UC-NRLF SB 11 MflM Indian t . o I 0 ona er vat i of Indiana re Forestry orifere Ohio, Illinois and Indiana October 22 and 23, 1919 Manaf ement of The Department of Conservation State of Indiana THE DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION STATE OF INDIANA W. A. GUTHRIE, Chairman STANLEY COULTER JOHN W. HOLTZMAN RICHARD M. HOLMAN, Secretary Publication No. 10 RICHARD LIEBER, DIRECTOR The Tri-State Forestry Conference OHIO, ILLINOIS, INDIANA INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA CLAYPOOL HOTEL OCTOBER 22 and 23. 1919 MANAGEMENT OF THE DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION STATE OF INDIANA FORT WAYNE PRINTING COMPANY CONTRACTORS FOR INDIANA STATE PRINTING AND BINDING FORT WAYNE, INDIANA 1920 T THE TRI-STATE FORESTRY CONFERENCE October 22 and 23, 1919 INDEX. Wednesday Morning Session 5-19 Hon. W. A. Guthrie 5 Mr. Evans Woollen . . . . 6 Hon. James P. Goodrich 6-7 Mr. Edmund Secrest 7-11 Mr. R. B. Miller 11-16 Mr. Charles C. Deam 16-19 Wednesday Afternoon Session 19-43 Mr. Charles G. Sauers 19-22 Lt.-Col. Henry S. Graves 23-33 Mr. J. G. Peters 34-40 Discussion 40-43 Wednesday Evening, Banquet Session 43-64 Mr. Charles Bookwalter 44-45 Mr. P. S. Ridsdale 45-46 Mr. Charles Bookwalter 46-47 Prof. H. H. Chapman 47-56 Mr. Wilson Compton 56-63 Discussion 63-64 Thursday Morning Session 64 Mr. Edmund Secrest 64-68 Dr. F. W. Shepardson 68-71 Mr. Richard Lieber 71-75 Mr. Marcus Schaff 75-79 ' Mr. I. C. Williams 79-84 Discussion 84 Thursday Afternoon Session 85 Discussion 85-87 Prof. Stanley Coulter 87-92 Mr. P. S. Ridsale 92 Mr. Findlay Torrence 92-96 Mr. Harry Scarce 96-100 Report of Resolutions Committee ; 100-103 i THE TRI-STATE FORESTRY CONFERENCE October 22 and 23, 1919 WEDNESDAY MORNING SESSION OCT. 22, 1919. The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a. m., with Hon. W. A. Guthrie presiding. HON. W. A. GUTHRIE : Fellow citizens, we welcome you here today. It is quite fitting that the Tri-State Forestry Conference should be called here in the center of what has been the finest hardwood forest of the United States. We are now entering upon an era which will witness a great advance in the reforestation which should produce and conserve our timber. The shortage of timber is a source of concern to many wood working plants and to plan for the future will give forth much for you gentlemen to work out. Our States have produced some of the best and most valuable timber of the nation. We have had such an abundance "of timber that we have overlooked the rapidity with which we have been using it, and now we are unable to supply the demand. Ohio, Illinois and Indiana are three of the seven states whose sup- plies feed the world. We are in the lead in live stock, agriculture and manufacturing. Many of our sister states are ahead of us in the reforestation and are appropriating more money for this work. Pennsylvania appropriates $315,000.00 each year and has a holding of over six or eight million dollars. New York $288,000.00, Michigan $115,000.00 and many of the states from $25,000.00 to $75,000.00. Indiana has only been appropriating $7,400.00 for all purposes. Many foreign countries control their forests by handling I* scientifically and they are able to pay a revenue of three or more per cent, at the same time keep their forest intact. Statistics show before the war that Belgium had a population of 652 to the square mile and yet had 18% in timber. Switzerland 235 population to the square mile with 23% in timber. France 190 to the square mile with 23% in timber. Germany 25%, Austria 35%, yet in Indiana with only 75 population we have less than 10% in timber. The future of the timber problems of the three states are similar and it is for this reason that the three states have met here for this conference. If the timber supply for the future is to be assured then the wood using industries of the states must understand better how to control the influ- \ ences which are now at work destroying the supply. The public must take an immediate interest in the timber lands and see that legislation is enacted which will make for the use of permanent mill, forest development, place timber on the market only as needed, give adequate forest fire protection and assure renewal after logging. ^•96028 'We1 have 'with *us today some very able and distinguished gentlemen, men who are authority along different lines, so we know that much good should come out of this convention and that we should work out some plan which will bring about better forestry development. We had arranged today for your chairman, a man who had been foremost in forestry, who is President of the American Forestry Association, — Mr. Charles Lathrop Pack — but who was taken seriously sick and sent this telegram last night: "Mr. Richard Lieber, Indianapolis : I am disappointed not to be able to be in Indianapolis tomorrow. I am confined to my room with a hard cold in my throat. My doctor forbids my going out of doors. Wish the conference every success and send best greetings. Charles Lathrop Pack." Indianapolis always has been ready to take the place if one falls out and we have invited one of our leading citizens who is the head of one of our largest financial houses, whose name stands out for honesty, integrity and ability and who was the fuel director of the State during the war. It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you Mr. Evans Woollen of this city. (Applause) MR. EVANS WOOLLEN: I have protested to Senator Guthrie that there is no appropriateness in his invitation. Perhaps an excuse for it and for my acceptance of it may be found in the fact that during my service as Federal Fuel Administrator for Indiana, I came to some measure of appreciation of the importance of the conservation of fuel sup- plies and this realization was confirmed later during a meeting in Wash- ington of the coal dealers when they were talking of substituting wood for coal. However, whether appropriately here or inappropriately, I am glad to have the privilege of greeting you and presenting to you Hon. James P. Goodrich, Governor of Indiana. (Applause) HON. JAMES P. GOODRICH: Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of the conference, I am glad to add a word of welcome to you and to thank you for coming here today. Conservation is looked upon with a sort of mild tolerance. It was just about ten years ago that we started to think about it at all. We are just beginning to realize how prodigal had been our waste of the basic resources of our country. We are just beginning to awaken to the fact that we have wasted them in an almost criminal way. I have lived my whole life in Indiana. I was born at a time when the forest land far exceeded the clear land and I have seen millions of feet of walnut and poplar and the best white oak that ever grew out of the ground wasted in this State. We are now having to get our supply from the south and southwest to keep our factories going. It is a tremendous difficulty, because with the increasing freight rate, it becomes more and more difficult to get it. And so we need to look out for the waste lands of these three States and begin to regrow the forests that we have wasted to undo the mistakes of the past as nearly as we possibly can. We have hundreds of thous- ands of acres of land in Indiana that can't be devoted to agriculture that could be used to raise timber. We must remember that we are not engaging in this work for the immediate future, it is more for the far distant future. The trees that we plant today will not come into com- mercial use until our grandchildren are running this country." 'it 'is the work for tomorrow and for the future of our country. I take it that the trees that are planted as a result of this meeting which will come to their full growth perhaps in a hundred years from now will be the breathing spots and play grounds. We are not spending very much money, but we are getting results, buying up small tracts of forests, putting state parks here and there over the State. I am glad to have you here. I congratulate you upon the great work in which you are engaged because of what it means to the future of our country. It is a public question. But you can't afford to grow forests on land worth two or three hundred dollars an acre. It don't pay and private owners can't do it. I really know so little of this question and some of you men here are so much better able to speak upon the subject than I am so I am going to give you a chance to talk. I thank you. (Applause) MR. WOOLLEN: Governor Cox and Governor Lowden have found it impossible to be present. We will now have the satisfaction of listening to Mr. Edmund Secrest, Forester of Ohio. (Applause) MR. EDMUND SECREST: Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of the con- vention, I am certainly glad to be with you this morning to tell you some- thing of forestry conditions in Ohio. Ohio is a state of relatively small farms, the average of which is eighty-eight acres. The lands in farms, or forest tracts aggregate twenty- six million acres and of this area approximately one million, three hun- dred thousand acres, or five per cent, could be utilized in some form of agricultural development. There are three million, five hundred thousand acres of woodland in the State of which some five hundred thousand acres are in large buildings, other than farm lands in southeast Ohio. The average farm woodland is twelve acres in extent. The composition of the native forest is predominantly hardwood with occasional sporadic coniferous areas in the Ohio river countries. The farm woodlands on eighty per cent, of the State's area are on land of considerable agricultural value. These tracts are being encroached upon directly by clearing for tillage or pasturage, and indirectly by live stock grazing. It may be expected as a matter of course that woodlands on lands of high productive value will gradually lessen in extent, with more intensive agricultural practices superinduced by a greater demand for farm products, and the decreasing size of farms. The woodlands of this type were representative of the most valuable hardwood forests of the country. It is from them that much of the raw material for the wood using industries is obtained for they contain the great bulk of the remain- ing original forests of the State. First quality white oak, red oak, yellow poplar, white ash, black walnut and elm came from the most productive soils, and strange though it may seem, the farm woodlands of central and northern Ohio contain the original stands, while those of the inherent tim- ber soils of southern Ohio passed over a half century ago. A logical land classification would place this class of farm woodlands within the zone of agricultural production. On the other hand, their passing will require time for there are many landowners who cannot be persuaded to part with ' * ' * their' wb'o'dlarid's even though they exist upon land of high value. Probably their number will increase; certainly there has been a decided change in attitude and sentiment during the past decade in favor of woodland main- tenance. Nevertheless we cannot escape the conviction that woodlands on land worth from one hundred to three hundred dollars per acre need not be considered a dependable future resource. Economically these acres represent in the aggregate a considerable loss to the commonwealth. The mere fact that they occupy lands of high value even though they be productive forests would in itself constitute misutilization. Through the deterioiating influence of grazing these detached bodies of native forest for the most part are cumberers of the ground with the original trees mature, or culls, the young growth lacking or of inferior composition, the shade too dense for the growth of nutritious grasses, these tracts are neither good forest nor good pasture. It is true that many of them can be rehabilitated. In fact by proper protection and management, regenera- tion by natural seeding is most satisfactory. There is a field for farm forestry within the regions mentioned — the steep slopes along streams, overflow lands, ravines, etc., which could be given over more profitably to timber growing than other purposes. The farmer's interest in this phase is fortified by the direct benefits accruing from the small woodland. From it he would have available for farm use material for construction, posts, fuel, etc. He will appreciate more and more the value of shelter belts, both for protection and utility. It may be expected that such forestry can be promoted with moderate success in the better agricultural sections, and some progress has been made in this direction. Before leaving this phase of the discussion it may be well to state that hundreds of farmers are attempting in greater or less degree to maintain and manage their small woodlands in accordance with recognized prin- ciples of forestry, without regard for the value of the land on which they exist. From this fact, however, there can be no outgrowth of estab- lished policy with reference to such tracts, nor even will there be any assurance that the successors to' the property of these men will continue their practices. The unglaciated hill lands of the southeast quarter of Ohio are the inherent timber areas of the state. A million acres could be devoted to this purpose without infringing on agricultural development. The woodlands in this section are in holdings of from two hundred to twenty thousand acres, small portions of which are utilized for desultory farm operations. Surface land values range from two dollars to twenty-five dollars per acre. During the early part of the last century, the original forest was taken up in large holdings by furnace companies, which led to the develop- ment of the charcoal iron industry. The timber was converted into char- coal which was utilized in the reduction of the local ore. Up to the time of the collapse of this industry in the early seventies, not only the original forest but oftentimes second growth and even third growth was used. The successive cuttings affected the composition of forest, but the most deleterious results occurred through the conversion of high forest to coppice, and the weakening of the reproductive capacity with each cut- 9 ting. Following this period the surface lands were almost abandoned, excepting that such portions which could be tilled were cleared and farmed. As the woodland developed it was again xmt over principally for tie timber. The promiscuous clearing for tillage has complicated the problems involved in rehabilitating these areas, converting steep hill sides into fields has always been a common practice. Lack of soil fertility or indifference as well as difficulties in maintaining the fertility leads to the abandonment of the land resulting in a reversion to the old field type of forest. This type is difficult to deal with because it is so inferior in composition and stand, resulting oftentimes in mere weed growth. Artificial reforestation by private individuals of the old field where the typical growth prevails in impracticable in many instances because of the excessive costs of formation and subsequent cleaning. The native forests under a system of management will be a valuable asset to the state for they are considerable, and are an inherent part of that section. Protection against fires is needed but damage of consequence is limited to a few counties where wild lands are in the hands of absentee land lords. Many owners are exercising vigilence in respect to this feature, but a sytem of state and national aid is needed. The generally prevailing in- difference in attitude toward the proper maintenance of the forsets in this section is a factor which must be considered in this discussion. There are a few large tracts held for the value of the second growth alone. A con- siderable portion of southeast Ohio is underlaid by the coal measures, and many of the furnace tracts are in the hands of coal operators. They own the surface along with the mineral rights in most instances. Their business is to mine coal and the surface to them is of consideration only as it affects their mining operations. They value the woodland insofar as it contributes timber to supply the needs of the mines until they are worked out. Beyond that they have no immediate interest, for they are not in the timber business. However much they may be censured for neglecting their woodlands, there are obstacles in the way of forestry practices. There are no markets for inferior timber. Coal and gas have practically driven fire wood out of the market. Charcoal production barely more than pays for cutting the wood and burning the coal. In fact, many tracts are turned over to burners to coal for the price of the wood. The stumpage paid for pit props is so small that transactions are never based on that product. Tie timber is virtually the first product from second growth forests for which there is ready sale. Inability to dispose of the lower grades of timber is a discouraging feature, and is certainly a deterrent in the practice of forestry by private owners. The present State Forestry Department was organized by legislative act in 1906. It was placed under jurisdiction of the Board of Control of the Agricultural Experiment Station. Broad power was given the Board along investigational and demonstration lines, but there was no provision for forest protection. In 1914 by special enactment the Board was author- ized to purchase lands for state forests. The work of the Department has been substantially along the following lines. (1) At the outset a preliminary forest survey of the State was made with the detailed surveys of certain counties. This was done to determine the conditions, the needs, and the lines of work required. 10 (2) Assistance to private owners, state, municipal and private insti- tutions in the management of their woodlands and in reforestation projects. (3) The station has maintained nurseries for the propagation and distribution of planting stock for reforestation. Heretofore the distri- bution of stock has been limited largely to experimental and demonstration work. (4) Forest arboretums have been established on a number of public and quasi public institutions. (5) Three municipal forests and forest parks have been established under the direction of the Department, one of which is primarily for the protection of the potable water supply. (6) Two state forests have been purchased and these areas are used for experimental and demonstration purposes. (7) A survey of the important drainage basins made in 1913, follow- ing the unprecedented flood of that year. (8) During the past five years more attention has been given to problems of forest utilization. This phase in fact has grown to one of most importance. It is felt that the Department can be of r*eal help to the woodland owner, and the wood user. The average owner has little con- ception of timber values, but has to proceed in marketing his products. He has great difficulty in finding markets for many classes of timber. In these matters we have been able to render assistance of considerable consequence. It has also been possible to locate and to secure for wood users certain classes of timber which they desire and to cause mature or over-mature timber to be placed on the market. The effect of such work on the whole as we view it, is that it tends to create or to stimulate stagnant markets for the various classes of woodland products. The time of two of our men is largely given to this work, one of whom has had some years of practical experience in the timber business. It was found at the outset that land owners were seeking information regarding the lasting qualities of the several kinds of post timbers. The Department undertook to investigate this matter with the result that data were obtained on some ten of the most common timbers. This work embraced the examination of three hundred fifty fences containing over forty thousand posts, the fences ranging in ages from four to fifty years. These data brought out many interesting facts, chief of which being that there is considerable variation in the durability of different wood of the same species, and that the relative scale is based not upon the length of life of one or several posts of a given species, but upon the average of great numbers. Data has been collected on the average stands per acre by counties of the different commercial tree species of the State. The results of this work is now on press and it will give fairly accurate data to wood users and others on the amounts and distribution of the available com- mercial timber. (9) Cities have from time to time requested assistance in the plant- ing and care of shade trees. Since they contribute indirectly to the sup- port of the Department it was felt that they were entitled to such assist- ance. Shade tree surveys are therefore made upon request, and consid- 11 erable interest has developed in this respect. The need of such work is so evident in the average city, that it scarcely merits comment. It has resulted indirectly in much good to the Department, chiefly in securing wider moral and financial support. (10) From the outset it has been the conviction that experimentation and research was vitally necessary for the development of forestry under Ohio conditions. We in fact have assumed the attitude that such work is fundamental in the working out of a stable forest policy for Ohio. It is hardly to be conceived how best results can be obtained without definite knoweldge of many facts we do not have. We need to have these facts before we can answer many questions now pending, and it is to be regretted that it is going to take so long to learn them. It is to be our policy, how- ever, to understand more work of this character than it has been possible to do in the past. (Applause) MR. WOOLLEN: The meeting will now be addressed by Mr. R. B. Miller, Forester of Illinois. (Applause) MR. R. B. MILLER : Mr. Chairman and gentlemen, it is the intention in this paper to discuss very briefly those forest influences and problems in Illinois which are vital to a forestry policy, which are also common to Indiana and Ohio and which will furnish a committee from this con- ference some definite basis upon which to work when they summarize its findings. You have only to look at some of the topographic sheets which the United States Geological Survey and the State Geological Survey are making in Illinois to assure yourself that it is not entirely a prairie State. According to Professor J. G. Mosier, of the Soil Survey of Illinois, in the sixty-two counties covered by the survey prior to 1917 there are 3,434,- 625 acres of broken and hilly land which should be in timber. Going over the remaining forty counties, for which reports have not been finished and results compiled, and comparing the amount of rough land there with adjacent counties surveyed, he believes we can add to this 2,321,000 acres more, making a total for the state of about 5,750,000 acres, almost one- eixth of its total area of thirty-six million acres. This area, whose out- lines are almost identical with the limits of the yellow silt loam soil as mapped by soil experts, varies in the different counties from .18 to eighty per cent, and if cultivated is subject to serious and destructive erosion. What is being done to keep this land which is potential forest soil permanently in timber? A few figures from some of the members of the Illinois Academy of Sciences who have been working on some of these counties for several years will help to answer the question. Dr. Pepoon of Chicago says that Jo Daviess county, credited with sixty-two and four- tenths per cent, of this class of land was originally a forest land. Now there is only about five per cent, of merchantable timber in solid blocks used mainly for posts and fuel, while about fifteen per cent, may be classed as heavily culled. In LaSalle county, according to Dr. George D. Fuller, of Chicago University, out of 35,220 acres examined only 6,530 acres, or two and three-tenths per cent, of the area covered by the survey is forested, this being in ravines or along the larger rivers. 12 In Cook County, according to Dr. Waterman, of Northwestern Uni- versity, Department of Botany, out of 5,760 acres surveyed, only seven hun- dred acres still bear original forest growth and of this only eighty acres is virgin forest. The Cook County Forest Preserve Board, however, is doing much to save these scattered bits of native forest for the people of Cook County as a recreation ground and now has over 17,500 acres of such forest under its jurisdiction. Forest Influences. Among the forest influences or forest reactions which should be considered in Illinois are the effects of the removal of the forest cover in causing irregularity of stream flow due to the drying up of streams and springs, with destructive floods. Dr. Fernow says that the stopping of floods is an engineering problem but that forests can be de- pended upon to render the flow of water throughout the year more uniform. Illustrations from remote regions lose their effect but we might take a specific one from Jo Daviess County. One flood in a stream only five miles long destroyed a stone mill dam and wrecked the large flouring mill. Some fifteen feet of silt was deposited on the bed of the mill pond after the flood had subsided, representing as Dr. Pepoon says, "one foot of eroded soil from four acres of farm land." Another marked result of deforestation in this same county has been the drying up of springs and brooks and the lowering of the water table. This is quite in conformity with evidence cited by Greve, by McGee, Tourney and Mead. Where originally there were 'six minor brooks and fifteen springs in a certain map area, today none remain and the ground water has been lowered from eight to twelve feet below its former level. This is not the opinion of a casual visitor to the region but the observation of one who has studied the same region for years. Erosion. It is stated on good authority that leaf mould will absorb from two to four times its weight in water. Due to this large absorptive capacity, measurements made in France show that surface run-off from wooded slopes is only one-half of that from deforested slopes. Reduction of run-off prevents erosion, so that one of the main remedies for badly eroded and gullied land, according to the Illinois Soil Survey, is "to put them back into forests as rapidly as possible." Their reports abound with instances of where soil abandonment is taking place, but more espe- cially in the seven southern counties and in those adjoining the Wabash, Mississippi and Illinois rivers. The Illinois Geological Survey speaks of deforestation as one of the agencies in causing erosion, with the attendant evils of gullying and sheet washing. Let us take some specific examples. Dr. Fuller says of LaSalle county, in the upper Illinois valley region, that "along many of the stream valleys are slopes of such a character that the removal of the forest cover will cause, and in some cases has already caused rather extensive gullying." In Union county, where the Dongola topographic sheet is being prepared, many fields were seen, especially in yellow silt loam soil, where gullies were forming and the owners of the farms were making unsuccessful efforts to stop them with brush and straw. According to the- older resi- . dents, these slopes had years ago been covered with a forest of tulip, white pak and *ea Q&fc, B§0. P$fc m$ sycamore seedlings, fUopg with sassafras 13 and inferior species, can now be found getting a foothold In some of them, showing that with a little assistance they might again become forested. In some fields seed had come in from the lower bottomland woods; in many cases it would be a question of planting. Dr. Pepoon says that in Jo Daviess county cutting away the forests has resulted in erosion, "with all of its attendant evils." The Illinois Geological Survey in dealing with the Galena and Elizabeth Quadrangles, there says, under recommendations about erosion that if light pasturing and getting the land back into grass are not sufficient to stop the wash, rapidly growing trees, like the cottonwood and locust, can be planted, and the fields gradually brought back into timber land. Then later, by judicious cutting and replanting, the land may be made to yield a revenue from timber, instead of producing scantier and scantier crops until they become so small as to have no value. Competent authority says that leaf-litter should not be grazed or burned over in order to have the maximum effect in preventing surface run-off, and this brings us to the subjects of grazing and fire protection. Suppose we take first the question of grazing and the problem of what may be called woodland pasture. Grazing and the Woodland Pasture. Dr. George D. Fuller, of the Uni- versity of Chicago Department of Botany, who has worked two summers In LaSalle county and knows thoroughly the character of the woods in that county, says that "grazing is so universally practiced that not over 5% of the oak and bottom land forests show reproduction in progress at the present time." From a strip estimate made in September of this year in a 100 acre woodland and pasture of the open park type, classed by Dr. Fuller as an "oak-hickory forest," we find as a consequence of grazing of cattle and hogs that there is less than one tree per acre of the three-inch diameter class of any species. Most of the trees are over 50 years of age, showing that there is no future crop of young trees coming on. The trees are very short boled, and while diameter growth was found to be rapid in these trees there are only 46 trees per acre and a stand of 1881 board feet per acre, so that the increment in volume on an acre would be very small. In other forests of LaSalle county, where for some reason grazing had been lighter, we found the number of two and three inch trees had in- creased to 62 per acre, the total number of trees standing on an acre to 348, and the stand per acre to 4,625 board feet. While this disparity was in part due to differences in site, we can attribute a large part to the fact that trees of the smaller diameter classes had not been destroyed by graz- ing, but had grown up to healthy, middle-sized trees making up the bulk of the forest and offering some chance of financial profit to the owner. In the ravines of some of these pastured forests in LaSalle county, where moisture conditions were better, there were more trees of the smaller diameter classes again and fermination conditions were so good and acorns so numerous on the ground that with a little care in excluding stock a good growth of young trees of red oak and other rapidly-growing speces would have resulted. Some of these poorly-stocked, struggling white oak forests on rather poor upland forest soils above Indian Creek hacj in less tUan 7§ years pro- the following crop per acre, ; 14 116 — 8-foot fence posts. 36 — 25-foot piling, with a top diameter of 6 inches. 212 — 7-foot mine props. 2042 — 5-foot mine props. Counting the pasture worth from three to four dollars per acre, it is a question as to whether the land was not worth more for timber growing than it will be for pasture or farm land when cut off. Besides, it will be subject to severe gullying due to ravines which run through It, which will extend themselves farther back each year it lies as stump land. Grazing— Jo Daviess County. This county is situated in the north- western part of the State, and has escaped glaciation. Speaking of an imgrazed forest in Jo Daviess County, which from the enumeration of many rare herbaceous plants must be a paradise for the botanist, Dr. Pepoon, of Chicago, says: "A very striking feature of this woodland is the very large number of youjag oak, ash and hard maple, and to a lesser extent hickery, elm, basswood and ironwood trees, many of -which have reached a height of 6 to 8 feet, and are evidently well started in a successful struggle to reach maturity. This shows better than any other fact the benefit to reproduction of keeping out cattle, sheep and hogs. From this we may say that any forest land in this area will be able to perpetuate itself if properly protected from grazing animals." Wesley Bradfield, speaking of the northern Illinois river region, says, that the most important consideration is that forest land should be devoted solely to raising trees and should not be used as pasture land. "Forest land should have the advantage of an unbroken ground cover of leaf mulch, a soil which is not being constantly trampled by stock so that it will remain loose and porous and a solid stand of trees, whether of new seed- lings or trees which are nearly mature and ready to harvest." Dr. Waterman, in speaking of the tracts of forest in Cook county says that the worst things are picnicing and pasturage; while Dr. Vestal, speaking of Cumberland county, says pasturage is general and erosion has resulted in many places. This connection between pasturage and gullying of the land is mentioned by the Illinois Geological Survey, deforestation and grazing being discussed as two important factors in erosion of man's introduction. "The hoofs of cattle have cut the sod and over-grazing has killed the grass in places, so that the soil has been laid bare, to be washed by rains and blown by winds. These slopes in Fox valley might have been kept in a more productive state by more restricted grazing, or by letting them remain in timber." Forest Taxation. Prof. Chapman will discuss the modern methods of taxation as applied to timberlands, so it is only necessary to mention the known facts about taxation of timber land in Illinois. From personal interviews with owners one learns that they are not cutting off the timber because taxation is excessive but through a desire to benefit the pasture, combined with ignorance of the true stumpage value of the timber and the desire to get rid of it quickly and easily. This they do by selling it for a lump sum to contractors dealing in mine props, posts and piling, who have no interest in the tract other than financial profit. This is largely a matter for education of the public after it has been found out what the 15 relative returns are from timber and farm crops on the same type of soil, taking into consideration the expense for getting each crop, at compound interest. The main changes to be made would seem to be the adoption of more uniform methods of valuation for timber land by the county assessors. According to Wesley Bradfield, who investigated the methods of taxation in about 15 counties of the State in 1908, these methods very greatly among the following: Taking the value of the land for cultivation when cleared ; assessing a certain per cent, of the value of timber on the land ; taking the value of timber land as unimproved land only; value with reference to its location to easily accessible markets; the value of the land when used for pasture ; and often simply an arbitrary determination of the fair cash value of the property by the assessor. There is a provision for a bounty to be offered by the Board of County Commissioners to any person who shall plant one or more acres of land with forest trees and properly cultviate the same for three years. This bounty amounts to $10.00 per acre per annum for three years for each acre planted, trees not being spaced a greater distance than ten feet apart each way. Judging from the effect of bounty laws in other States, this law has had little effect in stimulating general planting. Fire Protection. So far as we have ascertained, there are no state organizations for the protection of timber from fire in Illinois, except such as may come under the jurisdiction of county forest preserve boards. Fortunately, most of the timber is in small tracts, usually completely surrounded by roads, which greatly decreases the fire hazard. According to data compiled from reports sent in to Dr. Forbes in 1915 by the several county crop reporters, some counties had no fires and those reported were most commonly caused by railroads, brush burning and campers. In Perry county it was mentioned that fall and early winter fires were started by coon hunters and in Union county we were told that it was a common occurrence in some parts for these men to burn over the woods at night to make travel through the woods easier for dogs. There have been a few cases of incendiarism reported but this is punish- able under Section 18 of the Criminal Code with a fine of from $5.00 to $100.00 for wilfully starting brush or grass fires. Railroads are made responsible for fires started by their engines and there is a law requiring them to keep their rights of way clear of weeds, grass and inflammable material. Summarizing, we have shown that almost six million acres of land in Illinois, on account of topography and soil, are better fitted for growing timber than for any other purpose ; that our stands of virgin timber are dis- appearing rapidly through cutting or are being replaced by those of poor growth capacity through grazing and occasional fires; that this removal of the forests, as evidenced by reliable investigators in several counties and as shown by the reports of the Illinois Soil Survey and Illinois Geolog- ical Survey, is bringing about the usual results — disastrous floods, the drying up of springs and brooks and the lowering of the level of the ground water ; that by the gullying of the lighter soils due to the removal of the forest cover by unwise cutting and the pasturing of stock, much land is 16 being rendered unfit for agriculture and offers a chance for reforestation ; and that minor changes may be necessary in methods of valuation of tim- berlands and in fire protection. The question remains, then, as to what steps the State should take, in the interests of her citizens, not only to assume her share of responsibility in the national program for increasing the available timber supply of the country but to safeguard those remnants of the original forest which not only contributed largely to the development of the State and her industries, but by whose destruction the balance of Nature's forces have been seriously disturbed. Just as we will owe this conference a debt of gratitude for presenting these facts to the public in a new light, so we look to it for valuable assistance in working out a solution of this vital economic question. (Applause) MR. WOOLLEN: I now introduce the forester of Indiana, Mr. Charles C. Deam. (Applause) MR. CHARLES C. DEAM: Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen, the subject of my paper is "Forest Conditions in Indiana." The area of Indiana is 22,403,502 acres. Practically the whole of the State was formerly covered with one of the best hardwood forests of the world. The wooded area has steadily decreased since active settlement began about one hundred years ago. In 1880 the forest area has dwindled down to 4,355,191 acres of first-class timberland. In 1917 the timberland area of Indiana is given as 1,664,047 acres, or about seven per cent, of the whole area. Virgin forests have become so scarce that only a few isolated tracts remain. Turkey Run State Park, the largest of these, containing less than three hundred acres, was recently purchased by some patriotic citizens, and turned over to the State as a relic of the grandeur and wealth of Indiana's primeval forests. In 1910 statistics rank Indiana third in the amount and value of its improved land, exceeded only by Iowa and Illinois. These statistics show that Indiana is essentially an agricultural State, and that it will always remain so, is implied by its geographical location. The geographical situa- tion of Indiana favors agriculture, including both grazing and horticulture. It is traversed by trunk line railroads in all directions with nearby term- inals such as Chicago, with an estimated population of over three millions ; Milwaukee with 504,707; Detroit and Cleveland with 936,000 each and Cincinnati with 472,668. Indiana is the nearest source of supply to the cities enumerated, for certain agricultural and horticultural products. It also serves many smaller cities such as Louisville and others that could be named. The surface of the greater part of Indiana is level and is contained in the glaciated region. This area has great 'agricultural possibilities, about ninety-five per cent, of it being already wTell improved. It is predicted that the forests of this area will gradually disappear and that the only forest tree growth will be in the form of windbreaks. There are, however, about twenty-three counties in the southern part of the State that have a rough topography. This area is a series of hills and fertile valleys of varying width and length. The hills vary in height from one 17 hundred to two hundred feet. The slopes also vary from gentle to precip- itous. The greater part of the slopes are gentle to steep. The soil of the greater part of the area is limestone and will support a good stand of blue grass. Parts of about ten counties have a residual soil composed of decomposed sandstone, knobstone or knobstone shale which will not support a good stand of blue grass, and which are regarded as our poorest agricultural and forestal lands. This hill area may be* roughly divided into forestal and agricultural lands. There is, however, a wide divergance of opinion as to the definition of each in Indiana. The for- ester tells us that all lands that will not support a permanent and profitable agriculture should be classed as forest land. He calls attention to areas that have already been cleared and farmed successfully for a few years, but having become washed and eroded, have been abandoned. He says : "Such lands should not have been cleared." The Agricultural Experimental Station expert tells us that the washing and erosion is the result of poor farming, and that practically any slope in Indiana might be cleared and farmed or grazed successfully. The land owner will tell you he can clear a rugged slope and grow tobacco on it a year or two and receive an income from five to one hundred times the value of the land, but he fails to tell you that after a few years the soil on their farmed slopes will be washed away. We should, therefore, not be surprised to find thou: sands of acres of hill land that have been farmed for a year or two and then abandoned, or left to "go to pasture or grow up" to use the vernacular of the hill country. Today there are thousands of acres of cleared land in the southern part of the State which are not now farmed because they have washed or eroded so that they cannot be farmed or are too unprofitable to be farmed. They are growing up in poverty grass, weeds, briars, sassafras, persimmon, etc. These washed areas usually occur in small tracts of a few acres in extent. Yet the agricultural expert tells us all of these areas can be redeemed and be made profitable for agriculture and grazing. Is this hill country forestal or agricultural lands? Let us consult statistics and also note the activities of the present population. In 1915 ninety-two per cent, of Indiana was listed as farm land. Of twenty of the hilliest counties of the State, eleven reported more than ninety-two per cent, of their county as farm land. In 1917 the average sized farm in Indiana was one hundred three acres, yet in eleven of the roughest counties of the State, the average farm contained only ninety-six acres. The average rural population in Indiana in 1916 was forty-three per square mile. Yet Crawford, Orange and Perry counties which are regarded as among the roughest counties of the State had an average of forty. The average forty-three for the State represents an inflated figure, since the large rural coal mine and suburban populations are included in the State average. It is reasonable to believe that agriculture today in the counties just named is supporting as large and contented a population as the average county. It is a fact that the forests are disappearing"" most rapidly in the hilliest counties. Why is this? The following may be offered in answer. The land owner has no notion of the annual increment value of an acre of 18 forest land. The writer has asked scores of land owners at what they esti- mated the value of the growth of an acre of woodland, and not one has had the knowledge or even the courage to venture an answer. He does not know the potential value of a forest, but he does know that a forest crop is a long time investment, and that his economic conditions demand an investment of short duration. The hilly or forestal land of Indiana is surrounded by abundant coal fields, and the slash of a forest crop has little or no commercial value. In most instances after all of the mer- chantable timber has been removed, the slash would not pay for clearing of the land. Coal can be bought for what it costs to cut wood and many farmers who have wood rotting in their forest, take produce to market and return with a load of coal. The time required to cut wood can be spent at more remunerative employment or the bitter winter days of wood cutting can be turned into a rabbit hunt. In the hilly counties there is no outlet for surplus labor such as in the northern counties. In the north, witness each morning the thousands of laborers, especially girls, on the interurban cars going to the cities to work. As a consequence the farmer of the hill country is compelled to use the surplus man-power on his farm, which in the aggregate is eight per cent, smaller than the farm of the north. To do this, he sets to clearing more land, and grows tobacco, which requires about ten times more man-power to grow than corn. Or, he will grow tomatoes, strawberries or other bush fruits or vegetables. As an example of this form of intensive agriculture may be cited the growing of strawberries on the "knobs" in the vicinity of Borden where as high as five car loads have been shipped in one day. The greatest inroad on our forest area has been made by the recent development of the dairy business. The introduction and wide use of the silo ; our recent knowledge of certain forage plants, such as alfalfa ; and our greater facilities for marketing milk and cream, such as improved roads, auto trucks, etc., have been extremely favorable to the development of the dairy business. The high price of food products has advanced the price of butter fat to the point where the hill farmer wiU tell you that the income from his cows is equal to that of his farm. In order to get more grazing land, every available nook and corner and forest land is taken, and the remaining forest land is being fenced. It is now rare to see open forest land, or a fenced forest that is not pastured. It is a well known fact that pasturage will stop all reproduction in a hardwood forest, and if there is not a change in the management of the forest area in the hill country, there will be no forests after the maturity of the present crop. The fire hazard in Indiana is not a serious barrier to maintaining our forest area. Forests are usually open, small and separated by numerous public roads. In any event fire would not burn over any great area if any organized effort was made to stop it. As a rule, owners do not care if their forests are burned over, in fact many burn their forests over each year to keep reproduction down, and to burn up the leaves so the grass will get a start. When a fire is started in a forest there is little effort made to stop it except when it threatens a fence, haystack or build- ings. Our present tax system is an important factor in encouraging land 19 owners to clear land. There is a widespread belief that forests should be exempt from taxation, basing the claim on the communal benefit of the forest. To summarize : Indiana is essentially an agricultural State. It is divided into small farms, averaging one hundred three acres, all of which are in the hands of private ownership. An average of ninety-two per cent, of all these farms is improved, leaving less than ninety-one acres of forest land to each farm. The economic conditions confronting the owners; the high price of farm products and nearness to the markets which make farm land worth more than forest land ; and the ignorance of the owner of forest manage- ment, combine to cause the neglect of the practice of forestry in Indiana. I have interviewed many land owners and all agree that something should be done to provide a future supply of timber for Indiana. They claim that they cannot afford to practice forestry on their small hold- ings under the present economic conditions, and that the State should own the forest land. Since the condition of the public mind is in favor of State owned forests, I would recommend that the State at once purchase a sufficient area to provide for the future supply of timber, and that the same be paid for by a bond issue to mature in from fifty to one hundred years. (Applause) Some announcements were made by the Secretary. ADJOURNMENT. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON SESSION. The meeting was called to order at 2 :00 p. m., with Dr. F. W. Shepard- son presiding. THE CHAIRMAN: The convention will please come to order. The gentleman who presided this morning has been obliged to fill another engagement and the committee in charge has asked me to assume the chair this afternoon. I am going to ask Mr. Sauers to read us a letter that he received from Mr. B. A. Johnson. MR. CHARLES G. SAUERS: (Reading letter) "When Charles G. Sauers, writing for Richard Lieber, Director of Conservation of the State of Indiana, addressed me a letter on September 28th, he expressed himself in the last paragraph of his communication in a heartfelt and direct manner which has led me to believe that he meant it, and which furnished me a text for the shortest possible communication that I can write you on this subject. "Mr. Sauers said: 'Will you address this conference upon the subject of Co-operation Between the Lumberman and the Forester?' We realize that it is possibly a rather delicate subject but know that you have the situation well in mind and believe that you can handle it to the best advantage. Will you make this address and will you also arrange your plans to be at the conference throughout the two days? Questions will be constantly coming up which you will be best able to answer and your presence will be of great aid. We cannot take no for an answer because you are needed.' 20 "I do not consider that this matter of a discussion of the relations between the lumberman and the forester is a delicate subject I am much of the opinion that there has been altogether too much diplomacy and preservation of ethics, and altogether too much of an endeavor upon the part of both sides of this discussion to handle the subject with wool lined and heavy gloves — rather than going at the matter with hammer and saw and ax. "We have all hedged about this affair with an altogether too nice, and lady-like an attitude to get very far with such a subject. "The forester,. being a man of the schools cleverly and fully educated, desiring more to see his formulas worked out and his ethics paramount than could be described by 'money in the till' as measuring the result of work well done, being a man of a profession which never contemplated the amassing of money as denoting success in life, has failed to recognize the very opposite attributes of the lumberman. Of course this is not true of all foresters and neither does it matter whether it is true or not, provid- ing the forester has deported himself in such a surface way as to carry a conviction of this attitude to the mind of the lumberman. "I maintain that this is the basic cause for the lumberman's opposition to the forester, whether the forester has been able to see the condition or not. The forester is highly specialized in his grasp of forestry and all it means to him, but he is not highly specialized and has a very extremely marked lack of information as to the effect his attitude naturally must have upon the lumberman. "This statement of mine is carefully thought out and deliberately made with no desire to be 'delicate' and with only a desire to 'know the truth' because the Bible says 'the truth shall set ye free' ; and the query I want to make is, 'do we not wish above all things, freedom?' "In any reference I make to lumbermen and their attitude toward for- esters, I do not refer to lumbermen as a class, but to the majority of lumbermrn, to the very large and overwhelming majority of lumbermen, for there are many lumbermen, of course, who have butted their way through "ootball wedges and conscientiously worked their way through university courses, whether approaching them from the necessity of doing janitor work to pay for their matriculation or from the 'Gold Coast' of some opulent eastern university, riding to their class rooms in foreign-born runabouts. "Now the majority of lumbermen do not lumber out of books, and have a clean cut inherited opinion of the rights of property as set down in the constitution of the United States. His trees belong to him to have and to hold and to cut as he pleases. While it is altogether probable that the great public has something to say about all this thing of 'a national timberland policy for the United States' the majority of lumbermen have not considered the great public as having anything to do with their busi- ness any more than they have an interest in the great public's business and very naturally, resent anybody telling them what they shall do with their trees quite as much as any man would resent public interference with the amount of money he should use for his personal pleasure or what style of car he should drive or where he should bank his money or type of woman fce sboujd choose for Ws wife.. 21 "Up to within a very few years, and even up to within a very few months, the majority of the lumbermen of the land have not known or cared much or believed much concerning the possible will of the people, as discussed in soviet and Bolshevik proganda, either academically or in fact. "The great majority of lumbermen have not very seriously considered that the base of their property is something emanating from the public domain and that theirs is a so-called 'wasting industry.' "The majority of the lumbermen of the United States realize that they are misunderstood and brow beaten by the public press, by bureaucratic Washington, by government and by public opinion, and they resent it and they have never yet been able to organize a machine to fight it and they never will. "I could name one hundred fifty lumbermen, giving their initials and home addresses, without misspelling a name or giving a wrong location where those lumbermen might be found ordinarily, which list when it had been compiled, would contain the names and addresses of practically all of the high class lumbermen in the United States who had ever made a call of courtesy or one of business in a voluntary way on the Forest Service in Washington, or who had any knowledge or any care for the wonderful institution that the Forest Service is, as it is now housed and now functions in the Atlantic Building in our national Capitol. "Lumbermen generally, that is the majority of lumbermen, know a great deal more about the Forest Products Laboratory at Madison than they do about the Forest Service at Washington, but they have no real patience with scientific affairs as a whole. They are not interested in effciency diagram, or especially in statistics, but are deeply and partic- ularly interested in the advancement in public favor of the particular wood which is in the till at the end of the year. "This attitude does not under any circumstances establish the fact that the lumberman is ignorant, far from it. He is like Barney Fagan's 'high born lady' — born that way. "Yes, I know the above statement needs explanation for it is a state- ment and not an argument, a statement of facts, a hurdle set up in your way, all ye organizers wherever ye are dispersed. "God never made any two trees alike and he made many species of trees — all the varieties of fir and hemlock, pine and hardwoods, each with its special attribute and never any common denominator of value, but the false and fiated denominator of the 'so much per thousand feet'; and there never was any one thousand foot pile of lumber which h^d the same exact value of any other one thousand foot pile of lumber, even if it all came out of the same tree and same log and all was cut to one particular dimension; and therein are the differences that beset any man who endeavors to make the lumbermen of the United States all of a sim- ilar opinion upon any subject. "Manufacturing methods differ in great measure with each species of wood manufactured and one locality with another. For this reason there is no nationally or internationally known unit of value in lumber. "A pig Of iron is a pig of iron at Gary, at Hongkong,, on the Thames 22 embankment, or in the Gogebic range. A bushel of wheat, with but little difference in grade, is comparable with all other bushels of wheat, whether situated in North Dakota or by the edge of the Black Sea, but one thousand feet of lumber is not like any other one thousand feet of lumber that ever has been or will be, when it comes to giving it a value, and therein is the reason why there are so many manufacturers' associations in the lumber trade, and why those manufacturers' associations have up to date paid vastly more attention to making the lumber consuming world con- scious of the fact that their lumber is better than any other lumber, and have paid so little attention to what any government bureau or any scientific man in the bureau, or out of it, may consider to be the proper treatment of his raw product, whether it be in the pile or in the forest. "The analytical forest service man and independent forester and scientific lumberman will get a fundamental truth out of these words without boiling them even to a fever heat, or into an epigram, and yet this is not pessimism, this is only the truth, and I wish you would all try and make the most of it. For, along the lines of truth are the gateways to co-operation, co-ordination, solidarity, and upon no other basis can you figure out a practical national lumber policy for the United States, and you never will figure out such a policy until you learn to jump all these hurdles without tripping. "How will you do this thing? Keep your associations of all lumber- men, of all classes, going at even speed ahead. Try and believe that you are all in the same boat, under orders for the same port, and don't rock it. Keep up an everlasting discussion of this subject and bring constructive suggestions to the forum of the Lumber World Review or to any other forum, where free speech and honest thought is tolerated 'in this land of the free and home of the brave' and remember that the student who lives in an apartment and likes it has as much right to an opinion as the man who has several million dollars in the bank ; and probably, sometimes, you will reach a conclusion, but it will not any of it be done that will be worth while unless the rights of all concerned are considered. "BOLLING ARTHUR JOHNSON, "Editor and Publisher, "Lumber World Review." The Chairman appointed the following as the Resolutions Committee: Richard Lieber, Chairman, Indianapolis • E. M. Stotlar, Illinois Findlay Torrence, Ohio ' Dr. F. W. Shepardson, Illinois W. A. Snyder, Ohio J. G. Peters, Washington C. H. Kramer, Indiana P. S. Ridsale, Washington THE CHAIRMAN: This morning our thoughts were turned toward the forest situation in these three states. You must have noted with a 23 marked degree of interest as each man presented a paper looking at the situation from a different angle and each gave us something well worth our consideration and careful thought. This afternoon we are to turn away for a while from state lines to consider the subject from a national point of view. Our general subject is "National Forestry Policy". The first speaker is known the country over because of his work in the field. I want to introduce to you Lieutenant- Colonel Henry S. Graves, Forester of the United States, who will talk upon the forestry situation. (Applause) LT.-COL. HENRY S. GRAVES: Ladies and gentlemen, the forest situation is of peculiar interest to Indiana, Illinois, and Ohio. All three states have a pressing problem in the production of home grown forests. They are also vitally concerned in the forest situation in other parts of the country, for they are large consumers of lumber and other wood prod- ucts and already the greater part of what they use is brought in from other states. At this time public attention is focused on the forest question as never before. This is due partly to the lessons of the war, which have empha- sizd the national importance of all of our natural resources; it is due also to the very high prices of lumber and of articles manufactured from wood, to difficulties in obtaining certain raw products in adequate quan- tities, and to local consequences of forest destruction that are making themselves felt in an increasing degree. This conference is very significant, for it represents, to my mind, an inquiry on the part of the public as to how our forests are being handled — whether they are being safeguarded and perpetuated, and if not, what constructive plans are in contemplation to meet the situation. The Service of Forest. Forests render an indispensable service in three ways : (a) In the production of materials for construction and for the man- ufacture of a multitude of articles essential in the industries and in our every-day life. (b) In the utilization of land that would otherwise be idle, thus making possible the maintenance of local industries and the building up of communities. (c) In the protection of mountain slopes, the conservation of sources of water, and the provision of other general public benefits. The central states are interested in forests and forestry in all three of these aspects. In some ways the problems of forestry are more pressing in this region than in some other sections, and if the citizens of these states wish their various industrial needs to be met, it is essential that they interest themselves in our forest problems in both their local and national phases. Conditions in the Central States. Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio, together with the neighboring portions of Michigan and Wisconsin, constitute the most important center of wood manufacturing industries in the country, that is the industries making vehicles, furniture, railway cars, tools, planing-mill products, and the like. About one-third of the total capital invested and about one-third of the wage earners in the wood- 24 manufacturing industries of the country are in this section. And the lumber consumed amounts to five and one-half billion feet a year, or about a quarter of the aggregate used in this country for such enterprises. Of the approximately three and one-third billion feet of material that goes into the wood-using manufactures of Illinois, Indiana and Ohio alone, nearly one and one-half billion feet are in the form of hardwoods native to and formerly abundant in these states. In fact, it was the large supply of superior oak, hickory, maple, ash, yellow poplar, and walnut that led to the establishment of many of the wood manufactures in the early days. Twenty years ago Indiana led all the states in the quantity of hard- wood lumber cut. At that time the state produced more lumber than it used. Since then the forests have been rapidly cut away to supply the industries and to make way for agriculture, so that the annual cut is now only about a quarter of what it was then. About half of the wood material now used by the Indiana industries comes from species native to the State, but about two-thirds of this hardwood material is imported from other states. As long ago as 1911 only about twenty per cent of the walnut used in Indiana came from its own forests, about a quarter of the yellow poplar and hickory, a third of the basswood, forty per cent of the hard maple and forty-three per cent of the oak. The showing today would be still more unfavorable. In Illinois the wood-using industries use about one and three-fourths billion feet of lumber, of which about one-third is hardwood of species native to the State. The industries, however, have to import over ninety per cent, of this hardwood material. Ohio is somewhat better off than Illinois, being able to produce about a quarter of the hardwoods used in her wood manufacturing industries. Dependence on Other States. The situation in hardwoods, however, constitutes only one phase of the problem. These states within the hard- wood belt of the country and their production of softwoods is and always was relatively small. For general construction lumber they must look to other sources of supply. And here we have a demand not only from the wood manufacturing industries, but also from all other consumers who use lumber for various general purposes, including the great number of shippers who need material for boxes, crates, and other containers. Among the consumers of lumber, too, are representatives of the greatest wood consuming group in the country — the farmers. Though the farms in the central states have better and more adequate buildings than those in many other regions, nevertheless the needs for building material, now and in the future, of the farmers in Indiana, Illinois and Ohio must be borne in mind in considering either a local or a national policy of forestry. These facts raise two very important questions : First, what can these states do in the way of production of wood by growth ; and, second, what is the situation in the rest of the country regarding forest supplies? Today the home product does not nearly meet the annual requirements, and the cutting that is done far exceeds what is grown each year. It is probable, from the best estimates that I have been able to secure, that the annual growth of material of potential value in the three states is 25 not over one-quarter of what is cut each year. This means that the forests are progressively losing ground with considerable rapidity. This deficit is due. only in part to the clearing of land for agriculture. It is due also to the failure to handle the lands in a way to secure good reproduction and properly to protect the young trees that become estab- lished. With better care and management the forest lands of these states should yield from two to three times the present growth, and this would, I believe, be possible without checking the extension of cultivation over lands suited to that purpose. These central states should not, however, consider that their respon- sibility ceases with promoting the production of home grown timber. Even with that production, it will be necessary to look to other sources for a large part of the annual requirements of the industries, of the farmers, and of other consumers. If these states complacently expect that there will be an indefinite supply in the general market of the kind of material they have been securing, they will be gravely disillusioned, unless the present methods of handling forests are changed. They may not be able to act directly in altering conditions outside their own boundaries. Where interstate interests are involved the nation itself must take the leadership and direction. Individual states may, however, express their demand for the protection of their industrial interests and support the government in the necessary action to secure it.' The National Problem. We have throughout our history drawn chiefly upon the original forest growth for the bulk of the material used in the industries. Though in certain localities we are now beginning to use second growth for certain purposes, most of the lumber in the general market comes from so-called original growth, that is, from trees one hun- dred and fifty to two hundred and fifty years old. As one region has been exhausted railroads have been extended into new centers and material in abundance has been furnished the general market. After the softwoods of the northeast and the lake states were largely cut, we looked to the southern pine forests, and the country felt secure in the knowledge that there are still large quantities of timber on the Pacific Coast. Many economists still think in terms of our original supplies, largely ignoring the high prices that result from the transport of material for two or three thousand miles, ignoring the consequences of the withdrawal of competition from the older and more accessible sources of supplies, ignoring the effect on communities of exhausting the resource that has constituted the chief basis of their industrial prosperity. All these, and other matters too, must be included in considering the economic problems of forests and forestry. The lumber industry has been built up to exploit old growth timber. The belief that there is a plentiful supply left somewhere further on has made the country complacent, and the result is that our forests have been cut without reference to restocking with new growth. The interest in protection has been chiefly centered on the old growth timber. Little progress has been made in restoring to productiveness lands laid waste by destructive lumbering and fire. The consequence is that most of the eastern states are in a position 26 analogous to Indiana, Ohio, and Illinois. They are drawing upon other states for a large part of their requirements, the amount cut each year is two to three times what is produced by growth in the home forests, and there is an increasing area of wasted lands unfit for cultiva- tion and that might be producing forests. Prices are very high, partly because of the same factors that influence the price of other commodities, partly because the lumber is brought from greater distances or from less accessible areas that require expensive logging operations. Difficulties are already being encountered in securing raw material of the character and in the quantity desired. Many of our newsprint paper mills of the east find increasing embarrassment for pulp wood within reasonable shipping distance. Some concerns will probably have to close, or move to the west. The Hardwood Situation. Perhaps the most serious situation exists in the matter of hardwood supplies. In the case of softwoods there is a much greater reserve supply left than with hardwoods. Moreover, one species of softwood may be more readily substituted for another previously used, than in the case of hardwoods. The quantities of original hardwood growth in the Appalachians, the Ozarks, and southern valleys are less than popularly supposed. Most of the bodies of timber suited to major lumber operations are already placed, and the majority of operators say that they have not more than ten to fifteen years' supply ahead. Estimates of the available supplies of old timber show that most of our better grades of first growth poplar, basswood ash, and walnut will last but fifteen to twenty years, and of oak but little longer. This in itself would not be alarming if there were a crop of younger growth coming on. We find that our old reserve of virgin hardwoods is being rapidly depleted. This is inevitable. But unfortunately it is not being replaced in any adequate degree. Not only is there almost no effort to secure a replacement, but fires still burn over the lands, destroy- ing what nature may establish and preventing natural seeding. The hardwood industries must look in the future to two sources of supply: The mountain regions, such as the Appalachians and Ozarks, where there are large areas of land suited only to tree growth, and to the smaller tracts of land unsuited to cultivation within the farming country. We are failing to secure adequate forest replacement and growth in both these natural sources of future supply. Our hardwood forests are progressively deteriorating. Some sort of vegetation follows cutting as a rule in the hardwood region, but it is very commonly of poor species, scanty, and of poor form, having but little potential value. Other countries are looking to the United States for hardwoods. Russia, Finland, and Scandinavia may largely supply the deficit of western Europe for softwoods, but there will be a constant demand by Europe for our hardwoods if we have the supply. We are not today producing by growth enough to meet our own future needs for hardwoods, let alone the needs of other countries. The General Situation. In the main the problem of a supply of soft- 27 Wood Inmbw is less serious than of hardwoods, because there is a touch greater reserve supply of old timber. The coniferous forests are not, how- ever, being handled materially better than the hardwoods, and the damage by fire is much greater. We have not yet mastered the fires. The coniferous forests are in the main cut without reference to their perpet- uation, and the replacement and growth that does occur is far below what is used and destroyed and only a small part of what the country will need in the future. The most serious situation in regard to softwoods is that the old centers of supply are being rapidly exhausted without adequate replace- ment and our country must depend on material brought from great dis- tances. The southern pine which has been a dominating factor in the market for a number of years is already yielding to Pacific Coast lumber in many places. This tendency will increase, for most of the old growth yellow pine will be cut within fifteen to twenty years. This means that the country is paying a constantly increasing freight bill for its lumber. I don't know what freight bill Indiana pays. I think New York pays over six million dollars a year. It is not sound national economy for a country of our size to have to draw its lumber supplies from one section. The Atlantic States should not be required to obtain their lumber from three thousand miles away, with the high prices necessitated by the long transport. There should be producing forests well distributed throughout the country. It is of interest to the central states to have producing forests in Minnesota and in the south. With the rapid depletion of these older centers and the failure to replace them, the burdens upon the farmers and other consumers in the central states and the east will increase each year. Many have urged that we are using more lumber than is really nec- essary. It is urged that we can reduce our consumption of lumber and use other materials. We might become a cement using nation like the Mediterranean countries. We learned to do without a good many things in the war. But that does not signify that it would react to our public welfare to do so in peace times. Our consumption will decline if lumber becomes so high priced as to be out of reach of the ordinary buyer. If it is available, however, our total consumption will not decline; it will, in my opinion, rise in the future. Europe is often cited as requiring a constantly smaller quantity of lumber. In England the total consumption of lumber from 1851 to 1911 increased five-fold. Its per capita consumption was in 1911 three times what it had been sixty years before. It is not necessary for us to become a cement using nation. It is not necessary for us to close our wood using plants. It is not necessary for the farmers and other consumers to use other materials when they prefer wood as a better and more convenient material for many purposes. It is not necessary for our nation to be deprived of a material that in the war proved to be an absolute necessity for a multitude of uses. For we have enough land for forest production that is of little or no value for anything else, and will not be used for anything else. Some have estimated that we have fifty to one hundred million acres of such lands that already 28 have been reduced to waste and today lie idle and unproductive, I am speaking, of course, of conditions where the bulk of the land, or a con- siderable part of it, is porous and suited only to the growing of forests. We can meet our forest needs if only we will stop the destructive processes that are now in vogue and employ wholly practical methods to secure forest renewal. Forestry the Solution. The solution of our forestry problem con- sists in stopping the destruction by fire and other agencies, in using methods that make possible natural reproduction after logging, and in the restocking by tree growth of lands that have been made economic wastes. The fear has been expressed by some that such an objective would conflict with the expansion of agriculture and stock raising. Exactly the contrary would be the result. No sane program of forestry would propose the use of lands for forestry that are better adapted to agriculture and settlement. Forestry, agriculture, and stock raising go hand in hand. They are complementary. It is possible to point to numerous circum- stances and cases where destructive handling of forests retards agricul- tural development. We can show in the same way how the right handling of forests with protection and replacement is a factor, and often the prin- cipal factor, in building up agriculture that otherwise would follow very slowly or be indefinitely held back. Public Aspects of Forestry. The problem of forestry has both a na- tional and a local aspect. The nation is concerned in the country-wide securing and distributing of raw materials for the varying needs of differ- ent regions, and in the protective service of forests on interstate rivers. The states and localities are interested in the support of local industries, in local protective benefits of forests, and in having lands productive and a basis for support of the communities. We have today something like one hundred and sixty million acres of public forests. These should be, I believe, practically doubled. We have been carrying on a moderate program of purchases, having acquired in the last two years two million acres in the east. The public benefits of productive forests justify the participation of the public in working out the problem. The character of the problem is such as to make public participation absolutely necessary. It is one in which the nation, the states, the communities, and private owners must each play an important part. The emphasis in recent years on public forests has given the impres- sion that our forest question was being solved. Our National Forests are rendering a great public benefit. They are under protection and their resources are being used in a way to insure their perpetuation and con- tinued service to the communities and the nation. Their timber already provides a large part of the local demand in a number of the western states and will increasingly be used for general needs of the country. But they are not extensive enough nor well enough distributed to meet more than part of the country's needs for forests. At present the timber cut from them constitutes about three per cent of the entire lumber consump- tion of the country. The rest comes from private lands. As the private timber of the west becomes exhausted they will be of increasing importance as a reserve for the general market. It is obvious that even with a greatly extended program of acqui«>Hon of public forests we must still look to private forests, exactly as ucner countries do, for a part of our future forest supplies. The problem of forestry requires action both by the public and by private owners. I would emphasize especially the production of old growth lumber of special quality. The public should assume a much larger share of the burden of forestry than it does today, both in acquiring and managing larger areas of publicly owned forests and in aiding private owners to protect their lands and to secure forest replacement. Responsibility of Private Owners. The entire burden of forestry should not, however, be assumed by the public. Private proprietorship of land carries with it certain definite responsibilities that owners can not escape. They have the duty of handling their lands in such a way as not to injure others or the general public. The turning of forest lands into a waste as is now being done on a very extensive scale is a very great injury to the public. These destructive practices can be condoned only on the ground that the public has complacently permitted them and has not furnished the aid and direction that are needed in getting constructive measures of a practical character into actual practice. The character of the problem of forestry is such that the private owner unaided has great difficulty even in securing adequate protection, let alone the renewal after cutting. The public must, therefore, share the responsibility for the present situation that has resulted from destructive methods. If, however, the public does its part, it may require owners to handle their lands in such a way that an unproductive waste will not follow in the wake of their operations. Need of a National Policy. The situation clearly calls for the adoption of a broad and far-reaching policy for the nation; a policy in which objectives are clearly defined, the responsibilities of the public and of private land owners are recognized, the activities of both the public and private owners brought into correlation, and a practical legislative and administrative program outlined. On various occasions during the last eight months I have set forth what I believe to be the principles that should underlie- such a policy. Time does not permit on this occasion a discussion of all its details, but a brief outline will indicate its chief features. A National Policy Outlined. (1) Public Forests. A national policy of forestry should provide first of all for an extensive program of publicity owned forests, owned in part by the federal government, in part by the states, and in part by municipalities, and by quasi-public institutions and organizations. At the present time the public owns about twenty-five per cent of the country's forests. This should be extended to fully forty or fifty per cent. The federal holdings should be extended by purchase, by exchange of stumpage for cut-over lands, by additions to the National Forests of land now in the unreserved public domain. It should be the aim to include areas needed for the protection of watersheds, for the prevention of erosion for recreation and other general public purposes. Cut-over 30 lands should be acquired for the additional purpose of future production of lumber and other products, and of establishing demonstration areas and centers of federal co-operation with states and private owners. These federal forests should be distributed in all forest regions of the country. The states should establish public forests with the same general objectives as the federal forests and with special reference to the local economic and industrial needs. Several of our states have already outlined a definite program of acquisition toward which they are working as fast as money can be supplied. Thus the officers of Pennsylvania, which already own over one million acres, have a program for acquiring over four million acres more. New York has an ambitious program and is adding to her forests rapidly. Massachusetts is endeavoring to secure some two hundred and fifty thousand acres, and other states are making progress along the same line. Indiana has made an excellent beginning. It is hoped that it will be possible to secure the dunes for a great recre- ation park, and I hope that the movement also may extend to acquiring larger public areas within the other forest regions of the State. The establishment of well located state forests in Illinois and Ohio would grea tly stimulate the interest in forestry and aid in securing better hand- ling of private woods. Every encouragement should also be given to municipalities to acquire public forests and woodland parks. The municipality or community forest is a great factor in European countries. Their benefit has been con- spicuously demonstrated. Many cities and towns in this country already have public woodlnads. The movement should be greatly extended. Private Forests. The safeguarding and perpetuation of forests on private lands are possible through an organized system of fire protection, through the prohibition of destructive processes that produce waste lands, and through the promotion of constructive and entirely practical measures of forestry. The participation, liberal co-operation and direction of the public in working out the problems involved is essential to success. Fire Protection. Effective fire protection is achieved only through a joint undertaking between public and private agencies in which all lands, regardless of ownership, are brought under an organized system. Necessarily conditions in different states vary widely. In these central states the requirements are quite different from those in Minnesota, Oregon, Maine, or Louisiana. In general there should be incorporated in the forest laws of the State requirements to bring all forest owners into the protective system, and to extend it to all cut-over and unimproved lands in the State not needed for agriculture, together with the disposal, by lopping or burning, of dangerous slashings and other special measures that the local conditions may require. There should be provided by the State the administrative machinery necessary to carry out the work effectively. The public should share in the burden of protection. The division of cost will -necessarily vary in different states, as is now the case among those states which have inaugurated such a system. The public may properly bear the cost of the State-wide patrol system, including 31 overhead, inspection, look-outs, and similar items, and a portion of the fire suppression costs. In general, the cost of the preventive system should be shared about equally between the public and the owner of the land. At the present time assistance by the states and the efforts of the private owners alike are inadequate. Measures like brush disposal are essentially a part of the logging operation and should be a charge against it. The Federal Government should grant liberal aid in fire protection, far greater than at present. Its aid should be contingent on the State's inaugurating and carrying out such a system as above described. This financial help should not exceed in amount that appropriated by the State. I think that the Federal Government should grant a much larger co-operation than they have heretofore. We have been distributing about one hundred thousand dollars to meet the conditions of the Federal law. This, of course, is very small. We have a national problem and I believe that the national government should provide liberally to aid the states, making the aid contingent on acts by the states. Protection Against Insects and Diseases. As in fire protection, the spread of dangerous insect infestations and diseases requires the aid and direction of the public. Both the national and State governments should participate and appropriate liberally to check the depredations. Forest Renewal. The renewal of forests on lands not required for agriculture and settlement is an essential feature of a national policy of forestry and an effective program should be worked out in each state, backed by appropriate legislation and efficient administration, which will achieve this object on private as well as on public property. As in the case of fire protection, forest renewal on private lands require the partici- pation and aid of the public. There are two problems of forest renewal: First, the restocking of lands already cut over and now in a condition of waste; and, second, providing for natural reproduction as the timber is cut. Probably the only way to secure a restocking of cut-over waste lands is for them to be replanted. Michigan is pursuing the policy of replanting, and a number of other states are beginning to follow that example. Where there are still seed-bearing trees on cut-over lands, or seed in the ground, continued fire protection may often suffice for restocking. Where there Is no chance for natural reproduction, planting or sowing will be necessary. The public will have to take over a large portion of the cut-over lands and restore them to productivity. In many cases, however, owners may be Induced to restock their waste lands as a business undertaking. Provision for forest renewal should be made at the time of cutting. Sufficient restocking of the average private tract can be secured by natural measures. On certain types of forests, forest renewal will result from fire protection alone. In many instances, however, where exploitation is unrestricted fire protection alone does not suffice to secure renewal and to prevent the lands becoming waste. If protection alone does not suffice to secure forest reproduction, the owners should be required to adopt such additional measures as may be necessary to accomplish this, with co-operative aid by the public in work- 32 ing qut the problem as a practical undertaking. As in the case of fire protection, the additional measures necessary for forest renewal should be made a part of a systematic program in which the public and private owners engage in a joint undertaking with a common objective. The first steps in this undertaking are to determine in each region : 1. The circumstances under which fire protection alone will not suffice to prevent wasting of the land under prevailing methods of lumbering. 2. The additional measures necessary to secure conditions favorable for natural renewal. 3. The classes of land upon which forest growth should be continued. 4. The co-operation that should be given by the public to make feasible in practice the measures that it may be necessary for the owners to take. 5. The legislation needed to bring these measures into practice as a part of the State's program of forestry. Special Problems in the Central States. In the states of Illinois, Indi- ana and Ohio, our problem is essentially one of the farm woodland. Here we have to do with small tracts and small operations. In some ways the problem is a simpler one than in the great lumber regions. In the first place the fire danger is easily controlled. Then again the work can usu- ally be brought into close correlation with other phases of farm manage- ment. Of great value also is the fact that the owner himself is often the manager and can give personal direction to the work of forestry. In such circumstances the aid of the states may be directed to educating the farmer in how to cut his woodland in order to secure natural reproduc- tion, how to thin the young stands so as to increase their growth and value, how to reforest the lands now waste, how best to market his wood- land products, and so on. Advice should be afforded through the State Forester and the agricultural field agents. Planting stock should be offered at cost, with assistance in establishing plantations. Co-operative marketing enterprises should be encouraged when this is practical. Public Assistance to Private Owners. As already explained, the public should aid private owners in organized fire protection, in giving direct advice in regard to the methods of handling their properties, and in furn- ishing planting material at cost. In many parts of the country the present form of taxation is acting as a detriment to owners' handling the forests conservatively and it even tends to force premature and wasteful cutting. In general, the form of taxation that should be substituted is to levy an annual tax on the land and a yield tax on the timber when it is cut. Each state should give this problem careful study and provide a form of taxation that will encourage the owners to grow trees on their cut-over and waste land. The Federal Government may well give assistance to the states in this study. Further assistance could with propriety be given by extending to forests the existing legislation providing for farm loans so as to include loans for the purchase and improvement of forest lands, to encourage the holding of lands previously acquired, where the purpose of the owner is to hold and protect cut-over lands or those having growing timber, to reforest lands by seeding or planting, or to use other measures in promoting forest production. 33 Other measures of co-operation and aid would include research in forestry and forest products, land classification, obtaining and diffusing information regarding our forest resources and industrial conditions. Of special importance is a comprehensive survey of the forest resources of the country, to determine the quantities of existing timber suited to differ- ent industrial uses, the current and future requirements of different regions, the possible production of our forests by growth, and other matters that would aid in developing a national policy of forestry. Function of the Federal Government. The Federal Government has a function not only in owning and administering the National Forests ; it should take the leadership in formulating a national policy that includes the right handling of private forests. The Federal Government alone can act effectively to bring about concurrent action as between the states. Its research and educational work may be directed to the problems of the nation and of regions that comprise more than one state. It can stimulate and guide local action where the states acting individually would fail. The Government is in a position to organize all agencies affected by the forest problem in a united effort to carry out a program of forestry. The legislation directly affecting the private owner in the protection and renewal of forests may best be by the states if they will only take the action. The Government should aid the states in formulating plans and developing methods and should give direct financial assistance in carrying them out. The Federal Government has not given adequate assistance to the states. It has helped to some extent in fire protection and research. One hundred thousand dollars a year is now distributed to states qualifying under the law to receive it, for organized protective work. This principle of assistance should be greatly extended both in amount for protective work and in scope to include other lines of forest activities. The direct aid of the states by the government, made contingent on adoption by the former of acceptable programs of forest legislation and administration, would help to secure concurrent action in different states and would make possible the standardization of methods, and the achieve- ment of results impossible without such aid. The first step in inaugurating a national policy of forestry is a federal law providing the authority to co-operate with the states in formulating and carrying out a program of forestry along the lines indicated in this statement; and carrying an appropriation that can be used to assist such states as inaugurate and put into effect a program determined to be ade- quate by the Secretary of Agriculture. A great deal can be accomplished pending such substantial co-operation, but with the aid that the nation might offer, results could be accomplished that otherwise would be impossible. I may say that there are some people who do not agree that the program of forestry should be carried out through the states. I have, however, undertaken and proposed a program of very greatly increased activities by the states, backed up both in the matter of assistance in carrying it out, and by a large appropriation, without which the states themselves can not possibly get the work under way. (Applause) 34 THE CHAIRMAN: I have observed your close attention as our na- tional forester gave to us this illuminating paper. Many of the points which Colonel Graves has raised here are to be considered in special papers. I am sure that some of you would like to ask some questions. There will be an opportunity later in the afternoon for this. The next speaker is Mr. J. G. Peters, whose subject is "Co-operation Between Federal Government and States." (Applause) MR. J. G. PETERS : Ladies and gentlemen, the program which Colonel Graves has presented is very practical. Perhaps the most important feature of it is co-operation, and that is the feature I shall deal with, especially as it applies to the states and the Federal Government. The progress of any forestry program will depend, in general, upon the extent of co-operation between the private owner, the State, and the Federal Government. Each has an obligation, and each must realize this in an adequate way before the timber supply problem can begin to be solved. In other words, to face the question in a practical manner, the success of the undertaking is going to vary with the amount of money available, for upon this depends whether we shall continue to go along with the customary meager funds and relatively small accomplishment, or whether we shall take hold in man fashion and strive to have something to show for our efforts in the next generation that will really be worth while . This requires adequate appropriations by the Federal Government and the states and adequate participation on the part of private forest owners. The Federal Government by reason of its centralized authority and its ability to raise funds is the natural leader in such a movement and should, of course, give liberal financial assistance. It has started in cer- tain lines in a small way. With a larger public demand, that is bound to be made, congress will be obliged to take the necessary adequate action. The interest of the Federal Government is very great. Not only must it protect and manage its own forest lands, the National Forests, but by reason of the general character of the problems of timber supply and water conservation, which affect the entire nation, it also should assist in protecting and encouraging timber production on other lands. Consider this with reference to the states of Indiana, Ohio, Illinois and the rest of the Middle West. None of these states has an adequate timber supply ; they alone can not furnish their timber needs. It is a matter of concern to them how these needs are going to be supplied and they are vitally in- terested in what other states may do. They are interested, too, in seeing the Government extend its aid to them and other states and strive to insure all the states timber for the future. The most important lines of co-operation between the Government and the states, where co-operative effort is almost essential if results commen- surate with our needs are to be obtained, include the following : (1) Acquisition of public forests. (2) Protection against forest fires. (3) Reforestation of denuded lands. (4) Conservative cutting. (5) Farm forestry. 35 Besides these there are other forest activities which either the Federal Government or the states have been conducting independently, such as an investigation of the forest tax problem, a survey of forest resources, land classification, and research. There is no question whatever about their importance, but co-operative effort in carrying the work on is not essential, although in some instances it would be beneficial. One of the chief features of any forest program must be the acquisition by the public of lands unsuited for agriculture or settlement. It is esti- mated that the area of such lands now in public ownership should be doubled, that is, we should strive for an ultimate area of some three hun- dred million acres. National Forests now aggregate one hundred fifty-five million acres; and state forests about four million, nearly three-fourths of which is held by two states — New York and Pennsylvania. Municipal forest areas are negligible. Except where the lands for public forests have been set aside from the public domain, as has been the case with nearly all the National Forests and some State Forests, notably those in the Lake States, the acquisition of such lands has been a very slow process. The Federal Government has been purchasing lands for National Forest pur- poses since 1911 and, in this period of nearly nine years, the funds appro- priated have amounted to only $11,600,000 and the area acquired totals less than two million acres. The cost per acre has averaged about five dollars and twenty-five cents. The appropriation recommended for the current fiscal year was two million dollars ; congress cut it to six hundred thousand dollars. The states, with the exception of New York and Penn- sylvania, have done comparatively little. New York has acquired nearly two million acres for State Forest purposes, and has recently authorized an issue of seven million five hundred thousand dollars of bonds to supply funds for purchasing additional areas ; Pennsylvania has about one million acres; Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota between three hundred thou- sand and four hundred thousand each ; ten other states have forests ranging in area from sixty thousand acres to less than one thousand. As the bulk of the area to be acquired will necessarily have to be pur- chased, the cost will amount to at least three-quarters of a billion dollars. But at the present rate of acquisition, no material accomplishment can be hoped for in a long time. Especially is this the case with the states, as has been shown. Therefore, it is desirable not only to speed up appro- priations by congress and the state legislature but, at the same time, to devise a plan by which the Federal Government can aid the states. I am convinced that some co-operative plan for encouraging the states to adopt an adequate purchase policy is needed. I suggest that the Govern- ment loan to the states the necessary funds subject to the approval of the National Forest Reservation Commission, which is the commission that approves the purchase of lands for National Forests. The Government should obtain the funds through the issue of bonds, and the loans should be made on a long-term basis. The National Forest Reservation Commis- sion would make the actual purchases subject to the approval of the sim- ilar State commission, and the Government would be secured in the transaction by retaining title to the lands until the debt was liquidated. At the same time tha State would be the custodian of the property and 8(5 Would protect and manage it and collect the receipts. The Government would lose nothing on such deals because it would charge the states enough to meet the interest payments on the bonds, and the states would thus get the benefit of the Government's credit and low rates of interest. States should not find such transactions a heavy financial burden, for the sale of forest products and the fees for grazing and other uses should furnish the money not only to pay the interest on the loans, in many cases from the very beginning, but also to build up a surplus to pay off the loans. Before passing on the next subject I might pause here to say that some persons, especially some of those who got alarmed over the proposal for a program of forestry on private lands, would have the public buy all the large bodies of cut-over land and would make the public practically the only large forest owner. Entirely aside from the questions of whether this would be good policy in the light of the experience of other nations and whether our public would approve it, the plan would not be desirable as meeting present needs. If what has been accomplished in public acqui- sition in the past is any indication of what might be expected in the future, it is perfectly apparent that to complete any reasonable program of acqui- sition will require many years. While it is urgent that the Federal Government and the states acquire public forests and properly take care of them — protect them from fire, cut them conservatively, reforest them, and so on, their obligation goes much farther. They must, at the same time, recognize their responsibility in encouraging the proper care of private forests, the area of which even after the program of acquisition has been completed will at least equal the area of public forests. The public has scarcely any greater obligation in forestry than aiding in the protection of private forests from fire. Nor is there any forest activity where co-operation between Government and state will bring quicker and better results. Fire protection is fundamental. It is the chief means of preserving timber growth to the end that forestry may be practiced and a continu- ous supply of timber maintained. Adequate fire protection will undoubt- edly solve a large part of our forest problem. It will save timber now standing and it will promote natural regeneration on most cut-over lands after lumbering. Already a beginning- has been made in co-operative fire protection by tne Government and states though in a very inadequate way financially. Never- theless, enough has been accomplished to demonstrate the practical value of the co-operation, and furthermore a precedent for Federal and State co-operative effort in forestry has been established by the specific terms of a Federal law. This law is the well known Weeks Act which passed con- gress in March, 1911. It provided for two things, the acquisition of lands for National Forest purposes and co-operation with states in protection from forest fires. The latter provision was an afterthought; it was an experimental feature, but that it is now justified as a permanent policy of the Government the results achieved are conclusive proof. The appropriation for co-operative fire protection for the current year is one hundred thousand dollars. The law requires that the protection must be limited to private and State lands OD the forested watersheds 37 of. navigable streams, that a state must have provided by law for a system of forest fire protection, and that the federal expenditure in any state can not exceed in the same year the expenditure made by the state. Co-operation began in 1911 with eleven states, in which approximately seven million acres of forest land received protection, two hundred federal patrolmen were employed, and the federal expenditure was only about thirty-nine thousand dollars. The number of states is now twenty-four, the area protected is approximately fifteen million acres, the number of federal patrolmen employed is four hundred, and the federal expenditure is practically the full appropriation of one hundred thousand dollars. These states include all but one of the Northeastern States, about half of the Southern States, the three Lake States, the four in the Pacific Northwest, and California. The chief result accomplished by this co-operation, besides the purchase of a certain amount of protection, has been educational, especially in encouraging states which have had no protective system to enact legislation providing for one and appropriating funds for its support. Furthermore, private owners have been encouraged through state and fed- eral co-operation to adopt protective measures and, where practicable, to organize into associations. The federal appropriation is allotted to the states on the basis of the greatest good to the greatest number. A maximum is fixed, depending on the number of states to receive co-operation. At first this was ten thousand dollars, but the increase in the number of states necessitated a reduction first to eight thousand dollars and then to seven thousand dollars. The money is used primarily for the hire of lookout watchmen and patrolmen. The watchmen are stationed on prominent points from which the lower country can be seen and forest fires readily detected. By means of tele- phone, these men describe the location of a fire to patrolmen or fire wardens, who endeavor to secure help, if necessary, and reach the fire as quickly as possible. As compared with the federal expenditure of one hundred thousand dollars annually, the twenty-four states co-operating are expending about six hundred fifty thousand dollars, and private owners in these states approximately a like amount. The private and state holdings in these twenty-four states which require protection from fire, including both tim- bered and cut-over lands, aggregate at least one hundred forty million acres. To adequately protect this area will require a minimum expendi- ture of one and one-half cents an acre yearly, or something more than two million dollars. If, as stated above, these states and private owners are together expending about a million and a quarter, this sum falls short of the estimated minimum by about three-quarters of a million. From these figures, it is obvious that the Federal Government is not recognizing its responsibility in this matter in adequate fashion. Furthermore, these twenty-four states do not include such important timber states as Penn- sylvania, Tennessee, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Missis- sippi and Arkansas. If these were extended co-operation, the above-men- tioned area of one hundrded forty million acres would be increased to at least two hundred millions, for the adequate protection of which the yearly minimum expenditure required would amount to three million dol- 38 lars. My opinion is, therefore, that when the states and private owners do their part, with the latter disposing of their slash after lumbering, the fair share of the Government in the co-operation would be at least one million dollars. Before leaving the subject of co-operative fire protection as provided for under the Weeks Law, I wish to say that it is my feeling that the best interests of the public would be served by doing away with the limita- tion in that law in regard to the watersheds of navigable streams and by placing the co-operation exclusively on the basis of protecting our future timber supplies. Merely because the purchase of lands is limited to such watersheds is no sound reason for so limiting the co-operative fire pro- tection. It places an unnecessary restriction on the expenditure of federal funds on certain lands where protection is urgently needed. All forest lands need protection from fire. This restriction should be removed. I have in this paper given the subject of fire protection more space than other subjects, and I realize that it is of minor importance in parts of Indiana, Ohio, and Illinois. Still, it is the largest forest problem which confronts the country as a whole, and I realize how very seriously it affects your wood-using industries which draw their supplies of lumber and other forest products largely from other states. Moreover, fire protection is the only co-operative undertaking in forestry which the Government and the states have started on a substantial and permanent basis. Along with fire protection should go the reforestation of denuded lands. Whatever areas of this character which the Government or the states do not acquire, and the aggregate will be large, will, by reason of the time element and present economic conditions, remain unforested for a long per- iod unless the Government and the states co-operate with the private own- ers. Some of the states have been doing this for a number of years. The common practice is to sell the planting stock at cost. But even so, the ac- complishment in the reforestation of private lands has been almost insignifi- cant both because of the small appropriations made by the states for the purpose and because of the cost of placing the young trees in the ground, which of necessity has largely to be done by inexperienced labor. The present average cost of such planting is in the neighborhood of ten dollars an acre, including the price of the trees which generally amounts to less than half. If we consider first only the most important stretches of de- nuded lands, it is estimated that the area totals at least five million acres. The cost of reforesting this would amount to approximately fifty million dollars or if one hundred thousand acres could be reforested annually, the yearly cost would be one million dollars. Even so small a program of reforestation would require fifty years. If private owners would enter into contracts with the states by which the former would pay the cost of the planting operation, which would be at least one-half of the total, and agree to give the plantation the necessary protection and care, I believe that the Federal Government would be justified in giving the undertaking the great encouragement that it would, by sharing with the states the remainder on a fifty-fifty basis, or, if I may be specific, by making a yearly appropriation of two hundred fifty thousand dollars. Some day we shall have in this country a sustained yield of timber an- 39 nually. Some day we shall manage our forests with this in view. A few organizations, like the larger pulp companies, are endeavoring now to get on a sustained yield basis. But in many cases this is scarcely possible on account of the pressure for quick returns and the method of financing for- est lands. The Federal Government and states should co-operate as far as possible in encouraging and aiding private owners to cut their forests con- servatively. The way which appears now to be the most feasible is through some form of loan that will enable timber land owners to secure money from the Government or states on easier terms than is possible elsewhere, and a change in the method of taxing forest land. It has been suggested that the provisions of the Farm Loan Act be extended to include the financing of forest properties and that Federal Forest Loan banks be estab- lished. By whatever financial and taxation plans the conservative handling of our forests is made possible, the Government and states might co-operate further, and follow the custom in some foreign countries, by detailing for- esters to the owners of the large, so-called commercial timber tracts to assist in the execution of the work. The conservative handling of forests connected with the farms can be very largely encouraged through the agricultural extension work conducted under the Smith-Lever law. The appropriation under this law for the current year is over four million five hundred thousand dollars which, for the most part, the states must duplicate. The money is allotted to the states on the basis of rural population and is expended through the States Relations Service in co-operation with the Director of Extension in the various states. The work is chiefly demonstrational and is conducted by county agents right on the ground. One can readily see the possibilities in this for extension in farm forestry. It offers practically a virgin field. No phase of forestry is of greater importance to the states of Indiana, Ohio, and Illinois, than the proper handling of farm woodlands on the basis of continuous production. The area of farm woodlands in these states is about ten million acres, which is something like ninety per cent, of their aggregate forest area, and farm woodlands occupy between ten and fifteen per cent of the area in farms. As in agriculture so in forestry the most effective way to encourage farmers to adopt scientific practice is through field demonstrations on their own property or in their own locality. Of course, any increase in the value of products is an additional incentive. Farmers have given little or no attention to the proper handling of their woodland and they have been strikingly ignorant of the value of wood products. As a rule, they are chiefly interested in getting immediate returns from the woodland and care little about its future development. This fact should serve as a method of approach in encouraging them to cut their timber conserva- tively. In other words, they must be assisted in getting larger revenue if they are to become more interested in improving the woodland and raising more and better timber. To this end farmers need to be given practical information about markets for the various kinds of timber, methods of selling, the variation in the common log rules used, and where practicable the grading of lumber. In some cases it may also be feasible for the farm- ers to form co-operative marketing associations similar to other agricul- 40 tural associations for marketing purposes, since an association of this kinfl would be able to get the advantage of cheaper freight rates and market the material to better advantage than the individual owner. Farm forestry should be an important branch of farm management, particularly in connection with diversified farming, such as is practiced in this region. It offers the opportunity for the use of otherwise idle land. The forest on the farm is the source of much wood for home use such as fuel, fence materials, and rough building stock, and where coal is largely used it affords a reserve fuel supply; it acts as a windbreak for crops; it affords shade for stock; it offers an opportunity for the profitable employ- ment of men and teams at times when other farm work is light; it helps to check erosion, and it brings in revenue from the sale of wood products. Surely in this region the most should be made of the farm woodland. Farm forestry is recognized by the States Relations Service as coming within the scope of extension work authorized by the Smith-Lever law. But before it can be conducted on an adequate scale the Forest Service must have additional funds so that trained foresters can be employed to direct the work. The states would then be authorized also to employ foresters with Smith-Lever funds to work in the various counties as extension foresters who would conduct demonstrations, give practical in- formation to the farmers, and instruct the county agents in forestry prac- tice. In the states of Indiana, Ohio and Illinois, it is urgent that co-operative work of this character should be started and aggressively car- ried on. I have endeavored in this paper briefly to describe the main features of the important lines of co-operation which the Federal Government and the states should undertake, or which, if already begun, should be largely extended. The question is chiefly one of making funds available. This is for the public through congress and the state legislatures to decide. The public is being given the facts about our forest problem by the state and federal forestry departments and the various forestry associations. May we hope for an adequate response. (Applause) THE CHAIRMAN: Before taking up the discussion of these two papers, I am asked to call your attention to the fact that at eight o'clock in this room there will be a banquet, the price of the tickets being two dollars and fifty cents, and those who plan to attend should get their tickets imme- diately. Also if you are thinking of accepting the invitation to visit the experimental farm which Mr. Lieber is conducting, you should see the secretary for particulars and give him your name so that accommodations may be made for those who wish to go. • DR. LOGAN: I would like t