: j ee = oe aa i a ‘ Wee i ‘? ; ; te. PP Wy eubAy MN AMAT. (0 KeeaRsiny we Oy Bi bin “nw. Kun atts Haye. Ue leslie ee ene: 14) iP Ane Pie aa, Hi 7 8 aE AN EDR Ti Aree. THA Leute Wh eee ay wie CONT) - fa Oia Mid’ Py Af. FRAN ec ML NON ¥ § C.Seviuireas Ra ff , DREEATRD TON BW ajay Ruse FUGM oh Mme ce Ny ‘ a a) ; 4 ” é - | .4yn he es ‘ + i , With iTRONTETS ae Pe ARIE ND OBABR VA TIONS Y a \ a ” - I iu 1? ; : H ) COW AnD THE ATR Y “ I "/ Mine 4 ' f ; xa oe ae sc) Mmitin % t me, Site ihiet Ch ww 4 a) ‘ ’ \ F i i J - y Y PA. hh = : ee a. Of n> ose (POE, rail wy niet, f ' nN Qiaksal: fT we Te & ae ( »e¢ = l | Vere | ) r . ‘ } F m, ye A ee AL A NIM a Se eet PS a TREATISE Mion COWS, WHEREBY THE QUALITY AND QUANTITY OF MILK WHICH ANY COW WiLL GIVE MAY BE ACCURATELY DETERMINED RY OBSERVING NATURS3 MARKS GR EXTERNAL INDICATIONS ALONE; THE LENGTH OF TIME SHE WILL CONTINUE TO GIVE MILK, &e. By M. FRANCIS GUENON, OF LIBOURNE, FRANCE. TRANSLATED FOR THE FARMERS’ LIBRARY, FROM THE FRENCR By N. P. TRIST, ESQ. LATE UNITED STATES CONSUL AT HAVANA. WITH INTRODUCTORY REMARKS AND OBSERVATIONS, ON THE; COW AND THE DAIRY. BY: JOHN’ &. SISINNiclt. - Sixty-third Thousand. Nei Ww YY ORE eo. ie SS Ak POM, PU Bi Ss Hee, No. 25 Park Row. 1862. en ee = ——— ete Ls ee Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1256. BY C. M.BAXTON & CO m the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the United Staues, ia and fer the Southern District of New York. FOURTEENTH EDITION. NATIONAL TRIBUTE OF THE FRENCH GOVERNMENT TO M. GUENON, FOR HIS VALUABLE DISCOVERY WITH REGARD TO MeO Le CO W's. PENSION OF THREE THOUSAND FRANCS A YEAR TO THE AUTHOR, Tur National Assembly’s Committee on Agriculture have unanimously voted to confer on M. Guenon a pension of three thoucand francs a year, in consideration of his discovery of an infallible method for determining the capacities of milch cows. This method is the same as has become so generally known and appreciated throughout the United States, through the medium of that excellent little work published by you containing a translation of M. Guenon’s treatise on the subject. The committee, in the report (which will soon be presented to the Assembly, and no doubt adopted with unanimity), say that the methcd has been subjected to the most thorough tests, and that no doubt can exist as to its infallibility ; by following the directions of M. Guenon, as laid down in the treatise, any one can tell with certainty whether a cow is a good milker, or whether a young heifer will become one, so that there need be no doubt as to the profit of rais- ing an animal, and no chance of being taken in in the purchase of one. By this means the farmer may select among his young calves those that will give abundance of milk when they are raised, and dispose of the rest at once for the shambles. No breeder of cattle need be told of the immense advantages which such a guide confers. The committee say that a discovery of this nature, which adds so largely to the actual worth of the éountry, is pre-eminently deserving of a national acknowledgment, and they ac- cordingly propose that the Republic confer upon M. Guenoy the pension of three thousand francs as a testimony of the estimation in which it holds his services as a public benefactor. Against such an appropriation of the public money there can be no objection. How much more rational it is that pensions and honors should be bestowed upon those who, by valuable scientific discoveries, by improvements in agriculture and manufactures, render themselves permanently useful to the world, than upon cheating politicians and successful soldiers. Yours respectfully, C. A. D. SN ES OO OS Oe REPORT TO THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY. , Tur congress had just expressed a wish that “ Guenon’s Theory of the Milk-giving Prop- erties of Cows,” published some years since, should be thoroughly examined and reported on when M. Guenon himself arrived in Paris. Called here on business of a private nature, he ) readily set aside everything to place himself at the disposal of your honorable body. 3 After many disappointments, he came to ask of you a public expression of your approba- tion, and of the country, an exhibition of national gratitude for a discovery surrendered without reserve to the common good, when he might have kept his secret to himself, with its certain emoluments. A just love of celebrity, perhaps even the vague hope of a recompense proportioned to the service he had rendered the country, brought him to your bar, and placed him under your patronage. It was immediately decided that a committee should accompany him to some dairy, and there apply aud demonstrate the principles he has promulgated. If a decisive test confirmed all that you were led to expect, it became you, gentlemen, to give from this spot — the great centre of knowledge —a striking consecration, too long desired, of Mr. Guenon’s singular discovery. The farmer exercises an art essentially practical, and will not reject an obviously useful processs because he may not appear to understand it. His science is that of facts, which he studies with a view to their application. In obedience to your call, forty or fifty members of the congress assembled on the 30th of March, to enter upon the investigation that you had ordered. At the head of your com- mittee were two of your presidents— M. Fouquier d’Herroul, known for his eminent services as chairman of the committee on cattle, and M. Dupin, who is always te be found at his post where the national interest is concerned. Other distinguished agriculturists were upon the committee, and the intelligent and ingenious man on whose account this meeting was held, and for whom the investigation was to be decisive, accompanied it, with a calm confidence derived from the hope of an impartial decision and a deep conviction of his rights. Arrived at the dairy, thirteen cows were offered for inspection :— 2 Cotentines,* thorough-bred. 1 Cotentine, half-blood. 6 Normans, more or less crossed. 1 Swiss. 5 3 of Flemish and Durham blood. Before proceeding to the proof, Mr. Gucnon called our attention to the fact that the excep- tional manner in which the Parisian cows were fed, might produce some abnormal results. This was considered a sufficient reason to allow a latitude of one or two pints to his estimate, instead of anticipating the exact results which he claims under ordinary circumstances. As soon as a cow was brought out, the amount of milk which she gave for two or three weeks after calving, was privately made known to the committee, and immediately put down in writing. Mr. Guenon was then called upon to examine the revealing signs, and without being allowed to touch the cow, gave his estimate, which was likewise set down. The amount of milk furnished by the cows submitted for examination, varied from fourteen to twenty-four pints. In eleven of the cases, the estimate of Guenon proved to be correct, and there was some uncertainty about another cow recently purchased, that had been sick since she was bought. * So called from Cotentin, a district of country from lower Normandy. BALAI Owners eee seeE=«=S EE ieee eee ee eee ee ce EEE REPORT. 5 Finally, upon the Anglo-Flemish cow there appeared a notable difference between the rather precipitate estimate of Mr. Guenon, who calculated her yield at fifteen pints, and her known yield, which was twenty-two pints; but this mistake had been corrected beforehand, by one of our most intelligent colleagues — M. Collot — who has been applying Mr. Guenon’s theory for several years past, and who had at first sight estimated the yield of the Anglo-Flemish cow at twenty pints, a near approximation to the truth. So that we may say in this case, that Mr. Guenon, and not his method, was at fault. On most of the animals inspected, Mr. Guenon pointed out to the audience the revealing signs upon which his system is founded, and referring to the printed treatise before us, showed the relation of the principle to the results. He took care only (in view of the excess of feed given to cows in the Paris dairy) to add a certain amount to the normal valuation given in his book ; for the treatise of Mr. Guenon supposes the cows placed in ordinary circumstances on proper pasture. As to the length of time that cows continue to give milk after going to the bull, M. Gue- non’s replies were, with a single exception, in conformity with the facts and his estimates of the butyraceous qualities of the milk were equally correct. The results were altogether conclusive: they confirmed those already obtained in the presence of several agricultural societies, and particularly that were published after 248 trials, twenty months ago, by the Central Agricultural Society of the Lower Seine, whose president — M. Demoy — has a seat in this congress, and made one of your committee. Several of your colleagues, and the reporter among them, has studied with more or less care the printed treatise, and acknowledged its general correctness; and one of them—M. Deflez (of Nerac) — who, under more favorable circumstances, and with the guidance of the author himself, had been enabled to study the theory practically, with stables and cattle fairs of the south, gave his estimate of the cows presented for trial, and these estimates, invariably in accordance with those of Mr. Guenon, proved the almost mathematical exactness of the principles upon which this singular and valuable system is based. It is known that it is founded on the arrangement or disposition of the hair, in a space com- mencing at the upper extremity of the vulva, and descending to the roots of the teats, wind- ing as it descends, covering the inner and hind parts of the thighs. It is from the arrangement of the hair in this space that the deductions are drawn as to the quantity, duration, and quality of the milk. What are the mysterious relations existing between these external characters and the milk- producing organs? The author endeavors to explain, but his explanations only serve to jus- tify the appeals that you have made on this body to the investigations of science. The result would seem to be, from what precedes, that the application of Guenon’s sys- tem can be made everywhere with the greatest facility, after reading his book; but it is due to truth to say that this is not the fact; that considerable difficulties are in the way of those who wish to turn it to account, and that some sagacity and perseverance are neccessary to master it completely. An honorable member who has your entire confidence, assures us that in his department where the system is generally applied, the number of bad milkers is diminishing in a striking manner, and that at the expense of surrounding departments, where their owners are compelled to seek less enlightened purchasers; and our president himself—the duke of Decazes— has stated that Guenon’s method was being adopted with signal benefit in the southwest. Admitted by our most learned veterinaries of the Royal College of Alfort and elsewhere, encouraged by the government, confirmed by a thousand proofs, and sanctioned by your ap- proval, the discovery of Mr. Guenon may now be considered as having reached the dignity of ascience. It applies alike to males and females—to calves and full-grown animals; and —~_—~“«~—"“TserFees«:=— 0 OO OO ll lll lO ON www eee eee eee eee eee RPP LPP LAP L LL LLLP LLP ID PPP LPP PP PPP PP PPP DPD Prey 6 REPORT. from this last fact we make this fruitful deduction : Hereafter the farmer need rear none but ? such calves as will make good milkers, handing over to the butcher those that will not. Thus in a short time the daily production of milk in France may be increased by several millions of pints daily. Nor is this all. The abundance and quality of milk in the dams must contribute largely to the improvement of the progeny. Mr. Guenon should receive a national remuneration, and be engaged to deliver lectures in the different Veterinary, Agricultural, and Normal schools of the kingdom, and in the pres- ence of such societies as may call for him. These would be the speediest and best means of spreading the knowledge of this discovery, and it will no doubt be admitted that we can not be in too great haste to repair the time lost in ridicule, doubt, or indifference—the inevitable preface to all undertakings beneficial to humanity. E. Bansizr, Chairman of the Committee. (= This edition has also been improved by the addition of an interesting essay on Spuying Milch Cows, with the mode of operation. PREFACE BY THE AMERICAN EDITOR. ALTHOUGH that portion of the matter, here offered to American farmers, which was translated for and originally published in the FARMERS’ Liprary, might well be considered as worth the price of this volume, the Publishers have desired to render the work more acceptable and useful, by the addition of brief Introductory Sketches, descriptive of various Races of Cattle, as well as of Dairy Management, and of some of the Diseases to which Cows and Calves are particularly liable. Most of these additions have been derived from CHAMBERS’s INFORMATION FOR THE PEOPLE; selected for the reason that, while they are deemed by the American Editor to be, generally, judi- cious and profound, the style is so plain and practical that “he who runs may read” and under- stand them. Remarks have been added by the Editor of the Farmers’ Liprary, where it was supposed they might be needed to adapt the work more perfectly to the use of American readers. It has been truly observed that the most remarkable of all the changes and meliorations effected in cattle by the potent influence of domestication, the most marked improvement has been in the capacity of the Cow for giving milk. How much may not that capacity be enhanced now, by close attention to the milk-bearing signs or “ escutcheons” so minutely described by M. GuENon ? By selecting for breeding stock, from generation to generation, such only as display these infal- lible indications, and condemning to the knife all that are devoid of them—snpposing the system to be unerring as it has been pronounced by successive Committees appointed to investigate it— what is to prevent the establishment of a race as uniform and remarkable for excellence at the pail as the Devon Ox is for the yoke, or the courser of high-bred eastern extraction for the turf? and that, too, without recurrence to importation—seeing that, among our “ country cows,” individ- uals have been found equal, in yield of milk and butter, to any to be traced in the Herd-Book 7— Instance the Cream-pot Breed, built up by Col. Jacques, of Charlestown, Mass. whose calves are bespoken at $100; the celebrated middle-sized Oak’s Cow, of Danvers, that gave, on evidence sat- isfactory to the Mass. Ag. Society, 484 pounds of butter from the 5th of April to the 25th of Sep- tember, and, more recently, the wonderful Prize Cow, KaaTSKILL, property of Mr. Donatson, of Blithewood, New-York, which received the prize of the New-York State Agricultural Society, at Poughkeepsie, in 1844, on satisfactory evidence that she “ yielded, when kept on grass only, 38 quarts of milk per day, and that, from the milk given by her in two days, 6} pounds of butter were made—being at the rate of 22} pounds per week.” When such cases turn up by chance, why, we repeat, may not a Breed of deep milkers be es- tablished and relied upon as confidently as it is known that “like produces like’? After all, OPP OO ON PPD LI i net ne a fill Nl El 8 PREFACE BY THE EDITOR. now that this discovery has been made, and proclaimed, on the ground of repeated trials and testi- mony, to all appearance conclusive, what is there in the theory that lactiferous secretions should produce and show themselves in external marks and cutaneous exudations, any more wonderful or out of the way, than that other secretions and faculties are known to produce not only markea differences in form and color, but even perceptible, and, for the most part, offensive efluvia? Observe the effect, in these respects, not only in the external differences of color and shape, which mark the different sexes, but the no less striking effects produced by early emasculation of the horse, the bull, the hog, and the goat! Hence, it isonly “if I were hungry,” says the Psalm- ist. “I will eat the flesh of bud/s, and drink the blood of goats.” The famous Tuscany Oz, so celebrated for strength, activity, and endurance, and which Com- modore JONES, in one of his letters addressed from the Mediterranean to Mr. SKINNER, says will travel 22 miles a day, with heavy loads of ship timber, is, all over, of uniform light grey color; but leave him unabridged of his full sexual proportions, and the effect is sure to be exhibited im the black color and great enlargement of the neck, and curly forehead. Is it, then, we repeat, extra- ordinary or incredible that the milky secretions of the Cow should produce, in the region where that process is carried on, and where her characteristic excellence lies, effects not more visible or striking than are produced on the size, color and growth of the hair, on the shoulders, neck and head of the bull? Are the external signs—the difference in the growth and curl of the hair, con- stituting the “ escutcheons,” and the scurf or dandruf thrown out on the skin, as described in this book—any more remarkable or strange in tne one case than the other? But—‘all things are strange” —unitil they are found out | REMARKS OBSERVATIONS ON THE COW AND DAE DALEY: : INTRODUCTORY TO GUENON’S TREATISE ON: MPECGH-€O WS. THE COW AND THE DAIRY. Next to the horse, the COW is justly valued as the most useful animal whicls man has been able to domesticate and retain permanently in his service. The Ox tribe, of which it is the female, belongs to the order Ruminantia, in the class Mammaiia ; these terms implying that the animals runimate or chew their food a second time, and have mamme or teats with which they suckle their young.— In the Ox tribe there are different genera and species, all more or less differing from each other. The Wild Breed, from being untamable, can only be kept within walls or good fences; consequently, very few of them are now to be met with, except in the ep of some English gentlemen, who keep them for ornament and asa curiosity. heir color is invariably of a creamy white; muzzle black ; the whole of the in- side of the ear, and about one-third of the outside from the tip downward, red ; horn white, with black tips very fine, and bent upward ; some of the Bulls have a thin upright mane, about four or five inches long. The weight of the Oxen is from 450 to 550 lbs. and the Cows from 280 to 450 lbs. The beef is finely mar- bied and of excellent flavor. Of the Domesticated Ox, the varieties from the effect of cultivation are now very numerous. The Ox, in one or other of its genera, and for the sake of its la- bor as a beast of draught, its flesh, or the milk of its female, has been domesti- eated and carefully reared from the earliest times—in some countries having been raised to the rank of a divinity, or, at least, held as an object of extreme venera- tion. The domesticated species of Oxen is, in all its varieties, materially altered from its wild parentage. Influenced by climate, peculiar feeding, and training in a state of subjection, its bony structure is diminished in bulk and power, its fero- city tamed, and its tractability greatly improved. Our observations will refer chiefly to the Cow, on which very great changes have been effected by domesti- cation: the most remarkable of these alterations has been in the capacity for giv- ing milk. Ina wild state, the udder is small, and shrinks into an insignificant com- pass when the duty of suckling is over; but when domesticated for the sake ot its milk, and that liquid is drawn copiousiy from it by artificial means, the lacte- al or milk-secreting vessels enlarge, and the udder expands, so as to become a prominent feature in the animal. In this manner, by constant exercise, the econ- 10 INTRODUCTORY REMARKS: omy of the cultivated species of Cows has been permanently altered, and render- ed suitable to the demands which are constantly made on it. Yet it is important to remark that those milk-yielding powers are not equal in the different varieties or breeds of Cows. Some breeds, from the influence of circumstances, give a large quantity of milk, but of a thin or poor quality, while others yield less milk, but of a good or rich quality. Whether, then, the cow-keeper wish quantity or quality, is the question for him to solve in making a selection of stock. In gen- eral, near large towns, where the demand for milk is considerable, the object of dairymen is to keep Cows which will give a large quantity of milk, no matter of what sort. Private families in the country are usually more regardful of the quality of the article ; they wish a little milk which is good, some fine cream, and perhaps, also, some sweet butter and cheese; and on that account are more careful in the choice of their Cows. For those who go for mere quantity, and yet have some honest scruples left about resorting to the pump, the old fashioned, large framed, big boned Holderness would do best; while for ‘cream only, for family use, no breed can compare, in color and richness of milk, with the ewe- necked, deer-looking, ragged-boned Alderney. This breed may be seen at Ros- well House, residence of Mr. Colt, Paterson, New-Jersey. The following is a list of breeds which may aid the selection of Cows in these different respects : BREEDS OF CATTLE. The breeds of cattle vary in different districts, from the small hardy varieties of the north Highlands, to the bulky and handsome breeds of the southern parts of England. It has been customary to classify the whole according to the com- parative length of the horns—as the Long-Homed, Short-Horned, Middle-Horned, Crumpled-Horned, and Hornless or Polled breeds. Besides these, there are many intermixed breeds. The Middle-Horned Cows, which are found in the north of Devon, the east of Sussex, Herefordshire, and Gloucestershire, in England, are among the most valuable and beautiful varieties of the animal. Whatever be the breed, there are certain conformations which are indispensa- ble to the thriving, valuable Ox or Cow. If there is one part of the frame, the form of which, more than of any other, renders the animal valuable, it is the chest. There must be room enough for the heart to beat and the lungs to play, or sufficient blood for the purposes of nutriment and strength will not be cireu- lated ; nor will it thoroughly undergo that vital change which is essential to the proper discharge of every function. We look, therefore, first of all, to the wide and deep girth about the heart and lungs. We must have both: the proportion in which the one or the other may preponderate will depend on the service we require from the animal ; we can excuse a slight degree of flatness of the sides, for he will be lighter im the forehand, and more active; but the grazier must have width as well as depth. And not only about the heart and lungs, but over the whole of the ribs, must we have both length and roundness; the hooped as well as the deep barrel is essential; there must be room for the capacious paunch—room for the materials from which the blood is to be provided. The beast should also be ribbed home; there should be little space between the ribs and the hips. This seems to be indispensable in the Ox, as it regards a good healthy constitution and a propensity to fatten ; but a largeness and drooping of the belly, notwithstanding that the symmetry of the animal is not improved, are considered advantageous in the Cow, because room is thus left for the udder ; and if these qualities are accompanied by swelling milk veins, her value in the dairy is generally increased. This roundness and depth of the barrel, however, are most advantageous in proportion as found behind the pomt of the elbow, more than between the shoulders and legs ; or low down between the legs, rather than upward toward the withers ; for the heaviness before, and the comparative bulk of the coarser parts of the animal, are thus diminished, which 1s always a very great consideration. The loins should be wide. Of this there can be no doubt, for they are the prime parts; they should seem to extend far along the back ; and although the belly should not hang down, the flanks should be round and deep. Of the hips, it is superfluous to say that, without being ragged, they should be large; 10und rather than wide, and presenting, when handled, plenty of muscle and fat. The thighs should be full and long, close together when viewed from behind, and the farther down they continue close the better. The legs may oc- THE COW AND THE DAIRY, ll casionally vary in length according to the destination of the animal ; but short- ness is a good general rule, for there is an almost inseparable conneetion between length of leg and lightness of carcass, and shortness of leg and propensity to fat- ten. The bones of the legs (and they are taken as a sample of the bony structure of the frame generally) should be small, but not too small—small enough for the well-known accompaniment, a propensity to fatten—small enough to please the consumer ; but not so small as to indicate delicacy of constitution and liability to disease. Lastly, the hide—the most important thing of all—should be thin, but not so thin as to indicate that the animal can endure no hardship; movable, mel- low, but not too loose, and particularly well covered with fine and soft hair. Of the various breeds and cross-breeds of Cows now in use, there are a few which enjoy the best reputation. We may name, for example, the Old Yorkshire Stock, a cross between the Teeswater and Holderness breed ; the Long-Horned or Lancashire breed ; the Short-Horned or Dutch breed ; the Middle-Horned breeds of Devonshire, Sussex, and Hereford ; the Ayrshire breed ; the Alderney breed, &c. Some of these merit particular attention. We should first point to the DrvonsuirE Cow.—The Devonshire is a handsome breed of cattle, well set up- on their legs, straight along the back, small muzzle, generally red in color, and, both as Oxen and Cows, they feed well at an early age... The Cow is much smaller than the Bull, but roomy for breeding, and is distinguished for her clear, round eye, and general loveliness and neatness of features. Fed on the fine pas- tures of North Devon, the Cow yields a rich quality of milk, and in reasonable oe : SRN RR Devonshire Cow. abundance. The North Devon breed prevails in some parts of Somersetshire, and has been introduced into other quarters of the country, but is not considered suitable in situations greatly differing from its native county as respects climate and herbage. Incomparably the best herd of Devons in this, if not in any country, is the large one of Grorse Patterson, Esq. near Sykesville, Md. Its excellence has been established and maintained by frequent importations of the best Bulls to be had in England, without limit as to cost, and by invariably good keep: The signs of genuineness and of excellence in the Devon are the absence, as near as possible, of white in any part, and a yellow, not dark skin showing itself around the eye and muzzle. The winner of successive prizes for best cheeses at the American Institute lately observed that he considered the Devon decidedly the best breed of cattle for the general purposes of New-England ; while for his pur- pose exclusively, milk and cheese, he preferred a large infusion of Short-Horn blood. HererorDsH1rE Cow.—The Hereford breed of cattle is larger than that of North Devon. It is broad across the hind quarters, narrow at the sirloin; neck and head well proportioned ; horns of a medium size, turned up at the points; color deep red, but with face and some other parts generally white ; and counte- nance cheerful and sagacious. This Cow is reckoned among the best in England as respects the production of milk, and, when too old for that purpose, it fattens to a greater weight than the North Devons. The Herefords have maintained a long and animated contest for superiority with the Short-Horns in England, and the Editor thinks (but mind, he can’t be made to enter into a contest about it) it INTRODUCTORY REMARKS: Hereford Cow. is rather gaining ground on its great rival. Has the latter any links yet to let out ¢ The Gatnoway breed of cattle is well known for various valuable qualities, and easily distmguished by the want of horns. It is broad across the back, with a very slight curve between the head and quarters, broad at the loins, the whole body having a fine roundappearance. ‘The head is of a moderate size, with large rough ears, “chest deep, legs short, and clean im the neck. The prevailing color is black, those of this color being ‘thought the most hardy, although this varies. This breed is highly esteemed, as there is no other kind which arrives at maturi- ty so soon, and their flesh is 6 file finest quality. The milk is very fine, but is not obtained in very large quantities. Great numbers of this breed are sent an- nually to Smithfield market; and it is remarkable that they are generally in as good condition after the journey as before. The Suffolk Dun, also a hornless breed, is supposed to be a variety of the Galloway, from their general resem- blance. The Ayrsuire breed, which is considered the most valuable in Scotland, is of the small sized and middle horned race; its origin is unknown, as it has been long settled in the county frcm which it derives its name. In modern times, the Ayrshire Bull. preed has been improved by judicious selection, coupling, and general treatment. ‘The common characteristics of this excellent variety of Cows are thus described by Mr. Aiton in his “‘ Survey of Ayrshire :”—“ Head small, rather long and nar- row at the muzzle; eye small, smart, and lively ; horns small, crooked, and set at considerable distances from each other; neck long, rather slender, tapering toward the head, with no loose skin below ; shoulders thin ; fore quarters light; hiad quarters large ; back straight, broad behind, the joints rather loose and open ; carcass deep; legs small, short, with firm joints ; udder capacious, stretching for- ward ; the milk veins large and prominent; teats short, all pointing outward.” ‘The Ayrshire Cow is very docile, feeds well, is easily managed, and, as a dairy Cow, is equal to any other. It is inferior, however, for feeding, to the Devon, Sussex, and Hereford breeds. There have been several imiportations of Ayrshires —-one some dozen years ago by A. J. Davis, of N. C. These we saw in Balti- more, as We have several other specimens there, and elsewhere. ‘These were se- tected by Mr. D. m Scotland, and from their appearance, were, as we have thought, among the best specimens that have been brought to ihis country.— en Ridgely, Esq. of Hampton got this lot, and may, perhaps, have some of the‘r BOBO LOL BL EECCMOwyawwywvewween eee ee ee eee THE COW AND THE DAIRY. 13 descendants now. Dr. Hoffman more recently made an importation of choice in- dividuals of this breed to Baltimore. Mr. Randall, of New-Bedford, Mass., hes, perhaps, the largest herd of Ayrshires in this country. Several were imported into Massachusetts some years since, and our impression had been that they fail- ed to establish themselves in the estimation of Yankee Farmers, yet the Massa- chusetts Agricultural Society lately invested a large portion of their funds in an { importation of Ayrshires and North Devons, of which an account may be seen in the Farmers’ Liprary anDJourna or Acricutture, November No. page 257 of § the Journal. The specimens we have seen of Ayrshires appeared to be on the model, and with a good deal of the coat of the Short-Horn ; the hair perhaps short- er, and in that, enabling them the better to bear wet weather. But they have the neat form of the Short-Horn only on a miniature scale when compared to them. Mr. Stevenson, our late Minister to London, who passed all his leisure time among the noblemen and gentlemen Farmers in the best agricultural districts of f England and Scotland, has some superior specimens of Ayrshires. EGER 2 Vig Many of the Ayrshire Dairy Cows, when properly fed, will yiedd from six to eight gallons per day during a part of the summer. ‘The quantity varies much Ayrshire Cow. | during the year, from one anda half to six gallons or more; and the highest av- i ; ; § \ ‘ erage of the milk yielded by this breed is one thousand gallons per annum. It is only some of the finest Cows that will yield such a quantity as this, and from five hundred to seven hundred and fifty gallons may be calculated as the most gene- ral yearly produce. Every twoand one-third gallons of milk will afford one pound of butter, of sixteen ounces to the pound, or eight gallons will give three pounds. About twenty-six gallons of milk will give a stone of cheese, fourteen pounds to the stone, anda good milch Cow will thus yield thirty-six stones annually, which, at 10s. per’stone, is £18 per annum for this article alone. The Suort-Hornep or Dutch breed is considered of great value, both for milk- ing and feeding. There are many varieties of it, known by the names of the counties where they have been raised. The best of these varieties are large in the carcass, well proportioned, broad across the loins, chine full, legs short, head small but handsome, neck deep, but in keeping with the size of the body, color generally red and white mixed, or what is called flecked, hide thin. The flesh of this breed is thick, close-grained, retaining the juices well ; and from this cir- cumstance is in request for victualing ships going on' long voyages. _ Regarding the milking qualities of this breed, Mr. Dickson, an eminent cattle- dealer, who has had the most extensive experience throughout the whole coun- ; try, says—“ It has been frequently asserted that the Short-Horned Cows are bad milkers ; indeed, that no sort of cattle are so deficient in milk. But this deficien- cy of milk does not proceed from the circumstance of the Cows being of the Short- Herned kind. Had the flesh been neglected as much as the milk by the eminent breeders, and the property of giving milk as much cherished as the development of flesh, the Short-Horned Cows would have been deep milkers. Indeed, it is not to be doubted that, where the general secreting powers of the animal system have been increased, the power of secreting milk will be increased with the power of secreting fat; all that seems requisite is to encourage the power of that secretion which is most wanted for the time. It would be to desire an impossibility to de- sire the full development of flesh, fat, and milk, at the same time; but there is no absurdity in desiring a large secretion of flesh and fat at one time, and a large i ie 14 INTRODUCTORY REMARKS: secretion of milk at another, from the same Cow. Accordingly, this is the very character which has been acquired by Short-Horned Cows. They will yield from six to sixteen quarts a day throughout the season ; and they are such constant milkers, that they seldom remain dry above six weeks or two months before the the time of calving. 1 know a Scotch breeder who had a Short-Horned Cow which gave fifteen quarts a day during the flush of the grass in summer, and never went dry for two seasons. A cross between a Galloway Cow and a Short-Hormed Bull in Berwickshire yielded twenty pints [twenty ‘‘pints” here probably mean Scotch pints, equai to English quarts] a day during the best of the season, and she had to be milked five times a day to keep her easy.” We have thus considered it our duty to give the opinion of Mr. Dickson regarding the value of the Short- Horned breed of Cows as a dairy stock, seeing that the demand for Short-Hormed Bulls has of late years been great in many of the counties of both England and Scotland. It seems, however, a well-confirmed opinion that the breed which of all others appears to be gaining ground, throughout the United Kingdom, for abundant produce on ordinary pasture, is the Ayrshire kyloe, which is described as without a parallel under a similar soil, climate, and relative circumstances, either for the dairy, or feeding for the shambles. But the ever. variable circum- stances in climate, soil, shelter, and the quality and quantity of the pasturage, as well as the winter feeding and general treatment, wiil always have an effect up- on the stock. Mr. Georcet Law, of Baltimore, has an imported Irish Short-Horn Cow, Sophy, sent to this country by Mr. Murpocn, (now of N. C. near Asheville, a gentleman farmer of superior judgment and various intelligence.) which gave last surnmer, when well fed and in full milk, 38 quarts, or one bushel of milk, a day. Her “ es- cutcheons” or signs correspond with those laid down in the work of M. GueEnon, here in hand transferred from the Farmers’ Liprary. In proof of our suggestion, that with the aid and close observance of the direc- tions given in that work, a mié/k-race of the greatest exceilence may be establish- ed on the basis of our country stock, we need only mention first the success of Col. Jacques in the formation of his ‘“‘ eream-pot” breed. His calves of that blood are bespoken at $100—also the case of the Cow called ‘“ the Oaks Cow,” which was of what is called the Country breed, and rather under size. It is not to be doubted, that if this great discovery in kine-ology had been made, she would have been found to display the “ escutcheons,” in full relief, and lastly to show, that for mz/king purposes, we need not go abroad, unless, as we go for foreign voters, for increase of numbers. We may refer to Mr. Donaxpson’s famous Cow, Kaatskill, of which a fine portrait is given in the Cultivator, with the followmg account :—* ¢ Kaatskill’ received the first prize of the New-York State Agricul- tural Society as the best Dairy Cow exhibited at Poughkeepsie, in 1844. We are unable to refer to the original statement furnished the Society by Mr. Don- ALDSON in regard to the produce of this Cow, but can say that satisfactory evi- dence was given that she had yielded, when iept on grass only, thirty-eight and a half quarts of milk per day, and that from the milk given by her in two days, six and a half pounds of butter were made, being at the rate of twenty-two and three-fourths pounds per week. Her appearance fully corresponds with the ac- count of her produce. It is proper to state, that while her milk was measured for the purpose of accurately ascertaining the quantity, she was milked four times every twenty-four hours.” Kaatskill is represented as a “native,” which we sup- pose means what is commonly called ‘‘ country breed.” : ‘The Improvep Kerry is an Irish breed, of rather diminutive size, hardy, and which can subsist on scanty pasture. This renders them exceedingly well adapt- ed for hilly pastures, and for cottagers who may not have the best food to offer their stock. Their milk and butter are rich in quality, and for their size they are good milkers. They are quiet enough when let alone ; but, if the least irritatéd, no fence can contain them. ‘The Irish Cows have improved very much of late years, in consequence of crossing; and they are now, in many respects, thought equal to the breeds of either England or Scotland. The Lone-HWornep or Lancashire is distinguished by the length of its horns, the thickness of its hide, and the large size of its hoofs. It is far from being a handsome animal, nor is it held in very general estimation either for milking or ieeding. : THE COW AND THE DAIRY. La HicHianp Breeps.—The cattle of the Highlands of Scotland are of small bulk and very hardy. The most esteemed are those belonging to the Western High- lands and Isles, called the Argyleshire breed, and frequently kyloes. It :s thought that this breed might be much improved by judicious crossing, as was seen in the case of the Ayrshire kyloe, formerly mentioned. This breed is rather handsome in appearance ; the horns are long and upright, head large, neck short and deep, legs of a good length, and the beef is in general estimation. ‘The cattle of the Highlands and Isles are bred on an extensive scale of farming for the purpose of sending to the southern markets. Small in size at first, they increase in bulk as they are transferred to a more genial climate and richer pasturage as they pro- ceed southward, till, by annual stages, they reach the neighborhood of London, when they are large and heavy. ‘lhe breeds may, therefore, be considered more an object of culture for the shambles than the dary. The Atperney breed of cattle is awkwardly shaped, with short, bent horns, and light red, dun, or fawn-colored skins. ‘lhe appetite of the Cow is voracious, and it yields little milk, but that is of an exceedingly rich quaiity, and the ani- 7 is on that account preferred by families who do not regard the expense of eep. We once knew an honest dairy-woman maintain that the milk of one Alder- ney Cow would color the butter from the milk of seven common Cows, mixed with hers. ‘he Alderney Bull is vicious and intractable, but nothing can equal the beautiful color and richness of the milk and cream from the Alderney Cow. Noblemen in England, some of them rich enough to give a guinea for a tea-spoon- ful of cream for their coffee, keep an Alderney in their magnificent parks, espe- cially for the means of improving that delicious beverage—especially when made of old Mocha—such as was offered, and by her own fair hands administered to her friends by a lady of this City on New-Year’s day, in lieu of hebetating egg- nog, and other inebriating liquors or liqueurs. In adverting briefly to the properties of cattle, it will be advisable to de- scribe the points by which they are characterized: 1. The nose or muzzle——In the Devon, Hereford, and Sussex, the muzzle is preferred when of a clear golden color. When brown or dark, it is an indication that this breed has been crossed with some of the Welsh or other breeds. 2. The forehead should neither be narrow nor very broad—the eye prominent. The nostril be- tween the eye and muzzle should be thin, which is particularly the case in the best breeds of the Devon cattle. 3. The horns should be thin, projecting horizontally from the head, and turning up at the tips, as in the breeds of the Devon, Sussex, and Hereford. 4. The neck should be neither long nor short, full at the sides and not too deep in the throat, com- ing out from the shoulders nearly level with the chine, with a thin dewlap. 5. The lop of the plate bones should not be too wide, but rising upon a level with the chine, and well thrown back, so that there may be no hollowness behind ; this point gives facility to the walk. From the point of the shoulder to the top of the plate bones should be rather fuil outside, to admit the ribs to bow. 6. The shoulder point should lay flat with the ribs without any projection. When the shoulder point projects outward, the beast seldom fattens well about the shoulder vein. 7. The breast should be wide and open, projecting forward. 8. The chine should lie straight, and well covered with flesh. ARB Ow 16 INTRODUCTORY REMARKS: 9. The loin should be flat and wide—the side lying parallel, and nearly as high as the chine— almost as wide at the fore as at the hinder part; being an indication of tls :ibs bowing out, which is desirable. 16. The hip or huckle bones should be wide apart, coming upon a level with the cline, to the first touch or setting on of the tail. ll. The first touch or tip of the rump should be tolerably wide, so that the tail drop in a level between the two points. The tail should come out broad, as an indication of a flat chine. 12. The thigh should not be too full outside nor behind, which is always an indication of bully flesh, but the inside or twist should be full. 13. The hock or hough should be flat and rather thin, not coarse and gummy, which indicates coarseness in the animal. 14. The hind leg should be flat and thin. The legs of a medium length, and the hock or hough rather turning out. 15. The feet or claws not too broad. 16. The jlank should be full and heavy when the animal is fat, indicative of being fat inside. 17. The belly should not drop below the breast, but in a horizontal line with it. 18. Zhe brisket. 19. Zhe shoulder should be rather flat, not projecting. 20. The foreleg should be also flat and upright, but not fleshy. 21. The round or pot-bone should not project, but lie flat with the outside of the thigh. 22. The under jaw.—The jaws should be rather wide, particularly for beasts intended for work- ing. as it affords them greater liberty to breathe. 23. The chap should be fine, indicating a disposition to feed. 24. Zhe ribs should spring nearly horizontally from the chine, the sides round forming a circle; in which case the animal will never drop in the belly, and will lay its meat on the prime parts. The great objection to the Sussex breed of cattle is that they are too sharp in the chine, and the ribs tco flat. When this is the case, the animal will always drop in the belly, and seldom lay its meat on the prime joints. Remarks on Breeds. We have thus briefly treated of some of the many breeds of cattle considered val- uable as dairy stock in Britain ; but we pretend not to give any decided opinion as to wnich1s best. The merits of each kind have been vigorously contested by tneir respective advocates, and it would be extremely difficult to decide between them. Upon the form and qualifications of a perfect Cow, it ought to be observed, that whatever breed is selected, there is a wide difference between the form of ene meant for fattening and that intended for the dairy. The first should resemble the Ox as nearly as possible; while the latter should be long and thin on the head, with a brisk, quiet eye, lank in the neck, narrow across the shoulders, but broad at the haunches ; and there should be no tendency to become fat. ‘lhe ud- der should be large and full looking, but not protruding too far behind ; the teats all pointing out and downward, equal in size and rather long and tapering ; all corresponding with the signs or escutcheons as given in this book. A Cow with a high back-bone, large head, small udder, and showing an inclination to become fat, will be found tobe a bad milker. This description applies to all breeds ; and of course the difference between a Cow for fattening and one for yielding milk will be comparative. Mr. Aiton mentions the following as the most important qualities of the Dairy Cow :—‘‘ Tameness and docility of temper greatly enhance its value. One that is quiet and contented feeds at ease, does not break over fences, or hurt herself or other cattle, will always yield more milk than than those who are of a turtu- lent disposition. ‘To render them docile, they ought to be gently treated, fre- quently handled when young, and never struck or frightened. Some degree of hardiness, however, a sound constitution, and a moderate degree of life and spir- its, are qualities to be wished for in a milch Cow, and what those of Ayrshire generally possess. Some have thought that a Cow living on a sma! quantity of food was a valuable quality, but that will depend upon the quantity of milk giv- en by the Cow that eats little compared with those that eat much. Ifthe Cow that eats little gives as much milk as the one that cats mere, it certainly is a val- uable quality; but of this I entertain doubts, which forty years’ experience and observation have served to confirm. Speculative writers affirm that some Cows will fatten as well, and yield as much milk, when fed on coarse as others will do on rich food. Cows that have been reared and fed on coarse pasture will yield some milk of a good quality, and from which the best butter may be extracted 5 while a Cow that has been reared and fed on much better pasture, would, if turn- ed on that which is bad, give scarcely any milk. With persons living in towns q and villages, and keeping but a single Cow, with opportunity of grazing on the | ee : : THE COW AND THE DAIRY. V7 commons, and depending mainly on them for food,a good rule is to get their Cow, not over the middle size ; and from a poorer district of country. If she comes irom rich, fertile pastures, she will fall off in her milk, below the quantity which he was assured she had been accustomed to give, and thus disappoint him. If from a poorer district, with the addition of the “ slop” from the house and kitch- en, and the external signs here laid down, she will be sure toimprove. But if a Cow that has been accustomed to feed on bad pasture, be put on that which is better, she will greatly increase in milk, and fatten much faster. If two Cows of the same age and condition, and which have been reared and fed on food of equal quality, are put, the one on bad food, and the other on that which is good; the latter will yield four times the milk, and fatten four times faster than the for- mer. A Cow need not always be fed on green clover, cabbages, and cauliflower ; but she will neither fatten nor yield milk if she gets no better fare than rushes, bent, and sage grass.” A writer in the «¢‘ Farmer’s Magazine,” a few years ago, presented the follow- ing doggrel lines, as combining what are popularly considered the good points of a Cow, such as is common among the Short-Horned breed of Yorkshire :— *‘She’s long in her face, she’s fine in her horn, She’ll quickly get fat without cake or corn ; She’s clean in her jaws, and full in her chine, She's heavy in flank, and wide in her loin. She’s broad in her ribs, and long in her rump, A straight and flat back, without e’er a bump ; She ’s wide in her hips, and calm in her eyes, She’s fine in her shoulders, and thin in her thighs. She’s light in her neck, and small in her tail, She’s wide in her breast, and good at the pail, She’s fine in her bone, and silky of skin— She’s:a grazier’s without, and a butcher’s within.” To ensure the perpetuation of valuable qualities in Cows, it is necessary to breed from good Bulls of a similar variety to the Cows. The heifer or young Cow, if properly pastured, should begin to breed at two years, or not beyond two and a half years old. The Cow is at her prime at from four to six years, and de- clines into old age at ten or eleven years, when it is customary to fatten her for market. Dairymen, in selecting Cows, prefer those which have had their third or fourth calf when they have attained their fifth or sixth year. The Bull is in his prime at three years, and should not be used after eight or nine years old. GENERAL MANAGEMENT OF COWS. Calving. The Cow goes with young nine calendar months, or 270 days but this length of time is liable to variation, from the efféct of circumstances. his “Encyclopedia of Agriculture,” has condensed the following description of its extent and mode of management from various publications : «« The number of Cows kept by the present Messrs. Rhodes exceeds, on an ave- rage of the year, four hundred: at one time these individuals are said to nave had upward of a thousand Cows in their different establishments. The surface on which the buildings are placed is a slope of two or three acres, facing the east ; and its inclination is about one inch in six feet. The sheds run in the di- rection of the slope—as well for the natural drainage of the gutters, and the more easily scraping, sweeping, and wheeling out of the manure, as for supplying wa- ter for drinking to small cast-iron troughs, which are fixed in the walls, at the heads of the cattle, in such a manner as that the one trough may be supplied from the other throughout the whole length of theshed. The sheds are twenty- four feet wide ; the side walls about eight feet high; the roof of tiles, with rising shutters for ventilation, and with panes of glass, glazed into cast-iron skeleton tiles, for light. The floor is nearly flat, with a gutter along the center; and a row of stalls, each seven feet and a half wide, and adapted for two Cows, runs along the sides. ‘The Cows are fastened by chains and rings, which rings run on upright iron rods, in the corners of the stalls—the common mode being departed from only in having iron rods instead of wooden posts. | Weir) LE a sie = Un) COB sian ase biares Nov./4)) ne28 eos ere Logo 2 ENP aR aco May 4), 9o oP aeo ceca Aug. 5 SO pO eettate mielelato TH rfl ae UA cert 4A AH BL oe Seite eS, SS ere eer a8 el saute etelalelel= ‘t 18|(May) Je -seccee. 2) 7S) Aug. 1 occ c25, Pe SNOW dl seme et, CEM itergate nie etarere OT FLAN REGS Ba arate fae eles dies Ea I Ta Li ey (ce 66 S| ea Indore atta 5S 2 a er ares UOT | ae Ae ate eet ae te TCLS) ie ae Aaa eroleiere 60 SD Lee AC Ss cea ee Seatac ters ate OB ent Lote aiale 4-15). © QV ee eee e nt ON US i oretere eee SOB anteraipie te ahaa Dee, (5) Rater eee Mat 4). 4" (2B eae Jane’. 5} . 28...¢. 7. -Septie UAT dae ciecislscle so! | (61/0 ie monlaereeretne a Ty 8 Ble ckeee SRB 0S ae Sein waehia's state 4) 12 | Tone el eaters tele Bi Septs Lesa «)*OlDec. Le tekeesien meee “ Te are tea ae “ 19 af br dp sae “a 14 ““ Tes oats. e “ 15 “ y ee eee “ 21 “ 21 ate aN vate “ 26 pI ee “ Q1 “ 142-005. “ 22 “ Loeykvoes “ 31 SOUS ee as nivice se A. er | eI etate AO Oly) @ Ligteeavetetets ier! ees Corse cpg A) OLS) NG LE aataeie nts ota #5) 4, BAUME Ae See TN) Sat 4 UT I eAedaly. 6)" M4 ORs Oct. 5 Maciek THE SPAYING OF COWS. TRANSLATED FOR THE WORKING FARMER, FROM “LA NORMANDIE AGRICOLE JOURNAL D’AGRICULTURE PRATIQUE,” &c., &c. STATEMENT OF M. P. A. MORIN, VETERINARY SURGEON AT THE ROYAL DEPOT AT LANGONNET. A LAND owner in the United States, Mr. Winn, seems to have had the first practice in spaying cows. The object of the operation was to maintain in the cow, without interruption, a supply of the same quantity of milk that she gave at the time of spaying. Notwithstanding the favorable results that Mr. W inn claimed to have obtained, the operation remained almost unknown i in France until a veterinary surgeon of Lausanne (a Swiss), M. Levrat made known the experiments prac- tised by him, and theit effects. The T'reatise of M. Levrat ends with the following conclusions :— “The effect of spaying seems to me to cause a more abundant and constant secretion of milk, which possesses also superior qualities, whence the following advantages result to the proprietor: “1. An increase of one third in the quantity of milk. “2. The certainty of having almost constantly the same quantity of milk. “3. Exemption from accidents which may happen during the period of heat, when the cows mount each other, or are covered by too large bulls. Mi: 4. Exemption from the risk of accidents which sometimes accompany or follow gestation and calving. “5, Base in fatting cows, when their milk begins to dry up. “6. In fine, spaying is the only means of preventing onerous expenses, occasioned by cows be- coming ‘ ¢awrelieres,’ which is so frequently the case in some countries, that it is rare to see cows kept more than two or three years without getting in this state: as for example, in the environs of Lausanne and Lavaux, wher e they” are obliged for this reason to change all their cows every two or three years, which is quite ruinous.’ ; M. Levrat confirmed, after a year's observations, this fact, that the quantity of milk was con- stantly kept the same after the time of spaying. M. Reégére, veterinary surgeon at Borieaux inserted in the Recuel de Médecine Vétérinaire, a series of facts upon the spaying of cows. that had been acted upon by various proprietors. It appears from these facts, which he recounts with many details, and whose authenticity is fixed, that the spayed cows have given without interruption after the operation, a quantity of milk at least double the average of what they gave during the preceding years. “After the researches that I have made since I commenced all these experiments, to the present time,” says M. Régére, “this calculation is very exact, and if the cows continue to give milk during their whole life, in like manner, the operation of spaying will furnish incontestable advantages, | particularly i in large cities, and their vicinity, where fodder is very dear, and where milk always sells well.” A remark made by MM. Levret and Régére, is that some cows, although they have been spayed, have had their heat, notwithstanding the removal of their ovarium, and the incapacity for their re- production. These animals present, ‘at the time of their heat, this difference from what we remark during the same period incows not spayed, that their milk does not undergo any alteration in either quantity or quality, We may add, that the school of Alfort has, recently, practised this oper: ation upon different cows, and that all the results obtained have reached the point we have above stated. Leaving this, we arrive at the facts determined by M. Morin. Young cows ought to receive that nourishment which favors the secretion of milk, and which - in consequence renders active their lactiferous vessels. The cow is not usually in full production until after the third or fourth calf; she continues to give the same return up to the seventh or eighth; from this time lactation diminishes after each new calving. On the other hand, from the moment that the cow has received the bull, and gradually as gestation advances, the quantity of milk progressively diminishes in most breeds, until three or four months before healthy parturition, ) the secretion of milk is almost nothing. It is to guard against this loss, and other inconveniences, ) that we lay down what we have obtained after some years’ experience in spaying the cow, and | the happy results that we meet with daily. OF THE SPAYING OF THE COW AND THE ADVANTAGES OF THIS OPERATION. “The operation of spaying in the cow is productive of great advantages. “1, The cow spayed a short time after calving, that is to say, thirty or forty days afterward, and SLOOP IPP OP aeae5—eerrr r_ ee _ Leow ™* LOL ll el « 38 THE SPAYING OF COWS. ? at the time when she gives the largest quantity of milk, continues to give the like quantity, if not PPP Hr during her whole lifetime, at least during many years, and at the time when the milk begins to dry up the animal fattens. We are able to add, moreover, at this day, certain facts, the result of many years’ experiment, that the milk of the spayed cow, although as abundant, and sometimes more so, than before the operation, is of a superior quality to that from a cow not spayed ; that it is uniform in its character, that it is richer, consequently more buttery, and that the butter is always of a golden color. “We believe that we ought to remark in passing, that if we feed the spayed cow too abundantly, lactation diminishes, and that the beast promptly fattens. It is therefore important that the feed- ing should not be more than sufficient to enable us to obtain the desired result. “2. The spayed cow fattens more easily ; its flesh, age considered, is better than that of the ox; it is more tender and more juicy. “ Indeed, no one is ignorant of the fact that all domestic animals, females as well as males, de- prived of their procreative organs, fatten more quickly than those which retain them; that the flesh of the spayed females is more tender and more delicate tha. that of males. The same phenomena take place among spayed cows that occur among other females that have submitted to this operation ; so, besides the advantage of furnishing a long-continued supply, before commencing a course of fattening, of abundant milk, and butter of a superior quality, the cow fattens easily and completely, and a certain benefit follows this course. “ 3. In spaying decrepit cows, that is to say, of the age of from six to seven years, puny, small ones; those which, though fine in appearance bear badly ; those which are subject to miscarriage; those which frequently experience difficult calving, or delivery ; those difficult to keep ; and finally, all those that are tawre/ieres, that is to say, constantly in heat—we have in addition to an abun- dant production of milk and butter, and a facility of fattening, the advantage of preventing a de- generation of the species, and moreover of avoiding a crowd of accidents or maladies which fre- quently take place during or after gestation, and of diminishing those which happen during the period of heat, such as that of heavy cows mounting others, or being jumped upon by too heavy bulls. “ Except under peculiar circumstances, we should take care in spaying the cow, that its teats have acquired their complete development, and that the milk has the proper qualities. The most suitable time is after the third or fourth calving. “ Many societies of agriculture, impressed with the important results that this operation effects, fix yearly at their agricultural meetings, premiums for the encouragement of the spaying of old cows. We doubt not that other societies who have not yet adopted this plan—not being convinced of its importance—when they are, will imitate their example. By this means they bestow upon the country a new source of products. “We have been engaged for four years in researches upon this valuable discovery, we believe that it is incumbent upon us to state the results that we have obtained up to the present time. In the number of twenty-seven cows, aged from six to fifteen years, that we have actually spayed, we have had the following results: 1. Increase of milk in cows of six years; 2. Constant produc- tion in those that have passed that age; 3. Milk richer than that of the cow not spayed, conse- quently more buttery, and the butter both of a uniformly golden color, and having an aroma and taste far superior to that of a cow that has not undergone this operation. “ Early in July, 1842, we obtained as a subject of experiment, a cow from Brittany, of the small kind, twelve years old, calved about two months before, and which gave when we obtained her, about six quarts of milk daily. The next day after we performed the operation of spaying, indeed the first eight days after that, the secretion of milk sensibly diminished, in consequence ef the light diet on which she had been put; but, on the ninth day, the time at which the cure was complete and the cow put on her ordinary food, the milk promptly returned as to its former quantity, and she at the same time assumed a plumpness that she had not had previously. Customarily bringing together, the yield of three days for butter-making being eighteen quarts, it produced constantly two kilograms of butter of the best quality. From the month of December to the following March, the quantity of milk diminished about one third, and the butter proportionally, the cow during that time having been put on dry fodder. But so soon as we were able to tarn her into pastare—about the beginning of April—the milk, after eight days of this new food, resumed its former course, and the animal continued daily to furnish the same relative amounts of milk and butter as before. “Three cows, two of which were fourteen years old, and the other fifteen, have dried up two years after the operation, and at the same time promptly fattened, without increase or change of food. “ One cow eight years old, plentifully supplied with trefoil and cabbage, gave, a short time after the operation, a quantity of milk nearly double that which she gave before, although she was kept on the same kind of food. She has during a year continued to furnish the same amount, and has in addition fattened so rapidly, that the owner has been obliged, seeing her fatness, to sell her to the butcher, although she was still very good for milk. “ Another fact, no less worthy of remark, we must not pass over in silence; and which goes to prove the superior and unchanging quality of the milk of a spayed cow. It is, that a proprietor having spayed a cow five years old, recently calved, with the special intention of feeding with her milk a newly-born infant, the infant arriving at the age of six months, of a robust constitution, re- fused its pap since it had been accidentally prepared with milk different from that of the spayed cow. “The other cows which had been spayed continued to give entire satisfaction to their owners, as well in respect to the quantity and quality of the milk, as also by their good condition. “ Six cows manifested, shortly after the operation, and on divers occasions, the desire for copu- lation; but we have not remarked this peculiarity except among the younger ones. In other respects, as my colleagues, MM. Levrat and Régére, have statea, we milk has not indicated the least alteration in quantity or quality. “ Indeed, the happy results that are daily attained from this important discovery, are so conclusive, and so well known at this time in our part of the country, that as we write, many proprietors bring “ww Rn Eee OBO LBL LLL LOLOL_OL_OF_OLI_OOFJ_OL_OI_OI_OI_I™_OI™_OIJ™_I™_I™_O OFF BPFB PP ee eee ae) THE SPAYING OF COWS. 39 us constantly good milch cows, since we have called upon them to do so, for us to practice the operation of spaying upon them. Every owner of cattle is aware, that from the time that the cow has received a bull, and in proportion as gestation advances, the milk changes and diminishes pro- gressively, until at last, two or three months before a healthy parturition, the animal gives very little or no milk, whence ensues considerable loss; while at the same time, after the cows are subjected to the bull, the milk and butter are—for fifty days, at least—of a bad quality, and improper to be exposed for sale; but in addition to this, breeding cows are generally subjected to such loss in winter, and their keepers find themselves during a great part of the year, entirely deprived of mak and butter. and at a time, too, when they most need them. “By causing the cows to undergo this operation, as we have mentioned in the preceding chapter, the owner will never fail of having milk and butter of excellent quality; will fatten his animals easily when they dry up, and also will improve the race, an anxiety for which is perceived in many provinces of France. “Tn general, the means employed by farmers to obtain the best possible price for old cows, be- yond being useful, or to use a commercial term, not merchantable, as to bring them to the bull, in- tending that gestation shall give them more suitable plumpness, so that they may be sold on more advantageous terms to the butcher; but does this state of fictitious embonpoint or fatness, render the flesh of these beasts better? Assuredly not. It is merely bloated, flabby flesh, livid, and which easily taints. Broth made from it is not rich, is without flavor, and without an agreeable smell; the lean and fat are in a measure infiltrated with water. and are consequently of bad quality and difficult sale. These causes ought then to determine farmers to adopt the advice we give; they, as well as the butcher and the consumer, will derive very great advantage from it. “ As our method of operating may be slightly different from that pointed out by our colleague, M. Levrat, we will describe that which we practice. “ Having covered the eyes of the cow to be operated upon. we place her against a wall, provided with five rings firmly fastened, and placed as follows: the first corresponds to the top of the withers; the second to the lower anterior part of the breast; the third is placed a little distance from the angle of the shoulder; the fourth is opposite to the anterior and superior part of the lower region, and the fifth, which is behind, answers to the under part of the buttocks. We place a strong as- sistant between the wall and the head of the animal, who firmly holds the left horn in his left hand, and with his right, the muzzle, which he elevates a little. This done, we pass through and fasten the end of along and strong plaited cord in the ring, which corresponds to the lower part of the breast ; we bring the free end of the cord along the left flank and pass it through the ring which is below and in front of the withers. We bring it down along the breast behind the shoulders and the angle of the fore leg to pass it through the third ring; from there, we pass it through the ring, which is at the top of the back; then it must be passed around against the outer angle of the left hip, and we fasten it, after having drawn it tightly to the posterior ring by a simple bow-knot. « The cow being firmly fixed to the wall, we placed a cord, fastened by a slip-noose around its hocks to keep them together in such manner that the animal can not kick the operator, the free end of the cord and the tail are held by an assistant. The cow, thus secured, can not, during the operation, move forward. nor lie down, and the veterinary surgeon has all the ease desirable, and is protected from accident. * M. Levrat advises that an assistant should hold a plank or bar of wood obliquely under the teats aud before its limbs to ward off the kicks; but this method is not always without danger, both to the operator and the animal, because, at the commencement, that is, when the surgeon makes the incision through the hide and the muscles, the cow makes such sudden movements and tries so frequently to strike with its left hind foot, that it may happen that upon every movement, the plank or the bar may be struck against the operator's legs. On the other hand, although the defense may be firmly held by the assistant. yet it may happen, that in spite of his exertions, he sometimes may be thrown against the operator by the movements she may attempt, and there may be an uncontrollable displacement of the plank or bar; and then it may happen that she becomes wounded, and at the same time prevents the operation, while, by the mode we point out, there is no fear of accident, either to the operator or the beast. Incase of the want of a wall provided with rings, we may use a strong palisade, a solid fence, or two trees a suitable distance apart, across which we fix two strong bars of wood, separated from each other, according to the size of the cow. “There is another means of confining them that we have employed for some time past, where the cows were very strong and irritable, more simple than the preceding, less fatiguing for the ani- mal, less troublesome to the operator, and which answers perfectly. It consists: Furst. In leaving the cow almost free, covering her eyes, holding her head by two strong assistants, one of whom seizes the nose with his hand and strongly pinches the nostrils, whenever the animal makes any violent movements during the operation. Second. To cause another assistant to hold the two hind legs, kept together by meansof a cord passed above and beneath the hocks; this assistant also holds the tail and pulls it, whenever the animal seeks to change its place. “The cow being conveniently disposed, and the instruments and appliances, such as curved Scissors upon a table, a convex edged bistoury, a straight one, and one buttoned at the point, suture needle filled with double thread of desired length, pledgets of lint of appropriate size and length, a mass of tow (in pledgets) being collected in a shallow basket, held by an intelligent assistant, we place ourselves opposite to the left flank, our back turned a little toward the head of the animal ; we cut off the hair which covers the hide in the middle of the flanks, at an equal distance between the back and the hip, for the space of thirteen or fourteen centimetres in circumference; this done, we take the convex bistoury, and place it opened between our teeth, the edge out, the joint to the left; then, with both hands, we seize the hide in the middle of the flank and form of it a wrinkle of the requisite elevation, and running lengthwise of the body. We then direct an assistant to seize with his right hand the right side of this wrinkle; we then take the bistoury that we held 40 THE SPAYING OF COWS. in our teeth, and we cut the wrinkle at one stroke through the middle; the wrinkle having been suffered to go down, a separation of the hide is presented of sufficient length to enable us to irtro- duce the hand ; thereupon we separate the edges of the hide with the thumb and forefinger of the left hand, and in like manner, we cut through the abdominal muscles, the ¢/iaz (slightly obliquely) and the /wmbar (across) for the distance of a centimetre from the lower extremity of the incision made in the hide ; this done, armed with the straight bistoury, we make a puncture of the perito- neum at the upper extremity of the wound ; we then introduce the buttoned bistoury, and move it obliquely from above to the lower part, up to the termination of the incision made in the abdominal muscles. The flank being opened, we introduce the right hand into the abdomen and direct it along the right side of the cavity of the pelvis, behind the ewl de saurumen (paunch) and underneath the rectum, where we find the cornes de (uterus (matrix); after we have ascertained the position of these viscera, we search for the ovazres (organs of reproduction), which are at the extremity of the cornes, and when we have found them, we seize them between the thumb and forefinger, detach them completely from the ligaments that keep them in their place, pull lightly, separating the cord, and the vessels (uterine or fallopian tube) at their place of union with the ovarium, by means of the nail of the thumb and forefinger, which presents itself at the point of touch ; in fact we break the cord and bring away the ovarium. We then introduce again the hand in the abdominal cavity, and we proceed in the same manner to extract the other ovaria. This operation terminated, we, by the assistance of the needle, place a suture of three or four double threads waxed at an equal distance, and at two centimetres, or a little less from the lips of the wound, passing it through the divided tissues, we move from the left hand with the piece of thread ; having reached that point, we fasten with a double knot, we place the seam in the intervals of the thread from the right, and as we approach the lips of the wound, we fasten by a simple knot, with a bow, being careful not to close too tightly the lower part of the seam, so that the suppuration which may be established in the wound, may be able to escape. This operation effected, we cover up the wound with a pledget of lint kept in its place by three or four threads passed through the stitches, and all is completed, and the cow is then led back to the stable. “Tt happens, sometimes, that in cutting the muscles, of which we have before spoken, we cut one or two of the arteries which bleed so much, that there is necessity fora ligature before open- ing the peritoneal sac, because, if this precaution be omitted, blood will escape into the abdomen, and may occasion the most serious consequences. CARE AFTER THE OPERATION. The regimen that we prescribe during the first eight days following the operation, is a light diet, and a soothing lukewarm draught; if the weather should be cold, we cover the cow with a woollen covering. We must prevent the animal from licking the wound and from rubbing it against other bodies. The third day after the operation, we bathe morning and evening about the wound, with water of mallows lukewarm, and in default of this, we anoint it with a salve of hog’s lard, and we administer an emollient glyster during three or four days. “ Hight days after the operation we take away the bandage, the lint, the fastenings and the threads; the wound is at that time completely cicatrized, as we have observed that a reunion takes place almost always by the first intention, as we have only observed suppuration in three cows, and then it was very slight. In this case we must use a slight pressure above the part where the suppuration is established, so as to cause the pus to leave it, and if it continues more than five or six days, we must supply emollients by alcolized water, or chloridized, especially if it be in sum- mer. We then bring the cow gradually back-to her ordinary nourishment. ““We have remarked in some cows a swelling of the body a short time after being spayed, a state that we have attributed to the introduction of cold air into the abdomen during the operation; but this derangement has generally ceased within twenty-four hours. Ifthe contrary should occur, we administer one or two sudorific draughts; such as wine, warm cider, or a half glass of brandy, in a quart of warm water; treatment which suffices in a short time to re-establish a healthy state of the belly, the animal at the same time being protected by two coverings of wool. “The operation which we have been describing, ought to be performed as we have said before, thirty to forty days after calving, upon a cow which has had her third or fourth calf, so that we may have a greater abundance of milk. The only precaution to be observed before the operation, is, that on the preceding evening we should not give so copious a meal as usual, and to operate in the morning before the animal has fed, so that the operator shall not find any obstacle from the primary digestive organs, especially the paunch, which, during its state of ordinary fullness, might prevent operating with facility. CONCLUSION. of milk, increase of quantity, and improvement of quality; richer, more buttery, superior color, finer taste and flavor. 2. The most suitable age is six years, and after the third or fourth calf. 3. The spayed cow fattens more easily, and furnishes beef of a better quality. 4. Cows that are “From what has preceded, it is fixed and irrefutable,—1. That spaying induces permanency bad breeders may be kept as good milkers, and the quality of good cattle kept up.” : | a i ea ON By ee 4>'G OW Se WHEREBY THE QUALITY AND QUANTITY OF MILK WHICH ANY COW WILL GIVE MAY BE ACCURATELY DETERMINED, BY TREATISE. OBSERVING NATURAL MARKS, OR EXTERNAL INDICATIONS ALONE; THE LENGTH OF TIME SHE WILL CONTINUE TO GIVE MILK, &e. &e: By M. FRANCIS GUENON, France. Translated from the French of the Author, for the Farmers’ Library, By N. P. TRIST, late U. S. Consul at Havana. THE TRANSLATOR TO THE READER. \ | ! Nonsense! Who can believe any such thing 2? What! by merely looking at a cow, to be able to tell how much milk she is capable of being made to yield ; and, also, how long she can continue to give milk after being got with calf!— to be able thus to ascertain, not only what are the qualities of a full grown cow, ¢ but what are to be the qualities of any heifer-calf, by looking at her while yet but two or three months old! Surely, if ever there was a humbug, this is one. Sofily, Mr. Reader! You are very incredulous, no doubt, but I defy you to be more so than I was when in your present position. What is more, I defy you to cling to your skepticism over an hour or so. However strong and firm it may be at this moment, it will, in a little while, have vanished into nothing ; and its place will be filled by another solid proof in addition to the many you must al- ready have stored up, that , “There are more things in heaven and earth ; Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” When this discovery was first mentioned to me, as one which had recently been published in France, I smiled at the credulity of some people. My informant, perceiving what effect the announcement had upon me, said, “It is so, however ae and then, nothing but politeness toward a stranger, for the first time under my roof, prevented my replying, “‘ You do not really believe this to be possible.” He offered to send me the book; and, though I had not the least idea of throwing away my time in reading it, civility would not allow me to decline. It came, and I opened it with the intention merely of looking into it sufficiently to say that I had done so. When, however, in turning the pages over, I saw that this piece of quackery, as I felt very sure the pretended discovery must be, had engaged the attention of distinguished Agricultural Societies in France, and 42 TREATISE ON MILCH COWS. had earned “‘ Gold Medals” for its author, in a country where they are not prone to be lavish of such substantial marks of approbation, my curiosity was awakened, and I had soon read enough to bring home to me once more, for the thousandth time, that homely old truth, “ We live to learn.” Since then, many things have occurred to strengthen my confidence in the re- ality of this discovery, and in its high practical value to all interested in the pre- servation and improvement of milk stock—and who is it that is not interested in its productiveness ? ‘The most recent of these incidents is as follows: A friend to whom I had lent the translation accompanied with the plates which are requisite to make it intelligible, showed it to a man from the country whose calling had rendered him quite conversant with the subject of cattle. This per- son’s curiosity was so far awakened, that, beside attending to the explanations made to him, he took a sketch of some of the escutcheons. After an absence of some weeks, he returned to the city where this had happened, and came to see my friend. ‘That thing (said he) is as true as a book. There is no mistake about the matter. Since I was here, I have looked at more cows than ever you saw, and I am perfectly satisfied that the thing is just as the Frenchman says. I have become convinced, too, of another thing: that our breeds of cattle are by no means the great things they are cracked up to be.” N. P. T. Washington City, January, 1846. t iN —OIC—_CM_N’ IO oneness eee ees es é PPP ll Dll G i ee ee TREATISE ON MILCH COWS. CHAPTER I. ACCOUNT OF THE DISCOVERY. To give the history of my discovery, I must speak of myself. My narrative shall be succinct and short, although my labors have been protracted. But this is a condition attached to discoveries generally ; we must meditate long upon what an instant has sufficed to reveal or suggest tous. It will be seen that, in my case, difficulties were always renewing. I am the son of a gardener, and I followed for a long time this trade of my forefathers. Nature had given me an observing turn of mind; I was fond of bringing things together—of instituting comparisons between them—of deducing consequences. At an early period I became possessed by the idea that I was destined to make some important discovery in the branch of industry which I fol- lowed. Was this the suggestion of mere vanity? Be it as it may, the thought took root in my mind, and became for me a fixed idea. With a view to arriving at this wished-for discovery, [ studied the works of the best writers on Botany and Agriculture ; I learned Geometry and the art of Drawing, so far as it seemed necessary tome. I followed up all the ramifications of the vegetable kingdom, and applied myself to the study of the external signs by which plants and vege- tables of different sorts might be distinguished, and their qualities and product- iveness might be known beforehand. : To do this was to accomplish a good deal, no doubt; but my mind, still pos- sessed by the idea of the great future discovery, was never at rest. I was, like Ahasuerus, under the hand of the angel; a voice within was constantly crying out, “ Go on!” and I felt myself impelled forward ; but I had no glimpse of the goal to which I was tending. Chance led to the discovery of the famous Tyrian purple; to chance also is due an observation which was the germ of my discovery, and constitutes the ba- sis of my method. When fourteen years of age, I used, according to country cus- A EL OOO AIAG AI eg a, 44 TREATISE ON MILCH COWS. — tom, to drive our only Cow to the grazing ground. I was very fond of her, and could have identified her among ever so many. One day, as I was whiling away the time in cleaning and scratching my poor old companion, I noticed that a sort of bran or dandruf detached itself in considerable quantities from certain spots on her hind parts, formed by the meeting of the hair, as it grew in opposite direc- tions ; which spots I have since called ears, from the resemblance they often bear to the bearded ears or heads of wheat orrye.* This fact attracted my attention, and J recollected having heard one of my grandfathers say that it was probable there were external marks on Cows, whereby their good qualities or their defects might be known—just as we judge of the vital force of a plant and its qualities by means of its leaves and the lines on its skin. My own thoughts now took this turn. Reflecting on the subject, I arrived at the conclusion that if, in the vegetable kingdom, there exist external signs, whereby the good and the bad qualities of a plant can be positively known, there ought to exist in the animal kingdom, also, marks whereby we may judge, by inspecting an animal, of its qualities, good and bad; and I thought that I had discovered one of these signs. All this, however, was as yet but mere speculation—a brilliant theory, which experience might belie: it was necessary to interrogate Nature. The Cow which I tended was a good milker. I have already said that I knew her perfectly. I examined other Cows within my reach, to see if I should find the same signs in them. I sought for the bearded ears (quirls), and scratched those spots in quest of dandruf; the abundance or the scarcity of this being what first engaged my attention. Every new Cow was compared with my own as a standard, and her uperiority, equality or inferiority determined in my own mind. From this moment [ spared nothing to follow up my observations ; no fatigue was too great for me; I have often traveled several leagues in order to examine a single Cow. What was my exultation when, after I had formed my judgment of a Cow, the questions with which I belabored her owner brought forth answers that corroborated its accuracy! How often has it happened that people were convinced that the animal whose qualities I was pronouncing upon must have been previously known to me! My secret was the cause of astonishment to ma- ny ; I took good care to keep it to myself. In the course of the comparisons thus instituted by me, with reference to the dandruf alone, which was at first the only thing that governed me, I had occasion to remark that great diversities existed among Cows, in respect to the shape of the bearded ears (quirls) which produced the dandruf. This suggested a new train of reflections and observations, which resulted in my becoming con vinced that these shapes were the signs by which to distinguish Cows, and te know the good and bad qualities of every individual among them. From that moment my discovery was made ; but it was necessary to digest it into a syste —above all, to establish its aecuracy in all its parts, by proofs which should car- ry my own conviction into the minds of others. It was here that all my courage and perseverance was put in requisition. It did not suflice to have discovered signs that were characteristic of different sorts of Cows; it was necessary to make sure that the same mark might always be relied upon as a positive and certain sign of the same perfection or defect.— * These marks are, in some parts of our country, called guir/s. Their occurrence in horses (particularly on the neck, under the mane) is well known to be a sign of blaod. This is a remarkable coincidence; and it seems far from improbable that the discovery made by the author m regard to neat cattle will lead to sim. ilar discoveries respecting other domestic animals. [American T'ranslator. Ri SSM ll Nh Oa NO a OO Ny TREATISE ON MILCH COWS. 45 This could not be effected except by studying a vast number of individuals—by comparing them together—taking into consideration the countries from which they came—their stature—their yield. This was not all: they had to be classed. Conceive what toil this task involved for me, a plain child of Nature, who had no idea of such a classification, and found myself under the necessity of establish- ing one. The endeavor was one to absorb me entirely; I gave up my calling ; I traveled about, visiting cattle markets, fairs, cow-stables; I questioned and eross-questioned all who might be expected to know most on the subject—hus- bandmen, dealers in cattle, men of the veterinary profession ; I became convinced that my discovery had not been anticipated by any one. ‘he marks for distin- guishing a good Cow from a bad one varied according to the notions of each indi- vidual. Some looked to the shape of the horns—others upon that of the udder; some judged by the shape of the animal, or the color of her hair—others were determined in their choice by something else. But, in these various modes of judging, all was vague and uncertain. I became confirmed in the belief that I had made the important discovery of signs that were positive and certain; and, in order the better to satisfy myself of the solidity of the ground upon which my method was to rest, I took the precaution to return to the same localities at dif- ferent times and seasons, that I might trace and ascertain the effects which might attend these variations of Nature. All my observations were accurately noted down ; and I could at length flatter myself with having acquired a mass of facts which gave solidity and consistence to my system, and imparted the character of positive certainty to that which at first had been but a probable conjecture. In 1822, I began to deal in cattle on my own account. ‘This trade brought un- der my eyes a great number and variety of Cows from all quarters—from Switz- erland, Holland, Brittany, Poitou, &c. &c.; and I had better opportunities than before for thoroughly examining the marks of these different races. My obser- vations were multiplied, and | became convinced anew that all individuals pos- sessing the same marks belonged to the same family, whatever might be the country of their birth; that these marks were an infallible indication of the same degree of superiority or inferiority ; ina word, that Nature, always consistent with herself, acted, at all times and places, in the same way, and was always governed by the same laws. For between seven and eight years, I had been incessantly engaged in estab- lishing order among my observations, and arranging the results into one consist- ent whole. I established a classification, founded upon the shape or outline of the different marks: Cows were first divided into classes or families; then, in each of these classes, there was a threefold division, according to size—the tall or high, the medium, and the Jow ; finally, each class was subdivided into orders, according to the diminution and the deformity of the distinctive mark of the class, as found in the different individuals belonging to it. This task was an immense one for me, and cost me a degree of trouble and an expenditure of time, of which a conception may be formed by considering how many comparisons and combina- tions Were necessary to a person so unversed in scientific methods, before my ma- terials could be reduced to order, and I could form a distinct and precise idea of my own discovery. These difficulties, which might have disheartened any other person, did not discourage me. A system was to be created, and I created it. In 1828, I ad- dressed to the Academy of Bordeaux a request, having for its object that my method should be examined and reported upon. I was not yet willing to disclose 46 TREATISE ON MILCH COWS. my secret entirely ; my object was to get the reality of my discovery and its re- sults attested to. The Academy, without adopting my conclusions, did neverthe- less make honorable mention of me, at its sitting of the 3d of June following, in these terms: “M. Francis Guénon, of Libourne, possessor of a method which he deems infallible for judg- ing, by mere visual examination, of the goodness of Milch Cows, and the quantity of milk which each can yield, has solicited the Academy to cause the efficaciousness of this method to be tested by repeated experiments. The case presented by this request was one of a secret method of judging, which the possessor was not willing to reveal. On the other hand, it seemed difficult to admit that the external signs, whatever they might be, by which M. Guénon judges, could al- ways bear a proportional relation to the quantity of milk yielded by a Cow. Nevertheless, the Academy deemed it proper to appoint a Committee charged with making the examination. “Trials have been made, with the care and under the precautions necessary for precluding all collusion. The Cows used for the purpose belonged to three different herds, and amounted to thirty in number, and the result has been to establish, to the satisfaction of the Committee, that M. Guénon really possesses great sagacity in this line. So long, however, as his method shall be kept secret, it cannot be judged of nor rewarded by the Academy. “Governed by these considerations, the Academy, having ascertained from M. Guénon that he is willing to submit to every test that may be proposed, and to disclose his secret upon receivmg a just indemnity, has referred him to the Prefect, and has engaged to recommend him to the fa- vorable notice of that magistrate, who is ever disposed to promote all that tends to improvement.” Here the matter rested at that time. I did not then make up my mind to give my secret to the public; but I persevered in my observations and experiments, in orcer to percect sny discovery. In 1837, the Agvicuiiura: Society of Lordeaux deiermined to ascertain for itself what reality there might be in my system.— The result surpassed its expectation ; the experiments made, in presence of the Committee appointed for the purpose, left no doubt as to the certainty of my method. Here are the terms in which the Committee expressed themselves in their report: AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF BORDEAUX. GUENON DISCOVERY....MILCH COWS. Report to the Agricultural Society of Bordeaux, Gentlemen: The Committee appointed by you to examine into the discoverie#of M. Francis Guénon. of Libourne, have the honor to submit to you the result of their investigations. M. Guénon has established a natural method, by means of which it is easy to recognize and class the different kinds of Milch Cows, according to lst. The quantity of milk which they can yield daily. 2d. The period during which they will continue to give milk. 3d. The quality of their milk. Down to the present day, Gentlemen, the writers and professors who have the most particu- larly occupied themselves with the bovine race have been unable to do anything more than indi- cate some vague signs for judging of the fitness of Cows for secreting milk. After more than twenty years of observations and researches, M. Guénon has succeeded at length in discovering certain natural and positive signs, which constitute the basis of his method ; a method henceforward proof against all error. Sensible of the necessity that your Committee should be fully convinced, and that they could not but look with some degree of distrust upon any results of the proposed trials of his method, unless they should know that those results rested upon tangible facts, and were nowise depend- ent upon guess work, M. Guénon began by imparting his secret to your Committee, and making them fully acquainted with the positive signs upon which he has founded his method. By means of these signs, which are all external and apparent, he has established eight classes or families, which embrace all the varieties of the Cow that are to be met with in the different parts of this kingdom. Tach of these classes or families is subdivided into eight orders. It is divided, also, into three sections, so that each of the sections comprehends the eight orders; this last division TREATISE ON MILCH COWS. 47 having reference merely to the size of the Cows, and serving to distinguish animals which, being the same in respect to the characteristic signs that serve to fix the class and the order to which they belong, differ in hight alone, and in their yield so far only as this is dependent upon size. By means of this classification, which is no less clear and distinct than simple, we are enabled, 1st. To distinguish with ease, in any herd of Cows, each individual comprised in it, according to the quantity of milk which she is capable of yielding—from twenty-six quarts a day down to next to nothing, and all intermediate quantities. 2d. To know the qualities of the milk which each will give, as being creamy or serous. 3d. To determine during what time, after being got with calf, the Cow will continue to give milk. This method—so precious, from the application of which it is susceptible, whether we be con- cerned in the yield of milk only, or whether we avail ourselves of it for the improvement of breeds, which are constantly liable to deterioration from mismanagement in crossing—acquires a new in- terest when we consider that it is applicable, not to full grown animals alone, but also to calves at so early an age as three months. Thus, on the one hand, it affords the means of forming a sure judgment of full grown animals, in regard to which we are often misled, by their form and their parentage, to entertain great expectations which are never realized; and, on the other hand, it se- cures the improvement of herds, by enabling us to dispose at once of those calves which can nev- er repay the trouble and cost of rearing them. This important end, hitherto so vainly aimed at, had it at length been attained? To ascertain this point is the duty with which your Committee were charged. The method of M. Guénon having been revealed to them, it remained to ascertain how far the essential signs upon which it rests might be susceptible of rigorous application. With this view they passed several days in visiting a number of pasture fields, situated in lecal- ities that differed from each other, in order that the experiments might be made upon animals of different breeds, and under varying circumstances. They deem it proper to enter here into some details respecting their mode of proceeding, persuaded that you will thereby be the better enabled to understand and appreciate the merits of this method, and to form a correct judgment of the ex- tent to which your protection is due to a discovery, which is submitted to you by the author with the greater confidence, because it bears directly upon the prosperity of the agriculturist. Every Cow subjected to examination was separated from the rest. What M:? Guénon had to say,in regard to her was taken down in writing by one of the Committee ; and immediately after the proprietor, who had kept at a distance, was interrogated, and such questions put to him as would tend to confirm or disprove the judgment pronounced by M. Guénon. In this way we have examined, in the most careful manner—note being taken of every fact and every observation made by any one present—upward of sixty Cows and Heifers; and we are bound to declare that every statement made by M. Guénon with respect to each of them, whether it regarded the quantity of milk, or the time during which the Cow continued to give milk after being got with calf, or, finally, the quality of the milk as being more or less creamy or serous, was confirmed, and its accuracy fully established. The only discrepancies which occurred were some slight differ- ences in regard to the quantity of milk; but these, as we afterward fully satisfied ourselves, were caused entirely by the food of the animal being more or less abundant. The results of this first test seemed conclusive; but they acquired new force from those of a see- ond trial, in which the method was subjected to another test, through M. Guénon and his brother. Your Committee, availing themselves of the presence of the latter. caused the same Cows to be examined by the two brothers, but separately; so that, after a Cow had been inspected, and her qualities, as indicated by the signs in question, had been pronounced upon by one of the brothers, he was made to withdraw ; then the other brother, who had kept aloof, was called up, and desired to state the qualities of the same animal. This mode of proceeding could not fail to give rise to differences—to contradictions, even—between the judgments of the two brothers, unless their method was a positive and sure one. Well! Gentlemen, we must say it—this last test was abso- lutely decisive: not only did the various judgments of the two brothers accord perfectly together, but they were in perfect accordance, also, with all that was said by the proprietors in regard to the qualities, good and bad, of every animal subjected to this examination. j To the proprietors and to the bystanders, all this was the more surprising, from tne fact that the examination was no less prompt than its results were certain. It was, however, easy to perceive that they, ignorant as they were of the nature of the discovery, had but little confidence in it; and that they ascribed the cunning of M. Guénon simply to a great practical familiarity with Cows. 48 TREATISE ON MILCH COWS. As to ourselyes—for whoni, as we have already informed you, Gentlemen, the method was no long- er a secret—it was with constantly renewing feelings of interest and astonishment that we fol- lowed up these examinations and contemplated the accuracy of their results. Two members particularly of the Committee, whom their special pursuits and their physiological knowledge of domestic animals entitle to great confidence, had, from: the very first examination, been struck with the truth and strength of the system, the successful applications of which were multiplying under our eyes. This system, Gentlemen, we do not fear to say it, is infallible. The signs upon which it is founded, ever constant, invariable in the place which they occupy, are strongly impress- ed upon the animal by the hand of Nature. To appreciate them becomes an easy task ; all that is requisite being, after having examined the animal and ascertained what marks she bears, to ex- amine the drawings and fix upon the one in which those same marks appear. Then, by means of a brief but precise explanation which refers to that drawing, the qualities of the animal under examination become known, and the class and order to which she naturally belongs are indicated. It is by proceeding thus—by examining, first, the marks upon the animal, and then seeking among the drawings for the one in which those marks were reproduced—that the members of your Com- mittee, afler witnessing the first experiment, have been able themselves to apply the system, and to form judgments which were afterward corroborated in the same way that those of M. Guénon were. In the hight of our admiration, Gentlemen, it was a subject of lively regret that the whole Soci- ety were not present; but we have the consolation of hoping that each of you will soon experi- ence the pleasure which we have enjoyed, and have it in,his power to apply this discovery to his own use and benefit. M. Guénon is not disposed to keep it secret; he proposes, so soon as a list of three thousand subscribers shall have been filled, to publish a work, in which his system, com- pletely developed, shall be placed in the strongest light. The distinctive signs of each class and each order will be exactly described, and accurately represented by engraved or lithographic drawings; and the quantity ef milk which each description of Cow is capable of yielding will be stated. : By means of this faithful guide, which is within the capacity of every understanding, errors will be dispelled, and the ability to form correct judgments of Cows will become common to all classeso husbandmen. Before long, none but Cows and Bulls of the first order will be used to breed from; this race of animals, which has become degenerate through bad crosses, will be ele- vated; and, as in other species of domestic animals, individuals of pure blood will be readily ob- tainable. Then, guided by sure and positive knowledge respecting the future qualities of young Cattle, we shall no longer rear, at great expense for three or four years, a Calf whose secretion of milk can never be otherwise than small in quantity and poor in quality ; while, on the other hand, we shall no longer blindly consign to the butcher, young animals that would repay all the care that could be bestowed upon them. These considerations will, we feel persuaded, Gentlemen, determine you to encourage M. Gué- non to the publication and dissemination of a method which promises to be so useful to the agri- culturist. How many poor families, in the neighborhood of large cities, where there is always a great consumption of milk, find ina small number of Cows the means of their subsistence! How extensive a branch of trade is supported by the production of butter and cheese in many of our Provinces—Brittany, Normandy, the Pyrenees, and others! Holland and Switzerland, those coun- tries of fine pastures, are they not indebted to this branch of husbandry for a prosperity which is ever reproducing itself, and never wearing out—a prosperity less rapid, less brilliant, perhaps, than that which results from adventurous traffic, but safer at least for those who depend upon it; whieh is never deceptive; which, more than any other, attaches man to his country, and favors morality, and seems sheltered from those political tempests which, in other lands, so often prostrate the tallest fortunes. [Signed] GUICHENET, Veterinary Professor of the Department. LECONTE, F, PELISSIER. After the reading of this Report, the Society decreed as follows: Ist. That a gold medal be awarded to M. Francis Guénon. 2d. That he be proclaimed a Member of this Society. 3d. That fifty copies of his work on Milch Cows be subscribed for. 4th. That a thousand copies of the Report be printed for distribution among the Agricultural Societies of France. TREATISE ON MILCH COWS. 49 a EE eS ee The foregoing proceedings took place at the General Meeting of the Society, at the House of the Prefecture, on the 4th of July. A true extract. : {Signed] RICHIER, Secretary General of the Society. —_— AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF AURILLAC. At its General Meeting of the 26th May, the following Report was pre- sented and read on the subject of the experiments which I had been called upon to make: Report. Gentlemen: M. Francis Guénon, a husbandman of Libourne, has established a method, deem- ed by him infallible, by means of which, upon a mere inspection of any Milch Cow, she may be judged of, and we may know the quality of her milk, the quantity of it which she is capable of yielding, and also the time during which she can give milk. A Committee appointed by the Agricultural Society of Bordeaux, and composed of several well informed agriculturists, and of a very distinguished Professor of the Veterinary art of the Depart- ment of Gironde, had already borne testimony, after putting it to numerous tests, to the eflicacious- ness of the system of M. Guénon; and the result of its observations had been published in a very remarkable Report, addressed to all the Agricultural Societies of France. Your Society, considering that this discovery might be of high importance to our country, which derives its income chiefly from the product of Milch Cows, entered into correspondence with its author, and gladly accepted his obliging offer to come to Auvergne and subject his method to the test of experiment. Yesterday, the 25th of May, M. Guénon arrived at Aurillac, and immediately proceeded with the members of your Committee to the Veyrac farm, belonging to the President of the Society — He examined with the utmost care the fine cow stable of that domain, which embraces one hun- dred Cows, of the best varieties that we possess. He then began his experiments upon a number of Cows which were presented to him, and which had designedly heen selected from among the best, the moderately good, and the most indifferent of the establishment. Upon each of these sep- arately, M. Guénon pronounced with precision, both in regard to her daily yield of milk, and to the time during which she continued to give milk after being got with calf. We must acknow- ledge, Gentlemen, that his decisions corresponded almost invariably with the statements obtained from the persons in whose charge the Cows are. The only variances we had to notice were some very slight ones in regard to the quantity of milk. On this point, we must call your attention to the fact that the Cows of that establishment are always fed high, upon clover or other artificial grasses which considerably augment the quantity of milk; and that this may have caused the mis- take of M. Guénon, which consisted in his pronouncing the yield to be a little less than it really is. It is to be remarked that he was totally unacquainted with the usages of the country in regard to the feeding of Cattle. In order thoroughly to convince your Committee of the reality of the discovery, M. Guénon. made us acquainted with the different signs upon which his method rests. With reference to these signs, which are external and apparent, and stamped by the hand of Nature upon each ani- mal, he has established eight classes or families, that comprehend all the varieties of the Cow found in the various Provinces of France. Each class is divided into eight orders; and each of these orders into three sections, according to size, as being high, of medium hight, aad low. According to the numerous observations of the author, all Cows belong to some one of these classes or families, and take their place under some one of the eight orders of the class. Each class possesses marks differing in shape and size from those of the other classes; and these marks are easy to distinguish, on merely looking atthem. In each class, the Cows of the first orders are the best of the class, and the yield of milk is in proportion to the order; so that the two higher or- ders are the most productive, the third and fourth orders tolerably good, and the others falling off more and more, according to their grade. M. Guénon applied his system, in our presence, to a number of Cows which were presented to. him a second time; he made us remark their various signs, which differed in size and shape, and were larger or smaller according as the Cow was a good ora bad milker. He informed us that his system is equally applicable to young animals, and that their future qualities in regard to the 4 a TREATISE ON MILCH COWS. production of milk can be judged of with equal certainty. In corroboration of this, he caused us” to notice the same signs upon Calves three or four months old, and also upon Bulls destined for the next covering season. The cowherds stated that the Calves which had been assigned by hin to the first orders were from Cows that gave a great deal of milk. Upon two splendid Bulls, of the fine breed of SALERS, which were of the same age, and exactly alike in hairand size, M. Gue- non passed very different judgments: the one he pronounced good, and assigned to the first order of his Flanders class; the other he pronounced bad, and assigned to the fifth order of his Hori- zontal class.* He justified these judgments by very precise comparisons, and made us remark the difference that existed in the signs of the two animals. This day, the 26th of May, M. Guénon has made new experiments at the Cattle Fair of the town of Aurillac, in presence of several members of the Central Agricultural Society and of the Sub- Societies, and of a great number of land-owners and agriculturists of Cantal and the neighbormg Departments. The following is the manner in which your Committee have thought proper to proceed. Each Cow was examined separately by M. Guénon, who wrote his notes upon her, and delivered the paper, closed, to one of us. Immediately after, another member of the Commit- tee questioned the owner of the Cow, or the person in charge of her, in regard to her daily yield of milk, its quality, and the time during which she continued to give milk after being got with calf. The answers were taken down in writing, and then compared with the notes written by M. Guenon. They were generally found to accord, and proved, to the satisfaction of your Com- mittee and of every one present—all of whom attended with lively interest to these proceedings— that M. Guénon possesses great sagacity in judging of Cattle, and that his method rests upon a sure foundation. An incident occurred to confirm us in this opinion. A farmer played the trick of bringing up for examination a Cow that had already been examined and pronounced upon. The notes writ- ten by M. Guénon on this occasion arcorded exactly, in every respect, with those he had written on the former. The method of M. Guénon has not the merit of being a brilliant theory. It rests upon facts and long experience. It is only after repeated trials, and twenty-five years of toilsome researches, that its author hag accomplished the task of establishing it. } We are of opinion, Gentlemen, that M. Guénen ought to be encouraged by you in the publica- tion of a system which appears to us destined to exercise a happy influence on the advancement of one of the most important branches of rural economy. What immense advantages may there not result, particularly in Auvergne, where the raising of Cattle and the manufacture of cheese constitute the chief branch of industry, from a methed which should enable us to distinguish, in a sure way, between good and bad Cows? By applying this system to Calves and to Bulls, our stock would rapidly be raised to a high point of excellence, and we should soon have in our mountains none but Cows of the best kind. In view of all these considerations, your Committee have the honor to propose— Ist. That there be awarded to M. Guénon a gold medal, with the effigy of OLIVIER de SERRES. 2d. That he be proclaimed a Corresponding member of the Society. 3d. T'o subscribe for twenty-five copies of his work, for distribution among the Sub-Societies of the department. 4th. To cause this Report to be inserted in the AGRICULTURAL PROPAGATUR, and to transmit a copy to all the Prefects and Agricultural Societies of France. [Signed] COUNT SAIGNES, G. DE LALAUBIE, GENERAL BARON HUGONET, V. DE PRUINES, Reporter of the Committee. Note.—At the same sitting, the recommendations of the Committee were adupted by the Central Society of Agriculture of Cantal. With this highly flattering testimony in hand, I now come forward to publish the result of my silent meditations and toilsome studies. Every one will be able, with the aid of the lithographic drawings attached to the work, readily to recog- nize the distinctive marks of the animal examined by him. ‘These marks are visible upon the posterior part of every Cow, in the space embraced between the- * See the names of the several classes, in the chapter On the different kinds ef Cows. TREATISE ON MILCH COWS. 51 udder and the vulva. They consist of a kind of escutcheons of various shapes and sizes, formed by the hair growing in different directions, and bounded by lines where these different growths of hair meet. The varieties of these escutch- eons mark the different classes and orders of Cows. It is upon these signs that every one may rest his judgment, by attending to the remarks contained in the body of the work upon the different kinds of Cows.— They are what every body has seen, or been able to see; but what no one has attended to. For myseif, I have persevered through all obstacles: neither fruit- less expenses, which were enormous for one of my means; nor the malice of the malevolent; nor the cold reception of the indifferent ; nor the smile of increduli- ty ; nothing has been able to damp my zeal. Strong in my conviction, I have been sustained by it through all my trials ; and it has always raised me up when all conspired to depress me. CHAPTER TE ON THE DIFFERENT KINDS OF COWS. § 1, Genuine Cows, - [ nave, as I said, established a classification of Cows; and the reader will have become aware how much time it must have cost me to arrive at this classifica- tion. Neither the language of Science nor its method is to be expected in my work: I have had no other instructor than myself, and Nature has been my only book. I am not pretending to write a treatise of Natural History; I am only giv- ing to the public the result of my experience and observation. The suggestions of my own mind at the different stages of my discovery have been my only guides. In following up my observations, it was requisite that order should be establish- ed among the facts noticed by me and the thoughts to which they gave rise. To designate the various figures of the escutcheons of the several classes, new names were necessary. This order and this nomenclature are of my own inveation.— For the purpose of coining French names, I have not ransacked Greek or Latin vocabularies ; I have adopted those which suggested themselves as naturally ex- pressive. If they be not formed after the rules of etymology, they are at least such as every one can seize the meaning of; and my book being destined chiefly for that class of men who are for the most part strangers to belles-lettres, it will possess in their eyes the merit of not disguising things under the words used to dignify them. I divide Cows into Ezght Crasses or families; and these classes each into eight Orvers. In each class, I distinguish three different Sizes; the High, the Low and the Medium. ‘This classification embraces all kinds of Cows known tome; every individual being assignable to some one of these eight ciasses, and tosome one of the orders comprised init. According to the Class, the Order, and the Size of an animal, is her yield of milk: this being always found to correspond with the escutcheon characteristic of each class; some one of which escutcheons, is recognized in every Cow, more or less perfectly defined and free from blemish, according to the degree in which she approaches to the perfection of her class. This mark consists, as I have said, of the figure, on the posterior parts of the an- imal, formed by the meeting of the hair that grows or points in different direc- 52 TREATISE ON MILCH COWS. tions ; the line of junction of these different growths of hair constituting the out- line of the figure or escutcheon. Here are the names of the eight classes: Ist Class.... THE FLANDERS COW. Sth Class.... THE DEMIJOHN COW. 24 “ .... “ SELVAGE COW. 6th “ .... “ SQUARE SCUTCHEON COW. 3d * 2... * CURVELINE COW. 7th “ .... “ LIMOUSINE COW. 4th). -2 * / BICORN COW. 8th “ .... “ HORIZONTAL CUT COW. By means of the following description of the several Classes and Orders, aided by the engraved prints attached to the work, every person can assign any Cow examined by him to her appropriate place in the classification, and consequently form an accurate judgment in regard to the maximum quantity of milk which she can yield daily, and also to the time during which this yield wili remain at its maximum. It results from the numerous and oft-repeated tests to which this method of judging has been subjected, that the yield may sometimes vary from what I have adopted as the standard point; because, as I have stated, the cli- mate, the food and the season do exercise an influence upon it. But there is one thing which never varies, which always holds good, at all times and in all pla- ces: in every one of the eight classes, the Cows of the higher orders are always the best, and those of the lower orders always the least good ; that is to say, the two highest orders are always the most productive, the third and fourth orders are tolerably good, and the four others go on diminishing to the last, which may be looked upon as nullities so far as regards milk. § 2, Bastard Cows, Before entering upon a detailed description of the classes severally, it is im- portant that the reader be reminded that each class has its Bastards ; that is to say, Cows which, although bearing a perfect resemblance to the others, do never- theless differ from them in their yield. This resemblance deceives the most prac- ticed eye, and is the source of many mistakes and of serious losses. In order, therefore, that the reader may be enabled to avail himself of my method, I must make him acquainted with the marks by which the bastards of each class are distinguished. I have adopted the word Bastard to denote those Cows which give milk only so long as they have not been got with calf anew; and which, upon this happen- ing, go dry, all of a sudden or in the course of a few days. Cows of this kind are found in each of the classes, and in every order of the class. Some of them are great milkers ; but so soon as they have got with calf, their milk is gone. Oth- ers present the most promising appearance, but their yield is very insignificant. Cases of this kind occur every day ; the most skillful judges find themselves mis- taken. W hen it happens that a Cow that was giving a plenty of milk loses it, all of a sudden, upon being got with calf, people do not know how to account for this loss of her milk ; various causes are assigned for it, not one of which is the true one. It does not depend, as some suppose, upon the will of the animal about lettmg down her milk ; it so happens simply because she is born so, because she is so formed and constituted. Now there are characteristic signs, also, whereby the Bastard Cows in each of the classes and orders may be known. They are distinguished by the lines of as- cending and descending hair in their escutcheon. These escutcheons are put before the reader’s eyes in the Ninth plate, the drawings of which are, like the others, from nature. ee TREATISE ON MILCH COWS. 53 In general, these Bastard Cows conceive with great facility the first time they come in heat, if they be then put to the bull. But they do not continue to give milk in any quantity ; they cannot furnish enough even for the calf. Conse- quently if a Cow of this kind be put to the bull, it becomes necessary to wean her calf, and it falls away so as to be unfit for the butcher. Among the Bastard Cows, some yield an oily and creamy milk ; others but a serous milk: some give a great deal; others but little. In them, as in the gen- uine Cow of the same classes, the yield varies with the size; and the color of the dandruf is the same. Generally speaking, the flow of milk is at its maximum during the first eight days after calving ; but the milk is of a bad quality. After this period it under- goes a slight diminution ; but its flow being once regularly established, the quantity remains constant until the Cow has conceived anew. At this period, it undergoes another diminution, in all the Classes and Orders; but more or less ae- cording to the Class and Order. We are now to enter into a more particular ex- planation of this. CLASS I. The Flanders Cow. The reader is alfeady apprised that, in the denominations which have suggest- ed themselves to me, he is not to expect etymological or scientific combinations. The names which I have given to my classes are altogether arbitrary, and have reference to my own notions solely. I have adopted the above appellation for the Cows of my first class, which are the best in our country, because Cows of the Flemish breed, extensively known for their valuable qualities, possess, generally speaking, the escutcheon which is characteristic of this first class). These Cows, which I call the Flanders Cows, are the best milkers ; they are also, among us, the most scarce. In this class, as in all the others, each order is distinguished by a particular modification of the general mark or escutcheon of the class; and there is a corresponding difference in the yield of milk, in the proportions which I am about to specify. With respect to size, I cal! a Cow high when she weighs from five to six hun- dred pounds ; of medium hight, when she weighg from three to four hundred pounds ; ow, when she weighs from one to two hundred pounds.* HIGH COW.... First Order. Cows of the First Order of this class and this size yield, whilst at the hight of their flow, (that is to say, from the time of calving until they are got with calf again) twenty litrest of milk a day. After they have conceived anew, the quan- tity of milk diminishes little by little ; but they continue to give milk until they are eight months gone with calf: indeed Cows of this order never go dry, if we choose to milk them all the time. Cows of this Class and Order are known by their having a delicate udder, cover- ed with a fine, downy hair growing upward from between the four teats. This downy growth extends upward, over the hinder part of the udder and the re- gion above it, blending itself with a similar growth (of hair pointing upward) which, beginning on the legs, a little above the hock joint, covers the inner sur- * This is French weight. To reduce it to English avoirdupois, add 8 pounds to every 100. + The litre is one of the modern French measures, containing about 2} English wine pints BRA LOLOL LPO LOL LLPLD LPI LAL ALA Cel AL A AI OD tl OE Meal cP ON At ll all TREATISE ON MILCH COWS. 54 @able F.....Class 1 THE FLANDERS COW. Order 2d, Order Ist. i y if Ey A VOT Order 6th, Order 5th. en ox TREATISE ON MILCH COWS. pm mn a Gable 3.....dlass 1. THE FLANDERS COW. Order 3d. Order 4th. ii SE Ava <——<—s=s k (Pe Zar [ge =| | x ify WV it. NN \\ IMB. \ — a ) SN HY SNE Doris We » .\i = Ny eis g PPREPR nm eeeay5yerneeeeeeererereeeeeeeeeeereesranaeev 56 TREATISE ON MILCH COWS. face o1 the thighs, encroaching upon the outer surface to the points A A, (Plate 1, Order I,) and then contracting as it extends upward io the points B B, on each side of the vulva, and about four inches* distant from it. They generally have, above the hind teats, two small oval marks, formed by hair growing downward, each of which is about two inches wide by three inches long. These mar'ts are distinguishable also by their color, which is paler than that of the surrounding upward-growing hair. In the First Order of this Class, the skin of the inner surface of the thighs and adjacent parts, up to the vulva, is of a yellowish color, with here and therea black spot. A sort of bran or dandruf detaches from it. All Cows whose escutcheon corresponds, in its general shape or outline, with the one here described and seen in the plate, modified as it is m the various Or- ders, belong to this Class, whatever may be their color or their breed. Seconp Orper.—Cows of this Order yield, while at the hight of their flow, eighteen litres a day ; and they continue to give milk until they are eight months gone with calf. The marks of this Order are exactly like those of the First Order, (they are designated in the Plate by the same letters,) except that to the right of the vulva and near it there is a streak of hair growing downward (F). This mark is about four-tenths of an inch wide by two and a half inches long; the hair within it is very short. It indicates that the daily yield of the Cow diminishes by about one- sixth, upon her being got with calf. Tuirp Orper.—Cows of this Order yield, while at the hight of their flow, sza- teen litres a day, and continue to give milk until they are seven months gone with calf. Their escutcheon resembles in shape that of the preceding Orders. It differs therefrom in having within it a semi-circle (C) of downward-growing hair, em- bracing the vulva and extending about one and a half inches below it, while it is about two and a half inches in width. The hair within this semi-circle is more shining and of a lighter color than the ascending hair around. In this Order there is but one oval (E) above the teats, to the left. Fourtu Orper.—Cows of this Order yield, while at the hight of their flow, fourteen litres, and continue to give milk until six months gone with calf. The escutcheon differs from those above described in being more contracted— the upward-growing hair occupying less surface. The points A A are not so far apart, and consequently nearer to the inside of the thighs. The points B B are nearer to the vulva—distant from it only about four-tenths of an inch. From these points there is a growth of downward-growing hair, which encloses the vulva, forming with it the two triangles seen in the Plate, one side of which is BC. These triangles also are distinguishable by the hair being more lustrous and of a lighter color. Firta Orper.—Cows of this Order yield, while at the hight of their flow, twelve litres a day, and continue to give milk until they are five months gone with calf. The escutcheon of this Order, as compared with that of the preceding, is some- what narrower at the points A A and BB. Below the vulva, there is a streak of descending hair (C) about six inches long by a little over one inch wide. This * The French measures, which are given in the fractions of the metre, have been reduced to English inches. ‘The reduction is not, in every instance, absolutely exact; but it is sufficiently so for practical pur- poses. cS a Ann nnn nn nn TREATISE ON MILCH COWS. 57 escutcheon is distinguished also by a growth of descending hair (G) on the right thigh, which, begining at A, encroaches upon the ascending hair, running into the inner surface of the thigh, to the distance of about six inches. Srxto Orper.—Cows of this Order yield, during the hight of their flow, nine litres a day, and continue to give milk until four months gone with calf. The escutcheon of this Order has the same figure as that of the Fifth, only it is more contracted at the points A A. On both thighs there is a growth of de- scending hair (G G), which runs into the inner surface of the thigh, forming a triangle, the sides of which are about four inches and two inches in length.— Below the vulva is the same mark (C) as in the preceding Order. SEveNTH Orper.—Cows of this Order yield, while at the hight of their flow, sia litres a day, and continue to give milk until three months gone with calf. In this Order, as is seen in the Drawing, the upper part of the escutcheon 1s entirely wanting on theright side. On the left side it is well defined, though on a very contracted scale, between the points A and B. On the right side, the lower portion of the escutcheon terminates at a point in the line where the two thighs join; that is to say, in a line with the vulva. ‘To the right of this line, the only trace of the wanting half of the escutcheon, above the point just men- tioned, consists in a few hairs bristling up against each other. In this Order the udder is generally covered with a thin growth of coarse hair. E1rgHtH OrpeR.—Cows of this Order yield, while at the hight of their flow, four litres a day, and continue to give milk until two months gone with calf. The escutcheon is the same as that just described, only yet more contracted and imperfect. Here and there, on each side, a few scattering hairs bristle up within the space occupied by the escutcheon in the more perfect Orders. What has been said of the distinctive marks of the several Orders of this Class holds good, whatever may be the size of the Cow, except that the dimensions above given, having reference to tall Cows, are to be proportionally reduced in regard to those of the other two sizes. Respecting the latter, therefore, it is re- quisite to state only their yield and the time during which they continue to give milk. COW OF MEDIUM HIGHT, First Orper.—Cows of the First Order of this Size yield, durmg the hight of their flow, sixteen litres a day ; and, like those of the High Size, they continue to give milk until they are eight months gone with calf—the yield gradually di- minishing from the time they conceive anew. SeconD Orper.—These Cows yield fourteen litres a day, and continue to give milk until seven months gone with calf. Tuirp Orver.—These Cows yield twelve litres a day, and continue to give milk until six months gone with calf. FourtH Orper.—These Cows yield ten litres a day, and continue to give milk until five months gone with calf. FirtH Orper.—These Cows yield eight litres a day, and continue to give milk until four months gone with calf. Sixtu Orper.—These Cows yield five litres a a and continue to give milk until three months gone with calf. Seventu Orper.-—These Cows yield three litres a day, and continue to give milk until two months gone with calf. 08 TREATISE ON MILCH COWS. Ercutu Orper.—These Cows yield two /itres a day, and they continue to give milk only until they have conceived anew. LOW COW. First Orper.—Cows of the First Order of this Size yield, while at the hight of their flow, twelve litres a day ; and they continue to give milk until they are eight months gone with calf—the yield gradually diminishing from the time they conceive anew. Seconp OrpEer.— These Cows yield ten litres a day, and continue to give milk until seven months gone with calf. Turrp Orver.—These Cows yield eight litres a day, and continue to give milk until six months gone with calf. Fourtn Orper.—These Cows yield six litres a day, and continue to give milk until five months gone with calf. FirtH Orper.—These Cows yield four litres a day, and continue to give milk until four months gone with calf. Sixto Orpver.—These Cows yield three litres a day, and continue to give milk until two months gone with calf. SevenTH OrpER.—These Cows yield two litres a day, and continue to give milk until one month gone with calf. E1cHtH OrpEer.—These Cows yield one dztre a day, and continue to give milk only until they have conceived anew. BASTARD OF THE FLANDERS COW. Upon entering on the description of these Bastards, I will observe that I shall confine myself to Cows of the High Size; because, to apply the description to those of the smaller sizes, all that will be requisite is to reduce the dimensions of the marks in proportion to the smallness of the Cow. The Flanders Cow has two varieties of Bastards, (Plate IX, Fig. 1 and 2.)— The first has, within the escutcheon of ascending hair, an oval (J) of downward- growing hair, just below the vulva, and in a line with it, distant therefrom about eight inches. This oval is about four inches long, by about two and a half iaches wide; and the hair within it is invariably of a lighter color than that around.— The larger the oval is, the more rapidly will the Cow lose her milk and go dry upon being got with calf. The smaller it is, the less rapid will be the loss of milk ; but it will not the less certainly take place, in a notable degree, in every Cow that bears this mark. It will be perceived that the Drawing represents the Cow of the First Order only—this being sufficient to make the reader well enough acquainted with the mark to recognize it when it occurs in Cows of the inferior Orders. The Bastard No. 2 may be known by the circumstance that the upward-grow- ing hair which forms the escutcheon, instead of lying smooth and pointing straight upward, bristles up like the beards of an ear of wheat, and projects crosswise over the outline of the escutcheon at the points A A. The more ex- tensive the surface of the escutcheon is, and the finer and smoother the hair growing within it, the more abundant is the yield of milk. When this hair is coarse, long and scanty, it indicates a thin, serous milk. In the Bastards, the skin on the interior of the thighs, up to the vulva, is gen- erally of a reddish color ; it is smooth to the touch, and yields no dandruf. — TREATISE ON MILCH COWS. CLASS II. Che Selvage Cow. The shape of the escutcheon of this Class is very different from that of thz First. The upper part of this escutcheon consists, as is seen in the Drawing, (Plate II.) of a growth of ascending hair, rising vertically, and without any inter- ruption from descending hair, to the vulva. Its resemblance to the list or selvage of a piece of cloth is what suggested the name that I have given to this Class. HIGH COW. First Orper.—Cows of this Order yield, during the hight of their flow, eighteen litres a day, and continue to give milk until they are eight months gone with ealf. Like those of the First Order of the First Class, they never go dry, if we choose to milk them all the time. The udder is delicate and covered with a fine, downy hair, growing upward.— The escutcheon consists of a growth of ascending hair, commencing between the fore teats, and also on the inner surface of the thighs just above the hock joint. It expands as it extends upward, till it reaches the points A A. Here it is bound- ed by a right line, which runs across the inner side of the thigh, from A A to the points D D, which are about four inches distant from each other. From these points right lines rise vertically to the vulva, where they terminate, about an inch and a half apart. Above the two hind teats, and nearly in a vertical line with them, are two oval marks (E E), formed by a growth of descending hair, distinguishable by its lus- tre, the size of which is about the same as in the Flanders Cow. In these Cows, also, the skin of the inner surface of the thighs is of a yellowish color. Seconp Orper.—These Cows yield, while at the hight of their flow, sixteen litres a day, and continue to give milk until seven and a half months gone with calf. The escutcheon is the same as that of the First Order, only the points A A are not so high up, and the entire figure is on a rather smaller scale. To the left of the vulva, outside of the escutcheon, is a Small streak of ascending hair (E), about two and three-fourths inches long by less than half an inch wide. There is but one oval above the hind teats, on the left side. The entire escutcheon is distin- guishable by the hair within being more glossy than that around it. Turrp Orper.—These Cows yield, while at the hight of their flow, fourteen litres a day, and they continue to give milk until they are six months gone with calf. The escutcheon differs from the preceding in the following particulars: it is on a smaller scale; the points A A are nearer to the points D D, and the lines which rise from the latter points meet at the vulva, so as.to form an acute angle. On each side of the vulva is a streak of ascending hair (F F,) of the same size as the one in the preceding order; that on the right being, however, sensibly shorter than the one on the left. There is, also, but one of the oval marks (E) above the teats, to the left. ' Fourtsa Orper.—These Cows yield, while at the hight of their flow, twelve litres a day, and continue to give milk until they are four and a half months ; gone with calf. ¢ TREATISE CN MILCH COWS. 60 @able 33.....Class 2. THE SELVAGE COW. Order 2d, Order Ist, —<-——— Ope Till Order 6th, Order 5th, | ‘sd = = Vs Hea TREATISE ON MILCH COWS. 61 ee @Wable 33.....Class 9. THE SELVAGE COW. Order 4th. ) aaa SSS YG \ © IF My 2 62 TREATISE ON MILCH COWS. The escutcheon is like that of the preceding order, with the difference that the pomts A A are considerably lower down than the pomts D D. The two streaks of ascending hair, on the right and left of the vulva, are longer by nearly an inch, and also wider than in the Third Order; and there is no oval mark above the teats. Firta Orper.—These Cows yield, during the hight of their flow, ten litres a day, and continue to give milk until they are three months gone with calf. The escutcheon is on a smaller scale than in the Fourth Order ; the points D D are much nearer together—the distance between them being less than one inch ; the list or selvage, as it rises toward the vulva, takes a turn to the left— its width contracting very much—and runs up, past the lower extremity of the vulva, tothe point F. There is but one streak of ascending hair (F) on the right of the vulva, six inches long by an inch and a half wide. Sixta Grper.—These Cows yield, while at the hight of their flow, eight litres a dar, and continue to give milk until they are two months gone with calf. The escutcheon is yet more contracted than the one last described ; the selvage is very narrow, and terminates in a point, about four inches from its base. There are two streaks of ascending hair, to the right and left of the vulva, of about the same size as the one in the fifth order ; that is to say, six inches long by one and a half in width. Seventy Ogper.—-These Cows yield, during the hight of their flow, siz litres a day, and continue to give milk until they are one month gone with calf. The escutcheon is still smaller than the last; the selvage being now nothing more than a small angular projection of upward growing hair, in the direction of the vulva. There are two streaks of ascending hair (F F) on the right and left of the vulva. The one on the left is nearly eight inches long by an inch and a half wide; and consists of coarse hair, which, in growing upward, deflects cross- wise toward the outer part of the thigh. The one on the right is of the same width, but only half as long as the other ; it consists of hair growing in the same way. ErcutH Orper.—These Cows yield, during the hight of their flow, four litres ’ a day, and cease to give milk upon being got with calf. The escutcheon is exceedingly small; the selvage is buta mere projecting point ; there is but one streak at the side of the vulva, on the left ; which is form- ed of a scanty growth of coarse hairs, bristling up and deflecting crosswise. The remark made above, in regard to the First Class, I will here repeat with respect to the present and to the remaining six: all that is said of the different orders of the high size, so far as regards their characteristic marks, holds good of the same Orders in the other sizes, except as to the dimensions of the marks, which are to be proportionally reduced. On the subject of the two lower sizes, I shall therefore confine myself to the yield of milk, and the time during which the Cow continues to give milk after conceiving anew. COW OF MEDIUM HIGHT. First Orper.—These Cows yield, during the hight of their flow, fo crieen litres a day, and continue to give milk until eight months gone with calf. Seconp Orpier.—These Cows yield thirteen litres a day, and continue to give milk until six and a half months gone with calf. Tuirp Orper.—These Cows yield eleven litres a day, and continue to give milk until five months gone with calf. Rell lll alll Ott Nl lll All lA lt ll lala ly l IIIA AL AL AL AAA TREATISE ON MILCH COWS. 63 Fourtu Orper.—These Cows yield ten litres a day, and continue to give milk until four months gone with calf. TirtH Orper.—These Cows yield ezght litres a day, and continue to give milk until three months gone with calf. Srxta Orper.—These Cows yield str litres a day, and continue to give milk until two months gone with calf. Seventu Orper.—These Cows yield four litres a day, and continue to give milk until they have conceived anew. ErgutH Orper.—These Cows yield three litres a day, and go dry upon being impregnated anew. LOW COW, First Orper.—These Cows yield, during the hight of their flow, ten litres a day ; and continue to give milk until they are eight months gone with calf. Seconp Orper.—These Cows yield eight litres a day, and continue to give milk until they are six and a half months gone with calf. Turd OrpER.—These Cows yield siz litres a day, and continue to give milk until five months gone with calf. Fourta Ogper.—These Cows yield four litres a day, and continue to give milk until four months gone with calf. Firta Orper.—These Cows yield three litres a day, and continue to give inilk until three montns gone with calf. SrxtH Orper.—These Cows yield two litres a day, and continue to give milk until two months gone with calf. Seventnu Orper.—These Cows also yield two litres a day, but they go dry upon conceiving anew. E1eHtH Orper.—These Cows yield but one litre a day, and cease to give milk upon conceiving anew. BASTARD OF THE SELVAGE COW The Bastards of this Class, (see Plate [X. Fig. 3) whatever may be their size and the Order to which they belong, are to be known by two patches of ascend- ing hair, (F F) on the right and left of the vulva, distant from it an inch and a quarter to an inch and a half. They are from four to five inches long by about an inch and a half wide. The smaller they are, and the finer the hair within them, the less rapid is the loss of milk which they always indicate. When they eonsist of coarse hair, and terminate in a point at each end, they indicate that the milk is poor and serous. CLASS III. The Curveline Cow. I have given this name to the Cows of my Third Class, because ‘ueir escutch- eon, which is lozenge-shaped, is bounded above by two curved lines; which, commencing to the right and left on the thighs, run up toward the vulva, and meet at a point below it. (See Plate III.) This Class is a very numerous one; and, in regard to the yield of milk, approx- imates to the First Class. Cows belonging to it, and to every one of its Orders, TREATISE ON MILCH COWS. ps 3 $s —=e Gable FF7T.....Class 3S. THE CURVELINE-€6O Order Ist, Order 2d, 5 FPR OA ARNARAAAAS a ee a ea Oe NR GON Ga ie pry rel pi TREATISE ON MILCH COWS. Cable 333.....Class 8. THE CURVELINE Cow. Order 3d, LESS los ze | N ——— 4)! a { ) ) Wa : SS ao ————————— le ae AAA a 4! 2S 66 TREATISE ON MILCH COWS. are found in all breeds. The yield varies accordimg to the Order and the size, just as in the First and Second Classes. HIGH COW, First Orper.—Cows of this Size and Order yield, during the hight of their flow, eighteen litres a day, and continue to give milk until they are eight months gone with calf. They exhibit the same delicacy of texture, and the same yellowish color of the skin within the escutcheon, as those of the higher Orders of the foregoing Classes. The escutcheon, in its upper part, is broader than that of the Second Class. It commences between the four teats, and on the inner surface of the thighs above the hock joint. Rising thence, and encroaching upon the outer surface cf the thighs to two points, (A A) about midway up, its upper part is bounded by the lines above mentioned ; which, beginning at the points A A, curve outward, and are united, just below the vulva, about an inch or less from it, by another short curved line. (B) The lower part of the escutcheon is bounded by lines on the thighs, eurving inward. Above the hind teats, and nearly in a vertical line with them, are two ovals, (E E) formed by hair growing downward, the same as in the higher Orders of the two preceding Classes. Seconp Orper.—These Cows yield, during the hight of their flow, sixteen litres a day, and continue to give milk until they are seven months gone with calf. The escutcheon is the same as that just described, only somewhat contracted in all its parts. There is but one oval (E) above the teats, on the Ieft side. On the left of the vulva, is a streak of ascending hair, (F) about an inch and a half Jong by less than half an inch in width. Turp Orper.—These Cows yield, while at the hight of their flow, fourteen litres a day, and continue to give milk until six months gone with calf. The escutcheon is of the same shape as in the preceding Order; contracted, however, in all its parts. The point B is still lower down. To the right and left of the vulva are two streaks of ascending hair, (F F) about four inches long by less thanan inchin width. Above the teats, on the left, is one oval (E). Fourtu Orper.—These Cows, while at the hight of their flow, yield twelve litres a day, and continue to give milk until they are four months gone with calf. The escutcheon is still the same in shape, but on a yet smaller scale through- out ; its upper extremity at a greater distance, therefore, below the vulva. The base of its upper part rests on the udder. The streaks of ascending hair, (F F) on the right and left of the vulva, are longer and wider than those in the third Order ; and the hairs within them bristle up, projecting on each side. On the right there is a failure of the ascending hair below the point A, and its place (F) ts occupied by hair growing downward. Firtu Orper.—These Cows, while at the hight of their flow, vield ten litres a day, and continue to give milk until they are three months gone with calf. The escutcheon is smaller still, lower down, and confined to the inner surface of the thighs. On the left, there is a patch of bristling hair growing upward, nearly eight inches long by an inch and a half, or more, in width. To the right and left, beginning at the points A A, are two spaces (F F) covered with hair growing downward instead of the ascending hair. They are about four inches in width, and six inches long, running inward toward the crease formed by the meeting of the thighs. TREATISE ON MILCH COWS. 67 _— o. Srxru Orper.—These Cows, while at the hight of their flow, yield seven stres a day, and continue to give milk until they are two months gone with calf. The escutcheon is still of the same shape; but the point B is now so far down below the vulva that it must be looked for where the thighs meet. At the point E, under the vulva, is a small patch of ascending hair, about an inch and two- thirds long, by four-fifths of an inch in width. SEVENTH Orper.—These Cows, during the hight of their flow, yield five litres a day, and continue to give milk until they are impregnated anew. The escutcheon is yet more reduced in size, and is now hid away between the thighs. To the right and left of the vuiva, are two patches of ascending hair, (F F) which bristles up and projects on each side. They are about six inches long by two and a half wide. Eicutn Orprr.—These Cows yield, while at the hight of their flow, three litres a day, and go dry upon being got with calf. In this Order, the escutcheon is still perceptible, but it is of a very diminutive size. COW OF MEDIUM HIGHT, First Orper.—These Cows yield, while at the hight of their flow, fifteen litres a day, and continue to give milk until they are eight months gone with calf. Srconp Orper.—These Cows yield thirteen litres a day, and continue to give milk until they are seven months gone with calf. Tump Orper.—These Cows yield eleven litres a day, and continue to give milk until six months gone with calf. Fourtn Orper.—These Cows yield nine litres a day, and continue to give milk until five months gone with calf. Firtu Orper.—These Cows yield seven litres a day, and continue to give milk until four months gone with calf. Srxtu Orper.—These Cows yield five and a half litres a day, and continue to give milk until three months gone with calf. SeventH Orper.—These Cows yield three and a half litres a day, and continue to give milk until two months gone with calf. Ercutn Orper.—These Cows yield two litres a day, and go dry upon being got with calf. LOW cow. First Orprer.—Cows of this Order and Size yield, while at the hight of their flow, twelve litres a day, and continue to give milk until they are eight months gone with calf. SrconpD Orper.—These Cows yield ten ditres a day, and continue to give milk until seven montns gone with calf. Turrp Orper.—These Cows yield eight litres a day, and continue to give milk until six months gone with calf. Fourtu Orprer.—These Cows yield siz litres a day, and continue to give milk until five months gone with calf. Firtu Orper.—These Cows yield five litres a day, and continue to give milk until four months gone with calf. SrxtH Orper.-—These Cows yield four litres a day, and continue to give milk until three months gone with calf. Srventa Orper.—These Cows yield three litres a day, and go dry upon being impregnated anew. Pt Re NA a PE i Ll EL 68 TREATISE ON MILCH COWS Ergntu Orper.—These Cows yield two litres a day, and go dry upon being impregnated anew. BASTARD OF THE CURVELINE COW. In the Curveline Cow, the growths of ascending hair, (F F) to the right and left of the vulva, require special attention, in regard to their dimensions, to see that they are of the size indicated in the several descriptions of the different Or- ders. When they are of small size, they do not indicate a very rapid loss of rnilk ; but when they are from four to five inches long, by an inch and a half in width, (in which case they are generally pointed at both ends, and cousist of coarse hair,) they may then be considered as the size of a bastard Cow, that will go dry so soon as she is got with calf. Asa general rule with regard to these marks, the larger they are, the worse will the Cow be in this respect. (See Plate 1X. Fig. 4.) CLASS IV. Ghe Bicorn Cow. This name is given to my Fourth Class, because the upper part of its escutch- eon represents tvvo horns. Cows of this classare good milkers. They are found in all the breeds which we possess in France. In this, as in the other Classes, the general mark of the Class presents itself under modifications indicative of the Order to which the Cow betongs. HIGH COW. First Orper.—-Cows of this Order and Size yield, while at the hight of their flow, sixteen litres a day, and continue to give milk until they are eight months gone with calf. Like those of the same Order in the foregoing Classes, they are distinguished by the delicacy of their udder. The dandruf which detaches from the skin throughout the escutcheon is of a yellowish or copperish color. This escutcheon, as I have said above, has at top two horns, formed in the way that is seen in the drawing. (Plate [V.Order1.) It begins, as in the foregoing Orders, in the space between the four teats, and on the inner surface of the thighs, just above the hock joint ; whence it rises toward the tail, spreading over the inner surface, and par- tially over the outer surface, of the thighs, tothe points A A. From these points, its outline consists of curved lines to the points B B, which are distant about four inches from the vulva. Thence the outline descends again on each side in near- ly straight lines, which meet at the point C, immediately beneath the vulva, and at the distance of about eight inches from it. Onthe right and left of the vulva, are two streaks of ascending hair, (F F) about two inches long by two-fifths ofan inch in width. As in the higher Orders of the Classes already described, so in the present we find, above the two hind teats, two small oval marks, (D D) formed by hair grows ing downward in the field of ascending hair. Seconp Orper.—These Cows, while at the hight of their flow, yield fourteen litres a day, and continue to give milk until they are seven months gone with ealf. TREATISE ON MILCH COWS. 69 The escutcheon is the same as in the First Order; excepi that it is on a small- e- scaie, and does not reach so high up. The color of the skin within it is the same. Of the two streaks of ascending hair, (F F) on the right and left of the vulva, the one on the left is of the same size as in the First Order, whilst the other is but half as long. Of the two horns, (B B) the one on the right is up- ward of an inch shorter than the other. There is but one oval mark (D) above the teats, on the left. ‘ Turd Orper.—These Cows, while at the hight of their flow, yield dwelve litres a day, and continue to give milk until six montis gone with calf. The escutcheon is of the same shape as in the preceding Order; smaller, and consequently spreading less upon the outer surface of the thighs; the right hand horn shorter, by about two inches, than the one on the left. There is but one of the marks (F) along side of the vulva, on the left. Fourtu Orpder.—These Cows, while at the hight of their flow, yield ¢en litres a day, and continue to give milk until five months gone with calf. The escutcheon is smaller than in the Third Order; but the same in shape, except on the right of its lower part, when the following irregularity occurs: be- low the point A, the ascending hair is encroached upon by a growth of descend- ing hair, that runs into the escutcheon, forming an angle, the point of which is at II. Measured across from the point A, this angle of descending hair pene- trates the escutcheon to the distance of about four inches ; whilst the break which it makes in the outline of the escutcheon is from six to seven and a half inches long. Besides this irregularity in the shape of the escutcheon, this Order is distin- guished by a streak of ascending hair (E) under the vulva, nearly three inches long by two-fifths of an inch in width. Whenever the blemish or irregularity in the escutcheon here described is found, it indicates a more rapid decrease in the daily yield of milk than would be exhibited by a Cow possessing the same escutcheon free from blemish; and the rate of decrease will be proportionate to the size of the blemish; that is to say, to the extent of surface covered by the descending hair where it encroaches upon the field of upward growing hair. Firty Orper.—These Cows, while at the hight of their flow, yield eghi litres a day, and continue to give milk until they are four months gone with calf. The escutcheon the same in shape as the preceding, but on a smaller scale. Near the vulva, to the left, is a streak of bristling hair, growing upward, (F) about six inches long by two wide. At the points AA, on the right and left, are two spaces where the ascending hair fails and is replac.d by downward growing hair ; which spaces penetrate the inner surface of the thighs to the points I I. SrxtH Orper.—These Cows yield, during the hight of their flow, s¢x litres a day, and continue to give milk until three months gone with calf. The escutcheon the same as in the Fifth Order; but smaller, and hid away be- tween the thighs. Above it, to the right and left of the vulva, are two streaks (F F) of ascending hair, bristling up and projecting sideways. They are of the same size as the one jn the preceding Order, just described. SEVENTH Orper.—These Cows yield, whilst at the hight of their flow, four Jz- tres a day, and continue to give milk until they are two months gone with calf. The same escutcheon, but still more hid away between the thighs. The marks on the right and left of the vulva, consisting each of a growth of bristling MILCH COWS. TREATISE ON Class 4. Gable 3D..... THE BICORWN COW Order 2d, Order Ist. QD PBB OG lL ll tr aly, ROO ON APP Order 6th. Order 5th, fen Ja ty i \ ‘ EE Gyr — x _ —2 ST fy SS ae © 2s PC), NN \ 3 Snes 7 Fes] { \ | } | s i clo mi! >\ A 4 t C> ee Pl cm fi p \ = 7 As \ a WL = aS feet \ \ == = aes . Veet \ Q 3 es TREATISE ON MILCH COWS. 71 OS EE A RA TRE YS AGREE EE @able IV.....Class 4. THE BiCORN Cow. Order 8d, Order 4th. Ky rere N ee W117 ( 1 | Ne a MO Nl 4, ON a al at I a to NAS at” MODDED Nel DA ND NE A ie TREATISE ON MILCH COWS. hair*pointing upward, are longer and wider than those in the preceding Order the one on the right not so long as the other. Ercutn Orper.—These Cows, while at the hight of their flow, yiela three litres a day, and continue to give milk until they have conceived anew. The escutcheon is stil] defined, but ona very small scale. If the marks of up- ward growing hair (F F) at the sides of the vulva exist at all, they consist of a few bristling hairs, projecting crosswise. COW OF MEDIUM HIGHT. First Orper.—Cows of this Order, while at the hight of their flow, yield fourteen litres a day, and continue to give milk until they are eight months gone with calf. SeconpD OrpEer.—These Cows yield twelve litres a day, and continue to give milk until they are seven months gone with calf. Tuirp Orper.—These Cows yield ten /itres a day, and continue to give milk until six months gone with calf. Fourtu Orper.—These Cows yield eight litres a day, and continue to give milk until five months gone with calf. FirtH Orprer.—These Cows yield siz litres a day, and continue to give milk milk until they are four months gone with calf. SixtH Orper.—These Cows yield four litres a day, and continue to give milk until three months gone with calf. Seventu Orper.—These Cows yield three litres a day, and cease to give milk upon being got with calf. Ercutu Orper.—These Cows yield still less, and go dry upon conceiving anew. LOW Cow. First Orper.—These Cows yield, while at the hight of their flow, eleven litres a day ; and continue to give milk until they are eight months gone with calf. Seconp OrpEer.—These Cows yield nine litres a day, and continue to give milk until seven months gone with calf. Turrp Orper.—These Cows yield seven litres a day, and continue to give milk until six months gone with calf. Fourtu Orprer.—These Cows yield five litres a day, and continue to give milk until five months gone with calf. Firty Orper.—These Cows yield four litres a day, and continue to give milk until four months gone with calf. Srxta Orper.—These Cows yield three litres a day, and continue to give milk until two and a half months gone with calf. Seventu Orper.—These Cows yield two J:tres a day, and their yield goes on diminishing until they conceive anew ; at which time they go dry. E1rcHtH Orper.—These Cows yield still less, and go dry at the same period. BASTARD OF THE BICORN COW. The marks F F possess the same properties for indicating the Bastards of this Fourth Class, as in regard to those of the Third. (See Plate IX. Fig. 5.) TREATISE ON MILCH COWS. te CLASS V. ' Che Demijohn Cow. Tkis name indicates the shape of the escutcheon of this class. It may strike the reader as queer ; but it is significant, and serves to recall the figure of the eharacteristic mark of the Class, which very much resembles the outline of a dem ijohn. If my discovery is a useful one, habit will soon accustom people to this name, as well as to the others of my Eight Classes; and to those who may feel disposed to find fault with them, | will say, what matters it to you? the name is as nothing, the importance is altogether in the thing. o~ HIGH COW, ( 4 First OrpEer.—Cows of this Order and Size, while at the hight of their flow, yield sixteen litres a day, and continue to give milk until they are eight months gone with calf. The skin within the escutcheon has the same yellowish color as in the higher Orders of the preceding Classes. The udder is delicate, and covered with fine, downy hair. The escutcheon, consisting of a growth of ascending hair, begins between the four teats, and on the inner side of the legs, above the hock joint, as it extends upward it spreads upon the outer surface of the thighs to the points AA. (Plate V. Fig. 1.) From these points, the figure is bounded by right lines, to the points J J, which are distant from each other from five to six inches. From these points, the upward growing hair rises to the line N, where it is from two and a half to three and a quarter inches in width. This line is directly below the vulva, and distant from it about four inches. The wider the figure is at this place, and the nearer it approaches to the vulva, the better the Cow. Above the hind teats are two ovals (E E), formed by descending hair, about four inches long, by nearly three inches in width. On the right and left of the vulva are two streaks of ascending hair (O O), nearly two and a half inches long, by less than half an inch in widih. The hair within these streaks is fine and short, and very distinct from the dascending hair that surrounds them. SrconD Orper.—These Cows yield, while at the hight of their flow, four- teen litres a day, and continue to give milk until they are seven months gone with calf. The escutcheon differs from that of the First Order in being on a smaller scale. Above the teats there is but one oval (E), to the right, formed by descending hair. Of the two streaks of ascending hair (O O) alongside of the vulva, the one to the left is of the same dimensions as in the First Order; but the one to the right, although of the same width, is of but half the length. Tuirp Orper.—These Cows, while at the hight of their flow, yield twelve litres a day, and continue to give milk until they are six months gone with calf. The escutcheon, preserving its general shape, is yet more contracted. At the points A A, it is more rounded off, and no longer spreads on the outer surface of the thighs. Above the points J J, it is narrower; and it stops short at N consid- erably lower down beneath the vulva. There is but one of the streaxs (O) of ascending hair, which is to the left of the vulva, and about an inch ana a half long, by two-fifths of an inch in width. — —— Order 2d, Order 6th. ee a 5 Sey } { rN ae = / wa SS rs ; y ht a a / | [' j am OTE FI eo VBS Zayas = SS .~CLASS 5. Che Demijohn Cow. 2) = (o) 2) en [=] pas] _ = Zz ro.) <3) na — i= =< 4 (= a TABLE V......... Order 1st, Order 5th. —_— ___—_— — MILCH COWS. CLASS 5. The Demijohn Cow. Willi trtne TAIL Vi s.ocsas a ° 29) wn — al = & [o Be Order 7th. 76 TREATISE ON MILCH COWS. Fourtu OrpEer.—These Cows, while at the hight of their flow, yield ten litres a day, and continue to give milk until they are five months gone with calf. The escutcheon is yet more reduced in size. The points A A lower down and nearer together. The lines are more curved at the points J J, and the distance from these points to N is much less. Below A, on the right side, there is a fail- ure of the upward growing hair, marked P. Firta Orper.—These Cows, while at the hight of their flow, vield eight litres a day, and continue to give milk until they are four months gone with calf. The escutcheon goes on contracting in size. The points A A, being now on the inner surface of the thighs, are no longer so apparent. The upper extremity - N is much farther below the vulva. At both points A A there is a failure of the ascending hair (P P), where its place is occupied by descending hair, running in- to the escutcheon. These marks are about five inches deep, by four in width. Below the vulva there isa small streak of ascending hair (E), about an inch and a quarter long, by less than half an inch wide. SixtH OrDER.—These Cows, while at the hight of their flow, yield six litres a day, and continue to give milk until they are three months gone with calf. The escutcheon is on a still more contracted scale than in the preceding Order. Near the vulva, to the left, there is a streak of ascending hair (F), which bristles up. It is nearly five inches long, by about one and a half in width. SEVENTH OrpER.—These Cows, while at the hight of their flow, yield four litres a day, and continue to give milk until they are two months gone with calf. The escutcheon is smaller and lower down than in the preceding Order. On the right and left of the vulva are two streaks of ascending hair, which bristles up. The one on the left (F) is somewhat longer than that found in the Sixth Or- der ; the one on the right (C) is about four inches long, by an inch and a half in width. Below the point A, on the right hand, there is a failure of the ascending hair (P). EregHTH Orper.—These Cows, while at the hight of their flow, yield two litres a day, and continue to give milk until they have conceived anew. The escutcheon is hid away between the thighs; the points A A scarcely per-_ ceptible. The streaks of bristling hair (C C) on the right and left of the vulva are of the kind indicative of the degeneracy and bad quality of the Cow. COW OF MEDIUM HIGHT, First Orper.—These Cows, while at the hight of their flow, yield fourteen litres a day, and continue to give milk until they are eight months gone with calf. SeconD OrperR.—These Cows yield twelve litres a day, and continue to give milk until they are seven months gone with calf. TuirD Orper.—These Cows yield ten litres a day, and continue to give milk until six months gone with calf. Fourta Orper.—These Cows yield eight litres a day, and continue to give milk until five months gone with calf. FirtH Orper.—These Cows yield six litres a day, and continue to give milk until four months gone with calf. Sixta Orper.—These Cows yield five litres a day, and continue to give milk until three months gone with calf. SrvenTH Orper.—These Cows yield three litres a day, and continue to give milk until two months gone with calf. Ercutu Orper.—These Cows yield still less, and go dry upon being got with calf. “— TREATISE ON MILCH COWS. V4 a a ee see een oe eg LOW cow, ' First Orprr.—These Cows, while at the hight of their flow, yield ten Jilres a day, and continue to give milk until they are eight months gone with calf. Second Orver.—These Cows yield eight litres a day, and continue to give milk until seven months gone with calf. Tuirp Orper.—These Cows yield six and a half litres a day, and continue to give milk until six months gone with calf. Fourtu Orper.—These Cows yield five litres a day, and continue to give milk until five months gone with calf. Firtu Orper.—These Cows yield four litres a day, and continue to give milk until four months gone with calf. SrxtH Orper.—These Cows yield three litres a day, and continue to give milk until three months gone with calf. Seventa Orper.—These Cows yield ¢wo /itres a day, and continue to give milk until two months gone with calf. Eiegu1tx Orper.—These Cows yield one /itre of milk a day, and go dry upon conceiving anew. ll, ef BASTARD OF THE DEMIJOHN COW. When the streaks marked F F are found in the Cow of this Class, of the di- mensions specified in the description of the Bastard of the Curveline Cow, they serve here also to detect the Bastard Cow ; and |:er badness in regard to the rapid loss of her milk will be in proportion to the size of these streaks. ‘The smaller they are, the less defective will she be in this respect. (See Plate IX. Fig. 6.) CLASS VI. Che Square-Seuteheon Cow. The name indicates the appearance of the escutcheon, the upper part of which is shaped like a carpenter’s or mason’s square. HIGH COW. First Orper.—Cows of this Order and Size yield, while at the hight of their flow, sixteen litres a day, and they continue to give milk until they are eight months gone with calf. The skin within the escutcheon is of the same yeilowish color as in the supe- rior Orders of the preceding Classes. The udder delicate, covered with short, fine hair. The escutcheon begins as in the foregoing Classes ; and, rising from just above the hock joint, on the inner surface of the thighs, spreads outward to the points A A. (See Plate VI. Order 1.) Above those points it represents a square. A right line runs across to the points J J, distant from each other from j five to six inches. Thence the figure is bounded by two right lines, which meet in an acute angle at the point E, distant about two inches from the vulva. Above that, to the left, the figure of a square is formed by two streaks of hair, E B ard B C (the point C being at the orifice of the vagina) ; the former of which is about four inches long, by an inch and a quarter wide, and the latter from five to six ee long, by somewhat less than the same width. 78 Above the hindmost teats are two small oval marks (G G), formed. by down- ward growing hair im the field of ascending hair. They are about five or six inches long, by two and a half wide. The hair within them is of a lighter color than that without. The nearer the escutcheon approaches to the vulva, the better the Cow. Seconp OrpER.—These Cows yield, while at the hight of their flow, fourteen litres a day, and continue to give milk until they are seven months gone with calf. The escutcheon is the same as in the First Order, only somewhat reduced, in size. The square figure near the vulva commences lower down, and is longer than the one just described. There is but one oval above the teats, to the left (G), of the same size as those in the First Order. THirD Ornrr.—These Cows, while at the hight of their flow, yield twelve litres a day, and continue to give milk until they are six months gone with calf. The escutcheon is the same in its general shape, but it is more contracted in all its parts, and does not extend so high up. The points A A are nearer to the inner surface of the thighs; and the escutcheon is narrower at the points J J, where the outline has acquired a curved character. The angular space between J J and E is narrower than the streak E B, and shorter than B C. The latter is wider and longer than in the preceding Order. FourtH Orner.—These Cows yield, while at the hight of their flow, ten litres a day, aud continue to give milk untii they are five mouths gone wih calf. The escutcheon is still more reduced in size. To the right of the vulva there is a streak of bristling hair, growing upward (F), about four inches long, by one anda half wide. Below the point A, to the right, there is a space (U) where the upward growing hair fails, and is replaced by descending hair. FirtH OrpER.—These Cows, while at the hight of their flow, yield eight litres a day, and continue to give milk until they are four months gone with calf. The unfavorable marks are the same as in the preceding Order, only more con- spicuous and on a larger scale. Srxta Orper.—These Cows, while at the hight of their fiow, yield six litres a day, and continue to give milk until they are three months gone with calf. The escuteheon is yet more contracted, confined to the inner surface of the thighs, and more distant from the vulva. To the right and left of this orifice are streaks or lines of ascending hair, coarse and bristling. SEVENTH OrpEeR.—These Cows, while at the hight of their flow, yield four litres a day, and continue to give milk until they are two months gone with calf. The escutcheon is smaller still. The streak of ascending hair (F) on the right is wider, and the hair more bristling. E1cuHtH Orper.—These Cows yield, while at the hight of their flow, two litres a day, and go dry upon being got with calf. The shape of the escutcheon is still perceptible; but it is very small, and hid away between the thighs. TREATISE ON MILCH COWS. a COW OF MEDIUM HIGHT. First Orper.—These Cows, while at the hight of their flow, yield from twelve to thirteen litres a day, and they continue to give milk until they are eight months gone with calf. Srconp Orper.—These Cows yield ten litres a day, and continue to give milk until seven months gone with calf. i TREATISE ON MILCH COWS. 79 Tuirp Orpre —These Cows yield eight litres a day, and continue to give milk until six months gone with calf. FourtH Orper.—These Cows yield six litres a day, and continue to give milk until five months gone with calf. Firty Orper.—These Cows yield four and a half litres a day, and continue to give milk until four months gone with calf. SrxtH Orper.—These Cows yield three and a half litres a day, and continue to give milk until three months gone with calf. Seventu Orper.—These Cows yield two litres a day, and continue to give milk until one month and a half advanced in gestation. Ercutu Orper.—These Cows yield still less, and go dry upon being got with calf. DABLE. iV I.. sia CLASS 6. Che Square-Gentcheon Cow. Order Ist, Order 2d. Order 3d. Order 4th, Order 7th. Order 8th, ei Gy give milk until seven months gone with calf. Turrp Orper.—These Cows yield seven and a half litres a day, and continue to give milk until six months gone with calf. Fourts Orper.—These Cows yield five and a half litres a day, and contmue to give milk until five months gone with calf. Firto Orper.—These Cows yield four litres a day, and continue to give milk until four months gone with calf. Sixt Orper.—These Cows yield three litres a day, and continue to give milk until three months gone with calf. SEvENTH OrpEer.—These Cows yield two litres a day, and continue to give milk until two months gone with calf. E1cutu Orper.—These Cows also yield two litres a day, and go dry upon being got with calf. TABLE VII.......CLASS 7. The Limonsine Cow. Order 2d. Order 3d. Order 4th, LOW cow. First Orper.—The Cows of this Order and Size yield, while at the hight of their flow, eight litres a day, and continue to give milk until eight months gone with calf. Seconp Orper.—These Cows yield seven litres a day, and continue to give milk until seven months gone with calf. TREATISE ON MILCH COWS. 83 TurrD Orper.—These Cows yield six litres a day, and continue to give milk until six months gone with calf. Fourtu Orper.—These Cows yield five litres a day, and continue to give milk until five months gone with calf. FirtH Orver.—These Cows yield four litres a day, and continue to give milk until four months gone with calf. SixtH Orper.—These Cows yield three litres a day, and continue to give milk until three months gone with calf. SEVENTH Orper.—These Cows yield two litres a day, and continue to give milk until one month gone with calf. EigutuH Orper.—These Cows yield one litre a day, and go dry upon being got with calf. BASTARD OF THE LIMOUSINE COW. In this Class also, as in the Curveline and Bicorn Classes, the Bastard is indi- cated by the streaks of ascending hair (F F) to the right and left of the vulva; which streaks are of the same dimensions and of the same character generally as in those Classes. (See Plate 1X. Fig. 8.) —_—— CLASS VIII. Che Horizontal Cut Cow. I have given this name to those Cows whose escutcheon is bounded at top by a horizontal line, which cuts the ascending hair square off just when it has spread to its greatest width, ‘The figure (Plate VIII.) will be seen to be very different from that of the other Classes. 2 HIGH COW, First Orper.—The Cows of this Order and Size, during the hight of their flow, yield twelve litres a day, and they continue to give milk until they are eight months gone with calf. The skin within the escutcheon, and the dandruf from it, are of a reddish yel- low. ‘The ascending hair is short and fine ; the skin beneath it quite silky; the four teats far apart. As in the other Classes, the ascending hair which forms the escutcheon begins between the four teats, and on the inner surface of the thighs, a little above the hock joint—spreading out, as it rises, to the points E E, on the outer surface of the thighs. Here it is cut short off, by a transversal or horizontal line, running across from one thigh to the other. Although the escutcheon does not rise, as in the other Classes, to or near the vulva, we nevertheless find, on the right and left of that orifice, the two streaks of ascending hair (C C), which are so valuable, as an indication of the character of the Cow, in regard to the period during which she will continue te give milk afier becoming pregnant: this point being determined by the size of these marks and the nature of the hair within them. In the present Order they consist of fine hair, and are from three and a quarter to four inches in length, by less than half an inch broad. Above the hind teats are two little oval marks (B B), consisting v1 downward grewing hair, distinguishable by its whitish color as wel! as mv ine auection in shich it points. 84 TREATISE ON MILCH COWS. SeconD Orper.—These Cows, while at the hight of their flow, yield ten litres a day, and ccatirve to give milk until they are seven months gone with calf. The escutcheon is the same in shape as that of the First Order, but contracted in its dimensions. Thestreaks (C C) on the right and left of the vulva are une- qual in size—the one on the left being of the same length as in the First Order, while the one on the right is considerably shorter. In several of the Orders there is, immediately under the vulva, and touching it, a small streak of ascending hair (N), about two inches in length, by less than half an inch in breadth. Tuirp Orper.—These Cows, while at the hight of their flow, yield ezght litres a day, and continue to give milk until they are six months gone with calf. The escutcheon is the same in shape, but more contracted still; the points E E are lower down and nearer together. Alongside of the vulva there is but one streak of ascending hair (G), which bristles up and projects over. This mark is from five to six inches long, by from four-fifths to six-fifths of an ch m width. On the inner surface of the right thigh, beginning at the point A, there isa failure of the upward growing hair, which is replaced by descending hair. This downward growth of hair is wedge-shaped, pointing toward the udder; it is about eight inches long, by four inches in width. The hair is very distinguish- able by its whitish color. Although I have taken this place to make it known, this mark does not always occur in Cows of this Order, nor is it peculiar to those of the present Class.— Whenever it is found, let the Cow be of whatever Class or Order she may, it in- dicates that her daily yield of milk will fall about one-third short of the quantity set down as proper to a Cow of that Class and Order. FourtH Orper.—These Cows, while at the hight of their flow, yield six litres a day, and continue to give milk until they are four and a half months gone with calf. The escutcheon is smaller and lower down than in the Third Order. There is but one streak (N) of upward growing hair, whieh is betwixt the thighs, in a line with the vulva, and about two or two and a half inches from it. It is about four inches long, by four-fifths of an inch in breadth. Within the escutcheon there are two failures (A A) of the upward growing hair, like the one above de- scribed—that on the right being larger than the other. Firrtn Orper.—These Cows, while at the hight of their flow, yield five litres a day, and continue to give milk until they are three and a half months gone with calf. The escutcheon is smaller still, and lower down. On the left of the vulva there is a streak (F) of upward growing hair, coarse and bristling. ‘This mark is about six inches long, by an inch anda half in width. It is to be observed, in regard to the streaks alongside of the vulva, that when they occur in a Cow of an inferior Order, such as they are described to be in the Cow of the First Order ; in this case, whatever may be the inferiority of the Cow as to the quantity of her daily yield, she will continue to give her milk just as a Cow of the First Order would. That is to say, she will be just as long in going dry, after being got with calf, as a Cow of the First Order. Srxta Orper.—These Cows, while at the hight of their flow, yield four litres a day, and continue to give milk until they are two months gone with calf. The escutcheon is smaller, lower down, and confined to the inner surface of the thighs. The longer and broader the streaks of ascending hair (F F) on the TREATISE ON MILCH COWS. °5 “ right and left of the vulva, and the coarser and more bristlug ae oair, tue worse the Cow will prove in regard to the time she will continue to give milk after he- ing got with calf. SrventH Orper.—These Cows, while at the hight of ther now, yield three litres a day, and continue to give milk until one month gone with calf. The escutcheon is still smaller than the last. The signs (F) of early drying up are the same as in the foregoing Order. Ereutu Orpder.—These Cows yield, during the hight of their flow, two litres a day, and go dry upon being got with calf. The escutcheon is so hid away between the thighs as to be barely perceptible. Some coarse bristling hairs (F), which grow awry, are seen pointing toward the vulva. TABLE Viti... CLASS 8. Che Horizontal Cnt Cow. Order ist, Order 2d. Order 3d. Order 4th, AY | | \ 4 a OB i Order 5th. Order 6th. Order 7th. Order 8th, “f (et a A Ee en Sid ZN Mb SASS a SQSa ih