« eee i 1 - sa ee Poe (n Library of the Museum OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY, AT HARVARD COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. C/ re - CAL ¢ oe Oe Sore by of The giftof) =» | oe Souths JTUS Moalvos No. 7256. | GF 957 Dice ube J pb MES — fore 4), IEBY | Dae © ae ra ert si TRANSACTIONS AND PROCEEDINGS AND Reb ePe@ KR ef OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY of SOUTH AUSTRALIA. a at ie OD Lied I Ss pes (FOR 1882-83.) PFESUED DECEMBER, 1882. Ye Adelaide : G. ROBERTSON, ie KING WILLIAM STREET. 1883. Parcels for transmission to the Royal Society of South Aus- tralia, from Europe and America, should be addressed ‘‘ per W. C. Rigby: care Messrs. Thos. Meadows & Co., 35, Milk Street, ci ar London.”’ Aopal Society of South Australia. Patron: HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN. Gite-Patrow: HIS EXCELLENCY SIR WILLIAM ROBINSON, K.C.M.G., C.B., &c. O FE We Ta. S. [ELECTED OCTOBER 2, 1883.1] aresivent : H. T. WHITTELL, ESQ., M.D. Gice-Dresidvents: PROF. H. LAMB, M.A. | E. C. STIRLING, ESQ., M.D., F.B.C.S. How. Secretary: Hon. CGreaswrer, W. L. CLELAND, ESQ., M.B. THOS. D. SMEATON, ESQ. Other Members of Council: D. B. ADAMSON, ESQ. PROF. TATE, F.G.S., F.L.S., &e. WALTER RUTT, ESQ. (National Science Director) Cc. TODD, C.M.G., F.R.A.8. (Re- presentative Governor) Assistant Secretary: MR. A. MOLINEUX. CON TEN ES. SES KRe Dr. J. Davies Thomas: Hydatid Disease in Australia .. = ae D. B. Adamson: Improvements in the construction of Curre’s Di- electric Machine .. ee a oe Se as de Se F. W. Andrews: Notes on the Night-Parrot (Geopsittacus occidentalis) Baron Sir F. von Mueller: Diagnoses of a new genus and two species of Composite from South Australia a a ae ne ef Baron Sir F. von Mueller: tea of a New Genus of Verbenacex from Arnheim Land ae AF ee > as Sts James Stirling: The Proteacex of the Victorian Alps .. ie Dr. H. T. Whittell: Notes of the Dissection of a Pee eas Ascidian found in St. Vincent Gulf (plate i.) .. . ae oe Professor R. Tate: Descriptions of some of New Species of Squilla from South Australia (plate ii.).. ae =e He ar ee John Haslam: House Sanitation .. ae s a 4 =~ J.G. O. Tepper: Botanical Notes relating to South Australia .. oe YW. Andrews: Notes on some Rare Birds inhabiting South Australia T. C. Cloud: A Catalogue of South Australian Minerals .. ue a Professor R. Tate: List of Plants unrecorded for Southern ee Penin- sula . ae ae ae Hic oe a i “ =. Professor R. Tate: A list of unrecorded Plants and of New Localities for Rare Plants in the South-East zn as ms fe a Professor R. Tate: List of some Plants Baers: the North-Eastern part of the Lake Torrens Basin ae oe Le ae Baron Mueller and Professor Tate: Diagnoses of some New Piants from South Australia .. ats oa ~: us ae Professor R. Tate: Additions to the Flora of South Australia .. ee Professor R. Tate: The Botany of Kangaroo Island, with Historical Sketch of its eee and Settlement, and Notes on its Geology (plate iii.) aH : Ae - ac =< 116 lv. Miscellaneous Contributions to the Natural History of South Australia— ZooLoey. Note on the Occurrence of Psalidura in South Australia oa eee Notes on three South Australian Coleopters destructive to Vegetation ae : a. = “e by ‘ia es List of Marine Mollusea, Rottnest, Freemantle.. iz oankae Botany. Bibliographical Notes refuting the alleged alien nature of Orebanche australiana and Verbena officinalis .. pee Notes on Microstemma tuberosum .. ae 50 oe ie a Note onthe presence of Tannin in Muehlenbeckia Cunninghamii 175 HYDATID DISEASE IN AUSTRALIA. By J. Davies THomas, M.D., London. (Read October 3, and November 7, 1882.] [ ABRIDGED. | The Royal Society has on several occasions shown an interest in questions respecting the common weal and health, and has, I feel sure, contributed to no small degree in educating the public on some matters closely connected with general hygiene. I therefore venture to think that any communication which has for its object the prevention of disease, pain, and death will meet with lenient criticism and friendly reception from the members of this Society. Apart from the importance of the hydatid as a cause of disease in man and stock, its study is of great interest from a purely scientific point of view ; so that any hesitancy | may feel is not because the subject is bald of interest, but rather lest the writer may prove unequal to his theme. In dealing with hydatids, there are two points of view from which the subject may be regarded. Thus we may consider it merely from a biological standpoint, and study the parasite itself, its mode of origin, growth, and death, in the various phases of its hfe-history; or we may consider it from a medical aspect, as causing a disease often great in its painfulness and terrible in its danger to man and beast. In connection with this latter view we might further discuss (1) the mode of its prevention, and (2) the best mode of treat- ment when it is present. The subject will, however, be pre- sented to your notice only asa brief summary of what I have been able to learn about the prevalence of hydatid disease in man, and chiefly as concerns the Southern Hemisphere; and I shall also endeavour to point out how the risk of infection may be .reduced to more moderate limits. On our way we shall see that there are many points upon which more information is needed, and in the investigation of which some members of this Society may do good service to science and to public health. Dr. Thomas then gave an exhaustive account of the natural history of Echinococcus, as far as present knowledge of the 2 subject permits, and briefly summarised the matter as fol- lows:— What is known as the hydatid cyst is really the cystie or bladder-worm phase of development of a minute tapeworm which inhahits the upper part of the small intestine of the dog. Three varieties of the hydatid have been described, viz., the Acephalocystic form, where no scolices or daughter-cysts are found; the variety called Echinococcus Scolicipariens, where brood-capsules and scolices are present; and finally, Echino- coccus Altricipariens, where daughter-cysts are developed. There are good reasons, however, for the opinion that these forms do not mark distinct species, but merely variations of one species. I may remind you also of the remarkable transmuta- tions and transmigrations undergone during the complete life- cycle of this parasite; how the adult tapeworm inhabits in great numbers the small intestine of the dog, but in which animal the hydatid cyst has never been found; that the last joint filled with ripe ova passes from the intestine of the dog into the outer world, and that the eggs are conveyed by the various ex- ternal forces of nature into drinking water, and that they are scattered on grass and herbage; that the egg becomes swal- lowed by some herbivorous animal or by man, and that then the egg-shell becomes digested in the stomach, thus releasing the six-hooked boring embryo formerly enclosed within it. That the embryo begins at once to bore its way into the coats of the stomach until it reaches the inside of a small blood vessel, where it is caught in the current of blood, and conveyed to the capillaries of the portal system within the liver; here the majority rest and develope into hydatids. Some of them, how- ever, pass through the capillaries of the liver and enter the general and pulmonary circulation. In this way it follows that any organ of the body may become the resting place of an embryo, which proceeds to continue its development into a hydatid. We shall find from the statistics of the disease that the lungs, heart, brain, spleen, kidney, muscles, and bones are all liable to be attacked, although by no means in a like propor- tion. The six-hooked embryo then proceeds to change into a hydatid cyst. This in turn produces by a process of “budding the Echinococci. The Echinococci when transplanted into the small intestine of the dog develope into the Scolices. These now form joints, two or three in number, and the last one of these contains the ripe eggs. To such curious series of .changes Steenstrup gave the name of the ‘alternation of generations.” in sheep and oxen the cystic form of the parasite exists in the liver, lung, and other organs; but they never have the little tapeworm in the bowel. The hydatid lives, not on chyme, as the tapeworm does in the intestine of the dog, 3 but on fluids secreted by itself from the blood of its host. It is extremely important to remember that sheep and oxen get the hydatid, and the dog the tapeworm. No one has ever seen this rule reversed in the case of Echinococcus. Man, in his relation to Echinococcus, resembles the sheep and ox, and not the dog, for he gets the hydatid cyst, but not the little tapeworm. The great practical fact is this:—That if there were no dogs we should not get hydatid disease. Eating underdone mutton or beef can never give us hydatids, though it might give us certain kinds of tapeworms. The dog, how- ever, would not get Tenia Echinococcus if it did not swallow living scolices from hydatid cysts. Now, if all this be correct, we can see that the existence of a great many dogs, sheep, oxen, pigs, &c., in a country produce favourable conditions for the propagation of hydatid disease in man, for the ereater the number of dogs the greater the number of hosts for the tapeworm form, and in like manner the greater the number of sheep, &c., the greater the number of hosts for the cystic form. There are four chief factors which determine the spread of hydatid disease in any country :—1l. The number of dogs inthe country. 2. The opportunities that exist for enabling the eggs, bred in the dog, to be swallowed by the sheep. 3. The number of sheep, oxen, pigs, &c. 4. The fre- quency with which dogs eat the organs of infected sheep con- taining living hydatids. Take a country with many sheep, the organs of which are often eaten raw by dogs, let the water supply be scanty and procured from bogs, swamps, waterholes, and dams, on the banks of which dogs may deposit the eggs, to be blown in by the winds, and washed in by the rain ; let there be dogs in abundance, and we then have all the condi- tions necessary to the spread of the disease. Tue GrocrapuicaLt Distrreurion or Hyparip DisEasz. This disease is known to occur with greater or less frequency in all countries inhabited by Europeans or their immediate descendants. From Great Britain to America, from Denmark to Bengal, from Iceland in the north to New Zealand in the south, may this ubiquitous parasite be found. It would be safe, I think, to assert that wherever man and his faithful com- panion and servant, the dog, are found together, there will be found, with greater or less frequency, hydatid disease in the former. But the frequency of the disease varies greatly in different countries, and I shall give you as briefly as I can, the facts bearing upon this point, at least as far as I have been able to ascertain them. More particularly, I shall bring before your notice, figures illustrating the frequency of the 4, disease in Australia. As British subjects, we naturally ask, in the first place, how often this disease occurs in our ancestral home. Hypatrp DisrasE In Great Brirarn.—When I entered upon the investigation of this question it seemed to me that there were two sources from which some reliable information might be gleaned, viz.:—l1st, the Annual Mortality Returns of the Registrar-General of Births, Deaths, and Marriages ; and 2nd, the annual records of the various hospitals. From the former source we might expect to learn how many persons die every year in Great Britain from hydatid disease, and from the latter how many patients come under treatment from this cause in the various hospitals. I regret to state that the amount of information from either source that I have as yet succeeded in acquiring is by no means so extensive as I could wish, for I have had at my disposal a few only of the Annual Reports of the Registrar-General of Births, Deaths, and Mar- riages for England and Wales, and I have been unable to learn anything about Scotland and Ireland. Through the kindness of Mr. Cleland, the obliging Registrar- General for South Australia, I have been able to examine the annual reports of the Registrar-General for England and Wales for the decade 1871 to 1881. During these ten years there died in England and Wales—Males, 2,679,416 ; females, 2,498,895 ; total, 5,178,311. Of these 436 persons were re- ported to have died of hydatid disease, being at the rate of one out of every 11,876 deaths. Now, I think with Dr. Cobbold, that this return is very far below the true one, for many cases of hydatid disease, fatal and otherwise, are no doubt not re- cognised as such. However, we must for the present accept the figures as they stand. In round numbers, then, we must assume that about one death out of every 12,000 in England and Wales for the decade 1871 to 1881 was due to hydatid disease. And now what do the hospital records teach us? About three years ago I forwarded to the authorities of a large number of London and provincial hospitals printed forms seeking mformation upon this point. Out of several dozens of such appeals, only two received any attention, for replies reached me only from the London Hospital and the Bristol Royal Infirmary. However, I have attained access in another way to the statistics of St. Bartholomew’s Hospital for the decade 1869 to 1879, and to those of St. Thomas’ Hospital for the four years 1876 to 1880. The return of the London Hos- pital extends over the five years, 1876 to 1881; that for the Bristol Royal Infirmary includes only the year 1880. However, 5 by throwing together the returns of those four hospitals we get an idea of twenty years of hospital work in Great Britain, and they show that in all 110 cases of hydatids were under treatment. During the same period there were about 99,000 in-patients, medical and surgical, treated, so that about one case out of every 900 treated in these institutions during the periods in question was one of hydatids. As far, then, as the data at our disposal extend, we may conclude that about one death out of every 12,000 in England and Wales during the decade 1871- 81 was due to hydatids, and that about one out of every 900 in- patients of the four hospitals mentioned was a case of hydatids. GERMANY, France, Iraty, Austria, AND Russra.—As far as I have been able to ascertain no data exist to show the prevalence of hydatids in these countries. However, the occurrence of the parasite in France, Germany, and Italy is certain. Hypatip Disease In Iceranp.—This country holds the unenviable position of being the one most highly infested with Echinococcus disease, and it may be instructive to devote some attention to the matter. It appears certain that hydatid disease has been just as prevalent in Iceland for cen- turies past as it is at the present time, for the earliest medical records of the country contain references to the prevalence of an affection of the liver, which could have been nothing other than this parasitic disease. Up to the present time an exact estimate of the frequency of the disease cannot be given, for the medical men resident in the country do not agree as to the proportion of the population at- tacked. Then, a great many persons have hydatids, and yet die of some other complaint; moreover, post-mortem ex- aminations are made comparatively rarely ; and, lastly, many of the victims of the disease recover by the efforts of unaided nature. However, many good authorities believe that from one-fifth to one-seventh of the entire population of Iceland suffers from hydatid disease. Other medical observers regard this estimate as too high, and consider that from one-fiftieth to one-sixtieth would be a more correct calculation. On the whole it seems to me that the balance of evidence points in the direction of the higher rather than of the lower figures. The Danish Government was so impressed with the gravity and extent of the evil that in 1863 it deputed a distinguished hel- minthologist, M. Krabbe, to investigate and report upon this question, and the result of his inquiries appeared in a treatise published in 1866, written, fortunately for us, in French, and not in Danish. He points out that the prevalence of hydatids 6 in man is in correlation to the frequency with which sheep and oxen suffer from the same disease, and, above all, in correspon- dence with the very common presence of the adult tapeworm in the dogs of Iceland. In Iceland, at the time of Krabbe’s report, there were for every 100 inhabitants 488 sheep and 36 horned cattle ; pigs, however, were scarce. Now, the propor- tion of sheep and cattle per 100 inhabitants in Great Britain, according to Mulhall’s balance-sheet of the world, 1870 to 1880, is—sheep 93, cows 29. So that if we include under the com- mon title of ‘domestic herbivora” sheep and horned cattle, we shall see that in Great Britain, per 100 persons, there were of domestic herbivora 122; in Iceland, 524. Tersely, then, in Iceland there are per head of human population more than four times as many possible hosts for hydatids as there are in Great Britain. Now, as regards the possible hosts of the tapeworm, 7e., the dogs. According to Krabbe there was in Great Britain in 1855 about one dog to every 50 inhabitants. In Iceland, at the time of his investigation, about one dog to every three to five inhabitants, z.e., there were, at his lowest computation, ten times as many dogs per head of population in Iceland as in Great Britain. From this it follows, other things being equal, that an Icelander was threatened with hydatid infection from the dogs ten times more than an Eng- lishman, and, besides that, every Icelandic dog had four times as many chances of eating the host of an hydatid as an English dog. But there are two other very important points to con- sider, viz., the opportunities that the dogs have of eating hydatids, and the chances of a man swallowing the eggs of the tapeworm. Of course the number of domestic herbivora and of dogs form only two elements in the chain of causation of hydatid disease. The most important elements by far are the numbers of these animals infested with the parasite, and the chances of mutual infection of the dogs and domestic herbivora. And, first, how many sheep, for example, are there affected with hydatids in the two countries? As regards Great Britain I have no data, but as concerns Iceland we have some facts, and in this connection I cannot do better than quote the fol- lowing statement by Dr. J. Wjaltelin, who for many years was the chief medical officer for Iceland. He writes :— “J have for many years been investigating how frequent this disease is in the Icelandic sheep, and I have come to the conclusion that traces of it are found in more than every fifth sheep ; nearly all the peasants have ascertained that this parasite may be found in every third sheep that is more than three years old. In a district called Skaptar-Syssel, with about 3,000 inhabitants and 22,000 sheep, the Echinococci are said to be found in every adult sheep, and it is worth attention 7 that just in this district every third adult person is said to have hydatids. Whether this is exact or not i cannot tell, but thus it was stated to me by a physician who has been serving there for more than thirty years.” So much for the preva- lence of hydatids in the chief domestic herbivora of that country; and now let us turn our attention to the dogs of Ice- land. Krabbe examined 100 Icelandic dogs, and found that in 28 of these Tenia Echinococcus was present, often in vast numbers. In Copenhagen he examined 500 dogs, but found this worm present in only two instances. Thus Tenia Echino- coccus is seventy times as common in Icelandic dogs as in those of Copenhagen. According to Cobbold, who is the first authority on helminthology in Great Britain, Tenia Echino- coccus has never been found present in any English dogs which had not previously been fed experimentally upon hydatids. This quite corresponds with the comparatively rare occurrence of hydatid disease in England. Then it must be remembered that in a country where sheep are so numerous, the dogs enjoy innumerable opportunities of eating the livers and lungs of sheep affected with Echinococcus, and thus they come to harbour vast numbers of the little tapeworms. And now as regards the last link in the chain of causation of hydatids, viz., the swallowing by man of the eggs of the tapeworms. All travellers whose works on Iceland I have read draw special and fre- quent attention to the gross uncleanliness of the people. Sheep, cows, and dogs live under the same roof as the family during the long weary months of Iceland’s bitter winter. The houses are devoid of ventilation, and almost entirely of light. The configuration of the country is such that extensive bogs and swamps alternate with lofty mountains, large rivers, and numerous lakes of all dimensions. The bogs and swamps are just the most suitable receptacles for the eggs of the tapeworm, deposited in myriads on the long matted grass, or more solid hummocks that often stud the area of the swamps. Then, owing to the diet of the people being largely composed of stock-fish, scurvy is common, and raw vegetables are a delicacy and greedily consumed, thus giving another agent for the con- veyance of the ova into the body. No doubt the three chief media are the bog and swamp-water used for drinking pur- poses; the consumption of raw vegetables, upon which the eggs have been deposited; and the habit of allowing dogs to cleanse the plates by hcking them. Even the stock-fish that constitutes the staple article of diet is heedlessly piled on the filthy floor of the dwelling-house, ready to become befouled by the dogs. The prevalence of the disease among the sheep is explicable in like manner by the swamp-water drunk, and the grass eaten by them. ‘The only land cultivated in Iceland is 8 the tun, which is a meadow surrounding the house, varying in extent according to the number of cows kept on the farm. This field is dressed with their dung, and produces the hay which constitutes the food of the cattle during the winter” (Baring Gould, p. 45). It is evident how easily the grass and hay of this small meadow may become infested with the minute ova of the innumerable Tenia harboured by the numerous dogs of an Icelandic homestead. Hypatip DISEASE IN THE AUSTRALASIAN COLONIES. I think that most of the intelligent public of Australia have known or heard that hydatid disease is a common one in this Southern Britain, but hitherto no extensive investigation into the prevalence and causes of this disease has been undertaken in Australia. Now, as this malady is, theoretically at least, pertectly preventible, and as moreover it may, I believe, be practically reduced in extent, I think that the entire subject is worthy of careful study and close investigation. Of course the first step in any such inquiry is to ascertain as far as possible the extent and local distribution of the disease; and in the case of Australia, as in that of Great Britain, we may hope to get reliable data from—Ist. The mortality returns of the various colonies; and, 2nd. The records of the hospital in each province. I mentioned my desire to the Hon. W. Morgan, who was Chief Secretary of South Australia at the time I com- menced this work, and he most kindly offered to use his influ- ence with the Governments of the other colonies to further my inquiry. I beg to offer my most cordial thanks, not only to Mr. Morgan, but also to the Hon. J. C. Bray, who has also greatly aided me. Through the kind influence of our two Chief Secretaries, I have also received the greatest assistance from Mr. Graham Berry and Sir Bryan O’Loughlen in Victoria, and from Sir Henry Parkes in New South Wales. Equally ready and courteous help has been given by the Governments of Queensland, New Zealand, and Tasmania. Not only have the Governments of all the colonies given their powerful and in- deed indispensable aid, but the hospital officials and public registrars have ungrudgingly and carefully taken infinite pains to supply the facts required. I cannot too gratefully acknowledge my obligations to my fellow-workers in this cause, and can only earnestly hope that great public good will result from the publication of the facts supplied by them. I shall first draw your attention to the hydatid statistics of the various colonies, and then I shall endeavour to point out the causes of the striking prevalence of the disease in some of them. From all the colonies of Australasia replies to my questions have been received, but as might have been expected, 9 the amount of information obtained is not equal in all cases. Thus I may dismiss Western Australia very briefly. In March, 1878, the Colonial Secretary wrote that he regretted his in- ability to supply information as to deaths from hydatid disease, because “under the Registration Act of this colony, it is not compulsory on individuals registering deaths to produce the certificate of a professional man; consequently, causes of death in most instances are recorded in general terms, and it would be impossible to render any return of the kind required, there being no reliable data at command.” As regards Vic- toria, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, New Zealand, and Tasmania the case is different. Vicroria.— Before giving you the statistics of the province, J cannot refrain from expressing my admiration of the exhaus- tive character of the returns, and of the promptitude with which they were supphed. The details of official records in Vie- toria must be as near perfection as possible. In the first place, let me remind you that by the census taken in 1881 the popu- lation of Victoria amounted in round numbers to 862,000 souls, of whom rather more than one half were males. The mean annual mortality of the colony has lately been 13°5 per 1,000 inhabitants. And now as regards the number of deaths attri- buted to hydatid disease. From the Registrar-General’s returns, it appears that during the twenty years, from the commencement of 1862 to the close of 1881, 584 persons died from hydatids. Of these there were of males, 388 ; of females, 246; total, 584; and during the fourteen years, 1868 to 1881, it appears that 2°98 per thousand of all the deaths in the province were caused by hydatids. I will not inflict upon you the details of the annual figures, but I wish to mention that upon the whole there has been during these twenty years a constant but somewhat irregular increase in the mortality from hydatids with advancing time. This is particularly conspicuous when we compare the four quinquennial periods embraced within the twenty years. Thus :—First quinquennium, 1862 to 1867, 59 cases ; second do., 1867 to 1872, 112 cases; third do., 1872 to 1877, 182 cases; fourth do., 1877 to 1882, 281 cases ; total, 584 cases. This steady and gradual increase is evidently due to one or both of two causes, viz., either hydatid disease is becoming more prevalent in Victoria, or the Registrar-General is being more accurately informed as to the true causes of death. But of course it must be borne in mind that the popu- lation of Victoria has increased greatly during these twenty years. Thus :—Population of Victoria, 1862, 554,358 souls; do., 1882, 862,346 souls. But then, in the last quinquennium there were nearly four times as many deaths from hydatids as in the first quinquennium, whilst the population was 7 10 not nearly twice as great—probably only about half as much again. As regards the ages of the victims, no age was exempt—the child, the adult, the old, all succumbed to this parasite. Thus:—Under 10 years of age there were 36 deaths; from 10 to 20, 57 do.; from 20 to 30, 89 do.; from 30 to 40, 100 do.; from 40 to 50, 109 do.; from 50 to 60, 73 do.; over 60 years of age, 32 do.; ages not stated, 4 do.; total, 500 deaths. These numbers include the deaths in the fourteen years, 1868 to 1882. I have not the data as regards age prior to 1868. From these figures it will be seen that the number of deaths increases steadily with advancing age up to 50. Afterwards the numbers diminish. This is not because people are less liable to hydatids after fifty, but because the greater proportion of people die before reaching that age. Now as regards the data supplied by the hospital records of Victoria, I have received returns from the following hospitals:— Alexandra, Alfred, Ballarat, Beechworth, Belfast, Castlemaine, Clunes, Creswick, Daylesford, Dunolly, Geelong, Heathcote, Horsham, Inglewood, Kilmore, Kyneton, Maldon, Mansfield, Maryborough, Melbourne, Pleasant Creek, Portland, St. Arnaud, Sale, Sandhurst, Swan Hill, Wangaratta, Warrnambool, Woods Point. I need not trouble you with the details of these returns, but I shall pick out those facts only which are of general interest. In some of these institutions no cases of this disease were recorded in the books. This was the case at the Belfast, Maldon, Mansfield, Swan Hill, and Warrnambool Hospitals. In the remaining hospitals, however, no fewer than 1,001 cases had been treated. Of these, the result was unknown in 373. In 206 instances death was known to have resulted, so that we can reckon the mortality of hydatid disease even under the best available treatment as at least 20 per cent., and per- sonally I am convinced that this is much below the real figure, for many cases are discharged from hospitals, and leave the care of their medical advisers, which are apparently cured, and yet come back in a few months or years worse than ever. Now taking the lowest estimate—7.e.,20 per cent.—as fatal, and remembering that the Registrar-General’s report for 20 years gave 584 deaths from this disease, it follows that in Victoria there were about 3,000 cases of hydatids during the 20 years 1861 to 1882. I think that this estimate of preventible disease is sufficiently startling, and not only justifies, but urgently invites, inquiry. And yet one case of smallpox would receive more attention than these 3,000 sufferers have done—at any rate, at the hands of the official guardians of the public health. As regards the proportion in which the two sexes were attacked, some information may be given :—Sex not stated, 171 cases; males, 493; females, 337; total, 1,001. 11 There was thus a preponderance of cases in males, but as there has been a considerably larger number of males than females in Victoria until quite lately, there cannot be much import- ance attached to the disparity of sexes attacked by hydatids. The proportion in which the different organs of the body were attacked was very interesting, but as I shall consider this point in connection with the total number of cases occurring in all. the colonies, I need not discuss it here. It is important to no- tice that if we take the hospitals of Victoria as a whole, there was about one case out of every 175 of the total indoor patients treated suffering from hydatid disease. I may remind you that in the four English hospitals the proportion was one hydatid out of about every 900 patients, so that it appears that hydatid disease is more than five times as common in Victorian as in the four English hospitals. But the different hospitals of Victoria itself did not show a like proportion of cases. Thus no cases at all, as I have already stated, were recorded in the Belfast, Maldon, Mansfield, Portland, Swan Hill, and Warr- nambool Hospitals, and yet between them they had 5,639 in- patients during the periods over which their returns extended. Sourn AvusTRALia.—According to the census taken in April, 1881, the total population amounted to 279,865 — males, 149,530; females, 130,335. The death-rate in 1881 was 13°90 per 1,000. The Registrar-General’s returns of hydatid deaths, for which I am indebted to the kindness of J. F. Cleland, Esq., extend over the 16 years from 1866 to 1881. In six of these years, viz., 1866-70 and 72, no deaths were returned as due to hydatids. In 1871 there was returned 1 death; in 1873 there were 3 deaths; 1874, 1; 1875, 2; 1876 and 1877, to- gether, 11; 1878-79, 3; 1880-81, 13; total, 34. So that for all the 16 years in question there were only 34 deaths attri- buted to this parasite. Now, if we take the last ten years, z.e., from 1872 to 1881 inclusive, we find that there were 33 deaths from hydatids out of a total of 34,431 deaths (Statistical Register for 1881, page 25) occuring during the same period ; so that hydatid disease is credited with having caused about one death out of every 1,043 during the last ten years. I am inclined to think that this is considerably below the number of deaths that actually occurred from this parasite. And now as regards the data supplied by the records of the various hospitals in the province. Of such institutions there are nine, viz., the Adelaide, Mount Gambier, Port Adelaide, Port Augusta, Port Lincoln, Wallaroo, Kapunda, Blinman, and Burra Hospitals. Of these the only ones which are large enough to supply any information on this subject are the two first named. I am indebted to Mr. E. H. Hallack for the very exhaustive returns of the Adelaide Hospital, which extend over a period 12 of 30 years, viz., 1852 to 1882. During this time 158 cases of hydatids were recognised and treated. There were in all under treatment as in-patients 36,556 persons, so that about. one case of every 245—exactly 24468— in-patients was hydatids. As regards the results of the treatment, we find that in 18 cases the results were not given; of the remaining 145, 20 died whilst in hospital, being at the rate of 12°66 per cent. The Mount Gambier Hospital.—t have to thank Dr. Jackson, lately Assistant Colonial Surgeon, for the statistics of this hospital during the seven years 1873 to 1880, and they are very significant. During these seven years 36 cases of hydatid disease were under treatment. During the same period there were of in-patients 1,905. So that no less than one case out of every 52°9 was hydatid disease. I am convinced that out of Iceland no place in the known world is so badly infested with this parasite as the South-Eastern district of this colony, which supplies the majority of the inmates of the Mount Gambier hospital. As I shall revert to this point afterwards, I need not discuss it here. In order to strike an average for the hospitals of South Australia we must add together the results of the Adelaide and Mount Gambier Hospitals. This will show us that about one case out of 198 in-patients suffered from hydatids. QUEENSLAND.— According to Hayter, the populatian of Queensland on December 31st, 1880, was 226,077 persons. The average death-rate for the decade 1869-79 was 17°27 per 1,000. It appears that the published statistics of this colony did not contain any particulars respecting deaths from hydatid disease prior to the year 1878, so that the only data at my disposal have extended over the four years 1878 to 1882, and during this time only five deaths from this cause were registered; so that only about one death out of 6,000 arose from hydatid disease in Queensland. The Hospital Statistics of Queensland.—Returns were sent from the hospitals at Bowen, Ipswich, Springsure, Stanthorpe, Charters Towers, Towoomba, George Town, and Maryborough. In five of these no cases of hydatids had been met with, viz., Bowen, Charters Towers, George Town, Maryborough, and Springsure. As regards the Ipswich Hospital, the return com- prises the 20 years 1860 to 1880. During this long period only two cases of hydatid disease were treated. The average number of in-patients is stated to be 300 per annum. The Stanthorpe Hospital’s record extends over the five years 1875 to 1880. Four cases only were observed, and one of these was not a hospital case. In the Toowoomba Hospital books only one case of hydatids appears. Thus it will be seen that the data 13 supplied from Queensland are too scanty to permit any numerical estimate to be made, but they show conclusively that the disease is comparatively rare in that colony. Tasmanta.—The population on December 31st, 1880, was 114,762. The mean death-rate for the decade 1869-79 was 15°59 per 1,000. First, as regards the deaths registered as due to hydatid disease :—In March, 1878, the Colonial Secretary wrote that during the ten years immediately antecedent to 1878 “no deaths from this disease were registered.” However, in 1878 there were two deaths, in 1879 two deaths, in 1880 one death, in 1881 one death; total, six deaths. So that in the last four years there have been six deaths from that cause. This was at the rate of ‘871 per 1,000 deaths. Hospitals of Tasmania——Returns were received from the Hobart, Launceston, and Campbelltown Hospitals. There was no record of any case of this disease in either the Launceston or the Campbelltown Hospital. The returns of the Hobart Hospitai comprise the four years 1878 to 1881 inclusive. There were thirteen cases treated suffering from hydatids. During the same period there were 4,223 in-patients, so that in the four years under our notice about one case out of 528 total in- patients was hydatid. As by some misunderstanding J have not been able to learn the total number of in- patients treated at the Campbelltown Hospital, I am unable to give the general hospital hydatid-rate for the colony, but I have reason to believe that not more than one out of every thousand cases treated is of this nature. New Zwaranp.—Population on December 31st, 1880, 484,864 souls. Mean death-rate from 1869 to 1879, 12°17 per 1,000. The Acting Colonial Secretary, in a letter dated March 7th, 1878, states that the causes of death were not compiled by the Registrar- General’s department prior to the year 1873. A statistical return that should have accompanied this letter has not reached my hands, so that the only returns in my posses- sion are those for the four years 1878, 1879, 1880, and 1881, and they show that in the year 1878 the deaths from hydatids were six, equal to 1°29 per 1,000; in 1879, seven, equal to 1°25 per 1,000; in 1880, nine, equal to 1°65 per 1,000; in 1881, three, equal to 0°55 per 1,000; total, 25. So that 1185 per 1,000 of the deaths that took place i in these four years resulted from hydatid disease. In hospital returns for New Zealand reples were received from Auckland, Charlestown, Christchurch, Dunedin, Gisborne, Hokitika, Lawrence, Napier, Naseby, Nelson, New Plymouth, Oamar u, Picton, Reefton, Southland, Thames, Timaru, Wakatipa, Wellington, and Westport. In eleven of these no hydatids had been treated, viz., Charlestown, 14 Gisborne, Lawrence, Napier, Naseby, Oamaru, Picton, Reefton, Southland, Thames, and Timaru. In the nine remaining hos- pitals there had been in all 57 cases of hydatids under treat- ment, and the proportion of cases of this disease to the total in-patients, as far as I could ascertain, was one out of every 745°7. I think that this estimate is rather too high, but it is based upon the statistics at my disposal. From both the Registrar-General’s and the hospital returns it will be seen that hydatid disease is not very prevalent in New Zealand. New Sourn Wates.—According to Hayter’s Year Book, the population of this province on December 31st, 1880, was 739,385 persons. No separate classification of hydatid disease was made by the Registrar-General’s department prior to the year 1875. Since that date, however, I have, through the favour of the Government, been supplied with the annual returns of deaths due to this cause. I need not now enter into details, but merely give you the gross result for the seven years, 1875 to 1882. During this period 56 persons died from hydatids, viz., 29 males and 27 females. During the same period 75,563 persons died in this province, so that one death out of every 1,349°3 was caused by hydatid disease, being at the rate of ‘741 per 1,000. From the hospital returns there appear to have been 103 cases of hydatids in all. From these we have to omit nine cases, as there are no corresponding returns of in-door patients. This will leave 94 cases out of a total of 35,760 in-door patients, being at the rate of one out of every 380 cases. SUMMARY. From the returns of the departments of the various Registrars- General, we find that there died of hydatid disease :— Period over . i : Rate of Mortality due to Name of Country. sap on Hydatid Disease. England and Wales..; 1871 to 1881 1 out of about 12,000 Tasmania .. --| 1878 to 1882 ‘871 per 1,000 New Zealand... .-| 1878 to 1882 1:185 per 1,000 Queensland .. al | New South Wales ..| 1875 to 1882 ‘741 per 1,000 South Australia ..; 1866 to 1881 *94 (nearly) per 1,000 Victoria + --| 1868 to 1882 2°98 per 1,000 15 The following shows the proportion of the hospital in- patients suffering from hydatids:—Four English hospitals, about one out of 900; Victorian do., about one out of 175; New South Wales do., about one out of 380; South Australia, do., about one out of 245; Queensland do., returns inadequate ; New Zealand do., about one out of 746; Tasmanian do., about one out of 325. TaBLE showing the number of domestic herbivora (including -sheep and horned cattle) per 100 inhabitants in the fol- lowing countries :— Domestic Country. Sheep. Horned Cattle. radon: Great Britain 2% 93 | 29 122 France .. = 64 30 94 Germany .. “A 55 35 90 Iceland .. ye 488 36 524 Europe... en vi ee | 30 96 Victoria .. ey 1,204 | 149 1,353 New South Wales.. 4,381 | 348 4,729 Queensland a 3,067 1,398 4,465 South Australia .. 2,415 114 2,029 New Zealand am 2,695 119 2,814 Tasmania .. st 1,554 | 110 1,664 The numbers for Great Britain, France, Germany, and Europe as a whole are from “ The Balance-sheet of the World, 1870-80,” by Michael G. Mulhall, F.S.S.; London, Edward Stanford, 1881 (table 27, page 40). Those for Iceland are from Krabbe, “ Recherches Helminthologiques en Danemark et en Islande,” page 59. Those for the colonies of Australia are from Hayter’s “ Victorian Year-Book, 1880-81” (folding-sheet No. 3). When we come to consider the number of domestic herbivora in each colony, we find that in Victoria, where, according to our statistics, hydatid disease in man is most pre- valent, the number of domestic herbivora per 100 inhabitants is the iowest. So that it is quite plain that other important elements must co-operate to cause hydatids in man; and this bears out my assertion that domestic herbivora do not directly infest man with Echinococcus disease, but merely suffer in com- mon with him. 16 TaBLE showing proportion of registered dogs in Victoria to population :— Veh Population, ac- Number of Proportion of Dogs to 1 cording to Hayter. Dogs. Population. 1872 32,504 1873 772,039 33,284 | 1 to every 23 1874 783,274 34,191 it oc oe 1875 791,399 36,917 1 oe: Sara 1876 801,717 36,532 el an 1877 815,494 37,097 1 ah 1878 827,439 37,251 | 1 #- Be 1879 840,620 37,248 1 «224 1880 860,067 37,495 1 6 ae Discusston. Professor Tare said there was something incompatible in the existence of the disease in the South-East, with the large quantities of water there, and he would rather have expected that 1t would be found most frequently in the North, where the people for the most part got their water from dams, and towards the Wimmera District. He was also disposed to doubt the localization of the disease by the statistics which had been given, and was rather disposed to think that the reputation of Dr. Jackson, formerly of Mount Gambier Hos- pital, had something to do with the disproportionate number of cases that had been attributed to the South-East. In fact, he thought the Mount Gambier Hospital had drained large dis- tricts of Victoria of hydatid cases. Those acquainted with Mount Gambier knew that the water was always running under- ground and near the surface, so that it could not be permanently contaminated by dogs, and the water used for domestic purposes was for the most part obtained from wells, the swamp water being rarely used. Then the statistics showed that women and children died from this disease in about the same proportion as the men, who might be supposed 10 run greater danger on account of their vocations, clearly indicating that the disease was generated near the homes. For his own part he was dis- posed to think that the disease was largely communicated by means of the uncooked vegetables so generally used in salads. More evidence should be obtained on the point whether water was the chief means of conveying the Tenia Echinococcus into 17 the intestines of the human subject, as the statistics available had so far failed to prove it. We wanted to know how the disease was contracted, and under what circumstances; how long the eggs would endure submergence in water, and whether they would float or sink ; and what temperatures they would stand without losing their vitality? It was also desirable to ascertain if eggs deposited in a swamp, and subsequently blown about with the dust, when the swamp had dried up, would retain their vitality. These important inquiries into the secondary causes of hydatids could not be carried out effectually by private persons. It was a work that should be undertaken by Government, and it would not be out of place for the Society to suggest to the Government the advisableness of having such investigations undertaken, as these statistics showed that the disease was a growing one. Another question was— Could we deal with this difficulty from the dog point of view? Could we cure the dogs? If not, then all the dogs should be killed and cremated. The disease should be stamped out at all events, for it in a measure involved the life of the nation. Under these circumstances the Government would fail in their duty if they did not do some- thing to deal effectively with this disease in its infancy. Dr. Pret Nessirr thought there was no doubt that the ova were ingested with uncooked vegetables, and this was probably the reason why the disease was so common in the neighbour- hood of Mount Gambier, because it did not exist in the North, where the people drank water obtained from dams, and did not often get fresh vegetables to eat. He did not believe, however, that many patients suffermg from hydatids came to Mount Gambier Hospital from Victoria, for although Dr. Jackson had a high reputation every effort was made to exclude Victorian patients He agreed that something should be done with the dogs if the disease was to be stamped out. Mr. Smeaton suggested that it might be well to go further back—to the sheeps’ livers with which the dogs were fed. Mr. Smyru was of opinion that some comparison should be instituted between the livers of the sheep in Adelaide and those of the sheep in the South-East, with the view of ascer- taining why the latter contained more hydatids than the former. If the disease was communicated by means of un- cooked vegetables it should be very prevalent in and around Adelaide. Professor Tarr asked Dr. Thomas if the water of the South- East had been examined, with a view of detecting any eges of the Tenia, as this was one link in the chain of research which should be carried out. Dr. Tuomas was of opinion that this had not been done. B 18 Dr. Wuirrett said there could be no doubt that this was a subject which was of the greatest importance to this colony, because if Dr. Thomas’s papers proved anything they proved that hydatids were largely on the increase ; that they were spreading from place to place, and that year by year a larger number of people died from them. After complimenting Dr. Thomas on his research, he expressed the opinion that the papers would do a great deal of good in dissipating some of the ignorance that existed amongst the people with respect to the causes and development of this disease. He had felt for some time that, although scientific men had done a great deal in investigating this subject, they had not quite succeeded in clearing up all the difficult poits connected with hydatid disease as it affected man. Tenia Echinococcus, like all tapeworms, had to pass through two stages—first, as larva in the cysts, and then in a developed state after it had obtained entrance into the human subject. There was no doubt that there was a direct connection between the cyst in one animal and the tapeworm in another; and it was also certain that there were different kinds of tapeworms and different kinds of cysts which affected or preferred particular animals. In fact, it was possible from an examination of the cysts to predict the kind of tapeworm that would be produced, and to fix upon the kind of animal that bred it. They found, moreover, that there were certain larve in the cow, in the pig, in the sheep, in dogs, and in man which were called hydatids, and so far as they had been able to tell there was a great resemblance between the hydatids of the sheep andof man. Up to recent times these had distinct names, but closer observation had led scientific men to the opinion that the hydatids of the sheep and of man were identical —that they were both derived from Tenia Echinococcus. Personally he was satisfied of this identity, but it was only an assumption which might at some future time be overturned. He was strongly of opinion that this question should receive more attention than it had, and this was apparent when they remembered the evidence upon which scientific men had based their conclusion that hydatids came from the Tenia in the dog. Experiments in dogs had been generally successful in countries where Tenia were rare; but in this colony, where they were common, such experiments would not be so satisfactory. So far, however, failure had attended all experiments to convey hydatids taken from the human subject to dogs, and this was the weak link in the chain. It had not been demonstrated absolutely and positively that the Tenia was the cause of hydatids. He would suggest to Dr. Thomas the advisableness ot experimenting in this direction, in order to get a satisfactory solution of the problem, and he believed that this end could be 19 attained by an expenditure of time, money, patience, and some little personal risk. And this would be a great gain, because it was the question of questions in regard to the settlement of the origin of hydatid disease. He also thought that a large number of ova obtained from the Tenia in this colony should be sent to England for experiment in the same direction. He was afraid that he had made a mistake in saying “to England,” because if a scientific man caused the same amount of pain to animals, with a view ot discovering something that would tend to the saving of human life, as resulted from many so-called sports, he would stand a good chance of seeing the inside of one of Her Majesty’s prisons. These ova should be sent to some place where the physiologist and biologist were not watched by the policeman while they were making their experi- ments. Physiology was not exactly dead in England, but it was seriously hindered in its investigations by the senti- mentality of old women of both sexes. While he could bear testimony to the industry that had characterized Dr. Thomas in the collection of his statistics, he could not agree with some of the conclusions that he had drawn. A leading proposition. in the paper was that there are four factors which regulated the spread of hydatid disease in any country— (1) the number of dogs in proportion to the population of the country; (2) the number of sheep and oxen in the country; (8) the opportunities that existed for the dogs to swallow the eggs bred in the sheep; (4) the frequency with which the dog devoured the organs of infected sheep containing hydatids. As far as Australia was concerned the two last factors would be equal in all the colonies, and the sheep in one colony would be just as liable to get the disease as any other, so that they were reduced to the other two factors. Although there was only one series of figures the conclusions suggested were different from those drawn by Dr. Thomas. In Victoria, the number of dogs during the seven years dealt with remained about stationary, viz., one dog to every twenty of the inhabi- tants, but the deaths from hydatids had enormously increased. From 1872 to 1877 the number of deaths was 960, but in the next five years they had increased to 1,150. Of course there had been some slight increase in the population, which should be taken into consideration; but that should not add more than three or four deaths to the number, but instead of that they had an annual average death-rate of 231 against 182. Then, as to the other factor, the statistics seemed to prove that the greater the number of sheep and oxen the less hydatids. New South Wales had the most stock, but was only fifth on the list of mortality from hydatid disease; while Victoria, with the least stock, had in proportion to her population the highest 20 death-rate from hydatids. Queensland in stock came close be- hind New South Wales, and there hydatids were practically unknown, as only six cases of death from that cause had been reported. From these facts he was disposed to think that there was something wrong about Dr. Thomas’s figures—there seemed to be a hidden factor somewhere, which had not yet been dis- covered, but he hoped that Dr. Thomas, during his forthcoming visit to the South-East, would be able to ascertain what it was. With regard to the number of cases of hydatids at Mount Gambier, he was inclined to think that the comparison had not been drawn correctly—that Dr. Thomas had overlooked one fact which vitiated a great part of the conclusion he had come to, that the South-East was, next to Iceland, the country most affected by hydatids. He had taken the experience of the Adelaide Hospital during the past thirty years, and the experi- ence of the Mount Gambier Hospital for seven years, and this was hardly fair. The first death from hydatids in the Adelaide Hospital was reported in 1876, and it was only right to assume that the disease had not been known or made its appearance in Australia much before that time. A more equitable comparison would have been to take the results of seven years’ experience at both hospitals, and if this were done he did not think that there would be so great a difference in the proportion of per- sons suffering from hydatid disease as Dr. Thomas’s figures indicated. The practical question we had to deal with was how to arrest the ravages of this enemy, which was rapidly extend- ing in all directions, and although it might be necessary to call on the Government to assist in the making the prolonged in- quiries that were necessary, a great deal might be done by the agencies already available. Professar Tate had asked a ques- tion with regard to the vitality of the Tenia. He did not know that any evidence existed with regard to that, but Davaine had demonstrated the extreme vitality of the pig tape- worm. After the ova had been kept in water for over twelve months, they were found to be living and able to create disease in animals to whom it was administered. Other observers had ascertained that even after the worms had become rotten and mildewed, the eggs, when taken away and administered to animals, produced cystic disease. There was one satisfactory fact about the matter, however, and it was this—that all ob- servers were agreed that after the eggs became dry they lost their vitality ; and bearing this in mind it was easy to realise the vast amount of good done by our hot weather and winds. If there were the requisite determination, he was convinced that the disease could be stamped out in three or four months, because Tenia were not very long-lived parasites, and came to maturity and fulfilled ali their functions in ten or thirteen 21 weeks. If all those interested in the slaughter of sheep, oxen, pigs, and other animals, whenever they saw any indication of hydatids in their internal organs, cut out the affected parts and burned them the disease would be stamped out within four months. Of course there would be still those animals affected with the diseases ; but as far as human beings were concerned, the doctors would cure some, the hydatids would kill some, and others again would outlive the hydatids. There was a want of | knowledge how to deal with this matter all over the colony; the people were looking everywhere for means to escape from or cope with this disease, but they nad looked in the wrong directions. Dr. THomas, inreply to the criticisms and observations made on his papers, referred briefly to the various points involved in the discussion of such a subject, and expressed the opinion that Professor Tate had pointed out the direction in which inquiries should be made. While his statistics were not so complete as was desirable, he believed they were as complete as could be obtained in the colonies. He believed that the tapeworm and Tenia were conveyed into the dog by means of herbivorous animals, and that at least 40 per cent. of the stray dogs of the city were affected with this pest. In fact, the specimens of the Tenia which had been shown under the microscope had been taken from various dogs of that description. He suggested that pigs or other suitable animals should be obtained and inoculated, and kept for say twelve months, as by this means all the stages of the parasite from the larve to the secondary cysts might be ascertained. Even if his comparison had been restricted to a seven years’ experience of the Adelaide and Mount Gambier Hospitals, he did not think that it would alter the fact that the South- East was the worst place after Iceland for hydatids. In referring to the four factors which, in his opinion, regulated the spread of hydatids, he never meant to say that the number of herbivorous animals or dogs decided this question, but that these factors must all work together in a co-ordinate strain. With regard to water being the main medium for the propaga- tion of the disease, Dr. Jackson was distinctly of opinion, before the people of the South-East awoke to the fact, that their water was their poison, that they were very careless in their use of it. He intended to have the water of the district tested, not only shortly, but also later on in the season. He also intended, if possible, to ascertain what proportion of the sheep and cattle had the hydatid disease. Mr. Chalwin, the veterinary surgeon, had made the statement on good author ity that every beast was affected, and as he thought the kangaroos also were very much affected with hydatids of the liver, of 22 course, when the dogs killed them they too contracted the disease. With regard to the dogs, he was convinced that if he could not find 40 per cent. unaffected in Adelaide, the percentage diseased would be 60 or even more in the South- East. SUPPLEMENT. [Read March 6, 1883.] [Dr. Tuomas, at a subsequent date, after a personal inspec- tion of the South-Eastern portion of South Australia, the western district of Victoria, and the City of Melbourne, made the following additional remarks as the result of his observa- tions :— | As regards our colony, my investigations were principally made in two directions :—First, as to the alleged prevalence of hydatid disease in man and the lower animals in the South- East; and, secondly, as regards the occurrence of the adult tapeworm in the dogs there. Upon the first of these points the records of the Mount Gambier Hospital and the experience of the medical men practising in the various towns supplied me © with valuable information, and I shall in the first place com- municate that to you. From questions put to medical men practising at Kingston, Millicent, and Mount Gambier, I was informed that hydatids were extremely common in their several practices, and it appeared that the part of the country most liable to this disease was, roughly speaking, a triangular dis- trict, which was bounded on the north by the line of railway from Kingston to Narracoorte; on the east by a line drawn from Narracoorte to MacDonnell Bay; and on the west by the coast line. Of course it is not meant that this is the only infected part, but merely that in a rough-and-ready way this marks the worst part of the country. And it appears, too, that kangaroo and domestic animals suffer more from hydatids here than elsewhere. Of course during a brief sojourn in these parts it was impossible for me to authenticate these statements for myself, but I am quite willing to believe them. I must say, how- ever, that at Benara Station, near Mount Gambier, where alone I had the opportunity of examining about half a dozen brush- kangaroos, I failed to find in any single instance any hydatids, either in the lungs or other viscera of the animals; and the same remark applies to eight brush-kangaroos examined on the opposite side of the Victorian frontier at the Punt. This, however, proves but little, for at the Punt there is an abundant supply of drinking water in the beautiful Glenelg River, and 23 of course so large a water supply could never suiier serious contamination. I do not know whence the game on Benara obtain their drinking water. In order to arrive at any trust- worthy data of this kind the water supply most accessible to the kangaroo should be noticed, and as this is being done in some parts of the South-East, I have no doubt that ere long we shall have some interesting facts to record. Dr. Jackson, whose opinions upon this subject must command the greatest respect, was of opinion that “ the unusual prevalence of hydatid disease in the South-Eastern District may be fairly attributed to the large number of marsupials and (to a lesser extent) of native dogs or dingos which abound, and to the peculiar disposition of the water supply, most of which exists as surface-water or swamps.” Dr. Jackson attributes the chief réle to the mar- supials, inasmuch as the dingo is rapidly becoming extinct. It is highly probable that kangaroos are much infested with hydatids in this district as a whole, so that I attach no import- ance to my inability to find cysts in the few specimens examined by me. It would be very interesting to receive information upon this point from sportsmen of a scientific turn of mind. As regards the sheep, there is no doubt that hydatid infection is very common in them, and that the parasite often co-exists with, and is often mistaken for, fluke. This is not surprising, when we learn that the water supply is the medium of infection in each case. And now as regards the records of the Mount Gambier Hospital. I may remind you that in my statistical paper I gave you, upon the authority of Dr. Jackson, the returns of this hospital for the seven years 1873-1880. They showed that during that period one out of every 53 in-patients treated was a case of hydatids. Of course this represents a very alarming prevalence of the disease; but it was doubted by Professor Tate whether the localization of the disease in the South-East was proven by the cases treated in the Mount Gambier Hospital. Professor Tate was inclined to think that the high reputation of Dr. Jackson—then in charge of the Mount Gambier Hospital—had something to do with the large number of cases of hydatids treated in that institution. This was, of course, a very cogent objection, and during my recent visit to Mount Gambier I brought this question before the notice of Mr. A. K. Varley, the very obliging Secretary of the hospital. This gentleman, who has taken a warm and intelli- gent interest in this subject, has been kind enough to collect and tabulate for me all the cases of hydatids admitted into the hospital from January, 1869, to December, 1882, 7.e., for 14 years. They amount in all to 54 cases, and during the same period there were 3,365 admissions of in-patients duly recorded. So that in round numbers about one out of every 62 cases 24, admitted during these 14 years was hydatid. This is a rather lower proportion than that of Dr. Jackson’s seven years, but still the difference is not very great. Now, Mr. Varley has recorded the places of residence of these hydatid cases, and this is very important. He states that “all the cases except one are from the South-East, and nearly all from swampy country.” This is more than a complete answer to Professor Tate’s objection, for Dr. Jackson had a very high reputation as an oculist, and cases of eye diseases came far and wide to reap the fruits of his skill. So that if we eliminated cases of eye diseases that did not come from the South-East, the pro- portion of hydatids would rise even higher than the figures quoted. Dr. Whittell objected that I had omitted to take corresponding years into account when contrasting the propor- tional numbers of cases of that disease treated at the Adelaide and Mount Gambier Hospitals. I have now done so, and the results are as follows for the years 1873 to 1880:—Mount Gambier Hospital, one hydatid out of 53 in-patients ; Adelaide Hospital, one hydatid out of 144°6 in-patients. So that hydatids were in proportion three times (nearly) as numerous in the Mount Gambier as in the Adelaide Hospital during the seven years in point. Ten dogs were examined at different places, viz., Millicent, Mount Gambier, and Penola. In each place the parasite was found. In all, four dogs were actually found to be infested, and a larger proportion may have been so. As regards both Adelaide and the South-East, 40 per cent. of the stray dogs have Tenia Echinococcus. Of course this is a very serious matter, and it quite explains the frequency of hydatids in man and animals in this country. Even in Iceland Krabbe found only 28 per cent. of the dogs thus dangerous to man and beast. Of ten dogs examined in Melbourne, five contained Toenta Echinococcus, viz., No. 2 contained hundreds, No. 3 thousands, No. 4 only a few, Nos. 9 and 10 a very few; but.in all cases of doubt the specimens were identified by microscopic examina- tion. So that Melbourne dogs appear to be quite as dangerous in this respect as those of Adelaide. The Dog Act is virtually in many parts at least of Victoria a dead letter, for during my recent visit to Melbourne I had the curiosity on two or three oceasions to count the dogs provided with, and also those not possessed of, collars. The figures were—Without collars, 59 dogs; with collars, 4 dogs. The dogs counted were wandering about the streets of Melbourne and Richmond. It was much the same at Casterton, Hamilton, and Ballarat. In many of the country towns of Victoria the source of infection of the dogs is evidently the same as in South Australia—ze., the easy access of stray dogs into slaughterhouses and butchers’ 25 premises, and the careless habit of throwing offal infected by cysts aside, so that dogs might eat it. In consequence of these observations I am convinced that the elaborate returns so courteously supplied to me by the Victorian Government as to the dogs registered in the various cities, towns, boroughs, and by the ‘Shire Councils do not represent by a vast number the real number of dogs in the province. As regards the media of conv eyance of the tapeworm egos into the body, there can be no doubt that the water supply is the chief one. ‘There is really every factor at work in the South-East to spread the disease—a large number of sheep, marsupials, &¢., to act as “hosts’’ for the cystic germ; a great many useless dogs which, through want of know ledge ‘of their owners , are allowed to eat the offal of sheep and the viscera of kangaroo caught in the chase; a reat area of land, swampy in the w inter, and in places pe erennially so, but at other spots becoming dry or sandy in the summer. Finally, many people are not acquainted with, or too indifferent to, the danger of drinking from water-holes or smail swamps; and in excuse it must be remembered that the dangerous draught may be cool, clean-looking, and inviting. Hence we cannot wonder that hydatids are common in man. The perversity of ignorance is often astounding. An influential sheep-farmer in “the South-East assured me recently that he had found it almost impossible to prevent station hands in his em- ployment from drinking surface-water, although he had thoughtfully provided an . auple supply of ‘wholesome and safe drink for their use. DiIscussIon. Mr. Grunpy drew Dr. Thomas’s attention to the nature of the water supply on the Benara Station. It consisted of two well-watered permanent creeks, and the water collected in underground caves. There was always an abundant supply. Mr. “Topp, C.M.G., remarked that in the country townships the people mainly got their water supply from tanks and wells. He thought that the swamps in the South-East were far too extensive to be capable of becoming infected to any appreci- able extent with the ova from the tapeworm of the dog. Prof. Tare asked Dr. Thomas if he thought the parasite to be endemie. Dr. Tuomas, in replying, made a few remarks respecting prophylactic measures. He thought that the chief of these would be to increase the dog-tax, see that it was rigidly carried out, and take steps to destroy all unregistered dogs. A pure 26 water supply was also very important. He thought that Mr. Grundy’s statement respecting the abundant water-supply of the Benara Station exceedingly confirmatory of his views respecting one of the chief sources of hydatid infection, viz., a scanty surface supply of water, to which dogs could have access; and that it fully explained why that part of the country should have such a happy exemption from the parasite. With respect to Mr. Todd’s objection that the swamps would be too extensive to be capable of being contaminated by dogs, he would say that he had not meant that the whole of the larger swamps had been thus infected, but merely small portions near dwellings and presenting such conditions as he had mentioned, favourable for the reception and retention of the ova, and to which man and the lower animals had easy access. In reply to Prof. Tate’s question as to whether he thought the parasite to be endemic in the colony, he said that he thought not, as there was no tradition of the natives having suffered from hydatid disease prior to the coming of the white man. Neither did he think that the dog had brought it here, for as a rule the Tenia Echinococcus did not live for more than twelve weeks in the intestine of the dog, and in the early days of the colony voyages from Europe took a much longer time. In sheep and oxen the hydatid may, on the other hand, remain for years embedded in the tissues; and these were most probably the source of the infection. There appeared to be no increase in the recorded cases of the disease in man at the Adelaide and Mount Gambier Hospitals during the past five years as compared with the previous five. 27 ON SOME IMPROVEMENTS IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF CURRE’S DI-ELECTRIC MACHINE. By D. B. Apamson. (Read February 6, 1883.} My object in coming before the Society on this occasion is principally to detail a few experiments made by me in con- structing the machine now before you. Being desirous of rendering it as effective as possible, I took some trouble in experimenting in various ways for that purpose. The machine is known by the name of “ Curre’s Di-electric Induction Machine.” It consists of two parts, one resembling the common frictional-plate machine with its rubbers and collecting comb; the other of a larger dise overlapping the former, and running as close to it as may be, without touching. The large dise acts the part of a di-electric between the smaller one and the points of a comb which carries off the electricity toward the prime conductor. The smaller disc, as it passes between the rubbers, becomes charged with positive electricity, and therefore, by induction, attracts negative electricity from the points of the comb, which is deposited on the large disc, and leaves the lower comb and its conductor charged positively. The large disc, which by means of the belt and pulley is made to rotate eight times for every turn of the smaller one, delivers up its charge of negative electricity as it passes the points of the upper comb, and so the prime conductor becomes negatively charged. By the upright rod which acts on a joint, the ball at the top can be brought nearer to, or removed further from, the prime conductor, so as to show the length of spark the machine can produce. The wooden apparatus on the top forms no part of Curre’s machine, but is an addition of my own, and is a modification of what is known as Winter’s ring. Having finished the machine in the first place without this appendage, although I found it gave out electricity in con- siderable quantity, I was not satisfied with the length of spark, which was seldom above five inches, and my first experiment was on the slab of ebonite opposite the upper comb. This appendage is by some makers supposed to lengthen the spark by one-third. Others again who have tried it say it has no 28 effect whatever, their machines working equally well without it. For my own part, after having experimented with this appendage in various forms, I have laid it aside, replacing it by an ebonite ball. These ebonite balls, I may remark, I have found to be much more effective than brass for the prevention of the escape of electricity. My next experiment was on the rubbers, the stuffing of which is commonly of horse-hair, but in my machine is com- posed of sheet-indiarubber about half-inch thick, covered with sheepskin, which forms a good flat surface, and fits closely to the plate. I thought by raising these rubbers higher there would be less time for the charge to escape from the friction plate before its coming opposite the di- electric, but after having raised them one and a-half inches there was no perceptible difference. While speaking of the rubbers, 1 may remark that it isa very common opinion that the electricity generated by the one on the side of the plate farthest from the di-electric is lost or wasted, but that such is not the case 1s easily proved, as one can be laid off; and we find on applying them alternately that the most distant one is quite as efiective as the other. My next experiment was on the spindle of the upper disc, which being of iron allowed some of the electricity to escape. This spindle I replaced by one made of ebonite, but the slight advantage gained was so small that it was more than counter- balanced by the loss in stiffness; so I laid this aside, and again used the iron one. This spindle I have insulated from the disc. I next tried the effect of lengthening the upper comb by means of an additional point projecting from the lower ball of the same. This proved to be a decided disadvantage, as it con- siderably diminished the length of spark, the reason being, as I afterwards found, that the di-electric—while it is from the circumference to a certain distance inwards negatively charged —has at the same time its central parts and spindle equally charged with positive electricity ; and so the extra point ap- proaching too near this central portion, instead of receiving an addition, gave up a part of what the comb had already gathered. As there exists a diversity of opinion as to the best form of collectors, many. being highly in favour of those used in ‘“‘ Winter’s’”? machine—which are made in the form of a ring, and having the points set in a groove—I constructed a pair on this plan. These I found not quite so effective as the forks, but this, I think, is to be attributed to their diameter being somewhat less than the length of the forks; otherwise I think their performance would have been very nearly equal. My next experiment consisted in the introduction of the ive ed ioe 29 link-shaped appendage on the top of the machine. This con- tains a continuous core of iron wire, which communicates with the cylinder through the supports at the ends. and works on the same principle as a “ Winter’s” ring, of which it is a modi- fication, being made in the link-shape for the purpose of keeping it as low as possible. This appendage adds consider- ably to the length of spark; still I believe the same end might have been attained by making the prime-conductor of larger dimensions. The last experiment I have to mention is the substitution in the place of the slab of ebonite before-mentioned of one of the ring collectors. This addition I find still farther increases the length of the spark, so that the machine which originally would only spark about six inches, will in its present form, under similar conditions, yield ten-inch sparks. NOTES ON THE NIGHT PARROT (Geopsittacus occidentalis). By F. W. Anprews. [Read February 6, 1883. | The Night Parrot (Geopsittacus occidentalis) is found in the northern and north-western portions of this colony, and speci- mens have also been procured from Western Australia. During the day this bird lies concealed in the inside of a tussock or bunch of porcupine grass (Zriodia), the inside being pulled out and a snug retreat formed for its protection. Here, also, its rough nest is formed, and four white eggs laid. When the dark shades of evening have fairly set in it comes out to feed, but generally flies direct to the nearest water, which is often at a considerable distance from its nest ; in some instances I have known them to fly a distance of four or five miles. After drinking and shaking themselves up a little they fly off to feed on the seeds of the porcupine grass, returning to the water two or three times during the night. The name given to this bird by the aborigines is “ Myrrlum- bing,” from the supposed resemblance of their whistling note to the sound of that word. They have also a very peculiar croaking note of alarm whilst at the water, which much re- sembles the loud croak of a frog. On one occasion one of 30 these parrots was caught in a hut, where it had apparently been attracted by the ght of a bush lamp; it was put into a box witha handful of dry grass. On examination next morning the bird could not be seen; it had placed the dry grass ina heap, and had then drawn out the inside straw by straw until it had formed a hole, in which it had concealed itself. These birds are pretty generally distributed through the north and north-west of this colony; they come and go according to the nature of the season. When the early season is wet the porcupine grass flourishes and bears large quantities of seed, on which many birds feed; but if, on the contrary, the season is a dry one the grass does not seed, and no birds are to be seen. I shot some specimens at Cooper’s Creek in 1875, when out as collecting naturalist for the late Mr. J. W. Lewis in his exploration of the country about Lake Eyre. They were in that district observed to conceal themselves during the day in the thick patches of shrubby samphire, on the salt flats bor- dering on the creeks and on Lake Eyre. The first specimen of this bird brought under notice was forwarded to the late Mr. Gould, from Perth, in Western Australia, and was named by him in consequence Geopsittacus occidentalis. He was not aware until many years afterwards that it was a night bird, and numerous mistakes were made concerning its habits and economy which I have endeavoured to correct by many years of study and observation. BrsLioGRaAPHicaL Notes, by Professor R. Tate. Geopsittacus occidentalis was first diagnostically made known by Mr. Gould in Proceedings Zoological Society, 1861, p. 100, from askin sent from Perth. Itis described by the same author in his ‘‘ Handbook to Birds of Australia,” 1865, vol. 2, p. 88, and is figured in the “ Birds of Australia,” supplt., part iv., pl. 2, 1867. Baron Mueller, towards the end of 1867, transmitted to the Zoological Society’s Gardens, London, a living specimen of this singular bird ; it was described by the donor as inhabiting the Gawler Ranges in South Australia, and in some respects to be a night-bird, like the Nightjars and Owls. During its short life in the Gardens, its habits were carefully watched, and the results arrived at were—that it is chiefly a nocturnal bird, shows a preference for green food, and that its voice is a double note harsh and loud. The specimen was anatomically examined by Dr. Murie, Prosector to the Society, and his observations are detailed in a paper printed in the Proceedings Zoeiogical Society, 1868, pp. 158-165. ol DIAGNOSES OF A NEW GENUS AND TWO SPECIES OF COMPOSITZ FROM SOUTH AUSTRALIA. By Bazon Siz F. von Mvenier, M.D., F.BS., &e., Hon. Member. [Read March 6, 1883.] Epaltes Tatei. Annual, dwarf, diffuse, somewhat downy; leaves small, oblong-lanceolar, quite or almost sessile, not decurrent, toothless or towards the summit minutely denticulated ; the lower mostly opposite, the upper somewhat crowded; flower- heads small, axillary, sessile; bracts few, irregular, in two or three rows, scarious, whitish, mostly oval, ciliolated, forming a campanular-ovate involucre ; female flowers in several circum- ferential rows, with exceedingly narrow corolla and exserted style-branches ; bisexual flowers few, central, partly sterile ; corolla widening gradually upwards, towards the summit dark- purplish ; fruits minute, cylindrical-ellipsoid, slightly angular, not furrowed, faintly scabrous ; pappus on none of the flowers. On sandy scrub-lands between Wellington and Mason’s Look-Out, at the east side of Lake Alexandrina. (Prof. R. Tate). In external appearance this plant reminds of some minute Alternanthera. Stems numerous from a slender root, not ex- ceeding two inches in height. Indument from short crisp to partly papillary hairs. Leaves flat, occasionally some oval, measuring only 2 to 4 lines in length. Flower-heads not above two lines long; when in fruit upwards contracted. Receptacle flat, smooth. Involucrating bracts light-brownish towards the base, occasionally one or more of the innermost rudimentary, these narrow and stalked. Corolla of bisexual flowers com- paratively slender, not callous at the base. Style branches not thickened at the summit. Female corollas slightly widened towards the base. Achenes when fully ripe dark-brownish, hardly one-third line long. The identical species was known to me since very many years from the vicinity of Spencer’s Gulf; but as the specimens from there were gathered in mid-summer, all their florets had dropped. It is an early spring plant, for Professor Tate found it in full fruit already at the commencement of October. I have not ventured to exclude this interesting little weed from a generic position in Epaltes, although the outward aspect, 32 the disposition of the leaves, the paucity and petaloid colora- tion of the involucre-bracts, as well as the approach to universality in fruit-ripening flowers would warrant to assign to the species sectional rank under the name Petalopholis. Systematically the plant should be piaced nearest to #. Harrisit. Still more anomalous in the genus is #. Cunningham through its almost complete diclinism, and through its bisexual flowers being provided with pappus-bristles to the number of five, as shown in the lithogram xxxviii of the ‘‘ Plants of Victoria.” As a genus Epaltes shows also some affinity to Hlachanthus, Tsoetopsis, and Stuartina. [Read April 3, 1883.] Achnophora. Flower-head heterogamous. Bracts in few rows, of unequal length, nearly ovate, not much pointed, membranous at the margin, forming an almost hemispheric involucre. Receptacle conically raised at its centre, bearing as many canalicular- lanceolate deciduous bracts as flowers. Outermost flowers ligulate and female, the other flowers bisexual, all fruit-bear- ing. Corolla of the bisexual flowers tubular, slightly widened upwards, terminated by five or rarely four deltoid very short tooth-like lobes. Anthers narrow-acuminate, without basal appendages. Stigmata short, capillary, neither truncated nor dilated at the end. Achenes semiovate, wedge shaped, some- what three or four-angular. Segments of the pappus eight to twelve, semilanceolar-subulate, flat, very shghtly ciliated. A stemless glabrous herb, in appearance like the smaller species of Brachycome, with bundles of short rather thick rootlets with all the leaves radical filiform-linear and quite entire, on broader clasping and rather long and mem- branous stalks with elongated single-headed bractless flower- stalks, with pale ligules and silky slightly compressed achenes. This new genus of Asteroidez differs from Wablonium in the involueral bracts being more unequal, in the development of ray-flowers, in not distinctly bi-tailed anthers, in acute stig- mata, as well as in the number and tender texture of the pappus-segments. From Ozlotis it is at once removed by the presence of bracts on the receptacle, as also by the structure of the pappus, in which latter respect it is nearer Quinetia ; from Erodiophyllum and Ammobium it is still more widely distant. But it shows among Extra-Australian genera some approach to the South African Amellus, though it is readily separable by habit, by more deciduous floral bracts and par- ticularly by the pappus and achenes. 33 Achnophora Tatei. On wet heathy ground about two miles east from Karatta, on the Stun’sail Boom River, Kangaroo Island, forming peren- nial tufts. (Professor Ralph Tate). Leaves three-fourths to one and a half inches long, a half to one line broad. Leaf-stalks measuring one-half to three- fourths of an inch in length, one to two lines in width, pellucid, three nerved. Peduncles thin, about two inches long. Outer involucral bracts shorter than the inner ones, and hardly pellu- cid towards the margin; inner bracts two or three lines high. Ultimate separate floral bracts entire and membranous at the margin, somewhat broader upwards, reaching as high as their flowers. Corolla of bisexual flower about two lines long. Anthers enclosed. Ligules narrowly oblong-lanceolar, hardly three lines long. Achenes scarcely one line high. Segments of calyx-limb (pappus) brownish-yellow, equal in size or somewhat unequal, but all of one form, about one line long, persistent. DIAGNOSIS OF A NEw GENUS OF VERBENACE& FROM ARNHEM’S LAND. By Baron Sre F. von Mvetrer, M.D., F.RS., &e., Hon. Member. 3 ‘Read May 1, 1883.] Tatea. Calyx with a semiovate soon hemispheric tube and five somewhat unequal semiovate deltoid or finally semiorbicular lobes. Corolla with very short blunt irregular lobes of imbri- cate preflorescence and with a short tube inside bearded towards the middle. Stamens four, inclosed, didynamous. Filaments short, inserted near the middle of the corolla-tube. Anthers almost cordate, longitudinally dehiscent, without any appendage. Style singularly short, deciduous. Stigma minute. Disk none. Ovary two-celled, with a solitary amphitropal ovule in each cell. Fruit drupaceous, ovate- globular, clasped at the base by the persistent calyx, perfectly two-celled, two-seeded or by evanescence of one of the ovules one-seeded. Placente axillary, fixed to the middle of the septum, moderately convex. Pericarp baceate. Endocarp bony, wrinkled or furrowed, not splitting. Seeds oblique- c 34 ovate, impressed at the placenta, fixed at the middle. Testa membranous, pale. Albumen thin, amygdaline. Embryo white, but little shorter than the albumen. Cotyledons plane- convex, free, downwards straight, upwards somewhat bent or twisted. Radicle very short, almost globular, exserted, inferior. A somewhat hairy herb, stemless or producing a very short stem, with creeping root-stock, with leaves opposite or quatern- arily crowded of comparatively large size, of ovate shape, of wedge-shaped attenuation into their very short stalk or sessile base, and of upwards many denticulation, with cymes on rather short peduncles, with narrow or minute bracts, with small flowers and outside black drupes. This new genus, notwithstanding its albuminous seeds, is better placed into the tribe of Viticee than that of Chloan- thacez, approaching to some extent Premna, but introducing unwontedly the feature of a stemless gesneraceous or scrophu- larinous plant into the order of Verbenacee. It is dedicated to the accomplished and unwearied Professor of Natural Science in the University of Adelaide, who himself was the first discoverer of this remarkable botanic novelty. Tatea subacaulis. In Arnhem’s Land, North Australia, along the route from Bridge Creek to McKinlay River at the Twelve-Mile, on alluvial soil (Professor Ralph Tate); near Yam _ Creek, (Inspector Foelsche). Rhizome sometimes two feet long. Leaves of tender texture, generally four only in number, measuring two to five inches in length and one and a half to three inches in width; always flat, almost glabrescent, paler beneath. Peduncles one to two inches long, beset with very short spreading hairlets. Cyme compound, hardly ever exceeding one and a half inches in length, conspersed with minute glands irrespective of its copious hairlets. Calyces one to one and a half lines long. Corolla about twice as long as the calyx, glabrous outside. Upper anthers at least sometimes smaller than the others. Style only about two-thirds of a line long. Fruit measuring three to four lines. This plant is principally in flower from March to April, and ripens its fruit towards the end of the year. 35 THE PROTEACEZ OF THE VICTORIAN ALPS, Wirth an InrRODUCTION ON THE TOPOGRAPHICAL AND GEOLOGICAL FEATURES OF THAT REGION. By James Srrrimne, Corresponding Member. (Read April 3, 1883.) The Australian Alps, in Victoria, may be described as con- sisting of a vast extent of mountains traversing the south- eastern portion of Australia ; flanked on the south-east by lower lying tracts, which embrace the lacustrine areas of Gippsland, and on the north by the extensive levels of the Murray basin. The central mountain mass does not, however, present to us an original axis of elevation, but, on the contrary, the area embraced by what is now called the Main Dividing Range was during Miocene times covered by an extensive plateau. ” Since that period long-continued sub-aerial denudation has eroded drainage channels, and has so altered the surface configura- tion as to produce orographical features essentially different from those which existed during the Miocene period. It seems probable that the present drainage channels, especially those forming the Murray-source affluents, were considerably in- fluenced by the pre-existing meridional corrugations of the Paleozoic rock masses, as well as by their composition and texture. Whether these regions were subjected to a period of climatic conditions analagous to that which formed the glacial epoch of Europe is a matter of some uncertainty, as no precise data exist, as far as known at present, for aiding in the solution of the problem. However, from the remarks “made by Prof. Tate in his admirable “ Address to the Royal Society of South Austraha,” vol. IL., p. lxiv., it would appear that there are not wanting evidences of glacial action in South Australia; it would, ‘therefore, be at least probable that the Australian Alps participated in those glacial movements. I have carefully examined the old lake basins near Omeo, referred to by my friend Mr. A. W. Howitt, F.G.S. (Quart. Jour. Geo. Soc., vol. Xxxv., p. 35, 187), and although there are not wanting evidences of transportation in the huge blocks now undergoing decom- position which compose the so-called false bottom of these ancient lake basins or tarns, yet there are no traces of ice 36 action in the form of grooved or scratched rock surfaces. It is possible, however, that powerful meteorological conditions during the past have removed by denudation evidences of glacial action such as those referred to by Prof. Tate as existing in South Australian territory. The orographical features of the main watershed line which constitutes the central chain of the Australian Alps is most varied, rising into dome-shaped heights as Mount Hotham, 6,015 feet above sea level ; opening out at lower levels into flat, although somewhat limited, ex- panses of table-lands, as Paw-Paw and Precipice Plains, 5,000 feet above sea level, forming thence an anticlinal ridge; again descending into low gaps or saddlebacks; rising again as a well-defined ridge, which gives place to rugged mountain peaks, as Mount Tambo and the Cobberas, the latter over 6,000 feet above sea level; and finally culminating in the towering heights of Mount Koscuisko, 7,308 feet above sea level. Connected with this main watershed line by ridges of varying width and surface contour are lofty plateaux, snowclad during winter for many months, such as Bogong High Plains, at an elevation of 6,000 feet above sea level, north of it; and the Snowy, Dargo, and Gelantipy tablelands, at 4,000 to 5,000 feet, south of it. These plateaux.form the gathering ground of some of the prin- cipal streams flowing northerly into the Murray River and southerly into the Gippsland lakes and Southern Ocean. During the midsummer these lofty plateaux, with their verdant aspect, rich carpetings of alpine flowers (principally of the order Composite), mosses, and lichens, form a striking and most agreeable contrast with the burnt-up, browned appearance of the lower lands and valleys, languishing in excessive dryness, at this time of the year. The surrounding scenery, as observed from the summit of one of the low rolling ridges intersecting the Bogong High Plains, is very grand and impressive—seas of mountains rising wave-like on every side, presenting in the distance almost infinite shades of blue and purple colouring ; while the extreme rarity of the air and other conditions all | tend to produce a scene of wild mountain grandeur charming beyond description. Unfortunately, the severity of the winter months and the accumulated snow render these high lands practically inhospitable at that time of the year. Geologically considered, the Australian Alps may be briefly described as consisting of highly-inclined Lower Palzo- zoic strata, on the denuded edges of which rest isolated tracts of either Upper Paleozoic strata or Tertiary volcanic sheets. The Lower Paleozoic formation, showing in many places as highly metamorphosed schists surrounded by, or surrounding, more or less central granitic masses, the latter being in all probability the lower portions of the Lower Palzozoic strata 37 partially or completely altered by the influence of central heat, and which have become exposed by long-continued pro- cesses of sub-aeriel denudation. The Metamorphic rocks are themselves invaded by porphyrites. Amoug the isolated patches of Upper Paleozoic rocks are remnants of a Devonian forma- tion of limestones and conglomerates, as at Bendi and other localities. The Tertiary basalts occupy mostly elevated posi- tions, forming indeed parts of the lofty plateau before referred to. They appeared to be the remnants of extensive lava flows, filling up the valleys excavated during the Miocene period, while the ancient ridges have in many places become the sites of the present river valleys by the extensive denudation and erosion which subsequently took place. Along the course of the principal streams are deposits of Tertiary gravels all more or less auriferous. The Tertiary formations which fringe the mountain mass on either side do not appear to rise on their flanks to a greater-height than S00 feet above the present sea level; or, in other words, the maximum level in respect to the mountain mass at which the sea has stood during Cainozoie time, or the total elevation of the land above sea level during that period. In order that local collections of indigenous plants may be made scientifically valuable for future phytographic researches, it seems to me that more attention to the precise locality should be noted, so that as the areas become geologically mapped, the formations upon which any given species pre- dominates may be traced out, and by this means aid in determining how far varieties of plants are due to geological or meteorological agencies. As far as our alpine representa- tives of the order under consideration are concerned, 1t seems probable that they are confined to the granitic and Silurian areas. It is much to be regretted that many of the names given to prominent peaks of our Australian Alps by our dis- tinguished botanist, Baron von Mueller, during his early botanical explorations, and published in that grand standard work, the “Flora Australiensis,’” have been subsequently arbitrarily altered, thus leading to confusion in tracing out the stations of any particular species. As far as known at present our alpine Proteaceous plants are endemic in these elevated regions, and I would remark, en passant, that it may be interesting to South Australian botanists to determine how far our alpine species may be correlated with any South Australian species under different climatic and geologic conditions. Most of the species herein referred to occur in the catchment basins of the Mitta Mitta and Hume Rivers, both source affluents of the Murray River. Of the Proteacee as a whole, the researches of Baron 38 Mueller, Robt. Brown, Dallachy, Bentham, and others have . determined the predominence of species in Western Australia and North-Eastern Australia.* Outside of Australian terri- tory, the order would appear to have a wide geographic range, through New Caledonia, Indian Archipelago, and Eastern tropical Asia to Japan, and also in South Africa and South America. Of the relation of this order of plants to the pre- existing flora of Australia, it seems probable that Proteaceous genera were contemporaneous with the deposition of the Lower Pliocene deposits, the fossil fruit Conchotheca rotunda bearing a resemblance to several tropical representatives of the genus Grevillea. As might be inferred from the altitudinal conditions, the Australian Alps present hypsometric zones of vegetation, rising from the gigantic Eucalypts of lower levels, through dense masses of arboreous shrubs clothing the moist heads of gullies at higher elevations, through zones of pasture lands and dwarfed heath-like plants to the treeless region at 6,000 feet, covered with alpine herbs, grasses, mosses, and lichens. Such hypsometric zones, however, do not present us with any great ordinal differences; on the contrary, the shrubs and plants found growing at sub-alpine and alpine heights are, for the most part, dwarfed representatives of lowland genera. There are, of course, a few exceptions to the rule, such as the genus Orites, which, as far as known, is limited to the mountainous regions of New South Wales, Victoria, and Tasmania. List oF SPECIES OF PROTEACE®S. Persoonia confertiflora Grevillea ramosissima Af Chamepeuce Hakea eriantha ‘i juniperina “« rugosa Va Bereich Orites lancifolia ‘ acicularis Grevillea alpina ‘¢ — microcarpa ne Miqueliana Lomatia ilicifolia parviflora “ longifolia ¢ - . 5 . ‘ australis Banksia marginata Persoonia confertiflora, Bentham. This interesting plant forms at elevations between 1,000 and 8,000 feet an erect shrub, but at higher elevations up to 4,500 feet it becomes dwarfed and divaricate. It is most abundant *From Baron Mueller’s “Systematic Census” the following statistics have been compiled :—Total Australian species, 587; number in West Australia, 396; South Australia, 33; Victoria, 51; Tasmania, 23; New South Wales, 127; Queensland, 63; North Australia, 35.—R. Tate. 39 on the heathy, rocky ridges of Metamorphic schist near Omeo, and also on the Silurian areas at Limestone Creek (head of Murray River) at elevations of 3,000 feet. Its other station is on the Genoa River (F. v. I). Persoonia Chamepeuce, Lhotsky. This is a rather decumbent shrub; is abundant on the un- dulating ranges of mica schist at elevations between 2,000 and 4,000 feet. It extends as far westward as the Broken River (fF. v. J), and northerly to Bathurst, New South Wales. Persoonia juniperina, Labillardiére. On the margin of source runnels intersecting the basaltic plateau at the head of Victoria River. This species forms a low divaricate shrub seldom exceeding one foot in height. It has a much wider geographic range than either of its congeners, as it has been found growing at the Genoa River; Tasmania, at elevations of 3,200 feet; Wimmera and Glenelg Rivers; and on the higher parts of the Mount Lofty Range in South Aus- traha. Orites lancifolia, F. v. M. This very handsome shrub inhabits the rocky summits of the Great Dividing Range as at Mount Hotham, and the high lateral ranges as Mount Feathertop; Mount Bogong, 6,508 feet, and Mount Wellington, principally on Silurian and granitic soils. I have not seen the species below 3,000 feet altitude ; its general limit is between 5,000 and 6,000 feet, and appears to flourish best at that zone. Grevillea alpina, Lindley. This interesting species is prolific in the ranges around Omeo on Metamorphic schists. It ascends to 4,000 feet. At 3,000 feet it is an erect shrub attaining a height of six feet. At the higher elevations it becomes dwarfed to a low straggling bush scarcely a foot above ground. It extends westerly to the granitic ridges of the Buffalo Ranges to the Upper Yarra Ranges, and further westward to the Grampians. Grevillea Miqueliana, F. v. M. On the porphyritic (Lower Devonian probably) ridges near the Omeo Plains, between Mount Sisters and Mount Tambo, at elevations of 4,000 feet, it forms a robust shrub fully ten feet high. It extends westerly in favourable rocky situations along the northern flanks of the Dividing Range to Mount Useful ; and has been found by the writer on the Silurian ranges near Grant, south of Dividing Range, at elevations of 4,000 feet. 40 Grevillea parviflora, R. Brown. Along the margin of the streams forming the source affluents of the Mitta Mitta River, on Metamorphic and Silurian areas, it is an erect rather bushy shrub, which attains a height of ten to twelve feet; but at elevations of 4,000 feet it becomes dwarfed. It extends easterly to the Genoa River, to the Illawarra and Blue Mountains in New South Wales; westerly to Portland, and South Australia at Kangaroo Island. It would be interesting to note the difference between the South Australian variety if found growing on the Tertiary formation of Kangaroo Island and our alpine form common to the older Paleozoic and Metamorphic schists. Grevillea australis, R. Brown. This much-branched shrub is found growing on the Silurian areas in the Mitchell River source basin south of the Dividing Range, at elevations of 5,000 feet. Near Mount Selwyn it be- comes dwarfed and decumbent, clinging to the rocks. It has been found at Mount Wellington and the sources of the Yarra River, and southerly in Tasmania, at elevations of 4,000 feet. Grevillea ramosissima, Meissner. This interesting species is apparently confined in Victoria to two stations—the Upper Hume River on Silurian formation (Baron Mueller), and at the junction of Livingstone Creek with the Mitta Mitta River on Metamorphic schists. At the latter station it attains a height,of three to six feet, and its altitudinal limit is 3,000 feet. It appears to be rapidly under- going extinction. It is more plentiful in New South Wales, extending to the Goulburn River, Macquarie River, and other localities. Hakea eriantha, R. Brown. An erect arborescent shrub, the fruits of which are locally known as hickory nuts; is most abundant on the Silurian areas of the Tambo and Dargo Rivers, south of the Dividing Range, at elevations of from 2,000 to 4,000 feet ; and on the gneissic schists of the Mitta Mitta basin, at elevations of 3,000 feet. It extends easterly to the Genoa River, and to the Hastings River and New England, New South Wales. Hakea rugosa, R. Brown. A prostrate species; confined, as far as known, in Victoria to the Upper Paleozoic formation at the head of the Macalister River, south of Dividing Range. It is widely distributed in South Australia. 41 Hakea acicularis, R. Brown. An arboreous shrub or small tree. Attains a height of 15 feet on the basaltic ledges of the Dargo High Plains tableland, at Mayford Spur, at an elevation of 5,000 feet. It extends northerly to Port Jackson and Blue Mountains, N.S.W., and southerly to the head of the Macalister River and Tasmania, at elevations of 2,000 to 4,000 feet. Hakea microcarpa, R. Brown. This stout, rigid shrub is common along the banks of the streams forming the head waters of the Mitta Mitta River on Metamorphic rocks up to 5,000 feet elevation. On the Omeo Ranges it attains a height of 8 to 12 feet, but becomes almost prostrate at the higher alpine stations. It extends northerly to the Macquarie and Clarence Rivers in New South Wales, and southerly to Tasmania, at elevations of 3,000 feet. Lomatia ilicifolia, R. Brown. This is an erect, somewhat arboreous shrub, attaining amid the sub-alpine slopes of our Australian Alps a height of 20 feet ; it is most abundant south of the Dividing Range, in the humid gullies at the sources of the Wentworth and other affluents of the Mitchell River, on Silurian soils, at elevations of 3,000 to 5,000 feet. It extends westerly along the Dividing Range to the Delatite Mountains and the Dandenong Ranges, and also to Port Phillip, and northerly to the Clarence River and Snowy Mountains at the heads of the Macleay and Bellinger Rivers, N.S.W. Lomatia longifolia, R. Brown. On the Livingstone Creek and Upper Mitta Mitta sources this erect shrub attains a height of 12 feet, on Metamorphic schist areas; on the Mitchell River basin, on the Lower Silurian areas, it is equally robust. It extends westerly to the Buffalo Ranges and King Rivers, and northerly to the Blue Mountains, N.S.W. Banksia marginata, Cavanilles. On the rocky ledges of Metamorphic schist, near Omeo, Livingstone Creek, at 2,000 feet elevation, this species forms a small bushy tree. It extends from the Wonnangulla River, on Paleozoic rocks, to Port Phillip; southerly to Tasmania, at elevations of 3,000 feet; westerly to Port Lincoln, in South Australia; and northerly to Port Jackson and Mudgee, in New South Wales. 42 Discussion. Professor Tare, in the course of his remarks, stated that of the sixteen species of Proteacee inhabiting the alpine region about Omeo four of them occur in South Austraha. They are :— Banksia marginata and Hakea rugosa, which he regarded as lowland plants straggling to high elevations; they flourish in the warm regions wherein the annual rainfall is not below 20 inches. The latter species he considered to be of South Aus- tralian origin. Persoonia juniperina is, in South Australia, restricted to the Mount Lofty and Willunga Ranges, and descends rarely below about 1,500 feet elevation. He was inclined to claim it asa survival of an alpine flora of Pliocene date. Grevillea parviflora in a varietal form is known from two stations on Kangaroo Island, on rich loam in river valleys, both at elevations not much above sea level. The Kangaroo Island plant is readily separable from the alpine one, and he thought that it had fair claim to subspecific rank as G. halmaturina. 43 NOTES OF THE DISSECTION OF A COMPOUND ASCIDIAN FOUND IN ST. VINCENT’S GULF. By H. T. Warirrert, M.D. [Read April 3, 1885.) Plate I. I do not know whether the Ascidian I am about to describe has been found or named by earlier observers. It is new to me, and differs in many respects from other Ascidians found at the same locality, and from the description of the compound Ascidians given in the text books of zoology. I have found two specimens on different days during the last two months, both floating in the ripple at low water within a little distance of the Glenelg jetty. The larger one was flattened, oval, and about three inches long by two broad; its thickness was about the third of an inch. In the water it was not unlike a piece of boiled tripe. It was soft and villose over its whole surface except at one portion of the side, where it was smooth and membranous, and in the centre of this smooth surface there was a small round opening which looked like a mouth. This specimen was decom- posing when I found it, and I could make nothing out of its structure except that on cutting through it, I found a number of bodies which I supposed to be ova. The second specimen was very much smaller, but in a good state of preservation. This also had the side opening at about the same part as in the larger one. I preserved this as nearly as possible in its natural condition, and before dissecting it, Professor Tate kindly gave me his opinion that I should find it to be a compound Ascidian. After hardening the specimen in spirit, I commenced the dissection by passing a fine probe through the opening at the side. The probe moved freely in any direction for about a quarter of an inch, but beyond this dis- tance there was resistance. One point of a small scissors was then introduced into the orifice, and the opening was enlarged above and below. An attempt was made from this point to peel off the outer membrane. We know it is easy as a rule in dissecting the solitary Ascidians to separate the outer test from the membranous mantle or second coat. In the specimen now under examination the separation could not be effected except. with the assistance of frequent snippings with the 44 scissors, and even then the work was anything but clean. In some parts nothing remained but the membrane, together with a portion of the softer tissue on the inner surface, in which, as seen under a simple lens, were numerous small pits, and at the bottom of each of these there was a small opening leading to the exterior (see a, fig. 1). On that part of the membrane where the removal had been less successful there remained numerous minute bodies, which at a glance proved the correct- ness of Professor Tate’s diagnosis, each of these being a small Ascidian with its branchial chamber or pharynx, according as we adopt Professor Huxley’s or Professor Allman’s nomen- clature, so beautifully shown that I doubt if any dissection of a larger Ascidian could enable a student to get a more accurate knowledge of this structure. The numerous sago-looking bodies which can be seen by the unaided eye are each the body of an Ascidian, having a complicated organization; but the most striking part of the view is the structure intervening between these bodies and the little openings communicating with the outer world—the so-called branchial chamber or pharynx. Many of these will be seen to be torn from their attachments, but some will be found in sitw, and. afford us a perfect knowledge of their arrangement. If we imagine a Chinese lantern to be divided by horizontal ribs, and the parts between these ribs to consist of many longitudinal bars, separated from each other at intervals, so as to give a bird-cage appearance to the whole, we shall have a rough notion of the appearance of these structures. In some instances the mouth (6, fig. 1) is still attached to the border of the opening. Be- hind this is a conical cap (c, fig. 1) denser and less transparent than the other parts, and composed of long flat fusiform cells with central nuclei. This cap, which fits on to the bird-cage structure, is composed of three or four tiers of perpendicular bars divided by the horizontal ribs as already described. Under a high power we can sometimes see here and there the remains of the cilia attached to these bars, by which, as in all the Ascidians, the animal keeps up a constant flow of water through its system. Each of these perpendicular bars appears to be hollow, having on each side a row of oblong cells with central nuclei. In all the specimens examined there was a thickened structure on the outer side of the bird-cage arrangement (d, fig. 1), and running up as high as the cap. It is certainly hollow, but terminates in a blind extremity. It has often been asserted that this structure being hollow serves as a means of conveying fluid along the walls of the bird-cage structure, and that the transverse bars are also hollow, and open into this tube. It is probable that the large tube may have some uses of this sort, but I have here a preparation adapted 45 for the highest powers, and it shows that each of these ribs is in fact a thin band of finely-striated muscular fibres, which can be traced all round the cage, and can be seen to divide into smaller fibres and fibrille, which split up and distribute them- selves on the walls of the large tube at the side. We can understand the uses of these muscles, which, by contracting, can readily cause the walls of the cage to contract, and eject water rapidly, as Ascidians are known to do, and from which the larger ones get the popular name of sea-squirts. I think it not improbable that the tube at the side also has muscular fibres entering into its structure, but I have not yet been able to demonstrate them. The end of the cage nearest to the body of the animal is larger than the mouth, and joins by a tube the digestive cavity of the Ascidian. If we turn again to the mouth of the animal we find seven short leaf-like expansions, which probably admit of motion during life (a, fig. 2), but cannot be extended and retracted like the tentacles of the Polyzoa. We know that the absence of vibratile ‘tentacles in Ascidians led to great difference of opinion between no less distinguished observers than Profes- sors Allman and Huxley as to the exact nature of the part I ha¥e hitherto mentioned as the bird-cage structure. By Pro- fessor Allman the true mouth of the Ascidian is supposed to be at the farther end of the structure, near the digestive cavity ; and the ribs and bars of the cage are believed to be the homo- logues of the tentacles of the Polyzoa. By Huxley the end nearest the outer membrane is believed to be the true mouth ; and the cage-like structure is supposed to be a greatly modified and dilated pharynx. My own observations have hitherto in- clined me to the views of Professor Allman, but an attentive study of the specimen now under notice leads to the belief that Professor Huxley is more correct. I find attached just within the cap a plentiful supply of conspicuous tentacles, which are sufficiently long to be easily protruded when neces- sary. In one of my mounts I have seen one or two of these tentacles protruded through the mouth, but in the majority of instances they are retracted, as in the Polyzoa, and he curled up within the cap. Fig. 2 is an enlarged view of the cap, and at bare seen several of these tentacles as observed in a slide J have here for exhibition. These cage-like bodies separate so easily from the other parts of the Ascidian that hundreds of them were found floating in the water under which the dissection was made. After the outer membrane had been removed as described, there remained an appurently semi-solid substance in which Ascidians in every stage of development were embedded. A 46 longitudinal incision was made through this substance, and it was found after cutting about one-eighth of an inch inward, that the knifeentered a cavity from which fluid was driven out with some force. On examination, it was found that this cavity was lined with a rather tough membrane not unlike the external coat, except that it was much smoother, and no openings could be found in it. I was not prepared for this cavity, and it was too late to take careful measures to ascertain whether it com- municated by any canal with any other part of the structure, but a prolonged search with a fine probe did not reveal any such opening, and I am inclined to believe that the only com- munication between the walls of this cavity and the other portions is by imbibition through the substance of the structure itself. During the dissection it was abundantly shown that the chief mode of growth, if not the only one, in this compound form was budding. I met with numerous buds growing inward from the lower part of the more mature Ascidians, and also embryo forms in all stages of development. We are all aware that a mass of evidence has been accumulated within the last few years tending to show that the Ascidian is the connecting link in the stage of evolution between the invertebrata and the vertebrata. The young larva of the solitary Ascidian has a tail, but as in the case of the young embryo of man, the tail disappears in the progress of development. Within this tail there is a prolongation of nervous structures, which also dis- appear, but during the existence of these structures the young Ascidian has a close resemblance to the forms of animals on the border land of vertebrata, as seen in the Amphioxus, one of the primitive forms of fish. I have here specimens of embryos dissected out from the substance of the Ascidian I am describ- ing; some are stained and others are simply mounted in pre- servative fluid. All these show that even in the compound Ascidians the embryos, though never likely to require to swim about, but always confined in the substance of the tissue, within which they are developed, have long well-formed tails, and in some of the better marked specimens there is evidence that there is within the tail a canal in which cells of a somewhat ovate shape can be distinguished. These tails show under a one-fifth objective unmistakable transverse markings like those of striated muscle. In one of the thicker specimens there are numerous embryos, showing the stages of tail formation. Fig.3 vives a view of one of these embryos, and ¢ shows the fully formed tail winding around the body. It will be remembered that in the embryo of the solitary Ascidian, and in its early free swimming stage of existence, there is to be seen near the head three rope-like appendages, 47 with bell-shaped ends not unlike the ends of the old-fashioned bell-pulls of former days. It has been ascertained that these are suckers, if I may use the expression, by which the young Ascidian ultimately fastens itself to stones or seaweeds when it settles down to a quiet life and a permanent residence. These appendages are remarkably well shown in some of the embryos under notice (fig. 3, 6). Three are always very distinct, and in some specimens three or four smaller ones are present. It is difficult to understand why they are there, knowing as we do that these embryos can never enjoy a free swimming existence. As the embryo grows we see _ these appendages lengthen out, and they may be seen traversing the inter-ascidian tissue in all directions, and can be sometimes traced for considerable distances. I suspect that these cords are hollow, and that they form a network of communication between the members of the colony. I must, however, wait for chance to put in my way a few living specimens before this and many other questions can be worked out. In all the embryo specimens there is a projecting portion of ill-defined tissue (fig. 3, a), which is probably nervous, and in it are embedded behind each other two distinct masses of pigment, which I take to be rudimentary eyes; but I do not notice any ocelli between the tentacles of the adult animal. The digestive organs, nervous system, and organs of cireula- tion are not so distinct in any of my specimens as to enable me to note more than that they appear to have a general resem- blance to those of the larger Ascidians. Some specimens I began to prepare yesterday will probably enable me by means of differential staining to get a step onward to more minute details. At present I believe the intestine terminates in a tube passing a short way upward by the side of the pharynx (fig. 3, e), opposite to that where the longer tube already described is seen. I have not been able to trace how it com- municates with the exterior. I believe this Ascidian comes nearest to the family of Botryllide, but to all appearances it is free swimming. Expranations To Puare I. Fig. 1. a, Pits in external test ; 6, mouth; ¢, cap; d, tube run- ning up side of pharynx; e, supposed end of intestine ; jf. body of Ascidian. Fig. 2. Enlarged view of cap. a, Mouth-tentacles ; 0, vibratile tentacles. Fig. 3. a, Eye and otolith; 4, suckers; ¢, tail; d, digestive organs in formation; e, birdeage-like pharynx in for- mation. 48 DESCRIPTIONS OF SOME NEW SPECIES OF SQUILLA FROM SOUTH AUSTRALIA. By Prorressor Ratren Tare, F.G.S., F.LS., &e. [Read May 1, 1883.] Plate IT. With the aid of Mr. Mier’s* “ Revision of the Genera and Species of the Squillide,’’ I have undertaken with some con- fidence an examination of the Australian species preserved in the South Australian Museum. These are, with one exception (Gonodactylus graphurus, from Edgecombe Bay, Queensland), from the tropical and extra-tropical waters of our province, and are as follows :— SPECIES FROM THE NortTHERN TERRITORY. 1.—Squilla raphidea, Fabricius. The only example in the collection, which is, from the Northern Territory (probably Port Darwin), I have identified with S. harpax, De Haan,+ placed by Mr. Miers as synonymic with the Fabrician species here named. 8S. raphidea has hitherto been unrecorded for Australia, though it is known from various parts of the Indo-Pacific region. The Port Darwin specimen measures 7} inches in length. 2.—Gonodactylus chiragra, Fabricius. Many examples from the Northern Territory, probably Port Darwin, whence I have seen several specimens in the collection of Mr. W. T. Bednall, by whom they were taken. 3.—Gonodactylus graphurus, White. Two examples from the Northern Territory, probably Port Darwin. The following are also known from Port Essington :— Lysiosquilla acanthocarpus, Miers; Chloridella microphthalna, M.-Edw. ; and Squilla scorpio, Latreille. SpecrEs FRoM SourH AUSTRALIA. Mr. Haswell had evidently not been aware of the occurence of any member of the Squilla family in South Australian waters, as in his “ Australian Crustacea” not one of the species ~ *« On the Squillide,” in Annals Mag. Nat. History 5, vel. 5; 1880. + ‘*Fauna Japonica, Crustacea,” p. 222, t. li., fig. 1; 1850. 49 has assigned to it a South Australian habitat; indeed, our knowledge of the existence of representatives of the family off the whole of the south coast of the continent is limited to Squilla miles—a Victorian example of which is in the British Museum. Under these circumstances it is with much satisfac- tion that I have to report the presence of three species in our much-neglected field of carcinographical research. These species are, moreover, diagnostically unknown, and I propose to describe them under the names of Squilla pectinata, S. inornata, and S. subfasciata. They agree in one character, namely, that the anterior margin of the penultimate joint of the raptorial limb is furnished throughout its whole length with close-set comb-like teeth. This character is entirely foreign to the genus, though present in Chloridella and some species of Lysiosquilla. My S. subfasciata makes some approach to Chloridella, but the generic characters are those proper to Squilla. Following the analytical scheme of Mr. Miers, I have in the subjoined schedule brought the three South Australian species into correlation with others of the genus. A, Exposed thoracic and first five abdominal segments, with submedian carine on the dorsal surface. 1. Penultimate jomt of the raptorial limbs without a series of immobile spines. 11. Penultimate joint of the raptorial limbs with immo- bile spines (or denticulations) along its whole length. * Armature of penultimate joint spinous, as in S. raphidea. ** Armature of penultimate joint consisting of denticles, in addition to the mobile spines. 1. Dactyli of raptorial limbs armed with four spines; antero-lateral angles of carapace rounded ty es! S. pectinata 2. Dactyli of raptorial limbs with six spines; antero-lateral angles of carapace spinous... ae Ae ase S. inornata B. Exposed thoracic and first five abdominal segments with the dorsal surface smooth. 1. Dactyli of raptorial hmbs with six spines; antero- lateral angles of carapace spinous. 1. Penultimate joint of the raptorial limbs without immobile spines ... 22 S. fasciata 2. Penultimate joint of the raptorial limbs : margined with close-set denticles ... S. subfasciata 50 Squilla pectinata, spec. nov. Species name in allusion to the comb-lke front margin of the penultimate joint of the raptorial limbs. Carapace in the form of a truncated isosceles triangle, with the sides nearly straight, and the angles rounded; length, 1:05, breadth at base, ‘85, breadth at front, ‘5 of an inch; smooth, very convex in the middle, with the sulci deep and prolonged to the cervical suture. Posterior to the cervical suture are two lateral carine on each side. Rostrum semi-oval, as long as broad—0:15 of an inch—partially covering the ophthalmic segment. The exposed thoracic and the first five abdominal segments ornamented with two submedian carine, and a lateral carina on each side. The first five abdominal segments have in addition two lateral carine inferior to the first on each side; the postero-lateral angles spinulate. The sixth abdominal segment has two submedian and four lateral carine, each terminating in a strong spine. The telson has seven acute longitudinal crests and a few sub- marginal carunculations, more or less confluent ; the median crest terminates in a spine, and the crest on either side of the median one has a few spinulose serrations towards the ex- tremity. The margin is produced into two submedian triangular spines and four lateral spines, the spaces between the sub- median and the first lateral spines with about ten strong serratures. The basal prolongation of the uropoda is margined on the inner side with narrow and acute spines gradually in- creasing in length; the inner of its two elongated terminal spines is slightly longer, and is notched on its outer margin near to the extremity. The dactyli of the raptorial limbs have four spines, the ter- minal one more than half the length of the dactylus. Penulti- mate joint armed on its anterior and superior margin with close set comb-like teeth ; there are afew unequal-sized mobile - spines in the grooved front of the same joint. The appendages to the thoracic limbs are styliform; the lateral processes of the first exposed thoracic segment is narrow, straight, and acute; those of the following are truncated laterally with rounded angles. Length of the body, 43 inches ; greatest breadth, 1 inch. The colour of the specimens preserved in spirit is pale-horn, the coste and margins of the carapace and thoracic and abdominal segments dark-coloured. Locality.—Port Adelaide Creek and St. Vincent’s Gulf (8. Aust. Mus., three specimens) ; Fowler’s Bay (Vrs. 4. Richards, one specimen). 51 Squilla inornata, spec. nov. Species name in allusion to the unornamented telson. Carapace with the base much arched, the postero-lateral angles rounded and backward produced, sides slightly excavated, front margin sinuous, the antero-lateral angles are armed with a short spine; median longitudinal diameter, °51, breadth of base, ‘4, breadth of front, ‘125 inch. There are three longi- tudinal carine, which are interrupted by the distinctly marked cervical suture, posterior to which, the median carina is bipartite anteriorly and terminates in a spinule. Rostrum oblong, a little longer than wide, with the lateral margins slightly raised, there is no median ridge; it reaches to the base of the ophthalmic segment. The exposed thoracic and first six abdominal segments are ornamented with six longitudinal carine ; all the carine of the fifth and sixth, the laterals of the fourth, and the inferior laterals of the third and second abdominal segments terminate in spinules; the postero-lateral angles of the first five abdominal segments spinulose. The telson is smooth on its upper surface, but is provided with a median crest ending in a spinule; its margin is pro- longed into two submedian spines and two laterals on each side. The deep notch between the submedian spines has on each side four blunt denticulations; between the submedian and superior lateral spines there are eight comb-lke denticu- lations. The distal prolongation of the basal part of the uropoda is armed on the inner edge with minute serratures, and ter- minates in two unequal spines, the inner one of which is the longer and is armed with a spinule on its outer edge. The dactyli of the raptorial limbs have six spines, the terminal one half the length of the joimt. The penultimate - joint much compressed, its anterior edge denticulated through its length; a few mobile spines arise from the marginal groove. The appendages to the thoracic limbs are styliform. The lateral processes of the exposed segments are bilobate ; the anterior lobe of the first of the exposed segments is elongated, curved forward, and acute; in those of the second, third, and fourth exposed segments the posterior lobe is the larger. Length of body, two and a half inches. Colour in spirit, greenish-brown. Locality—St. Vineent’s Gulf (S. Aust. Mus., two examples.) In general appearance S. inornata resembles S. Dufresnii, Miers (loc. cit, t. 2, f. 8), but differs in the pectinated margin of the penultimate joint of the raptorial limbs, in the shape of the rostrum, and in the lateral processes of the ex- 52 posed thoracic segments. In this last character our species resembles S. nepa. Squilla subfasciata, spec. nov. Species name to indicate its affinity with S. fasciata. Carapace smooth, with a faint lateral carina on each side, widening posteriorly ; very convex in the middle, with the sulei deep, and produced to the posterior margin; antero-lateral angles armed with a spine; postero-lateral angles broadly rounded; posterior margin strongly arched. Rostral plate truncatedly trigonous, a little longer than broad, reaching to the base of the ophthalmic segment. The exposed thoracic and the first five abdominal segments have their medio-dorsal surfaces convex, smooth, but are faintly marked with a lateral carina on each side, whilst the abdominal segments have a stronger carina on each side inferior to the other. The postero-lateral angle and the inferior carine of each abdominal segment end in spinules. On the sixth abdominal segment the submedian as well as the lateral carine are present and end in spines. The telson is much broader than long, and is ornamented with a median acute crest, spinous at the end, and about six ridges on each side. The margin is prolonged into six acute teeth, between which are a number of smaller spiniform teeth. The basal prolongation of the uropoda is armed on its inner edge with narrow and acute spines gradually increasing in length; the inner of its two elongated terminal spines is the longer, and armed with an acute tooth on its outer margin. The dactyli of the raptorial limbs are six-spined, gradually increasing in size. The anterior margin of the penultimate joint is pectinated throughout its length, and carries on the inferior face a few mobile spines. The appendages of the three post-thoracic limbs are linear-spathulate, flat. The first ex- posed thoracic segment is not laterally produced, but is armed with a spinule on each side; the following segments are suc- cessively broader, scarcely laterally produced, and rounded on the sides. Length of body, two and one-fourth inches; greatest breadth, one-fourth inch. Colour in spirit, pale straw. Locality —St. Vincent’s Gulf (S. Aust. Mus., one example). S. fasciata has much resemblance to Chloridella microph- thalma; and differs from S. fasciata only in its pectinated penultimate joint of the raptorial limbs, in the arched posterior margin of the carapace, and in the truncated apex of the rostral plate. 53 EXPLANATIONS TO Prats II. Fig. 1.—Squzlla subfasciata: a, carapace; b, dactylus and penul- timate joint of raptorial limb; ¢, telson; d, basal pro- longation of uropoda. Fig. 2.—Squilla pectinata: a, carapace; b, dactylus and penul- timate joint of raptorial limb; ec, telson and_ sixth abdominal segment; d, lateral view of exposed thoracic segments. Fig. 3.—Squilla inornata: a, dactylus and penultimate joint of raptorial mb; 6, telson; ¢, lateral view of exposed thoracic segments. —— se Ba fot. HousE SANITATION. By Jonun Hastram. {Read June 5, 1883. | (Abridged. ] The subject of sanitation is one that is exercising the thoughts of the professional and scientific world, in the hope of discovering the most effectual means to deal with an enemy that is still defeating their most careful research. In the air of sewers and house drains the products of de- composition are variable, arising from both solid and liquid excreta, together with house water and other refuse matter poured down the sinks, which pass into the sewers. Diarrhea and typhoid fever arise from the air of sewers and fecal emanations. With regard to the productions of diarrhoea from fecal emanations, it appears from observations in England that it is intimately connected with temperature, and usually commences when the thermometer is persistently above 60°, and when there is at the time a scarcity of rainfall. T wish to show that it will be in the summer in this climate that any defects in the sanitary arrangements of the city will assert themselves with the greatest persistency, as heat is one of the chief agents in inducing the sewer gas to leave its solitude and poison our homes and surroundings. The presence of such sewer gas in the air we breathe will be an unfailing source of depression and debility, and will be a certain source of the spread of typhoid fever. During the last ten years the subject of sanitation has been discussed in England in all its bearings. The results have been varied, but the discussion has established two things. First —That when drinking water is contaminated by sewage those who drink the water are in danger of suffering from typhoid fever, diphtheria, scarlet fever, and other febrile ail- ments classed under the term zymotic. Second.—That when sewer gas finds its way into a house or its surroundings the inmates are in danger of an outbreak of such zymotic diseases, not to speak of minor illnesses, the connection of which with sewer gas has: been clearly established. We should, therefore, be inspired with the determination to have the best system of house sanitation, together with the 55 most efficient ventilation of the sewers, adopted in Adelaide as its system of sewerage is being completed. We have the advantage of knowing what has been done in England by the best engineers; we have the knowledge of the climatic changes of the country, and we ought to have a drainage system based it may be from English practical experience, but adapted to our altered circumstances. I am indebted to our esteemed President for the comparison of the climatic conditions of Greenwich and Adelaide for the year 1880 (vide appendix). I will quote the main points as they bear upon our subject :— GREENWICH. ADELAIDE. The average mean temperature is 49°5 ft ... 63°3 “ highest reading is We: 87°5 ott ... 1145 “lowest reading is ee 17°2 adi Lie ere ** mean daily range is... 15°2 a ere ‘“* humidity is nos Me 83°0 a ets 70), ** rainfall is ee ae OG et .. 22°47 For ten months the mean temperature at Greenwich is under 60°, whilst in Adelaide only during six months does the same temperature prevail. For eight months the highest readings at Greenwich vary from 61°4 to 87°5, whilst in Adelaide the highest readings vary from 63:2 to 114°5. Barometric changes affect the amount of foul air present in the sewers. The diminution in barometric pressure leads to the escape of gases, which are stored in the interstices of the sewage, and favours decomposition. An increase of barometric pressure enables sewer air to carry a larger amount of the vapour of water, and for the sewage to retain a larger volume of the offensive gases due to decomposition or absorption without parting with them. Temperature and barometric changes are therefore the fruitful agents by which air is liberated from sewage, and it is consequently during atmos- pheric changes that sewers which appear sweet at other times become offensive and noxious. Under these conditions, and with the knowledge that in England “ preventible disease” caused by drainage is intimately connected with temperature, and, as stated, usually commences when the thermometer is persistently above 60°, inasmuch as then the fecal emanations reach a certain rapidity of evolu- tion in consequence of the high temperature, it behoves us to examine these figures, which go to prove that in Adelaide the decomposing matter will cause the sewer air to be ina constant state of evolution, and, therefore, requires the most thorough and perfect system of ventilation. I may here say that extreme cold will prevent the germ matter from being diffused, 56 and, therefore, restrain decomposition ; and this condition may be indefinitely prolonged at or below freezing point, but with an elevation of temperature the lability to undergo change or decomposition immediately returns. Heat above 140° destroys the structure of organic poisons, while it otherwise operates beneficially by producing expansion and consequent dilution of the noxious matter. But under 120° it evolves gaseous matter. In the ventilators from the sewers to the street level in my opinion columns of sewer gas will be formed through the various causes within the sewers which are always in opera- tions—escapes from which will be determined by the tempera- ture and barometric changes; and thus the air of our streets will be rendered impure by such emanations, and the body less healthy, and, therefore, less capable of resisting disease poisons. In the treatment of this subject I propose to consider— 1st. House drainage in Adelaide as proposed by the late Mr. Clark. 2nd. House drainage in Adelaide, as enforced by regula- tions. 3rd. House drainage in Adelaide, as suggested by the author. I.—Mr. Criarx’s System. The report under date January 14, 1878, by the late Mr. Clark distinctly lays down fixed laws, viz., (1) pure air is essential to healthy existence; (2) modern instances are numerous, testifying to the sanitary influence which pure water and efficient drainage have upon the public health; (3) if all the filth which is produced be removed at once and completely before decomposition can take place, and the malarious gases are engendered, the city is in a perfect sanitary condition. He then states :—‘‘ The third use of the sewers is the re- moval of the water supply after having served its domestic purposes, and with it the excrementitious and other matter which can be conveyed away in running water. To do this perfectly and continuously they must be laid with an inclination which shall insure a certain velocity. There must be no stoppage or stagnation in the stream from the point of inlet to the outlet. If these objects be attained—and they easily can be—it is evident that there will be no time for decomposition to engender noxious gases in the sewer.” He then recommends for con- sideration of the authorities that a plan of the city be made with the points where drainage will be required shown on, such as sinks, closets, water taps, and stack-pipes. The pos- session of such a plan will enable the engineer to lay out in 57 detail all public and private drainage with confidence and ac- curacy. In every system of sewers provision for perfect ventilation must be made, as every cubic foot of fluid admitted will dis- place a similar quantity of air. If no provision be made for escape, the air in the sewer would be under pressure, and tend to force its way through every imperfectly trapped inlet which may be existing; and should such inlet be within the house, the atmosphere thereof would be vitiated. The means of ventilating the sewers is by small brick chambers placed five or six hundred feet apart, constructed in connection with a manhole at or near the centre of street. The air in escaping passes through a basket of charcoal, and after- wards through an iron grid fixed at the level of street surface, the charcoal rendering the air inodorous. A more active venti- lation has in some cases been attempted by connecting the sewers with a furnace or large chimneys. Undoubtedly a more rapid change of the air of the sewers would thus be effected, as the draught would be promoted by the heated chimney. If any stagnation should occur in the sewers of Adelaide it will be due to errors in construction. When there are several branches to the house drains it is desirable to carry them all to one point into adip trap. if this be done, no further trapping at the junction of the house drain with the public sewer will be required. A direct com- munication from this trap to some convenient wall where a ventilating pipe can be fixed is desirable, as it removes all chance of pressure within the pipes, and ensures a perfect ventilation. If the soil pipe be carried for its full size up to the top of the house, and a syphon trap be fixed at its lower end, the ventilation of the pipe will be perfect, and the danger of gas entering the house reduced to a minimum. Such, gentlemen, is the advice the late Mr. Clark gave the citizens of Adelaide in his report. IIl.—Tuer System EnNFoRCED BY REGULATIONS. Under the heading of “ Descriptive Directions’’ the regula- tions say :—‘“‘The most important part of a system of deep drainage, such as has been carried out in Adelaide, is the estab- lishment of connections between the sewers and dwelling- houses. Upon the manner in which these connections are made, and the care bestowed upon them, will depend in a great measure the success or failure of the whole undertaking. If the connections are properly made avast benefit will have been conferred on the community by the construction of the works, and a considerable improvement in the health of the city may be expected ; if, however, the connection be improperly made, 58 then great injury and inconvenience may result, and the conse- quences to the public health may be most serious. At the lower end of every house drain what is called a disconnector trap will be fixed; this will prevent any passage upwards of any gas Jrom the sewer, whilst at the same time it will admit air to the drain. At the upper end of every drain a ventilating shaft will be placed leading from a second disconnector trap, which receives sinkwater and excreta from closets ; and various other descriptions are given on the same principle, and in conclusion adds:—It is believed that the best method of constructing house drains has now been clearly indicated, and if the prin- ciples pointed out be faithfully adhered to, Adelaide will rejoice in the reputation of being the only city in Australia, and one of the few cities of the world, which possesses a perfect system of house drainage.” In the system adopted by these regulations they are, in my opinion, trapped once too much, causing unnecessary outlay on the part of householders, and I venture to assert will not be effective in their results as a sanitary scheme. Small-bore pipes are all very well in calculation; they will dispose of so much sewage according to their inclinations, but in practice they very soon lose their diameter by furring or corrosion, thereby becoming too small to perform their office, however carefully they may have been laid. The cases of stoppage at the first diseconnector from the sewer have been numerous, and there is always liability for such to occur by the very con- struction of the trap. It is also designed to prevent the passage towards the dwelling of any gas from the sewer, consequently we have this noxious sewer gas thrown back into the main sewer, and delivered at the street level. Il].—Tue System As SUGGESTED BY THE AUTHOR. From the various complaints which have been made by the citizens, we are aware that sewer gas is generated on the line of our sewers, which is felt in the summer to be most objection- able, though we are at once met with the statement that this will not occur when the system is complete. Even when the present system is complete, in my opinion smells will always arise at the surface, either in centre of streets or the more objectionable part at our boundaries. The ventilation of the sewers is undoubtedly insufficient. It is now settled beyond doubt that sewer gas will pass water seals in every kind of trap, therefore the sewer gas which cannot get away will ina few hours normally break the seal at the first disconnector trap, and find its way inside the boundary line upwards, par- ticularly when the position of the outlet of these traps stands higher than the crown of the road. 59 Though I may be in advance of professional practice, I cannot see why such an obstruction as the boundary trap un- doubtedly is should be employed, because the main thing is to have no stoppages; the reason being the conveyance of excreta and sewage should be immediate, every particle committed to the entire ramification of the passages being kept in ceaseless motion until it #rrives at the final outlet at the farm. Even considering the natural course of ventilation for the sewers, these traps are objectionable, as they do not allow that freedom of air which is absolutely essential for perfect safety. My objections to traps in this position are the uncertainty of their being changed by the flush used at one deposit, and the danger of their simply becoming small cesspools between the house and the sewers. The awkwardness and expense incurred when a stoppage occurs must not be overlooked, as the traps are fixed at from three to ten feet below the ground level, and also, as I have already mentioned, are lable to derangement and overflow. It is obviously necessary to discharge the sewer gas as far as possible out of the respired atmosphere, consequently it is wrong in principle to ventilate the sewers into the streets alone; therefore I would do away with the first disconnector trap, and form a disconnecting chamber between the house and the sewers ventilated by a pipe rising above the eaves of build- ings, so that the noxious gases may mingle freely with the higher strata of the atmosphere and become oxidised by the stratified zones of heat and consequent currents that traverse and intersect it. The ventilating pipes to house connections wouid have to be fully considered in laying out the drainage in districts, and not indiscriminately carried six feet above the buildings they chanced to be against. The gratings in the streets would then perform their true functions—that of being the inlet of fresh air, and by a free course being provided to the outlet there would not be any foul gases left in the sewers. Under some conditions of the temperature the action will be reversed, and whichever way the air flows we get nearer to uniformity, and consequently arrive at natural laws. No ven- tilating pipes from the drain to surface of ground should be allowed within the boundary of property, as the varying dis- tribution of heat in the system of sewers and the relative temperature of the external atmosphere will inevitably cause an escape of sewer gas. For the same reason no ventilating pipe should be allowed to deliver at the surface in confined rights-of-way or narrow streets. In the former case the ver- tical ventilating pipe from the chamber would be sufficient to prevent their becoming foul, assisted by the ventilating pipe in connection with the pan, and in the latter cases efficient means should be taken at the head of the pipes for ventilation. 60 The excreta from soil pipes in connection with water-closets should be delivered by easy bends into the house drains leading to this disconnecting chamber. The top part of these pipes should be carried up to the highest point of roofs for additional ventilation, each watercloset basin having its own trap, which ought in all cases to be provided with an air pipe to prevent syphonage. Then there would be no danger of undue pressure, as the means of its escape is already otherwise provided for in the main ventilator. The waste-pipes from baths, lavatories, sinks, &c., should be delivered on to a small syphon or other approved trap—the outlets being free to the air above the surface of ground. No sewer gas can then penetrate in their direction. All traps should be of the simplest character, and on no account should one be used which is not self-cleansing with a good flush of water. All house drains should be brought to the disconnecting chamber, and the soil pipes kept distinct from slop-water pipes up to this point. I would point out that however good the general sewerage may be, unless the drainage proper of the houses and their connections with the sewers are carefully planned, well executed, and maintained in proper order, there is danger of typhoid fever and other diseases. No trade is so important to the public health as that of the plumber. The more thoroughly householders will study and look into the sanitary arrange- ments of their houses the more obligation will be laid upon architects to see that sanitary work is well provided for in the buildings they design, and display as much care in seeing to the drains as to the more ornate parts of the structure. Badly constructed houses will be a burden to their owners, and as the house is an important factor in the longevity of its inhabitants, it becomes a matter of the utmost consideration to every one what sort of a house they hve in. Therefore, no time or ex- pense is wasted that is fairly expended in examining into every minute detail connected with its sanitary condition. People do not realise, even if they have read or have been told, that the laws which bring sewer gas into houses when certain physical conditions are fulfilled are inevitable, unless such precautions are adopted to secure immunity from their presence. The public do not yet realise that the presence of sewer gas in the air they breathe, especially in that of summer nights, when the powers of the body to resist noxious influences are at a low ebb, is certain to produce illness. In other countries this subject is receiving all the attention the most scientific minds can give to it, with a view of arriving at the most perfect system, and I do not see why South Australia may not take its place in the van of progress. 61 APPENDIX. ComMpaRISon OF CLIMATE AT GREENWICH AND ADELAIDE. GREENWICH, 1880. -| Mean : Mean Months, 1880. temper- eee Pitt daily rature. johns 4 Riaek aha range. ° ° ° ° January. e-| 33°3 54:1 17:2 9°6 February . w [pp Bed 54°9 23°0 11:4 March oo| 44:2 61:4 27°4 16:2 April er We: Fa 66°9 34:8 16:0 May ays F 52°6 87°5 S175 21°8 June ‘ . 57°5 80:2 37°5 18°6 July aa . 61°6 194 475 1971 August 5 a 62°8 80°9 46-4 yg September .. oe eas LIST 87°2 43-2 17°5 October .. .. 46°4 66°3 29-2 13:1 November .. .| 42:8 57°5 25°0 11-9 December .. tts ghey al ee 26°7 98 Year 1880 .. 49°5 87°5 17°2 15:2 | ADELAIDE, 1880. O° ° Oo ° January sf. (o'O 114°5 51:0 27:0 February yult eeee. AOE 53°0 24:0 March ars fini (1s (or ek! 5705, 50°5 18°9 April --| 63°5 82-0 47:0 15°7 May welts 80°0 72°0 42-0 15:2 June --| 53°8 65:0 41°6 LES July : 50°7 63:2 35:0 14:7 August td : 55°3 71:5 41:0 1671 September .. F 56°6 76°5 38°9 16-1 October : ’ 59°8 82°5 43:0 19°3 November .. = 64:1 91:0 44-2 21°7 December .. 71:4 108-0 48-0 25°9 Year 1880 .. 63°3 | 1145 35°0 18°9 Hum- | Rainfall idity. in °/. | inches. — | 86 0-261 88 2°357 82 0-595 80 2°205 70 0-497 81 2°257 80 3°812 83 0-978 85 4-002 90 7°653 85 2-060 89 3°005 83 29°682 37 0-760 44 0°635 55 2°645 63 3°190 71 1613 78 3°078 76 2°197 66 2°916 68 2°158 60 2-060 55 0-807 43 0:420 57 22°479 62 Discussion. The PresIpENT, in asking the Fellows to express their views of the subject on which the paper had just been read, said there could be no more important question than that of drain- age. The works at present being carried on in Adelaide were . very extensive, and it would be very disappointing if they were not a success. He thought that the smells from the street- gratings were often very disagreeable, and he had noticed that they were worse in summer than in winter. He accounted for this by the greater difference of temperature that existed in the hot weather ; this would cause a suction action out of the drain in proportion as the street air became more rarified by the heat. He thought the law of the diffusion of gases would also exert a considerable influence. Hon. AttaAn CampBELL remarked that by the plan carried out in the formation of the deep drains in Adelaide there could be no storage of sewage anywhere in the system, and conse- quently no sewer gas could be formed. He thought that there was a good deal of misapprehension on the part of the public as to the nature of sewer gas and of sewer air. The former could only result from decomposing sewage; the latter was simply stagnant or foul air, such as would be noticed in any space that had been shut up for any length of time. In the system of deep drainage they were now considering the only outlet for the sewer air was at the street gratings. The chief factor in causing motion or a current in air was, in his opinion, variations of temperature. He thought that there was a greater stagnation in the air of the drains in summer than in winter owing to the temperature of the outside air being then higher, and therefore lighter, than the sewer air, and hence there would be no tendency for the formation of a current of air into the sewer through the street grating. In winter, on the contrary, the street air being colder, and therefore heavier than the sewer air, there would be a greater tendency for air to enter the drain. The first important point in any system of drainage was to isolate the interior of the houses from any chance of becoming contaminated by the sewer air. He thought that the plan adopted by the South Australian Government was a very effectual method of trapping, and ought to secure the end desired. The second great desideratum was to have a free outlet for the escape of the sewer air at some elevation. This alone would not always ensure a proper ventilation of the drain; and to effect this it might be necessary to place cowls on the ventilating pipes to overcome the stagnation. The tendency to stagnation would not always be equally great, as, for instance, in winter. In reply to an opinion that a high 63 temperature of the outside air would be sufficient to cause a current of air from street gratings, he said that it seemed to him quite clear that the summer air being so much lighter could not fail to replace the cooler or heavier sewer air, whilst n winter the case would be reversed, for the sewer air would then be the warmer. There was no doubt that the tendency for gases to mix and become diffused was an impor- tant consideration, but he thought that in such a ease as ven- tilating a large system of drains its action would be too slow to be of much practical utility, something much prompter and more effectual being required. Mr. Parker, C.E., thought that the deep drainage system in Adelaide was at present illusory, because so few of the closets were connected with it. To make it of any use, con- nections should be made complete. He condemned the plan suggested by Mr. Haslam of bringing the sewer air nearer to the house. The great danger in all cases was the sewer emanations entering the house. With respect to the proposal to take the sewer air by ventilating pipes to the eaves of the houses, or even five or six feet above them, was, he thought, also very objectionable, for there would bea fear of its falling and entering by the bedroom windows, &e. He thought that the present plan of allowing the air to escape at the-street gratings was much safer, as there was a greater chance of its becoming diffused. Before, however, the matter could be fully discussed it would be necessary to collect more data. The size of the sewer pipes was said to be small. To- wards evening they would be nearly full of sewage. This would cause a displacement of the air, and serve as a means of ventilating or removing the sewer air daily. It would be necessary to ascertain the relative differences of temperature inside and outside of the sewers, and also as to the direction of the currents of air at the outlets at the street gratings, before the question as to the best method of ventilating the sewers could be profitably discussed. Mr. Rurr, C.E., pointed out that all the outlets at the street sratings were not at the same level, hence this would cause a current of air to pass sometimes from an upper level to a lower and vice versa. It would be necessary to place cowls on the ventilating pipes if they were to produce any effect in causing a ventilation of the drains. Mr. Portirzer, C.E., advocated strongly the plan of flushing drains. He thought that the climatic conditions in Adelaide were highly favourable to the successful carrying out of a system of drainage such as he advocated. It would not only carry off all the refuse, but also sweep out all the sewer air. He said that the system of flushing had been found eminently 64 satisfactory, whereas as regards the disconnected trap system there is no experience to warrant its utility. He thought the pneumatic suction method was also a very satisfactory one. He would recommend that both be tried. Mr. Brack, C.E., agreed with Mr. Rutt as to the effect of the difference between the different street levels. He pointed out that Mr. Haslam’s plan necessitated two ventilating pipes. The objection to the disconnected traps was that they collected refuse. He thought smells were often very useful in drawing attention to defects or accumulations of sewage, and that they were not in themselves necessarily injurious. Mr. Macarey, M.B., thought that the hot weather was not the most unhealthy period of the year, notwithstanding that it might interfere with the ventilation of the sewers. It is impossible to say yet what effect the deep drainage will have on the public health, owing to the very imperfect system exist- ing of allowing it to be optional whether a house should be connected or not. To make the drainage system of any use, connection should be compulsory. At present typhoid fever was quite as prevalent in the suburbs as in the city, and it seemed to be worse as one got nearer the hills. In fact, it was all over the country. He thought that there was a great deal of unnecessary alarm in the public mind respecting the deep drainage and the public health. Hon. Annan Camppett differed from Mr. Magarey. He thought that the first cases of typhoid fever were in January. He suggested that Mr. Magarey should give the Society a paper on the origin of typhoid fever. He agreed with Mr. Parker as to the desirability of having more accurate data at command; but he could not see how they would affect the action of a natural law, such as that a heavier stratum of air could not le above a lighter one, without there being a ten- dency for a mutual displacement taking place. With respect to the sewer air falling down from the ventilating pipe, he thought the chances were quite as great of its rising to the bed-room windows from the street-gratings. He would insist again upon the absolute necessity for there being a proper system of thorough ventilation in the drains ; there should he no smells, and decomposition should be impossible. Hon. G. W. Corron asked if there were sufficient data for ascertaining in what direction sewer air would go. This should be ascertained before more money was spent. Mr. Hastam, in making a few remarks in reply, said that the great thing was to have a free circulation of air in the drains. He expressed his willingness to confer with the others on the subject at any future time. 65 BoTANICAL NOTES RELATING TO SOUTH AUSTRALIA. By J. G. O. Tepper, F.L.S., Corr. Member. 1. New Locaniries oF RaRE PHANEROGAMOUS PLANTS. [Read February 6, 1883.) Ixiolena supina, /v. WM. Granite Island, Encounter Bay. Eriostemon sediflorus, #. v. MZ. Murray Scrub, near Swanport. Acacia rhigiophylla, Fv. M@ Murray Scrub. ‘By me dis- covered and named in 1848, but since then not again ob- tained,” F. v. M., zn litteris. Bertya Mitchelli, J. Mueller. Port Victor, Encounter Bay. Dodonea hexandra, F. v. WM. Murray Scrub and Port Victor. Microtis atrata, Lindley. Square Waterhole. Selaginella Preissiana. Near Clarendon. Cladium Radula, 2. Br. Among heathy or scrubby vegetation near the watershed on the ranges between the Meadows and Macclesfield. It is here only twelve to sixteen inches high, growing in numerous small tufts. Alopecurus geniculatus, Zinn. Rare in a moist gully between Clarendon and Kangarilla. Mitrasaeme distylis, Mv. WZ. Collected in October, 1882, on the scrubby flat at the foot of Mount Saddlebags, near Kangarilla, in moist spots sheltered by shrubs. 2, List or Atnce anp LicuEens CoLuEctep at NEw Locanities 1n SourH AUSTRALIA. (Read March 6, 1883.] The specimens which have served for specific identification were transmitted to Baron Sir F. von Mueller, and by him to the following specialists :—The Alge, to Professor J. Agardh ; and the Lichens, to Prof... Mueller, from whom the subjoined names have been received through the same channel :-— ALGH. Zonaria variegata, Mart. Encounter Bay. Sphacelaria paniculata, Igb. Hallett’ 8 Cove, St. V incent’ s Gulf. Cystophora spartioides, J. Ag. Halophlegma Preissu, Sond. “k Thamnoclonium codioides, J. Aq. iu ee Erythroclonium Sonderi, Harvey. “ = E 66 Areschougia Laurencia, Hook. and Harv. Hallett’s Cove, St. Vincent’s Gulf. le ag divaricata, J. Ag. THallett’s Cove, St. Vincent’s Gulf. Plocamium nidificum, Harv. Hallett’s Cove, St. Vincent’s Gulf. Mertensii, Grev. . a angustum, J. Ag. 5 ss Phacelocarpus sessilis, Harv. Encounter Bay. Nitophyllum Curdieanum, Harv. - Galaxaura marginata, Lamour. Hallett’s Cove. Gelidium corneum, Grev. + Soliera chordalis, J. Ag. i Rhabdonia dendroides, Harv. * Laurencia Forsteri, Grev. a: Asparagopsis Sandfordiana, Harv. i Pollexfenia ciliaris, J. Ag., n. sp. ‘ Dasya Gunniana, Harv. Hallett’s Cove. eallithamnion, Harv. 3 Wrangelioides, Harv. 7 ce Caulerpa hypnoides, &. Brown. Letterstedtia australis Fauchea, sp. c¢ cé LIcHENS. Heterodea Muelleri, Nylander; Lichina confinis, dgardh; and Cladonia verticillata, Floerke. Clarendon. 8 AppriTIons TO THE List oF AUSTRALIAN AND SOUTH AUSTRALIAN FUNGI. [Read May 1, 1883.] The species herein enumerated were collected by me in the neighbourhood of Clarendon mostly during the latter part of last year, and, accompanied by pencil sketches from fresh plants, were sent to Baron Sir Ferd. v. Mueller, who has now forwarded the list of such as have been identified by European specialists, requesting me to report the novelties to this Society. To ascertain them, I compared those in my hsts with the census of Australian fungi, published in 1889 by Dr. M. C. Cooke under the title ‘ Fungi Australiani,” which, with some addenda issued in 1881, is, 1 believe, the latest work on the subject. Accordingly, the terms “ New for South Australia” mean that the respective fungi are not so recorded in the pub- lications mentioned. There are eighteen species to be men- tioned, eight of which are unrecorded for Australia, though occurring elsewhere, and ten have hitherto not been known to occur in this province. 10. iam 12. 67 HYMENOMYCETES. . AGARICUS (PSATYRELLA) squamosus, Fries. Species not recorded for Australia. Locality—Clarendon, 24-9-’82, on moist, moss-covered ground; moderately large, being 3 inches high, and the diameter of pileus, 1} inch. . Potyporvus (Mesopus) opnecrans, Berkeley. Species not recorded for South Australia. Locality—Scott’s Creek, near Clarendon; on moist, black soil; resembling a mushroom somewhat in form. 15-10-’82. . Potyporus (RESUPINARIA) VULGARIS, Fries. Species new for South Australia. Locality—Jupiter Creek; on charred, wet logs of Eucalyptus obliqua. 7-8-’82. . Ponyrorus (?) conrrauus, Fries. Species not recorded for Australia. Locality—Hills west of Clarendon ; in thin sheet-like patches on the sawn surface of a dry log of Eucalyptus leucorylon. 12-’82. . STEREUM ELEGANS, Fries. Species recorded from all Aus- tralian colonies except South Australia. Locality— Jupiter Creek, 7-8-’82; on much decayed wet bark of Eucalyptus obliqua. . STEREUM sPADICEUM, Fires. Species new for South Aus- tralia, but recorded from the same localities as the pre- ceding ones. Locality—Clarendon; on small dead and decayed branches of Hucalyptus leucoxylon. 9-9-'82. . STEREUM sULFURATUM, Fries. Species not recorded for Australia. Locality—Mount Bold, 18-8-’82; on decay- ing trunk of Hucalyptus obliqua. . TREMELLA ALBIDA, Hudson. New for South Australia. Locality—Clarendon. . TREMELLA CINNABRINA, Berkeley. Species not recorded for Australia. Locality — Kangarilla, 29-7-’82 ; growing from fissures of recently-felled timber of Eucalyptus rostrata. DacroMYcEs sreLLaTus, Wees. Species not recorded for Australia. | Inxgopicryon, sp. The genus with one species, I. gracile, is recorded for all Australian colonies except South Aus- tralia and Queensland. Locality—Among moss, banks of River Onkaparinga, near Clarendon, 10-9-’82; it is a small, delicate, branching fungus, of fleshy-grey colour, about 14 inch high. Secorium, sp. The genus new for South Australia, and only recorded with two species from West Australia. Loeality, Jupiter Creek, in moist, black soil. A stem- less, ovate body, buried almost entirely in the ground; hard, solid, covered with profuse slimy mucilage, and 13. 14. 18. 68 orange-yellow colour. Only one specimen was seen. 7-8-’82. Furieo vartans, Rastof. Genus and species only recorded for Tasmania. Locality, ridge of hills north of and near Almanda Mine, Scott’s Creek, in a hollow cut by the axe in a living tree of Eucalyptus obliqua. A white, soft, spongy fungus of indeterminate form, producing a great number of black spores. Only one specimen noticed. 18-2-’82. ToRULA PrrvopHIna, Fries. The genus with a different -species, 7. herbarum, recorded for Queensland only ; thus the genus appears new for South Australia, and the species for Australia. Locality, the seaward incline of the hills west of Clarendon, on the bark of living, dwarfed trees of Hucalyptus odorata, 9-9-’82 ; colour in- tensely black, in small patches of indefinite shape. RHINOTRICHIUM RAMOSISSIMUM, Berk. and Cooke. The genus appears new for South Australia, and the species for Australia. Locality, bank of River Onkaparinga, near Mount Bold, 20-9-’82, among shrubs. Form com- pressed, spherical, regular, 25 x 13 inches, colour brownish-grey, with numerous depressed labyrinthine reticulations over the whole surface. . PEZIZA BADIOBERBIS, Berkeley. Species not recorded for Australia. Locality, hillsides Mount Bold, 20-9-’82, on the ground, forming small, shallow, scarlet-coloured cups. . XYBARIA, sp. Genus not recorded for South Australia. Locality, Clarendon, 21-10-’82, on the broken surface of the stump of decaying fencing, sheltered by tall, thick grass. Branching, woody, 13-inch high; rare. Poronta puncTAvTA, Fries. Locality, hillsides Clarendon, 6-8-’82, on horse droppings. Small, hard, whitish fungus, with a few black pores scattered over the surface. 69 NOTES ON SOME RARE BIRDS COLLECTED IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OF MOUNTS COMPASS AND JAGGED. By F. W. Anprews, Corr. Member. [Read October 2, 1883.] An albino variety of the common and well-known Honey- bird (Meliornis Nove-Hollandie). The belts of Banksias growing in this district are the favourite retreats of the Honey-bird, which is also called the “ Whisker-bird,” and here they are always to be found. They also live and breed in the gardens and outlying country about Burnside, and are well-known visitors in gardens. Their food consists of honey and occasionally small insects, especially aphides, and may often be seen flying in the air chasing a small moth or butterfly. They make a very compact cup-shaped nest of bark or other suitable material, lining it with the velvety covering of the honeysuckle-cone when this is dry and ripe. They usually lay four eggs of a pinkish-white colour, blotched with pinkish-brown spots, but the colours and markings vary considerably. From authentic information I received, it ap- peared that three albinos were hatched in one nest. They kept together for a long time, when one of them got chased and killed by some young men who were road making. The second I shot about one mile south from the Square Water Hole on the road to Mount Jagged. The third made off after losing its mate, und was not afterwards seen. One peculiarity of this specimen is that its eyes are white, like the ordinary Honey- bird, and not pink as in most albinos. I found it much wilder than the common ones, and followed this one from bush to bush for a long time; it always concealed itself in the thickest part of the foliage, but kept up a continual chattering, which was a good guide as to its whereabouts. At last it flew some distance away into a thick clump of low mallee bushes situated in the middle of a small plain. On arriving at the spot and going down on one knee, I waited a short time to re- cover my breath, and then commenced chirruping with my fore finger and lips. I shortly saw it rising from branch to branch, until at last it alighted on the topmost twig. Being all ready, I shot it at once, before it had time to satisfy its curiosity respecting the chirping. When flying about in the scrub it presented a most attractive appearance, and on a care- 70 ful examination of the body after skinning it I found it to be a full-grown adult male. It was in this district that I shot an albino emu-wren some years ago. Lichmera Nove-Hollandie. I wish to introduce to your notice a bird that at first sight in the bush much resembles the Meliornis, but is much scarcer, and frequents higher timber for its food, which consists of honey and insects. This pretty bird is the “Butterfly-bird” of the boys in the district where it is found, and is so-called from the horseshoe-like markings on its breast, giving the front of the bird the appearance of a butterfly. I have always found it very local in its habitat, its principal haunt being Mount Compass and the deep rocky, thickly-timbered cullies running into the neighbouring ranges. It has a loud bold song, consisting in the male bird of a variety of up and down calls, then a low plaintive song, and then its challenge-lke whistle again. The bird may easily be heard a mile off on a fine still day. The female is seldom seen except about the pairing time, and specimens of it are difficult to procure. But when the breeding season approaches, the hen bird secretes herself in some low bush and warbles out such a lovely song, so long and varied in its melodious tones, that the idea of there being no song birds in Australia is at once dispelled. Popular impres- sions are often far from the truth, and in regard to this matter especially so. I could enumerate several birds having a most pleasing song; I may instance the Redthroat (Pyrrhalemus brunneus), a small bird found at the Gawler Ranges, Cooper’s Creek and other outlying places. This little bird has a sweet little song much hke a linnet’s. Another curious and interest- ing songster to be heard on a warm evening about swampy country, such as the Square Waterhole, is the Ground Parrot (Pezoporus formosus). I say zs to be heard, but I may almost say was, for the domesticated cats, that have become wild and ~ are now very numerous, have, as it appears, nearly exterminated them in their old retreats. The song of this parrot consists of a perfect octave, given out in very beautiful sweet notes. I was a long time before I could find out what bird it was, and had to shoot one singing in the twilight to be sure of its identity. Petroica phoenicea. The flame-breasted Robin is a yearly visitor to the Square Waterhole district. Being a very wet season this year they arrived early, and were first seen on the 25th of April, or about a month before their usual time. The South-East and the swampy parts of South Australia are their principal habitats. In New South Wales they are not so numerous. After their arrival, 71 wnich occurs in a flock, they commence to pair and make a cup-shaped nest in a hole in a tree, rock or other similar situation. The nest is made of bark lined with wool, &c. They lay four greenish-white eggs freckled with purple and chesnut- brown, but no two eggs are quite alike. The male bird soon gets very shy and difficult to obtain, hiding himself in the swampy places, where, standing on a clod or stick, he presents a handsome picture—the female the while sitting close about the collector and singing a pretty twittering song. The common Robin may be said to be quite arboreal in its habits, but the bird under notice is quite the reverse, and delights in wet flats with plenty of dead timber on which to perch and show himself off. The peculiar feature in the habits of these birds is that when they have reared their young, say in six or eight weeks after their arrival, they make off again and are seen no more until the following season. Whither do they go? A CATALOGUE OF SOUTH AUSTRALIAN MINERALS. By T. C. Croup, Assoc. Roy. Sch. of Mines, F.C.S., F.LC., Corr. Member. [Read September 4, 1833.]} In contributing the following catalogue of South Australian minerals I have thought it desirable to offer the ensuing re- marks in order that a just estimate may be formed of the trustworthiness of the determinations and of the accuracy of the list of localities given. When not otherwise mentioned the determinations have been made by myself after a proper physical and chemical examina- tion of the specimens. The correctness of the localities of such minerals as have been determined by myself rests for the most part merely upon the testimony of those who have kindly furnished the specimens, but I have every reason to believe this testimony to be substantially reliable. The determinations of competent observers have been em- bodied in this catalogue, and in this connection I would desire to acknowledge my indebtedness to Professor Tate, and to the various papers by Messrs. A. R. C. Selwyn and Geo. H. F. Ulrich, bearing upon the geology and mineralogy of the colony. T am also largely indebted to a little work published in 1846, entitled “Remarks on the Geology and Mineralogy of South Australia,” by Thomas Burr, Esq., Deputy Surveyor-General, wherein a considerable number of species and localities are mentioned; and although a few of the species named in the appendix require confirmation, | have deemed it advisable to mention them—if for no other object than that of calling the attention of those interested in the matter to the necessity of seeking in the localities indicated for these species, with the view of having them authoritatively re-determined. With regard to the order in which the species are placed in this catalogue, I have not thought it desirable to adopt a strictly scientific arrangement, as I consider this list of minerals to form merely a preliminary attempt at cataloguing the species which occur in the colony. At present whole families are unrepresented ; further research, however, will doubtless result in the addition of at least some members to these divisions, and a more strictly scientific arrangement will then be practicable. 73 In the meantime I have thought it sufficient to arrange them under two general heads, as (A) the so-called non-metallic, and (B) the metallic minerals; the former (a) being sub-divided into carbon, salts of the alkalies, alkaline earths, and alumina, and the anhydrous and hydrous silicates; and the latter (B) into divisions corresponding with their chief metallic con- stituent. It is hoped that this list of minerals will serve as a starting point, and that contributions in the forms of fresh determinations and new localities may form a not unimportant item in the future transactions of the Society, in which interesting work I trust to be able to personally participate. The nomenclature employed is that adopted by Dana in his “Descriptive Mineralogy.”’ NON-METALLIC MINERALS. CARBON. DIAMOND. As far as J am aware the only locality in which this gem has been found is Echunga. The largest example, the property of the South Australian Government, is of a sherry-yellow colour, and weighed before cutting 5} carats, its present weight being 227 carats. It is cut in the form of a brilliant. A second specimen (also the property of the Government), somewhat lighter in colour than the foregoing, weighed before cutting dy carats, the cutting reducing its weight to 143 carats. Two very good specimens, illustrating the crystalline form of the diamond, are to be noted—one weighing 1} carats, and ex- hibiting the planes of the hexakis-octahedron, and the other weighing +3 carats, and presenting the form of the triakis- octahedron. GRAPHITE. This mineral occurs at Warrow, County Flinders, and at one or two localities on the west coast of Spencer Gulf. It has also been found at Mount Charles (G. Francis) and Mount Torrens (C. Thomas). Burr mentions it as occurring in the Belvidere Range, and about 23 miles north-east of Adelaide. SULPHUR. This mineral occurs in a specimen of pyrite associated with quartz from Echunga (the specimen is in the collection of the South Australian Institute). Burr mentions its occurrence near the Montacute copper mine, enclosed in veins of quartz with pyrite. A deposit formed round the mound-springs at Strangways Springs has frequently been reported to be sulphur. It is, however, chiefly salt coloured yellow by a basic salt of iron. 74 SALTS OF THE ALKALIES, ALKALINE EARTHS, AND ALUMINA. Harrre (Common Salt). This mineral occurs in beds near and on the shores of the various salt lakes of the colony, and Tate reports it in the form of an efflorescence on the faces of the cliffs of the River Murray. Barite (Barytes—Heavy Spar) Occurs at the Wheal Coglin Mine, Rapid Bay; at Apoinga; also at the Burra Burra, Great Gladstone, and Rhondda Mines. Selwyn reports its occurrence at the Emu Flat Copper Mine, and Ulrich at the Blinman Mine. CELESTITE (Celestine). I have met with this mineral in the form of radiated erystal- line nodules in a bed of clay, Hundred of Wallaroo. GYPSUM. The crystallised variety of this mineral (Selenite) is fre- quently met with in the form of isolated lenticular-shaped erystals imbedded in the mud of the salt lakes, notably those of Southern Yorke Peninsula. It is also found massive in the salt lakes. Gypsum also occurs in the following localities :— Wallaroo Mine, Hummocks Range, Kanyaka, Kapunda; near Point Riley, Yorke Peninsula; on the Wirryalpa Run, Central Australia; and fine specimens of the fibrous variety (Satin Spar) occur in the Stuart Range, Central Australia. Professor Tate reports its occurrence at the Lady Alice Mine and cliffs of the River Murray, and with red ochre near the springs at the Peake, Central Australia; also in a curious rock- form composed of slightly coherent grains on the north-eastern shore of Lake Alexandrina. Ulrich noticed it in the form of veins at the Beltana Mine, and Burr mentions it as occurring at Brighton. CALCITE. This mineral, in one or other of its numerous rock forms, is of very common occurrence in the colony, although good crystallised specimens are not as frequent as might be expected. Finely crystallised specimens have, however, been obtained from the Wallaroo Mines. The most noticeable of these are in the form of six-sided prismatic crystals, formed by a very acute rhombohedron, terminated by an obtuse rhombohedron of the opposite sign; another form, which is almost unique, being a triangular prism with a rhombohedral termination. A very flat lenticular form is also found. It also occurs coarsely crystal- line and milk-white with the copper ore in the above-men- tioned and neighbouring mines. 75 The Iceland spar variety occurs at Angaston, as do also various coloured marbles. Ordinary marble at Kapunda, and in thin veins in the metamorphic rocks near Franklin Harbour. Calcite also occurs at the Yudanamutana Mine. Ulrich re- ports white calcite, generally imperfectly crystallised, at the Blinman Mine. Tate reports it between Mounts Parry and Playfair, Central Australia; in the stalactitic form at Cape Jervis ; massive and in scalenohedrons at New Mecklenburg, near Lyndoch; and also states that it occurs in the quartz veins in the metamorphic rocks in the neighbourhood of the Peak, and as a cellular calcareous tufa forming the top crust of the Mound Springs of the same neighbourhood. Calcite also occurs at the following localities :—Mount Crawford, Ard- rossan, Rapid Bay, Mount Gambier, Point Curtis, Macclesfield, and at Mattawarrangala, in largely crystalline masses. Tate has described a nearly black, largely crystalline calcite (the colour due to finely divided carbonaceous matter) occupy- ing a vein in a dark-coloured slate at Whyte-Yarcowie. Burr mentions these additional localities for this species :— Barossa, Flinders, and Mount Lofty Ranges; in the form of calcareous tufa at Flinders and Barossa Ranges, Depét Creek, near Mount Arden; at Rapid Bay, Crystal Brook, and Rivoli Bay; also on the plains near Mount Hawdon. ARAGONITE Occurs associated with native copper and chalcocite at the Wallaroo Mines; in the form of. long prismatic crystals at Armagh, near Clare; and, according to Ulrich, at the Blinman and Oratunga Mines. DoLoMiTE. Selwyn mentions this species as occurring at Victoria Creek, Wilhamstown, (the variety is not stated), and J. E. T. Woods has noticed it in the limestones of Mount Gambier. Burr mentions the following localities:—Belvidere Range, Barossa Range, Rapid Bay, and near Mount Barker. Pearl spar at Rapid Bay and north-east of Adelaide. I have found it as a pseudomorph in a specimen from Central Australia. Fruorire (fluor Spar). This mineral was found massive in considerable quantity at the Paramatta Mine, Yorke Peninsula—the colour varying from colourless to sea-green. The purple-coloured mineral occurs in small quantity at the Moonta Mine. Professor Tate mentions it as follows:—In silicious limestone of the Pre- Silurian age, at Field River, between Reynella and the coast, and in Lower Silurian limestone at Parara, near Ardrossan, Yorke Peninsula—the blue variety having been discovered in 76 both eases. Burr alludes to its occurrence in the form of cubical crystals at the Kapunda Mine. APATITE. This mineral occurs at the Wallaroo Mine, where it was mistaken for fluorite, and I have also met with it amongst the copper ore from the Kurilla Mine. A specimen obtained from the Wallaroo Mine (about one inch in diameter) was of the characteristic sea-green colour, and exhibited the planes of the hexagonal prism ; the greater portion of the pyramidal planes were, however, destroyed. Specimens from the Kurilla Mine were in the form of isolated crystals embedded in yellow copper ore; the crystals were of a greenish-grey colour, exhibiting the planes of the hexagonal prism and pyraraid, together with the terminal plane of the former. These crystals were about a quarter of an inch long. The chemical, blowpipe and physical characters are those of the mineral apatite. MAGNESITE Occurs in the Flinders Range near Port Pirie, in more or less weathered masses. It is also found scattered about in medium- sized reniform masses on hills of crystalline limestone in the northern part of the Hundred of Cunningham, and it occurs in a large vein on the banks of the Oolabidnie Creek, Hundred of Playford, and in botryoidal masses at Blinman. Burr mentions carbonate of magnesia as occurring in the Mount Lofty and Barossa Ranges. SILICA. QUARTZ. Stock crystal occurs in various parts of the colony, among which the following may be named:—The mining district of Yorke Peninsula (at the Wallaroo Mine crystals with two perfect terminal pyramids are obtainable), Angaston, Green’s Plains, Stanley Mine, Highbury, Barossa Range, Emu Flat near Clare, Lyndoch Valley and Coonatto, while rolled pebbles, frequently mistaken for rolled topaz, are common in several localities in Central Australia—notably near Lake Hope and Charlotte Waters. Tate states this variety occurs at Wilhamstown, Morialta, Tanunda Creek and Pekina. Burr also reports the following localities for this variety :—En- counter Bay, Montacute Mine, Flaxman Valley, Mount Barker, and the Belvidere Range. Amethystine quartz occurs at the Wallaroo Mine, and in small veins on the beach north of Point Riley, Yorke Peninsula. Rose quartz occurs in the Hundred of Cunningham, and Burr mentions its occurrence near the Montacute Mine. 77 Smoky quartz.—Fine specimens are obtainable at the Wal- laroo Mine, and it occurs at Angaston and Mount Crawford. Burr also notes it at the Belvidere Range. Milky quartz occurs at the Wallaroo Mine, and Tate reports it at the springs at the Peake, Central Australia. Bronze-coloured crystals (the colour due to a thin coating of ferric oxide) occur at the Stanley Mine, and also at Emu Flat, near Clare. Chalcedony occurs at Redruth, Wallaroo Mine, Angaston, and at North Para near Gawler. ‘Tate reports it at the Peake, Central Australia; in the Miocene cliffs at the mouth of the Onkaparinga; and as fossil casts at Ardrossan. Burr names it as occurring at Flaxman Valley, Mount Barker, Barossa Range, and near the Kapunda Mine. Carnelian is reported by Tate at Stuart Creek, Central Australia. Heliotrope is reported by Tate at Stuart Creek. Agate pebbles are to be found at Stuart Creek, near the Charlotte Waters; and at various other places in Central Australia; near the Katherine Telegraph Station. Also, ac- cording to Burr, at Flaxman Valley. Silicious sinter occurs at Angaston, and, according to Burr, at the Barossa Range and Mount Barker. Flint.—Tate reports this variety in the older Tertiary rocks of Mount Gambier, MacDonnell Bay and Bunda Chiffs. Burr also mentions it as occurring in the form of nodules on the beach at Rivoli Bay. Hornstone cecurs at the Crinnis Mine, and Burr indicates the following localities for this variety :—Barossa Range, Flaxman Valley, and 25 miles north-east of Adelaide. Jasper occurs at Stuart Range, at Greenock, Ardrossan, and Burra Range. Tate also reports it at Angaston, and near the Peak, Central Australia, and Burr in the Barossa and Belvidere Ranges. OPAL. Var. Precious Opal.—There is good reason for believing that this variety exists in the colony. IJtis found in Queensland near the South Australian border, and I have seen specimens which were said to have been discovered just within the border, the locality doubtless being that given by Tate, viz. :—Inna- mincka, Cooper’s Creek. Girasol.—l have met with a specimen of this variety from near Arkaba, Far North. Common opal occurs at Angaston and at Mount Crawford in all varieties of colours—notably milk-white, green, yellow, blue, resin-opal and honey-opal. It also occurs at Nuriootpa 78 in cellular masses, and at Yudanamutana enclosing ferric oxide (See also under Malachite). Tate reports it at Kelly’s Well, 30 miles south of Tennant Creek and in the vicinity of the Peake. Burr mentions the occurrence of common opal of various colours at Flaxman Valley, and of jasp-opal at the Belvidere Range. Hyalite—This variety has been noted by Prof. Tate as occurring in the Munno Para hills near Smithfield. SILICATES (Anhydrous). PYROXENE. The occurrence of this mineral is reported at Mount Schank by Tate, and by Burr at Mount Gambier, under the name of Augite. The var. Coccolite is also noted by Burr at Mount Gambier. AmPHIBOLE (Hornblende), This species occurs at various localities on Yorke Peninsula, notably at the Wallaroo and Moonta Mines; also at Tanunda Creek, Angaston, in the district about Franklin Harbour and at Tungkillo (Tate). Tar. Asbestus is found at New Mecklenburg, Tungk:zllo and Angaston; at the Lobethal Mine (Tate) and near Menge Town (Selwyn). Burr mentions the following additional loealities:—Mount Barker (with chalcedony and silicious tufa) and the Belvidere Range. Actinolite occurs at Wallaroo Bay, at Yudanamutana Mine (Ulrich), and, according to Burr, at Lyndoch Valley, Flax- man Valley and near Strathalbyn. Tremolite at Victoria Creek, Williamstown (Selwyn), and Flaxman Valley and Barossa Range (Burr). CrocipoLitE (Blue Asbestus). Ulrich states that this species occurs at the Wirrawilka. BERYL. This mineral occurs of various colours—red, blue, green, Xe. —at Mount Crawford. The bluish-green variety known as Aquamarine occurs there also. The Emerald is said to have been discovered by Menge (probably at or near Mount Craw- ford), but so far as I am aware none of the specimens of this mineral which have been found up to the present time are of sufficient brilliancy and purity of colour to entitle them to rank as valuable gems. Burr mentions Barossa Range for this species. CHRYSOLITE. The common variety of this mineral—Olivine—occurs, accord- ing to J. E. T. Woods, at Mount Schank and extensively in 79 the volcanic lavas of Mount Gambier. The variety Hyalosiderite -is also mentioned by Woods as occurring in the basalt of Mount Schank. GARNET. Red crystals of this mineral in white tale are to be found at Kanmantoo. Black garnet occurs at Bundaleer ; and garnet- rock—z.e., garnet forming a more or less compact rocky mass— occurs at Monarto. Crystals of iron-garnet occur in the granite rocks at Yadmana in the Hundred of Hawker. Burr mentions the following localities :—Red garnet, Belvidere Range and in the neighbourhood of Mount Barker ; black garnet, about 20 miles north-east of Adelaide ; and cinnamon stone, Belvidere Range. EPIDOTE. The two following localities are named for the occurrence of this mineral :—Barossa Range (Burr) and the Yudanamutana Mine (Ulrich). Brorire (Mica.) This mineral is of frequent occurrence in the copper mines of Yorke Peninsula, the most characteristic specimen being obtainable at the Yelta Mine, near Moonta. The following is the result of an analysis of a specimen ob- tained from the Yelta Mine :— Silica... hia) AS OS Magnesia... a SMES Alumina fae Lae ee aie! ol ars Ferric oxide... Fie el Ae Ferrous oxide We 5c. .L'GS Manganous oxide ... Sch AOU Lime AS ae cst daty hee Potash me <2 Ay, eee Soda ... iy ast Jee A Water ne mi: paper ie Fluorine a Le LOU trace 99°12 The specific gravity of this specimen was 2'9. The colour was a dark greenish-black; that of thin lamine brownish-green. The occurrence of this species is reported at Williamstown by Selwyn. i Muscovire (Common Mica). This species forms a common constituent of our granite rocks. ‘The following localities may be more especially noted: —Mount Pleasant, Williamstown, Barossa Ranges and Mount Crawford. ‘Tate reports its occurrence in large trans- 80 parent plates at the MacDonnell Ranges; and Burr gives for it (under the name of Mica) these additional localites :—River . Gawler, Valley of the Nixon and Yankalilla. LAPIS-LAZULI. I have met with a specimen of this mineral (in the form of veins in white granite), which was said to have been obtained in the Murray Scrub—most probably from near Monarto. ALBITE. This species occurs in veins in the metamorphic rocks exposed in the Oolabidnie Creek near Franklin Harbour. It forms the chief felspathic constituent of the granites of that district. ORTHOCLASE. Well crystallized specimens occur at Angaston, and near the Wallaroo Mine; massive and crystalline at Angaston, Ardrossan and Wallaroo. Burr names the following localities : —Barossa Range and east of Mount Barker. TOURMALINE Occurs at the Moonta and Paramatta Mines, at Mount Craw- ford, Ardrossan and Angaston ; and Tate reports it at Mount Boothby (90 miles north of Alice Springs), where it is said to be abundant; also at Barrow’s Creek and in the neighbour- hood of the Peake, Central Australia. Burr enumerates these additional localities:—Valley of the Nixon, Barossa Range, Encounter Bay and Rapid Bay; and the variety Ruwbellite also in the valley of the Nixon. CYANITE. This mineral is to be found at Nuriootpa in quartz. Burr mentions it as occurring in the colony, but does not give the locality. Selwyn states that it occurs near Menge Town and Mount Crawford. Topaz. In this colony the white Topaz appears to be the most com- monly occurring variety of this species. It is found near Blanchewater and elsewhere near Lake Eyre, Central Aus- tralia. SILICATES (Hydrous). ALLOPHANE Occurs in the form of a blue deposit in the Miocene rocks of the South-East (J. E. T. Woods). Taxe. Tate reports the occurrence of this species on the flanks of the Kaiserstuhl, and the var. Steatite at New Mecklenburg 81 Selwyn names (for crystallised Talc) near Menge Town, Mount Crawford. A. bronze-coloured Tale occurs on Yorke Peninsula, and white Tale at the Barossa Range and Kanmantoo. Burr mentions the following additional localities :—Belvidere Range, River Hutt and Lyndoch Valley. GLAUCONITE. Professor Tate has noted the occurrence of this mineral in the limestone rocks of the Aldinga cliffs, and the Bunda cliffs of the Great Australian Bight. KAOLINITE. All varieties of this mineral are to be found in this colony, while ordinary clays consisting of Kaolinite more or less inti- mately mixed with impurities are abundant. The following are a few of the many localities for the pure white Kaolin :-— Wallaroo mining district, Tanunda, Ardrossan, near Charlotte Waters, Hummocks Range and Teatree Gully. The following are the results of the analysis of two specimens of pure white Kaolin dried at 100° C.—A being obtained from near Point Riley, Hundred of Wallaroo, and B from Teatree Gully, the former comprising an aggregation of pearly scales easily seen under the microscope with a low power :— A B Alumina nas Aes ae 36°18 Es Silica ... et i i 47°53 22°67 Magnesia We uh ae ‘50 “72 Geme -),.. ae ae eet Trace £39 Ferric oxide ... iS ss 2°18 Pot Titanic acid f ies sap 1°63 Alkalies A 17 1°48 Loss on 1gmition (chiefly water) 13°31 9°95 100°87 10046 In A, the alkalies, being chiefly soda, are calculated as such ; in B, they were principally potass and are so calculated. Tate reports its occurrence at Port Vincent, and of a hard Kaolin clay eight miles west of Charlotte Waters; while Burr mentions white clay on the Gawler Plains at the source of the Angus, Flaxman Valley and River Gawler. PENNINITE. A specimen of the massive variety of this species has reached me from near Beltana, the colour being a fine apple- green. A chemical examination proved the presence of chromium. F 82 METALLIC MINERALS. TITANIUM. Rvtive. This mineral occurs in the form of fair-sized crystals at Lyndoch, Collingrove, Tanunda Creek, Mount Crawford and near Encounter Bay ; also (with quartz sand) near Balhannah. TIN. CASSITERITE. Although the finding of this mineral has been frequently re- ported, it is doubtful whether any authentic specimens have been discovered in the southern part of this province. I have a specimen of stream tin in the form of fine grains, which is stated to have been found in the Port Lincoln district ; but as the party who is supposed to have found it there failed to ob- tain a further supply from the same spot, I am compelled to look upon this discovery as very dubious. Rutile in the form of sand and erystals has been frequently mistaken for tin ore. Cassiterite occurs in the Northern Territory at the McKinlay River, Mount Wells &c. MOLYBDENUM. MoLyYBDENITE Is of frequent occurrence at the Yelta Mine, and in smaller quantities at the Moonta, Wallaroo, Kurilla and other mines in the same district. Tate also reports it as being found in eneiss near Franklin Harbour. BISMUTH. Native BrsmMvura. This mineral oceurs at the Balhannah Mine and the Mur- ninnie Mine, about 20 miles north of Franklin Harbour. BISMUTHINITE Occurs at the Balhannah Mine. BIsMUTITE Occurs at the Balhannah Mine, associated with native gold and chalcopyrite (copper pyrites). Ulrich reports its occurrence at the Stanley Mine. IRON. Native Iron. The only specimen* of Native Iron which has been found, or at any rate scientifically made known, up to the present time is in the form of a mass of meteoric iron obtained in the Gawler Range in November, 1875. As no particulars of this meteorite have hitherto been published, the following informa- * Now in the South Australian Museum. 83 tion may be of interest :—The form is bounded by a series of more or less concave and irregularly-shaped planes. The surface is, for the most part, coated with a somewhat shining and dark-brown oxide of iron. This meteorite consists of metallic iron and contains a small proportion of nickel. It weighs 3,268°7 grm., or 7 lbs. 3} 0zs. As originally found it was a trifle heavier, a small piece having been broken off by the finder ; and the long chisel mark to the right hand on the top shows where an attempt was made to cut off a larger piece. The locality and circumstances attending the discovery of the meteorite are thus described by Mr. James Martlew :—‘I found the stone on the flat in a mallee scrub about half a mile from the northern foot of the range, being distant four miles south of Yardea Station. It was about 15 inches under the surface, and was surrounded for about three feet by limestone broken into small pieces. All round this there was from four to eight inches of soil covering the limestone.” MAGNETITE. This species occurs near Mount Jagged, and Burr states that the crystallised and massive varieties are of very genera! occur- rence from Cape Jervis to Black Rock Hill. Tate reports it in the vicinity of the Peake, Central Australia, and in the Hun- dred of Cunningham. The following analysis of a sample of ore from Mount Lofty, by Wallace of Glasgow, may be of in- terest :— Ferric oxide... obi lee ay i AA es Ferrous oxide bh GG iron Sie ee Manganic oxide _... _ ‘20 Sulphur r oh ae ‘20 Iron, combined with sulphur ‘18 Phosphoric acid... Pe ‘O5 Alumina, &e. a. oon W cee Magnesia ... $3 eek coe Silica... a ae ay "92 100°00 HeMAtire. Var. Micaceous Hematite occurs at numerous localities in this province, among which may be mentioned the following :— Angaston, Port Lincoln, near Inglewood, at the Yudanamutana Copper Mine and the Paramatta Mine, Yorke Peninsula. It occurs in the quartz veins running through the metamorphic rocks in the neighbourhood of the Peake and at Tennant Creek, Central Australia (Tate). Also in druses in close proximity to the copper deposits at the Blinman Mine (Ulrich) 84 and in the Gawler Range, Barossa Range and Mount Lofty Range (Burr). Compact Columnar (Red Hematite) occurs near Port Lincoln, at the Wallaroo Mine, Barossa Range, Angaston and at numerous other places; while Professor Tate notes it at Eudunda, Tennant Creek and in the neighbourhood of the Peake, Central Australia. Red Ochre occurs at Parachilna, and Tate reports it in the vicinity of the Peake, Central Australia. _ Marrrre—(sub-species) Occurs in the form of octahedral crystals imbedded in mica- ceous hematite, at Carey’s Gully, Mount Lofty. Limonite (Brown Hematite). This mineral occurs at numerous localities in the province, among which the following are perhaps the most deserving of mention, viz., Angaston, Waukaringa, in and near the Bliinman Mine, Munjibbie, Yorke Peninsula, Sixth Creek, near Ingle- wood, Macclesfield and Hindmarsh Valley. Limonite pseudomorph after pyrite occurs in the form of isolated and grouped cubical crystals in various parts of Cen- tral Australia; and near Lake Eyre, is very plentiful on the surface. Tate also notes it in the vicinity of Eudunda and in most of the auriferous quartz veins in the Mount Pleasant district. It occurs, in the form of pentagonal dodecahedral crystals pseudomorph after pyrite, near Mount Lyndhurst. The following is the result of an analysis of a specimen from Hindmarsh Valley, by Wallace of Glasgow :— Ferric oxide... .. 76°71=Iron, 53°7 per cent. Manganic oxide fuel. “btace Magnesia ies Pe 0°30 lime ... off ay 0°45 Phosphoric acid uF. 1:20 Sulphurie acid... A 0°42 Alumina Py eee 3°05 Silica... Yk ty 5°88 Water (combined) .... 10°91 Moisture ; ase 1°08 100°00 Burr mentions the following localities for this species :—Near the Montacute Copper Mine, Rapid Ray and Mount Barker. MENACCANITE. Var. Ilmenite occursat Victoria Creek, Williamstown (Selwyn). SIDERITE. Selwyn mentions the occurrence of this species at the 85 Crinnis Mine, Ulrich at the Oratunga Mine, Tate at Eudunda and Burr reports it at Rapid Bay, Barossa Range, Mount Lofty Range and various other places. It also occurs at the Kar- kulto Mine, whence a specimen has been obtained for examina- tion. It was in the form of a largely crystalline mass of a brownish-grey colour. Hardness, 3°5; and specific gravity, 3°9. The analysis of this specimen yielded the following results (1). No. 11, introduced for the sake of comparison, is the composition of a specimen from Mitterberg, Tyrol, quoted from Dana :— ef Er, Ferrous oxide ... en ip Ok £O 51:15 Manganous oxide... ~=—1°56 1°62 Magnesia be ast hee: 7°72 Carbonic acid ... SOO LOO BE —_—_——_——— 100:00 = 100°00 The composition of the mineral as given above is represented by the formula 4 FeCO, + MgCO,. From the composition of this specimen and from that of others, which have from time to time passed through my hands, it would appear that the siderite of this colony is chiefly of the magnesian variety. PISTOMESITE. This mineral occurs in large quantities at the Balhannah Mine, the waste tip being for the most part formed of it. When first obtained this mineral is of a yellowish-grey colour, but on exposure it assumes a bronze-coloured coating. A preliminary examination showed that the mineral consisted of magnesic, ferrous and manganous carbonates, and at first I was inclined to think that it was Breunnerite, a ferriferous variety of Magnesite. A complete quantitative analysis showed, however, that the mineral had the composition of Pistomesite, with which it also agrees in its physical properties. The specimen for examination was selected from the centre of a large mass, and was free from the incrustation referred to above. The result of the analysis was as follows (4), No. 1 being the analysis of a specimen from Thurnburg quoted by Dana :— i II. Ferrous oxide... 64 OE 33°92 Magnesia f ce 2066 21°72 Manganous oxide... 349 — Carbonie acid ... ... 48°52 43°62 99:98 99°26 *Obtained by difference. 86 The hardness of the Balhannah specimen is 3'5. Its specific gravity is 3'5, while that of the Thurnburg specimen is given at 3'4. This speciesis also reported by Tate as occurring at Nuccaleena. Pyrite (Lron pyrites). This species is to be found in most of the lodes of the Yorke Peninsula mining district. Finely crystallised speci- mens exhibiting the form of the pentagonal dodecahedron have been obtained from both the Wallaroo and Paramatta Mines. This form is reported by Burr as occurring at the Montacute Mine and the district in its neighbourhood, and also at Rapid and Encounter Bays. Other localities for this mineral are Talisker Mine and Bundaleer, and it is very general in the various ranges in limestone, quartz, hornstone, slate, and as- sociated with other metalliferous minerals (Burr). A stalac- titic form occurs at the Wallaroo Mine. ARSENOPRYITE (Mispickel) 7 Occurs at the Glen Bar Mine, near Strathalbyn, at the Talisker Mine, and between Victor Harbour and Encounter Bay. VIVIANITE. The massive form of this species occurs at Angaston, and Burr states that the earthy form occurs near Mount Rufus and near Strathalbyn. | MANGANESE. PYROLUSITE. This species occurs near the Wallaroo Mines both massive and stalactitic; also at Wonna Pandappa Dam and at Wauka- ringa (Tate)—the specimen from the latter place beg an impure variety. MANGANITE. This species is mined for shipment to Europe in the neigh- borhood of Gordon, between Quorn and Hawker. Oxides of Manganese of varying composition occur in the Port Lincoln district, at Wonna Pandappa Dam and at various localities in the Far North. Burr reports manganese ores at Rapid Bay, Myponga, Noarlunga, River Light, Barossa Range and Mount Bryan. ZINC. SPAHLERITE (Zine blende). This mineral occurs at the Wallaroo Mine, and on the west coast of Yorke Peninsula, between Point Pearce and Corney Point. Tate reports it at North Rhine, and L. Seeger at the Wheal Ellen Mine. 87 LEAD. CERUSITE Occurs massive at the Glen Osmond stone quarries. I have found it crystallised with phosgenite in a specimen from the western side of Spencer Gulf, and Ulrich reports it as lining druses at the Beltana Mine, while L. Seeger states that he has met with finely crystallised specimens at the Strathalbyn Mine. ANGLESITE. This species occurs both massive and in the form of small ervatals at the Wilvena Pound. ErratuM.—Page 87, line 5 from bottom, fc ere: or Moockr read Mount Lyndhurst. ; ckra Tower specimen Ouse LLU VIG, Wen, Cuan or SP ee > ~~ exact locality being unknown; and Burr mentions it as ocur- ring at the Glen Osmond lead mines. PYROMORPHITE. I have met with massive specimens of this mineral, varying in colour from green to greyish-brown, obtained from the west coast of Spencer Gulf (Iam uncertain as to the exact locality), J. E. T. Woods, in a private communication, mentions that he has found phosphate of lead at the Strathalbyn Mine. NICKEL. ULLMANNITE. This mineral (a double sulphide of antimony and nickel) occurs near Moockra Tower, from whence very characteristic specimens have been obtained. COBALT. Eryrurite (Cobalt Bloom). This species has been found at the Glen Bar Mine. 88 CopattTiItE (Cobalt Glanz). L. Seeger reports having found this species at the Glen Bar Mine associated with mispickel. COPPER. Native Copper. This mineral species is represented in a great variety of forms in the upper parts of the lodes of the Wallaroo and Moonta mining districts of Yorke Peninsula. Some speci- mens exhibit well-defined, though distorted crystals; while some very fine examples of the arborescent form have also been produced. In more or less rounded masses it may be said to be common to the lodes of the district. At the Sliding Rock Mine it occurs disseminated in various sized grains. It is also found at Angaston, and to greater or less extent in several of the other copper-bearing lodes of the colony. CUPRITE. This mineral is of very general occurrence in the upper por- tions of the copper lodes of this colony, most frequently in the massive form, but finely crystallised specimens are also to be noted. Of these latter, the Moonta Mine has produced some very good examples in which the planes of the octahedron are most fully developed; while the Spring Creek Mine was at one time celebrated for crystals exhibiting the planes of the cube in avery marked degree. The crystals from the Moonta Mine are characterised by an unusually strong metallic lustre. Cuprite is also found in isolated octahedral crystals at the Moonta and Burra Burra Mines; while hopper-shaped octahe- dral crystals have been met with at the Kapunda Mine. Crystals have been occasionally obtained from the Burra Burra Mine which were more or less converted into malachite, and in a locality near the Rhondda Mine, north of Port Augusta, they have been found converted into atacamite. Var. Chalcotrichite.—I have met with this variety of cuprite in a specimen from this colony—the precise locality is un- known. It occurs in groups of small acicular crystals with native copper. Cuaucocire (Redruthite). As far as I am aware, this mineral has not been met with erystallized in the colony. The massive variety is of frequent occurrence in the copper mines of Yorke Peninsula—fine specimens being obtainable more especially from the Moonta Mines. Burr mentions it as occurring at the Kapunda, Monta- cute, and Burra Burra Mines, and also at Mount Barker. 89 CovELLITE (Indigo Copper Ore.) Very fine specimens of this mineral, in the massive form, have been obtained from the mines on Yorke Peninsula, the most characteristic being chiefly taken from the southern end of the district. A more or less impure variety, black in colour, occurs not unfrequently, more especially in the northern part of the district. The mineral which generally passes under the name of Melaconite in the Yorke Peninsula mining district is actually Covellite. Burr mentions “black sulphuret of copper” as occurring at the Kapunda Mine. BornitE (Purple Copper Ore). This mineral occurs at several of the copper mines in the colony, generally associated with chalcopyrite (copper pyrites). The most notable locality is the Moonta Mine. The analysis of a specimen of massive Bornite from the Moonta Mine yielded the following result :— I. Le: III. Copper: 's. ot ... 59°84 62:00 61.87 Iron... 2 yeh a NS Br 12°15 12°13 sulphur; 2 ous wee 24°95 25°85 26°00 Insoluble silicious residue 4°03 — — 10055 1€0:00 100°00 Column 11. shows the composition of the specimen after deduct- ing the insoluble residue, and column 111. is the percentage composition calculated from the formula 9 Cu,S, 2 Fe,S,. Bornite occurs at the Lady Alice Mine, the Barossa Mine, the Burra Burra Mine and the Try Again Mine. Tate reports its occurrence in the quartz veins in the meta- morphic rocks in the neighbourhood of the Peake, Central Australia, and Burr at the Kapunda Mine. As far as the writer is aware, the mineral has only been found massive. CHALCOPYRITE (Copper pyrites). This mineral is of pretty general occurrence in the lower parts of the copper lodes of the province. It has been found erystallised at the Wallaroo Mine. Some of the crystals in my collection obtained from thence measure from half an inch to three quarters of an inch in diameter. Although this mineral forms the chief copper ore of the Yorke Peninsula mining district, it only occurs pure in any considerable quantity at the Moonta Mine. In the other parts of the district it is more or less intimately mixed with pyrite, covellite, bornite, &e. 90 Fine typical specimens of the ordinary variety and that known as “peacock ore” (from the iridescent tarnish exhi- bited by some of the fractured surfaces) are obtainable at the Moonta Mine. The analyses of both varieties prove the identity of composition, viz., that represented by the formula Cu,8, FeS,, FeS. The results of the analysis of specimens of this ore from the Moonta Mine are given below. (No. 1. is the analysis of the untarnished variety, and No. 11. that of the peacock ore. No. 111. shows the theoretical composition of pyrite deduced from the formula given above. i. II. III. Copper _... iy ww. B421 34°04: 34°57 Iron oe Boks wk DOWD 31°14 30°53 Solphar 6 2 gH, LO 34°34 3490 Insoluble silicious residue 0°50 0°63 — ———— 100°52 10015 100.00 Copper pyrites is reported by Tate as occurring in quartz veins in the metamorphic rock in the neighbourhood of the Peake, Central Australia, while it is noted by Burr as occurr- ing (generally variegated) as follows:—At the Montacute Mine and all the lodes in its vicinity, Rapid Bay, Flaxman Valley, Hutt River &c. Azurite (Blue Carbonate of Copper). This mineral occurs pretty generally in the copper lodes of the colony, with the exception of those on Yorke Peninsula, where it is rarely met with. The Burra Burra Mine and Kapunda Mine were at one time noted for the quantity of this mineral which they produced. It has also been found at the Blinman Mine, Yudanamutana Mine, &c. &c., and near Franklin Harbour and other places on the west coast of Spencer Gulf. MALACHITE Occurs crystallised in ascicular crystals at the Rhondda Mine, and in brown iron ore at the Wallaroo Mine; also in the same form in the so-called “red jasper rock” at the Yudanamutana Mine. This red jasper is opal, enclosing red oxide of iron, and from an examination of thin sections under the microscope I am inclined to think that we have had here a spongy mass of oxide of iron (probably the cap of a lode) into which silica in the form of opal has infiltered and thus enclosed the oxide of iron). Ulrich mentions the occurrence of this mineral in acicular crystals at the Oratunga Mine. Nodular and lenticular-shaped masses, with a radiated 91 crystalline structure, are not uncommon in the copper-bearing country north of Port Augusta. The ordinary massive mala- chite occurs at several localities—most notably at the Burra ; and Burr mentions the following places (without, however, indicating the form—whether massive or crystallized) :—Mount Barker, Montacute Mine, Rapid Bay, Wakefield, near the Horseshoe on the Onkaparinga. It formed the chief ore at the Kapunda and Burra Mines. Tate states that it occurs in the quartz veins in the meta- phoric rocks in the neighbourhood of the Peake, Central Aus- tralia. It occurs in perfectly round nodules about three- quarters of an inch in diameter on and near the surface of the country round about Beltana. It is worthy of note that true malachite does not occur in the Yorke Peninsula mining district. It has there been met with only as atacamite altered more or lessinto green carbonate of copper by contact with the calcareous rocks. Sub-species Mysorin.—I have found this mineral of a dark- brown colour occurring with crystallized malachite in red opal rock from the Yudanamutana Mine. DIOPTASE. This form of silicate of copper occurs at the Appialina Mine (Selwyn). CHRYSOCOLLA. Very good specimens of this mineral, enamel-like in texture, have been found at the Burra Burra Mine, associated with Azurite and Malachite. I have met with characteristic speci- mens from the Wallaroo and Kurilla Mines, Yorke Penin- sula; and Ulrich reports it as occurring at the Nuccaleena, Yudanamutana and Mount Lyndhurst Mines. Burr mentions its occurrence at the Mount Barker Mine. ATACAMITE. This mineral is known to occur in three distinct states of hydration, the varieties so formed containing in round numbers about 12, 17, and 20 per cent. of water. I incline to the opinion that two, if not all of these varieties occur in this colony ; but up to the present time I have only had the oppor- tunity of chemically examining one specimen belonging to the first variety. This mineral is found in every copper mine on Yorke Peninsula, and was at one time represented by most magnificent specimens at the New Cornwall Mine. Perfect crystals nine inches long were found there, and groups of crystals varying from an inch to two or three inches could be obtained in considerable quantity. The specimen employed for analysis was from the Wallaroo 92 Mine, the crystals (which were about one quarter-inch long) being carefully separated from the matrix. The analysis of this specimen yielded the following result (1.). For the sake of comparison I subjoin the analysis of a specimen from Chili (a1.) quoted by Dana— ze iL. Wopper’-.... a ae ee ae 14°54 Chlorine ... Mat Joe, Oe 16°33 Cupric oxide Vy ast oe 55'94 Water. 4° a. ae ... 13°51 (by diff.) 12°96 Insoluble silicious residue 1°47 ‘08 (quartz ?) 100-00 99°85 It occurs also at the Yudanamutana, Daly and Rhondda Mines. From the latter—situated near Moockra Tower—Il have obtained pseudomorphs after cuprite. SILVER. Although silver occurs in considerable quantity in some of the lead ores of the colony, so far as I am aware no isolated species containing this metal as an essential constituent has yet been discovered. GOLD. “The geological distribution of gold in South Australia is restricted to the Pre-Silurian, certain gravels of the Miocene period, and to drifts of later age. In the first it occurs dis- seminated in veins of quartz; in the second and third cases as alluvial gold.” (Tate). Among the numerous localities in which gold has been found, in one or other of the conditions mentioned above, the follow- ing may be named :-—In the sand of the Onkaparinga, South Para and Torrens Rivers; in the Bremer and Barossa Ranges ; at Nairne, Woodside, Strathalbyn, Mount Barker, Clarendon, Noarlunga, Currency Creek, Mount Pleasant, Jupiter Creek and Echunga in the Adelaide District; Ulooloo and Waukaringa, North of Burra. At Bigg’s Flat near Echunga a few nuggets of an ounce in weight have been obtained. At the Balhannah Mine gold occurs associated with native bismuth and bismuthinite ; at the Lady Alice Mine it has been found in some abundance, associated with bornite ; and at the Moonta Mine it also occurs in small quantity associated with the latter mineral. In the Northern Territory gold is widely distributed over that portion of Arnheim Land occupied by metamorphic rocks. The gold-fields extend from the River Stapleton to the Driffield, a distance of about a hundred miles. The chief centres of 93 gold-reefiing are the Howley, Twelve-Mile, McKinlay, the Union and Pine Creek. (Prof. Tate’s Report on the Northern Territory.) APPENDIX. NITRE. ic Burr states that efflorescent nitrate of potass occurs on the cliffs of the River Murray, but does not specify the exact locality. Mrrasinite (Glauber Salt) Is stated by Burr to occur in the form of efflorescent crystals at Crystal Brook. Katinite (Potass Alum). Burr states that this species occurs mammillated and efflor- escent in the gorge of the River Torrens and in the ranges near Mount Barker. WAVELLITE. Burr states that this species occurs at the River Gawler. - Frero.ire. According to Burr this mineral has been noticed in the Barossa Range. MeELaconitEe (Black Oxide of Copper). I have not hitherto personally met with a specimen of this mineral, although Burr reports it as occurring both mammil- lated and earthy at the Kapunda and Montacute Mines. 94 LIsT OF PLANTS UNRECORDED FOR SOUTHERN EYRE PENINSULA. By Proressor Rateu Tate, F.G.8., F.LS., &e. {Read October 2, 1883.] This enumeration is chiefly based upon collections made by our Corresponding Member, Mrs. A. Richards (4.2.), while journeying from Port Lincoln to Streaky Bay during October, 1882, and by Mr. Samuel Dixon (8.D.) during a recent tour in the country around Port Lincoln. The asterisk prefixed to a name indicates that the geo- graphical range of the species has been extended to the west- ward ; in the case of Pteris arguta the western limit has been shifted 400 miles from Penola, where I gathered it in November of last year. With regard to the other additions, they serve to lessen the width of the wide gap in the longitudinal range of the species, extending in many instances from the mid- southern parts of the province to beyond the frontier of West Australia. The occurrence of Grevillea parviflora, Quinetia Urvillet and Calocephalus Drummondii are noteworthy. *Papaver aculeatum, Colton, Venus Bay, A.#&. Drosera elanduligera, S.D.; *D. peltata, S.D.; D. Menzsiesii, 4.2. and S.D. Comesperma scoparium and Poranthera ericoides, SD. Pelargonium australe, at Colton, 4.R. *Eriostemon pungens, at Colton, A.R.; S.D. Claytonia corrigioloides, §.D. Daviesia brevifolia and *Pultenza canaliculata, S.D. Goodia medica- ginea and *Kennedya monophylla, at Colton, 4.R. *Acacia rupicola, near Port Lincoln, 4.R. Acacia myrtifolia, Marble Range, J. H. Brown. Haloragis teucrioides, 4.h. *Melaleuca pustulata, at Denial Bay, &. Tate. *Eucalyptus cosmophylla, Marble Range, J. #. Brown. Spyridium eriocephalum, S.D. ; S. vexilliferum and *S. leucophractum, 4.R. and SD. *Gre- villea parviflora—halmaturina, *Conospermum patens and Hydrocotyle callicarpa, $.D. Didiscus eriocarpus, 4.#., and D. cyanopetalus, 8.D. Galium umbrosum, S.D. *Opercularia scabrida, 4A.R. Calocephalus Drummondii, Rutidosis Pumilo, Quinetia Urvillei and Myriocephalus rhizocephalus, SD. *Helichrysum Baxteri, A.#. Microseris Forsteri, at Lake Hamilton, A.R. Candollea despecta, Leewenhoekia dubia, Sebea ovata and Mitrasacme paradoxa, S.D. *Styphelia strigosa, 4A.R.; also at base of Marble Range, J. HL. Brown. Microtis porrifolia and Caladenia latifolia, at Colton, 4.2. 95 Caladenia Patersoni, at Colton, A.R.; near Marble Range, J. E. Brown. C. deformis, near Marble Range, J. #. Brown. Thysanotus Patersoni, Neurachne alopecuroides and Stipa scabra, at Lake Hamilton, 4.#. Centrolepis aristata, C. strigosa and C. polygyna, S.D. *Pteris arguta, limestone- wells five miles back from Streaky Bay, 4.2. A LIsT OF UNRECORDED PLANTS AND OF NEW LOCALITIES FOR RARE PLANTS IN THE SOUTH= EAST PART OF THIS COLONY. By Proressor Ratpex Tarts, F.G.S8., F.LS., &e. (Read October 2, 1883.] During the latter half of November, 1882, I made a long and extensive botanical tour over region E. of the inter- provincial divisions into which I had divided extra-tropical South Australia*, with the special object of tracing out its western limit. Briefly, the region, small as it is, must be con- siderably reduced in area, but in the present communication I will deal with it as at first delineated. In the course of my explorations I found several species hitherto unrecorded for the region, and discovered not a few rare species at new locali- ties. The chief novelties have already been indicated in m “Additions to the Flora of South Australia,” published in the Society's Transactions for this year and last. Hibbertia stricta Nangwarry; Mount McIntyre; Yallum (Miss Allen !). Cassytha melantha. Lake George; Cave Range. Cardamine tenuifolia. Considered by F.v. M. a state of C. laciniata; marsh lands about Mount Burr Range, and Mount Julian near Penola. Stenopetalum lineare. Sandhills, Beachport. Drosera auriculata. Marsh lands, Mount Graham. Conesperma calymega. Mount Burr Range; Nangwarry ; Mount Julian; Cave Range and Narracoorte. Elatine Americana. Swamps, Mount Graham. * Trans. Roy. Soc., 8. Aust., vol. iii., p. 48, 1880. 96 Pelargonium Rodneyanum. Almost restricted to sandy Shalt Mount Graham; Cave Range; Narracoorte ; tewart Range; Reedy Creek. Boronia pinnata. Mount McIntyre; Nangwarry; near Penola. Didymotheca thesioides. Rivoli Bay. Saponaria tubulosa. Cave Range and Narracoorte. Sagina apetala. Marshes and sandhills, Rivoli Bay; Mosquito Creek. Lepigonum marinum. Lacepede Bay. Scleranthus pungens. Cave Range and Narracoorte. Polyenemon pentandrum. lLacepede Bay and Lake George. Ptilotus spathulatus. Cave Range and Narracoorte. Rhagodia Biliardieri. Coast Range! and Mount Gambier! (Rev. J. LE. T. Woods.) Rumex Brown. Beachport; Mount Gambier; Yallum Cave near Penola. Rumex bidens. Cape Northumberland; Lake Leake. Polygonum prostratum. Mount Graham. Muhlenbeckia Cunningkamii. Subsaline plains, Narracoorte. Spherolobium vimineum. Sphagnum bog, Mount McIntyre. Pultenza humilis. Riddoch Bay and Cape Northumberland. Pultenza involucrata. Near Yallum (Miss Allen!). Eutaxia empetrifolia. Heathy ground near Lake George. Acacia pycnantha. Towards the Punt, Glenelg River; near MacDonnell Bay and Beachport. Acena ovina. Kingston; Mount Gambier; Cape Northumber- land; Cave Range; Narracoorte; Reedy Creek. Tillea verticillaris. Beachport; Mount Gambier; Mosquito Creek; Narracoorte. Tillea purpurata. Mosquito Creek. Tillea recurva. Cape Northumberland; Mount Graham; _ Lake Edward ; Mosquito Creek. Haloragis ceratophylla. On limestone soil, Beachport. Haloragis micrantha. Mount Graham swamps. Epilobium pallidiflorum. Mount Graham swamps. Lhotzkya genetylloides. Nangwarry ; Stewart Range. Thryptomene ciliata. Near Yallum, Penola; Stewart Range. Leptospermum myrsinoides. Cape Northumberland, Nang- warry and Penola. Callistemon coccineus. Heath near Yallum Cave, Penola. Melaleuca uncinata. Stewart Range. Melaleuca pustulata. Salt swamps, Rivoli Bay; Yallum Heath ; Stewart Range. Stackhousia linarifolia. Lake George; Cape Northumberland; Riddoch Bay; Nangwarry. Pomaderris racemosa. Sandhills, Rivoli Bay. Pimelea serpyllifolia. Beachport. 97 Pimelea humilis. Millicent flats to Tarpeena; Nangwarry ; Narracoorte and Cave Range. Pimelea octophylla. Mount Graham; Nangwarry; Penola. Pimelea phylicoides. Mount Julian, near Penola. Conospermum patens. Mount McIntyre; Nangwarry; Mount Julian ; Stewart Range. Hakea rugosa. Mount Graham; Yallum; Cave Range. Hydrocotyle callicarpa. Mount Graham. Opercularia ovata. Lake George. Galium australe. Beachport. Aster floribundus. River Glenelg; The Springs near Mount Graham ; Yallum (Miss Allen!). Aster aff. glandulosus. With slender wiry stems and short scattered leaves; achenes densely silky. Yallum (Miss Allen!). Lagenophora Huegelii. Fern brakes, Mount Graham. Brachycome Mueller. Lake George; Cave Range; Narra- coorte ; Mosquito Creek ; Reedy Creek. Siegesbeckia orientalis. Mount Gambier cone; Glencoe Cave. Eclipta platyglossa. Narracoorte Creek. Cotula filifolia. Coast swamps Kingston to the River Glenelg ; Mount Graham; Yallum (Mss Allen!) ; Mosquito Creek ; Narracoorte. Centipeda Cunninghami. Mount Graham; Penola; Narra- coorte. Myriocephalus rhizocephalus. Nangwarry; Penola to Narra- coorte. Angianthus tomentosus. Narracoorte plain. Ixodia achilleoides. Yallum (Miss Allen!). Rutidosis Pumilo. Mount Graham; Mount Julian. Podotheca angustifolia. Sandhills, Rivoli Bay; Mount Gam- bier. Leptorrhynchos squamatus. Rivoli Bay ; Mount McIntyre; Cave Range ; Narracoorte. Leptorrhynchos tenuifolius. Yallum (Miss Allen!). Helipterum dimorpholepis. Narracoorte Creek. Erechtites picridioides. Mosquito Plains (Rev. J. E. T. Woods) ; Mosquito Creek. Erechtites quadridentata. Mount Gambier cone. Erechtites hispidula. Cape Northumberland. Cymbonotus Lawsonianus. Benara near Mount Gambier. Candollea (Stylidium) perpusilla. Yallum (Miss Allen!). Goodenia pinnatifida. Narracoorte Plains Limosella aquatica. Mount Graham Swamps. Wilsonia rotundifolia. Subsaline plain, Narracoorte. Wilsonia Backhousii. Lake George. Polypompholyx tenella. Yallum (Miss Allen’). G 98 Eritrichium australasicum. Mount Graham. Cynoglossum suaveolens. Mounts Gambier and Graham ; Cape Northumberland ; Yallum Cave; Narracoorte Caves. Verbena officinalis. The Springs, Mount Graham. Styphelia virgata. Mount McIntyre; Nangwarry; Yallum (Miss Allen!) Brachyloma ciliata. Beachport, Rivoli Bay. Thelymitra antennifera. Mount McIntyre; Yallum (Miss Allen!). Microtis porrifoha. Mount Burr Range and Mount Graham ; Riddoch Bay ; Cape Northumberland ; Tarpeena. Pterostylis furcata. Included by Baron Sir F. von Mueller under P. cucullata. Lake Edward; Mount Graham. Diuris palustris. Yallum (MMss Allen!). Caladenia latifolia. Yallum (A&ss Allen!). Eriochilus autumnalis. Yallum, near Penola (Miss Allen!) Burchardia umbellata. Tintanulla; Benara; Yallum (MMfss Allen!). Thysanotus tuberosus. Lake George; Mount Graham; Tar- peena; Mount Julian; Cave Range. Chameescilla corymbosa. Mount Graham. Bartlingia sessiliflora. Nangwarry; Narracoorte; Yallum (Miss Allen!). Lemna trisulea. Mount Gambier, Valley Lake. Xanthorrhea semiplana. Beachport; Mount Graham; Nang- warry to Narracoorte and Stewart Range. Xanthorrhea quadrangulata. Sandy ground, Mount Burr; Stewart Range. Liuzula campestris. Beachport; Benara and Mount Gambier. Juncus cespititius. Juncus paucifiorus. Glenelg River; Lake Leake; Mount Graham; Mosquito Creek. Aphelia gracilis. Mount Graham. Centrolepis aristata. Mounts Graham and Julian; Narra- coorte Creek. Centrolepis fascicularis. Mount Julian. Centrolepis strigosa. Mount Graham; Cave Range. Lepidosperma viscidum. Beachport. Lepidosperma laterale. Margining swamps, Mount Graham ;. Tarpeena; Mount Julian. Lepidosperma carphoides. Heathy ground, Yallum; Nang- warry ; Cave Range. Heleocharis sphacelata. Lake Leake. Heleocharis acuta. Glenelg River; Riddoch Bay; Mount Gambier; Mosquito Creek ; Narracoorte. Heleocharis multicaulis. Marshy ground, Lake George. Scirpus cartilagineus. Lake George; Mount Gambier. 99 Scirpus pungens. Lake George. Scirpus lacustris. Mount Graham; Lake Leake; Mount Gambier. Schcenus nitens. Lake George; Mount Graham; Narracoorte Plains. Cladium Mariscus. Mosquito Creek. Cladium articulatum. Mosquito Creek. Cladium filum. Glenelg River; Riddoch Bay; Lake Bonney; Mosquito Creek ; Lake George; Yallum; Narracoorte. Carex Gunniana. Glenelg River; Cape Northumberland ; Mount Graham. Carex pseudo-cyperus. Mount Graham and towards Mount McIntyre. Carex breviculmis. Mount Graham. Agrostis quadriseta. Mount Burr. : | Echinopogon ovatus. Cape Northumberland; Glencoe Cave. Eragrostis Brown. WNarracoorte. Poa syrtica. Kingston. Bromus arenarius. Cave Range. Danthonia nervosa. Sphagnum bog near Mount McIntyre. Neurachne alopecuroides. Cave Range. Lepturus incurvatus. Lacepede Bay; subsaline plain, Narra- coorte. Ophioglossum vulgatum. Mount Graham. Pteris arguta. Cave four miles west from Yallum, Penola. 100 LIST OF SOME PLANTS INHABITING THE NORTH= EASTERN PART OF THE LAKE TORRENS BASIN. By Proressor Ratpu Tate, F.G.S., F.LS. [Read October 1, 1883.] The region, which I examined botanically during two weeks in each of the months of June and September of this year, em- braces the southern half of the Aroona Range and the plain extending therefrom to the shore of Lake Torrens. The Lake Torrens Plain is here bounded at the distance of about 25 miles from the lake by a range of hills, commencing in the latitude of Beltana and following a north-west course through Mount Deception, Mount Scott, Aroona Mountain, Mount Parry, Termination Hill and Mount Nor’-West. This elevated region, which I name the Aroona Range, is west of and diver- gent from the Flinders Range ; its western flank is constituted. of clay slates, quartzites and quartzose sandstones, dipping easterly ; to the eastward limestones are intercalated, and the whole finally concealed by the drifts which occupy the synclinal valley of Leigh Creek. The plain of Lake Torrens is at its margin chiefly composed of loams and gravels shed from the adjacent slopes, or trans- ported from the far distant Flinders Range by the torrential streams, which debouch upon the plain; further out, these drifts are concealed by low, more or less parallel, sandhills separated from one another by loamy flats or claypans. The flora of the basin of Lake Torrens is chiefly known from collections made by Babbage, Lattorf and others at its wes- tern and north-western parts; whilst little or nothing is known of the region under review. It belongs to that type of vegetation proper to the “salt-bush’’ country, such as prevails throughout the dry zone of Central Australia. The majority of the plants are common to the plain and hills, though the sandhills, after a sufficient rainfall, bloom with a great variety of annuals not met with on the stony ranges. In the accompanying list, I have given the names of the plants which have not been recorded from the Far North, except those of a few which call for special remarks. The most noteworthy fact is the presence in this area of many species hitherto not known in South Austraha except on the confines of this province towards New South Wales and 101 Queensland, and at the MacDonnell Ranges on the verge of the tropics. They have thus been moved, as it were, well within our territorial limits. Of these the following may be especially mentioned: — Abutilon halophilum, Zygophyllum Howittii, Ptilotus incanus, Kuxolus Mitchelli, Rhynchosia minima, Loranthus Quandang, Santalum lanceolatum, Oldenlandia tilleacea, Millotia Kempet, Panicum helopus, Eriochloa annulata and Chloris truncata; whilst a few species have been added to our provincial flora, including at least four species new to science. Some critical species, particularly of the genera Bassia, Kochia and Atriplex, remain to be identified. Myosurus minimus. Claypan near Termination Hill. Ranunculus parviflorus. Water channels on the slope of Aroona Mountain. Ranunculus parviflorus var. Lake Weatherstone and claypans near Termination Hill. The same state grows abundantly around the “ billibongs” of the River Murray. Sisymbrium filifolium.. Rocky gullies, Mount Parry. Sisymbrium procumbens, n. sp. Claypans near Termination Hill. Sisymbrium trisectum, with yellow flowers. Claypan near Termination Hill. Erysimum Blennodia. Lake Torrens Plain. Capsella cochlearina. Lake Torrens Plain and at Hookina. Lepidium leptopetalum. Rocky gullies, Mount Parry. Plagianthus glomeratus. On limestone soil between Mounts Parry and Playfair. Sida (corrugata var.?) pedunculata, Cunningham. Dry water course of Mount Parry Creek. Sida virgata. By Lake Torrens on sandy soil. Abutilon halophilum. Depot Creek and Mount Parry Gap. Hibiscus Krichauffi. By Lake Torrens. Euphorbia erythrantha. Mount Parry and Lake Torrens Plain. Phyllanthus rigens. An intricate shrub usually about two but attaining to three feet high, in arid ground with spinescent branches ; capsules globular or ovoid, attaining to three lines broad and five lines long ; seeds smooth; leaves and young branches with short stiff pellucid hairs. Rocky ground, Mount Parry. Phyllanthus rhytidospermus? Wet ground at Yadlacena, on Lake Torrens Plain near Mount Parry. Phyllanthus Fuernrohrii. Sandhills at Ediacara, Lake Torrens Plain. Parietaria debilis. Among rocks in shady situations, Aroona Range. 102 Zygophyllum Howittii. Sandhills, Lake Torrens Plain, chiefly under shelter of shrubs; widely dispersed. Plant pros- trate, spreading to one foot or more; radicular leaves, three very large; flowers very small, solitary, axillary and pedunculate ; sepals and petals four-merous; sepals ovate, acute; petals yellow, barely exceeding the sepals, obovate, one line long, attenuated into a claw; stamens eight, included; filaments subulate, slightly dilated at the base, but not winged; ripe capsules, indehiscent, red fading to yellow in colour, five lines diameter and six lines long. Frankenia levis. Lake Torrens Plain; and stony ground, Aroona Range. Saponaria tubulosa. By water courses on Lake Torrens Plain; stony hill slopes, Mount Parry. Spergularia rubra. Lake Torrens Plain. Portulaca oleracea. Sandy beds of creeks and Lake Torrens Plain. Claytonia Balonnensis. Sandhills, Lake Torrens Plain, under shade of shrubs. Claytonia polyandra. With the last. Ptilotus incanus. Lake Torrens Plain and by Lake Weather- stone. Ptilotus exaltatus. Mount Parry Gap. Euxolus Mitchelli. Dry channels of Mount Parry and Depot Creeks. Alternanthera triandra. Wet margins of Depot Creek. Rhagodia spinescens. Dry beds of creeks. Rhagodia parabolica. With the last. Rhagodia nutans. Mount Parry Creek. Chenopodium nitrariaceum. On the dry slopes of the Aroona Range, this species has the form of a low intricate bush with very small leaves and spinescent branches. Around Lake Weatherstone, it is a bush about five feet high, with the flowering branches very long, lateral, declinous and spinescent. Atriplex nummularium. Lake Weatherstone. Atriplex velutinellum. Lake Weatherstone. Atriplex Muelleri. Depot Creek. Atriplex sp. Lake Weatherstone. Atriplex leptocarpum. Mount Parry Gap. Atriplex holocarpum. Kanyaka, Wonoka and northward. Bassia Dallachyana. Mount Parry. Bassia tricornis. Mount Parry. Bassia uniflora. Lake Torrens and Mount Parry. Bassia lanicuspis. Mount Parry. Bassia biflora. Stony ground, Termination Hill. 103 Bassia paradoxa. Mount Parry. Bassia quinquecuspis. Stony ground, Mount Parry. Babbagia dipterocarpa. Sandy ground, Lake Torrens Plain. Babbagia pentaptera. Stony ground, west flank of Mount Parry. Pee cceiiens Mount Parry Gap to Lake Torrens. Kochia lanosa. Lake Weatherstone. Kochia fimbriolata. Lake Weatherstone. Kochia pyramidata. Rocky gullies, Mount Parry. Kochia eriantha. Lake Weatherstone. Kochia ciliata. Lake Weatherstone. Kochia pentatropis, n. sp., aff. A. triptera. Limestone soil between Mounts Parry and Playfair. Aizoon quadrifidum. Sandhills, Lake Torrens Plain. Aizoon zygophylloides. A prostrate annual, leaves thick, fleshy. On calcareous loam between Mounts Parry and Playfair. Trianthema crystallina. Stony ground, Mount Parry. Boerhaavia repanda. About bases of red gum-trees, dry bed of Mount Parry Creek. Crotalaria dissitiflora var. eremea. Lake Torrens Plain on sandy ground. Lotus australis var. Behrianus. Lake Torrens Plain. Trigonella suavissima. Lake Weatherstone. Psoralea eriantha. Sandhills at Idyaka by Termination Hill. Swainsonia phacoides. Lake Torrens Plain. Rhynchosia minima. Aroona Creek. Cassia Sophera. Stony ground, Mount Parry. Cassia desolata. Aroona Range. Melaleuca glomerata. Beds of creeks in the Aroona Range ; Leigh Creek. Melaleuca parviflora. Aroona Mountain. Eucalyptus oleosa. Eastern slope of Aroona Range. Melothria Maderaspatana. Creek beds in the Aroona Range. Pimelea microcephala. Creeks in the Aroona Range and by watercourses Lake Torrens Plain. Hakea sp., with foliage of H. purpurea, but with a different inflorescence and fruit. Aroona Mountain and Mount Parry. Loranthus Exocarpi. Berry orange, turning to red and purple. Aroona Creek. Loranthus linearifolius. Berry white. Aroona and Mount Parry Creeks. Loranthus Murrayi. On Acacia aneura; sandy ground by Termination Hill. Loranthus Quandang. Berry green, with thick epicarp. On Acacia aneura, Lake Torrens Plain. 104: Santalum lanceolatum. Berries black. Mount Parry Gap and to Lake Torrens. Santalum acuminatum. Margin of creeks and wet ground, Lake Torrens Plain. Pericarp red, succulent. Santalum persicarium. Stony ground, Aroona Range. Peri- carp yellow, rarely red, thin, bitter. Oldenlandia tilleacea. Wet sandy ground, Lake Torrens Plain. Minuria denticulata. About all claypans, Lake Torrens Plain. Minuria integerrima. Idyaka claypan, near Termination Hill— the only known station in the district. Pterocaulon sphacelatus. Mount Parry and Leigh Creek. Calotis plumulifera. Lake Torrens Plain and west slopes of Mount Parry. Pterigeron liatroides. Gullies, Mount Parry. Epaltes Cunninghamiul. Lake Weatherstone. Centipeda thespidioides. Claypans, Lake Torrens Plain. Myriocephalus Stuartii. Lake Torrens Plain. Dimorphocoma minutula. West slopes of Mount Parry and plain adjoining. Calocephalus platycephalus. Lake Torrens Plain. Cassinia levis. Aroona Mountain. Millotia Greevesii. Margins of drainage channels, Lake Torrens Plain. Millotia Kempei. Idyaka sandhills by Termination Hill. Helichrysum podolepideum. Limestone soil between Mounts Parry and Playfair. Helipterum polygalifolium. Hookina. Helipterum microglossum. Mount Parry slopes and Lake Torrens Plain. Senecio Gregorii. Lake Torrens Plain. Goodenia cycloptera. Sandhills, Lake Torrens Plain. Goodenia glauca. Mount Parry. Scevola spinescens. Mount Parry Gap. Leaves ¢ to 1 inch long, peduncles nearly twice as long; drupe purple- black. Scevola humilis. Lake Torrens Plain. Sarcostemma australe. Lake Torrens Plain. An erect shrub 3 to 4 feet high ; never twining. Marsdenia Leichhardtiana. Twining to a considerable height, chiefly on Casuarina glauca. Aroona Range. Solanum ferocissimum. Shady places, Mount Parry Gap and Depot Creek. Fruit small, globular, changing with age from green to red and black. Lycium australe. Mount Parry. Datura Leichhardtii. Beds of creeks, Aroona Range. Limosella Curdieana. Idyaka claypan by Termination Hill. 105 Justicia procumbens. Beds of creeks, Aroona Range. Peren- nial and erect. Heliotropium Curassavicum. Around waterholes, Aroona Creek. Echinospermum concavum. Creeks, Aroona Range and Lake Torrens Plain. Teucrium racemosum. Mount Parry Gap. Myoporum montanum. Mount Parry Gap. Eremophila oppositifolia. Flowers white or pale violet, withering reddish-brown. Mount Parry and Aroona Creek. Eremophila MacDonelli. A diffuse branching shrub of about one foot high. Lake Torrens Plain. Eremophila longifolia. Flowers red. Aroona Creek and by watercourses Lake Torrens Plain. Eremophila Freelingii. Flowers lavender. Aroona Ranges. Eremophila Elderi. Mount Parry. Eremophila Duttoniu. Flowers maroon. Mount Parry, Aroona Creek. Eremophila Latrobei. Mount Parry. Eremophila maculata. Idyaka claypan, by Termination Hill. Eremophila latifolia. Flowers green. Mount Parry and Aroona Creek. Wurmbea dioica. Perianth green or yellow. Lake Torrens Plain. Triglochin centrocarpa. Wet ground, Lake Torrens Plain. Centrolepis aristata, var. pygmea. Idyaka, by Termination Hill. Cyperus exaltatus. Idyaka claypan. Cyperus vaginatus. Aroona water. Heleocharis acuta. Idyaka claypan. Fimbristylis communis. Idyaka claypan. Panicum reversum. Depot Creek. Panicum decompositum. Depot Creek. Panicum helopus. Depot Creek. Eriochloa annulata. Wet ground, Lake Torrens Plain. Setaria viridis. Depot Creek. Lappago racemosus. Lake Torrens Plain and Depot Creek. Spinifex paradoxus. Sandhills, Lake Torrens Plain. Aristida stipoides. Mount Parry Gap. Aristida arenaria. Lake Torrens Plain. Aristida ramosa. Stony bed of Mount Parry Creek. Aristida calycina. Stony hill slopes, Aroona Range. Alopecurus geniculatus. Idyaka claypan. Stipa scabra. Creeks and rocky places, Aroona Range. Astrebla pectinata. Mount Parry Gap. Trirhaphis mollis. Beds of creeks, Aroona Range. Chloris acicularis. Beds of creeks, Aroona Range. 106 Chloris truncata. Mount Parry Gap. Eleusine cruciata. Lake Torrens Plain. Eragrostis leptocarpa. Lake Weatherstone, Depot Creek. Eragrostis laniflora. Mount Parry Gap. Eragrostis Brownii. Mount Parry Gap and Depot Creek. Poa ramigera. Lake Weatherstone; claypans, Lake Torrens Plain. Festuca litoralis. Aroona Mountain. Diplachne loliiformis. Wet depressions between sandhills of Lake Torrens Plain and on slopes of Mount Parry. Ophioglossum vulgatum. Lake Torrens Plain and by Lake Weatherstone. Grammitis rutefolia. Mount Parry and Aroona Mountain. Cheilanthes vellea. Mount Parry and Aroona Mountain. 107 DIAGNOSES OF SOME NEW PLANTS FROM SOUTH AUSTRALIA, By Baron Srr F. von Muveuier, M.D., F.BS. &. and Proressor Ratew Tate, F.G.S., F.LS. &e. [Read August 7, 1883.] Dimorphocoma. Flower-head nearly bell-shaped. Bracts forming the in- volucre nine or ten, herbaceous, in two rows, narrow-lanceolate. Receptacle without special bracts. Flowers few. Corolla of the outer flowers radiating with short and narrow ligules; stamens none; style enclosed; stigmas exceedingly thin, rather acute. Innermost flowers bisexual, very few in number ; corolla tubular, with five short tooth-like lobes ; anthers very short, rounded at the base; stigmas very thin, papillular. Achenes of the anantherous flowers fertile, obconic-oblong, densely silky; their pappus consisting of numerous capillary bristles in several rows unequal in length, and of five or six linear-lanceolate inner scales. Achenes of the bisexual flowers exceedingly slender, glabrous ; their pappus formed by a few very short bristles. A minute annual of Central Australia, having much the aspect of Vittadinia australis, with short hairs, with oblong- or narrow-lanceolar leaves at the base and along the stem, with terminal solitary small flower-heads almost sessile or on short peduncles, and with whitish rays of the outer flowers. The genus, thus defined, differs chiefly from Hlachanthus and Isoetopsis in its anantherous flowers being ligulate, and in having the pappus of the fertile fruits provided not only with scales, but also with bristles ; from Isoetopsis it is furthermore distinct in habit; from Minuria it is separated by its fewer and broader involucral bracts, and by its anantherous flowers producing a scaly as well as bristly pappus. Dimorphocoma minutula. On barren stony ground, forming the western slope of Mount Parry, in the Aroona-Range, towards Lake Torrens. R. Tate. The specimens vary from one and a-half inch to four inches high, beset with septate hairs. Stems one or two or few, erect or ascending. Root very thin, attaining a length of three and 108 a half inches, producing scattered capillary fibres. Leaves flat, a half to one inch long; the radical leaves somewhat shorter and broader than the others, the uppermost narrower than the rest. Flower-heads about one-fourth of an inch Jong. In- volucral bracts nine or ten, the inner not much longer than the outer. Anandrous flowers eight or nine; their ligular portion white, hardly exceeding one line in length, undivided and acute. Bisexual flowers three or four; their corolla yellow, only about one-eighth of an inch long, gradually widening upwards. Fer- tile achenes nearly one and a half line long, truncated at the summit; their scales whitish and equal in length to the longer bristles, which measure about one and a half line. Sterile achenes with bristles of hardly one-fourth of their length. In flower during the early part of June, but continuing to September. [Read October 2, 1883.] Babbagia pentaptera. A small undershrub, with diffuse procumbent branches and numerous ascending branchlets ; leaves short, club-shaped or linear semi-cylindrical, glabrous and succulent; flowering calyces somewhat downy ; style very short ; stigmastwo; fruits streaked along their exceedingly short tube, only slightly excavated at the base, angular from five very spreading stiff prominences, and provided with five deltoid wedge-shaped vertical imperfectly denticulated wing-like membranes, yel- lowish, tinged with pink; seeds very depressed. On barren stony ground, on the western slope of Mount Parry, in the Aroona Range. &. Tate. This new Babbagia differs from its congener chiefly in its fruit, the base of which is very much less protracted cylin- drically, and the wing-like appendages being five in number, almost dimidiated and at least slightly toothed. Through this new plant a close connection is established between Babbagia and Kochia, more particularly so, as K. dichoptera has besides its horizontal fruit-membrane also five vertically-ascending appendages. To some extent Babbagia approaches also Bassia through B. salsuginosa, although the fruits are less hard and five-winged. Babbagia acroptera. Leaves oblong-semicylindrical ; fruit-calyx above the tubular base turgid, thence produced into two oblique-roundish or broad-cuneate completely terminal and conspicuously stipitated membranous appendages. On loamy soils, from the slopes of the Aroona-Range to Lake Torrens. R. Tate. Near Mount Murchison, Dr. Beckler ; between Stokes Range and Cooper’s Creek, Howitt. 109 This plant seems specifically distinct from B. dipterocarpa in the characteristics of its fruit, as the hollow base of the aged calyx is not so wide, as the appendages are neither renate nor half-ascending, stronger stipitated and gradually narrowed at their lower portion; one of the two appendages is usually not so well developed as the other. The peculiarities of this new form, as here pointed out, do not depend on an imperfect ripening of the fruit, as the seeds may be seen well matured. In Sir Joseph Hooker’s “ Icones Plantarum,”’ xi. 62, pl. 1,078, fruits of both species are illustrated, figure 5 representing that of B. acroptera and figure 6 that of B. dipterocarpa. Both plants occur in the vicinity of Mount Parry, though the latter is somewhat local ; but what we have from the Finke River and from Eyre Creek is solely B. dipterocarpa. An approach is offered by B. acroptera to the section Osteoearpum of Bassia. Loranthus Murrayi. Glabrous; leaves alternate, semiterete, slender, veinless, not exceeding two inches in length, somewhat attenuated at the base ; flowers mostly solitary, sometimes in pairs, on flattened, shortly winged pedicels of about half an inch long, without a common peduncle; bract unequally bilobed, conspicuous, decurrent on the pedicel; calyx-tube prominent, glaucous, its border truncate and obscurely toothed; petals usually six, about ten lines long, united to about the two-thirds of their length into a slightly dilated tube; corolla-tube pale yellow ; segments linear-lanceolate, yellow below, pale rose above; stigma capitate; style and filaments brown, anthers adnate, broadly linear; unripe fruit globular, glaucous. Parasitic on Acacia aneura, on sandy ground at Idyaka, near Termination Hill. MW. Murray and &. Tate. This species was first brought to notice by Malcolm Murray, Esq., whose kind hospitality and active promotion of the field labours of one of us have been the means of introducing to botanical science several new species; it is, therefore, with very great pleasure that we dedicate to him this new Loranthus. L. Murrayi is closely related to L. lineartfolius differing, however, in several minor particulars, and is separable from it and from its congeners by the peculiarity of the pedicel. CoRRIGENDUM. Vol. v., pp. 80 and 87, for Trymalium Waye read Wayit. 110 ADDITIONS TO THE FLORA OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. By Proressor Raten Tarte, F.G.S., F.L.S., &. [Read October 2, 1883.] The publication of Baron Sir F. von Mueller’s “Systematic Census of Australian Plants, Part I., Vasculares,” has brought to notice the occurrence of several plants hitherto unrecorded for South Australia; for these Baron Mueller has obligingly furnished localities. A few species included in the subjoined catalogue had been omitted from my “Census of South Australian Plants” because their claims to rank as indigenous coustituents or as species, respectively, were at that time not conclusively established. The rest of the enumerated species are more recent accessions to the provincial list, and their identifications have been made or approved by Baron Mueller. The nomenclature herein used is adopted from the “Systematic Census ;” from that work and manu- script data supplied by Baron Mueller I have compiled the following tables of comparative statistics :— TasLe showing total number indigenous in Australia and in each colony. Dicotyledons. Monocotyledons. Acotyledons. Totals. 228 Australia .. ms 6,916 1,524 8,668 West Australia .. 2,847 537 17 3,401 South Australia .. 1,401 382 36 1,819 Tasmania ae 691 268 66 1,025 Victoria .. es 1,286 417 79 1,782 N. 8. Wales 4p 2,301 652 138 3,091 Queensland ey. 2,382 715 178 3,275 N. Australia $3 1,390 394 32 1,816 Total species restricted to each colony. Dicotyledons. Monocotyledons. Acotyledons. Totals. West Australia .. 2,203 345 0 2,548 South Australia .. 134 13 1 148 Tasmania sits 144 22 6 172 Victoria .. a3 44 6 0 50 N.S. Wales te 362 74 15 451 Queensland € 728 155 62 945 N. Australia at 590 113 3 706 The ratio of the Monocotyledons to the Dicotyledons is for the whole flora 1 : 4°53, and is considerably greater than that for these classes of the world’s vegetation ; this is attributable 111 to the high ratio for West Australia, which is 1:53. The relative proportions of the species of the two classes is for South Australia 1 : 3°7, for New New South Wales and North Australia 1 : 35, and for Queensland 1: 3°3; falling to 1:3 for Victoria and 1 : 2°6 for Tasmania. The Pepconaaes of peculiar species for each colony are :— West Australia >t 74r SG North Australia FOS ts te Queensland _... ... 28°78 Tasmania peeemi 5 te New South Wales x LESE South Australia Piast hie ee Victoria in sad ent An. The schematic form of the ‘‘ Systematic Census”’ affords at a glance the regional distribution of the species; and it will not escape notice of the analytical reader that the initial letters S.A. are wanting to bridge over a hiatus in the longi- tudinal range of a few species. Thus there are 21 which are common to extratropical parts of West Australia and corres- ponding regions on the east side of continent, but are absent from South Australia Of these, which are not maritime species of intratropical origin, the following may be expected to occur within the boundaries of our province :— 1. Species unrecorded for South Australia, though probably inhabiting the more humid parts of the province :—Ranunculus hirtus, Bossiea cordigera, Calocephalus angianthoides, Stypandra glauca, Scirpus arenarius, Chorizandra eymbaria, Lsoetes Drum- mondi and Phylloglossum Drummondit. 2. Species unrecorded for South Australia, though probably inhabiting the arid regions of this province, towards the Tropic of Capricorn :—Cassytha racemosa, Dodoneaadenophora, Psoralea cinerea, Canavalia obtusifolia, Acacia ixiophylla, Xanthosia Atkin- soniana, Lambertia formosa, Conospermum stechadis, Cucumis trigonus, Lindernia (Vandellia) alsinoides, Lippia nodiflora, Andr opogon contortus and A. Halepensis. _ The following species recorded for South Australia in the Systematic Census of Australian Plants are omitted, for the present, by the advice of Baron Sir F. von Mueller, as their occurrence within South Australian boundaries wants confirma- tion :—Stenopetalum robustum, Hibiscus Huegelii, Securinega Leucopyrus. Hibbertia hirsuta, Bentham in Fl. Aust. I., 26. Sandy ground by margin of alluvial flats in the valley of Meadows Creek. ” Tepper and Tate. Capparis lasiantha, R. Brown; I., 94. Cooper’s Creek. Gregory. 112 Bergia perennis, F. v. M.; I., 181. Near the River Finke, Central Australia. Rev. H. Kempe. Beyeria uncinata, F. vy. M.; VI., 65. Murray Scrub near the Great Bend. F. v. Mueller. Phyllanthus rigens, J. Mueller; VI., 99. Aroona Range, Far North. &. Tate. Phyllanthus australis, J. Hooker; VI.,108. Kangaroo Island. R. Tate. Babbagia pentaptera, F. v. M. and Tate. Mount Parry, Aroona Range. #. Jute. Babbagia acroptera, F.v. M. and Tate. Lake Torrens Plain, by Aroona Range. Rhagodia Preissii, Moquin; V.,155. About the head of the ‘Great Australian Bight. ‘Eucla, Richards; between Ooldea and Ooldabinna, Young ;” Mundayarra sand-patch, east from Wilson Bluff. #. Tate. ‘“ Yorke Peninsula. Salmon.” See Frag. Phyt. xii., 15. Emex australis, Steinheil; V., 262. Near Adelaide and Hold- fast Bay. #. v. M. in Fl. Austral. Herniaria incana, Lamarck. Moist sandy ground ty the Murray River, near Blanchetown, and at Aroona Water, Far North. R. Tate. This species “has, as an indigenous plant, a wide range through the countries around the Mediterranean area, and has found its way also to South Africa. If it was a native with you, I should think we must have traced it like Cressa cretica, and some other Mediterranean plants, across from N.W. Australia. Nothing would be easier than the introduction of such a weed by emballage.” —F. von Mueller zn litteris. The genus is unrepresented in the Australian Flora, and to me it is difficult, in view of its environments and stations, to account for its in- troduction. Aischymomene indica, Linné; II., 27. Charlotte Waters, Central Australia. C. Giles. Tephrosia spherospora, F. v. M. in “‘ Southern Science Record,” May, 1888. Near the River Finke, Central Australia. Rev. H. Kempe. Acacia Peuce, F. v. M.; II.,323. N. of Wills Creek. Howitt’s Exped. in F1. Austral. Acacia cochlearis, Wendland; II,, 324. Port Lincoln. Fide Ff, o. MM. Acacia aspera, Lindley; II., 347. Murray River. Fide mA Acacia pyrifolia, DeCandolle; II., 376. Finke River. Rev. H. Kempe. 113 Acacia pravifolia, F. v. M.; Frag. Phyt.,I.,4. Crystal Brook, Flinders and Elder Ranges. FF. v. M. Acacia trineura, F. v. M.; II, 381. Murray River. Fide Ws MM. Acacia cyclops, Cunningham ; II., 388. Near Eucla. Oliver. Acacia doratoxylon, Cunningham; II., 403. Near Cooper’s Creek. Fide F. v. WM. Eucalyptus amygdalina, Labillardiere; TII., 202. Nangwarry Forest and Tarpeena. J. #. Brown and R. Tate. Hydrocotyle tripartita, R. Brown; III., 341. Kangaroo Island. &. Tate. Loranthus Murrayi, F. v. M. and R. Tate; Trans. Roy. Soc., 8. Aust., vol. vi. Idyaka near Termination Hill in the Aroona Range. J. Murray and BR. Tate. Brachycome melanocarpa, Sonder and F. v. M.; III., 511. River Murray. Ff v. i. Aster exiguifolius, F. v. M.; III., 478. Bunda Cliffs, Great Australian Bight, R. Tate, 2--79; Fowler’s Bay; Mrs. Annie Richards, 10-’80. Epaltes Tatei, F. v. M., Trans. Roy. Soc. 8. Aust., 1883. Hast side of Lake Alexandrina, &. Tate; vicinity of Spencer Gulf, F. von Mueller. Eriochlamys Knappi, F. v. M.; ‘‘ Melbourne Chemist,” May, 1888. Near the River Finke, Central Australia. ev. H. Kempe. Calocephalus Drummondii, Bentham; III., 574. Port Lincoln. S. Dixon. The Gnephosis skirrophora in the geographic columns ¢ and d in Census of S. Aust. Plants belongs here—Ardrossan. Tepper. Scrub-lands at Inkermann, Munno Parra, and at Highbury; stony hill slopes, Fifth Creek, near Adelaide; and scrub-lands at east side of Lake Alexandrina. WR. Tute. Achnophora Tatei, F. v. M.; Trans. Roy. Soc. 8. Aust., 1883. Kangaroo Island. 2. Tate. Dimorphocoma minutula, F. v. M. and Tate; Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Aust., 1888. Mount Parry, Aroona Range. A&. Tate. Senecio spathulatus, A. Richard ; IIT.,665. MacDonnell Bay. Ero. Senecio australis, A. Richard; III., 668. Near the Glenelg River, Ff. v. i. Lobelia platyealyx, F. v. M.; IV., 133. Kangaroo Island. #&. Tate. Goodenia elongata, Labillardiere ; IV., 74. Near the Glenelg River. F. v. i. Samolus platyphyllus, F. v. M., in “Systematic Census,” p. 91. Finke River. Rev. H. Kempe. H ‘114 Mitrasacme pilosa, Labillardiere; IV., 353. Mount Burr Range. &. Tate. Mitrasacme distylis, F. v. M.; IV.,359. Clarendon. O. Tepper. Solanum nigrum, Linné; IV., 446. Mount Lofty, # v. IL; Kangaroo Island, Waterhouse, Tate; cultivated grounds in the South-East, Rev. J. EL. T. Woods; waste places about Adelaide, Mannum and other stations on the River Murray; Ediowie, Far North, R. Tate; Ardrossan, Tepper. Thelymitra Mackibbinii, F.v. M.; “Melbourne Chemist,” 1881. T. rubra, Fitzgerald, in “ Gardeners’ Chonicle,” 1882, which was instituted on South Australian specimens, is referred to the above by Baron F. von Mueller (vide “Southern Science Record,” June, 1882). Sandy scrub-lands at Highbury near Adelaide, and Tintaro, Maclaren Vale; stony ground on the higher parts of the Mount Lofty Range. R. Tate. Yallum, near Penola (Miss Allen!). Diuris punctata, Smith; VI., 326. Near the Glenelg River. Prasophyllum australe, R. Brown; VI., 337. Near the Glenelg River. fF. vo. Damasonium australe, Salisbury; VII., 186. Near Strath- albyn. iv. I, 4-48. Marshes by River Murray at Mannum. Af. Tate. Juncus homalocaulis, F. v. M.; VII., 128. Near the Glenelg River. F. v. M. (1857). Restio complanatus, R. Brown; VI., 228. Near the Glenelg River. Fv. i. Kyllinga intermedia, R. Brown; VII., 251. River Torrens. F. v. M., in 1848. Heleocharis acicularis, R. Brown; VII., 297. River Murray. FP. v. M. Fimbristylis ferruginea, Vahl; VII, 312. River Finke, Central Australia. Rev. H. Kempe. Fimbristylis Neilsoni, F. v. M.; VII., 320. Near the Darling River. Teste & v. AL. Scheenus aphyllus, Boeckler; VII., 8361. River Murray near the Great Bend. FF. v. I. Schenus deformis, Poiret; VII., 364. Memory Cove, Port Lincoln. &. Brown, in Fl. Austral. Schenus capillaris, F.v. M.; VIL, 377. Near the Glenelg River. Fv. DL. Schenus spherocephalus, Poiret; VII., 380. Mount Burr Range. &. Tate. Lepidosperma exaltatum, R. Brown; VII., 389. Near the ~ Glenelg River. Robertson and F. v. I. Lepidosperma longitudinale, Labill.; VII., 389. Near the Glenelg River. F vo. I. 115 Lepidosperma globosum, Labill.; VII., 394. Near the Glenelg River. F. v. W. Cladium Radula, R. Brown; VII., 417. Mount Burr Range. R. Tate. Panicum Crus-Galli, Linné ; VII., 479. Near Hahndorf (pro- bably mtroduced). #. v. WZ. Reedbeds near Adelaide. ti. Tate. -. Panicum Mitchelli, Bentham; VII., 489. Cooper’s Creek. Howitt’s Exped. (F 1. Austral.) Andropogon exaltatus, R. Brown; VII., 532. R. Torrens, Crystal Brook, Flinders Range, F. v. I.; and Lake Eyre, Andrews (Fl. Austral.). Aroona Range and Lake Torrens Blam. #. Tate: Stipa teretifolia, Steudel ; VII., 567. On rocks at high water- mark, north coast of Dudley Peninsula, Kangaroo Island. - R. Tate. Alopecurus geniculatus, Linné; VII., 555. Spencer and St. Vincent Gulfs to the River Murray, F. v. IZ, in FI. Austral. Near Penola, Rev. T. Woods. Claypans on Lake Torrens Plain, by Aroona Range, R. Tate. Poa Billardieri, Steudel; VII., 651. Near the Glenelg River. 2 a a) Festuca duriuscula, Linné; VII., 663. Flinders and Barossa Ranges. F. v. ., in Fl. Austral. Eragrostis eriopoda, Bentham; VII., 648. Towards the Darling River. Teste F. v. IL Lycopodium Carolinianum, Linné; VII., 675. Bogs about Mounts Compass and Jagged. 2. Tate. Botrychium ternatum, Swartz; VII., 690. Kangarilla near Clarendon. O. Tepper. Pteris arguta, Aiton (P. tremula, R. Br.) ; VIL, 731. Rocky waterhole five miles back from Streaky Bay. fs. A. Richards. Limestone cave about eight miles from Penola on the road to Millicent and near Glencoe. R&R. Tate. 116 THE BOTANY OF KANGAROO ISLAND, Prefaced by a Historical Sketch of its Discovery and Settlement, and by Notes on its Geology, By Proressor Ratpu Tare, F.G-.S., F.L.8. &e. [Read August 7, and September 4, 1883.] INTRODUCTION. The large size of Kangaroo Island suggests the question, has it that amount of geographical independence which suffices to produce a flora and fauna different from those of the main- land? In other words, are its floral and faunal constituents distinct from the inhabitants of the adjacent continent ? With the exception of the flora little has been done to elucidate the natural history of the island, though some of its animal species are diagnostically known, yet [ am not aware if any other than a few conspicuous species have been recorded from the mainland; at any rate, no systematic comparison has been undertaken. In respect to its flora the case is different, as also that of the continent; botanical records have been more systematic, and in consequence the botanical geography of Australia is very far in advance of its zoological geography. Formerly, authors were content to speak of animal objects as coming from New Holland or Australia; and even now when localities are given, it not infrequently happens that they are widely inaccurate, so that it is, at the present time, hardly possible to elaborate zoological provinces, or to bring into co-ordination animal colonies with well-defined climatological and botanical features. Iam sorry to say that no help can be obtained from the South Australian Museum in working out the question, has Kangaroo Island any peculiar species of animals? And the Herbarium of our Phytologic Museum is similarly valueless as concerns botanical information. It may be mentioned incidentally, that there does not exist any connected account of the zoology of the island as resulting from the observations or collections made by Mr. Waterhouse, who spent there some months of the year 1861, in making col- lections by command of the South Australian Government. Some longicorn beetles would seem, however, to have fallen 117 into the hands of Mr. Pascoe*, who described two species. Peron} made large collections during a month’s stay at the island, and has given us a general view of its animal inhabitants, both of sea and land. A few of the insects are described by Boisduval; some reptiles by Gray and Dumeril; and the marine shells by Lamarck in his “‘ Animaux sans Vertebrés.”’ Historica SKETCH OF THE DISCOVERY AND OF THE PROGRESS OF OccCUPATION OF THE ISLAND. Kangaroo Island was discovered by Flinderst during his survey of the southern shores of the continent. Coming from the westward, he sighted the north coast of the island on March 21, 1802; made for the most northern promontory, which he named Port Marsden, and anchored off Kangaroo Head. The next day a party of the ship’s company landed to procure a supply of fresh meat, which was abundantly furnished by numerous kangaroos, and “in gratitude for so seasonable a supply, I named this southern land Kanguroo (sie) Island.’’ The ship remained at its anchorage until March 24, but returned April 1. On this second visit a party explored Pelican Lagoon, and traversed the narrow isthmus which connects Dudley Peninsula with the main mass of the island. Flinders says very little about the natural features, but references will be made in their proper connection. A final leave was taken on April 6, and on the 8th of the same month Flinders met his rival, Captain Baudin, commanding the French corvette Le Geo- graphe, in Lacépéde: Bay, and communicated to him, among other discoveries, that of Kangaroo Island. The island, which was sighted by Baudin on April 9, was named by him Decrés Island. On this voyage, it would appear, that he only skirted the north coast, on his way through In- vestigator’s Straits to the Great Australian Bight; as the author§ of the narrative of the expedition writes :—“ The geography of Decrés Island was not complete—gulfs not ex- plored. A second campaign to this region was then still indis- pensable”’ (loe. cit., I., p. 332). On January 2, 1803, Baudin commenced the circumnaviga- tion of the island, starting from Cape Willoughby, its eastern extremity, by the south coast, naming the capes and bays— most of which are still known by their original names—and on January 6 anchored in Nepean Bay, off Kingscote. Here a * “ Journal of Entomology,” II., 1863. T ‘* Voyage de Decouvertes aux Terres Australes,” vol. ii., pp. 76-83. { “A Voyage to Terra Australis,” 1814. § F. Peron, ‘‘ Voyage de Decouvertes aux Terres Australes, sur les Cor- vettes le Geographe et la Naturaliste, 1800-4.” Vol. i., 1807; vol. ii., 1816. 118 portion of the expedition remained nearly a month, and the members of the scientific staff occupied themselves in investi- gating the natural productions, though it is evident that no attempt was made to penetrate beyond the immediate vicinity of the shore line, else Cygnet River would most certainly have been discovered. Peron remarks, that this island appeared almost entirely wanting in fresh water, and it was only near to the close of the cireumnavigation that water was obtained by digging wells at the east side of Hog Bay, which circum- stance 1s recorded on the surface of a slab of mica slate, which also marks the site of a well. The inscription was imperfectly legible when I saw it in 1878. Peron’s account of the natural history and physical features of the island is not only graphic, but rich in details, and occu- pies many pages of his second volume. It remains to this day the only published general description of the island. Flinders and Peron have each remarked on the absence of any trace of man’s sojourn on the island. After Baudin, the next visitor to the island was. Captain Sutherland, who published in 1819 “glowing and exaggerated accounts of it.” So writes John Stephens (“ History of the Rise and Progress of South Australia,” p. 26; 1839). The first extensive settlement was by the South Australian Company, who had selected 300 acres for their establishment, and by virtue of which they leased 5,120 acres of pasturage. The Company contemplated the salting and curing of beef and pork, and the pursuit of whale, seal, and other fisheries. They fixed a station at Kingscote for the re-victualling and re-fitting of their ships, and worked a farm on the Cygnet River, nine miles off. During 1836 and 1837 several ships discharged the Company’s servants and emigrants at Kingscote; but the great bulk of the emigrants shortly afterwards proceeded to Adelaide, leaving some of the Company’s people to retain a settlement on the island. (Abridged from Stephens’s “History of South Australia,’ 1839.) . Settlement on a small scale had, however, taken place many years before by sealers and runaway sailors, who cultivated a little wheat, potatoes, turnips &c., but subsisted largely by sealing and kangaroo hunting—the skins being sold or ex- changed to whalers. One settler on the Cygnet River had been there since 1824; a party had settled at Western River ‘ about 1827, and resided there several years; and another at American River prior to 1836.. These primitive settlers had living with them a few aboriginals, whom they had induced to follow them from the main. According to the testimony of Inspector Tolmer (see his “ Reminiscences,” &c., 1882), Kangaroo Island, in the year 119 1844, was an asylum for the offscourings of Australian society, including escaped convicts and deserters, with whom were aboriginal women from Tasmania, Port Lincoln and Cape Jervis, earning a precarious livelihood by hunting and a little cultivation. From the same author we gather that in 1844 there were residents at Hog Bay, Point Morrison and Ante- chamber Bay, in addition to those previously mentioned. The first pastoral leases were granted in 1851, and comprised twelve square miles at Cygnet River and six at Smith’s Bay. Since this date nearly the whole island has gradually been brought into use for sheepfarming ona small scale; but it was not till 1882-3 that any large importation of sheep took place, when Messrs. Taylor & Co. stocked their runs in the south- western parts of the island with sheep brought from the Mount Gambier district. The first land sales were made 15 years after the foundation of the settlement at Kingscote, and purchases of small blocks averaging 100 acres continued io be made for the next 20 ears. : At and near Kingscote 468 acres were purchased during the years 1851-8; at Cygnet River, 1,087 acres during 1851-71; at Shoal Point, 127 acres during 1855-58; about Hog Bay, 1,068 acres during 1857 to 1863. By proclamation 13th August, 1874, the Hundred of Dudley, comprising 21,975 acres, was offered for selection, and the first selection was taken out September 19, 1876. On April 11, 1878, the Hundred of Menzies was proclaimed, and 37,302 acres offered for selection, and the first sales were made January 24, 1882. On May 10, 1883, the Hundred of Haines, embracing the south shore of Nepean Bay, was proclaimed, but the land has not yet been offered for sale. SURFACE FEATURES. ‘Of all islands belonging to the Australian system, Kangaroo Island is the second in point of size; it is of an oblong shape, attenuated in its eastern third into the Peninsula of Dudley ; the longer diameter, which is nearly due east and west, is 90 miles; the breadth of the main mass is about 25 miles, and of the peninsular portion ten miles; and its cir- cumference is not less than 300 miles. Its area is about 1,500 square miles. Kangaroo Island bridles the deep indentation of the main known as St. Vincent Gulf, and is separated from the Cape Jervis Promontory by Backstairs Passage, which is eight miles wide at its narrowest part; the other entrance to St. Vincent Gulf is Investigator’s Straits, which is 28 miles broad at the narrowest part between Cape Spencer, on Yorke Peninsula.. 120 The whole of the south side is exposed without protection to the impetuous waves of the vast Southern Ocean. In regard to the surface features the only author who has occupied himself with them is Peron, and as his observations in relation to the littoral tracts are the most extensive, I reproduce them here. He says Kangaroo Island “does not present, despite its great extent, any form of mountains properly so-called ; the entire framework of the country is composed of hills more or less elevated, but of which the summits are nearly everywhere regular and uniform. All the length of the south coast its cliffs are developed upon a single plan from 200 to 300 feet high, sloping inland, but presenting to the sea a perpendicular front surrounding it as a rampart. Their colours are sombre, and vary from grey to brown, or even blackish; where least so they are of a yellowish ochre or more or less dirty. From Cape Bedout to the Ravine des Casoars the rocks present the same appearance as those on the south coast, but are higher; and though they are deprived of all kinds of trees, yet the interior cliffs are seen to be wooded. The north coast is arid and naked as that of the south, and exhibits everywhere a similar constitution. The shores of Bougainville [Nepean] Bay are formed of low cliffs, but the verdure which covers them and the forests which grow on the heights give to this part a more pleasing and agreeable aspect. Such appears to the eyes of the circumnavigator the greatest island of New Holland; however, the view pictured with rigorous exactitude for its shores might have doubtlessly become more interesting and more varied had it been possible to penetrate into the interior of the country.” The picture drawn by Peron is not at all exaggerated, and the interior is alike marked by uniformity of a rather cheerless type. The country is undulating, not at all rangy; the northern half is elevated, rising from the coast in bold cliffs; the southern half gradually sinks to near sea level, but is margined by hills of consolidated sand-dunes, which rise to considerable elevation—Mount Bloomfield and Mount Mary, at Vivonne Bay, are respectively 272 and 224 feet. The chief watershed is nearly longitudinal and supra-medial —commencing near Cape Borda, and with a slight southerly curve, changing to north, to terminate in the sea cliffs from Point Morrison to American River. It is continued into Dudley Peninsula, which it traverses in a medial direction. The aspect of this elevated ground is of the most modest type, and is apparently of about the same altitude throughout, pro- bably nowhere exceeding a thousand feet. To the north of the main watershed there is a minor one, which follows the trend of the coast from Kingscote to Cape 121 Borda. Part of it, called the Freestone Range, is by contrast with the rest of the island bold and picturesque, and is clothed with timber. Mount McDonnell‘is 984 feet elevation ; from this point the general elevation falls to the westward, though the heights by the sea coast still maintain considerable altitude, such as between Middle and Western Rivers at 658, Cape Forbin 560, Cape Borda 506. Between the two watersheds there intervenes the valley of the Cygnet River, which, after a course of 40 miles, enters Nepean Bay. It has its source in several large lagoons. Excepting the Stun’sail-boom and rivers to the westward of it, none of the watercourses on Kangaroo Island are perennial. ; GEOLOGY. From personal observation, I classify the rocks as indicated by the subjoined table :-— TERTIARY. . Recent sand-dunes. Lacustrine deposits. . Pleistocene. Calciferous sand-rock of the south coast and marine beds. . Pliocene. Pluvial drifts. . Miocene. Bryozoal limestone of Roll’s Point. PALZOZOIC. . Diorite and intrusive granite. . Pre-silurian schists and associated strata. Peron had notified the presence of No. 6, No. 4, No. 1 and No. 2, about which last he devotes several pages to the con- sideration of its origin, and that of the petrified remains entombed in it. Mr. Brough Smyth, in his Geological Map of Australia, 1875, colours Kangaroo Island to represent Tertiary, except the eastern half of Dudley Penmsula, which is shown as Silurian. I know not whence he derived his information, but, like that for much of our province, it is very erroneous. Had Peron been consulted, such adverse criticism would have been uncalled for. Pre-Sinue1an Scuists.—As correctly observed by Peron, Kangaroo Island “is composed essentially of different kinds of primitive schists, between which are found some veins of opaque quartz. All the eastern part of Bougainville Bay | Nepean Bay] is principally composed of a red and very hard ferrugin- ous sandstone ; it is to this singular rock that Kangaroo Head, Cape Geographe, Red Cape and Vendome Cape owe the reddish and sombre tint which distinguishes them from afar. A primi- tive sandstone, quartzose and very compact, forms some parts of the coast."’ The prevailing rock is a mica schist, which is displayed in magnificent sections along the north coast of He» Oo Noe GO 1 122 Dudley Peninsula, about American River, Point Morrison, Bay of Shoals, and to the westward along the north coast. From Cape Willoughby to Antechamber Bay, it is associated with gneiss and [metamorphic? | granite ; and the almost vertical stratification is rendered visible at the distance of some miles by the alternation of the diversified coloured massive beds. The prevailing dip of the strata on the north-west coast of Dudley Peninsula is south-east, and the same direction is observable in the micaceous beds of the gorge of the Hog Bay River. At Christmas Cove and extending westward towards Kan- garoo Head along the shore-line, there are intercalated bands of angular and subangular pebbles, chiefly of quartzite, and in the ageregate of many feet in thickness; the pebbles varying in size from six inches in diameter to small gravel, and their bedding planes are coincident with the plane of foliation. These rocks are comparable with those constituting the Cape Jervis Promontory, though no crystalline lmestones are here developed, and are doubtlessly coeval with them. Mica slate constitutes the bold inland cliffs on the Hog Bay River, about two miles from its mouth; and it also forms the base of an unnamed cape, three miles to the west of the mouth of that river. Most of the headlands on the south and west coasts are com- posed of, or are based upon, granite, but whether of metamor- phic or intrusive origin cannot definitely be ascertained; yet the presumptive opinion is that it forms part of the metamor- phic series. Such formation constitutes Cape Willoughby, Cape Gantheaume, Pelorus Islet, Cape Du Couedic, Cape Borda, &c. Inland the exposures of mica slate are not frequent, because of the widespread covering of superficial detritus, derived from the mica slate and associated micaceous sand- stones, more or less in place. However, they are sufficiently numerous to place beyond doubt that the greater part of the island is constituted of this rock. Among the more extensive outcrops may be mentioned those near Birchmore’s and White Lagoons, the ridge separating the latter from Murray’s Lagoon, and the beds of the Harriet and Stun’sail-boom Rivers. Ienrovs Rocxs.—A white granite, apparently intrusive, is quarried near Karatta, on the Stun’sail-boom River. A diorite seems largely to have determined the direction of the elevated ground known as Freestone Hill Range. Miocene.—Forming a low mural cliff at Roll’s Point, Kingscote, is a bryozoal limestone, similar in structure and of the same age as that of the cliffs about Oyster Bay, Yorke Peninsula. Among the common fossils, proper to this particular formation of this period, Echinolampas Gambierensis is note- worthy. The deposit is continued along the shore for about a 123 mile south of Roll’s Point, and inland is traceable over a limited area by the presence of a white travertine lmestone crust, chemically deposited from the underlying organic lime- stone. Both these formations are evidently referred to by Peron in the following passage:—“ At many points of Bougain- ville Bay there occur two kinds of calcareous rocks; the one harder in the grain, of a more homogenous nature, approaching in nature some sandstones; the other more like chalk. These calcareous stones are ordinarily superposed upon the schistose rocks, as well as upon the primitive sandstone; they may be seen at 50 or 60 feet above sea level, and at this elevation con- tain a great quantity of detritus and debris of petrified shells.” PriocENE Drirr.—In the small bight on the west side of Roll’s Point, Kingscote, there may be seen resting against, and partially overlying the Miocene limestone, red loams and _ mottied clays, which have been shed from the metamorphic rocks constituting the elevated ground which terminates sea- ward at Kingscote Point. Similar beds are exposed on the western flank of the same ridge, along the east shore of the Bay of Shoals. But the most extensive section is that pre- sented by the sea-cliffs, called ‘‘Red-banks” from the prevail- ing colour of the formation, which has a depth above sea level of about 100 feet. At this place we have evidently the remnant of an extensive plain constituted of the residuum of disinte- grated rocks and of the diluvium brought down by surface drainage from the rocks forming the high lands to the east and south. Similarly the valley of the lower part of the Cygnet River is composed of loams, varying from clayey to sandy, as is shown in the deep banks confining the river and by the cha- racter of the soil. This formation is destined to play an im- portant part in the réle of the future agricultural history of the island, as it has done already in a slight measure. It affords the only soil of value, and I am sorry to have to say that its superficial area is comparatively small. On the map are indicated the chief Pliocene basins. One other claims special reference, it is that resting on the north flank of the Freestone Range, which owes its more argillaceous character to the disintegration of the diorite which forms the axis of that elevated track. The Pliocene Drift of Kangaroo Island is judged, by its mode of occurrence and by its lithological cha- racter, to be of pluvial origin—certainly not aerial as is the “loess” of some parts of this colony; and the absence of organic remains favours this assumption. Excepting in this last particular, it so much resembles the “drift” of the Ade- laide Plain, and of others similarly constituted, that it may be relegated to the same period of time. PLEISTOCcENE.—Much of the littoral tracts about Western 124 Cove, Nepean Bay, are covered with recent marine deposits in the form of a succession of shell-banks, the most inland being about one mile from the present shore, and not less than about twenty feet above sea level. Around the head of the Bay of Shoals and about Pelican Lagoon the same phenomena are ob- servable. The whole of the southern coast-line is encumbered with cliffs of calcareous sand-rock and recent sand-dunes, and in these respects is similar to other parts of South Australian shores washed by the Southern Ocean, as I have described with some detail in “Trans. Roy. Soc. 8S. Aust.,”’ vol. IL., pp. 67 and 113. The cliffs of calciferous sandrock attain to elevations of 100 to 150 feet or more, and are not infrequently crowned by blown sand. Mounts Mary and Bloomfield, Vivonne Bay, are of this character, and are respectively 272 and 224 feet high. By chemical metamorphism, the upper layers of the sandrock are more firmly consolidated, and by natural fracture—probably through failure of support—become broken up into rectangular masses, usually of large dimen- sions, which prove most serious obstacles to horse-travel. From Mount Prospect to Cape Willoughby, nearly the whole way is encumbered by this kind of material. Peron investigated closely the nature and origin of this calciferous sandstone, and fully recognised its relationship to the sand of the dunes. I will, therefore, reproduce his most pertinent remarks :—‘ The sand of the shore is very fine, of a quartzose nature, mixed with about one-fifth part of finely comminuted calcareous matter. It is driven from the sea margin by the winds upon a great part of the shore into dunes 60 to 80 feet high.” “Tt is in the midst of this caleareous sandstone that trees are entombed, nay, even some entire portions of petrified forests. In many places, where the dunes are perpendicular, there may be distinguished perfectly the trunks of trees with their branches, and on the level surface they appear like broad mosaics. If these trunks are carefully examined, the several layers of ligneous tissue are discernible.’ Similar phenomena are stated by Peron to occur at Josephine Islands [Nuyt’s Archipelago] and on the adjacent mainland, at Esperance Bay, at Leuwin &c., indeed “ throughout a space of 25° of latitude and upon as wide extent of longitude the same ' appearances are reproduced on the south, west, and north-west of New Holland.” Flinders describes the same phenomena as observed by him at Bald Hill, King George’s Sound, but attributed them to coral reefs. And it has usually been con- sidered that Darwin was the first to present a true explanation of their nature and origin. Nevertheless, in this he was anticipated by Peron, who 40 years earlier advanced the same explanations, though with less chemical exactitude. He says :— 125 “So varied, so imposing as these phenomena are, yet they appear to me referrable to the same cause—a cause as simple as itis energetic. In effect, the numerous minute shells which multiply in these seas, and thrown up by millions upon the shore, are subject to the twofold influence of an ardent sun and a penetrating humidity. In losing a portion more or less of their carbonic acid, they tend to approach to the state of lime. This calcareous debris, pulverized by the action of the waves, becomes mixed with the sand on the shore, and forms with it a veritable calcareo-quartzose cement. This material encrusts the various substances which are found on the shore— shells, zoophytes, seaweeds, pebbles, all are agglutinated by it. Transported by the winds this active matter is deposited upon the neighbouring bushes—at first as a thin layer, later as a solidified mass embracing the stem; after this, the function of nutrition is impaired, the plant languishes, and while still living isin process of becoming petrified. On breaking the branches of these kinds of lithophytes there is to be seen, if the inerustation is recent, the ligneous tissue enveloped in a solid case but without any remarkable alteration ; but as the calcareous envelope augments, the wood is disorganised, and is insensibly changed into a dry and blackish debris; then the interior of the tube preserves a diameter nearly equal to that of the branch which has served it for a mould; finally the tube becomes filled with quartzose and calcareous particles, and after the lapse of some years all is converted into a solid mass of sandstone. I have frequently referred to those enormous sand-dunes, which are raised like ramparts around the isles of New Holland, and at various points on the mainland. They exceed sometimes in height that of the tallest trees, and are composed of a sand like that of the shore, susceptible as it is of solidification, often the rock which supports them is of the same origin. On the inner slope of these moving hills, there grow various species of shrubs; in such a position, sand driven by the winds, or washed by the rain, accumulates at the foot of the trees and insensibly overwhelms them. Then after long periods of years have elapsed, the vegetable tissue in the trunk is altered, after the same manner we have seen it destroy the branch ; the substance of the ligneous layers, being much more solid than that which occupies the intervals, is decomposed less rapidly than the Jatter; hence the concentric circles, which give to these extraordinary incrustations the appearance of true fossils, but on close observation it is easy to convince oneself, that these apparently petrified trees are nothing else than masses of more or less hard sandstone, which preserves only the vegetable form which had served it for a mould.” That elevation of the land has taken place during the exist 126 ence of living marine forms is incontestable, and the evidences are in accord with those furnished by other localities on the south coast of this colony (see Trans. Roy. Soc., vol. II., p. lxvii.) Dudley Peninsula is at the present time joined to the main mass of the island by an isthmus, which at its narrowest is three- - fourths of a mile wide. The connecting land is low; on the ocean side the pleistocene sand-rock forms a perpendicular cliff of about 40 feet high; from the summit of the cliff the surface of the ground slopes gradually inland till the shell-banks at a few hundred yards from the shore at the Head of American River are reached. These shell-banks have an elevation of from ten to fifteen feet above sea level. It has been alleged that the coast about American River is rising, but I am not satisfied on this point. From personal observation, I have no doubt that Pelican Lagoon is fast silting up, and it is highly probable that the appearances consequent thereon have given rise to the supposition that elevatory action has taken place within the last quarter of a century. The fact that Dudley Peninsula has recently been joined to the other part of Kan- garoo Island may have some significance when we come to con- sider the origin of the flora and fauna of the island as it now is. SUPERFICIAL ACCUMULATIONS AND SOILS. On the main portion of the island, excepting the north coast, the exposures of the subter rock are rare, as it is concealed by superficial debris in the form of sand, or gravelly ironstone, or clays. The nature of the superficial detritus depends on the nature of the subjacent rock and on relative elevation. Sands largely prevail, and seem to have originated, as far as the limited exposures will allow of generalization, from quartzose- sandstones. Over the micaceous slaty beds ironstone gravels occur on the higher ground, sand on the lower slopes, whilst the basin-like depressions are levelled up with clay, more or less calcareous in proportion to the amount of con- tained shelly debris. In most instances the margin of the inundated ground is fringed by a sheet of calcareous travertine of several inches thick, derived from, and including debris of, the shells of living species of Bulinus. Not always is the mollusk lving over the same area, inasmuch as through lapse of time the waters have acquired a too saline property for its existence. The large sheet of water called Murray’s Lagoon is in this state ; whilst its former extension and comparative freshness of its water are indicated by the considerable area above present water level covered by a white chalky clay teem- ing with the shells of a species of that freshwater water-snail. All the above described surface deposits are of local origin, and are, either from their mechanical properties or from abso- 127 lute sterility, unfit for agriculture. The very large area covered by these deposits has led hasty observers to condemn the whole island for agricultural purposes. Opinions on this head have been very conflicting. Flinders says:—“ The soil of that part of Kanguroo Island [Kahgaroo Head] examined by us was judged to be much superior to any before seen, either upon the south coast or upon the islands nearit . . . and I thought the soil superior to some of the land cultivated at Port Jackson, and to much of that in our stony counties in England.” On the other hand, Peron characterised the island as monotonous and sterile. Sutherland’s accounts were slowing ; whilst the early settlers at Kingscote found the character of the soil did not hold out any very strong inducement for permanent or extensive settlement. It is now easy to reconcile these apparently contradictory estimates of the character of the soil. The productive areas are limited and detached, and, as I have stated previously, are restricted to those of the Pliocene drifts. The sources of the material have been less local, than in the case of the more superficial deposits, and in consequence an intimate mixture of diverse mineral matters has resulted. The productiveness of this kind of soil is best attested by an appeal to agricultural statistics. The neighbourhood of Hog Bay has patches of land which carry as high as 50 bushels of barley to the acre ; and at the Cygnet River and at Freestone Range the yield of wheat and barley ‘last year ranged up to 30 bushels for the former and 50 to 60 for the latter per acre. UsEFuL MINERALS. The belief that Kangaroo Island is largely metalliferous and possesses coal is widespread, though up to the present time no discoveries have been made which justify such prophetic view. Nevertheless, the geological structure is not incompatible with the existence of metalliferous deposits, though it pr ecludes the presence of workable coal. Gold.—tThe earliest discovery of this metal is that recorded by Mr. Tolmer in his recent work entitled “Reminiscences,” 1882. He therein states at p. 320 of vol. I. that he found in a freshwater creek near Vivonne Bay ‘a quartz specimen, with a small portion of yellow metal embedded therein, which I have now no doubt was gold.” Mr. T. Willson has obtained gold from a quartz reef situate in the northern part of the Hundred of Haines, and further informs me that it has been gathered from detritus at Pig’s Head Flat, Dudley Peninsula. Tin.—Mr. Tolmer writes further that he revisited the spot in 1856, and obtained by washing the stuff of the bed of the creek about one ounce of black sand, a sample of which was 128 tested by Mr. G. W. Goyder, Surveyor-General, and pro- nounced by him to be tin. Copper.—Ores of this metal most certainly occur, and several applications for mineral claims had been granted be- tween the years 1861 to 1865, but in all cases the leases were forfeited. The sites of these claims were at Hog Bay, Cape St. Albans, Cuttlefish Bay, three miles south-west of Kingscote, twelve miles west by south of the mouth of the Cygnet River, and seven miles westerly from Mount MacDonnell. Lead.—I have been shown specimens of galena, stated to have come from a large vein situated to the west of Smith’s Bay, on the north coast. Petrolewm.—F rom a very early period in the history of the occupation of Kangaroo Island there had been known and used a pitch, which was collected upon the south coast; but it is only through the above-mentioned work of Mr. Tolmer that any of the observed facts have been committed to writing. He says:—‘‘ During my wanderings along the south coast I ob- served numerous fragments of a substance resembling pitch, which was stated to be plentiful, and to be used in lieu of the imported pitch in paying the seams of the vessels and boats built and repaired on the island. Some twenty years after, in 1864, I revisited the island, and was conducted to the spot - where the petroleum exudes from the fissures in the rocks” (loc. cit. I., p. 820). In 1871 coal leases were granted by the Crown Lands De- partment of 10,000 acres each at False Cape and Flour-cask Bay; and at an earlier period borings were made in the cliff at a point about three miles west from the mouth of the Hog Bay River and at Vivonue Bay—in all these cases with the ostensible object of working the petroleum deposits, which were alleged to exist on this part of the coast, an inference drawn from the presence of pitch fragments on the beach. I have conversed with several islanders as to the place and . mode of occurrence of the substance, and have moreover inspected the site of one of the above-referred-to bore- holes, and the shore line of Flour-cask Bay. The sub- stance has been picked up at many points along the south coast, chiefly on the western beaches of the bays, and Vivonne Bay in particular was an important repository for it. The opinion as to the exudation of the substance from the rocks on the shore line is most assuredly based on erroneous observation, inasmuch as when thrown up beyond high tide and subjected to a hot sun it would be softened and insinuate itself among the crannies and irregularities of the surface of the calciterous sand-rock, and would present to the untrained 129 observer the appearance of having flowed from the rock, Moreover, the nature and origin of the surface rock preclude the probability of its having been contained in it. So also do those of the subjacent mica-schist, into which the boring was ~ made at the spot previously indicated. Indeed, all the circum- stances conspire to prove, that the substance is a waif upon these shores. Corroborative evidence is afforded by the finding of the same substance at Coffin Bay, Eyre Peninsula, resin at Fowler Bay, beeswax at the head of the Great Australian Bight and gutta-percha at Eucla. Doubtlessly all have formed part of the cargo of some wrecked vessel. Mr. G. Dixon informs me that he found in 1867 a mineral pitch in the whole littoral tract between Cape Arid and Doubtful Island Bay, West Australia. Moreover, the substance, locally known as dammar, belongs to at least three different chemical bodies. The com- monest kind is black, breaking with a lustrous conchoidal frac- ture; melts easily and burns with a bright flame, evolving an asphaltic odour. On distillation it yields dark-coloured hydro- carbon oils and parafin, leaving a copious residue of carbon, without ash; it is insoluble in nitric acid, alcohol and turpen- tine, but is partly soluble in benzole. It resembles in appear- ance and properties a refined asphalt, but is more lustrous than that obtained at Trinidad with which it has been critically compared. Another material similar in most respects, softens under the fingers and is soluble in oil of turpentine and nitric acid. A third matter, picked up between Hog Bay and Table Cape, is resinous-brown with dark stripes and externally yellow, brittle ; burning with a bright flame and giving off an aromatic odour; on distillation it yields a little parafin and oils, without residue. It is insoluble in alcohol and nitric acid, but readily soluble in bisulphide of carbon. Coal.—In 1879 a reported discovery of good coal at Hog Bay raised the hopes of the Adelaide public, that the opinion touching the absence of coal within this colony was not to be: prophetic. I visited the locality, and certainly found frag-. ments of a steam coal in the soil of a barley-field ; but the presence of mica slate around the basin of drift deposit was. sufficient to satisfy the geologist, that the coal was not derived from the immediate neighbourhood. Finally I traced it to a discarded smithy, the rubbish of which had got mingled with the manure heap, and so carted to the field and worked into the soil. Mr. Tolmer’s “‘firm belief that coal will eventually be found by boring in the flats and about Hog Bay River’” (loc. cit. I., p. 321) must fail to find endorsement at the hands. of the veriest tyro in geology. I 130 CLIMATOLOGY. Kangaroo Island has been spoken of as the sanatorium for South Australia in the future ; and it well deserves this pros- pective reputation. The climate is characterised by a warm temperature, without that heat fervency in summer which is so familiar to residents on the mainland, by moist winds, a good rainfall and the absence of frosts. Some meteorological observations were made by Peron during his stay at Nepean Bay extending from January 6 to February 1, 1803, which I will quote:—‘The mean of our thermometric readings at noon were 65'6° Fahr. The 20th, 25th, 27th, 29th and 30th January were the hottest days; the mercury in the shade at 2 p.m. showed on the island 81°5° Fahr.; the land breezes—that is to say, those from the N.E., N.N.E., and E.N.E.—dominated then, and we were satisfied that they partook of the nature of the hot winds, which desolate the interior of Australia. The atmosphere over the arid and low shores exhibits nearly always a perfect serenity. In the space of one month we had only a few slight showers; on January 15 a feeble storm which arrived from the west was dissipated as soon as, so to say, it had touched the shores of the island. The range of the hygrometer was conformable with the state of the atmosphere, and was comprised between 68° and 94°, the mean term being 82°05°. But of all the results which were obtained of this kind the most noteworthy was the rapid movement of the needle towards dryness at the moment when the N.E. winds blew with force after midday of the 29th —from 94° it retrograded to 68°.” The figures given by Peron should not be examined rigidly ; but they suffice to show the relatively low temperature and the absolutely great humidity of the air during the second hottest month in the year. They are not altogether in accord with the results of -similar obser- vations made at Cape Borda under the direction of Mr. Todd, and published by him in “ Meteorological Observations for 1880,” from which I have taken the following results. Cape Borda is the most north-west point of land, and the station is at an elevation of 506 feet above sea level :—. Humidity —The yearly mean— | Cape Borda. Adelaide. 72 57 The extremes—61 for February 37 for January 82 for September 78 for June. 131 Temperature.— Cape Borda. Adelaide. The yearly mean... sh: bse OE 62°4 Maximum, January 31 .. :..493°0 1145 Minimum, September 26 ... 40°0 350 Mean diurnal range for the year, 82 18°9 Greatest diurnal range ... oo 48°0 Rainfall—At Cape Borda, average for 12 years, 23°8 inches. , American River “ 1 ET” Oar ore Kingscote, for year 1880 BS ORE a The rainfall on the north coast of Kangaroo Island is about equal to that at Adelaide, but the other climatic elements, as indicated in the foregoing tables, show in what way the climate of Kangaroo Island is superior to that of Adelaide. The south coast during the summer months is visited by light and local showers, which do not penetrate far inland, but which doubt- lessly serve to maintain a perennial flow of water in the many channels of the south-western portion of the island. BorTaNICAL EXPLORATIONS. 1. Rozerr Brown, the naturalist to Flinders’s expedition, carried the first botanical collection from Kangaroo Island to Europe. The number of species was small, but it included types of several new species. In the “Flora Australiensis,” the locality-name, Kangaroo Island, with the collector’s name, k. Brown, annexed, will be found recorded under 29 species names. Robert Brown’s opportunities for extended botanical work were few, and the period of his visit was unfavourable. From the narrative of the voyage I compile the following brief diary :—March 22 and 23, 1802, on shore at Kangaroo Head. April 2-5, 1802, on shore at Kangaroo Head; boat excursion to American River and Pelican Lagoon; ascended Prospect Hill, situated on the isthmus connecting Dudley Peninsula with the main mass of the island. The collection was derived almost entirely from the littoral tracts, and Robert Brown could not have seen the characteristic inland flora. 2. Larour LescHenavtt, one of the botanists to Baudin’s expedition, who followed in the next year, sojourned off Kings- cote from January 7 to February 1, 1803; and he tells us, that “the island is sandy and without rivulets, that the vegetation is beautiful, and the plants very varied. I have discovered a great number of new species” (‘‘ Peron’s Voyages,” vol. II.,; p. 366). F. Peron, the zoologist to the expedition, and the author of the narrative, writes:—‘‘ At the head of. this grand bay [Nepean Bay] there are forests which appear to extend far away towards the interior, and which are composed of different 132 species of Eucalyptus, Banksia, Phebalium, Acacia, Casuarina, Metrosideros, Leptospermum, WStyphelia, Conchium, Diosma, Hakea, Embothrium” &c., &c. (op. cit., vol. L., p. 76). From the narrative of the expedition it is uncertain, if other oppor- tunities were offered for collecting plants than during the long stay in Nepean Bay, unless it were at Hog Bay. Leschenault botanised at other parts of the Australian coasts, but the col- lection as a whole remains unpublished up to the present day, Desfontaines made a few selections from the West Australian plants gathered on this expedition, but with few exceptions not any of thé Kangaroo Island plants were described, though doubtless all have been identified. Mr. Bentham examined many of the plants of Baudin’s expedition in the Paris her- barium for the “Flora Australiensis,’’ but from that collection only two species are recorded for Kangaroo Island :—Hucalyptus incrassata, erroneously attributed to Labillardiere, who was never on the island, and Acacia dodoneifolia. Leschenault (loc. cit., vol. IT., p. 8366) cites a few species, which he had ob- served on Kangaroo Island. 1853 *Woods, Rev. J. E. ed bee F.LS., F.G.S., &e. <- 7. pyaney ‘=. oe 1877 CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. *Andrews, F. W. .. a -. Adelaide Museum .. of Sos Bailey, F. M., F.L.S., ae .. Goy. Botanist, Brisbane,Q. 1881 Canham, J. <- -. Stuart’s Creek -. 1880 *Cloud, T. Cs. C. S. sf -- Wallaroo 1881 Chandler, rE. Sy se -- Peake 1881 *Foelsche, Paul .. os .- Palmerston 1880 Goldstein, Ju. *Y. - Melbourne 1880 *Hayter, H. i, M.A;, C.M: coh F.S. S. Government Statist, Melbourne 1878 Holtze, Maurice ae . Palmerston 1882 *Kempe, Rev. J. .. Ae .. Finke, MacDonnell Ranges. 1880 *Richards, Mrs. A. a .. Fowler’s Bay ae 1880 *Scoular, Gavin .. ne .. Smithfield 1878 *Stirling, James, F.L.8. .. -» Omeo, Victoria : 1883 aieoper J. G. O., F.L.8.'.. .. Museum.. ae 1878 FELLOWS. *Adamson, D. B. .. re .. Angas-street aaa . 1867 Addis, W. L. of as .. Currie-street, «i379 Angas, J. H. oe =f .. Angaston 1874 Biggs, Col. J. H.. oe .. Edwardstown 1878 Black, A. B. 3 ae .. Exchange, Pirie-street ae) Jee Bowyer- Smyth, C., CEs: .. Engineer-in-Chief’s Office .. 1883 Brown, J. G., F.L. 's. Se .. Conservator of Forests, Adel. 1882 Brown, L. G. 5. os .. Two Wells : wei toor Browne, SY. Di: oy: -. Gov. Geologist, Adelaide 1883 Brunskill, Geo. .. a +3 'Morgan> ©. epee te: Burchell, F. N. 192 Campbell, Hon. i, L.RB.GP., Edin. A. Caterer, T. A., B. *Chalwin, Thos., M.R.L.V.S. Chapple, F., B. Ag B.Se. Cleland, W. Tie M. B. *(L)Cooke, E. ee ‘ee Cox, W. C. se fe Cornish, W.H. .. as Crawford, F.S. .. 3 *Davenport,S. .. “ Davies, Edward .. ae Davis, F. W. ae ae Dobbie, A. W. .. ies Driffield, F. 8. C. aie Elder, Sir Thomas a Evans, Thomas .. As: Barrar, G. BH. . «s *Fletcher, Rev. W. BR, M. ie Florance, W. ce Foote, H. es Fowler, W. Gall, D.. Gardner, 'W., M. D. i Gee, Lionel, C. E. wie Giles, Geo. F. ie Gill, H. C. Grandy, EB. .. Gosse, Charles, M.D. *Goyder, Geo., jun. oe *Haacke, Wm., Ph.D. s% earris, . W.. ‘ss es Harris, C. H. =k a Harrold; A.L. .. ‘ Harry, Thomas .. *Haslam, John, C.EH. cs Hay, Hon. Alexander We Henry, Alexander, M.D. Hopkins, Rev. W. ‘ Howchin, Rev. W., F.G. S. Hughes, H. W. 56 *Hullett, J. W. EO " Johnson, sae af *Joyce, J. F., *(r) Kay, R. Knevett, S. *Lamb, Prof. ele ,M.A. ie «Laughton, K. Leary, J. W. *Lloyd, J. 5S. MRCS. .. Madley, L. G., Principal of Training College se oe Magarey, A. T. .. *Magarey, S. J., M.B. Mais, H. C., C. EK. *Mann, Jas., L.R.C.P. et 8. *Mayo, George, Rakes a0 Mayo, G. G. ws ° Survey Office a 2 Adelaide’.. *y- " Norwood 4 Currie-street : Prince Alfred College Parkside Asylum .. ‘ South Terrace Survey Office : re Surveyor- General’s Office Beaumont a ok Hutt-street y a Advertiser Office .. BS Gawler-place sin = Waymouth-street .. ok Grenfell-street .. ate Adelaide .. +5 ihe Adelaide.. ae aa Kent Town 3 Outalpa .. sis ae Yarroo, Kulpara .. Tynte-street, North | Adelaide Adelaide . Survey Office oe - General Post Office ike S.A. Institute "2 Se Adelaide .. Be es Adelaide .. Se aes Government Offices Director S.A. Museum Register Office .. oe Survey Office — Hindley-street Exchange, Pirie-street ae Adelaide .. oe Sos Beaumont ae an Victoria-square ee Glenelg .. + Christian Colonist’ Office ab Booyoolie - - Port Augusta oi aid Alfred Chambers .. f South-terrace ke S.A. Institute Carrington-street .. University ot = Currie-street fe ce North-terrace 2 Lefevre-terrace, N. ‘Adelaide Whitmore-square .. emeend s-terrace Adelaide. ‘ eee in- Chief's Office . Pe Adelaide. a . Adelaide . dig Engineer-i in- Chief's ’ Office “® 1881 1882 1882 1877 1876 1879 1876 1880 1883 1865 1856 1882 1882 1876 1883 1871 1883 1883 1876 1881 1883 1882 1865 1882 1882 1883 1883 1882 1877 1880 1882 1882 1883 1876 1878 1883 1861 1882 1880 1883 1883 1876 1875 1880 1853 1878 1883 1874 1883 1856 1879 1873 1874 1883 1882 1853 1874 *Meyrick, E., B.A. ‘ Middleton, W. J. C. Mohan, John Henry Molineux, A. 45 (u) Murray, David.. Nesbit, E. Pariss, jun. Nesbitt, W. Peel, M.B., Nickolls, J. Parker, Thos., Phillips, W. H. Pickels, W. E. EF. R. M.S. *Pollitzer, S. ; Poulton, oo MB. = Rees, John, M.R.C.S. Rees, Roland, M.P. Rigaud, R. J. .. Robertson, R., F.F.P.S. Robin, BR. B. oe Rogers, Rev. N. . Russell, W. wa *Rutt, Walter, C.H. Salom, Hon. M... *Schomburgk, R., Ph.D. *Smeaton, Stirling, B.A. *Smeaton, Thos. D. Smith, E. Mitchell Smith, R. Barr .. Smith, William .. Smyth, J. Y., B.A. Sparks, H. Y. *Stirling, E.C., Stuckey, J. J. , MA. C.E. eo 8) oOo ge 6 "9: 8) Cee *Tate, Prof. R., E.G.S., E.LS., &e. *Telfer, W. *Thomas, J. Davies, M.D., F. B.C.S. Shaw, William .. *Tietkins, W. H., F.R.G.S. 1 M.D., F.B.C.S. 193 *Todd, Charles, C. M.G., F.R.A.S., &e. Tomkinson, Samuel Tyas, J. Ww. e Umbehann, C. .. "Varley, A.K. .. *Verco, J. Cooke, M.D., F. R. C. 8. Vickery, G. Ware, W. L. Way, E. W., M.B., ‘M.R.C.S. Way, 8. J., Chief Justice oe White, R. A. a Whiting, John B. *Whittell, H., M.D. Woodward, H. O. Wragge, C. L., F.R.G.S. Wyatt, Wm., M.D. ae Young, Wm., M.A. ote Burchell, D. rr as ee Christchurch, N.Z. ste Kangarilla aa ra Kent Town a i North Adelaide .. King William-street North Adelaide .. New Zealand Port Adelaide : Adeline. Adelaide Hospital. . Hindmarsh ae North Adelaide . Register Office 3 = Adelaide.. ae : Grenfell-street fe 3 Moonta .. 6 a Port Adelaide os Engineer-in-Chief’s Office .. North Adelaide .. Director of Botanic Gardens: Engineer-in-Chief’s Office .. Bank of South Australia .. Survey Department x Torrens Park, Mitcham .. Hydraulic Engineer’ s Office Norwood Sa - Glenelg .. os oe North Adelaide .. ae Adelaide .. wa aces of Adelaide - Adelaide . ea ei - Railway Department . Millswood he i Pave ee “1 Pe f Ry vee C : 4)? ae +s ee Hf ae co é, er gg OH, 4 n pt hed # - e hs an _ ro , a i itv LAO. 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Vis ied gO), ee af ms te a rs. eee RV: © fs ua ae i ok ERO. mn, SRiuidtok Wp vileraviad. << Me ae oh aa he i , eae hie 2 SRO tea Ta eGaeh "ae eye ae : SEGGb:: 5, Bc. Toblingnd Byole « re tr oe > ah ab lcigh&: MetOM! kee teats Be Hy iy nas 5 ee iT ' oye ve ~es Pt ae oe ‘ a); AEN he vi ee 5p Spreads, 1 On Pd Soe yt ove SUUWbIL. Hokus. ol SLA Re we "AWGRE bi Bits ohinigbd aig Ba Ws ea ' ; i Aest tin mihO A Tarty.) tf Wier yas of re an 8 ie ’ _ <2%. [ oa fat pont) bigdatg fi ifosils Ui ns trad © 8 iad os o ~ ae ee) carte ¥ Cid al ¥ pisos ahi IND iti glia Tey! ae ‘ iy ‘ ee SS its 7 XR - hae aa oe” ' *% ile “ . titel \ a 7" “yebe. 7 we oo hihi: “Sy eae ay a aff. My os! : bs sas “7 pers By Anes fi Bt a UTS (ail a a a ; a —"* , Custtivet® AY y eee aj i PEO IPN apa hin Morons recoveud te ee ae aan thee yar ‘wae § “ * . . i Ye <5 6 eae ogee ’ . i 4 . a i es be Fa) y ho fore ; ee ir 1B oa ne . “ , ° ' Pe * * .. i] j i , ‘ - . é ‘ ’ j Ld . . . ’ ‘ F 4 ‘ ‘ & S ‘ ‘ ‘ : ¥ - , ‘ ’ . ‘ . é . i F ‘ ra ; é < . : L: ¢ = i ' . ? ‘ - . e . ‘ *. . ' 4 ; ’ 9 : ° . , ad ie noe q “ | ‘ f < f ‘ sie i ri AN DOP oN AD ‘ Pa NE ys \ iy ors - _- ; : \ iS oa i" A 4 wal ee Ts re as’ WPT eee Yale ane . eet al | Komrmone del. eee Say R SSN SSS: GQ W4t Me, V4; wees UCC ty | kia Z Par > ag A 4 5 nN. ¢ N, A S - » ’ a 7 “4 u oe ‘ ‘ = S ’ - ” 4 P, role Pe oe ; ’ 2 . ° / ‘ ' ’ 2 = . ‘ > = ~ - va > i . en oy we - ° ~~ I Me - ‘ = _ >, * - oe 27 9 4 Pe : on = — ay e “ Ck 7 a ol 3 ae! ee ei , a @ v re ~ mah ct = ” * - : Lan - e - ° \ me > = ’ - - V “ da ' . : ¢ >» ba P . . eae > ro Pa . oo 7 " . » = . Pe Js | rs a " ; s oh : ; ; ‘ i a 4 . 7] “ ‘ Te : . . nn . » : . & - Hpi Leo phy) ib y A TRREEN I hanna amino da. ad. PLAN OF KANGAROO ISLAND COUNTY CARNARVON. xB PEAWN Ba ae y ae jo° gsi fan, : ae cA ym PENNESHAW Ms C Torrans . Feat: C. Borda y - * ¥ ; Giessen Feuerarsscaces-- — 72 SG Peg /SD3 "TRANSACTIONS AND PROCEEDINGS AND ] REPORT OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY of SOUTH AUSTRALIA. TES Eat ot ere EE BORSSMEDUCHSOURORPSPOED Se 4 Gy ES GP OM Be NOR eT Mee (FOR 1880-81.) | Pees Moby AN PALIN ¥y Goo 2 | ~~ 2 aS ORS BE Poss ~_—~ Adclaiwe : G. ROBERTSON, 103, KING WILLIAM STREET. Parcels for transmission to the Royal Society of South Australia, from Europe and America, should be addressed ‘per Mr. W.C. Rigby, care Messrs. Thos. Meadows & Co., 35, Milk Street, Cheapside, London.”’ Scadibiarsduialndiusiignstase : > Bune, ese --seneunaucananE SUREUTIGELIUEEES i aa iy ‘w See ae ihe See LO Praavsicnion ‘AND. PROCEEDINGS 3 | REP @-R-T ROYAL SOCIETY of SOUTH AUSTRALIA BY gk SO tore Pe yes (FOR. 1881-82.) ISSUED DECEMBER, 1882. “Adelaide: G. ROBERTSON, 103, KING WILLIAM STREET. 1882. a Be te 2 os { 1 NA = on {: ; ‘ a Y Gxpirs i Ree een 7 = we / Broly. ia ee ) ie REPORT | ROYAL SOCIETY of SOUTH AUSTRALIA. = S2 oe ae AES ae (FOR 1882-83.) MONI Adelaide : G. ROBERTSON, 103, KING WILLIAM STREET. | | ISSUED. DECEMBER, 1883. | | | | 1883. 6: Parcels for transmission to the Royal Society of South Aus- || tralia, from Europe and America, should be addressed “per W.C. Rigby, care Messrs. Thos. Meadows and ned Co., 35, Milk Street, Cheapside, London.” | ——. fe Webb, Vardon, & Pritchard, Printers, Gresham-street, Adelaide. aay a aims lente acne git en wi : ont ; at OM Ta ~—INEONO