LIBRARY UNIVERiWY Of CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ A TREATISE ON ZOOLOGY TREATISE ON ZOOLOGY EDITED BY E. BAY LANKESTEE M.A., LL.D., F.RS. HONORARY FELLOW OF EXETER COLLEGE, OXFORD ', CORRESPONDENT OF THE INSTITUTE OF FRANCE J DIRECTOR OF THE NATURAL HISTORY DEPARTMENTS OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM PART IV THE PLATYHELMIA, MESOZOA, AND NEMEETINI BY W. BLAXLAND BENHAM, D.Sc.(Lond.), M.A.(Oxon.) PROFESSOR OF BIOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OTAOO, NEW ZEALAND J FORMERLY ALDRICHIAN DEMONSTRATOR OF ANATOMY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD Reprint A.ASHER & CO. Amsterdam 1964 TEEATISE ON ZOOLOGY EDITED BY RAY LANKESTER / Hi M.A., LL.D., F.E.S. HONORARY FELLOW OF EXETER COLLEGE, OXFORD ; CORRESPONDENT OF THE INSTITUTE OF FRANCE ; DIRECTOR OF THE NATURAL HISTORY DEPARTMENTS OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM PART IV THE PLATYHELMIA, MESOZOA, AND NEMERTINI BY W. BLAXLAND BENHAM, D.Sc.(Lond.), M.A.(Oxon.) PROFESSOR OF BIOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO, NEW ZEALAND J FORMERLY ALDRICHIAN DEMONSTRATOR OF ANATOMY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD LONDON ADAM & CHAELES BLACK 1901 Exclusive Agents for U.S.A. STECHERT-HAFNER SERVICE AGENCY, INC. 31 East 10th Street New York, New York 10003 Sole agents for India: Today & Tomorrow1 s Book Agency, 22-B/5, Original Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi-5 EDITOE'S PREFACE THE present volume is the " Fourth Part " in order of a com- prehensive treatise on Zoology, which has been for some time in preparation under my editorship. In this treatise each of the larger groups of the Animal Kingdom is to be described by a separate author ; whilst, as far as possible, uniformity in method and scope of treatment is aimed at. The authors are, for the most part, graduates of the University of Oxford, though it may not be possible to maintain this limitation in future sections of the work. The general aim of the treatise is to give a systematic exposition of the characters of the classes and orders of the Animal Kingdom, with a citation in due place of the families and chief genera included in the groups discussed. The work is addressed to the serious student of Zoology. To a large extent the illustrations are original. A main purpose of the Editor has been that the work shall be an independent and trustworthy presentation, by means of the systematic survey, or taxonomic method, of the main facts and conclusions of Zoology, or, to speak more precisely, of Animal Morphography. The treatise will be completed in ten parts of about the same size as the present one. It will at once be apparent that this limitation necessitates brevity in treatment which, however, will not, it is believed, be found inconsistent with the fulfil- ment of the scope proposed or with the utility of the work vi PREFACE to students. The immediate publication of the following parts may be expected : — Part I. Introduction and the Protozoa. Part II. Enteroccela and the Ccelomocoela — The Pori- fera — The Hydromedusae — The Scypho- medusae — The Anthozoa — The Ctenophora (published in September 1900). Part HI. The Echinoderma (published in March 1900). Part IV. The Mesozoa — The Platyhelmia — The Nemer- tini (the present volume). These parts will be issued, without reference to logical sequence, as soon as they are ready for the press. This pro- cedure to some extent evades the injustice of making an author, whose work is finished, wait for publication until other more tardy writers have completed their tasks. The following authors have undertaken portions of the work : — Professor Weldon, F.E.S., M.A.Oxon. ; Professor Ben- ham, D.Sc., M.A. Oxon. ; Mr. G. C. Bourne, M.A. Oxon. ; Mr. G. H. Fowler, M.A. Oxon. ; Professor Minchin, M.A. Oxon. ; Mr. F. A. Bather, M.A. Oxon. ; Professor J. W. Gregory, D.Sc. ; Mr. E. S. Goodrich, M.A. Oxon. ; Professor Hickson, F.RS. of Manchester; Mr. J. J. Lister, F.R.S., M.A. Cantab. ; Mr. Arthur Willey, D.Sc. ; Professor Farmer, F.E.S., M.A. Oxon. ; Mr. R I. Pocock ; and Mr. Martin Woodward. E. KAY LANKESTER July 1901. NOTE IT is but just to the author to put on record the fact that the MS. of the chapters on the Platyhelmia were written during the years 1895-97; much of it was printed, and the proofs corrected in 1897; and the whole of the Part was in proof, and most of the figures were already prepared, early in 1898, when the author left England for New Zealand. At the same time the editor is satisfied that no important omissions due to this fact occur in the book, the proofs of which have been revised and some additions made during the present year. E. E. L. CONTENTS CHAPTER XVI PAGE THE PLATYHELMIA — TURBELLARIA ... 1 CHAPTER XVII THE PLATYHELMIA — TEMNOCEPHALOIDEA . . .43 CHAPTER XVIII THE PLATYHELMIA — TREMATODA . . . .47 CHAPTER XIX THE PLATYHELMIA — CESTOIDEA . . . .93 CHAPTER XX APPENDICES TO THE PLATYHELMIA . . .148 CHAPTER XXI THE NEMERTINI . . . . . .159 INDEX 197 CHAPTER XVI. PLATYHELMIA — TURBELLARIA. PHYLUM PLATYHELMIA.1 CLASS I. TURBELLARIA. Order 1. Bhabdocoelida. „ 2. Tricladida. „ 3. Polycladida. CLASS II. TEMNOCEPHALOIDEA. Order Dactylifera. CLASS III. TREMATODA. Order 1. Heterocotylea. „ 2. Aspidocotylea. ,, 3. Malacocotylea. CLASS IV. CESTOIDEA. GRADE A. CESTOIDEA MONOZOA. Order 1. Amphilinacea. „ 2. Gyrocotylacea. ,, 3. Caryophyllacea. GRADE B. CESTOIDEA MEROZOA. Branch a. DIBOTHRIDIATA. Order 1. Pseudophyllidea. Branch b. TETRABOTHRIDIATA. Order 1. Tetraphyllidea. „ 2. DiphyUidea. „ 3. Tetrarhyncha. „ 4. Tetracotylea. APPENDICES TO PHYLUM. Bhombozoa, Orthonectida, Trichoplaz, etc. 1 Phylum Platyhelmia, Lankester, 1890 (Platyelmia, Vogt, 1851 ; Platode*, Leuckart, 1854 ; Platyelminttes, Gegeubaur, 1859 ; Plathdminthes, Minot, 1877). I THE PLATYHELMIA THE group of " Flat worms " constitutes one of the phyla of the Metazoa. Linnaeus associated Lumbricus with the various worms which are now known as Flukes, Tapeworms, Nemertines, Nematodes, and Leeches in the order " Intestina," which he placed close to his heterogeneous group " Mollusca," in a class "Vermes." Lamarck separated the parasitic worms, for which he retained the term "Vermes," as a class distinct from the Chaetopodous worms, to which he gave the name " Annelides." Lamarck's " Vermes " is thus essentially synonymous with the " Entozoa " of various subsequent writers. And in spite of the fact that as long ago as 1850 Grube1 pointed out the affinities of the Annelids with the Arthropoda, and insisted upon the unnatural character of " Vermes " as a group, and although Lankester 2 was one of the earliest of the more recent zoologists to give up the term " Vermes," and the truth of this view has become more and more evident in recent years, yet many writers still retain this name almost in the sense of Linnaeus. Leuckart3 in 1848 broke up the " entozoic worms," and associated the Cestodes with the Acanthocephala as "anenterous worms," which he separated from the " apodous worms " (Turbellarians, Trematodes, and Leeches) ; while the other parasitic forms (Nematodes) were recognised as distinct from these and placed with the Annelids. Later on, however, he4 put the Cestodes in a more natural position, in a group " Platodes," which included the Trematodes, Turbellaria, Nemertines, and Leeches. But Vogt5 had already recognised in 1851 the affinity of these various worms and invented the term Platyelmia for the group, in the sense in which it is usually understood at the present time. The name was modified by Gegenbaur6 to Platyelminthes, and adopted by Carus, Schneider, Haeckel, and others ; Haeckel in 1877 removed the Nemertines from the Platyelminthes (to which group, however, hje gave the name " Acoelomi ") and placed them with the rest of the " Vermes " as " Coelomati." Lankester 7 modified Vogt's terminology and still retained in his " Platyhelmia " the Nemertina and Hirudinea. But recent researches on the anatomy and development of the latter class, and amongst others, Burger's work on the Nemertines, have shown conclusively the necessity of removing them from the neighbourhood of the Flukes, Gnibe, Die Fam. d. Anneliden, Arch./. Naturgesch. 16. I860, p. 249. Lankester, Notes on Enibryology and Classification, 1877. Leuckart, Ub. Morphol. u. Verwandsch. d. Wirbellose Thiere, 1848. Leuckart, Arch.f. Naturgesch. Jahrg. 20. 1854. Vogt, Zootog. Briffa 1851, vol. i. p. 185. Gegeiibaur, Die Grundzuge d. Zoologie, 1859. Lankester, The Advancement of Science, 1890 ; and Encycl. Brit. ix. edit., art. "Zoology." THE PLATYHELMIA Tapeworms, and Turbellarians, which alone are now included amongst the Platyhelmia, together with the probably degenerate forms known as " Mesozoa." The Characters of the Platyhelmia. — The animals belonging to the three classes — Turbellaria, Trematoda, and Cestoidea — while exhibiting many differences in form, habits, and life-history yet present certain fundamental points of agreement, so that it is possible to picture a common ancestor from which the three groups have been descended. Such an ideal Platyhelmirith would have had a somewhat oval body, flattened from above downwards, and with a distinct prostomium or region in front of the mouth and con- taining the brain (Fig. II.). The surface of the body was probably clothed with a ciliated epidermis similar to that of the Turbellaria but of a simpler character, so that the animal was able to move freely in the sea ; in this movement it was aided by the muscular system which had developed below the epidermis with which it had lost its connection and become arranged to form circular and longitudinal sheets. No doubt the ancestral form was more or less closely connected with the Coelentera by means of animals of which we know nothing. (There are some features of resemblance to the Ctenophora, as Lang has pointed out.1) But in the Platyhelminth the endoderm had become separated from the ectoderm by a great development of mesodermal tissue filling up the blastocoele, and consisting of vertically arranged muscle cells and of a packing of peculiar connective tissue cells ; in this compact mass of cells or parenchyma distinct generative and excretory organs had become differentiated, having each its own independent communication with the exterior. Nevertheless, no definite space, or coelom, existed in the substance of this inter- mediate mass of cells. The archenteron of the coelenterate ancestor had, however, become separated into a metenteron and a coelom, which is represented by the cavity of the genital organs. The excretory system consisted of a pair of laterally placed canals, consisting of a series of perforated cells, some of which carry cilia ; from each canal small lateral branches are given off which branch and anastomose to form a network from which arise still finer twigs, each of which terminates in a "flame cell" (Fig. I.). This flame cell (or pronephridiostome of Vejdovsky) is a comparatively large, hollow cell from whose base, in which the nucleus is situated, a bunch of long cilia projects into the cavity ; the flickering appear- ance of a flame results from the synchronised movement of the cilia. The cavity of this terminal cell communicates only with the excre- tory tubule. It is possible that in the earliest ancestors a number of isolated cells became hollowed out, and ciliated like this flame cell, 1 TLis is discussed by Mr. Bourne in Part II. " The Ctenophora," pp. 16 et seq. THE PLATYHELMIA and that each became elongated and effected a communication with the exterior, and it has even been suggested that such cells are derived from unicellular epidermal glands which have gradu- ally sunk into the parenchyma, retaining their communication with the exterior (on the other hand, similar flame cells have been noted amongst the intestinal epithelium). As these isolated cells became more numerous, with the increase in the size of the animal there would be, as in other analogous instances, a tendency to form a common collecting canal which would then replace the numerous J Fia. I.— Diagram of the Structure of the Platyhelminth Excretory System. 1.— A portion of the system of canals, a, the main canal or duct, receiving numerous secondary canals (h) ; c, flame cells or terminal cells of the capillary vessels ; d, nucleus in the wall of the canals ; c, tuft of cilia or "flame," arising from the side of the canal, in the neigh- bourhood of a nucleus. 2.— A flame cell (somewhat diagrammatic), o, nucleus ; 6, excretory globules in the cyto- plasm ; c, the "flame"; rf, protoplasmic processes of the cell which extend amongst the parenchymal cells, and are possibly in connection therewith ; e, the canaliculated portion of the cell which communicates with the neighbouring excretory tubules. isolated apertures. Nevertheless, in many existing forms, such scattered or regularly arranged, isolated apertures exist either in the absence of, or in addition to, the collecting canal and its pore. The metenteron was a simple sac, having a single opening to the exterior, which served both for inception of food and ejection of faeces. This mouth was probably somewhere between the centre and the anterior end of the oval body, as it is in many of the Turbellaria. The surface in which the mouth is situated is the ventral surface (Fig. II.). The nervous system, like the muscular, had separated from the epidermis and had taken on a much more definite form than in the THE PLATYHELMIA Coelentera, for the greater number of nerve cells became aggre- gated near that end of the body which is directed forwards during movement to form a bilobed cerebral ganglion, lying near the dorsal surface, anterior to the mouth, i.e. in the prostomium. From it a network of nerve fibres spread in all directions ; but certain of these strands of fibres became more important than others ; a pair of ventral, a pair of lateral, a pair of dorsal, as well as anteriorly directed nerves were thus distinguishable (Fig. II. 2, 4). But Fio. II.— The Anatomy of an Ideal Platyhelminth. 1.— The alimentary and excretory systems, a, mouth ; 6, pharynx ; c, intestine ; d, main excretory canals ; e, excretory pore ; /, flame cells. 2.— The nervous system, ventral view, b, cerebral ganglion ; c, ventral nerve tract ; d, marginal or lateral nerve tract; e, dorso-lateral tract; /, medio-dorsal tract; g, male genital pore ; h, female pore. 3.— The reproductive system, b, testis ; c, sperm duct ; d, penis ; e, prostate glands opening into the lower part of the sperm duct ; /, antrum masculinum, in which the penis lies ; g, male pore ; h, female pore ; i, ovary ; j, oviduct ; k, spermatheca or dilatation at the junction of the two oviducts ; I, shell gland opening into this dilatation ; m, antrum femininum. 4.— A transverse section through the body, a, epidermis, below which is seen the layer of circular muscles, represented by the continuous line ; below this, the layer of longitudinal muscles, by a series of dots ; b, vertical, dorso-ventral muscles ; c, ventral nerve tract ; coHids (from v. Graff). Left-hand figure is an Aooelous, the middle is a Rhabdocoelons, and the right-hand is an Alloiocoelous Turbellarian. l»; bursa oopnlatrix ; en, cerebral ganglion; e, eye; g, germarium ; i, enteron ; In, ventral nerve cord ; 1», month ; ot, otocyst ; ov, ovary ; p, digesting parenchyma ; ph, pharynx ; rs, spennatheca ; .«, salivary gland ; t, testis ; u, uterus, containing an egg ; v, vitellarium ; t*, seminal vesicle ; have in many respects lost their pnmi- b.—Dicotyins puivinar, Grube; J r , dorsal view of the anterior end, show- tive characters, and present a greater ing (S> the sucker on each side, (a> degree of complexity and differentia- &Sgtft£3S&"* tion than do the Rhabdocoelida. The majority are longer and narrower than in other orders ; the anterior end is frequently eared (Planaria), or with tentacles (Leimacopsis), 26 THE TURBELLARIA or extended to form a crescentic or hammer-shaped plate (JBipalium), and may even bear suckers (Dicotylus, Cotyloplana). The rod cells sink into the parenchyma, and are connected with the epidermis by "rod tracts" (Fig. IV. 1). Peculiar V-shaped rods have been recorded in Placocephalus (Shipley). In a few genera rhabdites are absent (Bdelluridae). The parenchyma appears similar to that in Rhabdocoela. The post- central position of the mouth, combined with the great size of the tubular pharynx, appears to have led to the modification of the originally central gut, so as to form three lobes — one anterior lying above the brain and a posterior pair, which lie at the sides of the pharyngeal pouch, and usually ex- tend nearly to the hinder end of the body (Figs. XL, XII.) ; they not unfrequently unite posteriorly (cf. Bothrioplana). The lateral caeca may branch in the lower forms, but in the Terricola and Maricola become larger and more regular in their arrangement ; but they do not appear to be so strictly metameric with nerves and gonads, as Lang (41) believed for Gunda segmentata and terrestrial forms (Wheeler and Dendy). The nervous system retains to a greater extent than in the Rhabdocoelida a primitive condition, in that the brain gives origin to a number of nerve l*7plarM • nr if OI roiyciaas; , 0 may °pen into tbe atrium in- common genital pore. ' dependently of the oviduct, as in various species of Planaria and Polycelis (XIII. 2) ; the process is carried further in Uteriporus, where the organ opens outside the area of the atrium, and in the parasitic Bdelluridae we find the same condition, but the uterus is paired (XIII. 4). In addition to the normal male and female copulatory organs the genus Artioposthia possesses elaborate accessory copulatory THE TURBELLARIA organs, outgrowths of the atrial walls known as " adenodactyli " or " adenocheiri," according to their shape. The function of the uterus (see Bergendal) appears to vary ; in some cases spermatozoa are found in it (it is a spermatheca, Bdelluridae) ; in others, eggs have their cocoon deposited around them; in others, again, the cocoon is moulded in the atrium, or even in the vagina (some land Planarians), but the uterus secretes the substance which will harden to form the shell. Development. — From four to twenty or even more egg cells .are surrounded by several hundred amoeboid (v. Siebold, 1841) yolk cells in each cocoon. Each egg cell undergoes development, JF 1 Fiu. XIII.— Plans of the Genital Atrium in Aquatic Triclads to illustrate the various Relations of the Uterus. \.-Gundii; the uterus is here a diverticulum of the egg duct, a, sperm duct; &, penis, with ductus cjaculatorius ; c, atrium genitale ; , fine granular vitellus, containing the nucleus. 3, 4, 5. — Three stages in segmentation of Discocodis. The result of the first two cleavages is to produce four large cells, each of which then divides into a micromere (k) and a macromere (t/). These first formed cells divide and the macromeres also divide, forming mesoblast On). 5 represents a later stage from the opposite (ventral) pole, and shows the four primary eudo- derm (hypoblast) cells (e) derived from the four large yolk cells. 6, 7. — Diagrammatic transverse sections of later stages. 6 represents the same stage as 5. The epiblast (fc) is extending over the mesoblast, in. There is a small blastocoel, represented black ; e, the primary hypoblast cells. 7 is a much later stage, after the epiblast has grown right round the embryo, so as to enclose the cells, leaving however a small blastopore, 6. In addition to the primary, ventral, hypoblast cells, others (/) have been formed from the yolk cells dorsally. By the subdivision of these hypoblast cells (e and /), the great yolk cells will become enclosed ; the nucleus is no longer distinguishable, and the yolk spherules run together to form a great homogeneous mass occupying the cavity of the gut, and serving as food. The mesoblast in this stage has already extended downward for some distance. 8, 9 represent two stages in the development of the larva of Thysanozoon. a is the brain with eye-spots ; 1 to 8 are the eight characteristic ciliated lobes which are so well marked in Miiller's larva ; 1 is the median, supraoral, anterior lobe ; 2, 3, the paroral lobes ; 4, 5, great lateral lobes ; 6, 7, pair of posterior lobes ; 8, median posterior lobe. 8 is a side view of a young larva. 9 is ventral view of an older layer. TO, mouth, the light area around which is the pharynx. (All after Lang.) The embryo is now somewhat ovate ; as the yolk is absorbed and the animal grows it becomes flattened, assumes the form of a young Polyclad, and leaves the shell. THE TURBELLARIA In the case of metamorphic forms, the embryo, however, instead of assuming the flattened character of a Polyclad before leaving the shell, acquires eight processes of the body, arranged in a definite way round the mouth (Lang has compared these lobes and the bands of cilia upon them with the eight rows of swimming plates of Ctenophora). They constitute a preoral band, or more correctly, a circumoral band (Fig. XIX. 8, 9). This cephalotroch larva, or "Miiller's larva," as it is termed (Fig. XX.), after a free swimming life, is transformed into a young Polyclad by the gradual diminution of the ciliated lobes. The larva of Styloclius pilidium, owing to the great development of the dorsal surface, the unequal development of the various ciliated lobes, comes to resemble the typi- cal Nemertine larva, " Pilidium " ; and it is possible that this is more nearly like the common ancestor of Turbellaria and Nemertina, while Miiller's larva has gone along a special line in the former group. Balfour showed that the trocho- sphere and other larval forms were readily derivable from these, which can be easily derived from a coelen- terate ; on this account he placed these larvae near to the ancestor of the whole group of Coelomata. Fiu. XX. Miiller's Inrvn of Ynncjia, seen from the oral surface. (After Lauj,', from v. Graft.) LITERATURE OF THE TURBELLARIA. 1. Bafr, v. Beit. z. Kenntn. d. nieder. Thier. Nova Acta, xiii. pt. 2, 1827, p. 527. 2. Bergendal. (Uterus of Triclads.) Leuckart's Festschrift, 1892, p. 310. 3. Ibid. (Polypostiidae.) Rev. Biol. d. Nord. d. 1. France, v. 1893, pp. 237 and 366. 4. Bohmig. (Graffilla.) Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool. xliii. 1886, p. 290. 5. Ibid. (Alloiocoela.) Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool. li. 1891, p. 167. 6. Ibid. Die Turbell. Acoela d. Plankton Exped. 1895. 7. Chichko/. (Freshwater Triclads.) Arch. d. Biol. xii. 1892, p. 435. 8. Collingwood. (Acanthozoon.) Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. (2), Zool. i. 1875. 9. Dalyell. Observ. on some interesting Phenomena in Animal Physiology, exhibited by several sp. Planarians, 1814. 10. Ibid. TJie Powers of the Creator, etc., ii. 1853, p. 95. LITERATURE OF THE TURBELLARIA 41 11. Darwin, Ch. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. xiv. 1844, p. 241. 12. Delage, Yves. (Convoluta.) Arch. Zool. Exp. etGen. (2), iv. 1886, p. 109. 13. Dendy. (Land Planarians.) Trans. Roy. Soc. Victoria, I. pt. 2, 1889, p. 50 ; 1890, II. pt. 1, p. 65 ; and 1891, II. pt. 2, p. 25 ; also Tr. N.Z. Inst. 1894, 1895, and 1896. 14. Ibid. (Ciliated Pits in Land Planarians.) Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, IV. (N.S.), 1892, p. 39. 15. Duges. Ann. Sci. Nat. xv. 1828, p. 139 ; xxi. 1830, p. 72. 16. Faraday, M. (On the Planariae.) Medical Gazette, ix. p. 723, 1832 ; and Edinb. New Philosoph. Journ. xiv: 1833, p. 183. 17. Francotte. (Excretory System.) Arch. Biol. ii. 1881, p. 636. 18. Gamble. (British Marine Turbellaria. ) Quart. Journ. Mic. Sci. xxxiv. p. 433, 1893. 19. Geddes. (Convoluta.) Proc. Roy. Soc. xxviii. 1879, p. 449. 20. Giard. (Fecampia.) Comptes Rendus, ciii. 1886, p. 499. 21. Goette. Untersuch. Entwick. der Wiirmer, 1882. 22. Graff, v. Monographic d. Turbellarien, i., Rhabdocoelida, 1882. 23. Ibid. (Enantia.) Mith. Natur. ver. f. Steinmark, 18S9. 24. Ibid. Die Organisation d. Turbellarien (Acoela), 1892. 25. Ibid. (Pelagic Polyclads.) Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool. Iv. 1893, p. 189. 26. Ibid. (Land Planarians.) Verh. Deutsch. Zool. Gesell. 1896, p. 61 ; and Boll. Mus. Torino, xii. 1897. 26a. Ibid. Monog. d. Turbellarien, ii., Tricladida Terricola, 1899. 27. Grule. (Dicotyl us and other Planarians from the Baikal Lake.) Arch. f. Naturgesch. 38, i. 1872, p. 273. 28. Habcrlaiidt. (On Chlorophyll Bodies), in v. Graff, No. 24, p. 75. 29. Hallez. (Development of Planaria.) Travaux. Instit. Lille, ii. 1879. 30. Ibid. (Schizorhynchus.) Rev. Biol. Nord. d. 1. France, vi. 1893, p. 315. 31. Ibid. (Classification of Triclads.) Bull. Soc. Zool. France, xvii. 1892, p. 106. 32. Haswell. (Prorhynchus in Underground Waters.) Quart. Journ. Mic. Sc. xl. 1898, p. 631. 33. Hesse. (Eyes.) Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool. Ixii. 1897, p. 527. 34. IJinM. (Freshwater Triclads.) Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool. xl. 1884, p. 359. 35. Jensen. Turbell. ad lit. norveg. Occident, Bergen, 1878. 36. Johnson, J. R. (Observ. on Planaria.) Phil. Trans. 1822, p. 437; and 1825, p. 247. 37. Kcfcrstcin. (Leptoplana. ) Abh. k. Gesell. Wiss. Gottingen, xiv. 1868, p. 1. 38. Keller. (Asexual Reproduction in Rhabdocoela and Tricladida.) Jen. Zeit. xxviii. 1894, p. 370. 39. Kennel, v. (Prorhynchus.) Arb. Zool. Instit. Wurzburg, vi. 1883, p. 69. 40. Lang, A. (Nervous System of Triclads. ) Mith. Zool. St. Neapel, iii. 1882, p. 53. 41. Ibid. (Gunda segmentata.) Mith. Zool. St. Neapel, iii. 1882, p. 187. 42. Ibid. Die Polycladen. Naples Monograph, xi. 1884. 43. Lehnert. (Bionomics of Bipalium.) Arch. f. Naturgesch. 57. 1891, p. 306. 44. Leuckart, R. (Mesostomum Ehrenbergii. ) Arch. f. Naturgesch. 18 Jahrg. Bd. i. 1852, p. 234. 45. Mertcns. Mem. Imper. Sci. Petersburg (ser. 6). Sci. Math. Phys. et Nat. ii. 1833, p. 1. 46. Moseley. (Stylochus pelagicus.) Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. xvii. 1887, p. 23. 42 LITERATURE OF THE TURBELLARIA 47. Moseley. (Land Planarians.) Phil. Trans, clxiv. 1874, p. 105. 48. Afiiller, Joh. Arch. f. Anat. Physiol. 1850, p. 485 ; and 1854, p. 75. 49. Ott. (Stenostoma.) Journ. Morph. vii. 1892, p. 263. 50. Pereyaslawzewa. Monogr. Turbellar. mer noire, Odessa, 1892. 51. Quatrefages. Ann. Sci. Nat. iv. 1845, p. 129. 52. Sabussow. (Haplodiscus.) Mith. Zool. St. Neapel, xii. 1896, p. 853. 53. Schulze, Fr. (Inaug. Dissert.) De Planariarum vivendi ratione et structura penitiori nonnulla, 1836. 54. Schmidt, Osc. Die Rhabdocoelen Turbellarien des Siisswassers, 1848. 55. Ibid. Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool. xi. 1861, pp. 1 and 89. 56. SeUnka. Zool. Stud. (Entwick. d. Seeplan.), 1881. 57. Spencer. (Cotyloplana. ) Trans. Roy. Soc. Victoria, ii. pt. 2, p. 42. 58. Uljanin. (Die Turbell. d. Bucht v. Sebastopol. ) Ber. d. Vereins d. Freunde d. Naturwiss. Moskau, 1870. 59. Vcjdovsky. (Bothrioplana and other Rhabdocoelida.) Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool. Ix. 1895, pp. 90, 163. 60. Voigt. (Asexual Reproduction summarised.) Biol. Centralbl. xiv. 1894, pp. 745, 771. 61. Wagner. (Reproduction in Microstoma. ) Zool. Jahrbuch. (Anat.), iv. 1891, p. 349. 62. Weldan. (Haplodiscus.) Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. xxix. 1888, p. 1. 63. Wheeler. (Bdelluridae.) Journ. Morph. ix. 1894, p. 167. 64. Ibid. (Planocera inquilina. ) Journ. Morph. ix. 1894, p. 195. 65. Woodworth. (Phagocata. ) Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard, xxi. 1891, p. 1. CHAPTER XVII. PLATYHELMIA — TEMNOCEPHALOIDEA. CLASS II. TEMNOCEPHALOIDEA. PLATYHELMIA, in which the flattened body is provided posteriorly with a large ventral sucker. The epidermis is retained through- out life as a nucleated syncytium, which secretes a thick cuticle, but which may also carry cilia, and contain rhabdites. ORDER Dactylifera. The body is produced into finger-shaped tentacular processes along the anterior margin or along the lateral margins as well ; the mouth is situated anteriorly, and leads through a pharynx into a wide, nearly rectangular intestine, which is without diverticula. A single genital pore situated posteriorly is common both to the male and female apparatus. FAMILY 1. TEMNOCEPHALIDAE. With four to twelve preoral tentacles. The-excretory system opens to the exterior by means of a pair of anteriorly and dorsally situated contractile sacs ; the vitellarium is reticulate. Temnocephala, Blanch. (Fig. I. 1, 6, 7) ; Craspedella, Hasw. ; C. Spenceri, Hasw., sole species, in the branchial chamber of Astacopsis bicarinatus. FAMILY 2. ACTINODACTYLELLIDAE. Tentacular processes along each side of the body ; a second sucker is developed in front of the mouth ; no contractile sacs at the excretory pore. Actinodactylella, Hasw. (orig. Actinodactylus) ; A. Blanchardi, Hasw., on Engaeus fossor (Fig. I. 3). Further Remarks on the Temnocephaloidea. — The members of this class, so far as they are known at the present day, live on the outer surface of fresh-water animals, to which they attach them- selves by means of the sucker ; they do not, however, feed upon the " host " but on small animals, such as Entomostraca, Rotifera, Infusoria, etc.; they can therefore scarcely be termed "ecto- parasites " in the usual sense of the word. Most of the species occur on the surface of fresh -water Crustacea; the Brazilian T. Jheringii, Hasw., in the pulmonary chamber of the mollusc Ampullaria, and T. brevicornis, Montic., on the surface of Chel- onians (Hydropsis and Hydromedusa). The genus Temnocephala was discovered in Chili by Blanchard, who regarded it as an 44 THE TEMNOCEPHALOIDEA Annelid ; and later, Philippi placed it amongst the Leeches. Thanks to the investigation of Max Weber and Haswell, we Fie;. I.— Temnocephaloideu. (After Haswell, and Figs. 0, 7 after Weber.) 1. — Te.mnocephala minor, Hasw., from the surface of Astampsis; ventral view, o, moutli ; of the body, chamber of Astacopsis. e, eyes, resting ?>, genital pore ; c, sucker ; d, tentacular prolongations of the body. 2. — Craspedella spenceri, Hasw., from the branchial chamber of ., upon the brain ; /, excretory pore and contractile sac ; .a, the three fringed lamellae on the dorsal surface, behind which are four conical papillae ; c, dorsal edge of the sucker. 3. — Actinoilnctylclla blanchardi, Hasw., from the surface of Engaens foxsnr. a, mouth ; b, pharynx ; c, intestine ; d, follicular vitellaria, arranged along the sides of the intestine ; e, the left testis, deeply bilobed ; /, lateral, tentacular prolongations of the body ; g, dorsal edge of the sucker. 4. — ActinodactyhUa, ventral view of the anterior end. a, most anterior tentacular pro- longations of the 'body; 6, peculiar proboscis everted through the mouth and which exists in addition to the pharynx, in which it lies when withdrawn into the body ; r, preoral sucker. 5. — A small portion of a section through the body wall of Temnwephcla. a, nucleus of epidermal syncytium, which is vertically striated like the epidermal cells of Turitcllaria, and here and there traversed by the necks of snbepidermal gland cells. The artist has made these too regular, so as to look like cell boundaries ; I, cuticle raised up into low papillae, some of which l»«ar tufts of sensory hairs (e), to which is seen going what appears to be a nerve fibre (on the left of the figure) ; c, basement membrane ; d, circular muscles. 6. — Plan of the alimentary and excretory systems in T. semperi, M. Weber, as seen from the dorsal surface, a, mouth leading into a small pharyngeal sac ; I, pharynx ; c, intestine ; d, excretory pore ; e, contractile bladder, formed of a single perforated cell ; /, chief excretory vessels ; g, the vessels entering the tentacle. The outline of the sucker is indicated by dotted lines. 7.— Plan of the genital organs of T. semperi, M. Weber, as seen from below, a, mouth ; c, genital pore leading into the genital atrium; rf, oviduct; e, germarium ; /, receptaculum seminis ; g, vitellarium in the form of a network covering the dorsal surface of the intestine ; h, the testes; j, sperm duct, which, after uniting with its fellow, gives rise to a seminal reside ; fr, penis, with chitinous sheath. 8.— One of the excretory cells of T. fastiala, Hasw., which exists in addition to the ordinary flame cells, a, tubule, branching in the substance of the cell to form a system of minute capillaries ; b, large nucleus. THE TEMNOCEPHALO1DEA 45 know that its true position is among the Platyhelmia. It occurs in the Australian region, in New Zealand, in Celebes, Madagascar, Chili, and Brazil. The other two genera are known only from Australia. The most interesting anatomical feature, and one which differen- tiates the class from the Trematoda, is presented by the external covering of the body, for the epidermis retains to a great degree its original character of a cellular layer, but the cells are not dis- tinct ; they form a syncy tium, in which the round nuclei are disposed regularly (Fig. I. 5). This epidermis has, however, so far lost its original character as to be deprived of cilia in most species, and gives rise to a cuticle, varying in thickness, traversed by " poi e canals " for the passage of the necks of subepidermal gland cells, which may contain rhabdites similar to those of Turbellaria. In this latter respect, then, the class resembles the Rhabdocoelida, and this resemblance is increased by the fact that in at least two species, T. minor, Hasw., and T. dendyi, Hasw., vibratile cilia have been recognised over the general body surface. The subdermal rhabdite glands form rod tracts (Stiibchenstrasse), as in many Rhabdocoels, and are arranged in definite groups. The tentacular prolongations of the body are peculiar to the group, though the Rhabdocoel Forticeros presents two such pro- cesses. The muscular system is specially developed and modified at the posterior end to form a " sucker " ; there are (a) fibres which pass dorso-ventrally from the body wall to the centre of the sucking disc ; (b) dorso-ventral fibres traversing the substance of the sucker itself ; (c) circular fibres ; (d) radial fibres ; and (e) certain longitudinal fibres from the ventral wall of the body into the lateral part of the sucker peduncle. By the varying con- traction and extension of the muscle fibres, this sucker is enabled to attach itself firmly to any underlying surface. The possession of the sucker naturally allies the forms with the Trematoda. The pharynx retains a somewhat primitive character in being a Ph. bulbosus, whose chief function is " sucking." The excretory system of Actinodactylella is known only from its flame cells; but in the Temnocephalidae it presents certain peculiarities, in that the number of component cells is very few, and the nuclei of considerable size, recalling in both features the Nematode excretory system ; for instance, each terminal contractile sac is formed of a single cell. In addition to flame cells of a normal structure, some of the branches of the system of capillaries terminate in large cells, one to each such branch, riddled with a number of very fine canalicules, giving rise to a structure recalling very strongly the cells of the nephridium of Hirudo (Fig. I. 8). The anterior position of the excretory pore, its contractile sac, and the main course of the canal are features of resemblance with 46 THE TEMNOCEPHAL01DEA the monogenetic (Heterocotylean) Trematodes, rather than with the Turbellaria. But in the nervous system the Temnocephaloidea retain a much more primitive condition than that presented by the existing Rhabdocoelida. The extensive network arising from the brain presents three main tracts on each side of larger dimensions. The genital organs (Fig. I. 7) are formed on the ordinary Platyhelminth plan ; in their position posteriorly to the intestine, and in the lateral position of the testes, the Temnocephaloidea re- semble the Turbellaria. The testes retain the primitive, bilateral symmetry ; but the testis of each side is so deeply constricted as to form two oval, or it may be lobulated organs, connected together by a narrow duct, so that there is here a commencement of that process which results in the " follicular" arrangement of Tricladida, and Polycladida. The penis presents a Rhabdocoelidan character in being enveloped in a chitinous sheath, resembling that of many tubificid Oligochaetes (such as Limnodrilus) ; while the terminal region of the sperm duct is eversible, and provided with chitinous spines. The female gonad has undergone that same differentiation into germarium and vitellarium which occurs in many Turbellaria. The former is compact ; the latter presents a peculiar and characteristic arrangement in its reticulate structure, covering the dorsal surface of the sac-like intestine. The vagina is armed. The whole anatomy, therefore, of the Temnocephaloidea exhibits a remarkable intermediate condition between the Rhabdocoelida and the Trematoda, while presenting certain peculiarities of its own, which entitle the animals to a position independent of these two classes. Nothing is known of the development beyond the fact that the eggs are laid in capsules (sometimes operculated), which are pyriform and stalked, except in T. fasciata, where several oval eggs are embedded in a mass of secretion. 1. Haswdl. Quart. Journ. Mic. Sci. xxviii. 1888, > 279. 2. Ibid. (For all previous literature.) Macleay Memorial Volume 1893, p. 93. 3. Ib id. (Actinodactylella.) Macleay Memorial Volume, p. 153. 4. Max Weber. Zool. Ergebnisse einer Reise in Niederl. Ost-Ind. 1890, vol. i. p. 1. 5. Plait. SB. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1894, p. 527. CHAPTER XVIII. PLATYHELMIA — TREMATODA. CLASS III. TREMATODA (RuDOLPHi). Order 1. Heterocotylea. Fam. 1. Monocotylidae. „ 2. Tristomidae. „ 3. Polystomidae. „ 4. Microcotylidae. „ 5. Gyrodactylidae. Order 2. Aspidocotylea. Fam. Aspidobothridae. Order 3. Malacocotylea. Fam. 1. Amphistomidae. ,, 2. Distomidae. „ 3. Holostomidae. „ 4. Monostomidae. ,, 5. Gasterostomidae. „ 6. Didymozoonidae. PARASITIC Platyhelmia which retain the mouth and alimentary tract of the ancestor, but in which the epidermis not only loses its cilia during embryogeny, but is apparently absent in the adult as a distinct, continuous, cellular layer, having sunk into the mesoblastic tissue, after secreting a thick, stratified, chitinous cuticle. Further, in relation to their parasitic habits, suckers are developed at or near the posterior end on the ventral surface, and also in the region of the mouth. Historical. — Our knowledge of Trematodes begins with Gabu- cinus(1547), who described the occurrence of the liver fluke in sheep, which was, however, referred to by Jehan'de Brie as early as 1379 ; Leeuwenhoek (1695) added a form found in the herring; Swam- merdam (1752) mentions a distome in the frog's lung; Roesel v. Rosenhof (1758) gave a description and figure of a fluke (Poly- stomum) which he discovered in the frog's bladder. Then came that 48 THE TREMATODA wonderfully accurate observer, 0. F. Miiller (1777), who, in a series of memoirs, described a number of species, and gave good pictures of them. These earlier writers, naturally, were weak in the inter- pretation of anatomical features, and it has taken nearly a century since Miiller's time to obtain a proper knowledge of the anatomy, while even at the present day one or two matters are open to dispute. After Miiller, the number of observers rapidly increased, and it is impossible even to mention a hundredth part of those who have aided in building up our knowledge of the anatomy and variety of forms in Trematodes and Cestodes. Max Braun (11) gives a complete list of works thereon, with a brief epitome of the contents of each memoir. The most important amongst those who have added to the number of genera and species are Rudolphi (1808), v. Baer (1827), v. Nordmann (1832), Diesing, Wagener (1858), P. J. van Beneden, Cobbold, v. Linstow, Willemoes-Suhm, Taschenberg, and in more recent times Monticelli, Sonsino, Parona, Perugia, and Stossich, as will be seen in the systematic account. Many of the above-named zoologists naturally added to our knowledge of the anatomy and life-history of the members of the group, and the various important advances are mentioned in the text below. The following are conspicuous for the amount of new knowledge which they contributed: — Bojanus (1818), Mehlis (1825), Laurer (1830), v. Siebold (1835), Leuckart, Stieda (1867), and Zeller. Carlisle (1794) deserves mention, as he appears to have been the first to demonstrate, by means of injection, the course of the canals of the excretory system which, however, he regarded as the alimentary tract. Certain stages in the life-history of the endoparasitic forms were known in the last century, e.g. to Swammerdam, and some of the more important contributions are due to Nitzsch (1807), Carus (1835), Moulini6 (1856), La Vallete St. George (1855), who con- ducted experiments in feeding probable hosts with cercariae, Pagenstech^r (1857), Zeller, Schauinsland, and Thomas. The limits of the class are very well defined, and consequently we find but few animals wrongly included therein ; nevertheless, some curious mistakes have been made ; for instance, Lacaze Duthiers described " Phoenicurus " as a fluke, parasitic on Tethys ; Spengel and Bergh have, however, pointed out that it is merely a normal, readily detachable, appendage of that mollusc. " Thysanosoma," from the caecum of Cervus dichotomus, was at first described by Diesing as a fluke ; it is really a detached proglottid of a Cestode ; van Beneden included Cydatella, but later recognised that it is a species of Loxosoma parasitic on Clymene. Myzostoma was for a long time placed here, till Leuckart THE TREMATODA 49 showed that it is an Annelid. While Kolliker pointed out that Cuvier's " Hectocotyle " is not a fluke, but at the same time fell into error in regarding it as a " pygmy male " of Argonauta and Tremoctopus. Pentastoma was included, till P, J. van Beneden (1849) discovered its embryo, and allocated it to the Arthropoda. The first definite attempt to classify the parasitic worms or " Helminths," as they were then called, was made by Zeder (1800), who divided them into five families, to which he gave German equivalents of (a) round worms, (b) hooked worms, (c) sucking worms, (d) tape-worms, and (e) bladder-worms. Of the " sucking worms " he recognised three genera, of which he gave diagnoses, and divided the various species into groups. Rudolphi (1808), in an epoch-making work on intestinal worms, invented the term " Trematoda " l for Zeder's " sucking worms," which he raised to the rank of an ^ Order." Both these authors laid great and deserved stress on the arrangement of the suckers, a character which, together with the absence of " segmentation," is still a sufficient mark of distinction of the Trematodes from the Cestodes. The earlier authors were acquainted with endoparasitic forms only, and the discovery of ectoparasitic Trematodes, and the gradual increase in the number of genera and species, as well as a mor»« correct knowledge of anatomy, due to the researches of v. Baer, Nordmann, Nitzsch, Diesing, and many others, led Leuckart (1856) to propose a division of the Trematodes into the two "families": (1) Distomea, for endoparasitic forms with a meta- morphosis ; and (2) Polystomea, for ectoparasitic forms which have no metamorphosis. In the same year, Burmeister separated Aspidogaster from the rest, and suggested a threefold division into (a) Malacobothrii (for Distomids), (b) Pectobothrii (for Polystomids), and (c) Aspidobothrii (for Aspidogaster). This system has been generally overlooked and obscured by P. J. van Beneden's great work (1858) on the group, embracing as it did not only an account of several new species, but also an experimental investigation into the life-history of the endoparasitic and ectoparasitic forms respectively; these researches led to the recognition of the importance of these two modes of reproduction : the direct or " monogenetic," and the indirect or " digenetic." And until quite recently this twofold division held the field, till Monti- celli (1892) proposed the threefold division, which is essentially the same as Burmeister's. The class Trematoda is divided into the three orders, primarily distinguished by the character of the suckers, viz. — Heterocotylea, Aspidocotylea, and Malacocotylea. pierced with holes. 50 THE TREMATODA ORDER 1. Heterocotylea, Monticelli ( = Polystomea, Leuck. = Pecto- bothrii, Burm. = Monogenea, v. Ben.). Trematoda, in which there is a large posterior, ventral, terminal adhesive organ in addition to a pair of anterior suckers in relation to the mouth ; the latter may be absent. The posterior apparatus consists either of a single sucker, usually of large size, which is generally divided by radial ridges into a number of compartments ; or these ridges may be so extensively developed as to give rise to a number of separate suckers set upon a caudal disc or " cotylophore." This posterior apparatus is very usually provided with chitinous booklets. Eye-spots are not unfrequently present. The excretory system com- municates with the exterior by a pair of pores laterally placed on the dorsal surface, near the anterior end. The male and female ducts nearly always open by a common pore. A third genital duct, known as the vagina, is usually present, with an external aperture independent of the uterine pore. The members of the group are nearly all ectoparasitic, and development takes place without the intervention of an intermediate host, and without any intercalated asexual reproduction (hence "mono- genetic "), so that from each egg laid only one new fluke is produced. For accounts of the anatomy of various genera, see van Beneden, 5 ; Goto, 19 ; Cerfontaine, 14. FAMILY 1. MONOCOTYLIDAE. Posterior sucker usually small ; anterior suckers absent ; the common genital pore median. Pseudocotyle^ v. Ben. and Hesse, on skin of Selachians. Calicotyle, Dies. ; G. kroyeri, Dies., in cloaca of male Raia. Monocotyle, Tasch. (Fig. III. 2) ; M. mylio- batiSj Tasch., on Myliobatis aquila. FAMILY 2. THISTOMIDAE, with one large posterior sucker, with or without compartments ; with or without booklets ; a pair of anterior " lateral " suckers ; male and female ducts usually open by a common pore situated anteriorly, usually on the left side ; vagina and its aperture single on the left side. Parasitic on gills and skin of marine fish. Nitzschia, v. Baer ; N. elongata, Nitzsch, gill cavity of Sturgeon. Epibdella, Blv. ; Phyllonella, v. Ben. and H. ; P. soleae, v. Ben. and H. ; Tristomum, Guv. (Fig. II. 1) ; Acantliocotyle, Montic. ; A. lobianchii, Montic., on skin of Raia clavata. Encotyllabe, Dies. ; E. nordmanni, Dies., on nostril of Bream. Udonella, Johnston (Fig. II. 5), on parasitic Crustacea. Ediinella, v. Ben. and H. ; Ptqronella, v. Ben. and H. FAMILY 3. POLYSTOMIDAE. The posterior adhesive organ is formed by six or eight suckers on a caudal disc or " cotylophore " which is usually armed ; two anterior " buccal " suckers communicating with the oral cavity are usually present ; vagina single or paired; common genital pore median. On gills of fishes, skin and bladder of Amphibia and Reptiles (see Goto, 19). SUB-FAMILY 1. OCTOCOTYLINAE, with four to eight posterior suckers ; a pair of " buccal " suckers ; genital booklets. A. Suckers, four on each side. Octobothrium, Lkt ; 0. alosae, v. Ben. and H., on gill of Shad. Diplozoon, v. Nordmann. The genital ducts are so arranged that the male duct of each animal becomes continuous with the vagina of the other (Zeller, 50), or with vitelline duct (Goto, 1 8). D. paradoxum, v. Nordm., on the Minnow ; THE TREMATODA Europe (Fig. IV.). Diclidophora, Goto (non Diesing), (Fig. II. 4) ; Dactylocotyle, v. Ben. and H. ; Cyclobothrium, Cerf. ; C. sessilis, Goto, oral Fia. I.— Anatomy of a Schematic Heterocotylean. 1.— Dorsal view, showing the alimentary and nervous systems, o, mouth, on the ventral surface, the outline being therefore clotted ; b, pharynx ; c, bifurcate intestine ; rf, branching, intestinal caeca ; e, post-genital union of the two intestinal limbs ; e', median portion of the intestine, which is continued backwards, and gives origin to caeca in the posterior sucker (or cotylophnre, as the case may be) ; /, excretory pore, right and left, situated just dorsal to the margin of the body ; g, the vaginal pore ; it is here represented as paired ; but frequently it is unpaired ; h, anterior nerve, right and left, arising from the brain ; j, tho cerebral ganglion, which carries on each side a couple of eyes, represented by white spots ; k, marginal or lateral nerve ; I, dorsal nerve, which is frequently present ; m, ventral nerve. The nervous system is shown in greater detail in Fig. XXI. ; n, the right anterior sucker ; it is unconnected with the oral cavity, and is termed " lateral " ; o, posterior sucker ; p, a booklet projecting from the posterior sucker; r, the genito-iutestinal (Laurer's) canal, entering the right limb of the in- testine. 2.— Plan of the excretory system, seen from the ventral surface, a, mouth ; 6, genital pore and atrium, here represented as median, but it may lie on the left of the median line ; /, excretory pore ; g, contractile excretory bladder, right and left ; h, large excretory duct, passing backwards to the hinder end of the body ; fc, the forwardly-directed (ascending) canal, in continuity with the duct posteriorly, and running to the anterior end of the body, giving off irregularly arranged branches, which subdivide to form capillaries ; i, capillaries terminating in flame cells, which are indicated by the terminal thickenings ; j, transverse anastomotie vessel, which is frequently present behind the genital organs ; », the left anterior "lateral" e posterior sucker, which is here, as so frequently, subdivided into compartments a lateral loculus ; g7, the central loculua sucker ; o, the posterior suc or "loculi" by radiating ridges; p, a hooklet ; air of small hooklets (scarcely visible in the figure) are carried by the pair of posterior radii. The intestine consists of a subcircular main canal, bearing many much-branched caeca. The canal is only represented in outline, and the caeca only partially indicated on the right of the figure. The horseshoe-shaped vitcllarian duct and the branches therefrom follow the course of the corre- sponding parts of the enteric canal. From the anterior end of each limb of the main duct a transverse duct (represented only on the right of the figure) passes inwards to join the rest of the female apparatus, which is not represented. 2.—Hexniv>tule grossa, Goto, from the gill of Tliynnus sp. (ventral view, after Goto). There is a long oesophageal region (o) passing back from the pharynx to the level of the genital pore, behind which it bifurcates. Each limb gives rise to a series of anastomosing branches forming a marginal network shown on the left of the figure, which is continued posteriorly into the caudal disc ; and behind the testes a central network is similarly formed. The pore of the vagina lies on the rtorsnl surface ; the vagina itself bifurcates posteriorly, indicating its true double origin. 1, 2, 3, the three large suckers, and 4, the minute median sucker, represented by a dot on the caudal disc. Between the latter are two small hooklets, represented by short lines. 3. — The female organs of Sphyranura nsleri, Wright, from Necturtts lateralis, ventral view. The genital atrium (/) receives 'the male duct («) anteriorly and the female duct (^pos- teriorly; d, uterus, dilated distally and containing an egg (o) which is provided with a filament at one end ; »/, vagina, right and left, here a blind sac, having lost its external pore and functioning as a spermatheca ; h, right and left, transverse vitelline duct ; h', yolk reservoir (? = ootype); i, portion of the intestine ; fc, genito-intestinal canal ; q, germ duct ; r, gcrmarium; a;, the point of union of the various ducts. 4.—Didulophora elongate, Goto, showing the alimentary system. The two limbs of the intestine are united by several transverse branches, both in front of and behind the genital organs (which are not represented). Caeca are also given off laterally, and one enters the stalk of each posterior sucker. 1, 2, 3, 4, the four suckers at the left side, each is armed and pedun- culated. 5.—Udonclla cdlignrum, Jnstn., from CoHpis (after P. J. van Beneden). ft, the anterior sucker surrounds, as by a collar, the everted pharynx. The posterior sucker is a simple deep cup. The uterus contains an egg anteriorly. The right ami left lobes of the vitellarium are united posteriorly by a median lobe. The transverse vitellarian ducts are seen ]>a.ssing to the ootype, which receives also the germ duct from the germarium. The intestine, here, is a simple bifurcated tube, without caeca. G.—Anthocotyle merlncii, v. Ben. and Hesse, from the gill of Jferfaefmi imJgarb (after Cerfontaine). Outline showing the ventral surface, pores, and suckers. 1, the large clasping sucker of the posterior system, one valve alone, with its armature, is shown : 2, 3, 4, the three small suckers ; w, the terminal region of the disc (enlarged on the right), with its two pairs of hooklets. obscure. A single egg ripens at a time, and develops into an embryo while in the uterus ; but within this embryo a second embryo becomes marked out before the first leaves the mother (Fig. III. 6). There are thus three generations, one within the other ; and Wagener (46) has suggested three possibilities to explain what happens, but is unable to decide between them. (ft) The grand-daughter arises, like the daughter, by the ordinary sexual process (which is very improbable), (b) Some of the blastomeres of the original egg remain quiescent and take no share in the formation of the daughter, but later undergo development within it to form the second 54 THE TREMATODA embryo ; in this case the two are sisters, (c) The second embryo, or third generation, is a " spore." Fio. III.— Heterccoty leans. l.—Microcotyle fttsiformis, Goto, from the gill of Centronotus nibulosiis (ventral view, after Goto), a, buccal suckers opening into the oral cavity, behind which is the pharynx ; b, common genital pore ; c, vaginal pore ; (/, the lateral cotylophore with numerous small suckerlets, each armed with chitinous skeleton. 2. — Monocotyle ijimae, Goto, from the oral cavity of Trygon pastinaca (ventral view, after Goto), a, mouth ; c, one of the eight compartments or loculi of the posterior sucker, which is provided with a pair of small booklets inserted in the hindmost pair of radii ; e, excretory pore of the left side ; /, common genital pore ; g, vaginal pore, to the left of the middle line ; f, intestine ; p, pharynx ; t, testis, here divided into three lobes ; y, the "sticky glands," which functionally replace the anterior suckers. 8. — Diplecta num aei^ians, Dies, (side view after v. Beneden). a, the anterior end bilobed and carrying a hook ; b, the left anterior, lateral sucker ; c, eye-spots ; d, great posterior sucker armed with large hooks ; e, the rows of binall spines in the wall of the sucker ; /, hooks. 4. — The same, anterior end, dorsal surface, c, eye-spot. 5. — The same, posterior end ; letters as before. 6. — Gyrwlactylus elegans, v. Nordm., from gills of various fresh-water fish (after Wagener); ventral view, a, anterior lobe of the body which carries the pores of the " sticky glands " (b) ; c, the mouth ; d, pharynx, lying in the pharyngeal sac ; the pharynx is eight-loU-d, and each lobe consists of an anterior clear portion and a posterior granular portion ; e, the intestine ; c', mouth of first embryo ; d1, the pharynx of first embryo ; /, uterus, with two embryos, one within the other; g1, the first embryo; g", the second embryo within the first; h, egg in oviduct; i, testin ; j, ovary ; fc, caudal disc, the margin of which is provided with a number of papillae, each of which carries a booklet ; I, the great central hooks of the disc ; k1, the caudal disc of the first embryo ; k", the same of the second embryo. 7. — The same ; the everted pharynx seen from below, showing the eight tentacle-like processes diverging through the oral aperture ; the black centre is the entrance from the pharynx to the cavity of the intestine ; the granular part of pharynx is not everted. 8. — The same ; one of the marginal hooks, a, the free end of the hook ; b, the plate to which the handle e is inserted ; c, the hoop which serves for the attachment of muscles (d). Metschnikoff (34) has made an interesting comparison with the normal development of Monostomum mutabile and other Trematodes. The result THE TREMATODA 55 of segmentation in these is a blastosphere in which the outer layer of cells becomes ciliated while the central mass becomes the " sporocyst." He suggests that the first embryo of Gyrodactylus or daughter may be compared with the former, the grand-daughter with the latter, as they are both formed from a mass of embryonic cells which separate in the same way as in Monostomum ; whilst v. Linstow (1892) has suggested that Gyro- dactylus is a larval form capable of reproducing by an asexual method. Remarks upon the Order Heterocotylea. — The general anatomy of the group is sufficiently evident from the figures, and will be treated, together with that of the Malacocotylea, later (p. 77). Reproduction.— The life-history forms an important distinctive character of the order. The only observed instance of copulation is that of Polystomum (Zeller, 49), which is temporary, and the permanent copulation of two Diporpae (Dujardin), which was shown by v. Siebold to form that anomalous animal Diplozoon. From the fact that many of the Heterocotylea live isolated on the gills of fishes, and that eggs are laid by them, it is probable that self-fertilisation occurs ; this is borne out by observations on Distomum, spp. by Looss (31), who finds spermatozoa within the uterus before the external pore is formed. They could therefore only have been derived from the ripe male organs ; and further, in some species there is no penis, so that copulation could not have taken place. If self-fertilisation may occur in Distomum, there is every reason to expect its occurrence in the Heterocotylea. Each egg, when laid, consists of a single germ cell, derived from the germarium, embedded amongst a considerable number of vitelline cells (yolk cells) derived from the vitellarium, as in Triclads, and sur- rounded by a shell, which is secreted by the walls of the "ootype." The form of the egg, which is frequently of systematic value, depends upon the shape of the " ootype." The shell is provided with an anterior operculum. The shell substance is produced into a filament at one or both ends ; that arising from the body of the shell — the " stalk " — is used for attaching the shell to the host. Rarely (Polystomum) the eggs are laid in the water. Practically nothing is known of the segmentations and early stages in develop- ment in the Order, though Zeller has described the course of events in Polystomum. The egg cell becomes multinucleate before cell division takes place; ultimately a solid blastosphere is formed. The yolk cells, meanwhile, become reduced in size ; and as the growing embryo absorbs more and more of the yolk, the yolk cells become broken down, and finally, when the embryo acquires a mouth, the remains are swallowed. When hatched, the larva swims freely in the water by means of five incomplete girdles of cilia, of which the three anterior are incomplete dorsally, the two posterior incomplete ventrally (Fig. V. 5, 6). Posteriorly the body is produced into a caudal disc, armed with sixteen hook- THE TREMATODA lets, [but without suckers. The larva possess four eyes, an intestine, and a well-developed excretory system. During its passage through the water, the larva seeks for a young tadpole of the frog, and not Fio. IV. finding one within twenty-four hours, the cilia degenerate and the animal dies. But having come across its future host, it swims and creeps leech-like over the surface of the body till it arrives at the branchial aperture; into which it darts with great suddenness. THE TREMATODA 57 Arrived in the gill chamber, the larva undergoes a gradual meta- morphosis, the cilia disappear, and the cells bearing them shrink up ; suckers make their appearance in pairs on the caudal disc, each being formed around a booklet, thus leaving ten booklets outside the suckers. Meanwhile, the tadpole itself is undergoing metamorphosis, and the young Polystomum makes its way into the pharynx, and wanders along the alimentary tract to the rectum ; on the formation of the cloacal bladder, the young Polystomum enters it. It is not till the third year that the parasite becomes sexually mature. But if, as sometimes happens, the larva of the parasite has attacked a younger tadpole than usual, one in which the external gills are still present, it can FIG. IV.— Diplozoon paradoxum, v. Nordm., from the Minnow. (Figs. 2-S after Zeller.) 1.— The complete animal pair (altered from v. Nordmann) seen from the ventral surface. The individual A A1 is permanently copulating with Bit'. The intestine is shown in each ; it consists of a single tube produced into caeca ; really on all sides, but appearing here only on right and left. Beyond the point of union of A A ' with BB1, and in the region occupied by the genital system, their lateral caeca are absent, but they reappear again behind the testes. In D. nipponicum the intestine bifurcates at the cross and surrounds the genital organs, behind which the two limbs again unite. , pharynx ; c, the simple sac-like intestine ; (7, genital pore (really ventral in position) leading into the genital atrium ; e, the copulatory region of the uterus surrounded by glandular tissue ; /, the uterus, long, undulating, as in a Distome, and dorsal in position ; g, vitellaria, with a longitudinal duct on each side connected by a transverse vitelline duct to open by a short common duct into the germ duct{A) ; f , ootype, surrounded by the shell gland ; j, Laurer's canal (=recept. yitelli of Voeltzkow), arising from the germ duct and passing backwards to terminate in a pyriform dilatation 0'') j"»t below the skin of the dorsal surface, immediately behind the end of the intestine ; A', gennarium ; I, testis, here a single "compact" organ; m, sperm duct; n, seminal vesicle; p, penis, sur- rounded by prostate gland ; s is the outline of the sucker which just projects beyond the margin of the body ; t, outline of body. On the right, plan of the excretory system, a, excretory pore (there are two, according to Stafford) ; b, the great collecting vessels or ducts dilated posteriorly to form a bladder ; c, excretory tubule arising from its anterior end and passing into the neck ; d, the recurrent limb; from the point marked by the index line there are, in the whole course of the system, bunches of cilia (Hames) set close together along the mesial wall of the tubes. This main tube gives off branches (e) which, according to Stafford, always came off in 3's, and the subsequent branching is also in 3's ; after six such trifurcations the finest capillaries terminate in flame cells. This figure was drawn before Stafford's paper appeared, and is schematised from Voeltzkow's side view ; he, like Huxley, described the right and left canals as asymmetrical, as here represented ; Stafford believes them to be symmetrical ; kf, the branch from left canal to the gennarium; I', the branch to the testis; «', the branch to the sucker; according to Stafford, similar branches issue from the right canal as well. the reproductive organs can attain their full size and development without compressing the gut and interfering with its primitive sac-like form. The wall of the intestine, as well as that of the 62 THE TREMATODA wide collecting canals of the excretory organs, is provided with distinct layers of circular and longitudinal muscles — an unusual condition amongst the Trematoda. The retractile sense organs arranged at definite intervals along the margin of the ventral disc are extremely peculiar ; they are supplied by a special nerve traversing this margin. The body is divided into an upper and a lower portion by a horizontal muscular partition (Fig. VII.), extending anteriorly from the genital pore as far backwards as the end of the in- testine ; in the dorsal portion are situated the intestine, the terminal portions of the genital ducts, and the vitellaria ; whilst in the ventral portion lie the gonads, the wide excretory canal, and the lateral nerves. With regard to the reproductive organs, the single globular testis is exceptional, retaining the ancestral form. Certain parts of the female apparatus are difficult of interpretation ; the recepta- culum vitelli or receptaculum seminis is now regarded as homologous with " Laurer's canal," which has lost its external opening (Looss, Goto). It is stated to contain yolk spheres, and is developed by proliferations of epiblast cells from the dorsal surface (44). Self-copulation has been directly observed by Voeltzkow, and no doubt constantly occurs, as frequently only a single parasite is found. The egg develops into a young embryo, which differs from the adult, chiefly in the fact that the sucker is posteriorly placed on the ventral surface, and is relatively small (Fig. VI. 5-8). There is also an oral sucker. The posterior sucker gets carried forwards by the growth of the hinder dorsal part of the body ; and the gradual formation of the compartments has been observed. The mode of infection is unknown, since the embryos have only been hatched artificially, and it is unknown whether eggs or embryos leave the body, and how they arrive in the organs in which they are parasitic. ORDER 3. Malacocotylea, Monticelli ( = Distomea, Leuck. = Mala- cobothrii, Burm. = Digenea, v. Ben.). Endoparasitic Trematoda in which the suckers are never more than two in number, viz. a circuraoral sucker, and a second, somewhere on the ventral surface ; the latter may, however, be absent. In addition to these two typical suckers, accessory organs are developed to aid in fixation, in the form of glandular papillae, or scattered spines ; but there are never any booklets or skeletal pieces on the chief ventral sucker. The two forks of the intestine are usually without caeca. The excretory system always opens to the exterior by a median posterior pore which leads into a median contractile sac. In addition to the pores of the sperm duct, and uterus, which normally open through a common atrium, THE TREMATODA there is usually a small aperture on the dorsal surface which leads into a narrow canal, known as " Laurer's canal," opening into some part of the female duct system. There is never a separate vagina in the sense in which the word is used in the Heterocotylea. JL FIG. IX.— The Structure of a Schematic Malacocotylean. (Founded on that of a Distomum.) 1.— Plan of the alimentary canal and the nervous system, supposed to be seen from the dorsal surface, o, the ventrally placed mouth (represented by dotted outline) lying in the centre of the anterior sucker, also indicated by dots ; b, pharynx ; c, median portion of the intestine (this may be long or so short as to be practically absent) ; d, the bifurcate intestine which typically is without caeca ; e, the brain ; /, anterior nerve ; g, marginal (lateral) nerve ; h, the ventral nerve ; i, the dorsal nerve stem (the commissures are not represented, see Fig. XX.) ; j, the posterior, median excretory pore ; I, the dorsally placed aperture to which Laurer's canal is seen passing upwards. 2.— Plan of the external anatomy of the ventral surfaces and of the excretory system, c, posterior or ventral sucker ; d, the genital pore ; j, the excretory pore leading into a median contractile bladder (k) which bifurcates anteriorly and receives on each side the duct or collecting canal (0 ; this runs forward to a varying distance and then gives rise to two canals— (m) the anterior and (>i) the posterior canals ; eacli of which gives off branches terminating in flame cells. 3.— Plan of the genital organs supposed to be viewed from the ventral surface, c, margin of the ventral sucker ; d, genital pore leading into the genital atrium and receiving the male and female ducts ; e, uterus, long and undulating ; /, ootype, surrounded by the shell gland ; sr/germarium. The region between /and g is the germ duct, and receives on one side Laurer's canal (1), and on the other the median vitello-duct (m) ; n, the vitellarium, with longitudinal vitello-duct connected by transverse ducts to the median duct ; p, cirrus in its sac ; r, seminal vesicle ; s, sperm duct, formed posteriorly by the union of the two testicular ducts ; t, the testes, here compact and nearly always double. In the life-history of the Malacocotylea the fertilised egg gives rise to a larva which, in order to complete the cycle, enters another ("inter- mediate ") host ; here it usually gives rise asexually to numerous individuals of a second form, and frequently these again to a third form, from which the sexual worm is developed. So that from each egg deposited by the adult a very large number of new flukes are developed. THE TREMATODA The adults live in Vertebrata, and nearly always in the enteron or its outgrowths ; the intermediate host is usually a mollusc. FAMILY 1. AMPHISTOMIDAE. Body more or less cylindrical ; oral FIG. X.— Some Malacocotyleans. Letters common to all the figures, except Fig. 8. o, mouth and oral sucker ; 6, genital pore ; c, posterior ventral sucker. 1.— Amphistomum conicum, Zed., from the paunch of the cow ; ventral view (after Laurer). The genital pore is at the apex of a small papilla surrounded by a shallow groove (cf. Fig. A\ 2. — Homoiogaster paloniae, Poir., from the caecum of I'alonia (Bos) fnmtalis ; ventral view (after Poirier). p, the adhesive papillae covering the ventral surface. 8. — Gastrothylnx cobboldii, Poir., from the stomach of Palonia ; lateral view (after Poirier). The furrow surrounding the genital papilla has become deepened to form a sac (cf. Fig. L), the entrance to which is labelled d. Figs. A and 1: are immediately below 2 and 4 respectively. 4.— Ogmogaster plicata, Crepl., from the caecum of Kalaennptera sp. ; ventral surface (after Jagerskiold). r, the longitudinal ridges constituting a secondary adhesive organ. 5. — Notocotyle sc.riulis, Dies., from the colon of Anas penel&pe; dorsal surface (after Diesing). t, the dorsal suckers in three rows. 6. — Didi/moxoon thynni, Tschbg. ( = Monostomum bipartitum, Wedl.), from a cyst on tho gills of Thynnus vtdgaris (after Wagener). The two individuals are closely wrapped round one another, their "heads" projecting freely. 7.— Anterior sucker of GMfNWMMM jimbriatum, v. Sieb., from the stomacli of the pike (after Wagener). etf, the tentacle-like processes from its margin. 8.— Gasterostomum armatum, Mol., from the intestine of Coitus Scorpio ; ventral view (partly after Molin, partly after Levinsen). 6, genital pore ; e, anterior sucker ; /, vitellarium ; g, simple sac-like intestine ; h, the left vitelline duct, which unites with its fellow, and opens by a median duct into the germ duct ; i, uterus ; j, germarium ; fc, mouth, which has a position unique amongst the Trematoda, nearly in the middle of the ventral surface ; I, the right testis ; m, seminal vesicle ; n, cirrus sac ; o, cirrus or penis ; v, excretory pore. 9. — The smaller of the two individuals of Didymozoon, probably the male. (After Wagener.) 10.— Monostomum mntabile, Zed., from the sub-orbital sinus and body cavity of various aquatic birds. (After P. J. van Beneden.) it, excretory pore. 11. — Opinthotrema cochleare, Lkt., from the tympanic cavity and Eustachian tube of Ilalicore; ventral view (modified from Fischer). The genital pore (b) is posteriorly placed. THE TREMATODA 65 sucker small ; posterior sucker terminal, usually large, and in front of it fixing papillae may be developed on the ventral surface. Amphistomum, Rud. (Fig. X. 1) ; numerous species in various mammals. A. (Diplo- discus) subclavatum, Goeze, in rectum of Amphibia (see 30). Gastrothylax, Poir. (Fig. X. 3) ; Homalog aster, Poir. (Fig. X. 2) ; Gastrodiscus, Cobb. ; G. polymastos, Lenckt., in colon of horse. Aspidocotyle, Dies., intestine of fish (Monticelli places the genus in the order Aspidocotylea). FAMILY 2. DibTOMiDAE. The posterior sucker has shifted forwards along the ventral surface, so as to come to lie in the middle of the body, or even in front of this point ; no adhesive papillae, though spines are frequently developed on the surface of the body ; the genital pore is almost always in front of the ventral sucker, usually in the middle line, rarely shifting to the side (see 32, 38, and Fig. XL). Distomum, Retzius ( = Fasciola, L., in parte), no retractile boring proboscis ; hermaphrodite. The genus has been subdivided into eleven sub-genera. Sg. Cladocoelium, Duj. ; D. hepaticum, L., occurs in the bile ducts of various mammals, especially common in sheep, but also in man, kangaroo, ox, etc. The " Liver-fluke " is so commonly taken as a " type " of the Trematoda, that a brief historical account of it may be of interest. Being the cause of a disease — " sheep-rot " — in a domesticated animal it naturally claimed the attention of naturalists and others in early times ; the first account of an epidemic of this disease being given by Gemma (1575) as having occurred in 1552 in Holland. The earlier writers believed the parasite to occur in the blood-vessels of the liver, till Faber (1670) established the fact that it occurs not in the blood-vessels but in the gall bladder and bile ducts and their capillaries (vermis e ductu cystico et poro Uliario). Ruysch (1691) gives the first (but extremely poor) picture of the " fluke." Redi, who was acquainted with quite a number of parasites of birds, mammals, etc., referred to the fluke as vermis vervecini hepatis, and gives a fairly good figure of it. Faint inklings of its life-history occur in Gesner's work (1551), where he mentions that in France it had been noticed that in the livers of sheep, which had eaten certain plants growing by the water's side, and termed " duva," small leech-like animals were found, causing a disease in the sheep to which the name " duva " was given. These two uses of the word still exist; douve in modern French is "spearwort," and douve de foie is the liver-fluke. Leeuwenhoek, however, did not connect the fluke with eating, but believed that the flukes live freely in the water and make their way into the gall bladder of the sheep, while the host is drinking. Romberg (1706), on the other hand, who discovered flukes in the calf, regarded them as vertnes cucurbitini (a term used at that time for isolated proglottids of Cestodes). Pallas (1760) was the first to add man to the list of hosts. The correct name of the liver-fluke is even now a matter of discussion amongst purists of nomenclature. Linnaeus (1746) used the word Fasciola to include the "fluke," a fish Cestode (Schistocephalus), and a Triclad (Dendrocoelum), under the belief that they were all stages in one life-history, starting with the Planarian ; and to this assemblage gave 5 66 THE TREMATODA the name F. hepatica ovata. But Retzius (1776) invented the name Distoma for the Trematodes, of which several were then known, retaining Fasciola for something quite different (viz. Gordius) ; 0. F. Miiller (1776) also separated Linnets Fasciola into two, retaining the name for a Trematode and giving Planaria to the Turbellarian, and for some L Fio. XI.— A Group of Distomidae. 1.— Distormim varitgatum, Rud. (after Looss), from the lung of Rnna esculenta, to show the general shape and disposition of the suckers. Its anatomy agrees closely with the generalised " type " (see Fig. IX.). 2.— D. confiisum., Looss, from the intestine of frog and toad. The genital pore has shifted in this and some other species to the left margin of the animal. In this case the other organs have undergone peculiar shiftings from the normal. The testes and vitellaria are anterior. (After Looss.) S.—D. acanthocephalnm, Stoss. (after Stossich), from the rectum of Bdone acut. t, hooklets. 4.— D. miescheri, Zsch. (after Zschokke), from the oesophagus of Trutta talar ; side view to illustrate the fact that the male (b') and female pores (9) may be separate. 5.—Kodlikeria filicdle, Rud. (D. okenii, K61.), from cysts in the bmnchial cliamber of brama raji (partly after Kolliker). 6.—D. nodulosnm, Zed. (after Looss), from the intestine of Aoerina ctrnna, to show tentacles. 7.—Rhopalaphoni8 horridua, Dies., from the duodenum of Didelphys myosurus ; ventral view (after Diesing). r, armed tentacles. 8.—D. verrw-orum, Poir., from stomach of Thynmts (after Poirier). o, mouth and oral sucker ; b, genital pore ; c, ventral sucker ; d, Intestine ; /, vitellaria ; «, testis ; g, cirrus ; ft, vaginal region of uterus ; t, cirrus sac ; j, seminal vesicle ; k, uterus ; I, germarium ; m, spermatheca ; s, enlarged sac of 9 Koellikeria; o, excretory pore. time Fascwla hepatica was the name of the liver-fluke. Zeder and Rudolphi, however, returned to Retzius's name Di&toma, which Nitzsch (1816) altered to Distomum; and since that time, with a few dissentients, this modification of Retzius's name has been employed. The anatomy of the liver-fluke may be found in nearly every text- book, and has been the subject of much work by Leuckart in his well- THE TREMATODA known work on " Parasites " ; while Sommer (40) made a special study of it, the illustrations to which are copied in nearly all accounts. Raillet has recently (1890) proved experimentally that it sucks the blood, and does not feed upon the bile of its host. Sg. Dicrocoelium, Duj. ; D. cylindraceum, Zed., lung of frog. D. reflexum, Crepl., oesophagus of salmon. Sg. Podocotyle, Duj., only in the intestine of fishes. Sg. Brachycoelium, Duj. ; D. claviformis, Brds., in rectum of Tringa alpina. D. rubellum, Olss., intestine of Labrus. D. heteroporum, Duj., intestine of bats. Sg. Brachylaimus, Duj. ; D. tereticolle, llud., in pike. D. varieyatum, Rud., lung of frog (Fig. XL 1). Sg. Apoblema, Duj., in fishes only. D. appendiculatum, Rud., in Clupea alosa. Sg. Echinostoma, Duj. ; D. trigono- ceplialum, Rud., intestine of various carnivora ; other sp. in fishes, birds, and mammals. Sg. Crossodera, Duj., in fishes only. D. nodulosum, Zed., intestine of perch (Fig. XI. 6). Sg. Cephalogonimus, Poir. ; D. lenoiri, Poir., FIG. XII.— Bilharzia liacmatobia, v. Sieb., from the Blood of Man. (After Fritsch.) (J , the male ; 9 , the female, n, mouth ; b, ventral sucker ; c, excretory pore ; rf, gynae- cophoral groove on the ventral surface of the male, in which lies the genital pore, and the sides of which clasp the female. in Chelonian. Sg. Urogonimus, Montic. ; D. macrostomum3 Rud., in Fringilla, etc. Sg. Mesogonimus, Montic. ; D. westermanni, Kerb., in lung of man, dog, cat, tiger ; Europe and U.S.A. The genus Rhopalophorus, Dies., has two retractile tentacles, armed with hooklets at the anterior end of the body. K coronatus, Rud. (Fig. XI. 7) ; Bilharzia^ Cobbold (Gynaecophorus, Dies.), the sexes are separate and dimorphic (Fig. XII.) ; the male is smaller than the female, which he carries in a ventral (gynaecophoral) groove, posterior to the ventral sucker, and in which the genital pore lies ; the anterior part of the body is cylindrical, the groove being formed by an inrolling of the sides ; they live always in pairs in blood-vessels of mammals, in hot climates (see 33). B. haematobia, Bilh., in the abdominal veins of natives of Africa, in some parts of which nearly half the inhabitants are infected. The eggs are laid in the blood, accumulate in the capillaries, and cause inflammation and rupture of the vessels. According to Sonsino, 68 THE TREMATODA m Fio. XIIL— A Group of Holostomidae. 1. — Diplostomnin longiim, Brds., from intestine of Brazilian crocodile (after Brandes), ventral view. The anterior region of the body (^1) is well marked off from the tail-like genital region (If), which is cylindrical. The latero-posteiior margin (/) of A is slightly prominent. The new adhesive organ (e) consists of a pit ; from the bottom rise glandular papillae (cf. Fig. 5). 2.— Hemistomum dathmlum, Dies., from intestine of Liitra IraxiUensis (after Brandes). The margin (/) of tlie fore body is curved inwards and jMirtially conceals the accessory adhesive organ («), which has the form of a long ridge (cf. Figs. 4 and 0), the edge of which overhangs the base and hides the ventral sucker (d). 3. — Holost. variabile, Nitzsch. (modified from Molin and Brandes), from intestine of various carnivorous birds. The margin (/) of the fore body has now bent round and fused to foni. a cup from which the elaborate " accessory organ " projects. At the posterior end is seen the "bursa copulatrix" (0— characteristic of the family— with the genital sucker (?u) and papilla (p) carrying the genital pore. 4.— Transverse section of JKmMMMMt. c, intestine ; the numerous small circles are section* of the excretory canals which invade the organ. 5. — Longitudinal section of the fore body of Diplostomum, Brds., to show the prominent hinder margin (/). 6. — Hemistomum. Longitudinal section of the fore body to show the foot-like accessory organ e. 7. — Holostomum (after Brandes). Diagrammatic transparent view of the fore body. 8.— " Tetracotyle " (partly original). 9. — Side view of Polycotyle ornata, Wilh. -Suhm., from the gut of Alligator Indus (partly diagrammatic, after Poirier). r, the several dorsal suckers of hind body. Letters common to all figures : A, fore body ; B, hind body or genital region, o, mouth and buccal sucker ; b, pharynx ; c, intestine ; d, ventral sucker ; e, accessory adhesive apparatus ; e1, e2, its parts in Holostomum; /, the prominent and incurved margin of the fore body ; /', the cup produced ; 0, uterus ; h, germarium ; i, testis ; j, sperm duct ; fc, prostate ; I, bursa copulatrix ; mt genital (copulatory) sucker ; n, excretory pore and bladder ; p, genital papilla ; s, glands in connection with accessory apparatus. THE TREMATODA 69 the intermediate host is a small crustacean, into which Bilharzia pene- trates and encysts ; the host is swallowed, with the water, by man. B. mayna, Cobb., in the vena cava of Cercopithecus fuliginosus. B. bovis, Sons., in domestic cow ; Egypt and Sicily. Koellikeria, Cobb., unisexual, dimorphic; the male thread-like, the female swollen posteriorly (Fig, XI. 5) ; they live coiled together in pairs, encysted in the oral and branchial cavity of marine fish. FAMILY 3. HOLOSTOMIDAE. The body is divided into two regions : in the hinder, cylindrical, tail-like region the genital organs are developed, the copulatory aperture of which is at the posterior end, where a sucker is developed. In addition to the normal two suckers, which are both situated in the anterior region of the body, there is developed here an adhesive apparatus by the inrolling of the sides to a greater or less extent. The members of this family present no "asexual" generation in their life-history ; each egg gives rise to only one sexual worm, but passes through a larval stage, which, when encysted in an intermediate host, is known as " Tetracotyle," and resembles a cercaria ; l for an account of anatomy and development, see 10, 12). Diplostomum, v. Nordm., in birds and crocodiles (Fig. XIIL). Hemistomum, Dies., numerous species in birds and mammals (Fig. XIIL 2). H. excavatum, Nit, in Ciconia alba, has a larva living in Rana temporaria. Holostomum, Nit., numerous species in intestine of birds. H. variegatum, in Larus ridibundus and other birds, has as larva Tetracotyle ovata, v. Linstow, which occurs encysted in the peritoneum, in the head and elsewhere of Acerina cornua. H. variabile, Nitzsch (Fig. XIIL 3), has as larva, Tetracotyle colubri, v. Linst. Ercolani was the first to prove by feeding experiments that " Tetracotyle " or " Diplostomum " develops into Holostomum. Polycotyle, W. Suhm. ; P. ornata, W. S., gut of Alligator lucius. FAMILY 4. MONOSTOMIDAE. The characteristic posterior sucker has disappeared, but the oral sucker (everted pharynx according to Monti- celli) remains. The genital pore usually occupies the normal position ; there is no Laurer's canal. Monostomum, Zed. (Fig. X. 10); many species in all vertebrates (see 47). OpistJiotrema, Lkt. (Fig. X. 11); Notocotyle, Dies., in birds (Fig. X. 5). Oymogaster, Jaeg., in Cetacea (Fig. X. 4). FAMILY 5. GASTEROSTOMIDAE. Mouth ventral ; anterior terminal sucker imperforate, surrounded by tentacular-like processes ; genital pore at the hinder end of body ; intestine sac-like, unforked, short. Gasterostomum, v. Sieb., in intestine of fish (Fig. X. 8). Gasterostomum fimbriatum, v. Sieb., lives in Perca flnviatilis ; the egg gives rise to a larva which makes its way into Unio or Anodon; a sporocyst is formed in the liver or gonad ; and within this arises the peculiar cercaria known as BucepJialus, v. Baer (1), from its resemblance to the head of an ox (Fig. XIV.). When liberated they make their way out through the exhalant siphon and live freely in the water for a few hours. This cercaria is destined to be swallowed by the second intermediate host, Leuciscus erythroph- thalmus, in which it encysts itself in the wall of the mouth, or on the gills, and when Leuciscus is devoured by the perch, the cyst is dissolved, and sets free Gasterostomum, into which Bucephalus (as Wagener showed, 1 In specimens of A mmocoetes great numbers of Tetracotyle sometimes occur in the vascular membrane covering the brain (Brown, Qu. J. Mic. Sc. xli. p. 489, 1899). THE TREMATODA 1858) lias meanwhile changed. Gasterostomum, sp. of the shark, has as first intermediate host Ostrea, Cardium, etc., whence issues Buceph. haimeanus, which makes its way into a second host, the fish Belone. The sporocysts castrate the mollusc which they attack. FAMILY 6. DIDYMOZOONIDAE, Montic., live in pairs, encysted on the surface, oral cavity, or branchial chamber of fishes; the anterior sucker alone is present ; the genital pore is in front of the oral sucker. Didymozoon, Taschb. (Fig. X. 6, 9) ; Ncmatobothrium, v. Ben. A Fio. XIV. Bucephalus jwlymorjihiig, v. Bner. The forked-tailed cercaria of Casterostomwn fmlriatum, v. Sieb. The cercaria occurs in A notion, etc., tlie adult in Leuciscus, sp. A, the body ; B, the bifurcate tail ; o, the pharynx, behind which is the mouth, in the centre of the body ; l>, the pear-shaped glandular organ, which is replaced by the anterior sucker during its metainor phosis ; c, the ansatzatiick at the base of each limb of the bifurcate tail ; between them is seei the base or median portion of the tail. Further Remarks on the Order Malacocotylea. — Whereas the general statement is true that sexual forms of this group occur only in Vertebrata, there are at least two species of Disiomum which constitute exceptions : — D. echiuri, Greef, is found in the nephridium of the male gephyrean Ecliiurus pallasii. D. rhizophysae, Stud., occurs in the siphonophorous hydrozoan, fihizophysa conifera. An encysted Distoma has been found in the tentacles of Synapta, and the viscera of Ophiurids, by Cue" not (1892). Further, several sexless, not encysted, cercariae have been recorded from various marine non-molluscan animals : D. pelagiae, Koll., in the gonads of Pelagia ; D. hippopodii, C. Vogt ; D. cesti- THE TREMATODA veneris, Vogt ; and others, from body cavity of Sagitta, Salpa, Felella, etc. In addition to a number of anatomical peculiarities in the Fio. XV.— Development of Embryo of Distomum tereticolle. (From Schauinsland.) 1'.— The living egg with its gelatinous envelope (a) ; b, egg shell deposited in ootype ; c, genn cell with large nucleus ; d, vitelline cells ; outlines not distinguishable in living egg, but the seven nuclei indicate the number of cells. 2. — Segmentation of the germ ceJl has resulted in a solid blastosphere ; the yolk is greatly reduced. One of the blastomeres (/) at the upper pore is larger than the rest. 3.— This cap cell has divided and given rise to three cells, two at one pole, one at the other. The yolk is nearly absorbed and is not represented in this figure. 4.— The cap cells have flattened out and form a "yolk envelope, investing the embryo anil the remains of the yolk ; two nuclei are seen above, two below, and one on the left side. 5. — The embryo, after separation of the yolk envelope, has become differentiated into an outer layer of flat cells or ectoderm (g) and a central mass (e) ; four nuclei of the shell membrane are seen ; b', operculum. 6. — Longitudinal section of the larva or miracidium of Distomum hepaticum, (From Coe in Zool. Jahrb. ix. 1896 (Anat.), p. 561.) g, flat epidermal ciliated cells, derived from g in Fig. 5 ; hf the underlying cellular cutis ; i, head glands (Coe), one on each side of the body, each with a narrow duct opening on the tip of the head papilla, which is represented partially retracted ; the secretion is indicated by a row of dots ; j, the vestigial enteron ; fc, eyes, resting upon th<» brain (I) ; m, flame cell, on each side, whence a fine duct (n) passes backwards to open to the exterior at (o) excretory pore ; p, general parenchyma ; q, a genn ball ; r, germ cells, posteriorly, lying in a cavity which appears to represent the coolom. 7.— Transverse section of the embryo at the level of the eyes, g, ectoderm cell, with its peculiar elongated filamentous nucleus cut longitudinally. In Fig. 6 the nuclei are cut trans- versely, and apj>ear in the hind end of each cell. Other letters as before. The nuclei outside the eye are possibly part of a sensory apparatus. Coe was unable to see the retractor muscles of Leuckart. nervous and reproductive system, to which reference is made below, the most striking and interesting differences between the Heterocotylea and the Malacocotylea lie in the developmental history, to illustrate which a concrete example may be described. 72 THE TREMATODA The early stages of development up to the formation of a free- swimming larva are best known for Dist. terelicolle, from the pike (Schauinsland, 39). The egg cell is embedded near the anterior end of the egg in a mass of yolk cells ; segmentation is total, and nearly regular, giving rise to a solid blastosphere (Fig. XV.). At the anterior pole one cell delays in its further segmentation, whilst the rest continue to divide and give rise to smaller cells ; this apical anterior cell flattens out and divides into two ; these (after further subdivision) spread over the yolk cells, which have in ' the meantime diminished in size and undergone a certain amount of disintegration. Other flat cells make their appearance posteriorly, and extend forwards ; in this way a " yolk envelope " of flat cells is formed which lies immediately within the egg shell, and is left behind within it when the larva escapes. This envelopment of yolk by blastomeres is similar to what happens in Triclads. Meanwhile, the other blastomeres have become differentiated into a flat epiblast, which becomes ciliated, and a central mass of cells in which, later, the enteron becomes marked out (? by delamination) as a simple sac. Between the enteron and the epiblast there is developed from the central mass two layers of muscles, which are in many cases separated from the gut by a distinct cavity, which is lined by a layer of cells and may be regarded as coelom. The coelom may, however, in other cases be more or less blocked up by cells of an embryonic character, probably derived directly from blastomeres. The egg, having passed out of the host's body with the faeces, undergoes its development in the water. The young larva, or " miracidium " (M. Braun), or " ciliated embryo " (auctorum), now leaves the egg, and the further history has been most fully studied in the case of D. hepaticum (by Leuckart, 27 ; and Thomas, 43), and in D. cygnoides (by Wagener, 45). The eggs of these flukes pass out of the host with the faeces, as King was the first to show for the liver-fluke (1836); and the miracidium escapes into the water. It is to all intents and purposes a Rhabdocoelous Tur- bellarian without gonads ; its shape and structure are shown in Fig. XV. 6, 7, and Fig. XVI. 1. At the apex of the snout, which is moved by muscles, is situated the mouth — armed with a stylet in the case of D. lanceolatum and others — which leads into the short, sac-like enteron. Locomotion is effected by the ciliated epiblast, aided by the somatic muscles. Cilia are generally regularly developed all over the surface, or in some species limited to definite areas, but are never in bands ; a pair of eyes — recalling in their structure those of adult Heterocotyleans — rests upon the brain ; a pair of flame cells represents the excretory system, and are said to be derived from the epiblast (Fig. XV. 6, m). THE TREMATODA 73 The miracidium (Fig. XVI.), once set free, swims about seek- ing for a definite mollusc, into which it will bore its way by means of the snout. Wagener (1857) was the first to observe the 71 FIG. XVI.— The life-history of Distomum liepaticum. (After Thomas.) 1.— The free swimming larva, or " miracidium," showing external appearance. 2. — Sporocyst, containing germ balls and young rediae. 3.— A young redia, containing germ balls ; the enteron is shaded but unlettered. 4.— A fully formed redia, containing a daughter redia, two cercariae, and germ balls. 5.— A free cercaria. a, head papilla ; l>, anterior ring of ectoderm cells ; c, eyes ; d, same, degenerating, in sporocyst ; e, embryo, at gastrula phase, in sporocyst ; /, euteron of young redia ; g, pharynx ; h, collar of redia ; i, lip ; j, oesophagus of cercaria ; fc, " germs," at blastosphere stage ; I, paren- chyma; m, posterior, locomotive processes of redia; ?i, germ cells, in wall of redia; o, birth opening ; p, young cercariae in redia ; q, daughter redia in redia ; r, circumoral sucker of cercaria ; s, ventral sucker ; t, cystogenous cells. entrance into a mollusc in the case of D. cygnoides. In the case of D. hepaticum this " intermediate host " is Limnaeus truncatulus, as was proved by Thomas (42). The animal makes its way into the liver, and undergoes a degeneration — a result no doubt of its 74 THE TREMATODA parasitism ; it loses its cilia and the cells that bear them. The enteron, meanwhile, undergoes obliteration and degeneration.1 The organism is now known as a " sporocyst " (Filippi), and the " germ cells " which occupy the cavity begin to divide up to form " egg-balls " (Fig. XVI. 2). According to some authorities, the "germ cells" are directly derived from undifferentiated blastomeres (Leuckart, Schauinsland), whilst others have described them as arising by division from the cells of the body wall (Thomas, Biehringer, 7 ; Heckert, 20). Anyhow, the germ balls consist of cells of different sizes, and soon a flat epithelium is differentiated around a central mass, the epithelial cells are said to lose their nuclei and become cuticularised (Leuckart), while from the central mass a new outer layer becomes differentiated, and thereafter the history is very similar to that by which the miracidium was produced. By a series of changes there is developed from each germ ball another larval form, which is known as "Redia" (Filippi), or "king's yellow worm"(Bojanus and Swam- merdam were the first to observe this stage, 1737); within this a new generation of " germ balls " is already formed (Fig. XVI. 2, 3). The redia differs from the miracidium, in the absence of cilia and of eyes, in the possession of a pharynx, and in the general shape. The rediae escape from the sporocyst, the aperture closes, and the wound heals. The rediae in their turn produce a new generation, the " Cercaria " (0. F. Miiller), in the same way, no doubt, as they themselves were produced. But one or more new generations of rediae may be produced by rediae ere the cercariae are formed. The cercariae, several of which are produced in a redia, escape one by one through a definite birth-pore (as was first noted by Bojanus). The cercaria possesses all the organs of the young fluke in a rudimentary condition, even the foundations of the genital organs are present; in addition, there are the tail, cystogenous glands, and, in some cases, eyes, stylets, and rod cells, organs only used during the brief larval life (Fig. XVI. 5). This third generation now leaves the snail, swims freely in the water by the movement of its tail, and having attached itself to a blade of grass by means of its ventral sucker, secretes a "mucous" substance around itself which soon hardens to form a cyst (this fact was known to Nitzsch, 1807). This cyst is devoured with the grass by a sheep, the final host of D. hepaticum ; the cyst is dis- solved in the host's stomach, and the tail having in the meantime dropped off or undergone degeneration, a young fluke emerges, and makes its way up the bile duct and into its finer branches, where it grows into an adult fluke. 1 It appears that in Victoria the intermediate host of D. hepaticum is Bit-limits tenuistriatus, according to T. Cherry, Proc. Roy. Soc. Viet. viii. (n. s.), 1896, p. 183. THE TREMATODA 75 This history is the best known, and is true only within certain limits for the whole group ; for in some cases one genera- tion— the redia — is omitted ; in other cases the sporocyst may form by gemmation a second generation of sporocysts, within which the cercariae arise. The sporocyst and redia are always parasitic in some mollusc ; but the free-swimming cercaria chooses a great variety of hosts — in fact, nearly any invertebrate may serve, though it is not neces- sary for it to become parasitic at all ; the adult, however, is found in members of all classes of Vertebrata, rarely in Carnivora, and nearly absent in Pigeons and certain other birds ; Trematodes are especially common in fishes, aquatic birds, reptiles, insectivorous birds and mammals, and marine mammals. The cercariae are not all tailed, and this tail may present great differences in size and structure. Many cercariae are known, some para- sitic, others free-swimming, whose adult stage is unknown. And, as in the case of the adult fluke, a species of cercaria may enter a variety of species of host ; thus C. armata enters Paludina and Planorbis ; further, one host may contain quite a number of different species of cercaria, e.g. L. stagnate, may harbour as many as eight species. Cercariae, with a well-developed tail, are most numerous; the tail may be provided with a fin-like membrane (C. lopho- cerca\ or with bunches of " setae," regularly arranged (G. setifera), (Fig. XVII.). It ac- quires an enormous development in C. macrocerca from Cyclas, and in C. elegan*, which occurs free in the sea. The tail is J retractile in C. mirabilis; it is bifurcated in Bucephalus. The tail is quite rudiment- ary in C. limacis and others, while the tail is absent ("cercariaea") in Leucochloridium and others which live in terrestrial molluscs. There is thus produced in the life- history of the Malacocotylea a consider- able number of flukes from each egg cell by the intervention at one or more stages of some form of non-sexual re- production ; these asexual forms live in a host different from that of the sexual fluke; hence van Beneden gave the name Digenea to the group. But amongst the Digenea were included As- mi/?nfini' onrl tho TTr»lr»ct rkmirla A wVnVli piaogastei and tne noiostomiaae, wnicn do not agree with this general history. Aspidogaster has, owing to the possession of a number of anatomical peculiarities, been removed from the group. The Holostomidae Fio. XVII. L— Cercaria setifera, Villot, in a state of extension ; the long tail is provided with a series of circles of stiff bristles. 2.—C. fissicauda, Villot. Both oc- cur in the marine lanielli branch iuis. (After Villot.) 76 THE TREMATODA present this difference from the rest of the Malacocotylea ; the young form, after entering the intermediate host, does not reproduce asexually, but develops by a metamorphosis into the adult form, when the intermediate host is swallowed by the final host ; Leuckart has used the term " metastatic " in reference to this life-history. This life-history of the common fluke is a favourite example of " alternation of generations," or metagenesis, on the view that the mode of reproduction in sporocyst and redia is an asexual one (viz. budding) ; but Grobben first suggested that the cells which give rise to " germ balls " are essentially ova, and that it is a case of parthenogenesis — a view with which Leuckart essentially agrees. In that case, the process is one of " heterogamy " (Leuckart) ; but this term is more generally applied to cases in which two sexual methods alternate, as in PJiabdonema nigrovenosum ; and Schwarze has invented the term " alloiogenesis " to indicate alternation of parthenogenesis with sexual reproduction. Glaus, regarding the redia and sporocyst as larvae, sees in the history an example of heterogamy with paedogenesis. Leuckart, Balfour, and Looss regard the whole process as one of a metamorphosis distributed over two or more stages (or gene- rations), as a result of the appearance of vertebrates on earth ; for before their appearance the flukes must have attained maturity in an invertebrate, which, on the evolution of vertebrates, became the intermediate host. Looss (30) has further shown that the sporo- cyst, redia, and cercaria are all built upon a common plan, and represent successive stages in development, the last being entirely fluke-like, except for the full development of the generative organs. The life-history of D. macrostomum is of interest in that the redia and the free-living stage of the miracidium and cercaria are omitted (see 20). The fluke inhabits the intestine of various sing- ing birds, and its eggs pass out with the faeces of its host, which, falling on a leaf, may with it be eaten by the gastropod Succineaputris (Fig. XVIII.). In the stomach of the snail the miracidium, of peculiar form, is hatched out, and makes its way through the wall of the intestine into the connective tissue. Here it becomes a sporo- cyst; this grows very rapidly, absorbing the blood of the host, and gives rise to numerous branches, one or two of which outrun the rest, and push their way into the snail's tentacles. The branches become banded with olive-green or brown, and the structure is now known as Leucochloridium paradoxum (discovered by Carus, 1835). Owing to its colouring and pulsations within the tentacle, it is mistaken by birds for a dipterous larva, and is devoured. The " cercariaea," which have in the meantime developed from the germ balls inside the sporocyst, are without tails, which are evidently not required, as the organism never leads an independent free life ; they develop in the bird into a fluke. THE TREMATODA 77 In D. ovocaudatum, from the oral cavity of Rana esculenta, the miracidium is deprived of cilia, for the eggs are eaten by the inter- mediate host (Planorbis). Amphistomum subclamtum lives in the intestine of frog, etc. ; the miracidium enters species of Planorbis; the cercaria leaves this first host, swims about for a few hours, falls to the bottom and encysts. This happens throughout the summer ; and the cysts FIG. XVIIL— The Life-history of D. macrostomum, Rud. (After Heckert.) 1.— Outline of the adult fluke, parasitic in song-birds, a, mouth surrounded by the oral sucker ; b, pharynx ; c, ventral sticker ; d, genital pore. 2. — The iniracidiuni which is hatched in the stomach of the snail. 3. — The intermediate host, Succinea amphibia, crawling on a leaf (in), (nat. size), a, the cavity of the right tentacle is occupied by Leucochloridium. In some cases both tentacles will be similarly occupied. 4.— The sporocyst, in various stages of growth, giving rise to a much-branched tube (D), the ends of some of the branches becoming enlarged. 5. — A fully-grown I^eucochloridium paradoxum — the elaborate sporocyst which occupies the body cavity of the snail. One terminal branch is fully developed ; two others are nearly so, and are banded with greens and browns. are devoured by insect larvae, which in their turn are eaten by the final host, the frog, during winter (Looss, 30). Or, according to Lang, the encystment occurs on the skin of frogs and newts, and the cysts are swallowed with the skin when moulting occurs. In this way a gradual passage is formed between cases with and without a second intermediate host. Further Remarks upon the Class Trematoda. — The animals included in this class are characteristically parasitic, and the two orders, 78 THE TREMATODA Heterocotylea and Malacocotylea, exhibit two stages in this parasitism. The former order are nearly exclusively ectoparasitic on marine and fresh-water fish, attaching themselves to the outer surface of the body, or to the wall of the branchial chamber, or to the gills by means of the adhesive apparatus at the posterior end of the body. Less frequently the worms make their way into the canals or tubes formed by the invagination of the epiblast — that is, into the nasal sacs, the oral cavity, and even into the cloaca. The genus Polystomum is, as an exception, endoparasitic, living in the urinary bladder of fish, amphibia, or reptiles. On the other hand, the members of the Malacocotylea, as well as the Aspidocotylea, are essentially endoparasitic, and must be regarded as having passed through an ectoparasitic stage; and, indeed, a few species of Distomum still retain this habit. These digenetic Trematodes occur in the enteron and its outgrowths of all groups of vertebrates ; the majority live, in the adult con- iition, in warm-blooded members of the group, many in reptiles ind amphibia, and but few (Distomum sp.) in fishes. Every system of organ, with the exception of the nervous system and skeleton, is invaded by them, either in a free or encysted condition ; and even the blood-vessels are affected by BUJmrzia. Although, as in other parasitic animals, it is a general rule that each species attacks only one definite host, as the animal on which the parasite lives is termed, or in hosts nearly related to one another, yet there are instances, such as Distomum Jwpaticum and D. lanctolatum, of the same species occurring in many widely different hosts, such as man, rabbit, various ungulates, and even the kangaroo. As in other groups, these parasites are only injurious to the host, when they occur in large numbers, or in certain delicate organs.1 It is well known that D. Jiepaticum, the liver-fluke, produces "sheep-rot," especially in districts liable to flooding, where the life-history can be readily completed. The food of Trematodes consists in some cases of slime secreted by the host; and this secretion is, no doubt, increased by the irritation caused by the insertion of booklets into the host's skin. But more usually nutriment is derived from the blood of the host, which is sucked up by the parasite by means of the power- ful pharynx, the intestine is consequently, in the fresh worm, yellowish or red in colour; and remains of blood corpuscles, lymph cells, and epithelial cells have been noted in its contents. In Polystomum peculiar crystals, reddish in colour, and octahedral in form, suggest a derivative of haemoglobin (Zeller). Some authorities (Taschenberg) describe intracellular digestion, yet there is no doubt but that cavitary digestion also occurs. 1 It has, however, recently been shown to be extremely probable that Nematotles, Cestodes, and Trematodes excrete an active poison. THE TREMATODA 79 I The mouth was probably at first employed as a sucker for adhesion to the host during the action of the pharynx, as it now is in Monocotyle ; the next stage is exhibited by OnchocotyL, in which special muscle fibres are developed around the mouth, so as to form an indistinct "oral sucker," which has become much further differentiated in the Malacocotylea. From this condition the arrangement more usually met with in the Heterocotylea may be derived where a pair of suckers are developed, one on each side of the mouth, and communicating with the buccal cavity , these are known as " buccal suckers," and are met with in the majority of the Polystomidae. By the removal of these from the mouth, they lose the connection with the buccal cavity, and a pair of independent " lateral suckers " are formed, as in Tristomum. The posterior adhesive apparatus presents considerable variety. No doubt the single sucker at the hinder end of the body represents the primitive arrangement ; this sucker, which is always " simple," and never armed in the Malacocotylea, is usually "multiloculate" in the Aspidocotylea and Heterocotylea, owing to the special develop- ment of muscular ridges, giving rise in the former order to trans- verse and longitudinal, and in the latter to radial ridges, starting from a circular ridge surrounding the centre of the sucker. It seems not improbable that the six or eight suckers of the Polystomidae, arranged upon a caudal disc or " cotylophore," have been derived phylogenetically by a further development of this arrangement of muscle groups, till the loculi became entirely independent. Finally, in the Microcotylidae, the presumed sub- division of the sucker has gone very much further, resulting in a considerable number of small suckerlets arranged on a membranous cotylophore at the posterior lateral margins of the body ; this apparatus must have been derived from the single sucker by the cotylophore extending along each side, instead of remaining terminal. In the Malacocotylea the primitively posterior sucker has moved forwards in the Distomidae, so as to lie quite far forwards in the ventral surface. But accessory adhesive organs are developed to a greater degree, and in more varied form, in the Malacocotylea than in the Heterocotylea. The papillae covering the ventral surface of Homalogaster (Fig. X.) and Gastrodiscus are provided with retractile tips, and aid in fixation ; they appear, indeed, to be replacing functionally the posterior sucker, which is small in the former, and quite minute in the latter genus. In the Monostomidae this posterior sucker has disappeared, and fixation is effected partly by the oral sucker, but chiefly by the retractile warts along the dorsal or ventral surface of the body (Fig. X.). An accessory organ of quite another type is developed in the Holostomidae, the sides of the fore body being folded over ventrally in various 80 THE TREMATODA degrees, so that ultimately the original form of the body is lost (Fig. XIIL). The posterior sucker or the cotylophore in the Heterocotylea is frequently armed with booklets or spines, aiding the worm in fixation to its host ; whereas booklets are never present in this organ in the Malacocotylea, or in Aspidocotylea, a fact which struck both Burmeister and Monticelli. Moreover, in the Poly- stomidae the suckers are strengthened by a special development of the cuticle to form a "chitinoid" skeleton (the substance is soluble in 35 per cent KHO, according to Cerfontaine), (Fig. XIX. 5). In some forms the sucker, when in use, retains its cup shape, when it may be termed " acetabulate," or it becomes folded across its middle, like the two valves of a lamellibranch shell, holding on to the host like a pair of forceps, when it may be termed " valvate " (Fig. XIX. 4). The muscles which constitute the sucker present some variety in their arrangement (Goto). For instance, in Calicotyle, three sets of muscles are distinguishable: (a) radial along the ridges, derived from the longitudinal muscles of the body ; (b) circular muscles round the margin ; (c) dorso-ventral fibres traversing the substance of the sucker from the dorsal body wall (Fig. XIX. 3). On the other hand, the wall of the suckers in Polystomidae consists of muscular fibres, arranged at right angles to the surface, in between the chitinoid skeleton, and limited, bodywards, by a distinct membrane; these may be considered" intrinsic"; while muscle fibres from the general somatic musculature are attached to the skeleton, and on their contraction the floor of the apparatus is raised, and the sucking action produced (Fig. XIX. 6). In valvate suckers other muscle fibres are attached to the various pieces of the skeleton, serving as occlusor, divaricator, and con- strictor muscles. It is an interesting fact that in Monocotyle (Goto) and in Didido* phora (Cerfontaine) the intrinsic muscles are transversely striated. Apart from the existence of an elaborate adhesive apparatus, which is foreshadowed by the sucker of some Polyclads and Triclads, the Trematodes differ from the Turbellaria in only one essential particular, and that is in the nature of the outer cover- ing of the body ; for with the parasitic habit the cilia of the ancestral Platyhelminth have gone, and the whole body is covered by a thick, firm "cuticle," or "investing membrane" (Wright)* There can be little doubt but that this cuticle which occurs also in Cestoidea and Nematoidea has been developed in rela- tion to the parasitic life, and serves as an efficient protection against the action of digestive or other secretions of the host. In the Heterocotylea and Aspidocotylea this cuticle is comparatively simple ; in the Malacocotylea it is frequently armed with minute THE TREMATODA 81 Fio. XIX. 1.— Transverse section of the ventral sucker and neighbouring part of the body of Distomutn hepaticum (orig.). «, cuticle ; b, outer transverse muscles, which appear to become continuous around the margin with the inner transverse muscle (h) ; c, radial muscles passing through the whole depth of the sucker; the bundles of muscle fibres are separated by con- nective tissue represented by dots, in which the large myoblasts (d) are embedded, two of which are shown in the section ; ee, circular muscle fibres, chiefly developed around the margin of the sucker ; /, retractor muscles of the sucker, derived from the dorso'ventral body muscles, which serve to move the sucker as a whole ; g, the internal limiting cuticular sheath of the sucker ; h, the internal transverse muscles of the sucker. 2.— Diagrammatic transverse section through the body wall of a Trematode, composed from descriptions and figures of various authors, and from my own observations, a, the cuticle, vertically striped in its deeper portions ; b, spinelet, occurring in Malacocotylea ; c, sub- cuticular protoplasmic layer joining the upper ends of the epidermal cells (c'), which have been separated from one another by the upgrowth of the mesoblastic tissues. Below this layer is the basement membrane (d) ; e, circular layer of muscles ; /, longitudinal layer of muscles ; 0, branched parenchymal cell, the processes of which subdivide and anastomose to form a net- work (tf) of fine threads invading the muscular and epidermal layers; h, a "vesicular cell," such as occurs in various Trematodes, in greater or less abundance. 8.— Longitudinal section through the posterior sucker and the hinder end of the body of Tristomum ovale (from Goto), o, sucker, not delimited internally from the tissues of the ' body (b) ; c, longitudinal muscles of the body passing into the sucker and spreading out therein ; d, radial or dorso-ventral muscles, between the bundles are indicated ; e, transverse muscles ; /, marginal membrane. groups of "sticking glands" not 4. — Longitudinal section through one of the eight suckers of Dactylocotyle denticulatvm, Olss. (from Cerfontaine), which is parasitic on the gill filaments of Gadus carbonarius. The sucker is " valvate " and armed ; the figure shows the armature, but not the muscular sucker ; and three branchial filaments are clasped, a, ft, chitinoid armature ; c, gill filaments ; d, divari- cator muscles, serving to open the valves ; e, occlusor muscles. 6. — The chitinoid skeleton (armature) of a sucker of Dididophora elongata; the skeleton consists of three pairs of pieces (cde) set round the margin of the sucker, and two transverse unpaired pieces (ab). 6.— Longitudinal section through one of the eight suckers of Cycl. sessilis, Goto, from the oral cavity of Chaerops japonicus. The sucker is limited internally (A-), but the intrinsic muscles are subdivided by the skeleton, ace (cf. Fig. 5), to which, as well as to the sucker itself, retractor and other muscles (hj) are inserted for its movement ; g, the marginal membrane. 82 THE TREMATODA spines scattered over the entire surface of the body (Fig. XIX. 2), or carried, in Jthopalophoms, on two great tentacle -like processes of the anterior end of the body (Fig. XL 7), while in Echinostoma the oral sucker is armed with spines (Fig. XL 3). These spines may be compared with those of Enantia, amongst Turbellaria, and, like the cuticle, appear to be chitinous ; they aid in attachment, and perhaps in obtaining blood. The cuticle presents two or three layers, differing in optical characters ; there are no pore canals. Below the cuticle is a slight, granular " subcuticula " ; below this come the circular muscle fibres of the somatic musculature. Deeper still are gland cells, amongst the longitudinal muscles, and parenchyma cells. There are three chief views as to the nature of this " invest- ing membrane": (a) It is a metamorphosed,- cellular epidermis (Zeller, Ziegler, Biehringer, Braun, etc.) ; nuclei have been stated to occur in it in various members of the group (Gasterostomum, Amphistomum, Monostomum), and in cercariae the nucleated epi- dermis is stated to become a cuticle, (b) It represents a basement membrane, the true epidermis and cuticle having been cast off (Schneider, Kerbert); this view is founded on the fact that, during the development of Malacocotylea, an external layer of ciliated cells is shed, and in later stages a cuticle-like membrane remains, (c) The investing membrane is a cuticle in the same sense as that of a Chaetopod. But here again differences of opinion as to its origin exist : (a) Some believe that the " sub- cuticula " serves as its matrix, and represents an epidermis which has lost its cellular character; (/?) others regard this "inter- muscular subcuticula " as the most external layer of the par- enchymal tissue (Braun, etc.), and that the gland cells alone are the representatives of the epidermis. Recent studies by Blochmann (8, 9) and Kowalevski (23) upon the structure of Cestodes and Trematodes go to show that the investing membrane consists of two parts — the greater part of it represents a true cuticle, while the lowest layer is a basement membrane (Fig. XIX. 2). The epidermis which is more clearly seen in some Cestodes (Ligida) than in Trematodes is represented by deep-lying cells, some Of which are glandular, with narrow necks traversing the basement membrane ; the cells of the epidermis have, however, become separated from one another by the upward growth of the parenchymal tissue and muscles, just as in Hirudo (Lankester, 25) and in some Oligochaeta (Benham, 6) the blood-vessels with connective tissue invade the epidermis and, penetrating between the cells, break up the layer ; in these Annelids the cells remain attached to the cuticle by a broad external end ; but in Trematodes the invasion of tissue has gone so far as to leave only a very narrow part of each cell in connection THE TREMATODA 83 with the cuticle ; and at the same time, the basement membrane has been pushed upwards against the cuticle ; the cells have, so to speak, slipped down through this membrane. It is worthy of note that Max Braun has observed a definite external layer of cylindrical cells in the lateral suckers of Nitzschia and Epibdella ; they are not covered by a cuticle, which stops abruptly against the cells. The constitution of the parenchyma (or mesenchyma) also presents difficulties of elucidation; by most authorities it is regarded as consisting of more or less highly vacuolated, granular, nucleated cells, the extent of the vacuolation differing in different genera, and in different parts of one and the same worm (see Walters, 47). On the other hand, it has been more than once suggested, and recently again by Blochmann, that these vacuoles are intercellular, the cells themselves being extremely branched. The musculature retains the same arrangement as in Tur- bellaria, but the large " myoblasts " give rise not to one muscle fibre, but to many. In the Trematoda the necessity for fixation which is effected primarily by the posterior sucker, appears to have led to a forward movement of the generative pores in most forms, as well as of the excretory pore in Heterocotylea, and in the former point the Class contrasts with the Turbellaria. The peculiar secondary adhesive apparatus of Holostomidae is clearly antagonistic to this forward position, and we find the genital pore at the posterior end, which must be regarded as secondarily acquired by them. The mouth, however, retains its ancestral position at the anterior end of the body. It leads into a buccal cavity, upon which follows a pharynx bulbosus. The intestine has lost its primitive, sac -like shape, owing to the forward and central position of the generative organs. Coincidently with the great development of these, the dorsal and ventral walls of the intestine have coalesced as in many Turbellaria (cf. the origin of radial and circular canals in Medusae), and in great part disappeared, so that two main limbs, one on each side, remain. Nevertheless, this obliteration of the central region has not occurred in the Aspidocotylea or Gasterostomum, and only incompletely in many Heterocotylea, where the two forks are united by transverse caeca (as Polystcmum). In this and other instances, too, the intestine resumes its median position behind the gonads (Fig. II. 2, 4). The reticular gut of the Polystomea is therefore more primitive than the simple, bifurcated intestine of such forms as Calicotyle, Tristomum, and most of the Malacocotylea. This view is supported to some extent by the fact that in the young Polystomum the central intestine is a simple sac which only exhibits its characteristic form during the appearance of the gonads (Fig. V. 7). In other forms, also, THE TREMATODA c a whose development has been followed, the intestine is at first sac- like. The two main limbs may also carry lateral caeca, which appear to have developed independently of those in Triclads and Polyclads, and which ramify amongst the lobes of the laterally placed vitellaria. It is necessary to point out that the intestine of Distomum hepaticum, with its multitude of branching caeca, is quite exceptional amongst the family Distomidae, and, indeed, amongst the Malacocotylea ; for in this order the gut is characteristically bifurcated, though the length of limbs may vary in different species. The excretory system presents little of the network character seen in many Turbellaria ; the ar- rangement of the canals and the position of the pores is seen in the diagrams. Apparently, the primitive position of these pores is not posterior ; separate pores exist in cercariae and rediae; the median pore of the adult Malacocotylean and Aspidogaster being due to a fusion of the right and left ducts. With regard to the nervous system, which in its main lines was first correctly recognised by Ramdohr (1814), a comparison of the figures will show that in the Heterocotylea a more primi- tive arrangement persists than in the Malacocotylea, in which there is a remarkable constancy 4 of longitudinal stems and cir- cular commissures (Figs. XX. and XXL). Some of the ectoparasitic forms, as well as the free larvae of the endoparasitic forms, possess " eyes " which, however, compared with those of Turbel- are in a degenerate condi- The cap of pigment i. dorsal longitudinal nerve stem ; c, lateral directed externally, and embraces nerve ; d, ventral nerve. These three stems , . -, f . , , , are connected by the circular commissural a SpneriCal rcirmgent body Or 1"5' e'anterior'/'vcntnil8UCker8in " lens," which in its turn abuts upon a ganglion cell, a branch There is nothing which can be no. xx. Nervous system of D. cyiindractum, m a type S552. of which runs to the brain. THE TREMATODA regarded as a retina, and Goto has suggested that they serve in the Heterocotylea as " organs of temperature." The generative system presents a somewhat greater com- plication than in the most elaborate Turbellaria, but is built up essentially on the same plan ; the female gonad being, except in Gyrodadylus, composed of germarium and vitellarium. The male and female ducts, with rare exceptions, open together into an " atrium genitale," and the penis is frequently armed with spines. In the Malacocotylea the original pair of testes persists, and with very few exceptions, such as D. hepaticum, each testis is a com- pact, rounded body. In the Aspidocotylea and Heterocotylea one of the original pair has disappeared, the remaining gland which is provided with only one duct, may remain compact (Fig. IV. 2), or FIG. XXI. Nervous system of Tristomiim nudae (after Lang), as type of that of Heterocotylea, viewed from the ventral surface, a, brain (on which rest the four eyes indicated by white dots) ; 6, dorsal nerve stem ; c, lateral ; d, ventral. The ventral stems are united by a series of com- missures, which are continued on to the lateral nerve, 13-15 in num- ber (r/). From the brain, on each side, a nerve goes to " prostom- ium," a second to the sucker. These are joined by a ring-like com- missure, arising from the stem common to the posterior nerves. The lateral and ventral nerves unite in the posterior sucker and are connected by a couple of semicir- Z — cular commissures, and give rise to network in wall of sucker. 7i, marginal network of body ; e, lateral anterior sucker ; /, posterior sucker ; /', radii. become subdivided by ingrowths of connective tissue into a few large lobes (EpibdeUa), or more generally into many small ones (Fig. II. 2 ; V. 2), so as to assume the " follicular " condition present in many Turbellaria. The male copulatory apparatus varies considerably in details of its structure, but these may all be reduced to two types: (1) The word " cirrus " is used for the terminal, eversible part of the sperm duct of Distomum and others which projects from the bottom of the male antrum, and is enveloped in the " cirrus sac," containing glands ; booklets are borne along the wall of the duct, and on eversion come to project outwards. A cirrus is rare amongst the Heterocotylea, being met with in Tristomum and Epibdella. (2) A "penis," such as occurs in the Holostomidae, and in the majority of the Heterocotylea, and in Aspidocotylea, is a specialisation of the terminal region of the sperm duct which 86 THE TREMATODA traverses a papilla arising from the floor of the atrium. When in use, this papilla is merely protruded through the genital pore. The penis is formed of two parts : (a) a muscular, connective tissue sheath, enveloped in a membrane ; and (b) distally a chitinous armature, either in the form of a crown of booklets, lying on the outer surface of the papilla, and projecting therefore into the atrium and not into the sperm duct, or a tube. In a few instances ( Udonella, Diplozoon, and some species of Distomum) there is no penis or cirrus, and there is every reason to believe that self-fertilisation occurs. The germarium is single, the germ duct or oviduct is short, extending as far as the special dilated region known as " ootype," into which the shell glands open ; into the oviduct there open the vitelline ducts from the vitellarium, which is follicular or distinctly lobed, except in Udonella and Cakeostoma, where it is compact. In Diplozoon it is unpaired, in the rest paired ; it always lies dorsal to intestine, against which it is closely placed. Beyond this point the " oviduct " is known as " uterus," J and passes forwards, usually in a more or less undulating course, to the atrium genitale, or in rare instances to its own separate aperture. But in addition to these organs there are certain ducts, the homologies of which have been much discussed (Fig. XX-IL). (1) In the Heterocotylea there is typically a paired, or in other cases a single vagina, the opening of which varies in position in different genera (cf. Figs. I., II., III., V.). It is usually ventral, but in Hexacotyle dorsal ; the single vagina appears, in some cases at least, to be derived from the fusion of two, for in Axine heferocerca the single (dorsal) pore leads into two ducts (Goto). In Poly- stomum each vagina opens through twenty or thirty small pores situated on the " lateral swelling." At its internal end the vagina (XXII. 3, k) communicates with the transverse vitelline ducts, and in its course is sometimes dilated to form a " spermatheca " ; the vagina is the female copulatory organ for the reception of the penis ; its pore is the " copulatory pore." The uterine pore may, therefore, in opposition thereto, be termed the " birth opening." (2) In the Heterocotylea there is also a narrow duct passing from the oviduct, opposite the entrance of the vitello-duct, to the right limb of the intestine. This " genito-intestinal canal " (/) whose true relations were discovered by Ijima, and since con- firmed by Goto and all who have examined the matter, was originally called the "internal vas deferens " by v. Siebold, and believed to be connected with the testis, close to which it passes ; it was then looked upon as a means for direct, internal self-fertilisa- 1 Goto finds cilia on the uterine epithelium of several genera of Heterocotylea and in the vagina of Calicotyle. THE TREMATODA tion. It appears to serve for the conveyance of superfluous yolk to the intestine, where it will serve as food. (3) In the Malacocotylea and Aspidocotylea there is no vagina, a fact that is associated with the much greater size of the uterus, -TZZZZZ^- Fio. XXII.— Diagrammatic Transverse Sections to show the Relations of Various Parts of the Female Ducts in the Three Orders of Trematoda. 1. — A Malacocotylean, showing Laurer's canal (/). 2.— An Aspidocotylean. The "yolk receptacle" (/) arises from the oviduct in the same position as does Laurer's canal. 3.— A Heterocotylean (the lowest figure). The canal (/) is here called "genito- intestinal canal." The right and left vagina (kk) are represented as entering the median vitelline duct ( j. i. A-L- «. l foramina secundaria (Wagener) intervals. But whereas this segmental anas- o7aprSiotatidanged; /f it8 tomosis occurs in these Dibothridiata, and again in the Taeniidae, it is absent in most of the Tetraphyllidea. The two canals of one side, however, always pass into one another in the scolex ; but the transverse cephalic anastomosis may be absent even here, as in most of the Tetraphyllidea (Fig. VII.) ; in others it is represented by a simple transverse canal, as it is also in Tetrarhyncha, whilst in the Taeniidae its place is taken by a circular canal arising, according to Pintner, by the splitting of this, in connection with the formation of a retractile rostellum. 1 Blochmann identities Sommer's " plasmatic canal " as the dorsal excretory canal of Taenia solium and T. saginta (Centralbl. f. Bakt. v. Parasitenkunde, xii. 1892, p. 373). THE CESTOIDEA 109 The posterior contractile bladder naturally persists only in those genera which do not drop their proglottids, e.g. Ichthyotaenia, and various Taenia, spp., which inhabit Teleostei ; in other cases, after the separation of this terminal proglottid, the four collecting canals a Fio. VII.— Plans of excretory system (after Pintner). 1. — Acanthobothrium' coronatum, Rud. Young. The two canals on each side pass into one another in the scolex, but are not connected right and left. Posteriorly all four open into the contractile bladder (e). 2.—Phyllobnthrium gracile, Wedl. Scolex. The two canals of either side pass into the phyllidia of this side ; t is an " island " formed by the local splitting of a canal and the reunion at once of the two branches. S.—Tetrarhynchus. Scolex. The frontal, transverse vessel (a) unites the right and left canals at the point of recurrence. 4.— Scolex of Cysticercus arionis (i.e. of Taenig, multiformis). &, rostellum, which causes the vessel (a) to form a circular loop, ,into which the four canals fall. 5.— Taenia. Scolex. The muscular sucker also causes the formation of a loop in each of the longitudinal canals, a, the circular vessel ; b, position of the rostellum ; c, the four acetabular loops or islands. Q.—Tetrarhynchus and Tetracotylea. Proglottids. The ventral canal becomes wider than dorsal, and there is a transverse canal (/) in each proglottid. came to open independently ; or, in some cases, a median duct develops from the last transverse connecting canal. But in a con- siderable number of instances the main canals effect new lateral communications in the scolex, neck, and proglottids; these "foramina secundaria " appear in Schistocephalus to be segmentally repeated. no THE CESTOIDEA The nervous system of Bothrioceplialus (Fig. VIII.) consists of a right and a left longitudinal cord traversing the strobila throughout its length, lying nearer to the middle line than to the margin. In the scolex they are united by a " cerebral commissure," containing gan- glion cells, whence four nerves pass back along each side of the scolex. The nervous sys- tem in the Merozoa generally agrees with this simple type ; there is always one, sometimes two, marginal nerve cords, which are, in several instances at least amongst the higher forms, united by a transverse or circular commissure near the hinder margin of each proglottid (Tower (47), and Others). A Superficial net- Wnrlr nf nArvA fihrAc ic in ™« WOrK OI nerVG nDrCS 1S ln COn' nection with these main COrds FIG. viii. Bothrioceph. lotus, L. Plan of the nervous system of the scolex (altered, from Nieraec). a, one lateral nerve which extends throughout the entire strobila ; 6, the two lateral accessory nerves of one side ; c, one dorsal and one ventral accessory nerve of one side; e, the incomplete circular commissure connecting the main nerve and the accessory nerves, c ; /, the anterior nerves ; T_, +i._ ln tne . are g, one bothrium; h, the transverse ganglionic alwav*; ronnprtprl hv a trjin