| 5695) 5-695) 5-697] 5°702| 5°706] 5°710) 5°71.9 5-712) 5-710} 5-709| 5-704) 5-700) 5°707| 5-710) 5°715| 5°7 10) 5707) 5°704| 5-705) 5-706 | 5 20 | 5°703) 5°700) 5°695) 5°69) 5°691) 5-690) 5°687| 5-694) 5-704) 5°702, 5712) 5°71] 5-710) 5-704) 5*698), 5*707| 5-706] 5°722| 5°732) 5°734) 5°731) 5*726| 5°727) 5-728 | 57 21 | 5°721) 5°707| 5°709) 5°700) 5701) 5*691) 5°689| 5°697| 5°704] 5-705, 5-708) 5-717] 5-711) 5-706] 5-696) 5683) 5-693) 5°697| 5°699| 5°698| 5°701) 5°697/ 5°703) 5-705 |b 22 | 5°701! 5°699| 5°688! 5°694) 5°690) 5-696) 5°701| 5°715| 5°710| 5°716) 5*725, 5-726) 5°727| 5°725) 5°730| 5°725) 5*728| 5°732| 5-735] 5-731] 5°733) 5°720/ 5710) 5-705 1 5 23 | 5693 5°690| 5671) 5 5°610} 5:595) 5°85] 5°75) 5°562) 5°48] 5-536) 5-513) 5:510| 5°502| 5-483) 5-482) 5-479) 5-462) 5°454) 5-415) 5399) 5°371 1 5 24 | 5°315| 5-260) 5-213) 5 2| 5175] 5°196] 5°223| 5-246) 5°279 5-315} 5-280) 5-293) 5°302) 5°314| 5-334) 5-342) 5°58) 5°371| 5°357) 6°365) 5:34) 9°347 | 5 25 | 5°355) 5°371) 5°364) 5 5°397| 5°409| 5°430) 5°435) 5-441) 5450) 5-441| 5-429) 5-424) 5-425) 5-425! 5-427] 5-4121 5:397) 5°386| 5°385] 5364) 5387 8 be 26 | 5322 5-308) 5:204) 5 3) 5205} 5176) 5°164) 5°146| 5°129| 5-145] 5143) 5-138) 5-129) 5°143) 5151) 5-152) 5170] 5°166] 5°168) 5178) 5177| 5-168 |b 27 | 5°185) 5°192) 5°190) 5°191/ 5°18 5°201) 5°196) 5°199) 5°223) 5*226] 5-230} 5:226) 5°233) 5:237| 6242] 5°255) 5-251] 5:24) 5-254) 5-255) 5:260) 5-267) 5-265 | 5 28 | 5261 5-254) 5-241 5:280) 5:224) 5-220) 5:210) 5:207) 5201) 5-201) 5+189) 5*173] 5:172| 5-147| 5-122) 5°105| 5*056) 5-034) 4-974) 4-956) 4°949| 4924) 4°926) 4-928 15 Mran| 5'460 5°457) 5°450) 5443 5-438) 5-434) 5°435] 5438) 5°442| 5-444) 5-449) 5-448] 5-445) 5-440) 5-437| 5-436) 5-438) 5-442) 5-442) 5-441) 5-440) 5-438) 5-438) 5-442) 5 . | Ins. 0°412 0:273 0:207 0°365 0°365 9°931 9°797 9-932 0-093 9-995 BAROMETER. Ins. 0:409 0°253 0-207 0°357 0°355 9:921 9°792 9°933 0-087 9°981 | -879]|[9:879]|(9°874] 932 9-936 0-072 0-112 0°428 0°607 0°676 0°483 0 | 0-401 canl 0-196 fs) ! 0-431 0°435 0:405 0°392 9°865 0-081 9-976 9-863 9°887 0-189 9-939 0067 07104 0430 0°615 0-660 0:475 0°398 0430 0-429 0-396 0°364 9°826 0-080 9-950 9°857 9°871 4 dns. 0:072 9°785 9°585 0:202 0°220 9°883 9°S04 0-094 9°971 9915 9-772 9°570 0°253 9-030 9101 9°082 8°981 9-231 9°770 9°814 9°972 9°795 9691 9166 9°625 9°766 9-614 0-089 0-034 0-590 0°722 9°750 Ins. 0°390 0°240 0°209 0°357 0°36] 9-895 9:805 9:943 0-092 9-974 [9'874] 9:944 0-057 0-118 0430 0°617 0°642 0-472 0°396 0°438 0422 0°395 0349 9°812 0084 9-905 9-858 9-864 0-181 | 0°17 5 Ins. 0-064 9°765 9°546 0-215 07191 9°865 9:943 0-084 9-951 9-903 9°762 9°534 9-231 9°016 9-097 9-073 8981 9:245 9°79 9-809 9°995 9°799 9°698 9-128 9°631 9-760 9°630 0093 0°035 0-598 0°718 9°746 | Ins. 0°373 0-211 0-205 0-350 0°345 9869 9°807 9°957 0-089 9-964 [9-869] 9-948 0:055 0:125 0438 0°629 0630 0-465 0-390 0-435 0-419 0:°391 0°326 9-790 0:094 9°866 9°855 9°842 0°169 FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. REDUCED TO 32° AND SEA LEVEL. it 8 Ins. 0-081 9-661 9°634 0°256 0:108 9°819 0°010 0-090 9959 9-903 9-750 9*496 9212 8999 9:123 9069 9-010 9327 9°818 9°824 0071 9-851 9-784 9018 9-661 9°748 9-718 0154 0-081 Ins. 0:077 9-694 9-602 0-247 07131 9°835 0-000 0-087 9-954 9-902 9-744 9°494 9°213 8994 9-105 9:071 8-991 9:285 9-798 9°816 0°033 9°815 9-754 9-038 9647 9°750 9-678 07121 0:063 0°646 | 0°688 0:692 | 0°685 9-751 | 9°762 14 Ins. 0°022 9°576 9°841 0°303 7| 9°995 9-799 7| 0°107 0:040 9938 7| 9°855 9°687 9°428 9-034 9015 9144 9-027 2| 9:024 7\ 9°477 9°828 4| 9°842: 6] 0124 9°856 9°832 9-107 9°682 9°632 9°856 07191 0°232) 0°754 07560 9-768 BOS HOS s3 BROeHNI FOS DNOR & 682 AMIE HOM ASOKDH DH SCNMDOWO SALON I ORNDOOH EWOWO © Si “I 0°783 0:488 9: 777 18 Ins. 9-922 9-520 9:975 0°329 9-988 9857 0°134 0-023 9-940 9°841 9-643 9°358 9-102 9-047 9°133 8-991 9-068 9°57 | 9-824 9:890 O-112 9-814 9810 9-298 9°714 9-555 9-937 0°214 0°359 0°783 0°484 7| 9°782 FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. 193 JANUARY 1895. 19 Ins. 9°887 9-522 0:021 0°328 9983 9°843 07134 0019 9:944 9°831 9-657 9370 9-092 9:051 9-132 8-993 9-082 9°601 9°839 9-908) 0126 9°780) 9-769 9°361 9°734) 9-543 9:949 0:204 0-401 0°783 0°465 9°786 20 Ins. 9-834 9°522 0044 0°328 9:976 9°839 0°145 0:018 9:946 9°839 9°647 9°372 9-100 9-067 9-134 8-996 9100 9-627 9-826 9-911 0-102 9°756 9-740 9°415 9°744 9-537 9-966 0-190 0-421 0-779 0-450 9°781 21 22 Ins. 9-788 9°518 0:097 0°319) 9:959 9°798 0131 0:005 9-946) 9°831) 9:637 9°348 9056 |9:077 9-132 | 8-994. | 9134 9°676 9°821 9:922 0:064 9-696 9-612 9-499 9°750 9:497 9-990 0°160 0°479 0-773 07440 9°79 Ins. 9°793 9-526 0-060 0°323 9:977 9°825 0:129 0:013 9°946 9°833 9-641 9362 9-070 9-075 9°129 8993 9112 9°647 9-816 9910 0-092 9°724 9°676 9-449 9°746 9-520 9:977 0176 0-454 0-770 0°442 9-781 0°301 9°951 9:800 9-999 9-946 9°825 9°328 9-046 0:015 Mia- | night. Ins. 9-783 9°516 0:129 0-290 9-938 9°798 0127 9-998 9-946 9-806 9625 9°326 9:058 9-092 auth 8:995 9177 9-711 9-810 9-930 9-98] 9-664 9-428 9°544 9°768 9-453 0-022 0-091 0°490) 0°503 0°769) 0-761 0°434) 0:426 9°773) 9°768 Ins. 9°788 9518 07117 0:127 9°625 9:091 97126 8-993 9°144 9-691 $804 9-922 9-684) 9°520 9519 9°758 9-493 0:000 0126 REDUCED TO Ins. 0°355 07155 0:239 0°347 0:296 9°785 9°828 0-007 0-102 9938 [9°869] 9-992 0-065 07195 0-460 0:663 0598 0449 0°410 0-455 0°422 0-410 0264 9°91] 0-152 9-771 9°882 9°812 0173 Ins. 0°359 0:163 0°231 0°353 0°307 9°801 9°807 9399 Ins. 0°361 0-187 0-218 0357 0307 9°829 9-810 9-983 0-092 | 0-101 9-943 | 9-940 [9°857 ]|[ 9864] 9:972 | 9-988 0-051 | 0-055 0°159 | 0-191 0432 | 0°452 0:643 | 0°649 0-604 | 0-591 0°459 | 0-455 0°396 | 0:404 0:480 | 0°441 0-416 | 0-419 0-400 | 0:414 0°295 | 0-282 9-806 | 9°862 0-115 | 0°183 9-823 | 9-799 9-870 | 9°881 9-811 | 9°807 07165 Ins. 0°365 07196 0-211 0°351 0°329 9°835 9-806 9972 0:093 9°958 [9°862] 9-960 0-052 0°143 0°436 0°642 0618 0-457 0°394 0°429 0418 0°394 0°312 9°792 0101 9-836 9°867 9°824 0°166 0-170 ; TRANS. ROY. SOC. EDIN.—VOL. XLIil. 32° AND SEA LEVEL. Ins. 0°367 0°139 0°258 0°345 0:282 9°767 9°825 0-026 0°103 9939 (9°874] 0:008 0067 0°198 0-468 0-660 0°594 0:437 0-409 0-458 0*422 0-416 0-256 9-962 0-159 9°754 9-890 9-802 0174 Ins. 0°357 0134 0263 0°332) 0°261 9°747. 9°838 0°33 0104 9926 9°878 0:016 0:083 0-217 0°483 0°655 0°585 0°428 0°420 0°458 0°422 0°421 0:239 9-970 0°159 9°7438 9-897 9°791 0174 Ins. } Ins, | Ins. 0°359] 0°355] 0°354 0°126] 0°118) 0:110 0°267] 0°267} 0:271 0°330} 0°337] 0°357 0244] 0-208) 0:184 9°732] 9°710] 9°656 9°84§] 9°839] 9°824 0-039] 0-038) 0-035 0095} 0:081) 0-074 9-919} 9-908} 9885 9°877] 9°864) 9°861 0:021} 0-017) 0-015 0-087] 0:084) 0:079 0:239} 0:247] 0°253 0479} 0493) 0°501 0°658] 0°665) 0°653 0°585) 0°572) 0-563 0-425} 0°416] 0:409 0°391 0°432) 0-403 0°419 ("195 0:002) 0-002 | 0141 3) 9-754 9:892 9°720 0°158 | Tns. 0°343 0:102 0:279 0°355 0:154 9-639 9°808 0:030) 0064: 9:869 9-862 0-020 0:078 0:243 0°503 0°655 0°554 0°405 0°380 0°424 0°396 07418 0172 0-017 07136 9766 9-899 9°693 07152 FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. — Mean, FEBRUARY 1895. Ins. 0°347 07110 0-281 0°341 07133 9644 9°817 0-040 0°058 9-862 9°864 0:025 0:086 0:265 0°509 0°658 0540 0:397 0382 0°431 0°396 0°415 0:160 0°L26 07140 9°782 9-903 9-662 0153 Ins. 0°335 07120 0283 07344 07108 9-686 9°815 0:045 0:045 9-861 9°864 0-028 0-084 0-279 0°521 0°666 07536 0°386 0°388 0°435 0-402 0°417 07146 0:0384 07188 9-797 9-906 9°616 0158 Ins. 0°338 07132 0305 0°354 0:089 9°739 9:818 0:058 0046 9°868 9874 0-041 0094 0°305 0534 0°679 0°552 0-388 0-401 0°440 0-410 0°415 07138 0:050 07138 9°811 9-911 9567 07161 Ins. 0343 07142 0317 0°371 0:069 2-756 9°830 0:062 0:050 9868 9:878 0:051 0-085 0:319 0°553 0°685 0548 0°387 0-409 07443) 0-409 0°417 0:140 0:063 0:123 9823 9:903 9-540 07164 Ins. 0°345 0°148 0°3387 0392 0-045 9-769 9°848 0-070 [0-047] 9-867 9-882 0-060 0:086 0°357 0°567 0°690 0°532 0°383 0-412 0°450 0-412 0:425 0-120 0-068 07114 9-829 9°909 9514 0:167 Ins. 0:339 0177 0°347 0°394 0:007 9°791 9°882 0:077 0-024 9°878 9911 0:075 0:090 0°391 0°575 0°689 0°519 0°384 0418 0°444 0-407 07421 0:070 0:067 0:099 9°843 9-909 9°506 Ins. 0339. 07164 0°341 0°399 0:022 9°72 9°858 0:076 [0-029] [9°869] 9-896 0-068 0092 0°387 0569 0°688 0526 0°380 0-416 0-448 0:407 0-428 07101 0-061 07104 9-836 9-904 9-514 0°168 | 0:169 Ins. 0°321 07188 0°375 0°380 9965 9-804 9-912 0:092 0-024 9-874 9-928 0-083 07112 0-415 0-600 0-671 0-496 0°394 0-434 07444 0:410 0-405 9-994 0-073 0043 9-847 9-906 9-518 0°168 Ins. 0329 0180 0°365 0°385 9-986 9-802 9°884 0°084 0:016 9:877 9:913 0:079 0101 0°407 0°585 0:680 0-499 0°386 0°420 0°442 0-405 0-409 0-040 0:067 0:074 9°843 9-911 9°519 0:167 Ins. 0°359 0169 0:270 0°360 0:200 9-784 9829 0:018 0:071 9°916 9°877 0-009 0:078 0242 0494 0°655 0°579 0426 0-408 0°440 0-415 0°412 0216 9-961 0-117 9°828 9-889 2-713 0169 2B 194 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. BAROMETER. Repucep To 32°. 4407 reer ABOVE SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. MARCH 1895. ae Baal vec al [apace : ; 2 | 93 | Mid- | we. 1 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 WO) \paalal |} 2) |) als) aS alae Hay aly; wtsyon|, SUE 40) ie Pal pe eR) |) 2s} ene Mean. Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Tus. | Ins. | Ins. 1 | 4°937) 4:936) 4°929) 4-902) 4-912] 4-901] 4:892] 4-899} 4-920] 4-939] 4-951] 4-970] 4-983) 4-974] 4-994! 5-003) 5:018] 5-003) 5:046} 5-035] 5-058] 5-055) 5:067| 5-077 | 4-975 2 | 5-079) 5:084! 5-085) 5-077] 5-074] 5:072| 5-078] 5°083) 5-084] 5-082) 5-075] 5-067] 5-057] 5-041) 5038, 5-031) 5:042] 5-035) 5-020) 5-010} 5-003) 4°94) 4-978) 4-961 | 5-048 3 | 4°956) 4-943} 4°933) 4°940] 4°945] 4-958) 4-987] 5-009) 5:01) 5-027] 5-021) 5-045] 5-043} 5-043) 5:047 5-057) 5-070} 5-065] 5:078) 5 066] 5-116] 5:°133) 5170) 5-075 f 5 031 | 4 | 5184) 5-216) 5-223) 5-272! 5*284] 5-299) 5-309) 5°320! 5-327] 5-336] 5°338] 5-324] 5:320] 5-322! 5°317 5°308! 5:313| 5°317| 5°318) §:317| 5°314) 5°314) 5°311) 5-305 | 5300 | 5 | 5-292) 5-289] 5°275) 5260] 5°251) 5-245) 5:247| 5°248| 5-249) 5-239) 5-221) 5-214) 5-206] 5°190| 5°180 5°159| 5:150} 5°146} 5°146) 5-132) 5-117) 5:102/ 5-090} 5-070 | 5-196 | 6 | 5*046) 5:034) 5:014) 5-002) 4*985) 4-984] 4971) 4:964) 4-959] 4-954] 4-942) 4-926] 4-925] 4-916) 4°909| 4-920} 4:941] 4:970) 4-985] 5:004| 5:018) 5:029) 5°040) 5:049 | 4-979 7 | 5:062) 5-075) 5080) 5:086) 5-087} 5:095) 5-096) 5104) 5-097] 5098] 5-108} 5:100} 5-092 5-076] 5042 5-044) 5-033] 5:016) 5-020} 4-999) 4-996} 4-978) 4-960) 4:968 } 5-055 8 | 4°958) 4-951} 4:940} 4°944] 4-923) 4-916) 4-947] 4-927] 4-889] 4-926] 4-914] 4:899] 4-857] 4-888) 4-899] 4:884] 4-843] 4:873] 4-893] 4-889] 4:887| 4-915] 4°930) 4:937 | 4-910 9 | 4°938) 4-948] 4:948) 4:951| 4-961) 4°963) 4-977] 4-982) 4-982] 4-984] 4-994] 4-992} 4-994] 4-990) 4-990 4:993) 4-984] 4-983] 4-966} 4-950] 4-936] 4-924) 4-925) 4-915 | 4:965 10 | 4902) 4-882] 4-882) 4-884) 4:873] 4-884] 4-884] 4°889] 4-875] 4-869] 4-869] 4°867} 4°854| 4-849] 4-854) 4-828] 4-846] 4-851] 4-866] 4:875] 4:897| 4°884] 4°887| 4°87 | 4°872 11 | 4*885) 4*886] 4°884) 4*891] 4895) 4-905] 4°901) 4°915] 4-918] 4-933] 4-934] 4-941] 4-945] 4-945] 4:946 4-949) 4-961] 4:968] 4-976] 4-992] 4-997) 5-002) 5-013) 5-017 | 4:942 12 | 5:024) 5-029} 5:032) 5:043] 5-051) 5-060} 5-075) 5084) 5-096) 5-116] 5-128] 5°140; 5°148] 5:155] 5°163, 5°17 4) 5°189| 5-202) 5-220) 5:234] 5:245) 5-251) 5-263] 5-270 | 5:141 13 | 5:280) 5:286] 5-290) 5-300) 5-308] 5-313] 5-320] 5:326] 5°339] 5-356] 5:363] 5°377} 5°387| 5°387| 5°376, 5:376| 5:375] 5:366] 5°379) 5:359) 5°331| 5334] 5°324) 5°315 1 5-340 14 | 5°347| 5°360) 5°371) 5°382) 5°389] 5-403) 5408) 5°410) 5-42: | 5-431] 5-427] 5-429) 5416] 5:45] 5:409) 5-404! 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REDUCED To 32°. 4407 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED, APRIL 1895. Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | lus. | ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. 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REDUCED TO 32°, 4407 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. JUNE 1895. Ins. | Ins, | Ins. | Ins, | Ins. | lus. | Ins. Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. |-Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. : Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Tus, ins 1 | 5°227) 5-221! 5°204) 5:202) 5*228) 5-240) 5-266 5:281| 5:290) 5-297] 5°308) 5:310] 5:316] 5:321| 5:337| 5:343] 5:349) 5°371| 5°383) 5°395 5-401) 5-401] 5:415) 5°388 | 5-313 a 2 | 5392! 5-403) 5°412) 5-429) 5-444] 5:455) 5°491| 5508] 5°517| 5°535] 5°546) 5559] 5568] 5-568] 5:°568] 5°578) 5°580) 5596 5°602| 5:602 5°624) 5°637/ 5°635) 5-641 | 5-537 | 3 | 5°640| 5-637] 5°636] 5°637] 5°45) 5°652| 5°663) 5-670] 5'678| 5:680| 5°687| 5-694] 5-695] 5696] 5-703] 5:693| 5°697| 5°697| 5:700 5°693. 5694 5696, 5:699/ 5°695 15-678 | 4 | 5°692) 5°685) 5°683) 5-681) 5°692) 5°694! 5°699) 5-712! 5+719] 5°725) 5°733) 5-740} 5-739] 5°738) 5°745) 5°755) 5°757| 5-778) 5°794) 5°794) 5-805) 5812 5-814) 5-828 | 5-744 1 5 | 5°829! 5-831] 5°834! 5-844] 5856) 5°867| 5879) 5*890| 5-900! 5-900] 5-904! 5-906] 5-915} 5-910) 5-902, 5-908] 5-911! 5-916) 5-922 5-922) 5-920, 5-921| 5-928) 5-935 5894 , 6 | 5:920} 5-915) 5°916) 5-915] 5-920) 5-919) 5-922) 5-930} 5-932] 5:937| 5:936) 5-939] 5-940} 5-931] 5-930) 5:930| 5°932| 5°927| 5:928) 5-927) 5-926) 5-929) 5:928) 5925 | 5-997 | & 7 | 5°919] 5-914] 5:903| 5:899) 5891} 5:899| 5898) 5-895) 5:890] 5:886] 5°890| 5:884] 5:880] 5:869| 5°856] 5-837| 5°840} 5:826) 5-815] 5-801) 5°794) 5-783) 5:71) 5°756 | 858 | 8 | 5°743] 5°742) 5°708) 5°698) 5°700) 5°695| 5°698) 5°687] 5°683| 5°675| 5°675| 5666] 5651] 5°638] 5636] 5:627| 5620) 5°612! 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REDUCED TO 32° AND SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. MAY 1895. | Ieee = Mid- 9 LOM LZ ASS | Wa 5 Ge ea SO OR Is 22s 28) night. 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REDUCED To 32° AND SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. JUNE 1895. ns. { Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. ; Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. } Ins. | us. | Ins. | Ins. 9°777| 9°774| 9°776| 9°788) 9°795] 9°804) 9:808) 9°838} 9-846] 9863) 9°868] 9-867 | 9-764 957) 9:966] 9-984) 9°985) 9:987| 9-997] 0-008) 0:029; 0-052) 0:090, 0:099) 0-111 | 9:977 *141] 0:140] 0°135] 0°134) 0:137| 0:142) 0:144) 0-160) 0-170) 0:179] 0°179] 0°181 | 0-147 +272) 0-286] 0°289) 0-290} 0°296} 0°311} 0°322) 0-339] 0-344) 0°367] 0°370} 0°386 | 0-268 419) 0-409) 0°393] 0°392/ 0°393] 0398) 0°405) 0:416) 0:427] 0:441) 0°453) 0-454 | 0-423 -406| 0°396] 0:389, 0°378) 0-375] 0°376] 0°378) 0°392) 0-404) 0°413) 0-419) 0-425 | 0-422 "342! 0°330} 0°319) 0:307| 0-297] 0:292) 0-294! 0-299) 0-300} 0:307| 0-299) 0-290 | 0-348 *187| 0°173} 0°159| 0-158) 0°151) 0°143) 0:139} 0-136) 0°137| 0°129} 0-121] 0-107 | 0-188 +990] 9:980| 9:968] 9°950| 9:944} 9°936] 9°940/ 9-937) 9°935} 9:936 9:929| 9-917 | 9-992 +923} 9-923] 9-912) 9-900) 9°888} 9°870| 9°874) 9°864) 9°862) 9°869} 9:865| 9-854 | 9-908 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 9:801) 9°814] 9-804) 9°811} 9°824| 9:830} 9:842) 9:859) 9°876] 9°907} 9-928) 9-955 | 9-839 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 9 Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins, | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | I | 1 =| 9°673} 9°668} 9°663) 9°662) 9°671) 9°697| 9-716, 9-736) 9-748) 9°759) 9°767| 9 i 9-876] 9°890} 9-901) 9:912) 9°928} 9-942) 9:950, 9-957) 9-956) 9-959) 9-955) 9 0°120} 0°122) 0°127} 0°130} 0°136] 0°148) 0:151) 0°160) 0-157! 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BAROMETER. RepuceD To 32°. 4407 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. JULY 1895. 2/2] 3] 4/5 | 6} 7 | 8 | 9 | norm ei plas | x4 | 15 [26 | a7 |ats-| te) 20 || 2’) oe eee nS dare EEL z ine Ins. | Ins. | Ins, | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins, 1 | 5°154) 5-146) 5-157) 5°149} 5°155) 5154) 5°174] 5-175) 5177) 5178) 5-176) 5°170} 5°162| 5:161| 5°138) 5138) 5-125] 5°108) 5-100) 5:078) 5:069) 5-070) 5:077| 5-068 | 5-186 2 | 5:062) 5-066) 5-072) 5-063) 5-068) 5-068) 5-091) 5103) 5-108) 5:123) 5-129] 5-136} 5°148) 5°152) 5-155] 5-168) 5-189) 5195) 5°203] 5:217| 6*232) 5-246) 5:265) 5-284 | 5-148 3 | 5:286] 5°298] 5°306) 5°330) 5:339) 5-384) 5-400) 5°415) 5:436) 5-452] 5-470; 5-481} 5:494, 5°512! 5°527) 5536) 5°535) 5°555| 5°562) 5568) 5589) 5-592) 5-599) 5-601 | 5°469 4 | 5°612) 5-615) 5°614) 5°610) 5°615| 5°622) 5-630) 5°635) 5°654| 5-660] 5-663) 5-669} 5°674| 5:679| 5°674) 5°686] 5°679) 5-678) 5°687| 5°676| 5°678) 5:677| 5°679] 5°658 | 5655 5 | 5'658] 5°59) 5°645) 5°643) 5°648] 5-661] 5-662) 5:678) 5°688) 5-688] 5°687| 5:692] 5:696] 5°697| 5°695| 5°696] 5:696] 5:694| 5693) 5-690) 5697) 5-689] 5°684| 5-681 | 5-680 6 | 5°673) 5672) 5°663) 5°653) 5°654| 5-658) 5-667) 5°667| 5:669| 5-667) 5°670| 5:672) 5:672| 5:673) 5°669| 5°666)| 5:665) 5-656) 5-648) 5-644) 5°646) 5°641) 5633) 5-617 | 5659 7 | 5612) 5°597| 5°582) 5°576} 5°572) 5-563) 5-580) 5°567| 5°558) 5-563) 5°563) 5°5534 5°558| 5-554] 5°551| 5°550] 5°541) 5°530) 5:532) 5-536) 5°547) 5-534) 5-537] 5-548 | 5°558 8 | 5°537| 5°525| 5°516) 5511) 5°496| 5487) 5473) 5-472) 5:465) 5450] 5-423) 5°390] 5°361] 5:335] 5:208] 5°306] 5°293) 5°281) 5°294) 5-296) 5°325) 5°346) 5357) 5°344 | 5-400 9 | 5°360) 5°351| 5°340| 5°336| 5-339) 5328} 5°317| 5°311) 5°297) 5°285] 5-268] 5-228} 5-192] 5-146) 5°108) 5:069] 5-049) 5-051) 5-030) 5-012) 5:010) 5-028) 5-048) 5-070 | 5-191 10 | 5:112} 5:119) 5°184) 5°165) 5°179) 5-224) 5-248) 5-268) 5:285) 5:302) 5-319] 5°335} 5-340] 5:348| 5:341| 5°335] 5°347| 5°341| 5°340) 5-323) 5308) 5°308) 5:307) 5°294 | 5-276. 11 | 5*290} 5:275) 5-270} 5:268] 5:259| 5:246) 5-248) 5:247| 5-222) 5-213) 5-204) 5-190} 5-164] 5-131] 5:106| 5:077| 5:042) 5-026) 5-008) 5-009) 4-997) 5-015) 5-017) 5-024 | 5-148 12 | 5:033} 5-034) 5:041| 5-050] 5-072) 5-092) 5:133] 5-159) 5°178} 5:197| 5-203] 5-236} 5-243] 5-249] 5-264) 5-271) 5:279| 5-290) 5-296) 5-295) 5°312) 5-309] 5°304) 5-292 | 5-201 13 | 5*292) 5:291) 5:276} 5°259| 5°261) 5-246) 5-259) 5-244] 5-248) 5-234) 5-228] 5-212) 5-210] 5°187| 5:177| 5°160| 5°161] 5°141) 5:139) 5-112) 5-108) 5-118) 5-098) 5-098 | 5-198 14 | 5:078) 5-069) 5-054) 6-043) 5-024) 5:031) 5-008) 5-023) 5-019) 5-029) 5-036) 5-064} 5-091] 5-130) 5127] 5°158} 5:173} 5:195| 5:209) 5-196) 5:210) 5-216) 5-222) 5-224 | 5-110 15 | 5:235] 5:236) 5:240} 5:247) 5:256) 5-272) 5-280) 5-289) 5-295) 5:313] 5:327| 5°352] 5°335| 5-338] 5-342) 5:342! 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ReEpbucED To 32°. 4407 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. AUGUST 1895. : Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Jns. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. 5°441 5:489) 5-418) 5-401 5°391) 5-385) 5°375) 5°364) 5°354) 5°353 5°346) 5:337] 5:325| 5:318] 5:297| 5286] 5°27 4) 5°246] 5-247] 5:234 5-229) 5-223 5-201) 5196 5°176 5155) 5°135| 5-113 5:097| 5:086) 5-090) 5-082) 5:079) 5-070) 5-066) 5:061} 5-054) 5049] 5-037] 5-046) 5:043) 5-033] 5:020) 5:011 5:004| 4998 4-987) 4-972 4-955) 4:939| 4°914) 4°897, 4°890) 4°873) 4°873] 4°869| 4-864) 4-859] 4:855] 4°856} 4:850) 4°847| 4-839! 4-833] 4:833] 4°828] 4°827| 4°824 4816) 4°822) 4-821] 4-821 4°816 4°822) 4°824) 4°831) 4°840) 4°855) 4-872) 4°887) 4-902) 4-918) 4-934! 4-950} 4-963] 4-976] 4-950; 4-989] 5-004] 5-008] 5:017| 5°019 5-031) 5-036] 5°038) 5-038 5033) 5030] 5:023) 5-010) 5:011) 5-007) 5:001| 5-003) 5-001) 4-995} 4-993] 4-991] 4-989] 4-989] 4-977] 4:978] 4°974] 4:973] 4:975 4973 4972 4:970} 4:967| 4:970 1 2 3 4 5 6 | 4-971) 4-972| 4-971] 4-970| 4-975] 4-990] 4-993 5-002| 5-016| 5-027] 5-040) 5-057] 5059] 5-064) 5-069| 5-078) 5-091| 5-099| 5-110] 5-116 5-118| 5-123) 5129] 5-136 7 | 5139) 5°140| 5140} 5-142) 5:148) 5-159] 5-169) 5-182| 5-194) 5-202) 5-211] 5-221) 5-236) 5-242] 5-246) 5:257| 5-267| 5-274] 5-279] 5285 5-282] 5:300) 5305] 5-311 8 | 5316) 5°317| 5319] 5°216) 5315] 5325] 5°329| 5-329) 5-336) 5341 5-344) 5345) 5-391 | 5-334| 5°331| 5327| 5321] 5313) 5°313| 5303 5-294| 5-278] 5-275] 5-264 9 | 5-244) 5230) 5210) 5°195| 5172|-5-168] 5-149) 5-135) 5-127) 5-117] 5:105| 5-096] 5-094) 5-092) 5-083) 5-081] 5-080| 5-078| 5-075] 5083. 5-088| 5-093} 5-093] 5-095 10 | 5104] 5108} 5*115) 5-116) 5°120| 5°127| 5-137| 5-156] 5174] 5-188} 5-194] 5-206] 5-213] 5-218| 5-215] 5-210) 5-210) 5-207| 5-201) 5-186 5-163] 5°157| 5-128] 5-104 11 | 5:079) 5059) 5:054| 5:000| 4-995] 4-994! 4-974] 4-980| 5-007] 5-007| 5-014) 5-011] 5-001 | 4-994) 4-984) 4-975] 4-973] 4-965] 4-966] 4-965, 4-959) 4-962] 4-960] 4-956 12 | 4°950| 4-952] 4-948) 4-948) 4-952) 4-957] 4-963, 4-970] 4-972| 4-971) 4-954| 4-963] 4-990) 4-994] 4-995] 5-024] 5-041 5-050| 5-063) 5:067| 5-077| 5-089] 5:090| 5-086 13 | 5-083) 5093} 5°090| 5-092! 5-098) 5-103] 5-114] 5-126) 5137| 5:14] 5-154] 5-156 5-165| 5-167| 5-167) 5°174| 5-178] 5°198| 5-204] 5-214| 5-224| 5-236] 5-243] 5-252 |-5: 14 | 5-268] 5°272| 5:277| 5:289) 5:31) 5:334| 5-348! 5-367| 5-388] 5-404] 5-418) 5-438] 5-451 | 5-475| 5-486] 5-493) 5:520| 5538) 5-553) 5°563| 5-582] 5589) 5:601| 5-608 15 | 5612) 5°613) 5:619| 5623, 5°625| 5-640) 5-646 5-658) 5-661) 5-663] 5°663) 5-670) 5:6, 6 | 5680] 5°673) 5673] 5°672| 5-669) 5665] 5*665| 5:652| 5-639) 5°630| 5-622 16 | 5616] 5°616) 5614) 5611) 5612) 5-624| 5-634 5-642] 5-648) 5-652] 5-646) 5-654] 5-656) 5°654| 5°644| 5-638) 5-642) 5-640] 5-644] 5-641] 5648) 5-644] 5-642| 5-644 7 | 5642) 5°636| 5-634) 5°629 5-629] 5°639| 5-641 5-641) 5-646] 5-642) 5-647| 5°649] 5-657| 5-649| 5-653] 5-642) 5-647| 5°637| 5°632| 5628] 5-620) 5:617| 5-613] 5617 18 | 5°605) 5°601) 5588) 5589) 5-581) 5573) 5°56 5-550) 5°545| 5538) 5°582| 5537) 5-527 | 5-507| 5°507| 5-493] 5-482] 5-466] 5-471] 5-468) 5-459] 5:452| 5-449) 5-442 | 5: 19 | 5434] 5°430| 5:427| 5425) 5-423) 5-426) 5-430 5-430) 5-445] 5:454| 5-459] 5-468] 5-469| 5-473| 5-478| 5-480| 5-479] 5:475] 5-474] 5-478] 5-489) 5-482) 5-476) 5475 20 | 5479] 5-476) 5-474) 5461) 5451) 5-463) 5-464 5-471) 5-488) 5-498) 5-499| 5-509] 5:518| 5-520| 5-520| 5-510| 5-509| 5-500| 5-506] 5-499] 5-495) 5-492) 5-484) 5-472] 21 | §-467| 5-450) 5429) 5:417| 5-400 5-398) 5-394 5-406) 5-402) 5-402] 5-410| 5-412] 5-497| 5-414] 5-418] 5-421| 5-410| 5-413] 5-418] 5-419] 5-422| 5-421) 5-420) 5-412 22 | 5:398| 5-388) 5°380| 5375] 5°358) 5-359) 5-354 5-358) 5"354) 5357] 5°345| 5347 5-343 | 5°342| 5:338| 5-328] 5-319) 5:322| 6-311] 5-304] 5-300| 5-294) 5:280| 5-27 2% | 5-270) 5-268) 5-259) 5:245| 5-247) 5-248) 5-248 5-245| 5-248) 5-250) 5-258] 5-261 5-258) 5-259] 5-252| 6-250] 5-247] 5:248| 5-250] 5-251 | 5-257] 5-250) 5-264| 5-265 24 | 5-269] 5270) 5262) 5-269) 5-278) 5-283) 5-312 5:331| 5345] 5365] 5:377| 5388] 5401 | 5-411] 5-415] 5-418] 5°427| 5°437| 5-444] 5-465] 5-466) 5:471| 5:47] 5-471 | 25 | 5-476) 5481] 5-482) 5-481] 5-484) 5-492| 5-503 5-511] 5°520| 5-523] 5-532| 5-528) 5°523| 5-521| 5°509| 5-501| 5-492] 5-478| 5-458] 5-448) 5-435] 5-424) 5-392] 5-371 26 | 5°360| 5°354| 5°34 5-334] 5°335| 5329) 5-332 5:33S| 5:349| 5-350| 5-348] 5°338] 5:327 | 5-320| 5°312| 5-294] 5-270] 5:244| 5-210] 6-195) 5-173) 5151] 5-142| 5-128 27 | 5:099| 5°087| 5:071| 5-049) 5-032| 5-020) 5-010 5-002) 4-999] 5-002) 4-993] 4-989] 4-993| 4-987| 5-001| 5-001] 5-017| 5-052] 5-072) 5-086] 5114] 5-126] 5-161) 5-186 28 | 5°207) 5233) 5°267| 5-287 5-312] 5°335) 5°351 5:366| 5:370| 5-382| 5-386) 5-380] 6:366| 5°363| 5°363] 5378) 5-415) 5:407| 5-427| 5440) 5-439| 5-444] 5-449) 5-449. 29 | 5-449) 5-448) 5-426) 5-415] 5-403) 5-393] 5°379 5:358) 5-353) 5-338] 5-313) 5-293] 5-276] 5-218] 5-197| 5-214) 5-226) 5-221] 5-229) 5:234| 5-234) 5-242! 5-249) 5-230 30 | 5°227| 5-209) 5°215| 5:204| 5-206} 5-208) 5-208, 5-216) 5-222) 5:234| 5-244| 5-253] 5-259] 5-265| 5-269| 5-282! 5-301 | 5°322| 5°345] 5°362| 5:370| 5:386| 5-391] 5-393 | ¢ 31 | 5-401) 5398) 5-404) 5-403/ 5-410) 5-417| 5-429 5-441] 5°447| 5-453] 5-465| 5-459) 5-471| 5-466) 5:441| 5-445] 5-400| 5-419] 5-401) 5-408) 5-400) 5:386| 5-371| 5-379 Mean) 5°277) 5-274) 5-269) 5°262| 5-261) 5-265) 5°267, 5-271] 5:277| 5-281) 5-282] 5-285] 5-286] 5:284| 5-281) 5-281) 5-283] 5:283| 5-284! 5-285] 5°284| 5-284) 5-282) 5-279 pe POMETER, FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. REDUCED TO 32° AND SEA LEVEL. 2 3 Ins. | Ins. | Ins. 1 | 9:595} 9:595 | 9:596 9-486] 9°480 | 9°484 9°75] 9-769 | 9°785 07172] 0-183 | 0-188 0°237| 0-232 | 0°232 0°211| 0-203 | 0°187 0:060| 0:081 | 0°042 9-991) 9-992 | 9°977 9-873] 9°867-| 9°857 9°624| 9°648 | 9669 9-800) 9°794 | 9:7S4 9°540} 9°552 | 9°563 | 9°836] 9°833 | 9°822 9°561| 9°547 | 9°527 5 | 9°760} 9°762 | 9°764 § © | 9846] 9°833 | 9°821 7 | 97655] 9°646 | 9-649 18 | 9°679] 9°669 | 9-643 9 | 9°675| 9°650 | 9-614 | | 9°419) 9°420 | 9-418 9°431| 9-425 | 9-414 502} 9°509 | 9°502 702) 9°698 | 9°694 elo ed 9°743 | 9°721 9°760} 9-765 | 9°771 Feo) 9-898 | 9-893 9715] 9-711 | 9°691 |9°673| 9-669 | 9-658 | 9-809] 9-813 | 9-819 }9:964] 9-986 | 9-970 ‘{0-063) 0-058 | 0-057 9°776| 9-774 | 9°768 AROMETER. Ins. 9°952 9°606 9°327 9:228 9423 9°373 9585 9:802 9-666 9-550 9°455 9°353 9°534 9°739 0124 | 0097 0069 0:030 9°89] 9*967 9°888 9°831 9°727 9-761 0-071 9:831 9460 9-778 | 9:92 9-893 | 9681] 9°671 | 9-666 9891] 9-894 | 9-888 '737| 9°734 | 9-728 iF ns. am 4 Ins. 9-598 9°486 9-808 0-187 0-233 0-184 0-042 9:972 |< 9-860 9-693 9°79 9°573 | 9-814 9-510 9°72 9°818 9-651 9°627 9-611 9-410 9-410 9°525 9°701 9°712 9°74 9°881 9-681 9-661 9°825 9973 0°059 9°769 9-852 | 9-836 | 9- 9°720 | 9°755 | 9-777 | 9-798 9°766 | 9°750 | 9-748 | 9-738 9-591 | 9:618 | 9-637 | 9-665 9-809 | 9:795 | 9-801 | 9-785 9-499 | 9495 | 9-492 | 9-486 9-778 | 9°793 | 9-807 | 9-823 9-815 | 9:806 | 9-786 | 9-778 9°655 | 9-659 | 9677 g) WO) |) aes | ate Tus. ia Ins. | Ins. 9°588) 9°588! 9°d86) 9°578) 0°243] 0°239) 0°234| 0°225f 0-223 0°172| 0°165) 0°157| 0-153} 0-139, 0-020) 0:010) 0-002) 9-994} 9-992) 9- 9°914| 9°897| 9°871) 9-869] 9°852) 9-808| 9°787| 9°769) 9°733] 9°688 9-803) 9°817) 9°823) 9°837} 9°837) 9°8 9-715) 9°697| 9-683) 9-665} 9°646) 9- 9°683) 9°697| 9°712| 9°726] 9°736) 9-7 9°763} 9°750| 9°725) 9°717] 9°689) 9-481) 9°487| 9°487| 9:51.59 9°539 9827) 9°844| 9°850| 9-858} 9°857 9°766} 9°750| 9-732) 9°708} 9°681 9°696| 9°702) 9°711| 9°712)9°710 9°593] 9°607| 9°628) 9-644] 9-666 9°448) 9°411) 9-384) 9°372} 9°358 9°428) 9-421] 9°425) 9:425} 9°426 9406] 9°397| 9°391| 9°387] 9°383) 9°39 9:567| 9°577| 9°579| 9-596) 9592 9*757| 9°768| 9°70] 9°787] 9°789 9693} 9°693| 9°702| 9:705} 9°696 9-811} 9°812} 9°81] 9814} 9-815 9849} 9°848) 9°836] 9°827] 9°825 9-663) 9°668} 9°662| 9°661} 9°658 9°704| 9°703] 9°713) 9°714] 9-712 9-862) 9-867) 9°870) 9°871} 9-869 0:014| 0-018) 0-007} 0-016) 0:026 0:073} 0075] 0-067) 0-065} 0-059 9°74) 9°74) 9°770| 9:7 719 9°767) FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. 13 | 14 Ins. | Ins. 9562 9°548) 9°5 9: 9*512) 9°518) 9°09) 9-514} 9525) 9°539] 9924] 9-950) 9-957| 9-983] $-997, 9-018) 0°216} 0-218) 0°225} 0°222) 0-221) 0-218) 16 Ins. 9°517) 5 fpey 0°045 16] 0-204! 0:22) 9] 0711) 9:993) 9752 8] 9:35) 9°849, oF 573 9°75] 9] 9-626) 7| 9°622 9°S65. 39| 9°610 9°710 9-699 © (og a NIG" SOS SooCe © WIM WBOIODiLS ye SOre0CO HK OOOCO OVS Suet 7 Ins, 9-502 9°584 0°052 0204 0°22) 0:108 9°939 9°752 9-494] 9: 9°342 9°521) 9 9776 9°619 9°653 9°864 9-593] ¢ 9°706 9" oi = ary rane i] 9-499 5| 9°636 3) 9°796 3) 9°7 04. 3) 9°840 762| 9°755| 9°7 2) 9-646} 9°65 9°708 9871) 9 9°593 9°697 9-689 9°381 9°428 9°748 9927) 9" 0°040 0-029 9°762 ee JULY 1895. Mid- night. a Ins. | Ins. | Ins. } Ins. 9°478| 9°490) 9:491 1 9:548 9-700) 9°724| 9°740 | 9-563 0:147) 0:160| 0°169 } 9:977 0-233) 0:240| 0:238 } 0-212 5] 0°216) 0-215) 0-213 | 0-226 0-022) 0-092) 0-084 } 0:142 9-999) 0-002) 9-996 | 0-012 57| 9°867| 9°865 | 9°877 77| 9°527| 9°581 | 9-677 *822/ 9-814) 9°806 | 9-790 } 511) 9°515) 9°532 | 9-643 "837| 9°843| 9°841 | 9-712 9°614) 9°597| 9°582 | 9-707 9°743) 9°750| 9°759 | 9°590 9°873) 9°858| 9°851 | 9°834 9°636) 9°639) 9°647 | 9-708 9°697| 9°696| 9°702 | 9-689 7| 9°700) 9°694| 9-687 | 9659 9-414) 9°423) 9-428 | 9-459 9°434| 9°436) 9°440 | 9°426 7| 9°476) 9-478 9-495 } 9-420 692) 9°699 | 9-593 5) 9°767 | 9-762 741| 9°753 | 9°711 901) 9-912 | 9-822 9°756| 9°745| 9°731 | 9-820 3) 9°668) 9°668) 9:671 | 9°667 9°789| 9°793| 9°802 } 9:717 9-957| 9°964| 9-963 | 9°881 0°069) 0-062! 0-067 } 0-018 0015) 0:002) 9-994 } 0-049 9°785| 9°787| 9°791 | 9°71 REDUCED TO 32° AND SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. AUGUST 1895. Ins. 9935 9°580 9308 9233 9°413 9°379 9-594 9-802 9°647 9°552 9-440 9°356 9°535 9°753 0°137 0-087 0:073 0-024 9°893 9956 9°875 9-826 9-719 9°770 0:070 9°827 9-449 9°807 9-882 9664 9°903 9°725 Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins, 9-913 | 9-901 | 9°889 | 9-877 9-564 | 9°540 | 9°538 | 9°521 9-298 | 9-290 | 9°286 | 9:276 9-239 | 9-258 | 9-273 | 9-290 9-420 | 9°416 | 9-411 | 9-414 9°382 | 9°392 | 9°397 | 9-409 9-602 | 9-611 | 9620 | 9-633 9-808 | 9°817 | 9:826 | 9°822 9626 | 9-614 | 9°591 | 9°575 9°565 | 9°578 | 9°589 | 9°610 9427 | 9°420 | 9-402 | 9°405 9°360 | 9°372 | 9°373 | 9:°384 9-543 | 9°556 | 9°559 | 9°571 9-781 | 9-801 | 9-821 | 9°842 0°146 | 0:158 | 0°169 | 0-179 0-083 | 0-089 | 0:095 | 0-108 0069 | 0-081 | 0-082 | 0:085 0-020 | 0-011 | 9-999 | 9-988 9-896 | 9°896 | 9-911 | 9:915 9-946 | 9-952 | 9°965 | 9-973 9°854 | 9:839 | 9-846 | 9-860 9°S12 | 9°823 | 9-817 | 9-819 9°726 | 9°728 | 9-732 | 9-730 9-790 | 9°825 | 9°856 | 9879 0:068 | 0-075 | 0-081 | 0:093 9-821 | 9-816 | 9°818 | 9:825 9432 | 9-434 | 9-431 | 9°426 9-828 | 9°851 | 9°861 | 9:879 9°876 | 9°854 | 9°837 | 9-816 9°655 | 9-660 | 9°664 | 9-667 9°901 | 9-913 | 9-925 | 9-948 9°724 | 9°728 | 9-731 | 9°736 Ins, | Ins. | Ins, | Ins. | Ins. 9°865) 9°854) 9°841| 9-520} 9-809 9511] 9°507| 9:503) 9°493} 9°487 9°275) 9°269] 9-269} 9-260] 9°250 9-304) 9:313] 9°319] 9°331] 9°336 9-414) 9-409] 9°386] 9-383} 9°372 9°419} 9:431| 9°433] 9:444} 9-448 9°641) 9°655! 9°667| 9-672] 9°681 9°820} 9°810] 9°803} 9°801] 9°791 9°553} 9°536) 9518} 9-510) 9°514 9°627] 9°639] 9-643] 9-648] 9°648 9418] 9°409} 9409} 9-393] 9°377 9-391) 9°393} 9°388] 9°392) 9-401 9°584) 9°587] 9°589) 9-591} 9-593 9°856] 9°872] 9-881) 9-895} 9-908] 9 0°180} 0°180} 0-170} 0-169} 0°161 0°106] 0°103} 0-098) 0-103} 0-093 0095) 0-088] 0°086} 0-080) 0:079 9-978} 9-969] 9-963} 9-961} 9°950 9-923] 9°938] 9-946] 9:94.41 9:949 9-977] 9°986) 9-986] 9-989} 9-992 9°858] 9°860] 9-858! 9°864] 9°859 9°818} 9°819] 9-809] 9:802} 9°793 9°729) 9-726} 9°730] 9-730} 9°725 9°895) 9*921] 9-924 9-958} 9:956 0:094| 0-090} 0:084/ 0-083} 0:071 9°825] 9°821} 9-819) 9-810} 9-802 9°425] 9°419] 9:416) 9°412) 9°417 9°875| 9°888] 9-884) 9 9802] 9°777| 9°754) 9 9°668) 9°677| 9°679| 9° 9 9 9°949) 9:957| 9°965 9°738] 9°739] 9-736) 9° 7| 9°446 7| 9°955 2) 0-062 5) 9°919 53] 9°957 © See ont 2 QL2OoSS Oo OnmIS CORI OO WWE WHAT oO ONION OF OO or “I 1S) Or Ins. 9°775 9°468 9°231 9°372 9°366 9-480: 9°711 9°759 9-483 9°648 9349 9°607 07143 0:086 9-984 9872 9°764 9-703 9-992 0:041 9°750 9-433 9°834 9°620 9°758 9:940 9°726 Ins. 9-760 9°458 9°222 9°378 9°366 9°505 9-720 9-746 9:478 9°634 9°344 9-461 9-604 9:970 0148 0:075 0:068 9-909 $960 9:974 9°874 9757] 9 9°703 9-998 0-026 5] 9°616 3] 9°338; 7| 9°970 9°877 2| 9°756' 0:031 9-983 9°653 9°501 7| 9°889 9°643 5} 9°823 9903 9°728) 9°730 Ins. 9°724 9°435 9-212 9°400 9°373 9°528 9°735 9°748 9-467 9-487 9°633 0:017 0-141 0:084 0-074 9:900: 9:974 9-710 2) 9°692) 9678) 9°665 f 9-817 | 9'424) 9°407| 9-386 | 9-499 | 9°217| 9°217| 9°217 | 9-261 3) 9°428| 97430) 9-436 | 9331 3) 0-070) 0-071) 0-073 } 9-932 '2| 9°874| 9°869| 9-867 | 9°918 Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. 9°373| 9°375| 9-375 | 9-392 9562] 9:567| 9-571 | 9-459 9:74] 9°785| 9-795 | 9-678 9°725| 9-714) 9-703 | 9:77 9495] 9°512| 9-518 | 9-546 9:575| 9°550| 9-514 | 9-599 9°352| 9-345] 9-348 | 9-390 9523) 9°528| 9-532 | 9-424 | 9°681| 9°692| 9-704 | 9-599 | 0°079| 0-098) 0-110 } 9-908 | 0°137| 0°134| 0-119 | 0-148 | 0°083| 0-081| 0-082 | 0-091 0°064| 0-065] 0-068 | 0-076 9-900| 9:901| 9-907 | 9-958 9-980] 9°970| 9-975 | 9-940 9:961| 9:956| 9-942 | 9-972 9886] 9878) 9-869 | 9:873 9°753| 9°744| 9°74 | 9-792 9:737| 9°740| 9-752 | 9-725 9°945] 9-914) 9-886 } 0-037 9°574) 9-556) 9536 | 9-748 9-590} 9°631| 9-680 | 9-475 9-921] 9:924) 9-930 } 9-857 9691] 9°697| 9°687 | 9-748 9-893) 9-895) 9:896 } 9-741 9-741) 9°739) 9-738 } 9-733 - ene 200 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. BAROMETER. ReEpucep To 32°. 4407 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. SEPTEMBER 1895. 1/2/38} 415 |6 | ¥ 1 ioe leone 14 | 15-1 16 | 47. |-38 || 18" | e200) om |) eee Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. } Ins. 1 | 5°377| 5°370) 5°359 5°359) 5:352) 5:366) 5:369) 5°362) 5-384) 5:386 5°393) 5:400) 5°398} 5°417) 5°398) 5°393) 5°391) 5398) 5°391) 5-400) 5°393] 5-405) 5°398) 5°395 2 | 5°382) 5:361| 5°345) 5°348) 5°347) 5°341) 5°347| 5°349) 5°354) 5:353) 5°355] 5847] 5°351) 5°355) 5°347| 5°349) 5°351) 5355) 5°355) 5°357| 5°351| 5:340) 5:334) 5:325 3 | 5°301] 5-298) 5°308) 5°300) 5:304) 5°314) 5°315) 5°319) 5325) 5°340} 5°3842) 5°351] 5°362) 5-364) 5°357| 5°363) 5°363) 5°363) 5°367) 5°378) 5:380| 5°383) 5389) 5-379 4 | 5°378) 5°371)| 5°374 5°367) 5°361) 5°361) 5°358) 5°363) 5°341) 5343) 5°330) 5-304] 5°296) 5-305) 5-306] 5326) 5°328) 5°338) 5:355) 5:369) 5°366| 5°378) 5382) 5°378 5 | 5387] 5°369} 5:371| 5:371| 5:374| 5°379| 5°377| 5°387| 5°384) 5*390] 5:387| 5-387] 5:391| 5*395| 5°399| 5-402) 5-404] 5-401) 5-416) 5-425] 5-434 5-431) 5-489] 5-445 6 | 5:448) 5:451) 5451) 5-461) 5-469] 5-492) 4-510} 5-522) 5-533) 5°533) 5539) 5:544] 5-540) 5:556) 5°549) 5°537| 5°537| 5522! 5°512) 5-509] 5:469] 5:449) 5-437] 5-416 7 | 5°892] 5°381) 5:369) 5°355) 5°340| 5°325] 5°317) 5°323) 5°331| 5:331] 5:344) 5°361] 5:372)| 5°369| 5°393) 5395) 5-414! 5-428) 5-444) 5-463] 5:477| 5-466) 5:478) 5-482 8 | 5°499] 5°503) 5°507) 5°517| 5°519) 5°516) 5-542) 5°544! 5556) 5:557| 5°564| 5-581] 5°576) 5°584| 5°588) 5°581| 5°57] 5581) 5°592) 5-592! 5-584] 5°584) 5:585) 5:588 9 | 5:568) 5°560) 5°554' 5°545) 5°548) 5-548) 5:549) 5:548) 5:542) 5-535] 5:511) 5°493] 5492) 5:479) 5-446) 5:438) 5-422) 5-410) 5°407| 5°397| 5°376) 5°355| 5°338) 5°306 10 | 5°291! 5:260) 5-231, 5:211] 5-200, 5:176} 5170) 5°144) 5°132) 5°103) 5°080) 5-065) 5-061! 5-047, 5:032) 5:005; 4-968] 4-948) 4-905) 4°887; 4°835] 4816) 4°788) 4°754 11 | 4°719} 4°697| 4-697) 4°688) 4:670) 4-705] 4:714| 4°714| 4-746) 4°761| 4-798] 4*850} 4°895] 4:922) 4-965] 5:014| 5-051] 5:092) 5-095) 5:115) 5:133} 5-152) 5:173) 5-198 12 | 5-201) 5°217) 5-224) 5-228) 5:229) 5-229) 5:245) 5°256] 5:273) 5°300] 5°329| 5°853) 5°377| 5°398] 5406] 5-425) 5°452| 5-463) 5°482) 5-514) 5°521) 5534) 5°550! 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5:675) 5-678) 5°676| 5°668) 5:675| 5°669) 5-670) 5-665) 5°669) 5°667 | 5:695 23 | 5669) 5:669) 5658) 5°659) 5-653! 5-653) 5°660) 5668) 5:673) 5°685| 5°687| 5°686} 5°699] 5:693] 5°698) 5:703) 5-701) 5:699] 5:692| 5695} 5-690) 5°681| 5:679) 5-667 | 5-680 24 | 5665) 5°660) 5°662) 5-661) 5°651) 5-652) 5°648) 5638) 5-636) 5638) 5°643) 5627] 5°640) 5633] 5:643) 5°645| 5-647) 5°648) 5:651| 5-657) 5:667| 5°671| 5°672 5-673 | 5-651 | 25 | 5669) 5:664) 5°663) 5666) 5°665| 5-671) 5:664| 5673) 5-654) 5668! 5:667| 5°664] 5°660] 5:657| 5°664| 5°662) 5:652) 5°649] 5°648) 5-662) 5:659) 5°661| 5659, 5-662 | 5662 | 26 | 5669) 5:664) 5°657| 5°659) 5°650| 5:646) 5:654| 5676) 5:685) 5°692! 5-700) 5°708) 5-719] 5-721) 5-716) 5°717| 5°715) 5°721| 5°731) 5-733) 5-745) 5:747| 5°748) 5-748 | 5-701 | 27 | °745) 5:745| 5°738) 5:731) 5°737| 5:742) 5°741| 5°759) 5°74) 5°775| 5°74] 5°75) 5°72) 5°768) 5°71) 5°771| 5°77 2) 5°77) 5°780) 5786] 5°793] 5-803] 5°797| 5°802 | 5°768 | 28 | 5*798) 5°797| 5°797| 5°791| 5°797| 5°794| 5°807| 5°816| 5°821| 5:827| 5:827| 5-824] 5-824! 5-819] 5°811) 5:800] 5:816} 5:809} 5°821) 5-825 5-829] 5-828) 5-822) 5-818 | 5-813 | 29 | 5*808] 5°799) 5°791| 5°784) 5°780) 5:780) 5788) 5°784) 5°79) 5°782) 5°783] 5:77 7] 5°775| 5°760| 5:752) 5°753) 5°752! 5°744| 5°755| 5°748) 5°741] 5°733) 5°729) 5°717 | 5°767 | 80 | 5*715) 5°700) 5°687| 5°674) 5667) 5°652) 5-663) 5°658) 5°647| 5-634) 5°615] 5601] 5°575| 5-551] 5°545) 5°525| 5-503) 5°483) 5:473) 5450) 5-445] 5-429) 5:414) 5-408 | 5-571 5523] 5 MEAN) 5'527| 5°521) 5°516) 5°512) 5°510) 5:510) 5°512) 5-514) 5°519| 5°521) 5521 *529) 5°529] 5°529, 5:530| 5531) 5°582| 5°537| 5540) 5:588) 5°537| 5537) 5582 | 5:525- BAROMETER. REpucED To 32°, 4407 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. OCTOBER 1895. — Ins. | 5164 4°737 | 4°584 | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins, | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins, | Ins, | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. 5°392) 5'376| 5:362| 5°348) 5°335] 5°313) 5°304) 5-295] 5-281) 5-258) 5:223) 5-203] 5:169] 5-150] 5-125] 5-089] 5-060} 5-016] 4-979] 4°983) 4-954) 4-936] 4-906] 4-886 4°855| 4°819) 4°798) 4°754) 4°724| 4-705) 4-680) 4-655] 4-632) 4:644| 4°639] 4:679] 4:687] 4-695) 4-706] 4:723] 4-756) 4-769] 4°777| 4°792) 4-807] 4:807) 4-803] 4-793 4791) 4°73] 4°742) 4°711] 4°671) 4-644] 4:609) 4-604] 4-566) 4:551| 4°504| 4-493] 4-469] 4-474] 4-490] 4-501) 4:519) 4-531] 4°546) 4-561) 4-565) 4-553 4-574) 4-579 4:585) 4-605) 4-621) 4°639] 4°659] 4-682) 4-716) 4-745] 4-777| 4-809] 4-852] 4-866] 4°885! 4-928) 4-947! 4-957] 4-979] 4-979] 4-971] 4°957| 4-933] 4-931 4-924] 4-913 4°907| 4°896| 4-884) 4:879) 4°862| 4-873) 4-879] 4-881| 4-886] 4-902] 4-909] 4-921] 4-923] 4-928) 4-932] 4-933] 4-920) 4-938] 4-929) 4-937] 4-933) 4-933 4-930] 4-932 4940) 4-936] 4-933] 4-930] 4:929) 4-929] 4-941) 4-948) 4-959) 4-955] 4-963] 4-971] 4-980] 4-977] 4-982] 4-976) 4-971] 4-970] 4°962) 4-950) 4-932) 4-918 4-916] 4-912 4*918) 4-921] 4-914) 4-912) 4-905) 4-917) 4-921) 4-923] 4-927] 4-925] 4-927] 4-938] 4-935] 4-932] 4-932) 4-930] 4-935) 4-936] 4-934| 4°925) 4-919) 4-915) 4-907] 4-904 4°905} 4°897| 4-899] 4-904} 4-900) 4-918) 4-929) 4-946) 4-956] 4-968) 4-972] 4-983] 4-989] 4-993) 4-985] 4-997] 4-998] 5-015) 5-018) 5-028) 5-026) 5016 5-002) 4-988 4972) 4°973) 4-942) 4-921) 4:915] 4-904! 4-879) 4-869] 4-865] 4-852) 4-852| 4-889} 4:877| 4:893] 4-890] 4-903] 4-912) 4-924] 4-931) 4-952) 4-968] 4:980) 4-987) 5-010 10 | 5024) 5-048) 5-068) 5-081) 5-096) 5-124) 5-144) 5-154] 5-175] 5-202) 5-214] 5-228] 5-238] 5-249) 5-250) 5-252) 5-266] 5-266] 5°279| 5-281) 5-263) 5-265) 5-269] 5-281 11 | 5'272) 5-291) 5:315] 5:324) 5°342) 5-373) 5-382) 5-398] 5-397] 5:404| 5:396] 5:387] 5-364] 5°352) 5-335] 5-333) 5-318] 5°300) 5:273 5:277 5'258] 5:258] 5°241] 5:242 12 | 8°221) 5°22) 5-223) 5°207| 5°211) 5-210! 5-225) 5-277! 5-286] 5308! 5:342) 5:34 5-355] 5-363] 5-369! 5-384! 5-396] 5:410! 5-422) 5-425) 5-484! 5-444) 5-445! 5-447 13 | 5°442) 5-438) 5-436) 5-436) 5-439) 5-421! 5-407) 5-404) 5-416] 5-401) 5-406] 5-409] 5-394] 5-391] 5:377| 5°368| 5°365] 5°359) 5:354) 5:351) 5°36C) 5°347| 5°354) 5-855 14 | 5°357| 5°345) 5:335) 5°336| 5:335] 5-336) 5*349) 5:351| 5:353] 5:361| 5-368] 5-371) 5: 5398) 5393] 5:409| 5:429] 5:437| 5:444) 5-443) 5-453) 5-458) 5-466) 5-473 5°469| 5°471) 5°466) 5:459) 5:458) 5-457] 5:461| 5-464) 5-478) 5-469) 5-472! 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5-228) 5:224] 5:225] 5223} 5-222) 5-227] 5-281] 5-231) 5°232) 5*23 5-230) 5-229) 5-229 | { ' | | | 7 ss ig, | BAROMETER. REDUCED TO 32° anD SEA LEVEL. FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. 201 SEPTEMBER 1895, 9-980 9°858 0-026 0:054 9678 9°125 9718 0°160 0:206 0:273 0°194 0:026 9°828 9:999 0°351 0:293 0-271 0177 0148 0-114 07119 07197 0:249 0:259 07138 AN,| 0°021 3] 9-866 9:995) 0° 2 Ins. 9°850: 9°81] 9°740 9°880 9°844 0-022 0:045 9°650 9:094 9°728 0°170 0:196 0275 0°195 0°012 9°815 0:006 0°348 0:282 0:270 07181 07146 0°115] 0°106| 0°111 07118] 0-109 0-112 0°193] 0°188 0:181 0-252] 0-251) 0-249 0248} 0:248! 0-237 0:129| 0°115! 0-108 0:016} 0-008) 0:006 3] 0015 2) 0:038 2] 9:079 4 Ins. 9°842 9°786 9°762 9°872 9°870 9°815 0-022 9°601 9742 0171 0°187 0°270 0165 9977 9°750 0:018 0:274 0:265 0178 0133: 0°359 0:267 0°264) 0175 '0°125 | 5 Ins, 9°833 9°782 9776 9°875 9-869 0°027 9-799 0042 0:015 9596 9°059 9°747 0°174 0178 0:276 07149 9°954 721 0:026 0°365 0°265 0:260 0171 O117 0112 0°109 0:186 0:248 0:233 0:097 0:002 07118) 0:004 3} 0°265 3) 0174) | 0193; 0°262 0115 0114 0°122 0:271 0244 0:088 0:007 SS SOSSO OO NwmrWOrF oro SO NOR OIOI DOr AO NIMAMOMW Wwe ee! 3} 0:095 4| 0-029 11 Ins. 9°866 9775 9°827 9°835 9°872 0:069 9828 0096 9:921 9-499 9-208 9°856 0-218 0-204 0273 07130 9°865 9°534 07140 0°391 0:249 0:237 0°185 0:086 07164 0203 0:294 0°220 0:006 12 Ins. 13 Ins. 9°866] 9°869 COSSS OODOO 0°207 0°272} 0°265 07123] 0116 9°847 9°568 0°157 9°836 9°609 0172 0°393] 0°381 0°253 0°250 0-229} 0:218 0:189} 0°184 0:085} 0-087 0-087 0:082 0°170} 0°186 0°197 0°287 0°180 0°263 0°214] 0°188 9-999] 9-969 0:007} 0:005 7) 9°766 7| 9°805 3} 0°059 14 Ins. 9°865 9°847 9°874 9°862 0°097 9°834 9-462 9°356 9-927 0-223 0-206 0:258 0-111 9839 9°636 0°187 0:372 0°250 0:204 0-179 0-085 0°081 0-186 0-176 0:256 0-171 9-936 0-004 15 Ins. 9°855 9°756 *802 8 9:8 98 9°8 0:0 98 0:0 9°8 94 3) 9°446 7| 0-221 | 0°242 | 16 Ins. | 9°846 9°751 9816 | 9°886 0-040 9-888 0-094 9784 9°405 9°994 0:217 bo oy S PI COOnNO- BPOAN SN ONOWN BDOUHOS ior Go FE SOPED wWHAIAS oo Co) ODDS TIE GOH NHK OBO ABrA1N0O Hor fer) co rat HF Soe NN ENAERS NYNos GASSS ou "176 SS S2SOSS SSHHS SSSSH GHSSO OOO 18 Ins. 9°831 5) 9°751 3] 9°854 9°833 9°897 0'019 9-929 0:091 9°775 97343 9°531 0'031 0-214 0'230 0-213 0:068 9°830 9-864 0:243 0°334 07248 0°203 3) 0°171 0:094 0:096 0°180 0°179 0:255 0:156 2) 9°882 0-012 REDUCED TO 32° AND SEA LEVEL. First /0'182 (0°195 | 0:260 '0°165 9:873 | 0:017 FIGURE OMITTED. Ins. 9°797 9°317 9°320 9:077 9°398 9°428 9426 9-411 9°506 9°576 9°897 9711 9:974 9°864 0:069 0174 0:523 0°508 0°389) 0:242 0164 9906 07193} 0°18] 9°517| 9:493 9°452) 9-452 9°639] 9°669 9701) 9°699 9°727| 9°717 9°887] 9°893 0095] 0:079 9°792) 9816 ., 9°796) 9°794 Ins. 9779 9°294 9311 9102 9°385 9-428 9°427 9408 9-494 9°605 9°924 9:698 9972 9°865 0:070 0188 0519 0-488 0°372 0:238 0161 9-901 Ins. 9°764 9-286 9-260 9-123 9°364 9°423 9-423 9-406 9°470 9°626 9943 9°685 9°967 9°863) 0064 0198 0517 0°477 0:356 0°236 0°163 07159 9°879 9:469 9°449 9°679 9°707 9701 9-903 0-041 9°841 9°792 Ins. 9°748 9°246 9:229 9148 9°365 9°421 9°434 9:404 9°468 9°649 9°953 9°675 9-969 9-866 0:063 0°216 0°520 0-466 0°350 0:245 07159 0°152 , 9°872 9-461 9:444 9703 9°718 9°693 9:915 0:037 9°869 9-789 Ins. 9°736 9214 9183 9173 9°345 9422 9°427 9°409 9°461 9°673 9°965 9°686 9964. 9°869 0°056 0:234 0°525 0°464 0°348 0°254 0°153 0:150 9°856 9°452 9°446 9°715 9°723 9°678 9°923 9-983 9°904 9°787 Tns. 9-718 9°201 9138 9217 9340 9°427 9°437 9°425 9-456 9°705 9:989 9°705 9-959 9°883 0-063 0:262 0°530 0-460 0°339 0:268 0161 0°152 9°852 9:449 9°451 9°721 9°738 9°668 9°947 9°955 9:958 Ins. 9°707 9184 9110 9:246 9°355 9°438 9-436 9°436 9°451 9°:733 9-996 9-728 9-950 9894 0:057 0:282 0°537 0°452 0°335 0:278 07153 07142 9°843 9°451 9-452 9°737 9°743 9°663 9°961 9°891 9-989 9°793 Ins. 9°697 9170 9:096 9-288 9°353 9°452 9-448 9°4158 9-442 9°757 0-019 9-761 9°934 9:903 0:063 0:306 0°556 0°466 0347 0:283 0°167 0144 9°843 9°451 9°452 9°745 9°757 9°664 9:997 9°879 0:032 Ins. 9°675 9143 9:060 9°316 9°365 9°457 9°453 9°47 1 9428 9°75 0:009 9°785 9°94] 9°913 0:077 0324 0°560 0:466 0°348 0-290 0171 0:132 9°820 9°462 9°454 9°755 9°755 9679 0-011 9°845 0054 9°795 9'804 9806 Ins. 9°637 9°159 9:038 9°354 9°384 9°463 9°456 9°477 9-418 9:791 9-998 9°804 9:937 9°925 0:074 0°342 0°556 0°467 0°346 0-286 0169 07110 9°806 9-461 9-448 9°763 9-761 9°686 0:035 9°845 0-092 9-809 Ins. 9°605 97182 8-990 9°375 9°383 9-469 9°450 9-470 9°412 9°801 9972 9°817 9-937 9-933 0:060 0:349 0°551 0-457 |0'337 | 0:293 0176 0-094 9°791 9458 9-449 9-754 9°760 9°696 0:047 9°840 0°109 9°807 Jus. 95771 9°180 8965 9406 9°397 9-470 9°453 9°477 9°41] 9°815 9°958 9°835 9-928 9°933 0068 0°372 0°547 0°452 Ins. 9°533 9°188 8940 9438 9394 9-470 9-442 9°474 9-411 9°820) 9°926 9-844 9°907 9°943 0:036 0°375 0°528 0°440 0°330] 0°324 0:295 0:166 0-080 9770 9-438 9°449 9-736 9°751 9-700 0:059 9°811 0:291 0°162 0:056 9°749 9:428 9°447 9°717 9:748 9:708 0-063 9°76 07136] 0°161 9°805] 9°798 Ins. 9°495 9-218 8-941 9°453 9-419 9-488 9°438 9-476 9-410 9°828 9°924 9°857 9-904 9°951 0:040 0°388 0°529 0°423 0°306 0:285 0:166 0:033 9°660 9°427 9-449 9-709 9°742 9°707 0071 9°761 0174 9°796 Ins. 9462 9°217 8°953 9°469 9-416 9-473 9°437 9-468 9-412 9°833 9-899 9°867 9°895 9940 0-046 0°395 0°506 0°418 0°293 0:281 07146 0015 9°706 9°424 9445 9°693 9°747 9°724 0:075 9°734 07188 9°793 dus. 9°428 9°236 8-968 9°487 ee 9°460 9-425] 9473, 9-411 9°842 9°886 9892) 3 0:263 Ins. 9-401 9-267 8:987 9502) 9°417 9°457 9°43] 9-484 9°427 9°850 9°854 9°895 9°897 9-980 0:060 0°437 0°507 0°411 0:280 0°146 9:987 9°672 9°430 9°463 9°701 9°750 9°762 0:099. 9°707 0:248 9°799 Ins. 9°368 9:282 9-001 9-500 9°426 9°455 9°442 9-505 9°454 9-860 9-816 9-909 9°892 9:997 0:077 0-436 0511 0°418 0:275 0-269 0-164 9-984 9°662 9°436 9°47 9-706 9°755 9-786 0117 9°697 0:284. 9°805 Ins. 9°358 9311 9014 9°493 9:424 9°466 9°438 9°511 9°474 9861 9°795 9-921 9°8&2) 0:008 0:094 0:449 0°505 0°417 0:274 0:253 0180 9:975 9645 9°432) 9°495) 9-701 9°753 9802 0113 9-700 0°318 9808 21 Ins. 5) 9°849 9°756 | 9°878 | 9°859 9°947 9-987 9°988 2} 0083 9751 2) 9°253 9°613 0:096 0°219 0°260 0:221 0:049 9°844 9-952 3] 0313 0°327 0:271 5) 0°196 0176 0111 3] 0°102 2| 0°197 0°222 2| 0°27 0163 3} 9°853 0:027 OCTOBER 1895. Tus. 9330 9°338 9:026 9°461 9°417 9-450 9°433 97528 9°508 9851 9°753 9°945 9-869 0-037 0:124 0°493 0°517 0°412 0:269 0°241 0°180 9:97 9°603 9°442 9°541 9-702 9°760 9-832 0115 9-712 0°348 9°818 Ins. 9°301 9°339 9:031 9°448 9°419 9-440 9°430 5°525 9°534 9°859 9°749 9°953 9°863 0-051 07132 0°499 0°515 0:403 0:264 0:237 07188 9°948 9°585 9°446 9579 9°696 9°752 9°842 0-115 9°735 0°371 9°814 0:027 Ins. 9313 9°334 9:037 9-432 9-424 9°431 9418 9°515 9546 9-882 9°724 9°959 9-854 0:057 07144 0507 0°503 0°395 0°253 0:221 0176 9-929 9°558 9°444 9°605 9°691 9°741 9°860 07105 9°755 0°398 9813 Mid- night. Ins. 9-845 9°751 9°883 9°877 9-983 9-900 0:0138 0:078 4| 9°687 9-150 9°702 07152 3] 0-212 3| 0°269 5] 0°203 0:036 9°836 9-988 0°346 0303 0°274 2| 0°185 07155 0°118 0109 07198 5) 0°250 0269 0-146 7| 9°817 0:024 dus, 9°328 9°324 9°056 9-414 9°428 9°426 9°417 9°517 9562 9°886 9°729 9:970 9°863 0:073 07165 0522 0°504 0°395 0:249 0°211 0°168 9921 9°541 9°446 9625 9-698 9°735 9°872 0:095 9°71 0423 9°817 TRANS. ROY. SOC. EDIN.—VOL. XLIII. a Mean, Ins. | 9°848 9°73 9°826 9°853 |, 9°896 0-025 9876 | 0:075 9-883 | 9°450 | 9323 9912 | 0°206 | 0215 | 0251 0-112 9-884 9-761 0-160 0°355 0:263 0228 0-175 07106 0°100 0160 07197 0-266 0-199 9-983 0012 Ins. 9-546 9-248 9-070 9350 9°394 9-449 9-436 9-469 9-461 9-781 9-894 9-827 9918 9947 0077 0°358 0525 0-441 0314 0-262 | 0°167 0-059 9°746 9+449 9°479 9710 9°742 9°739 0°031 9836 0°128 9°802 202 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. BAROMETER. Repucep To 32°. 4407 Feet apove SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. NOVEMBER 1895. | Mid |e 1}2)/814/54 67 | 8 | 9 | 208] 1 | 224 a8 | 14 | 15 \x16 | 17 | 18] 19 | 20 | 21) 22 oan ee iene Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. } Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. 1 | 5:720] 5:726) 5-730} 5°745) 5°752) 5-769, 5-786] 5-804] 5°&19| 5-824 5:833] 5:834] 5:838| 5:833] 5:827| 5:821| 5°822] 5:822] 5-830] 5-830] 5:827] 5-822) 5818] 5°813 | 5-802 2 | 5°803) 5°798) 5-784) 5°79) 5°71) 5°765) 5°759) 5761) 5-749) 5°741) 5°725) 5°707 | 5:686) 5659] 5645) 5°632) 5:617| 5:607| 5°588) 5:573) 5°560) 5548) 5:529| 5°512 | 5-679 83 | 5°496) 5-483) 5:467| 5°450) 5-439) 5°428) 5-416) 5:411| 5°402! 5°393 5°380) 5°357 | 5°344| 5°340| 5°327 | 5°320| 5:314| 5°312) 5-306] 5:298) 5:281| 5-269) 5:258! 5:254 | 5-364 | 4 | 5:246| 5:239) 5-227) 5°217| 5*204) 5:198| 5°188) 5:188] 5-186) 5-179, 5°162! 5152} °130] 5138] 5-132] 5:114] 5-118) 5°105| 5-097] 5-091] 5-068} 5-059] 5-053] 5-039 | 5-147 | 5 | 5-031) 5:016) 4-988) 4-973) 4-962) 4-950] 4-922) 4-928) 4-910] 4°888 4-863) 4:834} 4-803] 4°750] 4-721] 4:662! 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REDucED To 32°. 4407 Fret aBovE Sea LeveL. Firsr FIGURE OMITTED. DECEMBER 1895. Ins. | Ins. | Ins, | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins, | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | 1 |5:181) 5-119} 5-105) 5-063) 5-048) 5-060] 5-059) 5-069] 5-087] 5:111| 5-094 5:095] 5-091] 5-098) 5-093] 5-109) 5°144] 5°166} 5°176| 5:190| 5-211] 5-218 5-381| 5°239 | 5126 | 2 | 5251) 5°239) 5:238) 5-238) 5-256) 5:235) 5*206) 5°191| 5:176| 5°171| 5-119 5-079] 5-058] 5-012] 4-966) 4-943] 4-910) 4-899) 4:866) 4°911) 4-912) 4-925) 4:932| 4-934 | 5-069 | 3 | 4°958) 4°960) 4:952) 4-973) 4-971) 4583) 4-999) 5-007] 5:039] 5-069] 5-082 5-093] 5-088) 5-096] 5-092! 5-077) 5-057) 5-050] 5-045] 5-048] 5-036] 5-081) 5:043) 5-053 | 5-033 4 | 5-041) 5:047| 5:054} 5-047) 5:032) 5-041) 5-020) 4-987] 4-922] 4-901] 4:879 4°838] 4-812] 4-769] 4-783] 4:775) 4-791) 4:786] 4°786] 4°72] 4:788| 4-712) 4°663) 4:621 | 4°867 | 5 | 4:574| 4533) 4-457] 4:441) 4:488) 4-424) 4-475] 4:495] 4-514! 4-513 4517) 4-494] 4-499) 4-475] 4-469| 4-464) 4-480] 4-487] 4-498) 4488] 4-450) 4-478) 4515) 4°495 | 4-486 | 6 | 4-479) 4-495] 4:509) 4-485] 4-488) 4:485] 4-488) 4-476] 4-470] 4-485) 4-477, 4-468} 4-469] 4:504| 4-498] 4-483] 4-504) 4-505] 4°539) 4°540) 4-567] 4°582) 4:619) 4°627 | 4510} | 7 |4°672) 4°675) 4°716) 4°7-2) 4-746) 4-767) 4-792) 4828) 4-860) 4:900| 4-928 4-961 } 4-983) 4:987| 5-018) 5:051| 5-078} 5°104) 5°101| 5°118] 5146] 5153) 5°167| 5°195 | 4-944 | | 8 | 5°213) 5°23) 5:245) 5:257| 5°259) 5*254! 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REDUCED To 32° AND SEA LEVEL. - FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. 203 NOVEMBER 1895. 0-172 0153] 0-132 5 (0 “a6 9. “$52 ne 7 | 9713 iG Ins. tits 0-469 | 0°474 0°468 | 0:454 eed [0:092] 9°824 | 9:808 | 9°80 9514 8°639 9-414 9-508 8601 9441 9°719 9-560 9°342 8473 8772 9:078 9:315 9-636 9287 9°611 0-110 0:100 9°586 9°384 8°341 8-799 9044 9°321 9°664 9°295 9587 0°108 0107 9870 | 9-853 9°865 | 9°875 0-029 | 0:067 0106 | 0:124 0°528 | 0°534 0°567 | 0:563 0-420 | 0-406 0052 | 0-040 9°908 | 9:895 9°694 | 9-676 7 | 9°682 | 9°676 9°737 | 9°736 6 Ins, a / Ins. 8 Ins. 0-496 | 0-504 | 0°532 0-438 (0-072}|[0-052) *808'| 9:800 9-494 8581 9-479 9°729 9°542 9-280 8°557 8-761 9-108 9-299 9-606 9-242 9°645 0106 0110 9-843 9°887 0 088 0148 0538 0569 REDUCED TO 32° AND Ska LEVEL, 0-428 9°477 8-593 9-491 9-733 9-554 9-226 8-635 8-761 9-146 9-293 9-572 9-236 9°67 0-120 0-102 9-843 9-901 0°105 0174 0544 0573 0-424 [0-032] 9°798 9°470 8651 9°525 9°755 9°572 9-168 8-705 8°765 9-196 9-297 9°530 07544 0°398 0-016 9779 9-426 8795 9°557 9773 5] 9592 97134 7| 8801 7| 8°797 2| 9°276 5} 9°278 9-480 97196 5] 9°75 3] 0-172 2) 0080 9-841 9°951 0°101 0-271 0°562 0°585 0:344 2) 0-014 9°388 9°693 2) 9°678 9-760) 9°759 10 Ins. 11 Ins. 0°554 0389 9-996 9-761 9-404 8844 9°572 9°776 9°597 9:137 8827 8812 9-309 9281 9460 9176 9°786 07158 0-066 9:834) ¢ 9°948) ¢ 0093 0°267 07554 0°585 0329 0:016 9888 9686 9-668 of 97146 9°832 1 ‘7 DOGHH GOCE 9-741 9158 9°845 “| 9-997 9: 0°325 4) 0:538 3} 0°33 0°243 9-998 9°837 9°679 9658 9732 2] 0-518 7| 0°265 3] 9175 2/ 9°768 3] 8995 7| 9°317 5] 0:016 3| 9°899 9} 9:991 5] 0°37 5) 0°528 6| 9°986 NG Wf aly Ins. 0520 0253 Ins. 9-910) 9°681} 9°676 9135 8°996 9°617 9°766 8-970 9°599 9°597 8-948 8-921 8836 9°387 8917 8°822 9°369 9-089 9170 9°3896) 0'140 8991 9196 0146 9994 9°786 9 901 Shoes 0:396 0°556 0511 0°185 9-986 9°810 9°701 9776 0°550 0:200 9°808 9°694 9-666 9°723 9°722 9-906} 9 9-920} 9° 9-686} Y 9603] 9°6 9-324] 9°35 2| 0-532 3| 0-229] 0-211 5] 9°651 7| 8:805 7| 8901 2| 8:850 7} 9°393 3) 8°835 }] 9°266 19 Ins. 9-909 9°665 9-009 9-048 9°752) 9°7- 9-617 9°393 9:962 07160 9°718) 9°724 7| 9°627 7| 9°673 5] 8°882 7| 97405, 3} 9°498 2) 0:006 4! 9°978 22 9°822 5} 9-909 3} 0°131 4 9-716 21 Ins. 0°36 0:203 9-906 8°S85 9132 9°734 9614 8559 8891 9-072 9°384 07162 0-011 0-463 0°576 0°499 9-955 9778 9-702 9-724 (0-190) 22 23 Ins. 07524 0:197 yar ! 9°599 8°75 9:222 9°691 9700 9°587 8°361 8867 8930 9°381 9592 9237 9-470 0-044 0-150 9-918 9-840 9°913 0:035 0-479 0°576 0463 0:110 9°958 9°748 Ins. 0°536 9°882 9-613 8°803 9-176 9-683 9°726 9-605 8-423 8°887 8-904 9°395 9°551 ST 9-444 0-027 0154 9-978 9826 9:91 0:027 0-471 0°579 0:481 0117 9-958 9°766 9:705 | 9-702 9°726 | 9-720 9°724 | 9°722 FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. DECEMBER 1895. night, Mid- Mean. Ins. Ths. 0°526 | 0°515 0190] 0°340 9-862 | 9-986 9°593 f 9°731 8°739 | 9°257 9260 | 8°877 9-701 § 9°554 9°686 | 9°741 9°563 | 9°594 8:305 | 9°022 8:863 | 8718 8-960 | 8°S50 9-365 | 9°262 9°631 } 9°360 9°263 | 9°338 9°496 9 9°265 0-082 } 9°806 0°144 | 9-139 9:914 | 0-942 9-846 } 9°330 9-923 | 9-904 0-059 f 0035 0-495 f 0294 0°576 | 0550 0-454 | 0°539 0:097 | 0:278 9-960 f 0°005 9°735 | 9°348 9-702 | 9:696 9-704 } 9°685 9°723 | 9°735 Ins. 9°644 9843 9-542 9°618 8884 9099 9°335 9974 9-646 9-658 9°768 9590 | 9°524 9-080 | 9:092 9°580 | 9°548 9°191 | 9:173 8°840 | 8-868 9443 | 9°475 9-907 | 9-903 9-919 | 9-914 0-021 | 0-026 0°007 | 0:015 9°860 | 9-841 9-718 | 9°701 9-720 | 9696 9°686 | 9-692 0020.) 0-015 0°238 | 0:240 0-299 | 0:255 9-631 | 9°627 9°658 | 9-633 9°728 | 9°735 9°650 | 9-645 Ins, 9 ‘637 9*849 9-544 9612 8:897 9:107 9°357 9-978 9-583 9-674 9°777 Ins. 9-624 9°825 9-588 9-614 8979 9:057 9°373 9-976 9°535 9-700 9°775 9°470 9-128 9°516 9155 8890 Ins. 9-629 9°796 9-600 9-582 8:993 9:079 9°397 9-984 9-495 9°726 9°781 9384 9°174 9°456 Say 8-930 9545 Ins. 9-640 9°766 9°628 9-544 8-999 9-067 9-441 0-002 9-481 9°750 9°798 9°324 9-218 9-444 9-083 8-960 9°594 9-907 9-928 0046 9-999 9°798 9-744 Ins. 9°648 9:749 9648 9-478 9:015 9:057 9-479 0-002 9-502 9°757 9°813 9266 9°252 9°420 9:041 8:990 9°635 O11 9:926 0:058 0:004 9°785 9°765 9°719 9°748 0:063 0°308 07161 9°588 9°583 9°818 9°651 Ins. 9-680 9:748 9°670 9°432 9:045 9:077 9°535 0:002 9520 9°782 9829 9:218 9°292 9°362 9011 9:018 9°675 9:917 9-936 0:066 0:004 9775 9:71 9°738 9778 0:060 0°322 0°119 9°605 9-586 9-830 9-658 Ins. 9°682 9°709 9°680 9364 9:062 9-090 9°574 0:024 9°517 9°797 9°840 97145 9°335 9°341 8-990 9:037 9°689 9-907 9-930 0:059 0-001 9°765 9774 9°737 9-780 0-062 07329 0:076 9°618 9°576 9°831 9-656 Tus, } lus. 9°682] 9:680 9-635} 9-619 9-692] 9°694 9°318} 9:297 9-067} 9°081 9-082) 9°100 9-608} 9°621 0:018] 0016 9°518} 9°507 9°7974 9'807 9°846} 9°851 9-087 9°045 9350} 9°391 9-301} 9°276 8°9544 8896 9054} 9:056 9-701} 9°717 9-900} 9°890 9-936} 9°928 0:0544 0:041 9:983) 9:973 9°745] 9°717 9-760) 9°744 9-728) 9°720 9°8241 9°846 0:052} 0:062 0:332] 0°338 0:031} 9°986 9°615}| 9°627 9-567} 9°568 9°834] 9°841 9647] 9'643 Ins. 9°692 9°555 9690 9283 9:077 9066 9°661 0-002 9°502 9°807 9°855 9:035 9-428 9265 8°852) 9:056 9-723 9°890 9:928 0:040 9-961 O717 9°752 9°716) 9°868 0:066 0°338 9°944 9°635 9564 9°840 9°639 lus. 9°698 9-505 9°686 9-270 9-069 9:079 9°696 9-992 9-518 9814 9°866 9:018 9-462 9°265 8-808 9:072 9°751 9°890 9°933) 0:039) 9:951 9°717 9°754 9-716 9°876 0:079 0°344 9:918) 9-650 9566 9°844 9°641 dus. 9°748 9°419 9°656 9272 9-091 9°120 9°762 0:001 9-534 9°833 9°884 8-980 9518 9:271 8753 9°114 9°784 9-390 9:945 Tus. 9°732 9°450 9°670 9:276 9-073 9-096 9°729 0-006 9°528 9:834 9872 $997 9-488 9:265 8778 9:096 9°765 9°896 9°944 0-046) 0°052 9-941) 9-931 9-704) 9713 9-754 9°741 9°712| 9-695 9-922 9:904 0" 086 0-090 9" “852 gh ‘854 9°644 9°644 Jus. 9°770 9°405 9°637 9:266 9-111 9118 9°786 0:000 9552 9°849 9-890 8971 9°554 9277 8°735 97148 9°805 9°896 9:954 0:054 9°929 9717 9°732 9°712 9:922 0-094 7| 0°361 9°794 9°684 9574 9°852 | Ins. 9650 dus. 9°784 9:-794 9°367| 9°403 9°626) 9°620 9-240, 9-225 9-079) 9:092 9°132) 9°138 9°805| 9°829 9:976) 9:956 9°550) 9°562 9°847) 9°835 9°882) 9:872 8-968) 8:965 9°580) 9°600 9-281) 9:286 8°740} 8:740 9°170] 9°204 9°81] 9°837 9-653] 9°662 dus. 9°816 9°449 9-604 9-193 9:131 9°156 9°851 9-926 9-574 9-826 9-860 8963 9-606 9-293 8753 9-222 9°857 9-918 9-988 0:048 9:917 9-713 9°738 9°702 9:975 07150 0:377 9-751 9°702 9°627 9°855 9°663 ins. 9°844 9°469 9°636 9:114 97120 9130 9°899 9860 9596 9°805 9°824 8977 9°624 9274 8°764 9-287 9°873 9-920 9998 0:036 9-909 9°740 9°733 9-691 9988 0179 0°359 9°731 9°704 9-654 9°841 9-664 Lits. 9-838 9°459 9-616 9°151 9-099 9182 9-904 9891 9586 9°827 9°840 8°961 9°618 9°301 8°758 9266 9°870 9-921 0:002 0-040 9917 9°725 9°736 9°728 9-988 0-172 0°379 9°738 9-708 9-638 9°849 9668 : Ins. Ins, 9°717 9*628 9°622 9-850 9°493 9638 9064 9°135 9-256 4 9-115 9-927 | 9602 9-828 9°605 9801 9-790 8:991 9636 9-281 8-778 9°326 9-879 9°918 0-006 0-035 9'897 9°731 9°744 9-656 9988 0192 } 0-076 0349 9°710 9-708 9°672 9°836 9-668 | 9:652 | 204 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. TEMPERATURE, Dry AND WET BULBS. JANUARY 1895. il 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1] Dry. Wet.|/Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|/Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|/Dry. 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Wet. | if 32°4 31:3 33:0 31:8 36:0 33°5 33°5 [31-7] 33°6 30-4 24:1 23:3 31°7 [30-0] 30°6 [27°5] 32:0 [30-0] 226 [21-0]| : 161 15:9 16-9 [15:5] 163 15:9 30°8 30°2 36°9 35°2 | & 42-2 40-1 37°7 366 34°9 32:9 40°38 39°8 37'0 33°0 40°0 39:2 28°2 26°7 8 Dry. Wet. 32°4 31°3 33°5 [32:0] 36°0 33°5 34°6 [32:0] 33'9 30°6 24°8 24:1 See = PwDbP WWNRRe HNP AGIWOo TORT wowor hr DSWSS UHSSem KS eet 9 10 Dry. Wet.|Dry. 33°6 [31°4]] 33°5 (31: 4] 33°6 [32-4] 35-4 3 36°6 WWNHH HYnwmNNwhy [Sv) to Fr 09 S100 bD DSSHH COOK CHE DENWOS WAAAY coe Hho a9 ens : Scmr:S OF wWDeH 26:2 271 27:0 29°9 32°7 31°8 361 40°6 372 34°'8 35:0 35°0 42°1 41:0 45°0 401 38°4 41:2 40°] 44°1 35°3 24:0 23°0 23:0 27°0 31°8 27°3 30°3 35'2 31°3 29°9 310 31°9 38:0 39°6 41°8 36°3 33'9 35°4 35°2 42:0 317 SS CaS OENSS SH enw wNwwNWh NWN eo Owe hhy wr WOON NOOO SSS SN Orr NeF bo ES Gole Go WOOO rs PI SSNS SGHSSS WHSSY SIV oo OO co 42°4 31°0 ot = AWSS OSGHMH KONSH OKS re Or RHE DFO SSSae AS OMY ASS Ge oo Woodson 6 365 35°6 34:3 22'6 24-1 20:2 20°7 16°6 15*0 16-9 28:3 33:3 32:6 32°6 25°8 18:2 18-9 18:2 33°6 37°8 43-0 37°9 36-0 43-7 377 42'8 29°7 Wet. 207 FEBRUARY 1895, 11 Dry. Wet. 34:4 [31-4] 3°6 | 35°6 34:0 32°8 31°8 22°5 21°4 18°4 19:9 15°6 13°3 16°6 27°3 28°7 28°0 29°9 22°3 17:3 16°9 173 32°5 36°8 40°9 35°4 33°9 41-1 33°3 39°3 276 18 .|Dry. 36°0 38°7 37°3 34:8 33°7 24°6 25°7 23°3 21:0 23°0 24°6 23°3 B2°2 311 350 34°7 29°5 29°5 29°3 34:0 39°2 40°0 41°6 370 34:5 37:0 39°3 44°8 32°7 Wet. 32°8 34°6 B45 32°6 32+1 22°7 23°0 20°0 20°0 20°0 21°3 221 31-0 27°0 32:0 31-9 26:1 26-2 26°9 31°3 36-3 386 39°5 B54 311 33-2 35°3 42°6 30°0 19 20 21 2 B} a Dry. Wet. Dey, Wetlpen Wet.|Dry. Wet. 34°8 [32°3] 38:1 35-0 36°6 33°6 34-0 [32:0] 39°5 B45 36°4 33-3 35:0 32-7 3U9 31-9 23°6 [21°5] 285-0 [23-0) grates Geet W827 1729 19°9 17°3 19°8 18°0 21:1 20°1 34°6 30°] 300 27°2 34:3 32:0 31°9 32° 27°3 25° 25:0 22° 24°1 22° 33°8 31:2 1 2 4 1 3 | 88°4 361 38°2 3771 42°5 39-9 361 34:0 314 29°2 36°9 33°1 37°3 34°3 43°7 41°5 31°2 28:9 34°] [31-7] 39°3 34:9 35°6 33°2 32:0 24:1 25°5 20°5 17°4 20:0 20°1 19:4 34:9 39:0 34:1 30°4 25°5 22°3 22:0 32°6 38°2 381 41:0 36:0 31'8 371 37°8 43:0 30°6 32°9 31:0 30°2 [21:0 22°8 18°6 17°3 173 18:0 18°7 29°3 25°9 29°2 28-0 23°9 2071 20°6 32°0 36°2 37:0 38°9 33'9 29°3 33'2 34:0 40°7 28°1 34°0 37°6 35:0 34-0 31-2 24-1 25°4 21:3 71 181 18-0 19° 34:9 29°3 34-9 29°6 23:1 20-9 19°8 32:3 37:9 38-0 411 36-1 32°5 36-4 37°4 43-0 30°1 31°6 34°6 32:0 31°6 29°6 20°8 23:0 18°8 16-7 1671 16°9 18°5 30°8 25-7 29:0 27-0 22:0 18°9 18-4 30°2 36:0 | 36°9 37°9 37°6 34°6 25°3 25:9 23-2 22°6 18:2 18-2 22:2 30-0 33-9 34-3 36°1 29°4 23-0 24:2 24:0 36-2 39-0 44-0 38-1 37°7 44-9 38:5 43-1 31°9 84°3 34°6 33°9 32°1 23°0 22°6 19°8 21:1 17:0 15'8 21:0 29:0 32°0 28°2 82°2 25°3 21°2 21°8 22:0 35°0 37°8 40'9 36°3 34°3 42:0 34:0 40-0 29°2, 23 12 Dry. 35°2 35°6 38°0 374 84°5 25:9 26:2 24:9 24:2 22:9 20°9 24:1 30°7 35°0 35°3 38'3 31°2 26°9 27:0 280 39°1 40°1 44-1 39°0 382 46:1 39°8 43°3 33°3 Midnight. Wet.} Max. 82°5 | 36:0 33°8 | 40°0 35°2 | 39°8 35°3 | 39°5 32°6 | 385°3 23:1 | 30°6 22°7 | 27°5 21:2 | 29°8 22°8 | 27°6 20°4 | 27°1 18:1 | 27:9 22:8 | 30°5 30:0 | 35:0 30°0 | 35:1 29:0 | 86°9 33°7 | 41°3 27:1 | 37°9 24°3 | 35:0 24:0 | 35:2 25:1 | 35°9 36°8 | 43°8 38°9 | 41°9 41:0} 45-1 36°4 | 43°8 33°7 | 39°0 42:3 | 46°2 34°5 | 41:0 40°9 | 45:0 30°3 | 36°8 Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. 31°9 | 83:0 [31°5]} 32°9 35:0 | 37°6 31-4 | 31:4 31°9 | 34:2 28°9 | 29°6 33°6 381 33°9 3471 30°3 i de Oo) NHS ow bo No w jw HO NOW WD I H SHMDODD HO He bo oi) 21°4 | 25-2 23°8 | 26°7 19:4 | 22-1 16°1 | 17:0 16:0 | 17:9 16:2 | 19-9 18:0 | 18-2 29:3 | 34°8 27:0 | 30°8 3271 | 36°9 26°3 | 28°1 22:0 | 21°1 18-4 | 20°3 17°5 | 17°5 30°5 | 33°2 35:0 | 3671 39°3 | 33:0 31:0 5 83:2 5 34:6 38:0 34°3 369 41°7 34:0 34°1 38°1 36°0 42°4 34°7 | 36°0 29°21 36°5 82°5 | 34°8 28°4 1 33°5 21°5 | 25°5 24:7 | 24°6 19°2 | 23:9 16:3 | 22-0 16°219-2 18°3 | 18°6 17:0} 21:0 31:9 | 28°9 26°9 | 32°0 29°2 | 33:2 25'2 | 34°2 20°4 | 27-4 18°5 | 23-1 17:0 | 22:9 32:0 | 25°8 33°4 | 36°6 36°0 | 38:0 40°2} 41°8 32°3 | 38°6 32°0 | 34°9 33°1 | 39°9 34°3 | 38:0 38°0 | 41°6 27°5 | 30°9 For Day. Min, 24°6 32°7 81:0 30°0 29:0 22°6 19°9 19°7 16°3 13°8 11°0 14:2 17:9 29:0 26:0 27°9 21:71 16:1 15°2 14:7 28°5 34:3 36°9 34:0 31:2 34°4 35°9 36:0 25°1 Mean. Wet. 31°0 33°5 33°9 32°3 31°4 23°7 22°3 21°8 20°5 17°4 16°5 19°9 27:0 29°1 29:2 30° 6 MARCH 1895, ANANNNA S190 DON 1B 4 co 0 ANAAGA N19 00% & AANA 219 66 00 SO 18 69 69101616 AAANAN HoAHDOGD AAA oo 10 ANAAAA ToHHtRDow ANNANNNNA ll 00 00 60 SH 1a Nie 4 ANNA ANNAN ADw~DS 27°6 22:1 10 10 N10 39 AANA ATAGIA oD ca ON G60 H AANA NO19 Heo Cer oe IBID O1INDS AHNMRO ARAAN wahoo FHNNG BANNAN Pie cece Wet.|Dry. CONAN CO ONAN OD SeaT eS ANNAN N MOON AAAAANR OD 0D CO I OD 00 moon ANAANAN Id I SH Qaaea AANAAA mo ynht 5 en Ol el St ae mt ACO xH ANAAAA are ere re ch MoANN oO Ht OD 1010 D1 ON oe sts Soe oO Ocanon ANAAH io oT alias Belinea) oOorcnor m1 ocr OAGAN Dry AND Wet BULBS. R101 coc cna NN AAAAN Horror Sonnac ANNAN WONONON SOANNG AANAAA 9| 12 4/13 Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. 21 | | | | aq | | | 20 Cece Cara HANS Hoo SH t. 8 1 7 7 0 Se os oe | 19 An FN CO I~ N SH 00 Ramon ANAAA SI~YNH OD Sr oor MmnAriag 19 DI~ OH OAH oD ANANNNN 18 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. NAAN CARN RG Q0 =H AAAAN 10 115 =H ANNAAA CRS Rae Rees HoOmMHIAN ARAANN DWaHaANSO sH 1 O93 SH OD 60 10 mA HN 17 16 00.16 631010 AAA Nostokb COONAN Wet. |Dry. 0 9 a 0 5 15 9 19 9 13 4 12 (0) il7/ 5 27 OANCON ON ties ANAAAN OO A ri SHG =H IeNOWHIG ANAAAN 24°7 | 24:5 24°5 | 24:3 24:3 | 24°1 24-1 | 23-8 23°8 | 23°7 23-7] 24:0 24:0 | 24:4 24-4 | 24°7 24-7 | 25:2 25-2] 25°7 25°6 6 | 13 7|12 8) 17 2 | 27 14 fool eal, 3 27 17 27 NANAIAASD i KorNorEankos) INOW ANAAAN HNO ANAAAN TEMPERATURE. 208 ENANGMS NQHSOH-N OBOPMSOM Ymrog ix Hr 19 HARHAIOA 01601010 DBODWADG Anwtor MOMHN oD QATAR N ANNAN FHANNN NMANANN NANANNG BPOEANWO PHYRSHM HOMO ME WAIS AS9S 19 PN eereaien MmONAHO COOOOMn Nr1000 OD 4 OD 4 03 OD An mA ANANA ANHANDM DMNNN NANNNAN BEOWAUWG WORPOSOD HOMOM Wr HAS NOPSMA > BRARAON BwONH1IO CMOOCOWMWO ANn1000 OD i OD 4 0D OD st QAR AAN ANNNNN NANNG MOANN ANNNANAAN N BOOAPSD ONMPO wWONNMS NOD mPyHWOMD 16 fe Coe aN MmMONDH OMOORN ANnweor 4109 © HOD = Net AN ANNAN NTNNMDM DOONAN NANNAN N EPIIOAPS I-NANO 19 OADO ONOWM™ TAs HOSED 1G HANNAN BDONDMH CHDORN ANnwor OD riod O HOD st QNnnAnHN NANNN ANMINND DMONNN NANNANN N z ANON OMS ORDO FNAMHO OFORO Or~onror < Le Fe BO oe eB oe | NANA OD OD =>} M 6} 11 13 ewe ooo wAGH He ANANAAN 24:7 24°6 25°5 25°5 | 25°0 25:0 | 24-7 24°6 | 243 24-2 | 24°38 24:2) 24:3 24:2 | 24°3 24:1) 24:4 24:3 | 24-4 24:3 TEMPERATURE. FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. Dry AnD Wet BUuLBs. bo) 41°0 30°6 28°2 31:0 34:1 41:0 33-0 40°4 41:0 382 36°0 32°3 33°9 41:0 45°1 46:2 43°7 34°8 45:0 45-2 424 46:0 46°0 48°8 4071 36°0 37°5 39°0 38°5 39°0 38°7 39°3 .|Dry. Wet. 37°4 28°9 | 351° 27-0 30°5 338 39°4 38°1 369 38°0 36°0 34°8 29°5 33°1 40°3 44°4 44-9 43:1 33°9 40°4 42°0 42:0 42°8 45°2 482 38°3 35°4 36°3 37°5 35°2 36°8 37°77 37:7 Ww wwwwe cw Be CIONIODO 45°9 Py wen wew co, AVAD A ANTMAOA Gor “I 37°6 2 3 3 bi CONDE O Cod Hwwmns Aa = 4 CO HE Oo OO to oooh 3 CO He He CO CO ONE WNW WW OGRA Cr ~IN 0c eo So oo or So 47-0 48:0 vs fer) _ is or “I 40°9 41°5 1) lo) o “I —) 41-0 42°6 41:0 40°0 « 10 .|Dry. 41:0 29:0 30:0 30°9 38°1 43°8 38:0 41:4 40°8 40:1 36°0 35°6 34°0 42°4 42°5 7 | 46-0 48-0 40°1 44:0 45°3 49°4 49°7 47-7 44°3 41:0 42:2 38°8 370 41°3 41:9 42-1 40°7 Wet. 381 27°6 26°9 27°8 37'2 41:5 374 373 39:0 37:0 339 32°1 33°4 420 42:3 44-5 43°9 39°7 42-5 43:0 46°3 44:7 45:4 42°0 39°8 37'8 36°0 36°1 38°0 388 40:0 38°5 ll Wet. Dry. 40:2 32°2 32°2 35°9 38°5 45:0 40:0 43°1 44:8 41:9 37:0 37-7 35°0 370 29°7 27°6 31°9 37°8 42-4 392 38°'1 40°2 37°3 35°0 382°3 34:7 5 43°5 42°3 45-0 43°5 40°1 429 44°] 46:1 44°8 46:0 42°6 38°1 375 36°6 36°4 39°2 40:0 40°0 209 MARCH 1895. 12 For Day. Dry. Wet.[Max. 41:0 35:6 | 42°6 34:0 30°3 | 37:2 32°8 28:9 | 35°3 36°9 32:9] 39-0 38°4 38:1} 40°9 45:9 43-0 | 46-2 41:0 39°9] 44°3 43-7 37:4] 45:0 465 40°9 | 48-0 42°4 37°2 | 43°7 37°3 34°8 | 39°4 88'1 33°8 | 38°6 37°9 36:1 45°8 44:2 43°8 43:2 46:0 45:1 49°8 44:0 42:0 41°2 43°3 42-9 47°6 44°5 50°4 45°5 500 45:2 48°3 46:0 45:0 41°6 39°2 38°0 42'8 38°8 42-1 37:1 38'3 36°8 43°2 39°5 44:2 40:2 44:0 40-9 42°6 39°5 Min, 311 26°9 26°6 26°8 33°5 39°7 35:0 40:0 35°4 36'8 321 31°9 31:0 40:0 40:7 43'1 35°0 34:0 42°8 42°8 42:3 45:0 45°8 38°2 34:2 34°4 32°6 36°7 38:0 37°8 37°5 36°4 13 Dry. Wet. 35°7 310 31°3 43°0 46°0 38°] 44°3 44°9 44-1 43°3 40-2 16 . Wet. 33°7 32°2 31°3 33°2 40:0 42°] 41°0 39°2 40°3 369 34:1 34°9 399 44-3 45°7 45°2 43°3 43°2 47:0 43°8 45-0 46°5 46°8 39°5 378 39°8 39°0 36°0 39°6 41:0 40-0 40-1 17 Dry. 382 33°9 33°1 377 40°0 43:0 43°1 43:3 45-0 38°2 380 377 42°3 45-4 46:0 48-0 49-0 47-0 49-1 45°0 49-0 47-0 47-2 42-0 38:0 43:0 45:0 38°2 41°5 43°4 43°7 42°6 Wet. 33°7 32°1 29°3 33°7 39°7 42°0 40:1 39°5 39:0 36°9 33°3 350 39'5 44-9 45°6 45°3 43°8 42°7 47-1 43°1 45:0 46:0 46°8 40-0 371 39:0 39°0 36'0 39°2 40:1 39°9 39°8 18 20 Dry. 36:0 33°1 32:0 37°2 40:0 42:0 41°1 43°0 43:0 378 362 37:0 41°2 45°6 46:0 48:0 47°0 45°6 48-0 44:0 48:9 45°8 47:0 41°8 38°7 39°9 43°8 58°7 41:0 42°7 43°1 41°8 Wet. 32°1 30°0 | 32° 29°8 370 39°2 41°3 380 38°9 38°3 36°4 32:1 35°0 385 45:0 45°5 45:0 42°3 41°1 45:0 430 43°9 45°3 46° 6 ors .|Dry. 34°1 30°4 34:9 35°9 39°4 41°2 34:2 . ROY. SOC. EDIN.— VOL. XLIII. 3 | 39°0 ¢ 42°3 38: 37-1 35° Wet. 32°1 28°6 31°0 | 33° 36:0 | 33° 35°7 34: 41°3 37° 38:0 .|Dry, Wet.JDry. Wet. 5 | 42-1 Midnight.| Mean. 311 29-2 34°8 33°5 40°0 40-0 40°0 29°1 27°8 32°1 | 31-2 33'0 | 33°5 39°3 fc 39°3 35°2 38°5 36°6 35°1 29°3 331 39°1 44°7 45°5 43°6 34°7 41°0 42°1 42:0 43:3 45°4 478 38:0 34:1 36'1 372 35:3 QRw 38°0 36°8 37:0 377 38'3 311 34:9 29°0 28°9 31°9 37°7 40-9 5 375 40:0 36°8 82°2 74, 30) BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 210 APRIL 1895. Dry AND WET BULBS. TEMPERATURE. oro] Ww 6 25 4 28 ia) al 8 2 0 | 25 5 | 28 9 | 28 8 | 16 1 | 26 See a yt b es ap ay Le ee RANHO 9169 69 oD otnesoo ANOON FOOLED OONBO BaABBA AABSA ASPOO MOESH BRAS Beso 09 a et ee 33°2 260 |) 11 2 25 .|Dry. Wet.|Dry. 25 27 27 15 27 Dart bere 10 Tt 50 60 SO 4 GAIN 69 IQ 19 SO I+ aniviwn, Jalen! NN 09 09 09 Deasoe erie Cee ee oté~HON ~ 24 6 | 26 1| 2 1 2 Wet.|Dry. 7 Sire fae Ces Cee On ae S190 GAN 6d 9 6d Loman Aad 39 do m~O190190 > Wet.|Dry. 7 weer aig mg icm site mianod oN ~ANW~OH 23 8 | 25 y. Wet.|Dry. 23°7 23°7 8 21 5 1D OD OD L~ 1 Leones Saal bod SD SH tO roa oOoS Sica eae AawoOaN Gi om ed cd GO tm see) ley oe ae ee AAaanr 8 | 23 0 | 24 4 | 25 2 | 12 4/19 Wet.|Dry. I} al ONAN Dro ob 8 | 21 Wet.| Dry. 22 21 26 ll 17 NNN OD 2 NANO ~OWeN SH SH1O NI Mean,| 28°7 28-1 | 28°8 28°1 | 28-7 28:1] 28-6 27-8 | 28-7 27-9| 28-9 27-8] 29:2 28:2] 29-7 28-7] 30-1 29-1] 80-7 29:7] 30-7 29:8] 30-9 3071 SHH HOMO Neoae : SIMO tH HOMO Nona « x : = ; HHA HH ORiBAS S2eoux SaxAR Sci ni ANNAN ZF [LEMOS WNHOO NOPSS TYAS OAOOH Ome wA OC Ri AID H OMINRS OHOMOKR NASOLRAN Has GH4 Dod HN foxy | FaRsea AANND ANMODOD MODGDCDED MDCDNCDANOD NOoOOA N ee ee HB [SF SFON AAOOH SNOSTH HON DN SSOMS ewnNH rt SNRISS IDO MDIODE ANWHAMD OANMAH MONTHS AnAMOD ao [=| S LHSMON ANDNMRM SONSOMD 8SSONM ROOMS 192WOORS TG | SHOPON ANODM ONOHY BSSOHYPY SPOONS ewoge : i= ONOHM 1OO G19 ANOMD19 CWO AH MIOANHSO ANMOS for) = | BS ANHAN AHNOA Add BaMANG adam Naam A SroAHPSH OmPSOHW HUANHY OSOYSO SHSOH FOMOH © NOMAO 1m HY ANON ODAARMMD HANDS ANOID oe) oD ANMAN FMAM OAN NON NOON CDODODODOD NOCD OON N No] sNAM Hs CAPSS ONAPE WSHVSS OWOSHH HomoH F HHO ODD SO 100M 4 HO NNOH1O NIw~1OHOD HANTS MOMMA for) ANAANANNAN BRAMAN NMC GDOD CDODOIAGCD GDODODODOD NOD N nN SPOSSM OAOOH HANOH OPOMN OVSMY SOF MID Saat aa NOANANY FDANQW HSH WD OOH HHS ANMNAND ice) a NAMAN BAM ON NON AMONG C200000000 NOOO OON N SN | EPSSHS SSL H HAND SNOPA OPSOH OhHTH BROIDHOMD ANOANY FNANMAHAO DHOOM HHO ANDNS lor} ANNAN HAMAD OON NON) CDODOONICD GOOD CDGD NOON N BAPNOP WOMSS SADHO ANPMHO WHHNS BOSOM > SaAartSy RreMnhe ANH ONOOCOM HHH HSo OAONNAD co —| ANTWHN RAMON NONMO NOOO CDODCDODOD NOON N MN | ENPAOP 1990S SHOSDH OMNSONHY NHDOMH AHSOD HIG HOR WROD AND OO Beh OMD HHH THO ONAN for} AQANNTNHN MAHAMOON NON OD DODD CNOD CDCDCDGDOD NM OD OO i BANAOGA QHSOAN PHPSOH ASHMAN CFE ANODE SAGSSS SeHtHOmW ANTDNDM RNHOM HHT CO AAAHNO io 2) oO SaaS NMOOON NOCD COD NA ODODGD GD CDODCDODOD NI ODODOO MN im N | PNA PNOAN SHONS AOGAN OFmO> Vora | Bee oe SOrPedtOty MNO APr-OOM HAH OO AMANSD for} QANNnYT Noo CON N69 0000 NODC CD OD OD ODODODOD NICD COCO WN N BPE OOT WOOYAS SHON OHHOO HHPOSD HOES Saassn OAM O HHONH ONDOOMD HHH OnW AMAHNSD o oO SAASSA AMONA NOD0D 0900 GION CDSN OD CDCDODCDOD NODC GIN N Tf HNO WOIRHS SHISM™IS OOEOSD DYOSOCH OOH WH dp Pot HOOK MOntMDO HriO19190 DHOOM HHAHOCO AOWAANA fon QANRHN NAMNN QOD OOD COON CD CD CD CDODCDODOD NOON N BSOTEOTA HWSVD WOOOHM HOMOW OBODAE EWS WA & IBID KO AMRANAO HAGAHO NMI WHHOT AM0OArY lor co ANH AA NAONA NODC NODDED CDODCDODOD AMC ON nN 7 | soot SOFIDS POOWOY PONS ofYHOo ENTS + LOIS Ie I~y NONADO HNTFOM BFWWOOnD WtTOn DwowoAa =) QNATMHNA NANA NMC CDOCIMNODOD CDODGDCDOD NCOCDOON er) BONNOH WOYOO WaAmwest SOOOO OHSS PSLND | HMiIDOMmIN HODWRWDO OANMHO FMM OAMAN COMOAW So ss ANNANTN NAOANN ND BDODODCDOD GDODOCDODIGD CDODOOOON oO | SOA ANHY DO POO HANGS FOCOOG OHONH OHOMO OD EHIQO OR. HOTIDO WONNOS MOrOnD WHOM COOwgo =) QANATNA CIMMOANN NOCH MoD WMOdOD CDOdCDGDOD CDODODMIN oD BPRNPHHD HAOSHL OAN HO OFYPOHO OAS PONHH w SaQSage WOOAM WRANWO FNOAD BWAMANN ODMOND oS ro) ANNAN AMOONA AD 6000 89090000000 0700000000 CD09 OD O0N oD TT 1 SPNMOMD HOSSH ONPSS OPH AS OOAVSE ENEPH LIDO AIP OROAMD EANCSO HRM HAMMAN O190ND Lapel ANNANTNAN ANAMAN AMO H 090909 0009 OD OD OD OD OD GDODODOO AN oD HAFONH FOMSH EOANMVMD SNYTH OMOVOH SHOSI OOHRR ARWOMD wWANDMO FAIAA wWwstmINo Boo»n f=) Ves SaAaanA NANCON NAODGODGD CDODODADGD CDODMIODOD ACOMDOON oD | sAHONH NOMSH QANNY BORGO OMMOW AGOMO Fz COCO HEE AODONAD BWRANCSO WOW WOHAOMAM BOrnmNS Land ANAAGA NANGN ADGA Horcrdocd sdanaddad) Aaacscaaa oD |sgeuer ALSMDHS SOSOM PH MON OLEAA SYSOP 19 Ok HOL 4DE~OD ONAMWO BPHWIMONA 1WMNANAND ABAION Ki Oo H SARARN MAAAA Nod OD OD 0D CIMODODGD CDODOD0D00 COD 090009 isn) | SOA EPH DOMHS ONOSHO OMONN OONANP OSOHPO WOOmMOr CDOrROCRM ONALPRH WOODMAN TPRMANNAN BDooan onl ANAARA DAADA WN GD 09 GD 0D CD OD CD 0003 CDOD ED OD00 N00 00 00 09 oO |zeEers OM OWA MISOMO QHHSOS OPHYBNSOS FOOTE 6 ve} meoo WOOD WDOWAMDH TFWOIHANA WONMND SMeionn oOo oO Saannsa RDAASA MOD CD OD 0D COMMON CDODODODOD COD 0D 00 09 oO Ses oe eee ores eee See ke Yt Wr OCS BHHOORM DOMOO HORAN Woxdto Booan - AAACHA MANGA ACD 69090000009 POGSR OCIS GSD 69:60 SD oD a a A . N © oRS 2 Qo nae IW OrMmONRS OO SHAG ™~ Ce ee ee eee ee STERIC UNGIGUAIGY GIANNGNGTCS fa _ TEMPERATURE. FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. fae eee OOND OP WNHH Rg a er ae .|Dry. 38°1 Dry AND WET BULBs. 5 Wet. 362 32°0 40°8 32'8 33°8 42:2 28:0 29°3 42°65 46°3 41:0 38°3 43:0 33°3 362 36°8 33°9 42:0 452 41°4 48:0 46:4 49:0 45°7 44°7 43°4 42°9 38:0 45:1 42°3 40°0 WO ie OUR COO sIWwworb Noro SCOPROUO OCOMOCOW 417 7 .|Dry. Wet. 39°8 31-4 43°4 33°9 34°3 46°9 31°3 32°3 46°3 51°4 43-9 41'2 436 36°4 38°7 40°0 385 45°3 47-0 44-0 52°2 476 493 47-2 46-0 45°9 45°6 425 48-0 44:0 42°6 Dry. 37:9 30°7 | 33:1 40°9 43-4 33-0 | 34°3 34:0 | 34:2 45-4 | 46°5 29:0 | 33-0 30°5 | 35-0 42-7 | 47-2 46-4 | 48°3 41°4 | 44:0 39°6 | 42°3 43-0 | 45-0 35°3 | 39-0 36°9 | 41°5 38°6 | 43:3 36:0 | 43-0 42:5 | 47:3 45°6 | 47-0 42-1 | 45°5 49°1 | 53-2 46°8 | 48-5 48°1 | 501 46°4 | 48-1 nae 44:0 | 4671 43-2 | 46-5 40°6 | 45-0 45*1 48-2 42:0 | 45-0 40°7 | 43-7 41:2 : 41°7 . Wet. 39:0 33°9 421 34°7 35°3 44°3 32°5 34:1 44:3 45:9 42:0 41°1 45:2 40-1 42°6 42-1 40°4 459 4671 445 50°8 48:0 48-7 475 45°7 44:4 45-2 44-1 45°8 44°6 42-7 43°9 4 47:0 41°8 38'0 41°3 46°9 41:0 42°6 48°4 48°3 47°6 450 52:9 55°5 56'8 562 54:0 60:9 49°6 56:0 56°0 57:0 53°0 54°6 49:0 467 53°5 53°6 51:0 512 .| 50-0 COND OP Wher 13 14 0°5 | 45°2 42:2 40:0 46:0 43°4 39°0 42:0 47-9 41:0 43°0 47°8 48-7 48°0 45°0 52°6 53°7 59:1 58°3 56:0 62°5 48°7 56°0 55:0 56°9 54:2 52°7 49°2 46°9 54:9 54:2 52:9 51°8 50°4 Dry. eS Dry. Wet. 41:2 41°8 40-0 33D 41-2 446 34°4 41-0 44°8 44:3 41°7 43°3 477 47°9 51:1 47°6 46°3 511 471 48°8 51:0 50°2 48°8 49-0 46°8 44:0 48°3 48°3 49-0 44:4 45°3 16 .|Dry. 45°4 48-4 37°6 42:0 43:0 46-2 41-1 45°2 46°3 475 7 52:0 Wet. 41°7 42°5 35'1 35°7 43°7 45°6 38'1 41°4 42:0 | 43°2 42°9 | 41-9 36°2 | 42-0 42-9 | 46°7 44:0 | 4771 44-4 | 46°6 40°9 | 475 44-2 | 46:0 47°5 | 53-7 49:0 | 56-0 49°0 49-9 51°0 478 49°5 49-9 50:0 49-5 48°3 47-0 45:0 47-2 49-7 46:0 | 49°2 45°7 | 50:9 45°6 | 50-2 59-0 59-0 56°0 51°6 57°3 52°0 56:4 55°1 53°7 48°7 47°0 550 57:0 7 40-4 41:0 34:8 35°7 42:0 39°9 330 44°0 44-6 43°0 401 44°3 fica 49°0 58-8 [51-0] 48:0 49:1 49-5 49-0 491 49°5 49°7 50°0 49-0 47-0 45:0 48-6 50:0 477 45:0 45-4 Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet. 18 43°8 44-7 36°8 404 43-0 41:0 41:0 45°3 46°2 45°6 46°6 45:4 52°3 55°9 40:2 » bo wR 47-9 57-2 (51:0) 56°9 58-0 55-9 511 55:9 51:0 552 48-0 49°8 48-1 46:0 52°1 56°8 49-2 54°0 49-1 46:2 49°3 49-0 48°3 48:3 49°3 49°7 45°7 45°8 46°6 44-5 46°9 49°8 47-2 46°5 44°6 Il .|Dry. 431 42°1 40:9 37:0 39°0 46:3 40:2 42-0 49-0 46°1 47°3 45:0 50:8 50°7 51°8 52:0 50:0 57°5 47-9 50°7 56:2 52°6 50°0 51:0 48-0 46°6 50°5 50°4 48-0 48°3 47-7 Wet. 40:2 38°4 39:0 322 38°0 45:0 34:9 37°4 47-2 42:4 420 42:2 46°6 45°3 47-1 45°0 44:2 50:5 47:0 47°9 51:9 49°9 48-4 47-5 4671 43°4 46°7 45:1 46°8 44°5 44°] 211 APRIL 1895. 12 Dry. 44°] 44:0 44:3 37'5 40:0 47-2 40°3 42°6 48-4 48°3 45°5 44:8 52:0 53:0 54:2 54:8 51°8 60°4 48-7 55:2 55:0 53:4 50°1 52°6 48-0 46:0 532 52°5 501 49-4 48-9 Wet. 40°9 39°8 40:9 32:1 39°0 45:0 33°4 38°9 44°] 43°8 420 43-1 45:9 46°9 48-5 45°5 44:8 49°2 47°3 48-2 50°4 50°2 47°3 48°5 46:1 43° 47°8 47-0 47-4 43°6 44°4 For Day. Max. Min, 46°9 37:0 48°7 3171 46:2 33-1 42°3 32:0 43°6 32:8 47°9 32°4 42°8 29°9 48-4 30°6 49°3 44:0 52°2 43°3 50°7 38:9 46:1 38:0 54°6 39°3 574 33°2 61:0 36°3 61°3 36°6 60°7 35°3 63'°8 44-4 516 43°9 59°0 43-0 57°3 48-1 58°8 47:2 56°5 46:0 55:0 46°6 49°3 45:2 47°6 44°3 57'2 43°3 57°2 39:4 53°0 45:9 55°1 42:1 52°7 39:4 19 Dry. 42:0 44°3 35°3 39°2 42°4 40:0 40:0 46°4 452 46°6 44°5 45:0 51:1 51:4 52°6 [48°5] 54:0 54°6 53°9 49:0 55°2 50°0 55:3 48°4 49-7 49-1 46:0 51°6 52°0 46:8 52°4 47°8 SPP PP PP PPP HOIST ST HE OO O16 WrorIsd wesouw~r > 69 a Wet.|Dry. 39°9 | 41°1 40°2 | 44-0 82°0 | 34°4 33°9 | 36-0 41°7 | 43:0 36°5 | 38°7 3671 45°3 43°5 42°7 39°4 44:0 450 45°7 Emre Be ae PPELOUR Ooo PPP PE Os WOBONO WAN ADO OD Fane O-fPoe D AOA HwSd aA SIdA® for) rPs1TO@Mu 20 Wet. 39°1 40°6 32°0 32°0 41:9 35'3 35'1 46°2 43°4 41:4 38°5 43°8 44-1 43°8 7 [4d 0) 43°0 46-1 47-0 45°0 48 ‘0 48:0 49-0 45°5 45°9 45-1 43°8 44°8 46°7 46-0 44:0 430 21 33°8 40°6 31-4 31:0 41°6 33°9 34:0 45°9 43°7 41:9 36°8 44-1 40-0 44-9 46-1 42°5 46:3 43° 46:2 [43-0] 46°6 41:0 50:2 44-9 50°6 46°3 45-9 44-4 533 48-1 49-1 47°8 55-2 48-9 47-6 45°8 475 45-9 47-7 44:8 45-0 43°4 47-1 43°8 49-8 45:8 47-7 46:0 50:9 43-9 . Wet. 45:4 42°4 22 Dry. 400 42:0 34:0 32°9 42°9 34°7 35°0 47:0 44:0 44-1 40:0 44-4 429 45:0 43°7 46:0 482 49-4 45:0 550 49-0 55:0 471 47°2 47‘7 44°8 47-0 50°2 47:0 50:0 44:7 Wet. 38°3 39°9 311 30°0 41°3 31:0 32:0 | = 45°9 430 42:0 36°3 44:0 40°3 42°3 421 40°3 44:0 46-1 43°4 48°2 47°7 49-2 45°7 45°4 44-7 43°0 44:0 46:0 45°8 44-1 41°9 Midnight. .|Dry. 38°2 42-4 33°1 32°3 41 +1 32°4 34:0 46-4 47:2 44-0 40:0 44°3 39°3 42:0 41:9 43-4 46°6 482 44°6 54:2 48°6 55°0 46°9 46°6 47:0 44°3 433 50°1 46:0 47-2 43°7 36°3 40°4 31°8 30°0 40°3 29°4 311 43°5 46-2 419 36'9 44-0 377 40°3 40°7 38°5 43°1 45°6 42:1 48°2 46°8 49°] 45°2 45-0 43°7 428 41:0 46°0 45-1 44:0 41°2 Wet. Mean, Dry. Wet. 412 38°7 40:2 37°6 40-2 37°6 360 32°8 39°2 38-0 42°5 40°3 36°4 32:5 40°5 38°] 46°7 43°9 471 44-2 44°5 40°5 43°3 41:8 47-4 44:3 45°4 41°8 476 43:8 48-2 42-4 48:2 42:4 52°0 46°4 476 45°8 50°8 46-1 52°1. 49°3 52°4 485 50°8 47:9 49°4 46:9 47°4 455 46°1 43°8 48°6 45:0 48°9 44-9 48°4 461 48°3 44:0 45°9 42:7 212 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. TEMPERATURE. Dry and Wer BUuLBs. MAY 1895. ul 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 For Day. |: Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet. Daye Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet.} Max. 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Wet. 1 | 40°9 40:9 | 40-9 41:0) 41:7 41°8| 41°6 41°5| 48:0 42°3| 43-0 42:3] 43-3 42-7 | 43:4 43-5 | 48°2 43°2/ 43-0 48:0 | 42°7 42-7 | 42-0 42:0] 41°3 41°3 2 |54*1 48°8| 51:2 48:0 | 50-1 48:0 | 48-7 46°7 | 50°8 47:8) 50:1 47:4] 49°8 47:0} 49-0 48:1 | 48:4 42°6 | 47°8 41°8| 47-4 42:8 | 46°5 42:6] 47-4 44:9 3 | 51:2 49-1) 516 49°8) 51-3 49-1 | 506 49:1 | 50:2 49°1 | 48°8 48:5] 47-6 47-7 | 46°7 46°8 | 46:3 46°4| 46-0 46-0 | 46-0 45:4 | 45-4 45:4) 48:2 45°8 4 | 45:0 45:0 | 44:6 44°6 | 44:3 44:3 | 45-2 45:3] 44:4 44°6 | 42-4 42-6 | 42-1 42-2] 41-3 41°4| 40°5 40°6| 40°4 40°5 | 40-1 40:1 | 39:1 39:1] 43°5 43°6 | 5 | 49°0 48°7 | 50°8 44°7 | 53-7 47:3 | 52:7 46°0| 53:0 46:0] 51-4 45:0|51°5 45°5| 49-4 44:4] 48-5 48-1 | 47-1 43-4] 46-1 43-0 | 45°5 42:8] 46-2 422 6 | 56°9 50:0 | 58°6 51:0) 57:0 50-2| 58-0 51:0| 56-5 50:2| 57-0 50°3| 56-0 49:9 | 54:4 49-0) 53:9 48-9 | 52:2 48:0 | 50°8 47:0} 50:4 47°3] 52-4 47°2 7 | 57°9 52°6 | 56-4 52°3 | 56°5 52°6 | 5671 52:7 | 54:7 51-8 | 54-6 50-8) 54:7 49°3| 49°8 48°5| 46-7 46-7 | 45:0 44°5 | 43°5 43°5 | 42°2 42°38] 52-1 48:6 | 8 | 43°5 35:0 | 46°0 34:0} 45:6 35°5| 45°5 35:4] 48:4 36:5 | 40°5 36-0] 44:5 42:3] 42:0 41:8] 43:0 43°3| 45:0 44°7| 41-1 41:3 | 48-0 43-2] 42-2 39:8 9 | 39°3 39°5 | 390 39:1 | 39°8 39°8 | 39:2 35:2] 38°5 38°5| 38:0 38-0] 38:3 38:3 | 38:5 38°6 | 38-1 38:2] 38:0 38:0 | 37:0 37:0 | 36-4 36:5] 39:0 39-1 10 | 82°7 32-7 | 32°8 32°7 | 33°8 33°8 | 33°2 33:2) 33-5 33-5 | 33:8 83-8] 32:3 32-3 | 82°5 32:5 | 31-5 31:5 | 80°2 30°5} 30°0 30°3 | 29:3 29:4) 326 32°6 11 | 30°2 30°2| 29°7 29-7 | 30:0 30:0) 30°1 30:2] 29-9 29:9) 30:0 30-0| 29:7 29-7 | 30-0 30-0] 29°8 29:8 | 28:4 28°4 | 27-0 27:0 | 26°7 26:7} 29-2 29:2 12 | 31°5 30°7 | 30°9 30°4| 82-1 31:2 | 31-2 30°83 | 29:8 29:5 | 31:0 30°5 | 30:0 29°6 | 29:0 29-0 | 28°5 28°3 | 28:2 28:2] 27:4 27-4 | 26°2 25:8) 28-2 28:0) 13 | 30°5 30°5 | 31°2 31°2| 31:0 31:2] 31:1 31:1] 31-0 31-0] 30:4 30-4] 30-6 30°6| 29-5 29:5 | 30:0 29:9] 29:0 29:0 | 29:4 29°6 | 29:2 29:2) 28:8 28:8 14 | 33-1 31°5 | 84:0 31:8 | 34:0 32°4| 33°6 32:7 | 34°6 33-7 | 33-7 33-0] 33:3 32-5 | 32-4 32:0| 31-6 31°6 | 81°8 31:7 | 31°38 31-8} 31-0 31:2} 30°8 302 15 | 39°3 36:0 | 89°6 36:4 | 39-9 36°83 | 40-4 37-0] 40:3 37-0 | 39-7 36°6| 37-8 35:4] 35-1 33:5] 34:1 32°7 | 838°3 32:1) 34°3 32-2 | 34:7 31:6] 34:8 32:9 16 | 83°5 33°5 | 345 84°5 | 36:0 35-2 | 36°8 35°7 | 86:7 35-0 | 37-2 35:2] 36-4 35:5 | 35:1 34-7 | 34:0 33°6 | 33:0 33-0 | 31-3 31-3 | 30°0 31:0] 82°8 32-4 17 | 35:3 33°6 | 86°6 34:0 | 37:0 34°7 | 35:4 34:2 | 844 34:0 | 32°6 32:6] 32:0 32:0| 31-4 31:4] 380°8 31-2] 30:1 30°6 | 29°8 29°83 | 29°6 29°6] 32-1 31:2 18 | 32°6 32°2| 31:5 31°5 | 31-2 31-2 | 31°6 31-6 | 30-7 31-0| 31:0 31-0] 30-5 30-5 | 30-3 30:3] 30-1 30:1 | 30:1 30:1| 30-0 30:0 | 30°0 30:0] 30-2 302 19 | 34:4 34°4| 33:0 33:0 | 31°7 31°8 | 32:2 32:3] 82-1 32°1 | 32-4 32-4| 32:1 32:1] 31-9 31:9 | 32:0 32:0] 32:0 32:0] 820 32:1 | 82:2 32:°3]31°7 31:7 20 | 87°7 37°3 | 35°8 35°7 | 85°8 35-8 | 35°3 35°3 | 85-7 35-7 | 35-5 35:5 | 35:7 35-7 | 34:5 34-5 | 33-7 33-0 | 33°6 33:5 | 83-0 32:8 | 32:3 31:9) 84:3 34-2 21 | 85:1 35:1| 35-7 35°8| 36:6 36°6 | 36:1 36:1 | 36:1 36-1 | 35-6 35°6| 36:0 36:0] 35°6 35°6| 85-4 35-4 | 85:1 35:1] 385-4 35-4 | 35:3 35:3] 34:7 347 22 | 38°6 38°6 | 89°6 39°4| 41°8 40°9| 41:4 39-9] 89:4 38-5 | 38:6 37°6| 38:2 38-0] 37:9 37:9 | 39:0 39-0 | 39°6 39°6| 38°6 38°6| 38:3 38:3] 387°6 37-4) 23 | 49°2 43:1) 52°3 44:5 | 52:1 46-2] 52:9 46:1] 51:9 44:5] 52:0 45°6| 51:4 41°6| 49:0 40°3| 48:0 41°8 | 46°5 38°5| 47°6 36:1 | 47-9 37:2] 45-4 39°8 24 | 54:5 49:0 | 53-3 49-0 | 54°9 51:0 | 58:7 50°7| 546 51°3| 54-0 51°6|53°5 51:5] 53-0 51:0] 52°3 49-8] 51:8 49:5] 50°8 49:1] 50:7 49:0] 50-1 45:2 25 | 58:0 54°5| 57:5 539) 59°8 55°5 | 57-9 54:0/ 57-5 54:0) 57-5 53-4] 56:4 51:0] 54:5 52:2] 53-7 51:0] 52-7 50:0) 52:4 48-0 | 52:0 47-94 55:0 50:0 26 | 55:0 51°4| 55:4 51-6 | 53:2 51°8| 51-1 49°6| 49-7 49-6 | 48-2 48-2] 48:5 47-6 | 46:4 46:5 | 46°1 46:2] 45:4 45:5 | 45-4 45-4 | 44-7 44°81 49°8 48° 27 | 43°7 42°9| 44°3 42:3 | 45-4 42-4 | 45-1 42°6] 45-0 41-2| 44:4 41-0] 45:5 42°5| 48:4 41-2] 42-0 41-0] 41°1 40:2] 41-0 40-4 | 40-2 40:0] 42-4 413 28 | 42:0 42:0 | 43°3 43-0| 43-0 43-0 | 42:7 42:7] 89:5 39°5| 40-6 40°6| 40:3 40-2] 40°6 40°8| 40-0 40-0] 40-0 40-0] 40:0 40:0} 40-0 40:0] 40-8 40:6 29 | 45°4 43-6 | 42°6 41-0/| 43:8 41°5| 44-0 41:4] 43-7 41-0 | 43°6 41:7 | 42°6 41-9] 41:2 40-2] 40-9 40-1] 40°1 40°1| 39:7 39-7 | 39:5 39:5] 41-3 40°6 30 | 43:0 43:0 | 42°6 42:6 | 42°8 42:5 | 42:3 42-2] 42-2 41:8] 41-9 41°6| 41-9 41-4| 41-2 40-2| 40°1 39-6 | 40°4 40°4| 40-4 40-4] 40-0 40-0] 40°6 40-4 MEAN, | 42°4 40°3 | 42:5 40°38 | 42-9 40:8 | 42-5 40:5] 42-1 40-2] 41:6 40-0] 41°4 39:8] 40°3 39:2| 39-7 38-7 | 39:2 38:3] 38:7 37:7 | 88:3 37:4] 39°8 384 | | | 215. JUNE 1895. Dry AND WET BULBS. FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. TEMPERATURE. 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AUGUST 1895: 218 TEMPERATURE. Dry AND Wert BuLBs. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. 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Dry. Wet.!Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. 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Dry. Wet.) 36°0 35°81 38-4 38-4) 38°7 38-7 40-2 40-2) 41:5 40:9 415 415] 39-4 39-4 | 41-2 40°7 41°6 41:31 41:0 40:9 | 49-2 42:0 39:7 39:6 40-1 40-1 42:0 41-6 438 43-0 | 48-4 48-4 48-1 47:8 42°5 42:5 41°3 413) 44:3 44°3 | 42°4 42°3 39°5 39° | 332 332 34:3 343 41‘1 41:2 40°3 40°3 40:2 402 45:2 45:2 41:2 41°2 40°5 40°5 41:2 41°0 219 FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. Dry AND WET BULBS. AUGUST 1895. TEMPERATURE. CO =H 00 1G) 109 1 1G) 10) 09 69 CD CI 2 S 9 Aico co BSSOiG16 S Ore H19 LQ 1 1 SHA le a ork yer) OD SH oD 6010 SH 1B Doarro 18 19 19 161919 HH ry 601019 SH SH 8010 © O10 19 HOD 4 oO rH SH1O I> 10 569 54:6 1D HI~ I~ HD C H 69 10 6 =H SH 1G 1D 16 1919 1 1G alr 19 1Q HK CO 19 19 19.19.15 80 109 19 10 1 Noah co 1 191010 ASRS rm o> 9019010 19 19 10919 oe aor) OO O1d Rakwad 1D 10 15 19.1 wRaonkS 19 199.19 19 00 0019 00 oD DAD19 6 SH OD 10 SO sH SH LG 1G 1919 191g ht> Om 19 SH 001010 WARS AO 19 19.10 B 1B ANM~O1NS 1b kK O10 AD 1D 1 19 19 1g 1D OS SH Hild WANDA ADSO bl de Ce einer rere et eee ees © BLAPI~HD MOS w00 8 BOaMHmS HNOAH MAMMH ORD1919 1OANOH HHOHHH A ; ONNHH 1O4Nc 4 G | SPOIGIG IGS 191 HHI 141919 1G1H 1919101918 wdiMioTH iGiGiGigigig® 10 q |SS0R24 8388S . o BR | HE OPODm AAEON OMSHS POHANG SASS WNGPOW FW S| SOHOWO qHao19 00 jes SRHDOHAN ONMOH AWH100 HODHM COOH DID S 09 00 ol BS Hig Hr O bP 00190190 00 BO O19 OMOODMO WOiQWOO ORMOWWM WOWWO1OID 190199 19 Ne) (2 10 109 169 19 2 1D 19 1919 1g a | me a ee BHANDOS SASSD SSOSOSD WAAHHO GPEHVS SH>OMa HO $ | SNNSTO DHMSO So 62.09 HD I~19191910 WOMORnD BDHADWSO OMrnwMi-N OOWEON Yen} 5p SOONHH OHr1010 a FE 1G AO ACoA ACD 1D 2D 1D 1G.1D 11D ran’ 1Q 1091 1H 1 iQ whi 19.19 19.19 1910 Yen} ot eH 191919 1919 Higig | EMM SOR PHSODS HWSOAHY VOOM H ONS ONDSOHH D BS | SOPHO ONONT HI 00 HO DORDR~O DMNDADRD Fr ODD HRAWMMH10 O1Or~D10 co < HOr-NO10 WMdDO100 DAG 10 109 OO OriQiwD ig 1iWiWiQW WW O1i918 1966191010 19.1910 1010190 Yen) I QD 1919 191919 ID 1D 19 19 <0 ENPSSS FHONTIO MHTOH POFSH OHOWD WANASHOS 19 BAAS ATCO Senn one DO1dH1 HNOMO DHABOM WRHHH B1NMO1IO0H 10 tS Dag HH HH 0019 sH a AD ACD ACD UCD ACD 1D 1G ADD D1 11.1. 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TEMPERATURE. Dry AND Wer BuLss. SEPTEMBER 1895, 1 2 3 4 5 6 i 8 9 10 ll 12 For Day. Dry. Wet. Dry: Wet.|/Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet. Dry Wet. Dry. Wet.|/Dry. Wet.|/Dry. Wet.|/Dry. Wet.] Max. 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FEBRUARY 1895. 1 - - - - = = = = = | = - - = = = = = = = = - - - - - 2 | - |-002| 001 -007/)-o02 | 004 | 088 -o1n | -081 | cos] - | -004]-o05} - | -o02] -008} 008] - ] - | - | - | - | - | = | om ian) ee ee eee ee ee ae || |) a ee eee eR em = aelteeae o/s ee Sy Sp = | 2D | Se Se 22 Spee) ocr esa ee Goi, a eee = -~|- | - | - | - | - |-003] -o12 | -020 |[-020)|¢-0207¢-0207]¢-020) ~ fa | Saal ie A Sales er ee |) and ame Rae ete eae er ee ee Pr legal gae) nc ga-o01t i= Va | S| SP ee eS 8 ee eee ee g |= 1 = VoL | 002002) oor) =2 | SUI eS | NI Sy SS ee a ee io.) ae S| Ce | el eR S| | CT ee ae ee ee eee ee tt Se eh a a | ce Py AREF [hl a | ee |e | : Wal. = = = = eo =, s = = = ay - a Es = = x ~ = = = = 2 18 | - | - | - | - | - | = | = | = |-006]-015) 008) -006 | -o02 -008 | -008 oo} - | - | - | - | - | - | - | = | ome 15 | | Se eee | | eS ec AT ey | x 16 «| Sal eraten cal kl alle a ee een eiameiert ie 7 | 2 Psa SS) leh 0) a eee Yl ea ee ae 1S. | Sn eneeeer | rsen | yl Se 5 25 ee a eee iMoaMedie tei) | 19 || = ope eS AL) Le 2a) ool a a aE Se SS eS a ee 01) SU te ipa eee) Sie | a Z| Se et REL) Salve he Sete | et | 0611 OL 1-006:| 004] — ilo ee de, | ed ee ee) oe ia ea 0-012 22) =) = =F =) = 0038 F00U FOO ie |) = =| Saf 2 005} :004} - | - | - | - 0:014 28 | -011. -006! -005 | -013 ! -011 | -020 | -023 | -026 | -028| 066 | 026} -010| -008| 010; -001/ — | -001| 002! - | - | - | — |-088| 100! 0-455 24 | 180, -185| 170 -047 | -045 | -o42 | -030 | -094 | 087 | -045 | -060 | -025] -085| -015| 002) - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 1012 25 e _ = = sa a 2 = 2 EJ i = By ZS ze Es ze a 2 = = * e = = 26 | - ; - | 015} -024| -017| -o14| -o10,| 010/002) - | - | - | - | -|-|- | - | =| = |=] = | 21) Se ee 23 | - — | — | -006| -026| -017 | -051 | -109 | -058 | -015 | -013 | -025 | -050| -035 | -o56 | -o66 | -148 | -196 | -324 | -244| -115 | -071 | 025 | 014] 1-659 | Sum, 0-143 0-194 (0-198 |0-103 |0-105 0-098 |0-159 (0-251 |0-208 [0-147 |0-103 |0-073 {0-112 [0-088 |0-084 0-091 |0-172 0-223 0'328 0-244 [0-117 [0-072 |0-114|0-117| 3°54 } | | | | scenes aap mi FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 229 RAINFALL. IncHES FOR Hour ENDING— JANUARY 1895. 1) 2) 3) 4/5] 6) 7 | 8) 9 | 10) 11 | 12] a8 | 14 | a5 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 Mit {Amount. eee eae | = | KP ee ee = | = | = | = | = | 0401) 005: | 028; |)7037 |) 120) -010'| 007} 0-217 2 083; - | - | — | -087| -008| -015 | -018 | -104/| -056| 027} 056}-010/ - | - | - | - |:007] - | 007) - |-013) - | - | 0-386 nee le eo eee Io | | 8 | Se hea (Se eel ae & eee = | > | - | - - | - — | -005 | 005] -005 | -005 | 005 | -005| -005}-005} - | - | - | - | ~ | - ] 0-040 rem ee ls or See eet 2 | | eh Seth Ss |S [= =: irodorieosog! o-ng0 |, 040} [-030}[-020}[-020][-010}(-010} - | - | - | - | ~- | -] - | - | - et SS ol Sh eee ieeneotso EES a i a (ae Mme (eee | ea EP | et foil Wee ee eel LP i = a Hn U9 - - - = - = = = = = = = = = = eS, = = = = = 4 = = = mee m er) | lS eee eee | | he eee Se |e Sep | See a ; aay a = = — —, as = (as = Baer Tes = _ mt Py ol eee ee Ph ce ee Se cog =) 2 I ocone BE} = { = | = | -930/-003; — | - | -030| -006 | -027 Mee. |p 04'.-006)| «> |(200311 1 ar neal et Pec) ie he Seutemasits eee el |e] | | o12|-co7 ao) = = he ol Pian RN RRP Salo Sc fh hall) am 0-019 034 | -030|-097| -006| -o10|-025} - | - | - | - | - Ba = | 019'|:-019:) > |eaelh anime ee 028)1)-008)|) a Ree Rea neo iecialaosy) =.) — , |-008||-012,|-050)| = a bee pe | - | -—|- | - | -!) Be es | acl 25. noe = | —"}-020 | -040 | -040 | -040 | -040 | -020 | -010| 012-020] 008] - | - | - | — | - | -087|-022] - 008 | -003| — | 0-365 064 | -016 | -022| -008 | -007| -005| -003} - |-008/-014| - | - | — |-003/-006/ - | - |-018| — | -018|-036] - | - |-006] 0-234 Ree ecient oto:| 04), 2 | elena |] = | ef Sy le a 2 ee ostay - | — | -010/] -008| -054| -049 | -050 | -032| 006 | -003| - | -040] -028 | -014| -014| -010 | -052 | -028 | -009 | -003 | -028| -012| 004] - | 0-454 a |S LS i Saya Pet) a ee ie el ee a gL (F = 2 = | | |-oo3!-on5| - | — | — |-014}-o1r|-oa| — | — | — | -054{ -023) -o24|-oo8} - | - | - |-017|-005| -029| 0-274 Suen eter 5 | ln | oui ee | | |) oo) Sl 2) 2 gost onsieooahosiss 0322, |0-225 |0-248 [0-271 [0-148 |0-128 |0-221 (0-075 |0-074 |0-131 {0-062 |0-135 |0-189 |0°137 |0-245 |0-315 (0-140 |0-297 [0318/0383 0335 0-214] 5-263 232 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. RAINFALL. INCHES FOR Hour ENDING— MAY 1895. aj 2) 8 | 4) 6 | 6+) 7) 8: | oP On ermie mas 14 | 15 |“16") 77s) mop ark) eit ant Amount 1 |-050| -o46 | -080 | -o06 | -005 | -035 | -065 | -044. -077 | -035 | -037| 093} -o40| -o41} - | — | - |-008| -0g0| -o18| -ov3|-o02| - | — | o-ees 2 |-001| -072| -002| -002! - | — | -006| -020' -050 | -102 | 051 | 080} 192] -018| -004|-006| - |-o01/ - | - | - | - | - | — ] 0-607 Se aa eee eS ee ee eee || | || ee ee es Se eh So Ae PS CK = Stennett | | - | | SRO ecterkerbs |e fey > = z 5 a 2 ef ES a 2 & a a = * a = = . Es Ls es = = = = . 3 6 ws es a = Z = ss 2 = pe = a5 4 = wu s eS = 2 = = = a % 7 = 2 = = = 3 - = = = Z $3 z= a = 2 = % =) Alles = =" || a ee E 8 & 3 a iS = = = = = = B = ve Zz = me S ck = 2 - 2 a: ie at My pe ee SN eee bo Fee Be) 2 Ss ee ee eee RS ee ef Ll aa el eee | |) Se Se eee) | M Hail eee I ee a ~ | = | ca a) Ree ey z m9 |=) =) sheds | - | = |) 2) 2 eee = 1S | = |-o92l FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. INCHES FOR Hour ENDING— So M. |0°110}| ‘060 018 Sn nn 0 ww wollit oo > Ue ae th teh th 1 (ie th 1 166 (eo fh them 126 12 | 13 *020 } -010 *060 | -058 Mion te TP et PC a het 14S Oo [=] | Se) = | =>) Seay S sie on) 002) ee ee 16 |S |G01z)-oby| 005 | Some. con > 2c) =| | =| =! }002)| =: | 7 | eee ne 16 | - | - | - | - |-002} - | -020/ -023| -o16| -017| -083} - | - | -_ | -004] 003 | -059 | -102 | -105 | -098 | -090 | -091 | -056| 047] 0-766 17 | -041 | -090| -080 | -069 | -094 | -062| «074 | -165 | 220 | -280 | -235 | 1431 -101 | -045 | -016 | -010 | -010 | -015 | -014 | -032 | -020 | -021 | -007| 020] 1-814 18 | 080 | -061 | -015 | -020 | -013 | -025 | -021 | 120 | -062 | -044 | -015 | -045 | -050 | -074| 005|-002] - | - |-013; - | = | - | — | 033] 0-698 19 | = |-002) - | = | -044|-075|-002| 023) - | — | = | -f - | = | =) - | = | =9)=9) =9) = | =e Ss ona TGS AEA Cw li Ape = | = | 2 | oes 2) | |) SUE ee De =) Se eo) =) ee | cl So ee S| -)et sped SS SS 22 3 ee ee een ee een ee eh ee ie or Mees eet | ee | S| le bs 93 See |s= | =. So ee ee ee eee = -| = | 2 sae m | 2}o} 2] =|] =| =| =)) 2) 2 eeMeoos|o20}-050|-008) — | Si, 2) 2), 2 2a 2 see ct | Sell c= gees, |S £7) eels = | = | Sede — |= -| 20) 5002) hoes 28 | 010) — J e= | = | = | -o) 28 = \sonait-o07)| 072} 087 | -004| 002) = -| = 9), 27 2) 2) 25 ee OF = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = = = = = = eae 5 ac ee ee ee ee | S| eee eS 8 0 el) elk Se es Wh Saal coil) 20 2 ieee a eg = (f= | 2) Se) exe erin 1] Sy a | Sb a 2 |S, SS We | | = | SE A er | | SUM, 0443 0-418 (0-431 0°50] |0°404|0°571 0335 0-748 [0-710 |0-635 0°480 |0°356 0531 0-191 0°177 0-081 |0-126 |0-169 0-223 |0-283 0-211 0-261 0:263 0-400] 8-948 | | | RAINFALL. OCTOBER 1895. | phe) 2) 2 PS | 2) <7) SA See ee TS a lea oie ccs cntsnietcnn ecto | 2 | -926 | -113 | -140 | -170 | -183 | -148 | -280 | -235 | -087 | -189 | 270 | -153 | -042 | -010 | -008 | -006 | +187 | -007 | 113 | -093 | 001 | 015 | 005 | 006) 2-437 3 | -010| +120 | -003 | 003 | -049 | -021 | -025 | 071 | 040 | -011 | -014 | -007 | -023 | -012 | -017 | -011 | -006 | 006 | -004 | -008 | 003 -050| -006| — } 0520 £i—) 24 = | =) 241 Slee ee se! = boro. 007 | = |) Su ieenl ive) 5 lleeeie | ee aca lee meee an 5 | +100 | -120 | -106 | -216 | 072 | -020 | -050 | -004 | -021 | -064 | -004 | -054| -006 | -065 | -013 | -007 | -050| -003| - | -044 | 050) -017 | -034| -002] 1-122 6 |-007| - |-003| - | -013| -029| -110 | 073 | 032} -137} 031 | 005] - | -o10|-075} - | - | - | - | -098| -025|-018|-079| - | 0-745 7 | — |-007| - | -050| -017| -007 | 044 | 025 | -015| -013| -001|-oo1] - | - | - | - |-o30| - | - | - | = | — |-008| © | ogg §-|-004') 005.054) =) - 2) = |) ee ee | 5) EE SNe eee ee 9 | = | = 1-003] = | — | -o5u| -134; 099) -090! 136] -077) 064] -o98!-o11| -.| = | = | = | 2 | S |.) 2 Sree 10) 2 fea 2 a) Sole See eae ei ee 2S eae 2 Ps eno eon orem m}-|-/]-]-]-+-;-]-|-1-] = 1 - | = ]-07e| -057/| -o60| -o52| -054 | -052 | -074 | -079 | 080 | 092 | «111 | 182) Oroae 12 | 144 | -118 | -119 | -212| -180 | 075 | 060 | -070 | -174 | -075 | -064| -046} -063 | 054 | -080 | -143 | -119 | 084 | -062 | -046 | -010 | -075 | -030| 060} 2-163 13. | 049 | 051 | +108 | -047 | -088 | 071 | 040 | -038 | -056 | -019 | -032 | -006 | -610 | -041 | -030 | -023 | -074 | 043 | -004 | -023 | -004 | -020 | -017| -086} 0-980 14 | O11 | -009| 0241 -004|-006| 005) 0022 ul 2a 29) — | = | - | 2) See Se le) SSeS ee ee iw | sys | | 2] 2 |S) Se = | 0281006) 002) 2 | Seale Senet Soi a ae er vse | ea lie Mines ede ae me ¥ = pe | oar Sot coal yi) =|) eagle = To art ce me) eda) (ae in ee Ce oe ee ee ee ees Dee Sl = 18 6] =P aes | = | Se el oe) ge ee | et Se Ne a ee = i9 | - | - | - | - | ~ |-010| -o02| -013 | -032 | -040 | -080 | -019 | 029 | 040} 010-007! 005} - | - | - | - | - | - | = ] 0-287 20: |) = | 2 oat | =012)|)-007 004) sil 2 eee = | =) 1-004)||-002 002/001} — | — | — | = \-or7)| 2.) Saige ma} =| =) = | = | = | = ore) -orolaoomteooo! 26) 22a) 5) ao] 2 i Sel ese ene oe eas | = (i= Vso foie | Sl 2 een a ee ee eh ae eee a a go}. |=-f=) 5) —| - | 2 | See oS le boon) S42 2S ee one le otal mete a | = | = | = | 002) -002| -001)| 001) ieee = te ede] | 2) = 1 Soul Si ecigy S| or eee 5 | - |-= 1 ~. | = 1-003) -026! 020) -o06| Sy SS t= Fits} 2) Hl Sl Sl | ee ee 7 as na | eae Fe a es pe ih aif eo | =P |e | =o) = | oon 2. i Set ete 2 eocn ere 27 1100} -054| 008] = | ~- | = | = | 20S 25) 2 | = Bo07\-010)| -006| =.) -<) = | 2 See) Si) el 8: 007) =| aoa pee We Serle ae Se = | = | 080005.) aul =: oly Zea Sel) Se ee 9 | —~ |e |e | mel Se co Sn gh et el oc A lh all mn me = 30 - | - | - | - | = | -056 | -046 | -207 | -ox4 | -085 | -038 | 008] -001 | -008 | 080 | 082} -040| 010} - | - | - | - | - | — | 0-635 | | Sum. 0-458 |0°597 |0°609 [0-716 0'620 0-527 (0-778 |0'851 |0"632 0-721 (0-566 (0'981 ]0-299 |0°831 |0°361 0°338 [0-568 |0-204 [0-270 [0-406 0-412 [0-456 [0-496 [0-478] 12-065 i? FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 237 RAINFALL. IncHES FOR HouR ENDING— SEPTEMBER 1895. Memos wes | 6 | 7 | 8 i) oN tou) a) We 1 13 | Wa | 15 6+] a7) 18. | 19 20 | a1) 92 | 98 sett Amount. moos |) = | — | = |-008|,-015| -015| -020| 020/019) —-| -~ | - | - EP eke le A 0h 2 oar See en AE os 08 eee ee | | Se eee te | | ee | eb ee be 2 iegaseicosail! ‘0-080 3 | -090| -040 |[-040] [-030][-024][-010][-010]-020]|[-030)|[-030]| 032 | -oog] - | - | — | -005| -005!-005| - | -003|-003|-009| - | — | 0-394 4 |-008) - | - - | - |-004| - | -078| 130} +113] -048| -010] 102] -078| -012| -005 | -010| -004| -o11| 010) - | - | - | - | 0:63 eee ewe | | = | — | ofolsoro, =e —-i)-052| 006) - | = I) - | = | — | — | — 82 eee Sa o-ors 6 3 = 5 give ry = = = = = = = = = 4 = z = = = a a z z z eee) = |S | — | -075) 086-008-007) = i= | - | — |-o15] = )-on¢ |sG03| = | oem] = | = | = | 2 IP 0-260 emer ie | | eS eee ee | 8} eh eco 2 2 We WS So 059 ae) = = i - = - = = = = = = = = = — | 008] 022} - 2 — | -003| 004] 0-037 Smedpen180)|'-090\| -060)-094| +0041 - | - | - | = | =.) -F -} -}) -] =] =} -] - — |-090/ -008| 068} 0-549 } 11 | -040! -100 | -075 , -031 | 074 | -256| 008 | 060 | -121! 019; - | -0254-038| -o12! -o22/ - | - | - | - | - | - | ~ |-oo6| - | 0-887 | 12 ee 0831-020 \-010:| 014) -018'| 006-006 ae |= t=.) -|-|=|2)2) 2) 212.2 | 2) Sab oa ey a enn eee enema es eh el ea ernment | hE ee lh 2 ie elie eae fe maa) | | 8 I Se Se | Le dee ee So ob 2) ame = 15 - - 007 | -012| - 003; - |:008) — = = = = = is = 4 = Fe = a a 2 = 0-030 ie | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | -018] -028 | -044| -010 | 003] -006 | -003| -016 | 012/005} - | - | — | -055| -042| -028| 042] 0-312 17 | -045 | -085 | -078 | -060 | -084 | -056 | -050 | -132| +120 | -154 | -183 | 090} -048 | -020 | -009 | -003 | 007 | 010 | -004| 003 003} — | -010| -014] 1-268 } 18 | -038 | -050 | -008 | -005 | -010 | -017 | -040 | -128 | -105 | -025 | -010| 055] -027| 003) - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |-003] -008] 0:527 eee! = i019! 002 — | = Ss Ifa pe | 2 | a! | eae te elle Wes (he orca ope} . | _ | - ele lp See ee So | SL) eNO See Scien 2 ee. % ee a ee ale |) 25] Re SU ee | ee ce a ea z, en eee ies ale) ok Re eh ) te pf 2 ee eae lena ily i 23 Ls s = Es i = = = 3 x = s x é < ob = . e a s = a es a emai > 2 |o09| = = ein toot! = | — | = | & | oo eS epee | S41 21 o:o30 een | = | co9 = | = | See | = | ef ee ee Se SS | Et 2 hone Meme | - | - | -|-|- | - | - | - | - | - | 048} -o71]-048| - ol) Sif Re Ee en ea ee Mos T6o Permits | | | Sl ee eee ee) |} | alee SENS pe ee 2 nea ee ee eee | 8 pot] ek | Be ey eee bee es z | “4 Cetra ries. oe elieimemitere | | = | mL Sk Set eee ee Ss ee oe = Peat es i he ee = | 2 eT eer Nee eee | ae a } Sum, | -284) -405| 301} -218) -304| -419| -227) “509 -578| 421) 326] -262] +342) -122| -074| -025| -084, -030] -087| +081 | -061| 141] -106| 163] 5-520 | / | . | RAINFALL. OCTOBER 1895. H 1 = | =a ee ee 2aieass es. ie. |S ie a lees = ie - | = | = | -098 | 080} 010 | -062| -087] 0-337 } 2 | -040| -031 | 078 | -082| -0g0 | -118 | 118 | 128 | -070| -078 | 058] 012} -003| - | - |-003|-030/ - | - | +020] - |-003|-006| - | 0-958 | 8 | -018 | -059] -090 | -010 | 130 -060 | 018 | -050/ -040 018 | -007 | -010} -055 | -o18 | 028] - | - ]-008} - |-008) - | — |-o15) — | 0-632 sense Pe | | | 8 Seog) - | — | - | = | = | = | = 12 |so7ay'-o40 | aaa) 0-265 } 5 | -068 | -160 | -097 | -110| -040| -010| 062) - | -030)-015| - | — | — |-o37} - | - |-o23/ - | - | -005]-033] - | -o20/ -~ | 0-710 6 | - | - | - | -003| -020| -o10] -013/-041) - | - | - | - | — |-082}-018| - | - | - | 022] -045 | -052| -031 | -050| 035] 0-372 | 7 | 085} -008| - | -010| 034] -020 | -016| 022 | -028|-029) - | - Joos} - | - | - | - | - | - | — | 040] -c03}-049| -014] 0-366 mnie |S | = | 2) See ee | | | |) ee ee | SoS hh ose ES (ee (a a BP Sat peal |e ae 3 eee ee ee ef | ee ee ee eoo7 | enOo07 o3/- | -|}-/}]-/]-]-{-)]- | - | = | = J-013] -017 | -020 | -038 | -065 | -047 | 088 | -048 | 040 | 009 | 022 | 076] 0-426 -066 | 029 | -027 | -042| -050/-007/ - | — | -013|-003) - | - | — | - |-005) - | -006/-006|-004/ - | - | - | — | -005] 0-263 POs eos) -018 b-008) = |-008| — | adeno wes | — | — | - |o20) — | = | =} S22) = |-ors o-07 meron ere) is eee | | Se eS Sl be So 6-008 ene et | eS ogee is | | . | . | 2 SBS PS rs 1S pas mie \-o08\)-o20\-003/ = | — | — | = |oo7) = | = P= | = 1) - | - | = | -005)-005)-006|*004] = | — | — | o-oGs ne eminem. | ln i ggmieeniee ieee) oe | om ee ee = | = orods nen en aes \c05|) See eee S| eS ee eee eis = owes eer me Es) -og4sl eit eet ee 2] | | | |e | Ie We Bees eo -o0d 2 SSE ea ia Gus o4Nosn eons Ores meee |. | -oo4) — | 2 1 = ie ae) 2) Seog Sate gong ee eer es ee een ee See |) |] ee eS Se ee ee ee orood 299| -303/ -346| -290| -370| -288| -274| -334/ -289) -174] -065| -022| -099| -104| -071| 045 “144/ -061| -064| -220| +249] +128] -276) -365] 4-780 4 pena Si, Oe Ms att) pe ad Vee tA ames ah _ Deeply R Lh, Ae ierft 1M Ba: he fa ve ae “re 4 238 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. RAINFALL. INCHES ror Hour ENDING— NOVEMBER 1895. 1/2]/s|4|]s5]6]7]s8|o9 10) un) 2] 13 | 1 | 15 | 16 | 17 | a8 | 19 | 20 | a | 22 | 28 Sen Amount, hep me pes fm ae hosel] cepeile ee) 2 MR ss | age zs ial ire a a en rey See ee | ee eee emer | = 2 eee eee ec ee | lie peat eae. | ee he le | a 4 - - =) |) x = = = 2 3 é = be 2 as = A = = a ef = = =~ = = 5 | — | 002) -015 | -002 | -010 | -003 | 006 | 001 004) - | 009} -018]-004| 018; - | - | - | - | = | -035|[-050] - | - | - | 0-47 6 | ‘035 | -030 | -029 | 080 | -088 | -056 | -054 | +120 | -090 | -026 | -120 | -119 | -117 | -013 | -006 | -003 | -027 | -016 | -057 | 045 | 098 | -017 | -028| 141] 1-410 7 | 010 | -007 | 023 -008 | -010 | +046 | -008 | -012 | -003 | -050 | -004 | -025 | -006 | -002 | -002 | 018 | -052| 067 | -005| - | - | -008|-010| -010] 0-386 8 | - | — | 050 | -080 | -020 | -075 | -027 | -100| 016) - |-003| - | - | - | - | - | - | - 1-018] -047| 033] -030|-001) — | 0-500 9} - | - | - | = | = | 002) -131 | 100} -040| - | - |-049]-050| - | - | -180] -004 | -005 | -020 | -020 | -050 | -006 | -003| 002] 0-612 10 — | = [1060][-070}[-060}[-050]|[-0401}[-030}[-020] -006 | 005} - | -017 | -020 | -012| -002| - | -010 | 070] +117 | -270 | 130] 1124 1-101 11 | -083 | -005 | 033 | “050 | +131 | +275 | -050 | +110 | -040| -080] - | -010] 126 | -067 | 050, 060 | +140 | -043 | -008 | -057 | -025 | -035 , 010 | -002] 1-390 12 | 001 | 003 | -001 | 002) — | — | -008] -015 | -007 | -007 | -026|-003] - | -006|-006| - |-006|-005; - | - | - | - | - | — | 0-096 13 | — _ | 008 | -020 | +122 | -031 | -006 | -044 | -082 | -012 | +100 | -008 | -006 | -006 | -028 | -025 | -114 | -087 | 123 | -027 | 120 | +153 | 030] -055 | -078} 1-285 14 | -087 | -090 | -240 | -067 | +123 | -067 | -060 | -130 | -057 | 214 | -090 | -103 | -064 | -065 | -035 | -017 | 055 | -117 | -090 | -075 | -165 | 126 | 023 | 008} 2-168 15 | 010 | 003 | -013 | -003 | -006 | -080 | -140 |[-050] [-020]|[-0201-030]|[-030}}[-020] 010 | -015 | -064 | -086 | 146 | 233 | -050 | -036 | 023] 004) - | 1-092 16) — | 006; — | — | - | — | = | ~ | -008 | -015 | -040 | -036 | +124 | -020 | -030 | -045 | -080 | -010! -017 | -072 | -150 | -197 | 067 | 053) 0-920 17 | 018 | “034 | -075 | -074 | +025 | +059 | -099 | -040 | -010 | -063 | -033 | -017 | -096 | -023 | 034 | -007 | -034 | 039 | -010 | -008 | -115 | -002| -010 | 0304 0-955 o 039 | 002} 001} - | = 010 | 007 | 006 | — = = ESS me S = 2 = = = = = = = 0-065 DN cee) else = -}|-]- ]- 1] = | = | = | = |-007] -003 | -007 | -003 | -009 | -o12 | -o20 | -018 | 009 | 007 | 0-095 21 | *003 | 009 | -016 | ‘012 | 007 | 005} -001} - | - | - |-o03| - | - | - | +010] ~ | -005] -037 | -080 | -017 | 061 | -047| -078| 069} 0-410 2 032 | 049 | 008; - 019} - | -010] -046 | 012] -024/ - | -010] -086 | -152 | -089 | -226 | -050 | 029 | -010| -008} 003; - | - | - | 0-863 24 Ste ee | SE oh eRe ee | | | Range ae a Dil) 2. 2-2 a S| 5) See eee |= 2 22-2 | 23) sr i Oe ss ee es eee eee pes | |. ee ee ee =o i. | 2 ae bs 27 = - = | = | 021} 003} -008|-001} - ee eee ee | =. |. SN Se == lee) a 0-031 28 = - - 010) - = = = 2 x = 2 S s & = 2 = Es = =: = = 0-010 29 - - - | 1049 004] -003] - = eS = = = a = ee s = 2 = = = a = 0:056 soy >} >] =f = | - | Hf = f= = | = | = fe080f-002; - | - | 036} -097)) 010) -051 | -041 | 082} = j\<049))005 | ase Sum. |0-268 |0:248 |0°524 (0-609 0:575 |0-740 |0-704 0°854 0°355 10569 |0'372 [0-461 [0-701 0-421 (0-329 [0-735 0-682 [0650 |0°595 [0°67 {1-108 [0-809 0-472 0517 | 13-975 RAINFALL. DECEMBER 1895. 1 | — | 019} = | -011| -070| +110 | -090 | -165 | -075 | -018 | -009 | -050 | -012| -036 | -020 | -087 | -095 | -010 | -050 | -012 | -004| 010) 003} - | 0-956 2 | —_ | 030/003] — | — | -002| -015 | -050 | -030 | -021 | -040 | -074] -109 | -078 | -088 | +105 | -200 | -218 | -257 | -313 | -221 | -060 | -020| 120] 2-054 3 | 011 | -021 | 010 | -025 | -006 | -018 | -061 | -020 | 025 | 020] - | 018] -072/-019] — | -013| -050| -010| -071 | -072| -082] -100| -011| 039] 0-774 4 | (038 | -105 | -022 | -051 | -128 | -090 | -035 | -080 | «135 | -142 | -184 | -194] +172 | -109 | -009 | -030 | 029 | -048 | -045 | -032 | -101 | -156 | -185 | 210] 2-331 5 | °220 | -320 | +223 | +150 | -096 | -243 | -096 | -070 | -080 | +157 | 189 | +135] -07 | -078 | -114 | -086 | 080 | +120 | -076 | -087 | -079 | -068 | 188 | 173] 3-155 6 | 048 | -071 | -121 | -048 | -028 | -040 | -055 | -032 | -032 | -052 | -039 | -075 | -038 | -022 | -036 a See = - | -010] -0381] 0778 7 | = | 7010} -077 | -049 | -040 | -015 | -010 | -039 | -009| 040 -014| - | - | 006} - | - | - | - | - |-oa1] - | - |-006| - | 0-836 9 o06 | = |-o21 |'-o75 | -onz | -ogo | tbe | aardleage Mase'|ear4 \-one | | - | = | - | = =] = -55] 1-00] 88) -66| 20) —- |= | = | —- | — 3-24} 5:60] 27 28 = a = = = = = 35] — = 2 = = = = = = - 0°35 5°65 28 29 = = = = - = oo S = = 73 |e = = = = - 0:03 5°75 29 eas | | — |= | = 10) 1°00} 1:00] 1-00) 1:00] 1-00} -58} - | - | - | - | - 5°68 5:80} 30 Bu fe le ee Tqveoo! esl; ll ea |} ST Se Se ee | eM 1:99] 5:90] 31 Sum. | - | - | - | - | - | — | 0:27] 5-25) 10:77] 13+15| 10-84| 7-01) 1-35) - —~ | - | - | 48-64] 155-26] Som. SUNSHINE. FEBRUARY 1895. 1 =! ||| Sp ee Sees a ae 13, (22s es Pee ee eS il ee 0:30] 6:00 1 ne eee le | ae ee eh | 2h See ea Ss = 6:20 2 eee i — | = | =) cog eave ses) -4g| 23} - | — | = f= f= 177 | 6°25 3 4 = Ee eee ge 10}) 1-00) e1-00 “S7inoo) 64) = |) — | = | = | a= 4°71} 6°35 4 ewe =| = | = | - ep) weed | cal eae ae ane ea Sy 0:03] 6:40 5 6 = S & oy r ne 35 “97 “54 “7 a ea = = & - - 2°56 6°45 6 aes | = | = | - | - 07| *58| 81). -70| 72) “75 ete eo) eh 313] 6:50 7 a | = =a) | = BO 267 seleOoleest 21))- ) = | - | = aeiee 3°65 | 660 8 ees i | - | = | - 52] 1-00] 1:00] 1:00] 1:00 1:00) -40) - | - ' - "| - | - 5°92] = 6°65 9 Peo 9) = | — (> -40) Loop icooiog) 02) = | - | - | - | -.f 1 = 344] 675] 10 aoe | = | — | = | = | - 52! 1200] e1-00)el-00 1-00) 1:00) 00/14) — - =o) = 666 | 6:80) 11 eee eis = ai = || = 46] 1:00] 1:00} 1:00] 1-00, 1:00} 1:00} 10} - | - | - | - 656] 6:90] 12 13 is 2 = as es zi x a Bs = iw av : bs as = = - - 7:00 13 ieee = 1 = 74 00) aoolee00) 00) 1-00) 14) = | = | = | aa 588} 7:10] 14 5 || = |e || Ss.) Ree ee *64| 1:00] 1:00} 1:00] 1:00] 1-00] 1:00} +45) - | - | - |} - 709} 7207 15 ome ie | i = |, = i) = -70| 1:00] 1-00} 1:00] 1:00) 1:00] 1-00) 48} - | - | - | - 718 730} 16 aes = |= | = | - | = -70| 1:00] 1:00} 1:00] 1:00} 1:00] 1-00] -56) - | - | - |} - 726} 7:40) 17 Tie = = | - | = | = -82} 1:00] 1:00} -98] 1:00] 84) -08} -24; - | - | - | - 5-96 750] 18 i |} - | - | - | = | = | = | 92] 1:00} 1:00) 1:60) 1:00] 1-00) 1-00} -58} - | - | - | - 760) 7:60} 19 Sees oeie = | — | = | — | 1:00) 1-00) 82] ts00) 98) 26) ~- | - | - ‘| = | = J)= 5°06} 7°70) 20 Piel = |) = | = 44| 60) -20) 12| +72) -88} -12) -03} - | - | - | - 311 7°80, 21 29 = = a x = . Bs = = é 6 | = = = = = - - 7:90 22 23 = E a Le 2 z eS a 2 - a 40 -68| °32| - = = = 1°40 8:00 23 eee |= | = | -04) +82) Gaal oa) “76 -90| -76/ 40, - | - | - | — | = | Sa Slo 2s eee = | |) = | 08)) -O4N =a, 08) 10] 52] 84) =] = | = = Lily 820] 25 23 Woo | Ss) se a 32| 381 40} 98] -92) “84, - | - =| 384] 825] 26 Pee) — | — | 04 “Oel bol -10N) <7) ss6)7 ol] - | - | - | — | = Jae 2°33] 8:30} 27 Fi} || (ee ibe ele Siese dt eh ee {Se oe ee ee ee = = 8:35] 28 Sum. | - | - | - | - | - | 0°08] 9-76 |16-17|15-15 (16-71 [16-77 |13-75| 9°41 | 3°24) - | - | - | - | 101-04] 201°55 | Sum. TRANS. ROY. SOC. EDIN.—VOL. XLIII. 2H 242 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. SUNSHINE. Hours—ror Hour, Loca MEAN TIME, ENDING— MARCH 1895. NN WS Wee | BO ao sel ie || 2 |] ze lf aes) IG) 3S |) ie |) SX |) On if ye ecu we ce Ill ae = | =) BO) ox! ep ee = lS | so | = il De) || he ee | ee ee le ee Oeste, | | =. ee | See oie 2 Ne | eS Se i S = Py) Ge} | ae oO) ee S| =} SP = | CK 3 42") eq) he ee sae 20 eal ee |e | oe i eee 4 5B. |isceuh Se See: Wee neo Se SR Rr ee Rh eo ee 5 CHa Pie |) ees || eee ese, eee | aa Sle Sale ee en eh ee Pee 6 “|= Pe | Sie 70|"h1<00})) “<90\) 236i Maram mem ee Ne He ee |e 7. 8h |b Sl a eS] pc ae ee | ree 8 OF sglies diese aaa Gil] GO] teOO SS SS Sh SPS 9 PAR aa (A ream foe ee i Pea en 16] OG) yl FO] = | = Pea |S] af ] fie 10 PRR | eS PRES Pee a) ce =a 03 SOG |/ \cOBla 201 =| enn Nee fee 11 | 12 SoS SS) Sy eae =|] = = = | - | =j]-] = 12 Tey | eon ees, eee a 05] — -02| +20) -05 ee Be se ee 13 4a Hall eels eee ye Ss TOW eo mae a | Se Sa Se Aa 14 15s Hee gl ae SoS a ee ee ee, ES 2 tee a ee 15 16 lh Seed eee Ncase Us Hence (| lee ee ee Sg 16 ye |) ee |) Ree Se Saat ee Se |e POZE OG |e tc || een eee Mee 17 TS |e gece de Nh eI el ee tT eG ee 18 Oo se Wee bees Sly hy eh a ace lf ean een 19 POTN |e (eee || ema Me) area Viana! Rocce CP) || 2) Ve tS aa Re et Me eg PR eLoe He ge AYN) SE 20 Deller bale Terai ele ll ee ee ee ees kt ee Se 21 DOF tall 22 pie Pee lhe AB ceil eae]! Gj) aGl « 11 TO See eat) pest cl) coe sll med | cy SA ae 2 17:28) 12 13.4) See Gs i EP peels Opt ||) aN eae eet cee fen aks ll Gael) 162] 17:24] 13 TAR Rees le Wee al, = IMSS agree pena mr ES Sl eel 1719} 14 1p oi ee aS | eaaer |e |e fs i ae a aie ee he = 1714] 15 16 a = es ee 4 os = & = a = = = = = = = 17:09 16 Te Petes sha. te lee ee = | = 06) 282) 54\ geod) ae ee 158} 17:04] 17 MS lS a bye ee ep eg a RS ea 8 Ol = | 75) GO| Ne e0| eae 2°56 | 16:99} 18 19 os = e a = - 2 = ss = x = = = - = - 16°94 19 BOON Peeratee aie (eR il) (ea a a Reg Oe ee = Gps foes | = fs 0-41 | 16:89} 20 A ee ees |e ee eee ||. | es a lie SYM Hit a) OA = |! = 1:59 | 16°83] .21 22 = = 13) 08!) = = - = = - — - - - - - - - 0:21} 16°77 22 23 = = =e = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 16°72 23 24 = = = = Ss = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 16°66 24 5 sl eee al eeriol | 247i) S06) TG Or eset cod =-53)) “Gill” 02! ean eee ie 4:04] 16°60} 25 BG lisa Caw —| c= oj) TS || a Rema Ree at | or) cel) a ea pes oil Le = 16°54] 26 Q7 = = = = = = = = = = = ~ - = = = = = = 16°48 27 ah seen ihe |) Sal en ee se ho ami Peete Seam he alll = 1641} 28 EN ei is Ee | FOS yes | = | = |S See = if 0-67] 16°35 4 29 30) |e SA ee 03! - en ee) Oj Se ee 0-58} 16-284 30 31 |= | SEO Sl = | = |} = | ee = a Se 1:90} 16:22) 31 Sum. | — | 0:81] 3-45 2°22] 1-42] 1-23] 0-62} 0-27| 1-05] 0-73| 0-94) 1:57} 2-36) 2-43] 2-26] 1-86) 0-55] 0-40) 24-17 | 528-16 | Sum SUNSHINE. AUGUST 1895. Up Se ee ee renee ee | SP a Re Oe PI Ser is ; 16°15 1 NaN EM TSR REE AE SARS RAVP harcee IR Fa | Lae GR aa ee a fh Be hs = 16-09 Z By Be Wee Usenet) ean ee een Seen Sa ee OS ee. = 16-02 3 AN ese aeilp sell | i ee em S36] |) =. |) el eel ean 0:36 | 15-95 4 ee ee Shoes Sos |) = | a | ey IE Set lee ies ice eee = 15°88 5 Oe eee = = | bole 23} 45) -21 = |e | aie 0°89 | 15-81 6 (Eerie | Seat eze S|) 2 05 eae aS ph SS eS 0-05 | 15-74 a a ee 61| -86| 25] 50) -63| -31) 29) 55] 30] - = | Sa SPS 512 | 15:67 8 Cy euie e Se ies) =) Sl) Se Se | ae aie : 15°60 9 Te eel EEN eZ et Serle |) 09| 49} -66 25] 24} 26) - 10 2:09} 15:52] 10 (Sle al eee A areola = =| (PSS emai oes |) ee ee 2 15:45] 11 125 |= Se eeetee S es lS S|) (| ae a ee ee E 15°38] 12 wg )'--| - | =| = | =| =) Seale - 01 Se ca) Pal) ee 0°85] 15:31] 18 Pee eee Re Wi ea) ee aa ee 41} -20| -31| 54) 52] 49] + -61) -18| — 3°59 | 15-24] 14 16 te \ = 34; -90| 14] 01) 40) 19) - | - | - 85) on | mean Neen reel ee 2:33] 15:16] 15 16 = = = = - - = = - = = = = =| = ST lie= = ss 15:09 16 ya) lees oem ee || ON 46| 84 -37| - OS Sea we 1:81} 15:01] 17 18 | -|- | - 38} 91) -93| 86) *75| - ON =r) Csr |, Peale OST arene ese ene 3:93] 14:94] 18 BU aed aed ie =| sf = ia SW See tS Si eS fe - 14:87 | 19 20 | -|- | - | - = POD ie N=, oe eer ee eee eee 0:05 | 14:79} 20 BD te=ii= | = | = Ses | oe ee tbe a ee ee ee = 14-71] 21 Dg aR once a he SOE Ont esi) peek oe 6 es |) ee ee 0-23} 14641 22 Be ON Peseta at ene) he 70|) Od ROAR een ON eh ten | lt St eta ae eae ee 2:96] 14:56| 238 24) -}|-}]-|]- | -/] - SOc Oy) = at | ER ies 080 | 14-48] 24 SOP ay aa ee cee erst |) 1) ae) | aa ae in seme ere (ete fe a(t eal re = 14:40} 25 965i | = = | = = =, = = = = - - - - - - = - = 3 14°32 26 aaa eet a ae YS -|-/]-|]|-]-]- SS ee oh mi 14:25 | 27 Pn Weed ae lect cei eee oe] ip Se eo | Pn ees en eee |e = 1417] 28 2) athe a nes ae = me le fm ee el eee ne = 14:10] 29 80 | >=.) = | = 14 SPE ma cep ae | | Se ee) ee Tel Be = 14:03 | 30 Sa hace d= |p = By lie il en) Deine Penns Pe (meet ea be pete) 28) «= = 13:95 | 31 | SUM. | - | - | = | 1:83) 8°37} 2-26] 2:31] 2°64) 1-34) 2-72| 1-83] 1°68) 1:55] 2-49] 0-65] 0-71) 0°18] — 25°6 | 467-28 | Sum. FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 247 Es SUNSHINE. Hours—-ror Hour, LocaL Mean TIME, ENDING— JULY 1895. Ae ei OneCall Quel MON estan etm eel S ea A TS) 1G ele Lee elon Zn zie ors si eossible: ae edie = =) = fee he | 65) -50| -23 = 66] 09 = 213] 15:70 1 Do 52| 1-00) 1:00] +84! 1-00) 1:00] -35/ -02] -04) - | - | - | - | - - | - 577 | 15°60 2 an ems) = 08 3 | = | == yy 50) | ll BY a = = 2:34] 15:50 3 oe ne Ne SE RS etaee ees lll ooea | ote| |e -20| 1:00} -93/ -83] 1-00] 1:00} -32|/ — 5:28 | 15-45 4 5 = = Ss = = = = 28) 67! — = = E. = = = = - 0°95 15°40 5 G || = C= | = fol = ea | a, = 04) = 6472 | | | 2:03 | 15:36 6 t= = = 02} 44) -22) -06 - Oy 9 SS a Se Sa 0°75 4 15°33 7 Maen etsy |) = 4 Hil lose || tee | Re 42) 15] 64) = | — | — 1:22] 15:30 8 6) [a ae a SG ea re = atl ib lh ee aa | i ee fe = 15:28 9 1@ = Ol} -02) - 30/ -66] -02| 36] 98] 92) -44) -32/ - | - | — | — Oi) = 4:04] 15:26] 10 Ton ec ll ce. ene Nees es = 15-24 11 i) |) SNe 38] -33) 82) -63) - 20, +13) -57| 58] -90| -90) 1-00) -67} 50) -06) - FAG || iij2R| 1D 1329) = 12} 1:00) -44) - nS ce c=. | I ee = - | - 1:76} 15:20) 18 i Sele IQ) alg = | Sy) 4 12e-2ole 68) 1-00) 36) — | = Me | so | = 3:04] 15:18) 14 ie |yo2 ssh = Ba | tie I sar ame O20 P=) a ee een les O02} 1516} 15 16 5 a es = = s af s = is = = = = = = = - - 15°14 16 alec |) =| = |) = *36| °56) -98' 1:00} 1:00) 1-00] 1:00) 1-00) +16] 30 =| = 7:36) 15:12) 17 1 | ee o2|) 01) = -62| -30/ - | -‘16f 08] -06) 60) -70| 1-00) 1-00} 50) - | - 5:05} 1510} 18 Tome cf = | Sy es Ee oe nt sind eee emia | eee negli, ah a = 15:08} 19 2 | a 24) -30/ 24) -34| -72] :80| -58} - = fos |e 08} 02) -04) - | - 3:36] 15:06] 20 21 - - = = = = = = = = = 10; °90) - - - - 1:00 15:04 21 oe | = |F — Tesi esr Slee Vee 32), = 14/30) -01) - |, - 0:87 } 1502} 22 Pome | = |) = | = fos GY) = |e 36| - @if = = | = | = | = 0:75 15:00) 23 Mee | = | - | = | = = ql! = |S | Se 04|) = fi] = || = || = || = O18} 14:95] 24 2 = OS|p1-00/01-00)) 60) 9-01\* 16) <40)) e028) 32/62) 04) — | = | = | = = Sl} 14:85] 25 26 = = = e = = = es Sh te = = os - = 14°75 26 27 e = = = z e S a i a = = = = = = = - - 14°70 27 28 e: = ss ES = 5 . = " ss = = = = = = = - 14°65 28 997) = -20| -09/ -20/ -96| -14) -29) -31) -18} -88) -86/ 1:00) -47/ 85) -40) - | - | - 6-83} 14:55] 29 307) = 04) -28) +98] -88) 34) :36] -30/ 20) - | - | - | - | - = |= i} = 3:38} 14-45] 30 ae = | — -58} -80| 1:00] 92) -66} — 01 CH = || SSeS = |] | = 4:29} 14-40} 381 Sum. | - | 1°60} 4:71] 5:24) 5-24) 5-74) 4:31] 4-56] 5:44) 5-00] 5:59| 7-32) 6-02} 6-12] 5-19] 2°16) 0-39] - | 74°63 | 468-04 | Sum SUNSHINE. AUGUST 1895. i | Sis ee es ees 01 1 all ag Veg sal eS 0-02} 14:35 1 2 il = |} s fs | =] s fs |e 2 |e 12) +20) -20} 40} 40} - | - 1:32 | 14:30 2 2 | co SS ee eee (ee lites | Westen eee ae alee = 14-20 3 “ofa | so le fe aig} = || = 22) 70) - “i ah = | = fo = 2:26 | 14-15 4 Femieeiper ee, eri oh Sf = |) aul) cesta besa een ieee Ee 0-15] 14:10 5 @ f=.) sia eas “30 fo) AGO | = ee Se S| = |S 1:90 | 14-00 6 Aot=- | = 10) - 38] - of! sea een ee 10} 65} °52) - | - 213] 13-90 7 G jos |e 02} 80! -60) -64| 1:00 70| -82} 50) — if) Oe] = |) = | = 5:76 | 13°80 8 OMe ea Pee te les Fs |e eee eee = 13-70 9 10) || ee = -02| +06 1:00} -22) 86] -30) -28) 64) -08) - | - 526] 13:60] 10 11 = = = = a ss PS Ee = = = < = = = = - 13°50 11 12 = z = S = os = ca! = = = & = = - - 13°40 12 13] Sele 02} -02) +20) -30 76| 56) :04| -34) 12} — | =- | = | - 2-62] 13:30] 18 ia | =] a ye je 02} 05) -70 40} -08| 32) - 52/ -80| -30) - | - 3:63} 13:25] 14 ee ee k= |= | as] = 29] +40/ 34} -03) - 37| -60| 07) - 210} 13:20] 15 16 Pe = as =I a = = Ze As = =: = = = - - 13°10 16 iy | et tl Sane :36| -46/ 1:00 1EOO|EcOGl a= 78|0 8) = — | eee 6:34} 13:00] 17 ig Sf ee Ba <0! ey) al 01] = ol a = | a= | = | = 213} 12:90] 18 19 | cee ee i Se “12| 04) - -42| +16 S| Sates | = | = 0-94, 12°30] 19 Pome ee ewe |) 2-82) 78-78 Soo | so) a Se Sy SS = 3724 1270] 20 21 = = = = = Ss Ve = 08} +10) - = - - 0:24} 12°60 21 22 | Ie i) Se ill = || = 40| 78) -84| 16 = ees | 2:83] 12:50] 22 23 = = = = = 06} +16 a = a = = - - - 0:38 | 12:40 23 wo | =| =] = SS 28] -34 66| -70/ +80] 1:00] -58/ 60) 02) - | - 6104 12:30] 24 2 = | Sf = Se ce eax: i@| = | = Ss = j= | s 2:34] 12:20] 25 a3) Ss Sa a 04 Score a ee ees 0:34] 1210] 26 B= |) — | = |= 12] -22) +46 = 38) -42/ -88) <38] 02) - | = | — 3:52} 12:05] 27 28 & = = = a = = a a a = = - - - 12-00 28 a | col 2 oS ay Sl a i ee een es cl)! Se Eee = 11:90} 29 80) = p=] ssa Ss = 10] -20| -58] 1:00) -22) - | - | - 216) 11:85} 30 Sere seiee ce ee Ne ee rem een ie | 0 |) eee ee = 11:80} 31 Sum. | - | - | 0-02} 0-68) 2-45) 4-73) 5-89) 5- ‘021 7-24} 6-62) 5-54) 4:35) 4:36] 3°72] 1:92) 0-07) - 58-19 | 404:95 | Sum. 248 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. SUNSHINE. Hours—For Hour, Locan MeAN TIME, ENDING-—- SEPTEMBER 1895. AD 6 a Se 9) LO es RS eee by 1 eG: 1, 17 9ST SON 20) eA Morales eoseibler 1 = 2G) Ge Ps Gee Sas || 2 4 Se ee eee ieee eee NS. et = 13°87 1 2 a & - = bs = 49) = 02) - = a a as = = = 0°51 13°78 2 3 f i = = = Me 99) _ 2 = = = = = = 0:29 | 13°70 3 A See et | z ee | Se ie | Ss eee | ee ee = 13°62 4 5 PAE. Rea Pals C8) =) 2 Re ea eS x 0:08 } 13-54 5 6 = ‘15; 73) 1-00} 1:00} 1:00} 1:00] 947 1:00] 80) 64) -92} -83) - | - | - | - 10-01 | 13-46 6 7 i: 3 Ps = 2 = ne og} — may | 5 Es 3 = = 2 = ~ 0:08 | 13°38 7 8 Sap Pe i ee ee | Se sy SWS 13) Peay eee eee ee 0-13 } 13:30 8 ils |e = 12} — | :30| 27] 45} 1-00] 1:00) 1:00) 1-00) 1:00] 07) - | - | - = 6:21 | 13-22 9 10 = = = = = = = = = 09) 42) -76| -11/ 15] - | - - - 153] 13:14 10 ll = = = = = = = = | = = ~ - - 13°07 11 Fite ete Meese Na A eee) Sa ee ce ee | ee ee = 12:99} 12 ig |) = | = |) = AN) ON Yall) HIB ey) c(ofel| tote} A) GLO ce} BR = | = | = | = 6:03 | 12:91} 13 Vie oan || eee tres ea err ea ae (| ||) i) eS esl ea reese = 12°84] 14 ae 2 SF ates |, er en eee lle Ate pees: PT = 12:76] 15 16 = = = = = = x = = 2 = = = - - - - 12°68 16 17 = ee a = = = = < 2 = = = - = - - - - 12°60 7 19 |) och 2 eee || || ely en Me Pe eh = 1252} 18 9} t= | = | = | = | = ee O6f 58) -30] “Ol; - | - | - | - | - | - 0°95 | 12-447 19 20 2 E = = = 66] -02) - = = = = = = - - - - 0°68 | 12°36 20 21 = = = = = = es 06] - 06) - = = = = = = = 0:12 12:28 21 WP, || = = |-s] =i) 2) =] =) = “551 90|| 1-00) 1:00) -99) 21) = | = | = || = 4:63 | 12:20] 22 PB | = | = |} = 75| 1:00} 1:00) 1-00) 1-00} 1-:00f 1:00) 1-00) 1:00} 1-00) 1:00) -22} - | - | - 1097 | 1212} 23 Sythe tee le ee a ie 17) - See Pes, | ee NN I a ee aie SWE 017] 12:04] 24 2 | = |} =f) Sie) Slr 45 = 06} + -03 = =| =] 2 |= 054) 11:96] 25 26 a 2 = = = = = = = = = = - - - - - 11°88 26 We |S |S | SS pe ea fe | = il = 38} -34) 1:00] -39 = |i-o i Ss] = 211} 11:80} 27 98 | = | = | = 50} -90} 1:00) 1:00) 1-00] 1-00] 1:00) 1:00) -94) -90/ - | - | - - 9-24] 11-72] 28 7 | = | = |= 24} 1:00} 1-00} 1-00} 1-00} 1-00} 1-00) 1:00} 1:00] 1-00) +87} - | - | - | - 1011} 11°64) 29 3) || = i) = *20| 1:00} 1:00} 1:00} 1:00} 1-00] 1-00) 1-00} 1:00] 1:00) -62; - | - | - | - 9:82] 11:56] 30 Sum. | - | — | 0:15) 2:24) 4:69} 5:87| 5:87/ 6:92) 7-69] 9:38] 8-71) 9-21] 8-25] 5:01) 0:22] - | - | - 74:21 | 381:38 | Sum SUNSHINE. OCTOBER 1895. i uo || = josef s 80| 90 1-06] 1:00] 1-00] 95] -95| 1-00] -96/ -20] - | - | - | - 8:76 | 11-48 1 Oe Wee (eel een el ellie “ooctl (th ue (retina oa Meenas pmeaieleereetn ||) a ils. i The 2 = 11-40 2 Ci ee ee w|i | eae hes) ee ee (esl ee = Ah ea | a . 11-32 3 4 = ae le IE al ee Ss 13) 07] 02) — | = (O| GB) = || =-| = ] = 1:75} 11:24 4 Faas | Meret ire Wi) Foal a Sh ei =| my ff SS] Poe erm Pee emt Yel I = 11:17 5 a | 2 UN | | a A en ean nual le hace |< = || = = 11:09 6 7 |) = Sie ioe || ool oo le Sa ean ee = i PS Re ees = 11:01 7 || <= - = | = St OO el c00 |e OOiee-Golle 20!) -66|\g a0 ||| en |e | 4:09 | 10:93 8 Ta |e Wa Re iia oe te | | se a ae Reale. | Sh ele A = 10°85 9 i |) = | oh ot Ss he O1| + -02 Oza eee en = | =| = 0710} 10:77} 10 11 Z can eset ea earl ee a al ee a ER We osilliy alle scoe Yh = 10°69} 11 Se ||. ea he EU Cee 2s. | ae eee |e Ses) =o) sol gee Se ee ee ee ae = 10°62} 12 Ove || Gee Hien || eam ean a A = ee rere ot Say = 10:54] 13 TA =n eo em eon ND en = 7 Goa COO! 47) 1-00| 901) 20lenn mean een |e 4-67} 10-46] 14 TB Me) ay | ee a eri a |! SC) Tb ee eal) eae = | = = 10°38} 15 TN, cnt | RS OE Ree A ce 0.1) a (Os) AS) aici ky) ep eel) | = if = | = || = 3°92] 10°30] 16 WE |) |) lee 82] 1:00} 1:00} 1:00) 1-00} 1-00} 1:00} 1:00] 1-00] 50) - | - = || = 9:32] 10°22] 17 1B YS ee et | ee ee “02) = Se es eee Me 002} 1014] 18 19 - -|- - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - = 10°06 19 PINE) Sell lak— s S| ee en ea |e |e - 9:98} 20 21 rise il =o le = == 10) +43 sie = || = | 2] = 0°53 990] 21 22 | - | - =| Hemet lh Bea aut ae Bul Of) aGh ee = os ee I = | = ] = 0:57 9:83] 22 23 = _ - = = = = - = = lll a = = - - - - 9°75 23 tea h ppl 3S pl ah ME el) 05] ata), 2g) GIG GA tee Oe ee 1:61 9°67 | 24 PF) a ee ae He) dl ell = ea GO ee =e ee 0°34 960] 25 OB. hee Ma eon ae Ml Bat il a 10) “21; “97| -44) 211 - | 65] - = | =) ea) ae ee 198] 9:52] 26 27 = = = - = = = = = = = Silt ke = = = - - 9°44 27 98) = Nee | ee ee ee =| | elie =F Seo = lees) 2. = 9:36] 28 29 = - - - = |) 209| ee - 02) - 04) — | = - | - - | - 0°15 9:28} 29 30 ae ee ee eee el le oo | ll Se ae ee ey eh le = 9:20} 30 31 = jan eee ee O08) Sa141 ec oltemebOmeryrOlmrsa|) 6 :25|) @<0G|e= |) ceil seamen - 271 912] 31 Sum. | - | - | - | - | 1:86) 2-28) 3-56] 5°68) 5-78) 5-07) 4°59} 4:86] 4-47| 2:37] - -|- 4\)-52 | 319:32 | Sum. FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 249 SUNSHINE. Hours—ror Hour, Loca MEAN Timg, ENDING— SEPTEMBER 1895. AaieomiG 7 S| 9 1) 10) eile otis) 14 | 15.) 16 | 17.18) 19 |! 20)" One totale (Possible: fame eet ae fe Pa ee eee he PS eS ie. = 11°75 1 2) | Ses Sia 10| +28) +92] =20) -76l 40] ~<14/ -38/ -70| 1-00] AS = Weel cee ee2)) = ah cee oll es as} 68) - | - | - 2°86 | 11°55 5 & | SSS hee 32| 1-00] 1-00] 1:00) 1-00) 1-00] 1°00] -84} -80| 1-00/ -54) - | - | - | - 9°50 | 11°50 6 | see ee St SPS eee 7StetO0)) 80) -60| -18| =44\ee BY) 2) = 4°18} 11-45 7 en eae a) 02) = 2) Seat 04i| 62) 78] °<60/) See = 27 = 2-20 4 11-40 8 2 |) See 10)" -02)) “51 *64l yal. =velr 1-00) 100) 49! -29) = | 2 | ul 2 ye 543 { 11°35 9 omy = | = | — | - 14} -90| -42/ -24) 36] -88/ 1:00] -92| -60| -30) - | - | - | - 5764 11:30] 10 Peso |= | = | | = Gil) = |) Wo) EN eae = fe St 1:05 | 11-25] 11 eae] = | - |. - 40 = al eeecole1e00|| 20) 60) “78 =) aah 406] 1120] 12 eee | = | = | = eco a] (cat tm Seay | aS 1:04 11-10] 13 Vaveoe ie! — | = | ee ee = = Pe i to tS = 11:00} 14 eee) = | — | Se |e Os) = | “1a, 20) -od]-- | = | = "| = 0-40} 10:90] 15 Hee | = [| =— | - | = - |-|-]- fs a ie - 10°80} 16 Peewee | = | = |. - |) = |=) eee 2 Ayes Seely Sts = 10:70} 17 ee = i ee oll 46) 1-00) 1-00} +50) = | = See 2-974 10-60] 18 Pees |p 60| 80] -86] 72] -68| -86/ -60| 1-00] 14) - | - | - | - 6-26-} 10-50} 19 25) | A a ee 56} =70|) 02/9 eee 28) =) | = Se ee 198} 1040] 20 eee = | || 68) 80) “80s pon 2s 56) b = 4401 7:10] 28 29 % 3 S a = % 77 95) 39] -G2| -75| — 60) - = = = = 4°38 7°00 29 ee |) |) | aCe ee o= | |e | i lias 0-057 6:90] 30 Pee | | = | -0tl) §-70) + -6y) A000) col” -90) 09) = | - | = | = = 557 {| 680] 3l Sum. | - | -— | - | — | 0-39] 5-27, 12-62) 15:23 15-98] 15-07| 14-19] 13°56] 9-96] 1°57) - | - | - | — | 103°84] 253-70 | Som. 2 TRANS. ROY. SOC. EDIN.—VOL. XLIII. 250 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. SUNSHINE. Hours—ror Hour, Loca Mean TIME, ENDING— NOVEMBER 1895. 4}15|6{7 ] 8 | 9 | 10 | 2 |ao) B-) | ws | 16 | Wr] 48 | 19 | 20 |) 21 | Motel. feassibie 1 | - | - | - | = | 34} 1-00] 1-00) 1-00) 1:00] 1-00] 1-00] 1:00] 1-00 -10} -°] - | - | = 8°44 oe 1 2 = = —_ =, ae AS = = S -_ = = 7 Se =~ = th ay = . We para eVeSae e | MNS Puen O80. 70) — | | Sean ene 315] 8-90 3 ee ee ny ee eee |) ee) ES : 883 4 Bt SE ae eel en ae a fe eae li | = _ 8°76 5 6) l) es eefe 0-68 | 6°35 7 meee ee fh = f | | oe Oil Be Be tee] Sl eS WS | = | =] = | = 2°83 | 6:25 8 Bf ce ce He), =|) OA) coe) sey) scr =|) 5. 2) 2:31 6-20 9 1 | ST Rr eT Sc | ce a mn Ver ee ae - 6-00} 10 Pewee ies | — fs. | = ak CS); a0). Os) A ee Sy = | eS 104] 5:90] 11 Le [Le Pet Ne Mee Ie es |) cr cr) eee | Se O14] 5:80] 12 meee fe | — | = | KH eine yoy - SIGs) eB «cae a || ey S| oe | a 138] 575] 13 (eee ieee |= | = | — Op Aleh Sel |S RR ARO le i, fe O14] 5:65] 14 ee eee SS fee ae Se Po [| I es = 560 | 15 ee Pe Re ere Oe al ee | | oo ee ee = 555 | 16 Taree oath. = | - | = Ba) OL 08), Ce NS gl ee 0-98} 5:50] 17 Pee ee | eH | KS 58 86) 98] - NS ee Ne We = Pa 241] 5:45 | 18 |e eS a i ee Ve cl) ey a ee ew co ee al 0-60} 540] 19 Dee ee he | | ep ea 2 ae el iin) ye = O14] 5:36] 20 Pee eenimetee eee eh ls Osis. ee ll, = i.e: cs | aah Slag = 0-08} 5:33] 21 Peewee ee ie fel ye fie 03] lOn =a Ey eal ae eae es 013] 5:30} 22 eee eS.) 2 Pts | = Sar 74} iO) avg) ee SS = | St = |e 403 | 5:26] 23 24 | esol” ES eae ee eee ieee GP) sai) soo) wad) AS] Sf) = = = | = 4-40] 5:23] 24 & | oe | SS Sa See= Aly T0)) 5H] aa Saal Se a Sl a 364] 5:20] 25 eee ee | DO OCeIOOWD-OC “G0 = y=) a eee 3°85 | 5:15] 26 7 he = : = = = = 67; 52) — = = = = = = = = 119 510 27 ee 3 i ol a a eS ee ee COS Se ie | ee ee Obl} 5:05] 28 99 = sa = = = = = = = = = = = = = - - - 5:00 2) 30 = 2 x = = = = = = - - ~ - - - - - - 4°90 30 Soe y= | — | = | = | = | 1-75|| S43] 9-B1Nt1-02) 9:21) 4-36] 0:50) — | — | = | = | = 9) 44558 | 171-63 | Sum SUNSHINE. DECEMBER 1895, eisai ete OB We i tes - | bm) 0-23] 4:80 1 Pee ee | = ee ff — | = f= | = =) 0) See ae eel ice | ll)! - 4°75 2 ee eee Wo | ee =) | = = eee - 465] 38 eee f= | ee] lH | CK Aloe sia i = | Sele = 4:55 4 eee ee | — | | 08) OBR OF, 07) = | — | = | = | = "}e= f= 0-20} 4-45 5 eee fe = 3 = | = |) eee eo | = | - a Pee ae - 4351 6 ee te | HY 87 TB 4B) =) = fe fm fe 112], 405 7 8}-}|-]-]/-]-]-]- Fi | ce | = oil See ec (Fs | O10] 4:18 8 eee = ea Fe | eS ee a = fem) Sf ee - 4-10 9 Ho} =-4 - |} -| -| =] -]j - 1) SOO} TOONS 60) = | =F - 2 e 355] 3:90] 10 See ce | = | = | = | OGO COO = | =H tom | S| ee 087] 3:80] 11 eo foe ee a = | Pm Se - 3°75] 12 See ole cm) — | EN = eee a le PK Pe te - S724 a6 Pee ee wo fem fp = ae ee = | ] | - 371] 14 See Wee | See fe | - | =|] tee - 3°70] 15 Hee) = 4 -— i= | - | - | -] - | - alee = |S | i 0-08] 368] 16 eee ear | = fH a ee) Se | = a | Rea O41] 367] 17 Peeves | — |= | eee ieee Sl | - | Pp meee Ss - 3°66] 18 eee aye = | = | - PH | ae A) 102) 21S a a || 0:35] 366] 19 ee eee | ot eae = k= e |] =) ee i ~ 3°65] 20 ene ieie— | P= | a Bae See) a t= = a - 3°65] 21 Pee ieeriy— | = P= | S| = sO OF = = Se etl i=l 008 | 3:65] 22 eee | | eS ee | eS - 3°65 | 23 ee ee | me ee toe | = Pal mea WS - 3:66 | 24 eee | | — | = sO) 887s 30) = = | fm | a a 147 | 366] 25 eo na ee | me es - 3-67] 26 27 Pee fe | Hee a em | = | | ee - 3°68] 27 eee ll ee ee | fem See as - 370] 28 Pe een | ee ee Seu > le | ea - 371] 29 eee eal = | ee eee a | eS - 3°72 | 30 eee | | eS eee PS [PY ee - 375 | 31 Sum.| - | - | - | - | - - | 0°57| 8-05) 2:55) 1-69 0°60) - | - | - = = 8-46 | 121-48 ] Sum BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. WIND. DIRECTION AND Force (0 to 12). JANUARY 1895. he ty 2 Be WN «94 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 12 ~+‘| Max, | 3 = 2S | ae = a ee eee eas = || ee ee ee a ee eee |Dir’n. Force. | Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force. | Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. |Dir'n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.|DVir’n. Force.| Dir’n, Force.' Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. 1 |ENE 0-2|N y 0-2 | E 0-1| N 1-2| N 1-2|N 1-2| NNE 2/N 1-2} NNW 2-3|N M2) NW 2-3 3 SN 3-4 | NNE 3 | 2-3) N 0-1)NNW 0-2) NW 1]WNW 1-2/}NW 1-2/NW 23/NNW 2-3/N 1-3} NNE 1-3 4 SHEN 1|N 2 1/N 1-2|N 2-3] NE 0-2| NE 0-1|NNE 1-2]NNE 1-3|N 1-4) NE 1-3] N 2-4 8 4 NNE 2-6|N 7 4-8 |N 4-7|NNE 3-6] NNE 3-4/N 2-3 | NE 0-2] N 1-3) N 2-3! N 0-2| N 1-2 8 56 |NNE 1-2/NE 2;NNE 2-3) N 3/NNW 2-3].N 2-3 | NNW 3 | NNW 2|NNW-1-2/NNW 2-3] N 2-3| N 2-3 3 6 | NNE 1| NNE 1| NE 1| NNE 1|/N 121N 2|NNE Bale! 2-3 | N 1-2|N 1-2/N 2-4| NE 2-4 6 7 |E 5-8} ENE 4-7/ENE 5-7 ENE 6-9|NE 6-10]NE 5-10}/NE 5-10] NNE 5-11|NNE 4-9| NE 4-8; NNE 4-9|/ENE 3-8] 11 8 |N 2-3) NNE 2-3/)N 12)N 0-1} E 1/E 0-1/5 1 / Calm 0/;zE 0| ESE 0-1 1-2] SSE 1 3 9 |SSW 1-2/SSW 1-2)SSW 1-2/SSW 1-2/SSW 1-2/SSW_ 1-2/SSW 2/SW 1-2 | SSW 2/SSW 1-2) SSW 2)SSW 1-2 2 10 |W 1) SW 1-2 SW 2|SW 1-2/SSW 1-2] SW 1-2 | SW 2) SSW 2)/SSW_ 1-2 2) 1-2/8 1 5 11 {SE 5|SE 4-5 SE 4-5 | SE 4|\SE 4|SE 5 | SE 5 | SE 6-7 | SE 7|SE 7 SE 7-8|SE ie 8 12 | SE 8| SE 7-8 ESE 7-8 | ESE 8-9 | ESE 9)/Sh 8|SE 9-10 | SE 10;}SE 10-11/SE 10-1. SE 11/SE 11-12} 12 138 |SE 10-11/SE 9-10 -E 10-12/SE 10-12] SE 5-9| ESE 9-10| ESE 8-10] ESE 10-12] ESE 9-11] E 8-10 | ESE 10-12/SE 10-12] 12 14 | ESE 5-8 | E 5-6 | I 4-5 | ESE 4-6| E 6-7 | ESE 7| ESE 6-8 | ESE 8| ESE 8-9| KSE 9-10} ESE 9-10} ESE 9-10} 10 15 | ESE 3-6 | E 6-8 | ESE 4-6 | Esk 3-6 | E 3-6 | ESE 3-5 | E 3-5 | 2-3 | ESE 3-4 | ESE 2-3 NE 1-3 | NE 0-1 8 16 | ESE 1| SE 0-1) ESE 0-1/E 0-1 | ESE 1) 5 1-2)ESE 1-2] ESE 2 | ESE 2) ESE 3/E 4|ESE 3-4 4 17 |SE 1-2 | Calm 0 | Calm 0} Calm 0 | Calm 0} Calm 0}; WSW_ 0-1] WSW 0|WSW_ 0-1} Calm 0| WSW 0 0 3 18 N 1-2)NNE 1-2/NNE 1-2/Nih 1-2/N 0-2 | N 1-2/N 0-2 | N 0-2 | N 0-2 | N 0-2 | N 0-1) Var. 0-1 2 19 |N 0-1| N 0-1 | Calm O|N 0-1 | NE O|N 1-2|}NNE 0-2|NNE 0-1} NNE 0-1/ NE 0-1 | ENE 1/ENE 0-1 3 20 | NE 1-3|ENE 2-3 NNE 2-3] NE 2-3 | H 2-3 | NE 1-3)}NNE 1-3!N 0-2! N 1-3! NE 1-3| N 2-3] N 2-3 4 21 | N 3-6 | N 4-6, N 4-7 4-7|N 2-4) NNE 2-4| NE 2-4 | D 2-5|N 2-5 | N 2-5 | NE 2-5| NE 2-4 Ti 22 |NNE 1-3|NNE 2-3/N 3-5| NNE 3-5] NE 2-3|NNE 3-4|N 2-4| NNE 2-4|NE 1-3 | N 3-5 | NE 24 N 3-5 5 23 NE 1-4] NE 3-6 | NNE 3-6|NNE 2-5| NE 3-5 | NE 3-5 2-4| N 1-3 | Ni 2-4] Var 0-2 NE 1-3 | NE 1-3 6 24 |W 12} WSW 1-2!/N 1-2 | NE 1-3; NNE 2-3| NE 0-2|/NNW 12|N 0-1! N 0-1) N 1-2) NNW 0-1|N 1-3 8 25 | NE 1-3}ENE 1-2 NNE 3-5| NE 2-5 | NE 2-4 | NK 2-5|NNE 92-5] NE 2-4! NNE 2-4) N 2-3 | NE 2-4| N 3-4 5 26 |NNE 2-4/NE 1-3, NNE 1-2| NE 1-2|NNE 2-3}NNE 1-2/N EN 1-2|N PAL piel 1-2 | NNW 2|W 1-2 4 27 |NNE 1-2|N 1-2 N 3-4 | N 4-6 | N 3-5) NNE 3-4|NE 2-4] NE 1-2 | ENE 3| NE 1-3} ENE 1-3] NE 1-3 6 28 ‘NNE 1| NE 1 NNE 1| NNE 2|NNE 2-3/NNE 3-4|N 2-3 | N 2-3 | EB 1|/N 1/N 0| WNW 0-1 4 29 | SW 3/SW 2-3 N 2-3| N 2-3 | N 2-3) NE 0-1| NNE ca ENG 0-1; N 1|N 1-2| N 2-3 2-3 4 30 | ESE 3-4 | SE 3-4 | SE 4|SE 4-5|SE 4-5 | ESE 5| ESE 5-6] ESE 6| HSE 7|ESE 6-7|ESE 67|EHSE 5-6 if | 31 ESE 4|ESE 3-4|SE 3/SE 3 | ESE 3| ESE 2| ESE 1| ESE 2\|ESE 0-1|NNE 0-2| NNE 1/NNE 2-3 4 MEAN 3:00 2:97 3°13 3°16 3°05 2:97 3°00 2°92 3°00 3°06 3°16 3°20 13 14 15 16 ile 13 19 20 21 22 23 Midnight. Mean. Dir'n, Force. |Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n, Force.|Dir’n. Force. |Dir'n. Force. Dir’n, Force. |Dir’n, Force.|Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n, Force.|Dir’n, Force. Force 1 | NW 3|;|NW 23|)/NW 0-2)/NW O-1L)|NW 12/NW 0-1| W 1-2| WNW 2-3] W 2-3) NNW 0-2|N 0-2 | N 0-2) 15 PA | st 1-2|N 0-2 | N 1-3 | N 1-2|N 1| NNE 1|/N 1-2|)N 1-2 | N z|N 1|N 2|N 0-1) 16 3 | ENE 3| ENE 2-3/ NE 1-3 | NNE 4|NE 1-5|NNE 1-6|N 3-7 | N 3-7| NNE 3-7|N 3-8 | N 2-7 5-8 | 2'9 4 N 2-3|N 2-3| N 1-2| N 2-4) N 3) N 3|N 3 | IN 1|N 1-2) N 1-2|)N 2-3|NNE 1-2] 2°8 5 | NNW 1-2|N 1-2 | Var. 0-1 | N 0-1|NNE 0-1|NNE 0-1)| NE 0-1 | NE 0-1|N 0-1 | N 1-2|N 1|NNE 0-1] 16 6 | NE 2-3| NE 0-2 | SW 1| NE 0-2|NNE 2-3)ENE 1-3|N 1-2! NE 2-3 | NE 3-4|NNE 3-4/N 38-4) ENE 4-6] 2°1 7 |NE 4-8| N 4-6| N 3-5 | NE 2-5|NNE 3-6] N 3-7 | N 3-6|NNE 4-7|NNE 3-7/NNuN 4-7|N 3-6 2-4] 6°7 8 |S 1| SSW 1\| SSW 1|5 1)/SW 1) SSW 1) SSW 1) SSW 1)SSW 1) SW 1|SW HO Sie 1-2} 1°0 9 | SSW 1) SW 1-2 | SW 1-2} WSW 1-2) WSW 1} WSW 1|W 1| W AWS 1) W 1|WSW 0-1|WSW 1-2/ 1° 10 |5 2)8 2-3 | SSE 3/5 2-3 | SSE 2-3 | SSE 1-2 | SE 2) SSE 2-3 | SSE 3|S55B 3-4 | SE 4-5 | SE 4-5 | 22 11 |SE 7|SE 7|SE 6-7 | SSE 6-7 | SE 7\SE 7-8! SE 7-8! SE 8|SSE 6-7 | SE 7|Sr 6-7 | SE 7| 63 12 | ESE 10-12|)/SE 10-11/SE 10-12|)SE 11-12|SE 11-12/SE_ 11-12/SE 10-11/SE 10-11)SE 11-12/SE 10-11|/SE 10-14/SE 9-11 | 1071 13 | ESE 11-12|SE_ 11-12! ESE 10-12! ESE 10-12! ESE 11-12 | ESE 1vu-11] ESE 11|)ESE 9-11] ESE 8-10 ESE 6-9 | E 5-7) E 5-7 | 98 14 | ESE 8-9|ESE 5-7|/ESE 5-7/SE 5-7| ESE 5-7/5 6-7 | E 6-3| ESE 6-7|ESE 5-8/E 6-7| ESE 4-7|E 4-6 | 6°83 15 | NE 1|ENE 0-1) NE 0-1 | ESE 1| ESE 1\E 0-1} KSE 1] SE 1/ESE 0-1) ESE 0-1] ESE 0-1)/SE TDAP 16 j 4| ESE 2-3 | ESE 3 | ESE 3-4 | ESE 3-4 | ESE 4) ESE 3| ESE 3 | ESE 3|SE 2-3 | ESE 2|SE 2| 2°4 17 \W 1| WNW L|W 0-1 | NW 0-1 | Calm 0|N O|N 1) NNE aN 12|N 1-3 | N 1-2|N 1-3| 0°6 18 |W 0-2;)NW 0-1) NNW 1| NNW 1)N 1-2| NNW 1-2}; NNW 0-1|}WNW- 1/NW 0-1 | Calm O|NW 0-1/N 0-1] 1:0 19 1D) 1-2| k U-2 | E 1-3| E 2-3); ENE 0-2/5 1-3) E 2-3 | E 1-3 | ESE 2|)E 1-3|ENE 1-3 2-3) 1:2 20 |N 1-3| NE 2-3| NE 2-3; NNE 2-3) NE 1-3 | N 3|N 2-3|NNE 0-2!N 2-3 | N 1-2) N 1-2| NNW 38-4} 22 21 N 1-3| NE 1-3; NE 1-3; NE 0-2;NNE 1-3|N 1-3 | N 1-3 | N 2-3 | N 2-4) N 3-4| N 1-3; N 1-3) 30 22 |NNE 2-4/N 2-4| NNE 2-4|/NNE 1-4|N 2-5 | N 3-4| N 1-3 | N 1-3 | N 2-4|N 1-4|N 3-5 | N 1-1] 3°0 23 |N 24)/NNE 2-3|NNE 2-3! NE 2-4|NNE 2-4|N 2-3 | NE U-1| NE 1-2 | Ni 2-3] WNW 1-2] SW 3-4 | W 2-4] 2°7 24 | NE 0-1} N 1-2|N 1-2 Ni 1-3] N 3-6 | NE 3-5|N 4-6 | N 6-8 | N 1-4/NNiK 2-5] NE 2-5 | NE 1-4| 23 25 | N 2-4| N 2z-3| ENE 2-3 NE 3-4] N 3-4 | NE 2-5 | NE 3-5 | NE 2-4 | NE 2-5|NNE 2-4|NNE 2-4) NNE 2-3} 3°1 26 NW C-1| NW 1)NW 1;NNW 1{|NNW 1-2}NNW 0-1/NNW 1-2/N 1-2) WNW 1-2|N 0-1; NNW 1a 1-2| 1:4 27 | Var. 0-2|NNE 1-3|NNE 1-2 NE 1-2/ENE 2-3| NE 0-2 | NE 0-2 | NE 1-2| NE 0-2|NNE 0-1] NE 1| NE 1} 19 28 | N O|N 0-1 NNW 0-1 NNE 1| WNW 1-2] W 2) WSW 1| WSW 2) SW 2|SW 2-3 | SSW 3)/SW 3] 16 29 | N 2-3|NNE 1-2! Calm 0 ENE 0-1|ESE 2-3|/ESE 2-3|/ESE 2-3/SE 3|ESE 3-4] ESE 4|ESE 3-4|SE 3) 2e 80 | ESE 5-6/SE 3-4 SE 8-4 | ESE 4/ESE 4-5|/ESE 4-5) ESE 4-5|/ ESE 5-6] ESE 5|SE 4-5 | ES 4|/ESE 3-4] 4°8 81 | NNE 1-8|/ENE 1-2 NNE 2-3 N 1-2|N 2-3|N 2-3 | N 0-2 | NE 1|N 0-2|NNE 0-1/NNE 1-3| NE 1-3] 19 | MEAN 3°05 2°76 | 2°65 . 2°79 3°13 3°05 3°00. 3°15 3°13 2°04 2°98 2°95 | 301 | | | N 188, NNE90, NE91. ENE23. E36. ESE95. SE71. SSE9. S8. SSW22, SW19. WSW12. W16. WNW9. NW16. NNW24. Calm 165. : BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 253 WIND. DIRECTION AND Force (0 to 12). FEBRUARY 1895. ‘ j i 2 3 4 5 6 | 7 8 9 10 abl 12 Max. a Dir'n. Force | Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. Dir'n.Foree. Dir’n. Force. 'Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force. 1 |ENE 0-2|E 1-3| ESE 2| ESE 1 | Calm 0|/ENE 0-2|/ENE 3-4|ENE 1-3/ENE 1-3] NE 1-4 | NE 0-3 | E 3-4 4 meee | NE 1-2/N -0-1| N 2-3 | N 8-4|NNE 3-4|N 3-4! N 3-4|N 3-4|N 1-2| N 2-31 N 1-2)E mas | 8 |B 4-5|ESE 2-4 h 5|ESE 4-6; E 4-6| ESE 2-3,E 3-4 | E 3-4 | E 2-3|E 2-3, 8 ¥-3| ESE 4-5 6 Poe | N 0-1| NE 1\E 0-1 | E 0-1| E 1-2/E 0-1; N 2-3|N 1-2/N 2| NE 0-2| E 2-31 E 0-2 4 | NNE 1-3}NNE 3-4/N 3-5 N 4-6, N 2-4| N 3-6 | N 3-6 | N 3-5 | N 3-5 | NE 1-4|NNE 24/N 3-5 6 _ 6 |NNE 1-3/NNE 2-4/N 2-41 N 3-4|N 2-4 2-6| N 2-3 | N 13|N 0-2| N 0-1|NE 0-1|ESE 3-4] 9 7 |ESE 4-6|/ESE 1-4 BSE 3-4) ESE 3-4) ESE 4-5| E3E 6|E 5-6 | ESE 6 | ESE 7 | ESE 7| ESE 7 | ESE 7 7 8 | SE 3| SSE 2|SSE 1-2; § 1} Calm 0| ESE 0 | Calm 0) Calm 0 | Calm 0| SE 0-1 | SE 1| SE 0-1 3 9 |N 0-1) N 0-1 | Calm 0) N 0-1| N 0-1) N 0-1 | Calm 0 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| NE 0|N 0-1 3 10 | SSE 2\/SSE 2-3/SSE 2-3|SSE 2-3|SSE 2-3|SSE .2| SE 2-3|SSE 2-3/SE 2-3 | SSE 3| SSE 3/)SSE 23 4 ll 2-3 | SE 0-1|N 0; N SBN 1-2) N 1|/NNE 1|N 0-1|N 1-2|N 1-2 | Calm O|N 1-2 3 12 1-2/ Var. 0-2|N 2 N 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-2 1-2) N 1|/N 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-2 2 13 2|SSE 2-3 | SSE 315 3/8 2-3/SSW 2-3/SW 3 SSW 3-4/8 3/8 3-4)5 3/5 3-4 4 SE 4 SE 4'SE 5 | SE 6| SE 6-3 | SH 5 | SE 5-6 | SE 6| SE 6-7 | SE 4-5 | SE 6 3 SE 5 | SE 5-6| ESE 5-6|/ESE 5-6} SE 5-6| HSE 4-5 | ESE 5|SE 5-6| ESE 6-7) ESE 5|/ESE 45 8 SE 7|\SE 7\SE 6|SE 4-5| SE 6| Stu 6-7 | SE 4-5 | SE 3-4|SE 5-6 | SE 5|SE 4-5 8 SE 4| ESE 3 | ESE 4/SE 4| ESE 4\E 4 ESE 3-4) ESE 4| ESE 4/ESE 3-4/| ESE 3 5 SE 4|SE 4'!SE 3/SE 2-3| SE 3)SE 2-3 SE 1-2 | SE 1-2 | SE 1-2 | SE 1-2 SE 2 4 Calm 0 | Calm 0! ENE 0 | Calm 0|ENE 0-1|)ENE 0-1 Calm 0} Calm 0| ENE 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 3 2-3 | NNW 3 N 3/N 3-4| N 3|N 2-3 | NE 2|/N 1-2 | NNW 2 12); NNW 1-2 4 2-3 | N 1-2 | N 2-3) N 2-3) N 1-3 | N 2-3 | 12,/N 1-2|N 1-2)NNW 1-2/] NE 1-2 4 1-2/N 0-1/ N 1-2|NNE 1-2|N 1|N 0-1)/NNW 12/N 1-2}NNE 1-2/N 1-2|N 2 3 1-2/N 12|N 2-3 | N 2-4|N 1-3|N 2-3| N 2-4|N 2-4|N 3-4|NNE 34/N 2-4 4 WNW 1-3|NNW 2-4)N 2-4|N 2-4) N 1|N 1-3| N 3-4 | N 3-4| N 2-4|N 2-4'N 3-4 6 N 2-4) N 1-2, N 2-3 | N 2-3' N 2-3 | N 1-2,N 1-2|N 12!N 2|N 1-2,N 0-1 4 N 3|NNW 2-3 N 2-3 | N 2-3 | N 1-2 | N 2-3| N 12|N 3|NNW 3-4|NW 3-5| NE 2-4 5 NE 2-3|NNE 2-3 N 1-2] NE 2| NE 2-4) NE 2-3|NNE 2-2] N 2-3 | N 1-2) N 2-3 | N 1-2 4 NW 12/N 2-3 N 1-3|N 2-3|N 1-2|NNE 2-3|N 2-3/NW 0-1/NNW 1-2] W 12/SW 23] 4 2°45 2°55 2°70 2°66 2°61 2°70 2°48 2°41 2°57 2°39 2°68 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 | 23 Midnight. |Mean. 1 | Dir’n. Force.| Din'n. Force.| Dir’n. Force. Dir'n. Porce.|Dir'n. Force.| Dir'n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.| Force. 8-4| NE 2-3 | NE 1-3 | ESE 3-4 | ESE 0-1| EH 0-2 | E 0-1| NE 1-2|E 1| ENE 1} NE 1-2|NNE 1-2] 1°8 4-5|/E 3-5 | E 4-5|ESE 4-6/E 3-6 | E 3-5 | EB 4-6|E 4-5 | EB 5-6 | E 6|E 5-6} ESE 6-7] 3:7 4-5/E 4-5'ESE 4-5) ESE 3-4|E 3/E 2-3) E 2-3|)ESE 3-5) EH 2-4] 8 2-4° B 2-3 | NE Le Sea 1-3] E 1-3 | NE 1-3|E 1-4|E 2-4| E 3-4| E 4|E 3-4| E 3/E 2-3 | NE 2-3) ENE 1-3) 2°0 2-3| N 2-3 | N 2-3 | N 1-2|N 2-3) N 1-2|N 1|N 0-1| E 0-1| NE 2-5 | NE 0-1 | NE 1-2} 2°6 3-6] ESE 4-6) ESE 5-8|ESE 5-7/ESE 5-7|ESE 67/ESE 7-8/ESE 6-3/ESE 6-8|ESE 7-9/ESE 6-8|E 5 6| 4:4 7| ESE 5-6| ESE 4-5) ESE 5 | BSE 5|ESE 4-5] ESE 5|SE 5 | SE 4|SE 4/SE 3-4| SE 3-41 5:0 0-1] SE 0-1] SE 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| NE 0| Calm 0|/zE 0-1 | Calm 0} Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0} 05 0 0-1 | SE 0-1| E 0|E 0/|SE 0-1 | SE 0 | Calm 0|SE 0-1 | SSE 1|/SSE 1-2/SSE 23] 05 3 | SSE 5|SE 3| SE 3-4 | SSE 3| SSE 3/SSE 2-3)/SE 3|SE 3| SE 3| SE 3-4 | SE 3] 2°8 1-2| NE 1-2| Var. 1-2|N 12|N : 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-2/Var. 0-1|N 1-2|N 1|N 1-2|N 1-2} 1°2 1-2 | Calm 0) NNW 0-L| NNW 0-1) Caln 0 | Calm 0| SW 0-1 | SSW 0|S 1-2/8 1-2/8 1-2/8 yy] afc 3-415 2-2/5 3/8 3|SE 3/SE 3-4|SE 3-4 | SE 3-4 | SE 4|SE 4/SE 4/SE 4] 3-2 5-7|SE 5 | SE 5-6 |'SE 5-6 | ESE 5 | SE 6-7| SE 6-7 | SE 7| ESE 8| SE 8/ESE 7-8] ESE 5] 58 5| ESE 5|ESE° 6/SE 6-7| ESE €-7| ESE 5-7|ESE 6-7| ESE 7|SE 8 | SE 8|SE 8| SE 6-7 59 5|SE 5| SH 5-5 | SE 4) SE 4|)SE 3-4] SE 4|SE 4-5 | SE 4-5 | SE 5 | SE 4|SE 4} 50 4/E 4| ESE 4| ESE 3-4] ESE 4/ESE 3-4) ESE 3-4/SE 4-5 | SE 4| ESE 4)\ SE 5 | ESE 41 3-9 2| SE 2|SE 2| ESE 2) ESE 1-2|}ESE 0-1] ESE 1|E 1/ENE 0-1;ENE 0-1] NE 0) NE 0! 1:8 8] Calm 0| NW 0|/NNW 0-1|N 0-1} N 1)/NNW 1/NNW 1/NNW- 2|NW 2;NW 2-3/NNW 2) 06 1|NNE 1-2)NNE 1-2/NE 1-2] NE 12;/NNE 2-3|/NNE 1-2/Var. 0-1/N 0-2) N 1-2|N 2-3 | N 1-2] 1°9 1-2|N 1-2 | Var. 0-2 | N 2-3|NNW 1-3| N 1-2|NNE 2-4/N 2-3 | N 2-3 | N 2-3 | N 1-2) N 1-2| 2°0 1-2|}N 0-1|N 0-1) N 0-1 | N 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-2|N 0-1| N 2) Ni 1-2|N 2-3) N 2) 13 3-4| N 2-4 | N 1-3|/N 2-3 | N 2-3 | N 2-3|N 2-3) N 2-3| N 2-4] N 2-4 N 1-3|N 2-3] 2°6 3-5 | N 4-6|N 4-5|N 3-5 | N 2-5| N 3-5 | N 2-4|Var. 1-2}NNW 2-3)N 2-3' N 1-3/N 1-3} 3°0 1! Calm 0| NW 0-1) N 1-2/N 1-2; NNW 2-3) NW 2-3; N 2-3 2-3, N 1-2|N 2-3) N 2-3] 1:8 2-4/NNE 24|/NNE 2-4|NE 23|ENE 2-4] NE 3| NE 2-3 | NE 2-3 | NE 2-3 | NE 2-3| NE 2-3|NNE 2-4] 2:8 2-3, NE 2-3|NNE 2-3/N 2/;ENE 1-2/N 2-3| NE 2-3 | > 2-3 | N 2-3 | N 2-3 | N 2-3 | N 2-3 | 2°3 2-3 | NW 1-3 | W 1-2 | W 1-2} WSW 1-4 2-41 SW 2-4| Var. 1-3) NW 1-3|}NNE 1-3|N 1-3} N 2-4! 21 2:89 2°64 2°70 2°71 2°62 Pera 2°79 2°70 2°93 2°96 2°98 2°73 | 2°67 NNE 28. NE44, ENE13. E60. ESE80. SE109. SSH22. S17. SSW2. SW5. WSW1. W5. WNW1. NW10. NNW19 Calm 42. 254 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. WIND. DIRECTION AND Force (0 to 12). MARCH 1895. 1 | 2 3 4 5 6 i 8 9 10 11 12 Max. Dir’n. Force, | Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n, Foree.|Dir’n, Force. | Dir'n. Force. | Din’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force. | Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n.Force.|Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force. 1 |W 1-2|N 2-3) N 2-3 | NW 1-3 | NW 1-2| NW 1-3 | NW 2-3|NNW 1-3) NW 1-3 | N 1-3| N 1-3| N 2-4 5 — BLN 2-5|NNE 2-4|NNE 2-4|NE 2-4| NE 2-4| NE 2-3 | NE 2-4] NE 1-3| N 2-3| N 1-3 | N 1-3 | NE 1-3 5 8 |N 2-3|N 2-3|NNE 2-4|NE 1-2 | NE 2-3|NNE 2-4| NE 2-3| NE 2-3| NE 2-3 | NE 2-4| NE 2-4| NE 1-3 9 4 |N 5-8 | N 5-8 | N 4-7|N 2-5|N 2-4|)N cE aN 1-2|N 2|N 1-2|N 1-2|NNE 1-3|N 2-4 8 5 |N 2-3|N 2-4 | N 2-3| N 2-3| N 1-2|N 1-2) N 1-2|N 1-2)NW 1-2|NW_~ 1-2|}]NW 1|;WNW 1-2 4 ae 6 | SW 2-3)5S 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SSW 3|/ SW 3| SW 3/SW 3| SSW 4)/SSW > 3-4/S 3/S 3-4/8 3-4 4 7 N 1-2| N 2|N 2-3 | N 1|N 0-1| NW 1) NW 1|WSW 1-2|SW 1|SW 1-2;SSW 1-2/8 2 6 iy 8 |SE 6-7 | SE 5|SE 5 | ESE 4-5 | SE 4-5 | SE 3-4 | SSE 4|SE 3-4| SE 4-6 | SE 4) Si 4-5 | SE 4-f 7 < 9 |SE 4-5 |SE 3|SE 2-3 | SSE 2-3 | SE 2-3/SSE 2-3/8 2|SSE 2-3/SSH 2-3| SE 2-3 | SSE 3| SE 3 5 10 |E 3-4 | E 4-6|E 3-4 | B 2-4 | NE 1-3}ENE 1-3/ENE 1-3/H 3|H 3| NE 1-3 | NE 2-4 | NE 2-4 6 2 11 N 2-4 N 2-5|N 2-4) N 3-4|N 2-4|N 2-4) N 2-4|N 2-4|N 2-3 | N 2-3| N 1-2| N 1-3 5 + | 12/8 0, SSE 0|SE 1-2|SE 1| Calm 0| Calm 0| SE 0| SE 1-2|SE 1-2] SE 1-2 | SE 1-2 | SSE 2 3 & 1s |S 1-2| SW 1/Ss 1| SSW 1|/SSW- 0-1/SW 1|WSW 1-2} WSW 1-2] WSW 1-2| W 1-2. | SW 1-2} SW 2 4 , 14 | WSW 2-3| W 1-2;NNW 1-2|W 12 |SW 1-2] W 1-2] W 1-2 | W 1-2|SW 2-3) WSW 1-2|SW 2-3 | SW 3 5 3 165 |SW 3\/N 1-2);NW 0-1); WSW 1-2/SSW 1-2/SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2-3/SSW 2-3] SSW 3| SW 3| WSW 3 5 = 16 | SW 3-4 | SW 3-4|SSW 3-4|/SW 3|/SW 3|SW 3-4 | WSW 3/SW 3-4 | W 2-4 | SW 2-4| WSW 3-4/SW 3 4 2 17 | Sw 24! WSW 2-4| W 3|SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | W 2-3 | W 1-2) W 1-2)}NW 1-2|)NNW 1-2|NNE 1-2) NW 2 4 18 | W 12 SW 1-2|}SW 2)|SW 1-2| SW 2|W 1-2) WSW 2-3) W 2|SW 2-3 | W 3-4 | SW 3-4 | SW 3 5 2 19 |N 2-3| N 1-2|N 1-3 | Var. 1-3} N 12|N 1-2)/NNW 1-2|N 1-2} NW 2-3|}WNW 2-4|) WNW 3-4| WNW 3-4 4 4 20 |N 2-3 | N 1-2|)N 2-3 2-3) N 2-3) N 2-3 | NNE 2)NNE 1-2/N a EN 0-1| N 0 Q-1 3 21 |Sw 2| SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | W 2-3 | NW 2IN 2-3|NNW 1-2)/NW 1-2}|NW 2-3/NW 2-3] WNW 2-3 | NW 2-3 4 Z 22 IN 1-2|N 2-3 | N 2|N 2-3 2-3 | N 2-4)NNE 2-4/N 2-3 | N 2-4 | N 1-2 | NW 1-3 | NW 2-4 4 b, 23 | SW 2-3 | SW 3-4 | SW 3-4 | SW 3-4|SSW 3-4|SW 3/ SW 3|/ SW 8-4) SSW 3-5|SW 4-6|SSW 4-6|SW 4-6 6 “ 24 |SSW 6-8/SSW 7-9/SSW 6-9|/NNW 1-3] W 2-4 | W 9-3|NW 2-4) W 2-3|NW 1-2|NW 1-2|}NW 1-2) WNW 1-2 9 J 25 | SW 3-4 | W 2-4 | W 1-3) WSW 1-3} WSW 2-4] SW 3-4 | WSW 3-4] W 2|SW 2-3|SSW 2-3| SW 2-3 | W 1-2 4 H 26 | N O|N 1-2 1|N 2-3 | N 1-2) N 2-3 | N 2-4|N 1-3 | N 2-4) N 1-2} NNW 2-3) NW 1-2 4 . 27 | Var. 0) SW 1|SW 1) SSW 1|/SWw 0-1 | Calm 0} Calm 0| SE 1-2|SE 1-2|SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 3 4 : 28 | ENE 2-5|NE 2-5|NE 2-4| NE 3-5 | N 2-5|N 2-5|NNE 3-5] NE 2-5| NE 3-6 | NE 3-6 | N 4-7|NNE 5-9] 11 bd 2 aEN 5-8 | N 3-6 | N 2-4|NNE 3-5/ NE 3-4] NE 3-4] NE 3-4| ENE 3-5|/ENE 3-4| NE 3-4|NNE 2-3)N 1-2 8 * 30 | N 2-5 | N 2-4|)N 2-5 2-4|N 2-4|NNE 2-4/N 3-4 | N 3-5 | N 3-4 | N 2-4 | NW 3-4 | NW 2-4 5 BL ON 2-4| N 2-4|N 2-4|N 2-4| NE 2-4! NE 2-4/ENE 2-3/N 2-3 | NE 2-3| NE 2-4| NE 1-3 | NE 2-4 4 = MEAN 2°94 2°89 2°68 2°47 2°29 2°31 2°32 2°37 2°52 2°44 2°56 271 . 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23) Midnight. /Mean. Dizr’n. Force. Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n.Force.| Dir’n.Force.| Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.) Dir’n. Force. | Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n, Force. Dir’ n, Force.| Dir’n. Force.| Force . L |N 3-4 | N 2-4|N 2-4|N 2-4) N 2-4|NNE 1-4/N 1-3| NE 3-4 | NE 2-4 | N 2-4 NNE 2-4] NE 3-5 | 2°6 2 |NE 1-3 | N 2-3 | N 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-3 | NE 1-2|NNE 2-3/N 2-3|N 1-3| N 2-3 2|N 2-3 | 2-4 re 38 |ENE 2-4/NE 2-4|N 2-3 | N 2-4| N 2-4|NNE 2-4|NNE 3-4| NE 3-4] NE 3-5 | NE 4-6 NNE 5-7|N 6-9 | 3:2 = 4 N 2-3)N 1-2|N 1-2|N 2-3|N 2-3 2-4|N 3/N 2-4|/N 2-3 | N 2-4| N 2-3 | N 2-3 | 2°8 je MANS 1-2 | W 1-2) WSW 2-3} WSW 2-3} WSW 2-3] WSW 2|W 1-2) WSW 2|SW 2-3 | SW 3, SW 2-3 | SSW 3} 20 is 6 |SSE 3-4|S 3|SE 3/58 3| SW 1-2;}NW 1-2;NW 1-2|N 1|N 1-2| N 0-1/N £4 |) Ist 2-3] 26 = 7 |8 2-3/8 2| SE 4|SE 4/8 3-4] SSE 4\s 3-4 | SE 5|SE 5| SE 5 | SE 5-6 | SE 6| 28 7 8 |ESE 46)|ESE 5-6| ESE 5 | ESE 6| SE 5-6| ESE 5-6] ESE 5 | ESE 6| SE 5-6 | E 4|SE 3|ESE 4-5] 48 : 9 |58 2\8 1-2|SE 2|SE 1-2 | SSE 1) Calm 0| SE 1-2/5 3| ESE 4\E 4-5 | Bh 2-4) E 4| 2°5 10 |N 2-4|N 2-4 | NE 1-2|N 3-5|/NNE 3-4) N 3-4 | NE 2-4|NNE 2-4|N 3-4 | N 2-4 | N 2-4|N 2-4| 30 11 | NE 2-3 NE 1-2| NNE 1| Var. 0-2|NNE 0-1] Calm 0| NNE 0|N 0|SE 0-1 | E 1\SE 0/S 0-1) 18 12 |S 2|SE 2/SE 2-3 | SE 1/SE 1|SE 1-2 | SSE 1-2 | SE 2|SE 2/SE 1-258 1-2/8 0-1) 12 13 |WSW 1-2|SW 2)/SSE 1-2/8 218 2-3 | SSW 8/SSW 2-3/S Sus) 3-4/5 3-4, SW 3-4 | SSW 4| 20 14 |SW 2-3 | SSW 3|SSW 3-4|SSW 3-4|SW 3-4 | W 3) WSW 2-5|SW 2-4) WSW 3-5) WSW 1-4 | SW 2-4 | SW 3-4 | 2°5 16 | W 3-41 WSW 2-4/SW 3-4 | SW 3-4)SSW 3-4|5W 3-5 | SW 38-4)SSW 3-4|SW 3-4 | SSW 3| SW 3| WSW 3} 28 16 | W 3-4|WSW 2-3/SW 3) SW 2-3| W 2-4) WSW 3-4| WSW 2-3) WSW 2-3) SW 3| SW 3-4 | SW 3-4 | W 2-3 | 371 17 |NW 1-2|N 2-3|N 1-2); WNW 0-1} WNW 1-2] Calm Oo|NW 1-2|NNW 1;NW 1-2/W 2|W 2| W 1-2/| 18 18 | SW 2-4 | SW 3-5 | W 2-4|NW 1-3|N 8-4|NW 24|NW 2-4] Calm O|N 1-3 | N 1-2/N 1-3| N 1-3 | 23 19 | NW 23|NNW 24/N 2|N 2-3 | N 2-3 | NW 2-4|N 2-3|N 1-3 1-2] N 1-2 | N 2-3 | N 1-2) 2°2 20 | SW 1-2) SW 1/8 1/S 1/8 1-2/8 2|8 1-2 | SSE 2|SSE 2-3|/SSW 2-3)}SSW 2) SW 1-2) 16 21 | WNW 2-3|NW 2-3/N 1-3 | N 2-3 | W 2-4|NW 2-3] Var 2-3| Var. 1-3/N 1-2} NNW 21 NW 1-2) INW d=siiip~ 22 |NW 2-4| NW 3|SW 2) SW 2-3)}SSW 2-3/SW 2-3 | SW 2-3)/SSW 2-3 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 3-4] 2°5 : 23 | SSW 5|SW 3-5 | SW 4-5 | SW 5| SW 4|SW 4-5 | SW 3-4 | SW 4) SSW 3-4|/SSW 3-4/SSW 4-5/SSW 5-6] 4:0 24 |WSW 2-3) WNW 2-4] W 2-3 | NW 1-3} NNW 2-4] WNW 2-3/NNW 1-2} NW 1-2 | NW 2-4] W 2-3 | W 1-2 | W 1-3} 29 25 |WNW 1-2| NW 2| WSW 2) WNW 1-2| NW 1)/NNW 1-2|N 0-1/NW 1-2;NW 1-2/;NW 1-2/N 1|N 1-2] 2:0 26 =|N 2-4|N 1-2 | Var. 0-2|N 1-2] WNW 1-2|N 2-4| NW 2) NW 1-2) NW 1-2 | WSW | 1-2} WSW 21 W 0-1] 1° 27 | ESE 3| ESE 38-4| ENE 2-3|E 2-3 | I 2-3 | E 2-4/ BE 2-4] ESE 2-4| EB 2-4| i 2-4|E 2-4) E 2-4| 21 28 N 8-10 | N 6-9|NNE 8-10|N 6-9| NNE 7-10| N 6-9 | N 8-10 | N 8-11 | N 6-9 | N 7-10|N 6-9 | N 6-8 | 62 29 |E 2-3) ENE 2-3|N 2-3| NNW 2-3} NW 2-4 | NW 8-5| NNW 3-5|N 2-5 | N 3-6 | N 2-4) N 2-5 | N 2-5| 374 30 | N 2-4| N 2-4|N 2-3 2-4 | Calm O|N 2-4|N 2-4|NNE 2-4|N 2-5 | N 2-4; N 2-4 | NE 2-4] 30 81 | NE 2-3| E 2-3 | N 2-3| N 2-3 | NNE 2|N 2-3| N 1-2|N 2-3 | N 2| NE 1-2/ E 3/E 3-4] 2°6 MEAN 2°90 | 2°76 2°65 2°69 2°65 277 2°65 277 2°97 2°85 2°85 3°03 | 2°67 Ne , 1 Fie = =i | N 206. NNE20. NE50. ENE9. E24. ESE13. SE52. SSE15. S32. SSW 37. SW98. WSW34. W438. WNW14. NW 57.. NNW 16. Calm 15. BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 255 WIND. DIRECTION AND Force (0 to 12). APRIL 1895. q | 1 2) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Max. es oe elf a a ae ee Ee as! |S Se eee ey NE ee (eee Oe | ee | Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n, Force. 'Dir’n. Force.) Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. 'Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force. N 2-4/ NE 1-3 | NE 1-3 | NE 2-3|) NE 2-4|/ NE 24|/ENE 2-3| NE 1-2|N 2-3 | NE 2-3 | N 2-4 | NE 2-4 5 N 12| NE -1-2)E 12| NE 12|NE 0-2 | Calm 0| NNE 1} Calm 0O|N 0-1) N 1|NNW 1-2; NW 1-2 3 N 2-4|N 2-3) N 2-3 | N 2-3 | N 2-3| NE 2-3 | NNE 3|N 2-3] N 23|NNE 2-3| NE 2-3|N 1-2 4 NNE 1-2|N 2-3| NE 2-3 | N 1-2| N 1-2|N 2-3 | N 1-2) NE 1-2|N 2-3 | N 2-3|NNE 2-3) NE 2-3 3 WwW 3| W 1-2|SW 2-3 | W 2;SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | W 2-3 | NW 1-2| WNW 1-2| NW 1-2 | W 2-3 5 SW 45|SSW 4-7|SW 2-4 | SW 2-4] WSW 2-4) W 1-2|SW 2|W 2-3 | SW 2|)/SW 1-2|SW 1-2| SW 1-2 (ff N 1-2| Var. 1-2) N) 1-3|N 1-2| NE 1-2 | NE 1-2/|/ NNE 2| NE 12 | NE 1-2|NNE 1-2| NE 1-2) ENE 2-3 3 N 1-2|N 1-2|N 1| NW 1-2 | NW 0-1 | SW 2)|SW 2\8 2-3|SSW 2-3/|SSE 2-3/8 2-3/8 2-3 8 WwW 2-4|WSW 2-3] NW 2-5 | NW 2-4] NW 2-4 | NW 2-4 | NW 2-3| WNW 2-3 | NW 2-3| WNW 2-4| W 2-4| WNW 3-4 i iS) 6-7|S 6-7|SSW 5-7)SSW 6-7|SSW 7\SSW 3-5|SSW 5-6|/SW 5-6| WSW 4-6 NW 2-4| N 2-3 | NW 2-3 li w 2-3 | W 1-2|SW 1-2 | SW 1| W 0-1 | NW 2|NW 12|)NNE 2-3/N 2-3|NNE 2-3|N 1\N 1-2 3 N 2-3 | N 2-4) N 1-2|N 2-4|)N 2-4|N 2-3 | N 1-2| N 1-2|N 12|N 2-3 | NW 2-3| WNW 2-3 4 N 0-1|N 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0|NE 0-1 | Calm 0|/ESE 1-2|SE 1-2 | SE 1-2) SE 1-2 | SE 12 2 SE 2|/SE 2|SE 0-1/SE 1|SE 0|E 0-1 | SE 0-1| SE 1|SE 1|SE 0| SE 1-2 | SSE 12 2 ESE 1-2| ESE 2|SE 12 | SE 1) SE 0-1, Calm u| N O|N 0|N 0° Calm 0, NE 0-1 | SE 0-1 2 ; N 1-2) N 1-2;ENE 0-1/E 0-1 | SE 1-2 | SE 1-2 | SE 2|SE 2)SE 2 SE 2| SE 2-8 | SE 2-3 4 7 |SSE 1-2| SSE 12|SSE 1-2| SE 2|SE 2-3 | ESE 2|)SE 3|SE 2-3) SE 2-3 SE 2-3 | SSE 2-3|5 2 3 | 18 | SE 2| SSE 2) SSE 2) 5H 2/8 0-1 0) SSE 1| SSE 12/|SE 12 | ESE 2-3|SE 3| SE 2 3 } 19 | SW 0-1| SW 12/5 0-1/8 12|SSW 0-1] WSW 1| W 12|W 1-2 | W 1| W 1|W 1-2|NW 1-2 3 | 20 | SW 12/8 1/8 1-2/5 1-2/8 1-2 1-2/8 2\8 2\8 2/18 9-3 | SSE 2-3 |S 3-4 8 21 | SSE 8-9| SE 7|SSE 3-4/8 3-4/5 3/5 2-4/8 3|S 3-4/8 3 | SSE 3-4/5 4|S- 3-4 9 | 2 |s 2-3)SSW 2-3|)SSW 2-3|SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 12 | SW 2-3 | SW 2|SW 2|/SW 2-3|/SSW 2-3/8 2-3 7 23 | ESE 7|SE 5-6 | SE 7| SSE 5-6|S 3-4 | SW 3|SW 2-3/8 3|s 2) SW 3) SW Siar 2-3 ve 24 SSE 2-3 | SSE 2-3/8 2-3/8 2-3 | SSE 2-3|8 2-3 | SSE 2) SSE 2-3/5 2-3/5 2-3 | SSE 2\8 2-3 4 } 2 |8 1-2/8 2| SSW 2|SW 2-3 | SW 1-2|WSW 1-2! W 2-3 | W 2) NW 1-2 | NW 1-2 | NW 0-1 | Calm 0 4 26 | N 2-4|N 2-5|N 4-7| N 4-7|N 5-8 | N 6-9 | N 5-8|N 6-9 | N 5-7 | NE 3-7|N 8-11} N 6-9} 11 a | WN 2-5|N 2-4|N 2-4 | N 2-4|N 2-4)N 1|N 1-2|N 2|N 1-2; N 0|N 1| NE 0 5 {| #2 |S 1| SSW 2|SW 2) WSW 2|W 2)|W 2) WNW 1);)WNW 1-2} WNW 1-2|W 1-2 | SW 1-2/8 2 3 29 | SW 2|/SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 |S 2-3|/SSW 2-3|)SW 2-3 | SW 2-3)SW 2-3)SSW 2-3) SSE 2-3 | SW 3-4 | W 2-3 4 30 | SW 3|/ SW 1-2| SW 2|SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2| WNW 2-3/SW 2-3 | SW 1-2 | SW 2-3 | SW 1-2|;SSW 1-2 9 2°65 2°53 2°33 2°37 2718 2:02 2:13 2°25 2°08 | 2°10 2°33 2°23 H | 13 14 15 16 iy/ 18 19 20 21 22 23 Midnight. Mean. Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n.¥orce.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force. Din. Force.|Dir’n. Force. |Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.|Force. 1-3| NE 2-4 | N 1-2) NE 2|NE 3-5 | NE 2-4 | NE 2-4 | NE 3| NE 2-3] E 2|N 2-3) NE 2| 2:5 2-3| WNW 1-2|N 1|NNE 2\|N 2) N 12, NNE 2-3/N 2-3|N 2-3) N 2-3) N 2-3)N 2-3) 16 0| NE 1-2 | NE 1-2} NE 1-2| NE 1-2|N 1-2|)N 12 | NE 1-2/N 2| Calm 0| NE 2-3 | NE 2) 2:0 2-3| N 1-2|N 2-3 | N 2-3|N 2-3 | NE 1-2} NE 2|N 1-2|N 2)N 2-3 | W 2-3 | W 2-3) 21 3-4 | WSW 3 | SSW 3 | SSW 3;/SSW 3-4/8 3) SW 3-4 | SSW 4/8 3-4 | SW 3-4/5 5|/SSW 3-5] 2-9 3-4 | NW 1-2|)N 2-3 | N 24|/N 2-4|NNE 2-4/NE 2-3 | Var. 0-2 | N 3-4| N 2-4)N 2-4|N 3-5 | 2°6 1-2|NNE 1-2|)ENE 1-2|N 2|NE 1-2|N 1-2; N 2-3) NNE 1-2/N 1-2] N 1-2| N 1-2|N 1-4 16 3/8 3-4 | SSE 3-4/SSE 4-5/8 4-5/SSW 45/SSW 5-6/S 5-7/8 5-8 | W 2-5|WSW 3-6/SW 46] 3-2 3) WSW 3-4/SSW 2-3] W 2-4 | WSW 3 | W 3 |W 3-4/8 2-3 | 5 4-5/5 5/8 4-6/5 5-7 | 3:3 2-4|WNW 8|WNW 2-3| NW 2-3) WNW 24|WNW 3] NW 2-4 | W 2-4 | SW 2-3|NW 2-3|W 2-3| WNW 2-3] 3:9 2-3} NE 2-3) NE 0-2)ENE 1-2}ENE 2-3|ENE 2-3] NE 1-2|N 2-3 | N 2 Ni 1-2|N 2-3|)N 1-2; 19 2-3 | NW 2-3 | NNW 2)N 2 2-3 | NNE 2) NE 2-3 | NW 0-2 | NW 0-1 | SW 0-1] NW 0-1|N 0-1; 19 2|SE 2|ESE 1-2/ ESE 1-2 | Calm 0 | Calm 0|N 0-1| N 0-1|N 1-2/)N 0|/ESE 0-1/5E 1-2} 0-9 1-2|SE 1-2|SE 1} Calm 0/ Sh 0-1|SE 0|SE 0-1|E 1|/ESE 0-1/SE 1-2|E 2|SE 1-2} 1:0 1-2 | SSE 1-2 | SE 1-2) SE 1-2/|SE 1-2 | ESE 1; SE 1-2 | NE 0} Calm OIN 0-1, N LN 0; 08 2-3 | SE 2-3/SE 3|ESE 3-4|SE 2-8 | SE 3| SE 2-3 | SE 4/ESE 3-4) ESE 3| SE 8-4| SE 3] 2:4 2-3 | SSE 1-2| SE 1-2 | SE 1-2}SSW 0-1| Calm 0| Calm 0| SW 0-1 | SSE 0-1 | SSE 12 | SSE 1| SE 1-2] 16 2-3 | SE 1-2| SE 1-2 | SSE 1-2 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| Calm 0| SW 1-2 | SW 0-1/SSW) 1-2/8 1|SW 2) Wa 12} WSW 1-2|/SW 1-2 | SW 2|SW 1-2) SW 1-2) W 2-3 | SW 2|}SW 2| SW 2-3 | SW 2)|SW 2 is 3-4/SSE 3-4| SSE 4/SSE 3-4/SSE 3-4|SE 3-4/SSH 3-4/SE 4-5 | SE 5 | SSE 6| SE 8|SE 8| 3-4 8-4/SSW 2-4/8 1-2/5 2-8|SSW 2-3|SW 1-2| W 1-2 | SSW 8) SSW 3/8 3|S 2-3/8 8) 33 3| SSE 3|SE 3|SE 3-4 | SE 3-5 | SE 5-6| ESE 4-5/|E 6-7 | ESE 6-7 | SE 6| SE 6-7 | SE 6-7| 3°6 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 3| SSW 8 |S 2/SSW 2-4/SSW 2-3|SSW 2-3|S 2-3 | SSE 2-3/5 2-3 | SSE 2-8 3°3 2-3/5 2-3 | SSE 2|SE 2-3 | SE 3-4 | ESE 3-4 | SE 3-4| E 3-4| E 3-4 | SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SSE 12] 2°6 0} Calm 0 | Calm O|N 9-1 | Calm 0| W 0-1/ N 1-2|N 2-3 | N 3-4| N 1-2|N 1-4|N 2-4) 14 5-8 | N 5-7 | N 3-5 | N 2-4 2-4) N 2-4|N 3-4 | N 2-5 | N 3-4| N 2-4|N 2-3|N 2-4| 4:9 0o|N 0 | Calm 0|Var. O-1!SSW 0-1) Calm 0| NW 0|W 0-1/SSE 0-1/SSE 12)/SSE 1/Ss 1-2) 1:2 218 2'8 2-3 | SSE 2/8 2-3/8 2-35 3|S 2-3/5 2-3)}SSW 2-3/8 2-3/5 2-2) 2°0 2-3/5 2-3/5 2-3/5 2-3 | SW 3/8 3) SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2-3| SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2-3| 2°6 1-2/SSE 23/SSE 1-2/SSE 2-3/SH 2-3 | SE 3-4 | SE 4/SE 6| SE 6-7 | SE 7-8 | SE 8-9 | SE 7-8| 3:3 2°30 2°27 2°02 2°23 2°23) 217 2°37 2°57 2°72 2°67 2°90 2°35 | 2°36 NNE 16. NE bl. ENE8. E9. ESE17. SE95. SSE51. S85. SSW36. SW383. WSW12. W37. WNW16. NW 32. NNW2. Calm 30, 256 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. WIND. DIRECTION AND Force (0 to 12). MAY 1895. ' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 i 12 Max. Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force. Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. |Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.) Dir'n. Force./Dir’n. Force. LS 7|}SSW 3-6/S 3-6) 5 3-7 | SW 4-5 | SW 4-6] WSW 46] WSW 3-5) W 3-4] WNW 2-4] W 2-4|/NW 2-4 i [aN 1-2|N 2-3) N 1-2;|;NW 1-2/|N 1;/NNW 1-2)/NW 2-3] W 2-3 | W 2-3 | W 23/NW 1-2) NW 1-2 3 3 |SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 23|)SSW 2-3/S 2-3;SSW 2-3/8 2-3/5 3/8 2-3)/SSW 2-3 SSW 1-2|)}SSW 0-1 4 4 | SSE 3|SSE 4| SE 3-4/SSE 3-4/SSE 3-4|S 3/S 3-4]5 3/S 2-3/5 2-3 | SSE 1-2| SSE 3 4 5 | SW 2-3)SSW 1-2/8 1-2 | SW 2/8 2-3/8 2/SSW 1-2|SSW) 1-2/S 2-3 | SE 2-3] SE 2-3/5 2 3) 6 |SE 3-4 | SE 3-4 | SSE 4|SSE 3-4 | SSE 3) SSE 3| SSE 3-4 | SSE 4| SSE 4|SE 3-4 | SE 4| SSE 3 6 7 | ESE 4-5|/ESE 45/SE 5|B 4/SE 5 | SE 6-7 | SE 5-6 | SE 7| ESE 7|SE 6 | SE 6-8 | SE 5-6 8 8 |SE 5| ESE . 5-6/ ESE 5 | ESE 6| SE 5 | SE 5 | SE 5|SE 6|SE 5-6 | SE 4-5| ESE 3-4|SE 4-5 7 9 |SE 4-5|SE 3-4| SE 4| SE 3/SSE 28/SSE 2-3] SSE 2-3|SSE 2-3/SSE 3 | SSE 2-3 | SSE 2-3|)SSH 2-3 D 10 |S 12/8 1-2 | SSW 2|SW 1-2/SSW 1-2/SW 2|SW 2|SW 2-3 | SW 1-2|SW 1-2|SW 1-2} WSW 1-2 3 11 | NW 2|/N 1-2|N 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0|E 0-1) EB 1|SE 2|SE 2|SE 2| ESE 2/ESE 2-3 3 12 |SE 3-4 | SE 4|SE 4/SE 3|)SE 3-4 | SE 3| SE 3-4 | SE 4/|SE 4|SE 4|S£ 4|SE 2-4 4 LESS NE 0-1 | SW 1-2/8 1-2} WSW 1-2} WSW 1) WSW 1-2| WSW 2|WSW 1-2) WSW 1-2] WSW 1|W 1| W 1 2 14 |NW 1-2} WNW 2-3/N 2-3 | N 2-3|N 12);NW 2-3} WNW 2-3| NE 2|SE 1-2|N 2|N 2/N 2 es 15 |N 1-3|N 2-3| N 2-3) NNE 2-3|N 2-3|NNE 3-4|NNE 2-3/NNE 2-3/N 2-3 | N 2-3| N 2-3| N 2-3 4 16 | NE 1-3 | NE 2-4| NE 2-4| NE 2-3|NNE 1-2|N 13|/NNE 1-2/N 1-2 | NE 0-2|}NNE 1-3] NE 0-2 | NE 2-3 4 17 | NE 2-4| NE 1-3 | NE 1-3 | N 2-4|NNE 5-6| NE 2-3)}ENE 2-3}/ENE 1-2) ENE 1|/ NE 1-2} NE Oo; N 0-1 6 18 | NE 1|E 2\E 1-2 | ESE 1/ ESE 0| NNW O|N 0-1| N 1-2|N 0-1 | N 0-1 | Calm 0|E 0 2 19 |N 1-2) N 2-3| N 2-4] N 1-3 | N 2-4 | N 2-4]N 2-4| N 2-3 | N 1-3 | N 2-4| N 1-4;/ENE 1-3 5 20 | N 2-3) N 2-3 | N 2-3 | N 2|NNE 1-2|N 2-3) N 1-2| E 0-1| NE 1)E 2) i 2-3 | E 2 3 21 |E 4| ESE 4|E 4/E 3-4 | EB 3-4/ EB 4/E 4-5 | E 4-5 | E 4| ESE 4|E 1-3 | E 3 5 22 |SE 4-5|SE 5| ESE 3-4| ESE 4| ESE 3/ESE 2-3/E 3-4| EB 3 3-4] E 3|E 3/E 2-3 5 23 |SE 1-2|SE 1| SE 1/SE 1) SE 1|SE 1-2|SE 2| ESE 1 | ESE 2/SE A|E 1-2|SE 2 2 24 | SSE 2|SE 1-2 | SE 2|SE 2|SE 2|SE 2)1SE 2|SE 2|SE 2/SE 2)Si 1|SSE 0-1 3 25 | SSE 2| SSE 2|SSE 2|SE 2) ESE 1-2) ESE 2) SE 2\/SSE 1-2/SSE 1-2/5 1-2/5 1-2 1-2 2 26 |SW 2-3 | WSW 2| WSW 2) WSW 2 2-3 | W 2-3 | SW 1-2 | SW 2|SW 1-2|}SW 1-2) SW 1-2 | SW 1-2 3 27 |WSW 2-3|/SW 2)SSW 1-2) SSW 2/}SSW 2-3/S 2-3 | SSW 21SSW 2|SSW 2| SW 2) Sw 0-1 | SW 1-2 @ 28 |S 2-3/5 3 3/8 3 2\S 12/8 2) SSW 2/8 1-2/5 1-2/8 218 1-2 3 29 |W 1-2} W 1-3) WSW 1-3} WSW 1-3}/WNW 1!/W 1-2 | WNW 1-2) W 1-2 | W 1-2) W 0-1 | W 1-2| W 1-2 3 30 |S 0O;S 1-2! SSE 2|SSE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 3|SE 3| SSE 4/SSE 1-3]SSE 4/SSE 2-3/SSE 2-3 4 31 | SSE 3| SSE 3|/SSE 3-4|E 4| SE 3 SE 3-4 | SE 4| ESE 4|SE 4|SE 3-4] SE 4|SE 4 4 MEAN 2°61 PO) 2°68 2°60 2°44 2°60 2°65 2°68 2°48 2°45 2°16 216 He aN esl 5) i ele 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Midnight. Mean.) i Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n, Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. Disnlrovea pineenanes Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.|Force. 1 |NW 24|)NNW 2-3| WNW 2-4| W 1-3| Var. 1-3) W 2-3] N 1-2|/N 2-3 | N 2-3| N 2-3| N 2-3 | NE 1-2} 33 2 |NNW 1-2|N Oo|N 12) Var. 0O-1|/NNW 1-2) NW 0| NW 0| W 2| W 2-3 | W 2-3 | WSW 2) SW 2-3 | 16 3 |S 1-2|S 1-2)S 2|SSE 2\SSE 12/SSE 2-3 | SE 3| SE 3-4 | SE 4/58 3-4/8 3/58 2-3 | 2-4 4 |SE 3-4 |S 3/8 3| SSE 2-3/5 2-315 23|/SSW 2-3/8 2-3) 5 2/8 2-3/5 2-3) SW 2-3 | 2°38 5 |SE 2-3 | SSE 3/S 12/)/SSE 12/58 3|S 2-318 2-3 | SSE 2-3/SSH 2-3/SE 2-3 | SSE 3/5 By) Pee) 6 | SE 2-3/5 2-3 | SSE 3| SSE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 3|ESE 3-4|SE 4) SE 4 | SE 4-5|ESE 4-5/ESE 5-6) 8°5 7 | ESE 6-7|SE 5-6 | SE 4-5|E 5-6| E 6 | ESE 5 | ESE 7\E 7|SE 6-7 | SE 7| SE 6-7 | SE 5| 5:8 8 |SE 4-5 | ESE 5| ESE 5-6| ESE 6| SE 5-6| SE 6| SE 6|ESE 6-7| SE 4-5 | SE 5| SE 5 | ESE 6) bz 9 | SSE 3| SE 2| SSE 2-3 | SSE 2|SSE 2-3/8 2-3|}SSW 2-3/S 2) SSW 2/WSW 1-2| SW 1-2|SW a]) P2455 10 |SW 2| W 0 | Calm 0| W 0-1 0-1 | W 0-1] W 0-1 | W aN Nie 1-2 | WSW 2) We 1-2 | W 1-2} 1:3 11 |SE 2-3 | SE 2|ESE 2-3|SE 2-3 | SSH 2| ESE 3|SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 3) SE 3|SE 3/ SE 3] 2°0 12 |SE 4| SSE 2|SE 2-3| SE 3) WSW 1-2/S 1-2|SE 2\8 2-3/8 Ls 2|/SW 1|WSW 1-2] 29 13 W 0-1 | SW 0;5 1|/ SSW 1) SW 0-1} SW 0-1 | SW 0-1 | SSW 1)SW 1-2;}SSW 1-2/8 1/SW 1-2) 12 144 |N 2-3) N 1-2| NW 1-2) N 21N 2-3 | N 2-3 | NE 2|N 1-2|N 3-4 | N 2-3 | N 2-4 | N 2-4) 2°2 15 | NE 1-2|NNE 1-3|N 2-3| N 2-3 | NE 1-3 | NE 1-3) NNE 1-3|N 1-3 | NE 1-2| NE 1-3|NNE 1-3] NE 1-3 | 2:3 16 |ENE 2-3] NE 1-2}ENE 1-3|/ENE 12/|NE 1-2} NE 0-1 | Calm 0| NE 1-3/ENE 1-2/|N 1-3|ENE 2-4|}ENE 2-4] 1:9 alee |e 1-2|)N 0-2) N 1-3 | N 1-2|N 2-4|N 1-2|N 1-3|NNW 2-3/N 0| SE 0-1 | ESE 1| ESE 2] 1:8 18 | N 0-1 | Calm 0|NE 0-1| NE 0-1| N 1-2| N 0-1| NNW 1-2) Var. 0-1| N 1-2 | Calm 0| Var. 0-1/N 1-2} 07 19 | N 1-3|)N 1-3|N 1-3) N 2-4|N 1-3 2-4 | N 2-4 | NE 2-4| NE 2-4) N 1-4/N 2-4 | N 2-5 | 2°6 20 |SE 3|E 2\E 2|E 2| ESE 2-3] ESE 2| ESE 2-3 | E 2-3! EH 2-3 | E 2-3| E 3) E 3| 2:2 21 |E 3|E 4|E 4/E 3|E 3-4 | B 3-4 |} 4| ESE 4\E 4-5/ESE 4-5/SE 4| SE 3-4] 3°8 22 | SE 3| ESE 3-4) SE 8-4 | SE 4| ESE 3) ESE 3] ESE 1-2|S5E 2) ESE 1-2 | SE 2-3 | SE 2) SE 1| 3:0 28 18 0-1 | SSE 1/5 1} Vay. 0-1 | Var. 0-1 | Calm 0} Calm 0| ESE 1(/SE 1|)SE 2) SE 2| SSE 2) ee 24 | SE 0-1 | W 2/SE 0-1 | SE 1-2/)E 2|SE 1)52z 2|SE 2-3 SE 2-3 | SH 3 | SSE 3| SSE 2) 1:8 25 | SSW 1-2 | SW 1] Var. 0-1/5 1} Calm 0; SW 1-2} SW 1-2 Var. 0 SW 1| WSW 2|SW 2| SSW 2) 14 26 |SSW 1-2/¥ 1|W 1-2} SW 1-2 | SW 1-2|SW 1/SSwW 1-2/5 2-3 SW 2|/SW 2| WSW 2) WSW 2-3} 1°8 27 SSW 2/8 2) S85 Ww 1/8 1|W 0-1);SSW 1-2/5 2\8 158 1/8 1;8 2/8 1-2} 1% 23 |S 1-2/8 1-2 | SSW 2|SW 1-2/8 1-2 | SW 1-2 | SSW 2| SSW 2 SW 2) SW 2/Sw OW iy 1-2) 1 29 |W 1)/SW 2|/SW 1| SW 1;/SSW 0-1/8 0-1 | Calm 0|SSW 0-1 S 0-1/8 1-2/5 1-2 | SW 0-1} le 30 | SSE 2-3/8 1-2)5 1-2/8 1-2/SH 2|SSE 1-2|SSE 12S 0-1 8 1-2/5 2\8 2) SSE By 2 | 81 |SE 3| SSE 4/8 3-4 | SSE 3-4 | SSE 2-3 | SSE 2-3 | SE 2-3/8 3-4 SSE 2-3/5 3-4/5 2-418 2] 3:3 | MEAN 2°29 | 2°02 2°08 2°08 2°06 1:98 211 2°35 2°29 2°52 2°48 2°44 | 2°37 4 N88. NNE12, NE32, ENE10. E48, ESE48. SE140. SSE 69. S97. SSW36. SW57. WSW24. W39. WNW6. NW12. NNWY7. Calm19. BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 257 WIND. DIRECTION AND Force (0 to 12). JUNE 1895. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 | Max. M as eee Ss pe ee es — Dir’n. Force. |Dir'n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.| Dir'n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force. | Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force |Dir’n. Force.| Dir'n. Force.!Dir'n. Force. x's 4) SSE 4|SSE 4| SE 3-4|SSE 3-4|SE 3/8 2-3 | SSE 1|/SSE 2-3|SSE 2| SSE 2| SSE 3 4 2 |SE 4-5|SE 3-4) SE 4-5 | SE 4| ESE 3\E 2-3| E 2-3|)E 1-2|E 2-3 | B 1\E 1-2|E 0-1 5 3 | Calm 0 | Calm 0|s 0|E 0-1) N 0-1) N 1-2/N 0-1|N 1-2|N 2|N 1-2|N 0-1 | NE 0 2 4 {|S 1| Calm 0|S 1/8 1/SSwWw 12/8 0-1/5 1 | Calm 0| SSW 1|SwW 0-1 | SW 0-1/SSW 0-1 2 5 |SE 0-1 | Calm 0) NW O|N 0-1|N 1-2|N 0-1| N O|N 0-1| Calm 0| Calm O|N 0|ESE 0-1] 2 6 |W 0 1|W 1-2| W 1|N 0-1|N 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-2 | Calm 0| Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 2 mW 0| WSW 1) W 1-2 | W 1-2 | W 1-2 | W 0| W 0 | Calm 0} Calm o/s 0 0-1 | SSW 0 3 s |NW 0-2)|NW 2|NW 3] NW 3|NNW 1-2) W 1-2|N 1-2) W 2|W 2 2-3 | W 2|W 2 4 9 |W 4| WNW 4| NW 2-3 | W 2-4 | NW 2| NW 3|NNW 1-2|NW 1-2| W 1-2| WNW 2\|N 1-2|N 1-2 4 AD) |W 1-2 | W 0-2 | NW 0-1|/N 0-2 | NE 0-2| NNW 0-1|N 0-1|N 1-2| N 1-2 1| NW 2; WNW 2-3 3 ll | ENE 0-2\E 12;}NW 1-2|N 1-3 1-2|N 1|W 1-2|N 0-1) N 1|N 0-1) WNW 1-2) NNW 0-1 3 12 |N 0-1| NE 1-2 1-2|N 2-3 2-3 | N 1-2)NNW 2-3/N 2-3;N 2|N 2-3| Ni 1-2; NNE 1-2 3 13 | WNW 1/NW 1-2|NW) 1-2|}NW 2| NNW 2|NNE 1-2/N 1-2 | Calm 0| NNE 0|NNE 1| NE 12|;NW 1-2 3 14 0| Var. 0| SE O|N 3|N 3-4|N 2-3|NNE 2-3/Var. 0-1|N 12)|NW 0-1/N 12/NW 2-3 4 15 |WSW 1-2) W 2) W 2|W 2) W 2| WNW 1-2) WNW 2\/WNW 2!NW _ 0-1/Var. 0-1|/N 1| NNE 1 2 16 |W 2 2| NW 1-2 | NW 1-2|)N 2|NNW 1-2/N 21N 2-3 2-3|N 1-2|N 2\|N 2-3 3 17 |NNW 0-1| NNW 1|NW 0-1|}NNW 0-1/N 0-1|/NNW 2|/NNW 0-1|NW_ 1-2) NNW 1| Calm 0 | Calm 0| Calm 0 4 1s |S 3-4 | SE 3|SE 1|\E 0-1) N 1-2| NNE 1\|NNE 2-3] NNE 2| NE 0-1| NE 0-1| NE 1-2 | Calm 0 4 19 |NNE 2-4;NNE 2-4) NNE 4|N 2-3|N 2-4|NNE 2-4|NNE 2-3| NE 2-4| NE 2-3|NNE 1-2|N 2-3 | N 1-2 4 20 |SSW 1-2|)SW 1|SW 2) W 1-2) Var. 0-1} Calm 0 W 0-1) W 0 \Calm 0 | Calm 0| NW 1) W 1 4 21 |SSW_ 3-4 2|SW 2-3 | SW 2-3) WSW 2-3|SW 1-2 | SW 2-3 | WSW 2| WSW 2) W 1-2| WSW 1-2|SW 2-3 4 22 | SW 1-3) WSW 2-4| W 2-4 | W 3-4| WSW 2-4) W 2-3 | WSW 2) Ww 2-3; WSW 1-2) W 1-2 | SW 2-3 | SW 2 4 98 |NNW 2-4|NW 2-4|NW 3-4|NW- 3-4|N 8-4| NNW 4-5|NNW 3-4| NNW 3-4|N 3-4 | N 2-3| NNW 0-1] Calm 0 5 24 | NW 2\|N 3) N 3|N 3)N 2-3 | N 2-3 | N 1-2| NNW 2-3|N 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| NNE 0 3 25 |S 2| SSW 2) SSW 2) SW 2) W 2| W 1|W 2) W 1-2 | Calm 0 0-1 | Calm 0!| SSE 1 3 26 |S 8-4/8 3/8 3| SE 3/S 3-4/5 3 | SSW 2 2-3 | SSE 2\S 1-2 | SSW 2, SE 2 4 27 |SW 0-1 | SW 0-1 | W 1-2} WSW 1-2/SW 1|W 1|W 0|WSW 0-1| SW 1-2 | SW 0-1;SSW 1-2) SW 0-1 iz 28 /S 0-1/8 0-1/5 0-1 | SSE 1/SE 1-2 | SE 1|SE 1-2 | SE 1-2 | SSE 1-2|S 2/8 0-1 | § 1 2 29 | SW 0-1 | SW 0-1 | SW 0-1 | SW 0-1;SSW 0-1|WSW 0-1;/SSW 0-1/SSE 1-2/8 1/SSE 12/SSE 1-2) SSW 2 2 30 |SSW 0-1)S 1-2/8 1|SW 1|SW 1-2;SSW 1-2) SW 1-2 | SW 1-2; WSW 0-1|)SW 1-2);SSW 1-2 SW 1-2 2 MEAN 1°63 1°73 1°82 1°95 1:90 1°63 1°55 1°50 1:28 1:07 1°20 } alka re | 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | Midnight. |Mean. EE a ee eee ee eee Sree os oan eee ee ee | Dir'n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.| Dir'n. Force.|Dir'n, Force.| Dir'n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.|Force. 1 |SE 3 | SSE 4|SSE 3-4|SSE 3| SE 2-3|SSE 1-2|E 1-2| ESE 3/ESE 23|)ESE 3-4|SE 3-4 | SE 4] 2:9 2 |E 1\E 1-2|N 2-3/|NNE 1-2|N 2-3 | N 1-2|N 0-1| N 3| NNE 2|N 1-2) N 0-1/N 1-2| 271 3 | Calm 0 | Calm 0} Calm 0/S 1| Var. 1)SSW 0-1/8 1|8 1/5 1/8 1| Calm 0 | Calm 0} 06 4 |W 0-1 0} Calm 0|/ NNW 0-1} Calm O|N 1)|N 1-2|N 0-1|N 1); NNW 1| Calm O|N 0} 06 5 IN 0 | Calm 0|/SSW~ 0-1! Var. 0| ENE 1|/N 0-1 | N 1-2|)N 1|N 0-1) N 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0} 0-4 6 |E 0-1 | SE 0|ESE 0-1} Calm 0 0} Calm 0|N 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0} Calm 0 | Calm 0} 04 |W: 0) W 0-1/SE 2-3 | Calm 0| WSW 0-1| W 0-1 | W 0-1 1-2 | W 3) WNW 0-1| WNW 1-2| W 1-2] 08 8 |WNW 4/W 4) W 3-4 | W 4 3-4] W 2-3 | NNW 3|/ WNW 3-4 | W 4|WNW 3-4/NW 3-4|N 3-4 | 2°8 9 | NW 2|WNW 1-2} WNW 0-1] W 1-2|WNW 2/)W 1-2} W 1-2)/N 1/S 1| Calm 0| NE 1|N 0-2) 1'°8 10 |W 3(N 2-3 | W 2-4 | W 0-2| N 0-2| WNW 1-3] W 1-3 | W 12/WNW 1/WSW 1-2;NW 0-2/N 0-1} 1°4 1 |N 1| Calm O|N 1|N 2) N 2-3| N 2-3| N 2-3 | N 1-2|N 0-1 | Var. O|N 0|N 1| 1:2 12 | NE 1-2/N 1] Calm 0|s 1-2|/N 2|N 2-3] N 1| NNE 1|N 2-3| N 1-2|N 0-1 | NW 2) 16 13 | NE 1-2| NE 1-2|N 2-3 | N 2) Calm O|N 1-2|N 1-2|)NNE 1-2|N 1-2|N 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0} 1°2 14 | NW 1|/N 1-2 | Calm 0O|N 0-1) N 2|NNW 2-3) NNW 2|N 1-2|N 0|Ss 0| Calm 0) W ay) alge 15 |N 0-1 | Calm 0| Calm 0 | Calm O|N 0-1 1-2} W 0O|N 2)N 0-1 | Calm 0}; NW 0| W 2| 1:0 16 |N 2-3) N 3|NNW 1-2|}NNW 2-3| NNE 2|N 1-2|NNE 1-2} NNW 1-2] Var. O|N 1-2|N 0-1 | Calm (It) al ¢/ 17 | Var. 0-1] Calm 0| Var. 0| Var. 0| Calm 0| SSW 1| WSW 1|SW 0-1}SSW 1-2/8 2/8 2|S 3-4 | 0°8 18 | Var. 0-1|/ENE 0-1| NE 1-2|N 1-2 | Calm 0|/ENE 1-2|NE 2-3|NNE 2-3] NE 2-3|NNE 2-3|NNE 3-4|N 3] 16 19 |NNE 1-2! Calm 0| SSE 3| SE 0} Calm 0|/ESE 0-1/KESE 0-1/8 0-1 | SE o/s 1}s 1|/SW 1-2] 1°7 20 | Calm 0, WSW 1-2] W 1-2} W 1-2| W 2) W 2| Calm 0| W 1-2 | SSW 1|SW 2\|S 2\|SSW 3-4] 11 21 |SW 1-2 W 2|NE 0-1 | W 2-3| W 2-3 | W 1-2] WNW 1-2| W 2|W 2-3|WSW 2-3) WSW_ 3-4| SW 3-4 | 2°2 22 |W 2-3 | WSW 2| Ww 2-3 | W 2-4; WNW 2-3) WNW 2-3| NW 2| W 2-3 | W 2-3 | W 1-3| N 1-2|N 2-3 | 2°4 23 |N 0| NW O|N O|N O|N 0-1 | N 0-1|N 0-2 | Calm 9 | Calm O|NNW 0O/|}NW 1|WNW 2] 16 24 |NE 1-2|NNE 0-1] Calm 0O|NNW 0); ESE 0-1/Calm ~ 0| Calm 0| SE 0| SE 0-1 | SE 1|SE 1| Calm 0} 11 25 |SSE 1| SSE 1-2 1-2|SE 2-3/8 2|SSE 1-2/5 1-2/8 2\8 2-3 | SSW 2|SSE 3 S| 1:7, 26 |SSE 1-2)/SSW_ 1-2|/SW 2-3|SSW 1-3|SW 2/SwW 1-2|}WSW 1-2/S 1-2/8 1|) WSW 1|SW 1|/SSW_ 0-1] 2°0 27 | WSW 1}/WSW 1-2) WSW 2| Calm 0| SW 1-2 |SW 1| W 0-1 | SW 0} Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0;Ss 0-1} 0°8 28 |SSE 1-2|SE 0-1 | SSE 1/S 1|/SSE . 12/S 1-2/8 0 | Calm 0|SE 0| SW 0| SW 0) SW 0-1} 09 29 |SSW 1-2/SW 2\S 1/8 1| SW 2/SSW 1-2/SW 12|SSW 1-2|SSW_ 1-2|)SSW 1| SSW 1 SW ity) alse 30 1-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 1|/SSW_ 0-1] Calm 0|WSW 1-2|WSW 1-2/SSW 1-2} WSW 1-2/8 2/8 2\|s 2) 14 MEAN 1:28 1:23 1-32 1°22 1°33 1°38 1°20 1:37 1:27 1:18 1°15 1°50 | 1°41 | | TRANS. ROY. N145. NNE27, NE18. ENE4. E14. ESE9. SE31. SSE28. S64. SSW 35. SOC. EDIN.—VOL. XLIII. SW 50. WSW 29. W 89. WNW 22. NW 37. 9 ae Kk NNW 29. Calm 89. 258 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. WIND. DIRECTION AND Force (0 to 12). JULY 1895. | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Max, — —— —— ————|—— — —— ee Dir'n. Force. Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n, Force. |Dir’n, Force. |Div'n. Force. Dir'n. Force. | Dir'n, Force.|Dir'n. Force. |Dix’n, Force.|Dir'n, Force. |Dir'n. Force. | Dir’n. Force, 2 |S 2-3;SSW 12/SSE 218 2-3) S 2-38 2-3|/SSE 1-2/8 12)SE 2|SE 1-2|SE 2| SE 2-3 5 = 2 | ESE 3| ESE 3| SE 2-3\| SE 2|SE 1|SE 1| Calm 0| Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm O|N 0-1| NE 0-1 3 3 /N 0-2| N 1-3 | Var. 0-1) N 1-2|N 0-1) N 1-2|)NNE 1-2|N 2) N 1-2 | NE 1-2|N 1|NNE 1-2 3 4 IN 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0} Var. O-1|N 0-1 | Var. 0|N 0-1) N 0-1 | Calm 0O|N 0-1 | Calm Q| Var. 0-1 1 5 |S 0-1|NNW 0-1|N 3/N 3|N 3|/ NNW 2-3|NNW 2-3|}NW 2-3) Calm 0|/NW 0-1) Calm 0| W 0-1 4 6 Ww 4-5 | W 4-5| W 45|W 3-4| WSW 2-3) SW 3-4| SW 3-4| WSW 3-4|SSW 3-4|]SW 3| SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 5 % |SSW) 24iw 2-3) WSW 1-2)SW 2-4|/SSW 2-4 SW 2-4 | SW 3-4 | SW 3-4) SW 3-4 | SW 2-4/SSW 2-4/8 3-4 4 ; 8 | WSW 1-2|SW 2-3: | W 1-2|}SSW 1-2/}SW 1-2|S 2-3/8 3| SSE 2-35 2/SSE 3/5 2-4 | SSH 4-5 6 9 |W 1-3 | W 1-3} WSW 1-3] W 1-3} WSW 2-3;SSW 2-3) WSW 2-3} WSW 2-4) SW 2-4| SW 3| SW 2-3 | SSW 3 6 10 |E 13/E 1-3 | N 1-4|N 1-3 | N 2-4, NW 3|N 2-3 2-3 | E 1-2|NNW 1-3/}NNE 1-2|)N 2-3 4, 11 |NW 1-2) W 0-1| WNW 1-2] Var. 0-1] Var. O-L|NW 1-2} WSW 2/NW_ 1-2) W 2) WSW 2-3| W 2|WNW 12 3 12 | NE 2-3| NE 2-3.| N 2-3 | N 2-3 | N 2-3 N 1-2/N 2-3 | NE 1-2)NNW 1-2|/NW) 1-2|N 1-2 1-2 3 13 | N 2-3 | N 2-3 0-1) N 2-3| N 0-1; N 2-3 | N 1-2 | NNW 2) NNW 2|W 3.4 | W 1-2| WSW 2-3 4 ; 14 |N 2-3|N 2-3; NNW 2-3] NW 2-3 | Ni 0-1, WNW 2-3} NW 2| NW 1-2 | NW 2-3 | NW 1-2| N 1|/N 1-2 5, ' is | Ni 1-3 | N 1-2! NE 1-2| N 2-4| N 2-3) NNE 2-3/N 3|N 3) N 2-3 | NE 2-3|NNE 2-3/N 12 4 16 | Calm O|N 1/ NE 1} Calm 0} Calm 0 Var. 1) SW 1-2/8 1-2} SW 21S 2|SSE 2|SE 3-4 5 17 |SSW 2-3) SW 3-5|}SSW 3-5/SW 2-4 | SW 1-3 SW 2-4) WSW 24|WSW 2-3/SSW 2-3|)SW 3| SW 2-3)}SSW 24 5 18 | SE 3/8 3-4 | SSE 3! SSE 4|SE 5 SE 4-5 | SH 3-4 | SSE 4) SSH 3-5 | SE 2-4 | SSE 2-3 | SH 2-4 5 19 | SE 3| SE 3| SE 3/ESE 2-3] Var. O-1|/NNE 12/N 2-3; NNW 1-2| NE 2-3 | ESE 3/E 2-4) ESE 12 4 20 | SW 2-4) WSW 2-3/SSW 2-3/SSW 23/SSW 2-3/8 2-3/SSW 2-3/SSE 2-3/5 2\8 1-2)8 0-1/5 1 4 21 |SE 1/S. 0-1 | Calm 0} Calm 0 | Calm 0} Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0} Calm 0|/NE 0-1] NE 0-1 | Calm 0 2 22 | N 1|N 2 2 1-2| N 1-2| NNW 0-1/N 1-2 | NW 1-2 | Calm 0) Calm 0| W 0-1} WNW 0-1 2 23 |NNE 0-1L|NNE 0-1/N 0-1 | Calm 0O| N 0-1/N 1-2|N 1-2| N 12)/NNE 0-1/N 0-1| N 0-1) NNW 0-1 2 24 |S 0| SSE 1| Calm 0} Calm 0! SW 0-1 | W 1/WNW 0-1/5 0-1/}SSW 0-1! WSW 0-1! W 0| WSW_ 0-1 1 25 | NNE 1|N 1| Calm 0| Calm 0 | Calm 0/E 1/E 0-1 | E 1|E 0} Calm 0| ENE 0-1| ESE 0-1 2 26 | E 1-3 2-4) E 2-3.| E 2-4) E 3-5 | ESE 5| E 4-6 | ESE 5-6 | E 4-5 | E 3-5 | ESE 4-7 | ESE 5-6 7 27, | ESE 5|/ESE 45/hSE 4-5|/E 4-5|E 4 4-5|ESE 3-4| ESE 3|/SE 3| ESE 3| SE 2-3 | ESE 2 5 28 | Calm 0O|N 0-1) NE 1| NE 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| Calm 0 | Calm 0| NE 0| Calm O/H 0-1 2 29 |N 2|/N 2)N 2|N 2|N 2-3 | N 2-3 1-2) N 1-2) N 1-2/N 0| Calm 0 | Calm 0 3 30 | N 0-1) N 1-2) N 12|N 0-2 | N 2-3 | N, 2|NNE 1-2) NE 1-2|N 1-2| N 1|NE 1-2) N 1 3 4 31 | WNW 1-2) W 21 W 2|WNW 2/WNW 2|)/WNW 2|NW 0-1|NW 2| NW. 1) W 1| Var, 0| Var, 0 MEAN’ 1°85 2°02 1:90 1:90 1:74 2°10 1:97 1:97 iusyal 1°69 1:50 1°69 : 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | 22 23 Midnight. |Mean. | '‘Dir'n. Force. Dir'n, Force.|Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n, Force.|Dir’n, Force. Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n, Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir'n. Force. Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force. |Force. 1 |SE 2-3) SE 2) ESE 3| SE 2-3 | ESE 2|E 1-3|)ESE 3-4|E 4\E 4-5 | SE 3-4 | SE 3) ESE 3| 2°5 2 | Calm 0|N 0| NE 0-1| N 0-2 | N 12|NNE 2-3/N 2-3| Var. 0-1] Var. 0|E 0-1) Var. 0| N 0-2] 1:0 3 |NNE 2-3) NE Dai NI 2-3 | N 2-3.| N 12|NNE 2-3)N 2|N 0-1| N EM BA 1\)\N 1-2|N 1-2) 15 4 |N 0| NNW o/s 0-1| N 0-1| NNW 0-1) Calm 0 | Calm 0| SSE 0-1) SE 0 SE 0-1'/SSE 0-1/8 0} 0:3 5 |Var. O-1|}NW 0-1)/}NW _ 0-1) Calm 0 0-1|NW 1-2) W 2-3 | W 2| WwW 3) WSW 4) WSW 3-4) W 3-4 | 17 | ’ al 6 | SW 3| W 2-3 | SSW 2|WSW 2-3| SW 2-3 | SW 3|SW 2-3)SSW 2-3) SW 2 | SW 2-3 | SW 3/8 2-4) 3:0 |; ae 7 |SSW 2-4|S 3) SW 23/SSW 23, SW 2-3/5 2-3'58 2-3/8 2-3 | SW 2-3|/SSW 1-2; SW 2-3 | W 2-3) || Zea Se RS 5|8 4-5/5 4-5|SSW 3-5/SSW 2-3) SW 4-6| WSW 3-5|SW 1-3 | W 2-4) WNW 1-3| WNW 1-3| WNW 1-4] 2°9 |) 9 |WSW 1-3/8 3-4] 8 3-4)/SSW 4-5|SW 4-6| WSW 3-5| W 2-4) SW 3-5 | W 2-3| Var. 1-2!/N 2-3| ENE 1-3] 2°8 10 |NW- 1-2|NW 2| Calm 0| W 1-2 | N 1-2| WNW 2-3) WNW 1-2| W 2-3 | W 1-2) Wj 1-2| WNW 1-2| W 2-3| 19 EW 2-3.| W 1-2 | W 1-2| W 1-2 | NW 1| Calm O|N 1-2| N 1-2|N 2-3 | N 2-3; NNE 2-3|/N 2-3] 1°6 2 |N 2-3 | NNW 2|N 0-1| N 1-2}|NNW 1-2| NE 1-2|NNE 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-2'N 2-3| N 2-3 | 19 13 | SW 2-3|SSW 2-3) W 2-3| WSW 2-3| NNW 2|N 2-3 | N 12| NNW 2| ENE 3/ Var. 1-2|NE 1-2! N 1-2 | 2-1 14 |N 2|N 2-3|N 2-3) N 2-3| N 3|NNE 2-3|N 2-3 | N 3-5 | N 3-4 | N 1-2,N 1-3 | N 2-3 | 2°5 15 | NE 12|N 0-1| N 1-2|NNE 1-2|NNE 2-3|/N 0-1| N 2-3 | ENE 1|/N 0-1 | NE 2|N 2 Wars 0-1} 1°9 16 SE 3-4 | SSE 4|SE 3|SE 3-4 | SE 3| SSE 3| SW 2-3) 5 2-3/5 3-4/8 3-4/8 4-5| WSW 2-4] 2°3 |} 17 |SW 1-2| SSW 2|S 2) SSW 2/8 1-2|58 3| SE 2-3 | SE 3| SE 3| SE 4|SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | 2:7 1s oS 2-3/5 2-3 | SSW 3/8 2| SW 1-2 | SW 1-2/5 0-1) SSE 1|\ SR 1-2 | SE 2) SE 2| SE 2) 2 te 19 | Var. 1|SW 2-3 | SSW 8|SSW 2-3) W 2-3 | W 1-2) WSW 1-2| WSW 3 |W 2-3 | W 1-2/SSW 2-3/8 2-8 | 2°2 20 |S 1-2| SSE 1-2\58 0-1/8 1-2/8 1-2 | SE 1-2 | SSE 1-2/8 OS) 1/SSW = 0-1/SSE 1| SSE 1) 6 i 21 Calm 0| Var. 1\|N 1-2|N 2|N 1-2|N 2|NNE 0-1 2|N 2|N 1-2) N 1|N 0-1] 0°8 22, | SW 0-1|/SSW 0-1|N 0-1) N 0-1 | N 0-1| N 0-1| N 0-1} NNW 2|N 1-2) N 1-2} NNW 1-2/N 1| 10 o | WNW 1|W 1| Var. 0 | Var. 0| W 1-2 | W 1-2 | WSW alice 0-1/8 1|/SSW 0-1/8 0-1) 5 1| 08 4 | We 0-1) Var 0| W 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0!'|W 0-1! W 0| Calm 0 | Calm 0; Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0; 03 25 | ESE 1-2| E 0-1| E 1/E 1| ENE 1| ESE 1-2} ESE 1-2 2\E 2)\5 2/5 2 1-2 | 10 26 |ESE 46/E 4-6 | E 5-6 | B 5-6| ESE 5-6|E 5-6| ESE 3-5/5 4-5] B 4-5 | EB 5|E 5|E 5-6 | 4°6 27 | ESE 2-3) ESE 2) Calm 0; Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0|E 1|}ENE 0-1] Calm 0o|NW 6-1) NNW O|N 0-1) 21 28 | Calm 0 | Calm O|N 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| Var. 0-1/| Calm 0O|NNE 0-1/5 1|N 1/| Calm oO; N 1-2) 0°3 29. | Var. 0| NE 1-2) N 1-2 | ENE 2| WNW 1-2) Var. 1| Calm 0| NE 2-3) N 0-2| Var. 0-1) Calm 0O|N 2-3 | 1:3 30 | N 1-2) Calm O|N 0|NNW_ 0-1 | Calm 0; NNW 1| Var. 0-1] W 1-2} W 2) W 2) WNW 2| WNW, 2ieieZ 31 | Calm 0|W 0-1 | Calm 0|SW 0|SW 0-1 | SW 1| SSW 1/8 2) SW 1|SW 0-1 | SW 2/SSW 3-44 12 MEAN| 1:78 | 1°73 1:63 1°74 1°68 1:87 1°68 1:89 1:89 1-74 1:84 1-98 | 1:81 N 162. NNH 21. NE24. ENE7, E44. ESE 29. SH43. SSE 22. 857. SSW 37. SW 54. WSW 27. W55. WNW 19. NW 24. NNW 22, Calm 97. BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 259 WIND. DIRECTION AND Force (0 to 12). AUGUST 1895. 1 2 3 4 5 6 “i 8 9 10 11 12 Max. Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force. | Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force. SW 2-3 | SW 2-3}/SSW 2-3/8 3/8 2-3|/SSW 1-2) SSW 2) SW 1-2 2| SSW 2/SSW 1-2/5 2 5 SSE 4\S 4|SE 4|SE 4-5 | SE 4/SE 4/SH 3-4 | SE 4|SE 3-4 | SE 3-4 | SE 3|5SE 2 5 s 2-3/SSW 2-3)/SSW 0-1/SSW 1-2/8 1-2/5 1-2/8 1-2/8 2\8 2)/SSW 2-3/SSW 1-2/58 2-38 3 SE 2|ESE 2-3|/E 2-3|/SE 2| ESE 2\E 1-2 | ESE 0-1 | SE 1| Var 0| Var. 0-1 | ESE 0-1 | Calm 0 3 N 0} Calm 0 | Calm 0|/E 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0|ESE 0-1/SE 0) SE 1|SE 0-1/ESE 0-1)SE 1-2 2 E 0-1} Var. 0-1) Var. 0-1|ENE 0-1| Var. 0-1|N 2|}ENE 0-1|E 0|E 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm O|N 0-1 2 W 1-2|N 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| W 0-1| NNW 0-1/N 0-1|N 0-1 | N 0-1 | Var. 0O|N 0|z 0 3 N 12|N 1-2 1 1| Calm 0O|NW 1-2|N 0-1|N 0 | Calm 0|zE 0| 8 0-1 | Calm 0 2 SE 2-3|E 2-3 | ESE 3\E 3-4) E 3-4 | SE 2-3 | SE 3|SE 3-4 | SE 3-4/ESE 3-4|SE 3| SE 3-4 4 WSW 2-3|WSW 3-4) WSW 2-3) W 2-4) WSW 2-4|SSW 2-3/SW 1-3/SSW 1-3} WSW 2| SSW 2|/ SW 2|/ SW 1 6 E 6-7|ESE 5-7|E 5-7|E 5-8 | E 5-8 | E 5-8, E 5-8 | E 6-8 | E 4-7| § 3-5 | E 1-3 | ESE 2 8 E 0-1 | Var. O|NW 0-1/8 1-2 | SSW 2| SSW 1/SSwW 1-2) WSW 1/SSW 0-1/8 2|8 2-4) 3-4 5 SW 3-5 | SW 3-4 | SW 2-4 | SW 2-3 | SW 0-2|/SSW 2-3|SW 1-3/5 1-2/SSW 1-2|S8 1-2)8 1-2/8 1-2 5 iS} 1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| W 0| W 0|WNW- 0/Calm 0 | Calm 0| Calm 0| Calm 0| W 0 | Var. 0 2 S) 0-1 0-1/8 1|8 1|SE 1-2/SSE 0-1|SSE 1| SSE 2\8 2-3 | SSE 2|8 2-38 1-2 5 SSE 4-5 | SE 4|SSE 4/8 3-415 3/8 2|}WSW 1-3|WSW 1-3|WSW 1-3| W 1-2 | SW 2|SW 1-3 5 SW 1-3 | SW 1-3 | SW 1-3|)SSW 2-3/SSW 2-3|SSW - 1-2} WSW 1-2 2) SSw 2\8 2-3 |S 3-4/5 2-3 4 S) 2-4|/SSW 1-3/SSW 1-3|SSW_ 1-3/8 2-4 2-3)S8 2-4/8 2-3|S 2-3/8 3-4|S 3 | SSE 3 4 sw 2-41 W 1-3 | W 1-3) WSW 1-3} WSW 1-3|SW 1-3 | SW 1-2 |SW 2-3|SSW 2-4) SW 1-3 | SW 2-4) WSW 1-2 4 WSW 2-4; W 2-4 | W 1-3; WSW 2-4| SW 2-4! WSW 1-3] W 1-3 ; W 1-4 | SW 1-3 | W 1-3/SSW 1-3,SSW_ 1-2 4 8 3/5 3-4/8 4|S 3-5/8 3-5 |S 2-3/5 3 | SW 2-4| SW 1-4|SSW 2-4|SW. 0-3 | SW 1-4 5 SW 1-3 | SW 1-2 | SW 1-3| WSW 0-2| W 0-2 | W 1-2|SW 2-3 | SW 2|W 1-2! W 1|WSW 0-1/| W 0-1 3 Ww 1|W 0-1 | W 0-1 | W 1| NW 0) W 0O|N 0) WNW 0-1] W 0|S 0 | Calm 0| W 0 2 2\|N 0-1|N 1-2|N 0-1/ E 1-2|N 3-4|ENE 3-4/E 1-2| NNE 1|/N 0-1| N 2-3 | Var 0-2 4 NNE 1-3|NNE 1-3|NNE 2-3|N 2-3 | N 0-1|N 1-2 | Var. 0| NW TON ay YE 0-1 | W 1-2|N 0 | NW 1-2 4 SSE 3/5 2-3|S 3/5 2-3| SW 1-3 | SW 2|W 1-2| NNW 1|N 0-1 | W 1-2 1|/SSW 1-2 5 WSW 2-4)SW 2-4 | W 1-3 | W 0-2 | W 0-2 | W 1-3| WNW 0-2| W 0-2|/NW 0-2} W 2-3| WNW 0-1| W 0-3 4 Var. 0-1 0-2) N 0-1|NNE_ 0-1] Var. 0-1 | N Oo|N 0-1) N 1| W 0-1 | SW 1-2|SW 1)/SSW_ 0-3 5 1-3 | W PAN AE 2-3 1-2 | SW 2-3} WSW 2-3|WSW 2-4| WSW 2-4 2-4 | W 2-4 | SW 3-4 | W 2-5 5 ne 2-4) W 2-4) W 2-4|WSW 2-4| W 1-3 | NW 0-2 | NW 1-3 | NW 2-3| WNW PA AW 2|WNW 1-4) W 1-3 4 N 1-4] WNW 0-3|N 1-3 | NW 1-3|)N 0-2 | N 1-3 | W 1-3 | NW 1-2|N 1-3| N 1-3|N 1-4|N 0-3 5 yas il 2°06 2°02 2°03 1:87 1°82 1:76 1:79 1°65 1:74 1°63 1°58 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Midnight. |Mean. Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.) Dir’n.Force.|Dir’n.Force.|Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.| Dir'n. Force. | Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force. Div’n. Force.| Force. 1/8 2|8 2-3/8 1-2/8 2-3/8 2-3 | SSE 3/8 3-4|SSE 45/8 4|s 4-5 | SE 4/8 4-5| 2:7 Bis 2| WSW 1| WSW 1| W 1|WSW 1-2| WSW 1\Ss 0-1 | SW 1-2 |SW 1-2/S 2-3/8 2-3/8 2-3] 2°6 38/8 2-3/5 1-3 |S 0-1/5 1-2/8 0-1/8 1| SSE 1-2 | SE 2;SSE 2-3/SSE 2-3/8 2|SE 1-2] 1:8 4 |Calm 0 | Calm O|N 1-2|N 2|N 1-2|N 1|N 1-2; N 12/N 21N 0-1) N 0-1) N 1 || 452 5 | Calm o| N O|N O|N 0-1 | NNW 0) Var. 0-1/ E 0-1) N 0-1|N 0-1| N 0-1|}ENE 0-1) NNE 0-1) 03 6 |N 0-1/ N 0-1) N DiNwW ‘OLN 0-1|NNW 1-2/ Var. 0 | Calm 0} Calm Oo|N 0-1 | Calm 0); W 1) 0'5 ‘el O| NNW 1/NW- 2-3|}NNW 1-2|N 1-2|N 2-3 | NNW 0O|N 1-2 2|N 2\|N 2|N 1-2| 0:9 8 |SSE 0-1]S 0-1|/SSE 0-1/SE 1-2|SSE 0-1] Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0|SE 0-1 | SE 1-2 | SE 1/SE 2| 0-7 9 |SE 3;SE 3\5 3/58 2-3/5S 2-3/S 2-3) WSW 2-3/8 1-2 | W 1-3 | W 1-3|}SSW 2-3) SW 2| 2°8 to |SSw 0-2/8 ils 2-3|S 218 1-2/SSE 1-2/ESE 23/SE 3-4|ESE 4-5|/ESE 4-5/2 4-5|ESE 5-6| 2°6 dl | SE 1|SE 1-2, ESE 1-2! SE 3-4 | SE 1|SE 1-2) 0!'E 2| BSE 2-3 | Calm 0|E 0-1 0-1) 3-4 12 |W 1-4] W 1-4 | SW 2-5 | W 2-3; WSW 1-3] W 2-3 | SW 1-3), W 2-3|WSW 1-2/SSW 2-4/SW 3-4 SSW 3-4 | 2-0 wis |S 2-3|S 2-3/5 2-3/5 2-3 2\8 2\8 0-1 | Calm 0o|s 0-1/8 0-1/8 o/s 0-1} 18 14 *=| Calm 0 | Calm 0| Calm 0) W 1-2 | Calm 0|/ WNW 0} WNW _ 0|Calm 0 | Var. 0|s 0|S 0-1/5 0-1] 01 | 15 | SW 1/5 1-2 2/5 2-3| SW 1-2/SSE 2-3] SSE 3/SSE 3-4/S 3-4 | SSE 4-5 | SE 4-5 | SE 4-5 | 21 16 | SW 2-3/SSW 0-3|SW 1-2 | SW 1-2 | SW 2)/SSW 1-2) WSW 1-3)SW 1-2 | SW 2-3 | SW 1-3 | SW 2|SW 1-3 2:3 17 |S 218 2\)8 2-3 | SSE 3|S 2-4/8 381SSW 3-4/5 3/5 3-4/8 3-4 |S 3-4|S 3-4) 2°6 '~=18 |SSE 3-4/SSE, 3-4/8 2-3 | SSE 3/8 3-4 | SW 2-3/SSW 2-3/SSW 1-3|/SSW 2-4|SW 2-4 SW 1-3|}SSW 2-4} 2°8 1 19 | WSW 1-2/S 1-3; WSW 1-3} SW 2-4| W 1-2 | SW 2-3 | SW 9-4|WSW 1-3) WSW 1-3] WSW 1-3} WSW 1-3| W 1-3| 2:2 4 20 |SW 1-3 2-3/8 2) SW 1-2 | W 1-2} SW 1-2; W 0-1/SSW 1-2,SSW_ 1-2/8 2-3 |S 3/8 3) 2d Sal |W 1-4) WSW 1-3| WSW 2-3| W 2-3| W 1-4 | W 2-4 | W 2-4 | W 1-3 ‘i 1-3 | SW 1-3 | SW 1-3} WSW 1-2 aa 22 | Var. 0| Calm 0/Ss 0-1| WSW 1-2) W 1|}SwW at AWE 0-1 | W 1-2 | SW 0-1/8 1|/W PA NA 2) 12 23 °/S 0 0) Calm 0|/Calm 0/N 0-1| N 0-1|Calm 0|NW 0|W 1|N o|N 2|N 2] O-4 Ps | N 2-3) N 1-3 | NE 0-2 | E 0-2| Var. 0-3}ENE 0-3] NE 0-3 | NE 1-2|N 2-3 NNE 2-3|N 0-2 N 1-3 17 2% |Sw 2-3/SW 2/8 3|W 0-2|SW 23/SW 1-3/8 3/8 2/8 2)8 3\8 3-4|5 3| 19 26 | SSW 1|/SW 1-2/8 2|8 2-3/SSE 2-3)SE 3-4 | SE 4-5 |S 3-4/SSB 3-4/8 _ 4|SW 3-4 | W 2-4] 2-4 27 0-3 | W 2-4| W 1-3 | W 1-3 | W 2-4| W 1-3 | N 1-3|N 1-3) WNW 1-3|N 1-3 1-3 | ENE 1-3 19 | 98 |SSW 1-4|/SW 25/WSW 24/W 24/N 1-4|WNW 24|NW 13/W 0-3;W 0-2|/NNW 0-2;|NW 13/W 1-3) 15 | 29 3-5|WSW 3-5/SSW 3-5] Var. 2-4|/NW 2-5|NW 2-4/NW_ 1-3] W 2-4 | W 2-5 | W 1-3 | W 13) W 1-3 28 30 |W 12 1-3/NW 1-3|NNW 1-4| Var. 0-2|N 0-3| Var. 0-3|N 1-3|N 1-3|N 1-2|N 0-2) N 2-3} 2°0 NW 13/N 1-4 | WSW 4| WNW 2-4] W 1-4 | W 1-4) WSW 1-5| W 124) Wi 1-5| WNW 2-5| W 2-5 | W 2-5| 2°4 1°61 MORE} 1:87 2:00 1°73 1°85 1:69 1:81 2°03 2°08 211 2°27) 1:88 | No2, NNE7. NE3. ENEG. £32. ESE16. SE45. SSH29, S134. SSW48. SW79. WSW 45. W105. WNW13. NW 22. NNW9. Calm 59. 260 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. WIND. DIRECTION AND ForcE (0 to 12). SEPTEMBER 1895. 1 | 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ul 12 Max. Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n, Force.|Dir'n, Force.| Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n, Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.) Dir’n. Force. | Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Korce. PENG 2-5 | W 2-5 | W 2-4 | W 2-4 | W 2-4 | W 1-3|WNW 1-4) W 2-4|WSW 2-4)SW 3-5 | WSW 2-5 | W 2-4 5 2 iS 3,5 4-5|S 515 4-5;SSW 2-4!S 3-5 |S 2-3/;SSW 2-4/8 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2-4|SSW 2-4 3) 38°18 2-6|SSW 2-6|SW 2-3 | W 1-3 | W 1-2 | W 1-3 | W 2-3 | W 1-3 | W 2-3 | W 2-3 | WSW 2-4| W 1-4 6 4\Ww IE ANA PAA 1-3 | W 1-2 | W 1-2 | NW 2}/WNW 2|WNW 1-2) SSW 2|SW 2-3 | SW 2-4 | SW 2-4 6 5 | WNW 1-2|W 1-2) W 1-2| W LANE 1|W 1/SW 1) Sw 1| WSW 1|/SW 1) WSW 1|W 1 2 6 | NNW 1|N 2 2|N 1-2|N 1 | Calm 0| Var. 0|SW 0-1/8 0-1/S 0-1/8 1 SSW 1 6 7 |SSE 6-6/SSE 5-6 46/58 3-4/5 2-3|SSW 1-3|SW 2-3 | SSW 3|/ SW 3| SW 2-3 | W 2/}WNW 2 6 SW 1-3 | W 1-3 | W 0-2| WNW 0-2] W 1-8 3-4] WSW 1-3) W 1-2 | W 0-2 | SSW 3/5 1-3 | W 0-3 4 9 1S 4|/SSW 4|WSW 2-4/SSW 3-5 4) WSW 3-5/SSW 3-4/SSW 3-4/S 2-4| SW 4/S 4/8 4 5 LOPES 3-5 S 3-5 2-3/5 2-4|SW 1-3}SSW 2-4/8 2-4|/SSW 0-3|SW 1-4|/SSW 1-4/S 3-5|SSW 1-3 7 11 Ww 3-7| WSW 4-7| W 3-6 | W 3-5 | SW 3-6 | WNW 1-3| NW 1-4| WNW 1-4} W 1-3|N 0-3 | N 0-1|ENE 0-2 Vf 12 aa 2-4|N 0-2)|NNE 0-2|NE 1-3 | N 1-2) N 1-2|N 1-3| N 0-2) N 1-3}ENE 1-2|N 1-2|N 0-1 4 13 | N 2-3|N 12/N 3-4 | N 4|N 4|N 4|N 3-4|N 3-4| N 3|N 3-4 | N 2-3|NNE 0-1 4 14 |W 2|W 2-3 | W 2-3 | W 2-3) WSW 2-3] WSW 2-3| SW 3) SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 3/SW 2-3 | SW 72 3 16 OW 1-2| W 1-2 | W 1-2 | W 2-3 | W | WNW 1-2) W 1-2| SW 0-1 | SW 0-1 | SW 1-2 | SW 1-2 | SW 1-2 5 16 |SW 5-6 | W 1-3 | SW 3-5 | SW 3-5| WSW 3-5) WSW 2-4| WSW 2-3) SW 3-4 3|W 2-4| WSW 2-3] W 2-3 6 17 NY, Sa VENI © RST) 2)}WSW 0-2}WSW 1-2/}SW 2-3| WSW 3-4] W 1-3|WNW 2 2-3| WNW 2-3] W 9-3 4 1s |W 0-2| WSW 1-3) WSW 2-4 2-4] WSW 3-5| W 2-4| WSW 3-5/| W 4-6| WSW 4-6|WSW 48)SW 4-8| W 4-5 8 19 |N 0-2|NNE 1-3 1-2/N 2-3 | N 1-2| NE 0-1) Var. 0-1| NE 1-3 | N 1-2)}ENE 1-2/N 3) N 2-3 3 20 | Var 0|W O|N 2-3 | N 3/N 3|N 1-2|N 1-2 | Calm 0| W 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| Calm 0 4 21 |SSW = 3-4|SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 3-4| WSW 3-4| W 1-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 3-5 | SW 3-5 | SW 3-5|SSW 3-5/SW 3-5 5 22 |SW 5-6 | SW 4-5 | SW 3-4 | SW 3-4/SSW 3-4/SSW 3-4/SSW 4| WSW 2-3) WSW 2|SwW 3-4 | SW 3-4 | SW 3-4 6 23 |WSW 2-3} WSW 1-2} WSW 1-2} WSW 2-3} WSW DAN VA 1-2 | W 2|W Bl Mii 1|/W 1-2) WSW 1-2) SW 1-2 3 24 |S 8-4/S 3-4 | SW 3-4/5 3-4 |S 4|S 3/8 2-4/8 2-3|8 3/58 2-3|SSW 2-3/8 2 4 25 |S 2-3/5 2-3/5 2-3/8 2-3/8 2-3;SSW 2-3|SW 2-3|S 2-3 | SW 2-3/8 2-3/5 2-3 | SW 3 3 26 |WSW 2-3|}SSW 2-3| WSW 2-3/SSW 2-3/SSW 3) SSW 3|/SW 2|SW 2-3 | SSW 2|SW 2|WSW 1-2|SW 2 4 | 27 |SSW 2-3|}SSW 2-3|/SW 2-3|SSW 2-3)}SW 2-3 | 5 2-3)/SSW 2-3|/SW 1-2; SW 2|8 2|SW 1-2) SW 1 3 i 28 |W 2) W 2|W 21 W 2) W 2|W 1-2} WSW 1-2) WSW Tt AY 2-3 | W 1-2| W 1|SW 1 3 29 |SW 2) WSW 1-2|SW 1|SW 1)}SW 1)SwW 0-1 | SSW 1\8 1/8 1\8 1|S8 1-2|58 1-2 3 30 |S 1-2 | SW 1-2 | SSW 3 | SSW 218 2)SW 2|SSW 2\8 1-2/8 2|8 a) 2\8 1-2 4 MEAN 2°68 2°58 2°60 2°63 2°50 2°22 2°30 2°13 2°15 2°38 2°35 2°05 | i fi 13 14 15 16 Li 18 19 20 21 22 23. | Midnight, |Mean. Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n, Force.|Dir’n. Force.) Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n, Force. Force. Ty FIRW 3 1-4} WSW 1-5|S 2-3|SSW 2-3/SW 2-4/SSW 2-3) SW 2-3 | SW 2-4|SSW 2-4/5 2-3|SSW 2-3|SW 1-2 | 2°8 2 | SW 2-3 |SW 1-3)}SSW 23/58 3|/SW 3; WSW 1-3| SSW SiON. 1-3/SSW i1-3|SW 2-3 | SW 2-4 | SW 1-4 | 2:9 3 |WSW 2-41] W 1-4 | W 1-3 | W 1-3 1-4) NW 1-2) W 2-4 | W 0-2 | W 0-1 | W 1-2 | W 1!WSW_ 0-1) 2:2 4 |WSW 3-5|SW 3-6| WSW 1-4} WSW 1-4] WSW 2-4| W 2-4 | W 2-4) W 1-3 | W 1-2) W 1-3 | W 0-1 WNW 0-2} 2°2 5 |W 1-2} NNW 0-1|NW_- 0-1] W 0-1) N 0-1 | Var. 0|N 0| Var. 0|NNW 1-2| NNW 2|NW 1-2) NNW 1-2) 1:0 6 |S 2|W 0-1 | SSE 218 2|S 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SSE 2-3 | SSE 4| SSE 5 | SSE 5-6|SSE 5-6 SSE 5-6 | 271 (EW AYE 1-3 | SW 1-3 | W 2-3 | W 1-3' SW 1-2| W 0-2;NW 1-3) WSW 0-2| WSW 0-3] W 0-3 | W 0-3| NW 1-8} 2°35 8 |SSW. 1-3|SW 0-1;SSW 1-2|}SSW 2-3} WSW 1-2;SSW 1-3/SSW_ 1-3} WSW 2|SW 2)SSW 23/SW 3-4 SSW 4| 2:0 9 |§ 3-4 | SW 2-3/8 3-5/5 3-5/5 2-3/SSW 3-4/8 2-3|S 3-5/8 3-5|S 3-5 |S 3-5 S 3-5 | 3°9 10 |SSW 2-4)/SSW 2-4|/SSW 2-4/5 3-4/5 3-6 | SW 1-3/8 3-7/5 3-6 |S 3-7|SSW 3-6|SW 38-5 WSW 2-6) 3°3 11 | ENE 0-2|}ENE 0-3|N 4-6|N 0-2; N 1-4) NW 1-3|ENE 0-1/NE 0-2 | N 1-2| NE 1-2|NNE 2-3 NE 2-3 | 2°4 12 |N 1-3| N 2-4 | N 2-4|N 2-4| N 2-3|N 3-4| N 2-4|N 4|N 1-2|N 2-3 2-3 | N 9-3 | 2"1 13 | Calm 0 | Calm 0|WSW 0-1} W 0| W 0-1|NW 0-1|NW = 0-1 0-1| N 0-1| NNW 1-2|WNW 0-2) W 2/ 18 14 |W 1-2} WSW 2) W 2|W 1-2;NW 1-2) W 3] W 2-2|WNW 3|WNW 2-3| W 5 2| W 1-2 | 23 15 | SW 0-1/SSW 1-2/SW 1-2| WSW 1-2/}SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2-4|WSW 3-5/SSW 3-5|/SW 3-5 | SW 4-5| 2:0 16 | W 1-3 | W 1-3 | W 2-4] WNW 0-2) WSW 1-2|NW 0-1) W 1-2;NW 0-2} Var. 0-1} Var 0-1; Var. 0-2) NW 0-2 | 2:3 17 |W 2-3 | W 2-3 | W 1-2| W 1|SW PA Nh 2) W 1-2 | W 2|W 2|W 2} WSW 23|)W 1} 2°0 |} 18 |N 2-3) N 2-4) N 1-3|N 2-4| Var 1-2 | Var. 1-3 | NE 1-3 | N 2-3} N 2-3| N 4|N 0-1 | NE 1-2) 31 19 {N 0-2| NE 0-2 | N 2 Ni 0-1|N 2-3 | N 0-1| N 0-1) Var. 0O-1|N 0-1 | Calm 0| Calm 0 | Var, 0} 1:2 20 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| Var. 0-1/8 0-1/5 1/Ss 1-2/8 2|8 2-3 3/58 2-3|/SSW 3-4| 1:2 21 | SSW 3-5| WSW 2-4|)SW 3)WSW 1-3|)SW 2-4| SW 3-5 | SW 3-5 | SW 4|SwW 4-5 | SW 4-5 | SW 3-4 | SW 4-5| 3°5 22 | SW 3-4 | SW 3-4| SW 4|SW 3-4 | SW 4 | SSW 3) SW 3-4 | SW 3-4 | SW 3-4 | SW 3-4 | WSW WSW 2-3) 3°5 23 |SW 1|SW 1-2} WSW 0-1/8 0-1/5 0-1) 5_ 1\8 1-2 | SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SSE 3 | SSE 2-3/8 3) 17 2 6|S 2] SSW 2-3|}SW .2-3|}SSW 2-3) SW 3| SSW 2/58 2-3/5 2-3)58 3/SSW 1-2|}SSW 2|8 By CAL 25 | SSW 3\;SSW 23/5 2-3 | SW 3) WSW 2)}WSW 2-3}SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 3) e228) 26 | WSW 2-3/SW 2-4| WSW 2-3}SSW 2-3|SW 1-2 | SSW 2|SW 2-3/8 23)SSW 23/SSW 3) SW 2-3 | SSW 3] 24 27 |8 2/8 1-2/5 3) SSW 2;}SSW = 1-2/}SW 1-2|}SW 1-2|S 2/5 2|/Sw 2|SW 1-2/8 2| 2°0 | 28 | SW 1) SW 0-1| SW 2-3| SW 2-3| SW 1-2) WSW 1-2} WSW 1/SW 2/SSw 1-2|SW 2/SW 1-2 | WSW 2) 16 } 20 | SSW 1|SW 1-2 | SW 2-3 | SW 1-2| SW 1-2) SW 1-2| SW 1|SW 1-2) SW 2|8 2-3 | SSW 258 1-2} 14 30 | 8 2-318 3| SSE 2|8 3/5 2-3/5 2-3 | SSE 3|SE 4|/SE 4/SSE 3-4|SSE 4 SSE 4] 25 MEAN 2°05 2°00 2°28 2°02 2°10 1°97 2°15 2°33 2°40 2°62 2°32 2°50] 2°30 N72. NNE4, NEY. ENE6, EO. ESEO. SES. SSE16. S130. SSW78. SW155. WSW70. W131, WNW18. NW15. NNW6, Calm 25. BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 26] WIND. DIRECTION AND ForcE (0 to 12). OCTOBER 1895. 1 2 3 4 5 6 i | 8 9 10 11 12 Max. a | ep [aoe eee ae — aa Sea ee | I Dir’n, Force.) Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n, Force. |Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.|Dit’n. Force. Dir’n, Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force. Dir’n. Yorce. Dir’n. Force. SSE 4-5| SSE 4/S 3/8 3/8 2-3/8 2-3/8 3/8 2-3/5 218 2|8 2-3/8 3-4 6 SE 0-1| NNW 2)|WNW 2-3|N 2-3!N 2-3|)N 2-3 | N 2-3|N 3-4 | N 3-4| N 3-4) N 4-5|N 3-5 5 SW 2)/Sw - 3/8 3-4 | SSW 3 | SSW 4| WsW 3/8 3-4 | SW 3/S 3| SSE 3| SE 3-4| SE 3 4 2-3|N 2 1-2|N 2-3 | N 2-4|N 1-2; NNW 1-2|N 2-3 | N BO SNG 1-2|N 2-3|N 1-2 5 SSW 3-4/SSW 3-4|SSW 3/ Var 2-3/SSW 2-4) W 2-4) W 2-4] WNW 1-3|}NNW 2-3] W 2-4 | W 1-2|NW 1-2 4 Ww 2|WSW 2-3}WSW 2-3|SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2) W 2-3 | W 1-2'|SW 1-2 |SW 2-3 | WSW 2|SW 1-2 3 Ww 2-3 | SW 0-1 | W 0-1 | W 2-3)}WNW 1!NNW 1-2|1|NW 1-2) WNW 1-2] WNW 2-3| W 2|W 1-3) SW 2-3 8 s 2|s 2/8 2) SW 1| WSW avy 0-1} W 0-1 | Calm 0| NW 1| NNW 1| NW 1} Calm 0 4 N 3-4/ N 3-5 | N 3-6 | N 3-7| NNE 46) NNW 3-6/N 5-7 | N 5-7 | N 5-8 | N 6-8 | N 5-8 NNE 3-5 8 -N 1-3|N 1-3/N 1-3) N 2-3, NNE 1-3|NNE 1-3] NE 2-4| N 2-4|N 2-3) N 2-4, N 1-3 N 2-4 5 N 3-5|NNE 2-4)N 3-4| N 3-4/ N 2-3|NNE 3-4|NE 2-3) N 3-4 | N 3/N 2-3| NNE 1 NW 23 5 NNW 2-4) NNW 3-5|N 3-5 | N 2-5 | N 2-5|NW 3-5| NE 2-4|N 2-5 2-4)|NW 23/NW 2-3 NW_ 2-4 5 NW 23/N 2-4;NW 2-3|/NNW 2-3| NNW 2-3} WNW 2-3|}NW_ 1-3|NW_ 1-2} WNW 1-2] W 1-3|;NW 2-4 WNW 1-2 4 N 2) W 1-3 | N 0-1|N 1-2|N 1/N 1-2} NNW 1-2) NNW 1-2 0-1 | Calm 0} Calm 0 Calm 0 3 E 2-3 | E 2-3 | E 3/E 3|E 3 | ESE 3|E 3-4 | E 3/E 4|/B 3-4 3-4 3-4 4 Var. 0-1) Var. 0-1} Var. 0-1/ NE 0-1) Var. 0-1 | N 1-2| N 0-1| N 2-3|N 3-4) N 2-4 2-3 | N 1-2 4 Calm Oo N 0| WNW 1/W 1-2 | W 2)W 2) W 2|W 1-2 | W | Nii 1-2 | WSW 1|/SW 0-1 3 WwW 1-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 3/ SSW 3|SW 3| SW 3) SW 3|SW 3|SW 3); SW 3] WSW 2|/SW 2 4 W 1-2; W 2)WNW 2!] WNW 1-2) W 2) WNW 1|/WNW 1-2) WNW 1-2/N 2|N 2|N 12|N 1-2 4 N 2-3|N 2-3) N 2-3| N 2\|N 1} NNW 0-1] Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Var. 0-1/5 0-1/8 1 3 N 1/N 1-2|N 1-2| Var. 1-3/N 1-3 | N 21N 2-4|N 2-3 2-3) N 2-3| NE 2-4|NNE 2-3 5 N 2-4)N 2-5) N 2-5|N 1-4|N 3-5 | N 3-5) N 3-5 | N 3-5 | N 3-4| N 2-4|NNE 2-3'/N 2-3 5 N 1-2|N 2-3|N 2-3| N 2-3 | N 12|N 2)N 1-2|N 12|N 1-2| NE 1-2|N 12,;NNE 1-2 3 N 2|N N 1-2|N 2|N ARNG 0-1) N 2-3| Var. 0-1|N 1|NNW 2-3|NNW 1-2/N 1-2 3 ENE 1-2;NNE 1-2/N 1-2|N 2-3| Var. 1-2}NW 1-2)Var. 0-1|/ENE 1-2|NE 2-3|NNE 1-2 2-3|NNE 1-2 4 N 3-5 | N 2-4 | N 3-6| N 2-5 | N 1-4|N 1-3| N 1-4|N 1-3|N 1-3 | N 2-3 | Var. 1) N 0-1 4 N 3-6 | N 1-5|N 2-4 | Var. 0-1/N 1-2 | Calm 0|N 0-2 | N 123) Ni 2-3) N 2-3|N 2-3, N 2-3 N 1-2|N 1-2|N 2|N 2|N 2|N 2|N 1-2 | Calm O|N 1-2 | Calm O|N 1-2|N 1-2 4 Var. 0-2|N 2-3 | Var 0-2 | Var. 0-2| N 2|N 1-2|N 2|N 3|N 2-4|N 3-4 | N 3-5 N 3-5 5 N 2-3 | N 2-4|N DENY Di NOWi 2-3) WNW 2-3] W 2-3 | NW 2\|N 1-2|N 2-3 | N 12,N 2-4 4 N 2-4) N 2-5 | N 2-6 | N 3-6 | N 3-5 | N 3-6 | N 3-5 | N 3-5 | NE 2-4| NE 3-5| NNE 3-5' N 1-3 6 2°29 2°35 2°40 2°40 2°35 2°19 Drak 2°26 2°39 2°42, 2°29 | 2°08 13 14 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Midnight. |Mean. Dir’n, Force.|Dir’n. Force |Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n, Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n, Force. Dir’n. Force |Dir’n. Force.|Force. SSE 3-4/SSE 3-4/8 3-4 | SE 3/8 3-5 | SSE 4-6 | SSE 5|SSE 4-5|/SSW 2-4/S 2-3)S 2-3 | Calm 0} 31 N 1-3| NE 1-2|N 2-3] N 1-3)/NNE 12;/WNW 2/WNW 12/N 1-2|N 2-3|WNW 2|W 1-2| W 1-3} 274 SE 3|)SE 1-2)}|NNW 1-2|N 1-2} NNE 2)|N 1-2} NNE 1-2/N 1-2|N 0-1) N 2 N 1-2 N 1-2} 2°4 N. 2-3|NNE 1-2|N 2-3] N 2-3; NW 2-3) WNW 1-3/SW P8})|| NE 2-3/5 2-3/8 3-4/SSW 3-4/8 3-5} 2°4 WNW 0-1;NW) 1-3) W 2-3 | W 2-3} WSW 1-3) W 1-3 | SW 1-2} W 2-3| WSW 2-3| WSW 2-8) WSW 2-3| SW 2) 24 Ww 1-3 | W 2-3 | W 2) WNW 2-3|/SW 2-3 | SW 1-2} SW 1-2 | SSW 2|/WSW 2-3}SW 2) WW. 2-3 W 2| 21 WSW 1-2|}SW 1-2| SW 1-2 | WSW 2\|SW 1-2\)SSW 1-2|)}SSW 1-2}SW 1-2/8 2\S8 2-3 S 2-3/5 2] 18 Calm O|N 0-1) N 1-2) N 2|N DUN 1-2|N 1-2|N TS WON 1|N 1 N 3|N 3-4 | 1°2 N 3-5|N 2-4) N 2-4] N 1-3 | N 1-3 | N 2-4) N 2-3) N 2-4|N 2-4|N 2-5|N 2-4| N 2-5 | 4:1 N 2-4|NNE 2-3|N 2-3 | N 2-4|N 3-4| NNE 3-4|N 3-41 N 1-3 | N 1-3| N 4-5| N 3-5 | N 4-5 | 2°8 N 1-2} WNW 1-2|N 3-4'N 2-3 N 2-4, NE 2-4 | NW 9-4|NNW 2-4/N 2-4 3-5 | NW 2-4 NW 3-5 2°9 |WNW 2-3;NW 2-3|N 2-3;NW 2-4|N 2-4| N 1-2|N r=) |] AN 1-3/NW 2-4) WNW 2-3| WNW 2-4|NNW 2-3] 2°9 2-3| NW 2-3| WNW 2-3] W 2-3 | NW 2-3| WNW 2-4) W 2-3) W 2-4 | NW 2-3 | W 2-3| WNW 0-2) WNW 2-4| 2:4 Var. 0-1/ Calm 0) 5 0|E 0-1 | NE 0-1 | ENE 1/ESE 12/E 1-2|E 2\E 2-3|E 2-3) E 2-3 11 3-4 3-4 | E 3\E 3|E 2-3 | E 0| NE 1-2 | NNE 1|N 1-2] NE 1-2|N 2|N 1}! 2:6 Var 1| NE 1 1\/E 0-1} NNE 1|/N 1|N 0-1/NNE 0-1|N DENG 2 N 2 Var. 0 12 \a 1-2 | SW 1-2 | SSW 2) SSw 2| WSW 2|SW 2\;SSW 1-2/8 3;8 3/8 3/5 2-3 WsWw_ 2-3 Gy iS) 3|SW 3-4 | SSW 3 | SSW 3 | SW 2-3 | SSW 3|/SW 2-3 | W 1|W 1-2 | WSW 2) Ww 2) WNW 2 2°6 N 1-2) NW 1-2] N° 1-2| WNW 2-3| NW 1-2} NNW 2-3 2-3 | NW ZN 2-3) N 2-3| N 2-4|N 3 1:9 8 1)| SSE 0-1} WSW 0-1/8 it) 0-1) WSW 1-2|WSW 12! W 2-4, NNW 0-1/N 6-1; N O|N 1| 10 NNE 3; NNE 2-3/N 2-4 | N 2-4|N 3-4 3-5|NNE 3-4|N 2-4|N 3-4 | NNE 4| NE 2-4|N 3-4 27 N 3-5 | N 2-3 | N 1-3 | NE 1-3|NNE 3-4|NNE 2-4|NNW 2-3] Var 1-2 | N 3/N 2-3 | N 1-2, N 1-2 29 N 1-2| NNE 2)N 2-3|N 0-1|N 0-1| N 0-1|NNE 1-2/N 1-2|N 1-2) N 1-2|N 2 N 1-2 | 1°6 N 2 1-2|N 1-2|N 1|/N 1-2|N 2-3) N 2-3 1-2|)N 1-z| Var 0-2 | NE 1-2 NE 1-2] 1'5 N 1|N 1| Calm oO) N 1-2|N 1-2/N 1-2| Var. 0-1|NNE 0-1|N 2|N AEN 2-4| NE 1-2] 15 Calm O|N 1} Calm 0 | Calm 0| Var, O|N 1-2/N 1-2|N 2-3 | N 1-2)N 1-3 | N 1-2|N 1-4] 1°8 2-3|N 2-4 1-3 1-2| NE 1-2} ENE 0-1] Var 0-1| N 1-2 | N 1-2) N 1-2|N 1-2| Var. 0-1 18 NE 1|NNW 2-4|N 2-3 | N 2-4| N 2-4|N 2-4|N 2-4 | Var 12|N 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-3) N 1-2 1°8 NNE 1-2|N 1-2 1-2| Var. 0-1|N 1/NNE 1-2 2|N 2-3 | N 2-3|N 1-3|N 2-3 | N 2-3 21 1-2} NW 2|NNW 1-2) W 2| NW 1-2)}NNW 1-2} NW 1-2/N 1-2|N 1-2|N 2-3 | N 1-2|N 2-3 | 2°0 NNE 2-4/NNE 1-2|N 2-3 | N 2-4| N 2-3 | NE 2-3 | N 2-3;NNE 1-2| NE 0-2|NNE 12/N 1-2|N TE pel 1°98 1°92 1°98 1°98 1°98 2°06 2°02 1:92 2°06 2°26 2°23 2:15] 2°18 N339. NNE38. NE23, ENE4. E25, HSE2. SE6, SSE9. $36. SSW1s. SW39. WSW20. W51. WNW31. NW 34. NNW 21. Calm 45. 262 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. WIND. DIRECTION AND Force (0 to 12). NOVEMBER 1895. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 iil 12 Max. Dir'n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force |Dir’n. Force. Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force. |Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force. 1 | Calm O|N 0-1] E 0-1| E 1|E 2| Var. 0|SE 1| Calm 0) SW 0-1 | SSW 1/8 1-2/5 1-2 3 2 |S 2-3/5 are Ss 2-3/8 2-3/SSW 1-2)/SSW 1-2|}|SW 1;);SSW 12 | SSW 1-2/S 1/8 12/8 1-2 3 3 |SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 2)|SSE 0-1} SSE 0-1 | Calm 0) SE 0-1 | SSE 12' SE 2| SSE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SSE 2 3 4 |SE 2-3 | SE 3| SE 3|SE 2-3 | SE 2) SE 2|SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 3 | SE 3| SE 3 4 5 |SE 3|ESE 3-5|ESE 4-6) ESE 5|ESE 4-5/ESE 45|/ESE 45/ESE 4-5) ESE 4|BSE 4-5/SE 5 | SE 5-6] 10 6 4-5| SE 2-4/SE 2-4/8 3-5 ]8 3-5 | SW 38-5| WSW 2-4| WNW 2-4) W 2-4|N 2-4|NNW 2-4| NW 3-4 5 7 | WNW 2-4) NW 2-3 | W 1-3 | NW 2-4 | W 1-3 | NW 2-3 | NW 2| NW 1-2' NW 2 3|WNW 2-3| WNW 2-4 4 8 | NW 1-2) W 2) WSW 2)WNW 1-2) W 2-3 | W AAS E 1| W 1-2 | W 2-3| WNW 2-3] W 2-3 | W 1-2 3 9 |S 2-3/8 2-3|8 2-3 | SSW 2/8 3;SSW 2-3] SW 2-3| WNW 0-1, N 2-4 2|NW 0-1 | NW 1 4 10 | SE 3-4 | SE 4|SE 4) SE 5-6 | SE 8/SSE 8-9|SE 8| SE 8-10 SE 6-8/5 4-6 | SW 3-5 | SW 8-5 | 11 11 |SE 5-8/S 4-5|SSW 2-4) W 2-5|/NW 2-6] WNW 2-5] W 2-5)/NW 25 W 2-4 | W 2-5| WNW 2-5) SW 3-6 8 12 | SSW 31S 2-3) SW 3/5 218 2-315 2-3 | SW 2-3)SSW 12'S MAY 1-2 | NW 1-2) WNW 1-2 3 13 | NW 0-1} NNW 1-2} W 1-2|)}N 1-2] 3 1)N 1-2 | NNE 2\N LI 2-3 2-4 | NW 23)}NNW 1-2 4 14 |SSW 3-4/SW 2-4] WSW 2-4) W 2-4) WSW 2-4) SW 2-3} WSW 2-3; SW 2-4 WSW 3| WNW 2-4) WSW 2-4] WSW 2-3 4 15 ;WNW 2-3) WNW 1-3 W 1-3 | SW 2-4 | SW 3-4'SSW 4-6/S 4-8/5 6-9 ; SW 5-8|SSW 7-10/S 6-9|SSW 7-11; 11 16 |W 1-4) W 1-4 | W 2-5 | SW 3-5 | SW 3-5 | SW 1-3] WSW 2-4|SW 2-4 | SW 2) Ww 2) Ww 2-3|/NW 2-3 5 aly AA 1-2 | W 1-3 | W 1-2 | W 1|W 1-2 | W 1-3} WNW 1-2| W 1-2 | NW TE Rs 0-1 | NW 0-1 | W 2-3 3 18 | W ae As 1- 2 W | WE 2-3 | W 1-2 | SW 2|WSW 1-2} WSW 1-3| W 2-3 | SW 2;}SSW 1-3/5 2-3 4 19 |SE 4|SE 4-5 | SE 5| SE 5 | SE 6|SSE 5|SE 5-6 | SE 5-6 | SE 5-6 | SE 5-6 | SE 6-7 | SSE 4-5 8 20 | ESE 8 | ESE 8 ESE 7| ESE 8| ESE 7-8] ESE 7|SE 7-8 | SE 7|SE 5-6 | SE 5-6| SE 7-8|ESE 5-6 8 21 |SSE 4-5 | SSE 8-4 8 3-4/5 3-4 | SSE 3-4 | SSE 3/SSE 3/8 1-2 | SSE 1-2 | SSE 2) SSE 2-3 | ESE 2 3) 22 |WNW 1); NW 1) N 2-3 | N 0-1 | N 0-2| NNW 2-3|N 1-2| N 1-2|N 1-2} NNW 2-4/ Calm 0 1-2 4 23 |N 0-2| NE 2-3 NE 1-3 | N 1-3 | N 2-4|NNW 2-4) NNW 2-3! NNW 2-4|N 2 3|N 3-4 2-3 4 24 |E 3| ESE 3 ESE 23) ESE 2| ESE 2|E 2-3 | ESE 3|E 3-4 | ESE 3 | ESE 3| ESE 3 | ESE 2 4 25 | Calm 0|SE 0-1 | | Calm 0|E 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0|ESE 0-1/SE 0 | Calm 0} Calm 0|E 0-1 0-1 4 26 | SE 1| SE 1|SE 2) SE 2| ESE 2/E 1-2/ESE 1-2|/ESE 12/SE 2| SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 5 27 |E 4-5 | ESE 5 | ESE 5|ESE 3-4] ESE 4-5] ESE 3|/ExE 3-4;SKH 3-4 | SE 2-3/ESE 2-3|E 2| ESE 2 5 28 | SE 2-3 | SE 3 | SE 3/ SE 3| SE 3| SE 2| SE 2-3 | SE 3 | ESE 3| E8E 3| SE 3/ESE 34 4 29 |ESE 3-4|ESE 3-4) ESE 4|ESE 4-5] ESE 4| ESE 4|SE 3-4 | SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SSE 218 2 5 30 |SE 1-2|SE 1- #2) z|SE 1-2| SE 1/SSE 11S 1| SW 1|SW 1|SW 0-1 | WSW 1|;WSW 1-2 3 MEAN 2°70 2°78 2°82 2°82 2°98 2°77 2°80 2°73 2°63 2°82 O07 2°78 ! | 13 14 15 16 17 18 | 19 20 21 22 23 Midnight. |Mean. Dir'n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Div’n. Yorce. |Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Force Las 1|s 1|SE 2-3 | SE 2|SE 2|SE 2| SSE 2| SSE 2| SSE 2|SSE 2-3/5 2|SSE 2-3] 14 218 1-2|S 1-2 | SSE 2|SSE 21S 1|SE 1-2| SE 1-2|SE 2| SE 3|SE 2-3 | SE 3 | ESE 3| 1:9 3 | SSE 2-3 | SE 1-2|SE 2\SE 2|SE 1-2 | SE 2|SE 2|\SE 2-3 | SE 3|SE 2-3 | SE 3/|SE 2] 19 4 | ESE 3|SE 3|/ESE 2-3)\SE 2-3 | SE 3|E 3| ESE 3|E 3-4| EH 4|E 4|E 4|SE 4] 3:0 5 | ESE 3| ESE 5|SE 6|SE 6| SE 5-6| ESE 6-8| ESE 7\/ESE 7-8|KSE 9-10) ESE S8-9|ESE 7-8|ESE 5-7] 57 6 |NW 2-4|NNW 2-4| W 13|NNW 2-3) WNW 2-4|NW 2-3|NW 2-3) W 1-3 | N 24|NW 2-4|NW 2-4|)N 1-4} 3°0 ie | ALs 2-4 | WNW 2-3| W 2-3|WNW 1-2 NW 1-2}WNW 2/W 2-3|NW 1-2| W 2-3|WSW 2-3|WSW 2-3] W 1-3! 23 8 |W 2-3 | W 2| W 2|SW 1-2) WSW 1-2|SW 2|SwW 2-3)}SSW 1-2|)}SSW 2-3]SW 2-3)S 2-3/5 2-3 | 2°0 9 | NW 1-2| W 1-2) WSW 2-3) W 2-3 | SW 2) WSW 1-2)SW 2|SSWw 2|SW 2-3 | SW 2-3|5S 2-3 | SE 3 |) 21 10 |SSW 3-4|SW 3-4/5 3-4 | SSE 4|)SSE 4-5 | SSE 4|SE 5 | ESE 7-8| SE 9-11 | SE 9-11 | SE 5-8 | SE 6-10 | 5°8 11 | WSW 2-5) WSW 3-4|SW 2-4) SW 3-5 | SW 2-5 | SW 3-4 | SW 2-4 | SW 2|S 3-4 | SSW 2\|SwW 2\8 1-2} 34 12 | NW 1-2|SW 1-2|5 2-3/5 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2\}SSW 1-2) WNW 1-2) NW 1| Var. 0-1|N 0-1} 1:9 13 v 2-4| NNW 1-2} W_ 1-3 | W 2-3)|WNW 2|)W 2-4; WNW 2-3) WSW 2-3} WSW 2-3) SW 2-3|SSW 2-3|SSW 2-4] 2°0 14 NW 2-3| WNW 2-4| WSW 3-4| W 2-4) W 2-4 | W 1-4] WSW 1-4| NW 2-3 | NW 3-4 | NW 2-3 | NW 2-3 | NW 1-3 | 2°8 15 |SSE 8-11/SSE 8-10|SE 5-6 | SE 7-8!SE 7-9! SE 7;SSW 3-5|NW 2-4|NW 3-5!WNW 2-5;NNW 2-4) W 1-4] 54 16 | WNW 2-3} WSW 2-3 | W 2-4|WSW 1-2| W 1-3 | W 2-4] WNW 2-4|] NW 2-4 | W 2-4 | W 1-3 | W 1-3 | W 2-3, 2°6 17 ‘| Var. 0-1| W 1-2 | NW 1-2 | NW 0-2 | NW 1-2) NW 1-2 | N 1-3 | NW 1-2 | NNW 1-2 Calm PAA 0-1 | W 1-2| 13 18 | SSW 38 | SW 2-3 | SSE 3/58 3|SE 2-3 | SSE 3/8 2-4 | SSE 3-4 | SSE 4 | SSE 4| SSE 3-4 | SSE 4] 2°5 19 | SSE 4-5 | SE 5-6 | SE 6| ESE 4-5| SE 5 | ESE 5-6 | SE 5|SE 4-5 | ESE 6-7 | ESE 6| Es 6 | ESE 7-8 54 20 |SE 6-7 | ESE 7| SSE 6-7 | SE 7|SE 6| SE 6| Si 4-5) Sii 5-6 | SE 5-6 SE 4-5 | SE 4-5 | SE 5-6 | 63 21 |SE 2-3 | SK 2| SSE 3-4 | SSE 3-4 | SE 2-3/5 3/8 3/S 3)S 2-31 § 2-3 | W 1-2) W 1-2} 2°7 peal We} 1-2|NNW 2-3|N 1-3 | NE 1-3 | E 2-4| ENE 2-4|NE 2-3 | E 1-3} NE 1-3 | NE 1-3 | E 0-1) N 0-1} 17 23 | Var. 0O-1|/NE 1-2 | Calm 0 | Calm 0O/|E 2\E 1-2] E 1-2 | 1-2| E 3,5 3-4 | E 3-4| EB 8} 2°2 24 |SE 3 | SE 2-3 | SE» 2-3 | SE 2| ESE 2-3 | SE 2\E 2|SE 1-2 | SE 1-2 | SSE 1/8 1-2/5 Ll} 23 25 | SE 0-1 | Calm 0)E 0|E 0|E 0-1 | Calm 0} Calm 0|E 1) Calm 0B 1-2|E 1-2| ESE 1/ 03 | 26 |SE 3|SE 2-3 | SE 3-4 | SE 3| SE 3-4 | ESE 3/ESK 3-4|/SE 4|SE 2-3) ESE 3-4] ESE 4/BESE 4-5] 26 27 |E 2-8 | ESE 2-3 | ESE 2-3 | ESE 2-3 | EsE 3) SE 3/ SE 3| SE 3/ SE 2-3 | SE 3|SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | 3'L 28 |SE 3-4 oe 8-4; ESE 3-4) ESE 8|/ESE 8-4|SE 3|SE 2-3 | SE 3|/ESE 3-4| SE 3-4 | ESE 4| ESE 4| 31 29 |S 2-3 2)5 1-2|/SSW_ 1-2/8 2/8 1-2/8 12/8 2/SSE 2-3|SE 2| SSE 2|/SSE 1-2] 25 30 | WSW 1-2 NNW 0-1} W 1-2| W 1-3 | W 0-1|;}NW 1-2) W 1-2| W 0-2}NW 0-1) WNW 0-2) NW 1-3) W 1-3] 1°5 MEAN 2°85 2°72 2°82 2°73 2°82 2°85 2:75 2°78 3°25 3°07 2°88 2°92 | 2°82 N32 NNE1 NE7. ENE1. E36, ESE85. SE165. SSE 46. S61. SSW26. SW47 WSW27. W76. WNW29. NW46. NNW14. Calm 21. BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 263 WIND. DIRECTION AND Force (0 to 12). DECEMBER 1895. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Zh 8 9 10 11 12 Max. Dir’n. Force.| Div’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.) Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.) Dir'n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir'n. Force. SW. 1-3 | W 2-4) WSW 1-3| W 2-4)/SSW 2-4] W 2-4 | W 1-2 | W 1-2| W 1|WSW 12|/WNW 0-2;NW_ 1-2 4 2i|NW 1-2/NW 1-3) WNW 1-3/NW_ 1-3;}NW_ 1-3] W 2|WSW 1-3) W 1-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2-4) SW 2-4 | SW 3-4 8 3. | ON 2-4; NW 2-4/N 1-4|NNW 1-3|NNW 1-4| NNW 2-4|)|NNW 1-3/N 24|NW 213|N 12);NW 1-2|NW 2 4 4 |NW 24|/NNW 0:2/NW 1-3;|NW 1-2;/;NW 1-3/NW 1-3/NW 1-2|/;NW 1-2| W 3|/NW 3-4|NW 2-4|)NW 3-5 6 & |N 3-6 N 3-7 |[N 3-8 | N 3-8 | N 3-8 | N 3-7 | N 2-5 | NW 2-5 | NW 2-5 | NW 3-6 | NW 3-5 | Var. 3-7 8 6 | Var 2-5|N 2-4) N 2-5|WNW 2-4) NW 2-5 | NW 2-5 | NW 2-4| NNW 2-4] NW 2-4 | NW 4-8 | NW 3-6 | WNW 2-5 8 aac) | N 1-3| N 3-5| NNW 2-4|N 2-4 | N 3-4; NNW 2-3} NNE 2|N 2-3 | NNW 2\|N 2-3 | N 1-2|N 1-3 5 8 | N 12)N 2-3) N 12|N 23) N 2-4|N 12/N 12|N 1-2 | N DN 1-2) N 1-2) N 1-2 4 9 | WSW 3|WSW 1-2|SW 3-4] W 2-4| WSW 3-5| WNW 2-4) WNW 12| W 2-3 | W 1-2 | W 1-3| N 1-2|NNW 2-4 5 10 1-3 1-3)|E 1-3)N 1-3 | Var. 0-1 | N 2-4| N 1|N 2) N 2-3 | N 1-2| N 2\|N 1-2 4 ll | SW 2-3/5 2-3| WSW 0-2)WNW 0-1|NW 0-1|NW 1-2!NW 0-2|NNW 12/NW 0-1) NNW 1;NW o0-1|;NW 12 3 12 |SSW 23{S 2-3/8 3 | SSE 4 SSE 4-5 | SSE 5 SSE 4-5/8 5-6 | SSE 5 | SSE 4| SSE 3/58 2-3 6 Pos iN 1-3|N 2-4| NE 2-5 | NE 2-4 | NE 2-4) NE 2-4 NE 2-4| NE 1-3| NE 2-4 | NE 2-4|N 2-3|ENE 2-4 5 14 |SW 0;SSW 1-2/8 2/S 2\8 2| SSE 3.8 2-3 | SW 3) W 3) SW 3-4 | W 3| SW 3-4 4 | 15 |SW 1| W 1|W 0-1 | Calm 0| ESE 1| ESE 2 ESE 2) ESE 3| ESE 3 | ESE 3|ESE 2-3|ESH 2-4 4 16 | SE. 4-5|SE 5-6 | SE 6-7 | SE 7|SE 7-8| SE 6 | SE 4-5 | SE 3-4|SE 3-4 | SE 3-4 | SE 3-4/| SE 3 8 17 |ESE 6-7/HSE 7-8| ESE 8] ESE 8| ESE 7-8| ESE 6-7)| SE 5|/ESE 5-6|ESE 4-5/SE 5-6 | ESE 5|ESE 4-5 8 18 *|=&E 1-2/BSE 0-1/ESE 2-3/ESE 23/5 2-3 | 1-2; E 1/SE 0-1| ESE 0-1|ESE 1-2/|SE 1-2|E 1-2 3 19 | ESE 2| ESE 2| SE 1-2|SE 1-2| SE 1-2/SSE 1-2) SSE 1/ SSE 1|SE 1) SSE 1| SSE 1| SSE 1 2 20 | NNW 1|N aE O|N 0-1| N 1-2 1-2) N 1-2} NE 1,/N 0-1! N 0-1| N NT 0-1 2 | 21 =| Calm 0\SE 0-1|SE 0-1) SE 1|SE 1/SE 1) Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| SE 0-1 | SE 1| SSE 1 3 22 |SE 3| SE 3-4 | SE 4-5 | SE 4-6| SE 5-7 | SE 6-8 6-7 | E 6-7| ESE 6-7) ESE 7-8| ESE 7|ESH 7-8 9 23 | SE 6-7 | ESE 8|/SE 6-7 | SE 7-8| ESE 7-8|SE 5, ESE 5-7/5 6-8| ESE 7-8|ESE 8-9) Es 6-8|/-Ws# 5-6] 11 |} 24 | ESE 8-11|} HSE 9-11) ESE 10-11) ESE 11 | ESE 10-12} KSH 10-12) ESE 10-11| ESE 10-12] ESE 11-12) ESE 11-12) ESE 10-12)|SE 9-11} 12 | 25 | ESE 11-12) ESE 11-12| ESE 11-12] ESE 10-12| ESE 9-11| ESE 8-11; ESE 9-11|SE 8-11| ESE 8-11/SE 9-11) SE 9-11 | SE 9-11) 12 | 26 | ESE 7-9| ESE 7-9|ESE 7-9|ESE 8-9|ESE 7-9|ESE 5-7| ESE 7-8|SE 6-8| ESE 6-8) ESE 67/|SE 5-7|SE . 5-6 9 | 27 |ESE 2-3|ESE 3-4) ESE 3.| ESE 3| ESE 3 | ESE 3| ESE 3 | ESE 3|SE 2-3 | SE 3/ SE 2-3|/ESE 2-3 4 | 28 | SE 1-2} SE 1|SE 1|SE 1] SSE 2| SSH 2-3 | SSE 2-3 | SSE 2-3 | SSE 2-3|SE 3|SE 3|SE 3-4 5 29 |S 2-3 |S 2-3/8 2-3)S 2-3|5 2-3 | SW 1-2| SW 2|W 1-2} WNW 1-2) WNW 1-2|WNW 12|/NW 1-2 3 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0|SE 0|SE 1/SE 1-2| SE 1-2 | SE 1-2/SE 1-2|SE 1-2| SE 2|SE 2-3 3 218 1;/SSW 0-1) SSW 1/8 1|SW 1-2;SSW 1-2/8 wis 1-2/5 12/8 1-2 | SSW 2 3 3°10 3°34 3°37 3748 3°68 3'D8 311 3°23 3°19 3°52 3°21 3°32 | | 14 ab) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Midnight. |Mean.) Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force. 'Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force. Din. Force. |Dir'n. Force.|Force. 1 | WNW 12;/;NNW 1-2] WNW 0-1) W 0-1}/NW 1-2}|NW~ 1-2) W 12;/NW 0-2)};NW 0-2) NNW 0-2} WNW 0-2} NNW 0-2] 1°6 2 |W 3-5 | SW 2-5|WSW 4-6 SW 5-8| WSW 3-7/ SW 3-8 | SW 3-6 | N 1-4|N 1-4|N 1-4/NW 1-3 2-4 | 371 3 (N 1-3 | W 0-1)NNW 1-3|}NNW 1-2}NW_ 1-3/NW 1-3/W 1-2|/NNW 1-2)|NW 1-2;|NW 1-3/NW 1-3/NW_ 1-3] 2°0 4 | NNW 2-4) NW 26|NNW 2-4) N 2-5) NNW 2-4) N 2-5 | NW 2-4|NNW 2-5| NW 2-5 | NW 3-5 | N 3-6} NNW 2-4] 2°9 6 |NW 3-6;NW- 3-5/N 2-4) N 2-5|NW 2-5/N 8-7| Var. 3-5/ Var. 2-5) Var 3-5 | N 3-7 | N 3-6 | N 2-5] 4:3 6 | WNW 2-5|/NNW 2-4|N 1-3| WNW 1-3|}|NW 3-5|NW_ 3-5/N 1-4|N 4-5 | N 1-3;|;NNW 45|/N 1-4;NW 4-6] 3-4 oo | LN: 1-2| N 2-3] N 2-3 2-3 2-4|NNE 2-3|N 2-3| N 2-4|N 2-3:| N 1-3 | N 2-3} N 2-3] 2°5 8 |N 2 12/N 2| NNW 1-2] NNW 1)/NW~ 1-2/SW 1-2 | SW 2/|/SW 2-3 | SSW 3) SSW 3/8 3] 1:9 9 |WNW 1-2|;WNW 2/|NNW 1-2) NNW 1) ™ 1-2} NNW 1-2/ Var. 0-1/N 1-2 N 0-1| N 0-2 | N 1-2|)N 0-2] 1°9 lo |N 2-3| N 1-2|N 0-1) N 1/N 1|N 1-2) WNW 1-2) SSW 2|SW 2|| SW 2/58 2-3 | SW 2-3] 1:8 NW 1|/NW 1|/ NW 0! Calm 0} NW il || Sf 0-1} WNW 1-2/)SW 1-2 | SW i| WSW 1/SwW 2|SSW B41) “a(cil ) 1-2|N 2|N 1-3 | Ni 1-3 | N 1-3/N 1-3| N 0-1 | NE 0-2 | NE 1-3|NNE 1-3|N 13/NE_ , 1-3] 2°3 NE j2-4| NE 1-3|N 12 N 1-2| NE 1-2 | NNE 1| NE 1-2|)N 1-2) NE 0-1) N 1-2| NNW 0-1}/NW _ 0-1} 2°1 SW 3-4| WNW 3-4] W 0-2. W 0-2| WNW 1-2) W 1-2| WNW 1-2| W 1-2 | W 1-2, | W 1-2 | W 1) WSW it |) PHO) E 2-4 2-3] E 0-2 EH 1|E 1| ESE 2|SE 3/SE 3|SE 3/SE 3| SE 2/SE 3) 2:1 ESE 3|ESE 45|ESE 5-6| BSE 45/ ESE 5|ESE 4-5| ESE 4/ESE 4-5|ESE 45/)ESE 3-4|/HSE 3-5/H 2-4} 4°5 ESE 23/ESE 2-3/E 1-2), BSE 3-4] ESH 3| SE 3-4 | ESE 3/E 3-4) ESE 3-4) ESE 1-2} ESE 3/5 1-2} 4:4 ESE 1-2/ESE 1-2/SE 12) SE 2-3 | ESE 2}ESE 2-3|SE 2-3 | ESE 2 | ESE 2| ESE 2|SE 1-2 | ESE PA lord SSE 1/SSE 1/8 0-1/5 1|§ 1/ SSW 1/SSW 1/SW 0-1 | Calm 0 | NW 1| NW 0;/NW~ 0-1} 1:0 Calm 0| Calm 0|NNW 0-1); NNW 0} Calm 0! NNW 1 1/NNW 0-1/N 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0! Calm 0} 06 s 1-2] SSE 1-2 | SE 1-2 SE 1-2] SE 1-2)/SSE 1-2/SE 2|SE 2|SE 3/ SE 3| SE 2-3 | SE Bi) ass) ESE 6-7|SE 6-8 | SE 6-8 SEH 7-8 | ESE 7|SE 6-7 | SE 6-7 | SE 7-8 | SE 7-8| ESE 7-8) ESE 7-8|SE 8-9] 6°5 SE 5-6 | ESE 5-6 | ESE 8-9| ESE 9-10]} ESE 8-10]ESE 9-:0/SE 8-10] ESE 10-11} ESE 10-11} BSE 11} ESE 9-11 ESE 9-11} 8:0 SE 8-11/SE 10-11] ESE 10-12| ESE 10-12|ESE 98-11/ESE 9-11] ESE 10-11/SE 10-11) ESE 9-11| ESE 11-12) ESE 11-12| ESE 10-12 / 106 SE 910) ESE 8-11} ESE 9-10) ESE 8-10/ SE 8-10 | SE 8-9 | SE 7-9|ESE 7-9|ESE 8-10) ESE 8-10) ESE 8-10| ESE 8-10| 9°6 SE. 4-5 | ESE 3-5 | ESE 2-4/E 2-5/5 3-4 | ESE 3-5 | E 2-4/5 4-5|E 3-4| E 2-3) E 0-2/| E 2-3 | 5'2 SE 2|SE 2|ESE 23)|)ESE 1-2|SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 2/S8 12 | SE 1-2 | SE 2| SE 2-3 | SE PI) ai SE 3-4 | SE 3-4 | SE 4-5| SE 4|/SE 3-4 | SE 3|SE 3|SE 2|SE 2-3|SSE 1-2/8 2-3/8 2-3 | 2°6 NW 1-2| NW 1-2|N 0-1; NNW 0-2)NNW 1-2/N 1-2|N 1-2/N 0-1] N 0-1 | N 0-1 | N 0-1) Var. Q-1| 1:5 SE 2/SSE 12/SSE 12/SE 1|S8 1)/SSW 0-1|/W 0-1) WSW 0-1) SW 0-1; W 0-1 | W 1-2 | WSW iy) wort 8 2-3)/SSW 1-2/S 2\58 2|SSE 2-3 |S 2\8 2-3/5 2/8 218 2/8 2-3/5 2-3] 1:7 3°05 2:98 2°85 | 2:97 3:03 ob 2°64 3°03 2°94 3°06 3°00 3°02 | 3°17 N123. NNE4. NE17. ENE1. E28. ESE137. SE122. SSE28. S40. SSW15. SW3l. WSW13. W34. WNW22. NW 68. NNW38. Calm 23. JANUARY 1895. BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. AMOUNT OF CLOUD (0-10). CLOUD. 264 eH ADDO” ~-O1wOMAN FWAOrO CONCH WOCCM COO are onl are Pla li | io) 10) Se for) Se ee ee eee 22 OD Sconmio =) = ss S10 AWCON CROWS SoSoScO oe) a be | ML All Il Ill WAN MMS UAT AA MEM ge és Hl tl = Ill WW MM WS ee | HOA WM MESHS SUMS WMS WEE Se HS Mn be a TMM StS2 NSO SPS SOOT TPIS TRIE =< al | Wn Mee? 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UN Ul 2 fe KS MS MS SS ME, INS esos = MMS ESOS SSI Se Tih SET sal 2 | mien Sucums mS mime we me WMS MM WES + i aS NSS NA SIS SSE Se SIP TIE UIST eS SS —————rrienneemmmmeniemmmemmtmmmmmememneenee ee A | WM ee SMS > MS SASS TN UML 9 °° I eS SMS NUNS Se eS aT INLINE ITA = | Ses MNCS MS MMS WS MAS WM Sn? he oO Se Sy] ANNs So MMe Com SS IMM WM = | Onn Suc me Wan MMS IM fe 12 II) | fl 29 | cs Ie = CO (PS |) SSS SMO SOS AP =) | SSS Sees fi WM MSS SS SS RES SSSI SoS" SE IA n | co We MNS TN AA i KP NES A AE NEN" MS x cP | Pa meio ||| fret 101 TOU 111 ~ | ANA AW A OT NS S SOE SS SS SNS TI Se SoTL tT —) | w0mmm mi = II | n WA WS TA IS = MMnie 2 Ses > SSSe il SSS IAEA IUEMT Ne) | WA A ul WS WS UM ET TH IS ee Hinnen *~nene ceeoeeon cesses Tnilihi mim 3 es | WEA AL aT A in Wn Sumo mw WMS WM mmc Wins > MMH MMS YS SSS STITT LETTE = or) | WW Mme WOM MM SU MMS MMS WN MANS Wes ee Wine m wesse cesayy SSssce Wei WM = nN | Hue oH MMSS HM MAM CMM MW WM Wee a Mien weinses SsssSocosso ISMN wii § q | WM MASS SSE TT eS >t on 2 > {HUNSTANTON TT TTT TERT eT | name eneos pues Sues SARAR RNRRSS 2 G |Asawe onwss naMwE SHOTS TNRAR RNR | 5 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 265 CLOUD. AMOUNT OF CLOUD (0-10). MARCH 1895. 1|2/3|4]5/6 | 7/8 | 9 | 10} 11) 12] 13] 14] 15] 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 28 | ABA Vopean, ght. il — a or 2 2 2 aa 0 2 2 2 = 10 2)=/2=/2/2/=/ 2/2) 8) =/ =)=)/=]=)/=/=!/=!] 71/=! 6] 6] 6] 7] 9} 10 9 38 | tld; = 9/=)=/= 7\|= 5) FIO) Sy) Shee) eS] e)ele]e=)]=le= 1 9 4 0/10; =] 5/10 2) 6 | 5) 6 =) = S]Sljlel/=/=/= = 8 56 }|=)/=/=)/)=/e=2 2/)=\=/= BPH /=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=/=;/= = 10 6 = |= = = |= = = | = SHSl=H=/=/= = 10 7 |=/=/e=2 7\|= 0; 0} O}-0) 6| =|] = y=/=)] 6/= SP esas Ol) 8 7| 9) = 7 8 = — = = SPH] =]=/=) =/=/=)/=/2/2=/=/2=!/=:1 2 10 9 |=)/=/2/=2 = = 87 0} 0; = =/ lv} 6) 2/=2)=);2=/=)] = 9 10 |}=)=)=/=/=) 6] 6] 8/= 7 | OJbeletlelelel= = = | 9 1 Sl=a/=/=)/=/= a 7 =/|= = |= ALM ©) Hh TUG) |) AO) Hh AKO) |) 20) |} 110) 10 12 =}/=/=)] =/ 10 7\/=/)=\=. = SHESlp=Hl=]/=)/= = 10 1B} SPHjy=Hl_=H)=/=/= 2);=2)/=)/2=)/=7=2=/=/=/=/= 7 7)luj=l=ile=z = 9 14 Sl=H=/)=;/=/= =i = =| = Sf) Sy Ee ff SS HS | ES = — 10 15 ee ow | ES ES = | SES | SS SS SS SS = = 10 16 SlHl=l/=/=)=);)=)/=)/2/=2 — a | 2 = 10 5 oi 2 2 2 a 2a 220 8 18 |=|=/ =] 0O/=/= = SBPHl=/=)]=/=/=/=)/=)/=/=/= = 10 19°) = = = S=Sl=/=/2=)=)=]/=!= SlrSl=)/=/=] = 10 90 |=|)/=)/)=/= = 20) een a 0 — eet = 10 21 S)= SS )2/2 =) =] 2) =/2=2)/= = = = 10 22 SlPSfa,/=/2/2=2/2/)=/e2 4 9; 1 i 9} 6/=/=/= 9 24 Sl= (=) =2=/2/2)/ 2/2) =2/=2)/=)/=2=72/=2)/=)/=/=/2/=/=2 = = 10 25 Sl=al)=)/=)=/=)/=2/= = Slip =H=l|=/=/=/=/=)/=)/=/=2 = 10 26 — i = = = — 10 27 =|/=)=/= 3) 4] 0} 0] OJ B/=/=2=]7y=/=2 7,;=/= 8/10|/=)/=)=/= = 8 28 Sl=(/2/2/2)=2=)/2/2=/2=)/=/=/=2 = Hel=/=)/=)/2!/=/e= = 10 29 Sl=l= SPS l=a/=2=/=/=)/e=2 = = S=S)l=S/=/=/= = 10 30 SES), _= =/= ea = Slre=f=H/=/=)|)=/e= = =i = = 10 MEAN. | 9°7 | 10:0) 10:0) 9:4 | 9°8 | 8:7 | 9°1 | 8-7 | 9:0 | 9°5 | 9:4 | 9:8 1. 9°6 | 9°5 | 9-7 | 10°0| 9°8 | 9:4.) 9°51 9°5 195195 )96) 9:5 9°5 CLOUD. Me i APRIL 1895. 1 bl 6 |=) d = — le) =] = See) S| = Ol =] SB] 7 Bh 2) OC Al 8 2 OH ON i st, ONS TUN ote 7 al CEA CO ay] Tel le 77a en an eee a a 6 S| Blele/2) 2) 2/2) 2/2) =) 2/2) 2)! S)/= =) 2) 8| 9} =} 10} 10 10 4°) =] =/10) =) =] =] =] =] =] =] =] OP =; 10] 6] «| 9) =ly=)]=] 5] 5] 7} 10 9 5 |10)/10;10/10) 10) ==) =) =) =) =)/ =7=/=/=/2=/=/2 =/=/=/= = 10 6 SS SS iS SS | SBS I ES SS aS SS ES BE ES SE J KE I BE SE | SE] S110 ES 5 | 10 6 10 7 OMe OM OM Os 2 ON Sa SON OO TO 9) Gs) VO") HON) SO Oa a 2 8 8 Sian eae er eal LOD) eS eS ia = | a = 9 9 Sl= =. = i | 2 2 2 — 2 = 10 10 SS SS SS SS SSS SSS a a SS SS I ES SS SE SS SS SS SS SS = 10 11 a SPS] Sf SE ES | = SF =] 10] 10] 10) 10) 10; =) ES) 9/10; = 10 12 SPS = = =a ee ee = 10 13 =/= On OF) 40) 0) (00) SSS = = 9/10/10} 6; OO; O 0 6 14 O\ O} ©} OF} OF Oh ON By OC Oy) Oh O]) 1) TO Bee SOs sh) Oy) Wy Oy oO 0 0 15 Oo} O} OW OF} By Ol Oy) OW OF Ol ©} Ol] Ol Oi ONO ON SO OT Oy) Oo Oy) 0 0 16 Ol C1 O}] C1 O] CH OW O} WO} OO} ©} OF OF Oy Ze Go ao] 2 OO 0) 1 17 Gi Oi Ol OW TO SO BEN OT Se TE) at se Oa apy A SS NS GH oy) sh atl) ally) 4 HE | TO | TO |) WO |) WO ay) to Sy SHY By Wl WH EO et aK @ fh 3K) |) aly |) tO] al 9 19 | 10} 8/10) 10 | 10 SSS SSeS eS SS SS ow 8 10 2) ee eS SS ee LO 10) OY) SS = 10 21 Sf Sj] Sj) HH] Haha /=/=/= = = H=Sl=/=)2/=)/)/=)/)=)] = 16 22 |}|=)|)= = = | SIO) = | =) SS SSS eS eS SS SF SS ES = 10 23 a 2 =f Sfl=l=/=/2=)/=)/= = 10 24 Sle) Sel] =/=)/=)/ =] =)/ =)/=)/=/=]=);= GLO), =] Sj =)|/=/=)/)2)= = 10 95 ee 2 = | Se ea = | Sa =) eS) = | SS aS aS aaa aS Se ea a = 10 26 Sl=fHS/=/;=/= SS) =) =) a4 SS eee ff eS ES | ES | SS | = = 10 27 SleHl=/=/=/=;=)/e2 0; 8|/=)\)= 9} 9/10) = By om ll 7 4; 3/ 5] 4 0 8 28 Gama Tae sSe|) Gh hae 109) a Salen —ae—oONe ON 10s 8 |S SS SSS eS eS 7 9 fH lH] Be] SE] HE] BS BE BS BE BE SE Ey EL ES SE ES = = = 10 30 | ee | SS SS Sd ES SE HS = EO 8) AO lo | ee || WO) We SS SS | = 9 Meany. | 7°5| 7:5 | 7-4| 7:5 | 7:8! 75 | 7-9| 8-2) 7°7|7°9 | 8-4 | 8:31.85 | 8°7 | 8:7 | 8:7 | 8:4 | 8°8| 88) 8-7) 83)75/76) 7:83) 81 N oa TRANS. ROY. SOC. EDIN.—VOL. XLIII. MAY 1895. BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY, AMOUNT OF CLOUD (0-10), CLOUD. 266 i BS SSDARrD NOwWSCO HAMM|D OWIHDADS ROWOH OONi-Ho 1S i SHIMON FAMM~OSD CHOORN FOOD OD CDOMHDSO ADRDDH al S ad ol pad eo ~ 19 coal onl ele | odo 4 ie lor) a ED a ye | - © Q ° nN Zep | Ser SS SSeS EPS SMES SES SST S AMS SCOTT MSS "IS IS 2° {SSA =e ~ 5] © a ls € : 10 a | W$Sererey Ses SNM MSSM ices Nee Seee paras P= iS WIPES SAT OMIT Se COTES MISS EAM Sa = Ss ww l=) * F = nc a | NESSES SN STITT TN TC TITIES Sean TNL efor HOw CUS HM MNSeo Wi Mine Me MMM & : oD ~ ~ RX | PS i Sale Me SESE ME Se see reese ee HS TN i STP TSS ese! ATS IGS SST es a Ss © ~ R | MSs SS So SIN Ss SM Se en Sees ee NU Sea SUE HN SoS Hh eet Til aes | Fa a ; of : _ a = = eel MS Ul tli ll ty all oq ail la a Se IIIb gS ive} oO rcs AOr~-OnRD Nor | tovericen ||| | OF [fos | Spl |i(oeeee S oon N Oxted li C2) |\j| = S Ill tll | ll ioe HS WS lt S al onl me nl co Lo et fora) ao Il ol | a ics Syasco CGONOoOD HOO HOD SSHSS aSSisaoo SN ADija4 noo ~~] on OS toMéms DOD ‘= | | Il Il ll Ill | HM ttt Il al cal a4 ol ola - MW SGP St il fet gn) 1 ro mr nl ao Lf 4 — _ — ae boa) | I] |e a Oooo 1S III (= Ho aD \| lI SOoOMOt DWHOnm~D Il! ez) l| om~ {| N 1g is | So =) mo oo ll | Teo n~nronm | baa eae rt cer onl ar coon tol ~ rc = noe aml ie) inp} lll ron Norwsoco 0100 (| | ~Orn | | ZS |(I| Wes {Ie eureols N | SS iiles PINS | S SS ie tls lI oO Isomwan RO | So | oo) 1 on! | ne are oO i rc r= | re lo ce rc ~ eee SR RR SR a ADS GDOWODSS ODWAH [= &Qao { at~S apo) ho Ras) S 1 OS a HOw ¥ | nOON ‘le tll \| | Ill || 702 fon on) | as | > a Wile aS = | Il Il Ill = Mi WSS We = Il ill = = | iat : Be inie a > ° —) a> oONM = ry = ea =e cenee eu (INI: ene? Ss Me AINSI MS PSS IIS eee Til Sree Ilr lll IN Sere Re : = a ¢ [J] PND OMWao = | UU RSS MSS tas (Pasi ea) Bt (tT (chee |= ca N=) SS INAS! MS TIT Teil SP | : S 10 So moo S oo a | WI SS sae ee PTS Heol ltl ll esecee erty Mies UL ITP ll tserr=0llice (e M2 eS SST MAS He =| Sites Re ' > 3 a) | NSO ISOC SIO HLA SYN IMME INUAIMN SSNS WC US now oO oO > i | MT PS NE Cee SHIN WIEN E PSI Ee MISS {SS SST VTE TTT ML Sets AUT IAB Seee St T= Vill Se ; ' 5 Vo} 4 Wo} ~2 7 Qyon ra) | NL TS) EOE SETTLE MU Till emeheshe | ce 1 ene a We Sune lies LUN ttl ts Ih ll 2 i>) ; ORAN QOD =o 19 | Ta ese ole ere LIS Sal ICES (FM ees Mee M2 = Tl MM Me S SMT HT Still 7 a Yas Butte ium Wi aan oi ANDO O ig 1 ! > sl | {IHL eS RS MTEL TT TUT A OU MNS Peo Re SSN PENT aS HST Nl ze UT MT Al Wt = ‘ : ¥ ; AN 19 1)O > oe) SS SSM eons SAI) HSS ONG! as SS IS SSA MSM se Se STITT TIT est WS WM oS so — ~ ‘ a ofp yo coco AMS OyHoo PF nN | WS eS IS SS SSS SSS a Desi ec aaa a (Sh A a 1S lll ill ll tee a8 ; aK = = i x « N | oc oo co OO 0 }1)99 ) = a | a ee Se SAN aN lS [lS || 2S eS Sy SSS eT TANS aT 1 Ui ll 1 Mil (pecs Nees A = No 2 OhORMRS HAMHIQ OLMABMO GF NN OE Oe SOY a SS Oa ST CRN Co iog eae ee aq (2) TAN COS OI OR IN MMA ANAAN NANI 8 § = = BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 267 CLOUD. AMOUNT OF CLOUD (0-10). JULY 1895. 1/2)3)4)/5|6 | 7] 8] 9 | 10] 1 | 12) 18 | 14 | 15 | a6 | 17 | 18] 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 28 | BEA Patean, i 38/ 2)/=)/;=)] 8] 9/10) =| 10 = 9/10} 9|/10); =|] =! =] 10) = = Wo Se EO Be Se Ty eG TO (aC ney ay Wako) yf eset} ala) Ip ae |) ee |) — 3 — i i 2 0 0 = 4,2 /2/2=2/2=/2=/=)/=/= oye =F) |.10 |) 8B) OD) SD) OP Oh OLD 1 5 1/ 1] 2/ 4] 8/10/10) =)=/2=/=2)/e= = = =/=] 5] 4] 6 6 6 il) Se ee) a as SS SS Se aS SS Sareea SS aS eS aS SS SS | SS 0 VSS | St SS SS] BS ES SE SE SE | ESE] EE =/=/= =Sl=/=|/=/ = 8 Hl =e | SY ES ES SES Ef SE Se] =] &] 10710) SH) SH | ES ES SE SE SE SE SE eS = Cy SS Se a SSS a SSS aS aS eS SaaS aS SaaS SS = = QS SS SS SS eS SS eS eS aS Ss ae eS eS = BOS | SS =S S =SB= SE ES SE SE SE SE EL SE ES) OS 12 SSS Sa SSS SSeS eS SS b= | 0 1) SS PS eS SS SS = 5 = 13 if] S|) Wo) SS i ON ck era SPN Tea) a as See a ae eS SS SS aS Sy 40) Sy ES ES SS ES SS SE ES SE SE SE SE | SE] 10 SE |] SE SE SE BE SE] Es = = ote a ee 0 = 6 f=) =] =/=/=)/ =) 9) 10) =) =) =) 272) =) =] =] B=] SE] ES) Se) E/E] = oa ile Se) ee aa Sat eS SS ST et SS aS Soe eS ES = See |) a SS ES = | SS a | 0) 10 = | 10) = | WO BN Oh LON SG oo it 19 |10)10/10/10/10/10);/=/=)/=/ 2/2/27 =/2)/2/2=/=/=/2/=/=/=/= = DON eS SS SS SS SS SP ESS = | DY] BPO] = | LO A | | LD) WO) LH) 6B 0} 10) = 21 Dee Oh ae) OO) SO a eS SO | SH | 8) 8) 8) ASS ES ae S|) = (22 ;=)] 8! 2) 2) 4) 9) 10) Sl ==) 2/27 =)/2=2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2 5 = a a i 2 a 2 — 2 22d | 6 24 © 10) 1 | 10 | 10 | 1 | 10 | 10) 10 |) oO | WW) Hj i=) =] =] =] =] =] 1] Bil 6) 7 0 25 Bi tL) Lt) 4) FB! 8! S11) WM] MW) Ww) 9] 9) 10) MO) MW) =) =] =/= = = 26 SS FS ES = SF SF = |} = |] = | ES SE SE SE ES SE | SBE SE | SE] SE | ESE I = = a a 2 2 2 2 2 2 222 2 22 = 28 |}=/10; 9! 9] 9)10) =) =f] =/ =) 2/=7=2/=/=)/=/=2 = =/=/= = OMG eS ei eC On eOn ye) iss) eee es eee = SS SS SS SS eS SS ae 80 | =} =] =] SE] =} SE} =] = 1] 10) 10) =] 10F]) =)! 9/10/10) =SJs= sh OP Io) 81 |/10/10;/10! 0} 3)/=/=/ 0} =] =] 9{ 10710] 10/10) 10) 10} =} 10/10)10; =| 6] 10 Mean. | 8'8 | 8°8 | 8°6 | 8:3 | 8:5 | 9:0 | 9-4 | 9:3 | 9°6 | 9-9 |10°0 | 9-9 [10:0 |10-0| 9°8 | 9-7 | 9°8 | 9:7 | 9°7 | 9:5 | 9:3} 9218-5] 9:0 CLOUD. AUGUST 1895. TU PCO era, CP == —— a —— Vt =a et — GO i GO oO eV = 10: 2 \/= i =/=/M)/=)= = 10 By Ht ef BE EB EB BE SE BE SE BS ES SE Ee SE J SE SE | SE 10] ES] SE] 10) = 6 = 10 4 SH p=) 10) =) =) =) =/= 9;/10/= 9/10) =| =] =| 10 if Sh BO! oe 9 10 5 9) 10 | 10} 9 | 10} 1 | | 10) =|} =| 9) 10] 10) 10) 10 | 10 | = | 10) 10) lO} =) =] =] = 10 6S) SH J BS SI EH I BE Ee Ee Et Ea = 9 8 8 7 EH] =] 10] =] =] =] 10) 10] 10 10 7 SPS] Hf] =] =] = | = = 8) =| =/=] =) 0| 10 = = 0; 0 = 9 8 aS | Ol =| 0} 2! Sia ig Ota! Oo! w' Bi Oo) 1 Sro) sli=i 2 3 6 9 5| 5) 7] 6] 7) 9) 8B) 9) =l Hla] EP =] Ee] BE EB BE BE SE ESE SE ] SS SE = 9 OD j= SS | SES SE SE | EH EH ES OB aT 8B! 0/10) 8] 7) 8) 8) ey =)=/ = 9 11 = ec c= eS SSS SS SS SS SS SS Sse aaa) 9/ 6 3 | =! 10 | 10 10 10 12 |=/10/10) =) =) =) =/ =] =) =] HEH) EP Ee ES SE BE BE BS BE SE] SE | EE = 10 13) =) =/=/=)/ =) =) =/=2/=2=)/)=)/=/=]= 8;}/=] 8} 8/=)] 6/=)/= 6; 9 9 9 14 | 10 | 10) 1) Wirt) 9) 9) =) VIM) =/=f ev) =/ 6] 8B) 4] 7) 7) 1) 0} 0} 0 0 if 15 SON O Nee | a =) 2 | Sa Oe SRO TOR 10 tO} 9) |) WO | 8) ON LON) NO) |) = 7 1 a ee ee See eee =/= =|) = 10 te | SS = SS | SS = LE BSH | Sy a Bl 8B 8 LD) 8 WSS eS eS @ 9 18 5/10/10/10/10;10} 9} 4; 5} 5) 9}10} 9/ 9) 10/10)10)10;=/=)=/=)]/= = 9 11) 9) | 50 a2 —— aD (aa 2 J 10 DAO ei (a 2222002 10 VA i i i 2 2 i = = SS |S | = = 10 22 = | a —— 2 — 2a 9; 9)/10; =|] =] =] 10] 10 1 0 9 233 fH lH Easy =/=/=)/=2 1) 1] 4) =/]= fF =/10)/ 10) =/10)/=/2=/=/=/= 6 = 9 OY i a — 22 22 2 10 25 SSS SS SS SS SS SS SS St aS SES I ES J SE | NY ES = = | =| = = 10 71 le eS eS eS eS eS eS es SS eS eS ee ee eee ee ee 10 On aa i 2 aa 2222 10 C0) eae (ee (FF) 2 a 2 10 BL pH BaP Ha HE] BS, BE Ee BE BE BE EB ET Er EI EI EE BE SE SE Be Ee Es = = 10 Mean. | 9-0 | 9:0] 9:6 | 9:4| 9:3 | 9-9 | 9°3 | 9:1 | 9-4 | 9°38 | 9°8 | 9°8 F9°5 | 9°7 | 9°7 | 9°7 | 9°6 | 9°7 | 95 | 9°B | G4 92) 85] Bw 9-4 268 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. CLOUD. AMOUNT OF CLouD (0-10). SEPTEMBER 1895. 1 | 294) 25 oalige | Tales | 9 | 10} 11 | 12] 13 | 14] 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 20 | 28 | Mi 1 = =| = | a | SS SS aS aS SSS eS = — 2 A\|l=)=e2)\e, = 9/10} lv) =|] =; =|] =} 10 = = 3 a 2 a 2 22 = a or 2 2 2 2 2 = 5 SPH =H=i/=/=)/=/= | SES =), = 9) SS SE Se = | SS SS | = 2) 8 5 6°) 8) 0) OO 2) 8) Sa re | 7 9 | eoreoa eagle u MON eta ieee teal es if Sl=Hl=/=/=]/ =, = SPH = =) =/=)/=/=/=/=/=/1= = 8 SlPfHlfeSi)=/=)/ = | = a 8} 5) 8/10} =)= f= 9 9 9 Se Si es LO OR vz Sie O] Dab Col) ey Ny SE ee 20) Oy hl] © 9 10 =/=/ =] =] =} 10} 10] 10 | 10} =/]10/)104)10;10) 8|10) 9} 9}]10)10);=)=/= = wil =/=/= = | | = SES) B/2/2/2/2/2/2/!£. = i SS Sh Sa SSS ee SS SS Sa aa Ss ee ee ee 13 SO Sa a ON et Ri CBE Gi te) Ol = |.) © 1 14 Ph) HN OT lje=)=2) 2 =2)/2)/=/=7= = = |= 0O;=/=)/)=/= = W |=) =) 2/2/42) 2/2) 2 2) B=] =) =7 =] =) BE] EHS] SE] SE] SE eS ESS = aS e222 i 22 — 2 i a = = ee = i SS HE), Ba/ B=) B=) =] =. =) BE Ba) BaF =) BE | BE EB SE BE BS SE ES Es = = i fSye|e)=/=)/=/e | =| ees SS |) SS Se eon 19 | =| = = =] =) =] =] =| 10410) iv] 10) 10) 10) = | =} =] =] 10} 10) 10 PAD AMO EN A EMO RO SO Bi) 2 |) 0) |p UG) |) | | AKO OS SMO oO uO SS ON GO) OF Oi} = A SSS hale) Ss = ae2° 2) Sehae) el obs aH e] ese] elel=s=/ele)] = 2) Sf) =] =] =] =] =] = = | =] =] =| LT 1 ea Sy SS OF On O} 0 6 23 Oo Wy) OW OP Oy Oy ti Oy AN ON Ol Os ON OO ae! O) O} Mie O} O} @ 0 0 24 OF ee l= 4 9/10/10) 10) =j)=/=/=7=/= SPS), 2/2 /=)/=/=/= = 9 PSE | eNOS A Se UO ce) l=) = S| (SS eS tS FS SS eS | SS eS | = | C= 9 27) SH) =) = /2/ =2=)/ =] =! =] =] =] =] 10710] 8) 7/10) =) =l)=/=/=] 2] 0] = 9 28 OT ON RO OR aN is 2E SF) OB al a Gy GO a ee Sree Ol Oh Oy), Gel w 0 2 29 Oy MO} Dy OW} O} Of O} O} OF OF OF} O)) Oi ay Oy O) O} OF} OF O} O} OF} © 0 0 30 CO Oy Oi ON ON Ol O | Ol Ol Cy Oh a Oi Oy ay oy Oa Wi) O} O} 0 0 MEAN. | 7°4| 7°6| 73) 7°] | 7°8 | 8:2 | 8°4| 8:2 | 81 | 8°3 | 8:1! 8-07 7°38 | 7°8 | 7:9 | 8:3 | 8:2 | 8:7 | 8:1) 7:5 | 79/69/69} 7:8 78 CLOUD. OCTOBER 1895. De | kOs| |) 0, P60 20 hae ease econ ull uN) 6h 401801) ean Gruen o | = l=l=l|=\e 4 2) Se )2)=2/2/=2)/2/ = =/2/ 2/2/4272! 2) =) 2/2/22) =/=/2/=/= cd 10 ey SPS, HE)E/2/2)/=2/=2=)/2/2/ 2/2/72 /2/2/2=/2=/= 2/2 | SHES l=/= = 10 4 8,/=H=)/=/= 6 | = 8/ 7|/10;/=/= 8f=|;/=/\= 0); 9/= | 10/=/|=/=/= = 9 65) Ss) =) S|) =) S)/ 2) =) 2/2] =] 2) =] =) =/ =/=/=!/=!/=/=!/=+/2=/=] = 10 7 a = = oa = | = = = 10 8 SHSlpLSj),e/=/=)]/=/=/= Sl] at iL GWT SS Hao ON ie) 0) O55) 8 a 9) SS) =) =) 8S] St SS S|] ESF SET =] 9) 10) 8) 10) 10) =) =] 1d) y=) = 10 1 SSS (=)S)=) =) 2/2) % |e) e) 272] =) =) 2] =) =) 2) 412) &) 10 13 S =| = = SPH /=)|,= =/= SlBe=/=),=)=/= = 10 14 — 2 — 2 2 UU) lL] 38] 6] 8) LJ ==] =e)/eE = 8 15 Be | SlH/=/=/=/=2/=/=z/= = =/10/=)| 3} =/10/ 7| 6 2 9 16 3); 0; 0; OJ =/=rFy 5|] 8] =) 8] =/ 10] 7 Slimersta| cove oN Ih ON NO Oy Oo 0 5 17 ZN 0) LONEO | OW OG OO) Uy Oy Oi s® 0 | PO Os CO OT OO Oy Ol = 1 8 =| =) =/=/=)=/\= = = 10 | ee Fa 2 10 ¢ Ser a — ar — a — = 10 2 |S) SS Sp Sle =|) =) 60) eho! shel gl ealealelealelei = 9 22) = S| = | 0S SS a se ee WP BO | SEN SE | ay BP 7 = 8 30/5) e'=/=/=| 4)/10)/ =) =] =)]10} §]10)10)/10)=/=)=/=)=/=/=]/=] = 10 24 =S =, 8)/=/=;=] 8] 0] 0] 1] Bl) Spel l=al=! 6] Sb) S=/=2/2/2=/2e2/e = 8 25 SS SS ES SE ES | BE SE =H] 8B HP Hl 10, 4] 1} 8] UO] «1h 6610) Sy= = 8 26.) 4) 6) =] 7 00) =) tO ON er) 1 2h 2 Bol 8 ee 7 al = = 8} 4/=/= 8} 3} 2/10) =/=]=/= | =/=/10| =|] =/=] =] =} 10 = 9 28 = 6 = =|=/= 7| 5fl0o); =) =)/= 9)/=/=/10) =|]=/= 10 9 29 | 10 = =| 0\/=/=/=/ 7/=| 3/=/]=] 8] 6|10/10|/=)/=/=]| 9/=/10/10| 9 9 30 5 |= = = || = SPH =) =/=)/=/=/=/=/= 6 |= 4 9 31 =| 9 =/|= A eretleey eco sede 7) LO) |) oO a Ol On |G 0 6 | | . MEAN. | 89 | 8:7 | 86 | 82 | 8:8 | 9:2 | 8°7 | 88 | 8:2 | 8:1] 7°8| 86785 | 8:8 | 8:8 | 8:4) 8:5) 87) 7:9) 8:7) 88)87)85) 85d 8:5 | | | | BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 269 CLOUD. AMOUNT OF CLOUD (0-10). NOVEMBER 1895. 1/2)3/4)5/6)7) 8 | 9 | 10/11] 12] 13] 14) 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 28 | MEP yreon 1 Oo] XO Oy Oy By Be) 0) | Ghai So) OO Ol Oy SO eal Ot a) Oil Ai Oi Ol @ 0 1 2 )/=2/e2/=/=/=/=/= | LON Oe Sa SS SS ON 00 05) Ono 0 7 3 @ OA BS sh PA Nah ah Bh Se a OO OY Se Oa aS SP Te |) at 4 4 |}=f]10)10)10)10;/=/10')=/ 6)/=/=2/272/2/2=/2=)/ =] =/=/=/=/=/=] = 10 eS SS eS SS aS SS SS SS SS SS SS eS eS | ==) =) = | Sf S| SS | S| = 10 G | S/e/e)e)2)2)2 =) =)2)/= le =) SBSl=al/=/=/=;=/=!1 = 10 7 Sy] =f = | = | =] = = = =|=/)=/e = =/= = 10 ta aad 2 a 0 = 10 es = =e) =) =/=) = 10 10 |) =/=)/2/2/ 2) 2/2) =/2=/2/2/=]7=2 = y!10) =/=/=)]/=)] =] 10 10 11 9Q)HSf/=)/=/=/=/2=/=/=/= 9/=Sy=/=/=)/=/2/=/e2 ={=]/= = 10 2) =)=/ 10) =) 7) =) =) =) =) =] =)/ S=] =) =!/=/=/= 6 | =| = 10 13 SES Ba/2/2)/2/2=2/=)/2/=/=2/2=/= f= = = Sl l=Si/=/= = 10 14 — 2 2 2 2 2 E = = 10 15 =i =/10|=)=)/)= 6) 7) 9) =) =) 27 2/ =/ =/2/=/2=/=/2=/=/=/= = 10 16) el el ele ele 10)| =) 2) 2) ee) =2laleleleleai=)/=aleleale = 10 7, SpSf/f/BH/=/s= = =! =| = = SPH =H /=/=/= = 10 W P=) =] 2) 2) 2/25) 2)/ 2) =/ =] =] B=] =/ =} =] =) 4] 0) *0' 8) =)/=/2] = 9 19 |HS ly Bal =a) =/=)/=]/=) 5) 7) 8} 8! 747] 8] SI=l 5] 1] OJBl=B!=B2/= = 8 20 2 2 2 2 2 = | = = 10 21 (a =) =| = | = SPS) =)/ =) =) 2)/=/=)]/=)/=/=] = 10 22 Sa i 2 2 2 2 (2 2 8), =/=)]/= 0 10 23 O! @} SB] LO) 2 Ba tO RO TO |) 8) S|) a ON ON Ga Ol OF O] O1 O} O} OF = 4 4) S/S) 2/=/2)/ 2/2) =/2=/=2/=/= GC) P=) ONO} O} ©} O] BO} O] © 0 6 25 Ov Of OH Of Oy =O Ol} Of Oy O} Ol Ol Oy OP Oe Oe On Ose O}) OF] GO} OH 0 0 26 | O) OF Oy Wa ON OO OO) Oh Oh Noe a SO SO SS eS 0 Oy) SS 2 27 — a 2 2 22 2 ed = 10 nl eS ee eee ee ee ee eee eee ee ee = 10 299 |) =) ES BS] BS) = Sf EE BE BE BS BS ES ES SE BE SE SE SE SE SE Ss = = 10 80 | =!/SsS/=/=/= (2/2) 2)=])=/=)/ =) = (=== (1/44/24 /=/2=/2£/2 = 10 MEAN. | 8:2 | 8°3 | 8°5 | 8°8 | 8°5 | 8°5 | 8°6 | 8°6 | 8:6 | 8:8 | 8°7 | 8:9 ' 8-2 | 88 | 8:3 | 8-4 | 7°35 | 7°4| 7°3 | 8:2) 7°83) 80/83) 83 | 83 CLOUD. DECEMBER 1895. a SES, = =/=2/= = SpH=H{(=)/=)/=/=)/=/=/= = = 10 2 )/S)/=)/2=)=/2=/2=/2=/2=/=/=/=2 =eal/=/=/= = =/ = 10 8 Sf EH) BE I BE BS BS BS ES SE ESE BE BE BE SE S| ES SE S| S|] SE SE] SE] ES C= 10 4 )=/2/=2 =/2/ 2/2] =) 2/2/=)/=/=/=/=)/=)/=/=!/=/2=/2+=/=/= = 10 5 PHS] Et =] S=]) =H 110] 91 SS] Se SET =] =] =] 9] 9) =] 10] =) =] 10/= = 10 8 |) Se) SS) Oh] |S Se | = SS = = | =| 10) 10) S ) =) S|] S10) toy S| = 10 7 |/10,;=/= 2 /=/2=/2=/=2 | =/= 8/107 9] 9/10/10) 10)/=/)/=)=2)/=2/2=2)=2 = 10 QS) HS] Ee) Sf SE) ESE ES BS ES SE ET SE EF SE SE I BE BE ESE BE SE] Es = = 10 1 Ss a ee ee na a 2d = 10 Mo) elele 2) el Ss) ea) ]) Sa) Se) 2) 2) =) el Slay] ay = | S|] OO] = |] SS ES = 10 W)Sl=/ =] 2/2) 3) =) B/S) =) 2/27 =/ =) =] =) SE] S=] SE] SE] 2S] 2/2] = 10 3 }=/=/=!/)=/ 0] 0} S)2)2(2/2=/27=/ =) 2=)/2/=!/=)/=);=] =] 0] 0 0 8 a fe Ba Be a lO SSS SSS SSS eS SS SS Sate eS tS SE | ES =] = 10 15 |=] OJ 0: 3/=/=)] 4/10/10) OJ =) SJ=Hl=/=/=/=/ 2/2! 2/2/2=/=2 = 9 On sl ee = SS SS SS SS SSS eS tS SS SS St Sh SS SS SS = 10 es ee eS eS SSS SS aS aS eS eS 10 18 |=/\= dj 4; 9] 7] 9/10) 6) =) B=) =7=2/ =] =] =] =] =] =] e/ 2/2/12 = 9 9 f=) =] =] =] =] =] =] 10] j=] 8) 10) SP =] 9) Hay =} =] =] 0; OF OF 1] O 0 7 20 4/ 5} 60] O} =] =/=/=/=)/=)/=/=]7 0] 8/ 1] 0] 0J=/]=y; OF; OF; 0} O 0 5 21 OM ONmOn Ol) TOR ON TOs) TON Os POT SOs Sa ON ON 0) | 10) 29 SS eS if a | a — 2 — aS 2D — a — aad 2S a VS) 8 10 23 Coe eS eS SS SS SS SS SS = SHSl=;/=/=/= = 10 4 Hf St Se SE ES SE BE ES EJ = ES ET SE SE BE SE SE BE BE Et 2S SS] Ee 10 23 |Hl=H =) B/=/2/2/2)/=/=)/2=/=)]= a =Sl/=/=/= = 10 Pee — ae LON ee Ne LO ON OR LOR LON eh 0) | LON) LO") LON = = 10 Gi |= ee ee = =/=/=/]=)]=) 10] 10 10 28 10/10/10) 10) 9) 2) 3) =/=)/=/2/=])2)/2/ =| =/=!|=/=/2/=/=/2/ = 9 2 | SS) = SS eS eS SS = =) = | Sf SSS eS = | SS ES | ES] = 10 3) | SS SS SS SS SS eS SS SS SSeS SS SS eS SS SS eS SS SS = 10 3) eI 2d S222 2 2 = 10 MEAN. | 9°4 | 9°2/8°8 8:7 | 9°3 | 8:3 | 9-4 10:0 9:9 | 9:9 | 9:9 | 10:04 9:6 | 9°7 | 9°7 | 9°6 | 9°4 | 9°7 | 9:7 | 9:0} 9°3 | 971) 9:0) 9°0 | 9-4 270 FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. STEVENSON SCREEN. TEMPERATURE AND AMOUNT OF CLOUD. JANUARY 1895. Temperature—Dry and wages : Area Black | Radn. Amount of Cloud, 0 to 10. gh 10" 12h 14h 164 Qin 22h Bulb.) Min. Von | om | 14m | a1 | aa oe Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet, Dry. Wet. ¥ Pe eer 3 i 7 4 1 |31:7 30°8| 82°6 30°1| 35°3 32:2] 36°6 33°7 | 35:7 34°8 | 39°7 39°3| 43°9 41°2 }39-3 | 28°87 —- 24:3] 10} 10] 10] 10 9 2 | 87:6 36:1 | 38:2 36:2 | 37-9 35°6 | 36°83 34:7 | 34:3 32-7 | 34°2 33-3 | 33°9 33°3 | 45°5 | 31°8] 45:7 | 31-7] 10] 10 fi 5 6 8 | 29:5 291] 311 30:1 | 34:2 32:0 | 34°3 32:2 | 32:8 30°1 | 33°3 30:9 | 31:9 29°4 | 35-0 | 28°6 | 46:2 | 24-7 8 8 6 2 1 4 | 29:0 [28-0]] 29°6 27:8 | 29:9 28:2 | 29:9 28°5 28°6 26:9 | 25:1 24:2 | 25°8 24°6 | 34°8 | 23°39 54:5 | 22-7 a 2 2 8 ) 5 | 32°6 81°8 | 33:2 32:3 | 32°9 32:5 | 383-7 38392; -— — | 83°38 82:1 | 32°1 31:9] 34:4 | 24:0] 44°6 | 20:0] 10) 10] 10) 10 8 6 | 33:1 32:71) 35:0 341) - - |33°9 32°71) - .- | 27-6 26:7 | 28:7 26:0] 37-5] 26°38] 37°5 | 26:9] 10 il 8 6 | 10 | 7 | 31:3 [80-0]} 31°6 29°3 | 31°3 29-1 | 30°7 27°8 | 30°9 28-7 | 30-2 29-4 | 30°3 27°7 | 35°3 | 27°09 67°6 | 27-71 10 if il 3 4 8 | 22:2 21-7 | 22-3 [21:5]) 24:1 23-2 | 23°9 22°7 | 20°6 19:8) 16:1 15°9| 15:7 15:5} 31-0 | 13:7] 67°6 | 12-2 0 0 0 0 0 9 | 21:6 20:7 | 21°8 20-9 | 24-6 23°6 | 27°2 26°3 | 27-1 26:2 | 28-2 27:6 | 23:3 27°6]28-9/ 11:8] —- 7:9 6 2 8} 10] 10 10 | 25:9 24-9 | 25°7 246 | 28-9 27-1 | 27°7 25-9 | 25-5 Ade | 23-7 22-2) 24-2 22-7130-0/ 20-19 — 15-4 9 6 1 0 1 11 | 34:2 aa 34:2 30:9 | 34°8 30:7 | 35°1 30°0 | 36-1 30°6 | 34:7 32-1 | 32:2 30°8]36°9| 24:1] — 155} 10] 10 7 3 2 12 | 35:9[30-0]| 86°1 31:2 | 36°6 33:2] 38:1 32:0} - —- | 89:7 34:6] 40°2 35°27405)| 28:0] - 22°2 8 9 8 9] 10 13 | 37°3 84:2 | 36°5 34:1} - - |39°4 845) - —- | 88:2 34:6] 40-0 34°6 | 42°35 | 34:04 47°3 | 3267 10] 10] 10] 10] 10 14 | 41:6 37°9| 41:2 38-1 | 40°9 38:4 | 41:0 38:1 | 40°3 38:2] 40-7 37:9 | 39°7 37°8] 42:4) 35°29 47-2 | 33:0] 10] 10] 10] 10} 10 15 | 37:8 34°9'| 36°9 34:3 | 87:0 84:7 | 88:1 35:2 | 34°9 33:2) 85:8 34-2 | 34°7 33°6 | 43:0 | 32°67 62:4 | 31:2 7 5 3 7 9 16 | 35:1 33°9| 35:7 34:2 | 36:4 35:1 | 35°9 35:1 | 36:5 35°5 | 26:4 35°7 | 36:2 35°54 37°8 | 30°83) 39°4 | 23:7 Dy ak) |) al |) 00) 17 | 34:3 33:9 | 34:4 34:1 | 34:9 34:6 | 36°9 36:1 | 36°2 35:7 | 38°9 37:2 | 39°8 37°7139°5 | 32°2) 40°9 | 31°83] 10} 10] 10 9 9 18 | 38:7 36:4] 38:9 36°6 | 39°2 37:3 | 38:7 37:4 | 388°6 37:3 | 39:2 37:0 | 39°3 37°79} 401 | 35:6} 44°5 | 34:0 Oy aly alo) |) 19 | 32:8 31°8| 33:2 32°7 | 37:0 35:8 | 387-2 37-2) — —- | 89:3 37:3 | 39:2 37:0] 40-0 | 30:0] 62:7 | 27°8 3 2 4 7 7 20 | 85:9 83°7/85°9 32:6) - —- |35°9 345) = — | 28-9 27:8 | 28°8 27:84 39°6 | 26°99 51:6 | 31°37 10) 10 9 (0) 1 21 | 29:9 [29:0] 31-7 29:1 | 31:2 30-7 | 34:0 30:9 | 31:0 29°3 | 35°6 33:8 | 35°9 32:9} 36:0 | 26-8) 51:4 | 23:8 a 4 8} 10} 10 22 | 40°9 34:9] 40-1 35:2) 41:4 36-2) 40°9 35-2 | 40-7 36:2) 40-7 39:6 | 42°7 40:94 44-2 | 33:9) 785 | 31-5 8 5 ZA LON ee 23 | 37:6 [81°9]| 37:0 31:9 | 36:0 31:7 | 37:0 [82°0)) 37:0 33°7 | 35:7 31-9 | 85°38 32°9 | 45-4 | 84-1] 53° | 31-2 6 7 6 On 0 24 | 35:9 35:9] 36:0 35°3 | 36°9 36:1 | 39°9 37°8| 42:2 36-4 | 37-4 34:0 | 34:9 33:3] 42:5 | 33°24 52°6 | 31°09] 10) 10 8} 10] 10 25 | 23°7 23:7 | 27°3 23°9| 28:0 24:9] 28°7 25:9 | 28°1 25:9 | 34:2 32-1 | 33°9 30°24 35-7 | 21:24 76:0 | 27°7 3 5 9 8 9 26 | 24:9 [23:8]| 25°9 24-2 | 30°6 28:5 | 29°9 29°5 | 30°6 30-2 | 27-1 26:3 | 30°8 29:3] 34:3 | 23-0] 71‘7 | 18°3 1 2) 10 \) ao) 27 =| 2671 (25°8]) 28-2 28:0] — — |381°7 28:1) - — |19:°9 19:0] 19°8 18:7 {36°0|) 18:09 846 | 26°83] 10; 10 6 0 0 28 | 12°8 12°6| 11:5 11-2) 19°7 18-3) 19°9 18:9) 19°8 [86 | 22:2 21:7 | 22°8 22°37) 23-9 9:0 - 0:8 2 ra aud |) wil || IG) 29 | 31:7 30°9| 31°8 30°9 | 34:1 32°0 | 36°2 34:1] 36°6 34:5 | 32:9 29°7 | 31°8 28:9437':2| 21°38] 67°0 | 234 7 8 9 0 0 30 | 31°8 [28°5]| 32°9 28°3 | 34:0 29°6 | 32:1 28:4 | 30°9 28°8| 30:0 27:9 | 23:0 20°44 36-4 | 26-3] 79°3 | 17:5 3 3 i 3 0 81 | 18:9 [18°5]| 18:1 17:2 | 22°6 21:5 | 25°9 23:9 | 26:7 24:9 | 25-7 24-2 | 23-9 22°57 29°5 | 16-3] 69-2 | 9-2 0 0 8 0 1 Mean} 81:4 29°6| 31°38 29:7} - - |33°8 381'4) - —- | 82-4 30:7 | 32-4 30°3}37:3) 261) - 23°38 | 6°9 | 66 | 7:2) 6:3 | 66 STEVENSON SCREEN. FEBRUARY 1895. Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet 1 | 88°7 32°6 | 33°9 32°2 | 85°3 32°7 | 35°9 33°4| 35°7 33°4 | 34:5 382°2 | 34°5 31°8 | 36:4 | 22-7] 61:4 | 17°9 if 6 9 9 ¢) |i 2 | 33:5 32°6 | 35°3 33°9| 35:7 34:0] 37-2 34°5 | 36°9 34°9 | 40°2 35°3 | 39:0 35:1] 40°8 | 31:7] 55:9 | 29:4 | 10 8 9 9} 10 3 | 386°9 34°2/36°8 34:4) - - |39°0 35°38} —- — | 86°1 33:2 | 85:1 32°04 40-4 | 32°38] 68:5 | 31:2 if 8 7 5 3 4 | 35°9 33°9 | 35°8 33:1 | 37:9 35°5 | 38°9 35°7 | 37:9 34:8 | 33-2 30°9 | 34°2 31:6] 41:0 | 29:2] 82°0 | 24:4 8 5 4 7 9 5 | 33°3 32-2] 34-8 31:9 | 34:9 32:9 | 35°5 32°9 | 34:5 32:3 | 32:1 30°3 | 381°7 29:8] 36:0 | 30:4] 59-4 | 28:3 3 9 9} 10 9 6 | 22-6 21:7 | 225 21-7 | 26:7 24:0) 27-9 25-9 | 28°6 26-1 | 24-4 22-9) 24-7 21-0] 31-0 | 20°8) 75-7 | 14:3 1 1 9 6 4 7 | 28°9 23°1 | 24:7 21:8 | 26°6 23:1 | 25:9 23:7 | 26:9 23:1 | 25:6 23:0 | 25:0 23:07 28:0 |[19°0}) —- 13°8 9 7 5 10}; 10 8 | 19:2[18-0]} 19°5 17°7 | 27:0 23:0 | 29°7 24:9 | 26:4 22°5 | 20:0 18:2 | 21°3 18°71 30°2|}17:6} 70:2 9°6 2 4 8 8 10 9 |19°3 18°8 | 20:7 19°5 | 27:9 25°8 | 27°9 25°1 | 26:0 24:0} 16°6 15:9 | 166 15:8] 30:3) 15:0} 69°8 | 12:2 4 5 ] 0 0 10 |16°7 154/171 15°38) - — |26°9 23°2) = — |19°4 17:1| 16°8 14-9} 28°3 | 13:1] 66:3 6:2 0 0 8 1 2 11 | 11°8 10°7 | 15-7 13°8 | 23°8 20:9 | 26:8 22°9 | 27°7 23:9) 19-9 17°8| 17:1 15:9} 29:0] 8:9) 73:2) 2:8 0 0|° 0 0 0 12 |181 176) 17-9 17:2 | 27:0 24:9 | 29:9 27:0) 30°7 27°9| 18:5 17°8) 19-8 18°41 32:0 | 13:3) 79°8 | 7:2 0 0 0 0 0 13 | 28:0 26°6 | 28°8 27°6| 30-9 30°1| 31:9 31-1 | 32:9 32-0 | 35:0 29°9 | 34:9 32:0] 36:0} 16:1] 409 | 1035] 10] 10] 10 0 0 14 | 33°1 [29°0]| 33°8 29-2 | 35°5 31:3 | 31°6 27°8 | 32:3 27-8 | 30:0 26:0 | 29°9 26-0] 36°8 | 28-8] 82:2 | 25:1 0 0 0 0 0 15 | 32-0 [28°0)| 33°2 28°8 | 36:8 80°6 | 86-1 382-1 | 36:3 30-7 | 34°3 29-4 | 34°83 29-2) 39-0 | 24-8] 85:1 | 17:3 0 0 3 0 0 16 | 30°7 28-8 | 33-0 30°1| 40-9 36-2| 41-0 35:4 | 42:7 36°S | 28:2 25-9 26°8 24:8] 46-2 | 26-1] 88-0 | 20-0 0 0 0 0 0 17 | 23:9 [20°2]| 28:2 24:2] —- - |387°7 31°38) - — | 24:8 23:0 | 21:9 21:0] 38:0 | 19°37 85:9 8:0 0 0 0 0 0 18 | 18:4[17:0]|19°3 17°9 | 27-6 24-9 | 32-1 28:3] 35:0 30°6 | 21°9 20:0 | 20°9 18:9] 35°8 | 14:3} 85:0 6:2 0 0 5 0 0 19 | 16:0 14:9} 20-1 18:0} 30°8 27-0] 34°4 29°8 | 36:2 31°7 | 21°3 20°9| 180 17:1] 37:2] 13°5] 82°3 55 0 0 0 0 0 20 | 15:0 14°3) 20°9 19-2 | 28°9 25:9 | 34-0 30°2| 85°8 32°0 | 32-1 32-0 | 32:0 30:1] 36°8| 14-0} 870 | 8-0 1 0 3 8 0 21 | 291 28°9 | 34:3 32:1) 40°9 37:6 | 44:4 39:2 | 43:0 38°8 | 88:7 36:6 | 88:1 36:2] 47:0 | 26:9) 88:2 | 21:1 0 1 2 5 10 22 | 37°7 36°3| 38:0 36:9 | 40°7 38°8| 41:2 39°6 | 41-1 39:1] 38:0 36°7 | 37'7 36:1] 42°1 | 34:2] 56:7 | 29°07 10 AGO AO | aay 30) 23 | 42°8 41°1] 43°2 41:0] 44°8 41:0] 44°8 41°8| 45:0 41:9] 41°5 39:0] 41°8 39:0] 45°5 | 36°97] 77:1 | 33:0} 10 4 8 8 7 | 24 | 86°5 35°0| 38:4 35°8| —- - |41°9 377] - — | 86:0 34:0 | 36:4 34:3] 44-0 | 34°3 | 97°0 | 32:1 9 7 8 4 8 25 | 34°8 33°2| 36°3 34°1 | 38°8 33:9 | 38°8 33°9 | 38°83 33:9 | 31-6 29°0 | 32°9 30°34 39-7 | 29:9] 75:3 | 26°5 9 10 8 2 3 26 | 42:9 40-9| 43-9 41°3| 46-9 42-8 | 45-7 38-7 | 41:2 35:2| 36-9 34:1 | 36-7 33-0] 48-0/ 32-7] 93:3] 298] 6] 10) 5| 8] 5 27 =| 36°9 33°0| 38:0 33°8| 39:9 34°8 | 41:2 35:0 | 40°2 85°35 | 37:2 33°9| 87°8 34:01 43-0 | 85°29 96:9 | 31°3 9 9 4 | 10) |) a0 28 | 43:0 40°1 | 43°6 39°6| 43°83 40°9 | 45:1 41°8 | 44°8 42:1 | 43:0 40°6 | 43:0 89°59 45°3 | 35°19 57:2 | 34:0 9} 10 SP ty 5 | Mean} 28°8 27°1|30°3 28:0) —- - |85°8 32:1] - — |30°4 28:1 | 30:0 27:5] 38:0 | 24°14 [75:6]| 191] 44 | 4:4) 51) 46) 4:4 FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 271 STEVENSON SCREEN. TEMPERATURE AND AMOUNT OF CLOUD. MARCH 1895. Temperature—Dry aud Wet Bulbs. diNlacks| Radn. Amount of Cloud, 0 to 10, Max. | Min. a | ee | gh 10h | 12h 4h 16h Qyh 29h : ~~ gt | 10m | 14h | yh | gah Dry. Wet.! Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. 1 | 40°8 87-2) 41:0 3871) 41-2 35°6 | 41°1 34:8 | 39°8 33:4 | 34°5 31:2] 33-1 30:2] 43-0 | 32-1] 89:3] 34:3 3 8 8 9] 10 2 | 29:8 28:4) 27°38 266) - - | 361 32:2] 34:8 31:7 | 28:8 26:8 | 28:6 27:0] 39:3 | 25-0] 97:3) 27:97 10 3 8 7 7 8 | 29:7 27°3| 30-4 27°2) - - |83°9 293] -— -—- | 32:6 32:0/ 33:5 31:6]36:0| 25-6] 94:0] 202] 6 3 4/ 10 4 4 | 27:4 27:1} 31:0 29:0] 37°5 34:0] 39°2 33:4] 38:2 33-1 | 33-9 32-7 | 33-8 32-9] 40-9 | 25:27 95-0] 18:3 1 3 3} 10) 0 5 | 38°9 37°6 | 38°8 37:1 | 389 38-2 | 40°2 39:9] 40°9 39:°9| 40-2 39-9} 40:3 40-0] 41:3 | 32-9] 55°7| 32:0} 10} 10] 10} 10] 10 6 | 48:2 41°1) 44:2 41:8} 46:4 43:0 | 46-7 42:0 | 44:2 42-2) 41:0 40°6| 40:7 40-1]47:0/ 40-0] 58-1] 38:0] 10] 10} 10} 10] 10 7 | 37:8 36°3 | 38°9 37°83 | 42-0 40:1] 46:1 42:4] 44-1 41:0 | 41°8 35°9 | 40°2 35:1] 47:0| 35-1] 96:0] 31:3 3 7 8 9 9 8 | 43:3 38°6 | 41:7 37:2] 43°8 37-9 | 44°2 38-7) 44:0 39:0 | 42-2 38-2] 42:0 38:0] 45:3 | 38:1) 67:9] 34:9} 10} 10] 10} 10] 10 9 |39°8 88°2/ 40:9 39-0 | 47-8 41:1) 47°6 41:0] 46:9 41:1 | 33:0 32°0/ 36:8 34:5] 49-5 | 32-9] 97-8} 35°38] 10 8 3 2 1 10 | 39°7 36:0) 40-7 37:1) - - |41°:0 38:2} - —- | 37-9 36:0] 37:2 35°38] 45:0/ 33-9] 98-8} 29:9 3 3} 10] 10] 10 11 | 36:0 34:1 | 36-2 34:1 | 37:9 34-9 | 89°7 35:8 | 39:0 34:2] 34:2 31-0 | 33:6 30-6} 40-0 | 32:1] 100°9| 33°74 10 8 8; 10) 10 12 | 33°7 32:0 | 35°9 32:0 | 38:0 33°9|35°8 34°3 | 36°9 36°3 | 34:0 [33-5] 33-8 33-2].39:1 |) 31-0} 85:3 | 29:4 9 Ti LO) 10) 20 13 | 33°8 32°9| 34:0 33°5 | 38°6 36°3| 41°8 39-1 | 44:1 4070] 42:0 38:0) 41:1 38°89 45°5| 29-0] 81-2] 24:7} 10] 10 5{| 10] 10 14 | 42°8 41°9| 43-0 42°4| 45-9 44°0| 44-9 43°38) 45°7 44:6] 45°8 44°9 | 45:4 44°8147:0| 38°7) 81:1] 35°71} 10] 10] 10] 10] 10 15 | 42:6 42:2 | 42°7 42:2/ 43-8 43-2) 45:9 45°3| 46:4 45°8| 46°6 46:0 | 46-7 46:0] 47:0 | 39:0} 52:9] 3637 10] 10} 10] 10) 10 16 | 44:1 43:0 | 46:2 44:3] 45-4 44:5 | 46°3 45°1| 47-1 45°2,47°6 44°3/ 46:7 44:0] 48:9] 42:2] 61:0] 421] 10] 10] 10) 10] 10 17 | 48:5 440/490 44-8) - - |529 450) - -—- | 89-1 37-1] 38:3 36:6] 54:0 | 37:0] 112-2| 42-2 4 3 4 0 6 18 | 38°9 38:5 | 40°0 39°5| 42:1 41°6|43°8 42°09) - —- | 44-4 41:3) 45-2 41:0] 48:0| 32:0} 74:6) 2667 10]; 10] 10 9 6 19 | 42°9 41°7 | 44:0 42°8| 43-1 42°8 | 44°6 44:1] 47-9 46:°9| 46:3 42°3/ 46:0 42:2] 49-7 | 42:0] 66:0) 38:9} 10} 10] 10 8 7 20 | 45:0 42°7 | 45:7 43:1 |47°8 44:3) 47-2 44:5 | 45°5 43:2] 42:4 42-0 | 42-7 42:1] 48:0] 41-7] 67-4] 39°3] 10|} 10] 10] 10] 10 21 | 48:5 47°7| 500 46:2) 50°9 45:7 | 51:1 45:2 | 50:2 44:8/ 482 43°8/ 48:1 44:0] 52:4/ 41-2] 94:0] 41-4 7 ‘< 8 7 8 22 | 48°8 43°7| 51°8 45°5 | 51:2 45°9| 49-6 46:9) 47°9 46:5) 45-7 45:1 | 45:9 45°3] 53-2 | 44-0]104-0] 41°5 3 4} 10; 10} 10 23 | 46°9 45:1 | 48°1 45:5 | 48°8 46°0| 46-9 45:9 | 47:6 46°8| 48:0 46°9| 48-1 47:°2]50:2| 45-0] 55°83} 45:0} 10} 10} 10] 10] 10 24 | 45:3 42:5) 44-4 41-7) - - |45°9 41:0} - -—- | 39:0 37:0] 38'S 36:9] 49:3 | 37-1] 941] 41°37 10] 10 9 8 9 25 | 40°9 39:2) 40-9 39:4 | 39:1 37°6 | 37°7 36°83 | 38°0 37:2| 35°9 35:0 | 35:7 34:3] 41:3 | 33°27 62:3} 36:2 97) LO 0 3 il 26 | 42:7 37:9) 43:4 37°9| 44-1 39°7| 44:5 39°7 | 44°8 39-2) 36:9 35:0 | 37°8 35:7 | 47:0 | 33:0] 105-2 | 30-4 8 8 3 1 2 27 =| 38:8 35:2 | 39:2 36-0 | 43°8 38°2| 47-6 40°9 | 45-7 38:9 | 41:0 37:7 | 41-1 37:2} 49-2 | 31°9}112-2| 28:0 0 1 4 9} 10 28 | 37:2 36:2) 37°6 36:1 | 388°8 37:0 | 38:2 36:2 | 37:9 36:0 | 37°8 35°9| 37°9 35°8] 42°5| 36-6] 52-0) 86-27 10) 10} 10) 10] 10 29 | 41°3 37°8| 41°7 38:1) 43-6 39-7 | 44:1 39°2 | 43-0 39°8 | 38°8 37-4] 39°2 37:9} 45:0) 36:97 64:3) 35:3 8; 10} 10 8} 10 30 | 42:8 39°8| 41:9 38:9) 44:5 40°1| 44-9 40-1 | 44°8 41:0 | 40-9 38:6 | 39°7 38:0] 47:7 | 37-1} 97:9) 35:2 8 8 9) LO 10 31 | 41°4 39°6| 42-4 39°9| - - | 44:8 41-4) - —- |39°8 87:9] 39°6 38:3]46:0| 35:9} 64:8) 33°0} 10} 10} 10] 10] 10 Mean] 40-4 38:2} 41:1 385] - —- | 43:7 402) - - | 40°0 37:9] 39°9 37:9]46°0/ 35:4} 81:9] 34:0] 7°83 | 7°8| 8:2) 8:4] 8:2 STEVENSON SCREEN. APRIL 1895. Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.) Dry. Wet.) Dry. Wet.) Dry. Wet.{ Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. . | 1 | 41°6 39-1 | 42°1 39-7 | 44-7 40-9] 46:0 41-8 | 45:0 41-0 | 41:2 39-0 | 40-4 38-8] 47-9 | 35:9] 108-2 | 32-0 |410 8 7 D) 1 2 | 34:8 33:0|40°6 37:8 | 46-9 41°6 | 46°9 41:9 | 48-8 42-5 | 42-9 40-7 | 42:0 39:9] 50-7 | 29'S] 111-0) 24:2 4 Qin FF 8 a 3 | 44:9 41:9} 45-9 42:2] 44:8 41-6 | 43-8 44:0 | 37:8 35-1 | 33°9 30-9 | 34-0 30-9] 47-0 | 32°71 90-0} 86-7] 10 9 9 6} 10 4 | 35°3 31:9) 35-9 31°5 | 37-9 32°1 | 39-4 33:5 | 41:9 35-2] 33-6 30-1 | 31-9 29:2] 42:3/ 31-9] 97-9) 3071 8 7 7 2 6 5 |85°9 35°2| 37-1 36-21 39°9 38:9] 42-0 41°5 | 42:9 42:2] 43-2 41-9] 42:9 41:8] 44-0| 306] 63:0] 28:3] 10] 10) 10] 10) 10 6 | 46:7 44:6] 46-9 44:6] 47-8 45°5| 47-9 44-7 | 46-3 42-7 | 36-8 33-9] 34:8 30-9] 48-0 | 33°38] 63:4] 39-4] 10|) 10; 10 9 6 7 | 35:0 321/393 82:9) - - |409 33:9) - -— | 37-7 33-7 | 83:9 30:8] 43-2] 27-9] 111°8/ 21°8 5 6 7 4 2 8 | 38:0 34:6 | 40-1 35:8 42°8 38°7/ 43-9 41-1 | 45-2 42:9] 46°8 45-9| 46-9 45:3] 49-0 | 29°3] 82:3) 25°3 i 8/ 10} 10] 10 9 | 48:2 43-0 | 49:3 43:9| 48:9 44:2] 47-2 44:3 | 46-7 48°9] 44:6 43°8| 43:9 43:0] 50-7 | 43-2] 94:5) 42:2 7 7 9} 10} 10 10 | 46:5 45-9] 46-5 44-0! 49-2 43-9] 49:5 44-7 | 47-5 44-1] 44-6 41-9) 44:5 42:0 152-7 | 42:9] 104-9] 43-1] 10 8] 10 6 9 11 | 45:0 41:9) 47-4 42°7| 46:6 42-7] 48-6 42-0 | 48-8 40-5 | 39-6 36-0 | 38:9 35°6]51°5 | 39°5]117:0| 39:0 7 7 6 il 2 12 | 44:0 409) 45:1 41°8| 44:1 42°8| 44-6 42-9| 45:3 44-1] 44-9 44-2| 44-2 43°9]46:1'37:0) 75:3] 35:0 91 10) 10)}) 10: 10 13 | 47°3 45:6 | 49:9 46:8) 51-9 45:3] 52-9 47:3 | 54:8 47:1/ 46-0 42°3/ 41-8 39-7} 55-1 | 41°07 115-0 | 40°8 9 8/ 10 2 0 14 | 42:1 39:°9/ 46-4 427) - - |569 49-4) - — | 45-1 42:0] 44:0 41-8) 60-9 | 31°97 112-0 | 25:2 1 1 1 0 0 15 | 45:9 42:0 | 50-7 45:2) 55-0 48:0] 60-0 50°9 | 621 51-8 | 45-0 42:9 | 43-3 41-8] 62:2] 34°77 111-8} 28-0 0 0 0 0 0. 16 | 44:8 41:1] 48:3 43-2] 53-9 44:9] 60-2 48:9/ 61-7 49:0] 46-2 41-2] 44°6 39-7} 63-0 | 84:1). 113°0| 28-1 0 0 0 7) 0 17 | 45:7 40°4150°4 43:6) 54-2 46:2) 57°8 46°9/| 60-2 50:0] 49-7 44:9] 47-7 43-7 | 64:0 | 82°39. 120-9 | 25-2 3 2 6 7 7 18 | 51:9 46:0/53°8 46:9 | 62:3 50-0] 63°8 52:0 | 58-3 50:9] 50-0 46-1] 49-1 46-1} 65-7 | 43:17115°6| 42-0 7 5 6) 101) 10 19 | 46-9 46-2] 46°9 46:4 | 48-2 47:1] 48°3 47:1] 49:3 47-7] 45:9 44:8] 44-9 43-8]51-3/ 44-0] 87°3| 43-9} 10) 10; 10 5 3 20 | 45°8 44:8! 47:3 45°8| 55-1 47°9155-9 48-5 | 58-0 49-0] 535 48-0] 55:7 48:9]59-0| 40:9] 107°0/ 38-0} 10} 10] 10} 10] 10 91 | 54:8 500/549 509) - - | 541 500] - —- |48:9 47-9] 48°9 47-9] 58°8| 45-07115-0, 48-0 9 9/ 10 9} 10 22 | 48:8 47:9| 49-4 48:4| 53:7 50°2/ 57:1 50:0 | 568 49°9] 55:3 49-0 | 55-2 49-2) 59-4) 46011090) 45-1] 10) 10) 10) 10] 10 23 | 49-4 48-8| 49-2 48-7 | 49-8 47-1 | 54-9 49-0 | 53-1 49:°0| 47-1 44-9 | 46-8 45-7] 56-4 | 46°0].116-0| 48-04 10) 10 6) 10) 10 24 | 48-9 47-6] 49:8 48-1 | 52-9 48-8 | 52:0 48:9] 53-5 48:6] 47-2 46:0| 47:3 45:8] 57:0 | 44:5]115-°8| 43:0} 10 | 10 9] 10] 10 25 | 46:8 45°6| 47-1 46-0| 47-6 45°9| 48-9 46°8 | 48:2 46-9] 47-8 44:91 47:9 44-91 49:3| 44-1] 64:7] 44-49) 10) 10) 10) 10] 10 96 | 47:0 44:7] 47:1 44-6| 46-0 43°8|46°9 44-5 | 47-3 45-1] 44:9 43-8] 44-9 48-3] 48:1 | 44:3] 59-0) 43-7] 10) 10) 10) 10] 10 97 | 46:3 44:9| 48-0 45:3] 54°8 48°8/ 54:9 48°7| 52:9 47-4] 46-7 43:7 | 46:0 44:0] 58-0 | 43°31 1268 | 42°7 9 9 Zi) 10 8 28 | 47:6 44:3) 49-7 45°3| - - |56°0 494} - —- | 49-1 45°8| 50-0 46-2] 56:9 | 38-1] 110-8) 35-0} 10 6 2 2 8 29 | 46:9 45°8| 47-4 46-0 | 49-9 47-2/ 52°8 48-7 | 49:9 46:2] 47:9 46-0 | 47-0 45-°9]58°0 | 45:3] 84-7 | 45-4 10| 10 8 8} 10 30 | 466 43-7 | 48:8 44:6 | 49°5 42°9| 53-9 45:9) 50-7 45:1] 50:9 43:8] 49°8 44:0] 54:6 | 41-2) 114-2) 35-4 7 6 Onl LON LO Mean] 45:0 42:4| 46-7 43-4) - - |50°9 45%) - - | 45:2 42-4] 44-4 41:8]53°7| 385]100°6| 866] 77 | 7°3 | 7:3] 6-8 | 7-0 72 FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. STEVENSON SCREEN. TEMPERATURE AND AMOUNT OF CLOUD. MAY 1895. Temperature—Dry and Wet Bulbs, ae la Blacaieadce Amount of Cloud, 0 to 10. say ‘| Bulb. | Min. gh 10 12h 14h 16 21h 22h met ™ Fon | yon | 14m | Qin | 29h Dry. Wet. ‘Dry. Wet. | Dry. Wet. | Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. 1 | 44°9 42-2 | 47*6 42°7|45°8 42°6 | 51°8 45°2| 51:4 44-0| 43°9 40-7 | 43°0 39-9] 52-1 | 41-1] 114-3] 41-9 8} 10 6 5 6, 2 |45°3 44°6 | 45:8 44°9 | 47-7 46°8 | 52:1 48-7 | 54°8 48-4 | 45-9 43-0 | 43°6 41:4) 56°8 | 39°27112:0) 3861] 10} 10 8 | 10 Uf 3 | 48:1 45°3| 51:1 46°4| 56:3 50°6 | 58°4 49:9) 57-8 49°11 47-9 44:8) 47:1 43°2]59°1 | 85°27116°8 | 27:9 f 10 8 9 4 8 4 | 538°2 47°9| 55-7 47:9 | 56°9 48:1 | 57-8 48°9 | 54:5 49°8 | 48°8 44:0 48°6 44:8} 58°8 | 41°01 102°8| 34:2} 10] 10) 10 8 7 5 | 52:1 46°8|54:9 491} - —- |57°9 49:9) - — |50°7 45:9| 49'S 45:7159°3 | 46°24111-2| 45:0] 10 9; 10 6 3 6 | 53:8 48°8| 58:3 51°6|70°8 5771 | 72:4 56°8 | 72°38 56°8| 63-8 52°6 | 61:9 52:0} 74:2 | 40°6]125°4) 33-1 0 0 2 0 0 7 | 65°6 47°5 | 67:7 48:9] 68-2 49-9 | 69°3 51°7 | 67°9 49:11] 57:9 44-6 | 53:7 43°6 # 70°8 | 46°81 123-0) 35-1 0 0 0 0 0 8 |[59°0][47°2] 59-2 47:3 | 63°8 51:1 | 65°3 51:9 | 65°6 53:9} 57-3 48-3 | 56°8 47:9 | 68-2 | 41-9] 130-7 | 32°6 3 3 i 5 9 9 | 56°8 50°3 | 58-2 51:0 | 62°2 53-0 | 60°7 52:0 | 55-8 51°2| 50:0 47:2 | 49°8 47:3] 65:1 | 49°74 109'0| 49°2} 10; 10} 10] 10) 10 10 | 53°6 48°7 | 54:9 49°9 |) 563 50°8 | 59-7 50-7 | 59-0 49-2) 50°7 45-9 48-0 44-6} 60-1 | 41°0] 1221 | 35°5 3 4 5 8 2 11 | 53°9 47-6 | 59-0 50-7 | 62°8 52°7 | 59°9 51:4] 61-7 52:8] 53-9 49:0 | 51°9 48:8} 63-4 | 388°1] 1195 | 30:9 0 0 2 8 3 12 | 61°8 53°7|63°9 54°77) - —- |68°6 57:0) - -— | 52-8 51:0) 51:2 50°89 7071 | 48°07115°0) 43:4 8 95) LON Lon 10 18 | 54:3 53°3|55°3 53-4) 61:9 57°6 | 58-2 54°5|59°5 55-7 | 53-0 51-9 | 52°6 51-29 61°8 | 50-2] 118-1] 50°6 8 9 9! 10) 10 14 | 49-2 48-5 | 49:0 48:9 | 49°6 49-6 | 49°0 48:9 | 50-9 50-5 | 50-2 47:9| 50-4 46°9453:1 | 47-6] 74:3} 485 7 10) 10) 10 9 9 15 | 52°9 47-4) 53-8 47:2| 56-0 48°8 | 56:8 48-7 | 55-9 49:0] 50-2 44-7 | 46-9 43°1}58°8 46°51 132°8 |) 45:9 9 8 4 3 1 16 | 48°7 40°1| 49°6 40:3 | 50°9 41°6 | 50°9 40:9 | 50-9 41-5] 41:5 86:0| 41:1 36:0} 52-7 | 86°2]110°9| 28-4 0 0 0 4 9 17 | 45:4 38°9 | 45°8 39-4] 47:5 40°4 | 48°9 41°38) 48-4 41-2) 42'S 389-3 | 41:7 39°09 52-2 | 89-1] 126:2 | 37-3 6 8 9 6 4 18 | 46°2 42-0 | 50:2 44-4 | 56:3 48-9 | 57:3 49:3 | 58-2 48-2) 51-2 45-8 | 49-0 44-0] 61:9 | 34:0) 125'2| 26-7 3 0 || at) jf a0 19 | 475 42:9) 47-2 431) - — |48°6 446) - —- | 433 39:6 | 42°8 38:9] 53:0 | 37°8] 120-0) 30:3 il 9 g 8 9 20 | 39°9 88°7 | 41°6 40:2] 46°9 44:1 | 51:2 47:0) 51-1 47:6] 49°8 45:°8 | 51:2 46:9} 54-2 | 37:97 106°0) 38:6] 10] 10] 10} 10 8 21 | 54°6 50°3/ 55:1 50°8| 60°9 54°6 | 59°6 53-2 | 57-7 52:2 | 52-0 47-2) 52:8 47:1] 68°9 | 45°21 133-0 | 37-7 7 9]; 10 Jal £0 22 |55°5 49°3 | 52°5 48°9| 528 49-6 | 52°2 49:3 | 52-7 50:2 | 49:0 47°6 | 49:0 47:3 56°8 | 48°77 93°6| 44°67 10; 10) 10 8 8 23 | 54°3 51°3 | 56-1 52-1 | 58°3 53-2 | 58:8 52:9 | 61-7 53:0 | 52-1 49-9 | 50°S 48°94 61°8 | 46:0] 116-0 | 43:0 6 8 9 8} 10 24 | 54-4 51°6| 58:4 54:4] 66-2 54°6 | 54:4 50-4 | 54-8 52-1) 51-7 50:3 52°1 50°69 66-6 | 42°2)119°7 | 34-4 1 CO nO |. 9. 25 | 54:9 52°5| 587 54:°9/ 587 54:0 | 62:3 57:2| 58:3 58:4) 51-0 49-7 | 48°6 47:2] 62:7 | 48-07 115:4) 25°5 7 a 6 6 5 26 [52-7 49:4) 54-4 503] - -—- |59:7 55:0] - - |51:9 47:0) 50:2 46:9] 60:2 | 47:04118-2) 446] 10 9 4 7 7 | 27 | 59°6 53:4) 59°3 54:5 | 60°5 54:9) 64:7 56°6| 61:4 56°8 | 57:2 52°7 | 561 52:9] 65:0 | 45-2}120°8) 41-4 3 4 4 8 9 | 28 | 55:2 517 | 60°4 54:9] 60-9 56°3| 63:1 56-4] 65:1 57:8 | 55°8 52-9 | 56-2 52:1] 65°6 | 52-1} 128-2) 48:9 6 4 5 8 9 29 | 52°5 51°3 | 56°5 53:4] 601 54°2| 61:7 54°6 | 61:7 54:6 | 53-8 48°8 | 51:3 47:9] 63-0 | 51-0] 131°3| 526] 10 8 5 1 1 80 | 58° 53°5 | 65:2 58:0 | 69°2 59:3} 70°38 59°3| 71:3 59°6 | 69:0 54:9 | 55°9 53-2} 73:0 | 43-07 119-0 | 36°6 0 1 il 2 2 31 | 69:0 60-4 | 69°2 60°3 | 63-9 58°0 | 59°8 56-1 | 61:3 55:4] 58-8 53-8 | 586 54:0} 74:0 | 49:17 130°2) 42:0 i 7| 10 d & Man} 53°3 48°3]55°3 49%) - - | 58:8 51:3} - — |51°5 47:2| 504 46°67 61:9 | 43-7] 117:4| 38°8 | 6:2 | 6:3) 66] 6:6 | 6:5 STEVENSON SCREEN. JUNE 1895. Dry, Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. 1 | 565 52°6 | 56°9 52°9/ 569 53:2) 61:0 55:5 | 61'S 55:5 | 57°8 551 | 57-1 54:9] 64°8 | 52-9] 94:0) 486] 10) 10) 10 9 & 2 |65°6 56°4/69°3 57°5| - - |72:8 60°38) - - | 58-9 55:0| 54:2 52:3] 76-0 | 51:0]138:2) 43:0 2 1 6 il 0 3 | 60°5 56°9 | 64°6 58:3 | 67-4 59°8 | 69°6 61:1| 67:4 59:8 | 59°8 55°8| 59-9 55°89 70:0 | 49'S] 122-9) 44-5 0 0 2 8} 10 4 | 54:9 53°6 | 53:9 58:3) 54:9 54:1] 54:3 53°8| 56:0 54:81 57-8 53:1] 55°6 51°2]60°6 | 53-4] 89:0} 545] 10) 10) 10) 10] 10 5 | 683 54:2 | 61:3 55-3 | 67:1 56-7 | 70°4 57:7 | 70°8 59:1 | 59:4 51:9 | 55:3 50:0] 73°8 | 46°9] 125-9) 40:0 9 0 4 il 0 6 | 62:5 55°6 | 64°5 56°5 | 685 58:3 | 72-1 59°8| 71-5 58:4 | 60-7 53°8| 57°38 53:1 | 72-7 | 45°0 | 123-9 | 38-7 0 0, O 1 1 7 | 616 55°9| 65:9 58°6| 67:5 59-4 | 64:9 59-6 | 65'S 60°6 | 59-4 F5-8| 56-7 54:2] 68-4 | 47:0] 127°8| 41-4 0 0 5 4 3 8 55:1 53°7 | 57°3 55:3 | 65°3 57:0 | 63-7 55-1 | 63°2 54:5 | 55-0 50-9] 54:2 50°34 65'S | 502] 1386:0) 47:0] 10 9 Cn LON a0 9 | 538°6 52°38) 57-2 54:9) — — |59°2 54:1] —- - |53:4 62:0] 53:0 51:99 62:5 |50°4]117°9) 5155] 10] 10} 10) 10) 10 10 | 55°3 48°5 | 56-3 48*8 | 57°3 49-4 | 55-4 47-9 | 55-4 49:4] 50°] 46-1] 48°9 45:0] 59-0 | 48:3] 122-1) 44:7 yy io) | © ik) 6 3 11 | 514 46-4 | 54:3 49-0 | 52:0 46°1 | 49-2 45-0 50:7 46:9 | 49°3 44:0 | 47-2 43:3} 55-4 | 42:7] 1286] 38:9 6 8 | 10 4 4 12 | 49:3 43°4| 49:1 43:2) 52-9 46-2) 55:9 46-7| — — | 49-7 43:1 | 46-8 42-1 | 57:0 | 40°2|1380°3| 37-0 8 8 d ] 0 138 | 52°7 43-7 | 541 46-8) 53-9 46-1 | 51-6 468 52:6 46:9 | 49:3 45-2| 46-2 43°84 56-5 | 33°38] 115-0) 25:0 a a ko 3 3 14 | 521 44-6 | 53'S 45-9] 55-1 45:8 | 58-0 48-7 | 57-1 47-9|51-0 46:0 | 47-7 44-0] 60-6 | 41:2] 131-3) 34-0 5 4 4 4 1 15 | 52°7 47-3 | 55-9 49-1 | 60°8 56:7 | 61-8 51:9 | 638°1 53°3| 52:3 46-8 | 47°8 48-7] 64:0 | 35:9} 124-5 | 28:0 2 2 2 2 1 16 | 50°2 45°9|51°6 46:9] —- - |598 517) - —- |52-2 47-7| 51:2 46°8]60:9| 38°9]121-0) 309} 10) 10 9 7 0 17 | 51:0 45:1 | 52:7 46:1 | 56-2 48:1/| 59-0 48-9 | 54:2 48°6| 46:9 45:3] 45-8 44-2] 60-2 | 39°37126-0| 326] 10] 10 ON elon lo 18 | 48°7 44:4 | 49°6 44:9] 49°3 45-6 | 50°S 46:2] 49°9 462] 47:9 45:9] 47-6 45:0] 51°7 | 41:0] 102°5| 45-7 | 10 Oh LON LON So) 19 | 49°4 47-2| 49-9 47-$] 51°8 47:9| 54-1 49:2) 48-5 46-7] 48-2 47:2] 47°35 46°5| 55:0 | 44171004] 43-77 10) 10] 10] 10 9 20 | 53°1 51:0) 53°5 50°5 | 55-2 51-2) 54-6 51°6| 54:0 51:0) 49-9 46-4) 49-1 46°S] 58-3; 43-2]117'3; 39°9 8 9; 10 3 2 21 | 51°38 49°9| 546 52°7| 54-2 52°5 | 55-5 62°7| 55:2 51:2|51°S8 50:0] 51°6 50:2] 57:4] 43°241166| 38:5] 10 Z|) LOT SOs ako: 22 | 551 52°1| 58:0 53-9|60°8 54°6 | 61-°8 53:9 | 61:9 53-8 | 53-2 50:9] 52-9 50-4] 64:0] 50°87 127°8| 45:24 10 7 2 8 9 23 |60°7 55°0|60°8 54:9) - —- |66°8 57-7} - —- | 54:8 51:6/53:1 50:0] 67°5| 49°84 121-4] 43° 5 5 1 3 2 24 | 58-7 54:5 | 63°1 55:2] 67-1 59°7 | 70:5 60-7 | 69:2 60:9] 61°6 57°9|58°8 54:2] 71°8 | 48°38] 123°8 | 389-4 4 3 4 2 0 25 | 62°7 57:4} 69°3 62:1| 73°1 64:1 | 70°7 63-8] 70°9 68°3 | 63-2 59-7 | 63-9 59-9] 74:1 | 48°5 91315 | 41°6 3 3 Sila il 26 | 65°2 59°9| 64:6 59°6| 71:0 63:6 | 69°2 63°2| 68-2 61:8 | 57:7 56°7 | 56-2 55-7} 72:0 | 53:0} 127°9| 46:0 | 10 8 7} 10} 10 27 | 56°5 54°9| 68:2 56-0 | 63-0 568 | 62-7 56:1 | 63°3 57°2| 55°9 52°8| 54-7 51°9] 65:3 | 53°] [131-4 | 53°5 7 5 8 5| 6 28 | 53°8 53:0} 56°9 54:6 | 54°9 53°7 | 59°6 46-2) 59-0 55:1 | 55:9 53:9] 55-2 53-3] 60'1 | 48°17119°9| 42°07 10 8 9 9| 10 29 |59°3 54:°9|59°5 55°2| 62°3 56-0 | 62°9 55:4 | 66:9 58:0| 56-7 53-2] 56:2 53-4] 67-4 | 52:4] 132-2 | 50°3 5 7 7 “iy oY 3 571 58°7 | 60°8 55°83} - - |63°8 573) - — | 54:0 50°9| 53:0 51:0] 64°6 | 52°091387°5 | 49°5 7 6 8 DE inaa | MEAN] 55°8 51:5 |57°6 52:7] - - | 614 54:3) - — | 54:5 50°8|52:8 49°81 63-9 | 46°54 122°2| 42°71 | 6°9 | 62] 6:9 | 6:0) 5:7 | | | | | } | FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 273 STEVENSON SCREEN. TEMPERATURE AND AMOUNT OF CLOUD. JULY 1895. Temperature—Dry and Wet Bulbs. Amount of Cloud, 0 to 10. s Max.|Min, | Black Radn, gu 10 igh | 14h 16 21h 22h Bulb. | Min} gn | tom | 14h | 21m | 228 Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. ; 1 | 58:9 55:2} 62:0 57°2| 62°3 56°9 | 65:2 58°7 | 65°3 58-7] 60°0 54:9) 57:8 54°7 | 66°3 | 48-0} 128°3 | 42:1 9} 19 9} 10} 10 2 |61°9 56°9}| 65:2 57°3| 65:1 57:7 | 61°8 57:0 | 59°8 56°7| 56°0 54:1 | 55:7 54:1] 67:0 | 52°87 125-0} 4471 3 5 9 9} 10 3 | 58°6 53°9|58°8 52°9| 56-7 51:9} 58°7 51°9| 59:0 51:7 | 54°7 50:0 | 54:1 50°09 61-9 | 54°49 127°8| 52-1 7 9 9} 10) 10 4 |56°6 50°7 | 56:2 50°4| 57-6 51°6 | 59°L 52°3 | 62°9 55:8) 54:0 49:9 | 50°5 47-29 64-1 | 50:0] 123°7 | 47:1 8 9 ih 7 il 5 | 53:9 49:9) 54:4 51:1 | 60:2 54:9 | 57-2 53:1] 57-2 54:3) 56°2 54:0] 54:1 52-8] 60-9 | 44011240} 35°47 10} 10] 10 9 6 6 | 569 54:0|57:2 54:8 | 601 56:7 | 63:0 56:9 | 66°3 59°7 | 59°9 56:1] 61:4 56:8] 68-2 | 50°37 127:0| 45:47 10) 10 8 7| 10 7 | 64:3 59°7|/64:3 59°38; - - |65°8 60°) - — 1[58:2 57°6| 56:9 56:5] 67-8 | 56°77114:0] 56°6 9 8} 10} 10; 10 8 |59°6 57°71) 59:9 57:1 | 57:9 54:7 | 58:7 54:7 | 62°5 58:0] 54:0 51-7 | 54'S 51:0] 64:1 | 54-0] 1006 | 55:27 10; 10} 10 9 9 9 | 55:5 52:2) 56:3 52°7 | 55-2 52-1) 54:9 52°3| 55-2 52-8) 54-2 53-7 | 54-0 51:°2]58-0| 52:17 1006 | 49°67 10) 10; 10] 10; 10) 10 | 55:9 49°7 | 55:9 50°6 | 59-1 51:1] 58°5 51°5 | 53:1 50°7 | 53:1 49°8 | 52-1 50:2} 63:0 | 51:2}133°3 | 47:8 7 9 8} 10} 10 11 | 53°6 51°3) 54:6 52°6 | 53°5 52:4) 53-2 51:9] 49°8 48-9| 48-6 47-7] 50:3 47-4}55:2/ 48-2] 81°6) 473] 10; 10) 10 9 9 12 | 54°9 48:5) 56:2 49°3 | 56°9 50°71| 59:0 56:8 | 59°1 50°8| 54:0 48:3) 50:0 46°8] 61:0 | 49°3]124-0| 45°8 8 8 8 4 1 13 | 55°7 50°7 | 55:4 50°9 | 54:1 50°2|52°8 50°9| 54°1 53:0 | 52:7 49°9| 52-5 49-7] 56:0 | 45:1] 104°3 | 39°8 9 9} 10 9; 10 14 |52°7 50°6|52°9 51:2) - —- |62°9 55:9) — — | 54:4 50°0|53°8 50-1] 63:7 | 50°2}130°8) 49°37 10}; 10 7| 10) 10 15 | 54:1 50:8) 54:8 51:2 | 54°6 51:2| 56-7 51°6 | 55°8 51:9) 54-5 49-8] 51-2 48:3]57-8| 51-0} 82:0] 502] 10} 10) 10 a ii 16 |54°7 516] 55:2 51°6 | 54:8 51-7 | 56:5 53:7 | 57°3 54:4] 55-4 51:9] 55-0 51:0]59-4) 48:5} 82:0] 44:9] 10] 10) 10 8 di 17 | 55:9 52:2] 56-2 52°9 | 59°7 54:6 | 61°9 54:7 | 63°6 54:1] 56°8 53°6| 55:1 52:9] 64:0 | 52:0] 119°6 | 56°6 7 a 6} 10] 10 18 | 64:1 58°9| 63:2 58:0 | 61:0 56°9|60°2 56:1 | 60°7 55:1 | 55:0 51°6 | 55:2 51:9] 68-0 | 53-29117-0| 51:9 9 9} 10 7 9 19 |53°8 52-7| 54-5 53:0| 54:3 53-7 | 53-9 53-1 | 53-8 52-1 | 52-7 50:8 | 52-7 50-6] 55:-4/ 50-2] 73:2) 480] 10] 10/ 10) 10) 10 20 | 56:1 53°6| 60:5 55:9 | 63:0 57:9 | 54°6 53:1 | 57:3 54:3 | 53:0 50°6 | 53:0 50:9] 64:0 | 50°39 132-0} 45-0 7 7 | 10 By j| al) Q1 | 560 54:1/58'3 54:8; - - |59°9 55:0) - - | 53-4 52:1] 53-2 51:3] 62-8 | 48-8}112:8| 4837 10) 10] 10 6 8 22 |56°6 52:°9/55-4 52°3|55°6 54:3/57°9 53°8| 58-2 52-4] 54:2 49°1 | 53-5 49°1459-8| 45:27124-9, 38:3] 10, 10) 10 7 7 28 | 55:8 51:9) 56:2 52°5| 56:0 53:9) 56:2 53:9| 56:6 52:4] 51:2 47:9) 47°8 45:3] 60°7 | 47°39} 125°8 | 48:2 9} 10] 10} 10 8 24 |50°9 48°7|52°8 49-8 | 526 49-9] 53-4 49-9/ 54:3 51°1|50°6 47:9 | 48-8 47:1] 57-0] 44-9] 92-2) 40:0] 10) 10} 10 7 6 25 | 55'8 51:2] 56:3 51°7 | 59°8 53-0 | 60:3 53:8 | 60°4 54:1 | 55°8 52:0 | 54:0 51:3 } 62-4 | 42°39 132-7 | 35:1 8 9 6} 10} 10 26 | 56'8 50:9] 57-0 50:0) 56°1 51°4|55°9 51°0| 54:2 50°9| 51:2 49:3] 51:0 48-9]57-2|50-3) 701) 451% 10} 10) 10; 10) 10 27 | 53:9 51:2) 53:9 51:7 | 53:0 51°3/53°4 51°8| 54:8 52°6 | 52:8 50:9 | 53-0 50°7155:0| 50-2] 73:0) 492] 10} 10} 10} 10| 10 28 | 54°9 51:°6|56°2 52:2) — — |58:°5 52:4) —- — |53-0 52-2|52°5 51-4]61°8|51:0}111:0| 48:0} 10) 10; 10; 10; 10 29 | 54:8 50°] 54:9 51-4 | 56-2 53:8] 68-1 54°7| 58-4 52:°9| 52-4 50°7 | 53-2 51:0] 64:3 | 43°09 128-2 | 35°3 9 9 6 if 9 80 | 57:9 53:9] 57:9 53:0 | 60°1 50°7|57°5 52°1|59-1 53:2] 53-5 49-1 | 52:2 49:0] 63-2 | 48°4]128-5 | 45-1 7 9} 10} 10 9 81 |56°5 52°8|57°5 52°8 | 59°6 53:9| 60-7 55°6| 57-0 53:5] 53:0 51°6 | 52:1 50°83] 62°0| 46-8] 121-1) 48:0 5 5 9} 10 8 Mean) 56:4 52°6/57°1 53:0) - - |58-4 53:9] - — | 54:1 51:3| 53:3 50°6] 61-7 | 49-3]112-°0) 46:0] 8:7 | 91) 91) 86 | 85 STEVENSON SCREEN. AUGUST 1895. Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. 1 | 52°8 50°5 | 54:8 51°8|57°4 53-2 | 59-4 54:2] 54:9 52:0| 54:0 48:8] 56:2 49:9] 60-0 | 49'S] 93°83) 46:3] 10] 10] 10 8} 10} 2 | 561 52:1) 54:3 52°8| 55-3 54:0| 53-9 53-2| 56-9 54:6] 53:2 50:8] 53:2 49-9] 60-1 | 52:8]110-4) 49:0} 10) 10) 10 5 5 3 | 54:0 52:7/54:0 53:1] 55:9 54:1) 55°8 54°1|56°5 54:3] 53-1 52°7/52-7 52:0756°9| 50-2] 72°5) 49°57 10) 10) 10; 10) 10 4 |57-:0 53°8)59°1 55-4) - - |63°9 57:3] - —- |57:8 55:1) 57:0 54:9] 65:9 | 50-2] 124:3| 47°6 9} 10 8} 10] 10 5 |56-2 53°8|57+1 54:9 | 62:1 57:1 | 63:0 57-4| 59:4 56°6| 55-8 55:°0/ 55:8 55:0) 63°3| 52-4] 111-9) 50°37 10) 10]; 10}; 10) 10 6 | 58-0 55°6| 58-4 55:8 | 60:7 56:9] 64:9 57:4| 58:4 56°71] 55-2 53-9] 54:8 53:9] 67°9 | 54-27128-1) 53-7 | 10) 10 8} 10} 10 7 |59°8 56°8| 56:9 55:3] 56-4 55-0] 56-2 54°6/57-0 54:9] 56-1 52:9] 53-0 50°9] 61:4 | 52°54 116-6} 53:3 8 on 10) 7 3 8 |57°0 54:2| 58-1 55:2|59°7 55:0| 64:8 57:9 | 60:3 54:8 | 55:9 50:6 | 50-8 47:9} 66-0 | 49:2] 122-0} 42:2 2 2 3 il 3 9 |56°8 52:9] 59:8 55°8/ 57-9 55°1| 58-0 55°3/ 58-8 56:0|55:9 55:5 |56°6 56:0] 60:9) 46-6} 71:3} 39°5 8 8} 10) 10] 10 10 | 56:4 54:6) 58-2 55:0 | 62:7 56°7 | 60-9 54:9] 61°6 54:8 | 56:7 53:9] 56:9 53:6] 66-0 | 53°9]7121:2| 53-4} 10) 10 9 9 9 11 | 58:2 54:°8/58°3 54:8) - - |61°6 57°7| - — | 53:8 52:1] 53:8 53:5] 62:2] 52:3} 94:0] 55:27 10] 10; 10 4 8 12 | 55:2 54:2] 54°3 53:1 | 53-4 52°5| 53-6 53:0| 565 54:1| 55-3 538/542 53:9157°3| 52:5] 69:7] 529] 10) 10) 10} 10) 10 13 | 56°6 54:8] 58-3 55:6 | 57-9 55-7 |[59°5][56-0]| 59-4 57-5 | 56-2 54-1] 55-7 53-9] 60°1 | 53-0} 123-0) 50:1] 10 9 8 9 9 | 14 |59°6 56-4 | 62:7 57-8| 60°6 57-5 | 62:3 58-7 | 60:8 56:2 | 56-0 53-9 | 54:3 52-4] 65-0 | 52-0] 123-2) 48:5 9 6 8 1 0 15 | 55:8 53°8/57°6 54:9 | 61-3 56:9| 65:8 58-9| 66:9 60:0 | 59°5 57:1| 59-2 56-6] 68-1 | 50°37125°0] 48:0} 10 10 9 9} 10 16 | 58-8 57:7| 59-3 58-0 | 61:2 59:2 | 62:9 60°6| 62:8 61:0 | 62:5 61:0 | 62-2 60-9] 64:2| 56-1} 85:0) 561] 10; 10) 10) 10/ 10 17 | 64:3 60:8] 66:3 61:7 | 68°1 61:1] 71:8 63-2| 68°3 62:3 | 61:0 58-7 | 60:4 58-6 | 72°0 | 60:0} 130°4 | 57°7 7 7 5 9 9 18 | 67:9 59:0) 68:0 58:8; - — |66°2 6071) - — | 621 58:3] 61-2 58-5} 68-9 | 57°34] 109-1 | 53:0 3 8 Oy On) 20) 19 | 57:9 56°6|57°8 56°8| 59:8 57-9| 60°3 57°5| 59°8 56:4| 56-8 55-2|56-°8 54:9]61°6| 56-4] 971] 545] 10} 10} 10; 10/ 10 20 |59°9 56-7 | 60°3 57-5 | 59:7 56:8) 59-4 56°8| 60-2 56:9 57-8 55:0|56°6 55:0} 62:9 | 55:14 121°9 | 533 8 6 9; 10} 10 21 |57°7 56°8| 57:9 57-0] 59-1 58:3| 59:4 58:1 | 59-7 57-6 | 56-9 54:7 | 57:3 54:1] 60°9| 54:14 85-1) 52697 10) 10) 10 9} 10 22 | 59-1 55:8|59:0 55:8 | 62:0 58-0 | 62°3 57:2| 62:4 57-8| 55-8 54:0] 54:9 53-7 4660 | 54-9 126:0/ 48:0] 10/ 10 8} 10} 10 23 | 56°4 52:6 | 56-9 53-1] 59-0 53-7 | 59:7 53:8) 59:6 54:7 | 54:7 51:8] 54:0 51-4] 61:2) 52:1] 108°9| 49-2 8 9} 10 9 9 24 |52°9 49:7 | 53:3 48-0] 51:0 47-0) 53-6 47-6 | 54:9 48-1 | 50:2 45-4] 49-6 45:0] 58-5 | 47-9} 123-1) 49°2 7 8 9 2 3 25 | 53°9 51:1] 54°8 56:2} —- - |56°0 51:8) —- — | 52-7 50:9] 52:2 51:1} 59:2 | 45°3] 114°8| 39:3 6 De LON | LO ato 26 |53°1 52:7| 55:3 54:3 57-8 55°8| 598 55:3| 58-8 55:0] 55-1 54-21 54:9 54:0]59°8| 50-2] 95:0) 49-44 10 OS 10) | 0s | elo 27 | 57°6 54:9 | 60:2 55°8| 58:8 56°1| 58:9 54:2] 61:9 56°3| 56-0 53°6 | 54:9 52-6] 62°0 | 54-1] 120°2| 52°5 9 8 8] 10}; 10 28 | 54:9 52:8| 54-5 5291558 54:8 | 55-7 55-0| 59-9 57°8| 56-8 55:2| 56-8 55°1]60°0| 49-2] 75:3) 41-9] 10} 10} 10) 10) 10 29 | 55:3 55:0|57°7 57:1) 57:0 56°8| 57-8 57°1| 59°8 58:9 | 58:6 55:9 | 58-1 54:9] 61-4] 543] 75:4) 350] 10 10 | 10 9 6 80 |56°9 54:8/57:3 55:6 | 59°8 55°8 | 59-2 56°3|59'8 56:0| 57-0 54:1] 57°5 54:0462°8 | 56-0] 95:3] 53:2] 10 8 8} 10} 10 81 | 56°3 54:0 | 56:2 54:8 | 55:8 52:4| 58-6 54:9] 56:8 54:9) 57-0 54:2| 57-0 54:0] 59:0 | 54:4] 77:4) 53°8 2s ie 0 fe C0 i 0 U MEAN] 57:2 546/580 55:3) -— - | 60-2 561| - - | 56:3 53-9| 55:8 53-6] 62°6 | 52:5] 104-7 | 49-6 | 8:8 | 81 | 9:0} 86) 85 q TRANS. ROY. SOC. EDIN.—VOL. XLIII. 2M 274 FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. STEVENSON SCREEN. TEMPERATURE AND AMOUNT OF CLOUD. SEPTEMBER 1895. Temperature—Dry and Wet Bulbs. ene Black|Ra an, Amount of Cloud, 0 to 10. gh 10h 12h 14h 16h 91h 29h Bulb, | Min. Qh) 10h] 14h; QIh} QOh Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.) Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet. ‘Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. i iia ; 1 | 55:7 55°91 | 56:0 55:5) — — |58°3 56:8) — —~ |59°8 56°3| 59:2 56:0] 60:4] 53:0] 71:3] 53:2} 10) 10] 10] 10] 10 2 |63°1 58-0 | 62°9 58:0] 65:6 59°6 | 62:0 58°8| 65:1 60-9 | 61:1 58-9 | 60°9 59:1] 67-0 | 56°38] 110-4) 54:0 7 8 ai 10; 10 3 |55°5 54:-4|56°9 55:0| 60:5 56°4|58°8 53:°9| 57-7 54:9] 54:2 52:°9| 54:6 52°6]62°1 | 53:1] 104°7| 53-0 10 10 9 10 7 4 |51+1 49°8 | 52°3 50:0] 54°7 50:9] 54:7 53°5|57°1 53°6| 55°9 53°3| 55:0 52°3]59°0|50°8} 85:2] 49-4] 10} 10) 10/ 10 5 5 |56°0 54°6 | 56°8 55:3) 60°8 57°3| 59°8 55-7 | 58°3 52°9| 51-9 48-5 | 49-7 46:9] 63-0 | 48-9] 113-4} 51:2] 10 th 9 3 1 6 |50°4 48°6 | 56:1 52:2| 59:9 53°5|59°8 53:9] 61:4 55:°9|52°8 50:2] 57:9 51°7 | 63:0 | 39°64115°7| 32°5 0 0 3 | 10) 0 7 |56°2 54:4) 56°8 54:0} 60:0 55:4/59°3 54:7 | 58:2 51:9| 54:6 51°3| 53:1 50°2 | 62:1 | 52°3}113:1] 53°4 10 10 9 4 3 8 |56°9 54:°4|57°0 54:7) - — |59°3 55:0] - — | 57-2 53°9| 56:1 53:2] 62:0 | 52:7] 109°9| 49°3 Oy al) |p al@ || 20) 9 9 |58°7 54°8| 60:9 55°8| 63°8 57:°9| 69:0 60°38] — — | 62:9 60°9| 61:4 60:0 | 75°4 | 52:0] 126'0| 47:0 4 5 3 3 2 10 | 61°9 56°9 | 62:8 55°9| 61:9 55-2| 62:7 55:9 | 62°7 53°7| 55:9 52:0| 55-9 52°9] 65:2 | 55:09117:0| 55:0 8 8 2| 10} 10 11 | 55-8 53°6|56*1 54:0] 57:2 53°9| 58-2 53-7| 59:1 54:0|56°8 52°7 | 55-7 51:1] 6071 |53-94114:0| 53:0} 10} 10; 10) 10 7 12 | 54:3 50:2|53:5 49:9] 55:9 51:0) 57°8 51°6| 55:8 50:1) 52:1 48-9] 52°0 48°2]59°4| 50°9}118-1) 48-7 i 8 8 3 2 13 [53-9 49°6| 54:5 49:9 | 56-9 52:4) 57:1 52:4] 56-0 53:5 | 54:5 52-4 [54°5][53-0]] 50°8 | 48°51 120°4| 43-0 9 6 9 9) 10 14 | 55:7 52°9| 55-9 53°5| 57:4 54:8 | 58:2 55°3| 58:3 55:01 55:2 54°83) 55:3 54:9158-4/53-2] 73:0] 52:47 10] 10] 10) 10] 10 1b 570) 56"5)) 56:3: 57-2) — —- |587 55:9] - — |56°7 53°8| 56:0 53°6|60:2|55:0} 83°38] 55:6} 10 9] 10 9 9 16 | 55:1 54:5] 55:4 54°6| 55°9 55:3/ 564 56°0| 563 55:8|53°8 52°7 | 53:4 52-4156-8|53°3] 65:2) 53:07 10) 10} 10; 10] 10 17 | 55:0 54:5 | 55:9 55°5| 57:4 56° | 57°1 56°7| 58:9 58:1 | 56°7 56°2| 56:1 55°91 59-01 52-0] 74:0] 52°07 10) 10}; 10} 10) 10 18 | 58:2 57°5| 58:1 57:0) 56-9 55°8| 60:0 57:8| 58:1 52:8] 52:1 48°5) 50°8 47°3]61-0 | 50°9}115°8| 55°38} 10) 10 8 8 2 19 |55°6 50:0|56°7 50°8| 59°5 51:2) 58°6 51:0 | 57-6 50°8| 50°7 45:9] 50-0 45:9 | 60°7 | 49°7} 113-0} 46-4 5 3 5 7 8 20 | 48-6 45°9| 51:9 47:°9| 54:6 49:2) 58-1 50-8) 55:7 49°9| 47-1 44:7 | 47:0 44:5 159-0 | 44°87 109°5 | 35°0 3 8 9 0 0 21 | 54:2 50°5| 55:4 51:4] 58-9 53:3) 59°6 54:1/ 59:0 54:8) 57:4 54:9) 57°71 54°91 61:0) 42:0] 96:0] 34:4 5 5 2{| 10; 10 22 | 57-4 54:4|57-4 543) - - | 59-9 553) — - | 55-9 53-4) 56-7 53-7] 611/546] 104-9/ 465] 9) 9) 2) 8] 10 23 | 57°3 54:4/ 58-4 54:8 | 62°2 56°8| 61-9 56:2| 63°1 57°0| 48:7 47:9 | 47-8 46:9] 64°8 | 47-2] 116-0) 51:3 6 6 1 0 24 |55°8 53°7| 55:3 53°7| 588 56°1| 61°6 59°5 | 61:5 59°6| 58°8 57°6|57°9 57:0161:9| 43-1] 81:6} 38:0 8| 10; 10 2; 10 25 | 57:7 56°9| 64:6 60°9| 62°8 60-1 | 66:1 62°8| 67-9 63°6 | 61:8 59-2 | 62°6 60:0} 68:2 | 52°77104:0| 46:7 5 8] 10} 10} 10 26 | 60:9 59:0] 60°8 58:9 | 60:7 59:8] 60:8 59-6 | 61:2 59-8] 61°6 59°8| 60°3 58:4]62°9|59-1] 76:0] 583} 10) 10) 10} 10 27 | 59:9 58-4] 63:8 60:9 | 67°9 63°6 | 69°6 64°3| 70:2 64:9] 611 59°9|59°3 58:3] 71°9 | 56°39 105-0 | 50°7 8 6 D 3 28 | 59:0 58:3] 60:8 59-7 | 62:9 61:1 | 65:9 62°4| 64:8 61:3 | 55:9 55:6 | 55:0 55:0] 67:0 | 55:0} 105°8| 50°07 10) 10 4 0| 10 29 |53:0 52°6|56°7 55°38} — - |66°3 61:7) - — |59°9 58:3] 56:2 55-9] 69-1 | 47-0] 109°9 | 46:1 0 0 0 0 80 | 52:2 52°0/56°6 55:6 | 66°1 61:8 | 68°7 62°7| 67-2 61°5 | 55°9 54:5 | 52:2 51-9] 71:2} 48:0} 107-2} 42:2 0 0 0 0 MEAN) 56°1 53°9)57°5 54:7) - - |60°8 56:6) - —~ | 56:0 53-7] 55:3 53-1 | 63-1 | 51:0] 1020] 48°6 | 7:2] 7:2 | 6-7 | 66) 6-4 STEVENSON SCREEN. OCTOBER 1895. Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.! Dry. Wet.) Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. 1 |51°7 50°8 | 56°8 54:8 | 62°1 57°8 | 64°8 59°3| 66:2 58°8| 57°8 56°6 | 58:2 56:2] 68:9 | 46-5] 102°0| 39:2 2 0 i |) i) al) 2 | 44:7 42:5 44-2 42-0 | 43:8 41:1) 44:1 40-8 | 44:4 41°4| 39-7 38:0] 40:0 38:0] 58-2| 37-8] 89:0) 482] 10) 10] 10) 10 8 3 | 41:2 40°0 43°0 40°8 | 42:4 40:7 | 42:3 40°8| 42:8 41-0] 43°2 42:0] 42:9 41:8] 43°83 | 38-1} 52°0| 35°8 10 10 10 10 10 4 | 45:0 39:7 45:9 39:°9| 48-0 41°8 | 47:9 42:9) 49-8 41°9| 47-0 42°6 | 44:9 43-4]51:4| 36:2]101°0 | 29-2 3 3 2 10 10 5 | 49:0 46°8 | 47°7 44:°9| 48-1 45:4 | 48-2 45:4] 48:9 46:1] 45°3 42:9 | 46:2 44:3]53°5| 44-1] 91:4) 42:2 10 5 8 7 10 6 |48°6 46°0| 48°7 46°7| —- - |46°8 44:2) — — |44:8 43:°9| 44-9 44:0] 53:0| 43:1] 87:5) 34:4 8} 10]; 10}; 10] 10 7 | 48°6 42°1 | 44:2 42:8| 49:0 44°6| 49:4 44:5 | 48°6 45:3] 45:0 44:0| 44:1 43°1]50°2| 40:0] 88:2} 38:3 9 Us 8 10 10 8 | 43:3 42°7 | 45°5 44:6] 49°8 46°8| 53-0 46°38 | 50°8 45°8| 45-1 42:0 | 44°1 41°99 55:2] 39:0] 98°3| 34:4 7 2 4/ 10) 10 | 9 |47°6 42°8 | 48:1 44:3] 49-8 44:9) 50-8 44:3] 50:6 42°7| 46:6 42:2] 41:7 39:8] 52:3 | 41:2] 105°0| 38:2 10 10 7 5 0 10 | 47°1 41:2) 47:2 41°7 | 50°0 43°5 | 50°3 441 | 49:7 45:2) 48°6 45:4 | 49-0 44-9] 52-4 | 39:0] 104°8 | 32:0 7 4 3 | 10 4 11 | 47:4 42°5 | 49:0 43°8| 49-0 46:2| 48-9 46°7 | 49:3 47:2) 53-9 51:9 | 54:8 52:3]55:1| 44:4] 67:5 | 37:7 6 9) 10) 10} 10 12 | 56:9 53°6 56:8 53°6| 56:8 53:9| 55:8 53°8| 55:4 53°8| 53-7 52:4] 53-0 52:1158-0| 52:0] 62:°9| 53:4] 10] 10] 10) 10) 10 18 |'5891 49°71 '53°5 49°7)) — — |538°1 50°6| — — |541 50:0|53°3 50:1155°5|50°9] 68:5} 49-4} 10} 10{ 10; 10 8 14 | 47:9 45°3| 49:0 44:9] 51:1 44:°9|51°7 44:7) 52:5 45°9| 43:5 40:8] 48:8 40-9] 54:1 | 42:0] 96:8} 43-9 9 9 0 1 1 15 | 47-8 43°2| 47:7 43:6) 48-9 43:1] 48:7 43°3| 47:3 41:9] 44:5 41:2] 43:5 40:9] 49°8 | 42-4] 59°38) 870] 10] 10) 10; 10 3 16 | 386°9 35°3| 39:0 37:2 | 47°6 42°6 | 49°7 42:2) 48-9 42:3 | 37:3 35:9 | 86°5 34:8]51°8 | 32°38] 99:0| 25:9 4 7 7 0 0 17 | 34:4 33:0) 87:7 35°5 | 44:2 40°7 | 48°8 43°2| 49-9 45:0 | 37°7 86°8| 86°3 35°8]51°8| 80°0] 92°8) 23-2 0 0 1 0 0 18 | 45:1 438°1| 47:2 44°3|52°5 47:1) 51°9 46°7 | 52°1 47:0 | 45:3 43°8/| 46°9 44:9] 53-3 | 33:7] 89:0} 27:3 4 4 4 7 8 19 | 49°3 483] 49-2 48-2|49-6 48-4| 49-8 48-2/50°1 47:4| 49°3 46-:0/49°5 46:0] 50°5 | 44:2] 51-2] 43:7] 10] 10] 10} 10} 10 20 | 45:1 42:1/45°5 42:9) - — | 458 42:9! - - | 41°6 40:8] 41°8 40°41] 49:9| 40-9] 52:7) —- 10] 10} 10) 10) 10 21 | 38:9 35°7| 38:9 36°5 | 40°8 35:0 | 41:0 35°8| 40-7 35:9 | 38-0 34:9 | 38:2 34:9] 42°8| 34:9] 87:0) 30°8 9 8 5 2 9 22 | 38°5 35°0| 39°4 35°5 | 41°9 37:1] 41°5 86°8| 41:1 36°9| 33:9 31:9 | 33:2 31:3] 43:2 | 32:9] 89°6) 29°2 9 6 6 1 1 23 | 33°6 32°0| 34°7 32°9 | 38:9 35°9 | 42°1 37:7 | 42°9 36°9 | 39:9 36:9 | 39:3 36:9] 44°1 | 29°83] 66:3) 24:0 8 ef 9} 10] 10 24 | 823 81-6 | 37-5 35:2 | 43-2 38-1 | 41-6 36:8 | 40-9 36-9 | 37-7 35°3| 36:3 34-2] 44-6 | 29-6] 94-2) 2447 1) 1/ 4) 1] 0 25 | 360 34°5 | 38-1 35°4| 39-9 35°5 | 40°6 36-2| 39-9 36-7 | 30-9 30°0| 31°5 303] 42°5 | 300] 86-5| 249] 4) 4) 8] 8] 2 26 | 86°2 34:1] 39°4 36°5 | 42°8 38°1| 42:9 37°5| 40°6 36°7 | 34:7 32:2| 85:0 32:9] 46°7 | 80:9] 85:9] 24:0 2 4 7 7 8 27 | 82:9 31°6| 37-7 34:5) - — |41°6 381] - — |37°3 84:9 | 34:7 32°9] 42:2] 31:5] 84:2) 25:1 1 8 8] 10 6 28 | 35°9 34:6] 86°5 35:2 | 40:0 35°7 | 41:1 36°3| 88:1 35°8 | 35°8 34:0) 36:3 34:1] 42°2 | 29°4] 84°8| 22:2 10 5 Zl 8 7 29 | 34:1 32:2] 86:9 34°7 | 40°5 37:0 | 42°5 38:0 | 42:9 37:8 | 40:1 36°7| 40:0 36:9] 45°2 | 29:7] 84:8} 22°7 8 3 6 10 10 380 | 44:9 42:4] 45:8 42°7 | 45:1 42°5| 45°9 42:7 | 43°5 42:0] 41:2 40°2| 41:0 40:1] 47°9| 36:0] 61:7} 34:0 10 9 10 10 9 81 | 389'°0 34°8 | 40°8 37°1 | 43:9 39:4 | 45:4 39°5 | 43:9 39°1 | 35°9 34:1 | 82:4 31:2] 46°8 | 32:5] 87:1] 31:2 2 3 6 0 0 | MEAN| 42°8 40°3 | 44:2 41°4 | - - |47°4 42:9) —- — | 42:9 40:7| 43-4 40°4]50:2| 87:6] 83°3| [83:4] 6:9 | 6-4 6:8 | 7:3 | 6°6 | | FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 275: STEVENSON SCREEN. TEMPERATURE AND AMOUNT OF CLOUD. NOVEMBER 1895. Temperature—Dry and Wet Bulbs. ee | Min.|Black| Radn. Amount of Cloud, 0 to 10. gh 10% 12h 14h 16 21h 22h Bulb. | Min. } gn | yom | 14m | 21m | 208 Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.) Dry. Wet. ‘Dry. Wet, el ae | per al 1 28:0 27°3 | 33°0 30°9 | 37°86 34°9 | 41°5 385 | 39°2 36:9 | 32°38 31°9 | 32:1 31°5) 43-1 | 26-1] 77:5 | 13:3 38 2 0 0 0 2 |35°9 34:5 | 37:1 35:4| 39°6 37:7 | 41:1 39:1 | 39°0 37:5 | 33°9 33:0 | 32°7 32:0] 41'S | 28:3} 47:6 | 19°8 9 9] 10 0 0 3 | 28:9 28°5|32°5 315) - - |39°9 87-4) - -—- | 29:9 30:0 | 30:7 30:3] 40:7 | 26:0] 68-2 | 19:2 0 il 0 il il 4 |33°3 32:3 | 32°9 32°2| 38:2 36°7 | 43:4 40°5| 41:6 38°6 | 42:9 39°8 | 43:0 38:7 143-9 | 27-8] 72:4 | 21:2 4 8 6} 10 9 5 | 46°7 42:9) 47°9 44:0] 49°9 45:0 | 50:5 45:2 | 51:2 44°5 | 47-3 43°8 | 46°8 43:0} 51°5 | 38-8] 65:4 | 31°6 9 9 9; 10} 10 6 |49°7 46°8| 49:4 47:2} - - |50°3 46:77| - -—- | 506 47:°5/51:0 47:71151:1| 461] 695] 43:0] 10] 10] 10 9} 10 7 |48°8 45°7 | 49:2 47:2|50°5 47°8 | 51:1 47:9) 49-9 47:0 | 48:5 46°7 | 48:4 46-2) 51°3| 45:3] 76:5 | 42:4 5 9 9 5 8 8 | 48:0 45°9/ 49°5 46-9] 49°8 47:2 |51°8 46°9| 48°8 46:1 | 46:1 45:2 | 45°8 44:8} 53:4| 45-8] 85:1 | 43:0 8 6 6 OF LOn 9 | 44:6 42-1 | 45:9 42°9| 45:7 43°7 | 47°8 44:2 | 42-7 41:5 | 4171 39:1 | 38:7 37-6} 48°3 | 37-714 70-1 ; 42:0 9 6 6 | 10 il 10 ([45°5][42°3]) 40-4 42:9) - - |49°6 46-7] - — |51°6 47:7 | 52:2 49°1152°1 | 34:4] 58:0 | 29:5] [10] 10} 10] 10) 10 11 | 46°6 42:8) 46°9 46:0 | 47-1 41:9 | 44:0 41°5| 42:5 39:9 | 40°6 38°8 | 39°9 38°5]57°0 | 40°2] 79°0| - 6 7 7| 10] 10 12 | 88:1 37:5 | 38°8 37:9] 41°7 39:9 | 42:9 41:0] 41°8 40:1 | 38:7 37:9 | 40°6 39:3] 43-9 | 36-9] 53-9 | 32:9} 10] 10 8 9 6 18 | 44:9 42°7 | 44:1 42:5) 47:7 42°9 | 46:0 42:9] 45:0 42:2|42°9 41:1] 43°7 42:2} 48°8 | 39-0] 75°3 | 36°47 10 8 LON LO 6 14 | 43:0 42-4] 42°8 41-1] 44:0 40:9 | 42:0 38:7 | 44:0 40:0 | 40:9 38°6 | 39°9 37:9} 46°2| 38:0] 71:8 | 38:1] 10 9 7 6 6 15 | 50-0 44:0 | 51:3 45:5 | 52-9 46-9 | 52-1 47:3| 49:0 45°8| 48-8 43-9 | 46°8 42°0] 54-0 | 39-0] 66°9 | 351] 10| 10, 10 6 7 16 | 45:4 40:9] 42:8 40-1] 41:0 39°8 | 41:7 40-4| 43:0 41-2] 40°8 39°8 | 40°8 38-9] 47:0 | 39:2] 55:2 | 40-47 10] 10] 10) 10; 10 17 +| 41°9 39:0) 41°0 88:9} - - |42°6 39:7) - -— | 891 37°8|38°5 36:°9146°0 | 39-0] 75:4) 37:0] 10 4 7 0 2 18 | 42°9 40:9 | 43:9 41:8] 48°2 43°6 | 46:3 42-0 | 46:8 41°8| 41:9 88°5 | 45°1 40°64 49-0 | 37:2] 88°3 | 33:3 9 if 7 2 3 19 | 44:9 38:2| 44:9 38:6 | 46:9 38:9 | 46°8 38:0 | 43:9 37°8 | 44:2 38°7 | 44-9 39°6} 48-0 | 42:0] 68°6 | 33°9 ee es) 7 4 4 20 | 49:9 44:9) 49°9 44:9|51°8 45:8) 51:9 46:9 | 52:9 47°9| 50°7 47:7 | 49°9 47:3 [54-0 | 44:0] 63:2 | 40-1 7 9 7! 10; 10 21 | 48:9 47:2; 49-7 47°6|51°1 48°9| 50°7 48:2} 49-9 48-1] 48:9 48°8| 49:2 48:9]54:0 47:2] 67:2 | 45:0 9 9 |) a |} LO 22 | 41:9 40:1) 45:5 41:2] 45:9 41:8] 47:0 44:2] 45-6 42°9 | 39°8 37:7 | 38°9 37°5]50°6 38:8] 58°8 | 383] 10 6 | 10 3 3 23 | 38:1 34:9 | 36:7 36:2 | 38:9 36:0 | 40°5 36°9 | 37:8 35:9 | 35:8 33-9 | 34-4 33:0] 40°6 33-1] 67:0 | 30-0 2 6 4 0 0 24 |36°5 35:1 | 37°6 36:1) - — |41°2 38°2) —- — |34°9 33:2 | 34:2 32°3143°5 313] 60°6 | 23:0} 10 8 1 0 0 25 | 29°6 28:9 | 29-7 28-9| 33°5 32:1|36°7 34:0 | 34:0 32-9 | 31:2 30:7 | 31:0 32:0]36°9 27-8] 60°9 | 19°8 0 0 0 0 0 26 | 30°4 29-9 | 30-7 80:0] 36°7 32:3 | 36°9 35:7 | 36:9 35:2 | 38:9 36:1 | 39°9 36:7] 44:0 27.8] 55°6 | 18-9 0 0 0 0 0 27 | 42°5 39:1) 42:9 39:°5| 46:0 42°0| 45:8 40°8| 43-1 40:0 | 40-0 38°0 | 39°9 37:8] 48-2 35°38} 73°0 | 26:0 4 6 il 5 il 98 | 48:5 43:°9| 48-3 44-2] 48-9 44:6| 49-3 44:8] 48-7 44:7 | 48-4 44:9] 48:9 45:°2150°0 405] 67:0} 35:5] 10 8 8 8 8 99 |48°0 44:6 | 47-0 44:6| 46-9 44:7) 45:9 44:7] 44:9 43-9] 42-7 41-9} 41-7 41:2]50°0 41-8] 51:2) 402} 10}; 10) 10 9 9 30 | 42°7 42-1 | 46-2 44:9) 45-9 45-1 | 46-9 43-9 |45-9 43-7 | 41-2 39°9| 43:5 40:9] 47-2 39-0] 53:2) - 9 9 9 7; 10 Mean] 421 39°6| 42:8 40°4) - - |45°5 421) - - |41°8 39:8) 41:8 39°6]47-9 37-1] 66-7 | [82:5] 7-4 | 7-2) 6S | 5:8 | 5-7 STEVENSON SCREEN. DECEMBER 1895. 1 | 42°1 399/423 389| - - |39°7 361] - - |89°6 36-7|40°4 38:1] 44-7 | 36-0] 56S | 37°37 8) 10) 4) 5| 8 2 | 45-9 42-4| 45-9 42-2 | 46-8 44-0| 47-9 45°3 | 48-8 46-4 | 45-9 42-9 / 45-9 41-1] 49-4 | 36-7] 57-0 | 34:0] 10| 10] 10) 10] 10 8 | 42-4 37-9| 48-6 37°8| 41-0 37°8| 41-8 38:3 | 41-9 38-9) 43-1 39-7 | 42-2 38-9] 47-1 | 38-2] 48:0 | 36-07 10) 8) 10; 9/ 8 4 | 48-4 41-7 | 43-6 42-0 | 48-8 45°9| 50-1 46:7 | 50:3 46-9| 50-9 47:3| 51-0 47-8] 51-2 | 49-1] 52:9 | 41-0] 10| 10) 10/ 10) 10 5 | 45-4 39-7 | 42-9 39-0) 41-9 37-7| 41-8 36-0 | 41-9 35-9| 37-4 34-1 | 39-9 34-0] 53-0 | 36-0] 571] 390] 10) 10) 10) 8) 8 6 | 38-9 32-7 | 36-6 32:8] 35:8 32°0| 35-7 31-9] 35-8 31-1] 37-8 32-1 | 36-7 31-4] 41-0 | 31-0] 55:0) 3127 10) 10); 8) 8/ 8 7 | 36-9 33°6 | 33-9 31:8) 35-5 320| 36-3 32-1] 33°8 328 | 34-9 33-9 | 32°5 31-9] 39-0 | 31-4] 520] 3107 9) 6) 6) 4) 10 8 | 36-8 [32°8]| 37-1 33-1) - - | 33:8 30-7] - — | 333 31-7| 83-8 32-2] 38-2/ 30-7] 544 | 3017 9| 9) 7) 10) 10 9 | 48-2 43-9 | 47-6 43-0 | 43°8 40°9| 45:8 42:0| 43°6 40-1] 42-1 39-0 | 44-9 39-0] 49-1 | 325] 543) — | 7| 8| 6) 5) 2B 10 | 41-8 37-9 | 42-1 38:5 | 43-9 39-7 | 41-9 38-8 | 38°3 36-0 | 38-5 36-9 | 39-9 38°8]/.45-2/ 35-9] 72:9) 343] 3) 4) 2] 8| 10 11 | 44:5 41-1 | 43-0 41-0 | 44:2 41:5 | 42-9 40-8 | 37-9 36-9 | 35-2 34-7 | 82:9 32-7/45:0/ 345) 59:0) 872] 7/ 7) 9| 4) 8 12 | 40-1 37-9| 38-9 37°5/ 39-6 37-9| 35-0 34-2| 33-9 33-7 | 57-1 34-9 | 37-8 35-1| 43°8 | 31-2] 423 | 28-3] 10) 10/ 10) 5) 4 13 | 40-9 36-9 | 41-7 38-2| 40-9 38-1 | 42-9 39-0 | 41-8 39:2) 37-9 35-9 | 36-9 34:9]43-1| 36-0] 455] 3037 8) 9| 7! O| 2 14 [412 40-1) 41-9 40-9/ 458 44-9) 48-1 47-2| 45-7 44-6 | 41-8 398| 40-9 38-1] 48-9 | 31'8] 50-0 | 27-9] 10/ 10) 10] 5) 5 15 | 37-5 34-4|37-7 34:0) - - | 36-0 35:3] - 36-9 36-1 | 368 35-9] 40-6 | 32-0] 44-0 | 276] 10} 9] 10| 9] 8 16 | 40-9 38:3| 41-7 37-9| 40-9 37-9] 41-1 38-2| 43-1 39-7| 41-1 39-0 | 40-9 38-9] 43°8 | 34-6] 44-4 | 3117 10) 9) 10/ 10) 10 17 | 42:4 39-9| 41-8 39-6 | 43-8 40:9] 43-7 40-8 | 42°9 40°3| 41-7 38-9| 40-7 38:5] 46-4 33-4] 49-2 | 35-07 10) 8/ 6/ 8) 9 18 | 37:8 35:9 | 39-3 36-9| 41-0 38:7| 40-8 38°6| 40-5 38-9 | 39-2 38-1] 39-2 38-2] 42-2 | 36-0] 50:3 | 31:3] 8) 8) 10| 10) 10 19 | 87-2 35:9| 37-5 36-0 | 39:9 37-4| 38-9 35-8| 35-0 34-7 | 33-1 32-4/ 32-3 31-3] 41:1) 311] 469} -— | 10) 10) 4) 8) 9 20 | 31:8 30-5! 32-0 30-9 33-7 31-9 | 34-0 32°8| 31-9 30-7 | 30-5 29-4 | 30-6 (29-7 41-2 | 28-0) 39-0 | 2307 10) 10) 7/ 0 0 21 | 29-3 29-0 | 29-8 [29-8]] 31-8 31-0 / 33-1 32:0] 33-1 32-0| 34-2 31-9] 35-1 32-2]35°0/2¢0] 355/179} 10) 10); 8) 1) 7 @2))288 83:1 |39-2 33°6| — - |89°9 34:0| - — | 41-6 35:7 | 42-1 35-4] 41-6) 31°8| 46:8 | 220) 6) G) 9) 8) 9 23 | 42-8 37-7| 42-5 37-9| 42-1 37-9 | 42:3 37:8 | 43-2 38-0| 44-9 39-2 | 44-8 39-2] 45-3 | 405] 49-1 | 35:7] 8) 8) 10; 10) 10 24 | 41-2 36-6 | 41-2 359| 39-9 35-7 | 41-0 35:7 | 40-4 85°3| 40-7 35°2| 40-2 35-7 | 45°3 | 37-3] 52°8 | 35-7} 10) 10) 8/ 10) 10 25 | 39-9 33-7| 30:8 34-7| - - |40°2 342| - - | 38-9 33-8| 39-2 33:5] 429/385] 70-9 | 348) 6) 7) 8} 6)| 9 26 | 88-9 33-6 | 39-1 33:5 | 40-0 33:8 | 39-9 33-9| 39-0 33-6 | 37-9 33-9| 37-8 33-9] 40-1/ 34:8] 47°8 | 3437 6) 7) 6 9) 9 27 | 37°9 33:4 | 37-9 33°3| 88-1 33-9 | 38-4 34:2 | 37-9 33-9 | 36-7 34-1| 36-5 33:9] 39-0 | 34:3] 44°0 | 32-9) 9) 9) 9) 10) 10 28 | 37:9 33°6/ 36-1 32-9| 39:9 35:9 | 37:2 35-9 | 40°0 36-9 | 41-8 37-9 42-7 39:5 | 43-2 | 328] 40-9 | 272) 10) 10) 10) 10) 10 29 47-1 46-2/47-1 46:3) - - |462 45:3| - — | 44:5 43:3| 44-0 43-0] 47°8| 37°3] 50°0 | 37:0) 10) 10) 10) 10) 10 30 | 41-2 40-4| 41-1 40-2| 41-0 40°6| 40-9 40-1| 40-6 39-8] 40-4 39-9 | 40-2 39-9] 44-1] 39-2] 44:0 | 37-2] 10) 10) 10) 10) 10 B1 | 41-3 40:4 | 41-0 40-3| 42-0 41°6| 42:7 41-9 | 42-2 41-7 | 47-0 44-9| 47:3 45-1] 48:2| 38:3] 45°0 | 36-0) 10° 9) 10; 10) 10 40°6 39°6 36:9] 39:6 36-7 | 44:1 | 34°8 Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.) Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.) Dry. Wet.) Dry. Wet.) Dry. Wet. | oo x o | | 50°3 | 32-4] 88 | 87 |) 8-2) 7:4) 7:9 Mean] 40°4 37°1| 40:2 37:1] - 276 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. MontTHLy AND ANNUAL MEAN VALUES aT BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY, 4407 FEET, AND Fort-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY, 42 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL. BAROMETER—BEN NEVIS. AT 1895. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 5°095 | 5-098 | 5°098 | 5095 | 5°092 | 5-095 | 5-099 | 5098 | 5°105 | 5°107 | 5°111 | 5:111 444 | -449/ “448 °445 | *440| °437| °436| *442 |] *442) +442] *441) °440 ‘039 | °037| °037] °034) *030} °025| 026] *028) 029) ‘036| ‘031| -032 "264 | *270| ‘2738] :276| °275| *271| °269) °267) °265) °263| °258) :254 *b50 | *553| *5599 *560| 561) 559) °556| °553] °551| *h48] "552| *556 “B32, °586| ‘5389 °540| 538] °634| 532] *533) °534|/ °5385) °531| 533 "293 | °295| 296] °296| °294| °289| 287) :288) °289| °291| 287] :292 *281| °282) ‘285 286] °284) ‘281| *281] °283] °283| :284) °285] -284 ‘B21 | 521 | 623] °529| °529) °529) °5380| ‘581| °6382) °537] °540) ‘538 ‘219 | °224| +2289 °224) °225) °223) °222) °227) °231| *231| 282) °232 187] °185| °183} ‘178| °168] *160] -160} ‘160| °157| °158| -160/} ‘154 043} °045| 035} °033| °027] °027| “027| °031| *037| -041} *044] -048 5°289 | 5°291 | 5°292 | 5°291 | 5°289 | 5-286 | 5285 | 5°287 | 5°288 | 5°289 | 5°289 | 5:290 BAROMETER—FORT-WILLIAM. Jan. .§9°756 | 9°748 | 9°750 | 9-750 | 9°750 | 9°746 | 9-747 | 9°751 | 9°762 | 9°771 | 9°777 | 9°779 | 9°777 } 9°70 | 9°768 | 9°770 | 9°776 | 9°77 | 9°782 | 9°786 | 9°786 | 9°781 Feb. .} 0°201 | 07196 | 0°189 | 0-181 | 0°177 | 0-169 | 0-166 | 0-165 | 0°170 | 0°173 | 0°174 | 0°174 | 07173 } 0°167 | 0°158| 0°152 | 07153 | 0°153 | 0-161 | 0°164 | 0-167 | 0°168 Mar. .| 9°622]9°618 | 9°616 | 9°611 | 9°610 | 9°609 | 9°614 | 9°617 | 9°624 | 9°626 | 9°626 | 9°625 | 9°622 | 0°615 | 9°612 | 9-604 | 9-605 | 9°605 | 9°612 | 9°619 | 9°622 | 9°624 Apr. .] 817] °813| °809| °807|) ‘806| °807| 814] ‘819| ‘826/ ‘827] ‘831| °833/ ‘832] °828| °824| -817| ‘815] ‘812| °816) ‘816] °823] -824 May .} 07117} 07113 | 07112 | 0°106 | 0°106 | 0°106 | 0°108 | 0°109 | 0°109 | 0°106 | 0:102 | 0°097 | 0:093 | 0:088 | 0°086 | 0°084 | 0°083 | 0°082 | 0°085 | 0°089 | 0:079 | 0°106 June .f ‘051 051) °049| 047) °046/ °047) °051) 051] °054) “050| °047) °043, ‘041] *035| *033| ‘028|) 027} °024| “025/ *027] 036) 042 July .9°778}9°776 | 9°774 | 9°768 | 9-769 | 9°770 | 9°772 | 9°75 | 9°77 | 9°74 | 9°74 | 9-770 | 9°771 | 9°767 | 9°767 | 9°762 | 9°758 | 9°754 | 9°759 | 9°762 | 9°769 | 9-778 Aug. .] °742] °737| °734) °728) °725| °724) °728| “731) °7386|) ‘738) °739) ‘7386| °735] °732] ‘728| °725| °726| °725) °728| °7380| :737| °740 Sept. .] 0°026 | 0°021 | 0°016 | 0008 | 0-006 | 0-002 | 0-004 | 0-007 | 0°009 | 0:010 | 0-011 | 0:006 | 0°007 } 0°005 | 0-004 | 0-003 | 0-003 | 0-004 | 0°012 | 0°017 | 0028 | 0°027 Oct. .|9°798 | 9°796 | 9°794 | 9°792 | 9°787 | 9°789 | 9-793 | 9°795 | 9°804 | 9°806 | 9°809 | 9-807 | 9°805 | 9-798 | 9°796 | 9°793 | 9°796 | 9°799 | 9°805 | 9-808 | 9°813 | 9°813 Nov. .] “747] °741| ‘741) °7385| °737) °7386) °735| °789| “747| °753) “T60] °759| ‘7519 °741| °732| ‘725] °723| °722] °720| “718| °724| “724 Dec. .}| 663} “660| °659/| °658|) “650| "645) °644| *644) °650| “651|) °658) “656 647] 643) °639| “641| “644| “644|) -650| ‘653| 662] “663 Year .|9:860] 9°856 | 9°854 | 9'849 | 9-848 | 9-846 | 9-848 | 9°850 | 9:856 | 9°857 | 9:859| 9:857 9854 | 9°849 | 9:846 | 9-842 9°842 | 9°842 | 9°846 | 9°849 | 9°856 | 9°858 TEMPERATURE—BEN NEVIS, Jan. of L7-9)§ 27-9) 27:9 F178 LS Le Lee 2 Wee ee LAS (6 Le LTT | Uae eee | LT ee ee esa ved Feb. .] 17°9} 17°9 | 18°4 | 18°3 | 18°5 | 18°5 | 185 | 181 | 18°1 | 18°6 | 19°0 | 19°6 | 20°0 | 19°7 | 19°8 | 19°5 | 19°1 | 18°5 | 18°3 | 18°4 | 18°3 | 1871 |Mar. .] 24°4 | 24°5 | 24°7 | 24°5 | 24°3 | 24°1 | 23°8 | 23°7 | 24°0 | 24°4 | 24°7 | 25°2 | 26°7 | 25°7 | 25°7 | 25°8 | 25°5 | 25:0 | 24°7 | 24°3 | 24°3 | 24°3 Apr. .} 28°9 | 28°7 | 28°8 | 28°7 | 28°6 | 28°7 | 28:9 | 29°2 | 29°7 | 30°71 | 30°7 | 30°7 | 30°9 | 31:4 | 31:2 | 31°4 | 31°2 | 30°7 | 30:4 | 29°7 | 29°3 | 29°3 |May .} 34°35) 344 | 34°3 | 34:3 | 34:2 | 34°2 | 34°4 | 35:0 | 35°5 | 36°5 | 37°3 | 38°2 | 39°1 | 39°5 | 39°5 | 39°1 | 38°8 | 38°2 | 37°5 | 36°6 | 35°9 | 3571 June .} 38°4 § 37°9 | 37°5 | 371 | 37°0 | 3771 | 37°5 | 38°2 | 38°38 | 39°7 | 40°8 | 41°2 | 41°7 | 42°4 | 42°5 | 42°09) 42°5 | 42°1 | 41°6 | 41-4 | 40°3 | 39-7 July .} 3774 | 37:2 | 37°0 | 36°83 | 36°7 | 36°7 | 36°9 | 37°3 | 37°6 | 38°4 | 38°8 | 39°4 | 39°5 | 39°7 | 39-7 | 40°0 | 39°9 | 39°7 | 39°3 | 38°8 | 38°4 | 37-9 Aug. .| 40°44 40°4 | 40-4 | 40°4 | 40°3 | 40°1 | 40°0 | 40°2 | 40°6 | 40°9 | 41°5 | 41°8 | 41:9 | 42°4 | 42°6 | 42°6 | 42°5 | 42°3 | 41°9 | 41°5 | 41°2 | 40°9 Sept. .] 42°7 } 42°3 | 42°2 | 42°2 | 42°2 | 42:4 | 42°1 | 42°3 | 42°9 | 43°4 | 43°8 | 44°3 | 44°7 | 45°1 | 45°3 | 45°1 | 44°8 | 44°1 | 43°3 | 42°9 | 42°9 | 42°6 Oct. .}] 27°5 § 27°3 | 27°2 | 27:0 | 26°9 | 26°38 | 26°7 | 26-4 | 26'5 | 26°8 | 27:2 | 2774 | 27°8 | 27°9'| 27°9 | 28°71 | 27°7 | 27-1 | 26:9 | 26°9 | 27°0 |} 27-1 Nov. .] 28°2 § 28°1 | 28°0 | 28:2 | 28:2 | 28°1 | 28°2 | 28°0 | 281 | 28°1 | 28°b | 28°6 | 29°1 | 28°9 | 28°8 | 28°7 | 28°3 | 28:0 | 28°1 | 281 | 28:2} 27°9 Dec. .| 22°7 | 22°6 | 22°9 | 22°8 | 22°8 | 22°9 | 22°8 | 22°90 | 23°1 | 23°1 | 23°2 | 23°5 | 23°7 | 28:9 | 23°4 | 28°4 | 23:2 | 23°0 | 23°0 | 23°0 | 23:1 | 231 Year .} 30°1 | 29°9| 29:9 | 29°8 | 29°8 | 29°8 | 29°8 | 29°9 | 30:2 | 30°6 | 31°1 | 31°5 | 31°8 | 32'0 | 32:0 | 32:0 | 31°7 | 31°3 | 31°0 | 30°7 | 30°5 | 303] 30°2| 301] 301] 307 TEMPERATURE—FORT-WILLIAM. Jan. 32°2 4 32°7 ; 82°4 | 32°4 | 32°1 | 31°9 | 31°6 | 31°7 | 31°56 | 31°4 | 31°7 | 32°3 | 32°9 | 33°6 | 33-7 ( 33°5 | 33:0 | 32°9 |) 32-4) 32°7 | 32°4) 32°7 Feb. 2971 | 29°1 | 28°6 | 28°7 | 28°5 | 28°2 | 28°3 | 28°2 | 28:3 | 28°8 | 29°7 | 31°9 | 33°3 } 34°3 | 35:2 | 35°7 | 35°38 | 34°0 | 32°7 | 31:8 | 31°2 | 30°6 | Mar. 39°6 | 39°3 | 39°3 | 39°3 | 39°0 | 39°0 | 38°8 | 38°7 | 38°9 | 40°0 | 40°7 | 41°9 | 42°6 } 43°2 | 48°3 | 43°2 | 43°2 | 42°6 | 41°8 | 40°7 | 40°4 | 401 Apr. .] 43°4 | 43°2 | 42°8 | 42°4 | 42°0 | 41°6 | 41°7 | 42°6 | 43°7 | 45°1 | 46°5 | 47°7 | 48°9 | 500 | 50°4 | 51°0 | 50°6 | 50°2 | 49°1 | 47°38 | 46°6 | 45°4 May .| 48°83] 47°8 | 47°71 | 46°9 | 46°5 | 46°7 | 47°5 | 49°6 | 51°1 | 53°3 | 54°9 | 56°8 | 57°2 } 5871 | 58:2 | 582 | 58:4 | 57°8 | 5771 | 55:5 | 53°6 | 52°0 June .} 51°2 | 50°4 | 49°4 | 48°9 | 48°7 | 49°1 | 50°6 | 52°2 | 54°0 | 55°38 | 57°5 | 58°7 | 59°3 | 60'3 | 610 | 61°3 | 6175 | 60°9 | 609 | 59°9 July .} 52°7 | 62°56 , 62°2 | 61°9 | 51°56 | 51°8 | 52°7 | 54° | 5571 | 56°3 | 5771 | 57°38 | 57°9 | 581 | 58°4 | 58'S | 585 | 58°6 | 57:9 | 57°0 | 55°6 | 54°7 Aug. .| 55°0 |] 54°6 | 54°5 | 54°4 | 54°3 | 54°2 | 54°2 | 55°1 | 560 | 5771 | 57°8| 58°5 | 58-7 | 59°3 | 59°9 | 59°9 | 60°0 | 59°8 | 59°0 | 580 | 57°1 | 56°6 Sept. 54°38 | 54°6 | 54°2 | 54°3 | 54°1 | 53°8 | 53°7 | 54°0 | 54°6 | 55°9 | 569 | 57°83 | 58°83] 59:4 | 601 { 60°9 | 60°9 | 601 | 58°7 | 57°7 | 56°9 | 56:2 Oct. 42°5 | 42°3 | 42°1 | 42°1 | 41°7 | 41°5 | 41°56 | 41°6 | 41°6 | 42°8 | 43°7 | 45°2 | 46°0 | 47:0 | 46°9 | 47°5 | 47:0 | 45°7 | 44:2 | 48°7 | 43°0 | 43°0 Nov. 415] 41°7 | 41°1 | 41°3 | 41°2 | 41°4 | 41°56 | 41°7 | 41°6 | 42°0 | 42°4 | 43°4 | 44°1 f 44°6 | 45°1 | 44:8 | 44:2 | 43:2 | 42°83 | 42°38] 42°2 | 41°9 Dec. 38°38 | 38°38 389 | 39°1 | 39°1 | 39°1 | 39°1 | 39°6 | 39°9 | 40°2 | 89°9 | 40°5 | 40°5 | 40°6 | 40-4 | 40°1 | 39°9| 39:8 | 39°5 | 39°6 | 39°4 | 39°5 | 8974 | 39°0| 39-09% 396 Year .] 44°17 43°9 43°6 | 43°56 | 43°2 | 43°2 | 43°4 | 44°1 | 44°7 ) 45°7 | 46°6 | 47°7 | 48°4 | 49°0 | 49°4 | 49°6 | 49°4 | 48°83 | 48°0 | 47°3 | 463 | 45°6 | 57°3 | 55°2 | 58°5 | 62°3 | bl1] 55-4 9°779 | 9°773 | 9°768] 9°768 0°169 | 0-167 | O-16g | 0-169 9°628 | 9-627 | 9°627] 9-617 *822| ‘821 |) ‘8219 9°819 0°113 | 0°113 | 0-114} 0-100 049 | -049) *049 “042, 9°785 | 9°787 | 9°791} 9°71 ; “7384 773 0°029 | 0°027 | 024] 0-012 9°814 | 9°813 | 9°817 | 9°802 : “723 735 “668 | *664|} “6689 *652 9°860 | 9°858 | 9°859f 9°852 17°6 |) 17°7 | 1794 175 180 | 181 | 182] 187 24°3 | 24°4 | 244 | 247 29°1 | 29°2| 201 | 998 35:0 | 34°7 | 346] 363 392 | 38°7 | 38°3| 398 37°5 | 37-4] 372] 382 40°8 | 40°4 | 406] 41°2 42:4 | 42°5| 429] 43:3 27-0 | 268 | 266] 271 28'2 | 28°4 | 28°4 28°3 22°9 | 23:0 | 22°9 23°1 32°4 | 32°4 | 32:0] 32°4 30'1 | 29°83 | 29°84 30°9 39°8 | 39°6 | 39°5 | 40°6 44°7 | 44:2 | 43°7] 459 50°9 | 49°9 | 49°0 | 527 53°7 | 58:1 | 52°74 bbe 560 | 55°5 | 5515 569 556 | 55°1 | 54°7 | 566 42°6 | 42°4 | 419% 436 41°8 | 42°1 | 41°89 42°56 45°0 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. : 277 MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN VALUES AT BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY, 4407 FEET, AND AT Fort-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY, 42 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL. 1895. WIND FORCE—BEN NEVIS. ete ec i er Meanie ns | 6 | 6 |r | & \9o] ao) a | a2 | as | 1 | ws | ie | a7-| 1 | a0 | 20°| oy || a2 | ae LEER | ean 3°00 | 2°97 | 3°13 | 3°16 | 3°05 | 2°97 | 3:00 | 2:92 | 30:0 | 3:06 | 3°16 | 3:20 } 3:05 | 2°76 | 2°65 | 2°79 | 3°13 | 3:05 3°00 3°15 | 3°13 | 2°94 | 2°98 | 2°95 3:01 - 2°59 | 2°45 | 2°55 | 2°70 | 2°66 | 2°61 | 2°70 | 2:48 | 2:41 ) 2°57 | 2°39 | 2°68 | 2°89 | 2:64 | 2°70 | 2-71 | 2°62 | 2°71 | 2°79 | 2°70 | 2°93 | 2°96 | 2°93 | 2°73 2°67 f 2°94 | 2°89 | 2°68 | 2°47'| 2°29 | 2°31 | 2°32 | 2°37 | 2°52 | 2°44 | 2°56 | 2°71 | 2°90 | 2°76 | 2°65 | 2°69 | 2°65 | 2°77 | 2°65 | 2°77 | 2°97 | 2°85 | 2°85 | 3°03 2°67 2°65 | 2°53 | 2°33 | 2°37 | 2°18 | 2:02 | 213 | 2:25 | 2:08) 2°10 | 2°33 | 2:23 | 2°30 | 2-27 | 2:02 | 2:23 | 2:23 | 2-17 | 2°37 | 2-57 | 2°72 | 2:57 | 2°90 | 2:90] 2°35 ‘i 2°61 | 2°73 | 2°68 | 2°60 | 2°44 | 2°60 2°65 | 2°68 | 2°48 | 2°45 | 2°16 | 2°16 | 2°29 | 2°02 | 2°08 | 2°08 | 2°06 | 1:98 | 2°11 | 2°35 | 2°29 | 2°52 | 2°48) 2:44 2°37 I 63 | 1:73 | 1°82) 1°95 | 1°90 | 1°63 | 1°55 | 1°50 | 1:28 | 1°07 | 120) 1°17 | 1:28 | 1:23 | 1°32 | 1:22 | 1:33] 1:38 | 1:20 | 1:37 | 1:27] 118] 115] 1°50 1°41 ri 85 | 2°02 | 1:90 | 1°90 | 1°74 | 2°10 | 1:97 | 1°97 | 1°71 | 1°69 | 1°50 | 1:69 | 1°73 | 1°73 | 1:63 | 1°74 | 1°68 | 1°87 | 1°68 | 1°89 | 1:89 | 1°74) 1°84 | 1:98] 1°81 31 | 2°06 | 2°02 | 2°03 | 1°87 | 1°82 | 1:76 | 1:79 | 1°65 | 1°74 | 1°63 | 1°58 | 1°61 | 1°73 | 1°87 | 2°00 | 1°73 | 1°85 | 1°69 | 1:81 | 2°03 | 2°08 | 211) 2:27 1°88 68 | 2°58 | 2°60 | 2°63 | 2°50 | 2:22 | 2°30 ' 2°18 | 2°15 , 2°38 | 2°35 ' 2°05 » 2°05 | 2:00 | 2°28 | 2°02 | 2°10} 1°97 | 2:15 | 2°33 | 2°40! 2°62 | 2°32 | 2°50 2°30 | 29 | 2°35 | 2°40 | 2°40 | 2°35 | 2°19 | 2°31 | 2°26 | 2°39 | 2°42 | 2:29 2:08 J 1°98 | 1°92 | 1:98 | 1°98 | 1°98 | 2°06 | 2°02 | 1:92 | 2°06 | 2°26 | 2°23 | 2-15 2°18 2°70 | 2°78 | 2°82 | 2°82 | 2°93 | 2°77 | 2°80 | 2°73 | 2°63 | 2°82 | 2-77 | 2°78 | 2°85 | 2°72 | 2°82] 2°73 | 2°82 | 2°85 | 2°75 | 2°78 | 3°25 | 3:07 | 2°85 | 2027 2°82 3°10 | 3°34 | 3°37 | 3°48 | 3°68 | 3°53 | 3°11 | 3°23 | 3:19 | 3°52 | 3:21 | 3°32 | 3°05 | 2°98 | 2°85 | 2°97 | 3°03 | 3°15 | 2°94 | 3:03 | 2°94 | 3:06 | 3:00 | 3°02 3°17 2°53 | 2°54 | 2°53 | 2°54 | 2°47 2°40 | 2°38 | 2°36 | 2°29 | 2°35 | 2:30 | 2°30 f 2°38 | 2:23 | 224 | 2:26 | 2°28 | 2°32 | 2°28 | 2°39 | 2°49 | 2:49 | 2°47 | 2°53 2°39 WIND DIRECTIONS—BEN NEVIS. January. | ‘February, March. April. May. June. July. August. |September.| October. |November.|} December.J Year. 149 97 173 183 1002 |S 370 40. | 144 2043 63 43 33 38 9 ac 44 8 20 552 22 77 20 62 43 3 28 79 97 668 129 198 50 69 68 13 12 230 204 1322 128 150 95 &6 172 157 49 97 62 1107 107 87 82 86 126 229 58 74 45 1071 51 54 115 78 134 175 77 104 51 938 41 19 63 45 33 27 61 67 98 579 30 19 89 97 59 25 45 21 23 480 | Percentage 9 10 19 20 21 |) Total. | op eceane 1:38 | 4:32 2 Ti pa (goes ae | 7-86 | 11°18 = B = 83°11 31 2°68 | 2°05 = Z = 19-60 5 7°56 | 7:97 100| - es 81:69 19 8-24 | 10°18 610] 0-40} - | 139-09 27 8°35 | 8°82 10°27 | 695] 0-43) 149-35 28 1:23 | 0°62 1:36] 0:55| 0-40] 24:17 5 2:26 | 2:31 O71] os] - 25 06 5 5:87 | 5:87 S s 5 74-21 19 2:28 | 3:56 = = = 40°52 13 2:34 | 2°52 = c = 26°40 il = = = = ts 2:27 1 | 0-68 | 10°20 | 19°63 | 27°60 | 36:90 | 50:05 | 59-40 19:94 | g-08| 0-83] 694°73 16 HOURS OF SUNSHINE—FORT-WILLIAM. min, = = = = 0:27 | 5:25 | 10°77 4 13°15 | 10°84] 7-01) 1:35) - = = = z 48°64 31 all = = = s = 0°08 | 9°76 | 16°17 | 15°15 | 16-71 | 16-77 | 13°75 | 9:41| 3:24] - 4 = — | 101-04 50 : Sb eee 5 274| 698) 680] 884] 8-74} 9:42] lo-es| 9-74 | 5:92] 220] O28] - = 2 72°34 24 a = 0°58 | 4:93] 5:94] 817 /| 10°68] 11:21 | 11°67] 11-68 | 10°55 | 10°35| 9:59] 9:29] 7:32] 0-84] - - | 112°80 31 5 1:82 | 3'75 | 12°18 | 14°53 | 16-72 | 15°58 | 16-06 | 17-26] 16°87 | 15°53 | 14°13 | 15°26 | 13°56 | 12°56 | 5:72] 0:20) - | 196-73 44 a 6°37 | 12:05 | 12°15 | 11:49 | 12°67 | 16:96 | 16:81 | 16:00} 15:82 | 15°59 | 14°56 | 14°65 | 13-24 | 1315 | 12°25] 4-43| - | 208-19 44 Z 160] 4:71] 5:24) 524] 5:74] 4:31] 4:56] 5-44] 5:00] 5:59] 7:32] 602] 612] 519] 216) 0-39) - 74:63 16 = = 0°02} 0°68) 2-45] 4:73] 5:89] 558] 502] 724| 662! 5:54] 4:35] 4:36] 372] 1:92] 007] - 58°19 14 = _ = 052] 3:00] 9:59] 898] 8-96] 11-00] 11-67 | 13-48 | 13°92 | 13:28] 690] 1:08] - = - | 10238 32 = = ies z 0:39 | 5:27 | 12°62 | 15-23 | 15:98 | 15-07 | 14:19 | 13:56 | 9°96] 1:57] - = = — | 103-84 41 a = = = z 2 e 1-75 | 8-43] 931] 11-02] 9-21] 4:36) O50) - = = = = 44°58 26 = = = = = SN Fa 0°57 | 3:05] 2:55] 1:69) 0-60} - z = : = = 8:46 7 m 9°79 | 26°11 | 35:70 | 45°78 | 69°95 | 93°60 | 117-67 | 129-39 | 136-20 | 13074 | 114:84| 90-29 | 60-48 | 43°30 | 22°89] 5:09) - 1131-82 31 (| 27 8 ) BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY.—LOG-bOOK, 1895. Jan. 3.—Thermometer box shifted at 13" 10™. above snow not altered. Jan. 4,—Thermometer box shifted at 10" 15™. Height above snow not altered. The summit was clear frequently to-day, but there was always fog either blowing over or near at hand till 17", after which there was no fog below, but sky gradually clouded over and at 23" settled down to fog on summit. Jan. 5.—At 2" the temperature was 20°'1, but there was distinct wet mist on summit. Jan. 7.—-Very strong N. or N.E. squalls all morning. Little or no snow fell apparently after 3", but the drift con- sisted of lumps of the icy surface as well as the finer particles. At 8 it was noticed that the north window in top flat of tower was broken, probably by one of the pieces of hard snow. The Tower Screen was in use till 7}, a correction of +0:1 was applied to its readings, that being the average difference between it and the Stevenson Screen for a few hours before and after. About 6" it was noticed that the pumping of the barometer exceeded 0°200 inch. Towards evening the fog got thinner and sky was cloudless. Lunar corona at 20" and 22", Jan, 8.—Thermometer box shifted at 020™. Height above snow not altered. Sky cloudless all day, but haze and low stratus seen at times at the western horizon. Fog lying in Loch Lochy at 4" and in valleys to eastward from 8» to 135; after that no fog below, except a little on Moor of Rannoch about 20%. Jan. 10.—Lunar halo seen at 34. When top was clear it was noticed that thick haze filled the valleys and ex- tended above the hills all round, restricting the visibility. Jan. 12.—As long as the top remained clear thick haze was seen in the valleys; the fog that came on formed on the summit; it did not rise from a lower cloud layer. After 12" the Tower Screen was used, as the high wind made it dangerous to go to the Stevenson. A correction of —0°2 was applied to the Tower Screen readings, that being the average difference between the Tower Screen and the Stevenson in the forenoon. Jan. 13.—The high wind made it necessary to use the Tower Screen except from 9" to 135, when duplicate readings were taken, and after 21" when the wind moderated. A correction of —0°4 was applied to the Tower Screen readings, that being the mean difference when double readings were got in the forenoon and at night. A little snow fell in the forenoon, but no gauges were out. Jan. 14.—No rain-gauges were out to-day owing to the high wind and drift. Very thick fog all afternoon, forming massive fog-crystals everywhere. Jan. 15.—After the summit cleared at 8" fog lay on the hills round for a few hours, but gradually broke up and Height lat 52 and at 11 1122 and) 13" a) solar halos | box shifted at 85 15™. dispersed in the middle of the day, gathering again towards. evening. It was thickest on the hills to eastward. Ther- mometer box shifted at 112 15™. Height above snow not altered. Jan. 17.—At 5», 75, 85, and from 11" to 14%, the fog sank below summit but hid all the hills round. The sky was partly covered with cirro-stratus ; a lunar halo was seen The snow Thermometer Height above snow not altered. that fell in morning was very light and soft. Jan. 19.—Thermometer box shifted at 42 25m. Height above snow not altered. Jan. 22.—Thermometer box shifted at 9h 15m, Height above snow not altered. Jan. 23.—When the top cleared to-day, it did so by the fog lifting and forming clouds above. There was then no fog below. Jan. 24,—At 17 the rain-gauge was found under-cut and lying on one side. No gauge was put out the rest of the day, as there was great drift About 6 inches was cleared off the hill-top in the course of the evening. At 19 and 20" the Tower Screen was used. A correction of —0:9 was applied to its readings. Jan. 26.—At 10" a solar fog-bow and some double glories were seen, Thermometer box shifted at 115 10™. Height above snow not altered. Jan, 28.—Up to 64 the sky was clear but fog blowing over the top. From 8" to 13 there was fog on Lochiel and Loch Lochy ; this was the only fog below. After 9 the sky was covered with cirro-stratus, which gradually sank down. By 17" it was touching the hill-tops to W.S.W., and after 19" was on Ben Nevis. Faint solar halo at 125, Thermometer box shifted at 7» 10™, Height above snow not altered. Jan. 29.—Thermometer box shifted at Height above snow not altered. Jan. 31.—No low fog in early morning, but from 7* to 11» fog lay over Loch Lochy and sometimes on Lochiel. Loose cum. fog was on the hill-tops most of the day, but no continuous sheets of fog. Thermometer box shifted at 72 15™. Height above snow not altered. Feb. 4.—Thermometer box shifted at 0" 20™, Height above snow not altered. Feb. 5.—At 6" an aurora, single arch with streamers, was seen. It could not be very well made out owing to the passing fog on summit. Feb. 6.—Though the sky was almost cloudless from 55 to 11" there was always fog blowing over the hill-top. At 11" thick fog lay on the hills to E., and by 12° it covered Ben Nevis also, the wind at the same time shifting from light N. to strong E.S.E. Thermometer t= Om 1895.] box shifted at 112 10™- altered. Feb, 8.—After the fog cleared off at 3" the air was very hazy all round and continued so all day. At 194, 22 and midnight, a faint lunar halo was seen. No fog below all day. Thermometer box shifted at 32 15™. Height above snow not altered. Height above snow not Feb, 9.—Fog all round below in early morning, and | passing summit at times, A little cirrus on sky till 105; cloudless during rest of day, but thick haze below. Aurora seen at night. Feb. 10.—Air very dry all day. Cloudless till 11" and some cirrus on sky during the rest of the day. Lunar halo seen at 205 and 21. Feb, 11.—Sky almost cloudless all day and no fog below in morning, but some on hills to E., N.E. and S.E. in evening. Zodiacal light seen at 20%. Feb. 12.—Almost cloudless all day, but fog below in morning, and again at night. Zodiacal light seen at 20 and 21" and a lunar halo at 23" and midnight. Feb. 13.—Fog came on 8+, and a little snow fell till 16%. Summit cleared again after 20", Zodiacal light seen at 21; a lunar halo seen at 1" and the aurora at midnight. Feb, 14.—Fog came on at 7" and remained for rest of day. Strong S.E winds to-day. Feb. 15.—Fog on summit or passing all day but sky above cloudless. At 20" a bright auroral bow was seen in sky stretching across from horizon to horizon through zenith, Aurora again seen lower down at 225, 23" and midnight. At midnight the streamers were very bright and active. Feb, 16.—The aurora continued visible till 5%, being bright till 3" but faint thereafter. It was seen again at and after 20". Sky cloudless except for a little scud passing at noon. Air very dry at night. Feb, 17.—Not a particle of cloud seen to-day either above or below summit. Aurora seen till 54 and at and after 20%. At the latter hour the zodiacal light was seen. Air exceedingly dry to-day, humidity being below 207% at 1» and 3" and from 15? till midnight. Feb. 18.—The south-easterly wind that has been blow- ing since the morning of 13th died out this afternoon. Aurora seen in morning and again at night and the zodiacal light at 20%. Air very dry again to-day, the maximum humidity being only 287%. To-day the temperature rose to the freezing point for the first time since 25th Dec. Feb. 19.—Cloudless, and air very dry all day. Aurora seen in morning and at night, and the zodiacal light at 205. Feb, 20.—Cloudless and air very dry till 11%. the rest of the day. Aurora seen at 1" and 24. Feb, 25.—Aurora seen at 15. Thermometer box changed at 145 15™. Height above snow not altered. Feb, 26.—Wet mist and drizzle this morning with the temperature between 26° and 28°. Feb. 28.—Lightning seen at 234. March 2.—Thermometer box shifted at 205 15™, put one step up on ladder stand. March 5.—Fogin morning. Mist at and after 95 with drizzling rain or snow. Temperature below 30°. March 7.—Fog or mist on top, with clear intervals till Fog for Box BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY.—LOG- BOOK. 279 54, Fog below all round, but top clear and sky cloudy till 95, Cloudy sky with fog passing over hill-top during the rest of the day. Lunar fogbowseen at 35. Thermometer box shifted at 72 15™, Height not altered. March 8,—Thick fog depositing brown fog-crystals all day. March 9.—Thermometer box shifted at 17" 10™, Height not altered. March 11.—Delicate hexagonal snow crystals were falling at 23" and midnight. Temperature 18° to 19°. Box shifted after 205. Height not altered. March 12.—A mouse was caught alive in kitchen to-day. March 15.—Thermometer box shifted at 7}. not altered. Solar halo seen at 7% 15™. March 17.—Mist with ice forming from drizzle till 8". Fog till 195. Clear thereafter. Aurora seen at 215 and zodiacal light at 224, Thermometer box shifted at 20" 15™. Height not altered. March 22.—Thermometer box shifted at 112 10”. Height not altered. March 25.—In early morning several clicks were heard on telegraph instrument caused by earth currents. Lightning was seen at 4°. Mareh 27.—Thermometer box shifted at 55 10™ Height not altered. March 28.—Very stormy after 11%, Tower box used at night. Comparison readings with Stevenson Screen showed no difference except that due to instrumental correction. The gale blew open the thermometer box after 15" and hinges got twisted so that it could not be closed. A fresh box put out. Owing to the heavy drift and high wind the gauge was not out after 10% The observer was blown down several times at every obser- vation in evening. March 29.—Tower Screen continued in use till 2”. At 3" readings in Stevenson were resumed. April 1.—Thermometer box shifted at 22 20™. Height not altered, April 5.—Summit clear till 5"; sky overcast at first with cirro-stratus showing a lunar halo, and afterwards with cum.-s. At 5" a few pellets of snow and a few drops of rain were falling. Temperature 19°°5. April 7.—Thermometer box shifted at 15 15™. not altered. April 11.—Small needle-shaped snow crystals falling at midnight. Temperature 22°:0. April 12.—Slight showers of snow in forenoon. (Seven- teen people visited the Observatory to-day, nine of whom were members of the Scottish Mountaineering Club. April 13.—Thermometer box shifted at 3520™. Height not altered. Aurora seen at and after 225, At 184, just before thick haze came on, the Outer Hebrides could be seen very distinctly. April 14.—Almost cloudless and air dry all day. Aurora seen at 14, 2 and 3%. Some haze all round most of the day, and till 10" there was low-lying fog on Moor of Ran- noch and in valleys to E. No fog below after that. Temperature rose above 40°-0 for first time this year. April 15,—Cloudless almost all day. Aurora seen at 2. No fog below to-day, but hazy especially in evening, A snow bunting was seen at 5%, the first seen on summit this year. Throughout the day it was seen several times ; Height Height 280 and four were seen at 13", A raven was seen at that hour also. April 16.—Some cirrus in evening, otherwise cloudless all day. Fog low in valleys to N.E. till 9%. Aurora at night. Air very clear all morning. At 55 some very distant hills seen to §.E. were supposed to be south of the Forth. April 17.—Aurora seen till 3", Fog low to SE. and N.E. in forenoon; no fog in evening, but thick haze all round, Solar halo seen at 17", April 18.—Summit clear but sky cloudy or overcast all day, and thick haze all round, above as well as below the summit. April 19.—Clouds gradually lowering and thickening till at 55 they were just touching summit, and a shower of snow fell then. Mist during the rest of the day, except at and after 22%, April 23.—Strong currents on telegraph wire at 17 15™ and 18" 16™. St. Elmo’s Fire was heard at 17°, hail falling at the time. April 24.—St. Elmo’s Fire heard at 174, snow and hail falling at the time. April 25.—St. Elmo’s Fire seen at 1 and _ hissing strongly on all points and on observer. Soft flaky snow falling at the time. April 27.—Summit cleared after 8" and remained clear except for passing fog now and again during the rest of the day. Fog hanging about hills all day. Thermometer box shifted at 9%. Height not altered. April 28.—Fog below all morning, rising in evening and covering summit. Air dry till 16%. April 29.—Thermometer box lowered one step on ladderstand at 4" to-day. May 1.—St. Elmo’s Fire was seen on chimney at 24. May 2.—Summit cleared after 19% and fog disappeared, but sky was covered with cirro-stratus on which a lunar halo was seen at 22" and 23}, May 3.—Sky nearly covered with cir.-s all day, but summit clear and no fog below. Lunar halos were seen in early morning and at night, and solar halos during the day. Thick haze at night, the thickness being first observed to N.E. and S.E. May 4.—Thick haze all around to-day, but no fog on summit or below it. Cir.-s almost covering sky most of day, on which a solar halo was seen at 7" and from 10* till 16%. May 5.—Sky nearly cloudless. Thick haze below during the day. At night the haze began to rise in sheets and streaks into sky. May 7.—Sky quite cloudless and no fog below all day; air dry and very clear, the maximum visibility being noted for several hours in forenoon. May 8.—Air very clear in forenoon ; somewhat hazy in afternoon. Mist at and after 21}. May 9.—Strong click on telegraph instrument at 2 7™, Thunder and lightning at 15" 53™ and several peals of thunder heard during the following hour. May 10.—Summit clear almost all day. Sky some- what cloudy. Solar halo seen at 174 and 18%. May 11.—Sky slightly cloudy and thick haze below, but air dry all day. Lunar halo seen at 2", Thermometer box let down one step at 54, May 14,—After 35 to-day dry bulb and wet bulb BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY.—LOG-BOOK. [1895. were put out in the summer large Stevenson Screen. Duplicate readings of the thermometers in both boxes were made hourly during the rest of the day. May 15.—Readings from instruments in ladder stand discontinued to-day. Entries in daily sheet are from readings of instruments in large screen. May 17.—Summit clear most of the day, but sky cloudy, and fog below in morning and at night. Sudden fall in barometer after 4" to-day, followed by a quick rise before 6" and accompanied by heavy squalls from N.N.E. May 21.—Mist in morning and at night. Cumulus clouds during the day. During the time the top was clear low-lying fog was seen clinging to hilltops to N.E. of Loch Lochy. No fog anywhere else. May 23.—Summit clear most of the day. St. Elmo’s. fire, on observer’s hair at 13", Thunder and lightning from 135 till 174, At 135 17™ there was a bright flash of lightning, and at same time flashes came off the stoves in office and kitchen, immediately followed by a loud peal of thunder. At 23" a light was seen to N. which was probably auroral. May 24.—Thick haze all around to-day and low-lying fog in N. and N.E. valleys in morning. Thunder in afternoon 134 to 15, and thunder clouds seen all around. Bright flash of lightning at 145 43™, At 135 20™ a strong earth-current short circuited the telegraph instru- ment. May 25.—Thunder heard and thunder clouds seen all around from 11" till 14". Mist in early morning and in evening, with heavy showers at times. June 3.—Almost cloudless all morning, but fog rising and forming heavy clouds in early afternoon. Fog on summit at night. June 7,—Low-lying fog on Atlantic all morning, but fog nowhere else and sky cloudless, Fog forming in afternoon, and passing summit at night. Fogbow and glory seen at 9" June 12,—Fog mostly all forenoon ; cloudy in afternoon, but air very clear all around. Both yesterday and to-day the summit has been white with freshly fallen snow. June 13.—Footprints of a hare seen round Observatory on the snow and traced for 300 or 400 yards southward. June 15.—Very clear and dry. After 3% to 4 15™ glories and a brilliant solar corona were seen. One of the glories had three series of rings. June 16.—Glories seen at 4 a.m., and pearly cirrus at midnight. June 17.—After a cloudy but clear morning, mist came on in the afternoon and snow began to fall at. 15°; it fell heavily at nightfall and thickly covered the ground at midnight. A very white plumaged snow bunting seen. . June 18.—Five inches of snow lay on the summit this morning ; it has only slightly melted during the day. June 19.—At 14" 5™ a click was heard on the telegraph apparatus, and again at 14" 7™, 12™ -95™ 32") 47> (double), and 49™ (double); heavy hail and then very heavy snow were falling. The two observers were dining at the hotel], and Mr Kay, who was indisposed, was sitting in the office and noted the earth currents. No thunder was heard or lightning seen till 14" 574™, when the observer on duty was leaving the hotel. It was then that a great flash filled the hotel, accompanied by a terrific crash. In | the Observatory there was an even more vivid flash and 1895. | more deafening report. The telegraph instrument emitted a cloud of smoke, and also the stove and stove pipe. The office was suffocatingly filled with smoke. In the kitchen a large flour tin, a smaller box, and a small picture in the vicinity of the lightning protector were hurled across the room, Parts of the telegraph instrument, the plates of the protectors, and in many places the wires were fused. The casement which screws on and retains the bone button of the electric bell in the visitors’ room, was burst, and with the button driven across the room. After the barometer observation at 15», the observer having forgotten the raingauge returned for it, and only then noticed smoke and flame issuing from behind the wainscot between the kitchen and the office doors, Messrs Miller and M*Dougall and two visitors, on being summoned, were almost immedi- ately on the scene to assist, and the fire was quickly over- come. The damage by fire is very slight, but the telegraphic plant is very seriously shattered. No instruments or records were injured or destroyed. No person was hurt. The aneroid recording barometer shows an upward kick. The wind, from being N’” became S’¥. St Elmo was very strong, lasting till after 17%. Both thunder and lightning occurred after the flash. Report from Post Office Inspector on the Damage to Tele- graph Plant by Lightning, Ben Nevis Observatory June 19, 1895. The lightning protector badly fused, plates showing patch of fusion as large as a sixpence. All connecting wires within building rendered useless, The majority so heated as to melt insulation off, and in one or two cases the copper conductors were melted by discharge. Instrument.—The coils of the ‘“ Neale’s” sounder fused and useless. The keys suffered worst, especially left pedal or “tapper.” Back contact (platinum), brass extension holding same, and steel spring (platinum tipped) all fused together. Pillar to which ZN leading wire from battery was connected fused markedly at base, and front Pt contacts of same (left) pedal consumed entirely. Traces of fusion on right pedal, but trifling. Line wire connected to left-hand terminal of coil fused near terminal. Interior of instrument blackened, etc. Vacuum protector at Achintee, and Fort William P. O. plate protector fused slightly. June 25,—It was noted to-day that one of the copper fastenings of the conductor outside the tower had been partly fused by the flash of 19th inst. and the wood work torn, also the solder on a joint of the kitchen chimney outside. Solar halos seen. Thunder and lightning to far West and W.S.W. about midnight. June 26.—Very frequent flashes of lightning seen to the far W.S.W. and W. from midnight till 2.30 a.m. Earth currents indicated on the telegraph instrument at 3 p.m., also at and after 4.30 p.m. Thunder and lightning from 175 to 18" 10™. Another earth current at 19" 10™. June 28.—St Elmo's Fire seen at 17%, June 29.—Thunder at 155 47™. Earth current at 165 22™. Rainbow 164 45™. TRANS. ROY. SOC. EDIN.—VOL. XLIIL BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY.—LOG-BOOK. 281 June 30.—Glories at 6 a.m, Earth currents at 15° 44™ and 16 2™, July 1.—Karth current at 165 45™. July 2.—Karth currents and thunder from 12 50™ and throughout afternoon until 16" 19™, Lightning also and St Elmo’s Fire. A flash emitted from the stove in the office. At 15 an observer who was out without a hat felt a strong switch of St Elmo’s Fire upon his head, slight thunder immediately following. A glory seen. July 4,—Glories at and after 8 p.m., one with probably five rings. July 5.—Solar corona at 215. July 11.—At 16" snow covered the summit and lay about 2 inches deep at 20%. July 13.—Glories were seen between 5" and 62, several four ringed ones, possibly one five ringed. July 20,—A solar corona reflected on the surface of Loch Eil was seen. July 21.—St Elmo’s Fire was felt strongly at 13" and 145, Thunder was heard at 12 32™, July 22.—The early morning was clear, but dense fog lay below, concealing all or nearly all land from view. Glories were seen at 54. July 23.—The summit cleared at 205, but detached portions of fog lay upon the hills in all directions, especially to the N.E., and only very slightly to the S., where only a few portions were to be seen on the most distant hills. There was frost on the roof after 11 p.m. July 24.—The summit was clear except in the afternoon. In the morning there was some fog in the valleys to the N. and at Loch Lochy. In the evening fog rested chiefly on Aonach More and Aonach Beg, July 27.—A common field vole (Microtus agrestis) was seen to-day in the vicinity of the Observatory. July 28.—The vole was again seen to-day. Also five buntings together, some of which appeared to be young birds. After 6" fog and mist again enveloped the summit, the early hours of the day having been more or less clear, although there was broken fog all round below. July 29.—In the early morning as many as 10 or 12 snow-buntings, some of which were fledglings, were seen close to the building. After 6" fog and mist again enveloped the summit. Glories were seen at 64, and a reflected solar corona from the surface of Loch Linnhe at 202. Aug. 5.—Until 20 the top was clear almost all day. There was a thin fog all round below intermingled with thicker fog in the valleys; this lay chiefly over the near end of Loch Eil and the Canal till 4 a.m., then it became more generally distributed in the valleys and also gathered among the hills. Aug. 6.—Thunder was heard at 15 55™, 162 7™, and possibly at 16" 40™. There were earth currents on the local telephone wire running between the Observatory and the hotel. Aug. 7.—A lunar corona was seen at 21" 50™. Aug. 8.—A glory was seen at 54, and a fine lunar corona between 234 and midnight. Aug. 9.—Some slight fog rested on the Glen Coe Hills, and towards Loch Laggan in the early morning. At 45 more fog gathered in the valleys towards the N.E. and N., and at 6% the fog became more generally 2N 282 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. distributed among the hills all round, enveloping the | summit after 8 for the day. Aug. 11.—At 8" the hand anemometer registered 61 miles an hour. There were earth currents on the cable and thunder at 3 20™ from before 17" till 175 45™, St. Elmo’s Fire was felt and heard. Aug. 13.—A rainbow was seen between 164 and 17}, A common field vole was again seen. Aug. 14.—There were earth currents on the cable at 134, The end of a rainbow was seen towards the S.E. at 17", A glory at 19". Also a solar corona. Aug. 15.—Glories at 4", 105, 115, Halo at 10%, Aug. 23.—A fogbow and glory were seen at 8" and 9}. A raven was heard at 18", and many buntings were seen at 52, Aug. 24.—A rainbow was seen at 11" and slight snow and sleet showers fell. Sept. 3.—Glories and fogbows were seen at 13}, Sept. 5.—Coronas were seen at 22, 234, and 24, that at 24" was a double one. Sept. 6.—At 2 a.m. there was frost on the roof. From 1 to 4 a.m. a faint greenish lunar halo was seen, although no trace of even the thinnest cloud could be detected. The shadow of the Ben was well seen at sunrise. Glories were seen at 104, and a faint solar halo from 17 to 18}. The visibility between 13" and 14% was 5. Sept. 9.—A lunar corona was seen at 25 and 3%. A rainbow from 15 to 16% and a lunar rainbow at 225. Lightning was seen from 22? till midnight. Sept. 10.—There was sheet lightning till 02 20™. A flash was also seen at 44. A rainbow at 15%, Sept. 13.—From 1" to 4% lunar coronas were seen, and a solar corona at 164, Al] day long glories and fogbows were to be seen ; several of the glories were quadruple. At 17" a triple fogbow was seen, the inner two rings of which were coloured ; it is, however, uncertain whether the outer- most ring was coloured. At 55, 75, 105, and 18" bunt- ings were seen. Two ravens were seen at the West end at 64, and another raven was seen at 72, Sept. 14.—A lunar fogbow was seen at 12 and lunar coronas at 25, 45 and 54. Sept. 15.—A rainbow was seen at 8", Sept. 20.—At 9" fogbows and quadruple glories were seen. At 21" and 22a faint aurora. At 3" 3™ meteorites were seen close together to EK. Buntings were seen at 7", 84, and 9%. A raven was hovering over the summit and Observatory at 75, and a ptarmigan was started towards the East end of the summit. Sept. 22.—An aurora was seen at 21%, and 242, At 23° a meteorite towards the E. fell. Sept. 23.—The shadow of the earth was well seen at 64, There has been very thick low lying haze all day ; on the top of this haze lay a blanket of fog, as if supported by the haze. Gradually as the day advanced, this canopy of fog cleared away leaving the thick haze with the hill-tops only projecting through it. At 225 a meteorite was seen travelling from N. of the Zenith N*. Another was seen at 235 to E.S.E. altitude, probably 60°, fall- ing E.N.E. What was probably lightning was seen after 234, Sept. 24.—Thick haze below in morning. on summit at and after 9). 4h and 5}, Fog or mist Sheet lightning seen at 2}, At 3" thin fog which covered summit seemed LOG-BOOK. [Leer to be luminous, as all around about the cliff edge appeared bright. Sept. 28.—Thick haze and fog below all around. Zodiacal light seen at 4". Solar halo seen at 15% and 16%. Sept. 29.—Low-lying haze and fog all round in morn- ing. In afternoon the haze appeared much thicker but the fog vanished. Aurora seen faintly at 21. Sept. 30.—Sky almost or quite cloudless all day. Very thick haze below all round. Aurora seen at 2%, 34, and 4" showing active streamers at times reaching to near Zenith. Today and during the last few days temperature has been unusually high for the time of year, being mostly above 50°. Oct. 1.—Fine and clear in forenoon, but thick haze below. Sky became cloudy and overcast in evening, and at 20" mist and rain came on. A flash of lightning was seen at 212. Oct. 4.—Luner corona and fogbow seen at 1}, Oct. 5.—Mist and heavy showers of snow all day. St Elmno’s fire noted at 1” and 4" and earth currents in cable at 15 52™ to 1» 54™ and at 45 54 Oct. 14.—The summit was clear from 10% till 192, A solar halo was seen at 11" and noon. Oct. 16.—Summit clear most of the day. Air very clear but saturated or nearly so. Aurora seen at 1? low in sky and very faint. It was again seen at 21" and on to mid- night. Only at midnight did it show anything reimark- able, being till then an irregular arch of dim light low in sky and showing no streamers. At midnight, however, it filled the N. sky below 20°, and had very bright and active streamers. A raven was seen at 10}. Oct. 17.—Cloudless or almost so till 23". Fog at mid- wight. Low-lying fog on lochs in morning. Aurora seen till 4" faintly, and from 19" till 235 inclusive. At 192 there were streamers seen, but thereafter only a well- defined and pretty bright arch. Air very clear all morn- ing; but slightly hazy in afternoon, Oct. 23-—Snow falling at and after 20", not in flakes but in single detached hexagonal crystals showing by reflected light a finely cut internal structure. Two ravens seen at 134, Oct. 26.—Lunar corona seen at 19", and aurora at 204, Oct. 31.—Fog on summit at times till 16". Clear thereafter, and sky above clearing being cloudless after 21». Lunar coronas seen in evening. As the Stevenson Thermometer screen in which the thermometers have been exposed during summer has lately got very frequently clogged with snow, the small winter-box was put out to-day after 23%, 54 inches above the surface of the snow. Nov. 1.—Summit clear all day. Air very clear in morning, but thick haze came on at night. Low-lying fog on Lochs Lochy and Linnhe in forenoon. Nov. 2.—Fog till 16%. Cloudless and top clear after 18", but thick haze all around below. Eight snow buntings seen at 74 and a raven at 92. Nov. 3.—The haze seemed to be thicker above our level to-day than below it. Hoar frost forming all last night. Fog on Lochs Eil and Lochy and on Moor of Rannoch in forenoon. Lunar coronas at night. Nov, 4.—Top clear for several hours in early morning, but sky cloudless and low-lying fog on lochs to N. and ois 1895.] N.W. crystals, Nov. 10,—Several flashes of lightning seen after the midnight observation. The summit at that time was clear. During the gale this morning, the Tower ther- mometer was used 54, 6 and 7". Aurora seen at 1 and part of a lunar halo, Nov. 13.—St. Elmo’s fire seen at 17%. Nov. 14.—St. Elmo’s fire was seen at 4%, At 202 the telegraph instrument was short-circuited several times. The mica of lightning-protector was apparently all right, but the fault seemed to have been in the protector. Nov. 15.—Solar halo seen at 9", Nov. 17.—*arth-currents on cable at 15 55™, Nov. 18.—Thermometer-box changed after Height above snow not altered. Wov. 19.—The top was clear from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., but the sky overcast and fog passing. In the morning, brown fog-crystals were forming, and at 16" it was noted that the fog-crystals were almost black. Nov. 23.—An aurora was seen faintly at 1am. Also from 19" to 23" inclusive. At 23" it was quite brilliant. After mid-day the sky was practically cloudless. Glories were seen on the fog below. ‘he earth’s shadow was seen. Atla.m. the thermometer-box was changed, and again after 17”. Nov. 24.——Between 15" and 16 there was a solar corona, and lunar corone at 175, 18", 195, and 202, A faint aurora at 215, 225 and 232. Nov. 25.—Stratus fog lay in the valleys to the E. and S., and thick low-lying haze to the N. and N.W. This fog increased till 15" when only the beaks were seen to E., 8., and S.W.; it then decreased, and at midnight there was fog only in the S.W. valleys. A faint aurora was seen till 5", At sunset the shadow of the earth and Ben were seen well. A meteor fell from the S.W. towards W. at midnight. Nov. 26.—There was fog on the summit at times, otherwise the sky was quite cloudless. There has been a low-lying valley haze all round and fog to the E. and S. A solar corona at 15". Lunar corone at and after 17> at times. A faint aurora at 15, 25, and 5}. Nov, 28.—At 14" the fog-crystals on the top of tower- ladder measured 4 ft. long and on the top of the spare thermometer-ladder 3 ft. They have been growing very rapidly and regularly all day. Dec. 5,—There was thunder and lightning at 85 25™, and at 82 38™. A click was heard on the telegraph instrument at 82 25™. Also at 16%. Dec. 6.—There was thunder and lightning at 92 22™ with a click on the instrument, and lightning at 95 28™ with a treble click, Dec, 10.—At noon two ravens were hovering over the summit. Dec. 11.—At 15» the thermometer-box was changed and the height was raised to 50 inches. At 175 the thermometers were changed. Thick fog all evening forming brown fog- ise BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY.—LOG-BOOK. 283 Dec, 12.—Earth currents were heard on the telegraph instrument at 15 20™, 25 37™, and 3 49™, Dec. 13,—An aurora was seen at and after 21%. Dec. 14.—The hill-top was clear till 6%, with fog resting on the hills all round, Dec, 15.—Till 115 the top was mostly clear, though fog was passing at times. There was detached fog all round, varying in position and quantity, no great masses: being in the vicinity of the Ben. Dec. 19,—The thermometer Ve 15s Dec. 20,—While ascending the hill to-day Mr, Bruce saw tracks of a fox (or foxes) from the lake to the Plateau of Storms ; also tracks of a.weasel at 2500 ft. ; of a hare at 2500 ft.; of a (ptarmigan?) at 2000 ft. He picked up insects on the snow at 2200 ft. (also on the 18th at 2500 and 2200 ft. Those at 2200 were probably collembolv). At the Plateau of Storms he emerged out of the thick haze which extended to the foot the hill; at the top of this haze was a layer of fog which was breaking up at that time. There was noted what appeared to be the track of a fox on the roof and at the window of the Observatory which must have been there at night. Dec. 21.—The top was clear till 20"; at noon there was fog over L. Lochy, and at 15" a low-lying stratus fog over the canal beyond (E.) L. Lochy. Haze filled the valleys all day. Dec. 22.—There was a faint aurora at midnight. At 15" the band anemometer measured 62 and 65 miles per hour, Dec. 23.—The tower screen was in use for the hours of 20, 22, 23, and 24. At 202 the lamp was blown out several times, and at 21" the observer was knocked down by the wind; it was therefore deemed advisable to use the tower screen. On holding the hand anemometer out- side the tower door 86 miles was registered. At 23" the observer lying on his back on the roof again registered 86 miles on the hand anemometer. Dec. 24.—The gale blew with even more violence to- day and only tower screen observations were made. At 155 30™ the hand anemometer held outside the tower door revistered 81 miles per hour. Dec. 25,—The gale has continued to-day, at noon the screen was shifted at first outside observation for 38 hours was taken. The tower screen was used at 172. Dec. 26.—-Clear top but overcast with stratus. At times these clouds are touching all the hills around and passing the Ben as fog. The temperature rose and fell rapidly as this fog passed over the hill-top. Dec. 28.—Clear till 6 am., with stratus fog on hills. especially to N. aud E. Glazed frost at night. Dec. 29.—Glazed frost all day. Dec. 30.—There was a lunar corona at 1, 35, 45 and 5h and a lunar fog-bow at 4%, Dec. 31.—A lunar corona at 55, At 12 30™ cat caught a common short-tailed field vole (Wicrotus agrestis). At 16» the fresh tracks of a fox were seen on the platean. BAROMETER. ReEpDuUCED TO 32’. BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 4407 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL. | _ COMMIS CrP COND 4 5 6 Ins. | Ins. | Ins. 3} 5°289) 5°297| 5:298 8, 5°303) 5°302) 5°312) 5 5-480) 5°486) 5-490 5°643) 5°648) 5649) 5 2) 5°791) 5:792) 5°810 | 5:911} 5°912) 5907) | 6°002| 6003) 6:007 5) 6°109) 6-093) 6-093) 6 6°199} 6:204) 6-217) 6:2 6°127| 6°124! 67108) 6: 6°032) 6-025) 6-013 5'664) 5°645) 5-622 5°126) 5°114) 5-114) 5 4859) 4°871| 4°897 4:670) 4:598) 4-497 9 | 10 | s. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. 2) 5°331| 5334 5: 332) 5-360| 5:368, 5:374| 5) 5534] 5: 543. 5557) 5°563 5°677| 5°685) 5: 6 ae oi 3) 5:831| 5:848) 5 5925] 5:929) 5 6°042) 6047) 6 61134) 6138) 6:14 233) 6°245] 6°253) 67112} 6120) 6° 2) 6:002) 6:002) 5:9 72| 5'546) 5-530 57125) 5°125 4-970) 4-998 3| 4393] 4°382! 4: 5047] 5064 5:242) 5:233 5°235) 5°231 5°293) 5308 49) 5-661) 5-666) { | 5°562) 5°560 5| 5417] 5442 5-451) 5-440) 5 5-061] 5058) 5 5'252| 5-264] 5:27 421| 5-426] £ 206] 5223) £ 4 2 411) 5436 954) 5964 0 030} 6°020 532) 5'537 CLOVE OU NTN DON Or 020] 6-024] 6: 30 TOOCONI WIDOT x Re) rss I ox Re) iS) = CVOVSrOSr dt DRE BR WOKE OF OWINS © C S =e 5286 5-429 5:607 5°744 5:919 5-969 6-085 6-176 6-202 6-076 3| 5-878 5235 4-952 4-970 4-722 5109 5285 5197 5533 5626 5-409 5525 5:299 5139 5369 5374 5-206 5°66 3| 6-030 6-030 5+956 5:548 Or COS bo CA > lee) fer) OO oO i=) iS > 09 GO OD GOV wo Go i) or oo a veg 3 6-032 6:026! 6:05 6-006 6-000) 5°985| 5-972 7| 5°538] 5°534 5532) 5°534) 5: \ ! BAROMETER. Repucep To 32°. om Whore CO OONI SD - ce He OVOrO1 Or or S44 Corio m@ ~INIC th woo MOV St Gro Sr Or ot hom Ins. | Ins, | Ins. = T= | > MOSS TVSrEN or or Gro or 91 ot ae 3] 5°808, 5-792) 5°782 5) 5689, 5°701) 5-713) 5°7 *933] 5°921) 5:921) 5-917] 5: 3] 0°699) 5°688) 5-683) 5 5°692) 5°689) 5:697| 5:7 OX ae 5°738| 5°731) 5°705 5°548} 5°542) 5:541) 5:5 5234) 5°215) 5:204| 5 3} 5°193] 5°186) 5:205| 5:2 5-467) 5°484| 5-481) 5 7| 5539) 5542 5'543) £ 5'381)| 5° 361] 5-350) 5 5) 5704) 5-714) 5 *726| 5: 7 15 5698) 5°692 5+692] 5 “784, 5:801) 5 iS iw) SOLOS TOTO OT CO >~1 Ins. | Ins. 1) 5*781 5'776 5°795, 5821 HDA) 547 63) 5°368 48) 5°749 5'687 5834 Sok RNA loemor) to Go (o2Ke 2) mo wWOrSD Noes 5*888| 5-881) 5-888) 5 5°812) 5*802, 5-802| 5-7 5:21) 5515, 5-516] 5 5*151| 5°139) 5-122 4°858) ie 5*105) 5*108 291| 5°32 G (va t CONSENS OLOTOVOvSt GrOVSr 1 Gr Gv Svor Sr Wrmewe wenanwe GOM~AIS “SIDE Oroninso Dow NWOOW BUENOS FHOOOH oO Grov9sror oO o or ox ior) ro} es 5901 oor oun wc Ho 5°526 4:967 5°002 5°110) 5°107 on Vota) on lee) 5°383) 5°415) 5 5*638) 5628 5'595) 5589 5317] 5°303) 5-2! i 5'368) 5°391) § 5°321) 5322) § 5°298) 5°311) 5 5°36] 5°357 5 FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. 20 Ins. 5:287 5436 5614: 5-758 5921 5:972 6091 6°186 67193 6:070 5872) 5 5:207 4-920 4-928 4°728] 4 5140 5:280: 5:222 5°576 5°617| 5 5410: 5537 5'272 5152 5°382 5°366 5198 5684. 6:024 6:039 5°943 5*549] 5°551 5°550) 5°547 Mid- night. Ins. (| 5:277 4) 5464 5) 5626 5775 5920 5-978 3) 6099 6200 3) 6164 6063 7) 5°790 5178 4:849 4-770 4826 5188 5:278 5°216 5682 2) 5620 5343 5-544 5°145 5°199 5408 5350 5°213 7| 5°78 6035 6:032 5876 5645 JANUARY 1896. Mean. Ins, 5300 5°375 5552 5°700 5°860 5935 6-048 6145 6°213 67104 5947 5°436 5043 4-929 4-612 5042 5243 5°224 5381 5644 5497 5453 5387 5:108 5294 5394 5224 5492 5°961 6024 5-990 5534 4407 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. FEBRUARY 1896. ale: 922, 5°926 5 IW Ti TH ATANA TATAS TOK HWE AIO ¢ oo GB FMOQOnNT Orso Oo . LG HOON Nah SSIS Sucre 5°781| 5°7 Ins. | Ins, | Ins. 5744 5736) 5-720 5°$90 5895) 5-901) 5 930] 5-920 5:912 5-903 5660 5°643) 5-649 ‘754 5°752) 5-750 5659 5°638) 5:634 446 5-419) 5-399 5146 5°140| 5:116 5'298 5:309| 5:312 5°534| 5°34) 5-525) 521| 5*504) 5-497| 43) 5-452) 5-456 *765| 5°759) 5:750 680) 5°681) 5-680 5-852 5847| 5:840 5-904 5-898) 5:895 5742) 5-708! 9-696) 5508) 5:495) 5:487 4910) 4-901) 4-881 5*032) 5-040) 5-043 5*113} 5°102) 5-101 5465) 5-487, 5:500 5'557| 5:64. 5570] 5'575! 5:567 5'256| 5:229) 5:218 5423) 5486, 5:438 5308] 5:300 5:295] £ 5321) 5'355) 5°363) 5 5: 30 Dt 330 5°319| 5°320) 5:296 "012) 4511 5513 5°514) 5:508) 5°505) 5-499 So Od SI GO AMMAN Crore o1W OS WO bo OI bt OO UGODNW Cre or = 5 ey on on oI 5'553) 5°5 HAAN THR MAT Grog gr Be PONT OME OW One : OV Deis Ins. 5°500 5503 5°508 5687 5950 5-833] 58! 5-694 5791 5°7 5609) 5: 5319 Delile) 4398 5539 5463) 5: 5'577| 5°92 5'765) 5 712) 5:719} 5 5864 5°879| 5°87 5:640) 5°622 3] 5°395 | 4884 5) 5105 2| 5°199) 5 | 5°555) 5 5582) 5 5°31) f 5 198 “472, 5491 296 5:312 "420, a on 2) 5645 2) 5:872 7| 5°217 5:950 5| 5*795| 5°697, 5°783 | | 5-604 5300 5169 5:449 5548 5435 5°754 5°742 5861 5600 5305 4-868) 5°113) 5224 5579 5589 5°510 5488 5'296 5445 5°095 5'506 5°505 5503 Ins. | Ins, 5:664 5°658 9°953 5778 5°700 5776 5585 5'286 pela 5448 5504 5436 5656 5°756 5°758 5866 5*856 5584 5259 4°871 5117 5224 5°588 5600 5489 5:223 5°479 5:277 5438 5:070 5*499 Ins. 5°748 5838 5891 5683 5-742 5667 5440 5166 5295 5509 5508 5461 5741 5705 5°831 5°886 5°729 5°470 4:981 5004 5°138 5440 5°578 4565 5°292 5°392 5333 5*349 5298 5506 # a wy Aes BAROMETER. FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. REDUCED TO 32° AND SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. ] Tns. 9°834 9-801 0°053 0223 0:381 0°596 0°661 0°808 1-042 0-979 0°828 0-442 9:802 9-398 9-280 9-496 9-721 9-820 | 9°807 10391 0:273 9-985 0:263 9-716 9°763 0:052 9°877 9-869 0:507 0:738 0°757 N,| 0°167 2 Ins. 9°834 9-813 0°067 0°235 0385 0-592 0°663 0°820 1054 0-987 0°813 0-408 9°796 9-414 9-224 9508 9°737 9°824 9-802 0-400 0-272) 0-029 0:263 9-696 9773 0°570 9°879 9-905 0°536 0-744 0-759 0171 i Sean] OUP CoD a orPwDn 3 Ins. 9°831 9:807 0°072 0°240 0°397 0°597 0°669 0824 1:046 0°975 0°805 0°370 9°790 9-411 9°176 9°523 9°723 9°822 9-793 0-390 0:261 0-025 0°257 9-670 9773 0-058 9°855 9-931 0°552 0-723 0-757 0°165 4 Ins. 9828 9:830 0:078 0:237 0:402 0:599 0673 0834 1:056 0-960 0°805 0°337 9°768 9°437 9118 9°546 9°733 9°833 9-799 0:379 0°251 0:039 07255 9°652 9°79 0:060 9°844 9°957 0°572 0-713 0-761 07166 5 Ins. 9°822 §:839 0-081 0:244 0-405 0°600 0°681 0°820 1:058 0-945 0783 0°302 9°760 9°457 9-040 97597 9737 9-810 9°823 0:372 0°249 0:047 0°239 9-628 9781 0-040 9°815 9-989 0°596 0:703 0°757 0162 DOD YOOSS O Cr~19 OID I HOOOO MAIO SOM Oo oe Go S100 o> Or 0:228 0-059 0-221 9°622 9-803 0:030 9°823 0:031 0°604 0-707 0-749 07161 9°823 0:031 9°799 0°043 0°635. 0°707 0°745 07162} 0° 3) 9°5S7 8:856 2| 9°716 9°759 9-795 9:898 0:356 0:226 0141 0°189 9-016 9°848 0-025 9771 0:079 0°686 0°719 0°745 3] 0°180 , 0187 18 0-737 REDUCED TO 32° AND SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. | Los. 0°579 0°320 0°645 0°453 0°329 0°407 0171 9°805 9-751 0:070 07110 9:937 0°363 0°389 0409 0°548 0°531 0°264 9°829 9°356 9°684 9°882 0-269 0286 0°157 9:925 0-087 9-923 0:083 Ins. 0571 0:324 0°637 07429 0323 0:397 0-151 9°788 9°766 0-070 0-118 9:921 0°373 0°369 0-399 0560 0516 0:244 9809 9°362 9682 9-884 0°275 0287 07114 9°931 0:049 9°915 0:079 0157 Ins. 0539 0°542 0°628 0-391 0°328 0°366 07135 4) 9°747 9774 0:080 0-114 9°891 0°394 5| 0°357 0-416 0°554 0°487 )| 0°224 9741 9-382 9-676 9°930 0:271 0°282 0:077 9-949 9-968 9:913 0:052 0°138 Ins. 0°533 0°359 0°629 0:383 0°333 0-364 07133 9°742 9-780 0-085 0-114 9-887 0°419 0°355 0435 0-566 0°487 0°220 9°705 9-386 9-678 9-958 0275 0292 0:060 9-973 9-940 9°906 0°047 0:139 Ins. 0511 0-404 0°615 0°369 0331 0°355 0111 9°716 9-789 0:099 0-126 9-889 0421 0°351 0:447 0568 0-475 0214 9°669 9-430 9°672 9:971 0:289 0:310 0:045 9°991 9:921 9:919 0:032 07139 Ins. 0°513 0°442 0°619 0°370 0°343 0°356 0:108 9°707 9-799 0112 07119 9:936 0°439 0°358 0-463 0:580 0:481 0-212 9°659 9-484 9°682 0-001 0°307 0°319 0:035 0-022 9-899 9-943 0-029 07150 Ins. 0°501 0°474 0°627 0°365 0°359 0350 0-091 9°700 9°820 0116 0120 9-948 0-443 0°351 0°465 0582 0469 0-208 9°625 9:516 9:678 0:019 0°313 0°322) 0:015 0°054 9°887 9°951 0:010 0-151 Ins. 0-499 0°509 0°631 0°354 0°381 0°342 0:068 9°695 9°828 0117 07118 9°971 0-445 0°357 0:477 0°594 0:463 0-190 9:573 9°536 9:678 0°045 0-311 0:295 9-998 0:083 9-899 9:967 9°994 0:152 Ins, 0486 0°523; 0°626 0341 0380 0339 0:058 9-692 9°850 0117 0:105 9-999 0:447 0349 0:475 0°593 0°450 07182 9°540 9°550 9°665 0:052 0°376 0°295 9-985 0:094 9-907 9-985 9-972 0:149 Ins. 0:470) 0°539 0°627) 0°341 0°370 0°320) 0-052) 9-695) 9-874 0118 0117 0027 0-454) 0°344 0-499) 0°598) 0°437| 0170) 9-522) 9°566 9°683) 0:076 0°256 0:285 9-987 0110 9-890) 9:999 9-956) 0°151 Ins. 0°455 0540] 0-610 0-310 0°370 0°304 0:022 9-678 9°§86 0-121 0095 0-042 0435 0°328 0:483 0°597 0-409 0150 9-497 9°570 9°679 0-086 0-256 0°278 9°944 0105 9897 0:013 9°936 0-141 Ins. 0°448 0-541 0:607 0°296 0:368 0:288 9-988 9°669 9886 07122 0:077 0:052 0°431 0°326 0:484 0°593 0°385 0°127 9-482 9-576 9°681 0:109 0°243 0:258 9-930 0°106 9-891 0-024 9-904 07135 0°300 07530 0°612 0-744 0:937 1:065 0°859 0-623 9-927 9-620 9:647 9:245 9-697 9778 9°710 0:047 0-291 0-083 0:228 0-014 9-620 9:917 9-949 9°750 0229 0°738 0°738 0691 7| 9°827 3| 9°984 3) 0°157 07179 | Ins.| Ins. 9°819 9-992 0171 0°324 0:560 0°634 0-774 0-978 1-047 07856 0:580 9-907 9-554 9-608 9-299 9-707 9-808 9-730 0°186 0-295 0:043 0-244 9-940) 9-656 9-962 9-945 9°792 0°319 0°740 0-746 0-673 07180] 0-190) 07308 0°536 0°618 0°750 0-955 1:053 0°857 0°597 9-905 9-585 9-624 9°261 9-708 9°796 9-716 0:107 0°294 0-061 0:228 9:976 9-628 9 937 9°947 9775 0°265 0°734 0-728 0-675 285 JANUARY 1896. Ins.| Ins, 9822) 9-812 0-002, 0-016 0:179 0:198 0°328) 0:346 0:576, 0°590 0°648) 0-652 0°74) 0°73 0:993| 1-015 1-043, 1-039 0°845) 0-855 0°575 0°567 9°889, 9°875 9°526 9586 9329 9°707 9-811 9732, 0-240, 0-297 0-031 0:250 9-903 9678 9:987 9937 9°812 9-544 9-415 hail 9-818 9778 0:271 0°292 9-995 9-702 0-009 9:935 9°814 0:663 0°657 0:193 0:200 9°486) 9- 0-268) 0° 9°883) 9: Mia- night. Ins. Mean. Ins, 9-788 | 9°835 0:052 | 9931 0223 | 0°136 0°376 0592 0°656 0802 1:049 1017 0-839 0:467 9°837 9-406 9°330 9°474 9°726 9°820 9-806 0°381 0-275 9°966 0-274 9°751 9°763 0-047 9°895 9°874 0-286 0-494 0°620 0-732 0-918 1:058 0897 9°796 0-483 | 0-168 0°750 | 0-680 0°754 | 0-732 0°599 | 0-707 0196 | 0°179 ; FEBRUARY 1896. Ins. 0:404 0573 0:575 0292 0374 0262 9:946 9640 9°896 0:096 0:052 0-098 0-413 0328 0-485 0587 07349 07109 9:444 9580 9699 0-133 0:2438 0:237 9-888 07128 9901 0:058 9°846 Ins. 0:429 0541 0587 0-290 0°362 0:276 9:972 9°647 9884 0-110 0:068 0:067 0-412 0:324 0-471 0°583 0°363 0-112 9-460 9578 9:678 0119 0:238 0-242 9-897 0°107 9892 0:038 9876 0°125] 0°126 Ins. 0°388 0°608 0559 0:306 0-402 0252 9-892 9-612 9-950 0-098 0:035 0155 0-417 0344 0:505 0593 0°347 0-080 9-408 9-624 9°737 0°167 0:263 0°233 9°887 0°156 9:929 0-097 Ins. 0°396 0581 0563 0:282 0380: 0254 9-920 9°597 9-934 0096 0:041 0-118 0-408 0°332 0:480 0°587 0°343 0-091 9°430 9-602 9°715 0-144 0°250 0:223 9-888 0-129 9/907 0-084! Ins. 0378 0-619 0549 0310 0-416 0-234 9-870 9-632 9977 0102 0:019 ar H CO Ft o-oo bomto eros 1 S © OD999S9 S500 oe) ier) St AMwoccn Gop Ee Or a ("164 9-928 0131 9:802 0:132 9°824 0:124 9739 0°183) 0:136 2| 0°314 3} 0°203 Ins. 0:358 0°635 07543 0-425 0:218 9-846 9-685 0-014 0°106 0-002 0:249 0-408 0°362 0°523 0°573 0°317 9-980 9°378 9-656 9-791 0°272 07195 9-884. 0°164 9-933 0°145 9-693 0°134 Ins. 0°346 0635 0°533 0319 0°422 0-214 9846 9°716 0:019 07116 9-997 0-281 0°411 0:379 0530 0°569 0°313 9-955 9°370 9°665 9803 0:241 0-259 07182 9°887 0151 9:929 07148 9°638 07133 Ins. 0°330 0°635 0:507 0°327 0422 0'198 9-832) 9°740: 0:038 0119 9:976| 0:297 0:404 0382 0°525 0°551 0295 9-920 9:368 9°674 9°819 0:252) 0:273 0:194, 9890 0°150 9:927 0140 9°597 07180 286 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. BAROMETER. Repucep To 32°. 4407 FEET ABOVE SEA LeveL. First FIGURE OMITTED. MARCH 1896. ife}ls}4als5fle6]71]|s|9|21{1| wis | 1/15} 46! 17 | 18 | 19 | 90 | 21 | 20 | 28 aot | Mean, ght. Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins.| Ins.] Ins.} Ins.] Ins.| Ins.} Ins.} Ins, | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. |Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins.| Ins. ] Ins. 1 | 5044) 4°979) 4-947] 4-922) 4-896) 4865) 4°852) 4°835] 4-822] 4°784| 4°756] 4-731! 4-710} 4-711) 4681) 4:673, 4:670} 4-671) 4°675] 4°690) 4:701) 4696} 4-704) 4:718 | 4°78] | 2 | 4:729) 4:724] 4°730) 4-730) 4°737| 4°730) 4°743) 4°726] 4:713] 4°707] 4:693] 4-637] 4:602) 4:564| 4:°528) 4:491) 4°463) 4-425] 4:368) 4-319] 4:280] 4-228] 4-201] 4°176 | 4:552 3 | 4140) 4-100} 4-069) 4044) 4:014) 3-997) 3-982) 3-977] 3:975| 3:966] 3-963] 3-952} 3-945) 3°942| 3:949) 3-954) 3-962) 3-971] 3-981) 3-997] 4-008) 4-015) 4-022) 4-033 | 3-998 4 | 4-039) 4-042) 4-050} 4-062) 4-082) 4-098) 4°114] 4:135] 4°159] 4°189} 4:215) 4-241} 4-260) 4°292) 4-504 4°318' 4-331) 4357] 4°375| 4°398) 4420] 4469] 4-493) 4°539 | 4-249 5 | 4559) 4°597] 4600} 4:641) 4°668) 4692) 4-721! 4:739) 4°757| 4°763] 4-772) 4°769} 4-765) 4°761] 4:753| 4-749 4-741) 4:751| 4-751) 4°755] 4°74] 4°785} 4°800| 4-808 | 4-728 6 | 4814) 4811) 4:806) 4:774) 4°746) 4°693) 4°651| 4-622] 4:577) 4-518) 4516] 4-509} 4°524) 4°511) 4°517| 4-571) 4589) 4°648] 4°722) 4-774) 4°818) 4:886] 4:912) 4-972 | 4°687 7 | 5:021| 5-047] 5-064] 5-093) 5-128) 5-148) 5°167| 5:188] 5:198] 5-214) 5-240] 5250) 5-256] 5-268) 5-266] 5-259) 5-246) 5242] 5-210] 5-207] 5-189] 5-176) 5:157| 5°149 | 5-183 8 | 5:140} 5:117} 5°100} 5-090) 5051) 5-028) 5-023) 5:033) 5-021) 5:026) 5:027| 5-020} 5-004) 4-990) 4-981) 4:988) 5:000} 5-002] 5:022) 5-055) 5-061) 5-073] 5096} 5:120 | 5-044 9 | 5:135) 5°157| 5:182) 5-195) 5°215) 5°229) 5°247) 5-262) 5:269| 5:275) 5:289) 5-290} 5°311| 5°311) 5316} 5°327) 5:351) 5:365} 5°378) 5°389) 5°413) 5-421) 5-443) 5°456 | 5301 10 | 5-466) 5:476} 5:484) 5-479] 5-488) 5°473) 5-479] 5:475| 5:458) 5°449) 5-440) 5-432} 5:380| 5-331! 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SOnDIG ocuRONH Ins. | Ins. 0106, 0-110 0°245 0:235 0;109, 0:106 07149 07131 0128 07108 07101 0:106 0:070 3, 0'042 9976) 9°966) 9-946 9577 9 9°587 9°741 7| 9°701 0-058 0; 0:081 0:058 6, 0°026. 0166 2'0°178 9 5 2 2 Tns. 0°095 0°245 0-108 0179 0°151 0131 0101 9-950 , 9°894 9°77| 9775 9°79 0181 2) 0-202 0°359 0°363 0:440 | 0°442 0°400 0392 0366 0°359 0°265 0-260 0:203 07185 9-994 9-980 9°827 9°828 9°836 9°784 9:603 9°585 9519 9°531 9°823 9°836 -| 0043 0:035 BAT HOSA ito) 9°827 9-812 9591 9°529 9828 0:041 9-204) 9°303 9°732 9°596 9-804 0:139 9°338 0:188 9:974 9-919 9°637 9:057 9°581 9-464 9713 9°349 9-496 9°864 9°735 9-635 9°656 9-422 9°767 9°394 9-812 0-139 0141 9°589 Ths. 0117 0230 07109 0:127 0-121 07121 07120 0101 0-029 9-918 9°587 9°695 0090 0:022 0184 9°856 9-789 0-214 0°363 0-437 07380 0°353 0256 07183 9-966 9-838 9°748 9°581 9°536 9°849 0:031 REDUCED TO 32° AND SEA LEVEL. Tns. 07125 0:230: 07130 0-114 0117 07119 07126 0:108 0-017 9°903 9°587 9°687 0:098 0:024 0192 9°820 9:797 0°228 0°373 0:444 0°380 0°351 0:258 0177 9-968 9°834 9°738 9°567 9°539 9868 0:031 7 Ins. 9°389 9-283 8410 8581 9-294 9149 5| 9°825 9°513 4°843 0145 9-920 07187 3} 9°950 9-930 19-545 8:879 9°515 9°485 9°745 9°377 9542 9-900 9°722 9°645 9°651 9:433 9°837 9°402 9°850 0-160 0°132 9-588 8968 9557 9-476 9°737 9°355 9°518 9°886 9°722 9°637 9°650 9°427 9°811 9-404 9°844 07155 0°127 9°589 REDUCED TO 32° AND SEA LEVEL. FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 8 lava Ins. 9°369 9-275 8411 8609 9°317 9-100 9-846 9-487 9°856 07142 9:946 07191 9°949) 9:937 9:945) 9-937 9°511) 9-456 | 8°815 8°729 9°489 9:457 9505 9°522 9°752 9°757 9°394 9°405 9°562 9°586 9920 9-940 9-718 9°710 9°651)| 9°651 9:650 9°644 9°440, 9-441 9*847| 9°881 9416) 9°432 9-868) 9°886 0:169) 0:161 0°127| 0°125 9590 n ns. 353 251 395 639 325 9052 9°852 9°491 9°874 07131 9-966 07191 £5 COO 66 9-586 10 Ins. 9°315 9-227 8°396 8:670 9°331 9-036 9°868 9°494 9°89] 07123 9984 07184 9-923 9:94] 9°411 8°729 9445 9°533) 9°749 9-413 9°612 9-946 9°708 9°662) 9°632 9°453 9°889 9-450 9:902 0173 07121 9°587 | it | Ins. 9:286) 9197 8390) 8-693) 8 9-326) 9-048 9-889 9-494 9-896 07104 0:003 0173 9-914 9:915 9:398 8-861 9-430 9°539 9°748 9°427 9-626 9-934 9-701 9°668 9-613 9°469 9°864 9°459 9-905 0175 0-112 9:589) 14 Ins. | Ins. | Ins. 9-258} 9°225) 9-214 9-143} 9:089} 9-029 Ne} po OnI wb WOSDM Wr OS CUBS WOOHOO OOK mOCO OM OE SI ~I — DW DOODOH OOSOHDOS DOODO 9-594! 9°591] 9°58 MOOD Hr=109 MOH HOIAG On SCHOMOE ARASH BWHAK Hm Or HE DD O26 3| 9961 375 Hor po~t Oon a BON A150 18 Ins. 9°200 2) 8854 8399 8°825 9-284 9-281 9°854 9-482 0-001 9°842) 0-111 0-089 9°889 9°845 9-462 9-400 9°432 9°603 973 9-430 9-723 9-900. 9°645 9°668 9°535 3) 9°549 9°756 3) 9°613 9:997 0°166 0-020 9) 9598 FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. 19 Ins. 9214 8795 8:419 8°855 9297 9330) ¢ 9°830 9°498 0:031 9°824) 9- 0-130 0-083 9-905 9°345 9-478 9°427 9-425 9-619 9-651 9:427 9°736 9°892 9-641 9:676 9°535 9°555 9°725 9°645 0°023 0-166 0:031 9-603 - 287 MARCH 1896. 88 i BG SCHOGAN TAADBBY ADSL F BUR DON NVODWOR NORAD Oo OWNOWF~) SOOSE ASO )) 8°701 3) 9°916 Ins. 9:224 8°447 8-898 9-342 9-450 9°792 9°585 0:061 9°814 07157 0-067 9-484 Oe is is (ey) Ins. 9°234 8662 8°456 8:947 9-350 9-502 9°774 9°651 0:077 9°813 07182 0-060 9-920 9-811 9-480 9°506 9°452 9°657 9°538 9°425 9°796 9°846 9°639 9-388 9-495 9-604 9592 9°739 0:091 2) 0173 0-080 5) 9°621 23 Ins. 9:248 8621 8-465 8998 9-368 9°537 9-740 9°676 0°103 9:800 0°192 0:045 9-921 9-795 9°444 9°526 9-450 9-668 9507 9°446 9-804 9°3830 9°637 9-684 9-475 9°627 9°543 9°755 0:106 0173 0-084: 9°622 Mid- night Ins. 9-260 8597 8°481 9-049 9°372 9°594 9°721 9-719 0:109 9°796 0°203 0°036 9-923 9°765 9°408 9°552 9°462 9°687 9°451 9-452 9-816 9°816 9643 9°681 9-461 9°653 9504 9°774 0117 0°178 0-093 9°625 Mean. Ins. 9°304 9:039 8°428 8°719 9°285 9-259 9807 9-544 9-923 9-997 0013 0137 9-929 9°884 9°495 9-187 9479 9°553 9°680 9°406 9-637 9-888 9°693 9°659 9°590 9:500 9°762 9°530 9°934 0:159 0:095 9°597 FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. APRIL 1896. Ins. 0°156 0237 0:156 0-103 0°127 0-134 0142 115 0-026 9:943 9:628 9°675 0'128 0:032 0-212 9°750 9:843 0:262 0:39] 0:456 0:394 0:358 0°266] 0:268 0°177| 0-171 9-964) 9:961 9-846, 9-846 9-728 9°740 9:569| 9°563 9°557, 9°569 9°894 9-922 Ins. 0137 0236 07138 0-107 07119 0:127 07130 0-112 0020 9°918 9°613 9°681 07116 0-032 0210 9°786 9°831 0°246 0°381 0°452 0°382 0°357 | 0:038 0:044 Ins; | 0189, 0°230, 0189 0-109 07125) 0142, 0144 0133 0026 9-930 9°619 9°651 0°138 0:028 0-202 9-690 9°885 0294 0°403 0:450 0°398 0°355 0269 07145 9-924 9-864 9°736 9°562 9-596 9°953 0:046 Ins. 0173 0-233 0:170 0-104 0132 0143 07146 0119 0:022 9-938 9°632 9655 0134 0:028 0214 9°724 9°865 07284 0:399 0°458 0°402 0°357 0-270 0-161 9-944 9-858 9-740 9°563 9-585 9-940 0°046 Ins. 0:209 0:232 0:204 07118 07121 07142 07143 07144 0:020 9°904 9-615 9°647 07144 0°028 6:200 9-674 9-906 0308 0-405 0-444 0°388 0°345 0°266 0121 9:908 9-860 9-748 9°555 9°605 9°962 0:046 Ins, 0-208 0:222 07195 0-111 0113 0132 07128 0145 0:007 9891 9°597 9°663 07140 0°034 07192 9°695 9924 0310 0°400 0°436 0°387 0345 0°259 07104 9885 9°865 9°743 9°565 9°607 9-976 0-043 Ins. 0-217 07194 0'201 07115 0-099 0116 07116 07123 9-991 9°84] 9°627 9-759 0148 0:046 0171 9°735 9-990 0320 0°412 0:420 0°384 0°309 0-224 0:066 9°846 9°887 9-736 9517 2643 0:041 0:043 Ins. } Ins. 0218] 0:220 0-210} 0-202 0202} 0-201 0116} 07120 0108} 0:103 07129} 0:128 07125} 0-116 07140; 07136 0:012] 0-006 PSOO SOOO HH WONT HOR =1 Or WOrFFNW OwuUNDmew DP We STE ONK yo) oc we} © S =) ot 0-044] 0:044 Ins. 0-216 0182 0-202 07123 0:097 07104 0:108 0122 9:983 9°808 9:073 9°811 0:136 0:044 07155. 9°745 0-004 0°314 0-411 0:410 0:379 0-291 0-217 0:054 9-818 9°889 9724 9°507 9°643 0-040 0:040 Ins. 0216 0171 07193 HWP SOLO. PD SSSo SOO00 is BeOaon sOObW Ww BwOM EH Oram 0:408 Ins, 0°226 0158 Ins. 0-240 0°158 3] 0°203 7| 07155 0°102 07104 07116 0118 9-921 9728 9°766 9°925 07122 0:072 07125 9°73 2| 0-062 0°326 0°422 0°404 0°369 0°291 0°205 0:041 9°793 9°897 9°69] 5) 9°493 7} 9°701 0-087 0:047 Ins. 0250 0°164) 0° 0-214 0°162 0:109 SSSS SOSSS © BWON HKOrjos SI NWON OG R~T fF I OWE BIW OCOrH bo 0:106| 0:408) 5A) 0-262 2| 0-154 3| 0169) D| 0°07 3| 9°73) 9° 3) 0-116) 0° 2) 0:438 7| 0°293 Ins, 0:209 07121 0117 0113 0:106 9-979 9-666 9°78] 9-993 0-094 0112 0°340: 0:404 0°373 0:228 0:024! 0" 9) 9823 9°885 9°645 9°503 9°759 0°156 0:057 Ins. 0:257 07142 0209 0169 0119 07106 07122 0:099 9978 9°626 9-785 0-019 4 S © > SP SOOOS GSSSS SSSSS SSSSS oO MAISIO Co COONWNW HB RWHEANT OHrOOns Ins. 0258 0130 07199 0:165 0:128 0-100 07122 0-092) 9-969 9-602 DBOONN FPHrON OUMNH @® NLPNWA Res Wr NSN OMOVoT WON AN LOO Ins. 0253 0-114 0°193 0157 0-129 0°104 0-115 ow co on Ico Or rms i=) i=) or o Ins. 0:196 07197 0-177 0-137 0118 0119 0-121 0115 9-999 9823 9°665 9-800 0113 0:060 0-149 9°778 9-957 0-292 0-405 0-427 0:383 0-323 0-239 0:098 9-881 9865 9-719 9-539 9-641 0-004 0-045 288 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. BAROMETER. ReEpuceEp To 32°. 4407 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. MAY 1896. po} 9 fos] 4.) Ball 6y| ve) 8) ome Mom neato ais | 14, 15>) 16] sia) ete sl arom eae een 22 | 28 nuk t | Mean} | ght. Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. } Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. 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ReEpDUcED To 32°. 4407 FEET aBovE SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. JUNE 1896, Ins. | Ins. | Ins. Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. i Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | lus. | Ins. Ins. Ins. Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. 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FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. JUNE 1896. Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | tus. 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ReEpucep To 32°. 4407 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. AUGUST 1896. Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins, | Ins, | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. 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JULY 1896. | Bee) | 4 5) 6) 7 | & | 9 | to | 2 | 2] 1s | 14 | a5 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | an | ge |, 28 | BES | Mean, 5 Tus. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins, | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. ] Ins. | 1 |9:853) 9:897] 9:924| 9-946] 9-959] 9-979] 9-989] 0-011 | 0-011] 0-017] 0:019] 0-021] 0-023, 0-025] 0-023] 0-029) 0-032] 0-033! 0-030] 0-033] 0-031) 0-035] 0-029] 0-022 | 9-999 } 2 | 0-016) 0:001] 9-989) 9-978] 9-971] 9-967| 9-955] 9:949 | 9-939] 9-933] 9-914] 9-907] 9-897] 9-890] 9-872] 9°868) 9-866] 9°856| 9-854] 9-853] 9°852| 9-838] 9:831| 9-820 | 9-909 iy 3 | 9:812| 9:309] 9-798} 9-782] 9-775) 9-765] 9:768|[9-765]| 9:761| 9°726) 9-714] 9°690] 9-694) 9-680] 9:642] 9-618! 9-602] 9:590| 9-608) 9-630] 9:638] 9-645] 9-666! 9-680 | 9:703 | 4 | 9-686) 9°588] 9°690| 9°699} 9-709] 9-711] 9°709] 9-701 | 9-692) 9-655] 9-610} 9:580] 9-610, 9:628] 9°632| 9-640, 9°672] 9-720| 9°736| 9°70] 9°816| 9°852| 9-894! 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9-969 | 9-958 BAROMETER. 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REDUCED TO 32° AND Sea LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. OCTOBER 1896. 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BAROMETER. Repucep To 32°. 4407 Freer aBpove SEA LEVEL. FirsT FIGURE OMITTED. NOVEMBER 1896. i Mid- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | TL Wa | | aS aS ATE peal WV al zye |) aS a) NOS). i ai | | 3) night. Mean. Ins. Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. 1 | 5416) 5: }| 5407) 5426) 5-421) 5°435] 5446) 5°447| 5-448 5455) 5-456) 5-455) 5-446] 5:449] 5-451) 5°450] 5-452) 5-458] 5:454| 5454) 5°453] 5:452) 5-441 | 5-441 2 | 5-438} 2) 5°423) 5:413) 5-410) 5°45] 5-418) 5°420| 5-423 5°48) 5-414} 5-410) 5409} 5-412) 5°407] 5°399] 5-400) 5-412) 5-404) 5395] 5-385) 5°391) 5-390 | 5-411 3 | 5386) 5: 379) 5°382) 5°373) 5°381| 5°388) 5°403) 5°417| 5417 5:425) 5-435] 5-441) 5°445) 5:447| 5:457| 5:477| 5°490) 5-493) 5°510) 5519] 5530) 5°538) 5°548 | 5-444 4 | 5°546) 5-557] 5°570] 5°574| 5°579) 5-591) 5°603) 5°632) 5°645) 5°656 5:603) 5°670) 5-671) 5°671| 5°674| 5°678) 5°690| 5-693) 5-699) 5-711) 5°722) 5-724) 5°729| 5-734 | 5-653 5 | 5°733) 5°730| 5°733) 5°737| 5°744| 5°752) 5°765) 5-786) 5°797 5°803 5°810} 5°812] 5-806) 5:8U9) 5802] 5807) 5°813] 5-809) 5°807| 5°795) 5°786} 5:786) 5°777| 5°769 | 5-782 6 | 5°762| 5°744| 5°719] 5°717) 5:687) 5-679 5:664) 5-652) 5-660] 5-640, 5-630 5-608] 5°595] 5°578| 5°571| 5°550) 5:528) 5:515) 5-493) 5-478) 5-443) 5-424] 5°382| 5-352 | 5-586 7 | 5:332) 5°311] 5:274| 5:275) 5-270} 5-269) 6-271] 5:278) 5:287) 5:287| 5-263] 5:260} 5-264] 5:263) 5°242) 5:242) 5-256) 5-238) 5°242) 5-245) 5-267) 5:278) 5:292) 5-291 | 5°271 8 | 5:295) 5:306] 5:312) 5°314) 5°339] 5:361) 5°381] 5-394) 5°392) 5-420) 5*432) 5-441) 5-447) 5:454| 5:467| 5°490) 5502] 5-508) 5:526) 5-549) 5555) 5:575] 5584) 5-590 | 5-443 9 | 5586) 5592) 5590) 5-590) 5-582) 5°590) 5°604) 5-625) 5-629) 5-641) 5°649) 5:638} 5-638) 5-625] 5°615| 5°591) 5:588) 5-601) 5°584) 5-570) 5°568) 5571) 5°561) 5°548 | 5:599 10 | 5:47) 5°540} 5532) 5°514| 5-508) 5°509) 5-516) 5°505) 5°510) 5500) 5-506) 5-513] 5:502) 5-486) 5-482) 5-465 5:476) 5°479) 5487] 5-487) 5°475) 5-466] 5-460) 5-472 | 5-497 11 | 5-478) 5:447| 5-437! 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ReEpucED To 32°. 4407 FEET aBOVE SEA LEVEL. Firsr FIGURE OMITTED. DECEMBER 1896. Ins. | Ins. | Ins, | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. } Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. } Ins. | 1 | 5°503) 5-488] 5-469] 5-453] 5-438] 5-418) 5-406] 5-386] 5:364| 5:352| 5-332 5-295) 5-275) 5-260] 5-231) 5:215) 5:197] 5155) 5-144) 5-143] 5-137| 5-118] 5-090) 5:092 | 5-290 2 | 5:042) 4-990} 5-009} 4-983) 5:015} 5:057| 5-064) 5:054) 5:057| 5-042) 5032 4-994] 5-001) 5-008) 4-976] 4-950} 4-966) 4:959) 4°936] 4-936] 4°913) 4-909] 4-906 4-883 | 4-988 3 | 4°838) 4°805] 4°791] 4°753] 4°776| 4°723) 4°75) 4-781) 4:777| 4:761| 4°763, 4°761] 4°725) 4-685} 4:674| 4:699] 4:622| 4:681) 4:677| 4°674| 4°719] 4°717] 4°723) 4°718 | 4°734 4 | 4-698) 4°709) 4-685] 4-700) 4-707 4°713) 4°728) 4-742) 4-754) 4-760) 4-771) 4°766) 4-774) 4°773) 4°774| 4°800) 4-805] 4°807| 4-794) 4-777) 4°70) 4°757| 4°738) 4-723 | 4-751 5 | 4695) 4-667] 4-631] 4-618] 4-590] 4°571| 4-544] 4-498] 4-477| 4-483] 4-467) 4-440] 4-413) 4-380] 4-354] 4-350| 4-325] 4-335) 4-327] 4-326] 4313] 4-304] 4-312, 4-308 | 4-447 6 | 4305) 4°308) 4-315) 4-309) 4323) 4°339) 4°374) 4°379) 4399) 4-414) 4-420) 4-430) 4-438] 4-469] 4-486) 4-490) 4-503) 4-523) 4-533) 4°532) 4536) 4-543) 4-557) 4-563 | 4-437 7 | 4:560) 4°558) 4-570) 4°573) 4°588| 4-617) 4:620) 4-636) 4-660) 4°677| 4-698) 4-711} 4-728) 4°752| 4:773) 4°792| 4°815] 4353) 4°865) 4-880) 4°883) 4°397] 4-916) 4°920 | 4:731 8 | 4:932) 4-929) 4-930) 4°937| 4:946| 4-942) 4-945) 4°941) 4°946) 4-949) 4-948 4951] 4-956) 4°948) 4:955| 4-969] 4-984) 4-995) 5-001) 5:004) 5-010) 5-023) 5-027) 5-032 | 4:967 9 | 5:032) 5-030) 5-025) 5024) 5:034) 5-047) 5-048) 5057) 5:080) 5:082) 5-084) 5-088} 5:094! 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REDUCED TO 32° AND SEA LEVEL, FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. DECEMBER 1896. 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Wet. 45°4 49°2 48°5] 50:0} 51°6} (59:0) 61:2 58:4 61:5 56:2 58°7 566 56°6 53:1 52°4 521 56°3 50:0 43°5 42°9 48°4 53°7 48:0 50°1 56°5 571 58:3 537 54°7 532 51:0 53°2 Dry. Wet. 511 45:0 53-4 [47-0 55:2 [48-0 56:0 [51-4 64:9 [575 65:0 61:2 67°6 58-0 72°7 58:3 65°3 56-0 68:8 58:8 67°6 55:2 67:0 56-4 541 53°7 59:0 50°8 565 51°5 63-0 58-1 52:4 49-6 49-2 44:9 50°9 42:2 50:0 48°3 56-1 53-2 57:2 48°6 56:8 50°1 63:2 55:0 63:8 56:8 65°7 56-9 62°1 53:3 59°0 53:2 59°4 51°9 55°0 49:9 59°5 52°4 19 Dry. Wet. 50°9 45:0 55:0 48:5 54:2 [45:5] 53:0 150-8] 54:3 [50°8 65:4 [55:4] 64:1 60-1 65:0 57:0 701 57:0 62°0 54:0 67:0 57°8 681 56°2 62:2 54°6 54°3 53°8 56°4 49°2 56:0 51°7 591 56-0 52:0 48-0 47-7 44-0 49°0 41:9 49'9 48:6 56°0 53:3 53°8 46:4 55:0 48:8 61°3 53°7 60°4 55°3 64:0 56-0 59:7 51:8 59°3. 53° 58°8 51-4 55-0 49-0 1 58:0 5 46°1 48°0 || 48°8 ee 2] a 22 23 Midnight. .|Dry. Wet. 432 43°7 44°8 PP POP PP Poor Poorer ororven (= eres SCOOPS OFPOANO FPWAIWN DOCDOD SESE OU Oro Dry. 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AMDH NOWDRM SOMIAWHS OMINMOD SANNM MMOMH RADHAN DHARMODH BHAND OMARAN ioe) AHN ONHHHA wWHOHS CORRR HRDOD ADHD a Oo DAD ID AG AGD 1919. 19191D 191919181 1916101 DH 19191018 H 19 W119 1910 19 Ad a SSS S638 LOST AD 1B 191019191 1919191919 19 SA Hag agqQ SH Hin 19 19 19 vo} a SNOKNMW SOIWIND BIANM HHOWMN SCOMBHOD COCSED A oe SONAHAA OCHNAS HHSOHOS OMAP OHOAD NOSOSAD HID O191900 AMMDOO AAHOMm ABDHADON M190NnH COHoOotme lo9) HHIOQH HOO NOIDM H ADO H MOOrMmO HADAOM DWMW1OSO O19 wo | Fes e2 1D 1D 1D 191 OW O1919 1919 D1 191919101 1910 109 19 vo} | SES222 ID AD 1D 1D iQ 619 (1G iQ 19.19.1911 191919191 1919 19 60 19 1D re) [Seon WOMISWD ANSODHS WOPIVQH WRONW WOAAOH oes IDO OIDGH ODO RMA ASAOD MNDRBOS BHABWIOW 19 = AANA ADHD 100m NDOOMH HrasNdo HeaaINa AON HAHAM RHSHN ASDDKRD HRAOOHD SOnHHH HH S SSGRS85o AD AD 1G 1 1g 19 19191910 ID AD 191i 191919 1 SH 19 HW19 19 1919 Von} = SSSBSS8 10.19 15 19 15 1D 1G 19 1G AD 19.19.19 191g HG 1g 19 H1G.19 1919 wo fa 12 DSM 1 COIS HDS COC I~ CDW +A MCC WHOGIG WDOMmOMmO S SOD POD IN HOIDG WMO DW MODI MONOD HE ONM~D E- LOI IO HO MPMI 19N00 DHOOM ORMRWOH ODMH ~OHD1OMm = HHO HOD CO CORIO NIODMOM ODOOrO ONADHO OAS OCO-m eo} (e) D3 1G ID 1 AD ID 1919191 1D Hi 19 101919 1919191019 191010101019 Yon) DO 109 1109 1D ID 1D 19 AD AD C19 C19 1G 191919101 1919191919 19109 1G 1910 we [= HOSOMA NOTH H WOMB NAESS HObLO AAaPwa BRPSHON OHGSOH OAH] ARNO OBWSHA EHNOGOAN | ADMON MANMNA MRAH1OM TPHNWDDSO ONODwY TeOnan N SDMA AM19MH BWOONNA M19r00 ANAONANHO OD H1019 sH a SISOS OS NO] Sil terns Sas Soh alee ONO RM ORCS XS PHPSAS PSOOGSO ONHITDS ASOASHO VWANVMD™ wWANOAMS © mG | | RHIDQID SO Ph OM DHO WD HrOD DE-ADSO W~DMDHANS OMAO W110 ver) HIDID 1900 HOODS HAWOD Dr-100OO MmMAMININWO 1D WHO; rt fx] 5 1 200 29 AD UD AD 1D 1D 1919 1D 1 19 11D 1G 1G 1B iQ HO 2191919 19 1D 1919 19.19 1919 Nor) (DAS 1D ACD ACD ACD ID W1DiGD* W1D1iGiQq 19101919 1iD 1919101019 191919 1019 No} rp) fQ (eeeees DOOWO GSOBHSD DSOHD HAVDMr~D OMPOHVWD (eee ge WOOO HOM OS SODA Arak Wo OPOROO rE SAHON ABANMO FHOHOM ONMED HAANDSO HreooNe al HH O1D AAHM1OM10 WOTWHM DODOAD AAnAAwWM FOND D ss jaa) a ; SSASSS SEG6m Bis HSisiao WO6tw OAH oH 16 SP ERD S SiS Gioisias DOOMOS IDB OOe BoMM@Is Basse 6 ~ Oo S pera GO)SHIGNICN) (O3ISANES 9) CONSIST eceeie ee a> i SNOSSDHD OSS! OAADHD MHA AWSSOD WOME = ROMO M1 HOO H HH HAOMIQ COMM DO 1D HMORD m~AWMOHCD sH HOMOIOD 1INMER-AN BPOOOD ArwWODNM WOi9l~10 MOWOWHARN co S! DO 19 1919 1 LD 1D 1S 1A: 1 (19 101M 1919191018 wigs tH 1916 191010 wd (D0 2D 1 1D INTWOIDIND WO WMO O191WD (19191918 1919191910 101919 19 we a Q EDIDQMIOD DOONW IVANDPH DIIOADM WSOP SD OWAVAR BOSON OH1G190 OHBIWIWA DORBOHM WOHAMVA ABOHNORN & z DODAS NDONA ALAON ONOKRK HAOHOS HOABRAM OHO H NO19001g DOM DiaDDrR NOcct HAND — IONAHOP 19 O1950H mMNSOS HOASHOS DOMDWA © | EP dH co MDOADMA BHO MmRH DHAr~OMm OMOOM 107010100 oD HI~O1010 DO DHOOM MHODOD HORDD DOWDMN MORHOH fer) A BORMDSD HAWNS DOWMWOOG ARHOBMID BODSNHM AMOWDOH O BEPSSO H19MWS DHGODS SOHhOAH SHOOHHM SOLHOnHD > Ormeo O00 AMmOMM Mee O HNO Y DHOANSO Teanga SoS AQMHOMD AHMRIQWr DOWHADH DiINDORD OANWSHD HHOtder ie} 1 a BmatA1G1N HH IN Hi} DH W114. WH19191018 1919 WH LQ SH SH SHG HH Yen} — LD 1 1D 1D AD 11 11 AD 11 COG AD 19 19 19191 19 1G 191g 6 HG 19 109 1g ivr) oY eB SOROS SCLODO SHOHO MNRDAM WMHOSOANN SCONNOH PONAPAA S1DAD PROONDS CANO SMASS'S ONMNOIWIO & fay HoIDHNN HONDO ABDNODN OMOOMmM WNOMWSO 100M 1OOD N HADOWDWND OOD H HOP-RWO WOARWONM HDOrmOW OMDOAN1O lor) Ey BONPSW WHSHS OMIONAM SCLOHD OOMOHP HOPPMAD © BOHOSH 119 COOH MAHMO OMA OMHONDO HMAWRO cH DMDOMDOO MOOIOMm wOTrD OWTOMmM MOMAG BHONDDAO oS OOOHAOD mOIDWM™ DWI~NOMD WD19DOD AnnAHAAN THHotorm ite} Saas 1D Hii HH Hig igi9giaQqd W191091018 wig Hats 10 HH Hig tH ito) to 1D 1D 119 1D 1919 19191 1919 1a 19.19 19 rads 1919191010 19 WH19 101919 ws s SEUSS QE) Cote IIS Is IGN RNGA ED REINA) Gao aeS) PCO Cp SON NS) iB MOS TICD ASUS Walsh Coils) (Soleo? Xie ois ep HAD HNN HANHA HDOMON OMOMD HADWMSO On HOS N fH 0010 06 00 DMWONMDH ODMMRD COOMBS OCOP-HOMD OWDAIOMH oS O18 Hie 19 1 LO HDA SHH 1919191 SH19 101010 11 A Hig 1019 W199 1019 wo ZB SO 1 109 109 1 IDW WWM OiQwOi9iQ OW1919T WOiMiMQwOI1d 1019 WO OW eo} BOSPDIN HODHID WIWDNASON APOOW BHOMWN MWWAOOH © BAS OMAS 19190 0S OMMARD AOWMIOm~ OAWAH OMMAaH O OMmMHDO 1INWDHAM PDONDMH WHI ree DHWMNO 100000 D rt COM Hrs H HOD1INWO DOHWODM DOMMA NCMHiwoAN 19000500 Le} “i SRASES B466F WSH666 Hines Sagas Batson 6 we 1G 1G 1G 1GAG® 1919 1G191Q G19 61919 19161G 1G 191919161 V9 HiV9iGiaiqg 10 LON OR Ste ney Gy OsICIr LO EAGNCIS olSe tele @comhe Gp = DISCS TOS COE) OINOCIE si pGloan Qloescooe HAAPAHMAN OOMWH ODMMMD ONM~rO HHAOCMWS Wms19O0NOT Nn BHOMMMO QHNND ~ODDSO WHO COM HMdO wOANOWM1O f=} 2 20 HG 19 1 WO AD AG AG SHH 191 AH 191919 D 1919 ig HAD 19 16 WH 1919 wo CD SO 109209 109 169 IDWMOMOWO WOilQwWiQwo OWWOiIWW WOigiW~w6 ig 19190 Ot iro) BAPALS NAMM HPASCO QOH H OCHVHOH AONWON & BOMOPH MOIwO91G19 GDI ANA AHPWWS AWN WOOG SCH HONGO fx OERMOD BORBOOrR DCONDWSO OnAOmmr~ PRODNO OOMr-OD So AND H HOOIOH WOH! 1OMR-COHM ANAMOMH Owomcosd iter) BTS. 19 FAG HA WagiHig® Wis 1919 GQ wWAAHH issttwmioest a 19.19 18 1G 1419181919 1919 01418 1914 Gig wid Gio wosHiGgisi91Qq 10 fo) | mS LORIN Stal COLO SO) OOO ORN Qcocagoles GUO) ere a EO SSS eical CE SUI Ss) ele) Terex bis) Goes eet su |=} LN AAND DOMHO PDRDMMAMOD ONAOWOMm WHOHS OnOI1O0H oO HOOHMWD OMNMDH ODOIr~D HANMIAN HROHMN OWOSSO S i= 2 1G 19191919 19 1919181 HG 1G 1a FH 11k) 1911 Ha 19 1 TH 19 1910 Ww 10 19.19 19 LO WOOO O OiMQwoiwo OwWOwWOiOW 19019 01D 191GVO OOO Yo) x BIONDOM™ PILQORARH HVOONDO ANOMwar ONWWDS DWOMOG 16 |aeste see rele se Orel tC aE Coors health eho mh male re epee ts IED te AOMHAD 1I9NDOMO PW~-DOD POO WM WOAOBND OOAHAMMSO re ANAT WDO1DWWH BROOM HOH WMO wDODMWOH ie) = SESShS BH568S Wssises WHisi9s Stas Oaas65 (EGS BS S688 BOOS OHOSO BoB BWOo IBM 10 re Ay SKS AOD STS OMS IC IS CO Sie EPIC ANID We SIC NEBE I OEE HAIN 95 SONS ES SONS HO HOGG OTe B= 00) C90) rN ES 1¢ QUO Orr are Pardo DOMHH ARMNRAH DNODOM OWHOMD RALADA Sranmnnn oS 's\ | E8823 1O1B1G1O1D Wii iGiqg WiGaqiagig wag iD 19s sti9gi9aig 14 Oiginoino oO A HAMID CHROMO HAMHIA CHROMO HAMHIO CKROBON a 1g OCHORON 4 B BSAA MAMAN ANAANAN AANN® a NA ANAND 9 E = - x — _ 4 a BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 310 _ AUGUST 1896. Dry AND WET BULBS. TEMPERATURE. 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Mean. Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet.JDry. Wet. 47°0 45:0 | 45°1 44:1 | 46°5 45°2| 45:8 45:0 | 45:1 44:7 | 44°0 44:0 | 43:5 43:5 | 43°5 43-5 | 43°5 43°5 | 48°8 43°38 | 44-7 44°7 | 43-4 43°59 44:2 43-2 48°3 48°3| 47°7 47:7 | 47°8 47°8| 48°6 48°6 | 48:4 48:4] 47:6 47°6| 47:2 47:2| 47:1 47:1] 46°8 46°8 | 45°38 45°8 | 44:4 44:5] 44-5 44:5747-0 47-0 44°8 44°8 | 44°6 44°6 | 44:5 44°5| 44:3 44:3 | 44:4 44:4 | 44:2 44:2] 44-1 44:1 | 43°9 43°9/ 43°9 43-9 | 43-9 43°9 | 43-9 43:9 | 44:0 44:09 44:3 44:3 45°3 45:3 | 45°7 45°7 | 46°3 46°3| 46-7 46°7 | 45°6 45°5| 45:1 45:0| 44°6 44:6 | 44:0 44:0} 40°9 39:9] 41:4 40°8| 41°6 41°3 | 42°3 42°19 44-1 44-0 42°38 42:6 | 43:0 43:0 | 43°5 43°3 | 42°7 42°6 | 43:0 42°8| 41:4 41:4 | 42°6 39:2 | 44:3 40:2] 45:0 41°3 |] 45:0 41°5| 48-2 41:2 | 45:0 42:0] 43-4 42-1 45:2 42°8| 46°3 43°7 | 44:2 42:9] 43:0 41:7 | 42:0 41:2] 41:0 40:1] 40°8 39°8 | 40:4 39:8 | 40:0 40:0} 39-4 39:2) 38°8 38:5 | 38°3 38:1] 43:0 41:2] 39°9 39°8 | 39:9 39°8 | 39°7 39:6 | 39°77 39°6 | 89°5 39-4] 89:0 39:0| 38:0 38:0] 38:0 38:0 | 37°6 37:6 | 86°8 36°8 | 36-4 36:4 | 36:2 36°2] 38:2 38:1 40°3 40:3 | 40°3 40°2| 40°5 40°5| 40:0 40-0 | 40:0 40:0] 39:9 89:9| 40°0 40:0 | 89:9 39:9) 89:7 39:7 | 89°3 39°3 | 38°83 38°8 | 38°6 38°6] 38:6 38°6 39°2 39°2| 38°7 38°7 | 88°5 38:5 | 39°5 39°5 | 41:3 41°3| 41°7 41:7] 42:0 42:0| 42°38 42:3 | 42°6 42°6 | 42:4 42°4| 42:7 42-7 | 43:0 43:0] 40°3 40:3 10 | 44:3 44:3] 44:7 44:7] 45:0 45:0) 45:1 45:1 | 45:0 45:0 | 44°3 44:3) 43-9 43°9| 48:4 43:4 | 42°5 42°5 | 48:2 48:2 | 43°5 43°5 | 43-2 43:2]44:0 44:0 11 | 44°3 44:3] 44-9 44:9] 45:0 45:0 | 44:8 44:8} 44:9 44:9 | 44°9 44:9] 44:7 44:7 | 44-4 44-4] 44-1 44:1] 44:3 44:3) 44°3 44:3] 44-4 44-4143-9 43-9] 12 | 43°0 43-1 | 42°8 42:1] 42:0 42:0 | 41°3 41°3 | 41:2 41:2] 41:3 41°3]40°9 40:9 | 40:8 40-8] 41-0 41:0] 41:2 41:2/41°0 41:0) 41°0 41:1] 42-4 42-4 43-9 39:2 CONS opopnr 13 | 42°8 42°8| 44:0 43°9 43°8 | 44:0 44:0 | 48:0 43:0] 41°9 41:9] 41°6 41:1] 41:1 41:1] 41-0 41:0 | 40°6 40:4 | 40°3 40:1) 40°0 39°69 41°3 413} 14 | 39°5 39°5| 39:0 39-0 2 39:2 | 40:0 40-0 | 37:2 37:2] 36°6 36:7 | 34:2 34:2 | 33:0 33:0} 32:0 32:0 | 32:0 32°0| 31°9 31°9| 31-7 31:9] 37°8 37-7 15 | 33°7 33°7 | 34°6 34°6 | 34:5 34:5 | 35°0 35:0 | 84:6 84:7 | 84:4 34:4] 34°1 34:1 | 33°8 33°8 | 33:3 33°3 | 33°7 33°7 | 83°6 33°6 | 83°7 33°71 33:0 33:0 16 | 33°8 33°8 | 33:0 33:0 | 33°6 33°6 | 32:0 32:0 | 33°8 33:1 | 33°6 33°6 | 34:0 34:0 | 33°3 33°3 | 33°3 33°3 | 33°4 33°4 | 32:4 32:4 | 32-5 32°5933°5 33:5 17 | 35°8 35°8 | 36°7 36°8 | 38°7 38-7 | 42°8 42°8 | 45:3 45:3] 44:6 44°6 | 42°8 42°8| 41:3 41°3 | 34:6 34°6 | 33°7 33°7 | 32°2 32:2) 31°38 31°8} 363 36:3 18 | 34-4 34:4 | 34:0 34:0 | 34:8 34°8 | 82°5 32°5 | 32°2 32:2] 31°6 31:9 | 31°3 31:9 | 30°2 315] 31:1 31:2] 31-3 31-4) 31-1 3t-2) 381-7 31°74 322 32-4 19 | 31°6 31°9} 32°5 32-0 | 32:2 32:0} 31°7 32:0} 31°5 32:0} 31:2 31°8| 30°6 30:7 | 30°7 30°9 | 30°8 30°9| 30° 30°9| 81'1 31:2) 311 3114312 31-4) 20 | 82°6 32°0| 32:7 32:3 | 82°6 32°3| 32:1 32:0 | 32:0 32:0| 31°7 31:9] 31°6 31:9) 31°0 31°8| 30°7 32:0 | 29°2 29:2 | 28°8 28°8 | 28°6 28°64 31:0 311 21 | 32°5 32:0| 34:0 32°6 | 33:2 32°4| 33:2 82:7 | 82°6 32°6 | 32°6 32°6 | 32:9 32°9| 32°7 32:9 | 32:4 32:4 | 32:3 32:3 | 32°1 32:1] 31:7 31°74 31°0 307] 22 | 35°2 35:2 | 35°9 35:9] 36:1 36°1| 35:7 35°7 | 36:1 36:1| 36:0 36:0} 35°4 35:4 | 36°9 36°9 | 36°8 36:8 | 36°9 36°9 | 37°3 37°3 | 87°5 37°59 34-2 34:3 23 | 33°2 33-2 | 33°0 33-0 | 32°4 324] 31°6 31:8 | 31:3 31°9| 31:1 31:9] 30:9 31°7 | 31°0 31°5 | 30°8 31°4| 30:4 30°5 | 29°3 29°3 | 29°8 29:8 133°3 33-4 24 | 29°5 29°6 | 29°7 29°8| 30°5 30°5 | 30°4 30°6 | 30-0 30°0| 3071 30:1] 31-0 31:1] 31°4 31°5 | 31:7 31°7 | 31:7 31:7 | 31°7 31°8/ 316 31:7] 30:5 306 25 | 313 31°4| 31°5 31°6 | 31:7 31°8| 31°8 31°8 | 31°4 31:4] 31:2 31:2] 30°6 30°6 | 30:4 30°4| 29-4 29°5 | 29:2 29-2 | 27:8 27-8 | 28:0 28:04305 30°6 26 | 38°0 38:0 | 38°8 38°9| 38:4 38°6| 87-7 37-8 | 36:0 36:0 | 85:7 35°8| 34:9 34:9 | 34°8 34:8 | 331 33:1 | 82°9 32:9 | 82:7 32°7 | 82-4 32:4933'1 33° 27 | 27°5 27°5 | 28:0 28:0 | 28°7 28:8} 28:5 28°5 | 288 28:8 | 28:2 28:3) 28:5 28°5 | 28-1 28:1 | 28-1 28:1] 27°7 27:7 | 27°3 27°3 | 27°5 27°6430°5 306 28 | 29°9 29°9| 31:0 31:2] 30°4 30°6 | 29:4 29°6 | 29°6 29°6 | 29-1 29:2 | 29:0 29:0 | 28°8 28°8| 28:7 28°7 | 28:8 28°8| 28:9 28:9 | 28:8 28:9} 29:2 29-2) 29 | 34°8 84°9| 35:4 35:4] 85°5 35°7 | 84:7 34:9 | 84:7 34:7 | 84:2 34:2] 34:5 34:5 | 34:2 34-2| 33°5 33°5| 382°8 82:8 | 33:2 33:2 | 33°1 33°14 32°7 32-7] 5°7 85°7 | 86°3 36°3 | 360 36:0} 35°2 35:3 | 85°6 35°6 | 36:0 36:0 | 35°9 36°9| 37:3 387°3| 88°0 38:0 | 38:4 38:4 | 39°2 39°3| 39°3 39:4]34:9 35:0 MEAN.| 37°9 37°7 | 38°1 37:9] 38:2 881] 38-0 37-9 | 37:9 37:8] 87:5 37-5] 87:2 87:1] 87:1 87:0] 36°6 36-5 | 36:4 86:3 | 36:1 86:1 | 36-2 36-1 37-0 86-9] FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 313 x SEPTEMBER 1896. Dry AND WET BULBS. TEMPERATURE. 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Midnight. e206 HAHOM DAAAN AGAAG LDH AOE 19 HDE-b-00 OHS200 BAHOS DIANA ATAAA MONAD NOOMOM AWBPON HOMO DAAAN AGATA AMANND Nooo ABMMON BORO.w TANAAN AAAAN 23 ADSCOH nH Onmy NNOoeed Ge. ONMAA ATANHN QcaS1N HOR IA HADAN AAATNA DOM HAANDN Nontarn BAO Aas ANANANAN 21 TAMNANN ANTANTN 26-7 26:2 26°4 25:9 | 26:4 25:9) 26-4 25°9 ANDOd OMOOrmiH THe sey ear ake Sloe ee aANSOHSo FAAAAN mtOon1QH ANGnHoDd MANNA AANA DMOOOMD OoOigrr1 3 Dry AND Wet. BuLBs. Wet. Dry. Wet. 5 40°5 | 40 5 39°5 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 26 19 HAAG ANANAANA OHO ODA CONANN NINN. ANNAN ANANTN HOA OS MANN Ory O ste OON 17 DrLOKM CANAD BANANA AGAHA 5 | 40 3 | 31°6 2 0 40 ‘ 226 . Wet./Dry. HANS 9 moan os 2 MMOH OOD OD Deeg HANA ANNAN 16 St aL eee Ow Fel p ae re 15 Lenat nonwaSd DAANN AAA AANMNS BOOD®D ORRAW HOUDS BANANA AAATA HR 11990 SES TS an) 1a 460 Hod AANARAA NAG 4 CO SH OD ReRMOM19 NOnmRWS a MOANAN ANNRN MADR ACORS BANAN ARASA OOoONAweH COOMMN WOMWAH CIAORW oO MAONAN ANN monks OOCODMOnt DOwWAxtx AKSOAD DOAAA ANA TEMPERATURE. 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FEBRUARY 1896. reer ere Pe ser: | 2 | 2S eS - | - |= | = } = | = [F005] @coc\| Yorommmy 2 | -008'| -O51 | -080:| -047 |'-017,| 006) 002) 29) 2) S29) 2 — | = |= | = |S ep Se (sees eee eerie 3 s z Z * S i x 2 4 fs ie 3 a E _ x et 2 i. = a % S 2 ia 4|-|-|-|-|- | - | - | =| =) = | = | — |-003) -_ | 010] -46 | -o18 | -002| -002| ‘= | -009\|-003 |) 002i e007) co-oag 5 | 018] 016 | -010| -010| - | -005 | -o08 | -024 | -o21 | -033 | -010 | -003] -013 | -017 | -017 | -018 | -022 | -021 | -012 -003 | -005 | -012| 002 | 002] 0-302 6 | -.|-= | = |) =-|-006) =./ =) Se) Sas f=] = | = | = be fe SS he cons) Cool stooge oer 7 | -017 | -022| -027 | -003 | -002| 005] 901) - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | = | 052] -079) -108 | -129| -180 | -123| 132] 111] 0-989 8 | -209 | -086 | -101 | -050 | 023 | -025 | -022| -019| 007} 026} - |-oo1] - | - | - | - | - |-058]-038] - | - | - |-030|-010] 0-700 9 | — [[-030)[-050}[[-050}[-010] -023 | -078 | -028 | -074 | -016 | -071 | -005 | -086 | -030 | -020 | -o11 | -078] -103 | -018 | -030 | -u29 | -016 | 027 | -010| 0-893 10 | -009 | -011 | -061 | 038 -041'| -022 | -003 | -002 | -003 | -028 | -030 | 021} -021 | -015 | -003 | -009 | -033| -069| *103 | +149 -081 | 131 | 223 122] 1-228 11 | -066 | +115 | -021 | -025 | -062 | -064 | -051 | -041 | -060 | +122] -085 | -040| -011 | -020 | -032 | -049 | -143 | -106 | -175 | -220 | -291 | -220| -331| 292] 2-6a2 12 | -192 | -189 | -150 | -139 | -130 | -113 | -077 | -085 | -028| -008|-008| - |-003| - | - | - | = | - | - | - | - | -.| - | = | 122 i De ee ee ee eer ee es = ee ee eee ea SS aes Sone, = |= lees 14 | -002|-026|-010/-bos} - | = |.- | = | = = =] - f= | =| - |= | 2 lone) = Sea seal ioe caesarean i eee ea eee etal eae eee | |) AE Re Raat i eas) = fone | = oa 16 | oes Wee] toll lh eal ol Salaam esr eee, |e cee (eee ean eee ‘ - 17 {ih sabes |e = he se) = lh S oly See eta a | ot ee Nt lezen ie laces eee a ee oe ee een ee eee ee ee revere yey. | = i | -|-|-/-| =| - | — | 2 |) ee 2 | - | — | =| — | = |rors'|<602)) :or0\|)-070 |)-029)|"-0ne, |cOcan mona 90 | - | 003) -015 | -016 | -024 | -026 | -029 | -008 | 038 | 016 | 005 | -o03|-o02) - | - | - ; - '-) - | - | - | - | - | = | ogo a | = |= | == f= | =) =) 25) Se i028) -008.!|008 |) | lee eee eee ee 92 [= foe tm tissote a dete | al = gee ewe Set |S jee Re Uae eS 1 en 4 |,- | 2 |= |= | = | 2 | oll eo ite ee ae eee ea ee er 2B Ne en eee - | = | = | = [f-010}[-030}/-030)][-030][-040][-040)[-040][-050][-050][-050)][-040][ 040] 0-450 26 | -007 | -001| -005| -002|-006] - | - |-o02/\o18/ 012) - | - | - | - | —|- |= |= | — | = |) = |) =) eee 27 | — | = | -005 | -014 | -013 | -017 | -052 | -148 | -111 | -067 | -065 | -012| -234 | -081 | -011 | -038 | -008 | -004 | 004 | -006 | 049 | -025 | 022 | -068] 1-049 | 28 | -041 | -025 | -011 | -005 | -028 | -014 | -020 | 012 -081 | -024 | 012 -088| -048 | 080) -020] - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | — | Bsa 29 | — | = | -007 | 022 | -013 | -010 | -018 | -015 | -006 | -007 | 013 | -008 | -025 | -010 | -004 | -010 | -042 | -042 | -028 | -022 | 036 | -013 | -078 | 190] 0-619 | Sum. 0-564 0-575 |0°503 |0-427 |0°370 |0°330 |0°361 |0°379 |0°392 |0°359 [0299 |0"154 [0-459 |0-241 [0-147 |0-206 |0-449 0°526 [0-549 |0°697 [0-778 |0'614 |0-907 [0-868] 11-154 | FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 321 RAINFALL. INCHES FOR Hour ENDING— JANUARY 1896. | F : | | Mees | 4 (5 | ¢ | 7 | 8 | 9 1 x0 | at | 12] 33 | 14 | 5 | we | 7 | 18 | 19 | 20 |) ot 22 | 28 UE arnount, 1 1 |-028| -074 | -073| -050 -010 | -o10 | -020| -033 | -044] 015] - |-o10f - | - |-orz) - | - | - |-027{-006] - | - |-037|-027] 0-476 moots | i SS eres) LL a NS ee ee ee ees 0-007 roomie | i | ee |) 8 |S ee SG 2) Ske ie es olrosdos Pees) Sol Saas oe Se Se ea eS a a ie ens ie eee et | | ee ee ee ee | | = a i = ZN = ee Ailey = = ae | ae = es Sulla! aN ies eee eee Ze - eee | 2 | 605|-003) = |-oos)-ooe) 2 | = 1 — |) - | =| 2) 2s) = 2 |S 29) Sse roots ese 8) 005] - fae Pa he. | - | 2 |} SE ee eS ce Ie eS ivoices "9 a a a is 2 = = = iS E = J ue & = sf Bs = as = = = = = = | eee | So See ee | | S| S| See eS Se Pu} -|- | -| - |} - | - J-o13}-003} -004] 003] - | - | — | -o16| -017| -030| -005 | 005 | 010 | 005) - | -005}-003| - | o-19 Piz] — | — | - | 010} — | — | — | - | 014} -030 | -028| 127} 050] - | - | -018| -067 | -180 | -020 | -020) — | -020| -010| -010}, 0-544 iis |-003| 007] — | -025|-042/-010) - | - | -003|-o10| - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | -007| -003] -003 | 024 | -013| 013] 0-163 Me ecns ee | | eee ee) = ee eS = | = 00s |, o10i| -030)) 0.085 -035 | -020 | -030 | -045 | -068 | -080 | -322 | -035 | -038 | -027 | -045 | 045] -010 | 007| — |-006) — | -017| -077| 038] 032) - | -006| -067} 1-045 037 | 048-072} - | -043| -013}-004} - | -003]-003| - | - | - | -017| -006| -004| -008| -010 | -010 | -013 | 010 | -020 | -007 | -010| 0-333 017 | -010 | -013 | -010 | -020 | -010 | -080 | -060 | «037 | -040 | -003 | -027 | -030 | -015 | -005 | -050 | -070 | 050 | -050 | +120 | -080 | +150} -050 | 100} 1-097 057 | 046 | -067 | -093 | -020 | -024 | -013 | -027 | -013 | -010 | -025 | -085 | -057 | -070 | -020 | -043| -087| 010) - | - | - | — |-037| -091] 0-895 025 | -060 | -010 | -020 | -023| -010| 007 - | - | — | -023| -012}-008| -032| -032}-013; - | - | - |-0o7| - | - | - | - | 0-282 -|-|- | - | - | - | - | = |-020}-005} - | - |-013| -087 | -017 | -020 | -083 | -007 | -046 | -07 | -090 | 100 | 087 | -060} 0-612 eee se) | | eee | | Hh Sees cea le ole o-ar0 eee S| | Eee eee | _ | | = | Bt = ote Tros7 ose |\-o18 |-027-|-127))" 0-290 056 | -003 | -137 | -083 | -040 | -063 | 020) - | -082| -143 | -023| 047] -040| -o90| -097 | 018} - | - | - | - | - | - | - | -003] 0-940 mec cos) 003) | | eee | | | | Ke ea ee |= 0-030 eee) — |} - |---| | | =f — P| = | -008| -014| -028 | -027 | -013,| -080 || -023,||-084|'-073/| 023] 0-268 014 | -073 | 100 | -323 | -177 | -200 | -095 | -112 | -013 | -003 | -030 | -070 | -050 | -033 | -040 | -094 | -153 | -080 | -070 | -020 | -020 | -120 | -065 | -025] 1-980 memes) = |) 25) | — | 2) 2b = | -008| — | -005)-010)— froeeii = | — (ore) — |.—}) 0-240 aes ore 2 | S| eS | | | te a es 2 ea cos =a (no-020 Meeraeoesio0eco03)) = |= | = | - |goos) 2 | 2h =) - | - | = | —+\-008) = 003) =) S 1 = | = 1 ooo, | eee ener. amie eee i | | = | 2 Se MS ries PS ee loos porous | Som. |0:316 0-493 |0:524 [0-685 (0-451 [0-440 0-582 |0-270 0-272 |0-296 |0-172 |0-423 {0-258 0-325 |0-254 |0-305 0-801 |0-339 |0-407 |0-399 0-311 0-507 0-378 |0-591| 9-499 i RAINFALL. FEBRUARY 1896. | ENE Foi -|-|-|-]-)-],- S|) = Pe) eee ee ee em) yoy wir y-o3} = | | | | Pps | - | -}- f=] =f -} es) ste} se) spo ees | 2 |] |} | | | | S| fe | = | SE fons | -008| -007| 040-007 — | - | = | +003! -o07| 003} -o17 4) 0-107 Meearairos4 | -006|-010| — |-o03| — | — | 004] -017| — |-oo3} - | -; - | - | - | - | - | = | = | -004] - | - | 0-097 ee cogs | | |) ee Pe] | | | | 2 | 2 20! -on'! -or0.| -006) 0-058 Meeieois 090/015; - | - |; —| ~':-] =) _—]2! 24724 = | = | = | -040| -047| -030| -040 | 073 | -034| -040| -071| 0-495 8 | 115} -170| 115] -115 | -080 | -053 | -047 | -020| -o57| 047; — | — | - | — | - | - | —. | 125] -075| -027 | -010 | -020 | -050 | -o03 | 1-129 9 |-010| -010|-080} — | -020|-040|-060) — | -083|-o04| -o15| — |-o17; — | — | — | -037| -036|-007| -007/-028| - | — | — | 0-454 to | - | - | — |-040}-005) - | - | — | — |-020} - | -o238]-o24| -o16] - | -008 | -047 | -044 | -103 | -150 | -170 | -183 | -187 | -055| 1-070 11 | 060! -045| 010} - | -060 | -023| -014 | -023 | -077 | -170 | -017 | -023] -005 | -005 | -037 | -083 | -107 | +163 | -180 | -240 | -280 | -215 | -145 |[-170]} 2-132 4 SIU eOn NT OnOon= | = |) - | = | = eee} - } - | - |] } ype pe Pe SS 0-400 J = = = = = = 3 =e aA =, = Bey = = = S = = = a os = =. 14 = = “006 - - 004 = = = = = = = = a8 = is = a = = = A i 0-010 15 7 = = = ne = x es = = = = = 2) i = = = = = = = = = ES DR viomes ce | oo ee eieo lem | | | | | 2 Rego eegoloi| a le ok oleovars Se -003 950 |-088 | -040 |-050'|-070| -037 | 017-007 |-00n8 2 | — | - | — | - | - | —- | =] =] 2) = b= foe enema | eee es | | | lb ee ee orcas ~ fo} 2427 21 2 4 2] 2 Jono} -ot7 | -005 | -007 1-003 = | = | 003} -012] -080 | 060 | 070] -050| -037| -o16| — | 0-320 6 — | 7004] -003] 003} - | - | - = = O07) =- | =e = A ener) Si = = == ee le O07 ‘| 27 | - | - | — |-030] -020 | -040 | -295 | 245 | 197] -020| — | — | -060| 023; -004] 010} -003! - | - | 010] -013| -010| -004| -013] 0-857 epee) 018 | -010| -004| -003| 015; — | -017| — |-020|-0083] - | - | - | - | - | -| - | - | - | -| - | - | - | — } 0090 -] 29) = | = | = | 017) -020 | 020} -020 | -o18 | -020] -o10 -006 | 015] 027 | -o1s| -007| - | “013 -020] “010 +015 -082) -016 | 070 154] 0-517 | | Som. |0-384 |0-498 |0-327 [0-348 |0-323 [0-226 0-433 10371 [0-436 [0-332 |0-049 10-076 {0-153 [0-065 0-055 0-119 |0:266 [0-465 |0°485 |0°599 |0°696 |0°541 [0-525 0-488] 8-260 ee TRANS. ROY. SOC. EDIN.—VOL. XLIII. 28 322 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. RAINFALL. INCHES FOR Hour ENDING— MARCH 1896. 1/2/3]/4/5]/ 6/7 | 8 | 9,| 10} W | t2] 4s | 14 | a5 | a6 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20] 21 | 22 | 98 | Fa Amount, "192 | 178 | -066 | -019 | :050 | -179 | 026 | ‘089 | 078 | 024 | +101 | 104] 045 -089 | 023 | -112| -118 | -078 | 090 | -072 | *118 | 045 | -054 | *059] 2-009 ‘O31 | +112 | 062 | -032 | -022 | 017 | 004 | 003 | 009 | -015 | 014 | 014 } 036 | :079 | 168 | 178 | *237 |[-150]} 051 | 116 | -029 | -028 | 030 | 133} 1°570 O86 | :027 | 005 | -030 }-052 |~041 | :004 | ‘039 | 020] - = = - 001; — = f = - }- — | 7008 | -007 |.-016 | 001 0°332 016 | 014) —- — |*021/°012) - - - — | 001 | 001 -004 | -001 | 007 |- - | :028 | -049) -051 | -049) 039} — = = 0293 ‘019 | -053 | -038 | :013 | :029 |-~019| 017) —- = = — | 015] 102 | :076 | -030 | *108 |-041 | 024 |-059 | -065 | .-069 | -053 | *047 | 028} 0-905 ‘019 | °035 | 033 | -015 | +129 | *241 | +325 | 160 | *156 | -223 | *109 | 076} ‘089 109 | 072 | -069 | -086 | 078 | -063 | -032 | -037 | -028 ee a ae a x = = iS = = = 2 S = Salis 004) 0-037 | ‘009 | -007 | -021 | -031 }-102 | -084 | -067 | :048 | 076 | 146 | *189 | -181 | -064 | *140 | -306 | -229 | 101 | 104 | ‘076 | 110 | +176 | 068 | 007 | 004} 2°346 if = - - - — | 7002] °018/ 037] - | - — | 007 | 003 |.-004 | ‘001 | 001} —- - - - 0-076 — - - = = = — |°006} 005) - - - — | 010 *013 | 025 | -011 | 068 | 056 | -053 | -246 | 180 | 129 | -111 | 150} 1:063 | 0-213 | — | -006 | -016 | -013 | -020 | -018 | -021 | -036 | -010 | 078 | -102| -112| 118] -032| -007 | -001 | -006 | -004| 010] 0-610 | 15 . 16 | -025 | -020 | -025][-030]|[-050] [+050], -095 | -040 | -057 | -054 | -046 | -060] -112 125 | -128 | -064| -066 | 030 | 011 | -013 | -022| -017 | 011 | 004] 1155 | 17 | -002| -007 | -046| -029 | -003'| -004'| -042 | -053 | -086 | -082 | -055 | 165] 105 | -009| -064| -005| 011) - |-001) - | — |-021]-008|-v01} 0-799 18 - | 025 | -020 | -017 | -005 | -017 | -015 | -006 | -047 | -006 | -036 | -020 | -030 | -061 | 023 | -052| -002| 004] - |-o17| - | - | 002] 0-405 19 008 *021 | -007 | 029 | 023 | -050 | +020 | :028 | -063 | ‘011 | :004 | -015 } -006 = = = = = = - - - — |:006} 0057 - | - | 040} -050 | -096 | 110} -075 | -028 | -006 | 010 | ‘071 | 003] 0-632 | 20 — |[-010]} -009 | -110 | -003 s 7 eee) | a se eK | |] ORR | Gene 22) |'-016 | -O51 | 070 |:-103 | -058 | -035|-003) — |.— |) Sy Sm =f 2 | - | - | 2 2) 2 | 2 Ss eee 23 | - | - | - | - | - | - | = | 009] -042] -070 | -035 | -047 | -062 | -062 | -033 | -027 | -047 | -030 | -054 | -039 | -036 | 043 | 061 | 060} 0-757 24 | -068 | :057 | 079 | 032 | -050 | -040 | 018 | 010 | -007 | -012| -007 | 012} 003) 001; - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | = | 0396 % )|-/}-]|-];-}]-])/-]-]-]-]-]-]-P]-)-]-}-]- ]}- ]- | - | - |-004}-004] 005] 0-013 26 | -018 | 061 | 053} -030| -004| - | 002} -015 | -008 | -030 | -200 | -065 | 075 | -080} -015 | -010 | -003 | -030 | -002 | -030 | -002 | -023 | 013 | 004] 0-773 27 | 030] -036|-016] - | - | — | -010] -004| -092| -036| -006| 006] - | —- | -065| -003} -093| -008| -019 | -018 | -026 | -045 | 032] -050] 0-595 28 | -190 | 048 | -020 | -140 | -124 | -169 | -081 | -063 | 040 | -049| -024| - |-002 - | -020| -023 | -003] -006 | -020 | -010 | -015 | -023 | 008 | 003] 1-081 99 fo be Se me ee ee SS) oda 024) | = ee eS ea a ee ee es en ee eee en | |) oe ee a ete pe sy ee) Gone 31 | - | - | - | - | 019} -011 | -012}-017 | -010 | -010 | -008 | -008 | -009 | 023 | -028 | -091 | -096 | -090| 122} 010} - | - | - | = | o-5a9 Sum. |0°851 |0°789 \0°625 |0:570 |0°862 0-960 |0°755 |0°614 |0°763 |0°831 |0°842 [0-909 J0-805 0°847 |1:163 |1-115 |1:261 |0-967 |0°784 |0°849 0-780 |0°559 0-492 |0:557 | 19-550 " RAINFALL. APRIL 1896. 1] — |010) — | = | - | = |S 4) Se Sa Se te] = | = ee es eel ee |e 2 | - |-005)-002] - | - L- -- | - -- --] —- | =] - |-- |-o0g]- - | -013|-005 | - | -o12 |. 094 | 017 | -of/|-0871 0-199 8 | -060 | -048|-002|-003] — |.- -- += |) = |eos0}-o04| = | - | — = 030) — 8 220 =) |eo0g7 ieee eee 4 | — | -004) 008 | -00 | -012} -010 | -006 | 005] 007) - |-007] - | -060/ -016| -006 | -010| -005] -080|-- | 003) - | - | - L-- | o-196 5 | -020| -015| -024| - | 002] - | - | - | ~ | 012] -003| -017] -012 | -030 |-100 | -061 | -047 |-060 | -080 | -061 | -031 | 046 | -013| 018] 0-652 6 | -024| -o18| 003} - |-oo2| - | —- | - | — | — | = |7- J - | - F- | = | = |Roo5- = [000-079-078 eaeamiease)| mace 7 | -040 | -021 | -010 | -018 | -024| -010 | -009 | -009 | 008) - | -003 | 028] -040 | -056 | -048 | -041 | -073 | -050 |--063 |--032 | -044 | -031 | -026 | 010] 0-689 8 | -007 | -007 | -006 , -021 | -082 | -028 | +120 | -095 | -040 | -087| 010) - | -0o6| — |-o02/ - | - | — |-o1e) - | - | - | - | — | 0-477 9 | - | - | - | - |-006] - | - | — | -010] -G02|-005|-005} - | - |-003) - | - | -004] -050] -o60|--030| -012|-009/ — | 0-196 10 |-009|-004) - | — | -013/-029]-030) - | - | -015]-004) - | -075 | -142/ -072| -040 | -030 | -060 | -064 | -010 | -103 | -087 | 121 | 137] 1-045 | 11 | -058 | -141| -031 | -011 | -003 | -048 | -037 | -017 | -016 | -040 | -027 | -078 | -080 | -091 | -018 | -014 | -020 | -010| -007| -008) - | -003| -021| -o02| 0-781 12 | -030 | -008 | -032 | -049 | -038 | -040 | -082 | -020 | -015 | -010 | -035 | -030] -010 | 008 | 010) - | - | - | -020/-010|-017] -011| -018| — | 0-493 8) 005) — | =f fe fe) ae ee ee eta a ee es ee | 14 | -005 | -008|~010) -018| 002|-009): = |-- ly Sa) Se |. | — |) = f= [eee Sp She ee a es i | -|- | =| = | - | =1) =e] Se ate) Se SE RS DG te Soe nace errant 16 | 023 | -015 | -020 | -013 | -006 | -009 | -004| -o09 | -032 | -071 | -092 | -101 | -007 | -003 | -028 | 006 | 003} 002! - | - | - |-075| -030| -015] 0-564 | 17 | 076 | -060 | -095 | -102 | -023 | -055 | 039 | «006 | 018 |- - | - | -008}-002|-o03/ - | - |-008|-o22) - | - |.- | - | = |-020] 0-587 18° | 002 }-002) 002) = |, | = [| MR Re rR eg ee 9 | - | - | =] = | = | = | = | = | = | 082] 014] 018] -o18 | 030 | 116] -050/) 070 | 008-007] - | - | - | - | - | 0-358 a} - | =| -—F = | = | = 1 3 V007 eae me eR eaves een |e 22 | - = = = 2 = 2 s = = Ee = 2 = 2 = x a 2 = M = 3 = 7 8 | - | =] - [= | = [opel = |v See cee PLE | eS ne Se se ae 24 | ae ee ee ee eee el ee ee ee py. 2 % |-|-!1-}]-]-]-]- ]-]- | - |- | - | - | - | -015] -025 | -030 | 020 | -079 |--040 |-013 | -009 | -010| 013) 0-254 26 | -040| 013 | 023} -007} - | - | - | -047| -017| -050/| -017 | 012] ‘010 | -050 | -012 | -007 | -010 | -015 | -010| 020) - |-007! - | -006] 0-378 | 27 | 001 | 022 | -052 | -040 | -040 | -019 |--050 | -050 | -010 | -040 | -010 | -030 | -073 | -028 | -040 | -070 | -123 | «111 | -049 | -087 | -050 | -047| -121| -010| 4-173 28 | +192 | -020 | -192 | -062 | -050 | -103 | +030 | -060 | -050 | +150 : 110 | 060] -030| 013 | 010 - | - | ~ | - | - | - | - | — |. = | qagaue 29 | - |:009] - | - |-005] - | - |-010}-002} - , -020|-o30]-014) - |-001} - | -006|-o04] - |-o03|-o14| - | - | — | o-gm 30 | - |-023/ - | - | - | +050] +060) ogo} -— =f — | -— Pi |. | 038) oon) = |.) =) 9) = = | 4 SUM. 0°592 0°453 |0°512 (0°346 |0°308 |0°444 |0:467 |0°365 |0°225 |0'489 0:361 |0:417 [0-432 |0-470 0522 |0°358 |0°438 |0-406 |0°445 |0°355 |0-405 |0-428 |0-464 |0°334] 10-086 | FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 323 RAINFALL. INCHES FOR Hour ENDING— MARCH 1896. | P/2)/3/4)5)6)7 | 8] 9 | 10) | 12] 18 | 14 | a5 | a6 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 28 [ER Amount NEE a (eS (Ee (| | te he a ial 5 ae acacia |i ee a | 1 0-026] -044 | -013 | -010 | -003 | -044 | -006 | -037 | -013 | -007 | -010 | -027 } -005 | -028 | -003 | -037 | -043 | -017 | -030 | 100 | -013 | -010 | -082 [0-028] 0-586. } 2 (0-017) -033| -027/-010) - | - | - | - | - | - | ~ | = ]-020] -060 | -245 | -115 | -180 | -053 | -034 | 160 | -048 | -065 | -020 [0-085] 1-172 Sn 10120| 032 = 1-010 | -026 | -020 | -007| 008 | -027/-003/ - | -} - | - | —- | - | -]|-|- 1 - | - |-oml - | — | 0-248 Mepis 004) — | - | - | — | — |. — | 033] -005; - | - | - | ~ | — | = | = | -093] -o10| -o34| -056| -017/ = | — | 0-195 J 5 | - |°020|-007/ - | -003} -005) 005} —] - | - | - | - | - |-o17| - | -016} -o04| -003 | -007 | -036 | -010| -057| - | 003] o-198 } 6 | - |-003]-004| - | 023 -104| -143| -103 | -057 | -027 | -030 | -020| -010 | -033 | -017 | -020 | -o10 | -020 | -o10 | -o10 | -007 | -013| 003 - | 0-667 a - = | 003] = - - - — | 004) —- = = = = S 2 e a 2 = || OR || = 2 0:010 | 8 | -010| -100| -017 | -057 | -073 | -173| -127 | -107 | 113 | -100 | -010 | 023} -004 | -073 | -130| 040 — | -020/-020]-o10/ = |-o03| - | - | 1-210 eee i | = | a | =e | = fH | a = 0057 - | = | = | = | = | o08) = | - | = | = | = | =) 0-008 Pio} - | ~| - | 003} -003) - | - | -008} - |-004) - | - J - | — | -003 | -085 | -117 | -113 | -152 -180 | -056 | -029 | -045 | 040] 0-783 Paty -030| — = as ae oe a cs = = = = = = = hen va = = = = - - 0:030 meee a le | er ee TU a eh Sy | SE | ee Pre |) eget | ge 9 | hse 2 me jo |) | eee ee EH | | hd} el Se eS eee he = ees | S|) eee eae | ee | |] fe | ee Sree ee ee ee E m }- | -| - | - | - | - | -038| -057 | -035 | -005 | -030 | -104 | -036 | -o10 | -020 | -019 | oo | 005) - | — | - | — | — | -o11] 0-376 } 16 | -012/ -007 | -009| -011 | 195] -065| — | -o28|-071| 109} 012) - | -059|-032]-092| -o03| 012} - | — | — | - |-003]-007! - | 0-727 a7 | - | -034| -068| -008| - | - | -017] -023| -091 | -087| -075 | 140] -018 | -004| -008| 0121-006 — | -| — | - |-o30/ - | - | 0-621 age =| | — | -037/-013|-017| - |-007| — | -033/-075| — | - | — | -015|-040| -005| -o03|— | — | — |-050|-007| — | -020] 0-322 Bete 5-005! -O15'| 045 | -040 | -o12| -043)-040/ = | 22 - | ~| - | -) 2 | 2] 2 2 | Sy 2h = b-o37]! 0-297 iia\eozario20||-030| — | — | - | — | — | = —~ | ~ | — | -035 | -142 | -118 | -025 | 005 | 052] -036|-007)/ - | 0-583 = = = = = | doi) = = = 4 = = = = = = = = - - - = 0-003 Mee econ ccsol-od|) — |. | co) Seem eee )- fh |) oe a ea re teat le poe — |-004] - | - |-003/ — | -043| -047 | -048 | -003 | -041 | -028 | -o18 | -030 | -046 | -056 | -022 | -053 | -054 | 052] -047| 087 | 032] 0-714 053 | -079 | -015 | -026 | -038 | -048 | -040 | 028) 012/ — | — |-o10] - |-o03| -005|-004|-008} - | - ; - | - | - | - 4 0-406 Pes of — |. | = leooleseiea | = eae (ie PG ke 022 | 048 | 0-075 122 | 069 | -035| +004] - | — |-006]-009|-o08] - | - |-003/-o18| - | - ! - |-o10] - | -012/ +003] - |-004] - | 0-388 004 | 003} = |-004/ - |-o08| — ;-031/-023| - | - | - | - | — | — |-o13|-012] -o17] - | -026| -030] - | -012] 0-183 028 | -039 | -080| 114] -105| -055 | -o20] -020| 009 - | - | - |-oo8} - | - | — | - | -005]-004) - | — | — |-003] o-519 “005 - - - = - - - = - — = = = = = = = = = = = = 0:005 ee esa | | Sm LV See 2 | | — | 999 | <005:|-os0il 087 t-o05 2 SS asia Sum. 0-465 |0°561 [0-439 (0-367 |0-616 |0:599 |0-504 {0-482 |0-655 |0-567 0-170 |0-360 [0-1 930-316 |0:591 |0-391 [0-622 [0-453 [0-403 {0-610 0-373 |0-360 [0-227 (0319 | 10-643 ea RAINFALL APRIL 1896. een ih fk |. si seep) A ew oe (Se Saree ze een | = =|-003)| — |oo3| — |oosl 2 he wo} - | -/|] -}|- | =| 212 | = I [oto lcoao}) 0-089 ECD (cos — | = | ol -ood eels Ie fe | o } = | S| Sees ee |) Sera corao9 es | oo3 004) = |= | — |-cos|-aeieea= | ='| - | - |=] S|) 2 lee SSS Sl ocore Memes) es |} ete} Ke] Ke Ue | | |] | = = 9 = | 007] -050/ -058 | 050} o10| 037 | -046| -012)|-005 | = | = -f 0-270 eemeicnos| = | — | - |-oo/ -| -| =| - | - |---|] - —~ | = | = | = |*= 027) -o56 | -0171\-007] 0-114 me03| -003|-004| 003; - | - | - | - | —| - 013 | -047 | -040 | -027 | -026 | -020 | -022 | -012| -006 | -020| -017| 003! — | 0-266 Seen) — | — | — | — |-012| -023| -o19/| -023| -017| 013 003] - | — | - — |-004] — | -003 mo Neel. 5 ft Sobeontitg Peo) = | — |-005/-003| - | -005|-014|-003/ — | — | — |-005]-005|-0o7/ — | - | - | — |-063| -023]-005|-009] - | — | 0-147 | 10 |-003| 005] - | - |-030}-025|-005; - | - |-025| - | - |-127) -060]-023}-010} - | -013|-017| - | -020] -030/ -020/ -043] 0-456 } 11 |-007|-053| -004/ -003) - |-010/ - | — | -005| -005| -005 | -010] -025 | -040 | 003 | 020] -o09| - | - | 015] - | -003| -097| -003} 0-227 Serres |) — | — | -012| -005|-037|-086|-o04, - | - | - | - | -| -| - | - | - | - | =| - | —-}-005|-o12] — || o-ta 13 | - |-003|-007) - ZANE eH ea | Mea) Som, | || ee a a | Ee) PE eee aes | aoe eTocs \-o0s| — | = | — || 2 | sees |.) - | - | - | = yee ee 2 a) 2) 2 ose Cemeteries | | | |} 2 kh ae Meo SSS eee ee een ee. Siegal cocolmoronG 067 | 057 | 021 | -020| -009! — | -020| -013| -042] -172| -110| 013] - ze hile ~ | — | — | — |-022/-038!-o10] o-e14 eres oom een er |-cos'| 003) — | = Sees mien al = | = b= | OBS Se) eee eee Ses a Sot costae eee) S| 5 | 2) 2 | 2 loos) = W-oz0ill-003'|)-042|-0386|-008 | |) 254 ea er eee - | — | +007] -008| -006| -008} 0-029 | — | - | eotee |) =. | 320) s ee ee ere -061 | 022 | -007|-004) — | - | — 0:350 | -~| =) =| =) =) 24) = 034 | -002 | 140 | -060 | -022| -010 | -050| -o41 | -040] 1-182 033 | 093 | -100|-007|-o01| - | - | - | — | o-545m - | — | -005| -028| -053 | -080 | 080! -180| 100) 0-605. - | - |-110]-102] — | -010]-o18| -030|-008] 1-075 | 046|-002/ - | 2 | - | -) 20) ~ len | =} edo | or - | = | -044| -021 | -021| -120| -058 | -ogo| -o16| 0-640 009 | 050 | -001 | -002| -014 | -020 | -01 | -050| 0409 0-210 ~ | = | f= | = hel ee ene ~ | -002} — | -050| -056| -094| -110] -070| — | 0-549 ~ |-002| — |-035|-090/ - | - | -125|-050] 0-873 006| - | — | -006] -080| -100| -050|-114| +161] 0-533 038 | 090 | 080 | -036| 051-025] - | — |-o51) a-3au 0-185 0807 (0:19 0886 0-401 0-456 0-391 0-705 ]o402] 9-788 ‘ RAINFALL. INCHES FoR Hour ENDING— ih |) ey EE ES NG Ney OO: yp ast | 1] seh ee ts ee SS a a es | ten OO Gn mem NIOOAN| 00341-0083 2 2 = = = a = = = = = 3 = ies = = 3 3 = = a = = a = = = = = = = a 4 = = = = = = = = = = = zs az = & 5 = = = ms = = = = = = a = = BS = 6 = ~ = =- = - ~ = - = = = = = = = = = = =- - - - = | 97 e ) a = e a - zs = = = ‘= & = bs = a 3 = = = = = = = See | Kt | | Pp HT He eee Pe} =] - | HP a Pep ep eee ad Se eee | | - | - | = | - | = | —-| =~} = | - | = fm meet Ye a = Meee = |} -|-|-1-]-|-.-|s/-f-]-]-]-]-]-]-)-}-]-7-1-1 - ee i | = eee | - | - | ~ | =) ee eee | Sox. 0-010 /0-015 {0-004 |0:014 [0-021 |0-033 0-051 0-045 [0-064 |0-063| - |0-020 0-020 |0-058 [0-314 0-282 |0-105 |0-027 |0-025 |0°005 0-017 |0-027 |0-033 0-020) 1-273 | RAINFALL. JUNE 1896. ne = 0-030 - | 7005} 0-010 - 0-045 3 | 023} 0-443 - 0-300 | Sir 1 Or Sl fi i 0-069 jG SOOND OP CDH Ho tie tle Vet Mot AE We i Uv Thee Loe Nee (Niet Fe 1 they if fen frrde Me Ten 1 1 { i ‘SEE er Sy: CAD Tm I [i tbet holt \ bh Wah Son, Nok tiv g o Si tiboag pre wd = So ~ @ [a>) = Or Si fe i io “I So co So (=) a Oo _ i oS = Hg uo f=) oO co NX io (fhe ae fh Woy it fh ht ao i 1 a ff hf yi hat ao Priad ted So a oO 1 ort Carin 1S gs [<} S o!l | Spit fw ah pea we) | | 1 | | I I ‘007 ont — u re) NS Coo oo ao ow oS & | i | ah i=} Lop) oS i=) a ea, = Coon Tilt h Pinte fkeo in SS & “I So bol tl XS oO _ Oo or 6S else OU f fi af Ba! & migeu | i la = oO [ov) Ve) XN Lf Tht he i S = or I I al www oOo Sih f ft oO St or Si i it oOo home Ga eg oO Oo oS aol Te isu} (oo) Sian Sinai ~ oOo Tub Ue thn Sno co ee x = a =) 1 Sir va Sssi co ey CO r oO . eo! roi tt perio aw S I Thoth 1280 0 “101 MS lt i oid we So So nated gisn oo oS c=) co S =) 7 | :017 ii of Tin io if io oho Tie ry 1 Sy oO S bo oOo oS oOo [J~} Pre o if (esl iw) or Go ic) So r= ! Vote We i } = os Pel tod no oO - | — |-003 | 004} -003 | -003 | -004 | -o03 s ~ |-oos! — | = | -010] -074| -036|-087/-o10! _ | 0 me ee — | -020| 047 | -010 O08 <2 wide aes - | - | — |-003/ -007] 0 5 — | -010 ~ | = | -040 | -067 | 040} -043 | 0831 0: = * _ - - 0 5 ! oS o oo S Oo = oh fe oy | 30 | -067 080 | 080 | 0231-017] — | -020| -030 014| -006 | -084| -003 | -010| -005| — - | -010 ‘Som, [0372 |0-181 [0-173 |0-189 |0-351 (0-247 0-434 |0-317 |0-203 {0-192 [0-107 10-175 J0-115 (0-101 [0-149 [0-045 |0-052 (0-239 |0-025 [0-404 0-190 [0-190 [0-292 |o-377 a 4 | 326 RAINFALL. 2 3 CON OPWNe 10 Bear Ui ie ae at - Co ‘014 S S| a Ta fT) I) aS oe it Ue 1 ‘019 018 014 |: Sum. |0-089 |0:198 |0-124 |0:099 |0°196 RAINFALL. a | eee 9 if 2 = 3 || 4 5 |} 82 = Bao 6 alla 7 | — |-004| -oog 8 | -002 | 008 | 010 fo eee 11 | 070! -078 | -026 8. Ee Wesea ee oe | Ss 14 | -039 | -036 | -017 15 |-ol0| - | - a ee et Gham | ee ee 18 |-o18| — | -069 19 |-001| — | -oo1 ian fl oe Die dl eee poe Pa eee og tt eA Go ae 24 | — | -050| -081 25 |-014|-061| — 26 |-013| - | - or Ey baal es 28 | -005 | -020 | -033 29 | -170| -201 | +244 30 | -063 | 032 | +151 Tina aD ipa iF Sum. |0-405 (0-485 0-640 | Tie et eee 007 040 020 015 174 010 0:409 007 ‘090 001 +020 “150 028 0 Linn SSh ian 2 i =) ) = HX Ho ie ih 144 010 060 060 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 0°184 005 027 006 INCHES FOR Hour ENDING— 020 050 -060 005 050 008 0°498 |0:304 [0"585 0°249 |0°349 Mossi ti tei rt oa Srn mr 4 ao So ‘ ioe) : =) S = =) rl ! hu 0179 0°607 |0°607 |0°456 ‘167 066 ‘090 0:285 102 089 067 086 0°495. 0°711 \0°763 S a S bw ! i 0:288 Wo dh dh 025 025 050 050 048 007 040 060 007 0°451 |0°354 |0°319 =) MW aor om 0:27 |0°337 oS =e oo S alee for) 0:798 ewe yy eth tea Ue Mete T Sf for) 0-416 |0-272| 0-159 0480 |0°362 JULY 1896. 22 | 23 aan Amount.) ..| =. | =) So:05a 035| — | - | 0-222 | - 1-050} — | 0-947 _||.= | cam 026 | -018| +010] 0-090 colle e heeks Gea a) Ee |= | —.| dou 025 | -017} - | 0-042 | — |-048| — | 0-123 ~ |-022| — | 0-607 082 | 150! -015 | 1-095 | =. \— | = fp 0:05am 007 | -070 | 030) 0-270 | _ | — | —| o-s7om _ - Ss) eo 071 | 018 | 157} 1-180 070 | -044| -037| 0528 —| —| - | o-c2gm --| - | - | 000m 0043 | 0°316) 0°437| 0-249} 6-869 AUGUST 1896. —) eth tl o oo r=) HS ! 1 eat - 11-011 | z 0°385 RAINFALL. — 7 SOOND OPWHH — | BST Ft Te a [EE alt ie oO tht | Sum. | 0-068} 0-131 | Foal Tid HT ot fen ow ot Wa S = i=) S 4 7 S = 3 | 2s | 30 | -050 mou |} — 0°112) 0:121 | Som. 0°303] 0°425) 0:293 i S = i=) Wot dha fl 2 (=) Yo) Re) S S 4 Heft th ip fi 020 -020 027 005 007 | -020 240 | +120 010; — 0-293] 0185] 0°206 St nf = Sr 1 it Or Moe i Th 0:098 0:215 FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. INCHES FoR Hour ENDING— 8 | 9) ost) ae | ts-| ta | 1 | telah tes) a9 Sa nee = | = | oppilons, roo ae eoas -~ | — | = |-o10| 113] -060] - | — {-007] -og0| -o53} — tee | ce ll cel | eee eee ot eee ei sol oor |p| 201) cl Se I || ~ | — | = | = |-o1g}-072] -090/ -o30| -o20| — |.- | — 018} - | -137|-017| -010}-060]-013| — |-oo5|/ — | — | - 030 | -017 | -045| — | -007] -020| -o16| -o40 | -044| -o23} — | -oos 033 | -050 | -050 | -010 | -040} -017 | -003| — | -010/ -060| -035 | -045 O07: C0Gi ean ee es IP, |. ce ee a egoall| ~ , — | — | = 4-0701-043}-004} — | -026/ -030 1-024] — 005 | -003 | -067 | -027 | -013 | -037 ! -095 | -105 | 050} -105| — | -030 Seeoniee (2 | cs || So ee es eo | sae “GLO! heel Gs) an ee lk. | ee een ee 0-163] 0106] 0:309| 0-064! 0-271} 0-309] 0-221! 0-230] 0-177] 0-318) 0-182! 0-212 Be) 2) ic oe eee | E 2) See eleialote! = | = ious 047 | 070 | -100 | -o93 | 133} -097| 043! -o17/ — | - | - | — 0921"007| Con ene | | St 2 ae SIO eelb cs || con || || = |) eR i Ra a — | — |-o05! = |-o13f — |-007]} — | -o40| -003 | -o24] -o56 =a | 2p eee Selipeemlegeoil eta etme eee Macc Ee a Weill Gecisg Se eye |e | oe Be SE Sb ae Nici — | -020] -100| -200| -o60} 0-380 120] 040} - | — | — | 0-308 Eatboca tie Wy Ly Teak i soredo SE See Gee oie Bee Re eee cas ~ | 003} -004| -o10/ — | 0-017 Bae eee | eagle otitis 010] -010| — |-010|-020} 0-287 033 | -027 | -023.| -017| 003] 0-297 007 | 003 | 007 | -018/ — | 0-037 077 | 073 | 040 | -010 | 120] 1-128 004 | -023 | -087 | -023 | -057| 2-287 Lie ae (eer all eee tego 0-258) 0-223] 0-281| 0-298| 0-279] 6-290 328 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. RAINFALL. INCHES FOR Hour ENDING— SEPTEMBER 1896. 1/273) 47 Be Flew [eo tO oS! a RK 16 17 Si TOM le 20F OTe open moe Ree Amount. 1 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = a] 2 | -095] = f-a fb a tesehoe. | WV Se tee Gaeta Se. Sh ko eel SS eS em TE S}-)] = ts bee | ast = hl SS sie Se) se | Se fe Se ae Se cst ane a cee e}— | Ss] = pie fb Se} 007 tS eS eS Shy ah a Sa See Fe en 5 = = = = = = = = = 2 = = = s as = = = = a = s = = = 6 = = = = = = = = = = = = = 2 = B = 2 2 2 = = Ss 5 = 7 = = = = = = = = = = = = = a = = = = = = = = = - = 8 ES - = Bs = = = es = A 2 = = = 2 2 2 2 = 2 = 2 = = 2 9 | =| =) =} =} = o07) =| 2c) Sol Sa Ses ol 2h SS cc eee Se ee eee 10} = | = | = | = | S°)-0554 = -}--040') +0091 one) Sons fons) = | | 2) 2 |S eS ee Ses ee ee eee Wes) Zale Sh Sh = Obi, 2. ee = | = | = }:006) = | =. |)-003;)) Seen ee= estan 12 | -— | = | -O51| -062) 035] -023) — |»- | --| 2 1) 2ei02 4 = | -— | -o10})-039'|'-0801 087) = |-002') = \e07aiiee als Sanh (o-dia 13° | 01. = IS eels |} tS | elk Se eS = | Sle le Scale al ee en (ee | -|-}]-]-4]- 4] - 4} - | - |-063} - | -016| -017} -026 | -050 | -107 | -092 | -085 | -081 | -102 | 016 | -005| 018} - | 020} 0-698 15 | 001 | -060 042 | 042 | -121| 096] -019) - | - |-011|-073] - 006] = | = (076) = 067) = | See eeleoraae 16 | -011| - | -030|-060} - |-030/ - |-076]-052} - |-055/ - | - |-o11] - | 153] -156|-o70| - |-o18)/ - | - | 026] -020] 0-768 7 |-034| 101} — | -023] -052| — | -055]| -001 | -015 | 050 | -050 | -052 | -025 | -049 | -050| -070 | -048| -039| 010) — | -014| -117| -046| 056] 0-957 18 | -009|-068| - | -008]-011| - | - |-030] —- | - | — | — |-007| -003| -o22| - | -062| -062| -080 | -108| -048| -026| - | — | o-544 19 | = | — | 080) -046) -055 | -026| -095| -020| = |, =) = |-obst-oss) — | — | 180i! —" | -0B2)|/-040'\— = |) =) San ee eer 0) 2) =) =) =) =] = 1 = 008) = ) 3) 2 alos5ii-ogs| — | = nog!) 27 | -049il 0 W000) |i eae eee eae Of healed She tb See fb 2 bh Sa ke) ee Ne BS ee ASN a ee || es mo } =| =f =] = }'= ] =} =) =) =) 2 om) = ona} -o20|-- » = \ 2 2 | Se) = Wodoeara eosotecss moss 93 | -036 | 260 | -202 | -182 | 068] -091 | 136] -040/ - | - | - |-o20] - | - | - |-010] - | - | -086]-031/-o01/ — | — | — | 1-063 2 | —- | - | — |-050|/ - | — | +074] -027) -032|-005/ - | — | - |-012] — | 039} -030| -041 | -017/-092| - | — | -010|-026] 0-455 25 | 009) - | 008 | -016| -025 | -014| 042 | -050 | -062 | -091 | -057 | -015 060/) = 014} 2) 20 So le Se neers 2% | - | - | - | - | - | - |-010] -o11] - |-020] - | -007] — | -020| -o26 | -062 | -017 | 024] -006 | 052] -o14| - | -028| -041] 0-338 27 | -013 | -052| -081 | -065 | -028 | -055 | 108 | -230 | -281 | 092 | -041| 064] 139] - | — | - | - |-052]-095| — | - |-053|-026| - | 1-475 98 | -010| -057| -110|-028] — | — | -062| -063) -075| -070/|-015| - |-201| -007| -027| 124] -008| — | -056| -202] -057| -024| -017| - | 1-213 9 | = | = | — \-005| — | = | - |-2 i se Se hb = feoro!] ~ | 064) “S01 = leabou) =} -0108) 0d syle eee een eer 04-4 2S beep Sh Sobcosr-S ht Ss She | = | So ieoop ly Selle set, Ss Sle eee ee eres recente Sum. |0138 |0°623 |0-562 (0°537 |0:316 |0-422 0°743 |0-615 |0°589 |0°352 0:280 0-344 {0-601 |0-232 [0-312 |0:846 |0-486 |0-628 |0-450 [0°60 |0-227 |0-330 0-277 |0-269} 10-782 RAINFALL. 3 OCTOBER 1896. 1 |-080-) 018) “015 = |-009/ — | = || = |) = io03|-oo5|-om} - | - |) = |= = | = oe) = |) 2S ee one 2 | 014) — |-005|-012| -'| —- | = | — | 2) 24 = | = | = | ora) = | 057/030) 2 1) = oi-os6: 02 |) aaa een ere 8 1-030) — | = | = | - | = | = |sonol-oob) Sy = |) — }-009}-004) 2 | — |) — jos = i) = \-0p6) ae eee ee 4 | - | — | -044 | +174 | -164 | -195 | -069 | -080 | -006 | -120 | -075 | 062] 062) 011] - | - | -043| -035|-021] -002] - | -090) -020} -032] 0-285 5 | 024 -098 | 127 | -151 | 173 | -101 | -116 | -106 | -041 | -029 | -048 | -061 | -026 | -060 | -028 | -053 | -126 | -050 | -031 | -034 | -060| 070 | 088 | 090] 1-741 6 | “147 | -090 | -010 } -060 | -080 | -020 | -033 | -029 | 028} 015 | 007] - | - | - |:075|-050) - |-033| - | - | - | - |-075| - | 0-752 7) -)]-) =) = | =] 010) =) 2 Sy ea 2 f= | = | = 1opoll Sci Secon) 018) eanteenen meee 8 | - | - | — |-080| - | — | -0g4! -060| -070 | -050 | -065 ! -082 } -151 | -216 | -141 | -104 | -036 | -082 | -089 | -093 | -140 | -085 | 080 | -075] 1-733 9 | -070 | -063 | 023 | -005 | -014 | -050 | -060 | -030 | -010 | -015 | -028 | -051 } -049 | -061 | -062 | -153 | -106 | -095 | -096 -090 | -020 | -o08 | 008; 021] 1-188 10. | -006'|-002| 052) = |-- | = | = \-oneieor| 2 yet = | = | eh SS ee ee nce W}-|s}2) = f=] =) 2 Se See oS | = f= Ine fiog7'ls039i|Fog3's Sere =") nee wm) =) o) 2) 2a) S) 2 pS poppies | ea ee =f S|) Sle Se eer Sallie | 2S 2) 2 1 2] 2) 2 See So 2 oy Rea ee Sea ee ceo ee é Wis | £) eq £4 2 2) See Sh 2, See Eee 2 mw) 2 Sy 24 2) 2) So See St S| SE eae eae eS ee eee < a ee a ee ee ee em ae es | es) ee a eee eee te |. | 3 177 | - | - | - | - | - | - | = | -009} -006 | -012| -044 | 130] -015| -004] - | - | -017 | -096| -083] :017 | -017| -008| -006| -011} 0-425 18 | 009 | -027 | -021 | -042 | 041] 029] 003} - | - | - | - | - | - | - | — | 042] 157 [-140][-o80j[-030]) - | - | - | - | 0-621 19 | -009| -007| -016| -013!-004) - | - | - | - | = | - | - ]|-012| -028] -028 | -064 | -103 | -055'| -056 | -022'| 022] -003| - | — | 0-442. 09 |} - | -| 2) =| 2121 5) Sees | = f= | = = eopeilsogony omy = al Sane ea 1 | = | = |006|-027| 005] = |) = | = NS) 2 oto) oon] — | = si 2 SS eee este ee mm) a) oie leo = | 21) 6 Dee Se Se a ere eee ee ee _@ e}-|-{/=-/-=|/-)/-)]-)o)ee2.f7 2) 2] oor) 2 oot) con) 018) on) -on7itcecsoron mane 24 | -092| -260| -079 | -216 | 018 | +137 | -027 | 048 | -110| 018) - | o12]-062|-o14) - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | — ] 1-088 %@}-/]-/-]-!-]-!1-]-]- ]- | - | - | - | -0021 -085 | «115 | -074 | -061 | -080 | -084 | -079 | -088 | -057 | 0851 0-810 26 |-036|-040| 080 - | - | - | - | - | - | - | = | - | - | - | -006| -022! -069 | -106 | -101 | -063 | -068 | -101 | 080 | 098) 0-820 27 | 088 | -030.| "088 |-OL5I[-ol0}[-005] - | = | 2S) 4) 2 pe). = | 2) se 2 2) 2 se ge }/-|}-|-/;/-;-;-]-]-]-]-1]- | - | - | - | -010| -020/ -og6| -043 | -040 | -054] -050 | -025 | -010 | 002] 0-340 29 | -004| -010| -007| -018| -010|-007| — | =ofo= foal =.) - | - | =.) = | =) 2a) =) S105 5) S05 ee 30 | - | - | - [010] -034| -008]-007} - | - | - | -020| 007] -039 | -006 | -010 | -007 | +019 | -028 | -011 | -021 | -084| -050 | 061 | 047] 0-415 81 | -009 | 016 | -005 | 010 | -048 | -022 | -016 | -014 | 031 | 008 | -007| 009} - | - | - | - | - |-oo1| - |-004] - | - | - | - | 0-195) Sum, |0°568 |0°661 (0-473 '0°828 (0610 [0:54 !0-415 [0-406 0382 [0-265 |0309 |0-481 {0-425 0-418 0-472 |0-789 0-908 |0-852 |0°665 |0°581 0°548 [0-495 [0537 10501] 13-073 4 FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 329 RAINFALL. INCHES FOR Hour ENDING— SEPTEMBER 1896. in . | Memeo >| 6 | 7 | 8 | o | 10) a | 12] 18) 14 | te | 46.) 17°) Ie. | to.) 202 21 |) 228) 23 mee mount t=) ; ik 4 — = = fee = — = = = = = aa a AS pe = = = = = — - —- = 9 = — |-050/ — =, = = & = = = a = a = = = = = = = = - - 0:050 I en a | er em BP SS Pe a ot Se ae ee = ee | | eee I fe | I Sa 2 ee ee = ee re | ce ee te | Pl ee || eS ee NR ee & ee a mf | me | | KH | Pe Pee] ee Se ey heen ea red Gani 2? | be - eee Pe fl | ce fee ee WR re ae nee ee ee ee eee ee a ee) a | | RH ee a Re PH = | =) 008 005) = | =9) = | =) = | = |) = 4 0018 nie ai = | = |-005|-082! 007 = | = | 2 h-o07/-010| — | = |-oogi-= | = | 5 | = |) S|) = | = 4 vores q Yn Ne ce ee ce ee en ee ee ee ee eee |e - f 2 eerie ies he |S | 2 eee ee | = | | | = |035)| 045) |-013)) = | 2.020 loz coz 0157 m4}-|-|-1}]- | - | - | - | = |-020}-010} - | -0204 -020 | -o40 | -120 | +130 | 033 | -010 | -017 | -010 | -010 | -043| -010| 014] 0507 15 | 003} 003 -004| - | 013] -037| -080|-020} - | -003|-160|-090] - | - | -050| -153/-004| -043| - | -017| -013} -0u3| -010 | 004} 0-710 16 | — | -003| -037 | -143 | -003 | -024 | -073| -080| -050| 090) - | - | - | - | — |-100| -023) - | - | 007] -003} -004| -013 | 013] 0-666 a7 | — | -017|-010| - | -020] -010 -005 | -018 | -027 | -035 | -032 | -043 | -030 | -030 | -055 | -195 | 037 | -046 | -010| 017) - | -010| -010] -030] 0:687 38 | -003 | 037 | 037 | 006] 007; - |-030} - | - | - | - | — ]-050| -090| -127 | -116| -127 | +107 | -050| 043] -015] - | - | +005] 0-850 "49 | — | -007;-013| -027 | -023 | 010! 035 | -012/-010| -o10} — |-o50!-045! - | ~ |-095| — |-027/-o10! - |-oo3! - | - | — ! 0-377 eos coh (ee) - | S| a) See |) Lt | S| ee | eS elsoopeh = | os! = | iI) o-008 21 | 003) - - = - - - - | 7004) - = = S 2 = ee = = S 2 2 = - J 0:007 ee eo | | oo) Se eee se | 2] 2 fe) She | SR BS Mota lool o26l o-0c7 ee) /-020 | 017 | -013| -004| -o03|-003| - | - |-oot/ - | —-} - | ~| - | - |} =| 2] =} 2] 2] — 1] - | = | os / 94 | —- | - |-007) - |-003| —- | -080}]-020]| -063}-007/ - | - | — |-oo7| - | — | 020! -033 | -023| -152|-045/ — | -003/| -020] 0-483 eT | -013 | -014 | -023 | -020 | 087 | -050 | -058| -052|-056|-o17/ - | - | - | _ |-- | - |! —- | -|-—-|-—|-1— | - J ose P26} - | - | - | - | - | — | 013] -027|-023)-007] - | - | - | -023|-027) - |-007|-008) - | 003) - |-003| - | -004] o-140 | 97 | — | -017) -058 | -065 | -040 | -0go | -120 | -150 | 300 | 143) -015|] 105] -o17| - | — — | -003| -020| - |-010| 017) - | -003] 1-163 | 28 | - | -020]-020} - | 03} -007 | 015 | -040 | -062 | -050 -014| -053 | -007 | -010 | -028| -005| - | -010) -083] 010} -014| 008} - | 0-454 } 29 - - - - | 7003] -020} 014) - - | 70038) - = = |-005) = = = = ea = = = = S 0045 esd} - | = | - | - | - | 008) -012) -005|-003} - | - | - | - | - = | 2 Woe Sass coasitoz2 icant ots | Sox. 0-039 |0:137 |0-267 10:27 |0-139 |0-236 |0:535 |0-462 0°621 0-418 |0-224 |0-322 {0"222 0-212 [0-389 10:825 [0-299 0-317 [0-158 [0-382 j0-109 0-154 0-095 |0:218] 7-007 | | q il q RAINFALL. OCTOBER 1896. | ia } 1 | -113| -080 | -020| -005 | -o05 | 003] -o07| - | - | - Mol. le | | fH oo eclmen Econ lng Neen iecasli oso esos i | — | — | — |-oo3) oof] —- | = | = | =| = | - | = | -005/-003/ - | — ||-003)] —-| 004/008] 0-028 meen) = 994) = | — | - | — | — |-o03| - | =") = | - | - | 005] -~ | 010/-o10|-003| — | - | — | —-[ 0-035 D4 — | +152 | -128 | 074 | -010 | -020 | -016 | -047 | 035 | -045] -013| -003 | 014] — | -003|-047| - | - | - | 050] -010/ 027] 0-689 P65 070 | -100 | -025 | 045 | 040 | -030| 013 | -010} — | -005] -010| -025 | -010 | -010 | -060 | -020 | -010 | 003 | -007 | -023 | 007 | 007] 0-613 , 6 — | -018| -010| -014| -026| 007} -003; - | - | —- | - |-020/ - | -o17| - |-o10] - | -013} - | - | -007)-010] 0-233 7 Bapeco oon e|o008 | Sul) | else S| Sl cel = | so) 2) Sal Seieoog |-oostl cost coro Oor 8 — |-067) — | — | -097| -066 | -074| -063 | -048 | -024} -013| -037 | -033 | -063 | -010 | -024 | -010 | -003 | -017 | -006 | 040 | 090} 0-805 9 010 | -014 | -050 | -060 | -038 | -073 | -004 | -003 | -065 | -222 | -336 | -127 | -010 | -050| -080 | -023 | 004} - | 008] -008 | -004| 006} 1°275 1 Gre | Ge | eae th gate pen aie amie aac || Orel] ie) aa ei na ama eine iy) ic P| oe, Cer eS eel Laker, Lh a ea ig ee Se, rr || a ea ee | ee eH ea Peal | nave, acoso cos! =) | 2 |r ie SleeeS I | |. | 930) 008003.) 00s) Sant =. 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INCHES FOR Hour ENDING— NOVEMBER 1896. 1) 2 | 3 | 4 1 8°) 6h 77) 84) os nor nepal sie rae |) rb | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 28 Beal 1 at a ee a eee eee eee eee See ee eS ees ee Ps | | | R OY) ee ee ee) ee ee eee eee er ee eee eee le ls ee a fj. | - | = 3 a a= | = i) =o = ee S 26 ee = B Zi as | e 2 alee = 4 - = = = = = = = = = = = E = = = = = = S = = = = 5 = 2 = = = = = = = = = s = 2 = = = = = = = 2 = = 6 | - | =|) =} S24 ale) j-) = Sl et) tS io Sa ee ee 7 | B15| 127 | 135'| 0521 ay} 050! — | = | = | Smee es | | = | eo) et a ee ee gp) — | - | - 1 =] a le = 1 = orale eR oog| — | ss] le ee 9 | — | — | — |-004|-011| -031 | -068 | -041 | 050] 032} -o10| - | - | - | - | - | — | -025] -095 | -030 | -044 | -066 | -048 | -045 10 | -127| -184 | -194| -219 | -089 | -080 | -091 | -160 | -112 | -051 | -120 | -138 } -108 | -083 | -071 | -087 | -024 | -068 | -060 | -070 | -074 | -130 | -120 | -140 11 | -124| -062 | -053 | -050 | -059| -078 | -100 | -177 | -o8o | -038 | -046 | -097t -030 | -007 | -019 | -014 | -009 | -007 | 010 | -010 | -008 | 002} - | - 12 | = | — |'-G06i|-003'| -009/| 006) - | = [=| =elecpe— | - | — he \ ele 2 sees gr 13 | — | -005 | 001 | -008 | -054 | -034 | -025 | -049 | -074 | -036 | -028 | -042 J -023 | -051 | -055 | 050} -026| 051 | -005| 006} - | - | - | - 14 | -010| -004 | -062| -007| -004| 002] — |-005| - |-o06) - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | — |{-005]| 007) -017/ -017 | -o16 15 | -023| -031 | -030 | -036| -068 | -007| 002) - | - | - | = | - }-030| - | - |-008| — |-005|-006) - |] - | = | = | = 160 2} Si bea ee) ee el eS) | Se a a een ee whe | a) eh |) =) =) =) Se = | | = Voor 2) 22 ei Ses) sooes edo eonan enn 18 | -015| -026 | -018 | -040 | -087 | -026 | -047 | -102 | -101 | -060 | -186 | -227 | -008 | -026 | -o16 | 027 | 008] - | -005|-003| - | -002|-003| — 19 | — | — | — | - |-035!-007|-005) — | — | =)) = | -of1}\-015| -041 | -161|-153|) 133-018) =) =) 2 emezoeileibs 20 | -165| -006 | -020|-030| — | -005] -003 | -120 | -047 | -042 | -059 | -017 | -020 | -019 | -020 | -009 | -007 | -001 | 012 | -024 | -044| -002 | -001 | -013 21 | -100| -050 | -042 | -056 | -055 | -053| 031} -008| -005| - |-o11} - | - | — | -006] -007| -017 | -053 | -007 | -005 | -009 | -020 | -037 | -015 22 |-020| -036/-001| — | -022| -012| -005| -006|-001| - |-015| -006]-012] -002} - | - |-004] - | -005) -008 | -006 | -008 | -035 | -018 23 |-016| -030/-002) - | - | — |-011|-009|-002} - | - | - | - | - |-007|-007| - | -006| -045) -035|-016|-004/ — | - 24 | -914| -003 | -008|| -006 | -007 | -008 | -003| oon | 002) = | 25). = | - | - | = | =) 29) 25] So) Sales si ieeee eee a a eel ee ea es eee ee 2 Se ee Poe eo. 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DECEMBER 1896. 1 = = z = S ~ = = = ad = Z a = A. # = s & 2 = = es o 2 = = = pe is & = = = e 2 iS = = a = 2 = = = = = = = ge Sal tae = al Sal Se eee eS S| = J — | =e) S24 1S 20024). 0108 -008;)) 02001) ie ae 4 | — | +001] -005| -036|-009|-006/-001; - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | = | 006] -004| -008 | -o04 | -004 5 | -006 | 015 | -010| -016 | -017 | 030 | -027 | -022 | -010 | -010| -040| -030] -010 | -010| 012) 015] 002) - | - | - | - | - | - | = 6 | - | - | - | 004] -013] -015|-014)-003} - | - | - | - | - | - | - |-003/ - | — | -003] -004| 014 | -006 | -002 | -006 7 | - | +022} -020) -030| -033 | -039 | -015 | 023 | -011 | -010| -010 | -013 | -012 | -011 | -005 | -001 | -002 | 011 | 042] -001} - | -002| -o21| - 8 |-}| -| -]| = | = | = | = 4-001) -001|/-002)) — | -o11] 031} -— | -022)-<009| — | ===" |::014)) scovi)-o02)|ecomioo2 ee ee ee ene ee) |) Soa ee ie) ce Mme yes fe | |. | 10 | = |:004]-019' - | = | = | = |o1s) 242 p25) - | - | - | 2 2 |e osoiisesoi 020 :ds7a) -o2eenera ood fw} = | - | = | = |, = | 030 | 088) 0s2)sp05i0nm =) = } = j.— | 002/010) coil) Poet) 5) =) een eran 12 -|-]-]|- | - | - | = | - [fo1o} - | - [003] — | - | -027]| -016| -015 | -037 | -020 | -015 | -026 | -046/| -024 1S |.2020 |'-014| -040)| 043-017) —"! = | CSE Ase S Re eee ie |) ae @ | = |r— | °- | = | =) 008]] Ore 005i see oor) = Sh ae 1 | - | - | = | =| = { = | = | -007')<009)) 00411 008 | 012} -021,| 004 | 012) = j<003))-018 | 001 | 92) =) | see ee % {| =| - | - | = | =) = | 01) oon) sn aos) = | —-f) — | -o07'| — | = | 002) #001)) 016)1:-012) ||) een en 17° | — | = | -004| -010'[-024]|(-018){-013)|-006]|(008)[:005]| = | -006} 001) - | — | = | =a) — =] 26) 25) eee eee ee ee ee cs 3 ee er SS OMe en oe | eK Ce ee eee es eae eee ee oa ee eS See Pay a | Se ] |e a oe ee eee ee ee ls = | = Sle Srihe a FSi ea eS a ee 21 = = Sipe = = = = = i = S ad = = = = e = = Se libs! = a 22 | -002| -002| -002 | -004 | 006 | -005 | “010.010; 010] 012'""007 | 002] - | = | - | = f = | = | =4) =) 2) | See an ee noe pen ee en eee FS So ee ee ea ee oi ool = |. | 24 | - |[-020][-040][+050][-100]| +115 | -050 | -016 | 025 | -010 | -007 | 004] 002} - | - | - | - | -010] -048] -085 | -001 | 089 | -120 | -053 25 | 109 | 010 | -003 | 010 | -038 | +114 | -005 | -004 | -006 | -013 | -045 | -030 | -030 | -040 | -020 | «280 | +123 | -095 | +197 | -246 | 167 | +109 | -050 | -017 26 | -008 | -011 | -007 | 013 | -013 | -011 | -020 | -017 | -097 | 083 | -035 | -050 | +290 | -320 | +380 | +345 | 019 | 009 | -016 | 033 | +115 | -150| -077 | -022 21 ‘053 | -033 | -060 | -007 | -008 | -026 | 090 | -009 | -010 | -025 | -036 | -061 | -022 | -009 | -005 | -020| -007 | 006] 003) - | - | - | — | -008 28 os = = - - - = = =_ = = = = = = — = =, = = cs = s = yy} -|-}]-]-}|-]- ] - | - | - | - ] - | -016] -070} -060| -o66 | -324} +335 | 116 | -048 | -046 | 030 | -060 | +164 | -057 30 | 062 | -030 | 122 | -098 | +130 | -068 | -022 | -008 | -006 | -003 | 011 | -053} -091 | -160 | -148 | +364] -260 | -212| -146 | -082 | -090 | -207 | -053| -074 31 | 190 | -033 | 004 | -023 | -029 | -040 | -014 | -017 | -037 | -042| 024 | 010] -055| 066] 001] - | - | - | 198] 111 | +162] -163| -047 | -088 | StM. 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INCHES FoR Hour ENDING— NOVEMBER 1896. | : Memon isie> | 6 | 7 |-8 | 9 | a0) | a | 19 7] a8 | a4 | 15 | 36 | 47 | 18 | To | 20.) on |) S24) 98 wend mount. 1 = ah = = —; = a oi = — aes eS = aa a 4 a4 = aa = —~ — = faa — 2 = — =, — ae pe = a = = — md = = eas = = = = — Be, = — = = 53 = = = = = i ae = = = = = es = As he ats = = et — = = — 4 = * — — oor = a oe = = wae, = = = = ae =e a = — ss — — — 5 = = ae sae — = 5 = = = ae _ — — = hy = = — = as == —~ =, = eee a eee] 8 | a et at 2 I a) tose co-t0s nee 131) -114| 0131-003 | -003|-004| - | - | = | = | -F -| - | -] =|) ~-}| =] 2] = | = | = | 2] = Woes 8 wy E = = = ss = a st a - es a he! = = = - = = z Bx as Ee = en) —*| —- | — | - | - |-010] -020| -055| 038; - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | — | -o10| -020/| -028] -017 | 035} 0-228 10 | +125 | -073 | -040 | -087 | -023 | -014 | -005 | 023 | 010 | -045| -010| 015] - | - | - | - | - | -025] -013] -017| -007 | -040| -030| 093] 0-695 menos | -014 | -013| 010 | 020 | 035 | -045| -017| 008 - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | = | - |-o138] 010) - — | 0-208 Sees) 002) -000;| 018 |'-020| 005 |-005| — |-003| — | =f - | -;- |} -}|-|-)-4=1- | = | = | = | 0-060 13 | - |:005}-018} - | - | -014 -018| -003| -005 | -020) -015 | 022" -008 | -015; 010) - | - |-010]-010)-010] - } - | — |-030] 0-213 14 | 020} 057} +026] -017} - | - | - | - | - |-005} - | — |-010] -025| -020| -018| -012). — | -003| -005 | -007 | -010} -010| -040] 0-285 SEONIECRS 075-068-007) — | - | — loos] = | - 1 — | =-.| - | —- | — |. |) 2al oe | Sle | = | = Wl oes 16 = = = = a =) = z x = f= a Es & = BS x = = = = = = = eS eemieonie | | - | | ht yp eK | = | | | | =] = =| = Vos )-022) 003) = 1 0-08 18 | -012} -017 | -020 | -043 | -050 | -010 | -073 | 117 | +145 | -015| 090] 007] - | -013|-010/-030|-003| - | - |-oo4] - | - | - | - ] 0-659 19 | - | - |-003]} - | -017/-033| 010] — | - |-005| - | — | - |-020| -077|'-076|-100| - | - | — | -007|-003| -154|-073] 0-578 20 |-040} - | -007|-016| - | -004|-003| -003| -o10|-010/ - | - J-o1o] - | - | - | - | - |-003] - |-003) - | - | -009] 0-118 21 | -045/-003) - | - |-007| -005| 042} -033| -040|-007/ - | - | - | - | —- |-003] -014| -013] -005} - | -010] -007| 008] -013] 0-255 22 | -010 | -003 | -004 | -005 | -005 | -010| -010 | -007 | -006 | 007) — | -008] -030| -004 | -008 | -007 | -005 | -007 | 009 | 018 | -018 | -018| 025 | -015] 0-239 coool | - | | | | ee ee} ] | SE PK tS tS | 2 hoz 008-003 |'-003'1 = | 0-099 SEG OUT |Ol2-008 009) -.| — | — \-= |= \a-. 2} - | - | -] - | = |= 1S ee) S41 2 12 Pood monies | So | =| | | ee eee | | | So eS ee Z ces Ta ae ag ER VT Te ge: | | ee ee ee eee ere | Geeky ee i = ren rome aie Sir | 2 Sa | Lt a ea ee ea | = ee eee sp) | ae er eet LT Lb 8 | ee A ee eth Be 2 ae eS ea een ee ee Se || | Pe ee me (ee be SN SY its z - 30 = = = = = = = = = = = =, = we: = = = = = = = = = = = Sum. |0°587 |0°426 |0:349 |0-283 |0:219 |0°164 [0-225 |0:228 |0:274 |0:158 |0-115 |0°052 [0-058 |0:077 |0°125 |0°134 |0-134 [0-055 [0-043 [0-084 [0-108 0-126 (0-250 0-413] 4-682 RAINFALL. DECEMBER 1896. if = = = = - x = = = = z = = e = = = 3 = = = = = = a! 2 = = = = = z s “a Fd = E es ¥ - ios 2 = S = a as ss = = = a = = = = = = = = = = = = = = E: a f a ms = = = = = = 4 - - - — |°003) - - - - |°005/ - - = - - - = = ea = = - - - 0-008 5 - - — | 012 | 026 | 020} :022 | :017 | 010} 003} - | -010]-°005| - - - | 003} - = - - - - - 0128 6 - |*009} - - —- | 024; - - —- | 009; - - - - - - - - - - - 010 | -004 | 020} 0-076 7 | °064 | 040 | 032 | 050 | 041 | -031 | 026 | 022} -011/ 010) - 007 | :093 | 007 - = - - = = - - 0°344 8 - - - - - - |:003} - — |:010] - | 015} -035 | :004} 006; - - — | 020} -024)| -028} 010} 008; —- 0163 9} - | - | :006/:004/ - | - | - | - | -:003] -004] - SS | a Th 1 era a eee - | 0-017 0@;};-|-|- | - 2] = fs foe | ey =] =] = |] =] = f= Ss y= | = 1 comet cots] oe | ast) olde? || otos)| Oxo ies — | — | — | 004) 012) 003-005) — | = | = = | - | - | - =| =] = | = |OeO = Ice!) 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SUNSHINE. Hours—ror Hour, LocaL Mran TIME, ENDING— JANUARY 1896. 4]5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Wo )stes) Goi) Se 9) 5.) 16 17 | 1s] to.) 0 |) 21) wotaleleosspier C42) = eee ea ae ers res |S |e |e weal fees ee Males - 6-80 1 Bo scm Al ess Ml ol | eased mda SA Sole esO = f= | — ee ee elie 1:91] 6°83 2 Sot ea Aiea fl ees Manes tee = | eel eal! i) oe er a = 686] 3 ria ey | te | Pree |) oi 20| 1-00| 1-00] 1-00] +100} 1-00] 1-00) “19 - | - | - | - | - 6:39 | 6:89 4 Be eh eel) Geil 6) 1c00|/ 07 ween eB | zl O11 ce Wee tl ean eee 315 | 6:92 5 ©} eva vane Se ce Me 1 eae ee |) ee = 6:95 6 ae ee) ee ee ee eee ee eel || 28 SE i See 2 6-99 7 Bo Sale Pe Sal we ith ee ON oe ee DERM uenG aT 30) = Steele cae a oe nee eee 2:76 | 7:03 8 ep |e ee one | ee 30| 1:00} 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] -46) - | - | - | - | - 6:76 | 7:07 9 HO gf A OS Wb ee), oe ie Ta tool 20] |) lies 9 eee ee 220] 711} 10 12 Ay cess! pelts Sa YL ee Ue ee | a : 715) u 12 colle adler a ee le ee _ 7-20 | 12 Cel ee |e a me em ees | ||) eS ee eT ce ay ery = 725) 13 Pa || Se aR SSS |) CS oe Rm oleese) | = eee sl Be Wee ae 2:30 | 7:30] 14 Boi Sf) Se eee) ell) os), (ie | Be 1 eM eee gee ee = 7°35 | 15 1a ee | oa rena | nce ere meee emer || ||) 8 eae NS ee ee fe = 741| 16 17 Allee ae | ce eS | See eee Rare SS 4 hoe = 7-461 17 Ti eee | (ee eee ene ee meee | | a a RE) gy a z 752| 18 BO | SEE CE SCRE tei gl oe. Sis SRI Re le Ne 0 ee ae a 757 | 19 I ee en | et ee eens ame ert Sh eee a ee eel CA Sol 0-23] 763] 20 PA ae baal ae eee eae ee | 8 | ee eS = 7°69 |. 21 PN at A |) eee [Pee vane 15 sso eal edG|) <<98)) — {= See tee ge age 210] 7:75| 22 23) | yee | aA a |S Se Ie SiS S| || Sie a Pea eee a) Si | 0S Sg = 7°82| 23 COTS ie (ee ee ier eee imc ee fins, | | ey |), | RR Rae eek eel fe Se 2 7:88] 24 Diy Ns Sat | 0 Say) Ek Se SE I = | ay | i ee re ee ee re 002] 7:94] 25 ee eae ee eee oeew ieee) |S) || ee Coe ea i Z 801] 26 Nee iia emcee eer ese | = |) Ss || Soe iS See lp = 8:07 | 27 cee ee ee eee ite Se te ee) |). 8) a ee eS Pa Ss + 814| 28 eet Soe eerie se | 2) 25 || ea ee Sy reel SS js = 8-21] 29 BONG) ce) | a meee eee eee | P| Se ee ee = 8-28] 30 BY = | = = | = 9] = i Sesaletcoolet-oolmcon) 1-00) 1700) 1:00) “T00),) aie 92 ne 797| 835] 31 Sum. | - | - | - | - | - | 1:43] 4°15] 5-76] 5-19] 6-54] 6-88) 4-54] 1-66] 0-14, - | - | - | - | 36-29] 281-43] Sum SUNSHINE. FEBRUARY 1896. 8:42 1 - - - - - 4 - - - - 0°71 1 2 - - - - - 42| °75| 1:00) 1:00} 1:00} 1:00} 1:00} 1:00} 40) — - - - 7:57 8°49 2 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8°56 3 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 863 4 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ = - - 8:70 5 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = - 8°78 6 il - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8°85 7 g - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8:92 8 9 - = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9:00 9 10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9:08 10 il - - - - = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9°16 ll f= = Be fe es een are 0) ee ea = 923] 12 13 - - - - - - 75) 1:00} :40f :05) °42) +72) - - - - - = 3°34 9°31 18 14 - - - - - - - - ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - 9:39 | (14 15 - - - - - - 80) :20) - - - = - = = = = 1:00 9°47 15 16 - - - - - 62) 18) °22) —- - - = = = = = = - 1:02 9°55 16 17 - - - - - - - - - - 16} :99} 69} 49) - - - - 2°33 9°63 17 18 - - - - - *45) 1:00) 1:00) 1:00} 1:00) 1:00} 1:00} 1:00} -63) - - - - 8°08 9°70 18 19 - - - - - = = - - - - - - - - - - - 9°78 19 20 - - - - - = - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9°86 20 21 és = = S = = = - - - 14) | = | — Ge Se Sl ee Se Re oe eel) = 0°60 7:60} 19 20 = = = = = = = zs = af a =, = - - - - - 7°70 20 eee ee fe | = | = | SS wl SB cefal) EY) EN ey | 2°90 7°80} 21 Pare em th | 09] 02) -08] 05) - Oy = | = i=) = | = 0:29 7901 22 25) | Sa ee ee +29} 1:00) 1:00} 1-00} 1:00} 1:00) 1:00} 38} - | - | - | - | - 6°62 8:00] 23 24 = = = a = = = — = s = = = - - - = - 8:10 24 DA | oh Sila ey A Rn ee | a | ge Pars) | dere (esa | eng |e | - 8:20} 25 Up | sa Tce) GES a |e | eel) a TGieecs0lecrole “Oli — | —— 0 eee ie 1:30 8:25] 26 een ese | ei cg | a |) ae) ae ee ~ 8:30] 27 28 = = = = = = ZB = = s & 06) - = - - - - 0:06 8°35 28 99 = s = s = = Es 2 = = & = = = - - - = - 8:40 29 Sum.| - | - | - | - | - | 0:29} 2:53) 3-78] 3-62] 4:23) 5:88] 5:59] 2:29} - | - | - | - | - 28°21 | 209:95 | Sum. 334 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. SUNSHINE. Hours—ror Hour, Locan Mran TIME, ENDING— MARCH 1896. a |-6 | 6) 7°) 8°) 9 | 20%) ad) oe as) ae) a5) 16 | 417) ae) ao 20) 14 otal eh oe ee eerie Ra = | =) Se ee es | ae ae = = 1 ae eee See es eae | |) Se ae ea eS = 2 ie eee ee ea en ee ee |) ol) So meee ae 0-01 3 A. Pee g Wes egal 28) =| 9:02| = yee | 5) a et | ee 0°30 4 ees es Pees Ponies. |S} | | oe SS a Sy 2 5 6 So} =) Sod) ee S| eel ee coe ee | a aera : 6 Me De Veaek oe SS iy 7G | CO) Ra eee See) eS 3°79 7 ee eee es a eee eet ls |) S|) ee es eS = 8 9 fan =e i a] eo) CS ee) ee) ee ean s 9 CO een ea ee ee ee | Sa ee = 10 ay (ae) 2c bes) i=.) a i ee eeog| =~.) - | Cea al eee ee 0°3 ll 12 | - | - | = | - | +24] 1-00! 1-00] 1-00! 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] -98} -34) 21) - | - | - | - 17 12 15 1) Soh SP So] Pe) 06] 1 4) 8 ee Poh eO7| =| =" | Ren en ee 0-2 13 14) oi) co Wee a | 2s] pe] ool ea mesalme7o|| = 2T\/ +20) 62) ea ee 2°61 14 Tay (ee ee eS ee ee eee Pe es | ee ee eS 15 16 |) Sah ats) Mes) ce. | ee | | eal eet ee ee s 16 Ee ae a en ees ei tee | =. || ee ee ei | eS ee |). = z 17 Te ens ee ee ee eee S|) || ee a SS SoS 2 18 Te ee on eee S| os eee or Sle SSS |= 0:59 19 50) it See Se eS pooh be ol Oost be 21 a a cg) fee 2) © a eee 0°05 20 Be Se = ee. | a2 Sy) Sa) ee oy!" 1-00) 100! 1:00] 628s) ere) as enn ee 5:87 21 Be al Sh)” 20) 298) 186) Mao meson = si) e038) 02) =") et) Pa ee a 2°67 22 ie oo oe i eee | |) ee he PS % 23 Te | Se Se Nea ee | | ae ee i ge eS ee es i 24 i (oe on eon ee seni eh 5) || ah eS pS SS 0:36 25 BG Wc dh at he | Re a a) ee ee) tle = 26 (ieee tne eee eee eee eee re 2) =) Se ee eS Se = 27 BBN) ead ap Wek 9) Fe | ni] hl | eee) Se Se Se = 28 20 We oe, ht ol a) ol eto? Ath. 20] p= BBl acy 0| seo Peale 1:72 29 80) 4 Se) = +] P58) 1200/1500) Peco eee P= | Sol | Reel eee an 3:13 30 CT a ee een ee ee ec SS ee eee ees) So 2 31 Sum. | - | - | - | 0-53] 1-76} 3-39] 2-24! 2-47] 3-82] 3-50| 3-95] 3-47] 1-86] 1-69] 0-82} - | - | - | 29-50] 365-44] Som. SUNSHINE. APRIL 1896. 1 = = = = 2 is = = = = = = - = - — - - - 13°07 1 2 = = - - -Ole= - 52) - 02) - - - - - - 0°55 | 13°15 2 3 = = = = = e = = = = 19) - - - - - - - 0-19 | 13:23 3 4 = = = = = = = = = = = - = - - - - - 13°31 4 5 = = = = = = = = - = = - - - = = - - 13°39 5 6 = = = = = = 3 = = = = - - - - - - 13°47 6 7 =: = = = = ts = = = = = = = - - - - - 13°55 7 8 = us Z = = = = = = = = = = - - - - 13°63 8 9 = = - = = = = - - 24) - - - - - - - 0:24] 13°71 9 10 = = = - = = = - - - ‘01; - - - - - - - O01} 13°79 10 ll - = - - = - - - - ~ 25} 06] - - - - - O31 | 13°87 11 12 = a = a = = = = = = = = - - - - - - 13°95 12 13 - - - - - - - - 37] °52) +24) - - - - - - - 113] 14:03 13 aa Se ee || oe) ee ee eek =. |, Led! | 68) Peog! pace |e eee | ee | 271] 14:10] 14 15 = = = 70} *77| = -93) 1:00) °72) -92f 85) 10} - - - - - - - 5:99 | 14:18 15 16 = = = = = 2 = 2 = = = = = - - - - - - 14:26 16 rf a eee ee ee es ee Se) || | Pe a ieee MR rae ee See eS = 14°34] 17 18 z = = = = = = = = = = = - - - - - - 14:42 18 19 = a = = = = a a = = = = = = - = - - 14°50 19 20 = = = = = 10) 06] - = = = = = - - - - - 0°16 | 14°57 20 Te arian tere! 1 Toot bo a (len I o _ ail “I © i) oo © a Ss _ Ia S&S o oS —_ SSa Se co eo | og ot 0 ho 3°99 | 14°65 21 0:01 14°73 22 14-80 23 8:91] 14°88 24 4:35 | 14:96 25 yw Wet I 1 ' 1 I Va yet 0G a0 7 o> oC) = = _ ES = = hs = = = - a = = - - - - - 15:03 26 27 ss = = a = = = = = = = = - = = = - - - 1511 27 28 = rs = Z = = = = = = = = = = = = - - - 15:18 28 29 - - - - - = - - - 13) - - - - - - - - 013} 15:26 29 wD ite} Sa Sa ee OS) ss ean wean eran ce | | go) Sh Beant eee ea ee 1:09] 15:33] 30 m2 a & 1 I 1'17| 2°70) 3°01) 2°74) 1:50) 2°73) 4°51] 3°80) 3°48] 3°71) 2°46] 1°16) 0°43 \ 1 I re) Se a ) 426°45 | Sum. Hours—ror Hour, Locan Mgan TIME, ENDING— FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. SUNSHINE. 4 5 6 7 8 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 1 = = = - - 05} 24) 09) 20] 14) 52 2 - - - - ~ - 19) - ~ - - 3 = = - - - 17} 48) «=°16} «429 - 50 4 = = = = - 17) «°12) =+15) -09F - - 5 = = = - - - *62| - - - “30 6 = = = = = = - - ‘471 “71! °34 if = = - - - 05] 61) 42) 1:00) -92) -°70 8 ss = is 2 = e = Ss x = 9 = = - - - - 704] 06) -18) °10) — 10 = - = = x =a = os > ll = - = - - 46] °22) + :63) °68] °55| 63 12 = - - - *02) 1:00) 1:00) 1:00) 1:00} 1-00) 1:00 13 = = = = = 14; 1:00} 1:00) 1:00} -82| -76 14 = = - - *21) 1°00) 1°00) 1:00) 1-00} 1:00] 1:00 15 - = - - - = = = = - - 16 3 = = = - - 36] 09) - 17 = = = = = = = - = = = 18 - = - - 05} °33) =°37) +13} -69} °10) -60 19 = = = = - 16} °82} 95] 92] 1:00) -94 20 = - - - - *54| 17) °02) 25) 47) °71 21 = - - - - 32} °79| 1:00) 75} 38) -65 22 = = = - - - - 03} °38] 92) 1-00 23 - = - - - - - - - - - 24 - = - - - - - - - - - 25 = - - - *30| °53) +80) 94) -88] -29) - 26 = = = = - - - 30} 46] °45) 60 7 A = = - - - 25) °87) °76} +°04) + -06 28 = = - - - 10) +°09) °39) -82) 43) 52 29 = - - - 02) - 08) 84) +18] 1:00) + -81 30 = - - *12) 1:00) 1:00; °47) - = = = 31 ~ - - - - - - ~ - - - Sum - - — | 0°12} 1°60} 6:02) 9:36) 9-98/ 12-49} 10-41) 11°64 SUNSHINE. 1 = = = = 06) —- = S 35] °41) =°80 2 = = - - 27; °41) 52) 45) 54) - ‘12 3 - - - 10] =°40) °43) +98} -56) 82) -80) -78 4 & ‘ is fs € = E = = = 5 = = ss i foams — -_ _ - J 6 — = = = =< = = = - _ Pee a Ne | ah te Wh So Sea es 8 s = = = = - - - - - "15 9 = = = - = - 08) - 49] -45) +83 10 = = = - 14, :08) :21) +12} -23] - 09 ll = - - 10) +26) 4°17) 16) -27| +147 06) -83 12 = - - 02} :59) 31) 07} 41) -1lf +28) :71 13 = - - *43)/ °99/ °79| 1:00, :96) -62; :63) -76 14 = - - - 12) 17) - 18} °47{ 02) -70 15 = - - +80] 1:00] 1:00} 1:00) 1:00) 1:00} 1:00} -°65 16 = eee = = - - - - 35] *53 17 - - - 04) - ‘07| 76) +=*62| 744) +35) «82 18 ~ - - 04) 35) °70) 21) —- 03] - 19 = = = = = - 10; -02 = = 20 = = - - 30) = 27} 65) - - °32 2 = | = | = = = TS ala 22 - - - - - - - - - - - 23 - - - - *62} 09) °56) 79) 1:00} 1°00} 1-00 24 - = - ‘73 1:00} °86} 1:00) 1:00} 1:00] 1:00) 1:00 25 - - 11) 1:00) 1:00} 1°00) 52) +12) - - - 26 = = = - - - 24, 05] 19) -14) -Ol 97 = - = - - *20) - 49) 40] =°33/ +26 28 = - - 04) :09} - 32} 02} 03} -09) - 29 - - - 10) °34) - ‘20; 46) <36) :58] 91 30 - - - *30) 86} 1:00} 78) °24) 80) -14) °25 Sum. | - — | O11) 3°70) 8:39) 7:28) 8:98) 8:55) 9:02) 7-63) 11:52 ‘97 *25 oo veo 0 () Ul eg Voth of 0 UW nT ae bo 00 (te th te 0:90 +22 3°44) 0°11 {ies i leet eed eat RT Hie ett: sat) SCT SH VSS SST Tint hess Tels Wat Fess Kis (rT Fest Pah UP ATSC ee UE eee Pe CoC rh Ve ts oCDi) Time TS Da Thee Wear ba WU Kael foe SK peeve eed Toa] ow) ab ot [TU A PST STU Re SAC et A AS Tre LS Pa Me aD TF A eet TT ete Tie TAS CB | it AL Py MARCH 1896. 1°75 8°45 1 0-19 8°55 2 2°30 8°70 3 151 8°80 4 1:03 8:90 5 2°12 9:00 6 415 910 7 - 9°15 8 0°38 9-20 9 - 9°30 10 4°22 9°35 11 7:96 9°45 12 4°83 9°50 13 8:28 9°60 14 0°55 9°70 15 0°66 9°80 16 - 9:90 17 APRIL 1896. 3:04 | 11°25 1 2°31] 11-30 2 6°62 | 11°35 3 - 11-40 4 - 11°45 5 - 11°50 6 - 11°55 7 015] 11°60 8 1:99} 11°65 9 2°01} 11°70 10 4°70] 11°75 11 4:04 | 11°80 12 6°29 | 11°85 13 3°04} 11:90 14 7°86 | 12-00 15 3°78 | 12°05 16 4°87 | 12:10 17 1:33 | 12°20 18 012] 12:30 19 154] 12-40 20 0-14} 12:50 21 0°37 | 12°60 22 9°14] 12-70 23 9°47 | 12°80 24 3°75 | 12°90 25 0:79 | 13-00 26 2°90 | 13°10 27 1°64] 13-20 28 6°00 | 13:25 29 5°29 | 13°30 30 93°18 | 364:45 | Sum. 335 356 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. SUNSHINE. Hours—ror Hour, Loca, MEAN TIME, ENDING— MAY 1896. 4|/5|61]7 | 8 | 9 | 10] 11 | 12] 18 | 14 | 15 | 16 |-~17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 } Total, [Possible, Le EAE! sper eee | peek I Re 40), G0e yd a ee) ee 0-75 | 15:40 if ee ee eee pen eee |. ||) 2S) SO Se ea) 1:07 | 15-48 2 Suo= | 2} — Pe00l 4-00) S10 10 ssa eeeaeeeoniet-do) 1:00) *20) Soa ely eens 6°62 | 15-55 3 2 ee ae 50| 1-00) 1-00] 1:00] 1:00] -53| 70} 98] -80| -43| +25) - | +13] -31] - | - 863} 15°62] 4 BR Eee | ee a | eee eg <<) 05) meee ots eee ee 0°38 | 15°70 5 6 | - | -40] +25} 1-00} 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] -92) 1-00) 52) -38| 92} -61/ 1-00] 1:00] -44| - | 12:44] 15:77 6 7 | - | +52] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00) 1-00] 1:00} 1-00] -91| 1-00) - | - bl] = | Bd)-= | col) 10-28/) aioeaamny ey 8 | — | +65] 1:00} 1-00] 1-00} 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00} +73} -72| 1-00} 1-00] 1-00) 1:00] 1-00) -55] - | 14°65] 15-91 8 9 | ~ | +67] 1:00; 1-00] 1-00] 1-00) 1-00] 1-00} 1-00} 1-00] 1-00] 1-00) 1:00] 1:00] 1-00] 1-00) -40/ - | 15-07] 15-98 9 10 | — | +75] 1-00} 1-00] 1-00} 1-00] 1-00] 1-00} 1-00] 1-00) 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] -33) - | 15-08] 16-04] 10 11 | — | +85} 1-00] 1-00} 1-00} 1-00] 1-00] 1-00} 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00) 1-00] 1-00] 1-00) 1-00] -45] - | 15:30] 1611] 11 1% |e 77| 1:00] 1-00] 1-00] 1:00} 1-00; 1:00} 1-00] 1:00) 1-00] 1:00, 1-00) 1-00] 1:00] 1:00, -60| — | 15374 1618] 12 13 | — | -88| -87| -92} 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1:00} 1:00} 1-00] 1-00) 1-00) 1-00] 1-00] -99] - | - | - | 13°66 16:24 13 7 eS cee ee eee eee ec) |) — || an ee SO ah = . tb. FNS 25| +80| 91] 46] 31) 1-00} 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00) 1-00} 91) -34 - | - | 1098] 16:37] 15 1G: O(n a] a ees ORES ees aa lp ee he 1:04] 16-44] 16 THe oe Ne SOU ee een ee eae | 28] EES ee) 0-23 | 1650] 17 ce | Sp See aes | a || 4) ee Sol S| a Se . 1656] 18 TCE PP ie eee ees ||) al ee a eS 2 1662! 19 Boer) Sel Pal = |e leeeapN nal eeme-o2l 00] 82! 60| eucBslyeen ee tiG i a2 ailime 5-23] 1668] 20 1 at) Eo te = = esl ees07]! =) | ao vee ena err Os} 1674] 21 Oo Been | Selo = 1 se) 2) Sees icc o0lNt eo), 25) eS jee ene ego ee 3°72 16-80] 22 OS | eee) ee elie ees | |S ea hh ee Sa = 16°85] 23 Nile |e tS Sg ae cee (cera eeeen met |) = og} -02/ -48; - | -35/ 60] 1-00) -97| -60; - 411] 16-91] 24 B54) 49} +28) 01] +28) 64) - — | -50/ +89} 100] 1-00] 1-00] 1:00, 1:00; -67| — 876] 16-96] 25 26.) — | — | -33| 99] =75| 48] - | 82) 281 1-00) 71) 68] 52) — | 13] F00) <70) = 8:39 | 17-02] 26 27 | — | +85] 1-00] 1:00] 1-00} 1:00] 1-00] 1-00) 1-00] -84| -89| -77| -71| -80| 44) -32} -22 - | 12-84] 17-07] 27 93 | - | - | -20| 1-00] 1-00] -71| 48] 93) 1-00] 51] -50| -45| 10) - | -20/ -32} - | - 7-40] 17-12] 28 bo jlime. || gale em |e, ee Bol! | 40 eae teeeS a oOImees|e 3°32] 17°16] 29 30 | +20] 1-00] 1-00} 1°00] 1-00] 1-00} 1-00) 1-00) 1-00} 1:00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00) 1-00] 1-00) 1-00] 1-00] 0-30) 16-50] 17:21] 30 31 | +15] 1:00] 1:00] 1-00] 1-00] 0-98] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 0-28) - | - | - | - | - | - | 10-41] 17-26] 231 Sum. | 0°35| 9-41] 12-23] 15-83) 15°49] 14-22] 13°78 15-77| 17:23] 17-73] 18-14] 15-62| 13°54] 12°36| 11-80, 11-75| 6-86] 0-30) 222-41 | 508-40 | Sum. SUNSHINE. JUNE 1896. i |r| ie ea ee era ee 2, ol) 0 nea Te eae th ee ey | 221 °-30| - 052] 17°30 1 a | a | Wie emetic ceat tn o (| E O) g a e h S a 17°34 2 Bete LORS he eOOl A cence me Bee vc Plt Re PIE as 0-09 | 17°38 3 ahi BOW Glee ar eam | el Se eS a 0-46 | 17-42 4 rm | Rees aoa ee ieee ee meee eS et) |e a ee ee ee ee pe he = 17°46 5 re es. ee 56| 1:00] 1-00] 1-00] 1:00) 1-00] 1-00) -63| - ys Meet Wee Nees olf S| nel Ae 7°25 | 17-49 6 (ie \ ere Ran ai me sy ea tS Se eas del SS =o 2s 17°52 7 SAS at eet Mh rte Naeem eee ES 1) 1 aR at : 17°55 8 9 | - | +06] -92| 1-00] -56] -40] -38 05} +42) +84) -32} -67} 89) 80) -04| ~ | - 7°35 | 17°58 9 10 | +12} 1-00] 1:00] 1:00] 1:00] 1-00} 20) -09} -10} 11) -07| -12| -16) -31/ - | - | - | - 6-28 | 17°61] 10 mw} -|-|- | - | = | ai! -o6] -25! -51f -53] 21! +79} -a1! +16 +68) -95! -55] - 521] 17°64) 11 19 biewet|) ete] he) eae olie yee te ee pera (eee 144] 17-66] 12 19 ier, & 83, -66| -76| 94] 1:00] 64) 1-00} -71| 1-00] 1-00) 1:00, 1:00' -90] 53) -95] -21] 1313] 17°68] 13 14 | - | +47] 1:00} 1-00] 1-00} 89) -73| -69| 51) 1-00) 1-00] 1-00] 1-00, 1-00| 1:00] -43| -70| - | 13-42) 17:70] 14 15 | - | -16| -47| 36) 84) 96] -97| -52| 56] 1-00) 1-00] 1-00) -87| -41| -o4| -14) - | - 9°30] 17°71] 15 AG At) A a se ree Ey) Se) | | eae lee esl eee eS 17°72] 16 17 Pea em We ee Ae ne ha HR rp re 2 17-731 17 18 (/'"=-8) Coafha HU = jon 0b) Steger 08 | 17-74] 18 19. Hit ese Ost — il, ADT wepe esl = | -i6| 30) =O ee eee 1:08 | 17:74] 19 By nen) Pe eet Reem mn ee lime ee ee | = 17°75] 20 7) ere eA ena | eee femmes eee) ie! a a a oe Ih “ 17°75] 21 7 en ie eee ee ee al | ee ee go! +43! +76 54} -46) - | - 3261 17°75] 22 2 Sls eae Pt al = ee SOE rs. yea, S| = 17°75] 28 ye ee ee eee) eee |e | OFS = NOS |S ee 0°63) 17:74] 24 25 at) l=] = | i eee 77] -78 89} -27| +46) +21} - | - | 55] 05] 3-98] 17°74] 25 26 | |48} L-O0I01-00). 99) 52) Soe = = RS ose lesen aera ee 3:98] 17:73] 26 7 cd a a re ne I a ee So ooh 2 17-72] 27 yan een | Oe ie ee Pe ee a) | ee ee ee Sf eS e 17-71] 28 29 [mt (28) Bol 20). 2 |) eee de CS, eee ee ee 147] 17:69] 29 ee ee a i em ee = = 17°67} 30 Sum. | 0°55] 3°27) 7:15] 6°55] 5°68) 5:61] 4°61| 3°96] 4°66] 5:30) 5-30] 5°78] 4°91} 4°78] 4-74] 2°77] 3°05] 0-26] 78°93 | 528-97 | Sum. TRANS. ROY. SOC. EDIN.—VOL. XLII. SUNSHINE. 4 5 6 7 1 me = = = 2 z a 2 a 3 - - 18 | 1:00 4 - - *58 | 1:00 5 a = = = 6 - - - °87 a - 30 | *94 | 1:00 8 - 06 | 1°00 ; 1-00 9 - 41 | 1:00 | 1:00 10 - 44 | 1-00 | 1-00 11 - "40 | 1:00 | 1-00 12 - *40 | 1:00 | 1:00 13 - 04] °81) :97 14 - - - - 15 = = tit | Sr 16 - - - - 17 = - = - 18 - - - - 19 - 60 | 48] ‘87 20 - - 381 | +20 21 - - cult 34 22 - - - - 23 - - - - 24 - - - 73 25 - 14) -04) +18 26 - "15 | 1:00 | 1:00 27 - *87 | 1:00 | 1:00 28 = - - 03 29 - - - - 30 - - - +50 31 - - - - Sum — | 3°81 | 11:26] 15°36 SUNSHINE. 1 - - 08} - 2 = » = = 3 = & = & 4 = = = = 5 s es ae am 6 - 51} 1:00] -29 7 & = = a 8 = & = 4 9 - 10} -96) 1:00 10 - *48 | 1:00 | 1:00 11 - - - - 12 - - - 20 13 - - “48 | 1:00 14 - 40 | 1:00 | 1:00 15 - - “96 | 1°00 16 - - - 17 = - - - 18 - - 02] - 19 - 30| *94] °82 20 - - - ‘17 21 - 06} 19] - 22 - - - - 23 - - - - 24 - - - - 25 - - - - 26 - - - | - 27 - - - = 28 - - - - 29 - 50 | 1:00 | 1:00 30 - - - - Sum. — | 2:35 | 7°63 | 7°48 FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 337 Hours—ror Hour, Loca, Man TIME, ENDING— MAY 1896. 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12.4 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | Total. [Possible. SITS | Uh | ts PY peal See mes | ICN epi oe 1:50 | 13:40 1 - | 10) — | -02| -447 -18| -94/1:00] -43] -36] -83/ -32] - | - 4-62] 13°50 2 1:00| *77| *93|1-00/ 1-00} 1:00 | 1-00} -96| -70] -03| -30] -37| - | - ] 10-24] 13-60 3 603/100 1:C0l) c-OStime rs ROO) 761!) *40)) =) | Sai ie a 8:30 | 13-70 4 = 9) v= aed md — | api a ae 0:30 | 13-80 5 1:00 | 1:00 | 1-00 | 1-00} 1:00].1-00} -84| +73] -87| -29] -21] 50) - | - ]| 1031] 13-90 6 1:00 | 1-00} 1°00] 1-00} 1-00} -95]1-00| 33] +11] ‘61| 51] - | - | = | 10-75] 14-00 7 1-00 ! 1-00 | 1-00 | 1-00 | 1-00} 1-00 | 1-00 | 1:00 100} 1:00} 1-00) -53| - | - ]| 13-59] 14-10 8 1-00 | 1-00 | 1:00 | 1:00 | 1:00 } 1-00 | 1:00 | 1-00} 1-00} 1-00 | 1-00} 59] - | - | 14:00] 14-15 9 1-00 | 1-00 | 1-00 | 1-00 | 1-00} 1:00 | 1-C0 | 100} 1-00] 1-00} 1-00) -60| - | - | 14-04] 14-20] 10 1:00 | 1:00 | 1-00 | 1-00 | 1-00 } 1-00 | 1-00 | 1-00} 1-00} 1:00/1:00) -60] - | - | 14:00] 14:30] 11 1-00 | 1-00 | 1-00 | 1-00 | 1-00} 1-00 | 1-00 | 1:00} 1-00) 1-00} 1-00) -66| - | - | 14-06] 14:35] 12 1-00 | 1-00 | 1:00 | 1-00 | 1:00} 1-00 | 1-00 | 1-00} 1-00} 1:00} -91) 14) - | - ] 12°87] 14-40] 13 Sea | | |S | ea a a ee ee a) = 14-45] 14 *82| 56] -98| 1:00) 1-0091-00/1°00|1-00/1-00} -88) -31| - | - | - | 1058] 1455] 15 Se eS = || S| Pe eo et 207 | 14:65] 16 24 Sj) Saas ereteOa 158) 08 = | Dies) RO) een ees 084] 14-70] 17 = Ss S|) = St ee ero sy) O52] 14°75] 18 O2)) 261/46) 10) selene 2064!) “09 = ieee ae 490] 14:35] 19 '21| °53|1-00| -65|1-00]1:00] 1-00} 1:00] 1-00} -91| -50| 30} - | - 9:61] 14:95] 20 cite aye | he || | a ee ee a 0:79 | 15:00] 21 SPS ee = |) eh || Ce ee ee et se | 1:27] 15:02] 22 - | 81] 13] -07] -684 -39| -23)1:00] -76| -98/1-00; 22] - | - 577] 15°04] 23 ‘Q1| -44| +54] -03| 18] -03| - | -16| -37|1:00/1:00| -89/ - | - 6:28] 15:06] 24 66 28] +10} - | -30] :90]/1-00/1-00| 1-00} 1:00|1-00/ 1:00] -10) - 8°65 | 15-08] 25 1:00 | 1-00 | 1-00 | 1-00 | 1:00} 1-00} 1-00} 1:00} 1:00} -27) -04| 08] - | - | 1154] 15-10] 26 1:00 | 1:00 | 1-00 | 1:00 | 1-00} 1-00 | 1-00} -80} -82| :97/1:00| -66| -07| - | Jat9] 15:12] 27 ‘91 | 1-00} 1-00} 1:00] -82] 98] -34| °54| -17| -33| +56] 28] - | - 7°96 | 15:14] 28 SS | ebe jess) =) Ss eo aro | ae | ee] | = 4:75] 15:16] 29 ‘20 | +40) 1:00 | 1-00 | 1:00} 1-00 | 1-00 | 1-00 | 1:00 | 1-00) 1:00 1-00] -22} - | 11:32] 15-18] 30 Saat *O7)) 02)!" el Aetna = 4) 0g)! OR ler ae 0954 15:20] 31 16-24] 16-09] 17°82] 15-91] 18-52} 18-70] 18-77| 18:61] 17°35] 15:86) 15-47] 10°15] 0-63 | - } 230-55 | 450-40 | Sum. JUNE 1896. S| Pe |) Ne SE ee lain Foyih i ee 0-73 | 15-22 af 62| -45| 02} 03} - | - | :70| -84/1-00| -90] -93/ 03} - | - B52] 15-24 2 Be see) | || ee nen mn eRe | = 15:26 3 Saal aad ea) LOM ey ecm ea cy = | al) aah ee 0:48 | 15:28 4 SA eral) dl ces me Pa em |) Pe eee = 15°30 5 - | 02] -25| -12) - | +18] -40/1:00] 551-00} 20; - | - | - 5:47 | 15:33 6 Se Soi eos male lie 0°04) “36)) 9. ee 0:78 | 15:36 7 08} 10) — 08} —- = = = = = = = = - 0:26 15:40 8 1:00 | 1:00 | 1:00 | 1:00} 1:00] -98] +70} -84]1:00; -66] -70; -40| - | - » 1234] 15-45 9 1:00|1:00/1:00| -82] -40] -65] -82| -98] -58| -66] -34/ - | - | - | 10-73] 15°50] 10 — | 72] :82] 60) 50] -70| -80/ -58] :72/ -92| 95] -60/ -06/ - 797] 1560] 1 52) °64] *68) °12 = - - = = *38| °74 = = 22 3:28 15:70 12 1:00|1:00}1:00| -90| :76} -92/1:00|1-00]1:00| +96] -92] 44] 32} - | 1270} 15-72] 13 1:00|1-00}1:00} 58) -82] -80/1:00|1-00/1-:00| -96] -50| -18| 10] - | 1234] 15-74] 14 1:00 | 1:00} 1°00] +90/1:00]1-00/1:00] +58] +28] 02] - | 12) - | - 9°86] 15:76] 15 608) = i eh caaal eee e021) 86) 24) 9 |) are 0-70] 15:78] 16 ye ee sere | SS ee rr yn ee |S 2 002] 15:80] 17 52| 44] -08] +14] -70] -90] -94/1-00] -22} -08| 30) - | - | - 5:34] 15°81] 18 -46|1:00| -90] -86] -88] ‘86) 92} 42) - | - | - | - | - | - 8:36 | 15°32] 19 - | - | 82] 30] 03] 10] - | -61]1-:00| -82) -36/ -43) - | - 4:14] 15:83] 20 - | 25] 08] :77| -49] °55| -59| -96] “10; 30] 27) - | - | - 4:56 | 15°33] 21 - | 11} -49| +14] 48} -65/1:00| -32] -36) -64] -31| 20) - | - 5:20] 15:83] 22 2) all ge ee sg |) Sk oh ieee ae = 15:83] 23 4 = 3 La, 057 14] 09] - es = = _ - - 0:28 15°82 24 47| +85| °64| +90] -43] -43/1:00/1-00] -77|1-00| -79] °38|] -49| - 915] 15-31] 25 Sieke S| se. |e ee ee eis |e la = 15°80] 26 ee See = aba ee re rsh 0-65] 15:78] 27 99| - | - | -07] -14] :70| *95/1:00/1-00} °53) :03) - | - 4:71] 15°76] 28 1:008) 22), ee eM i to eee le ee 3:72] 15:74] 29 aii!) Cagle eee |). Se - 15-72] 30 8:75 | 10:09} 9°23 | 8-61 | 7-74 } 9-33 | 11-66] 12°77| 10°47] 10°91] 7-84 | 3-21} 1-22] - | 129-29 | 468-82 | Sum 2u i 338 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. SUNSHINE. Hours—ror Hour, LocaL MEAN TIME, ENDING— JULY 1896. } 4.) °5 Jo |} 7 | & | 9 | 0 | Ue eae ye | ae | te |a7 | 18:4) 29) 200) or Ih otal ieoseates djoeed Sole | oar = | ct ce | See) | zl | ee eet coc 2m ato ae 2 | - | - | +10} 1:00] +99} +57} -41/ -09 OS 5 EM lo Sole S eee i) 3:34] 17°63 2 Sea © -46) 1:00] -01) 20) -66] 49 = | Se ee a thes 2:82 | 17°60 3 4 feos Lala Si. Sel) en] ee et a eee = 17°57 4 5 inca = 91| 33 Pai ssl Gl) — || a) ee ee ee 3:42 | 17-54 5 Ghee) Sl ae Sy) 2) 7) 08)! see ees LE) Se eee esse ou eS 1:92} 17°51 6 A aed Ee cesar lleche a| eee eel 36] -18/ 07) -33| -81)/ -36] -17/ -76| -13] 3:17] 17-48 7 gio= | Eelys ei] |) Se. ea Et ee ee a 4 = 17°44 8 OWeasd, Lalreep eeeslice S —- | Se ee ese). = & 17-40 9 16° tes) 10 1-00] 1-00] 1:00] -80| -84 99} -98) 81} 1-00} 1:00} 1-00] -07/ -29] -15) 11:56] 17:36] 10 he Pecos ee 20' -59] -89/ -51/ -55| °63] 1:00! -90/ -98/ -93) - | 09) - | - | - | - 727) W732) 11 1D) deceit | ma | cell ee eee ieee | | 72| -49| -43| - 1464] 17-28] 12 1S: Vieszagl Laweseer|! sr) v= 12} 49) 1-00 32| — 23-80) 82 eel eed ete eee 3-45] 17:24] 13 i iced Ea Pe | S ae er ieee She Sle = 719] 14 5 Wien Se Sc SS) =) i een ee ee a ee reek ee Ue = 17-14] 15 16 | - | -93] 1:00] 1:00] 1:00) -42] -30/ 04) - -40| -41) -33] -54) 40) - 36] -96| - 8:82] 17:09] 16 07 Weed! CIG/-99)' 1:00) 2-00) weS8) wecSS/eeCOMGOMTSer | =) = oy = meaner mule alae 7:06] 17:04] 17 18 [leeay) 2 | :37| 87! =20] =96| J-O0letoonmo0) 88) 04) = | =a = ee ee 582] 16:99] 18 19 Gh Sa Wl os etal ee Po eS SS oe he a 16:94} 19 0 a tere cradles. | =| a2 So SS ee ee ee ee = 16°89 | 20 D1 Pee = Wit OoMmeenieecoa) lt) = | = | Saale eet = alle 059] 16:83} 21 TNs Se 2 ce Veet |e fae = ee | ei 2 = = 16-77 | 22 ae | ee = = 5 || = |} 98) 00) mog) = 0) eile 069] 16:72] 28 24 | — | -01] -95| 1:00] -80) -79] 50] 96} 02] -23) -25) -03) - | - ee eal ae 554] 1666] 24 D5 Ase Sl ee Vo etl gall ee | oll SU hese Sally 22 = 16°60 | 25 Zhe ie | es ree S| S| | Se area eres ee eae) ee the = 1654] 26 ee || = ee sey So) = 03 16] 08) 43) -69) 44/53] -07] - 2:43] 16:48] 27 ae |e -43| 1:00| 1:00] 1-00) 1-00] 1:00] 1-00) 1:00} -74| °75] -92) -10 -07 — | — | °— 120-00 Bie ie os 29. i] y= = eet | eee |, 2 [poh aN MP ae eas Ha Be ye 0-64] 16:35} 29 80 -Mitecsa) Seah ee) = = il peal ee 12} -39/ -67| 04) - A ea a 1:22] 16-28} 30 Org |e | ie 10) -34| -57/ -80/ -99/ 1-00] 1-00] 1:00] -88) -26) -32 -21/ -31] -37] - | - 815] 16-22] 31 Sum. | - | 1:56 £90) 8°55] 7°63] 6:52) 8°65] 9-18] 7-94] 7-55] 7-27} 4:98] 3-79] 3°88] 3-09) 2-09] 2-62} 0-281 90-48 | 528-16 | Sum. SUNSHINE. AUGUST 1896. 609 (el SS = ‘51| 1-00| 1-00| 1:00] -92| -57] -70| -95] -50| -85/ 1-00 -69| -12} - | - 9°81 | 16-15 1 oe 26| 90} 1:00] 1:00] 1:00] 1:00) -94| -85) :73| -82) 30) - | - | - | - | + | - 8-80 | 16-09 2 Us Saul hl ee ee eee ol | FOO! Pet Oikey st a een een 0:25 | 16-02 3 A Tew = = | 20/0 528) 26] -80| del = |= jee 1 eee 92-00 | 15-95 4 5 | — | 83] 1:00] 1-00] 1-00] 1:00] 1:00] 1:00] -60} :97/ 1-00) :83} 30} - | - | - | - | ~ } 10-03] 15-88 5 (eek ee pe = i So) 5 2 |S en ee |) el ee | ee 2 15°81 6 T Wea So esa |) re ea SF io iee these = | = he = 15°74 ‘i Se sh eae | Nee heen = | hee = hl | eek = 15°67 8 ce ee 3 55] 1:00} 1:00] 1-00} 1-00} 1:00] 1-00) 1:00 -75| 15] -40| 42} -90/ -45) - | - | 10-62] 15-60 9 10. ge OS}. 682!) T:G0! T-O0lae 2) hmeelimr eet S| mG ALR eR a ee 3:22 | 15527 10 oe |e ele aa 60| *96} 1:00] 1-00} 1-00f 1-00) 1-00] 1-00] 1-00; -82) -22) - | - | - 960] 15-45} 1 BO) gc Bet ee Ws hee ee ee eee a 15°38] 12 MB ae ed ve eee ees eee ee ee ee ee = 15°31} 13 | a ee ns een ye re Sin jE) ee i ie er ESS ef a = 15-24] 14 15 Wm ee me eee a ee a ee ee J 1516} 15 16.) ) Eo) a ee ees O5 ec 50| “05 ite= we lege So Paul = 2:00] 15:09] 16 UF Wiecwel lig? We Sen ener een en ef aaa dll et ey eee ee ee O19} 15:01] 17. CS ee a en eee ese ne) = |. hal ae A SR eg oe tne ip = 14:94] 18 9 — | Col | Si) 2 eee || ea! (63)! 95], Tolan p ee ae er ae 0-91] 14:87] 19 20 ms = om SS ene sO | ee ee = 14:79} 20 2 | ete | ast ee -{|-7-/-]-]- - a= 14-71] 21 22 eae moh eh = a ee i i ee ae = 14641 22 25 Hiei "eee 01] -85| 1:00} 1-00) 1-00} 1-00} 1-00} 1-00) 1-00] 1:00} -98} -58/ -50| - | - | 092] 14:56] 23 2S PK | ee ee ee 95) 10 Spal sal |= Ail 0-89 | 14:48] 24 25 = - = = = - - - - | - - - - =] - = 14°40 25 28a i | | eee SO} <7) Bil pet eel eee 163 | 14:32] 26 77 | ee Ne al gree heb | 117) BOE BCs ys ital a A TEES eee fee fag \'= 069 | 14:25] 27 25° Sl mica! “Sadia Ul Oar i eee hme Mh ellie | =) |) ae ee - 14:17 | 28 7 ae ae ae a eh | a = |= |=] - = 1410] 29 BO ee Ree oe 05) ee = jv= |e | ee ae ha te = 14:03} 30. a Weal = 42} 1-00} 1:00} 1-00} 1-00] 67} -22} +96) 1-00) 68) -42/ -90/ -17]) - | - | - 9-44] 13:95] 31 Sum. | - | 0°67| 3°69) 5-52} 7-45] 7-48] 7-10| 6-65| 6-22} 8-59| 8-51) 6-07 70 4:46} 2°76] 1-07} - | - | 81-00 | 467-28] sum. — FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 339 SUNSHINE. Hours—-ror Hour, Loca MEAN TIME, ENDING—— JULY 1896. Cae 7 8 | 9 | 10 ie | we} 48 |) 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 |) 18") 19 20) |) ON I) otal WPossiple. flesh = 05) 08; ‘941 - | -— || 0] — Saleerall! 67) 1-00|) 98) <-92) i= ee 563 | 15-70 1 Pe a a7|) 50, 60! 10) B0e= eau e | = | - = |) =o) = 2:06 | 15-60 2 eee so| — | = | = | Ta) Ber =) oe) atl — el) he =e O71] 15:50 3 ee | — | = | = 8) = ey e26l) 48] 1-00] -b0| -64| 22h +86) tol = |) — 3°56 | 15-45 4 See 10) 36) 88) 42) 88) -=79/) 20) “Gal 93) 30) -03| — | = | = |= | ie 4:57 | 15-40 5 | ae fl 03] 60a ecClmmeieeiaie = | = le | ee ee ee 262] 15:36 6 7} - | - 61} +12} -88| -80| °08} -05| -24) -56| -14) -61| -78/ 1-00] 1:00] 1:00] -29) - 8:16} 15-33 7 ae) = = Ws Ae an ah = Seay} =} ae] =e le = 15°30 8 ese = = | = | = || = | S35) Se Sve Gl | = = 147] 15-28 9 no | = 60} 1-00) 1:00} 1-00} 1-00] 1:00) +96 -72) -97| 1:00| -70/ -91/ 1:00] 60) - 19} - | 1265] 15-26] 10 1 | DI ecriap 1600) 1700) --97)) “Ba 1:00 baad) 72 -— | - | — | = | =) = pS 7°53] 15:24] 11 Pee soe — = | — | a} eee 01; - | 23] 1-00] 1:00; 35] - 2°59] 15-22] 12 13) |) — | = | -09) -56] 1°00) 1-00) 1-00! 60) — | 1-00! -07| -57| -85| -73|/ 41) - | -— | - 7°88} 15:20} 13 eae = SSeS < |S) 2a eee ee Set S| O12] 1518] 14 age) = | — | = | — | 30) — | — ) 43h “93 SS = Sa ee 0-76] 1516] 15 16 | - | 50} 1:00} 1-00} 1:00; 93) -98] 1-00} 1-00} 1-00 1:00] 1-00} 1-00} -90| 93] 1-00) -33] - | 1487] 15-14] 16 ee =) || 39) = |) isa i) os, — | - | | = | = ae 1°26 | 15-12] 17 eo = — | | i a7 sae aiz) -o7h — | - | = | - |} = | =e 0-85] 1510] 18 ese ol | eee | | | cS oe | Sr ees = 1508} 19 Pee es | | = | = | =) See PF aS = 15:06} 20 ee | = — | = | -— | — | =) aa pt) — | - | -o4) — | -48) 30) — |! = 171} 15:04} 21 ae = | | - | — | tl 26) “ash 77! 84) -08) — | -36) 63) 27) “16, = 3:76 | 15°02] 22 oo ae 1204 20) = 14) 10) On nos) — ||) 50) 46) +45) 44) fo), “oi 2:93 | 15-00] 23 ma | = 15] -84| 1-00] 1-00) 1:00; 1-00| 1:00 1-00] -87| 1:00] 1-00] 1-00) -97| -o9} - | - | - | 11°92] 14:95] 24 ee ese aa 2 | eee eo ae es = 14°85 | 25 me | — 40 “10, = | 02, 60) “Ii, Tom) 1g, = | - | ~ | = | -- | =} = I= 243 | 14-754 26 ay 4 - | - | - | - | = | -12| 52) -80) +81) 84) 1-00) 1-00) 1-00] 1-00] -90} - | - 799] 14-70] 27 Da — 35) 1-00] 1:00] 1:00} 1-00) 1°00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00) 1-00} 39) - | - | - | = | — J} 10-74] 14-65] 28 oo |) z 2) ict onieemicoe 2 = | = heh eeu) Se O18} 14:55] 29 ee eee eS |) oe ell pol, 87-70) 47h = |) = 294] 14-45] 30 te =. |= 77| 1:00] -91} 84! 1-00] 1:V0| 1-00 1-00! 1-00] 1:00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00) -91| - | - | 13-43] 14-40] 31 Sum. | — | 2°02 7:44] 8-80) 8-89) 9:59 10-22} 8-86)11-26)11-45| 10-83] 10-01) 10-48] 9-85, 8-00] 5-79] 1-53] - | 135-02 | 468-04 | Sum. SUNSHINE. AUGUST 1896. i 23| -96| 1-00] 1-00] 1-00 1-00] 1-00/ 1-00| 1-00] 1-00| -56) - | - | 12°75] 14:35 1 ee) ‘05, 20) -50 90/15] 65] 30) -03} - | - | - 5-49 | 14-30 2 eee ee | = | - | = 25] 47) *75| -74| 22} 07) - | = 2°50 | 14:20 3 o | sa - | 1-00} -24 SOeea 42) 21) = Oneal 4:49] 14-15 Las Bots = 90} 1-00} 1-00] 1-00} 1-00 1:00/ -76} 92] 1-00] 1-00] -83) - | - | 13-41] 14-10 5 eee = | ty - | = | — 0:05) +29} 09) - SS jos 0-54] 14-00 6 7 ~ 3 = = an = = 14] - = = = = = = 0:28} 13-90 7 8 pe & 2 Tol =! = = = = = = 0:70 | 13:80 8 ee = |) 41} -47| -42/ 1:00 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00} 1-00] -03} - | -~ }| 10-33] 13-70 9 ae =e) = | 1-00), si; - | - =| 01) ema a ia ee || = 1:31] 13°60] 10 Peewee | = | 50! 30) 1-00 94/ 1-00] 1:00) -50} - | - | - | - 778 | 1350} 11 eee ie | =| = | - e365) 1s) — | S|) = eee 0-49] 13-40] 12 ie |} —- | - | —- | =|] - | - *82| 30/62) -82] ~-67/ - | - | - 4:57 | 13:30] 13 —) | = a 41} +23 Calera | *20)) =) =i eae 3:09 | 13-25] 14 Peete | = | = | |S tO -60| 1-00] 1-00] 1-00) 1-00} 40) - | - 6-60] 13:20] 15 teenies | = | =| = | 10 1-00] 1-00] 1-00} 1:00} 100) - | - | - 760] 13-10] 16 fy | el ee ea cae = | ee a i Ee 1:34] 13:00] 17 TG |) SS) a ee es bi) — Ta) al = | Sie = || = O83] 12:90] 18 | Lo | = 21} 46) -05} - 32| -03} 43/36 +43} -26] - | - 4:25] 12:80] 19 20 a - = = a = = = = = = = - - - = 12°70 20 Pee eoe = | = | = | Bi 50} -93/ -91| 1:00) -60} - | - | - 6-87 | 12:60] 21 | ol Se) el i ie ei ee = | ced ea ea || = 007 | 12:50] 22 Pie ieses | =) — | lz 1-00] 1-00] 1-00} -73} 04, - | - | - 4:99] 12-40] 23 iene eee ==) 32) 08) -27 1:00) +63} -95} -76} -32) - | - | - 677 | 12°30] 24 eee eee h — | || i en a ey ee ee - | Wes mm pete erat Fa aes (re aca aa (ne | SA Reem ne | ee = 11-40 2 SB Neet Soles it Sh Ses eee ies | ean eet th oe eee i 11:32] 3 A Weeell Sah es NS iy ee ne rem eae | ke Ne a Ca ba ee ees 2 11°24 4 Be esa tt Sega TS ae eae memeain Mem RE Dg he, sy aR eg 2 Wi7] 5 ais ee be ee a | a ern sen Sea | ese | eee ae 2 Z 11:09 6 eee) Sele | a | ee rt | Sy etek je a ee ee - | lop. 7 8 = = = = = = - = = - - = = - - - - 10°93 8 eS ee ee ES 25) S| ES) (es (eer eine ee a ei al) 2 Pe = 10°85 9 40 | = ae Sr Seong ieee es (= ca amie eee ee 0-06 | 10:77] 10 ila = ~ - - - - 0:31) 1°00} 0°78) 0°63) - = - = = = = - 272 10°69 il 12 = = = - - - = - - - - = 0:46} 0°15) - - - - 0°61 10°62 12 13 = - - - - - - - - - 0-16] - - - - - - 0°16 10°54 13 14 = = - - - - - - - - 0:06) 0-13) - - - - - - 0°19 10°46 14 15 - -);- 0-11; 1:06} 1:00} 1:00) 1:00) 1:00} 1:00) 1°00) 0°84) 0°52) 0-05) - - - - 8°52 10°38 15 16 - - - - 0°60) 0°54) 0°94) 1:00) 0°54) 0°57) 1:00} 1:00) 0°74] 0-16) - - - - 7:09 10°30 16 Wf sey) Sele Wb =) edlee ee es i SS a neg pe ee = 10:22] 17 18 | ce) fds | = fro-s7\aecoloms mormOlPOeer ee Wi aoc. te Ny etal eel 355] 1014] 18 19) Herel aah ile NF =o | Sy) eR PR Me eg WE eal ol) fel = 10-06} 19 Meal ee eres nen Wes = 10:63) G:89) 0:07| 0-08) 0:03) — | = | = | ae ee 165] 9:98] 20 hee = oe) 5 eer ee jig | 005 Modalnoraal ath = i ee 094] 990] 21 m Vexo} 2a - ts | Sloe TR eeeo ery ell = | etl eases cael eel ea | eee lea 0-20] 9:83] 22 5. i meal) some. shee 2) GOsPeIeTOOMORTAR aes acme’) = et SS Nee ee 246] 9:75] 23 Sign ee | Bg |) |) Sh) n> om P| Hh 062] 9:67] 24 % fo) Sa - | = (0:67) te0olmorecetiee Foe |. — Be ee re Rah ks |e 2:95} 9:60] 25 26 - - - - 0°84) 1:00} 1°00) 0°46) 0°02} 0°16) - — = = = - - - 3°48 9°52 26 27 - - ~ - - - = - ~ - - - = = - - - - 9°44 27 28 - - - - - - - 0:93) 0°56] —- - = = = = os = = 1°49 9°36 28 29 - - - - ~ 0°23) 0°15] 0°95) 1:00] 0°77| 0:42) 0:12) 0:49) —- = - - - 4:13 9°28 29 | . 80 = - = 0:09} - = - - = — zs = = - ~ 0:09 9:20 30 31 ~ - - = - =) | ~ - ~ - 0°24) 0-10) —- _ - - 0°34 9:12 31 Sum - - - 0°11) 4°07) 4°77) 5:98) 7:97) 5°78] 3:20] 3:13) 2°68] 2°79) 0-77; - - - - 41:25 | 319°32 | Sum. FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 341 SEPTEMBER 1896. SUNSHINE. Hours—ror Hour, LocaL Mran TiMz, ENDING—— AeSmeGe|s 7 \) S|). Wr tie to ete 14 115 | te | 17 ae mee = | — | = | = | = | — i | 78] 59] -15) 03] = Ly |] Sa Sy) ope SSG RR RW ei |e 08} 13) +54) 13] - 07 energie (= -) 06) <7) G0 — = w= = | = fe= | eae bs fl = ee eee | 97) 55) nal “ya 2 pay | = | - 58} 1:00] +95] 1:00] 1:00] 80} -39} 20) - | -33] -o7| - Meee |= | = | 9) 9b] 100 oo T00) si) - | - | - | .- 7 = | 2 | S) = = = = = - = = = = a - 2 ae a = Doe ce = | Ole = Snr eis 1). | =| To) “24 =EslP:Oon 60) 44) = -g4l — | — |) = 10 = = = - - - 30) 23) - = 24) +42) 09] +44) 05 ew = | = | - 72\ L:001) 1-008 “Sie 20eesigie — | = | = | = We See = | — | XO). 67], 1-00) a-00) “87 a2) 13} — | - | - |= 13 | - | - | - | - | °69| 1:00] -54| +78] 1-00} 1-00] 1:00) -95) +54) -78} -12 ce Vc) EN) ESI i fag Oe a) i) | ee ee ee Sees ho i - | — | 10) 27 = | = 80] 55) 06) -06) -06| - oS a 05] °30} 28) -50] °50} 10} -13) -10) <41] - Peewee | = | = | Kh Pe ae = | - | Ke ee eee i | 28) -83| “38 Zo) 2G — fe | - | | CK Cd Sees i = | = | 83] — | 03) — ih 232) 100) 63] — 43] meee. = | — | = | +05) -B4) -92| 07) -30N “20) 97] -87| -53| -32| “18 | SG a eo | ae 47} 1:00] 1-00| 1:00] 53} -47} +75] 1-00) 1-00} -21) - 22 = = = = = = le = = = = = 2 Z : Sei = Ws | = | | = | “Onl sot) “Ogle og) +74) 26] -19] -11 eee ie i | — | = | 22) -86) “GbN =70)) -91| 46] 19] - emis i Soo st Sl) Sy SP gol 71! 1-00] so} “gal. = Meme he fe - | = | = | = | = | oa ve | - | - | - | - eres | | | so he t= | = ee = | -eyiit-0) -1g| Pees | | = | = | — | 06) “ae rdg 17) “es 50) <21| = 929 = = = - - - - 04) - = 10) +30) 40) :16) - Sees wie f= | — f— | — | - | = Weegee | = | - | = | = ome | - | - | - 0°58| 3°32} 7-67] 8°67| 8°36] 7-76] 7°23] 9-44/10-15| 6:31) 4-45] 0-48 SUNSHINE. Mewes |= | = | — |= | - 20] 07) 16) - | - | - | - fees = | | - | - | = 5S eben Oo = a) = |) eee ies = Ff = | or 4) “og - eee | = = |. - | CK Peis |) — | = | — | Bil -46) 40h 26) -63) “73) -03) — | - » | 24) a 10) 708) — | 6g ea5lpeea) “60h 17) = | = eee] |= | — | = | 28) 48] 61) “ze =70) <76) <19| 14) -o7| - moe) = | = | — | 20) -92) 1:00] 1°00] 1-00) 1:00) <20) - | - | - | - 8 = = = e = = = 2 = = z = i = * 9 = dl af = a = = = es = 2 2 = = 10 = = = = - 08} + °64) °17) °*56) 31) —- - - - - cee | = | — | = | <20F FOor 95) 1-00) 100) -71) - | - 23] -02| - eee | tl KK eel K- Pf oo PK 46 11) - Seeweseie | = | = | - | HP = | a 2") SG ea ee meee | = | = | = | 12) zal 25) =308 7a 1-00) 1-00) 63) 12) — ees |e | = | = | = | -80} 1-00) 1-00] 1-008 1-00), 1-00] -40; “17) - | - fom | = | — | — | = | -66) 1°00) 1-00) -42) -78| 1-00) 1-00/ -36) - | - 17 = = = = = - - - = 16) 30) 1:00) 60) - - eee esi | = | = | 12) 70) sea) “pop ei - 2 | RN ae Pee eet fl Kk ie eee i, | =, | Pafeeis | = | = | - bol 100) Ose cOpee = || — | Peewee ie = | = | = | = | — 2) eR 27 Gey) 56) -40| = | - 2 | —- | — | - | — | — | -28] 1°00) 69} -30) -09| 1:00) -82) -51] - | - 23 = = = = - 03} 1:00) 1:00) -56) - - - - = = eee | =) | = | eal 03) — oul eon) 5a) — | — | — 25 = = - = - +20} 1:00) °33) - - - = = = = Pei | = | = | = | +70) 1-00) “SBP oo eon — | - | = | = Pane ee i | = | — | = 48) 5) Sh S07) 19) “as, 27) = | - 98 = = = = - - ‘77| 65] "10h - - - - = = Pea ieee = | — | — | 02) “06 a7) -64i FO7 = | ea) 32) — | - 30) i = = = = - ~ - 12) 07} 12) - - = = ; 31 zs £ = a = = = = = = = = 33) - - Sum. | - | - | — | — | 0:80] 4:82) 12:79] 13-39] 10-49] 7-94} 8-38 8-33] 4°62! 0°32) - The ih tle el Th Pa ee eh SUR abe ah Sa APU SAL SHRP ATE AST SS RST oi Ui Ee Tat eed} (Pip a VES Tg CE LEAs ST TAS TE aS atte TE A Ae Re tr Tee Trane Ue TP ae te 21 | Total. [Possible, - 1°55 11°75 1 - 0°95 11°70 2 - 1°37 11°65 3 - 1:18 11°60 4 - 6°32 11°55 5 - 5°30 11°50 6 - - 11°45 7 - 0°57 11°40 8 - 3°35 11:35] * 9 - 1°77 11°30 10 - 4:00 11°25 ll - 4:09 11:20 12 - 8°40 11°10 13 - - 11:00 14 - 1:90 10:90 15 - 2°37 10°80 16 - - 10°70 17 - 1:90 10°60 18 - 2°74 10°50 19 - 4°70 10°40 20 = 7°48 10°30 21 - - 10°20 22 1:92 10°15 23 3°99 10°10 24 - 3:74 10:00 25 - - 9-90 26 - 2°05 9°80 27 - 1°83 9-70 28 - 1:00 9-60 29 = 5 9°50 30 - 74°42 | 322:95 | Sum. OCTOBER 1896, - 0°43 9°40 1 - 1:13 9°35 2 - 0°64 9°30 3 - 2°81 9°20 4 - 1:47 9°15 5 - 3°99 9°10 6 - 5°32 9:00 7 - = 8:90 8 - - 8°80 9 - 1°76 8°70 10 - 5:01 8°55 ll - 0°57 8°45 12 - = &-40 13 - 4:91 8°35 14 - 6°37 8°30 15 - 6:22 8°25 16 ~ 2:06 8-20 17 - 1:88 8°10 18 = = 8:00 19 - 2°76 7:90 20 - 2°26 7:80 21 - 4:69 7°70 22 - 2°59 7°60 23 - 1°87 7:50 24 - 1:53 7°40 25 = 3°84 7°30 26 - 2°69 7°20 27 - 1°52 7°10 28 - 2°42 7:00 29 - 0°31 6:90 30 - 0°33 6:80 31 = 71°38 | 253:70 | Som 342 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. NOVEMBER 1896. SUNSHINE. Hours—ror Hour, Loca MEAN TIME, ENDING— 2 1 61°68 | 1 8 | Oo) ao a aoe eee | a5 | 216. || S27 “Ss |earon one 1 = | =P ea) | | 23) -p0l pol aa) aeopd emer meteOol 1:00) | =49) = 91 ee fe Bele 3 |)-.| =!| 2 | 2 || 60) a00/-d-00] Son) sr200l kigoo! a-ool a-00| 0-1} 2°3 4 rs) 0-1 0|SE 0-1/SE 1-2|SE 1-2| SE 1-2|SE 2-3 | KSE 4| ESE 5|/ESE 2-3] ESE 1-2) 1:2 5 SE 3|SE 2-3} E 2-3 | SE 2|}ESE 2-3|SE 2-3|ESE 2-3|SE 2-3 | SE 2|SE 2|SE 1) 374 6 SE 2-3 | SE 2-3|SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 2|SE 2-3) E 2-3/}ESE 2-3] ESE 3|ESE 2-3] ESE 2-3) 16 ne 7 E 2-3|E 2-3| NE 1-2/E 1-3 | B 1-3/E 2-3 | E 3| ESE 2\|ESE 1-2/SE 2) ESH 3-4] 2-4 ty ESE 3-5 | SE 3-4 | ESE 3-4 | SE 4-5 |SE 4|SE 4|SE 3/SE 3-4| SE 3|SE 3|SE 3] 3°5 9 SSE 1-2| SSE 2|)SE 2|)SE 1-2|SE 1|SE 2|/SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 3|SE 1-2| SE 1; 1:9 Calm 0|SE 0-1) SE 0/|SE 1|SH 0-1 | SSE 0-1 | SE 1|SE 1-2|SE 1-2|}SE 0-1| SE 1-2) 05. Heal Calm 0|WSW 1-2) W 1|W 0-1 | W 0-1 | W 1|W 1-2| W 1-2 | Calm 0| WSW 1|SW 0-1 | 0°7 12 SSE 2) SSE 2|SSE 1-2/8 1/ ESE 2-3 | SSE 3|SE 2-3 | SSE 3-4 | SE 3-4|SE 3-4 | SE 3-4] 1:9 , WSW 2-3|SW 0-1} SW 1-2 | SSW 1)SSW 2-3/8 2-3 | WSW 1|SW 1|SW 1-2 | W 0|5 0; 2°0 1|SE 1;8 0| SSW 1|SW 1|SSW 1|8s 0-1/5S 1-2 | SW 1-2 | SW 1|SSW 2) 0°7 Ss 2-3|5S 1-2/8 2-3/8 2-3|8 2-3/5 2-3/8 2-3 | SSW 3/8 2-3 | SSE 2-3|S 2-3] 2°4 Ss 3|SW 2-3} WSW 1-2) WSW 1|SW 1-2/8 1 1-2/5 1-2/8 1-2 | SW 1-2 | SW 1) 52:0 Ss 1-2} SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2-4| SW 3-4| WSW 3-4/SW 6|WSW 1-3|}SW 2-3 | W 1-2} 2°5 SW 2-3 | W 1-2| SW 1-2} WSW 1-2/}SW 2) WSW 2-4|)SW 1-2} SW al NE 1-2|SW 1|SW 1} 2°0 WSW 2-3/SW 1|/SW 2-3 | SSW 2|SW 2-3 | SW 2-3| WNW 1-2| WSW 2-3|}SW 2-6 | SW 3-5|SSW 3-6] 2°0 NW 1-2| W 1-3 | SW 1-3} WNW 1-2|N 2-3 | NW 2-3 | N 2-3 1-2|N 1|/N 1-3) N O-1 | 2:4 NE 2-3|N 1-2|N 1-3| NE 1-2| NE 2\N 24|/NNE 2-3|/N 3-4 | N 2-3 | N 3|N 2-3] 2:1 iS) 0-1/8 0-1/5 0-1/8 1/8 0-1 | SSE 1| SSE 0-1/5 0-1)5S 0-1/8 1-2/S 1-2] 0°8 Calm 0|E 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| W 0 | Calm 0} Calm 0| Calm 0 | Calm 0} Calm 0 | Calm 0} 08 NNW 0; Var. 0-1] Calm 0 1}| Calm 0 1| Calm O|N 0-1| N N 0 | Calm 0} 03 NW 0-1] Calm 0| Calm 0| Calm 0|/NNW 0-1|NNW O/;NNW_ O|N 0|/WSW 0O|}W 0-1| W UW NW 1-2| NW 2-3 | NW 2-3 2-4|NNW 2-3] NW 2-3 | NW 2|WNW 2|NW 1-2| WNW 2-3| W 2-3 | 21 WNW 1-2} WNW 2-4| NW 2-3| WNW 1-2 2) NW 2) W 2|W 2-3| NW 1-2 2-3 | W 1-2] 2°0 NNE 1-2/}NE 1-3)}ENE 1-2] Var. 1-2|NE 2-3|ENE 2-3|N 1-3} Var. 0-2|N 3 | Var 0-1| N 0-2] 1°9 2|N 2) W 2) W 2-3|WSW 2-4|SW 2) SW 2|SwW 2|SW 2) SW 2-3 | SW 1-2] 21 NNE 2-3] Var. 1-2] Var 1-2 | Var. 2-4) N 2-3|/N 1-2|N 2| Var. 0-1] Calm O|N 0-1| N 2-4] 19 1:72 1°67 1°58 1°65 1°85 1°93 1-78 2°00 175 1°72 1°70 | 1°76 b Fs N70. NNE10. NE12. ENE4. E22. ESH38. SH121. SSH43. $78. SSW25. SW73. WSW29. W63. WNW 24. NW30. NNW11. Calm 67. 350 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. WIND. DIRECTION AND Force (0 to 12). JULY 1896. | 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 uu 122 ~~ | Max, a | Rare Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force. |Dir'n. Force. Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force. |Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force. 1 |N 3-4] NNW 0-1|N 2-4 | Calm 0 | Calm O|NNE 1-2|NNE 1-2/N 2-3 | N 2-3|NNE 1-2) N 0-1 | NE 1-2 4 2 1 N 1-2|N 3-4| N 1-2 | Var. 0-1| Var. 0-1|N 0-2 | N 1-2| NNW 1-2] Calm O|N 0-1| N 1-2 | Calm 0 4 3 |SW 1)/SW 2| WSW TA 1)/SSW 0-2|SSW 1-2}SSW 1-2/SW 218 218 1|s 2-3 | SW 2-3| . 4 4 |N 12|N 0-1| Var. 1-3| Var. 0-2)NW 1-2;/NW 1-2|NW 12/NW_ 1-2|WSW 2-3)SW 2-3 | SW 2-4| WSW 2-4 4 5 | Var. 3-4|N 4-5 |N 4-5 | Var. 0-3 | N 2-4|N 0-2 | N 0| NW 2| NW 1} WNW. 0-1| W 0-1/5 1 5 6 | WSW 1-3/S 2-4 | SSW 2|Sw 2|SW 2| WSW 1|/SW 1/SSW 1-2|)SW 0-1 | SW 0-1 | SW 0|SW 0 4 7 | Calm 0} Calm O|N 0-1 | Calm O|N 0-1 | NW O|N 0-1 } Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm o;s 0/SSE 0-1 2 8 |S 1/Ss 1-2/8 0|SE 1-2 | SSE 2|SE 2|SE 2|SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 2| SE 3| SE 2-3 3 9 |SE 1-2 | ESE 2|SE 2|SSE 1-2/8 0-1 | SSE 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| Calm 0|/NNW 0-1|N 0-1 | N 0 3 10 | Var 0-1|N 1-2|N 1-2 2-3 | N 1-2|N 1| NE O|N 0 1) Calm 0|E 0-1) SE al 3 11 S 1-2/8 2/8 2\|S8 2-3/8 2-3 | SSH 3| SSE 2-3/5 3/8 2-3 | SSE 2-3 | SSE 3 | SSE 3 3 12 |SSW 23|SSW 2-3/S 3|S 8-4/8 4/8 2-4|/SSW 1-2/S 2-3|S 1-2)}8SW 1-3/8 1-2/SSW 1-3 4 18 2-3 | SW 2|/SW 2-3 | SW 2)/SW 1-2/SSW 2-3/8 3/5 3/58 3|SE 2-3/SSW 0-2/8 2-3 6 14 | SW 2-3/8 5|SSW 3-5|SW 2-5 | SSW 2| Sw 0-1} SW 0-2|/SSW 0-2/8 3|SSW 2/SSW 0-2|}SW 1 5 16 | N 1-2|N 0-1|N 0-1| N O|N O|N 1|NE 0 0-1| NE 0-1 | Calm 0| NE O|N 0 2 16 | WNW 0/ WNW 0-1|N 1|N 1|/N 0-1|/ N 1| NE o|N 0| Calm 0;|Ss 0| SE 0|S8 0-1 1 17 |S 1| SSW 1|W 1-2) W O|N 0| W 2-3 | W 2-3|NNW 1-2|N 1-2/N 2-3| NE 1|N 1 5 18 |W: 3-4 | W 3-4 | W 2-3 | W 2|W PAW Nii 1-21 W 2|W 2|W 1-2} WNW 0-1|NW_ 0-1| W 2 4 19 |W 1|WSW 2-4) WSW 3-5/SW 2-4 | W 2-3 | SW 3) WSW 0-2) SW. 2-3 | W 2-3 | WSW 2) WSW 1-2) W 0-2 5 20 | SW 1| WSW 2|SwW 2|WSW 2-4/SSW 2-3|/SSW 1-3/SW 1-2} WSW 0-2/SW 2|WSW 0-2| W 0-2 | SW 1 4 21 |SW 1)}SSW 1-2|SW 0-1 | Calm 0|SW 0|SW 0|W 0|SW 0-1 |SW 0|Ss 0|Ss 0 | Calm 0 2 22 |WNW 1 0|W O|N 0|N 0} Calm O|E 0| NE 0) W 1|N 0|N 0-1| N 0 1 23 |W 0-1} Calm 0| W 1-2 | W 0-1 | W 0| W 0-1| WSW 0-1|SW 0) SW 1| W 0-1 | Calm 0| WSW 0-1 2 24 | Calm 0} Calm 0O|ENE 1-2/E 1| ENE O|E 1-2|E 0-1/5 il 0|E 1/E 0-1'E 0 3 25 |E 0-2 1-3 2-4| E 5-6 | E 38-5|ESE 2-4|/ESE 3-4|ESE 3-5|ESE 2-4|ESE 1-4|E 1-2\)ESE 1-4 6 26 | SE 4|SSE 1-2|SE 3-4 | SE 1-2| SK 1-3 | SE 2|SE 1/8 3-4 | SE 3|SE 3/S 3\/SSH 2-3 6 27 |N 2-5|N 3-5 | N 2-4) N 1-3|N 0-2 | N 1-3 | N 0-2 | N 0-2 | NE 0-3 | N 0-1) N 0-1| N 1-3 5 28 |N 4|N 3/N 3-4 | N 4|N 3-4|N 2 1-2 | NNW 1| NW 0 | Calm 0| SSE o\s 1 6 29 | SSE 6| SE 4-5 | SE 4-5 | SE 3| SE 3-4 | SE 4-5 | ESE 4|SE 6|SE 6-7 | ESE 5|ESE 3-6| ESE 5 9 30 |E 8-9 | E 8|ESE 7-8] ESE 7| ESE 6| ESE 6 | ESE 6 | ESE 5 | ESE 5|E 4-5| E 5| ESE 4-5 9 31 | Calm 0| Calm O|N 0-1| N 1|N 2\N 2|N 2|N 2| NNW 1)/NNW 0-1|N 0|N 0 2 MBEAN 2°02 Prat 2°26 1°85 1°68 1°74 1:44 1:76 1:68 1:34 1°23 1°42 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | 21 22 23 Midnight. |Mean. Dir’n. Force.| Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.) Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.) Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.| Force. 1 | NE 1-2|/ESE 0-1] Var. 0-2|N 2-3 | N 1-2| Var. 1-2|NNE 1-2|N 2-3| Var. 0-1| Var. 0O-1|NNW 1-2] Var. 0-1] 15 2 Ni 0-1| N 1|N 0|NW 0-1|NW ~ 06-1] WNW 1-2} WNW 0-1|/WNW 1/|W 0-1 | W 1|/W 2| Ww 2} 1:0 3 (SW 3) W 1-2)}SSW 1-2|SSw 2|SW 2)|SW 2-3| N 2-4/ N 2-3 | N 1-3 | Var. 1-3 | Var. 2-3 | Var. 2-3] 1:9 4 |NW- 2-4|SW 1-3 | N 0-2| Var. 1-3] Var. 0-1| Var. 0-3/ Var. 0-1|/N 0-1| Var. 0-1|N 2-3) Var. 2-3/)N 9-4) 1°7 © 5 | SSW 2|}SW 1-3)}SSW 2-3|SW 1-2/SSW 2-3)}SW 1-2 | SW 1) WSW 4| SSW 4)SSW 2-3/SSW 3-4/SSW 3 || 22 6 | Calm 0|SW 0-1 | SSW 0| Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0/SE 0|SSE 0-1/SE 0-1|SE 0| Calm 0 | Calm 0| 07 7 | Calm 0/Ss 0-1) ESE 0| Calm 0 | Calm 0) SE 0-1 | SE 0|ESE 0-1/SE 0-1 | SE 1|/ESE 0-2/SSE_ 1-2; 03 8 | SE 3| SE 3) SE 2-3|)SSE 23)|SE 2-3 | SE 2|SE 2| SSE 2|SSE 2-3/8 1-2| SSE 1/SSE 1-2| 2:0 9 |N 1-2|N 0-1| E 0-2| N 3| NE 0-1| N 0-1| E 1-2|E 0-2|ESE 12/N 2-3) N 2|H 0} 1:0 10 | SE 1|E 0-1/5 0-1 | SW o/s 0|s 0-1/8 0|/SSE 0-1/5 0-1|}SSW 0-1|/SW 1/8 1-2) 0-7 Thess} 2-3/8 2-3/5 2|SSW 2-3/8 2-3|}SSW 2-3/8 3/8 2| SSW 1|S 2\S 2|8 2| 24 12 |S 1-2 | SW 1| W 1-3 | SW 1-2} WSW 0-2|SW 1-2| W 0-1; WSW 1-2 1|SW 2| WSW 2|SW 2-3} 2°0 13) Ss 2-5|SSW 1-2|S 2-3|SSW 3-4|/SSW 3-5/5 3-4 | SSW 2|/SSW 2-3/8 1|SW 2-3/8 46|SW 3-4| 2°6 14 |SW 0-1) W 0-1 | W 1-2 | Var. UN Nf 0-1 | Calm 0| W 0| SW 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0|N 0-1| N 1) 13 15 |N O|N 0-1| N 0-1| NNW 0-1/N 0-1) N 0-1| NE 0|N 0-1) N 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| 03 16 | SSE 0-1 | Calm 0| Calm 0 | Calm O|E 0O|N 0 | Calm 0| SE 0| SE 0-1/8 0/S 0-1/5 1| 03 U7 aN 0-1| NNW 0-2}NW~ 1-2|NW 3|N O-1|NW_ 1-2|W 1-2/ Var. 0-1| W 3;NW_ 1-2|W 3| W 4-5 | 16 18 | SW 1) W 2) W 2-3 | W 2 2-3|NNW 0-1|N 0;WNW 0-1| W 0,;WNW 2-3; WNW 1-3} W 1-3} 17 49) FWY. 0-2 | W 0-1 | W 0-2 | W 1-2 | WSW 1) WSW 1|W 1| WSW 2|WSW 1-2|SW 1-2)|WSW 1-2} WSW 2| 1:8 20 |\SW 2|SW 0-2 | SW 2-4| SW 2-3 | SW 0-1 | W 1|WSW 0-1|WSW 0-1|SSW 1| SW 0-1 | WSW 1| SSW 1} 14 | 21 | SW 0| NE 1-2 | Calm 0| Calm 0|ENE 0-1|SE 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm O|NW 0-1) WNW = 0O/Var. 0-1} 03 22 |N 0-1 | W 0-1| W 1 0-1) NW 0| W 0-1 | W 0-1 | N 0 | Calm 0| WNW 0O|W 0-1 | Calm 0} 03 23 | SW 1|NW 1| Calm 0| Calm 0) W 0| W 0|W 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0] 03 24 NE 0-1 ) Calm 0|SE 1-2| SE 0-1 | Calm 0|SE 0-1, E 0 0-1, E 1-3 3) E 1-2; E 0-1| 0-7 25 |E 2-4|E 4-5| E 2-5|E 2-5 3-6 | E 5 | ESE 6| ESE 3|SE 3| SE 3)SE 3-4| SE 3-4| 3:4 26 |S 3 | SSE 3/8 2\8s ae) 0-1 | W 1|/N 4|N 3-4 | N 4-6|NNE 1-4| NE 2-4| N 1-3 | 2°5 27 Ww 0-1| N 2-3| NE 2| NE 1|NE 2-4|ENE 1-3|N 4|N 2-3|N 2-4) N 1-3| N 2-3| N 3-4| 21 28 |S 0-1/8 1| SE 1|8 2|SE 3| SE 3 | SE 4|SSE 5| SE 5| SE 6| SE 6| SE 6| 28 29 | ESE 7 | ESE 6 | ESE 7| HSE 7|z 7| ESE 7| ESE 7|ESE 7-8] ESE 9|/ESE 8-9|ESE /7-8|SE 9| 61” 80 | ESE 4-5|SE 3| SE 3|SE 2|E 1} Calm 0|E 0-1; 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| Calm 0| Calm 0} 36 | 31 | SE 0 | SSE 0|E 0\|E 1| Calm 0|E 0| ESE 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0/Calm. 0/| Calm 0|W 0) Ob | MEAN} 1°58 1°47 1°53 1°65 1°37 1°39 1°44 1°53 1°58 1°68 1°90 1:94 | 1°65 | i N125. NNE5. NE18. ENE 4. E45. ESE 38. SE 65. SSE 25. S71. SSW42. SwW68. WSW29.. W71. WNW138. NW19. NNW11. Calm 95. WIND. i= = ‘ Dir’n. Force | 1 |calm 0 | 2 |Sw- 0-1 nas | N 0-2 4 |N 1-2 5 |NE 1-3 6) | N 1 4” IN 2-3 8 | NE 1 9 | Calm 0 0 |NW 0-1 i — —— NW N 2-4 WwW 3-4 Ww 0-2 N 3 . N 83 i Ss 2 ial Ww 0-2 ee Var. 0 ; s 12 Ww 1-3 | N 2-3 |os |Nw 45 i 24 |SW 2-3 | 2% Ww 1-2 | 26 |N 1 ear | N 3 | 28 N 0-1 | 29 |SW 4-6 H! 30 |S 6-7 | | 31 |Ssw 1 |/MEAN 1°85 i 13 fF | _ |Dir’n. Force. 1\s 0 2 | NW 0 3 |NE 0 a. || IN 0 m5 | N 0 6 |N 0-1 a |.N 0 8 |N 0 9 |SE 0 10 | NNW 2-3 NNW 0-1 Var. 0-1 E 0-1 N 0-2 Calm 0 Calm 0 SSE 2 SW 0 N 1 SSW 1-2 N 2-3 N 0-2 Calm 0 is} 0-1 Calm 0 N 1 N 0-1 NNW 3 SW 3-5 8 3-5 SSE 0-1 0°87 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. DIRECTION AND Force (0 to 12). 351 AUGUST 1896. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Max. .|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force. WwW 0) Ww 0-1/WNW 0O|W 1|NW 0;/NW _ 0-1/ Calm 0 | Calm O|N 0 | Calm 0|SE 0 1 w 1| W id} MWe 1|W 1-2} W 0-1|WNW 0| NW 0|SW 0|SW 0 | SSW 1/SSW- 0-1 2 N 2) NE 2-3 | N 2|NNW 2-3|N 3| NW 2|NNW 0-1/N 3) NW O| WNW 0O|NNE 0 3 N 2-3) N 2|N 2|N 3/N 12|N 2-3| N 1-2 | Var. 0| NE 0| SSW 0} Calm 0 3 NNE 1|N 3-4| NNW 1-3| NNW 0-2/N 0-1} NNW 0-2|N 0-2/N Oo| NNW 0/| Calm 0 0 4 N O|N 0-1) N 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-2|N 0-2 | N 1/N 0-1) N 0-2 | N O|N 0-1 3 N 2-3| N 2-3 | N 2-3 | N 0-3| N 0-3 | N 0-2|N 0-2| N 1-3|N 0-2|N 1-2 | Var. 0 4 N 0-2|N 1-3 | N 1-2|N 0-2 | N 1-3| NNW 1-3|N 0-1 | Var, 0-1 | Calm 0; Var. 0-1|NNW 0-1 3 N 0-1} Var. 0-1| NE 1|N 1-2|N 2|N 0-2 | N 0-1| N 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| SE 0 2 Calm Oo|/ NW 0-1|N 0| NW 1| NW 2|NNW 3/NNW 1-2) NW 1] NW 2|NNW 2-4|NW 2-3 4 WNW 3/NW_ 1-3| NNW 2)NNW 2-3|NNW 0-2; NNW 0-1}/NNW 1-2} NNW 0-2;}NNW 1-2|}NNW 1-2} NNW 0-1 4 NNW 4|NNW 2-4;NW 2-3/NW- 2-3] WNW 2-3] W 1-2 | WSW 2) WSW 0-2 1-3/NW 0-1| Var. 0-1 4 WwW 3-4 | W 3) W 2-3 | W 2) WSW 1-2} WSW 2 2) NNW 0-1|}NNW O|NNW 0O/NNW 0 4 Var. 0-2|N 0-2) Var. O-1/N 0-1| W 0|W 0-2 | NW 0|N 2 0-1| N 0-1| N 1-2 4 N 1-3| N 0-2|}NNE 0-1|N 0-2) N 1-3 | Var 0-1 | NE 0 | Calm 0| NNE 0o|N 0|SE 0 3 3) N 0-2 |N 3) N 3-4 | N 41N 0-2|}NNE 0-2|N 0-2 | N 0-2 | NW 1-2|N 0 4 SSW 2|8 1-2/}SSW 1-2|)SW 1;8 1/58 1-2/8 1-2|S 1-2/8 1-2|SSE 2-3 | SSE 1-2 6 Ww 2) NW 0-3 | N 1-2] Var. 0O-1| NW 0-2) N 0-1} NNW 0-1|WSW 0-1| WSW 1-2| WSW 1-2|WSW 1-2 3 Calm 0| W 0 | Calm 0| NNW O|N 0-1| N GN 0| Calm 0| Calm O|N 1|N 1 1 Ss 2/|8 2| WSW 2| SSW 2| WSW 2|SW 2-3 | SW 2'SSW 1| Sw 2;SSW 2-3/SSW = 2-3 3 N 2|N 0-1|}NNW 1-2/N 1-2|NE 1-2|N 1/N aN 1-2 | Calm O|N 0-1; N 2-3 4 N 2-3 | N 3 BIEN 1-3| N 0-1) N 0-2 | Calm 0|W 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| W 1-2 4 N 2-3/N 38-5|NNW 3-4] NNW 3-4/N 0-3|N 0-2) N 0-2 | N 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| Calm 0 5 SW 2-3) WSW 1-2) WSW 1| W 0-1 | SW 0-1|N 0-1 | W 0-1 | Calm 0O|N 0-1 | W 0-3 | W 0-2 4 NNW 1-2/Var. 1-2|NNW 2/N 0-1) N 0-1|N 0-1}/ NNW 0-1 0-2| N 0-2 | N 0-1; N 0-1 2 Calm 0} Calm 0| NW O|N 0-1) N 0-1 | Calm 0O|N CaN 0-1 | Calm O|N O|N 1 4 3/N 2|/N 2-3/N 1-3] E 0-3 | E 1-2) N 1-2|N 0-1|E 0-1 | Var 0-1] Var. 0-2 4 Bs 0-2 | NNW 2)| NW 0-1) W 1-3 | W 0-3 | NW 1-3 | NW 0-3 | N 1-3 | W 3-4 | W 2| W 4 6 WSW 4-5] W 3-5 | WSW 6| W 3-5 | SW 1-4| SW 2-3| SW 3-5 | SW 2-4| SW 2-6 | SW 4-6| SW 2-4 8 5-6| WSW 4/SSW 47|/SW 4-7| Var. 1-6|/SSW 3-6/S 3-4/8 3-6/5 2-5/8 3-5/5 2-3 7 8 2\8 2/8 2|SSE 2) SSE 3/5 2-3/5 2\5 3|SE 2|SE 0-2 | SE 2 3 1°94 1°81 1°84 177 1°52 1°39 1-11 1:06 0°94 1°05 1:03 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Midnight. |Mean. Dir’n. Force.) Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Force. Ss 0) SSE 0|s o/s 0|s 01s 0| SSW 0 | Calm 0|Ss 0| W CONS) 1] 01 SW 0| NW 0} Calm 0| Var. 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm O|N 1-2] 0-4 N 1|N 21N 0-2 | N 1/S 0 | Calm o|N 1|/N 1-2|N 0-1) N 2|N 2-3 | 1°3 Calm 0| Calm O| NNW O|N 0-1| N 1-2|/N 12|N 1-2) N 1-2 | Calm O|N 3/N 3] 1:2 Calm 0 0| NE 0-1| N 0| NE O|N 0 | Calm O|N O|N O|N 0-1/N 0-1] 06 N 1| Var. 0O|N 0-2 | N 0 | Calm 0O|N 0-3 | Calm 0|/NE O|N 0-2| N 1-2|N 1-3] 0°8 N 0-1 | ENE 1| Calm 0 | Calm 0| SE O|N 0-2 | N 0-3 | N 1-3|N 0-2| N 0-4) N 0-4 | 1:3 N 0-1 0 | Calm O;/NW 1-3;NNW- O/|]NNW 0-1/N O|N 1| Calm 0| Calm O|E 0| 0-7 Calm 0 | Calm 0|SE 0} Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm O|N O|N Oo|N 0 | Calm 0) Calm 0} 03 1-2 2-3);NW 1-2|NW~ 1-4] W 0-3 1-2 | NW 2|N 0-2;|NW 0-2) WNW 2-3/N 1-2) 16 NNW 1-2|)}N 20 Ni O|}/NW 0-1|NNW 1-2)| NNW 1-2!N 2|N 3'1NNW 3/NNW _ 3!N 3-4] 1:6 Var. 0-1) NNW 2| Var. 2|N 0-2|NNE 0-3/N 0-2 | N 1-3 | NW O|N 0o|N 0-1} N 2/ 16 Calm 0| Var. 0| W 0|W 0-1 | W 0-1| N 0 | Calm 0| W 1-2| W 0-1 | W 0-1/NW 0-1) 1:0 N O|N O|N 0-2 | N 0-3 | N 1-3|N 0-2) Var. 0-1/Var. 0-1/N 1-4|ENE 12/|N 1-3} 1:0 Calm 0| Calm 0|/NNE 0-1/N 0-1|N 1-2|NNW 0-1/N 2|N 0-2| N 2|N 3/N 3] 1:0 ENE 1-2/5 1} Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| Calm 0|Ss 0-1/8 1/8 1/8 1-2)8 Pal ia I 3 SE 4-5 | SEH 5| SE 5|SE 5|SE 4-5 | SE 6|SE 5-6/5 3-5/8 4-5 | WSW 3) Var. 0-2] 2°9 SW 0-1|SW 1-2) W 1-2 | SW 0-3/SSW 1-2/8 0-2 | W 2-3 | W 1-2| W 0-2 | W 0-1} WSW 1-2/ 1:2 N 1|/N 0 | Calm 0| Calm 0 | Calra 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| Calm 0|S 0-1 | SSE 1\s 1} 03 SW 1-2| SW 1-2 2-3 | W 1|/N 1 1 1 0-1 | W 1\/N O|NW 0-1; 1°55 2-3 | N 1-3 | Calm 0|N 2|N 0-2|N 0-2 | N 1-4|N 2-3| N 2-4|N 2-4|N 3) 17 WNW 0-1| W 3| W 3| NW 4| NW 41 W 3-4 | W 3-4 | NNW 2|N 0-1| NNW 0-1| W 3-4] 1:9 Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0} Calm Oo;}S oO1)5 0-1;)SSW 1-2;)SW 2) WSW 2|/WSW- 2! 1:3 WNW 2/|W 0-3| Var. 0-2] Var. 0-2|N 0-2)/NW 24/NW 24|/NW = 1-3/W 1-3) WNW 1-3 1-2] 1:4 Ww 0-1 | Calm 0| Var. 0-1|N 0-2| N 0-1| N 0-2 | N 0-1; Var. 0-1} Calm O|N 0-1|WNW 0-1] 0-7 Ww 0-1 |} Calm O|NW 0-3|N 4| Calm 0 | Calm O|N 0-1 | Calm O|N 0-1|N 2|N 1-4| 0°7 N 0-2| NE 0-2 | N 0-1) N 0-2 0-1 1-4|N 1-2 1-2|N 1-2|NNW 1|NNW 2-3] 1°4 SW 2) Ww 1| W 2-3 | W 2-3 | SW 4/SW 2-3|NW 2-4|Var. 2-4) WNW 2-3|SW 4|SW 4-5] 2°4 SSW 6| SW 5-6 | SW 3-6 | SW 3-5 | SW 3-6 | SW 3-5 | SW 3-5/S 3-5 | SW 3-5 | SW 3-5|SSH 6-8] 4:3 SSW 0-2} SW 38/SSW 2-3] W 0-2 | SW 2|Sw 2-4 | SSW 3| SW 3|SW 2-3/5 3 1-2| 3°4 i) 2|SSE 0-2|SE 0-1|SSE 0-1] Calm 0 | Calm 0|\|E 0 | Calm 0|/ESE 0-1/ESE 0-1|E 0] 13 1:08 1:18 1:06 1:24 1-11 1:26 1:42 1:29 1:24 1:56 1:92 | 1°36 N257. NNE7. NE12. ENE3. E8. ESE2. SE17. SSE11. S51. SSW20. SW46. WSW19. W67. WNW1l. NW43. NNW 52, Calm 118, BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. WIND. DIRECTION AND Force (0 to 12). SEPTEMBER 1896. 1 2 3 4 5 6 u/ 8 9 10 11 12 Max, Dir'n. Force.|Dir'n. Force./Dir'n, Force.|Dir’n.Force.|Dir’n, Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force,| Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Korce. 1 | Calm 0} Calm 0 | Calm 0} Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 2 2 | ESE 0} Calm 0|E 0-1 | ESE 1/5 0-1! N 0-1|NNE 0-1;NNE 0-2|NNE 0-1| NE 1| NE 0-1| NE 0-2 4 3 |E 4-5|E 4-5|E 4-5|E 3-4) E 3/E 14|)E 0-3) E 1/E 1\E 0-2/5 12|)N 2-3 5 4 |SE 2| ESE 2|SE 1-2 | SSE 0|SSE 1|SE 1-2)ESE 0-1/ESE 1-2) ESE 1) SE 1-2| SE 1| SE 0-1 3 5 | ESE 3/SE 3|SE 1-2|ESE 0-1/E 1-2/5 0|5H 0-1 | E 1| ENE 0] NE 2|NE 2|NE 2-3 3 6 |E 1/E 1-2\E 0-1| E 0|E 0-1/5 0-1] E 0/5 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0/5 0|zH 0-1 2 7 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0} Calm 0} Calm 0 | Calm 0| Calm 0 | Calm 0 3 8 is 0-1/SSW 0-1| SSW 1/8 0-1/8 1/Ss 1/8 IS 1/8 1-2/8 0-1 | SSE 1| SSE 1-2 4 9 |ESE 3-4/SE 384|)ESE 4-5|/ESE 4-5|/ESE 4-5] ESE 5 | ESE 5|E 5 | ESE 6| ESE 7 | ESE 5| SE 5 7 10 |SE 6-7| ESE 6-7] ESE 7|ESE 5-6|E 5/E 4-6|E 3-5 | E 4-5|E 5 | SSE 4|SSE 6|S 4-5 7 ll |8 5-6 | SE 4|SSE 4|SE 5| SE 5-6 | SE 5 | ESE 5|SE 4-5|SSE 4-5/|SE 4-5/S 3-4|SE 4-5 6 12 | ESE 4-5/SE 4| ESE 4| ESE 4/ESE 3-4/ESE 2-4/5 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 1-3/ SE 2-3 | SE 2-4|SE 2-3 5 13 |SSE 23/SSE 2-3|SSE 3| SSE 3 2|SSE 218 1-2/ SE 2-3|SH 2-3 | SE 2-3|)ESH 23/ESE 2-3 3 14 | Calm 0} Calm 0|SSE 0-1/5 0-1/8 0-1/8 0-1/5 1-2/8 1-3/8 2-3/8 1-3/8 2-3|SSW 0-3 5 15 | N 1-4/N 4|NW 2-4) W 3-4|NW 2-4|NNW 1-3| WNW 0-2| W 1-3 | W 2-3 | W 2-3) WSW 3-4] WSW 2-3 5 16 |W 2-4 2-4) WSW 3-5| W 38-4) WSW 2-5|WSW 2-5) WSW 2-5) WSW 2-4| W 1-4| W 3-4 | W 1-3|NW 2-4 5 17 |W 2|WNW 1-4) WNW 2-5|NW 0-4) NNW 0-2] WNW 1-4| W 1-3 | W 2-3) WSW 2-3| W 2-3 | SW 3-4| SW 2-4 8 18 |N 0-2) N 1-3 | N 2-3| N 0-3} NNW 0-2] NW 0-2| N 0-3 | W 0-2 | W 1-2} WSW 1-2} W 0-2 | W 2-3 3 19 |W 0-2 | NW 2\|N 2) N 1-3} N OA ANE 2|NW 0-1| N 0-1|N 0-2}; NNW 0-1/N 0|N 0 3 20 | N 0| Calm O|N 2) Var. 0-1 | Calm 0| NE 0| NNE 0 | Calm 0|/NNE 0-1|N O|N 0-1|NNE 0-1 2 21 |N 1-2 | NNE aD GN 1|N 0-2 | N 1/N 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0;/SSE 0-1/|SSE 1| SSE 1 4 22 |SE 4| SE 4-5 | SE 5| SE 6|SE 6|SE 7|\SE 6-7| SE 6-7 | SE 6-7 | SE 8|SE 7| ESE 6 8 23 |NNE 0-1|/NE 0-2) N 0-1| NE 2-3 | N 1-3 | N 2-3 | N 0-1} Var. O-1| Var. 1-2/ Var. 1-2|N 1-3] Var. 0-2 3 24 |N 0-2} Var. 0-1|N 0-1) N 0-1| NNW 0-2|}NNW 0-2/NNW 0-3 0-2|;NW 1-3|NNW 0-1/N 0-1|N 1 3 25 |S 1-2|}SSW 2-3|SSE 3| SE 3|SE 2-3 | SE 1/E 1-2 | Calm O|N 1|E 2-3 | N 2-3) N 2-3 3 26 | W 1| W 1-2 | WSW 1/SwW 0-2 | SSW 3/S 3-4 | SSE 4|SSE 4-5/8 41S 41S 41s 4 5 Pre WANE 2-3! W 1-2} WSW 2-3} WSW 1-2/8 3| SE 4/SE 3| SE 3;S 2-3 | SW 1|/N 3| NE 2-3 4 28 |N 0-3 | NW 0-3 | NE 1-3| N 1-2 | Var. 0-2 | N 2-3 | N 2|NNE 2)|N 2-3/N 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-2 3 29 |W 2-3|WSW 1-2/S 4/S 2-3 2-3|S 2-3/8 2-3/5 2-3)5 3/8 218 2-3|SSW 0-1 4 30 | W 1-2 1-2} W 2|W 2-3) WSW 2-3|SW 2-3 | SW 3|SW 3) SW 2-3 | SW 3-4 | SW 4-6| WSW 3-6 6 MEAN 2°02 2°08 2°35 2°10 2°12 2715 1°88 1:96 2°08 2°13 2°26 2°16 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Midnight. |Mean.| Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n, Force.|Dir’n. Force. | Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force. Force, 1 |N 0-1 | Calm O|N 0| Calm 0O|NNW O|NNW 1-2/N 1/N 1-2|N 1;/NNW 1-2|NNE 1/ Calm 0} 0-3 2 |NE 1-3 | NE 1-3}ENE 1-3/E 2-3|)E 2-3 | SE 2-4] EH 2-3 | ESE 2|E 3|E 3-4| E 3-4| E 4/16 3 | NE 3-4| N 3-4|NNE 3-4/E 0-1 | NNW 2|ENE 2| NE 0| NE 0| NE 0|SE 1| SE 2| ESE 2) "oan 4 | ESE 0|ESE 0-1/SSE 0|SE 0-1) E 1|/ENE 1-2|5 1-2/E 2|ESE 2-3] ESE 3| ESE 3|SE 3) 14 5 | Calm 0|ENE 1-2|E 0| =z 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0| Calm 0|E 0-1) E 1|E 1|E 1-2/|E 1-2| 1:0 6 | ESE 1-2/8 0-1 | SE 1} SE 1|SE 0-1 | SSE 1/Ss 0-1 | Calm 0/| SSE 0/SE 0-1/8 0-1/8 0} 05 7 0-1] E 0-1 | SE 0|ESE 0-1/SE 0-1|SE 0-1] SE 0-1 | SE 1|SE 2| SE 1-2|SE 2|SE 2-3 | 0°5 8 |} ESE 1-2|SSE 2| SSE 2|SE 2|SE 2-3) SE 2-3 | ESE 2|SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | ESE 3|E 3/E 3-4 | 17 9 |SE 5-6| SE 5-6/ ESE 5-6| ESE 6|ESE 67|E 3-5|ESE 6-7/E 5-7| ESE 6-7) E 4-5|E 5-6 46| 52 lo |S 4-5|S 4/SE 3-4/8 3/8 3-4/5 2-3|S 3-4|SSE 2-3/8 2| SE 3-4|SSE 3-4/SSE 3-4 | 4:3 11 | ESE 4-5| ESE 5|ESE 5-6/ESE 5-6|ESE 5-6/SE 6|E 5|SE 5-6 | ESE 6|SE 5 | ESE 5 | ESE 4/49 12 | SE 3-4| SE 4|SH 4|SE 3|SE 4-5|E 4-5|E 4|SE 3-4 | SSE 3-4 | SSE 2-3) ESE 3-4|SSE 3] 3°4 18 | ESE 1-3/ESE 0-1|SE 0-1|/ ESE 0-1] ESE 2|E 0|SE 1-2|SE 0| SE 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0} 15 14 s 2-4/8 3/8 4/8 4-5| WNW 1-3|NW 1-3 | NW 2-3 | NW 2-4 | Var. 2-4 | Var. 2-5 | NW 2-3 | N 2-4] 21 15 | WSW 1-3) W 2-4) WSW 2-4) W 2-4| SW 0-1| W 1-3 | W 0-1 | W 0-3 | NW 4-5| WNW 1-4} Var. 1-4 | N 2) 2°5 16 | W 2-5 | W 2-4| W 2-3 | W 2|W 1-3 | W 2)N 2-3 | W 0-2 | W 2-4 | NW 1-4] W 1-2 | W 0-2 | 27 17 | SW 2-3/8 5-6|5S 7-8|S 2-4 | SW 2-5 | SW 4-6|SSW 3-4| W 3-5 | W 1-4|NW 2-3|NNE 1-3|N 0-2} 3:0 1s |W 1-2} WSW 0-2| SW 0-1} WSW 0-1| WSW 1-3|}SW 1-3 | SW 0-2 0-2 | N 0-2 | N O|N 0-1| WSW 1-2} 13 19 |NNE 0-1|N 0 | Calm 0| Calm 0|W O|N 1(N 1-2|NNE 1-2}NNW 1-2| Calm 0| Calm O|N 0} 08 20 | Calm 0O|NNE 0-1|N 1-2|N 1| Calm 0| 5 O|N 0-1 | Var. 0} Calm 0; NE 0-1 | N 1|N 1| 04 21 |S 2| SSE 2|/SSE 0-1/SE 1-2|SSE 1-2/SE 2-3 2-3 | SE 3 | SE 8-4 | SE 3-4 | SE 4|SE 4/16 22 | ESE 6|/ENE 4-5 2)/ESE 0-2|E 1-2)}ENE 0-2}NNE O|N 1-2/N 0-1|NNE 0-2] NE 1-3| ENE 0-3} 40 23 | Var. 1-3|NNE~ 0-3| Var. 0-2] NE 0-3|}ENE 1-3|}NNE 2-3/NE 1-3 | N 1-2|N 0-1| N 1-3| N 1-2 | N 1] 15 24 NW 1|;WNW 1-2|N 0-1 | W 0-1 | SW 1-2| SW 2|WSW 1-2/8 3) WSW 2-3|SW 3|SW 2\8 2) Us 26 | Var. 0-2|N 2-3|E 1-2|N 0-1 | Calm 0} Var. 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 O|N 0-1) N O|N 0-1) 1:2 26 |WSW 3-4) WSW 3-5|/SW 2-4) SW 2-4|NW 0-2| WNW 2-4| WNW 2-3) WNW 2-3|}|NW 2-4|NW 2-3) WNW 0-2) W 2-4] 2°83 27 |NNE 3-4|N 3-4| NNE 0|N 3| NW 0|NNW 0-1/N 1|/N 0-1; N O|N 0-1 0| W 1-2/ 18 28 | NE 0-1| NNE 38|NNE 0-1| NE 0-1} Var. 0| NE 0-1) N 0-1 | N 0-1| N 1-2|N 1-3 0-2|NW_ 1-2] 14 29 |SW 1-2| NW 1-2|}SW 0| W 1-2|N 0-1 | Calm 0| NW 0-1 | NW 0 | Calm 0| NNW 1| WNW 0-1| WNW 0-1] 1°55 | so | SW 5-6 | SW 4-6 | SW 38-6|SSW 4-5;SSW 4-5/S 6|5S 3-5 | W 0-3| WSW 4-5] W 1-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2-4| 3-4 | MEAN 2°30 2°49 2°00 1:90 1°76 2°03 1°80 1:80 2°06 2°00 1°95 2°00 | 2°06 i N97, NNE23, NE 24. ENE9, E71. ESE 61. SE91. SSE 33. S62. SSW10. SW 30. WSW 26. W 55. WNW 14. NW 24. NNW 15. Calm 75, BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 353 me WIND. DIRECTION AND Force (0 to 12). OCTOBER 1896. ‘fe 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Max. EA. || == SS SS | SS Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.|Dir’nsForce.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force. | Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force. 1 |ssw- 2-3| SSW 4)WSW 1-2| W 2|WSW 2-3 | SW 0-3|WSW 2-2|WSW 1-3|SW_ 2-3|SW 2|SW 2-3|WSW 1-2) 4 2 |S 3|/SW 2-3 | SW 3|5 3-4 | SW 3) SW 2|SW 3) SW 2-4| WSW 2-3) W 2-4 | SW 3/SW 23] 5 3 | Calm O|E 14/ENE 1-2/ENE 1-3/N 0-2| N 12|)N 12/)/N 1|NW 1} Calm 0|N O-1;)/NW 1-2| 5 4 |SW 2-5) W 2-5 | W 2-4 | W 3-4 | NW 2|NW 1-3|}NW = 2-3) WNW 2-4| NW 2) NW 3) W 2-4| WNW 2-3] 5 5 |W 2-3 | W 3-4] WNW 2-4| NNW 2-3] W 2-3 | W 1-4|NW 2-3/N 3-4|N 2-3) NNW 2-4| NW 3|NNW 1-2| 4 6 | WNW 2-3| W 2-4 | W 4-5 | W 3-5| WNW 2-5| WNW 2-4| WNW 2-3) NW 3!WNW 3] WNW 3-4| WSW 2-4) W 2-4 5 | 7 | WNW 3-4| NW 2-3 | W 2-3 | W 3 1-3 |} 1-2| N 1-2| WNW 1-2) WNW 1-2| W 1-2|WSW 1-2|SW 1-2 8 | 8 | ESE 9|ESE 7-8|ESE 6-7|SE 6-7 | SE 6-7 | SE 7|SE 5-6|SSE 7-9|/SSE 6-8/S 7\S8 4-5/8 5-7} 9. } 9 |SSW 45) WSW 3-6 1-4 | SW 2-4 | W 2-5 | SW 3-6 | SW 3-4|WNW 3/SW 3-4 | W 2-4)SW 24)SW 2-3| 6 | no. N 1-2| NE 1-2} NE 12 | NE 2-3, N 2-3 | N 2-3) N 2-3 2-3| N 2-4|N 2-3 | NNE 3 2-3] 4 | |} 11 |NNE 2-3|N 2-4' NE 2-4| N 2-4|N 2-4|NNE 2-4|N 3-4 | N 3-5 | N 3-6 | N 5-7 | N 5-8 | N 3-5 8 if 12 | NE 2-4|N 2-4|N 2-4|N 1-3| N 12 1-2|N 1-2|N 2-3) N 2-3] N 2-3 | Calm O|N 1-2; 4 } 13 | NE 0-1] NE 1-2|N 1|/N 1;/NNE 12|N 12|N 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-2|N 1/ Calm oO; 2 14 [N 0-1) E 1-2 | ESE 3| SE 3| SEH 3-4 | SE 3/SE 3-4|SE 3-4 | SE 3) ESE 3-4|ESE 3-4) SE 3 4 | 15 |N 0-1} N 1|N 0-1|N 0-1} N 0-1| NNE 1|N 0-1| NE 1| NE 1|NNE 0-1| Calm 0) NNE 1} 3 | 16 |N 1-2|N 1-2|N —» 1-2) N 2-3| N 23|NE 24|NE 23/NE 34|/NE 23/NE 2-3|NE 3| 4 a | W 1/w . 1)/NW 0-1)}WNW- 2|NW 2) NNW 2-3)}NW 2-3) NW 0-1 | Calm 0) WNW 1-2) W 1-2| Var. 0-1 4 ) 38 N 3-4 | N 3-4| N 3-4| N 3-4|NNE 2-3|)N 1-2|N 1-2 | Calm 0|NNE 12|NNE 2|N 2-3 2-4 8 | 19 |N 1-2|N 0-2) NNW 2-3|}NW 2-4)NW_ 2-4|NNW 2-4|N 2-4|NW 2-4|N 3-5 | N 3-5|N 1-3| N 2-4) 6 20 N 4-6 | NNE 5|N 3-5 | N 24|NNE 2-3|N 2-3) NNW 2-3/N 2-4| N 1-2|N 2-4| N 2-3 | NE 2-3] 6 21 |N 2-3 | N 2-3 | N 3-4) N 3-4|NE 2-4) NE 2-3| N 1 1-2) N 2-4)NNE 3-5!N 2-5|NNE 2-4| 5 | 22 | NE 0-2 | NE 0-2 | NE 0-2 | N 12|N 0-1/ N 1-2 | Calm O|N 0-1| N 1-2|;NNE 0-1; NE 0-i | Calm 0 2 23: |N 1|N 1-2|)N 1)NNW 1/N 0-2| N 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-2|N 0-1 | NW 0|s 0\s 0-1) 5 a 24 |WSW 3-4|N 2-3| WNW 1-2)}NW~ 2-3| NE LN 1|N 1|N 0-2 | NNW 0 0-1 | NW 0/5 2-3 4 a Calm 0 | Calm 0| NE 0-1|/ NE 0|NE 0-1) NE 0-1)ENE 0-2) ENE 0| NE 0| NE 2-3|N 0-2|N 2-3| 4 | 26 | NE 2-3;/;NW 24/NNE 2-3|NNE 2-3|N 0-2 | NE 0-3 | N 2-3| N 0-3|NNE 1-4|N 2-3|N 1-3/N 0-2) 5 iar |N 3-4 N 2-4 2-5|NNE 4-8|N 1-5|NNE 3-7|N 1-4|N 4-6|N 6-9| N 3-6 | N 4-6 | N 0-3) 9 |} 2 |N 1-2/N 1-2|N 12|N 1|N 1-2|N 1|N 1|N 1-2|N 2|N 1|N 0-2| NNW 1-2 6 | 29 |N 2-4|)N 2-4| NNE 3\N 2-5|NNE 46|N 4-6|N 5-7| N 4-8|N 4-8|N 4-6|NNE 0-4|N 2-3) 8 NE 24/N 0-3 | NNE 3/N 1-3|N 2-5|N 2-5|NNE 2-5|N 3-5 | N 2-4 | NE 0-3 | NE 1-4|N 2-4) 5 N 2-4) N 1-3 | N 3-5 | N 3-5|N 1-5| NE 3/NNE 3-4|N 0-3 | N 0-2 | N 3-4| N 3-4) NNW 4-5| 5 2°47 2°53 2°48 2°66 2°40 2°45 2°39 2°45 2°53 2°61 2°26 2°23 13 14 15 16 iif 18 19 20 21 22 23 Midnight. |Mean. Dir’, Korce.|Dir’n. Force |Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.) Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force.) Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Force. | 1\|wsw 2/sSw 2)WSW 2-3) SW 2|WSW 2-3/SW 2-3)}WSW 2/SW 2-3 | SW 1-3; WSW 2-3) SW 2) SW 3) 2°38 | SW 3-4|W 2-4 | NW 3;|WNW 3/N 2-4|NW 23;/NW 2-4)WNW 3/|NNW 3-5|/N 1-4) N 2-3] NE 1-4] 2°9 1/SW 1-2|)SSW 2/58 3/SSW 3-4/SSW 4-5|SW 2-4/8 3-5 | SW 4| SW 3-4/SW 3-4/SSW 2-5] 21 WNW 2-3| W 2-4 | W 2-3 | WS W 3| W 2-4 | NW 2-3) WNW 2-3) SW 2-4|NW 1-3} WNW 3) W 3-4 | W 3-5 | 2°8 2-4)/NW 1-2) W 3|}WNW 23|WNW 3-4|NW 2-4|WNW 3|/ NW 2|N 3-4;NW 2-4) WNW 2-3} W 2-3) 2°7 WNW 2/)WNW 2-3/| W 3-4 | W. 1-3 | W 2-3 | W 3;/NW 12/|)W 1-2)WNW 2|W 2-3|NW 1-3} W 3-4| 2°8 SW 1-2/SW 1/8 2|SE 3| SE 2|SE 3-4 | SE 4/ESE 5-6|E 7\E 7-8 | ESE 8/E 6| 31 SSW 3-5|/SSW 3-6/SSW 5-6/5 4-6|SSE 5-6| W 4-6 | W 2-5 | SW 3-5 |S 6/8 4-6 SW 3-6/8 5-6] 58 SW 1|N 1-2 | Var 0-1 | Var 0-1 | Calm 0O|N 2-3 | NE 2-3 | N 2-3 | N 2-3 | N O|N O|N 0-1) 2°3 NNW 3-4|N 3-4 1-3) N 2-4| N 1-2|N 2|NNE Te eN) 2-3 | NNE TUN 2-3| NE 2-3);NNE 1-3] 2°38 2-3 | NE 2-3|N 2-3) NE 2-4| N 1-3; N 2-4|N 1-2| NE 2-4 | NE 3-5 | NE 3-5 | N 1-2; N 2-4] 3°3 Calm 0|NE 0-1|NNE 1-2/N 1-2|N 1-2 | Calm O|N 1-2|N 2-4| N 1-2 | Var 1-2|N 1-2} N 1-2} 1°7 N 1-2|N 1| NE 0-1} N 1) N 12)N 2)N 1|N 1/N 1/NE 0-1| NE 1|/N (0) ]) al-al SE 3|SE 3|SE 3| SE 3| SE 2-3 | SE 3|SE 3/ESE 2-3/SE 2-3| SE 1/SE 0-1] SE 0} 26 N 1-2|N 2|N 1-2|N 2-3|NNE 1-2| NNE 2|N 2 | Calm O|N 0-1| N 1-2) N 1|/N 1-2] 11 N 12|N 2|N 2-3|N 3-4|N 2-4|N 9-4|N 1-2|N 2-3|N 1-4|N 0-1] NE 1| SE 0-1] 21 N 1-2 | Calm 0; NE 1-2 | NW 2)N 1-3] N 2-4|N 1-4| NE 0-2 | NE 2-4 | N 2-4) N 2-4|N 2-4) 17 N 3-6| NE 3-5 | N 2-4|N 1-3 | N 3-5 | N 4-8| N 4-7|N 3-6 | N 3-6 | N 3-6 | NE 3-6 | NE 3-6 | 3°3 N 2-4| N 1-2|N 1-2/Var. 24/N 3-5 | NE 24!/NNE 1-3)N 2-3 | N 3-5 | N 3-5 | N 4-6 | N 4-6] 3°0 N 1-2|N 2)N 2-3|NNE 2-3; NNE 2-3|N 2-3 | NE 2|N 2-3); NE 2|N 2-3, N 2|)N 2) 26 NNE 2-4) N 1-2|N 1-2|N 0-1|NNE 2/N 0-1|N 2-3| N 0-1| NE 1|N 0-2 | N 1-2|N 1-2] 2-1 N 0-2 | N 1/N 1| Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0|N 1-2|N 1|N 1-2] 07 WwW 1-2 | SW 1-2| SW 1-2 1-2} WSW 0-2|)SW 1-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 3-4 | SW 3-4 | SSW 4|/SW 3-4 | SW 4-5| 17 Calm 0| WSW 1) SSW 1|SW 1|SW 1-2/8 1-2} WSW 0-1)5 2/8 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0} 11 NE 1-3|N 2-3)|NW 1-2|N 2-3 | N 3-4| NE 1-3)NNE 1-3|N 2-4)NNE 2-4|NE 2-4|)N 2-3|N 2-4| 16 N 1-2 1-2|N 1-3)NNW 1-3|NE 0-2 | N 1-3] Var. 0-1|N 2-4|N 3-4 | N 3-4) N 3-5|NW 3-4} 2°2 Var 0|/NNE 0-1} Calm O|N 2-4 | Calm O;|N 0 | Calm 0 | Calm O|N 0-1|N 0-1) N 1)N 1] 2°4 NNW 0-1|N 1) Calm O|N 0|NNE 0-3/N 3/N 3-5 | NE 4| NE 4-6|N 3-5 3/N 2-3] 1°9 N 2-3| N 2-3| NE 2-3|N 3|NNE 3-4|N 3-4) N 2-3 | N 2-4|N 3-4|NNE 4-5|NNE 3-5|NNE 2-4] 3:7 NE 0|zE 0-2|NNE 2-3) Var. 1| NE 0-1/E 1-2 | Var 0-1 | NE 0-2 | N 2-4) N 2-4 | N 3-4 | NE 2-5 | 2°3 NNW 0-2|N 2-3 | NE 2-4| NE 2-4|NNE 0-1|N 2-4|N 3-4|N 3|N 2-4| NE 1-3 | N 0-3| NE 2-3| 2:7 1°85 1°90 2°03 2°21 2°15 2°50 2°16 2°45 2°74 2°65 2°50 2°60 | 2°38 N312. NNE47. NE73. ENE4. E7. ESE9. SE27. SSE3. S18. SSW12. SW49. WSW19. W43. WNW 28. NW 37. NNW16. Calm 40. TRANS. ROY. SOC. EDIN.—VOL. XLIII. 2 Ne 354 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. | | WIND. DIRECTION AND Force (0 to 12). NOVEMBER 1896. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Max. |Dir'n. Force./Dir'n. Force.|Dir'n. Force. Dir’n. Force. | Dir'n. Force. Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. 1 | NE 2-3| NE 2| NE 1-2|/ENE 1-2/ENE 1-2/NE 1-2| NE O|N 1|N 0| Calm O|N 0 | Calm 0 3 2 |N 1-2; N 1-2|N 1-2|N 1-2} N 2-3 | NW 1-2|N 1-2) N 2-3 |N 1-2|N 12/N 2|N 0-2 3 3 | NE 3|N 2-3| NNE 3/N 2-3 | Calm O|N 2-3 | N 1-2|N 12|)N 1-2|N 0-1|N 0-2|N 1-2 3 4 |W 1| NW 0-1 | Calm 0; WNW 0| NW 1; WNW 0-1| W 0-1 | W 0-1 | W 1-2 | W aL NY! 1| WSW al 3 5 | SW 3|SW 3-4 | SW 4| WSW 3-4) WSW 3) WSW 2-3|WSW 2-3| W Bh Ws 3| W 1-3 | W 2-3 | W 2-3 4 6 | SW 3|/SW 3) WSW 3-4) SW 3) WSW 3-4] WSW 3-4| SW 1-4;WSW 3-4|WSW 3/W 3-4 | WSW 4|W 1-4 4 7 |NW) 2-3) W 2-3|N 2-3 | Calm 0 | Calm 0} Calm O|NW 0-1 0-1 | Calm 0| N 0-2 | N 0-2 | Calm 0 ud 8 |N 1-2|N 2-3|N 1-2 2) Calm 0} Calm O|N 0-2); NNE 0-2|}NNW 1-4/ Calm O|N 0-2 | Calm 0 4 9 |N 2-3| N 3|N 3|N 2-3 | NW 3/N 1-3| N 2-4 | Calm 0|NNW 0-2/N 1|N 0-2 | Calm 0 4 10 |W 3-4 | W 4|W 3-5 | W 4-5 | W 4-5 | W 1-3 | W 1-3 | W 1-3| WNW 1-4| W 0-2 | W 1-3} WNW 0-2 5 sal ANY 2-3) WNW 3|/NW 2-3}NW 28/NW 0-2) WNW 0-1] WNW 0-1|NW 0-2/NW _ 0-1] Calm 0| NW 0| NNW 0 3 12 |W 1-2| W 1-2| W 0) IW 1-2 | SW 0-1] WSW 1-2} WSW 0-1) SW 0-1|SSW 1-2/§ 0-2 |S 1-3/8 1-2 4 13 |S 3;/;SSW 2-4/8 3-5 | SW 3-6/5 2-4/8 1-5/8 4-6/5 1-4/5 2-4/8 2-4|}SSW 1-4|SW 1-4 6 14 |W 2-3)}SSW 2-3|SW 3| SW 2-3 | SW 2-418 2-3 | SE 5-6 | SE 5-6 | SE 3-6 | SE 4-6 | SE 5-8 ; SE 7-9} 10 15 |SSW 2-3'SSW 3-6/SSW 2-3} WSW 1-2! Calm O|SSW 23/58 1-3,8 1-2/8 2|/ESE 0-1} Calm 0 | Calm 0 6 16 |N 1-3| N 1-3; N 2-4| N 2-4 1-3| N 0-2|N 1-3} N 0|zE 0/E 0|SE 0| SE 1-2 4 17 |SW 1-2 | SSW 2)SW 2|SwW 1-2} WSW 1-2|}SW 1-2} SSW 2)/SSW 2-3|SW 2-3)5 2|SW 2/SSw_ 1-2 4 18 |} SW 2-4| SW 2-4) SW 2-4/SSW 24/SSW 2-3/S 2-4| SW 2-3)}SSW 1-3/SSW 2-4|)SW 2-4; WNW 0-1} NNW 0-2 4 19 | WNW 1-2| W 1-2; WSW 1-3| W 1-3 | SW 2-4| SW 3-4] SW 2-3 | SW 4-5/5 3-4/8 4-6 | SW 3| WSW 2-4 6 20 |NW 1-3/NW_ 0-2 1-2} NNW 0-1] Calm 0|/NNW 0-1|N 0-2 | Calm 0| NE 0-1;NW 0-1|/N 0-2; NNW 0-1 3 21 | NW 2|NW 1-2/N 2)/NW 2-3) WNW 2-4] WSW 2-3| W 2-4| SW 3-4| WSW 3-4) SW 3-4| WSW 2-3|} SW 1-2 4 22 |SW 3;/WSW 1-3} WSW 2-3] W 2-3 | SW 1-3 | SW 1-3} WSW 1-3} WSW 1-2/SSW 2-3 | W 0-2 0-1 | SW 1-4 4 23 | SW 2-3| SW 2-3 | W 1-2} WSW 0-2|SW 0-2/SSW 1-3/SSW 2-3/8 2-3 | SW 1-2 | W 0-1|WSW 0-2|)SW 1 3 24 | SW 1-2| SW 2|SW 2|WSW 1-2) WSW 2) SW 1-2| SW 1-2| WSW 1-2) W 1, W 0-1 | W 0-1 | W 0-1 2 25 |SSW 1-2/8 2|S 2|S 1-2} SW 1-2/8 1-2)|S 2|8 1/8 1| SW 1-2/8 0-1/8 1-2 2 26 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 | Calm 0O|;S 0-1)8 (OS) o/s 0-1/5 0|S 0-1 0;S 1/Ss 1-2 2 27 |E 0-1 1\/E 0-1|E 1/E 1|E 1/E 1|E 0-1) E 1; ENE 1|NE 0-1 | NE 0 7 28 |N 3-6|NNE 3-6|NNE 3-5| NE 3-6|NNE 2-5| NE 3-7|NNE 1-4] NE 2-5|ENE 2-4/5 1-4); ENE 2-4| NE 1-5 if 29 | ESE 4-5/ SE 5|SE 4-5/SE 3-4 | SE 3| ESE 3] ESE 2-3 | ESE 4-5| SE 3| ESE 2|SE 2-3 | SE 2 5 30 |S 1-2 | SSE 1-2/SE 2|SE 1-2 | SE 1-2)SE 1-2} SE 2-3 | SE 3 | SSE 3-4 | SSE 3\/S 2\S8 2-3 4 MEAN 2°25 | 2°37 2°33 2°12 1:80 1°85 1°95 1:90 1:93 1°57 1°57 1:50 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Midnight. |Mean. Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Force, 1 | Calm 0 | Calm O|N 0 | Calm O|N 0O|N 0-1 | N O|N 0-1) N 1-2|N 0-1 | N 1/N 0-1) 0°7 DA Ware 0 | Calm O|N 1-2 | Calm O|N 0-2 | Calm 0|/ENE 0-2|N 1-2|N 2-3|NNE 2-3|N 1-3|}NNE 2-3} 1:4 3 |N Tie) 0-1| N 0-1) NNW 1-2|N 1|/N 1|N 1|N 0-1|NW 0-1)] Calm 0| NW 1|}NW 0-1) 1:2 4 |SW 1-2|WSW 1-2} WSW 1-2] WSW 2) WSW 2-3|WSW 1-2|)SW 2-3 | W 2-3 | W 2-3 | W 3 | W 3/SW 3) 15 5 |W 2-3 | WSW 3|WSW 2-3| W 41 W 3-4 | W 3-4| WSW 3-4] W 3| W 4|1SW 4\|SW 3-4 | SW 2-3] 3-1 6 |W 0-4 | W 1-4| W 3|WNW 2-3|N 1-2| W 0-3|NW 0-3| Var. 0-2) WNW 3-4| WNW 2-4;NW 2-4|/NW ~ 2-4] 2:8 7 \zE 0-1 | NNE 1|N 24|)N 3/N 3-4|N 5-7| N 8-5 | N 5-6 | N 3-5 | N 38-4| NNE 1-2) Var. 1| 2:0 8 | NE 0-1 1| Calm 0|NE 1-2 | Calm 0| Var. 0-1/N 0-2 | N O|N 1-2| NE 2)NNW 2 2-3/ 11 9 |NNW 0-1) NW 0-1 | NW 1-2 | WNW 2| WNW 2)|} WNW 0-3) WN 1-3| WNW 2-4| W 2-4 | W 3-4 | W 8-4 | W 4/ 2°0 10 | NW 0-3 | W 2-4| WNW 2-4|WNW 2-3) NW 1-3] Var. 0-1) WNW 0-2| WNW 3-4) WNW 3-4| WNW 3 | W 3-4 | W 3-4] 2°6 11 |NW 0-1|NW = 1-2)WNW 2-3|NW 23) WNW 1/W 1-2| WNW 1-2|WNW 2-3|}|NW 2-3} NW 2-3)WNW 2] WNW 1-2) 15 LS 2-3/5 2-3|S 31S 2|S 3/5 3/58 3-4 | SSW 3| SSW 3/5 3 | SE 2 1-2] 19 13 |WSW 3-6| WSW 2-3| NW 0-1| N 0-1 | Calm 0| NW 0-1} WNW 1-2] W 2 1-3 | W 2-3) WSW 2-3] WSW 2-3} 2°5 14 |SE 8-9 | SE 7-8 | SE 7-10] SE 6-9 | SE 7-8 | SE 6-7 | SE 4-6|SSE 4-5|SSE 3-4]S 3-5 | SSE 2-5/5 2-4} 5-0 15 ; Calm 0 | Calm O'N 0-1 | N 2'N 0-5; NNE 0-3) Var. 0-1/N 1-3 3-4!N 2-4 N 2-4) N 2-3] 1:7 16 |S 1/8 0-1|8 1| WSW 1 | Calm 0|SE 1/8 1-2|}SSW 1-3|SW 2| SSW 2)SW 1-2}SSW 2-3] 14 17 |SSW 1-2|}SSW 1-2|SW 1-2 | SW 1-2} WSW 1-2} WSW 1-2|SW 1-2 | SW 2) SW 3| SW 2-3 | SW 3-4] SSW 3-4} 2°0 18 | NE 0-2 | NE 14|/ENE 1-3]NE 1-3 | NE 0-4|ENE 0-3|N 0-2 | NE 1-2| NE 1-2 | NW 1) NW 0| NW 1} 1:9 19 |SSW 2-5|SW 2-5 | SW 2-6 | SW 2-6 | Calm 0| W 1-4] W 0-2 | SW 1-3 | SW 3-4|SSW 3-6/WSW 3-6|NW_ 1-3] 2:9 20 | Calm O| NNW 1-2|N 2-3| N 1-2 0-2 | N 0-3 | Calm 0|N 1-2| NNW 1-2; NNW 1-2|} W 0-2|}WNW 2} 1:0 pal Nays 2-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 3| WSW 2|SW 2-3|SW 1-3 | SW 1-2} SW 2-4 | W 1-3 | SW 2-4 | SW 2-3 | SW 2-3} 2°5 22 |WSW 0-2) W 2-3 | SW 1-3 | SW 2-3 | W 2-3| WSW 1-3|/SSW 2-4|SW 3-4 | SW 2-4 | SW 3 | SW 3)/SSW 2-4) 2:3 — 23 |WSW 0-1}; WSW 0-1) WSW 1-2| W 0| W 0-1} WSW 1-2] WSW 1| SW 1| SW 1-2 | SW 1|/SSwW 1-2/}SSW~ 1-2] 13 | 24 |W 1|SW 1-2} WSW 2) WSW 1-2|SW 0-2 | SW 1|Sw 1/8 1/SSW 1-2/8 1-2/8 2/8 1-2| 14 25 | SSW 1-2| WSW 1-2|}SW 1-2 | SW 1-2 | WSW 1 WwW 1) W 0-1 | SW 0-1 | Calm 0| W 0| W 0-1 | Calm 0; 11 26 | SSE 1-2/S 1-2/8 0-1 | SE 0-1) SE 0| SE 0|ESE 0-1/SE 0-1 | ESE O'ER O/E 0-1) E 0-1) 04 27 |E 1| Calm O|N 0-1] N 0-1} ENE 0-1| NE 2|NE 0-3 | NE 1-4| NE 2-5 | NE 3-7|NNE 2-6| NE 5-7] 1°5 28 | NE 1-5|NNE 1-5|E 1-4|}ENE 1-4 2-6| E 0-4} ENE 1-3|ENE 0-4|E 2-5 | B 3-5 | ESE 4| ESE 4] 33 29 | ESE 2|SE 2-3 | SE 2-3 | SE 8|SE 0-2| ESE 1-2|SE 3|SE 2-3 | SE 3|/ESE 3-4/SE 3| SSE 2-3] 2°9 30 | SSE 3/8 2-3/5 1-2/8 1-2| SSE 1-2/5S 1|/SSE 1-2/SSE 1-2/5 1/8 1-2|8 2| SSE 2) 1:9 | MEAN 1°67 1°82 2°00 1:97 1°67 1:72 1°67 2°07 2°38 2°47 2°35 2°28] 1°96 N106. NNE13. NE29. ENE12, E22, ESE13. SE 42. SSE13. $69. SSW36. SW94. WSW57. W81l. WNW32. NW39. NNW13 Calm 49, ~ WIND. 1 Dir’n. Force. SE 1-2 SE 8 SE 7 s 3-4 NNE 3-4 Ss 2-8 Soma aePwrr SOOAD oPWHH 2 Dir’n. Force. SE 1-2 SSE 9-10 SE 8 SSE 2-3 NNE 3-5 SSE 2-3 Calm 0 WwW 1-2 SE 2-3 SE 3 NNW 0-1 SW 1-2 N 1-3 ESE 3-4 E 1 N 2-3 N 1-2 E 2-3 N 1-2 E 2-3 ESE 6-7 ENE 1-2 NNW 1-2 s 6-7 N 1-2 SW 2-4 NE 3-5 SSW 23 s 3 SW 2-4 N 1-3 2°87 14 Dir’n. Force. SE 5-6 ESE 4- Ss 5-6 SE 1 ESE 3 SE 3 N 1-3 8 2 SE 2 ESE 5-7 NW 0-1 SE 3-4 SE i 2-4 NNW 1-2 N it N 1-3 NW 1-3 1-2 ESE 3 ESE 3-5 N 1 s 1 SW 2-3 SSW 46 WSW 3-7 W 0-2 IN 0-2 SSW. 3-4 Ss 3 3 Dir’n. Force. SE 2 SE 7-8 SSE 7-8 SSE 3 NE 2-4 SE 3-4 Calm 0 SW 1-2 SE 2-3 SE 3-4 N 1 SSE 2 Var. 0-1 E 2 Calm 0 N 2-3 N 0-2 Calm 0 Var. 0-1 ESE 2 ESE 6-7 NE U-1 NNW 1-2 8 5-8 NE 1-3 WSW 1-3 Var. 1-2 s 1-2 s 1-3 WwW 0-2 N 1-3 2°34 15 Dir’n. Force. SE 6 SE 5 SSE 6-7 SE 0-1 ESE 4-5 SE 3 NE 1-2 Ss 2-3 SE 2 ESE 6 Ww 1-2 SE 4 ESE 1-2 ESE 23 N 2-3 N 1-2 N 2-3 Var. 1-2 N 12 SE 3-4 E 3-4 NNE 0-1 Ss 1-2 SSW 2-3 SSW 5-7 WSW 5-8 NW 1-3 N 3 5 3-4 SW. 3-4 Wsw 3 == 3-08 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. DIRECTION AND Force (0 to 12). 355 DECEMBER 1896. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 iat 12 Max. Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force. SE 3/SE 3|SE 3-4| SE 4|SE 3-4|SE 4|SE 3-4 | SE 4|/ESE 3-5 8 SE 6-7 | SE 6-8 | SE 6| SE 7| SE 6-7| ESE 5-7| ESE 6| ESE 7|ESE 6-7} 10 SSE 8|SSE 6-7|SE 8/SE 5-7 | SE 6|SE 5-6 | SE 5-6 | SE 5-6 | SE 5-6 8 SSE 3 2-3)S 1-2 | SSE 2\8 12/8 12/58 1-2/8 1-2/8 2 4 NE 1-3 | NE 1-3 | NE 2-4| NE 2-4|E 4|ESE 3-4] ESE 4|/ESE 3-5) ESE 3-4 5 SE 4\|SSE 3-5/SE 3-5 | SE 3-4 | SE 3-4 | SE 3|SE 38-4/SSE 2-3/SSE 3-4 5 Calm 0 0-1|N 1/N 0-1) N 1-2|N 0-2 | Var. 0-1|N 0-3|NNE 0-3 3 WSW 1-2} WSW 0-1/SW 1-3 | SW 1-2/8 2-3/S 2-3 3/8 2-3/8 2-3 4 SE 2|SE 2| ESE 2-3| E 3|/E 3-4| E 4\E 4\E 4|\E 4 4 SE 4|/ESE 2-4|SE 4|SE 4-6| SE 4-6 | SE 4-6| SE 4-6| SE 5|ESE 4-5 a N 0| NE 0-1|N 1/ Calm 0 | Calm OVEN 0-1|N 0-1 | Calm 0 | Calm 0 2 SE 2|SE 3|SE 4|SE 5| SE 6-7 | SE 6-7 | SE 6-8 | SH 8-9 | SE 6-8 9 N 0-3 | N 1-3|N 1-2|NNE 1-2;NW_ 0-1|/N 0-1| WNW 0-1} Calm 0 | Calm 0 4 E 2|\E 1-2/5 2\EH 2-3) E 3-4/E 3-4) E 2-4|)E 4/E 3-4 4 Calm 0| Calm 0 | Calm 0|N 0-1) W 0|WSW 0-41| SW 1-2)WSW 1-2! W 2 3 N 2|N 1-2|NNE 1-3|)N 1-2|N 0-1 | N 1/N 0-2 | N 1-2|N 1-2 3 N 1-3|ENE 2-4|NE 2-4| NE 2-5 | NE 2-4 | N 1-4| N 0-3|/NNE 1-3/N 2-4 5 N 0-1|NNE 0-2|NE 0-2 | NE 1-3 | NE 2-4) NE 1-3|NNE 1-3)NNE 24|NNE 24 5 NE 1-3|NNE 1-4|N 2-3|)N 2-4| N 1-3 | NE 1-3|N 2-3| Var. 0-2/NE 0-1 4 SE 2/|SE 3} ESE 4| ESE 2| ESE 3|ESE 3-4! ESE 3/ ESE 3-4, ESE 3-4 6 ESE 4|ESE 4-5| ESE 4\5 3-4| ESE 4-5] ESE 5 | ESE 6/SE 5-6 | SE 4 7 N 1-2 1-2|N 12/N 2|N 1|)N 2\N 1)N 0-1) N 2 2 N 1-2|N 1-2|N 1|N Aa eNi 1|N 1|N ste ENG 5 Ni 0-1 6 SW 6-8|SSW 5-7|SW 3-6 | SW 2-4 | SW 1-3 | SW 2-3 | SW 2| SW 1-2;SSW 2-3 8 N 1-2|NNE 1-2/Var. O0-1|NW 0-2} W 1-3| WSW 1-3|SSW 2-4/SSW 1-4|/SSW = 2-5 7 WSW 1-3} WSW 3-4] W 2-4 | W 2-4) WSW 2-4|SW 2-4 | SW 3-5| WSW 3-5) WSW_ 3-4 8 N 1-3) NNW 1-2} NNW 1-2} WNW 1-3} NNW 1-3|NNW 1-3|NNW 0-2|)N 1-3) WNW 1-3 5 SSE 2|SE 1| Calm 0 | Calm o|NNW 1-2) Calm 0 | Calm 0| Var. 0-1) NE 1-2 3 8 4|S8 4 3-4 4 2-4/SSW 2-4/SW 3-5 | SW 3-4 | SW 3-4 5 WwW 1-3 | W 2-3| WSW 1-2| WSW 1|WSW 0-1|SW 12/58 2-3/8 3/5 3-4 6 ENE 0-2}NNW 1-3} WNW 1-2|SW 0-2 | W 1-2) WNW 0-2| W 2-3) WNW 1-3) W 0-1 6 2°47 2°53 2°55 2°53 2°63 2°63 2°77 2°85 2°85 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Midnight. |Mean. Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.|Dir'n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.| Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force. Dir’n. Force. |Dir’n. Force.|Dir’n. Force.| Force. SE 5-6 | SE 6|SE 7-8 | SE 6-8 | SE 6-7 | SE 7-8 | SE 7|SE 7-8 | SE 6-7 | 4:8 SE 4) ESE 4-5 | SE 4-5/SE 5-6 | SE 4-5 | SE 4-56 | SE 5-6 | SE 5|SE 5| 59 SSE 2-418 6-8 |S 4-7 | SSE 2-6 | SSE 3-5 | SSE 3-5 | SSE 2-3 | SE 3/5 2-3] 5°5 ESE 12/ NE 1|N 1-2/N 0-2|N 0-2| N 1-3| NE 2-4) N 2-4/N 24/19 ESE 4-5|SE 3/SE 2|SE 2|SE 1-2 | SSE 1-2 | SSE 1-2/8 1-2 | SSE 1-2] 2°9 ESE 2-3|SEH 3-4 | ESE 4| ESE 3 | ESE 2|H 1-2|E 2\E 1-2 | Calm 0} 2:9 N 1-2|/N 1-2 2-3) N 2-3| NE 1-2] NNE 2|N 1-2/N 0-1} NNW 1-2] 1:2 Ss 2\8 3-4 | SSE 3-4 | SSE 3| SSH 1-2/8 2\8 2| SSE 2-3 | SSE 1-2] 2:2 SE 2|E 3|)E 4/E 3/SE 1-2 | BSE 3/SE 3|SE 2-3 | ESE 3] 2:8 ESE 6-7) SE 5-7| SE 5-7 | SE 6|SE 4-5|SE 4/SE 2-3|NW 0-1] NW 1| 43 Ww UL AGE 0-1 | W 0-1 | SW 0-1 | W 1-2 | SW 1-2 | SW 1-21 SW 1-2 | SW 1-2| 0-7 SE 4|SE 3-4 | SE 2|SE 2) WNW 1| NW 1-2|N 1-2|N 2|N 1-3 | 3°7 SE 1-2|SE 2/SE 2)/ESE 1-2|SE 2-3 | E 2-3 | E 3-4 | ESE 3 | ESE 3) 1:5 EK 3|/E 4/E 3-4|E 1-2|E 2/z 2/|E 1|E 0-1/5 | BG Var 0-1|NNE 1-3|/N 0-2] N 1-2|N 1-3| N« 1-2/N BIN} 2) | Ni 2-3] 1:2 N 0-2 | N 1-2}ENE 0-2}NNE 0-1/NNE 0-2}NNE 0-2|N 1-2| NNW 1) NNE 1) 14 N 0-2 | N 0-1 | Var. 0-1| N 0-2 | N 0-1|N 0-1 | Calm 0| E 1-2/E Zi} LF Var, 0-2 | N 1-3) Var. 0-2/8 1-3 | NE 1-3|NNE 1-3|}ENE 0-2|}ENE 2-3|/NNE 1-2] 1:9 N 1-2|N 1|N 1-2| N 1-2|N 1-2| ENE 1 1-2 1)E 1} 15 SE 4/SE 5 | SE 46|SE 5-6 | ESE 5| ESE 5| ESE 5-6/ ESE 6 | ESE 6| 3°8 E 2| ESE 4| ESE 3) E 3|E 3-4 | ESE 3-4|/E 2-3/5 1-3|E 0-2] 4:0 Calm 0|N 1|N 1|/N 2|N TN 2|N 2) Ni 2|N yA} alee) SSW 2)/SSW 2-3/SSW 2-4/SSW 3-4/|SSE 4| SSE 4|SSE 4-5 | SSE 6|S 4-6] 21 SW 1-2 | WSW 2|WSW 1-3) WSW 1-3|/NW 1-2|}NNW 1-2} NNW 1-2| NE 2-3| NE 1-2] 3:0 WSW 3-6|WSW 2-5|W 2-5 | Calm 0| W 3-4 1-3 | W 2-3 | W 2-3 | W 2-3 | 2°8 Ww 3-6 | W 3-6] WSW 2-5] Var. 0-3|NNW 1-3/N 2-5|N 2-4 3-5 | N 1-3| 3°4 NNW 2-3| NW 1-3 | NW 0-2 | NW 0-1 | W 2-3 | W 1-2 | W 2-3) WSW 2-3] W 2) 1:9 N 2-3| N 2-3|N 2-3| N 12|N DileN| 0-1 | W 1| Sw 2|S 2-3 | 1°5 s 3-5|SSW 1-3|SW 0-2 | SW 2)/SSW 2-3) SW. 3-4 | SW 3-5 | SW 0-3 | W 0-2] 3:0 iS} 3-5 | SW 3-5 | SW 2-4 | SW 8-5|1SSW 46|/SSW 3-5|)SSW 3-5|/SSW 1-3} WNW 1-2) 2:8 WSW 3|WSW 3-5|WSW 2-5|/WSW 2-6| WNW 2-5|N 1-4|NNE 2-3) NE 1-2| NE 1-3} 2°2 2°65 3:00 O77, 2°53 2°53 2°56 2°56 2°48 2°26 | 2°66 N 138. NNE22. NE31. ENE8. E56. ESE 66. SE125. SSH34. $51. SSW 24. SW 41. WSW 29. W38. WNW9. NW14. NNW 18. Calm 40. 356 10 bo co _ MM A Mo wool Ml Ml HU MW Mo Sowslll HMM tho Soll Sil BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. HUM Mo cowsdill AMOUNT OF CLOUD (0-10). | 12 JANUARY 1896. 13 ra Sxill STM MM WM OM MM WM rococo e oooe BOOS. = wNooe i “I bo i=) coll alll coll Sill lI — oa oral Oo wMoos olll lll Il olll poll Il o So “I CLOUD. i SOONRH CP WNe 28 29 MEAN. nx ~s we i I o oO “I co oO [oe) a. S olll olll Il co aS foe} 2 Ss io) a) co a © lee) wo CO oo a S| Go a lee) SS WN I TM I eo TT MM Sth ol Sool | @ wo oO Go co a SS ~I o oOo co HWM WM OM MAM coll oma WM NM TT ott tt = on MMA ww co 1 a Sill SSMU SoollMl oll oll MMM MM WM ols co = Ss co to co ~Y ie) co x ) Ne} XQ Ne} for) =) i} co ie) = 3 co a Le} oO ies) 4 ce NS) co o a — i | ee Se SH /=/=);=;=); 0; 0; 0|] OF 1] OF} OF 1] 2) 8] 8 Oy) Ol Oo Oy SS ) SS a SS Sh SS SS SS NO AO) = Sf = SS SS SSS SSS tS eS SS | S| = 0 a 2 Sf2)=|2/2) 2 2) 2/22/22 2lo|2)2\2 =|=|=/=|=/=|=/=/=)/=]=/=/=] 9/=|/=/= ON OS |S = | = | SO) Be to Sate tS = 3| 4| 6/10/ 9] 8| 4] 4/10] 9]10/10/=/=/=|=S/= DeFeet 0 2 2 SPS] / =f] =] =) =] =] =/=!]=7=!]=)] 01] 0] 0} 0] 0 it ea aS = ee eR ee ae cers =|=/=/2/=/=/=/=/=/=]10|=|/=/=/=/=/= HOY ah oy a | S| Soy Sal pea ZS eS ES lS SS SS SS Sa eS eS ES aS at 8) Oe eS S|) ae a eal P21) 935! SOW One lez mez ee, 10 10 8} 8] 8] 8/10] 10) 10/10] 10] 10] 10/10} 10} 10} 10 =) =| =| =] =/ =] =! =|] =| = l=! =] 0] 9] 0] 0] 0 =/=/=|=|=/2/2/2/2/=/2/2)2)/m|n]n co Dp c2 oo o oO a & wv co = oo = 10 10 10 6 8 % =|= 2 = = 10 10 8 3 =/= 0 0 0 0; 0] 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 6] 6) 5 1 0 0; 0 0 0 = =/=/= = = = =Sl=/= = = = Sl=/= = = = =/=! 1 = — = 4] 4) 4 4 2 0 0; O/|] O = = = =|=|= 0 0 = 0|=|= =) 2) =) Sea 2)/=/ = |= =|2|2'=/= =o === ==] OJ =] =] =] =! =] =} 10 0; 4) 7)10)= SPH ;/=)/=/= SPSyH] =a = | S=/e=!/=/=]/= =]=/10/10/= Sl=/=/=/= =|=|=/=/=/2)=/n/=/= =;=/=/=l= =|=/=! 0/0 2) 6) 10) 2) 8) =) = S10 BSH /=H/=/= Sl=,=/=/= |=|10| 9{10/=|=/=/10| 7| 6| 3] i10| 7] 10| 10] 3 © |) 9) 10) ON } O} 0} 0} O} 0) Of} By SSeS] Sy) =) =) /= S,=/=/=/= LO 25) 0) OS OF ON NOs On OR) 100) On," 0) =) = = — Sl=/= =|=/=/10|=/=/2=/=/=/2=/=]=/=/=/=/= =|=/=/=/= ~“_ & oS wv se SS Mid- night. WM WN MN MoM MoM MN MMM MM WM Soll Soll Ill nu e COO Mean. - NOrPON NOOWOO FEBRUARY 1896. WM Mo M Sevoplll WM tho M Soll Ml co So Ge ) Ill sa cell Ill Bil) ©] ole 0| 0] 0] o| o 0| 0| 0] o| © 07], 0: ort. =|=|/ o0/=!| 0 6 10 Il oe Ill Ml Ill sama lll I SUL Al oN © BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 307 CLOUD. AMOUNT OF CLOUD (0-10). MARCH 1896. 6 Mid- },, 4 () | 7 8 | 9 | 10} 11 | 12] 138 |] 14) 15 | 16] 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 } 21 | 22 | 23 night. Mean. 1 = — a 2 |r i — a 2 2 — 2 2 2 2 = 10 2)/=/=/|\= = a i i 2 2 = 10 3 SSS aS SS ESE I Se SES TS ES = = = 10 7 4)=)/2)/=/=)/=)/=/=/= 7| 9 = = = = 10 5 | ee | it — | PLC | LO | =| — | et ea — ae = 10 6H) HS) =]/ =/=/=)/=)/ =) =/=/=2 = = Sl=H/=);=] = 10 7 )=)/=)/ =] =] =)/=]=/10/10}] 7) 7] 4 CN ON LON OR SON 3 9 8 =H) Hf] =) B=] BE] SE | S| Es = = = = = = =/= = 10 9} =); =/ =|] =|] 10) 10/10/10) =) =] =) =] =/ =) =] =] =] =) =/=)/=/=/= = 10 10 | =| =) =/ =) =/=/=/=!/=)]/=/= = =|/=/|= ESl/=H/=/ = 10 1 ee 6]; =] =] =/10]10] = 0; 0} 0 0 8 12 OP Of Ol] Way Bay ey ey EY 7 2 Bl Ol) TO a ON 7 7 al ON Oy @ 0 4 13 a2) 4) 38) 2)/=) 8) 6S) Sy] = p10) =) 10) 9) =) 2) 2) 0 0) oO} 0 0 5 14 OF ON ON) OF) 0) OF) PSS ON 6a 4 10)) 8 SS) 10 SS OS SSS = 6 WB =] =] =f HE = SE = ES SE BS ES ET SE ES BE SE SE BE ESE EL Ee EL =| OE 10 6 f=] BE] Hf] BE) SES SES J SE ES SJ SE ES = a er i = 10 17 — i i 2 2 = 10 18 — 2 = SPH /=/=/=/= = 10 19 j|=|= = SPS] =] SE] BE] ESP Ey =H] =! 7 8 8) 10] 10)10) =]= = 10 2X0 | i 2 2 22 2 2 0 2 = 10 Dye eH SHS ES ESE HE | EH J HL SEH] =E |! 4 6 5 hd) Cd) 8] 68 68] 62] 68]: 10) HJ = = 8 2 |=) =/=)/=/=)/=. 6 fe) = 0O;=F7=)] =|] =|] =]10)/10)=)s/= 9|= 1/10] 10 9 23 =/=/= 4)=])/=/2/2/2/2/2/2=72/2/=/2=/2=/2=2/2=/=/=/=/= = 10 4 HP BHF j= ES ES = J ES ES ES BE ES SE EI SE BE ET SE I BE SE SE SE J Ee I = = 10 3B PH Sy BH] BH] BP BE SE OB SE SE ES OTT SE ES ES SE | = |] FE] B=] 10/10) =) SE] = 10 6 | =H=l=H/=/=/= 9)/S)E2/ 2/27) 2=2/ 27 2/ =/=/=/2=/=)/=/2=/=/=/= = 10 27 — a ee — i 0 a 22 — 2 2 22 — 2 — 2 a = 10 98 pH PS KS BS I ES BE Ee J ES = |] E |] =] 10 EH] =H] 10] BJ = 5)/=/=/=/=/= = 10 29 SPH, =)/= lj=/=/e= = =] = 7 8 | 10 9 6 9}10)10| 7 1 3 8 30 6}; 4; 5] 1) 8; 8/] 2] 8] 2) 8]10)109710) 10) = )=)=)/=/=/2=)/=)/2=)/2 9 8 31 SSS ES ES ES I ES ES SS ES I BE ET BE I EY BE EI EI ET BE J ES ES = 0 = 10 MEan. | 9:0 | 8:9 | 9:0 | 8°6 | 8:7 | 9°4 | 9:2 | 9:4 | 9°3 | 9-7 | 8°9 | 9°31 9°4 | 9°3 | 9:4 | 9-°2/ 9:6 | 9:1 | 9°4| 9°31 9:0) 9:3) 8:4] 8-8 9-2 CLOUD. APRIL 1896. 1 |;10|;=|= 38/ 3/10/10;10/]10} 9)10;10}=j|10; =| =] 9} 10} 10} 10} 10}; 10) = = 9 2 Sl) =/= O;,=/=)/=)/=/=/= 65) SP =] =/=/=)/ =/=/=/=/=)/=/= = 9 3 SHSl=fS)/=/= 6) Spee eS ES SS ES ESP ES = = | = | ET = | = 1} 10 | 9} 9 = = 10 4 = eS ee ee eS eS ee eS eS SS eS ee ee eS ee = 10 5 SS FS SHS PS] SES] SES] EL = i oe 2 2 2 = 10 6 — a er ir rr 2 22 2 a 22 — 2 2 2 — 2 = 10 7 —a a eS SS SS SS SS SS OS SS SSS SSeS SS SSS Sa = = 10 8 er = =| = SHS /=/= = 10 9 Sl=S/= = =) =) SS) = J | SF SS OOo) Sea tt eS | ES | ESE | = = 10 10 — a ee ee 0 ee 2 Va Uff 2 2 2 2 2 = 10 11 — er 2 — 7) =/2=2/2/2/2=/=/=/= = 10 1 eS SS SS SS SS SS aS aS aS SS aS 2S ES SS ES SY ES SE | 0 SES SS = = 10 13 =fl=/10)/=/ =) =)/=/=)/=/= 9\/= 9| 9 9) 10) 10) = = |) =| 105) 8) Oy Ao 9 14 |}10)10) =/10/=]10;)10| 7] 4);=/=)] OJ= BH i Ce By Ol ce Sl ON Onle0, 0) 7 15 0} 0} O} O} OF} GI} 1) 0} O} OF =) 2) 8) =) =) =] S/H | BS SS SS | = 6 16 — i i SPH] )HSy)=])/=/2=/2/= = 10 W)=|/=/=/2=/=)/2=/2=/=/2/e2 = = SlS)/=/=)/=/=)/=)/=/ = 10 1 SS SS SSS SS SS SS SS SSS eS SS aS eS SS SS eS eS ES) = = 10 Oss = SS SS SS SS SS SS SS BS SaaS = a0 OF 0 a0 0 0 10 20 OP LOM On LOM 10m LOM LON |. Vai on 9s On an SS eS SS SS = 9 21 a — so —s ee) eon) 6) SSS Hy (0) | ey) = 9 22 in| et || ee = 10 23 Hf BE J HE BE | E | HS] ES | = Se PLO rae een eS eerie On O20 Sa wy Oy Oy Ol 0 6 24 0o/ 0} OO; O} O} O} O} 2} 8) = 0; 6,= 4) SHON OW Os ON 7 = = = 5 25 oe 2} 0) 0] O|; O} OF} 8/10)=]y=/=z=/= =Sl_=/= — i = 8 26 = SSS SS SS SS SS SS Sa SS a aa a SS a SS SS ES = = 10 27 eae — ee) a eS SS SS SS SS SS = 10 eee ee ses ee SS eS ee eS eS eS eS SS aS aS Ss SS eS 10 29 Sh SSS SSS aS SS SS SS SS Se aS ej St SS | SE 9} 10 = 10 30 2150 | SS ESS aS eS aS aS tt BS 10) a eS Soy oy eS) = | 2) 2) Oo 9 9 Mean. | 9:0 | 9:3 | 9:3 | 8:5 | 8°6 | 9:0 | 9:0 | 8-9 | 8°5 | 9°5 | 9°3 | 9:0] 9°8 | 9°4| 9:4 9°7 | 9°4| 9°9/ 9°7 | 9:1) 8°8)/89) 8:7) 90] 92 MAY 1896. BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. AMOUNT OF CLouD (0-10). CLOUD. 358 | 3 S00 19Mr0O10 Soacos ms o> ————— ae ran) a i ae | FES Srl SS Se SPS SSS SA MESS Se SSS S28 Ih es 12) WS MM Mee CHO = SMM We MMs Susu os aes ‘=| a A a SE ee eee ee Ses S AN IS aU S iS Se Soe SS 5S SUM MM WMS SS OA SS 1 =) co lar) roa > 12 qQ Oe lk SS SSS USS AME WMS eS Sl SUM AM MM Mee PO SM Sg ve} oO J ' ~ q I aa RNS NN alt ol cea as bee eae So alllfaltinl PW SON A WS ag N Ver] CO le} So a | Tee ES MMe Se Pe Ss ee ene =I ce TAN Mt PMH SOMOS SM MM WS MSS A « oc an) a | ae ee OAS AUN USS Ses Se ee INE es SM MM MM MSS OSES AM WE LT S ice) sH es | ee eS eI A NS ITU SS UNG PSS SSes cer Ieee WM MM MMM OF LE AE A A E> SEE Ss 1 ~ So 5 See ee ee ES MEIGS UT eS SANS MN AM NMS SSS OS TIE AEST? ST SS ee) oD 2 ee eee NT SS UN AIITIINUSees UN at a (eres SSSR |S © HMMM MHS SSeS WM MM WE Ne SW eS ' ~~ * nc % So |e Se alle ee MIU aN Sere Teall See SUMP HM MMM S SS WMS WMS Se ALU & H inn) sa = MUSA eR TS mee essai Ml ae TUM cece Sl se 8 SM MM MME SSKe= SMM WS MS MMMM & oD oD EO ESS RR Mice 20 eset 0 Sem | a | iin | cae UMW WMS SSeSS SMe WE WSS MMM Se ee Se a) oD SS SES ees ee = NN ea eae | ei aso HMM SM FSS SMM ME MSS MMMM Ss S io) = | a NOT atte SSS TT es TMU essa | Ue Nessa Ill tees HWS WM OM MM HSS SEA A aS (e.9) x = | 1 MOS) SSS Seve! TMM MS MS MM PSSST) Stes WS tl WMS MSO MA EM WS sH ' =) = > || TSE i eS AN MMI WS MES; NSS Ire TIA, SUES SS sto STN WW SUMS i gs 5 is 2 oo = a) | [eee SPoos: Coes Ss) MMMM A Il ee Oe ae WSS ST NSS apse tee SOU ETE THEE TI WM MM & as ~ i mo ~ | (ees Cees SS SS INU MM PS eS es San See SS TAME HTM AN Al) Will §& oon Hi9 COO CODSD O&O IO |]OO ae) on = SS SORA OFF I II II We? Wo 29 I) Vo) To) SS SOS TM IN A TT TN AT Th I = Nil l| Ill Ul ls I = “ > b as 19 CS So Is Sree Sn PR Mlll lle See i Se NESS tsSe TT MAN PIRSA = ai || Pees Tent Yon} L ; 1 F AWD ~ i epee) BAS] SSNS I MM Mh WM SS Oat OOS Tae ee SSO SS SOT MT SSeS: gs -- = = :. = o = oe) | Ae 1S QOS SOS CO MM MNS SSO OMIT SSATP cae 141 | Wat til * Sill Ss « ite) io Ke SO I Se AN ae | legen & a PSU TM TIMES SSeS OCS HITT HN A tl alll neress oe) = oS ~ o > | 28) S292] S229 MN MAS [es SSS ee S PWS MW WMS eS SS A St till ee 1 Zz 4 al ~ DP OFOROS AG Higd coro cd q E TANG HIG OOD ANGI SMMOR ANARAN AANA oes a Se SON ero OIA GN GRINIGUIGNIGN) (GUIGNICN GN Pe — = a) nn 10 10 iv) vq 1 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. AMOUNT OF CLOUD (0-10). CN) Oy) ane Vat) | a3} a i — ive) i) (i=) | | JULY 1896. Mid- night. Mean. 21 | 22 | 23 10 9 10 7 oll Ill colll MM MN MAN oo — UMN be a= oro WM Meo MMMM Stl lo oll IMSS voll SSaa I Ml iil — oocoowoa — a i IM cost WM coolll MM MN IN Hil Hh tll oll Ill HW ll oll Mil olll tl olll Il {ll all MANN A th Ml co o So nN oy), © oo wy OS oo i MS) oc Gas [e-) (eo) ~y ~ oO x Jo) co WM Moe MMM Me SS Sony all MAM SHE ME EA Mi ollhS Wl Mt _ Sill olll ill eae 15 | 16 | 17 =Sl=/= = 6 = 10 10; 10/10/°9 =/=/= Sf, =/= = 0 4/10} =] =1]10 7\|= 9/= =/=/] 10 Sf} =/= 0; 0 10; 6)=|/=J]= =/= = = 5| 9/= =/|= 6 6 = |=] 10 9 10 10 = = =|= 10) = = = =! 6710] 10] 10/ 10} 10 10/10); 9 9/ =110/10) =] =)/=/ =] =] =)]10710]=/10}] 9] 6 Bi) Oy @ 10}=|=/|=/=| 0] o| 5 6} 8 6 8 10 7 6 % a is 2 2 Sno een lO! | Fe ON On hese ON) Sil) ze) OOM One TON fetOnieng 1} =) =) =/ 10) =] 10) =] =] =P ES = | Ef ES = | ES 1] 10] = 1} 10 310) = = ff SS ES SS Ee 7) 8 io) 10 | 9) 6) 9) 9) 10) 10 = =o |)=) 9) =) 10 | 0 )= (Sa ol |= | S|) 2m) 220s Ly yy Oy) Oy) Oy Oe SE | OS Soy yy = | S|) OO) © Ly Uy Seay a Gal a oe] 4) BO OSS Sey Ee ea ES | = Sfp] l(=/ =|] =/=)/ 8 = Wd) O42) ee SSeS SE eS eS | SE = SP] PHS) =) =) =/=/ 5S) =)] 6) =F =] =] =/10) =) =] =]/=/= =) 2 SSSI =) =|=|2 SS SBeSS S22 \s @).j) ak} 83) 9) 38/ 6] 9} 7]|10] 9410) 10] 10] 10 =/ 9| 9/= 9} 7 | 10} 10 = Se SS = ->S = |= =|= = =|=/=1/10] 10 10 il |) @) 0 10 8 9} 9 = 19 3 =/= = 8 = 4 Ill cons ll co coll _— ow a ooll i I cool Meo lll ee Ill Ul tl Ut Ill _ II Ill co 00 H — co ios co I cn Cooo oo i co Loon [e2} — OOo No} oa ne on oS a © 2 ox 3)] 5) 5] 4) Fl Sl ba) =] =) =/=/=)/= 6 7 6 5 6 10} 9j| 10/10) 10) 10) =|= = =/10) 9/ 10 ad = 10 OVO} 2) 7) =) =)/ =) 10) 2) 10) =) 5b) =] =) 10) =} =] 10) 10 2|/=] 0 0 7 OF ee ONO On) Sloan Shino) |e Leese ee Otome tat Gx) 10)! 8) =/10)/=/] = 6 SHSlH 10s; Hl ,=/=)/=)/=/=/=/= SpHl_=e=i/=/=/=/= SlP=/|= = 10 SpHly_HpPl]=H=;=/=/= = =Sl=/= Sf) =/= = 10 —weonielOnie—) 4 1 0) Gall 2 Ges) LONE 4s iG) |) 4: PA) 3) |) 10) 38] 1)]-0 0 5 Ol} @ OF Oy a OF Sl Sao) Of Sle] ele =|= = 7 = = SS 2 OS} a ©) Cy ay al =} 9] 10 10 | 10 | 10 8 7 2/10) =) =/ =/=/ =/=/=/=/=/=7=/=/= = = Bl=/=/|] = 10 10} 8)/10)10);10)=/)/=/]=)/= = =/= S=Sl=/=] = 10 =| = = =/=/= = — = = = 10 Sl=)/=/=/=/= Sl=/=]=/=/= =/={|= || WO) |) = 9 SPH Hla] =/=)/=/=/=/=/=e LON | 110 10 3 a i) 1 8 4/ OJ =] 8/=/e= S f=] =] =|] 10} 10 io) ® 10 = = io SS ES FS | =H 10] ES] ES] SE] S| = |] 10 ES | = 9 6/ 9/ = ON GN = 9 =/=/]=/10/10/} =|] 10 SPH] =/=)]=/=/= = l/=/= Sl =/= = 10 6B) ES) HEH) =) =/=/=/=)/=/=/=/=]7=2 = = =/=/= — 10 10} 10)10) =) =] =) =) =)/ =)/ =/2/=72=/=/= =/|= =/=/= 10 10 3 = 1] 10) LO Sy ae a a Br GT) By) shy) eal 4 3/ 7/10) = 5 — 2 eS 10 2 2 =| = |= — a = 10 SP] Hl Hj | BH BE ) SE EI EH KE ST EH T HI! OD =|)/=/= =|=]| 9 9 10 SHH] =] B=) BE ES |] SE | SE SE | ES | EY ESE] SE = =/=/= =/|=]=] 10 10 SPH] =) =) =] = / =) B=] BE] =] KH | KEP SE] = = = a = 10 — a er ee 2 i 2 — i 2 Sl/=/=|/ = 10 ae | a SS SS SS =l/_=/=] = 10 =f =] aH) By wh wy] OO} OF O10] FI) By) By Dae ee © 10; =J]10| 10 6 8:3 | 8-7 | 8:7 | 8°5 | 8°6 | 8°4 | 8:3 | 8-0 | 8-4 | 9°1 | 8:9 1 9-2 | 8:5 | 9:0 | 8-7 | 8:9 | 9:3 | 9°5 8:4 | 87/83] 8:8 87 360 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. CLOUD. AMOUNT OF CLouD (0-10). SEPTEMBER 1896. | . 2 8 4 Ge SS SOM On Mie RRS 4 5 ShG a aS LOR ZO Nes 228 ie ae ght. 1] OFS OF FON Oy || On aOR |nike 1/ 0} OF 3) =] 9/ =] =/ =) =/10)/=/=/= = 2 9)/=)= 9, =) =] =] 10) =) BS] BS] Ba] | BE] SH Sl = 8)/10)/=/=);=!/= = Se SO a a ey PN ey ay SS | eS SS Sale /= L]=}/10)=/=)]= = 4) =) =)/=/ 10) =| 10) =) =) =) SE Sy Sy =] =| = =] 8 =] BY = TT Ol Ld 2 BY AON) OO so SS BS A 33 a) | Se Sy a) SH ly oO} O} GO} O 0 OP LO ON Oe Oe Oe OP Oy Oi) @ i @ i WO) ss 4/=/=]=]=1] 6/]10!]=/]10] 10] 10 8 |=|=|=|=/2|=/=/10/10/10|=|=]=|=|=| =| =|=!/2/=/=/=/=!| = 9 = 6) =], =/=/ =);=), =!= = 5] 67 5b) 2/2/22) 2/=/=/=/=/=/= = 10 SPS] Sf Sj] SH] SE EE EY BE BE I ET BE | BE I BE I SE SE |] ET ES = 0;=)= = 11 SS) Sf Sj] ES] ES ES EE ES EB EY ET Ee BE I EI BE BE Ee Ee ESE SE] ES = = 12 SHSlP]H =H], =)/=/=/=/=/= 2) =) =7=2/=2/2=2)/ =] =] =] =)/=/=/=/= = 13 SlSH/=/= 0; Oo] lJ=ls=z 2) =/=]=/10/ 3 7\|= 1 \\ KO) aly 300 0 14 Oo; OF; 1! Ly 8) 10) =) =) =] =e] ES] BP ES ES J BE ESE BE SE BE BE SE El = = 15 SSS SS SS ES ES ES ES EE ES EP SE BE I BE I ES SE ET SE SE ES ES = = 16 SS SS SI SE EB ES ES BE EB I BE J ES ES I BE BE SE EI ESE SE] SE lL ES = = 7 = a — — = = — = — = = = = = = = — = — — = = — = 18S SS = eS SS SS SS SS SS a aS ea he. fl = SE FS SS SS SS SS SS = 19 — 2 i 2 22 — = CA |S SLO oO SS SS SS SS SS Se eS 9)/Sl/=B/=/2/2/2=2/2/2= 0 21 0; 0} OO; O; O} O} O|] 4, 6] 7! 6! 8 8| 8] 9) 9B] =/=/=)2=2)/=2/e = 22 — ee oS = = = 23 SPS) Se] S/S) S/S) SS] SE] EB] HP SE BS SE SE | SE SE | BE SE | SE J ES = = ZENA SS) SSS SES | Sl = 6/=)/= 710/10) = )=)/=)/=)/=/=)/=/=)/= = 25 SPS] Sf SF SE] ES ES Sf SE SE ES ET EE I = | = |] = |] =] 107] 10] 10] 10110] 10 26/10) 9) 8) ==) =] =) 2] =) Ef Et BE PBS | BE BE EI SE BS EE =|= = 7) =) =/=(=] =] =] =/10)/10) =/=/=]=/=/==/=/=/= =S/=/] = 23°) =) =/=(/=/ =] =/=/=/=/=!/=/=7=/=/= = = |=] =] = 2 a ea 2 — 2 0a a Sl=/= =|= = 380 |=] =] =/ =] =/=/10) 8) =]/=/=/= =/[= a =Sl=] = MEAN. | 8°9 | 8°7 | 8°6 | 8°4 | 8:4 | 8:3 | 8:4 | 8:6 | 8-8 | 8°3 | 8:7 | 9:1]. 9-5 | 9°7 | 9°7 | 9-7 | 9-7 | 9°5 | 9:5 27189 91|9:0| 87 CLOUD. | OCTOBER 1896. 1 S S/H )/=/=)]/=)] =) Fs es =/=/|= = =/= = 10 2)=/=)/=/=/=/=)/ =| = HSPH|/=/=/2=/2)/=/=/=/=/=/=2 = 10 3 SlH/=/=|]/=)=/=)\= = — i i 2 2 2 = 10 4 = =) =/|= : =/ 10) =) =) SS SSS = = 10 5 Sf SHS Sf) SE] ES ES ES BE ES SE BE EST BE = O88 EP SE BE BE SE ES Es = = 10 6 SPH )/=)/=)/=;/= a SHS l/=/= = =/= = 10 8 SPH /=/=)/=/= = =/=/= = =/= = 10 10 Sl=Hl/=/=;=/= = =j|)= = 10 HH pa ono “I Sill iil lex willl SSil Hm H H DOoOo RWONIWO OCMC, WIC I ollles SeoSil eo Ill Ml Ml MM Il HM olllas oll Sillxs Stl Sl Ml WAN TN Sa poll SU STN AT A Ul los coSill ill WM hoo sosSill ill Wl Woo op Sill ill olll Il Il He oe Sill Ill IM olllex So Sill ill Sill IM Ul a coll exoons Ill Ill Ill til | WUT A x0 ce Wl ops Ill WA A Wha no Seo Sill wlll Ill lw cooSill WU hows Son Ill oll SS Sl il lw cull HW AM Soo WU WM May lll Senill HWM Sex SMM Mex exlll Seolll oolll IH Ml | WWM Soo MAM MM oe enlll SI Il — for) HAN SUM poll coll a WM Ho SoSt I SIM I | Hhoulll ss Slll oll I polll olll oo oll St ee Ml MM IN MH Il LM al Ml co SIll coll MM enlll colll x olll Sill ce HM roll co ell oll I rolll oll as olll Sill H oll MMM HW MM A WA SUM Ms lll aos Sill MM | WA Moll Me coll wlll SUM lr» SoosSlll I il i Mt 23 ON 4) Bays Dey ae see eo io) || = =Sl/=/s= = 25 Bole Oe OL) On a One On On imnO 10); = =/=/= = 26 I Lay ie ayy ev ala) |) ay al 1 =S/= =S|/=/= =/=/= = 27 SHSlpHl~=H /=/=/=/=/l= Sl=/= 3), =/= 0 Wy 5 6 28 =Sl/=/|= 8} = Melamarip a! SHSl=H/=/=)/=/= Sl=/= = 29 =|/=/= 1|/= 1/= i =a Za OR On es O;/=/= = 80 =/=/) =/=/=/10/} 5/= SHBSl=H/=|/=/=/= =/=/|= = Se SS SSS |b = =| = =| = 3) = |= == = | = = 7 a vA co i les) i fe 2} —_ ba | oe ~I © ao ou oo oe be | wo “I a “I co ~ lor) Lo 2} “I © aS Ve} nS eo} Ne) on oo ~I No) yh eo} bt eo} or oo ne oo or lee} ee los} bo oo bt CO HH =~ CO BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 361 CLOUD. Amount oF Cxoup (0-10). NOVEMBER 1896. 1}/2]3{4/5]6|7| 8] 9 |10] 11] 12413] 14| 15] 16} 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | MUO I atean, 1)/=/=/= OT On On 4) Oy Bal Bisby | ce Soe Gy Ol A er Oy aby 7 3 2 Omen LOR ston) 9 (9h) 8.) TO eS a SOR On as 8 3 = 0 2/= 0 0 il 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 Val} (0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0); = 3/ = 0 0 0 = 2 Deore 10) = =) 8 De a a 2h Te) ON} 2) Be Sal OW FON Oh) Ono = 4 ee ee i 2 2 = Sf=HlJ=/=/=/=/= = 10 7) =/2=/2/=/=/=/=/=] =/10] 9} 9f 5)/=)] 8] 7}/10) =] 9] =|] =] 10/10} 10 9 8) eS ee SS SSeS aS eS SS SSF SS Sao sw) Sh Oh @) Oy) o 0 7 9 5 a eo = = Spel] sy ea) = /=/=/= = 10 W =) =] =] ES] SHS ES ES OS SE I BE BE EP BE I BE Ee Se SE Ee SE Ee SE SE ET OE 10 1 i a fe 0 0 — tf 10 W=] =] =] = ES = ES ES ES ES ES EP EI SE SE BE BE BE BE BE SE SE lS = 10 WS] BE] BE Sf EB SE BS SE SE BE ET BE BE SE BE SE SE SE ET BE SE ET oS 10 Ce ee = = =|] =) = = = = 10 ipa | | = | = | = | = = = = SlHl(=/=/=/=/=/=]/ = 10 16 |=) =)/ =|] =/=/=!/=1] 0/10] 3) 8)/=]F=!| 6] 6] 6] 4)/=)] 2] 5) 8) =] 4] = % 17 8/2) 2) 0} 1] 0O|] 7] 6] 9/10) =] 10710) =] =] =] =| =] =/2=/=)/2=/=]/ = 8 WW =] Sy =f ES SE EE ES J SE ES BS SEP SET Ee ES] SE SE] SH] 10 SE =] Of SE = 10 9p] = SES ES = | BSS BE BE BE BE ET ES SE SE SE SE I Ee SE] SE] 10] ES = = 10 200 ) =f) BEF =] BE] ES) BE ES SE SE BE SI Ee Ee ES BE SE SE BE BE BE ET SE S| CE 10 AjyHlHla]/= (= /=2)/=/e2!2 2! 2/e2fh2B2/=/=)]/=;,=/= =Sl=/=|/=] = 10 >) a i — i i ff 2 2 2 22 2 22 = 10 BljSlBH(=](/=/=/=/=/2/=/= 1/2/2742 )/=/ = 1/21/2121 2/2 /2/242)/=/ = 10 ese es) (| ae Oh 0 ON! OL) OM On OF On TORO: 0 5 25 OR ON On On Pah a Om TON Ee esa ees | Sa ae ae ON Se Sia 0 0 3 26 Ol OF Oy CO OW Oe AO) Oy a BO a aa SE Oy Oy) Oi) Ol) @) 0 2 7 Fae GH BP OA a OR) A a as) i) GA a Os SO ONS OOM Ol) Ory Sa) Ss (0) 3 28 OQ} Ui Oh 2 By Ba ON Wat Oy @O) OF) OF) OO OM eOn ON Oy) ak Se |S) = 2 eee ee | sl sone ==) OF} “Ol LON) FON Oh On On ORO 0 5 30 C1 OF Oh Oh Oy ON ON Wy ON OO OS) OC) Oa OOO Oi Oy Oa aa Ol) oO 0 0 Maay. | 7°5 | 7:0 | 7°7 | 7:1 | 7:4 | 6:9 | 7-1 | 6°9 | 7°2| 6°8 | 7-1 | 7°7] 7°4| 6:9 | 7:0 | 6:8 | 6°8 | 68 | 61] 63) 65 | 67) 66) 7:2 | 7:0 CLOUD. DECEMBER 1896. 1 OF On OM ORO) (3) =a 8h) 95) Ones 6 10} 9/10} 3} 1}/=/ 8/=/=)] = 6 2 );=)=/='1= = SHSlSel/H=/=/=)/=/=/=2 = 10 8 Hl=BHa/a=/=/=/==/= = = =|/=/= Sl~=)=/=)/=/=/= = 10 4.) =] =)/=/=/=/=)/=/10] 8] = 8i 7] 6] 8|10/10} 4/10; =/=/=)]/= = 9 5 | =/=/= = = =f]= = = = fs = 10 6 = ie SS SS SSS SS SS eae |S | ES ES | ES SlPSH)/=/=/= = 10 a SypHl=/=)/=)/= SHSlSHl=H=l_=/=],=/= = 0 10 8 0; 0; OJ =J=/=/=/=2 — eee) | ee = 9 9 JHl=)=/)=/=/=/=/= Ee) =) eS SS a ee St SS aS SS FE LE = 10 ey Se a Sa SS eS ae I) SS SS SS aS SS SS eS aS aS Ft SS SS = to 10 Wo lelelel=]) alae te lel =! 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ROY. SOC. EDIN.—VOL. XLIII. STEVENSON SCREEN. FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. TEMPERATURE AND AMOUNT OF CLOUD. Temperature—Dry and Wet Bulbs. gh 10h {gh 14h 16h QIh 29h Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.) Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. 1 | 48:0 47:8 | 48:0 47:7 | 48°5 47°5 | 48:3 47:0 | 48°1 47:0) 49°7 48-4] 49°8 48:6 2 | 45:7 44°8| 45°8 44:9 | 45:8 44:9 | 45:9 44:8 | 45:7 44:1) 44:5 43:7 | 44:2 43°8 3 | 44:7 43:9 | 44:2 43-7 | 44°38 44:0 | 44:8 44:0) - — | 40°8 39:9 | 41:0 40:1 4 | 35:3 34:9 | 35°9 35:5 | 38:0 37°7 | 40°6 39°7 | 39°2 38°8| 34:7 34:5 | 35:0 34:7 5 | 33°9 33°6|35°8 34:9] - — |42°8 41:3) —- — |42°5 41:2| 42:3 40°9 6 | 40:2 39°5 | 40°6 39°6| 40°9 40:0} 41:2 40°3 | 41°8 40:9 | 42-6 42:3 | 42-9 42°6 7 | 44:9 44:7 | 45:0 44°8| 46°0 45°7 | 46:4 45°9 | 46°8 46:0] 45-6 44°8 | 46°5 45:3 8 | 42°9 39:9] 41°3 38:9] 43:9 40°7 | 42°4 39°7 | 39°2 37°2| 34:9 32-9 | 34:2 32-2 9 | 27-1 26:4} 26:5 25:9 | 29°2 28-2 | 31:4 30:0 | 80°9 29°3 | 26-5 26-0 | 26:0 25-7 10 | 32°8 31°9| 33°5 32°3| 34:5 33°5 | 36:3 35°4 | 36°3 35°5 | 36:6 35:9 | 36:9 36:2 1 38°6 38:2 | 39°4 39:0 | 40°5 40:0 | 41-2 40°6 | 41:5 41:2 | 42-6 41:0 | 41:7 40°8 12 | 48°3 42°4| 43-4 42:5] —- — |46°2 425) - — |41°2 37:1] 41:0 37:4 13 | 39:0 35:8} 38°3 36:2 | 38°3 36:3 | 38°5 36:9 | 38°9 36:6 | 36:9 36:6 | 36:2 35:6 14 | 34:5 32:9] 33:9 32:1 | 34°5 32:1] 35°5 32:1 | 32°38 30:4) 31:9 29-9 | 37:0 34:5 15 | 45°2 40°6| 45:3 40°3 | 43°3 38°5 | 40:7 35:4 | 41:2 34:9] 38:9 34:9 | 38-9 34-2 16 | 39:2 34:°9| 37°6 35°2 | 37°5 35°8 | 37°6 36°7 | 37°5 36°8 | 42°38 41°7 | 47:5 46-2 17 | 49°8 48°3| 49-4 48:4) 48°3 47-4] 5071 48:9 | 49:9 48-8] 49-9 48-7 | 49:2 48-2 18 | 46°38 45°6| 46:9 45°9 | 46:2 45:6 | 46:4 45:4] 46:3 45°38 | 46°3 43-6 | 45:9 43:6 19 | 44:4 38:8] 44:9 39:4) —- — | 44:2 41:5) —- — | 38:0 36:0 | 36°8 35:0 20 | 41°5 38:2] 41°5 38:0 | 42°8 38-0 | 42°9 39:3 | 42:9 39-9 | 42-7 39-9 | 42:9 39-8 21 | 41°6 40-1} 42°3 40-4 | 42:4 40°3 | 42:4 41:0 | 431 41:6 | 46:3 44:9] 46:7 45-2 22 | 37:9 33:9 | 37°8 33:2 | 38°3 33:3 | 38°9 33°7 | 39°1 33°6 | 33:2 30-2 | 32:9 30-1 23 | 26°3 25°2|28°8 27:0} 33:9 30°7 | 84:4 381°9| 33°8 32:0 | 43:9 41-7 | 44-5 42-2 24 | 44:3 43:4| 44:4 43:4 | 44:9 43:2 | 45:2 44:6 | 46:2 44:9 | 43-2 42-7 | 43-6 43-1 25 | 38:0 387°4| 37:2 386°5 | 42°5 40:5 | 42°9 41:4| 42-9 41°8| 37-7 36°7 | 37:2 37:1 26 | 45:3 40°4) 46:3 41°3| —- — |49°4 43-8) — - | 47°9 46°5 | 48°8 47:2 27 «=| 51:4 48:3] 55:1 50:0 | 54:8 49:7 | 50:0 48:0| 45-1 43°8| 41-1 38-2) 37-9 36-2 28 | 40°1 37°3| 40:0 37°7 | 42°5 38:9 | 41°9 39:2) 43:2 40°5 | 41-2 38-8 | 40-6 38:8 29 | 43:4 41:0|43°6 41°4| 44:4 42:1 | 45°8 43°2| 45:3 43°3| 44-9 43:5 | 45:0 43:6 30 | 46°3 44:5 | 46°3 44°5 | 47-9 44:9) 47-6 45°6 | 46:8 44:7 | 44°38 42°9| 44-6 42:8 Bl | 43°2 42:3 | 43-4 42°5 | 45-0 48°1 | 45-4 43-4] 44:0 42-8) 42-2 41-1] 42:0 41-2 Mean] 41°1 39°3| 41°3 39:5} - — | 42:8 40-7) - — | 41:1 39°5| 41:3 39°8 STEVENSON SCREEN. Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.) Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. 1 | 38°9 36°3 | 39°7 37°38 | 40°5 37-9 | 42°8 40:1 | 41°9 38:9} 43:1 40:9 | 43-9 41-0 2 | 44:4 41:1) 44:0 41:7] - —- |46°5 42:71) —- — | 345 33°6 | 34:4 33°6 3 | 44:3 41:2) 44:3 41:41) 44:9 42:3 | 45:2 42°8 | 45-0 42:4] 41:9 39:0 | 42°3 38:8 4 | 42°3 39:4] 42°8 39°6| 42°8 40°5 | 42°9 42°0| 43:5 42:9] 46-2 45:21 46:9 45:6 5 | 46:2 45°4/ 46:5 45:8) 47:6 46:9| 48:9 47:9 | 49-3 47-9 | 47-0 45:9| 46:9 45:5 6 | 45°4 43°4|45°5 43:5) 47°9 44:5 | 46°9 44:4) 46-9 44:3 | 44:9 44:1 | 45-2 44:6 7 | 513 47°4| 50°7 47:0] 51:9 47:0] 50°9 47:0) 51°6 47:1 | 48:2 47:2) 48-6 47-8 8 | 46°6 46:2] 46°9 46-4 | 47:9 46°9 | 47-2 46°5| 47-8 45:9) 46-1 48-7 | 45:7 42-9 9 | 44:3 42:0/45°5 42-6) - — |46°4 43-3} - — |47°9 44:9] 48:1 45-1 10 | 45°3 43:2) 44:3 43:1] 48:5 42:9 | 45:3 44:9/] 47-7 46:7 | 49:1 48:21] 48°7 47:9 11 | 47:4 46°9| 47:9 47:5] 48:5 47:5 | 49°6 47°7 | 47:9 47°5| 47:6 47:1] 48:1 47:4 12 | 49:4 45°3 | 48°8 44:4] 49°3 44:2 | 49-2 44-4 | 48-2 43:2/ 42:6 40:2] 41:7 39:8 13 | 41:0 39°5 | 41°5 39:9] 43°9 41°4| 46:4 42:3 | 45:5 42:2] 43:6 42:9 | 43:6 43-0 14 | 44:3 41°5) 44:1 41°6 | 44-2 41:9] 45'°0 42:4) 45-2 42:9] 44:9 43-9] 45-6 44-2 15 | 45°3 44°3| 45:5 44:5 | 46°8 45°4 | 47°8 45:9) 47-1 45:2) 45°7 44:2] 45:8 44-2 16 | 44:9 42:4) 44:6 42-7) - — |444 43-4) - — |43°5 40°9| 42-8 40-9 17 | 44:1 42°0| 44:5 42:0] 45:1 42:0] 45:5 42:2] 44:0 41:1] 38:9 35°8| 38:0 35-1 18 | 386 35°5 | 40°4 36°5 | 43°6 38:2| 44:4 39:4] 43°5 39:0] 33:9 32:9] 35-0 33-9 19 | 38:4 36°4|44°5 39°4] 45:5 41°1|] 46°8 41°8| 47:6 42:0] 49-1 45:2] 50-0 45-7 20 | 43:9 43°3| 44:0 43°3 | 45:2 44:2) 46°9 44:5] 46-1 44-6] 41-5 39-9! 39-0 37:8 21 | 37°3 35:9 | 38:5 37:2) 41:9 40°4| 44:5 42:0] 45-0 42:8] 43°7 39:7] 45:1 40-2 22 | 42:9 40°4| 42:9 40°4| 45:3 40°3 | 44:3 39-2) - — |41°6 38:2] 40:9 37-4 28 |'89°3' 38754101 34:9) = - | 47-1 37:9) —- — |41°9 34:7 | 41°8 34:2 24 |39°5 35°2| 40°4 35:8 | 40°8 37:3 | 41:2 36:2] 41°5 35:5] 40°8 35°8| 40:8 37:7 25 | 41°71 38°1/ 405 37:9 | 41°3 38:0] 40°3 36°6 | 40:0 36°9| 36:7 34:6 | 36:8 34:8 26 | 35°9 33°4 | 33°9 33:2 | 35°9 34:7 | 38:4 36:4 | 38:5 35:9 | 34:1 32°8 | 36:8 34°6 27 |47'4 46:4] 46°3 44:5) - — | 446 42:2) —- — | 44:0 40°2| 43-0 39-8 28 | 42:0 39:2) 43°7 39:0| 43°7 39:5] 42:8 38°9| 44:0 38:2] 40:9 36:5 | 39:9 36:3 29 | 346 34°3| 35°56 35°1 | 36°38 36:2] 39:0 38-4] 40-0 39°5| 43-4 42:9 | 46:7 46-4 | Mean] 43-0 40-7] 43:4 41:0] - — | 45:2 42:2) - — | 48:0 40°7 | 43-2 40-9 | JANUARY 1896. Radu! Amount of Cloud, 0 to 10. 10h 14h i DMBOMNDS ISOS Ee oe a ooo ONOSO a 10 914 a 22h FEBRUARY 1896. - | Black Max. |Min. Bulb. | Min. gh 50°2 | 45°6] 53:0 | 45:0] 10 50:0 | 48-0} 53°2 | 42°87 10 45:3 | 400} 48°7 | 42:1] 10 42-4 | 33°7 | 60°9 | 30°0 3 44:0 | 31:0} 54:3 | 26-0 4 42:8 | 39:0] 43:4 | 37°47 10 471 | 41:3} 50°3 | 41°57 10 47°8 | 84:0} 55:5 | 34:3 5 34°4 | 25:6] 50°4 | 19:2 0 37°73 | 24°39 —- 176 | 10 43°3 | 84:0} 438°5 | 380°5 | 10 47:3 | 37:0] 50:0 | 38°67 10 41:0 | 35°6 | 45:5 | 30°9 7 38:0 | 28:0} 66°6 | 31-1 9 47:0 | 34°7 ] 72:0 | 33°6 9 47°4| 33°8] 45°8 | 82°] 10 51:0 | 46°1f 54:0 | 44°67 10 50:0 | 44:6} 5671 | 44:7] 10 46:4 | 36:0] 53°5 - 8 43°6 | 30°83} 66°2 | 26°6 5 47:0 | 40°0} 45°6 | 38:7 |] 10 48°5 | 30°7 | 75.7 | 32°5 7 44-6 |[25:0]] 45:7 | 15°6 6 47:0 | 42:0] 50°7 | 41°5 | 10 46°3 | 85°8} 72°9 | 34-4 8 49°8 | 35°7 ] 55:8 | 29°5 9 560 | 86:4] 56°6 | 47:71] 10 44:5 | 35:6} 60°4 | 32°9 4 46°6 | 39°0] 57:3 | 34:8} 10 48:0 | 43:0} 55:6 | 42:7} 10 46:0 | 41:1} 57:9 | 389°7 9 45°8 | 36:2 | [55-4]| [34:6] 8-2 44:0 | 87:3] 58:1 | 36-4 8 49°8 | 33°6 | 84:3 | 38:7 8 45°8 | 33°0] 51:2 | 26°6 9 47:0 | 40:0} 49°3 | 39°6 | 10 50'1 | 44:0} 57°5 | 45:47 10 49°1| 43°7] 76:6 | 42:3 9 52°8| 44:0} 61°4 | 44°58] 10 49:0 | 44:2] 61:0 | 44:6] 10 49:0 | 42:0} 55:3 | 4071] 10 50'1 | 42:2} 51:4 | 42°97 10 50°3| 45°91 57°4 | 46:0] 10 51°8| 403} 59°8 | 46:0] 10 47°3| 38°3] 79:0 | 35°5 8 45-4} 42°37 49:0 | 41:5] 10 48:0 | 43:0} 57°3 | 41-1] 10 46:3 | 42:3} 49°6 | 42:7] 10 46°5 | 37:0} 58:3 - 10 45°4 | 33°06] 78°8 | 35°6 5 50:1 | 83:3} 71°6 | 30°5 6 51:4 | 38:0} 60°83 | 425] 10 47:0 | 38°5} 81:2 | 29°7 9 46:0 | 84:1} 57:0 | 31:6 9 48:0 | 35:5] 86°5 | 29°8 il 43°9 | 37°8] 53°8 | 34:4] 10 42°8 | 84:3] 44°8 | 34:4] 10 39:0 | 32°6} 62°5 | 32°99] 10 48:0 | 35°3] 60°0 | 34:3] 10 45:2| 40:0} 58:0 | 37°3 9 48:0 | 32°6} 50°0 | 32-1} 10 47°5 | 884] 61:4 | [37°8]} 9:0 HH yi WOOMOD COAONLO H a SON OCODKOCO COMODO SO 10 10 5} 10} 10 0 0 0 8 9} 10 10} 10] 10 10} 10; 10 10; 10] 10 9} 10} 10 8 | 10 8 9 7 7 10; 10] 10 10; 10] 10 6 7 4 Sj 1 at LOD LOD elo 10} 10] 10 10; 10] 10 9 8 8 0 0 0 9} 10} 10 9 3 1 5 9 8 9 7 8 0 9} 10 10} 10] 10 NOT SOs ie 6 4 if 10) 10] 10 9) LOR ato 10} 10; 10 79 | 84} 8:3 FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 363 STEVENSON SCREEN. TEMPERATURE AND AMOUNT OF CLOUD. MARCH 1896. Temperature—Dry and Wet Bulbs. neal Black| Radn. Amount of Cloud, 0 to 10. gh 108 128 14h 16 21h 22h Bulb.) Min. 19" | lon | 148 | 21 | 298 Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet] | | |_| i eels med 1 | 41:4 38°7/43°9 40°71) - — |44:3 40°33} —- — | 42°6 39°6 | 42°2 39:2] 49-0 | 39°6] 85°8| 34:3 7 8 9 7 9 2 | 40:1 38:1 | 42:3 39:0) 42:0 39°9| 43:3 42:0 | 43:9 42°5 | 42°5 40°5 | 42°3 40-9] 44-5 | 38-6] 64:6] 36°5 9 Sn LON LOL elo 3 | 35°6 34:2) 35°5 33°5| 40°5 36°6 | 38:2 36-7 | 37°8 35:9 | 34°6 33:7 | 33°7 33:0} 43°0 | 32-4] 85-6 | 31°8 6 5) 7 | 10 3 4 | 349 34:4 | 36:3 35°4 | 39-7 38:0 | 41°3 38°5 | 42:8 40:0 | 42°8 39:4) 42°6 39:71] 43°8 | 315] 71:3) 29-6] 10 9] 10 6 6 5 | 41:2 37°2 | 42:5 38:3 | 43°3 385] 40-5 38:9 | 40°1 38:2] 40°6 38:3) 42:1 38:3] 44-2 | 38-0] 77-4] 335 9 7 OQ} xo Uf 6 | 46:9 44:2) 47:2 43°5| 41-7 38-3] 38:2 35:3) 40°5 35:2) 40-0 36:1 | 39:1 35-7] 48:2 | 37:3] 90:2} 36-2] 10 8] 10} 10 2 7 | 37°7 35°5 | 42°8 37:5 | 43°8 37:9 | 44:8 38°8 | 43°3 38°2| 39-7 36°5 | 42°6 38-9] 47:1 | 35:3] 95°3] 30-0 9 a 95) 1005 10 8 | 46:7 46:0 | 48:0 47-7] - — |49°6 48:9] —- — |47°7 42°9)] 47-1 41:7] 53°3 | 39°3] 64:3) 3837 10; 10] 10 4 8 9 | 43°3 40-0 | 44-1 40°5| 43-0 40°9| 45°6 41°9| 45-7 39°9 | 38:2 36:2] 37°7 35°6] 47:5 | 86-4] 710} 38:0 | 10 9 9 1 0 10 | 41°6 39°7 | 42°1 389°9| 44:9 40:4] 44:4 40-8] 42°9 42:1 | 46:9 46°6 | 47:4 46:9] 48-7 | 35°5] 58:9} 30] 10) 10} 10} 10) 10 11 | 44°7 40°6 | 44:9 40:9 | 47:0 41°8 | 44:4 38°5 | 43-7 42:9] 36°6 33°8 | 35°6 32°81 49°7 | 34:0]117°0| 38-1 5 6 4 0 1 12 | 35°3 32:2 | 37°4 32°6 | 39:9 34:5) 42-1 36:1 | 42:9 36:9] 34°38 31°7 | 82°8 30°64 43°8| 29-4] 94:2) 25:1 3 4 4 0 0 13 | 3371 30°9| 37:1 341) 41°8 35°9| 43°6 37:0] 46°5 35:4] 33-9 30°9 | 30°8 28-8] 46-0 | 27°87 108-4 | 21°5 4 1 8 0 0 14 | 30°9 28:9 | 36:0 32:0 | 40:0 36:0 | 41:9 37:2) 45-9 39:8 | 38:1 34:7 | 39°8 35°39 47°8 | 28°54 98-8) 19°6 0 0 iy 2) | alo) 15 | 40°8 38°0| 42:2 395) - —- |42:9 41:9) - -— | 40-7 38:1] 40°6 38:1] 46-0| 37:4] 65-4] 34:9] 10] 10) 10 7 3 16 | 42:1 89:0 | 39°9 38:5] 46:0 42:0 | 43:0 40-3 | 44°8 40:0] 43-2 39:4) 43:9 39:3] 47-2| 38-3] 84:2) 37-1] 10|) 10] 10 7 4 17 | 41°7 39°6| 41°9 40:2] 41-9 39°9| 45-9 42°5 | 42:4 39:8] 40-9 37:9 | 39°1 37:5] 45°9| 36°67 61:0} 34:37 10] 10 9 8 2 18 | 40°5 386 | 38°6 37:5 | 40:8 38-8) 44:0 41:2| 40°6 39:1] 39°6 37-7 | 38°8 36:9] 44:9 | 35-2] 93-5] 32-9] 10 7 5 6 2 19 | 38:1 87:1) 41°9 39:9 | 45:0 41°3| 45-9 41:0 | 45°6 4171 | 43°9 38:4 | 44-7 39:1] 48-0 | 35°6} 1018] 34:0] 10 5 7 5 7 20 | 46:7 42°5 | 47-6 42°8| 48:8 43°8| 50-7 44:5 | 43-9 41-9] 39°8 38°8| 39-7 38°7]53°0 | 38-5] 99-1 | 38-1 7 8 8 9] 10 21 | 45:5 40°9/ 47-8 42:8] 48-8 44-0 | 49-2 43:3| 50-0 42°9| 41-7 38-7 | 41°8 38:8]53°0 | 38:4] 107-0} 37:2 8 8 6] 10} 10 22 | 40°7 39°33} 41:6 39:9] —- = |50°9 45:9) - — |461 42:9] 45:3 42:8]52:1 | 37-4]101°5| 35:0} 10 9 4 3 6 23 | 44°9 43:8) 45:9 44:5 | 46:6 44:9 | 45-8 44°9/ 45:9 45°6| 46-8 46:0] 46°8 46:0]47°7 | 43°9] 53:1] 42-2] 10} 10] 10; 10] 10 24 | 46:0 44:4) 45-9 45°4| 45-9 45-0 | 46-7 46:0] 46-2 45:9] 45°6 44:9] 45:9 44:8] 48-1) 447] 593) 44:0} 10) 10] 10; 10] 10 25 | 47°6 45:2|48°6 46:0] 51°6 46°8 | 50:2 46°4/| 51:9 47°7| 46:0 44:2] 45:2 43-5] 54:0| 42:8] 99:9) 41-0 8 i 9 8} 10 26 | 43:9 42:4! 43-1 41:9/ 44-6 41:0] 40-1 87:9] 43°9 38°5| 35-9 33°9| 39:0 34:7] 47-2) 34-9] 94:1) 38-47 10] 10] 10 6 4 27 =| 37:9 36:2] 39:0 36°9 | 43°8 40-4] 45:4 40-0} 45:2 39-7] 41-1 38°8] 41:1 38:8] 46:2 | 34°38] 98:0} 31-2 9 8 9} 10} 10 28 | 39:6 37:3/ 40°6 37:4 | 43-0 37-9 | 43-9 38:0| 41-9 37:9 | 38:9 36°8 | 40°3 37°51 46°7 | 33-97 103-9| 33-6 | 10 8 Z|) 1) 9 29 | 39:2 37:2) 41:5 38:3] - —- | 446 389 — | 388-6 34:0| 36°8 33:2] 47:7 | 34:0] 106-1 | 29-5 8 8 7 5 5 30 | 37°5 34:0 | 40:2 35:6 | 42°7 37:0! 45:7 39:0 | 45:0 38:0 | 43°3 40-9 | 43°6 41:6] 45-9 | 29:0} 90-0} 22-7 5 6} 10] 10} 10 81 | 46°5 44:7 | 48-2 44:9 | 49-2 46°3| 49-2 46:5 | 49:0 47:8) 46°7 42:9] 45°S 40°3]50°7 | 41-4] 763] 41°67 10) 10] 10 5 4 Mray| 41:1 38:7 | 42°4 396) - —- | 44:7 40-9| - - | 41-2 38-6] 41-1 38:3] 47-8| 36-2] 86-4| 33:9] 8:3] 7-6| 81] 7-0 | 6-2 STEVENSON SCREEN. APRIL 1896. Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.) Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.) Dry. Wet. 1 | 42°9 37-0 | 435 37:2] 44-6 38-3] 46°0 39:0 | 45:4 39-9] 40°9 37:8 | 42°3 38:3] 47-4 | 36:0] 108-7 | 28-0 8 9 9 i |) XO 2 | 45:5 41-8] 48-4 42°6| 50:4 44:8] 48-5 46:0 | 48-4 46:3] 46°5 44°8 | 46:5 44:4] 52:3 | 38-67 107-2) 35°3 fl a ey} WO) alt 3 | 49:4 44-7] 49-4 44:4] 49-4 44:3] 53-7 45:°9|53°6 47:0] 47:0 42:7 | 45:9 42°2]55-0 | 41:1] 1100 | 35°6 8 i a 8} 10 4 | 506 49-2 | 52-6 49°5 | 53-9 50-0] 51°5 49°3/ 516 49:0} 501 47:7 | 49:2 471155-0| 42-77 76:0) 394] 10 9 9} 10} 10 5 1495 46°6/50°0 47:2} - - |503 48-9) — — | 49-1 48-2] 49:5 48:4]52:0)47-0] 695) 45°97 10; 10; 10} 10; lo 6 | 486 47:0] 49°9 47-7 | 50°9 48:4] 52-4 49-1) - — |47°9 47-4| 47-7 47°3]53°6| 46-2] 76:5) 4457 10} 10 2} Oy wo 7 |48°5 48:2] 48-4 48:0 | 49:2 48:8] 48-9 48°6 | 49-9 49-4 | 48:9 48°6 | 48-8 48-4] 50°6 | 46-4 69°0| 48:3] 10 LOS Os ALOR 0) 8 | 48:2 47:6 | 48:2 47-7 | 49-6 48:9] 51°3 50:1] 53:3 49:6] 48:8 46:9 | 47:8 46-4] 55:0) 47°6 92°6 AGS LON LON LON LOS | 0 9 |47-9 46:3] 49°5 47:3) 50°6 48:5] 51:9 49°1|51°9 46-7 | 44:9 41:3 | 43-4 41-0] 54-0 | 43:3} 107-9 | (40°0) a 9 5 6 5 10 | 44:9 39:5 | 43-9 40:5 | 41-9 42:3] 44:9 42:5) 46-9 42:3 | 42-4 39°5| 41:2 38°8]47°5| 39:6] 92°5| 35°4 7 7 8 || WO} 30) ll | 39:9 37°3 | 43-9 39-3 | 40-4 38-4 | 43-8 40-4 | 39°7 37:5] 40°9 37:4) 38°9 36:5] 46-5 | 35-4) 1051) 31°5 9 8 9 7} 10 12 | 41-5 37°5|41°8 37-77| - - | 41-4 87:0) - -—- | 89-9 36°8/38:°6 36:6] 45-0/ 36-3] 99:5] 3467 10) 10 6 8] 10 13 | 40-4 36:0] 43:1 37-0| 43:8 37:9] 46:3 38:1 | 44-4 38-4] 40:7 36:9 | 40°5 36-6] 47-0 | 35-9} 109°4 | 33-4 4 4 10) || il) 14 | 42:1 37-6 | 42-2 38:3| 45:5 39:9] 47-0 41:9| 48:9 42-9] 39:9 36:8] 36°6 34:5] 51:0 | 34-1] 106-0 | 34:3 8 9 6 i 0 15 | 39-3 35:9] 45:2 41:2| 48-4 42°5| 49-2 43-9) 48-9 43-4] 45-3 42:9 | 44-8 42-8) 51:3 | 28°67 1083) 21:9 4 4 6}; 10] 10 16 | 48:8 46:9| 49:4 47-3] 48-6 44:1] 50:9 45°8 | 52:9 46:9] 46:0 43:7 | 45:1 42:7] 54:0 | 42-9] 109°0) 41:3 10 10 || io) 8 17 | 47-6 43:1| 51:3 44°3| 50-4 44:8] 51-4 45:3] 49°8 45:9] 44:9 41:9 | 43-9 41-2] 54-0 | 42-8} 116-2 | (39-0) fi 6 8 8 6 18 | 48°9 45°5/48°5 46:2/51°5 47:°5| 50:2 46°6| 52-2 468/502 46-9) 48-9 46°35] 52°3 | 40°38] 1089) 38-1 7 9), 10 9} 10 19 | 50:2 48:3/50°9 49:4; - - |504 494) - = |49°3 47-9) 48-8 47-8]52°7| 46-4] 85:9} 45:4] 10 S} ff @ 3) iO) al) 20 |51:°3 48:°9152-7 49°7| 53-4 49-7 156-0 51-0| 54'S 49-91 51-0 48:9/ 50-2 48:6] 56-9) 44-29 1091) 40-4 7 8 Hi} 10 9 21 | 49-0 47:7] 51-0 48-9] 52:2 48-9 | 53-0 48-6 | 53:2 48:4] 49:5 45-9 | 48:8 45:8]53°5| 47:0] 83:3) 431] 10| 10; 10) 10] 10 22 | 51:3 47°6| 51:3 47-5 | 52:4 47-9] 53-9 48-8 /55°3 49-6 | 505 47:9] 49°5 47:1555-4| 47-2] 99°8) 46-6] 10] 10 9 6 7 93 |52-4 48:9|51:7 49°4|58°8 51:3] 61-4 51:7] 58-9 51:4] 48-8 45°5| 46-4 44:0] 62:5 | 45°5 | 130°3 433 8 6 3 (0) 0 24 | 48-4 45:9] 52:2 48:3) 57:9 50:0) 57:7 51:7 | 55-0 49:5] 48-9 47:0} 48-9 47-8] 58-2 | 35-0) 111°8 | 29°6 6 4 4 8 9 25 |50°5 46°3| 50:4 46:4] 50-4 46:9 | 48-6 46:9 | 49:8 49:°2/ 50:6 47:9! 49-6 47-9] 54:0 | 41:1) 121-2) 37°6 1 i) || u@ 8 9 26 |50:1 45:5/49°5 463] - - |50°8 465] —. = | 483 45:0] 48-5 44:9] 53-0 | 46-0} 99:0) 43:4 9 8 9 9 9 Q7 150-4 46:7] 48:5 45:4) 49-2 45:2| 49-8 44-9] 44-8 42-8] 43-2 40-8] 44-4 41-6] 533 | 42:2) 1121) 44-9 8 8 9 8 9 28 | 44-2 41-8| 43:9 40:9] 44:9 42:0] 44:5 41:6 | 45-8 41:1] 39:9 38-0 | 41:0 38-9] 48-0 | 38-9} 105°3 380 10 6 9 5 6 29 | 44-4 40-4| 46:3 40:9 | 49:2 42°3| 48-0 42:°2| 49-7 43:4 | 43-9 39-9 | 42:4 39:5] 504 36:0 120°0| 324 8 9 7 8 8 80 | 44-4 39:9] 49-6 43°6 | 49-4 41°6 | 44:6 415) - - | 43:8 37:7] 40:2 36:2]51:2| 37:0] 1159 | 32:6 6 6 9 1 0 Mean] 47-0 43:9| 48-2 44:7) - -— |49:9 45:7) = - |46*1 48:4) 45:3 43-0] 52-4) 411] 102-2) 38:3] 80 | 7:9) 80) 7:9) 8:2 364 FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. STEVENSON SCREEN. TEMPERATURE AND AMOUNT OF CLOUD. MAY 1896. Temperature—Dry and Wet Bulbs. Max. | Min,| Black |Radn. Amount of Cloud, 0 to 10. gh | 10h yh =| 14h 160 Qin 22h Bulb. | Min. Yeon | 10m | 14m | 21m | 22m Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. ape ; 7 7 i} 1 | 44°2 40:0/46°9 42°3 | 49:2 44:2 | 49:2 44:9|49°9 44:5] 45:9 42°8| 44:9 42:0] 62:0 | 32:2] 93°6| 26°5 7 6 8 i 5 2 | 46°5 44:3) 49°3 45:5 | 55°38 47°5 | 56:3 47:1 | 55:9 48:9} 46:9 42°9 | 47-5 43°59 59-0 | 87°67 120°3| 34°5 8 7 6 5 6 3 | 49°7 45:°0|50°4 461] - - |57% 48°83) - - (47° 42°6 | 46:0 41:99 58-5 | 39°6]117-9| 36:0 6 3 2 2 2 4 | 50°3 45°9| 56:2 48:3] 56:8 49°9 | 58°8 50°8 | 57°7 49:0] 48:9 44:9 | 49°3 45:9} 60-0 | 37°39 115°8 | 29-0 4 5 5 6 8 5 | 48°9 47°4| 49:5 47:7] 51°9 49:2] 53°8 50°8 | 55:4 52:3) 49°7 48:1 | 48-4 47°49 56°3 | 47:87 104-2} 47:0} 10] 10) 10 4 3 6 | 565 52°4/59°9 54:5] 665 58°5 | 66-1 57°7 | 66°5 58°9| 57°38 54:1) 57:0 53°59 67°9 | 43°3] 123-7 | 37:0 0 0 7 1 0 7 | 58:3 53-9} 62:0 56°5 | 70°5 60-9 | 67-2 59:9 | 60°3 58:1 | 57-9 56:0 | 56°3 53-9] 73:2 | 47-9] 1382-2} 39:0 5 4 5 5 0 8 | 58°8 54:8 | 62°8 57:2] 69°8 59°6| 72:0 59°8| 72°1 59-2 | 56:2 52:0) 55:8 51°24 74:2 | 46:3] 130-7 | 47:0 0 1 2 0 0 9 |57°6 51-4 |} 59:1 53:3 | 69°8 57:4] 74:0 58:4} 73°9 59:7 | 64:0 54:8 | 57°5 51°54 77'4 | 44:07 1294 | 36°6 0 1 3 0 0 10 | 61°5 54:°2/60°3 54:0) - - | 64:0 54:9} = —- | 55:9 49:°9| 55-7 48-7 [66:1 | 44:2] 119°8} 38-0 0 0 0 0 0 11 | 57:4 52-9| 62:2 55-4) 68°8 58-0| 68-9 56:9) 68:9 57:8} 57:1 51:1) 54:6 49°89 70°7 | 41°6 | 120°0| 35-7 0 0 il 0 0 12 | 57:4 52:1 / 62°5 55:4 | 67°9 58°5| 70:0 59:0 | 71:3 59:3} 58-9 50:9 | 53:6 49-9 | 73-2 | 42°8} 122-7 | 36-0 0 0 0 0 0 13 | 54:6 51°5| 58°9 53:4 | 63:1 55:3 | 65°9 56:9 | 67:4 56°9|52°9 49:2) 52:5 49-9] 69:0 | 40-6] 120-9) 33°5 2 3 1 2 0 14 | 52:1 5071) 54°3 51:9} 53-8 52-3) 538°1 52°5 | 53:4 52:9 | 63-3 50:0 | 51°9 48°2955°5 | 476] 93:3) 41-0 9 ch] 100) 6 7 15 | 52:5 46:4) 54:3 48-4 | 58-3 50°3 | 61:1 52°8 | 62:3 54:2) 53:9 47-8) 52:3 47:6] 64°5 | 40°71 125°8 | 33°6 8 6 2 9 7 16 | 51:4 47°4!152-0 48:9 | 55:2 50°6 | 58°9 52:9) 60°3 53°6 | 54°9 51:9] 54:5 51°94 62:1 | 47-8] 1300) 47-4 | 10) 10 8) 10] 10 17 | 53:4 52:5) 53°6 52:7) —- — |59°8 56:7) —- — | 55:0 52°9| 55:1 52°9762:0|51:1]115°3} 52:0} 10] 10 9 8 9 18 | 506 50°3 | 52°5 51°5 | 53-1 52:0 | 538-9 52:9) 52:9 50°6 | 50°7 47:2] 49-9 47:99 55-5 | 50:0] 110-2] 51-7} 10) 10! 10 9 9 19 | 49:0 44°7 | 52°2 45:5 | 55:7 48°9| 48:0 45:9] 48°6 46:8 | 46:9 43°5 | 46°8 43:09 55-7 | 44-0] 118-1) 40-4 6 7 LOs SO 8 20 | 48:7 41°9| 50°2 41:1] 51°3 41°4| 51:9 42°9| 51:9 42:1] 46-9 41:2) 45°8 41-99 52°9 | 43°37119°8} 41:1 6 5 4 8 5 21 | 51:2 45°9| 53:2 46°7 | 54°8 48:0| 54:7 48-0 | 52°8 47:9|49°6 49:0 | 49°8 49°39 559 | 42:9] 116°8| 38-1 9 BPN 1) |) |) al) 22 | 53°4 51:5 | 54:8 51°5 | 57°6 54:2 | 63°7 56°8| 561 52:5 | 54:1 51°8| 53-4 51°24 65°3 | 49°37 133-3) 50°70} 10} 10 @ |) iO} 10) 23 | 53°] 52°8| 54°6 51°9| 521 47-9 | 54:2 46:2) 53:0 467 | 48°9 45°5| 49-0 45°8] 58-0 | 47°59 124-0) 49°5 | 10 8 7 9 9 24 | 52:2 45:5 |52°7 46:2) —- - | 54:7 48:4) - — | 47-0 43:9) 45°3 42:6 § 57:3 | 42°6 | 122-7 | [40-0] Zi 6} 10 8 8 25 | 54:2 50°6| 54:4 50°9| 57:9 52:0 | 62:8 53°8 | 62°7 55:1 | 52°2 48:9 | 51-1 48-7 | 65-0 | 42:4} 127-7 | 37-1 8 9 2 0 0 26 | 54°6 50:9] 58-9 53:3 | 64:0 56:0) 64:9 56:8 | 67°3 58°0 | 57:8 52-1 | 56-0 51:09 68:1 | 42°9} 123°4 | 38-2 4 4 5 6 2 27 | 569 51:9| 61:3 54°9/ 67°9 58:9) 71:9 60°6 | 69°2 60-7 | 59:2 54:2| 57-9 53-9) 72°8 | 46:1} 130-7 | 42°0 0 0 2 4 8 28 | 581 53:9) 59:9 54°9| 63°9 57-2) 65°6 55°1 | 619 53:9 | 55:2 49:2 | 538 47-5} 66°9 | 49°39 1329] 43-7 4 5) 7 8 7 29 | 55°9 51:9] 57:7 52:9) 58°9 53:7 | 58-7 53:0 | 60°9 53-9| 53°5 49°6 | 53-0 49-1] 61-1 | 47:3] 1226 | 42-9 9 8 9 2 1 30 | 56:0 50°6 | 56°6 51:4] 60°9 54°8| 62°6 56°1 | 63°9 55-6} 51:0 47°9 | 48-9 46°8 | 66-4 | 46:3} 128-7 | 42°0 6 4 0 0 0 81 | 52°3 48°3)53'2 48:9} - —- |57°2 50°} - — | 52:2 47:9) 50-6 47-1] 58-0 | 46:0} 117°0} 42:0] 10) 10] 10] 10 9 Mwan| 53°5 49:4) 55:7 507) - - |60°7 58:2} - -— |58:0 48°8/ 51:7 48:2} 63-2 | 44:°3]120°8) 40°3 | 5:7 | 5:5 | 5:5 | 51) 4:6 STEVENSON SCREEN, JUNE 1896. Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. 1 | 51:0 49-9} 52°8 50:9 | 54°9 51:0) 55:2 51°3] — -— | 51:9 48:9] 50°8 48:7]57°3| 49:0} 97:1] 461] 10 9}; 10 8 9 2 |56°9 51°5/ 58-4 52:1) 54°6 51°5/59°9 53:2) - - | 55:7 51°3|53°5 50°69 64°3 | 47:0] 120°8| 438-7 8} 10 9) 10) 10 3 | 53°3 49°3|53°4 49:4) 52°9 50°1 | 51:3 49:5] 51:7 49:°9/50°6 49:2) 50-6 49°3454:0| 48:0] 72:9| 4907 10} 10] 10}; 10} 10 4 | 52°3 500 | 52:6 49-9 | 53-4 50°3 | 52°7 49°9| 51:0 48-9) 47:9 46°9| 47-6 46°4957:71 | 47:1]115:0} 47°37 10) 10| 10] 10] 10 5 | 47:9 46°7 | 48°7 47:5 | 49°7 47:9 | 48°9 46-5) 47:7 46:2) 47:2 45°8/ 475 45°7]506| 46:3] 78:1] 46°57 10) 10) 10; 10] 10 6 | 54°8 50°5| 55:0 51:0 | 59:0 53°1| 61-9 54:2| 63:2 54:9] 53:7 50:2) 53-1 50:09 65:0 | 45°7| 1025) 47°67 10 9 9) 0) |) 20 7 |50°9 48°9)52°8 50°70) - - | 568 52:7} - - |50°9 48:8) 50:9 48°8957°9| 48:7] 97°7| 47:3] 10] 10 9 8 7 8 |51°7 50°0| 53:0 51:4) 54:7 58°0| 57:4 53°38] 55:3 52°7 | 55:2 51:9| 55:1 51:°9958°5 | 49:3] 92:3) 47-27 10) 10; 10} 10) 10 9 | 63°8 54:9 | 65:9 56°9| 67:0 58°6 | 67:2 58°3| 69:9 60:1 | 61°6 54:9] 58:0 54°79 71°9 | 52°2| 180-3) 50-0 2 6 4 3 0 10 | 59-9 55:0 | 61:7 56:1] 64°7 58-1 | 66:5 59-1] 64:9 58-1 | 59-1 55°5| 57-9 54°74 69-4 | 46:0] 136-0 | 39-9 i 1 8 8 i 11 | 56% 54:2) 611 57-4 | 63°8 58°5 | 65:2 59°6| 66°5 58:0) 56:5 51°7| 53:0 49-9] 70:3 | 51:2] 128°6| 50-0 4 4 Ui 3 it 12 | 58°7 55:0 | 62:7 56°9 | 65°3 56:2 | 66:2 56°9| 65°7 57-1 | 62°3 56:1] 60:2 55-9] 68-1 | 49°5]115:9} 40:07 10 | 10} 10 9510 13 | 66°6 57-4 | 66°8 58:1] 69°1 59:1) 72°1 60°2| 71:4 59°5|61°6 57:0 | 60:2 56°74 73:2 | 52°1]182:0| 44-5 3 2 2 2 4 14 60°6 | 68°9 627} - -—- |783 64:6) - -—- | 62:0 58:7) 58:2 56:7] '79°9 | 53:1} 136°8) 48-5 il 2 I 2 0 lb 56°3 | 60°5 57-9| 69°0 63:0 | 71:9 64:0 | 68°9 63°3 | 62°9 60°2| 61°6 58°59 72:9 | 51:5 9123-0) 45-1 a 1 2 Bi 16 | 63:9 59°1 | 62°6 58°5 | 58°8 57:2| 59-9 58:3) 61-9 59-0|55°5 53:8| 52-9 51:7]64°5|52:9}114:9| 499] 10} 10) 10 5 1 17 | 55:4 54:9) 55-9 55:3] 58°8 57:9 | 59°7 58°7| 57:1 55:8 | 53°4 50°6 | 52:7 49°4]61°1|/51-0] 87-7; 451] 10) 10; 10) 10) 10 18 | 588 51-8 | 54:0 52°3/ 57:8 53:0 | 59-8 53:9] 58:9 53°8 | 53°6 51:3 | 58:0 50:9] 61-2 | 49:9} 122-1} 47:0 9 9 5 8} 10 19 | 57°6 52-9} 57-2 52-0 | 60:2 53:7 | 60°0 52°7| 58:5 51:9] 52:6 51°5 | 53:0 51:9] 61:3 | 50-0] 128-7 | 47-0 2 8 Ol LO} wo 20 | 55:0 53:0) 56°3 53°2| 54°9 52:0; 55:9 51:9) - — |51:2 48:9) 51:1 48-4] 60:3; 51°07125:0; 51-35 10 9 8 9} 10 21 | 516 47°4|53°9 48-9] - - |57°6 50°99) - —- | 53:1 49:4) 53:3 48:4]58°6 | 48:19127-9| 45-6 3 8 8 9} 20 22 = |(55:0)[49°9}) 58:9 50°8|59°8 53-7 | 62:0 54:1 |] 59:9 53:8] 54:0 49-2) 52-1 48°69 62°9| 47°87 129-0) 41:7} 10 $) 7 9 7 23 | 54:6 53°0 | 54°7 58°71 57:9 55:9 | 59°7 56°8| 59:7 56°5 | 55:2 54:5 | 54:9 54:0) 62:0) 50:19 96:6) 47°38} 10) 10} 10; 10} 10 24 |58°7 55°9 | 58-1 55°8| 59-1 56°5 | 61:1 57°6 | 59:0 57:1 | 57:9 55:0) 55:9 55-7 [62:1 | 53:2109°3 | 52-7 9), 10 8 9) LO 25 | 60°0 55°8| 60°1 55°1| 65:9 56°8 | 65:4 57:6 | 66-9 57°9| 56°9 53:3] 54:6 51:9] 69°6 | 52:0} 140°3| 47:9 8 7 6 4 1 26 | 56°8 53°83 | 59°8 55-7 | 58-0 54°38 | 58°8 55:0) 59°5 55:7 | 56°9 55:9] 56'8 55°9}61:2| 47-4] 95:7) 40°77 | 10|) 10; 10; 10/ 10 27 | 57°7 56°9| 59:0 58:1) 59:7 588 | 59°8 58°8| 63:9 60°9|57°5 56:8) 57:2 56:2) 64:3) 54:87 - 55:0} 10) 10} 10] 10) 10 28 | 57°8 50°8)54°9 49-9} - - | 569 507] - - | 54:0 49:1) 53°8 49-2}58:0/51:3]119°:0) —- 8 9 8 8 29 | 57°6 51:8} 56-0 51:0} 54-9 50-9| 52:0 51-1| 55:9 54:1] 52-7 51-8] 52-1 50-9] 58-9 | 47-0] 110°9| 38-1 9} 10) ) 101) On eealG) | 80 | 53-4 50°9| 54:0 49:1) 535 50-7 | 53-9 51°6| 54:9 50°9| 54:7 52:3) 53:9 52:7] 553] 50:0} 80:0} 49-2} 10] 10; 10 9} 10 Mean} 56° 52°9| 57-7 538°6| - - | 60° 55:1] - — | 55:3 52-4] 54-2 51:8] 68:1 | 49:8 [[112°6]| [46°6]] 7:6 | 7:9 | 7:9 | 7:9 | 7:8 FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 365 STEVENSON SCREEN. TEMPERATURE AND AMOUNT OF CLOUD. JULY 1896. : See mount of Cloud, 0 to 10. Temperature—Dry and Wet Bulbs. Max (Min, | Black | Radn. Amo Oh 104 1Qh 14h 16h Q]h 99h Bulb. | Min, gh | 10 | 14h | 21h 92h Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.|/Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. 1 | 55:8 49-7} 55:0 50:0|57°8 48-9] 58:9 50°9|59°9 51:9) 54:2 49:3|53°8 48-9] 61°3 | 50°39 132-9 | 47-1 9 8 i 9} 10 2 |55°8 51:8) 56°9 52°9| 56-1 53°8| 56:0 54:8] 57-7 56°6 | 55-2 [53-6]| 54:9 53-7} 58-8 | 46°29 122-1 | 41-1 9 8} 10} 10] 10 3 | 54:3 51°8|55:0 52°0|57-9 53°0| 53-9 52:8] 54-2 53:1 | 54:8 51:8] 54:0 51:9] 59:3 | 53°39110-7 | 52°07 10 8} 10 9 9 4 | 54:7 50-9) 55-0 51:9 | 52:4 51°8| 59:8 52-4| 57:5 51:1 | 53°8 50:7] 54:8 50:9] 6170 | 50°87 1041! 47:5] 10) 19 8 8 8 5 |56°9 51:9] 58:9 53:5) - — |60°0 53:9} - — |58°9 55:0] 58:2 55:0] 62-0 | 50-0] 122°0 | 42-1 6 8 8 9 9 | 6 | 57:9 52°6| 59-7 52:8 | 61:8 55:0] 60:9 54:9] 58:4 51:3) 52°7 50-7 | 52:0 51-1] 62:7 | 52°49 126-0 | 51-1 6 7 9} 10 8 7 | 57-1 52°6|59°8 54:1 | 62:9 56-7 | 63-8 57°0| 64:6 57:0] 56-2 51°9| 55-7 51:0] 68-8 | 47-0} 127°3, 41-1 9 9 9 7 7 8 | 58:0 54°6|59°5 55°6 | 61:7 55:7 | 63:0 56:8) 61:5 55°5| 55:0 54:3) 54:9 54-2] 63°7| 51:3] 99-4} 49°0 9 9 co ee 0 ee 0) 9 | 55:6 54°8|56°9 55:5|58:9 55:9 | 60-2 55°8| 63:0 56:0|56°8 52:2] 55-9 51:24 63-4] 53-07 1287| 512] 10; 10) 10 8 5 10 | 57-9 50:9] 59-9 51:9| 62°3 54:4| 64:7 54:9] 64:0 56°9|56°5 52°5| 53-5 51-2] 65-6 | 46:0} 122-7) 37:0 6 4 8 7 2 11 | 60°8 55:1 | 64:°6 57:8) 65:3 59°1| 67:6 58°8| 66°9 58:9 | 62°5 57:0| 62°6 57-7} 64:5 | 44:9] 182-4 | 37-5 3 4 7 7 9 12 | 63:0 58:4/65:0 59:0/} - — |58:5 58:0] — — | 55:2 54:21 54:9 53:9] 65:6 | 55°0}119°5| 52-4 9 6} 10 5 2 18 | 62°1 57-7 | 65:8 58:8 | 64:8 59:0| 67-0 60-9 | 69-0 62:0| 62:9 59-1 | 60°7 58:5] 70°0 | 50°9} 133°1} 45-1 7 7 8 8 7 14 | 56-0 53:9/54-9 53°6|55°1 54°0/56-8 55°8| 59-7 56:1 | 55-9 51-5 | 55°8 50:9] 61:1 |56-0]104-2| 56-1] 10) 10) 10 9 7 15 | 58-9 52:9] 57:8 51:8) 61:3 52:4] 59-8 51:8/59:0 53:°0|57:0 51:8] 53-9 49-9] 64-0 | 50:7 | 123°6 | 48°6 9} 10 9 7 1 J6 | 57:8 53:8] 58:9 52:9| 62:6 54°5| 64:9 55:°9|66°7 58°8| 55:1 51:2] 52:9 49-9] 67-5 | 44:0] 1238'S | 37-0 6 7 5 it 0 17 | 59:0 52:0] 59-9 54:0| 62:8 57:0] 63-0 57:8 | 60:8 55:0| 5671 55:4] 56:0 55:8] 64-6 | 50:0] 127-4 | 45:0 9 8 9} 10} 10 18 | 59-9 58°8| 61-9 60-1 | 63-2 60-8] 62-9 60°1| 58:6 57°6|57°8 57°2| 57:9 57-7] 64:3 | 55°8]118°3 | 29:0} 10 9} 10] 10) 10 19 | 58:7 57:9) 58-4 57:9) - — |58°8 581) - — |57:3 57-1 |57°8 57°6159°6| 57-0] 74:9] 51-6] 10} 10) 10) 10; 10 20 | 61:8 61:2] 61:9 61:1] 61:5 60°5| 61:9 60°7| 59:9 58:9] 58:1 57°8| 57-8 57:2]62°8 | 56-97 89:0) - 10} 10} 10] 10} 10 21 | 55°8 53°8| 57:0 53°8| 60-9 54:7 | 59-8 52°7|59°9 52:7) 55°3 51°1| 53-9 49-9] 63-0 | 53-3]1341| 53:07 10) 10 9 8 6 92 | 53°3 50:4155-9 50°9| 57-1 52:0] 60-0 52:9] 56:8 50°9| 52-2 48-9] 52:0 49:0] 60:3 | 48-9] 122-4] 41-5] 10 8 8 9 9 93 | 54:7 50°6| 55:2 51:0) 49°7 47:9] 53-8 50°3| 54:2 51:0] 52-9 50-0 | 49-0 47-0] 58-6 | 48-1] 116-3) 44°9 9 9 8 Uf 0 24 |56°8 51:8!57°6 51°7| 60:7 51:9! 64:0 54:9 | 60:9 53:9) 54:3 50°5 | 52-9 50-0] 66:2 | 40°01 128-0 | 33-0 3 2 5 9 7 25 | 50-9 48°8| 50-9 48°9| 51:9 50-4 | 51-9 51:2| 53-8 52°7|58°6 55°8| 58-0 55:9] 58°8| 48-2] 63:0} 45:0] 10) 10) 10) 10 7 96 |58°6 54:0) 61:9 56:9) — — | 58:2 55:8) — — |53°7 50:1 | 53-5 49:6161°8 | 52:°4)120°8) 51-1 if 6} 10} 10 10 27 |53°5 46:9] 54:0 48:7 | 55-9 48:8} 56-9 48°8| 58:9 49:1] 53-2 48°5| 53-8 48-9] 59-7 | 49-7] 122-0} 47:0 9 9 6 7 7 98 |55:9 51:5] 57-9 52:3] 61-8 54:6 | 63:0 54:8 | 62:0 54:9] 55°5 51:6 | 54:9 51:6] 65°0 | 41:1] 126-0| 34:0 1 1 2 8 7 29 | 58:8 51:8| 60-0 51:0] 63:0 52:0| 60°9 52-4 | 60:7 54:2] 60-1 54:1] 59:9 54:1] 64°5 | 51'2] 110-1] 41-2 9 8| 10 10; 19 30 | 55°1 51-9] 54:8 52°8| 57-9 53-8| 61:9 55-0 |-64°9 56°8]57-6 54°4| 56-0 53-0] 64:9 | 53°5] 129-7) 51-0] 10) 10 7 9 7 31 | 56-9 51°8|57°8 52-4] 60-0 53°9| 63:5 56-1 | 64:8 57°0| 5771 54:0] 55°8 53-8] 66°6 | 47°5]119°0| 39°9 8 7 1 9 7 Mean] 57-2 528/583 53:3| - - |60-5 551] - —- | 56-2 53-0] 55-4 52:6] 63-2 | 50-2] 117-4] [44°8]] 8-2) 7°83 | 81) 84) 71 STEVENSON SCREEN. AUGUST 1896. Dry. Wet.) Dry. Wet.) Dry. Wet.) Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.] Dry. Wet 1 |56°7 52-0) 57:9 52-7 | 58:9 53-0 | 60°8 53-8 | 62°1 54°1| 54:9 52°1|53°6 50-2] 63-1 | 52:1]120-°9| 48:0 3 3 3 6 it Zeop'9) 5078) (57-1 51:9) — - |63:°0 55:9) —- — |56°7 51°3|56:0 50°6} 65-2 | 51:0] 123-0} 46-0 8 ii 7 | 10 9 3 [55:5 50-9] 5671 51:9] 55:9 53°9| 58-0 54:7| 60:0 53°7| 52:9 49°6 | 52-7 49-7] 63:3 | 47-2] 128-6 | 41:0} 10) 10 9}; 10] 10 4 | 52:0 48-0] 54:9 49-4 | 57:9 50:9| 58:9 50°8| 58°8 52:8] 53:4 49-0 | 50-2 46:8] 61'4 | 44-1] 124-4) 35°8 4 9 5 5 3 5 | 55:8 49-9] 57:9 50-9) 61-8 53:8 | 61:7 53:9 | 62°8 53:9] 56:5 50-9 | 55:8 50:1] 65°9 | 38:2) 1248) 27°0 3 2 6 7 8 6 | 57:9 53-9] 57:0 53°6| 58-9 54:9] 59-8 54:9| 59-0 54:°9| 54-0 51-8} 52:8 50-0] 63-1 | 50°2]118°6| 50:0} 10) 10 9 9 @ 7 | 56:9 52°9|57°6 53°8| 59:8 54:8] 61:0 55:0| 59:9 54:0 | 54:7 52°9| 54:7 52°8]61-9| 51-3] 98:3) 48-1 10 9 Bl) LON LO 8 | 562 52-2) 57-3 52°6 | 59-4 53-7 | 59-1 52:9] 57:9 52:8) 53:9 51:1] 53-7 50°89 60-0 | 51-07 110°0| 48-7 9}; 10 9 9 9 9 |53°8 47°6| 55°38 48:9) - — |61:1 52°38) - — | 58:4 50:4] 52:2 48-7] 64:0 | 47°27117°8| 42:0 6 4 4 5 3 10 | 55:0 52:0 561 52°7| 55:9 53°1|55°8 54°8|56°9 54:0 | 55:2 54:7 | 55:6 55:0] 57-1 | 41:3} 108-8} 33-1 10} 10 10} 10; 10 11 | 59-1 56-0} 65:8 58:9] 66-0 59°6| 62:9 57°8| 64:8 57°9| 56°7 53-1] 55:6 52-9] 671 | 55:0] 124°3| 54-1 8 if 4} 10} 10 12 | 54-1 53°8| 55-0 54:8| 57-0 56°8| 60:9 59:9) 59:9 57:6 | 57:2 54°7| 56:9 54-9} 64:2 | 52°59 112-3) 48-1 10 10 10 9 9 13 | 55:7 54:7 | 57:8 55°8| 61°7 56:0| 61:6 55°1| 59:5 53°5| 54:2 50-9] 54:0 50-8] 62°0 | 53°5]128-7| 51-0} 10) 10 ff 8 8 14 | 56-9 53-9| 58:2 54:8 | 58-9 52:2| 60:0 51:9] 59-8 53°7| 55-1 50°9}54:9 50-9] 62:5 | 51-0}128-0| 48:8} 10 8 7 9 9 15 | 58-0 52-8) 60°6 54:9] 60-2 54:2| 601 54:8 | 60-7 53:1 | 52:0 47-8 | 51-2 47-3] 62-0 | 51-54124-0) 51-9 8 & 7 5 9 , 16 | 56-1 51°8/56-9 52:6] — -—- | 62:9 54:8] - - |51°6 49:4] 49-9 48-0] 63-0 | 48-9]128-0} 45°6 8 8 5 9 9 17 | 535 50°7| 54:8 51:9] 61:8 53:8 | 61-8 53-9 | 67-9 53:7 | 55:9 53°7| 55-0 54-1] 63°3 | 47-5 108-2] 37:0 10 9 OP ON 10 18 | 55:9 53°7| 56:9 53°8| 59-1 55:7 | 57°8 54°8| 55-6 54°6 | 53°7 52°4|53°3 51-4] 59-2 | 53371059} 51:0 8 9 9 9 4 19 |56°6 53-9] 56-1 53-2) 60:9 55:9| 59-9 55:9] 59:3 55:0 | 53:4 52°1|50°6 48:8] 63:3 | 49-3 | 120°6 = 8 9 7 of 7 20 | 54-7 52°7| 55:0 520/558 52:8] 54-0 52:9] 54:9 53-9| 55°6 53:1] 55:9 53-7] 57°9| 47-0] 768) - 10; 10); 10 S) |} 30) 21 | 55:9 52:0] 56°8 54:1] 60:6 54:2| 59-9 53°7| 61-9 55°9| 56:8 52:4| 56-8 52-0] 63-1 | 51-9} 125-0) 48-2 8/] 10 of 8 8 22 | 56:9 53°7| 57-7 53:0] 60-7 53°8|59°8 53°9|57°6 54:6 | 55:0 54:7| 55:5 55-0] 61-8 | 505} 99-0) 43:8 Fy LOT lO On elo 23 | 56-9 52°5|58-9 53-7| - — | 63-1 56:8) — — | 54:6 51-2/54-9 521]64:3/54:0f1327| 498] 8) 9/ 7) 8) 9 24 | 57-1 54:0| 55-9 54:0] 59-8 53°8| 58-6 51°3|57-7 49°8| 51:3 48:1] 51-6 47-8] 62:0 | 50:0} 120°3| 50:0 6 7 5 7 7 25 | 52:6 48°7|50°6 48:1] 53-8 49-8| 49:7 46:9|55-6 49:9| 47:6 45:2| 48-0 46-2] 56-9| 46-4] 97-8) 44-4 8 @ |) 10 ii 8 26 | 51:9 47-9| 53-6 48°5|55°6 48:9| 58-0 51:0] 57-1 51-6 | 51°6 49-9| 48-9 47-6 | 59-8 | 44:3] 123-3) 40-5 7 9 dt 9 6 27 | 54:6 47-°2| 57:0 49-3] 57-2 49-9| 57:8 49:9]57-9 51-0) 46-9 44:7] 47-5 44-6] 58°6 | 46°8117°2) 43-9 4 4 Ny LON SLO 98 | 51-9 50°8| 54-0 52°7 | 53-4 52°3| 54-2 53-0| 55-7 53-9 | 56-1 549/569 55°1456'5| 46-1] 63-7) 441] 10} 10) 10) 10) 10 29 | 56-2 55°1|56-6 55:0|56°9 55:31 55°8 55-0| 56-3 55:7 | 59-0 55:0|56°9 53°8]60°7 | 55-1] 63:3) 54:1] 10} 10] 10) 10} 10 30 |57-9 530/580 53-2] — - [548 531] — — | 54:6 50°:0/ 54-9 50-0] 62°5| 53241255) 492] 8) 8) 10) 7) 7 31 | 56-4 52°4|56°8 51-7| 61-9 54:-4| 64:4 55:4] 61-8 55+1 | 52-8 50°4| 54:2 51-9] 65'9 | 47-2] 115°9| 42°0 0 0 2 4) 10 Mean] 55°6 520/59-8 52°7/ - - |59°3 53°8| - - | 54:1 51:2/ 53:6 50°8]62°0 | 49:3] 113-4 | [45°49 7°8 | 8:0) 7:4 | 83 | 83 366 STEVENSON SCREEN. FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. TEMPERATURE AND AMOUNT OF CLOUD. Temperature—Dry and Wet Bulbs. gb 10% 12h 14h Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.) Dry. Wet 1 |53°8 52°1 | 55:3 53:1) 59°9 56°4| 63:0 57:8 2 |57°3 55:1 | 57°3 55:0| 58°8 56°0| 60°1 57:2 3 | 60:0 57°8 |.62°8 59°0| 62°6 57:9 | 64-8 58°8 4 |60°7 57°9/ 61:9 59-0 | 64:0 59°8| 63:9 59:9 5 |55°9 52°6 |57°7 53°7 | 61°8 56:0 | 60°2 55°5 6 |53:7 50°3 | 54:9 50°38) - — | 58:2 52:7 7 |52°9 49:4) 53:9 49°9| 56-2 51-4) 56°9 51-9 8 |51°9 49:9] 53:0 50°9| 57°9 53°8| 60°4 54-9 9 | 54:9 52°5/61°8 54:0) 63°9 54:2) 62:3 53:5 10 |[58°2 57:3]| 60°9 56°6 | 60°9 57:8 | 60-9 58:1 11 | 64:2 57°3 | 67°4 58°5 | 65:2 58:0] 64°3 58:2 12 | 60°3 57:0] 63:9 57:9 | 68°2 58:7) 65:7 57-0 13 | 581 54:9] 61:4 57:1] - — | 65°6 57:0 14 |52°8 51°8|52°6 51°8| 56:5 55:4 | 55°8 52:1 15 |51°8 47:9) 53:7 49:1 | 49°8 47:9 | 506°8 51:0 16 | 52:2 49°5|53°7 53:9 | 57:6 50°2| 55:1 48°6 17 (| 51°6 50°9| 52:9 50-9 | 53:9 50°9| 54:9 51-0 18 |58°9 49°6 | 53°5 49-7 | 54:8 51°2| 50:5 49-4 19 |49:4 47:2) 49:9 47-2 | 50°3 47°6| 53:7 48-7 20 |48°7 45:9} 53-1 48-9) - — | 55:2 48-9 21 | 41°8 40°3 | 44:8 42:°9|50°9 46:6 | 53:9 47:8 22 |52°8 47°9|52°8 48°5| 52:7 49:0] 52-5 50°8 23 | 52°8 49°1|52°5 48°8| 54:9 49°1| 54:2 48°5 24 |48°6 45:°2|50°9 44:9} 52°5 46°8| 53-9 46-4 25 | 46°5 45°6 | 46°5 45:0 | 49-4 46:1) 51°9 47°33 26 |46°7 45°9/| 49:0 46°8| 50°9 49°9| 53:5 53:0 27 «=| 43°6 43°2 | 44:3 [42:8] - — | 46°3 43°5 28 | 46:4 44:2] 47°8 44:4 | 49:1 46°6 | 49°9 45:9 29 |46°8 45°6/ 48:8 46°9/ 51:9 48-9 | 52:5 51°6 380 | 51:1 49:9] 51°8 49°9 |) 53°9 50°3 | 53°7 51°8 Mean) 52°6 50°1| 54-4 50°99} —- - | 57:0 52:3 STEVENSON SCREEN. Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet.} Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet 1 | 54°7 54°3 | 55:1 .538°9|56°8 55°8| 57:7 56:7 2 |54:°6 53°6 | 54:8 53:2] 56°9 51°5 | 53-2 51°6 3 |51:0 47:0 | 50°6 46:9] 51°8 46°7 | 51-7 46-7 4 | 44:9 42:9 | 45°9 44:8) - — | 47:5 43°5 5 |45°8 41°8 | 45°7 41°8| 45:2 41:0 | 45:0 41:8 6 | 44:2 40°8 | 44:8 40°8|47°6 42:9 | 46-9 42:7 7 | 47:9 43°8 | 48°8 43°9|52°9 46:5 | 50°8 46°6 8 |54-5 49°6 | 52°1 49:6 | 54:8 50:2 | 53:8 49-9 9 |50°9 49:0 | 50°8 48°9| 49°8 49-0 | 48:9 47-9 10 | 42:0 39°6 | 42°9 39°8 | 42°38 39:0 | 40°4 37-2 11 | 358 33-0' 37-9 33°3| - - | 44:7 39-0 12 | 36°6 34:9 | 38°8 36'0| 41°3 38°0 | 43:0 38:3 13 | 38:0 35:7 40°0 36:3) 44:0 40°2| 46°6 41-8 14 | 37:0 35°8| 41°7 38:8 | 44:9 41:9] 49:9 45-7 15 | 38°6 37°06 | 41°8 40:2] 47°8 44:1 | 49°6 45:2 16 | 45-4 42°8| 47:1 44:1) 51°3 46:0 | 52°4 47:2 17 | 46°9 46:0] 47:9 46:0 | 48°7 45:9 | 48'2 44:2 18 | 37'7 36°7|40°6 38:9} - - |44:5 41°7 19 | 46°0 42°4|45°7 42°5| 46°7 43°6 | 47-4 44:0 20 | 41°9 38°8| 42°9 39:2 | 44:2 40°5| 45-7 40:2 21 | 37:9 36°6 | 40°2 37°6 | 43°7 38°8 | 44:0 37:9 22 | 34:0 32:0] 39:0 367 | 42°0 36:7 | 42:0 36:9 23 | 29°7 28°5| 31:7 30:0 | 39'S 36:2 | 41:2 37°6 24 | 35:7 34:9] 37°6 365/381 36:6] 39°1 35-7 25 | 27:9 26°8/ 83:0 31°:0| - - | 37:9 84:1 26 | 87:2 35°9 | 39°8 36:9 | 42'9 39:0] 44-1 40-2 | 27 | 41°9 38°2| 42°9 39°5 | 43°7 38-9 | 44°8 39°8 | 28 | 82°6 32:1| 37:0 36°7 | 40:9 38-8] 40:9 39-0 28 | 38°9 36°8| 39°8 36:1| 40°7 37°7| 40°8 38:0 30 | 40°5 26°8|39°7 36-7 | 41:9 37-9| 41-2 37°9 3 39°9 38°2| 41:3 38-0 | 42:8 39-2 | 43-2 39:8 Mean 41°6 39°8| 43°2 40°) - - |46°0 42:2 SEPTEMBER 1896. Max.| Min. | Black |Radn. Amount of Cloud, 0 to 10. 16h 21h 22h Bulb.| Min. gn{ yon| ian] 21] on .| Dry. Wet.} Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. 63°8 57:9] 58°2 54:6] 57°7 54:8] 65:0 | 49'1]121°3| 43:97 10] 10 7/| 10] 10 60°2 57°8| 58:9 57°4| 59:2 57°6]62°4| 54:6] 98:0} 53:2] 10) 10 il 5 if 61°9 57:9 | 57:2 55°6| 57-0 55:8] 64°6 | 56°4]119:0] 501 8 8 9 8 il 63°9 59°9| 55°1 53:7 | 53°8 52°8] 66°3 | 54°6] 115°3| 51-1 9 9 9 6 0 59°38 55:3 | 53:8 51°9 | 53:3 51-4] 63-0 | 51°79 123-0] 47:0 5 4 9 7 1 ~ — |52:4 49-7 | 52:2 49-8] 59°7 | 50°71103:8| 47-0 6 5 4 7 d 55°2 52°6| 534 51°5| 53:2 51°7]57°6| 49-7] 75:4] 48:6] 10] 10] 10] 10] 10 —- - |56:0 52°7| 56:5 58:1 | 62°7 | 47:9] 103-6] 40:0} 10] 10 9} 10} 10 58:0 52:°9|58:3 54°3/57°8 54:2] 66°7 | 51°67 119°6 | 43-1 10 8 Tf 10 10 62°8 58:6 | 53:4 52:3 | 53-8 52°8 | 64:9 | 53:0] 103-2) 5314 10] 10 9 0 0 63°9 58:0 | 62°5 56:7 | 62°5 57:0] 69°3 | 51:0] 125-0) 42:2 7 a 9 9 8 61°5 55:3 | 56:0 53-7 | 55:2 53°8 | 69°7 | 55:6 J 124-7 | 55-1 7 3 8| 10} 10 - -— |57:8 54:2|56°8 53°8]69°7| 48°1]122:0| (48°0)} 3 4 6: 10} 10 54:8 52°9/ 52-4 46:0) 50:9 46°9]57°3| 47:6] 68:4) 88:1} 10] 10) 10 3 6 53°0 50°7/ 51:0 48:2/| 50°8 48:0] 5§°5 | 46°1}112°6| 42-0 9 9 7 4 5 49:9 46°9] 52-1 47:9) 51°8 47:9]58°0 | 47°9]117°9| 45:0 7 7 ii 7 7 53°9 52°9]53:8 48:8) 51:0 47:8] 64:0 | 48'S] 72:7] 42:2} 10] 10] 10] 10] 10 48°8 47°8| 48:0 45:9 | 46°38 45°7]56°5 | 46°59 95:5] 41:1 4 9} 10} 10 8 48°8 47:0| 45°4 44:2 | 44-2 43°4]56°0| 44°3]7111°3] 41°6 8 9 a 6 4 - — |45:°9 438°9| 44:8 42°3158:0 | 40°8]117°5| 34:8 7 5 6 5 0 55:0 47°6 | 47:0 45°4| 49°2 46:2] 56-4 | 34-4] 1035] 24-9 8 9 9 Ui 6 528 50°9| 52:4 51:3 | 52:2 51°2|53°7| 47-7] 57:6] 44:0] 10} 10] 10] 10] 10 520 46°8| 5071 46°2| 49°8 45°4]55°3 | 49-6} 97-1] 48:4 10} 10 al df 7 515 46:2 | 47:9 46:4 | 49:9 46:2] 54°6 | 44°59107-4| 37-1 10 5 7 10} 10 53°2 46°8 | 44:3 41:5} 439 41:0] 54:7| 43-6} 97:0] 43:6] 10] 10 6 5 8 549 52°3/ 51:9 48-4|52°0 48°3155:0| 39-7] 64:7] 35:0] 10] 10] 10 6 8 - — |42°5 40°7 | 42°8 40°8]52°6/ 41°57 98:0] 43°07 10} 10] 10 6 3 - — |44°8 43°3| 44°9 43°8]52°5)39°9] 92°38) 35:0] 10 7] 10 10 5 53°4 50°D | 48°8 48°2| 47-9 46°8 | 57°6 | 41°7] 92°7 | 35°5 9 9 7 3 5 54:6 50°9| 54:5 50:°9|53-9 52:4155:0/47-0] 68:7) 42:7} 10] 10] 10] 10] 10 — — |52:2 49:5) 51:9 49:4}59°9| 47-9] 101:0} 43:2] 86 | 8:2) 82) 7-4] 6:7 OCTOBER 1896. Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. 55'7 551)| 558 55°5 | 55°7 54:9758:0/53:0] 88:3) 51:7} 10] 10) 10) 10] 10 52:9 50°7| 52°9 49:0 | 53:0 49:2] 59°0| 52°0710271) —- 10; 10} 10} 10] 10 47°9 46°8 | 54:7 51°3 | 54:3 51:4955:0| 44°64 86:0) 40°6 9 8 10} 10 10 - — |46°6 41°3 | 43:0 40°6]57:0 | 44:24 84:0} 41°8 10 8 of 10 5 429 39°8| 41:7 39:5 | 40°9 39:1] 48-4 | 39:1} 82°0| 37°6 7 7 8 8 3 44°8 42:0! 38:9 37°8| 40°6 38:2] 49-2 | 38:5] 94:0] 35-8 7 6 7 2 3 48°0 44:6 | 45°2 41°6 | 44:7 41-9] 54°3 | 38:2] 103°0| 35-0 5 5 8 10; 10 51'8 48:9) 50°8 47:1] 50:4 47:0} 55:3 | 43:0} 70°6| 40:0} 10] 10 i il) | ae 48°9 46°4| 47:0 47°3 | 46°8 44:2] 52°0| 46:7] 63:0| 45:9 10} 10 10 8] 10 40°1 36°6 | 34°6 32-7 | 31°8 29-9] 47-4 | 33-0] 79:3] 38-0 6 if 9 2 0 —- -— | 865 84:1 | 35:8 33°6] 47-0 | 27:1]100°0| 17-7 3 2 8 2 2 42:9 37°8 | 84:2 32:0] 87:9 34:5] 44:0 | 31:°3] 83:0) 22:2] 10 9 8 3} 10 46°9 42°71 40:7 38:7 | 87°6 35°81 47°9 | 31:21 70°0| 23°0 8 7 8 9 0 518 47:8 | 39°6 38°8 | 39°3 38°8]53:1) 29°77] - 19:2 6 6 2 0 0 47°9 44°8| 44:8 42°6 | 44:2 41°9]51:9 | 33-7] 96:0] 34:8 2 2 6 5 2 51°8 47:8 | 49:0 46:9 | 48:2 46:2] 53°8 | 38:3 95:0) 30:0 7 7 6 8 8 48:0 48:5 |39°5 37:4| 40°8 37°8]50°5 | 38°6} 86:0) 3881 7 10} 10 ll 9 9 —- -— |46°7 43:9] 46°8 43:9] 48:3) 34:3] 99:7 | 29:4 3 3} 10} 10 9 464 42°8|43°6 40:8 | 42°9 40°11 49:0] 42-6] 64:3) 41:9 9 9/ 10 9 9 42:9 39°9| 40:2 38°3 | 39°8 37:9] 47°3 | 37°7 | 90°3} 31°7 6 4 8 9 8 43°1 37:1 | 86:2 33:9 | 86:9 34:7] 45:4] 33°83] 71:3) 25:0 8 7 4 8 7 41°6 36°8 | 83°5 31°3 | 30:0 28:9] 45:9 | 81°27 94:0} 24:0 2 2 3 0 0 39°9 37°5 | 40°6 38°9 | 41:0 39°8] 42:0 | 23°6] 84:1] 124 5 2 9} 10) 10 37°9 34:8 | 33:9 31:9 | 32°9 31°5]47:0| 31:4] 78:0] 33°0 8 5 4 7 7 - — |38'2 36°9| 40°7 38:6] 38:7 | 24-4] 81:0] 13:33 1 6 | 10 9 9 42:7 40:0 | 42°4 40°3| 40°9 39°6] 48:0 | 33°38] 82°8|] 29:9 4 5 9; 10 8 41:9 38:0 | 33:9 32:9 | 33:4 32°7 | 45:4 | 33-1] 83°7 | 36°3 6 6 if 3 6 39°9 38°7 | 87°2 35°4| 37'2 35°51 42°8 | 80°6] 80°8) 22:3 6 4 8} 10; 10 39°9 38:0 | 38°7 37:2 | 39:0 37:8] 42°4 | 34-9] 82:3) 31°0 5 5 if 3 3 39°6 37°7 | 38°9 36°9 | 38:9 37:1] 43-0 | 37-4] 64:3) 31-7 6 9 9) 101 10 43° 39°7 | 42:2 39°4| 41°6 39°6] 44:1 | 37:3] 55:7 | 35°5 9 7 9 10 | 10 - — |41°9 39:7 | 41°5 39°4] 48°8 | 36°4 ea 31°6]] 6°7 | 64 | 7:8] 7:2 | 6-7 LSS — FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY, 367 STEVENSON SCREEN. TEMPERATURE AND AMOUNT OF CLOUD. NOVEMBER 1896. Temperature—Dry and Wet Bulbs. Amount of Cloud, 0 to 10. Max, ; Min. | Black) Radn, Qh 10h 12h 14h 16» Q1h 29h Bulb. | Min, Seas Val Orne Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. 41°7 39°6 | 44°7 41:1) —- — |44°8 40:2) - - | 36° ; 36°8 35°2| 388°0 36:2 | 42°8 40°8 | 44°3 42-9 | 43°8 41:2 | 39°9 37:2 | 38:2 35:9] 45°8 | 32-4 36°0 33°3 | 88°9 35:0 | 40°9 36:3 | 41:9 37:0 | 39:0 35:9 | 29°9 29-0 | 29°9 28-9} 45-0 | 29°6 82°5 31°2 | 33°6 31:9} 38°6 36°7 | 41:1 38:1) 40°8 38°8| 42:9 40-0 | 43°5 39-4] 43-0 | 25-4 43°6 40°6 | 43°9 40°7 | 44-2 40-9 | 43°9 40°3| 43:7 40:2] 44°7 42:1 | 45:2 42°71 44-9 | 41:3 45*8 42:2) 45:9 42°9| 47:7 48°9 | 47-9 44:9 | 48°5 45°1| 5071 47-1 | 50°1 47-6] 50°3 | 43°8 40°9 39:2) 41:0 39:0] 41°8 387°8 | 41°6 36°7 | 39:0 35°7 | 38:7 35:8 | 38:5 35°71 50°7 | 36-0 84°3 32°8 | 36°7 34-2) - — |40° 366) - —- : : ‘9 | 89°8 39°0 | 41°8 40°9| 45:7 41:9 | 45-6 41:9} 45:1 41°6 | 43:9 42:1 | 44°6 43-1 | 46:3 | 28-0 10 | 47°8 46°5 | 48-4 46°6 | 48-9 46°9 | 48-9 46:7 | 48-6 46:9| 49:3 48-1 | 49:3 48-3} 49°9 | 43:0 11 |50°9 49°8|51°6 49°9|51°6 50:6 | 52°8 50°9/} 51:0 50:2] 50-1 49- 88°7 | 30°0 6 6 3 4 2 64°8 | 28-1 7} 10 8 1 1 83°0 | 26°4 3 2 2 0 0 45°5 | 15:3] 10] 10) 10 495 | 39°6} 10} 10] 10 10 10 51°6 | 42717 10} 10) 10) 10 59°2 | 36°9 8 9 9} 10 82°3 | 29-2 9 9 9 0 56°2 | 20°38} 10; 10}; 10; 10 0 10 10 10 8 9 COND oOPWNe 52°38 | 415] 10} 10] 10 61:3 | 47:0] 10) 10} 10 oe7, : 12 | 48°7 47:9) 48°8 48°0|48°6 47:2 | 48:9 47:6 | 48-4 45:9 | 49:2 46-9) 49:2 46:7] 50°7 | 47:5] 58°3 | 47:2] 10) 10) 10 8 13 | 49:9 46°9|50°8 47:1] 50°8 47:9 | 49-9 47:9} 48°2 45:1 | 44:9 42:7) 44:9 42-7 51°7| 43-7] 57:2 | 45°17 10] 10) 10 9 14 | 47:0 42°5 | 46°9 42°7| 47-1 42:3 | 45°6 41:9 | 44:2 40°9| 45:7 42°8 | 45-4 43:3] 48:4] 41-9] 50-4 | 36:9 9/ 10}; 10 9 15 | 44:4 42°6| 44-4 43:0] - - |453 441] - —- | 45°7 48:9) 45-1 42:3] 47:0] 43-0] 57:3 | 39°5 8; 10); 10 4 16 | 45°5 43-7) 45:4 43:1 | 48:9 44-8 | 48°8 44:1] 44-9 42:0 | 43:9 40°9 | 42°9 40°950°0| 41:9] 77:4 | 35°6 7 5 8 9 i 17 | 44°8 42:2) 45-4 42°6 | 46°3 43°6 | 46-0 43:7 | 45-9 43:8 | 44:9 43°8 | 45:0 44:0] 47-0 | 40-6} 52°2 | 361 9 95 20) |) LON) 10 18 | 49:9 47:5 | 49:2 47°9| 46:9 43-4 | 44-9 41:0] 44:7 40°9| 40:9 87°9| 40°9 38°6451-:0/ 40-3] 52:1 | 43-4] 10) 10 6 4 1 19 | 44:9 41:4] 45°9 41°1 | 46°8 42°3 | 44:5 42°8| 46:1 44:9| 44°8 41°8| 44:9 40:9] 48:0] 36-2] 53:2 | 30-4] 10 6 | 10 7 8 20 | 39°1 36°9| 41°7 38°7 | 42°8 39°2) 42:9 39°8| 44:5 41:2 | 44:9 42:°0/ 45:6 42:9) 45°7 | 36-0] 50:2) 33:1 5 7 7 he) 21 | 48°8 47:9 | 49:0 47:9} 49°7 47-9 | 49°9 48:2] 49'S 48:8 | 49:9 49°7 | 50°6 49:9] 51-1] 44-6} 55:3 | 42°87 10) 10] 10} 10) 10 22 |49°9 49:-4|50:71 496] —- — |49°9 49:8) - —- | 50:2 49:9] 50°3 49:9] 52:0) 48-9] 57:0] 47°99] 10) 10/ 10} 10) 10 23 | 50°5 49:2 | 50°0 48:9] 49°9 48-1 | 50:0 47°8| 48-4 47:9] 48°6 48:1 | 48°6 48:0]51°5| 47:8] 56°8 | 475] 10] 10} 10; 10) 10 24 | 48°9 48:4 | 48-8 48°6| 49-1 48-8 | 49°3 48-8] 48-7 48:0 | 48:0 47-2 | 47°8 46:9] 49:4] 47:3] 54:4 | 47-1] 10 9/ 10} 10}; 10 25 | 47:0 44:1) 47:0 44:°9| 46°9 44°5| 46-0 44°8| 45:5 43:9 | 44°6 42°9 | 44°5 42:5] 49°2 | 43-7 | 53-2 | 44-1 9 9 Oi) 1@ i) 26 | 42°6 40:9 | 42°6 41:0 | 43°7 40°5 | 43-9 40°7| 41:9 39-8 | 35:9 34:9 | 36:0 34-8] 44:8 | 35:4} 50°9 | 40:0 9 9 9 0 0 27 =| 36°8 35:0 | 37°8 25:9} 40°5 38-0 | 42°6 39:3] 41:9 39°3 | 43°1 40:9 | 44:9 42:0] 44:2 | 32°3] 48-0 | 25°71 7 8 3 3 6 28 | 43°4 40°1 | 43°0 39:0 | 44:1 39:4 | 43°9 38°8 | 42-7 87:8 | 40°9 38:3 | 41:0 39:2] 45:1 | 38-9] 77:0 | 37-0 7 J. 3 2 3 29 | 36°8 35°5| 36:9 35:9] - — |37°8 36°6 — |80°8 30:0} 29:9 29:2] 43-0 | 30°0} 50°0 | 25:0 3 4 3 0 0 30 | 2771 26°9 | 26°9 26:9 | 29-9 29°5 | 29:9 29:7 |29°1 29°6 | 25:1 24:9 | 25:8 25:6] 34-7 | 24°27 (—) | 16-1 0 0 0 0 0 Mean) 43°2 41:3 | 43°8 41°7| - — |45°1 42°55) - -— |42°7 40°8| 42:6 40:8] 47-4] 38-6] [58°8]] 35:9 | 81 | 8-2) 80] 6:8) 66 STEVENSON SCREEN. DECEMBER 1896. Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.) Dry. Wet.) Dry. Wet.) Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. 1 | 28°0 26-9 | 29°8 28:3 | 34:0 81°6 | 39°38 33-0 | 43°3 35:6 | 40°9 35:9 | 42°6 36:9] 45°7 | 23-3] 59°4 | 1514 10 9 8 4 6 2 | 47°6 43°2| 46:0 41:3] 47:7 43:1] 47°7 43°38 | 48:0 43-6 | 47:8 43:7 | 47:0 43:9] 49°9 40°6} 54:9 | 31°8 9 9 9 4 4 3 |49°6 44:9) 49-0 44:9 | 45°7 44:6 | 48:8 44:2 | 46°9 41°8| 46:9 43°5 | 46°7 42°9]50°8 | 44-8] 53°6 | 40°6 9 9 9 8 8 4 | 40:0 38°9| 39°9 38:9] 41:5 39:9) 41°7 39:9] 88:8 37-7 | 41:9 39-9 | 41:9 39:9] 47-0 | 36:2] 54-7 | 34:9 9 i 8 9 7 5 | 42:9 40:9] 43:0 41:0 | 43:8 42-2| 44:9 42°3| 42-9 40-9 | 40-7 39-7 | 39°6 38-5] 45°6 | 39-9] 46-0 | 391] 10| 10] 10 4 7 6 | 42°5 37:4) 42:0 37:2; - — | 41:0 38:1] - — |40°9 39°9| 40°9 39:7] 44:4 | 38-0] 56:1 | 34-0 4 6 al) WW) 7 | 39:1 38°3| 388°5 37-9 | 39-0 38:7 | 39°8 39°2| 39:9 39:6 | 44-1 41-0 | 43:4 40-6] 44:9 | 37-9} 46-2 | 37°38] 10] 10] 10 9 9 8 | 36:8 34:7 | 37:7 36°6 | 88°6 37-4) 40°9 40:2) 44:9 43:0 | 43°9 42-9 | 43°8 42:5] 47°6 | 83°38] 47-4 | 2827 10} 10} 10] 10} 10 9 | 41-8 40:0} 42°6 40°8| 43:6 41-6] 44-1 42:0] 48°1 41-7} 41-9 40°38 | 42°6 40:9] 45:3 | 39:0} 49-4 | 8427 10; 10] 10 5 9 10 | 47-9 43°8| 48°8 43-2 | 48-9 42°8| 48-8 42:9| 47-0 42-9) 44-1 42:9 | 43-7 42:8] 49°6 | 40-7] 55:0 | 37-9 9 9}; 10}; 10] 10 11 | 42°8 41°7 | 43°8 42°3| 45:9 43°9] 46-4 44°6|43-9 42:3] 42-4 41-7 | 42:0 40:8] 46°6 | 42:1] 53°6 | 37:1} 10 7 dl 6 6 12 | 43°5 40:0 | 34:1 39:8] 44:4 39-7 | 44:0 39°8| 41:8 38-8 | 39°6 37-8 | 38:0 37°54 45-0 | 39°07 48:2 | 33°97 10) 10] 10] 10] 10 13 | 34°6 341/341 84:0) - —- |35°8 35°6/ - — |28-9 28-9 | 28-9 28-8]39-0| 28-0] 49:9 | 300} 10; 10 8 5 1 14 | 33°9 32:8 | 34:8 33-9 | 36:7 35:3 | 38:1 35°9| 36:2 34:8 | 34:9 33:8] 33-9 32:9] 39-6 | 27:8] 41:3 | 21°8 9 9 8 7 df 15 | 29:9 29:4) 30°5 29°7| 31°5 30°9| 34:4 32°5| 35:0 34:1 | 34:0 33:2] 34:7 34:2]36-0 | 27:3] 40°6 | 2107 10, 10; 10 9 8 16 | 33°9 32:2 | 34-9 33:2) 37-5 36°6 | 36-9 35:5 | 35:2 34:2 | 34:0 33-4 | 34-3 33-21 38-2 | 28-0] 46:0 | 253] 10) 10 8 7 8 17 | 34:3 33°] | 85:2 33:4| 34:0 81:9 | 34:3 32-4] 31:5 29-9 | 24-7 24-1/ 26:0 25:5] 36-2 | 23-1] 51-5 | 26-0 6 5 7 8 7 18 | 27:3 26:0 | 24:9 24:2) 27:7 26-7 | 31:2 29:9 | 30°6 29°4| 27:5 26:9) 27:3 27:0]31:4/ 2207 — 16:0 Oo 8 3 6 19 | 30°5 28°9 | 32:0 30°3| 32°8 30°6 | 34°5 32°4| 29°8 28-9 | 25:0 24:4 | 23°1 22°4735:0| 23-0] - 22°6 4 2 OF 2 0 20 | 24:1 24:1! 26:0 25°38; - - (299 29°2) - —- | 87:9 32°8| 37:8 33°7439°1| 220) —- 16°6 cial Salk 6 2 2 21 | 38:3 34:9) 38-4 35:2] 39:2 35:6 | 38:4 35°7 | 36-4 34:9 | 36-7 34-1 | 36-2 33:9] 39°6 | 34:3] 48-9 | 28°7 “| 3 9 6 6 22 | 83:9 33:2 | 83:4 382-9 | 34:8 34:2) 35-9 34:6 | 34:2 33-2] 30-9 29-8] 31-7 30°5]36°3 | 29:0] 45°7 | 285] 10) 10 9 6 7 23 | 30°7 31:9 | 32°5 32°3 | 34:7 32:9 | 33-7 32°5| 31:7 31:9 | 39°3 35:4 | 40-4 36:1] 39-6 | 30-0] 42°6 | 26:0 6 6 6 Ml 8 24 | 44-4 42:9) 44:6 43:0] 44-8 43:4 | 44-0 48-7] 44:4 43-9 | 43-9 41-9] 43°8 41:2] 45:5 | 393] 46°0 | 32:0] 10) 10) 10) 10) 10 25 | 424 39°3)44:0 41:0} - - | 42:3 40°33) - —- | 465 45:5) 46-1 45°71 47-4| 3863] 47-7 | 31-1 Se eLON eS LOn eS 1On Sto 26 | 48:8 48:4/ 48-9 48-6| 49-8 49°3|50°6 50°2/51:0 46:3] 45°6 41°1| 43-5 39-9] 52°2| 39°83] 611 | 446] 10, 10; 10 7 7 27 | 41:1 37°5| 41-7 38:4] - —- | 42:8 39-4) - -—- | 41-6 38:9] 41:4 38:6] 45°3| 35:6] 50°99) — 7 10 6 3 4 98 | 36:4 35°8|36°5 35:3 | 36°5 35:5 | 38:4 36-6 | 39:0 37-1 | 38:1 37:0] 39-1 38-1] 41°3 | 34:7] 50°0 | 31:0 Go /) 36 6 5 7 29 | 43°5 38:4| 44:3 40-0 | 43-4 41-4 | 43-2 42:0| 45:7 43°8| 47-1 46:6 | 47-3 46-9] 47-4| 37-0] 46°6 | 33:8 Si) 99) 10)" Lon 0 30 | 46:3 45°3| 45:5 44:6/ 45-0 44-7 | 44:9 44:7] 48:9 48-1] 49:0 47:9] 47-9 46-9] 51:0 | 44:0] 51°9 | 89:0] 10 | 10/ 10} 10] 10 31 | 47-5 45°31 47-9 45°3] 47-8 45:°9| 48:5 46-2] 48-3 45-1 | 41:8 39-7 | 40:4 37°5]50°8| 405] 54:0 | 41-0} 10 | 9 9} 10 5 Mran| 38°8 36:9 | 38:9 37°2} - —- | 40:8 387] - — | 39:4 37:6 | 39:2 37:4} 43°7 | 34:1] [50°0]| [80°6] 8:1 | 81) 83) 7:0) 7-1 | 368 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. MontTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN VALUES AT Ben Nevis OBSERVATORY, 4407 FEET, AND AT Fort-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY, 42 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL. BAROMETER—BEN NEVIS. 2 3 4 5 6 7 5°524 | 5°521 | 5°517 | 5°517 | 5°16 | 6°519 616} *510| °595| °502| °502] °503 *022|} ‘015} ‘010) ‘009| °007} °009 *432| *426|] °422|) °421| °427) °4380 “698 | °695| °693/ *696| °705! *708 404) °399| °393| °395| °396| “401 453 | °448| 446| °445| °447| °453 448 | *443|) °437 | °435| “489 | 7443 178| °170| °166] ‘162] ‘163) -164 119} ‘111} °105/ -107|) °112)| ‘120 *483 | °480| °477| -477| 480] °483 "084 | 082} 080) ‘082 |) ‘084| ‘087 Year ./]5°371 | 5°367 | 5°363 | 5°358 | 5°354 | 5°354 | 5°356) 5°360 BAROMETER—FORT-WILLIAM. Le . ] 0-171 J 0°167 | 0-171 | 0°165 | 0-166 | 0°162 | 0-161 | 0-162 |Feb. .} -166} -158| 157] -150| +146] -138] -139| -139 |Mar. .} 9-608} 9:604 | 9°602 | 9°593 | 9°589 | 9°588 | 9°589 | 9-588 | Apr. .§ 0°047 | 0°043 | 0-031 | 0°035 | 0-031 | 0°031 | 0:038 | 0:044 May .| °276] °275| °277| °276|) °278| :282| °287) :288 June .] 9906 | 9'900 | 9°896 | 9-894 | 9°891 | 9-889 | 9°891 | 9-893 | July .f -964] °963] ‘961| *958| "860| ‘961! -966| ‘967 Aug. .| °983] ‘976| ‘971 | -964| :963] ‘961] ‘967] -968 Sept. .] 662] "661| °658) ‘652| °647| ‘644|) ‘643| °645 Oct. .] °704] “698} °692) ‘685| ‘682) -685) ‘694] ‘700 Nov. .} 0098 | 0°095 | 0:090 | 0°087 | 0°081 | 0-080 | 0-079 | 0-083 | Dec. .} 9°674 } 9°675 | 9°678 | 9°676 | 9°672 | 9°668 | 9°667 | 9°668 | Year - 19°938 | 9°935 | 9°932 | 9°928 | 9°926 | 9-924 | 9°927 | 9:929 TEMPERATURE—BEN NEVIS, Jan. .] 28°04 281 | 28°1 | 28:0 | 28:2 | 27-9 28-0 | 27-9 Feb. .| 27°9 | 27°4 | 27°5 | 27-7 | 27:6 | 27:9 | 27-7 | a7-4 Mar. .| 24°6 | 24°6 | 24:7 | 24°5 | 24:3 | 24°3 | 24-2 | 24-0 | Apr. .{ 28°8 | 28°8 | 28°6 | 28°5 | 28:2 | 28°1 | 28-5 | 28-6 |May .} 37°3] 37°2 | 36°8 | 36°7 | 36°5 | 36:6 | 37-1 | 37:5 June .} 39°38] 39°7 | 39°5 | 39:2 | 39°3 | 39°3 | 39-6 | 40-1 July .f 39°5 | 39:2 | 39°) | 38:8 | 38°6 | 38°3 | 38-7 | 39-0 Aug. .] 37°3 | 37°3 | 37-4 | 37°71 | 36°9 | 36°9 | 37-1 | 37-4 Sept. .] 362] 36°1 | 361 | 36-1] 36:1 | 36:3 | 36-4 | 36:5 |Oct. .| 26°83] 26°8 | 26°7 | 26°7 | 26°5 | 26:5 | 262 | 261 Nov. .] 29°8 | 29°6 | 30:0 | 30:0 | 30°0 | 301 | 30:0 | 29°8 | Dec. .| 24:9] 24°9 | 24°7 | 24°6 | 25:0 | 25:0 | 2571 | 25:0 Year .{ 31:7] 31°6 | 31°6 | 31°5 | 31-4 | 31:4 | 31°5 | 31°6 TEMPERATURE—FORT-WILLIAM. Jan. .f 41°14 41°0 ; 40°8 | 40°7 { 40°7 | 40°8 ( 40°7 | 40°9 Feb. .f 42°7 | 42°6 | 42°5 | 42°6 | 42°5 | 42°5 | 42°5 | 42°6 Mar. .f 40°2 | 40°U | 39°9 | 39°8 | 39°7 | 39°5 | 39°3 | 39°5 Apr. .} 45°0 | 44°7 | 44-4 | 44°1 | 43°7 | 43°38 | 43-7 | 44°4 May .] 49°6 |] 48°9 | 48°0 | 47°4 | 46°83 | 46°9 | 47°7 | 49°8 June .} 53°3 | 52°38 | 52°4 | 62°1 | 52°1 | 52°2 | 531 | 543 July .} 54°0 | 53°4 ) 53°0 | 52°9 | 52°5 | 52:4 | 53:0 | 54°5 } Aug. .§ 53°0 | 52°6 | 52°3 | 52°1 | 51°9 | 51°7 | 51°8 | 53:0 Sept. .| 51°5 | 51:2 | 50°7 | 50°6 | 50°2 | 50°5 | 50°2 | 50°5 Oct. .| 41°9 | 41°8 | 41°65 | 41°5 | 41°0 | 40°9 | 40°6 | 40°4 Nov. .] 42:6 | 42°5 | 42°5 | 42°7 | 42°7 | 42:9 | 42-7 | 42°8 Dec. .]| 38°3 | 38°2 | 38°0 | 38°0 | 37°8 | 37°9 | 88°0 | 38-2 Year .} 46°1 | 45°8 | 45°5 | 45°4 | 45°1 |] 45°2 | 45°3 | 45°9 tse bop eo 0 GO G2 bo SMM ASH AHA a ane wre 22a Sea SSS le S _ AAA BRYA BRAD OBS i] oo 0°180 151 9°586 0°046 284 9°895 965 ‘974 645 “714 0093 9°678 9°934 411 428 40°8 46°9 53°7 56°6 571 55°8 52°6 41°6 43°2 38°7 =~ Ss a 47°6 oe Ww Co OO popwr1 wr NWO WOMOO to 0 ae o 11 | 12 5'587 | 5°538 ‘513 | *514 015 | -020 447 | 451 723 | -726 415/ -418 460| *461 463 | -469 169| *169 139| *141 494 | -489 088) -079 5'372 | 5'373 0183 0°180 149 “151 9°589 | 9°594 0043 0-044 270 | +265 9894 9°895 | 956 *955 975 | ‘976 641 | °644 “715 | 714 0°098 , 0:093 9°677 | 9°665 9:932 9:931 28'5 | 28°3 28:2 | 28°6 26'2 | 26°6 30°2 | 30°6 40°4 | 41°0 421 | 42°5 415 | 42-1 39°5 | 40-0 37°4 | 37°6 273 | 27-4 30°3 | 30°5 25°6 | 2671 331 | 33°4 41°6 | 42-1 439 | 44:2 429 | 43°3 48°6 | 49-1 567 | 57°9 58°2 | 58:9 588 | 59°1 57°56 | 58°2 54°9 | 55°7 44:2 | 45°2 44°3 | 44°7 39:2 | 396 49°2 | 49°8 Dn ORR PRO DODD SS SS SSS oO SIDA BAS Gor ow ww & OS [ee] Coy ace BRR S25 SSO RID ASe SAIN re ann SoS ONT > toro Nor on 0-174 135 9°587 0°043 252 9°888 949 ‘977 634 “706 0°082 3 | 9646 9°923 42°6 44:9 44°1 49°6 59°9 60°2 60°4 58°9 56°8 45°8 44°9 40°5 50°7 15 16 5°534 | 5°536 499 | -498 ‘019 | “022 452 | °451 “718 | °715 416 | -413 465 | °463 “478 | 474 165 | “168 135 | “131 475 | °480 062 | ‘068 5°368 | 5°368 0°174 | 0179 125 | 126 9°584 | 9°586 0°040 | 0°041 "245 | °241 9°882 | 9°878 "945 | °943 ‘974 | ‘972 “626 | °627 “701 | “700 0082 | 0-085 9°641 | 9°645 9°918 | 9919 28'8 | 28°5 28°9 | 28°38 26°6 | 26°1 310 | 30°3 41°7 | 41°5 43°2 | 43°1 42°8 | 42°6 40°7 | 40°7 38°2 | 38°0 27°0 | 26°7 30°5 | 30°1 25°7 | 254 33°8 | 33°5 42°4 | 42-1 45°2 | 45:0 44°6 | 44°3 50°5 | 50°1 60°8 | 60°6 60°6 | 60°7 60°6 | 60°6 59°7 | 59°7 57:1 | 56°2 45°6 | 44:9 44:7 | 44°2 40°7 | 40°2 51°0 | 50°7 17 18 5°540 | 5544 499 024 “450 713 “414 “461 “471 “167 135 “491 064 5369 0°093 9°640 9919 28°5 28°4 25'5 30°0 40°9 42°7 42°3 40°1 37°9 26°7 29°4. 25°4 33°2 41-7 44°4 43°9 49°6 60°2 60°5 59°9 59°2 55'8 43°7 43°8 40°0 50°2 “500 029 “453 “714 “411 07190 132 9°593 0°047 "242 9877 943 972 632 ‘710 0-099 9°643 9°924 28°5 28°4 25'1 29°7 40°1 42°2 41°9 39°8 37°5 26°6 29'4 25°3 32°9 414 44:0 42:7 48°38 59°5 59°4 59°6 58°0 54°7 42°8 43°5 39'7 49°5 07193 133 9603 0°050 “246 9879 947 975 634 “713 07104 9°643 9°927 28°3 28°6 25°0 29°4 39°6 41'8 41°4 39°3 37°2 26°5 29°2 25°3 32°6 to Oo Ft QE ATT ATE Pe Go eC Kets teetgosi aS oo @mwo@ > 00 00 Now or ~ 20 5°549 508 036 456 “713 “411 “466 “472 182 136 “497 069 5°375 0°200 “136 9°613 0056 255 9°835 955 981 “650 “715 0°106 9°647 9°933 28°2, 28°6 24°8 29:0 38°7 41:3 41°0 38°7 37°1 26°3 29°3 25°1 323 a eo Oo > i 09 bo bob bo 2 NSH SHS SoH ~ Ow to ore Ownwr One Dar oo to 411 43°0 411 46°3 53°5 55'8 56°7 54°5 52°6 42°3 42°6 39°4 47-4 27'8 28°2, 24°6 28°7 381 40°5 40°2 38°0 36°4 26°4 29°8 24°8 32°0 SAAN ane Bee Hie IIS tel eo So HPO ANG SSN ra 23 5°547 503 037 “449 708 “414 “470 “467 “190 *122 “495 077 5°373 07192 “130 9°622 0054 “269 9°898 “967 984 “670 “703 0°103 9°662 9°938 41:2 43°1 40°4 45°1 51°0 54:1 55°0 53°5 517 41°7 42°3 389 46°5 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 369 MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN VALUES AT BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY, 4407 FEET, AND AT Fort-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY, 42 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL, 1896. ND FORCE—BEN NEVIS. | Mia- > | oa | Mid night. Li 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 night Mean. 9703 | 2°02 | 1:94 | 1°99 2°05 | 1°95 | 2°05 | 2°19 | 2°32 | 2°35 | 2°31 | 2°23 | 2:26 | 2:23 | 2°10 | 1°81 | 1°82 | 2°05 | 2°11 195° 1°69 | 1°90 | 1°94 | 2°23 | 2°02 2°06 9-50 § 2°40 | 2°38 | 2°46 | 2°33 | 2°09 | 2°31 | 2°29 | 1°96 | 2°00 | 2°29 | 2°34 | 2°41 | 2°19 | 2°36 | 2°12 | 2°16 | 2°46 | 2°57 | 2:41 | 2°53 | 2°79 | 2°S1 | 2°45 | 2°48 2°36 2°42 | 1°97 | 2°10 | 2:18 | 1:95 | 1°84 | 1°76 | 1°58 | 1:90 | 2°00} 1°79 | 1°89 | 1°82 | 1°76 | 1°76 | 1°74 | 1°79 | 1°87 | 1°95 | 2°14 | 1°86 | 2°13 | 2°32 | 2°52] 2°46 1°96 1°63 | 1°63 | 1°62 | 1°58} 1°70 | 1°60 | 1°63 1:85 | 1°72 | 1°82 |} 153) 1°57 | 1°37 } 1:53 | 1:91 | 1:73] 1°72 | 1:73 | 1°50 | 1:47 | 1°55 | 1°58 | 1:65] 1°78] 1°60 1°64 m84 f 1°95 | 1°81 | 1°95 | 2°06 | 2°21 | 2°26 | 2°11 | 2°02 | 1°95 | 1°69 | 1°44 | 1°47 9 1°50 | 1°45 | 1°37 | 1°19 | 1°15 | 1°18 | 1°40 | 1°56 | 1°68 | 1°60 | 1°63} 1°82 1°69 1°62 | 1°62 | 1°82 | 1°93 | 1°75 | 1°73 | 1°75 | 1°77 | 1:73 | 1°70} 1°85 | 1:71 | 1°75 | 1°77 | 1°72 | 1°67 | 1°58 | 1°65 | 1°85} 1°93 | 1°78 | 2°00} 1°75 | 1:72} 1°70 1°76 2°03 | 2°02 | 2°11 | 2:26 | 1°85 | 1°68 1°74 | 1:44 | 1°76 | 1°68} 1°34 | 1:23 | 1°42 | 1°58 | 1°47 | 1°53 | 1°65 | 1°37 | 1°39 | 1:44 | 1°53 | 1°58 | 1°68 | 190] 1:94 1°65 1°92 | 1°85 | 1°94 | 1°81 | 1°84 | 1°77 | 1°52 | 1°39 | 1°11 | 1°06 | 0°94 | 1°05 1°03 | 0°87 | 1:08} 1°18 | 1°06 | 1°24 | 1°11 | 1:26 | 1°42 | 1:29 | 1:24 | 1°56] 1°92 1°36 790 5 2°02 , 2°08 | 2°35 | 2°10} 2°12! 2°15 | 1°88! 1°96 | 2°08 , 2°13 | 2°26 | 2°16, 2°30 | 2°49, 2°00 | 1°90} 1°76 | 2°03 | 1°80 | 1°80! 2°06 | 2°00} 1°95 * 2°00 2°06 261 § 2°47 | 2°53 | 2°48) 2°66 | 2°40 | 2°45 | 2°39 | 2°45 | 2°53 | 2°61 | 2°26} 2°23 | 1°85 | 1°90 | 2°03 | 2°21 | 2°15 | 2°50 | 2°16 | 2°45 | 2°74 | 2°65 | 2°50 | 2°60 2°38 Saga | 237 | 2735 | 232) 1°80) 1°85 | 1°95-| 1:90 | 1:93} 1:67 | 1°57) 1°50] 1°67 | 1°82 | 2°00') 1:97 | 1°67 | 1°72 | 1°67 | 2°07 | 2°38 | 2°47 | 2:35 | 2-28 1°96 2°96 § 2°69 | 2°87 | 2°34 | 2°47 | 2°63 | 2°55 | 2°53 |) 2°63 | 2°63 | 2°77 | 2°85 | 2°85 | 2°94 | 2°66 | 3°08 | 2°65 | 3°00 | 2°77 | 2°53 | 2°53 | 2°56 | 2°56 | 2°48 | 2°26 2°66 2°09 f 2°07 | 2°13 | 2°14 | 2°07 | 1°98 | 2°00 | 1:95 | 1°96 | 1:98 | 1°90 | 1°87 | 1°86} 1°85 | 1°90 | 1°86] 1°81 | 1°84 | 1°89 | 1°85 | 1°90 | 2°06 | 2°06 | 2°09 | 2°09 f 1°96 D DIRECTIONS—BEN NEVIS. January. | February. March. April. May. June. July. August. |September.| October. |November.| December. Year. 126 240 “80 133 287 116 344 a 120 iF; 158 2056 102 65 19 22 17 40 98 41 46 588 44 92 43 66 10 106 14 34 23 556 11 34 161 96 23 138 33 55 175 919 27 44 112 105 67 83 26 94 80 927 90 29 100 104 65 48 64 141 68 1081 140 73 90 92 82 75 66 125 57 1184 105 61 48 3i 75 39 59 61 20 735 (8) 106 67 95 118 (03) 40 49 40 738 Percentage 5 6 a 8 9 17 18 19 20 21 | Total. | oF possible. 3 mele 5 er Sse Bilmote |e = = = 36°29 16 ae. - - - - - 1:49 235 | - = - = 33°29 12 eh = = = 0°53] 1:76) 3:39 169] 082) - = = 29°50 8 ; - 117 | 2-70) 3:01 | 2°74 116] 043} - = = 33°40 8 . . «f 0°35] 9:41 | 12°23 | 15°83 | 15-49 | 14.22 12°36 | 11°80 | 11°75 | 6:86 | 0°30] 222-41 44 = 0°55 | 327) 715) 655) 568) 5-61 4:78 | 4:74 | 2:77] 3:05] 0:26 78:93 15 ee ~ 1:56 | 4:90] 855] 763] 652 3:88 | 3:09} 2:09] 2-62] 0-28] 90748 17 | ae 67 | 3°69 | 5°52] 7:45] 7:48 4:46 | 2-76] 1:07] - = 81°00 17 amber. = = = 2:22 | 3:30] 3:39 054) - - - - 28°96 8 - ae - - O11 | 4:07 | 4:77 OF) | - - - 41°25 13 cr ne” - - - 1:40 | 5:00 - - - - - 58°78 24 mber - - - = = - - = - - 22°56 ll gg 0:90 | 14°91 | 29714 | 42-01 | 49°79 | 56:04 32°63 | 23°64 | 17°68 | 12°53 | 0:84 | 756°85 17 HOURS OF SUNSHINE—FORT-WILLIAM. Sea - - - - - = 2:34] 5:39) 3:99) 4:22) O75) - - = - - - 16°69 ili . a = > - - 0:29 | 2:53] 3:78] 362] 423) 5:88) 5:59) 229) - - - - - 28°21 13 2 - 2 0-12 | 1:60} 6:02] 9:36 | 9:98 | 12°49} 10-41 | 11°64] 10°67 | 6°95] 451) O90} - - = 84°65 28 —. .§ —- - 011 | 3:70] 8:39] 7:28] 8:98) 855 | 9:02) 7:63 | 11°52] 881) 892] 672) 344) O11} - - 93°18 26 2 ie 3°81 | 11:26 | 15°36 | 16-24 | 16°09 | 17°82 | 15°91 | 18°52 | 18°70 | 18°77 | 18°61 | 17°35 | 15°86 | 15°47 | 1015 | O63) - 230°55 51 _ ie 2:35 | 7:63 | 7-48 875] 10:09] 9:23] 861] 7:74] 9°33 | 11°66 | 12°77 | 10°47 | 10°91 | 7°84] 321) 122) - 129°29 28 —— i. - 2:02 | 7:44| 880] 8:89, 9°59 | 10°22] 886 | 11:26] 11°45 | 10°83 | 10°01 | 10°48) 9:85] 800) 579] 153] - 135°02 29 . 2 eS - 113 | 4:93] 670] 7:07 | 8:24 | 10°26 | 14:04 | 12°50 | 13°82 | 13°81 | 14°58] 13°02 | 859) 2:22) - = 130°91 32 a Oi - = 0:58 | 3:32] 7:67| 867 | 8:36] 7°76] 7:23] 9:44] 1015] 631] 4°45) O48) - - - 74:42 23 - =e = = = 0:30 | 4:82 | 12:79 | 13°39 | 10°49} 7°94) 8:38) 8°33) 462] 032] —- - - - 71:38 28 oa i es = = = = 201| 381] 413} 5:32] 5:00] 3:86] O92] - - - - - 25°05 15 co: i - - = - = = 0°47 | 5:34] 562] 416) 126] - - - - - - 16°85 14 ~ - g-1s | 27:57 | 40°97 | 54°19 | 68°92 | 89°85 | 94°32 |109°80 }104°35 115-32 |104°62 | 82°89 | 65°64 | 44°72 | 21°48) 3°38) - 4} 1036-20 28 TRANS. ROY. SOC. EDIN.—VOL. XLIII. 3A ( 370 ) BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY.—LOG-BOOK, 1896. Jan. 2.—The rain stopped, and the top cleared after 32. The fog sank lower and lower, and at 7} was filling the valleys only. Fog came on again at 215, At 14" there was a solar halo. Jan. 3.—The top was mostly clear, but the sky over- cast. There were detached portions of fog all round among the hills and in the valleys. At 2 and midnight a lunar corona was observed, and an aurora at midnight. Jan. 4.—Lunar corona at 1". Dense fog filled the valleys to S. and E., and sometimes in other directions. There were patches of fog almost all day over the Caledonian Canal beyond Loch Lochy, otherwise the N. and N.W. were free of fog. The earth shadow was seen at sunset with red rays radiating from a point in the N.E. above the blue of the earth shadow. An aurora was seen at 205, 214, 22, and midnight. It was quite brilliant, especially about 204, when there were two bright arches— a steady light with no streamers. From 20" 10™ to 204 15™ streamers were developed travelling along from N. by E. to the north-westward. The aurora also was brighter al- together, and the most brilliant display of streamers was to the N.W., some of these were coloured red. During this display the arches became broader and more broken, At 21" there was only a faint auroral light. No aurora was seen at 23"; but at midnight there were several bright streamers visible in spite of brilliant moonlight. The moon rose at 21" 5™, Some flies were observed frozen on the snow to-day. Jan, 5.—There was fog mostly to the S.E. and over the western sea, and haze to the N.W. below. After 17 fog gathered to the W. and N. and became thickest in that direction. The aurora was seen at and after 21, Faintish at 214, brighter at 21" 10™ and 215 25™, but much brighter at 224, with two arches like last night. At 23" the higher arch reached about 30° from_ horizon, and there were a few streamers from both arches. Jan. 6.—The aurora was again seen at 12 and 34, and a lunar corona at 5 and 6, Jan. 7.—The aurora was again seen at 23" and 244, Jan, 8.—There was fog all round below till 214, there- after only detached fog to E. and N. Glories and double fog-bows were seen. Thermometer box changed ; height above snow not altered. Jan. 9.—There was fog to the N.E. and S.E, till 5 a.m., but the sky has been almost cloudless, The shadow of the Ben seen at sunrise and sunset, and that of the earth at sunset. The sky was green at the horizon at 164. An | aurora was seen at 224 and 235, At 224, one arch, no streamers, Very fine and irregular streamers seen at 234. The fog was banking up all round the Ben at midnight. Jan. 10.—The thermometer screen was changed at 13"; | height above snow not altered. The fog reached up to about 4000 feet in the afternoon. Jan, 12.—St. Elmo’s Fire was seen on the tower and kitchen chimney at 18". Jan. 14.—Snow down to about 300 feet above sea-level at 9, The thermometer screen was shifted at 12 10™. Jan. 19.—The top cleared at 225, and there was a faint aurora. The sky was then cloudless till midnight. The wet bulb not having moistened at 23%, the Dew Point was calculated by the midnighu reading, the air evidently being dry. Jan. 20.—The top was clear till 6" and at 11> and noon. Lightning was seen to the westward at 6%, and clicks on telegraph instrument were heard frequently between 6" and 92. : Jan. 22.—There was more or less fog till 9 a.m., when it finally lifted, but it looked as if it would come down again, indeed, it was frequently touching the tops of the hills including the Ben. A lunar corona was seen at 20%. The thermometer screen was shifted at 10® 10". At 15» a raven was seen near the Observatory. Jan. 23.—It was almost cloudless till 9 am., but diffuse fog was gathering all round, and at that hour the Ben was enveloped. At night the fog became very dense. Jan. 24,—Fine lunar corone (double at times) and fog- bows were seen. Glazed frost at 205 and 21%, Jan. 25.—Almost cloudless till 13". The fog lying all round at 34 was up to about 2000 feet, and rose by 8" to 4400 feet ; at 14" it enveloped the summit. Lunar corone and fog-bows were seen at 1? and 2". Solar fog-bows (triple at times) were seen all the morning. There was a brilliant meteor that fell from about 30° above horizon N. to about 10° from horizon N. by E., it vanished behind some cumulo-stratus clouds lying round the horizon. The thermometer screen was changed after 24, Jan, 27.—The barometer was pumping in the morning and at night. At 7» St. Elmo’s Fire was bright on the tower and kitchen chimney. A lunar corona at midnight. Jan. 30,—Lunar corone and fog-bows (double and triple at times) seen at 214, 225, 23", and a faint aurora in spite of brilliant moonlight. The thermometer screen was changed. ‘5 Jan, 31.—Bright lunar coronz and fog-bows were seen this morning and at night. There has been thick fog all round below covering all land, except at times in the after- 'noon the extreme tops of Cairngorms, Schiehallion, and Aonach Mohr. Glories were seen all day. The sun set behind clouds at about 4000 feet at 16" 52™. The shadow of the earth and Ben were seen well at sunset. At 21» 20™ there were strong earth currents on the wire. An aurora was seen at 21" and after. At 23" the aurora 1896.] was seen as a well-marked arch up to about 30° from horizon on its under side, the arch was much lower at midnight, and the aurora was brightest at 235 30™. Feb, 2.—At 9» a double fog-bow was seen. An aurora was seen at and after 205. There was a well-marked single arch at 235, At 23 8™ the arch doubled and became much brighter with streamers, There was only a faint auroral light at midnight. A meteor fell at 234 10™ in N.W., perpendicularly downwards from about 20° above horizon. Feb, 3.—The aurora was bright at 1, but absent at 2. The fog has varied from 3500 to 4500 feet, being highest to the southward at 1% At 4" cumulus-fog rose above the height of the Ben and the hill-top was in fog at and after 75. Feb. 6,—At 4 a.m., what might be termed musical hail was falling; quite a chorus of musical notes was heard as it struck against the fine icy fog crystals which had formed upon the surface of the snow on the ground and elsewhere. Feb, 8.—Living flies have been seen on the snow to-day, and some have been captured. Feb. 12.—At 17% 25™ the top was clear except for passing fog, but thick fog lay all round below. An aurora was seen at 205, 215, 234, and midnight; it was fairly bright at 23", and at midnight there was a well-defined arch. Four ptarmigan were seen on the plateau of storms. A meteor in N.W. about 40° above horizon at 235, A meteor in N.N.W. about 45° above the horizon at midnight. Feb. 13.—An aurora was seen at 1», 2, and 33, Fog from 5" to 9% and 16" to midnight, fog all round below at other times from 3000 up to 4000 feet. Feb. 15.—The top was clear till 14%. Box next thermometers changed at 25. The fog was filling the valleys up to about 3000 feet. The sky became more and more overcast, and finally the clouds came down as fog. A snow-bunting seen on roof of hotel at 94, and two flew round Observatory at 164, going over the cliff by the cairn, another flew past the Observatory at 162 20™. Another was heard at 3500 feet. Fly at 4000, and spiders at 3400 and 4300 feet were observed. Feb. 16.—Glories and fog-bow seen at 8». Feb, 17.—Fog crystals 8 inches long on stays of chimney. From 14" 30™ till 18 30™ down working at the road clearing a drift below the last post and some ice higher up. The road is now clear for any horse up to the plateau of storms. Whilst at the road, snow buntings were seen. A raven was seen at 3500 feet, and a flock of small birds (20 to 30) flying round the Ben from Glen Nevis across the lake. At 21" the minimum was taken in and thawed as it was coated with ice; it was replaced at 92 15™. An aurora was seen at 23" and 245. The arch was low about 10° and the streamers not at all constant, but fairly bright. At mid- night the arch only was seen. Feb. 18.—A faint auroral light at 1". The haze is very thick to-day, up to about 4000 feet. Large glories seen on Aonach Mohr, also yesterday between 15" and 165. Aurora, 205, 215, 22> and 23>. Stars twinkling greatly. At 20" a meteor to N. At 16" a snow-bunt- ing. Horse with provisions up to-day. Feb. 19,—Aurora at 2). BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY.—LOG- BOOK. midnight. | 371 Feb, 20.—Summit clear and sky cloudless at 225 and midnight, and fog passing. Apparently a good deal of fog hanging about hills. Lunar corone seen. Tracks of two foxes seen on lower part of plateau of storms. Box changed at 22 15™. Feb, 21.—Summit clear frequently during the day, but sky cloudy. Thick haze and fog around. Aiur dry in early morning, humidity being as low as 41 per cent.’ at 6" and 7", Horse with provisions up to-day. Marks of an eagle seen to-day half-way between Second Gorge and M‘Lean’s Steep, also two snow-buntings and a raven. Feb. 22.—Summit clear at times after 145, but sky cloudy with cirro-cum. Heavy banks of fog hanging about hills all round. Snow-bunting seen at kitchen window of Observatory. Feb, 23.—Top clear all day except for a little thin fog passing occasionally. Sky pretty cloudy with cir.-c. and cir.-s. all day. Fog lying about hills to EH. and S. and haze in valleys all round below. Air dry, very dry at times, the humidity being as low as 13 per cent. at 5". Lunar halo seen at 215, 225, and midnight. Feb, 24.—Sky overcast with cirro-stratus and stratus- cum. all day. General appearance of sky gloomy and threatening. Thick haze in valleys below. Air very dry all day. Lowest humidity 32 per cent. at 19%. Lunar halo seen at 1" and 23%. Feb, 25.—Gale from the S.E. all day. Tower screen put out in the afternoon and was in use at 18" and 192, Feb, 26.—Slight showers of snow fell during the forenoon, Summit clear and sky cloudless from 15" to 214, and air slightly dry from 162 to 195. Fog all round below and a few peaks showing through. Thick haze in distance. A little cirrus seen above horizon to west- ward, Lunar corone at 21>. Thermometer box shifted at 15" 15™, but instruments were not changed. Feb. 28.—Summit clear except for a little fog passing from 16" to 19%, and again after 234, but sky overcast. Stratus-fog clinging to sides of hills all round. Lunar halo seen at 23}. Feb, 29.—Summit clear till 24, but sky overcast. At 1» stratus-fog clinging to hills to eastward, and at 2 the clouds were touching hills all round. Box changed at 1 10™. Height not altered. March 1.—Heavy rain fell till 3", and very heavy showers of snow since. March 2.—Thermometer box raised one step up. Height above snow 46 inches. March 3.—Thermometer box shifted at 13> 20™. March 4,—Summit clear at 9" and 10%, but sky cloudy, and fog in valleys below all round. March 7,—Summit clear after 8", but sky very cloudy and ugly looking. Fog in valleys in forenoon to northward and eastward, but this all cleared away, and in the afternoon there was no appearauce of fog in any direction. At 20" fog was on again. Air very dry at times in afternoon, humidity being as low as 29 at 14" and 16". Thin haze in distance all round, Slight showers of snow fell in early morning and evening. Solar halo seen at 144 and 15", Thermometer box changed at 12" 20™, March 11.—Summit clear at times till 204, thereafter fog cleared away leaving a perfectly cloudless sky. Aurora with shifting streamers seen at 214, 225 and Zodiacal light seen at 21". Snow-bunting at 372 kitchen window at 6", When out walking to-day, and between First and Second Gorges, a good number of flies were seen on surface of snow, but all apparently dead. March 12.—Sky cloudless till 4%, but cloudy thereafter, with cirrus and cir.-stratus till 20%, when sky again became cloudless. The motion cf the clouds, although slow, appeared to be fromthe N.E. Air very dry all day, exceedingly dry at 84 and 9", the humidity being about 11 per cent. Very thick haze all day, and detached fog in valleys in afternoon. Strong to light N.E. breezes till noon, and perfectly calm the rest of the day. Aurora seen at 15, 2 35, and 44, and again at 205, 215, 22) 93h and midnight. Solar halo at 16" and the zodiacal light at ike March 13.—Sky cloudy with cirro-cum. till 8, after which fog came on and enveloped summit till 184, there- after fog cleared off summit, and sky has been cloudless since. Thick haze around, and fog on hills to E. and south-eastward. Zodiacal light again seen to-night at 214, but not quite so bright as last night. Aurora seen at 1", and again at 214, 224, and midnight. Aurora was very brilliant at midnight, and had a double arch with streamers shooting to the zenith; it extended from W.N.W. round to N.E. by E. March 14.—Sky cloudless till 7"; fog since with occasional breaks in the afternoon, and sky apparently cloudy. Fog on hills to eastward and S.E. in early morn- ing. Thick haze all round (pale blue in colour), probably due to heather burning. Aurora seen at 1», 2, 35, and 4h, Raven seen at Bucket Stage in afternoon. March 19.—Summit clear in afternoon, but sky almost overcast. Wind backed from the north-westward to the south-eastward in the evening, and blew a strong gale of about 100 miles an hour. Thermometer box changed at GATS March 23.—Aurora seen at 4%. In forenoon glazed frost was forming from the mist and drizzling rain. March 26.—Top joint put on ladder-stand after 142, and a fresh box was put out in its first step, z.e., on the top of the fixed ladder-stand. March 29,—Lunar corona on scud, and variously coloured cir.-c. seen at 22. Box changed after 13}. Height not altered. March 30.—Very fine all morning. Humidity 13 per cent. at 2 and 3% and 12 at 6% Cir.-s. on sky, which gradually thickened into a dull uniform pallium, and descended until at 14> it was passing the summit as str.fog. A little drizzle of snow fell out of it: and later, the temperature rose, and mist, and a slight drizzle, which formed glazed frost, settled on the hill-top for the rest of the evening. Aurora seen at 25, It was noticed that while Mealfourvonie, Schiehallion, and neighbouring hills were almost free of snow, the rest of the country was well covered down to 1400 or 1500 feet. Snow-buntings seen about summit in forenoon and one seen yester- day. aveh 31.—Glazed frost forming in forenoon. Summit clear at 23" and midnight, when an aurora was seen. April 1.—Box shifted after 9", Height not altered. April 2.—Drizzling rain in evening forming glazed frost. A lunar corona was seen at 4". Snow-buntings were seen about the hill-top to-day. April 3.—Thermometer box changed after 5". BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY.—LOG-BOOK. [1896. April 9.—Flies seen on surface of snow, and the tracks of a fox at plateau of storms, April 10.—Thunder heard at 184, April 12.—Box changed after 20, April 13.—Box changed after 13%. April 14.—Summit clear most of the day, but fog hanging about hill-sides and at times passing. Cloudless after 20", Aurora with short streamers and well-defined arch seen at 238 and midnight. Snow-buntings were seen about summit to-day, and several flies were seen on surface of snow. April 15.—Clear and almost cloudless in forenoon. Fog all evening. Glories and a solar corona seen at 5}, eral e April 18.—Thermometer box changed after 9*. April 21,—Mist all round below to-day and covering summit all morning, but sinking at times in afternoon, leaving air dry. Solar halo seen at 14% and 15% Glazed frost forming at night. Lunar corona seen at 232, April 23.—Summit cleared at 94, and continued clear during the rest of the day, except when the cumulus clouds in their descent covered it for an hour about 18%, Cloudless after 19. Thermometer box lowered one step at 25, Snow-bunting and a raven seen about summit, and several flies on snow. A hole was dug in snow wreath to westward of Hotel to-day down to the rocks: 17 ft. deep. Temperatures were taken at every foot, and a uniform temperature of 32°°0 was got throughout the whole depth. April 24.—Cloudless till 84, and air very dry. Cloudy with haze and fog around below till 21: mist thereafter. April 25.—Mist cleared off after 35, but came on again at noon. During the interval the sky was mostly cloudless, but haze and cum.-fog filled the valleys around — below. April 26.—Mist with rain or drizzle all day. Glazed frost forming heavily at night. April 27.—Mist or fog all day, with drizzle and glazed frost in early morning, and heavy snow and snow-hail al] evening. April 29.—Thermometer box changed after 4". Height not altered. Lunar corona seen at 1}. April 30.—Clear occasionally to-day, Thermometer box changed after 115, Height not altered. May 1.—Thermometer box changed after 4%, Box raised one step on ladder-stand, A raven was seen at 114. A trench was dug in the snow at north end of Observatory to-day, and the following observations of snow temperature made :— Aurora visible at Surface 80°'8 6 inches down 30 °7 1 foot a : c : 5 4 32 ‘1 2 fact: , st snn sean) . eta thd ae anes Bee Sn ott) diy ate ce et ne 4 é ; ; f ; ‘: 32 *2 39 3? May 2.—Summit clear and visibility 4 and at times 5. Sky cloudy or overcast. Although clear to-day, the air was never very dry ; and for several hours it was saturated. Hoar frost forming in early morning. Aurora seen flashing through breaks in the clouds overhead at midnight. 1896. | May 3.—Summit clear nearly all day. Sky cloudy till 19": cloudless thereafter. Thick haze all round below. Aurora seen at night. At midnight there was a large auroral arch stretching from W. to N.E. and rising at apex to 20° above the horizon, After 19", when the sun was near horizon, portions of two halos were seen: radius of inner halo 22° 36’ and of inter 49° 56’. Also a sun- pillar rising vertically from sun. May 4.—Aurora seen at 1", Thick haze all around and sky cloudy, but summit clear and air dry all day. May 5.—Thermometer box lowered one step after 16%. May 6.—Haze all round till afternoon, when air to northward began to clear. At 21" it was very clear to W., N. and N.E., but still hazy to S. and south-westward. At 22 and after, the northern sky was very clear, and the sunset colours very pure. a and low-sunband were seen in sky. A measurement by stephanome gave as their difference 1°, 54°. Sunset colours seen all night. May 7.—Thunder and lightning between 15" 25™ and 164, with heavy rain. Thunder clouds and showers were noted to westward, northward, and E. till 19%, but all afternoon there was almost unbroken sunshine on hills to southward, 8.E., and S.W. Fog low in some valleys to N.E. and eastward in early morning. Average visi- bility to-day 5. The maximum temperature to-day 53°:2 is the highest on record so early in the year. May 8.—Temperature high and sky cloudless except for some cumulus about mid-day and in afternoon. Fog on Caledonian Canal in morning. May 9.—Summit clear; air very clear; and sky cloud- less almost all day. Fog on Caledonian Canal and in valleys to eastward in early morning. Air extremely clear to N.E. in early morning. Bands seen in sunrise colours. May 11.—Cloudless: but thick haze all around. Faint ‘and low aurora seen at midnight. Thermometer box lowered after 20 one step. May 12.—Sky cloudless all day and thick haze all around. Almost calm from 9¥ till midnight. To-day and every day since the 7th, the afternoon temperature has been above 50°. May 13.—Some cirrus on sky. Thick haze in valleys. Sudden drop in humidity after 22" from 89 to 34. May 15.—Sky cloudy. Fog all around in morning and thin haze in afternoon. Solar halo seen at 135. May 17.—Mist or fog with slight drizzle till 20. Clear but a little cloudy thereafter. Glories seen at 204. A Junar corona at 235. At and for 30™ past midnight, a brilliant aurora was noted. The arch extended from W. to N.E., and rose to from 40° to 50° above horizon, and sent up numerous bright streamers which converged at zenith. May 19.—Fog with showers of snow and temperature below 32 all day. May 22.—Glories and solar coronz seen at 19%. May 23.—Thermometer box lowered one step after 7", May 24,—Clearing in afternoon. Cloudless at night, but fog in valleys. May 25.—Sky cloudless, but fog below and hanging about summit most of the day. May 26.—Very thick haze all round to-day. Lunar corona at 1», A good many insects seen on summit to-day. May 27.—Very thick haze all around all day. Cloud- BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY.—LOG-BOOK. 373 less or almost so all morning; but cloudy at night; with detached fog in valleys in early morning and at night. May 28.—Cloudy: but the thick haze of last two days cleared away in early morning, and in evening the air was very clear. Visibility being 5. Solar halo seen at 13%. May 29.—Summit clear till 5", and after 16", but enveloped in fog or mist between these times. Glories and fog-bows seen on fog in valleys in early morning and after 162, May 30.—Cloudless almost all day. Fog all round in forenoon, and thick haze at night. Some brightness in northern sky at 235, was uot distinct enough to make it certain whether it was due to aurora or pearly cirrus. May 31.—Almost cloudless till 14", but continuous fog all around below, which, after this, rose and enveloped summit for the rest of the day. Glories seen at 4°. Snow-buntings were either seen or heard on every day of the month, and flies, ete. were almost daily seen on the surface of the snow. June 1.—Mist all morning : clearing in evening, but sky cloudy and fog below. Thermometers were put out in the large summer Stevenson screen, and duplicate readings were begun ; but those of dry and wet in small box continue to be entered on daily sheets. (See June 10th.) June 3.—Sky cloudy all morning, and thick haze seen below all round. Mist all evening. June 4.—Fog or mist: clearing at times. Thunder 155 to 15" 35™. Heavy showers of rain in afternoon. June 9.—Fog most of the day: but during clear intervals the sky was seen to be almost cloudless. June 10.—Fog hanging about hills and summit to-day : but sky cloudless in morning. Duplicate readings of hygrometers in small and large screens have been occasionally made since Ist inst. To-day the small screen was discontinued, and the readings of the dry and wet in large screen taken and entered in records. June 11.—Summit clear; sky somewhat cloudy. Detached fog and haze all round below. Afterglow noted at 22°, June 12.—Sky cloudy or overcast. Fog on summit at night. Detached fog and haze all round below. Solar halo seen at 10" 30", Two large birds probably eagles were seen crossing Ben Nevis in a south-easterly direction about 144. June 14.—Summit clear all day. Haze all round all day, and some fog in places at night. June 15.—Thick haze all round below. what cloudy, chiefly with cirrus types. June 16.—Thick haze all round, and sky heavily clouded with thundery-looking, gloomy cumulus in morn- ing. Very slight showers of rain during day. June 20.—St. Elmo’s fire seen at midnight on wind vane, etc. June 22.—Halos (red inside) were observed during the afternoon. An approximate measurement with the stephanome gave a radius of 234°, June 24.—Glories and fog-bows seen in morning. An approximate measurement of fog-bow (red outside) with stephanome gave a radius of 37°. July 3.—Glories and fine double fog-bow seen to-day at 85. July 5.—Solar halo and glory seen at 9", Sky some- 374 July 10.—Fog-bows and glories between 6" and 7". Halos were seen all afternoon. At 20" and 21" the Outer Hebrides appeared very near and well-defined. Afterglow at midnight. July 11.—Foreglow at 1" and 2". Halo at noon. Haze all afternoon, specially dense to W. and N.W. July 15.—At 19 double corona seen round the reflection of the sun in Loch Hil. July 16.—Shadows of earth and Ben at sunrise. Glories at 6" and 7}. July 18.—Fog-bows at 74, 85, and 9%, Fog below to 4000 feet at 10%, rising and enveloping summit at 132. Mist remainder of day. July 23.—Three-ringed glory and two-ringed fog-bow at 204, At 21a rainbow-coloured arch seen to S.E. resem- bling an earth shadow, red outside. Double lunar corona at 11.55 p.m. July 24.—Double glory at 55. Rainbow at 16%. July 25.—Foreglow at 25. At 34, beneath a band of cum.-s. to N.N.E., the sky was a peculiar magenta tint, July 27.—At 17%, while wind on summit was N.E. force 2 to 4, the wind on Cairn Mor Dearg and ridge was observed by Mr Drysdale to be W. force 4. July 28.—Shadow of Ben at 45. Eagle seen over Aonach Beg about 65 15™. July 31.—About 20, four ravens were seen flying about summit. Aug. 1.—Summit clear almost all day and fog on hills to 4000 feet, A lunar corona was seen at 3}. Aug. 2.—Clear almost all day. Lunar corona seen at 25, Solar halo at 8}. Aug. 5.—Detached fog on hills, and fog over Loch Lochy all morning. Aug. 10.—Almost cloudless till noon, when mist came on. Aug. 11.—Fog sank below level of summit after 7}, and remained about the 4000 feet level all day. Aug. 16.—Summit clear in evening; cum.-fog among hills all round, Aug. 19.—A double lunar corona was observed at 225, Aug. 22.—A lunar corona was seen at midnight. Aug. 23.—Cumulus-fog below all day. Glories were observed at 10" and 164, solar halos at 15" and 164, and lunar halos at 214 and 22h. Aug. 31.—Summit clear after 45. Cum.-fog in valleys to eastward and southward. A glory and fog-bow were observed at 6%. Sept. 1.—Summit clear and sky almost cloudless all forenoon. Mist came on in evening. A glory was seen apt Sept. 4.—A raven was seen near cliff at 17%. at 234, Aurora Sept. 5.—Fog off and on during the day; finally | sinking below level of summit, and leaving sky cloudless after 18. Glories and a solar corona were observed after 18, Sept. 6.—Sky cloudless and fog all round below till noon, after which fog rose and enveloped summit till 18", when it again sank and sky became cloudy. Sept. 7.—A thin fog cap lay on the hill-top, and the air was slightly dry till 17", when the fog became more dense and changed to mist. BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY.—LOG-BOOK. [1896. Sept. 14.—Between 225 and 23" sheet lightning was seen to S.S.W. Sept. 16.—Earth currents in telegraph cable in early morning. Thunder and lightning observed after 19". Sept. 19.—A lunar corona was observed at 21 and a lunar rainbow at 205 25™. Sept. 20.—A double lunar corona was seen at 235 and midnight. Sept. 21.—Air very clear; the maximum visibility being observed almost every hour till 184, after which fog came on from the east. A double lunar corona and a meteor were observed after 2, and a solar halo at 134. Oct. 5.—St. Elmo’s fire was observed at 15, 35, and 52, Oct. 11.—Summit clear after 74, but fog passing. An aurora was seen at 20}. Oct. 12.—Fog all forenoon, but summit clear and sky cloudy after 135. No fog in valleys, but clouds were tipping hills all round. At 16 a thermometer box with dry and wet bulbs and minimum was put out on ladder- stand No. 2, and the readings afterwards taken there. Oct. 13.—An aurora was observed at 22", and a raven was seen on summit at 17>. Oct. 14.—An aurora was again seen at 35, 4", and 22%, Oct. 15.—Sky cloudless till noon, after which it became partly clouded with cirro.-stratus, Fog lay over Loch Eil and the Caledonian Canal all morning, and also hung about the hills all day. A solar halo was observed at 15" and 165, and an aurora at 4" and 22%. Oct. 16.—Detached fog on hills all round and haze low down in valleys all day. Lunar halo at 20}. Oct. 17.—Fog came over summit at 6" and remained there for the rest of the day. Aurora at 3 and 4”. Oct. 18.—Summit clear and sky cloudless from 7* till noon. Detached fog on hills. Fog-bow at 11%, Oct. 20.—Clear most of the day, but fog on hills. Thermometer box changed at 11" 15™, Oct. 22.—Thermometer box changed at 212 15™. A lunar corona at 21" and 23". Two ravens were seen at Mone Oct. 23.—Green sky to east at 13%. A lunar corona was observed at 1", 45, and 5", and a double lunar corona at 6, Glory at 75 40™. Oct. 24.—Lunar corona at 21, and a lunar halo at midnight. Oct. 25.—A minimum thermometer was put out on snow on cotton wool last night, and read 4°°5 at 9 to-day. Solar halo at 10" and 114. Oct. 27.—Thermometer box changed at 205 25™, Height not altered. Solar corona at 15", and a lunar halo at 23" and midnight. Oct. 28.—A lunar halo at 1» and 5", and a glory at 9». Oct. 29.—Summit clear most of the day and fog below to about the 4200 feet level, occasionally passing over summit. Faint lunar corona at 5}. Nov. 1.—Fog fell below summit after 3". Skerryvore and a number of the other lights along the west coast were visible at 23" and midnight. Lunar corona at 4". A glory round the shadow of Ben, cast a fog over Loch Eil at 8}. Nov. 3.—Summit cleared after 1", and sky remained cloudless the rest of the day. A triple glory was observed 1896. | round shadow of Ben at 85, and a double glory was seen at 16". Nov. 4.—Fog all round below to about 3800 feet, and at 14" the Cairngorms and Ben Lawers only were visible above it. Glory round shadow of Ben at 8", and again at 16. Nov. 7.—Clear after 9". A fog-bow and glory were observed at 85 30™, and a solar halo at 108 and 122. Nov. 8.—Sky cloudless since 17%. Faint aurora at midnight. ‘Thermometer box changed at 19» 30™. Nov. 15.—Three snow-buntings were seen on M‘Lean’s Steep at 10" 45™; none had been observed for about a month, Nov. 16.—Top clear after 7%, Glory round shadow of Ben at 16, Lunar corona at 17> and 192, A snow- bunting was heard on roof of Observatory at 9*, and again at 13". The thermometer box was changed at S2700™, Nov. 24.—Top clear and sky cloudless after 135. Double solar corona at 16" and a fog-bow at 15" 40™. Nov. 25.—Very fine all day with fog below, and passing over summit occasionally. Lunar corona at 4, 5®, 68, and 7%. Solar corona, 9" and 104, glory at 105 and 114, and shadow of Ben with glory at 9, Nov. 26.—Fog sinking from about 4200 feet, in early morning to 2000 feet, at 174, and afterwards forming cum.- fog and haze in valleys. Some cirrus, cirro.-stratus, and str.-haze on horizon all day. Lunar fog-bow at 75. A lunar corona at 1" and 2". Shadow of Ben with glory at 95 and 102. Nov. 27.—Fog and thick haze in valleys all morning. Towards evening a high bank of fog rose up to E. and came over summit after 20", and cleared off again after 23, A lunar halo observed at 1", 25, and 3. Nov, 28.—Cum.-fog on hills all round. A very thin mist was passing over summit at times in the forenoon. Fog came on after 20". Lunar corona at 1", 74, and 84. Fog-bow and glory at 85 40™, and shadow of Ben with glory at 9» and 10%. Nov. 29.—Thin fog passing all forenoon, but sky cloudless after 145. Fog-bow at 9" 30™, 10%, and 13}. Solar corona at 11? 50™. Nov. 30.—Cloudless all day, but fog lay over Loch Eil and the Caledonian Canal. 96 per cent. of the possible sunshine was recorded to-day. Dec. 1.—Low ground white with hoar frost. Fog lay over Loch Oich all day, and a streak of stratus cloud on south-western horizon. ‘Towards evening fog formed on the hills to S.E. and came on over the Ben at 205. Dec. 4.—Summit clear most of the day, and very thick haze all round. Solar halo seen at 15%, Dec. 7.—Thermometer box was shifted at 0b 15™. BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY.—LOG-BOOK. 375 Dec. 8.—Thermometer box was shifted at 0» 15™. Sky continued cloudless till 35, and the air was very dry ; the humidity at 1* being 18 per cent. Fog came on at 45, and showers of snow and hail fell during the day. Dec. 9.—Thick fog all day depositing brown fog crystals. On spare thermometer-ladder the fog crystals were about 4 feet long to-day. Dec, 11.—Fog-bow and triple glory seen at 135 30”. Lunar corone at 17" and 20", at latter hour also a lunar fog-bow. Thermometer screen changed after 14?. Dec. 13.—Summit clear most of the day. Haze all around and fog low in valleys. Glory seen round shadow of Ben on fog at 9". Lunar corone seen at night. Temperature falling slowly all day. Thermometer box changed after 6%. Dec. 15,—Summit clear and sky nearly cloudless, except near horizon, till 75. Fog and showers of snow during rest of day. Lunar corone seen at 1* and at and after 20". Thermometer box changed at 3" 40™. Dec. 16.—-Thin fog on summit most of the day. Lunar coronee seen in early morning. Dec. 17.—Thermometer box changed at 194 30™. Dec. 18.—Cloudless: and air dry and clear till 117, visibility being 4 or 5. Thin fog, clearing at times the rest of the day. Dec. 19.—Clear and almost cloudless after 8", the air being dry and very clear, but fog below chiefly to north- ward, north-eastward, and eastward. Glories seen on fog in distance to northward at 105 and 11", Dec. 21.—Thermometer box put on stand one step up at 155 15™, Dec. 22.—Clearing in afternoon. Lunar corone seen at night. Fine flat hexagonal glassy snow crystals falling at 15, Thermometer box changed at 165 15™. Height not altered. Dec. 23.—Summit clear, with fog below most of the day. A pallium of cir.-s. worked up from W. and south- westward in afternoon, and covered the sky at and after 215, Lunar corone seen in early morning and a glory at noon. Dec. 26.—Telegraph instrument clicking at intervals all evening. (Lightning was seen at sea-level.) St. Elmo’s fire (faint blue light) seen at 23%, Dec. 28.—Summit clear from 5" till noon. Fog during the rest of the day. Thermometer box changed after 10". Height above snow not altered. A raven was seen at 114. Dec. 31.—Mist and drizzle forming glazed frost all morning. Heavy fall of snow at night. Lightning seen at 18" 5™. Clicks in telegraph instrument at intervals after 175 30™. ( 37 INSTRUMENTS, ETC, a) 1896. Barometers.—Nos. 1385 and 1252. The former has been exclusively used for observations during the year, the latter being held as a reserve instrument. During the very high pressure in January, a set of comparison readings were made of these barometers. On December 18th, the barometer (No. 1864 by Casella) was brought up from the Mid-Station, and since then comparision readings have been made of this and No. 1385. It has been found that accurate com- parison can only be made when the weather is calm or almost so, owing to the pumping action caused by even light wind. So far as comparison has been made (32 good observations), the residual difference between the two barometers (1385-1864) comes out 0-002 inch, No. 1385 reading the lower by that amount. Richards’ Self-registering Aneroid has been in use, and is in good working order. Thermometers.—Dry bulbs 535541 and 192677 with wet bulbs 535542 and 192672 were in use, and dry 861089 with wet 861090 were held as a reserve set until they were sent down to the Mid-Station in August. From June 10th to October 12th the large Stevenson Screen was in use, and during the rest of the year the small boxes on ladder-stand No. 2. In stormy weather the Tower Screen has been in occasional use. Max. 117293 and Min. 116918 were used in the large screen, and Mins. 138545 and 1108531A in the small screens. No. 138545 was broken on Nov, 25th and since then No. 1108531 has been in continuous use, Black Bulb No, 186 has been in use chiefly in summer, or on fine days with temperature above 32°. The Sunshine Records have been got from Campbell- Stokes Sunshine Recorder. Robinson’s Cup-Anemometer was in use in the summer and autumn, except during the time its connecting rod was under repair. July 5 to 28th.—The hand anemometer was in occasional use—chiefly in high winds. The Anemograph Clock continues the Standard Time Clock for Observatory. The Rainband has been observed daily with the small pocket Spectroscope. The depth of snow was measured at post A till November, when it broke ; and since then, at the temporary post near the large Stevenson Screen. During the year, the Dust Counter has been out of repair; and the Camera has been mostly at the Low- Level Observatory. There has been no break in the routine of hourly observation, Now and again an observation was made a few minutes late, and in stormy weather the rainfall records were incomplete owing to drift, etc. When too stormy to go to thermometer box, the readings of temperature were taken from the thermometer in Tower Screen. The telegraph cable and instrument have worked fairly well during the year. In August the hut at the Lake, 2190 feet in height, was enlarged and made into an Observing Station. Observa- tions were made there during part of August and September. iS. ROY. SOC. EDIN.—VOL. XLIII. 3B 378 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. BAROMETER. Repucep To 32°. 4407 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. JANUARY 1897. 5 = ‘ ‘ Mid- 1 8 9 NOG |e eee 4s || TOG: | 17 ilfsys ake} || PAO) PAL) Be) 2B} night. Mean. Tns. Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. i kor2e 5) 5°462) 5°501| 5°531| 5°551) 5°562] 5°573) 5°577| 5°594| 5:601) 5°608) 5°615] 5°609} 5°614| 5:617) 5°616) 5°601| 5-599 | 5-511 2 5 528) 5°513} 5°518] 5:519] 5°516| 5°516} 5°485) 5°467! 5:459| 5-475) 5-490) 5-477| 5450) 5°427| 5°444) 5-424) 5396] 5-399 | 5-492 3 «| 5:38: 241| 5*243) 5*237| 5:220] 5:20) 5°159) 5°147] 5°138) 5°149] 5°131) 5139) 5:183] 5°188] 5:204] 5°202) 5:210} 5°218) 5-217 | 5-223 4 | 5213 25) 5°218) 5°215) 5:224| 5-231) 5232) 5:208) 5°192) 5:201) 5°207| 5°198) 5188) 5°190} 5:175) 5°153) 5-140} 5°107| 5-089 | 5-196 Dd | 5:0S 78) 5°185} 5°195} 5200} 5:208) 5-198] 5:188) 5-181} 5°172) 5170) 5°168} 5°158) 5°151) 5°145] 5:126) 5°122) 5°117) 5082 | 5-157 6 | 5:070 3) 5076] 5°105) 5:093} 5-088) 5-056] 5-068} 5:048)| 5:098] 5102) 5105) 5:130) 5:120} 5142) 5164) 5°177| 5185) 5-207 | 5°100 7 |5:219 | 5°241) 5°231) 5°229) 5-260) 5°251) 5211) 5:251) 5°218} 5°251| 5:302) 5305) 5°337| 5°292| 5:360) 5°353) 5°360) 5°349 | 5-265 8 | 5340 4) 5°348| 5:354) 5°379| 5:376) 5°363] 5°388) 5°375| 5°377| 5°377| 5°331] 5°37 4| 5°322) 5351) 5:299) 5°293) 5°296] 5-302 | 5-349 | 9 |5:296 20) 5*256) 5°177| 5°186) 5-143} 5°157] 5146} 5-095) 5°092) 5-050) 5:033} 5-027) 5:042) 5-026} 5:010) 4977) 4969] 4-959 | 5-135 10 | 4945 51| 4:978} 4°982) 4:392) 5-001) 4-995} 4-997] 5-015) 5°023) 5-032) 5042) 5-050) 5:069| 5°081) 5:089] 5*100) 5"102) 5-105 | 5-012 11 | 5°104) 5°105) 5: : *113} 5° 5°128] 5°132| 5°122) 5:128) 5-123] 5°118) 5-114] 5117) 5°115| 5119] 5:126) 5°122) 5-121] 5°121) 5°124) 5°115) 5-117 | 5-118 12 | 5119) 5°119) 5°111) 5-110} 5°11) 5°113) 5117] 5126) 5°133] 5:143) 5-154) 5°151] 5154] 5°155) 5°164) 5173] 5194) 5-214) 5219] 5-230) 5°239) 5-252) 5-253) 5-265 | 5-167 13 | 5'276) 5°278) 5-295] 5°307) 5°312) 5:328) 5°350) 5°358) 5388) 5:394) 5-400) 5-405] 5°416] 5°428) 5°439) 5°450| 5°463) 5-485) 5500] 5°518) 5°531| 5°541) 5°548) 5-552 | 5-415 14 | 5:5A9 5°565| 5°975] 5°584| 5°591) 5°61) 5°603) 5°614| 5°619) 5°627| 5°640} 5:644] 5°642) 5638) 5°636| 5:636) 5°621| 5-638) 5°631| 5°625) 5°620) 5-631) 5°628) 5°631 | 5617 15 | 5°624! 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5:406) 5-408 5°396) 5:411) 5°398) 5°402) 5°382) 5°388) 5384) 5:369) 5:363] 5°350| 5°358) 5-349 | 5-391 29 | 5°349) 5°336) 5°328) 5°317| 5°3041 5-295) 5-274) 5-261) 5°246) 5-229 5-201) 5-173] 5°156) 5-120) 5-090) 5-064) 5:038) 5-015, 4:991] 4-966) 4-937] 4-905) 4-882) 4°852 | 5-189 80 | 4°828) 4°812) 4°798] 4°778) 4°757| 4°750) 4°735) 4°727) 4°724) 4°726 4°727) 4:71.41 4°698) 4°693) 4:684| 4°685) 4°681 4-682 4685] 4°690) 4°697| 4°706| 4°718) 4°722 | 4°726 31 | 4°717| 4:728) 4°729] 4°730] 4:724] 4-713) 4-726 4-716) 4°723] 4-724 4-724) 4-697] 4°751] 4°770) 4°788] 4-795] 4°791] 4-805) 4-809] 4°817| 4:826| 4-809] 4-810) 4:814 | 4:759 MEAN. | 5°257| 5°258) 5°260) 5°256) 5-250) 5°251| 5:253) 5-260) 5263] 5:°267 5-267] 5:258) 5°255) 5°250) 5:249) 5-251] 5:251| 5-256 5-256] 5:254| 5°255] 5-251] 5-250) 5-248 | 5-255 BAROMETER. ReEpvucep To 32°. 4407 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. FEBRUARY 1897. Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins, | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. } Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. 1 | 4°821) 4°816] 4°814) 4°755| 4°789) 4-796] 4-799) 4-794] 4-792) 4-790) 4-798, 4-800} 4:802| 4-783) 4-798] 4°789| 4°780) 4°790| 4°792| 4-795) 4°794] 4-784) 4-767] 4-752 | 4°79 2 | 4°77) 4°747| 4°746) 4°754) 4°748) 4-731) 4°729) 4°744] 4°758) 4°776| 4-784) 4-796] 4°804) 4-817] 4°821) 4°830) 4845) 4°874| 4°896) 4-912) 4°924] 4-942) 4-958) 4-978 | 4-820 3 | 4°983) 4-991) 5-009) 5-021) 5:039) 5:050) 5:065| 5:085) 5°105 5120 5180, 5'139) 5°137) 5°145] 5°147| 5°148) 5°157| 5°169] 5 173) 5°172) 5°174) 5-169] 5-173) 5181 | 5108 4 | 5180) 57172) 5°168) 5°161) 5°161| 5164) 5:164).5:162! 5168 5153, 5°162) 5153) 5°144! 5°134) 5°119] 5°135) 5°132) 5118) 5°107| 5:090) 5-086) 5:067] 5-049 | 5-188 | 5 | 5°027) 5°015| 5°017) 5:015) 5-014) 5-010) 5:007] 5:001| 5-000] 5-001) 4-996, 4-991] 4:983) 4:971 4:979| 4971] 4:977| 4-978] 4-976] 4-984) 4-978] 4-978] 4-979] 4-981 } 4:993 | 6 | 4°979) 4°981) 4-973) 4-974) 4°971) 4:970) 4:972| 4:976| 4983] 4-988 4-991) 4-992] 4-989) 4-989] 4-997) 5-008) 5-018} 5:026| 5-038) 5-053) 5-064) 5-080} 5-091) 5-107 | 5-009 7 | 5115} 5°142) 5°154) 5°171) 5°185) 5:206) 5-223) 5*245) 5-270) 5-291 5:311) 5:325) 5°339] 5°347| 5°364| 5°384) 5392) 5:413) 5:417| 5°412) 5-411) 5-414) 5-411) 5-404 | 5-306 8 | 5395} 5°399) 5°389) 5°357| 5°353) 5°357) 5°355] 5°337| 5°342| 5°345 5:333) 5338] 5:316! 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REDUCED TO 32° AND SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. FEBRUARY 1897. 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REDUCED To 32° AND SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. APRIL 1897. 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Repucep To 32°. 4407 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. AUGUST 1897. | Ins. / Ins: | Ins; | Ins: | ins: | Ins. Ins; Ins: | as) ins: Ins. | Ins. | Tus. lus. | Ins. | Dos. | Ins. Ins. | Ins. | Ins: | Ins. eee ine Ins. | Ins. 1 | 5:680 5:678) 5°659) 5-664! 5-660) 5-655 5:660 5-662) 5:664) 5-670] 5-674) 5-669] 5:667, 5-665) 5-676) 5-678] 5-675! 5-662] 5:664| 5-663] 5-677) 5-669) 5:675, 5-667 | 5668 2 | 5664 5°656) 5:648) 5°652) 5°659| 5654 5:°662 5:664| 5:675)| 5°677| 5°688) 5°69415:701 5:704) 5:716] 5°719} 5°721| 5:721) 5°727) 5:740)| 5753 5°754) 5°757) 5°749 | 5698 3 | 5°748 5°747| 5°742) 5°740) 5°748) 5°746 5°757 5°758) 5°765) 6°769) 5°71) 5°71) 5°71 5°769 5*769) 5°764| 5°752) 5-751) 5-749) 5°752) 5°739, 5°731) 5-725) 5-706 | 5°72 | 4 | 5°702) 5°686) 5-670) 5°665) 5°658) 5°656 5°652 5651) 5°652) 5-651) 5-652) 5°646) 5°637 5-626) 5°610) 5°603) 5-580, 5°563) 5°559) 5°42) 5°526) 5°527| 5:12) 5-494 | 5-613 5 | 5479) 5465) 5°452) 5°437| 5°425] 5: 413, 5°412 5:411| 5:99] 5:383) 5:378) 5:355) 5:343, 5-334) 5°301| 5:290] 5:286) 5:268] 5:278| 5-288! 5-261) 5-268) 5:249| 5-240 | 5-351 6 | 5:287) 5:218) 5202) 5°193] 5196} 5: 190 5°181 5176} 5°166} 5°156) 5-157) 5°151) 5:149) 5:144) 5159) 5160) 5°155) 5-161) 5172) 5:°180) 5°193) 5:198) 5-200) 5:211 | 5-179 | | 7 | 5'218) 5°227)| 5°233) 5:240) 5°248 5257] 5:273 5290) 5-300) 5-310) 5:322) 5°328I 5: 334) 5*330| 5°330) 5°326) 5°324) 5°325) 5°323) 5:315) 5312) 5-302) 5-299) 5-288 | 5-294 | 8 5274) 5:268) 5-259) 5-254) 5-244] 5-245) 5-245 5-251] 5-246] 5-247) 5-247) 5252) 5-255) 5-253) 5:255| 5:25] 5-259] 5-254] 5-26] 5-262) 5-267) 5-271] 5:272| 5-270 | 5-257 | 9 5270 5270) 5°266) 5:266) 5-273] 5*281)| 5-298 5:308] 5:317| 5°329) 5:344) 5°357) 5°371) 5°374) 5:371) 5°375| 5°372| 5°379| 5°387| 5°394| 5-409) 5406] 5-404! 5-401 7 5343 | 10 | 5°400) 5:400) 5*395) 5*388) 5°395) 5398) 5-399 5-400] 5°399) 5-407) 5-405] 5-416) 5-416) 5-411) 5-423) 5-416) 5-412) 5-405) 5-408) 5-407] 5-415) 5-402) 5-390) 5°394 | 5-404 | iat | 5'375| 5*366) 5°357| 5:347) 5'°337| 5°331)| 5°334 5:835) 5°337| 5°335| 5°330| 5°332] 5°335 5-333] 5338) 5°343| 5-337) 5°335| 5339] 5°348) 5°351! 5°352| 5353) 5°359 | 5348 12 | 5:366) 5°362) 5°362) 5°364) 5°368) 5°377| 5°378, 5°395) 5-404) 5-415) 5420 54240 5435) 5°440] 5°439) 5:446) 5:443) 5:437| 5°442) 5:442) 5-444) 5-433) 5-422) 5°412 | 5-411 13 | 5:394| 5-380] 5°358) 5:331) 5°311] 5:306| 5-285, 5-283] 5-280) 5-269] 5:270| 5°270) 5:256 5:255] 5-246] 5-236] 5-229) 5226] 5-229) 5:230) 5-225] 5237) 5:230) 5°219 | 5:278 14 | 5-209 5+209) 5:206) 5°198} 5:192) 5-182) 5:190, 5:191) 5°188) 5-193) 5°196] 5°193) 5-189) 5-197] 5°191) 5-190] 5-188] 5186) 5°176) 5°184| 5185) 5177] 5°177| 5°172 | 5:190 | 15 | 5170) 5160) 5154) 5:142) 5-141) 5°145) 5°153, 5°152) 5159) 5°160) 5151 6147] 5°155, 5°158! 5°160| 5°164| 5164) 5170) 5°177| 5179) 5184) 5:181) 5-191) 5:187 | 5-162 | 16 | 5177) 5181) 5177) 5°175) 5°183) 5:181) 57180 5°190) 5:196! 5-197) 5:202) 5:206) 5-212) 5-208) 5-200) 5:191) 5:174) 5:159| 5-151 5:135} 5-099) 5-083) 5-047] 5-020 | 5:164 | 17 | 4987) 4:951) 4:913) 4°889] 4°873] 4°862) 4°859 4°851| 4°834] 4°831) 4-810) 4°818} 4-832) 4-848] 4:875] 4-906] 4-901] 4:935] 4-949) 4-976) 4:993) 5-006) 5:020) 5:022 | 4:906 | 18 | 5:030) 5041) 5-044) 5-048) 5-056) 5:061| 5075) 5-089) 5103} 5:121) 5°180] 5:148) 5-148) 5°162! 5-168) 5°173} 5:°176) 5:177| 5:°177| 5°178] 5183) 5°179] 5171) 5:160 | 5125 | 19 = 5144) 5137) 5:141| 5°136) 5°141) 5:148) 5:140, 5:150} 5°155) 5164) 5°167| 5°162) 5°167| 5167) 5-170} 5:159] 5-143} 5°134) 5°123} 5°112) 5:094! 5-085) 5:049) 5:024 | 5184 20 | 5:009) 4:978] 4:962! 4-941] 4911) 4:899| 5:875| 4865] 4°861) 4°845) 4:820) 4-806) 4-801) 4-800) 4:800) 4°832] 4*825] 4°839] 4°841) 4861] 4°846] 4°852) 4:849) 4846 | 4-865 21 | 4:831| 4°824) 4-825) 4:817| 4°818] 4:824| 4-823) 4-833] 4-838] 4:844) 4:846] 4°848] 4-849] 4:850] 4:860) 4*864| 4:860) 4*866] 4°873] 4°887| 4°889] 4894) 4-903) 4:906 | 4:858 22 | 4:906) 4:915) 4917] 4-922) 4°937] 4:941) 4-949) 4-960) 4-970 4-974 4-985] 4:993) 5-001] 5:005] 5-004! 5:012| 5-017] 5:034) 5:046) 5:052) 5:074] 5-088] 5-091) 5-094 | 4-995 | 23 | 5100) 5:094 5°100) 5-144) 5°100) 5:111) 5°114) 5-122) 5°132) 5:184) 5-137) 5-139 5°141| 5:144) 5-148) 5°149} 5-150 5:139 5145) 5°152) 5157) 5°154) 5151) 5151 | 5182 | 24 | 5144) 5-141 5°128) 5-126) 5-141) 5150) 5°163) 5-175) 5184) 5-194 5°205) 5216) 5-235) 5-251) 5-250) 5:259) 5:266 5:272) 5°285) 5-296) 5°304| 5:308) 5°313) 4-315 5222 | 25 | 5319) 5314 5314 5°311| 5°316] 5°317| 5°325| 5-332) 5°333) 5:839) 5:33 ee 5'338) 5°337| 5°332) 5°328) 5°319 5:3138] 5°310] 5:310) 5281) 5-288) 5-285) 5265 | 5317 26 | 5233) 5°235 5:224 5-212! 5-205] 5-209) 5-186) 5:196) 5°174) 5142) 5:130 5-108) 5-111) 5-046] 5-052) 5:003] 5030 4:982) 4-939] 5-071) 5:078! 5-095] 5:107| 5-118 | 5120 | 27 | 5114] 51386 5°111| 5108} 5:097| 5:099) 5:095| 5:105) 5114] 57115) 5109, 5:107] 5132) 5:128) 5138] 5°135) 5-140 5°146] 5147] 5143) 5-158} 5160} 5167] 5°168 | 5128 | 28 | 5°170) 5°172 5168) 5°166} 5°169] 5169} 5:174) 5°181| 5190) 5°193) 5:°193) 5°196] 5199} 5-208) 5-211) 5-211) 5-213, 5:2138] 5-224) 5:235] 5-237) 5-245) 5249} 6-253 | 5-201 | 29 | 5258) 5°266) 5+263) 5-262) 5°261) 5-264) 5-265) 5:267| 5-254) 5-239) 5:227| 5-218} 5-192) 5-179) 6-152) 5°105) 5-067) 5:007| 4-980} 4:872) 4-927] 4-917] 4-885] 4°886 | 5-134) 30 | 4°847| 4828) 4-842) 4-820] 4°820) 4°819) 4-830) 4-813) 4*801) 4°811| 4-769) 4747] 4°762) 4°802) 4-822) 4-843) 4-850, 4°868) 4°879) 4:894) 4:903) 4-918) 4-922 4:926 | 4°839 | 3 4°926) 4°937) BS) 4:937| 4°935] 4:941) 4°944! 4-965! 4-983] 4°991] 4-996) 5-007] 5-012) 5-016] 5:018) 5:019 | 5:035] 5:039] 5:050] 5:060) 5-060] 5-063) 5-067 | 4:998 MEAN, | 5°238' gee 57226) 5222) 5*220) 5:220) 5°222) 5:226) 5:228) 5:229 Peze 5'228} 5:23 1) 5:230) 5°232) 5:231 Deere 5'226| 5'231| 5:233) 5:234) 5:230| 5°225 | 5229) BAROMETER. REDUCED TO 32° AND SEA LEVEL. FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. 385 JULY 1897. Mzan.| 9673) 9-669 5 397 649 “329 320 266 191 9-923; 1 14 2| 9°698 3) 0°321 Ins. 0-083 0-098 9-805 9°693 9°345 9-474) 9°510 3) 9754 9-680 07137 0337 0-266 9-926 9-930 Serwwed waa SREOR Sor Ot OWN AN CRI ox r= Ins. ise 0-099} 0:101 0-031} 0:015) PISLOO OQOOGO GOSSS SSSSS DHSHS SOOWNW NOOAW NeO—DOS WOORDW oOWwWNWw ww BOOMs DWwNOMN OdDMNCC EWE OND MOSS AadHH4 OSCONMMAISIS OF oO “169 09 CO ONT OOOO © COSHOOS GHOOSS SOSSS SSSSO O BO MOM O~AID ASSO ADSEH SSE b S On Sale) 9-963} 9°966 9°41 9} 9-383) 9-392) 9-675 9°67] 9-816 9DO DOSSOS SSSSO' SOS ND Poor TAow 1 9 1 CORMAIMENIIS OM OW ONE rw SR OO BE NAO WNWOWw ws we w | Ins. | Ins. 0103 9-993! 9: oO Octo ww NOAAwW wo~) O10 SINT OMNOns Ob or Monn Wiese oO H+ ive) Leees OO OY a Te) We) = We) ~I Boe og ms Hm OOOO OW) Ov1d SIO 0 SDOSCHOHO OOOO 5) 9°919 9-916) 9°915 9°929. Mid- Ins. | 0-123 9°78 9°721 | 9°857 9°321 | 9-358 9°782 | 9°585 0:065 0331 4) 0:329 0°268 4! 0198 0-083 0:097 9-984 9:929 9-928 night. BAROMETER. REDUCED TO 32° AND SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. Mean, Ins. 0-029 9-982 Crave 9-890 9-480 9°367 9°627 9-667 9-826 0-225 0°333 0:285 0°218 07104 0:045 0:130 0-111 0-026 9-842 9-704 9-779 9-936 9-984 9-876 9°573 9594 9-763 9-950 0:153 0-283 0:175 9927 AUGUST 1897. Ins. | Ins. 0°095) 0:008 0-083] 0:075 0°227| 0°226 0°104| 0091 9°830) 9°824 9°596] 9-587 9-613] 9°629 9°727, 9°7138 9°704| 9-708) 9°861) 9°870) 9°830, 9:825 9°836) 9°841 9°871) 9-855 9°651) 9652 9°640} 9°631 9-637) 9°642 9°407, 9:353 9465 9-480 9°627| 9°627 9:421) 9°390 9-229 9-225 9°337 | 9°349 9°539| 9543 9°610 9°612 9°755| 9°757 9°695| 9°669 9°535| 9541 9-604] 9°606 9-730 9°733 9-245, 9-226 9'350| 9°368 TRANS. ROY. SOC, EDIN.—VOL. XLIII. Tus. 0021 0:069 0:224 0:083 9°815 9578 9°633 9-707 9714 9-862 9°811 9°834 9°83] 9°651 9618 9°642 9°317 9-485 9°627 9°359 9-219 9°361 9°547 9-604 9°755) 9°669 9°543 9-602 9°732 9:220 9°354 9°663 Ins. 0:085 0:081 0:224 0:070 9°802 9570 9°645 9-700 9°721 9°857 9°806 9841 9803 9°647 9612 9°638 9-281 9°501 9°623 9°331 9:213 9°365 9°558 9°605 9°755 9°667 9°543 9°606 9°732 97199 9-360 9°659 Ins. 0-085 0:085 0:225 0-063 9796 9569 9°661 9°688 9°722 9867 9°786 9°853 9-781 9°643 9°608 9°637 9°269 9°509 9:425 9-297 9-221 9381 9565 9620 9-761 9-659 9°530 9-606 9°732 9°199 9°362 9°658 0-078 07134 Ins. 62 62 76 HAs) 650 573 Ins. 9-433! =) Ins. 9-431 9°647 0-223 0-129 9-875 9°611 9°583 9-741 9-692, G*853 9°857 9-818 9-907 9-665 9-644 9°634 9-519 9-434) 9-645, 9-518 9-236, 9°308 9°502, 9-600 9°740 9°735 9°509 9°590 9-708 9°371| Ins, 0-061 9°341 9-662 Ins. 0:077 0:227 0°13] 9°849 9°613 9°590 9-737 9-694 9-860 9:842 9°820 9-895 9-659 9°648 9°639 9-479 9°445 9-635 9-489 9-230 9°320 9-518 9°606 9°747 9°729) 9-521 9°590 9-715 9°325 9°346 9-479) 9-483 9°660 Ins. 0:080 0225 07121 9-837 9-607 9-603 9-730 9-696 9-864 9°838 9°828 9-892 9°651 9°648 9-640 9-440 9-453 9-639 9-462 9-232 9°332 9528 9-610 9°753 9°725 9°535 9-600 9-724 9287 9°351 9-490 9°659 Ins. 0:072 0152 0°187 9:988 9-703 9°552 9-713 9-676 9777 9-859 9°794 9-881 9-713 9-648 9-613 9-613 9-299 9-577 9°597 9°231 9-261 9°431 9°582 9-663 9-757 9-561 9553 9°650 9-602 9-242 9-420 9°657 3) 386 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. BAROMETER. ReEpucED To 32°. 4407 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. SEPTEMBER 1897. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Toy |} ab Pah | | alee ae alse altos) aly} abs} 2) ko), AL] BB 2B | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. ney 5:076| 5:071) 5068) 5:062) 5:055) 5:070) 5:081) 5085} 5-080} 5:083) 5:073 4:936] 4°931| 4-926] 4:910) 4°907| 4°941) 4-937) 4:964) 4-992! 5:004) 5:015 5°173| 5°174| 5°178) 57183} 5°187| 5°197| 5°203) 5:217) 5°213} 5:209) 5:206 5°126] 5°133) 5°143) 5°160} 5°178) 5190) 5208) 5:224) 5-252) 5-247) 5-266 5*285] 5°264| 5:224) 5°195) 5°172) 5:°138) 5°104) 5°123) 5°107| 5-116] 5084 s. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Tus. | Ins. 714 5:068) 5-061] 5:047| 5-049) 5:029) 5:017| 5:015) 5:009) 4-995) 4-986] 4:975 33) 5°051| 5:055] 5:067| 5:079! 5:080) 5-094) 5°105| 5-136) 5152) 5:163) 5-170 05) 5°196} 5°196} 5°186) 5°167] 5°153} 5:141} 5°125) 5°108) 5:105) 5107) 5105 89] 5:303) 5°322) 5°325| 5325] 5:331) 5°328) 5:340) 5842) 5:345) 5-340] 5329 a) ite 5-096} 5086) 5:080} 5:057| 5:069| 5:057| 5:054| 5-056) 5:043) 5:044 n 07 0 eH COONS Oe CwNwrH 2! 2: 1 1 4 4 6 7 tt 5" 5" 5° 5" 5°100 5°037| 5:037| 5:042) 5-042) 5-050) 5-048) 5-062) 5-066) 5-092) 5-097} 5°120} 5:142) 5:175| 5°188} 5°220) 5-231) 5-251) 5:284) 5:318) 5°339) 5°355) 5°370) 5°385 5°410) 5°415) 5°417) 5°426) 5°437) 5°439) 5-440) 5-440) 5°442) 5-453) 5460} 5469] 5: 464 5458] 5:448) 5:441) 5°435] 5°482) 5-427) 5:°431| 6:436) 5-431) 5-426 5-415] 5:406) 5°395| 5°392) 5:379) 5-391) 5-400) 5°402) 5-414) 5-417) 5-419) 5°424] 5-429) 5429) 5428) 5-426) 5-429] 5:430) 5:417| 5-489) 5-448) 5-455) 5-463 5475) 5:481) 5°479] 5-480) 5:489) 5-509) 5°513) 5°533) 5-545) 5:570) 5°578) 5°604] 5-612) 5-615) 5626) 5-631) 5-645) 5:647) 5-649) 5:682) 5-686) 5-688) 5-694 5*707! 5°713) 5°715) 5°716] 5°729| 5°732, 5-754) 5°754| 5°75] 5°785| 5-793] 5-795} 5-803] 5:810| 5-802, 5-807) 5-809! 5-820) 5-836) 5°836| 5-836] 5-840! 5-835 11 | 5°830) 5°827| 5°819) 5°816] 5-808} 5-808) 5-812) 5:819) 5°817| 5°827) 5:830] 5828] 5:825| 5:818] 5:820) 5-793) 5-797) 5-796) 5-803) 5°801| 5-807) 5:802) 5-806 12 | 5:800) 5°812) 5°817| 5°821) 5:832) 5-836) 5-842) 5-852) 5-864) 5°878) 5-882) 5-898) 5-906) 5-919] 5-919) 5-918} 5-929) 5-944) 5:955) 5:957| 5-962) 5-962) 5-967 13 | 5-965) 5972) 5:965) 5-974) 5-975) 5-989) 6-002) 6°014) 6-022) 6-028) 6-023] 6-027] 6:029| 6029] 6-021) 6-016} 6-009) 6-002) 6-009) 6-011) 6-005) 5-999] 5-993) 5 14 | 5:991) 5°986) 5-970) 5-959) 5-960) 5-950) 5-934) 5-933) 5-926] 5-928) 5-929] 5-922} 5-916] 5-907) 5-893) 5-887) 5°886) 5:881) 5°869| 5-859) 5°852) 5-840) 5-821 15 | 5°791| 5°767) 5°757) 5°736) 5°736) 5-728) 5-713) 5°709) 5°709} 5°698] 5-687) 5°678} 5659) 5°639) 5-639) 5°628) 5°622) 5-602) 5°589) 5-589] 5-581) 5:576| 5-565) 5 16 | 5°545) 5:533) 5°522) 5-492) 5-485) 5-479) 5-460] 5-441) 5-425) 5-411) 5°377| 5°34.4] 5°322) 5-287] 5°257| 5-245) 5°233) 5:203) 5-177) 5:140} 5°122) 5-103) 5-079 17 ‘| 5:048) 5040) 5-033) 5-019} 5-022) 5-033) 5-041) 5-050) 5-047] 5-047] 5:052) 5-058} 5-050) 5-049] 5-056) 5-057) 5-080) 5:090] 5-089) 5-107) 5-114) 6-116] 5-122 18 | 5131) 5°122) 5°123) 5°124) 5°127| 5-140) 5-152) 5°144) 5°166} 5-166] 5°185) 5°183} 5-190} 5°182) 5-181) 5-189) 5-197] 5-202) 5-214) 5-217) 5-204) 5-207) 5-224! 19 | 5*227) 6:231) 5-234) 5-234) 5-254) 5-269) 5°295| 5°305| 5329] 5°349] 5:371| 5385) 5384] 5°393] 5393) 5°397| 5-407) 5-405] 5-416) 5-417) 5-420) 5-417) 5-414 20 | 5°408) 5°399) 5°392) 5°378) 5°386) 5-384) 5°380) 5°378) 5°388) 5:370, 5°366) 5°355; 5°336) 5°326/ 5°302) 5-289) 5-258) 5-242) 5-234) 5-221) 5-198) 5-184) 5-169 21 | 5-116) 5-088) 5-065] 5-052| 5-053) 5:050| 5-068) 5-075) 5-089| 5-104 5:15] 5-125] 5-129) 5-145) 5-156) 5-149] 5-166] 5-174] 5-179] 5-184] 5-172| 5-173] 5-180 22 | 5-171) 5°163) 5161] 5-153] 5-136) 5-116) 5102) 5-090) 5-071| 5-049) 5-042] 5-035] 5-012] 5-001) 4-993] 4-973| 4-972| 4-981] 4-989) 4-993] 4-988) 4-987| 4-991 23 | 4-991) 4-993) 4-988] 4-985) 4-990) 4-964] 4-930| 4-906) 4-883] 4°834| 4-816] 4-774] 4-822| 4-811] 4°817| 4-831] 4-828] 4-835] 4-844) 4-844] 4-861] 4872] 4-899 24 | 4-931] 4-934) 4-938) 4-942) 4-933] 4-940| 4-938] 4-946] 4-959) 4-960 4-956] 5-018] 5-018| 4-996) 4-995] 5-000| 5-004] 5-008) 5-016) 5-051) 5-065| 5-071 5-092 25 | 5°139) 5-176) 5181] 5-225 |'5-242) 5268] 5-276) 5-283| 5-305) 5-307 | 5329] 5339] 5-332| 5-310) 5°287| 5-262) 5-265| 5-255] 5-246) 5-241) 5-278) 5-280| 5-283 196) 5*161| 5°158| 5-166) 5-173) 5184] 5-212 5-222) 5-252) 5-266] 5-276) 5-278] 5:302| 5-320| 5-362| 5:384) 5:382) 5-402] 5-419| 5-438 489) 5°504) 5:524| 5-550| 5561) 5574 5-586 5589) 5-604] 5-594] 5-592 5-592] 5:592| 5:593| 5-601| 5-604) 5°595) 5-584) 5-578| 5575 517] 5°510) 5°496] 5490] 5-482) 5-484) 5-483) 5-475) 5-458) 5:425| 5-424 5-405| 5-384) 5-391] 5393) 5-392| 5-382| 5-369] 5353) 5346 29 5333] 5°332) 5314] 5-297] 5-289] 5-283) 5-269] 5-270) 5-269 5-259) 5-250] 5-244) 5-234 | 5-221) 5-215] 5-206] 5-202] 5-193] 5-202| 5-203) 5-200] 5:202| 5-196 30 | 5°194) 5-203) 5-211] 5-212) 5-214) 5-222) 5-231] 5-258] 5-282) 5-297) 5-299| 5-301] 5-314] 5°338) 5-341) 5-349] 5:359| 5-378] 5-417| 5°385) 5396] 5-402| 5-407 MEAN, | 5°350) 5°347| 5°343) 5:340) 5°340) 5°343) 5°345) 5:350/ 5°356) 5:359) 5°360| 5:365) 5°366| 5:363) 5°360) 5°357| 5°358) 5°360) 5364) 5°365] 5-366) 5:366) 5°366 hw ont oror oe, Orr = oo ON OTS Bo 4 oro ors eS de) OVS 91 oe oo Re} on OX SoS ree OX So bo — OX On Ou =) On or D> BAROMETER. Repucep to 32°. 4407 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. OCTOBER 1897. Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins, | lus. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | lus. | lus. | Ins. } Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. Ins. | 1 | 5:425) 5:429) 5-438) 5-449) 5-442) 5-455) 5-475) 5-491) 5-453] 5°506) 5°517| 5°528) 5-535] 5°537| 5°554| 5-558) 5-562) 5-567) 5576) 5-593) 5-590) 5:585| 5-586) 5-587 if 2 | 5:582) 5°577| 5°57 4) 5°565) 5564) 5-560) 5:563) 5563) 5°565) 5-566) 5-555) 5-553) 5°547| 5534) 5°530| 5°527) 5-518) 5:527) 5°526| 5-526) 6°527| 5°533) 5°535| 55386 3 | 5°540) 5°534| 5:534) 5:536) 5°536) 5-544) 5-553) 5°561| 5-576] 5-587] 5°612| 5°621] 5-631] 5°643) 5°659| 5-658) 5-658) 5-686) 5-692) 5°718) 5-727] 5-748) 5°749) 5-768 4 | 5-758) 5°767) 5°770) 5°768) 5°79) 5-786) 5-790) 5-796) 5:804) 5-817) 5-818) 5819} 5-812) 5-808) 5°797| 5-798) 5-797) 5:785) 5-781) 5-777 5-760 5°759) 5750) 5-736 5 | 5*718) 5°707| 5°685) 5:682) 5-641) 5-645) 5-650) 5:646) 5-646) 5°637| 5°618) 5-610} 5-608) 5-593) 5°602) 5-579) 5:569) 5:568) 5:557| 5°582) 5-622) 5-640) 5-642) 5-665 6 | 5°668) 5°678) 5°683) 5:687| 5°685) 5-692) 5-698) 5°705) 5-712 5°717) 5-725] 5°724) 5-723) 5-722) 5°718| 5-717) 5°713) 5-710) 5-706) 5-707) 5-706) 5-698) 5-692) 5-672 7 | 6667) 5°654| 5°645) 5-639) 5°630) 5-628) 5-626) 5:635) 5-632) 5-636) 5°626) 5:612] 5-604) 5:588) 5°576) 5-575) 5-560) 5°558) 5-545) 5-520) 5506] 5-487) 5-457) 5-441 8 | 5°422) 5°397) 5-403) 5373) 5°351) 5°326) 5°339) 5°320) 5:323) 5:307| 5299) 5:304] 5-317] 5°329) 5°342) 5°344| 5°356) 5°371) 5°392| 5-402) 5-416] 5-413) 5-433) 5:431 9 | 5°438) 5-438) 5°429) 5-437) 5-429) 5-434) 5-446) 5-465) 5-478) 5°484) 5-484) 5-489] 5-484) 5-488) 5-488) 5-478! 5-485) 5-475) 5-458) 5-454) 5-436) 5-430) 5-425) 5-408 10 | 5:385) 5°361) 5°336) 5°316) 5°318) 5-295) 5263) 5253) 5-240) 5-228) 5:204| 5:199} 5-165) 5-160) 5-141) 5:116) 5-096) 5:072) 5-063) 5-089) 5-101) 5-128 5-133) 5-137 11 | 5:139) 5-149) 5-161) 5175) 5°162) 5-167] 5-177) 5°186) 5:205| 5-215) 5:227| 5-236) 5-240) 5:244) 5:257| 5:268) 5-268) 5-273) 5:274) 5°302) 5°309) 5:308) 5:307) 5311 12 | 5:308) 5-290) 5-303) 5°309) 5°304| 5-291) 5-290) 5-295) 5-298) 5-291! 5-287) 5:28285:269) 5:265) 5-254) 5254) 5-243) 5-232! 5-230) 5:228) 5:218) 5-213) 5197) 5-198 13 | 5°183) 5175) 5172) 5170) 5-167] 5:164) 5171) 5-165) 5-174) 5°17) 5175) 5-187} 5-198) 5:194) 5-211) 5-203) 5°201) 5-208) 5:205) 5-205) 5-201) 5-202) 5-195) 5-194 14 | 5-185) 5:172) 5-165) 5°160) 5°150) 5-142) 5-187) 5:°188) 5-139) 5:137| 5:138) 5137] 5-114) 5°100| 5-097] 5-086) 5-076] 5-071) 5-069) 5-062) 5-060) 5-043) 6-044) 5-021 15 | 5:019) 4°998) 4-977) 4°975) 4°939) 4°936| 4°86) 4-588) 4-839) 4°744| 4-680] 4-678} 4°694) 4-730] 4-738) 4°73) 4°787| 4°805] 4°817] 4-840) 4°851) 4-853) 4-860) 4-861 16 | 4°846) 4°831) 4°803) 4°777| 4°758) 4°697) 4-743) 4°715) 4-699) 4-718) 4°763) 4°798] 4:824| 4-853) 4-877] 4-923) 4:977] 4-993) 5-018) 5-029) 5-026) 5-027) 5-021) 5-049 17 | 5-079) 5-068) 5-048) 5-040) 5-053) 5-046) 5-028) 4-997] 4-975) 4:987) 4-947] 4-909} 4-888] 4-894) 4-924) 4-940) 4-981) 5-006] 5-012) 4-989) 4-970] 4-972) 4-978) 4-978 18 | 4:987) 4°975} 4:952) 4-937) 4-986) 5-040} 5-100} 5-146) 5°180 5220) 5256) 5:297] 5318] 5°330] 5°342| 5:351) 5°370| 5:387| 5°386] 5°397| 5:403) 5-420) 5-444) 6-443 19 | 5°451) 5-461) 5-455) 5:467| 5:470) 5:470| 5:498) 5°520) 5-536) 5°555)| 5-563) 5-585) 5:597| 5°622) 5-629] 5°638) 5°651] 5-663) 5°687| 5°710) 5°720] 5°716) 5-731] 5°748 20 | 5°756) 5°759) 5-768) 5°70) 5°776) 5-795) 5:813) 5°829] 5-840) 5-850) 5:866| 5:87 4] 5-872) 5-880] 5-884) 5-908) 5-911) 5-921) 5-929) 5-946) 5-943) 5-955) 5-957) 5-960 21 | 5°962) 5°965) 5-963) 5960) 5-960) 5-952) 5-960) 5:974) 5-987! 5-996) 5-993) 5-995} 5-995) 6-000) 6-011] 6-008) 6-012) 6-013) 6-011, 6:015) 6-021) 6-022) 6028 6-027 22 | 6026) 6-020} 6-022) 6:021| 6-020) 6-012) 6-013] 6-019] 6-021| 6-020, 6-016] 6-009} 5-999] 5-995] 5-990| 5-987] 5-972) 5-969] 5-962! 5-954] 5-948] 5-938] 5-929] 5-909 23 | 5°886} 5*873) 5-861) 5°828] 5°815| 5-803] 5-806) 5°792| 5-781) 5*773) 5°761| 5-747] 5-728] 5-782] 5*722| 5-715] 5°711| 5712) 5-713) 5718) 5-713] 5°706) 5°715| 5-715 24 | 5°720) 5°728) 5°732) 5°742) 5°752) 5:757) 5°762) 5°76) 5°784| 5°786) 5°793) 5-788} 5-780] 5°786) 5°788) 5°784| 5°75) 5:765) 5°761) 5°769) 5°742) 5-747] 5°743) 5-743 25 | 5°742) 5°73) 5°736) 5°734) 5°735| 5°734) 5-734) 5°728) 5°720 5°715) 5-721) 5°726} 5-705] 5-695] 5694) 5°685| 5-672) 5-669) 5:670) 5-667] 5-666) 5°652/ 5-656) 5-650 26 | 5°641) 5°632) 5°635) 5°639) 5°640) 5°641) 5°657) 5-669) 5°681) 5°689) 5:697) 5*701) 5-708) 5-721) 5*718] 5-714) 5-716) 5°723) 5-781) 5°735) 5°733) 5-726) 5-725) 5°727 27 | 5°720| 5°716) 5-718} 5°720) 5-708) 5°695] 5°689) 5-680] 5-675) 5:660| 5:667| 5-641) 5:635] 5:619) 5-630] 5:622| 5:613] 5-615] 5-611] 5*619| 5-620] 5-628) 5-629) 5-622 28 | 5°620) 5°619) 5°609) 5°613) 5°617) 5°610) 5°614) 5°626) 5°629) 5:632) 5:621) 5-618] 5-620] 5-613] 5:612) 5:611) 5:613) 5°610) 5-603) 5°599] 5-587) 5:594) 5-573) 5-574 29 | 5°55) 5°552) 5°547| 5°44) 5530) 5°524) 5°528) 5°528) 5°534) 5°536) 5°530] 5-515 5'508 5:487| 5°485) 5:478| 5°460| 5:459) 5:445) 5-461) 5-460) 5:460) 5-454) 5-444 30 | 5°446) 5451) 5444) 5-443) 5°442) 5-454) 5-469) 5-484) 5-502) 5-516) 5°545) 5-544) 5°554] 5-576) 5-584) 5:604) 5-622) 5-642] 5661) 5°682) 5-707) 5:721) 5-731) 5-739 3 5°747| 5°748) 5°753) 5°765) 5°78) 5°75) 5°789) 5°799) 5-808) 5-810) 5°817] 5:812] 5-808] 5-813] 5:808) 5:808) 5-800) 5-800] 5-785) 5°785] 5°782) 5-767) 5°70) 5:75 | Mean. | 5504) 5°499) 5-494) 5-492 5-488, 5486) 5493) 5496) 5-498, 5500, 5501] 5-501} 5-499] 5-502| 5-505] 5-507| 5:508| 5°511| 5:512| 5:19) 5:518| 5°519| 5-519] 5-518 , CONIA NRW a OONDA oBWHH m sa S BAROMETER. 1 2 Ins. | Ins. 9°497| 9°497 9°358) 9°356 9°746| 9°759 9-705) 9°719 9-996) 0-006 BAROMETER. FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. REDUCED TO 32° anp Sea LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. SEPTEMBER 1897. 9-839] 9°809 9°520| 9°529 0:003} 9:999 0-055] 0-063 0°338) 0°346 0°433} 0°437 0382] 0°384 0°519) 0°527 0°534) 0°534 0°346] 0°334 0:09} 0:080 9:565} 9°558 9-702) 9°700 9824) 9°824 | 9°947) 9°937 9°577| 9°537 9688) 9°680 9-482) 9°482 9°384| 9°390 9-675] 9°709 9°767| 9°749| 9°717| 9°689 0029) 0-048) 0-051) 0:063 0:074) 0-063) 0-044) 0:034 9808] 9°819| 9°798} 9°796 9687} 9°699) 9-704} 9°709 .| 9°886] 9-886) 9°880) 9°878 9 10 Ins. | Ins, 9-501) 9°497 9°438 9:455 9°796) 9°786 9°76) 9°786 3) 9560, 9:556 9°570| 9°588 || 0-048) 0-053 5| 9°995| 9-989 5] "161! 0-181 7} 0-402) 0:398 0°437) 0:427 0°424! 0-437 07565) 0°569 0°506) 0°504 0°244) 0:230 9-956) 9:940 9°561) 9°556 9°728| 9°728 9-902) 9°920 9:909) 9°897 9°597| 9°623 9°548 9°530 9°324' 9°246 9-420 9-434 9°843) 9-865 9°683 9°689 0°155, 0:163 9-983 9°980 9°762 9°753 9-782, 9°789 9°886 9°886 Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. 9°396 9°389] 9°375) 9°365 9:692 9-708} 9°722) 9°730 9673 9°679]| 9°685) 9°697 *895| 9895] 9°885| 9°871 518 9:511| 9°514! 9:520 3! 9°923] 9-952) 9:978 | 0:015) 07013} 0-039 ! 0:013} 0:031] 0:049 5. 0:297] 0312] 0°332 '0°427] 0°427| 0°433 0390) 0-380) 0°380 3] 0°514) 0°516] 0°518 0°526] 0°529] 0:532 0-404) 0°388] 0°372 }| 0'142) 0°128) 0°107 9-608] 9°584) 9-564. 9-682) 9°684| 9°698 9-814! 9°816| 9°822 9-966] 9°961) 9°957 9:667)| 9°629] 9°607 9-718] 9°708} 9°704 9-482) 9°483] 9-490 3} 9°310} 9°338) 9°358 9:587| 9°602) 9:647 9°785, 9°785) 9°769 9-987} 9°999) 0:025 0°121} 0-111} 0:100 9°817| 9°813} 9°813 9°690| 9°689| 9-691 9-918} 9:929] 9:945 9-900} 9:900 AoMHo VWAw Ba WHAwWN oanwpo Soc OOGOO OOOGSS Mwmwo ss (oe) (oo) ae Mid- 22 | 23 night. 9904 REDUCED TO 32° AND SEA LEVEL. First FIGURE OMITTED. OCTOBER 1897. Ins. | Ins. 9-604 9°268) 9 9°506) 9 9°427| 9- 9985) 9 0'329) 0 9943} 9:953 07134) 0°136 0108) 0:110 0381) 0°389 0°334) 0°318 0-269] 0:281 0'286} 0-274 9:947| 9-923 0-033) 0:035 -/ 9910} 9-882 9°697| 9-704 9-965) 9:957 9°846) 9-833) 9°817 9°805| 9°794] 9°785 9 0°525) 0:529| 0°530 0583] 0:578 0:435) 0-419 0°339] 0°339 0326) 0°310 0:216) 0-216 0°300} 0:278 0129] 0:133 0-053) 0:043 9:921) 9-929 0:284| 0:292 0:056 Ins. | Ins. 0:037| 0°051 0109} 0-093 0°172) 0°192 0°445) 0°456 0°228) 0:228 0:337| 0°337 3| 0°236) 0°242 9°867| 9°877 0:075) 0-054 9°701) 9°712 9°788) 9°794 9-949) 9-940 9°821] 9°817 9-770) 9-760 5| 9:393) 9°350 9°106| 9°122 9°394) 9-375 9°677| 9°730 0-091) 0-111 0418) 0-427 0:578| 0°578 2| 0°576) 0°562 2| 0°363) 0°349 0:388) 0°381 0:300] 0:286 0°244) 0°241 2) 0-212) 0°199 07133) 0°137 0:017} 0-019 9°995) 0:027 0°367] 0°377 0:058} 0:059} 0-056 9°937| 9°954 0:301| 0°313 0°510)| 0°515} 0-522 0°586] 0°588| 0°588 0°463) 0°459| 0-451 0°315! 0°325) 0°331 0°338) 0°335| 0°335 0°216) 0209) 0:219 0°288) 0°302) 0°306 0°138) 0°137) 0°137 0-090) 0-069) 0-066 9-921) 9°919} 9-923 0°255) 0°267) 0°283 0°348) 0°339)| 0°324 0:074| 0:075| 0:076 Ins. | Ins. | Ins, 0°139] 0°141] 0°150 0-084] 0-086] 0:104 0'364| 0:380] 0:390 0-371) 0:363] 0:347 0:227| 0-236] 0:253 0:307/ 0:301) 0-295 0-023! 0:000] 9:980 0-013) 0:024] 0-031 9-963] 9:955| 9-925 9:675| 9°686| 9:690 9:939| 9:947| 9-953 9°876| 9:861| 9-849 9-809] 9:810] 9:807 9:646| 9°646] 9-617 9-272! 9-278] 9:272 9:471| 9 461] 9 9-399] 9-411] 9-428 9: 0 388 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. BAROMETER. REDUCED ro 32°. 4407 Freer aBove Sea LEVEL. FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. NOVEMBER 1897. : | Malla ; Mid- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CoP IF a) |] UTE) SIE) | IB a se Mat aly etsy a ats) 2k) ak] BAD, 28) night. Mean. ; | ! } x = — i Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | 4 1 |5:764) 5748] 5°757| 5°751) 5:747| 5°748) 5-754) 5-768] 5°778| 5°799| 5:810, 5:84] 5-812) 5:826) 5°817] 5818] 5°837| 5837) 5-843) 5854) 5:857| 5-860] 5°855) 5845 | 5804 2 | 5:841| 5:829] 5-835] 5:830| 5-829) 5-823) 5-826) 5-825) 5-830 5-828] 5-830 5:8271 5-818) 5:818] 5°814| 5-811] 5°797| 5°786} 5-782) 5-786) 5-782) 5:7 98) 5-794) 5°784 | 58138 3 | 5°774| 5:773) 5:764| 5°765] 5°757| 5:763] 5°764| 5°72! 5°72) 5°777| 5°73) 5°759] 5-762) 5°760| 5°763) 5:760| 5-760) 5-767) 5°73) 5°77) 5°779) 5°783) 5°73) 5°768 | 5-768 | | 4 |5°763) 5754) 5-747] 5°750] 5-745) 5-743] 5-739] 5-740] 5°735) 5:733] 5:725] 5-714] 5°705| 5:700) 5-689] 5-701) 5-701 5-701! 5:699) 5-699) 5-695) 5-697) 5°694) 5-691 | 5-719 5 | 5:690| 5694) 5-688] 5-686] 5:686| 5-688] 5°697| 5-714] 5°726| 5-734) 5°735) 5-732} 5°733) 5-740] 5°741| 5:747| 5:756) 5-773) 5-782) 5-792) 5:803) 5:805| 5°812) 5°817 | 5°740 6 | 5-820! 5:815} 5°820] 5:815] 5*814| 5-808] 5-809] 5-817] 5-818! 5-819] 5°818] 5-821} 5:824| 5:833) 5-812) 5-806] 5-796) 5-789) 5°780| 5°77) 5°71) 5°754) 5°756} 5°749 | 5-802 7 | 5:745) 5°739) 5713] 5-698) 5-701) 5-697] 5°687| 5-681] 5°686) 5-688) 5-673] 5-581] 5°656) 5-650) 5-638) 5-641) 5-623) 5:615) 5°590) 5:572) 5°582) 5°570) 5°564) 5°22 | 5°650 | 8 | 5504) 5-493] 5-443) 5-426) 5-439] 5°397| 5°347| 5-376] 5-436) 5:59) 5:505) 5527] 5:537| 5°540| 5-568) 5-594) 5-600 5:611) 5-624) 5°631) 5°632) 5-649) 5-659) 5:670 | 5-580 9 | 5-681) 5-678) 5°679| 5:674| 5-685 5-680) 5-680] 5-704) 5:720) 5-721] 5-714) 5-714) 5-716) 5-720) 5°78) 5°732) 5°727| 5°720) 5°722) 5°723) 5°731| 5°720) 5°707) 5°701 | 5-707 10 | 5°698) 5:684) 5:669) 5°651) 5-648) 5-641) 5-643) 5-645) 5-641) 5-640) 5-631] 5-616} 5-596) 5°592) 5:594) 5-589) 5583, 5-581) 5:584) 5-586) 5:592) 5-592) 5589) 5590 | 5-620 11 | 5:581! 5-580) 5:580) 5°574! 5°571] 6561! 5°553) 5-548! 5°543) 5-544] 5-540! 5-523} 5-493] 5-483] 5-470) 5°453) 5-432, 5390] 5°392! 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Repucep To 32°. 4407 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL. FIrsr FIGURE OMITTED. DECEMBER 1897. Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Los. | Ins. | Jus. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. ) Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | ~ 1 | 4:700) 4°710) 4°728] 4-745) 4-770) 4°787| 4°816) 4°856] 4-893) 4941) 4-964| 5-001] 5:023) 5:067| 5°132) 5°175) 5-199) 5-261) 5°302) 5°340) 5-369] 5-391) 5-426) 5:459 | 5-044 | 2 | 5478) 5°506) 5522) 5:540) 5°556) 5°580) 5591) 5-614) 5°631) 5°638) 5°659 5°667] 5°665) 5-659] 5675) 5°673| 5-685) 5°691) 5:688) 5°691) 5:694| 5-683] 5673) 5°668 | 5°630 | 3 | 5°655) 5°639) 5°628) 5-611) 5:595) 5594) 5-576) 5°569| 5°554| 5:542) 5524) 5-493] 5-469} 5-436) 5-410) 5°391| 5°372) 5°361) 5:341) 5°324) 5-311] 5306] 5°313) 5-809 | 5:472 | 4 |5'328) 5°329] 5:244! 5347] 5346] 5°361) 5°367) 5°379) 5:409! 5-423) 5-426) 5°4291 5-420) 5-414) 5:426) 5°430) 5:481) 5-427) 5-403) 5-403) 5:407| 5-405) 5°397| 5°381 | 5°393 ie 5 | 5:383) 5°362) 5°355] 5°354) 5°337| 5330] 5:327) 5°311) 5°302| 5°305) 5:298) 5-290} 5-279) 5-277] 5:271) 5:265| 5:275) 5:269| 5:279) 5:284! 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FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 389 ‘ BAROMETER. REDUCED To 32° AND SEA LeveL. FIRS? FIGURE OMITTED. NOVEMBER 1897. 4 : Mid- a eens OF 2 | 8 AG am te Jets | 14 | 15, |e | eae else) Ou 20) on eepalees night. Mean, i Ins. | Ins. Ins. Ins.| Ins.] Ins.] Tus. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | tas. | Ins. Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. 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REDUCED TO 32° AND SEA LEVEL, FIRST FIGURE OMITTED. DECEMBER 1897. Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Lus. | lus. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. 1 | 9258) 9-270) 9:292| 9°316 9-341 9-374) 9-411] 9-461) 9:502| 9-552) 9-589| 9-641] 9-675] 9-730] 9°777| 9°835| 9-888) 2-943] 9-981] 0-029] 0-069] 0-099) 0-117) 0-149 | 9-679 2 | 0°175) 0-208) 0:224) 0-245) 0:271 0-298] 0-316] 0-339] 0-356] 0371] 0-386] 0-390] 0-381| 0-385] 0-389] 0-391] 0-409| 0-419] 0-407] 0-417] 0-413] 0°397/ 0-385) 0°381 | 0-348 3 | 0°363) 0-348) 0°330) 0°312) 0-286 0-272! 0-256] 0-239] 0-220] 0-192! 0-169] 0-133} 0-091/ 0-067] 0:037| 0-012] 9-989] 9-965] 9-937] 9-913) 9-903] 9-884] 9-887) 9-885 | 0-112 4 | 9:913) 9-933} 9-951) 9-960) 9:967 9-979] 9-993] 0-015] 0-033] 0-053] 0-055] 1-048} 0-046} 0-044] 0-046] 0-060] 0-070] 0-060] 0036] 0-042] 0-038} 0040] 0-036) 0-022 | 0-018 5 | 0°006) 9-986) 9:982| 9-976 9-958 9-940} 9-922] 9:8.19] 9-896] 9-900| 9-889] 9-874] 9-843) 9-843] 9-839] 9:831| 9-835] 9-831] 9:833] 9°843| 9-333] 9-843) 9:841| 9-839 | 9-837 6 | 9°827/ 9-809] 9°781| 9-751| 9-731) 9-707] 9:693] 9-671] 9-635] 9°623] 9-574] 9-546] 9°532| 9°516] 9°514| 9-522] 9-528] 9-545] 9-566] 9-608] 9-626] 9-666] 9:677| 9-706 | 9°640 7 | 9704! 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TEMPERATURE, Dry AND WET BULBS. JANUARY 1897. | if 2 4 5 8 9 11 Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet. Wet.|/Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet. Wet. Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet. Dry. Dry. 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Min. 38°5 41°6 41°2 372 35°3 41:0 40°6 39°4 30°8 26°1 32'8 360 30°9 27°9 30°0 27°2 24°3 25°0 27:9 31:0 27°1 29°1 29°1 33°3 ZA 26:2 29°8 34:0 29°0 30°3 31°8 31°9 Max. 44:1 51°0 49-1 43°2 42:0 46°5 44°3 13 Dry. Wet.|/Dry. 43°1 41:0 | 42:0 43°9 | 48°8 43°9 | 48-0 38°] | 42°2 371 | 38°5 41:0 | 45-0 39°5 | 41°8 37°2 | 40°7 33'1 | 37°6 28°9 | 31:0 35°7 | 36:0 381 | 40-0 34°9 | 36°6 30°3 | 32°1 32°3 | 34°6 32°3 | 35:3 30°6 | 33-0 32°3 | 35:1 35°3 35°0 34:2 330 30°9 38'3 24°2 983 v 35°6 36°5 34:0 39°6 27:0 32°3 34:0 | 38-0 33°0 | 37°2 312 | 34-2 34:0 | 36:0 383°5 | 35:0 34°77 | 373 3674 & 37-0 & 14 Wet. 40°3 44°] 44:0 379 37°6 40:2 39-0 37°38 32°4 29°7. 35°9 39:0 We DR OO YOK NISTOO SIO RON Go Go G9 OO S) WOW HOMOGE Peak oe co a .|Dry. 16 Wet. 41°5 450 44:0 37°8 36°2 39°1 33'3 376 B23 29°5 36'6 38°3 437 50°0 46°8 Coe OD OOWNW Alle Swe TIO we WW WWE ee 35°1 w Dowee wee cD FE WGOSOSN WOK SoS ASCOT HSE 34:1 17 Dry. 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FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. Dry AND Wet BULBs. 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Dry AND WET BuLBs. APRIL 1897. i" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 For Day. . Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.(Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.{Max. Min. 1 | 29-4 27°6|29'3 27-7| 30-0 29-2| 30-2 29-9 | 32°7 [30-0]| 33-0 [30-5] 33°6 [30-7]] 35-0 [31-2] 87-4 33-0 | 38-2 33-3| 39-4 34-4| 39-9 35-2] 42°3 29-1 2 [30:0 28:8 | 29:8 29:0 | 29-9 29-2| 29-2 28-8 | 28-0 27°8| 27-4 27°3| 27-8 27-7'| 30-7 30-6 | 34-4 [31-4] 36-6 32°3| 37-4 321/385 32-8] 43-0 27-2 | 38 | 85-7 31-6 | 35-2 (32-0]| 35°5 [32-0] 35-2 31-7 | 34-8 31-3| 34-4 31-7 | 34:6 [31-7] 36-4 [32-0] 37-9 [32-5] 38-8 33-0 |[39-5133-5] 39-9 33°8| 41-4 34-4 | 4 [37-2 32-7 | 36-0 32:3 | 37-1 [32-0] 36-0 31-7 | 36-2 31-3 | 36-3 31-8 | 36-8 32-3 | 37-2 33-0| 38:5 [34-0]| 400 34-0| 40-7 34:3 | 41-0 342] 442 35-7 | 5 [380 33:0| 35-0 31-4] 33-1 30-6 | 32-2 29°5| 321 29-5|30-7 28:8 | 31-7 29°5| 38-0 33-0| 40-9 35-0 41-5 35-5 | 43-0 36-0 | 44-1 36-2] 48-0 30-4 6 |37°4 33-2| 37-0 33-:0| 37-0 32-4/ 35-1 31-8| 35-0 31-2| 36-7 32-:0| 38-0 33-1| 39-7 34-1| 40-0 35-0| 40-1 35-1 | 42-0 35-9| 41-9 36-4] 43-0 33°8 | 7 | 39:2 36-9] 38:3 36°5| 38-2 365 | 39-0 37-0| 38-8 37-0| 39:8 37°3| 40-6 38-0| 40°6 38-2| 42-2 39-7| 44-0 39-2| 44-3 39-9| 45-0 40-0] 49:2 38-0 | 8 | 38-4 36-8 | 39-5 37°3/ 37-0 35-0| 36-0 34-2| 33-8 32-5 | 32-2 31-6 | 32-2 32-0 | 36-2 34-4| 38:5 36-2 | 40-7 38-1 | 44-0 40-0| 45-9 41-2] 521 31-0 | 9 |43-0 40°3| 42-7 40°8| 41-7 40°8 | 41-8 41-0| 42-1 41-2] 42-0 41-4| 42-6 42-1 | 43-0 41-0] 44-2 42°0| 45-0 42°0| 46-3 42°21 47-2 41-71 47-5 39-2 | 20 | 88:9 37-0] 386 36:8] 40-2 37-7| 40-2 37-1| 38-0 35-2| 38-0 35-4| 38-2 35-9/ 41-8 38-9| 43-9 38-7! 44-2 386 | 46-0 39-2| 48-1 41-4| 51-1 34-2 | 11 | 84-0 32:2/ 34:0 32-2] 34-8 33-0| 39-9 36-0| 42-0 37°0| 41°5 36-6 | 43-2 368| 44-0 36-7| 44-6 37:°8| 448 38-0] 47-5 39:3| 48:5 41-0] 49°3 33:5 | 32 | 41-4 40-2| 40:3 39-2| 40:5 39°8| 41-1 40-0| 40-0 39-2| 40-3 39-1| 40-5 39-9 | 43-0 41-7| 44-9 423| 47-3 43-7|50°6 446 | 49-2 44:9] 50-7 39:9 | 33 | 46-0 44-0/ 45°5 44-0| 44-9 44-0 | 45°6 44-0] 46-1 43-8] 47-0 43-1| 46°6 42-8 46-7 43-0| 47-6 43-2| 48-0 43-4| 48-3 44-0| 49-0 44-4]52-0 44-4 | 14 | 44-6 43-0] 42:0 40-2| 41-2 39-2 | 40-1 37-7| 39-1 37-1| 39-4 37°4| 41-0 38-9 | 39-1 37-2| 42-2 39-2| 41-0 38:8 | 43:3 38-0| 36-5 35°8| 45-4 36-0 15 | 38-0 37:0| 37-0 36-3|37-5 36-3| 36-0 35-2| 368 35-9| 38-0 37-2| 40-5 38-1| 39-6 381| 44-0 41-0| 43-0 41°3| 44-9 42-0| 41-4 40-0] 46-1 36-0 | 16 | 43-0 40°8| 42-0 40°0| 42-1 40-2 | 43-8 41-0| 38-9 38-1] 41-1 39°3/ 41-1 40-0 | 41-6 38-3] 41-4 38-7/ 40-6 38°0| 45-0 40-0| 46-5 40-8] 48-6 38-0 17 | 38-0 37°3|38-8 38-0 403 39-0 | 39-8 38-2] 40-0 38-5|39-1 38-0| 41-7 40-2| 43-3. 41-0| 43-9 41-1| 44-9 42-1| 46-0 43-1] 46-0 42-9] 50-2 38-0 | 18 | 41-0 39-0) 41-0 38:4] 40-2 38-1 | 41-8 39-0 | 42°6 39°8| 43-2 40-0| 44-0 39°8| 46-0 41-1| 46-5 41-0] 48-0 42°2| 48-0 42-0 | 49-2 42-7] 52-2 39-9 | 39 [43-0 41°8| 43-2 41-9| 43-0 42-1 | 42-9 41-2/ 43-0 41-3] 43-0 41°3| 43-0 42-0 | 44-1 42-2 | 45-4 43-1| 46-3 43-2| 46-2 44-0| 46-0 43-9] 46-9 40-0 | 30 |39-0 38:0) 37-1 36-0/ 36-4 35-4| 36-5 35-3| 35-0 34-8] 34-1 33-4/ 37-0 36-0| 38-0 37-0|42°3 40°3| 45-0 41-0| 45-9 41-0 47°1 43-0] 54-6 34-0 |} 21 | 43-0 41-0] 41-2 39-2 |[41-21/37-8][40-21[36-8][(39-8[36-4]][40-71[37 3] [44-0][40-6) [46-3] 42-9] 48-7 43-6| 47-0 43-4 | 48°0 43-9| 49:0 44-0] 54-2 37°8 99 |36°6 34-0| 37-0 34-2| 36-1 34:1| 35-0 33-0| 34-7 330| 35-0 33-4|/ 39-0 36-0 41-3 38-0) 45-2 40-1| 47-3 42:0 50-1 43:3 51-3 43°5|59°9 3441 93 | 40-1 38-4| 39-1 37:°3| 38-0 363| 37-9 36-1| 38-1 36-1| 38-1 36-2| 40-0 37°3| 42°8 393| 43-9 40-0| 44-2 40-4| 47-0 42-1 4991 439/591 37°3 | 24 | 402 37:3] 38°6 36-2|37-9 35°6| 38-0 35-9) 36-2 35-0| 36-8 35-0| 41-0 38-1 | 43-3 40-0| 45-8 40-8] 47-0 41-7 | 48-0 420/513 44-01 57-4 36-1 | 25 | 41-1 37-1] 40:0 36-6/ 38-1 35-0| 37-7 34-7] 35-1 33-0| 36-0 33-4| 40-0 36-2 | 43-9 38-4| 46-2 39-2| 47-2 40-0] 48-4 41-0| 49-6 41-4|53°3 34-9 | 26 | 44-6 41-6| 43-0 40-8] 42-2 40-6 | 41-1 395] 40-0 38-4] 40:0 38-2] 40-1 39-1 | 43-0 41-0/ 47-2 43-0] 48:7 44-1| 50-0 44-0] 52-0 45°5| 601 39-1 | 2 | 42-1 39:6] 39-6 37°3 | 38:7 87-0 | 38-2 361 /37-7 35-7 | 38-0 36-0) 415 39-0 | 453 42-4) 516 44-7/530 441 | 55-1 46°6| 55-8 47-0758 37-1 } 98 | 461 45-0) 47-4 45-1 | 47°5 45-6 | 47-0 45:4| 46-1 45-3] 46-1 45°1| 46-7 45-5 |47-2 45-4| 47-2 45°9| 47-5 46-1| 49-0 463| 49:0 46-2153°3 41-2 | 99 431 41-2] 43-3 41-9| 43-4 41-0 | 43-8 41-0| 44-0 41-0 | 43-9 41-0| 44-6 41-1 | 46-0 42-0| 47-0 42°5| 47-0 43-0| 44-1 40-9| 44-0 41-9] 48-0 43-0 | 30 | 42-0 40-:0| 41-2 39°8| 41-2 39:1 | 41-0 39-1 40-2 38-4| 413 39-1] 41-3 39-2 42-0 40-2| 43-9 41-1] 44-7 42°3| 46-0 42:5| 45-6 421/501 40-7 |Mean.| 39:8 37-5| 39-1 37-0| 38:8 36-8| 38-7 36°6| 38-2 36-2| 38-4 36°3/39°8 37-3! 41-5 38-4| 43-6 39°5| 44-4 40-0| 45:8 40°6| 46:3 41-1].50-4 36-4 a & } 15 16 17 18 19 20) 21 22 23 | Midnight.|- Mean. Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.{Dry. Wet.(Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.(Dry. Wet.Dry. Wet. 35-0 | 39:0 35-6 | 36-2 34:3| 37-4 33-4| 36-5 33-0| 35-1 32-2| 34-2 32-2| 34-0 30-7| 33-0 29-9| 39-0 29-3) 351 32-4 35°2 | 42°5 35-7 | 42°8 35°3| 40-2 33-6] 38:5 32°8|36-9 32°81 35-6 32-1| 35-9 31°8| 35-5 31-7| 35-7 31-2] 35-2 31-6 34-7 | 40-1 34°6| 40-2 341| 39-5 33°6/ 38-1 32-8| 37-3 32-7] 37°8 329/375 333/379 33-01 38-0 32-7137-7 329 36-6 | 44-0 37-0| 43-0 36-0 | 42-0 34-7 | 41-0 34-1| 39-8 33-9] 39-6 34:8 | 38-5 34-2/39-1 35-0| 38-7 34-0] 39-5 34-0 39-0 | 47-2 38-8] 46-3 38-0 | 44-0 37-0] 42-0 35-9| 40°3 35-1 | 40-0 35-0 | 39-1 343 | 38-0 33-9| 37-2 33-5] 39-7 34-3 37°5 | 43-0 38-1 | 42-2 38-2 42-2 38-3] 49°6 38-6 | 42-6 38-3| 42°0 38-1] 42-1 38-2| 41-8 38-0| 39-0 37-2] 40-2 35-7 411 | 48-1 41-6 | 48:0 12-0| 47-2 41-0| 45-0 40-0| 43-7 40-0| 42-4 38-8 | 42-1 38-9 | 39:2 36-5 | 38-0 35-5] 42-7 38-9 43°0|50°5 42°0| 49-8 42°3| 48-0 42°3| 46-0 41-1] 45-1 40-0 | 46-0 39:2 45°8 39-4 | 45-0 39°5| 43-3 40-0| 42-7 38-5 41:0 | 43-4 41-2| 43-0 40-3 | 43-0 39°8| 42°3 39-2] 41-7 39-0| 40°6 38-0| 41-0 38-9| 40-0 383] 40-9 38-6] 42-9 40-6 40:0 | 49°3 41:8| 49-3 41-2| 50-0 42:5 | 43-0 38-8| 40-4 36-3| 38-7 361 | 38-3 35°8| 34-8 33-0| 34-9 33-1] 42-4 38-0 41-2| 43:0 403| 43-0 40°3| 43-0 40-2 42-2 40-1 | 43-1 40°3| 43:8 40°8| 42°3 40-9| 42°0 40-2 41-3 40-1] 42-4 38-5 45-0 | 48°6 45°6| 49-1 45°3| 48-2 45-1| 48:3 45-0| 47-9 44-7| 47-7 442| 47-4 44-0| 47-0 44-0/ 46-1 44-0] 45-7 43-0 470 | 50°9 47:0| 50-0 47°6| 50-2 47-5| 49:8 47-0| 49-1 46-6 | 48:3 45-7| 48-2 45-5 | 48-2 45-4| 45°3 44-1] 48-0 44-9 39-2| 41-0 38:0| 41-0 39-2| 38-0 36-2| 40-0 37°3| 39-7 37°3| 38-0 36-6/ 38-0 36°3| 38-4 37-2] 39-0 37-0] 401 38-0 43-0 | 44-0 41°3| 44-0 41-4 | 44-2 42-0| 39-4 38-0| 41-2 388| 42°3 41-0| 41-1 39-2| 42+1 40-9| 40-8 40-0] 41°2 39-4 49-1 | 47-8 42-1] 46-8 41:1| 45-0 41-5 | 43-0 40-0| 43-2 40-0| 40°6 38-6| 38-0 37-0| 38:3 37-6| 39-0 38-0] 42-7 39-9 44-0 | 49:0 44:0] 48-1 44-0| 49-0 43-0| 45-3 41-3| 44-3 41-1| 43-0 40-2| 41-0 39-1 | 41:5 39-9 | 42:0 39-3] 43-5 40-9 42°8|50°5 448| 50-0 443| 45-9 42-1] 46-1 42-0| 44-0 41-2| 43-8 408] 42-2 40-0| 41-9 40-0] 42-2 40-5] 45-1 41-1 43-4 | 44-2 43-2| 44-0 42-7| 42-9 41-2| 421 41-2| 49-1 41°3| 42-0 41-0] 41-0 39-8 | 40-5 39-3| 40-2 393] 43-6 42-0 46-5 | 52-0 46-7 | 53-0 463 | 50-8 46-0| 48-0 45-5 | 45-3 43-1| 45-0 42-9] 45-0 423| 44-7 42°4| 43-8 41-3] 44-0 41-0 44-7 | 54-1 449| 53-1 44°5| 51-6 43-1 | 48-0 41-8| 45-7 41-0| 42-0 38-6 | 41-0 37-9| 39-0 36-1] 37°8 35-1] 45°8 41-0 47°3| 58-3 47-9| 58-7 49°7| 56-1 48-1| 52-0 45-2| 49-0 441| 45-3 42-2| 43-9 41-0| 43-2 40-2| 41-0 39-0] 46-0 40°8 47°7|57°5 48:1 | 57-4 47-6| 56-6 47°5| 523 45-0/ 49-5 43-0| 4752 42°8| 45-4 40-8 | 43-2 39-1| 49-1 38-5] 46-4 41-4 46°8| 56-0 45°5| 55-0 45°1|53-9 44-0/ 51-0 42-2| 48-2 40-7| 47-0 40-1| 46-0 40-0/ 45:3 39-2| 42-0 38-1] 46-4 40-6 43:5 | 52*1 43-0| 51-3 43-0| 50-0 43-1| 48-9 43-0| 47-5 43-0| 463 42-4| 46-0 42-0| 45-2 42:3] 45-0 42-0] 45-5 40-0 48-1 | 58-0 48°3/ 57-0 47-0|55°6 47-0! 55-1 45-2|52°3 446] 48-8 43:0! 44-3 41-:0| 44:8 41:3! 49:0 39-1] 48-0 43-0 49-1 | 56-2 48-4| 57-0 50-0} 551 49-3| 53-0 48-3 | 50-0 47-:0| 48-8 46-1 | 47-2 46-0| 46-4 44-9| 46-0 44-4] 48-7 44-1 46°6| 51-8 46°3| 53-0 47-:0| 49°3 45-0| 48-0 43-7| 47-0 43-0| 44-7 41:3| 43-0 40-0| 42°3 40-:0| 43-0 40-6] 47-4 44-7 43°6| 45-1 44-2| 45-1 44-7| 453 45-0| 45°6 45-6 | 45°3 43-5 | 44-7 43-0| 44-9 42-8] 44-0 42-0| 43-0 41-6] 44-6 42-5 49-9 | 46-5 42-0| 51-0 45-0| 48:3 422| 47-7 42-0| 46-2 41°3| 44-8 40-3 | 44-2 40-0] 41-9 38-0 | 40-6 37-9] 44-4 40-8 42:6 | 48°5 42°6| 48°3 42-6) 47-1 418] 45-4 408 | 44-1 40-2| 43-1 396 | 42-1 39-0] 41-5 38:6] 40-7 38-2] 43-3 39-5 398 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. TEMPERATURE. Dry AND WET BUuLBs. MAY 1897. 1 2 3 t 5 6 if 8 9 10 iil Dry. Wet.|/Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.]Dry. Wet.|/Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet.|/Dry. 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Og le Leama Ae Mei fier Oe Biles eal eis anes ie i Rip Rs SLA LOSE) SPAirE Ou eSt [ody eee TES et Jas? eae het Mek lar (eal leat ele mer el 6s eee eke eke . . HAOWHOON AONHH CON tHe HRMIDGDO HHAtHOaH O10 HNC (=) HID MIDS H CI~I~~- OD DWOHON AHwto Ccwodtmdt ONoHN for) i= QT 1 SH AQ SH HHH 191901010 H HH HHUH 191016 HO 1919191010 ww Qwerwnooso ID ADIGA iAGiQ 3919 C1D 191910191 11g ignwwo Ororw ww 5 BNAMBOS APHSOS BOHOM ONSAD SNHANMW OOnHA ow BOLASM OABAA AAOMOS SOND ONOMS HOTAD w 1 M=MDOOD HMODON NHAAtAMYDM HANAHAN FOMnKm OM wOMHO co WOOOnMD WOOAN Ol~FWND 19-190 HHWHMOD WDOMDON sH NPA SH HID ID HOD OD SH 1010191 HOH HH HH IDNA HH 1910 H 1910 ~~ Roy ID 119 601 1D AQ A HAG 1O1Q Cw SH MHAHH 19191919010 DOMDOSO wm SI LOIWMOND ANON HOMOH OHnOnG MERNANN ONnNDOK ine) Lm! "A190 SOMO DHOOS OMORN NOCCSO FH WMOMS MROMAKH lor) Pyick Wy er RE A NES nwe elect Pabst ELE Le Hc Saha ee RNR Sit Biy Le alllvic Tare Nai | ectoars lett e nei Pry Sa euMars eT (SN Tea eee eh Cee Tester ame Sa Pan Scher Tern wlniet hemes sale mele meke cine ye > ‘S HOMmMOOHM NOGINH MiG H1NDO ORAHO HOHRO O18 tH oS HONHI~H DRAOMM OMOOWON MMOOIM 191901INMD AROn MO for) = 2181920 16 LQ HSH SAH 190191010 SH HHS SH 191610 HIN 1919101010 Yo} qQwecwsss 1D 19 1D 1DAD 1919 11D 1919191019 191d NOOO WR ORrO Yor) BHSENS SHSOMS FMOOM NADAS NOTARO ArmA 10 BOS>SNL PSOTEHY SONAS SSOHOH SOANSS COHAN & : SAD S BAHOONM AMOaAH WORD COtHMM NID aHh co IND DADIr~OD BWHAOANM OOM i9or-Ord MMnoAtrRe COMMA SH v4 Hid HH1D 1TH OD GD SH 191011 HHH HHH 19ND HH 1916 B19 sh 10 ID AD AD OAM wD AQ cH HiwD 1919 Crag H HHAAHIO 1919191010 BOOM OO te) a EPANAS SHBSAS ONSCSH ASCWSOKH SCMHWO ytinwooO 10 ™ | SDQSAR AMWON 1819919 12 SSSLOS HHOHO OMMENA ie E10 ma Or rt NOAH 10 410 196 M1IDO BHOHOO MmiBDD0OO So HOINDN RSH CSO MWOM Ol~ODMD WM1NINO HM1INMO HOMO =) OC TH1G16 H16 AD HHH 1919110 H HHAAHAH 19191901916 191961910616 ito} Qeseeono WD AD 1D AD AD 1919 C191 1919191919 19149 1 DOO OMmOMrO vo} Oo BONOMO APHSOA SOMSS SAMA ONAnH OMMMS © BPASOSA NOSSS SSOLBVH SOSH WiGOMO 19OMN N S eSiswmans SHOWN ABMHAOH wdtNIHD COdMtaMm 19010 DWODO co ~DOAD MDADADNAN OODOARM Ww90dn ANWMWNo oOrwod sH HG Hid ADH NOD SH 10101019 NH HAHAH BHiQigas 196160 Hi916 — H Zissecea LQ THT HIQ 1910 Oil HH HAMAADMH 19191919 MOMOD ito} * LOPSLY SCPSOHAM OL PRD SHOAN ANHMNOG WASOH TF | SSPE S NOM OMMAN OHNATAS APORS OYMBS Mm a | HOMNAAN BON H OPaTAHAe OPWHOM OnHHO hROOKD Oo HOIM~D1IDH 1D HOIMr~D OC O1D0 CHADD MMOnrR OCONMDMD lor} fe | 101010 Haig LQ SH SH SH SH 191910190 SH SHH HH 1919101010 1919101010 i Yor) RQReoeoono 1D AD 1D AGAD 1919 19.19 19 19 1G 191 19g WOO s3AQVQhe-Orw wd [sees WOFODP AASCHA ANSSSS FOMSHM ONMNG Oo EPBUOND COMBA SOANSA MOMS DNSOHNA OOEON O wn OAS Hs DMIOOCON mn HM16 MOAHMCIH BROWOLO 1D 19 O> 0 00 lor) SO OS hO 19 RF 00N ~OnMMD He196CH NM10ON10 ©r411010 sH = SSisewio AQ SH SH OD SH 19191010 SHH SH HHH HI 1016 SH 1 1 SHAG 1 x 0 Bis Sisias LQ SH SH TAD 1919 OiQ SH HHAAHAH 1919191019 12DO10 OO Lt) 4 ZLLASTH NOON SEANAD ANVMms VisemMo OmmonAS TM 1 EO19SAS BHMBAS GOSSOAN HASRS MAPOw Fy WON e RAONOA AMMN6919 1D H1NM OMHOD Onda ~-oFkoO 1 I~ AON MASEL DD ee MOH AHANHO HHO HtH ONnAAr fer} A 1G 1G10 19 IQ TSH 1919101 HHH HHH 19191910 WIND DWMODS pte} ASSaess ADAG AD AQ AD AG iQ Oraga®d WigiQigr® 3w1w9iWMww 1oreorm tan} r* AN MIG OMORS ANVBWWIG OUOHAS ANG OIORS < | a Aa iy ms st N NNNANN CO AG fasta, ~ A —— eer nn ke _=_e_e_—_ee_=_S OOOO ———— is a — 402 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. TEMPERATURE. Dry AND WET BuLbs. JULY 1897. 1 | 2 3 4 5 6 i 8 9 10 iit 12 For Day. Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. “Wet. Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet.jMax. 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BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. Dry AND Wet BuLss. TEMPERATURE. 404 spn L/min a OH HO CO HOSONO OtmaAr WOOWM~ ORPWDODN HOMRPOSD DS SORT AN NOAND maSOhoO RO ARHOAD BDSSOHA CAROOG GCOHAH BMD4HtR GROW Me oO : SLOAN LYMAN Hadas RONGA SHORAN NRaaoa a BIASES SIGHS GSSSS SHAS Hecsars Wasesescccd H FA BSRSSS FIGS GSNSS SSS5SSI SSSR VWSSSSS A B esate WOAADS MHOANN OriwsewdsoOG DOOwN ap ae ie Ss EEMDIOHAD AMAIAHAN WAMOM TWIGSOLO BOAON WM1HoraQw 210 O10 AKLDOKK O1GBOH SCADRO DNSOMH HWMOGANDH PHADIOA Kama MHAD 5 & |Soeoos SHIT GPHAGHH HaOMH OBI WHAT JSES8S PASSA GASSES SLSRS SBSSSG AGSSSS GF ee! 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DCN UNE OD ICIS) Ted gle oS SS | Pa UONH RibOHS MAHOO ROOHA OtOHS ALBAAnW xo PR ORLRA LigSinS MADNDS ANODE H DOANH HMRNOR xs [Qa wigiqg BABU Hoc oo HodcH cOMDGDaN asaDaD NCD SH AUG iS iGi1G HABAAHA Gato W ccc Mc HH sooo BIOOSI~ HO ArSOSOG OIOOA ASWWIS OOWI~M WNOESBO A BID DOO MEH WO HHOOOMW MOONS OOSSA DWOSNODO 36 ANDROS LOANS NSSOOK OANKHH LHOHS ALBAANW QLMAN O11 MADDS DRHDIH ROOMH HHRAHR SISA AAO HAA tom coma Kona CO HAD é HWS Pats Hadtot OHM OBA BHHHwS T “H WISSHOWD ONOWO OMOOON AWMWHIG SOPiVW1D WQU~~HO | ra LODO OOS EP SCG) TSO ED SON eS le CDS PaAADOHO LibDOHO NOSCAK ODAKHH LAOHS ALRBAAM Poe ON ROK DSS MMIDDS DRODID LAROMH HHSEAnHO + AMomiGe AAA Wa sages sochcscs tH cacocpcgH ca aa ca cD Aisi HHA Gada wt coc coma Wc st $3 OD HIG S IVAN AIG OONNSD WOWMS OOO AE Moowm N BHSHEO HHHOM ADOOWH MBMAPH APO!WNA SCOMLOSSD & SOMGwHH LODNS AQDSOOK GARHH LROHSO ALBaAAre HOH DOOOI91ID MANDNDH AOWHD1H DROMH HHARAAND SBonaig AAOMH MAA cower wt sacdcdcI TH NcDCDGD co SH is IDOI 1H BHAA HBHGo Hanns HOaast wIeHMIHD om BEN atl HLH OI NO SO SOIN GAs ODOR CO OOS?) 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ROY. SOC. EDIN.—VOL. XLIII. 3.F ‘ 1 - ’ , ’ a NOVEMBER 1897. Dry and WET BULBS. BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. TEMPERATURE. 410 AS EYHSONS SOMSH YBMNNSOHM BOSH SHAASHP HOSS O BPONPMR HANA POSOSOAM SMAI WiIRNO BONS BHAHNS DANHOD DOMMM DNOHH MMOHONM KHNMHOH : VCARHHAN HPOOSDD DHOHNDS HOO BHHND QrHdS = A SOASAG ARB Soca Aaa aA’ AQAA B | BM coca da eacdcdcdeg aDcaGD CIM Yad cDco co HOOSA ANAGA bt o BI WOM eNO SOR a! RIGS SII See alGooece ss! s SODAS A HIHNDO VMGHSAM OM MIO WiSAawWo OONGIO © MIs HAH MARNH AHDNMS OMDMHO ROMA MHD HK RADON HOODDD DHOMS MH KhRS BHHHND QLHS . 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TEMPERATURE. Dry anp Wer BuLBs. DECEMBER 1897, 1 2 3 4 5 6 i 8 9 10 11 12 For Day. Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet./Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.;Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.J Max. 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INcHES ror Hour ENDING— JANUARY 1897. 1)2}3 |4]5]6)] 7] 8 | 9 | 10] 11 | 1] a3 | 24 | a5 | 36 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 28 | Amount Da | - | - | - |-004|-005] 010} - | - | - |-005) - | - | — |-o12|-008| - | - |-017|-030|-003| - |-003] - | -003] 0-100 , 2 = is st --|:004|] —- = 2 = 004] — * a. = es = Ls = = = x = - - 0-008 ey = | - } - | - | - | - | ~- | - | = | -- | - | = | = | -047| -083 | -082 | 108} -058 | -056| 032 | -034| - | 0081 0-508 | 8 a ee eee ey 2 te) ale Slee lion - 5 — | 093] :004) 149) - |:018| -— | °036) - | -047) - 3 ie ts = = Py = sa = S & pe = 0347 net | | | ee eS ee en = "A = Z = = BS o a = = = o s 2 a s s = = f = = 2 e = = | 8 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = mS = _ = x = = = = = mo | = = = x = a = = a e a s a x zm ss ea ub = = = = a eee | | CO Se ee ea Pt Do Soy ee) Sea Ss ee aS © iy | — | — | -003/ -057 | -024| -013| -008 | -015| -007| -003| - |-oes}-o29/ - | - | - | - |] - | -|-|-|- | - | - | o-202 Bio | - mee ee |. |) |g omen meme ammeenmce Re p e (a (eGOgS 13 — |°003}°004; 003); - | -003) - - =" |-003)|) = = = = ~ = in = = = = = = = 0:016 ee | ice ee hl oN Ns ree eG ee ee 2 eee | | ee ee aa eee | ee ee ee s eee) = | |} | fe | Pe ee | EK Meg ne Seite Nero eral lee ee 2 re | | a ee | | ee ea SS = a a a Sl |e ee ee ea ee es Se See = EN El a RR I ae Slee | | el a ye kk Eye ee . Mee | i -i t - -l- yey tHe ye} -]-]-}-)-)-)-)-)-4-]- 2 mies | = | - | | — | | 2 leon = tee | oog| = | = ).- 4] <3) = 1 Sea) Sy 2) Si oor eee | | Se Sl oo ee P| SP Kf SNS ar) eer ee eee 107005 ei |. | - | oos|:— | —.|-ool-co 2 ie | = | — | | 2 =) 20 Sea SS | 201 9-027 eee) =| | - | - | - | — | 028} 017} -008| -o06| 021) - | - | - | — | — | -003)-006|-008| — | - | - | — |-003] 0-100 | 95 [[-005}|[-005]|[-005}[-005]{-005}[-005}|[-005)[-005}-o05]-003) - | - }- | -| -}|-| -]-]|-]-]|-]- | - | - | 0-048 ) 28 eee = | - | - | = | - | — irotopormp — | = | - |: | - | - |) = = tpocsyp-cosyjoo5y) = jio-038 LL ee ate SER RR Wa ie ca ase = | Sas i Wn Wee abe (Pe oe tins Seyi ry z eee |-g03) — | = | - | — || 22 Pe |. | - | 2} | ye ye Se PS Sa 2 3 io -o06 os) |= «|-903| = | — | — |-oos| 1 2 et | - | =) =| - =e he Poe oe bate 0-021 3 )-|-}|-|- | - | - | - | - | - | - {f-0107f-0109f-010][-010)|[-015)|t-015][-015)[0-10]][-010}[-015][-015][-010][-010]|[-010} 0-165 Wei [[-005]|(-005]) - | - |[-005]|(-005}(-005)f-o05) [005] - | - + -P-|-}-)-)-f-|-])-)-]- | - | — | 0:035 ‘Sum. |0:010 |0106 {0-019 |0-218 |0-046 |0-057 0-049 |0-078 [0-038 |0-090 |0-070 {0-083 J0-039 |0-025 [0-070 {0-098 |0-100 |0-141 |0-106 |0-074 |0:050 |0-056 [0-019 |0-028] 1-665 RAINFALL. FEBRUARY 1897. ene nies. | - | | eee.) area Sea = re | | | ae | | |e Se ee eee |S Soe aa ae eis ne 2c”) ae Nae cellent es || | ce ies = | - | — | -003/-003)| 003/016 = | 2 2) = |) - | - | .) - 1 =] =] =) = 1 =) = feo Sa a a i wee ae epee | | i eee mn me eet cs Sh SIS | | = +8 | -007 | -013 | -050 | -003 | -030 | -020 | -010 | -004 | -013| -007| - | -007| -c16] -004}-003| - | - | 063] -030} -017 | -015 | -005| 007) - | 0-324 | 9 } -003 | -013 | -047 | -023 | -032| -018| -015|-017/ — | - | - |-010} ‘005|-005} - |-005)-005] - |-003| - | - |-017)’- | - | 0-218 See =) 030) - | = | - | - |-o03) - | 2} — f= | - Beebe Pe Sea el Ss! ome Seis = | - | =f =|} -)-) =) 2 = | Se ees 8 ea Sa ie Ed RS a PR | Fs | | Se esp) | | (fo fee | | | | | | | | — S005] = | = FE | = | -o08} - | -008} ~ | -003|-009] = |-007] — | — | 0-085 M4 |-003] - | - | -003] - | -004] -003 | -027 | -090 | -110 | -035 | 040] -092 | -010 | 013] - | -017| -010] 006} -004) - |-003}-003) - | 0-478 =| = | - | — |-002) - | -ooa|-oos| - | — f= | =| —-| - | - Se ed one SE VP i ee es | 28) Sa Py -ore'|-025| O-neae Smet O12 | -003 | -003| -003| -004| -020|-010/ - |-o10|-oi3) - | - | - | - | -| -|-]|-]/-]-]-]- | - | - | oz 38 | - | -020} 015 | -010| -005| 010) 008} - | - | - |-097| 110]-078| -058|-007| - | - |-003] 007} - | - | - | - | - | 0-358 mie | - | - | - | - | - |-003] - | — |-o04) - | — | — | — | -o10} -025 | -o25 | -087| 056] -060/ - |-003/ - | — | o-228 | - j-o4)1200) - | -|-|-|-|-]- | =} - J — | - J — |-o10} - | 020] -070} -070| -070 | -125 | -o08 | -057] 0-604 by )-005] - | - | - |-005) - | - |-050) - |-o05} - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | -020] -025| -022 | -020 | -003| -o10] 0-165 92 | 017 -003 | -003 | -004| -006 | 004] - | - | -013| -007 | -o10 | -085} -075 | -020 | -030 | -020 | -008 | -017 | 010 | -013 | -020| -017 | -020| -o10] 0-407 23 | -017 | -020 | -016 | -007 | -007 | -003 | -010 | -050 | -087 | -058 | -060 | -060 | -090 | -160 | -037| -023}-020) - | - | - | - ; - | - ) ~ | 0-795 me | — |-007|-003| - | - | - |-o10] - | - | - | - | - | — |-087| -168|-015|-oo3| o52| - | - | - | -005|-018] 0-363 } 25 | -100| -072 | -092] -043 | -050 | -070 | -160 | -170 | -315 | 385 | -028 | -062] -052 | -010 | -006 | 007 | -007 | 003} - | -038| -157 | -150 | -340| 260] 2-567 26 | -270| -130 | -070| -110 | -173 | -007 | 005 | 020] -018 | -007| - |-o10]-oo3| - | - | - |-004]-020| -016|-003] -017}-007) - | - | 0-890 | 27 |-005| - | -022)-010) - | -026) - | -004] -003|-023| - | - ]-005}-005) - |-o10/-013] - | - | - | - |-007|-003| - | 0-136 28 |-024| -043| -007|-003| - |-005| - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |-o20] - | - |-015] -045] -050] -080/ -063 | 032] - | 0-387 |Som. 0-463 10-371 [0-452 |0-252 [0-312 [0-187 [0-281 [0-355 |0-568 0-648 0155 o-ssafo-4n6 272 0-221 0258 0112 191 218 0-284 gst |o424 0-434 0375] 8-059 416 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. RAINFALL. INCHES FOR Hour ENDING— MARCH 1897. LUD | Bal ae BG | FS GOMOD TS 3) do) SS ie ai alicia one test eos ar 1 | -002} - | - | -009| -016 | -023 | -063 | -090 | -016 | -014 | 103 | -075 | +184 | -009 | -040 | -008 | -004 | -007 | -016 | -001 | -022 2 | 067 | 162| 174 | 039 | -075 | “O14 “008 -012) -007,) 006 | -008| - | - | - [050}{-050){-100}{-050]} -087 | -008 | -001 3 a. z e¥ Ss a = = = ay > = f aS fs “012 |« = Be +f eA. 4{/-|-]-|-{]-]- |] - 1] - |] = | = | = {otsyff-045]) -025 | -009 | -008 | -007 | 005 | -004| 001} - Bae eS SS | = a eS ee ime oa 6 | — |-004]-002|-001) - | - | — | = | = | O17 |\-009)| 004] -041| 010} 011) 004) - | = | + | = | -o17 “ = = a = = = = x = ae = > = = = = = = = = = = = Se oer Se See SRS oS - | = |S = viene | Sy = fe | =) = 9 | - | - | — | -027| -043 | -020 | -012 | -005 | -012 | -009/| -017| -006 | -006 | -009| 039/010) - | - | - | - | - | — | -087| -o32 10 | -021| -033 | -024 | -013 | -020 | -010 | -054 | -141 | -103 | -088 | -043 | -011 | -097 | 018 | 007 | 002] - | - | - | -015|-006] - | -018] -048 Ti +089: -018 | 102 |/-027 | -005)/*020.| Gov.) =|) = a) ieee 0-010, Or000 Sum. |0:202 0-239 |0:352 |0°273 |0°465 |0°712 |0°189 |0:220 |0°419 |0'386 |0-235 |0:257 [0:236 |0°185 |0:188 |0°126 |0:055 |0°149 |0-197 pene 0388 |0:277 |0°184 |0:187] 6-283 | ee a 424 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. RAINFALL. IncHES ror Hour. ENDING— NOVEMBER 1897. 11/2}si4]s-)617 18% 9) 10) et ae | 12 | i | 16 | 174 18 | 19 | 20 | on) 2 os ee Amount. 1 E s = = = = = = = = = z 2 = - = 2 x = & = - = = & HS) a | Sei So Sa Sct Bl, SaaS a ee a oe ie lh eR en Ps | | rs ey Eau 51 a ZO SR Sia Se ate, 2 a Pal ee er cea (| = 4 = = a Z ES ks = = = = 2 & = 2 = 2 = = 2 = * = = 2 = 5 4 = . 2 a 2 = = = = 2 z = = = = , = = = = = z 3 Bel Zora acl: eal Saline eee ee), ee ee me ee a le) a ee Ween | ee Lo} = boo) SA S| - | | a oh ee ee = gf - fe= [2 1 = | oe5:|-043 | 020049 | 086] 2 We Sey = | — |= fee SE WS: aly es ps creer 9 3 = = e s 8 a a 2 = = = de = = = 25 = é & bs = = = a Ga te AY ecole Ty _ | 2S et et | S| 2 2 | SW 2 lois )-o97))-osraleccoeocon mores 1 044) = 4) = 4) = i020) 087 |o101 =. [one 085 Stop eosrs = | = | = hd Sa ee era 12 | -043 | +260 | -200 | +135 | -096 | «110 | -151 | 269 | 189 | -167|-032( - | - | - | - | - | — |-027]-051] - | - |-oo9; - | - | 1-689 13 | -023|-030|-004; — | — |-044|-050| - | -020]-031! — | -138]-027| -042/-134]-018| - | - | - | - |-026| -028|-002/ — | 0-612 wu |-|- | - | — | -005| -160| -022| -049 | -056 | -080 | -099 | -112} -050 | -041 | 021 | 007} 008} - | - | - | - | - | - | — | 0-705 ee ead a oer es ey. eS ee | | a ee ee eS el |e a wo) 2k a) ee ee Se) 2 ee ees} =. 2 Se Se Se eons ilin%oi) = 8°63 hi) ete] e i= f= fel =e allo fayets] =|) 2 i - }] 4 = 8-70 Fa Sa Ss |e Se eo) = |) eee a ef = 8:78 (fea eral aca es SO] UG) eee] 2) = | = = | as | = | = | = | = 3:05] 8°85 Gis i= =e eis io] e= =| 3 |) See | Ss ol] a | = = 8:92 Yeahs ved Sed Se! oof sc |) aS eee Se hart Ss = js = 9:00 1 je | = | s)) & | Se fe =|l2e Pele ySatehe2iso}a4ile- = 9:08 a ese oe eee ce |e 41} +80|| 1:00] 1:00] 1-00) +20) -244 — | - | - | = | — 415] 9-16 TDi Pe | emee I eNl e 80| 1:00} 1-00} 1:00] 1:00} 1-00} 1-00) 1-00] 389} - | -~ | - | - 819} 9:23 | = Sse al Soe | = | = [eS Seles] =) =] =| = 9°31 1 Sh = SS Se is | = | = |] Se [Pa he ie] Ss | a | a | = = 9:39 i | = ii |S fe is oo = = |= Ses |fo | = |= | = = 9°47 1S ae eee Shoe |) |) eS ae le Pe = 9-55 7W}-}]-]/-]-)]-]-)]-]-]-4- (| abel) ae) = | = | = || =] = 0:30] 9°63 f= fH ey SS Sa a ee eee = 9-70 epee | See SS WS es | = |f aii=_ |=] 2i)= <4 iq = 9°78 DO )= t= |= f= ft =) See = | = fl = ee = || = | = - 9°86 a ae zs pa |me M cs | Ly ee Ue eae ee el Sw ea iI = = 9:94 ra ee Be MRSS SS Se ae i RY ee ea = 10-02 3 | Sea ae ee es | = |] = | ee re oh Se a) = 1010 yan rea Wier eee eerie He lt || eS a ee ee = 10°18 ON ea l= See | | ee = eats f= | = = 10:26 26 | - -~}/= |= ]-=-], =] 2] -Y - | = | eae = | = | = = 10°34 27 poe PS] se | ee ee a een tN a et a ee ee = 10-42 2 Salle - | = | 2s 1 Sete ee “ fea (eer (aah 1 0-04 | 10°50 | | Sum. | - | - | - | ~ | 217) 3°38) 3:34) 3-17] 3-29) 3-18) 1-82, 1:37] 0-89) - | - | - | - | 22-11 | 264-27 FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. A27 SUNSHINE. Hours—ror Hour, Locan M&an TIME, ENDING— JANUARY 1897. 4/5 |} 6 {| 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | Total. |Possible. i |) = pie ee ne reer ae | il) CO2h =. FS. A am pee em ee |e 0-02] 3:95 1 2 & = = a ee = is = = = a = = A = = a = = 4:01 2 3 e s = 2 a = = = £ 2 = = = = Es = = = = 4:05 3 Ae = | = | Kh | ee oy) al CE oe = | = | = | = | o | = 175 | 4:13 4 |) 2 SS ee ian Oi ee ea cole Dion ale lS. ileal fpeean | fes Iie | = 0:39] 4:18 5 6 Ad = = = “5 = = = = = = = = a = - 4:24 6 eal eee 28) ie ee ES is pe A a = 4:34 7 8 Ls * = = zs 5 = = ts = = = = = = - 4:44 8 @ | = | Sea ee ey (aera resi || ee 5B) Bl th OMe | es ft | || os | =] || = 1:32] 4:54 9 LOM eee | = | - | = | = | 2 IO) CO) aS So a ft = | = | = | = 1-16 460} 10 ll = = es = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - 4°65 Il 12 a = = = pe = s = = = = = = = = = = - 4°71 12 13 = _ ss as = 2 = e = = = = = = = - - 4-76 13 Meee = | = | - | = | 2 8}, oil] we] il) sx S| = |] = i = |] = | = 2397 4:81] 14 is ee | a ee ee | ee BD OO| 00-00) “56\)— |e 3°88 4:87} 15 16 = = = = = = ah E = = 86] 82) — = = = = ~ 1°68 4:95 16 17 = = 2 = = = ay = = = = = = = = - = - 4-99 17 Smee ee | = | = eS |e 12) 1-00) 1:00} -79) - | - | - | - | - | =] - 2-91 5:04) 18 FO ei a T= | =} AH i400) ool iso} Yall = | = | |= | =] =] =] 413] 5:08} 19 Peo i = tf = | = fs ts jal Ws) Ws) aGl = | = | = | = | = | = 100} 513] 20 21 = es = = = = = = = = = i8}) = = = = - - 0:13 5°18 21 BE [SS -02| 12} 62) 63} -27) - | - | - | - | = 166) 5:24] 22 Pomp — | = | - | - | = |-= digs] | ell GIO a] =] = |] S|} = |] = | cM 3°49] 5:30] 23 PA be oe fe | ls Aleem is ce le ae a = 5:37 | 24 Pee te — Wo | So = || = | 2 O)| 20) Gill Ye AGP = || = |} = | = |] = 2:36] 5:43] 25 Pome i — | = | = | - | = | Gail eh FO) Gal te = | = | = | = | = 3:93) 5:51] 26 Bae | —- | — | - | = = °85|) <7] 83 93) 355) 49) So = eS 440} 5:61] 27 2S | ei Se ‘27| 1:00} -83} -03] — So = | = S | = 213) 5-71] 28 99 = = = = = = = 04 = = - - = - - 0:04 5°78 29 30 3 & = = = = e S = = = = = = = = - - - 5°85 30 Sil) Tp ee Ree eat | eae Gl) OO) OE = | =} =} = j=] =] = 1:20] 5:97] 31 Sum_| - | - | - | - |--]| - 2:85] 10°72] 9:55) 9-91) 5:86] 1:58} - | - | ~ | - | - | 40:47] 152-40] Sum. SUNSHINE. FEBRUARY 1897. 1 a a eS 3. Es = “ 20) -20 = 3 = = = 0-40 6:04 1 2 re ae 23 Es = = = = a » = = = = = = = = - 6:09 2 3 = - - - - - *27| 1:00} 1:00} 1:00) 1°00; -88) °72) - - - | - - 5°87 6:14 3 Ae i= i | =.) = -05] 1:00) 1:00) -07 - | -|-1]-] = | = Je= 212 6°22 4 5 a a = = = = = = = = = es a = = = || = = - 6:29 5 6 - - - ~ - - - ~ - - - - - = - - - - - 6:37 6 ff - - - - - - - - - = - = = = - - - - - 6°42 7 8 Ls s e = = = z = = = = = = = = = = = - 6°47 8 9 we Ee = = = - = S = = = = 03] - = - - - 0:03 6°53 9 10 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - - - - - 6°60 10 il - - - = = - 48) *77| 1:00] 1:00) 1°00} -42) —- - - = = = 4°67 6°70 ii 12 - - - - - = *64| 1°00) 1°00} 1:00] 1°00} 1°00; -36) - - - = = 6°00 6°78 12 13 * a = = = = x = = = = = = = = - - - - 6°86 13 14 = = = = = = = = 2 = = = = = - - - - - 6°95 14 15 = if = = = = = E s = = = = = - - - - 7:03 15 16 = x — ES Fa = 2 = 23 = = 5 = = - = = = 7:12 16 17 2 = = = = = = = = =) i = - — - - - S|) = 7°22 7 18 a a > = eS = = = = =; = = = = = = = = 7°32 18 19 - - - - - = ~ - - 10) - - - - - - - - 0°10 7°40 19 Ofelia = | = jaa = ANG SBI) ely Na it = 1:39 7-447 20 21 - - - - = - = = = - | - - - - - - - = 7°53 21 92 fas = = = a 2 = = = S = i = = = - - - - 7°63 22 23 A = = ee = as = = = = = = = = = = = = = eke: 23 24 =. a = = a 36] -08} — = = = = = = - = - - 0°44 7°81 24 5 5 LZ es os a = = = = = ~ = = = = - - - - 7:90 25 26 = = = = - - - - - 11} 02) - - - - - - 013 8:00 26 27 = = = = - - = - - 41; 66) 65) 44; °40) - - - - 2°56 8:05 27 28 = = = *22| °72) :98| -80) :20) — - - - - - - - 2°92 8:10 28 Sum. | - - - - — | 0°58) 2:24) 5:21) 5:23] 4°43) 4:02) 2:97) 1°55] 0°40) — - - - 26°63 | 196°73 | Sum BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. SUNSHINE. Hours—Fror Hour, LocaL MEAN TIME, ENDING— MARCH 1897. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | 11 | 12 | 18 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17} 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | Total. [Possible. 1 ojo | Rae Se) Saige ee 05) = a = Niece ene 0:05 | 10°58 1 2 fe ep me We ee Sy Sa eer mls ee = 10°66 2 Bla) Ee ae Sa Seti = | ae eon is 10°74 3 ale) Seles di 2 Wp St al tee te tea iee = 10°82 4 Bue | Ses T= Wh S07) 276) Tron ai coo miOn Meee tbl — c=) ee sla ee 491 | 10-90 5 6 Hee Wi eh ee ae a a 1 i ed eae = 10:99 6 7 Bias |e lem ee Wa a ey ae Ba esOnea =06| 71) 80) = ee eee Ie 2:43 | 11:07 7 Sites | ee] a We ete i dy SOB), 86) 03) f= aes ede ee 0-42 J 11°15 8 Obie | RS Bese a NS I St, SS eee sh eee = 11:23 9 1G eee WS es = Ye ee | ee eee z 11°31} 10 1 Hy ee} ee Se Se eS tn |) lf ceed ede = 11:39] 11 V0 | Pan tee a een ees eas een ee || || = | NG Rm ae ae i = 11:47] . 12 twee eds he i) SS Se eee 2 le a eae = 11°55] 13 4 Wes | Eels =) a ee hs | ee ee eS erie = 11°63] 14 16 Moe Wee fe = fee ee SR k= eee oe 0:06 | 11-71] 15 AG Tees |) ee Wm fe es A me ih I ee ce = 11:79] 16 7 ee |e | = | =) | Hl = Se a alee = 11:87] 17 18 jee) Lolo | So) — 9 = eh SRM tm ep cea oe) oe 2 11:95] 18 Op | Se ee ee ee ee om | || =) || a ee ree a = 12°03] 19 AQ || | an | Sen ee 02) |) Sein eeeeee = ee ee ee 0:02 12°11} 20 SLs) Eel eee ihe ee ea el = ee el te 0-47] 1219] 21 DAM | Sal FS | = | = Se re eee Sele ema et) = = 12:27 | 92 OS eee |) Reka Se a Ses ee aes ic aOdly S02 Ieee aie ce ree 0-06] 12:35] 23 | SE eee eee een eee | | = ee) oe ae -~ | 1243] 24 i = | eS I a = een = | eee eat | = 12:51] 25 268) = | ates = tee = ee i | ce ces el Sa ae ae pe = 12:59] 26 Uy Bs Regi NA en es eye Hace Ae a Dee tM! = WN TN ee eee ee - 12°67 | 27 28 em beeen Pe fo | ae Ses. - = | = |) =] .2-) Se iecra ieee Oo ices |) Boles Ha WS | 2 Se ONEGGr 30) -401. W200) 288), “ores ean 3:53 | 12:83] 29 BO geet i Nem ale a DE 55) | eae a ee ee les Pe 1:58 | 12:91] 30 31 | - | - | - | -24| 65] 97] 1-00] 1:00] 1:00] -64| -53) 71) -90| -16) -16) - | - | - 796] 12:99] 31 Sum. | -— | - | - | 0-24] 0°72] 1-75] 2-00] 3-28] 8-63] 2-76] 1°17] 2-23} 2:27| 1-01] 0-43} - | - | - | 21-49 | 365-44] Sum. SUNSHINE. APRIL 1897. 1 - - - - - 62) -05) —- - 05) 07) :20) ‘17) - - - - - 1164 18:07 1 2 = - = 05| +88} 1:00) 1:00} 43) <60} °71| 42) - | BI} = - - 6°34] 13°15 2 3 £ = = - = = = = 02) - - 02) -06) — = - - 07109 18°23 3 4 = = = = - = = *32| 57} 10} :04) 05) - - - - - = 1:08} 13°31 4 5 - = - - - - 63) 1:00} 1:00} 1:00) 1°00) 1:00) 1:00) +36 - ~ 6:99 | 13°39 5 6 = = = = = = = = - - - = ~ - = - 13°47 6 7 = = = - - - = - 48) +54) — - 35] — - - ~ 137 | 13°55 7 8 - - = 36] 1:00} 1:00) 1:00} 1:00} 62] +49) :76} -638) 79) 05} ‘07| —- = - 7771 13°63 8 9 = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = - - - 13°71 9 10 = = = - 58} +16) 06) -63) 96) 57] -69) :97|/ 34) -22) -37) — - - 5°55 | 13°79 10 lu Ss i = 3 = = s = = = = a = = = = - - - 13°87 ll 12 - - - - - - - - 06) - - - - - - - - - 0:06 | 13°95 12 13 = = = - - = = = = = - - - - - - - - - 14:03 13 ae Wes ale ee! So a ee ee = fie tee) Ss) si so} sf} os fe = 1410} 14 15 = = = ~ = = = = = - - - - - - - - ~ - 14°18 15 16 = = = - - = = = - = = - - - - - ~ - 14:26 16 7 = = - - - 03] - - = = - - - - - - - - 0:03 | 14°34 17 18 - - - - - - - 10} 40) - - ~ - ~ ~ - - 0°50 | 14°42 18 19 = = = - - = = = = = = - - - - - - - 14°50 19 20 - 10} 1:00) 1:00) 1:00} +50) - 16} 81} 1:00} 1-00} 1:00) -88 - - - - 8:40} 14:57 20 21 = 42) —- = = = = 12] =*68) +34} 1:00} 95) 1°00} 1:00) 1:00/ 10) - 6°61 14°65 21 22 - 13} 1:00} 1°00) 1:00} 1:00) 1:00} 1:00} 1-00} 1:00} 1-00} 1:00) 1:00) 1:00} -82] -68) - - 13°63 | 14°73 22 23 - - 47| 1:00} 1:00) 1:00} 1:00] 1:00} 1:00} 1:00) 1-00} 1:00} 1:00) 1:00} -93 52) - - 12°92 14°80 23 24 ms 3} 1:00) 50) - 80| - “447 1:00) 1:00} 1:00} 1:00) 1:00) 1:00; °63) — - 10:20; 14:88 24 25 - - 90) 1:00] :99} —- = = = = = = 64, - - - - - 3°53 | 14:96 25 26 - - - - 42) -83} -51! 66) 1:00J °89} +13) :24) °90) 56} -75) 20) —- - 7°09 | 15°08 26 27 = - 90] 1:00} °91) -63) —- 12} -56} —- - = _ - - - 412] 15°11 27 28 - - - - = = - — = - - - - - - 15°18 28 29 - - - - - - = = = - = = = - - - - 15:26 29 30 - - - - - = - = 03) 12) 10) = - - - 0°25} 15°33 30 Sum. | - | 0°23} 5:52) 6°41) 8:28) 6:77) 5:42] 5:95) 8-84] 9-39] 7-99] 3-12] 9°58] 6°77] 5:30} 3:03] 0-10) - 97°70 | 42645 | Sum. FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 429 SUNSHINE. Hours—ror Hour, Locan Mgan TIME, ENDING— MARCH 1897. A BO ea Wey oy) ae] |) ae ee aS Pai a) TE] |) SO) || Pal || Use | orsiok Mee | ee = 10| -51) -80) <37| ‘16] = | = | = |) — 1:94] 8°36 1 D) ne = os = = a fe ai - = e # ne = = = = 8-40 2 2 | es | Se es 25) 371 Os same pele = S| ee = 137} 8-44 3 4 = ~ 2 = es ws a om * a = =H = fr 2, = = = = 8:48 4 i | o | Sa Se a 03] 56] 1:00} 924 1:00] 1:00} -97} -20/ - | - | - | - | - 568} 8°52 5 Coie — = |= | =| = 201 33) -65) 39) - | - SA = | = | = | = 1:39] 8:56 6 eel ||| = | = 10) 64] -84) 1-00] 1-00] -88} 93] 54) - | - | - | - | - 5-93} 8-60 7 8 2 £ = = = zs 5 = 13] - = = = = = = = = 0°13 8-70 8 os te Ne a ee 03) - yO) Al Dal EOL ay ee) ob) = jy) = |) = || = 3-11 8:82 9 i || cep 0 ee ee ee | iy) all) san) aa] =) = |] = || 2 || = 2°25 8:94] 10 ieee | — | - 18] 96} -80| 36) 25) - COS] me dre peel) ee) Se Ea oe 2764 908f 11 Pee ie | = | - = 10) - ie) | Te Gea ea I een SN eet 201} 9:22] 12 iS. | a9 a 04) - GB = fl We fe | = | = | = | = | }]= 147} 9:35} 13 14 = = = = % 07| 03) —- = = = = = = = = = = 0-10 9°46 14 15 a = = = = = = 16) - = =f = = = = = - 0:16 9°57 15 16 = = = = = 35] 14) - = = = = = = = - - 0:49 9°68 16 Weis) |.) = | 27| *80| -80) - =o inane Weed) ed) = d= 1:87 979} 17 18 os = = = s = = -08} 10) - = = = = = - 0:18 9:90 18 Pome ies || = | = | = || = | 2 S| coe all aia Sy) See] = | = |) = 111] 10:00} 19 men fe ee fs ae TY | ares i Sab atl ae ean ees - 10:10} 20 gyi) | er (eee i SIME OS Mess >» |, iam benz bil eres wl eee ee 0-40] 1019} 21 coven een (eee eee ye | ee eee eames OO ee eS ae = 10:27} 22 284 1 eo Nh SiS oP (ei 06] 12) +10) - 05} 05) - | = |.—- || = | = 0°38 | 10°35] 23 24 = = x = a = = = = = 3 = x = = = - - 10°43 24 Pee | ke 2 | eee | = Ph ees lee ero ee O13] 10:51] 25 3 | fc FE a ee es ay |e in) A Qa = i se | ae} = |} = 0:41] 10:59] 26 27 = = 2 = = = = = = = = = = = ~ = - - - 10°67 27 Pomme a= || 2 ie, |) = | a eel eel wal ay = || = || = | = 3:35] 10:75] 28 a) | = | = |) Se 23] -94) +90} 1:00} -96} 1:00] 1°00] -82| 1-00) -85| -56] - | - | - 9:26] 10°83} 29 Soe eee ee = TOO) CO meee =| = | =) =| 2 = 2°24) 10:90} 30 ah | = eS 13] 1-00] 1:00] 1:00] 1:00] -61} -90| -81| -85) -88] -72| -53) - | - | — 9:43] 10°95] 31 Sum. | - | -— | —- | 0:13] 1-41) 4:04) 5:34) 7-08] 7-96] 7-72} 8:92] 6-95] 5:17] 2:74) 1:09} - | - | - ] 58°55 | 298-41 | Sum. SUNSHINE. APRIL 1897. 1 | oe 18] 1:00] 1:00] -41| -23] -52| -34/ -72| -80/ -14/ - | - | - | - 534] 11-00 1 ee | = | -= 21) 1:00] 1:00} 1-00) -84) -77| -62| -38| -57| -95) 95} 07} - | - | - 8:36 | 11:04 2 8. |e | SS 10| 1:00] 1:00} 90] -40/ -57] -23/ -21) -11| - Dy Alee ol| Gea || ee a) 4-79] 11:08 3 Aa ee el) =|) 9-60!) 1-00! 1-00/) as7]mesbleconl = =| =] =| =] =} 3:99} 11:13 4 5. | =i on aa 27| 1:00] 1:00} 1-00] 1:00] 1:00] 1:00) 1-00] 1-00] 1:00] 1:00) 56} - | - | - | 10-83] 11-18 5 en ee ee ee eS = 11-23 6 eee ee) = | a Se 5-43] 23] 13) «13 = ee ee 1-44] 11:29 7 : = | = te 32} 1:00) 1-00} 1:00} 1-00] 1-00] 1-00/ 1-00] 1:00] 52} -03} - | - | - | - 8°87 ae f 10 | - | - | - | 63] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00/ 8s} 53) -76| -83) -88) - | - | - | 1056] 11-44] 10 11 = = z aly) Es a 13) - = = - - - - 0:30 | 11°50 11 12) So) a i SH XH OO), al] Oe) = | = | Sy Se ee ye } = | = 2:47] 11-60] 12 2 |) a Sie Sa mea keer Serie a eee = 11:70] 13 ih || oe) ee I 15] 32} 1:00] 49) -65| — Bai a, ll ed) BT SS | = || = 4:33] 11:80] 14 i |) SS a 32| -68| -64| -07/ -O7] — wy 3) Sa Si Sos | = 1:82] 11:90] 15 1¢ | =|) Sees 19] :50) +22) -49] -43) -60| 52] +16) -42) 46) 24) -02} - | - 4:25] 11:98} 16 if |) ese ie *34| -43/ -46] -38| +36] -47) °50) -35] -40| + :46) = 53] =| Sf 4°68] 12°06] 17 18 = rs ee 55) 57) °54) 52] -42) 53] 44) 65] 48) 54) 47) 71) - | - | - 6:42} 12-138 18 TOME mene eh Pee ieee eee Men ST |) cual eet ae = 12:20} 19 A |) th Oe 85] 1-00] 1:00} 1-00) 1-00) 1-00} 1:00, 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00, -58} -23} - | - | 11°66] 12-26] ' 20 ai = Ie 05) 1:00} 90} -89| 46] -38) +131 -35| -85| -81/ 97] 1-00/ 1-00 -21; - | - 9:00] 12:33} 21 Dy 11), eee at es 04] 1:00) 1-00) 1-00) 1-00] 1-00) 1-00} 1:00] 1-00] 1:00: 1:00) 1-00} -91) ‘17; - | - } 12°12] 12-40] 22 DB ial ie 03} 1:00} 1:00) -97| -75/ 1:00] 1-00} 1-00] 1-00] 1-00 1-00] 1-00] 1-00) -40) - | - } 1215] 12-46] 23 GA Me tI) *22) 1:00} -70| - -90/ 1:00! 1-00} 1-00] 1-00] 1-00/ -90/ 61) 1:00] -35) - | - | 10°68] 12:52} 24 2B) al) es 22) 1-00) 1°00] -90) :26| -03} - | - | - aiél|] ao Ga) = | = i} = 357] 12:57] 25 Comes | = || = -20| 1:00] 1:00) 252! -92] -11] 73] 1-00] 2:00) -71) 54) - | - | - 7°73 | 12°62} 26 By {yh = We ‘35-76, 88} -90| 04} -60| -48f -42] -99] -17/ — gH =e | = | = 5°61] 12°67] 27 OT hte a 19] P| ale = ee 86} -03) 06] - | - 1:07] 12:72] 28 29 ES es a ie *10|| -— 40| — 2 os H = = a = - - - 0°50 | 12°78 29 Si) Ap ee ie 41} 03) 04) - 61/ -26, 69] -86] -48] -42) 33) 91} 45] 41) - | - 5:90] 12°85] 30 Sum. | - | — | 1:32 9-2) 14-47 16°74) 16°57 1420 13:86] 12°86] 13-15] 11-98] 11:98] 12:26] 7:99] 1°85] ~ | - | 158-44] 357-16] Sum. 430 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. SUNSHINE. Hours—-ror Hour, Locan MEAN TIME, ENDING— MAY 1897. 4/5 |6 17 |.8 4.9 | 10 | 11) 12] 18'| 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19'| 20 | ot | Total. |Poessible. a || | i, =\s i SS Se eee ee ———| | ae SS Se ee | | ae eS es OO} Wa) Say ete a eee ee FA a 0-23 | 15:40 1 Ha end Neg [ate eee i he et aie | ee z 15:48 2 Ce ee ee ee eee ene riko || sc ee Sel ee a 15°55 3 i ee en euler a ei || |. aR ee So a es is 15°62 4 By Se SS a Waco as NN) ES eo GSE Se 2 15:70 5 6 ee Spe te Anette 13) 26) ee B2|. 60) =< | Sn alee Rea ee es 1-71] 15:77 6 7 |) <241 91-00) aco) are) if) | ee ms ae 2°36 | 15°84 7 S Peet Spy Re ya Oe ee al) el me a ee = 15:91 8 9° So ae Se ee 08h Ke =)! ee |: | eee a ee 0:06 | 15:98 9 10° (PS ee =a me ee ee |) te ee eth I) I Se = 16:04] 10 Tee ee hes cae) Fol er Ql; -01; - O81 |e ees) eee O10 1611} 11 12ee=e 4) =| pees Onl OW fiy 2 |) || a ene 0:05} 1618] 12 180 [pe ul = 44! 1-00] 1-00] -76| 1:00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1:00 -85| -21| - | - | - | - | - 9°26] 16:24] 13 Tea aly (SS 9 Eos =| |. 9 a ee =e ae ees me 2 1631] 14 1b | 2° y = =| 2 Sl =) age ol pee eee |e 0:06 | 16°37] 15 18; |) = 30| 1:00) 92) 1-00] 1-00} 1-00} 1-00] 1-00} 1-00] 1-00] 1-00) 1:00) 1-00] 1-00} -40; - | - ]| 13-62] 16-44] 16 tl = 15] 1-00} 1:00] 1-00] 1-00) 1-00} 1:00} 1-00} 1:00] 1-00] 1-00) 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1:00 -70| - | 14:85] 16:50] 17 18 | - | 1:00} 1:00) 1-00} 1-00} 1-00] 1-00) 1-00) 1-00} 1-00] 1-00] 1-00) 1-00] 1:00] 1-00] 1-00/ -75| - | 15-75] 1656] 18 19 | 12} 1-00] 1-00) 1-00] 1-00} 1-00] 1-00} 1-00/ 1-00} 1-00! 1-00; 1-00} 1:00! 1-00! 1-00' -g3/ -40) - | 15:35] 16-62! 19 20 | 10} 1-00] 1:00} 1:00) 1-00) 1-00] 1-00} 1:00} 1-00} 1-00) 1-00] 1-00! 1-00} 92} 1:00) 1-00, -80; - | 15:82] 16-68] 20 21 | - | 90] 1-00) 1-00] 1:00} 1:00} 1:00} 1:00] 1-00} 1-00] 1-00} 1-00] 1-00) 1-00] 1:00) 1:00 -76| - | 15-66] 16-74] 21 22 | - | +95) 1-00} 1-00! 1-00] 1-00) 1:00} 1-00] 1-00} -90| 1-00] 1-00) 1-00] 1:00] 1:00 1-00) -90) - | 15-75] 16-80} 22 23 | +18} 1:00) 1-00] 1-00] 1:00] 1-00) 1-00} 1-00) 1-00] 1-00] 1-00) 1-00} 1-00] 1:00] 1:00) 1-00] 1-00, +15] 16-33] 16°86] 23 24 24} 1:00} 1-00] 1-00) 1-00) 1-00] 1-00] 1:00] 1-00] 1:00| -78, -20/ - | - | —- | = | = 9 10:22 1 ae-oneezs OB Wee ee See el oral cael een ees) = = = | = = 16°96 | 25 6 Pe = =|) Lee ee ee tt Le ha 18} 20) - 0:38] 17-02] 26 Zi] =. | = 48} -47| -07| -23} -14} 1:00/ 97] -05) -36/ -14| - 05) bea | ea 3:96 | 17:07] 27 Pa Moe ee fees rail eel ede Cn oily|. ost | = ae en Ce ieee eh 066] 17:12] 28 BD ey eee IS ol ee | |, eee a ter Ie a 26| 10 =| = 0:36] 17:16] 29 By Pepe eae Eel Pe OS a ee O21 -15| -t0| -27| -32| -03] -75 -33| — | < 1:97 | 17:21] 30 Bi ee =) 0g) i) 06 a) a eee | eee) 83) 20, are ei wil e-Golly 4a ee 4:21] 17:26] 31 Sum. | 0:64) 7-54) 11-09] 11-53) 10°31} 9-99] 10-47] 11:42! 11-30] 10°59] 11-59] 10:90] 9-44] 8-56] 8:85| 8-43| 5-92) 0-15] 158-72 | 508-40 | Sum. SUNSHINE. JUNE 1897. |) ee fp 42| 40) - 63} 40) - | - | - | - | - | - | = | - | = 1:85 | 17°30 1 2 - - ~ - - - - 25] °95| °67| °86) °24| — - - - - 2°97 17°34 2 3 S = = = = = = = = = *22| *10} 20) +94} 1:00) 1°00) 1:00} -°31 4°77 17°38 3 4 - Stil) ollG) 8) 60} +40) 1:00) 1:00) -100} 1:00} 1°00) 1:00) 1:00; 1:00) 1:00) -59) -19) — 11°47 17°42 4 5 - 62} °18) °57| °23) +46) -62) -98} 88] 1°00) 1°00) -98) -42) :07| -73) °40) — - 9°14 17°46 5 6 = 95) - 32 = = oyl| = = = = - - - = - 0:84 | 17:49 6 7 = = = = SS = = = 05} 16] - - - - 0-21} 17°52 ai 8 - - 27| 1°00} -28} - 80) 1:00} 1°00} 1:00) 1:00) 1°00) 1:00} 1°00) 1:00) -53) —- - 10°88 17°55 8 9 - = - - - - - - - Ay WP Be rey als) S - 1:19 17°58 9 10 = ae s s = : S = = = = = 05) 28) - = = 0:33 | 17°61 10 7h at bse PER a OM Pe Sy | Hh Ce IN MO oe Sat RCN seg ICL SID at — | i762 rie i Pee mam A ead I aM De et) oh || a a Sal Sea tt = 1 176en ez, 13 - - - - - — | = - - 08) 25) :51) -03) <-20) -23} 40) — - 1:70 17°68 13 14 a ‘- a 2 & E f s s = = = = = a = - - 17°70 14 15 $ 12 Ee a x a i 5 = = = = a = = = - 17°71 15 16 u = = = = ae = = = = = = = = ~ - - ~ 17°72 16 17 ES a = = ie s 07; - = 09] - = = = = = = - 016} 17°73 17 18 = = v = = = s = = = = = = = = = - - 17°74 18 10, alee he teal Pe Sk 77| 61} +48] 12) 40/25] - a@| = || = | =» | = | = 2:82] 17:74] 19 20 = = ee = = a") SF ee = |] = el an NPN ea Ht - - 17°75 20 21 Bd = = i. Es z = = = = = = = = = = |e - - 17°75 21 mn eae CN Fame a eae ee ee ie eT] sf TN A a Pie Rr ee I I = 1 17-75 ieee og, (| Ser: aineeyell, wee al ee es cia Eg ee ee, Pa - | 17-75] 23 24 - 20; 1:00) 1°00; 1:00) 90; 44) -27) :45] 88) -82} 1°00) -36} :22) -29} -21) 60) - 9°64 1774 24 25 - =a - - - 10) +14) + °98] 1°00) :98} °65) -04) <16) — - - - 4°05 17°74 25 26 = z = = = = x S = = = = = - - 17°78 26 of |e Sales ae ees ears he = = 116 S| | ee 44| +35] -21) +82) +10} - 142 17-72] 27 28 = = - = = 05]; - = = = = = = - - - - = 0:05 | 17°71 28 29 = 10} 10) + °42) +70) +21) *41} 49) 69) 97! “100 -74) -77| Ot) 75) = - - 819} 17°69 29 30 - "93! -41; 87} 1:00) +95; :97) ‘1l) - - - - - - - - - - 5:24 17°67 30 Sum. - 2°21) 2°48) 5:06| 8°81) 3°74) 5°02) 5:30) 5°77) 7°37| 7°19] 6°99) 4:96) 5°38) 5°86) 3°58) 1°89) 0°31] 76°92 | 528-97 | Sum. FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. SUNSHINE. Hours—ror Hour, Loca, Mzan Tig, ENDING— MAY 1897. Selon 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10) Te ae iene ina | 15 |) Teo) ais) |) 198) 200). 21 |) Rotals Possible: mes es) 49) — | = fom Tosh ooessT — | 06) ee ee cea eh 1:83 | 13:40 1 aoe = | —-| = | 26) 200 Se! =10)) -42))) -e3il) 63)| eez6ln ia 3°33 | 13°50 2 Sea | “18'| 52) 44) 17] -68) <1) B64 23] -62] -20) = | -45| 10) = | — | = 421] 13-60 3 4 2 = = = 26| - = = = 6 = = 2 a = = = = 0:26 | 13-70 4 5B} — | = | — | 04] -09| 57] -30/ -70| 63} -81] -96/1-00| -68| -37| -25] -21/ - | - 6-61 |. 13°80 5 6 | - | - | - |_-_| :04] 63) -83] +54] -04] 68] -82] -04/ -o2] - | -23| -05/ - | - 3:92 | 13-90 6 eel! 1:00) 46) — leat oo | Kl) ee ee eal 2:22 | 14:00 7 See is) - | = | = | = | See 8 tol! -75| 60) 20] *-4n | 033) =) = 2:09 | 14:10 8 Sei | 12) 17) 22) -83) =70)) <7) “80 “98! 57] -32| -64) 48] 29) — |) = | = 6-19] 14°15 9 10 | - | - | - | - | -42] -46] 38] 11] - | -16] -60| -45| -47/1-00/ -48| 63) - | - 516} 14:20} 10 See | = | — | = | fee | 2 ee tat 49) -76| 24) 95)! 884] 17) — | = 253] 14:30] 11 ae | — | — | = | = | = |. 31) 04) 10% -48) — | -25| 50] 19} 91) 12) - | — 285] 14:35] 12 13 | - | — | 37] 1:00] 1-00 | 1-00] 1:00] 1-00|1-00}1:00/1-00| -90/ 50] 02} - | - | - | - 979] 1440] 13 14 . = a 2 cs = - = bs = a as = = = = = = - 14°45 14 15 x = = = = = = 07) - = = = = = ‘07 | - - O14] 14°55 15 16 | - | — | :76| 1:00] 1-00} 1-00 | 1-00] 1-00 | 1:00] 1:€0| 1-00 / 1-00] 1:00] 1:00/1-00| -5s2| - | - | 13-28] 14-65] 16 17 | - | =_ | 24] 1:00} 1-00 | 1-00 | 1-00 | 1-00 | 1:00} 1-00 | 1-00 | 1:00 | 1-00} 1:00 1-00} -92) - | - | 1816] 14:70] 17 18 | — | °81]1-00] -88 | 1-00 | 1-00 | 1:00 | 1-00 | 1-00} 1-00 | 1:00 | 1:00 | 1:00 | 1-00 | 1:00} 1-00] -06| - | 14:25] 14:75] 18 19 | - | *71] 1-00} 1-00 | 1-00 | 1-00 | 1-00 | 1-00 | 1:00} 1:00] 1:00 / 1-00] 1:00 1:00| 1-00] -77| -02| - | 14:50] 14:85] 19 20 | - | °65} 1-00] 1-00 | 1-00 | 1-00 | 1-00 | 1-00 | 1:00} 1:00 | 1-00 | 1:00 | 1:00 | 1-00} 1-00] 1-00} -07| - | la-72] 14:95] 20 21 | - | °62|1-00| 1:00} 1-00 | 1-00 | 1-00 | 1-00 | 1:00 } 1-00 | 1:00 | 1-00 | 1:00 | 1:00 | 1:00] 1-00] -07| - | 14:69] 15:00] 21 22 | - | - | - | = | 47] 1-00] 1-00} 1-00 | 1:00} 1:00 | 1-00 | 1-00 | 1:00 | 1:00 | 1-00] 1:00) :20} - } 11°67} 15-02] 22 23 | - | °72) 1-00} 1-00} 1-00 | 1-00, 1-00 | 1-00 | 1:00} 1-00 | 1:00} 1:00 | 1:00 | 1:00 ; 1:00] 1:00; *18] - | 1490] 15:04] 23 24 | — | - | 02} -01/ -65|1:00/ 1:00}1-00/1-00}1:00} -94/ 13) 11| - | - | - | - | - 6:86] 15:06] 24 Cee — | — | —- 10) 4938) ew wogieos) = | — | = | 2 i) = | Se 1:24] 15:08] 25 96 | - SS SSS re = || al A Se eH) S| SL ee 216] 15°10} 26 ae | — || 07) 81/100) 96 1-00\)1-00)) 62) “67 | 28) — | 02) - | = | = = 6-47] 15-12] 27 ome ee 62,|) “18)|/ 68) 68 | -32'|| Oo isp — | = | =.) - | = | Saha 378] 15:14] 28 Peele 1b i 86)|) 53) “04 — | = | 2) | Se onit4| — | 56) 46, 10) = I= i = 311] 15:16] 29 oe i= | 07) 58) “Bl | -30)|) 94) -93) -56)| -01 |) +38) -45| -79\| -21 | = | = |! = 548] 15:18] 30 Biles 65| +53/1:00| -43/1-00| -55| -78] -90| -82| -63| -71/ -01| :02| -22] .33] - 8:58] 15:20] 31 Sum. | - | 3-22 | 9-83 | 11-49} 14-11] 15°14) 16-46] 16-24! 15-18] 16-43] 16-53] 14-90| 14-31) 13-37] 12:59] 9-25 | 0-93] -— | 199-98 | 450-40 | Sum. SUNSHINE. JUNE 1897. ee | | 04) 2) Obi) eee = = | = | oS \t Sales 0-49 | 15-22 1 Seles) 02) 73) 31) =| = | 87) OOF G84) -O1"|-1-00))1-00| 44) 10) = |= || = 712] 15-24 2 ee | i = | = | Ol) — | = = i eeeie-09) 10) -38:'| 1-00) 1-00'| 1:00), 50), = 4:08 | 15-26 3 4 | - | — | — | :05/1:00] -76|1-0C | 1-00} 1-00} 1-00 | 1-00} 1-00 | 1:00} 1:00 1-00} -59] -32] - | 11-72] 15-28 4 5 | — | 11} -25| 1:00} -100 | 1-00 | 1:00 | 1-00 | 1:00] 1:00 | 1:00 | 1:00 | 1:00 | 1:00} 1-00} -67| - | - | 13-03] 15-30 5 3 |) 2 i eee |) Soe ee ee 2 = 15°33 6 eee ie PS eh S| ee egy | 49 |, 14) -ep.) 99 Se 1-44] 15-36 7 8 | - | +76} 1-00 | 1-00 | 1-00 | 1-00 | 1-00 | 1-00 | 1-00] 1:00 | 1:00 | 1:00 | 1:00} 1:00] 1:00} 1:00} -48] - | 16:24] 15-40 8 9 | — | °75; 1:00} 1-00} 1-00] 1-00; 1:00/1:00!1:00]1-00; -78) -49| 54] 12); 09; - | - | - | 10-77] 15-45 9 ee ea || =} 46 | ed ota me = | ee ee 110] 15:50] 10 11 = = = 2 = = = = = = = = = - - - - - 15-60 11 Cees Sy le le eee i | oe eee = 15-70] 12 meee | ae |) ee ales 1-00;|) -02' | -48 |) 62) 18!) Seq = 3:77] 15:72] 13 Pewee te |e | oe me ee ee eee | 208"), --80)] 1-00'))1-00;- 48" Sey = 3°36] 15:74] 14 een e26) | 28)) = || -30) 04) 14) OL OoMosiee | = | | — | 2 as 1:08] 15:76] 15 ee oe te Sf me | es edo)| 81 | 1-00) “=46)]) <90i|. 04 |e = 230] 15:78] 16 eee 26) 11) — | -23 | 87 rea poNeegimeiai| -d6 31) —.| — | = |= | = 3:71} 15°80] 17 ao = |) = | = | = | = | = | = | SON 2a) -72\|1-00) -70/1-00) +96) br) - | — 523] 15:81] 18 Pei ie = || “81 :60| -71') -83)|) =56)) “54pt00)/ “bei = 1 35| — | = | = |) = 4 = 598] 15°32] 19 a 26) S72) = | = | = abr to eraueaD| oe) = | 021, OL) = = | = 2:46 | 15°83] 20 See =| 10) “14 43) “15 P00) 28 Peto 10) 15) *22)) -81 | 53 = = 3-68] 15°33] 21 el 05h = i | oy ie eee | ee 012] 15°83] 22 See Pe elo | oe ees |) = | | a hee = 15°83] 23 24 | - | - | -26| 43] -100|2-00/1-00] 93} 1-00]1-00| 1-00 | 1:00/ 1-00} 1-00} 1-00] 51} 63; - | 12-76] 15-82] 24 2 | —- | — | -06] -41] -34/ -92] -88/1-00| -9591-00/1-00) -20| -04/ -25/ - | - | - |] - 7:05] 15°81] 25 Poe ie Fo) |e | ODN OS ee eae seo. |. -O1 |) 56) 2485) Ob = 1:25] 15:80] 26 Cee le | 04) 66) “81-04 Soa Nee | = ob 18) “OT +271) “83k -B0y = 3:98] 15:78] 27 es Sn OR ae oh Se RS ee eS [| ae eee 0-08] 15:76] 28 29 | - | - | -49| -91] :74/1:00| 77] -30] -10} -98]1-00] -80] -35| -96/1:00] -52) - | - 9:92] 15-74] 29 30 | = | 16] ‘b6| -93/1:00/1-00|1-00| -41/ — ff -70) -87| 07) - | - | - | - | =q7 - 6-70] 15:72] 30 Sum. | - | 2°11 | 4-63 | 8-29 | 9-17 | 10-41) 963 | 10-67] 8-48 | 11-20] 10-76! 10-43] 11-02] 11:55] 10°64) 7-61 | 2°32) - | 138-92] 468-82 | Sum. 431 43: BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. SUNSHINE. Hours—ror Hour, Locat MEAN TIME, ENDING— JULY 1897. 4/5 )617 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Wt | toh ie ae | i | 16 | aR 1 18 | io | 20 | oi | Totaly teossinte: 1] =| =| =} =} = | -08] -28) -t5)> -Gol 20) 68) 1-00) -7o| <50) -84\ i-00| = |) = 6-23 | 17°65 1 Pielke Se 98). *55|, 244) +98) §-29| =| ae = | = || = ee eae 254] 17:63 2 Sf Sl Se ae So a eee eee Oe i i ee ee ee = 17°60 3 ee eg er oe ee eer ees eat eee eet S || = | = SR ES et ees ie =. 17:37 4 Se ees lee [Ss S|) Se ee ce | c= | ee ae eae = 17°54 5 6-9) a) Sot Set Pe SS) See ee) tS Pa eee mee ee B 17-51 6 TN eel eh ee a ae ree mee |) tee ee ee ee = 17°48 "i Oe een (ee en ea (ee er) | eee | ee ee = 17°44 8 OF 4 Petes Sle el 2 ee eee a rel | ee a ee ee = 17°40 9 TOR el shee Sie wilson ee 03] 1-00-98] -27| -06) -54) 1-00] 1-00] 1-00 -30] 6-18] 17:36] 10 ulti |e 50} 1:00, +90) 1-00} 1:00} 1:00} 1-00} 1-00} 1:00) 1-00} 1-00] 1-00} 1-00] 1:00] 1-00] 1-00] 70} 16-10] 17-32] © 11 12 | - | +77| 1:00) 1-00} 1-00] 1-00} 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1:00] 1-00] 1-00) -93/ 72) 60; -15] — | - | 13847] 17:28] 12 13 | — | +80} 1-00 1-00] 1-00} 1-00} 1:00] 1-00] 1-00} 1-00} 1-00] 1:00] 1-00] 1-00) 1-00] 1-00] 1-00/ -30) 16-10} 17:24] 13 14 | - | +70] 1:00} 1-00] 1-00} 3-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00} 1-00) 1-00) 1-00 1-00/ 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00) so) 16-20] 17:19] 14 15 | - | +77| 1:00) 1:00} 1-00] 1-00} 1-00) 1-00} 1-00} 1:00] 1-00} 1-00} 1-00) 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] -15) 15-92] 17:14] 15 16 | - | -80| 1-00) 1-00} 1-00] 1-00} 1-00] 1-00} 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00) -95) -95] -72} - | - | 1442] 17-09] 16 fae eee ee ee Rt en ee ae). || SC) a se did ctoll see 0-64] 17:04] 17 18 | - | — | +45 1-00} 1-00} 1-00} 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1:00} 1:00} 1-00] 1-00) 1-00] 1-00] 1:00] -80o| - | 14:25] 16-99] 18 19 | - | - | - | -33} 14} -65] 1-00] 1-00] -75{ -46| -79| -71| 1-00] -70| -98| -55] - | — 9:06] 16-94] . 19 2 b= | = 1 = | = |= | Sb SS aaleo0| 89) 61) 41) = |) 26) 83) eAole “07 4740 lo comme 21 | - | 50] 1-00 1-00] 1-00] 1-00} 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1:00] 1:00] -31/ -27/ - | - | - | - |.- | 10-08] 1683] 21 DOSE Seg i ly coe eae ||| os een ema ee || on On ea es ee ee 0:29} 16:77] 22 23 =|) Shit 1-001 1:00) 05/) Sh3ibe eae een meme eat) ST eee ee eet ee eee 3:83] 16-72] 23 m4 | 2 2 Vibe eee tee OSM eco ee) = | = SA ee eer ee 017] 16-66} 24 Te SE Se) Ses ee ee) s. || act) ee 20|) ~09) =04i | ees | 0-49] 16-60} 25 GaN e ih Sele ea ee ee || Ses eee ea ee We mes ee | Pal ie = 16:54] 26 7 SNS Ee Sl Se eee |, Slo ee eel ee s 16-48 | 27 a (eee (aa) Ve) Benen eS hace). oi7ih] cat a ee eT EL Bet Pass 102] 16-41] 28 99 Ne Se. \e bale “Bell | eee se ol S|) ao ely See ee ee 110] 16:35] 29 30 | - | - | - | 80} 1:00] 1-00) 1-00] 1-00) 1-00] 1:00] 1-00} -83] 1-00) -34) -30)/ - | - | - | 10-27] 16-28] 30 81 | = | = | = | = | = | = || 259) a5) 4) 45! -90! 1-00) 1-00] 1-00] 1:00)' 1-00) “=19\) = 7:36] 16:22] 31 Sum. | ~ | 5-24) 8-73 11-28) 1111) 1119/1134) 10-77) 11-82] 12-47] 13-24) 11°93] 11°62, 9°79] 10-93] 1025] 6-48) 2-09 170-21 | 528-16 | Sum. SUNSHINE. AUGUST 1897. |e ea) se cei cash L0G Sey ee te || sa espe) cee Se 4-14| 1615 1 pa |e eh | ee eee cee =) ce. y| em im i Ey leh sll = 16-09 2 Se eee ool) -ogie10 sae 30] 19] -67) 38] -04| - 59} 06} -80) 14) — 3:12] 16-02 3 4 | —- | - | — | +12] 1-00] -55] +16] -41| -76| 46) -82] - SM PES a YS) 5°32 | 15-95 4 Bol =) een CL0|) we 86-07 ee eee emer cl) 031) es ieee een mee ena |e 2°63 | 15-88 5 ca esse Wefan | ae ne ea Fhe | fc! | ae i (taal eae ee i |e as 15‘81 6 TON el eee | Se Me hee eee eee aoe ee 11 eee ea ee ee 2 15°74 7 Sb ea Se eae 3 eee e-02)) -4|> --D0i, a ee eee ees eee ee 0-51 | 15-67 8 PY ce Wes eel Pah ee 75\ =o alt POs) Oo) 84] = | = eee et eee 1:85] 15-60] 9 TQ ape eh cay ies lt TO ET iG ex |p 20] ee ee Ie Peet ef | 8 143] 15°52] 10 = oo ifsc | a | ene ae |e = a ee ie ee een, eh | - 15-45] 11 12 ee Se) 02/0 58) een | aerogenes) 08) =o) |) em S26 | Sil eee ae 1:78} 15°38] 12 ges (eagle ein | cael |, | i a eek | Al ee fe 15:31] 18 RS a Oe er ee eee Sh =. Mem (Gace tes, || al el ee 0-20] 15:24] 14 15 2B DE Oh | ee te |) eB Ole i ae ee rere eee es 0-66] 1516]- 15 BB Be Ty Bell os) Pe a) aoe el De | | ee ee 8 eae ee | (ee = 15-09] 16 By ALT eG et ER EE ic | Pee Neel ee NP een = 15-01] 17 5° Ween ae SE ees || ae ee il | Sade dh es lS Wa Sal ee 054] 14:94] 18 196 ea | ee ee en HO Spee ey Se fs ce |e 010} 14:87} 19 Bo" eek Sle Sy ier ay | | A Be fh 2 MOMSEN, See = 14:79] 20 3 ay (es (em ae en | eres espe eT sf 09] Bi) 54) 68) 40) = |) = |) = 216] 14-71] 21 Do alos 26') -99] 18) eel eciig|mmeos mercy med: =) ||) 2 Cg eee eee eee en ee 206 | 14:64! 22 23 Pas SAE. (he) | Sead eee ee em | ee Se a eS 0-45] 14:56] 23 a Oe ee | = TiO SH) iG) = || Sy eS | a | ee O61] 14:48] 24 25 PN ee Se toy a7) i na mee a Se oh er ee eee eg en (eee 0-29] 14:40] 25 O68 Pat ae Reem er |e | ete eee ere |e 0-05} 14:32] 26 yy ap Sy ei | 2) 4e seo ec oomet po 2 7b) 25) “6b| “Bale ol) eee 651] 14:25] 27 BB | Se) SP le ee ees eee 8 |) 30; — ly eet eee ieee ee 0:30] 14:17] 28 ae ee es (pee | ee ee lh | | Og eC a eh eae = 1410] 29 BO =p SPE La ee eG) eee eee a se = 14:03] 30 Gm (emi es Ur | ee Ve eRe (ee esi a le} co. Weep 0:03 | 13:95] 3 Sum | - | 0:26 1-47) 2-35] 4-14] 3-77] 3-31] 4-32] 2-45) 3-48) 1-70] 2-38] 3-19} 0-94) 0-94) 0-14] - | 34-84] 467-28 | Sum. | FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 433 SUNSHINE. Hours—-ror Hour, Loca MEAN TIME, ENDING—— JULY 1897. Bees) <6) 7 | 8 | 9 | 10) We wept as | 14 | 15 | te: | 17) Sis) | ao 200 set ti totaly WPossible, | _ Hh ne LA (es SA A aR OY |S | tea = | = | - | — | - | = | sat) = | = | +77/ 1-00) 1-00] 1-00) 1-00) 1-00) 51) = 6-49] 15-70] 1 Pale | = G2 “74-05, -79) 702) == (3) ae Ae Ses fe Se Se 250] 1560] 2 2.) ae ei Sener = Mees NS = 1550] 3 Pei |= | 09) -20)) ye ES) eC) PSN iy) ee ee Se 1:33] 15-45] 4 5 | a Dee A we | Se, eae a BR eee fee Ih S| REE J a 1540] 5 fan) =| = = |, 401) 76 ee7emeeeeoaier = | 210), -24l) 230s eee en l= 3:50] 15:36] 6 faje—e| — | - | - | — | 29) = | 18) “oil +63) -58| -80| 1-00 97] 1-00) -95)) “24! — 6:80] 15:33] 7 2) ae 2 a eee |, <4)! =e) ag ene Reena eee reel erg” ee _ 1530] 8 mee | - | 8 — | - | a0 eee = | - | - 1}, a = Sf = 0:95] 15:28] 9 10 | - | - | - | - | -28} 05) -12} -12} -24 90} 92] 1-00] -42] 1-00] 1-00] -92] -57] - 754] 15:26] 10 a |) = 43) +94] 1-00] 1-00} 1-00] 1-00] 1-00) 1-00} 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00) 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] -57] - | 1494] 15-24] 11 |) 70| 1-00} 1-00] 1-00} 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1:00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] -78} - | - | - | - | 1248] 15-22] 12 13 | - | 75] 1:00) 1-00] 1-00 1-00} 1-00} 1-00] 1-00} 1-00) 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] -40) - ] 1515] 15:20] 18 | 68} 1-00} 1-00] 1-00} 1-00] 1-00) 1-00) 1-00] 1-00] 1-00} 1-00} 1-00] 1-00) 1-00] 1-00} -39] - | 15°07] 1518] 14 5p |) = 62| 1-00) 1-00 1-00] 1-00} 1-00} 1-00) 1-00} 1:00) 1:00] 1-00! 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] -47) - | 15-09] 15-16] 15 i | = 66] 1-00} 1-00] 1-00] 1:00] 1-00] 1-00 1-00] 1:00) 1-00} 1-00] 1-00] -82| +75] -22) - | - | 13-45] 1514] 16 eee ie) = | =| 1 = olatie |) 11) 36) = = eS ane O91} 1512] 17 a | = 65] 1-00} 1:00] 1-00) 1-00) 1-00} 1:00} 1-00) 1:00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00) 1-00] -30) - | 13°95] 15-10] 18 fie | — | - 20) 05] 65] 1:00] 1:00, 74] -78| 1-00] -40| 90) -45| -53| -30) “10| - 810] 15-08] 19 m=.’ | = - | - | - | = | = | <08] 09] +44) -80) -48) -76] 1:00] 1-00] 30) - 4:95} 15:06] 20 21 | - | -27| 1-00} 90] 1-00] 1:00] 1-00] 1:00] 1-00} 1:00] 1-00) -go} -44) - | - | - | - | = | 10-41] 15-04] 21 See | | —- | - | - | - | :34| <79) -681 “68! 1:00] -93 - oy) ey) al) = 516] 1502] 22 eee) 186 “O5) coe) = |) laa esieeeig| = |) =< | | eo ee 2:99} 15:00] 23 eee = | — |. “Osis “10 25), none) = | 03) = |S 2 = 050] 14:95] 24 | 10) - | - | - | - | +80, 75] +94] -79) -71) 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 91) - | - 8:00} 14:85] 25 fem; = | - | -)-) - Seer §|5 83) 2810 27 oe ee 0-88} 14-75] 26 eee = | = | = | =) 2 Sa Oy aq = | = |= 0-06} 14:70] 27 eee |) = i) OL) 308) 23 Oe a | le Se ee 0-79] 14:65] 28 ees i 28 0) = fe — | it 08 = = =| = | = 0-47] 14:55] 29 30 | - | - | - | -28| 49] -29) -42| 92] 1-00} 1-00] 1:00] 1-00] 1-00) -29| -44| - | = | - 813] 14:45] 30 eee | - | - | = | = | 42 = 34] 56] -96/ 1-00} 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] -91) - | - 719] 14-40] 31 Sum. | - | 4-1]| 7:71/ 9-72) 10-01] 11-27| 11-31] 13:85] 13-94} 15-36] 16-07|16 -28] 15-20| 13-90] 13-52] 11-58] 3-95| - } 187-78 | 468-04 | Sum SUNSHINE. AUGUST 1897. me) = | - | = | - | 3a “76| -96] 1-00) +45) -09 = | Ws) = = i) = 3°67] 14:35] 1 ene ee eee oa = | ee 0-04] 14:30] 2 cee |. = | = | 2a) -08 70| -28] -68| 03 = 40| - Syl =) = 273] 1420] 3 4 | - | - | - | -13] -86] 58] -90/ 93] -55) +20) 1-00/ -94) -47/ -18) - = | = 674] 1415] 4 ie | = || 57] 1-00] 1-00) 1-00/ +90) 29%) <42l)%-29| -44) ga) - | - | = | = | 2 6-48] 14:10] 5 oe) = 45) -38| 22] 06] 41) 21] -10| 02] -27/ - | -o9| -12) - | = | = 2:33 | 14:00 6 ese = | lo |) Ose aalmecciameeome-ole = | = |) = |= 112] 1390] 7 Pee 10)e— |) 12) 338i 65] “64-47 ial aa ced) te) = | 2 | — | = = 3:94] 13:80] 8 9) - | - | - | - | 64] 1-00) 97) -67| :20f -46] -48| 1:00} -97/ 1-00] 1-00] -66] - | - 9:05 | 13-70 9 | ee = 0-08) 1-00) 83) 86) 35) Ae eae | = | ee 3:61] 1360] 10 | Ee ss le eee Spe | =} = | = = 13:50} 11 2 | 13-55] -77| 48) 29] -43) - ol] Sh 2 as ye et = 2:86] 13-40] 12 a i ee ee ee Eye) =) = = 13°30] 18 Pee | | | = | =<] 463] 82! 1-00) 1-00)! Sai G49) De) be] -63) 12] - |= | = 6°37 | 13°25] 14 aie | | SO eC SG) SS || Su) <0) Ho) Seo SN es = | = 293 | 13:20] 15 a | 08} -10| 31) -37/ - | 02] 05) -20) — | 34) oe] - | - | - | = 148] 13-10] 16 eee | || 02) 10) 10) oe toll) -10| | -39/| 24) = 1:07} 13-00] 17 18 | - | — | 35] 1-00] -37| 86] -83/ -78] 93) 30] 1-00| 1-00] 1-00] 1-00] 1-00) -41] - | - | 10:83] 12:90] 18 fo = | = | 03} — | - | -27| :75| -03| -14 -46] -40) -65] -45| 50] 68; 13] — | — 4:49 | 12:80] 19 eee eh | ee ane | | ee ill Seale = 12:70] 20 Pies |= | 18] 22) 10! 30) -14| -O7) => => = — => = — 12 1 | i |) nl 13 2! 0} OJ =/=/e= 9/10) =] 9110) 107 10) 10 | 10; 10/ 10 | 10) lo} 10) 9} 10 14 6/10) 8) =) =] =2)/ =)/=/=/=/=)] 97 9) =] =) =/10/10)=)/=/=/= 15 8) 2/10) =] =)=)=/=)] 7] 5] 2) 47 0} OF OF} 6] 6} 8} 8} 10) 10) 10 16 | 10/10/10) 10} 10) =| 10} 10)10/10)10/10}10|)10;} 4/] 1) 1] 8] 6} 0} 8} 9 17 |=/ 8/=/ 1] 1] 9) 9] 9/] 9} 9} 9/107 8) 9 BBB) =/=/=] 0l= 18 =/10)}=);10}/=/=/=!/1=)] 8] 8/10] 4] 5! 4] 7; 9] 4] 1} 8] 1] 0} O 19 38/ 0] 0] 4/= 4,;=/=/= 5) 0] OF 2| 8) =)=/= 5|=|10) 5! 4 20 |10}10/10) 4; 8| 7) 5] 7] 0} O} = =] =)]=/=/=,] 0; OF; 0! 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SlelSa/=)=)= 4 ore 2 0 2 5 = — | i i a a 7| 8/= 3/=] 6] 9 6 |10/10/10|10)10) =) =) =) =] =] =] =7 10] 10/10] =/10/10/10|} 8| 7| 7 “ff QO} O} O}] OF ©) GT @) OF ©} OF OF Slj]l(ele/e le =)/=/=—lele 8 — i 2 2 — 2 2) = = SHSlPH fy], =/=/=)/=;/= Sn VO 2 10 = SS SSS SSS 1) OO SS SSS SS OY SS) SS | = 3 11 =/= = =) =) ©) OF 8 Oi) OF 8) SS =! oO] ©) ©] O} © 12 (i) ON Bale a Or oy “iy wy O} ON Oil Oi Oy) al 1 3 Oey] wai Sy Bh 13 = = = = = = — = = = — — — = = — — — — — = = 14 — a OO 2 2 2 15 SHSl=Hl/=],=)/= 1 — Or 16 SHSlPHy_H{],=|/=/= or 2 18 — = = — 19 | =| =| 10} 10 = =| ee ee ee ee eee 20 — i rr 2 2 2 2 21 = 10 — ef 2 fe PU 22 — a — 2 2 2 222 2 — 2 2 — 23 — ar — fi fe — 2 2 2 fe 0 2 2 002 00 0 a 2 24 — i 2 2 2 25 — a OV te | 9 te ee re 26 SS SS SS SSS SS SS SS SS SS SS aS aS aa SS aS aS Sais 27 — i — ir 2 ee — 2 2 2 2 2 2 — 28 =Sl=/=/=/= res aU) |) fc} |) kdl 8) 0) RSS SS eS SS St SS Sete || = MEAN. | 9'1 | 8°7 | 86 | 8°6 | 8°7 | 8:2 | 8°5 | 9:0 | 8°5 | 8:5 | 8°6 | 9-2] 8-9 | 9:2 | 9:41 9°3 | 9°6 | 9:2 | 8°7 | 9-2 | 8:9] 8-7 | 8:8 WAM AM MN co MM co STM ell WE UL TM tH MH = — _ eH wo wooomw Common H HH oo OOO BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 451 CLOUD. AMOUNT OF CLOUD (0-10). MARCH 1897. 1/2/3/4/5]61]7]8 | 9] 10]11| 12413] 14| 15 | 16] 17] 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 28 nent Mean 1 =S/=/|= = = = = =/\= =| =)|= — = 10 DS eS eS SS eS SS Se = 10 =/= = = = = 10 8 = /=r=/=/= 38/10); =/=|,= SPH =/)=/=/=)/=/=)/=/=)/=/=2 = 10 4 SHSlH)iy=/= = = = =/= = SPH I,=H/=);= = 10 pa S| =)=)=) 4) 1) 7) ef rt} 2) 816 = = =a = 8 6 == — a ei 2 or eo i a 2 2 er = 10 Wf SHSpHl/=;=)/=/= 4;/= 7 6)/=)/=]7=/= 0 SHSlpHl_=H=l_=/=),=/s= = 9 8 | =|/=/=/= = |) => | S| = — = = = = 10 9 }H)=/=/=/=/=2=)/=2 Sp] ),=)/ =F =/10) =] =] =/10) =) =)/=)/=)/= = 10 10 | =/=/=)=/=2=/=2/e= =/=/= = = =Sl=/=/=/= = 10 11 SPH) aH (= /=/=/=/=/=/=/=/= = SPS =/=/=)/= = 10 12 );=)/=/=/= = =| = SySH),=!/=/= = = 10 Wo=] =] =] =H B=) El Es EH) SEs Ef eS = | SS eS SS Se SE | Ee SL eS lS = 10 47)=/=)/)=/= = SP=]) =) =] = /=/=)/=)/=/=/= = 10 15 ESlHSl/=H)=/=)/=)/= =)/=/= SlpHl_=Hl=/=/=/=/=/=/=/= = 10 166 )=)=/)=/= = 5)/=)/=/=/=/= =/= SPH lHl/=/=)]/=/= = 10 17 SPH PH) =]/2=/=/=)/=/=)/=)/=)/= = = = = = 10° 18 = |= =| = =/=/)= = Sl =/=/= = 10 19 =/= =/= = SHSl=H/=)s= =/|= SljHl=Hsy=);,=/= = 10 200 |=|/= = | = = = =Sl/=|(/=/= = 10 21 2/=)/Ss)/=/=e/e — i i ee 2 2 = 10 22 SflH\)/=)/= = SPH] =) =F B=] =] BE) KE) BE) SE ES SE SE Es SE = 10 23 )|/=)/=/=/2=/=)/=2 Sf)=) =] =F =] =] =] =] 10/10/10); =)=)]=/= = 10 24 SlHi=;)=)/=/= — ae er er = 10 3 |=/= = HalHl=H(=/=/=/=7=2/=2/2/=/2=2/2/=/=/=/=/= = 10 YX 2 22 222 a ff i = 10 27 S/|= = SHSf=l=)/=/=]7=/=/=2 = = =/= = 10 98) =) =) =] =/=)/10| =)]= = = SleHl=/=/=/= = 10 9 }=/=/=/= = =) =])/10)| OG) Pl 4 Gl 4) Gi ey O} OF} &] 3 7 7 30. Amon LON eg | LON 7) LO) 85) LO ON Ga Sie eLOm LO) |) LO) =") =) LOS LON SON OR On 0 0 7 31 O} OF OF OF OF ON By i Ole Sy Gl) Si) Sy tay wy Hy By 7 Sy OF} O11 © 0 3 MEAN. | 9°5 | 9°5 | 9:7 | 9°6 | 9°7 | 9°2 | 9°1 | 9°7 | 9°5 | 9°3 | 9:4 | 9°71. 9°7 | 9°9 | 9°4| 9°S | 9:7 | 9°'7 | 9°8 | 9-4) 9:70) 91) 91) 93 9°5 | CLOUD. - APRIL 1897. 1 0O;/=)=/=2=/=/=. 7\= 5)/=/)/=/=]7=/=2 S)=/=/=/=/=/=/=/= = 9) P| Se) eS eS eS SS OF Oy Bao 2 7) ON VA Gy by 7) Sl 4) a7 oe] = = 7 3 SSS eS SS SS SS SS eS SS SS SS SS aS eS eS SS SS) = = 10 SS SS SSS SS SO Oy My) By) Oy | Oa ON ao ao) = SS |) = 10 5 0; 0; 0}; OF = /)=)/=/=/=/=2 i 1 || Oy} Fe 2 Oa ey ao) SS ES | = = 6 6 SPS /=)/=;|,= 6) = )/=)/=/=/=)/=]/=/= = = SlP=|= = 10 CS) Ee eS ea | a BS SS SF SS ft SF ES C120] SMO Goya) 8) to | lod | & 0 9 2 LLOp BR OF OF ON ON Oi] Oy OO) OS 7 Cy Cle vA wa ts dl 10;10/10); 7); = iB OS eS SS SS eS eee ee = =/= =Sl/=/=/=]/ = 0 TOS = St SS OS ea By ao) BB ey GY Sy Oy Sy Ol OF Bh OT} 7 6 11 7\ 7/|10) =} 10} 10} 10; 10; 10) 10; 10) 1lOJ=E)=ly=l/z);= =H=El=H/=/=] = 10 f= Sf ES ES = ff ES ES I = ES ES |] = |] =] 10] 10) = =Sl=/=/= = 10 13 Spel Hj /=/=/=/= er i = 10 14 i i ei i 2 i 2 0s = 9 =S/=;=/= = 10 15 Se SS SS SS ES SES ES BS ET ST = = = = = 10 16 =/ = — er 2 =/= = 10 17 = = Sl=/= = Spe] Sf] =H ] HE ES ESE] SE ES = = 10 18 | =/= = =/=/ 7) =/10)10) =/ =] =) =/=)/=/2=)/2=/=/= = 10 19 ee SS eS eS eS aS eS eS eS = =| = = 10 20 Bl Ol OO) OF} Wh OW Wl Oh Of SH) I 4 0) Sara Sy sp ey 2 oO) Sy = 9 5 21 D1 O} O} Uy By By Spey Hl =H) = 140]| ©] by) By) By oy Sy wy Oy Oy ©} Cc 0 4 22 oP Ol O] OF OO OF CO} MO ©} G) O}} OF Bi) 2p By Sy 2) Oy OO} O} Oo 0 1 23 Gl OF OF OO Oa oO} Ol oO) O] O} OF Ol Oy Zee ee] oO) oy 2 Oo 0 1 24 HH WN WO Gl Ba Ol Ba Oy Os) ALE © Ze By ee St ST GS ay @ 0 4 25 OO! =) 0} 0} O} Bi Fi 8) 10) ON seo 10) 8) 10) =) = SS SS | = =) 10 ii BB TO | TOV TO VIO | Ol Oy Bey 7 Ch wil So Wil GW ee ey 7 Oy ©} Ol Oo 0 6 27 O | O} Ol TW} Si wl 7 7a Sh Oto} ioO| Ss) = Soy ee) ey) 8) 8) =). o1=) = of ee SS SS SS SSS eS eS aS eS SSS SSS SS aS aS aS es 10 29 SS eS Sa SS eS SS tS SS eS SS Sa eS eS SS Ft aS ft SE Ee fs ES lS = 10 30 = SaaS aaa NS SS SS eS | SS SS SS StS SaaS aS eS te | ES SES SS = 10 Mean. | 7:2| 7:0 | 7:4} 7°31 7°7 | 7:4] 7:7 | 7:9 | 7:8 | 7°9 | 8:2 | 7-9] 7:8 | 8:2 | 8:3 | 8:3 | 8:0 | 82 | 8:2 | 8:0 | 83) 7:9) 81) 7:9 79 452 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. AMOUNT OF CLOUD (0-10). MAY 1897. 93 | Mid- night. Mean. MPT BI eM Co te tsi ee Ip allo) |] ata {) al) Palsy |) Wee yy alts silo th ate jy) afc} | ale) |] Aa) ) al |) Py 1 = |= 5s 2 2 2 2 2 = | = — a re Fi i 2 3 /=/=| =!) = = = SJSl=/=)/=/=/=2=/=/=/= 4 SHS l=|=) =/= = S)=|/=/=)/= SESlS/=]|/= BSP Hy], BH] =] =] =H) =) =/=/=/= S=Sl=)/=/= = =l/=|,= 6 SPH lHSl/Hl/Hl/ael/el/e/=/=2/e2)/=]= 8 9) 10) =.=] SS St SS SES ES if =/=/=)] 0 2 One 5) HS) Hl =H] y= | =) HE | El = = = 8 SHSlHl ee, e/ 2/2) 2/2/72) =2/=2)/=)710) =) ES, Els= EHSlPHs/=Sl/=];s= 9 HS] =]] =) Ee) 2/2) =/ 2/2/42) 2/27 =2/=/ =) =/=2 a 6] 8 a 2 ed a 2 2 =]10/10/10/= int — ar 2 2 2 a 10);/=)]= = WZ }=) =] =] =] =] =] =] =! 10} 8} 9] 10710] 10} 10] 10; 10 10 | 10 | 10 10 : a Be Bs 7 ZEN SS Fe GY) ol | ES yer) eS =| =/= = 4 SHESlHl_HeP B/E) 2/7 2/2/=2)/=/=/2]=2 S/= Sf), =|= = 15 = | = fj fH Sf EH fF HT =|] =} 10) 10) 8 9/10} 10 5 16 Ly eS 0) OW Ci oy Bl SB) Hi Op wee ey nt 0; 0 0; 0]; O 0 if 0} O| 0 OV Of OF OM) O}] | Si A Sy Ze Bl Oi 0; 0; O 0 18 ON] SON 20) 0; O| O} O}| O} OF O}| OF OF O} OF} OF} O 0; 0} O 0 19 Oi @ |) @ 0; O} O} O| OO} OF} OF OF OF O} OF} OF O P| by || al 3 20 1} 0} O Oo} O} OF OF OF MO} O} O |} O} wy Sy Si) ws 1] 0}. 0 0 21 CQ) | (4 al 1/ 0] O} O} O| O} OF 17 OF} OF} OF} DO} O 0; 0} 0 0 2 0; 0} O Ol! OF Of O} OF Of Ly By) 42 By wy Ay 2 0; 0; O alt Uy}, | a) a 2 4) 2) Bl Sl O)) By sy Ly @O} 3 @} iu | @ 0 OF) ROR NO 0{ O} O} Oj} O; O} Of 8] 6} 8} 9] 10] = =l/=/= = =Sl=/= = |= =}]=/]=/ 10; 10; 10]10; 10] 10/10] = SES l=/= = = 8 10 = 9 = = 9 10 =| 8 MU AM A ll i Lome I is] Db A ory re) IY AN TN TM ett for) ioe} lor) A e e a — Il Ul a Ilk HA Ment! Momcor sooco | IL AN UI cp Ill for) co © for) on IT TM ses cou Ilh I Stl tll alll oO A a for) ive} Ill colll coll Ill Il SII Ml colll I S | = [o>] © WoO CLOUD. So wo ba | Il Acs alles oS woollogn Il Ill Sco = e wo ao NI ae Il Sill 1 pa oo he fo) | co Olll Ill oolll NI oOo “NI oO Kn noo Nn MS ~I tr soo cabdllSsS IlScco Hoooo Sill Il Sill Ill oll NI j= Ss woarw6 NX ~I eS oeallill = —_ HW Meno Werte ORocS oll lll alll [o-) eo No = Mo Sllore owcce oll Il all Ml Sil MM MM MM Mt NOOCOCMOO COON OS FROrF Dd Soll Ill Ill ox He a on oa a ror) a } JUNE 1897. = CDOOND OP WNWr H+ colll Ill o Sill oll il oolll Illa S lll enillille eye ollle ra So OF = = Oo NOOWOO ra) (Tan ol aKa) AOonwow Il HaSeo S Is Swellls a wxaelllS cc coll! co I lll acoSae Sill ill It Ih HM coll S ool Ms IW All ollleo anil Ila I Hh tl Stl Ml IN UN AIL AIL UHL IE TI AE TL tt TN TN A a tit Wl cllS poSllla Il Ul et oom RH CON HH oor a ocoow co~~aill Ill ccocolll lll IH tl Stl Il ra) on I TN TM Sa Tl eo THT TI II co Ill TL UM ) = =)/ =) = a 2 = 2 | = Se S| = 5 = = = Sf SS SS aS tS | SS ] SES ES | S|] CS "4 28 SPH lfHEP ls /=/=/=/=/=)/= = SlHl/=Hl/=/=/=)/=/=/=/=2 = 29 = | SS) ES S| SE | = = =|=j/=/=)=\= Cy ya |) fb) a |) i 3 30 SHS /=/= 9} 0; 5);=] 0; OF O|} OF} OF =l]=li=l OO} OF] OO} OF OF} OF] OF = = MEAN. | 8°7 | 8:5 | 8°3 | 8°6 | 8:3 | 8°8 | 8:9 | 8:2 | 8:0 | 8°6 | 88 | 9:0] 9:2 | 9:1 | 8-7 | 9:1 | 8°8 | 9:2) 8:9 | 8:5) 89/83) 9:2) 8-7 CLOUD. OCTOBER 1897. 1 9/=] 6] 1] 6/=/e=2 =/|= = f=] =) 7) =] 5) 9 71 44 5) 6) 6 6 8 a, 2 6) 5) 7] 10} 10°) 10!) 10)) 10) SSS eS SS SS SS SS eS ft St Sd aS SS SS = 10 a 3 SHSl=Hy=fy =] =/ =] =] BE] EK] BE) ES EP Ee SE ES = S/=]= = 10 SS OS OV ON OO} Si a CO) 7) I yO alo ao ao So 7 7 Oy) HB 8 6 5 6) 5) 2] 2] 2) 6) =) 2) 2) 2=)/=/2=7=/2/=/2=/=/=/2=/2/=)/=/=] = 8 ~ 6 PH) Ee] BE] BE Sf ES] BE SE SS ES SE | EP EF SE BS] ES] 10) S|} ES] ES] 10] 7] 5] = 10 ~ 7 (A ee ee ee = 10 , 8S SS SSS SS aS aS SSS SS SS SS SaaS SS aS aS aS Ss SS SS = 10 10 SS eS SS SS SSS SSeS SS SS SS aS aS SS SSS SSS eS SS = 10 i |}=\|elelel(elelelelelelelellelelelelezlele =/=/=/ = | io 12 };=/=/10] 8) =/=)/=/ 2/2/22] =/=7=/=)/ 9) =/2+/=/=/10)/=)=/=] = 10 13 J=l)=)=/=) 9! 8) 6) 4) 10) =) =) Sy Se) =e) =] =] =] =) 7 2) 2) 66 66 0 8 14 Ap eh th SS eh) OF OF O} OO} Ou Ze bay Gy oi 20) SHSl=Hls/=/=/=/= = 6 i =) =] Ef] ES BS ES EB BE BE BE EP ET Ee Ee SE ESE BE ES SE] S| Ob E= |] =] = 10 GW SHH /E/H /S/ 2/2 72/2/42 / e742) 2/2/21 =)/ 7) =] 10/10) Hls= = 10 17 SHSleHl=/=/=/=e/=/2=/=/=/= = = =S/=/=/] 8/=] 9] = 10 18 9) HSH) 2) =/2/2/=2=/2=/=)/=]/=/=/= SHSlHl/=Hl(/=/=)/=/= = 10 19 SPS] Sf ES ES ES ES ES EE EY ES EY Ee ES EI EI ESE Ee ET SE] EI Es 10 10 NSS SSO SN Oo) SO) si SGT hy by oO Gi Bi @) O} @) OH © 0 6 21 ON OP Oil Ol Oy ay wy a} ay a ao oO} Ol OF OF OF OF} ©} OF DO} © 0 0 22 Oo OL ON Oy OV Of OF OG] OO Gi OH Oy OF OF O1 O} OOF OF OF O 0 0 s 23 CeO Oo Wi wy Ob Oi) OF} O} OF OO Ol CO} Ol Ch) OG) O} Of O} OG] O} Go 0 0 24 OVO Ol Oo) GO) OF CC) O)] OF Oh OF OF OO] Gi! OT O} G) O} OF GO} O] oO 0 0 ez 25 OT OT Oe Oi Or Ol OF O)) OW Oh OV Oi ty, O) Of ON Or Wy Oy Cy Op o 0 0 a 26 OO eR ON) OL Oy A a Ol OV Oi Oy Ol O}] O} O| Oro] = 1 i QW )H ley ef EH EH ES Ef ESE] SE] EH] =] 10710) Of} 4) 1) 7) 7) 7) 1d Eee SE = 8 _ x. er 2 22 — 22 2 2 10 - 2 ==] 2) 2 4 7 Fa) SO OM Os 95) Of LO: SLO LO LON LON) = 9 4 380 fH PSH] He ES Ef ES EY BS BE EY EY] EHP =] =] =] 10] =] 10] 7] 5 =| = 9 ‘ —Aa i a (2 — tf — i fe | — a =/=/=| 2 il 8 . “2 i) o oN ax Qo a wae o HOO ise] > Zz ~ o ~I — ~ e “I So “I + ~sI ra “I x “I or ~I for) ~ fon) “I | ~I oo “I oo “I or _ ~I “I ~_ ~x wa ~I co a lor) fon} [on oo “Nn nm CO x i t BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 455 CLOUD. AMOUNT OF CLouD (0-10). NOVEMBER 1897. Wey] Za WP Se Ip CE Gy Cay Ny ef th TUG) |) aT yy a) | IBS Nea as) ass |] ale? |] aliss J) alg || fo) I) Gal) ey Bes} ee Mean. i 1ll/= Sil ge a Bs Ae Gy al BF UO | 1 |) = 7) 8) 4} 6) 7}/=]=/=/ 0} O| = 6 2 OO] Of OF} Oy Way Oy 4h Ze By aby OO} O1°O OF Ol} O} O} O} ©} OF Oh OF} O 0 0 3 QO O} OF Os Oy Ol Ol OO) O} O} O]) O} OO} O} OF ©} O} O} W) OF @ 0 0 4 O Of OF OW) Ol} MO Oy ©} OF O} OH GO) GO] Oy OF O MO] O} Oi) O} Gi O 0 0 5 QO}; Of OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF} OO) O] OF] O} OF} GC} GO| O) O} GO] O] © 0 0 6 Ol] Of OF} OF OF O1 O} Of HlHal=al=e= 10 = ]=}=/=)=/=)/=] = 7 Of = |= eS SS eS SS SS | = = i ee = 10 8B SES fF ES BS HE I ES ES ES EL = — = Sl=H=/=/=/=/= = 10 oe ees 1 10) Dh 4 TS al or OU = |) 10), 10") 10 1;=/ 7)/=/=/= = 9 LOM e—se— | 7 i. 7) 8 | 10) 8) = = = = = =l/=|/=/= = 10 W}=/=/=/=/= = =/=/= =Sl/=/= Sl=/=/=/=/= = 10 1 SS SS eS eS eS eS Se Sl=/=/=/=/= = 10 13) =Pp=/=/=/=/= = SfH=/=/= S=Sl=|)=/=/=/=2 = 10 8s —s ee | = =| aloe ad 7 9 1S SS FS SE HS] EH | j=) = 5] 8 66 64 6 6b 67) Ol} OF} OF} OF} OF} OFLU SE = 6 16 = By Sf Sf Sf ES SF ES SF S| ES] SH 910) = 1 10) =] ES] SES] SE] SE = | = = 10 17 Sfpjsy=H/=/= = =/=]= = Sfl=Hl/=]/=/=)/=/= = 10 US) SS SS SS SS eS SSeS SS aS te Sl=l_=/=/=/=/=/= = 10 1D) = SSS aS SS SSS SS Sl=H)/=)/=)]=/= = 10 20 Sf) =] ] Sf Sf SE] BE BE SKE I SE SE I SE ET EI SE I SE I SE SE SE SE] SE] SE] ET SE] OE 10 21 SPS! =;/=!/=]/= =/= = =/|= = = = 10 23 =] =/=/=/=)/=/= =f=|= = SESl=H)/=/=)/= = 10 25 SS eS eS eS SS eS SS SS O} 0} 7) =/=2/)2=/=/2=/=/=/=/= = 9 8 = SS SS SS SS SSS SS | = = |= = Zs = 10 7 )}/=/)=/= =l/=/= = =S|/=/= = = 10 288 |} =/=/= = —e— a | = od = 10 299 ;=/=/=/=/\= i ee i 2 i = = 10 30 | = = = SHSlSHlHl(Hl=H=l=/=/=/=/=/=2=/=2/=2 = 10 MEav. | 8:0 | 8°3 | 8:0} 8°0 | 8:0 | 8:1 | 8:0 | 8:2 | 8:2} 82 | 8°5 | 8:1] 8:2] 8:3 | 8:3 | 8-1 | 8-1 | 8-2 | 83 | 8:2] 83) 8:1) 8:2) 86 82 CLOUD. DECEMBER 1897. 1 SHSpHl= =/=/=/=/=/= 3) ce) |ee L1/1l0ol/=)=[=/=/=/=/=/=/= = 9 2);=/= —— =|/= Ses) 8 3) Sel 8 On Ss) Sais 7 6 9 3 i) 7 Oy Oe SPH lH / =] =] =/ =/=)/ =! =/=!/=] = 9 4 )/=/=/=/=/=)] 0/= u 41) 25a Quesnel) Ll Ol) OSS eS eS = = 7. TSS ee eS ee eS eS eS SS eS ee eS ee eS eS eS ee ee = 10 Coe ie | 107) 7 || 8 =| 10) 10) 7 = =Sl/=/=/= 10 7) =) =/2=2/2=/2=/2=/2=/=/e= a a =|= = 10 9 SPH) =) =/=/= = =/= = SESlP=/= = 10 10 ee 2 2 2 2 2 22 2 = 10 11 SPH s,=H\)/=)=)/= SPH /=/=/=)]=/=/= =l/=/]=/= = 10 122 }/=/=/= = =| = Ces ee 4,/=]/=/= = 9 13 =/|= = = =|= = =Sl=H/=)/=;/=/=/= = 10 47/=/=/=/= = = Bl 4) BS SS SOS SS) SS Sh = = 9 ib | =/=/=/=/e= SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SSS aS SS SS = 10 16 7)/=/=/=/=2 = = i Sl=Hs=/=/= = 10 17 |= = |= =S/=/=/= =/= = =| = SHSl=H)/=/=/= = 10 18 |=/=/,= = = /S = /=)/ =) Of oO vt) 2) ol] Si By By 2) OO} O}, © 0 5 19 O} OF OG! 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Temperature—Dry and Wet Bulbs. Black |Radn,| “mount of Cloud, 0 to 10. | Max.! Min. Ce || : gh 10h 12 14h 16h Qin 22h Bulb. | Min. Von J oh | 14m | 21" | 22m | Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. 1 | 41:4 39°0| 41°5 39:4] - — | 424 405) - — |48°9 41:1] 48°6 40°49 44:3 | 37-2] 57°8| 34:5 5 8 6 6 5 ‘ 2 | 45:3 42:0 | 44:5 42°3| 46:9 43:5 | 49:4 44:4] 50°S 45°0| 50°9 45:0 | 50°6 44:9] 51°4/ 41°27 52:7) 38:0 9 9 9] 10 @) I 3 | 481 42°9) 47:5 42:99) - - |481 44:2) - -—- |40°6 40-7] 41°5 40°3951°3] 41:8, 59:9) 43°7 9) 10°) 107) Loo) 10); 4 | 386°9 34:5 | 39:9 36:4 | 42:0 37°7 | 43:0 38:1 | 42:9 37°9| 41:9 37:7 | 43°5 37°7] 44:0 | 86°0] 65:1) 31:0 3 4 5 4 3 5 | 88:3 37:7 | 87°9 37°3 | 36:8 36:1 | 38:4 37:4) 36°8 35:5 | 37°7 34:9 | 39°9 36°8] 43-2 | 84:2] 561) 35-1 9 a 7 9 8 | 6 | 44:3 41:2 | 45:4 41:3 | 45:4 41:9 | 45:1 40-1 | 43-9 39:1 | 43°9 40:1 | 43°8 40:2] 47:2 | 38:'7] 49°4; 32°17 10} 10] 10) 10} 10 7 | 43°8 40°3 | 48:9 40°3 | 42:9 39°9 | 42°1 39°3 | 42:4 38°4| 42°9 38:9] 42°3 38°5144:5 | 40:0] 50:0} 38:6} 10} 10] 10 | a 8 | 40°6 35:0 | 40-2 36:2] 41°3 387°5| 40:9 37:4] 42°3 87°3 | 42°9 35:9) 42°5 35°91 45:0 | 88-9] 51°7| 34:5 8 9 a 2 2 9 | 37°8 33°3| 37:8 32:9 | 88:2 32:9 | 37°8 32°5 | 36°7 32:2] 30°9 29:9 | 80°7 28°4] 43-7 | 29:7} 50:4] 31:0 9 7 8 7 6 10 | 25°8 25:4) 25:9 25:4) - - | 3815 29°77) - — | 82°6 30:9] 32:9 31°2}32°8/ 243] 46:6] 17-0 0 0 8} 10} 10 11 | 84°6 34:2 | 34°9 34:5 | 35°9 35°5 | 36:0 35°9 | 36°9 36°7 | 387°7 37:3 | 387-9 87°54 38:2) 31-6} 38:2) 31°0] 10} 10} 10} 10; 10 12 | 85:9 35:5 | 86:9 36:4 | 38:2 37:7 | 39°9 38°9 | 38°6 37:9 | 38°9 38:2) 38-0 37:0] 40°0| 35:0] 45:1 | 32:5 91) LO Os 0 9 13 | 83°9 32°3 | 34:5 32°3 | 35°9 33:9 | 36°9 34°4/ 35:0 32:8 | 83:0 30°9| 33°5 31:3] 88:1 | 380°8] 43:4) [28°7] 8 8 8 8 8 r 14 | 29°5 28-6 | 29:6 28°8 | 30:1 29:2 | 32°5 31:1/ 31-9 30:9] 31:9 31:1] 82:9 31:8] 38:0| 26:3] 50:8) 19°9 4 4 4 5 6 15 | 82:2 32:1 | 32:5 30:9 | 34°9 32:1 | 35°4 32:3] 31:4 30°3]| 31:9 30°3 | 31:9 31:9] 40°0 | 28:2] 65:0} 21-4 9 7 2 9 9 16 | 82:2 32°71 | 32°4 31:3] 33°8 32:0 | 35:9 32:2 | 32°1 29°9 | 27:7 25:9) 27:9 27:1] 36:0 | 25-1] 39:0) 29:0} 10) 10 2 fil 8 17 | 28°9 28:0 | 29:7 28:3] - — |3831 81:0) - —- | 276 25:9 | 27:4 26°61 33:0 | 24-0] 38:0} 17:0] 10 9 9 0 2 18 | 29:0 28-2} 30°3 29°3 | 34:5 32:2 | 36:1 33°7 | 36°9 34:9 | 30°9 29:8 | 29:9 28°7] 37:0| 23:0] 62:2] 17:6 8 2 5 0 0 19 | 33°3 32°3 | 34:7 32°7 | 36°9 34:9 | 87:0 35°3 | 36°7 35:0 | 37°9 36:0 | 38:2 36:0] 40°5 | 26:2] 68:0) 18°7 4 3 2 3 3 20 | 34:0 32°8| 35:2 33°8 | 37:4 35:9 | 37°5 34:9 | 35:9 33:0 | 33°2 30°8| 32-9 30°3] 38°9| 31:°7] 67:0] 25°7 1 1 8 7 6 21 | 30°5 29:2) 32:4 31:2] 34:0 32:5 | 36-2 35:5 | 89°5 37°9| 35°3 33:3 | 87:2 34:4] 39°6| 25:1] 425] 186] 10] 10] 10 7 7 22 | 86°8 32°6 | 36°38 33:1 | 35:3 33°8 | 87-0 32°5 | 34°5 31:7 | 28°9 26°3 | 30:2 27:0] 39°7 | 28-1] 51°6| 380°5] 10 8 7 0 0 23 | 28:9 27:5 | 29:3 27°5 | 33°38 30°4| 34°5 31:3 | 30°7 28:5 | 29°9 28:1} 31:7 29:6] 36:9 | 28:0] 73:0} 22:0 3 6 3 2 6 24 | 38°7 38:1) 39:3 88:5) - -— | 40°2 38:9) - — | 88:9 36:2| 39-4 34:5] 41:2] 30:0] 50:4] 29-7] 10 7 7 6 3 25 | 27:0 26°3 | 27:0 26°4| 26:1 24:5 | 26°9 22-9 | 26:2 22-4 | 29:0 24°3 | 27-7 25:6] 39°5 | 24:3] 58°38} 29°6— 10] 10 5 7 3 26 |30°1 26:5 | 30:9 26:8 | 32°9 29-0 | 82°5 28°7 | 33°7 29°9 | 35:7 32:0 | 86°4 32°5935°8 | 25:3} 71:0| 22-2 3 6 4 5 4 27 =| 84:9 32°5|35°6 33:5 | 36°5 33:1 | 38:0 33°9 | 37°3 33°6 | 35°7 32:4 | 37-4 32°21 36°9 | 28°61 77:5| 20:0 9 8 5 3 3 28 | 36:0 32°5| 36:5 32:9 | 37:8 32°9| 37:5 33°4| 36°9 32:9 | 36°7 34:0 | 37:3 33:5] 39:0 | 383°1] 86°3| 29°0 5 7 8 6 6 29 | 29°7 28:2) 28:9 27°6 | 32°5 30°2| 84:5 31:5 | 83:4 31:1 | 30°9 28:9 | 29°7 28:9137°7 | 28:1] 55:7| 26-1 8 7) LON LOR LO 30 | 84:9 32:5 | 36:4 32:4 | 36°7 33°7| 36:0 33°8| 35:9 33:9 | 34:6 33:7 | 33°6 33:4]37:2| 28:7] 48:8} 29:0} 10) 10) 10) 10) 10 31 | 35:0 33°9 | 34°3 32:7} - — |385°3 33:3) - -—- | 34:6 32:1 | 33°8 32:1] 37:2| 32:0] 69:4) 32:0] 10 9 9 8 4 Mean] 35'1 33°1| 85°6 33:4) - - |87°7 84:8} - -—- |35°5 33:°3| 86:0 33:4] 40°3 | 30'S] 562] 27:9] 7:5 | 7:3 | 7:0] 6-4] 6:0 STEVENSON SCREEN. FEBRUARY 1897. Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.) Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.} 1 | 30:0 29:1 | 30°8 27:9 | 32°5 29°9 | 33:7 30°9| 33°3 31°3 | 33:9 81:5 | 33-2 30:21 35:0 | 26:0] 59:8} 22-0 7 8 9 6 2 2 | 33:2 32:0) 33:3 30°9 | 34:1 32:2 | 34:9 32:1) 34:0 31:1 | 29:3 28-2) 28-5 26°71 35:1] 28-0] 48:2) 28:0} 10] 10 8 2 0 3 | 27:0 24:°9| 26:5 24:3 | 34°6 30°3 | 34°6 31°5| 32:4 29°9|28°7 27-3) 28-2 25:5] 36-7 | 24:1] 73°5| 19:1 il 1 0 0 0 4 | 34:8 31:5 | 35:9 32:4 | 36°9 33°2| 37:5 33:6] 38:1 34:2 | 38-9 35°5 | 37:9 33-4] 39°7 | 25-0] 76:9} 18°7 4 5 8 9 9 5 | 3861 35:0} 35:9 35:0 | 37:0 35:9 | 39°6 38:1] 38:7 36:9 | 34:5 33-9] 34:5 33:91 40-8 | 34-5] 538°7] 32°77 10] 10 9 8} 10 4 6 | 35:0 34:2| 36:2 35:0 | 38:1 37:0/| 39:4 37:9 | 38:2 36°7 | 34°9 33:5 | 34:9 32-°9139-7 | 34-1] 46:4] 31-2 8 9 9 3 3 7 | 35:4 34:8 | 36°9 35:7) - - |401 38:0} - -—- |389°6 38:3] 89:9 88:9} 40-7 | 32-4] 48:5) 26-4 9 9] 10; 10] 10 8 | 42:4 41:3 | 42°5 41°4| 42°8 41°9| 43-0 42:2| 48:2 41°8| 41:0 40°6 | 40°8 40°3] 34:3] 396] 49:0) 35:9} 10) 10; 10; 10) 10 9 | 48:3 40:0] 43:9 40°4) 43:5 40°3 | 42:3 39:0] 41°9 38:0 | 40°4 35:5] 88-5 34:9] 44-9 | 39-0} 52:0] 37:0 7 8 | 10 4 2 10 | 37°9 34°3 | 39°3 35°5 | 39°7 36°9 | 40°3 36:3] 41°5 36:0 | 36:7 33:7 | 34-5 81:6] 41-8] 35-0} 52°3} 32:0 7 9 9 8 3 11 | 31-9 30°5 | 34:3 32:0 | 37:2 85:2 | 40-1 37-0] 39°5 36:9 | 36:6 34-3 | 33:7 31:8] 40:0 | 28-3] 79°5| 24:0 3 0 6 9 0 12 | 25°3 24:8) 27°8 26°9 | 32-4 30°5 | 364 32°5| 37:3 34:2 | 28-7 [28-1]] 80°3 29:3 | 42-0 | 24-4] 69:0} 19:0 0 0 0 9 9 13 | 34°2 33°9 | 34°8 34:5 | 35°9 35°6 | 37:1 36°9| 39°9 39:6 | 39°7 39-6] 40-7 40:4] 40-4 | 29-2] 43:7] 29:0] 10) 10} 10} 10) 10 14 | 40-4 40-4] 42:0 41°83] - — | 42:2 41:9) - ~ |39°6 39°3| 39-0 38-9] 43:9 |38°3] 52°4| 41°0f 10} 10}; 10}; 10) 10 15 | 42:7 41°7 | 43°5 42:2) 43-2 42°4] 44-5 43:8] 43-9 43°5 | 45:2 43-9] 45-2 48-7] 45:5 | 38-0] 54:7| 384} 10] 10] 10) 10] 10 16 | 44:2 42:1] 44:4 42-4) 45-2 43-0 | 45:0 42:8) 44:9 43:0 | 45:6 43:6] 44-9 43:91 46-0| 43-0} 52°5| 41°37 10) 10] 10} 10) 10 17 | 44:0 43:7 | 44°3 43°9 | 44:2 42°6 | 44:4 41:3) 44:0 41:5 | 44:9 42-6] 44-8 41-51 46:1] 42-4] 57:0] 42°57 10] 10 Q 8} 10 18 | 45:0 41°7 | 46:4 42°3| 45-4 42:2) 45:5 43°5 | 48°7 46:0 | 45-7 42°6| 44-9 42-2149-4| 41-3} 55:°0| 41:0 8 8} 10} 10] 10 19 | 45:4 44:9] 46:9 46:0 | 48°3 47:5 | 49:4 48:4) 48°9 48°1]50°2 48°6]48°5 46-7} 50-7 | 41°7] 70:0] 39°07 10] 10] 10) 10 U 20 | 45:3 40:9 | 45-4 41°1| 46:0 42°2 | 46°3 42:4] 43:7 42:1 | 43-3 40-9] 41:8 40:21 48-8] 40-9] 73:0} 40-1 4 6 8} 10] 10 21 | 42°6 39°3/43°5 40:0) - - |45°8 41:9) — — |44:1 43°6 | 45°7 45:1]47:1| 389°3] 64:0] 36:0 8 9} 10; 10} 10 22 | 47°4 46:9| 49°5 48°6 | 50°6 49°5 | 51:5 49°38] 50:0 48°9 | 45-7 45:2] 45-4 44-9]51-8/ 44:3] 64:4) 44°47 10] 10) 10) 10] 10 23 | 45:4 44:4) 45:0 44:4 | 45°3 44°7 | 45°8 45°3] 47°8 44:8 | 44°7 42-7] 44:7 41-9] 48:3] 44-0] 66°4| 44:0] 10) 10) 10 4 3 24 | 46:0 44:0| 47°7 45°2|49°5 45:0) 48-4 44:4] 46:4 44:5 | 45:9 43:7 | 46-2 43:-5150:3| 41:2] 81°8| [40°:0}} 9] 10) 10; 10); 10 25 | 47:9 47:4 | 48:4 47:9] 51:4 49:9 | 530 50°3| 53:2 48:9] 48-6 48-4] 47:9 47-4155'7| 42-0] 82:0] 41:07 10} 10} 10) 10) 10 26 | 47°38 46°8| 48°3 47:0 | 48:3 47:4|50°3 46:4] 48-2 45-0] 48:2 37:6 | 42:9 37-4152°8| 42:0] 69°0| 46:5] 10] 10 9 5 4 27 | 40°5 36:9] 41°5 38°4| 41:4 38:4] 43:0 37:7 | 44:3 89°7 | 48°0 38-7 | 40°8 37:8] 44:51 37:3] 44:9] 36°3 3} 10 6 4 3 |, 28 |41°5 35:7 | 43°3 86:7] - -—- | 438-9 39:3) - — | 41°6 39°8| 40°9 39:3] 47:4] 36-4] 96:6] 3371 7 7} 10)) 200) ston Mean} 89°7 38:0] 40°6 38°6| - - | 42:8 40:2) - - |40°5 38:6 |40°0 38:0] 44:3] 36-1} 62:0] 34:3] 77 | 82] 86] 7:8) 7:0 nice FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 457 STEVENSON SCREEN. TEMPERATURE AND AMOUNT oF CLOUD. MARCH 1897. Temperature—Dry and Wet Bulbs. Mac le Black | Radn. Amount of Cloud, 0 to 10. gh 108 12h 14h 16h 21h 22h Bulb.) Min. 9» | tom | 14m | arm | 228 Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.|Dry. Wet.| Dry. wep] | 71 |. |. |. | _| | _ | 1 | 38°5 37:0] 39'1 37:9 | 39°3 37-4] 42°5 37:9| 39°9 36:5| 365 34:6 (86°6][34°3]] 44:0 | 33-8} 80:0} 34:9] 10] 10 dl 7 6 2 | 34:8 32:9| 35:6 33°4| 38-2 34-2 | 35-7 33-8 | 37-2 35-3] 38-7 35:2| 37-9 34:9] 39-9| 31-4] 72:6] 32:0] 10] 10] 10 3 0 3 | 82-9 30:7 | 36:0 32:4) 42:9 39-1 | 43-0 39-7 | 40-9 38-2 40-8 36:9 | 39-9 36:2] 44:7 | 27-0] 73°6| 22:2 7 6 9 3 2) 4 | 35-9 336/339 335) - —- |37:°9 85:7] - —- | 35:2 34:6) 33°6 33-2] 40-4] 31-0] 54:7| 23-0] 10] 10] 10 5 3 | 5 | 29:4 28-9) 801 29:9 | 34°8 33-1 | 39-4 37-2] 41:2 38-1) 38-4 36:2! 38-3 36:7] 42:0| 26:3] 89-3] 24:0 6 8 3 6 8 | 6 | 41-9 38:5 | 42°4 39:0 | 44-3 39:9] 44:5 89-9] 44-6 40-5 | 40:0 37:9] 40:3 38-3] 48:0] 37-2] 95-0] 33:4 8 8 8 7 9 | 7 | 85°4 34°5/37°3 35°5] —- - |464 406) —- — |41°9 37:8) 41°5 387°6] 48-2] 33:0} 94:6] 27-0 8 5 6 9 8 | 8 | 42°5 37°38 | 43-9 38:2] 44-9 39-7 | 45-7 39-5 | 45-2 38-9 | 44-9 39-8] 44-5 39:9] 46-5] 33:0} 81:9| 34:1] 10] 10 9) 10) 10 9 | 44-4 42-2 | 46:0 42°9| 47:2 44:6/ 48-5 45:0| 47-5 44:2| 47-9 41-2] 46-1 41:9] 49-1 | 42:0] 89:5] 39:0] 10 9 6 | 10 5 10 | 389°6 87:1 | 41:1 38-6} 44:6 40:2] 45-4 40:4| 45:9 40-6 | 39-9 37-6 | 39:7 37:3]47-3 | 34:3] 93-4] 32:2] 10] 10] -6 7 6 11 | 405 37°3|43°7 38-4 | 45:4 40°5| 44:9 40:4| 43-6 40°5| 43°6 40:0] 45-3 40-9] 47-2] 34-0} 90-4] 32-5 2 7; 10]; 10 8 12 | 44-4 39°5| 449 39°9| 45:4 40-4] 46-9 40-9| 42-1 39°3| 421 38-7 | 42°5 38:°5148-0| 39:7] 94:7] 37-67 10] 10 Sole LO LO) 13 | 389°9 37°7| 418 39:2| 43:5 40:3] 45:5 40-9] - — | 42°2 38°6| 40°5 38:2] 47-5 | 387-4] 82:0) 34-4 8 8 7 9} 10) 14 | 42:3 385) 44:0 39:5) - - | 41:9 38:2) - —- | 38-0 35:2| 38-0 34:5] 44-8| 37:04 63:4| 35-0 9 9] 10] 10; 10 -15 | 87-8 34°8/ 39:0 35:4 | 39:2 35°8| 38-6 35°5 | 89:2 35°5| 38-4 35-7 | 38-4 36:4] 39-9 | 34-4] 65-9) 33:6] 10] 10] 10 8] 10} 16 | 42°38 37:5 | 43:4 37°6 | 44:9 39-1] 44:5 39:9) 42°5 39:2) 41:1 39:3] 40°8 39:3] 45:3 | 385-09 72°4| 34:6 8 S| UO UO Ue |, 17 | 44:9 40°1] 45:9 41:0] 46-9 42°8 | 48-7 44:0] 47:7 43:0 | 43:7 42-4] 43:0 42:2]50-0| 39:3] 98:0] 35-0 7 9} 10} 10} 10) 18 | 43-7 41°8 | 44:7 42°9/ 48:0 44:1] 47:4 44°7 | 46-2 43:9 | 46°7 43:7 | 46°6 43-4] 49-9| 39-5] 75:4) 38°5 9 9 8} 10} 10} 19 | 41°7 89°0|44°7 40°8| 44:4 42°1 | 46-6 42:7 | 46:4 43°5 | 42°5 41:2] 41:9 39:9] 47-6 | 39-2] 83:1] 38-1 9 W |) 2) 4 2 | 20 | 41°8 38:9} 43°8 39-4) 46:5 40°5| 46:1 406 | 46:2 40-8 | 44:0 41:0] 44°6 41:8} 47-2| 35:6] 85:0] 31-4 9 6; 10) 10] 10} 21 | 45°6 44:9) 45:8 45:1} — — |49°9 47:8} - — |47°3 47:0 | 43°9 46°7] 51:7 | 406} 93:0) 40°67 10; 10} 10] 1 10 | 22 |45°77 45:0) 48:0 46:7] 50°8 47-8 | 46°6 46:0 | 49°6 46:7 | 48°6 46:6 | 49:0 46:7] 51-7 | 43:8] 73:3} 44:0} 10] 10) 10] 10] 10 23 | 48-1 45:0) 48-7 45:8 | 50°8 47°5 | 51:7 47:7 | 49°3 47:5 | 49-0 44°7 | 47°5 45:0] 53°3 | 44:51 78:7) 42°9 8 9 9/ 10} 10 24 | 49-3 47:1) 48°9 47°7| 49-7 47-9] 49:0 47:7 | 48:2 45°8| 47-7 44:9] 46°9 44:°8]52-4| 44:8] 67:0] 44:47 10] 10] 10 8} 10 25 | 46°8 43°0| 47:8 43:2] 47-6 44:0] 48-0 44:8 | 47:7 44:7 | 43-9 42:2) 43-7 41:°9749:3] 42:39 71:0} 41:0 5 8] 10} 10 3 | 26 | 49°3 45°7 | 48:8 45°8| 47:8 45:1 | 48-9 47°7 | 47-7 45°6! 42°7 41:9] 42:8 41°9]50°4| 40-2] 78:4) 39:55} 10] 10 76) IO \) WO) 27 =| 45-4 44:3 | 46:4 45°7 | 46:7 44°6 | 46:2 44-7 | 45-7 44:0] 45:1 42-2 43-9 41°89 48-0 | 41:0} 68:9) 38:17 10] 10; 10 8 4 28 | 41:2 39°6) 40°8 39°53] —- — | 47:0 42:6) - — |89°8 35:2) 38°8 34:9] 48-0 | 38°0}112°3| 38:47 10] 10 5 9 7 29 | 35°9 31°9 | 36°8 31:9 | 38-8 [32°5]| 39°6 33:1 | 37°8 32-7 | 34:7 [380°0]| 32°8 30-1 | 44-0 | 33-3 103-9 | 30-0 3 4 5 1 3 30 | 35:0 [31°3]} 85:1 31:9 | 39°8 33°8 | 88:7 32:9 | 38-4 33-0 | 34:2 31°9] 31°5 29°5 | 42-4 | 28:09 102°3| 23°97 10! 10] 10 1 0 31 |32°6 30°9 | 34:7 30°9| 38:2 32°2 | 40:9 34:3 | 41°38 33:8 | 30°8 28°7 | 29°9 27-9} 44:8 | 24°8]112°1| 20:2 0 1 6 0 0 Mean] 41:0 38°3 | 42:0 39:0] - -—- | 44:7 40°99} - —- |41°6 38°8}| 41:1 38:6] 46:9 | 36:3] 83:7] 34:0] 8:3) 8-4] 8-4] 7:5] 6:9 STEVENSON SCREEN. APRIL 1897. Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.) Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. 1 | 87-1 32°9/38°8 33°8| 39°8 35°1| 38°8 35:2 | 38:9 35:9] 34:1 31:9 | 33°9 32:1 |} 44-0 | 27°69 97:2) 21°7 1 4 9; 6 5 2 | 33°7 [81°4]) 38:2 31°8 | 38°6 32:5 | 40-8 33°9 | 41:7 34:5 | 35°5 31:9 | 35°9 31-7 | 43°3 | 25-3] 105-2} 20°9 1 1 7 7 2 3 | 37:9 [82°5]) 37-7 33:4 | 39°2 33-9 | 39:9 34:0 | 39°9 34-2 | 37-4 32°8 | 37-4 32:9] 41:8] 34:1] 91:8) 27-0 1 5 9 5 7 4 | 89:7 [34:0] 89:9 33°77) - - |42°9 85:7) - —- |89:4 34:9 | 38-4 33:9] 45°3 | 34°3]107°7| 27-0 6 6 8 9 8 5 | 41:5 35:2} 42:9 36:2 | 45:2 36:9) 47°8 39°3| 47:0 38:7 | 39:9 34°7 | 39°3 34:4] 49°6 | 29-0} 93-7) 21-9 0 1 1 4 4 6 | 40°5 34:7] 40:3 35:0 | 42-0 36:7 | 42°7 36:9 | 43-1 38-0 | 42:2 38-2 | 42:0 38:4] 44:3 | 32°3} 70°38; 24:9] 9] 10] 10 9 a 7 | 42°3 39°6| 44:4 39:0) 45:7 40:3] 47:1 41°7 | 48°0 41°6| 42:1 38:2) 41:4 38:1] 49°3 | 36:09 1049 | 30-1 5 9 9)" 10 8 8 | 39-2 37:0] 42:9 39°6 | 48°6 43:1] 51:1 42°7 | 51:1 42:7) 46-4 39°6 | 45:9 39-8] 52-9 | 27:04 104°7 | 23-7 0 0 3/ 10] 10 9 | 44:5 41°8| 44°9 41-9] 47-5 41°6 | 43-1 40:7 | 43°3 41-2] 39-9 37:4] 40°4 38-4] 48-2) 37-0] 765) 39:1] 10] 10] 10 5 6 10 | 44:0 38:9) 45:3 39:4) 51:1 43°7| 47:5 40-9 [49°3][41°8]] 37°9 35°5 | 37°8 35°21 52°8 | 85:-24117°2| 29-0 3 2 Se 0 11 | 44:9 385] 44°9 38:3) - - |444 411) - - | 42-1 40-9] 42-4 40:°6]50:4/ 31:0} 93:6; 27:00] 10] 10; 10} 10 9 12 | 45:4 42°5| 49-7 44:9) 50:6 45:7 | 49:2 45°9 | 48-9 45:5 | 47-8 44:0 | 47:6 43:9]}54:0! 38671050) 33°6 5 ADP eLON 10) alo 13 | 47:9 48°6 | 48:2 43°6| 49°1 45:6 | 50°9 45°9 | 50°8 46°8| 48°7 45:8) 48:3 45°6]52-2) 43:3] 65:7]; 42:07 10} 10]; 10; 10} 10 14 | 42°6 38:8 | 41°9 38:8 | 36:7 35:7 | 38:9 37:0 | 40-7 37:5] 38°4 36:8 | 38:0 36:2] 48-9 | 36:0] 106-2) — 9 4] 10 7 8 15 | 45°5 41°8| 43:3 41°2/| 41°2 39°6| 45:9 42-7 | 44-0 41:3] 42°7 40-8 | 41-0 39:2} 47°3/ 35:1] 99:0] 333 7 8 Qa 9 9 16 | 42:9 39:5 | 40:9 37:8 | 47°5 41:2] 45:8 42:0 | 47:9 42:7 | 40° 37:9| 37:9 36:8] 49-2 | 37:6] 105-0) 36:9 5 4 8 9 9 17 | 44:3 41°6 | 43-8 42:0| 46-2 42:9} 46:9 44:9 | 48-0 43-6 | 42°7 39:9 | 40°3 3859501) 37:09111°6) 35-2 6 | 10 8 6] 10 18 | 46°9 41:1] 48°7 42°38) - - |49°9 43-4) - — |43°8 40°9| 42:0 40°07 53-0 | 38°6]7119-4| 35-0 4 7 6 7 2 19 | 45°8 42:9| 46:1 43:0) 45°6 43°6| 44:5 42°8 | 43-7 42:8] 41-1 40-6 | 40-4 39:-4]46-9] 40:0] 76:2) 37-3] 10} 10} 10] 10 6 20 | 41:4 39°6|44:9 40-7 | 49°7 44:2!54°9 47:9| 51:7 46:3} 44:9 42-9] 44:9 42°6]57°9 | 32°1/113°8|} 26:3 0 1 9 ij 5 21 | 49:7 48°9/46°8 43:5) - - |53°9 45:7) - —- | 43-2 39:1) 40:3 37-°7]56-0| 36:0) 1127| 276] 7 8 7 0 0 22 | 44:8 39:9) 46:9 41°7 | 53:4 45°6 | 57-7 47°7 | 59-9 48°7| 44-2 41-6 | 41-4 39°61 602 | 82:3] 111-7 | 25-0 0 0 il 1 0 23 | 48-6 39°38 45:6 41:5 | 51:9 44:9 | 54:9 45-8 | 57-2 48-1) 466 42-7 | 44:9 40-7] 59'S | 34-4] 111-4) 27°38 1 3 0 4 2 24 | 45-7 40°7| 49-3 43-2, 52:8 44°8| 55:7 45:9 | 55:9 45-9] 46-9 40-0 | 45:9 39-9] 58°6 | 34:38] 113-0| 27-4 9 1 0 3 Il 25 | 46°7 40:0 | 47:9 40°6 - |52°6 43:5] - — | 4671 42:8} 45:8 42:0] 54:6 | 32°8] 97:9) 25:9 8 9 9 9 9 26 | 46:0 42°7 | 48:3 43-9| 54:1 47:0|55:8 46°9| 57-0 47-8] 48:2 43:0] 42:2 39-7] 58-9 | 37-2]120:2| 31:3 7 4 5 0 0 27 |51°6 44:6 |53°7 44°7|56:0 47-2] 58:0 49:9} 56°6 49:0] 47°9 45:9 | 46:7 45:2} 6071 | 33-4}114:1] 27-0 8 9 8; 10 8 28 | 46°8 45:2/47:3 46:0] 48:9 46°5| 48:7 45-7 | 51:4 46:3) 44°6 41:2) 41°6 39°4953-0| 44:6] 98-7] 44-0 OF LOR LO) 5 1 29 | 46:8 42:6] 46:7 42°8143-0 41:2/43°6 42-5 | 44:9 43-9| 44:6 42-9] 44:7 42:77 48:0| 59°38] 93:6] 36-2 GC) 2@ i) HQ }) alr |) 3) 30 | 42°9 40:9] 46:1 43:3] 45-9 42°7/| 49:0 43-0 | 46:2 41:8] 44:5 40:5! 43-8 39°6] 503] 39:1] 98:2) 36:24 10 vi 7 4 2 Mean| 43:7 39°6 | 44:9 40:3) - - |481 424} - — | 42-8 39:5] 41°8 38:8} 51:4 | 35:0] 101°4| (30°4]}) 5:7 | 5:9 | 7:2 | 6:6) 5:7 oo S TRANS. ROY. SOC. EDIN.—VOL,. XLII. 458 FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. STEVENSON SCREEN. TEMPERATURE AND AMOUNT OF CLOUD. MAY 1897. Temperature—Dry and Wet Bulbs. elas Black |Radn, Amount of Cloud, 0 to 10. gh 108 12h 14h 16h 21h 22h Bulb. | Min. Von | 108 | 14% | 21" | 228 Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet. Dry, Wet. |Dry. Wet. | Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. i 1 | 44°3 41°5 | 45:1 42°7 | 48°8 44:3 | 46:4 44°S | 46°9 43:9] 46:1 44:2) 45°5 44:2] 50-0 | 36:0} 107°3 10} 10] 10}; 10] 10 2 | 46°3 42:0) 45°6 42°6/ - -—- | 44:8 41°83} - - | 42:4 38-9] 42°3 38-7] 48-4 | 39:4] 102°5| 39-9 9 6 6 7 7 3 | 40°8 38°8| 44°8 42-1 | 45:2 41:3] 46°1 42:1 | 46:2 40:9 | 36-9 35:8 | 37:8 36:1] 49:0 | 36:0] 109°8 | 35°8 8 7 6 6 4 | 42:9 39:9) 42-4 40-0 | 41:°9 39°7| 46°9 44:5 | 45°38 44:4) 44:0 40°9| 44°8 41:2] 48-0 | 35:6] 78:9] 31:2} 10] 10] 10/] 10] 10 5 | 46°1 41°6| 41°7 39°7 | 44°8 40°7 | 48:7 42:2} 45:8 41°5 | 40:0 38-1 | 40°9 38°69 50-0 | 39°29 116°2| 38:1 3} 10 8 7 9 6 | 48°7 38°7 | 45:2 41:2) 43-8 40:9 | 48°38 41-1] 47°8 41°6 | 39°9 38:3 | 39°3 37-8] 51-1 | 36°14116:0| 31°5 6 4 7 9 4 7 | 44:7 41°6 | 45:7 41°9| 48:7 43:0] 46-9 44:1 | 47:0 44:1] 44:9 44:6] 45°6 44:8] 49-9 | 33-4] 88-7] 28-0 9 9/ 10; 10}; 10 8 | 50°6 49°5|50°9 48°6 | 49°9 45:5 | 49°6 44:2/ 49°8 43:1) 43°7 39°6 | 45:7 39°3] 52:0 | 41:0] 109-6 | 43:2] 10] 10] 10] 10 8 9 | 44:0 40°9) 44:9 41:2) - — |47°8 43:2) —- — |44°6 40°3 | 438-2 39:7] 50°8 | 400] 115-4] 36°5 7 8 7 4 4 10 | 47:0 42:7) 45:4 42:3 | 46°7 41:7 | 48:0 42:5) 41:9 38:7 | 40-7 84:8 | 40°1 34:5] 49-0 | 38:4] 101°0|] 34:9 8} 10; 10 5 9 11 | 42°38 39:1 | 43°9 38°8 | 43:5 87-9| 44:4 38-1 | 42:1 38-7 | 40:0 35:2 | 88-4 34:6} 45°8 | 36:0] 109-3 | 34-2 9 8 7 7 9 12 | 414 35°9| 42°5 36:5 | 43:4 87:3 | 48°6 37°9| 44-4 38°1 |] 87°9 34:9 | 87:8 33:9] 46-4 | 37°57112°0| 33-4 9 8 8 5 4 13 | 42°4 37°3| 44:1 38:4| 50:0 44:1] 52°4 46°38] 51:8 46:1] 45°3 44:6 | 45:3 44°39 54-0 | 28°8]114:1| 22-0 6 5 4! 10; 10 14 | 46°9 46°6 | 47:0 46°8| 48:3 47:9 | 48°5 47-9| 48'S 47:9] 48:6 47-7 | 48-9 47:8}50-0 | 44:0} 65:0} 48:5} 10|) 10] 10} 10] 10 15 | 52:3 49°1| 51°9 49:4] 51:9 48-9 | 53-3 49:5 | 52-8 49:1] 49:0 45:0] 45:9 43:2] 54-7 | 46-6] 86:9) 44-3] 10] 10] 10 7 5 16 | 51:9 47°5| 56-7 51-4! - - | 64:1 55:0} - —- | 54:6 5071 | 52°38 48:5] 65-2 | 85-9] 112°3 | 28-0 1 1 1 4 0 17 | 56-4 50°9| 59-7 52°5 | 64:9 56°3/| 66°6 56°5 | 64°4 55:0] 531 48-8] 51:2 47:49 67°3 | 41:5] 117:2| 36-1 0 0 il 0 0 18 | 51:3 47:2) 52:5 48:1] 55:3 49-9) 60:5 52:4] 60°9 51°5| 47:7 43:9 | 45:9 42°4] 62°3 | 42°3]115:0| 37:0 1 0 0 0 0 19 | 48°1 48-0] 50:9 45:0 | 55°8 48-9 | 58:4 50°3 | 58°5 50:0| 46°9 43:1 | 45:0 41:9] 60-0 | 38°4]115°5 | 33-1 0 0 0 4 6 20 | 46°38 424/501 45°5 | 58:4 50-4/ 64:9 53:9] 66°8 56°3| 50°5 47°5/| 48-7 46:0] 67-7 | 36°8] 123-0] 30-0 0 0 0 0 0 21 | 53°9 49°9} 61:8 52°3| 66:2 52:2] 68-9 54-9] 69:9 55:4] 50-8 47-9/| 47-9 46:1] 71°7 | 40°3] 123°6 | 82-0 0 1 1 1 0 22 | 49°8 46:8] 53:5 49:0] 61°1 53:8 | 60°3 53-0 | 63:2 54:5] 50:1 45:7 | 46:7 43:8] 65-1 | 41-1] 120°3| 36°8 0 0 1 3 1 23 | 50° 45°3) 53:1 475) - - |638°9 541} - - |51°3 46°9| 47:0 44:9] 66-0 | 37°8}118-0| 32-0 0 0 0 1 0 24 |49°9 45°4/ 53-0 47:5] 58-5 51:4) 58-4 51:5 | 57:0 51°9| 51:9 47-7 | 50°4 46:4] 61-6 | 42°-4]119-0 |shaken} 0 0 7/ 10} 10 25 | 495 45°9| 51:4 46°9| 53-9 46:9] 58:2 50-9 | 53-4 48-0] 46:9 44:6 | 45:8 44:4] 58-2 | 44:0] 1121 |) 44:0] 10 8 8} 10] 10 26 | 45:2 44:5 | 46-4 44:5) 48°9 46:5 | 52°9 48-4 | 49-9 45-8 | 43-2 40-8] 41°5 39°5954-0 | 42°8]115:8) 41:4} 10/ 10 8 7 1 27 |51°3 46:9} 53:2 47:3) 59:5 50:4] 59-4 48-9|538-5 46:4] 51:7 46-7 | 51-3 46-3] 62°6 | 35-0 |broken| 26°5 2 6 7| 10 9 28 | 56°6 50°3 | 58-3 52°2| 60°8 52°9| 61:4 54:0| 53:9 52°3|50°9 48-7 | 50°8 49:2]63:9| 48-4] - 42°9 8 7| 10} 10] 10 29 | 46°9 44:4] 46-8 45°3|50°9 47:3 | 48°8 46°3| 56:4 51:8 | 47:9 45:9] 46-1 45°6]57:0| 45-0] - 43:0] 10| 10] 10) 10] 10 30 | 55°9 50°3)55:7 501] - —- | 571 511) - - |55-9 47:9) 54:0 47:6] 62:5) 45°5] - 43-2] 10 9 9 3 5 31 | 55°3 52:2| 60°7 53°7 | 63°9 55:1 | 62°9 54:9] 61:9 53-9] 52:8 48-9| 48°9 46:5] 65:0) 47-7} - 43°'8 6 5 6 4 2 Mean} 48°2 44°5)49°8 45:5) ~ - |54:3 47:9! - —- | 468 43:5 | 45:6 49°7956-7 1393) - | [35:9]} 5:8 | 5-9] 6:2) 6:3 | 5:8 STEVENSON SCREEN. JUNE 1897. Dry. Wet.) Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. 1 | 560 52:2 | 58°6 54:1) 67°8 57°6 | 68°9 58°7| 68:0 56:0] 58°9 54:0|56°9 52:9]69:0| 45-4] - 386°2} 10} 10; 10} 10} 10 2 | 55:4 52°5| 56-4 53:2] 63-3 57-9 | 68:8 61°5 | 61°6 56-8} 52:0 50°9|50°8 49-6] 69:3] 46:5] — 49:0} 10] 10 8 9 9 3 | 53:2 50°4| 53:2 50:9] 55:4 52:5 | 60-9 56:4 | 60-2 55:8/ 55:0 50°6| 52:9 49:4] 65-4) 49-8] — 48°38 | 10] 10 9 4 4 4 |55°8 51°5 | 58:0 53°8| 65:3 58:3 | 67:2 60°4| 66:5 60°9| 56-9 55-0] 54:3 53-2168:4| 47-2] - 40:9 6 4 0 6 1 5 |59°3 56°3|59°9 56°4| 62:9 58°5 | 64:4 59-9) 68°5 59:0|56°8 54:9) 54:5 53:1965:5|48-7] - 41°5 3 3 1 4 6 6 | 52:0 51°2)54'9 53:1] - —- | 54:3 526} - - | 48-1 46:°9/ 47-2 45:9958:1| 47-9] - 43:0} 10} 10; 10} 10; 10 7 | 49:4 45:4 | 50°3 46°4|51:9 47-7 | 53-8 49:9 | 58-3 52:9] 48-9 43:°9| 47-1 43-0]58:9|/ 451] - 41:4} 10] 10 9 if 7 8 | 52:7 45°3| 55:5 47°1| 58:5 48°9|59°5 494/585 48:0] 47:5 41:2] 468 40:5]61:0| 386] - 26°5 1 3 2 2 1 9 | 53-4 46-4) 54:9 47:-2|57°3 49:4 | 58-3 49-9 | 59-3 50-9] 53-2 46-9] 52:0 46:0] 60:0] 38-9] - 26°1 4 5 5 8 8 10 | 53°6 48°6 | 56°5 50°4| 57-7 50°9| 58-4 52:1) 58:8 52:5|55°0 51:2) 53-8 50°59 60-0| 41-4] —- 30°5 7 7| 10] 10} 10 11 | 54:3 53:9 | 54:9 54:4) 56:4 55:8 | 56:0 55:5 | 55°8 55:3] 54:9 54:6] 55°9 55:39 57:9 | 51°8 - 461} 10} 10; 10} 10] 10 12 | 54:8 54°4|56-2 55:7) 56:9 56°2| 55:9 55-7 | 57-0 56°7| 54:0 53°8| 54:9 54:5]57°5|53-3] —- 470} 10| 10} 10] 10}; 10 13 | 57°5 56°9|58°0 57:3) —- — |644 606) —- — |56°9 55:9) 56°8 55:2] 67:1 | 52°6 - 43°57 10; 10 8 6 9 14 | 54°3 53°5 | 54:8 52:9) 56-9 52°7 | 57:8 52°8/ 57-9 538-1] 510 46°8/ 51:1 45:8]59-2) 51-77 — 45:2} 10) 10) 10 5 8 15 | 519 47:6 | 52-1 47:7 | 53:3 48-0) 54:6 49-6 | 51-8 48-7] 47-0 46°6 | 47-1 46:7] 55:6 | 45-07 - 35°4 8 8} 10] 10; 10 16 44:2 42°7| 44-9 42:9] 48-7 44:9| 50:9 45°8| 52-9 45-5] 46-1 42:9] 46:1 42:6] 54:6 | 42:8 - 38:7 | 10} 10 9 a 6 17 | 49:0 44°7 | 50°3 45:7 | 52:7 47-7 | 51-8 46:9|52°9 48-0| 46-9 43°5| 46-0 43-4] 54-2 | 45-1 - 372 6 a 9/ 10} 10 18 | 48-7 44°3| 49-0 44°7|52°7 46:8 | 54:8 47-6 | 49:3 45:0| 48-9 44:7] 48-0 43:7]56-0/ 40-3] - 82:0} 10] 10 8 7 7 19 | 50°7 44°7 | 52:0 45:8) 55-9 49-2| 55:9 49-7] 55:5 47-6 | 46:8 44:9] 48-0 43:8] 58-0 | 42-7 = 82°5 7 7 8) LON elo 20 |51°9 46°7) 51:9 46-9] - - {561 49°77] - —- |53°8 47:°9)53-7 48:4]58°8; 45-0] - 41:0 9 9 8} 10! 10 21 | 55:1 52°8| 53°8 52:0| 55:4 52:5 | 52-9 52-:0| 55-0 51:5 | 52-7 49:9] 52-2 50:0] 57°3| 49-07 9 — 46°4 9 9] 10 9 9 22 | 68°7 51:9] 54:9 52:2) —- — | 58:0 52:7) - — |54°9 54°5) 54:0 53:9] 56°9 | 50:1 - 471] 10} 10] 10] 10} 10 23 | 54:7 54:0) 55°0 54:7 | 54:8 53°9| 56-1 55:7 | 54:8 54:1 | 52:0 51:0| 52:5 51:2] 56°3 | 52-0 - 51-2} 10] 10] 10) 10 8 24 |55°7 49°9| 58:1 50:9] 60-1 52:2 | 62:2 52:6 | 63-1 54:0] 55:0 49:7 | 52:2 48:0] 65:0 | 47:1 - 41-2 5 5 3 5 8 25 | 58°4 53°5 | 60°9 55:0] 64:7 56°0| 68°8 58°7| 65-7 58°8| 58-4 554/586 55:0}68-9/ 48:1] — 430 if 4 6} 10 ‘) 26 | 55°1 54°9| 55:8 55:0] 57-2 56-0 | 56-8 56:0| 59-9 57-9|58 0 57:0] 57:9 57:0] 63°3] 54:8] — 53824 10] 10} 10 7 7 27 | 60°8 58°6| 629 59°3/ - - | 70-9 60:9| - - | 60-9 51°8| 58:0 49:4] 728/543] - | 454] 6] 9) 9] 7| 7 28 | 61:1 54:3 | 60°6 54°7| 61:5 55°6 | 62:7 57:0] 60°9 57°8| 58-4 57°6| 58:9 57:7] 65-0] 51°38] — 44:1} 10] 10] 10) 10/ 10 29 | 63° 60°6 | 67°5 62:°9| 71-0 65°2| 74:7 65:9| 75:2 66°9| 66°6 63:1] 65:0 61:8] 78°6 | 51:8 - 44°9 4 7 3 (ihe 7 30 | 67°7 624 | 68-7 63:7 | 71-9 66:8 | 69:1 64:0 | 65°9 62-4) 61:0 58-9] 59°6 57°3] 743/563] — 49:0 3 3 6} 10 8 Mgan| 54°8 51°4| 56-0 52:2 - |60°0 54:7! -~ —- | 53:9 50°9| 53:1 50°2)62°4/ 47:97 - 41°6 | 7:8 | 8:0] 7:7 | 8:0 | 8:0 FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 459 STEVENSON SCREEN. TEMPERATURE AND AMOUNT OF CLOUD. JULY 1897. Temperature—Dr ; unt of Cloud, 0 to 10. perature—Dry and Wet Bulbs Max.(Min, | Black | Radn, Amo C gh 10% 12h 14h 16h 21h Q2h Bulb. | Min. } gn { yon | 14h | 21" | 22h Sees ee gE ae ere ie | [Soot Mirecel eel ae Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. |Dry. Wet. 1 | 57°7 54:9] 59°5 54-9 | 62:0 57-6 | 63°9 56:9] 65:9 59°2| 55:5 51°8) 55:7 51:7] 74:3| 54:5] - | 495] 10] 10) 7} 2) 7 2 |) 56°6 52°6 | 55-7 51-7 | 55-6 52:1) 55:0 52:9] 57-0 54:0] 55:2 51:2| 54:7 5t-0961:3| 49-9] -— | 441) 5] 7] 10] 10] 10 3 |51:0 49°7| 51-7 49:8 | 53:1 49:7 | 54:0 49:6] 53-0 49°9/50°9 47-8] 50-7 47:°9]55-7/ 49:7] - | 456] 10} 19] 10) 10; 10 4 |53°8 501/539 503) - —- |55°9 50°) - - | 52:7 489/511 49:0]58:9/ 49-2] - | 45:9] 10} 9] 8) 9}| 9 5 | 54:8 54:2] 54:1 53:9) 55-9 55:3) 55°7 55°1| 55:8 55:5 | 52°6 51:0| 51-9 50°9]56:9/ 491] - | 45:97 10] 10] 10} 10] 10 6 | 52:9 48-7 | 53-6 48-9| 52:6 49°6| 50:9 48:7 | 53:5 49:0] 49°6 47:0] 48:9 47°1]56:-4/ 48-17 - | 44:0} 8] 7) 9) 10} 10 7 |50°4 46:5] 50°83 47:0| 51:9 47°6| 52:3 48:1] 55:8 48-8500 45:3] 47:9 44:3]57:0/481] - , 451] 9] 9] 9] 8| 7 8 | 52°6 48-9] 51-8 48-4 | 50:7 49:7 | 52:8 51:6 | 58:0 52:0| 52:9 52:1) 52:9 52:1]54:0/441] - | 38:3] 10; 10) 10] 10] 10 9 | 53:9 51-2|55-8 52:3) 55-7 52°1| 55-8 52:9| 56-0 52:1] 52:8 49-7] 52:1 49:5159:0|50-6] - | 462] 10; 8) 10]; 8] 8 10 | 55:6 48-8) 57:8 51-0) 59-8 52:3] 61-0 54:0| 59:3 52°7|50°5 478/480 46-0]64:1/50:0] - | 461] 8) 9) 7) 2) O 11 | 57-1 52°6|58°9 58:7) - - |64:7 582] - —- |57-9 53:6] 54:8 51:9]67:0|393] - | 3107 1) 1; O| O| O 12 | 58:9 56°6 | 63-9 59°6| 70:1 62°3|72°1 63:7|71'8 63:2] 64:0 59°9|60°8 57°1]73:3/44-9] - | 368] 0] O|] 2) 1 0 13 | 64:8 56:0|68°8 56°83; - - | 74:2 60:0|74:7 62:9] 65:3 56°9| 63-8 54°81 75°3|47:3] - | 870] 0] O|] O| O; O 14 | 64:9 57:8| 66:7 58-7 | 72-4 60-9] 77:8 62°1| 77:8 62-9] 64:0 58°0|59°7 55:9179:0/48:0] - | 3882] 0] O| 1] 5] 6 15 | 68:7 56°2| 69-7 57:3| 74:9 58-7) 78-7 59°2| 79:4 61°5| 64:6 56°5| 60-8 54:2]80°6|524] - | 449) 0} O; O| 1] O 16 | 65:7 56:7 | 68-9 58-6 | 72:9 62:0] 77-9 64:0| 76-0 63:0 | 64°6 57:9] 60°8 56:0] 78'S |50-1] - | 404] 0} O} O} 5, 8 17 |57°7 54:8| 60°6 55°83 | 62:8 58°3| 67-8 59-9] 70:9 62:6 | 60°9 57:7 | 59°7 57°31 726/516} - | 450] 10) 10; 9) 8| 9 18 | 60:8 57°5|62°9 59-4] - - |74:6 64:9] - - | 65:2 58-2|58°6 55:5180°0|52:3] - | 450] 1) 1) O|] 1) 2 19 | 65-1 585 | 68-3 59-1 | 71:7 57:9| 73°5 59°8| 72:4 59°9|59°6 52:9] 57°7 52:4] 742/520] - | 414) 7] 6) 6] 7| 9 20 |57:4 53:6 | 58-9 54-6 | 60-9 55°7| 65:9 57°8| 65:8 57:0|59°9 55:2| 57:0 54:0] 68°3|541} - | 4917 10) 9) 7) 6] 8 Q1 | 57:0 52:7 | 59-2 54:2| 64:7 59:1] 70:3 62:0] 66°7 59:9| 59:8 56°8|57°6 56°2170°6| 48-6] - | 39:3} 0) OO} 3] 9} 10 22 | 58:9 57:0| 59-9 57-9| 62:8 59°7|67°9 62:8] - —- |57°7 55:7| 57-0 55°2]68:0|550} - | 5287 9) 7) 7) 10) 7 23 | 61:7 56:2| 60:0 55:2| 64:6 58°8| 65:1 60°1 | 62:1 59-9| 62-2 61:7] 61:7 61:0] 69°8| 54-27 - | 459] 9] 10) 9) 9] 10 24 | 60°6 58-8! 62°6 59-6 | 62°1 60°8| 61°8 59-7 | 63-9 60:8 | 60:2 58-°9| 60:0 58-9]68-7|59°3) - | 553} 10} 9} 10); 9, 8 25 |56°9 56:0/57°6 55:9} - - |60°8 571) - —- |56°9 54:4) 54:6 53:8]64:3/55-3] - | 5830] 10} 10) 8] 10) 10 26 | 56-9 55:8 | 57-8 56-0 | 59°8 56:7 | 58:9 56:8 | 61:8 58-0|55°8 52:7 | 54:1 52°7162-6|51-9} - | 498] 10} 10} 10; 9| 10 27 | 56-0 53:4] 56-0 53-0| 56-0 53°7|56°8 54:7 | 55°9 54:0| 55:7 53:0] 55:5 53-0]581|/53-0} - | 484] 10; 9| 10); 9| 9 98 |57:7 54:6| 60°1 55°5| 61:2 56°8|58°9 55°8| 566 55:6 |54°9 54:5 | 55°6 54916411530} - | 489] 10) 9} 10) 10/ 10 29 |58°7 55:9) 586 56°7|58°9 57°9/59°6 58-7) - —- |58:0 57°5| 57-9 57-7] 610/533} - | 54-1 ¢] 10} 9] 10] 10 30 | 59:9 56:8 | 62°8 59-0] 65:6 60°7 | 64:7 59:9 | 66-7 60°9| 58-9 56:8 | 59:2 57:0167:0|58-0] - | 540] 9} 7}{ Z| 10] 8 31 | 62:2 59-7 | 66-1 61:4] 66:4 62:3] 72°3 64:9| 71:2 63:7 | 63-9 60:9] 61:8 59-8} 74:1|56-9] - |(49°0)} 9] 9) 5] 7) 6 MEN] 58:3 54:3|59°8 55:0] - - |63:9 57:5] - —- | 57-8 54:3) 56-2 53°3]67:0|50°3] - | 456] 69 | 66 | 65) 69) 7:0 STEVENSON SCREEN. AUGUST 1897. Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. 1 |64°5 61°8|67°9 63°8| - - |69°4 64:7| - - |62°5 60°8|61°6 60:0] 722/576] - | 493] 7) 7) 8| 3] 4'| 2 | 59-9 58:7 | 60:8 59-0 | 59°5 57:9| 62:8 59:9| 64:8 61:0| 58-0 55:7|56-0 54:0]65°1|58:1} - | 500] 10) 10} 10; 8; 2 3 | 60:3 58-0| 62°8 59°8| 69:0 64:0 | 72:7 66-4| 70:9 65:8| 61°5 59°9|59°6 58:3] 73°3| 51:0] - | 420] 8) 7] 9) 2| 2 4 |66:8 62°9|67°6 62°9| 72:7 65:9) 75:8 67°8| 74:9 67:0|73°8 66:2|73:0 66-8] 77°9| 561] - | 455] 7) 7) 6) 9) 7 5 |75°9 67:7|78°6 68°6| 74:9 66:9 | 74°6 65:9| 73:9 65:7| 66-9 63°9| 65:9 62:9] 77-'7| 632] - | 5397 5) 6} 10; 10; 10 6 | 64:8 60°8| 64:0 60:0 | 66-7 61°8| 63:7 61:2| 65°6 61:7 | 66°6 58:6 | 60:1 58-7] 67°3|59°3] - | S511] 10| 10) 9) 10; 10 7 | 60-6 58:7 | 62:9 60:0 | 64:7 60°0| 65:1 59°83 | 631 58:8] 57:8 55-7| 54:8 53:01685|56-9] - | 501] 10; 10; 8) 6; 6 8 |58'1 55°6| 61:1 57°7| - - |65:2 59:7| - — | 58-1 562/578 56°0]68-2/50°87 - | 4307 7) 7| 7| 9| 7 9 | 59:8 56-9| 63°8 58°7 | 67:7 59°9| 67-5 60°8| 67°3 59:7 56°2 54°5| 54:0 52:0]69°0/50°3] - | 4137 2) 5) 7] 38) O 10 | 60-2 56°9| 61:2 57°7 | 64:3 58°8| 63:0 57-8| 61:8 56°9 | 56°9 55°9| 56:8 55°8]631|53°0] - | 4217 8) 4) 10) 10; 10 11 | 57°6 55°8| 57:8 56°6| 57:8 56°7 | 58-9 56°8| 57-3 56:2| 5671 54°8|55°8 54:7]58°9/ 550] - | 498] 10) 10] 10] 10) 10 12 |59°7 56°7| 61:8 57°7 | 63°6 58-0 | 63:7 56°9| 61:7 56°8| 55:7 53:0|54:4 52:4]65:1) 55-3] - | 411] 7) 7) 8) 5) 8 13 | 59:7 56-7 | 59-8 57°8| 60°3 58:1| 61-9 5S-0| 59°6 58-0| 55-9 55°6| 56-1 55-7] 634/533] - | 4217 10) 10; 10) 8) 8 14 |56:7 53-9| 56-9 53°1| 61:8 56°2| 59-8 55-7 | 57-0 54-2| 53-2 518/528 51°0]62°5/ 523] - | 4367 8) 5/| 7} 8) 9 15 |55°9 53-2/58°8 54:9| - - |59-4 55-7) - - | 54:2 526/538 52:6]63-2/494] - | 3017 9/ 8; 8] 6) 7 16 |57°1 55°9| 56-9 55°6| 57:8 56:0 | 58°S 55°9|59°4 55-0 | 54:0 53-2|53°8 52°8]59'4/5227 - | 429] 8) 8] 7] 10) 10 17 | 57:0 55°8| 58:8 56-7 | 59°8 57°1|57°7 55°7| 58-9 54°6| 55-5 53+1/ 54:9 52°7]60°6| 53-0] - | 50°07 10} 10) 10; 8; 8 18 | 59:1 54:5 |59:7 54:2] 63°8 56:7 | 63°8 56:0| 61°9 54°6| 53-9 50°2/ 51:8 49-9]64:3| 48-3} - | 435) 5) if Ghee ad 19 | 55:8 52-9|57°8 53:0 | 56-6 53°6|57°1 53-2| 57-1 53-9| 54:9 528/565 51-9]61:1| 49-0] - | 4567 9} 4) 7} 9} 10 20 | 57:8 56°8| 58-7 56°9| 59-7 58:7 | 59-8 58°8/59°6 57-9|55°3 54:2] 54-9 53:8]60°3/ 532] - | 519] 10) 10) 10; 10| 5 21 | 53:8 51:9] 55-7 52:7 | 55-2 51:9|58°6 52:8] - —- | 49-9 47-9] 49-7 47-4]62-7/ 49°83] - | 5017 9| 8] 7| 3) 4 22 154-6 52:0|57°8 54:0| - - |57°7 53:3| - —- |55°6 545/563 54:6]61:2/410] - | 8647 7) 7 |) WO} & 23 | 55:7 51°9| 58-1 54-0|58°7 54:8 | 60-7 55-0 | 59-0 53-8 | 53-4 50°8|52°7 49-0]621|48-47 - | 440] 7) 8} 7| 10] 7 24 | 57-6 52°6| 59-7 53-0| 63:4 55-4 | 65-2 58°2| 66-0 58-5 | 58:1 54:7| 58-8 54:8]67°6| 44-27 - | 885] 6) 4) 9; 8] 6 25 | 60°5 56:5 | 62°1 56-4| 628 56:0| 65:2 59°2| 65°8 59°7 | 62°6 56-0| 60-4 55°9]69°3| 54-07 - | 534] 2) 8) 9, 7] 9° 26 | 63:7 55°9| 64:9 56-7 | 65-9 56°9| 66°9 57-5 | 66°5 57°5| 59-0 57°5/57°8 56°3]68-0| 58°07 - | 521] 7/ 7) 9) lO] 8 97 | 60-6 54:5 | 61-5 55:1| 64:9 54:9|67°5 57°5| 661 57°3| 58-2 53:9| 57-0 542] 684/441] - | 875] 3) 3) 5 7) 9 98 |58:5 54:7| 58-9 55-2| 60-7 560/605 561] - — | 54:7 52:9| 54:8 53-4463:0/53-7] - | 50°07 10, 9| 9) 8) 9 29 |58:2 55°3|58°3 55°5| - - | 623 55:2] - —- | 58-9 53-1|59°3 54:1]60°8/52°3] - | 5007 9) 9/ 10) 7) 10 30 | 59:8 55:0| 60-0 53°9| 57-0 54:4| 57-3 54-9] 55-9 54-6| 57-3 52°8| 57:4 52°4]61°0|541] - | 5367 9| 9) 10) 7) 7 31 |55°6 52°9| 56-4 53-4| 581 55°1| 61-2 56-4] 62-0 56°9| 51-9 50°9)52°5 51:8] 62:3| 53-47 - | 5087 9| 9] 6] 5] 7 Mean] 59°5 562/610 56-9; - - |63:3 582] - - | 57-6 55:0} 56S 54°5]65°6| 526] - | 460] 75) 75 | 83) 75) 7:2 460 STEVENSON SCREEN. FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. TEMPERATURE AND AMOUNT OF CLOUD. SEPTEMBER 1897. Temperature —Dry and Wet Bulbs. Max.| Min, | Black |Radn. Amount of Cloud, 0 to 10. gh 10% 12h 14h 16 21h 22h Bulb.) Min. ] gn| yon] i4n{ 276| gon Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.) Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. 1 | 58°4 55:0 | 58:4 55:2} 58°3 54:9] 55°8 54:8 | 59°4 56:5] 55°9 54:81 54:7 538:°5]60°3) 470} - 7 7| 10} 10} 10 2 |53°8 51°4| 54:5 52°0| 55:4 50°9| 55:0 49:°9| 53:9 48°5|48°1 46°7| 47-9 46°:0]55°9) 4819 - 10; 10 9} 10} 10 3 | 4771 43°9| 50°5 45°4| 49°3 44°3] 51:4 41:4] 45:4 43:4] 41:0 89°9| 89°3 38°4]52°4] 41-07 - 6 5 9} 10 2 4 | 45:2 43°5 | 49°0 47°2|57°9 52°4/55°9 51:71) - —- |50°9 47-4] 48°5 45:9] 58-7 | 34:0} —- 10 8 5 5 3 5 |47:2 45:9] 48°8 47°5| - — |58°9 51:2] - — |51:0 48°5| 51:2 48:°8]55°5| 44:07 - 10/ 10} 10 5 | 10 6 | 51:9 50:2} 53°6 50:9] 54:8 52:9] 53°7 50°8| 54°6 50°3] 47°7 45°38} 48:0 45:°1]59°0| 46-9) —- 10 7 6 7 5 7 |46°9 44:3) 49:4 45:4] —- ~ |54°7 47:9) -— - | 45:8 42:9] 43:8 41:7757:0/ 37:5] - 8 9 8 5 4 8 | 44°5 41°9| 46:4 43:3) 53:7 46°9| 56:9 49°3) 57:9 51:3} 45°9 44:2 | 44:9 43°41 59°3 | 32:2 - 1 6 3 2 2 9 | 48°9 43°3)50°4 44:3] 52°38 45:8 | 54:1 47°3| 55°5 48°5 | 44:9 42:2] 41°3 40:0 | 58°3 | 36-2 - 1 0 1 3 1 10 | 44:8 42°7 | 48°5 44:9) 55:7 48-7 | 58-0 514] 58°5 51:1) 47:8 45:4] 46°5 44:9] 59-1 | 32-7 | 100°9 0 38 5 2 5 11 | 49°5 47-4 | 54:4 49°5| 569 51:5] 58:5 53:2] - — | 52:3 50:9 | 53:9 51:9} 60-0 | 40-0] 102°6 3 3 8 6 8 12 |53°9 53°5| 54:4 53:5) - - )55°% 55:0; - -—- | 55:7 55:4) 55:9 55°6156°2| 52-5] 66-4 10; 10} 10] 10) 10 13 |57°5 56:9] 57°6 57:0) 63:9 60°4| 68:0 62°5 | 63:9 59°9| 58:3 56°5| 58-9 56°5] 71:1 | 55-0] 1171 10} 10 3 9 9 14 |57°5 55:0 | 58:4 54:0] 59:4 54:4) 57°3 54°5 | 56°38 54:2) 55:0 54°1| 54:9 53°8]61:2| 55-2] 86-4 8 7} 10] 10) 10 15 | 52°0 51°6 | 52°8 52:4) 55:9 55:3 | 55:9 55°5 | 57°8 56:8 | 50°8 48-9] 51:0 48:8] 58:0] 49-0} 88-0 10} 10}; 10 9 8 16 | 53°9 49:4] 51'8 49°6| 56'9 55:5 | 51-4 48:9] 52:4 48:3] 48-8 47:6 | 47:8 46°3]57°0| 46-9] 87:3 10 9] 10 9 8 17 | 50°9 46°9| 51°5 47°3| 51:5 47°6| 51°3 45:3] 52°9 50°9|47°8 43°6 | 46:6 43:4] 57:0 | 43-29 111°0 6! 8 9 5 6 18 | 47:9 44:3) 51:1 45°8|50°8 45:2) 52°71 451] - — |46°7 42:0] 43°6 40:0} 54:7 | 41:2] 117-2 7 7 8 3 3 19 |44°8 42:5) 49°3 44:7) - - |57°8 49°99] - — | 49:0 45°6 | 48:2 45:4] 59-0] 37-4} 110-0 2 5 3 2 4 20 | 55:4 49°3) 57°8 47°9/ 59:2 48°5|55°9 47:5 | 54:0 47:4] 50°8 49:9] 50°8 503] 61:0 | 47:6] 114-1 6 i 6} 10; 10 21 |52:2 47°5| 58:4 47°8 | 54:3 48°7 | 52°6 48:1} 51:5 47°5| 50:7 46:8 | 49:2 47-0} 56:2 | 49-4} 100-0 a 9 7 8} 10 22 (51:4 50°2/51°4 49°7/ 51:1 49°5/ 51:1 48-4 | 53:4 48:3] 47:'8 44:6 | 46°6 44:4] 53°7 | 45-6] 82°8 10 10} 10 10 3 23 | 52:2 50° | 51°8 51°3 | 53°6 53:3) 57°71 56°4| 57:7 53°5 | 54:8 50°5 | 52°9 50°4] 58:1) 44-4] 68°3 10} 10] 10 9 8 24 | 49°38 49°0|/49°6 48°5/50°5 49:°3/ 53:9 48:8 | 52-4 48:0 | 48°7 45:°9/49°3 46:0] 54:0 | 48:0} 83-2 10; 10 8 6 10 25 |50°4 48°5| 50°9 48:9 | 52:4 49°3/ 53:8 50°] - — | 52°7 51:8 | 52:8 51:9} 54:5 | 459} 68:1 10) *10 |) 105 105) S10 26 |53°0 51:5 | 54:4 52:4) —- - |52:0 48:7) - —- | 48:9 45:9| 48:9 46:3] 57:6 | 47:3} 104°9 10 9 8 6 3 27 | 50-4 48:5) 52:0 49°6 | 56:1 52°7 | 55:9 51°7| 58°7 52°8|49°6 48°7 | 49:1 48-1] 59°3 | 47:1 f 1031 5 6 9 6 3 28 |53°4 51:4) 55:0 52°5 | 60°71 54°9| 62°8 55:9| 62:4 55:4| 57:2 55:1) 56°5 55:2] 65:8 | 42°17 113-2 9|. 9 8} 10; 10 29 | 52:4 50°9/ 53:1 51:2 | 56:3 52°83) 57:2 53°2| 57:9 51:9) 47-9 46:9 | 46°6 45:5 | 59°7 | 47-6 | 103-0 8 6 5 1 1 | 80 |48°4 46°7 | 49°7 48°3| 56°9 52°5 | 59:0 53:5 | 56:4 52°8| 46-9 45:9 | 45°6 45-2] 63:4 | 41:4] 104:2 0 il 1 0 2 Mean] 50°9 48°5|52°3 49°3) - - |55°6 50°99} - -— |50°0 47:8] 49:2 47:3}58-4|] 44-27 - 71) 74) 73] 66 | 6:3 STEVENSON SCREEN. OCTOBER 1897. Dry. Wet. Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.! Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.) Dry. Wet.] Dry. Wet j 1 | 52°9 50°8 | 54°8 51°9| 56°8 53°4| 58:0 52:2) 54:9 51:1] 49°38 47:0] 48:2 46:2] 61°1 | 44°3112°0| 37:1 9 9 3 2 3 2 | 49-7 48-4 / 50-0 49°3| 52:7 50-9) 522 51:8) - —- | 52-9 51:7|52-9 49°59 53:3/ 43-4] 61-2] 37-3] 10} 10] 10] 10 5 8 | 52:7 48°5)52°9 48:5] - — |56-2 50-4) —- — |48°6 45°7 | 48°5 45:3] 56°5 | 45°07 101°2) 40-1 7 6 6 8 8 4 |40°9 39°5 | 45°6 43:3) 52°5 47:5 | 52:4 47°5| 52:0 47°8| 46:9 44:5 | 48:4 4451530 | 34:3] 88:3) 28-0 5 5 | 10 8 8 5 | 54:7 49°0 | 55:0 49:4) 56:0 49°6 | 55:3 50°1| 54:7 50:2] 49°] 47-7 | 48:6 46:9] 56°5| 45:0} 65:0) 40°8 9 yi} U0) te) 8 6 | 44:5 432/510 47-9] - - |538-4 48-9] - — |49°6 46°3| 465 44:3] 55:0| 40°49 95°38) 35:5 8 8 8 | 10 9 7 |48°9 46°9|48°3 47:1] 51:3 49:3 | 53°9 49:9] 52°8 49:2) 51:9 51°5 | 53:4 51°99755°8 | 43°2] 93:6] 38-9 eo 8) LON P10 8 | 51°9 46°9|51°9 46°9| 52:3 47°1|50°9 47°7| 50:4 45°6| 48:9 44:9 | 47-8 43:9]54:0| 47:3] 88:2] 46:5 4 7 8 6 9 9 | 49:0 45°8| 49:0 45°9| 49:2 46°7/|50°9 47:2] - - | 49°9 48°9| 50:2 49°5152:1 | 45:0} 70°7| 40°3 8 9} 10} 10} 10 10 | 541 52°9) 54-4 511) - - | 60:0 46:9 - 7°9 44:0} 46°5 43°4]55°1| 45:2) 68:1] 48:44 10 7 10 8 7 11 | 47°2 43°0| 48°6 43:9] 47°4 43°9| 47°9 43°8] 44:8 42:2) 44:6 39:9 | 42:2 39°9150:0| 41-6] 78:0| 41:3 7 8 8 8 8 12 | 40°4 38:4) 41°8 38°6 | 43°7 38°9 | 41:2 37:9} 41°5 87°7| 38:9 36:9 | 35:7 34°79 45-0 | 37-0] 79°8| 34:0 7 G | 10 9} 10 13. | 40°7 36°6 | 41°5 36°9| 44:9 39°9| 46:0 40°9| - — | 36:0 34:9 | 34:7 33:71 49:0 | 83-0] 89°9| 28:4 7 qj If 1 2 14 | 32:2 30°7 | 35:7 32°3 | 42°9 38°6| 43°9 38:0} - —- |40°8 87:6] 39°3 36:8] 46:°5| 271] 86:0] 211 0 0 3 0) 15 | 41:5 89°7| 41°4 39:4] 43:0 40°9| 51:7 46:1 | 53°9 49°1 | 48:0 46:9) 46°8 45°8.154-7 | 37-1] 63:3} 36:4] 10 10 10 7 5 16 |51°5 49:9) 51:8 49:9) 52°6 49:1 |52°8 49-6} - — | 58:2 47°:7| 52:9 49°8] 54:9) 44:3] 60:4) 45:07 10]) 10] 10] 10] 10 17 | 52°9 52°41 57:5 55:9) - - |61°0 55:7] —- — |59°8 52°7|57:9 52:6] 62:3) 51:71} 70:0) 49°07 10) 10] 10 9 7 18 | 51:9 50:0} 51°5 49:6) —- — |53°7 50:0 | 52°7 50°3|51°9 50:1} 52°8 50°9]60:0| 50:2] 85:4) 44:3} 10 if 8 i 9 19 | 50°2 48°8/ 51:9 49°9| 53°2 50:2] 541 49-9] 54:3 49°8| 50-8 49:0] 51-4 49:7156°6| 47-5 86:0] 40:9 6 6 5 5 6 20 | 541 51°7 | 54:1 51:9) 57°9 53°4| 56:5 52°5| 56-2 51-7 | 438-8 42-9) 48-5 42°7158°8! 48-07 90°38] 43:57 10] 10 7 0 0 21 | 39°0 38°5 | 43°8 41:9 | 53°9 49-4/ 55:9 50:8) 56°9 50-8 | 419 40:9] 40:4 39:6} 62:0 | 36:0} 94:4.) 26-1 3 2 10) 0 0 22 | 40° 39:2] 45:1 42°6/ 55:0 49:°9/57°9 51:9] —- — |46°5 44:9) 44:4 48:°5159°5 | 36°38} 90:0} 27:8 0 0 0 0 0 23 | 41°8 40°1 | 47:9 44:2] 60°7 52°3| 59:9 51:5) — — | 43:1 42-0 | 41:9 40°9]63'1 | 38-8] 95:0} 26°8 0 0 0 0 0 24 | 38°4 37°7| 45:4 42:7) - - |52°8 49:3) —- 43°9 42:2) 42:9 41°2156:2| 35:2] 87:0} 24:1 0 0 0 0 0 25 | 37:9 36:9] 48°8 44-1] - - |56°7 48:9) —- — |41°8 39°0| 42:1 39°4]61:0| 35:7] 89:9] 24°8 0 0 0 0 0 26 | 86°2 35°5| 41°1 39:2) 52:1 47:1 | 52:8 47:9] 50°9 47-6| 40:3 39:3] 39:9 39:1]58-°0| 34:9] 86:0] 27:9 0 0 0 0 0 27 | 56°38 51°2|59°6 52:5 | 62°6 53:5] 61:9 52:8) 57-9 50°9|52°7 48:9) 51:9 48:9] 64:0] 35:0] 91:9] 42:2 5 3 2 7 7 28 | 53°38 51°7|55°6 52°8| 58:9 54:9] 57:9 54:1) 55°9 58:11 48:9 48-7] 49-6 48-8159:0| 46-0] 73:2] 44:7 8 7 5 5 6 29 | 48:2 47:4) 49°7 48°6| 50-7 49°6/53°0 51:9) - —- |59°6 51:5) 57:8 51:2]59°7 |[46:0}} 61°3| 36:0] 10 0} 10} 10) 10 80 | 54:2 53°4| 54:4 53°7| 54:1 53°8| 54-2 53:9) - — | 52:9 52:0| 52:9 51:8] 60:0 | 51:7 60:9) 45:9} 10] 10} 10} 10 0: 81 | 51°8 49°7| 51:9 49:9] - — |55°1 52:7) - —- | 501 48:8) 49:4 47:9]56°3| 46:0} 66°2| 47-6} 10]| 10 8 4 3 Mran| 47°1 45°0| 49°4 465] - - |58°6 4971] - — |47:9 45:5] 47:1 45:0] 56:4) 41°57 816) 37:1 | 6:5 | 6:0] 6:3] 5:8 | 55 Aa FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 46 1 STEVENSON SCREEN. TEMPERATURE AND AMOUNT OF CLOUD. NOVEMBER 1897. Temperature—Dry and Wet Bulbs. Amount of Cloud, 0 to 10. Black} Radn. Bulb. | Min. } gn | yon | 14m | gu | 22h eis 10h 12h 14h 164 21h _————|-——$ | -_—— Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. 1 | 45:2 43°8 | 46°7 44:9 | 50°8 47:9 | 52:0 48-9| 52-9 48°6 | 42:9 81'2| 34:2 3 1 4 0 2 +2 | 38:2 37°9| 405 39:9] 46°9 44:9 | 51:1 47:6 | 49-9 46:9 | 41:6 78°6 | 28:0 4 1 1 0 0 ; 3 | 34:7 33:9] 39:9 37:9] —- — |48:°0 44:9} - = eer 70°2| 22:1 0 0 0 0 0 4 |31°6 30°8 | 34°71 35:1] 42:9 40:1] 44:9 41-9 | 44-4 41°5 | 33:8 74:2 | 18°7 0 0 0 1 6 | 5 | 41°5 39°7 | 42°3 40°38] - - |45°9 41:9} - — | 44:0 53:0| 22:3] 10} 10] 10} 10] 10 | 6 |387°7 36°2!40°6 38:0] - - (47:1 43:7] - — | 45°6 55:3 | (34:0) 5 3 9 9 9 7 |49°0 43:2) 49°6 43:3] - — |50°8 44:0) —- — | 491 55:8 | 34:1 9 if Sail On| ee 8 |54:0 49°8 | 56:8 51-7 | 57-4 52°1 | 55-6 51:0] 54:3 50-5 | 53-9 64:0} 40:0} 10 9 8} 10] 10 9 | 44:2 43°3/49°9 46:2) - — |544 49:9) - — | 61:2 66:0| 31:2] 10; 10] 10 8 8 10 | 47°6 46:1) 47°9 46°3]51°5 49°4/55-0 51:2) - — | 51:9 59°7| 33:0] 10} 10] 10} 10} 10 11 {(50°6)[50°7]| 50°9 50-6 | 52°1 51:9 | 51-7 51°1 | 53-0 51°7 | 54:9 55:0| 466] 10} 10) 10] 10] 10 12 | 53°7 53:0) 54:2 53°6|54°9 58°1|55°5 52°6| 53°7 51:0] 52:9 60:0} 473] 10) 10) 10) 10} 10 18 | 51°8 51:0} 51:9 50:9] 51°7 50°2/ 51:9 50:6) —- — | 49:0 60:0} 46:3} 10} 10) 10] 10 iti 14 | 40°6 38°4/39°5 37:6] - - | 37:0 35:3} —- — | 34:2 49-0| 36°38} 10; 10) 10 7 1 15 | 34:9 33°0| 34°9 32:4 | 37°5 32°9 | 38:3 383°3| 82°8 30°4 | 25°6 65°8 | 19°9 Ce ee 4 0 0 16 | 34:0 32°3| 40°8 36°7 | 44:9 38°7 | 46:0 40°4| 46-5 41°4 | 48°5 55:0| 1e1} 10, 10; 10} 10] 10 17 | 51:5 49°8| 516 49-6 |51°6 50°4/ 51:1 50°0| 51:0 49:6 | 48-9 58°6| 45:0] 10; 10] 10} 10) 10 18 | 46:5 43°5 | 47:5 43°8 | 48°4 44:4 | 47°8 44:8| 4871 45-1 | 49°3 71:0} 38:0 6 7 8} 10 10 19 | 53°6 51:9) 53:4 51°9| 53°9 51°5 | 52°9 51:4} 52°9 51:1 | 52°5 56:0| 45:0} 10| 10] 10]; 10 8 20 | 51:3 49°8| 52:0 50:2) 52°3 50:'1)51°6 50:0) - = | 50:7 59:0; 40:0 yi Sy) lo) Sy A 21 | 50°9 47:9, 50°9 48:5) —- - |50°0 47-4] - — | 50°4 51-9| 416} 10] 10} 10] 10| 10 22 | 49°7 48°5 | 49°9 48:9) 49°9 47-7 | 49°5 47:0 | 49°5 47:2 | 49-7 52:0] 451} 10] 10} 10} 10} 10 23 | 50-9 49°8 | 50°9 49°9)51°9 50°8| 46°5 45°5| 44:1 427 | 41:0 63:9) 45:0} 10] 10 9} 10; 10 | 24 | 40°9 39:5 | 41-4 40:0 | 41-9 40°5 | 42:3 40:8 | 42:3 40°6 | 42°7 47°5| 37° | 10| 10| 10) 10j 10 { 25 | 43°8 40°5|40°5 39°3| 43°7 41°4| 44:7 42:3] 43-7 40°8 | 45:1 63°9| 29°6 3 3 if 9| 10 26 | 48:7 44:9) 48:4 45:0 | 47:4 43°4| 46°9 43°8| 45:0 42:1 | 44:6 53-0| 41-4 10] 10] 10] 10) 10 27 =| 46:9 43°4| 46:5 42°9] 43:4 40°3)44°8 39-4] —- — | 40°6 48-0 | 37:0 9 8 9} 10) 10 28 | 43:1 41°0| 42°5 39:7) - - | 37:0 35:4) - - | 41:2 47:0| 35:0} 10 9 9} 10} 10 29 | 35-2 33°5 | 88'2 35:2 | 39:2 35:9 | 88-7 35-4 | 83°8 32°7 | 35:8 56:2| 27:3 5 6 6} 10; 10 30 | 40°1 38:1 | 42°8 38:9 | 42°2 39:0 | 42°4 38:9 | 88-8 36:9 | 34:0 56:2] 30°8 3 5 7 4 3 ‘| Mgan) 44:7 42°8 | 45°9 43°6] - - |47°7 44-7) - — | 44:7 59°8| 35:0] 7:8 | 7°3| 80] 7:9 | 77 STEVENSON SCREEN. DECEMBER 1897. Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet.| Dry. Wet. sf , : 1 | 32°9 32:1 | 33:8 32°5 | 36°3 34:9 | 37-6 34:5 | 36°0 34:3] 32°9 31-7 | 33°9 32°31 38:3 | 28-2] 56°6 |) 22:2 Seal 4 5 4 \ 2 | 31-1 30°2| 31°9 30°9| 34S 33°5 | 35-4 33-9 | 32:9 32-0 | 82:3 30:9 | 82:3 31:3] 359 | 30°0 566 | 20°9 3 4 4 9 9 3 | 87°8 35:5 | 38-9 36°8 | 42-0 40-0] 44:9 41:3] 42-0 40:0] 43°7 42:7 | 43-5 41:4]44-9/ 29-1] 45°9| 2157 10) 10; 10; 10; 10 4 | 39°9 88°4 | 40°6 38°6 | 42°5 39:4] 41:2 39:0) - — | 87:6 35°6 | 37:2 35:3 | 44-2 | 33-0} [55:0] 28°9 5 5 8 4 5 * 5 | 44:9 41°2)46°9 42:9) - — |48:3 44:7] - — | 44:9 43:9] 44-7 44:0] 49:2 | 33:0} 57:1] 24-1 6 9}; 10) 10) 10 ! 6 | 36:4 36°3 | 37-4 87-1] 41°5 38:9 | 39°3 37-9] 35:4 34:5] 86:9 35-9 | 38:1 37:0} 44:9 | 34:0] 45:2} 28°0 3 Da LOT SLO LO) 7 | 45:9 44:2] 47:8 45:8 | 48-9 48-1 | 49-0 48-0 | 50°6 46:5 | 40-7 38-2] 41:3 37:5]51:3| 3866} 49°55) 303] 10] 10] 10/ 10 5 . 8 | 38:1 33:9 | 37°8 33-9] 35:9 33°6| 36:3 35:2] 40°3 38:2 | 44-5 39:9 | 45:0 40°51 46:2 | 31-4] 50:2] 30-0 6 9} 10) 10; Lo 9 | 43:5 39°9| 43:9 40-2} 43:9 40-5 | 42:9 39°5| 48-6 39-9] 43:2 39-7 | 43-1 39:3] 46:0 | 39:0] 47:0] 34°3 7 7 7 a 6 10 |38°5 37:9 | 38-6 37:9) 39°3 38:2| 40°5 38:3] 40°5 37:2] 38-8 37:5 | 38-9 37:1] 43-9 | 87-2] 42:2) 32:07 10; 10) 10 8 | 10 11 | 37:1 36:1 | 38°6 37:2 | 40:4 38:9) 41:1 39:3) —- - | 39-1 37°6| 38:2 36:9] 41:7 | 34-2] 42:0) 291} 10) 10 10; 10 9 q 12 | 386°3 35°8| 36:5 35:9] - — |386'2 35:9) - — |30°4 29-9| 31:6 30°6]38°8 | 29°77] 40°0| 30°4 6 8 i 4 9 13 | 41-9 37-9| 41:9 38:0| 43:3 39:5 | 42:7 40:5 | 40-9 39-5] 45:9 41:91 47:3 43-0]47-4| 380-2] 51°7| 23:07 10| 10) 10!) 10/ 10 : 14 | 41-1 37:1] 41-8 37:2/ 43-7 38-:0| 43°8 38°8| 42°5 38-2 | 43°3 38-9| 42-1 39:2] 49:8 | 37-8} 47-0] 31°0 if 5 6 5 6 ¥ 15 | 41°8 40:0] 41:5 40:2| 41:0 40:4] 43:9 41:7 | 42-5 40:3] 42-4 40-5 | 42:2 41:1} 44-8| 39-4] 49°7| 32:97 10) 10] 10 9 10 16 | 48-9 44:7] 49:9 45:2| 53:3 48:4] 54:9 47:9] 54:5 47-6 | 52-9 47-9| 53-0 47:6] 55-8 | 37-0} 61:0) 29-2] 10, 9 9 8 9 @ 17 | 48°3 46:6 | 47:9 46-7 | 48:2 47-0| 48°1 47:1 | 48:2 47:3) 47:1 45-0 | 47-2 45:2]53-5 | 45°83] 53:0] 43-27 10, 10) 10; 10) 10) 18 | 42:2 40:2} 41:9 39:2) 41:0 38°8| 40°3 386) —- — | 81:7 30:8 | 32:7 31:5] 47:7 | 30°4] 46:0} 32°9 4| 8 0 0 0 19 | 29°7 29:2) 29:8 29:3] - — | 33:9 32:2) - — | 28:9 28°5| 29:3 28:9} 34:3 | 27:2] 33°38] 20°0 @), O} © 0 20 | 30:0 29:0! 30-7 29-4] 33:9 31:8! 35:1 32:1 | 32°9 32:2! 32:5 31:2/30°5 29°6136°1| 27:2) 34:3) 17:7 0 0 1 0 0 21 | 28-0 [27°6]| 28-7 28°3| 28-9 28-4 | 31-7 30-9 | 28°6 28-5 | 27:4 27-1 | 26:9 26°7] 32:0 | 25:8} 32-7) 17:1 0; O 0 0 0 22 | 23:7 23°6 | 22:9 22:9] 25-2 24:8 |27°6 27:1 | 26:0 25:7 | 22-9 22°6| 21-1 20:9]27°9| 20°71] 27°6) 14:2 0 | 0 0 0 0 23 | 26°7 25:9 | 26:3 25°7| 27-8 27:0 | 28:8 27:9| 27-9 27:0| 80:9 30:0 | 29°7 28:7] 31:0 | 20:0} 32:4) 13°2 9 7 9 8 8 24 | 38-7 35:9] 40-8 37:2] 41:2 38-1 | 44:1 39-9 | 39-4 36:-4| 37-2 34:3| 39:6 36:5] 44-5 | 28-3] 47:3] 20°9 9, 9 7 4) 10 25 | 46°38 43°8| 49:0 45°9| 50°8 46°2| 47°8 46°38; - — | 47:3 45:2| 47:6 45:2151°3| 39-0] 46°7| 31°47 10; 10] 10 6 6 26 | 52°6 47°6| 52:8 47:6) — — |49°3 48°7) —- — |50*2 49°9/50'1 49°9153°9| 44-0] 54:6] 36:0} 10 10; 10] 10} 10 97 | 42:0 41:1| 41:9 41:1] 41:9 41:3] 41-5 41-4] 41°5 41-4] 42:0 41-7 | 41:9 40:7] 50°6 | 39-8] 51:2) 37:3] 10, 10) 10) 10); 10 28 | 42:4 40°2 422 40:4| 44:3 40-9 | 43:7 40:9] 41°0 39:1] 39-9 38:1] 40°6 38:5] 44°8| 3861} 49°83) 34:7} 10) 10 7 7 10 29 | 41-1 38:9 | 42:8 39:9| 40:1 39°7 | 42:5 42:0| 48-8 46°6 | 46-4 44:5] 47:1 45:8] 49-3] 38-2] 47°38] 314} 10, 10) 10 i || (0) 30 | 45:9 41:0| 44-1 40:9] 43-9 41°1| 41°S 40:2] 44:5 40°3| 43-4 39:3] 43:9 43-6] 54:0 | 36°83] 50°38] 37:2] 10, 10) 10) 10 6 31 | 44:0 41:7 | 43°5 41-6] 46:0 43-2 | 44°6 42-2] 44-1 41-8 | 44-4 41-6] 43-1 41-2] 46°8| 41-4] 53°1)[37°0]} 10 | 10 7 | 10 9 JMEAN | 39°3 37:2 | 39°38 376} - — |41°3 39°2) - — |89°4 37:5 | 39:5 37:6] 44:5 | 33:5] 47:0} 28-1] 7:2 | (ASN TRIN OA | 7a | 462 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MBAN VALUES AT BEN NEvis OBSERVATORY, 4407 FEET, AND Fort- WILLIAM OBSERVATORY, 42 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL. BAROMETER—BEN NEVIS. BAROMETER—FORT-WILLIAM. Jan. .19'944 | 9°942 | 9-942 | 9'940 | 9-936 Feb. .| -917] -920| -921| -914| -911 Mar, || 459] -462| -464| -459| -461 Apr. .} °802] -s00] -798| -795| -794 May 921] -918| -917| -914] -916 June .| -989] -986| -982| -978] -980 July -927] -926| -924| -922| -923 Aug. .| -678] -673| -669| -663) -659 Sept. .]| ‘889] -886| -s86| -s80| -878 Oct 0°064 } 0:061 | 0-056 | 0047 | 0:047 Noy. .| 101] :094| -088, -076| -070 Dec. .}9°688 | 9°680 | 9°67 | 9°675 | 9°668 Year .| 9:65 | 9-862 | 9°860 | 9855 | 9:854 TEMPERATURE—BEN Jan. .| 20:2] 20°0| 20°0 20-0) 19°9 Feb. .} 26:0 | 25:9 | -5 7] 25:9] 25-9 Mar. .| 24:3 | 24-1 | 23°9 | 23°38 | 23-7 Apr. .] 24:4 | 24:2 | 23°8 | 24-0 | 23:7 May .| 30°6] 30-4 | 30-4 | 30°3 | 30-4 June .| 38:8] 387) 38:8 | 386 | 383 July .| 44:0] 43°7 | 43°5 | 435 | 43-0 Aug. .| 41:9] 41°9| 41:7 | 41°5 | 41-3 Sept. .| 346] 34°5 | 34°3 | 34:0] 34-0 Oct. 35:2 | 34:9 | 35:3 | 35°5 | 35-6 Noy. .| 33:6} 33°6 | 33:7 | 34:0 | 34:0 Dec 27:2 | 269 | 27:0 | 26°5 | 26-7 Year | 31:7, 31°6/ 31°5 | 31°5 | 3174 9°930 | 9°931 “909 | °910 *455| °453 “794 -800 919 | 922 981] ‘986 926} -930 *658 | 662 877 | “882 07044 | 0°049 "065 | °065 9°664 | 9-658 9°852 } 9°854 NEVIS. 19°9 | 19°6 25°6 | 25°7 23°5 | 23°3 23°5 | 23°6 30°6 | 31°0 38°3 | 38°6 43°2 | 43°5 41°2 | 41°2 33°9 | 34°1 35°7 | 35°7 34:1 | 34°1 26°6 | 26°8 31°3 | 31°4 9°936 908 “454 *806 924 989 935 “662 "882 0°052 061 9°656 9°855 19°6 25°7 23°4 23°9 31°7 39°0 43°6 41°3 34:1 35°6 34°0 27°0 31°6 TEMPERATURE—FORT-WILLIAM. Jan 35°7 | 35°5 | 35°0 | 351 |( 34°8 Feb. 39°6 | 39°4 | 39°4 | 39°5 | 39°4 Mar 40°38 | 40°2 | 400 | 39°9 | 39°5 Apr. 40°3 | 39°8 | 3971 | 38°83 | 38°7 May 44°41 43°9 | 43°2 | 42°6 | 42°6 June 51°6 | 51°3 | 50°8 | 50°5 | 50°3 July 54°9 | 54°4 | 54°1 | 53°5 | 53-1 Aug. 56°5 | 56°2 | 55°8 | 55°4 | 55:0 Sept. .] 49°2 | 48°7 | 48°4 | 47°9 | 47°8 Oct. 47°2 |] 47°0 | 46°8 | 46°8 | 46°5 Nov 45°3 | 45°3 | 45°1 | 45°1 | 45°2 Dec 39°2 | 39°2 | 39°1 | 38°8 | 38°8 Year 45°4] 45°1 | 44°7 | 44°5 | 44°3 34°5 39°4 39°3 oon 38°4 43°4 51°3 apo wo 54°0 54°9 47°5 _ Pan fo;) “IR oo 45°9 44°9 386 44°3 20 ~“Ior cm Cor ou rn 44°2 ts 0 & ooFy A IAA WAS -~ LA Al oe 0 $3 “SQ ASH oT 2 On as 45°0 19°7 25°8 23°7 24°3 32°4 39°4 44-4 419 34°2 36°0 34:0 27'0 31°9 oye oo G2 6 oor mw SHA OTN wOK~T 2 non oA Ch oe or oo 45°7 mC bo nore Noor one Pao to 00 ws SNS SAO 34°9 39°6 40°9 436 48°4 55'0 58°2 59°1 50°6 47°3 44°9 39°2 468 9°952 913 “455 “806 923 994 “937 660 "886 0°059 ‘081 9°653 9360 35°3 40°3 41°8 44°4 49°7 55°9 59°6 60°4 51°9 48°8 45°6 39°6 47°38 9°952 908 “455 803 918 “991 “936 *655 "882 0056 083 9°649 9°857 ORB Wor rrr me GOCE Coca CASI ® HAN SAD HED no oo 69 Sas ao 33°1 36°0 41°2 42°9 45°8 51°2 57°4 60'8 611 53'1 50°5 46°4 40°0 489 12 13 5°258 | 5:255 ‘287 | °279 4°894 | 4°896 5°204 | 5'206 “357 | °362 495] “498 ‘4739 °477 "2287 °231 365] °366 ‘501 °499 “4869 “482 O74] °072 5°302 | 5°302 9°944 | 9°935 “903 | “892 456] °453 “799 } °794 916} “911 *992] “989 935] °932 "655 -650 *881] “878 0053 } 0:046 079} °071 9°647 | 9°639 9°855 | 9°849 20°4 | 20°5 273 | 274 25°7 | 25°9 26°3 | 27°1 34:0 | 34°3 41°6] 42°71 46°7 | 47:3 44°4 | 44°5 36°8 | 36°7 37°5 | 37°6 33°8 | 33°9 27'9 | 28°4 33°5 | 33°8 36°3 y 37°0 41°6 | 42°3 43°7 | 44°2 46°3 | 47-1 52°2 J 5371 58°4 | 59°3 61°5 | 62°9 61°9 | 62°4 540 y 54°9 517 f 52°5 46°9 | 47°6 40°6 | 40°7 49°6 | 50°3 9°930 “886 450 “789 906 “985 ‘930 647 877 0°043 066 9°637 9:846- boe~T AIS wo Ore Ww 0 bo bow pw SY Gales S A Worn ISH Ovo bo ae hod © 00 33°9 37'3 42°5 44°4 47°7 53°9 59°7 63°4 62°38 55°0 53°0 47°4 41°0 50°7 15 5°249 "269 4881 5204 *358 499 “479 232 360 505 “474 ‘077 5'299 9" 928 877 440 “782 “901 982 925 "646 “872 0039 059 9-638 9°841 20°2 27°0 25°7 27°6 34°6 42°6 47°7 44:5 36°6 37°5 33°7 28°0 33°8 9°929 877 *439 179 902 981 “919 "645 “871 0°043 “064 066 9°648 | 9°652 9°841 | 9°842 (st) or, mm Go Do bo tS po I ORT WAI ADS S NOM WSHM ABS bo 9 ee an 336 37°1 42°4 44°0 48°5 53°6 59°9 64°0 62°9 55°6 52°5 46°9 40°3 50°6 36°74 41°8 43°4 48°3 53°1 59°6 63'9 62°2 54°9 513 46°1 40°1 50°1 5'256 4°390 5°208 494 “469 “360 ‘S11 089 5°301 9°934 *892 444 *783 907 977 915 “647 “880 0°059 “O71 9°658 9°847 ORF BPwp NWe GS WHS HOS Rao On onan wna ono oo 36°1 41°2 42°6 47-1 51°8 59°2 63°4 61°2 53°6 50°2 45°8 39'7 49°3 19°9 26:3 24°7 25°9 32°7 40°9 46°2 43°3 34°83 36°3 33°0 27°5 32°6 36:0 40°7 41°9 45°4 50°8 57°4 62°2 60°0 51°9 49°2 45°4 39°5 48°4 wm OO DO mown Sha eSS oo wore EN A = S AMS RED AME woe “Ie be =) 32°4 35'8 40°5 417 44-1 48°9 55°6 60'1 58°9 50°8 48°4 45°2 39'4 47°4 20°0 26°2 24°3 25°3 31°6 39°8 44°5 42°6 34°6 35°7 32°9 27°5 32°1 AT 20°0 26°1 24°2 25°2 31°4 39°4 44:2 42°2 34°5 35°8 33°0 27-2 31°9 47-7 39°5 46'2 5'250 5° ‘211 | 481, *230 366 "B19 “478 “104 5°303 9°930 902 812 931 992 35'8 39°8 | 40°7 41°5 45°3 52°6 558 56°7 49°2 47-4 44°8 39°5 4°893 | *464 | “460! Mid- night. 5302 9°931 0-076 065 9°682 9°863 45°8 | BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY, 463 MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN VALUES AT BEN Nevis OBSERVATORY, 4407 FEET, AND AT Fort-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY, 42 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL, 1897. WIN D FORCE—BEN NEVIS. E 2 ‘| ia- | | Mid- iz night 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 night J 3°73 | 3°81 | 3°77 | 3°42 | 3°32 | 3°13 | 2°69 | 2°82 | 2°92} 3°05 3°11 | 3°08 | 3-06] 3:24 | 3-11 | 3:03 | 3:06 | 3°10 | 2°82 | 2°79 | 3°05 | 3-42 | 3°42 | 3°42 | 3°76 3:18 2°68 | 2°82 | 2°61 | 2°71 | 2°62 | 2°54 2°82 | 2°66 | 2°64 | 2°73 2°77 | 2°70 | 2°89 | 2:95 | 2°80 | 2°54 | 2°66 | 2°55 | 2°52 | 2°80 | 2°54 | 2:54 | 2°50 | 2°59} 2°61 2°66 3°26 | 3°00 | 2°94 | 2°98 | 2°94 | 2:95 | 2°58 | 2:77 | 3:09 | 3°19 | 3:26 | 3:40] 3:11 | 3:23 | 3°34 | 3:27 | 3°37 | 2°98 | 2°82 | 3:02 | 3°32 | 3°50 | 3°56 | 3:47] 3:26] 3°14 2°20 J 2°20 | 2°25 | 2°33 | 2°43 | 2°17 | 2°02 | 2:13 | 2-15 | 2°18 2°30 | 2:08 | 2-15 | 2-10 | 1:93 | 2:20] 2°08 | 1°93 | 1°73 | 1:92 | 2°13 | 2°33 | 2:38 | 2°33 | 2°22 2°15 2°32 J 2°21 | 2°31 | 2°26 | 2°16 | 2°18 | 1°81 | 1:89 | 1°73 | 1:94 2°00 | 1°97 | 2°03 } 1°87 | 2°03 | 2:21 | 2°31 | 1-90] 1°90 | 1:92 | 2-24 | 2:27 | 2:42 | 2°32 | 2°39 2°09 2°50 | 2°23 | 2°42 | 2°32 | 2°32 | 2°02 | 2°08 | 2:00 | 2°02 | 1°77, 1°82 | 2°03 | 1:93 | 1°85 | 1°58 | 1°57 | 1°95 | 1:72] 1°75 | 1-90 | 1°98 | 2:20 | 217 | 2:20] 2°43] 2:01 169 J 1°77 | 1°90 | 1°85 | 1:92 | 2°00 | 2°03 | 2:03 | 1:89 | 1:69 1-82 | 1:77 | 1°66 | 1:89 | 1°60 | 1°55 | 1°66 | 1:76 | 1°74] 1°65 | 1:76 | 1°68 | 1°82 | 1°71] 1°71 1:79 2°06 J 2°11 | 2°10 | 2°16 | 2°24 | 2°02 | 1:90 | 1-90 | 1°63 | 1°73 2°00 | 2°03 | 2°08 | 1°82 | 1:73 | 2°03 | 1:97 | 2°00 | 1°90] 1:92 | 2°39 | 2:44 | 2:10 | 2°18] 2°05 2°02 1925 207 | 2°05 | 2°20 | 2°42 | 2°13 | 1°82 1:90! 1°83 | 2°18 , 1°80 | 1°78 | 1-47 7 1°60 | 1°45) 1:60 | 1°68} 1:20] 1-40! 1°65 | 1°72! 1°73 | 1°67 ] 1°80, 1°90 1:79 2°74 | 2°82 | 2°82 | 2°76 | 2:87 | 2°76 2°89 | 2°95 | 2°91 | 3°31 | 3°00 | 3°10 | 3°10 | 3°11 | 2°81 | 2°73 | 2°66 | 2°55 | 2°42 | 2°85 | 2°77 | 2°92 | 3°02} 3°11] 2°84 2°88 2°13 | 2°23 | 2°02 | 2°25 | 2°08} 1°88 xO 2°22 | 2:25 | 2°33 | 2°32 | 2°22 | 2°38 | 2°13 | 2°08 | 2°05 | 1:92 | 1°97 | 2°08 | 1°87 | 1°92 | 1°92 | 1:90 | 1:97 | 2:07 2°09 3°00 | 2°90 | 2°85 | 2°63 | 2°79 | 2°79 he 2°81 | 2°84 | 2:94 | 3°13 | 2°90 | 2°89 | 2°69 | 2°94 | 2°47 | 2°58 | 2°35 | 2°42 | 2°44 | 2°66 | 2°60 | 2°76 | 2°66 | 2:97 2°73 2°52 J 2°51 | 2°50 | 2°49 | 2°51 | 2°48 | 2:27 | 2:34 | 2°32 | 2°42 | 2:44 | 2-42 | 2°40 | 2°37 | 2°28 | 2:27 | 2:32 | 2°17 | 2°13 | 2:23 | 2°36 | 2°46 | 2°48 | 2°48 | 2°52 2°38 | WIND DIRECTIONS—BEN NEVIS. January. | February. March. April May. June July. August. |September.} October. |November. az 82 104 7B 109 =| S86 113 68 215 114 101 a . 17 57 53 84 27 47 4 59 31 37 _— . 61 82 116 134 150 72 56 26 29 32 i . . 72 192 191 84 120 104 146 38 148 91 = . 46 55 72 91 80 70 180 82 143 139 W. . 6 145 72 43 57 95 113 133 71 123 92 i= 134 82 83 62 59 103 86 96 100 109 i e . 76 60 40 56 31 64 32 61 26 iil or Var. . 39 40 49 67 72 58 39 72 30 48 HOURS OF SUNSHINE—BEN NEVIS. ; | < Percentage [ 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Total. of Possible. | = - 0°58 2°97 4°78 5°37 4°55 3°26 0°60 = = - 22°11 10 = 2°17 3°38 3°34 3°17 3°29 3°18 1°82 1:37 0°39 = - = = 22°11 & 0°72 1°75 2°00 3°28 3°63 2°76 117 2:23 | 2:27 1°01 0°43 - = 21°49 6 8°28 6°77 5°42 5°95 8°84 9°39 799 8:12 9°58 6-77 5°30 3°03 0°10 = 97°70 23 10°31 999 | 10°47 | 11°42 | 11°30 J 10°59 | 11°59 | 10°90 9°44 8°56 8°85 8°43 5°92 O15 J 158°72 31 3°81 3°74 5°02 5°30 5°77 7°37 7°19 6°99 4°96 5°38 5°86 3°58 1°89 0°31 76°92 15 W111 | 11°19 | 11°34 | 10°77 | 11°82 | 12°47 | 13°24 | 11°93 | 11°62 9°79 | 10°93 | 10°25 6-48 2°02 | 170°21 32 2°35 4°14 3°77 3°31 4°32 2°45 3°48 1°70 2°38 319 0°94 0°94 0°14 = 34°84 7 419 6°06 6°69 6°67 5°47 4°78 615 6°28 4°99 2°92 179 0715 - = 59°28 16 = - = 0°31 747 7°98 8°00 $11 9°28 9°70 9°05 8:94 | 7°53 3°35 = = = 79°72 25 = = = = 2°79 5°00 5°33 5°31 5°00 5-00 5°16 4°72 4:47 0°67 = = = - 43°45 18 = = = = = - 1°32 4°83, 7°52 5°96 5°66 2°07 - = - = = 27°36 13 0°64 | 15°22 | 28°08 | 39°44 | 51°03 | 58°79 | 62°00 67°75 | 78°21 | 80°69 | 78°71 | 72°55 61°28 | 42°03 | 34°10 | 26°38 | 14°53 2°48 | 813°91 18 ZOURS OF SUNSHINE—FORT-WILLIAM. = = = = = = 2°85 | 10°72 9°65 9°91 5°86 158 = = = 40°47 26 = = = = = 0°58 2°24 5°21 5:23 4°43 4°02 2:97 1°55 0°40 = = = - 26°63 13 - - 0713 141 4°04 5°34 7°08 7°96 772 8°92 6:95 5°17 2°74 1:09 - - = 58°55 19 = = 1°32 9°21 | 14°47 | 16°74 | 16°57 | 14:20 | 13°86 | 12°86 | 13°15 | 11°98 | 11°98 | 12°26 7°99 1°85 = 15844 43 = 3°22 9°83 | 11°49 | 14°11 | 15°14 | 16°46 | 16°24 | 15°18 | 16°43 | 16°53 | 14°90 | 14°31 | 13°37 | 12°59 9°25 0°93 - 199°98 44 = 211 4°63 8°29 9°17 | 10°41 9°63 | 10°67 8:48 | 11°20 | 10°76 | 10°43 | 11°02} 11°55 | 10°64 761 2°32, - 138°92 30 - 4-11 erg 9°72 | 10°01 | 11°27 | 11°31 | 13°85 | 13°94 | 15°36 | 16°07 | 16-28 | 15°20 | 13°90 | 13°52 | 11°58 3°95 - 187°78 40 = = 0°48 4°56 9°74 | 12°51 | 13°41 | 12°18 | 10°19 8°02 8°76 8°92 811 5°79 3°18 157 = = 107°42 27 - = = 1°02 5°50 8°56 | 10°78 | 11:26 | 11°84 | 13°52 | 12°91 | 13°70 | 10°70 9°25 2°70 = 111°74 35 é - | - - 0718 4°45 | 12°67 | 11°89 | 11°58 | 12°89 | 15°35 | 14°19 9°08 1°95 = = = m= 94°23 37 ' - | - = = - - 2°82 6°69 7°04 6°44 6°31 5°54 2°71 - es = - - 37°65 22 0 - - - - - = 016 4°03 6:47 6°62 4°92 a = = = e = 22°20 18 - 9°44 | 23°97 | 44°42 | 64°59 | 83°70 |101-23 | 112-28 |120-05 | 12489 |129°31 | 116-64 | 91°41 | 71-21 | 51°71 | 31°86 7°20 - 1183°91 32 | = (464 ) BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY.—LOG-BOOK, 18977. Jan, 4.—Fog in early morning, and after 18" mostly clear, except for passing scud from fog below at times in the interval. Ravens were seen at 105 and 16" and the tracks of a fox were followed from M*Lean’s steep to east end of Hill. Thermometer box changed at 55 20™. Height not altered. Jan, 6.—Fog all day, forming dark fog crystals. E.S.E. gale all day. Minimum force, 7. At 13 the hand anemometer was held out from tower door and registered 84 miles per hour: on the roof it registered 73. Jan. 8.—Fog and E.S.E. gale all day. At 21 the force was 10, and at midnight 11. At former hour lamp was blown out twice. At midnight the drift consisted of junks of ice and fog crystals, so observer did not go to thermometer box. The reading of the storm thermometer in tower was entered for that hour. Since the gale commenced readings of both tower and _ outside thermometers have been made, and as they were mostly identical, no correction was applied to the midnight reading. Jan. 9.—Wind blowing hard all morning, but moderat- ing to forces between 5 and 7 in evening. Fog crystals have been steadily growing since the gale began on 5th, and are now 5 to 6 feet long, and on tower over 8 feet. Jan. 10.—Summit clear in forenoon, but fog all round and at times passing above. Thermometer box changed after 54. Height not altered. Fog crystals slightly dark in colour to-day. Jan. 12.—Fog with a few clear intervals, Lunar corona and fogbow seen at midnight. It was noted that immediately outside the fogbow there was a dark space— distinctly darker than both the bow and the rest of the cloud on which it was formed. Jan, 13.—Summit clear most of the day, but sky cloudy or overcast. Lunar halo seen at midnight. Thermometer box changed after 25, Height not altered. Two ravens were seen in forenoon. Jan. 14,—Lunar corona and fog bow at 3" and eorone again at night. Tracks of a weasel seen at Hotel to-day. Jan. 15,—Clear most of the day, but fog below in places and sky somewhat cloudy. Thermometer box changed after 11". Height not altered. Lunar corona seen in early morning and at 18}. Jan. 17.—Thick haze all day. Lunar corona at 202, A raven seen at 13}. Jan. 18.—Somewhat cloudy, and fog at times in fore- noon. Clear in evening and cloudless at night. Broken fog below in places chiefly to N., N.E. and E. Glory seen on distant fog at 16%. A great number of foxes’ tracks were seen on Cairn Diarg, and two ravens were seen there. Thermometer box changed at 12. Height not altered. Jan. 19.—Cumulus fog all round below, and occasionally enveloping summit. Lunar corona seen at 4). Jan. 20.—Air very dry at and after 174, when all the clouds and fog sank beneath summit. At midnight humidity was 13 per cent. Jan..21.—Air very dry till 35, Fog thereafter. As the air became saturated the temperature of wet bulb rose to that of dry bulb. Thin fog was just forming on summit or rising from N. corry. Yesterday when the air became dry by fog sinking the dry bulb rose while the wet continued much the same as it was in the fog. Lunar halos seen at 24 and 34, and coronas at 4%, 53, 64, and 7», Squally N. winds at night. Jan. 23.—Air became dry suddenly at 185, the dry bulb rising 3°. At 21 air was again saturated, the wet bulb rising to temperature of dry bulb. After this hour there seemed to be both fog and mist present on summit, Temperature 17° to 19°. Thermometer box changed after noon. Height not altered. Jan. 24.—At 1 the envelope of cloud on summit seemed to be half fog, half mist, as was observed last night, and the fog crystals appeared to be partly ice, partly snow. Wind W.N.W., and temperature 19°3 at 1). Mist was noted again in forenoon, and sleet fell. Wind N. and temperature about 25°. Jan, 29.—Summit clear from 9» till 20". Sky cloudy ; nearly overcast at first with cir.-str. which fell into str.-cir., and later into stratus and nimbus when if touched summit. For several hours before cloud reached summit the air was very dry. When the air became saturated the dry bulb continued steady, and wet bulb rose to temperature of dry. Thermometer box changed after 12". Height not altered. Feb, 1.—Sky almost cloudless till 7%. Then cir.-cum. formed and was noticed to be gradually falling during forenoon until it formed stratus at noon and enveloped summit all afternoon. At 10 the humidity was 30. The temperature was higher after the cloud came down to summit than it had been earlier. Thermometer box changed after 8". Height not altered. Feb. 7.—Sky perfectly cloudless and air pretty dry till ll a.m. Fog below all round to about 3000 ft. at 7 a.m., but rising thereafter, and at 12> summit was enveloped ; continuous fog after that. Glories seen at 84, 9}, and 104. Feb, 8.—Wet mist from 7* till 144, and again from 21 till midnight. Temperature ranging from 27°°7 to 29°-7. 1897] All exposed surfaces were coated thickly with ice. Showers of snow, sleet, and drizzle fell. Feb. 9.—Temperature between 28:4 and 30-0 with mist and drizzling rain till 5 a.m., temperature falling steadily the rest of the day, with fog and showers of snow. Feb. 10.—Summit clear from 8" till 10%, but sky overcast. Clear again and sky almost cloudless except for a little cirrus at 22 and 234, Fog on again at midnight, Lunar cvrona seen at 23". Thermometer box changed at 22515™. Height not altered. Feb. 11.—Thin fog till 8; sky cloudless since, except for thin fog passing over summit frequently. Fog all round below to about level of Ben Nevis, but at 22 fog had completely disappeared. Air dry in the afternoon. Coronz seen at 1%, 25 and 21», Fogbows seen at 1, 2h and 145. Heb, 12.—Sky cloudless all day except for a little cirrus in the morning and afternoon. Thick haze all round below all day. At 21 cum.-fog above, haze to W., and at 225 fog passing, thereafter settling down on summit, ‘Temperature showing considerable range ; 20°-0 to 32°°6. It is the first time the temperature has been at 32° since 31st December 1896. Air very dry all day, the humidity being as low as 14% at 7". Lunar halo seen at 20" and 22. ; Feb, 15,—Mist or fog all day except at 64 and 7» when sky was almost cloudless, but mist below all round to about level of summit and passing at times. Slight showers of drizzling rain during the day. Temperature very steady all day between 29°1 and 31°6. Glazed frost forming almost all day. Feb. 16.—Fog crystals (white) forming in forenoon. Temperature pretty steady ; between 29° and 32° all day. Drizzling rain after 21", Glazed frost forming all after- noon. Feb, 17.—Summit ciear frequently between 13 and 16", but sky somewhat cloudy with cirrus, Showers of drizzling rain till 10%, and again at midnight. Glazed frost forming till noon and at midnight. Feb, 26.—Thermometer box changed at 23) 15™, Height not altered. Feb, 28.—Strong 8.E. breeze in the afternoon and brown fog-crystals forming from the fog. Summit clear, but sky pretty cloudy and fog on hills in distance. Air slightly dry at 10", Slight showers of snow in after- noon, Strong earth currents in telephone during evening. March 2.—A gale from S.K. almost reaching hurricane furce in the afternoon. Wind veering to S.W. and W., moderating in force after 175. Barometer falling rapidly all day. Tower box in use at 15" and 164. No correction applied to it, as it read almost the same as Stevenson Screen, double readings having been taken previous to these hours and afterwards. From 15 to 18 inclusive measurements of rainfall are interpolations. Apparently snowing heavily in afternoon. Barometer pumping from 135 to 17%, During the height of the gale slight damage was done. The collar round and half-way up kitchen chimney (the part tnat stays are fixed to) gave way. ‘he chimney was also somewhat off the plumb, but was put right in the evening. Ventilator in kitchen passage was blown down, and all the roofing of snow-porch was carried away. March 3.—Fog till 5". Summit clear and sky almost TRANS. ROY. SOC. EDIN.-—VOL. XLIII. BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY.—LOG- BOOK. 465 cloudless except for a little cirrus and fog on hills in the distance. Fog came on again at 74. Stars gleaming at 234, and the streamers of an aurora seen. March 4,—Strong 8.E. gale from 7* to 135, moderating in force thereafter. Tower box in use from 8 to 114 inclusive. No correction applied to readings. Read- ings were taken from tower box and Stevenson box when the storm began, and both were reading almost the same. March 5.—Summit clear from 6" till 135, except for a little fog passing at times. Sky slightly clouded with cirrus. Wet fog around and lower layer of cum.-fog lying over Lochiel and Caledonian Canal. Coronz seen at 6" and 12 and glories at 8", Thermometer box changed at 75 15™. Height not altered. March 7.—Thermometer box changed at 102 15™. Height not altered, March 9,—Strong earth currents in telegraph cable between 20" and 212, March 10.—St Elmo’s Fire seen at 1" on kitchen chimney and on top of tower. March 12.—Strong gale from §.E. till 54, backing to E.S.E. and E, Maximum force 10-11 and minimum force 5-7. Slight showers of snow fell from 7* till 17, but no rain gauge out all day. The entries of amount from 7" till 17" are interpolations. Tower Screen in use at 45, 54, 7h, 8b, 9h and 10%. The following double readings were taken :— Hrs.| Stevenson. | Tower. | Diff. J]Hrs.|Stevenson.| Tower. | Diff. | — 1 25°9 25°3 | + 6] 13 24:7 24:0 + 7 2 DIP) 24°7 + 5] 14 24°8 24°72 |+ °6 | 8 23°3 22°99 |-+ ‘49 15 24°0 24°2 — ‘2 | 6 24°7 24°0 + 7} 16 23°8 24:0 |— ‘2 | 11 24°8 24:0 |+ 8417 23°8 23'8 0 12| 24:7 940 | + -7 giving a mean correction of +0°4 which was applied to the tower readings at such hours as the Stevenson Screen was not read. Dry and wet bulbs changed at 145 5”, March 17.—At midnight when the observer was out taking the observation and half-way between Tower and thermometer box, a small dark object rose up from the surface—a bird probably—and flew off in the direction of the cliff. At the spot it rose from there was a hole scooped out sufficient to shelter a small bird. March 20.—Thermometer box changed at 8» 15™, Box was raised one step on ladder. Height above snow now 51 inches. March 24.—Brilliant display of St Elmo’s Fire seen on top of kitchen chimney and on instruments on roof of Tower. The jets of light seen on all objects were fully 2 inches long. March 29.—Fog till 11. Summit clear since. Sky pretty cloudy till 195; almost cloudless since. Heavy shower clouds in the afternoon to N.E.and 8. Aurora seen at 215, 22 and 234. A raven seen at 16%. Ther- mometer-box changed at 13" 15™. Height above snow *48 inches. 3.N 466 March 30,—Summit clear almost all day, but sky over- | cast or nearly so till 20". Cloudless since, cum.-fog hang- ing about hills around all day and passing over summit frequently during the day. Air very clear after 22}, Barra Head, Skerryvore and Tobermory lights seen distinctly. Aurora seen at 2 and 23", and a solar halo at 155 20™, March 31.—Sky cloudless till 64, somewhat cloudy till 215, and again cloudless since. The air has been slightly dry almost all day and very clear, but fog hanging about hills to N.E. and E. all day. Aurora seen at 215, 22), 23 and midnight. April 2,—Aurora (faint) seen at 1, April 5.—Sky cloudless till 4, but thin fog passing, and at 55 fog had settled on summit, but clearing again at 11" and sky almost cloudless till 145. Cloudy till 19"; fog thereafter. Haze in valleys all round, getting thicker in the afternoon. Aurora seen at 2", but pretty faint. April 6.—Sumumit frequently clear in the morning and showing the sky only slightly covered with cloud. Dark | coloured fug-crystals forming all day. During a break in the fog at 35 the aurora was seen. April 10,—Clear most of day, but fog hanging about summit and surrounding hill-tops. A lunar halo was seen at miduight. Thermometer box changed at 11 30™. Raven seen at 13. Heather barning in various direc- tions these days, April 11.—Summit clear, sky cloudy, haze and detached fog below all forenoon. Fog allevening. Lunar halo at 1}. April 12. — Thermometer box changed at 30" 20™, Height not altered. April 15,—Thunder and lightning at 182 30™ and thunder at 18" 55™, accompanied by currents in the telegraph cable. April 16.—Karth currents in telegraph instrument at 35, Thermometer box changed at 155 15™. Height not altered. Apri 20.—Summit clear almost all day. Sky cloud- less from 2 till 9". Cloudy during the rest of the day. A triple solar corona was seen from the Plateau of Storms at noon, Thunder heard at 17" 40™. Raven seen at 14", Thermometer box changed at 24 20™. Raven seen at 145, Thermometer box changed at 24 20™, the fresh box being put one step higher on ladder-stand. April 21.—Summit clear except for a few hours in the forenoon. Thermometers changed at 14%. April 23.—Summit clear and sky cloudless almost all day. Fog and haze in valleys in forenoon, but by 11} the fog had all risen and vanished. Aurora seen at 23 and midnight. April 24.—The aurora remained visible at 1% and 2}. Fog below all morning. Some cumulus in sky in even- ing. Shadow of Ben Nevis seen at 4" 45™. Solar corona seen at 11", April 25.—Clear till 16"; fog thereafter. at 15, April 27. —Cloudless till 45; after this the sky became cloudy, first with cirri types, then with cumulus, and at 13" fog enveloped the summit. A solar halo was seen at noon. May 6.—Summit clear for a few hours in afternoon. Thermometer box changed at 155 30™, Height not altered, Aurora seen BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY.—LOG-BOOK. [1897. May 7.—Clear or thin fog passing most of the fore- noon. Solar halos seen at 8" and 11". Thermometer box changed after 65. Height not altered. May 12.—Thermometer box changed after 11". seen at 10. Lunar halo seen at midnight. May 13.—Temperature very low in early morning, but rising quickly during the forenoon. Humidity fell to 30 at 8" and rose thereafter to saturation at 16", Lunar halo and corona seen at 1%. St Elmo’s Fire was heard hissing at 21". Earth and Ben shadows seen at 42, May 16.—Temperature high and air dry. Sky cloud- less after 15". Thick haze with broken fog among it all round below. At 205 the haze was higher than summit, the sky appearing hazy also. Colour of haze dark blue to southward and lead colour to westward. May 17.—Very thick haze all day, but getting thinner at uight. Temperature high, air dry, and sky almost cloudless. May 18.—Sky quite cloudless and haze much thinner to-day. Snow-buntings seen in forenoon. Sunset colours red to blue in northern sky all night. Shadow of Ben seen at 42, May 19.—Very fine all day. Shadow of Ben seen in early morning. A belt of haze was noted in sky above south-western and western horizon, while to N. and N.E. it was quite clear, but with low-lying fog in valleys. Some cirrus noted at and after 205 chiefly in western sky, and lying N.E.,8.W. Hoar frost at night. May 20.—Almost cloudless all day. Air very dry, the humidity ranecing from 28 to 33 from 2" till 10%, Fog to E. and N.E. in morning and air very clear above it, but somewhat hazy to 8.W. Slight hoar frost noted at 22", In early morning there was none, the dewpoint being lower than the temperature of the ground minimum. Earth shadows seen at 4". Buntings seen at noon and a raven at 17%. May 21.—Fine all day. Temperature high, air dry, aud sky cloudless. Low-lying foe noted both in morning and at night on Caledonian Canal from Loch Lochy Nv™ and in glens to N. of Loch Lochy. Shadow of Ben seen at4". Thermometer box lowered one step at 10%, Raven seen at 10}. May 22.—Very much the same as yesterday, but more fog to N. and N.E. None yet noted to S.W. or S. At 4 it was noted that while the fog seemed in distance to N.E. to be at same level as Mealfourvonie, from the N. end of Loch Lochy it gradually fell to near sea-level at Banavie. 22 frost on roof in morning, Snow-bunting seen at Tee: May 23.—-A little more cirrus in sky to-day, but other- wise conditions much the same as on last two days, including the low-lying fog to N. and N.E. in morning and at night, Air very dry in early morning. Ben shadow seen at 4", Snow-bunting seen at 9". May 24.—Temperature lower to-day and falling at night. After 11" sky began to get cloudy, and at 164 it was overcast with fog passing. Fog on summit after this. The low-lying fog to N.E. gradually increased from 1 and thickened, until at 4" it covered the hills all round: except to S. and S.W. Later it spread and covered the hills in these directions. Snow-bunting seen at 8" and a butterfly at 114, . May 25.—Decided fall in temperature to-day. Mist Raven 1897. | in morning. Clear at mid-day. Fog at night, with showers of snow both in morning and at night. May 26.—Fog or mist with showers of snow till 17". Clearing thereatter: and at night as clouds and fog dispersed the air was very clear, but the sky somewhat hazy. Hoar frost on roof at night. Dry readings got while thin fog on summit at 16 and 172. June 3.—Mist or fog till 9", Cloudy during the rest of the day, but summit clear. The humidity fell to between 38 to 42 at night. June 4.—Str.-fog in some valleys all morning, but suminit clear and sky slightly cloudy all day. The observer heard the cuckoo from Wragge’s Well at 202. June 5.—Sky somewhat cloudy and summit mostly clear all day, but fog all round in early morning and large masses of summer cumulus hanging about in afternoon. June 6.—Cloudy all morning and fog all round below, which gradually rose and enveloped summit all afternoon. June 13.—Sumumit clear all evening and detached bits of str.- and cum.-fog below. Mock sun seen at 204 (S™: side of sun). June 14.—A very heavy shower of hail fell at 9® 45™, At 105 the amount in gauge measured 0:529 inch. In evening (18" to 20") with easterly winds at Obser- vatory a steady westerly wind was observed from the top of M‘Lean’s Steep to the Plateau of Storms. June 24.—Mist on summit occasionally till 95; clear since, but sky cloudy or overcast. Fog on hills below all round during the forenoon, but after 155 fog had com- pletely disappeared, Sky dull and gloomy-like to S, and S.E. towards evening. Air slightly dry most of the day. June 25.—Summit clear and air dry from 11" to 202, but sky somewhat cloudy and thick haze all round. Very thundery-looking all afternoon. June 27.—Top clear after 10", but sky overcast and thick haze all round. A raven seen near Observatory at 122 40™. June 29.—Very fine and warm and sky pretty clear all day. Wet fog on hills all round and air somewhat hazy. Air slightly dry most of day. Glories seen at 5° from roof of Observatory. June 30.—Summit clear till 10°: fog off and on there- after. Fog on hills to N, and E. in the early morning, and gradually spreading all round and passing over summit after 105. Slight showers of rain in the after- noon. Thick haze all round. A six ringed rainbow (glory ?) seen at 20%. July 1.—Hill-top clear most of the day, but fog all round and passing occasionally till 18"; since then sky has been almost cloudless and air very dry, the humidity being as low as 45 at 235 and midnight. Slight haze about in the evening. July 2.—Sky overcast and detached fog on hills all round till 11", Mist or fog since, with showers of rain after 16%. Air dry in early morning, the humidity being 43 at 12. July 10.—Fog til] noon. Summit clear and sky almost cloudless since. Fog all round below, but gradually breaking up after 19", and by 22 the fog had all dis- appeared. Slight haze all afternoon. Air very dry at times in the evening, the humidity being as low as 38 at midnight. Shadow of Ben seen at 21%. BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY.—LOG-BOOK. 467 July 11.—Sky cloudless all day except for a little cirrus between 42 and 9%, Air dry all day and very dry at times, the humidity ranging from 30 to 92. A little cum.-fog hanging about vaileys to the S.W. in the forenoon. Slight haze near horizon all day. July 12.—Sky cloudless or nearly so and air dry. Haze in valleys around all day: thin in the morning, but getting thicker towards the afternoon and rising up to about 6° above horizon. Shadow of Ben seen at 42. July 13.—Air dry all day: very dry at times, the humidity ranging from 26 to 91. Sky cloudless all day except for a little scud passing between 17* and 20%. Thick haze around all day. Detached fog in valleys to S.E. in early morning. Shadow of the Ben seen at 4h, July 14,—Air dry and very clear all day. Sky almost cloudless. A little cir, and cir.-cum. on sky towards mid- night and a slight haze in the early morning to W., but this all cleared away during the day. July 15.—The air has been unusually clear and dry, the humidity ranging from 37 to 63. Sky a little cloudy with cir.-cum. till 5", Cloudless since. Shadow of the Ben seen at 44. July 16.—The air was very clear and dry, the visibility being 5 most of the day. Sky cloudless tilll10a.m. Cloudy or overcast since with cirrus and cir.-stratus. Shadow of the Ben seen at 4". July 17.—Sky cloudy or overcast all day, but still very fine though somewhat hazy in the distance. Some fog in valleys to N. and N.E., but this cleared away after 92. Shadow of Ben Nevis seen at 4°. July 18.—Cloudy till 6%. Cloudless since. Detached fog in valleys to N. and N.E. inthe forenoon. Thick haze around all day. Shadow of Ben Nevis seen at 44. July 20.—Detached fog in valleys till 12" and slight haze the rest of the day. July 21.—Slightly cloudy till 12", Fog forming among hills all morning and enveloping the Ben at 17), July 22.—Summit cleared after 2. Thick fog all round below to about 4000 ft., coming over summit again at 95. Fogbows and glories were seen after 9", July 28.—Clear for a few hours about mid-day. Sky cloudy or overcast. Fogbows and glories seen between 108 and 114. July 30.—Summit cleared after 5" and remained clear for the rest of the day. Fog all round below, dispersing towards evening. Aug. 1.—Fog on summit in early morning and in valleys and on other hills most of the day. Solar halo seen at noon, 178 and 19%. Almost continuous flashes of lightning from 215 55™ till midnight. Aug. 2.—Fog all morning. Clear all afternoon, but broken fog all around till 194, when it gave place to haze. | Lightning seen at 0" 45™. Aug. 3.—Summit clear all day. Cumulus-fog around below. Rather hazy. Solar halo seen at 17". Aug. 4.—Summit clear till 21". Thick haze all around and some fog in eastern valleys in forenoon. Fog on summit after 22. Lightning flashes at intervals of 1 to 5 minutes from 22} till midnight. Auy. 5.—Fog or mist with clear intervals all day. Lightning seen at 1", and thunder and lightning noted from 22 till 225 40™, and again at 235 20™. 468 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY.—LOG-BOOK. Aug. 8.—Summit clear and air dry almost all day. Some detached cum.-fog below chiefly to N., and E. in morning. Raven seen at 14". Aug. 9.—Thin mist or fog on summit and banks of fog all around during the day. Summit clear and sky cloud- less at night. Lunar corona at midnight, Aug. 13.—Mist and showers of rain till 20"; clear thereafter, but cum.-fog around below and at times passing over summit also. Lightning seen at 17% eos Aug. 23.—Summit clear, but sky cloudy and fog below, chiefly to E. and S. till 10%. Thin mist or fog during the rest of the day. Snow-bunting seen at 7». Sept. 7—Summit frequently clear of fog and air slightly dry. Lunar coronze and a lunar fogbow seen at night. Sept. 8.—Summit clear. Sky cloudless till 8%. In early morning the W. coast lights were seen from S. of Jura to §. of Skye. Lunar corone and fogbows seen from 20% till 22%, Sept. 9.—Summit clear. Sky cloudless in morning and late at night. Air exceptionally clear to W. . Outer Hebrides very distinct in evening. Lunar fogbow and corona at 24 and a lunar halo at 21%. Cirrus clouds lying S.W.—N.E. at 205; at 215 they lay W.S.W.-E.N.E. Sept. 10.—Summit clear. Thick haze came on very quickly this morning with a westerly wind. At 4? visibility was 5; at noon 1. Solar halo seen at 155 and Le Sept. 11.—Summit clear and thick haze all around below, with fog here and there on top of haze till 16". Thick fog or mist thereafter. Sept. 20.—Mist till 4". Clear thereafter till 17". In evening the clouds to W. and N.W. gradually thickened and lowered, capping hills, This thick cloud gradually spread eastwards and enveloped summit at and after 184, as mist with heavy drizzling rain at night. At 175 the number of dust particles per cent. was 200; at 235 it was 0. Sept. 30.—Sky cloudless almost allday. Stratus fog on hills all round, rising occasionally and flowing over summit. Oct. 1.—Continuous fog all round below about 4000 ft., rising and enveloping summit after 54, Clear again after 165 and remaining clear for the rest of the day, clouds hanging low and patches of fog lying among hills all round, Aurora was observed at 205, Oct. 2.—Clear till 8". Mist the rest of the day. Oct. 3.—Two snow-buntings were seen near Observatory door at 6", Oct. 4.—Fog at 1" and 34, Clear the rest of the day. Fog on hills and passing over summit at times in the evening, A solar halo was observed at 16% and a lunar corona at 194, Oct. 13.—Clear from 5" till 10%, Fog till 184, and clear thereafter. Lunar corone were seen at 19%, 204, 21» and 23, and a lunar fogbow at 204, Oct. 14.—Fog lying over Lochs Kil, Laggan and Lochy all morning, dispersing in afternoon, Lunar corone at 12, 25, 4 and 55. Weasel tracks were seen at Cairn this morning, and raven seen flying about E. end. Oct. 15.—Strong E.S.E. winds, increasing in force to that of a strong gale at noon, veering to S., and moderat- [1897. ing in force towards evening. The Tower Screen was in use from 10° till 13". Oct. 20.—Mist till 45, Summit clear thereafter, and sky cloudless after 18". Some fog about hills to 8. and W., and slight haze in valleys in the evening. Solar halo at 15%, Oct. 21.—Sky cloudless all day. Thin haze in valleys to E., S.E. and S.W. A raven was seen at 74. Oct. 22.—Cloudless. A slight haze in valleys all day. Oct. 23.—Cloudless again to-day. Haze iu valleys all morning and fog forming on hills all round in afternoon, occasionally passing over summit at night, Oct. 24.—Sky cloudless. Fog on hills all round below and sinking into valleys towards midnight. Three ptarmigan were seeu on M*Lean’s Steep at 152 20™. Oct. 25.—Clear and cloudless all day. Some fog on hills to E. and S. all day and haze in valleys all round. Clouds forming above horizon towards mid- night. Raven and snow-bunting seen on top this after- noon. Oct. 26.—Sky slightly clouded all forenoon, but cloudless again in evening. Haze in valleys all day, getting much thicker towards night, and at midnight the summit was enveloped in fog. Oct. 29.—Clear almost all day. Thick haze in valleys all round and patches of fog on hills to S, and E. Oct. 30.—Mist and heavy drizzle all forenoon. Clear at and after 16", showing continuous fog below to about 4000 ft., rising towards night and enveloping summit after 22%. Nov. 1.—Clear and air slightly dry most of the day. ¥og on bills to 8. and haze in valleys all round. Lunar corone at 205 and 22}, : Nov. 2.—Summit clear. Sky almost cloudless and air dry all day. Haze lying low in valleys and small patches of fog on hills to 8. and E. Nov. 3.——Absolutely cloudless all day. Hoar frost in valleys in early morning. The air has been very clear and dry throughout the day, the humidity ranging from 30 to 37. 99 per cent. of the possible sunshine was recorded to-day. Three ravens were seen flying about the summit in the afternoon. Nov, 4.—Cloudless all day. Air very dry, the humidity being as low as 28 tora few hours about mid-day. Fog and haze in valleys all day. Nov, 5.—Sky still cloudless and continuous fog all round below, only a few of the highest peaks being seen topping the fog at times during the day. Shadow of Ben with glory at 8", and glories seen all morning. Nov. 6.—Clear and cloudless till 84, after which the fog, which had been rising gradually all morning, enveloped the summit, clearing a little in afternoon. Nov. 9.—Mist till 4". Clear most of the day there- after. Fog on hills to E. and §. and thick haze in valleys. Lunar corona at 20°, Nov. 10.—-Clear from 2" till 8". Fog or mist the rest of the day. Lunar halo at 4" and 5}, Nov. 15.—Fog till 8 a.m.. Summit clear and sky slightly clouded with cirro.-c. till 21", Fog thereafter. Glories seen in N, cliff at 9. Nov. 16.—Fog or mist all day except at 25, 135 and 155; at these hours sky was overcast with hard packed cirro-stratus. A lunar halo seen at 25, 1897. | Nov. 24.—Summit clear at 16" and 174, but sky over- cast and fog all round below to 4000 feet. Nov. 25.—Summit clear and sky apparently cloudless at 12% and 13%, Pretty cloudy at 14". Fog thereafter. Fog on hills all round to level of summit and passing frequently during these hours. Dec. 1.—Box changed at 11» 15™, ground 42 inches. Dec. 3,—Air very dry at times till 4", lowest humidity being 23 at 1}. Dec. 4.—Fog or mist with slight showers of snow and drizzle till 5%: thereafter summit clear and sky about half covered with cir. and cirro-stratus, and detached fog on hills around till 18". Fog since. Air dry from 9? till 16%, Glories seen at 10". Lunar corona seen after 194. Thermometer box changed at 8210™. Height above snow 40 inches. Dec. 6.—Box changed at 4" 10™. Height above snow 37 inches. Lunar corona seen at 1" and 2, Dec. 8.—Strong earth currents in telephone all day. Thunder and lightning between 4" and 52, Dec. 9.—Thermometer raised one step up on ladder after midnight. Height above snow 56 inches, Dec. 12.—Summit clear at times in the evening and sky apparently nearly cloudless, but fog on hills all round and passing. Aurora seen at 20 and a lunar corona at 22h, Thermometer box changed at 18" 10™. Height not altered. Dec. 13.—A strong gale sprung up from the S.E. after 35 (force 8 to 9), moderating in force after 84, but again increasing after 204, and blowing from 90 to 100 miles per hour about midnight. Tower box in use after 20". No correction applied to its readings, duplicate readings having been taken during the day, in which the tower box never differed more than 0-1 from Stevenson Screen. Dec. 14.—S.E. gale of last night continued till 25, moderating in force somewhat, and wind veering to S.W. till 75, backing again to S. or S.E. and blowing pretty briskly during the rest of the day. Summit clear at times after 105, The depth of snow to-day is 24 inches, being 8 inches down from yesterday. Tower box in use till 3", Height above BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY.—LOG-BOOK. 469 No correction applied. Stevenson box changed at 12% 15™, Height above snow 54 inches. Dec. 18.—Fog till 11". Sky almost cloudless since. Air very dry all afternoon, range of humidity being 23 to 37. Thermometer box changed at 12210™. Height above suow 55 inches. Dec. 19.—Sky cloudless and air very dry all day. Lowest humidity 26 at 1», Temperature above freezing point all day, being higher on summit than at sea-level. Haze near horizon and some fog in valleys to E. all day. Foreglow very bright at 7%. Shadow of Ben seen at 9%, Hoar frost on ground at sea-level to fully 100 feet. Dec, 20.—Thin fog passing all day, but sky apparently cloudless. Glories and fogbows seen frequently during the day. Aurora seen at 175, 18" and 19%, Strong earth currents in telephone in the evening. Dec. 21.—Fog till 35. Sky cloudless and air dry since. Lowest humidity 22 at 22. Somewhat hazy near horizon and detached cum.-fog on hills to E. and §8.E. all day. Aurora seen at 32 and 4 and again from 9? till midnight. Hoar frost at sea-level to 100 feet. The shadow of Ben seen at 9}. Dec. 22.—Sky cloudless and air very dry all day, the humidity ranging from 18 to 49. Fog lying over Loch Kil and Loch Lochy and haze in valleys all day. Aurora seen from 1» to 54, and again from 19} till mid- night. Shadow of Ben seen at 9*. A raven seen at ie Dec. 23.—Sky cloudy or overcast with cirro-cum, and cirro-str., moving pretty quickly from the S.W. in after- noon. Haze in valleys all day. Air very dry all day, the humidity ranging from 19 to 67. Hoar frost on ground at sea-level to 500 feet. Dec. 24.—Summit clear most of the day, but sky over- cast or cloudy with cirro-str. and cirro-cum. Air dry all day except for a few hours in early morning and again in evening. Lowest humidity 41 at 175, Thick haze in valleys and cum.-fog on hills in distance all day. Aurora seen at 21. Dec, 29.—St. Elmo’s Fire and lightning seen at 22. Dec. 30,—St. Elmo’s Fire seen at 1". 470 INSTRUMENTS, ETC, There has practically been no change on previous years in the instruments used nor in the methods of observing. The instruments in use have been :— Barometer 1385. (No. 1285 is in good order.) Dry Bulbs 192677 and 535541, Wet Bulbs 192672 and 535541, and minimum 1108531 were used in the small form of Stevenson Screen up tili May 16th, and since October 14th on ladder-stand; and during the summer months the same Dry and Wet Bulbs were exposed in the large form of screen 4 feet above the ground with maximum 117293 and minimum 116918. Richards’ Self-registering Aneroid has been in use. Black Bulb No. 186 has been in use chiefly in summer. It was broken in November. Robinson’s Anemometer was mounted on May 16th, and taken in on October 15th. The Tower Thermometer Screen was in use in very stormy weather. The Campbell-Stokes Sunshine Recorder has con- tinued in use. Its slate base is getting rather chipped. During the spring months the depth of snow was measured at the temporary post referred to in the last years summary. A new post was put up in the exact place where A had been in September, and the depth this winter so far has been measured there. During the summer the Dust Counter had been away for repairs. It was re-mounted on September 14th and BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY.—INSTRUMENTS, ETC. [1897. OOM observations made for several weeks; but it got out of order again in October. A few photographs have been secured by means of the Observatory Camera. Hilger’s Pocket Rainband Spectroscope has been in daily use. There has been no serious break in the routine of observing. There has been about the usual number of ebservations taken a few minutes late, and the rainfall record has suffered breaks owing to stormy weather and heavy drifting. Mr T. G. Kay, assisted by the Staff, made some observa- tions on earth currents during his stay at the Observatory. Special observations on hygrometry were conducted by Mr J. S. Begg in April. The Half Way Station was in operation in July, August and September, Messrs Muir, Drysdale, D. M. Aitken and A, Aitken acting as observers. The telegraph instrument was replaced in July by a. telephone which has so far given satisfaction. The Staff of the Observatories has been A. Rankin, J. Miller, R. H. M‘Dougall, D. Grant and J. Neil. William Stewart, roadman, left the Staff in December. The following have assisted at various times throughout the year: — Messrs J. S. Begg, T. G. Kay, W. T. Kilgour, G. Ednie, D. Wilton, D. M. Aitken, A. Aitken and J. Cumings. Messrs John Matheson and W. Rankin acted as telegraph or telephone clerks. 1897. | BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY.—DEPTH OF SNOW. 471 DEPTH OF SNOW. Inches. In this table the depth of snow lying on the summit of Ben Nevis on the 1st and 15th of each month is given from the opening of the Observatory in 1883 till July 1903, and also the maximum depth recorded each year with the date of its occurrence. Mean values are given for the first ten years, for the second ten years, and for the whole period of twenty years. During the first winter, 1883-84, the depth was measured at the Thermometer Stand 12 yards from the nearest part of the Observatory buildings, but for the rest of the time at a post standing near the centre of the flat part of the hill top, over 20 yards from any obstruction. It was selected as the position most free from accumulations of drifted snow, and therefore as a place showing the results of the snowfall influenced only by melting, evaporation, and loss from wind blowing away loose snow. LHvery winter drifts gather to much greater depths in more sheltered parts of the hill top. The entries on Nov. 1st and 15th, and on Dec. Ist, 1883, are approximate only. Oct, Nov Dec Jan. Feb, Mar. Apr May June July Maxi- — en Date. mM etoae ey i5 0 y | ib: | | abeleeealetoelen | 5.) 1 | ei te eam leas 1883 | — | [20]| (40]| (60}| 80) 70| 80 | 107 | 105|114| 114 | 113 / 105| 117 | 120] 80| 55| 3| — |141 |May 98] 1984 ssa | _ | - |---| 5| 33] 46| 57] 66) 122 | 119 | 192 | 136 | 185 | 128 | 134] 124] 87| 55| 71142 | April 3] 1885 188% | 31| 34] 23] 32] 44] 44] 54| 85| 86] 85] 92] 85/192|104| 92] 94] 63| 30/ - J193 | 4, 10] 1886 Seems =| — | = | 13) 431 46| 35| 39) 44)| ae) 50] 49| 67] 51] 15) - | = | 2 feo |_ 2 - ol deer iss7 | — | - | — | 18| 46] 52| 46| 43] 52] 48) 56] 56] 61/ 67/ 64] 36] 23) - | - | 71 |May 6] 1888 ome) — | ia! 77 21) 83) 37] 44l) 4¢| B07 47| 51) 53| - | = | =) | - 1] = § 57. |April 34) eso memes) | = | 3| 11) 23| 24] 65) 66] 69 | 694 82| ss| 92) 70 96| = | 2) 2 i o6 | 25! te00 13990 | 7| - | 22/ 8| 9] 13] 10| 42| 38] 35| 44] 54/ 56| 58] 36| 30/ - | - | -'| 59 |May 4] 1801 isi | - | — | - | 28] 41] 50| 52| 57/ 68] 69| 70] 66] 57| 64] 52| 30] - | - | - | 74 |March 9| 1899 1392 | 23| 20/ 8| 14] 297] 25| 26] 41| 54| 58/ 62| eo] 55/ 34) - | - | - | - | -] 66 | ,, 17] 1893 i hea 7-4 | 9-3 | 18-2| 31-1] 38-7 | 42-8 | 57:8 | 67-4 | 68:5 | 72°3 | 74:9 | 77-9 | 78:4 | 61-9 | 43-5 | 22°8| 8-8 | 0-7 | 89°8 | April 16|Mzan 1893 3} 14] 21] 20) 27] 49) 50) 85) 94) 108) 125) 110] 94). 91) 96; 92; 71} 17 127 |March 13} 1894 mom | — | 35| 20] 18] 26| 26| 33] 33] 37| 43| 47| 53] 43| 6| — | — - | 54 [April 11] 1995 1805 | - | - | 13| 25| 331 35| 34] 42/ 40] 43| 52] 74/ 68] 71| 34/ - | - | - |°- | 76 | March 28) 1896 1606 J - | 17] 10] - | 15] 19] 83] 35) 37) 33| 35) 44) 50] 72) 77] 45) - | - | - | 80 [May 7/1897 : fs 7 “ a Fs larch 1 mop = | — | = | 14] 24! 25) 39| 32) 521 77} 70| 69| 73! 70| 77| 58| 22 774 May 15 isos Mose = | - | — | 4| - | 11] 27| 42| 50) 51] 65) Go| Go| 59] 47| 40) - | - | — | 67 |Aprtio2si tego! eee! | - | — |-— | 86.1980) bol epyl Bp meiiereo.| 99) 73 | ba 40 y= | = Sal go" | ah ag09 foomieig |= | i9| 19| 12) 99) 33) 43] 44] bribe) 59] 87] 61| 51) 2] = |) = | = fon | 3 aelt rox mee) = | = | — | 19) 36) 40) 42) 43\) aelieae) s9| 59 51 | 54} 85) 14) = | 2) eo | eal ao9p 1902 s 6| 9] 15| 36| 42| 43] 56] 70/116|113| 111/121] 77] 40| 6| - |125 |May 18! 1903 ed hig 3-1 | 9-8 |10°8| 15-7] 27-5 | 34:8 | 44-8 | 49-3 | 56-1 | 61-4 | 69:8 | 74:6 | 70-2 | 61:9| 38-9] 14-7} 23 | - | 84-8 | April 14 /MtEan MEAN 20s.’ 40 52 | 9:6 | 14:5 | 23-4] 33-1 | 388 | 51-3 | 58-4 | 62-3 | 66-8 | 72-4 | 76-2 | 74:3 | 61-9 | 412/188} 5:6 | 0-4]873] ,, 15|\Mean 472 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. [1897. ANEMOMETER. Miles per hour. The following tables give the readings of the Robinson Hemispherical Cup Anemometer at Ben Nevis Observatory for such times as it was working. ‘The anemometer is mounted on the roof of the tower of the Observatory and stands 5 feet above the roof of the tower, 18 feet above the flat roof of the main part of the Observatory, and about 32 feet above the ground. It has 4 cups, 5 inches in diameter, mounted on arms measuring 15 inches from centre of spindle to centre of cup, and its records are reduced to miles per hour by the factor 2°841. The anemometer can be used only when the temperature is above the freezing point, or on the rare occasions when it passes below the freezing point with a dry atmosphere. The presence of fog or mist when the temperature is below 32° at once chokes the mechanism with ice, and either stops it, or so retards its motion, as to render the readings misleading. The tables printed here contain all the satisfactory records from 1893 to 1897 inclusive. During 1893 and 1894 the anemometer was in the maker’s hands for repairs and alterations. On 15th May 1896 the flexible shaft broke and the instrument was out of use till the 28th of July. The other breaks in the record are due to frost. Each month in which any record was got is printed separately. At the right hand side is. given, Ist, the mean value of all days on which records were got for the whole 24 hours, and 2nd, the maximum hourly value of every day whether complete or not. On incomplete days no mean is given, and the maximum refers only to the time the anemometer was working. ‘The highest maximum value for each month is put in bold faced type. At the foot of each month are the mean values for each hour; in computing these, only the entries on complete days are taken. ANEMOMETER. MILES PER HOUR. JUNE 1895. 1|/-2|/3|)4/6}161)|7 1/8 | 9 | 10) 11] 12) 13); 14] 15] 16) 17 | 18 | 19\| 20 | 21 | 22/98 Bt Mean.| Max. he Se ES ae ee eS es SS ea aa ee a aia ea eS 4 Be Se a ee a eel ener) ound) tah poe (als aera meee tO eT Maga litsn memes Z 15 BB Al 2) Sil Bl By Gilby] 4] 8B) avi vl OF Oh Ol Bl Bl 6) olin} Ol] By a} 2 ao |) a AB Sp el 6!) E86) (6.1 rea | OO. te ie) ay I) eae ete tee) 4 8 AR at) OF O} wi) 7 By) Qi wi Sh al wl Dip ay weal ay oO} SB) 42-7) @] 9) Oo]. o 2 7 Gl OF 2) B44) Bil 6) 75) Si Son omemonieenl) 24, 40) 22) 0.) 20))) 81 OF! vO 04 |eOn lero: ieeO 2 7 7 01 2) Bb 6) 7\ 41 0|) ON mOnmeoMMs so | 21 Sal, om lone ton aap ian ets mente 4 448 8 | 11| 10 | 13 | 15 | 14] 10 | 10] 10 | 15 | 18 | 18 | 16 | 14 | 25 | 22 | 23 | 18 | 14 | 22 | 24 | 24) 95 | 24) 27 | 18 | 95 9 | 25 | 21 | 18 | 21118 | 20|20| 9! 6/101 10) 8} 9/12] 9| 9110/12) 6) 61 6) 6) iG) 5 7 12) Hep 10 | 9/ 1| 7] 8] 6] 5] 9| 8| 9) 91] 10] 14} 13] 12] 12/12) 11/18/13] 13/10} 9]10| 10 | lo | 14 me | ONO OP ON Ai es 2 eB OT al Bh al) Sl Op Wie Bl wile | sles |e] =i] = 10 3 Bc) | esi) (emg Vn ame wenn nh Net V| |U S|(eaaa e|FN Cll lhe Sll oe a Se or ie p TMH |S Sey See NS Ne a ase ak] Ee Sag Se ie |e ee = 3 sl Nc neal ean pea ame ee ea RE SIRE 1) P|) S| | a Nee Me Pes eel es ee lh & Z 15 b= fost Sh = She Se Sa Aaa a) <2) a5 eel | ae se mea PPP ete 5 16°07) | 9 12412) COS eae raloelece Oh) <9) Tal 7) eS o Moe ile ea | eee x 12 TY (ee | ter emia | ein am A ome fiers | ae ta Ar NWPE Hiab | org) an ee er | Poe a 4 18 0 2 So) Se) Sah eh a TO th Si ea ea en ee |e al TO els eh aed Se eel Sal S| | eee oS Ne eR RES aie eal a Ween er ae |e, a = = 2 01 ~ 12) 2) =) ae) Se Sah Sl |) a ae es a toa |e iaeonnl Ou eee 14 21 | 14/15/13) 15|11| 15/14] 12] 11 | 10] 10 | 138] 13/ 15] 18 | 10| 12 | 12] 11|13|15|19|19| 18 | 13 | 19 22 |20|19| 9|16|17/|12|11| 17/13) 15] 18) 20] 18|19| 14/14] 15|16|13|11|11|12/11] 10 | 15 | 20 28 | 14 | 20 | 22 | 29 | 23 | 26) 32 | Sabor li7ies | 4] 0! 0] TL 212) 3) Dior. Sol 12 Wy) toe | EAN TE | Cay a | | TG) |) HV a | OY) || BA Be a) A) By 1 oO} Ol wil Bl) 2 7 | 20 2% | 6) 9| 9| 8) 8) 7) 9) 7) oncom TN ay ob) 7 | 7) SAPaL aah neh) Tay aya ine 9 | 21 96 117 | 16] 17 | 18 | 21 | 22) 18] 17|17/19| 15 | 12}18|14|14)12]11/11] 8/10] 9;138] 9; 11 | 14 |. 22 O74 12 |. 10 | 12) 12 PAL 8) Gt Bea on fo) 27 WP Si) Za) alee eal tO Oy ARO ern eo 6 | 12 EN SG OREO Se) IO Ol Sl SSO AIG | se) Sl Ol of a) Bi 8 6 | 12 9°16) Bb) Sl Br 2 2) By eal cealmen meson 7 a2) 81) 7 On On Sioa ton uae en eg 6 | 12 WN Sa CG Ee ea ey ay) By Gil Ga Pe NO Gy) HB] Bi Gy wi) Wo] Ww 8. | Mean] 8:9| 92| 97 11-0/10-9/10-1 10-2] 9:3) 7:9] 76] 7-1] 7:3] 7-4) 8:7] 77) 70] 71] 7:3] 7-2] 68) 68) 79] 82) 84 | 8s] — | BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 473 ANEMOMETER. MILES PER HOUR. JULY 1895. 2/38/]41)]51]6]|-7 |] 8 9 | 10) 11] 12]13/] 14] 15] 16] 17 | 18| 19 | 20 | 21 | 22) 23 aa Mean.| Max, P pil |a0/ 8) 15) 8) 17/18) 11 | 12] 18 | 12 | 16 }4s8 | 15 | 14| 16 | 13 | 17 | 24) 82198) 97115| 16 | 16 | 32 Pras) (12,10) .:9-) 9) 5] 0] 0} 010) o| sO} 0| 2/3) 7) 6) 91 4) 919) 1) 9] || ag 3) OO GS a a Gy) 2a sl 2) Sie all Biol Ol og) Bl 7i 8) Gl Fy Si oh B 6 | 10 aero els| S| 5). 8 35 1 et lmOse ulate dy) 2) 2 | Sy eR or MONON tne ote ea 2 5 Ome) 510/14) 18} 12 1291) 2i aio si 2) 8) 4) 6) 8%) 5/13) 12 | 12)\20)| 21) 99 9 | 22 6 | 24 | 22 | 19 | 22 | 21 | 10 | 33 | 30 | 21 | 21 | 18 | 14] 16 | 15 | 16 | 16 | 16 | 17/ 20} 19] 16] 17] 19] 20 | 19 | 33 @etels)) 18: 16 | 18 | 19 | 20s) 26 | 23 | 24) 92) 93] 24 | 91 | 17 | 20 | 21 | 221) 24 || 201) 13 | 17 | 14.) 1b | 17 | 20 | 26 8 | 15 | 14 | 16 | 14 | 11 | 22 | 23 | 18 | 18 | 18 | 27 | 88] 48} 48 | 48 | 35 | 85 | 40 | 81 | 25 | 21] 22] 19] 15 | 26 | 48 9 | 14 | 14 | 17 | 21 | 17 | 20 | 20 | 16 | 18 | 24 | 22 | 20 | 21 | 26 | 41 | 36 | 33 | 27 | 24] 25) 21] 16) 15] 15 | 22 | 41 MOMS 128) 14 16) |)23 | 24 | 201) 14 | 12 10) to 98) tol %s)) 7) 7 | 7 6) Vil WN Te) 14) 13) i) To}, 12) 94 ll |) #2 CWA G6) TL | © aa she oe pe SH | SS Spa yet = = 11 sian enn eset em ole || cele eels Sill 7 || ell taal eal eral Gai slOn ee Sulnaie|) mac7 = 11 SnCu | | ee eS 4) 6 17 | 19 | TT Os ON} tile 0: 9s), Fue 19 14 | 10] 11/11] 11] 12) 12)14] 9] 10] 7] 6) 91417, 16] 18| 19 | 21 | 12} 16 | 21 | 19) 24/18] 14 | 14 | 24 owe on Gy 1254) | 074) 139) 10) 19h) TA Onset) 99) | TL) 9S) Lo!) V5 141) Lon S38) 85n) e| Nenie at Ny 2) 19 16 | 6] 4] 4; 2] 2] 4] 9} 8] 15] 15/15} 26} 31 | 81 | 35 | 34/ 81 | 27] 18 |] 17 | 24 | 27 | 28] 25 | 18 | 35 lon 28027 | 27 4) 191) 17 | 15)| 15) Toa Won) Teh! | 12 | 12!) 8 | a |) 88.) 7 22)o8)) 985) o6N oa" is) 28 18 | 22 | 25 | 21 | 87 | 35 | 30 | 34 | 38 | 41 | 24] 20] 20718 14]16/15/17/ 7] 6] 7/10/12/14] 11 | 21 | 41 19 |18/18/16|13| 6] 6] 16] 15| 20] 20| 22/12] 4 14 | 20| 21 | 21/21] 16/20/16/16/15| 15 | 16 | 22 BO 9) 22) | 19) 18 || 19 || 14 || 18 | 19) 17 18) io) 10) 7) 16) 9] 8) 8) 10) 7) % |) 5) | Ns i 12 | 22 Bi By By Bl O} O) Ol OF ©) Oy 1) Bi Ui Sy 4) 2s Hy WO sO |) BF 5 | ie 22 || | SD ee CO a Zo | A) I) ZT By Sey es atl ot No a a a |] ati 7% | we a | Sh 7 GIG) AG el Bi) 2) a] 2) al SI Sy Bn Ze wil vl wil Bl Bi Bl 4 5 8 a | 2) a a BGA a a A Ol 2) BS Wis ie Wl sl Oi O Ol] wi @ 2 i ae ee) 0 0 2) 5) 616s aeaey | 4) 8) 5) 5 | 9 a4 reo) 6) att ain 6 | 16 26 | 15 | 18 | 22 | 25 | 29 | 37 | 42 | 46 | 52 | 52 | 538 | 49] 50 | 50 | 54 | 54 | 54 | 58 | 52 | 45 | 45 | 47 | 44) 42 | 47 | 54 27 | 43 | 33 | 36 | 37 | 35 | 30 | 29 | 29 | 29 | 96 | 22 | 19] 17] 12/12] 0} O| 0| 2] 2] oO} 3] 2} 8 | 18 | 438 42 | O} Ui By Bl A) Olio! Gl wi w! Ol oO] oO] oO] O} 4] BS! Oo] oO) 1! 4] G6! B] & 1 6 2 | Ol Bi GIO G seas) 8) By sl 42 4) 2) By Br Gi wl Bw By 2 Gy wi Bi a 8 | 19 30 |) 2) Ball Fe On ae oO sO ae LS a a ey) oe ay a 4) vila) a] 8 6 al Peete | 979 | 10) 6 | 71%) 4) al on moulmon| i) 0) 1.) 2) 8a) 2a erat) ts | ie MEAN {11°9 |11:9 12:0 |18°4 13-1 12-8 [14-3 13-4 |13-3 12-1 {11-2 [11:5 12-0 |12°5 |13°3 13-0 |12 8 |12°4 |12-4 |12°8 |12°5 |13-2 126! 12-4] 126] - ANEMOMETER. MILES PER HOUR. AUGUST 1895. 1 }16/12|15|17 | 17) 17] 15 | 14| 17/18] 16 | 14] 17 | 24] 15 | 16 | 14 | 28 | 28 | 31 | 29 | 26] 31 | 27 | 20 | 31 2 | 24 | 26 | 26 | 34 | 26 | 32] 27/20/19] 18|19/12]10]} 4] 7] 6] 5] 9] 8] 7/15/15/14] 18 | 47 | 34 Seon iG! | 16 | 18 | 10°) 12.) 15 | 191) 17 | 19 | Ie) 14 te \ 15 | 9) 9) 9) 6) 10] O15) Ta) 12) i fF is 19 421) ae | OO as Bl a) Oil Ol Ol] BAN Bl Si Bi 2) al sy al & Be ee 5 || i) Ol Ol Ol ONO Oy PG el 21 Gl] 8) Bl OI DIR a 2 Bi Si SB ao 3 8 6 || @) D5) Ol GI BIG Fl a) 2] Bi @] Ol Ai ON aN al ail Oi O} @] 2B 3 7 7 |) Adi a a) eee Oil a ol Sil Bl Sil Sil OMG a ye 7) 7 law) Oi 2 4 | 10 2 || @) @] Bi) 2) Dp a} a} Ol) ol] 2) Bi 4] Sl Bi 2 Al sl oO] ©} O] O} Bl wl] 7% 3 7 9 | 11-13] 14) 16 | 20! 24 | 23 | 24 | 95; 27/18/18} 19!15/17117| 14; 12]14; 9| 8/12/18; 12 | 16 | 27 10 | 12.) 12] 11 | 11] 16| 18] 16 | 12/11/11! 9}11}10| 9] 12] 9] 12| 18] 12/20] 82] 34/37] 46 | 16 | 46 11 | 56 | 48 | 50] 60 | 60| 48] 51] 56!39/29/18| 9711/13] 9/12/14] 7] 6] 7/13] 7] 2] 5 | 26°] 60 12 | 3] 0] 8) 5/10] 7/11] 9/111] 17] 24] 221 16] 15 | 18 | 14 | 13 | 138 | 16 | 12/18] 15)17) 16 | 12 | 24 13 | 20/18/17 | 20/ 14/13 | 12 | 11 | 12] 10 | 12} 12] 12] 12] 11] 12]12) 9] 7] 4] 2] 3] 2] 2 7 a | 20 4 || BO) O} ©) OO) O)O) Ol OO] 7) OO) Tl} O) WO Ol oO © 0} O}) ©) 2 0 4 15 | 2] 1/ 3] 4] 6] 8] 8/11/12/12/11/11] 9] 7} 8]10] 9] 10] 16) 19] 19) 25) 32] 34 | 12 | 34 16 | 28.| 24 | 22] 22) 16/16/17/13/15]311/12/14]16/12]14/14/15/]12/13/17/15/12/138] 12 | 16 | 28 177 J}11) 11) 11) 13) 15] 14/11] 12/17] 18] 18 | 24} 14] 13] 12] 22/18] 17/19 | 20/] 26] 25/25] 22 | 17 | 26 18 | 20/15/14] 16/17/14] 17 | 23 | 22 | 23 | 22 | 20} 21 | 27 | 21 | 18 | 18] 14] 22 | 20} 18 | 21} 22] 22 | 19 | 97 19 |20| 18] 19] 18] 15) 18] 16] 22] 22) 20)17]11] 15] 15/14] 19] 17] 13] 91/18] 23/20/21] 17 | 18 | 23 20 |15 | 14/16/18] 18] 24/18]15/12] 14/11/12] 8]13/13/15/12/14/12]} 9/16/18/21] 22 | 15 | 24 21 | 20 | 21 | 27 | 27 | 30] 28 | 25 | 28} 19] 15] 15] 14] 14] 13] 14]14]18]19]/16/14/18]15/17] 16 | 19 | 30 Pom eiae 14a 2) 13>) 1 |) 108) 15) |) 15/1) Si esi aa Wealimouieeal ed 1850 6) | 9S Wh MS 7S) 7 To || ie 2 || eB 2B ZI ON ee) ea | Ol) | SE Oey a) Bl Oy ae) By Gy ie 3 | 12 a |] OT BN By Od 7A 31) 581 510) 50) |, = | = | Se eee Se) Sy Sa) aS = 11 Os |} | cescll aH MRS eee fem rena Vice ec Fea eas | Sh 2 ae Mea eA ye Oy | ie = 96 | 22.1 16|20|16|19|13/10] 8| 5] 7| 7| 7] 9| 18] 16] 17 | 17 | 21 | 27 | 80} 25 | 25|} 26] 19 | 16 | 30 27 1417/17/13 | 11} 12/11] 11] 11! 12] 10] 12/11} 11] 12] 10/12/14/14/15/14/13)11)/11] 11 | 12 | 17 98 | 9/10/ 8] 6| 3] 6| 3] 5] 6] 10] 17] 18] 24 | 25] 26] 19) 18) 13] 12])11|/13]} 9]10] 18 | 12 | 26 299 112/11] 10] 13] 16| 16 | 21 | 23 | 21} 21 | 21 | 25] 24 | 26 | 35/19/19] 17] 16] 13]}18|19|18] I7 | 19 | 35 30 | 21/16] 15/15] 11/14] 10] 12) 16 | 12] 13] 12} 11 | 13 | 33 | 14/13] 12] 12)138])18)11] 12] 11 | 13 | 21 31 | 12/12] 9] 12) 11) 11] 13] 12] 10] 11 | 12 | 11] 12 | 15 | 22] 21 | 26 | 21 | 21 | 20) 20| 20/18] 19 | 15 | 26 MEAN 44:3 |12°9 [13-1 |13°9 [13:8 [13-7 13:3 [13°5 12°6 112-4 11-7 |11-1 10-9 11-5 [11-7 |11°5 |11°5 |10°8 |12°1 (11-7 |13-2/18-2|14-0) 14:5] 126) - TRANS. ROY. SOC. EDIN.—VOL, XLIII. 3 0 474 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. ANEMOMETER. MILES PER HOUR. SEPTEMBER 1895. [aT ] : 1/2)/3/4{/5]61]71]81| 9] 10] 11] 12413] 14 | 15 | 16| 171-18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 28 night, Mean] Max, | fa href ee ee pa Lk 29 fn) A | | P| Sea eae | 1 [18/18 | 21 | 22 | 20 | 19 | 21 | 21 | 21 | 22 | 25 | 26 | 18 | 16 | 21 | 21 | 17| 17 | 18] 19| 24] 21/19] 18 | 20 | 96 2 117 | 20 | 32| 24] 18 | 23 | 24 | 98 | 25 | 24 | 20 | 24 | 22 | 93 | 24 | 20 | 21 | [20], 19] 17/18] 17) 21| 18 | 22 | 32 3 | 24 | 24| 20] 12| 14| 8113 | 14] 20] 15 | 14/16] 18|17|16| 14/17) 18/13] 16/11/12] 9] 10 | 15 | 24 4 112|/13|13| 12) 13/13) 17/17/17 | 27 | 25 | 29| 26 | 28 | 32 | 16 | 22) 16/15 /18|/14/11/11) 9 | 18 | 32 B. P08 2 ot Tt 9.1 B19) Sl 8 a eS weean 6 |S.) 83 | 3s] 28 eal oul Nig lott enone aan eT 6 (15) 8/12/13) — |) 212 /]] | 815) il eehieg | 30 | <8. | 10 | 27 || 20 | 264) 27.1] Sa.) 400) a 1) 4 en 7 141 | 41 | 36 | 27/18/19 | 13/15 | 20|10/19| 15/16] 15|16/15|12/ 11/11/11} 9116/10] 13 | 18 | 41 8 |12/ 14/13] 12/11/19 | 11 | 15 | 15| 19 | 47 | 21 | 23 | 17 | 13 | 17 | 18| 17| 18 | 18 | 15 | 20) 22] 23 | 16 | 93 9 | 26 | 26 | 27 | 30} 32 29 34 | 97 | 32 | 32 | 32 | 33] 31 | 24| 82 29 | 30} 17 | 26 | 23| 31] 30/25) 25 | 28 | 34 10 |30 24 | 30 | 27| 26 24 | 24 | 21 | 96 | 31 | 29 | 33] 26 | 22/18 19] 31! 33 | 34138 | 39| 35136] 32 | 29 | 39 | 81 | 25 | 25 | 22 | 28 | 25 | 23'| 22 | 25 1 20 | 17 | 19 | 19 | 20} 19 | 20 | 20) 24 | 18 19| 29 22 | “31 25 | 28 | 20 | 22 | 21 | 22 | 22 | 25 | 23 | 27 | 26 | 24 , 23} 26 | 16 | 18 | 12 | 12 | 20 | 19] 19 | 24 | 21 | 23] 20 21 28 26 419 | 20 | 17 | 19 | 22 | 25 | 27 | 24 | 20} 17/16 | 20415] 15 | 15 | 18 | 19 | 16 | 20 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 22 20 A) Of 27) 19)! Wie 5 | 14) 14 | 15) 20) 19-20) Wey) ey Wes) LE) 7) 1G) Wa) ees LA Sy as) 2 2 ast 15 20 2B 10) LON 99} 13) 13) 4 On aT SH 7 ON) LO) ON | 2ST TON er Sa Sia |G wl 21 29 8} 7] 6] 4) 4] 4] 8] 7] 10] 12] 12) 15] 14) 12) 13) 15) 13 | 14/18] 13) 14) 14/18) 12 10 15 30 | 14} 19 | 18 | 19 | 19 | 16 | 19 | 17 | 16 | 16 | 18 | 20} 23 | 24 | 23 | 21 | 28 | 24 | 23 | 26 | 21 | 23 | 25 | 28 2128) MEAN }20°5 |19°3 192 '19°7 18'8 18-1 19-2 19:2 20-4 19-9 20°0 20°5 J18°6 |16-9 |17-2 |16°0 |16°5 |16-4 16-4 16°5 |17:0 |18-2 ir2 179) 183) - ANEMOMETER. MILES PER HOUR. OCTOBER 1895. HW toa i ho \ } 23 | 21 | 22 | 22 iw) Ww iw} ww i) iS) is} oO i) rar) i) for) oo i=) co i=) is) o iw) oo iY) On _ iw) ~ rey i) co 25 | 26) 15] 14 25 ns a BSomanlsa aPwNe i ty Eu Pa i oi a ow a hee 1 i Ue ik ei erie 1 a oth JE a tl fh ty Ab Al oa i ah Wo How dh tk oO Mov th pd [V PALA tenet ae 4 Veet th the 1 ‘ — iS) Si Sst w! oO 1 ve} | — io} iS) enna bos Tete. Wott OS Hoi Ww Ba ob te I Fl len essa Sl Te tees! | — ee bo Weal 1 — oo | ot Gal ES oo 1 _ Ih! — iw) nasal i Sy i | | I | \ | ro fo) oe LP Tie ee ee ae Tete Tele nah 2 1 [UE Stee (uh Aten ie vf Pt Uy te a elt = Lie tte ay (ak UW Pe athe 1 eS) EST VL Naa | iy we ih Lo oyea ie te ve Th Wt 1G Vi ol feed} SUL {| aL 13 Uebel LJ et fit Vea fee ok Mtb i We oh of otk te ea Von tee het fe db al bo eo hie Lie! 1 aaa sl LAV esl ae te (h Visee)| ow they (ie Lae Al tee Ne Sie ik ato an PPh LESH PE e st ESE AT icariet forte Ye at De a a [fb Lech tt WU ete Le AT Sp OU De ot th We al LO Sst Teh il Ng Tine | KW thet At fhe th) od) ot th of ate doth all Pots esi & es net ete Th UP sTeettes tie liao) His 4 pet ent PonyPe 1) Lael That TURD lah ligt a Dr TE ey | Pave e ri at ea aS thee TAY, ocd) ONE! ail Cr D a Se We tied eed he] Ue Te yP ea Te Ae a at La eae Slee leat Ur Ute We SE Se ap eeat Sie a ate Sr TS ays Ne te Ue} PTE tee Beall ore atts ei Te hn ape th th a tT LE Garett ee Teeth ah ff Le AUC tr Ss & > Z ! I | I | | I I 1 ! | I I I I I 1 1 I I i I | I BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 475 ANEMOMETER. MILES PER HOUR. MAY 1896. | Mid- 1) 2) 38:| 4/5) 6) 7'| 8:| 9 | 10] 11] 12] 18 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18'| 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 || 93 night,| Mean.| Max. | = | a ee ae a ee el eo le ees ete Py ioe ees Z e 2 errs Easel fish Se Ne ee mn Me fee Te 0 ie | ee | | A (| = = a © || eof EE eo a a i ea (ee cee |e iS Ills eae 1 may Se ‘ e 4 = = = - - = = ee = = = =, = = wa Shee = = = = — =, = = — SP ay Pls oH OLR i Sel aM ITNT « ly PU 1 carte ae a Re i ae ee | = = Pepe | Ee oe hie ei ised fk Ue Sa BOOT ed, Mn L bi ee se | SS ee ee eee c= Ss yaa ese Hy PE Rs ‘ z 8 = = loth = = = = Ee, = hi = es SF ieee = = = 2. = & » = 2] 9) sR PW a fe ae FS 1) 7) 5 A al We 15‘|20| 28 | — | 28 10 | 19 | 18 | 23 | 27 | 25 | 28 | 33 | 26 | 26 | 21 | 18 | 17] 19 | 15 | 13 | 10 11 | 11} 13] 15/15] 13 | 18 | 33 7 _ e pA bo One a, NROw an ee pa OROO 4 Topper me! ld i (i = 1 — wonDoO = Xa ai = ro or to ~ a PCW 1) on AMON ~o oo H for) on an ~ On py Nwe — we O& Orb ee bo C00 _ Nes a vs iw) I Ne ve COND TS) AKA o HoH OOD EH OD Go | cop oH re bo So rl vo} lo iS) On bo re to I oO as co de MN [eth AY Nhl file Eel bac of ob we th Hod eo Tie ee Le | Ween TY Ee] all Ve) tee P| PtP ee al Ae RS en Wat Pe ee Tt How dt sk Lipa th ell fh thw ih edt WP fhe ib fl owe th it Wout abt ete ot thew Tl & [as S(T Mi ctbendle al) Hoi th iF oh ot th fh a) Vy bhi Heh Pay on Tae i Kt vk {I Le aali tls ett Ler thee We fh 2 | fl eee TP ey teed [hes hs a] GT} ThA a i} ie | How ff Thu th Wey Joel [ess es | jie oD tet Hof ft ab a (k= yh oy] (ho i wy foi wb You oa oth beth a fi HAP tho tha eI gala AT Pe Pe a ia] [Wessd Lag WFiassree Abs oll (i. TTP Thweaftg Tat Ve Sie fa Qe Te Te sa ote Tht dit LE in 10 TE Ta te a CIT" 2) ee sd aI A it 1 if © yt hot wo thd Woh ar he ho Me th th ee i a 4-4| 4:8] 66) 7:6! 8:0} 88|11-4 | 10°8 | 10°5 - 3 { i=) Sp He are for) MEAN #124 |12-0 138 16-0 14-4 16°8 /16-0 14:8 |13°4 |12:0 |11°4 |10°8} 7-6 i | | ANEMOMETER. MILES PER HOUR. JULY 1896. | Yc ete een perenne) (mena (meee cea T || 2, 1) fT rele ams eeean eae Heese Lr Scam Re le 2 t|( = z= ts a at Se He a ae ick ef a Me ee eee Seca ee 2 ame = ST] [ihe See pera ea Pa I er ei (i | co | SR i Pa ee RR eee ILS Sl Pe = m = AT) co Wk Wl St Ieee rem Vm ea || cs] |e et ei i eT ae pe ees (ees pos fh 22 = = = 5 = |i Saat eae ieee (mea meee beeen ce ei || | all IN Pn Me Vea ema nen Pn ae (ee = = = Pe aes al = a Ss | ye Rees eo) ke ee Sealine se = zs 7 || eam NSS ts) ee ee Se See ee SON le See ae ee = = * Be |—i-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-]= |e peh-'=]-1-]-)-}-9- fey -) = 2 2 fe | Sa See er ee ee ee y= | eS ee meee ee eH ree es ey ee = = Sy |e "|e i Se ean ea eee a eS || SS fl ee en en een ea een PES 4 eae 3 E il | a =| 2-24) "2.55. eae BE PE ae ee ce = zs ec eel es | fh eS Ce i I he es Nee ee ee ee ie = 2 io || 2 ee a ee ee Bo) |. =a), el | 2! ae ee ei re ae a es E = foo = le i ee eee ee 2s || = Svs |) es ae ee ee ae a z eee es Pe ae | 1 | a Ne ie ee ee PONE es PS gl ae meee | S) 2 | Se |e eee Bi toe | et asst eee ae 2 Na 2 Es Ue S| USA eae i ee ese eee eee | || || eae en a ee Penge See rec ay ee Eee Do |e | eS ee ee a ee eee ik | eR a ee ee Le Nee eee Sipe | oS ee ee ee eS I IRM een eT ss. mn eee ge z 2 2) |) 1A | SR SSR RE SR a aces (A Et a a ee a ee eee fee | eee 2 y 2, || = oll yg fee am eee eee eet sey] ||. ! eT | 98 | 36 hao) 32) eames 81 | 89'| 27 |-94 Joi | 98 1.19 190 14g te tone ie | |e | ee eel Ie oe eee 10. =| =) =| 5) 2) -3 | os tos | oe | oa: oeromtay Neos | -2.| 212 ¥ 2) 3 | 2 ee | ee ee rea) (an (em bea (en, Pe | ea || =|) || oa) fe Me ee fos ee er |e Po = SS Sb SS Wee @ | See ae 2) 2 |e eee | ee Ise a) tS [Sy SL") Se lS a ama |S i Se a ae ae | es a P2kSyeVens| Spake |) 25 Be) ek ea ee eh eee ee eae eee (eee | ee 16 Wah eS Vee] Soh Ee reel, Si Se a) | Se ae SE a ae 16° = || at lee esl |) feed ie Se eld | nh me Re | WF Wes SSS, |) SS) SCS Sol) ea) SS a SN th sl es te Pe oles |S | Sit SSE So) eee a RM mae || Sj Ra me ee | | Hat se Sls | S| SES eye ae Sl | 2 eee es ee OO Nd cel S| Se Soh Sh Sit Bee De eae aa | | Sl Se | | = es (a ose (eam rae Pees PR es P| | || ae SAL ae eo ek Oe Sy eS So SCE Se [ae eae De EY TN a ee | fe om ey ee ae ee ea I ee |, ee a CE eS NAS ie Mas | |e Wes) |S) Sl Sy lk my Se ee SS ea ae | oe SPS | PERE | Sat Si ea ne 2h) Sal aa aR | 96 Wm | cel a) o/c th eal = le oe ee te NS | me |. el ee cee ete on ae eee ed a ee a RE pla eh | et ea ie ee ae | 28 tea Sel La 2h Se [a ee mae Se S|) Sa a ee | Pa ea ea ceed en en es ee 0 i a ee We eS Ck po 30 Pc oe) ape | Sole 20) Sala ee Ss) S| a) 20) ee ae ae ee | ai P| ee eect] ce a ole |, See ame 9) So) 5 eee Se ee | INTRATNT Afm | Soe gel cs reel eae cel tps | et | eee fan (een Umea ie ec) Thee referee = = ( -4gie MEAN VALUES AT THE BEN NEVIS AND FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORIES. MONTHLY MEAN VALUES OF PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE. Taste I.—The mean Barometric Pressure, reduced to 32°, at Ben Nevis Observatory for each month and year from January 1884 to December 1903. At the foot two sets of mean values are given, the first for the 13 years 1891 to 1908 inclusive, during which time the Fort-William Observatory was also in operation, and the second for the whole period of 20 years. Taste I].—Thé mean Barometric Pressure, reduced to 32° and sea-level, at Fort- William Observatory for each month and year from the opening of the Observatory in August 1890 to December 1903. At the foot are the mean values for the 13 complete years 1891 to 1903 inclusive. Tapues II]. and [V.—These tables contain similar dates for the Temperature at the Ben Nevis and Fort-William Observatories. MONTHLY TOTALS OF RAINFALL AND SUNSHINE. TaBLe V.—The total monthly and annual Rainfall at Ben Nevis from July 1884 to December 1903. At the foot mean values are given for the 13 years 1891 to 1903, and for the 19 complete years 1885 to 1903. Taste VI.—The total monthly and annual Rainfall at Fort-William from August 1890 to December 1903. Mean values for the 13 complete years 1891 to 1903 are given at the foot. TasLe VIJ.—The total monthly and annual amounts of Sunshine at Ben Nevis from January 1884 to December 1903. The amount for January 1884 is interpolated, as the record was incomplete forthat month. At the foot mean values for the 13 years 1891 to 1908, and for the 20 years 1884 to 19038, are given. TasLeE VIII.—The total monthly and annual amounts of Sunshine at Fort-Wilhiam from August 1890 to December 1903. Mean values for the 13 complete years 1891 to 1903 are given at the foot. HOURLY MEAN VALUES. Taste 1X. BaromeTeR.—The mean hourly values for each month: Ist, at Ben Nevis Observatory for the 20 years 1884 to 1903 inclusive ; 2nd, at Ben Nevis for the 13 years 1891 to 1903; and 38rd, at Fort-William for the same 13 years. The barometer at Ben Nevis is reduced to 32° only; that at Fort-William to 32° and sea-level. TRANS. ROY. SOC, EDIN.—VOL. XLIIL. 3 P 482 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. TaBLE X. BaroMereR.—The departures in thousandths of an inch at each hour from the general mean for each month. Heavy type signifies an excess and italic type a defect from the mean which is given in the last column—values are given correspond- ing to each of the three parts of Table [X. In this and the subsequent departure tables, the values have been adjusted for the differences between the midnight values at the beginning and end of each mean day according to the method described in the Appendix to the last volume of observations (see Trans. R.S.H., vol. xlii. page 543). The values given in the second and third sections of this table are also shown graphically by curves in the diagram at page 502. TaBLE XJ. Temperature.—The mean hourly values for each month: 1st, at Ben Nevis for the 20 years 1884 to 1903 inclusive ; 2nd, at Ben Nevis for the 13 years 1891 to 1903; and 8rd, at Fort-William for the same 13 years. Taste XII. Temperature.—The departures at each hour from the general mean for each month. Heavy type above the mean and italic type below it. Values are given corresponding to each of the three sections of Table XI., but in this table the means and departures are computed to hundredths of a degree and not to tenths only, as in Table XI. The values given in the second and third sections of this table are also shown graphically by curves in the diagram at page 502. TaBLeE XIII. Dry and Wer Buiss.—The mean hourly values of the difference of the dry and wet bulbs: Ist, at Ben Nevis for the period from May 1884 to December 1903—that is, 19 years and eight months; 2nd, at Ben Nevis for the 13 years 1891 to 1903 inclusive ; and 8rd, at Fort-William for the same 13 years. The wet bulb record from January to April 1884 at Ben Nevis contained so many interruptions that it could not be used in computing the mean values for these months. TaBLE XIV. Dry anp Wer Buxps.—The departures at each hour of the difference of the dry and wet bulbs from the average monthly differences. Heavy type above the mean and italic type below it. Values are given corresponding to each of the three parts of Table XIII., but the means and departures are computed to hundredths of a degree. TaBLE XV. RatnraLtt.—The mean hourly values for each month: Ist, at Ben Nevis for the 19 years 1885 to 1903 inclusive; 2nd, at Ben Nevis for the 13 years 1891 to 1908; and 3rd, at Fort-William for the same 13 years. The self-recording rain gauge at Fort-William was not in use during the months of March and April 1891 and January 1892; these months were therefore omitted in computing the 13 years’ average at both Observatories. Taste XVI. Rartnraty.—The departures at each hour from the general hourly mean of each month, and of the year. Heavy type above the mean and italic type below it. Values are given corresponding to each of the three sections of Table XV. Taste XVII. Sunsnine.—The mean hourly values of the total bright Sunshine for each month: Ist, at Ben Nevis for the 20 years 1884 to 1903; 2nd, at Ben Nevis for the 13 years 1891 to 1903; and 8rd, at Fort-William for the same 13 years. At the side of each section is given the “total possible” sunshine and the percentage of this possible actually recorded. For Ben Nevis the “possible” is the total time that the BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 483 centre of the sun is above the level horizon, but for Fort-William the “ possible” is the total computed time that the sun is above the visible horizon there. Two percentage columns are given for Fort-William: the first is computed from the Fort-William ‘“‘possible” sunshine, and the second from what would be the possible for a level horizon. Taste XVIII. Winp-Force.—The mean hourly values at Ben Nevis for the 20 years 1884 to 1903, and the departures at each hour from the monthly mean values. There are no corresponding hourly observations at Fort-William. The wind-force is estimated on a scale of 0=calm, to 12=hurricane. The following are the average velocities in miles per hour corresponding to each number of the scale as deduced from comparisons made with a Robinson hemispherical cup anemometer (see page 472). One 0 | 6 11 (112) 8 72 12 9 | 10 (130) (84) | (97) i 60 2 12 3 21 4 30 5 39 6 Ben Nevis Observatory Scale i : 49 Miles per hour The values for Force 9 and upwards must be regarded as rough approximations only. Taste XIX. Croup.—The mean hourly values of the amount of cloud at Ben Nevis for the 20 years 1884 to 1903, and the departures at each hour from the monthly average values. ‘There are no corresponding hourly values at Fort-William. The amount of cloud ranges from 0 = clear sky to 100 = overcast ; fog or mist on the summit, thick enough to prevent an observation of cloud, is counted as overcast. TaBLE XX. ABSENCE oF Foc.—The mean hourly values of the number of times that the summit was clear of fog or mist at each hour in the 20 years 1884 to 1903; the same expressed in percentages, and the departures at each hour of these percentage values from the mean percentage foreach month. There are no corresponding hourly values at Fort-William. This table was constructed by counting for each month the number of observations at each hour in which the summit of Ben Nevis was not enveloped in fog or mist. No account is taken of the presence or absence of clouds in the sky, the occurrence of foe or mist on the summit alone being considered. Taste XXIJ. TeEmpERatuRE.—The difference of the temperature at Ben Nevis and Fort-William at each hour of each month on the average of the 13 years 1891 to 1908, and the departures at each hour from the monthly mean values. The first section of this table was computed by subtracting the average Ben Nevis temperature at each hour of each month from the corresponding Fort-William temperature ; in other words, by subtracting the second part from the third part of Table XI. The second section of this table contains the hourly departures computed in the usual way, but with the values carried out to hundredths of a degree. WIND DIRECTIONS AT BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. Taste XXII. Winp.—The number of times each direction of wind was noted at Ben Nevis at the hourly observations in each month on the average of 20 years 1884 to 1903; the same reduced to 8 points and expressed in percentages, and the departures of these percentage values in each month from the annual percentage values. 484 Jan. 1884 25°170 1885 “151 1886 24°941 1887 257155 1888 “467 1889 +390 1890 24°983 1891 25°325 1892 096 1893 336 1894 24°980 1895 25°095 1896 *534 1897 "255 1898 "439 1899 048 1900 ‘160 1901 "230 1902 316 1903 099 MEANS. 13 years 25°224 20s "208 Jan, 1884 25°5 1885 23°9 1886 20°0 1887 25°0 1888 28°8 1889 27°3 1890 26°9 1891 232 1892 21°8 1893 23°2 1894 Die7) 1895 17°5 1896 28°2 1897 20°0 1898 29°3 1899 23°7 1900 24°3 1901 24°0 1902 24°0 19038 PAH MEANS, 13 years 23°4 20 ae 24°0 Feb. 25°099 24°858 25°390 "487 391 *202 B43 656 140 24°936 25°086 443 *506 *285 “096 149 24°918 25°399 199 148 25°228 247 Mar. 25°173 356 232 388 035 280 079 ‘119 362 373 192 031 021 24°889 25°262 317 ‘417 183 080 24°915 25°163 183 = 5 bw We cnr NHwwwrw Nnwnwnwrd NAWEA BHODSCO THORN noenrn WAwd Pawde Nonwwwrbdy BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. Apr. 25 °288 185 267 370 274 153 *226 369 395 580 ‘286 "254 443 "199 ‘207 146 "269 "162 295 "232 25°295 280 TABLE I.—BAROMETER. May. 25°314 149 *321 469 “359 301 316 *230 346 “493 357 549 ‘711 350 273 “431 "352 578 350 325 25°411 379 June. 25°494 463 “412 676 *453 B45 *349 554 398 491 *450 526 410 “482 “413 *B59 396 “431 "420 555 25468 “474 July. 25°383 B90 318 “424 25°437 "418 Aug. 25°438 474 377 “423 378 ‘267 312 188 301 437 339 278 460 228 394 597 “460 “440 *3865 189 25°360 367 | TABLE III.—TEMPERATURE. Ww bv Aono i) Ker Shower bb by — NT CO ie} no bo “I 00 co June. 37°1 35°4 July. 41:0 42°1 38°6 41°6 38°9 40°9 371 40°7 40°7 42°0 43°3 38°2 40°5 451 40°4 43°1 42°3 47°8 37°7 39°8 41°7 41°1 Aug, fo) 42°3 39°8 40°1 40 2 38°8 38°7 386 39°0 39°1 43°6 39°2 41°2 38°6 42°7 40°9 48°7 40°8 Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Year. 25°400 | 25°373 | 25°431 | 25°052 25°301 "192 123 *230 389 ‘263 394 “259 "210 | 24:953 256 352 442 078 | 25°086 *362 “590 367 069 182 319 “469 134 463 "3389 “329 “482 395 147 “409 *295 ‘292 049 ‘158 ‘087 "284 "234 146 281 235 284 225 171 363 101 324 665 357 181 232 "291 525 220 “166 038 284 172 127 “488 077 367 *356 504 483 088 298 473 274 “180 149 309 *209 379 321 163 321 *475 "247 128 041 276 334 *250 “470 | 24°910 *325 “476 351 187 | 25°252 *310 “405 | 24°925 315 056 210 25°372 | 25°231 | 25:286 | 25°110 25°299 386 "255 | ‘267 142 *300 Sept. Oct. Noy. Dec Year. 389°8 32°8 26°0 24°2 31 “4 34°4 26°4 28°7 25°9 29°7 36°4 34°6 29°7 20°1 29°7 36°7 28°7 26°1 22°8 31°4 89°2 33°6 27°3 28°2 311 37°8 30°4 80°4 26°7 82°1 41°9 33°6 27°4 22°2 31°3 38°8 31°5 28°0 26°4 31°38 34°4 27°2 29°8 24°0 29°7 36°1 31°8 25°8 26°7 33°0 37°3 32°7 31°38 27°6 32°0 43°3 2771 28°3 23°1 30°7 37°0 26°7 29°9 25°2 32°4 35'1 36°3 33°6 27°3 32°4 42°6 35°7 28°9 28°2 32°6 35°4 33°7 82°3 23°7 382°9 39°7 30°4 28°8 28°4 31°6 39°0 30°9 28°4 23°2 31°9 38°6 32°3 29°9 26°0 30°7 37°3 31°7 28°3 24°2 30°8 38°0 31°4 29°5 25°7 317 38°0 31°4 28°9 25°2 31°4 FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. TABLE II—BAROMETER. 485 Jan. Feb. 1884 - - 1885 - - 1886 - - 1887 - ~ 1888 - - 1889 - - 1890 - - 1891 29°966 | 30°295 1892 ‘730 | 29°768 1893 30°005 509 1894 29°595 697 1895 ‘768 | 30°169 1896 30°179 140 1897 29-937 | 29°902 1898 30°049 “720 1899 29°640 738 1900 ‘763 *533 1901 "863 | 30'078 1902 "959 | 29°841 1903 720 726 MEAN. 13 years 29°860 | 29°855 Jan Feb. 1884 = - 1885 - - 1886 - - 1887 - - 1888 - - 1889 - - 1890 - = 1891 89°1 43°2 1892 387°7 37°8 1893 37°9 39°7 1894 39°3 40°3 1895 32°4 30°9 1896 41°3 43°4 1897 35°7 40°5 1898 44°1 39°5 1899 37°6 39°0 1900 40°3 33°7 1901 40°6 87'°5 1902 38°6 36°0 19038 38°5 43°2 MEAN. 13 years 33°7 38°8 Mar. | Apr. May, June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov Dec Year. = = - - - 29°802 | 29-979 | 29-952 | 29-729 | 80-079 = 29°775 | 30°024 | 29°785 | 30:048 | 29°872 656 781 575 “745 | 29°669 29°849 30°047 008 ‘907 | 29°934 982 784 757 720 “862 87°5 865 29°980 "157 | 30°025 982 849 “907 728 ‘703 | 30°013 690 "879 ‘764 | 29°844 | 29-951 960 *820 "823 | 30°232 “915 | 29°716 828 "845 617 *819 | 30100 | 30-042 771 733 012 802 735 652 *852 597 | 30°045 "266 | 29°890 "958 "974 | 29°646 704 | 30°092 662 +929 "453 | 29°798 | 29:917 985 927 657 "885 | 30°056 072 “661 854 896 ‘770 830 “914 | 30-063 866 ‘958 | 29°779 | 29°735 ‘716 858 944 ‘730 | 30°007 | 30°043 012 | 30°053 707 | 923 875 175 871 30°089 "842 | 29 902 | 29°859 | 29:919 | 29-939 981 799 674 587 "824 | 29°749 “715 | 30°105 "959 } 30-017 927 “818 “791 | 30:087 "486 883 “650 *894 | 29°958 "924 } 29-945 863 “989 904 | 29-752 874 879 “475 "845 864 | 30°088 847 659 924 410 “915 650 ‘760 29°72 | 29°884 | 29°970 | 29-971 | 29-922 | 29-834 | 29-878 | 29-775 | 29-867 | 29-702 29°858 TABLE IV.—TEMPERATURE. Mar. Apr May June. | July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov Dec Year. E g 2 E = 55:3 56°6 49°3 42°8 38°1 - 37°4 42°6 48-2 57°4 56°7 55°5 54°1 47-0 41°4 41:0 47°0 36°6 43°2 49°6 53:0 55'6 55'3 50°3 43°4 44-9 35°8 45°3 43°3 48°3 53°2 578 58°5 59°0 52°2 47'8 39°6 42°5 48-3 42°9 48°4 46°9 54°8 58°9 55:2 51:0 45°6 46°7 411 47°6 40°6 45°9 52°7 55°4 55°4 56°9 56°6 43°6 42°5 39°6 46°0 41°5 46°7 53°8 56°2 56°7 55°4 53°1 42-6 43°3 39'1 47°8 41°6 43°3 48-1 55:1 58°5 58°7 51:0 48°8 45°6 39°6 47 °2 40°1 471 48°2 55°1 56°5 57:0 55'2 50°6 42°7 43°8 48-3 40°3 430 477 57°4 58°4 60°6 52°2 48°7 48°3 38°1 47°6 38°2 45°2 49°7 56°7 57°7 563 | 53°5 46°0 43-1 43°7 47°0 39°5 45°1 52°8 53°6 60°5 56'1 55:5 46°5 42°8 37°9 47°4 41°9 44°4 45-2 54°5 54°0 54:0 53°6 47°1 47 ‘1 41:0 46°4 41°5 42°7 49°7 53°9 551 53°9 53°6 47°8 43°5 38'5 46°8 40°4 451 49°7 55°4 | ° 57°1 56°5 53°2 46°6 440 40°1 47-1 486 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. TABLE V.—RAINFALL—INCHEs. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. | July. Aug, Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Year. 1884 a = = = = = 9°94 8°62 11°60 20°24 19°10 25°29 = 1885 7°33 16°94 12°81 4°86 8°37 6°84 7°53 7°68 20°87 19°03 9°82 24°33 146°41 1886 12°76 2°85 5°91 4°59 6°25 7°60 10°99 10°16 13°03 8°16 14°57 10°98 107°85 1887 17°80 | 13°30 5°90 7°53 3°97 751 | 14°54 871 | 10°99 | 12°19 8°99 | 17°58 129°01 1888 16°03 8°79 7°45 6°89 12°87 3°76 7°82 12°37 6°90 17°21 20°60 11°77 132°46 1889 17°69 14°86 12°11 3°89 4°34 1°94 4°09 18°32 7°28 6°62 11°48 18°04 120°66 1890 29°42 4°57 | 27°31 8°09 6°01 | 14:66 | 15°22 | 14°33 | 20°71 | 37°30 | 18°96 3°75 198°338 1891 14°20 15°09 14°78 2°50 7:00 7°51 10°53 19°16 43°54 14°34 11°88 17°48 17801 1892 22°32 12°30 5°42 5°92 14°07 9°56 10°83 15°47 21°90 9°53 13°86 9°73 150°91 1893 12°23 10°33 12°58 5°99 5°48 588 12°32 14°79 19°25 22°84 18°43 25°67 165°79 1894 15°96 33°55 14°58 3°50 6°66 8°33 11°34 17°70 1°32 4°67 17°40 14°93 149-94 1895 6°88 3°54 14°32 11°74 3°69 3°92 10°79 12°76 8°95 12°06 13°98 15°40 118°03 1896 16°20 11°15 19°55 10°04 2°91 9°74 6°87 11°01 10°78 13°07 9°77 12°47 13356 1897 3°42 16°22 17°24 6°55 10°91 8°46 14°13 11°88 17:08 12°08 17°78 20°07 155°77 1898 27°08 30°09 19°07 10°76 8°74 10°37 11°74 18°60 24°90 13°86 21°27 43°65 240°18 1899 15°30 10°56 25°21 17°01 6°88 7°61 15°22 5°58 20°78 18°11 32°48 12°55 187 °29 1900 35°32 7°75 3°84 20°22 14°76 6°97 13°12 11°85 16°96 20°93 10°28 48°34 210°34 1901 20°12 5°91 14°95 12°87 4°74 13°19 4°54 12°93 10°65 16°01 15°09 25°43 156°43 1902 24°75 3°36 18°73 9°87 15°81 2°91 12°22 9°37 12°45 16°31 7°86 23°42 157°06 1903 33°45 36°24 37°95 8°36 6°62 6°43 13°26 20°97 10°72 18°66 17°27 6°81 216°74 MEans. 13 years 19°02 | 15°08 | 16°79 9°64 8°33 7°76 | 11°30 | 14:00 | 16°86 | 14°81 | 15°95 | 21°23 170°77 Oi oes. 18°33 13°55 15°25 8°48 7°90 7°54 10°79 13°35 15°74 15°42 15'36 19°07 160°78 TABLE VIIL—SUNSHINE—Hoovrs. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. | June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Noy. Dec. Year. 1884 [24°2] 16°9 29°4 59°6 106°1 54°9 47°7 54°3 65°8 32°0 18°8 14°1 523'8 1885 34°6 18°1 36°0 58°2 31°7 81°2 162°0 118°2 25°3 45°3 51°6 22°2 634°4 1886 15°2 43°1 50°4 98°9 65°3 891 47°0 41°1 64°4 16°3 19°5 20°6 570°9 1887 23 °2 56°4 74°3 120°4 128°8 205°7 58°2 56°9 83°8 31°6 31'4 27°5 898°2 1888 69°6 72°7 64°0 67°5 126°3 249°8 68°9 72°0 121°0 28°2 81 21°1 969°2 1889 22°8 26°8 26°9 51°9 74°0 212°6 96°7 8-7 46°5 44°1 10°8 111 6329 1890 3°9 67°5 356 78°4 | 126:0 24°1 42°3 45:9 83°2 35°2 26°8 21°5 590°4 1891 14°2 86°5 92°6 109°2 104°1 211°8 83°6 44°] 46°4 60°8 30°7 23°6 907°6 1892 12°2 43°0 105°5 125°3 116°7 103°7 130°1 37 '2 31'4 43°0 19°4 351 802°6 1893 29°1 14°6 83°1 150°6 72°9 134°2 56°7 34°] 39°1 14°3 49°7 met 679°5 1894 31 9°2 100°5 82°2 78°4 117°0 i114°9 45°1 126°4 90°8 14°9 27°8 810°3 1895 29°3 83°1 19°6 81°7 139°1 149°4 24°2 25°1 74°2 40°5 26°4 2°3 694°'9 1896 36°3 33°3 29°5 33°4 222°4 78°9 90°5 81°0 29°0 41°2 58°8 22°6 756'9 1897 22°1 221 PN 97°7 | 158°7 76°9 | 170°2 34°8 59°3 79°7 43°4 27°4 813°8 1898 10°6 19°] 42°9 32°5 149°4 116°3 140°6 43°9 87°5 76°2 33°1 11°8 763°9 1899 33°0 79°1 51°5 56°4 164°4 152°7 60°4 212°5 12°4 51°7 12°4 11°6 898'1 1900 4°0 34°0 102°7 80°0 98°2 137°6 47°7 92'2 7571 24°1 16°8 4°0 71674 1901 14°2 52°0 87'1 101°6 238°8 (ys) 123°5 53°9 66°6 15°3 44°4 15°8 893°7 1902 31°4 63°7 29°5 82°4 45°4 130°8 55°2 83°6 40°3 49°8 19°0 21°0 602°1 1903 15°8 4°9 10°8 40°2 79°0 | 1386°8 75°6 23°2 67°4 16:0 20°9 18°3 5089 MEANS, 13 years 19°6 41°9 59°8 82°65 128°3 124°7 90°3 58'9 58°1 46°4 30°0 17°1 757°6 200g; 22°4 42°3 54°7 80°4 | 116°3 | 127°0 84°8 58°1 62°3 41°8 27°8 18°0 735°9 FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. TABLE VI.—RAINFALL—InNcHEs. 487 Jan Feb. Mar, Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec Year. 1884 3 z = e e a iad a = = £ i s 5 1885 - = = = = pee = = = = 3 = = 1886 - ~ = = = = = = z. = = a = 1887 - - = = | = = = = = = Bs = 1888 - - = = = = = ue as = be = E. 1889 - = = = = = a = = = Bs = Z 1890 - - - - = - - 6°07 713 13°58 9°54 0°99 = 1891 7°39 719 4°96 0°80 2°55 3°04 3°84 8°20 12°72 9°91 6°08 11°69 78°37 1892 8°54 2°93 1°84 1°96 5:97 3°87 5°47 8°14 14°43 5°35 9°39 5°39 73°28 1893 5°27 8°38 4°43 3°08 Zayil 1°80 4°57 6°44 9°08 12°51 8°51 16°14 82°72 1894 11°79 13°62 9°36 L337 3°78 3°13 5°70 Ue 0°24 2°06 11°62 8°78 79:17 1895 2°70 1°08 {5)95}59) 5°26 2 07 3°04 4°89 9°37 5°52 4°78 8°47 7°65 60°38 1896 9°50 8°26 10°64 3°64 27 5°05 3°96 6°29 7:01 5°55 4°68 8°63 74°48 1897 1°67 8°06 8°47 4°24 4°79 4°12 6°92 5°24 9°75 6°28 6°50 11°79 77°83 1898 14°22 11°36 7:41 6°77 2°91 4°27 2°84 7°30 10°60 6°83 7°99 24°01 106°51 1899 7°38 4:91 8°65 bYBi/ 2°56 2°05 4°45 177 9°11 9°11 US H7/ 5°96 74°59 1900 10°40 3°37 0°71 6°27 6°24 4°32 4°27 6°56 8°91 8°95 4°72 21°68 86°40 1901 7°86 2°09 4°22 5°62 1°44 5°97 3°13 5°62 6°64 9°55 4°64 10°69 67°47 1902 10°03 1°07 7°58 3°38 4°63 1°62 3°65 4°95 5°49 9°05 3°73 9°14 64°32 1903 16°11 17°04 17°25 3°81 4°49 2°97 6°60 11°95 715 13°05 7°86 5°61 113°89 MEAN. 13 years 8°68 6°87 701 3°97 3°48 3°48 4°64 6°89 8°20 7°92 7°50 11°32 79°96 TABLE VIII.—SUNSHINE—Hovrs. Jan Feb. Mar. Apr May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov Dec Year, 1884 2 2 = 2 = s = 2 = = e 2 > 1885 - - - - - - = - - - = = = 1886 - - - - - - - - - - - = & 1887 - ~ - - - - - - = = - - 1888 - = - = = - = - - - = = = 1889 x = = = £ = = = = = S . = 1890 = = - = - - - 117°4 | 102°0 52°0 34:1 25°6 = 1891 24°3 56°1 122°2 159°0 182°9 237°6 116°2 92°2 78°5 98°4 25°5 9°5 1202°4 1892 24°2 65°3 135°6 178°4 168°2 159°7 159°7 96°2 74:2 74°5 24°6 19°1 1179°7 1893 24°7 54°3 107°4 173°8 128°4 186°3 1IL()45) 92°4 108°3 45°0 31°4 5°6 1068°1 1894 15°7 20°4 132°0 165°3 U7) 170°4 143°2 76°1 146°9 90°8 13°4 16°1 1161°5 1895 48°6 101°0 HEB 112°8 196°7 208 °2 74°6 58°2 102°4 103°8 44°6 8°5 1131°7 1896 16°7 28:2 84°6 87°9 230°4 129°3 135'0 130°9 74°4 71°4 25°0 16°8 1030°6 1897 40°5 26°6 58°6 158°4 200°0 138°9 187°8 107°4 UTILS 7 94°2 37°6 222 1183°9 1898 14°2 48°5 104°4 117°2 212°5 169°5 198°4 118°6 124°6 89°5 31°6 11°4 1240°4 1899 26°0 71°0 83°4 111°9 196°7 167°7 89°1 | 230°8 73°1 69°0 11°6 81 1188 °4 1900 14°9 52°4 119°3 121°0 144°6 182°2 97°4 139°4 85°7 59°4 23°6 iD, 1041°'1 1901 13°8 49°4 113° 146°1 248°4 159°0 138°6 113°9 114°1 58°7 40°1 11°5 1206°8 1902 PAY CTE 62°2 64°9 162°1 126°2 164°6 111°8 101°4 60°5 87°8 40°2 21°0 1030°4 1903 21°6 10°3 39°3 119°7 135°4 177°8 140°4 91°1 126°0 35'8 21°5 14°8 933°7 MEAN. 13 years 24°1 49°7 95°2 139°5 180°1 173°2 131°0 111°4 98°5 75'2 28°5 EG, 1119°1 488 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. TABLE IX.—BAROMETER MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN VALUES. BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY, 1884-1903. 20 Years. Ze 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LOM 11 WA SOB ae sy sy) aN) a Sas} aS) A) iL 22 || 23) 5°208 |5°205 |5°201 |5°198 |5°196 |5°198 |5-208 |5-208 |5-213 '5-215 |5:212 15-207 |5"205 |5*205 |5'208 |5°210 5°212 5°215 |5°216 |5-217 5:216 5214, 242 | 238) 234 | ‘233 | '234] -237)| 241) °246) °250! -254| -254] -251)| 248 | °245| °245) "247 +251] °254) °255) :254| -254| 9538 180 | 173 | *169) °168| °170| °173}| °177]| *180) *184| *187| *190] °189| °187]| 184] +182) *183 +186); 189) ‘191; *191| -191, -189 "270 | ‘265 | °262] *260}| ‘263 | °268| :273| °277| *282| 286] 288] -290) 291) 289) 287) ‘286 +286] :287| -290| -289/ -287| -284 868 | °364| °361] °359| 362} °366) 370) °874| °378: °382] °885] °387 | °390| °389| 387) °385 384] °3885) °387| 390} -389]| -387 465 | *459] 456) *456| *459| °463) 467] 471] '474) °477| *480] °483 | 484] °483| *482) -481 °480/ "481) °481)| 484) -484] -489 . . 410 | *404| °402] *400) 402] °406] *411] 414] °418 421) 424] -427)| '480|] *429) 427) 425 +424) *424| °425| 427) :497| -494 862 | *856| °352| °350| °352| -856] °361| 865) °868| °371| ‘874] °376| °3877| °3876| °874| °372 °371| °3871| °3874)| °375| :374)| -371 384 | °378| °374] °371] °372| °376| °380] °384] 387 | 389] 391] °393 | *392] °390) 388) 387 °388}| °391} 395] 394) :393] -399 249 | ‘243 | -240| °239] ‘240| °244)| 251] °255] °258| -261| 262] °260| 259) °258) °256| -258| 261) ‘262| ‘263| -262/ 261) -258 26 266 | ‘263) ‘258| °256! °256| ‘258! :264| °269! ‘271| *273| 269] °267 | ‘264) °262! "264| 267} :271) °273| °274| :274) -275) +273) 9) 142 | 140} *135] °131| 131) 1382} °186] *141| 146 | °148| 144] °140) 138} °137| *141| 142} -145| 147} °150} *151) 151} 150) +74 296 | -291| *287]| *285| *286| 290) °294| -299| °302| °305| 306] °306) °305] ‘304| °303)| 304] °305| °307| °308| -309}| °308) -306 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY, 1891-1903. 13 Years. 2 138 (4 | 5 16 | 7 | Ol go atom ar | 12°] 18 1 14) ae) heh a7 i) as raga coos ee Jan. . 5°220 |5-219 [5-214 |5:211 |5-208 [5-210 [5-216 |5-221 5-226 \5-229 |5-226 [5-228 [5-221 |5-223 |5-226 [5-229 [5-231 5-284 |5-235 [5-236 16-236 \5-238 Feb. . "227 | -223| -219| -218| -219| -221| -225| -230 -233| -286| -236] :232| 227] -223| -223| -226| -230| -233| -233| -231| :231| -230 L Mar. . 158 | +152] *147| °147| 148] °151| 155] 159 162] *167/ :170] -170| °167| 163] -162| 165| °168| ‘171| 172] 178] -172] -171 Apr. . 284 -279| 276! :275| 279) 284] -289| -293 +298] -301| -3041 -306| ‘306! ‘303| 302) -302| 302! -303] -304! °304| -3021 -299 . May. ‘401 | °396| 393 | -392| -395| -399| -403{ 407 -410| -414| -418] -421| -422| -422| -419| -417| -417| -418| -420| :422| -422| -419 June. 459 | *454| 451 | “451 | 454) 458) -462| 466-468] -472| -475) -477| -478| °477) °476| -475| -474] -475| -475| -478| -478| -475 r July. 428 -422| -420| -419 421 *426 | -430| “433 487) -440| -443] 446 -448| -447| “445 | -444| “443| -443| “443 | 445) 445) -448 Aug.. "855 | °349| 344| 344! 346-349! 355] 859 °361| 364) ‘367] 369! 369] -367| -365/ -364| °363| 363! ‘366 | 366! -366| :363! *36 | Sept. "369 | °364| ‘359 | °357| °358 362] -365| -369| 372] -374| -377] -379| °378| °376| 374] ‘374| °375| °379| 882] -382] 382] :380| +37 ] Oct. .} 230 | -228| -225| -220| -216| -216| -217 -222| -228| -231| -234| -237| +238] -236| -235| -234| -232| -234/ -238| -238| -239/ -238/ -236| -234] « Nov..] 293 | *290| 286) -283| 278] -276| -277, -280] -286| -290| -293| -294| -289] -286| -282] -280| -281| 285) ‘288] -290]| -290| -289| -290] -289 Dec. .| ‘117 }| 113] *110| 108} -103| -100| 099-100] 104] -110| *115] °117| 113] -109] -106| 105] -108| °111| 113} 115] 117] “118| -117] 115 0 Year.} °302 | 298] -293| 289] 285] -284 285 ee 293 | -297| :301| -304| 305] °304/ 303] 302] 301] -302| 304] 305] *806] -307| -306| -304 1 | Fort-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY, 1891-1903. 13 Years. 8 1-4 | 51-6 | 7 | 8 io [P10 | a | 12 | 18 | 4) 15) 16 tz A tie) 9.) MoO) |e oree Jan. .]9°865 |9°860 |9°858 |9°854 |9°850 |9°845 |9°843 '9°844 |9°851 9-858 |9°865 |9°866 |9°862 ]9-856 |9°855 |9°855 |9°860 |9°861 |9°867 |9°868 |9°872 [9-871 |9°872 \9:869 \, Feb. .] * . : "854 | ‘852| ‘850| -851| -853| ‘860| 862] -865| ‘865| -863] °855| *848| 841] *843| -844| °853| 855] *858| °857| *858| -857 ; Mar. . ‘767 | 764| °764| °767| *769| °774| °774| °777| °777| °776] -772| °767| °762| ‘761| ‘761| *768| ‘7738| “779| °780| 788] -788 i Apr. . ‘879 | ‘878| ‘878| -883| 887] -891' 890] ‘891| -888| ‘885] 882) ‘879, °878| 872) ‘871] ‘875| ‘879] 888] -891| -893| -893 f May. ‘972 | °972| -972| -976| :977| -979| -976| -974| -969| -967] -963| -960| *956| 955 | 953] 958) *962| -971| -977| -982| -983 r June. 973 | -973 | 974] -978!| -979| -981| -978] 976] 972] -971] -966| -964| *959| :957| 955] 958] -961| 968] -974| 980} ‘981 I | July ‘918 | °918| ‘919| -923) -926| ‘928 -927| -926| -923| -923] -920| -919| -915| ‘913| -910| -913] 915] -920| -926| -931]| ‘931 h Aug. "832 | *829| ‘829| -833| -836| °840| °840| °840| °837| °836| °833) °831) °827| °825| 823] 825] 828) °835) °839| -841]| 840 i Sept. ‘876 | °873| °870| °874| °877| °881) °882| °883| °878| °879] °875| °873| *868| ‘867| °867| °872| ‘878| *886| *888| *890| ‘889 & Oct. 766 | ‘765| -763| -768| -772| -780| -782| -784| -782| -780] -774| -771| -767| -768| -770| -778| -780| “783! -783| -784| “782 i | Nov "864 | °861| *858| °860) ‘862) °870| °873| °877| *876| *871] 864 °859| *856| *859| *862| 868) ‘870| 872] ‘871| 873] *871 j | Dec. | 699 | °695| 691) -692| °692! -697| *708| ‘710] °711| °705] -699) *695| ‘693 | °699| 700] *704| *706| *710]| ‘710| °711] ‘708 D Year "855 | ‘853 | 851] °854 356 ‘861 °862| *864| *862| *860] 855| 852! *848| *848| *848| *853| *856| 862] 864| 866] *866 } BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. TABLE X.—MEAN BAROMETER WITH HOURLY DEPARTURES. In thousandths of an ich. 489 Ben NEVIS OBSERVATORY, 1884-1903. 20 Years. | 2-8 & | @ es) os monte) 12) 18, | a4 16 | 17 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 28 | BAN January 9) 2) &| “72 | 718 | 12 6] 1 Pala 7 3 | 2 ae legs 8 i) 11 oat 4 February .| 1| 3) 7 IS HZ) O} SF) Ol} Bi Fh wy ey al Bl Sy) #1) Bi Gi wi) Gl By # 3 March Th | | 7 HN HS HON ON Si Al 2h) wey ON ee ay ee OO} Bl By By ay th © 4 April 4 | 10 | 15 ZON EZ Za 7 ee Salas LO) | Te ON) eG i Gale zelelOnl Onl taeda) eal May 3 9 18 US| ATID | 8 £) O} S|} Gi Babb) Ol 7) Hl 2) Bl Gi) Oi Bi G 3 June 8) 8/4 LEN TAN HO) G) Bi) O} BS) Gi Gyo) OF i) Gl Bi GC] Gl Vl Bl wv 3 | July 2) 8 | 14 LE IG | 125 7 ee On enone te OP a2 Qe a iG gl) 09) 8 Dele Gn lnemte August BN VEN ret IS 16)| 12.) 7 eee a eraalee rele 9) | 10) 9.) 8.) Gy) Nbr oy Sal Ou 9G 2 September.| 1] 4] 20; LYN HONIG YN | OL Si] Bll Vay Ol Sy sy Al By) Gri | oy Oi} & 4 October 2) 6| 72 He LW eGo! A O}) Bil Ol) Wy By CNW al Sl Blew Bi wi Bl Ss 2 November.| 3); 2] & NAG |) OF Gi Hl A) Ol Bil Of Bt el Ss. Oy) 4A 4 Bh By Si ¥ 6 December .| 2, 0| 2 LD LES LOS) 6 EG SENG ee 2) 2) SL) OS) on Sa Oe Oa esi a6 Year Oo) ae EAU CON Oe) | 5 Cy) Ca ENT he |b ei | a Bren NEVIS OBSERVATORY, 1891-1903. 13 Years. Piles Pe lise eh Mids IG OI Oe) | io |} aa.) 1) ree ae UGH | 7 19185) 19 | 200/20) 22 |e lees ae fee zs) 2) 9|zelas| az! | soi) 2) 2| 3) z| 2) 5/7] 9/101 a1) 10) 8) 4 February .| 0| 3! 7 TL HON ESN A ee HS OG} PS A a KY ft!) Bi GO} OF oy Bi 2 3 March i | ai @ iy | HA | GE EW GR a AL Gel) ee BN a Ay Pe BI Oa 4 April 4 | 10 | 15 19 N15 \otL | 6), (2°) SReGu rouble: 1 LO AE ONE SS TSI, oe A) May Bi) eel 03 HG | US | | PN EN a |) 8} 1) AKO) aa 7| 5} 5} 6] 8/10; 9) 6 2 June 3) 9| & 17 | 14 | 10 6) 2} 0| 4) 7] 9) 10) 8; 7| 6] 7} 7/;10)10); 7 3 | | | July oo ENG NSA Ora O | 2 Oh) Coane SG eo bel) al tl an ieee August .| 3] 8| 13 73) 16)| 32-6 | 2), Galea eran) |) 69) Ge 5a) eal 58) 85) 8s ton ees September.} 1/ 4 9 HS BON ONG NSE OO PAN NS 2) 2) 3] 8) 11/11 ly 9| 6 | | ' October 2\ 5| 10 TD BENS NO ey | a || tt NG al re ee a al November.| 1] 3] & WANE We N TE Bi B) Bl Sil Ob w 4| 0; 3} 6| 6] 5}] 6! G 4 December .| 2| 1/| 3 eo oer | 5 | 2] Joi ee OCG Oa Ea Gl) 5 Year 1} 6) 10 US WAN TG GN BN Bh) | 6] 5) 4 NO Oy Oy ol Gl) i 3 Fort-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY, 1891-1903. 13 Years. 1 lg al6\@)7 | 7 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | Mid- eA O PAG | aah 11) ee 17 19 | 20) 21 | 22 | 23 | int January ‘ee i|| &| @) | 6 els 2 8) Cl Ail Al 6 No) rata Eon a 8 7 Henuary a 4) 1) 3) 5) 7|°5) 8) 4) 6 9110) Si o| 7 10 1} 5/ 4] 5/| 4 6 March Ly GE EA OL ANS CZ Gal 3 a Gl A Oat 12 QO} GO) vi} OF Ba Lo April Baleoe| oe |e) Sx") 31) 7) 96) zeal ves |e | 18 C1 ek eh cal eal 6) May | Ol Al Pa Va OW wh Bh Oy Ae ey Bil eA Wo 17 gi} IL | 7} aa | als 1} June Ot Bl Py BA es Pe Eh Oy i wh IL Ol, ah Y 16 HO | 8 |) Bi) Bh ao jah July AMS |B B81) 25) Tal Sera) Ste Peng ean | eg 18 Bsa Sa 8) Bt ag Pensigeeo | Ol} 4s 7 1 3) A oo be oni Sale aie Z|) 3 | 10 Bh Bl 7h Oy & 8 Meprember.) 7 | 5) 2) 5/ S| £| Z) 3) 42) &) O} TP 3) 5 11 0) 8) 10; 12) 11} 11 October BL | “8 70 er) carne. Sito a Taleomees | 4 6 CMTS VGH a | 2G November.| 2; 0) &5| S|i2 9) 6/ 2) 5] 9} 9} 4] 3) 8 4 5| 7} 6] 8] 7 8 December.] 1|/ 0| 4| 8/12 11| 120) 5) 1] 8] 9| 3] 3!| 7 2 Hy Ey Sy oy % 7 Year Aina s* Fi PE 2s) Sioa eae ec 10 2) 4) 6| 8) 8| 8 TRANS. ROY. SOC. EDIN.—VOL, XLIII. 49.0 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. TABLE XIL—TEMPERATURE. MONTHLY AND ANNUAL MEAN VALUES. BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY, 1884-1903. 20 Years. 3 | 4 5 6 7 8 9 UO)s jj aul 12 S| 24 elon eG 17) |) AS ONO) 2 ees 24°0 | 24°0 | 24°0 | 23°9 | 23:9 | 23°9 | 23°9 | 24:2 | 24°83 | 24°4 | 24°5 | 24°4 | 24°2 | 241 | 24°0 | 23°9 | 23°9 | 28°9 | 23°9 | 23°9 | 23:9 23°3 | 23°83 | 23°3 | 23-2 | 23°1 | 23:2 | 23°4 | 28-9 | 24-2 | 24°5 | 24-7 | 24°7 | 24°6 | 24°4 | 24:0 | 23°7 | 23°7 | 23°7 | 23-7 | 23°6 | 23:6 23°2 / 23°2 | 23°1 | 23°0 | 23°1 | 23°5 | 23°8 ; 24-4 | 24°8 | 25°1 | 25°3 | 25°38 | 25°38 25°0 | 24°6 | 24°2 | 24°0 | 23°9 ; 23°9 | 23°8 | 23°6 4 | 26°3 | 26°2 | 26°3 | 26°6 | 27:0 | 27°6 | 28°1 | 28°6 | 29°0 | 29°3 | 29°83 | 29°3 | 29°2 | 28°8 | 28°3 | 27°8 | 27°5 | 27°3 | 27-2 | 26°9 2| 31°1 | 31°2 | 31°5 { 31°9 | 32°4 | 32°9 | 33°5 | 34°1 | 34°6 | 85°0 | 35°1 | 85°1 | 84°9 | 84°5 | 34°1 | 83°6 | 33°0 | 32°6 | 32°3") 32-1 7 | 37°6 | 37°7 | 88°0 | 38°4 | 88°9 | 39°5 | 40°1 | 40°7 | 41:2 | 41°6 | 42°0 | 42°0 | 41°9 | 41°6 | 41°1 | 40°7 | 39°9 | 39°4 | 3971 | 38°8 5 | 39°3 | 39°38 | 39°5 | 39°8 | 40°2 | 40°8 | 41°41 41°9 | 42°5 | 42°9 | 43°1 | 43°2 | 43-1 | 42°7 | 42-4 | 41°9 | 41°4 | 40°9 | 40°6 | 40°38 2 | 39°1 | 38°9 | 39°0 | 39°2 | 39°6 | 40°1 | 40°7 ; 41°2 | 41°74 42°0 | 42°3 | 42°3 , 42-1 | 41°8 |; 41°4 ; 40°9 | 40°5 | 40°2 | 39°9 | 39°7 ‘1 | 37°0 | 36:9 | 36°9 | 37°0 | 37°4 | 37°9 | 38°4 | 88°8 | 89:2 | 39°5 | 39°6 | 39°6 | 39°3 | 88°9 | 38°4 | 38°0 | 37°9 | 37°7 | 37°6 | 387°4 0 | 30°9 ; 30°8 | 80°8 | 80°7 | 31:0 | 31°3 | 31°7 | 32-0 | 32°3 | 32°38 32°4 | 32°3 | 82°0 | 31°6 | 31:4 | 31°3 | 81:2 | 31-2 | 811 | 31 9 | 28°9 | 28°9 | 28°8 | 28°7 | 28°7 | 28-9 | 29°2 | 29°3 | 29:5 | 29°5 | 29°4 | 29:2 | 29°0 | 28°8 | 28-8 | 28°7 | 28°8 | 28°7 | 28°7 | 28 1 | 25°1 | 25°0 | 25°0 | 25:0 | 25:0 | 25:0 | 25:2 | 25°4 | 25°6 | 25°6 | 25°5 | 25°4 | 25°3 | 25-2) 25:2 | 25°2 | 25°2 | 25°2 | 25°2 | 25 30°6 | 30°5 30°4 | 30°5 | 30°6 | 30°9 | 31°38 | 81°7 | 82°1 | 82°54} 32°7 32-8 | 82°7 | 32°5 | 32°2 | 31°9 | 31°6 | 31°4 | 81°2 | 81°1 | 30 Ben NEvis OBSERVATORY, 1891-1903. 13 Years. wee 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 $) 10 |} ll 12 13 14 15 | 16 7 18 19 | 20 2] 22 | 23 night, Jan. .} 23°3 [23°83 | 23°3 | 23-3 | 23°3 | 23°3 | 23°2 | 23-1 | 23°1 | 23-2 | 23-4 | 23:6 | 23-8 | 23-9 | 23:8 | 23°6 | 23°4 | 23°3 | 23:2 | 23:2 | 23°3 | 23°3 | 23:3 | 93-2 Feb. .}] 23°9 | 23°8 | 23°7 | 23°7 | 28°6 | 23°6 | 23-5 | 23°4 | 23°4 | 23°7 | 24°2 | 24°6 | 24-9 | 25°1 | 25-1 | 25:0 | 24°8 | 24°4 | 24°1 | 24-1 | 24:1 | 24:0 | 23°9 | 23:9 Mar...) 23°8 7 23°7 | 23°6 | 23°5 23°4 | 23°3 | 23°2 | 23°38 | 23°8 | 24°1 | 24°7 | 25°2 | 25°6 | 25°8 | 25°8 | 25°7 | 25-6 | 25-0 | 24°5 ) 24°3 | 24:2! 24-1 | 24-1 | 239 Apr.. | 27°3 | 27°2 | 27°1 | 2771 26°9 | 26°9 | 27:0 | 27:4 | 27°8 | 28:4 | 29°0 | 29°4 | 29-8 | 80°1 | 30:2 | 80°2 | 29°9 | 29-4 | 28°9 | 28°3 | 28°0 | 27°8 | 27°6 | 27°5 May.]} 31°8 [31°7 | 31°5 | 31°3 31:1] 31°3 | 31°6 | 32:0 | 32°7 | 83:2 | 83°9 | 84°5 | 35°1 | 35:5 | 35°6 | 35°6 | 85°3 | 34:9 | 34°3 | 83°8 | 83:1 | 32°7 | 82°5 | 32:3 June.} 38°6 | 384 | 38°1 | 37°9 | 37°8 | 38°1 | 38°3 | 38°8 | 39°3 | 89°9 | 40°5 | 41-1 | 41°6 | 42-1 | 42-4 | 42-4 | 42°3 | 41°9 | 41°5 | 41°0 | 40°3 | 39°8 | 39°3 | 39°0 July. | 40°6 | 40°5 | 40°2 | 39°9 | 39°7 | 89°8 | 40°0 | 40°3 | 40°8 | 41°4 | 42°0 | 42°6 | 438°1 | 43°6 | 43°8 | 43°9 | 43°7 | 43-4 | 43-0 | 42°5 | 41-9 | 41°5 | 411 | 40°8 Aug..y 40°i 4 40°0 | 39°8 | 39°6 / 39°4 | 39°3 | 39°3 | 39°6 | 39°9 ; 40°5 | 41°0 ; 41°6 | 42°1 | 42°4 | 42°6 ; 42°7 | 42°4 | 42°2 | 41°7 | 41°2 | 40°8 ; 40°5 | 40°3 | 40°0 Sept. | 37°5 [37+ | 37°2 | 37:1 | 37°0 | 86°9 | 36°9 | 37°1 | 37°5 | 37°9 | 38°4 | 88°8 | 39-2 | 39°4 | 39°6 | 39°6 | 39-3 | 39-0 | 384 | 38-1 | 87°9 | 87°7 | 37°6 | 37°4 Oct. . | 31°0 | 31°0 | 31°0 | 30°9 | 30°9 | 30°8 | 30°7 | 30°6 | 30°9 | 31°83 | 31°7 | 3271 | 32°3 | 32:4 | 32-4 | 32°83 | 32:0 | 81°6| 31°4 | 31°3 | 31:2 | 31-2 | 81-1 | 31:0 Nov. .] 29°3 | 29°3 | 29°3 | 29°4 | 29°4 | 29°4 | 29°3 | 29-2 | 29°3 | 29°4 | 29°7 | 29°9 | 30°0 | 30°0 | 30°0 | 29:9 | 29°5 | 29°4 | 29°3 | 29°3 | 29:3 | 29-2 | 29-2 | 29°2 Dec. .} 25°6 | 25°6 | 25°6 | 25°6 | 25°6 | 25°5 | 25°5 | 25°5 | 25°5 | 25°5 | 25°7 | 25°9 | 26°1 | 26°1 | 26:0 | 25°9 | 25°8 | 25°7 | 25°7 | 25°7 | 25°7 | 25°6 | 256 | 256 Year.} 31°1 | 31°0 | 30°9 | 30°8 | 80°7 | 30°7 | 30°7 | 30°9 | 31-2 | 31°5 | 32°0 | 82°4 | 32°8 | 33°0 | 33:1 | 33°1 | 32°8 | 32°5 | 32°2 | 81°9 | 81°7 | 381°5 | 31°3 | 31°2 Fort-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY, 1891-1903. 13 Years. l Mie} i | 2) 3) 4'| 6 | 6 | 7 | 8 |e | ao | a | a2 }-aa | ae | a5 | de | a7) 8°) 19!| 20 |) ane ee Jan..| 38:5 | 38-5 | 38°3 38-4 | 38°3 | 38-3 | 38-2 | 38-2 | 38-1 | 38-2 | 38-3 | 38°8 | 39°3 | 39°8 | 39°8 | 39-7 | 393 | 39-0 | 38-7 | 38-7 | 38°6 | 38-6 | 38°5 | 38°6 Feb. .| 37°9 | 87°8 | 37°6 37-6 | 37-4 | 37°4 | 37°3 | 37°3 | 37-2 | 37°6 | 382 | 39-2 | 40-0 | 40°8 | 41°3 | 41°6 | 41°3 | 40-6 | 39-8 | 39-3 | 38-9 | 38-7 | 384 | 38-2 Mar. .| 39°0 1 38°7 | 38°5 38°3 | 38°0 | 37°9 | 37°7 | 37°8 , 38-2 | 39°5 | 40°5 | 41:7 | 42-6 | 43-4 | 43-7 | 44-0 | 43-8 | 43-4 | 42-3; 41-2 | 40°6 | 40-2 | 39-7 | 39°3 Apr. .| 42°3 | 41-9 | 41:3 | 41-2 | 40-9 | 40°6 | 40-7 | 41-8 | 43-1 | 44-9 | 46-2 | 47-4 | 48-4 | 49-2 | 49-5 | 50-0 | 49°8 | 49°4 | 48-5 | 46-9 | 45-5 | 44-6 | 43-8 | 43-1 | May. ] 46-2 | 45-5 | 45-0 | 44-6 | 44-2 | 44-2 ( 45-0 | 46-7 | 48-2 | 49-9 | 51°2 | 52°5 | 53°3 | 54-2 | 54-7 | 55° | 54:9 | 54-6 | 53° | 52°6 | 50-7 | 49-2 | 48-1 | 47-2 Sune.} 51°9 ]51°3 | 50°7 | 50°2 | 49-9 | 50-2) 61-3 | 62°8 | 54°2| 55-7 | 56-9 | 58°0 | 58°3 | 59-6 | 60-1] 60-7 | 60°7 | 60°5 | 59°8 | 58-7 | 56-7 | 65-1 | 55°8 | 529 | july. 54°3 [58°8 | 53-4 | 53-1 | 52°8 | 53-0 | 53-6 | 54:8 | 55-9 | 57°3 | 58-3 | 59-2 | 59-9 | 60-7 | 61-1 | 61-6 | 61°4 | 61-1 | 60°5 | 59-5 | 57-9 | 56-6 | 55°6 | 55°0 Aug...) 54°2 | 58°8 | 53-4; 53°1| 52-9 | 52°7 | 52-9 | 53-9 | 55°1 | 56-6 | 57°6 | 58°6 | 59-2] 59°8 | 60-2, 60'7 | 60°6 | 602 | 59°4 | 58° | 56-6 | 55°8 | 55°1 | B46 ‘Sept. | 51-4 | 51-1 | 50-7 | 50°5 | 50-2 | 50-1 | 50-0 | 50-4 | 51-4 | 52-8 | 54-0 | 55-1 | 55°9 | 56-6 | 57-0 | 57°5 | 57-2 | 56°6 | 55-3 | 54-0 | 53-2 | 52-7 | 52-1 | B17 Oct. | 45°4 ]45°3 45°0| 44-9 44-6 | 44-6 ( 44:4) 44-5 | 44-7 | 45-7 | 46°7 | 48-0 | 49°0 | 49-7 | 49-9 | 49-9) 49-5 | 48° | 47-4 | 47°0 | 46-4 | 46-2 | 45-8 | 456 \Nov..] 43°5 [43-4 43-2 | 43-2 43-1 | 43-2 | 43-1 | 43-2 | 43-1 | 43-3 | 43-8 | 44°5 | 45-1 | 45:6 | 45-7 | 45-6 | 45:1 | 44-6 | 44-3 | 44-1 | 43°8 | 43-7 | 43-5 | 43° Dec. .] 9°9 | 39°9 39°7 | 39°7 | 39°6 | 39-7 | 39°5 | 89-6 | 39°7 | 39°8 | 40-0 | 40-4 | 40-7 | 41-1 | 41-1 | 41-1 | 40-7 | 40°5 | 40-3 | 40-2 | 40-1 | 40-1 | 40-0| 39-9] 8 Year.] 454] 45:1 44:8 | 44:6 | 44°3 | 44-8 | 44° | 45-1 | 45-7 | 46°8 | 47°6 | 48°6 | 49-4 | 50-0 | 50°3 | 50-6 | 50-4 | 49°9 | 49-2| 48-3 | 47-4 | 46-8 | 46-2 | 45°8 5 VL» BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. TABLE XIIL—MEAN TEMPERATURES AND DEPARTURES. NEVIS OBSERVATORY, 1884-1903. 20 Years. 491 memes | 2 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | B® | 201 11 | 12] a8 | 12 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | an | 22 | 28 | MO [ate 06| -06| -02| -04| -o7| -12| -19| -17| -25| 10| -27| 33] -45| -35| 19) -03| -o7| -z3| -z3| -z0| -z2| -2g| -28| -06 [2108 wai) 38) “44) “44) “47| “55| 63) 59) *83| °09| “45| “71| “91| °94] °79| “61| 20) -03| -04| -02| -09| -13| -13| 16 93-77 | meres | “83 | 91) 99) -91| -53) -17| 35) V7) 10911°26 | 1°32) 1°28) 101| 59) 22) ‘O1| 07!) -25| 26) 89) “52 |. 24-00 99 | 1°08 | 114 | 1°30 | 1-41) 1:27) -96| -60| -01| 562) ‘9 34 | 1°64 | 1°69 | 1°69 | 1°53} 1912) ‘70) 15) -23) 32) -47| °72) “85 4 27°62 436 | 164) 1°71| 1:83) 1°71] 1-45| 1-06| -62| -02) ‘57\1714| 1°65] 2-01 | 9-11 | 2°12 | 1°90 |150|102| -54| -09| -48| -73| 1-00] 2-77 | 32-99 L46 | 1°67 | 1°94| 2-01) 1°88) 165|\1:22) -73|) -14| *40| 98) 1°55] 1°95 | 2°26 | 2°28 | 2°18) 1°83 )1°38| 92) 18) 34) °72| 99] 1:26 | 39°69 ee f*38)| 158) 1-78 |-1°76 | 1 60 | 1-3 86) *33| 27) °85)1°39]1°77 | 2°01 | 2°10 | 1°97) 1°60}1°29| “"78| °26) -29| “54) ‘84%) 1:00 | 41-09 ‘92 L'il 135 | 1-44) 1 56 L51|1°28|) -89) 386) ‘21| 76) 1°35) 1°61 | 1°88 | 1°91) 1°70) 1°45)1°00} 49} 09) 28) 42) ‘59| “80 | 40-43 71) “84, 97 | 1-07 \ 1°16 | 1°18) 1:04) -63, -17| °86, °80)1°17' 1°45 | 1°62 | 1°60/1°33; 92} 42} 02) -24; -27| -39,; 54) ‘62 4 38°03 41\ 43) 49) 52) ‘60| 63) 69) -45| -12| ‘29| 62] 86] 94) ‘97| ‘90; 58] ‘24] 07) 05] “12) -14) -20| -30| -36 }31-40 a) 18) 08) -05| 06) -17| -23) -24| -04| ‘20| 37) ‘b4| 52| 49| 32) 07) 08) 12) -17| -14| 17) +15 U4| 21 | 28°94 09) If) 14) 15) 23) 25) ‘21| -20|) -20) "00| 23) ‘37) °39| ‘29/ 19] 05) 03) 04) °03) °04) 03) 00) 06) -09 | 25:21 69| -79| “89| 96| ‘98| -95| 81| -63| -17| 28] °68)1°03]1'24| 1°33] 1°28 1°08] “78| 49] ‘21) -02| -20| 35) -49| -59 | 31-44 NEVIS OBSERVATORY, 1891-1903. 13 Years. Mme | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | S|) 19) |S» )ietrin roma iets. |v |)5)) |) 06 «|i ese oman fete esl ea iitenn 08| -ov| -06| -o7v| -10| «zy! -23| -20| -18| 06) ‘29! “42 ‘56 49 19| “04 -o7| +12, -18| -08| -06| -10} -14 ‘09 | 23°36 ie lence | At) 46) *51| 57) *69) 63) “37! 09) “47|) “7911°00|1°00| 86) “70; 23) 05) -05| ‘Og| -17| “21) 22, -19 | 24-10 64) 78) 86) 95) 1:05) 1:14 1:04) 58) 19) “41 ) “84 | 1°22 ]1°42 | 1°43 | 1°37 | 1°28} “63 | 20) 06) -14) 23 29; 48) 53 | 24°34 L-09 | 1°16 | 1°20 | 1°34|\1:43|1:26 ‘93| 52) 09!) °72|)1°08 1°48] 1°85 | 1°87 | 1°86 | 1°60 | 1°10 62. 00| *81| -48| “67| ‘86 ‘96 | 28:30 1-46 | 1:65 | 1°85 | 2:01| 1°88) 159' 1:15) 51, 04) °72) 1°32) 1°84) 2°24 | 2°30 | 2°31 | 2°04) 1°62)/1'05 49) 22) 58) -84) 1:07 1:27 133-28 1°60 | 1°81) 2°07 | 2-15) 1°93 | 1°67 |1°21| 68) -08| 47) 1°06 | 1°61] 2°05 | 2°39 | 2°40; 2°27) 1°86) 1°41 938) °24|) 32) 77) 1:06) 1:34 4 40°03 P18 | 1:48 | 1-72 | 1:90 | 1°80 | 1°65 | 1°34) -88| 31! °30} 90) 1°39] 1°89 ; 2°12 | 2°23 | 2°06) 1°73} 1°29; “79| °25/ -21| 69) “84| 1:05 | 41°66 96 | 1:14) 1°33 | 146) 1'56| 151) 1:27) 89! -386| (23) “77 |1:29)1°65 | 1°87) 1°93/1°'70/1°45)1:00| 53) 10) -27| -42| “64| ‘85 | 40-78 70| *86| °97|1:10)1:13| 1:12! ‘99| -§9| ‘15, °39!| °80,115]1°39|1°56)155|1'29) 97) “41|) 08) 06) :25) “47| -58| ‘60 {38-03 4h | *41| 60| 57| 64\ -70| 76) -64| *14| 29) *67| *91]1°00/1°08| ‘96| 61) ‘26| “10| ‘o4| -22| 24] -20| -34| -49 [31°38 Ponmecon LO) -09) *10) 19) -27\ -21| 05) 21) 37) 5b] 56) 56) 42) 10) 07) <27| 27) 13) 22) <18) -15| “27 | 29-47 Ome e716) 22) -23) -19| 23) -16) 00) °25)) 41} °42)| 28] :20) 10) ‘07 | “06 | 02) 02) “02) 03) “07)| -72 \'25 69 73) “84') ‘94)1°02)1:03) *98| “84 54) “16 32 74 | 1°09] 1°33 | 1°41) 1°36 }115| 82) 49) 20) ‘04| -2£) -39) *53| -64% 131-70 ice | ’ of Mid- 13 14 15 16 Mi | 18 19 20 21 22 23 night. Mean _| [a bots [eee ene 2 canoes oe A Ts10)| 1714| 1:03'| | “58! “80, #05: 708) 09)! 17) 8" 05 er ies: 71 2°00 | 2°47 | 2°71 | 2°46'1°77| 90) 47) 05 21; 52] “67; “8% 13882 2°97 | 3°30 | 3°60 | 3°40 2°93) 1°85} 82) ‘20 23) 73 | 1°13 | 1°40 | 40°42 4°11 | 4°46 | 4°94 4°74. | 4°35 3°42 | 1°85 43° 84| 1°85 | 2:05 | 2°66 | 45-06 4°52 | 5°06 | 5°44 | 5°23 4-94 | 4°10 2°86| °92| 57 | 1:67 | 2:56| 3-35 | 49°66 4°20 | 4°68 | 5°26 | 5°19 | 4°98 | 4°36 | 3°26 1°23 | +39 | 1°68 | 2°65) 3°47 | 55-45 3°62 | 4°02 | 4°48 | 4°27 | 3°95 | 3°40 | 2°40) “75|) -48| 1°48) 2-11} 2°78 | 57:10 3°38 | 3°76 | 4°29 | 4°12 | 3°75 | 2°93} 1°54) 17) °62) 7:32) 27:85 | 2-34 | 56°44 3°38 | 3°79 | 4:30 | 4°04 | 3°37 | 2°12) 83) °03) °51| 1:07 | 1:47) 1°85 | 53°28 3°04| 3°27 | 3°35 | 2°85 | 1°87 | “85) °39) 16) °85) -72| -97)| 1:24 | 46°61 1°65/1°79|1°70/1718) °70}) °39| 16] °09| -22| 86] -42| ‘59 | 43-97 °93|1°00| °94| ‘58| ‘38| ‘14| ‘06| 06] 05) -15| -22| -25 | 40°14 2°91 | 3°23 | 3°50 | 3°22 2°77 | 2°04 DON 2S SEF “9S 87 1-9oe A713 F ( r ba Seite eed aie ' 4 . Dot GCOOH DOM 1218 > I ON oO oes AGO C mane TOD 1D 129) SS SOO Onn OSS SSS 6 2 ANN BDH MAA AAN A BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. TABLE XIJJ].—MEAN DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULBS. 492 BEN NEvis OBSERVATORY, May 1884—DECEMBER 1903. eS + OwH 189A LiIN9nM WOM oO Ba |NGH BOS MHHR HOW © Ve |Cen tm DMHAN HAD A jos Son OSs Soo = ae SOO SCHH COS SOO C6 SWAN ANN ANA ANG A Lonl int IAA OIC Wisc © oo Aint WSS PNM Wem © oD HOn OM 690M HAD SeaS Sof See SSS © a Soo Onn coo coo © N ANN ANN ANN ANH A O1I9s 189A O90 WINM © a Not WSS NW wom © nN Badan AN Bot ANSD ww Solo oor Como, ooo! TS N Seo Of Soe OCS © A [ANN AMD AAN ANA A i D19t TODN DOM wom © “i 19H WOT WORD 19H © = oN ARNO ANO ONO vw a ooo oon Coo sooo oS “ ooo tome Coo cloco “oS N ANN MOD MAN ANNAN A Ss MOH HOA DORM H1I90 © oO AOH BAN ROR WMH oO o |em es CMM HHO HHO OD AN og So Seog Soe &S i) ooo Gon Soca Goo 2 N ANN GOwH mMaON ANN a oO 19H 1OMRH BOM wiawm wo | oO DOM 1900 AnD wioH & a MOM HHN Sion OND ba Se SSt SSoq Seo SoS | rq ooo oem Coo ooo So =I ANA +HH HHH ANN | ——————————— © IDK 12919 AeA cio Mw | oO AWH Ont Ch wot D& o law OmMMr~ CONGO Ot © q Soe Son SSS Soq © q Seo Sf Bec Coo © | AQeo W191 19 HOD NNN = 19H Ord SHO 1100 & = Aiea O©F8F71'9 CHA Wim & be NOM HOS Foe ODOR A rt Sao Orin Soa SOG © ro SCSOO Onn FOOD COO CO A AND WOH WOHH DMNA ws O19 ONM WOO 19nMO0 & ae) oot RAN HOO Wow © Naor~ ANN som WON q SOSCSO OCOnH HOH COSCO OO tol SOS OnH HOH SOOO oO ri NNO WOO 19H MAN x Vey O1most OFF NOM 19100 Ney MIs M190 MOnr OOH 1a MOD HN ODMH ONN NA SSO COFAH HOH SOSDO OS rq SOO Onn HOH CSO oO 7 AMD 19D INHH MANN Mgt DOD NON 191900 RS SOD CHH HOD OOO CO for) Hae AAN RAG ANN N ri Dior OOH BROOD WOM BW S a Aot CHAD ROD i9OH Dd | 5) SOO GN CO a OS. SS aoe San Soe Sao © 2 Seo Sra oSoS Geog 6 = Hon ANN ANH HAN A DINAH IMD W190 wo © al - [S82 Str wew SOY © co aw | PPL SAF SLR SxS @ soo co ooo -oos io oO COD OnH OOCO ooo Co a! det ANF AAR RNA FB B19 OMAN MI9M WOM © 4 = NOt OSS M190 18ONHt © a narod AQ Ann NNr N S ee} Diet WAT HHH awww © a | . |aext ere See pow © = a | Pee NP wee StS coo oor ooo ooo Oo iS (SVs) Onn ooo Soro fo} 2 Jaan ANN ANQnN NAN N Miat INAH MOD HOH © i Aiwm CHR WINH® wWoMm o & = SIAM CUES CO, er Or Sooo boon ooo: (Sco | o> faa} ea! Soe onrio coos oCco ¢ fe IAM AAN AAN AAN AN = —E EES 5 14s 19H 19MRH BMD WH © n |\BE|Reyv COG BHM HOW © S |S leeeo ere anN BNO A SOSoO SOH SOO SOS 6 4 SWMWl ooo CHSe SSO OSS 6S 4 rstgey ARAN ANN ANN ANN A > Caine | Sy a io = ae : : >a ~ Fi = el ar > Ss s o on | o oo ‘ by a = 2 55 ear oN apn laltey ee Q 23 = Gas peg G2 Sar eq og Z | ee ea o¢ me Ae 4 a & = =) aes n Re | nA f= sso —_ = 0 2oFr Wenge: fel i@y peut: re rolay | ley iat S35 S Sone Boo be oO ShO Bye > Sp = e222 be gag BPae oh £68 ¢ s Eon Bre Swe BES 8 Hy a23 fed wpse Sos § oP bg fd Ss] o 2) ee ais 3 D Ss) Dy iid 334.2 Sie ty + BEE 44H 84m CAO A Sea daa5 654m OFA BR Sea 445 44M OAR BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 493 TABLE XIV.—HOURLY DEPARTURES OF DIFFERENCE OF DRY AND WET BULBS. BEN NEvis OBSERVATORY, May 1884—DecEemBER 1903. Mees | 4) 5-|-6 | 7 1 8 1g bea 13] V4 1 Pea e ment eneeleisn leon p20.) aaa leno. |kos ae Mean. | January ‘05 | 02 | ‘04 03 | 03 | *00 | *01 | *01 | -02 “04 | -02| oz | -02| -02 | -02 | 03 “01 | 02! 01 | -02| -01| -0z ‘01 | ‘04 0°31 February . | ‘01 | ‘02 | ‘03 | :02 | -03 | -02| ‘01| -02| -04| -02| -02| ‘00, ‘04! 05! 03 | 05| 02 | 02 | :05| 08) 01; 02) 00; -03 0°49 March ‘03 | ‘00 | -00 | ‘00 | :03 | -00 | 03 | ‘08 03 | -05| -06 | -01 | 02 | 03 | 01 | -02| -02 | -0Z| -01| -01| 02| 02) -04| 03 | 0-39 April 06 | 05} -O4| *01| ‘04 | 01) 08 | ‘08 | 07) 05) 04, ‘O1} 05} 09) 08 -06| 01! 02) -20| -22; 08 | 06) -08| ‘04 0°57 | May ‘10 | ‘10 | *10| ‘10 | -10 | -0£ | 02 | 02 | 04) 04) 10 | 17] 28) 24 | -26 | 15} 10} -06| 12} -18| +18 | -16| -16| +11 1:04 June 26| 26 | -28| -22| -14| -00| 11} 11 | 17 | -15| 16 | -27| °36 | -44| -37| 29] 09 | -07| -04| -29| -25|-30|-34| 32 | 1°42 July ‘17 | -14| +15 | +19 | -11| 05 | -03| 05 | 06 | 18 | 16 | 22] 26 | -26 | 26 | 18] -11| 02) -0z| 07 | -13 | -26|-24| -2z | 0-90 August 1) 13 | -19)| 14 -18 | 07 | 05 | 03 | 07 | 10) 14) “14415 | 16 | 14! 12 | 10 | °04! 02! :05 |.-07 | 27) 18" 12 | 0°66 September. | *25 | 12 , 17, *13 | -13 | -09| -03| 06 | 11 | -15| 18 | -22] -25| 22) -22| 10) 00| -08| 09 | -09|-10|-20|-19| -z7 1 0-94 | October ‘O4| 02 | 03 | ‘02 | 03 | 02 | -02| 05 | 08 | 06} ‘06 | 06} ‘02; 02) ‘02| 02 | 00 02] 00 | ‘03 | ‘01| *01|-05| 05 | 0°48 November. } ‘03 | ‘02 | 08 | ‘10 | 08) ‘04 | 00 ; -04| -01| 00 | 04! 02) 04 | -00| 02] 02) -04| 04) 04) -02| 02) 02) 01; 03 0°52 December. | ‘03 | 03 | 01 | ‘01 | 0Z| 02| ‘02 | 00 | -02| -00| -04| -04| -00 | 03 | 09 | 00 | -04| 02 | 02 | 03} 01] 03] -01) ‘00 | 0-32 Year 07 | 07 | -08 | 06 | 06 | -02 | 01 | 03 | -04| -07 | ‘07 | -09 12 | 13 | 12 | 08 | 03 | 02 | ‘03 | 05) 07 | -09| -10) 09 0°67 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY, 1891-1903. 13 Years. Meo! 3 | 4\6\6 | 7/8 | 9 | 10) wm) toss | 14 | 151} 161) 17 | 28 | 19 | 90) 21 |o0 | 23 | SEC Nean % S ec) night. 5 January .} ‘04| ‘01|°*04| 03 | ‘05 | °02) 01 | 02 | 03 | ‘01 | 00 | 02] 03 | 04) -03| 06} ‘03 | ‘01 | ‘03 | ‘02 | 04/01; 03} -0z 0°22 | February .] 01 | -03 | ‘02 | -04| -07 | ‘02 | 01 | -03 | -06 | -00 | 03 | 01} 02) 03 | ‘03 | ‘07 | 04 | 02| 06) 10| 02} 03] 01| ‘04% | 0-51 March 06 | ‘01 | 02 | 05 | 06 | 04) 01} 09 | °05| 05 -06 | 02] 06 | ‘06 | ‘02 | °00) ‘01 | ‘01 | ‘01 | 00 | 03 | 02 | 05) -03 0°41 April ‘07 | 06 | 06, :0Z| ‘04| 01 | (04) 06 | ‘05 | 07) ‘08 | 07! 10 | 12) 12) 11) 02 | -00| -23| -14| 09] ‘05 | -05) -03 0°62 May 09)| 11 | -08 | -12| °10 | -09 | -02| 02 | 08 | 12) 15) 23) °39) 30 | -31 | -16| “12 | 08 | 16) 22) -20)| 18 | *27| -16 | 1-17 June 86 | °381| 35 | 30} 17 | 01 | 11) 14} 22) 17] 14) -30] -43| 53 | °43 | 36 | 19] 12) 05 | 19 | 27) 36) -39) -40 1°32 | July I8 | 12) -19 | 24) 14) 08 | 02) 05) 08 | 18) 17 | 25} 30 | 30) 31) 17) 10) OL) 02 | 06 | 12) °26)°25) +18 0°95 August 15 | 13 | 16 | -14| ‘11 | 07 | 02) 04) 10) 17) 16) 141-15] 15) 14) 14) 07) 06) 05 | 02 | 06) 22) 77) +18 0°65 September. | 04 | 06) -14; ‘11 | 08 | 06! 01) 06) ‘11! 08’ 11, 16] 19 , 20/19! 06} ‘OZ | °08 | 08 | 06) -07| 07 | -13| -07 0:92 | October 06 | -01| :05| 02| 01 | 00 | 01 | ‘09 | -12| -05| 06 | 05} 03} 05 | 03 | -02| -07| -0z| -0z| 06 | -04 -01|-10| -09 0°53 | November. | ‘03 | -01 | 07 | ‘08 | -06 | ‘03 | ‘04 | -04| -03| -00| -07| 01] -04| -00| 02 | -03| -06| -05| -05| 03) 03|:01| 04) 06 | 0°58 December . | ‘03 | 02| ‘00 | ‘01 | ‘00 | 0Z| 03 | -03| 05 | -02| 06 | -05| -00 | 06 | ‘01 | -05 | 07 | 02 | 01 | 02} 02) 04] 02] O01 | 0-41 | Year ‘08 | 07 | 08 | 08 | 06 | -03| 31 | 04] 05) 07 | 07 | 10] 14) 14] 14! 09] 05 | 00 | -03 | -05 | -08 | -09|-10| 09 0°69 Fort-WiILLIAM OBSERVATORY, 1891-1903. 13 Years. oe 3a 4 S| Beh 7 | 8 1 OF | to 11 | 12 1B 14 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22] 93 a Mean \January | -z0| -z8| -z8| -18| -23| -20! -29| -23| -20| -o0| -04| 20) 32) -35| -31| -17| -10| -06| 09] 01| -02| -03/ 04] -02 | 2-05 February .j °23| ‘30| -31| ‘35| 36) °39| 39| ‘44| ‘35 | +16) 00) 29) -48| °73) 81) 68| 46) 24) 10| ‘04| 02) 11) 22) -25 | 2:16 March 60) 62) 68) -72| 73) 79) 73) 64) 32) 05) 36 TL} 9917/19 116) 96) °57/ 16/ O1| 18) 33) ye) 49 | 2-53 April. 42-19 1-29 137 |1-41|1-46 |1-43 |1-19 | 80] -20| 32) °80 (1-25 11°51 [1-75 /1-93 1-74 162/135 | 68) 12) -26| 4) -78| ror | 3-45 May (159 1-73 | 181 \ 195 199 1-75 |132 | 73) “07 | 53 (1:09 1°55 J194 [2°10 J2°12 [2°14 |1°98 1°64 (1°05) “31 | 32) 76 |1-12| 136 | 4-04 JJune —. 64 1°84 1-99 |199 200 |1-73|1-27 | 66 | 00) “50) “99 |1-44 1°76 [2°05 |2'16 |2:29 2°08 |1'83 /1-28) 35) 30] 75 |z-27) 144 | 3°91 Daly. fat 1-42 |1'55 |1-62| 1-62 |1-44|108 | -59| 01] 53) °83|1-20]1-63 |1-90 /1-95 {188 [1-57 144) 87] 14) -37| -72\2-02| 123 | 3-55 {August . §2-08 1:15 |1-27 |1'30|1°31|1'29|1-08 | 68 | -06| 39) “76 |1:2011:37 |1°58 |1°75 (1°76 1°51 |1-16| *48) OZ) 37) 62] -87| 95 | 3-06 September. | 83) °89| -94|Z:01|1:00|1-03 |1'03 | 79: -39| 08) 57 1:06]1'30/1°57 /1°72/1-61 1:19} “71! 18!) 24, 50! +471 59! 77 | 2°91 | October 44| “47 | -52\ 56\ 87) 57| 81) -53| 34) -12| 39) 68] -97|1:06 1:08) 89] 53) 24) 04) 09) 17) 26) 39) +43 2°50 | November. } 07) ‘24! -22| 24) ‘22) 26] -18| -25| -13| :07| 07| 24] 39] ‘46| -42| 26] 16) 15} 04) 04] -05| -09| -07| -09 | 2-30 | December . | -09| -09| -10| 09| -04| -03| -06| -08| -03| 02| -08| 14} 16] 23] -20| 12] ‘08| 02] 04] 08} -04| -06| 17) 09 | 2-04 ) Year Y7| -85| Y1| 95) 96] -91| ‘75| 53) -17| 17| 50} 841-07 |1-25 |1°31 11-23 1:03 | °79| 42) 06) -29) 38) 55) ‘67 2°87 494 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. TABLE XV.—RAINFALL—INCHES. Ben NEvis OBSERVATORY, 1885-1903. 19 Years. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 *b72| °5386| 672! *496] °507 603] “575] °632|) °552 652 *682| ‘657| °695| °651| °653] “601| °573| °586| °579| °5439 -6389| °637| 674] °724| °744 401] *386| °325| °351) °363) -329| °295| °313| 319] -347] °423| °410] °374] °316) °373 "299 °328] 342] °329) °334] °290] °317| °274] :282| °3385] °387] °392| 411] °392] °391 *820| °269) °332) °327| *287|) °255| °284) °294) -252] ‘2889 °304| °352| °379| °324| 354 "435 | 443] °439| °486] *438| 449] 397) °377| *428| 456] -494| *408] °421] °405| *467 “613 | °589| °528) °555) *496| °491] °451] 435) 512) °493] -607| ‘618|) °638] °615) ‘611 “713 | ‘752| “711 | °722) °724| *643) *668) °715|) *704|] ‘639} -696] “618| °589} "632| -603 “675 | *686|} “796| *701| *630| “676| “696| °656) -619] ‘637] -746| °620| *644| -602] ‘610 “638 | 650] °645) “664 |] *630| °736| °675| 684] ‘611| ‘651 °725) °713) °659) °632) “651 *867| 772] °695| °741) *68U] °704| °758| *838] *799} “868] 843] °876) °805] *808| “864 7°147 | 6°893 | 6°913 | 6°674 | 6°690 | 67448 | 6°440 | 6-588 | 67446 | 6558 } 7-263 | 6-956 | 6'952 | 6°757 | 7:036 Ben NEVIS OBSERVATORY, 1891-1903. 13 Years. 0°932 | 0°825 | 0°833 | 0°851 | 0-748 | 0°782 | 0-784 | 0°867 | 0°738 | 0°726 | 0-767 | 0°760 | 0°753 | 0°694 | 0-716 | 0706 * * . . . 7 . . . . 18 “607 “636 “369 425 346 539 “587 621 616 613 “897 6'962 3 4 5 6 i | 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Jan. . | 0°724 | 0°743 | 0°820 | 0956 | 0-78u | 0°792 | 0°831 | 0°772 | 0°799 | 0°817 | 0-909 | 0°754 | 0-764 | 0°816 | 0°794 | 0-796 | 0°693 | 0-698 “633 | *659|) *638| *612| “603] °566) “580} °573] - : Feb. .} °585] °63 619 | °597| *646] “G17} °697| °645|) 705 | *721) °785 Mar. .]| °615] *692| -749| °736| -730| -769| *669| °720| -667| -656| -674|) ‘66U| ‘621] °713| 703] °756| °813] *856 Apr. .] °379] °466| °510] °497| °463) °372| °364| ‘392] °386] -346| -372| °362] ‘398] °534] ‘511] °500| 395) “478 May .]} -263] -293| °312} *309| °332| -373] °857| °365| °320| *341| -282/ :300| 343] -452| °437| :408| -415| °411 June .} °338] *299| 298] °334| -273| °351| °316| °275| -277| -313] °318| °266] -282] -316| °353| °386| -332] 369 July .]| -486] -427| “461] 485] -455| °448] °455| *423] -466| -396| *390| ‘407| -446] °5i8| °412| °433] -4388| °530 Aug. .| :580] °607| ‘647! -678| -648| °564| °577| °531| -523] -486| °430 | *564| °519} °637|] °636| “668 | *601] “643 Sept. .] 599] °723) 669] °771| °831] °768| °833] °824| °714] °729] °819| °709| °678] °737] °573| “611| -687| ‘660 Oct. .} “600} 606] °633] °635| -672| -739| °627| ‘599| °679| -654| °643| °602| -604] °723] °618|] °695| °592| -581 Nov. .] “582 °582| °583) 649] -674| -666| °715| “680| ‘775| -729| °716| °658| -G88] “717|) °762| “697 | °656| °678 Dec. .} “8497 ‘917 | "999) "968) °885| -763) °810| °742| °765) -819| -980] °853] ‘9537 °920) 975) °922] -905] ‘960 Year . | 6°600 | 6-988 | 7°340 | 7-606 | 7-350 | 7-203 | 7°120 | 6°903 | 6-944 | 6-905 | 7-080 | 6-781 | 6°913 | 7°780 | 7°419 | 7°577 | 7-248 | 7°649 Fort-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY, 1891-1903. 13 Years. re 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | 15 16 17 *384| °397| °387| °377| °403| °414| -387| °387| °393| 284] -360] °368 | °383] °866] °331] °349 "289 | °280| °248| °262|) °246) °258] ‘281] °343) °355| °218| 318] °383 | °330| 329] °347]) °265 *346) °328| °327| °334| °327) °848) °305| °339] °314| °206] °245] °255/] *263] ‘810) °357]| °329 175) *204) °206} 202] 176} °165| °146] °159|) °152) °096) ‘125] 168} -186| :214| -193) -194 "156 | *165| °153) 186] *190} *149| -142) *115| °128] 088) *143] °176) °188| *162] °186) °175 147} °158| 153] °162] *143] °140| *154) *143|] -096) °057| ‘095] °122]) °1382] 161; °201} °156 "192 | °244) °192] °206) °213) °142} *151] °118] °175| ‘098) “168] -211| °184] °176| °199| ‘203 B57 | *340 | °381] *269| °300| *284] *285] °218) -224) °230| ‘81lu] -292] +824] °340) °265) -288 343 | °337| °382| *401| 479, 427) °480] °422| *407] °823] *364] °352) °299] -278| 288] °303 *315| °3869] °401| °382| *871] °311| °848) °332|] °304| °241] °815] °359] ‘391) °326) °275| +293 *279| *811} °302} °304| *850| °322| °331| °353| °389| °289] *306] °371] °350| °326) °322] ‘278 626 | °458] °495) °458|] °410|) °365| ‘387]| °376| °449| °346| °447] -575| °564|) °534] °504|] °453 18 “326 270 266 “166 144 “172 "258 “231 "285 292 *289 “499 8°509 | 3°591 | 3°577 | 3°548 | 3°608 3°326 | 3°347 3°305 | 3°386 | 2°476 | 37196 | 3°632 | 3°504 | 3°522 | 3°468 | 3°286 | 3°198 A Mid- 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | ions, 0°694 | 0-726 | 0-713 | U'68u | 0-718 554| °577| -542| °577| °517 “6u6| -555| -647| -581| °564 “319 | +308] +359] +322] 322 *318| -281| -265| -275| -281 “357 | -335| +314] -303] +338 I 529, +428] -489| -442| 448 “619 °535| -529| -511| -566 “621 | +589] -642| +596] -610 “568 |} -554| -582| -578] -618 “588! -631| -637| -598| 607 785\ -768| -741| -749| -715 i 6°508 | 6°317 | 6-460 | 6-212 | 6-304 Mid- 20 | 2 | 22 | 23 | ions. 0°762 | 0°756 | 0°757 | 0°726 | 0-757 548] -569| °559| -632| +567 -659| -629| -696| -643| -597 ‘377| -382| -444| +417] 875 ‘317| -289| -274| -274| -971 ‘381 | -361| °338) -310] -331 -600 | -449] -559| -481| +479 "643 | °551| °557| -534| -587 -674| -644] -685| -590| -605 +540| -350] +568] -546| -611 +563 | -651] °650| °592| +577 ‘871| °813| *803| -857| +837 6935 | 6°644 | 6890 | 6-602 | 6-594 ; Mid- a1 | 22 | 98 | 2 [rine 383 -356| 344] 291 229) -308| -276| -290 275 | -268| +289] +297 | | 175| 182] -195] -169 125-125) +105) 104 183, *162| +151] 133 246] 17a] -248| +213 -253| -291] -301| -270 -300| +305] -292| +253 -305| -289| -299| -368] +3095 -281| -296| -293| -284] 9205 470| -450| *491| °578| -488 3°225 | 3-210 | 3-284 | 3-250 | 3-236 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY, 495 TABLE XVI.—HOURLY DEPARTURES OF RAINFALL. BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY, 1885-1903. 19 Years S Sg S S S Gs ==) (=) To} S in S i ive) S Ww NN S WS) SS S S ad So J oO (=) o a SS) xe} ise} S w d oa Xe) = f=} = J (==) [=] [oe) & ws = Os oS Oo [o“e) S as ive) S iS is) O11 | °041 | 033 | 002 | °045 | 023 | 002 | 008 | °027 f=) p= lor) o — — S iors} S Dd S S Sg re aaa cS) my S Dd ESS S ws Lon) S i S SS Oo (oe) (=) for} lor) f=) ao oa oS (oP) for) S [=r] co S iy Os f=) — bo (‘S) ao co S n= oo S ee x So r= oO wes Ss co S [ony ‘“’ S a%s Sw & Ss S H S Ss & S Sey H S Lon) X S Ne Ss Ss d S S Ss Lon) 154 | °059 | 072 | ‘034 | ‘054 | 013 | 024 | -006} 103 | 023 | ‘001 | 042 | 034) 028 | 060 | 076 | -090| -063 | 067 | -027 005 | ‘024 | 020 | ‘096 | 035 | 044 | 029 | 011} ‘085 | 073) (019 -008 | ‘011 | -027 | 045 | -102 | :009| -003 | 042) -033 103 | “057 | “117 | 093 | 038 | *042| 003 | 073} ‘048 | ‘082 | 011 ‘014 | ‘071 | 104 | 004 | -007 | 023 | ‘050 -042| ‘075 BEN Nevis Opservatory, 1891-1903. 13 Years. 5 Cn 8 9 10; il WPA) |) ale a Way Wak. |) aly | alee | OQ | AO |] zal) Bet |) BB night Mean. 021 | °059 | -007 | 024) -041| 131 | -025 | -0z6 | -034| 011 | ‘012 | -093 | 089 | -065 | -064| -029| -037 | -037 -069| -040 | 0-781 032 | 068 053 | ‘059 | -013 | 033 | ‘016 | -012 | ‘068 | ‘017 | °078 | °095 | *159 | *091 | -026 | -075 | -054| 063 | 010) -053 | -629 057 | 042 | ‘010 | :042 | :053 034 | ‘O47 | 085) *007 | 002 | 052 | 110 | 153 | 038 | 106 | ‘047 | ‘077 | -003 | 055) -100 “706 ‘056 | ‘O64 | ‘036 | ‘042 | 082 | ‘055 | ‘065 | 029 | 107 | ‘084 | ‘073 | 037 | 052 | 014 | 030) 049 | ‘044 | 019 | ‘008 | -050 | °427 029 | ‘012 | 020 | 025 | 005 | ‘064 | 046 | 004) *105 | ‘089 | 060 | 067 | 062 ; ‘095 | ‘061 ; 033 | 067, 076) 077) - ; 026 | 009 | 050 | 047 | ‘011 | -006 | 057 | ‘041 | -007 | 030 | ‘064 | ‘010 | ‘047 | "040 | 007 | ‘060 | 040) 018 020) “O11 | -328 ‘030 | ‘018 | ‘050 | ‘006 | 076 | ‘082 | ‘064 | :025 | 047 | 059 | 037 | 032 | 060 | 130 | 181 | ‘131 | -020 | ‘0S1 | 013) ‘O11 | °471 ‘O18 | ‘005 | ‘051 | ‘060 | ‘097 | ‘153 | -020 | ‘065 } 053 | 052 | 083 | ‘016 | ‘058 | -024 | ‘031 | ‘057 | ‘035 | ‘030 | 053 | ‘000 } 584 ‘067 | 132 | 122 | ‘012 | ‘027 | 117 | (006 | 025 | °034 | 230 | 093 | -017 | ‘044 | 029 | 050 | -031| -061| :020| 116) 101} “703 125 | ‘013 | 015 | ‘064 | 039 | ‘027 | 014 | 023} ‘106 | ‘000 | ‘077 | 027 | 088 | ‘061 | ‘090 | ‘080 | 071 | -053 | O76) O11} “617 ‘O01 | ‘049 | 014 | 109 | ‘063 | ‘050 | 007 | 023 } ‘052 | ‘097 | 033 | 008 | 014} ‘002 | 038 | 100 | ‘012 | ‘013 | ‘U71| 086 | “665 125 | O77 | -145 | *121 | -067 | 045 | 032 | 069} ‘036 | ‘092 | ‘039 | 023 | 078 | 147 | 049 | ‘009 | 067 | 076 | 022| *O41 | °884 065 | 018 | -234| 193 | -232 | 057 | 355 | -223 | 644 | ‘283 | 442 113 | 514 | 379 | 141 | 199 | +490) -244| 531) 5389 | 7-137 | id- BGs lee | oe tom | Ome nel anoMlMsmMeid cis: | et ayes teale tom! soomllotalmeom| os aon iMeaint 017 | -043 | -054 | -026 | -026 | 032 | -078 | -o02| -006 | -021 | ‘003 | -032| 074 | -038| -043 | 019 | -008 | -021 | -ur4| -025 | 0-362 028 | ‘O41 | ‘028 | -005 | ‘O57 | 069 | -068 | 032} 097 | 044 | 043 | ‘061 | ‘027 | ‘076 | 042 | 056 | 023 | 009 005 | ‘032 "286 034 | 027 | -048 | -005 | -040 | -015| -093 | -054] -074| -036 | “011 | 058 | 031 | -032| -003 -023| 030| -o09 | -00z| -o72 | -299 "025 | -001 | 011 | 030 | ‘017 | -024| 080 | -051' -008 | 010 | 038 | 017 | 018 | ‘020 | ‘004 | 000; ‘007 | ‘020; 006] *026 | 176 "041 | ‘045 | 004 | 003 | -030 | -017 | -057 | 002| ‘031 | ‘043 | ‘017 | "041 | 030 | 002 | -078 | - i 4 i ‘O44 | 145 ‘017 | 002 | 005 | 009 , :002 | -049 | 088 | 050) 023 | 013 | ‘016 | ‘056 | 011 | °027 | ‘028 | ‘038 | 017 | ‘006 | 072) 009} 145 012 | 019 | ‘052 | 042 | 075 | ‘018 | 095 | 025} 018 | :009 | 017 | ‘006 010. "065 | 038 | ‘054 | 074) 056 | 021) °028 | +193 ‘017 | ‘014 | :003 | 002 | 069 | 063 | 057 | ‘023 | °005 | 037 | 053 | -022| ‘001 ‘056 | 006 | :035 | 003} ‘013 | ‘018 | ‘005 | -287 ; ‘ ‘ ‘ . : : 059 | 019 | °045| 041) °054| -093| ‘077 | °342 S ss S S ws S S Ss S S SS NN (S) fer) bo i is So oS [ore] =~] i=) [vo} i=) f=) co — (=) for) for) S i co & is) (<=) per fo) S ws SS S Dd H S R H S Ww Ne 058 | (046 | 0275 | ‘021 | ‘005 | 024] 088 -015 | "029 | ‘060 | :006.| :058 | 040 | ‘042 | 081 | -031| 047 | ‘038 | 030) “056 | °330 014) 033 | 005 | ‘015 | 038 | 075 | :024 | 006} ‘059 | ‘039 | 016 | ‘013 | *030 | °018 | ‘020 | 025 | ‘009 | ‘O11 | 019) ‘007 | °312 i ‘ 025 | ‘103 | 092 | 063 | ‘033 | 078 | °028 | ‘041 | 000 | ‘020 | ‘021 | 109) ‘019 } “472 193 |."258 | -025 | 003 | -045 | 036 | ‘874 | °154) ‘282 | 244 | 172 | 118 | 064) *252 | *168 | -125 | -140| ‘066 | -100)| ‘114 [eae 496 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. TABLE XVII.—SUNSHINE—Hovrs. Ben NEvis OBSERVATORY, 1884—1903. 20 Years. | 5 : ? > Total Percer 4 5 6 7 8 9-| 10 | 1 | a2} as | 14 | 15 | 16 | a7 | 18 | 19 | 20 | ot | Sun] et Jan: = Z Ss . -~ | 0-38] 217] 3-22| 3:55] 4:24] 4:13] 3-20] 1:53) o-07| — “ e x 22°44] 931-43 ee 2 2 -~ | 0-67] 3-13] 4:96] 5:32| 5°59] 5:70| 5°40| 4-77] 4°35, 218] o-18| - _ Z 42°25 | 266-38 Mar. E —~ | 0-01] 0-40] 2°95] 4:75| 5°56] 6:11] 672] 6-47| 6-08] 5°51| 4°94) 3-68] 1°40] O-14] - = 54°72 | 365-44 | Apr. - | 0-02] 1:64] 4:40] 661] 704] 7:32] 7-60] 7-79] 7°73] 6-77| 6:69] 5°89| 5:23] 3-99| 1°59] o10] — 80°41 | 426-45 May .| 0-07| 2°69| 6-21) 7-68| 8-01| 8:20] 8:37] 9:00| 9-29] 9-26| 8-63| 7-77| 7-62) 7-28] 7-16! 5°95] 2-88] 0-22] 116-29] 508-40 June .] 0°41| 4°68| 7:33) 8-56| 8-72] 8-90] 8-79| 8-90| 8:89] 8-67) 8°42 8-36| 7:90| 7°59] 7:40] 7-04] 5-27] 1°17] 127-00] 528-97 July .| 0°17] 212] 4°66) 5°70] 5°97] 6-14] 6°35| 6-38] 6-40] 6-60| 651 5°85] 5°33) 4°88] 4:47| 4-21] 2-72] 0-39] 84-85] 528-16 Aug..| - | 0-14] 1-63| 3:51| 4:40] 4:98] 5:09] 5-49| 5-171 4:93] 5:00| 4°55] 3°86] 3-70] 3-14| 216] 0-38| - 5813| 467-28 Sept..| - — | 0-08! 1°75! 4:61] 5:97] 5-97| 6:33! 6-42] 6-68 73) 6-23! 5:53] 4:14} 1°93| O15) - 2 62°24 | 381-38 Oct. . = ~ | 0-18] 222] 3:95] 5:00] 5:55| 5-629 5:16] 4-70) 4°33] 3°52] 1:54] 0-04) - a 2 41°81| 319°32 Nov = = = - | 0-31] 2:04! 3:38! 3:96] 4-06) 4:14 el 3°76| 1:86] 0-22] - = a a 27°84 | 241°86 Dec : a 2 Z ~ | 0-12] 1°89! 3-13] 3-364 3:55 316 | py rall nese le a a 18:03] 210-18 Year .| 0°65 | 9°65 | 21-56 | 82°18 | 44-47 | 55°55 | 64-85 | 70°99 | 72°86 | 73°13 | 69°36 | 63°46 | 52°71 40°51 | 29°71 | 21-24] 11°35 | 1:78] 736-01 | 4475-25 Ben NEvIs OpsERVATORY, 1901—1903. 13 Years. 4 5 6 7 8 9 | 1 | w | ae Pas | w | ws | 16.) a7 | 48 | a9 | 20 o) “oneal terre eee | * | Possible. : fs - = — | 0-46] 1°95) 2:77| 2:97] 3:78] 3°93] 2:73| 1:01] 0-03| - a a = 19°63 | 231-43 5 z a —~ | 0-89] 3°34| 4°92; 5°34) 5:58! 5-61] 5:26! 4:81] 4:22| 1:88] 0-04] — Z 2 41°89 | 265-89 z - | 0-01| 0-62] 3°62] 5:46| 6-02! 6-45| 7-21] 7-09| 6-73| 5:77| 5°38| 4:16] 1-24] - u E 59°76 | 365-44 - | 0°03| 2°15] 5:22] 6:78] 6-99{ 6-93] 7:30} 7-83] 8:04) 6:87| 6°88! 6-08] 5:54! 4-40] 1:45! o-07| - 82°56 | 426-45 0:10| 3°52| 7-06| 8-64| 9:03] 8:97] 9-20] 9°78/|10-45]10-26| 9-62| 860] 8-27| 8:11| 7-77] 6-26| 2°61} 0-041 128-29| 508-40 0°60| 5°30| 7°65| 8-52] 8-46] 8-66| 8-61 8-88| 8-74] 8:57| 8-53| 8:34] 7-77| 7:36| 6-96] 6°55] 4:66] 0-58] 124:74| 528-97 | 0-261 2°67| 5:14| 5°97/ 6:07| 6-43| 6-71| 6-70 6-94] 7-13| 7-07| 631| 5°55| 4:96] 4°62] 4-46] 2°83) 0-42] 90-24| 598-16] 17!) - | o-21| 1:87| 3°56] 4:60] 5:25] 5°15) 5°58| 5-08] 5:15| 4:86] 4:47| 3-74! 3-74| 3:18! 2-12] O33! — 58°89 | 467-28) 18 Es — | 013! 1°92| 4:20! 5:50] 5:54) 5°67| 5:87) 6°30| 6-21 6-01| 5:39! 3-79] 1°36] 0-20] - s 58°09 381'38| 15° : aT. £ a —~ | 0-28] 2-73] 4:40| 5:52] 6-15] 6-25] 5:81! 5-21] 4:68| 3-67] 1°71| 0-03| — . a 46°44 319-32] 15 | : z = -~ | 054] 2°73| 3:78] 4:18] 4-96] 4-44] 4:12] 3-82] 2:03] o-09| - ¥ = B 29°99 241-86 | 12° z i bs s -~ | 0-14] 1:72] 3-00| 3-04] 3°45| 3-14] 2°34) 0-29) - eae Rees t % i 210'18| 8 | 0°96 | 11°73 | 24-01 | 34°73 | 46-92 | 58-33 | 66-05 | 71°80 | 74-22 | 75-63 | 71°55 | 64-76 | 53-40 | 41°37 | 29°60 | 21°04] 10°50] 1°04] 757-64 4474-76 Fort-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY, 1901—1903, 13 Years. Total Percen Possible. | of Poss ~ | 012] 2°46! 6:01] 6-26] 5-44! 3-27] 0-50]; - 155°26| 15 2 2 - | 0-46] 4:37] 7:45] 7:81] 818] 8:33) 7:37] 4:90| 0-80] - 20284 E - 0:03) 3-27] 8-60 | 10°43 | 11-18 | 11°68] 11°72 | 11°65 | 10°75| 9:01] 5°80| 1°05/ — ‘ = 95°17 | 304:35 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ly die 18 14 15 16 17 13 |S 20 21 Sum. | MET hea | = = 0°95, 6°68 | 10°55 | 12°63 | 13°67 | 13°40 | 13°62] 12°95 | 13°24 12°33 | 11°62 | 10°22 6°93 | O72} = = 139°51 | 364°45 - 2°15 | 8°32 | 11°63 | 12°77 | 18°55 | 18°99 | 14°81 | 15°11] 15-09 | 14°34 13°46 | 13°31 | 12°65 | 11°57 |, 6:95) O42) - 180°12} 450°40 0°06, 4°11} 8°67 | 10°36 | 11°08 | 12°28 | 12°95 | 13°07 | 12°82 | 12°84 | 12°64 | 13°29 | 12°91 | 12°36 1161) 9°23) 2°94) — 173°17 | 468°82 0°08 | 2°08| 5°02] 6°72, 8°10| 9°50] 10°15 | 10°20 | 10°56] 11°09 | 11°32 11-27] 9°90] 9°48) 8°31) 5°88] 1°38| —- 180°99 | 468°04 - 0°03) 1°43) 5°35) 7°38) 8°84| 9°58] 10°30 | 10°21] 10°20| 10°34 | 10°65] 9°81/ 8°86) 6°61; 1°88) 0°02] —- 111°44| 404°95 = = = 0°78) 4:93] 8°71] 9°36) 9°98 | 10°84] 11°32 | 11°69 | 11°22) 10°58} 7°35) 1°78) —- = = 98:49] 322°95 = = = - 0°23 | 4°46 | 10°01 | 11°34 | 11°67 }10°71| 9°89, 8:80] 6°38] 1°76} 0°01 = = = 75°26 | 253°70 = = = = - - 1°20} 4°87) 5°97] 6°21) 5°58} 3°77) 0°91 = = = = = 28°51 | 171°63 = = = = = - - | 0°68) 38°41] 4:01 Zeal 138} - - = = = = 12°75 | 121°48 8 107'56| 89°83 | 69:28 | 47:87 | 24°66 | 4°76] - | 1119-14 | 3688-87 0°09 8°37 24°39 | 41°55 | 58°21 | 79°03 | 95°83 109°69 |119°71 ]120°58 |117°7 | BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. TABLE XVIII—MEAN WIND FORCE (0—12). NEVIS OBSERVATORY, 1884-1903. 20 Years. A97 ; - | Mid- 3 4 5 6 7 8 Of UO | Wl | We |) ae Te es | NG | aly || AE |) WO |) SO] Bt) Be | Bs night Mean. 3°18 | 3°08 | 2°92 | 2°85 | 2°86 | 2°83 | 2°87 | 2°82 | 2°86 | 2°84 | 2°83 | 2°72 2°75 | 2°78 | 2°78 | 2°84 | 2°74 | 2°82 | 2-93 | 2°92 | 2°98 | 3°03 | 2°89 2°76 | 2°77 | 2°67 | 2°68 | 2°64 | 2°64 | 2°63 | 2°63 | 2°64 | 2°64 | 2°60 | 2°55 , 2°56 | 2°59 | 2°53 | 2°57 | 2°59 | 2°65 | 2°82 ) 2°83 | 2°84) 2°81 | 2°68 2°66 | 2°60 | 2°52 | 2°49 | 2°52 | 2°55 | 2°55 | 2°51 | 2°50 | 2°48 | 2°42 | 2:36 | 2°32 | 2°34 | 2°32 | 2°35 | 2°38 | 2°46 | 2°58 | 2°56 | 2°60 | 2°64 | 2°50 2°47 | 2°89 | 2-29 | 2°97 | 2:32 | 9-29 | 2-27 | 2-22 | 2-20} 2-15 | 212 | 2:12] 215 2-12] 2-05 | 2°11 | 2°14 | 2°24 | 2°38 | 2°38 | 2-42| 2-42 | 2°26 2°15 | 2°10 | 2°03 | 1°99} 1°97 | 1°96 | 1°97 | 1°94 | 1°94 | 1°87 | 1°83 | 1°76 | 1:77 | 1°75 | 1°72 | 1°80 | 1°84 | 1°92 | 1°99 | 2°02 | 2°05 | 2°10 F 1°95 2°01 | 2°01 | 1°91 | 1°91 | 1°82 | 1°78 | 1°70] 1°71 | 1°70 | 1°65 | 1°62 | 1°60 | 1°60 | 1°59 | 1°60 | 1°55 | 1°59} 1°64 | 1°75} 172/1°78) 1°87 } 1°75 1°93 | 1°88 | 1°76 | 1°77 | 1°69 | 1°70 1°57 | 1°55 | 1°48) 1°45 J 1°48] 1°43) 1°51 | 1°51 | 1°42 | 1°47 | 1°48} 1°64 | 1°71 | 1°67 | 1°74] 1°79 | 1°64 1:96 | 1°97 | 1°88 | 1°83 | 1°82 | 1-70 | 1°64 | 1°61 | 1°58 | 1°54 J. 1°51 | 1°51 | 1°54 | 1°57 | 1°54 | 1°56 | 1°62 | 1°71 | 1°81 | 1°80 | 1°84 | 1°87 | 1°72 2°29 | 2°25 | 2°13 | 2°10 | 2°15 | 2°11 | 2°08 | 2-00 | 2:02 | 1°97 | 1:96 | 1:99 | 2°00 | 1-99 | 1°89 | 1°96 | 2-02 | 2°11 | 2-21 | 2°19 | 2°21) 2:27 } 2°10 2°68 | 2°57 | 2-45 | 2452-46} 2-49 2°58 | 2-46 | 2-40 | 2°35 | 2°30 | 2°34] 2-26 | 2°33 | 2-40 | 2°37 | 2°42 | 2-46 | 2°57 | 2-60 | 2°62 | 2-61 | 2°46 2°74 | 2°79 | 2°72 | 2°67 | 2°72 | 2°64 | 2°72 | 2°69 | 2°72 | 2°73 | 2°69 | 2°58 | 2°56 | 2°57 | 2°56 | 2°57 | 2°56 | 2°59 | 2°73 | 2°70 | 2°71) 2°77 | 2°68 2°81 | 2°84 | 2°74 | 2°70 | 2°71 | 2°74 | 2°71 | 2°75 | 2°74 | 2°74 | 2°69 | 2°62 | 2°66 | 2°67 | 2°63 | 2°68 | 2°62 | 2°74 | 2°80 | 2°77 | 2°78 | 2°83 | 2°73 | 2°46'| 2°44 | 2°34 | 2°31 | 2°31 | 2°29 | 2°97 | 2:24 | 2°23 | 2:20 | 2°17 | 2°13 | 2°14 | 2°15 | 2°12 | 2°15 | 2°17 | 2°25 | 2°36 | 2°35 | 2°38) 2:42 | 2-28 HOURLY DEPARTURES. | | Mid 3 4 5 6 7 8 Gi | SOM ieee tS | 14 | 15) | eel) iy ||) ae: 9) | 2209) ole eae 23 bese Mean ght. ents 1 103 OL | “03. | 7069) (02 07s Osnose We :0G: | 27 | “14 | *17%| “70 | -O54\| 25) 107 |, 04 103) 090) Tae 2789 iOS LOS OOS OL | KOZ OZ | SOS 055 OE OV 08) |) -13) || 12) 09) 15) et O07 | 13) A bale e268 LO OOM Ole 02.1502) 5050) 05i Ole COMM OZNN O88 272 || 078) 2716 | NCTSelineto ita COS se OON ie Or) cle emompezco 0 | Zea ledan) Os"! sO1 | 060) ':03) | OL az 20Gn rr ne)) 72°) tr | ae |) et) =e 22) 02 | AD IDS 16, |) 62-26 20g eo ecOSh |e 045) 02) 01 020s Oln tore mOsm pet2.le19) || 278°) 20) 23m 75m eur 3 | 204, | 07) AO 1d" f 1:95 AS || Ad) SD | aS) Oye |) OB} |) OS || OZ |) Vols |) oH || SHEP) re re OG | es |) A) PH || rE |) YO) || SOB || 03 | A |) alas (29 2k) 22 |) 13) | Ob) | 0G) 07 09 es sro I-27 0 27 | 78") =73) || 22> || “77 | WE" | :00) | 071) 03) |) 10) td) |) 64 die || PAR) NM PL Wf MC) OD | ORE adie) ait, | iS | P| a S|) les | OS |) SS | HD || “OH | OD.) WS | aA | als 1) le fab A? | “05. | OL | 06 1025) 702) | 09) |) OSM re) ty. | 27 | 27 | 22°) +29)|| 15 | 109 | <02 | :09 | 207 | 0945 f-2:10 ay) 13) |) COL | 009) COP C2.) O55 SOte Cam rman 72) | 22) | tZ8 07 O05 | 102) | 0912 Aas pease DS | 10%; 03) | OZ | 03) 1705 703) OL 04205 OL | 20 | 22 || “10 || “17 | FO | 27 | 08 | “06 | 04+) 05") “TL ft 2748 09 | 12) 02 | 02 | 02) O1 | 02 | 02 | O1 | Ol | 04% | “22 | 07 | 06 | -20| 05 | 12) 00 | 06 | 03} 04] 09 | 2°73 BLS He 16 706 1) 5085) 03) OL 07 OA OSs OSMIN1 1.) 75 |) 212) 28 16 78:08) 08) 07 On 4s 12828 TRANS. ROY. SOC. EDIN.—VOL. XLII. 308 498 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. TABLE XIX.—AMOUNT OF CLOUD—PERCENTAGE VALUES. Ben NEvis OBSERVATORY, 1884-1908. 20 Years. Miya le2)3]4{s5]e {7/8 9 |aola| so] 13 | 14 | 15 | 16] 17 | 18| 19 | 20 | 21 | 20 | 98 night. | January .]| 86 | 86| 86 | 87 | 88 | 88 | 88 | 88 | 89 | 89 | 90 | 89 | 89 | 89 | 88 | 89 | 89 | 88 | 87 | 87 | 87 | 88 | 86 | 86 February . | 82 | 82 | 83 | 81 | 80 | 81 | 80 | 83 | #5 | 88 | 82 | 82 | 83 | 88 | 85 | 85 | 85 | 85 | 85 | 83 | 82 | 82 | 82] 88 March .] 82 | 81 | 81 | 82/ 82 | 82 | 84/ 88 | 85 | 86 | 85 83 85 | 87 | 87 | 87 | 87 | 88 | 86 | 85 | 84 | 82| 81 | 81 April .| 75 | 75| 76 | 76 | 77 | 79 | 78 | 80 | 78 | 79 | 82 | 82 | 83 | 85 | 85 | 85 | 87 | 85 | 85 | 85 | 82 | 80 | 78 | 76 May. .}| 72 | 71 | 73 | 78 | 75.| 77 | 78 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 | 81 | 81 | 82 | 84 | 83 | 88 | 88 | 801 79 | 78 | 77 | Fe nee June .| 74 | 72) 73 | 72| 74 | 75 | 75 | 74 | 75 | 78 | 79 | 80 | 81 | 82 | 82 | 82 | 81 | 80 | 80 | 79 | 76 | 75 | 74 | 738 | July. .] $1 | 82 | 82] 82 | 84 | 83 | 83] 84] 84/ 86 87 | 88 89 | 89] 89 | 89 | 89] 89 | 89 | 87 | 85 | 84 | 84 | 82 August .] 83 | 83 | 83/85 | ss | sx | 88|88|ss| ss 89] 90 91] 92] 92| 92] 92| 91 | 91 | 90 | 88 | 88 | 84 | 83 September. | 79 | 79 | 79 | 78 | 79 | 81 | 83 | 83 | 82| 83 | 84] 84 85] 86| 86 | 85 | 86 | 86 | 86 | 84 | 82| 81 | 80 | 79 | October .] 83 | 82] 82] 81 | 81 | 82/84] 85 | 85 | 85 | 86/85 88] 89| 89 | 89 | 88 | 88 | 87 | 85 | 84 | 84 | 84 | 88 November. | 84 | 84 | 84 | &4 | 83 | 84 | 84 | 85 | 85 | 87 | 87 | 87. 88 | 87 | 86 | 87 | 86 | 86 | 82 | 82 | 84 | 84 | 83 | 85 December. | 87 | 88 | 86 | 86 | 87 | 87 | 86 | 86 | 87 | 88 | 88 | 89 | 89 | 89 | 89 | 89 | 90 | 88 | 86 | 85 | 85 | 86 | 86 | 86 | | Year .}| 81 | 80 | 81 / 81 | 82} 82) 83 88 | 88 | 84 | 85 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 87 | 87 | 87 | 86 | 85 | 84 | 83) 88 | 82 | BI | i HOURLY DEPARTURES. | ae | e253 14 el oe aaemO Mato: 1} 12 || 18; 1h 1 | Galata ereneton E20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | January 212 \2.1\-04 0 oN onli) 2 1) 2a | 0) es Poul seca noe ee Webrusry «| 2.| 0'| 21 8) 2s onl olieo | 7. ¢ | 0 | 0.) 212 | Deo oon eee eens March. G8 22 2 Oe ero | 2 | A Sy 8 Ss eS ae Oe Od ee ee April a ois EE NAS ee a een ere eB B. 1 g 5 ae) oo or, 2s Oe eee Magan Smee oun SN 8" ee ea Oat a 2 3.) Ba BSR oe LO ee ae June 5) ol S| BN 2 ele 2 hs | a bBo Be ea SP Ss) one aa ean ces July Ce eA a ee ee 2 2 OI eile? lear a ese ax a | er ae | 4 August bo Sales aie 0 @ |) O. Wy A) A A A SRS ZEON OD eres September . GP ANA VN NGO ORMOND ND) Bak S lism S2Mi ee (teat eve desler aa 3 4 October : F |) te eee CA ce | if | ah |) |] oa ese a AL Ak SY) 3) | Oe | @ LN, November, fy) Lo} 2 i 20/2 |e ea ee 2 Oe | 8. D late aoe aa 2 | 0 December tLe AY 1 Qe AP VASP A EW eay a e ee Yer. 6 Se] Bo) Se | Bl eo 2 1} B21 S| Bel SWB eee i RC |e ae eee BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 499 TABLE XX._MEAN NUMBER OF TIMES THE SUMMIT WAS CLEAR OF FOG OR MIST FOR THE 20 YEARS, 1884-1903. ; | | Mid- | | a miept| 2 | 2) 8) 4) 5 | 6) 7} 8 | 9 | 40) a1] 12] 13] 14 | 15 | 16 |-17 | 18 | 19 | 20.| 21 | 22 | 28 aa Mean ay — | a | | | ti | | | ff —— ue | 6) G6] 6) 6] 6) do] yi ala] Fl yi 7! 8] 71 6) 7) 7) 6] 6|:6| 7| 7) % 7 ie |) 8) 7 | 8) 8) 7) 8] 8] 7) silo! 9] sf s| s| gs! 8| 7) se! s| al sl el 7) 7 8 ee © | 8) 8) 8) 9! 8] 919) Bi 9) 9) 9] 9| 9] 9! 9\|t0l40/ 9! 8! 8] @| al 8 9 | { | april eet | 11 | 11 | 11 | 12 | 12] 19 | ws | aa | ae | ae | 12 | 13 | 13 | 13; 13 | 18 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | aad | a | 1 12 May =f 14 | 13 | 13) 13 | 13 | 13 | 12 | 12! 12.) 19 | 14 | 15'| 16] 16 | 16 | 16 | 15 | 15/15 | 14) 14/14/18) 13] 14 14 June -f 18 | 14/14) 18) 13/138) 12) 13 | 13113] 13 | 14] 14715] 15] 15) 15/15/16) 15!15]/14!14]13| 13 14 | | July +} 1 | 11 | 12] 11] 10/10] 10/10) 10} 10} 1 | w2|a2}12 wlis|ij/ilwluliwlumlmiie)| u 11 eee) 2) 9) 2) 9] 9] 8} 8) 8) 91 9) 4010110] 10/10/10!) 10! 10) 9|/ 9) 9] 9\i0| 9 9 | September, 9 8 8 9 9 9 9 9| 8 9 9 9) 10) 10 | 10 |) To }) LO 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 | October Emcee | 84 8 | 9 8 leig) | at esl eueaiemoiies || gs | ~s lig lh) oie) |iag)|| een) Sal gine og 8 ee | | i | 7) 7) 7) 7) 7) eho) el 6) 7) 7) 7) 7] 7) 7) 7) 71 76] 7 7 _ me eS 8 |G) 7") 6a a ere ar et Ne 7.) 7 ||| 2 iam Gel MalleOsieeGal) Gh |) <6: [anc 6 | | | | Year - | 111 [109 [109-109 108 110 |107 |108 107 |109 [114 |120 [119 121 123 |128 |121 121 120 115 |114 /112 |111 110 | 110 | 114 | | SUMMIT CLEAR—PERCENTAGE VALUES. | id | Pa Se B16 er 8 eo rom emia 18) 14 | 1516 ia ee) aoe eon | ate eeehtiae ae Mean to} _ | January 20 | 20 | 20) 19 | 19 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 23 | 22 | 24 | 23 | 23 | 25 | 23 | 22 | 23 | 22 | 20 | 20 | 21 | 23 | 28] 21 22 | February. 28) 26.) 27 | 27 | 26 | 27 | 27 | 26-| 28 | 30 | 82 || 28 || 28 | 27 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 28 | 28 | 28 | 98] 27 | 26 | 26 97 | | Mareh 26 | 27 | 26 | 27 | 27 | 28 | 27 | 30 | 29 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 29 | 29 | 30 | 29 | 31 | 31 | 30 | 26 | 26 | 26 | 27 | 26 28 | 3 April § .} 36 | 36 | 35 | 36 | 36 | 38 | 38 | 39 | 37 | 36 | 36 | 39 | 41 | 43 | 44| 43 | 48 | 42 40 | 39 | 39 | 39 | 36 | 36] 36 39 | May -] 45 | 42 | 41) 41 | 40 | 40 | 88 | 40 | 40 | 40 | 44 | 47 | 52 | 52 | 52 | 52 | 50] 49 | 50 | 46 | 44 | 44 | 41 | 42] 45 45 . | June -] 44 | 45 | 46 | 44 | 43 | 43 | 42 | 43 | 43 | 438] 44 | 44 | 48 | 49 | 52 | 52! 50 | 51, 52] 50, 50] 46, 46 | 44! 45 46 | July -} 35 | 85 | 387 | 36 | 33 | 33 32 | 33 | 34 | 32 | 35 | 37 | 39 | 40 | 39 | 41 | 40 | 38 | 39 | 37 | 37 | 37 | 85 | 87 | 35 36 | August 29 | 30 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 28 | 26 | 27 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 31 | 32 | 31 | 32 | 32 | 32 | 32 | 32 | 29 | 29 | 30 | 30 | 31 | 29 30 peeptember. | 30 | 30 | 28 | 29 | 29 | 28 29 | 30 | 30 | 29 | 29 | 31 | 32 | 32 | 34 | 34 | 34 | 31 | 32 | 31 | 31 | 30 | 29 | 30 | 30 30 | October 26 | 26 | 27 | 27 | 26 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 27 | 27 | 26 | 28 | 26 | 27 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 27 | 27 | 26 | 26 | 26 | 26 | 27 | 26 27 November. | 22 | 21 | 22 | 21 | 23 | 22 | 22 | 23 | 93 | 93 | 21 | 92 | 20 | 20 | 22 | 22 | 21 | 21 | 23 | 24] 22 | 21] 23] 21 | 21 22 PDecember.} 19 | 18 | 20 | 21 | 20 | 20 | 21 | 20 | 23 | 22 | 22 | 21 | 22] 21 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 22 | 91 | 21 | 21 | 20] 20] 19 | 19 21 | | | Year .| 30 | 30 | 80 | 30/ 29 | a9 | 29 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 33 | 34 | 34 | 33 | 38 | 33 | 32 | 31 | 31 | 80 | 30 | 30 31 i SUMMIT CLEAR—PERCENTAGE DEPARTURES. d b : Mid- ee | OP 6 ee 8 95] MONT a eon ats are | 15 |) 16} 179} 181) 19) 208) an sea) eaas| Mean, ght. | Jannary alee 2! 8-63) 23 | 2 7 ah Moon Memes le to | ial onl ee en | ee ae 29 | February Mee) Oe fOr). ON 2 te oa aT el Or fol ete) Me oe er ii 27 | March LN By ON TE OR Se NU Ot TL By) TL TO SN Si Sy GN BN BN By a Y) 28 Para 4) Ss! 0, 25) OUP 5251S Sa ORM 5) eal <4 | 3) TOUR Onl Onn eles 3 39 ey Bo 28° |) | 7h Sal) SONS | Merial ROM ar Ney | sl del el) oh Nera Rial) a8 0 45 Cree.) 2) SV Be | OS) Set eee eas 6a) G.) 41 5) i6r saa aah One Ol) ae 1 46 Palle O13 8. eae | eer ere eg 5 | a | Oo: ayl Ste ed) a 36 & CNMON LD) 222) ENE Boos 2h lee al ee ORO O.| OD) Ol OF eal mo Oe Tl 1 30 | September Oe Za LL) 2: | I OU TO eae std a OMOEA AL) al Teal Oo fe RAN Oly ze!) “a 0 30 | October Pia) |) 0) | Sah) 08] OM Oneal eerie Wem eee Qi | Lal Oo) ON) eed a Rete oO 1 27 | November | OY se A Os) CO ak aL a a O] Bl] BION GN ve Fe aL Bl Oy ae aL x il 22 | December Pale On| 2 ‘| Ol 2) Qe ae on ome el LD WON Gal Ghia s7al <2 2 21 | Year i) 920 oh ee? ‘A BN He) HN HN OY SL Bll Dil GW CG Ol ah Oil Oi wy) a 1 31 | | | | ¥ 500 BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. TABLE XXI—DIFFERENCE OF TEMPERATURE BETWEEN BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY AND FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 13 YEARS’ AVERAGE, 1891-1903. . | | | 1 bi r1/21)e8|)416 | @ |) 7 | ec) oF oma) a2 [ere-| 4-1 a5: 1s: a7 |Sige) ao eootn icone sommes Sint | | | Jan. 15°2]15°0/151/15°0/15°0!15°0 151]15-0/15°0 14:9] 152 | 15:3 pe eee 159 15°7| 15°5 | 15°5 | 15-3 | 153 | 15-2 | 154 | Feb. 140 | 13-9 | 13-9 | 13°8| 13°8 | 13°8 13-9/13°8|13°9 14:0] 14°6 | 15-1] 15-7 | 16°2| 16°6 | 16-5 16-2 | 15-7 | 15-2} 14:8 | 14°7 | 14°5 | 14:3 Mar. 150 14-9] 14°8| 14°6| 146/145 14°5 | 14-4] 15-4 !15°8|16°5 | 17-0] 17°6 17°9 | 18°3 | 18-2 18-4 17°8 | 16°9 | 16°4| 161] 15°6 | 154 | | April 14:7} 14-4} 141 |14°0| 13-7] 13-7 | 14°4| 15-3 | 16°5 | 17-2] 18-0 | 18-6] 19°1| 19°3 19°38 | 19°9| 20°0 | 19°6 | 18-6 | 17°5 | 16-8 | 16-2 | 15°6 May 13°8 | 135 | 13°3 | 131 | 12-9 | 13-4 | 14-7 | 15°5 | 16-7 | 17-3 | 18-0 | 18-2] 18-7 | 19:1 | 19:5 | 19°6 | 19-7 | 19°5 | 18-8 | 17-6 | 16°5 | 15-6 | 14°9 12°9 | 12°6 | 12°3 | 12°1 | 12°1 | 18°0 | 14:0 | 14°9 | 15°8 | 16°4 | 17°0 | 17°2] 175 | 17°7 | 18°3 | 18°4 | 18°6 | 18°3 | 17°7 | 16°4 | 15°3 | 14°5 | 139 | 13°3 | 13°2 | 18-2 | 181] 13-2] 18°6 | 14°5 | 15-1] 15-9 | 16°38] 16-6 | 16°8]17°1 | 17°83 17-7 17°7 | 17-7 | 17°5 | 17-0 | 16-0 | 151 | 14-5 | 14-2) 1a 13°8 | 13°6 | 18°5 | 18°5 | 13-4 | 18-6 | 14-3] 15-2| 16-1 | 16-6 | 17°0 | 17-1] 17-4] 17-6 18°0 | 18-2| 18-0 | 17-7] 16-8 | 15°8 | 15°3| 14°8 | 146] 14ea 13°7 | 13°5 | 18-4 | 18-2] 13°2] 18°1 | 18°3 | 13-9 | 14-9 | 15-6 | 16°3 | 16-7] 17-2] 17-4 | 17-9 | 17°9 | 17°6 | 16-9 | 15°9 | 15°38 | 15°0| 14-5 | 148 Nov. . | 14°2 | 14°1/ 13°9 | 13°8 | 13°7 13°8 | 13°8 | 13°9 | 13°8 | 18:9 | 14°1 | 14°6 | 15°1 | 15°6 | 15°7 | 15°7 | 15°6 | 15:2 | 15°0 | 14°8 | 14°5 | 14°5 | 14:3 | 14:3) 1a | Dec. .} 14°3 | 14°38} 14°] | 14°1] 14:0 | 14:2} 14°0 | 14°1 | 14°2 | 14°38 | 14°3 | 14°5 | 14°6 | 15°0 | 15°] | 15°2| 14°9 | 14°8 | 14°6 | 14°5 | 14°4] 14:4 | 14-4] 14:3] 14a Year .| 14°3 | 14°1 | 13°9 | 13°8 13°6 13°6 | 13°8 | 14:2 14°56 | 15°3 | 15°6 | 16°2 | 166 }17°0] 17°2 | 17°5 | 17°5 | 17°4 | 17°0 | 164 | 15°7 | 15°3 | 14°9 | 14°6 143 | June July Aug Sept Oct. .}] 14°4 [114:3) 14°0 | 14°0| 18°7 13°8] 13°7 | 18°9 | 138°8 | 14°4 150 15°9 16°7}17°3 | 17°5 | 17°61 17°5 | 16°9 | 16°0 | 15°7 | 15°2 | 15:0 | 14°7 | 14°6 144 | January LOW Mae ZN SON 85) 5S) || 26 ae oars TB 540) 73) 84) 4a loa © ‘16 | ‘01; ‘0O4| ‘08| ‘09 / February .}| 64| 73) ‘74| ‘88| ‘88| ‘93| ‘81| -94| ‘85| ‘71| °05| ‘4111°00| 1°47) 1°91 |1°76/1°54| °95| 52) 09] 03) ‘82) ‘45 | March . - | 1°04 | 1°18 | 1°29 LYS | LY6\ 164)\ £68 \ 16h 70 30 389) 95) 1°54 | 1°86 | 2:22 | 2°11 | 2°30 1°65 | "87 | °33.| 102) 7a) en be 3 . | 1°98 | 2°38 | 2°60 | 2°82 | 2°94 | 3°06 | 2°82) 1:36) 20) °41| 1°28) 1:8212°96 | 2°59) 3:09 | 313/325) 280/185) 74 05) 69) 779 | May 2°59 | 2°93 | 3°12 | 3°40 | B47) 3°00) 1°76) 95) “21) °84) 1°55 | 183) 2:26 | 2°74) 311 | 3:18 | 3°31 | 3:04) 236 113) 00; 83) 149 | June 249 \ 2°94 | 3°15 | 3°33 | 3°27 | 2:41| 1:48) 65) °87| °97) 154) 1°74)215 | 2:29 | 2:86 | 2°93) 3:12) 2°96 | 2:32 100) 07) 97)149 July. | 2°07 | 2°18 | 2°25 | 2°35 | 2°381| 1°81) *93| 80| *49| °89|1:23| 1:38] 1°73| 1°90 | 2°25 | 2:21 | 2°22|2°01)155, 49) 28) 89) 1:27 August . ~ | 2°69 | 1°89 | 2°04) 2:14) 2°19 | 2:11| 1:29) -48| *61) °95) 1:35 | 1°48 }1°72 | 1°89 | 2:36 | 2:42 | 2°30) 193/101! 07) +46) 90) 727 September .| 7°52) 1°69|1°79| 1:98 | 2°01| 2:16 | 1°91| 1:27 | -@5| ‘85|1°07| 1°56] 1°99 | 2°23 | 2°75 | 2°75|240|1°71) ‘75 03) :26| 66) ‘87 October .| 94) 1:22) 1:24 143) 1°45 1'60\ 137 1:37) 83| 25 72) 143] 2:03 | 2°81 | 2:37 223 1°60 ‘74| -43|-"06| -22) “SS | November -] 96) 63) "70, 81) "75! “76) "66) “74) 60) “44 19) 59]109)1:23)1:28/1:08) 76) 49) 34) 05; 00) Zaimiee December .] ‘16| ‘81| ‘26 ‘88 26) 87| 81| 21) *16| 18 02) 20} 51] ‘73| 74) 47) 81] 08! 04) 08; 08) 12) “6 | | | ) | Year. | 1°30 | 1:58 162! 1-78 | 1°78 L68|1:21) 865| °20) ‘17 ‘76|)113}1°57)| 1°82 | 2°15 | 2:07 | 1:96 | 1°55 | 1:02 32. “12 “58s BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. EACH MONTH FOR THE 20 YEARS, 1884-1903. 501 TABLE XXII—MEAN NUMBER OF OBSERVATIONS ON BEN NEVIS OF EACH WIND IN | oi - | N |NNE| NE |ENE| E | ESE! SE ssn | Ss |SsSw SW | WsSw | W | WNW | Nw | NNW ae 198} 27 | 47 13 26 33 62 26 62 31 77 34 67 24 51 19 22 130 | 19 45 13 26 24 70 22 55 26 64 28 46 21 43 16 24 139.) 27 65 19 33 24 60 24 45 | 25 63 28 62 30 54 16 30 96 | 20 57 19 45 41 84 38 67 22 45 22 54 18 29 12 51 108 | 18 58 25 59 44 82 35 65 24 46 21 44 15 28 12 65 ity || a 34 int 40 35 66 36 62 23 58 27 58 16 33 16 76 | 1B 1 a5} 27 ii 31 30 58 32 60 27 66 36 64 21 38 19 76 139 | 16 23 5 25 22 54 30 76 31 72 33 80 18 36 19 65 122 | 15 24 5 93 7 61 32 74 28 70 35 89 24 41 15 45 169 | 26 | 35 8 30 28 68 25 55 24 70 30 62 21 37 ey 39 iene iy | 32 * 96 | 45, | Wau emilee | a4 | 70 31 60 25 43 15 26 137 | 21 31 9 20 37 83 31 60 37 75 31 60 23 47 16 26 | 1587 | 238 | 478 | 141 | 384 | 380 | 822 | 359 | 743 | 332 | 776 356 746 | 256 480 192 545 MEAN WIND DIRECTIONS REDUCED TO 8 POINTS. PERCENTAGE VALUES. DEPARTURES FROM ANNUAL MrEan. Bt sk | Ss: sw | ww | naa ny | we! ze | sze| s | sw| w | nw] Cm or Var. or Var. — Les sl fe ae | eee | 6 12 12 | 15 13 10 3 - 1 il it 1 2 1 2 2 7 14 ie |) 3183 10 9 4 2 1 - 1 i = z 1 2 | 7 11 10 | 12 12 10 4 g 4 = 2 3 ii 3 2g 2 10 17 14 9 10 6 7 4 3 3 4 il uy 2 2 1 12 16 13 9 fg 9 4 3 5 3 = 4 4 2 3 9 14 13 12 ili 7 10 2 2 2 1 = 1 if if 4 7 12 12 13 12 8 10 1 3 = if ii ks = a 4 5 itil 14 14 14 7 9 1 3 2 2 1 1 2 if 3 5 12 15 14 16 8 6 1 3 2 a 2 1 4 = 6 13 11 13 12 7 5 6 1 1 = 2 2 = 1 1 7 15 13 14 12 9 4 = 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 2 6 16 13 14 12 9 3 1 2 1 3 - 1 - 1 8 7 13 13) 13 12 8 6 - = - = - = - - - | ( 502) NOTE ON BAROMETER AND TEMPERATURE CURVES, THE curves on the opposite page represent the values given in the second and third portions of Tables X. (page 489) and XII. (page 491). Both sets of curves are drawn so as to show departures above or below the mean value for the whole day. The successive hourly values are not smoothed in any way, and are joined by straight lines. BAROMETER.—The two upper sets of curves show the mean height of the barometer at each hour of the day, at the Ben Nevis and Fort-William Observatories respectively, for each month and for the year, on the average of the thirteen years, 1891 to 1903 inclusive. The hours are indicated by the vertical lines, and the space between each horizontal line represents 5 one-thousandths of an inch. Mean TemMpERATURE.—The two lower sets of curves show the mean temperature at each hour at the Observatories for the same thirteen years. In these curves the space between every horizontal line represents 1 degree. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin. Md BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 6 12 18 BAROMETER Md. Md. Plate I. FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 18 Md. Jany. Feby. March. April. May. Year. areshess SPHoe enn a Peaee Md. Jany- Feby.- BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORY. 6 i 12 18 MEAN TEMPERATURE Md. Md. FORT-WILLIAM OBSERVATORY. 18 Md. March. Year. SSS SSS = Vol. XLIII, A RITCHI@ & SON, EDIN® & - - eu are in @ as “<4 cre” a? é 7 as 'v oo > ,*= Lm. S q wo - @ APPENDIX. ie ( 505 ) The Inter-relations of Barometric Pressure, Temperature, Humidity, Rainfall, Cloud, Sunshine, and Wand, ilustrated by the observations made at the two Ben Nevis Observatories. (First Paper.) By AtexanpEeR Bucuan, LL.D., F.R.S. The two Ben Nevis Observatories were in operation long enough to yield, from a discussion of the work done at them, conclusions of very great value in meteorology. Their records supply a complete set of hourly observations at the summit of Ben Nevis from December 1883 to October 1904, or for a period of nearly twenty-one years, and a complete set of simultaneous hourly observations in Fort-William from August 1890 to October 1904, or for a period of nearly fourteen years. These acquisitions to our knowledge of the atmosphere have been made under conditions which are exceptionally favourable, since the Observatory at sea-level is less than five miles distant in a straight line from the Observatory on the summit, and yet placed close to the sea and in a fairly open situation. Moreover, it is not a valley station, thus giving an enhanced value to the observations made there, as securing practical immunity from the effects of nocturnal and diurnal air currents. In truth there are no other two associated observatories or stations in the world, one at a high and the other at a low level, where such favourable conditions exist. The geographical position of Ben Nevis is also favourable. In winter the British Islands have a higher mean temperature than any other part of the land surface of the globe equally far north, and consequently it is easier to live and work in these islands than anywhere else in similar latitudes. All other mountain stations are either in the Tropics or in the belt of high barometric pressure which occupies the southern portion of the Temperate Zone. Ben Nevis, however, is clear of this high-pressure region, and lies on the outskirts of the great barometric depression in the North Atlantic, which, especially in the winter months, dominates the weather of North-Western Europe. From Ben Nevis, therefore, we get data of observation which no other high-level station yet established is in a position to supply to forecasters of the weather of North- Western Hurope. The first large work the Directors of the Observatories set themselves to do was the preparation of the meteorological ‘constants’ of the mean hourly pressure, temperature, humidity, sunshine, clouds, winds, and rainfall. These have been chiefly prepared by Mr Omond, first for the Observatory at the top of the mountain, from January 1884 to December 1903; and, secondly, for both Observatories, from January 1891 to December 1903. These ‘constants’ are given in a series of tables for the months and the year, which are published in this volume of the Ben Nevis Observations (see p. 481). In preparing these constants, lines of inquiry were soon suggested, along which researches were TRANS. ROY, SOC. EDIN.—VOL. XLII. 38 506 DR BUCHAN ON THE carried out, and the results published in various papers that appeared chiefly in the Journal of the Scottish Meteorological Society, the Annual Reports to the British Association, and in Volumes [ and II of the Ben Nevis Observations. Of the more important of these discussions is the one dealing with the inter-relations of the hourly observations of pressure, temperature, humidity, sunshine, cloud, winds, and rainfall, more particularly as regards the bearings of the results on weather changes. The present paper forms Part I of this large inquiry. The Reduction of the Ben Nevis Barometer to Sea-level. Table IV. A Table for reducing the barometric readings at Ben Nevis Observatory to sea-level was given in the former volume of observations, and is reprinted with this Paper. The Table was compiled by direct comparison of the observed barometric readings at the Ben Nevis Observatory and at Fort-William, and consists of the difference between these barometers, both being reduced to 32°, and the Fort-William one brought also to sea-level. Any missing values were filled in by interpolation, and the whole smoothed by cross averaging. A full description of the preparation of the Table will be found in the first volume. (Z'vransactions Royal Society, Edinburgh, vol. xxxiv. p. xxv.) The Table gives the corrections to be added to the Ben Nevis barometer to reduce it to sea-level, arranged for each tenth of an inch of pressure and each degree of temperature, and an interpolation Table is appended for the intermediate thousandths of an inch and tenths of a degree Fahr. The differences between the successive lines and columns of the main Table are so uniform that the same interpolations may be used for all parts of the Table without introducing an error of more than one-thousandth of an inch at any part. At the top of the main Table are given the temperatures, and at the side the successive tenths of an inch of pressure, these temperatures being the mean of the Ben Nevis and Fort- William temperatures, and these pressures the Fort- William barometer readings at 32° and sea-level. In the interpolation Table the intermediate thousandths of an inch are given at the top, and the tenths of a degree at the sides; in the body of this Table are the amounts to be added to or subtracted from the entries in the main Table. Example—9th June 1891, at Midnight. Fort-William barometer reduced to 32° and sea-level, . 5 ; : 29°983 Ben Nevis barometer reduced to 32°, . : : , ; : 25°451 Fort-William temperature, ; ‘ : : . : 49°-0 Ben Nevis temperature, . : ; : ‘ 2 : 40°-0 Mean temperature, . ; : ; ¢ ¢ ; : 44°°5 Correction in Table for 29°9 inches and 44 degrees, : : 4:52] Interpolation for 83 and ‘5, é : ; ; : ; 2 + Correction for 29°983 and 44°°5, : : : F 3 : 4530 4530 Ben Nevis Barometer reduced to sea-level, . ; : : ; : 29:981 INTER-RELATIONS OF BAROMETRIC PRESSURE. 507 The Table of Corrections extends from 4°902 inches to 4°176 inches. The fractional parts of an inch only are given in each column, it being unnecessary to repeat the 4° inches, which is placed at the top and is common to the whole Table. When the Table was constructed the only instances of very low pressures that had occurred were accompanied by low temperatures; aud as a rule high temperatures were associated with high sea-level pressures. The Table therefore only extends as low as 27°400 inches up to a mean temperature of 28°; it stops at 27°600 for the next two degrees, at 28°000 from 31° to 45°, at 28°500 from 46° to 60°, and at 29:000 from 61° to 75°. This Table has been used to reduce the readings of the Ben Nevis barometer at every hour of each day for the period of over thirteen years embraced by this discussion, and the limits of the Table have included all cases except a few at very high pressures, viz. 31 inches and upwards, and some at temperatures below 16°. For these it was easy to extend the Table by extrapolation, and the general law that a wide range of pressure is only needed at low temperatures, and that high temperatures are associated with high pressures, has been found to hold good throughout. It is, however, necessary to bear in mind that the figures of the Table do not take into account diurnal and seasonal variations. The first step taken in dealing with the observations was to enter on sheets, one sheet for each day, the hourly values: for the barometer, the mean pressure at Fort-William at 32° and sea-level, the mean pressure at Ben Nevis at 32°—this reduced to sea-level from the Table—and then the difference of these sea-level pressures ; for the temperature, the temperature at Fort-William and at Ben Nevis, the mean of these two temperatures, and the difference between them; for the hygrometer, the depression of the wet blub below the dry bulb at Fort-William and at Ben Nevis; for the sunshine, the hourly amounts at each place; for cloud, the amount on scale 0 to 10 for each place ; for rainfall, the amount in inches or decimals of an inch ; and for wind, the direction on the top of Ben Nevis and its force on scale 0 to 12. Such sheets have been prepared for each day from the opening of the Observatory at Fort-William to December 1903, and it is from this source that the data employed in this discussion have been obtained. Several examples of these, in whole or in part, follow, as representative of the anticyclonic type of weather, the most prominent meteorological conditions accompanying which is a small difference of the mean daily temperature between them; and the cyclonic type, which is accompanied with a large difference of their mean daily temperatures. The Anticyclone Type of Weather.—On 29th September 1895 temperature rose higher at many places in Scotland than had been recorded in this month for upwards of half a century. This was accompanied with skies all but absolutely cloudless, and it is noteworthy that they were accompanied with unwontedly heavy dews in the mornings, and with calms or very light winds. 508 DR BUCHAN ON THE Hourly Observations at the two Observatories on 29th September 1895 are shown in the following Table, when the difference of their Temperatures was small. Barometric Differences are expressed in thousandths of an inch. Ree seysy Hygrometer : aa ieee a and Temperature. Devreraion of Sunshine. Rain. hu ne EOLA Wet Bulb. am! Fort- Ben Differ- | Fort- Ben M Differ- | Fort- Ben Fort- Ben Fort- ‘| Ben Ben William.) Nevis. | ence. |William.| Nevis. ean. ence. |William.| Nevis. /William.| Nevis, |William.| Nevis. Nevis. Ins. Ins. Ins. P a A . 5 Hrs, Hrs. Ins, Ins. |Dir’n,Force, 1 a.m. | 30°259 | 30°319 | + 60 53°2 iil/ 52°5 — 15 ‘1 52 SW 2 Zi ys "248 308 | + 60 52°5 52°7 52°6 + 2 2 5'9 WSW 1-2 oy 248 308 | + 55 52°6 51°8 D2 eS oy) 51 SW 1 bee 237 300 | --63 | Sie6. |. 51-6 | biee) = 0 ‘] 5-0 Sw i Dei. "233 298 | + 65 51°2 512 bile? — ‘0 “il: 4°9 SW il ae 238 | 304] +66 | 501 | 507 | 504 |+ 6 2 5°3 SW 0-1 ile oe 80°244 | 30°312 | + 68 49°1 51°9 505 | + 28 “4 59 0 "24 a is SSW 1 Siws ‘241 300 | + 59 49°7 53°2 i531) 95) + 35 “4 7 40 1:00 ae p00 Ss 1 oS. 3 "242 "288 | + 46 53"5 55°0 54°3 + 1:5 8 6°7 1:00 1:00 wate ae Ss 1 LON. *229 "263 | + 34 56°4 55°5 56°0 a) oT 5:0 1°00 1:00 600 A0D S 1 1s "220 "249 | +. 99 59°0 56°5 57°8 — 2°5 1:0 5°5 1:00 1:00 aah nc S 1-2 Noon *214 227 | + 138 62°'8 57°5 60°2 — 5°3 2°6 5°5 1:00 1:00 S 0-2 1 p.m. | 80°188 | 30°220} + 82 63°2 575 60°4 — 57 2°5 4°9 1:00 1:00 ate tne SSW 1 20 “ily Al 197 | + 26 64°8 57°3 61°1 —75 3°6 4°0 1:00 1'00 ee Mie SW 1-2 Sek 160 181/ +92 | 665 | 57-4 | 620 |—91] 42 52 1:00 | 1:00 tt sea, SR ee Be 55 "156 184 | + 28 67:0 56:2 61°6 —10°8 4‘1 5°3 1:00 1:00 Bod as Sw wWe2 Be 154 193 | + 39 | 65:5 554 60°5 | —101 | 2:9 5-1 20 87 Ss cea SW ee Gy A "156 197 | + 41 62°8 53°9 58°4 — 89 17 2°8 o00 a cals re SW 1-2 (Cae 30°165 | 30°212 | + 47 62°3 532 57 8 — 9'1 1'6 3°2 SW 1 ies “feel. O00) Se Ay ls Glebe Loeb eoMN 8-7 | tb 2:0 SW 1-2 Or. 163 210 | + 47 60°0 52°6 56°3 — 74 1°2 2°3 SW 2 WO) 5 “156 "2138 | + 57 57°3 51°9 54°6 — 54 6 2°0 S 2-3 ee 152 | 217| +65 | 560 | 512 | 536 |—48 3 1°2 SSW 2 Mid. 146 "208 | + 62 54:9 510 53°0 | — 3'9 a) of S 1-2 80°199 | 30°246 | + 47 57°6 53°7 55-7 — 39 1:3 5'3 8°62 10°11 0:00 0:00 14 No cloud at both stations. The results of the observations at the Ben Nevis Observatories soon familiarised us with the fact that during anticyclones the air at the top of the mountain is very dry, and for the height very warm, so that the normal difference of the daily mean temperatures, 15°°4, no longer holds good. On this day the difference was small, the mean at Fort-William being 57°'6, and at the top 53°°7, or only 3°°9 lower. Indeed for several hours in the morning the temperature at the top was higher than at Fort- William ; and at 8 a.M., while the temperature at Fort-William was 49°°7, at the top it was 53°°2, or 3°°5 higher. It is seen that on this day, while at the top of the mountain temperature was very high, and the air very clear and dry, at Fort-William, with a sky equally clear and temperature high, the air showed a large humidity, being in truth near the point of saturation before 10 a.m. and after 10 p.M.; and it may be added that, as observed, this condition of large humidity extended to a height of about 2000 feet, or about halfway to the summit. ‘hus, while the barometer at the top was under an atmosphere wholly anticyclonic, with its accompanying dry dense air, the barometer at Fort-William was not so circumstanced ; but instead it was under the pressure of such dry dense air INTER-RELATIONS OF BAROMETRIC PRESSURE. 509 above the height of 2000 feet only, whereas from this height down to sea-level it was under the pressure of air, the humidity of which being very large, its density or pressure was therefore correspondingly reduced. It thus followed that the sea-level pressure at Fort-William was lower than it would have been if the dry dense air of the anticyclone had been continued down to Fort-William. On the mean of the day the sea-level pressure for Fort-William was 30°199 inches, but for the top 30°246 inches, or an excess for the top of 0°047 inch. At Fort-William there were 8°62 hours’ sunshine, and on the top 10°11 hours’, whilst at both Observatories there was no cloud and the rainfall nil. Cases where the temperature at the top of Ben Nevis is higher than at Fort- William are of not infrequent occurrence. The most notable of these occurrences took place on 19th February 1895, when, at 9 a.m., the temperature at Fort-William was 16°°0 and on the top of Ben Nevis 38°°6, the temperature at the top being thus 17°°6 higher than at Fort-William. The following are the observations from hour to hour of this remarkable day :— Hourly Observations at the two Observatories on 19th February 1895, when the Temperature of the top much exceeded the Temperature at Fort-William. The Barometric Differences are given in thousandths of an inch. ° Hygrometer F gerometers at. gand Temperature. Depression of Sunshine. Rain. Me ue ; Wet Bulbs. Fort- Ben Differ- | Fort Ben M Differ- | Fort- Ben Fort- Ben Fort- Ben Ben, | William.| Nevis. | ence. |William.| Nevis. can | ence. |William.) Nevis. |William.| Nevis. |William.| Nevis. Nevis. Ins. Ins. Ins. B a é A A Hrs. Hrs. Ins. Ins, _|Dir’n.Force. 1 A.M. } 307400 | 30°4438 | + 43 20°6 30°8 257 |+ 102 2°4 10°0 NE 1-0 Dots; “401 455 | + 54 18°8 29°7 242 |/+ 109) 1:3 8°8 Calm Cay an 398 459 | + 61 7/3) 29°4 23-4 |+ 121) 1:3 8:2 Calm 4 ,, 396 "458 | + 62 15°3 31:0 23°1 |+ 15°7 0°4 9°8 ENE 0 BLS "390 456 | + 66 | 16:0 30:0 23:0 | +140) 0-9 8°6 Calm Gane "394 445 | + 51 ly) 30°9 24.4 |+ 13:0 12 9°2 ENE 1-0 ees, 30°396 | 30°454 | + 58 16°9 30°3 23°6 | + 13°4 1°4 8-7 900 al30 iat ant ENE 1-0 Bes, 404 459 | + 55 16°3 31°5 23°99 |+ 152 1°3 9°0 0 30) Sag i Calm OF “410 457 | + 47 16°0 33'6 24°8 |-+ 176 il) 10°2 0 1°00 ‘its mae Calm LON; 409 444 | + 35 18°9 34°9 26:9 |+ 16:0 2:0 9°5 92 1°00 50D ono ENE 0 Ts 5 420 427 | + 7 24°2 36°0 380'1 | + 11°8 2°4 9°6 1:00 1°00 ier Bon Calm Noon “410 404 | — 6 27:0 37:0 3270 |+ 100 3°0 11°5 1:00 1:00 tic it Calm 1 p.m. | 80'396 | 30°397 | + 1 30°2 34°6 32.4 |+ 4:4 3°8 9°4 1:00 1:00 ee Hoe Calm ES 391 370 | — 21 32°9 38°5 357 |+ 56 4°4 11°2 1°00 1:00 ne ia Calm ones, *380 *368 | — 12 35°0 35°1 85:0 |+ O1 53 10°3 1:00 1:00 Gat vai NW 0 Cae *382 371 | — ll 35°0 33°2 3471 | — 1°8 4°0 9:2 1:00 1:00 Bo Ei NNW 1-0 on; 388 390 | + 2 33°0 82°3 82°77 |— 07 4°8 9°5 58 1:00 we onic N 1-0 Gar, “401 ‘419 | + 18 29°3 30°1 29°77 |+ O08] 2°4 91 Boe 30 if at N i] ils 80°409 | 30°433 | + 24 26°9 30°6 287 |+ 37) 2:9 9°6 NNW1 Bhs, “412 488 | + 26 2471 31:0 275 |+ 69) 2:0 9°4 NNW 1° OUR 5 “416 448 | + 32 22°0 301 26:0 |+ 81 1°4 9°6 NNW 2° Or"; 418 "454 | + 36 19°8 30°1 25:0 |+ 10°3 14 9°6 INWae 2s a “420 "458 | + 38 18°9 30°4 24°77 |+11'5) 1° 9°6 NW 2°: Midn’t 434 469 | + 35 175 30°0 23°77 |-+-+ 125) 0°5 83 NNW 2° Means sae ; 80°403 | 30°432 | + 29 22°9 32:1 275 |-+- 92) 2:2 9°5 7°50 9°30 ‘00 00 06 ams 510 DR BUCHAN ON THE As regards the Hygrometer, the depression of the wet bulb at Fort-William was comparatively small, being from 2 4.M. to 9 a.M., and again from 9 P.M. to midnight, only about 1°°3, From 9 a.m. the difference increased from hour to hour to a maximum of 5°°3 at 8 p.m., from which time it fell gradually to half a degree at midnight. In striking contrast with this was the great and continuous aridity of the air at the top during the whole twenty-four hours, the depression of the wet bulb being at no time less than 8°'2, attaining a maximum of 11°°5 at noon. Throughout, the sky was absolutely cloudless at both Observatories, and the sunshine strong and continuous. In the strong sunshine, temperature rose quickly at both Observatories from 8 a.m. to mid-afternoon, much more quickly, however, at Fort-William than at the top. At Fort-William at this time it rose from 16°:0 to 35°:0, but at the top only from 31°°5 to 38°°5, being respectively an increase of 19°°0 at Fort-William, but only 7°:0 at the top. It will be noted during the hours when the humidity at Fort-Wilham was great or near saturation and the humidity at the top small, as shown by the great depression of the wet bulb, that the sea-level pressure for the top was greatly in excess of the sea-level pressure at Fort-William; but that as the temperature at Fort-William rapidly rose and the depression of the wet bulb greatly increased, so that the excess of the sea- level pressure for the top steadily diminished till, from noon to 5 p.m, it fell to a little lower than the sea-level pressure at Fort-Wilham. Further, as the humidity at Fort-William increased from 5 p.M. to midnight, so the excess of sea-level pressure at _ the top increased with it. | Another similar case may be here added. On 31st January 1902 the sea-level pressure at Fort- William rose to 31'111 inches at 11 p.m. The following are the observa- tions at the two Observatories from 7 P.M. to midnight, the barometric differences being in thousandths of an inch :— Barometer at 32° and T ban Hygrometer Depression Sea Level. a aa of Wet Bulb. Fort- Ben ; | Fort- Ben axe Fort- Ben William. Nevis. Difference, William. Nevis. Mean. Dimexeuce: William, Nevis. Ins. Ins. Ins. . 2 3 5 F x 7 P.M. 31089 31°135 + 46 21'8 22'1 22:0 + 03 8 58 8. 4s 103 140 + 37 22°3 213 21°8 — 10 iba ye) oS 108 172 + 64 20°5 Pali) 20°9 + 7 43) Dal LOD Ss 108 149 + 41 20°0 22°1 PAU + 21 6 ‘) Th Loe ‘111 ‘157 + 46 20°0 221 21°1 + 21 1°2 4°5 Midnight 103 142 + 39 PANE} 21°5 21°4 +07 1°4 3°6 Mean 31°104 31°149 + 46 21°0 21°7 21°4 +07 09 | 4:9 No rain fell at either Observatory during the day. The sky was clear all day at the top, but at Fort-William there were no clouds in the afternoon; in the forenoon, however, the sky was clouded, and no sunshine was recorded. The highest recorded pressure at Fort-William was 31°‘111 inches at 11 P.M. of the INTER-RELATIONS OF BAROMETRIC PRESSURE. 511 31st January 1902, and on Ben Nevis 31:172 inches at 9 p.m. of the same day. During the six hours from 7 P.M, to midnight the mean depression of the wet bulb was 4°°9 on Ben Nevis, and at Fort-William 0°9, thus showing great dryness at the top and a large humidity at Fort-William. This large humidity at Fort-William was as on the previous days associated with a relatively lower pressure in the lowermost stratum of the atmosphere, resulting in a mean sea-level pressure at Fort-William for these six hours 0°046 inch less than at the top of Ben Nevis, or a greater sea-level pressure for the top. In the above cases adduced, high pressures occurred at both Observatories, the sea- level pressure at the top being the larger of the two, and were always associated with small differences between the temperatures at the Observatories, the temperature at the top sometimes exceeding the temperature at Fort-William and a great dryness of the air at the top, but a greatly more humid atmosphere at Fort-William. The Cyclonic Type of Weather.—On the other hand, the occasions when sea-level pressure for the top is markedly less than at Fort-William are of very frequent occur- rence, the usual accompaniments being complete or all but complete saturation at the top, while at Fort-William humidity fluctuates about or a little under the average. At the top sunshine is virtually absent and clouds large and continuous; and the difference between the temperature at Fort-Wilham and the top is very large. The following table shows, for 26th March 1903, the chief hourly observations made on that day. The barometric differences are expressed in thousandths of an inch of pressure. ° Hygrometer ws eld a Temperature. Depression of Sunshine. Rain. g MY Tae an ea Level, Wet Bulb. cale U-1z, Fort- Ben Differ- Fort- Ben M Differ- Fort- Ben Fort- Ben Fort- Ben Ben William.| Nevis. ence. |William,| Nevis. Hoe ence. |William.| Nevis. /William.| Nevis. |William.| Nevis. Nevis. Ins. Ins. Ins. a é F a PS a Hrs. Hrs. Ins Ins. |Dirn,Force, 28:940 | 28°928 — 12 44°0 28°3 36°2 —13°7 1°6 0 alste op 06 03 Ss 3 "954 “940 — 14 43°7 28°5 36°2 —15°2 oil 0 wee 03 05 N) 2-3 965 945 — 20 43°9 28°9 36°4 —15:0 1°3 0 oan 01 03 S 3 "958 934 — 24 46°0 28°6 37°3 —17°4 3°4 0 ies 0 03 Ss 2-3 973 ‘947 — 26 45°6 28'4 37°0 —17°2 3'0 0 aa 01 03 Ss 2-3 977 "946 — 31 44°9 28°4 36°7 —16°E Dols, 0 rae Po 0 0 SSW 2-3 28°986 | 28°966 — 20 46°4 27°8 87°1 —18°6 4°4 0 "44 0 0 04 |SSW 2-3 990 976 | — 14 46°5 27°8 37°2 —18°7 4:0 0 0 0 0 05 | SSW 2-3 “994 974 — 20 46°5 28°8 387°7 —177 3°5 0 0 0 0 0 SSW 2-3 29°000 975 — 25 471 29°0 38°1 —18°1 3°5 0 0 0 (0) ‘0 NS) 2-3 28°989 ‘967 — 22 48°6 29'2 38°9 —19°4 3°8 0 ‘0 0 0 07 «|S 2-3 979 "951 — 28 46°6 29°1 37°9 —17°5 2:2 0 ‘0 0 02 05 Ss 2-0 28°991 | 28°944 — 47 44°7 27°9 36°3 —16'8 ae, ‘0 0 ‘0 06 ‘11 SSE 2 957 “916 — 47 46°1 27°9 37°0 —18°2 27 0 "15 0 04 ‘0 SE 3 “929 *881 — 48 47°4 29°0 388°2 —18°4 3'3 ‘0 *45 0 0 0 SE 3-4 "925 894 — 31 44°6 27°9 36°3 —16°7 22 0 0 0 04 06 | SE 2-3 “919 “908 -— 11 44°6 27°3 36°0 —17°3 3°0 0 ‘0 0 01 (02 |SSE 2-3 "959 "942 — 17 42°6 27°0 34°8 —15'6 1:0 0 0 ‘0 05 ‘07 S 1-2 29'001 | 28°988 — 13 41°6 26°2 33°9. —15°4 0°7 0 07 03 N) 2 064 | 29°054 — 10 41:0 26°2 33°6 —14°8 1°2 0 04 oS Van =3 091 077 — 14 42°1 26°6 34°4 —15°5 1°5 0 02 “06 Ss 1-3 109 ‘086 — 23 41°4 26°9 34°3 —14°7 1°5 0 06 02 |SW_ 1-3 "115 097 — 18 42°6 26°9 34°8 —I157 1°0 0 06 0 SW 1-3 ‘118 | 29°089 — 29 44°4 26°4 35°4 —18°0 3°6 0 600 act 0 0 SSW 3-4 28°995 | 28°971 | — 24 44:7 27°9 36°3 —16'8 2°4 0 1°04 0 58 87 2°5 512 DR BUCHAN ON THE For 26th March 1908 this Table shows the sea-level pressure for the summit continuously lower than at Fort-William, the difference for the mean of the day being —0'024 inch, falling to a maximum difference of —0°048 inch at 3 P.M. and rising to aminimum of —0°010 inch at 8 p.m. The mean depression of the wet bulb forthe day at Fort-William was 2°°4, the greatest depression, 4°°4, occurring at 7 a.M. and the least, 0°°7, at 7 p.m. The mean temperature at Fort-William for the day was 44°:7, and at the summit 27°°9, thus giving a mean daily difference of 16°°8, the maximum difference being 19°'4 at 11 a.m. and the minimum 13°°7 at 1 a.m. Much larger differences of temperature, especially in the afternoon hours, are of frequent occurrence, 20°'0 being often exceeded. The large differences of temperature on the mean of the day at the two Observatories are generally occasioned by a lowering of the temperature at the top and by a fall in the humidity at Fort-Wilham, not by an increase of tem- perature there, unless when sunshine prevails at Fort-William but none at the summit. It will be noted from this Table that saturation was complete and con- tinuous at the summit during 26th March 1903. Since, then, during the day, saturation obtained at the top throughout, it follows that sea-level pressure for the top was reduced owing to the saturated and therefore specifically lighter air there and at higher levels. But at Fort-William the air was differently conditioned, the observations showing a mean depression of the wet bulb for the day of 2°:4. The examination of the inter-relations of the barometric pressure, temperature, and humidity at the two Observatories soon disclosed, as it proceeded, that diurnal and seasonal changes were both well marked. Further, it was also soon apparent that differences of temperature between the two Observatories were closely associated with equally striking differences in the humidities and sea-level pressures, and these in turn were intimately linked to cyclonic and anticyclonic weather. It was accordingly resolved to work out the ‘Constants’ of the relations between the two Observatories for the hour, the day, the month, and the year, directly by simple arithmetic means calculated from the observations themselves. This laborious work has engaged most of my time since August 1900. The daily sheets of observations examined, of which the Table at page 508 is a specimen, included 4900 days. But no inconsiderable number of these days were not available in the discussion owing to the frequent occurrence of stormy weather with high winds at the top of the mountain, resulting in pumping of the barometer. Since in these cases correct readings of the barometer cannot be made, the days on which they occurred are not included in this inquiry. The number of such days of high winds during these years was 1184, thus leaving 3716 days on which the whole of the observations at each of the 24 hours are available, The distribution of these days through the year is detailed in Table [I., p. 524. The largest number of the days of calms and comparatively light winds occurred in July and INTER-RELATIONS OF BAROMETRIC PRESSURE. 513 August, these being respectively 367 and 403 days; and the smallest in January and February, these being 261 and 259 days. The tabulations had not proceeded far when it became evident that the most im- portant point to be kept in view in investigating the bearing of the Ben Nevis observa- tions on weather changes was the difference between the temperatures simultaneously recorded at the two Observatories. The result was the tabulation of the observations of Table J. into five classes, viz. :— Class I.—Mean Monthly Sea-level Pressures at Fort-William in inches. Class I11.—Mean Monthly Temperature at both Observatories. Class ITI.—Mean daily Sunshine in hours at both Observatories. Class TV.—Mean daily Rainfall in inches at both Observatories. Class V.—Mean Depression of Wet Bulb at both Observatories. Kach of these five classes is again divided into four groups, in accordance with the observed temperature :— Group I—Results for all temperature differences observed. Group I].—Results for temperature differences from 13°:0 to 17°-0, which, being substantially the same as those for Group I., need not here be considered. Group III.—Results for temperature differences under 12°:0, and Group I[V.—Results for temperature differences above 18°°0. The results of the above will now be given as a necessary preliminary to Tables II. and III. Cuass I1.—The Mean Monthly Sea-Level Pressure at Fort-William. Jan. | Feb. | Mar. | Apr. | May. | June.| July.| Aug. | Sept.| Oct. | Nov. | Dec. | Year. Group I.— Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. | Ins. Temperature Differences, all observed - . |29°863 |29°845 |29°814 |29°894 |29°969 |29-963 |29°916 |29°835 |29°879 |29°747 |29°718 |29°625 | 29°839 Group III.— Temperature Differences, 12°°0 or less 0 . |80°171 /80°115 |30°158 |30°167 |30°206 |30°165 30:070 30°200 /80°198 |80°173 |30°231 |380°008 | 30°157 Group IV.— Temperature Differences, 18°'0 or greater . . |29°843 |29°791 |29°824 |29°901 |29°707 |29°816 |29°903 |29°831 |29°832 |29°775 |29°785 |29°850 | 29°837| Group III.— Excess above Group I, .| ‘308] ‘270|) °3843| ‘278) ‘237| :202| -154| °365| ‘319| °426) ‘513|) °378] ‘318 Group III.— Excess above Group IV. 3828 | °324) ‘334|) °266] ‘299| ‘349| °167|) °369| 3866) °398) ‘446}) 153] °320 Thus on the days when the differences between the mean daily temperatures were small, 12°:0 or less, the mean barometric pressure at Fort-William was unwontedly high for each of the months of the year, the excess above Group [. amounting on the mean of the year to 0°318 inch. The mean excess from October to March is 0°365 inch, and for the six months from April to September 0'257 inch. The greatest excess was 0°513 inch for November, and the least 0°154 inch for July. TRANS. ROY. SOC. EDIN.—VOL. XLIII. 3 T 514 DR BUCHAN ON THE Next, on the days when the differences of the mean daily temperature were large, exceeding 18°:0 or more, the mean pressure at Fort-William for the year was 0°320 inch less than when differences of the temperatures were 12°:0 or less The differences for the seasons were—winter, 0'268 inch; spring, 0°300 inch; summer, 0°298 inch; and autumn, 0°403 inch. The greatest monthly excess was 0°446 inch in November, and the least 0°153 inch in December. ‘This remarkable difference in the results for these two consecutive months arose from the varying intensity of the cyclones and anticyclones in these months during the years under discussion. Cruass I].—The Mean Monthly Temperatures at both Observatories. Jan. | Feb. | Mar. | Apr. | May. | June. | July. | Aug. | Sept.| Oct. | Nov. | Dec. | Year. Group L.— & ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° Temperature Differences, all observed 5 . | 80°8 | 3815 | 382°4 387'2| 41°6| 48°3] 49°77 | 49°2 | 45°8 | 38°8 | 36°0 | 32°6 39°5 Group III.— Temperature Differences, 12°-0 or less ‘ . | 286 | 29°2 | 36°8 42:7} 47:4) 531] 54:0 | 5571 50°4 | 42°3 | 35°5 | 30°8 42°2 Group IV.— Temperature Differences, 18°'0 or greater . 2 28:45) 28H 2758 383°7| 37°4| 48°0) 45°3 | 45°5 | 42°1 | 35°8 | 34:0 | 33°7 36'2 Group III.— Compared with GroupI. |—2°%2 |—23 +44 |+ 55/4 58\+ 48/443 (+59 |+46 |435 |—0°5 |—1°8 | +27 Group III.— Compared with GroupIV. |+02 |+11 |4+9°0 |+100|+10°0/+101/+87 |+96 |+83 |+65 |+15 —2'9 | +65 Thus, on comparing Group III. with Group IL. it is seen that on the occasions when the difference between the daily mean temperature was small, 12°:0 or less, the mean temperature of the two Observatories exceeds the mean temperature of Group L, when the difference between the daily mean temperature is the average. The excess on the mean of the year is 2°°7. For the eight months from March to October, it is continuously in excess ; the mean excess for these months is 5°°0. For the four months from November to February there is, on the other hand, a deficiency amounting to a mean of 1°°7. On comparing Group [V. with Group III. it is evident that when the difference between the mean daily temperatures is 12°°0 or less, then the mean daily temperature of the Observatories is 6°°5 higher than when the difference of the daily means is 18°:0 or greater. The greatest excess extends over the seven months from March to September, the mean then being 9°'2; and the least excess from November to February, when the mean is about the average, falling, however, in December to a deficiency of 2°°9, the exceptional character of the weather of this month having been equally noteworthy as regards pressure and temperature. INTER-RELATIONS OF BAROMETRIC PRESSURE. SNS: Crass IJI.—Mean Daily Sunshine in Hours. | Jan. | Feb. | Mar. | Apr. | May.|June.| July. Aug. | Sept.| Oct. | Nov.] Dec. | Year, Group I.— Temperature Differences, all observed 5 ; Ben Nevis. Oso GSS zeonl ore) ese een StOnmezeAulr2co) Leet Sma NOLOm eae Do. do. do. . | Fort-William. | 0°9 | 1°9 | 38°7 | 5:0 | 6°3| 61] 4:4 | 4:0] 3:7] 2°83) 1:2] 0-7 | 3:4 Group III. — / Temperature Differences, 12°:0 or less F f BenyNevissey|e2ron es Onl ono 07/25: \| Oso: GrSeD LON Ded eDLOh le ocOn | e2ela long, Do. do. do. . | Fort-William. | 1:0 | 8°4] 5°1| 7:0} 9°0| 88] 5:4 | 51) 66 | 40) 20] 0°83} 4:8 Group IV.— | Temperature Differences, 18°'0 or greater . ‘ Ben Nevis. Oz | Us || Qs |] By || Mee | Go) |) I) | OF | OH |] OF || OH | Ox || iw Do. do. do. = | Rort-Williami.. |e lae2 230 St8ei bs: | 15+3)) 5x6) 42602590 oro) 254 (059) 08) | Sa As regards sunshine, for all differences of temperature, Group I., the observations give a daily mean for the year of 2°4 hours for the top and 34 hours for Fort-William, rising in April, May, and June, the maximum months, to a mean of 4:2 hours for the top and 5°8 hours for Fort-William ; and falling in November, December, and January, the three minimum months, to 1:0 hour for the top and for Fort-William. Very different are the figures for Group III, where the differences of temperature are 12°°0 or less ; the observations give a daily mean for the year of 5:7 hours for the top, and 4°8 hours for Fort-William ; and for Group IV., where the differences of temperature are 18°-0 or greater, in which case the mean for the year is 1°2 hour for the top and 3'2 hours for Fort-William, thus showing on the mountain, both on the top and at Fort- William, a very much larger sunshine when there is a comparatively small difference of the mean daily temperature than when the difference is large. Further, on the days of small differences of temperature there occurs more sunshine at the top of the mountain than at Fort-William, but, on the other hand, when the difference is large the hours of sun- shine at the top are much less than at Fort-William. Thus, for the five months from March to July, while the daily mean for the top is 2°1 hours, the mean for Fort- William is 50 hours. Crass IV.—Mean Daily Rainfall in Decimals of an Inch. Jan. Feb. | Mar. | Apr. | May.| June. July. Aug. Sept.| Oct. | Nov.} Dec. | Year, i | Group I.— | Temperature Differences, | all observed : ; Ben Nevis. “4 | *84 | *41 | 25 | 25 | 25 | °34 | 44 | °53 | -43'| 44 |] °58 | -40 Do. do. do. . | Fort-William. | -23 | *16 | 16} 10) ‘11:) 12 | 15) °21 |.-25 | 24 | -22 | -30 | -19 Group III.— | Temperature Differences, | 12°:0 or less - c Ben Nevis. OK) |) STK@ fp PIGS |) OSS PON a Seay) GS | ss) als | OA IG |) IS Do. do. do. . | Fort-William. | *06 | ‘07 | ‘09 | 04 | -05 | 06 -11 | *28 | «11 | “07 | 04 | +10) ‘09 Group IV.— | Temperature Differences, | j 18°'0 or greater . : Ben Nevis. [O(a eeslen ly GON 24 24 | 80) ESI | Sia en ass 58 clee53) ees | Do. do. do. oy Monto Valliam sy | selom ict nm mOrn OS Or | 10) | Kort=Williams |) les |e2s250 26.) 823 |) 4:00) B59) 824 S20 2c85 Oe On oe Om es Group ITI.— | Temperature Differences, | 12°°0 or less 5 : Ben Nevis. TOOL 7 259 | 32) | 358) 8rd) 256 | 256) 4:0) 2245) Bea Tae Do. do. do. . | Fort-William, | 0°9 | 1°6 | 2°5 | 8°5 | 4:4 | 38°5 | 8:1) 2°7 | 24 | 1:7) 1:3 |) 1°70 | 24 Group IV.— Temperature Differences, | 18°:0 or greater . > Ben Nevis. Ol |) OO | OPE Ors Oey | Ore | sk Oot || Oly) Wal Wo) || xa) |) @al Do. do. do. . | Fort-William. | 2°6 | 2°77 | 3:1} 41] 4:2 44] 45) 40) 85 | 3:2 3:0] 3:1 | 3°5 Lastly, as to the depression of the wet bulb, the observations (Group I.) for all differences of temperature give us a daily mean for the year of 0°'8 for the top and 2°'8 for Fort- William. Otherwise, when the differences of mean daily temperature are 12°:0 or less (Group IIL), there is a daily mean for the year of 2°°6 for the top, and 2°:4 for Fort- William. In strong contrast, however, to the above, when the temperature differences are 18°'0 or greater (Group IV.), the daily mean for the top is only 0°:1, and for Fort- William 3°°5 ; on the top the daily mean in no month exceeds 0°'3. Taste I].—This Table shows the arithmetical ‘Constants’ for each month and the year of the mean hourly differences between the sea-level pressures at the summit and at Fort-William. For the reasons stated above they are classed into four groups, viz. :— Group I., including all the days entered in this discussion, irrespective of differences of temperature at the two Observatories, 3716 days. Group I1.—AlIl days when the temperature differences ranged from 13°:0 to 17°°0, 2170 days. Group III.—All days when the temperature differences were 12°:0 or less, including also the days when the temperature of the top was higher than at Fort-William, 730 days. Group IV.—AIl days when the temperature differences were 18°°0 or greater, 816 days. | The mean hourly differences of the sea-level pressures at the two Observatories for each of the four groups are detailed in Table II. As already explained, the mean INTER-RELATIONS OF BAROMETRIC PRESSURE. SK hourly sea-level pressures are the simple arithmetic means deduced from the observations themselves, which are uncorrected in any way except reduction to 32°°0, and for instrumental error, the observations for the summit being reduced to sea-level pressure by Table IV. Taste II., Group I1—The number of days available for this group are 3716, the largest monthly number being 403 days for August, and the lowest 259 days for February. The least hourly difference for the year was +0'003 inch at 11 PM, and the largest —0°018 inch from noon to 2 p.m. The mean difference for the year was —0°004 inch. This small difference arises from the circumstance that the table of corrections to sea-level of the summit observations (Table IV.) was em- pirically constructed from observations at Ben Nevis and Fort-William from December 1883 to December 1887, only such observations being employed when the wind at the summit did not exceed 3 on the scale 0 to 12 adopted at the Ben Nevis Obser- vatory. The above small annual difference of —0°004 inch shows the substantial accuracy of the Table of Corrections for height appended to this Paper, in which Table, as already explained, the effects of seasons and hours are not taken into account. The first noticeable feature in this Group is the strongly marked diurnal range in each month. Further, there is an equally well-marked variation through the months of the year. During the five months, November, December, January, February, and March, the mean differences of pressure give invariably the minus sign for each hour of the day. In other words, the reduced means of sea-level pressure at the top give a value continuously less than the mean value of pressure at Fort-William. On the other hand, during the seven months from April to October, the mean differences for the hours show the minus sign only from about 7 a.m. to 7 pM. As regards the other hours, the mean differences show the plus sign, the maximum being in June, July, August, and October, from 9 p.m. to 5 am. The mean maxinum of these hours for June is 0°015 inch, and for July, August, and September, 0°011 inch. These occasional differences are due to the varying humidity of the atmosphere. The differences between the highest and the lowest mean values for the months are the following :— Inch Inch Inch Inch January, 0010 April, 0:022 July, 0-020 October, 0-014 February, 0:016 May, 0:024 August, 0:018 November, 0:010 March, 0°017 June, 0:024 September, 0°019 December, 0:006 Year, 0°015 inch. TaBLe II., Group I].—An examination of the figures of Group II. with those of Group I. shows a substantial agreement throughout. ‘lhis result is what was to be looked for, since Group I. gives averages deduced from all the available observations, and Group II. averages deduced only from those observations which do not in any case differ more than 3°°0 from 15°°4, the mean difference of the temperatures at the two Observatories. 518 DR BUCHAN ON THE Taste II., Group I1I.—This group introduces a series of figures widely different from the figures of Groups I. and I]. The figures have been calculated wholly from the observations of those days when the mean daily temperature at the two Observatories did not differ more than 12°°0 from each other. This small difference of 12°°0 or less is one of the most striking accompaniments of the anticyclone. It may be here noted that this small difference of temperatures is generally brought about by a relatively greater elevation of temperature at the summit than at Fort-William—such as results variously from, say, a raising of temperature at the summit but not at Fort-William, or a decrease of temperature at Fort-William with no decrease at the summit at the same time, etc. Conjoined with this reduced difference between the temperatures is a oreat dryness of the atmosphere at the top, bringing with it necessarily the higher specific gravity of such dry air. The number of days from which the figures of Group III. have been calculated include 730 days, distributed somewhat irregularly through the year, the largest contribu- tories being June 79 days, July 78 days, November 80 days, and December 79 days. In March there were only 36 days, and in April 34 days. The characteristic feature of this group is that nearly the whole of the hourly values are plus; or, in other words, nearly the whole of the hourly reduced sea-level pressures for the top exceed the sea-level pressures at Fort-William. The only exceptions occur in several of the months from about 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. In none of the months does the minus sign appear from 6 P.M. to 7 A.M. The differences between the highest and lowest mean values for the months are the following :— Inch Inch Inch Inch January, 0:013 April, 0°027 | July, 0:029 October, 0:027 February, 0°024 May, 0:034 August, 0:029 November, 0°019 March, 0-028 June, 0:031 | September, 0:034 December, 0:011 Year, 0:024. These comparatively large figures are occasioned by the dry condition of the atmosphere during anticyclones. TaBiE II., Group IV.—This group includes the results of the cases when the difference of the mean daily temperatures at the two Observatories is 18°'0 or greater. Nearly all the days when the difference of the mean daily temperatures exceeded 21°°0 were not available for the inquiry, because in such cases the strong winds of the cyclone accompanying these large differences caused ‘pumping’ of the barometer, thus rendering the barometric observations useless in this inquiry. It is further to be noted that a very large number of the great differences of temperature were occasioned by a depression of temperature occurring at the top, but no corresponding depression of temperature at Fort-Willam at the time ; whilst in other cases an increase of temperature occurred at Fort-William, accompanied by little or no corresponding increase at the top. The remarkable and important feature of Group IV. is that, excepting the four hours in August from 9 p.m. to midnight, the whole of the hourly values for the months have the minus sign ; in other words, virtually the whole of the hourly values of the sea-level INTER-RELATIONS OF BAROMETRIC PRESSURE. SEO pressures for the top are lower than the sea-level values for Fort-William. The differences between the lowest and the highest mean hourly values for the months are these :— Inch Inch Inch Inch January, 0-007 April, 0:025 July, 0:018 October, 0:009 February, 0°019 May, 0:026 August, 0:018 November, 0°008 March, 0-023 June, 0°022 September, 0:016 December, 0°015 Year, 0-015 inch. These figures show a considerably smaller range of daily differences of the pressures than the corresponding figures of Group III., the reason being that in Group IV. the accompanying weather conditions are cyclonic and therefore the vapour in the atmo- sphere is much larger and cloud more prevalent than during anticyclonic weather, thus reducing the daily range of temperature. The figures in Table II. are simply the results of the method of reduction employed in reducing the barometric observations of the summit to sea-level. In every case of reduction the temperature employed was the simple arithmetical mean of the two temperatures observed at the hour, one at Fort-William and the other at the top of the mountain. Now, as regards the separate hours of the day, the mean of the tempera- tures about 9 a.m. and 9 pM. may be accepted as approximately near the mean temperature of the day at the two Observatories, particularly in this case, as the temperatures used are the mean temperatures deduced from many days’ observations. But for the other times of the day this is not so. During the day, owing to the effects of solar radiation, the temperature at both Observatories is raised above the mean temperature of the day, the increase rising to a maximum about 3 p.m. and falling to the average about 9 p.m. Now this increase of temperature, due to the heated ground, extends only to a comparatively restricted depth of the atmosphere at each Observatory, leaving the great mass of the atmosphere occupying the interspace from the level of Fort-William to the summit of Ben Nevis very little affected. It follows that during this time of the day, the mean of the two temperatures at the base and the summit of the mountain do not represent the mean temperature of the whole atmosphere between the two Observatories, but a temperature higher than this. Hence, for this higher temperature, a correction too small is applied by the Table of Corrections to reduce the barometric observations of the summit to sea-level, resulting in too low sea-level pressures. On the other hand, during the other hours of the day, when, under the influence of terrestrial radiation, the temperature of the air falls from the early evening to the daily minimum shortly after midnight and then rises to the mean of the day in the morning about 9 o'clock. Since the temperature of the ground falls under the influence of nocturnal radiation in a much greater degree than the air above it, and as the degree of cooling of the air diminishes rapidly with vertical distance from the ground, it follows that the great mass of the atmosphere occupying the space from Fort-William to the 520 DR BUCHAN ON THE summit has its temperature only in a comparatively small degree affected by terrestrial radiation. Hence, during this time of the day, the mean of the two temperatures at the base and the summit do not represent the mean temperature of the atmosphere between the two Observatories, but a temperature lower than this. It thus happens that for this lower temperature during the night a greater correction is supplied by the Table of Corrections for reducing to sea-level the barometric observations of the summit, thus giving too great a sea-level temperature for the top. Tas_e IIJ.—In the data given in the four groups of Table II., the figures simply show the mean arithmetical differences between the sea-level observations at Fort-William and the observations at the summit reduced to sea-level as explained above. But in Table III., similarly arranged in four groups, as has been done in Tables I. and IL. the hourly means of each month are compared directly with the means of that month which are given at the foot of the Table, together with the number of days’ observations from which they are computed. Thus the figures show the hourly departures from the monthly means. The results of this comparison, set forth in the four groups of Table III., exhibit the influence of the diurnal and nocturnal radiation on the phenomena under consideration. Here again Groups I. and II. closely correspond, since the differences of the observed temperature approximate to the observed mean data for the thirteen years. But it is quite different with Groups III. and IV., which show the results obtained during anticyclonic and cyclonic weather respectively. A comparison of the two Groups as they appear in Table III. is very instructive. In Group III. the figures were obtained solely from the days when the differences of the mean daily temperatures at the two Observatories were only 12°:0 or less, inclusive of the days when the temperature at the summit was higher than at Fort-William. On such occasions it has been shown that the humidity was small, sunshine large, and rainfall and cloud little or none. On such days itis seen that the departures of the hourly values from their monthly means very greatly exceed the departures shown in Groups IL, IL, and IV. On the other hand, in Group IV. the figures were obtained from those days when the differences of the mean daily temperatures at the two Observatories were 18°:0 or more. On such occasions the humidity was large, saturation being of frequent occurrence, sunshine small or nil, rainfall generally large, cloud large, and sky often continuously clouded. The departures of the hourly values from their monthly means were small, the contrast of Group IV. with Group III. being in this respect very striking. Results and Remarks.—The broad results are these :—(1) when the difference of the mean temperatures of the day is only 12°:0 or less, the calculated sea-level pressure for the top of the mountain is markedly greater than at Fort-William, and the accompanying meteorological conditions are anticyclonic, the weather being clear, dry, and practically rainless ; (2) when the difference of the mean temperature of the day is 18°-0 or more, INTER-RELATIONS OF BAROMETRIC PRESSURE. 5921 then the calculated sea-level pressure for the top is less than that at Fort-William, and the meteorological conditions are cyclonic and the accompanying weather dull, humid, and rainy. The large result here arrived at empirically from correlated observations of the two Ben Nevis Observatories is in accordance with the principle laid down by Dalton in 1834—viz., “that air charged with vapour, or vaporised air, is specifically lighter than when without the vapour; or, in other words, the more vapour any given quantity of atmospheric air has in it, the less is its specific gravity.” * The intimate relation thus disclosed between the varying temperatures and sea- level pressures of a high-level and a low-level station is of prime importance in forecasting weather, inasmuch as it reveals, in a way not hitherto attempted, the varying conditions of the hygrometric states of the atmosphere, particularly at high- levels, upon which changes of weather so largely depend. ‘The setting in of a process of saturation of the atmosphere at great heights may thus be made known, when even no cloud has yet been formed to indicate any such saturation. The intimate and important bearing of these results on such practical problems in meteorology as the forecasting of the great seasonal changes of weather such as the Monsoons of India is very evident. In the course of this discussion it has been noted that the reduced hourly values for the summit of the mountain often indicate that the transition from the anticyclonic to the cyclonic type of weather, and vice versa, is slow, extending over several days, thus prolonging the time for the framing of predictions of the more important weather changes. The precursor and accompaniment of the heaviest, most widespread, and long- continued rain is when the sea-level pressure for the summit is very greatly lower than the sea-level pressure at Fort-Wilham, thus indicating the saturation of the atmosphere to a great height, while at Fort-William the point of saturation due to the advancing cyclone has not yet taken place. But, on the other hand, when this point of saturation has been reached, the sea-level pressure for the summit shows only a very small difference from the sea-level pressure at Fort-William. It is remarkable that comparatively few observations, when the difference of the mean daily temperatures at the two Observatories has exceeded 21°:0, could be utilised in this inquiry, since in most of such cases high winds prevailed resulting in ‘ puraping’ of the barometer. These differences of daily mean temperature, rising for example to 22°2 on 18th May 1900, are, however, important in their connection with the pre- diction of weather, inasmuch as they generally precede and accompany cyclones with severe storms of wind and rain, They often result from a great lowering of tempera- ture at the summit of the mountain, while at Fort-William no such lowering of temperature occurs. There is, however, another distinct class of very strong winds which occur on the top of Ben Nevis, of which the following show the cases which were noted in April and jome US 91 -— 1 Dalton’s Meteorological Observations and Essays, 2nd ed., Manchester, 1834, p. 100. TRANS. ROY, SOC, EDIN.—VOL, XLIII. 33 Ui DR BUCHAN ON THE Or bo bo Barometer Sea Level. Wind. | Cloud 0 to 10. Rain. Fort- William. Direction. Force 0 to 12. Ben Nevis. |Fort- William. Ins. Ins, April 1 29°850 ESE 7 04 8 8 2 29°763 ESE ll ‘10 10 9 3 29°724 ESE 12 ‘00 10 10 + 29-610 ESE & E 12 20 10 8 5 29-679 ESE 11 ‘00 10 9 6 29°847 E& ESE 10 00 8 10 12 30192 E&SE 7 00 7 8 13 30°079 SSE 7 ‘00 10 10 June 1 29-948 SE & ESE 8 00 8 3 2 29-966 | ESE 9 00 3) 3 3 30°047 ESE & E 7 00 1 1 17 30°072 ESE 8 ‘00 10 10 18 30°162 ESE 4) 00 10 10 19 30°313 ESE 9 00 7 2 It is a characteristic of these winds on the top of Ben Nevis that they are altogether restricted to the directions indicated in this table, viz., E., E.S.E., S.E., and S.8.E., and they occasionally attain the greatest force recorded at the Ben Nevis Observatory, viz., 12 on the wind scale 0-12, and they also appear to be associated rather with anti- cyclonic than with cyclonic weather. But they resemble the high winds of the previous paragraph, in being associated with relatively much lower temperatures at the summit of the hill than at the base of the hill at Fort-Wiliam. When a strong wind is blowing over a hilly country the air is continually mixed by vertical movements, and thus the temperature gradient for height tends to approximate to the adiabatic rate, so long as no rain falls and no cloud is formed below the level of the higher station.* The adiabatic change for 4400 feet is about 24°. This value has been exceeded at several hourly readings for Ben Nevis and Fort-William, the greatest observed being 28°'8 at 2 aM. on 19th December 1890, but the greatest difference on the mean of any whole day, as stated above, has been only 22°:2 on 18th May 1900. The interest attached to these high winds is greatly enhanced in view of the analogous observations of the upper atmosphere revealed by the service of kites. This subject will be further dealt with in a subsequent Paper. But in discussing the observations obtained by kites, a serious drawback is that the barometric readings cannot be used except for computing the kite’s approximate elevation. The only useful barometric readings for purposes of forecasting are those obtained from High Level Obser- vatories, the height of whose barometers has been got by levelling; and hence the heavy loss sustained by the closing of the Ben Nevis Observatories, which deprives meteorologists of the only barometric readings of practical utility made at a high level in North-Western Europe. * Handbook of Climatology, Hann, translated by Ward, pp. 268-272. _~ aan spomeememmememeias Jan. Feb. | Mar. | Apr. | May. | June. | July. | Aug. | a. — l —= a Temperatures observed 29°863 | 29°845 | 29°814 | 29-894 | 29 969 | 29-963 | 29°916 | 29 835 up = oe Temperatures, 12°:0 or less 30°171 | 30°115 | 30°158 | 30°167 | 30°206 | 30°165 | 30°070 | 80-200 ifferent Temperatures, 18°0 or greater 29°843 | 29-791 | 29°824 | 29°901 | 29°907 | 29-816 | 29-903 | 29°831 | Observatories, ; up 1, — © ° ° ° ° ° ° ° erent Temperatures observed 30°8 | 31°5 | 32-4 37°2 | 416 | 48°3 49°7 49°2 erent Temperatures, 12°-0 or less 28°6 | 29:°2 | 36°8 | 42:7 | 47°4 | 531 | 54:0 | 551 ip IV.— Different Temperatures, 18°-0 or greater 28:4 281 ECs same t-4e)r4onON 453 med ouD Cuass III.— Mean Daily Sunshine in Hours. up I.— Mean Daily Diff. Temp., all observed, Ben Nevis} 0:9 18 255 32 4°7 4°6 3°0 22 d do. do. Fort- William 0°9 1°9 37 50 6°3 6°1 4°4 4°0 up ILT.— aan Daily Diff. Temp., 12°:0 or less, Ben Nevis | 2°5 4°5 6:5 Vaan Ose 8-9 63 5:0 0. do. do. Fort-William | 1-0 3°4 51 7°0 9°0 8°8 5°4 511 oup IV.— Mean Daily Diff. Temp.,18°'0 or greater, Ben Nevis | 0°4 11 255 FB} 207 20 1:0 0'9 do. do, do. Fort-William | 171 2°3 3°8 DID 5°3 5°6 4°6 2-9 Cuass IV.—Mean Daily Rainfall in Inches. L— D poly Diff. AP allobserved, Ben Nevis “54 34 “41 25 "25 "25 “34 “44 do. Fort- William 23 16 16 10 ‘11 12 ‘15 ‘21 Th. — lean Daily Diff. ee. ., 12°°0 or less, Ben Nevis | 09 10 18 05 09 ‘ll 25 “46 do. Fort-William | 06 07 09 04 "05 06 “lil "23 mp IV i Daily Diff. Temp.,18°'0 or greater, Ben Nevis | 37 “41 ‘19 "24 "24 30 31 37 do. do. Fort-William | +13 12 07 ‘08 07 10 08 ‘11 Ciass V.—Mean Monthly Depression of Wet Bulb. Wet, Diff. Temp., all observed, Ben Nevis | 0:2 0°6 06 07 iB} 1°4 1:0 0°8 do. do. Fort-William | 1:7 2°2 2°6 3°3 4:0 3°9 374 3°0 Ill.— Wet, Diff. ome 12°°0 or less, Ben Nevis | 1°0 LY 2°9 32 3°8 3°4 26 2°6 do. Fort- William 0°9 1°6 2°5 3°5 4°4 3°5 31 2°7 IV,— Wet, Diff. Temp., 18°'0 or greater, Ben Nevis | 01 0°0 0°2 0°3 0°3 0°3 0'4 O1 do. do. do. Fort-William | 2°6 27 31 4:0 4-2 4:4 4°5 4:0 INTER-RELATIONS OF BAROMETRIC PRESSURE. Ciass I.—The Mean Monthly Sea-Level Pressure at Fort-Wiiliam. 528 BLE I.—Showing for each of the classes into which the observations have been sorted—(1) the Mean Monthly Sea-Level Pressure at Fort-William ; (2) the Mean Temperature at both Observatories; (3) the Mean Difference of Temperature at _ both Observatories ; (4) the Mean Sunshine in hours at both Observatories ; Observatories; and (6) the Mean Depression of the Wet Bulb at both Observatories. (5) the Mean Rainfall in inches at both 29°879 | 29°747 | 29°718 | 29°625 30°198 | 30°173 | 30°231 | 30°003 29°832 | 29775 | 29°785 | 29-850 45°8 50°4 42°1 WS AN wn Q~I ~T089 aA 53 *25 26 ‘ll “48 18 wr woe KOS cor wo our 38°8 42°3 35°8 No Ro NH FeO SS OO *43 “24 15 07 “48 *20 No mt On Hp Seas wo Ne 36-0 35°5 34°0 a ON Oa Now oo bo © “44 ‘22 07 04 "58 “20 i=) KH bo S66 wr S64 wo 32°6 30°8 33°7 SCS CY CO Cm CM WS ‘58 °30 ‘16 ‘10 53 15 29°839 80°157 29°837 39°5 429 36°2 Or WoL CODD mw ony 68 “40 alg) 16 09 38 12 wo Loe) No ahaa See roa oR Cor) 00 CO 524 TABLE II.—Mean Differences of the Sea-Level Pressures at the two Observatories, expressed in thousandths of an The minus sign indicates that the reduced Sea-Level Pressure at the Top is the smaller of the two, and no The results are classed under four Groups. inch. sign indicates that it is the larger. Group I.—Al// Temperature Differences observed from Aug. 1890 to December 1903. DR BUCHAN ON THE S| e |= 4/2/2165 4/a2/C°9\4/Aln Sie fam (96 al el isto 10| 10-4 Sele aw -|—13=1 2 55 —10\— 8— 7; 2 5) 15) 10) 10, 9 5— 2-6) QF 2 ,, —13/—14 Bae —9—7—6 1) 6) 15) 10) 11) 10) 5—2)— 5) QF 8 ,, —12/—12 4; — g9— 7— 7} 2 5) 13) 10) 10) 10) 5—1)— 5) 2] 4 ,, —12/—12 5, j= o— F— 6) 2a 10) 8) 10) 10) Se eee, | ils Cas — 9 — 6i— 6} Ol— 2) 5) 3) 8 9} 5iR— 2J— 5) Of 6 ,, iil vies — gi— 6— 7\— 4I— si— ti— 1] 5) 7 «6b 6 i— 2 7 ,, Siill—i0 Soe — si— 6\— 9/—10/—14/— 5|— 4) 0) Q| 3i— 1j— 5|\— 5} 8 ,, |—10/—11 et — si— 8—14/—13|—16|— 7|— 7/— 3/— 2/— 1|— 1j— 5|— 7] 9 ,, =i 1e TI) 5 —10|—12|—19|—18|—18|— 8|— 9|— 5/— 6/— 5/—' 5i— _7/—10} 10, 118} is ie —12/—15|—22/—19/—18/— 9|— 9|— 6|— 7/— 7/— 7/— 9|—12] 11 ,, Sil | al Noon |—15|—18)—23/—20/—17/|— 9/— 9|— 7/— 8/— 9/— 9|—10|—13] Noon /|—16/—20 lpm. |—16)\—18—23/—19/—16|— 8|— 9|— 6|— 7|— 9/—10.—11|—13] 1 p.m. |—17/—21 Dies: —17/—20|—23/—18|—14/— 8|— 8|— 6|— 8|— 8|—11/—10/—13] 2 ,, =18\—2 ae —13|—19|/—23/—17|—13|— 7|— 8|— 6|— 8|— 7/\— 9\— 9|—12] 3. ,, —15/—20 Aon —12/—18 —21|—16/—12/— 6|— 6|— 5|— 7|— 5|— 7/— 8\—10] 4 ,, —13/—18 5 4, (— 9—12\—17\—13\—11|— 4|— 4|— 2/— 3] o|— 3i— 7j— 7] 5 ,, il tl|-al! Gebee — sa Gaoseane Wa Gia DE al) ill Ge a Ga By 8 S —10)—11 eee — 7/\— 6I— si— 4/— 5) +1) 1) «4 «66 O68} 6c1— 5I— 2] 7 ,, — 9|—10 Ser — sj— 6j— si— 1} 1] 7 4 7 OF 4i—1—5) OO} 8 ,, = B= ilo Ohees — 7j— 4/— 8 OF} 4 11) 8 9 9 %5FS—1—5 2 9 ,, — 9— 9 i) Ap — 8s— 5— 7; 1) 5 14 9 10) 9 5i— 2]— 6; 2) 10 ,, —11/—10 bt ee — si— 5\— 6} 2 6) 15) 11) 11) 11) 5—1W— 5) 3) 11 ,, —10/— 9 Midn’t |— 9/— 7|— 7 2} 6) 15) 10) 11) 10) 4/— 2i—5 2) Midn’t |—11/—10 Mean {|—10/—10/—12/— 7/— 5) 3) 1) 38 3 1j— 4/— 6/— 4] Mean |—12/—13 'No. of Days) 261) 259] 287] 279) 314) 327| 367) 403] 330] 307) 307| 275|8716|No. of Days| 162| 150 Group II].—Temperature Differences 12°:0 and less. gialglalel¢lSlelalelelels g\4 NE ea Pea SS: Se Re See “yam | 3 ail 13] 24| 24] 392) 92f 201 gsi o4l aa) 5 19] 1 am. |—24/—02 Var 3} 13) 15) 24) 25) 32) 21) 29) 29 24 11) 5) 19) 2 ,, —23/—23 Bs Al 14) 17) (24) 23) 33) 20) 30) 328) 25) 12) 16) 20) 3, —23)—22 ae Bi AS zi 24 21) 32] 19) S28 oriole ceo LO 4 9), —24/—23 be; 5 Ue 24 18 27 Sl 29) Ori S26 ee 19) 5; —22/—22 6a Ae tS sl ol tal LO 225) toe eS ieeiLon 16) =20\—22 i 55 So 14a 7) 20) Sy 10) 9) 20 Ot 22 ae eG 4a 7S, —21|/—22 Seas Peto Al Ol 2) 16) |) | a OO Le Gls (OHS —22/—23 tes A a DN Gs 5 Bi 21 OS Ser eal O eZ | Gl 9 ©, —22|—23 IG) fe sp Ge INS AE eG Tl a] SH A Ae —22|—924 ie g—1/— 7| oO] 9) 2—5) 4-3] 6 1) Q—iJl ,, —23/—26 Noon |— 3/— 5/—10/— 1/— 8) Q2j— 6 9i— 5 3i— 3i— 1]— 3} Noon |—26/—28 lem. |J— 4— 7/\—10\— 1— 4 2/— 7] 1/— 4|— oj— 5i— 4I— 4] 1 em. |—26/—29 heag — 5I— si—10} ‘1i— 2} 3i— 6) i1i— 4\— 1\— 5/— 3/— 3} 2 ,, —26|—30 Sy — 2— 910) O— 1) 43) B= 40 —4/— 1 on 8 —27|—380 A — 1/—9\— 9} 13} OF} 5J—1) 5—1; 3j— 2) Oj} 4 ,, —27/—29 Weegee Z—ii— 4 8 3 7 1 7 «646 69h U8) 62) 6U8t Ub Ca, —25|—23 (ip Fe Al 6) (0) Ol 4 Si A 0) Se alee Sl) 7) 16) os —25|—20 k ty 5 Ol 6) 18) 7) eS Sere 1S ease eek ees. ae. —23/,—18 8 35 4 10) 6 20) 18 20) 13) 19) 21; 19 7 4 13] 8 ,, —23/—17 9 55 4 19) 10) 22) 22) 28) TS) 23) 24) 20 3S) 2a) 16) 9, eis) LO) ss Al 10) 9) 25) 22) 30) 219) ee bl eal esiero iLO) es —24/—12 il 5; 5} 10) 10) 26) 23) 32) 20) 24) 26) 22) 9 5 18) 11 ,, —24/—11 | Midn’t 44 9 9 24) 22 33 19} 26) 27) 22) 8 5) 17) Midn’t |—23/—15 _ Mean 3} 6 5 14 9) 16 8 16) 14 16) 6) 4) 10] Mean |—24|292 No.of Days} 53] 57| 36] 34! 48| 79] 78] 59! 69) 58] 80| 79] 730|No.ofDays| 46| 52 | Mar. Com AAI IST 13" Oto iO; eH cocoonomo ~—& 0m a Or rs LeKer) eoMe-) a 1 ~— Hw | He Wa A Co OOoOoOMN PNWEOON NOH HDS COCOMmmwow ovat 11 206} 250 | Sept. | Ne} oo | Oct. | Nov. SO PonoPwo NOMNAAH ONTHENP PPL ww 196 | May. 110) —13)/—11|— 7 82) 83) 94 —13 —14 —19 —20 —17|—20 —19)—22 —20)/—22 —1/9|—21 \—13/—16 —13/—16 —12)—15 —12/—15 —12)/—14 —12)/—14 53] 39 —15/—18 Group II.—Temperature Differences varying from Group IV.—Temperature Differences 18°:0 and greater. | Dec. | Year. SNMNrwepnp wy oni ‘ —10/—13/—12) © —10)/—14/—12 . —10)—15)}—12) — —10;—14)—11} — 7|—12/\— 9 4\—10|— 7 4|— 9)— 4) 2i— 9 4i— 9 4|\— 9 4/\—10 3|—10 4\— 9 6/—11 188) 158 = 2170 INTER-RELATIONS OF BAROMETRIC PRESSURE, 525 TABLE III.—This Table is directly constructed from the figures in Table by simply giving the Difference of each Hour of the Month from the Mean of that Month. Group I.—All Temperature Differences. Group II.—Temperature Differences, 13°:0 to 17°:0. Seco | a | | S| Be | S| eal ae |e er gs G1. gy le | | Se | ©) ee) Se Le Ss |e Slelalaie|2/2)/4)e|sj2l4/s B(sjela|el2lelalelsle/4a/s Meee 4 5 9 «ol a of ov 7 ol a) al ela am (=| al slo) ail asi aol sl a. a) al 3 6 2 0 2; 5) 11' 10) 12; 9 7 6 4 #2 OF 6] 2 +, j-1\—1} 5) 10) 11) 14 10) 8} 6 38 OF 1) 6 So +> 1 Si) ee Nt ed} alll, BS 0 1} 6 9 11) 14 10 «68) 6 38} 1 1 6 A 1 Slee 9), LO) S10) 19) Ziti eo eee Gera 0 1) 5 9 11) 13) 10 «68 «6 64):«€o@2} «CSC 5 45 1 SG 9 Si 7 i) adi ade |e |e ON 5s 0 1) 6 10 ©9) 10 «8 «€68} 66} lhU6m44d Cc) d6@C6 6 -., 1 Aol i 3 2 2) SI 6a OTe a6] 2 il 2 Ol ee d|| eee) |e eS |e) |e ||| A Mie 2 A 5) 2i— 3)/—= 4/— 2) 2) 4 a 27S, 1 3 706 «68l— 1 — a 1) Cod} tot ime 5% 2 4 3\— 2/— 9\— 8|— 5I— 3/— 1 2 3 1—1j 8 ,, 2 2 4\— 2\— 5i— 7/— 5|— 3/— 1 2 2 2 0 9 2 Qi— 2\— 7/—11\—10/— si|— 6j— 5/— 2} 3) 1— 3} 9 ,, 1 1) OH s— 9— 9— 7j— 6— 4 — 1) 1) 3-38 mo , 0 |— 2/— 7/—11/—13/—11/—10/— 8|— 9|— 6|— 1|— 5|— 6] 10-—Ss«,,_-s |—1 [— 2/— 4/—10\—11/—10/—10|— 8/—_ 7/— 5|— 1| 1/— 5 Se —2)\— 5/—10|—19|—13|—19|—10|—. 9| —10|—. s|— |= si — Sh 11 ~=Cgg:«s|—2 [= 4i— sl—12\—12\—712|—10\10|—. s|—_ 7 2|—_ ai— 7 Noon —5 |— 8/—11/—13)/—12)—12)/—10/—10/—11/—10/— _ 5|— a 9} Noon —4 7|—10/—13)/—11)—12/—11)—10)—10|— _ 9),— 4/— 2/— 8 1 p.m. |—6 |— 8)—11/—12/—11/—11/—10/— 9/—10/—10/— 6/— 5— 9} 1 em |—5 |— 8)—10/—12)/—10/—11/—10)\— 9|—10/— 9/— 4/— 3/— 8 2 4, |—7 |—10)—11/—11)— 9/—11/— 9/— 9/—11/— 9|— 7/— 4-— 9] 2 ,, |—6 |— 8/—10/—12/— 9/—11/— 9\— 9/— 9/— 8/— 4|/— 4\— 8 38 , %|—3 |— 9/—11/—10/— 8/—10/— 9/— 9)—11/— 8/— 5j— 3— 8] 3 » |—3 |— 7/— 9—10\— 7/—10/— 9\— 8 8i— 6\— 4|— 3/\— 7 4 ,, |—2 |— 8— 9/— 9— 7/— 9'— 7/— 8/—10/— 6\— 3/— 2/— 6] 4 » I—-l K 5— 8]— 9 — 7i— 9— 7— 7— 7— 5\— 1ll— 1li— 5 Re 1 |— 2)\— 5\j— 4)/— 6/— 7\— 5|— 5|— 6/— 1] 1—oO—3!l 5 ,, 1 /— 1/— 4|— 7/— 5|I— 6— 4— 6Gi— 5) 0} «Ql «=1—3 6 ,, 2 1j— 1/— 3/— 2/— 5j— 3j— 47— 2} 1) Qi 1—- 1 6 C=», 2 2) Oj— 2i— 3/— 5i— aji— 3j— 2} 2) 2) 2 O 5 3 teed 3, OZ) 0) Oo D. “Seo 9) SOR; 3 3) 3) 38} 2 Ly 1) 62) 8) 64 C2 2 ie 2 Aiea 6) 6G 4) 3) 4 cb) 3) SP eas =, 4 3} 44 4 «6} «OOF OOF} Cc CC 4 9 3 Cee 7 9 8) 7) 6) CL acl LieeGi Eo; 3 4 5 6 9 FF 8 6&6 5F 4 2 2 5 LOS. 2 FiOS Oe 1 8 Sez) Gl 4 2 Ole lO ses: 1 oye Sy aa ay al il SA 2 5 66} So9|:s*d1 10) 8) -e_ 4= Sal ae l, os, 2 4 4 7 10 11) 9 8 G6 FF 38 1 6 Midn’t 1 oie} 9) 1h) 12) 9) 8) 7) Bi 2G vadnt 1 3} 3}. 6 10) 10) 9 8 6 4 2 2 6 Mesmmi 10) 10/ 12) 7 5 3 IL) 3 3 I) 4 #46 4) Mean Py Paley ayy ei ae at ate No. of Days|261 | 259] 287| 279] 314 327) 367| 403 330 307| 307 275 3716 INo. of Days|162 | 150) 184) 158 154} 166) 206] 250) 198) 198} 188] 158/2170 Group IIl.—Temperature Differences 12°:0 and less. Groupe IV.—Temperature Differences 18°:0 and more. elec Bole) | S| om | a] el as | Baie Feu eaten en rate Lent rz dewey ie etbss as izle fi S\8 ai/<7|2)2/2)4/2#/S)a)4/e Slee /4/2)2/2/4)e/o]2/4/5 Dee )0) 5 8 10 15 ig 14 13| wal gf | a] gf 1 au] o| of 3 7 of 5 ot 5} 4 6 ol 4! 8 Pee 0; 7 10 10) 16 16 13) 13 15 8 95 1 6} 2 hl, LSU GS GG 4 3) 4 ro ee Ole Sis 2) re 1) 8 12) 10) 14 17 12) 14 14 9 6 2 Oo} 3 ,, 1 qj .68FhCUC},CC Ce] SCC} KC KC C—O} 88 5 4 See Zee Oe 2) LG 0a 2S a0 |G eZ ee Gy Sal aly al) Sr Agee ot 2) 10) 9) TL) 10) 13) 13) 10 SG Sie ois, 2 0 624 66 «5F 2 a 4 4 «238 lO} lg Bis, eels 29) 3 3) 4) <9) 10) (Siti sien Gle6 15, 4 0.638) CUO} sd 1) SOO}s C0 3 2— 3\— 3) 1 i 5 SZ) = 6i— 6) ys 4 7, IG Sia 5; 3 oO} 1) «2i— 2\— 3— 3/— 2} 138) -2—1/— 2] 0 ae. mG) = 4 11—t0|— 7\— 4! (0) Al Gece ties = ts BS = = i ye A le pea iS om, | 4 5\— 3/— 8/—14/—13/—10/— 7/— 7 1 4 Si 3) 1 7 ae 2 \— 1/— 8\— 8/—10)— 7\— 9/— 5\— 4/— 2— 2/— 7/— 6 HO, 2 O\— 9/—13/—18/—14/—12/— 8)/—14;/— 5/— 1/— 1j)— 8] 10 os 2 |— 2|— 9\—10/—12/—10/— 9/— 7/— 8i\— 4|— 4/— 7/\— 7 ie), j—2 |— 7\—12|\—14|—18\—14|—13|—12|—17|—10|—_5|— 2|—11] 11_,, 1 |— 4/—10\—11/—11/— 9|—_ 7/—_ 7/— 6/— 5— 4|— 7|— 7 Noon —6 |—11)/—15/—15/—17|—14/—14/—14/—19/—13}— 9/— 5|—13] Noon —2 |— 6/—11/—11/—11|/— 8/— 6/— 8— 6/— 4|\— 3/— 7/— 7 1 pm. |—7 |—13/—15)—15|—13/—14/—15|—15|—18/—16|—11;/— 8|—14] 1 p.m. |—2 |— 7/—12/—11/—10/— 7/— 6|/— 7/— 5/— 6\— 2)\— 5\— 7 2 4, |—8 |—14)—15)—13/—11/—13)/—14/—15|—18)—17|—11|— 7)—13] 2 ,, |—2 |— 8/—11/—11/— 7/— 8/— 5|— 6/— 5)— 5/— 2)— 4/— 6 8 ,, |—5 |—15|—15}—14/—10/—12/—11}—13/—18/—16/—10|— 5|—12] 3 ,, |—8 |— 8/—10/— 8/— 5|— 8/— 5/— 6|— 4;\— 6/— 1|— 3/— 6 | 4 », \—4 ;—15)—14,—11/— 9—11)— 9/—11/—15—13— 8|— 4,—11] 4 » (8 |— 7 8— 5— 4— 7— 6— 7— 4— 4/— 1'— I]— 5 ee 1 |— 7/— 9\— 6i— 6— 9\— 7\— 9\—10|\— 7/— 4\— 2t— 7} 5 OY, |—1 |— 1/— 3i— al— 3i— ai— 4\— 5i— a 1) | gi 2 es So) GG ES ae a ee ie = il 6)| Gi es ir es als ISS Ser a eh Gl ol a ms, 2 3} 1) 4—2/— 3) oj— 2} 5 1) 1 O| 1) 7 ,, 1 AG Gee a el 10) Sl tS alee ee ols Tae 1 Ay etl Gie--9h> 4". 25) Sl 7) Sle ell ROSES) «5, 1 5 tS 9 |e lpeerd |i iccs (|e |e 2 mo (Cs, 1 Gln 5) ae8) 13) 1210 7 Oe et GTO; 1 OP Seth 10 eo Si Sie soles SlieolemoleG OC, 1 a ah ai) aes ahh al) SG all, ef aI@ 5S 0; 10; 10; 12); 11) 11) 9} 19 6 38 38 8 7 i> 2 A512 [2 914) 16128 12 Gers ened |r ellen, 0; 11) 11) 14 14 12) 9 lo 8 3 4 8 8 Midn’t 1 3] 4) 10) 13) 17) 1) 9) 13) G2 7 Maid ’t: yee ae at Ie a ie By el Es: | Mean 3| 6] 5] 14 9 16 8 16 14 16 6 4 10] Mean | 24; 22) 23) 22) 19] 13) 11) 7 7 15} 18) 22) 17 No. of Days 53 57 36) 34| 48) 79} 78) 59} 69) 58) 80) 79] 730}No. of Days] 46 32} 67) 87) 112} 82) 83) 94] 63) 58) 39) 38! 816 : PLZ 6.1% 9-12 L1G 8-16 6-16 Oe 0:82 1-82 1st eee 6-86 E-8G ce €.8%, ee 9-8 ae 1.3% 9.8% 8.82 Be 6-82 8.8 rq (| 0°62 68g = ee ege. | 6¢- | 669: | 209: | GT9. } 1-62 = one 666- | 209- | ST9- | ZZ9- | 0€9- | G-6z Zea) eee FI9. | 229- | 089 | 889- | 9F9- | £62 eee 089. | ge9. | 9F9. | Fe9- | Z99- | F-6z a ae 9F9. | FG9. | Z99- | OL9- | SL9- | &-62 4 yee zg9- | 029. | 8L9- | 989. | F69. | 9-62 ang 919. | 989. | F69- | ZOL: | OTL. | 2-62 3 Bee 269. | TOs+ | 60L+ | LT. | G2L- | 8-66 | 5 oes 602+ | LIL | GZL- | GEL. | TPL: | 6-66 ee eZ. | el. | Trl. | 6FL- | LG2- | 0-08 coe TPL | 6FL: | Lo. | god. | e22- | L-08 ae 1G, | G9. | G22. | T8Z- | 68L- | G08 = ane ZL. | O82. | 682. | L6Z+ | GOS: | $-08 i 882. | 962. | GO8- | STS: | 1Z8- | F-8 | fee F08- | GIS. | 128. | 6z8- | 8E8- | 2-08 ine ozg- | gzg- | 2e8- | org. | Pas. | 9-08 aa ggg. | PFS. | eg. | T98- | O28. | 2-08 | ous Zg8- | 098. | 698- | 228- | 988. ] 8-CE cae g9g- | 928. | 488. | £68: | ZO6- | 6-08 bat “SUI “Sul “Sul ‘SUL “SUL SUL 07 5] e6Ta cB bal es bul Ot *sotour+ 000.F ‘gsoyout OOF-LZ 0} Soyout 006-0¢ Wor Sutkiva ‘sHUNSSHXg TWAWT-VEG pue ‘¢/ 04 .9[ Worl Sutdiva SANALVAAAIWAL-ATW OJ “IMAWT-VAG 07 Woy} sonper 04 co © “YSIY Joo LOPP ‘AYOLVAUASAQ SIAMN NGG oY} 4e SNOILVAUSAQ OLYLEWOAVG oy} 0} porfdde oq 07 suoMoartoy oyy Surmoys “AT ATAVL 527 INTER-RELATIONS OF BAROMETRIC PRESSURE. 678 8 8 8 gss4Lbk LhLod 9 999 9 9 Oe TE ret a tele a i? iP VP ABE = Guo eres $66 6 @ Fe eal Boe ae ot) & 6. 8 76 6 6 6 8 88 8 8 SS eer My Dh EY) to PL Te A Be) Gop AS CT AS GE ene Vs ay, yo Se (B= t8 fhtee 5 6 6 6 8 & 8. 4. | OT OL 6 6 @@ G&G @ Q 9 Ge 45 88h 2 2, 64 Mh dy PB) Sp CRE Gy et) Gg gy we Cie 1k) A ad Abed Ree a4 SES a 1Sie Gin 8S 1. 9. | IL OL OL OL] OL OL OTS6 6 6 6 6 6 6 See Se SSS: G4 Oe Hy dy 1 Ay 48) Coie Ate tt) 2) Op Gee) Gag Gh R ee oP: VV te POEs 9. G | IL IL IL IL] IL TL OL OF OT | OT OT OT 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Bo Cis Bt Ve Ae Hedy dh 9) 9) -9) 19759 Geng agi 3g AF Peds Ames Zain / q. % | Zl ZL ZI 21] IL TL IL IL IT | TL TL OL OT OL | OT OT OL 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Bo 8 hd D he 1 YD 9» 19) 49" 9-39 BFS BE eal: a ¥ g. [el €L ZL ZL | ZL ZL ZL ZL ZL | IL IL IL TL TL | IL TL OL OL OT | OT OF OT OL 6 6 6 6 6 6 GO yy Be PA A BE ke OD 2) aye ay et) &. Z PPL GL S= SL] €1 €L SI ot ZL | SE ZL GL GL ZL | IL TL TT IL IL | IL It OL OF OT fj OF OL OT 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 chet te eh tet Gd MM Lh, 4, 9 9 (a I. | L FL FL FL] FL PL EL SL ST | St Sl SL ZL ZL | GL GI ZL SL GL | IL TL TL TL TL ¥ TL OL OF OL OL} OT OT OT 6 6 GO GW G Ses) 18) 818 Ey fe L 0. 1 SL GL GL SL| FL FL FL PL PL | FT FL ST SL €1 | SL SI ST St ZL | ZL SL GL SE GI } TL TT TL TL TL | Tr OF OL OL OL | OT OF OT 6 6 8 O & @ 8 8 8 8 8 0- 66 86 16 96] 96 ¥6 £6 26 T6 | 06 68 88 18 98 | G8 FB EB ZB T8 | OR 64 BL AL OL | GL FL EL GL TL | OL 69 89 149 99 | 99 49 £9 GO TD | 09 6G 89 L1G 9G gg #9 €9 2g 9 Ge 5a 96 9e OO) OI CW) ha) fat tea Th Te | | Be = | i a= B= A=) I= GSS oe = |i > = 7 | 7 = SIS Gl his HS Oe tats |= Us Os 9- 4-4-6. Pel We ie a lhe ye ok OW 110 O OO WS |= TS ea ie WH | = C= B= Be B= | 1G B= Ge B= Bao = = Br | i i i iS Ele tS Cl || Ris th 8) B= 9-78. 4166666746 TdTCTdt Lou Lt @ © KO) Re | TT ti = | Cai A a a ea li ie |p 9 | € € F€ €§ G74 so ow Go dite EE ze @ © @ OO | FR he | I AS OG IO SSN | a SE a A | Co ie ve 1S Soe Serer 1G (A ti GLE Te OE | ES SS OS] OS OS 8 | i th | | GE LI SGA Le Ue tet Ge {8 8 Gy Gh GletGn nc Cy aa we 1 OD WO MW | OW Oe] ee |S eo = i | ROS 8 ie i al fe Ce A eS) ee ei 2 ig ie ag th 8 GONG BSP ASS Ge AG CoG Gr Gs ees Vis i hoe @ @ @ OF OO OR Se san aint eG Gla Gilera me 6 Gy) (4) Ge Sh Ge ty (SO Pom Aa Ae 2 ide ie BIS) 8 Se Gee Gu GumGl NEGiiGMEC GN IIG Uy a oes ae ome E ye) O G IO O OW Ie} ee iS ee oe a= 6 wo || YA ey A 1) GY ey tee ie ete a Shae eT Cw SVP Ys at, Te Per See NG iG eG mcm Om INKG).G) “Gi Gen (Foo) Sia ay sen af gy © @ @ (0) OO) Wh i | | Tic Wo | [ais P47 7 2 TA ie 2) 1) ye) Gh Sie Soe 1g 2 APS EN? yw Ae SiG) 38, 8S 3G 6 6 6 @ & 6 Wh hE i of @ @ @ @ 0. 0G 6F Sb LF OF | GF FP GP GP IP Jor 68 SE Le 98 TSE FE SE SE TE JOS 62 8B 4] 9B |GZ FZ SS GS 1G 0S GT SI LAT OT FST FL SL SE IL ;OrT 6 8 4 9 oie {8 ch 16 ‘pappe sq 0} SI 41 4vyy USIS Jo oouasqe oyy puL ‘anyeA reTNGe, oy} WoIF poyowrgqns oq 07 st AIT;US O44 VY SeyLOIpUL UsIs snUT WV ‘YoUl Ue Jo syJpULsNOy} UL “ATAV], NOILVIOANHIN] 086: | L8Z: | #62. | 9-86 G6G- | GOE- | 60E- | 9-82 OTS. | ZTE: | HUE. | 2-86 GZE- | GEE: | BEE: | 8-86 OPE: | LPE- | HSE. | 6-82 GGE- | OE: | 69E- | 0-6 OLS: | LLE- | $88. | 1-62 G8E- | CBE: | 66E- | 3-6 TOP: | 80F- | STF | €-66 OTP: | SSP | OSP- | F-6 ISP: | 8EP- | SPP: | 9-62 OPF- | ESF | O9F- | 9-62 T9F- | 89F- | GLF- | 2-66 OLP- | S8P- | OGF- | 8-62 I6¥- | 86F- | G09: | 6-66 908: | PLS: | Lag. | 0-0 00Z- | 90Z- | SIG: | SIS: | SBS- | GES: | 8ES- FIZ: | 0B%- | LUZ | SEST- | OFS: | LHG- | SSZ- 666: | GES. | GPS- | SPS | GSS- | BIS. | 89- VFS: | OSS: | LGG- | 9S | OLZ- | LLG: | E8- 8GG: | G9G- | GL: | 8LG- | G8G. | G6. | 86C- 0:62 | 9LT- | G8T- | 881+ | FEL. | 00G- | 40%. | E12: | 61G- €GG- | 69G- | G9G- | GLS- | 6LG- | OBZ: | GBS: | 66G- | 9OE: | STE- 19G- | G1%G- | 08%: | L8G- | F6c- | TOS: | LOE- | PIE: | IZE- | 8aé- G8Z- | 88Z- | S6G- | ZOE: | 60E. | OIE. | GBE- | 6E- | OEE- | EPE- 96: | ZOE: | 60E- | OTS: | €ZE- | OSE- | 9EE- | SFE- | OGE- | LoE- OLE: | LTS: | PAE. | TSE | BEE. | SFE. | TES. | BGS. | SOE. | SLE. GZE | GEE. | GEE- | 9PS- | SGE- | O9E- | 99E- | SLE. | O8E- | ZBE- 1-62 | OGL: | 96T- | ZO%- | 80Z- | PIG. | L2G: | 122. | ES. G6 | G0Z- | 60G- | MIG. | G2S- | BGG | GET. | TPG: | BFS: §-62 | L1Z- | ZG. | O€Z- | OES. | GFS- | FG. | YSS- | G9c- ¥-66 | [GG | LEG: | PPS. | OG%- | 9EG- | S9G- | 046- | 9LG- | €.6Z | SPS: | GGS- | 8GZ- | G9Z- | TLS. | BLS: | G8%- | 16S. 6@ | 69Z- | G9Z- | 16+ | 6LZ- | G8G- | Z6G- | 662- | GOE- 6G | EL. | 622. | 98G- | 6Z- | OOE- | LOE: | PIE: | OE. 62 | 984: | 862: | OOE- | LOE. | PIS: | IGE: | 8ZE- | PEE- 6 0 OFS. | LPE. | PSE. | L9E- | 898. | PLE: | L8E- | SBE. | G6E. | COF- Gag. 9E- | 89E- | GLE. | Z8E- | 68E- | 96E- | SOF- | OLF- | LTP 69E- 94E. | SBE. | O6E- | LEE. | FOF: | LLP- | STF. | S2¥- | GEF- E8E- | 06: | L6E- | POF- | LIF. | SIF | SBF- | ZEF- | OFF. | ZHP- @ 1 008- | ZOE. | PLE. | IGE. | 8GE- | SEE- | GPE- | SFE- : 868: | GOF- | GLt- | GLF- | 9GP- | ESF. | OFF- | LHF. | PSF- | LOP- 9&g- | €9E- oS oI al 38 a AQ Ge) oO AN 32) oO oD 32) N st 22) a> ss oO 1GG- | 6G. | 9EG. | T-0E 9EG- | PHS: | [S¢- | 2-08 IGG. | 6G9. | 99¢- | €.08 99G- | PZG- | L8G | F-08 T8G- | 689: | 969. | S-0€ 96G- | PO9- | LT9- | 9-08 IL9- | 619- | 9Z9- | 2-08 969- | PE9- | Lh9- | 8-0€ 19: | 6P9- | LE9- | 6-08 ‘sur | ‘sur | ‘sur | ‘sur SIP. | OGP- | Loh. | FEF | LPP. | SFP. | PF. | LOF- | GOF- | OLF- LGP- | VEb- | [PF | BPP | OGF- | GOP- | GOP: | OLF- | PSF. | L6P- GPF- | GFF. | GSP. | SOF- | OLF- | LLF- | H8F- | LEP- | S6F- | 90¢- LGF- | POP. | LLF- | SLF- | CBF | ZEP- | S6P- | GOG- | STS: | 12g- GLF- | 6LF- | O8P- | S6P- | OOG- | LOG. | STS. | OBS: | 8B. | 9EE- L8¥- | POF: | LOG: | 80G- | STS. | GZS: | BGG. | GEC. | SFG. | Lag. ZOG- | 60G- | OLS. | SZG- | OSG. | 9S. | SFS- | OGG. | 8Gg- | 99G. LG. | FZG- | LSS. | 8G. | GHG. | TG. | 8G. | Goc. | EL¢. | 18d. T&G. | 8EG- | GPS. | ZGG- | 6GG- | GOG. | GLE. | O8G- | 889- | 96G- ‘sur | ‘sur | ‘su | ‘sur | ‘sur | ‘sur | ‘sur | ‘sur f ‘sur | ‘sur 1-08 | 6ZE- | 9E8- | ShE- | OGE- | LEE. | FOE. | OLE. | ZZE- G-O0F | SPE. | OE. | LEE. | POE. | TLE. | SLE. | S8E- | G6E- € OE | SSE. | GOE- | ZLE- | BLE. | O8E- | SEE. | 66E- | 9OF- F-0€ | SLE. | O8E- | L8E-. | FEE- | LOF- | SOF- | VIF- | Lepr. ¢.0¢ | L86- | P68. | LOF- | SOP. | GLP. | GGP- | 6GP- | 9EP- 0 9-0€ | LOF- | SOF. | GLP. | Z2F- | GCF | OEP. | EPP: | OSF- L-9€ | LP. | SGP. | OSP- | LEF- | PHP. | IGP. | SSP- | GOP- 8-08 | ISF- | SEP. | ShF- | GSF- | GSP. | OOF- | ELP- | O8P- 6-06 | SPP | GSF- | 6GP- | 99F- | SLP- | O8P- | L8P- | POP. "SUI | ‘SUI | ‘SUI | ‘SUI | ‘SUL | ‘SUI | ‘SUI | “SUI | ‘SUT 089 | G9 | oL9 | 09 | 6G | 8G | oLG | 99 } GG | ofS | oS | Gd | LG oGZ | ohL | GL | cGL | ofL | OL | 69 | 89 009 | 6h | 8h | oLF | OF “‘ponuyqwoo— AT HTLV, a _ — ‘ 7 a] A) Report on Hygrometric Researches mainly at the Ben Nevis Observatories.* By A. J. Herpertson, M.A., Ph.D. (With Plate.) Introductory. Since the beginning of meteorological work on the sammit of Ben Nevis, occasional spells of wonderfully fine weather have been experienced, in which the exceeding dryness of the air has been very remarkable. It was observed by Mr WRaGGE in 1882, and has been recorded nearly every year since then. The most notable of these dry periods occurred in March 1886,+ and at that time the relative humidity, as calculated by Apsoun’s formula, was as low as 6. These low humidities are associated with a high pressure area, and a marked departure from the mean temperature difference of the top and bottom stations; indeed, the normal condition of temperature descending with increasing height may be reversed, and the air on the summit of Ben Nevis be warmer than that of Fort-William. An example of this reversal of temperature conditions occurred in December 1892, when the observers on Ben Nevis spent Christmas Day in a warm, sunny, and very dry atmosphere; while those in Fort-William were shivering in raw, dull, cold air, at times over 8° F. lower than that on the summit. These remarkable drynesses are not found at any low-level station in our islands, and, naturally, GLAISHER’s hygrometric tables, used in this country, do not provide for them, although the Greenwich observations on which the tables are based . were supplemented by results obtained in India and in Canada. The students of Ben Nevis observations, who wished to deduce from the readings of the dry and wet bulb ther- mometers what was the temperature of the dew-point, the pressure of the water vapour in the air, and the relative humidity during these dry spells, were in a difficulty. If they employed GLaIsHER’s factors for calculating the dew-point to extend his tables, they were using data which had never been tested for such extreme conditions; and if they took advantage of the formule published by ApsoHNn, or AucusT, or REGNAULT, they were making the reductions of these remarkable readings in quite a different way from that employed for ordinary observations. To solve some of these difficulties, Dr H. N. Dickson spent part of the autumn of 1885 on the summit of Ben Nevis. He made an extended series of direct determina- tions of the dew-point, using Professor Curysrat’s modified form of Mr D1ne’s hygro- meter, and read the temperatures of the dry and wet bulb thermometers at the same * Summary of communications to the Scottish Meteorological Society on 13th March 1893 and 20th July 1894, «nd to the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 6th February 1893 and 20th May 1895, with some supplementary notes. + ‘ Meteorology of Ben Nevis,’ Dr A. Buchan, 7rans. R.S.E., vol xxxiv. pp. XXlll., xxiv. TRANS. ROY. SOC. EDIN.—VOL. XLIII. Onx 530 MR A. J. HERBERTSON ON time. The results showed that GLaisHER's tables extended by using his factors were unsatisfactory, for, to quote Dr Bucnan, ‘ As regards the remarkably dry states of the air, which form so prominent a feature in the climatology of Ben Nevis, GLAIsHER's factors were found to be altogether inapplicable, and for such hygrometric observations a specially constructed set of tables is therefore required. * Comparing his dew-point results with the values given in GLAISHER’s tables, Dr Dickson foundt that the tabulated dew-poimts ‘are at first lower than those found by the hygrometer, the difference first increasing to a maximum, and then diminishing to zero. After the point of coincidence, the calculated dew-points are above those got directly, and the differences go on increasing rapidly.’ Leaving out of account the extreme cases, ‘it is to be remarked that the results deduced from GLAISHER’S tables .. . do not, on the whole, agree so well with direct observations at high levels as with those low down.’ One result of these investigations of Dr Dicxson’s is to show that if the ordinary employment of these tables does not involve any considerable error, this is not true for extensions of them based on the same factors. The data.for calculating the special hygrometrical tables to be used for Ben Nevis observations during very dry weather have not yet been obtained, and the reductions of dew-points, vapour pressures, and relative humidities are at present made by means of an extension of GLaIsHER’S tables. ‘This is eminently unsatisfactory, but it must be observed that if one system of making reductions is used for very dry states of the air, the same system ought to be employed in ordinary conditions. The Directors of Ben Nevis Observatory, and the members of the Ben Nevis Committee of the British Association, have stated in their reports the need for arriving ‘at some accurate knowledge of the absolute amounts of aqueous vapour at different heights under different weather conditions,’ and suggested ‘the desirableness of in- stituting a system of special observations on the hygrometry of the atmosphere at the two observatories, with a third station half-way up the hill.’ t The nomination of the writer in 1892 by the University of Edinburgh to a research scholarship, granted by the Commissioners for the Exhibition of 1851, gave him the opportunity for continuing hygrometrical research, and to co-operate with the Directors of the Ben Nevis Observatory. September 1892 to January 1893 was spent at Ben Nevis mainly at the High Level Observatory. Owing to the limited accommodation the work of an ordinary observer had also to be undertaken, but every fine moment was used for hygrometric work. In the spring of 1893 some time was spent in Professor FRIEDEL’s Laboratory in Paris testing the methods used during the previous winter, which were found to be satisfactory. Unfortunately a medical prohibition prevented further high level work, and in August and September 1893 the writer carried out the experiments at Fort-William, while at Ben Nevis Messrs A. Rankin, F. J. Hamsuy, and T. R. Marr were good enough to * Op. cit., p. xlviii. + Proceedings RS. E., vol, xiii, p. 958. t Report of Council to Meeting of S.M.S., 7th March 1892, HYGROMETRIC RESEARCHES. 531 execute the simultaneous ones at Ben Nevis. Being ordered to pass the winter in the south, a series of determinations were made at the Montpellier meteorological station through the kindness of Messrs Crova, Fox, Honpariix, and Lecarvr, who placed all the resources of the meteorological, physical, and chemical departments at the writer’s disposal. Work at Fort-William was continued in the summer of 1894. Mr Marr again went to Ben Nevis for hygrometrical work at Christmas 1893, and in the summer and early autumn of 1894. Special simultaneous observations of dry and wet bulb thermometers in the ordinary Stevenson screen and in Assmann’s aspiration-psychrometer were made by Mr Dryspazz at Fort-William in August 1896, and at the mid-station half-way up Ben Nevis in July and August 1897. Numerous notes have been received from Mr Omonp and Mr Rankin at different times. To all those, to the Ben Nevis Directors, and to Messrs James Woop and G. Guyou, who have at various times helped with calculations, the writer would return his grateful acknowledgments The kindness of the late Professor Tarr, of Dr Buchan, and of Mr Omonp, requires special mention and thanks. Dry and Wet Bulb Thermometers and Vapour Pressures. The common method of ascertaining the humidity of the air is to observe the dry and wet bulb thermometers placed in some screen, and from the readings obtained, to calculate the pressure of water vapour present in the air, and the relative humidity, which is the relationship between the actual vapour pressure and the maximum possible at the temperature of the observation. The tables usually employed in this country are those compiled by GuaisHER from a series of comparisons between readings of dry and wet bulb thermometers and simultaneous observations of DaANIELL’s condensa- tion-hyegrometer. The classic researches of REGNAULT, on the pressure of saturated water vapour at various temperatures, are utilised, the temperature at which dew appears on the cooled, polished surface of the condensation-hygrometer being assumed to be that at which the air would become saturated, were the mass of vapour to remain unchanged but the temperature of the air to fall to that temperature. Hence a relationship is found between readings of the dry and wet bulb thermometers and vapour pressure, and the relative humidity can be calculated. GLAISHER tabulates his ‘factors,’ which must be employed to multiply the difference between dry and wet bulb readings so that the product may give the departure of the dew-point from the actual shade temperature, and then uses ReGnavuLr’s results. ReGnavtt, however, following Aveust and others, expresses the dry and wet bulb readings directly im terms of vapour pressure. The equation he employs is :— 0-480 (t—1’) 1 ane i 0-480 (0) CT =— pee 2 when ¢ is over 0° C. and f=" — E397 PB When t’ is under 0° C. where f is actual vapour pressure, f” is the pressure of saturated vapour at the 532 MR A. J. HERBERTSON ON temperature of the wet bulb ?¢’, the air temperature is ¢, and p is the barometric pressure. * The following table shows that vapour pressures calculated from Reegnavtt’s formula do not closely agree with those founded on GraisHER’s factors in low temperatures and low humidities, TaBLE.—Comparing Vapour Pressures, in inches of Mercury, and Relative Humidities calculated by Glaisher’s and by Guyot’s Tables. The Temperatures are in F”. Wert Bute. 15° 20° 30° 40° Lee phreSDe ace i ee ee s nes Dry — Wet. Tees ae O° 1° Bi 5° We [ee Be ele 10° aL re | ae ela | | pvawieors oh Leis er ere Vapour Pressure— | | | Glaisher, . .| 060] -078) -059) +148] -129] -118| -107| -235| -215| -197 | 181) -162 Guyot, . : .| °074) :096) -085 | "155| -132| -109' -086| :235/ -208] “182; =1b6) e117 Glaisher—Guyot, . —:014|—-018|—-016 fe ‘007 |— :003 |+:009 + 021 +-007 |+-015 +025 +:045 Relative Humidities— | | | Glaisher, . : 67 | 70 50 85 69 58 | 49 92 78 66 56 45 Guyot, . ; ah 18 854 (2 89 70 nyt | oe) Bil 75 61 | 48 32 Glaisher-Guyot, .|—16 |—15} |—22 =! =i ae \+10 1 el +3 | +5 sey O13} Above 40° F. (say 4°°5 C.) these differences are not so marked, especially when the air is not very dry. ee | A graphic representation shows this difference at low temperatures even more vividly. In fig. 1 the mass of water vapour per cubic foot is used instead of vapour pressure, and the dot and dash line for 0°87 grain per cubic foot has been plotted from data found in Guyor's tables (Tables VII. and X.). No correction has been made for pressure. The results of the preliminary Observations at Ben Nevis have already been discussed.t From them a diagram was drawn in which the abscisse represent temperatures of the dry-bulb thermometer, the ordinates the difference between the temperatures of dry and wet bulb thermometers, and the mass of water is noted for each experiment. It was found that they could be used for the construction of three straight lines drawn through points representing 0°5, 1°0, and 2°0 milligrammes of water vapour per litre of air. (See fig. 1.) * Except in the comparison of GniaisHer and Guyot’s tables, the barometric and vapour pressures are expressed in millimetres of Mercury, and the temperatures are given in C’. + See Proc. R.S.E., xx. pp. 176-184 ; Journ. Scot. Met. Soc., x. pp. 41-49. 533 HYGROMETRIC RESEARCHES. > Q Baan oe \ i oe Ea oe ine i = aa a Ls g IN al hue) ie) tS Leal oO Ly) a) ™ a ral ita) ind i) 9 o Le} a 8 & N N ne + | \ : \ ay Lal = \ \ \ \ . \ a \\ \ \ \ Y \ ‘ ao an \ =\ A \ \ ae wo Bye ae E is \ | ae aie ala fis] \ Be a me. = i ae = 7 7 = = = gyOLD¥J SUAHSIVIFE) AG AAONSLYA off Saldv] SYaHSIVIE) eT aa (sney sod) BIAWyo] SLinvNDA YY SLNAWINSdX] SIAANY NAG = C= paleo 9 we Pee (2) + o ¢ bay iy o 5 we i€ o be % St “(canra) diy so “loo4 DIGND Vv ANI “SNIWUD mt UNOdVA MALY M ao LNNOWV/ aHl anv ‘ (saiwviayd) XA aHL wowd AYNLWYAd WS] TING LAM ™ 2 TINLAWdaC] + “(yssiosay) WINS + 2o AMALWAAdWS 21 sszte SNOILVIDYY mses WYUDVIC] 534 MR A. J. HERBERTSON ON Assuming these lines to be parallel and equidistant, which they approximately are, their equation is (when ¢ is the temperature of the dry-bulb thermometer in centigrade degrees, t—¢’ the difference between it and that of the wet-bulb one, and w is the weight of water vapour per litre of air expressed in milligrammes) #—t=4 (t+ 20) — 18w. Jomparing GLAISHER’s and Guyor’s lines for 1°31 grain per cubic foot together, it is seen that from 20°°3 F. to over 31° F. GuaIsHER gives a smaller difference between dry and wet readings for the same quantity of water vapour, and that at a temperature below 36° F., and for all above it, the conditions are reversed, and GuyorT needs a smaller difference; and lastly, that at about 42° F. GuaisHmr’s curve for 1°31 cuts Guyor's for 0°87. Otherwise expressed, this may be summarised by saying that at temperatures below the freezing-point GLAISHER gives much lower dew-points (7.e. his factors are too high), and above 35° F. (1°'7 C.) his dew-points are higher (z.e. his factors are too low), compared with those derived from ReGNAvLt’s formule, as well as with those obtained by Dr H. N. Dickson ;* and further, that the present experiments show analogous results. The differences at the higher temperatures are by no means so marked, and at the ordinary temperatures and humidities of low- level stations in our islands the two tables give more concordant results. Such divergencies might be explained were some influence neglected by one or boa of these distinguished men, which modified the results. RecGNnavuLt suspected that the speed of the wind would affect the temperature to which the wet bulb is lowered by evaporation, and made observations to test this, but did not consider it necessary to make any correction in ordinary circumstances. Sworykin t gives the influence of wind on the factor necessary to convert wet bulb departures into dew-point departures as follows :— 4 16 10 oa | Speed of wind in metres per second, . Oe 0'Sa | 1 2 | | Percentage variation of factor, . «Olio e249 So that in calm, or almost calm weather, the condition of the air round the wet bulb is markedly different from that of the surrounding air, which forms the atmosphere around the bulb when there is current enough to constantly remove the water evaporated from the muslin-covered surface of the bulb.{ The divergencies in the tables arise from the observations on which they were based not being comparable, those made in a calm being treated exactly as those made in windy weather. This, too, explains why, at low temperatures and humidities, * Proceedings R.S.E., vol. xiii, p. 958. 7 Treated in Professor Assmann’s paper, Abhandluny Konigl. Preuss. Meteorology. Inst., i. 234, 1892. t Reference may be made to the work of Professor Hazen and others in America, and to that of Professor ASSMANN an: others in Germany, eee | | (i. HYGROMETRIC RESEARCHES S325) GLAISHER’s tables should be so markedly different from those based on ReGNavLt’s formule, for the factors rapidly increase in value below the freezing-point, and the effect of wind under such conditions becomes much more noticeable. The wet bulb thermometer in an ordinary screen is an unsatisfactory instrument in calm or almost calm weather, and to obtain reliable results, some means of causing air currents to pass 1t must be devised. There are two ways of doing this, (a) by moving the thermometer through the air, as DE SAussuRE and Espy did, or (6) by moving the air past the thermometer, follow- ing the example set by BrLii in 1830. American meteorologists have discarded the stationary for the sling-psychrometer, and the tables published in the new edition of the Smithsonian Tables are intended for the reduction of observations made by swung instruments.* The psychrometric tables in the Smithsonian collection are calculated from a formula of the late Professor FERREL :--- + f =f —0°000660 (t—7’) p {1-+0°00115 (¢—#')}, the symbols having the same meaning as in ReGNAULt’s formule on page 531. The sling-psychrometer should be continuously whirled ‘for one minute at the rate of 8 metres per second, or for two minutes at the rate of 8 metres per second, in order to attain the true temperature of evaporation.’ { Under such circumstances, differences due to the shape and size of the thermometer bulb also vanish.§ But in these in- vestigations the temperature observations are usually made every minute, and sometimes oftener, and only rarely every two minutes. And this could not be done were a sling- psychrometer used, except by employing another observer. Therefore the aspiration- psychrometer was chosen, as the clockwork was sufficiently powerful to keep the ventilating fan in action for nine minutes, and a few turns of a key wound it up again when nearly run down. A description of the aspiration-psychrometer of Professor AssMANN of Berlin used in the following experiments may be given. Each thermometer near the bulb is surrounded by double tubes nickelled inside and outside, the outer tubes being bent round to join each other, and then form a single tube which passes parallel to and between the two thermometer stems to a chamber with a ventilating fan which is worked by superposed clockwork. ‘The fan draws the air past the bulbs at a rate of 25 metres per second, and the clockwork requires to be wound every nine or ten minutes to keep the air-current constant. The nickelled tubes * Swinging need not be in a vertical plane, but may be in a horizontal one. A simple arrangement may be used whereby the thermometers may be mechanically turned in a horizontal plane round a vertical axis. + W. Ferret. Annual Report of Chief Signal Officer for 1886, Appendix 24. t Curvetanp AsBi— Meteorological Apparatus and Methods, p. 375. Annual Report of the Chief Signal Officer for 1887, Appendix 46. Washington, 1888. § AssMANN. Paper cited above, i. 114-270. 536 MR A. J. HERBERTSON ON prevent any radiation affecting the bulbs, and the apparatus may be held by the hand just over the bulbs without affecting the temperature reading, but care must be taken that the current of air drawn past the bulbs is not heated in any abnormal way. Professor Sprung of Berlin, by means of direct dew-point and gravimetric determinations, has arrived at the following formula for reducing observations made by the Assmann aspiration-psychrometer :— . Po Uo ) 755 ; which is practically identical with that given by Professor FERREL. The tables calculated from these formule: may be used for expressing dry and wet bulb readings as vapour pressures, provided the air was moving at least at 24 metres per second. In the reduction of observations made with stationary instruments hung in a Stevenson’s screen, the same tables could be used for readings made in windy weather; but, in more or less calm conditions, a considerable correction would need to be applied to the departure of the wet bulb before any approximately accurate determination of vapou pressure could be calculated. The rapid variation of this correction in almost calm air makes it doubtful if the ordinary estimates of wind speed are sufficiently minute to give complete confidence in the results of its application under such conditions. Comparison of Dry and Wet Bulb Records in Stevenson Screen and Aspiration- Psychrometer under Different Weather Conditions. The observations made at Ben Nevis and Fort-William during the course of the winter investigations have been tabulated under different wind forces, the differences in C° between the readings of the dry and wet bulb thermometers exposed in the ordinary Stevenson screen and those of the aspiration-psychrometer, at different forces of the wind, are summarised in the following table :-— Force of the Wind (1-12.) (0) | 0-1 1 1-2 2 & over | Ben Nevis Observatory— | C° Cc Cc (OF | Cc Dry (Stevenson—Aspiration) Readings . 4+- 0°31 + 0:27 — 0:04 — 0:09 — 021 Wet do. do. .| + 0°62 + 0°39 + 0°14 + 0:17 — 0°16 Departure of Wet from Dry do. 4 — 031 — 0712 — 018 — 0°26 — 0:05 Fort-William Observatory— Dry (Stevenson—Aspiration) Readings .| + 0°51 + 0°49 + 0°34 + 0°32 + 0 Wet do. do, : + 0°61 + 0°61 + 0°44 +044 +0°28 Dry—Wet do. do. , — 0:10 == (2) — 0°10 — 0°12 — 0 HYGROMETRIC RESEARCHES. 537 This table shows that both dry and wet bulb thermometers give lower readings in the aspiration-psychrometer when the air is still or comparatively so, and that this affects the wet bulb more than the dry bulb. On Ben Nevis, however, both the Stevenson screen instruments gave lower readings than those of the aspiration- psychrometer with winds over force 2, and the dry bulb with winds of force 1 and over. This suggests that thermometers should, when tested, be compared with standard instruments in air currents of different speeds as well as in a calm room. Wind, however, is not the only modifying factor to be considered. In foggy weather at the summit of Ben Nevis the two thermometers give similar records even in calm weather, but when the air is dry and the Sunshine considerable, differences of temperatures are registered. The following table has been prepared from the more continuous hourly observations at both summit and base stations. The differences between the readings of the dry bulb thermometers in the Stevenson screen and of the aspiration-psychrometer are shown at different hours, and the fog, force of wind (scale 0—12), and Sunshine (scale 0 —4), are noted. The influence of wind in promoting uniformity of records is clearly shown in this table. Compare the Ben Nevis records on the 12th, 17th, and 18th, after 10 hours on the 10th September 1894. On these days the Sun was unclouded. On the 12th, when the air was still, the Stevenson screen thermometer indicated a temperature averaging 0°34 C. above that of the aspiration-thermometer. On the other days, when the wind varied from force 1—2 to force 4, the temperature indicated by the Stevenson screen instrument averaged 0°10 C. below that of the aspiration-psychrometer. The same results are obtained at Fort-William. Compare, for instance, the calm sunny 11th September 1893 with the equally sunny 18th May 1894, when the wind force varied from 2—3 to 3—4. The average difference of temperature readings in Stevenson screen and aspiration-psychrometer was + 0°70 C. on the calm day, but only + 0°20 C. on the windy one. The influence of the Sun on the differences of the readings is equally notable unless the wind is strong. When observations made in fog or in winds over force 2 are eliminated, an almost smooth curve of differences is obtained with a maximum excess in the Stevenson screen readings at 13 hours. At both stations higher temperatures are most marked in the Stevenson screen between 11 and 17 hours, and can be explained by the heating of this screen. In the early morning and towards and after sunset the differences between the two differently situated thermometers are not so great at Fort-William, but that in the Stevenson still is the higher, whereas at Ben Nevis the Stevenson screen thermometer reads lower than that in the aspiration- psychrometer. ‘This may be a function of radiation. During foggy or misty weather the two thermometers give very similar readings at all hours, even when the air is calm. Eliminating the effects due to the heating or cooling of the Stevenson screen, the TRANS. ROY. SOC. EDIN.—VOL. XLIII. 3 Y ON HERBERTSON J. MR A. 538 oJ UGIM “Gg woa synd uIeM 7 F105 ‘Y “AtoqwaresqQ purtaq uMcp uns ‘volo e Joy surssed 000 ‘uaerog uosuedeyg ut ATAoTs ATO ynq ‘rejouoayaAsg-To0I4 ‘Surssed qstu ‘f “4st ‘a 0 9 a7) a1) ‘ung 0 0 0 0 ‘pul 7 a S sf S ‘ang "S-T ‘GT ‘“G-T ‘@-T ‘S-1 “PULA ‘poder ou ‘Ff ‘F ‘pF ‘ung ‘prooed ou ‘g-Z ‘g-Z ‘-Z ‘PULAN” 0 0 9 0 0 ‘ang ‘T-0 ‘0 ‘1-0 ‘1-0 ‘T-0 ‘PUIM 'P 7 > os ‘ang 0 0 9 oft) “put Pp F ‘Pp ‘- ‘fF > % 0 ‘ang ‘Pp fe fe Fe elie Goal Oc Cie Ca CUMULLAN ‘0 ‘e ‘0 ‘0 “+0 0 ‘+7 ‘—T ‘e ‘S ‘S oa ‘ung yt ie GEO Te TL MT ‘T-0 ‘+0 ‘+0 ‘T ‘T ‘3-1 “PULA ‘O-F ‘F % % % % > ‘a % ‘ Ti ‘ang Fee Vat 1 iO) Fe SPO ‘+0 ‘1-0 ‘T ‘T ‘T-0 ‘T ‘PULA ‘y= S$ ‘T-0 = M ‘10.1— $619 ‘0‘1 % A 0 oT iG a +e ‘oe ‘% ‘ang 0 a 0 af) Oe aT Gale IO -OnGeL ak DUCA 0 0 % ‘e on 0 ‘uns 1‘0 ‘e 7 > FS ‘> ‘ang ‘tT ‘t ‘0 ‘0 G ‘G-T ‘3 ‘PUIM —— ————_——- *S040 NT oo > oO &6-0— SL-0— GP-0— 9LI—| p88.1— 61 97-0-+ 9¢-0— ¢0-0-+ cal #2 al 5% $.0 8.0 9.0 8.0 80+] eL0+] 20+] 62-0 tz 3 z FI Zot oil LL F.0 Z0-0—| ZI-O+] 620+] F-0-+ 9L-0-+ 6B.0+ 4 IL-0— 0z-o+| +¥0-0—] 10-0-+ 98-0-+ GP-0-+ 0L0—| 9L0— a yPG0F | 9900+ | 9%-0— ght or | ysh0— eLo+| 8z-0-+] #4-0+ 0F-0— pi90t rv ot 41-0-- | Zr-O+, 88-0+| oFO+] 88-04+ . 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O) PULA | 9 = QO Ose in 160+) 4004+) IL0+| ¢6-0-+] stot] re0+] ~~ LL0+| ILo+] 6 — i) ‘gas ‘Surqjes “pF “F 5 ‘5-5 ‘b ‘—p ‘b ‘—P ‘eg ‘+e ‘ung | e ‘6-1 = M 09.0— = V 08.91 NI) SUS Ss eat © ‘S-T ‘T ‘T-0 ‘T-0 ‘0 ‘0 ‘palm | 90:0-+-| 09:0--| 08:0-F| ¢80-+ | ¢¢0-) 92. +) £40] 780+] 604+) “* 600+] 020+] #F a4 “qos °Z fe ‘7 ‘—p HT ‘=p ‘syug ung | Ss ‘) 1-0 ‘T-0‘T-0 ‘1-00 ‘0 ‘PUL | 9604) VO G6-0+]| I+) Shot] OF-0+] 9F0+}] ~~ 298 Pi g fe) aa] *BuTqJ08 % ‘9 ‘% ae 4 ‘G ‘ang 4 el C= Te nm Ia On DOU is a 1%-0+| 22.0+| 280+ 390+] 470+] 920+) ~~ Ss = af sp Z —_-aaqtueydag oa ‘0 ‘a ‘3 ‘e ‘+8 ‘g ‘ung ‘6-1 ‘6-1 6-1 I-00 +0 PUM | ~~” GTiOae || @icOar || °* a 810+] OF-0+] 960+] #6.0+]) ~ = a 66 ‘0 a ‘e SF ‘ang 0 ‘% ‘G-0 ‘T-0 ‘pum | OLO+] ILO+|] 930+] goo) ~~ ~ a oa a cee a ie 8% 9 ‘a T 0 af) ‘ang ‘GI-0 ‘0 ‘1-0 ‘6-1 ‘pura, os a a pe ee 02-0} 99:0--| 6204+] 820+] Geot}| -" * te 9 ‘HET oy AuUNG “64eSxUITG Ung Gaal ‘6-1 ‘6-1 ° ‘I ‘1-0 ‘T-0 “Pur zi < (Bt 6-0-+ | Gb0+| 960+) 060+] 940+) —” 1G O=t) G% | | "HOS 3 Jdeoxe otUTy Jo sour UG | | | SLOG Ls TOG 1s TO BULAN Gs Ones ence ee tik waa re0+| ~“" | 60+} 80} Gr-04+] 9.0] ~~ s a ¥G qsusny | | | "S681 "SyIVULOY 0% 61 st LT 91 GI iat el ae IT OL 6 8 ‘sino “WVITTILM -LIO7 ‘panuijqvuoo— SNOLLVAUESAO ATOG AUG AO SHONAYAAAIG AO NOSIYVdWNOO i i ee 540 MR A. J. HERBERTSON ON differences between the readings of the two dry bulb thermometers cannot be explained by different wind speeds, although such a factor must be taken into account in the case of moistened bulbs. These differences really indicate different sensitivenesses of two instruments exposed to similar variations in the atmosphere under slightly different conditions. In persistent fog and steady strong winds the erial conditions remain uniform and the temperature differences of the two instruments are small, This is shown in the minute to minute records of table. On the other hand, in clear calm weather the physical conditions of the atmosphere vary greatly and rapidly, especially at such a station as Ben Nevis, where air may come from below as well as from all sides and from above.* No doubt under such circumstances the two thermometers are not in identical atmospheres, but the minute to minute observations indicate that on the whole their progressive readings have a similar trend, but that the aspiration-psychrometer is more sensitive to change than that shut in the Stevenson screen. This extra sensitiveness of the aspiration-thermometer is shown in the hourly observations tabulated above, and some of its successive records may be examined before proceeding to discuss minute to minute variations. A very remarkable instance of the value of the aspiration-psychrometer is seen at 19 hours on 2nd September 1893 at the summit station. A slight fog enveloped or lay just above the summit at 16, 17, and 18 hours, but cleared before the 19 hours’ observation. The aspiration-psychrometer dry bulb rose from 6°18 C. to 8°°52 C., and the wet bulb fell from 6°:08 C. to 3°°56 C. The instruments in the Stevenson screen, however, were not affected to this extent. ‘The Stevenson wet bulb reacted to the drier air, falling from 6°28 C. to 3°°89 C., but the dry bulb scarcely moved, rising from 6°'28 C. only to 6°67 C. At 20 hours the readings were :— Aspiration-psychrometer, dry, 7°28 C.; wet, 5°-41 C.; Stevenson screen, dry, 6°'11 C.; wet, 5 "Ll ¢, This lowness of the Stevenson screen dry bulb is probably to be explained by the dampness of the Stevenson screen. On 3rd September 1893, after a series of variations which can be correlated with changes in the fog, the difference between the Stevenson and aspiration-thermometers suddenly altered from + 0°65 at 16 hoursto — 0°49 at 17 hours, owing to the fog sinking after the 16 hours’ observation. The warmer air caused the Stevenson screen temperature to rise from 9°:00 C. to 12°:44 C., we, 8°°44 C., but it imereased that of the aspiration- psychrometer from 8°°35 C. to 12°°93 C., 2.2. 4°°58 C. The minute to minute readings made during the present investigations afford an even more valuable means of comparing the relative sensitivenesses of the dry and wet bulb thermometers in the aspiration-psychrometer and the Stevenson screen during rapidly changing conditions of temperature and humidity. Taking Ben Nevis, No. 161, as an * Cf. J. Y. Buchanan, Proc. R.S.H., lvi. 108; R. C. Mossman, Proc. B.S.H. lvi. 108. HYGROMETRIC RESEARCHES. 541 example of one of the most notable records of rapid variation, the following table is obtained :— Change per Minute. | | | Average Time 162 5m 6 Te eS 9 10 11 | neglecting signs, Dry Bulb— in Aspiration-Psychrometer .| 13°60 | +0°25| —0-20) —0-60| +0:00) +0°45 -+0-20 0:28 in Stevenson Screen : . | 18°83 | 0°00} —0°22; —0717) +0:06| 40:00 +011 0:09 Wet Bulb— in Aspiration-Psychrometer 8°80 | +0:20| ==0:00; +045) +0°65) —2:30 —0-90 0°75 in Stevenson Screen : ; 844 | +017) +0:22| +0-23) +088) —1:55 —061 0°61 Departure of Wet Bulb from Dry— | Aspiration-Psychrometer . : 4°80 | +005) —0:20) —1:05| —0°65) +2:75 41:10 0:97 Stevenson Screen . : : 5:39 | —0-717| —0:44 | —0°40| —0°82|) +155, 40°72 0°68 From this it is obvious that the instruments in the aspiration-psychrometer change more rapidly and to greater extremes. The change per minute in the dry bulb in the air current varies from —0°6 to +0°45, or, neglecting signs, averages 0°28 per minute, compared with a variation from — 0°22 to +0°11 and’an average of 0°09 per minute in the case of the dry bulb in the Stevenson screen. The wet bulb shows a similar varia- tion in sensitiveness under these different conditions—in the aspiration-psychrometer its variation per minute ranges from — 2°30 to + 0°65, and averages 0°97 ; in the Stevenson screen only from —1'55 to + 0°88, and averages 0°61. The relative humidity, as evidenced by the departure of the wet bulb readings from those of the dry, shows even more marked changes—the aspiration variations being from +2°75 to —1°05, and the average 0°97 per minute; the Stevenson variations being from +1°55 to — 0°44, and the average only 0°68. The higher temperature of the Stevenson screen dry bulb is, as we have seen, a function of the time of day, and the lower humidity registered at the beginning of the observation in the Stevenson screen is probably part of a drier phase still actively affecting the Stevenson screen instruments. Another instance of quicker response to changed atmospheric conditions on the part of the aspiration instrument may be cited. At 20 hours 4 minutes on 2nd September 1893 the aspiration dry bulb thermometer was at 8°:0 C., and fell practically steadily to 6°°8 C. during the next 12 minutes. The Stevenson screen dry bulb, on the other hand, began at 5°°94 C., or ended at 6°17 C. That the former represented the true state of the atmosphere is confirmed by the changes of temperature in the large cylindrical aspirator used for drawing air through the drying tubes. The thermometer in this aspirator sank steadily from 11°'67 C. to 8°-00 C. in the same period. The following table (page 542) shows the range of temperature on Ben Nevis in the minute to minute observations of three different days. The observations lasted, on an average, from 4 to 6 minutes on the first two days, and from 10 to 11 minutes during 542 MR A. J. HERBERTSON ON MINUTE TO MINUTE OBSERVATIONS. Bren NEVIS OBSERVATORY. The Figures are those of the Aspiration-Psychrometer Readings ; but the Range of those made in the Stevenson Screen are given for Comparison. Dry. Wet. Notes. No.| Date and Hour. (See Tables for other weather.) Max. Min. Range. | Range. Max. Min. Range, | Range. Asp. Psy.| Asp. Psy.| Asp. Psy. | Stev. Scr.| Asp. Psy.| Asp. Psy.| Asp. Psy. | Stev. Ser. 1898. H. M. C° C° Cc Cc C C° Cc Gi 153| Sept. 4— 8 6-13 11:10 10°60 0°50 0°06 5°20 4°45 0°75 O44 Stones dry throughout. Sun, 2. Wind, 1. 154 9 1-4 11°80 11°60 0°20 0:06 4°10 3°65 0°45 0:06 Sun, 2, only 3 minutes. Wind, 0-1. 155 10 3-9 12°85 12°58 0°27 O11 4°00 3°25 0°75 0-17 Sun, 2. Wind, 1. 156 11 1-6 13°00 12°70 0°30 0-17 5-10 4°20 0°90 0°50 Sun, 2-4. Wind, 1. 157 12 4-11 13°50 12°25 125 0°50 7°65 5°58 2°07 1:28 Sun, 4 (full). Wind, 0-1. 158 13 4-10 13:00 12°20 0°80 0:22 9°20 7°00 2°20 1°39 Sun, no record. Wind, 0 or 0-1. 159 14 2-8 14°20 13°30 0:90 0:22 9°65 7°70 1-95, 1:00 Sun, no record. Wind, 0 or 0-1. 160 15 1-10 14°10 13°20 0°90 0°50 9°90 6°30 3°60 ite5i Sun, no record. Wind, 1. No observa- tion at 15H. 4M. 161 16 5-11 13°85 13°05 0°80 0°39 10°10 6°90 SPO) le 207k/ Sun, 4. Wind, 0-1. 162 17 3-7 | 14°00 13°40 0°60 0°33 6:80 6°40 0°40 0:22 | Sun, 4, but low. Wind, 1. 163 18 2-8 11°85 11°40 0°45 0-06 7°20 6°20 1:00 0-17 Wind, 1-2. 164 19 3-8 11°20 11°05 0:15 0-11 7°05 6°85 0°20 O11 Wind, 1-2. Mean Range 0°59 0°23 1°46 0-76 172) Sept. 11—8 0-5 1°30 2) 0°05 0:28 0°30 0°20 0°10 O-11 Stones 4, dry 4, hoar frost. Sun, 4, Wind, 1-2. 173 9 4-9 1:90 1-80 0°10 0:06 0°80 0°60 0:20 O11 Stones dry. Sun, 4. Stevenson only 4 minutes. Wind, 1. , 174 10 5-19 3°00 2°60 0°40 0°50 1°70 1°45 0°25 O44 Stevenson only 4 minutes. Wind, 1. 175 ll 0-6 3°85 2°60 1:25 0°56 2°45 1°50 0°95 0°39 | f°° rising to s¢ and passing. Wind, 0. 176 12 4-10 3°40 2°70 0°70 0-11 3°10 2°45 0°65 O11 | f° all round, and passing, Wind, 0 or 0-1. 177 13 2-8 4°70 3°50 1°20 0°67 3°40 2°50 0:90 O72 Cum. 7, overhead. Sun, 1-2. Wind, 0-1. 178 13°59-14°6 4°70 3°20 1°50 O61 | 4:20 2°60 0°60 056 | f°° overhead and passing. Sun, 0. Wind, 1. 179 1 827, 5°60 4°00 1°60 OO) 4°40 3°40 1°00 0-61 Sun, 0-2. Rise of 1°°3 in dry, and 0°°8 | in wet, in last minute. Wind, 1. 180 16 4-12 3°90 3°25 0°65 0°28 | + 3°50 2°65 0°85 0:28 |f°° passing. Sun, 0. Stones dry. No | observation at 16H. 7M. Wind, 1-2. 181 17 2-10 3°45 2°60 0°85 0°39 3°25 2°25 1:00 O44 f°? passing. Wind 0 or 0-1, 182 18 1-5 3°80 3°45 0°35 0°17 2°60 2°20 0°40 0-11 No record of fog. Stones dry. Wind, 1.| 183 19 4-9 3°25 3°20 0°05 O'L1 1°85 1°80 0°05 0:06 Sun down. Wind, 1. Mean Range . 4 As ie 0°72 a) 0°35 OF 000 0°66 F 0°83 5 1894. 185 | Sept.10*—8 0-11 6°90 6°60 0°30 0-17 0:00 —0°40 0°40 O-11 Sun, 0. Wind, 2-3. 186 9 0-11 7°70 7°20 0°50 0°39 —0°'90 —1°40 0°50 0°33 Sun, 2. Wind, 2-3. 187 10 30-39 9°35 8°95 0°40 0°22 —0°60 —0°80 0°20 0°06 Sun, 4. Wind, 1-2. 188 11 30-40 9°25 9°00 0°25 0°33 —0°40 —0 75 0°35 0:22 Sun, 4. Wind, 1-2. No observation at 11°36. 189 12 30-41 10°20 9°40 0°80 0°39 +0°40 —0°30 0°70 O11 Sun, 24. Wind, 3. 190 13 30-40 10°20 9°30 0°90 0°83 +0°40 —0°20 0°60 0°22 Sun, 4. Wind, 3. 191 15 30-40 10°70 9°70 1°00 100. | +0°40 —0°10 0°50 0°50 Sun, 4. Wind, 3. 192 16 30-39 6°90 9°00 0°60 0°56 —0°20 —0°'60 0°40 O'11 Sun, 4. Wind, 4. Mean Range. “ oe ae 0°40 0°32 a ar 0°30 O14 * Note :—Average duration of each set of Observations inuch longer at this date. HYGROMETRIC RESEARCHES. 543 the third day. On the calm, sunny 4th September 1898 the range of dry bulb tempera- ture was considerably greater in the case of the dry bulb and nearly five times as great in the case of the wet bulb than on the sunny but windy 10th September of the following year. The dry bulb range was greatest on the 11th September 1893, when fog was constantly passing, and the temperature conditions very variable from foggy to the clear spells. The humidity on the 11th September, however, was great, and the range of wet bulb variations was less than half that of the 4th September. The range of the thermometers in the Stevenson screen was roughly one-half that of the aspiration-thermometers, except in the case of the windy 10th September 1894, when it was as much as four-fifths. From all these examples it is clear that in dry and almost calm weather, when the aerial conditions vary most, considerable differences of temperature are registered by a Stevenson screen and by a thermometer past which air is aspirated, and that the aspiration instrument responds more rapidly to changes in the temperature of the atmosphere. In the case of the wet bulb thermometer, the same general law of the greater sensitiveness of the aspiration arrangement holds, but it has to be modified by a con- sideration of the influence of the passing air on evaporation. In the case of the aspiration instrument this is constant ; in the case of the Stevenson screen it is variable. In the latter, in windy weather, the air is constantly renewed, and the conditions as far as regards this one factor resemble more closely those of the aspiration-psychrometer, and the results are comparable. They are all the more so, as we have seen, that the air is well mixed, and more uniform in its properties under such conditions, but an allowance must be made for the greater sensitiveness of the aspiration instrument. The value of the aspiration instrument in times of calm, clear weather, when atmospheric conditions may vary considerably both in space and time, is obvious. It indicates the humidity of the air in such a way that the results can be compared with those taken under windier conditions. Stevenson screen thermometers indicate in addition the influence of the wind, or want of wind, on the rate of evaporation from a moistened surface. For physical determinations the aspiration instruments give much the more satisfactory results. It may be urged that the unventilated thermometers give nearer indications of the physiological effects of humidity in calm conditions, such as those by factories ; but it would be better, both from the point of view of human health and of the behaviour of organic fibres under different temperatures and humidities, that the use of aspiration or sling-psychrometers should entirely replace that of stationary instruments. Any evaluations of the physiological effect can be deduced from these as adequately as from those of the fixed and unventilated thermometers. 544 MR A. J. HERBERTSON ON Dry and Wet Bulb Thermometers, and Mass of Water Vapour. Instead of determining the relationship between dry and wet bulb readings and those of a condensation-hygrometer in moving air, and thence deriving the vapour pressure, comparisons may be made directly between the dry and wet bulb temperatures and the mass of water vapour arrested by some desiccator through which the air is drawn ; and this was carried out in the present research. The ordinary meteorological elements were observed in the ordinary way during each experiment, and an Assmann aspiration-psychrometer was used to obtain dry and wet bulb readings, in addition to the stationary thermometer in a Stevenson screen. As a rule, temperature readings were taken every minute during each experiment. A 6-inch U-tube, with a small bulb blown at the bend and an L piece of narrower tubing fused to one arm, was filled with granulated pumice, which had been washed with sulphuric acid and then heated until fumes ceased to be given off. A second piece of narrow tubing, shaped C, was next fused to the free arm (see fig. 2, @). Afterwards pure sulphuric acid was sucked in, and allowed to drain off; and the narrow To Aspirator. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. part of the tube was cleaned. After trying various expedients, the tubes were stopped by a glass cover held in its place by a narrow band of india-rubber, which prevented any leakage (see fig. 2, b). The tubes were joined by keeping the free ends close together by means of a piece of tightly fitting india-rubber tubing (see fig. 2, ¢). Three capped tubes were weighed, one against weights, and each of the other two against this standard tube and weights combined. The standard tube went through the same experiences as the other tubes, except that the caps were never removed. The other two tubes were then joined in series, and a third tube attached which pre- vented any vapour from the aspirator reaching the weighed tubes. Whenever the second of the two tubes began to gain more than a few tenths of a milligramme in weight, the first tube was rejected and a new one inserted. It was found advisable to draw air through a new tube, or one which had not been in use for some time, before using it in any determination. In the earliest experiments, Muencke’s reversible aspirator or a 14-litre bottle were used as aspirators.” * Of. Proceedings R.S.E., xx., p. 177 ff., where tables and account of prelimiaary experiments will also be found. HYGROMETRIC RESEARCHES. 545 In most experiments the aspirators were iron cylinders with conical tops, through the bung of which a glass connection-tube and a thermometer were inserted. The volume of water run out was measured at first by noting the amount in the aspirator, which had been determined previously when filled to a mark on the glass tube, and either completely emptying the aspirator or measuring the water left; or, in later experiments, by running the water from the aspirator into another similarly-shaped vessel until it reached the level of a mark made on a glass tube projecting from it. In later experiments, the iron cylinder was wrapped in flannel to keep the temperature more equable. The volume of water run from the aspirator does not precisely represent the volume of air drawn through the tubes. The air entering the tubes contains some water vapour, which is arrested in the tubes, and that entering the aspirator is dry air. The atmosphere inside the aspirator, however, is saturated with vapour from the water which was in the aspirator. The ordinary atmospheric pressure, p, is ultimately that inside the aspirator. In the free atmosphere the pressure of the dry air is p —e, where e is the vapour pressure calculated from the tables, from the dry and wet bulb temperatures ¢, ¢’; whereas that of the dry air inside the aspirator is p—E, where E is the pressure of saturated vapour at the aspirator temperature T. Hence, to obtain the volume v of dry air drawn through the tube in the current atmospheric conditions, the volume of water V run from aspirator must be corrected as follows :— p—E 273+¢ DSN = 5 ey The gain in mass of the drying tubes is divided by this corrected volume, and the mass of water vapour is expressed in grammes per cubic metre, or milligrammes per litre of space dried. At the Ben Nevis Observatory the weight of the tubes used varied from about 3 to 25 grammes. ‘The increase in the weight of the first tube during an experiment varied according to the humidity of the air and the volume of air dried from 0°2691 grammes to 0°0064 grammes. Except in the earlier experiments, when 23'6 litres of water were run from the aspirator, the volume of air dried varied from 26°3 to 29°5 litres. The water was run from the aspirator at the rate of from 1°7 to 42 litres per minute; the average rate being slightly over 3 litres per minute. In the case of Fort-William the weight of the tubes used was from 9 to 25 grammes. The first tube gain varied from 0°2715 to 01080 gramme during an experiment, and, in the case of the experiments in January 1894, as low as 0°0597 gramme. The number of litres of air dried in an experiment varied from 21°9 to 24°5; in experi- ments 8 to 97 and after experiment 117, from 26°6 to 28°5. ‘The rate at which the water ran from the aspirator was from 2°2 to 6°0 litres per minute; the average being about 4 litres per minute. At Montpellier the apparatus was not quite so suitable for the work as that used at the Ben Nevis Observatories, and the aspirators were smaller. The tubes varied from TRANS. ROY. SOC. EDIN.—VOL. XLIII. 37 546 MR A. J. HERBERTSON ON 5°6 to 31°6 grammes in weight, and the increase during an experiment varied from 0°0316 to 0°2026 gramme for the first tube. The average rate of aspirations was 0-9 to 3°3 litres per minute. Here the average increase in weight of tube II., omitting cases where the gain was obviously due to the exhaustion of tube I., is 4°3 milli- erammes. At Fort-Wilham this was still lower than at Ben Nevis. At Montpellier the gain was much greater in tube II. ; the tubes not retaining their drying properties nearly so long. In the Ben Nevis experiments an error of 1 milligramme in the weighing would make an error of from 0°4 to 15°6 per cent. in the mass of water vapour measured, in Fort-William experiments one from 0°4 to 0°9 per cent., and in those at Montpellier an error of from 0°5 to 3:2 per cent. At Ben Nevis, however, the very dry conditions which made the first tube gain so little that a milligramme would have produced a large percentage error, were not common. In the final results at Ben Nevis and Fort-William, when expressed in grammes of vapour per cubic metre of air aspirated, the percentage of error will be only about one-fiftieth of the values given above, supposing the column of air aspirated is correctly determined. The various measurements of the capacity of the aspirators did not differ by 0°01 litre, giving a possible error of 0°04 per cent. in the measurement of the volume of water run out at Fort-William, and 0°03 per cent. at Ben Nevis. An error of 1° C. in estimating the temperature of the air inside the aspirator at Fort- William would lead to an error of less than 0°02 per cent. in the calculation of amount of air. To study the results of the later determinations—314 in number—a diagram was constructed, the air temperatures being drawn along one axis, and the departure of the wet bulb from the dry along the perpendicular one and the mass of vapour in each cubic metre of the atmosphere written at each point thus fixed. The results are not numerous enough to permit curves connecting points of similar value being drawn with absolute precision. On the same diagram there was drawn a series of lines derived from SPRUNG’s formula :— eff ya ne Pa al ) oEE reckoning p=755"". The connection between the vapour pressures and the mass of vapour in a cubic metre of the atmosphere was derived from the latest Smthsonian Tables by finding the temperatures at which saturated vapour had a mass of 2, 4,6 . . grammes per cubic metre, and then the pressures of saturated water vapour at these temperatures. The experimental results, whether they were obtained at high or at low levels, agree with the general trend of these lines. HYGROMETRIC RESEARCHES. 547 From the dry and wet bulb records the mass of water vapour has been calculated by the formula— m=m' —4 (ti—?7), where m is the mass per cubic metre required, m’ that of saturated water vapour at v’. The following table shows the differences between these calculated values and those directly determined at low levels :— | Total Deviation, neglecting Signs. Amount. No. Grammes per cubic metre. Ror Willisind oh a ee | 109 0-17 Montoallion io 7 .""5 Rake 38 0:46 The differences are not much altered by a pressure correction, which is very much smaller than the fluctuations observed from hour to hour between calculated and determined values; e.g., with no change of pressure, these fluctuations were at three successive experiments at Fort-William +017, +0°20, —0°04. Theoretically, if the conception of an atmosphere of water vapour existing inde- pendently of an atmosphere of other gases be allowed, no such correction should appear in measuring the mass of vapour in a cubic metre of space; but there might be a small correction due to the slightly greater ease of vaporation in the lower pressures of higher levels. It has been shown by Hann and others that this conception is not tenable. In order to reduce observations at Ben Nevis Observatory from dry and wet bulb readings of an aspiration-psychrometer and a table of masses of saturated water vapour at wet-bulb temperatures and standard pressures, the formula 5 ESN GY m=m'—( 5 as a was employed. That a pressure correction is necessary is shown by such records as pa\ - ; those of experiments 187-189, 191, 192, where m' — =) is a negative quantity with- out. The following table shows the results then obtained, the values derived from the gravimetric determinations, and the differences between the two :— 548 MR A. J. HERBERTSON ON Bren Nevis OBSERVATORY. Difference between the Mass of Water Vapour per cubic metre as determined by Gravimetric Methods, and as calculated from the formula m = m' — REQ Ee Dob) No. of C= Or O= Oa | No. of C= = Experi- | Calculated! Observed Calculated | Observed | C—O. |Experi-|Calculated| Observed | C—O, ments. | Value. Value. Value, Value. | ments, | Value. Value. 133 7:42 7:48 5:98 6°30 — 0°32 195 1°36 1°33 + 0:03 134 | 7:64 781 6°08 non ee 196 2°92 2°92 + 0:00 135°) 713 731 4°70 5:12 | —0-42] 197 | 6-42 6:32 | + 0:10 136 | 7°38 774 4°37 4°46 — 0:09 198 6°34 5:97 + 0°37 137 | 7:46 6:06 5:04 3°96 + 1:08 199 5:78 5:87 — 0:09 Hes Ome ncaa 7°29 4°43 4°13 + 0°30 200 5:99 5:94 + 0:05 139 4°01 4°13 4-4] 4:26 + 0:15 201 6°47 6°37 + 0°10 142 6°77 7°04 4°47 4:62 — 0:15 202 2°25 2°01 + 0:24 143 6:96 6°71 4°61 4:78 — 0:17 203 2:13 2°02 + 0°11 144 | 6°62 7:02 4°85 4:96 — 0:11 204 6°86 6:78 + 0:08 145 7°43 691 5:09 5°32 — 0°23 205 7°48 7:37 + 0:11 146 7:20 7°65 5°68 5°76 — 0:08 206 7:45 7°38 + 0:07 147 | 7:60 791 5:50 5°73 — 0°23 207* 1:72 1:08 + 0°64 148 7°64 787 5:82 6°01 — 0:19 208 1°63 1:53 + 0:10 149 7°66 7:90 5°89 5°86 + 0:03 209 2°20 1:98 + 0°22 150 3°33 3°42 5:76 5°65 +011 210*| 2:24 1:62 + 0°62 151 3°99 4:01 5:76 5°78 — 0:02 211%) 3:36 2°53 + 0°83 152 3°74 3°83 5°12 5°13 — 0°01 212 6:00 587 + 0°13 153 5:12 4-492 4°86 4°92 — 0:06 213 4-58 4°39 + 0:19 154 2°87 2°89 5:79 5°91 — 0:12 214 4°73 4°44 + 0:29 155 2°26 2°38 1:69 1°44 + 0:25 215 5:44 5°29 + 0:15 156 3°13 3°20 0°66 0:48 + 0:18 216 5°58 5°36 + 0-22 157 4°87 4-94 0°40 0-40 - 0:00 217 5°56 514 + 0°42 158 6°23 6:05 0:42 0:23 + 0:19 218 574 5-34 + 0°40 159 6°55 6°61 0°38 0°36 + 0:02 219 5:47 5:08 + 0°39 160 6:19 581 0°68 0:47 + 0:21 220 5:49 5:06 + 0:43 161 6°61 6°22 0°43 0°26 + 0:17 221 5°53 5°35 + 0°18 162 4°48 4°21 0°50 0°35 + 0°15 222 5°51 5°05 + 0°46 163 5°58 5°72 2°08 1°65 + 0°43 223 5:54 5°32 + 0:22 164 5°87 5:97 1°25 1:56 — 0°31 The results may be summarized as follows :— Calculated value in Calculated value in excess. defect. Wie San. No difference. No. of Average No. of Average times, excess. times. defect. Experiments 133-183 recorded above . 13 0°45 35 016 0 Experiments 184-223. 35 0:25 3 0-17 2 Total . 48 0:30 38 0-16 Z " These are all very doubtful values of O, as the gain in the second tube was such as to show that the first tube was not acting properly. HYGROMETRIC RESEARCHES. 549 As a new series of experiments was begun with 184, the difference in sign of the larger number of deviations in the two series must be explained by some slight difference in the working. On the dry day of 4th September 1893, Nos. 153-164, the deviations varied from +0°70 to —0°14, and if the first experiment of the day, which has an abnormally large deviation, be eliminated, the deviations vary from +0°39 to —0°14. The greatest variations occurred in the afternoon, when the calculated value for the water vapour exceeded that determined. On 10th September 1894, Nos. 185-192, another very dry day, the deviation varied from 0 to + 0°25. From the present determinations it is not possible to have any certain relationship between these deviations and the time of day. Some of the more excessive deviations are the first for that day, but this is not always the case; some may be due to the lessening of the drying power of a tube in its last experiment. ‘The deviations have also been tabulated according to the departures of the wet bulb from the dry, and eliminating experiments 137, 153 and 169, and the doubtful results of 207, 210, 211, this gives the following table :— Number and Mean Value of Deviations of Observed from Calculated Values of Means of Water Vapour arranged according to Differences between Dry and Wet Bulb Thermometers. Experiments 133-183. | Experiments 184-223. t—t’ + — at as No. Mean value. | No. Mean value. | No. Mean value. | No. Mean value. Under 0°5 5 ‘ 1 0°25 8 0-17 10 0:26 | 0-5 to 1:0 . : " 3 0°22 6 0°28 5 0°16 1 0:09 Onto2Or. ,. --|, 1 | 0:80 8 0-17 4 0:09 2 0-21 20 to 50 . 3 : yy | 0:28 4 0:10 3 0:19 Gro. « «| 3 | Om a 0:07 13* 0-18 1 0-31 The greatest variations are in the cases where dry and wet bulb readings are closest, as the following table shows :— 133-183. 184-223, 133-223. v=t ar = ar = + _ Under 1 : 4 0-23 | 14 0-22 15 0°23 1 0:09 19 0:23 15 0-21 | Over 1 ’ 6 0:28 19 0°12 20 0-16 | 3 0°24 26 0719 22 0°13 | i * In addition two experiments gave the same results of calculation and by direct determination. 550 MR A. J. HERBERTSON ON The difference between calculated and determined values is less under drier conditions, and, as far as the present experiments go, they indicate that the simple formula in the ordinary cases may be accepted as satisfactory. Mass of Water Vapour (Absolute Humidity) under Different Weather Conditions. The determinations made at Montpellier, at Fort-William, and on the summit of Ben Nevis, all agree remarkably—so much so as to give every confidence in the aspira- tion-psychrometer’s action under very different conditions. As has just been remarked, there is no appreciable difference between the results of high and low level determinations, but more experiments are necessary,—especially in warm, dry weather at the top, and in cold, dry weather at the base of Ben Nevis. In the autumn of 1893, simultaneous experiments were carried on at the two Ben Nevis Observatories. Two days may be chosen for the comparison of the water vapour at high and low levels, under very different conditions. The figures for dry and wet bulbs and mass of water vapour per cubic metre at both stations are plotted in the accompanying diagrams. The following table shows the differences between the temperatures of the dry and of the wet bulb thermometers, and the mass of water vapour in a cubic metre of the atmosphere at Fort-William and Ben Nevis at different hours on the 4th and 11th of September 1893 :— Hours. 85 im 29. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 4th September 1893. Dry Bulbs (F.W.—B.N.) C.°, . «| 0°94 | 1°57 ae 3°04 | 3°89 | 4°53 | 3°94 | 5°26 | 4°47 | 3°87 | 4°81 | 4°40 Wet Bulbs do. (Oey Se |) ZENS) |) Gee a 8°83 | 7°50 | 6°55 | 5°95 | 6:92 |: 6°52 | 8°55 | 7°84 | 7°45 Water Vapour do. Grammes per cubic metre, . . | 4°83 | 6°66 ac 7°38 | 5°65 | 5°25 | 4°57 | 5°52 | 5°48 | 7°08 | 5°83 | 5°70 11th September 1893. Dry Bulbs (F.W.—B.N.)6.°, . . | =. | 4°85] ... | 8:09 | 9°40+..9:34 | 9°877| 9°52 |LOTL| ... | ... |) 6°7om Wet Bulbs do. CP. sees PAA 9) 6707 |G" 2R G56. onze ui no bami eae D 6°34 Water Vapour do. | | | Grammes per cubic metre, . .| ... | 1°58 | ... | 2°07 | 1°16 | 1°20 | 1°63 | 1°91 | 2°26 | . | 2°64 On September 11th, the vertical temperature gradient was almost normal save in the early morning, the atmosphere at Fort-William dry, that at Ben Nevis nearly saturated. At Fort-William the amount of water vapour increased until 11 a.M., and fell at noon, rising steadily until 4 pm. At Ben Nevis, except at noon, the water vapour increased until 2 p.m., and fell regularly thereafter except at 5 p.m. The bulges in the curve at noon, 2, and 5 P.M. are explained by the detached fog which appeared in the valleys around the Ben during the forenoon, and rose to the level of the hill top about noon, and just touched at these hours. HYGROMETRIC RESEARCHES. 551 The weather at both stations was dry and warm on September 4th, but the air at the summit was relatively much warmer,—the difference between the two stations varying from 0°'9 to 5°°3. The vapour curve for the low level shows a slow but irregular increase in the mass of water in each cubic metre of air; that for the summit station curves in the same way as the movements of the wet bulb, showing a minimum at 10 A.M., two maxima at 2 and 4 p.m., and a marked minimum at 5 p.m., while at this hour the dry bulb reached a second maxima almost as high as the first at 2 P.M. The vapour present at 7 P.M. in the air at the summit was only 0°41 gramme per cubic metre more than at 8 a.M., but the range for the twelve hours was 2°96 grammes per cubic metre. On both the 4th and 11th September 1893 there was a constant increase in the excess of water vapour at the base station compared with that at the summit until 11 a.M., and then a sudden drop at noon. On the more normal day there was a gradual increase in the amount of water vapour during the forenoon at both stations, but it was much more rapid at Fort-Willam ; whereas, on September 4th, an increase of water vapour took place at the base, but a diminution of it at the summit of the mountain, until between 10 and 11 a.m. On the 11th, from noon onwards, there was a steady increase in this difference, which was very irregular on the afternoon of the 4th, due principally to the variations at the summit station already noted. The atmospheric movements at the summit in radiation weather are very complex, and the mass of vapour is perhaps the most marked index of this variety of aerial samples, which appear to depend on the direction of the air current up or down the side of the mountain. The difference between the mass of vapour per cubic metre at the two stations, under abnormal conditions, varies very much, the more humid atmosphere being pressed down by drier and warmer air flowing in from above, as Mr Omonp has shown, and this concentration of water vapour in the lower regions below the summit of Ben Nevis, acting as a screen, intensifies the abnormal temperature relations between the two stations. At Ben Nevis the boundary between such drier and moister layers must be often well marked, and an observer, in climbing or descending the mountain, might with advantage make observations with the aspiration-psychrometer at intervals of every few hundred feet. The variations are so great that it is obvious that the conception of an independent atmosphere of water vapour following Dalton’s law for a gaseous atmosphere is untenable. In the Montpellier experiments the vapour curve was very uniform, and sometimes remarkably constant. With the aspiration-psychrometer it is possible to carry on work on the summit of Ben Nevis indoors in bad weather, but the observatory is so small that when the weather outside made work impossible, the apparatus could not be properly installed. Mr Rankin has suggested that the aspiration-psychrometer might be employed with advantage in foggy or frosty weather, the air being first drawn through a heated 552 MR A. J. HERBERTSON ON worm before reaching the bulbs. Several experiments were tried, but a stronger fan and clockwork than those in the ordinary instruments are necessary to maintain a satisfactory current of air. By means of this, the amount of supersaturation of the air can be determined, and the humidity determined by a liquid and not an ice-coated bulb in frosty weather. In conclusion, the writer was greatly impressed by the difference between the conditions of the laboratory and the open air. The changes observed in the conditions of the atmosphere increased with the delicacy of the instruments used for investigating its properties. It becomes a practical question what degree of refinement of investiga- tion is most profitable, and the answer will obviously vary according to the problem to be solved. The aspiration-psychrometer gives the means of determining the pressure or mass of water'vapour in the air much more accurately than the ordinary dry or wet bulb thermometer in a Stevenson screen. For an accurate determination of the mass or pressure of water vapour at any minute, undoubtedly the aspiration or sling psychrometer should be used. In calm weather the Stevenson screen thermometers, while indicating the conditions of the air surrounding them, may not give so reliable an indication of the general atmospheric conditions. On the other hand, when the air is changing very rapidly, as so often happens on mountain tops, the more sensitive aspiration-psychrometer responds practically instantaneously to those variations, and the difference of a minute or so in the time of observation may give a considerable difference in the temperatures and humidities, while the Stevenson screen instruments do not show these extremes so clearly, but at any one moment give a reading which is nearer the average. In the case of observations for the humidity of rooms or factories, the aspiration-psychrometer gives the more reliable observations for the determination of vapour mass or pressure, but the stationary thermometers probably yield truer indications of physiological effects; but, as has been pointed out before, the physio- logical influences can be best deduced from aspiration readings correlated with observations of movements of air. The rapid variations of humidity are clearly shown in the records of the ordinary registering hair hygrometer. ‘These are so great that it was found impossible to obtain precise values from the records of this hygrometer at the minutes of any psychrometer reading. In future experiments it might be profitable to use a hair hygrometer with a clock which turned the paper-covered drum in 24 hours or even in a shorter time. Vou. XLII. TEMPERATURES AND WATER VAPOUR AT THE. .BEN NEVIS OBSERVATORIES. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin. xx XIX HIAX IIAX TAX AX AIX TIX 1x 1X x XI TWA (aa ano Leones ) UNOdVA, YSLY al (6D) 81NG LAM (0) SING AY 3° 38nivesdway Seema: eee Sa EPS av fs aa LIWANS "AVITTIAA LYOY 1IIAX IlAX | . eles | Pa a Tt (an) a N ‘N \ o_ a A a} a cae | \ NS, bere ~ ~ ~N TA EN \ as Oo} fo) 7 NEL TELL N N ES oO) Gl _ _ 2 ACiteae: i vA : isp) _ NEEL 4 ‘ vl op | ——— iép) a Soa : LG ie Ms Ps 2 et x i ae a eo [— UNOdVA YALY AA ieee (9) 819g 13% | ar i JIWANS WVITTIM LYO4 dO AUNLVUSAIWAL ica. rime { 0% — 0 x1x HIAX I1AX {AX AX AIX TIA XxX XIX {11AxX TAX TAX AX AIX 111X 11x {xX x xl IIA sunoH sunoyH “E6Bl 49qGWEeIdSS UII HERBERTSON ON MR A. J. 954 ‘op ‘oq poqyeoy le ‘apisyuo 81 LT *(8-0) pueq -uley 91 Dust Par ticles per ic centimetre. cub ‘aUINTOA IOJ SainSy payoeiiooun wor |. I puog oF Of Suissed (30,7 00090} 10 T “0- "IID I ‘0-"II9 Surssed sof 0 Suissed jstu ‘0 0 0 00804 OL “4S “PYIeA0 OT-J 204 { “unp OL “4S 0009 0 Sutssed *y‘Z "0-119, JOM 4S1IN 000 Od € OUD) G 0-11) T 95 to e[F 401 ont T 9-"a10 T “lp @ “UID *(OI-0) prolp ts T§ pue Aro yyuog E18 T-4Tg 07 wye9 T-0 MSS é-T MSS Ts wey) SNOTIVA 0} UI[VO IN SNOLIBA 0} THRO 0 N 09 wyR9 0 N °F wpe 1-0 AN 07 WyRO TON AN IN IN STB \\ NO} WeO wyvo 07 0 N &¢ MNN c-I N 6 MNN ZAIN T MNN 82-899 60.799 00-799 68-699 11.699 GL.E¢9 G9-99 18-1 16-2 G9. 16-9 60-2 TL.9 b0-2 ¥G.6G9 6.899 40-€99 18.299 18-699 89.499 €9.699 87-699 66-699 90.999 &&.999 18.999 G8.a¢9 99.499 99.9¢9 bF.GG9 69.969 19-999 (31-0) PULA, Mass of Vapour per “so. aU Se wk AINSSOTg | cubic metre of Air (grammes). >= i «> = 68-92 TP LZ L1.16 91-16 16-96 G1.96 16-16 99.86 01.8% 8-86 9F-16 UE-9G 88-12 08. 16 *poaqoal 109) F-&G 69-66 | 9112. | 6000. PILZ. | 60-T | 06-8 6-61 09-66 | £91%- | 1000.—| L916. | @F-0 | 89-2 9.06 82-66 | 6202- | 8000. T10G- | 18-0 | 09-2 GALT 09-66 | 6161. ZP6F. &608- | 99-0 | 99-2 LLG 69-66 | 8I8I- | 000. GI8T- |€9-T | 68-2 1-13 69-66 |S6LI- L183. GGOI- | 9-0 | 60-9 I-81. | 69-66 |GI6I- €000. GI6I- | 62-0 | 8&.¢ = = = = ie 90-0 | 6G = = = iG = 28-1 | 86-2 0-1 09-66 | G8IL- | c000. €8II- | 96-F | 29-8 9-01 69-66 | G60. | 0000. G60- | O1-0 | 81-9 Lv. 69-66 | GPIG- | €000- 6E1G- | ST-0 | 62.9 €-61 ¥9-6@ | G1Z- | €000- GGIG- | 19-0 | 6F-L 1-96 v9-66 | GP6I. | £000. GE6I- | 18-0 | 6F-Z 6-91 ¥9-66 | 8L1Z- | F000. PLIZ- | 26-0 | LE-2 6-61 $9.66 | GPOG- | Z000- OF0G- | IT-0 | €9-9 = 79-66 | 9016. | 9000- OOS. | 1Z-0 | 8&2 = 79-66 | P96. | €000- 1923. | O1-0 | 88-9 = #9-66 | €20G- | 0000- €10G- | 68-0 | 63-2 x 79-66 | PP9T- | 0000. PPOL. | LF-L | $8.9 = ¥9-66 | 6690- | 9000. €€90- | €F-L | ST-6 ai $9-6¢ | PFFO-| L000-—| PFPO- | 66-8 | 61-6 = P9-6@ | €9F0- | 000: T9FO- | 08-2 | 9F-8 5 p9-66 | 6LPT. | G000- PLVI- | 89-€ | 96-8 = ¥9-6@ | £180- | ¢000 GI80- | 9L-F | oF-8 ae eae OL 6 8 L 9 g v “1078 *poqe | Ley SB rc] cegna| conn. | $88 | oe -erodway| auimyo,, | *(soaqt[) *SOTLLUBID UL | oyoumoaryodsg paqeudse ary Jo omnyjo, node 107BA\ JO Sse] uor}eudsy OF-€E°ST 8- SPL 89-69 SL 29-89 IL TiS ALS SO) e 69-89'8 9I- £8 FI- €°06 II- L’6r 6I- L'8I HS toot 89-89 "CT 6— I°ST 01-69°E1 9I- 8°&I OI- Ist ON g9-99°ET CEP SITE 19-69 °0L 6I- 8 01 6I-01'6 02-6¢'6T L9-69°8T ‘aqNUlyy pure mmoy ce “e ee “cc *MOIJRAIOSGO jo oully, *panuyuogI—KUOLVAUTSAQ IGAG'T HOIFT SIAAN NaG—'] 555 HYGROMETRIC RESEARCHES. peyeeyy a{NUIUL sey SUI -INp pereeyoaty 8T G16 &8 GLY GLE 067 00ST ¢ 000T “IBA 009 Pulm 00¢ ogg 00F 2 000T 4 000€ 9T OI-g “wing Suissed 9990,7 2 ‘wg Sutssed 9.907 Surssed soz { 0 0 0 0 Suissed Soy § [ *s-"ung 000 Oi 0008 OF “TIS oo QT ‘s-"wINng SulT[ey MOUS § QT SNQUIT\T 00 Of oo J *s-"uIngd) T “10 T“19 6 “UD I “0 @ ‘0-19 P *O-"110 pue ru t@) 6 “UD T “Up G ‘0-110 PU “IID 1 2-*119 8 *O- "11 £ e-"NO 9 “148 pure *d- "119 1°48 pur *0-"119 Z 0-119) 0 OF ‘G “O-"IIQ GT LUss Tasss 1-0 Has I-0 “AeA wpRQ Q IBA |S 10g IN IN GIN I-0 N I AIN N 6-0 “IVA Gi T-0 ‘Iva WN I-0 N LON 6-I MSS ¢-T MS IMX*§ 0s Is 1-0 § 07 wep W][e0 03 [-9 § T-08 IT MS T MSA 1-0 ATA TM 0 MNA TM ‘sue AT AA 0} TITRE uo 030g ral! p9-€99 99.699 v9.99 L¥-E99 6&§-€99 16-699 &6.699 OF-eG9 GT-679 91-899 01-979 88-FF9 oV.bP9 F0-LE9 08-99 GP-099 Lg.099 G8.0S9 &1-199 87.199 ¢8.199 16.199 06.69 16.699 GE.699 OF-699 0-699 19.99 19.699 19.869 &8.&99 &1 8L9I- | 2000- TL9T- | $000. T6G1- | L420. — GZ9T- | 2000. - 6&FI- | 1000. - Ogg. | Fag0. - 6621: | Z000- FOCI | = 9221. | 9000. G9LT- | 8000. 9IT- | 3000. + oogt- | 2000. TOSI. | €T00- G9LT- | 2000. 9FL1- | 1000. 9€LT- | 4000 8T9T- | 0000. TTT: | 1000. 889T- | 2000 8091 | 9000 OPLT- | 2000. L091: | 0000. 6ZEI- | 1000: @g80- | £000. 1990: | 6000. 8180- | £000. FEZ1- | 1000: 9TIT- | 2000- TOLL: | 9000. 2860: | 6000- 9812: | $000. 8 L 6 — 0°41 89-89°E1 = el II- $°GL 69-6901 éI- €01 GI- 66 29-89") €1-69 TL L- 06 1G-OL'8 &I- @6L 89-69-91 ¢9-89 TT. €2-69 01 6— L'6T 6- 0°81 8— OLT ol- €9L ie Si Il~ LPL OI- G&L &I- GGL Z- OTL lIl- @ 01 8- 0°6 vI- 9°8 6- 0°6I Z9-69°LT 89- 69°9T OI- G91 “c 6 oe “e 6c e “ “< “ce ce “e iad HERBERTSON ON J. MR A. So OT “IS OT “49 OL “48 OT “38-"A10 3p “149 9 “10 o() 0 g's pue *O-"I1D) Z “uO G *O-*1D) I “u19 0 0 8 O- UID) Z “uIny OT “wing Boy uly, PF ‘S-"1IO v“UD 000 J * OT “4S Burssed oso] ! OL ‘s-‘tung *SIBULOY Dust Particles per cubic centimetre. GT MXS$ 1-0 MS 1-0 MN 0OUNN 1-0 UNN 1-0 UNN -0 ANY OIE) ON ON ON b MN § MNM & MNM & MN eT MN 6-1 MN €-G MN &-6 MN 0 WS Ts Is T-0 § “wep (ol Ss) tI ‘PANUYUOI—XAOLVAYASAQ IHAT'T HOF] SIAUNY NAG—'T €P-999 &7.999 16.199 VP. 199 89.199 €8- 199 82-199 6P-LE9 16. LG9 10: £99 68.999 8-799 £6-799 97-249 99.499 66-999 OL-999 68.969 G8.G¢9 89.999 9.249 1¥-899 29.899 79.€99 &1 —_-——_—.—__——_ ‘so.1oUl “Tyra ul aINssotd cubic metre of Air (grammes). Mass of Vapour per T¥- 12 ¥-G6 v9.66 L1¥.16 g- 9G 99.66 06-86 6-6 9F- 66 06-86 &-P1 0€-66 GG. 86 6-61 ¥&-66 97-86 G-0OL 91-66 91-86 6-01 69-66 96.82 [-OT V9-66 19.96 0-86 19-66 G9.96 0-16 V9.66 GL-96 9 £6 79-66 69-86 (nal 59.66 VE-8G 8-9T 79-66 06-26 ¢.6T 79-66 01-16 6.06 V9.66 LL-1G 0.02 79-66 69-16 6-06 y9-66 GE-86 €-S1 V9. 66 LT. 66 6-8 ¥9-66 19-16 &-16 P9.66 97-66 &-€ 09-62 &3-66 9.9 69.66 10-66 8-9 Pg.66 86-86 €-8 69-66 II OL 6 “1042 “paqe *peqoor | -aidsy | -adse “109 | Jo aang |.103¥A4 Jo : tadmay,| amanypo A ‘(s0a9t[) pozeudse ary jo oumnyjo, *SOLUUIRID UI IModRA 1o7BA\ JO Sse | IoqoumoryoAsg uoyraidsy 82-6 | 68-21) L#-Ge'r1| “* “ €9-8 |€8-IL] Sp-Ge0L;9T “ 64-0 | 06-9 | ¥5p-9e'9L| “* “ 67-T | 62-9 | ¥91- ogt| “* “ 09:E |%6-9 | PI- oer] “* “ 28-0 |69-9 | 8I- Gr} “ “ 94-0 |€9-¢ | FI- OIL] el “ vE-G | 479-9 | foI- ost] ‘“S “ 86-4 | 86-2 | TF-08' sr} 80-8 | 88-4 | GP-geIT] “ “ GF-9 |09.9 | I6- 8OT|ar “ 91-6 | 98-6 | f0p-og'9T| “ “ @G-01 | 68-0L | TF-og'sT| “* “ 09-6 | 04-6 | ¢1t-Og'eI| “ “ 40-01 | $8.6 | ¢1v-og's1| “ “ Gl-6 | 01-6 | Op-Og TT} “* “ 14-6 |40-6 | OF-Og'0T] “* “ AS Sie qe Ora | 70-2 | 08-9 |§1I- 0's Jor “ GS-1 |9%-9 | SI-LP'0G| 6 ‘3deg POST Lee eG Geel Graly GGT | 186") 99-6920)" * CX) || Bl. |) i (OE #9-0 |@2-8 | PI- Z°9T] IT “gdag S681 g ig g 3 irae (ot | pawaueee |-88C “MOTZVAIASO jo omry, aon HYGROMETRIO RESEARCHES. 0-1 81 9T OL *148-"aINd cog ‘uInD So Soy SOq 6 “O-"A10 29 “AID 6 “O-"19 3 “IQ Soi 20) cog ‘und *T “AI9 g “wind “€ “ID o|L AAGD) GT e-1 aS 2 as 3-1 aS @-1 as 1009 79) 0axs 0OWxS 0OSxa 0WxS OSxa 0 aS 1-0 aS &-1 98x -1 SX Gl o-1 SX E19 CIS*a be-zwaxas €-3 AS €-3 AS ial 60: 679 ¥1-679 16-679 61-679 19.069 78-099 ¥6-069 60-1¢9 GG. 199 88. 1¢9 86-169 &6-199 66-79 00-9¢9 61-969 96.969 96-¢¢9 GZ. 999 GE.969 1g.9¢9 &L GL 8000- Z000- F100. 0000- 6000. §100- €100- &200- 6200- 6100. 6100- F000- 1862-2 9911-F 2000. OT00- 6082. £000. 8000- 9000. S&F I- 8ST. SLFI- CSPI. | OccT. STP. LEST. 60ST- G8ZI- 8éGI. LLOT. LLGCE-B — €1L0-F — GFG0- 8170. 1006. — | IG1. FE06- €/8I- Sct. | @eoere | Co SP-EE GL vP-Ge IL €F-EE 01 OF-0€'8T 6S OL 0F—-08 ST 6&-08 ZI 68-08 TT Li Fks 7A 8E-08'9T 6 -— 0ST TS-€E "SI 6P-FE IT vP-1E OL 9F-GE'8 FF-08°, LI- 8°91 | GI- 0ST PI- OST & ce ce Lad ee ce te ce ii9 LT ‘ydeg v68T % HERBERTSON ON J. MR A. 558 “SHABULOY £1 (8-0) *purq -UlByT Dust Particles per cubic centimetre, 649) 49) 0 OL ‘ung § “9-"IID OL wng 6 ‘WhO 6 “wng 6 wud OF wp g “wing 0 § 0--IID) ie 10) OT ‘ung 6 ‘odo “UND fe wng Z ‘wNng § un) ¢ ‘und 4 uno TPIS) *(OI-0) pnoip ‘(ZI-0) pur, €Z-1LL | 60.8 96-0L2 | 61-8 88-044 | 61-8 68-042 | 91.8 98-194 | 11.8 | 66-891 | 80-8 61-892 | 81.8 GE-89L | $4.8 1G.891 | 18.8 €8-19! | 16-8 OF. 291 | 12.8 10-194 | 18.8 | [9-992 | GF-8 1§-992 | FF-8 €1-994 | 19.8 G1.G91 | 11.8 G8.-19/ | 18.8 | 09-094 | 18-4 89-6¢2 | 08-8 86-892 | 80.8 G9-8¢2 | el. | 28-892 | 81.8 | 28-994 | $6.8 | 61-294 | B16 §1 al Bx Sle ‘semjomt | 3 6 | mm [Be 2 ul eee = ainsselg ee & | 2G-F2 | FFL | 98-86 | S861.| ZO0U. | I86L- | €1-€ | 40-FL] oo9- OL] ‘ “ | Te 81-6 | #-61 | 98-6 | 006T- | #000. | 9681. | 99-€ %8-FL| Fo- ost |‘ “* | og 08-26 | 4-12 | 98.8% |900%-| 000. | g00c- | 0G-€ |8F-SL}| f9- Tur}‘ ‘ | 62 FL-G| G13 | 98-6 | 6861- | 000. | LE61. | 8F-F | 66-91 Sane) Ol) Qa 88-83] 8-21 | 98-€6 | 980-| 7000. | 10d. | 29-6 | FEST] BIT Foet | “* “ | uz 18-32 | %%3 | 98-66 |GP8I-| GOO0. | OFS. | FF-F | 98-91] ¥oe- Oger |“ “ | 9% GZ.8Z| ZBZ-LT | 98-% |GFOZ- | $000. | 6E0S- | SFE |9d-G1| ¥ee- og'sL |“ “ | cs 8Z-8G | 84-1 | 98-86 | 486T-| 1000. 9861. | FI-€ |8¢-FL| 9€-O8IL |“ “ | Fz 82-8 | S8-8T | 98-6 | 9Z6I.| €000- | SZ6I. | €9.€ | 89-41] 6&- SEOT |9c “ | 8 0Z-Z| 82-21 | 98-86 | FO6I-| F000. O06T- | G&-E | IL-FT B= Sgt | SS eae 80-82 | FF-6L | 98-86 |S06I. | 9000. O06T. | FL-€ AA STEROL I | 12 60-€Z | 96-06 | 98-6 |90Z-| 9000. | 020% | 91-8 | 94.41} #8- SFL |‘S “ | 02 GS-6 | PP-6L | 98-3 | T86I-| O00. | 6161. | 98-8 | PL-GL| ¥8- Gel |‘ “ | 6L ¢0.2 | 68-81 | 98-66 |SF6T-] 0000. | SPE. | 09-€ |G8-FL| F9- O@T |‘. “ | st GFeEG | ZZ-LT | 98-E% | 200%. | 0000. 100Z- | 9%-€ |00-G1} ¥9¢-FIe0r |“ “S| AT €8.86| G&S | 98-86 | ZE6I-| 3000. | OG6T-. | 26-6 | 09.81] Fe9- 99°8 |¢a “ | OT 21.66 | 68-81 | 98-8 | 4002-| 0000. | 00d. | 08-L | 46-IL| #9h- OPEL | “* “ | eT 10-3 | 94-06 | 98-86 | 9T8T- | 000. IISL. | €9-F |ee"9L| Of fe9n |“ “* | $1 OL-€2| FF-6L | 98-6 | 6I6I-| 00CO-. | 6I61- | 98. |99°¢L| #9- forE |‘ “* | et G0.€6 | 00-06 | 98.6 | €98T- | F000. 6ST. | 1h | €9-G1| BoI- ser |“ “ | er €P-6Z| LISI | 98-86 | GI8I-| 0000. iio || SH? TAwOIEN Ge GIUPAE SY as cF-EZ | 19-91 | 98-8G | 7903. | 0000- 790G- | SP-6 | PL-PL| 62- 6GL'IL | 6 “ | OF G1-8%| SLL | 98-€% | G3Is-| OT00- | GILZ. | 69-1 | OF-GL| ¥9- 9F'8T | ea “ | 6 gg. | 8421 | 99.6% | 2Z1z-| Fco0. | e2t%. | 99-1 | 98-01] F9P- BPEL | Zo “Sny | 8 e68t | IL Or 6 8 L 9 g P g Cae “1078 *peqe Pewee) Gey cata yo{ CHA “zean| Tenn | 3eAt | Ga | pokes | “sea ered uta} atunyo “oN *(sarjIT) *‘SOUUIBID TL roqouro1yofsg "UOI4VALEBGO pozeaidse ary fo ewnjo, | anode, 078 A\ Jo sseyy uorjqeudsy jo eully, ‘AMOLVAYASHO THAUT MOT WVITIIM-LYOA— I 559 HYGROMETRIC RESEARCHES. wo oo sn HH IQ st H OD H ix inp) mo OO NAN 81 ZT 0 0 0 G ‘148 3 ‘0-11 g “o"I19 7 “19 g “148-"I10 ¢ ‘1S-"I19 g ‘0-119 6 ‘O-"I19 OT *0-"419 OL “38-419 6 “0-19 9 ‘019 6 ‘ung 9 ‘ung g ‘wINg [ ‘o-“I9 I ‘ung ¢ ‘ung ¢ ‘ung Pung g ‘ung OL ‘s-"wND OT ‘swing OT “uinD OL ‘wng 6 “wND OT “mng 6 ‘wND Z “ung Fung 1-0 ATMS I ‘wea ATMS obZ-T ATMS ob3-T ATMS 2-1 AIMS 2-1 AIMS T AIMS 1-0 ATA 1-0 ATM wep 0 4TIN 0 ATMS 1-0 ATMS 1-0 4TMS I-0 IA 0 4IN 0 ATA N 3-1 MN 3-1 MN T MNN T MNN 0 ATIMN T-0 ATA T-0 MN AL 2-1 M ul[®o MS @-T M G-T M GI M 1-0 MS W]Bd MS 1-0 MS 18.891 19.892 98.92 IL- P92 IL- P92 GL-99L OL-G9Z 19.992 00-992 99.992 19-992 61.692 01-892 G.892 19.892 L9.892 TL.892 Gl.992 ¢9.992 9F-992 1P-992 96.991 81-992 10.792 66.992 9.991 PL-OLL 08-022 18-024 80-TL2 66. 1LL 18-1 ST tI &1 6L _— a | 6 099%. GPG. G19G- LBB. 9F9Z. L193. GPSS. 8072. P6EZ- F8IZ- O1ZS- 698s. 99cZ. Gets. Woyo1g 133: IFIz. 6P27. eeIz. 6602. 9913. IZ1Z- 1806. 0902. C8ZS- 91FZ. LEZ. 8 98S. PIs. LPGE. 0802. 968T. 0802. os$ — O'8T of — O'ZT G- O'9T oVE— 62ST Gj {Skee a9 — TPL eG — O'&T of — OT a9 -— OTT o9 — 16 ogG 1-20 L'8 eeG1— 91861 os6S- FE'9T oc4 L-erS1'ST. osf — O'FL = RBI eol-— Gel opPI- OLTL elI~ 9°8T oc69- 8G°9T 69-0eL9 ST. VS-e81 ST or L9~0eL9 ST ST-oeL LET of O'ZLT e9E- OS'S g OTL OLI- PF'6T ee 7 4! oc8— 8'FL os? O°ST orf@- 0 'CT g OTL ce ce ‘qdog HERBERTSON ON J. MR A. 560 81 ‘sy IVULOY LT *(8-0) “pueg “Urey S oO st oD tre. 1c centime Dust particles per cub Z ‘wing @ “) I S99) 0 “un I~ ‘ung ‘ung “ung ‘wng “unD “ung +~+TN OO DO FO “mung “ung p ‘mng9 6 “und 6 “wn g mnp 8 wn) 6 “WnD 8 “wun OL “448 R g ‘wND OT “ung OL “UInD ‘uInD 0 *(01-0) puo[p 0 AIMS 1-0 “Iva MS 0 ALAN 0 A{AN 0 aN w[®B{) 0 ATN LONN 6-T MNN oN €0-022 80-022 86-0L1 8G. OL 68-992 gg.g9L 86-792 66.092 PL-094 FI-092 60-092 88-69/ 69-622 06-692 LT-FGL JT.FSL 1g.092 FP-0G2 ¥G-0¢/ ¥G.0G2 $0-192 gg.6¢2 GT-€92 *so.1] Ul “Type ur 9INSsotd €6-9 | 19-86] 1-3 9s.ez | 9e9t-| to00.— | geot- | 94 |ge-et] at - oer |“ “ | 68 G6-9 |G1-GZ| 9-83 98.8% | Z8GI- | 0000- SGI. | 84-8 | FF-SL| 6 oeoSL |“ “ | 88 68-4 | S12] 6-86 98-8 | 929I-| 1000-- | 9E9T- | 19-6 | GZ-TT] 09 — og0TL | “ “* | 48 98.9 | ¥8-G6| 8-81 98-6 | ZSFT- | $000- LPEL. | PZT | 89.9 a IGG ieee 198 GI-9 | 11-86] 2-¢T 98.84 | IGPI- | 1000--- | LGPT-. | TZ-L 40-2 | 028 — oe6°6 OG Ge || ays} 90-9 |Z8.2G| G-LT 98-8% | SET. | 0000. eee 2 OSs (ea. |) Ze re |e See 88-4 | 09-86] 0-4 98.86 | €8éT- | 1000- 290% | tho | Gar || Ge PUL OL ~~ | 88 = = = = uayolg oqnyl-eourreg | 44.6 |F-6 | 4I- g'6r |“ “| 28 93-G | 89-66} 4-61 98-86 | O€ET- | 0000- oget. | 6FF | 9F-ZI| oplS- 9B'9T |“ “ | 18 PS.9 | 93.66] 6-12 98-% | LLPI- | O100- LOFT. | IF | PL-GL| op@P- Qe'at |“ “ | 08 = = = = = uexoig | Gg.¢ |9z-1L| a9 —- OFT |‘ “ | 64 8F.G | 96.86] 2-61 gg.ez | eter. | 1000.- | eret. | G&-F | 84-11] o8 - vel’ |“ “* | 84 S1-9 | 4F-66| 1-06 98-86 | 4481. | 0000- jet, PLRGR Oe. Gieer Oral | ee GB.G | &F-26| 6-61 98.¢a | LL 11- | 6000- GLIT. | 6F-F | 60-IL| ocd — ogl*IT |“ “* | 92 GF.9 | 14-86] 9-01 98-8% | 621. | Z000- 1zG1. | 49-6 | 16-6 | osPI- 60T | ““ | 94 79-9 | 91-86] 6-6 98.8¢ | S491. | 1000- pier. \eee |6ae | kl ine PG © | ve e9-4 | 84.86) ST 98-6 | 96/1. | 0000- 9641. | 99-3 | S211 | 908 FOAL] © | 86 PG-2 | F986] &-8T 98-3 | S4L1- | 8000: L9LT. | 9-8 | @9-TI| oc8PoslP'9t |“ “* | BL G&.8 | 09.82] 1-62 98.22 | OST. | F000- gigt. | SFE |F9-FL| x9 -— OVE] “ | TL €-8 | 84-62 | 9-02 99.23 | eggt-|Z000-- | 88T- | 94-2 | SFT | «9 — TIL! 8 we OF €8-6 | 28-82] 4-81 98-83 | Z6zz- | €000- 68ee | P46 |ZhGr| 6e- soar |“ “ | 69 08-6 | €6.1G| §-62 98% | OTS. | Z000- gpiz. | G0-F | 29-41] oOI- Pet] 4.‘ | 89 68-01 | 40-86] %.0z 98-gz | &19a- | 1000. | Zigz. | 9-6 |S4-9L| <9e- OS'9L |“ “ | 49 96-01 | 49.86] 3-9T 98-22 | occ. | G00. | 08Sz | #91 | 80-ST} e9I- OT OT | § 899 19-TL | 68-86] &-8T 98.22 | 6TZz-| F000. | GTZe | 98-1 |9G-ST| of — O'6T | 7% ‘ydag | 29 | e68l (al II ne 6 8 L 9 g F g j i 3 ey *104v *poye BS Aygo -ydsy | -mdse Te ‘zeant | -teany,| (Ab |da ‘eqNUIT "aed Bog “109 | yoarny |royegy yo] TOU) “GM Pea | rq | aa pue cane 28 : -viodume,y,| eunyO A. | oN SF g ; Z =a @ a *(se.1q1]) “SOURIS UL |eqgauonyo As] “WOTFRA.LISO = a pozeudse Ty jo swnyoO A mode, Taye jo sseyy uorneudsy jo Oull fT, ‘PanUYUOI—XAOLVANISAQ, IWAWT MOT WVITIA\LNOT— J] 561 HYGROMETRIC RESEARCHES. *poredeid Suteq 109Je OOS 00} pasn saqny,—g6G pur G6 , *m9010G UOSUaAZ}G UT S19} WOUIL9T]} jo ssurprat uLoly paonpat a G6 sjuowtied -xd UT samny -eredtue} eT], 8T oni (o) ™~ AN A Se ot et oO OD lf a $Ven} PH wt AI NNN ANN TT NAN A fo. 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L 9 61-8 19-6 88.6 1@-01 06-9 €8.0 vP-8— el. 1 90:2 G82 90-2 82.6 31-0 81-0 81.0 04-0 68. P81 83.1 19-1 19-0 19-2 GLB ZLB GE. os&S-ne LL 0G LE— 16°61 og06- PL'6L T&- Go°LT 02566-0966 61 opee— SUTL egVS— GST Gist ORG sap— LEST oeol— LPL og8 — O'&T eeLI— 00GT wer— OS'SL eeLI- OST 0r6l- OGL or9F— GEOL ogSF— LEST oc0I-— OFT @oI- O81 osLI- OGT Tg- OF OL e@GI- OGL olI- O€T elf 9E TI opLP— TE OL o19P— Ge'aT ogSI— o¢2'6 (i= fetayt a =" UIE 6 — G&L 9 — OFT § IW OO te ce ce ce le cc ce uerp ‘V68T TE 90d él ce ee IL “ec ce ce ce 4dag B XLII. EDIN.—VOL. SOC. ROY. TRANS. HERBERTSON ON J. 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MR A. 564 as ‘SRM, 81 | (8-0) } pueq | -UTR YT ta 4 USN) | ob t-oass | e892 | 929 |st-6 | coz oL00r | 1290. - 8100-—| 1290 | 4-9 | 04-81) FI- 8ZI |‘ “ | 9¢ e119 | T-o site AIMSS | €.g¢4 | 23-2 |1Z6 | 8-61 880-01 | $990. = ¢000-—| $990. | 20-9 | 27-81] FI- #2411 |Z “ | ge i | g “IID uyen | GGL | 19-¢ | 61-6 0-76 OLTL-OL 41¢0. = 14000. | 30G0. | 16-9 | 7&2.) #F- OF'9T |“ “* | $e i rng) SIT’ IYSTT | G.1GL | GL.9 | L281] 8.5% | OFT-0Z | Egat. = 1000. | G&ZT- | 88-9 |GZ-2T| oO&- stot | ‘* “ | e¢ Sile i L119 | Stags 07 wep | g.zey | 2y¢ |et-6 | 402 | 020-01 |oogo.| — 00¢0- | 0€00--| [2-4 | 2-81} si-$er‘sr |“ “ | ay 6 “UID |Z-0 ATS 01 ATASS | 0-494 | 9-9 | 86-8 | G.ez | $96.6 | 88¢0. = ZI00- | 9490. | ¥8-2 | 06-81 | ¥e- og'Fr |“ “* | Tg i OL “UID 6-1 ATHS | 0-492 | 66-9 | 09-8T| 4-08 | ¥9F-0 | OORT. = 8900. | ZEZI. | 8-8 | 47-61) Og- ater |‘ “ | og i OL “IO 6-0 ATHSS | 0-294 | ¢9-¢ | O16 G.e6 | G60-0T | g0g0. = 9000--| €090- | €2-6 | 16-61! $4¢- eg'ar | ‘“* ** | 6F i OL “ID bZ-O MS | 0.494 | 089 )F1-6 | G06 | 060.01 | 94g0. = J100- | 6&90. | 80-6 | 61-06, $S%-¥rF'IT | “* ‘* | 8% 1-0 Sue 4ST] i OLD | = ATHS 09 WROD | 0.292 | $8-9 | 8s-8T| 4-21 | OFT-0G | F9TT-| ¥620--| 0000. | F9TT- | 30-8 | IL-61| ¢h- gor |9 “ | ZF i OL “4s-“1) | 0 sure ATG | 0.894 | 9-9 | 3E-6 | 0-28 | IZLOT | 6T90. = OOO | PAO: |) APB GAGE || SS raegin os NI ae i | OL “W4S- "19, I “eA WSS | 0-692 | 8F-8 | 126 | 8-66 | 240-01 | T840-} GZ00--| 1000-—| 1840. | €8.> |GF-91| 8- L#L |“ “ | ct i OL “148-"1p | T-0 “ava ATS | 0.692 | 00-01) 42-6 | ¢.3e | 080-01 | 9260- = @000- | €c60. | 8%-¢ |#G9L| #4- get |G “ | HF i | OL wng | I-0 MSS-HS | 0-992 | €¥-6 | 1F-6 | 4.21 | B9L-OL | 2880. = 6000-—| 1880. | 69-6 | 20-51] - Oot |‘* “ | eF i | OT “wnp | LAS | 0-464 | 12-6 | 82.6 0-61 | 960-01 | 060. = G000-+| 0060- | 86-4 |G8-FL| 6t- GFFL |‘ “ | a i p ‘9-"110 ‘o-"uINg) | @TLUS | 8-794 | 10-6 |F3-6 | 2.6L | 840-01 | 180. = 6000--| IS80- | G6-€ |OL-91| 8I- 2be1 |e “ | TF i 8 “Ys pue *9-"IID Sue IUSTG | 0.79 | 18-8 | 08-6 | 0.16 | F40-01 | 9280. = Z000-—| GZ80- | &-G | 61-€L} 19- Gg°sr |“ “* | oF i 9 *14S- "119 wie) | 0-792 | 68-8 |Fe-6 | €.33 | 710-01 | Z280. - GO |) Ses I Lies |i we evi | | ge i G “A4S- II) | MRO Y T-O0 MSS | 0-92 | F8-8 | 18-6 | 2G | BST-OL | 0Z80. = 6000: | ITSO. | 8h |92-FL| Le- Stor | “ “ | ge i 0 2-0 AIMS | 0-894 | 02-8 | 02-6 0-66 | 840-01 | 0080. = Z000- | 8620. | G6. | 99.91] 9@- Oe'st | ““ “* | Ze i 0 2-0 ATMS | 0-894 | 29-8 | 21-6 | 8.12 | 820.01 | G6Z0. = G000-—| S620. | 89.F | 69-91} 49- I¢‘FL |% dy] 9¢ i OT “9-119 we) | 0-292 | 69-9 | 42.6 | 2.91 | 40-01 | L190. = S100. | g6g0. | 88-9 | 21-41 | $4a- 6h Tr | ““ “ | ge pi QT “o-"aTo “tun wep | 0.244 | GP-9 | S281] 0-1 | 992-06 | ZOZT. = ge00- | Z91T. | 29-S | ZP-7L | $1€- 0Z'0L | Te “ | $e i 0 2-0 ATMS | 0-192 | 69-9 |06-FT| ¢.8T | 698-91 | 4660.| 0000. | 8010. | 6880. | #6-€ | IT-2T] T- Og'Zt |“ ‘ | Ee i 0 2-0 ATMS | 0-192 | 00-9 | 24-71] 8.61 | 698-GT | 9880-| 2000--| 2210. | 620. | 9%-G |OT-PT] 4e- OTOL | *S “ | ee i | 0 T-0S | 0-194 | 86-9 | IS-FI] 0.GT | 698-GT | 9Z0I-| 8100-—| SOTO. | S160. | €8-¢ | G6.F1| FLe-Fos IT | “ “ | te i | € mnp sue Ag | 0.194 | 99-4 | 98.71] Ger | TZ8-GT | J8TI- = GJ10- | 960. | #S-F |GS-FI| TI@- 6 OL | 8s API | Og POST LT 91 a a el | 21 IL ol 6 8 2 cee od F g z I ae Se Mcrae ad: Weteey ‘aom | cee | commen os ‘soaqaul Bie “102, yo omy Toy® AA jo, LOL) “€ CAML |S OAM | “T CAM, -kiq | "2 | pusamog | a 23 *(O1-0) *(ZT-0) “Ya | ae a -e1aduay,| otunjo 4 | | ‘ON a 8 poly pur uwes[>} os | ss = : Ae ornssatg |*5 . E = 7 c | a3 igi ‘(so.191]) "SOURS sTojommoyodsg LOLRALOSYO A ~ 5 pezeatdsy ary jo otulnyo A UL Anode, 10} A\ JO SSB]Y toeudsy jo oury, *PANUJUOI-UAITTAGINOY “AUALINOUDY A PIO ,T AA TAYLIOOIONOALAY LILOLVAUISIQ— "| ]] INDEX. A Anemometer Records, 472. Anticyclonic Weather, 507. Appendix, 503. B Barometer, Mean Hourly Values, 488. Reduction to Sea Level of Ben Nevis, 506. Ben Nevis Observatories, Inter-relations of Bar- ometric Pressure, Temperature, ete. By A. Bucuan, 505. Bucuan, Dr A. Inter-relations of Barometric Pressure, Temperature, etc., at the two Ben Nevis Observatories, 505. C Cloud, Mean Hourly Values, 498. Cyclonic Weather, 511. D Depth of Snow on Ben Nevis, 471. Dry and Wet Bulb Thermometers and Vapour Pressure, 531, Dry and Wet Bulb Thermometers and Mass of Water Vapour, 544. F Fog and Mist, Hourly Values of, 499. H Herpertson, A. J. Report on Hygrometric Re- searches mainly at the Ben Nevis Observatories, 529. Hourly Values, Mean, at Ben Nevis and Fort- William, 481. Hygrometric Researches, Report on. Herperrson, 529. By A. J. Introduction, |. L Log-book of Ben Nevis Observatory, 1893, 88. —-- 1894, 186. —— 1895, 278. -—— 1896, 370. — 1897, 464. M Mass of Water Vapour under Different Weather Conditions, 550. Montpellier, Meteorological Station at, 531. P Pressure and Temperature, Relations of, at the Ben Nevis Observatories, 521. Psychrometer, Aspiration, Comparison of, with Stevenson Screen, 536. ——- Sling and Aspiration, 535. R Rainfall, Mean Hourly Values of, 494. S Snow, Depth of, on Ben Nevis, 471. Sunshine, Mean Hourly Values of, 496. Ab Temperatures at Ben Nevis and connection with Humidity, 512. Temperature, Large and small differences of, be- tween Ben Nevis and Fort-William, 513. —— Mean Hourly Values of, 490. — Mean Hourly Differences of, between Ben Nevis and Fort-William, 500. --— Reversals of, between Ben Nevis and Fort- William, 529. W Wind Directions, Mean Values of, 501. Mean Hourly Values of Force of, 497, Winds, Strong, on Ben Nevis, 521. PRESENTED 15 MAR. 1906 a ¥ ' , 7 Lire , = i -; , — : i. -- os in 7 i ee ? 4 : ~~ i ros ee, } at Pome Pa : = ot et ran ¥ 7 tye 6 } 4 : ed ay aes The Transactions of the RoyaL Socrsrysor EpinBurGH will in future be Sold at the following reduced Prices :— Wer Price to the Public. Vi. £0 11 VII. 0 18 VIII. 0 17 IX. 1-0 X. 0 19 XI. O14 XIi. O 14 XIII. 0 18 XIV. 1) 5 XV. tg XX. Part 1. 0 18 XXII. Part 2. 0 10 = Part 3. 1 5 XXVIII. Part 1. 0 16 3 Part 2. 0 6 mM Part 4. 1-0 XXVIII. Part 1. Tet '5 3 ee amty) 2: IPD 5. Bautes. 0 18 XXIX. Part 1. 1 12 pees ebarteds 0 16 XXX. Part 1. Teal = Part 2: 0 16 a Part 3. Oise ». Part: 0 7 XXXI. 4 4 XXXII. Part 1. Ty 0 s Part 2. 0 18 Ee Part 3. 2 10 f Part 4. 0 5 XXXIIT. Part 1. i Oa 54 Part 2. Zine Pe gle 0 12 XXXIV. 2 2 XXXV.*Part 1. 2 2 e Part 2. Total m Part 3. Dee? - Part 4. igre XXXVI. Part 1. Lys 5 Part 2. Ll6 2) Part 3. Li@: XXXVII. Part 1. 1 14 re Part 2. Us gaelt a Part 3. 0 16 us Part 4. OTE, XXXVIII.Part1. 2° 0 Bo Part 2. iho) so Part 3. 1 10 Part 4. Ones ” POSOSPOSOSOHSPFPSSOSCSOSSCSCSCOSCSOSCSOOROSCCDSOCSCSCOCOOOCOOOCOOOCO AMC cDOOSD Price to Fellows, £0 9 15 14 17 16 12 12 15 1 6 14 7 1 12 4 16 1 1 13 6 12 6 12 Or OF OOCOCOKF OF CORE HH OF COHOCOWOCOCOHOH OHH OOOH OCOHH OOOO COOSO o BOOSTS MTORPOSOHBGSCSTCSOHRSCSOCACSCORAMASCSOMSCTOTOCSCOROCSCOROCORDOOCOSCSCSCOCCCCOD Vol. . Partel. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. > Partele Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. . Part 1. Part 2. Price to the Public. t Se eee HOmor 10 19 — CK ODN Mew tw AOooonccdccso Price to Fellows. Allee t) 014 6 183 Eo eae) Ome feu 0) 019 O 1 =be"6 019 6 016 0 015 9 12-0 * Vol. XXXV., and those which follow, may be had in Numbers, each Number containing a complete Paper. January 1905.—Volumes or parts of volumes not mentioned in the above list are not for the present on sale to the public. Fellows or others who may specially desire to obtain them must apply direct to the Society, As the Society reprints from time to time parts of its publications which have become scarce, the absolute correctness of this list cannot be guaranteed beyond this date. NEILL AND CO., LTD., PRINTERS, EDINBURGH. eae! } : ny sf vA ’ | , y : hh q An Ve Bt ra) ans ke a wat Of ; Maas): é hy rs + Uy : é yn ‘ ifs , } ae age an me ‘7, AE DY , a iT a. | a yi “ees Lads 4 . ) fap i e ie 5 OA HN ya } ay is ) Tat | \ : f, —- ' i A | i fe ‘ \) “ 4 ‘ = - f ( i x, t . it ks, A a OP flea 4p a aod - a Womsoe AL ee 4" Nona ar oe i t ~ iy 4 Pe, a Pi io thn e h a : 1 x } - { aa “ ‘ A , “ Ae, i > ! as i 4 hi cone 4 ’ si ‘ i t ‘ {, Air h ) Li ¥ ¥ RS be « iJ . ‘ . , } : ’ e nda he "" i . i " 4 tr v j B " f ; ‘ 4, ; ‘ , i . ’ { of j 1) " : s toe | 7 i ; , we ' ‘ E n = ‘ i > j A . ‘ en ly ae it ee i, ‘ ‘ A ite = ‘ 7 ie . ¥ " ait j ‘ i , y , wa y a . vee i , . 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