LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ A TREATISE ON ZOOLOGY A TREATISE ON ZOOLOGY EDITED BY E. BAY LANKESTER M.A., LL.D., F.R.S. HON. FELLOW OK EXETER COLLEGE, OXFORD; DIRECTOR OF THE NATURAL HISTORV DEPARTMENT* OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM PART V MOLLUSCA BY PAUL PELSENEER, D.Sc. Reprint A.ASHER & CO. Amsterdam 1964 TEEATISE ON ZOOLOGY EDITED BY EAY; ^ANKESTER M.A., LL.D., F.R.S. HON. FELLOW OF EXETER COLLEGE, OXFORD ; DIRECTOR OF THE NATURAL HISTORV DEPARTMENTS OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM PART V MOLLUSCA BY PAUL PELSENEER, D.Sc. LONDON ADAM & CHARLES BLACK 1906 Exclusive Agents for U.S.A. STECHERT-HAFNER SERVICE AGENCY, INC. 31 East 10th Street New York, New York 10003 Sole agents for India: Today & Tomorrow' s Book Agency, 22-B/5, Original Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi-5 PEEFACE THE manuscript of Dr. Pelseneer's volume on the Mollusca — now published — was completed nearly two years ago. It has been translated and revised for press by Dr. Gilbert Bourne, of New College, Oxford, to whom the thanks of both the author and editor are due and are cordially tendered. E. KAY LANKESTEK. December 1905. CONTENTS CHAPTER I I'AGK THE MOLLUSCA ... 1 CHAPTER II THE AMPHINEUBA .-•'". . U-.. 40 t CHAPTER III THE GASTROPODA . . . . 66 CHAPTER IV THE SCAPHOPODA . . . . , .197 CHAPTER V THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA . . . . .205 CHAPTER VI THE CEPHALOPODA . . . . . . 285 INDEX 347 CHAPTER I THE MOLLUSCA PHYLUM MOLLUSCA, CUVIER PALLIATA, Latreille; MALACOZOA, de Blainville; HETERO- GANGLIATA, Owen ; OiocARDiA, Haeckel ; SACCATA, Hyatt). GRADE A. ISOPLEURA (Ray Lankester). CLASS I. AMPHINEURA (von Jhering). Order 1. Polyplacophora. ,, 2. Aplacophora. GRADE B. PRORHIPIDOGLOSSOMOUPHA (Grobben). CLASS I. GASTROPODA (Cuvier). SUB-CLASS 1. STREPTONEURA. Order 1. Aspidobranchia. „ 2. Pectinibranchia. SUB-CLASS 2. EUTHYNEURA. Order 1. Opisthobranchia. „ 2. Pulmonata. CLASS II. SCAPHOPODA (Bronn). (No Orders.) CLASS III. LAMELLIBRANCHIA (de Blainville). Order 1. Protobranchia. „ 2. Filibranchia. „ 3. Eulamellibranchia, „ 4. Septibranchia. GRADE C. SIEHONOPODA (Ray Lankester). CLASS I. CEPHALOPODA (Cuvier). SUB-CLASS 1. TETRABRANCHIA. „ 2. DlBRANCHIA. Order 1. Decapoda. „ 2. Octopoda. 1 i THE MOLLUSC A I. INTRODUCTION. FORMERLY a number of very diverse zoological forms, such as Brachiopoda, Tunicata, and even Cirrhipedia, were included among the Mollusca. The last-named were the first to be dissociated from the true Mollusca, after J. Vaughan Thompson had shown, by a study of their larval development and metamorphoses, that they were modified Crustacea. At a later date the Tunicates were shown, also as a result of embryological research, to have affinities with the Vertebrata. The Brachiopoda, both because of their bivalve shell and the supposed resemblance of their superficial anatomy to that of Lamellibranchia, retained a place in the Molluscan phylum for a much longer period. H. Milne-Edwards, it is true, united the Brachiopoda with the Polyzoa under the name Molluscoidea, but he placed this group very close to the Mollusca, and his views were very generally accepted by zoologists. It is only twenty-five years since the phylum Mollusca was finally purged of all alien elements, and limited, as in Professor Lankester's "Mollusca" in the ninth edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, 1883, to such forms us are demonstnibly related to one another. More recently H. von Jhcring propounded the view that this assemblage of animals, believed to be closely related to one another, was in fact unnatural, heterogeneous, and polyphylctic. But his hypothesis could not stand the test of criticism, and never ob- tained the support of any reputable malacologist. Since his time the unity of the Molluscan phylum has never been called into question. Closely related as the different forms of the Mollusca are, they exhibit a great variety in external aspect, chiefly because the tegumentary layer, consisting of epithelium, connective tissue, and muscle, is exceedingly plastic, and gives rise to outgrowths, appendages and expansions of the most various kind. The diversity of form is further increased by concrescence of the various out-growths of the body, either with one another, or with adjacent structures ; such concrescences being exhibited by the mantle edges, the lobes and margins of the foot, the gills, and other organs. But, however diverse the external configuration of the Molluscan body, the internal organisation, at least in its main features and in young forms, preserves a remarkable uniformity. The group is homogeneous, sharply defined, and its members are easily recognised. The Mollusca also afford a very good instance of the progressive modification and evolution of organic structure. It would be difficult to name another group of the animal kingdom in which relationships can be more clearly determined and the THE MOLLUSC A pedigrees of the sub-groups more certainly traced ; and for this reason no phylum, with the possible exception of the Echinoderma, has, in recent years, yielded such fruitful results to the investigator, II. THE MORPHOLOGY AND LIFE-HISTORY OF THE MOLLUSCA. 1. General Description and External Characters. — The Mollusca are Coelomocoela with a distinct coelom and haemocoel. The latter has undergone a great development by phlebcedesis (see Professor Lan- kester's introduction in Part II. of this treatise), and the coelom there- fore is proportionately reduced. In the adult condition there are two recognisable coelomic cavities, the pericardial coelom and the true gonocoel or gonadial cavity. These two may be in communication with one another, but more frequently they are separate. The haemocoel is completely closed, and is probably the remnant of the embryonic blastocoel. The coelom, on the contrary, communicates with the exterior by coelomoducts and coelomopores. The coelomo- ducts are part of the primitive protocoelom ; they first served as gonaducts, but afterwards were adapted to excretory functions and became excretory organs or uroducts. In some cases, however, they retain part of their primitive character and serve the double purpose of uroducts and gonaducts (Fig. 56t*, g, i, j). The external features of a mollusc, though very variable, nearly always admit of a division of the body into three tegumentary regions or organs. The most anterior division is the head : it bears the mouth, appendages of various kinds, and nearly all the organs of special sense. The second division is ventral, and has the form of a highly developed tegumentary projection of variable shape : this is the foot, the chief organ of locomotion. The third division comprises the dorsal part of the body, covered by a calcified cuticle or protective shell, the shape of which is subject to great variation in the different subdivisions of the phylum. This dorsal region i& known as the mantle or pallium. The free surface of the body is covered by an epithelium, which is frequently ciliated. The epithelium is richly supplied with glandular cells which secrete an abundant mucus, serving to keep the skin moist and supple. In some cases, e.g. Phyllirhoe and Pholas, the glandular secretion is phosphorescent. The epithelium is also richly supplied with nerve-endings, and some of the epithelial cells may secrete chitinous or calcareous spicules, which remain- embedded in the integument (Amphineura). The greater part of the external, or at least the originally external, pallial epithelium secretes a shell (Fig. 1, sh). The shell consists of a matrix of a chitin-like substance, conchyolin, im- pregnated with mineral salts. The latter may be present in such abundance as to form 95 per cent of the shell substance. The chief THE MOLLUSC A mineral constituent is carbonate of lime, but from 1 to 2 per cent of phosphate of lime is also present, and traces (less than \ per cent) of carbonate of magnesium. The greater part of the thickness of the shell is made up by the ostracum, which consists of two layers : (1) an external layer, frequently coloured, and formed by prisms of calcite ; (2) an internal layer consisting of arragonite, generally in the form of overlapping plates : it is the internal layer that forms, in various species, the nacre or mother-of-pearl. The growth of the shell is effected in two ways. Its extent is increased by the addition of new matter, secreted by the thickened edge of the mantle, to the outer or prismatic layer. Its thickness is increased by addition of new matter, secreted by the whole surface of the mantle, to the inner or nacreous layer. In addition it vt. .£ Young embryo of Purjwra lapillus, from the left side, x 16. a, anus ; /, foot ; m, mouth ; of, otocyst ; yi.a.c, post-unal cilia ; re, embryonic kidney ; sh, shell : ve, velum ; vi, vitellus. to the two layers of the ostracum already mentioned, there is a third layer, called the hypostracum, on the areas of attachment of the muscles which serve to fasten the animal to its shell. Finally, there is the periostracum or shell epidermis, forming an external covering to most shells: it is formed by the pallial fold at the edge of the mantle. In some Polyplacophora, Gastropoda, and Lamellibranchia, and in most of the Cephalopoda, the free edges of the mantle are reflected over the shell, so as to cover a greater or less part of its outer surface. In some species in which this special feature is developed to its greatest extent, the reflected mantle edges form a completely closed sac round the shell, so that the latter is internal and concealed. In rare cases the pedal integument may secrete a calcified " shell," which may be adherent (Hipponyx) or free (Argonauta). The shell was for a long time the criterium of Molluscan classification. But the progress of anatomical study showed that THE MOLLUSC A genera with more or less similar shells might differ considerably from one another in internal organisation, and gradually the structure of the animal, rather than the form of its shell, came to be recognised as the guide to its systematic position. But to this- day there are many genera of Gastropods and Lamellibranchia whose anatomy is unknown, and their classification, founded on the characters of their shells alone, is, of course, provisional. The head and foot are fastened to the shell by muscular bundles, which are paired and symmetrical in the Polyplacophora, Scaphopoda (Fig. 181, e'), and Lamellibranchia (retractors of the foot), and in the Cephalopoda (retractors of the head and funnel),, but in the Gastropoda there is a single asymmetrical so-called "columellar" muscle (Fig. 45, co). The fibres of these muscles are attached to the epithelium under the shell. The connective tissue layer which lies beneath the tegumentary epithelium is mesodermic in origin, and is extensively developed in the Mollusca. It invades- the greater part of the original blastocoel and presents the following varieties : (1) plasmatic or vesicular cells, which sometimes give rise to endoplastic calcareous concretions or even to true sub-epithelial spicules, as in Pleurobranchus and various Nudibranchia ; (2) stellate cells ; (3) fibrillar cells. Blood spaces, whose distension causes- turgescence of various parts of the body, are frequently found in this connective tissue. On the other hand, the connective tissue may become compact and form supporting structures ; such are the " skeleton " of the gill filaments, the sub-epithelial " shell " of the Cymbuliidae, and the cartilaginous pieces in the Cephalopods and in the buccal mass of all classes except Lamellibranchs. Below, or imbedded in the subcutaneous connective tissue, are muscle fibres forming layers of rectilinear or annular bundles ; but as a rule only a few definite muscular masses can be distinguished. The muscle fibres are of the smooth variety, though in certain cases they appear to be striated, especially in muscles which contract rapidly. Such apparently striated fibres are found in the buccal mass of various Gastropods, in the heart, in the fins of Pteropods and Heteropods, in the siphon of Cephalopods, in the columellar muscle of the larvae of certain Nudibranchs, in the branchial septum (Cuspidaria), in the adductor muscles of various Lamelli- branchs, and especially in the Pectinidae, in which the striation looks almost identical with that of Arthropods and Vertebrates. These fibres, however, are usually regarded as unstriated : they are wholly bi-refringent. The fibrillae are parallel to one another, but in the contracted state are thrown into spirals, which is said to produce the appearance of transverse striation. The subject calls for renewed investigation. The tegumentary layer, composed as described of epithelium, connective tissue, and muscles, may attain to a very considerable THE MOLLUSC A thickness. Certain portions of the ^tegumentary organs can be spontaneously detached from the body by the reaction of the animal against the incidence of external forces. This phenomenon is known as " autotomy," and is generally defensive, as, for instance, the loss of portions of the foot (Harpa) or of its appendages ; the loss of the siphons of some Lamellibranchs ; of the dorsal papillae and other parts of the dorsal integument in certain Nudibranchs ; of the cephalic tentacles of Scaphopods, etc. The lost parts are regenerated, just as other tegumentary organs (cephalic tentacles, fins, arms of Cephalopods) that have been accidentally removed, are regenerated with all the complex and differentiated structures that they may possess, such as eyes, suckers, etc. The most remarkable example of regular physiological autotomy is found among the Cephalopods, namely, the hectocotylised arms of the Philonexidae and Argonautidae (Fig. 287). 2. The Digestive Trad. — The alimentary tract always has two orifices, the mouth and anus, generally situated at the two extremities of the body ; but the anus may be brought to an anterior position by a ventral flexure, which may or may not be complicated by a lateral torsion. The anus is absent only in the parasitic genus Entosiphon ; the alimentary tract is rudimentary in the parasites Entocolax and Entoconcka ; it is absent altogether in Enteroxenos. In all other forms three essential parts can be recognised in the digestive apparatus. Firstly, the buccal or anterior section of the gut, of ectodermic origin, which comprises the first dilatation or buccal cavity and the oesophagus. Secondly, there is the mid-gut, of endodermic origin, comprising the second dilatation or stomach. Thirdly, there is the hind-gut or intestine. The anterior dilatation or buccal cavity is absent in the Lamellibranchs, with the exception of certain Nuculidae. Cuticular formations are present in different parts of the internal wall of the alimentary tract, and are specially developed in its anterior portion. They occur around the mouth — having the form of a prehensile collar in Doris — but more particularly in the buccal cavity, where two different sorts of cuticular formations are found, the mandibles and the radula. The mandibles are anterior, dorsal, and unpaired in the Dentaliidae, Patellidae, Pulmonates, Aegirus (Fig. 73, B), etc., but paired and lateral in the majority of the Gastropoda. In the Cephalopoda the members of the pair are dorsal and ventral (Fig. 266). These organs are chitinous, and are only calcified in certain Chaeto- dermidae, and partially so in Nautiliis. The radula is characteristic of the phylum Mollusca. It exists throughout the series, from the most archaic forms upward, and is only absent in the most specialised types, in which it has evidently been lost, such as certain Neomeniomorpha among the Aplacophora, THE MOLLUSC A the Lamellibranchs, various isolated forms of Gastropoda, and the Cirrhoteuthidae among Cephalopods. The radular apparatus has the form of chitinous teeth, disposed in transverse rows ; the number of teeth in each row is sub- ject to variation, but they are always arranged symmetrically on one side and the other of a central tooth (Fig. 2). Thus there are eight lateral teeth on either side of the central tooth in Polyplacophora (8.1.8) ; two laterals on either side of the central in Scaphopoda (2.1.2); three laterals on either side of the central in almost all Cephalopods (3.1.3). In the Gastropods the number of teeth in each row varies considerably in the different sub-groups. The radular ribbon issues from a pharyngeal caecum, in which it is secreted, and is applied to the surface of paired cartilaginous pieces situated on the floor of the buccal cavity. These so-called cartilages have a charac- teristic vesicular structure quite dif- ferent from that of ordinary cartilage such as is found in Cephalo- pods and Opisthobranchs. Applied to these cartilaginous pieces the radula, by the action of special muscles, executes backward and forward rasping movements. The cuticular lining of the stomach is specially developed in Lamellibranchs and in certain Gastropods in which it is sometimes differentiated into masticatory plates provided with special muscles. The buccal cavity or anterior dilatation of the alimentary tube receives in the Amphineura, Gastropoda, and Cephalopoda, the secretion of the so-called salivary glands, of which one or several pairs may be present. The oesophagus may present various forms of accessory dilatations, known as "gizzards," glandular regions, etc. The secretion of an important and voluminous digestive gland is poured into the second primary dilatation of the gut or stomach : this gland is called the liver, but this name must not be taken to imply a physiological identity with the liver of vertebrates. The liver is an acinous glandular organ, the epithelial cells of which are all very similar to one another in Polyplacopho: » , but in other forms they are generally differentiated into ferment cells and excretory cells. From the physiological point of view this gland is FIG. 2. Transverse rows of the radula. A, JioivochitoH ntber ; R, Natim dou&t; L\ I'ulselluin tf.tragonutn : D, Hossiii glau- copis ; all much enlarged, c, central tooth ; 7, lateral teeth ; m, marginal teeth. (After G. (). Sars.) THE MOLLUSC A a hepato- pancreas, since its secretion peptonises albuminoids, converts starches into sugar, and. saponifies fats. Absorption of digested food-stuffs is effected, in some forms at least, by the liver itself, and finally this gland has an excretory function in that it secretes waste products of metabolism into the alimentary tube. The stomach (in various Gastropods, in Scaphopods, and Lamellibranchs) is provided with a caecum in which a crystalline style is often secreted. In addition there exists^ in some Gastropods and Cephalopods, a caecum coiled in a spiral. These two structures do not appear to be homologous, for in some Gastropods (Nassopsis) the spiral caecum and the sac containing the crystalline style occur together. The intestine, or at least its terminal portion, is. furnished, in nearly all groups of Mollusca, with a longitudinal ridge called a typhlosole or with a furrow bordered by two ridges. An anal gland is present in various Gastropods, in Dentalium, and in nearly all Cephalopods. 3. Circulation and Respiration. — In addition to the cavity of the alimentary tube two other important cavities, completely separated from one another, are found in the Molluscan body. The first, called the coelomic cavity, communicates freely with the exterior, and is generally reduced to the pericardium and the gonadial or genital cavity. The second is very probably the remnant of the blastocoel or segmentation cavity, and is continuous with spaces in the conjunctive mesenchyme of the integuments. It is filled with a fluid blood or haemolymph which is at once nutritive and respiratory in function. This cavity constitutes the circulatory apparatus. The circulatory apparatus is provided, for a greater or less part of its extent, with proper endothelial walls ; where these are absent it is lined by connective tissue so that the organs are never brought into diret-, contact with the blood. The circulatory cavity is, in fact, more or less specialised into arteries and veins of vascular structure, but there are rarely tubular capillary ramifica- tions, except in the integuments of Cephalopods. More usually the capillaries are swollen irregular cavities. The rest of the circulatory system is formed of sinuses-, — irregularly defined spaces in the connective tissue and specially abundant in the integuments. In fact, the phenomenon of phlebcedesis (Ray Lankester) is manifested in a very high degree in the Mollusca, the cavity of the circulatory system being distended and in- sinuated among the organs to such a degree as to push back and diminish the coelom, though no communication is ever estab- lished between the two. The blood-vessels pass abruptly into the sinuses, and in some cases communication between sinus and blood- vessel is established by orifices in the walls of the latter. Remark- able instances of this form of communication may be seen in the THE MOLLUSC A vena cava of Nautilus, in the auricle of Patella (Fig. 80), and in the afferent branchial vein of Aplysia. The central and pulsatile portion of the circulatory apparatus is well developed, except in the Entoconchidae. It is situated Fio. 3. Diagram to show the relations of the heart in the Molluscs. A, part of the dorsal vascular trunk and transverse trunks of a Chaetopod worm ; If, ventricle and auricles of Nautilus ; C, of a Lamellibranch, of Chiton, or of Loligo ; D, of Octopus ; E, of a Gastropod, a, auricle ; a.c, arteria cephalica (aorta) ; a/, arteria abdominalis ; v, ventricle. Tho arrows show the direc- tion of the blood -current. (From Lankester, after Gegenbaur.) on the dorsal side in the pericardium, except in Anomia and the Octopods, and originally at the posterior end of the animal. In no case is the pericardium a blood sinus ; it is a portion of the coelom, without communication with the circulatory system, as is shown by the absence of red corpuscles in the pericardium of such Molluscs as have red blood (Penrose and Ray Lankester). The heart is entirely arterial, and comprises, firstly, a median ventricle, with muscular walls and internal fleshy columns, the fibres of which give the appearance of M striation : being spongy in texture, this organ has no intrinsic nutritive vessels. Secondly, two (in Nautilus four) paired auricles, disposed symmetrically on either side of the ventricle. The auriculo- ventricular openings are simple, except in the Polyplacophora, where they are frequently multiple (Fig. 4). Each opening is provided with a valve opening towards the cavity of the ventricle and preventing the reflux of blood into the auricle. Frequently one member of the single pair of auricles sal ?8.i)ect. i, left anterior anricuio- & ^ ventricular communication ; II, ven- 18 much reduced, Or may be aborted, tricle; III, right anterior afferent as is the case in the majority of Gas- Sent vessels -, Vvnrieft ^urtcio' trrmork /Fio- 3 TT\ VIII, left posterior auriculo- ventricu- S ^lg. 6, &). lav communication. Primitively a single, morphologically anterior aorta is given off from the ventricle, and this condition persists in the Amphineura and in the archaic Lamellibranchia. FlO. 4. Heart of Chiton pellis-serpentis, dor- io THE MOLLUSC A The aorta together with the ventricle forms a dorsal vessel com- parable to that of Annelids. Secondarily a second and morpho- logically posterior aorta may be formed, as in the Gastropods and the majority of Lamellibranchs (Fig. 3, E), and even a third (the genital aorta of certain Cephalopods) may be formed in connection with the first. The ramifications of these aortae carry the blood throughout the body. The kidneys, however, are supplied almost entirely with venous blood, from which their cells extract and excrete the waste products of metabolism. Thus the circulation of the kidneys may be described as a portal system. The blood is generally a colourless fluid containing amoebocytes and sometimes haematids. It may be of a bluish colour, due to the presence of haemocyanin, an albuminoid containing copper (Fredericq). In other cases it is red, owing to the presence of haemoglobin, which may be in solution in the plasma (Planoi'bis) or may be localised in haematids (red blood corpuscles). These are present in Pectunculus, Area, Ceratisolen [Lankester], Porvriiya, and Neomeniomorpha. The musculature of the buccal bulb has been shown by Lankester in Gastropoda to owe its red colour to haemoglobin impregnating the muscular tissue. The density of the blood is always greater than that of water, greater even than that of sea-water in the case of some marine molluscs. The blood of Anodonta contains ten times more salts than the sur- rounding medium : the density of the blood of Octopus is 1,047. The pressure of the blood in the arteries amounts to from 3 to 5 centimetres of water in ^Anodonta and to 108 centimetres of water in Octopus. The volume of blood in some groups, particularly in the Lamellibranchs and Gastropods, is so great that it plays a very important part in the turgescence of various parts of the 'integu- ment, by filling the tegumentary sinuses during the relaxation of their muscles. To this end some blood spaces, corresponding to different turgescible organs, are separated by valves which admit of the accumulation of a considerable volume of blood in a definite portion of the body. Examples of this are found in Gastropods and in the valve of Keber in Lamellibranchs. Respiration. — The venous blood is oxygenated almost exclusively in the superficial tegumentary sinuses of the mantle, this organ receiving a comparatively feeble supply of arterial blood. A portion of the free or ventral surface of the mantle is specialised to form a respiratory organ, through which passes nearly the whole of the blood that is returned to the auricles. These tegumentary organs, enclosing a part of the vascular system, project into the surrounding water in the form of pallial expansions, normally paired, in which the blood is oxygenated. This special part of the circulatory system is often regarded as a separate organ under THE MOLLUSC A ii the name of the "respiratory apparatus." It is constituted by the ctenidia or branchiae properly so-called, of which there may be one or many pairs. There are two pairs in Nautilus ; from four to eighty pairs in the Polyplacophora, and where a single pair is normally present it may be reduced to a single azygos organ, generally in correlation with the reduction of the auricles. The ctenidia are situated primitively in the posterior or anal region of the mantle, but they may be multiplied and spread anteriorly, or both anteriorly and posteriorly (Polyplacophora, Fig. 28), or without being multiplied they may extend pro- gressively towards the region opposite to their primitive situation, FIG. 5. Diagram* of transverse sections of the ctenidia of various Mollusca. I, Chiton ; II, Pleurotvrnaria ; III, Trochus; lV,Nucula; V, Nautilus; VI, Chaetoderma ; VII, Haliotis; VIII, Lacuna ; IX, Solenomya ; X, tiepia. a, afferent vessel ; e, efferent vessel ; pa, mantle. as in Gastropods and Lamellibranchs. They are shorter in Nucula than in Area; shorter in Area (Fig. 188) than in Avicula (Fig. 236) ; shorter in Pleurotomaria than in Trochus^ and in Trochus than in Fissurella. These ctenidia have exactly the same structure in the archaic members of the different groups : an identical fundamental structure may be recognised in the Polyplacophora, in the Rhipidoglossa among Gastropods, in the Protobranchs among Lamellibranchs, and in the Cephalopods (Fig. 5). Each ctenidium consists of an axis containing two vascular trunks. The one, an afferent vessel, in which the blood current is centrifugal, communicates with a " vena cava " or with a simple venous sinus ; the other is the efferent vessel, in which the current is centripetal, and the auricle is nothing more than its specialised terminal portion. The auricle, in fact, has the innervation of a pallial 12 THE MOLLUSC A organ like the ctenidium ; the ventricle that of a visceral organ properly so called. Each side of the axis bears a row of respiratory filaments, generally flattened, but of variable shape, whose cavities communicate with the two vascular trunks of the axis. It is in the cavities of these filaments that the blood absorbs oxygen dissolved in the water. The continuous renewal of water on the surface of the ctenidium is provided for by a covering of ciliated epithelium. The ciliated epithelium is absent in Cephalopods, but in this group the powerful musculature of the mantle and siphon is sufficient for the purpose. The whole volume of venous blood, however, is not in all cases passed through the ctenidia : a smaller or larger part may be distributed to the mantle and thence returned directly to the heart. This arrangement is found in a considerable number of Gastropods (Heteropods, Pleurobranchs, and Nudibranchs) and in the majority of Lamellibranchs. Finally, the typical respiratory apparatus may be complicated by specialisation or by reduction, and may disappear altogether, as in the Neomemiidae, the Scaphopoda, the Septibranchia, and a large number of Gastropoda. In such cases the function of oxygenating the blood is wholly transferred to the free surfaces of the pallial integuments, which often form a secondary respiratory organ, especially in the Gastropoda. In aquatic species this secondary apparatus takes the form of "pallial branchiae," in terrestrial species of a "lung." In certain cases there is a localised blood-gland or lymphatic gland which, from its phagocytic function and the formation of amoebocytes, may be said to have the physiological character of the spleen of Vertebrates. This organ is generally situated on the course of the aorta, instances being found in many Opisthobranchs and in the "white body" of Cephalopods (Fig. 268). It consists of conjunctive tissue in which blood corpuscles are formed at the expense of the conjunctive cells. In other cases the gland is diffuse, that is to say, distributed in a more or less irregular fashion in the conjunctive tissue in the form of plasmatic cells. 4. Coelom. — The walls of the coelom of Molluscs are completely covered by a continuous epithelium, partly genital, partly excretory. The coelom is divided into several different cavities, gonadial, pericardial, and renal, the two last named being excretory. The gonadial and reno-pericardiul cavities are separate, except in the Cephalopods and aplacophorous Amphineura. It must be assumed that the " Prorhipidoglossa," the common ancestors of the Gastropods, Scaphopods, and Lamellibranchs, had also this communication between the pericardium and genital cavity, and it is preserved in the more archaic Gastropods and Lamellibranchs (certain Rhipidoglossa and Protobranchs), in which the gonads THE MOLLUSCA 13 open, not into the pericardium, but in the reno-pericardial duct, uniting the pericardium to the kidney. Such an arrangement is found in Trochus, Solenomya, etc. (Fig. 5bis, g, i) • and here we find that the genital and pericardial cavities are united to the kidney by a common duct of double origin, genital and pericardial. As a further differentiation, we find in a fairly large number of Lk "lelli- branchs and in the Scaphopods that the two distinct branches of this duct become longer (Fig. 5 u\ j) ; then the common duct dis- appears, and the gonad opens directly into the renal sac (Fig. 5** h, k). The pericardial coelom always surrounds the heart except in the Octopoda and the Anomiidae, or is much reduced or absent. Sometimes prolongations, ramifications, or parts of this pericardial cavity have their walls much specialised to form an excretory apparatus, known as the pericardial glands. The pericardial coelom always communicates with the renal sacs or renal portion of the original coelom : in Nautilus alone the kidneys are no longer continuous with the pericardial cavity, and this latter opens directly to the exterior by "coelomopores," orifices peculiar to itself. The Cephalopods have a pair of coelomoducts leading directly from the genital cavity to the exterior. In the Aplacophora this genital space ofily communicates with the exterior through the intermedium of the pericardium and renal sacs. The polyplaco- phorous Amphineura have acquired two special genital canals, through which the sexual products are discharged, but they do not appear to be true primitive coelomoducts (Fig. 5***, e; Fig. 30, D). Finally, in the Lamellibranchs in general and in the Gastropods the genital ducts are formed at the expense of a portion of the renal sacs and ducts (on one side only in Gastropods) ; but the male ducts of the hermaphrodite Lamellibranchs, the Anatinacea, are neomorphs and an exception to the general rule. 5. Excretory Organs. — The essential organs of excretion are the renal sacs or urocoeles, whose morphological nature requires further elucidation. They consist of paired canals, more or less modified, which open to the exterior on the surface of the body and internally into the pericardium, except in the case of Nautilus, in which, as described above, the pericardial coelom has its own separate orifices, and in Dentalium. The reno-pericardial apertures are more or less elongate ciliated funnels whose cilia create a current in the direction of the kidney. In Elysia alone does the kidney possess multiple reno-pericardial apertures, to the number of about ten (Fig. 92). True "nephridia" (Lankester) only occur in the young stages of certain Gastropods (Pulmonates (Fig. 118), Paludina, etc.) and in Lamellibranchs ; they are described below under the head of Embryology (p. 136). THE MOLLUSC A In cases in which a single pair of renal sacs is present, one member of the pair is often rudimentary or absent. This condi- tion is found in the majority of Gastropods, where the ctenidium in in Fin. 5«">. Transformations of the genital duct in the Mollusca : diagrammatic dorsal views of the peri- cardium, gonad, and kidneys, a, ancestral hypothetical form ; b, Cephalopod ; c, stock form of Amphineura ; d, Aplacophora ; e, Polyplacophora ; /, Prorhipidoglossum ; g, some Rhipido- ?loss& (KmcirqinHla, etc.); A, specialised Gastropod ; t, Protobranch Laniel li branch ; j, Pecten ; , Eulamellibranch. I, pericardial part of coelom ; II, gonad ; III, kidney ; IV, genital duct of Cephalopoda and Polyplacophora ; V, duct leading from the gonad into the pericardium, into the reno- pericardial duct, or into the kidney ; VI, reno-pericardial duct ; VII, secondary genital duct in specialised Gastropoda and Lainellibraiirhs. THE MOLLUSC A 15 and auricle of the same side (topographically the right side) are also atrophied or have disappeared (Fig. 55). Almost all the venous blood that passes to the ctenidia tra- verses the kidneys, so that there is a renal portal system. The renal sacs are, in fact, irrigated by conduits which lead to the afferent branchial veins, and these conduits may traverse the kidneys, as in Cephalopods (Fig. 273), or may surround them, as in Septibranchs (Fig. 210). Consequently the blood passing through the ctenidia is devoid of the products of excretion. The surface of the excretory sac which forms the kidney may be greatly increased by folds, by the formation of caeca, etc. Its walls are glandular for a greater or less part of their extent, and consist of an excretory epithelium in the cells of which the nitrogenous products of metabolism are accumulated. These products are ejected in the solid or liquid form, and vary from one group to another as regards their chemical constitution. They consist essentially of guanin in the Cephalopods, of uric acid in Gastropods, except in Cydostoma, where they consist of urea, as is also the case in Lamellibranchs, in which group uric acid is not normally found. The external water does not penetrate into the kidney, nor, a fortiori, does it enter the pericardium. It has, however, been established that water may occasionally enter the kidney of certain Heteropods and of Styliger, an Opisthobranch of the family Hermaeidae. The glandular part of the kidney is not the only region in which a glandular epithelium may be present. The epithelial lining of the pericardium may, in various groups, be specialised to form a pericardial gland (Grobben) whose excretion is more acid than that of the kidney properly so called. Such a gland may be seen on the surfaces of the auricles or in the ramifications of the pericardium in Gastropods, Lamellibranchs (Fig. 212), and in Cephalopods (Fig. 273). This glandular region has a blood supply analogous to that of the kidney, and one may even see, in Nautilus, the renal epithelium and that of the pericardial gland developed at the same level on the same afferent branchial vessel, the one on the one side, the other on the other side. The pericardial gland eliminates the waste products which are excreted by the Malpighian glomeruli of the vertebrate kidney ; the molluscan kidney, properly so called, deals, on the other hand, with the same products of excretion as the tubuli contorti. Certain liver cells also constitute an important organ of excretion, especially in the Opisthobranchs and Pulmonates. In the latter the dorsal wall of the pedal gland is also excretory, and finally veritable accumulatory excretory organs are often formed in the conjunctive tissue by plasmatic cells known as the "cells of Leydig." True nephridia exist in developmental stages in the form of "larval kidneys." 1 6 THE MOLLUSC A 6. Nervous System and Organs of Sense. — In the nervous system of Mollusca a perioesophageal collar is normally present, of which the dorsal moiety is the cerebral and the ventral moiety the labial com- missure. From either side, at the junction of the two moieties of the collar, nerve cords distributed to the integuments take their origin. These latter are differentiated into a dorsal pair, innervat- ing the mantle, and a ventral pair, innervating the foot : they may be ganglionated throughout the whole of their extent, as in the pallial cords of Amphineura and the pedal cords of Amphineura and Aspidobranchs, or they may bear localised ganglia, known as the pleural and pedal ganglia respectively, near their origins. These two paired cords are connected by anastomoses, the most anterior anastomosis being always preserved and known as the pleuro-pedal connective. The pedal cords or centres are united by anastomoses ventrad of the digestive tract, the most anterior and at the same time the largest of the anastomoses being always retained as the pedal commissure. The pallial cords are often united by an anastomosis dorsad of the rectum as in Amphineura, Cephalopods, Lamellibranchs, and various Gastropods. The nervous system of Molluscs is thus characterised by its oesophageal ring, from which issue four, originally parallel, tegumentary nervous cords (Fig. 19). The visceral organs are innervated firstly by trunks given off from the labial commissure. These trunks, uniting under the oesophagus, form an anterior or stomato-gastric visceral commissure, bearing on its course two ganglia which are situated near and partially innervate the buccal bulb and also the whole of the oesophagus and stomach. In some cases, e.g. the Cephalopods and certain Tectibranchia, the stomato-gastric commissure bears stomachal ganglia. The viscera are innervated, in the second place, by trunks issuing from the pallial cords and distributed to the circulatory, excretory, and genital viscera. In all Molluscs except the Amphineura the two most important of these trunks are united below the digestive tube, thus forming an infra-intestinal loop or " visceral commissure," provided with one or more ganglionic centres (Fig. 19, v.g). These two visceral loops, the stomato-gastric and the visceral properly so called, are generally united together by anastomoses (Cephalopods and Gastropods). There are, therefore, three kinds of nerve-centres in Molluscs : (I) sensory centres, represented by the ganglionated cerebral commissure or differentiated cerebral ganglia; (2) tegumentary centres, represented by the pleural and pedal cords or ganglia ; (3) the visceral centres, represented by the stomato-gastric and the visceral loop properly so called. The nerve-centres consist of a superficial portion, made up of ganglion cells, and a central fibrillar portion which is almost THE MOLLUSC A 17 exclusively composed of prolongations of sensory or centripetal nerve fibres. The prolongations of the superficial ganglion cells are continued into motor or centrifugal nerve fibres. Isolated ganglion cells are to be found in the muscles of the heart and in those 'of the buccal bulb (Pulmonata). The nervous system, being in close relation to all the other rgans, is. of great importance to the morphologist, and the more so oecause it is the last to be influenced by the modifications under- gone by the organism. At the same time, every modification of an organ is faithfully reflected by the nervous system. In such forms as are still slightly differentiated, the large nerve cords are uniformly covered with ganglion cells : in less primitive forms the special development of certain parts of the body has produced a preponderant development of certain nerves corresponding to them, and nerve cells accumulate and give rise to ganglia at the bases of these more highly developed nerves. Accessory ganglia may also be formed at different points of the nervous system, either at the bases of sensory organs (Figs. 94, br.g ; 214, os, etc.) or at the origin of important nerve trunks (Fig. 159, i). The ganglion centres may be shifted along the cords on which they are situated in consequence of changes in the parts that they innervate. Similarly, a nerve may be shifted along the cord from which it issues until it seems to have changed its place of origin, but its fibres always maintain their connection with their primitive nerve- centre. The approximation or the union of two parts of the body in- volves the approximation or fusion of the corresponding ganglia ; or if one of the two parts is atrophied, its nerve-centre is reduced and may be fused with the adjacent nerve-centre. The various ganglia exhibit a general tendency to centralisation, all the principal sensory organs being aggregated at the anterior part of the body. At first all the sensory and motor nerve-centres, and finally all the others (Cephalopoda, Nudibranchia, many Pulmonata), become localised in the same region and are grouped together. Organs of Sense. — The function of general sensibility is spread over the whole of the free surface of the envelope of the body and the surfaces in continuity with it : included among the latter are the internal surface of the mantle, and especially its glandular tracts, and all invaginations of the ectoderm, such as the pedal glands, the terminal portion of the rectum, the kidneys, etc. On these various surfaces sensory elements are found among the epithelial cells in the form of neuro-epithelial or end-cells, which sometimes traverse a thick calcified cuticle (aesthetes of Chitony Fig. 24). These elements are particularly numerous in the most exposed parts, such as the cephalic tentacles of Gastropods, the 18 THE MOLLUSC A epipodial tentacles of Rhipidoglossa, the pallial tentacles of Lamelli- branchs, etc., which therefore have the more special function of tactile organs. Taste organs in the form of sensory bulbs or cups have been shown to exist in the buccal cavity or round the mouth of several Molluscs. There are several kinds of organs of olfactory or some analogous function ; such are the cephalic rhinophores and the pallial osphradia. The rhinophores are situated on the head, and are frequently borne on more or less prominent appendages resembling tentacles (Fig. 163, /); or in other cases they have the form of a pit, as in the Cephalopods (Fig. 259, ol). The nerve of each rhinophore is supplied by the corresponding cerebral ganglion, and is sometimes partially united to the opcic nerve. The osphradia (Ray Lankester) are situated near the entrance to the pallial cavity (Figs. 58 and 89, 0s; 99, XVI.), on the course of the branchial nerve, but sometimes, as a result of specialisation, they are situated on separate ganglia. The osphradia have the form of ridges or pits Jined by sensory epithelium, and their function is to test the respiratory fluid. It has been demonstrated, in certain Lamelli- branchs at any rate, that the nerve-fibres suoplying the osphradia originate in the cerebral ganglia. The otocysts (de Lacaze-Duthiers) are invaginations of the integuments of the foot. In the Protobranchs (Pelseneer) and in Mytilus (List) they are otocrypts, that is to say, they are still open invaginations ; but in all other Molluscs these organs are closed and contain auditory granules or otoliths suspended in a fluid secreted by the wall of the otocyst, this latter structure being furnished with sensory and ciliated cells. The otocysts, even when they are attached to the pedal ganglia, are innervated from the cerebral ganglia (Koren and Danielssen, de Lacaze-Duthiers, Leydig; Figs. 123, C ; 146). They are absent both in the young and adult Amphineura and in the adult stages of various sessile Molluscs. It is through the agency of these organs that the animal is able to perceive disturbances in the surrounding medium, and the re- sistance offered to the locomotory apparatus : through them the creeping Molluscs preserve their orientation and swimming Molluscs their equilibrium. Tlie Eyes are normally cephalic structures, one pair in number, symmetrically placed on or at the bases of the cephalic tentacles. Cephalic eyes are absent in the Scaphopods and in the adult state in Amphineura and the Lamellibranchs (with the exception of the Mytilidae and Avicula). In Molluscs devoid of cephalic eyes, visual organs are often developed on the mantle. Thus among the Amphineura they are found over the whole surface of the mantle in the Chitons ; among the Lamellibranchs on the borders of the mantle only in the Arcidae and in numerous Pectinidae ; finally, one THE MOLLUSCA 19- Gastropod, Oncidiwn, possesses, in addition to a pair of normal cephalic eyes, numerous pallial eyes scattered over the whole dorsal surface. The cephalic eyes are pigmented invaginations of the integu- ment : they may be open, without any refractive body, as in Patella and Nautilus (Fig. 6, A), or with a crystalline lens, as in Pleuroto- maria, Trochus, Haliotis, etc. They are closed, and have a cornea and an internal crystalline lens in the majority of Gastropods and in the dibranchiate Cephalopods (Fig. 6, B, C). The pallial eyes may be " compound," without an internal crystalline lens (Arcidae), or simple. In the latter case they may present one of the following characters: — (1) an internal crystalline lens and a deep retina (Polyplacophora, Fig. 33) ; (2) an internal crystalline lens and a Co.ep C •^' •*••*** T-_ Int* FIG. 6. Diagrams of sections of the eyes of Mollusca. A, Nautilus ; B, Gastropod (Umax or Helix) 'r C, Dibranchiate Cephalopod (Oigopsid). Co, external cornea ; Co.ep, internal cornea ; G.op, optic ganglion ; Int, Infl, Intf, Infi, different parts of the integuments ; Ir, iris ; I, crystalline lens ; i1, outer (extra-corneal) portion of the lens ; N.op, optic nerve ; N.S, nervous stratum of the retina ; Pal, eyelid ; x, inner layer of the retina. (From Lankester, after Grenadier.) superficial retina (Pecten, Fig. 217); (3) an internal crystalline lens, the retinal cells reversed and the nerve traversing the retina (Oncidium). With the exception of the Cephalopods, and possibly also the Heteropods, the vision of Molluscs is limited. In the forms devoid of eyes, as in other groups of the animal kingdom, the general surface of the body is capable of dermatoptia perceptions. 7. Organs of Generation. — Among Molluscs in general the sexes are separate, and this is the case in the most archaic forms of the different groups of the phylum. Hermaphroditism, on the contrary, is always a sign of specialisation, and is only found as a normal condition in one sub-order of Amphineura (Neomeniomorpha), in one sub-class of Gastropoda (Euthyneura), in some genera of Streptoneurar in one order (Anatinacea), and in some isolated species of Lamelli- 20 THE MOLLUSC A branchia. In the forms with separate sexes there is often a definite sexual dimorphism, which is exhibited not only by the presence of a copulatory organ (Cephalopods and the majority of Gastropods), but also in the breadth and even in the greater size of the females (Fig. 7, /). It has been shown that in the Cephalopods hyperpolygyny is the rule, and in certain Atlantae and American Unionidae, hyperpolyandry. The gonads are primitively paired and developed from the coelomic wall, but they are only in direct communication with the remainder of the coelom (the pericardium) in the Aplacophora (Figs. 5W*, d • 30, C) and the Cephalopoda (Fig. 56t'*, b). In the former case the genital products fall into the peri- cardium and are carried to the exterior by the renal ducts, which thus act as gonaducts. In other cases the genital products may be dis- charged into the reno-pericardial duct (Trockus, Fig. 55 ; Solen&mya), and are thence expelled through the kidneys, or they may be discharged directly into the kidneys, more or less close to the external renal orifice (various archaic Lamellibranchs, the majority of Khipidoglossa, Scaphopods). Otherwise, in all groups, the gonads open to the exterior by their proper pores, which are nearly always adjacent to the renal openings ; they may, however, be more or less removed to a distance from the latter, and in certain hermaphrodite forms (Pulmonates and Nudibranchs) the renal orifice is near the anus and the genital aperture is secondarily separated from it and shifted towards the penis. Accessory glands are often developed on the course of the genital duct, especially in the female. The male and female elements are formed from the epithelium of the gonad : each oogonium gives rise to a single ovum with its polar bodies, while each spermatogonium gives rise to several sperma- tozoa. The eggs of Cephalopods, of the majority MMi puiuduia °* Polyplacophora, and of the Lamellibranch The male in situ on Pseudokellya (Fig. 220) are invested by a continuous the S&4I3& Sr cellular follicle. In hermaphrodite Molluscs the fJniaieTwt'maiie2' f' spermatozoa ripen before the ova; the herma- phroditism is therefore protandric. The herma- phroditism also is not self-sufficient, and the ova of one individual must normally be fertilised by the spermatozoa of another individual. The " parthenogenesis " observed in hermaphrodite Pulmonata (Arion, Limnaea), which have been isolated from the time of their birth, is possibly due to an abnormal autofertilisation. " Progenesis " has only been observed in one Gymnosome (Clione), in which the larval characters are preserved for a long time. Copulation only takes place in such Gastropods, whether monoecious or dioecious, as are provided with a penis, and in the Cephalopoda. In several members of the latter class the copulatory organ, or THE MOLLUSC A 21 hectocotylus, is caducous and travels independently in search of the female. In those Molluscs which do not copulate the eggs are fertilised after oviposition. The eggs are laid separately in the Amphineura, in the more archaic Gastropoda, in the Scaphopoda, and in almost all the Lamellibranchia (that is to say, generally, in the forms that do not copulate), but in the majority of aquatic Gastro- pods and in the Cephalopods the eggs when laid are united into- a gelatinous or coriaceous nidus, which may be attached (benthos) or floating (plankton). As a rule, Molluscs do not nurture their progeny, and when once the eggs are laid they take no further heed of them. Some of them, however, retain their eggs till the time of hatching, and are therefore called incubatory forms (Fig. 8). Examples of incubatory forms occur among the Lamellibranchs, especially the specialised eulamellibranchiate Submytilacea ; among marine Gastropods (Vermetus, etc.), among freshwater Gastropods (Melania, etc.), and even among the octopodous Cephalopods (Argo- iiauta), but the number of truly viviparous forms is very small. Callistochiton among the Amphi- neura and several genera of aquatic and pulmonate Gastro- pods are the only instances. Fia 8- TliP rmmhpr nf PO-O-ost-anal cilia ; sh, shell ; «r, velum. (After Meiseu- THE MOLLUSCA adaptation to larval life. The most important of these embryonic organs is the velum; primitively a preoral ciliated ring, characteristic of the Trochosphere (Ray Lankester), which delimits an area known as the prostomium or "velar area." Towards the centre of this area there is often a ciliated tuft or a flagellum, as in the larvae of Amphineura (Figs. 14, 17), Patella (Figs. U, 113), Dentalium Fio. 14. Three Trochospheres of Moll usca. A, /sc/t/ioe/uton, (Heath); B, Patella (Patten); C, Dreisscnsia (Meisenheimer). a, anus ; /, foot ; fl, flagellum ; m, mouth ; p.a.c, post-anal cilia ; sh, shell; of, velum. (Fig. 15), and various Lamellibranchs (Figs. 14, C; 16). It is on the buccal side of this tuft, when it exists, that the apical plate is situated, probably the remains of a sensory organ from which the cerebral nerve-centres take their origin. The velum may be differ- entiated in one of two ways : — (1) The preoral ciliated ring may extend itself by growing outwards at all parts of its circumference : the trochosphere larva is thus transformed into a " veliger " (Ray Lankester), a larval form highly characteristic of Molluscs (Fig. 18). The velum may be divided into two lateral lobes (Fig. 18, v), which in their turn may be divided into two or three secondary lobes (Fig. 121). (2) The velum may reucttt for a greater or less distance towards the posterior end Trochosphere of Dr»taZtK»i,sagittal median section, nf thp Atnhrvn honnrrnno- w> blastopore ;fl, flagellum ; in, intestine ; /*<, mantle emDryO, DeCOming Or shell-glaml ; w, velum. (Alter Kowalewsky.) attached to it in such a manner as to form a more or less extensive superficial investment furnished with multiple ciliated rings, as in Dentalium (Figs. 15, FIG. 15. 28 THE MOLLUSC A 185), Neomeniomorpha (Fig. 17), Nuculidae (Figs. 16, 225). The embryo may in this manner be nearly completely invested by a " test " extending posteriorly to an orifice which, however, is only a false blastopore. In both cases the velum eventually atrophies when the animal assumes the definitive habits of the adult. When the whole course of the development is undergone within the egg-membranes, there is either no veliger stage (Cephalopods, Figs. il9, D; 257, 290, 291 ; Cyclas, Entovalva, etc.) or there is no free veliger, but a more or le*ss rudimentary velum, postero-dorsally atrophied, may be observed, which persists nearly to the time of hatching (viviparous Gastropods, Purpura, Fig. 1, Pulmonata). A post- anal ciliated area is not uncommonly found, as, for example, in Pwpura (Fig. 1), among Gastropods, and Dreissensia FIG. 1C. Trochosphere of Yoldia, median sagittal section, a.a, anterior adductor muscle ; ap, apical plate ; bl, blastopore ; c.0, cerebral ganglion ; fl, flagellum ; h.a, posterior adductor; in, intes- tine ; li, liver ; ml, stomodaeum ; t, " test" or reflected velum, with 3 circlets of cilia. (After Drew.) (Figs. 1 3, 1 4, p.a.c) among Lamellibranchs. Finally, post-oral ciliated rings, secondarily acquired, are found in the larvae of certain Opis- thobranchs, Gymnosomata (Fig. 120). The foot is nothing more than a projection of the integument between the mouth and the anus. Its earliest rudiment is evidently paired, since it is formed by the union of the lips of the (commonly) elongated blastopore (Fig. 113). It is only at a late stage of development that it attains its complete development ; during the early stages it is very small and functionless, the velum serving as the sole organ of locomotion (Fig. 112). An ectodermic invagination, bounded by a ridge, makes its appearance at an early period on the dorsal face of the embryo, near the formative pole. This invagination, known as the "shell- gland" (Ray Lankester) or preconchylian invagination (Fig. 110, E, F,, is also the precursor of the mantle, since the edge of the latter structure is formed by the ridge. The shell -gland THE MOLLUSC A 29 spreads from its point of origin in the form of a pallial thickening, which may be only slightly concave, or it may be deeply invagin- ated and afterwards evaginated. The imagination is caused by the very rapid proliferation of the epithelial tissue in the neighbour- hood of the pallial ridge. When evaginated these epithelial cells, having again become external, begin to secrete the shell. The branchiae or denidia originate on the inner surface of the mantle as tegumentary projections in the form of papillae or of filaments arranged in series (Fig. 229). The Nervous System and Organs of Sensation. — The various pairs of nerve-centres arise separately, and usually as thickenings of the ectoderm at the points where ^ they are formed. In certain N. // cases, however, the nerve-centres are developed by the more primitive process of invagina- tion, as may be seen in the case of the cerebral ganglia of Den- FIG. 17. Trochosphere of Myzojnenia banyulensis. A, after 36 hours ; B, after 100 hours, fl, flagellum ; «?, velum. (After Pruvot.) r.l FIG. 18. Veliger of Littorina, ventral view, x 80. e, eye ; /, foot ; m, mouth ; ma, mantle ; pa.e, pallial cavity ; r.l, right liver lobe ; s, stomach ; t, tentacle ; v, velum. talium, Vermetus, Cavolinia (paired invaginations), Yoldia (Fig. 16, c.g), and Dreissensia (an unpaired invagination), a portion of the cerebral centres in Pulmonates, and the cerebral, pedal, and visceral ganglia of the Unionidae. When the cerebral ganglia are formed by invagination, a single pit, or a pair of pits, is formed on the oral side of the apical plate, from the bottom of which ganglion cells are budded off; the remainder of the invagination goes to form the labial palps, etc., of Lamellibranchs, and probably the rhinophores of Gastropods. The eyes also, including the pallial eyes of the Pectinidae, and the otocysts are sometimes developed from ectodermic thickenings ; but in many cases these organs are formed by invagination, for ex- ample, in various Cephalopoda (Fig. 1 1 9, D) ; in Gastropoda : in the Aspidobranchs, Paludina, Bithynia, Calyptraea, Crepitlula, Nassa, the Heteropoda, and the Pulmonata. The otocj'sts only are formed 30 THE MOLLUSC A by invagination in some other Gastropods (Fusus), and in Dentalium and various Lamellibranchs. Mesoderm and Mesodermic Organs. — A third intermediate cellular layer is formed, generally at an early stage, between the external ectodermic envelope and the endodermic wall of the digestive tube. This is the mesoderm, from which all the organs situated between the digestive tube and the integuments are produced. The origin of this layer is often difficult to determine, especially in highly specialised forms, but in all cases in which the origin is distinct there is no doubt about the matter, the mesoderm is derived from the endoderm. This derivation is shown in the Polyplacophora, the Aspidobranchg (Patella, Fig. 1 2, me; Trochus, Neritina\ the Pectini- branchs (Paludina, Bithynia, Crepidida, Fulgur, etc., and seemingly the Heteropoda), the Opisthobranchs (Philine, Umbrella., Aplysia, Clionc, Chronwdoris, etc.), the basommatophorous and stylommatophor- ous Pulmonates, the Scaphopods, the Lamellibranchs (Pisidium, Unionidae, Dreissensia, Teredo, etc.). Nevertheless we find scattered mesodermic cells, giving rise to unicellular muscular fibres of the integument (Unio, Crepidula), which are derived from the ectoderm. The principal result of the development of the mesoderm is the formation of another cavity in the embryo, the coelom. In the Mollusca tne coelom does not originate by the invagination of enterocoelic pouches (Tonniges has shown the inaccuracy of Erlanger's description of enterocoelic coelomic pouches in Paludina), but, as a result of specialisation, this primitive method is supplanted by solid mesoblastic masses, generally paired, which may be con- sidered as the cardio-genito-renal rudiments. These mesoblastic masses take their origin from the macromeres. As a rule, at the stage when four macromeres are present, it is the most posterior of the four that gives rise, by successive divisions, to the two first mesomeres or primary mesodermic cells (Fig. 11). From these the two mesodermic bands, which constitute the third layer, are produced as solid, or in some cases discontinuous masses. The coelomic cavity or series of cavities are formed by more or less regular fission or delamination of the mesoblastic bands, — evidently a secondarily acquired mode of development. The coelom is therefore physio- logically a schizocoele. Eventually it is placed in communication with the exterior by ectodermic invaginations. The order in which the different parts of the primitive coelomic cavity make their appearance is not constant. The pericardium, in particular, may originate as two symmetrical cavities, which unite more or less rapidly (Paludina, Cyclas, Cephalopoda), or directly, as a single azygos cavity (Dreissensia, Pulmonata). The extension of the mesodermic elements evidently narrows the primitive segmentation cavity or blastocoele, which becomes the cavity of the circulatory system. These elements spread between the ectoderm and endo- THE MOLLUSC A 31 derm, and become specialised to form the internal lining of the circulatory cavity in particular, and may even fill almost entirely the remainder of the blastocoele in the form of a false mesenchyme (caenogenetic or secondary mesenchyme), which constitutes the connective tissue. This naturally restricts the extension of the coelom properly so called, so that it is commonly reduced to the pericardial cavity. Since the mesodermic tissue gives rise, in this manner, to the epithelial wall of the coelomic cavity, to the lining of the circulatory cavity, and to the conjunctive tissue filling up the spaces between the organs, one must recognise it as sharing in the evolution, firstly, of the coelom and the excretory and repro- ductive organs derived from the coelom ; secondly, of the circulatory apparatus — the heart, etc. The coelom, of which the formation has been described above, is essentially a cavity communicating with the exterior, and its epithelial wall may be differentiated in two special ways — into excretory or renal elements, and into reproductive, and therefore caducous elements. In the most primitive process the kidneys are formed in connection with a portion of the coelom, with which they remain in complete continuity (Paludina). In other cases they are formed by a hollowing out of a portion of the mesoderm in contact with the pericardium (JBithynia, Limax, Cyclas, Dreissensia, etc.), or they may be formed independently in their definitive position (Cephalopoda). Eventually each kidney acquires a com- munication with the pericardium, and in all cases makes a connection with the exterior by an ectodermic invagination. The genital organs or gonads originate either from the wall of the coelom or pericardium (Paludina, Dreissensia), or in contact with the coelomic wall (Cyclas), or from a rudiment common to themselves, the pericardium and the kidney, or, finally, from distinct mesodermic elements. The continuity of the pericardium and gonads is well preserved only in the Aplacophora (Fig. 30, C) and adult Cephalopoda (Fig. 252, coe) ; in all other Molluscs the genital organs are separated from the pericardial cavity and acquire communica- tions either with the kidneys or directly with the exterior. In the latter case the terminal portions of the gonaducts, together with the accessory genital glands, are ectodermic in origin. The heart may arise from a portion of the wall of the peri- cardium itself (Paludina), or a common rudiment may give rise to the wall of the pericardium and the heart (Pulmouata, Cyclas, Dreissensia, etc.), and in the latter case the origin of the heart may be paired (Cyclas, Cephalopoda) like that of the pericardium itself. The larvae of such Mollies as lay their eggs singly and free in the sea are hatched out very rapidly ; a few hours suffice in the case of Dentalium among the Scaphopoda ; twenty hours in Trodms among the Aspidobranchs ; fourteen hours in Yoldia among the 32 THE MOLLUSC A Lamellibranchs ; twenty-four hours in PJtolasy etc. The eggs of Gleba, aggregated into a nidus, are hatched after three or four days, those of Ischnochiton after seven days ; but in the majority of Gastropods and the Cephalopods the time required is much longer. The marine larvae of temperate seas are intolerant of a rise of temperature, and generally perish when it approaches 30° C. IV. DEFINITION )F THE MOLLUSCA. From what precedes, it results that in each of the five classes the same lines of specialisation may be observed — viz. the loss of the shell, of the foot, of the ctenidia, of the radula, etc. Thus the general morphological characters are obviously those of the most primitive of the different classes (Fig. 19), and the following diagnosis may be proposed for the phylum : — 1. The Mollusca are originally bilateral organisms, in which signs of primitive segmentation are no longer evident. Fio. 19. Scheme of a primitive Mollusc, viewed from the left side, a, anus ; c.g, cerebral ganglion ; /, foot ; g; gill, in the pallial cavity ; 0o, .gonad ; h, heart ; k, kidney; la.c, labial commissure ; m, mouth ; pa, mantle ; pa.n, pallial nerve ; pe, pericardium ; p.g, pedal ganglion ; pl.g, pleural ganglion ; ra, radula ; r.p.o, reno-pericardial orifice ; st, stomach ;, stomato-gastric ganglion ; v.g, visceral ganglion. 2. They possess a well-developed coelom (gonad and pericar- dium), enteron, and haemocoel, quite distinct from one another. 3. The alimentary tract exhibits (or has lost) a radular sac in its anterior part. 4. The nervous system consists of a peri-oesophageal ring, whose supra-oesophageal (or dorsal) moiety is the cerebral com- missure, and the infra-oesophageal (or ventral) moiety is the labial commissure. The former gives ,off chiefly sensorial nerves, the latter nerves to the digestive tract. From their union two nervous cords arise on each side, a dorsal or pallial and a ventral or pedal ; from the former arise the visceral nerves, whose main trunks are frequently joined together under the digestive canal to form the infra-intestinal visceral commissure. 5. The general body -wall is differentiated into three regions : THE MOLLUSC A 33 (1) the antero-dorsal or cephalic, on which are borne most of the special sense-organs ; (2) the postero-dorsal or pallial, which forms a projecting fold around the body, and secretes on its ext~-^al face a calcined cuticle or shell, and on its lower surface develops respiratory organs or ctenidia ; (3) the ventral or pedal, which is the organ of locomotion. 6. A so-called "veliger" or free trochosphere larva is nearly always present in embryonic development ; its preoral ciliated ring grows out to form a natatory velum, and at its formative pole there is a " preconchylian invagination " or shell-gland. V. BIONOMICS AND DISTRIBUTION. Molluscs are essentially aquatic animals, but the most varied modes of existence may occur, even among members of the same class. The majority are inhabitants of the sea ; a few live in fresh water ; a single order of Gastropods and a few isolated members of the same group are adapted to a terrestrial life. They are repre- sented in the three great groups of aquatic organisms, namely, in the Benthos, comprising creeping or fixed animals inhabiting the depth of the sea ; the Necton, comprising animals that swim actively and can make headway against the currents ; the Plankton, comprising animals that float passively and cannot contend with the currents. The first group includes the littoral and abyssal Molluscs, among which the Necton is also represented. The two other groups include the pelagic Mollusca, the Cephalopods belonging exclusively to the Necton, while the free- swimming Gastropods, and those which inhabit pelagic Algae, some isolated Lamelli- branchs (Planktomya), and the larvae of various groups belong to the Plankton. The Mollusca are distributed over the whole surface of the earth and in all latitudes. Terrestrial forms are found on the highest mountains — some Stylommatophora at a height of 15,000 feet ; lacustrine forms (Limnaea) are found at a depth of 350 fathoms. The pelagic forms are not only distributed over the surface of the sea, but may descend to a depth of 2600 fathoms without reaching the bottom. Abyssal Molluscs are found in all oceans extending to a depth of 2800 fathoms from the surface. As a rule, Molluscs are free-living animals, and crawl, swim, or burrow, but some are sedentary in adult life. Only a few Gastropods and Lamellibranchs are fixed to their habitat. Their modes of alimentation are various. Some are commensal with Ascidians, e.g. Modiolaria ; some with Echinoderms, as Montacuta, Lepton, and Scioberetia ; some with Crustacea, Lepton squamosum and Ephippodonta, or with Sponges (Fulsella), or Annelids (Cochliolepis). Others again are ectoparasitic on Echinoderms, such are Tliyca and 3 34 THE MOLLUSC A Stylifer (Fig. 20) ; or, like Eulima and Entovalva, are endoparasitic, also in Echinoderms. In the latter case the animal may become so degenerate in the adult state as to consist of little more than a sac containing the genital products, as for example Entosiphon (Fig. 21), Entocolax (Fig. 138), Entoconcha (Fig. 139), and Enteroxenos (Fig. 140). There are many cases of protective adaptation and mimicry in the various groups of Mpllusca. The pelagic species are generally transparent and colourless or tinged with blue, but the most remarkable examples of mimicry are found among the forms un- protected by a shell (Nudibranchs, Lamellarta, etc.), in which the Fio. 20. Stylifer celebensis, x 12. pr, pro- boscis ; ps, pseudopallium ; sp, spire of the shell not covered by the pseudo- pallium. (After Kiikenthal.) Fio. 21. Entosiphon dnmatis, x 2. o, orifice of the proboscis ; ov, ova ; pr, pro- boscis ; ps, pseudopallium ; s, fixative siphon. (After Koehler and Vaney.) individual assumes the colour and aspect of its habitat, as for instance Hermaea dendritica on green algae, and Hennaea bifida on Griffithsia, a red alga, etc. The abyssal Molluscs are colourless, and are characterised by the thinness of the shell, the atrophy of the visual organs, and the development of tactile organs. Examples of convergence of form may also be noted, such as Marginella and Pseudomarginella among Gastropods, Pholas Candida vnd Petricola pholadiformis among Lamellibranchs. The duration of life in individual Molluscs is ordinarily rather short. Marine Streptoneura may live for several years, and Littorina littorea, when in captivity, has attained an age of nearly twenty years. Freshwater Molluscs may live for eight years (Paludina). THE MOLLUSC A 35 The Pulmonata are generally biannual, but Helix pomatia may attain an age of six years. The majority of Nudibranchs and Tecti- branchs appear to live for one year only. Many Lamellibranchs (Mytilus, Teredo) are adult at the end of one year ; Avicula is adult at the end of two years; Ostraea edulis is sexual at two years, becomes adult in five years, but may live for ten years in oyster- beds. The huge Tridacna lives for about eight years, the Cyrenidae only two years, but the Anodontidae are remarkable for their longevity ; they do not become sexually mature till they are five years old, and they continue to grow to the age of twenty or thirty years. In the Cephalopoda it seems that Rossia does not live for more than a year, and Octopus not more than four years. Many Molluscs are able to fast for a long time. Cold affects them less than heat. Helix has been known to survive a tempera- ture of - 120° C., and small Gastropods live in thermal springs at a temperature of 42°C. Molluscan embryos and larvae generally perish, in temperate climates, at temperatures of + 31° C. and - 3° C. Descriptive zoologists have enumerated more than 28,000 species of living Molluscs, of which more than half are Gastropods. Fossil representatives of Molluscs are found in all deposits from the Palaeozoic onwards. 1. Distribution in Space. I. Marine Molluscs — A. Littoral Fauna. — The shores of con- tinents are divided into three provinces by great thermal variations. a. The North Polar province, with characteristic genera such as Cryptochiton, Molleria, Lacuna, Felutina, Onchidiopsis, Solariella, Machaeroplax, Volutliarpa, Toi'ellia, Cyprina, Mya. ft. The South Polar province, with the characteristic genera PJwtinula, Struthiolaria, Cominella, Eatoniella, Cyamium, Lissarca, Philippiella, Modiolarca. y. The tropical province, or region of coral reefs, in which one may distinguish four sub-regions: — (1) The Indo-Pacific, the home of Nautilus and the chief forms of the Toxiglossa. The Mediterranean should be included in this sub-region, and the Australo-Zealandic division of it, just as is the case with the terrestrial fauna, presents special characters, as shown in Trigonia, Amphibola, etc. (2) The West African and (3) the East American sub-regions, which have several forms in common. (4) The West American, characterised by such genera as Monoceros, Condwlepas, etc. Occasionally species may be naturally or artificially acclimatised in various parts of these regions, but exchanges are only definitively effected between similar latitudes, as for example Littorina littorea between Europe and North America, and reciprocally Venus mercenaria and Petricola pholadiformis. B. The Abyssal Fauna, is not divisible into distinct provinces, and many of its species are universally distributed either in the 36 THE MOLLUSC A northern and southern parts of the same ocean or in several different oceans. Thus Limopsis aurila, Semele profundorum, Ferticordia deshayesiana, Area pteroessa are found in the Atlantic and Pacific ; Hyalopecten pudicum and Silenia sarsii are common to the Atlantic and Indian oceans. Characteristic abyssal genera are Leptochiton, Scissurella, Margarita, Cyclostrema, Setia, Leda, Bathyarca, Limopsis, Hyalopecten, Dacrydium, Callocardia, and Septibranchs in general. C. The Pelagic Fauna. — a. The superficial forms are very widely distributed, but may nevertheless be described as belonging to polar and tropical provinces. The North and South Polar fauna are different : to the former belong Clione limacina, Limacina helicina ; to the latter Spongiobranchaea australis, Limacina antarctica. /3. The zonary or deep forms are probably more universally distributed, but are still imperfectly known; they include the luminous Cephalopoda. II. Land and Freshwater Molluscs. — It is only a small number of groups that have quitted the sea to assume a freshwater or terrestrial existence, and among these no Amphineura nor Scapho- poda nor Cephalopoda are found. Among the Lamellibranchs only a few families are found in fresh water, viz. Cyrenidae, Dreissensiidae, Unionidae, Aetheriidae (none of them primitive in organisation), and a few isolated types. Among the Gastropods we find very few Rhipidoglossa, Neritina, Hydrocaena, Titiscania ; chiefly Taenioglossa, e.g.the Valvatidae,Paludinidae,Ampullariidae,Hydrobiidae, Melaniidae ; some isolated types of Rachiglossa, and practically no Opistho- branchs. As for the terrestrial Mollusca, there are only a few families of streptoneurous Gastropods (Helicinidae, Cyclophoridae, etc.), and the whole order of Pulmonata. Of the last-named, one sub-order, the Basommatophora, has returned to an aquatic life, chiefly in fresh water, but retains for the most part a pulmonary respiration. It is mostly in warm regions, and particularly in those in which the sea is inclined to be brackish, that marine forms have penetrated into fresh waters. Certain inland seas also have become separated from the ocean, and have preserved a fauna which is partly of marine origin. Lakes Baikal and Tanganyika appear to belong to this category. The tropical regions in general are characterised by terrestrial forms, such as F'aginula, Helicina, Ampullaria, etc. Chilina and Bulimus belong to the Neotropical region. Clausilia is not found in North America, and, generally speaking, the Pulmonates with folded branchiae are absent from the New World. The Ethiopian province is the home of Achatina ; the Australo-Zelandic of Janella, Rhytida, Vanganella, Latia ; the Oriental region of Cyclophorus and the Rathouisiidae. The distribution of terrestrial and fluviatile THE MOLLUSC A 37 Molluscs shows that the Asiatic and Australian regions are separated not by Wallace's line, but by another line farther east. 2. Distribution in Time. The five classes of Molluscs were already differentiated at a remote epoch of the Palaeozoic era. The Polyplacophora, the Cephalopoda, and Dentalium were represented in the Ordovician ; Diagrams of the five classes of Mollusca, from the left side. A, Amphineura ; B, Scapho- poda ; t', Gastropoda ; D, hamellibranchia ; E, Cephalopoda, a, anus ; a.a, anterior adductor ; c.fif, cerebral ganglion ; /, foot ; /«, funnel ; . 3, t. viii. 1847. 17. Maynier de Villepoix. Recherches sur la formation et I'accroissemeut de la coquille des Mollusques. Journ. Anat. et Phys. 1892. 18. Pelseneer. Introduction a 1'Etude des Mollusques, Bruxelles, 1894. 19. — — Recherches morphologiques et phyloge'ne'tiques sur les Mollusques archai'ques. Mem. Cour Acad. Belg. t. Ivii. 1899. 20. Hermaphroditism in Mollusca. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. vol. xxxvii. 1895. 21. Plate. Bemerkungen iiber die Phylogenie und die Eutstehung der Asym- metric der Mollusken. Zool. Jahrb. (Anat. u. Ontog.), Bd. ix. 1895. 22. Schiemenz. Ueber die Wasseraufnahme bei Lamellibranchiaten und Gastro- poden. Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, Bd. v. 1884, and vii. 1887. 23. Spengel. Die Geruchsorgaue und das Nervensystem der Mollusken. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. Bd. xxxv. 1881. 24. Thiele. Die Systematische Stellung der Solenogastren und die Phylogenie der Mollusken. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. Bd. Ixxii. 1902. CHAPTER II THE AMPHINEURA CLASS L— AMPHINEURA, VON JHERING (1876) ( = ISOPLEURA, Ray Lankester ; ACULIFERA, Hatschek). Order 1. Polyplacophora (Chi tones). Sub-Order 1. Eoplacophora. Family 1. Lepidopleuridae. Sub-Order 2. Mesoplacophora. Family 2. Ischnochitonidae. „ 3. Mopaliidae. ., 4. Acanthochitonidae. „ 5. Cryptoplacidae. Sub-Order 3. Teleoplacophora. Family 6. Chitonidae. Order 2. Aplacophora. Sub-Order 1. Neomeniomorpha. Family 1. Lepidomeniidae. „ 2. Neomeniidae. .. 3. Proneomeniidae. ,, 4. Parameniidae. Sub-Order. 2. Chaetodermomorpha. Family 5. Chaetodermatidae. Historical. — The Chitones were formerly the only known forms of this group, and for a long time they were placed in the Gastropoda, near the genus Patella, the two forming the Order Cyclobranchia of Cuvier. When Chaetodernui and Neomenia were investigated from an anatomical point of view, von Jhering united them to the Chitones (1876), and placed the two in a division of "Worms," which he called Amphineura. But the molluscan nature of these Amphineura is so clear, that they were k-eintroduced into the 40 THE AMPHINEURA 41 phylum Mollusca by Spengel, Hubrecht, Lankester, etc., and even von Jhering has since admitted this interpretation. Although Gegenbaur and Glaus have again separated Chaetoderma and Neomenia from the Chitones, and placed the former in a distinct class (" Solenogastres "), and the latter once more in the Gastro- poda, the unity of the Amphineura, as well as their molluscan nature, is now very generally accepted. Definition. — The Amphineura are a group of Mollusca characterised, firstly, by their more or less elongated and quite symmetrical body, with the mouth and the anus situated at its two ends ; and secondly, by their mantle, which is always provided with numerous spicules embedded in a cuticle. General Description. — The mantle is very large, and always covers at least the dorsal surface and the sides of the body. The whole external symmetry reappears in the various internal organs. In the nervous system there are, on each side, two longitudinal cords (one pedal, one pallial) with ganglionic cells along their whole extent. They are united with one another in front, where there is a supra-oesophageal cerebral commissure. The two pedal cords are also united by anastomoses, and in addition each of them also exhibits anastomoses with the corresponding pallial cord. The two pallial cords are united by a thick posterior com- missure on the dorsal side of the rectum. There are no otocysts. The buccal cavity is very generally provided with a radula (but mandibles are only present in a species of Chaetoderma). The anus and renal orifices are posterior. The heart is dorsally situated in the hind part of the body, and its ventricle is more or less intimately united to the dorsal wall of the pericardium. All the Amphineura are marine in habit. They are found in all oceans and at nearly all depths. They existed in very ancient geological ages, for they are already present in the Ordovician (Lower Silurian). There are two very distinct Orders of Amphineura: (1) the Polyplacophora, (2) the Aplacophora. ORDER 1. Polyplacophora, Blainville. Definition. — Amphineura, whose chief characteristics are (1) the foot, occupies the whole ventral face of the body ; (2) the mantle, bears eight transverse calcareous plates ; (3) between mantle and foot there is on each side a more or less complete row of branchiae. I. GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. The mantle covers the whole body on the dorsal side; its ventral extension is inversely proportional to that of the foot, and 42 THE AMPHINEURA all around the latter there is a pallial groove. The mantle secretes a shell consisting of eight plates or valves articulated with one another and arranged in longitudinal series. Each of these valves partially overlaps the following, except in some species of Cryptoplax ( = Chitonellus), in which the three hindermost are isolated. This articulation of the valves allows the animal to roll up. The two terminal (first and eighth) valves are semicircular, the six inter- mediate are quadrangular. They may be partially (Cryptoplax and some species of Acanthochitori) or even wholly (in adult Cryptochiion, but not in young ones) concealed by a redupli- cation of the mantle. Each valve is made up of two quite dis- similar calcareous layers : (a) the uppermost or tegmentum, which alone is visible externally ; (b) the deeper layer or articulamentum, which is porcellaneous, quite compact, and invisible in the living animal. In most of the lower Polyplacophora these layers are coextensive and have smooth edges, but in the higher forms the articulamentum projects beyond the FIG. 23. outer layer into the substance of the mantle, Young Toniciafastigiata, f wHinVi if - io firmlv ntfjipVipH ThpQP r»r thirl they are generally slit or notched to form the so-called " teeth," which may be either smooth and sharp along the edge or crenulated. The anterior margin of each valve, except the first, is invariably provided with two. pro- jections called " sutural laminae," which underlie the hind margin of the valve next in front. The tegmentum has no representative in the shells of other Mollusca. It is formed by the fold of the mantle covering the edge of the articulamentum, and, as it grows in width, it extends over the latter. It is much reduced in Acantlwchiton and aborted in the adult Cryptochiton. The stratified layers of the tegmentum are traversed by a system of numerous, nearly parallel, ramified canals through which special sense-organs pass to the surface (Fig. 24). Nearly the whole of the peripheral part of the mantle or "girdle," as it is called, is covered with chitinous or calcareous spicules of various shape, acicular or squamose. Each spicule rests on an epidermic papilla and is formed by a single matrix cell. The head is more or less cylindrical, consisting of a short down- wardly curved snout with the mouth at its extremity. On either side of the mouth is a somewhat angular labial palp. A narrow furrow separates the head from the foot. The latter forms a ventral creeping surface, extending the whole length of the body THE AMPHINEURA 43 from head to anus. The breadth of the foot is inversely pro- portional to the width of the lower edge of the mantle : it is broad in most of the Polyplacophora, but narrow in the Cryptoplacidae. Extending all round the foot, between it and the mantle on the ventral side, is the pallial groove, in which lie the gills. In the more primitive Chitons mucous thickenings extend into the groove, y|«tx Fio. 24. Transverse section of the lateral portion of the pallial teguments of Chiton. I, tegmentum : II, articulainentum ; III, pallial epithelium under the shell ; IV, epithelium of the margin of the mantle ; V, spicula ; VI, cuticle of the mantle-margin ; Via, periostracum ; VII, megal- aesthetes ; VIII, micraesthetes. (After Blumrich.) reaching from the anus to its upper corner, or to the foot, or even to the inner wall of the mantle. II. ANATOMY. 1. The Alimentary Canal extends from one extremity of the body to the other. The mouth leads into the buccal cavity, on the ventral wall of which opens the radular caecum. The radula is long and reaches nearly as far back as the stomach. Each radular row includes seventeen teeth of various shape (Figs. 2, A ; 74, E). The three central teeth are simple : on each side of them- is a large 44 THE AMPHINEURA VII recurved thick and dark lateral tooth. Externally are six polygonal marginal teeth : of these the third differs from the rest, being more or less narrow, elongated, and curved, and sometimes its concave edge is ciliated (Trachydermon). The fore part of the radula rests upon a cartilaginous mass, moved by a great many mus- cular bundles. Two pairs of glands open into the buccal cavity. The true salivary glands lie at the sides, well forward, but behind the cerebral commissure ; they are slightly branched, but rather short, and have a very short duct. On the ventral wall, under the subradular organ, lie two ver}' small mucous glands close to one another and to the middle line. On either side, at the point where the pharynx passes into the short oesophagus, is the opening of the sugar gland — a large glandular pouch with a papillose internal surface. The large and thin-walled stomach is surrounded by the liver mass. The two liver lobes are symmetrical in young Chitons, but become asymmetrical in the adult, the right lobe being the smaller and Fio. 25. Jioreochiton cinereus, dorsal view of a female, without the shell-plates. I, first " intersegmen- tum " ; II, ovary; III, oviduct; IV, ventricle of heart; V, dorsal right muscle; VI, dorsal oblique shell-muscle; VII, retractor muscle of the radula. Fio. 26. Cryptoplax larvae for mis, left-side view, the posterior end partially opened. I, gonad ; II, genital duct; III, genital pore ; IV, ventricle of heart; V, anus; VI, renal ]>ore ; VII, gills; VIII, foot; IX, mantle ; 0, 7, 8, position of the sixth, seventh, and eighth shell-plates. anterior. They open into the stomach either by two distinct orifices (Chiton aculeatus), or by two orifices in a single duct (Lepidopleurus), or by a single aperture (Hatileyd). The intestine is very long, as is usual in phytophagous animals, and is thrown into numerous THE-AMPHJNEURA 45 coils. The anus opens at the posterior extremity of the body, between the mantle and the foot (Fig. 28, a). 2. Circulation and Respiration. — The heart, enclosed in a large pericardium, occupies the postero- dorsal region of the body. It consists of a median elongated ventricle and two elongated symmetrical auricles. The openings of the auricles into the ventricle are subject to some variation. In the Lepidopleuridae, the Mopalidae, and Tonicella, Trachydermon, Boreochiton, etc., among the ^Ischnochitonidae, the auriculo- ventricular aperture on either side is single and anterior (Fig. 27); in the Acanthochitonidae, the Cryptoplacidae, and the Chitonidae generally there are two apertures on either side (Figs. 4 and 26) ; in Chiton squamosus there are three, and in Chiton goodalli four. The auricles are united to one another posteriorly, but there is never a posterior median auriculo-ventricular opening. The posterior auriculo-ventricular orifices are frequently asymmetrical. A single anterior aorta rises from the ventricle anteriorly and carries the blood to the various organs and inter- visceral blood-spaces. The venous blood from the different parts of the body is conducted back to a large sinus on either side near to the line of union of the mantle with the body. Closely connected with this same line of union on either side is a row of gills, situated between the foot and the mantle. The number of pairs of gills varies from four in Lepidopleurus pagenstecheri to eighty in Acantlio- pleura spiniger, but a careful comparison shows that the number of gills in the right hand row does not always correspond with that in the left. The gill -rows may be either of the holobranchial type, in which case they ex- tend over the whole length of the body, or of the mero- Vkranr-Viifll t\rr\p in wVnVVi thpv Heart of Mopalia, dorsal aspect. I, auricnlo- Drancmal type, m wnicn tney ventricular communication ; II, ventricle; III, right are Confined tO a more Or auricle ; IV and V, afferent vessels ; VI, mantle ; 6, 7, , . . , 8, indicate the position of the sixth, seventh, and less limited space at the pos- eighth sheii-piates. terior end of the body (Fig. 28). But these two types are connected by transitional forms, and they are not, generally speaking, characteristic of natural groups, nor are they determined by the greater or less size of the species. The genera with few gills are naturally merobranchial, and in the Lepido- pleuridae these organs are confined to the region covered by the two last shell -valves. The gills are inserted at the bottom of the pallial groove. The largest gill, which is also the last one in those forms in which no adanal gills are present, is always the first 46 THE AMPH1NEURA behind the renal opening : it is the first to be formed and is the starting-point from which the rest of the gills are added either forwards or both forwards and backwards. Occasionally individual gills may be bifurcated or trifurcated. Each gill has the typical ctenidial structure, consisting of an axis bearing an anterior and a posterior row of gill -lamellae or filaments. The blood from the above-mentioned longitudinal vessel is distributed to each gill by an afferent vessel running along the internal or pedal margin of the axis, and, after being oxygenated in the lamellae, is carried back by an efferent vessel running along the external or pallial edge of the axis to another longitudinal vessel which conducts it back to the corresponding auricle. 3. Excretory Organs. — There are two symmetrical kidneys, whose relations were first discovered by Sedgwick. Each of them con- Fio. 28. Ventral aspect of three species of Polyplacophora, showing the various sorts of gill-rows. A, Lepidopleurus bcnthus; B, Boreochiton cinerens ; C, Schizochiton incisus. a, anus; /, foot; 0, gills ; m, mouth ; pa, mantle ; pa', anal lobe of the mantle ; p.s, pallial slit ; te, pallial tentacles. sists of an elongated renal canal, situated on the lateral side of the visceral mass, and once folded on itself, so that its two ends are posterior. The internal or dorsal end opens into the pericardial cavity, through a ciliated aperture or funnel. The . external or ventral end opens to the exterior, between two of the gills at the hinder part of the body. The renal canal is dilated immediately behind its external opening. It is excretory throughout its length, and the excretory surface is increased by numerous small much- br,anched caeca which lie close to the body -wall laterally and ventrally and open into the canal (Fig. 29). Various kinds of kidneys are to be found (Plate). They generally extend more or less forwards, and their extension is THE AMPHINEURA 47 generally correlated with that of the branchial row. The two branches of the renal canal may be fused together from before backwards until, as in Callistochiton and Nuttakchiton, the kidney has the form of a simple sac with more or less numerous arborescent appendages, and the pericardial and external apertures adjacent to one another at its hinder end. A similar form of specialisation may be seen in the kidneys of Lamellibranchs. The renal canal may be complicated by the addition of two accessory FIG. 20. Renal .organs of Boreovhiton cinereiis, dorsal aspect ; on the right-hand side, the exterior ramifications of the antero-posterior renal part are alone drawn ; on the left-hand side, all the other ramifications are drawn. I, pedal cord ; II, mantle ; III, external ramifications of the antero-posterior (or terminal) renal part ; IV, reno-pericardial orifice ; V, posterior point of the urinary chamber; VI, external renal pore; VII, urinary chamber; VIII, postero-anterior (or initial) portion of the kidney; IX, antero-posterior (or terminal) portion of the kidney; X, internal ramifications of the antero-posterior portion of the kidney ; XI, left outer limit of III ; XII, ramifications of the initial portion of the kidney ; 1-8, the eight "segments" of the body. longitudinal branches, an anterior larger and a posterior smaller, which lie in the foot near the middle of the body. 4. Nervous System and Sense-organs. — There is no concentration of nerve-ganglion cells to form distinct ganglia, but the larger nerve- cords are ganglionic throughout their extent. There are two pairs of longitudinal nerve-cords, united in front of the buccal mass by a supra -oesophageal or cerebral commissure. Ganglionic enlargements on this commissure are found only in Callochiton doriae. 48 THE AMPH1NEURA The two ventral or pedal cords are united beneath the digestive tract by numerous transverse anastomoses. The two lateral or V Fio. 30. Diagrams of the excretory and reproductive organs of Ainplmienra. C, Proneomenia; D, Chiton. Br, ctenidia; Cl, cloacal or pallial chamber of 1'roneomenia ; g, external aperture of the genital duct of Chiton ; N, renal organ ; 0, gonad ; P, pericardium ; r, rectum ; «, external aperture of renal organ of Chiton. (From Lankester, after Hubrecht.) pallial cords are united posteriorly, dorsad of the anus, by a thick supra- rectal commissure (Fig. 31, VIII). The cerebral commissure inner- vates the palps, the lips, and the muscles of the buccal bulb. Below the buccal bulb it is prolonged into an anterior labial commissure, which in turn gives rise to a stomato-gastric commissure : the last-named is to some extent ganglionic and has two branches, which unite with those of the opposite side on the upper and under side of the pharynx, and also . with the infra -oesophageal subrad- i, mantle; ii, mouth; ill, foot; iv, ular commissure. The subradular gills ; V, anus ; VI, right renal pore ; VII, .. . ,. right genital pore (these two pores are Commissure supplies a pair of ganglia better 8een on the left-hand 8i5e of the which are jn dose connection with a peculiar sense-organ lying on the floor of the mouth, in front of the radula. The labial and sub- radular commissures, together with the subradular organ, correspond to the homonomous parts in the Scaphoda and Cephalopoda. VI Fio. Ventral aspect of Acanthoplet i ; III, THE AMPH1NEURA 49 The two great ventral or pedal cords give rise to the pedal nerves. The two great lateral or pallial cords chiefly send nerves to the mantle and the gills, and thus correspond to the whole of the pleural ganglia and the pallial ^^ nerves of the other Mollusca; a great part of the viscera (genital glands, kidneys, and heart) also receives nerves from these pallial cords. The little differentiated head region bears no special sense-organ, except that the outer edges of the snout taper to form the labial palps. The lower wall of the buccal cavity is furnished with cyathiform gustatory bodies, whose nerves arise from the cerebral commis- xn XI Fio. 81. Nervous system of Acanthochiton dis- crejxins, dorsal aspect. I, upper buccal commissure ; II, upper buccal ganglion ; III, stomato-gastric commissure ; IV, labial commissure ; V, subradular ganglia and com- missure ; VI, anterior (larger) pedal commis- sure ; VII, peflal cord, with pallio - pedal anastomoses ; VIII, supra-rectal pallial com- missure ; IX, pallial cord; X, pedal anas- tomosis; XI, stomato-gastric ganglia and radular nerves; XII, oesophageal nerves; XIII, cerebral commissure. Placiph&rdla stimpsoni, ventral aspect ; nearly natural size, a, anus ; ci, pallial cirrhi ; g, gills (between the two rows of gills is the oblong foot) ; w, mouth ; jm, mantle ; te} tentacles of the interior edge of the mantle. (After Plate.) sure ; and, in front of the radula, there is the above-named " sub- radular organ," an epithelial projection, with nervous endings, lying on the two small subradular ganglia, and probably gustatory in function (Fig. 31, V). 4 THE AMPHINEURA One osphradium is generally present on each side of the internal wall of the mantle, near the anus, more or less close to the last gill. In the Lepidopleuridae there are branchial sense-organs, related to accessory ganglia on the nerve of each gill (Burne). In Pladphorella the lower free margin of the mantle bears, in its anterior part, several long and thin appendages, which must be considered as sensory tentacles (Fig. 32). Shell-Eyes. — The tegmentum of the shell-valves is traversed "by peculiar pallial sense-organs in the form of epithelial papillae, containing nerve -endings covered with a cuticular hood. These organs are innervated from the pallial 'cords. According to their size, they are termed megalaesthetes or micraesthetes (Moseley). In various species of Chitonidae (and specially in exotic littoral forms of the sub -families Toniciinae and Liolophurinae), the megalaesthetes are converted into eyes, in which retina and pig- ment are always present. These eyes are frequently many thousands in number, and are most numerous on the anterior valve (Fig. 23, I). There are two kinds of such eyes: (1) Extra- pigmental eyes, with pigment in the tegmentum only, generally without a crystalline lens (except Schizochiton incisus) ; (2) intra- pigmental eyes, with pigment in the body of the aesthete, and always with a crystalline lens. The eyes are arranged in rows running diagonally from the median anterior beak of the valve to its external borders. There may be only one such row on either side, as in Schizochiton, or many such rows, as in Tonicia ; and in AcantJwpleura, in addition to the several diagonal rows, there are rows of eyes along the posterior margin of the valve, but these are not present in young specimens. In Tonicia the first Axial section of a,shell-eye of Acanthopleura Pair of e7e8 is developed, at the tpinigtr. I, optic nerve with ganglionic cells ; close Of larval life, On the Second II, pigmental capsule of the eye; III, teg- . ,. . inentuiii of the shell; IV, rods of retina; shell-Valve. IheSC Organs are sensitive to disturbances in the water, and do not exist when the mucous projections of the mantle, referred to above, are present Even those species of Chitons that ;ire devoid of eyes are affected by light and shade : some littoral species, such as Boreochiton cinereus, do not move far from the light, Flo. 33. V, micraesthetes ; VI, calcareous cornea ; VII, lens. (After Moseley.) THE AMPHINEURA while others, such as hchnochiton magdalenensis, are nocturnal in habit. 5. Reproductive Organs. — All the Polyplacophora are unisexual. The gonads are paired and symmetrical in Nuttalochiton hyadesi, but in all other species the gonad is single and median. It lies on the dorsal side of the body, between the aorta and intestine, and extends from the anterior end to the pericardium (Fig. 25, II). It is transversely wrinkled, and the ovary is frequently of a greenish, the testis of a red colour (Chiton polii, Boreochiton cinereus, etc.). In most species the ova are enclosed in a cellular follicle. The paired genital ducts arise from near the posterior end of the gonad on the dorsal surface. Each duct is twice bent on itself,, being directed first forwards, then backwards, and finally transversely toward the external opening. As a rule the gonaduct runs dorsad of the pallial nerve-cord, and its external opening is external to the- cord, but in Boreochiton ruber, B. marmoreus, and Katharina it runs under the cord and opens internally to it. In the female the oviduct has a thick glandular investment (Fig. 25, III). The genital aperture is situated in front of the renal aperture, between two of the posterior gills. There may be from one (Boreochiton, Lepido- pleurus, etc.) to nine (Cryptoplax larraeformis : Fig. 26) gills between the genital and the renal apertures. III. EMBRYOLOGY. The eggs may be laid separately, in which case they are invested by a chitinous envelope fre- quently provided with spinous appendages ; or, as in hchnochiton magdalenensis, they may be laid in strings containing nearly 200,000 eggs (Fig. 34). These strings are not attached, and readily break into fragments. In many cases the ova are re- tained in the branchial furrow of the mother and undergo their development there (Chiton polii) : in Hemiarthmm setulosum the embryos are protected in this manner until the eighth shell- valve is formed. In Callistochiton I8chnochiton ^^^ female, iaying viviparUS the OVa are developed eggs, l"nd part, ventral aspect. /, foot; g. i . . . . , , ovary ; g.d, glandular oviduct ; o.g, gemtal in the OVldUCt OI the mother, and orifice ; ov, ova ; pa, mantle. (After Heath.) £ there is no larval stage. The segmentation is total and, in the early stages, regular. FIG. 84. 52 THE AMPHINEURA A gastrula is formed by invagination of the endodermic macromeres (Fig. 10, A). The orifice of invagination or blastopore is placed on the vegetative pole of the ovum, and does not close, but is gradually shifted towards the anterior end of the embryo. By the development of a ciliated ring or velum, in the centre of which there is an apical tuft of cilia, the embryo becomes a trochosphere larva (Fig. 14, A). The mesoderm arises from two endodermic cells, originally situated at the hinder side of the blastopore : they give origin to two bands of cells which extend right and left between the enteron and the ectoderm. In each band a cavity appears which becomes half of the coelom. The ectoderm around the blastopore is invaginated to form the oesophagus, a diverticulum of which becomes the radular caecum. At a late stage of develop- ment the intestine is placed in communication with the exterior by an anal invagination or proctodaeum. Anteriorly on the ventral or pedal surface a second ectodermic invagination forms the great pedal mucous gland, which is more or less atrophied at a later period. The gills appear as papillae much later than the anal invagination, the posterior one the first. The gonads originate by proliferation of the anterior wall of the pericardium. The four great nerve-cords originate as four longitudinal and parallel ventral thickenings of the interior surface of the ectoderm, the two thickenings on each side of the body being closely approxi- mated to one another at the time of their first appearance. At the extreme anterior end of each lateral or pallial cord and behind the velum is an eye, containing a closed cavity, or forming a simple epithelial ocellus. This eye disappears at a later stage, but in some species persists for a considerable length of time. The shell-valves are formed as transverse thickenings of the dorsal cuticle behind the velum, the tegmentum being the first part of each valve to be laid down. The eight valves generally make their appearance simultaneously (Chiton olivaceus, Ischnochiton magdalenensis), but sometimes the eighth valve is formed later than the others (Chiton polii). IV. BIONOMICS AND DISTRIBUTION. The Polyplacophora are marine animals of sluggish habit, creeping slowly and for no great distance. They are generally herbivorous, and the majority of species live in the littoral zone, on rocks or under stones, but some inhabit the deeper regions of the sea, extending to a depth of more than 2100 fathoms (some Lepidopleurus, etc.). They can easily be kept in aquaria. Poly- placophora are distributed in all oceans and seas ; more than three hundred living species have been recorded. They are fossil from the Ordovician. THE AMPHINEURA 53 V. SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF THE SUB-ORDERS AND FAMILIES OF THE POLYPLACOPHORA. SUB-ORDER 1. EOPLACOPHORA, Pilsbry. Tegmentum coextensive with articulamentum, or the latter projecting in smooth, unslit plates. FAMILY 1. LEPIDOPLEURIDAE, Pilsbry. Articulamentum without insertion plates or with unslit plates ; terminal margins of end valve& never elevated ; form oval or oblong. Genera — Lepidopleurus, Risso ( = Leptochiton, Gray) (Fig. 28, A). Without insertion plates, sutural laminae small ; girdle minutely scaly or chaffy. L. cancellatus, Sow. North Atlantic and Mediterranean ; various abyssal species. Hanleya, Gray. The anterior valve with an unslit insertion plate. H. hanleyi, Bean. North Atlantic. Hemiarthrum, Carpenter. Both anterior and posterior valves with smooth, unslit insertion plates ; girdle downy. Microplax, Adams and An gas. To this group belongs the extinct family of GRYPTOCHITONIDAE, Pilsbry, together with various narrow and elongated Palaeozoic genera, whose one or two end valves have the terminal margins elevated. SUB-ORDER 2. MESOPLACOPHORA, Pilsbry. Insertion plates well developed and slit. FAMILY 2. ISCHNOCHITONIDAE, Dall. All the valves with slits, and the inner layer well covered by the outer. SUB-FAMILY 1. ISCHNO- CHITONINAE. No shell-eyes ; sutural laminae separated ; the slits in the valves 1 to 7 do not correspond with the ribs of the tegmentum. Genera — Ischnochiton, Gray. Smooth girdle. Trachydermon, Carpenter (with the sub-genera : Tonicella, Carpenter, and Boreochiton, Sars). Girdle, with small squamous spicula. T. cinereus, Linnaeus (Fig. 28, B) ( = T. marginatus, Pennant). North Atlantic. Chaetopleura, Shuttleworth. Hairy girdle. Stenoplax, Carpenter. Stenoradsia, Carpenter. SUB-FAMILY 2. CALLOCHITONINAE. With shell-eyes and united sutural laminae. Genus — Callochiton, Gray. C. laevis, Pennant. North Atlantic and Mediterranean. SUB- FAMILY 3. CALLISTOPLACINAE. No shell -eyes ; the slits in the valves 1 to 7 corresponding with the ribs of the tegmentum. Genera — Callistochiton, Carpenter (viviparous). Nuttalochiton, Plate. FAMILY 3. MOPALIIDAE, Dall. Each intermediate valve with a single slit ; girdle hairy. Genera — Mopalia, Gray. Placiphorella, Carpenter (Fig. 32). Plaxiphora, Gray. Placophoropsis, Pilsbry. FAMILY 4. ACANTHOCHITONIDAE, Pilsbry. Valves immersed in the girdle, and with small tegmentum. Genera — Acanthochiton, Leach ( = Cryptoconchus, Guilding). Girdle with bundles of spicula. A. fasricu- laris, L. North Atlantic and Mediterranean. Spongiochiton, Carpenter. Katharina, Gray. Amicula, Gray. Cryptochiton, Middendorf. Valves quite concealed ; no tegmentum. C. stelleri, Middendorf. Arctic. FAMILY 5. CRYPTOPLACIDAE, Dall. Vermiform, with thick girdle and small valves ; insertion and sutural plates strongly drawn forward, 54 THE AMPHINEURA sharp and smooth. Genera — Cryptoplax, Blainville ( = Chtionellus, Lam.). •Girdle without pores. C. larvaeformis, Blainville (Fig. 26). Eastern Archipelago. Choneplax, Carpenter. Girdle, with hair bundles within pores. C. strigatus, Sow. SUB-ORDER 3. TELEOPLACOPHORA, Pilsbry. All the valves, or at least the seven anterior, with insertion plates cut into teeth by slits. FAMILY 6. CHITONIDAE, Guilding. Characters of the Sub-Order. SOB-FAMILY 1. CHITONINAE. No extra-pigmental eyes ; insertion plates with pectinations between the fissures. Genera — Chiton, L. Squamous girdle. Eudoxochiton, Shuttleworth. Shaggy girdle. Trachyodon, Dall. Rcukia, Gray. SUB-FAMILY 2. TONICIINAE. Extra-piginentar shell eyes. Genera — Tonicia, Gray. Girdle smooth or shaggy (Fig. 23). T. elegans, Frembly. Acanthopleura, Gould. Enoplochiton, Gray. Squamous girdle. E. niger, Barnes. Onithochiton, Gray. Schizochiton, Gray. Spinous girdle ; posterior valve notched. S. incisus, Sow. (Fig. 28, C). Lorica, Adams. Loricella, Pilsbry. Liolophura, Pilsbry. ORDER 2. Aplacophora, von Jhering ( = Solenogastres, Gegenbaur = Telobranchia, Keren and Danielssen = Scolecomwpha, Lankester). Our knowledge of the Aplacophora begins with Loven, who in 1841 described the genus CJiaetoderma, and with Michael Sars, who mentions Neomenia in 1868, under the name Soknopus, but without description. Chaetoderma was for a long time believed to be a Gephyrean worm ; and Neomenia was at first included among the Opisthobranchiate Gastropoda in a new Order, Telobranchia, by Koren and Danielssen. Von Jhering was the first to point out the affinities of these two remarkable organisms with the Chitones, and to unite them in the new phylum Amphineura (1876); but he classed this phylum with the Vermes. Gegenbaur also classed the two genera CJiaeto- derma and Neomenia as worms under the name Solenogastres. But Hubrecht demonstrated the molluscan nature of the new genus Pro- neomenia, and its relationship to the Chitones. Lankester supported this view, and was followed by nearly all contemporary zoologists. It is generally believed that the Aplacophora are degenerate forms of Amphineura, derived from a chitonoid ancestor. Definition. — The chief characteristics differentiating the Apla- cophora from the Polyplacophora are the following : ( 1 ) they are worm-like in shape ; (2) the body is completely invested by the mantle ; (3) the mantle is devoid of a shell, but bears numerous calcified spicula over its whole surface ; (4) the digestive tract is straight. THE AMPHINEURA 55 General Description. — The mantle covers the whole body, and is clothed by a rather thick cuticle, in which are implanted spicula (Fig. 35) developed from the tegumentary epithelium. The foot is nearly aborted or wanting. The nervous system consists of four great longitudinal trunks, with pedal and pedo-pallial anasto- moses. The digestive tract is straight, the Aplacophora being carni- vorous. The blood is red. The gonads are in open continuity with the fore part of the pericardium. The coelomo-clucts, corresponding to the renal sacs of the Polyplacophora, are gonaducts, and open externally into a posterior cloacal chamber, which serves as a rudimentary branchial cavity. There are two groups of Aplaco- phora : the Neomeniomorpha and the Chaetodermomorpha. Fio. 35. Spicules of various Aplacophora. A, Neomenia (Wiren); B, Dondcrsia (Hubrecht) ; C, Paramenia (Pruvot} ; D, Proneomenia ; E, Stylomenia (Pruvot) ; F, .Myzomcnia (Pruvot) ; G, Chaetoderma (Wiren). i.c, internal cavity. SUB-ORDER 1. NEOMENIOMORPHA. Aplacophora with a distinct longitudinal ventral groove ; bi- sexual, with paired genital glands and without differentiated liver. I. EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. The mantle extends over the sides of the body so as to cover the greater part ot tne ventral surface, leaving only a narrow median longitudinal furrow uncovered. The pallial cuticle, which is very thick in some species, contains a number of long, hollow, calcified, acicular, or flattened spicules (Fig. 35) borne on epithelial papillae. In some cases, when it is very thick, the cuticle also includes sensory papillae. A small longitudinal projection in the ventral furrow is the vestige of the foot. The antero-ventral region of the body is occupied by a large mucous gland, whose secretion is poured into a ciliated pit in the anterior part of the ventral furrow, the whole structure corresponding to the embryonic pedal gland of some Chitones. Smaller mucous glands are also found along the pedal projection. Posteriorly there is a terminal cloacal or branchial cavity, into which opens a thick mucous gland, situated between the foot and anus. THE AMPHINEURA II. ANATOMY. Digestive Trad. — The mouth is anterior and ventral, and is frequently surrounded by papillae, probably sensory in function. It opens into a muscular and sometimes protractile pharynx lined by a thick cuticle. The salivary glands and radular sac open into the pharynx. The radula (Fig. 36), when present, comprises several rows of teeth, and may be (1) polystichous, with a continuous line of teeth in each row (Proneomenia and Macellomenia), in which case a basal membrane may be present, forming a true continuous polyserial radula (Proneomenia acuminata, P. sluiteri, P. gerlachei\ or absent, forming a discontinuous polyserial radula (P. vagans) ; (2) distichous, with two separate teeth (Pammenia, Pararhopalia, Ismenia, B M L^-\> A Fio. 36. Radula (transverse rows) of various Neo- meniomorpha. A, Proneomenia (Hubrecht) ; CB, Lepidonunia (Kowalewsky and Marion); fJJiMh C, Macellomenia (Pruvot); D, Amphimenia (<— — J (Thiele) ; E, Stylomcnia (Pruvot). Lepidomenia, Dinomenia) ; (3) monostichous, with a single tooth (Stylomenia, Dondersia, Amphimenia, Proparamenia). The radula is entirely absent in the Neomeniidae, in Rhopalomenia, Pruvotia, Strophomenia, and Notomenia. The salivary glands form a symmetrical pair, lying on the ventral side, and opening on a subradular prominence ; their ducts sometimes unite before opening into the pharynx. They correspond to the subradular glands of the Polyplacophora and the posterior salivary glands of the Cephalopoda. In some forms there is a second pair of salivary glands, dorsal or dorso-lateral in position, opening by a single duct into the mid-pharynx (Paramenia, some species of Proneomenia: Fig. 37, gl.s.d). Several genera, among them Neomenia, are devoid of salivary glands. The oesophagus is generally short, and leads into a cylindrical and rectilinear stomach, which frequently sends forward a caecum dorsad of the oesophagus, and is provided with symmetrical lateral caeca, giving to the organ the appearance of regular segmentation. The whole surface of the THE AMPHINEURA 57 stomach is lined by a secretory, or so-called hepatic epithelium, and its dorsal wall is ciliated. The intestine is straight and short, with thin walls lined by a ciliated epithelium. The anus opens into the branchial or cloacal chamber, together with the kidneys and sometimes the anal mucous gland (Fig. 38). Circulatory System. — There are no true blood-vessels with definite walls, but there are two well-marked blood -spaces — a ventral sinus between the foot and digestive tract, and a dorsal tubular sinus or aorta whose hinder part forms a contractile heart. The heart is enclosed in the pericardium and is fastened to its dorsal wall, except in Neomeniat where it is free. The blood is red owing to the presence of haemoglobin in the rounded or ovate blood-corpuscles. In the Neomeniidae and most of the Parameniidae there is a Proneomenia gerlachei, right half of the anterior part of the body ; left-side view, b, mouth ; cae, pharyngeal caecum ; com.p, pedal commissure ; cu, cuticula ; fo.ti, ciliated fossa ; g.c, cerebral ganglion ; gl.g, gonad ; gl.s, salivary gland ; gl.s.d, dorsal salivary gland ; p, foot ; pap, buccal papillae ; pha, pharynx ; ro, radula ; sin, ventral sinus ; st, stomach. more or less extensive circlet of gills on the inner walls of the cloacal chamber. These gills are epithelial folds or laminae, whose cavities communicate freely with the haemocoele and the above- mentioned sinuses. In the species in which no gills are present the venous blood of the ventral sinus is oxygenated through the epithelium of the inner wall of the cloacal chamber and the surface of the foot. Where gills are present the blood passes into them and is returned to the heart by two auricular ducts in .Neomema. Excretory Organs. — — The pericardium occupies the posterior region of the body dorsad of the rectum. The dorsal and lateral parts of its inner wall are ciliated, and its cavity communicates with the exterior by means of a pair of renal ducts, which open into the cloacal chamber below the anus. In Strophomenia the renal orifices are adjacent, but separate from one another as in Chaetoderma, but in all other Neomeniomorpha the renal ducts open into the cloaca by a common aperture (Fig. 30, C). As in the Polyplaco- THE AMPHINEURA phora, the renal tubes are first directed forwards and then turn sharply backwards to run parallel to their former course. But the kidneys of Neomeniomorpha are very different both in structure and conformation from those of the Polyplacophora ; they serve also as efferent ducts for the genital products, and their inner walls — particularly the conjoined terminal pouch — are very glandular, and fopn an organ* which secretes the egg-shell. Moreover (except in Lepidomenia, in which they are very simple) they bear one or two pairs of caecal appendages on the proximal part of their course, the caeca nearer to the pericardium serving as sperm reservoirs. Nervous System. — On the dorsal side, and in front of the buccal bulb, there is a large supra-oesophageal nerve-mass, formed b^ two conjoined ganglia, and often provided with accessory lobes. Two ganglionated nerve -trunks are given off from each side of this Pio. Proneomenia gerlachei, right half of the posterior part of the body, left-side view,, common median cavity of the two shell-glands ; d, cloaca ; com.l, supra-rectal pallial com- missure ; com.p, the most posterior pedal commissure ; cu, cut icula ; du.g, opening of the gonad in the pericardium ;, shell-gland of the left kidney ; gl.g, left gonad ; in, intestine ; o.d, dorsal sense-organ ; o.g, common opening of the two reno-genital ducts ; p, foot ; per, peri- cardium ; r, left kidney ; re, rectum ; ven, ventricle of heart ; ve.s, seminal vesicle : * anterior limit of the junction of the two shell-glands. cerebral ganglion ; that on the dorsal side being the pleural, that on the ventral side the pedal cord. The two cords may originate separately from the cerebral ganglion, or may be fused at their origin and diverge after entering a pleural ganglion (Neomenia). They correspond to the homonomous cords in the Polyplacophora. The pedal cords enlarge to form a pair of .pedal ganglia, united by a thick pedal commissure, and are continued posteriorly as two regularly varicose trunks united by transverse anastomoses. The two pallial cords are joined together posteriorly by a supra-rectal commissure, which is double in Proneomenia sluiteri, but absent in Dinomenia verrucosa and Rhopalomenia indica. An ovoid ganglion is generally borne on the supra-rectal commissure. The pallial cord of either side is united to the corresponding pedal cord by more or less numerous anastomoses. In some forms, e.g. Paramenia, the pedal cords are united to the pallial some way in front of the supra- rectal commissure. A small anterior infra-oesophageal or stomato- THE AMPH1NEURA 59 gastric commissure is given off from the cerebral mass, and enters a pair of small ganglia situated in the median line between the oesophagus and the radular sac ; moreover, the two same upper buccal and subradular commissures as in the Chitones are present, at least in Proneomenia and Rhopalomenia (Heath). The only organs of special sense are the club-shaped epithelial papillae in the thickened cuticule of the Proneomeniidae, Neommia, and the following Parameniidae, Dinomeniff,, Proparamenia, and Para-menia. There is also a median invaginable sensory papilla situated on the dorsal posterior surface, above the rectum. It is not covered by the cuticle, and may be multiple, as in Dondwsia, or absent, as in Hemimenia and perhaps Stroplwmenia. "Generative Organs. — The Neomeniomorpha are hermaphrodite. The gonads are paired tubular structures, separately opening posteriorly into the pericardium (Fig. 30, C) and extending forward close under the dorsal sinus to near the front end of the body. The ova are developed on the median, the spermatozoa on the outer wall of each gonad. The sexual products pass into the pericardium, whence they are driven by the pericardial cilia into the kidneys, which, as has been explained above, serve as gonaducts and are provided with receptacula seminis and shell-glands. In several species paired excitatory organs, in the form of protrusible cal- careous spicules, are situated in the cloacal chamber on either side of the uro-genital orifice. III. EMBRYOLOGY. Little is known of the development of the group. The ova are laid separately. In Myzomenia bani/ulensis (Pruvot) the segmentation is regular, and an invaginate gastrula with an originally posterior blastopore is1 formed. An anterior ciliated ring or velum is formed, having in its middle a tuft of cilia, which is eventually transformed into a single terminal flagellum (Fig. 17). The external surface of the trochophore larva thus formed is made up of a number of ciliated test -cells, which — as in the Lamellibranchiate Yoldia — eventually are cast off Fjo 30 and the mantle is formed beneath. The post- An advanced larva velar region of the embryo elongates, and its of Myzomenia banyu- ectoderm cells develop spicules. Finally, the Sy^kfter6 the^teSt velum disappears, and seven imbricated calcar- pjjjjjjj11 off- (After eous plates, made up of more or less flattened, closely - apposed spicules, are formed on the dorsal surface (Fig. 39). 6o THE AMPHINEURA IV. BIONOMICS. The Neomeniomorpha are marine animals, living in depths of from 15 to 800 fathoms, but are most abundant in 50 fathoms. They inhabit oozy bottoms, and are found crawling on corals and hydroid zoophytes, on which they feed. They have been found in nearly all seas except the S.E. and N.W. Pacific and the S. Atlantic. The British genera are Neomenia, RJwpalomenia, and Myzomenia. About forty species, included in twenty genera, have been recorded up to the present time. V. SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF THE NEOMENIOMORPHA. FAMILY 1. LEPIDOMENIIDAE, Pruvot. Slender, tapering behind, with subventral cloacal orifice ; thin cuticle without papillae ; flattened spicules ; no gills. Genera — Lepidomenia, Kowalewsky and Marion. FIG. 40. Proneomenia gerlachei, left-side view. 6, mouth ; d, cloaca ; *i, foot-groove ; t, head. Ismenia, Pruvot. Ichthyodes, Pruvot Stylomenia, Pruvot. Dondersia, Hubrecht. Nematomenia, Siinroth. Myzomenia, Simroth. M. banyulensis, Pruvot. Mediterranean and Plymouth. FAMILY 2. NEOMENIIDAE, von Jhering. Short, trun- cated in front and behind ; cloacal orifice transverse ; gills present ; rather thin cuticle ; no radula. Genera — Neomenia, Tullberg. N. carinata, Tullberg. North Atlantic, N. and N.W. Scotland. Hemimenia, Nierstrasz. FAMILY 3. PRONEOMENIIDAE, Pruvot, Elongated, cylindrical, rounded at both ends ; thick cuticle with acicular spicules ; radula polystichous or wanting. Genera — Proneomenia, Hubrecht (Fig. 40). Amphi- menia, Thiele. Echinomenia, Siinroth. Rhopalomenia, Simroth. It. aglaopheniae. Mediterranean and Ply- mouth. Notomenia, Thiele. Pruvotia, Thiele. Stropho- men^ Pravot- FAMILY 4. PARAMENIIDAE, PrUVOt. Short, and ' **' truncated in front ; thick cuticle (often without papillae) ; gills and radula present Genera — Paramenia, Pruvot (Fig. 41). Macellomenia, Simroth. Pararhopalia, Simroth. Dino- menia, Nierstraez. Cyclomenia, Nierstrasz. Proparamenia, Nierstrasz, Uncimenia, Nierstrasz. Kruppomenia, Nierstrasz. Fio. 41. cryo- phUa, ventral as- THE AMPHINEURA 61 SUB-ORDER 2. CHAETODERMOKORPHA. Aplacophora without distinct longitudinal ventral (or pedal) groove, with unpaired unisexual gonad, with differentiated liver, and with posterior cloacal chamber provided with two bipectinate gills. Anatomy. — The mantle covers the whole surface of the body, which is therefore cylindrical and vermiform in appearance. The hinder half of the body is a little stouter than the anterior ; the posterior extremity swollen and bell-shaped, forming the widely cloacal chamber. The whole body has a uniform covering of short, compressed, calcareous spicules implanted in the cuticula. The mouth is anterior, terminal, and crescentic, owirig to the presence of a rounded ventral shield. Chaetoderma radulifera alone is provided with mandibles. The buccal cavity, whose anterior part is partially protrusible, bears on its floor a very peculiar radula, which may consist of (a) a single large tooth (Fig. 43, C), upon which two small teeth are placed (C. nitidulum and C. productum) ; (b) a single large tooth, upon which is a row of teeth (C. guttu- rosum; (c) no large tooth, several rows of three teeth one behind the other (C. raduli- FlG 42 fera); (d) Several distichous CHMtodema rUHdul^, Loven. The cephalic TOWS of tWO teeth each (C. enlargement is to the left, the cloacal or pallial , „ .\ m • t \- chamber (containing the concealed pair of ctenidia) Challengen). 1 WO pairs OI Sail- to the right. (From Lankester, after Graff.) vary glands, similar to those in the Neomeniomorpha, open into the buccal cavity. The diges- tive tract is quite straight, and narrows towards the middle jof its course to form the intestine. Just before it narrows it receives the duct of a more or less extensive hepatic caecum, which extends backwards on the ventral side of the intestine. The hepatic caecum, large in most species, is feebly developed in C. challengeri. The anus opens in the median line in the cloacal chamber (Fig. 43, B). The heart is posterior and dorsal, and lies nearly free in the pericardial cavity. It is traversed by the retractor muscles of the gills. In its main features the circulatory system resembles that of the Neomeniomorpha. The posterior extremity of the body is hollowed to form a bell-shaped cloacal cavity, which has a con- tractile aperture and contains a pair of large branchiae placed symmetrically right and left of the anus. Each branchia bears a double row of branchial plates, as is the case in the Polyplacophora (Fig 43, B). The two renal ducts are more evidently true excretory organs than in the Neomeniomorpha. They originate from the posterior 62 THE AMPHINEURA corners of the pericardial cavity, run forward under the floor of the pericardium, and then turn 'outwards and backwards to run back to their respective apertures right and left of the anus. Their thin walls are lined by a ciliated epithelium, and there are no accessory generative organs. In the nervous system there are two intimately fused cerebral r FlO. 43. Chaetoderma nitidnlum. A, median sagittal section ; B, sagittal section of the posterior extremity ; C, sagittal section of the anterior extremity, a, anus ; br, retractor muscle of the branchiae ; c.g, cerebral ganglion ; d.t, digestive tract ; g, gill ; go, gonad ; h, heart ; t, intestine ; k, kidney ; I, liver ; m, mouth ; me, " mesothorax " ; p.c, pallial suprarectal commissure ; p.d, pericardial duct ; pe, pericardium ; pe.c, pedal commissures ; pr, " prothorax " ; r, radula ; «.c, Hublingual commissure. (After Wiren.). « ganglia bearing accessory lobes. Each ganglion gives rise to two longitudinal nerve -cords, the ventral or pedal cord being more slender than the dorsal or pallial cord. In the anterior part of their course the pedal and pallial cords of either side run parallel and adjacent to one another, but in the posterior region of the body they are fused together, as in Paramenia, and the two pallio- pedal cords thus formed are united dorsad of -the rectum by a LITERATURE OF THE AMPHINEURA 63 ganglionic swelling. A small perirectal commissure originates from this swelling. The pedal cords are united with one another and with the pallial cords of the same side by anastomoses in the anterior region of the body. A small stomato-gastric commissure, bearing two small stomato-gastric ganglia on the middle of its course, arises from the cerebral ganglia and surrounds the oesophagus. There are no organs of special sense except a dorsal posterior and mediae -pit, corresponding to the precloacal fossa of the Neomeniomorpha. The sexes are separate. The azygos gonad occupies the same position as the paired gonads of the Neomeniomorpha, and com- municates by a median aperture with the pericardial cavity. The generative products are conducted from the periqardium to the exterior by the renal ducts. The embryology of the group is quite unknown. The Chaetodermomorpha are marine animals feeding on lowly- organised forms of life, such as Protozoa, etc. They are found in oozy bottoms from a depth of 15 fathoms to abyssal regions. The nine recorded species of the single genus Chaetoderma, come from the North Atlantic, North Pacific, and Arctic Oceans, the Sea of Marmora, the Eastern Archipelago, and the Philippine Islands. Family CHAETODERMATIDAE, von Jhering. Genus — Chaetoderma, Loven. The characters are those of the sub-order. Limifossor, Heath (Alaska). PHYLOGENY OF THE AMPHINEURA. The Polyplacophora present the most archaic characters among the Amphineura. The Aplacophora, on the other hand, are specialised in the following respects : (1) in the great reduction of the foot ; (2) the disappearance of the shell (Cryptoplax, among the Polyplacophora, shows how these two reductions may take place simultaneously) ; (3) the absence of the radula in several forms. The Chaetodermomorpha seem to be more specialised in these points than the Neomeniomorpha. LITERATURE OF THE AMPHINEURA. I. Polyplacophora. 1. van Bemmelen. Zur Anatomie der Chitonen. Zool. Anzeiger, 1883, p. 340. 2. Blumrich. Das Integument der Chitonen. Zcitschr. f. wiss. Zool. lii. 1891, p. 404. 3. Bimic. Notes on the Anatomy of Hanleya Hanleyi, M. Sars. Proc. Malacol. Soc. ii. 1896, p. 4. 4. Oarnault. Sur la structure et le developpement de I'oauf et de son follicule chez les Chitonides. Arch. Zool. Exper. (2), vi. 1888. 5. Haddon. On the Generative and Urinary Ducts in Chitons. Proc. R. Dublin Soc. new sen iv. 1885. 64 LITERATURE OF THE AMPHINEURA Q. Haddon. Report on the Polyplacophora. Challenger Reports, Zoology, Part xliii. 1886. 7. Haller. Die Organisation der Chitonen der Adria. Arb. Zool. Inst. Wien, iv. v. 1882, 1883. 8. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Placophoren. Morph. Jahrb. xxi. 1894. 9. Heath. The Development of Ischnochiton. Zool. Jahrb. Anat. u. Ontog. xii. 1899. 10. von Jhering. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Anatomic von Chiton. Morph. Jahrb. iv. 1878. 11. Kowalewsky. Embryogenie du Chiton Polii. Ann. Mus. Marseille, Zool. i. 1883. 12. Lawn. Ueber die Entwickelung von Chiton. Arch. f. Naturgesch, 1856. 13. Mctcalf. Contributions to the Embryology of Chiton. Stud. Biol. Labor. Johns Hopkins Univ. v. 1893. 14. Middendorf. Beitrage zur einer Malacozoologia Rossica — I. Beschreibung und Anatomic neuer Chitonen. Mem. Acad. Petersbourg (6), vi. 1849. 15. Moseley. On the Presence of Eyes in the Shells of certain Chitonidae, and on the Structure of these Organs. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. new ser. XXT. 1885. 16. Pelseneer. Recherches morphologiques et phylogene'tiques surles Mollusques archaiques. Mem. cour. Acad. Belg. Ivii. 1899. 17. Plate. Die Anatomie und Phylogenie der Chitonen. Zool. Jahrb. Suppl. iv. v. 1897, 1899, 1901. 18. Reiiicke. Beitrage zur Bildungsgeschichte der Stacheln im Mantelrande der Chitonen. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. xviii. 1868. 19. Sampson. The Musculature of Chiton. Journ. of Morphol. xi. 1895. 20. Schiff. Beitriige zur Anatomie von Chiton piceus. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. ix. 1858. 21. Scdgwick. On certain Points in the Anatomy of Chiton. Proc. R. Soc. London xxxiii. 1881. 216/*. Wcttstein. Zur Anatomie von Cryptoplax larvaeformis Burrow. Jenaische Zeitschr. xxxviii. 1903. II. Aplacoplwra. 22. von Graff. Anatomie des Chaetoderma nitidulum. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. xxvi. 1875. 23. Hansen. Auatomiske Beskrivelse af Chaetoderma nitidulum. Nyt. Magaz. Naturvid. xxii. 1877. 23W*. Heath. The Nervous System and Subradular Organ in two genera of Solenogastres. Zool. Jahrb. (Anat. und Ontog.) xx. 1904. 24. Heuscher. Zur Anatomie und Histologie der Proneomenia Sluiteri. Jenaische Zeitschr. Naturw. xxvii. 1893. 25. ffubrecht. Proneornenia Sluiteri. Nied. Arch. f. Zool. Suppl. i. 1881. 26. Dondersia festiva gen. et spec. uov. Donders Feestbundel. Nederl. Tijdschr. van Geueesk. 1888. 27. Kowalewsky et Marion. Contribution a 1'histoire des Solenogastres ou Aplacophores. Ann. Mus. Marseille, Zool. iii. 1887. 28. Kowalewsky. Sur le genre Chaetoderma. Arch. Zool. Exper. (3), ix. 1901. 29. 2iicratrasz. The Soleuogastres of the " Siboga " Expedition. Resul tats des Explorations ... a bord du Siboga, xlviL 1902. LITERATURE OF THE AMPHINEURA 65 30. Pruvot. Sur 1'Organisation de quelques Ne'omeniens des Cotes de France. Arch. Zool. Expe"r. (2), ix. 1891. 31. Sur deux Ne'omeniens nouveaux de la Me'diterranee. Arch. Zool. Exper. (3) vii. 1901. 32. Sur le developpement d'un Soldnogastre. Comptes rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, cxi. 1890. 33. Thiele. Beitrage zur vergleichenden Anatomie der Amphineuren. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. Iviii. 1894. 34. Tullberg. Neomenia, a new Genus of Invertebrate Animals. Bihang K. Svensk. Vet. Akad. Handl. iii. 1875. 35. JViren. Studien liber die Solenogastres. K. Svensk. Vet. Akad. Handl. xxiii. and xxiv. 1892, 1893. CHAPTER III THE GASTROPODA CLASS II.— GASTROPODA, CUVIER ( = PARACEPHALOPHORA, Blainville ; ANISOPLEURA, Lankester). SUB-CLASS I. STREPTONEURA. Order 1. Aspidobranchia. Sub-Order 1. Docoglossa. „ 2. Bhipidoglossa. Order 2. Pectinibranchia. Sub-Order 1. Taenioglossa. „ 2. Stenoglossa. SUB-CLASS II. EUTHYNEURA. Order 1. Opisthobranchia. Sub-Order 1. Tectibranchia. „ 2. Nudibranchia. Order 2. Pulmonata. Sub-Order 1. Basommatophora. „ 2. Stylommatophora. Definition. — The Gastropoda, together with the Scaphopoda and the Lamellibranchia, form the branch Prorhipidoglossomorpha of the Mollusca, that is to say, a group in which the gonads are no longer in direct communication with the pericardium, the foot is wholly posterior to the head, and a visceral commissure is present. The Gastropods are a class of the Prorhipidoglossomorpha specially characterised, firstly, by their asymmetrical organisation ; secondly, by their well-developed head ; and thirdly, by their shell, which is formed of one piece and coiled in a spiral, at least in the larval stage. THE GASTROPODA 67 I. GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. The three external divisions of the body, head, foot, and mantle are well defined. The head is well developed, and forms a more or less cylindrical mass, but is sometimes flattened. At its anterior extremity is the mouth, and dorsally it bears one or two pairs of tentacles. There is one pair of tentacles in the Streptoneura (Fig. 44), the " Thecosomata " (Fig. 63), in PhyllirJwe (Fig. 161), Tkecue&Oj the Proctonotidae, the Elysiidae (Fig. 170), the basom- matophorous Pulmonates, and Janella (Fig. 178). There are two pairs in the majority of Opisthobranchs (Fig. 154) and in the stylommatophorous Pulmonates (Fig. 172). The tentacles either are or bear sensory organs ; they are contractile, and in the Stylom- matophora invaginable. The right tentacle of both sexes bears an appendage in Bathysdadium (Fig. 126), certain Trochidae (Fig. 130),. and Calyptraea. The form of the tentacles varies greatly in different groups. Sometimes they are atrophied, and they may even dis- appear without leaving a trace, as in OliveUa, Homalogym, certain species of Terebra, Pterotrachea (Fig. 143), Limapontia, and Pseudo- vermis (Fig. 169). In the majority of the Bullidae the two pairs of tentacles are enlarged and transformed into a quadrangular shield (Fig. 148), the four corners of which correspond to the tips of the four tentacles. The single pair, much reduced in certain Basom- matophora (Amphibolidae, Otinidae, Fig. 173, Siphonariidae), similarly gives rise to the appearance of a flattened disc on the top of the head. The anterior pair of tentacles in the Pleurobranchidae (Fig. 157) and in various Nudibranchs (Tritoniidae, Fig. 83, Den- dronotidae, Tethyidae, etc.) is transformed into a more or less well -developed frontal veil. Finally, the tentacles are flattened (Narica); split (Pyramidellidae, Fig. 137, Solarium, the posterior pair in many Opisthobranchs) ; bifurcate (Janthina, certain Elysio- morpha) ; or multifid (the posterior pair in many Nudibranchs, Dendronotus, Ancula, Fig. 163). In some species, on either side of the buccal orifice, there is another pair of appendages of greater or less length, known as the labial palps. These are found in Trochus infundibulum, Ampullaria, Jeffreysia, CJwristes, among the Strepto- neura ; and among the Euthyneura in sundry Pulmonates (Glandina, Limnaea, in which they form a sort ot buccal veil, Fig. 107), and in Tectibranchs. In addition to the above-mentioned cephalic appendages of the adult, the following structures should be noted : the cephalic or frontal lobes, situated between the two tentacles and consisting of projections of various shape, in many Rhipido- glossa and in Fossarus ; the dorsal median crest in Olivella and Janus; and finally, the pseudopallium, an expansion of the cephalic integument surrounding the whole shell, with the excep- 68 THE GASTROPODA tion of the summit of the spire, in Stylifer and allied parasitic forms (Fig. 20). 1. The Foot. — This is primitively and normally formed by a powerful mass of ventral muscles with a more or less elongated FlQ. 44. A, Triton vanegatum, animal and shell, seen from the right side, a, siphonal notch of the shell occupied by the siphonal fold of the mantle-skirt ; b, edge of the mantle-skirt resting on the shell ; c, cephalic eye ; d, cephalic tentacle ; e, proboscis or buccal introvert in a state of eversion ; /, foot ; g, operculum ; h, penis ; i, under-surface of the mantle-skirt, forming the roof of the sub-pallial chamber. (From Lankester, after Poli.) V, sole of the foot of Hemifusus tuba, to show, a, the pore of a pedal gland ; h, median line of the foot. (From Lankester, after Souleyet.) ventral creeping surface (Fig. 44, B). But this primitive condition may be modified in relation to different conditions of existence. Thus, among sedentary Gastropods the foot is reduced to a simple discoidal prominence in such fixed forms as Vermetus (Fig. 45) and FlO. 45. Vermetus triqueter, with broken shell ; left-side view, co, columellar muscle ; /, foot ; m, mouth ; o, aperture of the shell ; op, operculum ; or, eggs ; pa.s, mantle slit ; p.t, pedal tentacles ; *A, shell. (After Lacaze-Duthiers.) Magilus. In Bathysciadium (Fig. 126) the ventral surface of the foot assumes the form of a sucker, the central portion of which is covered by a thick cuticle, and the circumference is ciliated. In the parasitic forms Stylifer and Thyca the foot is atrophied and is THE GASTROPODA 69 represented only by a small ventral appendage. Among the free- swimming Gastropods we find that in the Heteropods the foot is laterally compressed to form a vertical natatory lobe held upper- most in swimming (Fig. 142), but in Phyllirhoe it no longer exists as a differentiated organ (Fig. 161). In leaping Gastropods, such as Rostellaria among the Strombidae (Fig. 46), the foot is also laterally compressed, and its ventral surface, if not displaced anteriorly, is not flat. In Harpa the posterior part of the foot may be cast off by a process of autotomy. The creeping sole is often divided by a median longitudinal furrow ; this may be seen in sundry Rhipidoglossa, e.g. Trochus, Stomatella, Phasianella ; and in Taenioglossa such as Littorina and Cydostoma : in the last-named genus the two halves of the foot contract alternately during progression. A transverse furrow, crossing the anterior half of the foot, is found in the Olividae, Pomatiopsis, many Auriculidae, Otina, and Cyerce. Certain parts of the foot may exhibit special differentiations. (1) Its two anterior angles are prolonged into tentacles in Cyclostrema, Valvata (Fig. 132), CJwmtes, Olivella, Eolis, etc. (2) The anterior margin of the foot may be furnished with a number of small tactile papillae as in Trochus, etc., or there may be a small fleshy projection, called the mentum, between it and the mouth, below the aperture of the supra-pedal gland, as in the Pyramidellidae (Fig. 137), Siliquaria, Aclis, Vermeius. In Capulus there is a^ little projecting tongue-shaped structure above the anterior margin of the foot and below the snout, and in Vermetus two symmetrical tentacles are present in the same position, on either side of the aperture of the supra-pedal gland. (3) In various fossorial Gastropods the whole anterior region of the foot is somewhat elevated above the head, to form the propodium. This region is distinctly separated from the rest of the foot by a constriction in the Harpidaefand by a transverse furrow in the Olividae. The propodium is particularly well developed in the Naticidae, in which it is reflected over the whole cephalic region to form a powerful digging organ (Fig. 47). (4) The lateral margins of the foot are expanded to form fins or parapodia in certain Olividae, and particularly in a number of Opisthobranchs, as, for example, in Gastropleron, Acera, etc. ; among the Bullidae, the Pteropods, Aplysia, etc. In Notarchus these two lobes are united above the body in such a manner as to form a muscular sac open in front, but closed behind and at the sides. By forcibly expelling water through the anterior aperture, the animal makes use of the sac as an organ of locomotion. (5) The posterior region of the foot is often separated off as a distinct operculigerous lobe, as may be seen in the Strombidae (Fig. 46), Xenophorus (Fig. 134), and the Atlantidae (Fig. 141). In some Marginellidae there is a posterior dorsal discoid lobe. In Nassa and in allied 70 THE GASTROPODA forms the posterior extremity of the foot bears a pair of tentacles which are sometimes bifurcated, and in Phos there is a single filament in this position. In Pterotrachea the foot terminates posteriorly in a long filiform contractile appendage, bearing several annular vari- cosities. In Cymbulia the posterior lobe of the foot also ends in a long whip-like appendage. (6) On the sides of the foot, at about the middle of its height, there is often a ridge, the epipodium, extending from the head to the posterior end of the foot. This ridge is specially well developed in various Rhipidoglossa (Fig. 1 30, VIII), and may bear appendages of greater or less length, sensory organs, and pigment spots, the last-named, however, showing no trace of the structure of eyes. The anterior part of the epipodium Fio. 46. Rostellaria rectirostris, animal and shell, right-side view, a, snout or rostrum ; 1>, cephalic tentacle ; c, eye ; d, anterior part of the foot ; e, posterior (operculigerous) part of the foot ; /, operculum ; h', anterior canal of the shell, occupied by the pallial siphon. (From Lankester, after Adams.) generally forms a cervical lobe, which exhibits a characteristic asymmetry in certain Trochidae. The epipodium is found also in Litiopa, the Rissoidae, Naricay Janthina, etc., and a portion of it is represented by the cervical lobes in Paludim, Ampullaria, and Calyptraea. The surface of the foot is normally furnished with a large number of unicellular mucous glands, and very often these cells are specially accumulated in invaginations of the integument, distinguished as pedal glands. The most important of these invaginations are — (1) The anterior groove of the foot (Fig. 144, IV), into which open the so-called labial glands : it is often continued into a fairly long canal. This anterior pedal gland is very generally present in the aquatic creeping species of Streptoneura and Opisthobranchs ; it secretes the mucus which lubricates the surface of the foot, and is auxiliary to creeping whether it be on the bottom ot the sea or on the THE GASTROPODA 71 surface in a reversed position. (2) The supra-pedal gland opens in the middle line between the snout and the anterior border of the foot. It is most commonly found in sessile Streptoneura ( Fermetus, Hipponyx) and in terrestrial forms such as Cydostoma and the Pulmonata. It is often very deep, and extends for nearly the whole length of the foot : its walls are thrown into folds and are ciliated ventrally in the majority of the Pulmonates. (3) The ventral pedal pore, situated in the middle line in the anterior moiety of the foot, is the aperture of a more or less extensive and often ramified cavity into which the glands of the sole or the pedal glands properly so called pour their secretion (Figs. 44, B; 144, I). This organ is comparable with the byssogenous gland of Lamelli- branchs (Fig. 197), and is found in the following genera: in Cydostoma, in which it is composed of multiple tubules ; in Cypraeu, Hemifusus (Fig. 44), Cassis, and a large number of Rachiglossa and Toxiglossa, viz. in the Fasciolariidae, Turbinellidae, Nassa, Murex, the Olividae, Marginellidae, and Conidae (Fig. 144). Its opening was formerly mistaken for an aquiferous pore. (4) The posterior mucous glands may be either dorsal or ventral in position. The former are characteristic of terrestrial Gastropods, such as the Pulmonates and certain Cyclostomatidae, in which they are often surmounted by a simple or multiple horn-shaped protuberance (Orpitlla, Plertrophorus, Dermatocera). The ventral posterior glands are simple localisations of the dermic glands, and occur in various Opisthobranchs ; they are not sensibly invaginated in the Pleurobranchidae and Pleuro- phyllidae, but are invaginated and form a long canal in Gastropteron. The product of secretion of the pedal glands in many cases solidifies on contact with the air of water and serves for the suspension of the animal. In some species of Limax, Litiopa, Cerithidea, etc., it assumes a filamentous form ; and in both sexes of Janthina, whether viviparous or not, it is filled with air-bubbles and forms a float, covering the ventral surface of the foot, beneath which the animal is suspended (Fig. 135). The ventral border of the flattened and fin-like mesopodium of the Heteropoda exhibits, in the male at any rate, an invagination in the form of a sucker (Figs. 141, 142, d'). A similar sucker exists on the ventral or pedal area of some species of Phyllirhoe, but in no Gastropod does the foot exhibit an aquiferous pore, in the sense formerly attached to this term. In some forms, however, and at all events in the Naticidae, there is a system of aquiferous spaces in the foot ; these spaces are completely separated from the circulatory apparatus and serve to distend the foot (Fig. 47, VIII) in the action of burrowing in the sand or mud. The foot often bears on its posterior dorsal aspect a solid sclerite, known as the operculum, which, on the retraction of the animal, serves to close the aperture of the shell. The operculum 72 THE GASTROPODA is sometimes borne on a differentiated portion of the foot as in Xenophorus (Fig. 134), Pteroceras (Fig. 75), Atlanta (Fig. 141), or on a distinct expansion, which in Natica is reflected over a portion of the shell. An operculum is present in almost all adult Streptoneura, the exceptions being the Docoglossa, the Fissurellidae, the Haliotidae, FIG. 47. BP Natica josephina, fully expanded ; right-side view. I, exhalant orifice ; II, •t of propodium reflected on the shell ; IV, tentacles ; V, shell ; VI, poste lected on the shell ; VIII, hind-part of the foot. (After Schiemenz.) propodium ; III, rior part of foot Gena, Stomatia, the Proserpinidae, Calyptraeidae, Capulidae, Hip- ponycidae, Cypraeidae, Doliidae, Marginellidae, Harpidae, the majority of the Mitridae, many Cancellariidae and Conidae, Oliva, the Janthinidae, etc. But in all these cases, with the exception of the larva of Stylifer, an operculum is present during development, •n. Operculum of Oxygyrus, x 30y external aspect, a.s, attachment surface ; n, nucleus of the opercular spire. as may be seen, for example, in the Patellidae, Fissurella, Calyptraea, Janthina, Carinaria, etc. The naked Streptoneura, Entoconcha, Enteroxenos, Pterotrachea, Firoloida also have an operculated shell in the larval stage of development. Among the Euthyneura, on the other hand, only Actaeon and Limacina among the Opistho- branchs, and Amphibola among the Pulmonates, possess an oper- culum in the adult stage, but the great majority, even of the naked THE GASTROPODA 73 forms such as the Nudibranchs, the Cymbuliidae, and Pleurobranchus, are provided with an operculated shell during their development, the only exceptions being some highly specialised forms, e.g. the Pulmonates (excepting the Auriculidae, Siphonariidae, and On- cidiidae, which have an operculum during development), Buncina, Cenia, and of the " Pteropods," the Cavoliniidae and Gymnosomata. An operculum may be present or absent in the adults of the same genus, as may be seen in Stomatella, Vermetus, Valuta, Mitra, Pleurotoma, and Conus. It may be absent in certain individuals of the same species as in Volutharpa ampullacea, or it may be normally caducous in aged individuals as in Limacina antarctica and L. kelicina. The composition of the operculum varies very much in the different groups of Gastropoda. It is com- j^^^^^^&m ,Ofl \ Ofl Fio. 49. Lirnacina antarctica, young specimen with the operculum in situ, f.sp, false spire ; op, operculum. FIG. 50. Cyclostrcma decussatum. culuui (op). Shell and oper- monly horny, or it may consist of a horny plate covered by a thin calcareous layer, as in Liotia among the Delphinulidae and Cistula among the Cyclostomatidae ; or, finally, it may be completely calcified, as in the Turbinidae, Phasianellidae, Neritidae, etc. Its conformation is originally spiral, and in this case the spire is always inverse to that of the shell, even in the Atlantidae (Fig. 48), except in certain cases of hyperstrophy described below. It may, however, be con- centric, imbricated, or scaly (Strombidae, Fig. 75, op), and it maybe furnished with lateral apophyses as in Neritina, Eissoina, and Stiva. Some non-operculate testaceous Gastropods, as, for instance, many stylommatophorous Pulmonates and some species of Planorbis, secrete glutinous or calcareous epiphragm which closes the mouth of the shell during hibernation or aestivation. In Hipponyx the foot secretes a calcareous plate by means of which the animal fixes itself to the substratum. 2. Visceral Sac, Mantle, and Shell. — The mantle normally covers the whole of the visceral sac and projects all round it, leaving only the head and foot projecting on the ventral side. On the anterior or on the lateral aspect, or exceptionally on the posterior aspect, as 74 THE GASTROPODA in the Cavoliniidae and Cymbuliidae, there is a space left between the mantle and the body, constituting the pallid cavity. This pallial cavity has a situation opposite to that which it occupies in other Molluscs (Fig. 22), due to the torsion which the Gastropxl body undergoes towards the end of its development. FIG. 51. Three larvae (veligers) of TrocJius, during the process of torsion, viewed from the right side of the shell. A, nearly symmetrical larva ; ]}, a stage 1£ hour later than A ; C, a stage 3} hours later than B. /, foot ; op, operculum ; pa.c, pallial cavity ; ve, velum. (After Robert.) The process by which this torsion is brought about may be referred, on ultimate analysis, to a morphological phenomenon common to the Cephalopods (Fig. 119, D), Scaphopods (Fig. 119, B), and Lamellibranchs (Fig. 119, C), as well as to the Gastropods. This phenomenon is the ventral flexure which takes place in an antero-posterior sagittal plane, about a transverse axis situated at •n&c, Ct. Fio. 52. Diagram of the torsion of the visceral commissure in the Streptoneura seen from the buccal side. A, before the torsion, whose direction is indicated by the arrow ; B, after the torsion, a, anus ; ab, abdominal ganglion ; ce, cerebral ganglion ; i.i, infra-intestinal ganglion ; m, mouth ; pa.c, pallial cavity ; s.i, supra-intestinal ganglion. right angles to the main antero-posterior axis of the animal, and results in the approximation of the two ends of the digestive canal. As a consequence of this flexure, the visceral mass and shell, which were originally saucer- shaped, become thimble-shaped, or are produced into a more or less pointed cone, and during the flexure there is a simultaneous coiling of the visceral sac and the shell covering it in a dorsal or anterior direction, so that an exogastric coil is produced, THE GASTROPODA 75 as may be seen in the Patellidae, Fissurellidae, and Trochidae (Fig. 51, A). This disposition of the shell is the same as that which obtains in other Molluscs with coiled shells (Nautilidae, Fig. 270), but without lateral torsion. But in Gastropods, during the com- pletion of the metamorphosis, there is a lateral torsion subsequent to the primitive ventral flexure, as a result of which the originally dorsal or exogastric shell becomes ventral or endogastric (Fig. 51, C). This lateral torsion is causally connected with the growth of the ventral creeping surface, which primitively was very short, but eventually increases in length, and in so doing tends again to remove the pallia! opening, and with it the anal and renal orifices and the respiratory organs, away from the head. The approxima- tion of these organs to the head is therefore necessarily effected by a lateral torsion in a plane perpendicular to the primitive ventral flexure ; that is to say, about a dorso-ventral axis situated in the same median sagittal plane as the antero-posterior axis. It is this second lateral torsion, then, in- volving all the organs contained in the shell — the cephalo- pedal Fid. 53. Four stages of the development of a Gastropod, showing the process of the body -torsion. A, embryo without flexure ; />, embryo with ventral flexure of the intestine ; C, embryo with ventral flexure and an exogastric shell ; D, embryo with lateral torsion and an endogastric shell (the arrows indicate the direction of the torsion), a, anus ; /, foot ; m, mouth ; pa, mantle ; pa.c, }>allial cavity ; ve, velum. (After Robert.) Fio. 54. Scisturdla lytteltonensis, but of its shell, dorsal aspect I, snotit ; II, right tentacle; III, pallial slit; IV, right gill; V, rectum; VI, gonad ; VII, left kidney ; VIII, left half of the columellar muscle ; IX, left gill ; X, left eye. mass being supposed to be fixed or vice versa — which brings the pallial aperture and the anus from a posterior to an anterior position (Fig. 53). During this lateral torsion the following changes are necessarily produced in the original organisation of Gastropods : — (1) The anus being carried forward along one side of the animal, the organs situated on either side of this orifice change their relative positions ; those which were morphologically on the right become THE GASTROPODA topographically on the left side, and vice versa. (2) The visceral commissure, while maintaining its position in respect to the digestive canal, becomes twisted (Fig. 52) in such a manner that its right moiety with its ganglion passes over to the dorsal side of oesophagus (Fig. 57), and is therefore called supra-intestinal, while the left moiety passes under the oesophagus towards the right side, which explains the name infra-intestinal given to this portion of the commissure and the nerve-centre borne on it. (3) The original symmetry of the organisation disappears. The anus does not remain in the centre of the pallial cavity, but is dis- placed towards the right side. The organs situated on the topo- graphically right — but morphologically and originally left — side atrophy (Pleurotomaria, Scissurella, etc.), and eventually disappear. An essential feature of the asymmetry of Gastropods is the atrophy or disappearance of the topographically right (morphologically left) Fio. 55. Trochus cinerarius, heart and kidneys, dorsal aspect (some- what schematic). I, left renal pore; II, right renal pore ; III, right kidney; IV, papilla with the common opening of the peri- cardium and of the gonad into the right kidney ; V, right reno- pericardial duct ; VI, anterior part of the gonad ; VII, right auricle; VIII, ventricle; IX, pericardium ; X, left auricle ; XI, left i-eno-perirardial orifice; XII, branchial efferent vessel ; XIII, left kidney ; XIV, rectum ; XV, gill. half of the circumanal complex, involving the '•tenidium, auricle, osphradium, hypobranchial gland, and kidney. In forms with situs inversus, or, as they are generally called, sinistral forms, the phenomenon is reversed : the organs of the left side are preserved, those of the right side atrophy or disappear. In dextral Gastropods the only structure found on the topographically right side of the rectum is the genital orifice. But this is not an original organ. It is wanting in forms which, like Pleurotomaria, Haliotis, etc., have preserved the maximum of symmetry. Moreover, in the most primitive stage of organisation, the gonads opened into the kidneys. As soon as the asymmetry makes its appearance, even while there are yet two kidneys, the genital products are conducted only into the right kidney (Patellidae, Trochidae, Fig. 55, Fissurellidae). Consequently the right kidney cannot disappear altogether, but persists in part as the gonaduct. The latter structure, therefore, is the remains of the topographically right kidney, a view which THE GASTROPODA 77 has been confirmed by the study of the embryology of Paludina. (4) The coil of the visceral sac and shell becomes endogastric. Originally these structures were coiled dorsally or, in other words, were exogastric (Fig. 53, C), but as a result of a rotation through an angle of 180°, the coil necessarily becomes ventral or endo- gastric (Fig. 53, D). Most usually, however, the coils of the visceral sac and shell do not remain in the same plane, but the summit of the spire gradually comes to project on the side which was originally left, but which at the end of development is finally and topographically right (Fig. 44). Thus a spiral coil is formed which has the advantage of giving a more compact form to the shell and its contents, and of diminishing its diameter. In those forms in which the torsion and asymmetry is dextral, the coil of the spire is conformable since it also is dextral ; that is to say, it follows the direction of the hands of a watch if the shell is viewed from the summit of the spire (Figs. 47 and 132, etc.). Nevertheless, the coil of the shell is by no means the cause of the torsion ; both are foreshadowed in the segmentation of the ovum, in which there is a complete reversal of the direction of the cleavage planes in sinistral as compared with dextral Gastropods. The apparent direction of the coil, however, may be changed by a pro- cess of liyperstrophy (see below, p. 82), and finally the coil of the Fio. 57. Nervous system of Actaeon torna- tilis, in situ, dorsal aspect. I, buccal gland ; II, buccal mass ; III, cerebral ganglion; IV, infra -intestinal part of the visceral commissure, with a small pallial ganglion ; V, infra- intestinal ganglion ; VI, right sali- vary gland ; VII, abdominal ganglion and genital nerve ; VIII, oesophagus ; IX, supra - intestinal part of the visceral commissure ; . X, supra- intestinal ganglion. FIG. 50. Shell of a very young Patella vulgata, viewed from the right side, x 25. sp, apical spire. visceral mass and spire may disappear in the aduL, ieaving the in- ternal torsion and asymmetry unaltered, but producing a secondary external symmetry, as in the Patellidae (Fig. 56), Fissurellidae, etc. (5) By de torsion, or movement in a contrary direction, the anus and circumanal complex (with the exception of the male or herma- phrodite genital aperture) may be carried back to a posterior posi- THE GASTROPODA tion. This tendency to detorsion may be observed in exceptional cases among the Streptoneura (Pterotrachea, Fig. 143), but it is specially characteristic of the whole group of the Euthyneura, lead- ing to the untwisting of the visceral commissure, which, in this group, is obviously twisted only in Adaeon (Fig. 57). When detorsion is carried to its extreme limit as in Pterotrachea, it is accompanied by a reduction or disappearance of the mantle and visceral sac and opisthobranchialism. In the least specialised Opisthobranchs and Pulmonates the detorison is not complete, and the pallial aperture is carried only to the right side (Figs. 148, 67); but in the most specialised Phillne aperta, ventral aspect, a, anus ; /, foot; g, gill ; glj, glandular fossa; g.o, genital orifice (seen through the foot) ; k.o, renal pore ; os, osphradium ; pa, inferior pallial lobe. (After Quiart.) Oncidiclla patelloideg, ventral aspect, an, anus ; gl, tentacular gland ; o, mouth ; o./, female orifice ; o.m, male orifice ; p, foot ; pa. mantle ; pns, pulmonary orifice ; ti.p, lateral groove ; te, tentacle. forms the anus and the pallial cavity (if the latter is retained) arc moved back to the posterior extremity of the body, as in Philine (Fig. 58), Aplysia (Fig. 1 54), Doridomorpha (Fig. 79), and many other Nudibranchs, such as Janus, Alderia, Limapontia, and Cenia ; and among Pulmonates in Testacella, Vaginula (Fig. 179), and Oncidium (Fig. 59). In this manner a secondary external symmetry is re- established. The detorsion of the organism is complete in the Tectibranch Cavoliniidae (" straight Thecosomatous Pteropods "), in which one may recognise a torsion of 180° in a direction opposite and equal to that of the original torsion, the result of which is that the genital duct is twisted round tiie alimentary canal and the pallial cavity is shifted to the ventral surface (Fig. 60). It should THE GASTROPODA 79 be noted that in those Euthyneura which are detorted in the adult condition, the primitive torsion is manifest in the course of develop- ment, and in the larvae the pallial cavity is anterior and dorsal, the anus anterior, just as is the case in an adult Streptoneura (Fig. 61). The pallial cavity normally contains the apertures of the anus and the renal ducts ; and, as it also contains the ctenidial branchiae, together with their sensory organ, the osphradium, it constitutes the respiratory cavity. There is, in addition, between each branchia and the rectum a more or less dif- ferentiated glandular region known as the hypobranchial gland or pallial mucous gland (Figs. 75 and 85), which is characteristic of aquatic species. Two such glands are found, •m FIG. GO. Clio striata, removed from its shell, with the head above, right-side view, a, anus ; a. g.g, accessory genital glands ; /, foot (pos- terior lobe); fi, left fln (the right one is cut away) ; gg, gonad ; h, heart ; h.o, her- maphrodite orifice ; k, kidney ; li, liver ; m, mouth ; m.o, male orifice ; m.p, mastica- tory stomachal plate ; n.s, central nervous system ; oe, oesophagus ; pa.c, pallial cavity ; pa.g, pallial gland ; pe, penis ; spo, sperm- oviduct ; st, stomach and bile-duct ; (, right tentacle. Fio. 61. Veliger of Eolis (Galvina) picta, ventral view, a, anus ; e, right eye ; /, foot ; in, intestine ; k, kidney;, left liver lobe; m, mouth ; op, operculum ; ot, right otocyst ; pa.c, pallial cavity ;, right liver lobe ;, retractor muscle ; st, stomach ; ve, velum. one on either side of the rectum, in various Rhipidoglossa, such as Pleurotomaria (Fig. 127), Haliotis, Turbo, etc., but only one, namely, that of the left side, in the majority of aquatic Gastropods with a well -developed mantle. . This glandular organ becomes median and nearly symmetrical in the Cavoliniidae (Fig. 60) and the Cymbuliidae. 8o THE GASTROPODA The pallial cavity is largely open in the Streptoneura ; its orifice is narrower in the Tectibranchs (Fig. 148, IV), and is much reduced in the Pulmonates (Figs. 67 and 177), as the result of the almost complete fusion of the mantle border with the neck. The mantle border projects somewhat beyond the shell that covers it, and may be furnished with little tentacles, with glands and pigment spots. The border is not continuous in the most archaic forms, but presents in the median line, or at a neighbouring point morphologically equivalent to the median line, a more or less deep longitudinal slit, as may be seen in the Pleurotomariidae (Figs. 54, 127, and 128), in Emarginula, and Scutum. This slit corresponds in position with the extremity of the rectum, and admits of a more rapid expulsion of the excrements and the respiratory fluid. The edges of the slit may fuse together at one or more points, leaving one or more orifices in the mantle and in the shell on the dorsal side of the pallial cavity (Fig. 62), as in Fissurella, Puncturella, and Haliotis. An analogous slit is also present in Siliquaria and Pleuro- toma. In the female Vermetus there is a median slit in the border of the mantle (Fig. 45), but no corresponding fissure in the shell ; in this Fio. 62. Schismope lacuniformis, seen from the umbilicus, a, aperture of the shell ; /, foramen ; u, umbilicus. (After Watson.) Fio. 63. Limacina antarctica, removed from its shell, dorsal aspect, an, auricle ;, pallial gland ;, seminal groove ; na, right fin ; pa, mantle ; r, kidney ; te.d, right tentacle; te.g, left tentacle; ve, ventricle of heart. case the mantle slit admits of the fixation of the eggs to the internal wall of the shell, to which they remain attached up to the time of hatching. At the left or anterior corner of the pallial aperture the mantle edge is often produced into a tube with a ventral slit (Fig. 99, XV) ; this tube or siphon serves to admit water into the pallial cavity. A siphon exists only in specialised Streptoneura ; it is but slightly developed in the Cerithiidae, is rather larger in the Strombidae (Fig. 75, si), and attains its greatest dimensions in the Cassididae and Doliidae and in all the Rachiglossa and Toxiglossa. In the Volu- tidae the siphon is furnished with an internal appendage. Ampul- laria also possesses a long siphon, which may serve either for THE GASTROPODA 81 pulmonary or for branchial respiration. On the right side of the pallial opening the mantle border sometimes bears a tentacle, as in Valvata (Fig. 132), Oliva, Strombus, Acer a, and Gastrupteron. In Adeorbis there are two such tentacles (Fig. 133). In many Tecti- branchs the mantle edge at the right side of the pallial opening bears a large inferior pallial lobe (Fig. 148, I), which forms the "balancer" in the Thecosomata. This lobe is also found in the basommatophorous or aquatic Pulmonates, and in some species of this group it is converted into a pallial branchia (Figs. 89 and 175). The dorsal surface of the mantle secretes a shell, formed of a single piece, which necessarily reproduces the form of the mantle, or rather of the visceral sac contained in the mantle. As the visceral sac is always coiled (even in forms with conical shells like the Patellidae and Fissurellidae and in the various Gastropods which are naked when adult the visceral sac is coiled during develop- ment), it follows that the shell is also coiled. The curvature of the coil, or conchospiral, is, generally speaking, a logarithmic spiral. The spire, that is to say, the totality of the whorls, with the excep- tion of the last formed, may be excessively prominent, as, for example, Terebra, Turritella, Turbonilla, certain Cerithiidae, etc., or may exhibit every possible disposition, until the prominence dis- appears and the shell becomes discoid al as in PlanorUs, Atlanta (Fig. 141), etc. The various whorls of the spire are normally contiguous, but it occasionally happens that, after a certain number of turns, the visceral mass and the shell appear to unroll more or less completely, and to continue their course either in a much looser spiral or in a slightly curved line, or even in a nearly straight line (Vermetus, Fig. 45, Magilus, Cydosurus, Caecum, Fig. 68). The extremity of the last whorl may also form a certain angle with the direction of the preceding whorls, as, for example, in certain helicomorphous Pulmonates (Anostoma). The coil, commencing from the initial point of formation or summit, is dextral when the shell, held with the summit towards the observer, has the mouth or aperture below and to the right. It is sinistral when, under the same conditions,, the aperture is to the left. Dextral shells are much more common than sinistral. This direction of the coil, when it is not obscured by " hyper- strophy," is conformable with that of the asymmetry of the organ- isation ; that is to say, a sinistral coil correspords completely to the situs inversus viscerum of a dextral Gastropod. This situs inversus may be seen in the genera Trifwis, Laeocochlis, Actaeonia, Blauneria, Clausilia, Physa ; in certain species of the genera Fulgur, Neptunea, Bulimulus, Helicter, Vertigo, Ariophanta (Nanina), Ancylus, Diplom- matina ; and in some teratological individuals of Buccinum undatum, Littorina littorea, Neptunea antiqua, Limnea stagnalis (in which the 6 82 THE GASTRO DA monstrosity has been sometimes fixed by heredity), Helix, Arion, and various other Pulmonates. There are, however, forms in which the coil is hyperstrophic : in this case the whorls which form the spire are very slightly prominent ; the spire becomes flatter and flatter, and finally becomes concave and is transformed into a false umbilicus. At the same time the part corresponding to the umbilicus (the cavity opposite to the spire) of normally coiled forms becomes prominent and constitutes a false spire. The coil then appears to be sinistral, although the asymmetry of the organisation remains dextral, as, for example, in Lanistes and the coiled thecosomatous Pteropods, in which the opercular spiral follows the same direction as the apparent spire of the shell (Fig. 49) ; or reciprocally in PlanorUSy especially in individuals which are scalariform or terato- logically unrolled, such as Choanomphalus and Pompholyx (Fig. 64). Finally, it may sometimes be observed that the spiral in which the coil is formed insensibly changes its nature or its apparent direction after the first larval whorls are completed. This is the pheno- Fio. 64. Passage from a sinistral orthostrophic form (a) to a pseudo-dextral hyperstrophic one (ft) ; the heart is indicated in black, in order to show the constancy of the sinistral organisation. (After J. W. Taylor.) menon of heterostrophy, in which the spiral from being negative eventually becomes positive ; that is to say, the coil that was at first hyperstrophic becomes finally orthostrophic. Examples of this phenomenon are Solarium (the larval shell of which has been called Ayadina), Mathilda, the Pyramidellidae (Fig. 65), Melampus, and various Bullidae. The line along which two successive whorls of the shells cease to be in contact with one another is the " suture." The portion of the shell separating the successive whorls of the visceral spire may be resorbed in certain cases (many Auriculidae, some Neritidae, Cypraea, Olivella, etc.), resulting in the concrescence of the whorls of the visceral sac, or even in the suppression of, its coils, as may be seen in several species of the genus Auricula (Fig. 67). On the other hand, the animal may desert the first whorls of the coiled shell, and cut itself from them by the formation of a transverse partition or septum : this operation may, in certain cases, be repeated several times, e.g. Vermetus, Turritella, Caecum (Fig. 68), Truncatella, Triton (Fig. 66), Cuvierina, etc. In the families Cylindrellidae, Stenogyridae (Rumina decollata), and Pupidae, and THE GASTROPODA in the genera Truncatella, Cerithidea, Caecum, and Cuvierina, the portion of the shell beyond the septum may be truncated and lost, or the first whorls may be filled up by a calcareous deposit as in Magilus. In the conical shell of various Capulidae (Taenioglossa), Zeidvra, and Septaria (Rhipido- glossa) and Latia (Basommato- B A phora)' there is an incomplete internal septum, corresponding to the interior margin of the aperture, which has become Odostomia dipsycha. A, the entire shell, seen from the aperture side ; B, the hetero- strophic apex, more magnified. (After Watson.) Fio. 66. Section of the shell of Triton, a, apex ; a.c, anterior canal (or siphon) of the aperture of the shell (a.c to p.c, aperture of the shell) ; p.c, posterior canal of the aperture; s, sutures of the whorls ; w, whorls of the shell ; occupying the axis, and exposed by the section, is seen the "columella" or spiral pillar. The upper whorls of the shells are seen to be divided into separate chambers by the formation of successively formed "septa." (From Lankester, after Owen.) /to t/n, •Win, Fio. 67. Auricula (Alexia) bidentata, removed from its shell, ventral aspect. /, foot ; in, intestine ; k, kidney ; l.p, labial palp ; tn, mouth ;, pallial gland opening into the pallial cavity; pa, mantle; p.o, pneumo- stome or pulmonary orifice ; te, posterior tentacle ; te', rudimentary anterior tentacle ; vi.m, visceral mass, whose different whorls are fused together. prominent. In certain genera this septum is folded into the shape of a trumpet, the cavity of which affords a lodgment for a pro- jection of the posterior part of the foot (Crucibulum, Fig. 69). In the last whorl of the shell of Clausilia there is an accessory piece, the clausilium, attached to the columellar axis by an elastic support : this piece closes the mouth of the shell when the animal THE GASTROPODA is retracted, but is pushed back against the axis when the animal is extended. The Gastropods are attached to their shells by the columellar muscle (Fig. 45, co\ and withdraw themselves into their shells by its Fio. 68. Caecum. A, entire shell, left-side view, o, aperture ; .<*, septa ; sp, spire. (After de Folin.) B, animal with truncated shell, e, eye ; /, foot ; m, mouth ; op, operculum ; sp, septum ; te, tentacle. (Alter Plate.) contraction. This muscle is symmetrical .and horseshoe-shaped in species with conical shells (Patella, Septaria, Capulus, etc.), but in other species it is asymmetrical. It is oval in Haliotis, and its insertion on the columella is nearly linear in coiled forms. The Fio. 69. Shell of Crucibulum, seen from below, showing the inner whorl 6, concealed by the cap-like outer whorl, a. (From Lankester.) Fio. 70. Cypraea europaea, dorsal view, x 8. /, foot ; ma, mantle ; sh, shell ; n, pallial siphon ; t, tentacle. power of this muscle is often considerable : in Patella vulgata it can resist a traction of fifteen kilograms. The columellar muscle is naturally absent in forms without shells (Nudibranchs, Oncidium, Vaginula), but is present in Testacella. 3. Origin of Naked Forms. — In many cases the oorders of the THE GASTROPODA mantle are reflected over the shell and cover a greater or less part of its external surface. This condition is found in various Fissurel- lidae (Fissurellidea), in Marsenina, in many Cypraeidae (Fig. 70) and Marginellidae, in Pyrula(Fig. 71), Aplysia (Fig. 15 4), many Bullidae, and various Pulmonates, such as Vitrina, Parmarion, Hemphilia, Homalonyx, Amphipeplea, etc. The portion of the internal surface of the mantle that has thus become external may bear more or less well- developed and ramified appendages (Cypraea), and the other surface of the reflected mantle may sometimes secrete an external coating of enamel over the portion of the shell to which it is applied. The borders of the mantle, extending more and more over the shell, may finally meet, unite, and thus form a closed sac containing the FIG. 71. Animal and shell of Pi/rula laeviyata, seen from above, a, siphon ; ft, head-tentacles ; ("', head ; d, foot, expanded as in crawling ; h, the mantle-skirt reflected over the sides of the shell. (From Lankester, after Owen.) shell, which, together with the visceral sac contained in it, suffers a diminution, or even an almost complete disappearance, of its spiral form, so that the animal appears to be quite naked. This condition may be seen in Pupilia among the Fissurellidae, in the majority of the Lamellariidae, in Pustularia among the Cypraeidae, in many Tectibranchs, such as Notarchus, Doridium, Gastropteron, Philine, Pleurobranchus, and in sundry limaciform Pulmonates. In some cases the shell-sac remains in communication with the exterior by means of a fine ciliated canal, situated at the posterior end of the body (Philim, Doridium). In the Tectibranchs the internal shell is often very slightly calcified, and at the same time the pallial cavity becomes more and more reduced. Finally, the shell and the shell-cavity disappear, leaving the mantle absolutely naked 86 THE GASTROPODA and without a spiral coil At the same time there is a return to a secondary external symmetry. This phenomenon may be seen in the Titiscaniidae, Pterotrachea (Fig. 143), Euncina, Phyllaplysia, the gymnosomatous " Pteropods" (Fig. 84), the Cymbuliidae (Fig. 151), Pleurobranchaea (Fig. 157), the Nudibranchs (Figs. 160, 161, etc.), the Philomycidae, the Oncidiidae (Fig. 59), and the Vaginulidae (Fig. 179). In these cases, excepting Cenia and ftuncina, the shell exists only during development, and falls off at the close of larval life. As a rule, the pallial cavity is reduced at the same time (Pterotrachea, Pleurobranchaea, Gastropterori), or it may disappear together with the ctenidium, and the external surface of the dorsal visceral envelope may give rise to various appendages such as the cerata or dorsal "branchial " papillae of Nudibranchs (Fig. 160, A, c) and the terminal branchia of the Gymnosomata (Fig. 84, VII). In one instance in which the larval shell is caducous a second per- sistent shell is formed, covered by the mantle : such is the case in Lamellaria, whose primary shell is covered with spines, and was for- merly believed to belong to another animal to which the name of Echinospira was given. In parasitic Gastropods the naked condition of the adult is the result of an essentially similar process, but the shell is covered over by a cephalic expansion known as the " pseudopallium " (Fig. 20, ps). Finally, the nudity of certain "Heteropods" (Pterbtracheidae) is due to the progressive reduction of the visceral sac and the dis- appearance of the mantle. In many Gastropods that are naked in the adult condition calcareous spicules of some size are developed in the sub-epithelial conjunctive tissue of the mantle, e.g. in the Pleurobranchidae and in Doridomorpha, the Hedylidae among the Nudibranchs. In the Cymbuliidae (Fig. 151, II) the sub-epithelial connective tissue gives rise to a pseudo-conch. II. ANATOMY. 1. The Alimentary Canal. — This comprises, in the various forms of Gastropods, a buccal cavity connected by the oesophagus with a stomachal cavity, and an intestine properly so-called, the last-named being tolerably long and coiled. The buccal cavity and the oesophagus are of ectodermic origin, and taken together form the fore gut. The buccal cavity normally opens at the extremity of the head, which generally has the form of a cylindrical snout slightly inflected towards the ventral surface (Fig. 130, VI). In many cases, however, the opening of the buccal cavity is carried backward by the development of an invagination of the pre-oral integuments, and thus an apparent mouth is formed which is not morphologically equivalent to the true mouth, the latter being carried to the anterior extremity only by an evagination of the THE GASTROPODA tegumentary ingrowth, which in this manner gives rise to a proboscis. When this extensible proboscis is evaginated the oesophagus forms its interior lining ; when it is invaginated the oesophagus forms its posterior continuation. Such is the pleurec- L ^ f\ fll \ al- Fio. 72. Diagrams explanatory of the nature of so-called proboscides or "introverts." A, simple introvert completely introverted. B, the same, partially everted by eversion of the sides, as in the Nemertine proboscis and Gastropod eye-tentacle = pleurecbolic. C, the same, fully everted. D, E, a similar simple introvert in course of eversion by the forward movement, not of its sides, but of its apex, as in the proboscidean Rhabdocoels = acrecbolic. F, acrecbolic ( = pleurembolic) introvert, formed by the snout of the proboscidiferous Gastropod, al, alimentary canal ; d, the true mouth. The introvert is not a simple one with complete range both in eversion and introversion, but is arrested in introversion by the fibrous bands at c, and similarly in eversion by the fibrous bands at I). G, the acrecbolic snout of a proboscidiferous Gastropod, arrested short of complete eversion by the fibrous band &. H, the acrembolic ( = pleurecbolic) pharynx of a Chaetopod fully introverted, al, alimentary canal ; at d, the jaws ; at a, the mouth ; therefore a to d is stomodaeum, whereas in the Gastropod (F) a to d is inverted body surface. I, partial eversion of //. K, complete eversion of H. (After Lankester.) bolic proboscis of Ray Lankester (Fig. 72) found in the Cypraeidae, Naticidae, Lamellariidae, Scalariidae, Vermetus, the Capulidae, Calyptraeidae, Strombidae, and Chenopodidae among the Strep- toneura, and in some Opisthobranchs, viz. Doridium, the Pleuro- branchidae, Aplysia, the Gymnosomata, and the Doridopsidae: In other cases the proboscis cannot be wholly retracted, and then the 88 THE GASTROPODA wall of the digestive tube is folded twice on itself during invagina- tion. This is the pleurembolic proboscis of Ray Lankester (Fig. 72) found in the Rachiglossa (Fig. 99, XIII), in certain Toxiglossa, and in the Doliidae, Cassididae, and Tritonidae among the proboscidiferous Taenioglossa. In the Naticidae there is a glandular disc on the ventral face of the proboscis which serves to perforate the shells of the Lamellibranchs on which they feed, and in the Pneumo- dermatidae there are suckers in the same position situated on two retractile lobes and either isolated or united to one another. The mouth leads into the buccal or pharyngeal cavity, which is the first of the principal dilatations of the digestive tract. The salivary glands open into it, and the chitinous masticatory sclerites are attached to its walls. The whole, together with the muscular masses which actuate the masticatory apparatus, forms the buccal bulb or pharynx (Fig. 74, A), situated behind the oesophageal nerve- collar in the more archaic species, but in front of it in the more specialised Gastropoda (Fig. 146). In some carnivorous forms, such as Glandina and Testacella, the pharynx may be more or less completely evaginated, forming a false pleurecbolic proboscis. The chitinous buccal sclerites are of two kinds, mandibular and radular. (1) The mandibles are solid cuticular thickenings situated at the anterior end of the buccal cavity. In the majority of Streptoneura and Opisthobranchs they are paired, the members of the pair being lateral and symmetrical (Fig. 73, A) ; they are smooth or scaly, generally with trenchant, but sometimes with denticulated margins. These paired mandibles are usually quite separate from one another, but in the Naticidae they are in contact dorsally, and in Lamelkiria they are clearly fused together on the dorsal side to form a single piece. Similarly there is only a single median mandible formed by the fusion of two symmetrical pieces in the Patellidae, in Aegirus (Doridomorpha, Fig. 73, B), and in all the Pulmonates. This median mandible is dorsal, its lower or free border is trenchant, nearly horizontal, and frequently provided with a median projection. Two lateral and sym- metrical accessory cuticular thicken- FIO. 73. ings are found in the majority of Mandibles of Gastropoda. A, paired the baSOmmatOphorOUS PulmonatCS lateral mandibles of Janui ; B, dorsal /7"Vw«/T«/7 Plnnnrhie ofp \ Tn rt*r mandible of AegirM. (After Hancock.) (******, flanOTtoS, CtC.). tain Aplysiomorpha in which the mandibles are ventral there is a patch of horny spines on the roof of the buccal cavity (Notarchus\ and in certain cases these are divided into two symmetrical groups enclosed in diverticula, which have the form of evaginable sacs (Gymnosomata). In the Rachi- glossa the mandibles are rudimentary, and they are absent in many THE GASTROPODA 89 Trochidae, in Neritina, in the Helicinidae, in Cydostoma, in Thyca, in the Pyramidellidae, Eulimidae, Entoconchidae, and Coralliophilidae, in all the Toxiglossa, in the Heteropods, in Actaeon, Tornatina, Scaphander, Doridium, the Lophocercidae, Cymbuliopsis, Gleba, Clionc, Umbrella, Dwis, the porostomatous Doridomorpha, Tethys, the Elysiae, Gadinia, Amphibola, the Testacellidae, etc. (2) The radula is a sort of ribbon of greater or less width, formed of distinct and separate chitinous teeth, borne on a single supporting membrane. It is secreted in a ventral caecum (Fig. 74, A, n), in which it is almost wholly contained, but its anterior extremity stretches out on the floor of the buccal cavity, Avhere it forms a median projection (Fig. 74, A, p). The radular ribbon is supported by a system of paired cartilaginous pieces furnished with protractor and retractor muscles (Fig. 74, A, I, m), the action of which causes the radula to move to and fro and work like a rasp on the prey seized by the animal. The teeth are secreted at the bottom of the caecum or sheath of the radula, by a small number of matrix cells ; in front of these is -a transverse row of cells which secrete the basal membrane. The teeth are disposed in transverse rows, and in each row there is a median tooth called the " central " or rachidian tooth, on either side of which the remaining teeth of the row are symmetrically disposed. In the Euthyneura all the lateral teeth are generally similar to one another (Fig. 145), but in the Streptoneura, when there is more than one tooth on either side, they are divided into two clearly defined groups. The teeth nearest to the central are the "laterals," properly so-called, and differ from the more elongated external teeth, which are known as the " marginals " or uncini (Fig. 2, m). The number of teeth in any given transverse row is constant in any given species ; it may, however, increase slightly with age, at any rate in various Aplysiidae and in the terrestrial Pulmonates. On the other hand, the number of teeth is variable from group to group, and generally is more considerable in the less specialised than in the more specialised groups. Thus, in the Streptoneura the Rhipidoglossa have numerous lateral teeth on either side of the central ; the Taenioglossa have only three lateral teeth on either side, the Rachiglossa only one. Among the Opisthobranchs many teeth are included in each transverse row in Actaeon and the Pleurobranchidae, but there are only three in the thecosomatous " Pteropods " and only one in the Elysiae. The number of successive transverse rows also varies from species to species, and consequently the total number of teeth in the radula is very different in different forms. There are sixteen (one tooth in each row) in certain Eolidae and Elysiae ; about two hundred and fifty in Buccinum undatum-, 1920 in Patella vulgata; 3500 in Littmina littorea ; 6000 in Doris tuber culata ; 8343 in Limnaea stagnalis ; 15,000 in Helix aspersa ; 26,800 in Limax maximus; Fio 74 Radulae of varipus glossophorpus Mollusca. A, diagram showing mouth, oesophagus, and lingual apparatus of a Gastropod in median sagittal section, a.l, lower lip ; a.u, upper lip ; b, jaw of the left side ; c, outer surface of the snout ; d, oesophagus ; e, fold in the wall of the oesophagus behind the radular sac (71) ; /, anterior termination of the radula and its bed, the point at which it wears away ; g, base of the radular sac or recess of the pharynx ; h, cartila- ginous piece developed in the floor of the pharynx beneath the radula, and serving for the attachment of numerous muscles, and for the support of the radula; i, anterior muscles ; fc, posterior muscles attached to the cartilage ; I, muscle acting as a retractor of the buccal mass ; m, muscle attached to the lower lip ; n, posterior extremity of the radular sacj o, the bed of the radula or layer of cells by which its lower surface is formed ; p, the raflula or lingual ribbon ; q, opening of the radular sac into the pharynx or buccal cavity ; r, cells at the extreme end of the inner surface of the radular sac which produce, as a cuticular secretion, the rows of teeth of the upper surface of the radula. B, radula or lingual ribbon of Paiudina vivipara, stripped from its bed. C, a single row of teeth from the radula of Trochu* dnerarius (Rhipidoglossate) ; formula : D, a single row of teeth from the radula of lanthina fragilis (Stenoglossate) ; formula : oo.O.oo. E, a single row of teeth from the radula of Trachydtrmon cinereum (Amphineura) ; formula : Ft a single row of teeth from the radula of Patella vulgata (Docoglossate) ; formula : G, a single row of teeth from the radula of Cypraea helvola (Taenioglossate) ; formula : ' H, a 'single row of teeth from the radula of Nassa annulata (Rachiglossate) ; formula : 1.1.1. The common Whelk is similar to this. 90 THE GASTROPODA 91 36,000 in Tritonia hombergi-, 40,000 in Helix ghiesbrechti ; 75,000 in Susania tuberculata ; and as many as 750,000 in Umbrdla. It follows that the length of the radular ribbon varies very much ; it is considerable in Cydostoma and Patella (Fig. 88, r\ in which it exceeds the length of the body, and in the Littorinidae, in which it is coiled into a spiral so as to occupy less room ; in one species, Tectarius, it attains to seven times the length of the body. The form of the teeth is also constant in a given species, but varies from group to group, and is therefore, when taken in conjunction with their number, of considerable assistance in characterising the divisions of the Gastropoda, especially of the Streptoneura ; hence the importance of the radula in systematic works. But occasionally the radula may vary in the individuals of the same species, as, for example, in the Buccinidae ; and, on the other hand, groups tolerably far apart from one another may exhibit analogous features in the radular teeth. Further, it has been shown that the number of teeth in a transverse row varies in all the groups founded upon this character. Among the Taenio- glossa, in which the radular formula is -, the two marginals are absent in Lamellaria and Jeffreysia ; and contrariwise, there are more than two marginal teeth in certain species of Turrtietta, in Struthiolaria, and Triforis. A still larger number of teeth, but no median tooth, is found in Solarium, Scalaria, and Janthina. In the Rachiglossa, characterised by the formula 1.1.1, the central tooth is reduced in Columbella, and the laterals absent in the Marginellidae and in certain Volutidae and Mitridae, and in the young Harpa, the adult in the last-named genus being devoid of a radula. Finally, although the radular formula of the Toxiglossa is given as 1.0.1, there is a central tooth, and more than one lateral in sundry Pleuro- tomatidae (Spirotropis : The radula is absent in a few genera only, and those are generally parasitic or suctorial forms, such as Thyca, the Eulimidae, Pyramided idae, Coralliophyllidae, and certain Terebra among the Streptoneura, and in the Tornatinidao, Cymbuliopsis, Gleba, the Doridiidae (in which a vestige of the radular caecum is still retained), the porostomatous Doridomorpha (Dori- dopsis, Coranibe, Fig. 164, Phyllidea), and the Tethyidae. The buccal opening of Gastropods is furnished with glands, often in considerable quantity (Bullidae, Nudibranchs), and in many stylommatophorous or terrestrial Pulmonates these glands are so highly developed as to form lobulated masses known as the " organs of Semper." But in all Gastropods, with very rare excep- tions, the salivary glands proper open into the interior of the buccal cavity on either side of the radula. These organs are generally simple mucous glands, without any digestive action, but in certain forms — Dolium galea is an instance — their secretion contains as much as 4 per cent of sulphuric acid, which serves to dissolve the 92 THE GASTROPODA calcareous spicules of the animals taken as food. In the aspido- branchiate Streptoneura and in many other Gastropods the salivary glands are racemose in structure, but in more specialised genera they have the form of more or less elongated tubes (Janthina) or of sacs (Dolium). In the Aspidobranchs, Ampullaria, and the Actaeo- nidae (Fig. 57) the salivary ducts are very short and open behind the perioesophageal nerve-collar, but the glands traverse the nerve- collar, and their ducts are long and open in front of it in the majority of Gastropods. This is the case in all the Euthyneura — the salivary glands being situated very far back in the Pleuro- brancheae — and in the Taenioglossa, with the exception of Natica, certain species of Calyptraea, etc., in which the ducts are too short to traverse the nerve-collar. Finally, in the Stenoglossa and Heteropoda the salivary glands open in front of, but do not traverse the perioesophageal nerve-collar, their ducts, if they are sufficiently long to reach it, passing outside the structure. In certain forms, e.g. Fulgur, Conus, many Terebra, Umbrella, several Pulmonates, etc., the two salivary glands appear to be fused, but retain their individuality. In some siphonate probosciferous Taenioglossa, such as Dolium, Cassis, Triton, Voluta, and also in - Pleurobranchaea, the salivary ducts bear a dilatation near their extremities. The two glands exhibit a certain degree of asymmetry in Stromhus, Xenophorus, and some species of Atlanta. In several cases there is more than one pair of salivary glands ; the Docoglossa possess two pairs, with distinct and separate ducts. In Janthina and Scalaria there are two pairs of glands, lying close together and appearing to be formed by the bifurcation of a single pair. There are also two separate pairs — the second pair being ventral and anterior to the normal pair — in various Rachiglossa, Purpura, Trophon, Valuta, Cancellariidae, and Haliidae ; with the exception of the Muricidae this second pair is anterior to the perioesophageal nerve-collar, and its ducts are often fused in the median line. Many probosciferous Opisthobranchs also have more than two salivary glands : in the porostomatous Doridomorpha (Dcnidopsis, Phyllidiidae) the second pair is ventral and anterior, with a single duct ; in PleurobrancJiaea and Pleurobranchus there is a third dorsal and median gland. The buccal cavity is followed by an oesophagus, with plicated walls. This oesophagus is generally long, and often presents dila- tations on its course, which may be described under one or any other of the following headings: — (1) A sort of simple pouch with thin walls,. as in the Heteropods (Figs. 141 and 142, m) and certain Opisthobranchs and Pulmonates, or sometimes a muscular swelling, as in Murex, Amphibola, Doris, etc. (2) In the majority of the Aspidobranchs there are, as in the Chitonidae, paired anterior glandular oesophageal pouches, with papillated internal walls. THE GASTROPODA 93 These organs also recur in Littwina. (3) An unpaired folded dilatation near the middle of the oesophagus is found in various carnivorous Taenioglossa, e.g. the Naticidae, Lamellariidae, and Cypraeidae; in the last named it is well developed and has a lamellate internal wall. In the same position in the Cassididae there is a pouch separated from the oesophagus and opening into it by a slit. (4) In all the Taenioglossa, with the exception of Cancellaria, the Harpidae, and some species of Terebra, an important oesophageal gland, known as the " gland of Leiblein," opens into the middle of the oesophagus. Slightly developed in the Olividae and Fasciolariidae, this organ appears under diverse forms : it is a thick glandular mass in Murex, a long caecum with thin walls in Buccinum, and in Toxiglossa it forms the so-called "poison gland," whose duct traverses the perioesophageal nerve -collar, as in Valuta, and opens into the buccal cavity, giving the whole structure the appearance of a third salivary gland. In Haifa and Marginella this organ forms a siphon opening into the oeso- phagus by its two extremities. (5) In Nerita there is also an unpaired oesophageal gland, and among the Opisthobranchs one finds an azygous dorsal pouch in some Bullomorpha, an oesophageal caecum in the Elysiomorpha, and a long glandular appendage in the Lophocercidae. Tbf terminal part of the oesophagus sometimes presents modifi- cations which produce an apparent modification of the configuration of the stomach following immediately after. This terminal portion is differentiated to form a gizzard with thick muscular walls and furnished internally with masticatory teeth or plates. The last named are variable in number, and may be simply chitinous and pointed or calcified and flattened. This arrangement is found in a large number of Opisthobranchs, viz. in the majority of Bullo- morpha (Fig. 76, m.p), including the "Pteropoda Thecosomata" (Fig. 60, m.p), in various Aplysiomorpha, and in certain Nudi- branchia Tritonomorpha (Marionia, Scyllaea, Melibe). The muscular girdle of this gizzard is also recognisable in a certain number of basommatophorous Pulmonates, viz. Amphibola, Auricula, and in Limnaea it is differentiated to form two globular and symmetrical muscular projections. In consequence of the proximity of the specialised portions of the terminal part of the oesophagus to the stomach, the latter appears, in certain cases, to be divided into several successive portions separated by constrictions, notably in Aplysia, and also in Amphibola and Limnaea, in which the oesophagus exhibits an ampulliform dilatation in front of the gizzard. The stomach proper consists of a simple enlargement of the digestive canal, and its walls are normally and fairly consistently thin, especially in the Streptoneura. The internal wall of the stomach, however, may frequently be lined by a more or less thick 94 THE GASTROPODA and extensive cuticle, which is generally more fully developed near the origin of the intestine, and may extend into it, as in Paludina, Cydostoma, and certain Pulmonates. Sometimes this lining presents a specialisation in the form of a longer or shorter cuticular projec- tion known as the crystalline style, which may be lodged in a thick- walled caecum or may project as a rod into the proximal part of Pio. 75. Pteroceras, right-side view of the male, with the mantle laid open, a, anus ; b.d, bile-duct ; c.g, cerebral ganglion ; cr.s, crystalline style ; /, foot ; g, gill ;, gonad ; g.o, genital orifice ; h, heart ; hy.g, hypobrancliial gland ; i.g, infra-intestinal gland ; in, intestine ; k, kidney ; m, mouth ; oe, oesophagus ; op, operculuin ; p, penis ; pa, mantle ; p.g, pedal ganglion ; pl.g, plural ganglion ; ra, radula ; r.o, renal orifice ; r.p, reno-pericardial orifice ; s.g, supra-intestinal gan- glion ; *i, siphon ;, seminal groove ; st, stomach ; t, tentacle. (After F. M. Woodward.) the intestine. This structure is found in various Docoglossa, temporarily at least in Fissurella, in Trochus, in numerous Hydro- biidae such as Bithynia, Lithoglyphus, Spekeia, Tanganyicia (Fig. 78, cr.s), etc., in the Melaniidae and allied forms such as Paramelania, Nas- sopsis, Typhlobia, etc., and in Pteroceras (Fig. 75, cr.s} among thp St.rom- bidae. In many cases the stomach is furnished with a caecum, generally pyloric in position and contiguous to the openings of the hepatic ducts. This caecum is coiled in a spiral in many Rhipido- THE GASTROPODA 95 glossa, viz. in Pleurotomaria (Fig. 127, sp.c\ Haliotis, the Turbinidae, etc., and in Nassopsis and Chytra (which, according to Moore, possess both the spiral caecum and the style-sac), but is simple and straight in Ampullaria, a large number of Opisthobranchia, the Limacinidae, the majority of the Cavoliniidae, Aplysia, several Doridomorpha (in which it is rugose internally, and has incorrectly been described as a "pancreas"), and finally in a number of Basommatophora, the Limnaeidae, and various Planorbidae. The liver or digestive gland constitutes the essential organ of digestion. It more or less completely surrounds the stomach, and is divided into lobes, the number ancl *orm of wnicl1 varv in Fia. 76. Philine aperta, dorsal aspect ; the body-wall is supposed to be transparent, a, anus; a.g, ab- dominal ganglion ; c.g, cerebral ganglion ; c.h, cephalic hood ; y, gill ; g.o, genital (hermaphroditic) orifice ; gz, gizzard ; h, heart ; in, intestine ; k, kidney ; m, mouth ; m.p, masticatory plate ; os, osphradinm ; pa, mantle ; par, parapodia (lateral lobe of foot) ; p.g, pedal ganglion ; p.l, inferior pallial lobe ; pl.g, pleural ganglion ; r.m, retractor muscle of buccal mass ; r.o, renal opening ; r.p, reno-pericardial opening ; s.g, seminal groove ; sh, shell ; s.i, supra-intestinal ganglion ; st, stomach. (After Guiart.) Alimentary canal of Eolis papil- losa, dorsal view, an, anus ; e, hind- gut ; h, hepatic appendages of the mid -gut (all of which are not figured) ; m, mid-gut ; ph, pharynx. (From Lankester, after Alder and Hancock.) different groups. Primitively there were two lobes, as in other Molluscs, and this number is, as a rule, retained in- the Gastropods, but there are very few forms in which the lobes are equal and symmetrical, as in Neritina and Fakata. More frequently the topo- graphically left lobe is more deeply involved in the spire, and is larger from larval life onwards than the right lobe in dextral Gas- tropods (Figs. 61 and 116, B) ; the reverse is the case in sinistral forms. The right lobe may disappear, and the left lobe only persist 96 THE GASTROPODA in Paludina and Rissoa. But in Otina — a dextral form — it is the left lobe that is the smaller. The liver discharges its secretion into the stomach, but exceptionally it may discharge into the terminal part of the oesophagus or into the intestine (Phikmycus bilineatus). As a rule there are two hepatic ducts whose openings into the stomach may sometimes be at some distance from one another (Natica), but may sometimes be fused as a result of specialisation, as in the majority of the Docoglossa, certain species of Murex, and some Euthyneura, viz. the Thecosomata (Fig. 60), Ancylm fluviatilis, Latia, etc. On the other hand, one of the orifices may be subdivided, so that three hepatic openings are formed, as in the Fissurellidae. In a few rare cases (Cydostonw,) isolated acini are found on the hepatic ducts, recalling the condition common in the Cephalopoda. Sometimes the liver lobes cover the whole stomach and open into it by multiple orifices ; this arrangement is found in various Opistho- branchs, such as Gastropteron and the Gymnosomata. The extreme form of specialisation consists in the subdivision of the whole organ into tubes, which, like the gastric diverticula of Polyclads, extend through the greater part of the body, and even penetrate into external tegumentary appendages. This peculiarity is found in many Nudibranchs, viz. the Eolidomorpha (Fig. 77) and the Elysiomorpha (excepting Cyerce and Lobiancoia), in which the rami- fications of the liver extend into the dorsal papillae, and in various Eolidomorpha communicate with cnidosacs, structures of ectodermic origin which in turn communicate with the exterior (p. 178). A similar arrangement occurs in the Polyclad Yungia. The digestive glands secrete a diastatic and peptic ferment, but in addition to their digestive properties they exercise, in the Euthyneura at least, an excretory function, and they also arrest the action of poisonous substances. Lastly, the digestive glands take a share in intestinal absorption. The intestine proper is a cylindrical tube, generally of uniform calibre throughout its course. It is sometimes separated from the stomach by a sort of valve. In nearly all cases it exhibits a well- marked longitudinal projection, the raphe or typhlosole, along a certain part of its course, and in some forms this projection is divided into two in such a manner as to form a groove bounded by two folds. In herbivorous Gastropods, such as Patella, the intes- tine is very long and thrown into coils ; in carnivorous forms it is short and often straight as in Pteroceras (Fig. 75), Eolis (Fig. 77), Hemifusus (Fig. 99). The intestine traverses the ventricle of the heart in most Rhipi- doglossa (Fig. 55), the pericardium in Paludina, and the substance of the kidney in the Doliidae, Cassididae, Triton, and Ranella. In Murex, Purpura, and the Naticidae the rectal portion of the intestine is provided with a somewhat ramified gland, known as the anal THE GASTROPODA 97 gland, and in the Fissurellidae there is a longish glandular caecum in the same position, which opens near the anus and lies alongside the rectum as far as the point where the latter traverses the ven- tricle. As a rule, the anus opens on the right side of the body (on the left side ,in sinistral forms) and more or less in front. But in those forms in which the coiling of the visceral sac is diminished or lost, this flexure of the digestive canal seems to be effaced and the anus lies at the posterior end of the body. This disposition is rare .0 Fio. 78. Tanganyicia ruJUosa, dorsal view, with the mantle laid open, a, anus ; b.p, brood-pouch ; b.p.o, orifice of brood-pouch ; ce.g, cerebral ganglion ; cr.s, crystalline style ; /, foot ; g, gill ; h, heart ; in, origin of the intestine or pyloric orifice of the stomach ; m, mouth ; od, oviduct ; Of, termination of the oesophagus, or cardiac oriiice of the stomach ; o.o, oviducal orifice ; os, osphradium ; pa, mantle ; st, stomach ; s.i.g, supra-intestinal ganglion. (After Moore.) in the Streptoneura, but may be seen in CypmcAi and Pterotrachea. It is, on the contrary, common in the Euthyneura, occurring in Doridium, Runcina, Aplysia (Fig. 154), the Doridomorpha (Fig. 79, VIII), Janus, Alderia, Limapontia, Testacella, the Oncidiidae (Fig. 59), and the Vaginulidae (Fig. 87). 2. The Circulatory System. — The blood is generally a colourless liquid containing amoebocytes. It is red in the genus Planorbis (with the exception of P. albus), in which haemoglobin is diffused in the plasma. The muscles of the buccal mass are impregnated 7 98 THE GASTROPODA by haemoglobin in a fairly large number of Streptoneura, e.g. Littorim, Buccinum, Natica, etc. In some few Gastropods the blood is of a bluish tint in consequence of the presence of an albuminoid containing copper called Juiemocyanin. In other cases the blood is coloured by pigments of extraneous origin absorbed by the amoe- bocytes ; this is the origin of the violet-red colour of the blood of Fasciolaria. In various Opisthobranchs, viz. Bullomorpha, Pleuro- branchidae, Doridomorpha (Fig. 79, XVII), there is a differentiated lymphatic gland, situated as a rule more or less anterior to the heart on the aorta. In a certain number of Streptoneura this organ consists of a sinus filled with cytogenous connective tissue and situated near the kidney ; in other cases it is diffused through the subcutaneous connective tissue. The heart is always dorsal and in the immediate neighbourhood of the respiratory apparatus (Figs. 79 and 82). It is only in the very archaic forms such as Pleurotomaria and the Fissurellidae, that it is still symmetrical and median as in the Cephalopods, Lamel- libranchs, and Amphineura, otherwise it is nearly always lateral, being situated on the left in dextral forms (Fig. 67). It is generally somewhat anterior in position (Figs. 82 and 88), but it may become posterior again as a result of secondary specialisation as in Pterotrachea (Fig. 143), Testacella, Oncidium, Peronia, and the Doridomorpha, and in the last named it resumes an apparent external symmetry (Fig. 79). The heart of Gastropods always includes an ovoid or piriform ventricle, and in the Rhipidoglossa (with the exception of the Helicinidae, Hydrocenidae, and Proserpinidae) two auricles, but the latter only retain their primitive symmetry in the Fis- surellidae, in which the ctenidia themselves retain their symmetry and the heart is median. In other Rhipidoglossa, in which the heart is no longer median, the right auricle is the smaller (Fig. 55, VII), and it becomes more and more rudimentary. In all other Gastropods there is only one auricle, situated on the topographically left side (Fig. 82, au) : it is generally larger than the ventricle, but its muscular fibres are fewer in number and its walls are thin, transparent, and extensible. The ventricle is traversed by the rectum in the Rhipidoglossa (except the Helicinidae), and in the more archaic forms is placed between the two auricles, e.g. in Pleuro- tomaria (Fig. 127, h), Trochus (Fig. 55, VIII), etc. In the majority of the Streptoneura (Fig. 99, V), in the Pulmonates (Fig. 86, VII), and in some Bullomorpha — e.g. Adaeon, Limacina (Fig. 63), Clio virgula, and Clio acicula — this ventricle is posterior to the single auricle; in some Opisthobranchs (Phyllirhoe, Fig. 161) and Heteropods the auricle and ventricle are on the same transverse line, and in the majority of Opisthobranchs (Figs. 79, III, and 92, I), the Testacellidae, Oncidiidae, Pterotracheidae, and certain Calyptraeidae the ventricle is in front of the auricle. In adult THE GASTROPODA 99 individuals, during normal respiration, the ventricle beats not more than one hundred times nor less than thirty times in a minute. XVII x«v XII XI IV VI IX VIII Fio. 79. DoritpUosa, opened dorsally. I, stomach ; II, liver ; III, ventricle of heart ; IV, pericardium laid open ; V, pallial vein ; VI, gill ; VII, branchial vein ; VIII, anus ; IX, renal pore ; X, auricle ; XI, reno-pericardial orifice ; XII, posterior part of intestine (the anterior part is on the left) ; XIII, kidney ; XIV, accessory genital glands ; XV, tentacle ; XVI, central nervous system ; XVII, hematic gland ; XVIII, salivary gland ; XIX, oesophagus. (After Hancock.) The mean frequency of the pulsations is sixty to the minute in forms most easily observed, such as Pulmonates, Nudibranehs, ioo THE GASTROPODA Bullomorpha, Thecosomata, and Heteropoda. During hibernation the heart of Gastropods does not beat more than twice a minute. The Gastropods in general have a well -de. /eloped arterial system, but the venous system is for the most part lacunar. A single artery takes its origin from the end of the ventricle opposite to the auricle — or from the posterior end of the ventricle in diotocardiate Rhipidoglossa — but in the Docoglossa (Fig. 82) one of its branches, namely, the genital artery, appears to have a distinct origin, as in the Cephalopoda. An intra- pericardial aortic bulb is found at the origin of the aorta in Patella (Fig. 80, V), various species of Fissurella, Ampullaria, Natica, and the Heteropoda, and a similar but extra - pericardial bulb Heart of Patdlti vulgata, the auricle and ventricle in Swhonaria. In Certain opened. I, "branchial" vein; II, auriculo- ventricular TT j mi valve; III, posterior aorta; IV, valve between the Heteropoda, IhCCOSOmata, ventricle and the nortic bulb ; V, aortic bulb ; VI, i XT A -v. u *u anterior aorta ; VII, ventricle, with its internal and Nudlbranchs there IS a muscular columns ; VIII, auricle ; IX, pores leading valvp at trip oricn'n nf flip into the auricle the blood of the roof of the pallia! VaiVG ai tne cavity. (After Wegmann.) aorta. The ramifications of the aorta form an arterial system extending throughout the body, which is continued into a system of interorganic lacunae, without epithelial walls, into which the arterial trunks sometimes open suddenly by contractile orifices ; for instance, the cephalic artery of Patella and Haliotis, the pedal artery of Heteropods, the cephalic artery of Thecosomata, etc. The venous blood is collected from the lacunar system into two large and important sinuses — an anterior or cephalo-pedal sinus and a posterior abdominal or visceral sinus. These two blood-spaces open into an anterior abdominal sinus lying beneath the pericardium. From the last named the blood is carried to the roof of the pallial cavity for oxygenation, on the right side by the rectal sinus (external to the rectum), on the left side by the more or less well- defined lateral sinus which runs along the anterior border of the mantle, and forms the " pulmonary artery " in Pulmonata. Thus the venous section of the circulatory system ends in regular vessels, and in Aplysia the great abdominal sinus may be seen to open abruptly, by gaping orifices, into the afferent branchial vessel. The blood is carried from the rectal sinus to the respiratory apparatus by a transverse vessel or by a vascular network which generally forms an afferent branchial sinus running along the whole length of the branchia on the right side. But a very large part of the venous blood, larger in the archaic than in the more specialised THE GASTROPODA 101 primitively aquatic and The organs of aquatic forms, passes into the kidney by means of a portal system, and the efferent renal vein generally joins the rectal sinus or is carried direct to the afferent branchial sinus (Valvata). The venous blood of the kidney is therefore carried to the respiratory organs before it is returned to the heart; but in some Streptoneura (Vermetus, Littorina, Cydostoma) and in certain Pulmonates the blood is carried direct to the auricle without passing through the respiratory apparatus. The respiration of Gastropods is remains so in the majority of forms, respiration consist of a pair of leafy expansions of the mantle, situated in the pallial cavity and called ctenidia. Each ctenidiurn is the homologue of a single branchia of Chiton (Fig. 28, B, g\ of Nautilus (Fig. 276), or of Nucula (Fig. 206), but most usually only one, namely, that of the topographically left f. side, persists (Figs. 82 and 85). It is 9 only in the more primitive Ehipido- glossa — viz. the Pleurotomariidae (Fig. 127), the Fissurellidae (Fig. 81), and the Haliotidae — that a pair of ctenidia persists. In the Fissurellidae these two organs are quite symmetrical and of equal importance, but in the Pleuro- tomariidae and Haliotidae the topo- d. 81. . . ,, . . ... . ,-. Dorsal view of a specimen of graphically right CtenidlUm IS Smaller Fissurella from which the shell has than the left, and in all other Gastropods there is only a single ctenidium, that of the right side having completely dis- (archaic right) gill-plume ; «, reflected j T ii ,1 cu J.T- mantle-flap ; fi, the fissure or hole in appeared. In all the Streptoneura, the the mantle -flap traversed by the Pleurobranchidae, Gastropteron, and the ^^Sa^^^S^'i Lophocercidae each Ctenidium is formed h> left (archaic ri«ht)renal aperture; - *o . £1 , . , P, snout. (After Lankester.) of flattened respiratory filaments which lie parallel to one another and are disposed perpendicularly along one or two faces of a branchial axis. Such a ctenidium is called "pectinate." In the Opisthobranchs — the only Euthyneura that possess ctenidia — the ctenidium is a simple flat and projecting tegumentary lamina, transversely folded from its base to its ex- tremity in such a manner that the ridges of one face correspond to the furrows of the other face : such a branchia is called "plicate." Among the dibranchiate Aspidobranchs, Pleurotomaria, the Fissurellidae, and the Haliotidae have two rows of pectinations to each ctenidium, one on either face of the branchial axis (Fig. 81). Each ctendium is therefore formed like that of Chiton, Nautilus, or 102 THE GASTROPODA Nucula, and is similarly free to a greater or less extent at its distal extremity. But in Scissurella (Fig. 54, IV) the right ctenidium is already degenerate in so far that it has only a single row of filaments inserted directly on the wall of the pallial cavity. The other ctenidiate Aspidobranchs have only a single and equally bipectinate ctenidium, as has also Valmta (Fig. 132, gi). The two rows of respiratory filaments are equal in the dibranchiate Rhipidoglossa, in the Acmaeidae and Valvatidae, but in the mono- branchiate Rhipidoglossa the dorsal row — that is to say, the row between the mantle and the branchial axis — is already much reduced, and in the remainder of the Streptoneura this row of filaments has disappeared, as in the right ctenidium of Scissurella, and the single ctenidium is attached to the mantle for the whole of its length (Fig. 99, XVII). The individual branchial filaments are Fio. 82. Anterior part of the body of Acvuiea, showing nervous and circulatory systems, dorsa Aspect, a.g, abdominal ganglion ; ao, aorta ; an, auricle ; ftr.n, branchial (ctenidial) nerve br.v, branchial vain; ee.g, cerebral ganglion; gi, gill; i.i.g, infra-intestinal ganglion; mi/, coluinellar muscle ; os', ot"t left and right osphradia ; pa, mantle ; pa.v, pallial vein ; pe.c, pedal cord ;, pedal ganglion ; pl.g, pleural ganglion ; s.i.g, supra-intestinal ganglion ; te, tentacle ve, ventricle. usually simple, but sometimes their surfaces are folded, and again each filament may be in its turn leafy or beset with plications as in the Cephalopoda : this condition is found in Janthina. Each filament is a simple tegumentary projection without any internal endothelial lining. The wall of the blood -space contained in it is formed of connective tissue, thickened and compacted along the borders of the filament, where it forms a supporting structure, specially well developed on the ventral side. By these means the rigidity of the filaments, which are often very long as in Calyptraea, etc., is ensured. The cavities of the filaments are traversed by muscular trabeculae, by whose agency the whole filament may be contracted. In spite of the presence of ctenidial branchiae, there is a certain number of Gastropods in which the oxygenated blood returned to the auricle is not derived from these organs alone. A considerable quantity may come from various other parts of the mantle, or, in THE GASTROPODA 103 forms in which the mantle has disappeared as a shell -forming organ, from the dorsal envelope of the body, which in this case serves as an accessory respiratory organ. This phenomenon is to be seen in the Acmaeidae (Fig. 82, pa.v), the Heteropoda, the Pleuro- branchidae, and the Pneumo- dermatidae, these last-named families being naked. In the Pleurobranchidae, the Hetero- poda, and certain Acmaeidae the mantle is no longer fur- nished with accessory respira- tory structures, but in other Acmaeidae, such as Scurria, etc., and certain Pneumoder- matidae (Fig. 84, VI, VII), a FIG. 84. FIG. 83. Tritonia lineata, dorsal view. I, rhinophore or posterior tentacle ; II, dorsal appendage (pallial gill); III, right eye", IV, frontal veil; o, genital (hermaphroditic) orifice. (After Hancock.) VII right - side view, with the head above. 1, the expanded proboscis ; II, anterior tentacle ; III, posterior tentacle ; IV, genital (herma- phroditic) opening : V, right tin ; VI, ctenidium ; VII, posterior pallial gill ; VIII, posterior lobe of the foot; IX, reno-anal cloaca ; X, lateral margin of the foot ; XI, penial orifice ; XII, sucker-bearing appendage ; XIII, ven- tral median papilla of the proboscis ; XIV, seat of the mandibles ; XV, ex- panded right hook-sack. ctenidium, or branchia properly so called, coexists with secondary respiratory organs or pallial branchiae : these lie below the mantle edge in Scurria and on the free surface of the posterior part of the body in the Pneumodermatidae. If the ctenidium is atrophied and disappears altogether, the mantle itself resumes the respiratory- function which was previously localised in the ctenidium. This 104 THE GASTROPODA phenomenon may be found both in aquatic species and in forms adapted to terrestrial life, the different modifications of the mantle being as follows : — (1) There may be branchial structures varying in form and position, but not homologous to a ctenidium. In the Docoglossa these pal Hal branchiae are situated on the internal face of the mantle, as in Patella (Fig. 125, /). In various Gymnosomata (Clionopsis, Notobranchaea, etc.) they are situated on the posterior surface tf the body as in the Pneumodermatidae. In the majority of the Nudibranchs they are on the dorsal surface of the body, sometimes localised round the anus as in the Doridomorpha (Fig. 79), sometimes concealed below a fold of the dorsal integu- ment as in Pleurophyllidia and certain porostomatous Doridomorpha, Phyllidia, and Corambe (Fig. 164, g). Or all kinds of accessory branchial formations may have disappeared, and the function of respiration is distributed over the. whole free surface of the pallial integuments, as may be seen in various Docoglossa such as the Lepetidae and Bathysciadium ; in Firoloida among the Heteropoda ; in Dermatobranchus, Heterodoris, the Elysiomorpha (with the ex- ception of the Hermaeidae), and Phyllirhoe (Fig. 161) among the Nudibranchs ; in the Clionidae and Halopsychidae (Fig. 156) among the Gymnosomata. (2) An adaptation to a terrestrial life and the pulmonary respiration resulting therefrom is found in very different groups of Gastropods, but the different stages of evolution are best studied in the Streptoneura. In this group certain aquatic and littoral forms, though they possess ctenidia, have acquired the habit of living for a longer or shorter time beyond the reach of the water. This is the case with various species of Littorina (L. 'nidis, L. neritoides, etc.), Cremnoconchw, Neritodryas, several Cerithiidae, etc. Consequently certain modifications of the internal surface of the mantle are induced, in the interior of the pallial or respiratory cavity. The filaments of the ctenidium — bipectinate in Neritodryas, but monopectinate in other forms — are often reduced in height and are prolonged more or less indefinitely on the right side of the internal pallial surface to form vascular arborisations, as may be seen in the semi-aerial species of Littorina (Fig. 85, x) and in Crcmnoconchus. Finally, the ctenidium disappears altogether, and with it the hypobranchial gland and the efferent branchial sinus, and the venous blood of the rectal sinus is con- ducted to the afferent cardiac vein (corresponding to the efferent branchial vein) by the system of arborisations that extends over the whole roof of the pallial chamber. Such is the case in Cerithidea obtusa, which retains only the vestiges of the anterior extremity of the ctenidium. In many aerial Gastropods the ctenidium has totally disappeared and the roof of the pallial cavity THE GASTROPODA 105 is permeated by a rich vascular network (Fig. 86) in which the blood is oxygenated. In this manner 'the respiratory pallial chamber is transformed into a pulmonary cavity or lung, whose vascularised surface is irrigated by the blood derived from various parts of the body. The "lung" of Gastropods, then, is not a spongy organ, but a cavity strictly homologous to the pallial cavity. The pulmonate Gastropods exhibiting this structure are polyphyletic, that is to say, they belong to several different groups. Among the Strepto- neura we find three families of IX Fio. 85. Littorina littorea, male, removed from its shell ; dorsal aspect ; the mantle-skirt cut along its right line of attachment and thrown over to the left side of the animal so as to expose the organs of its inner surface, n, anus ; br, ctenidium ; c, heart ; h, liver ; i, intestine ; m.c, columellar muscle (muscular process grasping the shell) ; p, penis ;, osphradium ; r, kidney ; r1, aperture of the kidney ; t, testis ; v, stomach ; v.d, vas deferens ; v.d', the groove-like part of latter; x, vascular prolongations of the ctenidial leaflets ; y, hypobraucliial gland. (From Lankester, after Souleyet.) Fio. SO. Roof of the pallial cavity (lung) of Umax. Ventral aspect. I, cloacal (reno- anal) orifice ; II, pneumostome ; III, reno- pericardial orifice ; IV, rectum ; V, renal duct; VI, kidney; VII, heart - ventricle ; VIII, pericardium (cut open); IX, heart- auricle ; X, ramifications of the pulmonary vein. (After Leidy.) Rhipidoglossa, viz. the Helicinidae, Proserpinidae, and Hydrocenidae ; and three sub-groups of Taenioglossa without probosces, viz. the Cyclophoridae, Cyclostomatidae, and Aciculidae ; and among the Euthyneura all the Pulmonates proper, including the aquatic as well as the terrestrial forms. In one family only of the Strepto- neura, the Ampullariidae, is the ctenidium preserved at the same time that a pulmonary cavity is present. In this family the pallial cavity is divided by an incomplete septum into a lung and a branchial cavity, the former being situated to the left of the ctenidium. The animal is therefore able to breathe by its gill in the water, and by its lung when out of the water, the air being io6 THE GASTROPODA admitted by a very extensible pallial siphon. In the puhnonate Streptoneura the pulmonary chamber retains the whole of the primitive opening of the pallial cavity ; in the Euthyneura, on the contrary, the opening of the lung or pneumostome is much reduced by the fusion of a large extent of the mantle border with the neck of the animal, a fusion that leaves only a minimal but extensible posterior aperture (Fig. 177, V) in the neighbourhood of the anus. This disposition allows of the blood, on its arrival at the lung, being carried round a more or less annular circumpulmonary venous sinus. In the Oncidiidae the lung is somewhat rudimentary, being reduced to arborisations ramifying among the lobes of the kidney. In other Pulmonates such as Ancylus and the Vaginulidae (Fig. 87) the reduction of the lung is carried to the point of complete disappearance. Finally, there is a family of Pulmonates in which, instead of a vascularised lung, there is a pulmonary HTM, Van Fro. 87. I'ayinula occidentalis, right-side view, with the mantle partially removed on this side, an, anus ; aw, auricle ; o.f, female orifice ; o.r, renal opening in the rectum ; o.r.p, reno-pericardial pore ; o.r.u, orifice of the kidney in the ureter ; p, foot ; pa, mantle ; pe, pericardium ; r, kidney ; re, rectum (the dotted line shows the direction of the intestine) ; ten, tentacles ; ur", ur", primary and secondary ureters ; ren, ventricle. chamber continued into numerous tubules which penetrate into the surrounding blood sinuses : these tracheate Pulmonates are the Janellidae (Fig. 90, tr). A large number of Pulmonate Gastro- pods, while preserving their aerial respiration, have returned to an aquatic life ; such are the Basommatophora (Limnaeidae, etc.). Among these the marine genera Amphibola, Siphonaria, and Gadinia ; Limnaea abyssicola, an inhabitant of deep lakes; and Planorbis nautilus, have a pallial pulmonary cavity which, instead of being filled with air, may temporarily or continuously be filled with water, as in the larvae of aquatic Pulmonates. Here we see a return and readaptation to aquatic respiration, but for all that the ctenidium does not reappear, a fact which illustrates the irreversibility of evolution. But in these cases respiratory pallial outgrowths or secondary branchiae may be formed near the opening of the pulmonary cavity or even in its interior. Such is the contractile extrapulmonary tegumentary appendage at the base of which the anus opens in Planorbis (as this is a sinistral THE GASTROPODA 107 genus the appendage is to the left of the pallial aperture). In Planwbis wrneus (Fig. 89, g) there is a single respiratory lobe, with a richly vascularised surface, and in Ancylus there is a similar FIG. 88. Diagram of a sagittal section of Patella vulgata. br.a, branchial afferent vessel (artery) ; br.v, branchial efferent vessel (vein) ; b.r, blood-vessel ; c, muscular substance forming the root of the foot ; cor, heart within the ]>ericardium ; e, mantle-skirt ; /, papilla of the larger kidney ; g, anus ; i, smaller kidney ; k, larger kidney ; I, pericardium ; n, liver ; o, mouth ; od.m, muscles and cartilage of the odontophore ; j>, snout ; q, intestine in transverse section ; r, radular or lingual sac ; rd, radula ; s, lamellated stomach ; t, salivary gland ; v, duct of same ; r, buccal cavity ; w, gonad. (After Lankester.) structure, but the lung has disappeared. In Bulinus, including the sub-genera Isidom, Pulmobranchia, etc., and in Miratesta there is a folded branchia. In Siphonaria the long plicated branchia which extends across the interior of the roof of the pulmonary Planorbis corneus, removed from the shell ; anterior view, o, anus ; /, foot ; g, #11 ; fc.o, renal aperture ; m, mouth ; as, osphradium ; pa, mantle ; pn, pneumostome ; si, pulmonary siphon. cavity, between the kidney and the rectum, is of the same character. This branchia is situated more posteriorly and to the right than the ctenidium of monobranchiate Gastropods (Fig. 174). The diverse characters of the respiratory apparatus of Gastropoda may be advantageously summed up in the following table : — io8 THE GASTROPODA l! ..!.'• 'W 11 ll ® ^ ~ a . 3 * • • 'S> « ^ ^ 11 l! ft y ^ . ^^ 2 a &< £» II 1g S§ •5 « n c -£> o o fee • g^S * 8 «.S . . >> •=• S >> ^3^_ S g to .2 1 |J ||| 1 Jo >» s i^ri c ,3 g 1 §'1 IgS 1 § « « § ^3 rfi 5) -M -M :s s ^ J*^ •& 9 £ > > ^ If 15^3 THE GASTROPODA 109 3. Excretory Organs. — In the Gastropoda the kidneys are the essential organs of excretion, but the pericardial glands serve as accessory excretory organs, as also certain parts of the body in which the products of excretion are collected, forming veritable accumulative kidneys. (1) The kidneys are originally paired, as in all other Mollusca, and a single pair is found (Figs. 55, III, XIII; 81, /, h; 91, 127) in all the Aspidobranchia, except the Neritacea, including the Neritidae and allied families. These two kidneys open one on each side of the anus, but they do not retain their primitive symmetry in any Gastropod, and although they are independent of one another, the topographically left kidney is rudimentary, and that of the right side alone is functional in almost every case. Fio. 90. Transverse section of the lung of Janetta, k, ureter ; pa.c, pallial or pulmonary cavity ; po, pneumostome ; si, blood sinus ; tr, " tracheae " or diverticula of the pulmonary cavity. (After Plate.) In the Neritacea (Neritidae, Titiscaniidae, Helicinidae, Hydro- cenidae, and Proserpinidae) and in all the Pectinibranchia and Euthyneura the topographically right kidney no longer exists. In Paludina the two kidneys coexist during development, but in the adult that of the topographical right side has disappeared. As regards the position of these organs, their primitive situation is wholly within the visceral mass (Docoglossa, Fig. 88, k), and their migration outside the visceral mass is a specialisation which begins to show itself in the Rhipidoglossa — at any rate, in the case of the left kidney (Fig. 127) — and is completely realised in the case of the single kidney in other Streptoneura and Tectibranchia, in which the excretory organ is more and more localised in the mantle (Figs. 75, k ; 63, r). The kidney is always a dorsal organ, situated in the neighbourhood of the pericardium, with which it communicates by a ciliated aperture. In the detorted Aspidobranchs (Fissurellidae), however, the very rudimentary left kidney has lost this pericardial no THE GASTROPODA communication. Elysia is exceptional in that the kidney is placed below and partly surrounds the pericardium, and the reno-pericardial orifices are multiple, some ten being present (Fig. 92). As a rule the external opening of the kidney is situated near the anus (Figs. 81 and 88), and sometimes the two open together into a sort of common cloaca, as may be seen in the Gymnosomata (Fig. 84, IX) and in certain Pulmonates, such as Lirnax (Fig. 86, I), the Onci- diidae (Fig. 59), and Vaginula (Fig. 87), but not in V. willeyi. In rare cases, however, such as the Nudibranch. Janus, the excretory aperture is distant from the anus. The external renal orifice is borne on a papilla in various Aspidobranchs with two kidneys (Fig. 88, /), but is a simple slit, shaped like a button -hole, in the majority of Pectinibranchia (Fig. 99, IV) and Tectibranchia (Fig. 154, o). Among the Pec- tinibranchs, however, Paludina Fio. 91. Diagram of the two renal organs of Patella, to show their relations to the rectum and to the pericardium. /, papilla of the larger kidney ; , visceral ganglion which repre- sents the abdominal + the supra- intestinal ganglia of Streptoneuru, and gives off the nerve to the osphradinm and another to an unlettered so - called " genital " ganglion ; ce, cerebral ganglion ; o, osphradium ; pt, pedal ganglion and double pedal commissure ; i>t, pleural ganglion (the stomato- gastric commissure and ganglia are omitted). (From Lankester, after Spengel.) Fie. 06. iMia neritoide*, central nervous system, dorsal view (the buccal mass is indicated by a dotted line), bit, buccal mass ;, visceral commissure ; y.a, abdominal ganglion ; the Littorinidae, Modulidae, Struthiolariidae, 124 THE GASTROPODA Chenopodidae, Cassididae, Doliidae, Trotonidae, Naticidae, Cyp- raeidae, Calyptraeidae, Xenophoridae, Strombidae (Fig. 75, ; and in some Stenoglossa, viz. the Muricidae, Magtius, Voluta, Lyria, the Harpidae, Terebra, and in all the Heteropoda. In all other forms, that is to say, in a certain number of Taenioglossa and almost all the Stenoglossa, the spermiduct is closed in for the whole of its extent and the penis is hollow (Fig. 44, h). Thus the male orifice is secondarily removed to the extremity of the penis, and consequently is at a considerable distance from the primitive position of the genital aperture, a position which is retained by the female aper- ture. A penis exists in the Neritacea among the Rhipidoglossa, and in all the Pectinibranchia, with the exception of those families of the Taenioglossa enumerated above. When it does not exist copulation cannot take place, and the ova are fertilised in the sea by contact with the spermatozoa emitted by the male. The penis exists only in a rudimentary form in sedentary species, but in all others it is a well-developed, non-invaginable excrescence, situated on the right side of the anterior part of the body, except in cases of situs inversus, when it is on the left. All the aerial Streptoneura are necessarily provided with a penis, since in them copulation is indispensable. But the penis is not homologous throughout the group; it is developed at different parts of the body, at the point where the spermiduct ends. Thus the Neritacea have a cephalic penis, as has also Paludina, whose penis is a part of the right tentacle. In the Ampullariidae and Cyclostomatidae the penis is developed from the mantle, but in all other forms it is exclusively of pedal origin. Sometimes it is provided with an external whip-like appendage or flagellum : such is the case in many Taenioglossa, viz. nearly all the Littorinidae except Cremnoconchus, in Dolium, and especially in Hydrobitt, ftithynin, the Naticidae, the Lamellariidae, and the Heteropoda. The genital ducts are rarely provided with well-differentiated accessory organs in the dioecious Gastropoda. In certain cases there is a glandular tract in the oviduct, which is sometimes specialised to form an albuminiparous gland (Ampullaria, Pahidina, the Naticidae, Lamellariidae and Calyptraeidae, Triton and Castidaria). There is a copulatory pouch or receptaculum seminis in the Neritacea, Paludinidae, Cyclostomatidae, and Heteropoda. In some Neritacea — viz. Neritim, Nerita, Naviwlla, etc. — the receptaculum has its own external opening distinct from the oviducal aperture ; this probably corresponds with the right kidney of other Rhipido- glossa, which in this case has been lost by the male sex (Thiele). In some freshwater Taenioglossa, e.g. Tanganyika (Fig. 78) and Melania episcopalis (Fig. 109), the oviduct is continued into a ciliated groove which leads to an incubatory pouch situated in the head ; this pouch has been homologised with the penis by Moore. The THE GASTROPODA 125 males of Ampullaria and the Heteropoda also possess a vesicula seminalis, and the penis frequently is furnished with well-marked superficial glands (Littorinidae, Cassis, Terebra, and the Heteropoda). In some Taenioglossa, such as Pahidina and Pteroceras, and in several Stenoglossa, such as Murex, Nassa, Purpura, etc., there are two kinds of spermatozoa, the one normal and filiform, the other vermiform ; the function of the latter kind is not yet explained. In Paludina, for example, these two kinds of spermatozoa exist in equal quantities, but the filiform kind, with a single cilium, originate from spermatids which have increased but little in size during the growth period, and contain the normal quantity of nuclear substance : these are the eupyrenic spermatozoa of Meves. The vermiform spermatozoa, on the other hand, have about six cilia apiece, originate from spermatids which have increased largely FIG. 102. Follicles of the hermaphrodite gonads of Euthyneura. A, of Helix; I), of Eolis. a, ova; b, developing spermatozoa ; c, common efferent duct. (From Lankester, after Gegenbaur.) in size during the growth period, and contain only a small quantity of nuclear substance : they are known as oligopyrenic spermatozoa. In the monoecious Gastropods the gonad ordinarily occupies the same position and has the same relations as in the dioecious Streptoneura, but it may be much more subdivided, especially in certain Nudibranchs, viz. Phyllirhoe (Fig. 161, y) and Elysiomorpha. It has always a duct with its proper external orifice and a penis which is invaginable in most Euthyneura, but this latter organ is absent in hermaphrodite parasitic Streptoneura. The gonad differs from that of the dioecious Streptoneura in producing ova and spermatozoa in the same individual. In the most simple arrange- ment the two kinds of genital products are developed side by side, as may be seen in Valmta and in the majority of the Tectibranchia and Pulmoriata (Fig. 102, A). In the more specialised condition there are male and female acini, the latter opening into the spermatogenous sacs in Oncidiopsis, the Pleurobranchidae, .the majority of the Nudibranchia (Fig. 102, B), with the exception of 126 THE GASTROPODA the Elysiomorpha. Entoconcha, finteroxenos, and Bathysciadium are the only genera in which the male and female acini are quite distinct. In its most primitive condition the genital duct is hermaphrodite, that is to say, it is a spermoviduct throughout its length, and is therefore called monaulic. It generally is provided with an internal double longitudinal fold. The hermaphrodite aperture is situated on the right side, near the opening of the pallial cavity, and is connected by a ciliated seminal groove with the more anteriorly situated penis. This condition is found in the Bullomorpha (Fig. 98, s.g) in general, including the Thecosomata ; in the Aplysiomorpha (Fig. 154, i), including the Gynmosomata (Fig. 84, IV, XI); and in the Pulmonata Pythia (Fig. 171). The edges of this seminal groove unite to form a complete tube in Cavolinia longi- rostris among the Bullomorpha, and among the Pulmonata in all the Auriculidae except Pythia, and as a consequence the primitive genital aperture serves only for the emission of the female pro- ducts, the male products passing through a spermiduct closed throughout its extent. In subsequent stages of evolution of the genital duct the spermiduct takes its origin from the hermaphro- dite duct above the external opening : this latter duct, therefore, bifurcates or becomes "diaulic," the female branch of the duct opening by the primitive hermaphrodite orifice. This condition is characteristic of Valvata and Oncidiqms (Fig. 103), of Adaeon and Lobiger among the Bullomorpha, of the Pleurobranchidae and the Nudibranchia except the Doridomorpha and most of the Elysio- morpha, and of the Pulmonata. At the point of bifurcation the male and female sections of the duct are separated by a narrow slit, which only allows the spermatozoa to pass. In this case therefore, as in the dioecious Gastropoda, the female orifice remains in the same place as the primitive genital aperture, and the male orifice is carried far forward, to the extremity of the penis. The two external orifices, male and female, are thus at some distance from one another, as may be seen in Valvata, Oncidiopsis (Fig. 103,/.r), pe), the Basommatophora in general, the Oncidiidae (Fig. 59, o.f, o.m), and Vaginula (Fig. 87, o.f). But the female aperture itself may be secondarily shifted from its original position, and come so near to the penial aperture as to be contiguous to it, a condition found in the Pleurobranchidae and the Nudibranchs in general ; or the two apertures may reunite in a common cloaca, as in the Stylommatophora (Fig. 177, II), Siphonaria, and Amphibola. In these various cases the female duct, like the hermaphrodite duct of the monaulic forms, bears a bursa copulatrix or receptaculum seminis, which in certain stylommatophorous Pulmonates, such as Helix aspersa, Claitsilia, etc., is provided with an accessory branch (Fig. 104, Ji.8). A third differentiation of the genital ducts is brought about THE GASTROPODA 127 when the female duct becomes bifurcated through the separation of the bursa copulatrix, the latter acquiring a separate external aperture but remaining in connection with the oviduct by its deeper extremity. In this manner two female orifices are formed; the one is the copulatory orifice, the other is the oviducal orifice serving for the passage of the ova. The genital duct is thus trif urcated or " tri- aulic," a condition which is not found in any Pulmonate, but is confined to certain Nudibranchs, viz. the Doridomorpha and the majority of the Elysiomorpha (Fig. 105). FIG. 103. Oncidiopsis, hermaphrodite genital apparatus, dorsal view, a.g, albumini- parous gland ; /.o, female orifice ; y.g, hermaphrodite gonad ; pe, penis ; pr, prostate ; r.s, receptaculum seminis ; so, spermoyiduct ; sp, spermiduct ; s.v, seminal vesicle. FIG. 104. Hermaphrodite reproductive appara- tus of Helix hortensis. d, digitate acces- sory glands on the female duct ; E.d, albuminiparous gland ; fl, flagellum ; p, penis ; p.s, calciferous gland or dart-sac on the female duct; li.s, receptaculum seminis or spermatheca, opening into the female duct; n, uterine dilatation of the hermaphroditic duct ; v.d, spermiduct or vas deferens ; v.e, hermaphroditic duct ; z, ovo-testis. (From Ray Lankester, after Gegenbaur.) The penis is invaginable in all the Euthyneura with the exception of Actaeon (Fig. 148, VI) and Umbrella. It is a pedal structure in nearly all Opisthobranchia, but in Umbrella it is cephalic. In the majority of Pulmonates the penial nerve arises from the cerebral ganglion, but the fibres of the nerve originate from the pedal and only traverse the cerebral ganglion. In monaulic species the penis often bears an appendage, and occasionally chitinous accessory structures : there is a single stylet in several species of Planorbis, in Glaucus, and many other 128 THE GASTROPODA 00 Nudibranchs, the stylet being contained in a special pouch in certain species of Doris, in some other Nudibranchs there are multiple stylets. In addition to the bursa copulatrix, there are numerous and various accessory genital organs in the hermaphrodite Gastropoda. An albuminiparous and a mucous gland are found on monaulic ducts, generally near their distal end (Fig. 171, mm). In the diaulic Pulmonata there is a large albuminiparous gland on the hermaphrodite section of the duct (Fig. 104, E.d), and on the female part of the duct of Basommatophora there is an albumen gland corresponding to the uterine glands of Stylommatophora (Fig. 104, u). The diaulic and triaulic Opis- thobranchs have also contiguous albumen and mucous glands on the oviducal part of the genital duct. The terminal portion of the oviduct of Stylommatophora is further provided with a glandular zone (Zonites), or with two multifid vesicles with a variable number of ramifications (Fig, 104, d). Opening between the \ O * / i O tus, dorsal aspect, n.d, aibumini- two is a special pouch — seemingly a parous duct; a.g, albuminiparous ... -, ,. .« , . , , . . Kland; h.rf, hermaphroditic duct ; Specialised multifid VCSlcle, which Secretes dua?v«ian?r»io,^^ a snarP calcareous dart (Fig. 104, p.s). no, oviduct;' ji, ' penis ; pr, pros- Before copulation the dart-sac is evagin- tate ; r..«, recepteculuni somims ; xp, . " spermidiu-.t ; vo, vulva. ated together with all the terminal part (vestibule) common to the repro- ductive organs, and the dart, which is caducous, pierces the skin of the conjugate. The spermiduct is sometimes furnished with a more or less elongate " prostate " gland, as in Falvata, Onddiopsis (Fig. 103, pr\ various Bullomorpha and Elysiomorpha (Fig. 105, pr). The penis of certain Stylommatophora is provided with a long hollow caecum, the "flagellum" (Fig. 104,/), in the interior of which is secreted the spermatophore or capreolus. This is a thin-walled chitinous tube closed at one end and cleft at the other and filled with a quantity of sperm. When there is no flagellum the spermatophore is formed by the deeper portion of the penis. Sometimes the spermatophores are furnished with denticulations and even with arborisations (Fig. 106). The hermaphrodite gland (gonad) does not liberate ova and spermatozoa simultaneously, the discharge of the former occupying a very short time after copulation. Generally speaking, the herm.iph- roditism is protandric, the spermatozoa being the first of the genital products to come to maturity. This hermaphroditism is Fia. 105. i, reproductive appara- THE GASTROPODA 129 not self-sufficient, and the union of two individuals is necessary for fertilisation. There are, however, instances of Pulmonates which have been insolated from the time of birth and have nevertheless laid eggs which have developed (Zonites cellaring, Limnaea). In all species possessing a penis, fertilisation is effected by copulation; in species without a penis — e.g. Patella — artificial fertilisation is possible. During the venereal act the penis is thrust into the bursa copulatrix, when this latter structure is present, and discharges into it a quantity of sperm which subsequently fertilises the ova during their passage down the oviduct. Copulation and the act of oviposition that follows it take place at various seasons. In temperate regions they continue from early spring onwards, extending even into the winter, as is the case in Patella in the Fio. 107. Two Limnaea stagnalis in copulation, Spennatophore of Nanina the left one acting as male. I, tentacle wattacei, magnified. (After and eye ; II, penis ; III, foot ; IV, buccal Pfeffer.) veil. (After Stiebel.) Atlantic and Trochus striatus in the Mediterranean. In the stylommatophorous Pulmonates with a common genital orifice, the two copulating individuals mutually fertilise one another, each one acting as male and female, and the same is the case in the majority of Nudibranchs. In the hermaphrodites with distant genital apertures the same animal may act as male and female, but as a rule not simultaneously, unless, indeed, it unites with two or more individuals to form a chain, as may be seen in Limnaea, the Aplysiomorpha, etc. The copulation of two individuals is effected in the same manner as in the dioecious Gastropoda (Fig. 107). III. EMBRYOLOGY. The eggs may be laid or may develop within the maternal organism. In the oviparous species that do not copulate, the 9 130 THE GASTROPODA unfertilised ova are generally laid one by one and are not united by an accessory envelope (Patellidae, Haliotis, certain Trochidae of the sub-genera Gibbula and Trochocochlea), but in Fissurella and in Trochidae of the sub -genus Zizyphinus they are united by a gelatinous investment. In the species that copulate the ova are deposited within a few days after the act of copulation, the time varying from one day in sundry Nudibranchs to as many as fifteen days in some species of Helix. The nidus may assume very various shapes. In aquatic species the shells surrounding the eggs may be embedded and united in a single gelatinous mass, which may be ribbon-shaped, more or less coriaceous, attached in littoral species, floating in pelagic species. This is more especially the case in the Euthyneura — viz. in the Basommatophora and Opisthobranchia, in which the ribbon is often coiled into a spiral — and also in many Taenioglossa (Littorinidae, Rissoidae, Hydrobiidae, etc.). In such cases each egg-shell contains a single ovum. Again, the egg-shells may be coriaceous (Rachiglossa), more or less independent, simply attached to one another (Buccinum, Fusus, Py?-w/a), or fixed side by side on a common support (Purpura, Murex, Nassa, Fig. 108, Trophon, Voluta, etc.). In this case each shell contains a consider- able number of ova, but all of them do not complete their develop- ment. As special forms of nidus may be mentioned that of Natica, in which the eggs are united by agglutinated sand into a horny-looking ribbon coiled in a ring; that of Lamellaria, whose eggs are deposited in a sort of nest excavated in colonies of Synascidians. Finally, various forms of Streptoneura attach their eggs to various parts of their bodies, and thus appear to be more or less incubatory, as, for instance, Hipponycidae and Capu- lidae (in Calyptraea the eggs are attached below the neck) ; or they may attach them to the external surface of the shell, e.g. Neritina, Hydrolia ulvae, and in excep- tional cases Eissoa ; or to the internal face of the shell, e.g. Vermetus (Fig. 45, ov). In the oviparous Janthinae the eggs are attached to the float (Fig. 135, b). The stylommatophorous or terrestrial Pulmoriates generally lay in the earth isolated ova enclosed either in a gelatinous Egg-capsule of Nassa reticulata, , , T . \ . , . ~ , x 12. o, aperture ; ov, eggs. envelope (Limax, etc.) or in a calcified shell, e.g. certain species of Helix, Testacella, etc. In Bulimus these eggs may attain a length of three centi- metres, thus exceeding in size the eggs of many birds. The eggs of Ampullaria have also a calcified envelope; they are laid in the water and are agglomerated together. When Succinea lays its THE GASTROPODA 131 eggs in the water it surrounds them with a gelatinous mass, like the basommatophorous Pulmonates. In the ovoviviparous Gastropoda the progeny are born living after undergoing their development within the parent. They develop in the terminal portion of the oviduct in the following Streptoneura : Paludina, Typhobia; various species of Melania (Fig. 109), Littorina, Cymba, Janthina, Nassopsis, and the Entocon- chidae ; in the Opisthobranch Halopsyche ; and in numerous Pul- monates— viz. Glandira algira, Rhytida aequalis, Selenites voyanus, Helix rupestris, H. inversicolor, II. inaequalis, H. unidentata, H. erronea, H. studeriana, Patula cooperi, Acanthinula harpa, the genera Partula, Balea, Coeliaxis, Pupa muscorum, P. umbilicata, P. cylindracea, Clausilia ventricosa, C. similis, Achatina alabaster, and A. zebra, Stenogyra mammillata (Fig. 8), S. octona, S. terebr aster, S. domini- ciensis, S. decollata, S. lamellata, Ferussacia folliculus, F. lamelliferaf Fio. 109. Melania episcopalis, out of its shell, showing the female genital apparatus, right-side view, a, anus ; 6.0, brood-pouch opening ; b.p, brood-pouch ; /, foot ;, genital ciliated groove ; g.o, genital orifice ; m, mouth ; oc, eye ; od, oviduct ; op, operculum ; ov, ovary. (After Moore.)- F. procerula, F. debilis, F'aginula vivipara. The embryos develop in a special incubatory pouch excavated in the interior of the foot and connected with the extremity of the ciliated canal which passes from the female orifice to the head in Melania episcopalis (Fig. 109, b.p.) and Tanganyicia rufofilosa (Fig. 78, b.p). In viviparous Gastropods the ovum contains but little yolk,, but in other forms the quantity of deutoplasm is greater, and is especially large in a number of Rachiglossa, such as Nassa, etc. The segmentation of the ovum is always total, and, except in cases- in which the deutoplasm is scanty (Paludina), it soon becomes irregular. As a rule in Aspidobranchia, Taenioglossa, and Pul- monata, the two first cleavage planes are meridional, the first separating the right and left halves of the future animal. The third cleavage is equatorial and cuts off the micromeres at the animal pole from the macromeres at the opposite pole, so that, as a rule, there are four macromeres from the beginning (Fig. 9, A, B). These macromeres give rise to two more generations of micro- or 132 THE GASTROPODA ecto-meres, and the latter proliferate very rapidly. In such forms as Patella, Planorbis, and Limax, the blastula formed in this manner Fio. 110. Development of the river-snail (I'aludiiui vivijnrd), in which the 5 formed independently of the blastopore, the latter persisting as tin mouth and stomodaeum are formed independently of the blastopore, the latter persisting as the anus, ae, archenteron, or endodermic cavity; an, anus; II, blastopore ; d.c, directive or polar corpuscle; d.v, velar area or cephalic dome ; /, foot ; in, mouth ; meg, rudiments of the mesoderin ; 71.?, pedicle of invagination, the future rectum ;, the shell-gland ; s.m, site of the as yet unformed mouth ; IT, velum. A, Qastrula phase (optical section). IS, the Gastrula has become a Trochosphere by the development of the ciliated velar ring (optical section). C, side view of the Trochosphere with commencing formation of the foot 1), further advanced Trochosphere (optical section). K, the Trochosphere passing into the Veliger stage ; dorsal view showing the formation of the shell-gland. F, side view of the .same, showing foot, shell-gland, velum, mouth, and aims. ( After Lankeater.) contains a large blastocoel between the nricromereu and macromeres, but in other Gastropods this cavity is much reduced. In some THE GASTROPODA 133 types such as Paludina, Planorbis, etc., the endoderm formed by the macromeres is invaginated into the ectodermic layer formed by the micromeres, but in many cases, in consequence of the far more rapid multiplication of the micromeres and the much larger size of the macromeres, gastrulation is effected by epiboly, and the endoderm is invaginated at a later period; in this case the endodermic cavity or enteron is of small size. In most cases the blastopore closes, and the definitive mouth is formed by a new invagination at the point of closure . it is only in Paludina that a portion of the blasto- pore remains open and becomes the anus (Fig. 110, C, bl ; F, an). The mesoderm is formed as two primary mesomeres from the more posterior of the two primitive macromeres (Fig. 11, mes). The mesodermic organs (definitive kidney, heart, etc.) do not arise until a late period, their place being taken, during the development, by provisional larval organs, such as superficial contractile sinuses and larval kidneys (Figs. 114, 118). The ciliated trochosphere larva is sometimes consti- tuted at a very early period, before the formation of the mesoderm — e.g. in Patella, Acmaea, and Trochus — and in such cases the embryo be- comes free at once. But in most cases the larva is not mc~ ot Kn Pio. 111. Young veliger of Troclius, ven- tral aspect. /, foot ; m, mouth ; ]M, mantle ; pa.c, pallial cavity ; *h, shell ; ve, velum. (After Robert.) FIG. 112. Larva of Cavolinia triilentata, ventral aspect. a, anus; /, median portion of the foot; h, heart ; i, intestine ; K u, contractile sinus ; TO, mouth ; mb, mantle-skirt ; me, subpallial chamber; ot, otocyst; pn, lateral lobe of the foot (the future left fin) ; q, shell ; r, kidney ; s, oesophagus; •! c.c.p, posterior ciliated ring ; na, fin ; pt young are hatched out with the f00t. (After Racovitza.) characters of the adult, but this is the case in all the Pulmonates — with the exception of the Siphonariidae which have a marine veliger larva — in the Opisthobranchs Cenia and Runcina, and in sundry Streptoneura such as Littorina and Lacuna among the Taenioglossa, and Purpura and Buccinum among the Rachiglossa. In normal cases the young Gastropods are hatched out as free-swimming or pelagic veliger larvae (Fig. 61). This veliger has a very small foot and a more or less voluminous velum, the latter organ being smallest in the least specialised forms, such as Trochus (Fig. Ill), Patella, Fissurella, etc., and is the characteristic larval form in most opisthobranchiate Fl°- 12°- 140 THE GASTROPODA Euthyneura and in the majority of Streptoneura. Even in those Gastropods that are hatched out in the adult form, the veliger stage can generally be recognised, in a more or less reduced condition, within the egg membranes, e.g. in Bucdnum, Cenia, the basommato- phorous Pulmonates. In all Gastropods the velum is reduced in proportion as the foot develops; nevertheless, in a considerable number of pelagic larvae the veliger stage is preserved for a long time, and the velum persists, and often develops excessively long lobes even after the creeping foot is fully and normally developed : such is the case in " M acgillivraya " (Fig. 121), " Agadina" " Clwle- tropis," "Sinusigera" " Echinospira" etc., all of which are special pelagic larval forms of Streptoneura which were long considered to Fin. 121. " Mwgillivraya," pelagic larva of a siphonato Strcptoneurous Gastropod (Doli-tim), ventral asi>ect, x 1*2. /, foot ; w, month ; sh, shell ; si, siphon : tf, tentaclo and eye ; re, lobes of the velum. (After MacDonald.) Fio. 122. Shell of a young Purjmra haemastoma, enlarged, dorsal aspect. c«, canal of the adult ; e.s, limit of the embry- onic shell ; sp, spire. (After Dautzenberg.) be distinct genera. The velar lobes may even produce lobate expansions of the margin of the aperture of the shell, but these dis- appear when the velum is absorbed and the shell assumes the adult form (Fig. 122). IV. DEFINITION. The asymmetry of some of the principal organs of the body is the chief characteristic of the Gastropoda. The essential feature of this asymmetry is that the anus generally lies to one side of the median plane ; that the ctenidium, the osphradium, the hypo- branchial gland, and the auricle of the heart are azygos, or at least are more developed on one side of the body than the other ; and that there is only one genital orifice, which lies on the same side of the body as the anus. In other words, one-half — generally the morphologically left but topographically right half — of the anal complex is either atrophied or has disappeared altogether. This asymmetry, expressed by the transfer of the morphologically right THE GASTROPODA 141 organs to the left side, is the result of a torsional movement, which has carried the anus and pallial cavity from an originally posterior to an anterior position and at the same time has twisted the visceral commissure. V. BIONOMICS. The Gastropoda are essentially aquatic animals, and the more archaic species are marine. Some species are specially adapted to brackish waters. In fresh waters there are found sundry Strepto- neura, viz. certain Neritidae, the Ampullariidae, Paludinidae, Valva- tidae, Bithyniidae, Hydrobiidae, several Cerithiidae, the Melaniidae, Cremnoconchus, and Canidia ; nearly the whole pulmonate group of Basommatophora ; and a single Opisthobranchiate, Ancylodoris. Finally, the stylommatophorous Pulmonates and Halicinidae, Cyclo- phoridae, Cyclostomatidae, and Aciculidae among the Streptoneura are terrestrial. In some forms that live in torrential streams, or are subject to being dried up periodically, the respiration is alternately aquatic and aerial, and the Amphibolidae, Siphonariidae, and Onci- diidae are examples of Pulmonates that have returned to a marine existence. The Gastropoda crawl at the bottom of the water, or on the land, or in a reversed position, on the film of mucus secreted on the surface of the water by the glands of the anterior groove of the foot (Basommatophora, Nudibranchia). The Strombidae are jumpers, and a considerable number of Gastropods are swimmers, e.g. the Heteropoda — which swim in a reversed position with the foot upwards — Janthina (Fig. 135), the "Pteropoda," Phyllirhoe, Accra (Fig. 147), etc. Some families both of Streptoneura and Opistho- branchia burrow in mud or sand, e.g. the Naticidae, Bullidae, etc. Some genera are more or less sedentary, though able to move from place to place — such are Patella and Bathyscicidium — but others are completely sedentary when adult, and may be fixed either by the substance of their shells — such are Vermetus and Magilus (the latter inhabits corals) — or by a calcareous plate secreted by the foot, as is the case in Hipponyx. The diet of Gastropoda varies according to the group under consideration. Generally speaking, the carnivorous habit is due to specialisation, often accompanied by the development of a pro- boscis. Various forms of Gastropods live and feed on colonial invertebrates such as Synascidians, Hydrozoa, Anthozoa, and the like, and to a certain degree mimic these forms. Thus Ovula lives on Gorgonia, Pedicularia on Corallium, Lamellaria on Leptodinum, various Nudibranchs on sponges or Hydroids. Some Gastropoda are parasitic, generally in or upon Echinoderms, and belong either to the sub-group Capulidae, in which case they are ectoparasites, and had already acquired this habit in Palaeozoic times (Platyceras\ or to the " Aglossa," that is to say, to the little group formed by 142 THE GASTROPODA the families Eulim.Iae (including Stylifer, parasitic on Asterids, Echinids, and Crinoids) and Entoconchidae, including Entosiphwi, Entocolax, Entoconc/ia, and Enteroxenos, all parasitic in Holothurids. Some thirty thousand species of Gastropoda have been enu- merated, of which twenty thousand belong to the present epoch and are distributed in every region of the globe. Of existing species more than twelve thousand are branchiate forms. Some marine species are found at a depth of over 2500 fathoms, and some Pulmonata live in the Himalayas at a height of nearly 17,000 feet above the level of the sea. Some freshwater Gastropoda (Hydro- biidae, Basommatophora) exist at a depth of 180 fathoms below the surface of certain lakes, e.g. Lake Baikal; others live in subterranean waters, and some Pulmonates are found in caverns into which the daylight does not penetrate. Palaeontology shows that these animals were already in existence in the Cambrian period, at the commencement of the Palaeozoic epoch. The size of Gastropods varies from a fraction of a millimetre to more than fifty centimetres. The largest forms are found not only among the testaceous species, such as Fusus, Tritonium, Ancistromesus, Strombus, etc., but also among the naked forms : Tethys, for example, is more than thirty centimetres in length, and some species of Den- dronotus as much as twenty-five centimetres. VI. SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF THE SUB-CLASSES, ORDERS, AND FAMILIES OF GASTROPODA. The class Gastropoda includes two well-defined sub -classes, Streptoneura and Euthyneura. SUB-CLASS I. STREPTONEURA, Spengel ( = Prosobranchia, Milne-Edwards = Cochlides, von Jhering). These are dioecious Gastropoda, with the exception of a few aberrant genera, and are characterised by the maximum torsion exhibited by the visceral mass and visceral commissure, the latter being always twisted into a figure of eight (Fig. 124, VII, IX). The right moiety of this commissure is situated above the digestive tube, and is known as the supra-intestinal ; the left moiety is situated below the digestive tube, and is known as the infra-intestinal. The pleural ganglia are often united to the opposite branch of the visceral nerve by an anastomosis of the pallial nerve, this condition constituting " dialyneury " (Fig. 123, A, di', di") : or there may be a direct connection by means of a longer or shorter connective pass- ing from the pleural ganglion to the ganglion borne on the visceral branch of the opposite side ; this constitutes " zygoneury " (Fig. 123, B, C, zy, zy"). Zygoneury is more frequently found on the Fio. 123. Nervous system of 3 Streptoneurous Gastropods, showing the dialyneury and zygoneury. dorsal aspect. A, Paludina (after Bouvier, somewhat modified); B, Triton (after Haller) ; C, Lamellaria (after Bouvier)., abdominal ganglion ; br.n, branchial nerve ; ce,g, cerebral ganglion ;, cerebro-pedal connective ;, cerebro-pleural connective ; di', di", left and right dialyneury; i.i.g, infra-intestinal ganglion ; ot, otocyst; pa.n, pallial nerve; pe.g, pedal ganglion ; pl.g, pleural ganglion ;, pleuro-pedal connective ; s.i.g, supra-intestinal ganglion ; st.g, stoniato-gastric ganglion ; ri.c, visceral commissure ;, vi.c", supra-intestinal and infra- intestinal part of the visceral commissure ; zy', zy", left and right zygoneury. 143 144 THE GASTROPODA xxi right side ; the connective passes from the right pleural to the infra -intestinal ganglion, and may have the effect of bringing the latter ganglion between the two pleural centres (Fig. 123, C, i.i.g). The head of Streptoneura bears only a single pair of tentacles (Fig. 125, a). The radular teeth, when there is more than one on either side of the median tooth, are of several different kinds in each transverse row (Fig. 74, C, F). The heart is almost always posterior to the branchia. The sub -class in- cludes two orders, Aspidobranchia and Pectinibranchia. xx XIX XVIII FlO. 124. Trochus cinerarius, central nervous system, dorsal aspect, with the anterior part of the digestive tract. I, salivary gland ; II, cerebral ganglion ; III, cerebro-pleural connective ; IV, pleural ganglion ; V, right pallial nerve ; VI, pedal ganglion; VII, supra -intestinal part of the visceral commissure ; VIII, posterior part of the glandular oeso- phagus; IX, infra - intestinal part of the visceral commissure ; X, abdominal ganglion ; XI, oesophagus ; XII, radula ; XIII, supra-intestinal ganglion ;, XIV, osphradial ganglion and branchial nerve ; XV, left pallial anastomosis or dialynmiry ; XVI, glandular oesopha- gus ; XVII, left pallial nerve; XVI II, buccal mass ; XIX, cerebro-pedal con- nective ; XX, stomato-gastric ganglion ; XXI, snout. opening to the exterior at The gonad has no accessory ORDER 1. Aspidobranchia. These are Streptoneura in which the nervous system is still but little concentrated (Fig. 124). The pedal centres have the form of long gan- glionated cords, to the anterior end of which the pleural centres are attached : the cerebral ganglia are widely separated from one another, and are united by a long commissure lying in front of the buccal mass and the salivary glands (Fig. 127, c.c). An infra - oesophageal or "labial" cerebral commissure is present. The osphradium is but little specialised, and is situated on the branchial nerve. The otocyst contains numerous oto- conia. The eye is open (Fig. 100), or if closed has a very small pellucida. The central teeth of the radula are multiplied. Ctenidia are almost always present; they are bipectinate and free at their distal ends (Fig. 81, d). As a rule, the Aspidobranchs exhibit well-marked traces of the original bilateral symmetry, having two auricles to the heart and two kidneys (Fig. 127), the last named the end of short papillae (Fig. 88, /). organs and discharges its products into THE GASTROPODA 145 the right kidney. In the Neritacea, however, there is only one kidney, namely, the left kidney, with a slit-shaped external aperture, and there is a distinct genital orifice, the oviduct being diaulic in the Neritidae. The order Aspidobranchia includes the most archaic Gastropods : it includes two sub-orders, the Docoglossa and Rhipidoglossa. SUB-ORDER 1. DOCOGLOSSA. In these Aspidobranclis the nervous system (Fig. 93) is without dialy- neury, that is to say, there is no anastomosis between the pleural ganglia and the visceral nerve of the opposite side through the intermediary of the pallial nerve. The eyes are open and devoid of a crystalline lens. There are two osphradia, but neither hypobranchial glands nor operculum. The mandible is unpaired and dorsal. The radula generally has trabeculi- form teeth (Fig. 74, F), and there are at most three marginal teeth on either side. The heart has only a single auricle (Fig. 82, cm), and neither it nor the pericardium are traversed by the rectum. The visceral mass is cone-shaped, without a spire. The sub -order includes about 1400 species. FAMILY 1. ACMAEIDAE, Philippi. A single bipectinate ctenidium, free for the greater part of its extent, is present on the left side (Fig. 82). Genera — Acmaea, Eschsholtz ; without pallial branchiae ; Great Britain. Xcurria, Gray; with pallial branchiae arranged in a circle beneath the mantle. Pectinodonta, Dall. Scenella, Billings ; from the Cambrian. Palaeacma, Hall ; from the Silurian. FAMILY 2. TRYBLIDIIDAE, Pilsbry. Muscle scar divided into numerous separate impressions. Genus — Tryllidium, Lindstrom ; Silurian. FAMILY 3. PATELLIDAE, Guilding. No ctenidia, but only pallial branchiae disposed in a circle between the mantle and the foot (Fig. 1 25). Genera — Patella, Linnaeus ; the pallial branchiae forming a complete circle ; no epipodial tubercles ; British seas. Ancistromesus, Dall ; radula with an unpaired central tooth, which is wanting in Patella. Nacella, Schumacher ; branchial circle complete ; epipodial tentacles present. Helcion, Montfort ; circlet of pallial branchiae interrupted anteriorly, beneath the head ; British seas. Helcioniscus, Dall. FAMILY 4. LEPETIDAE, Gray. Dioecious, with otoconia ; the head symmetrical, the foot elongated ; neither ctenidia nor pallial branchiae present ; a central tooth in the radula. Genera — Lepeta, Gray ; without eyes. Lepdella, Verrill ; with eyes. Pilidium, Forbes. Propilidium, Forbes and Hanley. FAMILY 5. BATHYSCIADIDAE, Dautzenberg and Fischer. Monoecious, with otoliths ; head provided with an appendage on the right side ; radula without a central tooth. Genus — tiathysciadium, Dautzenberg and Fischer; abyssal (Fig. 126). SUB-ORDER 2. RHIPIDOGLOSSA. Aspidobranchia with a dialyneurous nerve-system, that is to say, with a pallio-visceral anastomosis (Fig. 124, XV); eyes with a crystalline lens (Fig. 100, I) ; a single osphradium, except in genera with two ctenidia ; one or two hypobranchial glands. Mandibles paired, lateral. Radula 10 THE GASTROPODA with very numerous marginal teeth, arranged like the sticks of a fan. d c x <, TUZ..C, FIG. 125. Patella vulgato, in its shell, seen from the pedal surface ; x, y, the median antero-posterior axis, a, cephalic tentacle ; b, plantar .surface of the foot ; c, free edge of the shell ; d, the branchial efferent vessel carrying aerated blood to the auricle, and here interrupting the circlet of gill lamellae ; c, margin of the mantle-skirt ; /, gill lamellae— special pallial outgrowths (not ctenidia) ; g, the branchial efferent vessel ; h, factor of the branchial advehent vessel ; i, inter- spaces between the muscular bundles of the root of the foot. (After Lankester.) Oesophagus with a frill, oesophageal glands (Fig. 124, XVI), and a stomachal caecum, often coiled in a spiral (Fig. 127, sp.c). Heart with two auricles ; ventricle traversed by the rectum (Fig. 55) except in the Helicinidae, in which there is only a single auricle and the rectum only passes through the pericardium. An epipodial ridge on each side of the foot (Fig. 130, VIII), and cephalic expansions between the tentacles often present. FAMILY 1. PLEDROTOMARIIDAE. Visceral mass and shell spiral ; mantle and shell with an anterior fissure (Fig. 54, III) near the median line. Two ctenidia ; a horny operculum. Genera — Pleurotomaria. Defrance ; epipodium with- out tentacles; two bipectinate ctenidia (Fig. 127). Five living species from the Antilles, Japan, and the Moluccas. The first recent species (P. quoyana, Crosse and Fischer) was discovered in 1856 ; the animal was first /ux, Fio. 126. Btithysciaduim, ventral aspect, magui fled, aj), cephalic appendage ; /, foot THE GASTROPODA 147 obtained in 1871, in a collection made off the Barbadoes by the " Hassler" (A. Agassiz). The Moluccan species is nineteen centimetres in height. The genus includes several hundred extinct species, ranging from the Silurian to the Tertiary, but is rare in the last named. Xdssurella, d'Orbigny ; epipodium with tentacles ; right ctenidium mono- pectinate (Fig. 128). Schismope, Jeffreys ; the slit at the margin of the shell is closed in the adult and transformed into an orifice (Fig. 62). The following genera are exclusively fossil : Porcellia, LeVeiHe" ; Devonian and Carboniferous. Kokenella, Kittl ; Trias. Ditremaria, d'Orbigny ; Jurassic. Polytremaria, de Koninck ; Carboniferous. Trochotoma, Deslongchamps ; Trias and Jurassic. Cantantostoma, Sandberger ; FIG. 127. Flcitrotomaria, with the pallial cavity laid open, right-side view, o, anus ; CM, aorta ; a.v, afferent branchial vessel ; br.g, branchial ganglion ; c.c, cerebral commissure ; co, columellar muscle ; tr, crop ; e.v, efferent branchial vessel ; /, foot ; g, right or minor gill ; g.d, genital duct ; gg, gonad ; h, heart in the pericardium ; hy.g, hypobranchial gland ; in, intestine ; li, liver; l.k.o, opening of the left kidney; m, mouth; m.s, mantle slit; od, odontophore ; oc, oesophagus ; op, operculum ; os. osph radium ; pe.c, pedal cord ; r, rectum ; r.k, right kidney ; r. A', anterior part of ditto (dotted line); r.k.o, opening of the right kidney ; r.,«, radularsac; s.g, salivary gland ; sp.c, spiral caecum ; st, stomach. (After F. M. Woodward.) Devonian. Muirhisonia, d'Archiac and Verneuil ; Cambrian to Trias. Odontomaria, Roemer ; Devonian. FAMILY 2. BELLEROPHONTIDAE, Mac- Coy. An exclusively fossil family, comprising more than 300 species extending from the Cambrian to the Trias. The shell is coiled in one plane and has an incision in the mid -dorsal margin of the aperture. Genera — Bellerophcn, Montfort. Euphemus, MacCoy. Salpingo- stoma, Roemer. Trematonotus, Hall. Cyrtolites, Conrad. FAMILY 3. EUOMPHALIDAE, de Koninck. Also an extinct family, extending from the Cambrian to the Cretaceous. Spire slightly prominent ; umbilicus deep ; operculum calcareous. Genera — Euomphalus, Sowerby. Strapa- rollina, Billings. Ophileta, Vanuxem. Maclurea, Lesueur. Platychisma, MacCoy. Straparollus, Montfort. Phanerotinus, Sowerby. Discohelix, I48 THE GASTROPODA Dunker. FAMILY 4. HALIOTIDAE, Fleming. Spire of the visceral mass and shell much reduced ; two bipectinate ctenidia, the right being oc Fio. 128. Scisfitrclla cugli/pta, removed from its shell, ventral aspect, magnified, br.d, right gill ; 1>r.s, left gill ;, visceral mass ; oc, right eye ; op, operculum ; p, foot ; pa, mantle ; t, snout ; tr, left cephalic tentacle ; te.ep, epipodial tentacles ;, pallial tentacle ; te.p.o, post-ocular tentacle. the smaller ; no operculum. Genus — Haliotis, Linnaeus (Fig. 129). FAMILY 5. VELAINIELLIDAE, Vasseur. An extinct family from the Eocene. Shell elongate, with numerous whorls ; columella and partitions Fio. 129. llaliotis tuberculata, right-side view, d, foot ; t, tentacular process of the mantle, passing through the shell-foramina. (From Lankester, after Cuvier.) between the whorls absent ; internal cavity open from base to summit. Genus, Vclainiella, Vasseur. FAMILY 6. FISSURELLIDAE, Risso. Visceral mass and shell conical ; the anterior part of the mantle exhibits a slit or a hole in the median line ; two symmetrical ctenidia ; no operculum. THE GASTROPODA 149 Genera — Emarginula, Lamarck ; anterior border of the mantle and shell with a slit ; British seas. Simula, Defrance. Subemarginula, Blainville. Scutum, Montfort ; mantle split anteriorly and partially reflected over the shell, which has no anterior slit. Zeidora, Adams. Puncturella, Lowe ; mantle and shell with a foramen in front of the summit of the visceral cone ; British. Fissurella, Bruguiere ; mantle and shell perforated by a hole at the summit of the visceral cone, the hole leading into the branchial chamber ; British. Glyphis, Carpenter. Fissurellidea, d'Orbigny. Pupillia, Gray ; mantle completely covering the shell. Lucapina, Gray. Megatebennus, Pilsbry. Macrochisma, Swainson. Lucapinella, Pilsbry. FAMILY 7. COCCULINIDAE, Dall. Shell conical, symmetrical, without slit or perforation ; the summit inclined backwards. Genus — Cocculina, Dall ; dioecious ; abyssal. FAMILY 8. TROCHIDAE, d'Orbigny. Visceral mass and shell spirally XI FIG. 130. Trodius (Gibbula) cinerarius, right-side view. I, shell ; II, frontal lobes ; III, right eye and peduncle ; IV, right tentacle ; V, appendage of the right ocular peduncle ; VI, snout ; VII, right epipodial lobe ; VIII, epipodium ; IX, claviform appendage under the epipodial tentacle ; X, posterior (operculigerous) part of the foot ; XI, epipodial tentacle. coiled ; a single ctenidium ; eyes open (Fig. 100) ; a horny operculum ; flattened lobes between the tentacles (Fig. 130, II). Genera — Trochus, Linnaeus ; no jaws ; shell umbilicated ; spire pointed and prominent. Monodonta, Lamarck ; no jaws ; spire not prominent ; no umbilicus ; columella toothed. Clanculus, Montfort. Elenchus, Swainson. Photinula, Adams. Gaza, Watson. Gibbula, Kisso ; with jaws ; three pairs of epipodial cirrhi without pigment spots at their bases (Fig. 130) ; British. Margarita, Leach; from five to seven pairs of epipodial tentacles with a pigment spot at the base of each. Livona, Gray. Basilissa, Watson. FAMILY 9. STOMATELLIDAE, Gray. Spire of the visceral mass and shell much reduced ; a single ctenidium. Genera — Stomatella, Lamarck ; foot truncated posteriorly ; an operculum present ; no epipodial tentacles. Gena, Gray ; foot elongated posteriorly ; no operculum ; epipodial tentacles present. Stomatia, Helbling ; foot not truncated ; operculum and epipodial tentacles absent. FAMILY 10. DELPHINULIDAE, Fischer. Visceral mass and shell spirally coiled ; operculum horny ; in- 150 THE GASTROPODA tertentacular lobes absent Genus — Delphinula, Lamarck ; with five pairs of epipodial tentacles. FAMILY 11. LIOTIIDAE, Gray. Shell globular; margin of aperture thickened ; operculum horny, with a calcareous layer. Genus — Liotia, Gray. FAMILY 12. CYCLOSTREMATIDAE, Fischer. Shell flattened, umbilicated, not nacreous ; foot truncated anteriorly and with the two angles prolonged into tentacles. Genera — Cydostrema, Marryat (Fam. 50). Teinostoma, Adams. FAMILY 13. TROCHONE- MATIDAE, Zittel. Exclusively fossil, from Cambrian to Cretaceous ; shell spiral and nacreous internally ; whorls without keels ; aperture rounded. Genera — Trochonema, Salter ; from the Cambrian and Silurian. Eunema, Salter ; from the Ordovician to the Devonian. Amberleya, Morris and Lycett ; from the Trias to the Cretaceous. Oncospira, Zittel ; Jurassic. FAMILY 14. TURBINIDAE, Gray. Visceral mass and shell spirally coiled ; epipodial tentacles present ; eyes closed ; operculum calcareous and thick. Genera — Turbo, Linnaeus; shell globular, thick, with short spire. Astralium, Link. Molleria, Jeffreys ; shell thin, umbilicated, with very short spire. Cyclonema, Hall. FAMILY 15. PHASIANELLIDAE, Troschel. Shell not nacreous, without umbilicus, with prominent spire and polished surface. Genus — Pliasianelki, Lamarck. FAMILY 16. UMBONIIDAE, Adams. Shell flattened, not umbilicated, generally smooth, without a nacreous layer ; operculum horny. Genera — Umbonium, Link. Isanda, Adams. FAMILY 17. NERITOPSIDAE, Fischer. Shell semiglobular, with short spire ; operculum calcareous, not spiral. Genera — Nerilopsis, Grateloup. Naticopsis, MacCoy ; from the Devonian to the Trias. FAMILY 18. MACLURITIDAE, Fischer. Shell discoid, deeply umbilicated, with few whorls ; operculum spiral, thick. Genus — Maclurites, Lesueur ; from Cambrian and Silurian. FAMILY 19. NEUITIDAE, Lamarck. Shell with very low spire ; without um- bilicus and without a nacreous layer ; internal partitions frequently absorbed ; operculum calcareous, provided with an apophysis ; epipodium slightly developed, without tentacles ; a single ctenidium ; a cephalic penis present. Genera — Nerita, Adanson ; marine. Neritina, Lamarck ; freshwater ; British. Neritodomns, Morris and Lycett ; Jurassic. Deianira, Stoliczka ; Cretaceous. Septaria, Fcrussac ; shell boat - shaped, with a large aperture and symmetrical muscular im- pressions. Pileolus, Sowerby ; from the Jurassic and Cretaceous. FAMILY 20. TITISCANIIDAE, Bergh. With- out shell and operculum, but with a pallial cavity and a ctenidium. Genus — Titiscania, Bergh (Fig. 131) ; from the Pacific Ocean. FAMILY 21. HELICINIDAE, Pfeiffer. No ctenidium, but a pulmonary cavity present ; epipodium without tentacles ; heart with a cavity ; iv, gill, single auricle, and not traversed by the rectum ; i>o mandible ; operculum without apophyses. Genera — Helicina, Lamarck. Eutrochatella, Fischer. Stoastoma, Adams. Bourcieriu, Pfeiffer. FAMILY 22. HYDROCENIDAE, Fischer. No ctenidium, but a pulmonary cavity present ; foot obtuse ; operculum calcareous, with an Fio. 131. Tititcanw limacina, erculated or spiny. Genera — Ty phobia, Smith. Bathanalia, Moore ; from Lake Tanganyika. FAMILY 23. PLEUROCERIDAE, Fischer. Like the Melaniidae, but the border of the mantle is not fringed and the reproduction is oviparous. Genera — Pleurocera, Rafinesque ; shell elongated ; the aperture canaliculated anteriorly. Anculotus, Say ; shell short, globular ; the aperture rounded anteriorly. FAMILY 24. PSEUDOMELANIIDAE, Fischer. An exclusively fossil family ; shell turriculated, with prominent spire and elongated oval aperture. Genera — Pseudomelania, Pictet and Campiche ; Secondary and Tertiary. Loxonema, Phillips ; Palaeozoic. Macrochilus, Phillips ; Devonian to Trias. FAMILY 25. SUBULITIDAE, Fischer. An exclusively fossil family ; shell turriculated with a narrow aperture, elongated and canaliculated anteriorly. Genera — Subulites, Conrad ; Cambrian to Car- boniferous. Fusispira, Hall ; Ordovician. Euchrysalis, Laube ; Trias. FAMILY 26. NERINEIDAE, Zittel. An exclusively fossil family ; shell with numerous whorls, with multiple folds in the lumen of the whorls. Genera — Nerinea, Defrance ; Jurassic and Cretaceous. Aptyxiella, Fischer ; Trias and Jurassic. Ptygmatis, Sharpe ; Jurassic and Cretaceous. FAMILY 27. CERITHIIDAE, Fleming. Shell with elongated spire and numerous tuberculated whorls ; aperture canaliculated anteriorly ; snout long ; pallial siphon short. Genera — Cerithium, Adanson ; aperture oval ; operculum oval, with submarginal nucleus. Bittium, Gray ; operculum circular, with central nucleus ; siphon rudimentary. Potamiiles, Brong- niart ; eyes situated above the bases of the tentacles ; ctenidium rudi- mentary ; brackish water. Triforis, Deshayes ; shell sinistral. Laeocochlis, Dunker and Metzger. Cerithinpsis, Forbes and Hanley. FAMILY 28. MODULIDAE, Fischer. This family differs from the Cerithiidae in having a shell with a short spire, without a siphon ; the eyes are placed midway up the tentacles. Genus — Modulus, Gray. FAMILY 29. VERMETIDAE, d'Orbigny. The animal is fixed by the shell, the last whorls of which are not in contact with one another ; foot small, discoidal, with two anterior pedal tentacles, one on each side of the supra-pedal gland. Genera — Vermetus, Adanson ; shell without a notch on the exterior border of the aperture ; THE GASTROPODA 155 mantle slit in the female only (Fig. 45) ; peclal tentacles elongate. Sitiquaria, Bruguiere ; mantle and shell «lit in both sexes for the whole length of the branchial cavity ; pedal tentacles rudimentary. FAMILY 30. CAECIDAE, Gray. Shell almost completely uncoiled in one plane, and furnished with internal septa ; aperture circular. Genus — Caecum, Fleming (Fig. 68) ; British. FAMILY 31. TURRITELLIDAE, Clark. Shell very long with numerous whorls ; head large and prominent ; mantle border fringed ; no siphon ; foot broad and truncated. Genera — Turritella, Lamarck ; British. Mesalia,, Gray. Mathilda, Semper ; the summit of the shell hyperstrophic. FAMILY 32. STRDTHIOLARIIDAE, Fischer. Spire of shell conical ; aperture pointed and subcanaliculated anteriorly ; foot oval, rather small ; head elongate with short tentacles ; siphon very slightly developed. Genus — Struthiolaria, Lamarck. FAMILY 33. CHENOPODIDAE, Fischer. Spire of shell elongated ; margin of aperture expanded ; foot elongated and narrow ; snout short ; tentacles long ; siphon very short. Genera — CJienopus, Philippi ; British. Alaria, Morris and Lycett ; Jurassic and Cretaceous. Spinigera, d'Orbigny ; Jurassic. Diartema, Piette ; Jurassic. FAMILY 34. STKOMBIDAE, Gray. Foot narrow, arcuate, compressed laterally, without ventral sole (Fig. 75, /) ; snout long ; ocular peduncles longer and stouter than the tentacles. Genera — Strombus, Lin- naeus ; shell ovoid, with elongated aperture ; mantle border and aperture of shell not digitate. Pteroceras, Linnaeus ; mantle border and aperture of shell digitate. Rostellaria, Lamarck ; spire of shell elongate ; aperture prolonged anteriorly into a canal and laterally into an aliform expansion (Fig. 46). Terebellum, Klein ; shell elongated with a short spire ; tentacles aborted. FAMILY 35. XENOPHORIDAE, Philippi. Snout elongated ; foot divided transversely into two parts, the posterior part bearing the oper- culum ; shell conical, carinated. Genera — Xenophorus, Fischer (Fig. 134) ; with foreign substances agglutinated on the shell. Eotrochus, Whitfield ; from the Silurian. FAMILY 36. CAPULIDAE, Fleming. Visceral sac and shell conical, but slightly incurved posteriorly; a tongue-shaped projection between snout and foot ; columellar muscle horseshoe-shaped. Genera — CapuluSj Montfort. Thyca, Adams ; parasitic on Asterids ; without a radula ; foot rudimentary. Platyceras, Conrad; from the Silurian onwards. FAMILY 37. HIPPONYCIDAE, Fischer. Visceral mass and shell conical ; foot feebly muscular, capable of secreting a ventral calcareous plate ; animal fixed. Genera — Hipponyx, Defrance. Mitrularia, Schumacher ; the shell with an internal appendage shaped like a half-horn. FAMILY 38. CALYPTRAEIDAE, Broderip. Visceral mass spiral ; shell flattened, with a short spire ; lateral cervical lobes present ; foot short and circular ; accessory genital glands present. Genera — Calyptraea, Lamarck; shell spiral, with central summit and circular aperture ; British. Crepidula, Lamarck ; shell oval, with nearly obsolete spire and marginal summit, furnished with an internal horizontal posterior septum. Crucibulum, Schumacher ; shell conical, with an internal corniform appendage (Fig. 69). FAMILY 39. NARICIDAE, Recluz. Foot divided into two, the posterior half bearing the operculum ; a wide epipodial velum ; tentacles flattened ; snout elongate ; she'll turbinated. Genus — Narica, Recluz. FAMILY 40. NATICIDAE, Swainson. Foot highly developed and provided 156 THE GASTROPODA with an aquiferous system ; propodium reflected over the head ; eyes deeply seated or absent ; operculum spiral ; burrowing animals. Genera — Natica, Adanson ; shell globular, thick and polished, umbilicated, with a semi-lunar aperture (Fig. 47) ; British. Amaura, Holier ; shell not umbilicated, thin, with an oblong aperture. Siyaretus, Lamarck ; shell auriform, with a very short spire and large aperture ; operculum small and rostrate. FAMILY 41. LAMELLARIIDAE, d'Orbigny. Shell thin, more or less covered by the mantle, and with a small spire ; no operculum or propodium; mandibles fused dorsally. Genera — Veluti?ia, Fleming; shell only partially covered by mantle ; British. Lamellarw, Montagu ; shell internal, spiral, transparent ; British. Marseniua, Gray ; shell not completely covered by the mantle ; hermaphrodite. Oticidiop*Mt Beck ; FIG. 134. Xenophonis exutus, animal and shell, left-side view, a, snout ; bt cephalic tentacles ; c, left eye ; d, anterior part of the foot (to the ri^ht of this is seen the posterior lobe of the foot bear- ing the sculptured operculum/). (From Uinkester, after Owen.) shell internal, membranous, without spiral ; hermaphrodite. FAMILY 42. TRICHOTROPIDAE, Gray. Shell with short spire, umbilicated, carinate and pointed. Genus — Trichotropis, Broderip and Sowerby. FAMILY 43. SEGVENZIIDAE, Verrill. Shell trochiform, with canaliculated aperture and twisted columella ; operculum spiral. Genus — Seguenzia, Jeffreys ; abyssal. FAMILY 44. JANTHINIDAE. Shell thin ; operculum absent ; tentacles bifid ; eyes absent ; foot short, provided with an epipodium and secretes a float ; radula with similar pointed teeth (Fig. 74, D) ; pelagic. Genera — Janthina, Lamarck ; shell blue, with a short spire ; ctenidium with long pointed filaments, capable of being protruded from the pallial cavity (Fig. 135). Recluzia, Petit; shell white with elongated spire. FAMILY 45. CYPRAEIDAE, Fleming. Shell inrolled, solid, polished, the spire nearly hidden, the aperture very narrow in the adult ; pallial aperture provided with a short anterior siphon ; a short proboscis ; anus posterior ; foot broad ; osph radium with three lobes ; mantle reflected THE GASTROPODA '57 over the shell (Fig. 70). Genera — Cypraea, Linnaeus ; shell ventricose with a crenelated columella. Pustularia, Swainson ; differs from Cypraea in having an internal shell. Ovula, Bruguiere ; columella smooth, both ends of the aperture canaliculated (Fig. 136). Pedicularia, Swainson; attached to corals ; foot small ; shell irregular with an expanded aperture. Erato, Risso ; shell piriform, with a prominent spire. FAMILY 46. TRITONIDAE, Adams. Shell tnrriculated and siphonated, thick, each FIG. 135. Female Jatithina, with egg-flout (ri) attached to the foot, b, egg-capsules ; c, ctenidium ; <7, cephalic tentacles. (From Lankester, after Owen.) whorl of the spire provided with varices ; foot broad and truncated anteriorly ; pallial siphon well developed ; a proboscis. Genera — Triton, Montfort ; varices not continuous from one whorl to another ; eyes at the bases of the tentacles (Fig. 44, A). Persona, Montfort ; whorls irregular ; eyes half-way up the tentacles. Ranella, Lamarck ; varices continuous from one whorl to another. FAMILY 47. COLUMBELLINIDAE, Fischer. An exclusively fossil family ; shell with prominent spire, narrow aperture, and callous columella. Genera — Columbellina, d'Orbigny ; cretaceous. Colum- bellaria, Rolle ; Jurassic. Zittelia, Gemellaro ; Jurassic. Peter sia, Gemellaro ; Jurassic. FAMILY 48. CASSIDIDAE, Adams. Shell ventricose, with elongated aperture and short spire; foot broad and rounded anteriorly; proboscis and siphon long ; oper- culum with marginal nucleus. Genera — Cassis, Lamarck ; shell varicose, with narrow aperture. Cassidaria, Lamarck ; shell with- out varices, aperture oval and canaliculated. Oniscia, Sowerby ; shell oval, with a linear aperture. FAMILY 49. OOCORYTHIDAE, Fischer. Shell globular and ventricose ; aperture oval and canaliculated ; operculum spiral, is 'naturally carried in a reflected condition so as £,. , , , to cover in the sides of the shell. (From Lan- Genus — Oocorys, Fischer ; abyssal, kester, after Owen.) FAMILY 50. DOLIIDAE, Adams. Shell ventricose, with short spire and wide aperture ; no varices and no operculum ; foot very broad with projecting anterior angles ; siphon long. Genera — Dolium, Lamarck ; shell with a short canal ; ocular tubercles distinct from the tentacles ; mantle not reflected over the shell. Pyrula, Lamarck ; canal long ; spire very short ; mantle reflected over the "shell; eyes sessile (Fig. 71). FAMILY 51. SOLARIIDAE, FIG. 136. 158 THE GASTROPODA Chenu. Shell spiral^ conical, with flattened spire, umbilicated ; head short ; tentacles split throughout their length ; foot short. Genera — Solarium, Lamarck. Torinia, Gray. Fluxina, Dall. FAMILY 52. SCALARIIDAE, Broderip. Shell turriculated with numerous whorls and an elongated spire ; head short, with a short proboscis ; foot small, truncated anteriorly ; siphon rudimentary. Genera — Scalaria, Lamarck ; shell elongate with a circular aperture, whorls very convex, ornamented with longitudinal projecting lamellae ; British. Eglisia, Gray. Crossed, Adams. Aclis, Loven. The three following families of Taenioglossa Platypoda have neither radula nor jaws, and are therefore called Aglossa. They are suctorial animals with a well- developed proboscis, and are often commensal or parasitic on Echinoderms ; some are abyssal. The series affords a remarkable example of the regressive evolution of various organs as a result of parasitism. FAMILY 53. PYRAMIDELLIDAE, Gray. Summit of spire heterostrophic (Fig. 65, B) ; tentacles deeply grooved externally or split at their extremities ; foot truncated anteriorly ; a projection, the " mentum," between the head and foot ; an operculum present. TurbonUla scalaris, ri^ht-side view. /, foot; w, mouth ; me, mentum ; cj>, operculum ; j>o, mantle ; sh, shell ; te, tentacle. (After Loven.) Genera — Pyramidella, Lamarck ; columella folded, tentacles corniform. Turbonilla, Leach ; columella not folded (Fig. 137). Odostomia, Fleming ; columella provided with a tooth ; hermaphrodite ; British. Myxa, Hedley. FAMILY 54. EULIMIDAE, Adams. Visceral mass still coiled spirally ; shell thin and shining, generally with a pointed summit ; tentacles without a groove. Genera — Eulima, Risso ; foot well developed, and with an operculum ; animal usually free, but some live in the digestive canal of Holothuriae in the Fiji Islands, in the Philippines, and in Europe, e.g. Eulima distorta in Holothuria intestinalis. Niso, Risso. tfcalenostoma, Deshayes. Hoplopteron, Fischer. Mucronalia, Adams ( = Stylina, Fleming) ; foot reduced, but still operculate ; eyes present ; animal fixed by its very long probosci?, which is deeply buried in the tissues of an Echinoderm ; no pseudopallium. Stylifer, Broderip ; the operculum is lost, but a rudiment of the foot remains ; tentacles very small or absent ; eyes, otocysts, and a branchia present ; animal fixed by a large proboscis forming a pseudopallium which surrounds the whole of the shell except the more or less projecting extremity of the spire (Fig. 20) ; sexes separate ; parasitic on all groups of Echinoderms in different seas. Entosiphon, Koehler and Vaney ; visceral mass still coiled ; shell much reduced ; proboscis very long, forming a pseudo- THE GASTROPODA 159 pallium, which covers the whole body and projects beyond in the form of a siphon, and serves to put the animal in communica- tion with the external world and for the passage of the ova (Fig. 21) ; a foot is retained, and also a nervous system and oto- cysts ; neither eyes, branchia, anus, nor rectum ; the stomach is a sac with ramifying caeca ; hermaphrodite ; parasitic in the Holothurian Deima blakei, in the Indian Ocean. Entosiphon forms the transition to the next family. FAMILY 55. ENTO- CONCHIDAE, Fischer ( = Cochlo- syringia, Voigt). Neither shell nor spirally coiled visceral mass ; no sensory organs, nervous system, branchia, or anus ; body reduced to a more or less tubular sac ; endoparasitic in Holo- thurians ; probably all herma- phrodite, with separate male and female gonads ; incubatory ( " viviparous " ) ; with conchi- ferous and operculiferous veliger larvae, without a retractor veli muscle. Genera — Entocolax, Voigt ; visceral mass essentially genital and forming a swelling surrounded by the pseudo- pallium ; digestive orifice or proboscis at the free extremity ; orifice of the pseudopallium at the opposite extremity by which the animal is fixed ; a second accessory aperture of the pseudo- pallium serves for the passage of the genital products. Two species parasitic in Holothurians • ,1 V, •/> Entocolux ludwigi, in situ, x 30. I, fixative in the Pacific : E. ludwigi, m apparatus ; II, ovary ; III, uterus ; IV, buccal Miiri'ntrnrlti/9 rinbi'i' fi-nm fhp orifice; V, oviduct; VI, genital orifice; VII, ova Mynotroclius nnlai Horn tne separated from the <£* by dehiscence; VIII, Behrin<* Sea (Fig. 138) ; and E. cavity around the ovary, formed by the pseudo- 7 . ••/«.• j 1 • • • pallium ; IX, orifice of this cavity ; X, integument schiemenzi m Chirodota pisanii Jfthe Holothuria. (After Voigt.) tv FIG. 188. from Chili. Entoconcha, J. Miiller (Fig. 1 39) ; body elongated and tubular ; the aperture of the digestive tract rudimentary and situated at the fixed extremity of the body ; protandric i6o THE GASTROPODA liermophrodite with separate male and female gonads ; parasitic in the testis of Holothurians, causing their abortion. Three species are known : one in Synapta digitata (Mediterranean), one in Holothuria edulis (Philippines), and one in a Holothuria from Puget Sound in the North-East Pacific. Enteroxenos, Bonnevie ; no pseudopallium and no alimentary tract ; male and female gonads separate, with a single common genital orifice ; larvae operculiferous. E. ostergreni (Fig. 140); parasitic in the intestine of Stichopus (Norway). Fio. 139. mirubilix, in situ, maj,'- nilied. I, oral extremity ; 11, remains of the digestive tract ; III, testis ; IV, ovary ; V, nntiinesenteric vessel of tho Syrutiita in which Kntuconcha is parasite. (After J. Mailer.) Fio. 140. Enteroxeiios oxtergreiii, Bonnevie. ov, eggs. (After lionnovie.) TRIBE 2. HETEROPODA. These are free - swimming Taenioglossa, with the foot flattened laterally and the otocysts situated near the cerebral ganglia. There are no mandibles and the intestine is short. All the Heteropoda are pelagic, and are much modified in adaptation to this mode of existence. The foot is very large, and has the form of a fin compressed bilaterally ; it bears, in the male at least, a sucker on its ventral aspect (Fig. 142, d'). The visceral sac or " nucleus " and mantle form a progressively smaller and smaller part of the mass of the body (compare Figs. 142 and 143), but the head always remains large and forms a cylindrical snout. The cerebral nerve -centres are in juxtaposition ; the pleural ganglia, still visible in the Atlantidae and Pterotracheidae, are attached to them, and there are thus two pedal connectives on either side, namely, the cerebro- pedal and the pleuro-pedal ; these are separate proximally in Atlanta, but THE GASTROPODA 161 fused together for their whole length in other forms. The pedal centres are situated at the base of the fin (Fig. 142, v). The visceral commissure is fairly long, is crossed, and bears several ganglia, but there is neither dialyneury nor zygoneury. In the Carinariidae, however, there are secondary uncrossed viscero-pedal anastomoses, and in the Pterotracheidae the pedal connectives are fused with the anterior part of the visceral commissure, and behind the pedal ganglia the two branches of this com- missure are fused together for the greater part of their length. The osphradium is a more or less elongated ciliated organ, situated in the pallial cavity to the left of the bronchia. The otocysts are situated near FIG. 141. Oxygyrus kcraudrnni, male, right-side view. A, head ; «, mouth and odontophore ; B, anterior part of the foot ; h, cephalic tentacles ; c, eye ; , liver ; t, aorta, springing from the ventricle ; n, cerebro-pleural ganglion ; r, pedal ganglion ; w, testis ; x, visceral ganglion ; y, vesicula seminalis ; z, penis. (From Lankester, alter Souleyet.) appendage or flagellum. In the female the genital duct is furnished with a copulatory bursa and an albuminiparous gland. The Heteropoda lay floating eggs imbedded in a gelatinous matrix ; the larvae are charac- terised by the velum, which is divided into four or six lobes. All the Heteropoda are pelagic and transparent, and are generally found in dense bands in warm and temperate zones, swimming slowly in a reversed position, that is to say, with the foot uppermost. They are all car- nivorous. The tribe includes three families which afford a good example of regressive evolution accompanying a process of detorsion and a return to bilateral symmetry, as in the Opisthobranchs. The specialisation of the group is marked by a progressive reduction, and finally by the disappearance first of the operculum, afterwards of the mantle, and finally of the ctenidium and tentacles. The genus Atlanta is still provided with a well-developed coiled shell and an operculum, and is THE GASTROPODA 165 characteristically prosobranchiate. In Carinaria the shell is uncoiled and rudimentary, and there is no operculum. Pterotrachea has neither shell nor tentacles and is opisthobranchiate. Finally, Firoloida has lost the ctenidium. FAMILY 1. ATLANTIDAE, Rang. Visceral sac and shell spirally coiled in one plane ; foot divided transversely into two parts, the posterior part bearing an operculum with a sinistral coil (Fig. 48), while the anterior part forms a fin provided with a sucker. Genera — Oxygyrus, Benson -r shell capable of containing the entire animal, carinated only on the last whorl and near the aperture. Atlanta, Lesueur ; shell capable of con- taining the whole animal, carinated throughout ; aperture with fissures (Fig. 141). FAMILY 2. CARINARIIDAE, Grasset. Visceral sac and shell conical and small in proportion to the rest of the body, which cannot be withdrawn into the shell ; foot elongated, fin-shaped, with a sucker but without an operculum. Genera — Carinaria, Lamarck (Fig. 142). Cardio- FIG. 143. Pterotrachea. mutica, seen from the right side, a, pouch for the reception of the snout when retracted ; br, ctenidium ; c, pericardium ; g, cerebral ganglion ; g', pedal ganglion ; i, intestine ;. mt, posterior part of the foot ; n, so-called visceral nucleus ; oc, cephalic eye ; ph, pharynx ; pr, fin-like anterior part of the foot ; v, oesophagus ; w, osphradium ; z, caudal appendage. (From Lankester, after Keferstein.) poda, d'Orbigny (Fig. 142, C, D). FAMILY 3. PTEROTRACHEIDAE, Gray. Visceral sac very much reduced, without shell and mantle ; anus on the posterior part of the body ; foot provided with a sucker in the male only. Genera — Pterotrachea, Forskal ; no tentacles ; a ctenidium present ; a filiform appendage at the posterior extremity of the foot (Fig. 143). Firoloida, Lesueur ; tentacles present, but no ctenidium and no posterior appendage to the foot. Pterosoma, Lesson. SUB-ORDER 2. STENOGLOSSA. Pectinibranchs in which the nervous system is much concentrated and always zygoneurous. The perioesophageal nerve -collar is always posterior to and is not traversed by the salivary glands. The stomato- gastric ganglia are situated close to the cerebral nerve-centres and far behind the buccal mass, the last-named organ being greatly reduced. A well-developed proboscis, an unpaired oesophageal gland (the gland of Leiblein or poison-gland), a pallia! siphon, and a penis are always present. The osphradium is bipectinate. The radula is narrow, and in the majority of genera (Rachiglossa) has a single lateral on each side of the median or rachidian tooth : in the remainder of the group (Toxiglossa) there is no median tooth, and the radular formula is therefore 1.0.1. The sub-order is accordingly divided into two tribes. 1 64 THE GASTROPODA TRIBE 1. RACHIGLOSSA. These are Stenoglossa with a highly-developed proboscis, a pallial siphon, and rudimentary jaws : the radular formula is 1.1.1 (Fig. 74, H). FAMILY 1. TURBINELLIDAE, Sowerby. Shell solid, piriform, with a thick folded columella ; foot broad ; proboscis long ; tentacles conver- gent ; lateral teeth of the radula bicuspidate. Genera — Turbinella, Lamarck ; shell with short spire and long canal. Cynodonta, Schumacher ; spire and canal short ; shell tuberculated. Fulgur, Montfort ; shell piriform ; tentacles short. Hemifusus, Swainson ; shell fusiform with carinated whorls ; tentacles short (Fig. 99). Tudicla, Link. Strepsidura, Swainson. FAMILY 2. FASCIOLARIIDAE, Adams. Shell elongated, with a long siphon ; head small and narrow, with short tenacles ; foot rather broad and short ; lateral teeth of the radula multicuspidate. Genera — Fasciolaria, Lamarck. Fusus, Lamarck. Clavella, Swainson. Latirus, Montfort FAMILY 3. MITRIDAE, Adams. Shell fusiform and solid, the spire pointed, the aperture elongated and the columella folded ; no operculum ; tentacles elongated, bearing the eyes at their sides ; foot narrow ; proboscis very long ; siphon moderately long. Genera — Mitra, Lamarck. Turricula, Klein. Cylindromitra, Fischer. Imbricaria, Schumacher. FAMILY 4. BUCCINIDAE, Fleming. Foot large and broad ; eyes at the bases of the tenacles ; shell ovoid, with oval aperture ; a horny operculum. Genera — Chrysodomus, Swainson ; shell fusiform, solid, with an unguiculate operculum ; British. Liomesus, Stimpson ; shell ovoid, with a very short canal ; tentacles short ; lateral teeth of the radula unicuspidate. Buccinum, Linnaeus ; shell ventricose with a wide aperture ; operculum oval with sub-central nucleus ; tentacles moderately long ; lateral teeth with three or four cusps ; British. Cominella, Gray ; shell fusiform ; the operculum oval to piriform, with an apical nucleus. Tritonidea, Swainson ; shell ventricose ; operculum like that of Cominella. Pisania, Bivona ; shell with a short canal ; operculum unguiculate ; lateral teeth tricuspidate. Euthrio. Gray ; shell fusiform, with elongate spire and canal. Phos, Montfort ; foot broad with two lateral projections anteriorly and a slender posterior filament. Dipsacus, Klein ; foot elongated ; tentacles long ; shell ovoid, solid, with a short canal ; lateral teeth bicuspidate. FAMILY 5. NASSIDAE, Swainson. Foot broad, with two slender posterior appendages ; siphon long ; shell ovoid, with a short canal ; operculum unguiculate. Genera — Nassa, Lamarck • external border of the aperture of the shell thickened ; marine ; British. Canidia, Adams ; exterior border of the aperture simple ; fluviatile. Bullia, Gray ; shell polished ; tentacles without eyes ; foot very broad ; a burrowing form. FAMILY 6. MURICIDAE, Fleming. Foot truncated anteriorly ; tentacles elongated, bearing the eyes on their sides, more or less high up ; shell with moderately long spire and canal, ornamented with ribs, often spiny. Genera — Murex, Linnaeus ; eyes half-way up the tentacles ; canal almost closed ; British. Trophon, Montfort ; eyes at the bases of the tentacles ; shell lamellar ; canal open ; British. Typl^is, Montfort ; shell with closed canal and tubular spines. Urosalpinx, Stimpson. Lachesis, Risso. FAMILY 7. PURPURIDAE, Broderip. Foot THE GASTROPODA 165 short, obtuse posteriorly ; shell thick with a short spire, the last whorl large and the canal short ; aperture wide ; columella flattened ; operculum horny. Genera — Purpura, Bruguiere ; shell not umbilicated, aperture smooth ; British. Bapana, Schumacher ; shell ventricose, umbilicated. Monoceros, Lamarck ; shell like that of Purpura, but the aperture shifted backward and bearing a conical tooth on its external border. Sistrum, Montfort ; shell thick, spiny, the aperture contracted by the thickening of the margins of the aperture. Concholepas, Lamarck ; shell ovoid, the spire short and the aperture widely dilated. FAMILY 8. HALIIDAE, Fischer. Foot large and thick ; without an operculum ; tentacles thick and flattened ; shell ventricose, thin, and smooth, with a wide aperture. Genus — Halia, Risso ; from Cadiz and Morocco. FAMILY 9. CANCEL- LARIIDAE, Adams. Snout short ; tentacles long, with the eyes at their bases and external ; foot small ; no operculum ; siphon short ; shell ovoid with short spire and folded columella. Genus — Cancellaria, Lamarck. FAMILY 10. COLUMBELLIDAE, Adams. Foot large, tentacles long and convergent ; spire of shell prominent, aperture narrow, the canal very short and the columella crenelated. Genus — Columbella, Lamarck. FAMILY 11. CORALLIOPHILIDAE, Chenu. Foot short ; ten- tacles slender and convergent ; siphon short ; radula absent ; shell irregular ; sedentary animals living in corals. Genera — Corallio- phila, Adams ; shell deformed, with a wide aperture and a short canal ; operculum present. Rhizochilus, Steenstrup ; no operculum ; the aperture of the shell irregular, with the canal prolonged into a tube. Leptoconchus, Riippel ; no operculum ; the shell globular with a wide aperture. Magilus, Montfort ; an operculum present ; the last whorl of the shell uncoiled and very thick. Rapa, Klein ; an operculum present ; shell globular find umbilicated, the aperture provided with a canal. FAMILY 12. VOLUTIDAE, Gray. Head very flattened, and FIO 144 transversally widened, with the eyes on the conus lineatus, ventral aspect, sides ; snout short ; foot broad ; siphon with T> orj.Hce °,f the pedal gland ; n, , _ *• _ . mantle and opening of the palhal internal appendages. Genera — V oluta, Lin- cavity ; in, operculum ; iv, an- na PUS • liPfld with PVM • Australian RPJIo- branchial) gland ; IV, opening of the pallial cavity ; V, eye and cephalic hood ; VI, penis. nella, d'Orbigny ; • from the Cretaceous. Vol- i-aria, Lamarck ; Eocene. Odostomiopsis, Thiele. FAMILY 2. RINQICU- LIDAE, Fischer. Cephalic disc enlarged anteriorly and forming an open tube posteriorly ; shell external, thick, with a prominent spire ; no operculum. Genera — Ringicula, Deshayes. Pugnus, Hedley. Cinulia, Gray ; from the Cretaceous. Avellana, d'Orbigny ; from the Cretaceous. Fortisia, Bayan ; from the Eocene. FAMILY 3. TORNATINIDAE, Fischer. Margins of the foot not prominent ; no radula ; shell external with inconspicuous spire ; no operculum. Genera — Tornatina, Adams ; British. Retusa, Brown. Volvula, Adams. FAMILY 4. SCAPHANDIUDAE, Fischer. Cephalic shield short, truncated posteriorly ; eyes deeply imbedded ; three calcareous stomachal plates, two broad and paired, one narrow and azygos ; shell external, with reduced spire. Genera — Scaphander, Montfort ; British. Sabatia, Bellardi ; Eocene. Atys, Montfort. Smaragdinella, Adams. Cylichna, Loven ; British. Amphisphyra, Loven ; British. FAMILY 5. BULLIDAE, d'Orbigny. Margins of the foot well developed ; eyes super- ficial ; three chitinous stomachal plates ; shell external, with reduced THE GASTROPODA 169 spire. Genera — Bulla, Linnaeus; British. Haminea, Leach; British (Fig. 98). FAMILY 6. ACERATIDAE, Pilsbry. Cephalic shield continuous with the neck ; twelve to fourteen chitinous stomachal plates ; a posterior pallial filament passing through a notch in the shell. Genera — Acera, O. F. Miiller; British (Fig. 147). Cylindrobulla, Fischer. Volvatella, Pease. FAMILY 7. APLUSTRIDAE, Chenu. Foot very broad ; cephalic shield with Fio. 140. Hydatina vexillum, as seen crawling, a', anterior part of the foot ; 1>, b', cephalic tentacles ; i, shell. (From Lankester, after Adams.) four tentacles ; shell external, thin, without prominent spire. Genera — Hydatina, Schumacher (Fig. 149). Aplustrum, Schumacher. Micromelo, Pilsbry. FAMILY 8. PHILINIDAE, Adams. Cephalic shield broad, thick, and simple ; shell wholly internal, thin, the spiral much reduced and the aperture very large. Genera — Pkiline, Ascanius (Fig. 68) ; gizzard with three similar calcareous masticatory plates ; British. Cryptophthalmus, Ehrenberg. Chelinodnra, Adams. }'haneropkthalmus, Adams. Colpo- daspis, Sars ; British. Colobocephalns, Sars. FAMILY 9. DORIDIIDAE, Fischer. Cephalic shield ending posteriorly in a median point ; mantle well developed ; shell internal, largely membranous ; digestive canal with- out radula and without masticatory plates. Genera — Doridium, Meckel. Navarclius, Cooper. FAMILY 10. GASTROPTERIDAE, ^Fischer. Cephalic shield pointed behind ; shell internal, chiefly membranous with a calcined nucleus, nautiloid ; parapodia well developed, forming fins. Gastropteron, Kosse. FAMILY 11. RUNCINIDAE, Adams. Cephalic shield continuous with the dorsal integu- ments of the body ; no shell ; ctenidium projecting from the mantle cavity; four stomachal plates. Genus — Runcina, Forbes ; British. FAMILY 12. LOPHOCERCIDAE, Adams. Shell globular or ovoid, external ; foot elongated, the parapodia separate from the ventral surface of the foot ; genital duct diaulic ; visceral commissure short. Genera — Lobiger, Krohn ; parapodia divided into two fins on each ?io. 150. Luphocercus sieboldi. A, dorsal aspect ; /», ventral aspect ; C, the shell. /, foot ; /', parapodia or anterior lateral lobe of foot, re- flected on the shell ; m, mouth ; ah, shell ; t, tentacle. (After Souleyet.) THE GASTROPODA side ; two pairs of tentacles; Mediterranean. Lophocercus, Krohn ; parapodia undivided and applied to the shell ; a single pair of tentacles ; Mediter- ranean (Fig. 150). FAMILY 13. LIMACINIDAE, Gray. Dextral animals with visceral mass and shell coiled "pseudo-sinistrally" (ultra-dextrally) ; operculum with sinistral spiral ; pallial cavity dorsal. Genera — Peraclis, Forbes ; head proboscidiform, with symmetrical tentacles ; a ctenidium. Limacina, Cuvier ; head much reduced ; the right tentacle larger than the left (Fig. 63); British. FAMILY 14. CYMBULIIDAE, Cantraine. Adult without shell ; a sub-epithelial pseudoconch formed by the connective tissue ; pallial aperture ventral. Genera — Cymhulia, PeVon and Lesueur ; pseudoconch thick; foot with a median ventral filament (Fig. 151). Cymtiuliopsis, Pelseneer ; pseudoconch thin, with a large cavity. Gleba, Cymbulia peroni, swimming, left-side view. I, position of the mouth, seen through the tin ; 1 1, the sub-epithelial pseudoconch ; III, visceral mass ; IV, pallial cavity ; V, posterior flagellum of the foot ; VI, left tin. (After Delle Chiaje.) Forskal ; pseudoconch thin, with scarcely any cavity. Desmopterus, Chun ; each fin with a posterior filament. FAMILY 1 5. CAVOLINIIDAE, d'Orbigny. Visceral mass and shell not coiled, symmetrical ; pallial aperture ventral. Genera — Cavolinia, Abildgaard ; visceral mass and shell more or less flattened dorso-ventrally (Fig. 153) ; pallial appendages present which pass through lateral fissures in the shell. Clio, Browne ; mantle without projecting appendages ; shell not septate ; universally distributed (Fig. 152). Cuvierina, Boas ; shell with a posterior septum ; circular in section. The three last families form the group formerly known as " Thecosomatous Pteropods." These animals are characterised, in contrast to other allied Mollusca, by the foot, which is entirely transformed into two anterior symmetrical fins ; by the existence of a mantle and mantle-cavity ; by the absence of eyes in the adult ; by the absence of a ctenidium, except in THE GASTROPODA 171 certain species of Peraclis and Cavolinia ; and by the position of the nerve- centres at the sides and on the ventral side of the oesophagus. All three families are pelagic. FIG. 153. Shell of Cavolinia tridentata, seen from the right side. /, postero - dorsal surface ; g, antero-ventral surface ; h, median dorsal spine ; i, mouth of the shell. (From Lankester, after Souleyet.) TRIBE 2. APLYSIOMORPHA. In these Tectibranchs the shell is always much reduced and more or less internal, or it may be alto- gether lost in the adult, e.g. in Phylkiplysia and the Gymnoso- mata. The head bears two pairs of tentacles. The margins of the foot, or parapodia, are separate from the ventral surface and are generally transformed into natatory lobes (Fig. 155, fi). The visceral commissure, except in Aplysia, is very much shortened. The genital duct is monaulic ; the hermaphro- dite duct is connected with the penis by a ciliated groove (Fig. 154). The animals comprised in this tribe are crawling or swim- ming forms. FAMILY 1. APLYSIIDAE, d'Orbigny. The shell partly covered in, or internal (absent in Aplysiella) ; the foot long, with well - developed ventral surface. Genera — Aplysia, Linnaeus ; shell incompletely covered ; parapodia broad ; visceral commissure long ; British (Fig. 154). Dolabella, Lamarck. Dolabrifer, Gray. Aplysiella, Fischer; shell only slightly covered in ; parapodia slightly developed ; visceral commissure short. Phyllaplysia, Fischer ; parapodia slightly developed ; no shell. Notarchus, Cuvier ; shell internal, much reduced ; parapodia fused together dorsally to form a contractile sac surrounding but not attached to the visceral sac. FIG. 152. Clio acicula, ventral aspect. C, wing-like lateral lobe of the foot ; d, median posterior lobe of the foot ; c, genital opening ; h, pointed extremity of the shell ; i, anterior margin of the shell ; n, stomach ; o, liver ; p, heart ; u, hermaphrodite gland. (From Lan- kester, after Bouleyet.) Kiu. Io4. Aplysia lejwrina (dorsal aspect), with the parapodia and mantle reflected from the mid-line, a, anterior cephalic tentacle ; />, posterior tentacle (between a and b, the eyes) ; c, right para- podia ; (I, left parapodia ; e, hinder part of visceral hump ; /.o, anterior part of the foot, under- lying the head ; f.p, posterior extremity of the foot ; ft, ctenidium ; ft, the mantle-skirt tightly npread over the horny shell and pushed with it towards the left side ; i, the spermatic groove ; k, the common genital pore ; /, orifice of the grape-shaped gland ; ?», osphradium ; n, outline of part of the, renal sac below the surface ; o, external aj>ertuiv of the kidney ; p, anus. (After Lankester.) -fin, Fio. 155. Dexiohmnduua pauciilens, Unas, ventral aspect, V- f-r, l»osterior ciliated ring ; /, anterior jwvrt of the foot; /', posterior part of the foot; ft, fins or parapodia ; g, gill ; pr, pro- boscis ; .«n, suckers ; <, tentacle. (After Hoas.) Fin. IIfitn)v*yrhe (juitdirhntuli, ventral aspect, the body-wall removed, the head to the right- hand side, o, the month; r, the lin-like lateral lobes of the foot ; »/, the anterior median part of the foot ; '•, cephalic tentacles ; /, the posterior median part of the foot; !>', retractor muscles; /, appendages of the cephalic tentacles ; «>', anus ; o, pt liver ; », '", w, genitalia ; v, genital pore. (From r, after Souleyet.) 172 THE GASTROPODA 173 FAMILY 2. PNEUMONODERMATIDAE, Gray. Shell and mantle absent ; foot shorter than the visceral mass, and with a much-reduped ventral surface ; parapodia highly developed and fin- shaped ; pharynx evaginable, with suckers. Genera — Dexiobranchaea, Boas ; suckers independent ; no terminal posterior branchia. Pmumonoderma, Cuvier ; suckers united on two lobes ; a quadriradiate terminal branchia. Sponyiobranchaea, d'Orbigny ; a simple annuliform terminal branchia. Schizobracliium, Meisenheimer ; acetabuliferous appendages ramified. FAMILY 3. CLIONOPSIDAE, Costa. No buccal appendages or suckers ; a very long evaginable proboscis ; a quadriradiate terminal branchia. Genus — Clionopn^ Troschel. FAMILY 4. NOTOBRANCHAEIDAE, Pelseneer. Posterior branchia triradiate. Genus — Notobranckaea, Pelseneer. FAMILY 5. THLIPTODONTIDAE, Kwietniewski. Head very large, not marked off from the body ; neither branchia nor suckers ; fins situated near the middle of the body. Genus — Thliptodon, Boas. FAMILY 6. CLIONIDAE, Gray. No branchia of any kind ; a short evaginable pharynx, bearing paired conical buccal appendages or " cephalocones." Genera — Clione, Pallas. Paraclione, Tesch. FowUrina, Pelseneer. FAMILY 7. HAI.OPSYCHIDAE, Pelseneer. No branchia ; two long and branched buccal appendages. Genus — Halo-psyche, Boas (Fig. 156). The last six families form the group formerly known as the " Gymno- somatous Pteropoda," characterised by the absence of the mantle and shell, the reduction of the ventral surface of 1X the foot, and the fin-shaped parapodia placed at the anterior end of the body. They are all pelagic. TRIBE 3. PLEUROBRANCHOMORPHA. In these Tectibranchs there are two pairs of tentacles. The foot is devoid of parapodia. There is no pallial cavity, but there is always a single ctenidium situated on the right side and occupying the space between the mantle and the foot. The genital duct is diaulic, without an open seminal groove ; the male and female apertures are contiguous. The vis- ceral commissure is short, and re- sembles that of the Nudibranchs in showing a tendency to the fusion of the supra-intestinal and sub-intestinal with the pleural ganglia, and the concentration of all the ganglia on the dorsal side of the oesophagus. FAMILY 1. TYLODINIDAE, Mazza- relli. Shell external and conical ; the anterior tentacles form a frontal veil ; the ctenidium extending only over the right side ; a distinct osphradium. Genus — Tylodina, Kafinesque ; Fio. 157. Pleuroltranckaea meckeli, dorsal aspect. I, posterior tentacle or rhinophore ; 1 1, mantle ; prebranchial gland ; VII, genital (herma- phrodite) orifice ; VIII, the fused anterior tentacles ; IX, expanded proboscis. 174 THE GASTROPODA Mediterranean. FAMILY 2. UMBRELLIDAE, Gray. Shell external, conical, and much flattened ; anterior tentacles very small and situated together with the mouth in a notch in the foot below the head ; ctenidium very large, extending above the neck. Genus — Umbrella, Lamarck (Fig. 158). FAMILY 3. PLEUROBRANCHIDAE, Gray. Shell covered by the mantle or absent ; the interior tentacles form a frontal veil ; spicules are formed in the mantle ; foot flattened. Genera — Pleurobranchus, Cuvier ; mantle long and broad ; shell internal, with a short spire. Bertkella, Blainville. Haliotinella, Souverbie. Osca?iius, Leach ; British. Oscaniella, Bergh. Oscaniopsis, Bergh. Pleurobranchaea, Meckel ; mantle .short and narrow ; no shell (Fig. 157). I'lO. 158. Umbrella metliterrmua, right side view, a, mouth; b, cephalic tentacle ; A, ctenidium. The free edge of the mantle is seen just below the margin of the shell. (From Lankester, after Owen.) SUB-ORDER 2. NODIBRANCHIA, Cuvier. Naked Opisthobranchs without a shell in the adult state ; without ctenidium and osphradium. These animals are generally slug-like and exhibit an external symmetry. The visceral mass, except in the Hedylidae, is no longer a sac marked off from the foot, and the dorsal integuments frequently give rise to appendages which are subservient to respiration. The nervous system is much concentrated ; the ganglia are generally united on the dorsal side of the oesophagus ; the supra-intestinal and infra-intestinal ganglia are fused with the pleurals (Fig. 159, a) ; the fusion of the centres is sometimes carried to a great extent (Tethys), but the several infra-oesophageal commissures (pedal, visceral, and stomato-gastric) always remain distinct. The visceral commissure is always reduced, and is generally without a ganglion. Accessory stomato-gastric or "gastro- oesophageal " ganglia are present. The gonad is subdivided into male and female acini (Fig. 102, B) except in the Elysiomorpha. The Nudi- branchia are marine, generally carnivorous, and brightly coloured, affording many instances of mimicry. There is no osphradium, but its absence is compensated by the increased development of the olfactory organ or rhinophore. In ontogeny the free veliger stage of Nudibranchs (Fig. 61) is followed by a planariform creeping stage, during which the shell is rapidly lost (Fig. 116, B) ; and finally the dorsal appendages are acquired, notably the dorsal papillae of the Eolids, of which the most anterior are the first to be developed. Cenia is the only form that leaves the egg in the adult condition ; it has no embryonic shell, and the embryonic velum THE GASTROPODA 175 is extremely reduced. The pliylogenetic relationships between the Nudi- branchs and Tectibranchs are clearly exhibited by the organisation of the Pleurobranchomorpha, in which there is neither a pallial cavity nor an osphradium, and the respiration is largely pallial. The shell is altogether absent in Pleurobranchaea ; the nervous system is concentrated on the dorsal side of the oesophagus ; spictiles and cnidocysts are found in the dorsal integuments. The mantle of the Doridomorpha is completely homologous with that of the Pleurobranchidae, and is in no wise to be regarded as an epipodium reflected over the dorsal surface of the body. Nervous system of Gonwdoris, dorsal view, a, cerebro-pleural ganglion, with eye and oto- cyst ; l>, pedal ganglion ; c, sub-cerebral commissure ; d, visceral commissure ; e, visceral nerve ; /, genital nerve ; g, penial nerve ; h, pallial nerve ; i, tentacular nerve and ganglion ; j, stomato- gastric ganglion. TRIBE 1. TRITONIOMORPHA. Nudibranchia in which the liver is wholly or partially contained in the visceral mass. The anus is lateral, on the right side. There are generally two rows of ramified dorsal appendages (Fig. 83, II). The genital duct is diaulic ; the male and female orifices contiguous. FAMILY 1. TRITONIIDAE, Adams. The anterior tentacles form a frontal veil ; the foot rather broad. Genera — Tritotiia, Cuvier ; stomach without horny plates ; British (Fig. 83). Marionia, Vayssiere ; stomach with horny plates. FAMILY 2. SCYLLAEIDAE, Alder and Hancock. No anterior tentacles ; dorsal appendages broad and foliaceous ; foot very narrow ; stomach with horny plates. Genus — Scyllaea, Linnaeus ; pelagic. FAMILY 3. PHYLLIR- HOIDAE, Adams. No anterior tentacles and no dorsal appendages ; body laterally compressed ; transparent natatory forms. Genus — Phyllirhoe, Peron and Lesueur (Fig. 161). FAMILY 4. TETHYIDAE, Alder and Hancock. Head broad, surrounded by a funnel-shaped velum or hood ; no radula ; dorsal appendages foliaceous. Genera — Tetliys, Linnaeus ; foot broad; no mandibles (Fig. 160, B). Melibe, Rang; foot narrow; mandibles present. FAMILY 5. DENDRONOTIDAE, Alder and Hancock. Anterior tentacles forming a scolloped frontal veil ; dorsal appendages and tentacles similarly ramified. Genera — Dendronotus, Alder and Hancock ; THE GASTROPODA British. • Campaspe, Bergh. FAMILY 6. BORNELLIDAE, Fischer. The dorsum garnished on either side with papillae at the bases of which are Fio. 160. A, Eolis papillosa, dorsal view: a, posterior cephalic tentacle (rhinophore) ; b, anterior cephalic tentacle ; c, the dorsal papillae. B, Tethys leporitm, dorsal view ; a, the cephalic hood ; b, cephalic tentacle ; e, neck ; d, genital pore ; e, anus ; /, large dorsal papillae ; {/, smaller dorsal papillae ; h, margin of the foot. C, Doris tubera.«, pallial appendages ; r/i, rhinophore. (After Vavssiere.) FIG. 103. Ancula cristate, dorsal view, a, anus ; br, pallial gill encircling the anus (external to these respiratory appendages are seen ten other club- like pallial appendages); t, posterior (branched) cephalic tentacle or rhino- phore. (From Lankester, after Alder and Hancock.) Polycera, Cuvier ; the mantle border bears on each side a single posterior pointed appendage ; British. Thecacera, Johnston ; the mantle border with club-shaped appendages ; the branchia formed of three lobes directed forwards ; British. Aegirus, Loven ; body tuberculate ; rhinophores not lamellar ; a dorsal mandible ; British. Plocamopherus, Leuckart. Palio, Gray. Crimora, Alder and Hancock. Triopa, Johnston, British. Trio- pella, Sars. FAMILY 2. GONIODORIDIDAE, Adams. Mantle border pro- jecting ; frontal veil reduced and often covered by the anterior border of the mantle. Genera — Goniodoris, Forbes ; frontal veil not continuous with the mantle ; mantle quadrangular and incised posteriorly ; British. Acanthodoris, Gray ; mantle oval, papillate ; rhinophores retractile ; British. Idalia, Leuckart ; mantle reduced and fringed with long appendages ; 12 178 THE GASTROPODA rhinophores very long, non-retractile ; British. Ancula, Loven ; mantle border scarcely distinguishable, without appendages ; rhinophores branched ; British (Fig. 163). Doridunculus, Sars. Lamellodoris, Alder and Han- cock. Ancylodoris, Dybowsky, the only freshwater Nudibrunch, from Lake Baikal, probably belongs to this family. FAMILY 3. HETERODORIDIDAE, Fischer. No branchia. Genus — Heterodoris, Verrill and Emerton. FAMILY 4. DORIDIDAE, Gray. Mantle oval, covering the head and the greater part of the body ; anterior tentacles ill developed ; branchiae generally retractile. Genera — Hexabranchus, Ehrenberg ; branchiae made up of separate fascicles, retractile within distinct cavities. Doris, Linnaeus ; mantle elliptical, covering the whole body ; branchiae tri- or quadri-pennatifid ; British (Fig. 160, C). (Sub- genera — Archidoris, Bergh. Rostanya, Bergh. Aldisa, Bergh. Cadlina, Bergh. Jbrumio, Bergh. Platydoris, Bergh). Chromodoris, Alder and Hancock ; body long and narrow ; foot longer than the mantle ; branchial plumes simply pinnate. FAMILY 5. DORIDOPSIDAE, Alder. Pharynx suctorial ; no radula ; peri -branchial rosette on the dorsal surface, above the mantle border. Genus — Doridopn*, Alder and Hancock. FAMILY 6. CORAMBIDAE, Bergh. Anus and branchia posterior below the mantle border. Genus-6'orro»fc, Bergh (Fig. 164). FAMILY 7. g, paiiial gills : m, mouth ; ]>a, PnYLLiDiiDAE, Alder and Hancock. Pharynx H.'Fischer!/' to * suctorial ; branchiae surrounding the body and placed between the mantle and the foot. Genera — Pkyllidea, Cuvier ; anus dorsal. Fryeria, Gray ; anus posterior between the mantle and the foot. The three last families constitute the sub -tribe " Porostomata," characterised by the reduction of the buccal bulb, which is transformed into a suctorial apparatus. TRIBE 3. EOLIDOMORPHA ( = Cladohepatica). Nudibranchs in which the whole of the liver is contained in the integuments and the tegumentary papillae (Fig. 77). The genital duct is diaulic, and the male and female orifices are contiguous. A pair of laterally placed mandibles is present (Fig. 73, A). The anus is antero- lateral, except in the Proctonotidae, in which it is median. The tegu- mentary papillae are not ramified : they frequently contain terminal sacs (cnidosacs), which communicate on the one hand with the exterior, on the other hand with the digestive canal (Fig. 165). The cnidosacs contain neinatocysts, which according to Wright and to Grosvenor are derived from the various species of Hydroids on which the animals feed. The nematocysts are invaginated while they are in the cnidosacs, but when expelled from them they are evaginated (Fig. 166). In some species of Hedyle and Pseudovermis, in which there are no tegumentary papillae, THE GASTROPODA 179 cnidosacs are found in the integuments ; e.g. Pseudovermis paradoxes (Fig. 169). FAMILY 1. EOLIDIDAE, d'Orbigny. Dorsal papillae spindle-shaped or club-shaped, each ending in an open sac of endodermic origin which communicates with a hepatic caecum and contains nematocysts. Genera — Eolis, Cuvier ; the anterior angles of the foot prominent ; rhinophores smooth ; dorsal papillae compressed ; British { (Fig. 160, A). Facelina, Alder and Hancock ; rhinophores foliated; radula triserial ; British. Tergipes, Cuvier ; rhinophores simple ; radula uniserial ; dorsal pa- pillae in a single row on either side ; otocyst with an otolith ; British. Gonieolis, Bergh ; no eyes. Cuthona, Alder and Hancock. EmUe- tonia, Alder and Hancock. Galvina, Alder and Hancock. Calma, Alder and Hancock. Hero, Loven ; a frontal velum ; rhinophores simple ; dorsal appendages in umbel- liform clusters. FAMILY 2. GLAUCIDAE, Gray. The body furnished with three pairs of lateral lobes bearing the tegumentary papillae ; FIG. 165. free_ Sagittal section of a „ dorsal papilla of Kol is. c.s, forma, cnidocystic sac ; d, duct Fio. 160. Evaginated cnidocyst from Kol is jnim-tnta, x 500. (After Vayssii-rft.) foot very narrow swimming pelagic Genus -Glow, Forster. JNjjj* FAMILY 3. H E D Y L I D A E, cnidocystic sac ; ep, exter- Bergh. Body elongated ; the visceral mass marked off from the posterior part of the foot ; dorsal tegumentary append- ages absent or reduced to a single pair ; spicules developed in the integument. Genus — Hedyle, Bergh (Fig. 168) ; from the Black Sea, Sea of Marmora, Mytilene, Flores. FAMILY 4. PSEUDOVERMIDAE, Pelseneer. Head devoid of tentacles ; body elongated ; the anus on the right side. Genus — Pseudovermis, Periaslavzeff (Fig. 169) ; from the Black Sea and Mytilene. FAMILY 5. PROCTONOTIDAE, Alder and Hancock. Anus situated posteriorly in the median line of the back ; anterior tentacles atrophied ; foot broad. Genera — Janus, Verany ; a median crest between the rhinophores ; British. Proctonotus, Alder and Hancock ; no intertantacular crest ; British. FAMILY 6. DOTONIUAE, Adams. Bases of the rhinophores surrounded by a sheath ; dorsal papillae club-shaped and more or less tuberculated, arranged in a single row on either side of the dorsum ; no cnidosacs. Genera — Doto, Oken ; a frontal veil ; British. Gellina, Gray ; no frontal veil. Heronwrpha, i8o THE GASTROPODA Bergh. FAMILY 7. FIONIDAE, Alder and Hancock. Dorsal tegumentary papillae provided with a membranous expansion ; liver in the form of two longitudinal canals into which the caeca of the dorsal papillae open ; male and female orifices at some distance from one another ; pelagic. PliitrophiillitUa lixeittu. A, dorsal view ; li, ventral view. 6, the mouth ; 7, lamelliforni pallial gills (the posterior part of the foot bears a median glandular tract). (From after Souleyet.) Fio. 168. lleilyle glandul(fera, dorsal aspect, e, eye ; /, foot (posterior part) ; -M..S, nervous system ; ph, pharynx ; sp, spicula ; r.m, visceral mass. (After Kowalewsky.) Fio. 160. rmis parailoxits, dorsal aspect. a, aims; nl, cnidosac ; e, eye ; /, , kidney ; /, liver; m, mouth (on the ventral side, seen through the transparent head) ; ».s, nervous system ; ot, oto- cyst ; ph, pharynx ; st, stomach. (After Kowalew- sky.) Genus— Fiona, Hancock and Embleton. FAMILY 8. PLEUROPHYLLIDIDAE, Adams. Anterior tentacles in the form of a digging shield ; mantle naked ; tegumentary papillae or " branch i« " situated along the sides of the foot, beneath the mantle border. Genus — Pleurophyllidia, Meckel (Fig. 167). FAMILY 9. DERMATOBRANCHIDAE, Fischer. Like Pleuro- THE GASTROPODA 181 phyllidia, but wholly devoid of " branchiae." Genus — Dermatobranchus, van Hasselt. TRIBE 4. ELYSIOMORPHA. Nudibranchia in which the liver ramifies in the integuments and extends into the dorsal papillae. The genital duct is always triaulic, and the male and female orifices are distant (Fig. 105). The gonad is divided into spheroidal hermaphrodite lobules. There are no mandibles, and the radula is uniserial. There is never more than one pair of tentacles, and these are wanting in Alderia and some species of Limapontia. The otocysts contain each a single otolith. FAMILY 1. HERMAEIDAE, Adams. Foot narrow ; dorsal papillae without nematocysts, linear or fusiform, and disposed in several series. Genera — Hermaea, Loven ; rhinophores split throughout their length ; dorsal papillae linear ; anus antero-dorsal ; British. Stiliger, Ehrenberg ; rhinophores simple ; dorsal papillae fusiform or ovoid ; anus antero-dorsal. Alderia, Allman ; anus median and posterior ; no tentacles ; dorsal papillae linear ; inhabitants of brackish waters ; British. FAMILY 2. PHYLLOBRANCHIDAE, Bergh. Foot broad ; dorsal papillae without Fio. 170. Cenia cocksi, left-side view, magnified a, anus. (After Hancock.) nematocysts, flattened and foliaceous. Genera — Phyllobranchus, Alder and Hancock ; foot simple ; anus latero-dorsal. Cyerce, Bergh ; ventral part of the foot divided transversely ; anus median. FAMILY 3. PLAKO- BRANCHIDAE, d'Orbigny. Body depressed, without dorsal papillae, but with two very large lateral expansions with dorsal plications ; head flattened ; eyes approximated. Genus — Plakobranchus, van Hasselt. FAMILY 4. ELYSIIDAE, Adams. Body elongated, with lateral expansions ; head rounded and eyes separated ; tentacles large ; foot narrow. Genera — Elysia, Risso ; British (Fig. 160, D, E). Tridachia, Deshayes. FAMILY 5. LIMAPONTIIDAE, Adams. No lateral expansions of the body and no dorsal papillae ; body planariform ; anus dorsal, median, and posterior. Genera — Limapontia, Johnston ; no tentacles ; head and body devoid of crests ; British. Actaeonia, Quatrefages ; head carinated laterally ; British. Cenia, Alder and Hancock ; head with two long tentacles (Fig. 170). ORDER 2. Pulmonata, Cuvier. Euthyneura with a pallial cavity but no ctenidium. The pallial aperture is diminished by the fusion of the mantle border with the neck, and reduced to a comparatively small contractile orifice at its posterior extremity (Fig. 177, V). The pallial cavity and shell are 182 THE GASTROPODA often reduced ; the latter may be partially covered over, or interral, or even absent. There is never an operculum in the adult, except in Amphibola, and an operculum is only found during development in the Auriculidae, Siphonariidae, and Oncidiidae, all of which are marine forms. In the pallial cavity the interior wall of the mantle is traversed by vascular arborisations (Fig. 86, X), and thus con- stitutes a pulmonary organ adapted for breathing air. In the Janellidae the pulmonary cavity is prolonged into tine respiratory canaliculi (Fig. 90, tr), and thus becomes a tracheal lung. It is much reduced in the Oncidiidae, and in Ancylus and the Vaginulidae it disappears as a consequence of the complete abortion of the pallial cavity^-Jln some rare cases the pulmonary cavity may be filled with water, and then its wall may give rise to a secondary branchia which is not the equivalent of a ctenidium (Siphonaria, Fig. 174, III). In other cases the inferior pallial lobe, situated beneath the pulmonary orifice of the Basommatophora, may be transformed into a branchia (Planorbidae, Figs. 89, <-/, and 1 75, br). \ The auricle of the heart is usually anterior (Fig. 86), as is the ck§te in the most archaic Opisthobranchs, and it is only in the excessively detorted forms such as Testacella and the Oncidiidae that the ventricle lies in front of the auricle. The kidney usually has a more or less elongated duct or " ureter " (Stylommatophora, Fig. 86, V). In the nervous system, as a rule, all the ganglia are concentrated round the oesophagus and are closely apposed to one another (Fig. 146), but this is not the case in some archaic Basommatophora such as Ckilina, Auricula, Latia (Fig. 96). In the Auriculid Pythui, the spermiduct re- tains the character of an open ciliated groove leading from the hermaphro- dite aperture to the penial orifice (Fig. 171, ci) : in other Auriculidae Reproductive apparatus of Pythia. this grOOVC is Simply closed to form a canal extending from the herma- mnc, mucous gland ; pe, penis ; ret, re- other PulmonatCS there IS 110 longer tractor muscle of penis ; r.s, recepta- ., •, • /» i .1 culm., aemiuia; *;>; spermiduct ; MM, a common genital orifice, but the (TrtTpiaS ; ve'3' 8eminal vesicle' hermaphrodite duct bifurcates to form a distinct oviduct of greater or less length, and the primitive hermaphrodite aperture becomes the female orifice. As a result of secondary changes, the orifices THE GASTROPODA 183 of the oviduct arid penis may be approximated, a condition found in the majority of the Stylommatophora (Fig. 104). The Pulmonates never have a free larval form ; if a veliger is developed it is always contained in the egg membranes. The majority of Stylommatophora do not pass through a veliger stage, and in other forms the velum is almost always ill developed (Fig. Fia. 172. A series of Stylonmiatophorous Pulmonata, showing the reduction of the shell. A, Helix pomatia ; B, Damivltanlia brevipes ; C, Textacella haliotidea ; D, Arion ater. a, external shell in A. I>, C ; shell-sac (closed) in D ; ft, orifice of the pallial or pulmonary cavity. - (From Lankester, after Ferussac, Pfeitt'er, and Reeve.) 11(J, A, ve). \The Pulmonates are for the most part aerial, but some live in fresh water, and others, but they are exceptional cases, are marine. The Pulmonates are distributed over the whole world, and include some seven thousand species, of which more than half belong to the genus Helix. Most of them enter into a resting stage during some part of the year; in the summer in hot climates, in the winter in cold climates. In our country the hibernation lasts for rather more than a third of the year. 1 84 THE GASTROPODA The Pulmonata are divided into two sub-orders, Basommatophora and Stylommatophora ; the former are generally aquatic, the latter terrestrial. SUB-ORDER 1. BASOMMATOPHORA. Testaceous Pulmonata with an external shell. The head bears a single pair of well-developed contractile but not invaginable tentacles, at the bases of which are the eyes (Fig. 107, I). The stomach, or at least a part of it, is very muscular. The penis is at some distance from the female aperture, except in Amphibola and Siphonaria. All have an osphradium (except the Auriculidae, which are terrestrial), which is situated outside the pallial cavity in those forms in which water is not admitted into the lung (Limnaea, Planorbis, Fig. 89, etc.). There is a veliger stage in the development, but the velum is reduced. FAMILY 1. AURICULIDAE, Blainville. Terrestrial and usually mari- time animals ; the genital duct monaulic, the penis being connected with the hermaphrodite opening by an open or closed groove (Fig. 171) ; shell with a prominent spire, the internal partitions often absorbed and the aper- ture denticulated. Genera — Auricula, Lamarck ; foot not divided ; tentacles swollen at their extremities ; shell thick, oval, with an elongated aper- ture, and two folds on the columellar border. Cassidula, Ferussac ; foot FIG. 173. ^ not divided transversely, but bifid otina otis, left-side view. coq, shell ; oc, posteriorly ; tentacles tapering ; shell eye ; p, foot. solid, umbilical ed, with a short spire. Alexia, Leach ; tentacles swollen and pigmented at their extremities ; shell thin with a pointed spire, the exterior border of the aperture slightly thickened ; British (Fig. 67). Melampus, Montfort ; foot divided transversely and bind behind ; shell solid, with a short spire and a narrow aperture. Carychium, Miiller ; tentacles thick and short, with the eyes on the inside ; shell small and short ; the aperture oval with a denticulated internal border ; terrestrial ; British. Scarabus, Montfort ; foot not divided ; tentacles tapering ; shell oval with a pointed spire, and a very constricted aperture, the margins bearing alternate teeth. Leuconia, Gray'; foot divided ; tentacles short and compressed ; shell thin, oval, with a conical spire ; aperture oval, the columellar border with a single fold ; British. Blauneria, Shuttle- worth ; shell sinistral ; aperture elongated, with a single columellar fold. Pedipes, Adanson ; foot divided transversely ; shell globular ; th( two borders of the aperture dentate ; partitions not absorbed. FAMILY 2. OTINIDAE, Chenu. Shell with a short spire and a wide oval aperture ; tentacles short. Genera — Otina, Gray ; shell auriform ; marine ; British (Fig. 173). Camptonyx, Benson; shell conical with a spiral summit; terrestrial. FAMILY 3. AMPHIBOLIDAE, Adams. Visceral mass and shell spirally coiled ; head broad, without prominent tentacles ; foot short, operculated. Marine. Genus — Am.phibola, Schumacher; from New Zealand. FAMILY 4. SIPHONARIIDAE, Adams. Visceral mass and shell THE GASTROPODA conical ; tentacles atrophied ; head expanded ; genital orifices contiguous ; marine animals, with an aquatic pallial cavity containing secondary branchial laminae. Genera — Siphonaria, Sowerby (Fig. 174). Hercynella, Kayser; from the Devonian. FAMILY 5. GADINIIDAE, Gray. Visceral mass and shell conical ; head flattened ; pulmonary cavity aquatic, but without a branchia ; genital orifices separated. Genus — Gadinia, Gray. FAMILY 6. CHILINIDAE, Dall. Shell ovoid with a short spire, wide aperture, and folded columella ; tentacles broad and flattened ; inferior pallial lobe thick ; visceral commissure still twisted. Genus— Chilina, Gray ; rivers of Patagonia. FAMILY 7. LIMNAEIDAE, Broderip. Shell thin, dextral, with prominent spire and oval aperture ; tentacles angular and flat ; no inferior pallial lobe. Genera — Limnaea, Linnaeus (Fig. 107); shell wholly external, with a pointed spire; British. Amphi- iti IV Fia. 174. Siphmtaria algesirae, removed from its shell. I, heart in the pericardium ; II, kidney ; III, pallial intrapulmonary gill ; IV, mantle ; V, columellar muscle ; VI, anus ; VII, pneumostoine, to the left of which (in the pulmonary cavity) is the osphradial papilla; VIII, inferior pallial lobe; IX, renal pore. peplea, Nillson ; shell in great measure covered by the mantle, globular, with a very short spire ; British. FAMILY 8. POMPHOLYGIDAE, Dall. Shell hyperstrophic (ultra-sinistral, that is to say, with an apparently dextral coil) with an obtuse spire ; the animal sinistral. Genera — Pom- pholyx, Lea ; tentacles dilated at their extremities ; shell depressed, the last whorl ventricose ; from California. Choanomphalus, Gerstfeldt ; shell umbilicated, with convex whorls ; tentacles slender ; Lake Baikal and California. FAMILY 9. PLANORBIDAE, Adams. Visceral mass and shell sinistrally coiled ; inferior pallial lobe very prominent and transformed into a branchia; tentacles tapering. Genera — Planorbis, Guettard ; shell discoid ; branchia not folded (Fig. 89) ; British. Bulinus, Adanson ; shell ovoid with prominent spire ; branchia folded (Fig. 175). Miratesta, Sarasin. FAMILY 10. ANCYLIDAE, Menke. Shell conical, not spirally coiled ; tentacles short and compressed ; inferior pallial lobe 1 86 THE GASTROPODA transformed into a branchia. Genera — Ancylus, Geoffroy ; no pulmonary cavity ; animal dextral or sinistral ; visceral commissure shortened ; shell without internal septum ; British (Fig. 176). Latia, Gray ; a pulmonary cavity ; visceral commissure long ; shell witli a posterior internal septum ; from New Zealand. Gundlachia, Pfeiffer. FAMILY 11. PHYSIDAE, Dall. Visceral mass and shell sinistrally coiled ; shell thin, with a narrow aperture ; tentacles cylindrical ; no inferior pallial lobe. Genera — Physa, Draparnaud ; shell oval, partly covered by the edges of the mantle, which are divided into angular tags ; British. Aplexa, Fleming ; shell with a pointed spire ; edges of the mantle not •n/rvi divided and very slightly re- flected over the shell ; British. FIG. 175. Lillians talmlatus, ventral aspect. lir, pallial extrapuliiionary jjill ' co, heart; o, mouth; p, loot; j*t, mantl** ; pns, pnemnostoine ; \#t tentacle. Fio. 17f>. A nnihts flurintilis, dorsal view. To the left, the head with the two cephalic ten- tacles. (From Lankester, after Reeve.) SUB-ORDER 2. STYLOMMATOPHORA. Pulmonata with two pairs of tentacles (except the Janellidae and I'crtigo, which have only a single pair) ; these tentacles are invaginable, and the eyes are borne on the summits of the posterior pair. The male and female genital orifices open into a common vestibule except in the Ditremata (Vaginulidae and Oncidiidae). A suprapedal gland is present in nearly all the groups. With the exception of Uncidium, there is no longer a veliger stage in the development ; the embryo is often furnished with a contractile pedal vesicle (Fig. 117). The Sty lorn matophora may be divided into four tribes : the Holognatha, Agnatha, Elasmognatha, and Ditremata. TRIBE 1. HOLOGNATHA. Jaw simple, without a superior appendage. FAMILY 1. SELENITIDAE, Fischer. Radula with elongated and pointed teeth, like those of the Agnatha ; a jaw present. Genera — Selenites, Fischer ; shell external, depressed, widely umbilicated. Plutonia, Stabile ; animal limaciform, with flattened internal shell and a posterior pulmonary aperture. Triyonochlamys, Bottger ; no shell. FAMILY 2. ZONITLDAE, Pilsbry. Shell external, smooth, heliciform or flattened ; radula with pointed marginal teeth. Genera — Zonites, Montfort ; shell depressed, wholly external; British. Ariophanta, Desmoulins ; THE GASTROPODA 187 mantle produced anteriorly into a cervical lobe ; foot with a posterior dorsil mucous pore. Orpiella, Gray ; differs from Ariophanta in having a horn-shaped protuberance at the hinder extremity of the foot. Vitrina, Draparnaud ; the mantle projects in front and on the right side, and partially overlaps the thin and depressed shell ; foot elongated, without a posterior mucous pore ; British. Helicarion, Ferussac ; differs from Vitrina in having the foot truncated anteriorly, with a posterior mucous pore. FAMILY 3. LIMACIDAE, Gray. Shell almost completely covered by the mantle, or internal. Parmacella, Cuvier ; shell unguifonn with a spiral summit ; the mantle occupies the centre of the body and completely covers the shell except for a very small orifice above the spire. Limax, Linnaeus ; shell wholly internal, without a spiral summit ; mantle reduced, and situated on the anterior part of the body ; pulmonary aperture towards the hind end of the pallial border ; British. Urocyclus, Gray ; shell oval, without a spire, internal except for a small median orifice in the hinder part of the mantle ; pulmonary aperture in the middle of the pallial border ; African. Parniarion, Fischer. Amalia, Heynemann. Ayriolimax, Morch. Mesolimax, Pollonera. Mono- chroma, Simroth. Paralimax, Bottger. Metalimax, Simroth. FAMILY 4. PHILOMYCIDAE, Fischer. No shell ; the mantle covers the whole surface of the body ; radula with squarish teeth. Genus — Philomycus, Ferussac; foot broad ; genital orifice near the right tentacle. FAMILY 5. OSTRACOLETHIDAE, Simroth. Shell largely chitinous, not spiral, its calcareous summit projecting through a small hole in the mantle which elsewhere covers it. Genus — Ostracolethe, Simroth. FAMILY 6. ARIONIDAE, Gray. Shell internal or absent ; animal limaciform ; mantle restricted to the anterior and middle part of the body ; radula with squarish teeth. Genera — Arion, Ferussac ; respiratory orifice at the anterior end of the pallial border ; genital orifice close to the respiratory orifice ; shell reduced to simple isolated calcareous granules ; British (Fig. 172, D). Geomalacux, Allmaiin ; shell internal, oval ; Ireland. Ariolimax, Morch. Anadenus, Murch. FAMILY 7. HELICIDAE, Gray. Shell with medium spire, external or par- tially covered by the mantle ; mandible folded ; radula with square teeth ; genital orifice below the right posterior tentacle ; geni- tal apparatus generally provided with .a dart- sac and multifid vesicles. Genera — Helix, Lin- FIG. 177. IiaeilS ; shell globular, conical or Helix nemoralis, right-side view. I, anus; II, depressed, with a rounded or ex- £»£! ^ff^JlS^- SS&^. panded aperture (Figs. 172, A imeumostome in its maximum distension. and 177) ; British. (A large number of sub-genera has been established, which includes more than 4000 species : Polyyyra, Say. Sagda, Beck. Pleurodonta, Fischer von Waldheim. Helicodonta, Ferussac. Helicophanta, Beck. Acamis, Mont- fort. Sitala, Adams. Chlorites, Beck. Hapalns, Albeis, etc.) Bulimus, 1 88 THE GASTROPODA Scopoli ; shell ovoid, with oval or elongated aperture and a thickened border. Hemphillia, Binney and Bland ; shell unguiform, its edges covered by the mantle ; North America. Kerendtia, Crosse and Fischer. Cochlostyla, Ferussac. Rhodea, Adams. FAMILY 8. ENDODONTIDAE, Pilsbry. Shell spiral, external, generally ornamented with ribs ; borders of the aperture thin and not reflected ; radula with square teeth ; genital ducts without accessory organs. Genera — Endodonta, Albers. Punctum, Morse. Sphyradium, Charpentier. Laoma, Gray. Pyramidula, Fitzinger. FAMILY 9. ORTHALICIDAE, Fischer. Shell external, ovoid, the last whorl swollen, the aperture oval, with a simple border ; radular teeth in oblique rows. Genus — Orthalicus, Beck ; American. FAMILY 10. BULIMULIDAE. Fischer ; jaw formed of folds imbricated externally and meeting at an acute angle near the base. Genera — Bulimulus, Leach ; shell elongated, oval, external. Peltella, Webb and van Beneden ; shell auriform, in- ternal. Amphibulimus, Montfort. FAMILY 1 1. CYLINDRELLIDAE, Fischer. Shell turriculated, with numerous whorls, the last whorl more or less detached. Genus — Cylindrella, Pfeiffer ; aperture circular, with reflected peristome ; summit commonly truncated ; America. FAMILY 12. PUPIDAE, Fleming. Shell external, with elongated spire and numerous whorls ; aperture generally narrow ; male genital duct without multifid vesicles. Genera — Pupa, Lamarck ; shell cylindrical, dextral with obtuse summit ; aperture parallel to the axis, small and contracted ; British. Eucalodiuni, Crosse and Fischer ; shell turriculated, the summit truncated, the aperture oval. Vertigo, Midler ; shell small, ovoid, the summit obtuse, the aperture small and contracted by numerous teeth ; dextrally or sinistrally coiled ; a single pair of tentacles ; British. Jhdiminus, Ehrenberg ; shell umbilicated, ovoid, with elongated aperture and a simple columella ; British. Clausilia, Draparnaud ; shell turriculated, sinistral ; aperture oval ; the columella with corrugations and a movable piece, the clausilium, by means of which the mouth of the shell can be closed ; British. Balea, Prideaux ; shell sinistral, differs from Clausilia in the absence of columellar corrugations and clausilium. Zvspeum, Bourguignat ; no eyes, shell short and dextral. Megaspira, Lea. Strophia, Albers. Anostoma, Fischer. FAMILY 13. STENOGYRIDAK, Fischer. Shell elongated, with a more or less obtuse summit ; aperture oval with a simple border. Genera — Achatina, Lamarck ; shell ovoid, the spire conical, the last whorl ventricose ; the columella twisted. Stmoyyra, Shuttleworth ; shell turriculated ; the whorls numerous, increasing slowly (Fig. 8). Fcrussacia, Risso ; shell small, thin, and brilliant ; aperture elongate, oval ; British. Caecilianella, Ferussac ; shell cylindrical, the spire elongated, the columella truncated ; eyes absent ; subterranean in habit ; British. Cianclla, Jeffreys. Azeca, Leach. Opeas, Albers. RJuxlea, Adams. FAMILY 14. HELICTERIDAE, Fischer. Shell bulimoid, dextral or sinistral ; radular teeth narrow at their bases, expanded at their extremities and multicuspidate. Genera — Helicter, Ferussac. Tornatellina, Beck. TRIBE 2. AGNATHA. No jaws ; the radular teeth narrow and pointed ; carnivorous. This group is possibly polyphyletic. THE GASTROPODA 189 FAMILY 1. OLEACINIDAE, Adams. Shell oval, elongated, with a narrow aperture ; neck very long ; labial palps prominent. Genera — Oleacina, Bolton ( = Glandina) ; aperture truncated anteriorly ; colnmella smooth. Streptostyla, Shuttle worth ; columella with a fold ; aperture elongate, not truncated anteriorly. FAMILY 2. TESTACELLIDAE, Gray. Shell globular or auriform, external or partly covered by the mantle. Genera — Streptaxis, Gray ; shell external, heliciform, the last whorls generally set obliquely to those first formed. Gibbulina, Beck ; shell cylindrical, umbilicated. Aerope, Albers ; shell external, globular, with a small umbilicus ; radular sac enormous ; from South Africa. Rkytida, Albers ; shell depressed, with a very wide umbilicus ; from New Zealand. Daudebardia, Hartmann ; shell coiled, only occupying the posterior part of the body ; animal limaciform ; the genital orifice situated between the right tentacle and the shell (Fig. 172, B). Testacella, Cuvier (Fig. 172, C) ; shell small, auriform, situated at the posterior extremity of the limaciform body ; genital orifice near the right tentacle. Chlamydophorus, Binney ; shell plate-shaped and nearly completely covered by the mantle. Schizo- ylossa, Hedley. FAMILY 3. RATHOUISIIDAE, Heude. Animal naked, devoid of a shell, with a carinated mantle covering the whole body ; male and female orifices distant ; the female orifice near the anus. Genera — Rathouisia, Heude. Atopos, Simroth. TRIBE 3. ELASMOGNATHA. The jaw with a well-developed dorsal appendage. FAMILY 1. SUCCINEIDAE, Chenu. Anterior tentacles much reduced ; male and female orifices contiguous but distinct ; shell thin, spiral, with a short spire. Genera — tiuccinea, Draparnaud ; shell external, oblong, with a large aperture ; British. Homalonyx, d'Orbigny ; shell auriform, the spire scarcely projecting ; the edges of the shell covered by the Fio. 178. Antitea macdonaldi, Gray, left-side view, pct.f, pallial cavity; ps, pneumostome ; t, tentacle. (After Mac Donald.) mantle ; animal limaciform ; American. Hyalimax, Adams ; shell oval, wholly internal". Neohyalimax, Simroth. FAMILY 2. JANELLIDAE, Gray. Limaciform animals, with an internal rounded shell ; the mantle very small and triangular ; the pulmonary chamber with tracheae ; no anterior tentacles. Genera — Janella, Gray. Aneitella, Cockerell. Aneitea, Gray (Fig. 178). Triboniophorus, Humbert. All from the Australo-Zelandic region. TRIBE 4. DITREMATA. Male and female genital orifices distant (Fig. 59, o.f, o.m). FAMILY 1. VERONICELLIDAE, Gray. Terrestrial, naked, limaciform 190 LITERATURE OF THE GASTROPODA animals, without a shell ; the female orifice on the right in the middle of the body ; the anus posterior. Genus — Vaginula, Ferussac (Fig. 179). FAMILY 2. ONCIDIIDAE, Philippi. Limaciform naked marine animals, without a Kin. 179. Vayinulii hizonicn. .1, dorsal aspect; 11, ventral asj)e(jt. I, posterior tentacle; II, anterior tentacle; III, mouth ; IV, mantle ; V, female oriiice ; VI, foot ; VII, anus. (After Souteyet.) shell ; female orifice near the anus, at the posterior end of the body ; a reduced pulmonary cavity with a distinct pneumostome (Fig. 59, pns}. Genera — Oncidium, Buchanan ; body elongated and narrow ; penis with Fio. 180. Onculiuni tongaiium, left-side view. (From l^ankester, after Quoy and Gaimaul.) accessory apparatus ; from the Indian Ocean. OncMiella, Gray ; body oval ; mantle thick, with an emarginated border ; penis without accessory apparatus; British (Fig. 59). Peronia, Blainville ; body oval ; the mantle covered with ramified appendages and oculiferous tubercles. LITERATURE OF THE GASTROPODA. A. Gastropoda generally. 1. Aniaudrnt. La partie anterieure du ti^e digestif ct la torsion chcx les Mollnsqiies Gasteropodes. Ann. des Sci. Nat. Zool. (8), vii. 1898. 2. Hacker. Die Auge einiger Gastropoden. Arh. Xool. Instit. Wien, xiv. 1902. 3. Baiidelot. Hecherches sur 1'appareil geudrateur dcs Mollusques Gasteropodes. Ann. des Sci. Nat. Zool. (4), xix. 1863. 1. Bontan. La cause principale de 1'asyme'trie des Mollusques Gasteropodes Arch, dc Zool. Expe'r. (3), vii. 1899. LITERATURE OF THE GASTROPODA 191 5. Butschli. Bemerkungen liber die wahrscheinliche Herleitung der Asym- metric der Gastropoden, spec, der Asymmetrie im Nervensystem der Prosobranchiaten. Morph. Jahrb. xii. 1887. 6. Fischer, H. Recherches sur la Morphologie du foie des Gaste*ropodes. Bull. Scientif. France et Belgique, xxiv. 1892. 7. Fischer and Bouvier. Recherches et considerations BUT 1'asymetrie des Mollusques Univalves. Journ. de Conchyl. (3), xxii. 1892. 8. Gilchrist. On the Torsion of the Molluscan Body. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, xx. 1895. 9. Grobben. Die Pericardia! druse der Gastropoden. Arbeiten Zool. Inst. Wien, ix..!890. 10. Einige Betrachtungen iiber die phylogenetische Entstehung der Drehung und der asymmetrische Aufrollung bei den Gastropoden. Arb. Zool. Inst. Wien, xii. 1899. 11. Hilgcr. Beitrage sur Kenntniss des Gastropoden Auges. Morph. Jahrb. x. 1885. 12. 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Streptoneura. 21. Bergh. Die Titiscanien. Morphol. Jahrb. xvi. 1890. 22. Bernard. Recherches sur les organes palleaux des Gasteropodes Proso- branches. Ann. des Sci. Nat. Zool. (7), ix. 1890. 23. Recherches sur Valvata piscinalis. Bull. Scientif. France et Belgique, xxii. 1890. 24. Blochmann. Ue,ber die Entwickeluug der Neritina fluviatilis. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. xxxvi. 25. Bobrctzky. Studien iiber die embryonale Entwickelung der Gastropoden. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. xiii. 1877. 26. Bonncvie. Enteroxenos Ostergreni ein neuer, in Holothurien schmarotzen- der Gastropode. Zool. Jahrb. (Anat. u. Ontog.), xv. 1902. 27. Bouvier. Systeme nerveux, morphologic geneVale et classification des Gasteropodes Prosobranches. Ann. des Sci. Nat. (Zool.) (7), iii. 1887^ 28. Etude sur Porganisations des Ampullaires. Mem. Soc. Philomath. Paris (centenaire), 1888. 192 LITERATURE OF THE GASTROPODA 29. Bouvier and Fischer. L'organisation ct les affinites des Gasteropodes primitifs d'apres 1'etude anatomique du Pleurotomaria Beyrichi. Journ. de Conchyl. 1902. 30. Bontan. Recherches sur 1'anatomie et le developpement de la Fissurelle. Arch, de Zool. Exper. (2), iii. bis, 1886. 31. Memoire sur le systeme nerveux de la Nerita polita et de la Navicella parcellana. Arch, de Zool. Exper. (3), i. 1893. 32. Carpenter. On the development of the Embryo of Purpura lapilltis. Trans. Micr. Soc. iii. 1855. 33. Carrttre. Die Fussdriisen der Prosobranchier und das Wassergefuss-System der Lamellibranchier und Gastropoden. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. xi. 1882. 34. Claparede. Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte der Neritiua fluviatilis. Arch, f Anat. u. Phys. 1857. 35. Conklin. The Embryology of Crepidula. Journ. of Morphol. xiii. 1897. 36. Drummond. Notes on the Development of Paludina vivipara, with special reference to the Urogenital Organs and Theories of Gastropod Torsion. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. xlvi. 1902. A 37. 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Zur Anatomic von Acmaea fragilis Chemnitz. Jen. Zeitschr. xxxii. 1898. 71. Woodward, M. F. Anatomy of Pterocera. Proc. Malacol. Soc. i. 1894. 72. The Anatomy of Pleurotomaria Beyrichii, Hilg. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. xliv. 1901. C. Opisthobranchia. 73. Alder and Hancock. A Monograph of the British Nudibranchiate Mollusca. Ray Society, 1845, 1855. 74. Bergh. System der Nudibranchiaten Gastropoden. (Semper. Reisen im Archipel der Philippinen, ii. 1892.) 75. Boas. Spolia Atlantica. Bidrag tie Pteropodernes Morfologi og Systematik samt tie Kundskaben om deres geogratiske Udleredelse. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Skr. (6), iv. 1886. 13 194 LITERATURE OF THE GASTROPODA 76. Davenport. On the Development of the Cerata in Aeolis. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Cambridge, xxiv. 1893. 77. FiscJwr. Recherches anatomiques sur un Mollusque nudibranche appartenant au genre Corambe. Bull. Sci. France et Belgique, xxiii. 1891. 78. Fol. Sur le ddveloppement des Pteropodes. Arch, de Zool. Expe>. (1), iv. 1875. 79. Gilchrist. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Anordnung, Correlation und Function der Mantelorganen der Tectibranchiata. Jen. Zeitschr. xxviii. 189.4. 80. Guiart. Contribution a 1'^tude des Gasteiopodes Opisthobranches et en particulier des Cephalaspides. Mem. Soc. Zool. France, xiv. 1901. 81. Hancock. On the Structure and Homologies of the Renal Organ in the Nudi- branchiate Mollusca. Trans. Linn. Soc. London, xxiv. 1864. 82. Anatomy of Doridopsis. Trans. Linn. Soc. London, xxv. 1865. 83. Hecht. Contribution a I'e'tude des Mem. Soc. Zool. France, viii. 1896. 84. Herdman. On the Structure and Functions of the Cerata or Dorsal Papillae in some Nudibranchiate Mollusca. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. xxxiii. 1892. 85. Hcymons. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte von Umbrella mediterranea. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. Ivi. 1893. 85 bis. Kowalewsky. Etudes anatomiques sur le genre Pseudoverniis. Me"m. Acad. Petersbourg (8), Phys. Math. xii. 1901. 85 tcr. Les Hedylides, utude anatomique. Mem. Acad. Petersbourg (8), Phys. Math. xii. 1901. 86. Kwietnitwski. Contribuzioni alia conoscenza Anato. - zoologica degli Pteropodi Gimnosomi del mare Meditervaneo. Uic. Lab. Roma ed Altri. Lab. Biol. ix. 1903. 87. Lacaze-Duthiers. Anatomie et physiologic du Pleurobranche orange. Ann. des Sci. Nat. (Zool.) (4), xi, 1859. 88. Mazsarelli. Monogratia delle Aplysiidae del Golfo di Napoli. Mem. Soc. Ital. Scienzo (3), ix. 1893. 89. Contribute allo conoscenza delle Tylodinidae, nuova famiglia del gruppo dei Molluschi Tectibranchi. Zool. Jahrb. (System), x. 1897. 90. Moquin-Tandon. Recherches anatomiques sur 1'ombrelle de la Me'diterranee. Ann. des Sci. Nat. (Zool.) (5), xiv. 1870. 91. Peck. On the Anatomy and Histology of Cymbuliopsis calceola. Stud. Biol. Labor. Johns Hopkins Univ. iv. 1890. 92. Pelseiieer. Report on the Pteropoda. Zool. "Challenger" Expedit. parts Iviii. Ixv. Ixvi. 1887, 1888. 93. Recherches sur divers Opisthobranches. Mem. Cour. Acad. Belg. liii. 1894. 94. Sur la condensation embryog^nique chez un Nudibranche. Trav. Stat. Zool. Wimereux, vii. 1899. 95. Trinchese. Aeolididae e famiglie Affine. Atti. R. Accad. Lincei (3), xi. 1882. 96. Vaysstere. Recherches anatomiques sur la famille des Bullides. Ann. des Sci. Nat. (Zool.) (6), ix. 1880. 97. Recherches zoologiques et anatomiques sur les Mollusques opisto- branches du golfe de Marseille. Ann. Musee Marseille (Zool. ), ii. iii. vi. 1885, 1888, 1901. 98. Viguier. Contribution a 1'etude du d^veloppement de la Tethys fimbriata. Arch. Zool. Exper. (3), vi. 1898. LITERATURE OF THE GASTROPODA 195. D. Pulmonata. 99. Andrt. Contributions & 1'anatomie et a la physiologic des Ancylus lacustris et fluviatilis. Revue Suisse de Zool. i. 1893. 100. Recherches sur la glande pedieuse des Pulmones. Revue Suisse de Zool. ii. 1894. 101. Babor. Ueber die wall re Bedeutung des sogenannten Semper'schen Organs der Stylommatophoren Sitzungsber. K. Bbhin Ges. Wiss. (Math. Nat. CL), 1895. 102. Beddard. On some Points in the Anatomy of the Nervous System of the Pond-Snails. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, xi. 1882. 103. Behme. Beitriige zur Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte des Hern- apparates der Lungenschnecken. Arch. f. Naturgesch, Iv. 1889. 104. Beutler. Die Anatomie von Paryphanta Hochstetteri. Pfr. Zool. Jahrb. (Anat. und Ontog.), xiv. 1901. 104 bis. Bohmig. Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Centralnervensystems einiger Pulmo- naten Gasteropoden : Helix pomatia und Limnaea stagnalis. Leipzig, 1883. 105. Bouvier. Sur 1'organisation des Amphiboles. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris (8), iv. 1892. 106. Brock. Die Entwickelung des Geschlechtsapparates der Stylommatophoren Pulmonaten nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Anatomie und Entwickelung einiger anderer Organsysteme. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. xliv. 1886. 107. Collinyc. On the Anatomy of certain Agnathous Pulmonates. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1901. 108. Coutagne. Recherches sur le polymorphisme des Mollusques de France. Lyon, 1895. 109. Cit6not. Etudes physiologiques sur les Gaste"ropodes Pulmones. Arch, de Biol. xii. 1892. 110. Deschamps. Recherches d' Anatomie comparee sur les Gasteropodes Pulmone's. Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles, 1898. 111. Erlanger. Etudes sur le deVeloppement des Gasteropodes Pulmones. Arch. de Biol. xiv. 1895. 112. Fol. Sur le ddveloppement des Gasteropodes Pulmones. Arch, de Zool. Exper. (1), viii. 1880. 113. Hanitsch. Contributions to the Anatomy and Histology of Limax agrestis. Proc. Biol. Soc. Liverpool, ii. 1888. 114. Henchman. The Origin and Development of the Central Nervous System in Limax maximus. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Cambridge, xx. 1890. 115. Button. Notes on the Structure and Development of Siphonaria australis, Quoy and Gaimard. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5), ix. 1882. 116. Jhering, H. von. Ueber den uropneustischen Apparat der Heliceen. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. xli. 1884. 117. Morphologie und Systematik des Genitalapparates von Helix. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. liv. 1892. 118. Joycux-Lqffuie. Organisation et Developpement de 1'Oncidie (Oncidium celticum, Cuv.). Arch, de Zool. Exper. (1), x. 1882. 119. Keller. Anatomie von Vaginula Grayi. Zool. Jahrb. v. $uppl. 120. Kofoid. On the Early Development of Limax. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Cambridge, xxvii. 1895. 121. Kohler. Beitrage zur Anatomie der Gattung Siphonaria. Zool. Jahrb. (Anat. und Ontog.), vii. 1893. 196 LITERATURE OF THE GASTROPODA 122. Lacaze-Duthiers, H. de. Du systeme nerveux des Mollusques Gasteropodes pulmon^s aquatiques. Arch, de Zool. ExpeV. (1), J. ; 1872. 123. Histoire de la Testacelle. Arch, de Zool. Expe"r. (2), v. 1888. 124. Anatomie du Gadinia garnoti. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, C, 1885. 125. Des organes de la reproduction de 1'Ancylus fluviatilis. Arch, de Zool. Exper. (3), vii. 1899. 126. Lankester, E. liay. Observations on the Development of the Pond-Snail (Lymnaeus stagnalis), and on the Early Stages of other Mollusca. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. xiv. 1874. 127. Leidy. Special Anatomy of the Terrestrial Gasteropoda of the United States (in Binney : The Terrestrial Air-breathing Mollusks of the United States, I). Boston, 1851. 128. Meisenheimer. Entwickclungsgeschichte von Limax maximus. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. Ixii. Ixiii. 1896, 1898. 129. Zur Morphologic der Urniere der Pulmonaten. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. Ixv. 1899. 130. Nabias, de. Recherches histologiqnes et organ ologiques sur les centres nerveux des Gast6ropodes. Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, xlvii. 1894. 131. Recherches sur le systeme nerveux des Gasteropodes Pulmone's aquatiques. Trav. Labor. Soc. Scient. Arcachon, 1899. 132. Nalcpa. Beitrage sur Anatomie der Stylommatophoren. Sitzungsber. Akad. wiss. Wien, Ixxxvii. 1883. 133. Pelscnecr. Etudes sur des Gasteropodes Pulmone's. Mem. Acad. Belg. liv. 1901. 134. Perez. Recherches sur la generation des Mollusques Gasteropodes. Mem. Soc. Sci. Phys. et Natur. Bordeaux, 1873. 135. Plate. Studien iiber Opisthopneumone Lungenschnecken. Zool. Jahrb. (Anat. und Ontog.), iv. vii. 1891, 1893. 136. Beitrage sur Anatomie und systematik der Janelliden (Janella Schauinslandi, n. sp., und Aneitea berghi, n. sp.). Zool. Jahrb. (Anat. und Ontog.), xi. 1898. 137. Poirier. Observations anatomiques sur le genre Urocyclus. Bull. Soc. Malacol. France, iv. 1887. 138. Rail. Ueber die EntwickehmgderTellerschnecke. Morph. Jahrb. v. 1879. 139. Itouzaud. Recherches sur le deVcloppement des organes genitaux de quelques Gasteropodes hermaphrodites. Montpellier, 1885. 140. Sarasin, P. and F. Aus der Entwickelungsgeschichte der Helix Waltoni. Ergebn. nat. Forsch. Ceylon, i. 1888. 141. Die Siisswassermollusken von Celebes, Wiesbaden, 1898. — Die Landmollusken von Celebes, Wiesbaden, 1899. 142. Schmidt. F. Beitrage sur Keniitniss der Entwickelungsgeschichte der Stylommatophoren. Zool. Jahrb. (Anat. und Ontog.), viii. 1895. 143. Sharp. Beitrage sur Anatomie von Ancylus fluviatilis (0. F. Miiller) und Ancylus lacustris (Geoffrey). Wiirzburg, 1883. 144. Sicard. Recherches anatomiques et histologiques sur le Zonites Algirus. Ann. des Sci. Nat. (Zool.) (6), i. 1874. 145. Simroth. Ueber die Niere der Pulmonaten. (Semper. Reisen ini Archipei der Philippinen, iii. 1894.) 146. Yung. Recherches sur le sens olfactif de 1'Escargot. Arch, de Psychol. iii. 1903. CHAPTER IV THE SCAPHOPODA CLASS III— SCAPHOPODA, BRONN ( = SOLENOCONCHA, de Lacaze-Duthiers). Definition. — Marine bilaterally symmetrical Prorhipidoglosso- morpha ; the body and shell elongated along the ante ro- posterior axis and nearly cylindrical. The right and left margins of the mantle are united ventrally and thus form a complete tube sur- rounding the body, but with an anterior and a posterior aperture. The head is somewhat rudimentary and devoid of eyes, but bears two dorsal appendages furnished with numerous long filaments (Fig. 183, I). The foot is cylindrical and adapted to digging. A radula is present, but there is no ctenidium. The sexes are separate. Historical. — These animals were formerly mistaken for tubicoious Annelids, and afterwards were classed among the Gastropoda, near Fissurella. Blainville, in 1819, was the first to rank them as a distinct order of Gastropoda under the name "Cirrhobranchia." In 1857 de Lacaze-Duthiers, as the result of a careful anatomical investigation, created the division Solenoconcha to receive Dentalium, making his new division equivalent to Lamellibranchia, and includ- ing the two groups, together with the Brachiopoda, in a class Acephala. Since de Lacaze-Duthiers' memoir, the Solenoconcha have been universally recognised as a division equivalent to the Lamellibranchia and Gastropoda, but the name Scaphopoda, proposed by Bronn in 1862, has been more generally used for the sake of uniformity. More recent investigations, however, have shown that the Scaphopoda are more nearly akin to the Gastropoda than to- the Lamellibranchia. I. GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. The shell (Figs. 181, D, E and 186) has the form of a very elongated cone, slightly curved, the concavity of the curve being dorsal : it is capable of containing the entire animal. The larger 197 i98 THE SCAPHOPODA orifice of the shell and subjacent mantle is morphologically the anterior or cephalo-pedal aperture. Near the smaller posterior aperture the shell, being older, is also thicker. The anterior aperture of the mantle has a conspicuously thick border. The posterior aperture is emarginated by a ventral sinus and is furnished interiorly with a dorsal and a ventral valve, which are capable of being applied to one another. The animal lives buried obliquely in the sand, only the posterior extremity projecting into the water, and therefore it is the posterior aperture that is at once inhalant and exhalant and serves for the expulsion of the excrements and A or Fin. 181. Dentalium vnh/are. A, ventral view of the animal removed from its sholl ; R, dorsal view of the same ; C, right-side view of the same ; D, the shell in section ; E, right-side view of the animal in its shell, with cephalic appendages (captacula) exserted as in life. «, mantle ; a', longitudinal retractor muscle ; a", fringe surrounding the anterior opening of the mantle- chamber ; a'", the posterior appendix of the mantle ; ?>, anterior circular muscle of the mantle ; V, posterior circular muscle of the mantle ; c, c', longitudinal retractor muscle ; c, liver ; /, gonad ; k, buccal mass (seen through the mantle) ; , byssus ; /, foot ; , posterior adductor; p.i, pallial impression; p.r, p.r', posterior retractors of foot and byssus ; t, hinge-tooth. posterior axis and a proportional increase of the dorso- ventral axis of the body, a phenomenon particularly well marked in the Tridacnidae. It should be observed that the species with a single adductor muscle belong to very various groups and are generally sessile forms : the Monomyaria, therefore, are polyphyletic and do not constitute a natural group. A single family may contain examples of Isomyaria, Anisomyaria, and Monomyaria (Fig. 193, C, D, E), and all, in the course of their development, pass through three different stages with regard to the arrangement of the adductor muscles. In the first stage, called the protomonomyarian stage, the anterior adductor, being the first to be formed, is alone present. In the second stage the two adductors coexist ; this is the dimyarian 212 THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA £ stage (Fig. 192, B). In the third or deutomonomyarian stage, the anterior adductor has disappeared (Fig. 192, C). The two adductors, by their contraction, bring together the valves and close the shell. They are diminished in size when the valves lose their mobility, as, for example, in Galeomma, Ephippod&nta, and Scioberetia, and they actually disappear in Aspergillum and Chlamydoconcha. These muscles are generally perpendicular to the surfaces of the valves, but in some Lamellibranchia that are fixed by one side, they may be very oblique, e.g. Anomia, Pecten, the Rudistae. The fibres of the adductors are attached to epithelial cells of the mantle which produce the hypostracum or substance of the muscular impres- sions. In many cases the fibres of each adductor may be divided into two distinct parts of different appear- ance (Pecten, Ostraea, etc.), of which the principal part in the monomyarian Lamellibranchs is formed of apparently striated fibres (see p. 5), this appar- ent striation being particularly well defined in the muscles of the swim- ming Lamellibranchs, Pectinidae, and Limidae, which are capable of very rapid contraction. The absolute force exerted by the adductor muscles is analogous to that of vertebrate muscles : in some cases they can resist the traction of a weight equal to several thousand times the weight of the animal deprived of its shell. In the siphonate Lamellibranchia the pallial fusions separating the branchial and pedal orifices are often furnished with crossed muscular bundles, called cruciform muscles, passing from the edge of one valve to that of the other, and thus forming accessory adductor strands : these may be seen in Tellina, Syndosmya, and 0.4 Fio. 194. soknocurtus strigiiiatu*, ventral as- J)0jiax among the Tcllinacca, and in pert, a.*, anal siphon ; br.s, branchial "®L siphon;/, foot; mu, cruciform pallial boienOCUrtUS (-tig. 194, mU). In SpCClCS called "closed," in which the mantle fusions are very extensive, these muscles are continuous along the whole ventral border of the valves, between the pedal and branchial orifices (Saxicava, Fig. 246, pa). THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA 213 The shell of Lamellibranchs is formed of two valves, each corresponding to a lobe of the mantle. The internal layer of the shell is secreted by the whole external surface of the mantle, but the external layer is secreted only by the thickened mantle edges. The internal layer is often nacreous, and may exhibit pathological products called "pearls," which are formed by the secretion of nacreous substance by the mantle round foreign bodies. These are generally of parasitic origin : the scolex of a Cestode forms the nucleus of a pearl in the genus Meleagrina of Ceylon and the Gambier islands; the larvae of Trematodes form similar nuclei in various European Lamellibranchs. Though they are primitively symmetrical and commonly remain so, the valves become very asymmetrical in some species of Area, in the Anomiidae, Pecten, Ostraea, C&rbula, Chama, Pandora, Myocliama, the Rudistae (Fig. 244), etc. In certain somewhat modified forms in which the foot, though more or less large, is feebly retractile, the valves do not meet and fit perfectly together along the ventral edge and are "gaping," as may be seen in the Pholadidae, Gastro- chaenidae, etc. But with the exception of Cklami/doconcha and Sdoberetia, in which the shell is internal, the valves fit together perfectly along the dorsal border, and are articulated with one another by a system of teeth and sockets which collectively form the hinge (Fig. 189), and only tend to be atrophied in forms whose valves have little mobility, especially in boring species. The valves are additionally united (except in the Pholadidae and Teredinidae, hence named Adesmacea, and a few other forms) by a ligament of a chitinous nature. This ligament is primitively continuous with the shell, and is, in fact, the uncalcified portion of the pallial cuticle, that is to say, of the originally single shell. The ligament finally becomes external (Fig. 189) or internal; in the latter case it is a " resilium." Its action is antagonistic to the adductor muscles, and consequently it causes the valves of the shell to gape. In the youngest stages of the Protobranchia, Filibranchia, and various Eulamellibranchia, a series of little transverse denticulations, constituting a primitive hinge or provinculum (Bernard), is developed on each side of the ligament, or at any rate behind it in forms devoid of an anterior adductor muscle. The permanent hinge teeth are only formed at a later period, by the growth of distinct laminae on the surface of the hinge. Thus, in the typical Eulamellibranchia, the first lamellae originate at the extremities of the hinge surface, below the provinculum, and grow towards the centre of the hinge area ; the internal ends of the anterior lamellae become hook- shaped, and their hooks become separated from their external ends ; the latter form the anterior lateral teeth, while the hooks become the cardinal teeth, and the posterior lamellae give rise to the posterior lateral teeth. 214 THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA Sundry methods have been proposed for representing the hinges of Lamellibranchs by formulae. The most logical is that of Munier- Chalmas and Bernard, which takes the origin of each element into account. In this system the primitive lamellae are indicated by Roman numerals, even numbers being used for the left valve, odd numbers for the right valve, preceded by the letter A if they are anterior to the ligament, by the letter P if they are posterior to it. Each definitive tooth is indicated by an Arabic numeral corresponding to the number of the primitive lamella from which it is derived (A2 in the case of All, etc.), and is preceded by the letter C if it is a cardinal, or L if it is a lateral tooth, and is further followed by the letters a, b, etc., if it corresponds to the first, second, or other segment formed by the folds of the lamella. Thus CA26 stands for the left cardinal tooth originating from the posterior segment of the anterior lamella II. In some exceptional cases the two valves of the shell are fused Fio. 195. Sagittal median section of Teredo, a, anus ; a.a, anterior adductor muscle ; a.s, anal siphon ; br.s, branchial siphon; c.g, cerebral ganglion; g, gill; h, heart; m, month; p.a, posterior adductor ; p.g, pedal ganglion ; r.o, renal opening ; r.p, reno-pericardial orifice ; v.g, visceral ganglion. (Partly after Qrobben and Beuck.) together dorsally ; such shells are called symphinote, and examples may be found in the adults of some species of Pinna, Unio, Anodonta, and Hyria. But even when the borders of the mantle are almost completely fused together on the ventral side, the two valves are never fused ventrally to form a single tube like the shell of the Scaphopoda. Nevertheless, when the shell gapes and the mantle borders are largely fused together and provided with long conjoint siphons, the portions of the mantle that project beyond the valves may secrete a long calcareous tube (Teredo, Fistulana), which may be fused to the shell, as in Aspergillum, or the two valves themselves may be fused together dorsally as in the four genera mentioned above. In some other siphonate Lamellibranchs with gaping shells the portions of the mantle that project from the shell may secrete accessory protective sclerites, which may be independent of the valves, as, e.g., the dorsal sclerites of Pholas and the sclerites of certain species of Thracia, or may be united to the shell as is the siphonal tube of Pholadidea. In Teredo two movable calcareous plates, actuated by special muscles, are formed symmetrically right THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA 215 and left of the free extremity of the siphonal mass. These " pallets," as they are called (Fig. 247, II), probably serve to protect the free extremities of the siphons. The valves generally bear on their internal surfaces distinct impressions of the insertions of the pallial, orbicular, siphonal adductor and retractor muscles of the foot, and therefore it is possible to infer something of the organisation of the animal in the case of fossil species. In general, the anterior side of the shell of the Lamellibranchia is the shorter, and the " umbones " or summits of the two valves are directed anteriorly, but in some forms, called for this reason " opisthogyrous," the posterior side is the shorter : such are Nucula, Donax, Montacuta, Entovalva, and Cyrtodaria. The larval portion of the shell, or " prodissoconch," like that of the Gastropoda, is often distinct from the following portion, and may even be separated from it by a crest or ridge (Fig. 196, p) : this feature is especially well marked in incubatory forms with large embryos. Also, in the same manner as has been described for Gastropods, the external cliiplicature of the mantle border may be reflected over the outer surface of; and cover a more or less considerable extent of, the shell in the Galeommidae and in the endo- parasite Entovalva ( = Synapticola). By an exaggeration of this process the mantle may even come to form a closed sac around each valve, a feature which may FlG- 19ti> , . , , , , n i • j t Pliilolinja sublaevis, right valve, be seen in the three genera Lpliippodonta, outer aspect, p, prodissoconch. Chlamydoconcha, and Sciobcrdia, and also in a species commensal with a Synapta in the Philippines (Semper). As in the other classes of the Mollusca, the foot is a muscular projection from the ventral surface ; its size and form are very variable, according to the habit of life adopted by the animal. The mass of the foot is frequently invaded by a portion of the viscera, at least by a part of the digestive canal, the liver, and the gonads, the last-named being superficial. In species in which the foot is very mobile, its two lateral faces are united by transverse muscular bundles. In its most primitive form the foot is a cylinder, more or less flattened from side to side, and terminated by a ventral plantar surface (Protobranchia, Figs. 230, 231 ; Pccfunculus, Modiolarca, Fig. 241). But more usually the foot is still further flattened, and terminates below in a more or less elongated keel, which may end in two points, an anterior and a posterior as in Trigonia, or in a single point, which is always anterior. This latter arrangement is 216 THE LAMELLIBRANCH1A the most common, and is found, for example, in the Unionidae (Fig. 242), Tellino, (Fig. 190, /), and Cardium (Fig. 243). The anterior pointed end may be so much elongated, for example, in Poromya, as to give the foot the appearance of a cylindrical tentacle, sometimes slightly swollen at its free extremity (many Lucinidae, Fig. 238, III), or of a long cylinder directed forward and sometimes ending in a swelling of constant shape (Solen, Mycetopus). In some cases the foot may secondarily acquire an enlarged free extremity with a creeping surface, e.g. in Galeomma, Lepton, and certain species of Erycina. In Spondylus it ends in a pedunculated globular appendage. Some Anatinacea, such as Pholadomya and Halicardia, have an accessory foot-like organ, the so-called opisthopodium, on the posterior extremity of the visceral mass. In MytUus, also, a distinct posterior carinated projection may be seen behind the extensible pedal cylinder ; this has been called the " Punch's hump." There is, on the other hand, an anterior and dorsal tongue-shaped projection on the foot of Tapes decussatus. Finally, the foot may become rudimentary through disuse in genera with restricted or no locomotory powers. This is especially the case in boring Lamellibranchs with extensive fusion of the mantle edges, such as PJiolas and Teredo (Fig. 247, VI), and in such forms as are fixed by a byssus or by the substance of the shell, such as Peden (Fig. 235, /), Ostraea, Aetheria, etc. The foot, then, is the locomotory organ, as it is in other Mollusca. Its special function is to grope in the shifting soil and to slowly drag along the animal by its successive contractions and extensions, its anterior extremity being supported or fixed. These movements of the foot are due to turgescence, produced by the afflux of blood into the pedal sinuses, and its subsequent contrac- tion by means of the retractor muscles. The foot is never provided with an aquiferous pore through which, as was for a long time believed, water can penetrate into the circulatory system. But it very frequently presents a more or less posterior orifice in the middle line corresponding to the ventral pedal pore of Gastropoda (Fig. 144, I) and leading into a cavity known as the byssogenous cavity (Fig. 197, I), into which certain unicellular glands situated in the foot discharge their secretion. This secretion, passing between the epithelial cells of the byssogenous cavity, hardens on contact with the water and forms threads of conchiolin, which unite to form the trunk of the byssus (Fig. 197, IV). This structure serves to attach the animal, but the fixation is not necessarily permanent ; the old byssus may be abandoned and a new one formed (Area, Mytilus, Avicula, Dreissensia, etc.). The byssogenous organ is poorly developed in the Protobrahchia, in which group the byssogenous cavity is situated far back (Fig. 204, VIII), and a functional byssus is absent. When it attains to its THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA 217 maximum of specialisation the byssogenous cavity presents a number of internal folds or plates (Fig. 197) which increase the secreting surface ; the trunk of the byssus is thick (Fig. 199, IV), is formed Fio. 197. Transversal section of the foot of Lyonsia, through the byssus -orifice. I, byssogen- ous glands; II, byssus-cavity ; III, byssus- orifice of the foot ; IV, byssus ; V, roots of the byssus. Fio. 198. Transversal section of a groove of the byssogenous cavity of Mndiolaria discors. I, byssogenous glands; II, epithelium of the byssogenous cavity; III, roots of the byssus ; 1 V, secretion of the byssogenous glands passing between the epithelial cells. (After Cattie.) more or less deep in the mass of the foot, and becomes engaged in a semi-cylindrical groove hollowed out along the ventral keel of the foot in front of the orifice of the byssogenous cavity (Fig. 236, The walls of this groove contain a considerable number of large unicellular mucous glands. The byssus is particularly well FIG. 199. Arm lactfd, Linnaeus, left-side view (the left half of the _ man tie removed). I, anterior , , - adductor ; II, labial palps ; III, foot ; IV, byssus ; V, ventral edge of the internal left gill-plate ; VI, right gill ; VII, anus; VIII, mantle ; IX, posterior adductor ; X, branchial axis ; XI, direct lamina of the external gill-plate; XII, reflected lamina of the external gill-plate. (After Deshayes.) developed in Anomia, Area (Figs. 188, 199), Mytilus, Pinna, Avicula (Fig. 236), Pecten, various Myacea (Saxicava, etc.), Anatinacea (Lyonsia), Cardiacea (Tridacna), Ureissenshi, etc. In the genus Anomia the byssus is of peculiar form, being partly calcified and of a 218 THE LAMELLIHRANCHIA stony consistence, whence it is called the " ossiculum " ; it projects on the right side through a hole in the flattened valve of that side. In Modiolarca the byssogenous cavity is preceded by a second glandular cavity (Fig. 241, gl.p\ but the latter takes no part in the secretion of the byssus. In some cases the whole of the byssogen- ous cavity degenerates in the adult, as may be seen in certain species of Unio, or it is closed as in Cydas, in which genus it and the byssus are highly developed during embryonic life. In the endoparasite Entovalw the byssogenous apparatus appears to be modified to form a so-called "organ of adhesion" (Fig. 240, f.ffl). The foot, with the viscera contained in it, is attached to the shell by retractor muscles, of which there are normally four pairs. Two pairs, the retractors and protractors, are anterior and situated near the anterior adductor muscle ; one pair, the elevators, is median ; and one pair of retractors is posterior and close to the posterior adductor muscle. These various muscles are inserted symmetrically near the dorsal border of the valves and between the two adductors. In the more primitive Lamellibranchs these muscles are greatly extended in a longitudinal direction (Fig. 231, f.e\ and in certain Protobranchia they may form an almost continuous series ; but otherwise it is only the four retractors at the extremities of the foot that are well developed, the remainder being rudimentary or atrophied (Fig. 202, a.f.r, p.f.r). In general, the so-called Monomyaria, or forms with a single and that the posterior adductor, have only retained the posterior retractors of the foot, and these muscles only exist on one side in various forms that are fixed by one valve : thus in Pecten only the left retractor is present, and even this is aborted in P. magellanicus. When the foot becomes reduced as an organ of locomotion, and, in compensation, the byssogenous apparatus assumes a large size, the retractor muscles, especially the posterior pair, take their origin from the latter structure, and thus become the retractor muscles of the byssus. II. ANATOMY. 1. The Alimentary Canal. — The mouth is situated at the anterior end of the body, dorsal of the base of the foot (Fig. 188, m). In Solenomya (Fig. 231, m) it lies behind the anterior adductor muscle, but it is on the ventral side of this muscle in all other Lamellibranchia with two adductors. Except in Anomia, in which it is asymmetrical, it is asymmetrical transverse aperture compressed between two lips, of which one is dorsal and anterior, the other is ventral and posterior. These lips have simple borders as a rule, but in the Pectinidae they are scolloped and even ramified (Fig. 235, I) ; they are generally continued on either side into two lobate prolongations, called the labial palps, of which the external is the prolongation of the anterior lip. In the genus Area (Fig. 188) the lips pass insensibly into the THE LAMELL1BRANCHIA 219 palps, but usually the palps become suddenly much broader than the lips. The palps are formed from part of the velar area of the larva and assume various forms, but are most commonly triangular. Their inner surfaces are transversely folded arid ciliated in such a manner as to conduct all particles coming within their reach into the buccal orifice. They are poorly developed or absent in various Lucinidae, such as Axinus (Fig. 238) and Corbis, and in Limopsis and some species of Cuspidaria. On the other hand, they are very large in the Tellinidae, surpassing the gills in size in this family, and the anterior pair is very large in Poromya (Fig. 249, a.p). In the st Fio. 200. An adult specimen of Yoldia livwtula, as it appears while feeding — partially immerged in mud. e.s, exhalant siphon ; i.s, inhalant siphon ; p.ap, palp appendages ; s.t, siphonal tentacle. (After Drew.) Nuculidae and Ledidae the posterior angles of each pair of palps are produced to form a common tentaculiform appendage bearing a groove along the whole of its ventral surface ; these appendages can be thrust out beyond the shell and assist in obtaining food (Fig. 200, p.ap). In Solenomya the two palps are rudimentary, but the tentacular prolongation persists in the form common to the other Protobranchia, with its ventral groove forming a continuation of the interlabial space (Fig. 231, p.l.). In the family Nuculidae among the Protobranchia there is still an anterior dilatation of the alimentary canal representing the buccal cavity and provided with two lateral and symmetrical glandular 220 THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA pouches ; but in all other Lamellibranchia the mouth leads directly into the stomach through a short oesophagus (Fig. 201, oe\ which is rarely muscular (Poroniya) and is sometimes nearly aborted. The stomach is a large and generally laterally compressed ovoid or piriform sac, more or less deeply buried in the viscero-pedal mass (Figs. 207, st ; 231 and 234, st). Its walls are thin and not muscular except in some carnivorous forms such as the Septibranchia. The stomachal epithelium is lined with a thick but caducous cuti- cular coat, visible even in the larval stage (Ostraea, Fig. 192, A) : this cuticle serves to protect the secretory cells of the stomach. The stomach is very commonly provided with a pyloric caecum, lined by a richly ciliated columnar epithelium. The caecum may be long, especially in Domx, Mactra, Solen, Plwlas, and Teredo, and sometimes extends into the ventral part of the foot, or into the mantle, penetrating into the right lobe in Anomia, the left lobe in Mytilus latus. It is, however, short in some forms, e.g. in Trigonia. It corresponds to the caecum of the crystalline style in certain Gastropoda (Pteroceras, Fig. 75), and like it contains a cylindrical product, the crystalline style (Fig. 201, cr.s), which is more or less continuous with the cuticular lining of the stomach. In the following forms the caecum is fused with the initial part of the intestine, and communicates with it by a narrow longitudinal slit : Area, Mytilus edulis, Ostraea, Pecten, the Lucinidae (Montacuta), the Tellinidae and Psammobiidae, Cardium, the Unionidae, Mya, Solenocurtus, and the Septibranchia. The extremity of the crystalline style projects into the stomach and is gradually eroded by the action of the digestive secretions ; the product of its solution forms a sort of cement which encrusts any hard substances that may have been ingested and thus protects the delicate walls of the intestine from injury. Sometimes the stomach is furnished with a second ventral caecum, which may be anterior, as in Mytilus, or posterior, as in the Pholadidae and Teredinidae (Fig. 195). The liver consists of a pair of voluminous, more or less sym- metrical acinous glands which occupy the whole space surrounding the stomach, and may extend into the foot (Figs. 207, 222, hep). Posteriorly and dorsally the liver is generally covered over by the gonads. In the adult Nuculidae and Ledidae the left lobe is the larger, and the coils of the intestine are situated on the right side. It should be noted that, in developmental stages, the left liver lobe of Lamellibranchia, like that of the Gastropoda, is larger than the right (Fig. 192, l.l, r.l). The hepatic orifices leading into the alimentary canal are often multiple, even in some Protobranchia, but in development and in many adult forms (Solenomya, Adacnarca, Modiolaria,, various Erycinidae, Pseudokellya, etc.) there are only two more or less symmetrical orifices. As a result of specialisation these larval apertures may multiply, and various numbers are found THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA 221 in adult forms, viz. three in certain Nuculidae, in Chama, and Spondylus ; four in Area ; five in Pectunculus, Philobrya, and Pecten ; and as many as twelve in Mytilus. The lumen of the hepatic glands may be of considerable size, and form part of the digestive and absorptive cavity. In certain Lucinidae (Montacuta, Axinus, Fig. 238) the hepatic glands, together with the overlying gonads, project into the pallial cavity in the form of arborescent tufts. The intestine almost always arises from the ventral side of the stomach, and is sometimes provided with a valve at its origin (Pinna). It is short and rectilinear or scarcely coiled in Solenomya, in sundry Filibranchia such as Area, Pectunculus, Limopsis, Philobrya (Fig. 234), Anomia, and in the Septibranchia (Fig. 251, in) ; but cu, cot FIG. 201. Median sagittal section of the anterior part of tho digestive tract of Donax. a.l, anterior lip ; cae, caecum ; cr.s, crystalline style ; ctt, stomachal cuticle ; in, intestine ; m, mouth ; oe, oesophagus ; p.l, posterior lip ; st, stomach. (After Uarrois.) more usually, as the Lammellibranchs are nearly all herbivorous, it describes a certain number of convolutions in the viscero-pedal mass (Fig. 242, al). These may vary from one to a dozen in number, and sometimes they are confined to one side of the body ; in the Nuculidae and Ledidae, for example, they are on the right side. The intestine is ciliated throughout its whole length, and its rectal portion is generally provided with an internal longitudinal ridge. In Nucula (Fig. 204, XIV), Area, and Anomia the rectum passes ventrad of the ventricle of the heart, as it does in Amphineura ; but it traverses the ventricle, in rhipidoglossate fashion, in the majority of Lammellibranchia. But in Malletia, Avicula, most species of Ostraea, Miilleria, and Teredo (Fig. 195) it is dorsad of the heart. Finally, the rectum always passes over the dorsal side of the posterior adductor muscle, and ends behind it in 222 THE LAMELLIRRANCHIA CLCU the middle line, except in a few fixed forms, such as Pecten (in which the anus is to the left of the middle line, Fig. 234, a), Ostraea, etc. In some species of Pecten and Lima the rectum is recurrent, and nearly completely surrounds the posterior adductor muscle. In some special cases, viz. in various Aviculidae, and especially in Pinna, the free extremity of the rectum bears an erectile appendage. 2. Circulatory Apparatus. — The vascular system of Lamelli- branchs, like that of all other Molluscs, is completely closed, and water cannot possibly enter into the circulation. The system is composed of more or less dilated and spacious, but none the less true vessels, and of sinuses with connective tissue walls, but without an endothelium. Not only is the vascular system completely cut off from the surrounding medium, but it is also cut off from the pericardial cavity, as may clearly be seen in red-blooded forms, whose pericardial fluid is colourless and, like that of other Lamelli- branchs, totally devoid of blood corpuscles. The blood always forms an important part of the mass of the body, often constituting a half of its weight. It contains nucleated amoeboid corpuscles (amoebocytes), and in some cases, particularly in arenicol- ous or limicolous species, non-amoeboid corpuscles containing haemoglobin. Such is the case in various species of Area (A. trapezia, A.pexata, A. tetragona, etc.), in* Pectunculus violacescens, Tellina planata (and around the nerve-centres in T. fabula), Poi'omya granulata, and some Solenidae such as Ceratisolen legumen. While red in these latter forms, the blood in certain Veneridae, Cardiidae, Dreissensiidae, etc., is of a bluish tint owing, to the presence of haemocyanin. Tn addition to its normal function, the blood plays an important part in causing turgescence of tegumen- tary expansions, the mantle and siphons and the foot. As in all other Mollusca, the central organ of the circulation is on the dorsal terior giii-piate ; /La,>>8terior adduc- side (Fig. 202, ve), near the hinge of tor; /it, hinge- lobe of mantle; k, ., i,f , '. '' , . , . 5 kidney ; l.p, labial palp ; yxi, mantle ; the shell, and IS contained 111 a peri- pe.g, pericardial gland ; p.f.r, posterior rarflinm Tn aHnlt AnnmiiHap Vmw foot retractor ; «, rectum ; «i, siphon ; c uae> l ve, ventricle. ever, it projects freely into the pallial cavity, behind the adductor muscle. The heart always consists of a median ventricle and two generally symmetrical auricles : it is only in such forms as Anomia that the ou, ft n^au Fia. 202. , Tapes pullaster, without its shell, dorsal aspect, with several organs seen through the mantle. a.a, anterior adductor muscle ; o.ft, aortic bulb ; THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA 223 auricles are altogether asymmetrical. The ventricle lies com- pletely free in the pericardial cavity ; it is, however, fused to the dorsal wall of the pericardium throughout its length in Pliodon, and for a part of its length in Pandora. The walls of the ventricle are always very muscular, and contain free and inter- laced bundles or muscle fibres. The situation of the ventricle varies very much, even in tolerably closely related species : it is dorsad of the rectum in Nucula (Fig. 204), the Anomiidae, and Area ; traversed by the rectum in the great majority of Lamellibranchia (Fig. 231, v) ; and finally ventrad of the rectum in Malletia, Ostraea (except 0. cochlear), Mulleria, and Teredo (Fig. 195). The ventral position of the ventricle, in species remotely allied to one another, is a phenomenon of convergence due to the shifting of the base of the gill away from the primitive position of the heart. It should be observed that the transi- tion to the ventral position is to be seen in Pinna, Perna, and Avicula : in the first-named the ventricle still forms a very slender ring above the intestine, but in the two last genera it is simply attached for its whole length to the ventral side of the intestine. In Nucula and Area the ventricle appears to be formed of two symmetrical halves : it is really elongated transversely, and con- tracted in the middle of its length. In adult Lamellibranchs the ventricle may beat rather slowly — e.g. twenty times per minute in the oyster, six times per minute in Anodonta — but in the young of Ostraea the pulsations may be as many as one hundred per minute. The auricles communicate with the ventricle by a narrow slit on each side, the apertures being provided with muscular valves which prevent the reflux of blood from the ventricle. The auricles are thick and muscular only in the Nuculidae, Solenomyidae, Anomiidae, and in a lesser degree in Pectvnculus. In these diverse but relatively primitive forms (and also in Pecten and some other types), the auricle of either side is connected only with the anterior }[1' vfl»V™le '> 1V> aortu- • ••••• M i i • i VAIter * Oll.^ or basal extremity of the efferent branchial vessel, a disposition which is common to other groups of Mollusca and indicates the primitively posterior situation of the ctenidia. In this case the auricles are elongated (Fig. 204, XII) and their maximum diameter is close to the ventricle. In all other cases their walls are thin and moderately muscular, they enter into relation with the gills along a considerable extent of the efferent branchial vessel, and they are triangular in form (Fig. 234, aur\ with the maximum diameter nearest the gill. When the ventricle contracts the FIO. 203. Heart of Ostraea 224 THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA auricles dilate, so that the three together always fill the pericardial cavity. The walls of the auricles are frequently invested with a brownish-coloured glandular epithelium, constituting the pericardial glands (see below, p. 233). Sometimes the two auricles com- municate with one another inside the pericardium. In the Pectinacea (Pectinidae, Aviculidae) and Ostraeacea (Fig. 203), and also in Pectuiicidus, Pkilobrya, and the Mytilidae, this com- munication lies behind and to the ventral side of the ventricle and its aorta ; in Isocardia it is anterior and dorsad of the aorta. The same tendency to the union of paired symmetrical organs may be seen in the kidneys and gonads. When the circumanal com- plex— that is to say, the posterior adductor muscle, the mantle borders, and especially the siphons — are only slightly developed, the ventricle only gives off a single anterior aortic trunk, just as it does in the Amphineura and Gas- tropoda. This is the case in the Anomiidae and Mytilidae. Or the posterior aorta may be very small or indistinctly marked off from the anterior aorta, as in Pedunculus and some species of Nucula-, but ' in all other Lamellibranchs, u liver; X, afferent sinus ; XI, retractor muscle of forms, there are ftlwaVS tWO the labial palps ; XII, auricle ; XIII, ovary ; XIV, rectum ; xv, ventricle. aortae, an anterior and a pos- terior, clearly separated from one another and of more or less equal importance. The anterior aorta is dorsad and the posterior ventrad of the intestine, except, of course, in Nucula and other forms in which the heart is dorsal. The pedal branch of the anterior aorta passes between the cerebral and pedal ganglion - pairs. In Ostraea, Fulsella, Tridacna, and Teredo the two aortae are secondarily fused to form one ; again an instance of convergence in unrelated species, due to the shortening of the antero-posterior axis of the body. THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA 225 The foot, the mantle, and the siphons derived from the latter are gorged with blood when their muscles are relaxed, and their sudden contraction often produces a reflux of arterial blood towards the heart. In Lamellibranchs with a well -developed foot and siphons, the return of blood into the ventricle is prevented by valves situated at the origins of the aortae, and a sphincter is also often to be found at the root of the posterior aorta, and sometimes a valve in the siphonal artery. In addition, highly developed aortic bulbs, separated from the ventricle by one of the above- mentioned valves, are frequently present, generally on the posterior aorta, where a large bulb may be seen, within the pericardium, in many Siphonates, particularly in the Veneridae (Tapes, Fig. 202, a.b\ Petricolidae, Tridacnidae, Mactridae, etc. A bulb or aortic dilata- tion also occurs on the anterior aorta, inside the pericardium in Pecten and the Mytilidae, outside the pericardium in Anodonta. The arterial blood forced back towards the heart by the contraction of the foot or mantle or siphons enters and fills these various bulbs. The blood carried to the different parts of the organism by the ultimate ramifications of the arterial trunks finally enters the venous sinuses, of which the most important are the pallial sinuses, the pedal sinus, and the great median ventral sinus. The last { named is situated between the pericardium and the foot, and is separated from the pedal sinus by "' the valve of Keber, which prevents the foot from emptying itself of ™ blood when in movement. It is from this great unpaired median sinus that the greater part of the blood is derived that passes through the kidneys and thence goes on to the gills. But a certain quantity of blood is carried to the auricles without having passed through the gills : this blood is brought from Vla- m- .-,£ ^ ' T> t Transverse section through an Anodonta, the mantle, lOr example, in reCten. about the mid-region of the foot, a, auricle; T>IP P««Piitiil rp- These vf io«s Ullions °f m, sole of tho foot ; n, byssus cavity. (After the extremities of the reflected lamellae, whether with one another or with the mantle or with the viscero-pedal mass, may be effected by simple ciliary junctions — e.g. in Avicula, Pinna, Anomia, Solen, the Anatinacea — or by a true concrescence. J Fio. 208. THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA 229 The result of these multiple unions is that the gills form a partition, extending as far as the division between the two posterior, anal and branchial, pallial orifices (Fig. 209, D), and dividing the pallial cavity into two chambers, called respectively the supra- branchial or cloacal and the infra-branchial chamber (Fig. 209, i, i). The respiratory water generally enters the pallial cavity by the postero- ventral side (by the branchial orifice or by the branchial siphon, if the latter is differentiated) ; thence it passes, as through Fio. 209. Diagrams of transverse sections of a LamHlibranch to show the adhesion, by concrescence, of the gill-lanx-Mae to * he mantle-flaps, to the foot, and to one another. A shows two conditions with fiv* gill-;ixis ; 11, condition at foremost region in AnoJonta; C, hind region of foot in An-rulonta; D. region altogether posterior to the foot in Anoaonta. a, visceral mass; b, foot; c, mantle-flap ; \ and in Anoinia the kidneys communicate with the two small ramified spaces mentioned above. The tubes of the gland of Keber, which ramify in the mantle, also open into the pericardium. The pericardium is always completely shut off from the circulatory system, a fact which can readily be demon- strated in Lamellibranchs with red blood. The structure of the kidneys is simplest in the Protobranchia. In this group each kidney has the form of a more or less Fio. 21'J. dorsal aspect, a.a, anterior cylindrical sac folded on itself in such a adductor; an, auricle; ). When the foot is atrophied they become more and more reduced — e.g. in Teredo (Fig. 195, p.g), Ostraea, Pecten (Fig. 215, C)— and the pedal connectives become very short. The visceral ganglia are situ- ated some distance behind the Tw-kcfpri™' arMnpfr»r YniiQflp in all posterior adductor muscle m an the Protobranchia (Fig. 231, V.g\ ganglion - pair ; b, pedal ganglion - pair ; o, , . . T 11\. c i • i visceral ganglion - pair. (From Lankester, but in other Lamellibranchia they after Gegwibmr.) are to be found on the ventral face of this muscle (Figs. 188, 218, 219, etc., r.g\ except in Tlirada, in which they are in front of it, and in some highly specialised forms in which they are again behind it, as, for example, in Pholas, and particularly in Teredo, in which the posterior adductor is shifted forward (Fig. 195, v.g). The visceral ganglia are generally superficial, and barely covered by the tegumentary epithelium (Figs. 188, 236), but in Lima they are somewhat deeply embedded in the visceral mass. The two ganglia are primitively distant Fio. 215. Central nervous system. A, of Teredo; of Anodonta; C, of Pecteit. a, cerebral 236 THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA from one another, and remain so in most Protobranchia (Fig. 214, vi.g), in the Anomiidae, most species of Area (Fig. 188, v.g), in Adacnarca and Philobrya, the majority of the Mytilidae, Avicula (Fig. 236), Ostraea, and certain Lucinidae (Montacuta). On the other hand, they are in juxtaposition in Yoldia, Pedunculus, Limopsis, certain species of Area, the Trigoniidae, Modiolaria, the Pectinidae, most Eulamellibranchia, and the Septibranchia. The visceral centres innervate the gills, the heart (by recurrent nerves passing round the posterior adductor muscle), the posterior part of the mantle, and the siphons. The anterior pallial nerves issuing from the cerebro-pleural centres and running along the borders of the mantle anastomose with nerves issuing from the visceral ganulia to form a complete pallial circle on either side. In some Eulamelli- branchia (Dreissensia, Pholadidae, and Teredinidae) there is a small but distinct ganglion mass in front of the visceral ganglia, and united to the two branches of the visceral commissure. In Dreissensia this accessory ganglion gives off several nerves, chiefly to the viscera. The Lamellibranchia have no differentiated stomato-gastric system ; the median faces of the two branches of the visceral commissure give rise to nervous strands which pass to the alimentary canal. Tactile sensibility is specially localised in the most exposed parts of the body, that is to say, in the borders of the mantle along which run the circumpallial nerves formed by the anastomosis of the anterior pallial nerves from the cerebro-pleural ganglia with nervous trunks issuing from the visceral centre. The mantle borders very often bear sensory papillae, or more or less well developed tentacles throughout their extent, e.g. in Solenomya (Fig. 231, pa), Lepton, Pedcn (Fig. 235, pa), and above all Lima : in this last genus the tentacles are long, contractile, and disposed in several rows. When the borders of the mantle are fused together at various points, these sensory papillae are localised at the posterior ends, at the place of entrance of the respiratory fluid, or at the margins of the siphons (Figs. 219, 221), or round the two siphons to form a sort of tentacular crown, as may be seen, for example, in Cardinal (Fig. 243, «...«, br.s), Tapes, Corbula, Poromya (Fig. 249, p.t). In some cases there are highly developed tentacles ; thus in Lepfnn and Galeomma there is a median azygos tentacle at the anterior end at the point of union of the two mantle lobes, and two symmetrical tentacles in the same situation in Solen. There are two symmetrical tentacles at the posterior end in Solenomya, and a single lateral tentacle on the right or left side in the Ledidae (Yoldia, Fig. 230, *./, Leda, and MaUetia). The labial palps are not highly specialised tactile organs, and serve as acces- sory alimentary rather than sensory organs. At the origin of each great branchial nerve, close to the visceral THE LAMELL1BRANCHIA 237 ganglion — and consequently on the posterior adductor muscle in most cases — there is an accessory ganglion (Fig. 214, os\ above which the tegumentary epithelium is modified to form a sensory organ, and is often pigmented, as for example in Area. This organ cor- responds to the osphmdium of the Gastropoda, and its situation at the point of attachment of the gill renders it probable that it serves to test the respiratory fluid. The osphradial ganglion receives nerve-fibres not from the visceral ganglion, but from the cerebral ganglion by way of the visceral commissure. Another organ of an analogous nature, lying on the posterior adductor muscle on either side of the anus (and consequently behind the osphradia), is found in many asiphoriate forms, for example, in the Arcidae, the Trigoniidae, the Pectinidae, and the Aviculidae. It forms a little papilla or epithelial elevation at the end of a nerve strand given off from the posterior pallial nerve, which in turn is given off from the visceral ganglion. In these Lamellibranchs the two little organs in question often show a tendency to asymmetry, that of the right side being better developed than that of the left. In the siphonate Lamelli- branchia, in which the gills are united together posteriorly and conceal the posterior adductor muscle, the sensory organ in question is displaced along the course of the posterior pallial nerve, and lies at the internal end of the inhalent or branchial siphon, often lying over a "siphonal" ganglion developed at this place. In such case the organ may be an epithelial projection in the form of a glandular and sensory plate (Leda, Donax, and Pholax), or a projecting lamina (Mactra, Scrobicularia, etc.), or even a tuft composed of many papillae (Tellinu). Lastly, an adoral sense-organ, provided with an accessory ganglion, exists in the neighbourhood of the palps in Nucula and Poromya. The otocysts or statocysts, as is the case in the majority of the Mollusca, are situated in the pedal mass in proximity to the pedal ganglia pio 216 (Figs. 230, ot; 242, ay), and they may even be otoc^°t of'. deeply embedded in these centres, for instance, c> capsule; e, ciliated £ < , ,, T • i / r 77- T/ \ cells li'iiiitf the otocys- in Galeomma, and the Leptomdae (Lasaea, Kellya). tic capsule ; <>, otoiith. In the majority of the Protobranchia (Nucula, ^ijf******' *** Leda, Solenomya), in Area, and in some Mytilidae (Mf/tilus, Lithodomus) these organs are simply deep invaginations (otocrypts) of the superficial epithelium of the foot, and com- municate with the exterior by a fine canal which opens on the side of and in the dorsal region of the foot (Fig. 214, ot, o.o) : this canal is closed in the adult Yoldia. In the adult Solenomya the otocysts have disappeared. In Leda they each contain an otoiith, but in Nucula, Area, and the Mytilidae they contain 238 THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA numerous irregularly-shaped auditory particles. In the rest of the Lamellibranchia the otocysts are completely closed spherical cavities, containing a number of auditory particles (otoconia) in the Fili- branchia, but a single large otolith in the Eulamellibranchia and Septibranchia, with the exception of Saxicava and the Anatinacea, in which both otoconia and an otolith coexist in each otocyst. In Ostraea both otoliths and otoconia appear to be absent. The cavity of the otocyst is generally lined with ciliated cells (Fig. 216, e\ but cilia may be absent in forms which have otoliths. The nerves supplying the otocysts do not originate from the pedal ganglia, but are branches of the cerebro-pedal connectives (Fig. 214, o.n), and their fibres can be traced back to the cerebral ganglia. As regards the physiology of the otocysts, it has been shown that Lamellibranchs — e.g. Anomia — are able to appreciate sounds trans- mitted through the water. Cephalic eyes in the adult state are found only in certain Fili- branchia ; viz. in the Mytilidae and Avicula (Fig. 236, e). They are situated at the bases of the first direct filaments of the inner gill- plates, and each consists of a simple pigmented epithelial fossa which contains a cuticular crystalline lens, but they do not seem to confer any great sensibility on the species that possess them. Some other Lamellibranchia have cephalic eyes during larval life : they are situ- ated outside the velum, like the eyes of the larvae of Polyplacophora. One may suppose that the mantle and the shell, which cover up the whole of the body, render cephalic eyes of little use. Further, by way of organic counterpoise one finds that the absence of cephalic eyes is compensated by the development of analogous organs on the only parts of the body that can be projected from the shell, that is to say, on the edges of the mantle and the siphons. The most simple arrangement consists in the presence of pigmented cells at the extremities of the siphons or around the posterior pallial apertures, the existence of such cells coinciding with an increased photodermatic sensibility whether for both a sudden illumination and a sudden obscuration as in Pholas, Litliodomus, Mactra helvacea, and Tellina complanata ; or for a sudden obscuration only, as in Ostraea and certain species of Cardium and Venus • or for an increase of illumina- tion, as in Lima and Psammobia vespertina. As the result of specialisation, pigment spots of this kind are transformed into veritable eyes, situated on the projecting edges of the mantle and siphons. Pallial eyes arising in this manner are , labial palp.; m.o, male orifice ; o, ovary ; p.a, posterior adductor ; p.o, pedal orifice of the mantle ; t, testis ; -e.g, visceral ganglion. eliminated. Finally, in the fourth mode, an ovary and a testis com- pletely separated from one another exist on either side of the body, each having its own proper duct anu external orifice. This is the case in all the genera forming the order Anatinacea and in P&romya among the Septibranchia. In these forms the ovary is dorsal and posterior, the testis more anterior and ventral (Fig. 219, t.o). The male and female genital orifices of the same side are contiguous ; they open on a common papilla in the Anatinacea, but the female aper- ture is outside the visceral commis- sure, and therefore in the normal and original position of the Lamelli- branch genital orifice, whereas the male aperture is within the visceral commissure. In Poromya the male and female ducts of each side open into a common orifice, external to the visceral commissure. In all these hermaphrodites the male products are the first to ripen. Pteudokellya cardiformis, section of a part Accidental CaSCS of hermaphro- of the ovary, c^follicular cells ; ^, ovular difcism haye been met wifch jn loilicie , oi», ovarian egg. t dioecious Lamelhbranchs (Mytilus, Unionidae), and a unisexual individual of the normally hermaphro- dite species Pecten gkiber has also been described. Fio. 220. THE LAMELLIBRANCH1A 243 The testis of a male or hermaphrodite is always readily recog- nisable by its brilliant white colour ; on the other hand, the ovary is often red (Mactra, Donax, etc.). The ovum is derived from a cell of the ovarian epithelium, but in most cases the neighbouring cells contribute to the formation of its vitellus (Cyclas, etc.). The ovum is surrounded by a vitelline membrane, which is often fairly thick (Unionidae, Anatinacea, etc.), and is only interrupted at the micro- pyle, or point of attachment to the ovarian wall. It is at this point that the spermatozoon effects an entrance. The vitelline membrane disappears after the first stages of segmentation, except in incubatory forms. A true ovarian follicle, formed of a continuous and regular envelope of epithelial cells, has been described only in Pseudokellya, (Fig. 220, fol). an, m ^ Fio. 221. Pseudokellya cardiformis, Smith, left-side view (the left pallial lobe removed), ad', ad"T anterior and posterior adductor muscles; br, br1, internal and external 'gill -plates ; em, embryos in the internal gill-plate ; o.a, anal orifice of the mantle ; 0.6, branchial orifice of the- mantle ; o.p, limits of the pedal orifice of the mantle ; p, foot ; pal, labial palp ; rep, rep', anterior and posterior foot-retractor. III. EMBRYOLOGY. Viviparous Lamellibranchs are unknown, but some few appear to be viviparous because they are incubatory. This is the case in some Filibranchia (Area, vivipara and Philobrya) and in many Eula- mellibranchia, principally in the Submytilacea (certain species of Ostraea, Condylocardia, Lasaea, Bornia, Scioberetia, Entovalva, Thecalia, Unionidae, Cyrenidae, Pseudokellya, Teredo, etc.). The ova then are hatched after their escape from the genital organs, but in the greater number of incubatory forms they are retained for a certain time, in some cases up to the time of hatching, in the inter- lamellar branchial spaces. In certain Unionidae (Castalina, Arconaia, Pseudodon, etc.) and in Lasaea (Fig. 222) and Pseudokellya (Fig. 221, em) they are retained in the internal interlamellar space, as 244 THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA also in the Cyrenidae (Cyclas, etc.), in which special pouches are developed to contain the ova, the maturer ova being the more anterior. In the Unionidae of the Old World and of North America they are retained in the external interlamellar spaces, and in other Unionidae (Qitadrula, Sckistodesma, Gibbosula, Cuneopsis) and in Modiolaria in both the external and internal interlamellar spaces. In some other Lamellibranchia, e.g. Ostraea edulis and other herma- phrodite species of Ostraea such as 0. angasi and 0. lurida, and cud" tl* PlO. 222. ntbra, a transverse section through the posterior part of the body, showing embryos in the gills, ad', ad", anterior and posterior adductor muscles ; br, gill ; cat, caecum ; g.c, cerebral ganglion ;, visceral ganglion ; hep, liver ; in, intestine ; ot, otocyst ; p, foot ; pa, mantle ; pal, labial palp ; st, stomach ; vi, vitellus. in Entovalva, the earlier stages of development are passed through in the pallial cavity, outside the gills. In all other Lamellibranchia the eggs are laid one by one, generally in the spring or summer in temperate climates. In Nucula delphinodonta they are collected together in a mucous sac fixed to the posterior part of the shell, and are there incubated. Fertilisation may be effected externally to the maternal parent, as, for instance, in Pecten, the dioecious speciea of Ostraea, Modio- Jaria, Dreissensia, Mactra, Pholas, etc., and in all these forms artificial fertilisation is possible ; or it may be effected in the pallial cavity, THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA 245 in the cloacal or suprabranchial chamber, as in Cardium and several other incubatory forms, or in the oviduct itself in Ostraea edulis. The formative pole of the ovum is opposite to the micropylar end. The segmentation is unequal from the first cleavage onwards. The macromere formed at the first cleavage is loaded with yolk granules and remains single for a long time, but gives rise to the three first groups of micromeres, which partly cover it as with a cap (Fig. 9, C). Finally, the macromere divides to form the endo- derm cells. The gastrula is rarely formed by invagination (Pisidium, Kay Lankester), but in nearly all cases by epiboly, or sometimes by a process midway between the two, in which there is at first an epiboly resulting from the multiplication of the small ectodermic cells surrounding the single macromere, and finally an invagination after division of the macromere. This process is found in Ostraea, Cyclas, and the Unionidae, and in the two last-named the segmenta- tion cavity is very large and the enteron small (Fig. 227). The blastopore remains open in some cases, e.g. in Ostraea, but closes in Cyclas, Pisidium, the Unionidae, Dreissensia, Teredo, etc. But the mouth and oesophagus are soon formed by a secondary ectodermic invagination at the point of closure of the blastopore. The' yolk remains in connection with the dorsal surface of the enteron and is slowly absorbed. The endoderm gives rise to the stomach and the two liver lobes and to the intestine ; the liver lobes often display a marked asymmetry, the left lobe being larger than the right in Mytilus, Dreissensia, and Yoldia. The anal ectodermic invagination placing the intestine in communication with the exterior is gener- ally at the extreme posterior end of the embryo, is very short, and very late in appearance. The mesoderm originates, at an early period, from the most posterior of the four primary endoderm cells ; the resulting mesomeres take up a position between the ectoderm and endoderm in the form of two symmetrical mesoderm bands. In its general characters the development of the Lamelli- branchia conforms to the type observed in the other classes of the Mollusca, but a certain number of special features must be noted. (1) The shell- gland makes its appearance at an early period in the normal position ; that is to say, at the formative pole, nearly opposite to the blastopore (Fig. 223, sk). It is single, like the shell-gland of all other Molluscs. During its extension it gives rise to a saddle -shaped cuticular pellicle, which becomes calcified at two symmetrical points, right and left of the middle line. These two centres of calcification eventually form the two valves of the shell, but, except in the Unionidae, they do not develop as fast as the subjacent lobes of the mantle. The two valves remain united by the median and dorsal part of the primitively single shell, and the ligament is formed at this line of union. 246 THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA This condition is reached during the veliger stage ; the shell, which is at first too small to contain the whole animal, is called the prodissoconch, and is characterised by its two symmetrical valves with a simple linear hinge. After this stage a sudden FlO. 223. Development of 0$trot0cyst. (After scinerhoitz.) of shape. The posterior ciliated shield and the byssus disappear. During the early part of the parasitic life the mouth acquires an opening into the previously closed endodermic cavity or archenteron, but the anus is not formed till 252 THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA the close of parasitic life, and its formation is not accompanied by a sensible ectodermic invagination. When the young Unio quits its host its evolution is not complete. The gills continue to grow slowly, their external plates not being developed until the third year, and sexual maturity is not attained until the fifth year, but growth continues for some time after. IV. BIONOMICS AND DISTRIBUTION. All the Lamellibranchia are aquatic. The great majority are marine, but some few families have penetrated into fresh waters. All the members of the class feed upon microscopic organisms, chiefly Diatomaceae and other low forms of plant life. Only the Septibranchia and some other abyssal forms are truly carnivorous. In general, the Lamellibranchs are burrowing forms, living half -buried in muddy or sandy bottoms, and in this case their plane of symmetry is vertical. But many forms are completely sedentary and are fixed by the byssus, or in a more definitive manner, by the shell itself, as is the case in Spondylus, Ostraea, Aetheria, Myochama, etc. In these genera the plane of symmetry becomes horizontal, and the animal usually lies on the right side, e.g. Pinna, Hinnites, Spondylus, Plicatula, Anemia, and the Rudistae ; more rarely on the left side as in Ostraea, Eequienia, and Cliama generally. Some Lamellibranchs live in holes which they excavate either in wood, as in the case of Teredo, or in stone, as Lithodomus, Saxicava, Pholas, Clavagella, etc., or even in the shells of other Molluscs. Lithodomus is only found in calcareous rocks, and bores its hole by the aid of the acid secretion of glands situated in the antero-dorsal and postero-dorsal regions of the mantle. Some Lamellibranchs, such as Lima, are nidamentous, and construct a nest by means of the byssus. Lima Mans builds its nest in the space of three weeks, and may afterwards return and reconstruct another from it. Modiolaria marmorata and Entodesma cuneatum pass their existence deeply buried in the tests of Ascidians, and Vulsella lives in a similar manner in sponges ; but the few commensalistic or parasitic forms generally live on or in Echinoderms : thus Montacuta lives on Spatangids, Scioberetia in the incubatory pouch of an Asterid, Entovalva in the oesophagus of a Synapta. On the other hand, Ephippodonta is commensal with a prawn, and certain species of Lepton with Gebia. Only a few species are very active : Tellina, Yoldia, etc., execute leaping movements by forcibly contracting the foot ; Lasaea, Cyclas, etc., crawl on immersed bodies or on the surface of the water ; other forms, notably the Pectinidae and Limidae, swim by rapidly opening and closing the valves of the shell; and some elongated forms in which the mantle edges are fused for a considerable THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA 253 extent swim by forcibly expelling water from the posterior aperture of the mantle (Solen, Solenomya). In point of size the Lamellibranchs vary from a length of a few millimetres to more than seventy centimetres (Pinna and Tridacna, some specimens of the latter genus weighing as much as 310 Ibs.). The fossil Hippurites attained to the length of a metre. There are more than 5000 living species of Lamellibranchia, of which 1000 are Unionidae. They are distributed all over the world, and some marine forms extend to a depth of 2700 fathoms. Fossil forms appear in the Cambrian, and become very numerous in species from the Silurian onwards. Some large groups, such as the Palaeoconcha of the primary and the Rudistae of the secondary deposits, are quite extinct. V. REVIEW OF THE ORDERS AND FAMILIES OF LAMELLIBRANCHIA. The classification of this homogeneous group has long presented great difficulties, for the different organs or apparatus, such as shell, muscles, siphons, etc., that have successively been employed as bases of classification, have not given satisfactory results. Ray Lankester was the first to suggest (in 1884) that the structure of the gills might furnish characters of classificatory value, and the present writer has constructed on this basis a phylogenetic classification in which the class is divided into five groups. This classification has put various families, such as the Anomiidae, Trigoniidae, Dreissensiidae, etc., into their proper places, and has been largely adopted. Objections to it have, however, been raised, notably by Dall, who has urged that the genera Eudroa (Anatinacea) and Callocardia (or Vesicomya, Cyprinidae) have protobranchiate gills, and that the system of classification according to branchial characters is consequently without foundation. But the recent investigations of Ride wood, undertaken at the instance of Ray Lankester, have shown that it was the objections of Dall that had no foundation : Eudroa and Callocardia have typical eulamellibranchiate gills. As the result of the advancement of our knowledge, the classification of the Lamellibranchia founded on the structure of the gills has been ameliorated by the suppression of the order " Pseudolamellibranchia," and the two diphyletic sub-orders which it included, the Pectinacea and the Ostraeacea, may be respectively located in the Filibranchia and the Eulamellibranchia, thus making these two old-established orders correspond to the new orders proposed by Ridewood under the names Eleutherorhabda and Synaptorhabda. On the other hand, the shell (and particularly its hinge) is the only other organ that has been retained as a basis of the general 254 THE LAMELL1DRANCH1A classification of the Lamellibranchia, especially by palaeontologists, and the subdivisions adopted in this system correspond more or less with those based on the structure of the respiratory organs. Thus the following are very nearly synonymous terms : — Prionodesmacea = Protobranchia + Filibranchia. Teleodesmacea = Eulamellibranchia - Anatinacea. Anomalodesmacea = Septibranchia + Anatinacea. As regards the value of the last order, Septibranchia, in it the characteristic organs that have given the name to the whole class Lamellibranchia are so profoundly modified, that they differ much more from all the other different kinds of gills than the latter differ from one another, and therefore, even if the Septibranchia should not be placed in contrast to all other Lamellibranchia, they at least constitute a group equivalent to the three other groups, Protobranchia, Filibranchia, and Eulamellibranchia. Thus the Lamellibranchs are divisible into these four orders. It will be remarked that the numerous studies on the organisation of Lamellibranchia made since 1891, have shown that there has been a progressive evolution in each of these four orders, and that consequently such important organs as the heart, kidneys, and otocysts may exhibit marked differences in relatively nearly related types, and that no strictly pure primitive types have been retained. From the point of view of phylogeny the most archaic Lamellibranchia are those in which the foot has a " plantar " ventral surface like that of Gastropoda and Pulsellum among the Scaphopoda. These archaic forms constitute the Protobranchia (Solenomya, Fig. 230, Yoldia, Fig. 231, etc.), in which the gonads still retain openings into the initial or pericardial portion of the kidneys, and the branchial filaments are free and not reflected. From these Proto- branchia are derived the Filibranchia, whose branchial filaments are reflected, but are still devoid of vascular junctions : these in turn have given rise to the Eulamellibranchia, which are more specialised in respect of the complication of the ctenidia. Finally, eulamellibranchiate forms analogous to the Anatinacea represent the source from which the Septibranchia have been derived. ORDER 1. Protobranchia. These are Lamellibranchia whose distinctive character is the possession of gills with flat and non-reflected filaments disposed in two rows on opposite sides of the branchial axis (Fig. 206, A, B). The mantle is provided with a hypobranchial gland lying on the outer side of each gill. The foot has a plantar ventral surface (Fig. 230, /) and the byssogenous apparatus is but slightly developed. The nervous system generally presents a distinct pair of pleural THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA 255 ganglia, and the otocysts are generally open. The gut may be pro- vided with a relic of the pharyngeal cavity, which in some cases is furnished with two lateral glandular sacs. The auricles of the heart are muscular ; the kidneys are rather simple in structure and glandular throughout their extent. The sexes are separate : the gonads have retained their primitive communications with the initial or internal extremities of the kidneys, but as the two branches of each kidney have acquired a secondary communication at their anterior ends, the genital products pass direct to the external orifice of the kidney by this passage (Fig. 213). sto Fio. '230. Adult specimen of Yoldia Hmatula, represented as seen from the right side, and showing the internal organs, a.a, anterior adductor muscle ; a.f.m, anterior foot muscle ; b.g, byssal gland ; c.g, cerebral ganglion ; e.s, exhalant siphon ; /, foot ; g, gill ; h, heart ; int, intestine ; i.s, in- halant siphon ; l.p, labial palp ; ot, otocyst ; p.a, posterior adductor muscle ; pap, palp appendage ; p.e, posterior expansion of the margin of the mantle ; p.f.m, posterior foot muscle ; p.g, pedal ganglion ; s.(, siphonal tentacle ; sto, stomach ; v.g, visceral ganglion. (After Drew.) FAMILY 1. SOLENOMYIDAE, Gray. In the gills one row of branchial filaments is directed dorsally and the other ventrally (Fig. 231, g). The mantle has a long postero-ventral suture, and a single posterior orifice. The labial palps of each side are fused together. The shell is elongate ; the hinge has no teeth ; the periostracum is thick. Genus — Solenomya, Lamarck. FAMILY 2. NUCULIDAE, Gray. The labial palps free, very broad and provided with a posterior appendage ; all the branchial filaments are oriented transversely ; the shell has an angular dorsal border and the hinge is pliodont ; the mantle is open throughout its extent. Genera — Nucula, Lamarck ; the heart situated on the dorsal side of the rectum. Acila^ Adams (Cretaceous, Tertiary, and Recen"). Promicula, Hedley. FAMILY 3. LEDIDAE, Adams. The same characters as the Nuculidae, but the mantle has two posterior sutures and two united siphons ; the heart traversed by the rectum. Genera — Leda, Schumacher; the mantle borders produced posteriorly into two lobes which simulate a third siphon. Yoldia, Moller ; siphons elongate ; 256 THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA ligament internal (Figs. 200, 230). Malletia, Des Moulins ; the ligament external. Nvtulina, d'Orbigny. FAMILY 4. CTENODONTIDAK, Wohr- mann. An extinct family from the Silurian ; the shell is nuculiform and the hinge presents an uninterrupted arcuate row of teeth. Genera — Ctenodonta, Salter. Cuculella, Fischer. Cardiolaria, Meunier-Chalmas. The fossil group Palaeoconcha, Neumayr, is connected with the Protobranchia through the Solenomyidae. It contains the following families, all of which are extinct : — FAMILY 1. PRAECARDIIDAE, Neumayr Shell equivalve, with the hinge dentition of Area. Genus — Praecardium, Barrande ; from the Silurian and Devonian. FAMILY 2. ANTIPLEURIDAE, Neumayr. Shell inequivalve ; the hinge with an obscure resemblance to that of Area. Genus — Antipleura, Barrande; from the Silurian. FAMILY 3. CARDIOLIDAB, Neumayr. Shell equivalve and ventricose ; the hinge without teeth. Genus — Cardiola, Broderip ; from the Silurian and Devonian. FAMILY 4. GRAMMYSIIDAE, Fischer. Shell thin, equivalve, a. en. FIG. 231. Solenomya togata, Poli, left-side view (the left pallial lobe and gill cut away), a, anus ; ad', ad", anterior and posterior adductor ; ao, aorta ; a. or, anal orifice of the mantle ; an, heart- auricle ; c.g, cerebral ganglion ; /, foot ; f.e, foot elevator ; f.p, foot protractor ; /r', fr", anterior and posterior foot retractor ; g, right gill ; hy.g, hypobranchial gland ; k, Kidney ; ra, mouth ; pa, mantle ; pc, pericardium ; p.g, pedal ganglion ; p.l, palp appendage ; pl.g, pleural ganglion ; r.o, renal opening ; st, stomach ; v, heart-ventricle ; vi.c, visceral commissure ; vi.g, visceral ganglion. oval, or elongate, the cardinal border thickened but without teeth. Genera — Grammysia, Verneuil ; from the Silurian and Devonian. Protomyay Hall, from the Devonian. Cardiomorplia, de Koninck ; from the Silurian to the Carboniferous. FAMILY 5. VLASTIDAE, Neumayr. Shell thin, very inequivalve, the hinge without teeth. Genus — F7osta, Barrande ; from the Silurian. FAMILY 6. SOLENOPSIDAE, Neumayr. Shell equivalve, thin, greatly elongated, the urnbones very far forward. Genus — Solenopsis, MacCoy, from the Devonian to the Trias. ORDER 2. Filibranchia. These are Lamellibranchs whose main character is the possession of gills formed of parallel, ventrally directed, and reflected filaments. The successive filaments are joined together by cilia disposed in "ciliated discs" (Figs. 210, A; 232, i.f.j). The foot is generally THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA 257 provided with a highly developed byssogenous apparatus. The order comprises five sub-orders — the Anomiacea, Arcacea, Mytilacea, Pectinacea, Dimyacea. SUB-ORDER 1. ANOMIACEA. Very asymmetrical animals with a single large posterior adductor muscle. The heart is not contained in the pericardium, lies dorsad of the Fio. 232. A portion of the gill of Mytilus, showing the filaments : the median part is cut out. a.b.r, afferent branchial vessel ; e.b.v, efferent branchial vessel : i.f.j, interfilatnentar ciliated junction ; i.l.j, interlamellar connective tissue junction. (After Bonnet.) rectum, projects into the pallial cavity, and gives off a single and anterior aorta. The reflected borders of the inner gill-plates of either side are fused together in the middle line. The gonads open into the kidneys, and the right gonad extends into the mantle. The shell is thin and the animal fixed. Family ANOMIIDAE, Adams. Foot small. The inferior (right) valve of the adult is perforated to admit of the passage of the byssus. Genera — Anomia, Linnaeus ; byssus large and calcined ; British. Placuna, Bruguiere ; byssus atrophied in the adult Hypotrema, d'Orbigny. Carolia, Cantraine. Ephippium, Bolten. Placunanomia, Broderip. 17 258 THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA SUB-ORDER 2. ARCACEA. Symmetrical animals, with the mantle open throughout its extent, and with generally well -developed anterior and posterior adductor muscles. The heart lies in the pericardium and gives off two aortae. The gills are free and without interlamellar junctions. The renal and genital orifices are separate. FAMILY 1. ARCIDAE, Gray. The borders of the mantle bear com- pound pallial eyes. The labial palps are direct continuations of the lips (Fig. 199). The hinge is "pliodont," that is to say, it has numerous teeth on either side of the umbones, and the teeth are perpendicular to the edge. Genera — Area, Linnaeus ; foot byssiferous ; heart above the rectum ; hinge straight (Figs. 188, 199) ; British. Pectunculus, Lamarck ; foot without byssus, but with a plantar surface ; the heart traversed by the rectum ; the hinge curved ; British (Fig. 193, A). Scaphula, Benson ; from fresh water ; India. Argina, Gray. Bathyarca, Kobelt. Barbatia, Gray. Senilia, Gray. Anadara, Gray. Adacnarca, Pelseneer. FAMILY 2. PARALLELODONTIDAE, Ball. The shell of Arca» but with the posterior hinge teeth elongated and parallel to the cardinal border. Genera — Cucullaea, Lamarck ; recent and fossil from the Jurassic. All the other genera are fossil, e.g. Parallelodon, Meek and Worthen ; from the Devonian to the Tertiary, Carbonaria, Meek and Worthen ; from the Carboniferous, etc. FAMILY 3. LIMOPSIDAE, Dall. Shell sub-orbicular, the hinge curved, the ligament simple with the trans- verse axis longer than the longitudinal ; foot elongate, pointed anteriorly and i i ^^jgffri^' N posteriorly. Genera — Limopsis, Sassi ; shell covered with a hairy epidermis ; the anterior adductor frequently much reduced (Fig. 233). Trinacria, Mayer ; from the Tertiary. FAMILY 4. PHILO- BRYIDAE, Bernard. The animal, like that of LimopsiSj without an anterior adductor muscle ; the shell thin, very inequilateral, the anterior part atro- phied, the umbones projecting and FIO. 233. formed by the prodissoconch. Genera Umo1»i,longitilosa,p*}*., interior aspect —Philobrya, Carpenter (Figs. 196, of the right valve1. a.o, anterior adductor 234). FAMILY 5. CYRTODONTIDAE, impression; I, hgamentar fossa; p.a, pos- _-.*/ . „ ., ... terior adductor imprewion ; t, hinge-tooth. Wohrmann. An extinct family With an equivalve short, convex and inequilateral shell, the anterior side of which is short; the hinge teeth oblique or horizontal. Genera — Cyrtodonta, Billings ; Silurian and Devonian. Cypricarditcs, Conrad ; Silurian. Vanuxemia, Billings ; Silurian. FAMILY 6. TRIGONIIDAE, Fleming. Foot elongated, pointed in front and behind, the ventral border sharp. The byssogenoue apparatus atrophied and devoid of a byssus. The labial palps distinct from the lips. Shell thick. Hinge with striated teeth. Genera — Trigonia, Bruguiere ; shell sub-triangular, the umbones directed back- THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA 259 wards. This genus was very abundant in the Secondary epoch, particularly in Jurassic seas. There are six living species, all of which live in Australian seas. The animal of Trigonia was first found by Quoy and Gaimard in 1827. Schizodus, King ; from the Permian. Myo- phoria, Bronn ; from the Trias. FAMILY 7. LYRODEBMIDAE, Ulrich. Shell inequilateral, the posterior side being the shorter. The hinge short, bearing teeth disposed in the shape of a fan. An extinct family, from the Silurian. Genus — Lyrodesma, SUB-ORDER 3. MYTILACEA. Symmetrical Lamellibranchia in which the anterior adductor 284' Tnnc/-1a ia alwaxralpQa rlpvplrvnprl Philobrya sublaevis, Pels., viewed from the left muscle is always less developed side . the left vMM lobe removed> ^ posterior than the posterior (the " aniso- adductor muscle ; an, anus ; au, auricle of the „ j . . t . i , lieart : br, gill ; br.s, branchial axis ; by, byssus : myarian" condition) or IS absent ^.ge, gonad;, pallial nerve; p, foot; pa, "R f1 D "R^ Thp mantle ; pal, labial palp ; re.p, re, p', anterior and 15, U, JJ, ft> 111 1X)sterioVJ retractor muscles of the foot; st, heart gives off a Single vessel stomach ; ven, ventricle of the heart. only, the anterior aorta. The gills are smooth, the gill -filaments all alike and provided with inter- lamellar junctions. The gonads generally extend into the mantle and open at the sides of the kidneys. The foot is linguiform and byssiferous. FAMILY 1. MYTILIDAE, d'Orbigny. Shell inequilateral, the anterior side being short ; the hinge without teeth ; the ligament external. The mantle has a posterior suture. Cephalic eyes present. Genera — Mytilus, Linnaeus ; the shell with terminal umbones ; British. Modiola, Lamarck ; the umbones behind the anterior extremity ; British. Lithodmnus, Cuvier ; the shell sub-cylindrical, adapted to boring. Modiolaria, Loven ; posterior pallial orifice provided with an elongated siphon; anterior adductor fairly high; British. Crenella, Brown. Stavelia, Gray. Dacrydium, Torell. Myrina, Adams. Idas, Jeffreys. Septifer, Recluz. FAMILY 2. MODIOLOPSIDAE, Fischer. Shell elongate, thin, inequilateral, enlarged posteriorly ; the ligament external ; the adductor muscles subequal. An extinct family from the Silurian to the Cretaceous. Genera — Modiolopsis, Hall ; from the Silurian. Modiomorpha, Hall ; from the Devonian. Myoconcha, Sowerby ; from the Carboniferous to the Cretaceous. FAMILY 3. PERNIDAE, Fleming. Mantle open throughout No anterior adductor muscle. Shell very inequilateral ; the ligament multiple and lodged in a series of vertical fossae. Genera — Perna, Bruguiere. Shell sub-quad- rangular, the right valve notched for the passage of the byssus ; gills free posteriorly. Crenatula, Lamarck ; shell thin, flattened, irregular, without a byssal notch ; inhabits sponges. fiakewellia, King ; fossil from the Permian. Gervilleia, Defrance ; fossil from the Trias to the Eocene. 260 THE LAMELL1BRANCHIA Odontoperna, Freeh ; fossil from the Trias, from the Jurassic to the Cretaceous. Inoccramus, Sowerby ; fossil SUB-ORDER 4. PECTINACEA. Lamellibranchia with an open mantle and devoid of an anterior adductor muscle. The gills are folded, and the filaments at the summits aud bottoms of the folds are different from the others. The gonads are contained in the visceral mass and generally open into the kidneys. Foot usually rudimentary. Pecten jacobatus, ventral aspect o, anus ; e, pallial eyes ; /, foot ; g, gill ; h.a, adductor ; i, intestine ; I, lips ; l.p, labial palps ; m, mouth edge) ; p.e, pallial cavity ; sh, shell ; t, testis. (After Poli.) TAMILY 1. VULSELLIDAE, Adams. Mantle open ; foot without byssus ; the shell high and the hinge without teeth. Genus — Vulsella, Lamarck. FAMILY 2. AVICDLIDAE, Swainson. Foot provided with a very stout byssus (Fig. 236). The gills fused to the mantle ; shell very inequilateral ; the cardinal border straight, provided with two auriculae, of which the posterior is the longer. Genera — Avicula, Bruguiere ; the auriculae of the shell very prominent ; heart attached to the ventral face of the rectum ; British ; fossil from the Devonian to the present day. Meleagrina, Lamarck ; , shell sub-quadrangular, the auriculae not very prominent A species of this genus, Meleagrina margaritifera, from the Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf, etc., forms precious pearls. Malleus, Lamarck ; shell irregular, high and narrow, with broad subequal auriculae. The following genera are exclusively fossil : — Limopteria, THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA 261 Hall ; Devonian and Carboniferous. Pseudomonotis, Bey rick ; Devonian and Cretaceous. Cassianella, Beyrich ; Trias. Monotis, Bronn ; Trias. Daonella, Mojsisovics ; Trias. Posidonomya, Bronn ; Silurian to Jurassic. FAMILY 3. PRASINIDAE, Stoliczka. Shell inequilateral with anterior umbones, and a prominent anterior auricula ; the dorsal border arched ; the hinge with a single fossa and a single tubercule on each valve. Genus — Prasina, Deshayes. FAMILY 4. PTERINEIDAE, Goldfuss. Shell thick, very inequilateral ; the cardinal border straight, with two auriculae and a notch for the byssus under the right anterior auricula ; an extinct family from the Palaeozoic. Genera — Pterinea, Goldfuss ; Silurian to Carboniferous. Rhombopteria, Jackson ; Silurian. Actinodesmay Sand- -vtc Fio 236. . Avicula tarentina, Lamarck, from below, a, anus ; ad, adductor muscle ;, byssal groove of the foot ; by, byssus ; e, eye ; /, foot ; g, gill ; Lp, labial palp ; m, mouth ; pa, mantle ; sh, shell ; vi.c, visceral commissure ; vi.g, visceral ganglion. (After Poli.) berger ; Devonian. ' | FAMILY 5. LUNULICARDIIDAE, Fischer. Shell thin, triangular, very inequilateral, the anterior end truncated ; the umbones terminal ; the cardinal border straight ; without hinge teeth. An extinct family from the Silurian and Devonian. Genera — Lunuli- cardium, Miinster ; Silurian and Devonian. Patrocardium, Fischer ; Silurian. Babinka, Barrande; Silurian. FAMILY 6. CONOCARDIIDAE, Neumayr. Shell thick, subtriangular, the anterior side truncated and gaping ; cardinal border straight and prolonged into two auriculae of which the anterior is very long and narrow ; hinge with a lateral tooth and a reduced cardinal tooth. Dimyarian. An extinct family from the Palaeozoic. Genus — Conocardium, Bronn ; Silurian to Carboniferous. FAMILY 7. AMBONYCHIIDAE, Miller. Shell inequilateral, without an anterior auricula, the umbones anterior and terminal ; hinge with two 262 THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA cardinal teeth and two posterior oblique lateral teeth. Dimyarian, the anterior adductor being very small An extinct family from the Silurian and Devonian. Genera — Ambonychia, Hall ; Silurian. Byssonychia, Ulrich ; Silurian. Gosseldia, Barrois ; Devonian. Clionychia, Ulrich ; Silurian. FAMILY 8. MYALINIDAE, Freeh. Shell very inequilateral, the posterior part greatly enlarged ; the umbones anterior or terminal ; the hinge straight, without teeth ; adductors subequaL An extinct family from the Silurian to the Cretaceous. Genera — Myalinat de Koninck ; Silurian and Devonian. Hoplomytilus, Sandberger ; Devonian. Ptycho- desma, Hall ; Devonian. Anthracopterctj Salter ; Carboniferous. Per- gamidea, Bittner ; Trias. Mysidea, Bittner ; Trias. Aucella, Kyser ; Jurassic and Cretaceous. FAMILY 9. AMUSSHDAE, Ridewood. Gills with- out interlamellar junctions. Shell orbicular, smooth externally, with radiating costae internally. Genus — Amusvium, Klein. FAMILY 10. SPONDYLIDAE, Fleming. Shell very inequivalve, fixed by the right valve, which is larger than the left. The ligament elongated in a transverse direction. No byssus. Genera — Spondylus, Linnaeus ; shell with spiny ribs, and adherent by the spines. Plicatula, Lamarck ; shell folded, adherent by the umbo of the right valve. FAMILY 11. PECTINIDAE, Lamarck. Shell ornamented with radiating ribs ; the dorsal border provided with two auriculae. Foot byssiferous. Mantle borders pro- vided with eyes (Fig. 235). Genera — Pecten, Lamarck ; shell orbicular, with equal auriculae ; without a byssal sinus ; British. Chlamys, Bolten ; shell higher than it is long ; the anterior auricula the larger, and pro- vided with a byssal sinus ; British. Pedum, Bruguiere. Hinnites, Defrance. Pseudamustium, Adams. Camptonectes, Agassiz. Hyalopecten, Verrill ; abyssal. SUB-ORDER 5. DIMYACEA. Dimyarian Lamellibranchia with an orbicular and almost equilateral shell ; adherent ; the hinge without teeth and the ligament internal. Gills with free non-reflected filaments. Family DIMYIDAE, Dall ; with the characcers of the sub-order. Genus — Dimya, Renault ; recent, in abyssal depths, and fossil since the Jurassic. ORDER 3. Eulamellibranchia. Lamellibranchia in which the edges of the mantle are generally united by one or two sutures (Figs. 221, 241, etc.). Two adductor muscles are usually present (Figs. 238, 241, 242, etc.). In the gills the branchial filaments are united at regular intervals by vascular junctions which transform the linear interfilamentar spaces into a series of fenestrae (Fig. 237). Similarly the lamellae of each gill- plate have vascular junctions which form afferent vessels in the interior of the plates. The gonacls always have their own proper external orifices. The order comprises the following nine sub-orders : — Ostraeacea, Submytilacea, Tellinacea, Veneracea, Cardiacea, Chamacea, Myacea, Adesmacea, Anatinacea. THE LAMELL1BRANCHIA 263 SUB-ORDER 1. OSTRAEACEA. Monomyarian Eulamellibranchia, or with a very small anterior adductor muscle. The mantle is open ; the foot rather small ; the branchiae folded ; the shell inequivalve. FAMILY 1. LIMIDAE, D'Orbigny. Foot digitiform, with a bysso- genous apparatus. Borders of the mantle provided with long and numerous tentacles. Gills not united with the mantle. Shell pro- vided with auriculae. Genera — Lima, Bruguiere ; the individuals of this genus form a sort of nest by means of the byssus, or swim by FlO. 237. A portion of the gill of Venus, e.b.v, efferent branchial vessel ; g.f, afferent branchial vessels. (After Bonnet.) filaments ; g.r, clapping the valves of the shell together. Limaea, Bronn. FAMILY 2. OSTREIDAE, Gray. Foot much reduced and devoid of a byssus. Heart generally on the ventral side of the rectum. The gills fused to the mantle. Shell irregular, fixed by the left and larger valve. Genera — Ostraea, Linnaeus ; foot absent in the adult ; eatable and cultivated for commerce ; some species, such as the British 0. edulis, are hermaphrodite. FAMILY 3. ELIGMIDAE, Gill. Shell thick, inequilateral, the anterior side being the shorter. Monomyarian, with the muscular impression on a prominent myophorous apophysis. Genus — Eligmus, Deslongchamps ; an extinct genus from the Jiirassic. FAMILY 4. PINNIDAE, Meek. Shell elongated. Dimyarian, with a very small anterior adductor 264 THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA muscle. Shell truncated and gaping posteriorly. Foot byssiferous. Genera — Pinna, Linnaeus ; heart traversed by the intestine ; anus pro- jecting and appendiculated. Cyrtopinna, Morch. Aviculopinna, Meek ; fossil from the Carboniferous and Permian. Pinnigena, de Saussure ; fossil from the Jurassic and Cretaceous. Atrina, Gray ; from the Car- boniferous to the present day. SUB-ORDER 2. SDBMYTILACEA. Eulamellibranchia in which the mantle is only slightly closed ; generally there is only a single suture. Siphons absent or very short. Gills smooth. Nearly always dimyarian. Shell equivalve, with an external ligament. FAMILY 1. DREISSENSIIDAE, Gray. Two pallial sutures and two short siphons ; pedal orifice short. Foot cylindrical with a stout byssus. Shell elongated ; the hinge without teeth ; the summits of the valves with an internal septum. Genus — JJreissensia, van Beneden ; an in- habitant of fresh water, but originated from the Caspian Sea ; acclimatised in England about 1824. FAMILY 2. MODIOLARCIDAE, Gray. Mantle with two sutures. The foot byssiferous, with a plantar surface and a glandular cavity in front of the byssogenous cavity. The two branchial plates serve as incubatory pouches. Genus — Modiolarca, Gray ; sub- antarctic (Fig. 241). FAMILY 3. ASTARTIDAE, d'Orbigny. A single pallial suture. Foot elongate, without a byssus. Shell concentrically striated ; the ligament external. Genera — Astarte. Sowerby ; British. Woodia, Deshayes. Opis, Defrance ; fossil from the Secondary. Pro- socoelus, Keferstein ; fossil from the Devonian. FAMILY 4. CRASSATELLIDAE, Gray. Mantle with a single suture ; foot short. Shell thick with concentric striae ; the ligament external. Genera — Crassatella, Lamarck. Cuna, Hedley. FAMILY 5. CARDITIDAE, Fe'russac. Mantle with a single pallial suture ; foot carinated, often byssiferous ; palps short. Shell thick with radiating costae ; the ligament external. Genera — Cardita, Bruguiere. Thecalia, Adams. Milneria, Dall ; incubatory, California. Venericardia, Lamarck. FAMILY 6. COXDYLOCARDIIDAE, Bernard. Dis- tinguished from the family Carditidae by the presence of an external ligament. Genera — Condylocardia, Bernard. Carditella, Smith. Cardi- topsis, Smith. FAMILY 7. CYPRINIDAE, d'Orbigny. Mantle open in front, and with two pallial sutures. The branchial and anal orifices papillose, the latter projecting. External gill -plates smaller than the internal. Genera — Cyprina, Lamarck ; British. Cypricardia, Lamarck. Coralliophaga, de Blainville. Pleurophorus, King ; fossil from the Devonian to the Trias. Anisocardia, Munier-Chalmas ; fossil from the Jurassic to the Tertiary. Venidla, Stoliczka ; fossil from the Cre- taceous to the Tertiary. FAMILY 8. ISOCARDIIDAE, Gray. Mantle largely closed, the pedal orifice generally small ; the anal and branchial orifices sessile ; gill-plates of equal size ; foot short. Shell globular with prominent and coiled umbones. Genus — Isocardia, Lamarck ; British. FAMILY 9. CALLOCARDIIDAE, Dall. The anal and branchial orifices of the mantle provided with siphons. The external gill-plate smaller than the internal. Shell ventricose, but elongated ; the umbones not promi- THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA 265 nent. Genus — Callocardia, Adams ; abyssal. FAMILY 10. LUCINIDAE, d'Orbigny. The anal orifice of the mantle sometimes produced into a siphon. Anterior adductor muscle within the pallial line. Labial palps very small. Gills without an external plate. Shell rather thin. Genera — Lucina, Bruguiere ; mantle with two sutures ; visceral mass smooth ; foot vermiform ; British. Montacuta, Turton ; shell with a single suture, foot short, byssiferous ; visceral mass with arborescent projections ; British. Cryptodon, Turton ; mantle with a single aperture ; foot short ; visceral mass smooth. FAMILY 1 1 . CORBIDAE, Dall. Shell thick with denticulated borders. The anal orifice provided with a valve, but not with a siphon. Foot elongated and pointed. Genera — Corbis, Cuvier. Gonodon, Schafhautl ; fossil from the Trias and Juras- sic. Mutiella, Stoliczka ; fossil from the superior Cretaceous. FAMILY 12. UNGULINIDAE, Adams. Mantle without siphons ; the pedal orifice long. Foot greatly elongated, vermiform, ending in a glandular enlarge- ment (Fig. 238, III). Anterior adductor muscle in contact with the pallial line. Gills with two plates; labial palps small. Marine. Genera — Unyulina, Daudin ; mantle with a single suture ; vis- V:, FIG. -238. Axlriut Jlexnaxux, Montagu, viewed from the left ceral mass smooth. Diplodonta. side. I, anterior adductor muscle; 1 1, glandular T> i -,i , portion of the mantle; III, foot; IV, gouad pro- Bronn ; mantle with two sutures ; jecting illto the pallial cavity; v, internal ulate British. Axinus, Sowerby ; mantle °f <*« «m ; vi i, posterior adductor muscle ; viii, . J ' rectum; IX, posterior retractor af the foot; X, With a Single suture ; Visceral mass anterior retractor of the foot. with arborescent excrescences (Fig. 238); British. FAMILY 13. CYRENELLIDAE, Fischer. Mantle provided with two elongated, united, non-retractile siphons. Two gill-plates to each gill ; labial palps elongated. Inhabitants of fresh water. Genera — Cyrenella, Deshayes. Joanisiella, Dall. FAMILY 14. TANCREDIIDAE, Fischer. Shell elongate, sub-triangular ; the ligament external. Hinge with two cardinal teeth on the right and one or two on the left valve. Posterior lateral teeth stout. An extinct family ranging from the Trias to the Cretaceous. Genera — Tancredia, Lycett ; Trias to Cretaceous. Meelcia, Gabb ; Cretaceous. FAMILY 15. UNICARDIIDAE, Fischer. Shell sub-orbicular, more or less ventricose, nearly equilateral, with concentric striae ; pallial line simple ; hinge with a single cardinal tooth on each valve. An extinct family ranging from the Carboniferous to the Cre- taceous. Genera — Unicardium, d'Orbigny ; Trias to Cretaceous. Scaldia, de Ryckholt ; Carboniferous. Pxeudedmondia, Fischer ; Carboniferous. FAMILY 16. LEPTONIDAE, Gray. Shell thin, not covered by the mantle and not gaping. Mantle without siphons ; gills with two gill-plates ; foot long and byssiferous. Marine, hermaphrodite and incubatory animals. 266 THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA c.o Genera — Kellya, Turton ; mantle with two sutures and three orifices, the pedal orifice being the middle and not the anterior of the three (Fig. 187) ; foot linguiform ; the external gill-plate with a reflected lamella ; British. Lepton, Turton; mantle with a single suture ; the mantle edges provided with tentacles ; foot with a plantar ventral surface ; commensal ; British. Lasaea, Leach ; a single pallial suture ; the foot linguiform and elongated ; the external gill -plate not reflected (Fig. 206, G) ; British. Erycina, Lamarck ; fossil from the Tertiary. Pythina, Hinds. Scacchia, Philippi. Sportella, Deshayes. Cyamium, Philippi. FAMILY 17. GALEOMMIDAE, Gray. Mantle more or less completely reflected over the shell Foot well developed, generally byssiferous. Shell thin, gaping ; the adductor muscles much reduced. Genera— Galeomma, Turton ; shell incompletely covered by the mantle ; a single pallial suture ; a large azygos anterior pallial tentacle, and a short anal siphon present. A byssal groove in the foot ; British. Scintilla, Deshayes. Hindsiella, Stoliczka. Ephippo- donta, Tate ; shell internal ; a single pallial suture ; gills with two gill- plates ; commensal with the shrimp A Axius; Australian. The three following •*^ • genera with an internal shell probably belong to this family : — Chlamydoconcha, Dall ; two gill-plates ; a pallial suture ; an anterior orifice leading into a caecum ; no adductor muscles ; sexes separate ; from California (Fig. 239). Scioberetia, Bernard ; gills with a single gill-plate ; a single pallial suture ; foot large, elon- gated, with a byssal groove ; hermaphro- dite and commensal with a Spatangid, Triphylua; from Cape Horn. Entovalva, Voeltzkow (Fig. 240); mantle fairly open, with a single suture; foot large, with a posterior pore ; hermaphrodite and incubatory ; endoparasitic in Synapta ( = Syiiapticola, Malard), Madagascar and Atlantic. FAMILY 18. KELLYELLIDAE, Fischer. Mantle with a single pallial suture ; anal orifice with a very short siphon ; foot elongated ; gills with two unequal plates. Shell ovoid ; the liga- ment external ; the anterior lateral hinge tooth below the cardinal tooth. Genera — Kellyella, Sars. Turtonia, Forbes and Hanley ; British. Allopagus, Stoliczka ; fossil from the Eocene. Lutetia, Deshayes ; fossil from the Eocene. FAMILY 19. CYRENIDAE, Gray. Mantle with two siphons, which are more or less intimately united together and have papillose orifices. The sexes separate. Shell with external ligament; the pallial line usually with a sinus. Freshwater forms. Genera — Cyrena, Lamarck. Corbicula, Megerle. Batissa, Gray. Velorita, Gray. Galatea, Bruguiere. Fischeria, Bernardi. FAMILY 20. Fio. 230. CMamydoconcha orcutti, Dall. A, dor- nal aspect ; B, left-side view, a.o, anal orifice ; c.o, caecal orifice ; /, foot ; pa, mantle. (After Bernard.) THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA 267 CYCLADIDAE, Clark. Mantle with one siphon or with two free siphons, which have simple orifices. Hermaphrodite ; the embryos incuhated in the external gill-plate. Shell with a simple pallial line. Freshwater. Genera — Cyclas, Bruguiere ( = Sphaerium) ; two siphons ; British (Fig. 218). Pisidium, Pfeiffer ; a single anal siphon ; British. FAMILY 21. RANGIIDAE. Mantle with two short siphons united at their bases, and with papillose orifices. Foot linguiform. Shell with prominent umbones and an internal ligament. Genusp— Rangia, Desmoulins ; from brackish water in Florida. FAMILY 22. CARDINIIDAE, Zittel. Shell elongated, inequi- lateral, the posterior side being the longer ; the ligament external ; the pallial line simple ; dimyarian. An extinct family, ranging from the Fio. 240. Entowdva, left-side view, a, anus ; c.g, cerebral ganglion ;, foot-gland ;, gonad ; i.c, incubatory chamber ; in, intestine ; I, liver ; in, mouth ; pa, mantle ; sh, shell. (After Voeltzkow.) Devonian to the Cretaceous. Genera — Cardinia, Agassiz ; Trias and Jurassic. Anthracosia, King ; Carboniferous and Permian. Anoplophora, Sandberger ; Trias. Pachycardia, Hauer; Trias. FAMILY 23. MEGA- LODONTIDAE, Zittel. Shell inequilateral, thick, dimyarian, with pro- minent umbones ; the posterior adductor impression borne on a myo- phorous apophysis. An extinct family, ranging from the Devonian to the Cretaceous. Genera — Megalodon, Sowerby ; from the Devonian to the Jurassic. Pachyrisma, Morris and Lycett ; Trias and Jurassic. Durga, Bohm ; Jurassic. Dicerocardium, Stoppani ; Jurassic. FAMILY 24. UNIONIDAE, Fleming. Mantle with a single pallial suture and no siphons. Shell equilateral, with lateral hinge teeth or no hinge teeth. Inhabitants of fresh water. Development through a glochidium 268 THE LAMELL1BRANCHIA stage (Fig. 242). Genera — Unio, Retzius ; shell thick, the hinge toothed. This genus includes more than a thousand species, the majority from the northern hemisphere. A nodonta, Lamarck ; shell thin; the hinge without teeth ; British. Pseudodon, Gould. Quadrula, Rafi nesque. Arconaia, Conrad. Motwcondylaea, d'Orbigny. Solenaia, Conrad. Mycetopus, d'Orbigny ; foot cylindrical, with a terminal swelling ; South America. FAMILY 25. MUTELIDAE, Gray. This family differs from the Unionidae in having two pallial sutures and a distinct branchial orifice ; the shell is never fur- nished with lateral hinge teeth. Freshwater. Genera — Mutela, Scopoli. Pliodon, Conrad. Spatha, Lea. Iridina, Lamarck. Hyria, Lamarck. Castalia, Lamarck. Aplodon, Spix. Plagiodon, Spix. FAMILY 26. AETHERIIDAE, Adams. Shell irregular, generally fixed in the adult state. Mantle with a single suture ; foot absent ; anterior adductor muscle FlQ. 241. Modiolaria trapezina, Lamarck, viewed from the left side ; the left mantle lobe is removed. ad', ad", anterior and posterior adductor muscles ; br1, br", internal and external gill-plates ; gl.p, foot gland ; o.a, o.b, anal and branchial orifices of the mantle ;, byssal orifice of the foot ; o.p, pedal orifice of the mantle ; p, foot ; jxil, labial palp ; re.p, posterior retractor muscle of the foot. sometimes reduced or absent ; from fresh water. Genera — Aetheria, Lamarck ; anterior adductor well developed ; African. Mulleria, F^russac ; no anterior adductor ; American. Bartlettia, Adams. SUB-ORDER 3. TELLINACEA. Eulamellibranchia in which the mantle is not extensively closed, with two pallial sutures and two well-developed siphons ; the gills smooth. The foot is compressed and elongated. The labial palps very large. Diinyarian ; the pallial line has a deep sinus. FAMILY 1. TELLINIDAE, Deshayes. The external branchial plate directed upwards (Fig. 206, H). The siphons separate and elongated. Foot with a byssogenous apparatus. Palps very large. Ligament of shell external. Genera — Tellina, Linnaeus ; slightly inequivalve ; foot large ; British (Fig. 190). Gastrana, Schumacher ; equivalve ; the foot slightly developed ; British. Capsa, Bruguiere. Macoma, Leach. FAMILY 2. SCROBICULARIIDAE, Adams. External gill -plate directed upwards. Siphons separate and excessively long. Foot without a byssus. The ligament partly internal, lodged in a concavity in the hinge. Genera — THE LAMELL1BRANCHIA 269 (U Fia. 242. Diagrams of the external form and anatomy of Anodonta cygnaea (2), ventral view, all^the other figures seen from the left side. (1) animal removed from its shell ; a probe g passed into the infra-branchial chamber through the excurrent siphonal notch. (2) view from the ventral surface of Anodonta, with its foot expanded and issuing from between the gaping valves. (3) the left mantle-flap reflected upwards so as to expose the sides of the body. (4) diagrammatic sagittal section of Anodonta to show the course of the alimentary canal. (5) the two gill-plates of the left, side reflected upwards, so as to expose the fissure between foot and gill where the probe g passes. (6) diagram to show the positions of the nerve ganglia, heart, and kidney, a, centro-dorsal area ; 6, margin of the left mantle-flap ; c, margin of the right mantle-flap ; d, ex- current (anal) siphonal notch of the mantle-margin ; e, incurrent (branchial) siphonal notch ; /, foot; g, probe passed into the superior division of the sub-pallial chamber through the anal siphonal notch, and issuing by the side of the foot into the infra-branchial chamber ; h, anterior adductor muscle ; i, anterior retractor muscle of the foot ; k, protractor muscle of the foot ; I, posterior adductor muscle ; m, posterior retractor muscle of the foot ; n, anterior labial palp ; o, posterior labial palp ; ft, base-line of origin of the reflected mantle-flap from the side of the body ; q, left external gill-plate ; r, left internal gill-plate ; rr, inner lamella of the right inner gill-plate ; r.g, right outer gill-plate ; s, line of concrescence of the outer lamella of the left outer gill-plate with the left mantle-flap ; t, pallial tentacles ; u, the thickened muscular pallial margin which adheres to the shell and forms the pallial line of the left side ; v, that of the left side ; w, the mouth ; x, aperture of the left kidney, exposed by cutting the attachment of the inner lamella of the inner gill-plate ; y, aperture of the genital duct ; *, fissure between the free edge of the inner lamella of the inner gill-plate and the side of the foot, through which the probe g passes into the supra-branchial chamber ; aa, line of concrescence of the inner lamella of the right inner gill-plate with the inner lamella of the left inner gill-plate ; ab, ac, ad, three pit-like glandular depressions in the median line of the foot ; ae , left shell-valve ; a/, space occupied by the liver ; ag, space occupied by the gonad ; oA, muscular substance of the foot ; ai, opening of bile-duct into the stomach ; afc, stomach ; al, rectum traversing the ventricle of the heart ; am, pericardium ; an, glandular portion of the left kidney ; ap, ventricle of the heart ; aq, auriculo- ventricular orifice; ar, non-glandular portion of the left kidney ; as, anus ; at, reno-pericardial orifice ; aw, pore joining the two parts of the kidney ; av, internal pore of the kidney leading to the external pore x ; aw, left cerebral ganglion ; ax, left pedal ganglion ; ay, left otocyst ; az, left visceral ganglion ; 66, floor of the pericardium, separating that space from the kidney. (After Lankester.) 270 THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA Scrobicularia, Schumacher ; estuarine ; British. Syndosmya, Recluz ; British. Cumingia, Sowerby. FAMILY 3. DONACIDAE, Fleming. Ex- ternal gill -plate directed ventrally. Siphons separate, of moderate length, the anal siphon being the longer. Foot large and compressed. Shell inequilateral, the anterior side being the longer ; the ligament external. Genera — Donax, Linnaeus ; British. Iphigeneia, Schumacher. FAMILY 4. MBSODESMATIDAE, Deshayes. External branchial plate directed ventrally. Siphons separate and equal. Shell inequilateral, the anterior side being the longer ; ligament internal. Genera — Meso- desma, Deshayes. Ervilia, Turton ; British. FAMILY 5. CARDILIIDAE, Dall. Shell very high and short, ventricose, dimyarian, the posterior adductor impression borne on a prominent myophorous apophysis. Ligament partly internal. Genus — Cardilia, Deshayes ; from the Pacific Ocean. FAMILY 6. MACTRIDAE, Gray. External branchial plate directed ventrally. Siphons united, more or less invested by a chitinous sheath. Foot long, stout, bent at an angle and without a byssus. Shell sub- triangular and nearly equilateral ; the ligament partly internal. Genera — Mactra, Linnaeus ; British (Fig. 191). Mulinia, Gray. Harvella, Gray. Raeta, Gray. Eastonia, Gray. Heterocardia, Deshayes. Vanganella, Gray. SUB-ORDER 4. VENIRACEA. Eulamellibranchia with two pallial sutures ; the siphons generally somewhat elongated and partially or wholly united. Gills slightly folded. A bulb on the posterior aorta. Ligament external. FAMILY 1. VENERIDAE, Gray. Foot well developed. Adductor muscles subequaL Pallial sinus shallow or absent. Genera — Venus, Linnaeus ; siphons rather short, their distal extremities free ; foot without byssus ; British. Dosinia, Scopoli ; siphons long and fused together throughout their length ; foot truncated without a byssus ; British Tapes, Megerle ; siphons rather long and incompletely fused ; foot byssiferous; British (Fig. 202). Cycling Deshayes. Lucinopsis, Forbes and Hanley ; British. Meretrix, Lamarck (Fig. 189). Circe, Schumacher ; British. Venerupist Lamarck. FAMILY 2. PETRICOLIDAE, d'Orbigny. Boring Lamellibranchs with a reduced foot. The shell more or less elongated, with a deep pallial sinus. Genera — Petricola, Lamarck ; the British species P. pholadiformia, originally an inhabitant of the United States, has been acclimatised for some years in the North Sea : it has boring habits as and mimics Pholas Candida. FAMILY 3. GLAUCOMYIDAE, Chenu. Siphons very long and united. Foot small. Shell elongated, thin, with a deep pallial sinus. Inhabitants of fresh or brackish watei Genera — Glaucomya, Woodward ; from S.K Asia, Tanysiphon, Benson ; from India. SUB-ORDER 5. CARDIACEA. Eulamellibranchia with two pallial sutures. Generally with short siphons. The foot cylindrical, more or less elongated, furnished with a byssogenous apparatus. The gills much folded. Shell equi valve, with radiating costae and an external ligament. THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA 271 FAMILY 1. CARDIIDAE, Gray, The mantle slightly closed ; siphons very short and surrounded by a single circle of papillae which are often oculiferous (Fig. 243, o.t}. Foot very long, geniculated. Pallial line of the shell without a sinus ; two adductor muscles. Genera — Cardium, Linnaeus ; adductor muscles subequal ; British (Fig. 243). Psevdokellya, Pelseneer (Fig. 221). Both Byssocardium, Munier-Chalmas, and Litho- cardium, Woodward, fossils from the Eocene, have a much reduced anterior adductor muscle. FAMILY 2. LIMNOCARDIIDAE, Stoliczka. Siphons very long, united throughout their extent. Shell gaping ; two adductor muscles. Inhabitants of brackish waters. Genera — Adacna, Eichwald ; from the Caspian Sea. Limnocardium, Stoliczka ; from the Caspian Sea and fossil from the Tertiary. Arcicardium, Fischer ; fossil from the Tertiary. FAMILY 3. TRIDACNIDAE, Broderip. Mantle closed to a con- siderable extent, the orifices distant from one another ; no siphons. The foot short, with a more or less well developed byssus. A single adductor Fio. 243. Cardium etlule, left-side view. «.. styloid apophysis in the umbonal cavities. FAMILY 1. PHOLADIDAE, Adams. Shell capable of containing all THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA 275 the organs ; the heart traversed by the rectum ; two aortae. The shell with a pallial sinus ; the dorsal region protected by accessory calcareous pieces. Genera — Photos, Linnaeus ; foot cylindrical ; siphons free near their extremities ; British. In Pholas there are four accessory plates ; in Zirphaea, Leach, two; in Barnea, Leach, one.. Pholadidea, Goodall ; foot rudimentary ; siphons completely united and their extremity surrounded by a fringed disc ; shells elongated, in the adult prolonged posteriorly by a short calcareous tube, which surrounds the siphons -r British. Jouannetia, des Moulins ; foot rudimentary ; siphons completely united ; shell globular, and the right valve prolonged posteriorly by a rostriform appendage. Xylophaga, Turton ; siphons separate at their extremities ; foot narrow ; shell globular with two accessory dorsal plates ; British. Martesia, Leach ; siphons long, united ; foot absent in the adult ; shell ovoid with a ventral plate in addition to the dorsal plates. FAMILY 2. TERE- DINIDAE, Fleming. Shell globular, covering a small portion only of the vermiform body. Heart on the ventral side of the rectum (Fig. 195, h) ; a single aorta ; siphons long, united to a large extent and furnished with two posterior calcareous "pallets" (Fig. 247, II). Genera — Teredo, Linnaeus ; a borer in wood ; secretes an adventitious non - adherent tube ; British. Xylotrya, Leach ; the pallets articulated. SUB-ORDER 9. ANATINACEA. Hermaphrodite Eulamellibranchia, in which the ovaries and testes are distinct and have separate orifices (Fig. 219, o, $). The foot generally rather small. The mantle frequently presents a fourth orifice. The ex- ternal gill-plate directed dorsally and devoid of a reflected lamella. Hinge of shell without teeth. FAMILY 1. THRACIIDAE, Dall. Mantle with a fourth pallial orifice ; the pedal orifice elongated ; siphons branchial siphon • rather long, quite separate, and completely retractile vi, foot?™ and invertible. Shell with a deep pallial sinus. Genera — Thracia, de Blainville ; shell with a large spoon-shaped tooth -T British. Astlienothaerus, Carpenter ; shell without spoon-shaped teeth, FAMILY 2. PERIPLOMIDAE, Dall. Siphons separate, naked, completely retractile, but not invertible. Pallial sinus shallow ; no ligament. Genera — Cochlodesma, Couthouy. Periploma, Schumacher. Tyleria, Adams. FAMILY 3. ANATINIDAE, Gray. Siphons long, united, covered by a chitinous sheath, and not completely retractile. Foot slender. Pallial sinus well marked. Genera — Anatina, Lamarck. Shell thin and gaping, with spoon-shaped teeth. Plectomya, de Loriol ; fossil from the Jurassic and Cretaceous. FAMILY 4. PHOLADOMYIDAE, Gray. Mantle extensively closed, with a fourth orifice. Siphons very long, completely united, naked, and incompletely retractile. Foot small, with a posterior appendage. Shell thin, with an external ligament and a well-marked Pio. 247. Teredo navalis, Linnaeus, ventral aspect. I, shell ; II, pallets ; III, anal siphon ; IV, 276 THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA pallial sinus. Genera — Pholadomya, Sowerby ; some species living and abyssal ; numerous fossil species from the Trias onwards, the maximum in the Jurassic. FAMILY 5. ARCOMYIDAE, Fischer. Shell finely granular, equivalve, thin ; the hinge without teeth ; the ligament external ; pallial sinus. An exclusively fossil family, from the Secondary and Tertiary. Genera — Arcomya, Agassiz ; from the Trias to the Eocene. Goniomya, Agassiz ; Jurassic and Cretaceous. FAMILY 6. PHOLADELLIDAE, Miller. Shell oval, the posterior extremity attenuated and gaping ; cardinal border thin and devoid of teeth ; ligament external ; posterior adductor muscle large. An exclusively fossil family, from Primary deposits. Genera — Pholadella, Hall ; Devonian. ljhytimya, Ulrich ; Silurian. Allorisma, King ; Carboniferous and Permian. FAMILY 7. PLEUKOMYIDAE, Zittel. Shell inequi- lateral, thin ; the pallial line deeply sinuous ; the cardinal border of one valve covering that of the other and hiding the ligament, which is therefore sub -internal. An ex- clusively fossil family from Secondary formations. Genera — Pleuromya, Agassiz ; from the Trias and inferior Cretaceous. Gresslya, Agassiz ; Jurassic. Ceromya, Agassiz ; Jurassic. FAMILY 8. PANDORIDAE, Gray. Shell thin, inequivalve, free ; the ligament internal ; no pallial sinus. Siphons very short; foot elongate. Genera — Pandora, Bruguicre ; British. Coelodon, Carpenter. Clidiophora, Carpenter. FAMILY 9. MYO- CHAMIDAE, Dall. Shell very inequivalve, solid, with a pallial sinus. Siphons short ; a fourth pallial orifice present ; foot small. Genera — Myochama, Stutchbury ; shell irregular ; fixed to other shells by the right valve ; Australian. Myodora, Gray ; shell free, trigonal ; the left valve flattened. FAMILY 10. CHAMOSTREI- DAE, Fischer. Mantle largely closed. A fourth pallial orifice present ; pedal orifice small. Siphons very short and separate. Shell Atpergittum vaginiferum ; to the left side, the whole fiYP(l 11V fhp T\a]\t valvp irrp- shell, dorsal view/the anterior part below ; to the right nxed DV.tJ ve> ir side, the anterior part, magnified, to show the original gular, Without a pallial Sinus ; valves a, now embedded in a continuous calcification of ,. „__._,. .'-.^-....i nan*,0 tubular form. (From Lankester, after Owen.) ligament internal. Uenus — Chamostrea, de Roissy ; Australian. FAMILY 11. CLAVAQELLIDAE, d'Orbigny. Mantle largely closed ; pedal orifice extremely small ; a fourth pallial orifice present ; siphons fairly long, united ; foot very rudimentary and without a byssus. The ligament external ; the valves continued backwards into a calcareous Fio. 248. THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA 277 tube secreted by the siphons ; pallial line sinuous. Genera — Clavagella, Lamarck ; left valve fused to the tube ; adductor muscles well developed ; a boring form. Brechites, Guettard ( = Aspergillum, Lamarck) ; the two valves fused to the tube and external (Fig. 248) ; no posterior adductor muscle ; the anterior adductor much reduced ; the anterior extremity bearing numerous tubular projections serving for adhesion ; Indian and Pacific Oceans. FAMILY 12. LYONSIIDAE, Fischer. Mantle largely closed, with a fourth pallial orifice ; siphons short, invertible ; foot byssiferous. Shell thin, granular externally ; the pallial sinus feeble ; the ligament internal. Genera — Lyonsia, Turton ; shell regular and elongated; British (Fig. 219). Entodesma, Philippi ; shell irregular, truncated behind ; a boring form, sometimes found in the tests of Ascidians. Mytilimeria, Conrad ; shell regular, ventricose, gaping behind. FAMILY 13. VERTICORDIIDAE, Wood. Siphons short ; the gills papillose ; CLCL pet, FIG. 249. Poromya tornata, left-side view, a.a, anterior adductor; a.p, anterior labial palp; a.s, anal siphon ;/, foot; g.l, gill lamellae on the septum; ft^ heart; ha, posterior adductor; in, intestine; li, liver; pa, pallial suture; p.p, posterior labial palp; p.t, pallial tentacles; r.p, retractor posterior pedis ; r.s, retractor of the septum ; s, septum ; vj, valvular fold of the branchial aperture. foot small ; palps well developed. Shell globular, very slightly gaping, without a pallial sinus. Many species abyssal. Genera — Verticordia, Wood ; mantle largely closed ; the pedal orifice small. Euciroa, Dall ; heart situated above the rectum. Lyonsiella, Sara ; foot byssiferous. Halicardia, Dall. ORDER 4. Septibranchia. The Septibranchia are dimyarian Lamellibranchs in which the mantle remains fairly open and has two sutures and two siphons. The foot is long and slender ; the byssus rudimentary or absent. The pallial line is simple or very slightly sinuous. The essential character of the group is the disappearance of the gills as respiratory organs, a character which is not found in any other Lamellibranch. The gills are transformed into a muscular septum (Fig. 249, s) 278 THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA which extends from the anterior adductor muscle to the point •of separation of the two siphons, and surrounds and is continuous with the foot. This septum, therefore, has exactly the situation and the relations of the branchial septum of the majority of the Lamellibranchia, which divides the pallial cavity into two chambers. The group is derivable, more or less directly, from the Anatinacea, through the series Lyonsiti, Lyonsiella, Poromya, CetoconcJia, Cuspidaria, in which one may observe a gradual increase in the amount of muscular fibre in the gill filaments or in their reduced equivalents, so that any objection to the branchial origin of the septum, because of its muscularity, cannot hold good. The muscular septum is inserted on the shell, especially in the neighbourhood of the two adductor muscles. The origin of the anterior and posterior exten- sions of the septum and of its muscular attachments to the two extremities of the shell is to be found in the physiological contrac- tions necessary to create a current of water on the respiratory surface of tl^e supra-septal chamber. The septum is, in fact, always pierced by paired orifices, which admit of the passage of water. The Septibranchia are all marine, inhabit considerable depths of the sea, and are carnivorous. The order only comprises one sub-order, the Poromvacea. CLO FAMILY 1. POROMYIDAE, Ball. Siphons short and separate ; the bran- chial siphon provided with a large valve. Foot pointed and not byssi- ferous. The branchial septum bears two groups of transversely elongate orifices on either side ; these are formed by a few branchial filaments, with or with- out junctions. The palps are large. All the members of the family are her- maphrodite. Genera — Poromya, Forbes ; no pallial sinus ; British (Fig. 249). Dermatomya, Dall ; a pallial sinus present LiopistJia, Meek ; fossil from the Cretaceous. FAMILY 2. CETOCON- CHIDAE, Ridewood. Branchial septum bearing three groups of orifices on each side ; these orifices are separated by rudimentary branchial filaments. Palps large ; siphons short, separate, the branchial siphon with a valve. Genus — Cetoconcha, Dall ( = Silenia, Smith); abyssal (Fig. 250). FAMILY 3. CUSPIDABIIDAE, Fischer. Siphons long and united, their extremities surrounded by tentacles. Foot narrow, with a rudimentary byssus. Palps greatly reduced or absent. Branchial septum pierced by four or m o FIG. 250. A ventral view of Cetoconcha, removed from its shell, a.o, anterior septal orifices ; a.p, anterior palp ; /, foot ; m, mouth ; m.o, median septal orifices ; pa, mantle ; p.o, posterior septal orifices ; p.p, posterior palp ; se, branchial sep- tum ; si, retractile branchial siphon. (After Ridewood.) LITERATURE OF THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA 279 five pairs of very narrow symmetrical orifices. The sexes separate. Genus — Cuspidaria, Nardo ; British (Fig. 251). aa FIG. 251. Cuspularia cuspidata (Olivi), left-side view, after removal of left half of the mantle. «, anus ; a.a, anterior adductor ; a.f.r, anterior foot retractor ; a.p, anterior labial palp ; a.s, anal siphon ; br.n, branchial nerve ; br.s, branchial siphon; ft.r, branchial valve; c.g, cerebral ganglion;/, foot; g.g, genital gland; g.o, genital orifice ; h, heart; in, intestine; A;, kidney; k.o, kidney opening; m, mouth; p.a, posterior adductor; p.f.r, posterior foot-retractor; p.g, pedal gan- glion; p.l.p, posterior labial palps; s, septum; s.o, septal oritice ; s.r, septal retractor; st, stomach ; vi.g, visceral ganglion. LITERATURE OF THE LAMELLIBUANCHIA. A. General. 1. Ahting. Untersuchungen iiber die Eiitwickeluiig des Bojanus'schen Organ und des Herzens der Lamellibranchier. Jenaische Zeitschr. xxxvi. 1901. 2. Barrois, Th. Les glandes du pied et les pores aquiieres chez les Lamelli- branches. Lille, 1885. 3. Le stylet cristallin des Laniellibrauches. Revue biol. Nord France, i. 1890. 4. Bernard, F. Premiere, deuxieme, troisieme, quatrieme et derniere note sur le deVeloppement et la morphologic de la coquille chez les Lamellibranches. Bull. Soc. Geol. France (3), xxiii., xxiv., xxv. 1895, 1896, and 1897. 5. Recherchcs ontogeniques ct morphologiques sur la coquille des Lamelli- branches. Ann. des Sci. nat. Zool. (8), viii. 1898. 6. Blanchard, E. Observations sur le systeme nervcux des Mollusques Acephales- Testaces on Lamellibranches. Ibid. (3), iii. 1845. 7. I'Organisation du Regne Animal : Mollusques Acephales. Paris, 1851. 8. Bonnet, R. Der Ban und die Circulationsverhiiltnisse der Acephalentkieme. Morph. Jahrb. iii. 1877. 9. Boutan, L. Recherches sur le byssus des Lamellibranches. Arch, de Zool. Exper. (3), iii. 1895. 10. Biitschli. Notiz zur Morphologic des Auges der Muscheln. Festschr. 500 jahr. Bestand Ruperto-Carola nat.-med. Ver. Heidelberg, 1886. 11. Carazzi, D. Contribute all' istologia e alia fisiologia dei Lamellibranchi. Mittheil d. Zool. Stat. Neapel, xii. 1896 ; Internat. Monatsschr. f. Anat. u. Phys. xiv. and xx. 1897 and 1902. 12. Carrtere. Die Driisen im Fusse der Lamellibranchiaten. Arbeiten Zool. Zoot. Instit Wiirzburg, v. 1879. 280 L1TERA TURE OF THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA 13. Caltie. Les Laraellibranches recueillis dans les courses du "Willem Barents. Bydr. tot do Dierk., 1884. 14. Coutance. De 1'energie et de la structure musculaire chez les Mollusques Acephales. Paris, 1878. 15. Dall. Tertiary Mollusks of Florida. Part III. A new Classification of the Pelecypoda. Trans. Wagner Free Instit. of Science, iii. 1895. 16. Deshaycs. Histoire naturelle des Mollusques (Exploration scientifique de 1'Algerie). Paris, 1844-1848. 17. Duvcrnoy. Memoires sur le systeme nerveux des Mollusques Acephales. Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris, xxiv. 1853. 18. Ehrenbaum. Untersuclmngen tlber die Structur und Bildung der Schale der in der Kieler Bucht haiifig vorkommenden Muscheln. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. xli. 1884. 19. Fleischmann. Die Bewegung des Fusses der Lamellibranchiaten. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. xlii. 1885. 20. Flemming. Ueber Bindesubstanz und Gefasswandung im Schwellgewebe der Muscheln. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. xiii. 1877. 21. Georgimtch. Recherches sur les glandes du pied des Lamellibranches. Geneve, 1895. 22. Grobben. Die Pericardialriise der Lamellibranchiaten. Arb. Zool. Inst. Wien, vii. 1888. 23. Ueber den Bulbus arteriosus und die Aortenklappen der Lamelli- branchiaten. Ibid. ix. 1891. 24. Hancock. On the boring of the Mollusca into rocks. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (2), ii. 1848. 25. Horst. 1st der Byssus ein Cuticularbildung ? Tijdschr. Ned. Dierk. Vereen. (2), ii. 1889. 26. Kellog. A Contribution to our Knowledge of the Morphology of Lamelli- branchia. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. x. 1890. 27. Jameson. On the Origin of Pearls. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1902. 28. Janssens. Les branchies des Acephales. La Cellule, ix. 1893. 29. Lacaze-Duthiers. Recherches sur les organes genitaux des Acephales Lamelli- branches. Ann. des Sci. nat. Zool. (4), ii. 1854. 30. Memoire snr 1'Organe de Bojanus des Acephales Laniellibranches. Ann. des Sci. nat. Zool. (4), iv. 1855. 31. Memoire sur le developpement des branchies des Mollusques Acephales Lamellibranches. Ibid. (4), v. 1856. 32. Letellier. Etude sur la fonction urinaire chez les Mollusques Acephales. Arch, de Zool. Exper. (2), v. bis, 1887. 33. Loven. Bidrag till Kiinnedomen om Utvecklingen af Mollusca Acephala Lamellibranchia. K. Vet. Akad. Handl. 1848. 34. Menegaux. Recherches sur la circulation chez les Lamellibranches marins. Besanfon, 1890. 35. Mitra. The cristalline style of Lamellibranchia. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. xliv. 1901. 36. Mitsukuri. On the structure and significance of some aberrant forms of Lamellibranchiate Gills. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. xxi. 1881. 37. Neumayr. Beitrage zur einer morphologischen Eintheilung der Bivalven. Denkschr. k. Akad. d. wiss. Wien, math.-naturw. Cl. Iviii. 1891. 38. Patten. Eyes of Molluscs and Arthropods. Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, vi. 1886. LITERATURE OF THE LAMELL1BRANCHIA 281 39. Peck, E. H. The minute structure of the gills of Lamellibranch Mollusca. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. xvii. 1877. 40. Pelseneer. Contribution a I'e'tude des Lamellibranches. Arch, de Biol. xi. 1891. 41. Les yeux cephaliques chez les Lamellibranches. Ibid. xvi. 1899. 42. Rawitz. Der Mantelrand der Acephalen. Jenaische Zeitschr. xxii., xxiv., xxvii. 1888, 1890, 1892. 43. Rice. Die systematische Verwerthbarkeit der Kiemen bei den Lamelli- branchiaten. Jenaische Zeitschr. xxxi. 1897. 44. Ridewood, W. G. On the structure of the Gills of the Lamellibranchia. Phil. Trans. B. cxcv. 1903. 45. Roule, L. Recherches histologiques sur les Mollnsques Lamellibranches. Journ. Anat. et Physiol. 1887. 46. Schrciner. Die Augen bei Pecten und Lima. Bergens Mus. Aarbog, 1896. 47. Sharp, B. On the Visual Organs in Lamellibranchiata. Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, v. 1884. 48. Soubeiran. Essai sur les ganglions medians ou latero-superieurs des Mol- lusques Ace"phales. Paris, 1858. 49. Stenta, M. Zur Kenntniss der Stromungen im Mantelraume der Lamelli- branchiaten. Arb. Zool. Inst. WieiT, xiv. 1902. 50. Thiele, J. Die Mundlappen der Lamellibranchiaten. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. xliv. 1886. 51. Die Abdominal Sinnesorgane der Lamellibranchier. Ibid, xlviii. 1889. 52. Yung, E. De 1'innervation du ca-ur et de Faction des poisons chez les Mol- lusques Lamellibranches. Arch, de Zool. Expor. (1), ix. 1881. B. Special. 53. Alder and Hancock. On the branchial currents in Pholas and Mya. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (2), viii. 1851. 536". Anthony. InHuence de la fixation pleurothetique sur la morphologic des Mollusques Acephales Dimyaires. Ann. des Sci. nat. Zool. (9), i. 1905. 54. Babor. Ueber das Centralnervensystem von Dreissenia polymorpha. Pall. Sitzungsber. Bohm. gesellsch. Wiss. math.-natur. Cl. 1895. 55. Barrois, Th. Sur la structure de YAnomia ephippium. Bull. Sci. Dep. Nord (2), ii. 1879. 56. Note sur I'embryogenie de la Moule commune, Mytilus edulis. Ibid. (2), ii. 1879. 57. Bernard, F. Scioberetia anstralis, type nouveau de Lamellibranche. Bull. Sci. France et Belgique, xxvii. 1896. 58. Condylocardia, type nouveau de Lamellibranches. Journ. de Couchyl. 1896. 59. Les genres Philobrya et Hochstetteria. Ibid. 1897. 60. Anatomic de Chlamydoconcha Orcutti, Lamellibranche a coquille in- terne. Ann. des Sci. nat. Zool. (8), iv. 1897. 61. Beuk. Zur Kenntniss des Baues der Niere und der Morphologic von Teredo. Arb. Zool. Inst. Wien, xi. 1899. 62. Bloomer. The Anatomy of the British Species of the Genus Solen. Journ. of Malacol. viii., ix. 1901, 1902. 63. The Anatomy of certain species of Ceratisolen and Solecurtus. Ibid. x. 1903. 282 LITERATURE OF THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA 64. Brooks, W. K. The development of the Oyster. Studies Biol. Labor. Johns Hopkins Univ. i. 1880. 65. Deshayes. Memoire anatomique sur 1'Iridine du Nil. Mem. Soc. Hist. Nat. 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Board Scot. iii. 1890. 75. Gottc. Bemerkungen iiber die Embryonalentwickelung der Anodonta piscinalw. Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. xli. 76. Grobben. Beitrage sur Kenntniss des Baues von Cuspidaria cuspidata. Arb. Zool. Inst. Wien, x. 1892. 77. Beitrage sur Morphologie und Anatomie der Tridacniden. Denkschr. math.-naturw. 01. K. Akad. wiss. Wien, Ixv. 1898. 78. Zur Kenntuiss der Morphologie und Anatomie von Meleagrina aowie der Aviculiden im Allgerneinen. Ibid. Ixix. 1900. 79. Hancock. On the Animal of Chamostrea albida. Ann. Mag. Nat Hist. (2), ii. 1853. 80. On the Animal of MyocJiama anomoides. Ibid. (2), ii. 1853. 81. Hatschek. Ueber Entwicklungsgeschichte von Teredo. Arb. Zool. Inst Wien, iii. 1880. 82. Hoeck. Les organes de la generation de /huitre. Tydschr. Ned. Dierk. Vereen. Suppl. Deel i. 1884. 83. Horst. On the development of the European Oyster (Ostrea edulis). Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. xxii. 1882. 84. Huxley. Description of the Animal of Trigonia. Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 1849. 85. Jackson. The development of the Oyster, with Remarks on allied genera. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist xxiii. 1888. 86. Jhering, H. von. Phylogeny of the Pelecypoda ; the Aviculidae and their Allies. Mem. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. iv. 1890. 87. Die Gehbrwerkzeuge der Mollusken in ihrer Bedeutung fur das Naturliche System derselben. Erlangen, 1876. 88. Johnstone. Cardium. Liverpool Mar. Biol. Com. Mem. ii. 189». 89. Keer. Bydrage tot de Kennis van den Paaiworm. Leiden, 1903. 90. Kishinouye. Note on the eyes of dnrdium midicum, Reeve. Journ. Coll. Sci. Tokyo, vi. 1894. LITERATURE OF THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA 283 91. Korschelt. Ueber die Entwickelung vonDreissenapolymorjma. Sitzungsber. Ges. naturforsch. Fr. Berlin, 1891. 92. Lacaze-Duthiers, F. J. H. Memoire sur 1'organisation de 1'Anomie (Anomia ephippium). Ann. des Sci. nat. Zool. (4), ii. 1854. 93. Lacaze-Duthiers, H. de. Morphologic des Acephales. ler Memoire. Anatomie de 1'Arrosoir (Aspergillum dichotomum). Arch, de Zool. Exper. 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Studies in Biology, No. 3, published by the Colonial Mus. and Gcol. Survey Dept. New Zealand, 1887. 104. Rankin. Uber das Bojanus'sche Organ der Teichmuschel (Anodonta cygnea, Lam.). Jenaische Zeitschr. xxiv. 1890. 105. Ruder. The Metamorphosis and Post-larval Stages of Development of the Oyster. Rep. U.S. Fish Comm. for 1882, 1884. 106. Sabatier. Anatomie de la Moule commune. Ann. des Sci. nat. Zool. (6), v. 1877. 107. Sassi. Zur Anatomie von Anomia ephippium. Arb. Zool. Inst. Wien, xv. 1903. 108. Schierholz. Ueber Entwickelung der Unioniden. Denkschr. k. Akad. wiss. Wien math.-naturw. Cl. Iv. 1889. 109. Schmidt, F. Beitrag sur Kenntniss der postembryonalen Entwickelung der Najaden. Arch. f. Naturgesch. li. 1885. 110. Sigerfoos. Note on the Organisation of the Larva, and the Post-larval Development of Shipworms. Johns Hopkins Univ. Circul. xv. 1896. 111. Stempell. Beitrage zur Keuntniss der Nuculiden. Zool. Jahrb. Suppl. iv. 1898. 112. Zur Anatomie von Solenomya togata. Ibid. (Anat. u. Ontog.), xiii. 1900. 113. Stauffachcr. Eibildung und Furchung bei Cyclas cornea. Jenaische Zeitschr. xxviii. 1893. 114. Toureng. Sur le systeme nerveux du Dreissensia polymorpha. Comptes rendus Acad. Paris, 118, 1894. 115. Tullberg. Ueber die Byssus des Mytilus edulis. Nova Acta Reg. Soc. Scient. Upsala, 1877. 116. Vaillant. Recherches sur la famille des Tridacnides. Ann. Sci. nat Zool. (5), iv. 1865. 284 LITERATURE OF THE LAMELLIBRANCHIA 117. Vaillant. Anatomic de deux Mollusques de la famille des Mall6ac£es. Ibid. (5), ix. 1868. 118. Voeltzkow. Entovalva mirabilis. Zool. Jahrb. (Auat. u. Ontog.) v. 1891. 119. Willcm &ndMinne. Recherches experimentales sur la circulation sanguine chez 1'Anodonte. Mem. Cour. Acad. Belg. Ivii. 1899. 120. Wilson. On the development of the Common Mussel (Mytiliis edulis). Fifth Ann. Rep. Fish. Board Scot. 1887. 121. Woodward, F. M. On the Anatomy of Ephippodonta MacDougalli, Tate. Proo. Malacol. Soc. i. 1893. 122. Note on the Anatomy of the larva of the European Oyster, (Ostrea edulis, Linn.). Proc. Malacol Soc. i. 1895. 123. Anatomy of Millleria Dalyi, Smith. Proc. Malacol. Soc. iii. 1898. 124. Ziegler. Die Entwickelung von Cyclas cornea Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. xli. 1885. CHAPTER VI THE CEPHALOPODA CLASS V.— THE CEPHALOPODA, CUVIER. Order 1. Tetrabranchia. Sub-Order 1. Nautiloidea. „ 2. Ammonitoidea. Order 2. Dibranchia. Sub-Order 1. Decapoda. Tribe 1. Oigopsida. „ 2. Myopsida. Sub-Order 2. Octopoda. Tribe 1. Leioglossa. „ 2. Trachyglossa. Definition. — The Cephalopoda are perfectly symmetrical Mollusca, in which the edges of the foot are transformed into circumoral appendages completely surrounding the head, and the epipodium is modified to form an exhalant muscular tube or funnel consisting of two free or united lobes, situated behind the head at the opening of the pallial cavity, and serving as a conduit for the water from this cavity. In the nervous system all the typical ganglion-pairs are concentrated in the head, and are applied to or contained in the interior of a cartilaginous skeletal piece. The renal organs are constituted by the glandular covering of the afferent branchial vessels. The coelom communicates with the exterior either directly or by the intermediary of the paired kidneys, and by a second pair of ducts serving as gonaducts. The gonad is situated in the coelom and is not continuous with the gonaducts. A portion of the circumoral pedal crown is " hectocotylised," that is to say, modified to form a copulatory organ in the male. The development is characterised by the incomplete segmentation of the ovum. I. GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. In comparing the Cephalopoda with other Mollusca, one finds that the ventral surface is much abbreviated and the length of the 285 286 THE CEPHALOPODA body reduced (Fig. 22, E). This is the result of the displacement of the foot, whose lateral borders surround the head and are joined together in front of the mouth. In consequence of this shortening of the antero-posterior axis, the two extremities of the digestive canal are closely approximated, and the pallial cavity opens im- mediately behind the head (Fig. 252, w, a). The head is highly developed, f1 but has hardly any other ap- pendages than those formed by the edges of the foot which 17V OA, Fio. 252. Diagram of the structure of a Cephalopod, as seen from the left side in its proper mor- phological position, a, anus ; or, arms ; ce, central nervous system, with eye ; coe, coeloin ; /», funnel ; g, gill ; go, gonad ; h, heart ; A;, kidney ; I, liver ; m, mouth ; pa, mantle ; r.o, renal orifice ; r.p, reno- pericardial orifice ; st, stomach. Pio. 253. Taoniiis suhmii, Lankester, ventral aspect, e, pedunculated eye ; Ji, fin ; m, mouth ; t, tentacular arm. (After Hoyle.) embrace it. Certain Oigopsida, however, e.g. Taonius suhmii, Ray Lankester (Fig. 253), and the embryos of an allied form known as Grenadier's embryo (Fig. 119, D) and of Loligo pcili, have very prominent pedunculated eyes. On the other hand, Nautilus, whose eyes are also somewhat prominent, has in addition two ciliated tentacles on either side of the head, one in front of and the other behind the eye (Figs. 255, i, k; 293, a.o.t, p.o.t). The foot forms a crown of appendages surrounding the mouth : the edges of this crown are not deeply divided in Nautilus, but are much more so in the Dibranchia. In Nautilus the circumoral pedal crown is divided into lobes each of which bears a group of tentacles, the total number of tentacles being about ninety in the THE CEPHALOPODA 287 female, but only sixty in the male. These tentacles have laminated but not ciliated surfaces ; they are adhesive and prehensile, and are retractile within special tentacular sheaths. When the animal is extended they radiate outwards from the mouth. In the female there are three tentaculiferous lobes in immediate contact with the buccal aperture (Fig. 255, c, d) : these are the right and left and the ventral interior lobes. The last named (which is absent in the male) bears a laminated organ, supposed to be olfactory in function and known as Owen's organ, in the middle of its free border (Fig. 255, n), and fourteen tentacles on each moiety of the lobe. The FlO. 254. Tremoctopus vdifer, Verany, viewed from the dorsal side, showing the four dorsal arms joined together by a membrane. (After Verany.) right and left interior lobes bear twelve tentacles apiece. The muscular mass of the foot forms a broad ring round the three interior lobes, and is particularly thick and strong in the dorsal region (Fig. 255, g), where it is modified to form a hood which protects the whole animal when it is retracted within its shell. On the external face of the hood is a concavity in which the spire of the shell is lodged. The tentacles borne on this ring are called " digital," and are larger than the " labial " tentacles borne on the three interior lobes. The digital tentacles are nineteen in number on each side in the female, and are disposed more or less regularly in three unequal rows. It is only the dorsal pair of tentacles that belongs to that part of the muscular ring which forms the hood, the last-named 288 THE CEPHALOPODA structure being largely composed of an extension of the sheaths of the tentacles in question. On the ventral side an extensive part of the internal surface of the muscular ring is laminated, Fio. 255. Male (upper) and female (lower) specimens of Nautilus pompiltus, as seen in the expanded condition ; oral view, showing the disposition of the tentaculifcrous lobes and the differences between the two sexes, a. the shell ; b, the outer ring-like expansion or annular lobe of the circumoral mass of the foot, dorsally forming the hood ; c, the right ami left inner lobes of the foot, each carrying twelve tentacles in the female, in the male divided into p, the " spadix " (hectocotylus) on the left side, and q, the "anti-spadix," a group of four tentacles, on the right side ; d, the inner inferior lobe of the foot (reduced in the male to a paired group of lamellae) ; «, the buccal cone, fringing the jaws with a series of minute papillae ; /, the tentacles of the outer lobe, projecting from their sheaths ; g, the two most posterior tentacles, belonging to the hood ; t, superior ophthalmic tentacle ; k, inferior ophthalmic tentacle ; I, eye ; w, paired laminated organ on each side of the base of the inner inferior lobe of the female ; n, olfactory lamellae upon the inner inferior lobe, in the female ; o, the funnel ; p, the sjuidix (in the male) or hectocotylised portion of the left inner lobe of the foot, representing four modified tentacles : g, theantispadix (in the male), being four of the twelve tentacles of the right inner lobe, isolated from the remaining eight. (After Lankester.) THE CEPHALOPODA 289 forming the so-called "organ of Valenciennes," peculiar to the female and serving for the attachment of the spermatophores (Fig. 255, m). In the Dibranchia the pedal appendages have the form of four or five pairs of symmetrical and generally elongate arms. In the Octopoda there are eight similar arms, and the whole length of the ventral surface of each is covered by suckers which are often very numerous and highly specialised in structure (Fig. 250). It seems probable that it is the suckers and not the arms that are com- parable with the tentacles and tentacle -sheaths of Nautilus. In the Decapoda, in addition to the eight arms corresponding to those of the Octopoda, there are two additional "tentacular" arms, of which one is situated between the third and fourth sessile arms on either side of the posterior part of the head. These two tentacular arms are longer and more slender than the others (Fig. 298, A), and the suckers are generally confined to their free extremities, which are enlarged and club-shaped ; in some forms, however, they bear suckers along their whole length (Fig. 297, II). The tentacular arms are further distinguished from the sessile arms by the fact that they are more or less retractile within special pouches : they are com- pletely retractile in Sepia, Sepiola, and Hossia, incompletely retractile in Loligo, very slightly retractile in the majority of the Oigopsida, and finally they are united to form a beak -like appendage in PihyiiclwteutUis. In some Oigopsida, such as Leachia, Channoteulhis, some species of Cheiroteuthis, and Grimalditeuthis (Fig. 258), the tentacular arms are reduced to mere stumps : in the adult Veranya they are similarly reduced, but the young still retain small tentacular arms. Similarly a notable reduction of the ordinary or sessile arms, particularly on the dorsal side, may be observed in some Cheiroteuthidae and Cranchiidae. Some or all of the eight sessile arms may be united by a more or less complete inter- brachial membrane : the four dorsal arms are united in this manner in Tremodopus (Fig. 254), the six dorsal arms in Histioteuthis, and all eight arms in some species of Eledone, in Alloposus, and in the adult Cirrhoteuthidae and Amphitretidae, the membrane ex- tending in the two last-named families to the tips of the arms, but in the young of Cirrhoteuthis (Fig. 260) the membrane is not fully developed. In the female Argonauta the two dorsal arms are enlarged to form a veil (Fig. 301, IV), which is applied to the mantle and secretes a protective calcareous shell. Finally, in most cases a single arm of the male, or a portion of the circumoral pedal crown in Nautilus, is modified to form a copulatory organ, which is some- times detachable. This is the hectocotylus, or spadix in Nautilus, which will be described in detail under the head of reproductive apparatus. 19 290 THE CEPHALOPODA The suckers are pedunculated in the Decapoda, the peduncles being axial or lateral, but they are sessile in the Octopoda (Fig. 256). They generally form a double series along the internal, that is to say, the ventral or buccal faces of the arms, but there is a single series in Eledone and Cirrhoteuthis (Fig. 260). In some cases, however, there are more than two rows, e.g. Spirula (Fig. 268, ar\ Gonatus, Dosidicus, Tritaxeopus, Ctenopteryx (on the three dorsal pairs of arms), and Sepia (Fig. 299, c). In point of structure, each sucker consists of a globular or cylindrical projection, comprising an annular surface of application with a central cavity whose capacity can be augmented by the retraction of its floor. The floor is provided with perpendicular muscular fibres (Fig. 256, 1), whose contraction causes the sucker to adhere to the prey or to the substratum. The surface of application of the sucker is PIG. 256. Axial section of a sucker of Argonauta. I, muscular fibres retracting the bottom of the sucker ; II, radiating muscular fibres ; III, annular muscular fibres ; IV, floor of the cavity of the sucker ; V, sphincter muscle ; VI, tooth on the margin of the sucker. (After Nieniiec.) augmented by the action of radiating muscular fibres (Fig. 256, II), and its adherence is further assured by the cuticular rugosities of this surface. These cuticular structures are simply small projections in the Octopoda, but in the Decapoda there is a complete chitinous ring with denticulated edges which are often very prominent, and in some cases a single denticulation may become very large and preponderant and thus transform the sucker into a hook-bearing organ. In Onychoteuthis true functional suckers coexist with the hooks, but in the adult Veranya the suckers are nothing more than the bases of the hooks. In various species of Cheiroteuthis the tentacular arms bear suckers in which the muscular system is feebly developed and there is neither a central piston nor a horny ring, but the bottom of the cupule is covered by a great number of anastomosed epithelial filaments which constitute an organ for fishing. In Cirrhoteuthis, in addition to the row of suckers, there are tentacular filaments on each arm alternating with the suckers. CEPHALOPODA 291 In addition to the foot proper, whose edges constitute the circum- oral appendages, the Cephalopoda possess an epipodium which is well developed, but highly specialised to form a funnel. The epipodial nature of the funnel may be specially well seen in young embryos (Figs. 257, fu ; 1 19, D, fu), in which this organ is situated laterally and posteriorly, between the mantle and the foot. Primitively the funnel has the form of two symmetrical lateral lobes, which simply incline towards one another and overlap in Nautilus (Fig. 276). In the Dibranchia, however, these two lobes become fused together during development (Fig. 290, (9) q) and form a complete tube projecting beyond the pallial cavity (Figs. 253 and 258, etc., fu). Through this tube the excrements, the secretion of the ink-sac, and the generative products are ejected. The interior of the funnel is generally provided with a larger or smaller valve, attached to its anterior or dorsal face ; as, for instance, in the Nautilidae (Fig. 276, b) and the majority of the Decapoda (Fig. 259, fu) ;* but this structure is absent in Leachia among the Oigopsida and in the Octopoda. In addition, the in- Fro. 257. Young embryo of Sepia offidnoiis, viewed from the dorsal side, a, anus ; e> eye ; /«, funnel ; gi, gill ; m, mouth ; of, otocyst ; pa, mantle and shell ; vi, vitellus ; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, arms. (After Kolliker.) fi" FIG. 258. Grimalditeuthis richardi, ventral as- pect, a, aims ; c, left eye ; fi', anterior lin ; fi", posterior tin ; fu, funnel. (After Joubin.) ternal wall of the funnel is furnished with an epithelial outgrowth of variable form, constituting a mucous gland called Muller's organ. Powerful muscular bundles, originating from the cephalopedal mass and from the sides of the funnel, unite together and are inserted symmetrically on the sides of the shell (Fig. 272, m). In Nautilus they are inserted on the interior of the shell, in the Dibranchia on its external surface, in Spirula on the margins of the last chamber. 292 THE CEPHALOPODA Other differentiated muscular bundles may be recognised ; they are mostly due to the specialisation of the funnel. In the Tetrabranchia (Nautilus) the mantle is covered by an external shell, which is partly overlapped by a small dorsal pallial lobe (Fig. 270, d) : the retractor muscles of the head and foot are inserted symmetrically on either side on the internal surface of this shell. The female Argonauta also bears an external shell which covers the mantle, but has no muscular attachments and is not homologous with the shells of other Cephalopods : it does not originate from a pre-conchylian invagination or shell-gland, but is of pedal origin, and is only formed some ten or twelve days after birth by the palmate extremities of the two dorsal arms. The animal is not attached to this shell. In all other Cephalopoda the shell is covered over by the mantle, or at least is partly covered in Spirula (Fig. 295). The shell therefore is internal, and often is rudimentary, as in the majority of Decapoda, or it may be nearly obsolete, as in the Octopoda. The shell of living and fossil Nautiloidea, of Ammonoidea, Spirula (Fig. 268,. sp), and of various fossil Dibranchia, such as the Belemnitidae, Spirulirostra (Fig. 262, C), etc., is provided with internal septa, disposed perpendicularly to the axis of the coil. It is only the last of the chambers thus formed that is occupied by the body of the animal, but a prolongation of the pallial integument known as the pallial siphuncle (Fig. 270, 1) extends back to the initial chamber of the shell, and ife enclosed in a calcareous tube or shell siphuncle which perforates all the septa (Fig. 268, si). This pallial siphuncle does not communicate with the coelomic cavity : in Nautilus and Spirula it is a simple vascular vermiform process of the mantle, whose cavity consists of a venous sinus and whose wall contains a ramification of the pallial artery. It apparently plays a part in the hydrostatic function. At the point where the shell siphuncle traverses each septum it is generally surrounded by a small reduplication of the latter, forming the so-called siphuncular neck. The chambers traversed by the siphuncle do not communicate with one another nor with the shell siphuncle : they are filled with a nitrogenous gas and form a hydrostatic apparatus. The external multilocular shell is straight in some palaeozoic Nautiloidea (Orthoceras), but in the majority of Tetrabranchia it is arcuate or more or less completely coiled in such a manner as to form a discoidal shell whose whorls are all in the same plane. In the majority of Tetrabranchia (Nautilus, Fig. 270) the coil is exo- gastric, that is to say, it is turned towards the dorsal aspect, but in some forms, e.g. Phragmoceras, Cyrtoceras, Ptenoceras (Fig. 261, B), it is turned towards the ventral side and is therefore endogastric ; the direction of the coil cannot be determined by the position of the siphuncle, which traverses the septa at various points, but by THE CEPHALOPODA 293 the form of the aperture and the position of the " hyponomous " sinus, which corresponds to the funnel (Fig. 261, i.s). In some Nautiloidea, e.g. the dextral or sinistral Trochoceras, and in sundry Ammonoidea, e.g. the sinistral Turrilites and Cochloceras and the dextral Bostrychoceras, the coil may be produced into a helicoidal or turriculated spire. And in other cases again the last whorls of shell, whether it be discoidal or helicoidal, may be partly un- coiled, as may be seen, for example, in Lituites, which is largely uncoiled, or in Ophidioceras, in which only a small extent of the shell is uncoiled. Finally, the shell may become secondarily rectilinear in the adult, as in faculties, among the Ammonoidea. In Spirula the shell is coiled in one plane, but it is endogastric, that is to say, coiled in the opposite direction to that of Nautilus (Figs. 2G8 and 270), and it is largely internal. In certain fossil Dibranchia the nmltilocular shell, whether it be straight or partially coiled, has become internal (Belemnitidae, Spirulirostra) and forms the phragmocone (Fig. 262, C). In such cases it is surrounded by a calcareous secretion of the reflected portion of the mantle, which is not homologous with the shell of other Molluscs, and forms the pointed rostrum or guard at the end opposite to the head (Fig. 262) and the cephalic plate or pro-ostracum at the anterior or dorsal end. Thus there is, in the shells of these Cephalopoda, an element which is not represented in the shells of other Mollusca. In the living Dibranchia, with the exception of Spirula, the phragmocone and the rostrum of this internal shell have become very rudimentary. In Sepia, for example, the shell is composed of parallel layers united together by short pillars of calcareous sub- stance, and has a stratified and alveolar structure : at its posterior end a little hollow marks the position of the phragmocone, and a short pointed external projection represents the rostrum, the bulk of the shell being formed by the anterior pro-ostracum, on which the retractor muscles of the cephalopedal mass are inserted. In the Oigopsida the guard is no longer calcified, and the shell has the form of a chitinous plume or gladius, but in OmmafostrepJies there is a small posterior conical cavity representing the remains of the phragmocone. In the Loliginidae and Sepiolidae the shell is similarly repre- sented by a chitinous gladius (Fig. 263), but in these families it is so much reduced that it only occupies the anterior portion of the body. In Idiosepius this shell is nearly obsolete, and it is absent altogether in certain Sepiolidae and some allied forms such as Stoloteuthis, Inioteuthis, Sepioloidea, and Sepiadarium. Finally, in the Octopoda there is no longer a true shell, but only some simple chitinous rudiments, on. which the retractor muscles of the head and funnel are inserted ; these may be paired, as in the case of the lateral stylets of Octopus ; or unpaired, as in the case of Cirrhoteuihis. 294 THE CEPHALOPODA It follows that in all living Cephalopoda except Nautilus the shell is localised on the anterior or physiologically dorsal side of the body, and is enclosed by the mantle, which therefore appears to be a naked, bell-shaped sac (Figs. 252, 254, 287, etc.). The whole circumference of the mantle border is free in the Decapoda (Fig. 259), with the exception of Sepiola, in which it is fused to the head anteriorly in the middle line. Similarly, in the Octopoda, the border of the mantle is fused to the head anteriorly and laterally, whereby the pallial aperture is much reduced, especially in Cirrho- teuthis (Fig. 260) and Opisthoteu- this (Fig. 300). In the Decapoda a more secure union between the mantle and the funnel, during the expulsion of the water used in respiration PlO. 259. L'Unopleryx cyprinoidcs, ventral as|>oct. «, anus ; e, eye ; fl, tins ; /«•, funnel with valve ; ol, olfactory organ or rliinophore ; no, socket of the funnel ; te, tentacular arms. (After Jonbin.) Fiu. 200. Cirrhotfuthi.i mcongensis, Hoyle (young speci- men), ventral aspect. /, fin ; /it, funnel ; m, mouth. (After Hoylfi.) through the latter structure, is ensured by the following mechanism : the free borders of the mantle bear on each side a cartilaginous pro- jection (Fig. 272, c') which fits into a corresponding depression in the funnel (Figs. 272, c; 259, .s0), the whole constituting the so- called " resisting apparatus " of foreign authors. In certain Oigopsida of the family Cranchiidae (CrancJtia, Lcachia) and in the Octopoda this apparatus is but feebly developed, and in Cirrhoteuthis, where it would be useless, it has disappeared. Otherwise the funnel is quite independent of the mantle : it is only in Arnphitretus among the Cirrhoteuthidae that the mantle border is united to the funnel by a ventral suture, leaving an opening into the pallial cavity on either side. Similarly, in Grimcdditeuthis and Symplecto- THE CEPHALOPODA 295 teuthis among the Oigopsida, there are two infundibulo-pallial sutures. In the Dibranchia the mantle is a very muscular organ, which, by its contractions, serves two purposes. By alternately and rhythmically drawing in and forcing out the water that enters the pallial cavity between the funnel and the border of the mantle, it acts as an accessory respiratory organ, and by violently expelling water through the funnel it acts as an efficacious locomotory organ, causing the animal to execute sudden retrograde movements. In the majority of Cephalopods with internal shells (Decapoda) and in the Cirrhoteuthidae, the mantle is produced into lateral symmetrical expansions or fins of various form and position (Figs. 253, 260, and 268, Ji). These organs always originate at the aboral A FIG. 261. Two fossil Nautilitls, left-side view. A, OplihVioceras simplex, Barrande ; A', mouth of the shell ; 11, J'tenocwas alatum, Barrande. f.s, foot (arms) sinus ; i.s, infundibular sinus. (After Barrande.) extremity of the mantle (Fig. 290, (4) ft) — even in Octopus, in which genus they eventually disappear — as two triangular or rounded out- growths. They remain localised at the aboral extremity in Spirula, in which genus they are situated close together at the point where the two halves of the mantle reunite behind the shell (Fig. 295). In most other Oigopsida they are still terminal and close together, but they tend to shift further forward on the anterior or dorsal surface, as in Taonius (Fig. 253) and OmmatostrepJies (Fig. 297), and they may be duplicated, the two fins on each side lying close together, as in Grimalditeuthis (Fig. 258,/,/') and Vampyroteuthis. But in all other cases they diverge to take up positions opposite one another on the right and left sides of the body, and show an increasing tendency to occupy the whole length of the body, as in Thysanoteuthis, where they are triangular (Fig. 298, B), and in Sepioteuthis, where they are rounded. In Sepia the fins extend the whole length of the mantle, 296 THE CEPHALOPODA but are reduced so as to be of the same width throughout (Fig. 272, P). The fins of Ctenopteryx are similar, but are pectinated, that is to say, they consist of a thin membrane supported by muscular fibres (Fig. 2">9, Ji). On the other hand, in species with a short and globular mantle the fins are shifted away from the aboral extremity, and are situated either in the middle of the body, as in or even near the anterior end, as in Cirrko- teuthis (Fig. 260). Except in Nautilus (Fig. 270, /) and Spirula (Fig. 268, pa.c), where it is shallower, the pallial cavity extends from its opening behind the head to the aboral extremity or summit of the body. It contains the branchiae and the anal, renal, and genital orifices (Fig. 272, Br, a, r, g). In some FIG. 262. Internal shells of Cephalopoda. A, shell of Belemnotvuthis dupiniana (Neocoiuian). /?, shell of Sepvt Orbignyana. C, shell of Spirulirostra Bellardii (Miocene) ; the specimen is cut so as to show in section the chambered shell and the laminated " guard " deposited upon its surface ; A shell of Spinila laevis. (After Lankester.) Fio. 203. The chitinous internal shell, orgladius.of Loligo, the anterior ]»rt upper- most. (From Lankester, after Owen.) forms it is divided longitudinally by a muscular junction between the mantle and the visceral mass, starting from either side of the anus : such is the case in the essentially littoral forms with a short pallial sac, such as Sepiola and the Octopodidae. In Opisthoteuthis the pallial cavity is particularly narrow and shallow, and the pallial sac scarcely projects ; in consequence of the diminu- tion of the ventral flexure the animal is flattened and discoid (Fig. 300), and the anus has returned to the posterior position which it occupies in primitive Mollusca. Beneath the epithelium the integument contains, at least in THE CEPHALOPODA 297 the Dibranchia, chromatopliores or extensible pigment cells, whose activity produces the remarkable colour changes characteristic of these animals. The chromatophores are cells originally of ecto- dermic origin, which sink below the epithelium and become connected with contractile radiating mesddermic fibres. The pigment cells are simple but multinuclear, since they contain secondary nuclei situated at the bases of the muscular fibres. Different cells contain different coloured pigment : yellow, brown, red, or blue in the Decapoda. Each cell exhibits a constant though feeble tremulous movement, and may suddenly be extended, by a reflex action, under the influence of emotion or excitation, or as a more direct result of volition the chromatophores of the same colour may assume a definite condition of contraction or expansion, which gives the body a tint analogous to that of surrounding objects. In the latter case the action of the chromatophores is under the direct influence of the cerebral centres of the nervous system, and section of one of the optic nerves puts an end to voluntary changes of colour on the same side of the body. The chromatophores are cliiefly dis- tributed over the anterior surface (or upper surface when the animal is in its natural position) of the mantle, the head, and the external sides of the arms. In the Decapoda there is, in addition to the chromatophores, a layer of reflecting cells which give these animals their iridescent hues. In certain Oigopsida belonging to the zonary or deep plankton, for example, Histioteuthis, Calliteuthis, Hisliopsis, Pteri/fjioteuthis, etc., the surface of the body bears luminous organs, all of which are oriented towards the anterior extremity. The essential structure of these organs consists of a deeper photogenous layer and of super- ficial refracting elements. They may even extend into the interior of the pallial cavity, as, for example, in Pterygioteuthix. In the deeper parts of the integument the connective tissue is often concentrated to form cartilage of analogous structure to that of the Vertebrates, but characterised by the existence of processes of the cartilage cells which ramify in the matrix and anastomose with one another (Fig. 265). This cartilage is specially well de- veloped in the head. In Nautilus there is a capito-pedal cartilage, shaped like a letter H (Fig. 264, A), which only supports the ventral part of the nerve-centres, two of its branches extending into the base of the funnel. In the Dibranchia the cephalic cartilage completely encloses the central nervous system and the otocysts and is traversed by the oesophagus (Fig. 268, c.c). In some cases the cephalic car- tilage is produced into anterior expansions ; such are the pre-orbital cartilages surrounding the eyes of Sepia (Fig. 264, C). Various muscles, notably the retractor muscles of the head, take their origin from this " cranial " cartilage. There are also cartilaginous skeletal elements in other parts of the body of various Cephalopoda. In 298 THE CEPHALOPODA Loligo, Sepia, etc., there are elongated cartilaginous lamellae at the bases of the fins. There is a nuchal cartilage at the base of the neck of all the Dibranchia in which the mantle is not fused to the head ; consequently this cartilage is absent in Sepiola and the Octopoda (Fig. 264, D). It serves for the insertion of the lateral muscles of the funnel. Cartilaginous pieces also occur at the internal extremities of the retractor muscles of the head and funnel, and even in the two branchial laminae (Sepia). In the Decapoda there is sometimes a T-shaped basi-brachial cartilage at the bases of the arms on the anterior (dorsal) side of the head (Sepia, Fig. 264, C) ; it is united to the cranial cartilage and serves for the insertion of the brachial muscles. Finally, the " resisting apparatus " Fio. 264. Cartilaginous skeleton of Cephalopoda. A , capito-pedal cartilage of Nautilus, ventral aspect. «, ridge which supports the pedal portion* of the nerve-centre. M, right-side view of the same ; the large anterior processes are sunk in the muscular substance of the funnel. C, cephalic cartilages of Sepia officinalis. D, nuchal cartilage of Sepia officimtlis. (From Lankester, after Keferstein.) mentioned above is formed by sub-epithelial cartilaginous projections and depressions. It has been shown that Lepitloteuthis, a form not yet sufficiently well known, but apparently a member of the Oigopsida, is ex- ceptional in that the superficial portion of the integument gives rise to a layer of hard, projecting, regularly disposed, imbricated scales, lying above the chromatophores. In Octopus arbore-scens there are ramified and contractile tegumentary papillae. In several Dibranchia the integument contains certain so-called " aquiferous " cavities, which open to the exterior by special pores, but have no communication with the circulatory system. In addition to the pockets of the tentacular arms of Decapoda, there are cephalic pores on the back of the head and at the base of the funnel in Ocythoe, and buccal pouches on the ventral side of the THE CEPHALOPODA 299 inner base of the crown of arms : one such buccal pouch occurs in Loligo and two in Sepia, and they may play an accessory part in fecundation. In some exotic species of Sepia there are pouches in the mantle. II. ANATOMY. 1. The Alimentary Canal — The digestive tube of Cephalopoda comprises a buccal mass with two mandibles and a radula, a long oesophagus, a muscular stomach with a pyloric caecum, and a short intestine which turns forward and opens in the middle line below the funnel (Fig. 252, ft). The buccal aperture, situated in the middle of the pedal appendages (Fig. 260, w), is surrounded by a circular lip garnished with papillae. Further- more, in the decapodous Dibranchia there is a buccal membrane which may be very extensive Fio. '265. Minute structure of the cartilage of Loligo. a, simple, and b, dividing cells ; c, canaliculi ; d, an empty cartilage capsule, with its pores ; e, canaliculi in section. (From Lankester, after Ftirbringer.) Fio. 266. Mandibles of Nautilus, in situ, dorsal aspect. l.m, lower or ventral mandible ; u.m, upper or dorsal mandible. (After Owen.) and be divided into lobes alternating with the arms, and the lobes may even be furnished with small suckers, as may be seen in some species of Loligo. The buccal cavity or pharynx has very thick muscular walls. Internally it is provided with two powerful mandibles, one ventral and the other dorsal (Fig. 266) ; the tip of the ventral mandible overhangs that of the dorsal, forming a beak like that of a parrot (Fig. 268, ?>m, dm). These mandibles have recurved insertion-plate*, to which the large muscles forming the greater part of the mass of the buccal bulb are nttached. In Nautilus the trenchant borders of the mandibles are covered by a calcareous deposit (Fig. 266), and the fossils known by the name of Rhynclwliths are nothing else than the beaks of Tetrabranchia ; for instance, Rhyncholitlies hirundo is the beak of Temnocheilas bidorsatus, of the Trias. 300 THE CEPHALOPODA As in the Amphineura, the Gastropoda, and the Scaphopoda, the floor of the buccal cavity is occupied by the anterior part of the radula, which issues from a pharyngeal caecum. Each transverse series of this radula is formed by a median tooth, with three symmetrically disposed teeth on either side ; the only exceptions to this rule being — Nautilus, which has four teeth on either side (Fig. 267, A); Gonatits, which has only two teeth on either side; the Cirrhoteuthidae, which have no radula and have therefore been named Leioglossa. In front of the radular prominence is the so-called "tongue," a fleshy projection (Fig. 268, to) covered by a PIG. 267. lladula of Cephalopoda. A, a single row of lingual teeth of Nautilus pompilius ; B, two rows of lingual teeth of Sepia officincUis ; C, lingual teeth of Elcdone cirrhosa. (From Lankest»r after Kefcrstein, Troschel, and Loven.) somewhat thick papillated cuticle : it corresponds to the sub-radular organ of other Molluscs. The salivary glands, of which two pairs are present in many Cephalopoda, pour their secretion into the buccal cavity. In Nautilus there are no posterior salivary glands, but on each side of the buccal cavity there is the orifice of a gland situated in the buccal wall and corresponding to the anterior salivary glands of the majority of the Dibranchia. In the latter order all the Decapoda have posterior salivary glands, situated fairly far forward opposite the cephalic cartilage (Fig. 268, s.g) : they are compact, acinous, almond-shaped structures composed of convoluted and bifurcated tubes ; their ducts unite immediately they leave the glands to form a single median duct, which runs alongside of the oesophagus and opens, like the duct of one of the pairs of glands in the Aplacophora, at the summit of the sub-radular organ. The anterior THE CEPHALOPODA 301 pair of salivary glands is relatively slightly developed, and is conspicuous only in the Oigopsida (Spirilla, Ommatostrephidae, Fig. 282, II, Onychoteuthis, Veranya, Gonatus, etc.). In the Myopsida, however, there is an unpaired intra-bulbar glandular mass, lying behind the radula at the entrance of the ' oesophagus, and this corresponds to the embryonic condition of the anterior salivary glands of the Oigopsida and Octopoda. The last-named have also two pairs of well-developed salivary glands. The anterior pair consists of two flattened acinous glands attached to the posterior surface of the buccal bulb, their short ducts opening on either side into the postero-lateral part of the pharynx. The topographically posterior or abdominal glands are absent in Cirrhoteuthis, but in other Octopoda they are present, and are relatively larger than the similar pair in the Decapoda, but have the same structure and relations, save for the fact that they are situated farther back near the oesophageal proventriculus. The secretion of the posterior salivary glands of the Octopoda contains a proteolytic ferment and is poisonous ; the secretion of the corresponding glands of Sepia contains, in addition, a diastatic ferment. In addition to the salivary glands proper, all theDibranchia possess a sub-lingual gland in front of the sub-radular organ. It is of small size and is formed by the infolding of the epithelium of this region. The oesophagus is long in all the Cephalopoda, and it may be enlarged to form a crop or proventriculus : this enlargement is gradual in Nautilus (Fig. 270, oe, cr), abrupt in the Octopoda, with the exception of Cirrhoteuthis, but in the Decapoda the oesophagus is of the same diameter throughout (Fig. 268, oe). The true stomach is a more or less globular or elongated pouch, with fairly thick muscular walls, and is situated at the summit of the visceral mass (Fig. 271, gizz) : its two orifices, the cardiac and the pyloric, are anterior. At the initial part of the intestine, close to the stomach, is a thin-walled caecal diverticulum of various shape. It is spherical in Nautilus, Eossia, and Leachia, elongated and much larger than the stomach in Loligo, but it is more frequently coiled in a spiral, like the spiral caecum of sundry rhipidoglossate and other Gastro- poda; such is the case, for example, in Spirula (Fig. 268, p.s), Ommatostrephes (Fig: 269, e), Sepia, and the Octopoda. The hepatic ducts open into the stomachal caecum. The liver is formed by two symmetrical glands, which are separate from one another during development (Sepia), but are generally partially fused together in the adult. This organ exhibits its minimum state of concentration in Nautilus, consisting of four lobes, each with its proper duct. In the Dibranchia the liver is more compact and consists of two lateral lobes, which are only united to a small extent near the middle of their length in 302 THE CEPHALOPODA Rossia and Sepia, but are much more intimately united in Sepiola, and are almost entirely fused together in Spirula (in which genus fun. Fio. 268. Spirula, a nearly median sagittal section, seen from the left side, a, anus ; or, arms ; o.f, aboral fossa ; b.d, bile-duct ; c.c, cephalic cartilage ; c.g, cerebral ganglion ; d.m, dorsal man- dible ; /.c, funnel collar ; fi, fin ; /it, funnel ; i.b, ink-bag ; li, lip ; liv, liver ; ma, mantle ; ma', shell secreting part of the mantle ; oe, oesophagus ; o.g, optic ganglion ; ot, otocyst ; m.c, pallial cavity; p.g, pedal (brachial) ganglion ; pn, "pancreas"; p.s, pyloric sac; ra, radula ; s.g, salivary gland ; sh, shell ; si, shell siphuncle ; sji, last septum of the shell ; st, stomach ; t, tentacular arm ; t.. t>, afferent branchial vessel ; b, the nuchal plate ; c, the integu- ment covering the visceral hump; «•/•, crop; erture; x, the viscero-peri cardial sac. (After Lankester.) in the Octopoda there is a large venous sinus on the course of the blood returning to the gills : this sinus surrounds the oesophagus and salivary glands, the hepatic ducts, the anterior aorta, etc., and communicates by a large venous trunk with the great vena cava which carries to the gills the greater part of the blood coming from the body. In Nautilus the whole visceral cavity is a vast blood- sinus communicating with the vena cava by a number of perforations in the walls of the latter vessel, in the same manner as, in Aplysia, the abdominal sinus communicates with the afferent branchial vein. The vena cava of Cephalopods consists of a principal trunk directed antero-posteriorly : this trunk in Nautilus (Fig. 274, v.c) is divided into four, and in the Dibranchia into two afferent branchial veins, each of which is joined by a pallial and an abdominal vein (Fig. 306 THE CEPHALOPODA 277, v.c, p.v, ab.v). Each afferent branchial vessel and the terminal portion of each abdominal vein is enclosed in the cavity of a kidney and is covered externally by an excretory glandular coat (Figs. 273, a.r\ 277, s.b) which forms the "spongy body" or essential part of kidney (see below). Except in Nautilus, each afferent vessel is FIG. 272. Ventral view of a male Sepia, obtained by cutting longitudinally the firm mantle-skirt, and drawing the divided halves apart, a, aims ; Hr, the single pair of ctenidia ; c, cartilaginous socket in the funnel, to receive c', the cartilaginous knob of the mantle-skirt, — the two con stituting the " pallial hinge apparatus " ; C, the head ; gt the azygos genital papilla anu aperture ; i, the valve of the funnel ; J, the funnel, which has been cut open ; m, retractor muscle of the head and funnel ; 1\ the tins ; r, renal papillae ; R, the glandular tissue of the left kidney, which has been cut open ; t, ink-bag ;, branchial efferent vessel ;', bulbous- enlargements (auricles) of the branchial vessels. (From I^ankester, after Gegenbaur.) expanded at the base of the gill into a contractile glandular swelling known as the " branchial heart," which is also provided with a gland- ular appendage, the homologue of the pericardial gland of other Mollusca (Fig. 277, b.h, a.p). Both branchial heart and appendage are contained in the coelom (Fig. 273, c.v) in the Decapoda, but in the Octopoda only the appendage of the branchial heart is sur- rounded by the pericardial cavity (Fig. 278, ca). In addition to the THE CEPHALOPODA 307 branchial hearts, a large part of the venous system is contractile, and this is notably the case with the vena cava and its two afferent branches. The venous blood is blue through the presence of haemocyanin, which becomes colourless on oxidation (oxy haemocyanin). The pressure of the blood in the arteries of the Cephalopoda is very considerable and exceeds that of some Vertebrates : in Octopus it amounts to eight centimetres of mercury. In the head of the Tip a.r ex c.v Fro. 273. Diagram of the renal sacs, and the veins which run through them, in Sepia officinalis ; ventral view, the upper walls of these sacs are supposed to have been removed, a.r, glandular renal outgrowths ; c.b, branchial heart ; c.v, capsule of the branchial heart ; np, external aperture of the right renal sac ; r.d.v.c, right descending branch of the vena cava ; r.s.v.c, left descending branch of the vena cava ; v.a.d, right abdominal vein ; v.a.s, left abdominal vein ; v.b.a, vein from the ink-bag ; v.c, vena cava ; v.g, genital vein ; v.m, mesenteric vein ; v.p.d, right pallial vein ; v.p.s, left pallial vein ; w.k, viscero-pericardial sac (dotted outline); x, appendage of the branchial heart ; y, y', the left and right reno-pericardial orifices. (From Lankester, after Vigelius.) Dibranchia there is a lymphatic gland near each eye : this gland is known as the "white body" (Fig. 268, w.b) and is the remains of a degenerate portion of the central nervous system of the embryo. The branchiae or ctenidia are situated in the pallial cavity on either side of the visceral mass. They originate posteriorly in the embryo, between the mantle and the foot (Fig. 257, gi), and after- wards sink in towards the bottom of the pallial cavity where their axes are inserted (Figs. 272, Br ; 276), their free ends pointing towards the head. Nautilus, the only living representative of the 308 THE CEPHALOPODA Tetrabranchia, has two pairs of branchiae (Fig. 276). All other Cephalopoda have a single pair of branchiae, and thus constitute the order Dibranchia, much richer in living species than the Tetrabranchia. The branchiae are bipectinate (Fig. 272, Er\ but in some Dibranchia the two sides of the organ are somewhat unequal in size. A branchia is composed of lamellae whose number varies in different forms, being least in the Octopoda, in which the axial branchial cavity, separating the two rows of lamellae, is excessively developed. Each branchial lamella is thrown into transverse folds, which are in turn folded, so that the respiratory surface is largely increased. FIG. 274. Diagram showing the relations of the four nephridial sacs, the viscero-pericardial sac, and the heart and large vessels in Nautilus ; ventral view. a.b.v, advehent branchial vessel ; 0.0, cephalic aorta ; e.v.b, efferent branchial vessel ; neph, the two left renal sacs, each with its independent aperture; r.e, glandular enlarged walls of the advehent branchial vessels (two small bodies in each renal sac ; and one large body on each of the four vessels, in the viscerp- pericardial sac) ; v.c, vena cava ; vent, ventricle of the heart ; visc.per.apert, arrow introduced in the left aperture of the viscero-pericardial sac ; x, viscero-pericardial sac (the dotted line indi- cates its backward extension, vide Fig. 270, x). (After Lankester.) The branchiae are not ciliated, as they are in other Mollusca, the contractions of the muscular mantle sufficing to produce a current of water sufficient for respiration. The rate of the respiratory move- ments of the mantle is variable, and is generally quicker in the Decapoda than in the Octopoda. In Nautilus (Fig. 276) the branchiae are free throughout their extent, but in the Dibranchia they are attached dorsally to the mantle by their afferent borders (Fig. 272). A special glandular organ, whose function is not exactly known, is situated along the line of attachment : it receives the blood which, having circulated through the nutrient vessels of the gill, has to pass through the kidney along with the venous blood from the mantle, to be returned THE CEPHALOPODA 309 thence into the respiratory vessels of the branchia for oxygenation before it is finally carried to the heart. 3. Excretory Apparatus. — The coelom of the Cephalopoda is very extensive. It comprises the gonocoele and the pericardial coelom ; these cavities communicate freely with one another (Fig. 252, coe) and are only separated by an incomplete septum, which is atrophied in Sepia. In Nautilus this coelom extends into the aboral region of the body and its genital division — which communicates with the pericardial division by three orifices in the septum — passes into the dorsal region and extends nearly as far forward as the middle of the Fio. 275. View of the ventral surface of a male Nautilus, the mantle-skirt being completely reflected so as to show the inner wall of the sub-pallial Chamber and the four ctenidia and the foot cut short, a, muscular band, passing from the funnel to the integument ; an, anus ; c, mantle- skirt ; l.sp, aperture of the rudimentary left spermiduct ; neph.a, aperture of the left anterior kidney ; neph.p, aperture of the right posterior kidney ; olf, protective papilla of the osphra- dinm ; pe, penis ; visc.per, left aperture of the viscero-pericardial sac ; x, post-anal papilla. (After Lankester.) oesophagus (Fig. 270, x). But the pericardial coelom is a flattened ventral cavity situated immediately beneath the body- wall : it contains the heart with its four auricles (Fig. 274) and the pericardial glands or portions of the follicular glandular appendages of the branchial vessels. In the Dibranchia, the coelom of the Decapoda contains the heart, the gonad, and the branchial hearts with their glandular appendages (pericardial glands, Fig. 273, c.b, x), but it is so much reduced in the Octopoda that it contains only the gonads and the appendages of the branchial hearts, its anterior part having dis- appeared (Fig. 278). In the Decapoda the coelorn forms a vast pouch, with a constriction between the posterior or genital division and the anterior pericardial division, and it is produced into lateral annexes THE CEPHALOPODA for the lodgment of the branchial hearts (Fig. 273, c.v). In the Octopoda the anterior division no longer exists ; the genital capsule is connected with the capsules of the appendages of the branchial hearts by long canals (Fig. 278, a.d), and even these are suppressed in Philonexis and Argonauta. In all Cephalopods each of the two divisions of the coelom is in open communication with the exterior. In the Dibranchia this com- C-"" an---' Fio. 276. View of the ventral surface of a female Nautilus, the mantle-skirt being completely reflected «o as to show the inner wall of the sub-pallial chamber (compare with Sejriti, Fig. 'J72). «, muscular band passing from the funnel to the integument; an, anus; b, valve of the funnel ; c, the mantle-skirt retroverted ; g.n, nidamental gland ; lov, aperture of the rudimentary left oviduct; neph.a, aperture of the left anterior kidney; neph.p, aperture of the left posterior kidney; olf, protective papilla of the left osphradium ; r.ov, aperture of the right oviduct ; visc.per, left aperture of the viscero-pericardial sac ; x, post-anal papilla. (After Lankester.) munication is effected through the kidneys : there is a reno-peri- cardial canal on either side which opens into the cavity of the kidney, more or less close to its external orifice (Figs. 273, y ; 277,-r./)). But in Nautilus the pericardium opens directly to the exterior by means of two symmetrical orifices situated close to the posterior renal apertures (Fig. 276, visc.per} ; these must be regarded as the orifices of the reno-pericardial ducts which have migrated to the surface. In the Octopoda, in which the pericardial division of the coelom THE CEPHALOPODA 311 has disappeared, the anterior extremities of the capsules of the branchial hearts communicate with the kidneys (Fig. 278, r.p). The renal capsules are thin-walled and somewhat voluminous sacs in all the Cephalopoda. In Nautilus they are four in number, are ventral and superficial, and have no communication with one another or, as has been explained, with the pericardium. Each of the four capsules has its own simple slit- like orifice (Figs. 275 and 276, neph.a, neph.p), and each contains a small portion of the glandular appendages of the afferent branchial vessels, the appendages being formed by ramifications of these same vessels, covered by an excretory renal epithelium. The appendages situated on the other v.n A ev Heart, kidneys, and gills of Spirilla, ventral aspect. a.n, anterior aorta; ab.v, abdominal vein; a.p, branchial heart-appendage; o.r, afferent branchial vessel; ou, heart-auricle; b.h, branchial heart ; b.n, branchial nerve ; e.v, efferent branchial vessel ; g, gill ; g.a, genital artery ; 7, junction of the visceral nerves ; 7,-, kidneys : fc.o, kidneys opening ; p.a, pallial arteries ; p.v, pallial vein ; r.p, reno-pericardial opening ; s.b, spongy renal glandular bodies ; v.c, vena cava ; ven, heart- ventricle : v.n, visceral nerve. (After Huxley and Pelseneer.) side of these vessels, in the pericardial coelom, are also excretory organs, and constitute the pericardial glands. In the Dibranchia there are two renal capsules, also ventral and superficial ; these two kidneys are attached to one another in the median line in the Octopoda, and they communicate to a greater or less extent with one another in the Decapoda, with the exception of Spirula (Fig. 277, k). In the majority of the Decapoda the renal sacs extend as far as the lower surface of the shell, on the anterior or physiologically dorsal side, and are traversed in this region by the hepatic ducts. Each contains one of the two divisions of the vena cava (Fig. 273, r.s.v.c, r.d.v.c) as well as the terminal part of the abdominal vein. All these vascular trunks are covered by spongy glandular appendages (Fig. 273, «.?•), whose structure is similar to that of the corresponding parts of the renal organs of Nautilus; these appendages constitute the secretory portion of the kidneys. The external orifices of the renal sacs of the Dibranchia are situated 312 THE CEPHALOPODA at their cephalic extremities ; they are symmetrically disposed on either side of the rectum (Fig. 272, ?•), on the somatic wall of the pallial cavity, and are more or less close to the pallial aperture, being further from the aperture in Ommatostrephes (Oigopsida) than in Sepia (Myopsida). In the Decapoda Myopsida the renal orifices are situated on prominent papillae. The excretory products of the Cephalopoda consist, in part at least, of solid concretions, and do not contain uric acid, but chiefly guanin. The appendages of the branchial hearts of the Dibranchia (Fig. 273, x) correspond morphologically with the pericardial glands of other Mollusca. The glandular investment of the branchial hearts is also excretory, experi- ment having shown that it plays the same physiological part as a pericardial gland. 4. Nervous System. — In all the Cephalopoda the essential parts of the nervous system are cen- tralised in the head, round Pia 27g the initial part of the oeso- , ' ' ' _. phagus (Fig. 271, n.c). In Diagram of the coelom of a female Octopod, a.s seen *r ,., ,* / from the ventral side. a.d, the so-called aquiferous AtautllVS the concentration duct; a.p, appendage of the branchial heart; b.h, r fL nprVA /,pnfrpc io IPCC branchial heart; ca, capsule of branchial heart; g.c, c ' «erve- genital coelom (gonocoele); o, ovary; o.d, oviduct ; than in the Dibranchia, each o.flr, oviducal gland ; o.o, oviducal orifice ; r.p, reno- pericardial orince. (After Brock.) pair Of Centres With its COm- rnissure being represented by a ganglionic half-hoop. Of the three half-hoops forming the central nervous system, one, the cerebral, is dorsal, and the two others are continuous with it and ventral. The more anterior ventral half- hoop is the pedal centre, the more posterior the visceral. The pedal centre innervates the funnel and the circumoral appendages, the pedal origin of these organs being demonstrated by this innervation in the adult. In the female each of the two large nerves passing to the interior ventral series of tentacles bears a large ganglion at the point where it breaks up into branches to supply the supposed olfactory or lamellar organ (Fig. 280, x, y). The visceral centre gives off nerves to the mantle, the branchiae, and the viscera, the dis- tribution of these nerves being analogous to that of the Dibranchia described below. Finally, the dorsal or cerebral centre gives off nerves to the eyes, the otocysts, the lips, etc. A labial commissure is also present, arising by a double root (Fig. 279, VIII) from the cerebral centre and passing below the sub-radular organ ; and as is the case in the Polyplacophora, the Aspidobranchia, and the Scaphopoda, the stomato-gastric commissure arises from the labial commissure in THE CEPHALOPODA 313 all Cephalopods. In Nautilus the stomato-gastric commissure passes under the pharynx immediately behind the radula and bears a buccal ganglion (Fig. 279, VII) on either side. In the Dibranchia the nerve-centres are much more completely enclosed in the cartilaginous cephalic capsule than in Nautilus, and consequently many nerves — notably the pallial nerve — traverse the cephalic cartilage at their origin. The cerebral centres themselves appear externally to be unpaired, and in the Decapoda they are divided transversely into a small anterior (Fig. 282, III) and a large posterior lobe, the latter being separated by some considerable distance from the former in various Oigopsida, such as Ommato- strephes (Fig. 282, IV), Spirula, etc., but the distance is less in Sepiola II! IV VI v/i i VHI Fio. 270. Nautilus, central nervous system, left-side view. I, radula ; II, stomato-gastric commissure ; III, cerebral ganglion, with the optic nerve in section ; IV, visceral ganglion ; V, oesophagus ; VI, pedal ganglion; VII, stomato-gastric ganglion; VIII, root of the labial commissure; IX, labial commissure ; X, " tongue " ; o, otocyst. and Loligo, and is very small in Sepia. These two lobes are united by a pair of slender connectives, which are sometimes fused together for a certain distance. In the Octopoda, on the other hand, the cerebral mass is apparently single, the two lobes above mentioned being intimately fused together, and their limits are barely indicated by a transverse furrow, behind which is the posterior lobe with six longitudinal furrows on its surface. The cerebral centres of all the Dibranchia give off a large optic nerve on either side, each nerve expanding to form a very large ganglion, whose size is greater than that of the whole mass of the cerebral centres. As in Nautilus, a labial commissure is given off from the anterior part of the cerebral centres (Fig. 279, IX), and the stomato-gastric commissure originates from the labial commissure. Finally, the cerebro- pedal pair of connectives issues from the anterior part of the cerebral mass ; these connectives are simple in the Octopoda (Fig. 281), but in the THE CEPHALOPODA Decapoda there are two on each side, namely, the cerebro-pedal and the cerebro-brachial. The ventral or sub-oesophageal nervous mass is formed by the visceral and pedal centres : these are fairly closely united together (as they are, for instance, in Helix), and are only separated in the middle line to admit of the passage of an aortic vessel which runs dorsad of the visceral and ventrad of the pedal centres ; a similar arrangement occurs in sundry Gastropods. The pedal ganglia are divided transversely into two distinct pairs, the anterior or brachial and the posterior or pedal ganglia proper olf.p.p Fio. 280. Diagram of the nervous system of a female Nautilus pompilius, ventral aspect, cer, cerebral ganglion ; m, nerves to the mantle ;, posterior branchial nerve ; n.olf, olfactory nerve terminating under the olfactory papilla ;, anterior branchial nerve ; n.visc, genito- branchial nerve, or chief visceral nerve ; n.x, nerve accompanying the vena cava, which lies between this and the similar nerve of the right side ; olf.p.p, the right olfactory papilla; oj>t, optic ganglion ; ov, the oviduct ; ped, pedal ganglion ; pi, pallial part of the visceral ganglionic commissure ; x and y, ganglion-like enlargements on pedal nerves to the median lobe of the inner circlet of the circumoral tentacular lobes. (After Ray Lankester and Bourne.) (Fig. 282, XII, XIV). This division is most marked in the Oigopsida (Ommatostrephes, Spirula, Fig. 268, p.g, etc.), but is less marked in Sepia. In all the Decapoda the brachial centres are divided anteriorly into ten large nerves which pass into the arms, and anastomose with one another at their bases. These centres also have connectives joining them to the anterior and the posterior cerebral lobes (Fig. 282). In the Octopoda the brachial and pedal centres are much more closely approximated (Fig. 281), and the former naturally give off only eight nerves to the eight arms. The brachial nerve-centres extend, together with the arms which they innervate, round either side of the oesophagus, >nd in the Octopoda they meet dorsally and THE CEPHALOPODA 315 are united by a thin supra -oesophageal commissure in the adult. The pedal centres proper supply nerves chiefly to the funnel, and thus correspond to the dorsal moieties of the pedal cords of Rhipidoglossa which innervate the epipodium ; but they also send fibres to the brachial nerves, and therefore, in conjunction with the brachial ganglia, control the locomotory functions. The pleural centres lie on the sides of the posterior part of the sub-oesophageal mass ; they are but little differentiated and scarcely visible externally, and they give off the two great pallial nerves (Fig. 281, pi). The visceral centres are situated on the ventral side of the mass, and give off the large visceral nerves, which arise separately in Spirula and the Octopoda, but are more or less fused at their origin in Ommato- strephes, Sepia, etc. The pallial or "stellate" ganglia (Fig. 281, gang.stdl) are secondary centres on the course of the pallial nerves, and are situated on the internal wall of the mantle near its an- terior or dorsal border. These ganglia are connected by a trans- verse supra-oesophageal commis- sure, which is slender and is formed by the union of the two nerves of the pallial siphon in Spirula, is larger in sundry other Oigopsida (Ommatostrephes, Ony- choteuthis, Enoploteutliis, Gonatus, Veranya, Thysanoteuthis), is re- duced in Loliyo, and is absent in the adult Sepiola. This commis- sure, together with the two fused G ... . Lateral view of the nervous centres and nerves OI the pallial Siphon Ol nerves of the right side of Octopus vulgaris. Spirula, represents the two primi- tive pallial nerves, and is the homologue Of the pallial COrds, nerve ; ped, pedal ganglion ; pi, pleural ., j i r -, , ganglion ; t'tsc, visceral ganglion. (After Lan- united by a commissure dorsad kester.) of the intestine, of Amphineura ; whereas the large pallial nerves of the Dibranchia are neogenetic structures, evoked by the great development of the mantle borders, which are reflected over and finally enclose the shell, and give rise to the fins, etc. In some cases the visceral nerves are also united by a commissure in the form of a transverse FIG. 281. 316 THE CEPHALOPODA bend lying near the bifurcation of the vena cava on the dorsal side of the rectum : this commissure may be seen in Spirula (Fig. 277,;), Sepia, and Eledme, and in Ommatostrephes it bears a large ganglion, known as the ganglion of the vena cava. In Ommatostrephes, Eledone, etc., there is yet another secondary nerve -centre at the origin of the brachial nerve. The stomato-gastric system of the Dibranchia consists of a pair of conjoined ganglia situated below the oesophagus and immediately behind the buccal bulb (Fig. 282, XIII) ; these ganglia are united to the cerebrals (the anterior lobe in the Decapoda) by the intermediary of the labial commissure, as has been described above. They give off nerves to the alimentary canal, these nerves extending as far as the stomach, where they enter a large ganglion, an offshoot from which anastomoses with the visceral nerve. The structure of the nerve-centres of the Cephalopoda resembles that of other Molluscs ; they consist of a thick and continuous superficial layer of nerve ganglion cells beneath which is a fibrillar reticulum formed by the terminations of the centripetal nerve fibres and the prolongations of the superficial ganglion cells. These fibrillar centres are united by fibrillar connectives — namely, the cerebro-brachial, the cerebro-pleural, the pleuro-pedal, the pleuro- visceral, and the pleuro-brachial — many of which are short and covered over by the continuous layer of superficial ganglion cells. The Cephalopoda are well provided with sensory organs, possess- ing, in addition to the tactile structures, rhinophores, statocysts, and well-developed eyes. The sense of touch is more particularly localised in the arms of the Dibranchia and the tentacles of the Tetrabranchia. In all the Cephalopoda there is an olfactory organ situated near and below the eye on each side of the head. In sundry Oigopsida, such as Cheiroteuthis, Ctenopteryx (Fig. 259, ol\ it is a projection, some- times pedunculated as in Cheiroteuthis and Doratopsis-, in Nautilus it is a cavity hollowed out in a tubercle ; more generally it is a simple fossa of greater or less depth, as is the case in Sepia and the majority of the Dibranchia. The epithelium of this organ contains numerous sensory cells, and the nerve supplying it arises from the superior frontal lobe of the cerebral ganglion. This nerve is at first bound up with and appears to branch off from the optic nerve near a little tubercle situated on the latter, but it receives no fibres from it. In Nautilus the ciliated and lamellar pre-ocular and post-ocular tentacles are apparently accessory olfactory organs ; the ciliated interbranchial papilla of each side is placed on a sensorial area innervated by the fibres of the two branchiae (Fig. 280, n.oif\ The post-anal papilla (Figs. 275, 276, x) is also ciliated, but is not supplied by any special nerve. In the Dibranchia the branchial THE CEPHALOPODA 317 ganglion of Eledone and Oiamatostrephes occupies a situation analo- gous to that of the osphradial ganglion of Gastropoda and Lamelli- branchia, but the epithelium overlying it is not sensory. It seems probable that an osphradium is not required in the Dibranchia, in consequence of the proximity of the olfactory fossa to the opening of the pallial cavity. The statocysts or otocysts are two in number, and are always closed vesicles in adult Cephalopoda ; they are essentially organs of equilibration. In Nautilus they are situated at the sides of the pedal centres (Fig. 279, o), and are closely applied to the cephalic cartilage. In the Dibranchia they are placed ventrally between the pedal and visceral centres (Fig. 282, X), and are wholly embedded in the cranial cartilage, being separated from one another only by a thin partition. The cavity of each otocyst is continued, in the FIG. 282. Central nervous system and anterior part of the digestive tract of Ommatostreplics, left-side vitiw. I, radula ; II, "anterior" salivary gland ; III, anterior buccal ganglia and commissure; IV, cerebral ganglion ; V, section of the optic nerve; VI, oesophagus; VII, left pallial nerve; VIII, "posterior" salivary gland; IX, visceral ganglion and nerve; X, seat of the otocysts ; XI, infundibular nerve ; XII, pedal ganglion ; XIII, stomato-gastrie ganglion ; XIV, brachial ganglion and beginning of the live left brachial nerves ; XV, labial commissure ; XVI, "tongue" ; XVII, mouth. Dibranchia, into a small canal which is buried in the cartilage in the Decapoda but not in the Octopoda. This canal, known as "Kolliker's canal," ends blindly, and is the remnant of the em- bryonic connection of the otocyst with the exterior (Fig. 1 1 9, D, ot). The internal wall of the otocysts of the Dibranchia is not simple, but is raised into several well-marked ridges separated by furrows. The sensory epithelium is localised at the anterior end of the organ, and forms a macula acustica, and the essential part of the otocystic nerve terminates in this macula and in a lateral ridge. The nerve originates from the cerebral ganglion and traverses the pedal centre obliquely. In Nautilus each otocyst contains numerous otoconia, but in the Dibranchia there is a single otolith balanced on the principal macula acustica : this otolith consists of an organic and a calcareous moiety, except in Eledone, in which genus it is wholly organic. The eyes in all Cephalopoda are situated on the sides of the 3i8 THE CEPHALOPODA head and are generally sessile. They are, however, pedunculated in many embryos (Fig. 290, (8), (9)) and in the adult Ta&nius (Fig. 253, e) and other Cranchiidae, and also in some Amphitretus (Octopod). The eye of Nautilus (Fig. 293, e) is an open vesicle with a minute aperture (Fig. 6, A) : it is devoid of any kind of refractive apparatus, and its internal retinal wall is pigmented throughout. In the Dibranchia the cavity of the eye is closed, as it is in the majority of Gastropoda, and the ocular globe consists of the same essential J3C Fio. 283. Horizontal section of the eye of Septa, at, argentine integument ; C, external cornea ; ci, ciliary body ; g.o, optic ganglion ; ik, cartilage of the " iris " ; k; Jf, capeular cartilage ; KK, cephalic cartilage ; L, lens ; o, optic nerve ; 1', retinal pigment ; Re, l:i, external and infernal layer of the retina ; IT, white body. (From Lankester, after Hensen.) parts, viz. retina, cornea, and crystalline lens, with various accessory parts added, making it a very complex and perfect organ of vision. The ocular globe is applied to the cephal'c cartilage, is sometimes contained in a more or less incomplete orbit formed by a wing- shaped expansion of the cartilage (Sepia), and is provided with a very large optic ganglion (Fig. 283, g.o). In the Dibranchia the retina occupies the inner part of the ocular cavity, and the rods are turned towards the light. The cornea is situated between the two segments of the cuticular body forming the crystalline lens (Fig. 283, L) : above the more superficial and smaller segment of the lens a fold of the integument forms a contractile iris, with a circular (Oigopsida) :i. .: -:- 320 THE CEPHALOPODA aperture of the shell are wider in the male than in the female. The maximum of sexual dimorphism is found in Argonauta, in which genus the males are much smaller than the females : the latter may attain to fifteen times the length of the other sex, and they have an external shell and the characteristic enlargement of the dorsal arms (Fig. 301, IV), both of which features are absent in the males. Generally speaking, the males are also distinguished by the phenomenon of hectocotylisation, which consists in a curious modification for copulatory purposes of a part of the pedal circum- oral crown (see p. 323). It has been shown that the majority of the Cephalopoda are liyperpolygynous, that is to say, the males are less numerous than the females : thus in some species of Loligo the males are to the females as 15 : 100, in Octopus as 25 : 100, and in the six specimens of Spirula hitherto examined only one was a male. Nautilus pom- pilius, on the other hand, is hyperpolyandrous, but in N. macrompfialus more females have been found than males. Again, in those Octopoda in which the hectocotylus is autotomous, the males appear to be more numerous, for as many as four hectocotyli have been found in the pallial cavity of a single female. The ovary or testis of the Cephalopoda is single and median ; it is situated near the aboral extremity of the body in the coelom, and is, in fact, nothing more than a projection from the wall of the latter cavity (Fig. 252, gg). The gonaducts open into the coelomic cavity, without being directly continuous with the gonad (Figs. 278, o.d, and 286, V, II) ; they bear accessory glands on their course (Figs. 284 and 286, I, VI, VII), and their external apertures are on the somatic wall of the pallial cavity (Figs. 275, pe, l.sp; 276, T.WJ l.ov). The male duct has no copulatory organs at its extremity, but in the Dibranchia a single arm (or two arms in Spirula and Idiosepion) and in Nautilus a part of the circumoral crown is modified for the purpose of fertilisation : this modification is temporary and periodic in the Dibranchia, permanent in Nautilus. The females of nearly all the Oigopsida (Thysanoteuthidae, Ommatostrephidae, Onychoteuthidae, Gonatidae, etc.), and of the Octopoda with the exception of the Cirrhoteuthidae, are the only members of the Cephalopoda that preserve the primitive number of two functional and symmetrical gonaducts. In them the two oviducts originate near the same point in the genital capsule of the coelom (Fig. 278), and their external orifices are more deeply (aborally) situated in the pallial cavity in those forms in whicli the hectocotylus of the male is caducous. In Nautilus there ia only a single functional gonaduct, situated on the right side, but its left homologue is always present in the form of a rudimentary duct known as the " pyriform appendage " (Lankester and Bourne), which is provided with an external orifice (Fig. 284, Pyr) but has THE CEPHALOPODA 321 no internal communication with the coelom. The artery of the pyriform sac forms a symmetrical pair with that of the right gonaduct, so that there can be no doubt as to the homology of the former organ. On the other hand, all the male Dibranchia and the females of Spirula, the Myopsida and the Cirrhoteuthidae, have a single gonaduct, and this always on the left side (Fig. 272, g). The ovaries and testes, as well as their ducts, are strictly com- parable with one another from a morphological point of view, but they differ somewhat in structural details. The ovary is simply a portion of the wall of the coelom from which the ova originate. -R.G.O R.G.O Fid. 284. Diagrams of the male and female generative organs of the pearly Nautihis, to show the relation of the rudimentary duct of the left side to the testis and ovary respectively, and of the cardiac ventricle to the organs of both sides. Ventral aspect. Ac, accessory gland of the male apparatus ; Alb, albuminiparous gland of the female apparatus ; Fo, foramen in the membrane which attaches the pyriform appendage to the ventricle and to the testis or ovary (this foramen places two portions of the viscero-pericardial sac in free communication with one another) ; L.G.O, left genital orifice; N, Needham's sac in the male, in which' the spermatophores are formed ; 0, ovary ; P, penis ; Pyr, Owen's pyriform appendage, attached by a membrane to the ventricle of the heart, and also to the testis or ovary ; R.G.O, right genital orifice ; T, testis ; V, cardiac ventricle, with its four branchial veins. (After Ray Lankester and Bourne.) This region generally forms a conspicuous projection, into which the coelomic epithelium is deeply invaginated in such a manner as to constitute an ovarian cavity communicating with the genital coelom by a narrow aperture. The ova that originate from the wall of this ovarian cavity are no longer superficial cells of the wall itself, but have emigrated below the ovarian epithelium, have grown in size, and have come to project into the cavity of the ovary, carry- ing the epithelium before them, in the same manner as the ova of many Amphineura and of Pseudokellya. The ova which thus lie beneath the true coelomic epithelium also become surrounded by an interior follicle formed at the expense of the cells in their 21 322 THE CEPHALOPODA neighbourhood. This follicle is nourished by an important vascular supply, and its surface of contact with the ovum is increased by the formation of equatorial and meridional folds (Fig. 285, fo) which penetrate into the substance of the ovum and secrete the vitellus. This vitellus forms an increasingly large part of the mass of the ovum and pushes the formative protoplasm and the nucleus up to its narrower pole opposite to the peduncle of attachment. When mature the ovum acquires a chorion with a micropyle, escapes by dehiscence of its external envelope into the coelomic cavity or genital capsule (Figs. 252, coe; 278, g.c\ and passes into the genital duct. In its passage through the oviduct the egg traverses a more FIG. 285. Qr jesg voluminous glandular enlargement of the duct, situated on the wall of the genital capsule HLSyVMd11pei'- itself in Nautilus> at the middle °f the duct in aeneer.) a the Octopoda, near the free extremity of the duct in the Decapoda. This glandular enlargement is formed of two distinct portions in the Octopoda (Fig. 278, o.g) and is feebly developed in Argonauta, whose eggs are protected by the external shell. In addition to the true oviducal glands there are other accessory glands, unrelated to the genital ducts, in female Cephalopods. These are differentiations of the wall of the pallial cavity, and occur 'on the pallial wall in Nautilus (Fig. 270, n), but on the somatic wall in the Dibranchia. In the latter order they form two distinct masses, one on either side of the rectum, whereas in Nautilus they form a continuous mass (Fig. 276, g.n). In certain Oigopsida (Enoploteuthis, Cranchia, Leachia) and in the Octopoda these organs are absent. In the Dibranchia these " nidamentary " glands open near the genital orifice, and are generally accompanied by a second pair, as, for example, in Sepia: they produce the external envelopes of the eggs, formed by an elastic substance which hardens rapidly on contact with the water. In the male, the testis is the specialised portion of the coelomic wall from which the spermatozoa are developed (Fig. 286, III) : its structure is comparable with that of the ovary. The spermatozoa, when mature, pass through an orifice into the genital capsule properly so called, and thence into the spermiduct which originates from the wall of this capsule and opens externally into the pallial cavity, on the right side in Nautilus (Fig. 275, pe), on the left side in the Dibranchia (Fig. 286, VIII). Certain glandular pouches and a terminal reservoir are found on the course of the spermiduct. Nautilus has only one glandular pouch, but in the Dibranchia there are, as a result of specialisation, two pouches: (1) the ves^ula semiralis, which is a simple enlargement; (2) the prostate. THE CEPHALOPODA 323 The terminal reservoir is knoAvn as Needham's sac or the spermato- phore sac (Fig. 286, VII). Between the vesicula seminalis and the prostate the spermiduct may exhibit a small tubule which opens into the coelom (Sepia), and in exceptional -cases (Philonexis) the deeper part of the spermiduct may be divided into two canals, both of which open into the portion of the coelom containing the testis. The sperm lies free in the initial part of the spermiduct, but when it reaches the first glandular pouch it begins to be surrounded by a tube-shaped envelope or spermato- phore. In the Dibranchia these tubes are completed in the interior of the prostate, and are then arranged parallel to one another in the reservoir or spermatophore sac. When mature they are passed directly from the genital duct into the funnel, the terminal papilla of the spermiduct being ex- tended for this purpose, and thus they enter the hectocotylised arm. Each spermatophore consists of an elastic tube invaginated into itself ; the deeper part of the invagination constitutes the spermatic reservoir, and the more ex- ternal part, forming the connective, is greatly contracted and often coiled into a spiral. When the ripe spermato- phore is expelled the connective is extended and evaginated, carrying in its interior the reservoir which causes it to burst: the reservoir in its turn splits open and allows the spermatozoa contained in it to escape. These struc- tures, which are comparable to the Fio. 286. Male genital organs of Loligo, ven- tral aspect. I, seminal vesicle ; 11, spermiduct; III, testis; IV, genital coelomic capsule ; V, origin of the . spermiduct in the coelomic genital Of Certain pulmonate capsule ;VI, spermatophore sac ; VII, /7 11 „!! prostate ; VIII, genital orih'ce. (After Gastropods, are generally rather small ; f,uvenioy.) but they attain a length of eight centi- metres in Ekdone, and in the Octopoda with an autotomous hecto- cotylus, they are as much as fifty centimetres long when unrolled. In Nautilus their structure is simpler : they have the form of coiled tubes and are little more than thirty centimetres long. The organ of copulation in Nautilus is the spadix, in the Dibranchia the hectocotylised arm. The spadix of Nautilus is a modified region — comparable with the hectocotylus — of the interior ventral lateral lobe. The modification is persistent and involves four tentacles, which are united to form a projection contained in a 324 THE CEPHALOPODA common sheath and provided with a circular glandular area : the eight remaining tentacles of the lobe are unaltered. The modifica- tion usually affects the left side (Fig. 255, p), but it has also been observed on the right. On the side opposite to the spadix the four corresponding tentacles are isolated from the other eight and constitute the so - called antispadix. In the Dibranchia the hectocotylised arm of the Decapoda generally belongs to the las pair, counting from the anterior or dorsal face, that is to say, the fourth pair of true arms, but to the third pair in the Octopoda. In the majority of the Oigopsida it is the left fourth arm that is hectocotylised (Onychoteuthidae, Ommatostrephidae), as is the case in Loligo and Sepia ; in Rossia and Sepiola the fourth left arm is hecto- cotylised and the fourth right partially so ; in Idiosepion and Spirula both arms of the fourth pair are hectocotylised, and in the last named they are contained in a common envelope. In the Octopoda the third left arm of Scaeurgus, the third right arm of Octopus and Eledone, and the second of the right side of Cirrhoteuthis are hectocotylised. In Enoploteuthis, Eledone, and Octopus the extremity of the hectocotylised arm is modified and assumes the shape of a spoon ; in Sepia the base of the arm is affected, the modification consisting in the disappear- ance of the suckers ; in Idiosepion and Rossia and Loliolus the suckers disappear over nearly the whole length of the arm, and in the two first named a longitudinal membrane is developed along its exterior aspect and abundant mucous glands along its internal surface. In some Octopoda the hectocotylised arm is still more pro- view, h, the third arm of the right foundly modified, inasmuch as it is auto- side, or hectocotylus ; i, funnel ; . mi • i • r i • ft, ft, fl, t*, the tirst, second, third, tomous. Ihis peculiarity is found m ofth^hectoco^ius^y'^heKnent ^ne Philonexidao and Argonautidae. In !£3^tfi&r 294. Waagen ; Jurassic. Oppelia, Waagen ; Jurassic. Morphoceraspseudoaruxps,right- Lissoceras, Bayle ; Jurassic and Cretaceous, ^j^o^gtor.™.; FAMILY 9. AMALTHEIDAE. Shell flattened, buccal orifice. (After Douviiie.) with a prominent carina continued anteriorly into a rostrum. Genera — Amaltheus, Montfort; Lias. Cardioceras, Neumayr ; Jurassic. Schloenbachia, Neumayr ; Cretaceous. FAMILY 10. STEPHANOCERATIDAE. Shell not carinated, but with radiating oostae, which are often bifurcated ; aperture often provided with lateral pro- 336 THE CEPHALOPODA jections which contract it ; aptychus formed of two pieces. Genera — Stcphanoceras, Waagen ; Jurassic. Morphocerast Douvill^ ; Jurassic (Fig. 294). Perisphinctes, Waagen ; Jurassic. Peltoceras, Waagen ; Jurassic. Hoplites, Neumayr ; Cretaceous. Acanthoceras, Neumayr ; Cretaceous. Cosmoceras, Waagen ; Jurassic. Various more or less com- pletely uncoiled forms are related to this family, viz. Scaphites, Parkinson ; Cretaceous. Crioceras, d'Orbigny ; Cretaceous. ORDER 2. Dibranchia, Owen. In these Cephalopoda the external surface of the visceral mass is naked and is only protected by a more or less rudimentary shell, which is situated on the aboral surface and covered by the integuments of this region. The female Argonauta is the only member of the group that has a wholly external shell, but this is not adherent and is secreted by the dorsal arms. The head of the Dibranchia bears eight acetabuliferous arms, and there is frequently a fifth pair of more or less retractile arms, situated between the third and fourth pair (Fig. 295, te). The funnel is always a com- pletely closed tube (Figs. 287, 301, etc.). There are two branchiae and two kidneys, each of the latter having a pericardial orifice (Fig. 273, y). The cephalic cartilage is traversed by the oesophagus and encloses all the principal nervous centres. The ocular cavities are closed and the eyes have a crystalline lens (Fig. 283). Chromato- phores are present in the integument and an ink-sac is generally present The Dibranchia include two sub-orders, the Decapoda and the Octopoda. SUB-ORDER 1. DECAPODA. In this sub -order, in addition to the eight pairs of normal arms, there is a more or less well developed "tentacular" arm situated between the third and fourth normal arms, on eacli side of the head. These tentacular arms are moio or less retractile within special pouches, and as a rule they only bear suckers at their free extremities. The suckers are pedunculated and provided with horny rings. The eight normal arms are shorter than the body. There is generally a fairly well developed internal shell, and there are usually lateral fins of various width (Figs. 295, 296, etc., fi). The heart lies in a coelomic cavity. Nidamentary glands are usually present. The Decapoda comprise two tribes, the Oigopsida and the Myopsida. TRIBE 1. OIGOPSIDA. The members of this tribe are characterised by the presence of a wide orifice, occupying the optic axis, in the external false cornea of the eye. As a rule two oviducts are present. In the fossil genera the shell has a multilocular phragmocone with a siphuncle ; the initial chamber of this shell is globular and larger than the second chamber. The most ancient forms are characterised by the small size of the rostrum, the THE CEPHALOPODA 337 slight development of the pro-ostracum, and the large size of the phragmocone. The group is probably derived from the straight Tetrabranchia, such as Bactrites. In the living genera, with the exception of Spirula, the shell is a chitinous gladius. FAMILY 1. BELKMNOTEUTHIDAE, Zittel. An extinct family in which the shell has a well -developed phragmocone and the rostrum is reduced to a calcareous envelope surrounding it ; the siphuncular necks are directed backwards, as in the Nautiloidea ; there were ten equal arms provided with hooks. Genera — Phragmoteuthis, Mqjsisovics ; Trias. BelemnoteuthiSj Pearce ; Jurassic and Cretaceous (Fig. 262, A). Acantho- teuthis, Wagner and Minister ; Jurassic. FAMILY 2. ADLACOCERATIDAE, Fischer. An extinct family in which the shell is formed of a phragmocone Fio. 295. Spirula. A, dorsal aspect ; B, ventral aspect, a, arms, e, eyes ; fi, fins ; fu, funnel ; pa, mantle ; po, posterior fossa ; sh, shell ; te, tentacular arms ; t.d, terminal pallial disc. (After Chun.) with widely distant septa ; the siphuncular necks are directed anteriorly ; the rostrum is well developed and claviform. Genera — Aulacoceras^ Hauer ; Trias. Atractites, Giimbel ; Trias and Jurassic. Xiphoteuthis, Huxley ; Lias. FAMILY 3. BELEMNITIDAE, de Blainville. An extinct family with a short phragmocone provided with a ventral siphuncle and prolonged dorsally into a long pro-ostracum ; the rostrum highly developed and cylindrical. Genera — Bekmnites, Lister ; 350 species from the Jurassic and Cretaceous. Diploconus, Zittel ; Upper Jurassic. FAMILY 4. BELOPTERIDAE. Rostrum and phragmocone well developed ; the phragmocone often curved ; the initial chamber small. Genera — Beloptera, de Blainville;. Eocene. Bayanoteuthis, Munier-Chalmas ; Eocene. Spirulirostra, d'Orbigny ; Miocene (Fig. 262, C). FAMILY 5. SPIRULIDAE, d'Orbigny. The two dorsal and ventral sides of the aboral 22 338 THE CEPHALOPODA extremity of the shell are left uncovered by the mantle (Fig. 295). The shell is calcareous, coiled endogastrically, multilocular and siphunculated (Fig. 268, sh). The fins are posterior. Genus — Spirula, Lamarck ; three living species are known ; they live at great depths, and only a few entire individuals have been obtained : live speci- mens are very rarely seen. FAMILY 6. OMMATOSTREPHIDAE, Gill. The shell is in- ternal and chitinous, ending aborally in a little hollow cone. The tentacular arms are rather short and thick. The suckers have denticulate rings. Genera — Ommatostrephes, d'Orbigny ; fins aboral, simple, and rhom- Fio. 296. Doratopsis vermicularis (Riippel), dorsal aspect. «, cerebral ganglia; e, eye ; Jl, fin ; nu.c, nuchal cartilage ; t, tentacular arm; 1, 2, 3, 4, pair of arms. (After Weiss.) Fio. 297. Ommatostrephes gagittatus, Lamarck, dorsal aspect. I, mantle ; II, tentacular arm ; III, fin ; IV, eye ; V, arma. (After Verauy.) boidal (Fig. 297) ; British. Ctenopteryx, Appellof ; fins pectinate, as long as the body (Fig. 259). Hathyteuthis, Hoyle ; fins terminal, rudimentary ; tentacular arms filiform ; abyssal. Rhynchoteuthis, Chun ; tentacular arms united to form a beak-shaped appendage. Symplectoteuthis, Pfeiffer. Trachelo- teuthis, Steenstrup. Dosidicus, Steenstrup. Architeuthis, Steenstrup ; this is the giant genus among the Cephalopoda. FAMILY 7. THYSANOTEUTHIDAE, THE CEPHALOPODA 339 Keferstein. Arms enlarged, bearing two rows of suckers and filaments. Fins triangular, extending along the whole length of the body. Genus — Thysanoteuthis, Troschel (Fig. 298, B) ; Mediterranean. FAMILY 8. ONYCHO- TEUTHIDAE, Gray. Fins terminal. Tentacular arms long ; the suckers provided with hooks. Genera — Onychoteuthis, Lichtenstein ; the hook- bearing suckers exist only on the well-developed tentacular arms. Enoplo- teuthis, d'Orbigny ; tentacular arms well developed ; hook-bearing suckers Fio. 298. Decapod Cephalopoda. A, Cheiroteuthis Veranyi, dorsal aspect; B, Thysanote-uthis rhombus, dorsal aspect ; C, Leachia q/clura, ventral aspect. (From Lankester, after Verany, Troschel, Ferussac, and d'Orbigny.) on all the arms. Veranya, Krohn ; body very short ; fins obtuse ; tentacular arms atrophied in the adult ; Mediterranean. Chaunoteuthis, Appellof ; body elongated ; fins prominent and pointed ; tentacular arms atrophied. Pterygioteuthis, Fischer. Ancistroteuthis, Gray. Abralia, Gray. Teleoteuthis, Verrill. Lepidoteiithis, Joubin. FAMILY 9. GONA- TIDAE, Hoyle. Body elongated ; fins terminal. Radula with only two lateral teeth. Genus — Gonatus, Gray. FAMILY 10. CHEIROTEUTHIDAE, Gray. Tentacular arms long and not retractile. Body elongated ; fins large and rounded. Resisting apparatus well developed. Genera — 340 THE CEPHALOPODA Cheiroteuthist d'Orbigny ; with suckers along the whole length of the peduncle of the tentacular arms (Fig. 298, A). Doratopsis, Rochebrune ; body much elongated, ending in a spine ; dorsal arms very short (Fig. 296) ; Atlantic and Mediterranean. Histioteuthis, d'Orbigny ; the six dorsal arms are united by a membrane ; the body covered with photogenous organs. HistiopsiSj Hoyle ; the membrane of the dorsal arms only reaches half- way up the • arms ; luminous organs present. Calliteuthis, Verrill ; no brachial membrane ; luminous organs present Grimalditeuthis, Joubin ; the fin of each side is divided into two separate lobes : no tentacular arms (Fig. 258). FAMILY 11. CRANCHIIDAE, Gray. The eight normal arms are very short. The eyes prominent The fins small and terminal. Genera— Cranchia, Leach; body bursiform ; sessile arms short; fins entirely aboraL Loligopsis, Lamarck ; body elongated, conical ; tentacular arms slender. Leachia, Lesuenr ; tentacular arms aborted ; the funnel without a valve (Fig. 298, C). Taonius, Steenstrup ; body elongate ; sessile arms rather short ; eyes pedunculated (Fig. 253). TRIBE 2. MYOPSIDA. The members of this tribe are characterised by having a closed external cornea, and by having only a single oviduct, viz. that of the left side. The internal shell has no longer a distinct phraginocone, and is calcified (Sepiidae) or simply chitinous. The Myopsida are more littoral in habit than the Oigopsida. Fio. 298"*. Sepia officinalis, swimming, light -side view, a, arms; ft,, fins; /«, funnel. (After Merculiano.) FAMILY 1. SEPIIDAE, d'Orbigny. Body wide and flattened ; fins narrow and extending the whole length of the body (Fig. 298*"*). Shell calcareous and laminated, forming the " sepion." Genera — Belosepia, Voltz ; a rudiment of the rostrum and phragmocone present ; Eocene. Sepia, Linnaeus ; shell with a rostrum (Figs. 262, B, and 299) ; British. Sepiella, Steenstrup ; shell without a rostrum. FAMILY 2. SEPIOLIDAE, Leach. Body short, rounded at the aboral end ; fins rounded, inserted on the middle of the length of the body. Shell chitinous, narrow and shorter than the body, or absent. Genera — Sepiola, Leach ; head united to the mantle in the anterior (dorsal) region ; a fossorml British genus. Rossia, Gray ; head not united to the mantle ; British. THE CEPHALOPODA 34i Stoloteuthis, Verrill, and Inioteuthis, Verrill, have no internal shell. Heteroteuthis, Gray. Euprymna, Steenstrup. FAMILY 3. IDIOSEPIIDAE. Steenstrup. Body elongated, with rudimentary terminal fins. Internal shell almost lost. Genus — Idiosepius, Steenstrup. ; this tiny Cephalopod is only Ij centimetre long, and has a mucous pore at the aboral Fio. 299. Sepia riffldnalis, dorsal view of a dead specimen, with the short arms spread out and the long arms pulled out of their sacs, o, neck ; 6, lateral tins ; c, the eight shorter arms ; d, the two long tentacular arms ; e, the eyes. (From Lankester, after Owen.) extremity of the body ; it inhabits the Indian Ocean. FAMILY 4. SEPIADARIIDAE, Steenstrup. Body short ; the mantle fused to the head anteriorly (dorsally). No shell. Genera — Sepiadarium, Steenstrup ; tins short, situated at the aboral extremity of the body ; from the Pacific Ocean. Sepioloidea, d'Orbigny ; fins nearly as long as the body ; Australian. FAMILY 5. LOLIGINIDAE, Leach. Body elongated and conical ; fins triangular or 342 THE CEPHALOPODA rounded, and extending farther forward than the aboral half of the body. Tentacular arms partly retractile. The shell is a well-developed chitinous gladius (Fig. 263). Genera — Loligo, Lamarck ; fins triangular, confined to the aboral half of the body ; British. Sepioteuthis, de Blainville ; fins prominent but rounded, extending over the whole length of the body. Loliolus, Steenstrup. Loliguncula, Steenstrup. The following fossil genera, known by their gladius and ink -sac, have been placed near Loligo : — Teuthopsis, Deslongchamps. Beloteuthis, Miinster, and Geoteuthis, from the Lias, and Phylloteuthis, Meek and Hay den, from the Cretaceous, are distinguished by their broader gladius. Plesioteuthis, Wagner, from the Jurassic and Cretaceous, has a long and narrow gladius. FIG. 800. Opisthoteuthis deprcssa, Ijima and Ikeda, dorsal aspect. art arms ; e. eye ; fi. fin ; /u, funnel. (After Ijima and Ikeda.) SUB-ORDER 2. OCTOPODA. These Dibranchia have only eight arms, which are all similar and are longer than the body. The body is short and rounded aborally. The suckers are sessile. The heart is not contained in the coelom. There are no nidamentary glands. The Octopoda comprise two tribes, the Leioglossa and Trachyglossa. TRIBE 1. LEIOGLOSSA. The members of this tribe have no radula. All the arms are united together by a complete membrane. Fins are developed on the sides of the body. Family CIRRHOTEUTHIDAE, Keferstein. Arms united by a mem- brane, and bearing tentacular filaments on either side of the suckers (Fig. 260). Genera — Cirrhoteuthis, Eschricht ; the pallial sac prominent and the fins large ; a pelagic form. Opisthoteuthis, Verrill ; body flattened, with small fins ; a deep-sea form (Fig. 300). Vampyroteuthist Chun ; four fins. Some fossil Octopoda bearing fins are known ; e.g. Woodward, from the Cretaceous. THE CEPHALOPODA 343 TRIBE 2. TRACHYGLOSSA. These are Octopoda with a radula and without true fins. FAMILY 1. AMPHITRETIDAE, Hoyle. The funnel is attached to the middle line of the mantle, dividing the pallial aperture into two. The eight arms are united by a membrane. Genus — Amphitretus, Hoyle ; pelagic. FAMILY 2. ALLOPOSIDAE, Verrill. All the arms united by a membrane. The mantle is joined to the head by a dorsal band and two lateral commissures. Genus — Alloposus, Verrill ; pelagic. FAMILY 3. OCTOPODIDAE, d'Orbigny. Arms long and equal, without a true inter- brachial membrane. The hectocotylus is not caducous. No cephalic Fio. 301. Argonauio. argo, Linnaeus, left side of the female. I, funnel ; II, mantle; III, eye; IV, dorsal webbed arm. (After Verany.) aquiferous pores. Genera — Octopus, Lamarck ; the suckers in two rows on each arm ; British. Eledone, Leach ; a single row of suckers on each arm ; British. Scaeurgus, Troschel. Pinnoctopus, d'Orbigny. Cistopus, Gray. Japetella, Hoyle. FAMILY 4. PHILONEXIDAE, d'Orbigny. Males and females naked. The hectocotylus is autotomous. The arms are un- equal in size but similar in the two sexes. Aquiferous pores are present on the head and funnel. Genera — TremoctopVA, Delle Chiaje ; the two dorsal pair of arms are united by a membrane. Ocythoe, Rafinesque ; without an interbrachial membrane (Fig. 287). FAMILY 5. ARQO- NAUTIDAE, Cantraine. The hectocotylised arm autotomous. The ex- tremities of the dorsal arms are enlarged in the female (Fig. 301), and secrete a shell in which the body is contained. The males are very small and naked. Genus — Argonauta, Linnaeus. 344 LITERATURE OF THE CEPHALOPODA LITERATURE OF THE CEPHALOPODA. A . Tetrdbranchia . (a) Living. 1. Dean. Notes on Living Nautilus. Amer. Natur. xxxv. 1901. 2. Griffin. The Anatomy of Nautilus pompilius. Mem. Nat. Acad. Sci. Washington, viii. 1900. 3. Haller. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Morphologic von Nautilus pompilius. Denkschr. Med. Nat. Gesellsch. Jena, viii. 1895. 4. Huxley. On some Points in the Anatomy of Nautilus pompilius. Journ. Linn. Soc. London, iii. 1858. 5. Joubin. Recherches sur 1'appareil respiratoire des Nautiles. Revue Biol. Nord. ii. 1890. 6. Keferstein. Beitrage zur Anatomie des Nautilus pompilius. Gotting. Nachrichten, 1865. 7. Kerr. On some Points in the Anatomy of Nautilus pompilius. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1895. 8. Lankester and Bourne. On the Existence of Spengel's Olfactory Organ and of Paired Genital Ducts in the Pearly Nautilus. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. xziii. 1883. 9. MacDonald. On the Anatomy of Nautilus umbilicatus, compared with that of Nautilus pompilius. Phil. Trans. 1855. 10. Owen. Memoir on the Pearly Nautilus (Nautilus pompilius), with illustra- tions of its external form and internal structure. London, 1832. 11. Valenciennes. Nouvelles recherches sur le Nautile llamb£. Archives du Museum, Paris, ii. 1841. 12. Van der Hoeven. Contributions to the Knowledge of the Animal of Nautilus pompilius. Trans. Zool. Soc. London, iv. 1850. 13. Bydraagen tot de ontleedkundige Kennis aangaande Nautilus pom- pilius. Verhandel. k. Akad. Amsterdam, iii. 1856 (translated in Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (2), xix. 1857). 14. Vayssiere. Etude sur 1'organisation du Nautile. Ann. d. Sci. Nat. Zool. (8), ii. 1896. 15. Vrolik. Lettre sur quelques points de 1'organisation de 1'animal du Nautile flambi'. Mem. Soc. Linn. Normandie, x. 1855. 16. Willey. Contribution to the Natural History of the Pearly Nautilus. A. Willey's Zoological Results, part vi. 1902. (b) Fossil. 17. Branco. Beitrage zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der fossiler Cephalopoden. Palaeontographica, 1879, 1880. 18. Foord. Catalogue of Fossil Cephalopoda in the British Museum, Part I. 1888 ; Part II. 1892 ; Part III. 1897 (by Foord and Crick). 19. Hyatt. The Fossil Cephalopods of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Bull! Mus. Comp. Zool. Cambridge, i. 1868. 20. Genera of Fossil Cephalopods. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. xxii. 1884. LITERATURE OF THE CEPHALOPODA 345 B. Dibranchia. 1. Appellof. Die Schale von Sepia, Spirula und Nautilus. K. Svensk. Vet.- Akad. Handl. xxv. 1894. 2. Bert. Memoire sur la physiologic de la Seiche. Mem. Soc. Sci. Phys. et Nat. Bordeaux, v. 1867. 3. Bobretzky. Observations sur le developpement des Cephalopodes (in Russian language). Bull. Soc. imp. Amis. d. Sci. nat. et Ethnogr. Moscow, 1877. 4. Bourquelot. Recherches sur les phenomenes de la digestion chez les Mollusques Cephalopodes. Arch, de Zool. Expe>. (2), iii. 1884. 5. Brock. Versuch einer Phylogenie der Dibranchiaten Cephalopoden. Morph. Jahrb. vi. 1880. 6. Ueber die Geschlechtsapparat der Cephalopoden. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. xxxii. and xxxvi. 1879, 1882. 7. Brooks. The Development of the Squid (Loligo Pealii, Lesueur). Annivers. Mem. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1880. 8. Chtron. Recherches pour servir a 1'histoire du systeme nerveux des Cephalopodes Dibranches. Ann. d. Sci. nat. Zool. (5), v. 1866. 9. Delage. Sur une fonction nouvelle des otocystes comme organes d'orienta- tion locomotrice. Arch, de Zool. Exper. (2), vi. 1887. 10. d'Orbigny and Ftrussac. Histoire naturelle, ge"nerale et particuliere, des Cephalopodes acetabuliferes, vivants et fossiles. Paris, 1835-1848. 11. Faussck. Untersuchungen iiber die Entwicklung der Cephalopoden. Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, xiv. 1900. 12. Frtdtricq. Sur 1'organisation et la physiologic du Poulpe. Bull. Acad. Belg. (2), xlvi. 1878. 13. Oirod. Recherches sur la poche du noir des Cephalopodes. Arch de Zool. Exper. (1), x. 1882. 14. Goodrich. Report on a Collection of Cephalopoda from the Calcutta Museum. Trans. Linn. Soc. (2), vii. 1896. 15. Grenacher. Zur Entwickelung der Cephalopoden. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. xxiv. 1874. 16. Grobben. Morphologische Studien iiber den Harn und Geschlechtsapparat sowie die Leibeshb'hle der Cephalopoden. Arb. Zool. Inst. Wien, v. 1882. 17. Hancock. On certain Points in the Anatomy and Physiology of the Dibranchiate Cephalopoda. Nat. Hist. Review, 1861. 18. On the Nervous System of Ommatostrephes todarus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (2), x. 1852. 19. Harris. Die Statocysten der Cephalopoden. Zool. Jahrb. (Anat. und Ontog.) xviii. 1903. 20. Hoyle. Report on the Cephalopoda collected by H.M.S. "Challenger" during the years 1873-76. Zool. Chall. Exped. part xliv. 1886. 21. Huxley. On the structure of the Belemnitidae. Mem. Geol. Surv. Unit. Kingd. Monogr. ii. 1864. 22. Huxley and Pclseneer. Report on the Specimen of the Genus Spirula. Zool. Chall. Exped. part Ixxxiii. 1895. 23. Ijima and Ikeda. Description of Opisthoteuthis depressa, n. sp. Journ. Coll. of Sci. Tokyo, viii. 1895. 24. Jatta. I Cefalopodi viventi nel golfo di Napoli. Fauna und Flora des golfes von Neapel, xxiii. 1896. 346 LITERATURE OF THE CEPHALOPODA 25. JouUn. Structure et developpement de la branchie de quelques Cephalopodes dcs Cotes de France. Arch, de Zool. Exper. (2), iii. 1885. 26. Recherches sur la coloration du tegument chez les Cephalopodes. Ibid. (2), x. 1892. 27. Recherches sur 1'appareil lumineux d'un Cephalopode (Histioteuthis nuppellii). Bull. Soc. Sci. et Med. Quest. Rennes, ii. and iii. 1893, 1894. 28. Contribution a 1'etude des Cephalopodes de 1'Atlantique Nord ; and Cephalopodes provenant des campagnes de la Princesse- Alice. Re"sultats Camp. Sci. Albert lcr de Monaco, ix. (1895), xvii. (1900). 29. Kblliker. Entwickelungsgeschichte der Cephalopoden. Zurich, 1844. 30. Korschdt. lieitrage zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Cephalopoden. Festschr. fur R. Leuckart, 1892. 31. Milne-Edwards and Valenciennes. Observations sur la circulation chez les Mollusques. Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris, xx. 1840. 32. Pclsenecr. Sur la valeur morphologique des bras et la composition du systeme nerveux des Cephalopodes. Arch, de Biol. viii. 1888. 33. Phisalix. Recherches physiologiques sur les Chromatophores des Cephalopodes, etc. Arch. Phys. Paris (5), iv. vi. 1892, 1894. 34. Racovitza. Mceurs et reproduction de la Ilossia macrosoma. Arch, de Zool. Expe>. (3), ii. 1894. 35. Risso. Les Cephalopodes du parage mediterraneen du Comte" de Nice. Nice, 1854. 36. Solger. Zur Kenntniss der Chromatophoren der Cephalopoden und ihre Adnexa. Arch. f. Mikr. Anat. liii. 1898. 37. Uexkiill, von. Physiologische Untersuchungen iiber Eledone moscJiata. Zeitschr. f. Biol. xxviii. xxx. xxxi. 1892-95. 38. Verany. Cephalopodes mediterraneens. Genes, 1851. 39. Verany and Vogt. Memoire sur les hectocotyles et les males de quelques Cephalopodes. Ann. des Sci. nat. Zool. (3), xvii. 1852. 40. Verrill. The Cephalopods of the North-East Coast of America, I. and II. Trans. Connect. Acad. v. 1880-81. 41. Vialleton. Recherches sur les premieres phases du developpement de la Seiche. Ann. des Sci. nat. Zool. (7), vi. 1888. 42. Vigelius. Ueber das Excretionssystem der Cephalopoden. Nied. Arch. f. Zool. v. 1880. 43. IVatasc. Observations on the Development of Cephalopods. Stud. Biol. Lab. Johns Hopkins Univ. iv. 1888. 44. Weiss. On some Oigopsid Cuttle-fishes. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. xxix. 1888. INDEX To names of Classes, Orders, Sub-Orders, and Genera ; and to technical terms. Abdominal ganglion, 113 Allopagus, 266 Anoploplwra, 267 Abralia, 339 Alloposus, 343 ^Mostoma, 188 Acanlhoceras, 336 AUorisma, 276 Antalis, 204 A canthochiton, 53 A media, 187 Anthracoptera, 262 Acanthodoris, 177 Amaltheus, 335 Anthracosia, 267 Acanthopleura, 54 vl?n.a?tra, 156 Antipleura, 256 Acantlwteuthis, 337 Amberleya, 150 Antispadix, 324 Acavus, 187 Amboni/c/n'a, 262 Aplacophora, 51 Acephala, 205 A mien la, 53 J/>fem, 186 Accra, 169 J mmon iceras, 153 Aplodon, 268 Achatina, 188 Ammonites, 335 Aplustrum, 169 Acicula, 152 Ammonitoidea, 333 Aplysia, 171 Acila, 255 Amphibola, 184 Aplysiella, 171 Aclis, 158 Ampkibulimuj, 188 Aplysiomorpha, 171 ylcmaeo, 145 Amphimenia, 60 Aptychus, 334 Actaeon, 168 Amphineura, 40 Aptyxiella, 154 Actaeondla, 168 Amphipeplea, 185 /Irca, 258 /Ictoeofita, 181 Amphisphyra, 168 Arcacea, 258 Actaeonina, 168 Arnphitretus, 343 Arcestes, 335 Actinoceras, 332 Ampullaria, 152 Archidoris, 178 Actinodesina, 261 Amussium, 262 Architeuthis, 338 Aculifera, 40 Anadara, 258 Arcicardium, 271 yirfacno, 271 Anadenus, 187 Arcomya, 276 -4fforwarca, 258 Anal glands, 8, 96, 200 Arconaia, 268 Addisonia, 122 Anarcestes, 334 Argina, 258 Adductores, 210 Anatina, 275 Argonauta, 343 Adelactaeon, 168 Anatinacea, 275 Arietites, 335 Adelphoceras, 333 Ancillaria, 165 Ariolimox, 187 Adeorbis, 153 A ncistromesus, 145 yJrioTt, 187 Adesmacea, 274 Ancistroteuthis, 339 Ariophanta, 186 Aegirus, 177 Ancula, 178 Arm, 289 Aegoceras, 335 Anculotus, 154 Arnatidia, 272 ./lerope, 189 Ancylodoris, 178 Articulamentum, 42 Aesthetes, 50 Ancylus, 186 Asaphis, 273 Aetheria, 268 Androgyna, 166 Ascoceras, 333 Agadina, 140 Aneitea, 189 A tipergillum, 277 Agaronia, 121, 165 Aneitella, 189 Aspidobrauchia, 144 Aglossa, 158 Anisocardia, 264 Assiminea, 153 Agnatlia, 188 Anisorayaria, 211 Astarte, 264 Agrinlimax, 187 Anisopleura, 66 Asthenothaerus, 275 -1/ario, 155 Anodonta, 268 Astralium, 150 Alderia, 181 Anomalodesrnacea, 254 Asymmetry, 76, 111 <4Wwrt, 178 Anomia, 257 Atlanta, 163 ^fearfo, 184 Anomiacea, 257 .Ifopos, 189 347 348 INDEX AtractUcs, 337 Bullina, 168 Ceromya, 276 Atrina, 264 Bidlinulo, 168 Cetoconcha, 278 Atys, 168 Bullomorpha, 167 Chaetodertna, 63 Aucella, 262 Byssocardium, 271 Chaetodermomorpha, 61 Aulacoctras, 337 Byssonychia, 262 Chaetopleura, 53 Awicula, 184 Byssus, 216 C/w7na, 271 Arellano, 168 Bythoceras, 154 Chamacea, 271 Avicula, 260 Chamostrea, 276 Xt»tCM&>ptntta, 264 Owttino, 178 Chaunoteuthis, 339 ^Ixintw, 265 CO^M/IW, 204 Cheiroteuthis, 340 ^zeca, 188 Caecilianella, 188 Chdinodura, 169 Caecum, 155 Chenopiis, 155 Babinka, 261 CallistochUon, 53 Chilina, 185 Bactrites, 333 CaUiteuthis, 340 CTuYcm, 54 Baculites, 335 CaUocardia, 265 Chitonellus, 54 Baikalia, 153 Callochtton, 53 ChlamydoconcJta, 266 Bakewellia, 259 CO/TTUI, 179 Chlamydophorus, 189 JSa/ea, 188 Calyptraea, 155 CMamys, 262 Baltoceras, 332 Campaspe, 176 Chlorites, 187 Barbatia, 258 Camptonectes, 262 Choanowphalus, 185 Barnea, 275 Camptonyx, 184 Choneplax, 54 BartUtia, 268 Cancellaria, 165 Choristes, 153 Basilissa, 149 Canidia, 164 Chroniatophora, 297 Basommatophora, 184 Cantantostoma, 147 Chromodoris, 178 Bathanalia, 154 Caprina, 272 Chrysodomiis, 164 Bathyarca, 258 Caprinula, 272 C%*», 268 Cinulia, 168 Bathyteuthis, 338 Captacula, 199 Cionella, 188 Batissa, 266 Capulus, 155 Circe, 270 Bayanoteuthis, 337 Carbonaria, 258 Chrhobranchia,'197 .Bayka, 272 Cardiacea, 270 Cirrhoteuthis, 342 Jte/a, 166 Cardtiia, .270 Cistopus, 343 Belemnites, 337 Cardinal teeth, 213, 214 Cladohepatica, 178 Belemnoteuthis, £37 Cardinia, 267 Clanculus, 149 Bcllcrophon, 147 Cardioceras, 335 Clausilia, 188 Bdoptera, 337 Cardiola, 256 Clavagdla, 277 Belosepia, 340 Cardiolaria, 256 Clavatula, 166 Beloteuthis, 342 Cardiomorpha, 256 Clavella, 164 Berendtia, 188 Cardiopoda, 163 Clidiophora, 276 Berthella, 174 Cardita, 264 C7io, 170 Bifora, 207 Cardtidla, 264 CTwme, 173 Biradiolitcs, 272 Carditopsis, 264 Clionopsis, 173 Bithynella, 154 Cardium, 271 Clionychia, 262 Bithynia, 154 Carinaria, 163 Cloacal chamber, 229 Bittium, 154 Carolia, 257 Clymenia, 334 Bivalvia, 213 Carydiium, 184 Cnidosacs, 96 Blauneria, 184 Cassianella, 261 Cocculina, 149 Boreochiton, 53 Cassidaria, 157 Cochlides, 42 B&rnella, 176 CassidijUa, 184 Cochlidepis, 33 Bourcicria, 150 Ca*««, 157 Cochloceras, 335 Brachytreina, 152 Castalia, 268 Cochlodesma, 275 Branchial hearts, 306 Cavolinia, 170 Cochlostyla, 188 Brtchites, 277 Cfewia, 181 Coelodon, 276 Buccinum, 164 Cephalopoda, 284 Coelomoduct, 13 Buliminu*, 188 Cerata, 86 Coelomopore, 13 Bulimulus, 188 Ceratisolen, 274 Colobocephalus, 169 Bulimus, 187 Ceratites, 335 Colpodaspis, 169 Bulimis, 185 Centhidea, 104 Columbtlla, 165 ^»t//a, 169 Cerithiopsis, 154 Columbellaria, 157 jBuHia, 164 Cerithium. IRA Columbellina, 157 INDEX 349 Columellar, 84 Cfym&a, 165 Dom, 178 Cominella, 164 Cymbulia, 170 Dosidicus, 338 Commissure, 16 Cymbuliopsis, 170 Dosinia, 270 Conchifera, 205 Cynodonta, 164 Z)ottrya, 267 Connective, 16 Cyprina, 264 Conocardium, 261 CYyrena, 266 Conus, 166 Cyrendla, 265 Eastonia, 270 Coralliophaga, 264 Oyrtoceras, 333 Echinomenia, 60 Coralliophila, 165 Cyrtodaria, 274 ^grZma, 158 Corambe, 178 Cyrtodonta, 258 Elasmognatha, 189 Corbicula, 266 Cyrtolites, 147 Eledone, 343 Corits, 265 Cyrtopinna, 264 Elenchus, 149 Corftwta, 273 Eleutherorhabda, 253 Corbulomya, 273 Dacrydium, 259 Eligmus, 263 Cosmoceras, 336 Daondla, 261 AYma, 273 Cranchia, 340 Daudebardia, 189 y^ysta, 181 Crassatella, 264 Decapoda, 336 Elysiomorpha, 181 Cremnoconchus, 152 Dejanira, 150 EmarginiUa, 149 Crenatula, 259 Ddphinula, 150 Embletonia, 179 Crendla, 259 Dendronotus, 175 Endoceras, 332 Crepidula, 155 Dentalium, 204 Endodonta, 188 Crimora, 177 Dennatobranchus, 181 Eudogastric, 77 Crioceras, 336 Dermatocera, 152 Enoplochiton, 54 Crossed, 158 Dermatomya, 278 Enoploteuthis, 339 Crucibulum, 155 Desmopterits, 170 A'rww, 274 Oryptochiton, 53 Detorsion, 77 EntcUina, 204 Cryptoconchus, 53 Dexiobranchaea, 173 Enteroxenos, 160 Cryptodon, 265 Dialineury, 142 Entocdax, 159 Cryptomya, 273 Diartema, 155 Entoconclut, 159 Oryptophthalmus, 169 Diauly, 126 Entodesma, 277 Cryptoplax, 54 Dibranchia, 336 Entosiphon, 158 Crystalline style, 94, 220 Diceras, 271 Entomlva, 266 Ctenidium, 11 J)icerocardium, 267 Eolidomorpha, 178 Ctenodonta, 256 Dimya, 262 AJ^ts, 179 Ctenopteryx, 338 Dimyacea, 262 Eoplacophora, 53 Cucullaea, 258 Dinarites, 335 Eotrochus, 155 Oucidella, 256 Dinomenia, 60 Ephippium, 257 Oultellus, 274 Diploconus, 337 Ephippodonta, 266 Cumingia, 270 Diplodonta, 265 Epiphragm, 73 Cwno, 264 Diplommatina, 152 Epipodium, 70 Cuspidaria, 278 Dipsacus, 164 £rato, 157 Cuthona, 179 Dischides, 204 Erodona, 273 Cuvierina, 170 Discites, 333 ^rw^ia, 270 Cyamium, 266 Discohelix, 147 Erycina, 265 tyrfa«t 267 Discosorus, 332 EtheUa, 134 Gydina, 270 Ditremaria, 147 Euccdodium^ 188 Cydolobus, 335 Ditremata, 189 Euchrysalis, 154 Cyclomenia, 60 Docoglossa, 145 Euciroa, 277 Cydonema, 150 Dolabdla, 171 Eudoxochiton, 54 Cyclophorus, 152 Dolabrifer, 171 Eulamellibranchia, 262 Oyclostoma, 152 Dolium, 157 JSulima, 158 Cydostrema, 150 Donax, 270 Eunona, 150 Cydosurus, 152 J)ondersia, 60 Euomphalus, 147 Coerce, 181 Doratopsis, 340 Euphemus, 147 Cylichna, 168 Doridium, 169 Euplocamus, 177 Cylindrdla, 188 Doridomorpha, 177 Euprymna, 340 Cylindrobulla, 169 Doridopsis, 178 Euthria, 164 Cylindromitra, 164 Doridunculus, 178 Euthyneura, 166 350 INDEX £utrochatella, 150 Gonodon, 265 Histioteuthis, 340 Exogastric, 74 Gosseletia, 262 Holobranch, 45 Grammysia, 256 Holognatha, 186 Facelina, 179 Gresslya, 276 Uomalogyra, 153 Fasciolaria, 164 Grimalditeuthis, 340 ffomalonyx, 189 Faunus, 154 Gryptochitonidae, 53 Jloplites, 336 Ferussacia, 188 Guivillea, 165 Hoplomytilus, 262 Filibranchia, 256 Gundlachia, 186 Iloplopteron, 158 Fiona, 180 Gymnosomata, 173 Huronia, 332 Firoloida, 163 Gyroceras, 333 Hyalimaoc, 189 Fischeria, 266 Hyalopecten, 262 Fissidentalium, 204 Haemocyaniiie, 10 Hybocystis, 152 Fissurella, 149 #afta, 165 ffydatina, 169 Fissurellidea, 149 ffalicardia, 277 Hydrobia, 153 Fistulana, 274 Haliotinella, 174 Hydrocena, 151 Fluxina, 158 Haliotis, 148 Hyperstrophic, 82 Foot, 68, 199, 215, 286 Halopsyche, 173 Hypobranchial gland, 79 Foot gland, 70 Jlaminea, 169 Hypostracum, 4 Fvrtisia, 168 Hamites, 335 Hypotrema, 257 Fossarus, 152 Hancock's organ, 116 tfyna, 268 Fowlerina, 173 Jfanleya, 53 Fryer ia, 178 Hapalus, 187 Ichthyodes, 60 Fulgur, 164 ffarpa, 166 Ichthyosarcolites, 272 Funnel, 291 ffarpoceras, 335 7e5, 270 Triton, 157 Sphaerium, 267 Tectariiis, 152 Tritonia, 175 Sphyradium, 188 Tectibranchia, 167 Tritonidea, 164 Spicula, 42 Tegmentum, 42 Tritoniomorpha, 175 Spinigera, 155 Teinostoma, 150 Trochoceras, 333 Spira, 81 Tttleodesmacea, 254 Trochdithes, 333 Spiraculum, 152 Teleoplacophora, 54 Trochonema, 150 Spirotropis, 91 Teleoteuthis, 339 Trochosphere, 27 Spirilla, 338 TeWma, 268 Trochotoma, 147 Spintlirostra, 337 Tellinacea, 268 Trochus, 149 Spondyliis, 262 Telobranchia, 54 Trophon, 164 Spongiobranchaea, ] 73 Tentacles, 67 Tropites, 335 Spongiochiton, 53 Terebdlum, 15i> Truncatella, 153 Sportella, 266 Terebra, 166 TryUidium, 145 Standella, 274 rmHfo, 275 rwrficto, 164 Stavdia, 259 Tergipes, 179 Tugonia, 273 Stenoglossa, 163 Test, 28, 240 Turbinella, 164 Stenogyra, 188 Testacdla, 189 rwrJo, 150 Stenoplax, 53 r^Ay*, 175 Turbonilla, 158 Stenoradsia, 53 Tetrabranchia, 332 Turricula, 164 Stenothyra, 154 Teutlwpsis, 342 Turrilites, 335 Stephanoceras, 336 Thalassoceras, 335 Turritdla, 155 .SK^er, 181 Thecacera, 177 Turtonia, 266 £