TUNSTALL'S ORNITHOLOGIA BRITANNICA Flltestugupupenersspmi eie tm "M J^» NA - T E 3 a M fM a ad Ke | TUNSTALL'S- ORNITHOLOGIA BRITANNICA. EDITED BY ALFRED NEWTON, M.A., F.R.S., ETC. L/ LONDON: MDCCCLXXX.|* e Nut. JAN 1.1 1983 Su UBRAR e EIRBBACIE. i ManMADUKE TuNsSTALL, of Wycliffe in the North Hiding of the county of York, is said to have been born in 1743, and to have died October 11th, 17930. As a memoir of him was given by Fox in that mine of curious information on Natural History, the * Synopsis of the Newcastle Museum', published in 1827, it is only needful here to mention a few facts referring to this work, which seem to have been unknown to that writer. In the 'Gentleman's Magazine' for January, 1824 (vol xorv. pt. i. pp. 14, 15) are printed three letters from LixNvs to TuxsTALL.* The first of them, dated (as is stated) ** Upsali»e, 1772, Aug. 13 '", contains this passage :— * Dum in eo sum, ut adornem novam editionem tomi 1"! Systematis, quem typographus efHagitat a me, magnopere exoptarem allegare Ornithologiam tuam, quam dicis te liberali manu ad me misisse ; sed meo magno cum dolore nondum excepi: quzso, dicas mihi per quem exoptatissimum opus misisti." In the second, written on October 13th, 1773, he acknowledges the arrival that day of the book—-*:* Ornithologiam tuam Britannicam "— with certain specimens sent him by TuxsTALL. In the third letter, bearing date **Upsalie, 1773, 21 Nov.", LiNN:US writes:c*' Catalogus tuus de Avibus JDritannicis certe perplacuit." TuxsTALL was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society on the 11th of April of the year in which he brought out his work.[ His certificate, in the handwriting of his proposer, DarwEgs BannRrNGTON, describes him *of Welbeck Street in the parish of Marybone," and sets forth * "These letters have been reprinted in the ' Mémoires de la Société Linnéenne de Calvados" (1824, pp. 296-300). Y Not in 1777, as stated by Fox (op. cit. p. 14). liv Preface. his qualification as **a gentleman of most general erudition and more partieularly versed in every branch of Natural History." His seconder was PENNANT, and the names of five other Fellows of the Society, less known to ornithological fame, follow. The reader may be reminded that TuwsrALL's Museum, including his collection of Birds, which was said to have cost him several thousands of pounds,* formed the basis of the flourishing Museum of Newcastle-on-Tyne ; and, according to Fox's investigations, twelve of the figures of birds in Bnoww's ' Illustrations of Zoology ' and fifty of BEwick's well-known engravings were drawn from specimens con- tained in it—many of which, owing to the care taken of them, still exist. The present reissue of TuxNsTALL's work has been executed by means of photolithography. For greater convenience it has been reduced in size from the original folio which measures twenty inches by fourteen and a half. A. N. Magdalene College, Cambridge. June 11, 1879. * .£3000 according to NicHors in one place (Illustr. Lit. Hist. v. p. 514), but in another (Lit. Anecd. viii. p. 366) .£5000! Ornithologia. Britannica : Avium omnium Britannicarum tam Terreftrium, quam Aquaticarum ms 1 ALO G U S Sermone A475, uglko & Galli redditus : UDDI SUBJIICITUR APPENDIX AVES ALIENIGENIAXA;S, IN ANGLIAM RARO ADVENIENTES, COMPLECTENS. In tenui labor: at tenuis mom glorta—V 1RG. T OR UNI SOT) EDU ENS Printed for the AUTHOR by J. DixwErr, in Sr. Martis Lane. M.DCC.LXXI. Akerman. Photo-lithographer. London. Ei zx É aodio Canela m Jfate» mcsel. AVES BRITANNIGAZ ND OIB R-.EkE S- I 4€ ES GENU S. I. Fake Quz unico Aflerifco * notantur hinc vere, quz duplici ** aurum migrant. Hryfzétos. Fulvus. Offifragus. Haliztus. Pygargus, B. Zool.131. Gentilis, B. Z. ill. 7. Maculatus, B. Z.ill. 8. Gyrfalco. Peregrinus, B. Z. 156.| Grifeus, B. Zool. 137. Lanarius. Palumbarius. Milvus, Butco. Apivorus, Golden Eagle. Ringtail Eagle. Sea Eagle. Ofprey. Erne. Falcon gentle. Spotted Falcon. Gyrfaulcon. Peregrine Faulcon. Grey Faulcon. Lanner. Gofs-Hawk. Kite or Glead. Buzzard, Honey-Buzzard. le grand Aigle royal. l'Aigle fauve. le grand Aigle de Mer. l'Orfraye. le Gerfault. le Faucon Pelerin. le Lanier. l'Autour. le Milan royal. la Bu(e ou le Bufard ordinaire. la Bondrée oule Bufard des Mouches. | | i | A&ruginofus. Gallinarius. Tinnunculus. Subbutco. Nifus. J/Efalon. Moor-Buzzard. Hen-Harricr. Keftrell. Hobby. Sparrow-Hawk. Merlin. t Bubo, B. Z. ill. ro. | Esgle Owl. Otus. long-carcd Owl. Otus minor, B.Z. 156, fhort-cared Owl. Flammea, Stridula. Ulula. | vhite or Barn Owl, | Tawny Owl. Brown Owl. le Bufard des Marais. le Faucon a Collier, Jean le blanc ou Oifeau deSt. Martin. la Crefferellc. l'Hobreau. l'Epervier. l'Emerillon. le grand Duc. le moyen Duc. le peut Hibou cornu. la Frefaye ou petit Chat huant. le Chat huant. lHibou commun ou Hulottc. T Nomina Latina vel cx Lismeo vel ex ultimà editione Zoologia: Britamwice, Gallica veió ex ornithologia Briffomii plerumque decerpta funt. f In Infulis Orcadibus, tefte Sibbaldo, Bubo hic nonnunquam occurit. Ilt. Lanius IV. Corvus Pyrrbocorax Certbia XII. q*trao XIIH. Oris XIV. Columbus XV. Turdus XVI. Bturnus XVII. "lauda Pafferina. Excubitor. Collurio. Minor primus. Corax. Corone. Férugilegus. * Cornix. Pica. Glandarius. Monedula. Viridis. Major. Medius. Minor. **'Torquilla. **Canorus. Europza. Hifpida. Graculus. Familiaris. T Urogallus. Tetrix. Lagopus Altera. t Lagopus. Perdix. Coturnix. Tarda. Oenas. Palumbus. Turtur. Viícivorus. *Pilaris. Muficus. *]liacus. Merula. "Torquatus. Cinclus. Vulgaris. Arvenfis. Arborca. Pratenfis, Campettris. little Owl. great Afh-coloured Butcher Bird. Red-backed Butcher Bird or Flufher. Woodchat. Raven, Carrion- Crow. Rook. Royf(ton-Crow. Jack-Daw. Green Woodpecker. Greater fpotted W ood- pecker. Leís fpotted. Wood- pecker. Leaft fpotted Wood- pecker. Wryneck. Cuckow. Nuthatch. King's Fifher. Cornifh Chough or Daw. Crecper. Cock of the Wood. Heath or black Cock. Red Game or Gor Cock. Ptarmigan. Partridge. Quail. Buftard. Stock-Dove orWood- Pigeon. Ring-Dove. Turtle. Miffel-Thrufh. Field-farc. Song-Thrufh. Red-Wing. Black-Bird or Ouzel. Ring-Ouzel. Water-Ouzel or Dip- per. Starling or Stare. Sky-Lark. Wood-Lark. Tit-Lark. lefs Field-Lark. Rubefcens, B.Z. 239. Red Lark. Criftata Minor, B. Z. 239- lefs crefted Lark. la petite Chouette ou la Cheveche. le grand Pie Grieche, ou, Pie Grieche Griíc. la petite Pie Gricche Grife ou l'echorcheur. la Pie Grieche roufíc. le Corbeau. la Corneille commune. leFreuxou la Corneille Moiffoneufe. la Corneille Mantelée. la Pie. le Geai. la petite Corneille ou Choucas. le Pic vert ou Piverd. l'Epeifche ou grand Pic varié. le petit Pic varié. le plus petite Pic varié ou bigarré. le Torcol. le Coucou. le Torchepot. le Martin pecheur. le Coracias ou Choucas rouge. le Grimpereau, le Coq de Bruyere. le petit Coq de Bru- yere ou à Qqueué fourchue. la Gelinotte hupée cu des Illes Brittanni- Ques. la Gelinotte ou Perdrix blanche. la Perdrix grife. la Caille. l'Outarde. le Pigeon fauvage ou des bois. le Pigeon ramier, la Tourterelle. la groffe grive de Guy. la Litourne. la petite grive de Guy. la grive rouge ou mau- VIS. le Merle. le Merle à collier. le Merle d'Eau. l'Eftourneau. l'Alouette commune. l'Alouette des bois ou Cujelier. l'Alouette des prez. la petite Alouette des prez ou Farloufe. la | petite Alouette rouge. la petite Alouette hupéc. LJ j | : i : H : H : i : $ H i H XVIII. Hirundo XIX. AMotacilla Xxx. Loxia XXI. Fringilla XXII. Emébcriza XXIII. Parus Trivialis. Salicaria. **Ruflica. **Urbica. **Riparia. **Apus. **Caprimulgus. **Lufcinia. **Phanicurus. Rubecula. ** Atricapilla. Hippolais. **Grifola. Modularis. **Trochilus. Regulus. "Troglodytes. ** Oenanthe. **Rubctra. *'*Rubicola. Nigricans. Grafhopper-Lark or |a plus petite Alouette. Pippet. Willow-Lark. Houfe-Swallow. Martin. Sand- Martin. Black Martin or Swift. Fern-Owl or Goat- Sucker. Nightingale. Red-Start. Robin Red Breaft. Black Cap. Petty-chaps. Fly-catcher. Hedge-Sparrow. Willow-Wren. Golderi — crowned Wren. Common Wren. Wheat-Ear. Whin-Chatt. Stone- Chatt. Cold-Finch. Salicaria, B. Z- ill. 16. | Sedge-Bird. *'*Silvia. Alba. **Flava. Cinerca. Chloris. Pyrrhula. Carduelis. Czlebs. Montifringilla. Domeftica. Montana. * Spinus. Linaria. Cannabina. Linaria Minima. * Linaria Montana. Cyncramus. Citrinella. Nivalis Minor. Scheniclus. Major. Czruleus. Ater. Paluftris. Caudatus, Biarmicus. White throat. White Water Wag- tail. Yellow Water Wag- "Tail. Grey Water Wag- Tail. Green-Finch. Bull-Finch. | Gold-Finch. Chaffinch. Mountain or Bramble Finch. Houfe-Sparrow. Mountain-Sparrow. Sifkin or Aberdavine. Common Linnet. Greater red-headed Linnet. Small red.headed Linnet. d Mountain-Linnet or Twite. Bunting. Yellow-Hammer. Snow-Flake, B.Z. ill. 17. Reed- Sparrow. Great Tit-Moufe. Blue Titmoufe. Cole-Moufe. Maríh Tit-Moufe. Long tailed Tit- Moufe. Bearded Tit-Moufe. l'Alouette des faules. I'Hirondelle domefti- que ou de Chemi- nec. le petit Martinet. I'Hirondcelle de rivage. le grand Martinet. laTette-chevre ouCra- paud volant. le Rofüignol. le Rofügnol de Mu- raille. la Gorge-rouge. la Fauvette à tete Noire. le Becfigue. le Gobe-Mouche, la paffe-bufe. le Roitelet creté. le Roitelet commun ou non creté., le Cul-blanc. le Vitrec de Bruyere. le Traquet, le Traquet d'Angle- terre ou. Vitrec de Montagne. là fauvette Babillarde. le Vitrec a Menton blanc. la Hoche-queu& ou Lavandiere. la Bergeronette du printcms. la Hochce-queu& ou Bergeronette jaune, le Verdier. le Bouvreuil. le Chardonneret. le Pingon. le Pingon de Montagne ou des Ardennes. le Moincau. le Moineau de Mon- tagne. le Tarin. la Linotte ordinaire. la grand Linotte rouge ou des Vignes. la petite Linotte rouge ou des Vignes. la Linotte de Mon- tange ou le Cabaret. le Proyer ou le grand Bruyant. le Verdier jaune. le petit ortolan de neige. le moineau ou. ortolan des joncs. la Grotfe Mefange ou la Charbonniere. la Mefange bleue. la Mefangeà tete noire. la Mefange des Marais. la Mefange à longue queue. la Mefange barbüe ou la Mouftache. 2E qu Iur wr c Rm E RUE LIU e i Lu ciere e LL cmi cu X Jam non nifi in altiffimis Scotis montibus inhabitat urogallus ibique rariffimé. X In Scoti montibus tantum invenitur Lagopus, ibi vero fatis frequens hzc fpecies habetur. 31 AVES AQUATIC E ED 0| GENUS. Ili. Tringa INEREA. Stellaris. Arquata. Phzopus. *Rufticola. JEgocepbala. Lapponica. Limofa. *Glottis. Calidris. * Maculata, B. Z. 557. *Gallinago. *Gallinula, Vanellus. *Squatarola. **Pugnax. *Canutus. | *Macularip. IV. JHematopus MA Glaradriu: Gallinula *Nigra, B. Z. 365. * Morinellus. *Ocropus. *Hypoleucus. ? Alpina. *Cinclus. Oftralegus. CEdicnemus. Pluvialis. Himantopus, Morinellus. Hüaticula. Calidris. Aquaticus. Porzana. **Crex. Chloropus. Common Heron. Bittern. Curlew. Whimbrel. Wood-cock. Godwit or Yarwhelp. Red Godwit. Lefs Godwit. Green-fhank. Red-fhank. Spotted Red-Shank. Snipe or Snite. Jet or Jud-Cock or Jack-Snipe. Lapwing or Pewit. Grey Tlover. Ruff or Reeve. Knott. Spotted Sandpipcr. Black fpotted Sand- piper. Turnítone. Green Sandpiper. Common Sandpiper. Dunlin. Purre or Stint. Olive or Sea-pie. Norfolk or Plover. Green Plover. Long legged Plover. Stone- Dottrcl. Sea Lark. Sandcrling. Water Rail. Small fpotted Water Hen. Land Rail. | Common Water Hen. l'Heron commun. le Butor. le Courlis. le petit Courlis. la Becafe. la grande Barge grife. la Bargc rouge. la petite Barge grife. le grand Pluvier ou Chevalier aux pieds verds. le Becaffon ou Che- valier aux pieds rouges. Le Chevalieraux pieds rouges tacheté. la Becatline. la petite Becaffine ou Becot. le Vanneau. le Vanneau gris. lOifeau de combat ou Paon de Mer. le Canuti. la grive d'eau, la Coulon chaude. le Becaffeau ou cul blanc. la Guignette. la Dunline ou Becaf- fine d'Angleterrc. l'Alouette dc Mer. la Pie dc l'Huitrier. le Courlis de Terre. Mer ou Je Pluvier d'Or. le grand Chevalier ou l'echafie, le Guignard. le petit Pluvier à col- lier. la petite Maubeche gníc. le Ralle d'Eau. |la Marouette, le Ralle ou Roi des cailles, la Poule d'eau, VIII. Phalaropus Colymbus PE ari ra p XIII. Mergus XIV. Larus : : j : | : | : Lobatus. Hyperboreus. Atra. Criftatus. Urinator. . Auritus. Fluviatilis. Nigricans. DEISBSUASS Avofetta. **Impennis. *''T'orda. Pica. ** ArCtica. ** Alle, **Lcemvia. Lomvia Minor, Br. Zool. 411. **'Troilc. *Glacialis. *Navia. *Septentrionalis: Marinus, *Cataractes. *Catharacta Cephus. Parafiticus, Fufcus. Waggellus Raii. Hybernus Raii. Canus. Ridibundus. | Tridatylus. | **Hirundo, | **Minuta. | **Nigra. | ** Fuíca, D. Z. 427. Grey fcolloped toed Sand-piper. Red Sand-piper. Coot. Great crefted Grebe. common Grebe. lefs crefted Grebe. Dob-chick. Dufky and white Grebe. PALM Avocetta. Great Auk or Pen- guin. common Auk. black billed Auk. Pufüin. little Auk. Guillemot. Leffer Guillemot. Black Guillemot. great Northern Diver. grey fpeckled Diver. red-throated Diver. great black and white Gull. Skua, Black toed Gull. Arctic Gull, called in Scotland Fafkiddar. Herring Gull. Brownand whiteGull. Winter Mew. Common Gull. Pewit Gull or Sea Gull. Tarrock or Kittiwake. Greater Tern or Sea Swallow. Lefs Tern. PXESDODBSU SS POSEUNSNICASBOISNS: le Phalarope. le Phalarope rouge. laFoulqueou Moreile. la Grebe hupéc. la Grebe. la Grebe aux oreilles. la petite Grebc de riviere. la petite Grebe. A T IS l'Avocette. le grand Pingoin. le Pingoin. le petit Pingoin. le bur le petit Guillemot. le Guillemot. le petit. Guillemot noir. le grand Plongeon tacheté. le petit Plongeon. le Plongeon a Gorge rouge. le Goiland noir. le Stercoraire raye. le Goiland aux pieds noirs. le Goiland gris. le Goiland varic. la Mouette d'hyver. la Mouette cendréc. la Mouette ricufe à pattes rouges. Mouette cendrée tachetée oula petite Mouette cendrée. la grande Hirondclle de Mer. la petite. Hirondcelle de Mer. la Black cloven-footed | l'Epouvantail. Gull. Small brown Tern. XVI. Procellaria XVII. Merganfer. XVII. dnas XIX. Pelecanus **Glacialis. **Puphinus. Pelagica. *Major. *Servator. * Albellus. *Minutus, *Cygnus ferus. Cygnus Manfuetus. *Anfer. *Erythropus. *Bernicla. * Brenta. Mollifiima. *Futca. *Fuligula. *Marila. *Clangula. "'Tadorna. Bofchas. * Clypeata. * Clypeata Altera, *Acuta. *Hyemalis. *Ferina, *Rufa. *Grifea. *Strepera, | Fulmar. Shear- water. Storm-finch. Gofander Fem, Dun- diver. Leís Dun-diver. Smew or white Nun. Red-headed Smew. Wild Swan. 'Tame Swan. Common Wild Goofe. White fronted Wild Goofe. Barnacle. Brent-Coofe. Eider Duck. Velvet Duck or St. Cuthbert's Duck. Scoter or black Diver. 'Tufted Duck. Scaup-Duck. Golden Eye. Sheldrake. Common Wild Duck. Shoveler. Red-breaíled Shove- ler. Pintail Duck. Swallow-tailed Shel- drake. Pochard. Ferrugineous Duck. Grey-headed Duck. Gadwall. Wigeon. Gargancy. "Teal. Corvorant. Shag. Gannet Goofe. or Soland le Petrel cendré. le Puffin. le Petrel. l'Harle. l'Harle hup&. lé petit Harle hupé ou Putte. I'Harle etoilé. le Cygne fauvape. le Cygne prive. l'Oye fauvage. l'Oye fauvage du Nord. la Barnache. le Cravant. lVEider ou l'Oye à duvet, la grande Macreufe. le petit Canard noir. le Canard creté. le petit Canard à large bec ou petit Moril- lon rayé. le Canard aux yeux d'Or, le Garrot. la 'Tadornc. le Canard fauvage. le Canard a large bec ou le Souchet. le Souchet a poitrine rouge. le Canard a longue quetie. le Canard. d'Iflande a longue queüe. le Millouin. le Canard à large bec & aux ailes bigarrées ou le Chipcau. le Canard fifflcur. la Sarcelle. la petite Sarcelle. le Cormoran. le petit Cormoran. le fou de Baffan. A P P E NIDOBMESE Aves raró in Britanniam Advenientes & quz vix unquam ibi nidificzrc edeatecteotoofesefoo ae toot ooo eie eoo cdoofe ofender ooo olkceficotoafeofcofofiooftecficofcofionfieofioofoofoofonfienyoofeofeofeofoafioofeogi Corvus Coracias Upupa Otis Turdus AAnfelis Loxiía Emberiza Plataiea "Ardea Tringa cognofcuntur. q E CRCOROSESSSUNIDISRISUMES Aryocatactes, Garrula. Epops. Tetrax. Rofeus. Graculus, Coccothraufles. Enucleator. Curviroftra, Nivalis. A "god Leucorodia, tiGrus. Ciconia, fGarzetta. Alba. Minuta, Iflandica. Nut-cracker. The Roller. Hoop or Hoopoe. Little Buftard or Field Duck. Rofe-coloured Ouzcl. Bohemian Chatterer. Grofs-beak or Haw- finch. Great Bu!l-finch. Crofs-bill. Greater Brambling or Snow-Bird. Ao ew Spoon-bill: Crane. Stork. Egrette. Great white Heron. Little Bittern. Red Sand-piper. le Caffe-noix. le Rollier ou Geai dc Strafbourg. la Huppe. la petite outarde ou canne-petiere. jle Merle couleur dc Rott. le jafeur ou Geai de Boheme. 1: Grofbec. le Bec-croise. Grand Pingon de Montagne ou Orto- lan de neige. JE. le Cuiller ou Spatu!e, la Grue. laCigogne ou Cicogne. l'Aigrette ou petit Heron blanc. le grand Heron blanc. le Blongios ou petit Butor, X Grus & Garzetta olim in paludibus Angliz, tefte Raio & alüs, notiffimze aves, his vero temporibus inter rariflimas & alienigenas habentur, ESIUNOICS AT auri 4 M TTM e MW "a vn rush» Ce Gun Sorieto FOR THE REPRINTING OF SCARCE ORNITHOLOGICAL WORKS. ESTABLISHED 1879. COMMITTEE OF SELECTION : ALFRED NEWTON, M.A., F.R.S., V.P.Z.S. OSBERT SALVIN, M.A., F.R.S., F.Z.S. PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER, M.A., F.R.S., Sec. Z.S. THE PAST AND PRESENT EDITORS OF 'Í(THE IBIS." DIRECTOR : W. B. TEGETMEIER, F.Z.$S. SECRETARY : F. DU CANE GODMAN, F.L.S. 10, CHANDOS-STREET, CAVENDISH-SQUARE, LONDON, W. BEER CWILEUGHBY SOCIETY. AT a. Meeting of Ornithologists, at 6, Tenterden-street, Hanover-square, on May 7, 1879, Professor NEwTOx in the Chair, it was agreed * That an Association should be formed for reprinting certain Ornithological Works interesting for their utility or rarity." The late and present Eprrons of **The Ibis" and Mr. TEGETMEIER were requested to form an Organising Committee to promote this object, and Mr. F. Gopwax to act as Secretary. The Committee thus appointed met at 11, Hanover-square, on June 4, 1879, when it was agreed :— I. * That this Association be called *'TH& WrnLvaHBAY SocrETY for the Reprinting of scarce Ornithological Works.' IL **That the Annual Subscription be £l, payable to the Secretary." IIT. *'That no Copies of Works reprinted by TuEg WinLvGHBY SocrETY be sold." IV. * That every Member of THE WinLvaHBY SocrETYy shall be entitled to one Copy of each Work printed in the year for which he shall subscribe." In order to carry out effectually the object of this Society, it is necessary that the number of Members should be as large as possible : those, therefore, who wish to join it are requested to communicate with the Secretary, Mr. F. D. GopMaw, 10, Chandos-street, Cavendish- square, W.C. In addition to "TuwNsTALL's ''Ornithologia Britannica," now issued, Sm AxpnEw SurrTH's papers in the * South African Journal," and *' Report " of his Exploring Expedition, and DzsrowTAINE's * Mémoire sur quelques nouvelles espéces d'oiseaux des cótes de Barbarie," from *' Hist. de l'Acad. des Sciences," 1787, are already in hand for the subscribers of the year 1880; and the The Willughby Society. following works are under consideration as suitable to the operations of the Society. Mr. B. H. Hopasow's papers in the ** Indian Review " and * Asiatic Researches."' SaAviGNY and AupovurN'S Ornithology of Egypt. "The complete text in 8vo. ViginLoT's * Analyse d'une nouvelle ornithologie." A. A. H. LicurENSTEIN'S * Catalogus rerum naturalium rarissi- marum." Hamburg: 1793. LrAcH's Catalogue of the Mammalia and Birds in the British Museum. BanRERE'S '' Ornithologic specimen novum." MonniNG'8 ** Avium genera." BrcnsTEIN'S papers in the ** Naturforscher."' PrNNaNT'S *Faunula Americana." TzwwrNcx's * Catalogue Systématique*du Cabinet d'Ornithologie." SaaNZziN'S (Notes sur l'Ornithologie de Madagascar," from the Mém, de la Soc. d'Hist. Nat. de Strasbourg. Ornithologieal papers by Rav and LisrER in the * Philosophical Transactions." SOHWENCKFELD' $ *' Aviarium Silesiacum." Ornithological papers in the Transactions of the Academy of Sciences of St. Petersburg. Ornithological portion of the Appendices to the ** Reise" of PALLAS, S. G. GwuELIN, and other Russian Travellers. OnRARLETON'S * Onomasticon."' TuRNER'S * Avium &c. brevis et succincta Historia." Banrox's * Fragments of the Natural History of Pensylvania." &c., &c 3 9088 0102 ITTTTTTTT TUNSTALL'S ORNITHOLOGIA BRITANNICA TIE 8 DUI