m _□ i □ i a I m ^r. /^«-W^ GEOL. SOC. AM., MEMOIR 76 FRONTISPIECE 3* PHILIP PEARSALL CARPENTER (1819-1877) The Geological Society of America Memoir ^6 TYPE SPECIMENS OF MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER FROM THE WEST COAST (San Diego to British Columbia) BY KATHERINE VAN WINKLE PALMER Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York December 8, 1958 Made in the United States of America TEXT PAGES COMPOSED AND PRINTED BY THE WILLIAM BYRD PRESS PLATES PRINTED BY THE MERIDEN GRAVURE COMPANY BOUND BY RUSSELL-RUTTER COMPANY PUBLISHED BY THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA 419 WEST 117 STREET, NEW YORK 27, N. Y. The Memoir Series of The Geological Society of America is made possible through the bequest of Richard Alexander Fidlerton Penrose, Jr. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to acknowledge the genuine and encouraging interest in the progress of this report by molhiscan workers on the West Coast since the an- nouncement of its initiation in 1945. Their persistent but understanding inquiries as to its progress have been a stimulation. Thanks are extended to the American Philosophical Society for financial help (Grant No. 788) in connection with the accumulation of data and to Waldo Schmitt and authorities of the U. S. National Museum for providing the photo- graphic negatives of the types of Carpenter West Coast species in the Division of MoUusca. Those negatives have been placed on file in that division. The authori- ties of the British Museum ( Natural History) , Zoology Division, have generously presented photographs of the types of the species in that institution. Splendid co-operation has been given by all the institutions and their staffs who have been connected with the study of the Carpenter material. The writer is happy to extend grateful thanks to each of them : T. H. Clark, Mrs. Alice Johannson Turnham, J. D. Cleghorn, Vicente Conde, J. W. Pollack, and Harold Coletta, Redpath Museum, McGill University; Lovell G. Mickles, Montreal, Canada ; Paul Bartsch, Harald Rehder, and Joseph P. E. Morrison, U. S. National Museum ; H. A. Pilsbry, John Dyas Parker, and Mrs. Venia Phillips, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia; W. J. Rees, the late G. L. Wilkins, and A. C. Townsend, British Museum (Natural History) ; Carl E. Guthe and Alvin G. Whitney, New York State Museum ; William J. Clench, R. Tucker Abbott (formerly), and Ruth D. Turner, Museum of Com- parative Zoology, Harvard University ; J. Wyatt Durham and William K. Emer- son, University of California : Fritz Haas, Chicago Natural History Museum ; Howard K. Gloyd, Chicago Academy of Sciences ; A. Myra Keen, Stanford Uni- versity; John C. Armstrong and Frederick V. Weir, American Museum of Natural History; W. Storrs Cole, Cornell University; John Q. Burch, editor. Minutes of the Conchological Club of Southern California ; J. R. le B. Tomlin, St. Leonards-on-Sea, Sussex, England ; Miss Mary B. Cobb, Boston Society of Na- tural History; Miss J. M. Tharpe and Miss Frances Lauman, reference librarians of Cornell University. Thanks are due Mr. J. F. Ogle-Skan of Manchester, Eng- land, and J. R. Rimmer, Municipal Museum and Art Gallery, Warrington, England. H. A. Pilsbry and Joshua L. Baily, Jr., have read the manuscript and have been generous in their recommendations for publication. The photograph of Philip Carpenter (frontispiece) is a copy of an enlarged one in the Redpath Museum. A similar photo is in the Mollusca Division, Mu- seum of Comparative Zoology ; two other pictures of Carpenter are in the latter institution. The writer wishes to thank the authorities of both institutions for the privilege of having copies made. The librarian of the University of California also allowed a microfilm made of the manuscript of West Coast concholog}' by J. G. Cooper which is in the li- brary of the University of California. vi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to thank her husband, E. Laurence Pahner, for critical reading of the preHminary general portion of the manuscript. Grateful appreciation is extended to Siemon W. Muller, Charles E. Weaver, and Wendell P. Woodring for their support. CONTENTS Abstract 1 Introduction 3 Purpose 3 Preparation 6 Philip Pearsall Carpenter 7 Life 7 Scientific career 8 Association with institutions and collections 11 Alazatlan collection 11 British Museum (Natural History) 12 U. S. Exploring Expedition and A. A. Gould 12 New York State Cabinet of Natural History (Museum) ■ 13 Smithsonian Institution 13 Warrington Free Museum and Library 13 Redpath Museum, McGill University 14 Collectors of West Coast Species Described by Carpenter 14 Depositories of Types 19 List of Types Not Found 25 Present-Day Carpenter Material 26 Species as listed by Dall ( 1921 ) and the present report 26 Collections of Carpenter's species 31 Type Localities south of San Diego 44 Species Described from Mazatlan which Range North 44 Nomina nuda 45 Extraneous species 46 Stratigraphic Distribution of the Species 46 Generic Names Described by Carpenter 53 Type Species Described by Carpenter 55 Systematic Descriptions 57 Explanatory remarks 57 Pelecypoda 60 Scaphopoda 118 Gastropoda 120 Amphineura 261 Bibliography 287 Explanation of Plates 325 Index 362 ILLUSTRATIONS PLATES Plate Philip Pearsall Carpenter (1819-1877) Frontispiece Facing page 1. Huxleyia, Barbatia, Nticula, Glycymeris, and Philobrya 326 2. Pecten and Nuculana 327 3. Pecten 328 4. Modiolus, Adula, and Asthcnothacrus 329 5. Pandora and Ostrea 330 6. Cu^pidaria, Leiomya, and Pandora 331 7. Glaus, Eucrassatella, Mysclla, Astarie, and Axinopsida 332 8. Miodontiscus and Lucina 333 9. Pscudopythina, Kellia, Prtstes, and Humilaria 334 10. Compsomyax, Nemocardium, and Lepton 335 11. Protothaca, Pscphidia, and Chione 336 12. Pctricola and Coopcrella 337 13. Macoma and Tellina 338 14. Darina, Macoma, Apolymctis, Crepidtila, and Scmcle 339 15. Gari, Sphenia, and Corhula 340 16. Macoma, Psamnwbia, Callopoma, and Gari 341 17. Dentalium, Solariella, Margarites, Calliostoina, Cidarina, and Acmaea 342 18. Littorina, Lacuna, Phasianclla, Margarites, Acmaea, Lcpcta, Puncturella, and Fissurella 343 19. Tegula, Cythnia, Halistylus, Tcinostonw, Liotia, Arenc, HomaloPoma, Astraca, Lacuna, and Phasianclla 344 20. Barleeia, Tachyrhynchus, Turritella, Caecmn, Micranellum, Alabina, Petaloconchus, Albania, Cerithidea, Diastoma, Opalia, and Epitonimn 345 21. Hipponix, Vclutitm, Odostomia, Tercbra, Calypfraca, Iselica, and Turbonilla 346 22. Opalia, Barleeia, Bittium, Epitonimn, Ah'ania, Diata, and Turbonilla 347 23. Ocenebra, Anachis, Aesopus, and Amphissa 348 24. Kellctia, Olivella, Cystiscus, Gibberulina, and Admcte 349 25. Voh'ulclla, Mitronwrpha, Propebcla, Mangclia, Willianiia, Cylichnu, and Acteocina 350 26. Cystiscus, Admete, Ocenebra, and Mitrella 351 27. Atys, Mangelia, Pallochiton, Cyanoplax, and M opalia 352 28. Mangelia, Leptochiton, Cyanoplax, and Nuttalina 353 29. Chaetoplenra and Ischnochiton 354 30. Ischnochiton and Chaetoplenra 355 31. Ischnochiton and M opalia 356 32. Callistochiton, Mopolia, Dcndrochiton. Acofithochitona and Ischnochiton 357 33. Ischnochiton, Mopalia, Basilinchiton, and Callistochiton 358 34. Ischnochiton coopcri 359 35. Ischnochiton and Leptochiton 360 TABLES Table Page 1. Type localities of species described by Carpenter from the West Coast 37 2. Stratigraphic distribution of species 48 ABSTRACT Philip P. Carpenter ranks next to W. H. Dall and Paul Bartsch in the num- ber of marine molluscan species described from the West Coast, San Diego to British Columbia. More than 270 Carpenter species, fossil and Recent, and many more names are involved in the present study. Illustrations of more than 190 types and of many original specimens with pertinent data are included. Only 4 of about 50 pelecypod species and only about one-fifth of the t}'pes of the gastropods have had the types figured previously. Authentic whereabouts of the types have been determined, lists regarding depositories of types, type localities, evaluation of names, analysis of available Carpenter material, and historical background have been included. IJecause Carpenter was one of the important figures in early American conchology, the historical background presents a partial picture of that time (ca. 1841-1870). The fossil distribution of each Recent species where known is included. A stratigraphic distributional chart is inserted. This reveals the re- lationship between the fauna of the Miocene, Pliocene, Pleistocene, and Recent species of the area studied. The importance of the illustration of the large number of heretofore unfigured types of common species, fossil and Recent, may be re- flected in more refined taxonomic. ecological and paleoecological, statistical, and distributional studies of the late Cenozoic mollusks. INTRODUCTION PURPOSE Those who are familiar \\ith the marine molhiscan fauna of the West Coast do not need an explanation for placing on record, for the first time in most cases, the figures of Carpenter's types. For the benefit of those less well acquainted, the following facts may give a brief resume of the problem involved. The area of the species under discussion is confined to the West Coast of the United States from San Diego northward. It is the province covered by Dall in U. S. National Museum Bulletin (1921) No. 112 and that of the lists appearing in the Minutes of the Conchological Club of Southern California. Those lists make a convenient accompanying guide. Such a unit excludes those species de- scribed b}' Carpenter from south of San Diego, except where they range into the northern province. The southern areas from Panama north deserve a separate publication or publications. Illustrations and data have been accumulated with this in mind. Carpenter's IMazatlan Catalogue (1857) is a work unto itself and would be best illustrated with a series of plates to accompany the already printed text. The types of the species described in that catalogue are in the British Mu- seum (Natural History). Because of the magnitude of the problem it appeared proper to limit the area involved so that the major portion of the whole project could be completed in a reasonable length of time. Of 496 species of pelecypods in the region involved (the number which Dall compiled up to 1921 in Bulletin 112), nearly half were described by Dall. Car- penter described about 50 species or nearly one-tenth of the total number. Conrad is the only other worker who described a number (about 45^) comparable to that of Carpenter. DalP is the author of about half of the specific names of gastropods which he recorded from the same area, and Bartsch is the author of less than one- fifth of the same number. Carpenter ranks next in importance with about 176 species. No other person is credited with authorship of more than 40 species. There are approximately 270 species (including those of Carpenter and others) and many more names involved in the present study. Only 4 of the 50 pelecypod species described by Carpenter have had the types figured, and some of these figures are not adequate. Of about 176 gastropod species concerned prob- ably only about one-fifth have had the types illustrated. Because of the extensive monographic work of Pilsbry and early efiforts of Dall, the Amphineura described by Carpenter, either published or in manuscript, have been generally illustrated. Further discussion in regard to the chitons will be given under that group. The conspicuous lack of illustrations of the Carpenter types has been a stumbling block to the identification and interpretation of the many Carpenter species. Philip Carpenter described more than 500 new species and published 1 Figures, except those of Carpenter, derived by count in Bulletin 112. 2 Including species of joint authorship with I?artsch. The same species are also counted under Bartsch authorship. 4 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER voluminous notes, yet only two of his papers include illustrations, and only one new species was figured by him, except for sectional drawings of several new species. The absence of figures in Carpenter's works has been a source of criticism of otherwise exceedingly deserving efforts. Less careful and less brilliant con- chologists of his day have not been so severely judged, for they included illustra- tions in their works. The chiton manuscript which was not complete at the time of Carpenter's death did contain the series of drawings which had been executed under Carpen- ter's supervision. Those drawings were deposited in the Smithsonian Institution, where fortimatcly the illustrations were available to Pilsbry. and many were pub- lished in his chiton monographs. These manuscript illustrations, as well as a series of drawings of the species of the Mazatlan Catalogue, are preserved in the archives of the United States National Museum. Some of the drawings were pub- lished by Dall and Bartsch. Letters in the files of the Redpath Museum reveal that Carpenter was concerned over the illustration of the West Coast fauna and that he and J. D. \\^hitney of the Geological Survey of California were negotiating in 1871 plans for drawings for a \\'est Coast conchological publication. Carpen- ter's death and the vicissitudes of the California Survey prevented such a funda- mental project from being com])leted. The second detrimental factor involved in the problem of the identification of species described by Carpenter from the West Coast has been misinformation and lack of information regarding the types. It has been assumed by many workers that Carpenter did not designate types and that most of the specimens have been lost. Neither of these assumptions is correct. An examination of Carpenter's original collections with original labels intact shows that type designations are marked ; some specimens are labelled ■'unique type." In many cases no holotype is designated, but several syntypes are stipulated as types. The writer has included under discussion of the types in each s]-)ecies the quotation of the label. This in many instances may be tied into the data as given in the original description. Unfortunately, in some cases more than one locality is included on the type label. One cannot, therefore, differentiate wliicli specimens belong to the respective localities. Duplicate sets of types have been discovered in the U. S. National Museum and the Redpath Museum. Fre- quently Carpenter's use of the word type would be equivalent to what modem authors term paratype. Although the collection at the Redpath Museum has re- mained intact since Carpenter's death, material at other institutions has been moved or rearranged. Hence, there could have been mixtures, and there has been loss of specimens. Carpenter had access to large collections on both sides of the Atlantic as well as the accumulation of an extensive one of his own. He received by gift or ex- change shells from chief collectors of his day, including such men as Cuming, Pease, Morch, Jeffreys, Tristram, M' Andrew, Henry Adams, Jewett, Newcomb, Cooper, Gould, Stearns, Gabb, Dall, Hemphill, and others. He identified the collections for the Smithsonian Institution at the headquarters and abroad, where the bulk of the shell collections were shipped to him. After he was established in PURPOSE J Montreal and affiliated with McGill University, his conchological studies con- tinued. Besides that bequeathed to AIcGill, collections were set him by the Smith- sonian Institution, the Geological Survey of California, the Boston Society of Natural History, and individuals who wished the benefit of his wide experience. It is consistent, then, that specimens which he used as the basis of the description of new species might be scattered when his death occurred in the midst of such activity. As can 1>e seen from the itemized list of type depositories included herein, the greater number of Carpenter types are in the United States National Mu- seum and the Redpath ^Museum. To avoid further confusion attention must be called to the fact that Mrs. Oldroyd in her worthy manual (1924-1927) based the listing of many type depositories on false assumptions. In addition, she used the original statement of the location of types as basis for actual location at the time of her writing. In many cases the two are not the same. Such statements in Oldroyd as "Mrs. Boyce of Utica, New York" (continued by Soot-Ryen. 1955. p. 62) and the "California Geological Survey" are particularly misleading and cause a great deal of unnecessary searching. In both cases the specimens at the time of Carpenter's description belonged in such categories, but through unac- countable changes such statements mean little or nothing in regard to the present whereabouts of the specimens. Mrs. Boyce was Colonel Jewett's daughter, and none of her collection exists in Utica today. Most of the specimens of the "Cali- fornia Geological Survey" which might be identified with the above are in the United States National Museum. Some are in the Museum of Paleontolog>% Uni- versity of California. The chief purpose of this report has been, therefore, to investigate, locate, and illustrate the types of the marine molluscan West Coast species described by Philip Pearsall Carpenter and to bring the data together to form a foundation on which researchers on the fauna can evaluate the original data in the light of more extensive information. In this report concentration on the study of the types of Carpenter's marine molluscan species does not mean that the author regards the principle of the es- tablishment of types as an end in systematics. It is only a means and a tool in taxonomy and an aid in refined methods of biological analysis of organisms. It is, however, a necessary implement, as is any original work, in the determination of taxonomic names. There are many examples shown in this paper where con- siderable writing and energy could have been .saved if all the original data in the problem had been available — for example, in Area pernoides vs. A. bailyi. In some cases nude names have been carried in lists, and one or more generic names applied to the same species. Obviously any statistics based on such data would be of little value. An extreme case of that point is that of Alvania aequiscidpta "Cpr" [Keep] given in the same list under three generic names. Schenck (1945, p. 518, 519) enumerated similar examples and pointed out the kind of taxonomic data needed for biometrical analysis of molluscan assemblages. It is the purpose of this report to provide such data, particularly the too long-de- layed illustration of the Carpenter types. 6 MARINE MOLLl'SCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER The writer has not pretended herein to make specific (hscriminations which must be based on large collections of the forms from the West Coast. Such work must be done by those who are situated in the area or have available the proper material. It has been the plan herein to make available to those distant workers the facts which are not accessible to them. PREPARATION In 1921 when arranging collections in Paleontological Laboratory of Cornell University the writer discovered two of Carpenter's lost moUuscan types from the Pleistocene inland from Santa Barbara (Van Winkle, 1921, p. 1-5, PI. 15, figs. 6-11). lliese were in the scattered material of the Jewett Collection which Ezra Cornell purchased about 1865. Twenty-three years later 93 Carpenter "types" were located (Palmer, 1945, p. 97-102) in the Peter Redpath Museum, McCill University, Montreal, Canada. The whereabouts of those tyi)es were ])reviously unknown. Details of the Car- penter shell collection in the Redpath Museum are given below under that head- ing. Photograjjhic negatives were made of the specimens in the Zoology Depart- ment at McCill by J. W. Pollack, and the ])rints later finished by the writer. A grant (No. 788) in 1945 from the American Philosophical Society (Pal- mer, 1946, p. 122-133) provided aid for the search of the remainder of the ma- terial ; two additional trips to McGill were included, and more types were found. Before 1946, examinations also had been made in the Redpath Museum, in the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia, American Museum of Natural History, New York State Museum, Museum of Comparative Zoology at Har- vard University, Cornell University, and the Division of Mollusca, United States National Museum. Inquiries to the Department of Geology, Stanford University, and the De- partment of Paleontology, California Acadamy of Sciences, San Francisco, Cali- fornia, revealed that no Carpenter types existed there. Four trips were made to the Division of Mollusca, United States National Museum, where the greatest number of types are preserved. Examination, notes, and checking were accom- plished, and the specimens were photographed by the museum's photographic staff. The search for and verification of the existence of types in the Gould Collec- tion at the New York State Museum in Albany was facilitated by the employ- ment of the author as temporar}- ex])ert in /.oology during 1945-1946. This al- lowed a first-hand examination of the extensive molluscan collection of that or- ganization. A catalogue of the first duplicate series of the Reigen Collection of Mazatlau shells was iniblished as a result of ])art of the work (Palmer, 1951). At the request of Dr. llarald Rehder a paper entitled "Illustrations of Car- penter West Coast Molluscan Types" was read before the American Malaco- logical Union on August 15, 1946. A visit was made to the Redpath Museum in the spring of 1949 for the ex- amination and photographing of types which had been found subsequently and to check queries concerning previous notes. PHILIP PKARSALL CARPENTER / Through the generosity of Mr. T.ovell G. Mickles of Montreal, the molluscan collections of the Redpath Museum were reorganized in 1950-1951. The work was directed by the author, assisted by Vicente Conde of Cuba. This allowed further examination of the Carpenter Collection, and more types and pertinent specimens were discovered. Examination was made in 1951 of collections in the Chicago Museum of Natural History and the Chicago Academy of Sciences. The former contains a large set of specimens, identified by Carpenter, of species described by him. The author has been aided by the late G. L. Wilkins of the Zoology Depart- ment of the British Museum (Natural History). He checked the collections of that institution for possible types, provided the information from the labels on such specimens, and arranged for the photographing of them. Without his aid the data concerning the pertinent specimens in England could not have been in- cluded in this report. Harald Rehder, J. Wyatt Durham, H. A. Pilsbry, and John C. Armstrong co-operatively checked the collections and data in regard to queries and provided photographs of specimens in their respective institutions. In the course of the search for types and pertinent original material of Car- penter's West Coast species the authorities of the Redpath Museum brought to light about 140 letters in the Carpenter files of that institution. They represent communications from leading conchologists in America and abroad to Carpenter during the period 1859 to 1877. They contain facts concerning scientists, collec- tions, and natural history not compiled in printed accounts. Similar letters were inspected from the archives of the Boston Society of Natural History and the Museum of Comparative Zoology. More letters probably will be found. The writer hopes to complete a separate report describing details from original sources of a stage in American conchology not hitherto published. PHILIP PEARSALL CARPENTER LIFE Philip Pearsall Carpenter, an English Presbyterian minister, was one of the chief figures in the second period of American conchology, which the late W. H. Dall termed the Gouldian Period (about 1841-1870). Carpenter was born on November 4. 1819, in Bristol, England. He occupied the pulpit'"' at Stand (1841- 1846), near Manchester, and at Warrington from 1846 until 1858. At that time he made his first visit to America. He came with large boxes of shells from the Reigen Mazatlan collection which were destined for the State Cabinet of Natural History (Museum) at Albany, New York (Palmer, 1951, p. 5). He spent about a year and a half in America and travelled about 12,400 miles from Quebec to Falls of St. Anthony, Minnesota, to Charleston, South Carolina. xA-fter his return to England, he married a German lady, Minna Meyer. At the same time they 3 Carpenter's father was an eminent Unitarian preacher, Dr. Lant Carpenter ; a brother Russel was a minister, another brother was the celebrated scientist, Dr. W. B. Carpenter, and a sister Mary was the active philanthropist and reformer. 8 MARINE MOLLl'SCA DKSCRI BED RY P. P. CARPENTER adopted an American orphan boy who had helped Philip in the Smithsonian In- stitution and whom Carpenter befriended there. Contacts both scientific and human drew him back to America, and in November, 1865, he and his family returned to Montreal. There he ran a school for boys. He entered energetically into civic and religious life of the city and carried on his scientific pursuits, study- ing and arranging his extensive shell collection which he had brought from Eng- land and donated to McGill University. He died in Montreal May 24, 1877, and was buried in Mount Royal Cemetery. On his trip to the United States (1860) Carpenter was given the first degree of Doctor of Philosophy granted by the Regents of the State of New York. From the time of his visit to America he ceased to occupy a regular pulpit, but his activities in helping his fellows by lec- turing, preaching, organizing, or by kind deeds never lessened. He was a vehe- ment prohibitionist and abolitionist, a vegetarian, and an energetic worker for sanitation and reforms in conditions of the poor and illiterate. He was respected and loved by all. whether they agreed with his doctrines or not. SCIENTIFIC CAREER Philip Carpenter seemed to have had a natural love for shells. He was in- itiated into the study of mollusks in his early teens by the association with Samuel Stutchbury (1797-1859). zoologist, and Samuel Worsley^ [not known] geolo- gist, at tlie liristol Institution. This museum had rich collections of fossils and shells. Philip in 1832 arranged cabinets in that museum. A specimen of Macrocal- lista chione (Linnaeus) preserved in the Chicago Natural History Museum, bears the label. "This identical specimen was the first beginning of my collection of shells, being offered by my sister Mary and earned by me, as a prize for order ! I think in June. 1832 (31)." In 1833, he was helping Mr. Stutchbury 3 or 4 hours a day, working particularly on chitons. In the same year Carpenter became acquainted with Dr. J. E. Gray, Keeper of Mollusca in the British Museum, W'ho was a strong influence in the beginning of Carpenter's scientific career. In 1836, tlie Pritish Association for Promotion of Science met at Bristol, and Philip helped arrange the conchological collection. He had at that early age developed a discriminating judgment of species determination. In spite of his fondness for natural history. Carpenter continued his training for the ministry. He was ordained in 1841. In 1842, when contacts were made again with scientists of kindred interest at a meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science in Manchester, his old love was revived. He visited with Robert Patterson (1802-1872). biologist. John Fleming (1785- 1857). zoologist, G. B. Sowerby (1812-1884). zoologist, C. W. Peach (1800- 1886). geologist. G. W. Wood (M.P.). Dr. William Buckland (1794-1856), geologist. Dr. C. G. B. Daubeny (1795-1867), botanist and chemist, and Prof. Baden Powell (1796-1860). mathematician. When the same association met at York (1844) he went with his brother, the esteemed scientist. Dr. W. B. Car- penter. He again accompanied the same brother to the meeting at Cambridge in * Carpenter (1858, p. 438) wrote, "It was to serve as eyes [Worsley was blind] to guide his knowledge, that I commenced the study of shells." PHILII' PEARSALL CARPENTER V 1845. From 1846-1858 he preached at Warrington. To help unemployed factory workers he founded an industrial school. To carry on the activities of the school as well as teach a trade, he managed to acquire an antiquated press and type and to learn printing. This was the beginning of the "Oberlin Press," on which he printed for himself and other reformers tracts and extended papers on sanitation, teetotalism, religious and school reports, or anything which Carpenter believed would better human conduct and conditions of life. Better machinery, type, and experience were gradually gained until in 1855-1857 his 552-page Catalogue of the Reigcn Collection of Ma::atlan Mollusca in the British Museum was printed by P. P. Carpenter at the Oberlin Press, by order of the Trustees of the British Museum. This was the largest single report that Carpenter published.^ He had in 1855, with the aid of a brother-in-law, purchased the famous Reigen Mazatlan shells. This became the turning point in his life. The events and his scientific labors in connection with those specimens occupied more of his time. A descrip- tion of the Mazatlan collection was included by Carpenter (1857b, p. 241-265; 1957a; 1860, p. 23-27; 1864b, p. 542, 548; 1872, p. 28-34; Palmer, 1951, p. 5) in his report to the British Association in 1856 (1857b) and again in 1863 (1864b) and in the introduction to the Mazatlan Catalogue as well as to the cata- logue of the first duplicate Mazatlan Collection presented to the State Cabinet of Natural History (Museum). Those publications are rare. Because a brief survey of the collection and Carpenter's association has been given by the author in a catalogue (Palmer, 1951) of the duplicate material at the New York State Mu- seum, further details will not be included here. Carpenter thought that a small industrial town such as Warrington was not a proper place to house permanently the primary selection of the material, including the types of new species described. Through the persuasion of Dr. J. E. Gray the original suite, about 8873 speci- m_ens, was deposited in the British Museum. Material several times that amount, from which he made up duplicate sets, was retained. Although at that time Carpenter was a novice in conchology there seemed no one better available to study the material. In addition, he was asked to prepare a report in 1855 for the British Association for the Advancement of Science, "on the Present State of our Knowledge with regard to the Mollusca of West Coast of North America." Thus he began scientific pursuits, not only by examining thousands of shells but by forging into a thorough and laborious compilation of the voluminous and scattered literature in which any mention was made of west American molluscan species. His abstracts, delineated with lists of species and references, were meant to include all original sources from the collection of Dom- bey. 1778 (Peru), to Bridges, 1856 (Panama), and of all other pertinent writ- ings and monographs. The resumes were followed by detailed geographic tables in which were embodied the data which had been extracted from the literature and analysis of the species in the faunal districts. This report of 318 pages (4 plates) was followed in 1863 (1864) by a supplementary report to the British Association on the Mollusca of the same area. In the supplement he corrected old 5 The chiton manuscript which remained unfinished at his death would have exceeded the Mazatlan catalogue in size and importance. 10 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER errors, noted previous omissions, gave additional information on collections, ex- peditions, and original notes gained from his examination of previously identified material and from unidentified and undescribed species of shells that were sent to him through the Smitlisonian Institution or directly to him by collectors on the West Coast. Those two ]iapers are a wealth of concise information of eastern Pacific conchological literature from Linnaeus to Carpenter's time. Their useful- ness is impaired by the rarity of the publications which also include the Smith- sonian Institution reprint (1872) of the 1863 (1864) report. The latter could well be reprinted again. The reprint of Carpenter's papers by the Smithsonian Institution is referred herein as Reprint. 1872. (Sre bibliography.) The extensive size of the Mazatlan material induced and riveted the carrying on of Carpenter's natural-history bent. He made up duplicate sets of the Mazat- lan material. One set was accepted by the New York State Cabinet of Natural History (State Museum) at Albany, New York, on condition that Carpenter would bring the shells to America and arrange them (Palmer. 1951. p. 5-8). The details of the Albany collection have been written up ]\v the author and will not be repeated here. Carpenter sailed for America December 8. 1858, and did not return until June. 1860. During that time he had arranged the collection at Albany and made a firm friend of Col. Ezekiel Jewett. curator of the State Cabinet of Natural His- tory. Carpenter later described new species from Jewett's collection of West Coast mollusks. He visited ^lontreal three times and lectured at McGill Univer- sity at the request of Sir William Dawson, principal. Common interests and re- spect were formed between Dawson and Carpenter and resulted in permanent friendship and eventual association in IMontreal in the museum at McGill Uni- versity. One of his chief objects in coming to the United States was to examine types of described species, particularly western American species, in order to compare them with those specimens in England. His natural-history bent led him to Dr. A. A. Gould in P>oston, Louis Agassiz at Cambridge, the C. P). Adams collection at Amherst, Massachusetts, the Bland collection in Brooklyn, Binney's collection of land shells in Burlington, Vermont, the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia, Professors McCrady, Ravenal, and Gibbs in Charleston. South Carolina, and John G. Anthony at Cincinnati ; he made a collecting trip for Unionidae with Alpheus Hyatt in the Green River in Kentucky. He was em- ployed for 5 months in the winter of 1859-1860, by Joseph Henry, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, in unpacking and arranging the shells of that in- stitution. When he returned to England in June, 1860, large quantities of shells were sent to him from the Smithsonian for comparson with types in England, especially with those of Hugh Cuming. He spent a large portion of the time in the next 5 years in the museum at Warrington, where he built u]) natural-history collections, worked on Smithson- ian shells, published the description of new Pacific Coast mollusks, attended PHILIP PEARSALL CARPENTER 11 meetings of the Britisli Association for Advancement of Science, where he was of great help in arrangements, and continued lecturing and some preaching. On October 26, 1865, he and his family sailed from England for Montreal where he spent the remainder of his life except for one trip Home in 1874. In 1866, he was approached in regard to a professorship of natural history at Cornell University, ithaca, New York. But his ties were too strong in Alontreal for him to shift to Yankeeland. His health declined gradually until he finally succumbed to typhoid fever, May 24, 1877. In exchanging ]\Iazatlan shells and in the extensive arrangement of duplicate sets for the Smithsonian Institution, Carpenter accumulated an extensive collec- tion of his own. Although he had mounted and arranged the greater portion of his collection, which is in the Redpath Museum at AIcGill University, his death ended the work. His early death also prevented the finishing of a large and au- thoritative work on the chitons which was to have been published by the Smith- sonian Institution. The work was in manuscript form with the illustrations drawn, but it had not reached the final written stage for publication. Much of the information was published by Dall, in his smaller chiton articles, and by Pilsbry, in his chiton monographs. Both had access to Carpenter's manuscript and illus- trations, and both used his notes freely, with appreciative acknowledgment, and witii more credit to Carpenter than a strict application of international zoological nomenclatural rules will allow. Philip Carpenter, in addition to the Ph. D. granted by the Regents of the University of the State of New York, was a corresponding member of the Acad- emy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, the California Academy of Sciences, and the Lyceum of Natural History in the City of New York. He was an hon- orary member of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-on-Tyne. ASSOCIATION WITH INSTITUTIONS AND COLLECTIONS Mazatlan collection. — In the spring of 1855, with the help of his brother-in- law, Mr. Herbert Thomas, Carpenter purchased for 50 pounds the famous Ma- zatlan Collection of shells. Up to that period, with the exception of Hugh Cum- ing's material, it was the greatest collection ever taken to Europe. The specimens had been gathered with care b}- Frederick Reigen, a Belgian, from 1848 to 1850 at Mazatlan, Gulf of California. Practically all had been taken alive. Carpenter (1864b, p. 540) noted in his discussion of Major Rich (U. S. Expl. Exped.) that Rich had met Reigen at Mazatlan and had reported that Reigen had been called before the police because of the stench from the decomposing mollusks on his premises. The collection contained few strays, and large numbers of individuals of the species made it a unique series to illustrate suites of variation. For details of the collection and the catalogue which Carpenter published on it. see Carpenter's Report to British Association for 1856 (1857b), the Mazatlan Catalogue (1857a), Report to P.ritish Association for 1863 (1864b), and Palmer (1951,). Carpenter described 222 new species in the IMazatlan Catalogue (1857) and listed 694 species. The first collection consisted of 8873 specimens mounted on 12 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER 2529 tablets.^ This primary collection was deposited in the British Museum (Na- tural History). Drawings were made of the specimens of the species described in the catalogue. A set of these drawings is in the United States National Mu- seum, but no complete set of illustrations of the Catalogue was ever printed. The first duplicate series of shells (6584 specimens) and pictures of Mazatlan material were brought to America by Carpenter and deposited in the New York State Cabinet of Natural History (Museum). (See Palmer, 1951.) The Redpath Museum has a large and partially mounted series. Other museums have dupli- cates from the Reigen collection through distribution by Carpenter. Illustrations of the types of the species described by Carpenter from Mazatlan are not included in this report. The figuring of the already printed catalogue would constitute a separate major work. A list of the species described by Carpenter from Mazatlan, which range northward into the California area is included herein. British Museum (Natural History) .—Although never in residence at the British Museum, Philip Carpenter began his scientific career under the inspira- tion of Dr. J. E. (Iray, Keeper of Mollusca of that institution. Through Gray's influence the first set of the Reigen Mazatlan collection was presented to the British Museum. In consequence of this, Carpenter was asked to write the cata- logue of that collection in the British Museum (1857b). Friendly and mutually profitable relations continued through Carpenter's life not only with the Museum but with the eminent conchologists of his day. He received advice, help, and un- restricted use of collections and library from Hugh Cuming, J. E. Gray, R. M. Andrew, J. D. Gaskoin, L. Reeve, W. Clark, W. Bean, S. Hanley, J. Alder, R. D. Darbishire, W. Baird, H. and A. Adams, T. Hincks, S. P. Woodward, G. B. Sowerby, and F. Archer. Labels in his collection testify to the associations he established and to the confidence he inspired. U. S. Exploring Expedition and A. A. Gould.— In the Report to the British Association for Advancement of Science for 1856 (1857a, p. 208-213) Carpenter listed the dates, the ships used, the localities visited and the species described and determined by Dr. A. A. Gould. Again in 1863 (1864b, p. 529-532, 578, 582, 583). in a report to the same body of British scientists, he enumerated from first- hand information the trials connected with the making of the Gould collections. At the request of Joseph Henry, secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, Car- penter was employed in 1859 to arrange the .shell material of the above expedi- tions. Previously Gould had. as Carpenter acknowledged in the Mazatlan Cata- logue ('1857a, p. iv. footnote) ". . . intrusted to my care, and to the perils of the Atlantic, the whole of his collections and notes from W. American coast, for comparison with those known in this country." Gould's and Carpenter's names were linked in joint authorship in 1856 (Gould and Carpenter, 1856, p. 198- 208). « Tablets containing a numbered suite of shells are recorded in sequence in the published catalogue. Hence, a collection so mounted and numbered can lie tied in definitely with the published notes. PHILIP PEARSAIJ. CARPENTER 13 New York State Cabinet of Natural History (Museum). — Carpenter's asso- ciation with the New York State Cabinet of Natural History was consummated by his donation and arrangement of the first duphcate series of the Reigen Col- lection of Mazatlan shells (1859). The story and analysis of that collection have been published (Palmer, 1951). Smithsonian Institution. — A brief summary of the general activities of the Smithsonian Institution is presented by Carpenter (1864b, p. 578). A list of the sources of the collections in the Smithsonian at that time was included. The sources included material from eight expeditions, beginning with the U. S. Ex- ploring Expedition, 1837-1840, through the expedition of the U. S. North-West Boundary Survey, 1857-1861, under Com. A. Campbell, with Dr. C. B. R. Ken- nerley and George Gibbs as collectors. Sixteen private collectors up to the same period had provided additional critical material to the collections of the Smith- sonian. Many new forms found by several of those collectors were described by Carpenter. He spent 5 months (1859-1860) in Washington, D. C, living in the Smithsonian Institution building. The work on the collections could not be com- pleted in that short time. Arrangements were made, and the specimens were shipped to England. Carpenter compared the specimens with named forms in the Hugh Cuming Collection in the British Museum (Natural History), with the help of Cuming. A special label "Named by Hugh Cuming. Esq. for the Smith- sonian Institution, Washington, D. C." was printed to indicate such service. This is one of several printed labels associated with Carpenter's labors on the collections which may be found in the U. S. National Museum, and in institu- tions, such as the New York State Museum and the Redpath Museum, which acquired material from the Smithsonian Institution. Warrington Free Museum and Library. — ^After Carpenter's return from America to Warrington in June 1860. he arranged with the Warrington Museum for the use of an unoccupied room and rented three rooms from a house adjoin- ing. There he worked on the collections which w^ere sent from the Smithsonian, large collections he had made in America for the Warrington Museum, and his own. He had purchased all the remaining shells of the Reigen Mazatlan stores, part of the C. B. Adams material from Panama, Jamaica, St. Thomas, and Bermuda. He also became agent for some leading naturalists in negotiating transactions in connection with their duplicates. About half of Carpenter's papers were written at Warrington, including his valuable and comprehensive Supplementary Report on the Present State of our knozvledge with regard to the MoUusca of the West Coast of North America, which was reprinted, with 13 of his other articles, by the Smithsonian Institution in 1872. He remained at Warrington until his de- parture for Montreal in October 1865. J. R. le B. Tomlin wrote (Personal com- munication, November 11. 1947) that he did not believe the Warrington Museum contained any types. J. R. Rimmer, Director of the Municipal Museum and Art Gallery, Warrington, examined the list of missing types of Carpenter species, as included herein, and reported (Personal communication, October 2. 1956) that there are no types of Carpenter species in that Museum. 14 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER RcdpatJi Muscimi, McGill University. — McGill College (University) ac- cepted the Carpenter collection October 26, 1867, on condition that Carpenter arrange the material, and this he worked on nntil his death in 1877. He had taken iZ years to form the collection, and its monetary valne had been estimated by Sowerl)y as 1000 ponnds. Although it contained few expensive shells it was val- uable because so many specimens had been compared with types. It is important to students of the West Coast fauna in ])articular because of its large number of undisturbed types of species described by Carpenter. Present-day collections con- tain greater numbers of shells, better preserved, and more carefully collected, but the importance of the Carpenter collection is its pertinence to taxonomy. It con- tains duplicate shells from original collection of species, such as those described by Adams from Japan (Kuroda and Habe, 1954) which have never been illus- trated and which from lack of original material are obscurely known today. The Redpath Museum molluscan stores have been discussed briefly elsewhere (Palmer, 1945. p. 97-102; Cleghorn, 1950. p. 70). COLLECTORS OF WEST COAST SPECIES DESCRIBED BY CARPENTER Philip Carpenter was never on the Pacific Coast of North America and did not collect any of the shells of the species he described. Such published statements as that of Kelsey (1902, p. 144) in a note on Scrridens ohlongiis Cpr. in which he quoted Dall as saying, "the single valve found by Dr. Carpenter at San Diego, in 1866, was on record." are misleading. Kelsev nu'sunderstood words of Dall in regard to the record. Collections referred to as Carpenter Collections have been inferred by some persons unfamiliar witli the history of West Coast associations to be material collected by Carpenter. Such a denotation in association with col- lections may indicate that either the material was of Carpenter's transactions or identification. Most of the shells from the area of this report, from which Carpenter segre- gated and described new species, were obtained through tlie Smithsonian Institu- tion and/or the California Geological Survey. The collectors of such material were listed by Carpenter (18641), p. 579). Those pertinent to this monograph are briefly given below : (1) "James G. Swan, from Port Townsend. Cape Flattery, Neeah Isic] Bay, and the neighboring shores of Vancouver ; at intervals, during many years." (Also, Carpenter, 1864b. p. 606) Mr. Swan, as Indian teacher at Neah Bay, N.W\T., trained the children to gather shells. Appropriate labels printed by the .Smithsonian Institution may be found in the collections distributed Ijv that institution following the identification of the species by Carpenter. These labels read. '"Collected by the Indian children at Neeah Bay {sic] W. T. and Vancouver by Mr. J. G. Swan (Teacher)." The following new species collected by Swan were described by Carpenter (1864d, p. 423-429; 1865a. p. 28-32). See'text for discussion of each. Additional COLLECTORS OF WEST COAST SPECIES DESCRIBED BY CARPEXTER 15 Idealities with aeeompanyitig data are in braekets. Tlie collector or source of the collection is in parentheses. Maera sahnonea [San Francisco (Pacific Railway Explor. Exped.) ; Monterey (Cooper)] Angulus varicgatiis [Monterey, Catalina (Cooper)] Miodon prolongatus [Monterey (Taylor)] Aditla stylina [Shoalwater Bay (Cooper)] Axinea {? scptenfrionalis, var.) suhobsolcta Siphonaria Ther sites Mopalia (Kennerlcyi, var.) Szi.-annii [sic] Margarita cidaris Gibbida parcipicta [Santa Cruz (Rowell)] G. succincta [Lower California (Rowell)] G. lacuna t a G. funiculafa Uipponyx cranioidcs Biz'onia conipacta Lacuna porrecta L. (? solidula, var.) conipacta L. variegata Isapis fenestrata [San Diego, Santa Barbara Island (Cooper)] Alvania reticulata Ak'ania filosa ? Assiminca suhrotundata ? Pahtdinella castanea Mangelia crebricostata AI. intcrjossa ? M. tabulata ? Daphnella effusa Odostomia satiira O. (? var.) Gouldii O. nucijormis O. ( ? var.) avcllana O. tcnuisculpta Scalaria Indianorum S. ( ? Indianorum, var.) tincta [Cerros Island (Ayres) ; San Pedro (Cooper)] S. (Opalia) borcalis Gould [Puget Sound (United States Expl. Exped.)] Cerithiopsis munita C. columna [Monterey (Cooper)] Cancellaria modesta J^elutina prolongata Specimens collected by J. G. Swan were included in the proterotypes of Ostrea lurida, Bittiurn (? var.) esuricns, and B. attenuatum (Carpenter, 1865g). (2) "Dr. J. G. Cooper, early private collections from Shoalwater Bay and various stations in California and from Panama ; and lately dredged collec- tions of the California State Geological Survey, of which a portion were sent in advance by Dr. Palmer." (Carpenter, 1864b, p. 579). Carpenter (1864b, p. 607, 608, 610) presented a discussion of J. G. Cooper's 16 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIRKD BY P. P. CARPENTER collection and his relation to the "California State Geological Survey" under the direction of J. D. Whitney and W. M. Gabb, paleontologist of the same survey. Cooper sent shells and wrote copious notes to Carpenter in regard to the speci- mens found. Many of those records, with drawings, are preserved in the Redpath Museum. Cooper material which was used in the preparation of the descriptions of new species is enumerated in the other lists following, inserted in parenthesis. The following new species were described by Carpenter (1864e-1865b, p. 155-159) from the source discussed above: Calliostonia foniiosiDii State Collection 615a C. splendens State Collection 630a Solariella perainabilis State Collection 1025 Margarita acuticostata State Collection 354 M. salnwnca State Collection 352 Liotia jcnesfrata State Collection 1006 Ainycla undata State Collection 1067 Lcptonyx {sanguineus, var.) purpurcum L. taenia State Collection 1056 Corbula luteola State Collection 587 Plectodon scaher State Collection 1062 Macoma indentata State Collection 365 Oedalina (Cooperella) scintillacforniis State Collection 533a Semele ineongrua State Collection 1061 Psephis salmonea State Collection 1068 Astarte fluetttata State Collection 1060 Cardium (? modestum, var. cenlifilosum) State Collection 381 Lepton meroeum Pristiphora oblonga Leda hamata State Collection 984 Acanthopleura fluxa Ischnochiton veredeniiens State Collection 518a (bis) Lepidopleunis peciinatus State Collection 1073 L. scabrieostatus State Collection 1071c Traehydermon Gofhicus State Collection 518a Leptochiton nexus State Collection 1071a Nacella (? paleacca, var.) triangularis State Collection 416c ? N. subspiralis State Collection 416b Acmaea (? pileolus, \a.r.) rosacea Scurria (?) fnniculata State Collection 466d Puneturella Cooperi State Collection 1029 Gibtnda optabilis Calliustoma supragranosum P.thalia supravallata E. var. im'allata Galerus contortus State Collection 369 Caecum crebricinctnm State Collection 388 C. Cooperi State Collection 667a Turritella Cooperi State Collection 564 ? Mesalia tenuisculpfa State Collection 666a Isapis obtusa State Collection 682 Fiissoina ittterfossa State Collection 387b Rissoa acutelirata COLLECTORS OF WEST COAST SPECIES DESCRIBED BY CARPENTER 17 Fcnella pupoidea State Collection 389 Amphithalamiis lacunatus Diala acuta State Collection 390 D. marmorea Styliferina turrita ? Jeffreysia translucens Cythna albida ChrysaUida piouila C. cincta Chemnitcia chocolata State Collection 428 C. subcuspidata State Collection 670a Eulima (? var.) compacta E. (? var.) rutila Scalaria bcllastriata State Collection 393b S. subcoronata State Collection 393a S. crebricostata State Collection 393 Opalia spongiosa 0. retiporosa State Collection 1014 Nassa vtsculpta State Collection 1008 f Avjycla chrysalloidea State Collection 613 Anachis subfurrtta Trophon triangularis State Collection 580a [Kennerlia bicarinata (Carpenter, 1864c) State Collection 1063] (3) Dr. Kennerley, collector for United States Northwest Boundary Survey under Com. A. Campbell The following new species in Kennerley's collections from Puget Sound were described by Carpenter (1865e. p. 54—64) : (Shaenia [sic]) Sphacnia ovoidca Neaera pectinata (Catalina and Santa Barbara, Cooper) Kennerlia filosa (1864) (San Diego, Cooper) Psammobia rubroradiata (Nuttall ms.) Maccrma yoldijormis M. ( ? var.) expansa (Tcllina) angulus modestus (Neah Bay, Swan; San Pedro, Cooper) ? dementia subdiaphana (Vancouver, Forbes) Venus kennerleyi (Neah Bay, Swan) Astarte (? compressa, var.) compacta Lucina tenuisculpta Cryptodon serricatus (\^ancouver, Swan) Pythina rugifera Tellimya tumida (Neah Bay, Swan; San Diego, Cooper) Cylichna ( ? cylindracea, var.) attonsa (California, Jewett, Cooper) Dentalium rectius Mopalia kennerleyi ? M. sinuata ? M. imporcata Ischnochiton (Trachydermon) rctiporosus 1. (Trachydermon) trifidus I. {Trachydermon) pscudodentiens (Vancouver, Lord; San Diego, Cooper) /. {Trachydermon) flectens (\'ancouver. Lord; Monterey, Taylor; San Diego, Cooper) Lepeta caecoides (Farallon Islands, Darbishire) 18 MARINE MOIJA'SCA DESCK I Bi;i) BY P. P. CARPENTER CaUiostonta ( ? var.) variegatum Margarita (? var.) tcnuisculpta (Xeali Bay, Swan) M. lirulata M, lirulata var. subelcvata (Xcah Bay, Swan) M. lirulata var. obsolcta (Neah Bay, Swan) M. lirulata var. conica M. inflata (Vancouver, Lyall ; Neah Bay, Swan) Mesalia lacteola (Vancouver, Forbes) M. (? lacteola va.r.) subplanata (Neah Bay, Swan) Rissoa compacta (Neah Bay, Swan) Drillia incisa (Neah Bay, Swan) D. canccllata .\fangelia lez'idcnsis (Neali Bay, Swan) Beta cxcavata Rulima micans (Neah Bay, Swan; San Pedro, San Diego, Catalina, Cooper) Ocinebra inter jossa (Neah Bay, Sw-an ; \'ancouvcr. Lord) O. interfossa atropurpnrea ? Chrysodonius rectirostris (4) Mr. A. S. Taylor, from Monterey, and Mr. Andrew Cassidy from San Diego. Species described l)y Carpenter (1865g, p. 129-149) included speci- mens from those collectors and from Cooper, Ayres, Newberry, and Xantus. The following are based on shells from Taylor or Cassidy only : Kcllia rotundata Monterey, Taylor Cylichna planata San Diego, Cassidy ? DaphncUa aspera , Monterey, Taylor (5) Rev. J. Rowell of San Francisco provided material for a few Carpenter species, from Farallon Islands and especially from Panama and Gulf of Cali- fornia (Carpenter, 1865d, p. 278-281). They are not included in this report unless the species extends into the northern regions. (6) Mr. John Xantus, of the U. S. Coast Survey, from Cape San Lucas. Most of the species from Xantus material were described by Carpenter (1864a). They are not included in this report unless they range northward. For de- tails of Xantus collecting see Carpenter (1864b, p. 616, 617). (7) The material collected by Col. E. Jewett from the West Coast formed his private collections. At the time of Carpenter's writing (1864b) the shells belonged to Jewett's daughter, Mrs. Pjoyce of Utica, New "^'ork. They were scattered during the period following, and most are now in the U. S. X^a- tional Museinn, Redjxath Museum, Cornell University, or lost. (See Car- penter, 18(34b, p. 535-539.) Many belong to the fauna south of the region involved in the present paper. The following new species from Jewett's collections were described by Car- penter (1865i; 1866b). Material involved in the description of the species which came from other sources is in parenthesis. Soleii (? sicarius, var.) rosoccus (.San Pc(h-o, Cooi)er) l.azaria suJ)i]uadrata (Montert'y and San Pedro, Cooper. State Collection 403) Modiola fornicala (Monterey, Taylor) DEPOSITORIES OF TYPES 19 Pecten (? var.) aeqiiisulcatiis (San Diego, Cassidy, Newberry, and Cooper) Pecten pancicostatus (Santa Barbara Island, Cooper) Pecten ( ? var.) squarrosus Vohnda cylindrica Phasianella (? compta, var.) piuictulata P. (? compta, var.) piiUoidcs (Monterey, State Collection 353; Catalina, Cooper) P. ( ? Compta, var.) clatior Trochiscus convents Hipponyx tiimens (San Pedro, Cooper) Bittium (? var.) csuricus (Neah Bay, Swan; Monterey, Cooper) B. fastigiatiDn Aniphithalamiis iuchisus (San Diego, Cooper) Drillia moesta (San Pedro, Cooper) Mitromorpha filosa (Lower California Museum, Cuming) Mangclia variegata M. (? variegata, var.) nitcns M. angulafa Myurella simplex (San Pedro, Cooper) Odostomia inflata (Farralon Island, Darbishire; San Francisco, Rowell ; Neah Bay Swan) Chemnitzia crchrifilata C (? torqiiaf a, var.) stylina (Monterey, Cooper) C. Virgo Dunkeria Jaminata (San Diego, Cooper) Enlima T her sites Opalia hullata Cerifhiopsis purpurea (Monterey, San Diego, Cooper) C. fortior Marginella subtrigona M. regidaris (South of Monterey, Catalina, Cooper) Amycla tuberosa (South of Monterey, Catalina, Cooper) f Anachis penicillata (San Diego, Catalina, Cooper) Siphonalia fuscotincta The following were described from near Santa Barbara, Pleistocene ('Car- penter, 1864b, p. 539; 1866b). Turritella Jetuetti (San Diego beach, Cassidy) Bittium ? asperum (San Pedro, San Diego, Catalina, State Collection 591c, Cooper) B. armillatum Opalia (? crenatoides. var.) insculpta Trophon tenuisculptus Pisania fortis DEPOSITORIES OF TYPES The following is a list of the location of types of the marine molluscan species described by Carpenter from the West Coa.st (British Columbia to San Diego). Unless otherwise stated the type or types are understood to be the holotype or syntypes. Academy of Natur.xl Sciences of Philadelphia Amphineura Leptochiton rugatus Pilsbry [Carpenter ms.]. No. 35586 Ischnochiton acrior Pilsbry [Carpenter ms.] No. 35702 /. conspicHus Pilsbry [Carpenter ms.] No. 35709. See also "Dall." 20 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER British Museum (Exclusive of Mazatlan Collection) Pelecypoda Humilaria kennerleyi ( Reeve ) = [ Carpenter ms.], described as Venus Gari rubroradiata (Nuttall ms. Carpenter), described as Psammobia and/or Sanguino- laria=G. calif ornica (Conrad) "I'enus (Cliioue) excaz'ata" =young of Chione undatella Sowerby Gastropoda Callopouuj ? fluctatnni var. drfrcssuin Cerithidea hcgez^'ischii albonodosa, descrilwd as C. albonodosa Crepidula rugosa Nuttall ms., Carpenter=C onyx Sowerby Fissurella ornata Nuttall ms., Carpenter=F. volcano Reeve Olivella intorta Ocenebra poulsoni, described as Ocincbra Poulsoni Amphineura Chiton acutus=Mopalia acuta Cyanoplax hartxveyii nuttallii, described as Chiton nuttalli Ischnochiton regular is, described as Chiton Chiton montereyensis=Mopalia lignosa (Gould) Museum of Paleontology, University of California Gastopoda Atvania acutelirata. described as Rissoa. No. 15572 Ocenebra squamulifera (Cari>enter in Gabb), described as Trophon. No. 15459 Trophonopsis triangulatus, described as Trophon. No. 12572 lectotype ; also U.S.N.M. Admete gracilior, descri])ed as Cancellaria. No. 15530-15531 Acteocina planata, described as Cylichna. No. 33501 Paleontologicai. Laboratory, Cok.mell University Gastropoda Opalia tnsculpta, described as O. ( ? crenatoidcs var.). No. 4950 Ocenebra tenuisculpta, described as Trophon. No. 4951 Amphineura Mopalia plumosa=M. acuta. No. 25530, Newcomb Collection Redpath Museum, McGill University Pelecypoda Ostrea lurida. No. 125 Modiolus fornicatus, described as Modiola. No. 3133 Miodontiscus prolongatus, described as Miodon. No. 2377; also U.S.N.M. Axinopsida sericata, described as Cryptodon. No. 112; al.so U.S.N.M. Pristcs oblongus. No. 15372; also U.S.N.M. Psephidia salmonea, described as Pscphis. No. 115 ; also U.S.N.M. Darlna declivis. No. 101 Gastropoda Acmaea triangularis (casta ms. as Nacella). No. 2370; also U.S.N.M. Bittium artnillatu7n. No. 4851 ; also U.S.N.M. Opalia bullata^O. spongiosa. No. 76 Chemnitzia crebrifilata Carpenters 7i(r/;r»ji7 /a tenuicula (Gould). No. 2363 Turbonilla stylina, described as Chemnitzia. No. 5729. Also U.S.N.M. DEPOSITORIES OF TYPES 21 Mitrclla tubcrosa, described as Aviycla. No. 7i Gibberulina pyriformis, described as Vohitclla. No. 83 (as Gibbenda) ; also U.S.N.M. Cystiscus jeivettii, described as Marginella. No. 80 (as Gibberula) C. regularis, described as Marginella, No. 82 (as Gibberula) ; also U.S.N.M. Cystiscus subtrigona, described as Marginella, No. 81 (as Gibberula) Siphonalia fuscotincfa=Kelletia kelletii (Forbes). No. 3138 Mangelia angulata^M. barbarensis Oldroyd. No. 90 M. inferfossa. No. 94; also U.S.N.M. M. nitens, described as A/. ? variegata var. No. 93 M. variegata. No. 92 ; also U.S.N.M. Propebela tabulata, described as ? Mangelia. No. 89 Mitromorpha filosa, described as Daphnella and/or Mitroinorpha. No. 96 Volulella cylindrica, described as Vohmla. No. 2364 Amphineura Cyanoplax hartwegii. No. 68 Clujetopleura gemma Dall or Pilsbry [Carpenter ms.]. No. 49 Ischnochiton corrugatus Carpenter in Pilsbry. No. 37 I. conspicuus "Dall." No. 65. See also Pilsbry /. fallax Carpenter in Pilsbry. No. 64 /. newcombi Carpenter in Pilsbry. No. 19 /. radians Carpenter in Pilsbry. No. 25, also U.S.N.M. Ischnochiton aiireotinctus Carpenter in Pilsbry. No. 26 /. pectinatus. No. 70. See /. calif orniensis Berry /. sinudentatus Carpenter in Pilsbry. No. 27 Callistochiton palmulatus Carpenter in Pilsbry No. 48 Mopalia imporcata. No. 57, also U.S.N.M. M. sinuata. No. 58, also U.S.N.M. Dendrochiton gothica, described as Ischnochiton. No. 13; also U.S.N.M Acanthochiton avicula. No. 72 U. S. National Museum — Division of Mollusks Pelecypoda Nuculana hanwta described as Leda. No. 107420 Huxleyia munita (Dall) [=Pleurodon munita Carpenter ms.]. No. 23243 Glycymeris subobsoleta described as Axinaea. No. 15594 Philobrya setosa described as Bryophila. No. 16187 Pecten circularis aequisulcatus described as P. ventricosus var. acquisulcatus. No. 15645 Pandora bicarinata Carpenter=:F. bilirata Conrad. No. 592440 Pandora filosa described as Kennerlia. No. 4542 Cuspidaria pectinata described as Neaera. No. 4506 Leiomya scabra described as Plectodon. No. 592441 Astarte compacta. No. 4509 Eucrassatella fluctuata described as Astarte. No. 1060 Glans siibquadrata described as Lazaria. No. 15681 Miodontiscus prolongatus described as Miodon. No. 15472; also Redpath Museum Axinopsida sericata described as Cryptodon. No. 5249 ; also Redpath Museum Lucina tenulsculpta. No. 5244 Kellia laperousii chironii. No. 15460 Mysella tumida, described as Tcllimya. No. 5242 Pristes oblongus No. 15592 Psetidopythina rugifcra, described as Pythina. No. 4445 Lepton meroeum, described as Lepton. No. 15591 22 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Neniocardium ccntifilosiim, described as Cardinm. No. 15262 Compsomyax suhdiaphana, described as ? Clementia. No. 4541 Psephidia ■salmonca. described as Pscphis. No. 15578; also Redpath Museum Petricola telliinyalis, described as Psephis. No. 15554 Cooperella subdiaphana, described as Ocdalia. No. 3563 C. scintillaeformis^C. siibdiapliana. No. 15669 Tellina modesta, described as Angulus. No. 4245 T. buttoni Dall [^Angulus? var. obtusus Carpenter |. No. 19429 T. carpenter! Dall [=Augulus variegatus Carpenter]. No. 15467 T. sahiionea, described as .Uaera. No. 73449 Macoma yoldifonnis. No. 4507 M. expausa. No. 3910 M. indent ata. No. 15229 Sphenia ovoidea. No. 4552 Corbula liiteola. No. 14897 Gastropoda PnucturcUa coo peri. No. 11848 Acmaca jtiniciilata, described as Scurria. No. 14799; [=Scnrria mitra tenuisculpta, nomen nudum. No. 15490] A. rosacea, described as A. ( ? pilcolus var.). No. 15273 A. triangularis. No. 14802; also Redpath Museum Lepeta caecoides. No. 11849 Ifargarites lacunatus, described as Gibbula. No. 15535b M. acuticostattis, described as Margarita. No. 16280 M. fimicidatus, described as Gibbula. No. 15534b M. inflatulus DaU^Margarita inflata Carpenter No. 4494 M. lirulatus, described as Margarita. No. 4191 ^f. lirulatus conicus, descril)ed as Margarita. No. 4191a M. lirulatus obsoletiis, described as Margarita. No. 15537e M. lirulatus subelevatus, described as Margarita. No. 15537 M. optabilis, described as Gibbula. No. 15287 M. parcipictus, described as Gibbula. No. 31114 M. salmoneus, described as Margarita. No. 16279 M. rhodia DaU=Margarita inflata Carpenter in part. No. 15585, Icctotype M. succinctus, described as Gibbula. No. 15562 Cidarina cidaris (Adams in Carpenter), described as Margarita. No. 15600 Solariclla peramabilis. No. 16281 Calliostoma gemimilatum=iC . fonnosuiii. Questionable type, No. 16261 C. supragranosum. No. 14925 C. splendens. No. 16278 C. variegatum. No. 4201 Tegula funebralis subapcrta, dcscril^ed as Clilorostoina. No. 123496 Ffalistylus pupoideus described as Fenclla. No. 14824 Cythnia albida, described as Cythna. No. 15569 Teinostoina supravallatum. described as Iithnlia. Xo. 15574 T. inz'allatum, described as F.thalia. No. 15574b Arene acuticostata, described as Liotia. No. 16282, lectotype Liotia jene strata. No. 16283, lectotype Homalopoma bacidum, described as Leptonyx. No. 16284 Imperator serrafus Carpcuier=Astraea undo.^a (Wood) young. No. 11832 Phasianella substriata. described as P. (Hucoswia) (? variegata, var.). No. 11829 P. compta punctulata. No. 11288 DEPOSITORIES OF TYPES 23 P. puUoides. No. 14814 (16285-16386) P. pulloidcs elatior. No. 16287 Lacuna solidula compacta. No. 15530b L. porrecta cxaequata. No. 15532 L. porrecta effusa. No. 15533 L. porrecta. No. 15549b L. unifasciata. No. 16257 L. variegata. No. 15531 "Littorina castanca." No. 16290. Described as ? PaluditicUa L. subrotundata, described as Assiminca. No. 15586 Aniphithalamus inclusus. No. 15573x A. lacunatiis. No. 15564 Alvania filosa. No. 36632 A. carpenteri (Weinkauff) = [.'i. reticulata Carpenter] No. 17728, lectotype A. compacta, described as Rissoa. No. 4338 Barlccia haliotiphila. No. 15558 B. marmorca, described as Diala. No. 14821 Tachyrhynchus lactcolum, described as Mcsalia. No. 4195 T. lactcolum subplanatum described as Mesalia. No. 4195b Petaloconchns compactus, described as Bivonia. No. 13580 Caecum caltfoniicum Dall=C. cooper! Carpenter, No. 15719 Micranelluvi crebricinctum, described as Caecum. No. 14930 Diala acuta. Early California State Survey, No. 390 Bittium armillatum. No. 15653; also Redpath Museum B. attenuatum. No. 15584; [=B. esnriens, No. 14832] B. purpureitm, described as Cerithiopsis. No. 14823 B. quadrifilatum. No. 14849 (14935) B. rugatum. No. 7154 B. interfossa, described as Rissoina. No. 224860 B. nmnitmn, described as Cerithiopsis. No. 15501a, b Alabina tcnuisculpta, described as Mesalia. No. 14933 A. turrit a, described as Stylijcrina. No. 15566 Cerithiopsis cohimna. No. 14823b Epitonium indianorum, described as Scalaria. No. 15521, lectotype E. siibcoronatiijii, described as Scalaria. No. 14830b (15732) E. tinctum, described as Scalaria. No. 19510, lectotype E. bellistriatiim, described as .Scalaria. No. 14831b, lectotype Opalia phiricosta ms. Carpenter =0. inontereyensis Dall. No. 23397 Opalia spongiosa. No. 14830; =0. retiporosa. No. 11843=0. bullata Redpath Museum. No. 76 Balcis compacta, described as Etdi))ia. No. 13517b B. ther sites, described as Eulima. No. 11795 B. rutila, described as Eulima. No. 14928 B. micans, described as Eulima. No. 14850 Odostomia callimorpha Dall and ^?ir\.?,ch-=Chrysallida piimila Cpr. No. 15565 Odostomia ciiicta, described as Chrysallida. No. 15730 O. inflata. No. 15521b, lectotype (=0. jczvetti Dall and Bartsch) O. tenuisculpta. No. 15520 {Sec also O. satura) O. gouldii. No. 22821 O. avellana. No. 15517b O. nuciformis. No. 15517a O. satura. No. 15520 (See also O. tenuisculpta.) ;=0. pupijormis. No. 15520a O. jezvetti Dall and Bartsch=0. inflata Carpenter in part. No. 15521c "Chemnitcia subcusptdata":=Turbon{lla tenuicula Gould in part. No. 14829 24 MARIXF MOLI.rSCA DKSCRIREn RY P. P. CARPENTER Turbonilla virgo, described as Chemnitzia. No. 73993 T. aurantia, described as Chemnitzia. No. 4493b T. stylina, described as Chemnitzia torquata ? var. stylina. No. 14829. Also Redpath Museum T. tridentata, described as Chemnitzia. No. 15315b Iselica fenestrata, described as Isapis. No. 15772 and 15775 /. obttisa, described as Isapis. No. 14814 (14936) Calyptraea contorta, described as Galcrus. No. 11846 Hipponix tumens. No. 14929 (14817b, 15293, 15652, 15715) H. antiquatus cranioides. No. 15508 (15508Q) Vehttina prolougata. No. 11842 Ocenebra inter fossa. No. 4636 O. interjossa atropurpurea. No. 15528b Trophonopsis triangulatus, described as Trophon. No. 11839 paratype ; also Univ. Cali- fornia Exilioidea rectirostris, described as Chrysodomus. No. 4515 Amphissa undata, described as Amycla. No. 23284 Anachis penicillata. No. 15576, lectotype A. subturrita. No. 14952 Aesopus chrysalloides, described as Amycla. No. 14953 (15325C) Gibberulina pyriformis, described as J'olutella. No. 14950, lectotype; also Redpath Mu- seum Cystiscus regularis, described as Margiuella. No. 55391, lectotype; also Redpath Mu- seum Ophiodermella incisa, described as Drillia. No. 6320 "Mangelia" levidensis. No. 4487 M. crebricostata. No. 15512b M. interjossa. No. 22818; also Redpath Museum M. variegata. No. 11798; also Redpath Museum Pseudomelatoma moesta, described as Drillia. No. 14942 P. torosa, described as Drillia. No. 3286 P. torosa aurantia, described as Drillia. No. 15310 Granotoma excurvata, described as Bela. No. 4493C Propebela tabulata, described as ? Mangelia. No. 19403; also Redpath Museum Mitromorplui aspera, described as ? Daphnella. No. 22816 Admete modesta, described as Cancellaria. No. 16238 Terebra "philippiana" Dall=il/v;ror,Ll'SCA DESCRIBED BY P. V. CARPENTER PRESENT-DAY CARPENTER MATERIAL SPECIES AS LISTED BY BALL (1921) AND THE PRESENT REPORT Names in roman type are synonymus. Dall, 1921 (by generic name) Present Report (by generic name) Pelecypoda -S". valfulus* Nuculana hamata Huxleyia munita (Dall) G. subohsoleta P. sctosa* Soloiiya valvulus* Leda hamata Cyrilla munita (Carpenter) Dall Glycyiiieris subohsoleta Pliilobrya setosa* Ostrca pal inula* 0. lurida O. lurida expansa Pec ten hindsii P. paiicicostatus* P. circularis acquisulcatus Modiolus jornicatus Asthenothaerus t'illosior* Kennerlia filosa Cuspidaria pectinata Plectodon scaber Astarte compacta Crassatellites fluctuatus Cardita subquadrata J \'ncricardia prolongatus Axinopsis scricatus Diplodonta subquadrata* Parz'ilucina tcnnisculpta Rochefortia tumida Scrridens oblonga Pseudopythinu rugifera I.epton merocum Protocardia ccntifilosa Marcia kenneriyi Carpenter, Reeve ^f. subdiaphana Protothaca tenerrima P. staminea lacinata P. staminea orbella ? Psephidia sahnonea Petricola dcnticulata Sowcrby, Dall in part Cooperella subdiaphana Tcllina lanicllata* T. salmonea T. carpenteri Dalli=Angulus variegatus Car- penter T. modesta T. buttoni Dall=Angulus obtusus Carpenter Metis alta Conrad O. lurida laticaudata (). lurida O. lurida expansa O. conchaphila* P. rubidus Hinds P. circularis aequisulcatus Modiolus jornicatus A. villosior* Pandora filosa C. pectinata Lciomya scahra A. compacta Eucrassatella fluctuata Clans subquadrata Miodontiscus prolongatus Axinopsida sericata Taras subquadratus* Lucina excavata* Lucina tenuisciilpta Kellia lapcrousii chironii My sella tumida Pristes ohlongus P. rugifera L. nicroeum Nemocardium centifilosum I lutnilaria kcnncrlcyi (Reeve) C 'oiiipso myax su bdiaphana P. tenerrima P. laciniata P. staminea forma orbella P. salmonea P. telliinyalis C. suhdiaphana T. lamcllata* T. salmonea T. carpenteri (Dall) T. modesta T. buttoni (Dall) .Ipolymetis biangulata Species, the type locality of which is not in the limits of the present report. PRESENT-DAY CARPENTER MATERIAL 27 Macoma cxf>ansa M. yoldifonitis Macoma indcntata Seviele incongnia GohracHs regiilaris* Solen rosaceus Sphenia fragilis* S. ovoidea Corbula luteola Martesia intcrcalata* M. expansa M. yoldiformis M. indent at a S. incongnia Gari regularis* S. rosaceus Tagelus polifus'* S. fragilis* S. ovoidea C. luteola M. intcrcalata* Dentalium rcctiiis SCAPHOPODA D. rectins Acteon punctococlata Acteocina carinata* A. planata Volvulella cylindrica Atys casta* Cylichnella attonsa Melampus olivaccus* Siphonaria thersitcs Williamia pcltoides* Melampns olivaccus Terebra pedroamim philippianuiu Dall = T. simplex Carpenter Clathrodrillia ittcisa C. rhincs Dall ^ Drillia cancellata Carpenter Pseudomclatoma moesta P. torosa P. aurantia Lora fabulafa L. excurvata Mangilia angulata M. pulchrior Dall M. interfossa M. crebricostata M. lez'idensis Gastropoda A. piinctocaclatus Coleophysis carinata* A. inculfa (Gould) V. cylindrica A. casta* Cylichna attonsa M. olivaccus* S. thersitcs W. peltoidcs* (includes Nacella suhspiralis) M. oliz'acciis T. "philtppiana Dall" Cytharella fusconotata Canccllaria modesta Adniete couthouyi gracilior Olivella boetica Marginella jetvctti M. subtrigona M. rcgularis Cypracolina pryifornns Mitromorpha aspera M. filosa Exilia rectirostris Ophiodcrmella incisa Ophiodermclla cancellata P. moesta P. torosa P. torosa aurantia Propebcla tabulata Granotoma excurvata Mangelia barbarensis Oldroyd ct al. Mangelia nitens M. interfossa M. crebricostata "Mangelia" Icvidensis Mangelia variegata C. fusconotata Admete modesta Admcte gracilior (fossil only) O. bactica Marrat in Sowerby Cystiscus jczvettii C. subtrigona C. rcgularis Gibberulina pyriformis M. aspera M. filosa "? Daphnella effusa" Exilioidea rectirostris 28 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Alectrion insculptus Anachis penicillata Anachis subturrita Columbella tuherosa Nitidella gouldii Aesopus etirytoides* A. chrysalloides Amphissa undata Tritoiialia lurida iiuinda T. squamulifcra T. poulsoni T. inter fossa T. inter jossa (alpha) (Carpenter) Dall T. inter jossa (beta) (Carpenter) Dall T. interfossa atropurpnrea (Carpenter) Dall Trophon triangulatus T. tennisculpta Coralliophila hindsii* Epitonium spongiosum E. retiporosum E. bellasfriatnm E. indianorunt E. tinctmn E. subcoronata E. crebricostata E. tiara Melanella thersites M. micans Alabi)ia tcnuisculpta Bittiti7n attcnuatum B. rugatum B. quadrifilatmn B. armillatum B. purpureum B. interfossa B. vnoiitiim Micranellum crebricinctum Bivonia compacta Aletes squamigeru-s Petaloconchns macrophragma Turrj fella jexvctti T. coo peri Tachyrhynchus lacteolus T. lacteolus subplanatus Littorina subrotundata L. castanea Nassarius insculptus A. penicillata A. subturrita Mitrella tuber osa .If. gouldii A. eurytoides* A. chrysalloides A. undata T. lurida munda Dall in Williamson Ocenebra squamulifcra O. poulsoni O. interfossa [Dall, not Carpenter 1 [Dall, not Carpenter] [Carpenter, not Dall] Trophonopsis triangularis Ocenebra tenuisculpta (fossil not Recent) Opalia spongiosa See O. spongiosa E. bellistriatum E. indianorum E. tinctum E. subcoronatuni Lacuna porrecta L. porrecta effusa E. tiara Opalia insculpta Balcis thersites Balcis micans A. tenuisculpta B. attenuatuni B. rugatum B. quadrifilatum B. armillatum B. purpureum B. interfossa B. munitunt Cerithidea hegczvischii albonodosa M. crebricinctum Petaloconchus compactus A. squamigerus P. macrophragma T. jeivetti T. cooperi T. lacteolunt T. lacteoluni suhplanatuni L. subrotundata "I., castanea" I., scutulata pullata* L. porrecta L. porrecta effusa * Species, the type locality of which is not in the limits of the present report. PRESENT-DAY CARPENTER MATERIAL 29 L. porrecta cxaeqiiala L. porrecta putcoloides (Carpenter ms.) Dall L. divaricata Fabricius L. variegata L. unifasciata Lacuna unifasciata aitrantiaca Fossanis parcipictus Iselica jenestrata I. obtusa Diala acuta D. marmorea Barleeia haliofiphila* B. siibtenuis B. enter A. filosa A. compacta A. acntilirata Synccra transhtcens Hipponix serralus H. antiquatus cranioides H. tutnens Calyptraea contorta Velutitia prolongata Lepeta caecoidcs Acmaea mitra fiiniculala A. cassis monticoJa A. scutum cribaria Acmaea limatula A. persona istrigillata A. rosacea A. triangularis L. porrecta exaequata L. puteoloides Dall "L. solidula compacta" in part L. variegata L. unijasciata L. unijasciata aurantiaca Phasianella compta puncttilata P. pidloides P. pidloides elatior P. substriafa* Leptothyra carpcnteri Pilsbry = L. sanguinea Cpr. L. bacula Liotia jenestrata L. acuticostata Halistylus subpupoideus Tegula junebralis subapcrta Calliostoma variegatum C. gemnnilatmn C. supragranosum C. splendens Cidarina cidaris A. Adams Solariella peramahiUs I. jenestrata I. obtusa D. acuta Barleeia marmorea B. haliotiphila* B. subtenuis B. subtenuis rimata A. inchtsus A. lacunatus A. carpenteri Weinkauff A. filosa A. compacta A. acutelirata Assiminea transhicens (H. serratus) H. antiquatus H. tumens C. contorta F. prolongata L. caccoides A. juniculata A. cassis monticola, nomcn nudum A. [jenestrata] cribaria A. limatula A. strigatella A. rosacea A. triangularis A. atrata* P. compta punctulata P. pulloides P. pulloides elatior P. substriata* Homalopoma carpenteri (Pilsbry) Homalopoma baculum Liotia jenestrata Arene acuticostata H. pupoideus T. junebralis subapcrta C. variegatum C. gemmulatum C. supragranosum C. splendens C. cidaris (Adams in Carpenter) S. peramabilis 30 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Margarites salnwneus M. rhodia Dall = AI. inflata Cpr. in part M. succinctus* M . junicitlatus Margarites optabilis M. lacunatus M. parcipictus M. infiatida Dall = M. inflata Carpenter in part M. lirulattts M. lirulatus conicus M. lirulatus obsoletns M. lirulatus subelcvcttus M. acuticostatus M. (vahlii \a.T.?) tenuiscidptiis Teinostomu supravallata T. invallata LucapincUa callomarginata (Carpenter tns.) Dall Diadora murina (Carpenter ms.) Dall Puncturella coopcri M. salinoneus M. rhodia Dall M. succinctus* .1/. jiiniculatus M. optabilis M. lacunatus .1/. parcipictus M. inftatuhis Dall .1/. lirulatus .\f. lirulatus conicus M. lirulatus obsoletus M . lirulatus subelcvatus M. acuticostatus M. tenuisculptus T. supravallatum T. invallatum L. callomarginata (Dall) Diodora murina (Arnold) P. cooperi Lepidopleurus rugatus* L. internexus L. nexus I.epidochitona flectens /.. liartu'egii Nuttallina flnxa Ischnochiton fallax I. acrior I. conspicua Ischnochiton rctiporosus I. radians I. scabricostatus I. aureotinctus I. 7'eredentiens I. neivconibi I. serratus* I. corrugatus I. cooperi I. cooperi acutior* (Carpenter ms.) /. decipiens I. sinudentatus I. regular is I. trifidus Chaetopleura gemma C. beani* C. parallel a* Amphineura Leptochiton rugatus* L. internexus Carpenter in Pilsbry L. nexus Ba-siliochiton flectens Cyanoplax hartzvegii N. fluxa I. fallax Carpenter in Pilsbry /. acrior Pilsbry /. conspicuus "Dall" Pilsbry /. retiporosus I. radians Carpenter in Pilsbry /. scabricostatus I. aureotinctus Carpenter in Pilsbry /. vcredenticns I. nezvcombi Carpenter in Pilsbry /. serratus* I. corrugatus Carpenter in Pilsbry /. cooperi "Dall" Pilsbry Dall /. cooperi acutior "Dall"* /. decipiens Carpenter in Pilsbry /. sinudentatus Carpenter in Pilsbry /. calijorniensis Berry = /. pectinatus Carpenter /. regularis I. trifidus C. gemma "Dall" Pilsbry C. bean a* C. parallela* * Species, the type locality of which is not in the limits of the present report. PRESENT-DAY CARPENTER MATERIAL 31 C. prasinata* ?C. gothica Pallochiton lanuginosns (Carpenter ms.) Ball* Callistochiton pahnulatus C. decoratus* Mopalia vmscosa acuta M. muscosa kenneriyi M. muscosa szvanii Mopalia imporcata }[. sinuata Placiphorclh vclata Acanthochiinna avicula C. prasinata* Dendrochiton gothicus P. lanuginosns "Dall" Pilsbry* C. pahnulatus Carpenter in Pilsbry C. decoratus Pilsbry* M. acuta M. muscosa kcnnerleyi M. swanii M. imporcata M. sinuala P. velata Dall A. avicula COLLECTIONS OF CARPENTER SPECIES Chicago Natural History Museum (Identified by Philip P. Carpenter) The following list was compiled in 1945 by Dr. Fritz Haas, Curator of Lower Invertebrates. The nomenclature is that used by Carpenter. Information regard- ing locality and number of specimens was added by the author in January 1951. The Chicago Natural History Museum (then Field Columbian Museum of Chicago) purchased in 1895 a first set of duplicates of the "Philip Carpenter Collection of Shells" from the Peter Redpath Museum, McGill University. The collection consisted of 4039 specimens (Haas, personal communication, Dec. 27, 1944; see Haas, 1944, and anonymous, 1895). No types were found among this material. Many of the specimens had early Smithsonian Institution labels and were collected by Jewett, Xantus, Swan, and j. G. Cooper. The collection is important in that it is a primary source of Car- penter identifications of specimens made by the original collectors. Where the type has not been found, as in Turrit ella coo peri, the shells would be* available from which to choose a neotype. The collection would also furnish additional specimens of original material by which one is able to obtain a better concept of what Carpenter considered the species to be if only the holotype or a few syntypes were available. The list is inserted to give the present location of source material for those who are interested in comprehensive work on species or genera. The spelling, abbreviations, and punctuation of the specific names and locali- ties are given as on the original labels. Number of Catalogue Genus and Species Specimens Locality Number Acmaea [? pileolus, Midd] var. rosacea Monterey 5868 Adula stylina 1 double Between V'ancouver & Calif. 6250 Alaba siipralirata 1 Cape San Lucas, Xantus 8255 Alvania exctirvata 1 Mazatlan 8291 Amycla tuber osa "Sta. Barbara: fossil" 7596,7671 32 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIHKI) UV P. CARPENTER Genus and Species Number of Specimens Locality Catalogue Number Anachis (coslellata ?) var. pachyderma Angulus (Moerella) salmoneus Aplexa aurantia Bittinm ? var. rsurtens Bittinin fastigiattim Bittinm quadnjUatum Bittium rugatum Bivonia compacta on Pachypoma gibberosum Bryophila setosa Bulla adamsi "Menlce" Caecum cooperi Caecum crebricinctum Caecum (Fartulum) dextroversum Caecum (Anellum) elegantissimum Caecum {Fartulum) farcimen Caecum {Anellum) undatum Caecum {Fartulum) vitreum' Caecum {Fartulum) [Ivitreum van] clarkii Callista puella Cerithidea ? varicosa Sow. bar. Mazatlanica Cerithiopsis columna Cerithiopsis munita Cerithiopsis purpurea Chama frondosa var. mexicana Chrysallida fasciata Chrysallida ovulum Chrysallida telescopium Circe subtrigona Columbella Sla-barbarensis Crenella coarctata Cyrena olivacea ? Daphnella aspera Diala marmorea Donax culminatus Donax ? punctatostriatus var. caelatus Drillia aterrima Sowerby var. melchersi Drillia torosa Fissurella alba Glyphis saturnalis Hipponyx cranioides Hip pony X serratus Isapis fenestrata Jeffreysia bifasciata Lacuna ? var. compacta Lacuna ? var. effusa Lacuna por recta Lacuna variegata Leiostraca ? distorta var. yod Leptochiton granoliratus Litorina penicillata Litorina philippii 4 Mazatlan 4700 4^ double Neah Bay, Swan 7163 4 Mazatlan 11400 10 Neah Bay, Swan 5053 1 Sta. Barbara, Jewett 7428 1 San Diego 5050 1 Sta. Barbara, Jewett Neah Bay 7429 Vancouver 20102 1 double Cape San Lucas, Xantus 6191 1 Mazatlan 7282 1 Catalina Isl. 8275 1 Monterey 8277 1 Mazatlan 5132 1 Tenerife Canaries, R. M. Andrew leg .5142 1 Mazatlan 5134 3 Mazatlan 5134,6055 1 Tenerife Canaries R. M. Andrew leg .5141 Tenerife Canaries R. M. Andrew leg .5139 5 double C. S. L. 6667 plus singles Mazatlan 5068,7739 Monterey, Calif. J. G. Cooper 7711 Swan 5071 Sta. Barbara, Jewett 7709 1 valve Mazatlan 6627,6639 Mazatlan 5435 Mazatlan 5436 Mazatlan 5437 1 tiny valve Mazatlan 6698 C. S. L. Xantus 7730 Mazatlan 6279 1 double Mazatlan 6843 Monterey 7367 Monterey 8267 1 double Mazatlan 6882 1 double Mazatlan 6687 16 Mazatlan 4271,7401 Monterey 7385 Mazatlan 5821 C. S. L. 5809 Neah Bay 5316 Mazatlan 5319 Neah Bay, Swan 13158 Mazatlan 5221 Neah Bay, Swan 8203 Neah Bay, Swan 8204 12 Vancouver 5215 10 Neah Bay 5211 Mazatlan 5421 Moyador, Morocca, McAndrew 5915 10 C. S. L. 5197 3 1 operculum Mazatlan 8159 PRESENT-DAY CARPENTER AfATERTAL 33 Genus and Species Number of Specimens Locality Catalogue Number Litorina pullata Lucina lingualis Lucina undata Lucina tenuisculpta Mangelm interfossa Mangelia levidensis Mangelia tabulata Margarita acuticoslata Margarita lirulata Margarita ? var. salmonea Margarita tenuisculpta Marginella jewettii Marginella margarilula Meioceras cornubovis Modiola fornicata Modiola? Braziliensis var. mutabilis Murex lividus Murex ? recurvirostris, var. lividus Mytilus multiformis Myurella albocincta Nacella ? var. triangularis Nassa insculpta Nitidella gouldi Ocinebra interfossa Ocinebra lurida var. munda Odostomia inflata jun. Odostomia nuciformis Omphalius ? rugosus var. rufotinctus Ostrea conchaphila Petaloconchus macrophragma Phasianella (? compta var.) elatior Phasianella (? compta var.) pulloides Planorbis tumens Rissoa compacta Rissoina woodwardii Scalaria indianorum Truncaria eurytoides Turritella cooperi Vanikoro cryptophila 2 C. S. L. Xantus 8188 1 double 2 valves C. S. L., Xantus 7098 2 doubles Gulf of Calif. 7096 1 left valve Catalina Is. 30 fms. 7088 1 Vancouver, Swan 7365 3 Neah Bay, Swan 4416 2 Neah Bay, Swan 4415 5 Monterey 5725 1 broken Neah Bay, Swan 5729 2 Monterey 5715 1 Neah Bay 5717 1 Monterey 7336 1 Mazatlan 8231 West Indies 5137 2 (1 of each valve) Monterey 6245 2 doubles Mazatlan 6232 3 doubles 6236,6255 6 Mazatlan 4709, 3 13074 4709,13074 1 valve Mazatlan 6223 11 Mazatlan 4526, 1 4531 small 1 broken Monterey 5901,5901A-19468 1 Catalina Isl., J. G. Cooper 12993 3 Neah Bay 4693 1 Vancouver Swan 4745 15 Neah Bay 4744 1 Sta. Barbara, Jewett 5448 1 Neah Bay, Swan 5446 3 Mazatlan 5692 1 valve Mazatlan 6056 1 valve 6058 1 Mazatlan 8211 1 Sta. Barbara, Jewett 7726 4 Monterey 5551 2 Mazatlan 4476, 1 7817 1 Neah Bay, Swan 8309 1 Mazatlan 7523 13 some broken Neah Bay 8454 3 C. S. L. 4683 1 San Pedro, Calif. 5118 1 Mazatlan 5354 Museum of Comparative Zoology Identified by P. P. Carpenter* At the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University, there are specimens v^hich represent original Smithsonian Institution and California Geo- *This list includes only those specimens pertaining to the area of this report. Compiled by the author in 1946 from original labels. Spelling and form are as on labels. 34 MARINE MOLLITSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER logical Survey (J. G. Cooper) material. Some were included in the C. B. Adams collection and acquired from Amherst College. Some came from the Peabody Museum at Salem. The specimens were labelled "cotypes," but they do not belong in that category. Some have the original Smithsonian labels, such as "collected by Indian children at Neeah [sic] Bay, W. T. and Vancouver by Mr. J. G. Swan, teacher." These labels, as has been explained previously, definitely date the col- lections and source, but they cannot, unless otherwise indicated, be classed as Carpenter types. By comparing the list included with that of the missing types, a few might serve as a source of neotypes. There were about 19 at the time of an examination of the collection in 1946. More specimens may be found later which were originally labelled or indicated by Carpenter as "type." Some had original notes signed by Carpenter. The specimens were either of extraneous, obscure, or manuscript types which did not enter into the subject of this report. Number of Catalogue Genus and Species Specimens Locality Number Kellia Laperousii Desh. var. chironii 1 S. Francisco, Cooper Cooper Coll. 144 Moera salmonea 3 Neeah Bay [sic], Swan 156378 Moera obtusa none Str. Fuca to San Diego 29315 Angulus obiusus 1 S. Diego, J. G. Cooper Cooper Coll. 58 Macoma indentatu 3 Monterey 29325 M. yoldiformis 2 Santa Cruz, Cooper Cooper 51 M. yoldiformis 1 San Pedro Cooper 51 Ostrea (? lurida Cpr. var.) rufoides 1 Cal. Smith. Coll. Pectunculus (? septentrionalis, var.) subobsoletus 2 Swan and Indian children Dentalium rectius 1 [original Smithsonian label] Acmaea pileolus rosacea 2 Santa Cruz Cooper 455 Margarita lirulata 1 Neeah Bay, Swan 154167 Margarita? var. tenuisculpta 1 Neeah Bay, Swan 15168 Margarita (? var.) salmonea 7 Cooper 141186 Gibbida parcipida 3 Catalina Id., J. G. Cooper • 141129 Gibbula succincta 1 Neeah Bay 141123 Leptothyra baciila 1 Monterey Cooper 482 12 Cal. Geol. Sur. 482 Leptolhyra sanquinea many Monterey, Cooper 3 St. Fuca Cooper Coll. Lacuna porrecta var. effusa 4 Neeah Bay, Swan 142817 L. porrecta 4 Neeah Bay, Swan 142810 1 Cooper 193 6 Neeah Bay, Swan 156379 L. porrecta var. exaequala 1 Neeah Bay 142809 L. solidula compacta 2 Neeah Bay 142809 L. unifasciata Catalina, S. Cruz Cooper L. variegata 3 Neeah Bay Swan, 161281 Pliasianella compla pimctulata 1 St. Barbara, Jewett Coll. 151719 Diala marmorea 3 Monterey, Coll. J. G. Cooper 619 142816 Turritella coo peri 1 S. Pedro [Smithsonian label] 3 Santa Barbara 548 5 S. Pedro, Cal. Geol. Sur. 548 29222 T. jewetti 2 Santa Barbara, Cooper 142835 2 Cal. Geol. Sur. 549 29399 PRESENT-DAY CARPENTER MATERIAL 35 Number of Catalogue Genus and Species Specimens Locality Number Bivonia compacta 2 Neeah Bay, Cooper 543 Serpulorbis squamigerus 2 Santa Barbara, Cooper 542 29246 Cerithiopsis munita 3 Neeah Bay, Swan 161279 Scalaria indianorum Swan and Indian children Rissoa compacta 2 Neeah Bay (Ace. 1173) 1 Neeah Bay (Ace. 1168) Dunkeria laminata 1 Cal. State Sur., Cooper 3 Coll. Cooper 670-133 10519 Chemnitzia tenuicula var. subcuspidata none S. Diego, 6 fm.. Cooper 10517 Hipponyx cranioides 2 Neeah Bay, Swan 161278 2 Neeah Bay, Swan 154171 Ocinebra interfossa 3 Neeah Bay, Swan 154169 4 Neeah Bay, Swan 15165 6 Vancouver, Swan 0. interfossa atropurpurea Dall 2 Swan 154170 [The Dall label was added subsequently] 0. interfossa atropurpurea 3 Catalina, Cooper 2 J. G. Cooper 764 0. lurida niunda 4 Neeah Bay, Swan 154166 0. squamulifera 2 San Diego, Cooper 776 3 S. Cruz, Cooper Mangelia tabulata 1 Neeah Bay, Swan 151649 1 Smithsonian label 156380 2 Boston Society Natural Nacella triangulatiis Callistochiton palmulatus ("Identified by P. P. Carpenter") Chaetopleura gemma [copy of Carpenter label] Chaetopleura nuttalii-Hartwegii Isnochiton cooperi acutior Ischnoradsia regularis Leptopleurus nuttallii 5 10 2 History label 165511 Monterey, Cooper coll. 446 San Diego, Hemphill Coll. 2685 San Diego, Hemphill Coll. 273 San Diego, Hemphill Coll. Bolinas Monterey, Coll. R. E. Stearns San Diego, Hemphill Coll. Miscellaneous Collections The American Museum of Natural History has two collections, Haines and Crooke, which contain Carpenter marine molluscan species. The Haines Collec- tion was bought in about 1894, and the Crooke Collection was probably acquired at an earlier date. Although the material includes a considerable number of specimens of Carpenter species there is no record that they were identified by Carpenter except in the case of 11 species in the Haines Collection, none of which came from the area of this report. Characteristic spelling and places sug- gest that some of the "northwest" specimens came from original material. The Chicago Academy of Sciences (Accession No. 35) purchased in 1894 or 1895, 3000'^ specimens of mollusks, worldwide, land, fresh water, and marine, ^ The figures in the reference (Anonymous, 1895, p. 55) would not be 3000 "species" but specimens [1376 species]. 36 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER from the Boston Society of Natural History. The shells had been identified by P. P. Carpenter. Accession No. 10 of the Chicago Academy represents 3000 speci- mens received from the Academy of Natural Sciences at Philadelphia in 1894. A few Carpenter species are represented in that material. An examination of the records does not reveal any original Carpenter material. The specimens of Car- penter's species were acquired after Carpenter's death and probably after 1900. There are in the Redpath Museum duplicate specimens of species described by Carpenter from the West Coast. The Redpath Carpenter collection is in the process of rearrangement and cataloging. Many specimens were scattered, so that a complete list of Carpenter's species of this area cannot yet be made. More types will probably turn up before the work is finished (Table 1). PRESENT-DAY CARPENTER MATERIAL 37 rt nt3 c n rt rt 1/2 U o c M (Tl (U C/2 Q c3 TJ V2 <" ^^ TD etc O rt O O c >. o (fl "(5 CQ n J-; OJ O) (fl 03 ^ i^ T3 J3 o C '-w c o c tn 3 > U ^^ •n r M -1 CL, o '« X \ X : : X . . X . X ^ o «^::i -s J •o e ■w ^ w vo ■ rt c c il5 (fl ' >.u U} JD rt 01 3 0 ■o-o < C as ?%§ 0H (X, s 8 .S,^^ H S "3 ^"^ _ ?^•S ^-O,*- St ©-^ ^ o, CI, h^ 15; Cj ci, n. 1^ 38 MARINE MOLLUSC A DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Co ■?^co Id Q C-T3 c rt rt 03 U O C w o ''^ o ;i K' : o 5 > ^ ~ '^ !..§-«■$ ' . • , • • s< v^' vJ S "S ■Qh.'S -2'^ -2-2 ^ i-i-5-2«. s '^ "^ s e o a a <5 H K *~ S S'*^^ O PRESENT-DAY CARPENTER MATERIAL 39 XXX ■ y. 03 N-Q c 2 g CO '/) ■^ ~ s C >- 13 en .g 5X0 g ■4. a 2 ~ •■^ 5 X =^ fe-2_^ ?f^' o c »; i! .'= c^T ■c^ a <3 <\;^2 rt ^ ~- a c> X - >- '^ t^ • ■O VJ 'o VJ 2 e « « e ^ ;^ ■i:Ss-2^.S-'^ s-2 O O C S K ■^■Ci, g ■c'^ C-,c^K^i'~-;i-qK^KqK^K^K^'3:^'^^, '^ c-o 40 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY T. P. CARPENTER ^ -i-t O bo -a 2 to -^ to C •Si rt S n C-T3 c m OJ U O c tun rt 41 O) Q ^m ri -a £ cte o U o U-- o 5 -^ '^ > u G^c^ X X : X X : * a k. J2 ft a S 3 « F 5* (U ^ s s . >- 1^ 'o to ' ■ a . . <^ « . „ < CQ cq CQ '^ t-, f^ {.^ 1^ 2?t?>;- a <3 ■« "5 ~ s J4 ca^ pa .£ § '^ P d d d d d d d t^ h ^' ^ ^^ 5-; "^ ^ ^ »!! o d d d to «i % 4) CXI O J. 42 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER -1 w bo v> a; .V c S CO ■CV, to § c-o c rt rt u o c bit (Tl (U CA) Q o ^m etc o U 01 .2 o C-- c > ^ Cue/) CQ .XXX 5 S ■^ t: "^ ? "^ a "o a ^ t « ■ S" K O « " r- ^ ■ri ~ <0 to O ^ ~ n! * --^ T?* <-> ",5 5 S-S-o 5 5^^.22 22 to »~ to-si-w 8.0-0 tS-« s a § ^. !>-;►-,■ 1-; k^,' >-,■ p^ )^ k,; K^ o ^ ^ n c-o c a o >. 44 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BV P. P. CARPENTER TYPE LOCALITIES SOUTH OF SAN DIEGO The following are species whose type locality is below San Diego (except Mazatlan) but whose range extends north. Pexecvpoda Solemya vakndus. Type locality, Cape San Lucas; type not found Asthenothaenis villosior. Type locality, Cape San Lucas ; type, No. 16292, U.S.N.M. Gari regularis described as Psammobia. Type locality, Cape San Lucas; type, No. 19407, U.S.N.M. Gastropoda Acmaea airafa. Type locality, Cape San Lucas; type. No. 4019, U.S.N.M. Acmaea strigatella. Type locality. Cape San Lucas; type. No. 12594, U.S.N.M. "Phasianella carpcnteri" Dall = Eucosmia punctata Cpr. Type locality. Cape San Lucas ; type not found Littorhia scutulata piiUata, described as "Litorina." Type locality. Cape San Lucas. [Type information not completed.] Barleeia haliotiphila. Type locality, Lower California; type. No. 1558, U.S.N.M. Odustoniia aequisculpta. Type locality, Cape San Lucas; type. No. 16221, U.S.N.M. Aesopus eurytoides, described as Trnncaria. Type locality, Cape San Lucas ; type No. 4148, U.S.N.M. Cytharella jusconotata, described as Cithara. Type locality, Cape San Lucas; type, No. 4081, U.S.N.M. Atys casta. Type locality. Cape San Lucas ; lectotype, No. 4014, U.S.N.M. Williamia peltoides, described as Nacella. Type locality, Cape San Lucas, lectotype and paratype, No. 4023, U.S.N.M. Also Redpath Mus., paratype. No. 1156 Amphineura Chaetopleura parallcla, described as hchnochiton. Type locality, Cape San Lucas ; type, No. 4017, U.S.N.M., Redpath Mus., No. 46 Chaetopleura prasinata, described as hchnochiton. Type locality. Cape San Lucas; type, No. 15892, U.S.N.M. Pallochiton lanuginosa "Dall." Type locality, Todos Santos Bay; type Redpath Mus., No. 66; or if species is credited to Pilsbry, type locality Pt. Abreojos; type. No. 35684, A.N.S.P. Ischnochiton conspiciiits "(Dall)" Pilsbry. Type locality, La Paz, type, Redpath Mus., No. 65. San Diego, California, type, A.N.S.P., No. 35709 "/. cooperi acutior" Dall. Type locality, Todos Santos Bay; type. No. 30734, U.S.N.M. /. serratus. Type locality. Cape San Lucas; type, No. 16204, U.S.N.M., lost; also Redpath Mus., No. 98 /. decoratus Pilsbry [Car|)enter Dall, nis.] type locality, Todos Santos Bay; type, A.N.S.P., No. 118687 SPECIES DESCRIBED FROM MAZATLAN WHICH RANGE*NORTH Of the molluscan species described by Carpenter from Mazatlan the range of the following has been extended into the area north of Lower California. The types of the species should be in the Reigen Collection in the British Museum. The illustration of the types of these species should be included in the future illustration of the types of the Carpenter Mazatlan Catalogue (1857a). Pelecypoda Ostrea conchaphila Mytilus multiformis TYPE LOCALITIES SOUTH OF SAN DIEGO 45 Lucina excavata Tel Una lamellata Taras subquadratus Tagelus politus Sphenia fragilis Martesia intercalata Gastropoha Barlccia aldcri, described as Jeffreysia Petaloconchus macrophragma PyramideUa adamsi Turbonitla iiiuricafa (fossil) Hipponix scrrattis Coleophysis carinata, described as Tomatina Melampns oUvaceus Amphineura Chaetopleura beanii, described as Lepidopleurus NOMINA NUDA The following names are those which were manuscript designations of Car- penter. Some have been utilized by later authors and, therefore, were validated as of that author. Some were on museum labels and have appeared in lists from that source. Others are museum labels and may or may not have been used in later identification. The list is included herein so that workers may become aware of their status readily and discontinue the use of the names in the literature. Pelecyfoda Nucula suprastriata. Not A^ suprastriata Arnold. See A', cxigua Sowerby, this report. Cyrilla munifa. See Huxicyia munita (Dall), this report. ^fodiola platiafa Crassatella marginata Lasaca rubra subviridis. See Lasaca snbviridis Dall. Lutricola alba (Carpenter, 1864b, p. 639) error for L. alta Conrad. See Apnlymctis biangulata Carpenter, this report. Tivela marginata Tapes gracilis Gastropoda Acmaea cribaria A. mitra tenuiscidpta. See "A. mifra fenuisculpfa Dall" and A. funiculata (Carpenter), this report. Patella monticola and/or P. monticula Xuttall, ins. Clypidella callomarginata. See Lucapinclla callomarginata (Dall), this report. Calliostoma costatum laqueatum Fissurella (Glyphis) murina. See Diodora murina xA.rnold, this report. PhasianeUa rubrilineata. See P. rubrilineata Strong, this report. Lacuna porrecta puteloides. See as of Dall, this report. "Ali'ania notabilis Cpr." in Baker (1902) "Alvani-a aequisculpta Cpr." in Keep (1887) and Baker (1902). Also Rissoa aequisculpfa and Rissoina aequisculpta in Baker (1902) 46 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER "Evalca gracilicntc Cpr." Keep. See Odosiomia virginalis Dall and Bartsch, this report. Odostomia turricula. See O. terricula [turricula] Dall and Bartsch, this report. Oscilla insculpta. See Odostomia eucosovtia Dall and Bartsch, this report. Chemnitzia castanea. See Turbonilla castanea Keep, this report. "Ocinchra [sic] mimda." See O. munda Dall in Williamson, this report. Ocenehra interfossa alpha. See O. interfossa alpha Dall, this report. O. interfossa beta. See O. interfossa beta Dall, this rciwrt. O. interfossa minor. See O. interfossa minor Dall, this report. Olivella baetica. See O. baetica Marrat in Sowerhy, this report. Cytharella aculea. See C. aculea Dall, this report. rosacea (turrid). See Cymatosyrinx hccuha Dall, this report. ClathrodriUia limans. See C. limans Dall, this report. Mitromorpha gracilis Cpr. in Arnold (1903) and Oldroyd (1927). Sc.\rHoroD.\ Cadulus nitentior. See C. nitentior Arnold, this report. Siphonodcntalium A-fissatum. See Cadulus quadrifissatus Pilsbry and Sharp, this report. Amphineura Leptochiton crassus L. rugatus. See L. rugatus Pilsbry, this report. Chactopleura gemma. See C. gemma Dall or Pilsbry, this report. Ischnochiton acrior. See /. acrior Pilsbry, this report. Maugerella conspicua. See /. conspiciius ("Dall") Pilsbry, this report. Ischnochiton cooperi. See /. cooperi "Dall" Pilsbry, this report. "/. cooperi acutior." See /. cooperi "Dall," this report. Type locality, Todos Santos Bay; type. No. 30734, U.S.N.M. Chiton (Callistochiton) decoratus. See Ischnochiton decora f us Pilsbry, this report. Callistochiton fimbriatus Placiphorelta velata. See P. vclafa Dall, this report. EXTRANEOUS SPECIES The following names were applied to species which were described as of the area under discussion but belong elsewhere, Barbatia pernoides. Error in original label. Pecten paucicostatus. Lower California. See P. fuinbcceiisis d'Orbigny, under heading P. paucicostatus Carpenter, this report. "Pecten sqnarrosus" "Modiola nit ens" .^facrocallista brevi.nphonata (= M. chisliiinana Pilsbry). Japan. Corbula polychroina Carpenter in Gould and Carpenter = C. biradiata Sowerby. Panama or Acapulco. "Columbella" santa-barbarensis. Lower California. Patella (? toreuma) tenuilirata "(=r Ccllana radians Gmelin)." New Zealand. Natica ? Maroccana var. Calif ornica. Hawaiian Islands. STRATIGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OE THE SPECIES The following tables are a compilation of the records of geologic range of species described by Carpenter for the area of this monograph. This list is not in- tended to represent original research nor a verification of specific determinations STRATIGRAPIIIC DISTRIBUTION OF THE SPECIES 47 as given by the 7iJ authors from whose works the hst is compiled. The Hsts are given for reference to papers which report occurrence of the species other than Recent. Unless otherwise stated the mark of occurrence refers to California. Grant and Gale (1931) included the compilation of range; in many cases a note refers to their monograph. The definite localities will be found in each author's paper. In addition to the list of authors given workers should consult Burch ( 1947, p. 1-18) which is a discussion with charts of comparison between the moUusks of Pleistocene beds (Los Angeles County, California) with the Recent fauna. The value of the stratigraphic column depends on the correct identification of the species. The writer cannot verify the identification made in these lists. As stated herein, it is hoped that the illustration of the type specimens will be a means of checking the identifications made in these lists. Many may be modified thereby. The list is not intended to be complete. The following is the key to the numbers used in the stratigraphic distribution of species ( Table 2 ) . 1. Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew (1946) 2. Grant and Gale (1931) 3. Oldroyd (1925) 4. Stephens (1929) 5. Waterfall (1929) 6. Arnold (1903) 7. Carpenter in Cooper (1888) 8. Cooper (1888) 9. Chace and Chace (1919) 10. Berry (1908) 11. Jordan (1926) 12. Strong (1928) 13. Willett (1937) 14. Woodring and Bramlette (1950) 15. Clark (1931) 16. Merriam (1941) 17. Dall (1892) 18. Bartsch (1911) 19. Durham (1937) 20. Moody (1916) 21. Berry (1954) 22. Bartsch (1917) 23. Howe (1922) 24. Baily (1935) 25. Dall in Grant and Gale (1931) 26. Oldroyd (1924) 21. Howard (1935) 28. Jordan and Hertlein (1926) 29. Nomland (1917) 30. Keen (1954) 31. Woodring (1938) 32. Clark (1915) ZZ. Hertlein (1934) 34. Emerson and Addicott (1953) 35. Durham (1950) 36. Berry (1922) 2>1. Chace (1917) 48 ^^ARTNE ^rOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Table 2. — Stratigraphic distribution of species Species Mi iocene Pliocene Pleistocene Recent Pelecypoda Solemya valvulus X Nuculana hamata x6 X 6, 26 X Glycytneris subobsoleta x2, 6 X Huxley ia munita X 1 Philobrya setosa X 1,2 X Ostrea lurida x27 X 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11 Mexico, 13 X Pecten circularis X 2* X 5, 6, 28 X aequisulcatus Mexico, 34 Modiolus fornicatus x6, 29 x6, 11 Mexico, 15, 34 X Asthenothaerus villosior X Pandora bilirata (Conrad) x6 X P.filosa X 14cf. X 14cf. x6, 15 X Cuspidaria pectinata x6, 15 X Plectodon scabra X Astarte compacta X Eucrassatella fiuctuata X 1 X Glans subquadrata X 14 X 1,2, 6, 9, 11 Mexico, 13 X Miodontiscus prolongatus X 14cf. X 1, 2, 3 X Axinopsida serricata X Lucina tenuisculpta X 2*. 14cf. X see 2, 6, 3, 15 X Kellia laperousii chironii X Afysella tumida X 14 x2, 11 Mexico X Pristes oblongus X Pseudopythina rugifera X Lepton meroeum X Nemocardium centifilosum X 15, 30 X Compsomyax stibdiaphana X 14cf. 31cf. x2*, 14cf. X 1, 5, 6, 8, 13, 15 X Ilmnilaria kennerleyi (Reeve) X Protothaca laciniata X 11 Mexico X P. staminea X P. tenerrima X 14cf. X 2*, 14cf. x2*, 11 Mexico, 13 X Psephidia salmonea x6 x6, 8 X Petricola tellimyalis X 13 X Cooper ella subdiaphana X 13 X Tellina modesta X 11 Mexico T. butloni Dall [ = T. xSee2 X obtusa (Carpenter)] T. carpenteri Dall [= T. xSee2 X variegata (Carpenter)] 'P. salmonea X 32 x3, 6 X Apolymetis biangulala x?2* X? 2* X 2*, 13, 34 X Mucoma expansa X M. yoldiformis X 2* X 2*. 14cf. x33 Mexico, 1 1 Mexico, 13 X M. indentata X 2*. 14 X 2*. 14cf. x2*, 11 X Mexico, 13 Semde incongrua X 3, 15 X Ciari regularis X Solen rosaceus x2* x2* x2*, 11 Mexico X Sphenia fragilis S. ovoidea X X *See for additional localities. STRATICRAIMIIC DISTRIBUTION OF THE SPECIES 49 Table 2. — Slratigraphic distribution of species {Continued) Species Miocene Pliocene Pleistocene Recent Corbula luteola Denlalium recliiis Puncturella cooperi A cmaea funiculata A. limatula A. rosacea A. triangularis Lepeta caecoides Margariles lacunatus M. tenuisculptus M. acuticostatus M. funiculatus M. inflatiihis M. lirulatus M. lirulatus conicus M. lirulatus ohsolctus M. lirtdatus subelevatus M. optabilis M. parcipictus M. rhodia Dall M. salmoneus M. succinctus Cidarina cidaris Solariella peramabilis Calliostoma gemmulatum C. splendens C. siipragranosum C. variegatum Tegula funebralis suhaperta Halistylus pupoideus Teinostoma supravallatum Teinostoma invallatum Liotia fenestrata Arene acuticostata Homalopoma baculum H. carpenteri (Pilsbry) Phasianella substriata P. compta punctulata P. pulloides Lacuna porrecta L. unifasciata L, unifasciata aiiranliaca L. variegata Amphithalamus inclusus "A", lacunatus Alvania acutelirata A. carpenteri Weinkauff (A. reticulata) x2 x2*, 11 Mexico, 13, 33 Mexico, 35 Lower Cali- fornia X SCAPHOPODA ? 23 X 23 x Oregon Oregon Gastropoda xl X xl X X 1, 2, 3, 4 X x33 X Mexico X X X X X X X x5 x2, 5 X X X X X 1, 15 X X X X x 1 X (x?) 2, 7 xl, 2, 6 X x5 x6, 15 X x6 X 2, 6, 13 X x2 X X 1,9, 13 X X x6 X X 1,2, 13,34 X X 1 X X 1 X xl X xl X x6, 10 X 1, 2, 6, 15 X 10 x 1, 2, 6, 9, 11 X 11 Mexico, 13 X X X 1, 13, 11 Mexico, 15 X X 2, 6? X x 2, 4, 5, 11 Mexico, 13, 14 X 14 X X 1? X X 1 X X 1 X x5, 10 X 1, 5, 6 50 MARINE MOLLl'SCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER TABLii 2. — Straligraphi-c distribution of species {Continued) Species Miocene Pliocene Pleistocene Recent A. compacta. A . filosa Barleeia haliotiphila B. viarnwrea B. sublcnuis Diala acuta Assiminea transluccns TurritrUa cooperi Tachyrhynchiis lacteolum T. lacteolum subplanatum Petaloconchus cow pact ns Aletes squamigcrus Caecum californicum Dall Micrancllum crebricinctum Cerithidea hegewischii albonodosa Bitlium armillatum B. attenuatum B. pur pur cum B. quadrifilatum B. rngatuin B. intcrfossa B. munituin Alabina tcnuisculpla A. turrila Cerilhiopsis columna Diastoma fastigiatum Epitoniiun indianorum E. tinctum E. hellistriatum E. subcoronatum Opalia insculpta O. bullata [O. spongiosa and O. retiporosa] Balcis compacta B. micans B. rutila B. thersites Cythnia albida Iselica fenestrata I. obtusa Hipponix lumens H. antiquatus [cranioides] X 16 19 X 1, 15 X X 10 X 1, 15 X U X 1, 11 Mexico, 14 X X X X X 1, 2*. 16 X 1, 2, 15, 16 X X X 11 X Mexico X X 2, 4, 6, 8, 11 X Mexico, 13, 33 Mexico, 34 X 1, 3, 6, 11 X Mexico X 1, 3, 6, 11 X Mexico, 13, 17 X 35 Lower Cali- fornia Type X X 1, 2, 3, 18 X X X X Type 1 1 X Mexico, , 13, 15 X 1, 11 X Mexico X X 1 X X X X X 5, 19 X 5, 6, 13, 15, 34 14, X X 8 x6, 11 X Mexico, , 13, X 14, 19 X 3, 6, 8, 13 X X 20 Type x21 x6, 8, 11 Mexico, 13, 21 X 11 Mexico, 13, 21, 22 X 3, 1 1 Mexico, 21 X 1, 3, 6, 13 X 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 11 Mexico, 13, 33 X 1, 3, 6, 13 *See for additional localities. STRATIGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF THE SPECIES 51 Table 2. — Slratigraphic distribution of species {Continued) Species Miocene Pliocene Pleistocene Recent Calyptraea contorta Velutina prolongata Ocenebra interfossa O. interfossa atropurpurea O. poulsoni 0. squamulifera O. tenuisculptus Trophonopsis triangulatus Mitrella gouldi M. tuber osa Amphissa undata Anachis penicillata A. subturrita A esopus chrysalloideus A. eiirytoideus Nassarius insculptus Calicantharus fortis Exilioidea rectirostris Gibberiilina pyriformis Cystiscus jewettii C. regularis C. subtrigona Admete gracilior A. modesta Terebra "philippiana" Dall [T. simplex Cpr.] Ophiodermella incisa Cytharella fusconotata Mangelia barbarensis (Oldroyd) M. crebricostata M. interfossa "AI." levidensis M. nitens M. variegata Pseudomelatoma moesta P. tor osa P. torosa aurantia Granotoma excurvata Propebela tabulata Mitromorpha aspera M. filosa Acteon punctocaelatus Atys casta Volvulella cylindrica Coleophysis carinata Cylichna attonsa Odostomia callimorpha Dall and Bartsch [pumila Cpr.] X 13 x23 x2 X 10, 23 X 1, 3, 6, 11 x Mexico, 13, 34 X x5, 6, 11 Mexico, 13, a X Cpr., 1, 6, 13 X X 24 X Cpr., 1, 6 X x6, 8 X x2, 20 x3, 13 X X 2, 6, 10 x2, 3, 6, 11 Mexico, 15 X X 1 X X 1, 2, 3 X X X 1 X X x2 x6, 13 X Type X 1, 13, 15 X 1,6, 13, 15 X X 1, 3, 11 X Mexico, 13, 15 X 1, 3, 6, 9, il X Mexico x3, 11 X Mexico x3 X x3, 15 X Type X 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 11 X Mexico x2 X X x3, 6, 11 X Mexico, 13 x3 X X X X x6, 13 X 11 X Mexico, 15 X X X xlS xll Mexico x3, 6, 11 X Mexico x3, 6, 11 X Mexico, 13 x 13 X 2, 3, 6, 13 X x3, 11 X Mexico, 13 x2 X Oregon, 13 52 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Table 2. — Straligraphic distribution of species (Continued) Species Miocene Pliocene Pleistocene Recent O. cincta 0. inflata 0. jewetti Dall and Bartsch 0. tenuisculpta 0. avellana 0. gouldii 0. nuciform is 0. satura Turbonilla laminatn T. virgo T. aurantia T. chocolata T. tridentata T. stylina Siphonaria thersites Williamia peltoides Melampiis olivaceus Leptockiton internexus Carpenter in Pilsbry L. nexus L. rugatus (Pilsbry) Cyanoplax hartwegii and niittalli C. dentiens (Gould) = [C. pseudodentiens (Carpenter)] Nuttalina fiuxa Clmetopleura beanii C. gemma "Dall", Pilsbry C. parallela C. prasinata Ischnochiton newcontbi Carpenter in Pilsbry /. scabricostatus I. veredentiens I. acrior (Pilsbry) /. conspicuus "(Dall", Pilsbry /. corrugatus Carpenter in Pilsbry /. fallax Carpenter in Pilsbry /. atireotinctus Carpenter in Pilsbry /. cooperi "Dall" Pilsbry /. radians Carpenter in Pilsbry /. retiporosus I . serratus I. sinudenlatiis Carpenter in Pilsbry /. regularis I. trifidus Callistochiton decoratus Pilsbry C. palmulatus Carpenter in Pilsbry Mopalia acuta M. imporcata M. lignosa (Gould) = M. montereyensis (Carpenter) x X X X 2, 3 X X X X 6 (D&B) x3, 6, 11 Mexico, 13 X X X x6 x8 X 2, 6, 13 x3, 6, 8, 11 Mexico, 13 X X X X X x25 X 1, 2, 13 X 1, 6, 11 Mexico, 13 X X X Amphineura X X 13 X x9, 36 X X X 36 X ? 36 X 36 X X X 36 X X X X 36 X 9, 36, 37 X X X X x36 X X x9, 36 X X X x 36cf. X X x6, 36 X X X 36 X X X 13, 36 X x9, 36 X X *See for additional Icjcalities. GENERIC NAMES DESCRIBED BY CARPENTER 53 Table 2. — Stratigraphic distribution of species {Concluded) Species Miocene Pliocene Pleistocene Recent M. muscosa kennerleyi x M. sinuata x 36cf. x M. swanii x Dendrochiton gothicus x Basiliochilon flectens X Acanthochitona avicula x 36 x GENERIC NAMES DESCRIBED BY CARPENTER The following is a list of molluscan generic names of which Carpenter is the author. Because of the nonuniformity of authorship of manuscript chiton names which Dall or Pilsbry validated after Carpenter's death (1877) such names are included. Equivalent, preoccupied, and manuscript names of Carpenter are in roman. The author who validated them is given. For complete reference of au- thors not included in the bibliography, see Neave (1939-1940). Aletcs Carpenter, 1857a, p. 301 (Vermetidae) ; not Aletes Rafinesque, 1815 nomen nudum; not of Chapuis, 1874, or of Lohmann, 1899 Anmntis Carpenter, 1864b, p. 536, 540, 553, 620, 640, 665; Reprint, 1872, p. 22, 26, 39, 126, 151 (Veneridae) Ampithalamus Carpenter 1864b, p. 614, 656; Reprint, 1872, p. 100, 142 (Rissoidae) Angasia Carpenter ms. = Dall, 1882, p. 283: = Phaccllozona Pilsbry, 1894a, p. 139 = Cras- pedochiton Shuttleworth, 1853 (Cryptoplacidae) ; not Angasia Bates, 1864 Anellum Carpenter, 1857a, p. 319 as section; 1859, p. 423 [as section] (Caecidae) Arthuria Carpenter ms. = Dall, 1882, p. 284 (fide Pilsbrv. 1892, p. 256) = ? Pallochifon Dall, 1882, p. 283 (Ischnochitonidae) ; not of Servain, 1891 Asthenothaerus Carpenter, 1864a, p. 311; Reprint, 1872, p. 209 (Thraciidae) ; see this report Beania Carpenter ms. ; Dall, 1882, p. 287 = Beanella Dall, 1882, p. 284 = Middendorfia Car- penter ms. = Dall, 1882, p. 287 (Lepidochitonidae) ; not Beania Johnston, 1840 Bryophila Carpenter, 1864a, p. 314; Reprint, 1872, p. 212 = Philobrya Cooper, 1867, p. 12 CLimopsidae) ; not Bryophila Treitscke, 1825; see this report Callistochiton Carpenter ms. = Dall, 1879, p. 297 (Ischnochitonidae) ; see this report Callistoplax Carpenter ms. = Dall. 1879. p. 297; Dall, 1882, p. 283 (Ischnochitonidae) Ceratophorus Carpenter ms. = Dall, 1879, p. 297, Dall. 1882. p. 286 = Cerato-ona Dall, 1882, p. 283 (Mopaliidae) ; not Ceratophorus Shuckard, 1837; Gistl, 1848; Diesing, 1848 Chonechiton Carpenter ms. in Dall, 1882, p. 280; Lower Carboniferous, Dinantian, Vise, Belgium Chitoniscus Carpenter ms., Dall, 1879, p. 299; not of Herrmannsen, 1846, or Stal, 1875, or Waterhouse, 1876 Choneplax Carpenter ms. = Dall, 1879, p. 299; Dall, 1882, p. 285 (Cryptoplacidae) Chorisfes Carpenter in Dawson, 1872, p. 392; monotype C. elegans Carpenter in Dawson, 1872 (Choristidae) ChrysalUda Carpenter, 1856c, p. 170 (Pyramidellidae) ; see this report ChithurcHa Carpenter, 1857a, p. 399 (Turridae) ; see this report Clidiophora Carpenter, 1864b, p. 613. 627. 638; Reprint, 1872, p. 99, 113, 124; 1864c. p. 596; Reprint, 1872, p. 225. Carpenter's first mention of this generic name was in connection with C. punctata [Conrad], pages 613 and 627, which would make the species a monotype if page preference is the basis of type species determination. On page 638, 1864b and page 596, 1864c, Carpenter stipulated Pandora clainculata Carpenter, 1855, as type species. (Pandoridae) Coelodon Carpenter, 1864c, p. 599 = Frenamya Iredale, 1930 (Pandoridae) ; not Coelodon Lund, 1838 Cooperella Carpenter, 1864b, p. 611, 639 C Petricolidae) ; see this report; not Cooperella Gun- nell. 1933 = Deirolepis Wells, 1944 Cycladella Carpenter, 18651), p. 270 (Montacutidae) Cymatodus Carpenter ms., Dall, 1882, p. 286 = Lepidopleurus Risso, 1820; not Cynmtodus Newberry and Worthen, 1870 : not of Trautschold, 1879 Cythnia Carpenter, 1864a, p. 478 (Melanellidae ? or Stiliferidae ?) : see this report 54 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Dawsonia Carpenter ms. =: Middendorfia Dall, 1882, p. 287 (Lepidochitonidae) ; not Daw- sonia Hartt, 1868; Nicholson. 1873; Fritsch, 1879 Deshayesiella Carpenter ms. = Dall, 1879, p. 314 (Lepidopleuridae) Dinoplax Carpenter ms. = Dall. 1882. p. 284 ( Ischnocliitonidae) Dunkcria Carpenter, 1857a, p. 433 (Pyramidellidae) Elephantulum Carpenter, 1857a, p. 314 [as section] ; 1859, p. 419 [as section] (Caecidae) Eucosmia Carpenter, 1864a, p. 475; Reprint, 1872, p. 214 = Eulithidium Pilsbry, 1898, p. 60; not I:ucos}iua Stephens, 1829 (Turbinidae) fartulum Carpenter, 1857a, p. 325 [as section] ; 1859, p. 431 [as section] f Caecidae) Francisia Carpenter ms. = Dall, 1882, p. 284 = Acantlioplcura Guilding, 1829 (Chitonidae) ; not Franccsia Paladilhe, 1872 Glandinaria Nuttall ms., Carjx^nter 1857a, p. 467 = OUvclJa Glvphis Carpenter, 1857a, p. 220 = Diodora drav, 1821 (Fissurellidae) ; not of Agassiz, 1843 Guildingia Carpenter ms. = Pilsbry, 1893, p. 312, 329 = Plaxiphora Gray, 1847 (Mopaliidae) Haplocochlias Carpenter, 1864a, p. 476; 1864b, p. 618 (Trochidae) Hemphillia Carpenter ms. = Dall, 1882, p. 287 = Pallochiton Dall, 1882, p. 287; see this report (Ischnochitonidae) ; not IlemphilUa Bland and Binney, 1872 Heniiar thrum Carpenter in Dall, 1876, p. 44 (Lepidopleuridae) Heterozona Carpenter ms. = Dall. 1879, p. 331 (Ischnochitonidae) Homalopoma Carpenter, 1864b, p. 587, 588, 627 (Leptonyx Carpenter, 1864b, p. 612. 627, 652 (Turbinidae) ; see this report Inflatulum Carpenter, 1857a, p. 314 [as section] ; 1859, p. 438 [not genus] in part Meioceras Carpenter, 1859, p. 438 Ischnoplax Carpenter ms. = Dall, 1879, p. 330 (Ischnochitonidae) Ischnoradsia Carpenter ms. = Dall, 1879, p. 331 ; not of Shuttleworth, 1853 Kcnncrlia Carpenter, 1864b, p. 602 (Pandoridae) ; see this report Lecania Carpenter, 1866c p. 343 = Loftia (Gray) Sowerby, 1833 (Acmaeidae) Lepidoradsia Carpenter ms. =i Dall, 1879, p. 331 = Ischnoradsia Shuttleworth, 1853 (Ischno- chitonidae) Leiosolenus Carpenter, 1857a, p. 130 Leptonyx Carpenter, 1864b, p. 612, 627, 652 zr Homalopoma Carpenter, 1864b, p. 507. 588, 627; not Leptonyx Swainson, 1833 or 1837; Gray, 1837; Lesson, 1842; Hitchcock, 1865; see this report Leptoplax Carpenter ms. = Dall, 1882, p. 283 = Notoplax H. Adams, 1861 (Cryptoplacidae) Lepidopleurus Carpenter ms., Dall, 1879, p. 332; not of Risso, 1826, or Claparede, 1868, or Duncan and Sladen, 1885 "Lutricola Cpr." in Salisbury, 1934, p. 76 is a nomcn nudum. The "L. alba" Carpenter, 1864b, p. 639, No. 58 is typographical error for L. alta Conrad. Loricites Carpenter ms. in Dall, 1882, p. 281 ; Lower Carboniferous Dinantian, Vise, Belgium Macrandrellus Carpenter ms. = Dall, 1882, p. 284 = Notoplax H. Adams, 1861 (Cryptopla- cidae) Macrophragma Carpenter, 18S7a, p. 308 (Vermetidae) Maugerella Dall (Carpenter ms.), 1879c, p. 296 = Stcnoplax Dall, 1879; see Ischnochiton conspicuus Meioceras Carpenter, 1859, p. 438 (Caecidae) Middendorfia Carpenter ms., Dall, 1882, p. 287; see Dazvsonia Miodon Carpenter, 1864b, p. 611, 627, 642, 682 = Miodontiscus Dall, 1903, p. 14; not Miodon Dumeril, 1859 (Carditidae) : see this report Mitromorpha Adams in Carpenter. 1865 (Turridae) ; sec this report Netastoma Carpenter, 1864a, p. 529. 540, 605, 635. 637. 684; Reprint, 1872, p. 15, 26. 91, 121, 123. 170: not Nettastoma Rafinesque, 1810 ( Pholadidae) Nettastomella Cari)cnter, 1865a, p. 202; Reprint, 1872, p. 250 = Netastoma Carpenter, 1864 (Pholadidae) ; not Nettastomella Facciola. 1914 Newcombia Carpenter ms. in Pilsbry, 1892, p. 290 = Ceratozona Dall, 1879, p. 297; 1882, p. 283 (Mopaliidae) ; not Neivcomhia Pfeififer, 1854 Nuttallina Carpenter ms. = Dall, 1871. p. 134 (Lepidochitonidae) ; see this report Oedalia Carpenter, 1864b. p. 611 = Coopcrella, 1864b, p. 611; not Oedalia Meigen. 1820 (Petricolidae) ; see this report Oedalina Carpenter, 1865b, p. 208 = Cooper ella Carpenter, 1864 (Petricolidae) ; see this report Placiphora Carpenter, ms., Dall, 1879, p. 298; error for Plaxiphora Gray, 1847 (Mopaliidae) Placipliorella Carpenter ms. = Dall, 1879, p. 298, 303, 306 (Mopaliidae") ; see this report Plectodon Carpenter, 1864b, p. 638 (Cuspidariidae) ; not Plcctodon Giglioli, 1873; see this report Pleurotemaria Carpenter, 1861, p. 218 corrected in separate misspelling of Pleurotomaria J. Sowerby, 1821 ; see Cox, 1955, p. 24 TYPE SPFXIES DESCRIBED BY CARPEXTER 55 Polyspirella Carpenter in Gould, 1861a, p. 407 = Ciiigulina A. Adams, I860 in part fide Dall and Bartsch, 1909 (Pvramidellidae) i'ristiphora Carpenter, 1866, p. 210 = Scrridciis Dall, 1899; not Pristiphora Latreille, 1810 (Erycinidae) ; see this report Pristes Carpenter, 1864b, p. 611, 643 = Pristiphora Carpenter, 1866, p. 210; not Pristis Linck, 1790, not Brulle, 1846, nor Redtenbacher, 1895 (Erycinidae) Probolaaim Carpenter ms. in Dall, 1882, p. 281, 283; Devonian of Vilmar (Dall) Psephis Carpenter, 1864, p. 640 = Pscphidi-d Dall, 1902, p. 243; not Psephis Guenee, 1854 nor Felder and Rogenhofer, 1875 (Erycinidae) ; see this report Ptcrochiton Carpenter ms. in Dall, 1882, p. 281, 283; Lower Carboniferous, Dinaiitian, Vise, Belgium Sclerochiton Carpenter ms. = Dall, 1882, p. 284, no type = Pilsbry, 1892, p. 188 = Sqnamo- pleura Nierstrasz, 1905; not Sclerochiton Kraatz, 1859 Spongiochiton Carpenter ms. = Dall, 1882, p. 283 = Notoplax H. Adams, 1862 (Cryptopla- cidae) Stenoplax Carpenter ms. = Dall, 1879c, p. 296 (Ischnochitonidae) ; see this report Stectoplax Carpenter ms. = Dall, 1882, p. 284 Stenoradsia Carpenter ms. = Dall, 1879, p. 296 = Stenoplax Dall, 1879 (Ischnochitonidae) Stereochiton Carpenter ms. = Dall, 1882, p. 286 = Trachyradsia Carpenter ms. = Dall, 1879 ( Lepidochitonidae) Sti>npso>iiella. Carpenter, 1873, p. 155 = Amicula Gray, 1847 (Mopalliidae) Strebloccras Carpenter, 1859, p. 440 (Caecidae) Streplochiton Carpenter ms. = Dall, 1882 = Frembleya H. Adams, 1867 (Alopaliidae) Tecturella Carpenter, 1860, p. 3 = Lottia (Gray), Sowerby, 1833 (Acmaeidae) ; see Lecania Carpenter, 1866, p. 343 Tccturina Carpenter, 1860d, p. 219; 1861, p. 71 [separate] Tonicella Carpenter, 1873, p. 154 (Leptochitonidae) Trachydermon Carpenter, 1864, Basiliochiton Berry, 1918; see this report (Mopaliidae) Trachyradsia Carpenter ms. = Dall, 1879a, p. 1 Tuberia Carpenter, 1857a, p. 365 \'itrinula Gray in Carpenter, 1857, p. 237 = Vitrinella Gray, 1855, p. 65, not C. B. Adams, 1850 = Otesia H. and A. Adams, 1858, p. 642 (Limacidae) ; see Pilsbry, 1945, p. 67 TYPE SPECIES DESCRIBED BY CARPENTER The following list may not be complete. Type Species Genus or Subgenus Family A. inclusus Scalar ia bellisfriata A. znllosior D. paucilirata Diuikcria snbangidata Amphithalanius Carpenter, 1864 Rissoidae Asperiscala de Boury, 1909 Epitoniidae Asthenothaerus Carpenter, 1864 Thraciidae Dunkeria Carpenter, 1857 Pyramidellidae (= Pyrisciihis Monterosato, 1884) Bartschella Iredale, 1916 Pyramidellidae (= Dunkeria Dall and Bartsch, 1909) Chrysallida convexa B. setosa Tapes tenerrima C. elegans C. cidaris (A. Adams in Car- penter) C. claviculata Saxidomus gibbosus Gabb = Compsomyax suhdiaphana (Carpenter) Besla Dall and Bartsch, 1904 Pyramidellidae Bryophila Carpenter, 1864 Limopsidae = Philobrya Carpenter, 1864 Callithaca Dall, 1902 \>neridae C lioristes Carpenter i)i Dawson. 1872 Choristidae Cidarina Dall, 1909 Trochidae Clidiophora Carpenter, 1864 Pandoridae Compsomyax Stewart, 1930 Veneridae 56 MARINE MOLLT'SCA DESCRIBED P.Y P. P. CARPENTER CoopercUa subdiapliana Chiton liartwegii Vohitclla pyriformis C. asteriaphila Caecum heptagonum [hexagomim sic correction, Bartsch, 1947, p. 104] Parthenia lacunata E. variegata Carpenter typica Dall Chrysallida photis H. cyclophoreus II. setulosum Carpenter in Dall Lucina richtlwfeni Gabb = L. e.Ycavata Carpenter, 1857 Parthenia armata K. filosa Drillia ehurnea Siphonaria thersitcs Margarites liruJatns ? ?Chrysallida clausilijonnis M. nitidum Bean ms. Carpenter = M. nitidunt (Stimpson) Caecum crel>ririn rtinn M. filosa M. prolongata Petaloconchus macrophragma Lucina tenuisculpta P. setosa P. ohlonga Drillia pcnicillata Dentalium reclius Acteon punctocaelatus Chiton regularis Prisliphora ohlonga Trachydcrmon trifidus Cooper ella Carpenter, 1864 (not Cooperella Gunnell, 1933) Cyanoplax Pilsbry, 1892 (= Mopaliopsis Thiele, 1893) Cypraeolina Cerulli-Irelli, 1911 = Merovia Dall, 1921 = Gibheru- lina Monterosato, 1884 Cythnia Carpenter, 1864 Elephantanellum Bartsch, 1921 Egila Dall and Bartsch, 1904 Eucosmia Carpenter, 1864 = EuUthidiiim Pilsbry, 1898 Haldra Dall and Bartsch, 1904 Haplocochlias Carpenter, 1864 Hemiarthrum Carpenter in Dall, 1876 Here Gabb, 1866 Ividia Dall and Bartsch, 1904 = Miralda A. Adams, 1864 Kennerlia Carpenter, 1864 Laevitectum Dall, 1919 Liriola Dall, 1871 Lirularia Dall, 1909 Lysacmc Dall and Bartsch, 1004 Meioceras Carpenter, 1859 Merovia Dall. See Cypraeolina Micranellnm Bartsch, 1920 Mitromorpha Adams in Carpenter, 1865 Miodon Carpenter, 1864 = Miodontiscus Dall, 1903 Macrophragma Carpenter, 1857 Parvilucina Dall, 1901 Philohrya Cooper, 1867 (= Bryophila Carpenter, 1864) Pristiphora Carpenter, 1866 = Serridens, Dall, 1899 Pseudomelatoma Dall, 1918 Rhabdiis Pilsbry and Sharp, 1897 Ricta.vis Dall, 1871 Rhombochiton Berry, 1919 Serridens Dall, 1899 Tripopla.v Berry, 1919 Petricolidae Lepidochitonidae Marginellidae Melanellidae Caecidae Pyramidellidae Turbinidae Pyramidellidae Trochidae Lepidopleuridae Lucinidae Pyramidellidae Pandoridae Turridae Siphonariidae Trochidae Pyramidellidae Caecidae Caecidae Turridae Carditidae Vermetidae Lucinidae Limopsidae Erycinidae Turridae Dentaliidae Acteonidae Ischnochitonidae i'".rycinidae Ischnochitonidae SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS EXPLANATORY REMARKS Mrs. Ida Oldroyd's four-part manual (1924-1927) Marine Shells of the West Coast of North America has furnished and will continue to be a comprehensive universal reference for West Coast workers. Original descriptions of the majority of Carpenter's species are included in that text, and such quotations are not re- peated in this report. On comparing the quoted descriptions in Oldroyd with the originals one finds that the last remarks including the localities of the original descriptions are omitted in nearly every case. Since the original locality and final remarks are in many cases the crux in deciding debatable questions that portion of the remarks must be included in original data. Attention is called to such omis- sions and quotation of the same herein. Opinion 52, International Rules of Zoo- logical Nomenclature stipulates : "The citation of the type locaHty of a species is not sufficient to establish a name under Article 25a of the Code. If specific characters are given in addition to the type locality, the type local- ity becomes a part of the description and is to be considered as an important element in de- termining the identity of species." To anyone who has followed Mrs. Oldroyd's text and that of Dall (1921) it becomes apparent that she followed Dall in details of reference, authors, and re- marks. Where typographical errors, omissions, and errors of fact are in Dall, they are repeated in Oldroyd. In a large number of the copies in Oldroyd of the Car- penter original descriptions, typographical mistakes are numerous. Such correc- tions are inserted in the text of the discussions of the species in this paper. This has not been done in a spirit of criticism but only so that time and labor may be saved for others who do not have access to the original articles of Carpenter. Even the 1872 Reprint by the Smithsonian Institution of many of Carpenter's papers is out of print and unobtainable by most people. ^Measurements in Carpenter's text are referred to as poll, (pollex = thumb) or without such designation. In the Preface to the Mazatlan Catalogue, the ex- planation states that, "all measurements of length are given in inches and decimal portions." Where "poll." is not inserted in his data, the writer assumed the meas- urements to be in inches and used 25.4 mm. to an inch to convert the measure- ments into modern usage. In the article on the new species from California (1865g, p. 133, footnote) Carpenter defined pollex as 2.53 cm. Hertlein and Strong noted (1946, p. 76) that Dr. Teng-Chien Yen investigated the length of pollex while at the British Museum and stated the measurement to be approxi- mately 2 cm. Since the writer used Carpenter's measurements it would seem that one would arrive nearer his results by using his definition of pollex. The differ- ences are slight between the three figures for the type of measurements involved. In the Mazatlan Catalogue, Carpenter (1857, p. Ill) defined measurements for the bivalves as : "long, from the umbo to the middle of the ventral margin ; lot. from the anterior to the posterior ends ; alt. the thickness of the closed valves." But in his later papers (1864a, p. 311, footnote) he changed this defini- 57 58 MARINE MOLLTTSCA nESCRIP.KD BY P. P. CARPENTER tion in regard to "long": "Tlic measures of length [long.] are taken from the anterior to the posterior margins." Unless one notes the difference of definition in these two specifications it is confusing when trying to reconcile the two systems of measurements used by Carpenter. There appears to be a difference of opinion concerning the procedure to be used when renaming a preoccupied scientific name as to the type of the new name. Dall, and he has been followed by some modern workers, when applying a new name under the above circumstances frequently chose a new type for the species. If the new name is definitely supplied for an old one, as such, it would seem more logical and less confusing to the interpretation of the species if the type of the original name is retained. In this view the writer agrees with Strong (1928b, p. 197, footnote) that the type of Eucosmia variegata Carpenter when renamed by Dall remained the type established by Carpenter and not a new one designated by Dall. Strong, however, reversed his method when substituting with Hertlein (Strong and Hertlein, 1945, p. 105) a new name for the preoccupied Lucina un- data Carpenter (not of Lamarck, 1819). Those authors chose a new shell from modern collections as the type of the new name. In this case there might be an exception because the original locality was not definite. However, the writer be- lieves that the first endeavor would be to try to locate the original specimen in the Cuming Collection upon which the diagnosis of Carpenter's species was said to have been written (Carpenter, 1865d, p. 279; 1872, p. 272), In this matter of re- taining the original type for the new name, tlie writer concurs with Dr. Fritz Haas (Personal communication, March 2, 1945). If new types are selected (see case of Tellina biittoni Dall) possibly the subse- quent autlior might not have the same species. In that case the new name would represent a new species, and the preoccupied name would still be unnamed. If the type of the preoccupied name is still in existence, it would seem better to re- tain the original type. If the original type were lost the same procedure would be followed as in the case of choosing any neotype — i.e., designating a topotypic shell if possible (see also the case of Tellina hiittoni Dall). Therefore, in this paper, where the original type of a renamed species is in existence the original is retained as the type and any later type designation disregarded. The designation and use of neotypes have been customary in molluscan studies. During the course of study of this monograph the term was provisionally used in a few cases. Neotypes should be designated in those cases where it is known now that the original types have been lost. However, because of the con- ditions provided in the Rules of Zoological Nomenclature, 1953, it is not feasible to propose neotypes in this paper which is ready for the press. According to the decisions (Copenhagen, 1953, p. 30, 31) the designation of a neotype must be published in the Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, and its status is not legal- ized until it remains unchallenged for a period of "5" years. Consequently, neo- types should be designated and publicized during the preparation of a paper and not in a finished report. Suggestions have been made herein as to specimens which would qualify as neotypes. The following institutions have boon contacted, and examinations of the speci- EXPLANATORY REMARK 59 mens have been made by the writer or inquiries have been answered by persons in authority. Where the notation in regard to the depository of type in the text of this report is given as "Not found, "such a statement means that it is not known in any of these institutions. These organizations are those which were possible sources of Carpenter material. Academy of Natural Sciences at Philadelpliia American Museum of Natural History Boston Society of Natural History British Museum (Natural History) California Academy of Sciences Chicago Academy of Sciences Chicago Museum of Natural History Cornell University Museum of Comparative Zoology New York State Museum Redpath Museum, McGill University Stanford University United States National INIuseum University of California Warrington Free IMuseum (Municipal Museum) To reduce the printing of oft repeated references the following are written in the svnonymy of species with author, date, page, and, if any, plate, only. The complete reference for each author is given in the bibliography. Abbott, 1954 Arnold, 1903 Burch, 1942-1951. Referred by No. Carpenter, 1864b Carpenter, Reprint, 1872 Dall, 1921 Grant and Gale, 1931 Keen, 1937 Oldroyd. 1924b ; 1927 Unless for some special reason the tvpes which Iiave been figured previously are not reillustrated herein. This would apply mainly to the pyramidellid, me- lanellid, turrid, and species of Biftiinn figured by Dall and/or Bartsch. The locality of the type is given in the text and rarely repeated in the explana- tion of the plates ; the measurements of the types are included in the figure ex- planatory data and infrequently duplicated in the text. Carpenter used a form of shorthand (Rich, 1764) in his labels and notes which was utilized by English Presbyterian ministers (1860-1870 ca.). The chi- ton manuscript which remained unfinished at Carpenter's death was replete with the shorthand notations, much to Ball's regret. Fortunately, R. D. Darbishire in England deciphered the script, which allowed a better understanding of the thesis by Dall and Pilsbry than would otherwise have been possible. 60 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Carpenter's own collection and notes wiiich he made are in many cases accom- panied by his monogram. In the case of the mounted specimens, the monogram is placed in the upper right-hand corner. A copy of the form is inserted on the frontispiece of this paper. Under the distribution of species, the age of the distribution is understood to be Recent if it is not specified. Reference at end of paragraph is inserted for a pertinent illustration of that species. Phylum MOLLUSCA Class PELECYPODA Family Solemyidae (Solemyacidae) Genus Solemya Lamarck, 1818 Solemya Lamarck, 1818, Hist. Nat. An. s. Vert, vol. V, p. 488 Type .<;pecies by subsequent designation, Children, 1823, Lamarck's Gen. Shells, vol. 14, p. 300; Reprint, Kennard, Salisbury and Woodward, 1931, Smith. Misc. Coll., vol. 82, no. 17, p. 7, Solcnomya [Solemya] mediterranea (Lamarck), 1818, Hist. Nat. An. s. Vert., p. 489 = Tellina togata Poli, 1795, Test. ut. Sicil., II, p. 42, pi. 15, fig. 20 = Alyti- lus solcn von Salis Marschlins, 1793. Reise Koen., p. 405, fide Bucquoy, Dautzenberg, AND DoLLFUs, 1898, Moll. Marins du Roussilon, vol. 2, p. 718; fide Dall, 1908, Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard, Bull., vol. 43, no. 6, p. 361. Recent. Mediterranean, Adriatic, and Atlantic Ocean at Madiera and Senegal. Crouch, 1826, Illus. Intro. Lamarck's Conch., pi. 4, figs. 8a, 8b interior ; Bucquoy. Dautzenberg, and Dollfus, 1898, Moll. Marins du Roussillon, vol. 2, pi. XCII, figs. 8-10 Subgenus Petrasma Dall, 1908 Pctrasma Dall, 1908, Nautilus, vol. 22, no. 1, p. 2 Type species bv original designation. Solemya horealis Totten, 1834. Amer. Jour. Sci., ser. 2, vol. 26, p. 366, fig. 1, h, i. Living. Nova Scotia to Connecticut. Gould. 1870. Inver- tebrata of Massachusetts, 2d ed., p. 50, fig. 272; Morse, 1913, Biol. Bull., vol. XXV, p. 279, fig. 20; Smith, 1937, East Coast Shells, p. 25, fig. 29a Solemya (Petrasma) valvulus Carpenter Solemya valvulus Carpenter, 1864, April. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIII, p. 311; Reprint, 1872. p. 210; 1864b, Aug., p. 618; Reprint, 1872, p. 104 Solemya (Pctrasm-a) vakndus (Carpenter), Dall, 1908, Nautilus, vol. 22, no. 1, p. 2; 1908, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard, vol. XLIII, no. 6, p. 364; Lamy, 1909, Jour, de Conchyl., vol. LVII. no. 3, p. 208; Dall, 1921, p. 9; Oldroyd, 1924b, p. 11, pi. 40, fig. 10; Keen, 1937, p. 25; Hertlein and Strong, 1940, Zoologica, New York Zool. Soc., vol. XXV, pt. 4, p. 378; Burch, 1944, no. ZZ, p. 7; 1945, no. 45, p. 3; Vokes, 1955, Jour. Paleont., vol. 29, no. 3, p.536 A copy of the original description with translation was republished by Oldroyd (1924, p. 11). The following corrections should be inserted in Oldroyd's copy: line 6, insert "postice elongate" between "ligamento" and "antice" ; read "cicatricibus" for "cicatricubus" ; add "Long. .85, lat. .25, alt. .14 poll." The synonymy and discussion of the species is not intended to be complete. Holotype. — Not found. The type is not in the U. S. National Museum as reported by Oldroyd. Distribution.— Cape San Lucas, Lower California (type) ; San Pedro, California, to Punta Penasco, Sonora, Mexico (Hertlein and Strong) Family Nuculidae Genus Nucula Lamarck, 1799 Nuctda Lamarck, 1799, Mem. Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris, p. 87 Type species by monotypy, Area nucleus Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., p. 695. Neo- type^ of A', nucleus designated by Schenck, 1935, Malacol. Soc. London, Proc., vol. 21, pt. IV, p. 260, fig. 1. Recent. Europe. sNeotype designated prior to the official recognition of "neotype" by the 14th Inter. Con- gress of Zoology (Copenhagen, 1953) may be validated by conforming to the provisions for establishing neotypes as formulated by that congress. (See Copenhagen decisions on Zool. Nomen.. 1953, p. 28-32.) PELECvronA 61 Nucula exiqua Sowerby (PI. 1, figs. 6, 7) Nucula exiqua Sowerby, 1833, Zool. Soc. London, Proc. 1832, pt. 2, p. 198; Grant and Gale. 1931, p. Ill in part; Schenck, 1939, Jour. Paleont., vol. 13, no. 1, p. 36, pi. 6, figs. 1-8, 11 figures of types ;Hertlein and Strong, 1940, Zoologica, New York Zool. Soc., vol. XXV, pt. 4, p. 381 for synonymy, pi. 1, figs. 4, 5 Nucula suprastriata Carpenter, ms. type U. S. Nat. Museum, No. 23247 nnmcn nudum; Red- path Museum, no. 15373 Not Nucula suprastriata Arnold, 1903, p. 96, pi. XVIII, fig. 6 Nucula exiqua suprastriata Arnold, Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 207, p. 78 in part As Grant and Gale (1931) and Schenck (1939) determined, Arnold (1903) must be credited with the name Nucula suprastriata and not Carpenter. The Pleistocene specimen figured by Arnold is the holotype (lost) of that species. There is a manuscript type, no. 23247 in the U. S. Nat. Museum, of N. suprastriata con- sisting of two specimens labelled, "Catalina 30 fms. Cooper." The shells are opposite valves with the margins broken. The smaller and more complete of the two is figured herein. The photo shows the amount of reticulation in the sculpture. On the larger fragment the reticula- tion is stronger near the margin. The specimen figured falls within the measurements of A'', exiqua Sowerby as enumerated by Schenck, but the length of the second type would reach at least 6 mm. There are in the Redpath Aluseum 6 specimens (including both valves), no. 15373, labelled "Nucula suprastriata Catalina Is. 30 fm. Cooper type," in Carpenter's hand- writing. The name of Carpenter has no nomenclatural status, and as suggested by .Schenck the Recent specimens of Carpenter probably belong to A'^. exiqua Sowerby.^ Schenck limited N. suprastriata Arnold to the Pleistocene forms. Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew suggested that the California Recent and Pleistocene shells be separated from the living southern N. exiqua as a subspecies. The figures and notes of the original specimens of "N. suprastriata Carpenter, ms." are included, because the name has been brought into literature by authors with conjecture as to its proper identity. Family Nuculanidae (Ledidae) Genus Nuculana Link, 1807 (Leda Schumacher, 1817) Nuculana 1.JNK, 1807, Beschreib. Nat.-Samml. Univ. Rostock, p. 155 Type species by monotypy, N. rostrata (Gmelin), 1791, Systenia Naturae, 13th ed., p. 3308; referred also to Chemnitz, lo 1784, Neues Syst. Conchyl.-Cab., Bd. 7, p. 206, tab. 55, figs. 550, 551 = Area pernula Muller, 1779, Beschaft. Berl. Ges. Naturf. Freunde, v. 4, p. 57. Recent. Circumpolar. Reeve, 1871, Conch. Icon., Laeda, vol. 18, pi. 2, fig. 5a-c; Sars, 1878, pi. 5, figs. 1 a-d exterior and interior Subgenus Thestyleda Iredale, 1929 Thestyleda Iredale, 1929, Rec. Australian Mus., vol. 17, no. 4, p. 158, 187 Type species by original designation, Leda ratnsayi E. A. Smith, 1885, Challenger Rept., Zool., vol. XIII, p. 241, pi. XX, figs. 3-3a. Recent. Off Sydney, New South Wales, 950 fathoms Nuculana (Thestyleda) hamata (Carpenter) (PI. 2, figs. 4-6) Leda hamata Carpenter, 1864b, p. 612, 644; Reprint, 1872, p. 98, 130; 1866, Feb., California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 210; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, ^Type locality, "Bay of Caraccas," [Ecuador]. Carpenter, (1857b, p. 168), located the Bay of Caraccas in Ecuador, at .5°S. It is not to be confused with Caracas, Venezuela, or Curagao. The original notes of Sowerby stated, "Hab. ad Columbiam Occidentalem (Bay of Caraccas)." See also synonymy, Hertlein and Strong, 1940, p. 381. ^''Chemnitz did not use rostrata in a binomial sense but referred to species as "Area Mar- tini rostrata, . . ." which does not allow Chemnitz authorship of the species Area rostrata. See also Opinion 184, Int. Com. Zool. Nomen., vol. 3, pt. 3, 1944. 62 MARINE MOLLTTSCA DESCRIBED BY P, P. CARPENTER p. 12; SowEiiBY, 1871, Conch. Icon., Laeda, vol. 18, species 56, pi. 9, fig. 56 exterior ; Dall, 1902, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 24, p. 558, pi. XL, fig. 9 exterior; Arnold, 1903, p. 97, pi. 17, fig. 4; Packard, 1918, Univ. California, Pub. Zool., vol. 14, p. 247, pi. 14, fig. 5 exterior; Dall, 1921, p. 11; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 7, pi. 25, fig. 4 copy Dall ; 1924b, p. 23, pi. 6, fig. 4 copy Dall, pi. Z7, fig. 5 exterior Nuciilana hamata (Carpenter), Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 125, pi. 1, figs. 14, 15 exterior; Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 43, 44, fig. 18 copy Dall; Keen, 1937, p. 22 Nucnlana (Thcstyleda) hamata (Carpenter), Hertlein and Strong, 1940, Zoologica, New York, Zool. Soc., vol. XXV, pt. 4, p. 400, pi. II, fig. 14 exterior; Burch, 1944, no. 33, p. 11; 1945, no. 45, p. 4; Abbott, 1954, p. 339, fig. 26d "Santa Barbara ; Cat. Is., 20-60 fms. ; common."- [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 612] "Like Steenstrupi and permdoides, but very hooked, sculpture strong. 20-60 fm. c. Cp." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 644] "L.t. "L. caudatae simili, sed valde hamata ; planata, valde inaequilaterali ; umbonibus angustioribus, laevibus, ad trientem sitis ; niargiiiilnis, dors. post, niaxime incurvato, ant. parum, veritr. valde excurvatis ; parte postica valde rostrata, rostro biangulato, curvato, an- gustiore, biangulata; sulcis et costis valdis, concentricis, supra rostrum rontinuis, dorsum ver- sus postice obsoletis. "Long. 0.37, lat. 0.10, alt. 0.10. "State Collection, No. 984." [Carpenter, 1866a, p. 210] The type material is in the U. S. National Museum, Cat. 107420, and consists of specimens in two vials. One vial contains two valves loose and two broken opposite valves. They have a label "Cp 984" which is the original "State Collection" number. The entire valves measure 9 mm., length; 5 mm., height; 1 mm., thickness (one valve) which corresponds fairly closely to Carpenter's measurements; 9.39 mm., long.; [lat. 0.10]"; 2.5 mm., t. (both valves), and also to the length indicated by Dall. The other vial in the same suite contains a double speci- men with the label "type fig'd." The specimens measure 10 mm., length; 5 mm., height; 2j^ mm., thickness (both valves). The label suggests that it was the specimen figured by Dall, but the measurement given by Dall is closer to that of the other specimen (Cp. 984). According to the U. S. National Museum Catalogue, No. 107420 should include only one specimen. This suggests that the original specimen is the broken shell aiid that the complete specimens were added later, ix)ssibly by Dall who figured one. The specimen (pi. 2, fig. 6) is, therefore, chosen as the lectotype. Although the exterior of the shells of this species has been frequently illustrated, the in- terior has not been figured heretofore. Dall (1916a, p. 397) named a subspecies limata off Santa Rosa, California. Lectotype.— {J. S. National Museum, No. 107420 ["Cp. 984"] Distribution.— Recent. Catalina Island, California 20-60 fathoms (type) ; Santa Barbara, California; off Farallon Islands, 39-815 fathoms (Packard); off San Juan, Washington, 25-35 fathoms (Oldroyd) ; east of Cedros Island, Mexico, 45 fathoms (Hertlein and Strong). Pleistocene. California (Arnold; Oldroyd, 1924). Pliocene. California (Arnold) Family Arcidae Genus Barbatia Gray, 1842 Barbatia Gray, 1842, Synopsis of the Contents of the British Museum, ed. 44, p. 81 ; 1847, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, p. 197 Type species by subsequent designation. Gray, 1847, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, p. 197, Area barbata Linnaeus, 1758, p. 693. Recent. Mediterranean. Bucquoy, Dautzenberg, and Dollfus, 1891, Moll. Marins du Roussillon, t. 2, fasc 18, pi. 32 figs. 1-5; Rein hart, 1935, Bull. Musee roy. d'Hist. Nat. Belgique, t. XI, no. 13, p. 20, pi. 1, figs, b, b' Barbatia pernoides (Carpenter) (PI. 1, figs. 4, 5) Area pernoides Carpenter, 1856, Rept. British Assoc. Adv. Sci., p. 283, 310, 351 Byssoarca pernoides Gould and Carpenter, 1856, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, p. 202; Car- PENTKR, 1860, Smith. Misc Coll., v. 2, art. 6, checklist no. 1, p. 2; Reinhart, 1943, Geol. Soc Amcr., Sp. Paper 47, p. 35, 36 "Appears to be an error here, for the height of the shell would not equal the thickness as indicated by Carpenter. PELECYPODA 63 Barbatia pcrnoides (Carpenter), 1864b, p. 616; Reprint, 1872, p. 102 error original label; Maury, 1922, Paleont. Amer., vol. I, no. 4, p. 40 Acar pernoides (Carpenter), Stroxg, 1932, Nautilus, vol. XLVI, no. 1, p. 28 in part Not Barbartia {Acar) pernoides (Carpenter), Reixhart, 1939, San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., Trans., vol. IX, no. 10, p. 42, pi. 3. fig. 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d = A. bailyi Bartsch, 1931, U. S. Nat. Mus.,vol.80,no.2909,p. 2, pi. 1, 5 central figures Barbatia ? pernoides (Carpenter), Reinhart, 1943, Geol. Soc. Amer., Sp. Paper 47, p. 82. Area (Acar) pcrnoides Carpenter, Burch, 1944, no. 34, p. 6, in part, not fig. Not Area pernoides Carpenter, Burch, 1945, no 45, p. 5 := ^. bailyi Bartsch; Burch, 1947, no. 75, p. 6 "1 valve. 'Lieut. Webb.'" [Carpenter, 1857b, p. 283] "B. t. subquadrata, planata, albida, epidermide spongiosa fusca induta ; striis exilibus, radiantibus, confertissimis ; minutissime tuberculosis; umbonibus obtusis, antice sitis, area parva; intus linea dentium niaxinie arcuata, dentibus extremis validis. interioribus parvis, confertis, quadratis ; cicatr. muse, rotundatis, iwlitis ; pagina interna, intra lineam pallii, radia- tim striata ; margine simplici ; ligamento fossis quadratis minutis confertis, baud dentibus convenientibus, sito, aream quoque tegente. "Long. .68, lat. .53, alt. .32. "Hab. San Diego (Dr. Webb). Valv. unic. in Mus. Gould. "Somewhat resemlDling the fine variety of B. solida, but squarer, and known at once by the teeth and ligament. This is (under the glass) in minute pits, as in Isot/nomon, but with an extra layer covering the whole area." [Gould and Carpenter, 1856c, p. 202] The critical reference in regard to this form is that of Carpenter (1864b, p. 616), in which he noted that the specimen, as well as that of 13 other names, had never been collected by Dr. Cooper or by members of the California Survey. In regard to B. pcrnoides Carpenter added that it was "ver}^ probably an error in Dr. Gould's label." In a letter from J. G. Cooper to Carpenter dated March 14, 1864^2 Cooper included a list of molluscan species which did not occur on the California coast. "Byssoarca pcrnoides" was one of them. This shell is undoubtedly extraneous, and Carpenter was right in assigning the label of "San Diego" as an error. There is a right valve in the Carpenter Collection in the Redpath Museum which has the label "Barbatia ? pernoides Cpr. PZS 1856, p. 202 ? Panama." The shells measure 17 mm. length, 12 mm. height, and 5 mm. thickness. Carpenter's measurements of the holotype would be 17.2 mm. length, 13.4 mm. width, and 8.3 mm. thick- ness.^^ With the exception of the thickness the shell measures practically the same. It could well be the shell Carpenter described. In lieu of any authentic specimen this individual could serve as a neotype. A specimen labelled as type has not been found. The above-mentioned specimen is illustrated herein. This is not the A. pernoides illustrated by Burch nor speci- mens which the writer has obtained from collectors labelled "A. pernoides Strong." Those shells are much smaller and are different generically. They are the Acar bailyi Bartsch. B. pcrnoides belongs more to the subgenus Oliquarca Sacco, 1898, by the arrangement of the ligamental area than it does to Barbatia, s.s. (Reinhart, 1935, p. 24, pi. II, figs. d,d'). Holotype. — not found Specimen figured. — Redpath Museum Distribution. — Correct locality unknown; not "San Diego;" ? Panama (Carpenter) Family Glycymeridae Genus Glycymeris da Costa, 1778 Glycymcris da Costa. 1778, Historia Naturalis Testacerorum Britanniae, p. 168-170 Type species by tautonymy. Area glycymcris Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., p. 695 ; LixxAEUES, 1767, Syst. Nat., p. 1143, no. 181. Recent. English Coasts. Reeve, 1843, Conch. Icon., Pectunculus, vol. 1, pi. Ill, figs. 12a-b Glycymeris subobsoleta (Carpenter) (PI. 1, figs. 8-10) Axincica (? septentrionalis, Middl. var.) subobsoleta Carpenter, 1864b Aug., p. 627, 644; ^-In collection of Carpenteria. Redpath Museum, McGill University. i^See introduction to systematic descriptions. Carpenter's measurements would be multi- plied by 25.3 mm. or 25.4 mm. 64 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Reprint, 1872, p. 113, 130; 1864d, Dec, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIV, p. 425; Reprint, 1872, p. 237; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 11 Glycymcris subobsolcta (Carpenter), P.-\ckard, 1918, Univ. California Pub. Zoology, vol. 14, p. 250, original Latin description translated; D.\ix, 1921, p. 15; Oldroyd, 1924, Univ. Washington, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 14 translation; 1924b, p. 42, in part, not pi. 40, figs. 8, 9, original description and translation ; Keen, 1937, p. 21 ; Willett, (1943) 1944, Southern California Acad. Sci., vol. XLII, pt. 3, p. 108, 111, pi. 12, figs. 1-3; BuRCH, 1944, no. 34, p. 4; Burch, 1945, no. 45, p. 5; Burch, 1946, no. 59, pi. XIII, f^g. 41 Glycymcris scptentrionalis (MiddendorfT) variety subobsolcta (Carpenter), Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 134 in part "Sculpture much fainter than in Midd.'s fig." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 644] A copy of the original description is in Oldroyd (1924b) with a translation in Packard (1921) u'hich was reprinted in Oldroyd (1924; 1924b, vol. I). The following original lines should be added to those printed by Oldroyd to make tlie copy complete : "Hah. Neeah Bay (Szvan) ; Shoalwater Bay (Cooper). "Middendorff's shell is figured with much stronger ribs, but may have been described from decorticated specimens." [Carpenter, 1864d, p. 237] Correct line seven to read : "validis" for "validid" Even allowing for variation, the specimens illustrated by Oldroyd seem to have several points of difference with the types. In review of this species the Oldroyd shell would bear critical examination. Willett (1944, p. Ill) diagnosed a change in the shell of the species of southern California. The syntypes consist of two specimens labelled "Cotypes Neeah Bay, W. T., J. G. Swan." Synfyf>es.-~\J. S. National Museum, No. 15594, two specimens Distribution. — Recent. Neah Bay, Washington (type) ; Aleutian Islands, Alaska, to Lower California (Burch, 1945). Pleistocene. Southern California (Grant and Gale, 1931). Family Limopsidae Genus Huxleyia A. Adams, 1860 Huxleyia A. Adams, 1860, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser 3, vol. 5, p. 303 Not preoccupied by Huxlcya^'* Dyster, 1858, or of Ci-aparede and Lachmann, 1858 (for references see Neave, 1939-1940). Cyrilla A. Adams, 1860, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. 5, p. 478 was a substitute name for Huxleyia given by Adams who thought Hux- leyia was preoccupied by Huxleya. H. viunita (Carpenter), herein discussed, has been known as Cyrilla miinita. Type species by monotypy, Huxleyia sulcata A. Adams, 1860, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. 5, p. 303. Recent. Straits of Korea. A. Adams, 1868, Jour, de Conchyl., vol. XVI, p. 42, pi. IV, fig. Huxleyia munita (Dall) (PI. 1, f^gs. 1-3) Plcurodon (Cyrilla') munita Carpenter, Dai.l, 1898, Wagner Free Inst. Sci. Philadcljjhia, Trans., vol." Ill, pt. IV, p. 599, 602; Dall, 1921, p. 14; Oldroyd, 1924b, p. 36 munitum Nucidina munita (Carpenter, Dall), Lamy, 1912, Bull. Mus. Nat. d'Hist. nat., vol. 18, no. 7, p. 430, 431 Nucula petriola Dall, 1916, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 52, p. 395 holotype figured by ScHENCK, 1939, Jour. Paleont., vol. 13, no. 1, pi. 6, figs. 14, 15, under Cyrilla munita; Oldroyd, 1924b, p. 12 Nucinella munita (Dall), Keen, 1937, p. 23, p. 20 under Cyrilla Cyrilla munita (Dall), Schenck, 1939, Jour. Paleont., vol. 13, no. 1, p. 39, pi. 6, figs. 14, 15; Hertlein and Strong, 1940, Zoologica, New York Zool. Soc, vol. XXV, p. 419 "Car- penter in Dall"; Burch, 1944, no. 33, p. 13; 1945, no. 45, p. 4; Schenck, 1945, Jour. Paleont., vol. 19, no. 6, p. 516, pi. 66, figs. 13-16; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew^, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 207, p. 78; Howard, 1953, Wasmann, Jour. Biol., vol. 11, no. 2, p. 235, figs. C, D Nucinella (Huxleyia) munita Dall, Vokes, 1956, Jour. Paleont., vol. 30, no. 3, p. 667 i^Action by Inter. Zool. Com. Zool. Nomen., 1953. Hemming, Copenhagen Dec. Zool. Nomen., 1953. p. 78, Art. 34 revoking Int. Rules Zool. Nomen. Opin. 147; see Bull. Zool. Nomen., vol. 4, 1950, pt. 4-6, p. 161 162. Vokes, 1956, p. 767. PELECYPODA 65 This species was not described by Carpenter. The syntypes consisting of three specimens are in the U. S. National Museum. These were specimens Cooper collected and Carpenter labelled. Dall used Carpenter's name in 1898 and referred to the species as of Carpenter. Others have followed Dall (Howard, 1953). The species name should be credited to Dall only. There are in the Redpath Museum no. 15374 two specimens labelled "Nuculina munita Catalina Is. 30 fm. Cooper type." These specimens cannot be termed syntypes because Dall did not have access to them when he described the species. They would be valuable topotypes because they came from the Cooper collection. H. munita is not typical Huxleyia, but it belongs in that genus more than in Nucinella. The species lacks anterior teeth. Oldroyd repeated Dall's description of the species (Oldroyd, p. 36). Rehder and Schenck pointed out that Niicula petriola Dall is synonymous with C. munita. Howard (1953) reported the species to be viviparous. Syntypes. — U. S. National Museum, no. 23243, three specimens, label "30 fms. Cooper, Catalina Is." Distribution. — Recent. Catalina Island, 30 fathoms (type) ; Santa Rosa Island, California, 53 fathoms (H. petriola) ; Santa Rosa Island, California to ? Lat. 34° S. (Hertlein and Strong). Pleistocene (Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew) Genus Philobrya Cooper, 1867 Bryophila Carpenter, 1864, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIII, p. 314; Reprint, 1872, p. 212. Not Bryophila Treitschke, 1825 (see Neave, 1939-1940) Philobrya Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 12; Carpenter, Reprint, 1872, Smith. Misc. Coll., no. 252, index, p. 21 Type by monotypy, P. sctosa (Carpenter), Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. Cali- fornia, p. 12. Recent Forrester Island, Alaska, to Gulf of California (PI. 1, figs. 11-16) The name Philobrya was constructed by Carpenter and intended by him as a substitute for his preoccupied term Bryophila. Carpenter first published the name Philobrya in the in- dex (1872) to the Smithsonian Reprint of many of his papers. Carpenter has always been credited as author of the generic name. However, as sometimes happens by an interchange of unpublished names between workers. Carpenter's replacement name of Philobrya was first published by Cooper (1867). Cooper, is, therefore, the author of the name. There is no indi- cation in the Cooper list that the name is a manuscript name of Carpenter, so that there is no authority for crediting "Carpenter in Cooper." Cotton and Godfrey (1938) placed this genus in the special family Philobryidae. Philobrya setosa (Carpenter) (PI. 1, figs. 11-16) Bryophila setosa Carpenter, 1864, April, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIII, p. 314; Reprint, 1872, p. 212; 1864b, Aug., p. 538, 612, 618, 645; Reprint, 1872, p. 24, 98, 104, 131 Philobrya setosa Carpenter, Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 12; Carpenter, Reprint, 1872, index, p. 21 ; Dall, 1895, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. XVIII, p. 17; Bernard, 1897, Jour, de Conchyl., vol. XLV, p. 10, text fig. 1-4, pi. 1, fig. 1 ; Dall, 1921, p. 17; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 15 translation; 1924b, p. 49, pi. 54, figs. 32-35 ; original description and translation ; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 149; Keen, 1937, p. 24; Burch, 1944, no. 34, p. 10; 1945, no. 45, p. 6; 1946, no. 59, pi. XI, fig. 34; Howard, 1953, Wasmann, Jour. Biol., vol. 11, no. 2, p. 234, 235, fig. A, B The original description (with translation) of this interesting species has been given by Oldroyd, and details of the hinge have been discussed and illustrated by Bernard. The following original lines should be added to the copy by Oldroyd to make it complete : "Long. 13, lat. .2, alt. .1 poll. "Like a minute Pinna, or a transverse Margaritiphora without ears, or an Isognonion with- out pits. Differs from the other Aviculids in being viviparous, like some other minute bivalves." [Carpenter, 1864a, p. 314] Line 4, correct "rectus" to read "rectis"; line 8, space following "marginem" 66 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRTBED P.V V. V] CARPENTER The type collection in the U. S. National Museum consists of 9 double specimens still on the original glass mounting of Carpenter with Carpenter's label "type" "C. S. Lucas." Howard (1939) added further evidence to Carpenter's statement that the species is viviparous but agreed witli Bernard that it is not parasitic as supposed by Dall. Dimensions. — Length, 4 mm.; width, 3 mm. largest syntype; length, 1 mm.; width, .75 ±. mm. next to smallest syntype Synty{yes. — U. S. National Museum, no. 16187 Distribution. — Recent. Cape St. Lucas, Lower California (Xantus) (type) ; Santa Barbara, " 20 fm. Cp." (Carpenter) ; for California collecting data, see Burch, 1944, no. 34, p. 10) ; Forrester Island, Alaska, to Gulf of California (Dall). Pleistocene. San Pedro cut, Los Angeles County, California (Grant and Gale; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew) Family Ostreidae Genus Ostrea^^ Linnaeus, 1758 Ostrea Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Natur., 10th ed., p. 696 Type species by subsequent designation. Children, 1823, vol. XV, p. 44, pi. Ill, fig. 94, 94a ; Kennard, Salisbury, and Wuodward, 1931, Lamarck's Gen. Shells, p. 15; O. cdulis LiNNEAUs, 1758, Syst. Natur. 10th ed., p. 699. Recent. Europe. Sowerby, in Reeve, 1870, Conch. Icon., vol. 18, Ostrea, pi. V, figs. 8a-f., Bucquoy, Dautzenberg, and Dollfus, 1887, Moll. Marins du Rousillon, t. II, pi. 1, figs. 1-4; pi. 2, figs. 1-6 van; pi. 4, figs. 1-4 var. ; pi. 5, figs. 1^ var. Ostrea conchaphila Carpenter Ostrea conchaphila Carpenter, 1857, Rept. British Assoc. Adv. Sci. 1856, p. 198, 233, 250, 277, 282, 312, 351, 353, 365 [?] ; 1857, Cat. Mazatlan Shells, p. 161; 1856 [1857]i6 Zool. Soc. London, Proc, pt. XXIV, p. 220 in part; 1860, Smith, Misc. Coll., vol. 2, art. 6, p. 2: 1863, Zool. Soc. London. Proc, p. 2,62,; Reprint, 1872, p. 199; 1864b, p. 552, 592, 646, 665, 666; Reprint, 1872, p. 38, T^, 132, 151, 152; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 13; Sowerby, in Reeve, 1871, Conch. Icon., vol. 18, Ostrea, pi. XXVIII, figs. 69 a, b, c; Cooper, 1888, 7tli AniL Rept. California State Min. Bur., p. 256; Burch, 1944, no. 34, p. 11 ; Burch, 1945, no. 45, p. 6; Palmer, 1951, New York State Mus., Bull, no. 342, p. 29; Hertlein and Strong, 1955, Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., Bull., vol. 107, art. 2, p. 179, pi. 3, figs. 29, 30 Although the rajige of this species extends into the California territory, the type is from the Mazatlan fauna. The illustration of the type, therefore, belongs with the figuring of the Mazatlan Catalogue and further discussion is retained for that report. Holotype. — British Museum (Natural History) Distribution. — Mazatlan, Mexico (type) ; Redondo Beach, California, to Panama (Burch, 1945) Ostrea lurida Carpenter (PI. 5, figs. 4-6) Ostrea lurida Carpenter, 1864b, p. 599, 606, 615, 645; Reprint, 1872, p. 85, 92, 101, 131; 1865, Jour, de Conchyl., 13, p. 137; Reprint, 1872, p. 305; 1860, Smith. Misc. Coll., vol. 2, art. 6, p. 2 "[luridaX' ; Cooper, 1867, (ieog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 12; ? Sowerby in Reeve, 1871, Conch. Icon., vol. 18, Ostrea, pi. IX, fig. 15; Arnold, 1903, p. 102; Dall, 1914, Nautilus, vol. 28, no. 1, p. 2 and varieties; Packard, 1918, Univ. Cali- fornia Pub. Zool., vol. 14. no. 2, p. 251, pi. 14, figs. 10a, lOh; pi. 42 ,San Franci.sco Bay stations; Dall, 1921, p. 18; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 16; Oldroyd, 1924b, p. 50, pi. 37, figs. 10a, 10b; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 151 see for ex- tended synonymy; Coe, 1931, Science, vol. 74, no. 1914, p. 247-249; Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 49; Howard, 1935, California oil fields, vol. 20, no. 4, pi. 7, fig. 5 Pliocene; Henderson, 1935, Geol. Soc. Amer., Sp. Paper, no. 3, p. 57; Keen, 1937, p. 23; Keen and Bentson, 1944, Geol. Soc. Amer., Sp. Paper, no. 56, p. 77; Burch, 1944, no. 34, p. 11, fig. p. 12; Finch, 1953, California Dept. Fish Game Marine Fish., Fish Bull. no. 90, p. 38, fig. 4; Abbott, 1954, p. 374, pi. 29, fig. f 1° Placed in official list by Int. Com. Zool. Nomen., Opinion 94 ^•^ Title page of volume is dated 1856, but the article was pulilishcd in 1857, because in the paper Carpenter refers to Maxatlan Catalogue (1857) PELECyPODA 67 Monocciostrae vancouvcrcnsis Ortox, 1928, Nature, vol. 121, no. 3044, p. 320-321 suggested new name The list of references for this common West Coast oyster is not intended to be complete. "Ostrea edulis, Coop, [non Linn. : = O. lurida, Cpr.] De Fuca and Puget Sound, Gibbs ; Shoalwater Bay, Cooper. 'Small in Puget Sound; finer in Shoalwater Bay, which supplies S. Francisco market ; large at Vancouver's Island ; very large near mouth of Hood's Canal.' " [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 599] "Ostrea lurida. Esquimalt Harb., Lord. Dredged-up by Indians in small handnets with long handles, in 2-3 fm., on mud-flats." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 606] "Ostrea. The same species throughout to S. Franc: S. Diego, Cooper. [Besides the typi- cal northern shell, O. lurida, are well-marked ? var. laticaudata, riifoides, and expansa.]" [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 615] "Ostrea lurida, n.s. Shape of edulis: texture dull, lurid, olivaceous, with purple stains. 2-3 fm. on mud flats. Lord." [Carpenter, 1964b, p. 645] Oldroyd gave the first paragraph of Carpenter's original description. The remainder fol- lows herewith : "Animal flavore cupreo tinctum. "Var. laticaudata, Nutt. ms. : t. omnino purpurea, margine producto, nndato ; cardincm versus, denticulis conspicuis instructo. "Hab. Vancouver Is., a 2-3 toises sur fond de vase, Lord; Shoalwater Bay, Cooper; Neeah Bay et Tatooche Is., Sivan (Var.) Monterey, Ntittall. "Les Huitres de Californie, dans leur etat ordinaire, comme on les trouve au Shoalwater Bay (Oregon), ont a peu pres la couleur et I'aspect de petites Etheries. Les individus des mers plus chaudes ont Fair d'etre tres-distincts ; mais, d'apres le docteur Cooper, qui a une grande experience de la matiere, ce ne sent que des varietes. Je ne pouvais pas prendre pour nom specifique celui que le professeur Nuttall avait donne en manuscript a une forme acci- dentelle. Quant aux autres formes, assez constantes dans leurs diverses localites, je leur ai donne des noms qui pourront servir a les designer soit comme especes, soit comme varietes, lorsque, plus tard, la connaissance d'un plus grand nombre d'individus permettra d'avoir une opinion definitive en ce que les concerne. La variete rujoides a beaucoup de I'aspect de VO. Virginica (Maz. Cat, no. 212). Elle etat designee sous le nom ? rufa par le docteur Gould; mais je suis porte a croire que I'espece de Lamarck est une variete des Huitres Atlantiques, attendu que les coquilles de la haute Californie n'etaieiit pas connues a I'epoque ou il a ecrit." [Carpenter, 1865g, p. 137] Of the material from several localities listed originally by Carpenter, two specimens from "Shoalwater Bay," collected by Cooper and labelled as type by Carpenter, are in the Redpath Museum at McGill University. Shoalwater, Willapa Harbor, Washington, therefore, becomes the type locality. The types have a greenish hue on the interior of the shell. The specimen figured by Sowerby in Conchologica Iconica as O. lurida and said to come from ]Mazatlan is typical in shape, but either the locality or specific determination is in- correct. Syntypcs. — Redpath Museum, No. 125 Distribution. — Recent. [Cape] Shoalwater ["Bay"] northern Willapa Harbor, Washing- ton (type) ; Sitka, Alaska, to Cape San Lucas, Lower California (Dall). Individual records may be referred to under Williamson (1892), Arnold (1903), Packard (1914). Grant and Gale (1931) list reference for ? Miocene-Pleistocene, but Keen and Bentson (1944) vouch only for Howard (1935) Pliocene. Pleistocene, San Pedro sand, Palos Verdes Hills, Cali- fornia, Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew (1946, p. 81). Ostrea lurida forma expansa Carpenter Ostrea lurida var. expansa Carpexter, 1864b, p. 615, 646; Reprint, 1872, p. 101, 132; 1865, Jour, de Conchyl., XIII, p. 138; Reprint, 1872, p. 306; Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 164 in part; Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 15. p. 193; Keep, 1911, West Coast Shells, p. 56; Dall, 1921, p. 18; Oldroyd, 1924, p. 50; Baily, 1935 West Coast Shells, (Keep) p. 49; Keen, 1937, p. 23; Burch, 1944, no. 34, p. 11 ; Burch, 1945, no. 45, p. 6 Ostrea {conchaph. var?) expansa Carpenter, Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. AIoll., Geol. Sur. Cali- fornia, p. 13 68 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER "Ostrca .... [Besides the typical northern shell O. liirida, are well-marked ? vars., lati- caudata, rufoidcs, and expansa]. [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 615] "Ostrca ? var. expansa. Flat, affixed to whole surface, like Columbiensis. Round, or winged to left, or right, or both, like Malleus. Also passes into 167. Ostrea conchaphila, Cpr. Maz. Cat. no. 214. From Southern fauna.'' [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 646] " ? Var. expansa : t. omnino planata, per totam superficiem affixa ; extus, marginem versus laminata, purpureo radiata ; intus, olivaceo-rufa, ligamento parvo, in medio undato, solidiore. "Hab. S. Pedro, Cooper." [Carpenter, 1865g, p. 138] The types of this fnriua have not been founfl. The Carpenter Collection in the Redpath Museum includes one double and an additional valve labelled by Carpenter from San Pedro, collected by Cooper. Since these are topotypes and in addition were collected by the original discoverer and identified by the original describer, one might well be selected as a neotype. They are flat, thin, and have a yellow hue. Dimensions. — Length 55mm. ; height 52 mm. Type. — Not found Distribution. — Recent. San Pedro, California (type) ; between San Pedro and San Diego, California (Carpenter) ; Monterey to San Diego, California (Burch) Ostrea lurida forma laticaudata Carpenter Ostrea lurida var. laticaudata Carpenter, 1864b, p. S27, 615, 646, Reprint. 1872, p. 13, 101, 132; 1865. Jour, de Conchyl., vol. 13, ser. 3, vol. V, p. 137, Reprint, 1872, p. 305; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 13; Keen, 1937, p. 23; Burch, 1944, no. 34, p. 11; Burch, 1945, no. 45, p. 6; Hertlein and Strong, 1946, Zoologica, New York Zool. Soc., vol. 31, pt. 2, p. 55 form usually referred to as O. palmxda Carpenter, see Dall, 1921, p. 18; Oldroyd, 1924, p. 51; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 152 in part For Carpenter's remarks (1864b, p. 615) see under O. lurida expansa. "Ostrea var. laticaudata, Nutt. MS. Purple, winged, waved: denticles near hinge. Passes towards pahnula, Maz. Cat. No. 214, b." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 646] See also the original description of O. lurida. Type. — Not found^'^ Distribution. — Puget Sound, Washington, to Gulf of California (Burch). (Type locality, southern part of range of the species, Station?) Ostrea lurida forma rufoides Carpenter Ostrea lurida var. rufoides Carpenter, 1864b, p. 592, 615, 646; Reprint, 1872, p. 78, 101, 132; 1865, Jour, de Conchyl., vol. XIII, p. 138; Reprint, 1872, p. 306; Keep, 1911, West Coast Shells, p. 56; Dall, 1914, Nautilus, vol. 28, no. 1, p. 2; Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 49; Burch. 1944, no. 34, p. 11 color form O. lurida Ostrea (Conchoph. var. ?) rufoides Carpenter, Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 13 . . „ " Another species, elongated, solid, allied to Virginica var. [rufoides]. San Diego.' [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 592] "Ostrea ? var. rufoides = rtifa, Gld. (non Lam.). Passing toward Virginica, jun. Thm, with umbos hollowed: reddish in scar-region. Also fossil." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 646] "? Var. rufoides: t. 'O. Virginicae' jun. simili ; sed tenuissima, luteo-rufa, intus rufo tincta ; umbonibus concavis. "Hab. S. Diego, Cassidy, Cooper. Fossile a San Pablo, 20 pieds au-dessus de la haute maree, Newberry." [Carpenter, 1865g, p. 138] In the Carpenter Collection in the Redpath Aluseum are the following three suites of specimens labelled by Carpenter as this forma. The characters of the specimens correspond to the original remarks, but (3) is the only one which might be of the original collection. (1) Glass mount of 5 specimens ; San Diego Bay, 8 fathoms Hemphill (2) Glass mount of 6 specimens ; Catalina Island, 30 fathoms Cooper (3) Glass mount of specimen ; fossil ; San Pablo ; New'berry i^Not in British Museum (Natural History) (G. L. Wilkins, Mollusca Section, May 22, 1930, personal communication). PELECYPODA 69 Number (3) is probably the specimen listed by Carpenter in the original description ("also fossil"). If this specimen were not the fossil and in this case the supplementary mater- ial, it would be the logical specimen for the neotype. It seems better to select a Recent speci- men for that category. In choosing a neotype from this material, one must balance the rela- tive merits of suites (1) and (2). Specimens of (1) are topotypes but not by the original collector (Cassidy, Cooper), whereas specimens from (2) are by the original collector but not from the type locality. The Redpath Museum Collection is so far the only one which has yielded specimens identified by Carpenter. The U. S. National Museum does not contain specimens of the forma collected by Cassidy, Cooper, or Blake (H. A. Rehder, May 29, 1950, personal communication). Type. — Not found Type locality. — San Diego, California Family Pectinidae Genus Pecten'^s Miiller 1776 Pccten MiJLLER, 1776, Zoologiae Danicae Prodromus, p. XXXI, 248 Type species by subsequent designation, Schmidt, 1818, Versuch. Conch-Samml., p. 67, Os- trea maxima Lixxaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., p. 696. Recent. Northern Europe. Reeve, 1852, Conch. Icon., vol. 8. Pecten, pi. IX, fig. 38 Subgenus Chlamys Reeding in Bolten, 1798 Chlamys Roedixg in Bolten, 1798, Mus. Boltenianum, pars 2, p. 161 Type species by subsequent designation, Herrmannsex, 1846, Indicis Gen. Malacozoorum, vol. 1, p. 231, Pccten islandiciis (Linnaeus) = Ostrea islandicus Gmelix, 1791, Syst. Nat., 13 ed., p. 3326 = Pccten islandicus Muller, 1776, Zool. Danicae Prod., p. 248. Living. Circumboreal. Greenland to Cape Cod. Arctic to Puget Sound. Abbott, American Sea Shells, p. 365. pi. 27, fig. L Pecten (Chlamys) rubidus Hinds (PI. 3, figs. 4-6) Pecten rubidus Hixds, 1844, Zool. Voy. Sulphur, Moll., p. 61, pi. 17, fig. 5; Reeve, 1853, Conch. Icon., vol. 8, Pecten, pi. XXIII, fig. 90. Not P. rubidus Martyx, 1784, Universal Couchologist Pecten Fabricii Gould not Philippi, Carpexter, 1864b, p. 574; Reprint, 1872, p. 60 Pectai Hindsii Carpexter, 1864b, p. 574, 606, 645 ; Reprint, 1872, p. 60, 92, 131 ; 1865, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 17, p. 58, ? var. Pecten hastatus var. Hindsii Carpenter, Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 12 _ Pecten hericeus var. hindsii Carpenter, Whiteaves, 1887, Roy. Soc. Canada, Trans., vol. 4, sec. 4, p. 119; D.\ll, 1898, Wagner Free Inst. Sci. Philadelphia, Trans., vol. Ill, pt. IV, p. 709 Pecten hericeus var. navarchus Dale, 1898, Wagner Free Inst. Sci. Philadelphia, Trans., vol. Ill, pt. IV, p. 708, new name for P. rubidus Hinds, 1844 Pecten (Chlamys) hastatus Sowerby var. Hindsii Carpenter, Arxold, 1906, U. S. Nat. Mus., Prof. Paper, no. 47, p. Ill, pi. XLIII, figs. 1, 2, 2a Not ? Pecten (Chlamys) Hiiidsii Carpenter, Dautzexberg axd Bavary, 1912, Siboga Exped., Les Lamellibranches, LI II b, p. 12 Pecten (Chla)nys) /lindsii Carpenter, Dall, 1914, Nautilus, vol. 27, no. 11, p. 122; 1921, p. 709 in part; Oi.droyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 17, pi. 23, figs. 3, 4; Oldkoyd, 1924b, p. 53, pi. 7, figs. 3, 4; Burch, 1944, no. 35, p. 6; Burch, 1945, no. 45, p. 6 "Pecten rubidus Hinds," Keep, 1911, W^est Coast Shells, p. 41 Pecten islandicus Miiller variety hindsii Carpenter, Graxt axd Gale, 1931, p. 163 in part; Woodrixg, Bramlette, axd Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 207, p. 80 Pecten hindsii navarchus Dall, Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 52 ". . . Non P. Fabricii Gld. = P. Hindsii, jun." [Carpenter 1864b, p. 574] "'Pecten rubidus, Hds.' Vane. Is., Lyall. [Hind's type in Br. Mus. appears to be the ordinary form, of which P. hastatus = hericeus is the highly sculptured var. This shell, which is more allied to Islandicus, may stand as P. Hindsii.]" [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 606] i^For information on the Pecten Osbeck problem, see Tomlin (in Burch, 1944, p. 3) 70 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRTRF.D BY P. P. CARPENTER "Pecten (? var.) H'mdsn. Broader, ribs close, small, smooth, bifurcating. Passes from hastatus toward Islandicus." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 645] Pec ten rubidus Hinds, 1844, was described from a specimen from Alaska (no definite place). This is not the P. rubidus Martyn (1784) Dall (1905, p. 415; Griffen, Sherborn, and Marshall, 1936, p. 30; WinckAvorth, 1929, p. 228) = P. islandicus Miiller, 1776. Although Hinds (1844) and Reeve (1853) figured the species their illustrations do not reveal the fine details of sculpture. Dall (1898) renamed P. rubidus Hinds because of the use of the name by Martyn (1784). Dall gave the new name navarchus to the species and designated it as a subspecies of P. Iieri- ceus Gould (1850). Martyn's name is eliminatedi^ because his work (1784) is nomenclator- rially inadequate. Hind's name is available and stands for the species. Dall's name of naz'or- chus is unnecessary and falls in synonymy with P. rubidus Hinds. Chenu's republication in 1845 of Alartyn docs not validate the name of P. rubidus iMartyn, Chenu, over P. rubidus Hinds, because it was a year later than that of Hinds. Pecten Hindsii was the name given by Carpenter to the specimen identified by Dr. \Vm. Baird as P. rubidus Hinds. The shell was from Vancouver. It had been collected by Dr. Lyall of H. M. Ship "Plumper" and had been deposited in the British Museum (Vancouver and Californian Table, sixth column, no. 28, fide Carpenter, 1864b, p. 604-606). The Lyall specimen Carpenter thought was not the same as P. rubidus Hinds. It is the Lyall specimen which would be the type of P. Hindsii Carpenter. Apparently that shell has been lost,-° for it is not in the British Museum (Natural History) now. But P. hindsii Carpenter is now regarded as synonymous with P. mwarchus Dall = P. rubidus (Burch, 1944, no. 35, p. 6) Hinds, so that the type of the former would become the type of the species. The type of P. rubidus Hinds has also been lost. Hind's shell came from Alaska (33 fathoms), which limits the type locality to the Alaskan area. There are in the Carpenter Collection in the Redpath Museum 3 specimens labelled by Carpenter, "Pecten Hindsii Cpr. ^ rubidus, H. C. Sitka" and 6 specimens labelled by Car- penter, "Pecten (? var.) Hindsii Cpr. = rubidus var. H. Cum. not Hinds. Neeah Bay. Swan." The 3 Redpath Museum specimens from Sitka, Alaska, measure respectively, 19 mm., 29 mm., 15 mm., width; 22 mm., 32 mm., 18 mm., height; 3 mm., 5 mm., 3 mm., thickness. Photographs of the 3 specimens are included herein. In 1865 Carpenter included under P. Hindsii specimens collected by Kennerley from Puget Sound and Vancouver shells of Lord. The above is not intended to be a discussion of Pecten rubidus Hinds, 1844, but only tlie history of the shells which Carpenter named which might be identified with Hind's species. Types. — Unknown. In Carpenter's day (1863) they were in the British Museum (Car- penter, 1864b, p. 605, 606) Distribution. — Alaska (type) ; Bering Sea to San Diego, California (Burch) Subgenus Plagioctenium Dall, 1898 Plaqioctenium Dall, 1898, Wagner Free Inst. Sci. Piiiladelphia, Trans., vol. Ill, pt. IV, p. 696 Type species by original designation Pecten ventricosus Sowerdy,^! 1842 (1847), Thes. Conch., vol. 1, p. 51, pi. 12, figs. 18, 19, 26. Recent. West Coast Mexico and Central America i^Opinion 456, opinions and declarations rendered by the Int. Com. Zool. Nomen., 1957. 20L. R. Cox (fide litt.), W. J. Rees, and J. R. le B. Tomlin searched in the British Mu- seum (Natural Plistory) for the type of the Pectens in question. For Hinds shell of the Belcher collection see Tomlin, (1941, p. 158). Grant and Gale's (1931) statement that botli P. hindsii and P. navarchus ^ P. rubidus Plinds were based on the same specimen is not correct. 2iRegarded as not separable from P. circularis Sowerby (1835, p. 110) by Arnold (1906, p. 125), Hertlein (1935, p. 313), and M. Smith (1944, p. 52). I'ELECYPODA 71 Pecten (Plagioctenium) circularis aequisulcatus Carpenter (PI. 3, figs. 1-3) Pecten ventricosus var. aequisulcatus Carpenter, 1864b, p. 536, 540, 592, 599; Reprint, 1872, p. 22. 26, 78, 85; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 12; Dall, Wagner Free Inst. Sci., Philadelphia, Trans., vol. Ill, pt. IV, p. 711 Pecten aequisulcatus, ? n.s. Carpenter, 1864b, p. 645, 669, 684; Reprint, 1872, p. 131, 155, 170 Pecten (? var.) aequisulcatus Carpenter, 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XV, p. 179, Reprint, 1872, p. 280 Pecten aequisulcatus Carpenter, Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 166, fig. 139; Kxister and Kobelt, 1888, Conch. Cab., vol. 17, pt. 2, Spondylus and Pecten, no. 294, p. 269, tab. 71, figs. 1. 2; Williamson, 1902, So. California Acad. Sci., Bull., vol. 1, no. 5, p. 51-61, fig. IV-VI detailed description of animal and shell Pecten {Plagioctenium) ventricosus Arnold, 1903, p. 114, pi. XI, figs. 3, 3a, 6, 6a Pecten {Plagioctenium) nezcsomi .Arnold, 1903, p. 113, pi. XI, figs. 1, la Pecten circularis var. aequisulcatus Carpenter, Keep, 1911, West Coast Shells, p. 39, fig. 19 Pecten {Plagiocentenium) circularis Sowerby var. aequisulcatus Carpenter, Arnold, 1906, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper, no. 47, p. 132, pi. L, figs. 1, la text figs. 1, 2 synonymy; Dall, 1914, Nautilus, vol. 27, no. 11, p. 122; Oldroyd, 1924b, p. 58, pi. 42, figs. 1, 2 Ar- nold's figs, section; Burch, 1944, no. 35, p. 11, fig.; Burch, 1945, no. 45, p. 6 Not ? Pecten {Aequipecten) aequisulcatus Carpenter, Dautzenberg and Bavay, 1912, Siboga-Expeditie, Les Lamellibranches, Llllb, p. 19 Pecten {Chlamys) circularis aequisulcatus Carpenter, Dall, 1921, p. 19 section Plagiocenten- ium Pecten {Aequipecten) gibbus Linnaeus var. circularis Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 218 in part Pecten {Aequipecten) circularis aequisulcatus Baely, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 52, fig. 23; Hertlein, 1935, California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. XXI, no. 25, p. 313 Plagiotenium circularis aequisulcatum (Carpenter), Finch, 1953, California Fish Game Marine Fish., Fish Bull., no. 90, p. 42, fig. 8 For other references, see Arnold, 1906; Grant and Gale, 1931, in part; Keen, 1937, p. 19 under Chlamys; Hertlein and Strong, 1946, p. 58 The types of this species consist of one valve, left marked "type," and one double speci- men, in the U. S. National Museum, no. 15645, with the label "San Diego." In regard to the statement of Mrs. Oldroyd concerning the Boyce Collection, see the introduction to this paper. The note as to the whereabouts of the types in the British Museum in Grant and Gale was a supposition. Arnold gave a fine photograph of a typical specimen in the U. S. Nat. Museum, no. 172703, but that specimen is not the type. Oldroyd (1924b) copied Car- penter's original description (1865h). In addition to that description Carpenter stated: "Hab. Sta. Barbara {Jewett) ; S. Diego {Ca-ssidy, Nezvberry, Cooper)." He identified the species amongst the collection of Major Rich, from "Near S. Pedro." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 540] Dimensions. — Length, 84 mm.; height, 80 mm.; thickness (1 valve), 14 mm. left valve, "type"; length, 69 mm.; height, 64 mm.; thickness (double), 35 mm. Syntypes. — U. S. National Museum, no. 15645 Distribution. — Recent. San Diego, California (type) ; Monterey Bay, California, to Cape San Lucas, Lower California (Finch, 1953). For Pliocene and Pleistocene, see Table 2 for stratigraphic distribution. Subgenus Leptopecten Verrill, 1897 Leptopecten A'errill, 1897, Connecticut Acad. Sci., Trans., vol. X, pt. 1, p. 69 Type species by original designation, Chlamys monotimeris (Conrad), 1837, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Jour. vol. 7, p. 238, pl. 18, fig. 10. Recent. Monterey, California, to Gulf of California. Oldroyd, 1924b, pl. 40, figs. 1, 2 Pecten (Leptopecten) paucicostatus Carpenter Pecten paucicostatus Carpenter, 1864b, p. 536, 614, 645 ; Reprint, 1872, p. 22, 100. 131 ; 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, ser. 3, vol. XV, p. 179; Reprint, 1872. p. 281 ; Kuster and Kobelt, 1888, Alartini-Chemnitz, Conchyl. Cab., vol. 17, pt. 2, p. 281. Not P. prototranquebaricus paucicostatus Vredenburg, 1928 = P. p. noetlingi Hertlein, 1936, Nautilus, vol. 50, p. 54 /I MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Pccten (Plagioctenmtn) paucicostatus Carpenter, Arnold, 1906, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper, 47, p. 137, pi. XXXIX, figs. 3, 3a, 4 types Pecten (Chlamys) paucicostatus Carpenter, Dall, 1921, p. 19, section Lcptopecten; Oldroyd, 1924b, p. 56, pi. 41, figs. 4, 5, section Lcptopecten Pecten (Acquipecten) tunibecensis d'Orbigny, Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 206 in part Pecten (Leptopectcn) tumbezensis d'Orbigny, Hertlein, 1935, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXI, p. 315, 316; Hertlein and Strong, 1946, Zoologica, Sci. Cont. New York Zool. Soc, vol. 31, pt. 2, p. 60 Arnold's (1906) doubt concerning the correctness of the original label of "Santa Barbara," and lack of specimens in later collections from California, has led authors to believe that this species has not been found north of the Gulf of California. Grant and Gale (1931), Hertlein (1935), and Keen (1937, p. 19) made a reasonable inclusion under P. tuinbecensis d'Orbigny, 1846. Two syntypes of P. paucicostatus Carix>nter, No. 15643b, labelled "Types Sta. Barbara Jewett Cooper Catalina Id.," are in the U. S. National Museum. There are also two syn- types in the Redpath Museum, No. 121, labelled by Carpenter "Type" Sta. Barbara "Jewett (? Nicaragua)." Thus Carpenter had doubt about the shells coming from Santa Barbara. Arnold figured the U. S. National Museum types, and writer has photographs of those which are at McGill University. The illustrations and further discussion are reserved for that of the Carpenter types from the fauna south of California. "Pecten (? var.) squarrosus" Carpenter (PI. 2, figs. 1-3) Pecten squarrosus Carpenter, 1864b, p. 536; Reprint, 1872, p. 22 Pecten (? var.) squarrosus Carpenter, 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XV, p. 179; Reprint, 1872_p. 281 __ _ "P. testa orbiculari, acquilaterali, rubida, albido, maculata; valva dextra convexa ; costis XVIII, aequalibus, testa jun. approximatis, testa adulta interstitiis aequalibus ; costis et in- terstitiis regulariter undatis, striis crebris squamosis radiantibus ubique ornata; auriculis magnis, latissimis, subaequalibus ; antica anguste fissata, serrata, postica sinuata; auriculis ambabus et regione contigua scabrose striatis : intus alba, linea cardinali alte sulcata. Long. 1.82, lat. 1.79, alt. .9. "Hab. 'Sta. Barbara,' teste Jewett. "Resembles a shell in Mus. Cuming, marked 'exaspcratus, var.', but does not agree with the diagnosis of that species. All Col. jewett's valves were dextral. The locality needs confirma- tion." [Carpenter, 1865h, p. 179] This species apparently does not belong in the West Coast fauna, but its proper place has not been established. Reference has not been made to it since Carpenter (1865h). At that time he doubted its proper locality. In the Redpath Museum there are three specimens, two right and one left valve marked type by Carpenter, with "Sta. Barbara Jewett." In addition Car- penter labelled the specimen "Also really Florida." Carpenter in the original description stated that all Col. Jewett's specimens were dextral. The left valve at McGill would then be eliminated from type material. Photos of the McGill right valves are included herein. They represent two different species. The shell of Figures 2 and 3 of Plate 2 bears a resemblance to the holotype of P. heliacus Dall (1925b, p. 119-120) as figured in Maxwell Smith (1937, pi. 9, figs. 5a, 5b) and the specimen of Figure 1 to the holotype of P. acanthodes Dall (m Smith, 1937, pi. 9, fig. 3). If either of the speci- mens under Carpenter's name proved conspecific with one of Dall's, Carpenter's name would have priority. Family Limidae "Lima orientalis Carpenter" Carpenter inadvertently credited as author of Lima orientalis in Monks, 1893, Nautilus, vol. 7, no. 7, p. 75 copied in Cooke, 1915, Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 11, p. 108. Lima orientalis Adams and Reeve, 1850, not Carpenter, is Lima (Mantellum) dehiscens Conrad, 1837 PELECYPODA 73 Family Mytilidae Genus Modiolus Lamarck, 1799-2 {VolseUa Scopoli, 1777, p. 397) A/orf/o/irj Lamarck, 1799, Mem. Soc. Hist. nat. Paris, p. 87 Type species by absolute tautonymy, Mytihis modiolus Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., p. /OO. Living. Circumboreal. Northern Europe, western Atlantic from the Arctic to northeast Florida (Abbott, 1954) ; Eastern Pacific from the Arctic to San Pedro, California (Dall, 1921). Ree\'e, 1857, Conch. Icon., Modiola, vol. X, pi. I, fig. 1, fig. 2; Abbott, 19o4, p. 351,fig. 26j ^ ^ , TT- u For extended bibliography of Modiolus modiolus (L.), see Dautzenberg and Fischer (1912, p. 363-366), as Volsella. Modiolus fornicatus (Carpenter) (PI. 4, figs. 10-12) Modiola fornicata Carpenter, 1864b. p. 536, 643; Reprint, 1872, p. 22, 129; 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat Hist ser. 3, vol. XV, p. 179; Reprint, 1872, p. 280; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 11 ; 1870, Amcr. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 55; Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 173; Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 15, p. 191 Modiolus fornicatus (Carpenter). Arnold, 1903. p. 120; Keep, 1911. West Coast Shells, p. 36 ("Gld.") ; Dall, 1921, p. 22; Oldroyd, 1924b, p. 69; Keen, 1937, p. 22; Soot-Ryen, 1955, Allan Hancock Pac. Exped., vol. 20, no. 1, p. 62, pi. 6, fig. 26 . ,. Volsella fornicata (Carpenter), Grant and Gale, 1931. p. 251; Burch, 1944, no. 36, p. 14; 1945, no. 45. p. 8; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVL p. 171 "Short, swollen, like large M. marmorata; but smooth, not crenated." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 643] The description of 1865 of this species was reprinted by Oldroyd. Her statement that the type is in Mrs. Bryce collection in Utica, New York, is out of date and should not be con- tinued. The following should be added to make the copy in Oldroyd complete: "Long. 1.4, lat. .76, alt. .95. "Hab. Sta. Barbara {Jewctt); Monterey (Taylor)." [Carpenter, 1865h, p. 179] The holotype, one specimen of both valves, is in the Redpath Museum. The glass tablet upon which it is mounted has in Carpenter's handwriting, "Type. Col. Jewett, Sta. Barbara." The holotype, therefore, represents the first specimen mentioned by Carpenter, i.e., the one collected by Col. Jewett. Holotype. — Redpath Museum, no. 3133 Distribution. — Recent Santa Barbara, California (type) ; Monterey, Trinidad to San Pedro and Cortez Bank, California (Dall, 1921). Reported from Pliocene and Pleistocene of California and Pleistocene of Lower California (Grant and Gale, 1931). "Modiola planata" Carpenter "Modiola planata" Carpenter is a nomen nudum. The type material consists of three double valves in the Redpath Museum (No. 108). They are on the original glass mounts and were labelled by Carpenter "MS. type Beach at Panama Bradley." Photographs of the types are in the author's collection. The discussion of the name will be reserved for the paper on the Carpenter types of the Panama and Lower California region. Tomlin used the name in his list (1928, p. 192), stating that he had taken the name from the British Museum collec- tions. The name, of course, has no validity. The specimens belong in the group of Modiolus of "Modiola speciosa" (Dunker) (Reeve, 1857, vol. X, Modiola, pi. VII, fig. 35). "Modiola" nitens Carpenter "Modiola" nitens Carpenter, 1857, in Gould and Carpenter, Zool. Soc. London, Proc. pt. XXIV, p. 202; Carpenter, 1857, Kept. British Assoc. Adv. Sci. 1856, p. 227, 309, 349; ^^Modiolus Lamarck, 1799, has been validated, and Volsella Scopoli, 1777, suppressed (Opinion 325, Opinions and Declarations rendered Inter. Com. Zool. Nomen., vol. 9, pt. 16, p. 251-266, 1955). 74 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER 1860. Smith Misc. Coll., vol. 2, art. 6, p. 2; 1864b, p. 535, 564, 616; Reprint, 1872, p. 21, 50, 102 This specific name and description which Carpenter inserted in literature in 1857 per- tained to specimens in the Gould collection labelled from California. That information was stated by Carpenter (1964b), in three respective notations, to be probably an erroneous Cumingian label. Carpenter (1864b, p. 535) suggested tliat the species was = M. subpurpur- cus Mus. Cum. Volsclla suhpnrpurea, a specimen in the Cuming Collection, was described by Dunker (1856, p. 362) from Senegal. The Mus. Cuming specimen was figured by Reeve (1857, Mo- diola, vol. X, pi. Y]\\. fig. 44). That specimen may be the one referred to by Carpenter in comparison. It is not the same as the species figured by Reeve (1857, pi. V, figs. 23, 24) as Modiola nitcns Carpenter, which name was applied to other specimens in the Museum Cum- ing. Reeve referred M. nifens Carpenter to the Mazatlan Catalogue which is not the place of description. The type of M. nitcns was from the Gould Collection. Its whereabouts has not yet been traced. Genus Adula H. and A. Adams, 1857 Adula H. AND A. Adams, 1857, Genera of Recent Alollusca, vol. II, p. 517. Not Adula Adams, 1861, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, p. 145_ Type species by monotypy, Mvtilus solenijormis d'Orbigny, 1846, Voy. Amer. Merid., p. 649. Living. Paita, Peru. D'Orbigny, 1846, Voy. Amer. Merid., pi. 85, figs. 17, 18 Adula californiensis (Pliilippi) (PI. 4, figs. 1-4) Modiola californiensis (Eschscholtz), Philippi, 1847, Zeitschr. Malak. 1847, 4 p. 113 Lithophagns sp. ind., like falcafus Wm. Cooper, 1860, N. Pac. R.R., Rept. Mollusca, app. no. 6, p. 380 fide Carpenter, 1864b, p. 599 Adula stvlina Carpenter, 1864b, Aug., p. 599, 627, 644, 669; Reprint, 1872, p. 85, 113. 130, 155; 1864, Dec, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIV, p. 425; Reprint, 1872, p. 237; J. G. Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 11; Packard, 1918, Univ. California Pub. Zool., vol. 14, no. 2, p. 260, pi. 18, fig. 5 Botula (Adula) californiensis Philippi, Dall, 1916, Nautilus, vol. 30, no. 1, p. 2; Dall, 1921, p. 22; Oldroyd, 1924b, p. 71, pi. 27, fig. 5 same fig. as Packard; Burgh, 1944, no. 37, p. 6 ; BuRCH, 1945, no. 45, p. 8 Adula californiensis Philippi, Soot-Ryen, 1955, Allan Hancock Pac. Exped., vol. 20, no. 1, p. 90, pi. 9, fig. 50, text figs. 73-74 "M. testa subcylindrica, laevigata, rufofusca, in medio ab umbonibus ad marginem ven- tralem utrinque impressa; rosta elcvata, obtusa, ab apice ad extremitatem posticam decur- rcnte ; apicibus ad 1/7-1/8 longitudinis sitis. Long. 17", alt. 4^"; crass. Sj/j". "Modiola (Pholas lapsus calami) californiensis Eschsch. in Musaeo Dorpatensi. "Patria: California, legit cl. Eschscholtz. "Species insignis, intermedia inter Lithophagos sic dictos et Modiolam cinnamomeam afl^in- esque. Forma fere exacte cylindrica, sed margo ventralis aliquantulum concavus. Umbones prominuli, in specimine unico, quod examinandum mihi benevole communicavit cl. de Mid- dcndorfif, decorticati. Costa obtusissima ab apice ad extremita — tem posticam decurrens valde distincta, ita ut maxima crassities non in apicum regione sed in dimidia longitudine sit. Ante illam depressio notabilis. Extrcmitas postica subtruncata, linea oblique adsccndente in mar- ginem dorsalem rectilineum transit; antica augustior adscendens rotundata est. Musculus ad- ductor anticus satis magnus." f Pliilippi, 1847, p. 113| "Shorter, broader; epidermis brown, glossy." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 644] ".■\. testa cylindracea, lithophogoidea, laevi, tenuissima, parum arcuata, subnacrea, albida, postice interdum livido tincta; epidermide nitene, laevi, solidiore, nigro-fusca: testa jun. typice modiolacformi, umbonibus subanticis, obtusissimis ; margine dorsali antice (rarissime paulu- lum. testa minima, postice) tenuiter crenulato: testa adulta marginibus dors, et ventr. fere parallelis, ant. et post, rotundatis ; umbonibus dctritis, hand conspicuis, circiter sextantim an- tice sitis ; incrustatione baud solida, densissime spongiosa, aream posticam diagonalem ten- gente, supra valvas prolongata, appressa; ligamento interno, postice valde prolongate; pa- gina interna pallida: cicatr. add. postica tumida, pyriformi, antica (quoad familiam) maxima, liaud im]>ressa, obKjn.ga ; cicatr. pedali antica magna, circulari, impressa; callositate subum- bonal (testa jun.) cicatr. pcdalem versus conspicua. Long. .155, lat. .4, alt. .5. PELECYPODA 75 "\''ariat t. inagis arcuata ; et in A falcata, antice tumidiore, subangulata. "Variat quoque teste attenuata. "Variat interdum ventraliter late hiante. "Hab. Neeah Bay, abundant {Szi'an) ; Monterey (Taylor). "On smashing a large lump of hard clay, bored by Pholads, Petricolids, etc., large num- bers of this species, with a few of A. falcata. of all ages from .06 onwards, were found in situ. Several struggled for room in a single crypt. The umbos are abraded by the wide opening of the valves." [Carpenter, 1864d, Dec, p. 425] The translation as given by Oldroyd is that of Carpenter's (1864d, Dec, p. 425) descrip- tion and not of Philippi as she indicated. There is a large amount of text omitted from the Latin description of Carpenter as published by Oldroyd. The complete original description of Carpenter, and the description of Philippi are therefore included herein. The specimens marked by Carpenter as type of Adula stylina Carpenter and preserved in the Redpath Museum are from San Diego collected by Hemphill. The lot consists of 16 double specimens. These are not from the two localities, Neah Bay, Washington, or Mon- terey, California, mentioned in the original description. Strictly, therefore, these specimens are not from the type locality. Hence in choosing a neotype that material from San Diego, California, cannot be used. The value of the material is that it was identified and labelled by Dr. Carpenter. Specimens from either Neah Bay or Monterey designated as type have not been found. The type locality of .1/. calijorniensis is California and not \'ancouver Island, as stated by Oldroyd. Type. — B. calijorniensis Philippi unknown ; B. stylina Carpenter unknown Distribution. — Recent. California (type), B. calijorniensis; Neah Bay, Washington, or Monterey, California (type), B. stylina; Vancouver Island, British Columbia, to San Diego, California (Burch) Family Thraciidae Genus Asthenothaerus Carpenter, 1864 Asthenothaerus Carpenter, 1864, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIII, p. 311 ; Dall, 1886, Mus. Com. Zool., Bull, vol. XII, no. 6, p. 308 Type species by monotypy A. villosior Carpenter, 1864, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 3, vol. XIII, no. 6, p. 311. Recent. Western America. PI. 4, figs. 5-9. This American genus is limited to the type species of the genus and two species from the Recent, Floridian region. The subgenus Bitshia Dall (1886, p. 309) is represented by the living A. elegans Dall (1886, p. 309; 1889, pi. XXXIX, fig. 1) in Florida and the West Indies, A. diiboisi Fulton (1930, p. 17) from Argentina, and A. panamensis Dall (1890a, p. 275). Asthenothaerus villosior Carpenter (PI. 4, figs. 5-9) Asthenothaerus villosier Carpenter, 1864b, April, Ann. Mag. Nat Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIII, p. 311 ; Reprint, 1872, p. 104, 209; 1864b, Aug., p. 618 (list) ; Conrad, 1869, Cat. Family Anatinidae, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 56; Dall, 1886, Mus. Comp. Zool., Bull., XII, p. 308 discussion of genus; Dall, 1916, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 49, no. 2116, p. 446; Dall, 1921, p. 25; Oldroyd, 1924b, p. 86; Keen and Frizzell, 1939, West North American Pelecypod genera, p. 8, fig. 5 (holotype) ; Burch, 1944, no. 2i7, p. 14, 16, fig. (from Keen) ; no. 38, p. 16; 1945, no. 45, p. 9; Schenck, 1945, Jour. Paleont., vol. 19, no. 5, p. 516, pi. 66, figs. 11, 12 holotype The original description of this species is included in Oldroyd. As may be noted by the illustrations of the holotype, the shell of this species is thin and fragile. There are no teeth, and the hinge line and margins of the shell beneath the beak are synonymous. The white spongy ossicle inside beneath the beak, extending posteriorly, may be seen on the holotype, if the shell is tipped. Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 16292. The specimen was attached to Carpenter's original glass mount and bears his writing, "Type C. S. L." 76 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIRRD BY V. P. CARPENTKR Distribution. — Cape San Lucas, Lower California (type) ; San Pedro, California, to Cape San Lucas (Dall) Family Pandoridae Genus Pandora Hwass in Chemnitz, 23 1795 Pandora Hwass in Chemnitz, 1795, Neues Syst. Conchyl. Cab., vol. 11, p. 211 Type species by subsequent designation, --i Dall, 1903, Wagner Free Inst. Sci. Philadelphia, Trans., vol. Ill, pt. 6, p. 1517, Pandora inaeqnivalvis (Linnaeus), 1758, Syst. Nat., p. 673, as Solen: Linnaeus, 1767, Syst. Nat., XII, p. 1118 as Tellina. Recent. Mediterranean. 25 BucQUOY, Dautzenberg, and Dollfus, 1898, Moll. Marins du Roussilon, p. 72Z, pi. XCVIII, figs. 1-6 Subgenus Pandorella Conrad, 1863 (Kemierlia Carpenter, 1864) Pandorella Conrad, 1863, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc. 1862, p. 572; Kennertia^^ Carpenter, 1864b, Aug., p. 602, 638; Reprint, 1872, p. 88. 124; 1864, Nov., Zool. Soc. London, Proc., p. 602; Reprint, 1872, p. 231; 1865, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, p. 55. Type species by subsequent designation, Stoliczka, 1871, Mem. Geol. Soc. Indica, ser. 6, vol. 3, p. 61 K. bicarinata Carpenter, 1864 = K. bilirata (Conrad), 1855. See herein. Type species [Pandorella] by monotypy. Pandora arenosa Conrad, 1834, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Jour., ser. 1, vol. 7, p. 130. Recent. Hatteras to Yucatan. Miocene, Virginia. Pliocene, Florida. Gardner, 1943, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 199A, p. 45, pi. 10, figs. 16, 19, 20 Because the name Kennerlia is so entrenched in tlie literature the explanation of details connected with the name is not out of place. Vokes (1956, p. 763) showed that Pandorella Conrad, 1863, preoccupies the well-known name of Kennerlia Carpenter, 1864. If the type species of Pandorella, P. arenosa Conrad, is accepted as consubgeneric with K. bilirata Conrad {K. bicarinata Carpenter) as indicated by Dall (1903), Johnson (1934), Gardner (1943), and Aguayo and Jaume (1948) then Kennerlia falls in synonymy with Pandorella. It is not true (Vokes, 1956, p. 763) that P. arenosa has been accepted by all subsequent authors as Kennerlia. The most recent pub- lications (Poirier, 1952; Abbott, 1954; Perry and Schwengel, 1955) do not have the species so classified. The character of the shell and hinge are similar to "K." bilirata (Conrad). (See pi. 6, figs. 1-3.) Pandora (Panderella) bilirata Conrad (Pi. 5, figs. 1-3) Pandora bilirata Conrad, 1855, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 7, p. 267; 1857, U. S. Pacific R. R. Repts., vol. 6, Geol. Rept, p. 7Z, pi. V, fig. 25 23 Int. Com. Zool. Nomen., Opinion 184, 1944 2* Jeffreys, J. G. : (1865, p. 23) might be construed as a designation of tyr)e although he did not mean his statement to be so. He regarded the type species as originally designateecies by monotypy, Leiomya adnnca Gould, 1861, Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Proc., vol. VIII, p. 24; 1862, Otia, p. 162 as Neacra. Recent. Kayosima [Kagoshima], sandy mud, 12-15 fathoms (original), Tsu-Sima, 30 fathoms, Seto-Uchi, 7 fathoms, Hakodadi, 7 fathoms (Adams). Tadashige Habe (Feb. 25, 1950, personal communication) informed the writer that specimens of this species have not been rediscovered. The Adams specimens are not in the British Museum (G. L. Wilkins, Mar. 14, 1950, personal communication). Subgenus Plectodon Carpenter, 1864 Plcctodon Carpenter, 1864, Suppl. Rept. British Assoc. 1863, p. 638 ; Reprint, 1872, p. 124 ; 1866, California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 207; Dall, 1886, Mus. Comp. ZooL, vol. XII, p. 299; Dall, 1903, Wagner Free Inst. Sci., Philadelphia Trans., vol. Ill, pt. VI, p. 1504 Type species by monotypy, P. scaber Carpenter, 1866, California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 207. Recent Catalina Island to Lower California. PI. 6, figs. 6-8; Keen and Frizzell, 1939, West North American Pelecypod Genera, p. 12, fig. 6 Leiomya (Plectodon) scabra Carpenter (PI. 6, fig. 6-8) Plectodon scaber Carpenter, 1864b, p. 611, 638; Reprint, 1872, p. 97, 124; 1866, Feb., Cali- fornia Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 207; Conrad, 1869, Cat. Family Anatinidae, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 58; Cooper, 1867, Cat. Geog. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 5; BuRCH, 1944, no. 38, p. 14; Burch, 1945, no. 45, p. 10; Schenck, 1945, Jour. Paleont., vol 19, no. 5, p. 519, pi. 67, figs. 1-4 same specimen as Keen and Frizzell, 1939, p. 12, fig. 6 Leiomya (Plectodon) scaber (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 29; Oldroyd, 1924b, p. 103, not pi. 54, fig. 4; 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 34; Keen, 1937, p. 21; Hertlein and Strong, 1946, Zoologica, New York Zool. Soc, vol. 31, pt. 3, p. 101 "Plectodon scaber, n.g. and n.s. Cat. Is. ; 2 similar valves, 40-60 fm." [Carpenter, 1864h, P-611] "Plectodon scaber, n.g., n.s. Shape of Theora: dorsal margins twisted-in spirally inside umbos. Lateral teeth laminated, with internal cartilage hidden, appressed. 2 r. valves, 40-60 fm. Cp." [Carpenter, 1864, p. 638] The description of this species (Carpenter, 1866a) was copied by Oldroyd and will not be repeated here except to complete the copy. The word "usque" should be included between "oblique" and "ad" in line four of the Oldroyd copy. Add: "Hob. Catalina Island, two right valves, 40-60 fms. Cp. "This very distinct genus has the aspect of Theora, and appears allied to Neaera. It is probable that the cartilage was strengthened by an ossicle. The great peculiarity is the twisting-in of the dorsal margin, which ascends the umbo in a very loose spiral." [Carpenter, 1866a, p. 207, 208] 80 ^rARIXE Moi.r.i'scA described rv r. p. carpenter The holotype is broken. The external posterior area is encrusted with Bryozoa as are tne dorsal and ventral margins of the interior. Carpenter originally had two right valves. Holotype. — U. S. National Aluseum, 592441 (Cp. 1062). The specimen was on the original Carpenter glass mount with the original label "Type Cp. 1062 Plectodon scaber, Cpr. Catalina Is. Cooper." The number coincides with the original number of the State [California] Col- lection which adds to the authenticity as type. Distribution. — Catalina Island, 40-60 fathoms (type) ; Catalina Island, California, to Santa Inez Bay, east coast of Lower California (Hertlein and Strong, 1946) Family Astaktidae Genus Astarte Sowerby, 1816 Astarte Sowerby, 1816, Mineral Conchology, vol. II, p. 85 for date see Newton 1891, p. 323; Smith, E. A., 1881, Jour. Conch., vol. Ill, p. 196; Ball, 1921, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. XXVI, no. 1342, p. 933-951. Type species by original designation, Venus scotica Maton and Rockett, 1807, Trans. Linn. Soc, vol. VIII, p. 81, pi. II, fig. 3 = Astarte sulcata (da Costa), 1778, British Conch., p. 192. It seems as though Sowerby's statement-^ as to the type of the genus is definite enough for a type designation. It is unnecessary to induce the designation of Stoliczka, 1871 (Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 266). Recent. Nova Zembla, Norway, Great Britain to Spain. Fischer, 1887, Man. de Conchyl., pi. XX, fig. 1 ; Dautzenberg and Fischer, 1912, Res. Campagnes Sci. Albert I Prince de Monaco, Moll., fasc. XXXVII, p. 412-416 Astarte compacta Carpenter (PI. 7, figs. 13-15A) Astarte compacta Carpenter, 1864b, p. 602, 642, 682; Reprint, 1872, p. 88, 128, 168; 1865, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 17, p. 57 "? compressa var." ; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 8; Smith, E. A., 1881, Jour. Conch., vol. Ill, p. 203, 226; Dale, 1903, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 26, no. 1342, p. 944, pi. LXIII, fig. 8; 1917, Nautilus, vol. 31, no. 1, p. 10; 1921, p. 29; Oldroyd, 1924b, p. 104, pi. 2, f^g. 4 same fig. as of Dale, 1903 ; 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 34, pi. 16, fig. 4 same figs, as in Ball, 1903, and Oldroyd, 1924; Keen, 1937, p. 18; Burch, 1944, no. 39, p. 6; 1945, no. 45, p. 10 "Astarte compacta, n.s. Like compressa, but closer ; dorsal margins straight, at right angles." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 642] The original description (1865e) has been reprinted by Oldroyd. The additional line of the description should be added. "Hab. — In sinu Pugetiano specimen unicum piscavit Kennerley." [Carpenter, 1865e, p. 57] Correct in Oldroyd: Following "Long.", read "A" for .56". Ball stated in 1921 tliat the species was rare. Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 4509, one double specimen Distribution. — Puget Sound, Washington (type) ; Forrester Island, Alaska, to Puget Sound, Washington (Ball) Family Crass.\tellid.\e Genus Eucrassatella Iredale, 1924 Eucrassatella Iredale, 1924, Linn. Soc. New South Wales, Proc, vol. 49, p. 202 Type species by original designation, Crassatellites kingicola (Lanrirck), "Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, VI," (p. 408), Lamarck, 1835, Hist. Nat. An. s. Vert, 2d ed.. vol. VI, p. 109. Living. King Island, Bass Strait, South Australia. Lamy, 1917, Jour, de Conchyl , vol LXII, p. 205, pi. VI, fig. 1 ; Reeve, 1846,29 Conch. Icon., vol. 1, Crassatella, pi. 1, fig. 5 -^ ". . . are Venus Scotia, (which may be taken for the tyi>e of the Genus) . . " (Sowerby 1816, p. 85) 2" No date on pages. Bate taken from last dated previous page. PELECYPODA 81 Eucrassatella fluctuata (Carpenter) (PI. 7, figs. 5-7) Astarte fluctuata Carpenter, 1864b, p. 611, 642; Reprint, 1872, p. 97, 128; 1866, Feb., Cali- fornia Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 209; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 8; Tryon, 1872, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 24, p. 246; Smith, 1881, Jour. Conch., vol. Ill, p. 231 Crassatcllites flnctuatns (Carpenter), Ball, 1921, p. 31; Oldroyd, 1924b, 109; Keen, 1937, p. 20 Crassatella fluctuata (Carpenter), Burch, 1944, no. 39, p. 8; 1945, no. 45, p. 11 Eucrassatella fluctuata (Carpenter), Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946, U. S. Nat. Mus., Prof. Paper 207, p. 81, pi. 31, figs. 1-8 "? Astarte flucttmta, n.s. Cat. Is.; 2 similar valves; 40 fm. (Very like the Crag fossil, A. omaria, jun. ; but Dr. Cooper considers it a Crassatella.)" [Carpenter, 1864b,_p. 611] "? Astarte fluctuata, n.s. Very close to Omalii, jun. of Coralline Crag. 2 right v. 30-40 fm. Cp." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 642] Oldroyd reprinted the major portion of the original description. The following original lines should be added to complete her copy : "Long. 0.33, lat. 0.26, 0.10. "Hah. Catalina Island, 30-40 fm. Cooper. "Only dead right valves having been found, it is not known whether this species be an Astarte (according to Messrs. Adams and Hanley) or an abnormal Crassatella. It scarcely differs from the young of Astarte omalia, from the Coralline Crag." [Carpenter, 1866a, p. 209] The holotype is mounted on the original glass with label by Carpenter in white ink "fluc- tuata, Cpr. Cp. 1060 Catalina Is. (Cooper), type 'Cooper'." Holotype.— v. S. National Museum, No. 1060 (California State Collection, No. 1060) Distribution. — Recent. Catalina Island, California, 30-40 fathoms (type) ; Santa Barbara Islands, to San Pedro, California (Burch). Lower Pleistocene. California (Woodring, Bram- lette, and Kew) "Crassatella marginata Carpenter" "Crassatella marginata Cptr. Californ." Paetal, 1890, Calatoguder Conchilien-Sammlung, pt. 3. p. 139 fide Lamy, 1917; Orcutt, 1915, Molluscan World, p. 13. 60 ? Crassatcllites marginata "Cpr.", Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 179; Lamy, 1917, Jour, de Conchyl., vol. LXII, p. 204 footnote The name Crassatella marginata Carpenter is a nomen nudutn. Therefore, it is difficult to determine just what the various authors meant unless they followed Keep. See Burch (1944, no. 39, p. 9) for notes on the name. The writer separates the references in Keep as the foun- dation of a valid specific name with Keep as the author. The test will be if there is a species of Crassatella in the California fauna which needs this berth. Keep and others must have had some specimen to whicli they were applying Carpenter's ms. name. Crassatella marginata Keep Crassatella marginata "Cpr.", Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 179 ? Crassatellites margarita Carpenter, Jordan, 1924, So. California Acad. Sci., Bull., vol. XXIII, pt. 5, p. 153 probable error for "marginata" Crassatellites marginata "Carpenter," Kelsey, 1905, San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., Trans., vol. 1, no. 2, p. 38; Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 73 Keep published a brief description adequate to validate the specific name if specimens are available to determine what Keep had in mind. The specific name must be credited to Keep and not to Carpenter. A type should come from specimens which Keep used at the time of his edition of 1887, but apparently those are not available. According to Mr. Joshua Baily (March 9, 1950, personal communication) they may turn up in the Baker-Kelsey Collection at the Scripps Institute of Oceanography at La Jolla. 82 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIHKI) BY P. P. CARPENTER Family Carditidae Genus Glans Alergerle von Miihlfcld. 1811 (Cardita Bruguiere, 1792, in part) Glans Mergerle von Muhlfeld, 1811, Gesell. Natur. Freunde Berlin, Mag., year 5, p. 68 Type species by monotypy Glans trapesia (Linnaeus), 1767, Syst. Nat., 12 ed., p. 1138 as Cliama; Recent. Mediterranean. Bucquoy, Dautzenberg, and Doi.lfus, 1892, Moll. Marins du Rousillon, vol. 2. pi. 38, figs. 21-25 ; Cossmann and Peyrot, 1912, Act. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, vol. LXVI, Conch. Neog. de I'Aquitaine, t. II, liv. 1, p. 31, fig. hinge Glans subquadrata (Carpenter) (I'l. 7. figs. 1-4) Lazaria suhquadrafa Carpenter, 1864b, p. 536, 627, 642; Reprint, 1872, p. 22, 113. 128; 1865, Ann Mag. Nat. Hist., scr. 3. vol. XV. p. 178; Reprint, 1872. p. 280; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 9; Keep, 1887, 1892 West Coast Shells, p. 179, fig. 152; Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 15, p. 190; Arnold, 1903, p. 129 Cardita (Cardifamcra) suhquadrafa (Carpenter). Orcutt, 1886, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 8, p. 549; Ball, 1903 (page date 1902), Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 54, pt. 4. p. 707 Cardita subquadrata (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 31 section Carditamera; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 35. Not C. subquadrata Conrad, 1847, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 3, p. 298 or Gabb, 1860, Acad., Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Jour. ser. 2, p. 303; Oldroyd, 1924b, p. 110 Cardita {Carditamera) Carpentcri Lamy, 1922, Jour, de Conchyl., vol. LXVI, p. 264, new name Glans (Glans) carpentcri (Lamv) Keen, 1937, p. 21; BuRcn, 1944, no. 39, p. 11; 1945, no. 45, p. 11 Glans minuscula Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 277. new name, see also for additional synonymy; Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 73, fig. 39 Glans subquadrata (Carpenter), Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 207, p. 82 Since the original name given by Carpenter was Lazaria subquadrata. the new name car- pentcri is not necessary unless the Cardita subquadrata Conrad (1847, p. 298) or Cardita sub- quadrata Gabb, 1860, p. 303 = C. pcraiitiquata Conrad (1865, p. 8) is placed in Glans or "L." subquadrata Carpenter is defined as Cardita. In that case Lamy's name is available. Glans minuscula Grant and Gale (1931) is superfluous. "Lazaria subquadrata, n.s. Hinge of Lazaria: outside like Cardita varicgata, jun." [Car- penter, 1864b, p. 642] The copy of the description of 1865 and translation has been given by Oldroyd. The fol- lowing original lines make the copy complete : "Hab. Sta. Barbara (Jcwctt) ; Monterey, and along the coast to S. Pedro (State Coll. no. 403) (Cooper). "The outside of this remarkable little species is typically carditoid ; the hinge is intermed- iate Ijetween Lazaria and Cypricardia." [Carpenter, 1865a, p. 178] Correct in Oldroyd (1924b) : "Lat., .23" to read "lat., .25" The types in the U. S. Nat. Museum consist of two double valves. The label states, "Type Monterey Cooper cp. 403." Such notes identify the specimens as the second locality listed in the original description (see above), and, therefore, limits the type locality to Monterey. The type locality of Santa Barbara as given by Oldroyd (copied by Burch, 1944) would pertain to the Jewett specimen, which is not consistent with the first part of Oldroyd's note in regard to the type. The California .State Collection, no. 403, refers to Cooper's specimen from Mon- terey, California. Since the first-mentioned specimens, Santa Barbara, are not to be found, and the Monterey types are, circumstances settle the matter of the election of a type locality. On the type label there is also marked "Type Neeah Bay J. G. Swann." This notation may refer to the specimen which Carpenter listed (1864b, p. 627). The label has been crossed off, indicating that it does not belong to the present specimen in the box. The number "Cp. 403" is also numbered 15551, 14783, 16233, stipulating U. S. Nat. Museum c(|uivalent num- bers. The Cp. 403 refers to Monterey, with no mention of Santa Barbara. PELECYPODA 83 The tj'pes have a well-impressed lunule and escutcheon. There are a ix)sterior and an an- terior lateral in the right valve and a central and posterior cardinal. Syntypcs.—U. S. National Museum, No. 15681 ("California State Coll. 403") Distribution. — Recent. Monterey, California (type) ; Queen Charlotte Islands to Todos Santos Bay, Lower California (Dall). Pleistocene. California (Grant and Gale, 1931; Ar- nold, 1903; Chace and Chace, 1919) Mexico (Jordan, 1926). Pliocene (Woodring and Bramlette, 1950) Genus Miodontiscus Dall, 1903 lifiodon Carpenter, 1864b, Aug., p. 611, 627, 642; Reprint, 1872, p. 97, 113, 128; 1864d, Dec, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIV, p. 424; Reprint, 1872, p. 236; Dall, 1903 (page date 1902), Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc., vol. 54, pt. 4, p. 700, 711. Not Miodon DuMERiL, 1859, or Miodon Sandberger, 1871 (see Neave, 1939-40) Miodontisnis Dall, 1903, April, Nautilus, vol. 16, no. 12, p. 143; 1903, Oct., Wagner Free Inst. Sci. Philadelphia, Trans., vol. Ill, pt. VI, p. 1417, substitute name for Miodon Car- penter; Chavan, 1937, C.R.S. Soc. Geol. France, no. 10, p. 122 Type species by original designation-''^ M. prolongatus Carpenter (1864b, p. 627). Recent. West Coast United States, Alaska, to San Diego, California (PI. 8, figs. 1-7) Miodontiscus prolongatus (Carpenter) (PI. 8, figs. 1-7) Miodon prolongatus Carpenter, 1864b, Aug., p. 611, 627, 642, 682; Reprint, 1872, p. 97, 113, 128, 168; 1864, Dec, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIV, p. 424; Reprint, 1872, p. 236: Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Geol. Sur. California, p. 9; Stearns, 1891, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 13, p. 217, pi. 16, figs. 7, 9 hinge of fig. 7 not accurate J'cncricardia (Miodon) prolongatus (Carpenter), Dall, 1903 (page date 1902), Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 54, pt. 4, p. 700, 711 l\'ucricardia (Miodontiscus) prolongatus (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 32; Oldroyd, 1924b, p. 115, pi. 2, figs. 5, 6; 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 36, pi. 16, figs. 5, 6 Cardita (Miodontiscus) prolongata (Carpenter), Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 276 Cardita prolongata Carpenter, Keen, 1937, p. 19; Smith and (jOrdon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, no. 8, p. 172 Miodontiscus prolonqatus (Carpenter), Chavan, 1937, C.R.S. Soc Geol. France, no. 10, p. 122; BuRCH, 1944, no. 39, p. 17; 1945, no. 45, p. 11 "Miodon prolongatus. (Neeah Baj', Szvan.) Identified from tracing only." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 611] "Miodon prolongatus, n. subg., n.s. Several valves of this curious shell, intermediate be- tween Lucina and Vencricardia, accord with forms not before eliminated, from the Coralline Crag and Inferior Oolite." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 627] "Miodon prolongatus, n.g., n.s. Outside Lucinoid ; hinge and scars nearer to Vencricardia. Congeneric with Astartc orbicularis, J. Sby. Min. Conch, pi. 444. f. 2, 3 (non ejusdem, pi. 520, f. 2). G. Oolite; and with the Crag Cardita corbis." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 642] A copy of the description (Carpenter, 1864d) has been published by Oldroyd. The follow- ing should be added to complete that copy: "Long. .23, lat. .24, alt. .16." Four specimens at the Redpath Museum are labelled "type" in Carpenter's handwriting, and they are on Carpenter's original mount. There are also five specimens in the U. S. Na- tional Museum, no. 15472^1, also labelled "type" by Carpenter. Both suites have the label "Neeah Bay Swan." The writer retains all the types as syntypes and therefore leaves a lecto- type designation open in case the species is later thoroughly studied. It may then seem desir- 30 The writer considers the use of "n. subg. n.s." (Carpenter, 1864b, p. 627) as an original designation of type species (Opin. 7, Int. Rules Zool. Nomen.) rather than the type desig- nated by monotypy, since Carpenter did bring into his discussion a second species. Either method of type designation produces in this case the same type species for the genus. 3iStearns, (1891, p. 217) meant this number, but the figures were transposed in printing to 15742. S4 MARINE MOLLT'SCA DESCRIBED I!V P. V. CARPENTER able to have one specimen as a lectotype, and by such study the most titting specimen can be designated. Syntypes. — U. S. National Museum, no. 15472; Redpath Museum, no. 2377 Distribution. — Recent. Neah Bay, Washington (type) ; Middleton, Alaska, to San Diego, California (.Dall). Pleistocene (see Grant and Gale, 1931; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946.) Genus Axinopsida Keen and Chaven in Chavan, 1951 (= Axinopsis G. O. Sars, 1878, Moll. reg. Arct. Norvegiae, p. 63) Axinopsida Keen and Chavan in Chavan, 1951, Comp. rend. Somm., Soc. Geol. France, no. 12, p. 211, new name for Axinopsis Sars, 1878, Moll. reg. Arct. Norvegiae, p. 63 Type species by monotypy and original designation, Axinopsis orbiculata Sars, 1878, Moll. reg. Arct. Norvegiae, p. 63. Recent. North Atlantic to Maine. Sars, 1878, AIoll. reg. Arct. Norvegiae, pi. 19, hg. 11 a-d: Bush, 1883, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. VI, pi. IX, fig. 4 Axinopsis Sars is preoccupied by Axinopsis Tate (1868, see Neave, 1939-40) new name for Schisodus King (1844, see Neave, 1939-1940) Axinopsida serricata (Carpenter) (PI. 7, figs. 16-18) Cryptodon scrricatus Carpenter, 1864b, p. 602, 643 serricatiis ; Reprint, 1872, p. 88, 129; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 9 scrricatus Axinopsis sericatiis^- (Carpenter), Dale, 1901, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 23, n. 1237, p. 791, 819, pi. XL, fig. 2; Dale, 1921, p. 34; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 38, pi. 26, fig. 4; Oldroyd, 19241j, p. 123, pi. 4, fig. 4; Burch, 1944, no. 39, p. 22; 1945, no. 45, p. 12 Axinopsis sericattts Keen, 1937, p. 18 "Cryptodon scrricatus, n.s. One living sp." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 602. Puget Sound, Dr. Kennerley] "Cryptodon scrricatus, n.s. Small circular, flat; epidermis silken. ? Cat. Is. Cp. 120 fm." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 643] There is some question as to the true type of this species. The first specimen which Car- penter noted (1864b, p. 602) was a specimen collected by Dr. Kennerley from Puget Sound. There is a question whether that shell is the one now labelled type in the U. S. National Museum (no. 5249) and figured by Dall (1901b). That specimen is labelled, "Dr. Kennerly [sic] Puget Sound." There are, however, in the Redpath Museum, two broken specimens la- belled "type. Dr. Kennerly [sic] Puget Sound." Carpenter did not give a complete description of this form, but with the few descriptive words by Carpenter (see above) the locality is stated to be "? Catalina Island." The Puget Sound specimens are not the primary types, but the questionable Catalina Is- land specimen noted by Carpenter has not been found. The first locality mentioned (1864b, p. 602) in connection with the specific name was Puget Sound. Therefore, it would seem logical to designate as tlie lectotype a specimen which had been labelled by Carpenter and collected from Puget Sound by the original discoverer. Dr. Kennerley. In the first mention of the species. Carpenter wrote, "one living sp." Hence, there would be a question as to which is the authentic original shell, one of those of the U. S. National Museum or of the Redpath Museum. Since the Redpath Museum specimens are broken, the writer designates the specimen figured by Dall (1901), U. S. National Museum, no. 5249, as the lectotype of the species. There are three specimens under no. 5249. Dall (1901b explanation of pi. XL, fig. 2) refers to the specimen as the type. ^-Opsis, Greek, feminine gender. Following Dall, tliis specific name has been incorrectly written in the masculine when written with Axinopsis. Probably Carpenter when he stated "epidermis silken" and named the species scrricatus [sic] meant the Latin word sericatus ("clothed in silken garments"). Hence, the original spelling of the specific name could be con- sidered a lapsus and the name be corrected to sericatus as Dall did in 1921. Tlie reasoning op- posed to this change is that Carpenter consistently spelled the specific name with two r's, and Car])enter was also a Latin student. PELECYPODA 85 Burch (1944, no. 39, p. 22) was justified in being puzzled over the diflferences, if any, be- tween A. scrricata and A. viridis. Dall distinguished A. viridis as "orbicular" (1901b, p. 791) and A. serricata as "ovate." However, Carpenter defined A. serricata as "circular," which would confine his species in the realm of what Dall later called A. viridis. The lectotype of A. serricata has about the same height as length, 4.5 mm. to 4 mm. Specimens in collections identified as both or either species have the oblique form. The two broken specimens in the Redpath Museum labelled "type" are wliite, smooth, greenish, and lighter in the center. The U. S. National Museum shell marked "type" is white and chalky. Either the McGill shells represent what Dall named A. viridis, or the color diflFerence is not specific. Lectotype.— \]. S. National Museum, no. 5249 (Dall, 1901b, pi. XL, fig. 2). Three speci- mens of same number, including the lectotype, are labelled "type" in the U. S. National Mu- seum ; two broken specimens labelled "type" are in the Redpath Museum. Distribution.— Puget Sound, Washington (type). Aleutian Islands, south and east to Puget Sound, Washington, and Catalina Island, California (Dall) Family Dipi.odontidae Genus Taras Risso, 1826 {Diplodonta Bronn, 1831) Taras Risso, 1826, Hist. Nat. Europ. Merid., vol. 4, p. 344 Type species by monotypy, T. antiquatus Risso, 1826, Hist. Nat. Europ. Merid., vol. 4, fig. 167. Pliocene-Pleistocene. Trinite Chavan (1952, p. 121) discussed the Taras-Diplodonta problem in detail and believed that the type species of Taras should be rejected as a noinen diihium. Such a decision by the In- ternational Commission on Zoological Nomenclature would restore Diplodonta to usage. Taras subquadratus (Carpenter) Diplodonta subquadrata Carpenter, 1856, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, 1855, pt. XXIII, p. 230; Dall, 1921, p. 34 Taras subquadratus (Carpenter), Burch, 1944, no. 39, p. 24; 1944, no. 41, p. 20; 1945, no. 45, p. 12; Hertlein and Strong, 1947, Zoologica, New York Zool. Soc., vol. 31, pt. 4, p. 130; Durham, 1950, Geol. Soc. Amer., Mem. 43, pt. II, p. 78, pi. 19, fig. 4, 14 This species was described from Mazatlan, and although the write up was not in the Ma- zatlan Catalogue, the illustration of the holotype would properly belong as a supplement to that work. Tlie synonymy is not meant to be complete. Dall listed the species from Catalina Island. Burch (1945) gave the range from Santa Monica, California, to Panama, but Hertlein and Strong limited the specific range to San Ignacio Lagoon, Lower California, to Gorgona Island, Colombia, and the Galapagos. Dur- ham (1950) reported the species from tlic upper Pliocene and Pleistocene of Lower Calif6r- nia. Family Lucixidae Genus Lucina Bruguiere, 17973^' Lucim Bruguiere, 1797, Encyl. Method., Tabl. Vers, pis. 284, 285, 286. For dates see Sher- born and Woodward, 1906, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 7, vol. XVII, p. 579 Type species by subsequent designation by Gray, 1847, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, p. 195 : Venus jamaicensis [Spengler] Chemnitz, 1784, Conch. Cab., vol. 7, p. 24, pi. 39, figs. 408, 409. Living. West Indies. Reeve, 1850, Conch. Icon., Lucina, vol. 6, pi. II, fig. 7a, 7b Stewart (1930) and Chavan (1937) presented a detailed discussion of the problem of the nomenclature of Lucina. Chavan monographed the family (1937-1938, Vl pts.). He used 33Bruguiere names which would otherwise be nomina nnda (see Dodge, 1947a, p. 487; 1947b, p. 136; 1950, p. 68) are validated by the recommendation of the Int. Com. Zool. Nomen., agreed by Int. Cong. Zool., Paris, 1948, that generic names published prior to Jan- uary, 1931, on a legend of plate without expianatorv matter is to be treated as an "indica- tion." (Bull. Zool. Nomen., vol. 4, pts. 10-12, 1950, p. 255.) 86 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Li< cilia Lamarck (1801) with Lucuia jamatcciisis Spengler (in Chemnitz) as the type species. In 1952, he further analyzed the discrepancies in type designations for Lucina Bruguiere and reaffirmed the type designation of Gray (1847). To settle the nonconformity in the use of the type species of Lucina the validation of the type species should be established by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. Subgenus Here Gabb, 1866 Here Gabb, 1866, Geol. Sur. California, Paleontology, vol. II, sect. 1, pt. 1, p. 28 Type species by subsequent designation, Stoliczka, 1871, Pal. Indica, p. 251 Lucina (Here) richthojeni Gabb, 1866, Pal. Geol. Sur. California, vol. II, p. 29 = L. excavata Carpenter, 1857a. Living. San Pedro, California, to Mazatlan, Mexico. Miocene = Recent, California. Dall, 1901, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 23, p. 810, 827, pi. 40, figs. 7, 9; Chavan, 1937, Jour, de Conchyl., vol. 81, p. 203, fig. 3, hinge Lucina (Here) excavata Carpenter Lucina excavata Carpenter, 1857, Cat. Mazatlan Moll., p. 98 Lucina (Here) Richthojeni Gabb, 1866, Geol. Sur. California, Paleontology, vol. II, sect. l,p. 29, pi. 8, f^g. 49, a, b Lucina (Here) excavata Carpenter, Hertlein, and Strong, 1946, Zoologica, New York Zool. Soc., vol. 31, pt. 3, p. 113 For complete synonymy see Stewart (1930, p. 181) and Grant and Gale (1931, p. 290) This species was described from Mazatlan by Carpenter and is now identified as ranging as far north as San Pedro, California. The form is not illustrated herein because it properly belongs with the illustration of the Mazatlan Catalogue. The holotype should be in the British IMuseum (Natural History). The range of the species is stated under the subgenus. Subgenus Parvilucina Dall, 1901 Parviluclna Dall, 1901. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 23, no. 1237, p. 806; Dall, 1903, Wag- ner Free Inst. Sci. Philadelphia, Trans., vol. Ill, pt. VI, p. 1362 Type species bv orginal designation, Lucina tcniiiscitlpta Carpenter, 1864, Suppl. Rept. Brit. Assoc. 1863, p. 602, 611, 642; 1865, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 17, p. 57. Recent. Bering Sea to Lower California (pi. 8, fig. 8-12) Lucina (Parvilucina) tenuisculpta (Carpenter) (Pi. 8, figs. 8-12) Lucina tenuisculpta Carpenter, 1864b, p. 602, 611, 642; Reprint, 1872, p. 88, 97. 128; 1865, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia. Proc, vol. 17, p. 57; Cooper, 1867, Geol. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 9; 1888, 7th Ann. Rept. California State Min. Bur., p. 247; Arnold, 1903, p. 133; Keen, 1937, p. 21 Phacnides (Parvilucina) tenuisculpta (Carpenter), Dall, 1901, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. .23, no. 1237, p. 806, 828, pi. XL, fig. 5; Dall, 1921, p. 35; Dall, 1915, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 66, no. 2554, p. 23, pi. 20, fig. 5 ; Oldrovd, 1924, Publ. Puget Sound Biol. Sta- tion, vol. 4, p. 39, pi. 3, fig. 14; pi. 2,7, figs, la, lb; 1924h, p. 128, pi. 15, fig. 6; pi. 2,2,, figs, la, lb Phacoides tenuisculptus (Carpenter), Packard, 1918, Univ. California Pub. Zool., vol. 14, no. 2, p. 264, pi. 19, figs, la, lb Lucina (Myrtea) tenuisculpta (Carpenter), Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 288, section Parvilu- cina, see for additional synonymy. Lucina (Parznlucina) tenuisculpta (Carpenter), BuRCii, 1944, no. 40, p. 8; 1945, no. 45, p. 12; Abbott, 1954, p. 387, fig. 78h "Lucina tenuisculpta. n.s. Two living specimens, of which one had the surface disinte- grated." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 602, Vancouver district] "Lucina tenuisculpta, S. Diego, living in 4 fm. (also Puget Sound, Kennerley.) Var., dead in 120 fm. Cat. Is. (approaching L. Mazatlanica, Maz. Cat., no. 144)." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 6111 "Lucina tenuisculpta, n.s. Like Mazallantica, Cat. 144, more convex, with finer sculpture. 4 fm. living, Cp. The island var. is intermediate. 120 fm. dead. Cp." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 642] "L. t. 'A. Mazatlanicae' forma simili ; sed magis convexa sculptura multo tcnuiore; epi- demide olivaceo-cinerea inducta ; t. juniore laevi ; postea, rugis incrementi concentricis, plus minusve conspicuis, distantibus, irregularibus ; costulis radiantibus subobsoletis, latis, ere- PF.LECYPODA 87 brioribus, anticc et postice evanidis ; area postica vix subquadrata, baud definita : intus, denti- bus cardinalibus et lateralibus normalibus, satis extantibus ; Hgamento extcrno, elongate; ci- catrice antica nornialiter prolongata ; margiiie crenulato. Long. .23, lat. .21, alt. .13. "Hah. — In sinu Pugetiano legit Kennerley." [Carpenter, 1865e, p. 57] Apparently Dall overlooked Carpenter's description (1865e) as Oldroyd also did in fol- lowing Dall. Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 5244. Distribution. — Recent. Vancouver Island, B. C. (Kennerley) (type) ; Nunivak Island, Bering Sea to tbe Coronado Island, California (Dall). Pleistocene and Pliocene (Grant and Gale, 1931) Family Leptoxidae Genus Kellia Turton, 1822 {Chironia Deshayes, Rev. Zool, 1839, v. 2, p. 357) Kellia Turton, 1822, Conchylia Insularum Britannicarum, p. 56 Type species by subsequent designation, Recluz^*, Rev. Zool. Cuv., vol. 7, 1844, p. 295, KeUia snborbicularis (Montagu), 1803, Test. Brit., p. 39; 1808, pi. 26, fig. 6. Recent. Nor- way to tbe Mediterranean. Turton, 1822, Conch. Ins. Brit., p. 56, pi. 11, figs. 5, 6; Forbes AND Hanley, 1848, Hist. Brit. Moll., vol. 1, pi. XVHI, figs. 9, 9a, 9b; Howard, 1953, p. 237, 238, figs. 2, 3 Carpenter (1864b, p. 643) identified West Coast specimens with this European species as well as specimens of West Coast Lasaea (Carpenter, 1864b, p. 643) with the European L. rubra. Authors have followed Carpenter until recent writings. (Burch, 1944, no. 40, p. 14). Keen (1938, p. 25) separated the West Coast forms from the European. Kellia laperousii^^ chironii Carpenter (PI. 9, figs. 6-10) Kellia var. Chironii Carpenter, 1864, p. 611, 627, 643; Reprint, p. 97, 113, 129; Dall, 1899, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. XXI, p. 880 Kellia (Laperousii, var.) Chironii Carpenter, 1865, Jour, de Conchyl., vol. 13, ser. 3, vol. 5, p. 136; Reprint, 1872, p. 304; Gabb, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 9; Tryon, 1872, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 24, p. 231 ; Keen in Burch, 1944, no. 40, p. 14 "Kellia (var.) Chironii. S. Diego. (Also Neeah Bay, Szvan.)." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 611] "Kellia (var.) Chironii. A few valves." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 627] "Kellia var. Chironii. Thinner, less transverse, margins rounded [Than K. laperojisii Deshayes.]" [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 643] "K.t. 'K. Laperousii' simili ; sed tenuiore, minus transversa, ventraliter excurvata ; epider- mide pallidiore ; umboiiibus angustioribus ; dentibus multo minoribus, baud exstantibus. Long. .76, lat. .62, alt. .41 poll. Hab. Neeah Bay, Sivan; San Pedro, Cooper. "Cette variete est assez distincte de la forme typique du K. Laperousii ; mais la suite d'in- dividus que j'ai eu occasion d'examiner comparativement m'a permis de me convaincre que I'espece variat beaucoup." [Carpenter, 1865g, p. 136] There are three syntypes in the United States National Aluseum from "Neeah Bay, J. G. Swann." They are presumably the specimens mentioned by Carpenter in his description (1865g) first. They are figured herein to give original evidence in the determination of the relationship of Kellia laperousii and the so-called "K. suborbicularis Montagu." There is one good double specimen at the Museum of Comparative Zoology labelled "Coll. J. G. Cooper 144 San Francisco." Syntypes. — U. S. National Museum, no. 15460 (three specimens) Distribution. — Neah Bay, ^^'ashington (type) ; San Diego, California (Carpenter) ; San Francisco, California (Cooper) ; common (Burch) Kellia rotundata Carpenter Kellia rotundata Carpenter, 1864, p. 643 ; Reprint, 1872 p. 129 ; 1865, Jour. Conchyl., vol. XIII, ser. 3, vol. V, p. 137; Reprint, 1872, p. 305; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geog. 3*Winckworth (1934, p. 52) 35Deshayes, 1839 [1840], p. 357 88 MARINE MOT.LT'SCA DESCRTP.KD BY P. P. CARPENTER Sur. California, p. 9; Dall, 1899, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 21, p. 880, synonymous with K. laperousii Deshayes ; Keen in Burch, 1944, no. 40, p. 14 "Kellia rotundata, n.s. Larger, flatter, and less pearly than suborbicxilaris. Margins cir- cular." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 643.] "K. T. tenuissima, orbiculari, satis convexa, aequilaterali, laevi, epidermide subnitente, pallida olivacea; unibonihus augustis, satis proinincntibus ; niargnibus oninino regiilariter ex- curvatis : intus, dcntibus cardinalibus 2 tenuibus satis conspicuis, clavicula baud exstante ; dentibus lateralibus satis elongatis. — Long. .6, lat., .5, alt. .28, poll. Hab. Monterey, Taylor. "Cette cspece est beaucoup plus grande, niais moins reiiflee que le A', suhorbicularis, et se distinque facilement par sa forme presque compietement arrondie." [Carpenter, 1865g, p. 137] The type of this form has not been found. In the analysis of the West Coast Kellias this species must be considered and as suggested by Keen the name is available if it is needed. Genus Mysella Angas, 1877 (Rochefortia Velain,^^ 1877, not earlier than Nov.) Mysella Angas, 1877, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, Aug., p. 176 Type species by monotypy M. anoiiiala Angas, 1877, Zool. Soc. London, Proc., pi. XXVI, ug. Z2. Living. Australia Mysella tumida (Carpenter) (PI. 7, f^gs. 8-12) TelUmya tumida Carpenter, 1864b, Aug., p. 602, 611, 643; Reprint, 1872, p. 88, 97, 129; 1865, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 17, p. 58; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 10; Tryon, 1872, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 24, p. 229 Mysella tumida (Carpenter), Dale, 1899, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 21, no. 1177, p. 881, 892, pi. LXXXVII, fig. 7 type; Abbott, 1954, p. 397, fig. 80b same fig. as Dall, 1899 Rochefortia tumida (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 37; Oldroyd, 1924, p. 132, pi. 54, figs. 11-14; 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 40; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 301, pi. 14, figs. 16, 17; Keen, 1937, p. 25; Burch, 1944, no. 40, p. 15; no. 41, p. 20; Burch, 1945, no. 45, p. 13 "TelUmya tumida, n.s. One sp. living." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 602, Vancouver district] "Tcllimya tumida, S. Diego. (Also Puget Sound, Kennerley.)." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 611] "Tellimva tumida, n.s. Between bidentata and substriata: ossicle minute." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 643] "T. t. subtriangulari, subovata, laevi solidiore, tuniidiore, valde inaequilaterali ; cinerea epidermide pallide olivacea, concentrice striata induta ; marginibus dorsalibus, subrectis, ven- trali excurvato: intus, dentibus cardinalibus valva sinistra validissmis, curtis extantibus, pos- tico longiore, valve dextra callositatibus marginalibus, dentibus nullis ; cartilagine validiore, ossiculum parvum in medio gerente ; cicatricibus adductoribus a cardine valde remotis. Ixjng. .155, lat. .125, alt. .06. "Hab. — In sinu Pugetiano specimen unicum legit Kennerley ; apud Neeah Bay, Swan ; prope San Diegonem, Cooi>er." [Carpenter, 1865e, p. 58] Although Dall, (1899), gave the reference to Carpenter's original description, he omitted it in his 1921 summary. Oldroyd, following Dall, did not give the reference nor a copy of the original description. Thus the impression is gained that Carpenter did not describe the species in detail. The holotype bears the label, "Puget Sound, Kennerley." The specimen is of both valves, but the hinge of the right valve has a small obstruction in tiie umlxjnal area which photo- graphed as a dark patch. The two cardinal tcctli in the left valve are conspicuously large for the size of the shell. Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 5242 seVelain, Ch. : 1876, Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. [Paris], 83, July 24, p. 285 Rochefortia australis nomcn nudum; Arch. Zool. ex]). gen Paris, vol. 6, 1877, p. 132 read Apr. 11, 1877 passed printing Nov. 12, 1877, title page 1878 fide Iredale, 1924, p. 207. Title page of volume of copy in Cornell University Library is 1877. Librarian Zool. Soc. London, G. B. Stratton, ascertained date of Angas as Aug. 1877 (Personal communications, Feb. 13, 1951). PELECYPODA 89 Distribution. — Recent. Puget Sound, Washington (type) ; Shumagin Islands, Alaska, to San Diego, California (Dall) ; to Scammons Lagoon, Lower California (Jordan, 1926). Pleistocene. California (Grant and Gale), Mexico (Jordan 1926). Pliocene (Woodring and Bramlette 1950) Genus Pristes Carpenter, 1864 [1866] (Pristiphora Carpenter, 1866a not Latreille, 1810; Serridens, Dall, 1899. For references see Neave 1939^0.) Pristes Carpenter, 1864b, Aug., p. 611, 643; Reprint, 1872, p. 97, 129. Pristiphora Carpen- ter, 1866a, p. 210 substitute for Pristes Carpenter, 1864b not Pristis Linck, 1790 (Pis- ces). Serridens Dall, 1899, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 21, p. 880 substitute for Pristi- phora Carpenter, 1866a, not of Latreille, 1810 (Hymenoptera) for reference see Neave (1939-40). Type species by monotypy Pristes oblongus Carpenter, 1864b, p. 611, 643; Reprint, 1872, p. 97, 129 nomen nudum, validated Carpenter, 1866a, p. 210. Recent. Monterey, California, to San Hipolito Point, Lower California. (PI. 9, fig. 11-13). Prior to the ruling of International Zoological Com., Copenhagen, 1953 (see Hemming, 1953, p. 78, Art. 34) Pristes Carpenter was considered preoccupied by Pristis Linck, 1790 (for reference see Neave, 1939-1940). Dall's Serrideiis, a substitute name for Carpenter's substitute preoccupied name of Pristiphora Carpenter, has been used for Pristes oblongus Carpenter. Reinstating Pristes under the new ruling does not clear all technicalities as to the status of the name. See under Pristes oblongus for original indication of the genus. The type species is clearly stated. However, at the time of the presenting of the new generic name the type species P. oblongus was a nomen nudum. The writer does not regard the second statement (1864b, p. 643) adequate to describe the species (see Vokes, 1956, p. 768). In 1866a, the type species was described in detail as Pristiphora oblonga by Carpenter who gave the generic name as a substitute for Pristes. Because the problem does not involve generic names other than substitutes for the same name, and because the type species was indicated as the same in each case it seems best to maintain Pristes of either 1864 or 1866. Pristes oblongus Carpenter (PI. 9, figs. 11-13) Pristes oblongus Carpenter, 1864b, Aug., p. 611, 643; Reprint, 1872, p. 97, 129 Pristiphora oblonga Carpenter, 1866, Feb., California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 210; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 10 Serridens oblonga (Carpenter), Dall, 1899, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 21, no. 1177, p. 880; Kelsey, 1902, Nautilus, vol. 15, p. 144; Dall, 1921, p. Z7 ; Oldroyd, 1924, p. 135, pi. 54, figs. 5, 6, 7, 8; Keen, 1937, p. 25; Burch, 1944, no. 40, p. 16; 1945, no. 45, p. 13 "Pristes oblongus, n.g., n.s. S. Diego." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 611] "Pristes oblongus, n.g., n.s. Like Telliinxa, with long marginal teeth, serrated near hinge." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 643] Oldroyd included in her monograpli a copy of the description of 1866. The following line should be added to complete that copy : "Hah. San Diego; 1 worn valve among shell washings. Cooper." [Carpenter, 1866a, p. 210] A specimen in the U. S. National Museum (no. 15592) on the original Carpenter glass mount has a Carpenter label in white ink, "Type S. Pedro. Cooper." This does not coincide with the original notes of Carpenter which gave the locality as San Diego only. Carpenter listed the species from "D" (1864b, p. 643) which stood for the "region between San Diego and San Pedro." This interpretation may account for the interchange of places in the local- ity names. Another specimen marked "type S. Diego Hemphill" in Carpenter's writing is in the Redpath Museum (no. 15372). The locality is right for the type locality, but the collector is wrong. Hemphill collections were made after Cooper. The specimen is the same valve and same dimensions as the specimen in the U. S. National Museum. Neither specimen qualifies 90 MARINE MOT.LTTSCA DESCRTBED BY P. V. CARPENTER for the holotj'pe because part of the data given by Carpenter for each specimen is erroneous. The writer chooses the specimen U. S. National Museum, no. 15592 as the lectotype and the Redpath Museum specimen as a lectoparatype. The Redpath Museum specimen was found by Vicente Conde and sent to tlie writer during the editing of the manuscript. Kelsey (1902) apparently misunderstood a portion of Ball's notes to him, for it was Cooper who found the shell and not Carpenter. Carpenter was never on the Pacific Coast. Lccfotyt^e. — U. S. National Museum, no. 15592; lectoparatype, Redpath Museum, no. 15372 Distribution. — San Pedro to San Diego, California [San Pedro] (type) ; Alonterey, California, to San Hipolito Point, Lower California (Burch) Genus Pseudopythina Fischer, 1878 Pscitdopythina Fischer, 1878, Act. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, vol. 32, ser. 4, t. II, p. 178 Type species by monotypy, P. Mac-Andrczvi Fischer, 1867, Jour, de Conchyl., vol. XV, p. 194, pi. IX, fig. 1. Recent. Northern Spain and southwestern France. Portugal Pseudopythina rugifera (Carpenter) (PI. 9, figs. 1-5) Pythina rugifera Carpenter, 1864b, p. 602, 643; Reprint, 1872, p. 88, 129; 1865, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 17, p. 57; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. Cali- fornia, p. 9; Tryon, 1872, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc., vol. 24, p. 233 Lepton rude (Dall ms.), Whiteaves, 1880, Rept. Progress Geol. Sur. Canada, 1878-79, p. 198B, fig. 2 Erxcina (Pseudopythina) rugifera (Carpenter), Dall, 1899, U. S. Nat. AIus., Proc, vol. 21, no. 1177, p. 880, 887, pi. LXXXVII, fig. 4 Pseudopythina rugifera (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. Z7 \ Oldroyd, 1924, p. 136, pi. 15, fig. 9 = pi". 38, fig. 8, pi. 38, fig. 9 = Dall, 1899, pi. 87, fig. 4; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 40, pi. 27, figs. 8, 9; Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells, (Keep) p. 78, fig. 49 = Dall, 1899, pi. 87, fig. 4; Keen, 1937, p. 25; Abbott, 1954, p. 395, fig. 80a, same fig. as Dall, 1899 Pseudopythina compressa Oldroyd, 1924, not Dall, 1899, pi. 11, fig. 11 noted by Willett AND Keen in Burch, 1944, no. 40, p. 17; Burch, 1944, no. 40, p. 17; no. 41, p. 20; Burch, 1945, no. 45, p. 13 "Pythina rugifera, n.s. Two living sp. Intermediate between Pythina and KcUia." [Car- penter, 1864b, p. 6021 "Pythina rugifera. n.s. Large, thin, slightly indented; tcetli minute; epidermous shaggy." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 643] "P. t. majore, tenuissima, valde transversa, subquadrata, vix inaequilaterali ; lineis incre- menti ct epidcrmide rugosa, confertissime laminata, ornata ; umbonibus latis, valde prominen- tibus, antice flutentibus ; marginibus, dorsalibus satis regulariter excurvatis, regione postica pauluin niajorc; vcntrali planato, sen medio concavo : intus, cardine maxime delicatulo; dcnte cardinali uno minore, clavicnla antica laterali inconspicua ; iaterali postico nullo. Long. .77, lat. .44, alt. .3. "Hab. In sinu Pugctiano specimena duo, (quorum unum fractuni,) piscavit Kennerley. "Inter Pythinas typicas et Kellias locum tenet." [Cari>enter, 1865e, p. 58.] From the character of the type, which is concave in the midventral line, Willett and Keen (Burch, 1944, no. 40, p. 17) are correct in believing that Oldroyd was figuring P. rugifera in the reference, (PI. 11, fig. 11) Syntypes. — U. S. National Museum, no. 4445 (two specimens) Distribution. — Puget Sound, Washington (type) ; Craig, Alaska, to San Bartholome, Lower California (Willett in Burch, 1944). Commensal with Upogebia pugettensis (Dana) (ghost shrimp) and on the sea mouse, Aphrodita. Genus Lepton, Turton, 1822 Lepton TuRTON, 1822, Conchylia Insularum Britannicarum, p. 61, pi. 6, figs. 1-3 Type species by subsequent designation, Hkrmannsen, 1846, Indicis Gen. Malacozoorum, vol. 1, p. 584; .Solen squanw.uis Moxtagl\ 1803, Test. Brit., t. 2, p. 565; Recent. Brit- ish Isles, Turton, 1822, Conchylia Insularum llritannicarum, pi. 6, figs. 1-3. PELECYPODA 91 Lepton meroeum Carpenter (PL 10, figs. 12, 13) Lepton mcrocuin Carpenter, 1864b, p. 611, 643; Reprint, 1872, p. 97, 129; 1866, Feb., California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 210; Cooper, 1867, Geol. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 9; Dall, 1899, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 21, p. 879; 1921, p. 38; Oldroyd, 1924b, p. 137; Keen, 1937, p. 21; Burch, 1944, no. 40, p. 19, fig. p. 12 holo- type; 1945, no. 45, p. 13; Schenck, 1945, Jour. Paleont, vol. 19, no. 5, pi. 66, fig. 8 holotype "Lepton meroeum, n.s. S. Diego." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 611] "Lepton meroeum, n.s. Small, shaped like Siiiiapfa." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 643] "L. t. parva, snbplanata, Meroae-formi ; transversa, marginibus omnino excurvatis ; antice valde producta ; umbonibus acutis, prominentibus ; dent. card. (V. sinistr. ) uno, celato ; lat. ant. prominente, post, subobsoleto ; fossa cartilaginali angusta ; cic. adduct. re- motis. "Long. 0.11, lat. 0.08, alt. 0.03. "Hah. San Diego, 1 broken valve among shell washings. Cooper." [Carpenter, 1866a, p. 210] The holotype is a broken specimen in the U. S. National Museum, mounted on an original Carpenter glass and bearing a label in his handwriting, "Type- San Diego Cooper." From Carpenter's original description quoted above, one notes that the holotype was broken originally. Additional breakage has occurred since Carpenter. Dall overlooked Carpenter's original description (1866a). This was unfortunate, as Oldroyd, following Dall, missed the reference also. Because the holotype is in bad condition good illustrations of it have not been made. Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 15591 Distribution. — San Diego, California (type) ; San Pedro to San Diego, California (Oldroyd) ; Puget Sound, Washington (Keen, 1937) Lasaea subviridis Dall Lasaea rubra subviridis "Carpenter," Dall, 1899, U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc, vol. 21. no. 1177, p. 881, Lower California Lasaea subviridis Dall, Keen, 1938, Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 23, pt. I, p. 29, 30, pi. 2, figs. 1-6, California and Lower California The name used by Dall was a ms. name of Carpenter and therefore has only validity as of Dall. Family Cardiidae Genus Nemocardium Meek, 1876 Nemocardium Meek, 1876, U. S. Geol. Sur. Terr., v. 9, p. 167; Keen, 1937, Bull. Musee Roy. d'Hist. nat. Belgique, t. XIII, no. 7, 22 p. Type species by subsequent designation, Sacco, 1899, I. Aloll. Liguria, pt. 27, p. 56, Card- ium semiaspcrnm Deshayes, 1860, Desc. An. sans Vert. Basin, Paris, v. 1, p. 573, pi. 55, figs. 1, 2. Eocene. Paris Basin. Cossmaxn and Pisarro, 1904, Icon. Coq. Eoc. Env. Paris, pi. 19, figs. 72-7; Deshayes, 1860, Desc. An. sans Vert. Basin Paris, t. 1, Atlas, pi. 55, figs. 1-2 For discussion of the range of the genus, see Keen (1950, p. 23-29; 1954, p. 10) Subgenus Keenaea Habe, 1951 Keenaea Habe, 1951, Genera of Japanese Shells : Pelecypoda, no. 2, p. 152 Type species by original designation, Cardium sainarangac MAKIYA^[A, 1934, Mem. Coll. Sci., Kyoto Univ., ser. B, vol. X, no. 2, p. 143 new name for C. modcstum Adams and Reeve, 1850, Zool. "Samarang," no. 7, p. 77 not C. modestum Philippi, 1948 [1849] Zeitschrift fiir Malakozoologie, p. 142, Recent. Japan. Adams and Reeve, 1850, Zool. Samarang, p. 77, pi. 22, fig. 6 Nemocardium (Keenaea) centifilosum (Carpenter) (PI. 10, fig.s. 7-11) Cardium var. centifilosum Carpenter, 1864b, p. 611, 642; Reprint, 1872, p. 97, 128; 1866, 92 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER California Acad. Sci., vol. Ill, p. 209, Fuhna or Lacvicardium ?; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 8 Protocardia centifilosa (Carpenter) Dall, 1900, Wagner Free Inst. Sci., Philadelphia, Trans., vol. Ill, pt. V, p. 1114; 1900, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 33, p. 391; Arnold, 1903, p. 142; Dall, 1921, p. 40; Oldroyd, 1924b, p. 146, pi. 34, figs. 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d same pi. as Packard, 1918, Univ. California Pub. Zool., vol. 14, no. 2, pi. 20, figs. 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d Cardium (Protocardia) centifilosum (Carpenter), Packard, 1918, Univ. California Pub. Zool., vol. 14, no. 2, p. 267, pi. 20, figs. 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d Lacvicardium (Neynocardium) centifilosxim (Carpenter), Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 311, pi. 19, figs. 9, 10, see for additional synonymy Nciiwcardiuin centifilosum (Carpenter), Keen, 1937, p. 23; BuRCii, 1944, no. 41, p. 27; 1945, no. 45, p. 14 Cardium (Nemocardium) centifilosum (Carpenter), Hertlein and Strong, 1947, Zool- ogica. New York Zool. Soc, vol. 31, pt. 4, p. 141 Pratulum (?) centifilosum (Carpenter), Woodring, Bramlette and Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 207, p. 85, 90, pi. 33, figs. 10, 11 Nemocardium (s.g.A.) centifilosum (Carpenter), Keen, 1950, Jour, de Conchyl., vol. XC, no. 1, p. 29 Nemocardium ( Keenaea) centifilosum (Carpenter), Keen, 1954, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 35, no. 153, p. 11 "Cardium {? vtodestum, var.) centifilosum. Cat. Is., 30-40 fm." [The differences be- tween this and the Eastern Pacific shell are probably only varietal.] — [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 6in "Cardium var. centifilosum. Probably = Modestum, Ad. & Rve. ; but rounder, riijs sharper and more distant. Belongs to subg. Fulvia, Gray. 30-40 fm. Cp." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 642] "Cardium (? modestum, var.) centifilosum, Cpr. State Collection 381. "C. t. parva, tenuissima. inflata, subquadratim rotundata ; umbonibus augustis, tumi- dioribus ; marginibus, dorsalibus subalatis, antico et ventrali aequaliter rotundatis, postico vix truncato, tota superficie, (nisi umbonibus et dorsum versus utroque latere laevibus,) tenue lirata; liris circ. centum, quoad magnitudinem extantibus, augustis; interstitiis sub- aequalibus, subquadratis, interdum punctato — decus satis ; parte postica a linea definita, lirulis minus conspicuis, laminis concentricis extantibus, crebrioribus eleganter exasperata ; intus, dent. card, validioribus, lat. subdistantibus ; cic. adduct. ovalibus, haud imprcssis. 'Tong. 0.51, lat. 0.48, alt. 0.34. "Hah. (modestum) Quelpart Island, China .Seas, and Japan; A. Adams. "(Centifilosum) Monterey, 20 fms. alive; Santa Barbara 1, Catalina Island, 40 fm. Cooper. "Rounder than C. modestum. Ad. & Rve., with fewer and sharper ribs; but the East- ern shells vary, and Mr. Adams considers them conspecific." [Carpenter, 1866a, p. 209] Carpenter's description of this species was one of many wliich Dall overlooked and which other authors have neglected to refer to. The holotype is in the U. S. National Museum. It is a double specimen and is accom- panied by an original Carpenter label, "Catalina Id. Cooper Cp. 631." The locality of this type indicates Catalina Island as the type locality in place of Monterey as frequently quoted. The types from Monterey and Santa Barbara have not been found. Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 15262 Distribution. — Recent. Catalina Island (type) ; Farallon Islands to Lower California (Hertlein and Strong). Pleistocene (Keen, 1954). See Table 2 for stratigraphic distribu- tion Family Veneridae Genus Ainiantis Carpenter, 1864 Amiantis Carpenter, 1864b, p. 536, 540, 553, 620, 640, 665: Reprint. 1872, p. 22, 26, 39, 106, 126, 151; 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XV, p. 177; Reprint, 1872, p. 279 Type species by monotypy A. callosa (Conrad), 1837, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Jour., vol. 7, p. 252. Recent. San Pedro, Calif., to Gulf of Tehuan tepee. Palmer, 1929, Pa- leont. Amer., vol. I, no. 5, pi. XVI, figs. 22-24 Genus Macrocallista Meek, 1876 Macrocallisfa Meek, 1876, U. S. Geol. Sur. Terr., vol. IX, p. 179; Palmer, 1927, Pa- leont. Amer., vol. I, no. 5, p. 73, 79 TELECYPOnA 93 Type species by moriotypy Venus giyaniea Gmelin, 1791, Syst. Nat., 13 ed., t. VI, p. 3282 = Venus nimbosa [Humphrey^^], 1786, Portland Cat., p. 175. Living. Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, to Florida Keys and west to Texas.^s Pliocene. Caloosahatchee beds, Florida; Pleistocene. North Carolina and Florida. Palmer. 1929, Paleont. Amer., vol. I, no. 5, pi. X, fig. 15; pi. XIII, figs. 1, 4; pi. XIV, fig. 18; Clench, 1942, Johnsonia, no. 3, p. 6, pi. 4 Macrocallista brevisiphonata (Carpenter) Saxidomus brcznsiphonatus Carpenter, 1864b, p. 607, 641, Reprint, 1872, p. 93, 127; 1865, Feb. 14, Zool. Soc. London, Proc. 1865, p. 203; Reprint 1872, p. 251; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 8; Stearns, 1900, Nautilus, vol. 14, no. 1, p. 1; Ball, 1902, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, 26, no. 1312, p. 408; Tomlin, 1923, Nautilus, vol. 27, p. 26 Macrocallista chishinmn-a Pilsery, 1905, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. LVII, p. 118, fide ToMLiN, 1923, Nautilus, vol. 37, no. 1, p. 26 Callista brevisiphonata (Carpenter), Habe, 1955, Pub. Akkeshi Mar. Biol. Sta., no. 4, p. 12, pi. 3, figs. 7, 8 see for synonymy and distribution As suggested by Carpenter, and finally confirmed by J. R. Le B. Tomlin through ex- amination of the type in the British Museum, this species is a Japanese form. Tomlin iden- tified it as Macrocallista chishiniana Pilsbry (1905), in which case Pilsbry's name would fall in synonymy. Carpenter seemed certain of the absence of a lunule on the shell he des- cribed. Lack of such a character would exclude the species from Macrocallista and hence would eliminate the species from M. chishimana. However, in the identification of Macro- callista by Tomlin one would assume that the shell had a lunule. Genus Compsomyax Stewart, 1930 Compsomyax Stewart, 1930, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Spec. Pub. no. 3, p. 224, subgenus of Venerella Type species by original designation, Saxidomus gibbosus Gabb, 1869, = {Compsomyax subdiaphana (Carpenter)]. Recent. Alaska, to Santa Barbara Islands, California. Pliocene — Recent. California. Stewart, 1930, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Spec. Pub., no. 3, pi. 14, fig. 6, Saxidomus gibbosus Gabb, lectotype. (pi. 10, figs. 1-6 [C 'Sub- diaphana (Carpenter)] Distribution of the Genus. — PMiocene — Recent. West Coast. Compsomyax subdiaphana (Carpenter) (PI. 10, figs. 1-6) IClementia subdiaphana Carpenter, 1864b, p. 602, 607, 640; Reprint, 1872, p. 88, 93, 126; 1865, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 17, p. 56; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 7; Dall, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 14, no. 849, p. 185, pi. VII, figs. 5, 6; Williamson, 1893, Nautilus, vol. 6, no. 10, p. 116; Jukes- Browne, 1914, Alalacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 11, p. 78 Marcia {Venerella) subdiaphana (Carpenter), Dall, 1902, U. S. Nat. AIus., Proc, vol. 26, no. 1312, p. 397 Callista subdiaphana (Carpenter), Arnold, 1903, p. 144, pi. XIII, fig. 4; Arnold, 1907, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 2,2, no. 1545, p. 544, pi. XLIX, fig. 3 as Callista dementia obliqua Jukes-Browne, 1913, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, vol. XII, p. 59, pi. 1, figs. 1, 2; Dall, 1914, Nautilus, vol. 27, no. 9, p. 103; Jukes-Browne, 1914, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, vol. XIII, p. 338 _ Marcia subdiaphana, (Carpenter), Packard, 1918, Univ. California Pub. Zool., vol. 14, no. 2, p. 268, pi. 19, fig. 3; Dall, 1921, p. 42, section Venerella; Oldroyd, 1924. Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 47, pi. 27, fig. 1 ; pi. 2i7, fig. 4 same fig. as Packard, 1918, pi. 19, fig. 3 ; Oldroyd, 1924b, p. 155, pi. 38, fig. 1 same fig. as Oldroyd, 1924a, pi. 27, fig. 1 ; pi. 22,, fig. 3 same fig. as Packard, 1918, pi. 19, fig. 3, section Venerella Venerella (Compsomyax) subdiaphana (Carpenter), Stewart, 1930, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Spec. Pub., no. 3, p. 224; in part, illustrated specimen is of Saxidomus gibbosus Gabb, lectotype 2^See Wilkens (1955, p. 87, 88, pi. 17, figs. 16-17) for discussion of Venus nimbosa [Humphrey], 1786 versus Solander, 1786, and designation of lectotype of Venus nimbosa [Humphrey]. 38Vicente Conde of Cardenas, Cuba, in extensive shell collecting on that island, never obtained this species. He doubts the Cuban record (Personal communication). 94 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER dementia {Comfsomyax) suhdiaphmw (Carpenter), Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 334, pi. 17, figs. 10a, 10b, ? 15, see for additional synonj-my Compsomxa^ suhdiaphmia (Carpenter), Keen, 1937, p. 19; Keen and Bentson, 1944, Geol. Soc. Amer., Sp. Paper no. 56, p. 38, 105, 118; Burch, 1944, no. 42, p. 11; 1945, no. 45, p. 15; Hertlein and Strong, 1948, Zoologica, New York Zool. Soc, vol. 33, pt. IV, p. 191 ; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 174; Abbott, 1954, p. 411, pi. 31f ; fig. 81a, b, .same figs, as Dale, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 14, no. 849, p. 185 Kathcrinella (Covtpso)nyax) aff. K. subdiapliana (Carpenter), Woodring, 1938, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 190, p. 11, 54, pi. 6, fig. 12, lower Pliocene. See for additional references for fossil occurrence Kathcrinella {Compsomyax) subdiapliana (Carpenter), Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 207, p. 84. 90, 93, pi. 33, fig. 7-9. Pleistocene. Palos Verdes Hill, California "Clementin subdiapliana, n.s. Very rare, living. Intermediate between Clcmentia proper and the prora group of thin Callistae." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 602J "dementia subdiapliana, Vane. Is., Forbes. One broken sp." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 607] "? Clcmentia subdiapliana, n.s. Hinge normal, very thin, ashy." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 640] " ? C. t. ovali, quoad genus valde transver.sa, tumida, tenuissima ; pallide cinerea, epi- dermide pallide straminea ; subdiapliana, sed subcalcarea, baud porcellana ; lacvi, nisi striis incrementi ; baud lunulata, umbonibus satis prominentibus : intus, valva dextra, dentibus anticis duobus acutis, contiguis, elevatis, postico elongato, acuto, bifido, ligamento parallelo; valva sinistra dentibus anticis duobus umbonem versus junctis, acutis, di- vergentibus, postico elongato, acuto, simplici ; sinu pallii, ut in Dosinia, ajigusto, angulato, per dimidium interstitii umbones verses porrecto. Long. .72, lat. .58, alt. .34. "Hab. — In sinu Pugetiano specimina quaedam, plerumque juniora, piscavit Kennerley: ex insula Vancouver, specimen fractum portavit Forbes. "Textura Lucinopsei convenit ; cardine, Clementiae ; forma, Saxidomo squalido juniori." [Carpenter, 1865e, p. 56] Dall (1892) gave a detailed description and figured an adult shell of this species from Alaska. Carpenter's type was a young shell. The holotype is a double shell in the U. S. Nat. Museum, with the label," ? dementia subdiapliana Cpr. Type. Puget Sound. Dr. Kennerly." Woodring (1938, p. 54) doubted that the above type was the holotype, because he con- sidered that the measurements of the specimen did not coincide with those given by Carpen- ter. However, the measurements correspond so closely^s that that factor does not seem valid. Woodring designated the type specimen as a lectotype. Since there is no other specimen which can qualify in the type catagory of this species, the U. S. National Museum, no. 4541 specimen remains the type regardless of what strict term is used. The type is not in the British Museum, as Stewart (1930, p. 225) presumed. The following data regarding type material were furnished by G. L. Wilkins of the Department of Zoology, British Museum : "I have searched for Clcmentia subdiaplnnia, Carpenter, but all we have is a specimen attached to a bright blue label (one of several such in the Cuming Coll.) with a printed state- ment 'named from the type specimen in theSmithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C.,' the name is written in M.S.S. with the locality 'Puget Sound.' " The above cannot be included in syntypic material. It is one of the many thousands of specimens sent from the Smithsonian in the 1860's and 1870's with that standard label to the molluscan departments of the institutions of the world. If, as in some cases, ro original ma- terial exists, such specimens will be useful from which to choose a "neotype." Stewart united the fossil Saxidomus gibbosus Gabb, 1869, with this species, and Grant and Gale reported the species back to the Pliocene and ix)ssibly Miocene. They did not believe in an identity with Pilar orcgonesis (Conrad) which had been suggested. The general pitaroid form of various species suggests identity, but often such apparent similarities are mislead- ^'' Carpenter's measurements, .72 long, and .58 lat., would equal 18.28 mm. long, (length) and 14.732 mm. lat. (height), which is practically the dimensions given by Woodring for the specimen, U. S. National Museum, no. 4541, "length, 18.5 mm.; height, 15 mm." Such a dif- ference in mm. can be accounted for in the measurements by different individuals. For Car- penter's terms of measurements see notes under explanatory remarks, this paper. PELECYPODA 95 ing. Woodring (1938, p. 54) discussed the possibility of an alliance of this species with "Venus" angustifrons Conrad (1849) from the Miocene of Oregon. In such a case Conrad's name would have priority over that of Carpenter which had been used for the Recent shells. Holofype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 4541 Distribution. — Recent. Puget Sound, Washington (type) ; Sannakh Islands, Alaska, to the Cedros Islands, Lower California (Hertlein and Strong). ? Aliocene — Pleistocene. California. ? Pliocene. Oregon (Grant and Gale.) ? Miocene. Oregon (Woodring) Genus Humilaria Grant and Gale, 1931 Hnmilaria Grant and Gale, 1931, San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., Mem., vol. 1, p. 325 Type species by original designation, Venus kennerlcyi "Carpenter in Reeve" := H. perla- minosa kennerlcyi Carpenter in Reeve. 1863, Icon. Conch., vol. 14, pi. XII, fig. 41 ; Grant AND Gale, 1931 = H. kennerlcyi (Reeve). Recent. Kodiak Island, Alaska, to Carmel Bav, California. Reeve, 1864, Icon. Conch., vol. 14, Venus, pi. XII, fig. 41; Oldrovd, 1924, pi. 8, fig. 4 (PI. 9, figs. 14-15) Humilaria kennerleyi (Reeve) (PI. 9, fig. 14, 15) Venus Kennerleyi [Carpenter ms.]. Reeve, 1863, Conch. Icon., vol. 14, Venus, pi. XII, fig. 41 : Carpenter, 1864b, p. 553. 569, 600, 602 (/'. kennerleyi), 641 ; Reprint, 1872. p. 39, 55, 86, 88, 127; on p. 602, 641, Carpenter credits the species to Reeve; 1865, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, 17, p. 57 Mercenaria Kennerleyi Reeve, Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 7 Mareia kcnncrlexi (Carpenter ms.) Reeve, Dall, 1902, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 26, no. 1312, p. 396. "pi- NIV, fig. 1 (Carpenter ms.) Reeve; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4. p. 47, pi. 24, fig. 4 Mareia kennerlyi (Carpenter) Reeve, Dall, 1921, p. 42; Oldrovd, 1924b, p. 155, pi. 8, fig. 4 Vencrupis (Humilaria) pcrlaminosa kennerlcyi (Carpenter in Reeve), Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 325 Vencrupis (Humilaria) kcnnerlxi (Reeve), Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells, Keep, p. 90. fig. 61 Humilaria kennerleyi (Carpenter in Reeve), Keen. 1937, p. 21 ; Burch, 1944, no. 42, p. 11 ; 1945, no. 45, p. 15 ; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 174 "Shell oblong oval, somewhat square, dull opake white, concentrically plicately ribbed, ribs close-set, a little recurved, rather irregular, lunule and ligamentary area narrow. "Carpenter, MS. in Mus. Cuming. "Hab.— ? "A very characteristic chalk-white shell, strongly plicately concentrically ribbed, the ribs being very crowded and irregular." [Reeve, 1863] Carpenter's complete description of this species was published in 1865 after Reeve de- scribed the form in 1863. As Carpenter explained, his description was written but delayed be- cause of the American war. Carpenter's authorship was unfortunately lost because of the vi- cissitudes which prevail in publication. Reeve's description and figure hold the specific name so that Carpenter's description is not included in this case. Carpenter considered Reeve the author of the species. Reeve did not record the locality of the species, but Carpenter furnished that information (1864b, p. 569, 602). The shell had been collected by Dr. Kennerley and, therefore, properly belonged in the Puget Sound — Vancouver Island district (Carpenter, 1864b, p. 569, 602, 641). The holotype in the British Museum (Natural History) is labelled from "Van Couver's [sic] Is. (Mus. Cuming) ."*o "Puget Sound" is written faintly on one of the valves." Holotype. — British Museum (Natural History) Distribution. — Vancouver Island, British Columbia (type) ; Kodiak Island, Alaska, to Carmel Bay, California (Burch) •*o (G. L. Wilkins, April 11, 1950, personal communication) The illustrations of the hinge of the holotype with a tracing of the \alve for measurement were furnished by the British Mu- seum (Natural History). 96 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER "Tivela ? marginata" Carpenter uoiiicn nudum "Tivela (?) marginata Cpr." in Berry, 1907, Nautilus, vol. 21, p. 20; Lamy, 1917, Jour, de Conchyl., vol. LXII, p. 204; Burch, 1944, no. 39, p. 9 Tivela marginata Carpenter is a nomcn nudum. The name was probably with a museum specimen, which was the basis for Dall's (1902, p. 386) remarks: [Tivela delesserti Deshayes, 1854, Lower California and Mexico] "the young fry were named Tivela marginata by Car- penter, but I do not find that this name has ever been defined in print." It is strange that Dall should have passed the name on to Berry in a faunal list. See also "Crassafella mar- ginata Carpenter." Genus Protothaca Dall, 1902 Protothaca Dall, 1902, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 26, p. 364 Type species by original designation Vemis thaca Molina, 1782, Saggio sulla storia Naturale del Chile, p. 203, V. dombeii Lamarck, 1818, Hist. Ann. s. Vert., vol. 5, p. 590. Recent. Peru to Chonos Archipelago, Chile. Reeve, 1863, Conch. Icon., vol. 14, Venus, pi. IX, fig. 29 {V. Dombeii) This genus is represented in the living and fossil fauna of New Zealand by the subgroup Tnangia (Marwick, 1927, p. 623; personal communication, January 19, 1951), [T. crassicosta (Deshayes)] which has not been found earlier than Pleistocene. Subgenus Callithaca Dall, 1902 Callithaca Dall, 1902, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 26, no. 1312, p. 364 Type species by original designation. Tapes tenerrima Carpenter, in Gould and Carpen- ter, 1856, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, p. 200. Recent. Vancouver Island, to Cape San Lucas, Lower California, Oldroyd, 1924, pi. 30, figs, la, lb Protothaca (Callithaca) laciniata (Carpenter) Tapes laciniata Carpenter, 1864b, 540, 571, 641 ; Reprint, 1872, p. 26, 57, 127; 1865, Jour, de Conchyl., vol. XIII, ser. 3, vol. V, p. 136; Reprint, 1872, p. 304; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 7; Arnold, 1903, p. 150, pi. XIV, fig. 5 Paphia (Protothaca) stannnca var. laciniata (Carpenter), Dall, 1902, U. S. Nat. AIus., vol. 26, no. 1312, p. 398; Jukes-Browne, 1914, Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. II, p. 83 Paphia (Protothaca) staminea laciniata (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 43, section Protothaca Paphia staminea laciniata (Carpenter), Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 48 Paphia staminea lacincata (Carpenter), Oldroyd, 1924b, p. 157, section Callithaca Venerupis (Protothaca) staminea Conrad variety laciniata (Carpenter), Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 331 Protothaca laciniata (Carpenter), Keen, 1937, p. 24; Burch, 1944, no. 42, p. 14; Burch, 1945, no. 45, p. 15; Finch, 1953, Dept. Fish aiid Game Marine Fish., Fish. Bull. no. 90, p. 68, fig. 34 "Tapes laciniata, n.s. Large, swollen, brittle, ashen ; sculpture pectinated." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 641] "T. t. 'T. staminea' simili, sed majore, fragili, multo tenuiore ; satis tumida, subovali, regu- lariter excurvata, cinerea ; lunula linea impressa, parum definita ; marginibus, postico vix sub- quadrato, antico producto; ligamento baud prominente ; costis radiantibus acutis, distantibus, ventraliter dimidium interstitiorum aequantibus, posticc parvis, crebis, antice latis ; laminis concentricis creberrimis, vix erectis, costas transeuntibus, a costis at interstitiis eleganter un- datis, baud nodosis : pagina interna albida ; dentibus cicatricibusque ut in 'T. staminea' forma- tis; sinu pallii paulum longiore, acutiore. — Long. 2.4, lat. .2, alt. 1.4, poll. "Hab. San Diego, Rich, Blake, Cooper. "Cette espece est remarquable, en mome temps pour la deiicatesse de sa sculpture, et pour les caracteres particuliers de sa texture. Elle appartient au meme groupe que les T. adamsii. Reeve, T. tenerrima. Carpenter (decrit d' apres un individu tres-jeune) et T. staminea, Con- rad. Cette derniere espece compte parmi ses varietes les V. Pctitii et V. ruderata, Deshayes, V. mundidus, Reeve (= T. diversa, Sowerby) ct V. tumida, Sowerby. Mais elle se distinque TELECYPODA 97 facilement de toutes ces formes par ses lanics coiiccntriques, disposees au-dessus des rayons et de leurs interstices bien prononces, et laciniees au sommet fort elegament." [Carpenter, 186Sg, p. 136] The type of this species has not been found. The collections of the British Museum (Na- tural History) have been searched, as well as those in likely institutions in America. Although Carpenter recorded the species from Monterey and the region between San Diego and San Pedro (1864b, p. 641), San Diego is given as the type locality in Carpenter's (1865g) description. There seems to be a difference of opinion among workers as to the spe- cific rank of this form. Mrs. Oldroyd and Grant and Gale omitted reference to the complete description by Car- penter of this species in 1865. Type. — Not found Distribution. — Recent. San Diego, California (type) ; Unalaska, Alaska, to Estero de Todos Santos Bay, Lower California (Burch). Pleistocene. Mexico (Jordan 1926) Protothaca (Callithaca) staminea (Conrad) (PI. 11, figs. 1-5) Forma orbella Carpenter Tapes staminea var. orbella Carpenter, 1864b, p. 641; Reprint, 1872, p. 127; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 8; Cooper, 1888, 7th Ann. Rept. California State Min. Bur., p. 266 Paphia (Protothaca) staminea var. orbella (Carpenter), Dall, 1902, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 26, no. 1312, p. 398, Jukes-Browne, 1914, Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 11, p. 83 Paphia staminea (Conrad) var. orbella (Carpenter), Packard, 1918, Univ. California Pub. Zoology, vol. 14, p. 271, pi. 19, fig. 6 Protothaca staminea orbella (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 43; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 48, pi. 37, fig. 6 same as Packard, 1918, pi. 19, fig. 6; Oldroyd, 1924b, p. 157, pi. 23, fig. 6 same as Packard, 1918, pi. 19, fig. 6; Burgh, 1944, no. 42, p. 13 " ? Tapes tumida Con Nutt. ms." Carpenter, 1856, Zool Soc. London, Proc, p. 214; 1857, Rept. British Assoc. Adv. Sci., p. 196, 306; 1864b, p. 641; Reprint, 1872, p. 127; Dall, 1902, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 26, p. 399 "not T. tumida Sowerby, 1853, Renamed T. conradi by Romer, 1867," fide Dall, 1902, p. 399 "Tapes staminea, Conr. . . . Var. orbella, rounded, globose." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 127] This form is regarded as an ecological accommodation to the animal's habit of nestling in pholad borings. It is not considered a species, but because specimens identified by Carpenter were available the form is figured to show what Carpenter had in mind. The type was not found. The specimens figured are from Neah Bay, collected by J. G. Swan, and are contained in the U. S. National Museum. The suite consists of four double valves and one single right valve. One double specimen is abnormally produced anteriorly and shortened with a thickened knobby posterior. A medium globose specimen is figured. A type of "Tapes tumida" Con. Nutt. ms. Carpenter has not been found. It is not in the British Museum (Natural History), where it might be. (G. L. Wilkins, May 22, 1950, per- sonal communication). From an ecological study of more than 3000 specimens of P. staminea in the region of Victoria, British Columbia, Fraser and Smith (1928, p. 266) found that "there was much difference in shape in different localities : some long and narrow, others short and broad ; some thin, with flat shells, others thick, with strongly convex shells." Specimens figured. — U. S. National Museum, No. 15453 Distribution. — Kodiak Island, Alaska, to San Diego, California (Dall) Protothaca (Callithaca) tenerrima (Carpenter) Tapes tenerrima Carpenter, in Gould and Carpenter, 1856, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, p. 200; Carpenter, 1857, Rept. British Assoc. 1856, p. 227, 229, 306; 1864b, p. 531, 536, 614, 641; Reprint, 1872, p. 17, 22, 100, 127, 304; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Sur. California, p. 7; 1888, 7th Ann. Rept. California State Min. Bur., p. 267 98 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED RY P. P. CARPEXTER rcnus r'ujida Gould, 1861, U. S. Expl. Exped. 1856, f. 538 not Uillwyn, 1817, vol. I, p. 164 fide Carpenter, 1864b, p. 531 Tafcs tencrri)iia Carpenter, Arnold, 1903, p. 151, pi. XIV, fig. 6 Paphia (Prototliaca) tenerrima (Carpenter), Dall, 1902, U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 26, no. 1312, p. 364, 399, section Callithaca; 1921, p. 43; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 24, p. 47, pi. 31, figs, la, lb same as in Packard, 1918, Univ. California Pub. Zool., vol. 14, no. 2, pi. 22, figs, la, lb; Oldroyd, 1924b, p. 156, pi. 30, figs, la, lb same as Packard, 1918, Univ. California Pub. Zool., vol. 14, no. 2, pi. 22, figs, la, lb Prototliaca tenerrima (Carpenter), Jtres-Brownk, 1914, Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 11, p. 83; Keen, 1937, p. 24; Burgh, 1944, no. 42, p. 12; 1945, no. 45, p. 15; Smith AND Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol XXVI, p. 175; Finch, 1953, Dept. Fish and Game Marine Fish., Fish Bull. no. 90, p. 65, fig. 31 Paphia tenerrima (Carpenter). Packard, 1918, Univ. California Pub. Zool., vol. 14, no. 2, p. 272, pi. 22, figs, la, lb; Frizzell, 1931, Nautilus, vol. 44, no. 2, p. 48 Vencrupis {Callithaca) tenerrima (Carpenter), Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 327, pi. 18, figs. 9a, 9b "T. t. tenerrima, albido-fusca, obovali, compressa ; marginibus acqualitcr excurvatis ; striulis radiantibus creberrimis, antice et postice fortioribus, et lirulis acutis concentricis, plus minusve distantibus, cleganter ornata ; lunula vix stria majore definita ; intus, dent. card, iii. radiantibus, quorum valva in altere ii. Altera i. bifidi sunt; sinu pallii maximo, elongato, lateribus suberectis, parum divergentibus, apice cicatr, ant. contiguo, subrotundato ; niargine vix crenulato. "Long. .94, lat. 1.13, alt. .38. "Hab. Panama ; legit Col. Jeivett. Mus. Gould. "Of this extremely elegant species, the two specimens sent were broken in transit. It is recognized at once by its fragility and delicate sculpture." [Carpenter, 1856c, p. 201] ". . . proves to be the adult form of Tapes tenerrima, Cpr., P. Z. S. July 1856, which is a Californian and not a Panamic species, as has been supposed from Col. Jewett's label." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 531] The type of this species has not been recovered. Carpenter wrote (1856c) that the two original specimens were broken before they reached him in England. This suggests that the specimens became further damaged or lost and were not returned to America. They are not in the British Museum (Natural History) (G. L. Wilkins, personal communication). The original description, following Jewett's label, stipulated Panama as the type locality. But Carpenter later corrected that statement and confirmed his idea that the shells came from California. However, no definite California locality could be given. Oldroyd apparently was not aware of Carpenter's correction of Jewett's Panama label, for she quoted "Panama" as the type locality. This was repeated by Grant and Gale. The acceptance of Panama as the type locality probably accounts for the error of extend- ing the distribution to Panama (Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 328). Cooper (1867) corrected the locality from "Panama", to "Str. Fuca to San Diego". The types are not in the Boston Society of Natural History as published by Oldroyd and copied by Grant and Gale. Carpenter, in the description of Tapes laciniata (1865g, p. 136) parenthetically stated that this species had been described frt)ni a young individual. Types. — Not found Distribution. — Recent. California (type) ; Vancouver, British Columbia, to Cape San Lucas, Lower California (Keen). Pleistocene and I'lioccne. (See Grant and Gale, 1931) Pleistocene. Mexico (Jordan, 1926) Genus Psephidia Dall, 1902 (Psephis Carpenter, 1864, not Psephis Guenee, 1854 Insects) Psephidia Dall, 1902, Jour. Conch., vol. X, p. 243. Substitute for Psephis Carpenter, 1864b, p. 640, 641; Reprint, 1872, p. 126, 127; 1865, Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 17, p. 56 Type species by original designation [Psephidia replaced Psephis], P. lordi (Baird), 1863, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, p. 69. Recent. Unalaska, Alaska, to Coronado Islands. Cali- fornia. Dall, 1902, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 26, pi. XVI, fig. 5 ; Grant and Gale, 1931, pi. 15, figs. 5-7 PELECYPODA 99 Psephidia salmonea (Carpenter) (PI. 11, figs. 6-12) Pscphis salmonea Carpenter, 1864b, p. 539, 611, 641; Reprint, 1872, p. 25, 97. 127; 1866, Feb., California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. III. p. 209; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 7; Arnold, 1903. p. 152; D.all, 1902, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 26, no. 1312, p. 408, nepionic young of Tivcla ? Psephidia salmonea (Carpenter), D.all, 1921, p. 44; Oldroyd, 1924, p. 162 [not questioned] Psephidia ? salmonea (Carpenter). Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 338, see for synonymy Psephidia salmonea (Carpenter), Keen, 1937, p. 24; Burch, 1944, no. 42, p. 16; 1945, no. 45, p. 16 "Pscphis salmonea, n.s. S. Diego, Cat. Is., 30^0 fm. ; rare." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 611] "Psephis salmonea, n.s. Very small, rounded, teeth elongate: salmon-coloured. 30-40 fm. r. Cp." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 641] "Psephis sahnonea, Cpr., n.s. State Collection, no. 1068. "Ps. t. Parva, .subinflata, subaequilaterali, subtrigona ; colore salmoneo; extus nitida, minutissime et crebcrrime concentrice striata ; margine ventrali excurvato ; dorsalibus antico et postico subrectis : intus, dent. card, iii.-iii., quorum utraque valva anticus porrectus, quasi lateralis, centrales parvi ; v. dextr. dente postico in marginem sulcatum decurrente ; cicatr. adduct. satis conspicuis, subrotundatis ; linea pallii satis interna, vix obsolete sinulata. "Long. 0.12, lat. 0.11, alt. 0.06. "Hab. Catalina Island, 30—40 fm., rare ; Cooper. "Placed under Psephis by analogy ; whether the animal be ovoviviparus has not yet been ascertained." [Carpenter, 1866a, p. 2()9] The syntypes of this species consist of two suites, one in the Redpath Aluseum, ^IcGill University, and the other at the U. S. National Museum. The specimens in the Redpath Museum consist of five specimens on Carpenter's original glass mount and labelled in Carpenter's handwriting, "Type. Catalina Is. 30 fms. Cooper." These are the specimens which are mentioned in the original description. The U. S. National Museum specimens, a syntype consisting of a double specimen, is also on a Carpenter original glass mount and labelled, "type S. Diego Cooper Cp. 1068." These are the specimens which are mentioned first by Carpenter (1864b, p. 611). The label "Cooper no. 1068" is that given as of the State Col- lection in his original description. Oldroyd, followed by Grant and Gale, gave the type depository and t.vpe locality incor- rectly. Syntypes. — Redpath Museum, no. 115; U. S. National Museum, no. 15578 (Cp. 1068) Distribution. — Recent. Catalina Island, California. 30 fathoms, (type) ; Farallon Islands, California, to San Martin Island, Lower California (Burch). Pleistocene (Arnold, 1903; Cooper in Arnold, 1903). Pliocene (Arnold, 1903) "Tapes gracilis" Gould Tapes gracilis Gould, 1856, United States Pacific R. R. Repts.. vol. 5, p. 333. pi. 19, fig. 20; (jOuld and Carpenter, 1856, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, p. 200. This species has been identified by Dall as the young of Saxidomus nuttallii Conrad, 1837. Carpenter stated (1864b) that the type of T. gracilis Gould was not found at the Smithsonian Institution. Additional References : — Tapes gracilis Gould, Carpenter, 1857, Rept. British Assoc. Adv. Sci. 1856, p. 227, 284, 306, 352; Carpenter, 1864b, p. 592; Reprint, 1872, p. 78 Saxidomus gracilis Gould, Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 8 (^ arafits Gld. ?) Saxidomus arafus Gould, Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 15, no. 898, p. 189 Saxidomus nuttallii Conrad, Gr.axt and G.\le. 1931, p. 341 in part "Venus (Chione) excavata" Carpenter (PL 11, fig. 13) Chione undatella Sowerby, Young Venus (Chione) excavata C.\rpenter, 1856, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, p. 216; Dall, 1902, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 26, no. 1312, p. 392 100 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER This species was determined by Dall as tlie young of Chione undatclla Sowerby (1835, p. 22). The type is in the British Museum (Natural History) {fide G. L. Wilkins, March 2 and July 10, 1951, personal communication), and the photograph of the specimen has been pro- vided by the officials of the British Museum (Natural History). Additional references : Venus {Chione) excavata Carpenter, 1857, Rept. British Ass. Adv. Sci. 1856, p. 197 Venus excavata Cakpexter, 1860. .Smith, ^Iisc. Coll., vol. 2, art. 6, p. 2; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 322 in synonvmy of Chione succinta Chione excavata Carpenter, 1864b, p. 527, 641; Reprint, 1872, p. 13, 127; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. AIoll., Gcol. Sur. California, p. 7 Family Petricolidae Genus Petricola Lamarck, 1801 Petricnla Lamarck, 1801, Syst. Animaux sans Vert., p. 121 Type species bv subsequent designation, Schmidt, 1818, Conch. Samm., p. 55, 79; Venus lapicida Chemnitz, 1788, Conch. Cab., vol. X, p. 356, tab. 172, figs. 1664, 1665. Recent. Australia. Sowerby in Reeve, 1874, Conch. Icon., vol. 19, Petricola, pi. HI, fig. 24 Subgenus Rupellaria Fleuriau de Bellevue, 1802 Rupellaria Fleuriau de Bellevue, 1802, Jour. Physique, vol. 54, p. 347 Type species by subsequent designation, Dall, 1900, Wagner Free Inst. Sci., Philadelphia, Trans., vol. HI, pt. V, p. 1056-1058; Venus lithophaga Retzius, 1786, Act. Acad. Turin, vol. 3, p. 11. Recent. England to Spain and Mediterranean. Sowerby in Reeve, 1874, Conch. Icon., vol. 19, Petricola, pi. H, figs. 11a, lib; Bucquoy, Dautzenberg, and Dollfus, 1893, Moll. Marins du Roussillon, t. H, pi. 67, figs. 20-25 Petricola (Rupellaria) tellimyalis (Carpenter) (PI. 12, figs. 1-5) Psephis tellimyalis Carpenter, 1864b, p. 641 ; Reprint, 1872, p. 127; 1865, Jour, de Conchyl., vol. Xni, ser. 3, vol. V, p. 135; Reprint, 1872, p. 303; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 7; Dall, 1900, Nautilus, vol. 13, no. 9, p. 100 young Petricnla Petricola denticnlata Sowerby, Dall, 1900, Nautilus, vol. 13, no. 11, p. 121 in part; 1903, Wagner Free Inst. Sci. Philadelphia, Trans., vol. HI, pt. V, p. 1061 in part; 1921, p. 44 in part; Oldroyd. 1924b, p. 163 in part probably: Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 356 in part changed in footnote, section Petricolaria. Not P. dcnticulata Sowerby, 1834, Zool. Soc. London. Proc. p. 47; 1855, Thes. Conchyl., vol. II, p. 773, pi. CLXVI, figs. 6, 7 Psephis {Petricola) tcllim\alis Carpenter, Willett, 1931, So. California Acad. Sci., Bull., 30. no. 2, p. 39, pi. 17, figs. 1,2 Petricola tellimyalis (Carpenter). Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 356, footnotes; Ptlsbry and Lowe, 1932, Acad. Nat. Sri. Philadelphia, Proc., vol. LXXXIV p. 97, pi. 13, figs. 12, 13 ; Burch, 1948, no. 83, p. 9, figs. Petricola (Rupellaria) tellimyalis (Carpenter), Burch, 1944, no. 42, p. 19, figs.; 1945, no. 45, p. 16 Rupellaria tellimyalis (Carpenter), Abbott, 1954, p. 420, pi. 31 1 "Psephis tellimyalis, n.s. Shape of Tellimya: central tooth minute ; outside teeth long." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 641] "Ps. t. valde transversa, subquadrata, tumidiore, valde inacquilaterali ; umbonibus obtusis, vix prominentibus ; pallide carneolutescente, purpureo (maxime circa margincm dentesque) tincta ; epidermidc tenuissime induta ; tota superficie crcberrime concentrice striata ; margini- bus, dorsali et ventrali subparallelis, antico rectiore, postico rotundato ; lunula inconspicua : intus, dentibus centralibus minimis, anticis elongatis, posticis valde elongatis: sinu pallii vix sinuato. — Long. .09, lat. .07, altit. .04, poll. "Hab. Californie (sur la partie dorsale d'une II allot ide, Rozvell). "Le sous-genre Psephis se compose de tres — petitcs coquilles veneriformes, dont I'animal est ovivipare, comme celui des Cyclas, etc., des eaux douces, et des Bryophila parmi les Lamcllibranches marins. La charniere porte trois dents ; quelquefois elles ressemblent a celles des Chione: mais ordinaircment les dents antericures et posterieures se prolongent. Le Psephis tellimyalis se trouve sur les limites extremes du groupe. II a I'aspect exterieur d'un Tellimya bidentaUs et quelc|ue chose aussi de sa charniere a cause du tres-grand developpe- ment des deux dents terminales aux depens de la dent centrale. Je n'en ai vu qu'un seul echantillon, qui appartient au reverend J. Rowell, pasteur a San Francisco." [Carpenter, 1865g, p. 135] PELECYPOnA 101 Willett (1931) changed the previous idea rendered by Dall (1900) that the species de- scribed by Carpenter was the young of P. denticulata Sowerby (1834). Willett figured specimens of both species. His figures justified a separation. The individuals figured by Willett (1931) are more triangular than the holotype. Burch in commenting on Willett's article included tracings of unidentified specimens in the Burch collection from San Martin Island, Mexico, which are closer in appearance to the shape of P. tcllimyalis than are those of Willett or Pilsbry and Lowe (1932). The holotype is in the U. S. National Museum on an original Carpenter glass mount with original label, consisting of: "Type Psephis tellimyalis, Cpr. California." Carpenter stated originally that the specimens came from the back of haliotids (186Sg, p. 135). He did not know the locality and suggested Lower California. The label in the type box states "San Diego Stearns Coll." That label is subsequent to the Carpenter glass mount, however. The writer does not believe that a locality other than California would be authentic for the original specimens. The measurements of the holotype (2.5 mm.; 2 mm.) correspond to the dimensions originally stated of .09 poll (2.27 mm.) and .07 poll (1.77 mm.), with a negligible difference. Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 15554 Distribution. — Recent. California (type) ; Santa Monica, California, to San Martin, Mexico (Burch, 1945). See Table 2 for stratigraphic distribution. Genus Cooperella Carpenter, 1864 (Oedalia Carpenter, 1864; Ocdalina Carpenter, 1865) Cooperella Carpenter, 1864b, p. 611 (first mentioned), p. 639 {Oedalia Carpenter not Meigen, 1820) ; Carpenter, 1865, California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 208, Oedalina and Cooperella; Dall, 1900. Wagner Free Inst. Sci. Philadelphia, Trans., vol. Ill, pt. V, p. 1061; Jukes-Browne, 1910, Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 9, p. 217, 221, 223, 224_ Type species by subsequent designation, Dall, 1900, Wagner Free Inst. Sci. Philadelphia, vol. Ill, pt. V, p. 1061, Cooperella suhdiaphana Carpenter (+ scintillaejormis Carpen- ter), 1864b. Recent. Queen Charlotte Islands to Gulf of California. (PI. 12, figs. 6-16) There was considerable juggling of names in connection with this genus, so that even though C. scintillaejormis was the specific name used in the first mention of Cooperella, the name was a nomen nudum. It had not at the time been described. It was also the specific name used in the description of Cooperella. Plowever, C. suhdiaphana was the species with the first description of Oedalia, the description which precedes that of Cooperella. It seems best to maintain the designation of Dall, using the name C. suhdiaphana for the species and for the type of the genus. Besides the type species, a West Coast Recent and Pleistocene species, the genus is repre- sented by one species from the upper Miocene (Yorktown) of Virginia and North Carolina (Dall, 1900, p. 1063) ; Gardner (1943, p. 119) and a species, C. atlantica Rehder (1943, p. 187) living at Peanut Island, Lake Worth, Florida. Cooperella suhdiaphana (Carpenter) (PI. 12, figs. 6-16) Oedalia {Cooperella) scintillaejormis Carpenter, 1864b, p. 611, 639; Reprint, 1872, p. 97, 125; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 6 Cooperella Oedalia suhdiaphana Carpenter, 1864b, p. 639; Reprint, 1872, p. 125; 1865, Apr., Jour, de Conchyl., vol. 13, p. 134; Reprint, 1872, p. 302 Oedalina {Cooperella) scintillaejormis Carpenter, 1866, California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 208; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 6 Cooperella suhdiaphana (+ scintillijormis) (Carpenter), Dall, 1903, Wagner Free Inst. Sci. Philadelphia, Trans., vol. Ill, pt. V, p. 1062; Arnold, 1903, p. 153, pi. XIII, fig. 1 ; Dall, 1921, p. 45; Oldrovd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 51 ; 1924b, p. 163; Keen, 1937, p. 19; Haas, 1942, Nautilus, vol. 55, no. 4, p. 110, 113; Burch, 1944, no. 42, p. 20 ; 1945, no. 45, p. 16 ; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, no. 8, p. 175 "Oedalia {Cooperella) scintillaejormis, n. subg., n.s. S. Diego, Santa Barbara Is." [Car- penter, 1864b, p. 611] 102 MARINE ^rOLLUSCA DESCRIUKD BY P. P. CARPENTER "Oedalia siibdiaphana, n.g., n.s. Thin, swollen, shape of Kellia, ligament surrounding beaks; hinge with 5 bifid teeth (3-2) ; no laterals; large mantlebend." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. "CoopercUa sctntillaefonuis. n.s. New subgenus of Oedalia. Cartilage semi-internal : only 1 tooth bifid." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 639] "Oe. t. albida, tenuissima, suhdiaphana, submargaritacea, tumente; laevi, striulis incre- nicnti exillimis ; epiderniide pallide straminea, tenuissima, induta ; suborbiculari, uniboiiibus tunientibus, promiiientibus ; marginibus oninino satis cxcurvatis, antico rotundato, postico pau- lulum porrecto, lunula nulla: intus, valva sinistrali dentibus cardinalibus 3 bifidis, radiantibus, (|uonnn centralis major, valva dextra 2 bifidis. inttTcalantibus ; nymphis parvis, curtis, tcn- uiltis ; liganicnto circa umboncs excurrciite ; lamina cardinali dorsaliter parum claviculata; cicatricibus adductoribus parvis, niarginem dorsalem versus sitis, antica ovali, jxj.stica subro- tundata ; sinu pallii rcgularitcr ovali, per duas trientes intcrstitii incurrente, longitudinaliter tenuissime corrugato; linca pallii antice a margine remota, diagonaliter reflexa. — Long. .52, lat. .44, alt. .26, poll. "Hab. San Diego, Cassidy. "Je n'ai vu qu un seul echantillon de cette coquille fort remarquable. Apres I'avoir examinee pour la seconde fois et avec lieaucoup de soin au microscope, jjour caracteriser rcs]>ece et pour comparer ses caracteres avec ceux du Cooperella scintiUaeformis, j'ai eu le malheur de le laisser tomber a terre et de le briser : mais je puis attester I'exactitude de la description. Cette espece a I'aspect externe d'un KclUa siihorhicularis; Finflcxion palleale d'un Sciiiclc; le ligiiment circumumbonal des Circe et des Psephis; et une charniere tres complexe, con- tenant cinq dents, toutes bifides. Avec le sous-genre Cooperella, qui en differe comme les Lutricola ct les Maconia ( le cartilage etant semi-interne) et peut-etre avec les Cycladella, elle constitue un groupe particulier des Tellinidae." [Carpenter, 1865g, p. 134, Oe. suhdia- phana] "C. t. tenuissima, subdiaphana, latiore ; forma "Scintilae Citnuningii" simulante ; extus argenteo-iridescente, striulis incrementi exillimis interdum undata ; parte postica paullum ma- jore rotundata ; intus, valva dextra dent ii. laminatis, arcuatim divergentibus, extantibus, quorum anticus major, vcntralitcr sulcatus ; v. sinistr. iii., quorum ant. et post, laminati, ar- cuati, centralis triangularis, bifidus fossa cartilaginali parva, semi-interna, sub umbones an- gustiores, satis prominentos, sita ; lamina ligamentali nulla, nymphis longiorbus ; sinu pallii oblongo, lato; linea pallii antica minus declivi. "Long. 0.60, lat. 0.48, alt. 0.32. "Hab. San Diego; San Pedro, 2 dredged in 8-20 fms. Cooper." [Car[>enter, 1866a, p. 208, C. scintiUaeformis] The types of both C. subdiapJiana and C. sciiitillaefonnis are preserved in the U. S. Na- tional Museum. The holotype of C. subdiaphana is broken. It is labeled "smashed type. San Diego Cassidy no. 3563." There are many fragments, but the hinge of each valve is intact, and each is figured herein. The fracture of the type dates to Carpenter, for he wrote of his misfortune in regard to the shell. The syntypes of C. scintiUaeformis consist of two double specimens and a single valve. Illustrations of the doubles, as well as enlarged figures of the hinges of each, are included herein. Syntypes. — U. S. National Aluseum, no. 15669 {C. scintiUaeformis) ; no. 3563 (C. subdia- phana holotype) Distribution. — Recent. San Diego, California (type) ; San F'edro, California (C. scin- tiUaeformis type); Queen Charlotte Island, British Columbia, to Culf of California (Dall) See Table 2 for strati.graphic distribution. Family Tellinidak Genus Tellina Linnaeus, 1758 Tellina Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., p. 674 Type species by subsequent designation, ScmtiPT, 1818, p. 51, 177, T. radiata Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., p. 675 for Tellina Lamarck, type designation, Children, 1823, Quart. Jour. Sci., vol. XIV, p. 305; Reprint, 1931, p. 8; T. radiata Linnaeus for Tellina Lamarck, 1801 not 1799. Recent. South Carolina to the West Indies and Texas. Reeve, 1866, Conch., vol. 17, Tellina, pi. Ill, fig. 8a, 8b: Maxwell Smith, East Coast Marine Shells, 1937, pi. 23, fig. 3; Annorr, 1954, pi. 40e Subgenus Oudardia Montcrosato, 1884 Oudardia Monterosato, 1884, Nomen. Gen. Sjiec. Conch. Med., p. 22 Type species by original designation, Tellina oudardi Pavraudeau, 1826, AIoll. Corse, p. 40, I'ELECYPOUA 103 pi. 1, figs. 16-18 plus =: T. comprcssa Brocchi, 1814, Conch, foss. Subapp., p. 514, pi. 12, fig. 9, fide MoNTEROSATO, 1884, Nomen. Gen. Spec. Conch. Med., p. 22. Recent. Mediter- ranean. Hanley in SowERBV, [1846], 1847, Thes. Conch., vol. I, p. 297, pi. LXVI, fig. 262 original description and figure of tyi>e Tellina (Oudardia) modesta (Carpenter) (Pi. 13, figs. 4-9) Angulus vwdcstus Carpenter, 1864b, p. 602, 639, 681; Reprint, 1872, p. 88, 125, 167; 1865, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia. Proc, vol. 17, p. 56 Mcra modcsfa (Carpenter), Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 5 Tellina (Angulus) modesta (Carpenter), Tyrox, 1869, Cat. Tellinidae, Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, p. 94 Tellina (Angulus) modesfus (Carpenter). Dael. 1900, U. S. Nat. AIus., Proc, vol. 23. no. 1210. p. 304; 1921, p. 45; Oldroyd. 1924, Pub. Pugct Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4. p. 51; 1924b. p. 167; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 361 section Angulus Tellina (Oudardia) modesta (Carpenter), Keen, 1937, p. 26; Burch, 1943, no. 25, p. 12; 1945, no. 43, p. 7 Tellina modesta (Carpenter), Abbott, 1954. p. 425, pi. 31u "Angulus modestus. n.s., but closely allied to the eastern A. tcner. Say. Two sp. living." [Carpenter, 1864b. p. 602] 'Angulus modestus, n.s. (Subg. of Tellina.) Like tener, Say., but with callus between mantle-bend and scar. White." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 639] Carpenter's (1865) description was reprinted by Oldroyd in 1924. The following typo- graphical errors should be corrected in Oldroyd's copj' : line 1 of description, read callosttate for callosultate ; line 6, insert ventrali between margine and suhplanata; line 7, read valva for va; va ; line 8, read nullis for nullii: read callositatem for callosutatem; line 9, read pauUuni for pauhim. The following should be included to complete the copy of Carpenter's description : "Hab. In sinu Pugetiano, spccimina duo juniora legit Kennerley." [Carpenter, 1865e, p. 56] The type material consists of two valves, now broken. Syntypes. — U. S. National Museum, no. 4245 Distribution. — Recent. Puget Sound, Washington (type) ; Vancouver Island, British Columbia, to Lower California TDall). See Table 2 for stratigraphic distribution. Tellina (Oudardia) buttoni Dall (PI. 13, figs. 10, 11) Angulus ? var. obtusus Carpenter, 1864b, p. 639; Reprint, 1872. p. 125 Angulus modestus. var. obtusus Carpenter. 1865. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 17, p. 56. Not Tellina obfusa Sowerby, 1817, Min. Conch., vol. 2, p. 175, pi. 179 }fera obfusa (Carpenter), Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 5 Tellina (Oudardia) Buttoni Dale. 1900, Nov., U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 23. no. 1210, p. 304. 320, pi. IV, figs. 12. 13 new name for T. obtusa (Carpenter) ; 1900. Dec. Wagner Free Inst. Sci. Philadelphia, Trans., vol. III. pt. V, p. 1036. pi. 47. fig. 18: 1921. p. 46; Oldroyd, 1924b, p. 167, pi. 44, figs. 7a, 7b same figures as Packard. 1918, Univ. California Pub. Zool.. vol. 14, no. 2. pi. 25. figs. 7a, 7b; Oldroyd. 1924. Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Sta- tion, vol. V, p. 51. pi. 41, figs. 7a, 7b; Keen, 1937, p. 26; Burch, 1943, no. 25, p. 13; 1945, no. 43, p. 7 ; no. 46. back page Tellina (Angulus) buttoni Dafl, Arnold. 1903, p. 157. pi. XVI, figs. 1, 2 Tellina buttoni Dall, Packard, 1918. Univ. California Pub. Zool., vol. 14, no. 2. p. 275, pi. 25, figs. 7a. 7b; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 361 section Oudardia, see for additional syn- onymy "Angulus ? var. obtusus. Inside like modestus; but beaks obtuse." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 639] "A. t. 'A. modcsto' simiii ; sed majore. umbonibus obtusis, vix donaciformi, marginibus dorsalibus et ventrali excurvatis ; candidiore, vix diaphana ; epidermide pallidissime straminea. Long. .72, lat. .44, alt. .15. . . ^ "Hab. — In sinu Pugetiano legit Kennerley ; apud 'Neeah Baj',' Swan ; prope S. Pedro, Cooper." [Carpenter, 1865e, p. 56] Details of the shell have been described by Dall (1900a; 1900c). Dall gave the new name to replace the preoccupied one of Carpenter. Carpenter's material therefore should remain 104 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY 1'. T. CARPENTER the foundation for the original conception of the species. It does not seem wise to follow Dall in defining new types for the species when Carpenter's were in existence and available to Dall. (See discussion in the introduction to this paper on the practice of choosing new types for species renamed.) In the case of this species Dall did not choose a type for his new name from the type locality of Carpenter's species. Hence there is a double opportunity for misiden- tifying the original species. The remaining types of "A." obtusa Carpenter are those men- tioned second by Carpenter from San Pedro. Dall chose a Lower California shell for the holotype. Interpreting the renaming of "A." obtusa as strictly a nomcnclatural technicality, the writer retains Carpenter's types'^ for the species as renamed, and the writer disregards Dall's 1900 redesignation. In the case of a name merely replacing a preoccupied term, if the original types have been lost neotypes would properly be designated. In such case it would seem fitting that they should be from the original locality of the species. (See Copenhagen Decisions on Zool. Nomen., Aug. 1953, p. 28-32.) This species has coarser concentric striae than T. carpcnteri Dall (7". varicgata Car- penter). The double specimen (type no. 19429) has the valves intact. The valves were not separated for photographing, lest the hinges be broken. The photographs do not include tliat of the hinge. Syntypcs. — U. S. National Museum, no. 19429 (one double and fragments of two single valves) Distribution. — Recent. San Pedro, California (Cooper, type) ; Lituya Bay, Alaska, to the Gulf of California (Dall). Pleistocene. (See Grant and Gale, 1931) Subgenus Moerella Fischer, 1887 Morrrlla Fischek, 1887, Man. de Conchy!., p. 1147. Morra H. Axn A. .^i)A>fs, [1856] 1858, not Macra Leach, 1814, Donacilla C^ray, 1851, not Lamarck, 1819, see Neave, 1939-1940 for references Type species by monotypy, Tcllina donacina Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., p. 676. Recent. Europe. Reeve, 1866, Conch. Icon., vol. 17, Tellina. pi. X, fig. 43 ; Bucquoy, Dautzenberg, and Doi.lfus, ]\To11. Marins du Roussilon, 1898, tome II, pi. 91, figs. 13, 14, vars. figs. 15-19 Tellina (Moerella) carpenteri Dall (PI. 13, fig. 12-16) Anqnlus varicgatus Carpenter, 1864b, Aug., p. 611, 627, 639; Reprint, 1872, p. 97, 113, 125; 'l864b. Dec, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIV, p. 423; Reprint, 1872, p. 235. Not Tellina I'aricgata Gmei.in, 1791, Syst. Nat., p. 3237 Mcra varicgata (Carpenter), Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 5 Tellina (Angulus) variegata (Carpenter), Tryon, 1869, Cat. Tellinidae, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 95 Tellina ( Anquhis) carpenteri Dall, 1900, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 23, no. 1210, p. 303, 320 new name; 1908, Mus. Comp. Zool.. Bull., vol. XLIII, no. 6, p. 421; 1921, p. 45; Oldroyd, 1924b, p. 166, not pi. 44, figs. 10a, 10b same as Packard, 1918, Univ. California Pub. Zool., vol. 14, no. 2, pi. 25. figs. 10a, 10b. pi. 29, fig. 2; Oldroyd. 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 51, not pi. 41, figs. 10a, 10b; Keen, 1937, p. 26; Burcii, 1943. no. 25. p. 12; 1945. no. 43, p. 5, 7; no. 46, back page Not Tcllina carpenteri Dall. Packard. 1918, Univ. California Pub. Zool., vol. 14, p. 276, pi. 25, figs. 10a. 10b, pi. 46; Oldroyd, 1924b, pi. 44, figs. 10a, 10b; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station vol. 4, pi. 41, figs. 10a, 10b same as Packard pi. 25, figs. 10a, 10b = T. (Moerella) arcnica Hertlein and Strong, 1949, Zoologica, New York Zool. Soc., vol. 34, pt. 2, p. 68 "Angulus varicgatus, n.s. Mont., Cat. Is., 20-60 fm. ; rare. (Neeah Bay, Sivan.) [Car- penter 1864b, p. 6111 "Angulus varieqatus. n.s. Shape of obtusus: no callus, rayed with pink and yellow. 20-60 fm. r. Cp." [Carpenter, 1864b, Aug., p. 639] ^1 New types designated l)y Dall ( lOOOc, p. 320) V. S. National Museum, no. 42865a, have been copied by later authors (Oldroyd; Grant and Gale) PELECYPODA 105 Oldroyd gave a copy'^ of Carpenter's description (1864b, Dec), and it will therefore not be repeated here. To her copy should be added : "Hab. Neeah Bay (Szvan) ; Monterey and Catalina Island, 20-60 fathoms, rare (Cooper)." [Carpenter, 1864b, Dec, p. 423] The type material in the U. S. National Museum consists of one double and one single valve with the label bearing both Catalina Island and Neah Bay, with no means of co-ordin- ating either specimen with its proper locality. Since the two localities arc w^idely separated, a decision based on choosing a lectotype from the syntypes and identifying the locality as near as possible with topotypes from either of the two localities would seem to be a means of solving a technical dilemma. The decision may have to be arbitrary, but it will be necessary to furnish a definite type locality. The lack of topotypes prevents such a selection in the present study. Syntypes.— U. S. National Museum, no. 15467 (one double and one single left valve) Distribution. — Recent. Type locality, either Neah Bay, Washington, or Catalina Island, California; Forrester Island, Alaska, to Panama (Dall) Pleistocene (See Grant and Gale, 1931.) Tellina (Moerella) meropsis Dall Angulns Gouldii Carpenter, 1864b, p. 639, 665 : Reprint, 1872, p. 125, 151 ; 1865, Jour, de Conchyl., vol. XIII. ser. 3, p. 132; Reprint, 1872. p. 300 Not Tellina gouldii Hanley, 1846, in Sowerby, Thes. Conch., vol. I, p. 272, pi. LVI, fig. 26. West Indies Tellina {Moerella) meropsis Dall, 1900, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 23, no. 1210, p. 303, 317, pi. 3, fig. 1 ; 1921, p. 45 Carpenter overlooked Hanky's description of Tellina gouldii, a western Atlantic to Mex- ico species, and utilized the name for a west American form. Dall renamed the West Coast species and described it from a holotype from San Diego, California. The species ranges to the Gulf of California. Tellina (Moerella) salmonea (Carpenter) (PI. 13, f^gs. 17-19) Maera salmonea Carpenter, 1864b, Aug., p. 627. 639; Reprint. 1872, p. 113, 125; 1864b, Dec, Ann. Alag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIV p. 423 ; Reprint, 1872, p. 235 ; Cooper. 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 5 ; Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 196 Tellina salmonea (Carpenter), Reeve, 1867, Conch. Icon., vol. 17, Tellina, pi. XXIX, fig. 155 Tellina (Moera) salmonea Carpenter, Tryon, 1869, Cat. Tellinidae, Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- delphia, p. 88 Tellina (Moerella) salmonea (Carpenter). Dall, 1900. U. S. Nat. Mus.. Proc, vol. 23, no. 1210. p. 302; cf. Arnold, 1903, p. 157, pi. XIII, fig. 7: Dall. 1921, p. 45; Oldroyd, 1924b, p. 165, pi. 44, fig. 3a, 3b same as Packard, 1918, Univ. California Pub. Zool., vol. 14, pi. 25, figs. 3a, 3b; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4. p. 51, pi. 41, figs. 3a, 3b same as Packard, 1918, Univ. California Pub. Zool., vol. 14, pi. 25, figs. 3a, 3b; Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 99; Burch, 1943, no. 25, p. 11; 1945, no. 43, p. 6 ; no. 46, back page Tellina salmonea (Carpenter), Packard, 1918, Univ. California Pub. Zool., vol. 14, p. 276, pi. 25, figs. 3a, 3b; pi. 46; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 359, section Moerella, see for addi- tional synonymy; Keen, 1937, p. 26; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI. no. 8. p. 175 Tellina (Peronidia) salmonea (Carpenter) Oinomikado, 1934, Chikyu, vol. 22, no. 4, p. 37-39 text fig. Anguhis (Peronidia) salmonea (Carpenter), Otuka, 1935, Bull. Earthquake Research In- stitute, Tokyo Imperial Univ., vol. XIII, pt. 4. p. 898, Miocene — Recent, northern Japan Tellina salmonea (Carpenter), Keen, 1941, 6th Pacific Sci. Cong., vol. 3, p. 480 no com- ment; Abbott, 1954, p. 426, pi. 31y "Maera salmonea, n.s. (Scarcely differs from Angulus.) Small, subquadrate, glossy, sal- mon-tinted. Beach — 20 fm. Cp." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 639] "M. testa parva, solida. compacta, subquadrata; laevi, nitente, epidermide tenui cinerea induta ; extus pallide, intus vivide salmoneo tincta ; marginibus doralibus rectis, ad angulum *- In the Oldroyd copy (1924), line 4, read rcgnlaritcr for rcgiilarites. 106 MARINE IMOLLUSCA DESCRIBED HV P. V. CARPENTER 120° separatis, umbonibus baud extantibus ; niarginibus antico et vcntrali regulariter late excurvatis; parte postica brevissima, baud angulata: intus dent. card, utraque valva ii., quorum unus bifidus; latcralitnis v. dextr. aequidistantibus, ant. extante, post, parvo ; nympbis rectis, baud conspicuis ; cicatr. add. post, subrotundata, ant. subrbomboidea ; sinu pallii satis regulariter ovali, per IV, inter v. partes interstitii porrecto. Long. .57, lat. .45, alt. .11 poll. "Variat testa aurantiaca, rarius albida, rosaceo tincta. "Hab. San Francisco (Pac. Rail. E. E.) ; Neeab Bay (Szvan), plentiful; Monterey, 20 fatboms (Cooper). "In siiape almost close to Maconia crassuh, Desb. (Arctic) ; but tbat species is thinner, not glossy or salmon-coloured, and bas no lateral teeth." [Carpenter, 1864b, Dec, p. 423] The specimens in tbc U. S. National Museum which were segregated with the Carpenter types may not be tbc true types. They have a label "P.P.C." "Vancouver and Neeab Bay, W.T.J. G. Swan." In tbc case of Carpenter authentic types, tbc original label includes the word "type." These specimens (two double specimens and two single left valves) would be proper specimens from which to designate a neotype, since the original types have not been found. The fact tbat the specimens bear Carpenter's initials, and they are Swan's material, would identify the suite as original and proper specimens from which to choose a neotype. A great deal of Swan material identified by Carpenter was distributed by the Smithsonian Insti- tution to other museums. Dimensions.- — Specimens U. S. National Museum, no. 73449. Length 14 mm., height 10 mm., thickness (double) 5 mm.; length 14 mm., height 11 mm., thickness (double) 5 mm.; length 9 mm., height thickness (single) 1+ mm. (each), respectively. Specimens. — U. S. National Aluseum, no. 73449. Specimen figured herein (pi. 9, figs. 17- 19). Distribution. — Recent. Neah Bay, Washington, Vancouver Island region (type). Aleutian Islands to San Pedro, California (Dall). Gulf of California (Lowe in Burch, 1945, no. 46 back page). Pleistocene. Miocene (See Grant and Gale, 1931.) Subgenus Merisca Dall, 1900 Merisca Dall, 1900, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc.,_voI. 23, p. 290 Type species by original designation, Tellina crystallina Wood, 1815, Gen. Conch., p. 149, fide Dall ; Wood, 1828, Index Test., pi. 3, fig. 10a. Recent. South Carolina to West Indies. Lower California to Quayaquil. Maxwell Smith, 1937, East Coast Marine Shells, pi. 19, figs. 8a, 8b; 1944, Panamic Marine Shells, no. 834 (fig.) The species is Tellina crystallina Spengler (1795). See Hertlcin and Strong (1955, p. 198). Tellina (Merisca) lamellata Car])enter Tellina lamellata Carpenter, 1857, Mazatlan Cat., p. 37 Arcopagia lamellata (Carpenter), Coopek, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Gcol. Sur. California, p. 6 Tellina (Arcopagia) lamellata Carpenter, Dall, 1921, p. 45 section Merisca Tellina (Merisca) lamellata Carpenter, Burch, 1945, no. 43, p. 6; no. 45, p. 16 T. lamellata was described by Carpenter from Mazatlan. The holotype should be in the British Museum (Natural History), and the figuring of it belongs with illustrations of the Mazatlan Catalogue. Dall recorded the species from Mazatlan to San Diego, California. The synonymy is not intended to be complete. Genus Apolymetis Salisbury, 1929'^ Apolymetis Sali.sbury, 1929, Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 18. pt. VI, p. 258 for Pnly- metis; p. 255 for Metis H. and A. Adams, 1856, Gen. Rec. Moll., vol. II, p. 399. Not A'fetis Philippi, 1843, nor Gistl, 1848; not Polynietis Walsingham, 1908, for references see Neave (1939-1940) 43 In regard to Capsa Bruguiere, 1797, see Dcsbayes, 1830, p. 191. Schmidt (1818, p. 56) did not designate P. deflnrata. Linn, as type of Capsa Bruguiere. He merely cited the species. Schmidt did designate F. dcflorata as type of Capsa Lamarck. For Capsa Bruguiere 1797, see Dodge (1947a, p. 488, nomcn nudum). PELECYPODA 107 Type species by moiiotypy (for Metis H. and A. Adams, 1856) Tellina meyeri Dunker, Philippi, 1846, Abbild. Beschrieb. Conchyl., vol. 2 Tellina, p. 89, pi. 4, fig. 1. Recent. East Indies. Reeve, 1867, Conch. Icon., vol. 17, Tellina pi. XXX, fig. 167 {T. mycri) Apolymetis biangulata (Carpenter) (PI. 14, fig. 5) Tellina alta Conrad, 1837, Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliiladelphia, Jour., vol. 7, p. 258; Hanley, 1847, in Sowerby, Thes. Conch., vol. I, p. 322, pi. LXII, fig. 200; Carpenter, 1856, Zool. See. London, Proc, p. 213; Reeve, 1867, Conch. Icon., vol. 17, Tellina, pi. XXVI, fig. 140. Not Tellina alta Conrad, 1833, Fossil Shells Tert. Form., vol. I, no. 4, p. 41 ; Harris Reprint, 1893, p. 67, Gosport sand Eocene Scrobicularia biangulata Carpenter, 1855, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, pt. XXIII, p. 230; 1856, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, pt. XXIV, p. 213; 1864b, p. 526; Reprint, 1872, p. 12 Scrobicularia biangularis Carpenter, 1857, Rept. British Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1856, p. 303 error for biangulata Lutricola alta (Conrad), Carpenter, 1864b, p. 536, 595, 639- Reprint, 1872, p. 22, 81, 125, L. alba, p. 639 error for alta, repeated in Salisbury, 1934, Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 21, pt. II, p. 76 error and name nonicn midiiin, therefore reference of no importance; Carpenter, 1865, Jour. Conchyl., vol. XIII, ser. 3, vol. V, p. 133; Reprint, 1872, p. 301; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 6 Metis alta (Conrad), Tryon, 1869, Cat. Tellinidae, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 105; Dall, 1900, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. XXIII, no. 1210, p. 306; 1900, Wagner Inst. Sci., Philadelphia, Trans., vol. Ill, pt. V, p. 1044; Arnold, 1903, p. 160; Dall, 1921, p. 46; Oldroyd, 1924b, p. 169, pi. 57, fig. 3 Metis biangulata Carpenter, Tryon, 1867, Cat. Tellinidae, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 105 Apolymetis biangulata (Carpenter), Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 363 see for additional syn- onymy; WiLLETT, 1937, San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., Trans., vol. VIII, no. 30, p. 390; BuRCH, 1943, no. 25, p. 16 synonymy, fig. p. 24; 1945, no. 43, p. 9; 1945, no. 45, p. 16, no. 46, back page; 1946, no. 59, pi. XXI, fig. 65; Durham, 1950, Geol. Soc. Amer., Mem. 43, p. 89, pi. 24, fig. 1 ; pi. 25, fig. 12; Finch, 1953, California Fish Game Marine Fish., Fish Bull., no. 90, p. 72, fig. 38 Oldroyd published a copy of Conrad's original description. As has been pointed out by several authors Conrad's name is preoccupied by his own earlier naming. The next name available is that of Carpenter (1855, p. 230) ; hence the inclusion of the species in this report. "? S. t. suborbiculari, subaequilatirali, convexiuscula, striis concentricis vix regularibus, postice undata, angulis duobus subobsoletis ; ligamento externo tenuissimo, in sulcos alte im- presso, semi-interne sito; ligamento interno fossa trigonali scalena sito, alteri adjacente; dentibus cardinalibus in utraque valva duobus, contiguis, vix radiantibus ; cicatricibus muscu- laribus subovalibus, sinu pallii maximo; alba, intus aureo tincta. '^Long. 1.5, lat. 1.78, alt. .8 poll. "Hab. Sta. Barbara; legit T. Nuttall, Esp. Museo suo. "Differs from S. producta in form and texture, and also in the comparative size of the external ligament, which in this species is situated in a semi-internal furrow." [Carpenter, 1855, p. 230, v?. biangulata] "Tellina alta = [(from types) ? Scrobicularia biangulata, Cpr.]" [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 526] Unfortunately the type of Tellina alta (H. A. Pilsbry, September 30, 1948, personal com- munication) is not extant. Information concerning the holotype of A. biangulata was fur- nished by G. L. Wilkins (Alarch 2, 1951, and July 10, 1951, personal communication), and the photograph of the specimen was provided by the officials of the British Museum (Natural History). //o/o^y/'r.— British Museum (Natural History), Distribution. — Recent. Near Santa Barbara, California (A. alta (Conrad) type) ; Santa Barbara, California (A. biangulata (Carpenter), type) ; Point Conception, California, to San Quintin, Lower California (Finch). Pleistocene. Pliocene. Miocene. (See Grant and Gale, 1931.) Genus Macoma Leach, 1819 Macoma Leach in Ross, 1819, Voyage H.M.S. Isabella and Alexander Discovery Baffin's Bay, 1st ed., app. II, p. LXII 108 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Type species by monotypy Maconia tcncra Leach in Ross, 1819, \'oyage H.M.S. Isabella Discovery Baffin's Bay, 1st ed., app. II, p. LXII = Tellina caJcarea Gmelin, 1791, Syst. Nat., 13 ed., pt. VI, p. 3236. Recent. Arctic to Japan and Alaska, Pacific Ocean; Long Island Sound, Atlantic Ocean. Oldroyd, 1924, pi. 42, fig. 5. For svnonymy, see Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 369 Distribution of gcmus. — Eocene — Recent: Eocene — Recent, Western Hemisphere; Miocene — Recent, Europe Macoma expansa Carpenter (PI. 13, figs. 1-3) Macoma ? var. expansa Carpenter, 1864b, p. 602, 639; Reprint, 1872, p. 88, 125; 1865, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 17, p. 56; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 5 Macoma expansa Carpenter, Tryon, 1869, Cat. Tellinidae, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 101; Dall, 1900, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 2i, no. 1210, p. 308; 1900, Wagner Free Inst. Sci. Philadelphia, Trans., vol. Ill, pt. V, p. 1052; 1921, p. 48; Oldroyd, 1924b, p. 176; Keen, 1937, p. 22; Burch, 1943, no. 25, p. 21 ; 1945, no. 43, p. 15; 1945, no. 45, p. 17 "Macoma (? v.) expansa. Adult broken; young living. Belongs to a group of forms classed together by some writers under lata or proxima, but the characters of the hinge and mantle-bend have not yet been sufficiently studied." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 602] "Macoma ? var. expansa Scars like lata and calcarea in Mus. Cum., but teeth not bifid, very thin, glossy. Scarcely diff"ers from lata, Desh. in B. M. Greenland." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 639] The description of 1865 was republished by Oldroyd (1924, p. 177). To the portion re- printed should be added the remaining part of Carpenter's description as follows: "Hah. — In sinu Pugetiano raissime legit Kennerley. "A. 'M. lata, Gmel.' Desh. MS. in Mus. Brit, vix differt, specimine Groenlandico ; sed M. latae et calcarae in Mus. Cumingiano textura et dentibus baud convenit. Species quaedam hu- jusce formae, extus similiores, intus dentibus et sinu pallii satis differunt." [Carpenter, 1865e, p. 56] Dall (1900, p. 308) regarded the type material mixed as to specific identity. The species has been doubted by authors since Dall. The specimens, two diff'erent valves, marked types in the U. S. National Museum, bear the label "Types. Dr. Kennerly. Puget Sound." This label coincides with Carpenter's original statement as to locality (1864b, p. 602, 639). If Dall doubted what the characters of the species were, it does not seem logical to main- tain, until the identity of the species is known, the extent of distribution as given by Dall. Arnold (1903, p. 161) furnished the information that specimens in the State Collection at the University of California labelled "ilf . expansa" were M. calcarea Gmelin. Burch (1943, p. 21) stated that the species is "unknown to any member of the Concho- logical Club of Southern California." Considering that the type has never been figured and only general information is available concerning the shell, it is not surprising that the form is not known. The hinge and unbonal area of the smaller specimen, a left valve, are broken. The right valve is figured herein. Type. — U. S. National Museum, no. 3910, two valves Distribution. — Puget Sound, Washington (Kennerley, type) Macoma yoldiformis Carpenter (PI. 14, figs. 2-4) Macoma yoldiformis Carpenter, 1864b, p. 602, 611, 639; Reprint, 1872, p. 88, 97, 125; 1865, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 17, p. 55; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 5; Tryon, 1869, Cat. Tellinidae, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 104; Dall, 1900, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 23, no. 1210, p. 309; Arnold, 1903, p. 165, pi. XVI, fig. 6; Packard, 1918, Univ. California, Pub. Zoology, vol. 14, p. 280, pi. 25, fig. 6; Dall, 1921, p. 48; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 54, pi. 41, fig. 6 same as Packard, 1918, pi. 25, fig. 6; Oldroyd, 1924b, p. 177, pi. 44, fig. 6 same as Packard, 1918, pi. 25, fig. 6; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 373; Keen, 1937, p. 22; Burch, 1943, no. 25, p. 22, fig.; 1945, no. 43, p. 15; 1945, no. 45, p. 17; no. 46, back page PELECYPODA 109 "Macoma yoldiformis, n.s. one valve." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 602 Vancouver district] "Macoma yoldiformis, S. Diego. (Puget Sound, Kennerley.)." [Carpenter,1864b, p. 611] "Macoma voldifonnis, n.s. Small, white, glossy, very transverse; ligament-area scooped- out." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 639] To the republished Carpenter description of 1865 in Oldroyd (1924, p. 176) the following should be added : "Hab. In Pacifico Boreali primum piscavit Belcher : dein valvas duas in sinu Pugetiano Kennerley: postea prope San Diegonem, Cooper: rarissime." [Carpenter, 1865e, p. 55] The "holotype" consists of one left valve labelled, "Type. Neeah Bay, J. G. Swan." On the back of the label the inscription "also 14842-15587 San Pedro, Cooper. (Puget Sound)" is given. Kennerley is stipulated as the collector of the original Puget Sound specimen mentioned by Carpenter. Since the present marked type has "J. G. Swan,"*^ it is apparent that the Swan specimen is not the individual specified in the original description. Inasmuch as the present "type" is from the general type locality and no other specimen labelled "type" has been preserved, the specimen in the U. S. National Museum would be appropriate to be designated as a neotype. Specimen figured.- — U. S. National Museum, no. 4507 Distribution. — Recent. Puget Sound, Washington, to San Diego, California (Dall). Plio- cene-]Miocene. California (See Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 373) Pleistocene. Mexico (Jordan, 1926 ; Hertlein, 1934) Subgenus Rexithaerus Conrad in Tryon. 1869 Rexithaerus Conrad in Trvox, 1869, Cat. Tellinidae, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 104, pub. also suppl. Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. 4, pt. 5, 1869; Dall, 1900, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 23, no. 1210, p. 292, as "? section". Type species by subsequent designation, Dall, 1900, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 23, no. 1210, p. 292, Macoma secta Conrad, 1837, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Jour. ser. 1, vol. VII, p. 257. Living. Vancouver Island to Gulf of California. Oldroyd, 1924, pi. 44, fig. 8 Distribution of subgenus. — Miocene — Recent. West Coast Macoma (Rexithaerus) indentata Carpenter (PI. 16, figs. 1, 2) Macoma indentata Carpenter, 1864b, p. 611, 639: Reprint, 1872, p. 97, 125: 1866, California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 208; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 5: Tryon, 1869. Cat. Tellinidae, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 102: Dall, 1900, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc. vol. 23, no. 1210, p. 309 section Rexithaerus: Dall, 1900. Wag- ner Free Inst. Sci. Philadelphia, Trans., vol. Ill, pt. V, p. 1053 section Rexithaerus: Arnold. 1903, p. 161, pi. XVI, fig. 1 ; Packard. 1918. Univ. California Pub. Zoology, vol. 14, p. 277. pi. 25, fig. 4; Dall, 1921, p. 48 section Rexithaerus; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Station, vol. 4, p. 55, pi. 41, fig. 4; 1924b, p. 178, pi. 44, fig. 4 same figure as in Packard. 1918. pi. 25. fig. 4; Grant and Gale. 1931. p. 374 section Rexithaerus: Keen, 1937, p. 22: Burch, 1943, no. 25, p. 23, fig. section Rexithaerus; 1945, no. 43, p. 15; 1945, no. 45, p. 17 ; no. 46, back page Macoma {indentata Carpenter, var. ?) tenuirostris Dall, 1900, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. XXIII, no. 1210, p. 309, 324; 1921, p. 48; Oldroyd, 1924b. p. 178 "Maconm indentata, n.s. S. Diego." [Carpenter. 1864b. p. 611] "Macoma indentata, n.s. Like secta, jun., but beaked, indented, and ventrally produced." [Carpenter. 1864b. p. 639] "State Collection, no. 365. "M. t. 'M. sectae' simili ; sed postice valde rostrata, sinu inter plicam et regionem ventra- lem valde expansam indentato. "Long. 2.20. lat. 1.40, alt. 0.56. "Hab. San Pedro, (young, living. Palmer;) large dead valves. Cooper. 44 Mr. J. G. Swan and the Indian children of Neah Bay, Washington, collected a large number of shells which were sent to the Smithsonian Institution. Many of Carpenter's types were from those collections. Duplicates were freely distributed to other organizations where the specimens are still available bearing the Smithsonian label with J. G. Swan as collector. (See Carpenter, 1864b, p. 626; Reprint, 1872, p. 112, 235.) 110 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED 15V 1'. I'. CARPENTER "Dififers from M. unibonclla, Lam., in its sccta-Wkc postligamcntal wing. This being rubbed off in the large dead valves, the shell has the aspect of a very distinct species." [Carpenter, 1866, p. 208] The holotype consists of a right valve collected in a dead but well-preserved condition. The specimen is labelled "Cotype San Pedro, Cooper." The shell and label may thus be identified as that of Carpenter's description of 1865. There is only the one specimen at present. Dall described the "variety" tenuirostris of this species (1900, p. 309, 324). On the back of the label of the type of M. indentata is written "var. tenuirostris Dall." Dall (1900, p. 324) stated, "For the rostrate form, pending the acquisition of more and fresh material, I would propose the varietal name of tenuirostris. It measures long. 55, alt. 2>2i, and diam. 16 mm." Those dimensions are the same (approximately of height and diameter) of the specimen no. 15229, which is the type of M. indentata, as indicated in the U. S. National Museum collec- tions. The other specimens which Carpenter mentioned are not now available so that the specimen which Dall thought differed varietally from the typical is the lone type of the spe- cies. Willett {in Burch, 1945, no. 43, p. 16) doubted the validity of Dall's subspecies. Specimens in some collections labelled this species are higher and more rounded anteriorly than the holotype. This may be the difference which Dall accounted for. Holotype.— \J. S. National Museum, no. 15229 Distribution. — Recent. San Pedro. California (type) ; Puget Sound, Wasliington, to Lower California (Dall). Pleistocene, Pliocene, Miocene. (See Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 374, 375.) Etherington (1931. p. 85, pi. 10, figs. 3, 4) described a subspecies of this species from the Astoria formation, middle Miocene, of western Washington. Family Semelidae Genus Semele Schumacher, 1817 Semele Schumacher, 1817, Essais Nouv. Syst., p. 165 Type species by original designation, TcUiua reticulata Spengi.ek'''^ = T. proficua Pultenev, 1799, Hutchins Hist. Dorsetshire, p. 29, pi. V, fig. 4. Recent. Eastern United States, Virginia to West Indies. L. Perry, 1940, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 26, no. 95, pi. 16. fig. 103 ; L. Perry and Schwengel, 1955, Marine Shells of Western Coast of Florida, pi. 16, fig. 103, same figure as in Perry Semele incongrua Carpenter (PI. 14, figs. 7-10) Semele incongrua Carpenter, 1864b, p. 611, 640; Reprint, 1872. p. 97, 126; 1866 [date from page], Feb., California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. III. p. 208; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 6; Tryon, 1869, Cat. Tellinidae, Acad. Nat. Sci.. Philadelphia, p. 120; Dall, 1915. Acad, Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 67, p. 27; 1921, p. 49 OLnROYi), 1924, p. 181, pi. 11, figs. 12. 13; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 377; Keen. 1937, p. 25; Burch, 1945, no. 43, p. 18; 1945, no. 45, p. 17; Hertlein and Strong, 1949, Zoo- logica, New York Zool. Soc, vol. 34, pt. 4, p. 248 "Semele incongrua, n.s. Catalina Is., 40-60 fm. ; common." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 611] "Semele incongrua, n.s. Like pulchra, with concentric sculpture differing in r. and 1. valves: fine radiating striae all over. 40-60 fm. c. Cp." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 640] A copy of the original description is given in Oldroyd. To complete the copy the follow- ing should be added : "Hah. Santa Barbara. 16 fm. 1 valve; Catalina Island, 40-60 fm., not uncommon; Cooper." [Carpenter, 1866, p. 208] Line 3, correct "raditim" to read "radiatim." Oldroyd, followed by Grant and Gale, gave the type as in the California State Collection, no. 1061. Such information is merely the original number as stated by Carpenter and does not indicate the present whereabouts of the specimens. To date the type has not been found. 45 Skrtft. Nat. Selsk, vol. 4, H. 2, p. 115. Complete reference is not at present available or verified. rELF.CYPOt>A 111 There is in the Redpath Museum a Carpenter glass mount with 7 specimens (2 pairs) of Semclc incongrua. Besides the specific name the mount bears a Carpenter label of "Catalina Is. 40-60 fm. Cooper." This material would be appropriate from which to choose a lectotype for the species. The interior of the shell of the above specimens is pinkish, iiarticularly at the hinge. The surface of the shell has coarse concentric lines which are coarser on the right valve. The concentric ribs are wider apart on the posterior end. They divide at the umbonal line and extend as two ribs over the remainder of the surface. Radiating microscopic lines are de- veloped between the concentric ribs. There is a suggestion of brownish or i)inkish rays over the exterior. One of the double specimens (broken) measures 17 mm. in length. Another specimen measures 18 mm. in length and 13 mm. in height. A subspecies of this species from the Pleistocene of Deadman Island, San Pedro Harlxjr, was described by Arnold. ^^ In April, 1953, William K. Emerson of the Museum of Paleontology at the University of California sent to the writer 10 (2 doubles) specimens (no. 2389) of S. inconyrua Carpenter from Santa Catalina Island which were marked as Cooper Collection. There are no other original marks on the label or specimen which identify any of the specimens as type or syntypes. One of the specimens is not Scmcle but a Tellina. The remaining 9 fall into the same category as that of the McGill specimens. In the University of California suite is 1 double which has alx)ut the measurements of Carpenter's original dimensions, 0.58 long (14.74 mm.) X .40 lat. (10.16 mm.). The writer includes an illustration of that shell (pi. 14, figs. 7-10). The cardinal hinge area and interior umbonal region are rose-tinted as originally described. There are three larger specimens, two right valves 24 mm. and 23 mm. length each, and a left valve, 20 mm. length. The whole interior of the largest specimen is rosy and rosy pink. The others are white or pinkish. Measurements, specimen figured. — Length, 14.25 + mm. ; height, 10 + mm. ; right valve. Length, 14 mm. ; height, 9 -\- mm., left valve Type. — Not found Specimen figured — no. 33453, Museum of Paleontology, University of California Distribution. — Catalina Island, California (type) ; Monterey, California, to the Coronado Islands, California (Dall). See Table 2 for stratigraphic distribution. Family G.\RIDAE Genus Gari Schumacher, 1817 (Psammobia Lamarck, 1818, An. s. Vert., p. 511) Gari Schum.acher, 1817, Essais Nouv. Syst. Habit. Vers Test., p. 44, 131, pi. IX, fig. 2; Stew.-vrt, 1930, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Sp. Pub. no. 3, p. 280 Type species by tautonymy Gari vulgaris Schumacher = Tellina gari Schumacher not Linnaeus = T. faeroensis or T. feroensis = T. fervensis Gmelin, 1791, p. 3235. Recent. Northern Europe. Schum.'^cher, 1817, Essais Nouv. Syst. Habit. Vers Test., pi. IX, fig. 2 hinge; Bucquoy, Dautzenberg, and Dollfus, 1895, Moll. Marins du Roussillon, t. 2, pi. 70, figs. 10-16 Subgenus Gobraeus Leach in Gray, 1852 Gobraeus Leach, ms. name in Brown, 1844, Recent Conch. Great Britain and Ireland, 2d ed., p. 102 in synonymy of Psammobia vespertina Lamarck, Gray, 1852, Moll. Brit. Synopsis, p. 265 Type species by monotvpy G. variabilis Leach = Solen vespertimis Gmelin, 1791, Syst. Nat., 13 ed., pt. VI, p. 3228. Recent. British Isles. Brown, 1844, Recent Conch. Great Britain and Ireland, 2d ed., pi. XL, fig. 3; Forbes and Hanley, 1848, Hist. British Moll., vol. I, pi. XIX, figs. 1, 2 The use (Bucquoy, Dautzenberg, and Dollfus, 1895; Sacco, 1901; Alakiyama, 1934; Habe, 1952; Abbott, 1954) of Psammocola Blainville, 1824, for Gobraeus: Leach in Gray, 1852, is not verified by the record. 46 5". incongrua montereyi Arnold, 1903, p. 166, pi. 15, figs. 3, 3a (not 4, 4a). Described as S. pulchra montereyi by Arnold. 112 MARIXE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Blainville (1824, p. 349) inaugurated Psammocola with three sections, with an example under each. Psammocola vespertimlis ("E.M. [Ency. Method.] pi. 231, f. 3, abc" [no "c" on plate]) was given under section "A". Blainville (1825, p. 567) repeated the original descrip- tion with specific reference but in addition to the same reference (E.M. [Ency. Method.] pi. 231, fig. 3 abc) he added another figure (pi. LXXVII, fig. 4). The two figures do not represent the same species. Bucquoy, Dautzenberg, and Dollfus (1895, p. 485) made the type designation for the genus, "P. vespertinalis Blainville (= vespertina = dcpressa"). This type designation was repeated by Sacco (1901, p. 10). The Sacco designation has been used by Makiyama (1934, p. 154) and Habe (1952, p. 203). However, that of Bucquoy, Dautzenberg, and Dollfus (1895) has priority. The type designation of P. vespertina is not valid for the species P. vespertinalis Blain- ville, as typified by the only original reference given, and is not the same as P. vespertina (Gmelin). The second reference (1825) as illustrated does represent P. vespertina (Gmelin) (Chemnitz, 1784, pi. 7, figs. 59, 60), but that species was an after thought of Blainville and hence does not enter into the original description. Reeve (1856, pi. I) pointed out that Blainville's figure (1824, pi. 231 under caption "Capsa") represented a species like Venus deflorata Linn, (see Capsa in Reeve, 1856, pi. I). That observation is true. The species figured (Bruguiere, 1797) 3, a b, pi. 231, Ency. Meth. is sculptured with coarse radiating ribs and is not the same species as Blainville figured later (1825, pi. LXXVII, fig. 4). Psammocola Blainville, 1824, must stand on the original figure, and the name of Blain- ville, 1824, preoccupies Blainville, 1825. Hence the type designations of Bucquoy, Dautzenberg, and Dollfus (1895) and Sacco (1901) are not valid. Bucquoy, Dautzenberg, and Dollfus in the synonymy of P. vespertina (Gmelin) [= P. depressa (Pennant)] (1895, p. 485) did not include the P. vespertinalis Blainville, 1824, but gave "P. vespertinalis" Blainville, 1825 [in part], pi. LXXVII, fig. 4. This is indirect evidence that they did not regard the first refer- ence as equivalent to P. vespertina (Gmelin). Gari (Gobraeus) californica (Conrad) Psammobia rubroradiata Nuttall ms., Carpenter (PI. 16, figs. 3-5, 7) "Psammobia riibraradiata Nuttall ms. in Carpenter." described by Carpenter, in 1865, de- termined by Dall in 1898 as equivalent to P. californica Conrad, 1848 [1849], Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 4, p. 121 not described, name for Conrad, 1837, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Jour., vol. VII, pi. 19, fig. 3 Sanqxiinolaria ruhro-radiata "Conrad," Carpenter, 1856, Zool. Soc. London, Proc., pt. XXIV, p. 212 not described, California; 1857, Rept. British Assoc. Adv. Sci. 1856, p. 195, Nuttall ms. not described, California; 1860, Smith, Alisc. Coll., vol. 2, art. 6, p. 1 name only Psammobia rubroradiata "Nuttall," Carpenter, 1864b, p. 540, Monterey, California; p. 563 Puget Sound, p. 602 Vancouver dist., p. 638 Puget Sound; Vancouver Island, San Diego; Reprint, 1872, p. 26, 49, 88, 124 {riibro-radiata) ; 1865, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 17, p. 55 "Nutt. MS. described"; "Conrad," Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 5; "Nutt.," Williamson, 1898, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 15, no. 898, p. 185 Gari (Psammacola) rubrolineata Nuttall, Carpenter, Tryon, 1867. Cat. Family Tellinidae, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 77 error for rubroradiata Psammobia californica Conrad, Dall, 1898, Acad, Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc., vol. 50, p. 61 fide Dall; Weymouth, 1920, California Fish Game Comm., Fish Bull. no. 4, pi. 14, fig. 1 Psamtnobia (Gobraeus) californica Conrad, Dall, 1921, p. 49; in part Oldrovd, 1924b, p. 185, pi. 43, fig. 5 copy of Conrad's type figure Gari (Gobraeus) californica (Conrad), Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 382 in part, which see for additional synonymy of G. californica (Conrad). The first mention which Carpenter made to "Psammobia rubroradiata" (as Sanquinolaria) was as of Conrad from the Nuttall Collection from California. The vicissitudes of the publi- cation of the Nuttall Collection of molluscan species is explained in detail by Carpenter PELECYPODA 113 (1857b, p. 192-202). By 1864 he realized that Conrad had not used Nuttall's name in descrip- tion. Also in 1864 Carpenter began to include Puget Sound- Vancouver Island specimens in the distribution of the species, for he then identified the species from Dr. Kennerley's and J. G. Swan's material. If the meagre lines of description of the species (1864b, p. 638) by Carpenter should constitute description the type locality could be either in Washington or California. When Carpenter fully described the species (1865e) the material that from his descrip- tion would qualify as type material was that of Dr. Kennerley from the Puget Sound region (see title of paper). The above analysis is pertinent to establish a lectotype for the name Carpenter used for this species and hence verify its identity with that of the species previously named by Conrad. Early material of the Carpenter species so far discovered are two specimens in the British Museum (Natural History), Mollusca Section (G. L. Wilkins, June 16, and July 10, 1950, personal commvmication) labelled Psammohia ruhroradiata Nuttall from California, in the Cuming Collection with an ancient notation "Neiah Bay" on the back of the tablet bearing the shells. Mr. Wilkins w-rote, "I have further examined the two shells labelled ruhroradiata and have come to the con- clusion that there are two species on the tablet, the largest of which has pinkish radiations on the outside of the shell, inside pure white and came from the Cuming coll. "There seems little doubt therefore that the shell was sent to Cuming by Nuttall or Jay with the manuscript label which is now attached to the back of the tablet, with the locality 'Neiah Bay.' " The Neah Bay label might identify one of the specimens from the Swan collection, for that is the material Carpenter referred to in 1864. Swan and the InSian children were the chief collectors of material which Carpenter worked on from Neah Bay, Washington. There could be a mixture of labels and specimens, and material from both areas could have been grouped together. G. L. Wilkins wrote (March 2, 1951 and July 10, 1951 personal communication) that cer- tain specimens of the Nuttall Collection were available and included "Sangumolaria ruhroradi- ata Conrad." This shell was one of a lot purchased by the British Museum in 1861 from Nuttall's executors. The specimen, of which a photograph is included, has on the front of the tablet which bears the specimen, "Sanquinolaria ruhroradiata Conr. Coll. Nuttall." On the back is the following, "Sanquinolaria ruhroradiata Conr. I doubt whether this is the rubror of Conr. V his figure. It is at any rate = Psammohia lilacina Cpr. MSS. U. Cal. P.P.C." [pencilled note by Cpr. and initialled by his monogram]. The enlarged photograhs included here (pi. 16, figs. 3-5) were made through the courtesy of the British Museum. The writer chose one specimen as the lectotype of P. ruhroradiata Carpenter. It is conspecific with Gari calif ornica (Conrad). Lectotype.— British Museum (Natural History), Distribution. — California (type). Same as P. calif ornica Conrad. Gari (Gobraeus) regularis (Carpenter) (PI. 15, figs. 1-6) Psammohia (? Amphichaena) rcqularis Carpexter, 1864b, p. 618: Reprint, 1872, p. 104; 1864, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., sen 3, vol. XIII, p. 312; Reprint, 1872, p. 210; Tryon, 1869, Catalogue Family Tellinidae, Philadelphia, p. 78 Psammohia {Gobraeus) regularis (Carpenter), Dall, 1898, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 50, p. 57; Dall, 1921, p. 49; Oldroyd, 1924. p. 184 Gari (Gobraeus) regularis (Carpenter), Keen, 1937, p. 20; Burch, 1945, no. 43, p. 21 ; 1945, no. 45, p. 17 A copy of the original description of this species is given in Oldroyd. The species was described from Cape St. Lucas. Dall (1921) extended the range to San Diego, California. 114 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY I'. P. CARPENTER Burch does not report tlie species from the coast of the State of California. The type is figured in this report because of the possible extension into the California fauna. Holotypc. — U. S. National Museum, no. 19407 (one double shell) Distribution. — Cape St. Lucas, Lower California, Xantus {"legit.") (type) ; San Diego, California, to Cape St. Lucas, Lower California (Dall). Genus Tagelus (iray, 1847 Tagelus Gray, 1847, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, pt. XV, p. 189 Type species bv original designation SoJen qtiincn.<;is Gray. 1847, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, pt. XV, p. '189 = S. (lihbus Si'ENGi-ER, "1794, Skrift. Nat. Selsk., vol. Ill, pt. 2, p. 104 fide Gardner, 1943. Recent. Guinea, West Coast Africa. Sowerby in Reeve, 1874, Conch. Icon., vol. 19, Solcn. pi. IV, fig. 15 .9. Guincensis. T. gibbits (Spengler) as of Dall is in- cluded from the Yorktown Miocene of Virginia, Pliocene-Pleistocene East Coast and Florida, and living Cape Cod to Brazil by Gardner (1943) Tagelus politus Carpenter Soleciirtus politus Carpenter, 1857, Cat. Mazatlan Shells, p. 27 Tagelus politus (Carpenter), Dall, 1898, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia. Proc, vol. 50, p. 59 section Mesopleura; Keen, 1937, p. 26; Burch, 1945, no. 43, p. 23; 1945, no. 45, p. 18 Tagelus californianns Conrad, Smith, 1944, Panamic Afarine Shells, p. 64 T. politus con- sidered young of T. calijornianus Conrad This species was described from Mazatlan by Carpenter. The type should be, therefore, in the Mazatlan Collection at the British Museum (Natural History). The illustration of the type would be properly with the figuring of that collection. The species is included herein because the range of the species has been described as extending north to the Santa Barbara region (Keen, 1937). Burch (1945, no. 43, p. 23) enumerated the problems involved in the questionable identifications of the species. Family Solenidae Genus Solen Linnaeus, 1758 Solen Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., p. 672 Type species by subsequent designation. Children, 4" 1822, Quart. Jour. .Sci., vol. XIV, p. 83, pi. 4, fig. 26; Reprint, 1931, p. 5, 5". vagina Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., p. 672 in part. Bucquoy, Dautzenberg, and Dollfus (1893, fasc. XXII, p. 498) pointed out that the Solen vagina of Linnaeus was a mixture of a European species (later named 5". marginatiis Pennant, 1774) and an Indian species. The Linnaean reference in Rumphius is to a shell abruptly truncated anteriorly and rounded posteriorly. Authors such as Wood (1835, p. 210), although calling the European form .9. 7'agina. admitted that the Linnaean references are to the Indian form [S. vagina Linn.]. Recent. East Indies. Sowerby in Reeve, 1874, Conch. Icon., vol. 19, Solcn, pi. II, fig. 6 as 5". brcvis Gray. (Habitat i^robably not American as given.) Solen rosaceus Carpenter Solen ? sicarius, var rosaceus. Carpenter, 1864b, p. 536, 638; Reprint, 1872, p. 22, 124; 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XV, p. 177; Reprint, 1872, p. 279 Solen ro.mceus Carpenter, Cooper, 1867, Cieog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 5 ; 1888, 7th Ann. Rept. California State Min. Bur., p. 265; Dall, 1899, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 22, no. 1185, p. 108; 1900. Wagner Free Inst. Sci. Philadelphia, Trans., vol. Ill, pt. V, p. 952; Arnold, 1903, p. 171; Weymouth, 1920, California Fish Game Com., Fish Bull., no. 4, p. 50, pi. 15, fig. 3; Dall, 1921. p. 50; Oldroyd, 1924b, p. 188 not pi. 49, fig. 6; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 386 see for additional synonymy; Keen, 1937, p. 25; Burch, 1945, no. 43, p. 27; 1945, no. 45, p. 18; Finch, 1953, California Fish Game Marine Fish., Fish Bull., no. 90, p. 76, fig. 42 4^ The reference to Schumacher given by authors as type designator is not valid. Although no designation was made, a single species, .S". ragi)ui Linn., was listed, so that the generic status remains the same as in the case of the Ciiildren designation. PELF.CYPOnA 115 "Solen ? var rosaceus. Straight, narrower, longer, smaller, glossy, rosy." [Carpenter, 1864b. p. 638] "S. testa S. sicario simili, sed minore ; multo augustiore, elongata, recta, extus et intus rosacea ; epidermide tenui, valde nitente. Long. .27, lat. .5, alt. .2)2 poll. "Hab. Sta. Barbara (Jezvett) ; S. Pedro (Cooper)." [Carpenter 1865h, p. 177] The type of this species has not been found. It was never figured, and Weymouth (1920) and Finch (1953) seem to be the only ones who have presented a figure of the species. The type is not in the British Museum (Natural History) (G. L. Wilkins, May 22, 1950, per- sonal communication) as stated by Oldroyd. Tlirough the kindness of William K. Emerson of the Museum of Paleontology at the University of California, a specimen of Solen rosaceus loc. "no. 42" from their early col- lections was examined and photographed. This specimen was a fossil embedded in fine hardened sand probably lower Pleistocene. The original description described the species as "glossy, rosy" and "epidermide tenui" ; therefore, the types would have to have been Re- cent shells. Because the specimen which was photographed by Emerson could not be a type, the illustration is not included herein. Types. — Not found Distribution. — Recent. Santa Barbara or San Pedro, California (type) ; Humboldt Bay, California, to Mazatlan, Gulf of California (Finch). Pleistocene. Pliocene. Miocene. (See Grant and Gale, 1931.) Family Mactridae Genus Darina Gray, 1853 Darina Gray, 1853, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, vol. 11, p. 42 Type species by monotypy D. solcnoides [King], 1831, Zool. Jour., vol. V, p. 335 as Erycina. Recent. Straits of Magellan. Gray, Griffith and Pidgeon (Cuvier), 1834, Animal Kingdom, pi. 22, fig. 1 as Mesodesma; H. and A. Adams, 1858, Gen. Rec. Moll., HI, pi. CI, fig. 2, 2a; Lamy, 1914, Jour, de Conchyl., vol. LXII, p. 28, 29, fig. of hinge Darina declivis Carpenter (Pl. 14. figs. 1, lA) Darina dccliins Carpenter, 1864b, p. 607, 637; Reprint, 1872, p. 93, 123; 1865, Feb. 14, Zool. Soc. London, Proc. 1865, p. 203; Reprint, 1872, p. 251; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 4; Ball, 1894, Nautilus, vol. 8, no. 4, p. 42, 43; 1898, Wagner Free Inst. Sci.. Philadelphia, Trans., vol. Ill, pt. IV, p. 890; 1902, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 26, no. 1312, p. 408 "D. t. tenuissima, planata, elliptica, Machaeraeformi, utroque latere hiante ; cinerea, epi- dermide fortiore induta ; marginibus regulariter excurvatis ; umbonibus baud conspicuis, ad duas inter quinque partes longtiudinis postice sitis : intus cartilagine spathula elongata, dorsum versus utraque valva decliviter sita, a ligamento lamina extante tenuissima separata ; dente cardinali laminato, extante, curtiore ; lateralibus vix conspicuis ; sinu pallii ovali, fere ad medium porrecto. "Long. 1.77, lat. .85, alt. .34 poll. "Hab. Vancouver's Island (Forbes). "The only other species of Darina known is from the Straits of Maghellan [sic]. The northern shell may have been passed over as the young of Machacra patula, to which it bears a strong external resemblance." [Carpenter, 1865a, p. 203] The holotype of this species consists of one double specimen in the Redpath Aluseum at McGill University. The specimen is mounted on an original Carpenter glass mount with a Carpenter label of "(unique type) Vancouver Dr. Forbes." There is no doubt of the authenticity of the holotype, but there is uncertainty as to the proper locality of the shell. Carpenter brought out the fact of the unique distribution of the species but did not ques- tion that the shell came from Vancouver. The species has not been reported from the North- west since the original citation, and Dall doubted the correctness of the original label. Now that the shell is illustrated perhaps collectors may note its proper locale. Holotype. — Redpath Museum, no. 101 Distribution. — "Vancouver Isl.," British Columbia (type) 116 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. V. CARPENTER Family Myacidae (Myidae) Genus Sphenia Turton, 1822 Sphenia Turton, 1822, Conch, insul. Brit., p. 36 Type species by subsequent designation, Gray, 1847, Zool. Soc. London, Proc., p. 190, S. Binghami Turton, 1822, Conch, insul. Brit., pi. 3, figs. 4, 5 ; pi. 19, fig. 3. Recent. British Isles Sphenia fragilis Carpenter Sphaenia fragilis Carpenter, 1857, Cat. Alazatlan Shells, p. 24; Dall, 1921, p. 53; Oldroyd, 1924b, p. 200 ; Burcii, 1945, no. 44, p. 27 ; 1945, no. 45, p. 19 This species was described by Carpenter in his Mazatlan Catalogue. Since the illustration of the species properly belongs in that unit, a figure of the species has not been sought for this report. The type material consists of numerous specimens in the British Museum. Many specimens of the first duplicate set of this species are in the Mazatlan Collection in Albany, New York (Palmer, 1951, p. 13). Dall (1921) reported the range of the species from Oregon to Mazatlan. Oldroyd (1924) stated that the distribution extended to Vancouver Island, but Keen (1937 and Burch (1945) agreed with Dall (1921) as to the northern range. Sphenia ovoidea Carpenter (PI. 15, figs. 7-10) Sphaenia ovoidea Carpenter, 1864b, p. 602, 6Z7 ; Reprint, 1872, p. 88, 123; 1865, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 17, p. 54 Shaenia [sic] ; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 4; Tryon, 1869, Cat. Corbulidae, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 67 Sphenia ovoidea Carpenter, Dall, 1921, p. 53; Oldroyd, 1924b, p. 200; Keen, 1937, p. 25; BuRCH, 1945, no. 44, p. 27; 1945, no. 45, p. 19 "Sphaenia ovoidea, n.s. Siphonal area small ; front excurved ; mantle-bend large." [Car- penter, 1864b, p. 637] A copy of the description (1865e) was given by Oldroyd. The following lines which complete that description should be added : "Hah. In sinu Pugetiano specimen unicum piscavit Kennerley. "A Sph. ? Binghami 'Searles Wood Crag, vix differt.' [Carpenter, 1865e, p. 54] The holotype is mounted on the original Carpenter glass mount with Carpenter label, "Type 4552." No locality is on the glass, but the label with the specimen states, "Puget Sound Kennerly [sic]." There is an additional vial in the same box with fragments. Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 4552 Distribution. — Puget Sound, Washington (type) ; Aleutian Islands to Puget Sound, Washington, and San Diego, California (Dall). Although Oldroyd (1924a, p. 62) included S. fragilis Carpenter in the fauna of Puget Sound she did not mention S. ovoidea Carpenter, the type locality of which is that area. Family Corbulidae Genus Corbula J'ruguiere, 1797'^ (Aloides Mergerle von Miihlfeld, 1811) Corbula Bruguikre, 1797, Tableau encyclopcdique ct niethodique des trois regnes de la na- ture, tome II [title page], liv. 62, pi. 230. Ruled as "indication" for purposes of Article 25, 1950, Bull. Zool. Nomen., vol. 4, pts. 10-12, p. 255 Type species by subsequent designation, Schmidt, 1818, Versuch. Einricht. Conchyl.-Samml., p. 77, 177, Corbula sulcata Lamarck, 1801, Syst. An. sans Vert., p. 137 for Corbula La- marck, 1801 = BRU(;riKKE, 1797; C. sulcata Lamarck, Bkuccikre, 1797, pi. 230, lig. 1, a, b, c (not named). Recent. Senegal. Reeve, 1843, Conch. Icon., vol. 2, Corbula, pi. 1, fig. 2 ^^ See Sherborn and Woodward (1906, p. 577-582) for correct dates of parts of Bruguiere (1797) PELECYPODA 117 For reference data of Curbula, see Gardner (1926, 1928), Stewart (1930), Winckworth (1930) Grant and Gale (1931), and Yokes (1945). The settlement as to author and type species is now based on decisions made by the International Commission on Zoological No- menclature, 1948 (Bull. Zool. Nomen., vol. 4, pts. 7-9, p. 159-160, 346; pts. 10-12, p. 255, 1950). Corbula polychroma Carpenter in Gould and Carpenter Corbula polychroma Carpenter in Gould and Carpenter, 1856, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, pt. XXTV. p. 198; Carpenter. 1857, Rept. British Assoc. Adv. Sci. 1856, p. 226, 228, 300; 1864b, p. 534, 553; Reprint, 1872, p. 20, 39; 1863, Zool. Soc. London, Proc., p. 31 ; Reprint, 1872, p. 205 The specimens described under this name from the Cuming Collection and Jcwctt Collec- tion were later identified by Carpenter (1863, p. 31 ; 1864b, p. 534, 553) as the same as C. bira- diafa Sowerby. Carpenter (1863, p. 31) corrected Jewett's locality label of "Santa Barbara," and suggested that the specimens probably came from "Panama or Acapulco." The name may be delected from the list of specific names, and the record of an occurrence of such a Corbula from the upper California waters may be eliminated. Subgenus Lentidium Cristofori and Jan, 1832 {Corbulomya Nyst, 1845) Lentidium Cristofori and Jan, 1832, Catalogus, sect. 2, p. 8 ; AIantis.sa Test., p. 4. See VoKES. 1945, Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., Bull., vol. 86, art. 1, p. 24 Type species by subsequent designation, Dall, 1898, Wagner Free Inst. Sci. Philadelphia, Trans., vol. Ill, pt. IV, p. 838, Lentidium maatlatiim Cristofori and Jan = Corbula mediterranea Costa, 1829, Cat. Test. Sicilie, p. XIV, pi. 1, fig. 6 a, b, c fide Monterosato, 1884, Nomen. Gen. Spec. Conch. Medit., p. 30. Recent. Mediterranean. Vokes, 1945, Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., Bull., vol. 86, art. 1, pi. 4, figs. 23-27 The exact status of the genus (Vokes, 1945) or subgenus (Grant and Gale, 1931) is still indefinite, for there is doubt concerning the species of Cristofori and Jan. Vokes (1945, p. 23) made a new subfamily to include the genus. He figured the type species. Corbula (Lentidium) luteola Carpenter (PI. 15, figs. 13-18) Corbula luteola Carpenter, 1864b, p. 611, 637; Reprint, 1872, p. 97, 123; 1866, California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, pt. Ill, p. 207; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 4; Tryon, 1869, Cat. Corbulidae, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 65; Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 204; Cooper, 1888, 7th Ann. Rept. California State Min. Bur., p. 236; Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 15, p. 183; Arnold, 1903, p. 181 in part, not pi. XVII, fig. 11; Dall, 1921, p. 53; Oldroyd, 1924b, p. 203 also var. rosea Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 15, p._183. Corbula luteola rosea Williamson, 1905, So. California Acad. Sci., Bull., vol. IV, pt. 8, p. 120 Not C. rosea Leach in Brown, 1844, 111. Recent Conch. Great Britain and Ireland, 2d ed., p. 105 Corbula {Lentidium) luteola (Carpenter), Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 421, pi. 19, figs. 2, 7; Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells, (Keep), p. 119; Durham, 1950, Geol. Soc Amer., Mem. 43, p. 94, pi. 25, figs. 15, 16 Aloides {Lentidium) luteola (Carpenter), Keen, 1937, p. 18; Burch, 1945, no. 44, p. 28; 1945, no. 45, p. 19 "Corbula luteola, n.s. S. Pedro — S. Diego; common near shore." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 611] "Corbula luteola, n.s. Shape of young biradiata; small, ashy yellow. Com. Cp." [Carpen- ter, 1864b, p. 637] The description by Carpenter of 1866 has been copied by Oldroyd, but by oversight she did not give the reference to the description. To the copy published by Oldroyd (1924) should be added the concluding line : "Hab. — San Diego, San Pedro, 50, alive at low water." [Carpenter, 1866a, p. 207] Line 3, read "definito" for "definato" Carpenter listed the type material as "State Collection, no. 587." This number refers to 118 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER J. G. Cooper's collection for tiie State Geological Survey of California (1864e, p. 155). The type material in the U. S. National Museum consists of eight specimens which bear a label, "San Pedro. Cooper" and on the back of the label, "15668 Cp 581." The number appears to be Cp 581, but it probably should be "Cp 587," the original number published by Carpenter. Arnold's (1903) figure does not represent this species. Perhaps the drawing was not well executed. At least it should not be used for identification. Syniypcs. — U. S. National Museum no. 14897 (eight valves) Distribution. — Recent. San Pedro, California (type) ; Monterey, California, to Magdalena Bay, Lower California (Dall). Pleistocene. California (Cooper; Arnold; Grant and Gale; Willett, 1937); Mexico (Jordan, 1926; Hcrtlein, 1934); Lower California (Durham, 1950). Upper Miocene. California (Grant and Gale) Family Piioladidae Genus Martesia (Leach) Sowerby, 1824 Martesia mentioned by Sowerby of Leach, 1824, Genera Recent and Fossil Shells, pt. XX III, Pholas no pagination; Leach in De Bainville, 1825, Man. de Malacol., vol. 1, p. 632; Stewart, 1930, Acad. N'at. Sci. Philadelphia, Sp. Paper no. 3, p. 294 Type species by monotypy Pholas chn'ata Lamarck, 1818, Hist. nat. An. sans Vert., V. p. 446 = Pholas striata [Linnaeus], 1758, Syst. Nat, 10th ed., p. 669, Gualt. test. t. 105, fig. F. Recent. Western Atlantic, N'orth Carolina to Brazil. Eastern Pacific, Mexico to Peru. Indo-Pacific. Turner, 1955, Johnsonia, vol. 3, no. 34, p. 103, pis. 35, 61-64 Martesia intercalata Carpenter Martesia intercalata Carpenter, 1857, Mazatlan Cat., p. 13 ; 1864b, p. 628, 637, 665 ; Reprint, 1872, p. 114, 123, 151; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 3; Dall, 1921. p. 56; Oldroyd, 1924b, p. 214; Keen, 1937, p. 22; Burch, 1945, no. 44, p. 35; 1945, no. 45, p. 20; Turner, 1955, Johnsonia, vol. 3, no. 34, p. 75, 122, pi. 72, figs. 1-2 type determined as synonymous with Penitella conradi Valenciennes, 1846, in Abel du Petit-Thouars, Voyage antour du Monde sur la Fregate La Venus, Atlas de Zool., Moll., pi. 24, fig. 1 This species was originally described from the Reigen Mazatlan Collection but it was later reported from the Farallon Islands by Carpenter (1864b, p. 628, 637). The illustration of the type belongs in the work on the figuring of tlie Alazatlan Catalogue. Turner included in her monograph of the Pholadidae, part II, an illustration of Carpenter's drawing of the type shells in Hanley's collection. Class SCAPHOPODA Family Dentaliidae Genus Dentalium Linnaeus, 1758*^ Dentalium Linnaeu.s, 1758, Syst. Natura, 10th ed., p. 785 Type species by subsequent designation, Montfort, 1810, Conchyliol. Syst., t. 2, p. 22i. Denta- lium elcphantinum Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., p. 785. Living. Amboyna and Philippine Islands. Pilsbry and Sharp, 1897, Man. Conch., vol. XVII, pi. 1, figs. 1-7 Subgenus Rhabdus Pilsbry and Sharp, 1897 Rhabdus Pilsbry and Sharp, 1897, Man. Conch., ser. 1, vol. 17, p. 112 Type species by original designation, D. rcctins Carpenter, 1864b, p. 648; 1865e, p. 59. Re- cent. Alaska to Panama Bay, pi. 17, figs. 1, 2 Dentalium (Rhabdus) rectius Carpenter (PI. 17, fig.s. 1, 2) Dentalium rectius Carpenter, 1864b, p. 603, 648; Reprint, p. 89, 134; 1865, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc., vol. 17, p. 59; Cooper, 1867, Cieog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 21 ; Taylor, 1895, Roy. Soc. Canada, Trans., ser. 2, vol. 1, sec. IV, p. 56; Dall, 1921, p. S7; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 68; 1927, pt. I, p. 11, pi. 1, 49 Dentalium placed on official list of generic names, Sum. Opinion Rend., no. 94, Int. Rules Zool. Nomen., Smithsonian Misc. Coll., 1926, vol. 72>, no. 4, p. 12; Schenk and McMasters, 1936, p. 53 ; Keen and Mullcr, 1948, p. 59 ; 1956, p. 59 SCAPHOPODA 119 fig. 3; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 437; Keen, 1937, p. 35; Burch, 1945, no. 46, p. 9, 13, pi. 1, figs. 19, 21; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 178 Dcntalium (Rhabdus) rcctius (Carpenter), Pilsbry and Sharp, 1897, Man. Conch., vol. XVII, p. 112, 113, pi. 21, fig. 45 "Dentalhim rectins, n.s. Long, thin, slightly curved: like cburncum, Singapore." [Car- penter, 1864b, p. 648] Carpenter's description (1865e) of this species and supplementary notes by Pilsbry and Sharp, were republished by Oldroyd (1927). To Oldroyd's copy the following lines should be added to complete the Carpenter description : "Hab. — In sinu Pugetiano legit Kennerley. "Varina D. eburneo, Singaporensi convenit ; sed annulis falacibus caren, textura valde dififert." [Carpenter, 1865e, p. 59] Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 5283 Distribjition. — Puget Sound, Washington (type) ; Stephens Passage, Alaska, to Panama Bay (Dall). See Table 2 for stratigraphic distribution. Family Siphonodentaliidae Genus Cadulus Philippi, 1844 Cadiilus Philippi, 1844. Enum. Moll. Siciliae, vol. 2, app. 1. p. 208, pi. XXVII, fig. 21 [not pi. XVII as stated in Philippi] ; Pilsbry and Sharp, 1897-1898, Man. Conch., vol. XVII, p. 142, 156, pi. ^2, figs. 40-41 Type species by monotypy, Dcntalium oznduiu Philippi, 1844, Enum. Moll. Siciliae, vol. 2, app. 1, p. 209. Recent. Mediterranean and Bay of Biscay. Miocene and Pliocene of Italy Cadulus nitentior Arnold Cadulus nitentior Carpenter ms. Cadulus nitentior "Carpenter ms.," Arnold, 1903, p. 187, pi. VIII, fig. IS ; ? Berry, 1907, Nautilus, vol. 21, no. 2, p. 22; Gripp, 1909, Nautilus, vol. 22, no. 12, p. 137, ms. name fide Berry (June 1950, personal communication) determination by Dall "Cadulus nitentior Carpenter, ms. in Arnold, 1903", Pilsbry, 1904, Nautilus, vol. 17, no. 9, p. 108 serpulid annelid The name Cadulus nitentior has been used in literature as of Carpenter. The name, how- ever, was a manuscript label of Carpenter which was used by Dall in determination of speci- mens (Berry, 1907; Gripp, 1909). Carpenter did not mention the species in his waitings. There is a specimen in the Redpath Museum with a label, "Cadulus nitentior Cpr. MS. Cata- lina Isl. 30 fm." The label also has a printed form, "From the Smithsonian Institution, Wash- ington, D. C." This specimen is a Cadulus. The name has valid status from Arnold (1903), and authorship should be attributed to Arnold only. The holotype would be the specimen figured by Arnold (1903, pi. 8, fig. 15) from the Pleistocene, "Lower San Pedro series" [San Pedro sand], Deadman Island, Cali- fornia. One specimen, U. S. National Museum (no. 23729) (Harald Rehder, U. S. National Museum, Aug. 2, 1950, personal communication) is labelled "Cadulus nitentior Carpenter MS. from 30 fathoms off Catalina Island, collected by Cooper," in Carpenter's handwriting. The entry in the U. S. National Museum catalogue was in 1871. This is probably the speci- men with which Dall compared, and by which he identified material for correspondents. This specimen has no status in a type catagory, for Arnold in validating the specific name used a Pleistocene shell. Cadulus quadrifissatus Pilsbry and Sharp Siphonodetitalium 4-fissatum Carpenter, ms. "label in Smithsonian Institution Collection" Pilsbry and Sh.\rp, 1897, Man. Conch., vol. XVII, p. 151 Cadulus quadrifissatus (Carpenter), Pilsbry and Sharp. 1897-1898, Man. Conch., vol. XVII, p. 150, pi. 29, figs. 10-13 Pilsbry and Sharp described this species from Henry Hemphill material collected at San Diego, California. They used Carpenter's manuscript name which Carpenter had attached to 120 MARINE MOLLTTSCA nFSCRTBEn BY P. P. CARPENTER material from San Pedro, collected by Cooper and deposited in the Smithsonian (U. S. Na- tional Museum, no. 19462). As a courtesy to Carpenter, Pilsbry and Sharp credited the specific name to Carpenter. However, the name with Carpenter as author is a nomcn nudum. The description and figures were first published by Pilsbry and Sharp who used the San Diego specimen in the Academy of Sciences of Philadelphia as the holotype. The form is referred to here, not because of a Carpenter specific name or type but merely to present all pertinent data in connection with Carpenter names and clarify the status of the same. Synonymy is not intended to be complete. Class GASTROPODA Family Fissurellidae Genus Puncturella Lowe, 1827 PunctureUa Lowe, 1827. Zool. Jour., vol. 3, p. 77, 78 Type species by original designation. Patella noachina Linnaeus, 1771, Mantissa Plantarum, p. 551. Living. Franz Josef Land, Arctic Ocean, to northern England, from Norway to Spain ; Greenland south to Cape Cod. Farfante, 1947, Johnsonia, vol. 2, no. 24, p. 138, pis. 60, 61 Puncturella cooperi Carpenter (Pi. 18, figs. 16, 17) PunctureUa Cooperi Carpenter, 1864b, p. 612, 651; Reprint, 1872, p. 98, 137; 1866, Feb., California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 214; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 24; Pilsbry, 1890, Man. Conch., vol. XIL p. 231; Pilsbry and Johnson, 1891, Nautilus, vol. 5, no. 8, p. 106; Dall, 1921, p. 186; Oldrovd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 183; 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 240; Keen, 1937, p. 44; Burch, 1946, no. 60, p. 29; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 207, p. 61, pi. 29, fig. 1 Pleistocene; Smith and Gordon, 1948, CaHfornia Acad. Sci., Proc., ser. 4, vol. XXV, no. 8, p. 204 "Outside like galeata, but without props to the lamina. 30-120 fm. not r. Cp." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 651] "—State Collection no. 1029. "P. t. "P. galcatac," fere exacte simulante ; sed lamina interna solida, planata, baud an- tice sinuata, baud suffulta. "Long. 0.30, lat. 0.21, alt. 0,24, div. 70°. "Hab. Catalina Island, not rare, 40 to 20 fms. Cooper, alive. "Outside like P. noachina; but with the lamina like P. cucidlata, without eye-holes. The latter species is extremely variable in sculpture, but never so fine as this ; and the shape is less conical." [Carpenter, 1866a, p. 214] The holotype is labelled "Type Catalina Is. Cal. Cooper." It has been heretofore unfigured. Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 11848 Distribution. — Recent. Catalina Island, California (type) ; Kasaiin Bay, Alaska, to Santa Rosa Island, California (Dall), See Table 2 for stratigraphic distribution. Genus Diodora Gray, 1821 (Diadora Gray, 1847) Diodora Gray, 1821, London Medical Repository, vol. XV, Mar. 1, p. 233; Iredale, 1915, Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 11, p. 331 Type species by monotypy. Patella apertura Montagu, 1803, immature Fissurella graeca auct., non Linnaeus, 1767, 12 ed. p. 1262. Living. British Isles. Montagu, 1803, Testacea Britannica, vol. II, p. 491, pi. XIII, fig. 10; Lowe, 1827, Zool. Jour., vol. Ill, p. 77 Diodora murina (Arnold) 1903 Fissurella (Glyphis) murina "Cpr." Dall in Orcutt, 1886, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 8, p. 543 nomcn nudum Fissuridea murina (Carpenter) Dall, Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 15, p. 197 nomen nudum, see note by Dall concerning equivalence; Arnold, 1903, p. 339 de- GASTROPODA 121 scribed; 1907, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. Z2, no. 1545, p. 545, pi. 50, figs. 3, 3a; 1907, U. S. Geol. Sur., Bull. 309, pi. 40, figs. 3. 3a Diadora niurina (Carpenter ms.) Dall, 1921, p. 185; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 237 Diodora niurina (Carpenter /;; Dall in Orcutt), Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 850 Diodora murina (Arnold), Burcii, 1946, no. 60, p. 26 This species did not have a valid description until Arnold's in 1903, as pointed out by A. Myra Keen {in Burch). The species is included herein for completeness as to Carpenter manuscript or valid sci- entific names. A full discussion of the form is not intended. Genus Lucapinella Pilsbry, 1890 Lucapiuella Pilsbry, 1890, Man. Conch., vol. XII, p. 179, 195 Type species by original designation, "Clypidella callomarginata Carpenter," [Dall] 1871, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VII, p. 133. Recent. Bodega Bay, California, to Magdalena Bay, Lower California (Dall). Dall, 1871, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VII, pi. IS, fig. 8; Pilsbry, 1890, Alan. Conch., vol. XII, pi. 44, figs. 3-5; pi. 61, figs. 1-5 Lucapinella callomarginata (Dall) Clypidella callomarginata Carpenter, Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 24; CARPENTER, ms. in D.\ll, 1871, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VII, p. 133, pi. 15, fig. 8 "Ch\pidella " [sic] callomarginata, p. 160 expl. plate; Dall in Orcutt, 1885, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 8, p. 543 ; Arnold, 1903, p. 341 Lucapinella callomarginata (Dall), Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 15, p. 198; Dall, 1921, p. 185; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 244, pi. 85, fig. 6; Keen, 1937, p. 38 ; Grant and (Sale, 1931, p. 849 ; Burch, 1946, no. 60, p. 25 Lucapinella callomarginata (Carpenter), Pilsbry, 1890, Man. Conch., vol. XII, p. 196, pi. 44, figs. 3-5: pi. 61, figs. 1-5; Williamson, 1892, U. .S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 15, no. 898, p. 198; Pilsbry and Lowe, 1932, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. LXXXIV, p. 128; Smith, M., 1944, Panama Marine Shells, p. 3, fig. 19 This species was a manuscript name, used by Cooper (1867) and described by Dall. The holotype is in the U. S. National Museum and was figured by Dall (1871). Reference to the name is included herein to save confusion in regard to Carpenter names. The synonymy and discussion is not indended to be complete. Isabel Perez Farfante (1946, p. 23, fig. 406) recorded the species from Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, Playo Maldonado, Uruguay, and Boca del Rio Negro, Argentina (specimens U. S. Na- tional Museum and Museum of Comparative Zoology). Genus Fissurella Bruguiere, 1789 Fissurella volcano Reeve (PI. 18, fig. 19) "Fissurella oniata Nuttall MS." Carpenter Fissurella volcano Reeve, 1849, Conch. Icon., vol. 6, Fissurella, pi. IV, fig. 2; Pilsbry, 1890, Man. Conch., vol. XII, p. 156 Fissurella ornata Nuttall ms. in Carpenter, 1856 [1857], Zool. Soc. London, Proc, pt. XXIV, p. 222 and var. vwnstrosa, p. 223; 1857, Rept. British Assoc. Adv. Sci. 1856, p. 241, 319, 349; 1857, Mazatlan Cat., p. 214; 1864b, p. 527, 540, 651; Reprint, 1872, p. 13, 26, 137 Carpenter (1856e [1857]) utilized a manuscript name of Nuttall, F. ornata. In 1864 he considered that the form was synonymous with F. volcano Reeve, and workers have continued to assign it as F. volcano Reeve. Through G. L. Wilkins a photograph of the Nuttall specimen in the British Museum was furnished by that institution. Wilkins sent the notes of the label, which is with the specimen. He questioned it as the type, but it is the only specimen available which might qualify. (See explanation pi. 18, fig. 19.) 122 ATARTNR MOLT.TTSCA DESCRIBED BV P. V. CARPEXTER Family Acmaeidae Genus Acmaea-''^ Eschscholtz (1830), 1833 Acmaea Eschscholtz in Kotzebue, 1830, Neue Reise um die Welt in den Jahren 1823, 24, 25, und 26, Weimar, vol. 2, app., p. 24; English translation, 1830, A new voyage around the world, V. 2, app., p. 350, London, p. 350 genus without species; Eschscholtz in Rathke, 1833, Zool. Atlas,5i pt. 5, p. 16 fide Woodring (1928, p. 458) Type species by subsequent designation, Dall, 1871, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 238, Acmaea mitra Eschscholtz in Rathke, p. 18, pi. 23, fig. 4 fide Philippi, 1846, p. 107. Recent. Pribilof Islands, Bering Sea, to San Alartin Island, Lower California. Pilsbry, 1891, Man. Conch., vol. XIII, pi. 3, fig. 50 For discussion of West Coast species of this genus see Test (1946). Acmaea atrata Carpenter Acmaea (? var.) atrata Carpenter, 1864, June, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIII, p. 474; Reprint, 1872, p. 213; 1864b, Aug., p. 541, 618, 666; Reprint, 1872, p. 27, 104, 152; Pilsbry, 1891, Man. Conch., vol. XIII, p. 30, pi. 7, figs. 61-65 types; Burch, 1946, no. 57, p. 15 Collisella atrata (Carpenter), Dall, 1871, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 255, pi. 14, figs. IS, 15a The three syntypcs of this species are in the U. S. National Museum. They were figured by Pilsbry (1891). The type locality is Cape San Lucas; therefore, the details regarding the form are reserved for the report on the Carpenter types of that area. Burch (1946, no. 57, p. 15) recorded identifications of the species by Dall and Eyerdam in the California fauna. Test (1946) does not acknowledge the existence of the species on the California coast. Syntypes. — U. S. National Museum, no. 4019 Distribution. — Cape San Lucas, Lower California (type) ; Santa Monica, San Pedro, California (Burch; Eyerdam, 1938; not in Test) "Acmaea [fenestrata] cribaria Carpenter" Acmaea patina cribaria Gould ms.. Carpenter, 1857, Rcpt. British Assoc. Adv. Sci. 1856, 211, 319; 1864b, p. 530; Reprint, 1872, p. 16; 1866, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. II, p. 335; Pilsbry, 1891, Man. Conch., vol. XIII, p. 12 under A. patina, synonym A. fenestrata. Acmaea scutum cribaria Carpenter, Dall, 1921, p. 169; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 167 ; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 149 Acmaea cribaria Gld. nis. Carpenter, Pilsbry, 1921, Nautilus, vol. 36, p. 71 nomen nudum Acmaea cribaria Carpenter, Keen, 1937, p. 28 Acmaea fetiestrata cribaria Carpenter, Burch, 1946, no. 57, p. 5, 9, subgenus Patelloidea; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci.. Proc, 4th ser., vol. XXVI, p. 199 Acmaea fenestrata cribaria Gould, Test, 1946, Cont. Lab. Vert. Biol. no. 31, p. 1 "A. patina, var. d., is internally almost always dark in the spectrum, with white sides. But sometimes there are concentric zones of dark, alternating with the white, in which state it is the 'A. cribaria,' Gld., ms., a very worn specimen of which was 'purchased at the Sand- wich Islands' by the omnivorous naturalists of the United States Exploring Expedition. Sometimes the spectrum is well defined, nearly black ; and the sides are dark brown. The intermediate forms and shades between the vars. Cutningii and pintadina are very commoiL Sometimes the marginal edge grows light, with a dark belt inside ; or the dark becomes more or less spotted." [Carpenter, 1866c, p. 335] The original data on this species are in an unsatisfactory state. The holotype is not avail- able, and no definite type locality can be known. Carpenter intimated in the above discussion that the shell was from the West Coast. Carpenter first listed the species from "Columbia ^0 Considered by Inst. Com. Zool. Nomen. See Bull. Zool. Nomen., 1950, vol. 4, pts. 13-15, p. 389-392. Acmaea Eschscholtz not a homonym of Acme Hartmann, 1821, or Acmea Hart- mann, 1821. Acmaea Eschscholtz, 1833, placed on Official List of Generic Names with type species as stated above. Acme Hartmann, 1821, and Acmea Hartmann, 1821, placed on Offi- cial List of Rejected and Invalid Generic Names. See Opinion 344, 1955, Int. Rules Zoologi- cal Nomenclature. ^1 Menke (1846, p. 70-74) full title, discussion; p. 74 on Acmaea Eschscholtz. Further dis- cussion with species enumerated, Philippi (1846, p. 106-108) GASTROPODA 123 River, San Francisco, De Fuca" (1857b, p. 211) and "Oregon and Upper California" (1857b, p. 319). There seems to be no doubt that the West Coast is its proper habitat. The few remarks by Carpenter accompanying the name (1866c, p. 335) make a dubious valid description. Pilsbry regarded the name as a nomcn nudum, which seems a legitimate de- duction. Carpenter, therefore, is not the valid author of the name. No subsequent author has described the subspecies or species. The description published by Oldroyd as of "cribaria" was that for A. patina mut. fenestrafa "Nutt." If Test regarded the subspecies as biologically sound it would be appropriate for Test (ms. thesis, ms. Univ. California) to publish her description of the form designating a holo- type and type locality. It would then date from such a description and author. Test (1946) referred the subspecies to Could as author. Type. — Not found Distrilmtinn. — "Purchased at the Sandwich Isls." (Gould in Carpenter, 1866c) West Coast, United States (type) ; Alaska, Aleutian Islands, south to Cayucos, California (Burch) Acmaea funiculata (Carpenter) (PI. 17, figs. 24, 25) Scurria (? var.) funiculata Carpenter, 1864b, p. 612, 650; Reprint, 1872, p. 98, 136; 1866, Feb., California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 214; 1866, Oct., Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. II, p. 347; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 24; 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 60 ; Dall, 1871, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 242 Sctorria mitra tenuisculpta Carpenter, 1866, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. II, p. 346. See addi- tional synonymy and notes under separate heading Acmaea mitra var. funiculata (Carpenter), Pilsbry, 1891, Man. Conch., vol. XIII, p. 25; Dall, 1921. p. 168; Oldroyd. 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 145 Acmaea funiculata (Carpenter), Hanna and Smith, 1931, Nautilus, vol. 45, no. 1, p. 21-25, pi. 2, figs. 1. 3, 4; Keen, 1937, p. 28; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 207, p. 61, pi. 34. figs. 1. 2 Pleistocene; Burch, 1946, no. 56, p. 35; no. 57, p. 5, 6; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 199 "With rounded riblets, somewhat nodulous." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 650] Hanna and Smith have presented a thorough discussion with pertinent data on and illus- tration of the species and with copies of the various early descriptions of the species. Those descriptions are not repeated here. The holotype is figured for the first time herein. The apex of the holotype is worn, but the radiating ribs, of which there are about 36, are strong. There are no secondary ribs, but the primaries, as well as the interspaces, are irregular in size. Dall placed the variety named by Carpenter tenuisculpta (1866) as the same as funiculata. Marshall (in Hanna and Smith, 1931, p. 23), after comparing the types of both, agreed with Dall's consolidation. Test n946) did not indicate A. funiculata as a distinct species. Burch (1946, no. 57, p. 6, 7) gave it as a separate form. The type of this species was catalogued in the Smithsonian Institution (U. S. National Museum) by Carpenter as "Scurria funiculata type." The specimen has a label, "Monterey Cooper". A note on the label, probably made by Dall, reads, "extreme var. of mitra?" Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 14799 (A. funiculata) . no. 15490 (var. A. tenuis- culpta "Carpenter") Distribution. — Recent. Monterey, California (type, A. funiculata). Shumagin Islands, Alaska, to Magdalena Bay, Lower California (Dall) ; (not of Test, 1946). Pleistocene. Cali- fornia (Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew) Acmaea limatula Carpenter Acmaea [scabra} var. limatula Carpenter, 1864b, 540 San Diego, 650, 665 "temperate," Lower California var. of A. scabra; Reprint, 1872, p. 26, 136, 151; 1866, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. II, p. 335, 340; Pilsbry, 1891, Man. Conch., vol. 13, p. 14, pi. 3, figs. 38, 39, 40 "original ;" 45, 46, "original," San Diego Acmaea limatula Carpenter, Dall, 1921, p. 170 section Collisella; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 152 section Collisella; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 810; Baily, 1935, West Coast 124 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Shells (Keep), p. 173; Yokes. 1936, Nautilus, vol. 50, no. 2, p. 49; Johnson and Snook, 1935, Seashore Animals, p. 542, fig. 613; Keen, 1937, p. 28; Burch, 1946, no. 57, p. 14 subgenus Collisclla ; Test, 1946, Cont. Univ. Michigan Lab. Vert. Biol. no. 31, p. 1, 13, 15; W'ooDRiNG, Br.\mi.ette, .vnd Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper, 207, p. 61 Pleistocene; Smith .and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 199; Abbott, 1954, p. 102, pi. 18, fig. 0 "Var. limatula of [A. scabral. sculpture stronger, border black: perhaps = Maz. Cat. no. 265." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 650] "A well-marked variety seems to have an admixture of black blood, probably from inter- marriage with the negro race of A. patina. With the same sculpture externally, the interior has the broad black margin of A. patina, (var. scutum,') and a dark spot in the centre. One specimen is dark all over. Another stout dwarfed shell has a prettily tesselated border, and would (in a mixed collection) he taken for A. cymbiohi. Gld., = P. parasitica, D'Orb. — As I have seen no intermediate specimens between the two forms, this may be described as var. Umatxila, "A. scahra, Nutt," extus sculptura normali ; seu intensiore lirulis quibusdam majori- lus, valde nodosis ; intus albida, nitida ; limbo lato nigro, seu rarius tessclato; spectro saepius fusco maculato. "It is probably the Acmaca patina of the Mazatlan Catalogue, sp. 265, but the specimens were too much worn outside to decide with confidence." [Carpenter, 1866c, p. 340] Pilsbry (1891) figured "original" specimens of this species from Smithsonian Institution collections as stipulated in the explanation of his illustrations (pi. 3). The specimens of Figures 45 and 46 he stated in the text (p. 14) to be from San Diego. The first and only definite reference by Carpenter to the form was to a San Diego shell (Carpenter, 1864, p. 540). Although the types are not extant, the type locality is San Diego. A lectotype might well be selected from the specimens figured by Pilsbry. Type. — Not found Distribution. — Recent. San Diego, California (type). Puget Sound, to Maria Madre Is- land, Mexico, Gulf of California north to Coronados Islands (Test in Burch) ; Crescent City, California, to La Paz, Gulf of California (Test 1946). Pleistocene. California (Oldroyd, 1925; Stephens, 1929; Grant and Gale; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew) "Acmaea mitra tenuisculpta Dall" (PI. 18, figs. 11-13) See also [under] A. ftniiculafa (Carpenter). Scurria mitra tenuisculpta Carpenter, 1866. Amer. Jour. Concli., vol. II, p. 346; Hanna and Smith, 1931. Nautilus, vol. 45. no. 1, p. 23 Acmaea mitra tenuisculpta (Carpenter), Daei., 1871, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 242; Pilsbry, 1891, Man. Conch., vol. Ill, p. 25 "Acmaea tenuisculpta Cpr.," Dale, 1914, Nautilus, vol. 28, no. 2, p. 14 "A . . . funiculata Cpr. merges into" "Acmaea tenuisculpta (Carpenter)", Hanna and Smith, 1931, Nautilus, vol. 45, no. 1, p. 23 notes by Marshall on type This nude name of Carpenter is represented by 4 syntypes in the U. S. National Museum, no. 15490, labelled "Neeah Bay Swan." If Dall's (1871) brief comparison, using Carpenter's name, with A. mitra be regarded as adequate to validate the name of a form of subspecific worth, Dall must be credited as the author and not Carpenter. Dall's comments (1871, p. 242) were as follows : "The striated variety (tenuisculpta, Cpr.) [of ./. niiira] appears very distinct from the smooth form, but every gradation may be found in a very large scries. The unique type of Scurria f funiculata, Cpr., now before me, differs from the smallest specimen of tenuisculpta, only in having the riblets even more prominent, close, and rounded, and being thinner and smaller. . . ." The types were regarded by Dal! and Marshall as cc|uivalent to .-/. funiculata. Tlie notes concerning the name and specimens are included here in detail for completeness and readiness of reference and not as representing a subspecies. Syntypes. — U. S. National Museum, no. 15490 Distribution. — Neah Bay, Washington (type). Same as A. funiculata GASTROPODA 125 Acmaea rosacea Carpenter Acmaca (? pilcolus, var.) rosacea Carpenter, 1864b, p. 614, 650, Reprint, 1872, p. 100, 136; 1866a, Feb., California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 213; 1866c, Oct., Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. II, p. 341 ; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 23 Acmaea rosacea Carpenter, Cooper, 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 60; Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 100; Pilshry, 1891, Alan. Conch., vol. XIII, p. 21, pi. 7, figs. 71, 72, 7i type; Dall, 1921, p. 170; Kelsey, 1922, Nautilus, vol. 36, no. 1, p. 18; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 168; 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 156; Baily, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 175; Keen, 1937, p. 28; Burch, 1946, no. 56, p. 35; no. 57, p. 5, 14 subgenus?; Test. 1946, Cont. Univ. Mich. Lab. Vert. Biol., no. 31, p. 1; Smith AND Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 200 CoUiscUa (?) rosacea Dall, 1871. Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 256 " — Monterey to San Diego. This shell is named pilcolus Midd., in Mus. Cuming, but does not agree with the diagnoses. It can hardly be distinguished from Herm specimens of A. virginea. It was first brought by Col. Jewett, but referred to Panama." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 614j "Pink, small: like Herm specimens of virginea." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 650] The following lines should be added to Carpenter's description (1866) as published by Oldroyd (1927), to make that copy complete : Delete "poll."52 and add : "— div. 100°. "Hab. San Diego, 1 sp. jun. (Palmer) : Monterey, 1 dead sp. Cooper. "The absence of striae, very thin texture, and regularly conical growth, distinguish this shell from A. patina, a rare variety of which has a pinkish tinge. Specimens in Mus. Cuming are marked 'pUeolus. Midd..' but do not accord with the diagnosis. It is almost exactly like Herm* specimens of A. virginea. Col. Jewett's similar shells, marked "Panama" were per- haps West Indian." [Carpenter, 1866a, p. 213] '^ "A small island in the British channel." Carpenter repeated (1866c, Oct.) his description (1866a, Feb.) and presented in detail the description of A. pilcolus Middendorf. Pilsbry described the species and figured the holotype. Dall gave a detailed description based on the holotype. The holotype has a label "San Pedro, Dr. Palmer." Dimensions. — Holotype. 5 mm. length ; 4 mm. width ; 2 mm. height. Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 15273 Distribution. — Recent. San Pedro, California (type) ; Ketchikan, Alaska, south to Panama (Burch). Pleistocene. Mexico. (Hertlein, 1934) Acmaea strigatella Carpenter Acmaea striqatclla Carpenter, 1864, June, .Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIII. p. 474; Reprint. 1872, p. 214; 1864b, Aug.. Suppl. Rept. British Assoc. 1863, p. 666; Reprint, 1872, p. 152; 1865, Zool. Soc. London. Proc., p. 277, Reprint, 1872, p. 268; Pilsbry, 1891, Man. Conch., vol. XIII, p. 27, pi. 7. figs. 83, 84, 85 type; Pilsbry and Lowe, 1932, Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, Proc, vol. LXXXIV, p. 129 Acmaca strigillata Carpenter, 1864b, p. 618; Reprint, 1872, p. 104 typographical error for A. strigatella Collisella strigatella (Carpenter), Dall, 1871, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 253, ? pi. 14, fig. 5 Acmaca persona strigillata Carpenter, Dall, 1921, p. 170 in part; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 155 Not Acmaea patina strigillata (= A. strigillata Nutt.,) Carpenter, 1866, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. II, p. 334, 337 Acmaea (Patclloidea) persona strigatella Carpenter, Burch, 1946, no. 57. p. 10 Acmaea persona ? strigatella Carpenter, Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 200 The following corrections and lines should be added to the copy of the original description as published by Oldroyd to make the copy complete : Read .9 for 9 ; .74 for 74; .3 for "3." "Variat colore hie et illic aurantiaco tincto : strigis omnino tessellatis. ^-Carpenter (1866, Oct., p. 341) gave the same measurements in "poll;"' in this case the "poll" would be admissable. 126 MARTXE ^rOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. V. CARPENTER "According to Darwin, this might be regarded as a cross between the northern forms A. pclta and A. patina, about to change into the Gulf species, A. mesoleuca. The dark variety resembles A. cantharus, but the very delicate crowded striae will distinguish it when not abraded." [Carpenter, 1864a, p. 474] Pilsbry presented a detailed description and illustration of the type which is in the U. S. National Museum. Burch (1946) has analyzed clearly and correctly the confusion in the names of strigatella and strigillata. The use of strigillata by Carpenter (1864b) is easily dis- pensed with because it is a typographical error. Carpenter gave a description (1866c) using a manuscript name of Nuttall. He defined it as a variety of A. patina and differentiated it from A. strigatella of the Lower Californian fauna. The form A. patina strigillata "Nuttall," Carpenter is ambiguous as to type and type lo- cality. Carpenter (1866c) intimated that it was from California or Vancouver. It is in part the A. persona strigillata of Dall (1921), but until the type locality and type are defined a precise distribution is not authentic. The type has not been found. The first use of A. strigillata was a typographical error, hence a nomcn nudum, and there- fore does not preoccupy the name as stated by Burch (homonym). Burch's suggestion that A. persona (=: A. persona strigillata "Nuttall" Carpenter) is the northern form and A. persona strigatella the southern seems feasible. Holotype.—U. S. National Museum, no. 19594 (A. strigatella) Distribution. — Cape San Lucas, Lower California (type) ; Monterey, California, to Lower California (Burch). Not included as California species by Test (1946). "Acmaea strigillata Nuttall" Carpenter "Patella strigillata Nutt. ms. Jay's Cat. no. 2881," Carpenter, 1856, Zool. Soc. London, Proc., p. 221 under A. pelta pars; Carpenter, 1866, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. II, p. 334, 337 P. strigillata Nutt., pars under A. patina not p. 337 under A. pclta. Not Acmaea strigillata Carpenter, 186-lb, p. 618; Reprint, 1872, p. 104 error for A. striga- tella Acmaea patina var. strigillata Cari)cnter, Burch, 1946, no. 57, p. 10 "Var. b. strigillata [of A. patina] : (= A. strigillata, Nutt., pars = A. pelta jun.) Part of the shells thus grouped by Gould, 'marginal rim narrower', may also be A. pelta, jun. The colors run into stripes, radiating bifurcating. Under ordinary circumstances, this variety is not so elevated as A. pelta: has not its faint, swelling ribs; but displays, instead, the typical, sharp, distant striae; and has a wider margin: but young shells with the outside abraded, are verv (lifTicult to determine or to separate from A. strigatella of Cape St. Lucas; q. v. in Ann. Nat. Hist." [Carpenter, 1866c, p. 334] For an analysis of the history of this name see also Acmaea strigatella Cari>entcr. Jay (1852, p. 102, no. 2881) indicated the locality as "Upper California," for Nuttall's shell. The type of this species has not been found. It is not at the British Museum Natural History (G. L. Wilkins, Oct. 17, 1950, personal communication) where some of Nuttall's material is preserved. Subgenus Collisella Dall, 1871 Collisella Dale, 1871, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 245 Type species liy original designation Collisella pelta ( Eschscholtz)j;i Rattike, 1833, Zool. Atlas, pt. 5, p. 19. Recent. Okhotsk and southern Bering Sea, Nushagak, Alaska, Aleu- tians south to Rosaria Bay, Lower California and Socorro Islands (Dall). Japan, (Keen, 1941, Sixth Pacific Cong., vol. 3, p. 481; Burch, 1946). Dall, 1871, pi. 14, fig. 6 radula; PiLsiiRY, 1891, Alan. Conch., vol. XIII, pi. 8, figs. 90, 91 "original"; Abbott, 1954, pi. 18, fig. n Acmaea (Collisella) triangularis (Carpenter) (PI. 18, fig 18) Nacella (? palcacca, var.) triangularis Carpenter, 1864b, p. 612, 650; Reprint, 1872, p. 98, 136; 1866, California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 213; Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 104 Nacella triangularis Carpenter, Cooper, 1867, Geo. Cat. Moll., Gcol. Sur. California, p. 23; 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 59 Acmaea (Collisella) ? triangularis (Carpenter), Dall, 1871, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 254 GASTROPODA 127 Acmaea triangularis (Carpenter), Pilsbry, 1891, Man. Conch., vol. XIII, p. 20, pi. 7, figs. 77, 78 type; Oldroyd, 1927, p. 158; Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 175 ? var. A. palcacea; Keen, 1937, p. 28; Burch, 1946, no. 57, p. 13; Test, 1946, Cont. Univ. Mich. Lab. Vert. Biol., no. 31, p. 1, 18; S^rITII and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 200 Acmaea triangularis casta Carpenter ms. Dall, 1871, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 254; Pilsbry, 1891, Man. Conch., vol. XIII, p. 20, pi. 7, figs. 74-76 type Acmaea {CoUisella) triangularis (Carpenter), BuRCii, 1946, no. 56, p. 35, no. 57, p. 5 per Test, p. 13 "Nacclla ? triangularis. Shorter [than N . paleacea Gould] apex raised ; scarcely striated : whitish, with brown spots." [Carpenter, 1866a, p. 650] The following lines should be added to the copy of Carpenter's description (1866a) as published by Oldroyd (1927) to make that copy complete: ;;— alt. 0.18, div. 90°. "Hah. Monterey. 4 dredged dead. Cooper. Probably a distinct species. The solitary shell sent by Dr. Cooper is shaped like a right- angled triangle, with five large brown spots near the base." [Carpenter, 1866a, p. 213] Dall (1871) discussed this species in detail and introduced a manuscript varietal name casta of Carpenter. Pilsbry (1891) illustrated the holotype of each name. The specimen il- lustrated is not available. Therefore, the specimen labeled "type" in the Redpath Museum is logically eligible as lectotype. Neither author regarded the varietal name as necessary. There are in the Redpath Museum 14 specimens with an original label, "N^acella casta Cpr. (var. = triangularis) type Monterey." There is a note with the specimen, "I think this series of specimens prove that they all belong to one species. I have two specimens (not worn) that are perfectly white. It is obvious then the name 'depicta' [Hinds] is not approp- riate; nor is the name 'triangularis' unless it refers to the profile of the shell. C. A. Can- field Monterey Nov. 5, 1867." One of the above shells is figured herein. Some of the shells are white, others are marked like the illustrated shell. All the specimens have a conspicuous brown spot just below the apex. Some have brown radiating spots over the surface. One individual has 5 spots on the posterior end. The external margins are all white with the marks above. A few specimens have a pinkish interior. The type of A. triangularis was figured by Pilsbry (1891). Syntypes. — U. S. National Museum, no. 14802 (A. triangularis) ; Redpath Museum, no. 2370 (casta Carpenter ms.). Distribution. — Monterey, California (type) ; Sitka, Alaska, to the Gulf of California, on sea grasses (Dall) ; Monterey, California, on calcareous alga Amphiroa tuberculosa Decaisne (Chace in Burch ; Smith and Gordon). "Acmaea monticola (monticula)" "Patella monticola Nutt. MS. = P. monticolor Jay's Cat. no. 2844" Carpenter, 1856, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, p. 221 under Acmaea pelta Esch. Acmaea monticula Nuttall MS. in Carpenter, 1864b, p. 586 "[monticola]" ; Reprint, 1872 not described ; Carpenter, 1866, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. II, p. 337 not described "monti- cola": Pilsbry, 1891, Man. Conch., vol. XIII listed under A. pelta ?, p. 17 "monticola," p. 34, "monticula" under A. ccciliana Acm-aea cassis monticola (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 169 as of Carpenter, 1866, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. II, p. 337 Acmaea (CoUisella) pelta (Eschscholtz), Burch, 1946, no. 56, p. 34; no. 57, p. 10 monticola regarded as variant Acmaea monticola Dall, Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 200 synonym of A. pelta A. "monticola" ("monticula") is certainly a nomen nudum (or nomina nuda), because no description was given by Carpenter or Dall. The name has been credited to both authors. The only remark Carpenter made concerning the form (1866c) is, "In its [pelta] early adolescence, irregular decorticated sliells are the A. monticola of Nutt. MS." That is not an adequate description. Dall (1921, p. 169) referred to the above reference of Carpenter, and 128 MARIMi MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER hence his name is no more valid tlian tlic- initial remarks. There is also a confusion in the spelling which makes further confusion in the use of the name. No types exist for the name. If it is to acquire proper status it must be described by some author subsequent to those already credited. It is assumed by workers to be synonymous with A. pelta. "Patella (? toreuma) tenuilirata" Carpenter Patella (? toreuma) tenuilirata Cxrpenter, 1855, p. 22,2,; 1857b, p. 288; Pilsbry, 1891, p. 233 was described as from "Monterey." Tomlin, (1925, p. 121) identified the syntypes of the species, which are in the British Museum, as "Cellana radiaus Gmelin, the common New Zealand limpet" (Powell, 1937, pi. 1, fig. 10; 1946, PI. 1, fig. 10). The name can, therefore, be authentically eliminated from the list of California species. Family Lf.petidae Genus Lepeta Gray, 1847 Lepeta Gray, 1847, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, pt. XV, p. 168. For Lepeta Gray, 1840; 1842, See Iredale, 1913, Malacol. Soc, London, Proc, vol. 10, p. 294-309; p. 306 Type species by monotypy and original designation Patella caeca Muller, 1776, Zool. Danicae Prod. An., p. 237. Recent. X^orthern Europe. Greenland to ^lassachnsetts, 2-300 fathoms (Johnson, 1934). Pilsbry, 1891, Man. Conch., vol. XIII, pi. 40, figs. 29-32; Abbott, 1954, pi. 17, fig. j Subgenus Cryptobranchia Aliddendorfif, 1851 (Cryptoctcnidia Dall, 1918) Cryptobranchia ^Midde.vdorff, 1851. Reise .\uss. Norden und Ost. Siliiriens, vol. 2. p. 183 Type species by subsequent designation, D.m.l, 1870, .\mcr. Jour. Conch., vol. V, pt. Ill, p. 143. C. concentrica (Middendorff ), 1851, Reise Auss. Norden und Ost. Sibiriens, vol. 2, p. 183, fide Dall. Recent. Icy Cape, .\rctic Ocean, on the west to Okhotsk Sea and Shantar Islands, Alaska, to Puget Sound. Middendorff, 1851, pi. XVI, fig. 6, fide Dall. Dall, 1870. .\mer. Jour. Conch., vol. V, r>t. Ill, p. 143, pi. 15, fig. 2, a to g ; Pilsbry, 1891, Man. Conch., vol. XIII, p. 40, figs. Z2,-27 Lepeta (Cryptobranchia) caecoides (Carpenter) (PI. 18, figs. 14, 15) Lepeta caecoides Carpenter. 1864b, p. 603, 651, 683; Reprint, 1872, p. 89, 137. 169; 1865, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia. Proc. vol. 17, p. 60; 1866, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. II, p. 347; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll. Geol. Sur. California, p. 24; Keen, 1937, p. Z7 ; WiLLETT, 1942, in Burch. no. 18, p. 3 Lepeta (Crvptohranchia) concentrica (MiddendorflF), Dall. 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. V, pt. 3. p. 143 in part; 1878, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 1, p. 334 in part Lepeta concentrica (Middendorfif), Pilsbry, 1891, Man. Conch., vol. XIII, p. 69 in part, section Cryptobranchia Lepeta (Crvptoctenidia) caecoides Carpenter, D.\ll, 1921, p. 168; Oldrovd, 1927, vol. II pt. Ill, p. 143 Lepeta (Cryptobranchia) caecoides (Carpenter), Burch, 1946, no. 57, p. 5 "Like caeca, but apex turned back. Farallone Is. teste R. D. Darbishire." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 651] The following lines should be added to the copy of Carpenter's description (1865) in Oldroyd (1927) to make the copy complete: ". . . div. 90°. "Hab. Specimina juniora perpauca viventia in sinu Pugetiano piscavit Kennerley: ex insulis Farallonihus adulta alYertur, teste Darbishire." [Carpenter, 1856e, p. 60] "The first perfect specimen of this shell was dredged by Dr. Kennerley; a larger, broken shell, received before by Mr. R. D. Darbishire from the Farrallones Islands, having been passed over as Scurria viitra. A number of small, but beautifully perfect specimens have lately been sent to the Smithsonian Institute from Sitclia. Tiiey are tiiin ; white, tinged with greenish at the margin, and often with pink within ; and very delicately sculptured. It is known at once from all the Acmaeae by its semitransparent texture and white color; and from the young of Scurria niitra by its broad, flat shape, obtuse apex, and excurved posterior flASTROPODA 129 profile. The striulae are more or less expressed, more or less distant, and rarely slightly granular; they are always most developed on the back, and subobsolete in front. The genus (as described by Forbes) is curiously like an Emarginula without a slit. The Sitcha speci- mens range to long. .57, lat. .48, alt. .2. In color, sculpture, etc., it exactly resembles L. caeca; but that species, as dredged off Norway, by M'Andrew and as represented in the Cumingian collection, is conical, while caecoides is Ancyloid. Messrs. Adams figure Pro- pilidium ancvloide, Forbes and Hani., under the name of Lcf'cta caeca; but the examples above quoted are widely different. My most reliable friend Mr. Arthur .-Kdams, collected specimens both of caeca and caecoides in the Japanese waters. The shells collected by Dr. Stimpson in the North Pacific Exploring Expedition (Hakodadi and Arctic Ocean) were marked Lepeta 'caeca, var. conccntrica Midd.' by Dr. Gould: Smiths. Cab. no. 1718" [Car- penter, 1866c, p. 347] The holotype has a printed label, "Type Puget Sound Kennerley." Holotypc. — U. S. National Museum, no. 11849 Distribution.— Fuget Sound (type) ; Arctic and Bering Seas to Hakodate, Japan,^^ the Aleutian Islands, and south to the Farallon Islands, California (Dall) ; 10-30 fathoms (Willett). Family TROCttiD.A.E Genus Margarites Leach in Gray, 1847 Margarites Le.ach in Gray, 1847, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. 20, p. 271 ; Dall, 1909, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 59, p. 97 Margarita Leach in Ross, 1819, Voyage of Discovery, H.M.S. Isabella and Alexander, Baffin's Bay, app. II, p. LXI, not Margarita Leach, 1814, Zool. Misc., vol. 1, p. 107 fide Neave Eumargarita Fischer, 1885, Man. de Conchyliol., p. 825, pi. X, fig. 7 M. Iielicina (Fabricius) Type species by monotypy, Margarites diaphana = Helix margarita Montagu = Turbo helicinus Fabricius, 1780, Fauna Groenlandica, p. 393 = T. helicinus Phipps, 1774, Voy. North Pole in 1773, app., p. 198. Recent. Circumboreal, to England, in Europe, Massachu- setts Bay on west Atlantic, and to Catalina Island on the Pacific Coast. Pilsbry, 1889, Man. Conch., vol. XI, p. 286 synonymy, pi. 64, figs. 45-47 Margarites lacunatus (Carpenter) (Plate 17, figs. 22, 23) Gibbula lacunafa Carpenter, 1864b, Aug., p. 627, 653; Reprint, 1872, p. 113, 139; 1864, Dec, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIV. p. 425; Reprint, 1872, p. 239; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. AIoll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 26; Dall, 1871, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VII, p. 128 under .1/. lirulata; Pilsbry, 1889, Man. Conch., vol. XI, p. 297 under .1/. lirulata Margarites (Lirularia) lacunafa (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p 179; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 176; 1927. vol. II. pt. Ill, p. 206 Margarites lacunatus (Carpenter), Keen, 1937, p. 39; Burch, 1946. no. 58. p. 9. "Very small, nearly smooth, umbilicus henimed-in by swelling of columella.." [Carpenter, 1864, p. 653] The following line should be added to the copy of Carpenter's description ( 1864. Dec.) as republished by Oldroyd to make that copy complete : "Hab. Neeah Bay (Szivn)." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 425] The label of the holotype reads, "Type Neeah Bay, W.T.J. G. Swan." Holotvpc. — U. S. National Museum, no. 15535b Distribution.— yieah Bav, Washington (type), Neah Bay, Washington, to San Diego, California (^Dall) Margarites tenuisculptus Carpenter Margarita (? v. [Vahlii]) tenuisculpta Carpenter, 1864b, p. 603, 653; Reprint, 1872, p. 89, 139- 1865, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 17, p. 61; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 26; Dall, 1871, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VII, p. 128 under M. liridata Carpenter in part; Pilsbry, 1889, Man. Conch., vol. XI, p. 297 under M. lirulata ^'■^ Keen (1941, p. 481) did not include this species in the list of species common to Japan and western North America. Tadashige Habe (June 22, 1955, personal communication) stated that this species has not been found since the original discovery. 130 ^rARTXE mollusca descrtrf.d p.v p. p. carpexter Margarites {Margaritcs) (vahlii var.f) temiiscnlpta (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 181 ; Oldroyd, 1924." Pub. Piigct Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 178; 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, 214 Margarites tcnuisculptus (Carpenter), Keen, 1937, p. 39 Margarites (Margarites) tciniisculptus (Carpenter), BuRCH, 1946, no. 58, p. 11 ". . . Like obsoleta, but operc. ribbed." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 653] "M. t. 'M. Vahlii' forma, colore, et opercula simillima ; sed striulis spiralibus, plus minusve obsoletis cincta, quarum IV-VI in spira monstrantur. Long. .22, long, spin .11, lat. 13, div. 70° "Hab. — Puget Sd., Kcnncrlcy. Neeah Bay, Szvan. "Except in the very faint spiral sculpture, which does not always appear a constant character in Margaritae (v. M. undulata in Fbs. and Hani. Br. AIoll.,) these shells might stand for AL VahHi, a ? variety of which was found sparingly by Dr. Kennerley. They are sornetimes painted with infrasutural flammules of darker ash. Both the smooth and the striated forms have a prominent spiral rib on the whorls of the operculum." [Carpenter, 1865e, p. 61] The holotype of this species has not been found. There is a specimen at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, no. 38192, bearing an original label, "Margarites ? var. tenuisculpfa Smithsonian Neeah Bay." The specimen is pasted on a small piece of cardboard, which in turn is pasted on an A.N.S.P. label. This specimen in lieu of a more autlieiitic original Carpenter specimen might be selected as a neotype. In early work Dall and Pilsbry considered this species synonymous with AT. lirulata Carpenter, but in 1921 Dall listed it as separate from tliat form. Holotype. — Not found Distribution. — Puget Sound or Neah Bay, Wasliington (type) ; Puget Sound, Washing- ton, and \'ancouver Island, British Columbia, to South Coronado Island, California (Burch) Subgenus Pupillaria Dall, 1909 PupiUaria Dall, 1909. U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 59, p. 97. Type species by original designation Margarites pupilliis (Gould), 1849, Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, Proc, vol. 3, p. 91 ; 1852, U. S. Expl. Exped., Moll., vol. 12, p. 186, Atlas, 1856, pi. 12, fig. 208. Living. Nunivak Island, Bering Sea, to San Pedro, California (Dall). Abbott, 1954, fig. 31c Margarites (Pupillaria) acuticostatus Carpenter Margarites acusficostala Carpenter, 1864b, Suppl. Rept. British Assoc. 1863, p. 612, 653; Reprint, 1872, p. 98, 139; 1864, July-Dec, California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 157; Cooper 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 26; Pilsbry, 1889, Alan. Conch., vol. XI, p. 297 under M. lirulata. Margarites (Lirutaria) acuticostafa (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 180, pi. 18, fig. 5 type; Oldroyd, 1927; vol. II, pt. HI, p. 208 Margarites acuticostatus (Carpenter), Keen, 1937, p. 39; Burch, 1946, no. 58, p. 10; Smith AND Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, no. 8, p. 202 "Small, painting clouded: 3 sharp ribs on spine. 8-20 fm. Cp." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 653] The following should be added to the copy of Carpenter's description (1864 July-Dec) as republished by Oldroyd (1927) to make that copy com])lcte : "Hab. Santa Barbara, in kelp-root, 2, dead; Catalina Island, 8-10 fms. 20, some alive; Monterey, 20 fms. 4, dead. "This shell might be taken for a delicate form of Cibbula parcipicta, which in painting it exactly resembles. It is known from Vancouver M. lirulata by the three sharp keels on the spire, between which there are no others intercalating, and by the details of sculpture. The patches of color are very variable, sometimes scarcely appearing ; and are generally deeper tinted on the keels, giving a false appearance of granulation." [Carpenter, 1864e, p. 158] The syntypes consist of two specimens labelled, "Catalina Id. Cooper type." Dall figured (1921) one of the specimens as type. The type locality thus becomes Catalina Island instead of Santa Barbara. Lee to type. — U. S. National Museum, no. 16280 Distribution. — Catalina Island, California (type) ; Bodega Bay, to Guadahijn' Island, Mexico (Burch) GASTROPODA 131 Margaritas (Pupillaria) funiculatus (Carpenter) Gibbula fimiculata Carpenter, 1864b, Aug., p. 628, 653; Reprint, 1872, p. 114, 139; 1864, Dec, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIV, p. 427; Reprint, 1872, p. 239; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 26; Dall, 1871, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VII, p. 26; Dall, 1871, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VII, p. 128, under M. Urulata; Pilsbry, 1889, Man. Conch., vol. XI, p. 297 under M. Urulata Margarites (Lirularta) jiiniculata (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 179, pi. 18, fig. 10 type; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 176. Margarites funiailata (Carpenter), Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 199 Margarites funiculatus Carpenter, Keen, 1937, p. 39; Burch, 1946, no. 58, p. 8 "Shaped like Montagui: with rounded spiral riblets." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 653] The following line should be added to the copy of Carpenter's description (1864) as republished by Oldroyd (1927) to make that copy complete: "Hah. Neeah Bay (Sivan), specimen unicum." [Carpenter, 1864d, p. 425 1 The holotype was figured by Dall (1921). The specimen measures 6 mm. height and 5 mm. greatest diameter, which is higher than the measurement given by Dall (1921). The label reads, "unique type Neeah Bay, W.I.J.G. Swan." Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 15534b Distribution. — Neah Bay, Washington (type) Margarites (Pupillaria) inflatulus Dall (PI. 18, fig. 9, 10) Margarita inflata Carpenter, 1864b, p. 603, 653, no. 300; Reprint, 1872, 89, 139 in part; in part Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 26 In part M. rhodia Dall, 1921 Not Turbo inflatus Totten, 1834, Amer. Jour. Sci., vol. 26, p. 368; not Trochus inflatus Smith, 1839, Mem. Wernerian Soc, vol. 8, pi. 1, fig. 10; Morris, 1843, Cat. Brit. Fos., p. 150 Margarita fide Sherborn, 1927, Index Animalium. Margarita pupilla Gould, Dall, 1871, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VII, p. 127, in part; Pilsbry, 1889, Man. Conch., vol. XI, p. 295 in part Margarites (Lirularia) inflatula Dall, 1919 [not 1920 as printed in Dall, 1921], U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 56, no. 2295, p. 365 new name for M. inflata Carpenter, 1864b and 1865e in part; Dall, 1921. p. 179; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 177; 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 207; Keen, 1937, p. 39 inflatulus; Burch, 1946, no. 58, p. 9 inflatulus "Thin, whirls [sic} very swollen; sculpture very fine; spiral hollow inside keeled umbili- cus. [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 653, no. 300] For Carpenter description, 1865e, see M. rhodia Dall in this paper. Dall (1919, p. 365; 1921, p. 179) in renaming M. inflata Carpenter, 1864, specified that his new name M. inflatulus applied to the above reference and that the new name M. rhodia Dall (1921) applied to M. inflata Carpenter (1865e, p. 62). However, the separation of the species on the above references is not so simple as Dall indicated. Dall stipulated as type of M. inflatulus the specimens labelled "Puget Sound, collected by Dr. C. B. Kennerley" (Dall, 1919, p. 365). Since the description (1865e, p. 62) of M. inflata Carpenter and all Carpen- ter's references included material from Puget Sound (Kennerley), Vancouver (Lyall), and Neah Bay (Swan), Dall's selection of the Kennerley specimen from Puget Sound as type of M. inflatulus automatically makes the description of 1865e, as well as 1864b, in part refer- ence to M. inflatula. Therefore the writer has, modified Dall's references to M. inflata Car- penter (in part) = M. inflatulus Dall and M. inflata Carpenter (in part) = M. rhodia Dall, in keeping with type material as indicated by Dall, rather than the specific date and page reference which he gave. For remainder of discussion of M. inflata Carpenter, see M. rhodia Dall in this paper. Specimens in U. S. National Museum, no. 4494, bears the label "type of L. inflata Car- penter pars = inflatula Dall. Type of both." This is the specimen indicated by Dall (1919, p. 365). Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 4494 (M. inflata Carpenter) Distribution. — Puget Sound, Washington (type), Puget Sound, Washington, and Van- couver Island, British Columbia. (Carpenter) 132 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Margarites (Pupillaria) lirulatus Carpenter (PI. 17, figs. 20, 21) Margarita lirulaia Carpen-ter, 1864b, p. 603, 653; Reprint, 1872, p. 89, 139; 1865, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc., vol. 17, p. 61 ; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. Cali- fornia, p. 26; Dall, 1871, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VII, p. 128 in part, including vars. and other Carpenter species; Pilsbry, 1889, Man. Conch., vol. XI, p. 296, pi. 65, figs. 81, 82, 87 including var. snbelcvata, obsoleta and conica. Margarites {Lirularia) lirulata (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 179; Oldrovd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 177; 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 207 not pi. 101, fig. 1 same as M. lirulata conica Dali., 1921 ; W'ili.ett in Burch, 1942, no. 16, p. 3. Margarites lirulatus (Carpenter), Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 841; Keen, 1937, p. 39; Burch, 1946, no. 58, p. 9; S.mith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc., ser. 4, vol. XXVI, no. 898, p. 202 "Small: operc. smooth: 2 sharp principal riblets on spire: outline variable." [Carpenter, 1864, p. 653] The following line and concluding paragraph should be added to the copy of Carpenter's 1865 description published by Oldroyd (1927) to make the copy complete: "Hah. — Puget Sd., Kcnncrlcy." [Description of var. stibclevata, obsoleta and conica, wiiich see in this paper] "The shells above described constitute what might be called a Darwinian group of specific forms. With the exception of the typical shells dredged by Dr. Kennerley, they are all in very bad condition. The Pugetian specimens are flattened, with open umbilicus, as might be expected from quiet water. Two specimens, however, form an exact transition to the Xeeah Bay shells, of which a fair number (var. a) were sent by Mr. Swan, though worn and generally decorticated. They are more elevated, with fainter sculpture ; and pass, by insensible gradations, into AI. tenusculpta, the two principal spiral lines becoming evanescent, and a few others intercalating. In this state (var. |3) the species can only be separated by the operculum, which is pale and thin, and destitute of the strongly expressed rib of the 'Vahlii' group. A third form (var. y) would certainly claim specific rank, but for the intermediate series of a and (3. The diagnostic characters for the whole series are the smooth operculum, the eight narrow riblets round the base, with angular umbilicus and the sharp, narrow, prin- cipal riblets above, witli wide interspaces, smooth except from the lines of growth, which are principally visible in the epidermis. There may be three (so-called) species in the group, viz.: lirulata, subelevata and conica." [Carpenter, 1865e, p. 61] There are three specimens in the U. S. National Museum labelled "type Puget Sd. Dr. Kennerley." This label coincides with Carpenter's description. The middle-sized specimen of the three is figured herein. Syntypcs. — U. S. National Museum, no. 4191 Distribution.— Recent. Puget Sound, Washington (type) ; Port Etches, Alaska, to San Diego, California (Dall). Pleistocene (Grant and Gale; Waterfall, 1929). Pliocene (Water- fall, 1929) Margarites (Pupillaria) lirulatus conicus Carpenter Margarita lirulata var. y conica Carpenter, 1864b, p. 603, 653; Reprint, 1872, p. 89. 139; 1865, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 17, p. 61 ; Dall, 1871, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. yil, p. 128; PiLSRRv, 1889, Man. Conch., vol. XI, p. 297 Margarites (Lirularia) lirulata conica (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 180, pi. 17, fig. 1 type; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 177; Burch, 1946, no. 58, p. 9 Margarites (Lirularia) lirulata (Carpenter), Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. HI, pi. 101, fig. 1 same as Dall, 1921 conica Margarites conicus (Carpenter), Keen, 1937, p. 39 Margarites lirulatus conicus (Carpenter), Burch, 1946, no. 59, p. 9 "... ? var. conica, very tall, with intercalarv ribs, like (7. farcipicta." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 653] ". . . ? var. Y- conica: t. valde elevata ; lirulis acutis, aliis interdum intercalantibus ; umbilicus parvo. Long. .33, long. spir. .2, lat. .25, div. 58°. "Hab. — Puget Sd., Kennerley, sp. un." [Carpenter, 1865c, p. 61] The holotype in the U. S. National Museum has the label "unique type Puget Sd. Ken- nerley." It was figured by Dall (1921). Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 4191a Distribution. — Puget Sound, Washington (type) GASTROPODA .^3 Margarites (Pupillaria) lirulatus obsoletus (Carpenter) (PI. 17, figs. 18, 19) Margarita lintlata var. obsolcta Carpenter, 1864b, 603, 653; Reprint, 1872, p. 89, 139; 1865, \cad Nat Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 17, p. 61; Dall, 1871, Amcr. Jour. Conch., vol. VII, p. 128; PiLSBRY, 1889, Man. Conch., vol. XI, p. 297 Margarites (Lirularia) lintlata obsolcta Carpenter, Dall, 1921, p. 180; Oldkovd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 177; 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 208 Margarites ohsolefus Carpenter, Keen, 1937, p. 39 Margarites lirulatus obsoletus Carpenter, Burch, 1946, no. 58, p. 9. ". . . var. obsoleta, sculpture evanescent:" [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 653] ". . . var. P obsoleta; t. ut in ? var. subclevata; lirulis evanesccntibus ; operculo planato, tenuissimo, suturis indistinctis. "Hab. — Neeah Bay, Swan." [Carpenter, 1865e, p. 61] The syntypes consist of 8 specimens in the U. S. National Museum. The apices of all are rough and except in one young individual are worn. There are about three rough spiral ribs over the whorls of the spire, depending on age, with a smooth or roughened surface between the ribs ; three spiral ribs over the body whorl above the basal carina ; below the carina they are coarse but finer than the ribs above the carina. The label reads "Types, Neeah Bay, W. T. J. G. Swann." Syntypes. — U. S. National Museum, no. 15537e Distribution. — Neah Bay, Washington (type) Margarites (Pupillaria) lirulatus subelevatus Carpenter (Pi. 17, figs. 16, 17) Margarita lirulata var. a subclevata Carpenter, 1864b, p. 603, 653 ; Reprint, 1872, p. 89, 139 ; Carpenter, 1865, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 17, p. 61 ; Dall, 1871, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VII, p. 128; Pilsbry, 1889, Man. Conch., vol. XI, p. 297 Margarites {Lirularia) lirulata subclevata (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 180, Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 177; 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 208 Margarites subelevatus (Carpenter), Keen, 1937, p. 39 Margarites subelevatus (Carpenter), Burch, 1946, no. 58, p. 10 ". . . Var. subelevata, raised, livid:" [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 653] "? Var. a. subelevata; t. elatiore ; colore livido, intensiore ; lirulis vix acutis. "Hab. — Puget Sd., Kcnnerlcy, Neeah Bay, Sii'an." [Carpenter, 1865e, p. 61] The type material consists of 12 specimens. The largest measures 7 mm. height and 6.5 mm. greatest diameter ; the smallest measures 3 mm. height and 2.5 mm. greatest diameter. The label reads as follows : "Types, Neeah Bay, W. T. J. G. Swan." Syntypes. — U. S. National Aluseum, No. 15537 Distribution. — Neah Bay, Washington, (type) ; Neah Bay, Washington, to San Pedro, California (Burch) Margarites (Pupillaria) optabilis (Carpenter) Gibbula optabilis Carpenter, 1864b, Aug., p. 612, 653; Reprint, 1872, p. 98, 139; 1866. Feb., California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 214; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 26; Dall, 1871, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VII, p. 128 under M. lirulata; PiLSBRY, 1889, Man. Conch., vol. XI, p. 297 under M. lirulata Margarites (Lirularia) optabilis (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 179, pi. 17, fig. 7, type; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. III. pi. 101, fig. 6 same as Dall, 1921 not pi. 108, fig. 6 as stated; Willett in Burch, 1942, no. 16, p. 3 Margarites optabilis (Carpenter), Keen. 1937, p. 39; Burch, 1946. no. 58 p. 9; Smith and CioRDON, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, no. 8, p. 202 Margarites (Pupillaria) optabilis (Carpenter), Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper, 207, p. 62 "Wider: decussated between ribs: 2 spiral lines inside umbilicus." [Carpenter, 1864b. p. 653] "G. t. parva, pulcherrima, subconica ; lurida, fusco-purpureo maculata ; anfr. v. sub quad- ratis, suturis distinctis; carinis principalibus in spira ii., alia intercalante ; carina fortiori peripheriali, et lirulis circ. VI. basalibus, regulariter colore punctatis ; lira postica subobso- lete suturam attingente ; aliis minoribus intercalantibus ; interstitiis ubique tenerrime et ere- 134 MARTXE MOLLT'SCA t)ESCRTftED TRY t'. P. CARPENTER berrime decussatis; basi subtumcnte, ad carinam pcripberialem fere rectangulato ; apertura subquadrata, columella parum arcuata ; umbilico inagiio, infundibuliformi, angulato ; liris ii. intus spiralitcr ascendentibus. "Long. 0.19, long. spir. 0.10, lat. 0.19, div. 80°. "Hah. San Pedro, Palmer, one specimen." [Carpenter, 1866a, p. 214] The hoiotype of tliis .species is labelled, "unique type San Pedro Palmer," which coincides with Carpenter's description (1866a, p. 214). Although the explanation of the figure is not so labelled (Dall, 1921, pi. 17, fig. 7), the illustration by Dall is probably a drawing of the hoiotype. The measurements are the same, and the specimen is labelled, "fig'd." Hoiotype.— v. S. National Museum, no. 15287 Disfribufion. — Recent. San Pedro, California (type) ; Santa Barbara, California, to Coro- nado Islands, California (Kelsey in Burch). Pleistocene (Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew) Margarites (Pupillaria) parcipictus (Carpenter) (PI. 17, figs. 5, 6) Gibbula parcipicta Carpenter, 1864b, Aug., p. 627, 653; Reprint, 1872, p. 113, 139; 1864, Dec, Ann. Alag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIV, p. 426; Reprint, 1872, p. 238; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 26; Dall, 1871, Anier. Jour. Conch., vol. VII, p. 128 under M. lirulata; Pilsbry, 1889. Man. Conch., vol. XI, p. 297 under M. lirulafa Margarites (Lirularia) parcipicta (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 179, ref. "Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., vol. 3, p. 157," change to p. 158; for proper reference see above; pi. 17, fig. 3 not good representation, Abbott, 1954, fig. 31e is the same fig; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 177; pi. 47, fig. 2 same as Dall, 1921 ; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 199 see note after Dall, 1921, for references; pi. 101, fig. 4 same as Dall, 1921 Margarites parcipictus (Carpenter), Keen, 1937, p. 39; Burch, 1946, no. 58, p. 9; Smith AND Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, no. 8, p. 202 Margarites (Pupillaria) parcipictus (Carpenter), Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper, 207, p. 62 "Like strong growth of Marg. lirulata, var." [Carpenter, 1864, p. 653] The following lines should be changed in the copy of Carpenter's description (1864, Dec.) as republished by Oldroyd (1927) to make the copy of that description complete: Delete "poll". Add: "—div. 70°. "Hob. Neeah Bay {Szvan) ; Santa Cruz (Rowell)." [Carpenter, 1864d, p. 426] Oldroyd included a translation of Carpenter's Latin description. The hoiotype in U. S. National Museum labelled "type" is the second specimen men- tioned by Carpenter. The shell is labelled "Santa Cruz, Cal. Rowell." Since the first men- tioned specimen, "Neah Bay," is apparently not now available, tiie type locality becomes Santa Cruz instead of Neah Bay, as stipulated in Oldroyd (1927) and Burch (1946). Dall's (1921) drawing and the photograph of the type, herein included do not represent the same shell, or the drawing does not depict wholly the characters of the specimen. The hoiotype has only two primary spiral ribs on the whorls of the spire, as described by Car- penter; six basal spirals including the carina are on the body whorl; all the spirals are crossed by conspicuous longitudinal striations. These are not illustrated on Dall's figure. Hoiotype. — U. S. N^ational Museum, no. 31114 Distribution. — Santa Cruz ( Island), s-* California (type) ; Sitka, Alaska, to San Martin Island and to Guadelupc Island, Alexico (Burch) ^* If the locality "Santa Cruz" of Carpenter's description (1864d, Dec, p. 426) is intended to supplement the locality data 1864b, Aug., p. 653), then Santa Cruz is the island of Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara Channel. The locality list in the latter reference included only the Farallon Islands and .Santa Barbara group, other tiian \'ancouver. GASTROPODA 135 Margarites (Pupillaria) rhodia^s Dall Margarita mflata Carpenter, 1864b, p. 603, 653; Reprint, 1872, p. 89, 139 in part; 1865, Acad. Kat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc. vol. 17, p. 62 in part = M. rJwdia Dall, 1921, p. 179, pi. 17, fig. 4 type; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 26 in part Margarita pupilla Gould, Dall, 1871, Amer. Jour. Conch., p. 127 in part Not M. inflata Totten, 1834, Brown, 1839, or Morris, 1854, see under M. inflatulus Dall for references Margarites (Pupillaria) rhodia Dall, 1921 (not 1920 as in Dall), p. 179, pi. 17, fig. 4 lec- totype; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 204, pi. 101, fig. 5 same fig. as Dall, 1921; Keen, 1937, p. 39; Burch, 1946, no. 58, p. 7 "Thin, whirls [sic] very swollen ; sculpture very fine ; spiral liollow inside keeled umbiH- cus." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 653] In part, see also under M. inflatulus Dall. The following line should be added to Oldroyd's (1927) copy of Carpenter's description (1865) : "Hab. Puget Sound, Kcnncrlcy. Vancouver, Lyall. Neeah Bay, Sivan. "Only two adult specimens of this remarkably elegant species have been seen. It re- sembles the shell from Greenland called M. striata, Brod. and Sby., in the British Museum, but that under the same name from Behring Straits appears distinct. In many respects it is like M. undulata. but differs in the greater swelling of the whorls meeting at a nearly rec- tangular suture, in the far more delicate sculpture without waves the keeling of the umbilicus and the bend in the pillar which causes a slight spiral hollow inside the umbilical rib." [Car- penter, 1865e, p. 62] In the U. S. National Museum specimen no. 5332 = 15585 is labelled "M. inflata Cpr. Puget Sd." Another label with the same specimen reads "15585 Cotype M. inflata Neeah Bay W. T. J. G. Swan." "= M. rhodia Dall" is in pencil on the label. On the underside of the label is written, "One of the typical specimens Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila. Apr. 1865 p. 62." Carpenter's description (1865) stipulated specimens from Puget Sound collected by Ken- ncrley and Neah Bay collected by Swan. Dall (1919) definitely selected the Kennerley speci- men from Puget Sound as the type of M. inflatulus Dall (M. inflata Carpenter in part). The above notes reveal that the Swan specimen from Neah Bay Dall designated as the type of M. rJiodiupil!a Gld. = caUiostoma A. Ad.), in its mucli deeper and salmon-tinted hue; its finer sculpture, absence of decussation, and want of distant lirae round the umbilicus. From the Norwegian specimens of .1/. undulata it is known by the absence of sutural waves, and by the finer basal riblets, of which the interstices are minutely sculptured across. The operculum differs from both, in its great thinness and smoothness. Additional specimens may better display its true relations."* [Carpenter, 1864e. July-Dec, p. 158] *Specimens from Monterey, and one from the beach of the Farallone Islands, are intermediate between that described by Mr. Carpenter (Catalina Island specimen) and the northern M. pup ilia. J. G. Cooper Oldroyd included a translation of Car])cnter's Latin description. Dall (1921) published a drawing of tlic holotyix-. The printed label of that specimen reads "Monterey, Cal. Cooper." Holntype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 16279 Distribution. — Monterey, California (type) ; Puget Sound, to Cayucos, California, San Luis Obispo County, California (Burch) "Section" Lirularia Dall, 1909 Lirularia Dall, April 1909, U. S. Geol. Sur.. Prof. Paper. 59, p. 98. Type species by original designation, Margarita liridata Carpenter, 1864b, p. 653; .A.cad. Nat. Sci. Philadelnhia, Proc, vol. 17, 1865, p. 61. Recent. Port Etches, Alaska, to San Diego, California (PI. 17, figs. 20, 21) Dall originally described Lirularia as a section of the subgenus Pupillaria. In 1921 he raised the group to subgeneric rank. This classification has been followed by authors but ap- parently not with conviction that it is correct (Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 839; Burch, 1946, no. 58, p. 8). In analyzing such segregation as M. rhodia Dall in Pupillaria and M. inflatulus Dall in Lirularia, the writer does not see justification for the importance of subgeneric rank of Lirularia. The writer therefore returns to its use as a section and is aware that sections have no nomenclatorial status in the International Rules of Zoological Nomenclature, except that the International Commission agreed to recommend that such groups be treated as having subgeneric status. (Bull. Zool. Nomen., vol. 4, pts. 13-15, 1950, no. 9, p. 441-443). Margaritas (Pupillaria) succinctus Carpenter Gihhula succincta Carpenter, 1864b, Aug., p. 627, 653; Reprint, 1872, p. 113, 139; 1864, Dec, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIV, p. 426, 427; Reprint, 1872. p. 238; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 26; Dall, 1871, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VII, p. 128 under M. lirulata; Pilsbry, 1889, Man. Conch., vol. XI, p. 297 under M. lirulata Margaritcs (Lirularia) succincta (Carpenter), Dall, 1921. p. 179, pi. 17, fig. 9 type; Old- Rovi), 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 176, pi. 45, fig. 11 same as Dall, 1921 ; 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 205 ; Willett in Burch, 1942, no. 16, p. 3 Margaritcs succinctus (Carpenter), Keen, 1937, p. 39; Bltrch, 1946, no. 58, p. 8; Smith AND Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, no. 8, p. 202 Marqaritcs (Pupillaria) succinctus (Carpenter), Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper, 207, p. 62 "Small, scarcely sculptured, with spiral brown pencillings." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 653] The following line should be added to Oldroyd's copy (1927) of Carpenter's description (1864d, p. 427) : "Hab. — Neeali Bay (S"ii'a)i) ; Lower California, on Haliotis (Ro'wcll)." [Car]ienter, 1864d, p. 427] The syntypes consist of three specimens ; according to their label they are the specimens Rowell got on the Haliotis in Lower California. The Neah Bay specimen is apparently not available. The type locality is, therefore. Lower California althougli not definitely stated where in that area. The largest of the syntypes was figured by Dall (1921). The measurement given by Dall (explanation pi. 17, fig. 9) is 1 mm. larger than the writer's measurement. The specimens have a large umbilicus. Numerous spiral ribs are present over the whorls, largest on the pos- terior part of the whorls. GASTROrOUA 137 Dimensions. — Heiglit : 4 mm., 3 mm., 2 ± mm. ; greatest diameter : 4 mm., 3 mm., 2 ± mm., respectively Syntypcs. — U. S. National Museum, no. 15562 Distribution. — Recent. Lower California on Ilaliofis (type) ; Sitka, Alaska, to San Martin Island, Lower California (Burch). Pleistocene (Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew) Genus Cidarina Dall, 1909 Cidarina Dall, 1909. U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper, 59, p. 98 _ Type species by original designation, Margarita [es] cidaris (A. Adaats in Carpenter), 1864b, Aug., p. 653. Recent. Alaska, to Cape San Quentin, Lower California (PI. 17, fig. 13) Cidarina cidaris (Adams in Carpenter) (PI. 17, f^g. 13) Margarita cidaris Carpenter, 1864b, Aug., p. 627 "n.s.", 653 "A. Ad. n.s. ;" Reprint, 1872, pp. 113, 139; 1864, Dec, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, ser. 3, vol. XIV, p. 426; Reprint, 1872, p. 238; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 26; 1888, 7th Ann. Rept. Cali- fornia State Wm., p. 249 ; 1894, California State Mm. Bur. Bull. 4, pt. 3, p. 27 Turciada (?) cidaris (A. Adams, Carpenter), Pilsbry, 1889, Man. Conch., vol. 11, p. 331, copy original description SolaricUa oxvbasis Dall, 1889, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 12, no. 773, p. 352, pi. 2, fig. 6 fide Cooper, 1894, and Dall, 1921 [Young] SolaricUa cidaris (A. Adams), Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 15, no. 898, p. 202, pi. XXII, fig. 4; Arnold. 1903, p. 334 in part ? pi. VII, fig. 11 SoJariella cidaris Carpenter, Taylor, 1895, Roy. Soc. Canada, Trans., ser. 2, vol. 1, sec. IV, p. 91 Cidarina cidaris (A. Adams). Dall. 1909. U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 59, p. 98; 1921. p. 177; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 173, pi. 5, fig. 16; 1924b, vol. 11, pt. Ill, p. 193. pi. 91, fig. 7 same fig. as 1924, pi. 5, fig. 16; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 838, pi. 32, fig. 22; Keen. 1937, p. 33; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. _ Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 202 Cidarina cidaris (Carpenter), Burch, 1946, no. 58, p. 5 Lischkeia cidaris (Carpenter), Abbott, 1954, p. 109, fig. 31h, same fig. as Williamson, 1892 " . A. Ad. n.s. Large, knobby, like thin Turcica, with simple pillar and small um- bilicus." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 653] Oldroyd republished (1924) Carpenter's description (1864b, Dec.) of this species. The following corrections should be made in her copy : Delete second "carinatus," lines 4 and 5 of description. "Hah. Neeah Bay (Swan) "Mr. A. Adams suggested the above expressive name for this very remarkable and unique shell." [Carpenter, 1864d, p. 426] It is not expedient nor true to credit this species wholly to Adams as is commonly done. Adams suggested the name, but Carpenter executed the description. Credit to Adams alone when it is not in a publication by that author may be confusing, even though the original reference is given in Dall (1921) and Oldroyd (1924). A similar case is that of Assiniinca grayana Fleming (Leach in Fleming. 1828), type spe- cies of Assiniinca Fleming (Leach in Fleming), which see. Leach sent Fleming a specimen so labelled which Fleming acknowledged in his description of the new species, new genus. Thus Leach would be the author of Assiniinca. However, Fleming is rightfully stipulated in litera- ture as the author. The holotype has a label "Alargarita cidaris A. Ad. Type Neeah Bay, W. T. J. G. Swan." Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 15600 Distribution. — Recent. Neah Bay, Washington (type) ; Kasaiin Bay, Alaska, to Cape San Quintin, Lower California (Dall). Pleistocene. California (Arnold; Grant and Gale; Wood- ring, Bramlette, and Kew% 1946, p. 62). Pleistocene or Pliocene. California (Carpenter in Cooper, 1888; Grant and Gale) ]3(S MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRl I'.i:i) 1?V V. V. CARTKNTER Genus Solariella S. Wood, 1842 SolaricUa S. Wood, 1842, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. 9, p. 531 Type species by monotypy .9. vwcitlata S. Wood, Ann. Alag. Nat. Hist., vol. 9, pi. V, figs. 7, ' 10. Pliocene. England. S. Wood, 1848, Palaeont. Soc, Mon. Crag. Moll., vol. 1, Uni- valves, p. 135, pi. XV, fig. 3 Solariella peramabilis Carpenter (PI. 17, figs. 3, 4) Solariella peramabilis Carpenter, 1864b, Aug., p. 612, 653; Reprint, 1872, p. 98, 139; 1864e, July-Dec, California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. ITT, p. 156; Cooper, 1867, Gcog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 26; Pilsbry, 1889, Man. Conch., vol. XI, p. 312. pi. 67, figs. 59- 61; Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus.. Proc, vol. 15. no. 898, p. 202; Dall, 1921, p. 177. pi. 17, fig. 8 prohablv type; Oldroyd. 1924, Pub. Puget Sound P>iol. Station, vol. 4, p. 174, pi. 5. fig. 13; 1927. vol. H, pt. TIT, p. 195, pi. 91, fig. 8; pi. 101, fig. 7 both same as Dall, 1921 ; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 839; Keen, 1937, p. 46; Burch, 1946, no. 58, p. 5; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, no. 8, p. 202; Abbott, 1954, p. Ill, fig. 31b same fig. as Dall, 1921. "Subgenus of Margarita, with open, crenated, umbilicus. Species most ornate, with deli- cate sculpture. Umbilicus with 3 internal spiral lines, crossed by lirulae : operculum sculp- tured. Like Minolia aspecta, A. Ad. 40-120 fm. living. Cp." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 653] "S. t. tenuissima, elegantissime sculpta, livida, rufofusco pallide maculata ; anfr. nucl. ii valde tumidis, lacvibus, apice mammillato; dein anfr. norm. IV Tabulatis, suturis fere rec- tangulatis, supra spiram bi-seu tri-carinatis, carinulis aliis postea intercalantibus ; tota super- ficie elegantissime et creberrime radiatim lirulata, lirulis acutissimis, extantibus. supra carinas subgranulosis, interstitia anfr. primis fenestrantibus, postea decussantibus ; basi valde ro- tundata ; carinulis circ v., antica granulosa, sculpta ; umbilico maximo, anfractus intus mon- strante, lincis spiralibus circ. iii distantibus, et lirulis radiantibus a basi continuis, concinne ornato; apertura rotundata, a carinulis indentata. vix parieti attingente, intus iridescente, nacrea : operculo tenuissimo, multispirali, anfr. circ. x., radiatim eleganter rugulosis. "Long. 0.38, long. spir. 0.19, lat. 0.42, div. 85°. "Hab. Catalina Island, 30-120 fms. 20, both alive and dead. "The name Solariella given to a crag fossil (tertiary) species by Searles Wood, which he afterwards reunited to Margarita, is here used as a subgenus, in the author's sense, for Margaritae with large crenated umbilicus. This is one of the many instances in which the North Pacific fauna carries out the ideas of the English crag. Unfortunately, the same ap- pears in Add. Gen. I, 431, for a subgenus of Monilea, with which these shells have only a limited affinity : and, accordingly, the true Sohriellae have been reconstituted as part of Minolia. A. Ad. That gentleman, however, fully accords with the present arrangement. The Sohriellae are known from Trochiscus, and from all forms of Solariadae, by the normal (not inverted ( nuclear whirls f.^/r] ,• and from the Solarids, by the nacreous texture. "Dr. Cooper's very lovely species of a very lovely group may possibly prove to be a va- riety of the Japanese 'Minolia aspecta A. Ad.' ms. in Mus. Cuming; but, until more speci- mens from each district have been compared, it is more prudent to keep them separate. It seems to have exhau.sted the powers of sculpture on its graceful habitation. Under the micro- scope, the sharp transverse lirulae, mounting over the keels, dividing the interspaces, and even ascending the wide umbilicus, are eminently beautiful. Even the operculum is sculptured with delicate waved radiating lines. It has the aspect of an extremely thin Torinia, with a funnel- shaped umbilicus. This is not only bounded by a granular keel, but has three other distant spiral lines crossing the lirulae. The radiating sculpture is more distant on the upper whirls, where first two, then three keels appear, fenestrated by the lirulae, which afterwards become much closer, and are sometimes worn away behind the labrum." [Carpenter, 1864e, July-Dec, p. 156] Pilsbry (1889) translated Carpenter's description (1866) and republished a portion of the English. Oldroyd republished Pilsbry's translation. The drawing published by Dall (1921) is apparently a figure of the lectotypc, but it is not exact in details. The longitudinal ribs are stronger than in the Dall drawing as may be seen by comparing the photograph of the holo- type herein included. There is one specimen in the U. S. National Museum labelled "Cotype Cataline Id. Cooper." Since there would, therefore, have been more than one type at some- time, the existing type is a lectotype. Lectotypc. — U. S. National Museum, no. 16281 GASTROPODA 139 Distribution.— Rtcmt. Catalina Island, California (type). Forrester Island, Alaska, to San Diego, California, and the Coronado Islands, California, also Japan (Dall).56 Pleistocene (Arnold). Pliocene (Waterfall, 1929) Genus Calliostoma Swainson, 1840 Calliostoma Swainsox, 1840, Treatise on Malacology, p. 218, 351 Type species by subsequent designation, Hermannsen, 1846, Indicis Gcnerum Malacozoorum, vol. 1, p. 154, Trochus comtlus Lixnaeus. 1758, Syst. Nat. X, p. 759; XII, 1767, p. 1230 = in SwAixsox, 1840, T. conula Mart. 166. f. 1588 fide Haxley, 1855, Ipsa Lmn. Conchyl., p. 322; Living. Mediterranean. Pilsbry, 1889, Alan. Conch., vol. XI, pi. 65, figs. 70-72 Calliostoma costafiim laqiieatiim Carpenter, ms. The holotype of this nude name is in the U. S. National Aluscum, no. 15478. It is labelled, "Neah Bay, J. G. Swan." The name was never validated by Carpenter. Calliostoma gemmulatum Carpenter (PI. 17, figs. 7, 8) Calliostoma formosum Carpenter, 1864e, Dec, California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 156 Calliostoma gemmulatum Carpenter, 1864b, Aug., p. 612, 653; Reprint, 1872, p. 98, 139; 1866, California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 215 new name for C. formosum Carpenter not Forbes; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 26; Pilsbry, 1889, Man. Conch., vol. XI, p. 371, pi. 67, fig. 54; Williamsox, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 15, no. 898, p. 201, pi. XII, fig. 3; Arnold, 1903. p. 330; Dall, 1921, p. 176; Oldroyd, 1927, vol II, pt. Ill, p. 189; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 835; Keen, 1937, p. 32; Burch, 1946, no. 57, p. 30, 32; no. 58, p. 3; Abbott, 1954, p. 115, fig. 33d same fig. as Williamson, 1892 "Very swollen; painted like cximium: with 2 principal and 2 smaller rows of granules." [Carpenter, 1864b, Aug., p. 653] ". . . State Collection 615a. "C. t. subelevata, brunnescens, fusco-purpureo nebulosa, anfr. VII valde tumentibus, su- turis impressis; carinis majoribus in spira duabus, gemmatis, interdum brunneo hue et illuc tinctis; serie granulorum minorum prope suturam ; serie quarta minimorum_ inter duas carinas; lirulis basalibus circ. IX., fusco maculatis; interstitiis a lineis incrementi corrugatis; apertura subquadrata. Long. 0.47, long. spir. 0.34, lat. 0.43, div. 68°. "Hab. San Pedro five; San Diego four dead on beach at low water — very rare. It is well distinguished by the two principal necklaces, with smaller rows intercalating. In color- ing it resembles C. eximium Reeve (versicolor Menke, Mazatlan, Catal.), from the Gulf of California. [Carpenter, 1864e, Dec, p. 156, C. formosum] "Calliostoma gemmulatum, Cpr. Br. Assoc Rep. 1863, pp. 612, 653. "Syn. C. formosum, Cpr. Proc. Cal. Ac. 1864, 155: non Forbes. "While the sheets of the Report were passing through the press, it was fotmd that the name had been preoccupied by Forbes. As it happened the Californian sheet was being printed simultaneously, and there was no time to make the alteration." [Carpenter, 1866a, p. 215] Carpenter's statement (preceding paragraph) settles the question that C. gemmulatum is the new name for C. formosum Carpenter and not for C. supragranostim Carpenter (1866a, p. 214), as indicated by Pilsbry (1889, p. 370)^' and followed by Grant and Gale (1931, p. 836). The writer made the following notes regarding the specimen labelled type in the L^ S. National Museum and figured herein : Nucleus is present, composed of about two and a half smooth whorls, followed by about three-quarters of a whorl which bears faint spiral ribs; the following whorls are sculptured with three large nodose spiral ribs, middle rib largest, the posterior the smallest on the whorls of the spire; faint spiral striae are present just above the suture. The body is carinated at base with four large nodose spirals above ; shoulder spiral is largest, with the smallest just 56 Modified. Keen, (1941, p. 481). Tadashige Habe, Jime 22, 1955, personal communication, stated that this species has not been found since the original discovery. s'^ Apparently there is a conflict in references in Pilsbry (1889. p. 370, 371), for C. for- mosum is also properly listed in C. gemmulatum Carpenter. Page 155 should be page 156 in C. formosum Carpenter reference. 140 AfARIKE MOLLUSCA DESCRTRKD P.V P. V. CARPENTER below ; faint revolving striae are below the first posterior nodose spiral. All revolving ribs are crossed by longitudinal striae. The 10 or 11 basal spirals are not nodose. The validity of the holotype status of the specimen so labelled in the U. S. National Mu- seum is doubtful or there has been an error in the labeling. The specimen bears a printed la- bel "Catalina Id. Cooper type." The only localities mentioned by Carpenter in the original notes are San Pedro and San Diego. Original San Pedro or San Diego material is not available; hence it is difficult to choose a lectotype to replace the "Catalina Id." shell. The specimen catalogued as type is no. 16261, U. S. National Museum. Type. — See above Distribution. — Recent. San Pedro or San Diego, California (type) ; Cayucos, San Pedro, California, to Gulf of California (Burcii). Pleistocene (.Arnold; Grant and Gale). Pliocene (Arnold) Calliostoma splendens Carpenter (PI. 17, figs. 11, 12) Calliostoma splendors Carpenter, 1864b, Aug., p. 612, 653; Reprint, 1872, p. 98, 139; 1864, July-Dec, California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 156; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geog. Sur. California, p. 26; Dall, 1871, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VII, p. 126 young of C. costatum Martyn ; Pilsbry, 1889, Man. Conch., vol. XI, p. 362, 363 young of C. cos- tatimi Martyn following Dall; Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 15, no. 898, p. 201, pi. XXI, fig. 5; Dau., 1921, p. 177; Oldrovd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 182, pi. 98, fig. 1 same as Williamson, pi. XXI, fig. 5; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 837; Keen, 1937. p. 32; Burch, 1946, no. 57, p. 29, 32; no. 58, p. 3; Smith and Gordon, 1948, Cali- fornia Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, no. 8, p. 202; Abbott, 1954, p. 116, fig. 33c same fig. as Williamson, 1892 "Orange chestnut with fleshy nacre; small, ratlier flattened, base glossy. 6—40 fm. Cp." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 653] The following lines should be changed in Oldroyd's (1927) copy of Carpenter's descrip- tion (1864, p. 156) : Delete "poll" and add, div. 87°. Add: "Hab. Monterey, 20 fms. dredged 2, dead ; Santa Barliara, in roots of kelp growing in about 10 fms. 13, dredged in 16 fms., 2 dead; S. B. Island, 2, dead, on beach; Catalina Island, 30-40 fms. 2, alive ; San Diego, 1, dead. "The specimens here described are probably mature, and are well marked in character. The painting is richly lustrous, of a fleshy nacre inside ; outside, of a rich orange-chestnut or red, variously laid on a light ground, sometimes with streaks of nacreous purple, often with dots on the ribs. The operculum is extremely thin and transparent." [Carpenter, 1864e, p. 156] The syntypcs have the printed label, "Tj'pe Catalina Id. Cooper." There are two speci- mens with the following dimensions, respectively : 5 mm. height and 5 mm. greatest diameter ; 3 mm. height and 3.5 mm. greatest diameter. The larger of the two specimens is figured herein. Syntypcs. — U. S. National Museum, no. 16278 Distribution. — Recent. Catalina Island, California (type) ; Monterey, California, to Gua- dalupe Island, Ivlexico (Strong and Hanna /;; Burch). Pleistocene (Grant and Gale) Calliostoma supragranosum Carpenter (PI. 17, figs. 14, IS) Calliostoma supragranosum Carpenter, 1864b, p. 612, 653; Reprint, 1872, p. 98, 139; 1866, California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 214; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 26; Ph.sbrv, 1889, Man. Conch., vol. XI, p. 369, pi. 67, fig. 71 ; Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 15, no. 898, p. 201 ; Dail, 1921, p. 176; Oldrovd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 189; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 836 in part; Keen, 1937, p. 32; Burch, 1946, no. 57, p. 30, 32; no. 58, p. 3; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 207, p. 62 Plei.stocene ; Abbott, 1954, p. 115, pi. 18, figs. "Swollen, with sharp ribs; posterior 1-4 granular." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 653] "C. t. parva; anfr. v. tumentiinis ; liris acutis cincta, (piarum me(Hae lacves, posticae gran- osae, basales IX minores. "Hab. San Diego; Cooi)er. GASTROPODA 141 "The single specimen sent differs as above from the young of the next species." [C. gcm- iniilatum] [Carpenter, 1866a, p. 214] The holotype has the label, "Type San Diego Cp." From an examination of the holotype this species is like a superaccelerated C. splettdens in the number of ribs and retention of beaded ribs. The nucleus consists of one or one and a half smooth bulbous whorls followed by coarsely ribbed whorls ; after about one whorl there are three coarse spirals, and the spiral ribs are more strongly beaded on the shoulder of the whorl; 6 spirals on the penultimate whorl and 11 on the body whorl with a basal carina; 10 plain spiral ribs on the base. Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 14925 Distnhiition.— Recent. San Diego, California (type) ; Monterey, California, south to Pe- quena Bay, Lower California (Burch). Pleistocene (Chace; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew) Calliostoma variegatum Carpenter (PI. 17, fig. 9. 10) Calliostniiia (? var.) varicqatum Carpenter, 1864b, p. 603, 652; Reprint, 1872, p. 89, 138; 1865, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 17, p. 61 ; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geo!. Sur. California, p. 26; Pilsbry, 1889, Man. Conch, vol. XI, p. 364 Calliostoma variegatum Carpenter, Dall, 1902, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. XXI\ , p. 552, pi XXXIX fig 10; 1921, p. 176; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 172; 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 185, pi. 100, fig. 10 same as Dall, 1902. pi. XXXIX, fig. 10; Keen, 1937, p. 32; Burch, 1946, no. 57, p. 30. 32; no. 58, p. 2; S^^ITH and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, no. 8, p. 202; Abbott, 1954, p. 116, fig. 33b same fig. as Dall, 1902 "Small, more conical, nodules more distant, white on rosy ground." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 652] The following should be changed in the copy of Carpenter's description (1865) published by Oldroyd (1927). "Correct "13" to read ".13." Add: "Hah. — Puget Sd., sp. un legit Kennerley. This may prove to be an extreme variety of Cal. annulatum, Martyn." [Carpenter, 1865e, p. 61] The holotype is a beautiful specimen with a tiny entire rosy protoconch consisting of one or more smooth bulbous whorls with an indistinct line of demarcation followed by a large rough whorl with spiral ribs, but the ribs are not nodose ; the nodosity begins on the follow- ing ribs. On the body whorl there is a fourth nodose interradial which on the whorls of the spire is a faint cord ; the nodes are white with brownish internodes. The label of the holotype bears the following printed label, "Puget Sound, W. T. Dr. Kennerly [sic] Type." Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, No. "4201 ?"'S Distribution. — Puget Sound, Washington (type) ; Forrester Island, Alaska, to Cerros Island, Lower California (Burch). Genus Tegula Lesson, 1835 Tcgula Lesson, 1835,"''' Illustrations de Zoologie, liv. 17, pi. 51 Type species by monotypy Tcgula clcgans Lesson, 1835, Illustrations de Zoologie, Hv. 17, pi. 51, figs. 1. 2, A, and description = Trochus pellis-scrpentis Wood. 1828, Suppl. Index Testaceologicus, pi. 5, fig. 4a. Recent. West Coast Central America — Gulf of California. Pilsbry, 1889 Man. Conch., vol. XI, pi. 20, figs. 1, 2 58 Oldroyd (1927, p. 186) stated "Type in United States National Museum, no. 122567." The U. S. National Museum Catalogue reads for no. 122567: "Puget Sd. Coast of Wash- ington, Sta. 2882, 68 fms. sd. 458 U. S. F. Com. Sta. Albatross July 25. 1891, 1 specimen, figured specimen." A specimen collected in 1891 could not be an original type of a Car- penter species, for Carpenter died in 1877. No. 122567 is probably the specimen figured by Dall (1902). 59 Catalogue Books, Manuscripts, Maps, and Drawings in the British Museum, vol. Ill, L-O, 1910, p. 1096; dates by livr. 142 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIUKI) I?V I'. P. CARPENTER Subgenus Chlorostoma Swainson, 1840 Chlorostoma Swainson, 1840, Treat. Malacol, p. 350 Type species by subsequent designation, Herrmannsen, 1846, Indices Gen. Malacozoorum, vol. I, p. 231, Trochiis aryrostovms Gmelin, 1791, Syst. Nat, 13 ed., pt. VI, p. 3583. Recent. Philippines and China seas. Pilsbry, 1889, Man. Conch., vol. XI, pi. 25, figs. 11, 12. Tegula (Chlorostoma) funebralis subaperta (Carpenter) (PI. 19, figs. 1, 2) Chlorostoma funcbrale subatcrtum Carpenter, 1864b, p. 627, 652; Reprint, 1872, p. 113, 138; Cooper. 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 25 ; Dall in Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 15, no. 898, p. 200, pi. 21, fig. 6 type; Arnold, 1903, p. 325 Tcgnla (Chlorostoma) funcbrale subapcrtmn (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 174 Tequla {Chlorostoma) funebralis subaperta (Carpenter), Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound I'.iol. Station, vol. 4, p. 171 ; 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 174; Bailey, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 154; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 827; Keen, 1937, p. 46; Burch, 1946, no. 57, p. 35 Tegula funebralis A. Adams, Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., ser. 4, vol. XXVI, no. 8, p. 201 subaperta included under ". . . funcbrale .... with umbilical pits." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 652] The holotype is a shell with an operculum. The label is "Neeah Bay J. G. Swan type." The shell is blackish, partly smooth, smoothest over the spire and lower body whorl ; strong sutural rib present just below the suture; spiral ribs on the upper body whorl; apex worn, blunt, base with spiral ribs ; posterior groove on the labrum, large tooth on the labium ; umbilicate ; operculum horny, circular, spiraling, and thin. Dall (1892) figured the basal area of the holotype. Some authors have expressed doubt as to the value of this subspecies. Burch stated that certain colonies seem to be umbilicated and others not. Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 123496 Distribution. — Recent. Neali Bay, Washington (type) ; Neah Bay, Washington, to San Diego, California (Baker in Grant and Gale, 1931). Pleistocene (Arnold) Genus Halistylus Dall, 1889 Halistylusp.\Lh, 1889, U. S. Nat. Mus.. Proc, vol. 12, p. 341 Type species by original designation, H. columna Dall, 1889, U. S. Nat. Mus.. Proc, vol. 12, p. 341, pi. IX, fig. 7. Recent. Rio de Janeiro, 59 fathoms; oflf Rio de la Plata, 10-12 fathoms The type species of tliis genus is smooth. The West Coast species differs from the typical by the presence of fine spiral sculpture. Halistylus pupoideus (Carjienter) (PI. 19. fig. 4) Fenella pupoidea Carpenter. 1864b. p. 613. 656; Reprint. 1872. p. 99. 142; 1866, California Acad. Sci., vol. III. p. 217; Cooper. 1867. Geog. Cat. Moll, Geol. Sur. California, p. 30 Fenella subpnpoidea Tryon, 1887. Man. Conch., vol. IX, p. 394. pi. 60, fig. 77 new name for F. pupoidea not Finclla pupoides A. Adams, 1860, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. VI, p. 336 Halistylus subpupoideus (Trvon). Dall. 1921, p. 174: Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4. p. 171 ; 1927, vol. II. pt. Ill, p. 173; Keen, 1937, p. Z6 Cantharidus (HaUst\lu.<;) pupoideus Dall, Williamson, 1892, U. S. National Museum, vol. 15. no. 898, ]>. 202. pi. XIX. fig. 2 Halistylus pupoideus (Carpenter), Grant and Gale. 1931, p. 825; Keen in Burch, 1946, no. 57, p. 34; Woodrinc, BRA^TLETTE. and Kew, 1946, p. 61; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4. vol. XXVI. no. 8. p. 201 Halistylus subpeidcus [sic] (Carpenter), Burch, 1946, no. 57, p. 32 "Variegated, truncatelloid shape. 20 fm. rare Cp." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 656] Listed from Monterey. California. ". . . State Collection, no. 389 "F. t. Truncatellaefarmi. sed apire baud dccollato ; colore niaxime variante ; seu unicolori. albido, cincreo, viridescente. rufofusco, seu splendidc rubro ; seu varie fusco maculato ; anfr. GASTROPODA 143 nucl. iii. lacvibus, globosis, vertice mamillato; norm. v. rotundatis, fere acqualibus, plus minusve solutis, suturis subimpressis ; tota superficie tenue spiraliter striata; striis in spira majoribus, circ. viii. distantibus, minoribus creberrimis intercalantibus ; circa basim rotiui- datam circ. x majoribus, contiguis, minoribus paucis; apertura circulari, peritremati continue, solido, ad suturam parum callosam appresso; umbilico nullo. "Long. 0.23, long. .spir. 0.16, lat. 0.09, div. 12°. "Hab. Monterey, 20 fm. 45, dead. Cooper." [Carpenter, 1866 a, p. 217] There are two syntypes of this species in the U. S. National Museum, labeled from the "Bay of Monterey Cooper type." The types are not in the Academy of Natural Sciences at Philadelphia, as reported by Oldroyd and followed by Grant and Gale. The whole surface of the shell is covered with fine spiral ribs with equal interspaces. Between some of the spiral ribs there are microscopic spiral striae ; no umbilicus ; round en- tire aperture with the margin thick and flaring below the umbilical area. Both specimens measure 5.5 mm. height and 2 + mm. greatest diameter. Although this species was briefly described in 1864, Carpenter gave full notes in 1866. The type locality is definitely stated, and the types are available. Carpenter's name does not seem to be a homonym of F. pupoidcs Adams, 1860, so it may be retained. Syntypes. — U. S. National Museum, no. 14824 Distrilmtion. — Recent. Monterey, California (type) ; Forrester Island, Alaska, to Panama (Burch). Pleistocene (Grant and Gale; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew) Genus Norrisia Bayle, 1880 Norrisia Bayle, 1880, Jour, de Conchyl., vol. 28, p. 241 new name for Trochiscus Sowerby, 1838 not of Heyden, 1826 nor of Held, 1837 nor of Jakovlev, 1879, for references see Neave 1939-1940 Type species by monotypy and original designation of Norrisia, Trochiscus norrisii Sowerby, 1838, Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, n.s. p. 97. Living. Monterey, California, to Cedros Island, Lower California. Pleistocene. California and Mexico. Baily, 1935, West Coast Sliells (Keep), p. 156, fig. 122; Abbott, 1954, pi. 18, fig. M Norrisia norrisii (Sowerby) Trochiscus coni'exus Carpenter Trochiscus convexus Carpenter, 1864b, p. 537, 652; Reprint, 1872, p. 23, 138; 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. XV, p. 180; Reprint, 1872, p. 282; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 25; Gabb, 1869, Paleontology California, vol. II, p. 85 juvenile Trochiscus norrisii Sowerby; Cooper, 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 62; Pilsbry, 1889, Alan. Conch., vol. XL p. 276 under Norrisia norrisi; Arnold, 1903, p. 331 following Gabb; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 824 The synonymy is not intended to be for that of Norrisia norrisii (Sowerby). (See Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 824) "Small, subturritted, whorls [sic] swollen: umbilicus with 2 ribs, the outer crenated." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 652, Trochiscus conz^cxus] "T. testa parva, subelevata, purpureo-fusca, tenuiter sculpta ; anfr. nucl. ? sinistralibus, vertice quasi decollate ; norm. IV., convexis, suturis impressis ; obtusissime bicarinatis, striolis confertissimis, minimis, sub-obsoletis cinctis ; umbilico majore, costis duabus cincto, quarum interior acuta, exterior rotundata, crenata ; apertura circulari. Long. .15, long. spir. .06, lat. .15, div. 90°. "Hab. Monterey {Jezvett). "The nuclear whorls in this unique little shell and in the typical species appear sinistral, as in Phoridae and Solariadae. The operculum also resembles that of Solarium rather than of Trochus. The genus may prove to belong to the Proboscidifers, notwithstanding its nacreous texture." [Carpenter, 1865h, p. 180 Trochiscus convexus] Type. — Not found Distribution. — Monterey, California (type of T. convexus Carpenter). For Norrisia norrisii, see Dall (1921, p. 174). "Trochiscus Jewetti Carpenter" nomen nudum There is in the Carpenter Collection in the Redpath Museum a specimen (no. 2359) labelled "Trochiscus Jewetti Monterey Jewett type." The name is a nomen nudum. The speci- 144 MARINE ATOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER men measures 4 mm. heiglit and 5 mm. greatest diameter, dimensions which are slightly larger than those given for T. convexns Carpenter but could qualify for the specimen of that name. It corresponds somewhat to the description of T. convcxus. Because the name T. jezvctti was never published by Carpenter an illustration of the type is not included herein. Family Vitrineludae (Cyclostrematidae) Genus Teinostoma H. and A. Adams, 1853 Tcinostoma H. and A. Adams, 1853, Genera of Recent Mollusca, vol. I, Aug., p. 122; A. Adams, 1853, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, pt. XXI, p. 183 (as new genus) ; Pilsbry AND McGiNTY, 1945, Nautilus, vol. 59, no. 1, p. 1 Type species by subsequent designation, Cossmann, 1888, Ann. Soc. roy, malac. Belgique, t. XXIII, ser.'4, t. Ill, p. 44; monotype A. Adams, 1853, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, pt. XXI, p. 183. Tinostonia =: [Tcinostoma] pnlitiDii A. Adams. Living. "Sancta Elena, 8 fathoms" (A. Adams). H. and A. Adams, 1853, Genera of Recent Mollusca, vol. I, pi. 12, fig. 9; Tryon, 1888, Man. Conch., vol. X, pi. 34, figs. 46, 47 Subgenus Pseudorotella Fischer, 1857 PsciidorotcUa P. Fischer, 1857, Jour, de Conchyl., t. 6, p. 52 Type species by monotvpv, Rotella sciiii-striata d'Orbignv in Sagra, 1845, Hist, fis, polit. nat. Isla de Cuba, Moluscos, t. V, p. 185; 1855, t. VIll, pi. XVIII, figs. 20-22. Recent. West Indies. Teinostoma (Pseudorotella) invallatum (Carpenter) (Pi. 19, figs. 8, 9) EfJialia supravallata ? var. invallata Carpenter, 1864b, p. 612, 652, Reprint, 1872, p. 98, 138; 1866, Feb., California Acad. Sci.. Proc, vol. Ill, p. 215; Pilsbry, 1889, Alan. Conch., vol. XI, p. 462 Ethalia invallata Carpenter, Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 25 Teinostoma invallata (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 182; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 227; Keen, 1937, p. 46; Burch, 1946, no. 58, p. 22 invallatum ; Smith and Gordon, 1948, Cali- fornia Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. XXVI, no. 8, p. 203 Pseudorotella invallata (Carpenter), Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946, p. 63 ". . . Without keel." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 652] The following lines should be added to Oldroyd's (1927) copy of the Carpenter's de- scription (1866a) to make that copy complete: "Hab. San Diego, Shell-washings, Cooper. "These shells would certainly have been regarded as distinct, but for one specimen which began smoothly, yet after a fracture suddenly commenced a (not prominent) keel: an in- structive lesson on variation in sculpture." [Carpenter, 1866a, p. 215] The holotype is still glued to the original Carpenter glass mount witli the original label, "type S. Diego." The printed label has "Cooper" in addition. The specimen is well preserved. It has microscopic radiating striations over the body whorl. Holotype.— U. S. National Aluseum no. 15574b Distribution. — Recent. San Diego, California (type) ; Monterey, California, to Gulf of California (Dall). Pleistocene (Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew) Teinostoma (Pseudorotella) supravallatum (Carpenter) (PI. 19, figs. 6, 7) Ethalia supravallata Carpenter, 1864h, p. 612, 652; Reprint, 1872, p. 98, 138; 1866, California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 215; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 25 ; Pilsbry, 1889, Man. Conch., vol. XI, p. 462 Teinostoma supravallata (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 182; Keen, 1937, p. 46; Burch, 1946, no. 58, p. 21, supravallatum Pseudorotella supravallata (Carpenter), Woodring, P.ramlette, and Kew, 1946, p. 63 "Minute: with keel and furrow near suture." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 652] "E. t. parva, albida, nitente, subdiaphana, planata ; anfr. nucl. ii ct dimidio, laevis, diaphanis, norm, uno ct dimidio, rotundatis; postice carina valde extante, et fos.sa concava contigua GASTROPODA 145 suturain tenus, supra spiram vix planatam ascendcnte, in medio basis rotundatae carina altera plus minusve extante ; inter eas, circa peripheriam, lirulis radiantibus minimis baud expressis, sub lente vix conspicuis ; regione umbilicari parum concavo ; apertura circulari ; labro a carinis angulato ; columella, valde callosa, porrecta ; callositate pyriformi regionem umbilica- rem circumambiente. "Long. 0.03. long, spin 0. (?) lat. 0.45, div. 180°. "Hah. San Diego, Cooper, sbell-washings. "Typical among tlic Vitrinelloid Eihalxac described in Maz. Cat. nos. 310, 318. Remark- able for the small number of turns in the mature shell as compared with the nucleus." [Car- penter, 1866a, p. 215] Apparently by an oversight this species was omitted from the text of Oldroyd's mono- graph. It is listed (Oldroyd, 1947, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 7), and T. invallatiim is included. Since T. invaUatiim was originally described as the "variety," T. supravaUatum would have priority in the preservation of names if the two forms were united. The holotype is glued on a Carpenter original glass mount with a Carpenter label marked "type" and "San Diego." The printed label bears "Cooper" in addition. The specimen is well preserved. The photographs of the holotypes reveal the differences in the columellar callus of T. supravaUatum and T. invallatiim, the strongly carinated base of T. supravaUatum, and the microscopic striations on the body whorl of T. invallatnm. Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 15574 Distribution. — Recent. San Diego, California (type) ; Monterey, California, to the Gulf of California (Dall). Pleistocene (^^'oodring, Bramlette, and Kew) Family Liotiidae Genus Liotia Gray, 1847 Liotia Gray, Zool. Soc. London, Proc. 1847, p. 145 Type species by monotypy, Dclphinula canccllata Gray, 1828, Spicilegia Zoologica, pt. 1, p. 3, pi. 6. fig. 8. Recent. Arica to Coquimbo, Chile. Tryon, 1888. Man. Conch., vol. X, pi. 36, fig. 2; Pilsbry, 1933, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 85, pi. 13, figs. 7, 7a, 7b ; text fig. 3 Liotia fenestrata Carpenter (PI. 19, figs. 10, 11) Liotia fenestrata Carpenter. 1864b. Aug., p. 612, 652: Reprint, 1872. p. 98. 138: 1864. Dec, California Acad. Sci.. vol. III. p. 158 date published bottom p. 161, Dec. 1864; Cooper, 1867. Geog. Cat. Moll. Geol. Sur. California, p. 25 : Tryon, 1888. Man. Conch., vol. X, p. 109, pi. 36, fig. 97 copv "Thes. Conch., t. 478. f. 23" ; [vol. V, 1884. p. 157] t. 478, f. 23" ; Williamson, 1892. U. "S. Nat. Mus.. Proc, vol. 15. no. 898. p. 199: Dall, 1921, p. 173; Oldrovd. 1927, vol. II. pt. Ill, p. 170: Pilsbry. 1934, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. LXXXV. p. 375; Strong, 1934, San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., Trans., vol. VII. no. 37, p. 435. pi. 28, figs. 10-12. L. cookeana Dall. pi. 30, figs. 7-9: Keen, 1937, p. 37: Burch, 1946. no. S7, p. 26 : Smith and Gordon. 1948, California Acad. Sci.. ser. 4, Proc, vol. XXVI. p. 201 : Abbott, 1954. p. 122, pi. 18. fig. u Liotia cookeana Dall, 1918, Biol. Soc. Washington, Proc, vol. 31, p. 8; Oldroyd, 1927. vol. II. pt. III. p. 171. pi. 91, figs. 12, 13, 13a not 15 as stated; Strong and Hanna, 1930, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. 19, p. 5 ; young of L. fenestrata fide Strong, 1934; Keen. 1937. p. 37. "Small. Strongly ribbed each way. Bch. — 40 fm. d.Cp." [Carpenter, 1864b. Aug.. p. 652] The following lines should be added to Oldroyd's copy (1927) of Carpenter's description (1864e, p. 158) : ". . . State Collection. Species 1006. "Hab. Catalina Island ; beach to 40 fms. 20, dead. "This strongly sculptured species varies greatly (in the two specimens sent to the Smith- sonian Institution), in the declivity of the mouth and consequent size of the umbilicus, where the labium is, as it were, scooped out." [Carpenter, 1864b, Dec, p. 158] Strong discussed and illustrated this species well. L. fenestrata is similar in shell character to the type species of the genus, L. canccllata (Gray) (Pilsbry, 1934, pi. 13, figs. 7, 7a. 7b). The lectotype is a specimen in the U. S. National Museum. The label states, "Type fig'd." The writer has not found the reference where the type was figured. Probably it was an in- tention which was never fulfilled. 146 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED HV I'. P. CARPENTER The lectotype (the second specimen mentioned by Carpenter has apparently been lost) has six large spiral ribs on the body whorl. The apical whorls are flat. The spiral ribs are crossed by equally large longitudinal ribs. The crossing of the two sets of ribs forms a large rectangular sculptural pattern. The umbilicus is large, deep, and the margin has a coarse rib. The shell was a dead specimen. Its occupant, a Iiermit crab, is still intact. Lectotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 16283 Distribution. — Recent. Catalina Island, California (type) ; Monterey, California, to San Martin, Lower California (Burch). Pleistocene (Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946, p. 63) Genus Arene \\. and .\. Adams, 1854 Arenc H. and A. Adams, 1854, Genera Recent Mollusca, vol. I, p. 404 Type species by subsequent designation, Woodrixg, 1928, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Pub. 385. p. 422, Turbo crucntatu.'^ Mkrgeki.e von Mimilfeld. 1824, Ges. Nat. Fr. Berlin, verb. 1, pt. 4, p. 211. pi. VII [11. figs. 8a, 8b. Recent. West Indies. Pii.sbry, 1888, Man. Conch., vol. X, pi. 36. fig. 9; Dclphinula radiafa Kiener, 1838-1839,*^° Spec. gen. Icon, coq., vol. X, Delphinula, pi. 4, fig. 9 Arene acuticostata Carpenter (PL 19, figs. 12, 13) Liotia acutico<;tata Carpenter. 1864b Aug., p. 612, 652; Reprint. 1872, p. 98, 138; 1864, Dec, [date on bottom of p. 161], California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 159; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll, Geol. Sur. California, p. 25 ; Tryon, 1888, Man. Conch., vol. X, p. 109, pi. 36, fig. 1 ; Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 15, no. 898, p. 199; Strong AND Hanna. 1930, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4. vol. 19, p. 5, 19; Dall, 1921, p. 173: Oldrovd, 1927, vol. II, Pt. Ill, p. 170; Strong, 1934. San Diego Soc Nat. Hist., vol. VII, no. 2,7, p. 437, pi. 29, figs. 7, 8, 9, figs. 13, 14, 15 var. bristotae Baker; Keen, 1937, p. 2,7 Arene acuticostata (Carpenter). Burch. 1946, no. 57, p. 26; Smith and Gordon, 1948, Cali- fornia Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 201 "Small. Sharply keeled, without radiating sculpture. 10-20 fm. Cp." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 652] The following lines should be added to Oldroyd's copy (1927) of Carpenter's description (1864, p. 159): "Long. 0.12, long. spir. 0.06, lat. 0.10, div. 95°. "Hab. Catalina Island, 10-20 fms. 4, alive; Monterey, 4 dead, dredged? "This pretty little Cyclostomoid species is easily recognized by the sharp revolving keels, and the absence of radiating sculpture." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 159] On the lectotype there are seven large spiral ribs on the body whorl including the base where the last spiral rib continues into the umbilicus. Microscopic longitudinal .striae cross the spiral ribs on the spire. The illustrations in Strong of A. acuticostata bristolae are more like those of the type of A. acuticostata than are the illustrations which Strong gave for typical A. acuticostata. The absence of radiating sculpture, which Carpenter noted, and the character upon which Dall founded the subspecies radiata Dall (1918a, p. 8; Baker, 1927, p. 72; Strong, 1934, p. 438, pi. 29, figs. 13-15) (= bristolae Baker) are probably not so important as those authors believed. The radiating lines are fine and are seen on the type under the binoculars. Their absence in some cases may be due to decortication. The lectotype of A. acuticostata in the U. S. National Museum has a label, "type fig'd." The writer has not found an illustration of the specimen previous to the ones herein. The figure Tryon (1888, pi. 36, fig. 1) might be the shell, but the writer doubts that identity. The explanation of the figure by Tryon (1888, pi. Z6, fig. 1) described the individual as "speci- men," and the execution of the drawing of the sculpture of the shell is not true enough for identification. Since there were originally several sj-ntypes (4:4) it seems more appropriate to refer to the remaining specimen as a lectotype than a holotype. Lectotype. — U. S. National Mu.scum, no. 16282 «o Sherborn and Woodward (1901, p. 219) GASTROPODA 147 Dtstribuf ion. —Recent Catalina Island, California (type) ; Monterey, California, to Tres Marias Islands, Mexico (Burch). Pleistocene (Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946, p. 63) Family Turbinidae Genus Homalopoma Carpenter, 1864, Aug. Hoiimlopoma Carpenter, 1864b, Aug., p. 537, 588, 627, 652; Reprint, 1872, p. 23, 74, 113, 138. Xew name for Lcptonvx Carpenter, 1864 Lcttonx.v Carpenter. 1864b, Aug., p. 612, 627. 652; Reprint, 1872, p. 98, 113, 138; 1864. Dec, California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 176 Adams partially included in authorship. Xot Lcptonvx SwAiNSON, 1833; Gray. 1837, or Lesson, 1842 see Neave, (1939-1940) Lcptothyra Dale, 1871, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VII, p. 130 Carpenter ms. Not Leptothyra Pease,1869, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. 5, p. 70 Pctropoma Gabb, 1877, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Jour., new species, vol. VIII, p. 281 fide PiLSBRY, 1893, Nautilus, vol. 7, p. 84 CoUonista Iredale, 1918, Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 13, p. 28, 30 fide Wenz, 1938, Hand. Palaozoologie, Bd. 6, Teil 2, p. 341 Type species bv monotypy, H. sangiiinaeiis (Linnaeus) ^= Turbo sangidnaeus Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Naturae, p. 762>. Living. Mediterranean and Adriatic Sea. Pilsbry, 1888, Man. Conch., vol. X, p. 249, pi. 49, figs. 48, 49 ; pi. 64, figs. 60, 61 Although the monotype which Carpenter used when originating this generic name was a misidentification his citation of Linnaeus' name confirms the Linnaean species as the type species. Even though Carpenter probably had the West Coast form in mind there is not conflict enough in regard to the generic name to warrant submission of the problem to the International Commission on Zoological nomenclature. Homalopoma baculum (Carpenter) (PI. 19, figs. 14, 15) Lcptonvx bacnla Carpenter, 1864b, Aug., p. 612, 652; Reprint, 1872, p. 98, 138 Homalopoma, p. 652; 1865, California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 177; Pilsbry, 1888, Alan. Conch., vol. X, p. 248, pi. 39a, fig. 2,Z; D.\ll, 1921, p. 173; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 170 ; 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 167 Lcptothvra bacnla (Carpenter), Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 25; Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 15, no. 898. p. 199 Homalopoma bacula Carpenter, Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 822 see for additional synonymy; Keen, 1937, p. Z7 ; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 207, p. 64 Homalopoma baculum (Carpenter), Burch, 1946, no. 57, p. 23; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, no. 8, p. 200 Turbo paucicostatus "Ball, 1887" Sowerby, 1884, Thes. Conch., vol. 5, p. 229, pi. 13, fig. 172 not L. paucicostata Dall, 1871, Fide Pilsbry, 1888, and Grant and G-\le, 1931 "Small, ash}^ Helicina-shaped, nearly smooth. Bch. d. Cp. Genus Homalopoma, p. 537 : nom. preoc." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 652] The following lines should be added to Oldroyd's copy (1927) of Carpenter's description (1865): "Hab. Catalina Is., dead on beach ; Cooper, no. 1056. "This unpretending little shell resembles on the back one of the small Helicinae. It differs from L. sanguineus in its small size, ashy color, flattened sutures, and nearly obsolete sculp- ture. A groove in the somewhat callous columella, continued slightly round the labrum, seems intended for the broad-margined operculum of the genus." [Carpenter, 1864e, p. 177] The holotype, in the U. S. National Museum, is labelled "type Catalina Is. Cooper." There are the remains of a hermit crab within the shell. The shell is smooth with faint suggestions of spiral lines on the penultimate whorl. Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 16284 Distribution.— Recent. Catalina Island, California (type) ; Puget Sound to San :Martin Island, Lower California (Dall). Pleistocene (Arnold, 1903; Grant and Gale; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew). Pliocene (Arnold, 1903; Berry 1908) Homalopoma carpenteri (Pilsbry) Leptonyx sanguinea ("Linnaeus") Carpenter, 1864b, p. 612, 627, 652; Reprint, 1872, p. 98, 113, 138; 1864, Dec, California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 176. Not Turbo sanguineus Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Natural, 10th ed., p. 763 148 MARINE ■MOLLT'SCA nESCRTRKn BY P. P. CARPENTER Leptonyx sanguineus, var. purpurcum Carpenter, 1864, Dec, California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 176 Hoiimlopoiiia sanguincum Carpknter, 1864b, p. 537, 588, 627, 652; Reprint, 1872, p. 23, 74, 113, 138 Leptothyra sanguinca (Carpenter), Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geo!. Sur. California, p. 25; Gabb, 1869, Pal. California, vol. II, p. 85; Dall, 1871, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VII, p. 130 Leptothyra carpcntcri Pii.sbry, 1888, Man. Conch., vol. X. p. 247, pi. 39a, figs. 26-29; pi. 60; fig. 66 new name for L. saiuiuincus Carpenter not Linnaeus; Pilsbry, 1890, Nautilus, vol. 4, no. 3, p. 36; Wii.liam.son, 1892. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc. vol. 15. no. 898, p. 199; Arnold, 1903, p. 2,2?>\ Dau., 1921, p. 172; Oldrovd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 167; Baily, West Coast Shells, Keep, 1935, p. 166, fig. 139 Leptonyx sanguineus [sic] "Linn.", Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 87, fig. 7i Hovialopouia carpenteri (Pilsbry), Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 821; Keen, 1947, p. Z7 ; RuRCH, 1946, no. 57, p. 22; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 207, p. 63 Pleistocene; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, no. 8, p. 200 Pilsbry renamed the Pacific Coast shells which Carpenter had identified as the Linnaean species from the Mediterranean. Tiie original description dates from Pilsbry. Unfortunately Pilsbry did not specify the locality of the specimens figured ; the type has not been separated. The type is not at the Academy of Natural Sciences at Philadelphia, as stated by Oldroyd and followed by Grant and Gale. The specimens from which a lectotype could properly be chosen is the material in the U. S. National Museum identified by Carpenter and studied by Pilsbry. There are many lots including hundreds of shells in the U. S. National Museum collections made by individuals since Carpenter's and Pilsbry's time. Those lots would not qualify for lectotype material. There are five specimens, U. S. National Museum no. 15536, possibly a type lot, labelled "Neeah Bay, W. T. J. G. Swan." The specimens are large and of the meas- urements provided by Pilsbry (8 mm. X 8.9 mm.). No. 14813b is a dark form, measuring 5mm. X 5 mm., which could be the specimen mentioned by Pilsbry. There is also one speci- men, U. S. National Museum, no. 6186, labelled "Monterey, Cooper, Taylor." These speci- mens definitely meet the required labels of Carpenter's description. "i By choosing a lectotype from lot no. 15536, the problem of the type locality would also be settled. Until a lectotype is chosen there is no basis for the statement that the type locality is "California." Carpenter's material came from Monterey, California, and Neah Bay, Washington. Pilsbry's remarks stipulated only the range of the species from "Cape St. Lucas, L. California to Vancouver Id.," without selecting a type locality. Technically this is not a Carpenter specific name, and the writer prefers not to select a lectotype at this time but leave the matter open to one who may study the species. Type. — Lectotype to be selected Distribution.— 'R&c&ni. Sitka Sound, Alaska, to San Martin Island, Lower California (Burch). Pleistocene (Arnold; Chace and Chace ; Grant and Gale; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew) ; Mexico (Jordan). Pliocene (Berry) Genus Turbo Linncaus, 1758 Subgenus Callopoma (iray, 1850 Turbo (Callopoma) fluctosus Wood CaJtoponia ('furho) ? fluclatniu var. dcprcssum Carpenter (PI. 16, fig. 6) Turbo fluctuosus Wood, 1828, Index Test, suppl., pi. 6, fig. 44 Callopotna (Turbo) ? fluctuatum var. dcprcssum Carpenter, 1855, Zool. Soc London, Proc, pt. XXIII, p. 234; Pilsbry, 1888, MaiL Conch., vol. X, p. 211 as Ttirbo {Callopoma) fluctuosus depressus "C. t. valde depressa, anfractibus V., quarum ultimus tumidus, sutura impressa; liris spiralibus circiter XXX., quarum plerumque V. majores sunt, subrugosis ; viridi, punctis albis '^'^"Ilab. . . . Monterev, Jei<.'ctt, Tavlor, Cooper. Neeah Bay, W. T., Swann." [Carpenter, 1864e, Dec, p. 176] GASTROPODA 149 transversim in liris subirregulariter dispositis ; apcrtura ad basin posteriusaue producta ; columella paulum excavata, non umbilicata. "Long. 2.02, lat. 2.04, Ion. .spir. .78, poll. ; div. 110°. "Hab. California. Mus Cuming. "Syn. Turbo fluctiiatus, var., Rve. Conch. Ic. pi. VIII. f. 34. "Among many hundred specimens e.xamined of the true C. fluctitatuin from the Mazatlan Collection, there was not one approaching this shell. Nevertheless, as there is in the British Museum a somewhat intermediate form, it may possibly be a variety of that species. The operculum is unfortunately wanting in Mr. C.'s specimens : until that has been examined, the point must remain in abeyance." [Carpenter, 1855, p. 234] This form has not been noted in the California fauna since Carpenter described it except by Pilsbry (1888) who suggested that possibly the reference in Reeve (1848) should have been Figure 3c, of Plate IX. The specimen figured is of the Carpenter type furnished by the British Museum (Natural History). G. L. Wilkins sent to the writer the following notes which are the label with the shell: "Callopoma? fluctuatum var. dcpressum. P.Z.S. Calif. Type. Mus. Cuming." It is a Nuttall label. Genus Astraea Roeding in Bolten, 1798 Astraca Roeding /;; Boltex, 1798, Mus. Boltenianum, pt. 2, p. 79 Type species by subsequent designation, Sutur, 1913, Man. New Zealand Moll., p. 166 ; Trochus imperialis Gmelix, 1791, Syst. Nat., 13 ed., p. 3576; = Trochus hcJ'wtrophim AIartyx, 1784, Univ. Conch., I, p. 30. Recent. New Zealand. Sutur, 1913, Man. New Zealand Moll., pi. 41, fig. 1; Powell, 1946, The Shellfish of New Zealand, 2d ed., pi. 13, fig. 7 Subgenus Pomaulax Gray in M. E. Gray, 1850 Pommdax Gray, J. E., in Gray, M. E., [dated 1859], issued 1850, Figures of Molluscous Animals, vol. lY , p. 87 Type species by subsequent designation, Herrjiannsex, 1852, Indicies Gen. Malacoozorum, Suppl., p. Ill, Trochus japoniciis Dunker, Philippi, 1845, (1844) Abbild. Beschrieb., I, 8, p. 187, pi. 5, fig. 1. Recent. Japan. Pilsbry, 1888, Man. Conch., vol. X, pi. 58, figs. 63, 64; Hirase, 1936, Japanese Shells, pi. 74, fig. 11 The first type designation was Herrmannsen. His statement supersedes that of Cossmann, 1918,62 ^vho used the same species, T. japonicus Dunker. P. nndosus [Wood] and P. inponicus [Dunker] are the two species included in the orig- inal description. Astraea (Pomaulax) undosa (Wood) young (PI. 19, figs. 16, 17) (? hnpcrator scrratus Carpenter) Trochus undosus Wood, 1828, Index Test., Suppl., p. 16, pi. 5, fig. la Pilsbry, 1888, Man. Conch., vol. X, p. 243, 289 ? hnpcrator serratus Carpexter, 1864h, p. 612, 652; Reprint, 1872, p. 98, 138 " ? inipcraior scrratus, ?? n.s. Monterey; Cat. Is., 10-20 fm. [Dr. Cooper thinks this shell probably the young of Pomaulax.]" [Carpenter, 1864b. p. 612] ". . . Small, finelv sculptured, base stellate, nucleus Planorboid : operc. flat, with more whirls. 10-20 fm. = 266 or 267 jun. teste Cp." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 652] The holotype of the Carpenter name is in the U. S. National Museum, no. 11832. It has the label, "Catalina Cooper." There is a note in Dall's handwriting = "Turbo flucfuosus junior" with the specimen. The specimen is not the same nor is it related to that form of the reference in Dall (1909, p. 238) to "Wood, Index Test., Suppl., 1828, pi. 6, fig. 44." Carpenter, as well as Cooper, thought that the specimen might be the young of "Poniaulajv undosiis Wood" or Pachypoma gibberosnm Chem. nos. 266 or 267 of Carpenter (1864b, p. 652). This interpretation seems to be correct. The identity may be verified by comparing 62 Used by Woodring (1938, p. 22, footnote). 150 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER the illustrations herein (pi. 19, figs. 16, 17) with that of Pilsbry (pi. 58, fig. 70) of a young specimen of P. undosus (Wood). Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 11832 (Iinpcrafor serratus Carpenter) Distribution. — Catalina Island, California (type, /. serratus Carpenter) ; Mugu Lagoon, California, to Cerros Island, Lower California (Burch) Family Phasianellidae Genus Phasianella Lamarck, 1804 Phasianella Lamarck, 1804, Am. Mus. Hist. Nat., vol. 4, p. 295 Type species by original designation, jaison'''^ — Buccinum ausfrale Gmf.lix, 1791, Syst. Nat., 13th ed., p. 3490. See Bucquoy, Dautzenberg, and Dollfus, 1884, Moll. Marins du Roussillon, p. 336. Recent. Australia. Pilshry, 1888, Man. Conch., X, pi. 37, figs._ 22-28; pi. 38, fig. 46 Phasianella bulimoidcs Lamarck, 1822 =^ Bnccinum australc Gmelin, 1791 see above. See subsequent type designation. Roissy (1805 (1806), p. 330) P. variegata (Buccimim australis Gmcl'm) (Woodring, 1957) Subgenus Eulithidium Pilsbry, 1898 Eulithidium Pilsbry, 1898, Man. Conch., vol. XVII, index, p. 319; 1898, Sept., Nautilus, vol. XII, p. 60. New name for Eucosmia Carpenter, 1864, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol XIII, p. 475 ; Reprint, 1872, p. 214. Not Eucosmia Stephens, 1831 ; see Neave 1839- 40 Type species by subsequent designation for Eucosmia Carpenter, E. variegata Carpenter, 1864, June, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIII, p. 475 by Pilsbry, 1888, Man. Conch., vol. X, p. 177 "type, E. variegata Carpenter." = Phasianella (E.) typica Dall, 1908, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. XXXIV, no. 1610, p. 255 not Phasianella variegata Lamarck, 1822, Hist. Nat. An. sans vert., VII, p. 53. Recent. Magdalena Bay to Cape San Lucas, Lower California. Strong, 1928, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XVII, p. 194, 197. Woodring (1928, p. 420) also designated E. variegata Carpenter as the type species of Eulithidium. Pilsbry's designation (1888) is explicit and adequate. It is not modified by his conception of the species which included "var." substriata Carpenter. Phasianella {Eucosmia) variegata Carpenter, 1864, is a homynym of Phasianella varie- gata Lamarck, 1822. Phasianella (Eulithidium) rubrilineata Strong Phasianella rubnlineata Carpenter, ms.. Museum label, California Acad. Sci., no. 3310, Hemphill Coll., "types" Phasianella typica Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, pi. 91, fig. 9 not of Dall Phasianella {Eulithidium) rubrilineata Strong, 1928, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XVII, p. 197, pi. 10, figs. 8-10 Phasianella rubrolineata Carpenter is a nomcn nndiiin. According to Strong (1928) it consists of the label on three specimens from Cape San Lucas in the Hemphill Collection in the California Academy of Sciences. The name was validated by Strong who became its author. Phasianella (Eulithidium) substriata Carpenter (PL 19, figs. 20, 21) Phasianella {Eucosmia) (? variegata, var.) substriata Carpenter, 1864, June, Ann. IMag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIII, p. 475 ; Reprint, 1872, p. 215 ; Carpenter, 1864b, Aug., p. 618; Reprint. 1872, p. 104 Phasianella {Eucosmia) variegata substriata Carpenter, 1888, Man. Conch., vol. X, p. 177 ®3 "J'ai donne a ce genre le nom de phasianelle d'apres cclui d'une coquille qui m'a fourni I'occasion de I'etablir, et qui est connue sous Ic nom de faisan {phasianus)." [Lamarck, 1804, P- 295] Lamarck continued with a description of the living shell and ends the observations with mention of two fossil species from Grignon which he described. There is no doubt that Lamarck nifant tiie Recent shell (P. australis ((jmclin) to represent the genus. See also Woodring (1928; 1957). GASTROPODA 151 Pltasianella (Eulithidiuvi) substriata (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 172; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II pt III, p. 163; Strong, 1928, California Acad. Sci., Proc., ser. 4, vol. XVII, no. 6, p. 195, pi. 10, fig. II ; Keen, 1937, p. 44 ; Burch, 1946, no. 57, p. 19. Tricolia substriata (Carpenter), Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 814 section Eulithidium Not Eulithidium substriattiin Carpenter, Berry, 1907, Nautilus, vol. XXI, no. 4, p. 45 = P. pulloidcs Carpenter fide Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 200 Oldroyd included a copy of the original description of this species (1927). Strong dis- cussed this species in detail. The holotype is on an original Carpenter glass mount with an original label, "type C.S.L." Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 11829 Distribution. — Recent. Cape San Lucas, Lower California (type) ; J^Ionterey, California, to Panama (Burch). Pleistocene Mexico (Jordan) Phasianella (Eulithidium) typica Dall [PhasiancUa] (Eucosmia) variegata Carpenter, 1864, June, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIII. p. 475; Reprint, 1872, p. 214; 1864b, Aug., p. 618; Reprint, 1872, p. 104; PiLSBRY, 1888, Man. Conch., vol. X, p. 177. Not P. variegata Lamarck, 1822, Hist. Nat. An. sans \'ert., VII p. 53 Phasianella (Eulithidium) typica Dall, 1908, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 34, no. 1610, p. 255 new name for P. variegata Carpenter Phasianella {Eulithidium) typica Dall, Strong, 1928, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XVII, pp. 194, 197 As Strong (1928, p. 197) pointed out, the name P. typica was given by Dall to replace the name P. variegata Carpenter. Therefore, the type of the species is that of Carpenter's name and not a subsequent specimen. The types of P. variegata Carpenter (= P. typica Dall) consist of three specimens from Cape San Lucas, U. S. National Museum no. 11836. The specimen figured as type by Oldroyd (1927, pi. 91, fig. 9) does not meet the proper require- ments. P. typica Dall does not extend into the upper California area, so that details regarding the species are not included herein. Subgenus Tricolia Risso, 1826 Tricolia Risso, 1826, Hist. Nat. princ prod. I'Europe IMerid., vol. 4, p. 122 Type species by subsequent designation, Gray, 1847, Zool. Soc London, Proc, p. 144; Turbo pullus Linn.\eus, 1758, Syst. Natur., p. 761; "Gmelin, 3856" s* [p. 3589] in Risso, 1826. Recent. Mediterranean. Pilsbry, 1888, Man. Conch., vol., X, pi. 38, figs. 56-58 from Reeve, 1862, Conch. Icon., vol. 13, Phasianella, pi. VI, fig. 20 a, b, c "Phasianella (Tricolia) carpenteri" Dall Eucosmia punctata Carpenter, 1864, June, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser 3, vol. XIII, p. 475 ; Reprint, 1872, p. 7; 1864b, Aug., p. 618; Reprint, 1872, p. 104 Phasianella (Tricolia) compta punctata (Carpenter), Pilsbry, 1888, Man. Conch., vol. X, p. 173. Not Tricolia punctata Risso, 1826, Hist. nat. I'Europe merid., p. 123 Phasianella (Tricolia) carpenteri Dall, 1908, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 34, no. 1610, p. 255, new name for P. punctata Carpenter not Risso Phasianella (Tricola [sic]) pulloidcs (Carpenter), Strong, 1928, California Acad. Sci., Proc. ser. 4, vol. XVII, p. 192 in part The type of this form has not been discovered. Type locality is Cape San Lucas ; hence further discussion will be included in the work on the illustrated Carpenter types of that area. Strong regarded the form as individual variations of P. pulloidcs, which would extend the range to Puget Sound. Phasianella (Tricolia) compta punctulata Carpenter (PI. 18, figs. 5, 6) Phasianella (? compta, vars.) punctulata Carpenter, 1864b, p. 537, 651 ; Reprint, 1872, p. 23, 137; 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XV, p. 179; Reprint, 1872, p. 281 «* Reference to Serpularia 152 MARINE MOLLT'SCA nESCRTRED RV P. P. CARPENTER Phasianella {Tricolia) coinpta (^unctiilata Carpenter, Dall, 1921, p. 171; Oldkoyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 162 Phasianella (Tricolia) pulloidcs Strong, 1928, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XVII, no. 6, p. 192 in part, pi. 10, fig. 5; Keen, 1937, p. 44; Burch, 1946, no. 57, p. 17 "[P. covtpta] : var. punctulata, witli close rows of dots; pillar chinked 8-20 fm. Cp." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 651] The following corrections slioiild he made in Oldroyd's (1927) copy of Carpenter's de- scription (1865). Read ".24" for "24" ; ".12" for "12" ; ".14" for "14" ; delete "poll." Add: ". . . div. 50°. "Hab. S. Diego (/rTir/0"— [Carpenter, 1865h, p. 179] The type material consists of 11 specimens with a label, "Type San Diego Jewett." The specimens are spotted or striped ; a few stripes are not broken up into spots, some are mottled. There is a slight umbilical area. The two type specimens of P. coiiipta Gould (1855, p. 25; 1856b, p. 333, pi. XI, figs. 25, 26) are in the National Museum. P. compta has the fine oblique brownish stripes. Syntypcs. — U. S. National Museum, no. 11288 Distribution. — San Diego, California (type); San Diego, California, to Cape San Lucas, Lower California (Dall) Phasianella (Tricolia) pulloides Carpenter (PI. 19, fig. 30) Phasianella (? compta, var.) pulloidcs Carpenter, 1864b, p. 537, 651; Reprint, 1872, p. 23, 137; 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XV, p. 180; Reprint. 1872, p. 282; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll. Geol. Sur. California, p. 24, Pilsbry, 1888, !\Ian. Conch., vol. X, p. 173, pi. 39. fig. 70 Phasianella pulloides Carpenter, Cooper, 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 61 ; Packard, 1918. Univ. California Pub. Zool., vol. 14, no. 2. p. 310 copy description of P. compta Gould in Pilsbry ; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 200 Phasianella (Tricolia) pulloides Carpenter, Dall.. 1921, p. 172 as pulloidea; Strong, 1923. Nautilus, vol. 37, no. 43 pulloidea; Oldroyd. 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 162; Strong, 1928, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XVII, no. 6, p. 192 in part, pi. 10, fig. 7 "Tricola" [sic] ; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 814; Keen, 1937, p. 44; Burch, 1945, no. 57, p. 17 Tricolia pulloidcs (Carpenter), Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 207, p. 64 "[P. compta] . . . ? Var. pulloides, exactly like Herm shells." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 651] The following corrections should be made in Oldroyd's (1927) copy of Carpenter's de- scription (1865) : Read .2 for 2; .1 for 1 ; .13 for 13; delete "poll." Add: ". . . div. 55°. "Ilab. Sta. P.arbara (Javett) ; Monterey. 20 fathoms (State Coll. no. 353). Smaller var., 8-10 fathoms, Catalina Island (Cooper)."— [Carpenter, 1865h, p. 180] The type material consists of 10 specimens, 9 whole and 1 fragment. They are pink or rosy, mottled or uniform. The whorls of the spire have longitudinal rosy and white stripes. There are large blotches on the body whorl which are finer on the base. There are also rosy stripes on the body whorl. There is a slight narrow umbilical groove. The following label accompanies the syntypes, "Sta. Barbara Jewett (Monterey Cooper)." Strong (1928) discussed this species and included the forms punctulata, punctata, and elatior. Syntypes.— U. S. National Museum, no. 14814 (16285-16286) Distribution. — Recent. Santa Barbara. California (type) ; Monterey, California, to Low'er California (Dall). Pleistocene. California (Wilktt, 1937; Woodring. Bramlette, and Kew); Mexico (Jordan, 1926) GASTROPODA 153 Phasianella (Tricolia) puUoides elatior Carpenter (PI. 19. fig. 31) Phasianella (? compta, var.) elatior C.\kpentek, 1864b, p. 537, 651; Reprint, 1872, p. 3, 23, 137; 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., .ser. 3, vol. XV, p. 180; Reprint, 1872, p. 282; Pilsbry, 1888, Man. Concli., vol. X, p. 173 Phasianella {Tricolia) pitlloidca elatior [sic in DallJ Carpenter, D-vll, 1921, p. 172; Oi-DROVD, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. \62 puUoides elatior Phasianella (Tricola [sic]) puUoides Carj^nter, Strong, 1928, California Acad. Sci., ser. 3, vol. XVII, no. 6, p. 192 Phasianella puUoides Carpenter, Keen, 1937, p. 43 "[P. eoinpfa] . . . ? var. elatior, dwarfed, longer and flatter: . . ." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 651] The following corrections sliould be made in Oldroyd's (1927) copy of Carpenter's de- scription : Read .19 for 19; read .12 for 12; read .11 for 11 ; delete "poll." Add: ". . . div. 40°. "Hab. Sta. Barbara {Jezvett). "P. compta, with a large proportion of tlie small shells of the genus, is included under P. piilhis in Mr. Reeve's monograph. In so dilTicult a tribe, it is judged better to name the distinct forms, and those from separated localities, until more is known." — [Carpenter, 1865h, p. 180] The suite of this form, segregated with types in the U. S. X^ational J^Iuseum collections, consists of seven specimens. They have a label, "Phasianella var. elatior Cpr. ex auctor Sta. Barbara Jewett." The shells are slender, rosy, striped or with large spots. The stripes are longitudinal, curved, and or spiral. The stripes on the body whorl are broadly zig-zagged with a fluting along the midline which partly shows in the included photograph of the largest specimen. Syntypes. — U. S. National Museum, no. 16287 Distribtttion. — Santa Barbara, California (Dall) Family Lacunid.\e Genus Lacuna Turton, 1827 Lacuna Turton, 1827, Zool. Jour., Ill, p. 190 Type species by subsequent designation, Gr.\y, 1847, Zool. Soc. London, Proc. pt. XV, p. 151, Nerita pallidula da Costa, 1778, British Conch., p. 51, pi. IV, figs. 4, 5. Recent. Northern Europe. Subspecies L. p. neritoidea Gould, 1840, Greenland to Connecticut. Trvon, 1887, Man. Conch., vol. IX, pi. 50, figs. 53, 53a; pi. 50, fig. 54 L. neritoidea LACUNA CARINATA Gould Lacuna carinafa Gould, 1849, Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 75; 1862, "Expedi- tion Shells," Otia Conch., p. 52;''^' 1852, U. S. Expl. Exped., Moll., vol. XII, p. 194; Atlas, 1856, figs. 231, 231a, 231b, not 230 as in Gould, p. 195; Tryon, 1887, Man. Conch., vol. IX, pi. 50, figs. 71, 72 under L. divaricatus ; Woodrixg in Burch, 1945, no. 55, p. 13, 2>7 including L. porrecta Carpenter ; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946, U. S. (jeol. Sur., Prof. Paper 207, p. 65 includes L. porrecta; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 196 including L. porrecta. Modelia striata Gabb, 1861, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 13, p. 368 fide Carpen- ter, 1864b, p. 632, 656; Reprint, 1872, p. 118. 142; 1864, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIV, p. 249; Reprint, 1872, p. 240; fide Woodrixg, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 207, p. 65, Pleistocene. Santa Barbara. Lacuna solidula carinata Gould, Strong, 1924, Nautilus, vol. 38, no. 1, p. 17 including L. com pacta Carpenter Lacuna divaricata carinata Gould, Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 782 includes L. conipacta Car- penter ""' Table of correct dates of Gould's publications in Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., II and III, see Otia Conch., p. 100. "Exped. Shells" is dated 1846, which causes confusion and is quoted incorrectly by authors. The dates range from 1846 to 1850, depending on the volume and page. 154 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBEn BY P. P. CARPENTER Because of the variability of the Lacunae as manifested in a small way by the examples of the Carpenter type material and the complexity of the names involved in the L. divaricata- solidula — carinata — porrecta and variations — compacta problem, the writer has analyzed each Carpenter name and data separately. The reasonable suggestion that L. porrecta and varia- tions may fall under L. carinata Gould led the writer to use the comprehensive heading of L. carinata for the group. Because there seemed to be considerable confusion in the Gould dates and references of L. carinata, the above list has been included. Lacuna porrecta Carix;ntcr (PI. 19, figs. 18, 19) Lacuna porrecta Carpenter, 1864b, Aug., p. 628, 656; Reprint, 1872, p. 114, 142; 1864, Dec, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIV, p. 428; Reprint, 1872, p. 240; Tryon, 1887, Man. Conch., vol. IX, p. 265, pi. 50, fig. 55 ; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. Califor- nia, p. 29; Cooper, 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 64; Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 66; Arnold, 1903, p. 303; Jord.\n, 1920, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 58, no. 2325, p. 3; Ball, 1921, p. 154, pi. 14, fig. 2 lectotype; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 149; Strong, 1924, Nautilus, vol. 38, no. 1, p. 17; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 64, pt. II, pi. 32, fig. 9 same as Dall, 1921; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 783 ; Keen, 1937, p. 2,7 Lacuna carinata Gould, Burch, 1945, no. 55, p. 13, 2>7 L. porrecta placed in synonymy on authority of Woodring ; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 207, p. 65; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, no. 8, p. 196 "Upper whirls flattened, efifuse anteriorly; chink large." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 656] The dimensions in Oldroyd's (1927) copy of Carpenter's description (1865) should be corrected as follows : For 52 read .52 ; for 2 read .2 ; for 4 read .4 ; delete "poll." The following lines should be added to make the description complete. '•. . . div. 80°. "Hab. Neeah Bay {Swan). "The form L. exaequata is intermediate between the very different /-. porrecta and L. effusa. The Lacunae vary so much (fide Forbes and Hanley in loco) that, even with a large multitude of specimens, it is not easy to state what constitutes a species." [Carpenter, 1864d, p. 428 1 The type material consists of 10 specimens of different ages. One of the specimens selected to figure herein is intermediate in age and best shows the white bands. The other specimens were more worn. Dall figured a larger specimen. Since he considered or designated the specimen as type in 1921, that specimen will be designated the lectotype. The label, which is not original, is, "Type Neeah Bay Wash. J. G. .Swan." The shells are thin and umbilicatc. The drawing in Dall (1921) seems to exaggerate the carination of the body whorl and umbilical channel more than a photograph does. One doubts the propriety of maintaining the subspecies as named by Carpenter in a group such as Lacuna. They are enumerated separately in this paper so that the type data are readily accessible. Their headings are italicized to differentiate from the rank of recognized species. Types. — Lectotype and syntypes, U. S. National Museum, no. 15549b Distribution. — Recent. Neah Bay, Washington (type) ; Commander Islands, Bering Sea, southward and eastward to San Diego, California (Dall). Pleistocene. California (? Arnold; Grant and Gale) Lacuna porrecta exaequata Carpenter (PI. 19, figs. 22, 23) Lacuna porrecta exaequata Carpenter, 1864b, p. 628, 656; Reprint, 1872, p. 114, 142; 1864. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIV. p. 428; Reprint. 1872, p. 240; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 29; Tryon. 1887, Man. Conch., vol. IX, p. 266, pi. 50, fig. 57; Dall, 1921. p. 154; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, GASTROPODA 155 p. ISO; Strong, 1924, Nautilus, vol. 38, no. 1, p. 17; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 64; Keen, 1937, p. Zl ". . . same shape but flattened." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 6561 "Testa L. effusae simili sed anfr. planatis, suturis parum impressis. Long. .5, long. spir. .2, lat. .42, div. 80°." [Carpenter, 1864h, p. 428] The dimensions as given by Oldroyd (1927) should be corrected to read as above. The habitat and last paragraph of comparisons in the description (1864h) of the species applies also to this form. The type material consists of 6 specimens of different ages. The label reads "Xeeah Bay Swan." All the specimens are worn. A photograph of the largest with the spire more elevated is included herein. Syntypcs. — U. S. National Museum, no. 15532 Distribution. — Neah Bay, Washington (type) Lacuna porrccta cffusa (Carpenter) (PI. 19, figs. 24, 25) Lacuna porrccta cffusa Carpenter, 1864b, p. 628, 656; Reprint, 1872, p. 114, 142; 1864, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIV, p. 428; Reprint, 1872, p. 240; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. West Coast Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 29 ; Tryon, 1887, Man. Conch., vol. IX, p. 266. pi. SO, fig. 56; Dall, 1921, p. 154; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 150; Strong, 1924, Nautilus, vol. 38, no. 1, p. 17; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 64 ; Keen, 1937, p. 2,7. Lacuna carinata cffusa Carpenter, Burch, 1945, no. 55, p. 14 "Larger, taller, more swollen." [Than porrccta.] [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 656] Oldroyd (1927) included a copy of Carpenter's (1864) description. The following cor- rections in her measurements should be made : For 65 read .65 ; for 25 read .25 ; for 42 read .5 ; delete "poll ;" add "div. 60°." The final habitat and final remarks furnished herein under L. porrccta include this form as well. The type material consists of 13 specimens of various ages. Some show wide bands. The spire is rufous, and the body whorl is lighter. Such color characteristics are also seen in the specimens of L. porrccta and the form L. exacquata. The largest specimen of the group in which the spire is the most elevated is figured herein. The label is, "Type Neeah Bay J. G. Swan." Syntypcs. — U. S. N'ational Museum, no. 15533 Distribution.- — Neah Bay, Washington (type) ; Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington, to San Francisco, California (Dall) Lacuna porrccta putcloidcs Dall Lacuna porrccta putcloidcs (Carpenter ms.) Dall, 1919, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 56, no. 2295, p. 349; Dall, 1921, p. 154; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 65 This name was an unpublished one of Carpenter and became valid on the publication of Dall, 1919. Therefore, Dall only is the author of the name. Lacuna solidula compacta Carpenter (PI. 18, figs. 3, 4) Lacwia (? solidula, var.) compacta Carpenter, 1864b, p. 628; Reprint, 1872, p. 114; 1864, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIV, p. 428; Reprint, 1872, p. 240; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 29 Lacmm compacta Carpenter, Arnold, 1903, p. 302; Jordan, 1920, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 58, no. 2325, p. 3 Not Lacuna compacta Carpenter, Arnold, 1907, U. S. Geol. Sur., Bull. no. 321. pi. XI, fig. 2 Lacuna divaricata Tryon [not Fabricius], 1887, Man. Conch., vol. IX, p. 266 in part; Dall, 1921, p. 154 in part: ? Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 150^' part'; ? Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 66 in part y\\^ Lacuna solidula carinata Gould, Strong, 1924, Nautilus, vol. 38, no. 1, p. 17 /c\^y^ ^ H ^\ Lacuna divaricata carinata Gould, Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 782 in part A^/cy^'^ ■<^<^ foo [Uj t LIBRARY 156 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER "L. testa L. solidulae, var., simili ; parva, solida, compacta, angusta, subturrita, marginibus, spirae excurvatis : aurantiaca, interdum pallidiore zonata ; aiifr. subplanatis, suturis distinctis ; tota superficic confertissime spiraliter striolata ; basi valde angulata, subplanata spir. .1, lat. .17, div. 60° "\'ariat testa eloiigata : variat (pioque columella noriiialitcr lacunata. "Hah. Nceah Bay {Szvan). "Possibly an extreme form of tbe very variable /-. soUdnIa, Lev. (=L. carinata, Gld., non A. Ad., = Modelia striata, (Gabb), yet distinct in all ages. The young shells resemble small Litorinae." [Carpenter, 1864, p. 428] The type material consists of nine specimens labelled "Type Neeah Bay Swan." The body whorl of the shells has a sharp basal margin. The umbilicus is long ; it has a sharp margin above and flares below. The surface is smooth with faint microscopic striae in some places. The largest specimen is figured herein. In comparing the illustrations of the various types of the Carpenter named forms the dimensions of each should be borne in mind. The photograph of L. compacta is enlarged to greater magnification than the others, which are larger in actual measurements. L. compacta has the whorls carinated stronger than any of the other Carpenter Lacunae shells, as well as the illustrations of L. carinata Gould or L. solidula Loven. /.. compacta has been included under L. divaricata (Fabricius) ^^ by Tryon, probably by Dall and Oldroyd, as synonymous with L. solidula carinata Gould by Strong, and L. divaricata carinata Gould by Grant and Gale. Carpenter regarded L. solidula Loven and L. carinata as synonymous as did Dall (1925, p. 18, PI. 34, fig. 2, L. solidula Loven). Grant and Gale maintained each as a distinct subspecies. Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew (1948) believed L. porrecta and L. carinata equal. L. divaricatus (Fabricius) cannot be used. According to English writers it is equivalent to L. vincta Montagu. Dimensions. — Syntypes : heiglit 6 mm., greatest diameter 4 mm. (largest) ; height 2 mm.; greatest diameter 2 mm. Syntypes. — U. S. National Museum, no. 15530b Distribution. — Neali Bay, Washington (type) Lacuna unifasciata Carpenter (PI. 19, figs. 26, 27) ? Lacuna unifasciata Cakpenter in Gould and Carpenter. 1856, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, p. 205; 1857. Rept. British Assoc. Adv. Sci. 1856, p. 228, 230. 327; 1860, Smith Misc. Coll., vol. 2, art. 6. p. 4; Carpenter, 1864b, p. 537. 656; Reprint, 1872, p. 23, 142; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 29; Keep. 1887. West Coast Shells, p. 67, fig. 51: Tryon. 1887, Man. Conch., vol. IX, p. 267, pi. 50, 63, 74; not 63-74 as in text,«7 section Ephcria: Williamson. 1892, V. S. Nat. Mus., Proc. vol. 15. no. 898, p. 205: Orci'tt, 1915. Moll. World, p. 20; Dau., 1921. p. 154; Strong, 1923. Nautilus, vol. Z7, no. 2. p. 42; 1924, Nautilus, vol. 38. no. 1, p. 17, 18; Dall, 1925, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 66. no. 2554, p. 18, pi. 31. fig. 4; Oldroyd. 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 67; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 783; Keen, 1937, p. 2,7 \ Bttrcii. 1945, no. 55, p. 15; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946. U. S. Gcol. Sur., Prof. Paper 207, p. 64 including L. u. aurantiaca ; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California .Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 196; Abbott, 1954, p. 131, fig. 36b same fig. as Dall, 1925 Oldroyd included a copy r)f the original description of this species (1927). The measure- ments as she copied them should be corrected as follows : For 23 read .23; for 11 read .11 ; for 15 read .15; add "alt. 45°;" delete "poll." The following lines should be added : "Hah. Sta. Barbara {Col. Jczvctt). Mus. Gould. ^^ Fabricius (1780, p. 392). Not Trochus divaricatus Linnaeus fide Loven {in Forbes and Ilanley, 1851, p. 62) =1. vincta Montagu, 1803, p. 307, Suppl., 1808, pi. XX, fig. 3. See Harmer, 1921, p. 668. ^■^ Typographical error of hyi)hcn for comma in figure numbers may cause confusion unless rectified by comjKiring with plate explanation. GASTROPOnA 157 "This shell has the shape of Littorina angitlifera, the general aspect of the small Phast- anellac, and the chink of I.actina. Its operculum is unknown, all the specimens in Mus. Gould being dead." — [Carpenter, l(S56d, p. 2()5J See "var." aurantiaca for Carpenter's remarks (1864). The type material consists of five specimens labelled "Cotypes Jevvett Sta. Barbara." One of the specimens has a rough surface and an operculum. This individual is not consistent with Carpenter's original description, as he stated tliat the operculum was unknown. Woodring made the same observation and inserted a pencil note to the same effect with the type lot. The specimen figured herein has a Iirown line just below and at the suture and continues on the body whorl along the same spiral line (carina). The carina is sharp. All of the other three .syntypes are keeled but they do not have the color band. All the specimens are umbili- cate. Syiityprs. — U. S. National Museum, no. 16257''^ (four specimens). Distribution. — Recent. Santa Barbara, California (type) ; Monterey, California, to Alag- dalena Bay, Lxiwer California (Burch). Pleistocene. California (Oldroyd, 1925; Waterfall, 1929; Stephens, 1929; Grant and Gale; Willett, 1937) ; Mexico (Jordan, 1926) Lacuna unifasciata aurantiaca Carpenter Lacuna iinijasciafa aurantiaca CARf'F,NTf:K, 1864b, p. 656; Reprint, 1872, p. 142 spelled anrantia in index p. 61 ; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 29; Tryon, 1887, Man. Conch., vol. IX, p. 267 section Epheria; Dall, 1921, p. 154; Strong, 1924, Nautilus, vol. 38, no. 1, p. 17, 18; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 67; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 783; Keen, 1937, p. Z7 ; Burch, 1945, no. 55, p. 15 "Lacuna imifasciata, Cpr. P.Z.S. 1856, p. 205. Small, glossy, generally with a coloured keel, sometimes broken into dots. Var. aurantiaca, keel obsolete, resembling the chinked Phasianellae. 8-10 fm. Cp." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 656] The type has not been found. The type locality may be Santa Barbara, Farallon Islands, or the region between San Diego and San Pedro, as enumerated by Carpenter (1864b) for the species. Carpenter was definite as to the character for separation of the subspecies. How- ever, such a feature is not always consistent. Type. — Not found Distribution. — Recent. Type locality not differentiated; Santa Barbara, California, to Point Abreojos, Lower California (Dall). Pleistocene. California (Oldroyd, 1925; Grant and Gale) Lacuna variegata Carpenter (PI. 19, figs. 28, 29) Lacuna variegata Carpenter, 1864b, Aug., p. 628, 656; Reprint, 1864, p. 114, 142; 1864, Dec, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIV, p. 428; Reprint, 1872, p. 240; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 29; 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 64; Tryon, 1887, Man Conch., vol. IX, p. 266, pi. 50, not fig. 58;e» Dall, 1921, questioned fig. 64 ? section Epheria; Dall, 1921, p. 154; Oldroyd, 1924, March, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 150; Strong, 1924, July, Nautilus, vol. 38, no. 1, p. 18; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 66; Keen, 1937, p. 37; Burch, 1945, no. 55, p. 14; Woodring, Bram- lette, and Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. sur., Prof. Paper 207, p. 65; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 196 "Not common; resembles the Japanese L. decorata." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 628] "Very tall, effuse, irregular with wide chink : clouded or with zigzag stripes : like decorata, A. Ad." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 656] Oldroyd (1927) supplied a copy of Carpenter's description (1864d). Tiic measurements in that copy should be corrected as follows : For 3 read .3; for 16 read .16; for 17 read .17; delete "poll." The following lines should be added to make tliat coj^y comjilete : ". . . Div. 50°. "Hob. Neeah Bay {Sivan). GSDall (1919, p. 349) gave 60675 as the U. S. National Museum number. No. 60675 is not the type. Specimen 60675 is labelled, "Typical; figured," fide H. A. Rehder (Sept. 19, 1950, personal communication.) «9 Tryon, pi. 50, fig. 58 = L. marmoraia Dall (1919) p. 348 fide Dall (1921, p. 154) 158 MARINE MOLLTTSCA nESCRIBRD BY P. P. CARPENTER "Painted like L. dccorala. A. Ad., which differs in having a normal growth, with very slight chink." [Carpenter, 1864d, p. 428] The type material of this species consists of 23 specimens, which vary in size. They have a label, "Swan Neeah Bay." Although Carpenter described the umbilicus as wide, that char- acter varies in extent among the syntypes. !Most have a large umbilicus with a sharp margin, but on one specimen the umbilicus is closed. The umbilicus is not consistent with age, for its size varies on individuals of similar age or size. The spire is elevated and twisted. The young specimens have a shorter and blunter spire. Two of the syntypes are figured herein. Both of those specimens are umbilicate (widely sunken). The photo of the apertural view does not shov/ this well. Syntypes. — U. S. National Museum, no. 15531 Distribution. — Recent. Neah Bay, Washington (type) ; Neah Bay, Washington, to Santa Monica, California (Keen). Pleistocene. California ? Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew) Family Littorixid.\e Genus Littorina Ferussac, 1822 Littorina Ferussac, 1822, Tableau systematique des animaux, Mollusques, p. XXXIV "Lit- torine" ; see Winckworth, 1922, Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 15, p. 95 and Be- QUAERT, 1943, Johnsonia, no. 7, p. 1 Type species by subsequent designation, De Blainville, 1828, Diet. Sci. Nat., 56, p. 98, Turbo littorcus Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat, p. 761. Recent. Western Europe. West Atlantic from Labrador to southern New Jersey. Bequaert, 1943, Johnsonia, p. 3, pi. 1, figs. 1-11 Subgenus Algamorda Dall, 1918 Algamorda Dalx, 1918, Biol. Soc. Washington, Proc, vol. 31, p. 137 as a section of Littorina "typified by T. littoralis." Type species by original designation, L. nezvcombiana (Hemphill), 1876, California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. 7, p. 49. Recent. California. Dall, 1921, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 112, pi. 5, fig. 5 "Littorina (? Algamorda) castanea" Carpenter (PI. 18, figs. 7, 8) Not ? PaUidincUa castanea M5ller in Middendorff, 1849, p. 47, no. 3, pi. 10, figs. 11-15 fide Carpenter, 1857, Rept. British Assoc. Adv. Sci. 1856, p. 215 Ochotsk, Lapland ? Paludinella castanea Carpenter, 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XV, p. 429; Re- print, 1872, p. 241 described as new Cf. Paludinella ? Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 29 Littorina (? Alqamorda) castanea Carpenter, Dall, 1921, p. 153; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 63; BuRcn, 1945, no. 55, p. 13 Littorina "castanea" [Carpenter], Keen. 1937, p. 38 Not Littorina castanea Deshayes, 1843, Hist. Nat. An. sans Vert., 2d ed., t. 9, p. 206 Not Littorina castanea Adams and Reeve, 1848, Zool. Voy. Samarang, Moll., p. 49, pi. XI, fig. 8 The following lines should be added to Oldroyd's (1927) copy of tlie original description of this species. "Llab. Neeah Bay; one specimen among Lacunae (Swan). "May be an aberrant Assiminca." [Carpenter, 1865a, p. 28 1 The holotype has a thin brown horny operculum. There are microscopic widely spaced spiral lines over the body whorl faintly seen on the photograph. Color brown, body whorl lighter. Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 16290 Distribution. — Neah Bay, Washington (type) Joshua Baily pointed out to me that he is not sure that tiiis species belongs to Littorina. If it does it requires a new name, because the specific name Littorina castanea is preoccupied (see synonymy). If it is not a Littorina, the species need not be renamed unless the name is preoccupied in the genus in which it is reclassified. The species should not be renamed until the generic position is verified. GASTROPODA 159 Littorina (Algamorda) subrotundata (Carpenter) (PI. 18, figs. 1, 2) fAssiminca subrotundata Carpenter, 1864b, p. 628, 656; Reprint, 1872, p. 114, 142; 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XV, p. 429; Reprint, 1872, p. 241; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 29 Assinnnia subrotundata Carpenter, Taylor, 1895, Roy. Soc. Canada, Trans., ser. 2, vol. I, sec. IV, p. 81 Littorina {? Alaamorda) subrotundata (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 153; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 63; BuRCH, 1945, no. 55. p. 13 Littorina subrotunda [Carpenter], Keen, 1937, p. 38 "Like a very thin Litorina: ashen, plain." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 656] Oldroyd (1927) published a copy of Carpenter's description (1865). However, the meas- urements as copied by her should be corrected as follows : For "28" read ".28" for 13 read ".13"; for 2 read .2; delete "poll." The following lines should be added to make that copy complete : ". . . div. 65°. "Hab. Neeah Bay; one specimen among Lacunae {Szvan'). "May prove to be a large Hydrobia." [Carpenter, 1865a, p. 28] The holotype is broken and worn (pi. 18, figs. 1, 2). The spire is pointed and elevated. Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 15586 Distribution. — Neah Bay, Washington (type) Subgenus Melarhaphe Menke, 1828 (Mclaraplic of authors) Melarhaphe Menke, 1828, Synopsis Meth. Moll., p. 23; fide Bequaert, 1943, Johnsonia, [vol. 1], no. 7, p. 2 Type species by monotypy, M. glabrata — Turbo neritoides Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. X, p. 761; fide Bequaert, 1943, Johnsonia, [vol. 1], p. 2. Recent. Southern Europe; Madeira. Maxwell Smith, 1940, World-wide Sea Shells, p. 29, fig. 409 Littorina (Melarhaphe) scutulata pullata Carpenter Litorina [sic] pullata Carpenter, 1864, June, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIII, p. 477; Reprint, 1872, p. 216; 1864b, Aug.. p. 546, 618; Reprint. 1872. p. 32, 104 Littorina scutulata Gould, Trvon. 1887. Man. Conch., vol. IX, p. 250 in part, pi. 45. fig. 3 Littorina (Mclaraphe) pullata Carpenter, Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 199 Littorina {Melarhaphe) scutulata pullata Carpenter, Burch, 1945, no. 55, p. 10, 12 This species was described from Cape San Lucas but is recorded by Burch as ranging to Monterey, California Family Rissoidae Genus Amphithalamus Carpenter. 1864 Amphithalamus Carpenter, 1864b, p. 614, 656; Reprint, 1872, p. 100, 142; 1866. California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 218; Bartsch, 1911, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 41, p. 263 Type species by original designation, A. inclusus Carpenter, 1864b, p. 614, 656. Recent. Catalina Island to San Diego, California. Bartsch, 1911, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 41, p. 264, fig. 2 Scrobs Watson (1866, p. 612), applied to Australian and New Zealand species, has been regarded by some authors (Tryon, 1887, Bartsch, 1911, Suter, 1913) as synonymous with Amphithalamus. Both genera may have the unusual shelly reinforcement of the aperture in the parietal and columellar area, but that feature is not constant in either. Iredale (1915, p. 448, 449) maintained the distinctness of the two genera, and Powell (1927, p. 545) aptly pointed out that "the resemblance of the Austral shells to Amphithalamus is merely superficial, prejudiced by the presence of a depression separating aperture from body-whorl. In nuclear characters Scrobs is quite unlike Amphithalamus, this latter genus having protoconch sculptured with 160 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBKD BY P. P. CARPENTER about fifteen slender spiral threads crossed by numerous very fine axial threads, giving the surface a minutely pitted appearance, while in Scrobs the nuclear sculpture is in the form of numerous very fine stippled lines." A. tenuis (Rartsch (1911, p. 264, Fig. 3) is anotlicr Californian Recent species of the genus. "A." lacunatus Carpenter is not congeneric. Amphithalamus inclusus Carpenter Amfhithahmns inclusus Carpenter, 1864b, p. 537, 614, 656; Reprint, 1872, p. 23, 100, 142; 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XV, ]>. 181; Rei)rint, 1872, p. 283; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll, Gcol. Sur. California, p. 30 Baktscii, 1911, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 41, no. 1854, p. 264. fig. 2 Icctotvpc; Dale. 1921, p. 158; Strong, 1923, Nautilus, vol. XXXVII, no. 2, I). 43; Oedrovd, 1927, vol. IT, pt. Ill, p. 84; Keen, 1937, p. 29; Bukcii, 1945. no. 55. p. 26 Rissoia ijiclusa (Carpenter), Tkvon, 1887, Man. Conch., vol. IX, p. 317, 340 section Aitiphithalamus "Habit of minute Ncnmtura: labrum not contracted, but labium in adult travels forward to meet it, leaving a cliamber behind. Nucleus cancellated : base bluntly ribbed." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 656] Tlie following lines should be changed in Oldroyd's (1927) copy of Carpenter's description (1866) : Delete "poll." Add: ". . . 60» "Hab. Sta. Barbara (J curt!) ; S. Diego (Cooper)." "This very remarkable little shell bears the same relation to Rissoa that Stoastoina does to Hclicina. The peritremc resembles a figure 6 inverted, as on the face of the type. In the dis- proportionate size of the nuclear whorls it resembles VitrincUa". [Carpenter, 186Sh, p. 181] One of the syntypes [three (Bartsch)] is in the original Carpenter vial with the original Carpenter label in white ink on glass, "type S. Diego Cooper." Apparently this is the speci- men which Bartsch figured. He presented a full description of the shell. Dimensions. — Length 1.4 mm.; diameter 0.9 mm. (Bartsch) Syntypes.— \3. S. National Museum, no. 15573; lectotype, no. 15573X Distribution. — Recent. San Diego, California (type) ; San Pedro and Catalina Island, California, to Gulf of California (Burch) ; San Martin Island, Mexico (Baker, 1902). Pleistocene (Woodring, Bramlette, and Kcw, 1946) "Amphithalamus" lacunatus Carpenter ? Anipliithalainus lacunatus Carpenter, 1864b, p. 613, 657; Reprint, 1872, p. 99, 143; 1866, California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 218; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 30; Bartsch, 1911, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 41, no. 1854, p. 263, fig. 1 type; Dall, 1921, p. 158; Oedroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 85; Keen, 1937, p. 29; Burch, 1945, no. 55, p. 26 Rissoia lacunata (Carpenter), Tuvox, 1887, Man. Condi., vol. IX, p. 340 "Same nucleus [as A. inclusus] : base chinked, not keeled. (Adult not found.)" [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 657] The following lines should be added to tlic coi)y of Carpenter's descrii>tion (1866) as published by Oldroyd (l')27) : '\ . . div. 50°. "Hab. San Pedro. Cooper. "Two dead specimens in the shell-washings of Dr. Palmer's consignment to the Smith- sonian Institute might have been passed over as the young of Barleeia subtcmiis. but for the possession of exactly the .same remarkable nucleus as A. inclusus. It is presumed, therefore, that they are congeneric; if so, the adult has not been seen." [Carpenter, 1866a, p. 218] The holotype is preserved in the original Carpenter vial, on the glass with a label in Carpenter's handwriting, "type Calif. Cooper." Bartsch figured the holotype and described the slull characters in detail. HASTROrODA 161 As Woodring pointed out (Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946, p. 65) this species is not typical of Amphithalamus. It lacks the peculiar double peristome with a detached area from the columellar and parietal wall and the basal cord of that genus. Holotypc. — U. S. National Museum, no. 15564 Distribution. — Recent. San Pedro, California (type) ; San Pedro, to San Diego, Cali- fornia (Burch). Pleistocene (Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946) Genus Alvania (Leach) Risso, 1826 Alvania Leach in Risso, 1826, Hist. Nat. de I'Europe Meridionale, t. IV, p. 140 Type species by subsequent designation, Bvcquoy, D.mjtzenberg, and Dollfus, 1884, Moll. Marins du Roussilon, vol. I, fasc. 7, p. 282; Rissoa cimcx (Linnaeus) = Turbo cimex Linnaeus, 1758, p. 761 =: ~^A. freminviUca Risso, A. curopea Risso, A. nnunmillata, Risso [species in Risso] ; Gordon, 1939, Nautilus, vol. 53, p. 29, type designation, Ah'ania jrcniimnllca Risso, 1826, Llist. Nat. de I'Europe Merid., t. 1\^ = Turbo ciiucx Linnaeus. Recent. Mediterranean and Adriatic Seas. Upper Pliocene and Pleistocene. Italy and Sicily. Tryon, 1887, Man. Conch., vol. IX, pi. 65, figs. 11, 12; BucQUOY, Dautzenberg, and Dollfus, 1884, pi. XXXIII (not XXXIV), f^gs. 10-12 Alvania acutelirata (Carpenter) (Pi. 22, fig. 14) Rissoa acutelirata Carpenter, 1864b, p. 613, 656; Reprint, 1872, p. 99, 142; 1866, California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 217; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur California, p. 30; Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 65; Tryon, 1887, Man. Conch., vol. 9, p. 361, pi. 66, fig. 41 acutilirata; Arnold, 1903, p. 305, pi. IV, fig. 12 Pleistocene Alvania acutilirata (Carpenter), Bartsch, 1911, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 41, no. 1863, p. 352. pi. 31. fig. 3 not tvpe ; 1917, U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 52, no. 2193, p. 679; Dale. 1921, p. 159; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 101, pi. 82, fig. 3 same as Bartsch, pi. 31, fig. 3; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 768; Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 201; Keen, 1937. p. 29 ; Burch. 1946, no. 55, p. 30 Alvania acutelirata (Carpenter), Burch, 1945, no. 55, p. 34; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 207, p. 65 Pleistocene ; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 197 "Alvanoid : 15 sharp, distant, spiral riblets, travelling over 18 sharp distant ribs, obsolete in front." [Carpenter, 1864 b, p. 656] The following lines should be added to Oldroyd's (1927) copy of Carpenter's description (1866) : ;'Long. 0.09, long. spir. 0.05, lat. 0.05. div. 35°. "Hab. S. Diego; 1 sp. and fragment in shell-washings. Cooper." [Carpenter, 1866a, p. 217] Bartsch described the shell characters in detail and figured a specimen which in the ex- planation of the plate is designated as the "type." But the text does not refer to the specimen figured as the type. The specimen in the U. S. National Museum in the Carpenter type col- lection is labelled "San Diego B. Drift Kelsey." This specimen could not be an original type. Woodring (Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946, p. 65) also noted that the type is not in the U. S. National Museum. Fortunately the holotype is in the University of California. Durham kindly furnished the measurements and a photograph of the specimen which is included herein. Holotype. — Museum of Paleontology, University of California, no. 15572 Distribution. — Recent. San Diego, California (type) ; Monterey, California, south to San Martin Island, Lower California (Burch). Pliocene. California (Berry, 1908; Waterfall, 1929; Grant and Gale). Pleistocene. California (Arnold; Waterfall, 1929; Woodring, Bram- lette, and Kew, 1946) Alvania aequisculpta Keep, 1887 Ah'ania aequisculpta Carpenter in Keep (1887, p. 65) is a nomcn nudum as far as Carpenter is concerned. The description dates from 1887 with Keep as author. (Bartsch, 1911, p. 358. pi. 32, fig. 7 paratype, U. S. National Museum, no. 219564 fide Bartsch.) Baker (1902. p. 41) used the nude name of Carpenter in a triple capacity, as Rissoa, Rissoina, and Alvania. This adds two nomina nuda to the list. ''oFide Bucquoy, Dautzenberg, and Dollfus (1884, p. 283) 162 MARINE MOLLUSC A nESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Alvania carpenter! (W'einkauff) Alvania reticulata Carpenter, 1864b, Aug., p. 628, 656; Reprint, 1872, p. 114, 142; 1864, Dec, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, -vol. XI\', p. 429; Reprint, 1872, p. 241; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 30 Not Turbo [= Alvama\ rcticulaius Montagu, 1803, Tcstacea Britannica, vol. II, p. 322; 1808, Suppl., pi. 21, fig. 1 Rissoa carpcntcri Weinkauff, 1885, Conch. Cab., ed 2, p. 192 new name for Alvania reticulata Carpenter, 1864; Tuyon, 1887, Man. Conch., vol. 9, p. 365 Alvania carpcntcri (Weinkauff), Bartsch, 1911, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 41, no. 1863, p. 341, pi. 29, fig. 8; Dali., 1921, p. 158; Oldrovd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 153; 1927, vol. II, pt. HI, p. 91, pi. 80, fig. 8 same as Bartsch, pi. 29, fig. 8; Keen, 1937, p. 29; Smith, M., Panamic Marine Shells, 1944, p. 16, fig. 181A same as Bartsch pi. 29, fig. 8; Burch, 1945, no. 55; p. 30, Zi; Smith and Gordon, 1948, Cali- fornia Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 197 "Open network : radiating threads travelling over 12 stronger distant spiral threads." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 656] The following corrections and additions should be made in Oldroyd's (1927) copy of Carpenter's description (1864d) : Line 6, read "cxsculpta" for "exculpta." Line 7, read "Long. .085, long. spir. .05; lat. .04, div. 30°" for dimensions as given. Add: "Hah. Neeah Bay; two specimens in shell — washings {Szvan)^ [Carpenter, 1864d, p. 429] Bartsch described the shell of this species in detail and figured the type. Oldroyd (1927) included Bartsch's description. According to Carpenter there were two specimens originally. The writer therefore designates the remaining syntype a lectotype. The Carpenter name of the species is a secondary homonym, and Weinkauff's name is only applicable as long as the two species are put in the same genus. Dimensions. — Length 2 mm. ; diameter 1.1 mm. (type, Bartsch) Lectotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 17728 Distribution. — Neah Bay, Washington (type) ; Drier Bay, Knight Island, Prince Wil- liam Sound, Alaska, to Monterey, California (I'.urcli) ; San Martin Island, Mexico (Baker, 1902) ; Galapagos Islands (M. Smith, 1944) Alvania compacta (Carpenter) (PI. 20, figs. 16, 17, 18, 18A, B, C, D, E) Rissoa compacta Carpenter, 1864b, p. 603, 656; Reprint, 1872, p. 89; 142; 1865, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 17, p. 62; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. AIoll., Geol. Sur. Cali- fornia, p. 30 Alvania compacta (Carpenter), Baktsch, 1911, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 41, p. 351, pi. 31, fig. 7 not tyi)e; 1917, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc. vol. 52, no. 2193, p. 679; Jordan, 1920, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 58, no. 2325, p. 3; Dall, 1921, p. 159; Oldrovd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 156; 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 95, pi. 82, fig. 7, type, same as Bartsch, 1911 ; Yokes, 1936, Nautilus, vol. SO, no. 2, p. 48; Keen, 1937, p. 29; Burch, 1945, no. 55, p. 34; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 197 "Sculptured like Bcanii, with short broad whirls [m-]." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 656] To make Oldroyd's (1927) copy of Carpenter's description (1865) complete the following lines should l)c changed: Delete "poll." Add: ". . . div. 45°. "Hah. — In sinu Pugetiano satis abundanter legit Kennerley ; prope Neeah Bay, Swannii discipuli." [Carpenter, 1865e, p. 62] The type material in the U. S. National Museum consists of four specimens with the original glass and label. The card label is, "Puget Sd Kennerly type." Bartsch figured a specimen from Alaska but not one of Carpenter's syntypes. The explan- ation of the figure defined the specimen as "type" wiiich would seem to be a confusion in GASTROPODA ]63 printing. Bartsch discussed the shell characters of the species in detail. His description was reprinted by Oldroyd. Photographs of the four syntypes are illustrated herein. Syntypes. — U. S. National Museum, no. 4338 Distribution. — Puget Sound, Washington (type) ; Port Etches, Alaska, to Trinidad, Cali- fornia (Dall) Alvania filosa Carpenter Alvania filosa Carpenter, 1864b, p. 628, 656; Reprint, 1872, p. 114, 142; 1864, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIV, p. 429; Reprint, 1872, p. 241 ; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll.,, Geol. Sur. California, p. 30 "Monterey;" 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 65 "Mon- terey;" Bartsch, 1911, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 41, p. 342, pi. 30, fig. 7 type; Dall, 1921, p. 159; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 154; 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 92; Keen, 1937, p. 29; Burch. 1945, no. 55, p. ZZ; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 197 Rissoa filosa (Carpenter) Tryon, 1887, Man. Conch., vol. IX, p. 365 "Turrited: pillar purple-stained: 18 close spiral striae, passing over very faint waved rib- lets." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 656] The following lines should be changed in Oldroyd's (1927) copy of Carpenter's description (1864d) : Delete "poll." Add: ". . . div. 20°. "Hab. Neeah Bay; one specimen in shell-washings (Swan)." [Carpenter, 1864, p. 429] The holotype has the original Carpenter glass with the original label, "N'eeah Bay Swan type." Bartsch figured the holotype and discussed the specific characters in detail. Dimensions. — Length 3.5 mm.; diameter 1.7 mm. (Bartsch) Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 36632 Distribution. — Neah Bay, Washington (type) ; Neah Bay north to Hoonah, Alaska (Burch) "Alvania notabilis Cpr." "Alvania notabilis Cpr." in Baker (1902, p. 41) is a nomen nudum. The "Cpr." is an error for C. B. Adams who described the species from Panama (1852, p. 180) as Rissoa; Car- penter (1863, p. 353 ; Reprint, 1872, p. 189) / Genus Rissoina d'Orbigny, 1840 Rissoina woodwardi Carpenter Cooper (1888, p. 262) reported Rissoina woodtvardi Carpenter from the "Quaternary" of San Diego. This species was described by Carpenter (1857, p. 357) from Mazatlan, Mexico. Bartsch (1915, pl. 31, fig. 2, 5) figured a Carpenter drawing of a syntype. The species has not been reported, other than the Cooper reference above, from the California region, living or fossil. Cooper's record, therefore, seems to be a misidentification. (Family Barleeiidae) Genus Barleeia Clark, 1853 "i Barlecia Clark, W., 1853, Ann. Alag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, vol. XII, p. 110 Type species by monotvpv. Barleeia rubra John Adams, Clark, 1853, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, ser. 2, vol. XII, p. ■l0'8-109 "Rissoa rubra auct.'"^^ Recent. Europe. Tryox, 1887, Man. "iThis original date antedates that of Clark, (1855, p. 391-395; (Bartsch, 1920a, p. 166- 167), even though Clark (1855) described the genus as new. 72 There is some question as to whether the Turbo ruber John Adams (1797, p. 66, pl. 13, figs. 21, 22) is the same as that of Montagu (1803, p. 320) as Turbo ruber Adams fide Forbes and Hanley 1854 (probably). Winckworth (1932, p. 223) used Rissoa rubra as of Forbes and Hanley. 164 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Conch., vol. 9, pi. 60, fig.s. 70, 71 copy of Sowerby (Reeve), 1878, Concii. Icon., vol. 20, Rissoa, pi. VI, fip. 54 copy of Ad.vms, 1797, Linn. Soc. Trans., vol. Ill, pi. XIII, fig. 15 fide Sowerby (1878) Barleeia alderi (Carpenter) Jcffrcysia Alderi Cakpk.ntkr, 1857, Mazatlan Cat., p. 362; 1864b, p. 623, 657; Kcprint, 1872, p. 109, 143; CooPKR, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Stir. California, p. 31 Barleeia alderi (Carpenter), Bartsch, 1920, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 58, no. 2331, p. 175, pi. 12, fig. 6 type; Burch, 1945, no. 55, p. 23 This species described from Mazatlan by Carpenter was reported later by him from San Diego. That record was repeated by Cooper. This occurrence has not been verified by later collectors. The distribution so far is limited to Gulf of California to Tres Marias Islands (Burch). The synonymy is not intended to be complete. Barleeia haliotiphila Carpenter Barleeia haliotiphila Carpenter, lS64b, p. 656; Reprint, 1872, p. 142; 1865, Jour, de Conchyliol., vol. XIII, p. 144; Reprint, 1872, p. 312; Cooper. 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 30; Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 64; Tryon, 1887, Man. Conch., vol. IX, p. 393. pi. 60. fig. 74; Bartsch. 1920, U. S. Nat.. Mus., Proc, vol. 58, no. 2331, p. 172, pi. 13, fig. 1 type; Ball, 1921. p. 156; Strong. 1923. Nautilus, vol. 37, no. 2, p. 43; Oldroyd. 1927. vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 75; Strong, 1928, Nautilus, vol. 42, no. 1, p. 1 ; Bailv, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 202; Keen, 1937, p. 30; Burch, 1945, no. 55, p. 22-24; S^^ITH and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 196 "Longer, narrower, much smaller. On H. splcndens." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 656] The following changes should be made in Oldroyd's (1927) copy of Carpenter's descrip- tion (1866) : Line 4: read "labio parum" for "labro parum" ; delete "poll." Add: ". . . div. 30°. ''Hah. Basse Californie, sur la partie dorsale d'une Haliotidc, Rozvell. "Cette espece est voisine du B. subtenuis; elle s'cn distingue par sa taille beaucoup plus petite, et sa forme plus elancee." [Carpenter, 1865g, p. 144] The holotype was figured by Bartsch. wlio gave a detailed description of tiie shell. Dimensions. — Altitude 2.5 mm.; diameter 1.3 mm. (Bartscii) Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 15558 Distribution. — Recent. Lower California on Haliotis (type) ; Mendocino County, Cali- fornia, to Lower California (Dall). Pleistocene (Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946) Barleeia marmorea (Carpenter) (PI. 22. fig. 9) Diala marmorea Carpenter, 1864b, p. 613, 657; Reprint, 1872, p. 99, 143; 1866. California Acad. Sci., vol. III. p. 218; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 31; 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 65; Dale, 1921, p. 156; 1923. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc. vol. 63. p. 3 corrections 1 Barleeia: Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound P)iol. Station, vol. 4, p. 152; 1927. vol. II. pt. Ill, p. 78; Strong, 1923, Nautilus, vol. 2,7, no. 2, p. 43; Grant AND Gale, 1931, p. 784; Keen, 1937. p. 30; Burch, 1945, no. 5. Litiopa marmorea (Carpenter) Trvon, 1887, Man. Conch., vol. IX, p. 283, pi. 53, fig. 87 Barleeia marmorea (Carpenter), Dall, 1922, Nautilus, vol. 35, no. 3, p. 85; Burch, 1945, no. 55, p. 21, 22; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur. Prof. Paper 207, p. 67; Smith and (Gordon, 1948, California .Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XX\"I, no. 8, p. 197 "Solid, glossy, clouded with red: base faintly angled." [Carpenter, lS64b, p. 657] Oldroyd (1927) rei)ublislied Carpenter's description (1866). To that copy the following lines should be added : "Long. 0.17, long. spir. 0.11, hit. 0.08, div. 31°. "Hah. Monterey, S. Pedro ; Cooper. Lower California, ofT Haliotis. Rozvell. "The description is written from a single perfect specimen in Mr. Rowell's collection, and some fragments from the shell-washings of Dr. Cooper's." [Carpenter, 1866a, p. 218] The holotype of this species is in the original vial of Carpenter with the original label, "Type S. Pedro." GASTROrODA 165 The holotype has been drilled vertically by some animal which left a circular opening in the posterior columellar area under the overhang of the whorl. It is visible in the photograph and appears like a misplaced umbilicus. Burch (1945 no. 55, p. 24) suggested that the listing of Diala marmorca by Baker (1902, p. 41) is a misidentification, as he believed D. acuta is the southern form, although in the range of B. marmorea, he extended the boundary to Lower California. A comparison of the illustrations herein of the two above-mentioned species reveals the difference in the angulation of the body whorl of the forms. Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 14821 Distribution.— Recent. San Pedro, California (type) ; Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, to San Pedro, California (Dall) ; San Martin Island, Mexico (Baker 1902). Pleis- tocene. California (Clark, 1931; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kcw 1946) Pliocene. California (Berry, 1908) Barleeia subtenuis Carpenter (PI. 20, figs. 1-3) Hvdrobia nlvae Carpenter, 1857, Cat. Mazatlan Shells, p. 361 Barleeia subtenuis Carpenter, 1864b, p. 546, 623, 656, 669; Reprint, 1872, p. 32, 109, 142, 155; 1865. Jour, de Conchvl., vol. XIII, 143; Reprint, 1872, p. 311; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 30; Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 65; Tryon, 1887, Man. Conch., vol. IX, p. 393, pi. 60. fig. 73 ; Bartsch, 1920, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc.. vol. 58, no. 2331, p. 169, pi. 13, f^g. 11 ; Dall, 1921, p. 156; Strong, 1923, Nautilus, vol. 37, no. 2, p. 43, Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. II, p. 74; Strong, 1928. Nautilus, vol. 42, no. 1, p. 1 ; Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 202; Keen, 1937, p. 30; Burch, 1945, no. 55, p. 24; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 197 Rissoa cooperi Tryon, 1865, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. I, p. 222, pi. 22, fig. 13 fide Bartsch ; Cooper. 1867. Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 30 ; 1870. Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 65 ; Tryon, 1887, Alan. Conch., vol. IX, p. 369 Amnicolidae. "= Hvdrobia ? ulvac, Maz. Cat. no. 417; but with normal Barleeoid operculum. On grass, Cp." [Car'penter, 1864b, p. 656] The following should be changed in Oldroyd's (1927) copy of Carpenter's description (1865) : Line 3: read "peritremate" for "peritrenate" ; line 4: read "lacunam" for "lacunem" ; line 6; read "exstante" for "extante"; ".11" for "11." Add: ". . . div. 40° "Hab. S. Diego, Cassidy; sur I'herbe, Cooper. — Cape St. Lucas, Xantus. — Mazatlan. Reigen. "Si Ton juge seulemente d'apres la coquille, on ne pent guere separer cette espece des petites varietes degradees de VHydrobia ulvae d'Europe. J'avais rapporte a cette espece quel- ques individus, en tres-mauvais etat, de la collection Reigen (Maz. Cat., no. 417). Mais les individus frais qui ont ete recueillis. grace au zele du docteur Cooper, ixjssedent I'opercule re- marquable des Barleeia." [Carpenter, 186Sg, p. 144] Three specimens in the U. S. Nat. Museum (no. 32363) are now laljelled "type" and stated to be figured by Bartsch. One label has "P.P.C." with no locality. The three specimens are each figured herein. They are not labelled "type" in the catalogue, (U. S. National Museum), and they do not correspond to Bartsch's statement (1920, p. 170) as to type. Bartsch (1920) explained in the text concerning the species that the specimen figured is one of 147 of no. 56446, and that the shells came from San Diego. In the explanation of the figure in the same article (and in the column on p. 170), the figure is labelled "type." Since apparently a holotype selected by Carpenter is not available, the specimen figured by Bartsch could be designated as the neotype. This specimen is not a lectotype in the strict sense, for material from which it would be selected is not in the original collection. Specimens figured. — U. S. National Aluseum, no. 32363 Distribution.— San Diego, California (type, based on neotype if and when selected) ; San Pedro, California 166 ^ AfARTKE ^rnLT.rsCA r)ESCRTBEn Vi\ p. r. carpexter • ^ Barleeia subtenuis rimata Carpenter (PI. 20, fig. 4) Barleeia (? subtenuis, var.) rimata Carpenter, 1864b, p. 656; Reprint, 1872, p. 142; 1865, Jour, de Conchyl., vol. XIII, p. 144; Reprint, 1872, p. 312, Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. AIoll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 30; Tryon, 1887, Man. Conch., vol. IX, p. 393; Dall, 1921, p. 156; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 74; Keen, 1937, p. 30 differentiated; Burch, 1945, no. 55, p. 24 Barleeia subtenuis Carpenter, Bartsch, 1920, U. S. Nat. AIus., Proc., vol. 58, no. 2331, p. 169 "Whirls [sic] more swollen, [than subtenuis] : base chinked — [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 656] "B.t. "B. subtenui" simili; sed paulum tumidiore ; anfractibus minus planatis ; rinia umbili- cali conspicua. "Hab. S. Diego. Cassidy, Cooper. "Peut-etre cette forme se trouvera-t-elle constituer unc espece distinctc, lorsqu-elle sera mieux connue." [Carpenter, 1865g, p. 144] Two specimens, in the U. S. National Museum, are segregated with Carpenter types but are not marked "type." They are labelled "San Diego Cooper." For lack of more definite type material the better preserved of the two is figured herein, and the writer presumes that it may eventually be selected as the neotype of the subspecies if such classification seems warranted. As far as the conspicuousncss of the slight umbilical opening is concerned, that of the specimens noted would seem to be within legitimate variation of the species. This name and data are arranged separately from that of the species for easier reference, rather than because the writer regards the subspecies as valid. Specimen figured. — U. S. National Museum, no. 23734 Distribution. — San Diego, California (type) Genus Diala A. Adams, 1861 Diala A. Adams, 1861, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. 8, p. 242, D. varia A. Adams first of four species described Type species by subsequent designation, Sutur, 1913, (Man. New Zealand AIoll., p. 227''^ D. varia A. Adam.s, 1861, .\nn. Mag. Nat. Hist, ser. 3, vol. 8, p. 243 Recent. China, Korea, and Japan Tryon (1887, p. 282) included D. varia Adams under D. semistriafa Philippi (1849, p. 34). Tadashige Habe wrote (Aug. 8, 1950, personal communication) that Diala varia A. Adams is not the same as D. semistriata Philippi. Diala acuta Carpenter (PI. 22, fig. 15) Diala acuta Carpenter, 1864b, p. 613, 657; Reprint, 1872, p. 99, 143; 1866, California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 218; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll.. Geol. Sur. California, p. 31; 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 65; Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 62; Cooper, 1888, 7th Ann. Rept. California State Min., p. 238; Dall, 1921, p. 156; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 78; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 784; Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 201; Keen, 1937, p. 35; Woodring, Bkamlette and Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prop. Paper 207, p. 67; S.mith and Gordon, 1948, California .^cad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 197 Litiopa acuta (Carpenter), Tryon, 1886, Man. Conch., vol. IX, p. 284 Barleeia acuta (Carpenter), Baker, 1902, Nautilus, vol. 16, no. 4, p. 41 ; Burch, 1945, no. 55, p. 21, 22 "Base flattened, sharply angled: turritcd. Bch. — 10 fm. Cp." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 657] Oldroyd (1927) republished the description of Carpenter (1866). The following lines should be added to Oldroyd's (1927) copy of Carpenter's (1866) description: ". . . State Collection, no. 390 "Hab. Catalina Is. 8-10 fms. ; on beach to Monterey. Cooper." [Carpenter, 1866a, p. 218] The holotype is in an original Carpenter vial with an original label, "Cp. (type) Cp. 390 Diala acuta Cpr. Catalina Is." ^3 Fortunately this is an earlier selection of type species than that of Cossmann (1921, p. 56). He designated the same species, but a typographical error (fig. 88 for fig. 81) made his complete explanation confusing. GASTROPODA K>7 Dair's reference (" ? pi. 53, fig. 86" in Tryon, 1887) to Litiopa Icillii Smith is not this species. HoJotype.—\]. S. National Museum, no. 390 (early California State Survey number, see Carpenter description) Distribution.— Recent. Catalina Island, California (tyi)€) ; Puget Sound, Washington, to San Martin Island, Mexico (Baker) to San Hipolito (Jordan; Burch). Pleistocene. Cali- fornia. (Oldroyd) Family Assimineidae Genus Assiminea Leach in Fleming, 1828 As.'^iiiiiuca Fleming.'* 1828, History of British Animals, p. 275; Assiiuinia. p. 557 called ver- nacular by Fleming Type species by monotypy A. grayana Fleming, 1828. History of British Animals, p. 275 Recent. Britain. Because there seems to be doubt in the minds of workers who have not seen Gray (1821, p. 239) as to the status of Sync era (supposed to be proposed there as a genus) the following is a copy of the only mention the writer can find in that work in regard to Syncera. "Nerita Syncera Hepatica, N. S. — The animal of this shell differs from all the others of this order, by the eyes appearing to be at the ends of the tentacula ; but, I believe, that they are placed on a peduncle as long as the tentacula, and the peduncle and tentacula are sordered [sic} together. . . ." One cannot regard this name as a valid generic proposal, "^ and hence the name Syncera as of that reference would not have priority over Assiminea. Assiminea translucens (Carpenter) Jeffreysia translucens Carpenter, 1864b. p. 613, 657; Reprint, 1872, p. 99, 143; 1866, Cali- fornia Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 219; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. Cali- fornia, p. 31; Tryon, 1887, Alan. Conch., vol. IX, p. 397; Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 15. no. 898, p. 206 Hydrobia californica Tryon, 1865, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. 1, p. 221. pi. 22, fig. 11 Syncera translucens (Carpenter), Bartsch, 1920, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 58, p. 164. pi. 12, fig. 7; Ball, 1921, p. 161; Strong, 1923, Nautilus, vol. 37, no. 2, p. 43; Old- royd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 158; 1927, vol. II. pt. Ill, p. 110; Strong, 1928. Nautilus, vol. 42. no. 1, p. 1 ; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 787; Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 202, fig. 186; Keen, 1937. p. 46 Assiminea translucens (Carpenter), Burch. 1946, no. 56, p. 8; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 197 "Possibly a Barleeia: pillar thickened, base rounded." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 657] The following should be added to Oldroyd's (1927) copy of Carpenter's description (1866): "Long. 0.08, long. spir. 0.045, lat. 0.06, div. 55°. "Hab. S. Diego ; in shell-washings. Cooper. "Only one specimen having been seen, without animal or even operculum, the genus is doubtful. In its slight labial deposit it resembles "Litiopa" dubiosa, C. B. Adams." [Car- penter, 1866a, p. 219] There are 20 specimens in the U. S. N'ational Museum, no. 126645. which are segregated as Carpenter "type" material, one of which is labelled as the "lectotype" of Bartsch. The label of the specimens is "Vancouver Is. Taylor." That specimen labelled lectotype is not the one figured as "type" by Bartsch (1920). The plate explanation defined the specimen as "type," and in the text the specimen stated to be described and figured was U. S. X'ational Museum no. 271483 and came from San Diego, California. This specimen could be selected as a neo- type whereas U. S. National Museum no. 126645 could not. The type locality is San Diego, as stipulated by Carpenter, and therefore a Vancouver shell (no. 126645) would not be eligible. 7* Fleming stated that Leach sent him the shell with name [MS.] Assiminea (/rayana. Fleming described the species and genus. ■^5 Iredale (1922, p. 37) reprinted the above lines. Dall, at the same time (1922. p. 36) at- tested to the validity of the name. 168 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY I'. P. CARPENTER In Bartsch's column of specimens examined, no. 126645 is the first of specimens listed, and no. 271483 has an indication as "type." There apparently has heen some mixture of labels. The specimens of no. 271483 are C. R. Orcutt San Diego material (427 shells) and there- fore not the original individual which Carpenter had when he described the species. The Cooper specimen ("only one") has not been found. Bartsch's selection would be a neotype. Types. — Holotype, not found. Specimen figured bv Bart.sch, U. S. National Museum, no. 271483 Distribution. — Recent. San Diego, California (type) ; Vancouver Island, to Lower Cali- fornia (Dall). Pleistocene. California (Oldroyd, 1925; Grant and Gale); Mexico (Jordan, 1926) Family Tirkitei-LIDAE Genus Turritella Lamarck, 1799 Turritclla Lamarck, 1799, Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris, Mem., .ser. 1, t. 1, p. 74 Tvpe species by monotypy. Turbo tcrcbra Linnaeus, 1758, p. 766. Living. China and East Indies."6 Trvon, 1886, Man. Conch., vol. VIII, p. 195, pi. 59, figs. 32, iZ Turritella cooperi Carpenter (PI. 20, fig. 7) Turritclla cooperi Carpenter, 1864b, p. 612, 655; Reprint, 1872, p. 141; 1866, Feb., Cali- fornia Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 216; Cooper, 1867, Gcog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. Cali- fornia, p. 28; Tryon, 1886, Man. Conch., vol. VIII, p. 200, pi. 61, fig. 61; Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 7?,. fig. 58; Cooper, 1888, 7th Ann. Rept. California State Min. Bur., p. 269; Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 15, no. 898, p. 205; Arnold, 1903, p. 300; 1907, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 32, p. 546, pi. 51, fig. 14; Eldridge and Arnold, 1907, U. S. Geol. Sur., Bull. 309, pi. 41, fig. 14; Dall, 1921, p. 152; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 55, Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 770 see for additional references; Keen, 1937, p. 49; BuRCH, 1945, no. 54, p. 47; Merriam, 1941, Univ. California Pub., Bull. Dept. Geol. Sci., vol. 26, no. 1, p. 117, pi. :i2i, figs. 1-4; pi. 34; figs. 9, 12-16; pi. 35, figs. 14, 15; WooDRiNG, Bramlette, AND Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 207, p. 69-70, pi. 35, fig. 9 Pleistocene; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Nat. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 196 ". . . S. Diego; Cat. Is.; common. [May prove identical with one of Conrad's imperfectly described fossils in P.R.E.E.]" [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 612] "Extremely slender, with many narrow whirls, c. Cp." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 655] The following lines should be added to Oldroyd's (1927) copy of Carpenter's description (1866) ". . . State Collection, no. 564. . . . "Hab. San Pedro, 60; San Diego, 16 dead on beach; Santa Barbara, 4 dead, in 16-20 fms. Cooper. "As I have seen no complete list of tlie very numerous fossil species of this genus, it ap- pears allowable, rather than risk a synonym, to name this graceful shell after its discoverer." [Carpenter, 1866a, p. 216] J. Wyatt Durham furnished the following notes regarding specimens of T. cooperi in the Museum of Paleontology, University of California : "With regard to the types of Turritella cooperi Carpenter, we have several specimens in the old California State collections under number 548. Carpenter originally described the species as number 564, but in Cooper's catalogue of the collection 564 is listed as Goniobasis silicuh and number 548 is tiie oidy Turritella cooperi listed by him. None of the specimens is designated as type, but two of them have been jjasted on a card at one time. Of these two specimens, one is a fossil and the other a])pears to be a beach worn Recent specimen. Both fit the general description given by Carjienter in the Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. description, except that neither one has tlie color markings noted by him. However, his description notes that Cooper had a large number of specimens, and 1 am wondering if tlie description may have been a composite. "With respect to the measurements given by Carpenter the fossil specimen tliat had been pasted on the card fits them approximately. The apex of the specimen has had a slight amount broken off in recent years, and e.xcejjt ft)r this, would appear t(j have just about the right alti- tude and right height of spire and has ai)proximately the right diameter." ■0HanIey (1855, p. 348); Bucquoy, Dautzenberg, and Dollfus, (1886, p. 225); Tryon, (1886, p. 197). The European T. tcrcbra =. T. coiiniiuiiis Risso. GASTROPODA 169 The holotype of this species has not been found, nor has original material other than the University of California specimens. One of those could be selected as a neotype. The figure included herein is a copy of the original drawing which Cooper sent Carpenter for identifica- tion. The original figure is with the Carpenter ms. notes in the Redpath Museum. Merriam discussed fully and illustrated specimens of the species. Holotype. — Not found Distribution. —Recent California (Type— depending on selection of neotype), Monterey, California, to Cerros Island (Baker) ; Miocene-Recent. California (Merriam) Turritella jewetti Carpenter TurriteUa Jcwctti Carpenter, 1864b, p. 539. 655; Reprint. 1872, p. 25, 141 : 1866. April, Ann Mag. Nat. Hist, ser. 3, vol. XVTI. p. 276; Reprint, 1872, p. Z2?,\ Cooper, 1867. Geog. Cat Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 28; 1888. 7th Ann. Rept. California State Min. Bur., p 269. Dall, 1921, p. 151 in part; Van Winkle [Palmer], 1921, Bull. Amer. Paleont.. vol VIII, no. 36, p. 4; Oldrovd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 54 in part; Grant and Gale. 1931, p 770 in part; Keen 1937, p. 49 in part; Merri.\m, 1941, Univ. California Pub., Bull., Dept Geol. Sci., vol. 26, no. 1, p. 123; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946. U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 207, p. 69 Not TurriteUa icwetfi Arnold, 1903, p. 300, pi. IV, fig. 13; Eldridge and Arnold, 1907, U. S. Geol. Sur., Bull. 309. pi. 41, fig. 15; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 770 in part = T. pedrocnsis Applin ms. in Merriam, 1941, p. 121, pi. 35, figs. 1-9; Hanna and Hertlein, 1941, California Div. Mines, Bull. 118, pt. 2, p. 174, fig. 64-2; Burch, 1945, no. 54, p. 46 "Like sanguinea, with very faint sculpture." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 655] Oldroyd (1927) furnished part of Carpenter's description (1866), and Merriam (1941) supplied a complete copy. To Oldroyd's copy the following lines should be added : "Hab. Sta. Barbara, Pleistocene formation (Jewett). San Diego, on beach (Cassidy). "This species comes nearest to T. sanguinea Rve., from the Gulf, but differs in the faint- ness of the sculpture. Mr. Cassidy's specimens may be washed fossils, or very poor recent shells." [Carpenter, 1866b, p. 276] In 1921 the author discovered in the Jewett Collection of the Paleontological Laboratory at Cornell University two of the assumed lost types of the article in which T. jcivetti was de- scribed. Unfortunately the type of T. jetvetfi was not found, nor has it turned up at Cor- nell or at any other institution. The T. jezi'etfi of Arnold and others from the Pleistocene of the San Pedro area was separated by Esther Richards Applin from the true T. jewetti because it did not conform with the original remarks. Her manuscript name, T. pedroensis, was published with descrip- tion and illustration by Merriam (1941. p. 121). The problem of locating topotypes which have been identified by Carpenter from which a neotype might be selected has not been satisfactorily solved. Durham furnished the following information in regard to specimens at the University of California : "There are two specimens in the old California State Collection under number 549 la- beled as 'TurriteUa jcwcttii Cpr., Santa Barbara; Jewett Coll. fossil?).' These specimens still have the color markings and from the label the possibility appears to me that they might be a part of the Jewett collection, although the entire label is a printed label made up by Cooper with the notation 'Coll. Cooper' on it." The writer has not investigated these specimens. Since the West Coast TurriteUa mono- graphs were prepared from material in California, it seems the specimens might have been considered. However, it would be well that the specimens be examined to determine whether they are T. coopcri or not. Woodring (in Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, p. 69) described a specimen in the U. S. National Aluseum which probably had been examined by Carpenter. His final opinion was that the specimen was doubtless T. cooperi. The writer examined the specimen and agrees with Woodring that it is what has been identified as T. cooperi. In the Redpath Museum there is a specimen (no. 3141) labelled by Carpenter, "T. jewettii, jun fossil Sta. Barbara." The specimen, however, is not a young shell as stated. It measures 170 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER 43 mm. length and 15 mm., greatest diameter. Because of the discrepancy the writer has not included the illustration of the shell. The shell is of the T. cooperi stock. It has a subquadrate aperture as described by Carpenter for both T. cooperi and T. jezvetti. A specimen of Turritella (no. 15834) in the Crooke Collection, American Museum of Na- tural History, is labelled "T. jezvetti Carp. California." Although the Crooke Collection was acquired probably earlier than 1894 (John C. Armstrong, July 17, 1951, personal communi- cation) there is no evidence that Carpenter identified this shell, and the locality is not ade- quate. An examination of the shell shows it to be the apical wliorls of T. cooperi Carpenter. The specimen is a fossil. Two suites of specimens of two each arc in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cam- bridge, Massachusetts. One set (no. 29399) has a printed label. "Turritella /ctcc//// Cpr. Santa Barbara; (Jewctt Coll., fossill?) 549 California Geol. Survey Jewctt." These two specimens are fossil and most certainly from a lot of shells similar to those described by Durham, which are at present at the University of California. The specimens are presumably tliose sent out by Cooper, as Cooper was employed by the California Geological Survey. This suite, as w-ell as the follow- ing second set, is at present labelled "cotypes," but since the two sets probably do not repre- sent original Jewett specimens identified by Carpenter they cannot qualify as "cotypes." The second set (no. 142835) consists of two Recent shells which have the original label. "Turritella Jewettii Cpr. Sta. Barbara, Cal. Cooper." One shell of the first suite is too badly worn for accurate identification. The remaining three specimens are what is being identified as T. cooperi and equal specifically the other spe- cimens enumerated under this discussion. All except the Redpath Museum specimen are apical whorls and are equivalent to the specimen figured by Merriam (pi. 33, fig. 1). If T. cooperi and T. jezvetti prove to be conspecific, T. cooperi has priority. Both names were first briefly described by Carpenter (1864b, p. 655). T. cooperi is listed first on that page. Carpenter's first descriptions (1864) of both consist of only one line, which is not ade- quate to validate the name of the species as of that date. T. cooperi was described in February (1866a), and T. jezvetti in April (1866b). Merriam failed to include the 1866a reference in the synonymy of T. cooperi. That is the description which enumerates characters sufficiently for identification. Holotype. — Not found Distribution. — Pleistocene. Santa Barbara, California (type) Genus Tachyrynchus'' Morcli. 1868 (Tachyrhynchii.'! Morch, 1875) Tachyrynchus Morch, 1868, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. 4. p. 46 Tachyrynchus not italicized. Type species by subsequent designation, Cossmann,"^ 1912, Essais Paleoconch. Comp., 9 liv., ' p. 110. Turritella lactea Moller, 1842, Index Moll. Groenlandica, p. 9 = Turritella reticu- lata MiGiiEi.s AND Adams, 1842, Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. IV, Jan., p. 50, pi. IV, fig. 19. Recent. Labrador and the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Clench and Turner, 1950, Occ. Paper Moll., vol. 1, no. 15, pi. 40, figs. 14-15 Tachyrhynchus lacteolum (Carpenter) (PI. 20, fig. 5) Mesalia lacteola Carpenter. 1864b, p. 603, 607, 655, 680, 683; Reprint, 1872, p. 89, 93, 141, 166, 169; 1865, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc., vol. 17, p. 62; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 28 Turritella reticulata (Mighels and Adams), Trvon, 1886, Man. Conch., vol. VIII, p. 208 in part not figures, section Turritellopsi.9 Tach\r\hynchus lacteola (Carpenter) Smith, 1915, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 8th ser., vol. XV, p." 376," fig. 3 ''■'Morch (1875, p. 127) corrected the spelling to Tacliyrhyuchus. The name is derived from the Greek rhynchos (n.) beak, snout. The ending of the specific name is neuter instead of either masculine or feminine as often written. {Note: After this paper was submitted for publication the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, Declaration 39, 1958, reversed its former decision and ruled that such endings are masculine.) ■'s The designation of Cossmann is 3 years before that of E. A. Smith (1915, p. 373 T. reticulata Mighels and Adams, 1842). The result is the same in both designations. CASTROPODA 171 Tach\ryhynchus lacteolus (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 152, pi. 6, fig. 2; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget" Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 148, pi. 5. fig. 8; 1927. vol. II. pt. Ill, p. 58; pt. II. pi. 31, fig. 11 same as Dall; Keen, 1937, p. 46; Burch, 1945, no. 54, p. 48; no. 55, p. 9; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc. ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 196 TurriteUa (Mcsalia) lacicola Carpenter, Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. XV, no. 1892, p. 205 "May be a local var. of the circumpolar laclca. with altered sculpture : distinct, teste Cum- ing." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 655] The measurements as given by Oldroyd in lier copy (1927) of Carpenter's description (1856) should be corrected as follows : Read .2,Z for 2,i ; read .24 for 24 ; read .14 for 14. The following lines should be added : "• • • d'v- ^0°.- "Hab. — In sinu Pugetiano ligit Kennerley. In insula Vancouver legit Forbes. "Anne 'M. lactelae' varietas insignis, sculpturae indole satis discrepans." [Carpenter, 1865e, p. 62] The holotype of this species is in the United States N^ational Museum. Dall did not state that the illustration which he included (1921) was of the type. The dimensions are the same, but the drawing presents a different aspect than that of the actual specimen or a photograph of the same. Dall's drawing has an additional row of spiral ribs, and the nodes appear less sharp than they are. The specimen has intervening fine spiral threads not shown on Dall's drawing or on the photograph of the holotype herein included. The Dall drawing has an aspect of whorl shape as in the type species of the genuj, T. rec- ticnlatum (Adams) (Clench and Turner, 1950, pi. 40, figs. 14-15), more than has the actual type of the Carpenter species. The holotype has a label, "type Puget Sd. Dr. Kennerly [sic]." Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 4195 Distribution. — Puget Sound, Washington (type) ; Chignik Bay, .Alaska Peninsula, east and south to Point Abreojos, Lower California (Dall) Tachyrhynchus lacteolum subplanatum (Carpenter) (PL 20, fig. 6) Mesalia subpJanata Carpenter, 1864b, p. 603, 655 ; Reprint. 1872, p. 89, 141 ; 1865, Acad. Xat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc. vol. 17, p. 62 Mesalia lacteola var. ? subplanata Carpenter, Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. West Coast Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 28. Tachyrhynchus subplanata (Carpenter), Smith, 1915, Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist., ser. 8, vol. XV, p."377 Tachvrhvnchiis lacteolus subplanatus (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 152; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 58; Grant and G.'Vle, 1931. p. 776; Keen, 1937, p. 46; Burch, 1945, no. 54, p. 48 "Sculpture fainter: whirls flattened." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 655] Oldroyd (1927) included a copy of Carpenter's description (1865). The following lines should be added to make that copy complete : "Hab. — In sinu Pugetiano specimina viventia sed maxime erosa legit Kennerley: juxta "Xeeah Bay" legerunt Indianuli, Swannii discipuli." [Carpenter, 1865e, p. 62] There is a plication on the labium of the holotype. The specimen is worn, but some of the epidermis remains. There is a strong intervening thread between the spiral ribs. Holotype. — U. S. National Aluseum, no. 4195b Distribution. — Recent. Puget Sound, Washington (type) ; Puget Sound, Washington, to San Diego, California (Dall). Pleistocene. Mexico (Jordan, 1926) Family Vermetidae Genus Petaloconchus H. C. Lea, 1843 Petaloconchus H. C. Lea, 1843, Amer. Philos. Soc, Proc, vol. Ill, p. 162 Type species by monotypy P. sculpturatus Lea ; Upper Miocene. Virginia, Carolinas and Florida. Antilles. Mansfield, 1930, Florida Geol. Sur. Bull no. 3, pi. 14, fig. 10 172 MARINE ISIOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Petaloconchus macrophragma Carpenter Petalocanchus macrophrciqimi Caki'kxter, 1856, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, pt. XXIV, p. 313, fig. 1 of section only;' 1857, Mazatian Cat., p. 309; Trvon, 1886, Alan. Conch., vol. VIII, p. 173. pi. 48; fig. 16; Dall, 1921, p. 151; Burch, 1945, no. 54, p. 44 Tliis species was described from Mazatian by Carpenter. The figuring of the type belongs with illustration of the Mazatian Catalogue. The holotype should be in the British Museum. The synonymy is not intended to be complete. The species ranges from Panama to Catalina Island (Burch). The holotype is in the U. S. National Museum. It has a label, "Bivonia compacta type Vancouver Id. J. G. Swan." The photograph of the holotype was furnished by the authorities of the Smithsonian Institution. Holotype— \J. S. National Museum, no. 13580 Distribution. — Barclay Sound, Vancouver Island, British Columbia (type) ; Vancouver Island, British Columbia, to San Pedro, California (Dall) Genus Aletes Carpenter, 1857 Aletes Carpenter, 1857, Zool. Soc. London, Proc. 1856, pt. XXIV, Jan., p. 226; 1857, Cat. Mazatian Moll., after June'-', p. 301 Type species by monotypy, A. squainif/cnis Carpenter, Zool. Soc. London 1856, pt. XXIV, p. 226. Recent. Forrester Isl., Alaska, to Payta, Peru, and the Galapagos Islands (Burch). Aletes Rafinesque, 1815, is a nomcn nudum. Keen (1951, p. 8-15) presented the problem of Scolixedion Renier, 1807,8" vs. Scrpulorbis Sassi, 1827. She suggested (Jan. 18, 1951, per- sonal communication) that she might regard Aletes as a subgenus of Serpulorbis. Petaloconchus compactus (Carpenter) (PI. 20. fig. 15) Bivonia compacta Carpenter, 1864b, Aug., p. 628, 654; Reprint, 1872, p. 114, 140; 1864, Dec, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIV, p. 427; Reprint, 1872, p. 239; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 27 ; Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. XV, no. 898, p. 204; Dall, 1921, p. 150; Oldroyd, 1924, Publ. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 147; 1927, vol. II. pt. Ill, p. 48; Keen, 1937, p. 31 ; Burch, 1945, no. 54, p. 42; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 196 Vermettis compacta (Carpenter), Tryon, 1886, Man. Conch., vol. VIII, p. 177 list only Dofania compacta (Carpenter), Keen in Burch, 1947, no. 67, p. 25 "Frequent on Pach\poma; externally resembles Petaloconchus macrophragma." [Car- penter, 1864b, p. 628] "Entirely open within : but colour and growth like . . . Petaloconchus macrophragma, Cpr. Maz. Cat. no. 359. From Southern fauna." [Carpenter, 1864, p. 654] The measurements as given in Oldroyd's copy (1927) of Carpenter's description (1865) should be corrected as follows : Read .7 for 7; read .3 for 3; read .1 for 1 ; delete "poll." The following lines should be added : "Hab. Barclay Sound, abundant on Pachypoma gibberosum (Sivan). "Belongs to Bivonia, Gray (not Morch). Has the aspect of Petaloconchus macrophragma on a large scale, but is entirely destitute of internal laminae. One specimen had a faint columellar thread for two whirls only. Operculum normal, with thin edge, dark red." [Car- penter, 1864d, p. 427] A specimen from the Carpenter Collection in the Redpath Museum" collected by the Indian children" for J. G. Swan at Neah Bay and Vancouver Island, was sent to Myra Keen for examination. She vouched that it was the same form as the holotype and furnished the following remarks (1951, personal communication) concerning the topotype (Redpath Museum, no. 936) : ■^8 See Iredale, (1916a, p. 36) on dates of Mazatian Catalogue. The dates on individual pages for Mazatian Catalogue are not true dates of publication. 80 See also Bull. Zool. Nomen., vol. 9, pt. 9, 1954. p. 257-262 and Opinion 316, Op. and Declar. Int. Com. Zool. Nomen., vol. 9, pt. 5, p. 91-106, Tavola and Prospetto of Renier re- jected for nomenclatorial purposes. GASTROPODA 173 "As to the vcrmetid — it is, F think, as much Pctaloconchns as anything. One broken speci- men shows faint columellar threads. I find we have about a dozen specimens of what is probably this species. Ours, however, are not solitary. They all show the faint columellar thread and the same manner of coiling- which is characteristic of the genus. I wish I could find an operculum, as that would clinch the matter. Our specimens had been identified, pre- sumably by Dr. Dall. as P. complicatus. They are not the P. complicatus we have from southern California, which has very heavy internal laminae, but that is another problem. This specimen of yours confirms a suspicion that has been growing on me that the name Bivonia is unnecessary anyway and need not be replaced. I am beginning to feel certain that we shall have to redefine Pctaloconclms to include species with obsolete laminae, for I have found specimens with Pctaloconchns opcrcula and nuclear whorls which had no laminae, but I shall have to do much more comparative work before I am positive." Aletes squamigerus Carpenter Aletes squamigerus Carpenter, 1856, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, p. 226; 1857, Rept. British Assoc. Adv. Sci. for 1856, p. 200, 233, 324. 349; 1857. Cat. Mazatlan Shells, p. 303. 304; 1860, Smith. Misc. Coll.. vol. 2, art. 6, p. 4 ; Dall, 1921, p. 151; Oldrovd, 1927. vol. II, pt III, p. 49; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 777; Keen. 1937, p. 29; Wenz, 1939. Hand. Paleozol., Bd. 6. Teil 3. p. 675, fig. 1928 copy Tryon, fig. 72 ; Burch, 1945, no. 54, p. 43 ; Smith and Gordon. 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4. vol. XXVI, p. 196; Abbott, 1954, p. 144, pi. 20, fig. e Thylacodcs squamigcra (Carpenter), Morch, 1862. Zool. Soc. London, Proc, p. 76 identical with var. pcnnata: Carpenter, 1864b, p. 557; Reprint, 1872. p. 43 J'cnnctus (Thylacodcs) squamigerus (Carpenter), Tryon, 1886, Alan. Conch., vol. VIII, p. 181, pi. 54. figs 73. 74 ScrpuJorbis squamigerus Carpenter, 1864b, p. 557, 654; Reprint, 1872, p. 43, 140; Cooper, 1867. Geog. Cat. Moll. Geol. Sur. California, p. 27; Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 74; Cooper, 1888, 7th Ann. Rept. California State Min. Bur., p. 264; Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 15 no. 898, p. 204; Arnold, 1903, p. 299 The following lines should be added to Oldroyd's (1927) copy of Carpenter's original description : "Hab. Sta. Barbara. Sp. magn. glomer. in AIus. Nuttall ; San Diego, Mus. Gould. "A fine group of this shell is in Mr. Xuttall's collection. It agrees in the main with the Mazatlan species, but differs in colour and sculpture. Mr. Xuttall believes that he found an- other species without scales." [Carpenter. 1856e. p. 226] "Scrpulorbis squamigerus, Cpr. P.Z.S. 1856. p. 226 (not Aletes). Large, scaly. Verm, anellum. Morch, P.Z.S. 1861, p. 359, is perhaps the young." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 654] The type is not in the British Museum (G. L. Wilkins, Oct. 17, 1950, personal commu- nication). Type. — Mot found Distribution. — Recent. Santa Barbara. California (type). Monterey, California, to Payta. Peru, and the Galapagos Islands (Dall). Pleistocene. California (Cooper; Arnold; Chace, 1919; Oldroyd, 1925; Stephens. 1929; Grant and Gale; Willett, 1937). Mexico (Jordan, 1926; Hertlein, 1934) Note. — "I'crmctus lifuclla Cpr." in Berry, 1907, Nautilus, vol. 21, p. 43. The "Cpr." is an error for Morch. Family Caecidae Genus Caecum Fleming. 1813 Caecum Fleming. 1813. Brewster's Edinburgh Encyclopaedia, vol. VII, p. 67 fide Neave (1939-40) and Sherborn (1937) ; 1815. American ed.. vol. 6, pt. 2, p. 689 Type species by subsequent designation. Gray, 1847, Zool. Soc London. Proc. pt. XV, p. 203. Dcntalium trachea Montagu. 1803, Testacea Britannica, pt. 2, p. 497. pi. 14, fig. 10. Liv- ing. European seas. Harmer, 1923, Palaeont. Soc, vol. LXXV, p. 847, pi. LXIV, fig. 32 Caecum californicum Dall (PI. 20, figs. 8, 9) Caecum Cooperi Carpenter, 1864, p. 612, 655; Reprint, p. 98, 141; 1866, California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 216; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 28 Not Caecum cooperi S. Smith, 1862, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist., New York, p. 154, 168 174 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Caecum californicum Dall, 1885, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 8, p. 541 in Orcutt, new name for C. coopcri Carpenter not Smith; Tryox, 1886, Man. Conch., vol. VIII, p. 219, pi. 66, fig. 65; Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 73; Dall, 1892, Wagner Free Inst. Sci. Philadelphia, Trans., vol. Ill, pt. Ill, p. 299; Arnold, 1903, p. 297, pi. 8, fig. 6; Dau,, 1921, p. 149; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 44; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 779; Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells Keep, p. 190, fig. 167; Keen, 1937, p. 2,2; Burch, 1945, no. 54, p. 38-40; WooDRiNG, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prop. Paper 207, p. 69; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 1%; Abbott, 1954, p. 147, fig. 37g. "Small, with 30-40 sharp narrow rings." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 655] "C. {AncUum) t. parva, satis tereti, alba; annulis creliris acutioribus, angustis, circ. XXXIV-XXXVIII., interstitiis subconcavis ; septo subungulato ; apice obtuso, baud clevato, margine laterali recto; apertura declivi, parum contracto et postice expanso; operculo? "I^ng. 0.09, lat. 0.025. "Hab. San Diego and Catalina Island, 8-10 fms. 18, Cooper. "Known from similar Mazatlan species by the very numerous but .separated and some- what sharp ribs." [Carpenter, 1866a, p. 216] The syntypes consist of two specimens on the original Carpenter glass mounts with a Carpenter label, "S. Diego Cooper." The specimens are well preserved and measure 2 mm. and 1.75 mm. in length, respectively. Syntypes. — U. S. National Museum, no. 15719 (C. cooperi Carpenter) Distribution. — Recent. San Diego, California (type) ; Monterey, California to Lower Cali- fornia (Dall). Pleistocene. California (Arnold; Oldroyd, 1925; Grant and Gale; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew) Mexico (Jordan, 1926) Caecum quadratum Carpenter Caecum quadratum Carpenter, Berry, 1907, Nautilus, vol. 21, no. 1, p. 43 Monterey Smith and Gordon (1948) doubt the identification of this species in the upper California fauna. It is not recorded by other authors from that region. The species was described from Mazatlan by Carpenter (1857, p. 322). Genus Micranellum Bartscli, 1920 Micranellum Bartsch, 1920, Washington Acad. Sci., Jour., vol. X, p. 568 Type species by original designation. Caecum crehricinctum Carpenter, 1864b, p. 655 ; 1866, California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 215. Living. Monterey, California, to Lower California, in shallow water. (PI. 20, figs. 10, 11, 11 A) C. aJterum Meyer of the Jackson Eocene, southern United States appears to be a typical Micranellum. This would lower the range of the genus as given by authorities (Wenz, 1939, p. 683). Miocene-Recent. Micranellum was proposed by Bartsch as a genus of the Caecidae. Theile (1931, p. 188) and Wenz (1939, p. 683) limit the group to sectional subgeneric rank respectively. Micranellum crebricinctum (Carpenter) (PI. 20, figs, in, 11. IIA) Caecum crebricinctum Carpenter, 1864b, p. 612, 655; Reprint, 1872, p. 98. 141; 1866, Cali- fornia Acad. Sci., vol. Ill, p. 215; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 28; Cooper, 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 6Z\ Tryon, 1886, vol. VIII, p. 218, pi. 67, figs. 71; Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 7Z\ Dall, 1892. Wagner Free Inst. Sci. Philadelphia, Trans., vol. Ill, pt. I, p. 300. Arnold, 1903, p. 298, pi. VIII, fig. 10 Caecum magnum "Stearns" Tryon, 1886, Man. Conch., vol. VIII, p. 219, pi. 67, fig. 83 fide Dall, 1892; Arnold, 1903, p. 298, pi. VIII, fig. 16 young fide Willett, 1937, San Diego Soc Nat. Hist, Trans., vol. VIII, no. 30. p. 399 Micranellian crebricinctum (Carpenter), Bartsch, 1920, Washington Acad. Sci., Jour., vol. X, p. 568; Dall, 1921, p. 149; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 45; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 779; Bailey, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 190; Keen, 1937, p. 40; Burch, 1945, no. 54, p. 38, 40, 41 ; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof Papers 207, p. 69; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci. Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 196 Caecum {Micranellum) crebricinctum Carpenter, Abbott, 1954, p. 147, fig. 37 m nASTROPODA 175 "Large, with aspect of Elephantnlnin, but very fine close annular sculpture; plug sub- ungulate. 8-20 fm. Cp." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 655] Oldroyd (1927) republished Carpenter's description (1866). To her copy the following lines should be added : "State Collection, no. 388." "Hab. San Diego, 8-10 fms., 12; Alonterey, 20 fms., 20, some alive; Santa Barbara, 20 fms., 3 Cooper. "Has the aspect, but not the sculpture, of an Elcphantulum." [Carpenter, 1866a, p. 216] The syntypes (two specimens) in the U. S. National Museum arc on an original Car- penter glass mount with an original label "State Coll. 388". Syntypes. — U. S. National Museum, no. 14930 Distribution. — Recent. San Diego, California (type) ; Forrester Island, Alaska, south to San Martin Island, Lower California (Baker). Pleistocene. California (Arnold; Oldroyd, 1925; Grant and Gale; Willett, 1937; W'oodring, Bramlette, and Kew) ; Mexico (Dall, 1892; Jordan, 1926) Family Potamididae Genus Cerithidea Swainson, 1840 Cerithidea Swainson, 1940, Treatise of Malacology, p. 198, 203, 342; Bequaert, 1942, Johnsonia, no. 5, p. 1 ; Nautilus, 1942, vol. 56, no. 1, p. 20 Type species by subsequent designation, Pilsbry and Harbison, 1933, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 85, p. 115 C. obtusa Lamarck, 1822, Hist. Nat. An. sans Vert., vol. 7, p. 71 = C. lineolata Griffith and Pidgeon, 1834, Cuvier, Animal Kingdom, Mollusca, pi. 14, fig. 4 as Melania =: C. truncatinn Griffith and Pidgeox, Cuvier, Ani- mal Kingdom, Mollusca, p. 596. Recent. Indo-Malayan Cerithidea hegewischii albonodosa Carpenter (PI. 20, fig. 19) Cerithidea albonodosa Carpenter, in Gould and Carpenter, 1856, Zool. Soc. London, Proc., p. 205; Carpenter, 1857, Rept. British Assoc. Adv. Sci. 1856, p. 228, 283, 325, 351; 1860, Smith. Misc. Coll., vol. 2, art. 6, p. 4 ; 1864b, p. 667; Reprint, 1872, p. 153 var. maaatlaniea; 1863, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, p. 350; Reprint, 1872, p. 186; Reeve, 1866, Conch. Icon., vol. 15, Cerithidea, pi. 1, figs, la-b Cerithidea hcgczvischii albonodosa Carpenter, Berquaert, 1942, Nautilus, vol. 56, no. 1, p. 25; Smith, M., 1944, Panamic Marine Shells, p. 18; Durham, 1950, Geol. Soc. Amer., Alem. 43, p. 120, pi. 2,Z, fig. 19 "C. t. solida, C. varicosae simili, compacta, fusco-purpurea, varicibus et nodulis albis, fasciis spiralibus intensioribus saepe ornata ; anfr. XII parum convexis, sutura impressa ; liris spiralibus IV. in anfr. penult, et liris creberrimis transversis vix undatis, ad intersec- tiones nodosis, ornata; varicibus iii, in anfr. ii, apertura, subquadrata, sinu minimo, labio baud expanse ; operculo subplanato, nucleo mucronato, anfr. plurimis indistinctis, fusco, ad marginem tenuissimum diaphano. "Long. .8, long. spir. .57, lat. .Z2, div. 20°. "Hab. San Diego ; legit. Dr. Webb. Mus. Gould. "Known from C. I'aricosa var. Mazatkinica, by the light purplish brown tinge, the colour of which wears off at the varices and nodules, and by the details of sculpture." [Carpenter in Gould and Carpenter, 1856, p. 205] G. L. Wilkins (British Museum) kindly furnished the following (Personal communica- tion) : "We do not appear to have the specimen figured by Reeve, which is larger than that selected by Carpenter as the type on pp. 205-6, P.Z.S. 1856 but there is one that approximates to it (17 mm. in length). The label fits very well and runs C. albonodosa Carp. San Diego Dr. Webb and is from the Cuming Collection. If this does not prove to be the type it is probably a reliable paratype and may have been sent to Cuming by Gould." The authorities of the British Museum have cooperatively furnished a photograph of the specimen mentioned. The writer selects the specimen as the lecotype of this species. No other authentic type material has been found. Lectotype. — British Museum (Natural History), Department of Zoology, no. 1950.11.9.2. Distribution. — Recent San Diego, California (type) ; San Diego, California, Magdalena 176 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIRKD RV P. P. CARPENTER Bay, and Espiritu Santo Island, Lower California (Bequaert). See Table 2 for stratigraphic distribution. Faniilj' Ci-:KiTiinn.\K Genus Bittium Leach in Gray, 1847 Bittit07t Leach in Gray, 1847, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. XX, p. 270 Type species by subsequent designation, Gr.ay, 1847, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, pt. XV, p. 154; Mxircx reticulatus Montagu, 1803, Testacca Britannica, p. 272 = B. reticulatum (da Costa), 1778, British Conch., p. 117, pi. 8, fig. 13. Living. Europe. Harmek, 1918, Palaeont. Soc, 1916, LXX, p. 414, pi. XLI, figs. 1-3 Subgenus Semibittium Cossmann, 1896 Scmibittmn Cossmann, 1896, Cat. Illus. Coq. Fos. Env. Paris, app. 2, Soc. Roy. Malacol. Belgique, vol. XXXI, p. 29 Type species by subsequent designation, Cossmann, 1906, Essais Paleoconch. Comp., vol. 7, p. 138; Ccrithium canccllatum Lamakck, 1804, Ann. du. Mus. d'Hist. Nat., t. 3, p. 437; Lutetian Eocene. France. Deshayes, 1837, Desc. Coq. Fos. Env. Paris, t. II, Atlas, pi. LIII, f^gs. 26-29; Cossmann, 1896, Cat. Illus. Coq. Fos. Env. Paris, app 2, pi. IX, figs. 7-8 Bittium (Semibittium) armillatum (Carpenter) (PI. 22, fig. 10) Bittium armillatum Carpenter, 1864b, p. 539, 613, 655; Reprint, 1872, p. 25, 99, 141; 1866. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XVII, p. 276; Reprint, 1872, p. 323; ? Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 28; ? Cooper, 1870, Amer. Jour. Condi., vol. VI, p. 63 Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 195 doubt the record; Trvox, 1887, Man. Conch., vol. IX, p. 158 list only Bittium {Semibittium) armillatum (Carpenter), Bartsch, 1911, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 40, p. 391, pi. 52, fig. 6 type; Ball, 1921, v>. 146; Van Winkle [Palmer], 1921, Bull. Amer. Paleont, vol. VIII, no. 36, p. 4; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 25, pi. 76, fig. 6 type same as Bartsch, 1911 ; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 762; Keen, 1937, p. 30; Burch, 1945, no. 54, p. 28, 31 ; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 207, p. 68; pi. 34, fig. 6 includes B. piirpurem; Smith and Gordon, 1948, Califor- nia Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 195 doubt Cooper's record of Monterey see above. "Same aspect [aspcrum] : 3 nearly equal rows of knobs." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 655] Oldroyd (1927) republished Carpenter's description (1866). The following should be changed in that copy : Page 26, 3d line, last word, delete last "ta." Add : _ "Hab. S. Barbara, Pleistocene, 1 sp. (Jezvctt). S. Pedro, S. Diego (Cooper). "The scultpure resembles Cerithiopsis ; but the columella is pinched, not notched." [Car- penter, 1866b, p. 276] Bartsch enumerated the details of the shell characters of this species and figured a syn- type. The label of that syntype is as follows: "Pleistocene Sta. B. Jewett." Oldroyd included Bartsch's notes in her work. There is a well-preserved syntype in the Redpath Museum la- belled, "type fossil. Sta. Barbara". A photograph of that specimen is included herein. Woodring (in Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew) suggested that B. purpureum is a living form of B. armillatum, and that B. armillatum does not occur in the Recent. Dimensions. — Length 9.5 mm.; diameter 3.2 mm. (syntype) (Bartsch); length 11 mm.; greatest diameter 3 mm. (syntype, Redpath Museum.) Syntypes. — U. S. National Museum, no. 15653; Redpath Museum, no. 4851 Distribution. — Pleistocene. Santa Barbara, California (type) ["two miles from the coast and 150 feet high."] ; (Bartsch; Grant and Gale; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew). Recent. Santa Barbara and San Pedro, California, south to San Martin, Lower California (Baker; Burch). Bittium (Semibittium) attenuatum Carpenter Bittium attenuatum Carpenter, 1864b, p. 655 ; Reprint, 1872, p. 141 ; 1865, Jour, de Conchy- liol., vol. XIII, p. 142, Reprint, 1872, p. 310; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. GASTROPODA 177 California, p. 28; 1870, Amer. Jour. Couch., vol. \'I, p. 63; Tryon, 1887, Man. Conch., vol. IX, p. 153, pi. 30, fig. 8 Bittunn quadrifilatnm Carpenter, Arnold, 1903, p. 293 in part, pi. IX, fig. 2 Bittiuiit (Scrinbittiutn) attcuuatum (Carpenter), Bartsch. 1911, U. S. Nat. Miis., Proc., vol. 40, no. 1826, p. 393, pi. 54, figs. 1, 2, 5 tyi>es ; Dall, 1921, p. 146; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Pa- get Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 141 ; 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 21, pi. 78, figs. 1, 2, 5 same as Bartsch, 1911; Grant and Gai.e, 1931, p. 762; Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells, (Keep), p. 193; Keen, 1937, p. 30; Burch, 1945, no. 54, p. 23, 30; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 207, p. 67, 68; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 195 Bittium filosum ? var. csuricns Carpenter, 1864b, p. 537, 628, 655; Rci)rint, 1872, p. 23, 114, 141; 1865, Ann. Alag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XV, p. 181; Reprint, 1872, p. 283; 1865, Tour, (le Conchvl. vol. 13, p. 142; Reprint, 1872, p. 310; Cooper. 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll.. Geol. Sur. California, p. 2^ Trvon, 1887, Man. Conch., vol. IX, p. 153, pi. 30, fig. 16 Bittium (Sfyliditiin) attcnuatum Carpenter, Abbott, 1954, p. 156 "Like starved filosum, very narrow, adult scarcely sculptured." [/>'. var. csuricns, Carpen- ter, 1864b, p. 655] "Like plicatum, A. Ad., or drawn-out csuricns, with threads instead of grooves." [Car- penter, 1864b, p. 655, B. attcnuatum] Oldroyd (1927) republished Carpenter's description (1865g) of B. attcnuatum. Correct her copy as follows : Last line, read .31 for 31 ; read .11 for 11. Add: ". . . div. 18°. "Hab. Monterey. Taylor. — X^gpai, gay^ ^^jcra;;. "Je n'ai vu qu'un seul echantillon en bon etat de cette espece. Elle a la taille du B. plica- turn, A. Ad., mais la sculpture de la base est diflferente. [Carpenter, 1865g, p. 143, B. attemm- tum] "B. t. 'B. filoso' simili, sed multo minore. graciliore, interdum valde attenuata ; sculptura t. juniore ut in 'B. filoso', sed t. adulta subobsoleta ; interstitiis hand insculptis. Long. .27, long, spir. .19, lat. .085, poll. : div. 25° "Hah. Neeah Bay, Sivan Sta. Barbara, Jczvett. — Monterey, San Pedro, Cooper. "Bien que j'ai vu beaucoup d'individus de cette forme, et un plus grand nombre encore du B. filosum, Gld. (= Turritclla Esclirichti, Midd. =r Acirsa Eschrichti, Adams, Genera), je ne puis decider avec une certitude complete si c'est une veritable espece, ou seulement une variete degradee et. pour ainsi dire, affamee (csuricns) du B. filosum, qui d'ailleurs. ne varie pas. Comme le B. filosum, qui. d'ailleurs. ne s'ctend pas aussi loin au sud. il est probable que les echantillons californiens doivent etre consideres comme distincts. tandis que les individus de la region Vancouverienne pcuvent etre reunis au B. filosum. Tous les individus qu'on a envoyes etaient tres — roules." [Carpenter, 1865g, p. 142, B. (? var.) csuricns] Bartsch presented a detailed description and figured the syntyi>es of B. attcnuatum, as well as the holotype of B. csuricns Carpenter, which he regarded as a young individual of B. attcnuatum. This opinion appears reasonable from the illustrations. The writer includes orig- inal descriptions for completeness. Dimensions. — Length 10.2 mm., 8.8 mm. ; diameter 3 mm., 2.9 mm. respectively (syntypes, B. attcnuatum^. Types. — U. S. National Museum, syntypes. B. attcnuatum, no. 15584; holotype, B. csur- icns, no. 14832. Lectotype. no. 15584 (Bartsch, 1911. pi. 54, fig. 5; selected by Woodring in Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946, p. 68) Distribution. — Recent. Monterey, California; Neah Bay, Washington (type localities). The syntypes from different localities have been deposited together without locality differ- entiation. Therefore, even if one of the two specimens were chosen as lectotype. the proper locality cannot be attached. Forrester Island. Alaska, to San Diego. California (Dall). Pleis- tocene. California (Bartsch, Oldroyd, 1925; Grant and Gale; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew ) Bittium (Semibittium) purpureum (Carpenter) Cerithiopsis purpurea Carpenter, 1864. p. 537, 660; Reprint, 1872, p. 23. 146; 1865. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XV, p. 397; Reprint, 1872, p. 287; Tryon, 1887, Man Conch., vol. IX, p. 171, pi. 35, fig. 43; WiLLiA^rsoN, 1892, U. S. Nat. AIus., Proc, vol. XV, no. 898, p. 210 178 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY V. P. CARPENTER Rissoina purpurea Carpenter, 1867, Geog. Cat. !Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 29 ; Cooper, 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 65 Bittium (Sei)iihittiuiii) purpurcum (Carpenter), Bartsch, 1911, U. S. Xat. Mus., Proc, vol. 40, p. 391, pi. 52, figs. 1, 3 syntype ; Dall, 1921, p. 146; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II. pt. Ill, p. 26, pi. 76, figs. 1, 3 syntype same as Bartsch, 1911; Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells, (Keep), p. 193, Keen, 1937, p. 31 ; Burch, 1945, no. 54, p. 28, 31; Woodring, Bramlette, AND Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 207, p. 68; Smith and Gordon, 1948, Cali- fornia Acad. Sci.. Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 195 "Stained with purple: nodules fine: base finely lirate." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 660] Oldroyd (1927) published a copy of Carpenter's description (1865). The measurements given by her should be corrected to read, "Long. .29, long. spir. .19, lat. .1, div. 20°." The following line should be added to make the copy complete : "Hah. Sta. Barbara (Jcwctt) ; Monterey, San Diego {Cooper)!' [Carpenter, 1865i, p. 397] Bartsch analyzed the characters of the species and distribution and included a figure of one of the four syntypes. Those specimens have the label "Monterey Sta. B." It is, tlierefore, impossible to select the type locality from the specimens. Dimensions. — Length 7.2 mm.; diameter 2.5 mm. (syntype) (Bartsch) Syntypes. — U. S. National IMuseum, no. 14823 Distribution. — Monterey and Santa Barbara, California (types) ; Monterey to San Diego, California (Dall) Bittium (Semibittium) quadrifilatum (Carpenter) Bittium quadrifilatum Carpenter, 1864b, p. 655 ; Reprint, 1872, p. 141 f Bittium quadrifilatum Carpenter, 1865, lour, de Conchyliol., vol. XIII, p. 143; Reprint, 1872, p. 311; Cooper, 1867. Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 28; 1870, Amer. Tour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 63; Tryon, 1887, Man. Conch., vol. IX. p. 153, not pi. 29, fig. 91; Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 72; Williamson. 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 15. p. 205, pi. XXI, fig. 4; ? Arnold, 1903, p. 292-294 in part, pi. IX, fig. 2 = 5. at- temiatum Bittium (Semibittium) quadrifilatum (Carpenter), Bartsch. 1911. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 40, p. 398. pi. 58, figs. 2 (type), 3; Dall. 1921, p. 146; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. Ill, pt. II, p. 24, pi. 73, fig. 4 same as Williamson, 1892, pi. 79. figs. 2 tvpe. 3 same as Bartsch, 1911;Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 762; Baily. 1935, West Coast Shells, p. 193, fig. 171 after B.a.rtsch ; Keen. 1937, p. 31 ; Burch, 1945, no. 54, p. 29, 31 : Woodring, Bramlette, AND Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 207, p. 67 not Pleistocene; Smith and Gordon, 1948. California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI. no. 8, p. 196 Bittium (Styliditim) quadrifilatum Carpenter, Abbott, 1954, p. 156 "Broad: 4 threads, equal from beginning, coiling over strong radiating ribs." [Carpenter, 1865g. p. 143] Oldroyd (1927) republished Carpenter's description (1865) of this species. There are many typographical errors in her copy ; the following corrections should be inserted : Line 2, insert question before "sinistrali" ; line 3, delete the comma after "normalibus" and insert "7"; line 4, correct 15 to 16; line 6. read "angustis" for "sagustis" ; line 8, read "labio parvo" for "libio parvulo" ; line 9, read .26 for 26, .18 for 16, .09 for 9; add div. 25°." The following lines should be added to make the copy complete : "Hah. S. Pedro, Cooper. — S. Diego, Cassidy. "Dans cette espece et dans quelques autres tres voisines, les B. asperum et B. armillatum. par cxemple, le nucleus, est tres — different de celui des Bittium typiques. II est probable qu'elles n'appartiennent pas au mcme genre." [Carpenter, 1865g, p. 143] Bartsch discussed this species and illustrated the holotype. That specimen according to the label was collected by Cooper at San Diego. This does not coincide with Carpenter's state- ment that the San Diego specimens were collected by Cassidy and that Cooper's specimen came from San Pedro. Therefore, one cannot tell whether the locality or the collector on the label is incorrect or whether the confusion was made by Carpenter in his description. Dimensions. — Length 7 mm.; diameter 3 mm. (holotype) ; length 11.5 mm.; diameter 3.6 mm. (from Bartsch; specimen figured by Bartsch). Holotype.— \J. S. National Museum, no. 14849 (14935) GASTROPODA 179 Distribution. — Recent. San Diego, California (type) ; Monterey, California to San Ignacio Lagoon, Lower California (Dall). Cooper (1888), Arnold, and Bartsch report the species from the Pleistocene (Arnold in Pliocene, fide Grant and Gale), but Woodring (Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew) limited the species to the Recent. Bittium (Semibittium) rugatum Carpenter Bittium rugatum Carpenter, 1864h, p. 539; Reprint, 1872, p. 25; 1866, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, ser. 3, vol. XVII, p. 276; Reprint, 1872, p. 323; Arnold, 1903, p. 295, pi. IV, f^g. 11 Bittium (Semibiftiiiiii) rugatum (Carpenter), Bartsch, 1911, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 40, p. 397, pi. 56, figs. 4 type 5; Dall, 1921, p. 146; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 23; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 762; Keen, 1939, p. 31 ; Burch, 1945, no. 54, p. 29, 31 ; Wood- ring, Bramlette and Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 207, p. 67, pi. 29, fig. 19 Bittium asperum "Gabb," Tryon, 1887, Man. Conch., vol. IX, p. 153 in part, pi. 30, fig. 7 = B. rugatum copy from Reeve, 1865, Conch. Icon., vol. 15, Cerithium, pi. XIX,, fig. 140. Bittium asperum Carpenter, 1864, p. 613, 655, Reprint, 99, 141 ; 1865, Jour, de Conchyl., vol. XIII, p. 143; Reprint, p. 311 ; 1866, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XVII. p. 276; Re- print, 1872, p. 323; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 28; William- son 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc. vol. 15, no. 898, p. 205 Cooper Not Bittium asperum Gabb, 1861, Acad. Nat. Sci., Proc, vol. 13, p. 368; Arnold, 1903, p. 291, in part "Same aspect: [B. quadrifilatuin] upper whirls with 2 strong and 2 faint keels over less prominent ribs. Bch. — 40 fm. Cp." [B. asperum, Carpenter, 1864b, p. 655] "B. testa B. quadrifilato forma, magnitudine, et indole simili, sed sculptura intensiore ; eodem vertice nucleoso abnormali ; sed, vice filorum, costulis spiralibus costas spirales super- antibus, subnodulosis ; t. jun. costulis ii, anticis majoribus, alteris minimis; postea plerumque IV subaequalibus, interdum iii. interdum aliis intercalantibus ; sculptura basali intensiore; costis radiantibus subarcuatis. ? = Turbonilla aspersa, Gabb, in Proc, Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila- delphia, 1861, p. 368. "Flab. Sta. Barbara, fossil in Pleistocene beds; abundant (Jcwett). S. Pedro, San Diego, Catalina Is. 30-40 fms. (Cooper), State Col. no. 591c. "Mr. Gabb informs me that his Turbonilla aspcra is a Bittium. Unfortunately the tj'pe is not accessible ; and as the diagnosis would fit several closely allied species, it cannot be said with precision to which it rightfully applies. As this is the commonest of the group, it is pre- sumed that it is the 'Turbonilla' intended. Should the t3'pc, however, be recovered, and prove distinct, tiiis shell should take the name of B. rugatum, under which I wrote the diagnosis, and which was unfortunately printed in the Brit. Assoc. Report, p. 539. The fossil specimens are in much better condition than the recent shells as yet discovered." [B. f asperum Car- penter, 1866b, p. 276] Bartsch published a detailed description and illustrations, including a figure of the holotype of this species. Measurements. — Length 12 mm. (holotype); length 10.5 mm.; diameter 3.5 mm.; speci- men figured by Bartsch. Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 7154 Distribution. — Pleistocene (lower) : Santa Barbara formation, Santa Barbara, California (type "two miles from coast and 150 feet high," Carpenter, 1864b, p. 539; Arnold; Oldroyd, 1925; Bartsch; Grant and Gale; Willett, 1937; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew); Mexico, (Jordan, 1926). Recent. San Pedro and Catalina Island, California (Dall), to Todos Santos Bay, Lower California (Jordan) Subgenus Lirobittium Bartsch, 1911 Lirobittium Bartsch, 1911, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 40, no. 1826, p. 384 Type species by original designation, B. (L.) catalinense Bartsch, 1907, Smith, Misc., Coll. (Quart.), vol. 50, pt. 4, p. 28, pi. 57, fig. 13; Recent and Pleistocene. California. Bartsch, 1911, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 40, no. 1826, pi. 51, fig. 1 Bittium (Lirobittium) interfossa (Carpenter) Rissoina interfossa Carpenter, 1864b, p. 613, 656; Reprint, 1872, p. 99, 142 not as Rissoa as stated by Bartsch, 1911, U. S. Nat Mus., Proc, vol. 40, no. 1826, p. 401 and Oldroyd, 1927; Carpenter 1866, California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 217; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. AIoll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 29 ; 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 64 ; Tryon, 1887, Man. Conch., vol. IX, p. 392; Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 65 Cerithiopsis fortior Carpenter, 1864b, p. 537, 660: Reprint, 1872, p. 23, 146; 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XV, p. 397; Reprint, 1872, p. 287; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., 180 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY V. P. CARPENTER Geol. Sur. California, p. 35; Tryon, 1887, Man. Conch., vol. IX, p. 177 list only; ? Wil- liamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 15, no. 898, p. 210; Bartsch, 1911, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 40, no. 1826, p. -401 .synonyniou.s with B. intcrfossa; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 760 under B. intcrfossa Bitthim (Lirobittium) intcrfossa (Carpenter), Bartsch, 1911, U. S. Nat./ Mus., Proc, vol. 40, p. 401, pi. 51, figs. 2 (type), 6; Ball, 1921, p. 147; Oldrovd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 30, pi. 75, figs. 2 type, 6 same as Bartsch, 1911 ; Keen, 1937, p. 31 ; Burcti, 1945, no. 54, p. 28, 32; WooDRi.NT,, Bra^h.ette, and Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 207, p. 67, 68; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 195 Bittiuni (Lirobittium) intcrfossum (Carpenter), Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 760; Baily, 1937, West Coast Shells, (Keep), p. 194; Abbott, 1954, p. 156 "With 5 sharp keels crossing 14 strong ribs. 8-10 fm." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 656] "R. t. satis magna, crossa, alba, satis turrita, conspicue sculpta ; marginibus spirae rectis, vertice mamillato; anfr. nucl. ? . . [detritis] ; norm. VII tumidis, angulatis, suturis angulatim impressis; carinis spiralibus validis, in spira ii. ; altera postica interdum intercalante ; anfr. ultimo dualbus quoque periplicrialibus, quinta axim circumeunte ; costis radiantibus validis, extantibus, circ. XIV., ad suturas contigiiis, liris regularibus spiram asccndentibus, ad inter- sectiones carinarum nodulosis, ad peripheriam continuis ; interstitiis quadratis, alte infossatis ; apertura ovata. "Long. 0.26, long, spin 0.18, lat. 0.10; div. 28°. "Hab. Catalina Js. 8-10 fm. 4; San Diego 1; Monterey, (var.) Cooper." [Carpenter, 1866a, p. 217] "Sculpture open; strong basal rib." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 660, C. fortior] "C. testa C. purpurcac simili, sed sculptura multo fortiore, basi pallide; scriebus nodulorum spiralibus testa adolcscente ii., postea iii. ; costis radiantibus circ xiii., interstitiis niagnis ; costis suturalibus validis, subnodosis ; costa basali valida. "Long. .3, long. spir. .2, lat. .11, div. 26°. "Hab. Sta. Barbara, 1 specimen {Jeivett)." [Carpenter, 1865h, p. 397, C. fortior] The type of C. fortior has not been found. Bartsch discussed the shell characters in detail and illustrated the holotype and a more mature and less eroded specimen from tlie type locality. The holotype has the label "387a type Catalina Id. Cooper." This label coincides with Carpenter's description (1866) and veri- fies the authenticity of the type. Oldroyd reprinted Bartsch's discussion^'L Dimensions. — Length 6.2 mm. (holotype) ; length 8.3 mm. ; diameter 3.1 mm. ; specimen figured by Bartsch Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 224860 [Early California State Geol. Sur., no. 387a] Distribution. — Recent. Catalina Island, California (type) ; Alonterey to San Diego, Cali- fornia (Dall). Pleistocene. Mexico (Jordan, 1926) ; California (Woodring, Bramlette and Kew) Bittium (Lirobittium) munitum (Carpenter) Cerithiopsis munita Carpenter, 1864b, p. 628, 660; Reprint, 1872, p. 114, 146; 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3. vol. XV, p. 32; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. Cali- fornia, p. 35; Tryon, 1887, Man. Conch., vol. IX, p. 172, pi. 35, fig. 42; Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 15, no. 898, p. 210 Bittium {Lirobittium) inunitiim (Carpenter), Bartsch, 1911, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 40, p. 404, pi. 53, figs. 1, 2, syntypes ; Dall, 1921, p. 147; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 144; 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 33 ; Keen, 1937, p. 31 ; Burgh, 1945, no. 54, p. 28, 32; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 195 "Stout: strongly sculptured: l)asc evenly ril)bc(l." | Carpenter, 1864b, p. 660] Oldroyd (1927) published a copy of Carpenter's description (1865). The measurements in her copy should be corrected as follows : Read .34 for 34; read .24 for 24; road .11 for 11 ; orary title] p. 364 Type species by monotypy C. tnhcrcnJaris (Montagu), A'Iontagtt, 1803, Testacea Britannica, pt. 1. p. 270 as Mnrcx. Recent. Western Europe. Tryon, 1887, Man. Conch., vol. IX, pi. 35, figs. 20, 22-25, 27 Cerithiopsis columna Carpenter Cerithiopsis columna Carpenter, 1864b. p. 613. 628. 660; Reprint. 1872, p. 99, 114. 146; 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XV, p. 32; Reprint. 1872. p. 245; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 35; 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 67; Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 48; Tryon, 1887, Man. Conch., vol. IX, p. 171, pi. 35, fig. 21 ; Bartsch. 1911. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 40, no. 1823, p. 354, pi. 2,6, fig. 6 type; D.\ix, 1921, p. 144: Oldroyd. 1924, Pub. Pugct Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4. p. 139; 1927, vol. II, pt. II, p. 273. pi. 68, fig. 6 type same as Bartsch, 1911, Batly. 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 195; Keen, 1937, p. 32; Burch, 1945, no. 54, p. 19 under inccriac scdis: Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., ser. 4, vol. XXVI, no. 8, p. 195 "Very tall : nodules close, like strung figs." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 660] The republication of Carpenter's description (1865) has been included by Oldroyd (1927). The following changes should be made in her copy : I-inc 4: read supra for suprc ; last line: .1 for 1 ; delete "poll." Add: ". . . div. 10°. "Hab. Neeah Bay; several worn specimens {Szvan) : Monterey; rolled fragment of larger shell (Cooper). "Easily recognized, even in portions, bv the 'strung-fig' pattern."— [Carpenter, 1865a, p. 32] Bartsch discussed this species in detail and illustrated the holotype. There is one speci- men labelled, "type Neeah Bay W. T. J. G. Swan." Dimensions. — Length 9.2 mm. ; diameter 2.6 mm. (holotype) (Bartsch"). Holotype. — U. S. National Muscimi, no. 14823b 82 See Sherborn (1922, p. LI\') fur dates of volumes and pages. GASTROPODA 183 Distribution.- — Neah Bay, Washington (type) ; \^ancouver Island to Monterey Bay, Cali- fornia (Dall) Genus Diastoma Deshayes. 1850 Diastoma Deshayes, 1850, Traite elem. Conch., Expl. plates. Atlas, p. 46; Cox, 1942, Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 25, pt. 3, p. 95 Types species, Mclania costulata Lamarck, 1804, Ann. du AIus., t. 4, p. 430; 1806, t. 8, pi. 60, 2, a, b. Lutetian Eocene. Paris Basin. Desh.a.ves, 1864, Descrip. An. sans Vert., t. 2, p. 413 CossMANN, 1906, Essais Paleonconch. comp., liv. VII, pi. IV, figs. 18-19 Diastoma fastigiatum (Carpenter) (PI. 20, figs. 20, 21) Bittium fastigiatum C.xrpenter, 1864b, p. 537, 655; Reprint, 1872, p. 23, 141: 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XV, p. 181 ; Reprint, 1872, p. 283 ; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 28; Tryon, 1887, Man. Conch., vol. IX, p. 158 list only Diastoma fastiqiatum (Carpenter), Bartsch, 1911, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 39. no. 1803, p. 581, fig. 1; Dall, 1921, p. 144; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 10, pi. 7i, fig. 1 same as Bartsch, 1911; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 758; Keen, 1937, p. 35; Burch, 1945, no. 54, p. 26 "Small, slender: apex normal: sutures indented, anterior rib strong." [Carpenter, 1864b, P- 655] Oldroyd (1927) republished Carpenter's description (1865). The following changes should be made in her copy : Last line: for 25 read .25; for 19 read .19; for 09 read .09; delete "poll." Add: ". . . div. 20°. "Hab. Sta. Barbara (Jczvctt)." [Carpenter, 1865h, p. 181] Nothing in Carpenter's writings of this species indicates that the type was a fossil. Carpenter's statements concerning the habitat refer to the species as of the Recent. This is particularly indicated (1864, p. 655) in the column of localities of the species. After B. aspcnmi and B. armillatum, fs is attached to the Santa Barbara symbol. This symbol is not attached to the localities of B. fastigiatum. Bartsch (1911) presented a composite drawing of two specimens in the U. S. National Museum collected by Col. Jewett from Santa Barbara and quoted by Bartsch as from the "Lower Pleistocene." Dall, Oldroyd, Grant and Gale, and Burch followed Bartsch and repeated the Pleistocene age as original. Bartsch is the authority for such an age based on his examination of U. S. National ^Museum specimens, which are not types. If the type were found and determined to be fossil such a type locality would be valid. Photographs of two specimens which were ideally figured by Bartsch are included herein. They are labelled "Sta. Barbara Jewett". They are not marked types. The type of this species has not been found. Oldroyd's statement about the type should be corrected as to place and number. Specimens figured. — U. S. National Museum, no. 16256^3 Di.s'tributioit. — Santa Barbara, California (type) ; San Pedro, California (Strong in Burch) Family Epitoniidae Genus Epitonium Roeding in Bolten, 1798 (Scala Humphrey, 1797,^* Scalaria Lamarch, 1801) Epitonium Roeding in Bolten, 1798, Museum Boltenianum, pt. 2, p. 91 ; Wixckworth, 1945, Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 26, pts. 4, 5, p. 136-148; p. 139 Type species by subsequent designation, Suter, 1913, Man. New Zealand AIoll., p. 319; Turbo scalaris Linnaeus, 1767, Syst. Nat., 12th ed., p. 1237 = Scalaria pretiosa Lamarck, 1819, Hist. Nat. An. sans Vert., vol. VI, pt. 2, p. 226. Living. Western Pacific. Tryon, 1887, Man. Conch., vol. IX, pi. 11, fig. 31 ; Durham, 1937, Jour. Paleont., vol. 11, no. 6 pi 56 fig. 1 83 Not 162561, as in Bartsch (1911, p. 582) and Oldroyd (1927, p. 11) 8* Names in Humphrey, 1797, are not accepted by Int. Rules Zool. Nomen., Opin. Rend., no. 51. 184 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY T. P. CARPENTER Epitonium cumingii (Carpenter) Scalaria Cumingii Cakpentkr, 1856, Zoo!. Soc. London, Proc, p. 165; 1857, Rept. British Assoc. Adv. Sci. for 1856, p. 284, 336; 1860, Sniitli. Misc. Coll., vol. 2, art. 6, p. 10 Mexi- can and Pananiic Province; 1864b, p. 613, 660; Reprint, 1872, p. 99, 146 San Diego; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Siir. California, p. 34 Scala cumingii (Carpenter), Orcutt, 1915, Jilolluscan World, p. J'i Not Eglesia cumingii A. Adams, 1850, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, p. 204 The type locality of this species is Panama. Although Carpenter reported the species from San Diego, Cooper questioned that occurrence, and the species is not included at present in the list of upper California fauna. Orcutt (1915) gave the range from Monterey to Panama. The discussion will be included in the report on the types of the Carpenter species from the Panamic area. Subgenus Nitidiscala de Boury, 1909 Nitidiscala de Rourv, 1909, Jour, de Conchyl., vol. LVII, p. 257 Type species bv original designation Scalaria uiiifasciata Sowerby, 1847, Thes. Conch., vol. 1. p. 98, pi.' XXX 1 1 1, fig. 68. Recent. West Indies. Tryon, 1887, Man. Conch., vol. IX, pi. 14, fig. 55 "Epitonium (Nitidiscala) crebricostatum" (Carpenter) (PI. 20, figs. 27, 28; Pi. 22, fig. 11) Scalaria crchricostata Carpenter, 1864b, p. 613, 660; Reprint, 1872, p. 99, 146; 1866, Cali- fornia Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 222; Cooper, 1867. Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur^ Cali- fornia, !>. 34; 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 67; Tuvox, 1887, Alan. Conch., vol. IX, p. 84; Cooper, 1888, 7th Ann. Rcpt. California State Min. Bur. p. 263. Not S. (Funio) crebricostata Stanley (jArdnek, 1876, ref. fide Dall, 1917 Epitonium (Nitidiscala) crebricostatum (Carpenter), Dall, 1917, U. S. Mus. Proc, vol. 53, no. 2217, p. 478; 1921, p. 115; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station vol. 4, p. 108; 1927, vol. II, pt. II, p. 61; Strong, 1930, San Diego Soc Nat. Hist., Trans., vol. \T, no. 7, p. 188; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 858; Baily, 1935, West Coast Moll. (Keep), p. 180; Keen, 1937, p. 35; Burch, 1945, no. 52, p. 29; Smith and Gordon, 1948, Cali- fornia Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 191 Monterey rec doubted. "Mus. Cum. no. 32: 15 sharp reflexed ribs, coronated against the sutures." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 660, Monterey and San Diego] Oldroyd republished Carpenter's descrii)tioii (1866). The following changes should be made in her copy : Line 5 : delete mm. Add: ". . . State Collection 393. ". . . div. 26° "Hah. Monterey, San Pedro, Cooper, common. "= "Scalaria, unique" Mus. Cum. no. 32. "Somewhat resembles S. tenuis, Sby., but is not so turrited." [Carpenter, 1866a, p. 222] If Carpenter's remarks (1864) are accepted as the original description, specimen no. 32 in the Cumings Collection, British Museum, is the holotype of this species. On inquiry in regard to that specimen, the authorities of the Mollusca Section, (G. L. Wilkins, Feb. 21, 1950, personal communication) British Museum (Natural History), furnished the following information : "A search of the larger number of si)ecimens in the B. M. collection has revealed a speci- men labelled 'crebicosta' Cpr. California Mus. Cuming. This label is considered to be a 'lapsus-calumni' for crchricostata Coo])er, but unfortunately the specimen has no number, only a portion of the original label having been preserved, and, although several counts have been made, only 12 ribs appear to be present. "In spite of the above rather disapiwinting details this shell seems to have the most likely claim to originality." Through the courtesy of the British Museum (Natural History), a photograph of the above shell (B. AT. 1950.3.29.1) is included herein. The British Aluscum specimen corresponds in size, character of ribbing, shape, and number of varices ([11]-12) with those of the labelled "type" in the U. S. National Museum. The ai)ex, however, is preserved in the British Museum shell. GASTROPOnA 185 There are two specimens, U. S. National Museum, no. 14831, labelled "Monterey Cooper type." The apex of each specimen is missing. One of the specimens is figured herein. It has 11 varices, whereas the other individual has 12 varices. Both shells have the horny operculum in place. Both specimens measure : length 9 mm. ; greatest diameter 4.5 mm. These measure- ments approximate that of the British Museum shell : length 8.7 mm. ± ; greatest diameter 3.6 mm. ±. In regard to the type depository, Oldroyd merely stated the no. [393] of the original Cali- fornia State Collection as given by Carpenter (1866). The early state numbers, if still re- tained, help to verify the authenticity of a type but do not indicate where the specimen might be at present or its modern number. Most of the original California State types are in the U. S. National Museum. Strong (1930) examined a lot in the University of California collection labelled "Epitonium crebricostatum Cpr., Cooper collection" and determined them as specimens of E. tinctum, except one single shell with a larger number of varices, which he thought might be the young of another species. A summary of the characters of available "type" sources yield only specimens which are at variance with Carpenter's descriptions. They are as follows. — Type locality. — The type locality is consistently mentioned as Monterey, with San Diego or San Pedro (Carpenter, 1864b, p. 613, 660; 1866, p .222, Monterey, San Pedro; Cooper, 1867, Monterey to San Diego; 1870, Monterey to San Diego; 1888, Monterey to San Diego). Yet Smith and Gordon (1948), following Strong (1930), did not include the species from Monterey. Smith i_in Burch, 1945), however, does admit that he has "one or two shells from Monterey that might possibly fit the requirements. . . ." The British Museum shell is labelled "California" only. Varices. — Carpenter's description, 15 varices. U. S. National Museum, no. 14831, 11 and 12 varices; British Museum, 12 varices. Measurements.— Cdir\)Q\\ieT (long. 0.7; lat. .18) = length 17.71 mm.; diameter 4.55 mm. U. S. National Museum no. 14831, each: length 9. mm.; diameter 4.5 mm.; British Museum shell : length 8.7 ± mm. ; diameter 2.6 ± mm. To choose a lectotype from the above specimens would mean that the Carpenter descrip- tions would be disregarded, and an analysis of the species would then be redrawn on the basis of the lectotype. In that case the species would probably be regarded as synonymous with E. tinctum or a form of the same. If one takes Carpenter's notes at face value, the species is unknown and the riddle of its description unsolved. If the species is valid biologically, its presence is probably lurking under identifications of E. indianorum or E. tinctum. In that case specific separation would involve a selection of a neotype. The choice would best be made by one who is familiar with large suites of West Coast Epitoniums. Until the name of this form has a firmer foundation than at present the writer sees no authority for type locality or range. Cooper, Arnold, and Oldroyd (1925) catalogued the species from the Pleistocene of California. The earlier authors apparently believed they knew what the species was and differentiated it from E. indianorum and E. tinctum. Type. — Uncertain Specimens figured. — U. S. National Museum, no. 14831; British Museum (Natural His- tory), no. 1950,3.29.1 Distribution. — Uncertain Epitonium (Nitidiscala) fallaciosum Dall, 1921 = E. hindsii Keep. 1911 = E. tinctum Carpenter, 1864, 1865 Not Scalaria Hindsii Carpenter, museum label Smithsonian Inst., no. 46222 "San Pedro, P.P.C." = E. cooperi Strong, by lectotype selection, Woodring, 1931, Nautilus, vol. 45, no. 1, p. 31 Not Scalaria Hindsii Carpenter, 1856, Zool. Soc. London, Proc., p. 165 ; 1857, Rept. British Assoc. Sci. 1856. p. 284, 336 Epitonium hindsii Keep, 1911, West Coast Shells, p. 183, fig. 174 by designation, Dall, 1921 = E. tinctiim Carpenter fide Strong, 1930, San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. VI, no. 7, p. 193 186 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Not Epitonium jallacwsum Dall, 1917, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc. vol. 53, no. 2217, p. 478 nomen lutdum Epitonium {Kitidiscala) jallaciosum Dall, 1921, p. 115 designated Keep, 1911, p. 183, fig. 174; Oldrovd, 1927, vol. II, pt. II, p. 59 in part; Strong, 1931, Nautilus, vol. 45, no. 2, p. 70 Epitonium (Nitidiscala) tinctum Strong, 1930, San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. VI, no. 7, p. 193 in part; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 859 in part; Bailv, 1935, West Coast Sliells (Keep), p. 180, fig. 153 same as Keep, 1911, fig. 174 Not Epitonium jallaciosum Woodring, 1931, Nautilus, vol. 45, no. 1, p. 31 = /:. coopcri Strong, 1930, p. 196 expl. fig. 7 paratype The points of the question of the validity of E. jallaciosum Dall (1917, p. 478) are clearly and adequately enumerated by Strong (1931 p. 70). Authors must agree with Strong that Dall (1917) did not give an adequate description of E. jallaciosum. Dall plainly stipulated why he was giving a new name and to what in general, but he did not give a description, figure, or type. Therefore, the name is a nomcn )iudum in 1917. The writer agrees with Strong that Dall's "well-known form from California which has 11 to 14 varices" would not help in differentiating the species. Certain critical points of the history of E. jallaciosum are repeated. The specific name is included herein, because its identification is associated with two of Carpenter's species, E. hindsii and E. tinctum. Certainly in Dall's first mention of E. jallaciosum (1917) the name is a nomen nudum. But Dall (1921) specified a description and illustration of the species when he gave the reference to Keep (1911, \). 183, Fig. 174). This reference satisfies the rules of nomenclature (Art. 25a and Opinion no. 1 and validates the specific name from Dall (1921, not 1917). This may change the original meaning of Dall (1917), but since that usuage may have applied to Carpenter's museum label it has no status under tlic International Zoological Code (Opinion no. 1). Woodring's (1931) designation of the museum specimen which Dall probably had in mind would not validate the species because it would lack a description .and figure. In this case Woodring designated a specimen which had been, subsequent to Dall's (1917) invalid mention of E. jallaciosum, included under and figured as a paratype of a new species E. cooperi by Strong (1930, p. 194, PI. 20, fig. 7). But Dall had already (1921) validated his species by a different selection. The specimen of Keep (1911, Fig. 174) is the holotype of E. jallaciosmn Dall (1921). Keep's description is included herein: "In Figure 174 is shown the beautiful shell of Epitonium hindsii, Cpr., (Scala hindsii), the white Wentletrap. "It is pure white in color, very delicate, and is generally less than an inch in length. The whorls are very distinct, finely rounded, and each one is crossed by about twelve thin, sharp ridges. These shells are so highly prized that they have been worn as the drops of ear-rings. . . . The white Wentle trap is found on the southern shores of California." Strong Ix^lieved that E. jallaciosum Dall (1921, not 1917) is equivalent to E. tinctum Carpenter (1864, 1865). From a comparison of the illustration of the lecotype of E. tinctum with Keep (1911, Fig. 174) this view would seem to be justified. Holotype. — Specimen of Keep (1911, Fig. 174), whereabouts unknown Distribution. — Southern California (Keep) Epitonium (Nitidiscala) indianorum (Carpenter) (PI. 20, figs. 23, 24) Scalaria indianorum Carpenter, 1864b, 628, 660, 683; Reprint. 1872, p. 114, 146, 169; 1865; Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XV, p. 31; Reprint, 1872, p. 244; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 34; 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 67 ? fide Smith and Gordon; Sowkkhv /); Reeve, 1873, Conch. Icon., vol. 19, Scalaria, ? pi. XI, fig. 81 ; Tryon, 1887, Man. Conch., vol. IX, p. 70, ? pi. 14, figs. 48 copy Reeve, 1873, Conch. Icon., vol. 19, pi. XI, fig. 81 ; Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 50; Cooper, 1888, 7th Ann. Rept. California State Min. Bur., p. 263 Scala itidianorum (Carpenter), Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. XV, no. 898, p. 210; Arnold, 1903, p. 264, pi. V, fig. 4 Epitonium ( Nitiacscala) indianorum (Carpenter), Dall, 1917, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 53, no. 2217, p. 477; 1921, p. 115; Oldrovd. 1924, Pub. Pugct Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 107; 1927, vol. II, ])t. II, p. 57; Strong, 1930, San Diego Soc Nat. Hist., vol. VI, GASTROPODA 187 no 7 p 186, 192, pi. 20, figs. 1, lectotypc. 2a, 2b; Grant and Gale. 1931, p. 859; Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 180; Keen, 1937, p. 35; Durham. 1937, Jour. Paleont. vol. 11, no. 6, p. 487, pi. 56, fig. 14; Burch, 1945. no. 52. p. 24, Zl ; Smith and Gordon. 1948, California .Acad. Sci., Proc.. ser. 4, vol. XXVj, p. 191 ^ Epitomum {Gyroscala) indianorum (Carpenter), Abbott, 1954, p. 165 ". . . Between Tiirfonis and communis: like "Georgettina, Kien. Mus. Cum. no. 34, Brazil." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 660] Oldroyd (1927) republished Carpenter's original description (1865) of this species. The following corrections and additional lines should be made in her copy : Last line: read 8 for .08; delete "poll." Add: ". . . div. 28°. "Hah. Neeah Bay {Sivan) . "Strung as ornaments by the Indian children. Intermediate between S. communis and S. Turtonis, and scarcely differs from 'S. Georgettina, Kien,' Mus. Com. ho. 34, Brazil." [Car- penter, 1865a, p. 31] The type material is in the U. S. National Museum and consists of five specimens (one a fragment of a body whorl). The label reads "Neeah Bay J. G. Swan." The specimen figured by Strong (1930) as type is apparently the same specimen as figured herein (PI. 20, fig. 23). Another specimen of the type group is figured herein (PI. 20, fig. 24). The apices of all the specimens are gone. All specimens are white and slightly worn. The varices vary respectively, 15 in the largest specimen, 10 varices on the next largest, 14 varices on the next, and 11 on the smallest individual. Therefore, the number of varices might vary from 10 to 15. if all the specimens are retained in the species. The maximum number is the same as in Carpenter. Strong (1930) presented the details in regard to this species, as well as the other West Coast species of NitidiscaJa. Types. — Lectotype and paratypes : U. S. National Museum, no. 15521 Distribution. — Recent. Neah Bay, Washington (type) ; Forrester Island, Alaska, to Todos Santos Bay, Lower California (Dall). Plei.stocene. California (Arnold; Oldroyd, 1925; Waterfall, 1929; Grant and Gale; Durham; Willett, 1937). Pliocene. California (Martin, 1916; Waterfall, 1929; Grant and Gale; Durham). Miocene. California (Durham) Rpitonium (NitidiscaJa) subcoronatutu (Carpenter) (PI. 22, figs. 12, 13) Scalaria subcorones of the two former names. O. retiporosa has a varix. O. retiporosa has been placed by workers (Dall, 1917; Oldroyd, 1927; Grant and Gale, 1931 ; Durham, 1937, Smith and Gordon, 1948) in Nodiscala. From a brief survey of species identified as Dentiscala and Nodiscala^^ and a comparison of the type species one w-onders about the importance of separating Dentiscala and Nodiscala. Dentiscala has priority. Until examination of specimens of type species is available the writer retains the species in (Nodiscala). 88 See Clench and Turner (1950) for a fine series of pictures. OASTROPOnA 193 Opalia (Nodiscala) spongiosa Carpenter (PI. 22, figs. 1-3, 6-8) Opalia spongiosa Carpenter, 1864b, p. 613, 660; Reprint, 1872, p. 99, 146; 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, vol. XV, p. 13 mention; Reprint, 1872, p. 244; 1866, California Acad. Sci., Proc., vol. Ill, p. 222; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 34; 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 67 Scalaria spongiosum (Carpenter), Tryon, 1887, Man. Conch., vol. IX, p. 84 Epitonium (Nodiscala) spongiosum (Carpenter), Dall, 1917, U. S. Nat. Miis., Proc, vol. 53, no. 2217, p. 474; 1921, p. 114; Oldkovd, 1927, vol. II. pt. 2, p. 53; Keen, 1937. p. 35; BuRCiT, 1945, no. 52, p. 19, 21 ; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 190 Opalia retiporosa Carpenter, 1864b, p. 613, 660; Reprint, 1872, p. 99, 146; 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. XV. p. 31 mention; Reprint, 1872, p. 244; 1866, California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 222; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 35 Scalaria retiporosa (Carpenter), Tryon, 1887, Alan. Conch., vol. IX, p. 84 Epitonium (Nodiscala) retiporosa (Carpenter), Dall, 1917, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 53, no. 2217, p. 474; 1921, p. 114; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. 2, p. 54; Baker, Hanna, and Strong, 1930, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XIX, p. 45, pi. 2, fig. 3; Grant AND G.\LE, 1931, p. 855; Keen, 1937, p. 35; Burch, 1945, no. 52, p. 19, 21; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 190 Opalia (Nodiscala) retiporosa Carpenter, Durham, 1937, Jour. Paleont., vol. 11, no. 6, p. 505, pi. 57, fig. 19 Epitonium spongiosum Carpenter, Willet in Burch, 1943, no. 20, p. 13 = E. retiporosiim. See also O. bullata Carpenter "Like small, very slender granulafa: surface riddled with deep punctures in spiral rows." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 660, 0. spongiosa] Carpenter's description (1866) was republished by Oldroyd (1927). The following changes should be made in her copy : Last line : delete "poll." Add: '\ . . div. 20°. "Hab. Monterey, Cooper. From shell washings. "The solitary specimen has the general aspect of O. granulosa on a very small scale." [Carpenter, 1866a, p. 222, O. spongiosa] The holotype of "O. spongiosa" is in tlie U. S. National Museum. It is labelled "type Cooper Monterey." There are microscopic punctations over the whole shell. The apex on the holotype is gone. On the upper three whorls there are longitudinal ribs which extend the length of the whorl ; on the next whorl the ribs do not extend the full length of the whorl, and they become less conspicuous in length on the lower whorls. The ribs have the appearance of being tucked in at the suture. "Sculpture in network, with deep holes. 40 fm. d.r. Cp." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 660, O. retiporosa] Oldroyd (1927) republished Carpenter's description (1866). The following typographical errors and additions should be made to make the copy complete : Line 2 : add question mark after "nucl." ; line 6 : read "retiporosa" for "retriprosa" ; last line: delete "poll", add "div. 20° Add: "State Collection no. 1014 "Hab. Catalina Island ; 3 dead in 40 fm. ; Cooper. "The texture has a rotten appearance ; yet one of the specimens was stained with purple, and contained the dried remains of the animal, with its operculum. In the endeavor to extract this, the shell gave way." [Carpenter, 1866a, p. 222, O. retiporosa] The holotype O. retiporosa is in the U. S. National Museum The label reads, "Type Catalina Cooper." The type is not at the University of California, as surmised by Grant and Gale from the original data as presented by Oldroyd, nor is it lost, as suggested by Durham. 194 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRTBED V,Y P. P. CARPENTER The holotype, as may be seen from the pliolograph, is badly worn with the body whorl broken. The break was occasioned by Carpenter as mentioned by him. The specimen has fine punctations like "E. spongiosum" , but it has fairly strong longitudinal ribs. Inside the aperture the surface is flecked with bluish purple. This condition was noted by Carpenter. A comparison made of the holotypes of O. spongiosa and O. retiporosa convinces one that the two forms are synonymous. This is in agreement with the collecting data and opinion of workers (Willett; Strong; Burch) that only one species exists. O. bullata is similar to O. spongiosa. The writer arranged the data on each name separately, so that the facts could be evaluated more readily. In the original references the name and description of both species are on the same page. O. spongiosa is mentioned first in all cases, so that name has priority over O. retiporosa. In the original reference, it is also mentioned before O. bullata Carpenter. O. bullata was given a more detailed description by Carpenter (1865), before that of the other two names (1866). Types. — U. S. National Museum, holotype, "O. spongiosa," no. 14830; holotype, O. reti- porosa, no. 11843 Distribution. — Recent. Monterey, California ( tyi)e, "O. spongiosa" ; type, O. retiporosa, Catalina Island); off Oregon coast in 50 fatlioms, to Lower California (Dall). Pliocene (Moody, 1916) Family Eulimidae (Melancllidae) Genus Balcis Leach in Gray, 1847 Balds Le.\ch in Gray, 1847, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. XX, p. 271 Type species by monotypy Winckworth*^, 1934, Jour. Conch., vol. 20, no. 1, p. 13, Balcis Montagui = Helix polita Montagu, 1803, Test. Britannica, vol. II, p. 398 = B. alba (da Costa), 1778, Brit. Conch., p. 116 as Stroinbifonnis albus. Living. Northern Europe. Balcis compacta (Carpenter) Eulima compacta Carpenter, 1864b, p. 613, 659; Reprint, 1872, p. 99, 145; 1866, California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 221 ; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 34; Tryon, 1886, Man. Conch., vol. VIII, p. 278; Vanatta, 1899, Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila- delphia, Proc, vol. 51, p. 255, 256, pi. XI, tigs. 11, 12 MelancUa (Mclanella) compacta (Carpenter), Bartsch, 1917, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 53, no. 2207, p. 314, pi. 2,7, fig. 3 lectotype Melanella compacta (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 118; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. II, p. 77, pi. 40, fig. 3 .same as Bartsch, 1917, lectotype; Keen, 1937, p. 40 Balcis compacta (Carpenter), Burcii, 1945, no. 53, p. 6, 8, 11; Berry, 1954, Bull. Amer. Paleont, vol. 35, no. 151, p. 4 "Small, with blunt spire and elongated base." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 659, locality between San Diego and San Pedro] Oldroyd (1927) rci>ul)lis]ic(l Cari)enter's (lcscri])li()n (1866). The following clianges should be made in her copy : Line 1 : read "tereti" : for "tcrti," : last line : delete "pull." Add: ". . . div. 22°. "Hah. San Pedro; Cooper. "A single dead shell was found in Dr. Palmer's consignment." [Carpenter, 1866a, p. 221 (? var.)] Bartsch gave a complete discussion and illustration of the lectotype. The syntypes bear the label, "Type Cooper San Pedro." There are two specimens. Dimensions. — Length 6.8 mm.; diameter 2.2 mm. (lectotype, Bartsch) Lectotype and paratype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 13517b Distribution. — San Pedro, California (type) ; San Pedro, California, to Point Abreojos, Lower California (Dall). Pleistocene. Long Wharf Canyon, Santa Monica (Berry) ^" Two of the three sjiecies listed by W'inckworth are nude names. GASTROPODA 195 Balcis micans (Carpenter) Etdima micans Carpenter, 1864b, p. 603, 613, 659, 683; Reprint, 1872, p. 89, 99, 145, 169; 1865 Aug., Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 17, p. 63 ; Reeve 1865, Dec, Conch. Icon., vol. 15 Eulima, pi. IV, fig. ii; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geo!. Sur. Califor- nia, p. 34; 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 66; Tryon, 1886, Man. Conch., vol. VIII, p. 272, pi. 69; figs. 29, 30; Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. XV, no. 898, p. 209; Vanatta, 1899, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 51, p. 256, pi. XI, figs. 1, 2; Arnold, 1903, p. 269, pi. IX, fig. 12 MclancUa (Mehuclla) uiicaus (Carpenter), Bartsch, 1917, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 53, no. 2207, p. 303, pi. 34. figs. 1-6 (6 = type) Melanella micans (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 118 section Eulima; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. II, p. 74 section Eulima; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 863 section Eulima; Keen, 1937, p. 40 Melanella (Eulima) micans (Carpenter), Daily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 181, fig. 154 Balcis micans (Carpenter), Burch, 1945, no. 53, p. 6, 8, 10; Smith and Gordon, 1948, Cali- fornia Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 192; Berry, 1954, Bull. Amer. Paleont, vol. 35, no. 151, p. 4 "S. Diego, Cat. Is., 30-40 fin. (Also Paget Sound, Kcnncrlcy.)" [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 613] "Perhaps a small var. of the European poUta. 30-40 fm. living. Cp." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 659] A republication of the original description (1865) was included by Oldroyd (1927). The following changes should be made in her copy : Delete "poll." Add: ". . . div. 25°. "Hab. In sinu Pugetiano specimen juniore Kennerley. Juxta Neeah Bay idem legerunt Swannii Indianuli. Plurimos adultos viventes inter S. Pedronem et S. Diegonem, in insula quoque Catalinam piscavit Cooper. "An Eu. politae varietas Pacifica?" [Carpenter, 1865, p. 63] Bartsch gave a thorough discussion and figured the holotype of this species. The type was collected by Cooper at San Pedro. Dimensions. — Length 9.5 mm.; diameter 3 mm. (holotype, Bartsch) Holotype. — U. S. National Aluseum, no. 14850 Distribution. — Recent. San Pedro, California (type) ; Vancouver Island, British Columbia. to Point Abreojos Lower California (Dall). Pleistocene. California (Cooper, 1888; Arnold; Grant and Gale; Willett, 1937; Berry, 1954); Mexico (Jordan, 1926) Balcis rutila (Carpenter) Eulim-a. rutila Carpenter, 1864b, p. 613. 659; Reprint. 1872, p. 99, 145; 1866, Feb., California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 221 ; Reeve, 1866, March, Conch. Icon., Eulima, vol. 15, pi. V, fig. 2)7; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. AIoll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 34; 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 67; Tryon, 1886, Alan. Conch., vol. VIII, p. 279, pi. 70, fig. 68 copv Reevtl ; Vanatta, 1899, Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 51, p. 257, pi. XI, figs. 5, 6 Melanella (Melanella) rutila (Carpenter), Bartsch, 1917, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 53, no. 2207, p. 306, pi. 35, figs. 2 (type), 3, 6 Melanella rutila (Carpenter), Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 109 Melanella rutila (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 118 section Eulima Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. II, p. 75, pi. 46, figs. 2 (type), 3, 6 copy Bartsch, 1917, section Eulima; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 863; Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 182 subgenus Etdima; Keen, 1937, p. 40 Balcis rutila (Carpenter), Bl'rch, 1945, no. 53, p. 6, 8, 10; Smith and Gordon, 1948, Cali- fornia Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 192; Berry, 1954, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 35, no. 151, p. 4 "Leiostracoid, rosy, base lengthened. Like producta, Maz. Cat. no. 551." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 659] Oldroyd (1927) republished Carpenter's description (1866). The following changes should be made in her copy : 196 MARINE MOLL use A DESCRIBED BY P. V. CARPENTER Line 1: read "tercti" for "terte;" Hue 3: delete "supra sutiiram retrorsum" and insert in place "et apertura valde prolongatis." Add: ". . . div. 20°. "Hab. Monterey; Cooper. "Closely allied to Lciostraca producta, Cpr. Maz. Cat. no. 551, but displays no varices. The Eulimidae are very difficult to distinguish, from a few shells alone." [Carpenter, 1866a, p. 221] Bartsch gave a complete discussion and illustration of the shell of this species. The holo- type is labelled "Monterey." Dimensions. — Length 6.8 mm.; diameter, 1.9 mm. (holotypc, Bartsch). Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 14928 Distribution. — Recent. Monterey, California (type) ; Forrester Island, .Maska, to Mag- dalena Bay, Lower California (Burch). Pleistocene. California (Bartsch; Berry) Balcis thersites (Carpenter) EuUma Thersites Carpenter, 1864b, p. 537, 659 small "t" ; Reprint, 1872, p. 2Z, 145; 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XV, p. 396; Reprint 1872, p. 286; Cooper, 1867. Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 34; 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 67; Trvon, 1886, Man. Conch., vol. VIII, p. 278 Eulima thersites Vanatta, 1899, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 51, p. 255 Eulima lozvei Vanatta, 1899, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 51, p. 254, pi. XI, figs. 9, 10 fide Bartsch, 1917, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 53, no. 2207, p. 323 Eulima bistorta Vanatta, 1899, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 51, pi. XI, figs. 7, 8 fide Bartsch, 1917 Melanella (Balcis) thcr.ntcs (Carpenter), Bartsch, 1917, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 53, no. 2207, p. 323, pi. 41, figs. 1-3 (2 types) ; Ball, 1921, p. 117; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. II, p. 70, pi. 47, fig. 2 type copy Bartsch, 1917, also E. lotvci fig. 1 and bistorta fig. 3 ty])es Melanella thersites (Carpenter), Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 862; Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 181 and subspecies bistorta Vanatta; Keen, 1937, p. 40 Balcis thersites (Carpenter), Burch, 1945, no. 53, p. 7, 9; Smith and Gordon, 1948, Cali- fornia Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. XXVI, no. 8, p. 192 Balcis {Vitreolina) thersites (Carpenter), Berry, 1954, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 35, no. 151, p. 4 "Very broad, short, twisted." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 659] Oldroyd (1927) republished Carpenter's original description of this species. The follow- ing changes should be made in her copy : Delete "poll." Add: ". . . div. 40°. "Hab. Sta. Barbara, 1 specimen (Jewett). "Preeminent for aberration among the distorted Eulimidae. A second specimen occurred from an uncertain source." [Carpenter, 1865h, p. 396] Bartsch fully discussed this species and illustrated the holotype. He also figured the types of B. lowei (Vanatta) and B. bistorta (Vanatta) which he regarded as synonymous with Carpenter's species. The holotypes of Vanatta's species are from Long Beach and Monterey, California, respectively. The three forms as illustrated by their types show different degrees of flexing and thick- ness of the callus of the lips. Dimensions. — Length 5.1 mm.; diameter 2.5 mm. (holotype, Bartsch) Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 11795 Distribution. — Recent. Santa Barbara, California (type) ; Monterey, California, to San Gernonimo Island, Lower California (Dall). Pleistocene. California (Oldroyd, 1925; Grant and Gale; Berry) ; Mexico (Jordan, 1926) 6ASTR0P0t>A 19; Genus Cythnia^o Carpenter, 1864 (Cythnoa Dall.^i 1924, new name) Cvthnia Carpenter, 1864, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIII, June, p. 478 Cythnia; Re- " print, 1872, p. 218 Type species by monotvpy, C. asteriaphila Carpenter, 1864b, p. 478. Living. Lower Cali- fornia (PI. 19, figs. 5, 5a) Cythnia albida Carpenter (PI. 19, figs. 3, 3a) Cythna albida Carpenter, 1864b, Aug., p. 613; Reprint, 1872, p. 99; 1866, California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 219 Cithna [sic] albida Carpenter, 1864b, p. 657; Reprint, 1872, p. 143 Cythna m index; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 31 Cythnia albida (Carpenter), Tryon, 1886, Man. Conch., vol. VIII, p. 293; Burch, 1945, no. 53, p. 14 Cythna albida Carpenter, Dall, 1921, p. 119; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. 2, p. 80; Keen, 1937, p. 35 "Very close to C. tumens, Maz. Cat. no. 421, but umbilicus angled, not keeled." [Carpen- ter, 1864b, p. 657] Oldroyd (1927) reproduced part of Carpenter's description (1866). The following changes should be made in her copy : Last line : read "pariete" for "partiete." Add: ''Long. 0.03, long. spir. 0.015. lat. 0.025, div. 80°. "Hab. San Pedro; in shell-washings. Cooper. "Known from C. tumens, Maz. Cat. no. 421, by the non-keeling of the umbilicus." [Car- penter, 1866a, p. 219] The holotype is in the U. S. National Museum. It is on an original Carpenter glass mount in the original vial with the Carpenter label "'Type. Genus 15569 Cythna albida Cpr. S. Diego Cp." Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 15569 Distribution. — San Diego, California (type); Southern California; parasitic on starfishes (Dall) Family Fossaridae^^ Genus Iselica Dall, 1918 (Isapis H. and A. Adams, 1854) Iselica Dall, 1918, Biol. Soc. Washington, Proc, vol. 31, p. 137. New name for Isapis H. and A. Adams, 1854, Gen. Rec. Moll., vol. I, p. 320. Not Isapis Doubleday, 1847, see Neave^^ (1939-1940) Type species by monotypy Isapis anomala (C. B. Adams), 1850, Cont. Conch., no. 7, p. 109 as Narica ? Recent. West Indies. Clench and Turner, 1950, Occ. Pap. Moll., vol. 1, no. 15, p. 256, pi. 39, fig. 14 lectotype The sculpture of /. fenestrata Carpenter is remarkably similar in detail to that of the type species of the genus. Iselica fenestrata Carpenter (PI. 21, figs. 15, 16) Isapis fenestrata Carpenter, 1864b, Aug., p. 613, 628, 656; Reprint, 1872, p. 99, 114, 142; 1864, Dec. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIV, p. 429; Reprint, 1872, p. 241; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 29; 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 64; Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 65; Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 15, no. 898, p. 206; Arnold, 1903, p. 304; Dall, 1921, p. 155, pi. 13, fig. 2; Strong, 1923, 90 Spelling of Carpenter: Cythnia (1864a, June) Cythna (1864b, Aug.) "Cythna A. Adams," (1866). Spelling of Adams: Cithna (1863, p. 113). 91 Dall (1924, p. 89) . The new name is not necessary. 92 Theile (1929), Wenz (1940), and Aguayo and Jaume (1949) placed Iselica as a sub- genus of Phasianema S. Wood (1842) and in the family Pyramidellidae. ^^ "Isapis Westwood, 1851," as quoted by Dall is not in Neave (1939-1940). The result is the same. 198 MARINE MOLLUSC A DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Nautilus, vol. 2)7, no. 2, p. 43; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 151 ; 1927, pt. Ill, p. 70, pi. 31, fig. 6 same as Dall, 1921 ; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 783; Bailv, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 201; Keen, 1937, p. Z7 ; Burch, 1945, no. 55, p. 16, 18; WooDRiNG, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 207, p. 65, pi. 34, fig. 5. Pleistocene; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc., ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 196 Fossarus fcncstrata (Carpenter), Tryon, 1887, Man. Conch., vol. IX, p. 272, pi. 52, fig. 11 section Isapis "Like ovoidca, with sharp distant ribs." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 656] Oldroyd (1927) included part of Carpenter's description (1864d) of this species. How- ever, through typographical errors so much of the Latin description was omitted that it seems best to copy here the entire description : "I. testa /. ovoidcac forma et indole simili ; carinis IX. acutis (quarum IV. in spira mon- strantur) cincta, intcrstitiis duplo latioribus, concinne quadratim decussatis, lirulis radiantibus acutissimus ; anfr. postice tumentibus, suturis valde excavatis ; peritremate continuo, labro a carinis pectinato; labio parietem parum attingente, medio calloso ; umbilico angusto. Long. .18, long. spir. .13, lat. .19, div. 70°. "Hab. Neeah Bay (Swan) ; S. Diego and Sta. Barbara Island (Cooper). "Dr. Cooper's shells are much smaller than those from the Vancouver district, which are white and eroded, varying much in the size of the umbilicus." [Carpenter, 1864d, p. 429] The type material includes three specimens labelled "Sta. Barbara and S. Diego." These are obviously the specimens collected by Cooper. They are not segregated so that one can- not stipulate the type locality. But it makes tlie California area the type locality in place of that mentioned first in the expanded description. Dimensions. — Height 5-f mm.; greatest diameter 3.5 mm. (largest specimen); height 3 mm. ; greatest diameter 2.5 mm. (smallest specimen) Syntypes. — U. S. National Museum, nos. 15772 and 15775 Distribution. — Recent. Santa Barbara and San Diego, California (type) ; Puget Sound to the Gulf of California (Dall). Pleistocene. California (Arnold; Oldroyd, 1925; Grant and Gale; Willett, 1937; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946) Iselica obtusa (Carpenter (PI. 21, figs. 17, 18) Isapis obtusa Carpenter, 1864b, p. 613, 656; Reprint, 1872, p. 99, 142; 1866, California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 217; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 29; 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 64; Keep. 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 65; Dall, 1921, p. 155; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 71; Bau^y, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 201; Keen, 1937, p. 37; Burch, 1945, no. 55, p. 16, 18; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4. vol. XXVI. p. 196 Fossarus obtusus (Carpenter), Tryon, 1887, Man. Conch., vol. IX. p. 273, pi. 52, fig. 12 "Whirls [sic] flattened behind: ribs swollen, uneven. 10-20 fm. Cp." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 656] Oldroyd (1927) republished a copy of Carpenter's description (1866). The following changes should be made in her copy : Delete "poll." Add: ". . . State Collection, no. 682." ". . . Div. 60°. "Hab. S. Diego, 10 fm. ; Sta. Barbara, 20 fm. ; Cooper. "The fortunate discovery of some perfect young specimens displays a nucleus so like Odos- tomia that, despite the resemblance of the shell to Fossarus, which has a tuberoid nucleus, it most probably belongs to PyranndclUdae." [Carpenter, 1866, p. 217] The syntypes consist of four specimens witli a label "10 fm. San Diego Cooper Cotype." The specimens collected by Hanham (1911, p. 112-114) at Maple Bay, Vancouver Island, were described as the new variety /. obtusa laxa by Dall (1919c, p. 351). Syntypes.— \i. S. National Museum, no. 14814 [14936] Distribution. — San Diego, California (type) ; Puget Sound. Washington, to San Diego, California (Burch) ; Hanham, (1911) for habitat of /. obtusa laxa Dall). GASTROPODA 199 Family Hipponicidae Genus Hipponix^* Defrance, 1819 (Avialfhea Schumacher, 1817 non Rafinesque, 1815) Hipponix Defrance, 1819, J. Physique, Chimie, Hist, nat., t. 88, Jan., p. 217, figs. 1, a-f Type species by subsequent designation, Antox, 1839, Ver. Conchyl., p. 28, Patella cornuco- pias Lamarck, 1802, Ann. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat., t. 1, p. 311; Eocene. Paris Basin. Coss- MAXN AND PissARRO, 1910-1913, Icon. comp. Coq. foss. fiocene Env. Paris, t. 2, pi. XH, figs. 74-1 Hipponix tumens Carpenter (PI. 21, figs. 1-3) Hipponix tumens Carpenter, 1864b, p. SiJ. 541, Monterey, identification questioned, 654; Re- print. 1872. p. 23. 27, 140; 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hi.st.. ser. 3. vol. XV, p. 180; Reprint, 1872. p. 282; Cooper. 1867 Geog. Cat. AIoll., Geo!. Sur. California, p. 27 Hippon-vx; Tryon, 1886, Man. Conch., vol. VIII, p. 135, not pi. 40, fig. 7; Keep, 187, West Coast Shells, p. 75 Hipponxx: Arnold. 1903. p. 313; Dall, 1921. p. 161 ; Strong, 1923. Nautilus, vol. i7, no. 2. p. 43; Oi.droyd. 1927. vol. II, pt. Ill p. 113; Grant and Gale. 1931. p. 788 see for additional references; Snook and Johnson. 1935, Seashore Animals, p. 536. fig. 596; Baily. 1935, West Coast Shells. (Keep), p. 189; Keen, 1937, p. 2,7; Burch, 1946, no. 56, p. 10. 11; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946. U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 207. p. 70 ; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 197 Capiilus tumens (Carpenter). Cooper. 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 64 Amalthea tumens (Carpenter), Wu.liamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. !Mus., Proc, vol. XV, no. 898, p. 204 Hipponix subrufus tumens Carpenter, Abbott, 1954. p. 166 "Growth like Helcion : sculpture more open than harhatus." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 654] The above description was based on material from Monterey, San Diego, San Pedro, and Santa Barbara Islands. The following corrections and additions should be made to the copy of Carpenter's de- scription (1865) as published by Oldroyd (1927) to make that copy complete: Line 1 : read "rotundata" for "rotundara ;" page 114, line 1 : read "incrementi" for "incre- mente;" line 3: read .7 for 7; .46 for 46; .33 for 33; delete "poll." Add: "div. 90° "Hah. Sta. Barbara (Jezvctt) ; S. Pedro (Cooper). "= 'H. ? subrufa + 'Capulus, 213', Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1857, p. 230." [Carpenter, 1865h, p. 180] The type material consists of four specimens in the U. S. National Museum labelled, "San Diego Monterey Sta. Barbara." Largest specimen is figured herein. Apparently the four specimens were concentrated under the no. 14929 without differentiat- ing the locality of each specimen. The back of the present label bears numbers 14817b, 15293, 15652, 15715. It is, therefore, impossible to stipulate the exact locality of a lectotype. Oldroyd mentioned Santa Barbara, probably because it is mentioned first in the description (1865). Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew (1946) stated that the four specimens above came from Mon- terey. However, from the condition of the syntypes a selection of type locality would have to be arbitrary. Dimnuions, syntypes. — Greatest length from umbo to aperture 18 mm.; height 8 mm.; greatest diameter of aperture 12 mm. (largest) ; greatest length 5 m. ; height 2 mm. ; greatest diameter 5 mm. (smallest). Syntypes.— IJ. S. National Museum, no. 14929 (14817b. 15293, 15652. 15715) Distribution. — Recent. San Diego, Monterey, Santa Barbara Island, (type; syntypes are not separated as to exact locality of each) ; Crescent City, California, to Clarion Island [Re- villagigedo Islands] (Burch). Pleistocene. California (Arnold; Chace, 1919; Oldroyd, 1925; Grant and Gale; Willett, 1937; Woodring, Bramlette. and Kew); Mexico (Jordan, 1926; Hertlein, 1934) s* The original spelling is Hipponix. Hipponyx Defrance (Blainville, 1819, p. 9) is only notice of the original article, fide Smith (1906, p. 123). 200 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. V. CARPENTER Hipponix antiquatus cranioides Carpenter (PI. 21, figs. 4-6) Hipponvx cramoldes Carpenter, 1864, Aug., p. 268, 654; Reprint, 1872, p. 114, 140; 1864, Dec", Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3. vol. XIV, p. 427; Reprint, 1872, p. 239; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 27; Tkyon, 1886, Man. Conch., vol. VIII, p. 135, pi. 40, fig. 6; Cooper, 1888, 7th Ann. Rept. California State Min. Bur., p. 244; Ar- nold, 1903, p. 312; Baii.v, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 189; Keen, 1937, p. Z7 ; BuRCH, 1956, no. 56, p. 10. 11 Anwlthea cranioides (Carpenter), Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. XV, no. 898, p. 204 Hipponix antiquatus cranioides (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 161 ; Oloroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 158; 1927, vol. II, pt. III, p. 113; Grant and Gale. 1931. p. 788; WooDRiNG, RRAivrLETTE, AND Kew, 1946. U. S. Geol. Sur.. Prof. Paper 207. p. 70; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 197 doubtful var. "Large, rough, flat, intermediate between planatus and //. antiquatus . . ."[Carpenter, 1864b. p. 654] The following corrections should be made in the copy of the Carpenter's description (1864d) published by Oldroyd (1927) Line 5 : read "contiqua" for "continua ;" read .85 for 85 ; .75 for 75 ; .3 for 3 ; delete "poll." Add: "Hab. Neeah Bay (Szi'an)." The type material consists of 15^^ specimens, all irregular in shape; some are flatfish, others are high, and the majority are irregularly round. The specimen herein illustrated is a medium-flat shell which has the radiating striae developed best of all the specimens. Many workers do not regard this form as of subspecific rank. It is retained here to form- ulate the original data of the name cranioides more concisely. Types. — Syntypes, U. S. National Museum, no. 15508 (label no. 15508Q; specimens 15508) Distribution. — Recent. Neah Bay. Washington (type) ; Vancouver Island, to San Pedro. California (Dall). Pleistocene. California (Cooper; Arnold; Oldroyd, 1925; Grant and Gale; Willett, 1937; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew; Keen in Cockerell, 1939) Hipponix serratus Carpenter^^ Hipponyx serratus Carpenter, 1857, Cat. Mazatlan Shells, p. 296; 1864b, p. 541, 612 Santa Barbara Is., 654; Reprint. 1872, p. 27, 98. 140; Cooper. 1867. Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 27 "Santa Barbara south— Mazatlan" Trvon, 1866, Man. Conch., vol. VIII, p. 134, pi. 40, fig. 100 Hipponyx antiquatus Linnaeus, Cooper, 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 64 includes "serratus Cpr. ?" "Monterey south ? — S. America, Atlantic." ? Amalthea scrrata (Carpenter), Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 15, no. 892, p. 204 "San Pedro." Hipponix serratus Carpenter, Dall, 1921, p. 161 "Monterey to Panama"; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 113 Latin only of original description "Monterey to Panama"; Keen, 1937, p. Z7 "lat. 8-37" ; Burch, 1946, no. 56, p. 9, 10 "Moss Beach." Calif. ; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 197 doubted Monterey record This species was described from Mazatlan. The illustration and discussion are reserved for the work on that fauna. The synonymy is not intended to be complete, except to point out references where the species has been recorded from Monterey. Some of the records are compilation and do not include original findings. Smith and Gordon doubt its existence at Monterey. Holotype. — Probably in British Museum (Natural History) where the types were de- posited »5 Woodring (Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946) gave the number as 44. 96 In Burch (1946, p. 9) H. serratus "Sowerby" seems to be a typographical error for "Carpenter." GASTROPODA 201 Family Calyptraeidae Genus Calyptraea Lamarck, 179937 Calyptraea Lamarck, 1799, Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris, Mem., tab. facing p. 70, Calyptraea; no. 54, p. 78 Calxptroea Type species by monotypy, Patella chinensis Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., p. 781. Recent. England through the Mediterranean. Fossil. Tryox, Alan. Conch., 1886, vol. VIII, pi. 34, figs. 56, 57 Calyptraea contorta (Carpenter) (PI. 21, figs. 13, 14) Gatenis contortus Carpenter, 1864b, p. 590, 612, 654; Reprint, 1872. p. 76, 98, 140; 1866, Cali- fornia Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 215; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Gcol. Sur. Cali- fornia, p. 27; 1888, 7th Ann. Rept. California State Min., p. 241 Calyptraea contorta (Carpenter), Tryon, 1886, Man. Conch., vol. VIII, p. 121; Dall, 1921, p. 163; Strong, 1925. Nautilus, vol. 39, no. 1, p. 11 ; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II pt. Ill, p. 114; Keen, 1937, p. 32; Burch, 1946, no. S6, p. 19, 21; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, sen 4, vol. XXVI, p. 198 "Whirls twisted: nucleus minute, prominent. 20-40 fm. Cp." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 654] The following lines should be added to Carpenter's description (1866) as published by Oldroyd (1927) to make that copy complete: tt ". . . State Collection, no. 369. "Hab. Monterey, 20-40 fm., Santa Barbara, 16-20 fm. ; Catalina Island, 30-40 fm. ; Cooper. "The vertex stands out like a tiny Planorbis, and is more minute than in any species I have examined." [Carpenter, 1866a, p. 215] The single remaining specimen of the original lot is from the third locality mentioned by Carpenter. The type has a label "Type Catalina Is. Cooper." The type locality is, therefore, Catalina Island instead of Monterey as indicated by Smith and Gordon. Lectotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 11846 Distribution. — Recent. Catalina Island, California (type) ; Catalina Island, California, to Gulf of California (Dall). Pleistocene. California (Cooper; Willett, 1937) Genus Crepidula Lamarck, 1799 Crepidula onyx Sowerby "Crepidula rugosa Nutt. ms." Carpenter (PI. 14, fig. 6) Crepidula onyx Sowerby, 1825, Genera of Shells, no. 23, fig. 2 Crepidula rugosa Nutt. [ms.] Jay, 1852, Cat. Shells, Cat. Shells, 4th ed., p. 107 under C. onyx Sowerby; Carpenter, 1856, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, pt. XXIV, p. 224; 1857, Rept. Brit. Assoc Adv. Sci. 1856, p. 200, 323, 349; 1857. Mazatlan Cat., p. 278, 279; 1860. Smith. Misc Coll., vol. 2, art. 6, p. 4 ; 1864, p. 537, 541, 565, 654; Reprint, 1872. p. 23, 27, 51, 140; Tryon, 1886 Man. Conch., vol. VIII p. 128 under C. onyx; Burch, 1945, no. 56, p. 13 under C. onyx Sowerby Jay assigned Nuttall's manuscript name to C. onyx Sowerby where it remains. Carpenter, however, described the Nuttall shell from "upper California" although he was not certain that its difference from C. onyx merited specific rank. He thought (1864b) it might be a northern "variety" of C. onyx. A photograph of the interior of the type of "C. rugosa Nuttall" ms. is included herein through the courtesy of the British Museum (Natural History). Mr. Wilkins sent the fol- lowing notes which are the label on the type : "Crepidula rugosa Nuttall. U. Calif. (Nuttall label)." 97 Sum. Opinion Rend., no. 94, Int. Rules Zool. Nomen., Smithsonian Misc. Coll., vol. 73, no. 4, 1926, p. 12, Calyptraea Lamarck, 1799, mt., Patella chinensis Linnaeus, placed in the Official List of Generic Names. 202 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Family Naticidae Genus Natica Scopoli, 1777 "Natica ? Maroccana, var. Californica" Carpenter Natica ? Maroccana. var. Califontica Carpenter, 1856, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, pt. XXIV, p. 227; 1864b, p. 527; Reprint. 1872, p. 13 Carpenter described this shell (1856) from "upper California," but he later (1864b) wrote, "The varietal name must be dropped. The shell certainly came from the Sandwich Islands." Family Velutinidae Genus Velutina Fleming, 1820 Velutina Fleming, 1820,98 Brewster's Edinburgh Encycl., vol. XIV, pt. 2, p. 626; 1832, 1st Amer. Ed., vol. XIII, pt. 2, p. 684 Type species by original designation, monotypy, and obsolete tautonomy. Bulla z'clutina Mi'LLER, 1776, Zool. Danica, p. 242 ^ F. vulgaris Fleming =: Helix laeviqata of British authors fide Fleming. Recent. Northern Europe ; North Atlantic to Massachusetts ; north Pacific to Monterey, California. Tryon, 1886, Man. Conch., vol. VIII, pi. 28, figs. 41-44, 48, 59 Velutina prolongata Carpenter (PI. 21, figs. 7, 8) Velutina prolongata Carpenter, 1864b, p. 628, 661; Reprint, 1872, p. 114, 147; 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XV, p. Z2; Reprint, 1872, p. 245; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 35; Tryon, 1886, Man. Conch., vol. VIII, p. 66; Dall, 1921. p. 167; Oldrovd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 164; 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 140; Keen, 1935, p. 49; Burch, 1946, no. 57, p. 3; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc., ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 199 Monterey doubtful record. "Spire very small. Labrum produced in front." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 661] The following corrections and additions should be made in Oldroyd's (1927) copy of Car- penter's description (1865) : Line 2: read "dimidio" for "imidio" ; read .1 for 1; read .15 for 15; delete "poll." Add: ". . . div. 140°. "Hah. Neeah Bay; rare {Sxvan)." [Carpenter, 1865a, p. 32] There are four specimens in the type collection which are labelled, "Neeah Bay Washing- ton J. G. Swan." The specimen of the four which is figured herein is the best preserved and next to the largest of the group. Dimensions, Syntypes. — Length 24 mm.; width 19 mm.; height 11 mm. (largest) ; length 9 mm. ; width 7 mm. ; height 4 mm. (smallest) Syntypes. — U. S. National Museum, no. 11842 Distribution. — Neah Bay, Washington (type) ; Bering Strait to Monterey,"" California (Dall) Family Muricidae Genus Ocenebra Leach (ms.) in Gray, 1847 (Ocinebra Leach, 1852, error for Ocenebra Gray, 1847) Ocenebra Leach ms. in Gray, 1847, Oct., Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. 20, p. 269; 1847. Nov., Zool. Soc. London, Proc, p. 133; Winckworth, 1934, Jour. Conch., vol. 20, p. 14 Type species by monotypy O. erinacea [Linnaeus] (AIontagu), 1803, Test. Britannica, pt. I, p. 259 as Murex = O. erinacea (Linnaeus), 1758, Syst. Nat., p. 748; 1767, p. 1216. Re- cent. Europe. Tryon, 1880, Man. Conch., vol. II, pi. 36, figs. 400-404 Ocenebra interfossa Carpenter (PI. 2Z, fig. 1) Ocinebra interfossa Carpenter, 1864b. p. 603, 606, 628, 663; Reprint, 1872, p. 89, 92, 114, 149; 1865, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 17, p. 64; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 37; 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 69; Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 24, fig. 5; Cooper, 1888, 7th Ann. Rept. California State Min., p. 254; Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. XV, no. 898, p. 215; Arnold, 1903, p. 255 98 (Sherborn, 1937, p. 112) 99 Doubtful record (fide Smith and Gordon, 1948) GASTROPODA 203 ^furex (Ociucbra) intcrfossa (Carpenter), Tkvox, 1880, Man. Conch., vol. II, p. 131, pi. 39, fig. 484 Tritonalia iufcrfossa (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 108, pi. 11, fig. 8; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. II, p. 21. pi. 30, fig. 2 same fig. as Dall, 1921 ; Grant and Gale, 1931. p. 710; Bailv, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 237, fig. 233 ; Keen, 1937. p. 47 Ocenebra intcrfossa Carpenter, Burch, 1945, no. 51, p. 48, 52, 53; Bormann, 1946, Nautilus, vol. 60, no. 2, p. 38, pi. 4, figs. 10-11, 14; 1947, Minutes Conch. Club So. California, no. 71, p. 7; Smith and Gordon, California Acad. Sci., Proc. ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 189; Abbott, 1954, p. 216, fig. 49a same fig. as Dall, 1921 "Purple-brown, with latticed sculpture." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 663, Monterey, Farallones, Puget Sound, and Vancouver area] "O. t. satis elongata, purpureo — fusca; anfr. nucleosis ii, laevibus, elongatis ; anfr. normali- bus V. convexis, suturis valde impressis ; costis radiantibus subvaricosis circ. XI, et spiralibus subaequantibus, quarum iii.-v. in spira monstrantur. decussata ; interstitiis altis, quadratis. laminulis increment!, et interdum costulis spiralibus obtusis intercalantibus, saepe ornatis ; apertura ovata labro (t. adulta) intus dentato ; canali satis longa, saepius clausa. Long, .85, long, spir .4, lat. .45, div. 60°. "Hah. — Neeah Bay, Su'on : Vancouver, Lord, (named Fusus orpheus, as of GId. in Br. Mus.)" [Carpenter, 1865e, p. 64] Specimen no. 4636 (14889 R132), U. S. National Museum, is labelled, "Type Monterey Harbor." It is the specimen which Bormann (1946) figured and of which an illustration is included herein. Tlie writer does not believe that the facts warrant saying (as Bormann stated, Burch, 1947, no. 71, p. 7), that the type was figured in Dall (1921) and repeated in Oldroyd (1927). The explanation of that figure reads, "typical," and the drawing, which may be a composite sketch, does not depict the exact features of the "type." Carpenter unconsciously bequeathed an error in the matter of the type locality. In his first brief description (1864b). Carpenter included shells from Monterey, Farallones, and the Strait of Juan de Fuca. However, in the complete description (1865). the California locali- ties are not mentioned. To be able to validate tlie above-labelled type (no. 4636, U. S. National Museum), Car- penter's earlier description (1864) must be accepted as adequate. Those brief lines are hardly complete. If the specific description dates from 1865 it is not consistent to have a holotype or lectotype from a locality which is not mentioned in that description. J. Wyatt Durham informed the writer that there are in the Department of Paleontology, University of California, two specimens (not the same species), no. 47-402, labelled TrifoH- aim intcrfossa, which apparently had been segregated because they might be types. The writer doubts their status as types because of the absence of authentic type label. The lack of local- ity label would eliminate those specimens from availability as "lectotype." The specimen, U. S. National Museum no. 4636, is the only "type" so far found. In spite of the inconsistency of its locale it would seem best to assume that the selection was made by Carpenter ; therefore, the specimen is a holotype. Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 4636 Distribution. — Recent. Monterey. California (type) ; Semidi Island. Alaska, to Punta Santo Tomas. Lower California (Burch). Pleistocene. California (Arnold; Grant and Gale; Oldroyd, 1925; Woodring, Bramlette and. Kew, 1946). Mexico (Jordan, 1926). PHocene. California (Berry, 1809; Grant and Gale); Oregon (Howe, 1922; Grant and Gale). ?Mio- cene. Oregon (Howe, 1922; Grant and Gale") Ocenebra interfossa atropurpurea Carpenter (PI. 23, figs. 2. 3, 3A, 13) Ocinebra interfossa atropurpurea Carpenter, 1865, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 17, p. 64; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 37 Tritonalia intcrfossa atropurpurea (Carpenter), Dall, 1919. U. S. Nat. Mus.. Proc, vol. 56, no. 2295, p. 334 as new varietv; 1921, p. 108; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Sta- tion, vol. 4, p. 100; 1927, vol. II, pt. II, p. 22; Keen, 1937, p. 47 204 MARINE AfOLLUSCA DESCRlRF.n BY P. P. CARPEXTKR Ocenebra interjossa atropurpurea (Carpenter), BuRcii, 1945, no. 51, p. 49; Bormanx, 194ti. Nautilus, vol. 60, no. 2, p. 39, pi. 4, figs. 7-9; 1947, Alinutes Conch. Club So. California, no. 71, p. 7 With description of O. interjossa Carpenter (1865e) "Hah. Neeah Bay, Swan : Vancouver, Lord . . . [Habitat for both O. interjossa and var. atropurpurea] "Variat. : t. atropurpurea; costis spiralibus distantibus, in spira duabus, foveis majoribus. Variat quoque t. albido zonata." [Carpenter, 1865e, p. 64] This subspecies was described as above by Carpenter (1865). Apparently Dall forgot about the description when he made tlie statement (1919) that a description had not been published by Carpenter. Ball's notes were no more complete than Carpenter's, so that Ball's name does not apply as author of the subspecies. Tlie Icctotype is figured herein for the first time. Bormann figured a specimen (1946) from White's Point, Los Angeles County, Cali- fornia, which had been compared with the holotype by Rehder (in Bormann, 1946). There are seven specimens (paratypes) in the original group in the U. S. National Mu- seum, no. lS528bi'>o other than the one labelled "type." The label includes "Neeah Bay." The type is evidently a lectotype selected by Ball. All the specimens, lectotype and paratypes, have tlie apical whorls worn. The suite in- cludes young and mature individuals. Some are more slender than the "type," but all have the coarse longitudinal lines of growth and deep stiuarish pits. The labrum is not thickened on the immature forms. The measurements which Ball gave (1919) are not those of the lectotyi>e but of a more elongate shell (see size of lectotype, explanation of pi. 23, figs. 2, 3A) Lectotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 15528b Disfrihttion. — Neah Bay, Washington (type) ; Neah Bay, Washington, to San Biego, California (Ball) Ocenebra interfossa beta (Ball) Tritonalia interjossa beta Ball, 1919, Biol. Soc. Washington, Proc., vol. 32, p. 250 and T. interjossa alpha Ball, 1921, p. 108, pi. 13, fig. 9, as of Carpenter in Ball, 1919 and 1921 ; T. S. Oldroyd, 1925, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 65, no. 2535, p. 12; I. Oldroyd, 1927, p. 22; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 710; Burch, 1945, no. 51, p. 48 as Ocenebra; named by Ball from manuscript names, probably museum labels, of Carpenter. The subspecies were never mentioned in literature by Carpenter. The holotype of O. beta was figured by Bormann (1946, pi. 4, fig. 15). O. interjos.m minor was also a manuscript museum label name used by Carpenter. It was described by Ball (1919, p. 334) but not illustrated. Bormann (1946, PI. 4, fig. 5) figured the holotype. O. beta Ball w^as also figured by Smith and Gordon (1948, holotype. Fig. 1, p. 189). Ocenebra lurida munda Ball in Williamson Ocinebra lurida var. niunda Cakpentkr, 1864b, p. 663; Reprint, 1872, p. 149; Ball in Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. XV, no. 898, p. 215, pi. XX, fig. 3; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 2i7 ; 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 69; Arnold, 1903, p. 258 Murex {Ocinebra) luridus munda (Carpenter), Tryon, 1880, Man. Conch., vol. II, p. 131 Tritonalia lurida munda (Carpenter), Ball, 1921, p. 107; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 100; 1927, vol. Ill, pt. II, p. 18; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 712, pi. Z2, fig. 5; Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 238, fig. 235 same as Williamson, Keen, 1937, p. 47 T. munda Ocenebra lurida munda Carpenter, Burch, 1945, no. 51, p. 46; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 189 "Tall, with faint sculpture." — [Carpenter, 1864b. p. 663] The above are the brief remarks which constitute the only data that Carpenter published on the subspecies, except the names of numerous localities from California and Vancouver 100 The no. 155286 in Ball (1919, p. 334) is not correct. The "6" is a typographical error for "b." GASTROPODA 205 Island which were not definitely segregated from that of tlic species. The first sentence of the notes which Oldroyd (1927, p. 18) credited to Carpenter are not those of Carpenter. They are a portion of Tryon's (1880, p. 131) remarks regarding the form. Carpenter's line does not seem adequate to validate the subspecific name. Carpenter's type has not been found. The first to use the name with a figure, a type, and definite locality was Williamson. Therefore, if the form deserves subspecific rank, to preserve the name one must date it from Williamson. The identification of the form in her report was made by Dall. Lectotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 46708 (Williamson) Distribution. — Recent. Catalina Island, California (type) ; Middleton Island, Alaska, to San Diego, Calif. (Dall). Pleistocene. California (Arnold; Grant and Gale; Woodring, Bramlette and Kew, 1946) Ocenebra poulsoni Carpenter (PI. 26, fig. 8) Buccinum Pnulsoni "Nutt. M. S.," C.'\Rpenter, 1856, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, p. 227 "Upper California. Mus. Nuttall." Ocinebra Poulsoni Nuttall. Carpenter, 1864b. p. 537, 663, 665; Reprint, 1872, p. 23, 149, 151 : 1865, Jour, de Conchvl. vol. XIII, ser. 3, vol. V, p. 148; Reprint, 1872, p. 316; Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 23; Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 15, no. 898, p. 215 ; Arnold, 1903, p. 260, pi. V, fig. 2 Ocinebra Poulsoni Carpenter, Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll.. Geol. Sur. California, p. 38 Murex {Ocinebra) Poulsoni Nuttall, Tryon, 1880, Man. Conch., vol. II, p. 130, pi. 38, fig. 475 Tritonalin poulsoni (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 107; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. II. p. 19 Tritonalia poulsoni (Nuttall in Carpenter), Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 712, pi. 32, fig. 10; Keen, 1937. p. 47 Tritonalia pouhoni (Nuttall), Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 238 Ocenebra poulsoni (Carpenter), Bijrch, 1945, no. 51, p. 47; Abbott, 1954, p. 218, pi. 24, fig. K "Shape like .1/. monoccros, with brown spiral lines." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 663] Oldroyd (1927) republished the Latin portion of Carpenter's (1865) description. The following changes should be made in her copy : Line 6 : for "lumentibus" read "tumentibus," add "div. 38" at end of line. Add: "Hab. San Diego, Nuttall. — Cerros Is., Veatch. — Santa Barbara, Jcn'ctt. "Je n'ai vu que trois individus de cette belle espece : I'um d'eux, qui est typique, porte le nom de "Buccinum Poulsoni" dans la collection Nuttall qui fait partie du Musee britannique : un second, tres-jeune, et d'un aspect fort particulier, bien qu'il apportienne evidemment a la meme espece, a ete recueilli par le colonel Jewett, probablement a Santa Barbara (mais, d'apres son etiquette, a Panama) : enfin celui du docteur Veatch provient de la basse Cali- fornia, et il est en tres-mauvais etat. Le premier a ete dessine sur bois pour I'institution Smithsonienne par M. Sowerby. Comme cette espece interessante est presque inconnue en France, j'ai cru devoir en donner une description suflBsamment precise." [Carpenter, 1865g, p. 149] Carpenter's description (1864b) indicated specimens from "California" (Nuttall),"? Santa Barbara" (Jewett), and "Lower California" (Smith. Inst.). They were used as the basis of the analysis. Those three sources are identical with the three mentioned by Carpenter in his description (1865). Fortunately, the Nuttall (G. L. Wilkins, Mar. 2, 1951, personal communi- cation) specimen is in the British Museum. The officials of that institution provided a photo- graph of the syntype ("holotype"). Type.— British Museum (Natural History), B. M. Distribution. — Recent. San Diego, California (type) ; Santa Barbara, California, to Mag- dalena Bay, Lower California (Dall). Pleistocene. California (see Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 712) ; Mexico (Hertlein, 1934) Ocenebra squamulifera (Carpenter in Gabb) Trophon squamulifera Carpenter in Gabb, 1869, Pal, California, vol. II, p. 44; Trvon, 1880, Man. Conch., vol. II, p. 139, pl. 31, fig. 320 206 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Ocinebra barbarens'is Arnold, 1903, p. 254, pi. V, fig. 1 not Gabb, 1865, California Acad. Sci., Proc., vol. Ill, p. 183 fide Willett, 1938 Tritonalia squmnulifera (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 107; Oldroyd, 1927, pt. II, p. 18; Keen, 1937, p. 47 Tritonalia squanmlijera (Carpenter in Gabb), Willett, 1938, Nautilus, vol. 52, no. 1, p. 10; WooDRiNG, Bramlette, AND Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 207, p. 75, pi. 34, fig. 13 Ocenebra squamuUjcra (Carpenter), Burch, 1945, no. 51, p. 46, 52; Bormann, 1946, Nauti- lus, vol. 60, no. 2, p. 40, pi. 4, figs. 17, 18 holotype; Bormann, 1947, Conch. Club. So. Cali- fornia, Min. no. 71, p. 8 "T. satis turrita, pallide rufofusca ; anfr. nucl.? norm. IV tabulatis, tumentioribus, suturis ad angulum 80° — 100° acute impressis; costis rad. VI — VII vix varicosis, angustis, ad angulum posticum interdum spinosis, ad basim continuis ; liris spiralibus primum iii fenestra- tis dein creberrimis, asperis, squamulatis, intcrstitiis angustis, plus minusve incisis, canali longiore, rectiore, duabus trientibus aperturae aequante, vix aperta; apertura ovali, labro incrassato, intus circ. V dentati ; labio laevi, crassiore. "Long. .9, long. spir. .35, lat. .51, div. 66°. "Hab. Living; Catalina Isd. ; Post- Pliocene, Sta. Barbara. "With the general aspect of T. temiisciilpta, it is at once recognized by the difference in sculpture. The fossil (unique) specimen is much finer than the immature living one sent by Dr. Cooper. In this the varices are not spinous at the angle, and the spiral sculpture is stronger. The difference, however, does not appear to be specific." [Carpenter in Gabb, 1869, p. 44] "The above description and notes were sent me by Dr. Carpenter, in a letter, and were based on a unique fossil specimen found by myself at Santa Barbara, and an immature recent one from Catalina Island, found by Dr. Cooper." [Gabb, 1869, p. 44] J. Wyatt Durham (Personal communication) furnished the following notes in regard to the type of this species which is in the University of California, Museum of Paleontology: "Trophon squamulifcr Carpenter "Univ. Calif. AIus. Paleo. no. 15459; marked Holotype; has old State Survey no. 63 on yellow gummed square; present label on box 10 — 15 years old; label in bottle older, but not too old: Trophon squainulifcra Cpr. [Type]; back of label with measurements on it different w-riting than front. Label on box with notation: Carpenter, in Gabb, Pal. Calif., 1869, vol. 2, p. 44; Recent; Catalina Island, Calif. "There is a possibility that the label in the bottle might be Rivers', but it certainly is not older than that, and might be younger." This species was founded on two specimens, one from tlie Recent and one from the Pleistocene. Present workers seem to be in doubt whether the species occurs in the living fauna, because it has been assumed that the type was the Pleistocene shell. However, if the label of the existing type is correct, the holotype (depending on whether it was originally selected by Carpenter) came from Catalina Island and is a Recent shell. Bormann (1946), in the explanation of the figure of the holotype, defined the shell from the "Pleistocene of Santa Barbara," but that is a confusion. Apparently the Pleistocene shell is not available. If the holotype or lectotype is established on the Recent species and that is the locality which Carpenter mentioned first, the query by workers as to the presence of the species in the Recent fauna is settled. The problem would then be to identify living shells which may be at present classified under some otiier name. If the Pleistocene shells, heretofore called T. squaiiiulifera, can be separated from the holotype of T. squamilifcra as a distinct species or subspecies, the Pleistocene form would deserve a new name. Pleistocene (San Pedro sand) specimens which had been figured as "Ocinebra barbarensis Gabb" by Arnold have been assigned to this species by Willett. Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew agree with Willett in his identification. Bormann (1946) figured the "holotype" of this species. Holotype (or lectotype). — University of California, Museum Paleontology, no. 15459 Distribution. — Recent. Catalina Island, California (type) ; Santa Barbara to San Pedro, California (Dall) ; British Columbia, to Santa Barbara, California (Burch, 1955). Pleis- tocene. California (Carpenter) Santa Barbara (.Arnold. 1903; Willett, 1938; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew) GASTROPODA 207 Ocenebra tenuisculpta (Carpenter) ( IM. 23. figs. 9-12) Trophon tentiisculptus Carpenter, 1864b, p. 539; Reprint, 1872, p. 25; 1866, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XVII, p. 275, 277; Reprint, 1872, p. 322, 324; not Tryon, 1880, Maji. Conch., vol. II, p. 139, pi. ii, fig. 359 copy Kobelt, Kuster. Conch. Cab., t. 76. f. 9; Cooper, 1888, 7th Ann. Rept. California State Min. Bur., p. 268; not Keen, 1937, p. 48 Trophon (Boreotrophon) tcnuiscitlptus Carpenter, Arnold, 1903, p. 253 Boreotrophon tenitisculptits (Carpenter), D.all, 1902, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 24, no. 1264, p. 541 in part section Trophonopsis; Van Winkle [Palmer], 1921, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. VIII, no. 36, p. 5 copy of original description, pi. 1, figs. 6-9 types Not Neptunea tenuisculpta (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. Ill, pi. 11, figs. 11, 12; Oldrovd, 1927, vol. II, pt. 2, p. 39, pi. 30, figs. 3, 7 copy of Dall, 1921, pi. 11, figs. 11, 12 = Trophon lasius Dall, 1919, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 56, p. 338; Willet, 1938, Nautilus, vol. 52, no. 1, p. 10, pi. 1, fig. 6 type Trophon (Trophonopsis) tenuisculpfus (Carpenter), Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 725 in part; T. lasiiis Dall Tritonalia tenuisculpta (Carpenter), Willett, 1938, Nautilus, vol. 52, no. 1, p. 10 "T. testa T. Barvicensi simili, sed sculptura minus extante ; vertice nucleoso minimo ; anfractibus uno et dimidio laevibus, apice acuto ; normalibus v., tumidis, postice subangulatis, suturis impressis; costis radiantibus x.-xiv., plerumque xii., baud varicosis, angustis, obtusis ; liris spiralibus majoribus, distantibus, quarum ii.-iii. in spira monstrantur, aliis intercalantibus, supra costas radiantes undatim transeuntibus ; tota superficie lirulis incrementi, supra liras spirales squamosis, eleganter ornata ; canali longiore, subrecta, vix clausa ; labro acutiore, postice et intus incrassto, dentibus circ. v. munito; labio conspicuo, laevi ; columella torsa. "Hab. Sta. Barbara, Pleistocene formation {Jezvett). "This very elegant shell is like the least-sculptured forms of T. Barviccnsis from_ which it appears to differ in its extremely small nucleus. It is very closely related to T. fimbriatulus, A. Ad., from Japan, but differs in texture, and is regarded by Air. Adams as distinct.^ It stands on the confines of the genus, there being a slight columellar twist, as in Peristernia." [Carpenter, 1866, p. 277] Dimensions. — Length 16 mm. ; greatest diameter 8 mm. ; length 13 mm. ; greatest diameter 7 mm. (syntypes) There are two specimens of this species on the original card labelled "type." They are in the Paleontological Laboratory, Cornell University. The history of tlieir preservation there is described by Van Winkle [Palmer] (1921). Willett (1938) in consultation with Grant and Strong, showed that the Recent form which had commonly been determined by authors and labelled in collections as this species was in reality something different and is what Dall (1919) named T. lasius. T. tenuisculpta Carpenter is not in the Recent fauna. Syntypes. — No. 4951, Paleontological Laboratory, Cornell University Ithaca, New York. Distribution. — Santa Barbara formation. Pliocene-Pleistocene.^o^ Santa Barbara, Cali- fornia (type) ; California (Arnold; Grant and Gale; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946) Genus Trophonopsis Bucquoy, Dautzenberg, and Dollfus, 1882 (Boreotrophon Fischer, 1884) Trophonopsis Bucquoy, Dautzenberg, and Dollfus, 1882, Moll. Marins du Roussillon, Gastropodes, t. I, p. 40 Type species by monotypy and original designation, Murex muricatus Montagu, 1803, Test. Brit., p. 262, pi. IX, fig. 2. Recent. Western Europe. Tryon, 1880, Man. Conch., vol. II, pi. 31, fig. 308. Murex clathratus Linnaeus, 1867, Syst. Nat., p. 1223, type species of Boreotrophon Fischer, 1884, Man. de Conchyl., pt. II, p. 640; Tryon, 1880, Man. Conch., vol. II, pi. 31, fig. 312 Trophonopsis triangulatus Carpenter Trophon triangulatus Carpenter, 1864b, p. 613, 663; Reprint, 1872, p. 99, 149; 1866, Cali- fornia Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 224; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 38, 1888, 7th Ann. Rept. California State Min., p. 268; Tryon, 1880, Man. Conch., vol. II, p. 142; Dall, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 14, no. 849, p. 180, pi. V, figs. 1, 3 "type," 6 101 Bailey (1935, p. 492-494) gave upper Pliocene-lower Pleistocene. Woodring, Bram- lette, and Kew (1946, p. 104) gave lower Pleistocene. 208 MARINR ArOLLTTSCA DESCRTBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Trophon {Boreotrophon) triangulattis (Carpenter), Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 15, no. 898, p. 216; Arnold, 1903, p. 254; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 724 Boreotrophon triangitlatus (Carpenter), Dall, 1902, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 24, no. 1264, p. 548 section Austrotrophon Boreotrophon percgrinus D.-vll, 1902, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. XXIV, no. 1264, p. 543 Troponopsis triangitlatus (Carpenter), Cossmann, 1903, Essais Pal. Comp., liv. 5, p. 54; BuRCH, 1955, Min. Conch. So. California, no. 149, p. 7 Trophon (Ncptiinca) percgrinus Dall, 1921, p. 110, pi. 8, fig. 5; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. II, p. 36, pi. 2,i, fig. 12 Trophon {Austrotrophon) triangulatus (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 109 in part; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. II, p. 28, pi. 34, figs. 6, 7 type; Keen, 1937, p. 48 In part Trophon {Austrotrophon) triangulatus (Carpenter), Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 244, fig. 244 = T. catalincnsis Oli.rovd, 1927, vol. II, pt. II, p. 29, pi. 34, figs. 1-5 Boreotrophon triangulatus (Carpenter), Burch, 1945, no. 51, p. 55, 60; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 190; Abbott, 1954, p. 208, fig. 46b same figure as Dall, 1892, pi. 5, fig. 3 Boreotrophon percgrinus (Dall), Burch, 1945, no. 51, p. 58; Smith and Goiu)ON, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. XXVI, no. 8, p. 234 "Cat. Is., 60 fm. Resembles the young of Murex centrijugus" [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 613] "Typhoid shape: frills triangular, white 60 fnu Cp." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 663] The original description has been republished by Oldroyd (1927). Tlie following correc- tions and additions should be made to make her copy complete : ". . . State Collection, no. 580a." Page 29, line 3 : insert "apertam" between "spinam" and "compressis." Insert before paragraph beginning "Resembles" the following : ". . . div. 70°. "Hab. Catalina Island, 60 fm. ; 4 alive of equal size, Cooper." [Carpenter, 1866a, p. 224] Dall discussed this species in detail (1891) and figured the type (a young shell) and an adult individual from San Pedro. Dall later (1902) repeated his earlier statements. J. Wyatt Durham furnished the following notes regarding the "types" (syntypes) in the University of California, Museum of Paleontology : "Trophon triangulatus Carpenter^Two specimens in our [Univ. California, Mus. Paleo.] collection labelled Type. (1) Univ. Calif. Mus. Paleo. no. 12571, no old labels with it; present label 10-15 years old, with following notations (all in same handwriting) : Car- penter: Brit. Assn. Ad. Sci. for 1863, p. 663 = 1864; Oldroyd: 1927, L S J U, vol. 2, p. 28, pi. 34, f. 6. Recent. Catalina Island, California. Carpenter: 1865, Pr. C.A.S., vol. 3, p. 224. "(2) Univ. Calif. Mus. Paleo. no. 12572. No old labels; present label same kind as above. Notations: Carpenter: 1864, Rept. Brit. Assn. Adv. Sci. for 1863, p. 663; Oldroyd: 1927, L S J U 2, pt. 2, p. 28, pi. 34, fig. 7. Recent. Catalina Island, Calif. Carpenter: 1865, pr. CAS, vol. 3, p. 224. "This specimen still has the operculum with it. Otlierwise the two are in equally good condition. Perhaps 12572 should be designated as the Lectotype." In referring to the specimen at the University of California as the type which he figured (1892), Dall described the specimen as containing the operculum. The writer therefore iden- tifies no. 12572, University California Museum Paleontology as that shell and selects that specimen as the lectotype of the species. A specimen in the U. S. National Museum, no. 11839, is labelled, "Catalina Id. Cooper Type fig'd." The shell is 10 mm. length and 6 mm. greatest diameter ; hence it is a young shell about the size of the lectotype. From the original description (1866) there could be syntypes, all from Catalina Island and of the same size. If the specimen in the U. S. National Museum was indicated as type in Dall's day, it is odd that Dall did not describe that speci- men and figure it instead of going so far afield. As the labels stand it can be regarded as a syntype and a lectotype can be chosen from the three syntypes, which is what the writer has done above. Oldroyd figured both University California syntypes. The U. S. National Museum "syntype" apparently has not been figured, regardless of the label. This species does not seem to be typical Trophonopsis [Boreotrophon]. Dimensions.— l.cugih 11.5 mm.; diameter 6.?> mm. (lectotype, Dall). GASTROPODA 209 Types. — Lectotype, Univ. California, Aluscum of Paleontology, no. 12572; paratype, University California Museum Paleontology no. 12572; "paratype," U. S. National Museum, no. 11839. Disiribution. — Recent. Catalina Island, California (type) ; Monterey, California, to Cata- lina Island and San Pedro, to San Diego, California (Burch). Pleistocene. California (Cooper; Arnold; Grant and Gale). Family Magilidae Genus Latiaxis Svvainson, 1840 Latiaxis costata hindsii (Carpenter) Trnphnn uuiricatus HiNns. 1844, Voy. Sulphur, Moll., p. 14, pi. 1, figs. 16, 17 not Murex muricafus Montagu, 1803, Testacea Britannica, p. 262 Trophon Hindsii Carpenter, 1857, Rept. British Assoc. Adv. Sci. 1856,io2 p. 205 Latiaxis costata hindsii (Carpenter), Burch, 1945, no. 52, p. 11 The specific name of this Panama species was changed by Carpenter, because he thought the Murex muricatiis Montagu was congeneric (secondary homonym). Oldroyd (1929, p. 99) renamed shells CoralUophila Oldroydi from Catalina Island which had gone under Car- penter's name. Burch enumerated the factors in regard to the identification of Oldroyd's and Hinds' (original) species. He believed that they are distinct and extended the range of L. costata hirvdsii from Point Conception to Panama. The type of the species is a shell from the "Voyage of the Sulphur" and not one of Carpenter's. The name is included here only to explain Carpenter names. Family Columbellidae Genus Mitrella Risso, 1826 Mitrella Risso, 1826, Hist. Nat. Eur. Merid., vol. 4, p. 247; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 689 Type species by subsequent designation, Cox, 1927, Rept. Pal. Zanzibar, Moll., p. 28, M. flaminea Risso, 1826, Hist. Nat. Eur. Merid., vol. 4, p. 248, = Mtirex scriptns Linnaeus, 1758, Svst. Nat., 10 ed., p. 755. Recent and subfossil. Mediterranean. Grant and Gale, 1931, p."690, text fig. 6 Mitrella gouldi (Carpenter) fNitidella gouJdii Carpenter in Gould and Carpenter 1856, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, p. 208; 1857, Rept. British Assoc. Adv. Sci. 1856, p. 228, 341, 349; 1864b, p. 535. 537, 567, 603, 663; Reprint, 1872, p. 21, 23, 53, 89, 149; 1860, Smith. Misc. Collec, vol. 2, art. 6, p. 4; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll.. Geol. Sur. Californica, p. 38; 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI. p. 70; Trvon, 1883, Man. Conch., vol. 5, p. 217 as equal to C. carinata Hinds; Pace, 1902. Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 5, p. 88; Dall. 1921, p. 104; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 98; 1927, vol. II, pt. I, p. 277; Abbott, 1954, p. 222, pi. 20. fig. m Cf. Columhella (Nitidella) dalli E. A. Smith, 1880, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. 6, p. 287 fide Dall, 1916, Nautilus, vol. 30, no. 3, p. 26 Mitrella- gouldi (Carpenter), Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 695; Keen, 1937, p. 40; Burch, 1945, no. 51, p. 17; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 187 Not Columhella gouldi Agassiz ms.. Reeve, 1858, Conch. Icon., vol. 11, Columhella, pi. XXII, fig. 135 Oldroyd (1927) republished part of the original description of this species. To her copy should be added the following: ". . . div. ?>7\ "Hab. Sta. Barbara (Jczvctt). Mus. Gould. "Closely resembling .V. cribraria; distinguished from C. Sta.-Barbarensis by the smooth whirls [sic] and apex, and the conspicuous labral teeth. The two specimens examined differ too much from each other in colour-markings to found specific characters upon these fea- tures." [Carpenter, 1856d, p. 208] "Not to be confounded with Col. Gouldiana, Agass. which is probably Amycla." [Car- penter, 1864b, p. 535] "Columhella Gouldii, Agass., MS. is Mus. Cum., Nov. 1858. [= Amycla Gouldiana Atlantic; non Nitidella Gouldii, Cpr."] [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 567] 102 Dall (1921, p. 113) gave incorrect reference to "Mazatlan Cat." 210 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P, P. CARPENTER ". . . P.Z.S. 1856, p. 208. Slender: like thin A. gmisapata, with Purpuroid operc." [Car- penter, 1864b, p. 663] The holotype of this species has not been found. It is not reported in the types of the Gould Collection (27th Ann., Rept. New York State, p. 47), in Albany, New York. It is not in the British Museum (G. L. W'ilkins, Oct. 17, 1950. i)crsonal communication). Holotype. — Not found Distribution. — Recent. Santa Barbara, California (type) ; Kodiak, Alaska, to San Diego, California. Pleistocene. California (Oldroyd, 1925; Grant and Gale). Pliocene. California (Moody, 1916 fide Grant and Gale; Grant and Gale) Mitrella tuberosa (Carpenter) ( PI. 26, figs. 9-12) Amvcia tnhcrnsa C.xrpkxtkk, 1864b, p. 537, 539, 628, 662; Reprint, 1872, p. 22,, 25. 114, 148; 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., .ser. 3, vol. XV, p. 398; Reprint. 1872, p. 288; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 2,7; 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 68; 1888, 7th Ann. Rept. California State .Min. Bur., p. 229; Pace, 1902, Malacol. Soc. Lon- don. Proc, 5, p. 146 Columbella (Mitrella) tiihcro.m (Carpenter), Tryon, 1883, Man. Conch., vol. V, p. 135, pi. 50, figs. 40, 41 Astyris tuberosa (Carpenter), Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 36 Columbella (Astvris) tuberosa (Carpenter), Willi.\mson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 15. no. 898, p. 213, pi. XX, fig. 6; Arnold, 1903, p. 240, pi. X, fig. 7; 1907, U. S. Geol. Sur., Bull., no. 321, pi. XI, fig. 10 Columbella {Alia) tuberosa (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 103; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 97 Columbella tuberosa (Carpenter), Oldroyd. 1927, vol. II, pt. 1, p. 271 Mitrella tuberosa (Carpenter), Grant and Gale. 1931. p. 697, pi. 26, fig. 45 see for addi- tional synonymy; Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 231; Keen, 1937, p. 40; WooDRiNG, Bramlette, AND Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 207, p. 77; BuRCH, 1945, no. 51, p. 13, 14, 16; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 187; Abbott, 1954, p. 223 "Very close to minor, Scacchi, but with diflferent nucleus. 8-10 fm. c. Cp." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 662] Oldroyd (1927) republished part of the original description of this species. To her copy should be added the following to make the notes complete: ". . . div. 30°, "Hab. Sta. Barbara, recent and fossil (Jezcett) ; coast of California north to Monterey; Catalina Island, 8-10 fathoms (Cooper). "As this belongs to a group of closely allied species of Nassoid Columbellae, a minute diagnoses is giveiL The fossil specimens are larger, and have the remarkable nucleus more perfect than any of the recent shells yet seen. In appearance it scarcely differs from the small variety of the ^Vlcditerrancan A. minor, Scac. ; but that (with A. corniculafa) has a Chrysodomid nucleus, the Californian an Alaboid." [Carpenter, 1865h, p. 398] The type material of this species consists of five specimens on Carpenter original glass mounts in the Redpath Museum. They have an original label, "Astyris tuberosa Cpr. type Sta. Barbara fossil Jewett." The nuclear whorls are well preserved and consist of about 3^2 whorls, the first minute. The nuclear whorls are globose and differentiated from the postnuclear whorls. Carpenter commented especially on the fine preservation of the nucleus of the fossil shells. Syntypes.''^'^^ — Redpath .Museum, No. 73 Distribution. — Recent. Santa Barbara, California, to Forrester Island, Alaska, to Gulf of California (Dall). Pleistocene. Lower Santa Barbara formation, Santa Barbara, Cali- fornia (type); California Arnold; Oldroyd, "var." 1925; Grant and Gale; Willett, 1937; W'oodring. Bramlette, and Kew; Mexico (Jordan, 1926). Pliocene. California (Cooper; Arnold; Berry, 1908; Grant and Gale; "var." Woodring and Bramlette, 1950). Miocene. California (Gale in Grant and Gale) '"•■' Statement in Oldroyd ( 1927), followed by Grant and Gale (1931) that the type might be in the British Museum is incorrect. GASTROPODA 211 Gciiu-s Amphissa H. and A. Adams, 1853 Amphissa H. and A. Adams, 1853, Genera Recent Moll., vol. 1, p. Ill Type species by subsequent designation, Dall, 1913, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 45, no. 2202, p. 589, Buccinuiii cornnjatitin Rekve, 1847, Conch. Icon., vol. 3, Buccinnm, pi. XI\', tig. 110. Not B. corrugatum Brocchi, 1814. B. corrugatum Reeve, 1847 = A. columhiana Dall, 1916, Nautilus, vol. 30, p. 27. Living. Ciachi Islands, Alaska, to San Pedro, California. Pliocene and Pleistocene, California. Dall, 1921, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 112, pi. 6, fig. 9; pi. 11, fig. 9 Amphissa undata (Carpenter) (PL 23, figs. 21, 22) Amycla undata Carpenter, 1864b, p. 613, 662; Reprint, 1872, p. 99, 148; 1864, California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 159; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. Z7; 1888, 7th Ann. Rept. California State Min. Bur., p. 229; Pace, 1902, Malacol. Soc. London, Proc., vol. 5, p. 148 ColuiiibcIIa undata (Carpenter), Tryon, 1883, Man. Conch., vol. V, p. 177, section Seviinella Awphissa undata (Carpenter), Dall in Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 15, no. 898, p. 214, pi. XX, fig. 8; Dall, 1921, p. 105; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. I, p. 282; Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 234, fig. 227 same fig. as Williamson, pi. XX, fig. 8; Keen, 1937, p. 29; Burch, 1945, no. 51, p. 25, 27; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci. Proc. ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 188; Abbott, 1954, p. 224, fig. 50c same fig. as in Williamson, 1892 ". . . Cat. Is., not rare in 40 fm." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 613] "Like stumpy, small corrugata, v^'ith waved sculpture. 40 fm. not r. Cp." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 662] Oldroyd (1927) republished a part of the original notes of this species. The following changes should be made in those notes : Delete "poll" and add "div. 45°." "The nuclear whirls in this shell resemble a minute Pahidina. The only operculum in the specimens sent was broken in extraction, but appeared to be Nassoid. The sculpture consists of elongate knobs swelling in the middle ; with spiral lines hanging as it were from pier to pier, as in a suspension bridge. Tlie aperture is somewhat Columbelloid, the inner and outer lips joining at the suture; but neither are lirate within, although they have that appearance from the outside sculpture showing through." [Carpenter, 1864a, p. 159] The holotype of this species is in the U. S. National Museum. It bears the label, "Cp. 1003 Catalina Id. Cooper." That number does not coincide with the one given by Car- penter ("State Collection Species 1067"). The protoconch of the holotype consists of about four wliorls, the first minute ; the earliest three are smooth, and the last has longitudinal ribs. Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, No. 23284 Distribution. — Recent. Catalina Island, California (type) ; Monterey, California, to Cerros Island, Lower California (Dall). Pleistocene. California (Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1948) Genus Anachis H. and A. Adams, 1853 .hiachis H. and A. Adams, 1853, Genera Recent Moll., vol. 1, p. 184 Type six;cies by subsequent designation, Tate in Woodw.\rd, 1875, Man. Moll., 3d ed., app., p. 13 ColumhcUa scalarina Sowerby, 1832, Zoo). Soc. London, Proc, p. 116. Living. Panama. Tryon, 1883, Man. Conch., vol. V, pi. 54, fig. 39 Anachis penicillata Carpenter (PI. 23. figs. 4-6) 1 Anachis penicillata Carpenter, 1864b, p. 537, 664; Reprint, 1872, p. 23, 150; 1865, Ann. Alag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XV, p. 398; Reprint, 1872, p. 288; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 39; 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 70; Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 19 ColumhcUa {Scminclla) penicillata (Carpenter), Tryon, 1883, Man. Conch., vol. V, p. 177, pi. 58, fig. 46 omitted Cohunbclla (Anachis) penicillata (Carpenter), Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 15, no. 898, p. 213 (Dall) 212 MARINE MOLLrSCA DESCRIRED BY P. P. CARPENTER Auachis peniciUala Carpenter, Dall, 1921, p. 103; Oi.dkovd, 1927, vol. II, pt. I, p. 270; Keen, 1937, p. 29; Burch, 1945, no. 51, p. 21, 22; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946, U. S. Geo!. Sur., Prof. Paper 207, p. 77; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, 4th ser., vol. XXVI, p. 187; Abbott, 1954, p. 221 Anachis {Chaiivetia) penicillata (Carpenter), Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 687; Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 232 "Small, with Metuloid sculpture. Beach — 10 fm. Cp." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 664] Oldroyd (1927) republished Carpenter's (1865) description. The following notes should be added to make that copy complete : ". . . div. 25°. "Hah. Sta. Barbara (Jewel t) ; S. Diego, Catalina Island, shore to 10 fathoms (Cooper). "Neither of the specimens sent is quite mature. The mouth is that of an adolescent Anachis, but the sculpture is Metuloid." [Carpenter, 1865h, p. 398J The types are in the U. S. National Museum labelled "San Diego — Sta. Barbara Cat. I" consisting of two specimens. The specimens are not segregated as to each locality. The larger of the two is the nearest to the dimensions given by Carpenter (.21 = 5.3 mm. ; .08 = 2.03 mm.). The writer, therefore selected the longer specimen (pi. 23, fig. 4) as the lectotype. Types. — Lectotype and paratype, U. S. National Museum, No. 15576 Distribution. — Recent. San Diego — Santa Barbara — Catalina Island, California (type) ; Pescadero Point, San Mateo Co., Santa Barbara, California, to Gulf of California (Burch). Pleistocene. California (Oldroyd, 1925; Grant and Gale; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946) Anachis siibturrita Carpenter (PI. 23, figs. 7, 8) Anachis siibturrita Carpenter, 1864b, p. 613, 664; Reprint, 1872, p. 99, 150; 1866, California Acad. Nat. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 223; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. AIoll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 39; Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 19; Dale, 1921, p. 103; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. I, p. 270, Tryon reference incorrect; Grant and Cjale, 1931, p. 689; Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 232; Keen, 1937, p. 29; Burcii, 1945, no. 51, p. 23 Columbella (Seminclla) sttbturrita (Carpenter), Tryon, 1883, Man. Conch., vol. V, p. 178, pi. 58, fig. 47 Anachis petravis Dall, 1908, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 34, no. 1610, p. 250 fide Dall, 1916, Nautilus, vol. 30, no. 3, p. 26 "Aspect of small Rissoina. 20 faint ribs: no spiral sculpture." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 664] Oldroyd (1927) republished Carpenter's description (1866). The following lines should be added to make the copy complete : ;;. . . div. 30°. "Hab. San Diego, Cooper. From shell washings. "The only specimen seen of this tiny species is not quite mature, and has formed no labral teeth." [Carpenter, 1866a, p. 223] In the Oldroyd copy delete "mm." The holotype of this species is in the U. S. National Museum, no. 14952. It is labelled "San Diego Cooper." The specimen has plications on the interior of the labrum, but there are none on the labium. Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 14952 [U. S. National Museum no. 110645, holotype A. petravis Dall] Distribution. — San Diego, California (type) ; San Pedro, California, to Tres Marias Islands, Mexico (Burch) Genus Columbella Lamarck, 1799 "Columbella" santa-barbarensis Carpenter This species was described and named by Carpenter (1856, p. 208) as C. Santa-Barbaren- sis from that area of distribution. Later Carpenter (1864b, p. 535, 567, 625) corrected the distribution and thereby renamed the species C. reevci. The substitute name, of course, could only be applied unless the original was a lujmynym. Unfortunately this is not the case, and the first name must stand. GASTROPODA 213 The species docs not belong in the fauna of this report. Tlie syntypes arc in the Redpath Museum, no. 74. They will be figured in tlie report of tlie Carpenter types of the Lower California area. Genus Aesopus Gould, 1860 Aesopus Gould, 1860, Boston. Soc. Nat. Hist., Proc, vol. 7, p. 383 Type species by monotypy Aesopus japaniciis Gould, 1860, Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Proc, vol. 7. Recent. Kagoshima Bay, Japan. Aesopus chrysalloides (Carpenter) (PI. 23, figs. 18-20) ?Amycla chrysalloidea Carpenter, 1864b, p. 613, 662; Reprint, 1872, p. 99, 148; 1866, Cali- fornia Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. HI, p. 223; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. Z7 Columbella (MitrcUa) chrysalloidea (Carpenter), Tryon, 1883, Man. Conch., vol. V, p. 135, pi. 50, fig. 42 Columbella (Aesopus) chrysalloidea (Carpenter), William.son, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 15, no. 898, p. 213; Arnold, 1903, p. 237, pi. V, fig. 6 shape not typical Aesopus chrvsalloideus (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 105; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. I, p. 279; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 703; Keen, 1937, p. 28; Burch, 1945, no. 51, p. 24 Aesopus chrysalloides (Carpenter), Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 232; Wood- ring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 207, p. 77 "Shape of Truncaria eurvtoides, but mouth not efifuse : spirally furrowed. Shoal-water, Cp." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 662] A copy of part of Carpenter's (1866) notes was republished by Oldroyd (1927). The following changes should be made in her copy : Delete "poll." Add: ". . . div. 25°. "Hab. San Pedro, 1 on beach ; San Diego, 30, some alive in 8 fms. on sand, in upper part of bay. Cooper. "This is one of the most beautiful, (without a knowledge of either animal, or operculurn) but most puzzling of the small shells of California. It has relations with Euryta, Truncaria, Metula, and Daphnella." [Carpenter, 1866a, p. 223] The type material consists of five specimens in the U. S. National Museum with a label, "San Diego Cooper" in writing. A printed label of "San Pedro" is included. Thus one can- not segregate the specimens by exact locality. The chief characteristic of sculpture is the presence of the regular microscopic spiral striations over the whole surface. Such striations are on the young shells as well as on adults. The immature shells are less slender, and the spire is not so elevated as on the older specimens. A short and stubby young individual has plications on the interior of the labrum similar to those on the adult. The apex of the shells is minute and sharp. There is a band just below the suture; some have brown spots in their coloration. Dimensions. — Length 10 mm. ; greatest diameter 4 mm. (largest) ; length 3.5 mm. ; greatest diameter 2 mm. (smallest) Syntypes.— U. S. National Museum, no. 14953 (15325C) Distribution.— Recent. San Diego, or San Pedro, California (type) ; Santa Monica to San Diego, California (Burch). Pleistocene (Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946) Aesopus eurytoides (Carpenter) (PI. 23, figs. 14-17) Truncaria eurvtoides Carpenter, 1864a, July, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIV, p. 47; Reprint, 1872, p. 220; 1864b, Aug., p. 619; Reprint, 1872, p. 105; Tryon, 1882, Man. Conch., vol. IV, p. 10; Pace, 1902, Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 5, p. 80 Aesopus eurytoides (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 105; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. I, p. 278; Keen, 1937, p. 28; Burch, 1945, no. 51, p. 23, 24 "Common; rubbed. Also Guacomayo, in the Smithsonian Museum." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 619] Oldroyd (1927) republislicd the Carpenter description (1864a). In her copy read .3 for .03, .2 for .02 and add "div. 23°" at the end of the line 214 MARINE Mt^LLLSCA DESCKJBED BY 1'. I'. CARPENTER The type material consists of seven specimens in the U. S. National Museum, labelled "Cape St. Lucas Xantus." One specimen has a brown tip of three whorls. The others have the whorls white. The shells are partially transparent, and some have a few light-brown spots. All have fine longitudinal ribs or lines. One specimen has a smooth body whorl and has fine teeth on the inside of the labrum. Other individuals have the labrum smooth within. Some specimens show a band below the sutures ; others do not have this feature. Dimensions. — Largest syntype : length 18 mm.; greatest diameter 5 mm.; syntype : length 6 mm. ; greatest diameter 2 mm. Syntypcs. — U. S. National Museum, No. 4148 Distribution. — Cape San Lucas, Lower California (type) ; San Diego, California, to Panama (Dall) Family Xassariidae Genus Nassarius Dumeril, 1806 Nassarius Dumeril, 1806, Zoologie Analytique, p. 166 genus without species. Type species by monotypy Froriep's translation of Dumeril, 1806, Anal. Zool., p. 167 see Iredale, 1916, Mai. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 12, p. 83 B. ancularia [sic]. Biiccimim arcularia Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., p. 737: Recent. Philippines. Tryon, 1882, Man. Conch., vol. IV, pi. 7, figs. 9, 10 Nassarius insculptus (Carpenter) Nassa insculpta Carpenter, 1864b, p. 613, 616, 662; Reprint, 1872, p. 99, 102, 148; 1866, California Acad. Nat. Sci., Proc, IH, p. 223; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 36; Tryon, 1882, Man. Conch., vol. IV, p. 38, Zeuxis pi. 12, fig. 154 identified by Stearns; Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 15, no. 898, p. 212, pi. XXIII, fig. 6 not type as stated; Arnold, 1903, p. 233 Not Nassa insculpta Carpenter, Cooper, 1888, 7th Ann. Rept. California State Min. Bur., p. 253 fide Dall, 1917, p. 576 Alectrion insculptus (Carpenter), Dall, 1917, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 51, no. 2166, p. 576 Alectrion (Zeuxis) insculptus (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 103 Alectrion {Schizopyga) insculptus (Carpenter), Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. I, p. 267, pi. 26, fig. 12 Nassarius insculptus (Carpenter), Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 677; Burch, 1945, no. 51, p. 6; Keen, 1937, p. 41; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 187; Demond, 1951, Nautilus, vol. 65, no. 1, p. 17; 1952, Pacific Science, vol. VI, no. 4, p. 312, pi. II, fig. 3, eupleura fig. 1 ; Abbott, 1954, p. 237, fig. 53f same fig. as Williamson, 1892 Nassarius (Zeuxi.<;) insculptus (Carpenter), Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 229, fig. 221 same as Williamson, 1892 "Cat. Is., living in 40 fm., rare" [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 613] "Zeuxis, with varix and non-reflexed callus. Spirally grooved. 40 fm. living, r. Cp." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 662] The description of 1865 of this species was republished by Oldroyd (1927). The follow- ing notes should be added to make that copy complete : Delete "mm." Add: ". . . State Collection 1008. ''. . . div. 45°. "Hab. Catalina Insland, 30-40 fm. ; 15 mostly alive, but few mature; animal white; Cooper. "This singularly beautiful species probably belongs to the section Zeuxis, H. & A. Adams. The callus is slightly reflexed in the best specimen." [Carpenter, 1866a, p. 223] Although the explanation of the figure of tliis species given in Williamson stipulated "Type specimen 46625," the label with the specimen in the U. S. National Museum no. 46625 does not so indicate. It reads "San Pedro Stearns Coll." The original material was collected by Cooper and belonged to the California State Collection, so that tlie Stearns shells could not be types. GASTROPOnA 215 A. insciilf'tits cuplcura Dall (1917, p. 576) is not regarded by workers as of subspecific rank (Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 677; Burch, 1945, no. 57, p. 6). Type. — Not found Distribution. — Recent. Catalina Island, California (type) ; Point Arena, California, to Cerros Island, Lower California (Dall). Pliocene (Grant and Gale). Pleistocene (Arnold) Family Xeptuxeidae Genus Calicantharus Clark, 1938 Calicanthanis Clark, 1938, Geol. Soc. American, Bull., vol. 49, no. 5, p. 712 as subgenus Cantlwriis Type species by original designation, Pisania fortis Carpenter, 1866, Ann. IMag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XVII, p. 277. Pleistocene. California. Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 207, pi. 29, figs. 28, 29 Calicantharus fortis (Carpenter) Pisania fortis Carpenter, 1864b, p. 539; Reprint, 1872, p. 25; 1866, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XVII, p. 275, 277; Reprint, 1872, p. 322, 324; Cooper, 1888, 7th Ann. Rept. California State Min. Bur., p. 260; Arnold, 1903, p. 227; Van Winkle [Palmer], 1921, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 36, no. 8, p. 350 type not found Canthanis fortis (Carpenter), Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 647, pi. 28, fig. 2 see for further synonymy; Hanna and Hertlein, 1941, Div. Mines, California, Bull, no. 118, pt. 2, fig. 64—12 Pliocene Calicantliarus fortis (Carpenter), Clark, 1938, Geol. Soc. America, Bull., vol. 49, p. 712; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prop. Paper 207, p. 75, pi. 29, figs. 28, 29 "P. testa P. insigni simili, sed soldidiore ; crassissima, sculptura valde impressa ; anfr, norm, v., parum rotundatis, suturis distinctis ; costis radiantibus t. juniore circ. XII., obtusis, parum expressis, postea obsoletis ; liris spiralibus validis, crebis (quarum t. juniore v.. postea X., in spira monstrantur), subaequalibus, anticis majoribus; canali recurvata; lacuna umbilicali magna; labro intus crebrilirato; labio conspicuo, spiraliter rugose lirato. "Hab. Sta Barbara, Pleistocene formation (Jezcett). "Col. Jewett's single specimen is in very fine condition, and is confirmed by a fragment obtained by Mr. Gabb, the paleontologist of the California State Survey. Although re- sembling Purpura aperfa and congeners in the irregular rugose folds of the labium, and Siphonalia in the strongly bent canal, Mr. H. Adams considers that its affinities are closest with the Cautharus group of Pisania. That genus is extremely abundant in the tropical fauna, but does not now live in California. It is the only distinctly tropical shell in the whole collection ; and its presence, along with so many boreal species and types, appears some- what anomalous, like the appearance of Valuta and Cassidaria in the Crag fauna. It is dis- tinguished from the extreme forms of P. insignis by having the spiral lirae pretty equally distributed over the early whorls, by the close internal ribbing of the labrum, by the absence of the stout posterior parietal tooth, and bv the great development of the columellar folds." [Carpenter, 1866, p. 277] The only type has been lost. The species is rare in the San Pedro sand at Deadman Island, Timms Point silt, and Palos Verdes sand but common in the Lomita marl of the Pleistocene series of the San Pedro area. Holotype. — Not found Distribution. — Lower Pleistocene.^"* Santa Barbara formation ; near Santa Barbara, California (type). Lower and upper Pleistocene. Palos Verdes Hills, California (Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew-) Genus Exilioidea Grant and Gale, 1931 Exilioidea Grant and Gale. 1931, Saji Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., Mem., vol. I, p. 665 Type species by original designation, Chrysodomus rectirostris Carpenter, 1865, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, p. 64. Recent. Behm Canal, Alaska, to Cape San Quintin, Lower California. Bentson, 1940, Univ. California Pub., Dept. Geol. Sci., vol. 25, pi. 1, fig. 22 Exilioidea rectirostris (Carpenter) Chrvsodoinus rectirostris Carpenter, 1864b, p. 603, 664; 1865, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc., vol. 17, p. 64; Arnold, 1903, p. 228, pi. VII, fig. 7 1"* Also determined as upper Pliocene, or in part upper Pliocene and lower Pleistocene. 216 MARINE MOLLTTSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Siplw rcctirostris (Carpenter), Tkyon, 1881, Man., Conch., vol. Ill, p. 131, pi. 53, fig. 348 copy KoBELT, t. 45, fig. 7 poor illustration of type (see Tryon for reference) Tritonofiisiis {Plicifiisics) rcctirostris (Carpenter), Dall, 1902, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 24, no. 1264, p. 525, not pi. XXXIV, fig. 2 ? Exilia rcctirostris (Carpenter), Dall, 1918, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 54, p. 221 Exilia rcctirostris (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 92; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 90 not pi. 19, fig. 2 same as Dall, 1902, pi. XXXIV, fig. 2; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. I, p. 206, not pi. 6, fig. 7, pi. 28, fig. 2 same as Dall, 1902, pi. XXXIV, fig. 2 Exilioidca rcctirostris (Carpenter), Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 665, pi. 28, fig. 5; Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 251, not fig. 257 same as Dall, 1902; Keen, 1937, p. 36; Bentson, 1940, Univ. California Pub. Bull. Dept. Geol. Sci., vol. 25, no. 5, p. 203, 224, pi. 1, fig. 22 " Exiloidea" ; Bartsch, 1945, Nautilus, vol. 59, no. 2, p. 61, pi. 7, figs. 2, 3, 6; BuRCH, 1945, no. 50, p. 16; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 207, p. 74, pi. 32, fig. 12; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 186 "Small, white, smooth, with straight canal." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 664] A copy of Carpenter's (1865) description has been published by Oldroyd (1927). The following typographical corrections should be made in her copy : Line 3: insert space between "costulis" and "radiantibus" ; line 4: read "lineis" for "lincis" ; add "div. 2>i°" to the dimensions : Add: "Hab. — In sinu Pugetiano, specimen unicum legit Kennerley. "Aspectu Belam, forma Perronam, nisi labro baud sinuato, commemorat : characteribus plurimis subgeneri Siphoni convenit." [Carpenter, 1865e, p. 64] Carpenter's first description (1864) of a smooth shell has confused authors such as Arnold (1903) who apparently was not aware of Carpenter's later (1865) notes in regard to the species. Carpenter at that time described the radiating costae, which, however, are fine. Tryon also did not take cognizance of the 1865 description. He figured a copy of Kobelt's illustration, which Tryon stated Dall had sent Kobelt. That drawing and the, later one which Dall (1902) used to illustrate the species does not depicit the shell properly. Dall's figure resembles E. kelseyi (Dall) figured by Bartsch (1945). Dall did not state that the specimen figured (1902, no. 4815, U. S. National Museum) was the type, as was interpreted by Oldroyd and followed by Grant and Gale. The U. S. National Museum number of the type is 4515. The confusion in regard to the holotype of this species was rectified by Bentson, who included an illustration of the holotype in her paper (1940). That specimen is badly worn. Bartsch (1945) included a fine illustration of the shell, operculum, head, and verge of the species and discussed the animal in detail. The holotype has a label, "Puget Sound Dr. Kennerley." Dimensions. — Length 45 mm.; greatest diameter 14 mm. (Bentson Fig.) Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 4515 Distribution. — Recent. Puget Sound, Washington (type) ; Behm Canal, Alaska, to Cape San Quintin, Lower California (Dall). Pleistocene. California (Arnold; Grant and Gale; Willett, 1937; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew) Genus Kelletia Fischer, 1884 Kelletia Fischer, 1884, Alan, de Conchyliol., p. 625 (Boyle ms) Type species by monotypy Siphonalia kelleti (Forbes), 1850, Zool. Soc. London, Proc., p. 274, pi. IX, fig. 10. Recent. Santa Barbara, California, to San Quintin Bay, Lower California. i°5 ? Kelletia kelletii (Forbes), 1850, young Siphonalia fuscotincta Carpenter (PI. 24, fig. 1) Siphonalia fuscotincta Carpenter, 1864b, p. 537, 663; Reprint, 1872, p. 23, 149; 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XV^ p. 398; Reprint, 1872, p. 288; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. 105 Japan is included in the range of this species by autliors, but Keen (1941, p. 481) suggested that the Japanese form is an unnamed species. GASTROPODA 217 Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 38; 1871, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 70; Tryox, 1881, Mail. Conch., vol. Ill, p. 134 "Like the same [S. kellettii] in extreme miniature." [Carpenter, 1864b p. 663] "S. testa minima, turrita, albida, apicem versus fusco tincta ; anfr. nucl. ii, compactis, subplanatis, apice niamillato; norm. IV., convexis, suturis impressis ; costis radiantibus rotundatis, tumentibus, basim versus evanidis, interstitiis undulatis, subaequantibus, lirulis crebis spiralibus, costas superantibus ; apertura pyriformi in canalem brevem apertum con- tortum producta; labro acuto; labio baud conspicuo; columella canalem versus valde contorta. Long. .17, long. spir. .1, lat. .08, div. 32°. "Hab. Sta. Barbara {Jezi'ctt). "The unique specimen is like a minute edition of Siphonalia Kellettii, but does not ac- cord with the young of that or of any other species known in the region. It is probably not mature." [Carpenter, 1865h, p. 398] The holotype of this form is in the Redpath Museum. It bears a label "unique type Sta Barbara Jewett" and consists of one specimen. The holotype is figured herein. It is, as Carpenter stated, an immature shell, 5 mm. in length. Holotype. — Redpath ^luseum, no. 3138 Distribution. — Santa Barbara, California (type) Family Olividae Genus Olivella Swainson, 1831 Olivclla SwAiNsox, 1831, Zool. Illustrations, ser. 2, vol. 2, (13), Expl. pi. 58, Oliva, pi. 2 Type species by subsequent designation Dall, 1909, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 59, p. 31, Oliva purpurata Swainson = O. dama Mawe, Wood, 1828, Suppl. Index Test., pi. 5, [pi. 4], fig. 37a fide Tryon, 1883. Recent. West Coast Alexico. Tryon, 1883, Man. Conch., vol. V, pi. 17, fig. 39 copy Sowerby, 1870, Thes. Conch., vol. 4, pi. 349, fig. 369 Olivella baetica Marrat in Sow'erby (PI. 24, figs. 2-4, 6-8) Olivella baetica Carpenter, 1864b, p. 537, 541, 590, 661 ; Reprint, 1872, p. 23, 27, 76, 100, 147 nomen nudum; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 2>6; Gabb, 1869, Pal. California, vol. II, p. 75 {boetica) under 0. pedroana (Conrad) ; Cooper, 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 68; Marrat in Sowerby, 1871, Thes. Conch., vol. IV, p. 35, pi. 350, figs. 409, 410; Tryon, 1883, Man. Conch., vol. V, p. 71, pi. 17, figs. 28-31, 34; Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 15, no. 898, p. 212, pi. XIX, fig. 7; Arnold, 1903, p. 221 boetica in synonymy of O. pedroana (Conrad); Pack.\rd, 1918, Univ. California Pub. Zool., vol. 14, p. 341 under O. pedroana (Conrad) ; T. S. Oldroyd, 1921, Nautilus, vol. 34, no. 4, p. 117, pi. V, figs. 1, la; figs. 2, 3 varieties (boetica); Dall, 1921, p. 85, pi. 15, fig. 1 boetica; I. S. Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 88, pi. 22, figs. 7, 8 (boetica) same as T. S. Oldroy'd, 1921, pi. V, figs. 1, la; I. S. Oldroyd, 1927, vol. Ill, pt. I, p. 163, pi. 26, figs. 22 same as T. S. Oldroyd, 1921, fig. 1, 22a (boetica); Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 627; Berry, 1935, Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 21, pt. IV, p. 263; Baily, 1935. West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 226, fig. 216; Keen, 1937, p. 43; Burch, 1945, no. 49, p. 17, 18, 20, pi. Ill, fig. 21 : Abbott, 1954, p. 247, pi. 20, fig. q Cf. Olivella nota Marrat in Sowerby, 1871, Thes. Conch., vol. IV, p. 36, pi. 351, fig. 428 Vancouver's Island "Narrow, dull, thin : has been erroneously called amazora, tergina, petiolita, and rufi- fasciata." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 661] Carpenter in the preliminary notes (1864b) to the above listed the species from Santa Barbara (p. 537), Monterey (p. 541), and in the final list (p. 661) from Santa Barbara, Oregon, California, Monterey, Puget Sound, Vancouver, and region between San Diego and San Pedro. One may, therefore, deduce that Carpenter was referring to a ubiquitous coastal Olivella north of the Gulf of California. Carpenter compared his 0. baetica (p. 590) with Conrad's O. pedroana, and his procedure was followed by Gabb (1869). Carpenter did not later amplify the above brief and unidentifiable remarks and thereby indicate, as was his custom, particular specimens from a certain locality. This species was never adequately described by Carpenter. It lacked an illustration, a type, and a type locality. Either of the first two items would compensate for the useless 218 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRTBED BY P. P. CARPENTER descriptive remarks, but both are lacking. A review of tlie literature will reveal that the problem as to the identity of O. bactica as of Carpenter has not been satisfactorily settled. With lack of pertinent original data the problem will not be settled from a Carpenter source. G. L. Wilkins (Oct. 17, 1950, personal communication) kindly reported on the material of the species in the British Museum (Natural History) as follows: "We have two sets, one of 3 from Vancouver and one of 4 from San Pedro but none of them compare with Sowerby's figure. All Mus. Cuming." There are in the Gould Collection, New York State Museum, Gould Collection A6350, labelled type^"*^, 8 specimens of O. bactica Carpenter They are all worn individuals. Three retain faint wavy colored lines. W"ith the specimens is a printed Smithsonian Institution label of "Olivella baetica Cpr. = O. i>etioIita, Gld. (non Duel.) Hab. Vancouver — CaHfornia." This label is the standard printed form which the Smithsonian Institution used at the time that Carpenter was working for the Smithsonian in making up duplicate collections for dis- tribution. Such labels are familiar to anyone who has examined collections in various museums which received specimens from the Smithsonian in the late 1860's and 1870's. There is then nothing to indicate that these 8 shells were types. Gould's personal number (A6350) on them may mean that they were specimens which Gould identified as pctiolita, which Carpenter stated (1864b, p. 537) was not the O. petiolifa of Duclos (1844, p. 5). They do not bear an exact locality. Therefore, so far they do not add any scientific information to the dilemma. The specimens are apparently those identified as O. baetica Carpenter and figured by Dall, Oldroyd and others. Two are figured herein (pi. 24, figs. 6-8). Marrat (1871, p. 35, pi. 350, figs. 409, 410; Tryon, 1883, pi. 17, figs. 28, 29) was the first to use Carpenter's name with a description, figures, and a type locality. Marrat's (Sowerby) figures were copied by Tryon (1883). Copies of Marrat's figures and description are included herein. The writer, therefore, credits O. baetica to Marrat. This does not ap- parently upset the usual interpretation of O. baetica, and by giving the name a legitimate parent, a definite type locality, description, and figures are thereby gained. Tryon's sugges- tion that Marrat's O. nota (1871, pi. 351, fig. 428) from \'ancouver Island might be referred to O. bactica looks reasonable. It seems to be the same sort of shell that Dall figured for O. baetica. "182. BAETICA (f. 409, 410), Carpenter; petiolita, Cow/J.-Quam O. alectona gracili- usculior, coloribus magis nebulatis variegata ; balteo castaneo, fasciato. — The colours with which most of the specimens are variegated are more clouded, and the lines more spread into patches than in Duclos' figure of O. alectona, but the difference seems hardly essential. — ED. [Sowerby]." [Marrat in Sowerby] Type. — "O baetica" Carpenter, not found.^o' Holotype, O. nota Alarrat, is in the British Museum (Natural History), Department of Zoology (G. L. Wilkins, Oct. 17, 1950, per- sonal communication). Distribution. — Vancouver Island, British Columbia, includes Straits of Juan de Fuca (type); Kodiak Island, Alaska, to Cape San Lucas, Lower California (Dall) Olivella biplicata Sowerby "Olivella glandinaria (Nutt.) MS." Carpenter Olivella glandinaria Nutt. Carpenter, 1856, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, p. 227; 1857, Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Aci. 1856, p. 201, 339; 1864b, p. 527, 661 ; Reprint, 1872, p. 13, 147 Cari>enter (1856) described an Olivella from "upper California" wliich Nuttall had named in manuscript Glandinaria Calijornica. Carpenter (1864) identified the species as conspecific with O. biplicata, where it continues to be assigned. 1°^ List of Gould types of Mollusca in tiie collection of the State Museum, 27th Ann. Rept. New York State Mus., 1874, p. 47. Through the courtesy of Dr. Carl Guthe, the specimens were loaned to the author for photographing. The original spelling of the specific name was "baetica" not "boetica." 107 The type is not in the Academy of Natural Sciences at Philadelpina, as reixjrted by Oldroyd (1927). GASTROPODA 219 Olivella intorta Carpenter (PI. 24, fig. 5) Olivella intorta Carpenter, 1857, Kept. British Assoc. Adv. Sci. 1856, p. 228, 234, 339, 352; Carpenter in Gould and Carpenter, 1856, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, pt. XXIV, p. 207; Carpenter, 1860, Smith. ^Nlisc. Coll., vol. 2, art. 6, p. 11 "Mexican and Panamic prov- ince"; not Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 36; not Cooper, 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 68; Marrat in Sowerby, 1871, Thes. Conch., vol. IV, p. 36, pi. 351, fig. 455; Trvon, 1883, Man. Conch., vol. V, p. 66, 220, pi. 14, fig. 62 copy Marrat; Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 42; Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 15, no. 898, p. 212 in part, not pi. XIX, fig. 9; Arnold, 1903, p. 220 in part; not Packard, 1918, Univ. California Pub. Zool., vol. IV, p. 340, pi. 37, fig. 7=0. pvcna Berry, 1935, Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. XXI, pt. IV, p. 264; not Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 88 under O. pcdroana Conrad; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 626 in part under O. pedroana; Berry, 1935, Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. XXI, pt. IV, p. 263 discussion of O. pycna; Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 227; Burch, 1945, no. 49, p. 22i; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 207, p. 77; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 185 "O. t. parva, ovoidea, subtumente ; sutura vix sulcata ; albido-grisea, fascia indistincta subsuturali olivacea, flammulis et maculis purpureo-fuscis plus minusve ornata; apertura antice aperta, postice angusta ; callositate parietali ad suturam penultimarn producta ; colum- ella maxime intorta, plica ad basin acuta, in pariete duabus saepe indistinctis ; extus, linea spirali antica unica. "Long. .52, long. spir. .17, lat. .26, div. 60°. "Hab. San Juan; legit Dr. Green. Mus. Gould. Item, loc. incert. ]Mus. Cuming. "A well-marked species, resembling the West Indian O. bullata, on a much larger scale. The specimens vary in tumidity and height of spire. The parietal callosity extending over the penultimate whirl [sic] hides the colour of the spire." [Carpenter, 1856d, p. 207] The specimen figured by Marrat (in Sowerby, 1871) is the first specimen mentioned by Carpenter. It is extant in the type collection of the British Museum (Natural History). It has a label, "San Juan, California Dr. Green" Mus. Cuming (G. L. Wilkins, Oct. 17, 1950, personal communication). The authorities of the British Museum generously furnished the included photograph of the type. The specimen figured by Williamson (1892) is one of several, no. 47202, U. S. National Museum, from Santa Cruz, California, collected by Stearns. Under the present luiderstanding of the species, it, therefore, would not be included under O. intorta. Holotype. — British Museum (Natural History). Department of Zoology, 1950.11.9.2 Distribution. — San Juan,io8 Lower California (type) Carpenter definitely put the San Juan of this locale in the Gulf of California region. He enumerated the other San Juans which might be confused with the one under consideration. Family Mitridae Mitra maura Nuttall, ms., Carpenter, 1856, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, p. 227: 1860. Smith Misc. Coll., V. 2, art. 6, p. 4, nomen nudum, not Mitra maura Broderip (1836. p. 193) Carpenter mentioned this shell as in the Nuttall Collection from "upper California." Family AIarginellidae Genus Gibberulina Monterosato, 1884 (Cypraeolina Cerulli-Irelli, 1911 ; Merovia Dall, 1920) Gibberulina Monterosato, 1884, Nomen. Gen. Spec. Conch. Mediterranee, p. 139 Type species by subsequent designation, Wenz, 1941, Handbuch Palaozool., Bd. 6. teil 6, p. 1373, G. clanestina (Brocchi), 1814, Conch, foss. subapp., p. 642, pi. XV, fig. II as Valuta. Pliocene and Recent. Mediterranean Merovia Dall (1921, p. 86) is synonymous. Volutella pyriformis Carpenter (= Gibberulina pyrijormis) is the monotype los Carpenter (1857b, p. 228 San Juan; p. 234 San Juan; p. 339, Gulf of California; p. 352 San Juan: p. 168 Loretto and Bay of San Juan. 26.5° [Gulf of California] : p. 168, "Besides this station [Bav of San Juan] and the Straits of De Fuca, there is a San Juan on the opposite shore near Guaymas ; another near San Bias; a Point on the coast near Lake Nicaragua; and a little island beween Is. Catalina and San Diego."') 220 MARINE IMOLLUSCA DKSCRIBI':D P.Y V. V. CARPENTER Gibberulina pyriformis (Carpenter) (PI. 24, figs. 13-16) Volutella pvrifonuis Carpenter, 1864b, p. 661 ; Reprint, 1872, p. 147; 1865, Tour, de Conchyl., vol. Xlil, p. 148; Reprint. 1872, p. 316; Cooper, 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 68; ToMLiN, 1912, Alalacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 12, p. 293 MarqhieUa pyriformis (Carpenter), Redfield, 1867, Cat. Alarginellidae, p. 253; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. AIoll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 36; Trvox, 1883, Man. Conch., vol. V, p. 41, pi. 13, fig. 38; Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 43; Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat:. Mus.. Proc, vol. 15, no. 898, p. 212, pi. XX, fig. 5 type U. S. Nat. Mus. Merovia pyriformis (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 86 Cypraeolina pyriformis (Carpenter), Dall, 1923, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 63, no. 2478, p. 2 corrected Merovia 1921 ; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 88; 1927, vol. II. pt. 1. p. 166; Baily. 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 223. fig. 214 type, same as William.son, 1892; Keen, 1937, p. 34; Burch, 1945. no. 49, p. 27; WooDRiNG, Bramlette, AND Kew. 1946, U. S. Nat. Mus., Prof. Paper 207, p. 77 Hyalinn (Cypraeolina) pyriformis (Carpenter). Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 632 Gibberulina p\riformis (Carpenter), Abbott, 1954, p. 260, fig. 56n same figure as William- son, 1892 "Genus of Swainson (not D'Orb.) = Closia, Gray. Like V. margaritula, Maz. Cat. no. 589, but produced in front." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 661] Oldroyd published a copy of Carpenter's description (1865), but to make that copy com- plete the following changes should be made : Correct "Long., .01" to ".1." Add: "Hab. San Diego, Cooper. — California, 'Pacific Railivay exploring Expedition.' "Cette espece ressemble au V. margaritula (Maz. Cat., no. 589), mais elle est plus al- longee en avant. Le genre Volutella, Swainson (non d'Orbigny), correspond au genre Closia de Gray." [Carpenter, 1865g, p. 148] G. margaritula (Carpenter) (1857a, p. 462) measures long. .073; lat. .047 largest speci- men. There are in the U. S. National Museum two syiitypes which are on an original Carpenter glass mount with a Carpenter label, "S. l')iego (Cooper)." The two shells are figured herein. One is immature. A drawing of tlie other, an adult individual, was included in William.son's paper (1892) on the shells of San Pedro Bay. The writer, therefore, selects that shell as the Icctotype. There are also in the Redpath Museum at McGill L"^niversity 13 syntypcs on an original Carpenter glass mount with a Carpenter label "type. S. Diego Monterey." Two of those specimens are figured herein. The McGill shells are less globose than the lectotype. The measurements of the lectotype length 2.5 mm. by greatest diameter 1.5 mm., are practically those of the type measurements ("2.53 cm. by .1 — 2.53 nun. length; 2.53 cm. by .065 = 1.6435 mm. lat.) Types. — Lectotype, U. S. National Museum, no. 14950 (larger of two) ; paratypes, Red- path Museum, no. 83 (as Gibberula) Distribution. — Recent. San Diego, California (type) ; Ishut Bay, Alaska, to Mazatlan, Mexico (Dall). Pleistocene. California (Oldroyd. 1925, as C. margaritula: Grant and Gale; Willett, 1937; Woodring. Bramlette. and Kew) ; ^Icxico (Jordan, 1926) Genus Cystiscus Stimpson, 1865 Cystiscus Stimpson, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. 1. 1865. p. 55 Type species by monotypy C. capcnsis Stimpson. 1865. Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. 1 not of DuNKER, 1848. S. Africa Moll. (Krauss), p. 125. = Marginefla cystiscus Redfield, 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 2, Suppl. p. 226, 230. Recent. Cape of Good Hope. Stimpson, 1865, .Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. 1, pi. 8, fig. 2; Tryon, 1883, Man. Conch., vol. V, pi. 12, fig. 70; pi. 2, fig. 11 For lack of anatomical data the species C. jcu'ctti, C. rcgularis, and C. subtrigona are left as previously classified. By comparison of the illustrations of C. jewcttii and C. regularis (pis. 24, 26) one can see how posteriorly the extent of the aperture approaches that of GASTROPODA 221 Gibbcrul'ma pyrijormis. C. suhlriyona has the aperture shortened posteriorly, so that the species does not seem to belong with C. jcwetti and C. rcgularls. Tentatively the species is left in the genus Cystiscus. C. snbtrigona has denticulations on the outer lip, as in G. pyri- formis, but it represents an extreme from G. pyrijormis in the posterior character of the aperture. Cystiscus jewettii (Carpenter) (PI. 24, figs. 19-21 ; PI. 26, figs. 1, 2) MargincUa Jcivetti Carpenter in Gould and Carpenter, 1856, Zool. Soc. London, Proc., p. 207 ; 1857, Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci. for 1856, p. 228, 339, 349 ; 1860, Smith. Misc. Coll., vol. 6, art. 6, p. 4; 1864b, p. 537, 661 ; Reprint, 1872, p. 23, 147; Reeve, 1865, Icon. Conch., vol. 15, MargincUa, not pi. XXVI fig. 146; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 36; 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 68; Tryon, 1883, Man. Conch., vol. V, p. 43, not pi. 12, fig. 57 copy Ree\^; Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 43, cf. fig. 23 ; Cooper, 1888, 7th Ann. Rept. California State Min., p. 249 ; Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 15, no. 898, p. 212, pi. XIX, fig. 6; Arnold, 1903, p. 221; Tomlin, 1917, Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 12, p. 273; Ball, 1921, p. 85; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. I, p. 164; Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 222, fig. 212 same as Williamson; Keen, 1937, p. 39; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 185 Hyalina (Cystiscus) jezvettii (Carpenter), Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 630, pi. 24, fig. 17 var. nanella Oldroyd, see for additional references Cxstiscus jcivctti (Carpenter), Burch, 1945, no. 49, p. 24, 26 Hyalina jciuettii (Carpenter), Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur., " Prof. Paper 207, p. 77 Pcrsicula (Gibbentla) jcwetti (Carpenter), Abbott, 1954, p. 258 ". . . Cpr. P.Z.S. 1856, p. 207. Like the Mogador species, somewhat shorter and broader. 10-20 fm. Cp." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 661] A copy of the original description with translation was published by Oldroyd (1927). In the first line of that copy the word "sutura" should be inserted before the word "celata." The following should be added to make the copy of the original notes complete: ". . . div. 120°. "Hab. Sta. Barbara, rarissime {Col. Jezvett). Mus. Gould. "Closely resembling the small white species from the Panama, W. Indian and N. African provinces ; but distinguished from all in shape and plications." [Carpenter, 1856d, p. 207] In the Redpath Museum, there are 10 specimens of this species in the Carpenter Collec- tion mounted on glass and labelled by Carpenter as "Gibberula Jewettii Cpr. type Sta. Barbara Jewett." These are the only specimens found so far which have been definitely labelled by Carpenter with the data corresponding with that of the original description. At the New York State Museum in the Gould Collection, A4268, there is a shell which William Marshall, when arranging the collection, felt might be the type of this species. The label with the specimen reads "Sta. Barbara No. 30 very rare Marginella new" with nota- tion "appears like Cooper's handwriting." Carpenter records in his original description that a specimen was in the Gould Collection. The New York State specimen is not listed in the catalogue of Gould "types" (27th Ann. Rept. State IMus. Nat. Hist., 1874, p. 47), so that the shell was not regarded as a "type" when it was turned over to the New York State Aluseum. The writer includes a photograph of the specimen. It might be the one referred to. If syn- types had not been found, it would be available for neotype designation. Oldroyd (1927) stated incorrectly that the type is in the British Museum, and Tomlin, followed by Grant and Gale, stated erroneously that the type is in the U. S. National Museum. The illustration in Reeve (copied by Tryon) does not depict C. jczvetti. The figure by Williamson (also Baily, 1935, fig. 212) represents a typical form. Syntypcs. — Redpath ^^luseum. No. 80 Distribution.— Recent. Santa Barbara, California (type) ; Monterey, California, to San Martin, Lower California (Burch). Pleistocene. California (Arnold; Oldroyd; Chaces ; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew) ; Mexico (Jordan) 222 ^rARlXE ^tOLLUSCA DESCRTBF.n BY P. P. CARPENTER Cystiscus regularis (Carpenter) (PI. 24, figs. 9-12) Margiuclla regularis Carpenter, 1864b, p. 537, 661; Reprint, 1872, p. 23, 147; 1865, Ann Mag. Nat. Hist., scr. 3, vol. XV, p. 398; Reprint, 1872, p. 287; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 36; 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 68; Tryon 1883, Man. Conch., vol. V, p. 43, pi. 12, fig. 56; Iveep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 43 Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 15, no. 898, p. 212; Dall, 1921, p. 85 Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. 1, p. 164; Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 222 Keen, 1937, p. 39; Smith a.nd Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol XXVI, p. 185 Hyalina (Cystbcus) regularis (Carpenter), Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 631 Cystiscus regularis (Carpenter), Burch, 1945, no. 49, p. 24, 26 Persicida (Gibberula) regularis (Carpenter), Abbott, 1954, p. 258 "Between Jczvettii and minor, C. B. Ad. Maz. Cat. no. 587. Beach — 20 fm. Cp." [Car- penter, 1864b, p. 661] Oldroj'd (1927) published a copy of Carpenter's (1865) description. The following should be changed in her copy : Add: ". . . div. 120°. Delete "poll." "Hah. Sta. Barbara (Jcwett) ; coast of California south from Monterey, beach to 20 fathoms; Catalina Island, 10-20 fathoms. State Coll. no. 398a {Cooper)." [Carpenter, 1865h, p. 398] Specimens marked type of tliis species have been found in the Redpath Museum, McGill University, and the U. S. National Museum. Those at McGill were labelled by Carpenter "type" S. Diego Monterey," and there are six specimens. The specimens at the U. S. National Museum is labelled "type Cpr. [Cp.] 398 Sta. Barbara Jewctt." This specimen represents the first mentioned of the seven syntypes avail- able. The locality of this shell is definite, whereas that of the AicGill specimens is not. The writer therefore selects the U. S. National Museum specimen, no. 55391 (pi. 24, figs. 11, 12,) as the lectotype. This makes Santa Barbara the type locality. The reference in Oldroyd and others to the type depository as the Britisli Museum is incorrect. There is probably a finer sixth plication on the columella tlian is conspicuous in the photographs. Tv/TJ-.^Lectotypes, U. S. National Museum, no. 55391 ; paratypes (6), Redpath Museum, no. 82 Distribution. — Recent. Santa Barbara, California (type). Pleistocene. California (Grant and Gale) Mexico (Jordan, 1926) Cystiscus subtrigona (Carpenter) (PI. 26, figs. 3-4) Maniinclla .uihtrigona Carpenter, 1864b, p. 537, 661; Reprint, 1872, p. 23, 147; 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XV, p. 397; Reprint, 1872, p. 287; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 36; Tryon, 1883, Man. Conch., vol. V, p. 43, pi. 12, fig. 55 ; Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 43; Dai.l, 1921, p. 85; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. I, p. 164; Raily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 222; Keen, 1937, p. 39 Hyalina {Cystiscu.7 ; 1844, Voy. Sulphur, Moll., p. 16, pi. V, fig. 7. Not P. inermis Partsch, 1842, Neue Aufst. der Petref. — Samml. des. K. K. Hof.-Miner.— Cab. Nr. 960, 1842 fide Hornes, 1856, Abb. K. K. Geol. Reich., Bd. Ill, p. 349. Recent. Baulinas Bay, California, to Ballenas Lagoon, Lower California (Dall, 1921) Ophiodermella cancellata (Carpenter) (O. rhines Dall, 1908) Drillia cancellata Carpenter, 1864b, p. 603, 658; Reprint, 1872, p. 89, 144; 1865, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 17, p. 63; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 32; Tryon, 1884, Man. Conch., vol. VI, p. 183; Arnold, 1903, p. 204 Surcula rhines Dall, 1908, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 34, no. 1610, p. 247, 248 new name for Drillia cancellata Carpenter, 1865 Moniliopsis cancellata (Carpenter), Dall, 1918, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 54, p. 318 110 There are several minor errors in the literature in connection with the record of this species which special attention may help to clear up : The date of T. philippiana Dall is 1921, not 1920; holotype of T. simplex is in the U. S. National Museum, not in the British Museum; the type locality is San Pedro, California, and not Santa Barbara, California. 226 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER MonUiopsis rhines (Dall), Dall, 1919, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 56, no. 2288, p. 28, pi. 8, fig. 5 Clathrodrillia (MonUiopsis) rhines Dall, 1921, p. 70; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 76, pi. 5, fig. 4 figure obscure, difficult to determine; 1927, vol. II, pt. 1, p. 74 MonUiopsis incisa (Carpenter), Graxt and Gale, 1931, p. 565 D. cancellata in part Clathodrillia rhines (Dall), Keen, 1937, p. 33 OphiodcruicUa rhines (Dall), BuRcn, 1946, no. 62, p. 10 "Drillia* cancelhita, ? n.s. Like the voung of iiicisa, but nodosely cancellated." [Car- penter, 1864b, p. 658J "*A peculiar group of .species, resembling ClioncUa (Marine, testa Sfinipson)." Carpenter's description (1865) of this species was republisiied by Oldroyd (1927) under Clathrodrillia rhines Dall. The following line should be added to complete that copy: "Hah. In sinu Pugetiano duo specimina legit Kennerley: quorum altero labium sub- callosum, altero planatum." [Carpenter, 1865e, p. 63] Dall renamed Drillia ca)icellata Carpenter because he considered there were turrids with the same specific name. However, the original names otlier tlian Carpenter were : Pleurotoma cancellata Eichwald, 1830, Nat. Lithuaen, p. 225; Deshayes, 1834, Descrip. Coq. foss. Paris, II, p. 474; Calcaka, 1839, Ricerche Malac, p. 5 ; H. C. Lea, 1841, Amer. lour. Sci., vol. XL, p. 98; (Sowerby), Wood, 1842, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, vol. IX, p. 542; Gray in Reeve, 1846, Icon Conch., vol. I, Pleurotoma, pi. XXXV, fig. 317. See Sherborn, 1924, Index animalium, pt. V, p. 1033 These would not preoccupy Drillia cancellata Carpenter. That is, Carpenter's name is not a primary homonym. Until any of the turrids of the previously named cancellata is placed in the same genus as Drillia cancellata (Ophioderniella at present) Carpenter's name is not a secondary homonym and may stand. Dall (1908; 1919) rejected the name as a secondary homonym, which might be the basis for the validity of his new name. However, his basis ior claiming homonymy was not correct. If the specimen which Dall used for the illustration of MonUiopsis rhines (Dall) (1919, pi. 8, fig. 5) is considered not the same as O. cancellata (Carpenter), then that specimen (U. S. National Museum) would become the holotype of .1/. rhines Dall. Unfortunately the holotype of O. cancellata (Carpenter) has not been found. The problem of the identity of this species remains unsettled until analyzed in the light of Bartsch's unpublished turrid paper. Type. — Not found Distribution. — Puget Sound, Washington (type), British Columbia, to San Diego, California (Burch) Ophiodermella incisa (Carpenter) Drillia incisa Carpenter, 1864b, p. 603, 657, 658; Reprint, 1872, p. 89, 143, 144; 1865, Acad. Sci Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 17, p. 62; Cooper, 1867, (ieog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. Cali- fornia, p. 31 ; Tryon, 1884, Man. Conch., vol. VI. p. 182, pi. 12, fig. 41 T arris incisa (Carpenter), Packard, 1918, Univ. California Pub. Zool., vol. 14, no. 2, p. 342, pi. 41, figs. 2a, 2b MonUiopsis incisa (Carpenter), Dall, 1919, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 56, no. 2288, p. 28, pi 12 fig. 7; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 565 in part, pi. 26, fig. 21 ; Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 262; Wili.et, 1937, San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., Trans, vol. VIII, no. 30, p. 394 Clathrodillia (.MonUiopsis) incisa (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 70; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 75, pi. 18, fig. 4 not 3 same fig, as Dall, 1919; Oldroyd 1927, vol. II, pt. I, p. 72, pi. 18, fig. 3 same fig. as Dall, 1919 and Oldroyd, 1924 Ophiodermella incisa (Carpenter), Bartscii, 1944, Biol. Soc. Washington, Proc, vol. 57, p. 62; Burcii, 1946, no. 62, p. 10. "Like inermis: spiral sculpture grooved, not raised." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 657] GASTROPODA 227 Cart)enter's description (1865) was republished by Oldroyd (1927). The following should be changed in her copy. Line 2, p. 1Z, read .4 for 04. Add: ". . . , div. 30°. "Hah. In sinu Pugetiano legit Kennerley : prope 'Neeah Bay' legerunt Swannii Indianuli, "A Drilliis typicis sinu minimo et operculo hand angulato conspicue differt : Clionellae, Grayi, magis convenit." [Carpenter, 1865e, p. 63] Oldroyd's copy (1927, p. IZ) of Tryon (not Pilsbry) should be corrected to read "form like the preceding \D. inermis not C. ophidenua] species." The name Drillia incisa Carpenter is not preoccupied by Pleurotoma incisa Reeve, 1843, unless the latter belongs in the genus O phiodermella in which D. incisa is at present placed. The study of the West Coast turrids was in manuscript form by Bartsch; figures are not included herein. Type. — U. S. National Museum, no. 6320^1^ Distribution.— Recent. Neah Bay, Washington (type) ; Puget Sound, Washington, to San Pedro, California (Dall). Pleistocene (see Grant and Gale, 1931) Genus Cytharella Monterosato, 1875 CyfharcHa Moxteros.a.to, 1875, Bol. Soc. Malac. Italiana, vol. 1, p. 1 Type species bv subsequent designation, Woodring, 1928, Carnegie Inst. \\'ashington. Pub. no. 385, p. 168; Mwex cosfatiis Donovan, 1803, Nat. Hist. Brit. Shells, vol. 5, pi. 179. fig. 4; Chenu, 1845, Bib. Conchvl., vol. 1, p. 68, pi. 24, figs. 4-7. Recent. Europe. Tryon, 1884. Alan. Conch., vol. VI, pi. 21, fig. 8; pi. 22, fig. 42 = C. septangularis Montagu, 1803 Cytharella aculea Dall CytliarcUa aculea Dall (1919. p. 74) was named by Dall from a manuscript label of the specific name of Carpenter. The label of Carpenter might, therefore, be found in old collections. Subgenus Agathotoma Cossmann. 189911^ CossMANN, 1899, Rev. crit. Paleozool., vol. 3, no. 1, p. 45 new name for Ditoma Bellardi, 1878, Mem. Accad. Torino, ser. 2, vol. 29, p. 295. Not Ditoma Illiger, 1807, see Neave, 1939-1940 Type species by monotypy Mangelia august a (Jan) in Sismonda, 1842. Syn. An. Invert. Pedemontii foss., p. 34 fide Bellardi. 1878. Mem. Accad. Torino, ser. 2. vol. 29, pi. VIII, fig. 40. Miocene and Pliocene. Italy. Bellardi, Cossmann, 1896, Essais Paleoconch. comp., liv. 2, pi. VII, figs. 28-30 Cytharella (Agathotoma) fusconotata (Carpenter) Cithara jusconotata Carpenter, 1864, July, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIV, p. 46; Reprint, 1872, p. 218; 1864b, Aug.. 618; Reprint, 1872, p. 104 Mangilia jusconotata (Carpenter), Tryon, 1884, Man. Conch., vol. VI, p. 271 section Cythara Cytliarella (Agathotoma) fusconotata (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 83; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. i, p. 148; Keen, 1937, p. 34; Burch, 1946, no. 62. p. 31 A copy of the original description was republished by Oldroyd (1927). The following should be added to complete the original notes : ". . . div. 40°." Type.—U. S. National Museum, no. 4081 Distribution. — Cape San Lucas, Lower California (type) ; Laguna Beach, California, to Gulf of California (Dall) "1 Grant and Gale (1931) incorrectly gave the type depository as Academy Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. 112 A typographical error in Dall (1921, p. 83) gave the year as 1889. The incorrect date has inadvertently been copied by later authors. 228 MARINE MOLLL'SCA DESCRIHKI) MY 1'. 1'. CARPENTER Clathrodrillia limans Dall ClathrodrilUa limans Dall (1919, p. 14) consisted of a manuscript specific name of Carpenter which was utilized by Dall. Carpenter labelled a specimen which he identified for Stearns. The name might be found on labels in Stearns material as of Carpenter. Cymatosyrinx hecuba Dall Cymt. I, p. 132 new name for M. anqulata Carpenter not Reent:; Bailv, 1935 West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 263; Keen, 1937. p. 39; Burctt, 1946, no. 62. p. 27 in syn- onvmv of M. 7-arieqata; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci. Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 184, 2Z?, ^ Mannclia variegata Carpenter. Wit.lett, 1937, San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., Trans., vol. VIII, no. 30, p. 394, pi. 26, fig. 1 M. angulata in sjmonymy of. "Shape of variegata, but brown, \\hirls broad, angular." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 658] GASTROPODA 229 A copy of Carpenter's description (1865) has been published by Oldroyd (1927). The following should be changed in her copy : Delete "in" last line Add: ". . . div. 30". "Hab. Sta. Barbara (Jeiuett)." [Carpenter, 1865h, p. 395] The only type material found consists of three specimens in the Redpath Museum, on original Carpenter glass mounts with a Carpenter label, " ? type Sta. Barbara Jewett." Apparently Carpenter was not sure of these specimens as types. But in lieu of the presence of specimens with better qualifications the writer retains these specimens as the syntypes. There is a difference of opinion as to the synonymy of M. varicgata, M. angulata (barbarcnsis) , M. z'itens (pulchrior), M. hecetae Dall and Bartsch, M. beta Dall, and others. (See Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 594; Willett, 1937, p. 394.) Grant and Gale placed M. angulata as equal to M. hecetae Dall and Bartsch (1910, p. 10, pi. 1, fig. 6) 113 which would eliminate the replacement name of M. barbarcnsis by Old- royd. Willett has shown by a series of intergradations that probably il/. angulata and M. variegata are the same species. Since the name M . angulata is preoccupied the specific name could stand as M. variegata. Smith and Gordon (1948) retained M. barbarcnsis (M. angulata), M. hecetae, and M. variegata as distinct species. For the purpose of this report the writer compiled the data under each name. Bartsch's monograph will shed critical light on the subject. Syntypes. — Redpatli Aluseum,ii* no. 90 Distribution. — Recent. Santa Barbara, California (type) ; Puget Sound, Washington, to Gulf of California (Dall). Pleistocene. California (Arnold; Oldroyd, 1925; Willett). Mexico (Jordan, 1926) Mangelia crebricostata Carpenter Mangelia crebricostata Carpenter, 1864b, p. 628; Reprint, 1872, p. 114, 144; 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XV, p. 28; Reprint 1872, p. 242; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 32; Keen, 1937, p. 39 Mangilia crebricostata (Carpenter), Dall and Bartsch, 1913, Canada Geol. Sur., Victoria Mem. Mus., Bull. no. 1, p. 140, pi. X, f^g. 3; Dall, 1921, p. 82; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 85; 1927, vol. II, pt. I, p. 145; pt. II, pi. 61, fig. 3 not pi. 15 as stated in text, copy of Dall and Bartsch, 1913 Cf. Mangilia ncivcombei Dall, 1919, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 56, no. 2688, p. 71, pi. 21, fig. 4; 1921, p. 81; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 83; 1927, vol. II, pt. I, p. 141 Mangelia {Beta) crebricostata (Carpenter), Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 593 Mangelia" crebricostata Carpenter, Burch, 1946, no. 62, p. 27 A copy with translation of Carpenter's description (1865) of this species was published by Oldroyd (1927). Her copy should be corrected as follows: ". . . nucl. ? . . ." Delete "poll" from the last line and substitute "div. 28°." The following should be added to com- plete Oldroyd's copy : "Hab. Neeah Bay; 1 specimen {Szvan)." [Carpenter, 186Sa, p. 29] The type of this species is in the U. S. National Museum and will be reported on by Bartsch in his monograph in preparation. Dall and Bartsch (1913) discussed in detail and figured as a representative of the species, a shell from Skidegate Inlet, Queen Charlotte Island, B. C. 113 Through the courtesy of F. L. Alcock, Curator, National Museum of Canada, Ottawa, information in regard to the types of the species described by Dall and Bartsch (1910) was furnished. The tvpe of M. hecetae is no. 1381 N.M.C. 11* The statement in Oldroyd, followed by Grant and Gale, that the types are in British Museum should be corrected. 230 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRlBEl) BY P. P. CARPENTER Grant and Gale made a feasible suggestion in uniting M. newcombei Dall (1919), also from Vancouver Island, with M. crebricostata Carpenter. The figure of the holotype of M. nezi'CODibci is similar to the figure given by Dall and Bartsch of M. crebricostata. Type. — U. S. National Museum, no. lS512b Distribution. — Neah Bay, Washington (type) ; Forrester Island, Alaska, to Puget Sound, Washington, (Dall in part). The Alonterey shells previously identified as this species have been placed under M. hecetae Dall and Bartsch (Bartsch in Smith and Gordon, 1948, p. 184). Mangelia interfossa Carpenter (PI. 27, figs. 5, 6) Mangelia interfossa Carpenter, 1864b, p. 628, 658; Reprint, 1872, p. 114, 144; 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XV, p. 29; Reprint, 1872, p. 242; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Gcol. Sur. California, p. 32; Keen, 1937, p. 39 Daphnella interfossa (Carpenter), Tryon, 1884, Man. Conch., vol. VI, p. 310, pi. 22, fig. 57?; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 597 suggested = M. variegata Carpenter which appears likely Manqilia interfossa (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 82, section Clathroniangilia lsi.c] ; Oldrovd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 85; 1927, vol. II, pt. I, 144 section ClathromangiHa [sic] [Clathroniangelia] Mangelia (Mitroniorpha) interfossa (Carpenter), (iuANT and (iAle, 1931, p. 597 in part Mitroinorplia interfossa (Carpenter), Burch, 1945, no. 49, p. 2i2) "Mangelia" interfossa Carpenter, Burch, 1946, no. 62, p. 28 "Several dead specimens." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 628] "Like atteniiata, delicately cancellated." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 658] A copy of the original description was published by Oldroyd (1927, p. 144). The follow- ing should be added to complete that copy : "Long. .38, long. spir. .22, lat. .13, div. 25°. "Hab. Neeah Bay; very rare {Swan)." [Carpenter, 186Sa, p. 29] The type material in the Redpath Museum, labelled type in Carpenter's handwriting on Carpenter's special glass mount, consists of 9 specimens, one of which is not M. interfossa. Figures of two of those specimens are included herein. Carpenter's first mention of the species (1864b, p. 628) stated that there were "several dead specimens." The shells are light yellow or brownish. The columella and labrum are smooth. There is also a specimen in the U. S. National Museum, no. 22818, labelled type. With the two suites of syntypes, it is advisable for a lectotype to be selected. Such a selection will depend on the results of Bartsch's work in his monograph of West Coast turrid species. The Mitroniorpha filosa barbarensis Arnold (1907a, pi. 11, fig. 1; 1907b, pi. LVII, fig. 1), which Grant and Gale indicated were the same form as this species, does not belong to the same genus if the illustration of Arnold's shell is correct. M. interfossa is not a Mitro- niorpha, as thought by Grant and Gale. The dift'erence in shape is readily seen if the figures of tlie types of M. interfos.m are compared with that of M. filosa, the type species of Mitroniorpha. The resemblance to M itntmorplia tisf^cra, whirii Grant and (iale suggested, is only superficial as may be seen by cniiiiiariiig tiie figinx's lierein of tlie types of both. The heavy ribbing with pits former!a Iredale, 1918, Malacol. Soc. London. Proc, vol. 13, p. 28, 32 Type species by original designation, Murex turricula Montagu, 1803, Test. Brit., vol. 1, p. 262, pi. 9, fig. 1. Recent Europe, Greenland. Tryon, 1884, Man. Conch., vol. VI, pi. 30, fig. 93; i>l. 27, fig. 22 Propebela tabulata (Carpenter) (PI. 25, figs. 7-11) MangcUa tabulata Carpenter, 1864b, p. 628, 658; Reprint, 1872, p. 114. 144; 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, ser. 3, vol. XV, p. 29; Reprint, 1872, p. 242; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 32 DaphncJla tabulata (Carpenter), Tryon, 1884, ]Man. Conch., vol. VI, p. 312. section Raphitowa^ Mangilia tabulata Carpenter. Arnold, 1907, Smith. Misc. Coll., vol. 50, pt. 4, pi. lA'II, fig. 4 reprinted .Arnold, 1907, U. S. Geol. Sur., Bull. 321, pi. 11, fig. 4 not typical ? Tiirris (Bela) tabulata (Carpenter), Packard, 1918, Univ. California Pub. Zool., vol. 14, p. 343, pi. 39, fig. 1, not typical Lora tabulata (Carpenter), Dall, 1919, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 56, p. 45, pi. 14, fig. 1; 1921, p. 74; Oldroyd, 1924. Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 78, pi. 18, fig. 5 same as Dall, 1919, pi. 14, fig. 1 ; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. I, p. 101, pi. 7, fig. 13; pi. 18, fig. 5 same as Dall, 1919, pi. 14, fig. 1; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 520 in part; Keen, 1937, p. 38; Burch, 1946, no. 62, p. 22 "Lora." Gastropoda 235 Propebeta tabuiata (Cafpenfer), Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 183 doubt Monterey record "Stout, strongly shouldered, coarsely cancellated. Pillar abnormally twisted." [Carpenter,' 1864b, p. 658] Oldroyd (1927) published a copy of Carix^nter's description (1865) with a translation. The following lines should be added : ". . . , div. 35° "Hab. Neeah Bay; several worn specimens {Szi'an). "The distinct fold near the base of the pillar may require the formation of a new genus." [Carpenter, 1865a, p. 29] Ten specimens at the Redpath Museum in the Carpenter collection are labelled "type Neeah Bay Swan." These are on the original Carpenter glass mounts, and the label is the original made by Carpenter. Of the 10 specimens, 5 are figured herein to show how constant or inconstant the characters may be. The specimens are worn, but they reveal the pre- dominant factors of the species. Ball's (1919) figure of the species (same in Oldroyd) is of a shell typical in shape and basic rib character, although the spacing of the spiral ribs of the posterior body whorl belong to an irregular kind. Dall does not e.xplain where the specimen came from. Besides the syntypes in the Redpath Museum there is also a specimen labelled "type" in the U. S. National Museum. That specimen has been examined by Bartsch and will probably be reported on by him. The shells figured by Arnold (1907) and Packard are not typical. Syntypes. — Redpath Museum, no. 89, U. S. National Museum, no. 19403 Distribution. — Neah Bay, Washington (type) ; Sitka, Alaska, to Puget Sound, Wash- ington (Dall in part; Burch in part) Genus Mitromorpha Adams in Carpenter, 1865 Mitromorpha Adams in Carpenter, 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, ser. 3, vol. XV, p. 182; Reprint, 1872, p. 284; Iredale, 1917, Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 12, p. 328, 329. Not Mitromorpha Adams, 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XV, p. 322 = Anti- mitra Iredale, 1917, Malacol. Soc. London, Proc., vol. 12, p. 328, 329 Type species by monotypy, M. filosa (Carpenter) "§ Carpenter, 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XV, p. 182. Recent. Monterey, California to Gulf of California, (pi. 25, figs. 5, 6) Mitromorpha aspera (Carpenter) (PI. 25, figs. 3, 4) ? DaphncUa aspera Carpenter. 1864b. p. 658; Reprint, 1872, p. 144; 1865, Jour, de Conchyl., vol. XIII, ser. 3, vol. V, p. 146; Reprint, 1872, p. 314; Tryon, 1884, Man. Conch., vol. VI, p. 317, pi. 25, figs. 61, 62 not good Mitromorpha aspera (Carpenter), Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. Z2; 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 66; Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 55; Cooper, 1888, 7th Ann. Rept. California State Min., p. 251 ; Williamson, 1892. U. S. Nat Mus., Proc., vol. XV, no. 898, p. 208, pi. XIX, fig. 3; Dall, 1921, p. 87; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. I, p. 174; Bailv, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 263, fig. 281; Keen, 1937, p. 41; Burch, 1945, no. 49, p. Zi; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 185 ; Abbott, 1954, p. 272,, fig. 57m some figure as Williamson, 1892 Mangelia (Mitromorpha) aspera (Carpenter), Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 598 "Elongated with, coarse fenestration.!" [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 658] "t Generic position of all these doubtful ; perhaps they belong to genera not yet eliminated : filosa resembling the Eocene forms between Conns and Plcnrotoma." Oldroyd furnished a copy of Carpenter's description (1865) in her monograph (1927). Her copy should be corrected as follows : 118 The date of Mitromorpha in Oldroyd (1927, p. 173) has evidently been transposed in printing. The statement of type species as "Mitromorpha gracilis Carpenter" is a confusion following Arnold (1903) who said it was a "characteristic species". The name is a nomen nudum in both Arnold (1903, p. 223) and Oldroyd (1927, p. 173). M. gracilior Tryon (1884) (Hemphill ms.) was not described until 1884. 236 MARINE AfOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY V. V. CARPENTER Change first word to "? D.t." ; line 7, insert ''angusta'' between "elongata" and "antice;" correct .69 to .09; insert "div. 35°" after "poll." The following lines should be added to complete her copy : "Hab. Monterey, Taylor. "Je n'ai vu de cette charmante petite coquille qu'un scul echantillon tres-frais, mais incompletemcnt adulte. Peut-etre se trouvera-t-elle mieux placee dans legenre Mitromorpha, A. Adams?" [Carpenter, 1865, p. 146] The holotype of this species is preserved in the U. S. National Museum and not, as stated by Oldroyd and followed by Grant and Gale, in the British Museum. The holotype bears the label '"Type Monterey Taylor," which coincides with the original description. A growth over the apical whorls obscures the characters, but the body whorl is well preserved. The sculpture is not worn, and the microscopic longitudinal stria- tions are clearly seen. At the crossing of the longitudinal and spiral ribs sharp nodes are formed. Mitromorpha gracilior Hemphill in Tryon, 1884, p. 317, pi. 25, fig. 62 was described by Tryon as a "variety" of M. aspera (Carpenter). Tryon used a manuscript name of Hemp- hill and did not indicate a locality for the specimen which he figured. Grant and Gale (1931, p. 597) followed by Smith and Gordon (1948, p. 185) indicated Monterey as the type locality. There is nothing in Tryon to confirm that statement of tyi)e locality. Three specimens in the Redpath Museum (no. 2360) are labelled "Mitromorpha gracilior Hemphill type S. Diego." These specimens were the types of the Hemphill manuscript name, but since Tryon is the author of the specific name, the specimen which Tryon figured would be the holotype. Unfortunately it had no published locality. The Redpath Museum specimens have lost their status as syntypes. M. gracilior is now regarded as distinct from M. aspera; hence the tracing of a type locality in connection with the holotype has not been pursued in this report. Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 22816 Distribution. — Recent. Monterey, California (type) ; Monterey to San Pedro, California (Dall). Pleistocene. Mexico (Jordan, 1926; Grant and Gale) ? "Daphnella effusa" Carpenter ? Daphnella effusa Carpenter, 1864, p. 628, 658; Reprint, 1872, p. 114, 144; 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XV, p. 29; Reprint, 1872, p. 243; Tryon, 1884, Man. Conch., vol. VI, p. 317 genus not questioned; Dall, 1913, Canada Geol. Sur., Victoria Mem. Mus., no. 1, p. 141 ; 1919, U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 56, no. 2288, p. 74 Mitromorpha effusa (Carpenter), Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 22> ". . . t nom. prov. Thin extremely drawn-out, sculpture faint." [Carpenter, 1864b, 658] "t Generic position of all these [D. aspera, D. filo.m, D. effusa] doubtful: perhaps they belong to genera not yet eliminated . . ." "? D. testa gracillima, maxime effusa, rufo-fusca; anfr, aJigustis clongatus, suturis impressis ; striis spiralibus crebris a lineis incrementi decussatis ornata ; labro tenuiore, postice vix sinuato. Ix)ng. .65, long. spir. .45, lat. .22, div. 30°. "Hah. Neeah [sic] Bay; one broken specimen {Sivan)." [Carpenter, 1865a, p. 29] Tryon gave an English translation of Carpenter's description above. Carpenter's measure- ments in mm. would be slightly larger than those given by Tryon. The type has not been found. Dall (1913) apparently had not seen the shell but took his cue from the above description (1865a) that the single broken specimen was unidenti- fiable. Keen {in Burch, 1946, no. 62, p. 10) suggested that if O phiodermella incisa Carpenter was preoccupied (secondary homonym), [? Daphnella^ effusa Carpenter was available. This would indicate that the two forms were regarded as conspecific. Type. — Not found Distribution. — Neah Bay, Washington (type) GASTROPODA 237 Mitromorpha filosa (Carpenter) (PI. 25, figs. 5, 6) ? Daphnella filosa Carpenter, 1864b, p. 658; Reprint, 1872, p. 144; Tryon, 1884, Man. Conch., vol. VI, p. 317, pi. 25, fig. 63 poor Mitromorpfm filosa Carpenter, 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XV, p. 182; Re- print, 1872, p. 284; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. ZZ; 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 66; Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 55; Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 15, p. 208, pi. XIX, fig. 1; Pace, 1902, Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 5, p. 83 Columbellidae ; Arnold, 1903, p. 223; Dall, 1921, p. 87; Oldroyd, 1927, p. 173; Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 264, fig. 282; Keen, 1937, p. 41 ; BuRCH, 1945, no. 49, p. 22); Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc., ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 185; Abbott, 1954, p. 273, fig. 571 same figure as William- son, 1892 Maiigclia (Rfttromorpha) filosa (Carpenter), Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 596 "t Small, diamond-shaped, but rounded periphery; spirally threaded. [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 658] "t Generic position of all these doubtful : perhaps they belong to genera not yet elimi- nated : filosa resembling the Eocene forms between Conus and Plenrotoma." Oldroyd republished the Carpenter's description (1865) in her monograph (1927). The following changes should be made in her copy : Delete "poll." Add : ". . . div. 45°. "Hab. Sta. Barbara (Jewett) ; Lower California (teste Trick [Frickf] in Mus. Cuming.). ' — ? Daphnella filosa, Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1863, p. 658, note +. "Mr. A. Adams obtained two similar species from Japan ; and as the shells do not rank satisfactorily under any established group, he proposes the above genus for their reception. M. Crosse suggests that Columbclla dormitor, Sby., may be congeneric." [Carpenter, 1865h, p. 182] The holotype of this species is in the Redpath Museum at McGill University, on an original Carpenter mount with a Carpenter label, "type Sta. Barbara Jewett." It is dark red, the protoconch has about two smooth whorls, about four of the coarse spiral ribs are on the whorls of the spire, and the columella is smooth. The statement in Oldroyd and others that the type is in the British IMuseum is incorrect. Grant and Gale have described well the shell of this species. ^^^^ Holotype. — Redpath Museum, no. 96 Distribution. — Recent. Santa Barbara, California (type) ; Monterey, California, to Gulf of California (Dall). Pleistocene. California (.Arnold; Oldroyd, 1925; Grant and Gale); Mexico (Jordan, 1926) "Mitromorpha gracilis Carpenter" "Mitromorpha gracilis Carpenter" in Arnold (1903, p. 223). copied by Oldroyd (1927, vol. II, pt. i, p. 173) is apparently an error either in spelling or confusion of names. Arnold may have meant M. gracilior of Hemphill in Tryon (1884). However, that species was not described until 1884 whicli was 19 years after the introduction of Mitromorpha Adams in Carpenter (1865), with which Arnold associated the specific name as the type species. Family Acteonidae Genus Acteon Montfort, 1810 (Tornatella Lamarck, 1822) Tornatella Montfort, 1810, Conchyliol. Syst., t. 2, p. 315 Type species by original designation, A. tornatilis (Gmelin) = Voluta tornatilis Linnaeus, 1767, Syst. Nat., 12th ed., p. 1187; Gmelin, 1791, Syst. Nat., p. 3437. Recent. Western 1^9 Their description is not a complete English translation of Carpenter's description (1865), as stated by Burch (1945, no. 49, p. ?>?>). Their description appears to have been based on specimens. The shells which they measured were larger than the figures by Carpenter. 238 MARINE MOLLUSCA DF.SrRIHKl) HY 1'. T. CARI'KNTER Euroix; including Mediterranean and Adriatic. Miocene-Pleistocene. Western Europe. PiLSBRY, 1893, Man. Conch., vol. XV, p. 152, pi. 19, figs. 7-11, 15; Harmer, 1923, Palaeont. Soc, vol. LXXV, p. 782, pi. LXII, figs. 13, 14 ^ For discussion of A. tornatilis (Linnaeus) see Dodge (1955, p. 58). Subgenus Rictaxis Dall, 1871 Rictaxis, Dall, 1871, Anier. Jour. Conch., vol. VII, pt. 2, p. 136 Type species by original designation, R. punctocaelatus (Carpenter) [R. piincto-coelata sic]. Carpenter, 1864, Suppl. Kept. British Assoc. 1863, p. 646; Jour, de Conchyl., 1865, vol. XIII, ser. 3, p. 139. Recent. Alaska to Mexico. Dall, 1871, .\nier. Jour. Conch., vol. VII, pi. 15, fig. 12 Acteoni-" (Rictaxis) punctocaelatus (C"ar])cntcr) TornatcUa punctocaelata Carpenter, 1864b, p. 646; Reprint, 1872, p. 132; 1865, Jour, de Conchyl., vol. XIII, ser. 3, vol. V, p. 139; Reprint, 1872, p. 307; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., (icol. Sur. California, p. 13; 1870, Anier. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 56; 1888, 7th Ann. Rept. California State Min. Bur., p. 267 Actaeon (Rictaxis) puncto-coclata (Carpenter) Dall, 1871, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VII, p. 136, 160, pi. 15, fig. 12 lectotype; Arnold, 1903, p. 189, pi. IX, fig. 6 no hyphen in specific name Rhextaxis puncfococlata (Carpenter), Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 125 Actaeon (Rictaxis) punctocaelatus ((Carpenter), Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 15, no. 898, p. 195 Actaeon punctocaelatus (Carpenter), Pilsbry, 1893, Man. Conch., vol. XV, p. 166, pi. 49, fig. 24 section Rictaxis Acteon (Rictaxis) punctocoelata (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 60; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. I, p. 24, pi. 1, figs. 17, 17a; Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 267, fig. 287 Acteon (Rictaxis) punctocaelatus (Carpenter), Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 443 Acteon punctocaelata (Carpenter), Keen, 1937, p. 28; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc., ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 179 Acteon (Rictaxis) punctocaelata (Carpenter), Burch, 1946, no. 47, p. 9 Actaeonidea (Rictaxis) ptinctato-coelatus (Carpenter), Cossmann, 1895, Essais Paleo. comparee, I, p. 52, pi. 1, fig. 10 Actaeonidea (Rictaxis) punctococlatus (Carpenter), Cossmann, 1903, Essais Paleo. com- paree, VI, p. 118, pi. IX, figs. 8, 9 Actaeon punctococlatus var. coronadvensis Stearns, 1898, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 21. p. 299; Oldroyd, 1927. vol. II, pt. I, pi. 1, fig. 15. See Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 443 and Burch, 1945, no. 47, p. 10 Acteon (Rictaxis) punctocoelata vancouvercnsis Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. I, p. 25, pi. 1, figs. 19, 20. See Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 444 and Burch, 1945, no. 47, p. 10 "Tornatella punctocaelata, n.s. Small : grooved with rows of dots : pillar twisted as in Bullina, Add. non Gray." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 646] Oldroyd (1927) published a copy of Carpenter's (1865)^-1 description, to which should be added the following: "Hab. Santa Cruz, Roivell.—San Diego, Cooper. "Cette espece est un peu abcrrante, a cause de son ouvcrture large, de son pli reporte pres du bord parietal et de sa columelle tordue commc celle des Bullitw. La ciselure des tours ressemble aux impressions que laisserait une serie de petit colliers." [Carpenter, 1865g, p. 139] Two syntypes in the U. S. National Museum arc labelled, "Fig'd type San Diego Cooper." Dall (1871) did not indicate whether the specimen he figured was a "type" or what the locality or measurements were. Dall's figure is the most likely of all the illustra- tions of the specie;^ to be that of a syntype. The measurements of the syntypes do not fit those given by Carpenter. '^^'^ Acteon is masculine in gender as well as Rictaxis. The original spelling is punctocae- lata. 121 It would appear from Oldroyd's text that the description she copied was from Car- penter (1864b), the only reference she mentioned (page error). Her republished descrip- tion is from Carpenter (1865g, p. 139). fiASTROrODA 239 There is a large columellar fold on the syntypes. The smaller shell is worn, but the larger specimens show the dark and white bands plainly. The writer chooses the larger of the two individuals to be the lectotype which is probably the one figured by Dall (1871). The writer makes this selection in spite of the discrepancy in measurements, because the two U. S. National Museum shells are the only one which have been found with any indication as to type label. The small shell that Carpenter measured (1865) apparently has been lost, and the two specimens now found are syntypic. If Carpenter handled these syntypes, which correspond in size to the dimensions of the shells which are usually identified as this species, it is strange that he chose such a small shell for representative size (.2 x 25.3 = 5.06 mm. long.; .09 x 25.3 = 2.27 mm. lat.). Carpenter's measurements are puzzling. Grant and Gale (1931, p. 443), as well as Burcli (no. 47, p. 9), commented on the relatively large size of the species as identified in contrast to the original dimensions. The choosing of the lectotype presents a more logical measurement basis of identification. The type locality is San Diego, California. The only possible localities whicii would qualify as type locality would be, "San Diego," "The Islands" ( Farallones), and Santa Cruz (see original description). Smith and Gordon (1948) indicated that Monterey was the type locality. Monterey was not included by Carpenter. Dall had sectjndary material from Monterey which he listed (1870). Dimensions. — Lectotype: length 10 mm.; greatest diameter 5 mm.; paratype: length 8 mm. ; greatest diameter 4 mm. Types. — Lectotype and paratype (former syntypes), U. S. National Museum, no. 14914 Distribution. — Recent. San Diego, California (type) ; southeastern Alaska, to Magdalena Bay. Mexico (Burch). Pleistocene. California (Arnold; Oldroyd, 1925; Grant and Gale; Willett, 1937) ; Mexico (Jordan, 1926) Family Atyidae Genus Atys Montfort, 18101- Atys Montfort, 1810, Conchyliol. syst., vol. 2, p. 342-344 Type species by original designation, Atvs cvmbuhis Montfort — Bulla naucum Lixxaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., p. 726. Recent. Indo-Pacific. Pilsbry, 1893, Man. Conch., vol. XV, pi. 28, figs. 11-15 Subgenus Aliculastrum Pilsbry, 1896 Aliculastnim Pilsbry, 1896, Man. Conch., vol. XVI, p. 237 new name for Alicula Ehren- BERG, 1831, Symbolae Phys. decas. 1st., p. 41 of Mollusca fide Gardxer, 1937, not Alicula EiCHWALD, 1830, Natur. Skizze Lithauen Volhynien Podolien, p. 214. See Neave, 1939- 1940 Type species by monotypy. Bulla cxlindrica Helblixg, 1779, Abhandl. Privat Gesellsch. Bohmen, IV, p. 122, pi. II, figs. 30, 31 fide Pilsbry (1893). Recent. Indo-Pacific. Pilsbry, 1893, Man. Conch., vol. XV, pi. 22,, figs. 60-64 Because A. casta deviates so far from typical Atys the writer believes that a better idea of its characters is intimated by its grouping under the subgenus Aliculastrum. B. casta is more typical of the shell characters of that subgroup than are fossil species in the lower and middle Miocene of Jamaica and Florida, which have been so classified and seem to bear a relationship to Aliculastrum (Woodring, 1928, p. 127; Gardner, 1937, p. 269) Atys (Aliculastrum) casta (Carpenter) (PI. 27, figs. 1-4) ? At\s castra Carpenter, 1864b. p. 618; Reprint, 1872, p. 104; 1864, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIII, p. 314; Reprint, 1872, p. 212 Atys casta (Carpenter), Pilsbry, 1893, Man. Conch., vol. XV, p. 276; Dall, 1921, p. 62; "Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. I, p. 36; ? Tomlin, 1928, Jour. Conch., vol. XVIII, p. 188; Keen, 1937, p. 30 Bidla casta (Carpenter), Burch, 1945, no. 47, p. 29 "? Atys casta. Rare: allied to Cylichna." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 618] '^^^ Atys Montfort would equal Bulla Linnaeus, 1758, type species by absolute tautonymy, B. naucum Linnaeus (1758) except for the action of Int. Com. Zool. Nomen., 1950. See Bulla. 240 AFARTXE AfOLLI'SCA nKSCRIRFD BV P. P. CARPENTER A copy of Carpenter's description (1864) and Pilsbry's translation was published by Oldroyd. To complete Oldroyd's copy the following should be added: "On the confines of the genus, related to Cylichna." [Carpenter, 1864a, p. 314] The type material consists of two specimens in the U. S. National Museum. They are on Carpenter's original glass mount, with label "type. C.S.L." The two specimens, 9 mm. in height, and 2 mm. in height, respectively, possibly represent the young and adult of the same species. The larger specimen is of the approximate dimension given by Carpenter, and the writer therefore selects it as the lectotype. If the smaller specimen is not a juvenile, it is of a different species but of the same genus and subgenus. The present illustration is the first published of the series. The fine concentric striations which cover the surface, greater anteriorly and posteriorly, do not show in the photograph. Tiie species was described from Cape San Lucas and is included in this report because a statement of its distribution has been extended by Dall to Catalina Island. Types. — Lectotype: U. S. National Museum, no. 4014 (larger specimen) ; paratyi>e: same number, smaller specimen Distribution. — Recent. Cape San Lucas, Lower California (type) Catalina Island, Cali- fornia, to Gulf of California (Dall). Pleistocene. California (VVillett, 1937) Family Retusidae Genus Volvulella Newton, 1901 (I'ohula Adams, 1850 not Gistl, 1848) Volvulella Newton, 1891, Syst. List. Oligocene Eocene Moll. British AIus., p. 268 substitute name for Volvula Adams in Sowerby, 1850, Thes. Conch., vol. II, (11), [Cat. Books, Maps, B. M., V, p. 1981], p. 558, 596. Not Volvula Gistl, 1848, Nat. Thierr., VIII. See Neave, 1939-1940 Type species by subsequent designation, Bucquoy, Dautzenberg, and Dollfus, 1886, Moll. iVIarins du Roussillon, vol. 1, pt. 13, p. 533, Volmila rostrata A. Adams in Sowerby, p. 596, pi. CXXV, f. 154. Living. Australia. Pilsbry, 1893, Man. Conch., vol. XV, p. 241, pi. 26, fig. 60 The use of Rhicoriis Montfort (1810, p. 539, monotype R. Adelaidis Montfort) for Volvula Adams, 1850 (Abbott, 1954, p. 280) is based on the supposition (see Jeffreys, 1867, p. 412; Pilsbry, p. 235) that R. adelaidis Montfort (= Bulla jucicola Chiereghini {nom-en nudum) fide Nardo, fide Brusina) indirectly equals V. acuminata Bruguiere, which is a Vohmla. Volvulella cylindrica (Carpenter) (PI. 25, figs. 1, 2) Volvula cylindrica Carpenter, 1864b, p. 537, 647; Reprint, 1872, p. 23, 133; 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XV, p. 179; Reprint, 1872, p. 281 ; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 14; 1888, 7th Ann. Rept. California State Min. Bur., p. 270; WiLLiAM.soN, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. XV, no. 898, p. 195; Pilsbry, 1893, Man. Conch., vol. XV, p. 239; Arnold, 1903, p. 191, pi. IV, fig. 2 Volvulella cylindrica (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 62; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 72; 1927, vol. II, pt.l, p. 34, pi. 2, fig. 9; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 450; Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 268; Willett, 1937, San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. VIII, no. 30, p. 392; Keen, 1937, p. 50; Burch, 1945. no. 47, p. 18-20, 30, pi. II, fig. 17; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVL p. 179 Not Volvula cylindrica Smith, 1871, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, p. 738, pi. LXXV, fig. 29 = V. smithi'i Pilsbry, 1893, Man. Conch., XV, p. 233 Not VohiHila cylindrica Gabb, 1873, Amer. Phil. Soc, Trans., n.s., vol. 15, p. 246 = V. oxytata Bush, 1885, Connecticut Acad. Sci., Trans., vol. VI, pt. 2. p. 468 fide Pilsbry, 1922, p. 312 or = V. cercadcnsis Van Winkle [Palmer], 1921, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 8, no. 36, p. 6 "Volvula cylindrica, n.s. Like a grain of rice, pointed at one end." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 647] GASTROPODA 241 Carpenter's description (1865) of this species was republished by Oldroyd (1927, p. 34). Her copy should be corrected to read, "lat. .07" for of ".17". The line "Hab. Sta. Barbara (Jezvett)." should also be added to complete the copy. The type of this species is in the Redpath Museum. One specimen has an original label, "Volvula cylindrica Sta. Barbara Jewett fin pencil] unique type [in ink]. Monterey Dall [in pencil]." The holotype is worn and has part of a yellowish epidermis remaining. The uneroded surface reveals microscopic spiral lines with wide interspaces. The statement of Oldroyd (copied by others) that the type is in "Mrs. Boyce's collection" means only that the specimen was originally described from "Mrs. Boyce's" (Col. Jewett) material, a col- lection which is not intact at present. Type. — Redpath Museum, no. 2364 Distribution. — Recent. Santa Barbara, California (type) ; \^ancouvcr Island, British Columbia, to Gulf of California (Dall). Pleistocene. California (Arnold; Grant and Gale; Willett) Genus Coleophysis Fischer. 1883 Colcophysis Fischer, 1883, Man. de Conchyl., p. 555 Type species by monotypy, Utriciihis trnncatulus (Bruguiere),i23 1792, Enc. Meth., Vers, t. 1, p. 2i77, no. 10 as Bulla. Living. Europe. Forbes and Hanley, 1851, Hist. British Moll., vol. Ill, p. 510, pi. CXIV, B, fig. 7, 8, pi. V. V, fig. 4 animal, as Cxlichna tnmcata (Adams?) (AIoxtagu), 1803 Coleophysis carinata (Carpenter) Tornatina carinata Carpenter, 1857, Cat. Reigen Coll. Mazatlan, p. 171 ; 1857, Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci. for 1856, p. 250, 313; 1860. Smith. Misc. Coll., vol. 2, art. 6, p. 5 Mexican and Panamic Province; 1864b, p. 551, 647; Reprint, 1872, p. 2i7, 133 bet. San Diego and San Pedro; Cooper, 1867, Gcog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 13; Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 125; Cooper, 1888, 7th Ann. Rcpt. California State Min., p. 267 in part; Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 15, no. 898, p. 195; PiLSBRY, 1893, Man. Conch., vol. XV, p. 187; Palmer, 1951, New York State Mus., Bull. no. 342, p. 30, pi. 1, fig. 1 Carpenter drawing of type Acteacina carinata (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 61 ; Strong, 1921, Nautilus, vol. 35, no. 2, p. 122; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. 1, p. 30; Baker and Hanna. 1927, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XVI, no. 5, p. 125; Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 268; Keen, 1937, p. 28 _ Rctusa (Actcncina) carinata (Carpenter), Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 449 see for other ref- erences ; WiLLET, 1937, San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., Trans., vol. VIII, no. 30, p. 392 Pleistocene Coleophysis carinata (Carpenter), Burch, 1945, no. 47, p. 11, 15 This species was described from Alazatlan, and the illustration of the type belongs in the report on the types of that catalogue (Carpenter, 1857). The type should be in the British Museum. Oldroyd (1927)^24 republished part of Carpenter's original description with Pilsbry's translation of the Latin. Distribution. — Recent. Mazatlan, West Mexico (type) ; Redondo Beach, California, to Panama (Burch). Pleistocene. (See Grant and Gale; Willett, 1937.) Family Scapiiandridae Genus Acteocina Gray, 1847 Acfcocina Gray, 1847. Zool. Soc. London, Proc, pt. XVI. p. 160 Type species by original designation, Actcon tvetherelHi Lea, 1833, Cont. Geol., p. 213; Miocene. New Jersey. Lea, 1833, pi. 6, fig. 224 123 There is doubt as to the interpretation of Bulla trnncatulus Bruguiere, 1792. Applica- tion for proposal to stabilize the interpretation of the species by reference to Bulla trun- cata Adams (1800) has been made by Lemche, 1957, Bull. Zool. N'omen., vol. 13, no. 4, p. 132. 121 The following corrections should be made in the Latin copy in Oldroyd : line 3 : delete first "a" in "aspira" ; line 5 : change "m" to "n" in "basim". 242 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBKD BY P. I'. CARI'EXTER Acteocina inculta (Gould) in Gould and Carpenter, 1856 /Ictcocina planata (Carpenter) (PI. 25, fig. 19) CxlicJuia planata Carpenter, 1864b, p. 647; Reprint, 1872, p. 133; 1865, Jour, de Conchyliol., " vol. XIII, ser. 3, vol. V, p. 139; Reprint, 1872, p. 307; C(X)per, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 14; Pil.surv, 1893, Man. Conch., vol. XV, p. 302 Acteocina planata (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 61; Strong, 1921, Nautilus, vol. 35, no. 2, p. 45, 123; Oi.i)Rovi). 1927, vol. II, pt. I, p. 30; Keen, 1937, p. 28; Burcii, 1945, no. 47, p. 11, 15, 30 pi. II fig. 14 "Cylichm planata, n.s. Like inainiiiillata, with ape.x flattcned-ofF, and fold distinct." [Car- penter, 1864b, p. 647] Carpenter's description (1865) witii I'ilsbry's translation, is reprinted in Oldroyd's monograph. The following should be added to make tlie copy complete : '\ . . div. 180° "Hab. San Diego, Cassidy." [Carpenter, 1865g, p. 139] The type of this species is in the Museum of Paleontology, University of California. Burch suggested (1945, p. IS) that the form is the same as A. inculta (Gould) (in Gould and Carpenter, 1856). The two species were described from the same locality. Strong (m P>urch, 1945, no. 47, p. 11) thought A. planata is a senile individual of A. inculta (Gould). Type. — Museum of Paleontology, University of California, no. 33501 Distribution. — San Diego, California (type) Genus Cylichna Loven, 1846 (Rullinclla Newton, 1891) Cylichna Loven, 1846, Inde.x Moll. Lit. Scandinaviae Occ. Hab., p. 10, Ofv. K. Svensk. Vet. Akad. Forh. Type species by subsequent designation. Herrmannsen, 1852, Indicis Gen. Malacoozorum, Supplement, p. 42, Bulla cylindracca Pennant, 1777. British Zool., vol. IV, p. 117, pi. 70, fig. 85. Living. Europe. Pilsbry, 1893, Man. Conch., vol. XV, pi. 29, figs. 15-17 Cylichna attonsa Carpenter (PL 25, figs. 17, 18) Cylichna (? cylindracca var.) attnnsa Carpenter, 1864b, p. 537; Reprint, 1872, p. 23; 1865, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia. Proc, vol. 17, p. 58 Cylichna (? var.) atfon.'!a Carpenter. 1864b. p. 603, 647, 683; Reprint, 1872, p. 89, 133. 169; Cooper, 1867. Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 13; Pilsbry, 1893, Man. Conch., vol. XV, p. 303 Cylichna propinqua E. A. .Smith. 1872, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. 9, p. 351 fide Keen in' Burch, 1945, no. 47, p. 24 Cylichnella (Bullinclla) attonsa (Carpenter)), Dall, 1921, p. 63; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 73; 1927, vol. II, pt. 1, p. 40, pi. 2, fig. 8 Cylichna attonsa Carpenter, Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 454; Willet. 1937, San Diego Soc. Nat. Hi.st., Trans., vol. VIII, no. 30, p. 392; Burch, 1945, no. 47, p. 23, fig.; p. 24, pi. II, fig. 31 ; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 179 Cylichnella attonsa (Carpenter), Keen, 1937, p. 34, range corrected in Burch, 1945, no. 47, p. 24 "Cylichna (? var.) attonsa. One living sp. Probably a variety of cylindracca." [Car- penter, 1864b, p. 603] ..".'. "Cylichna ? cylindracca, Linn. auct. Intermediate specimens passing into Cylichna var. attonsa, rounded off at apex." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 647] Part of Carpenter's notes (1865) was republished by Oldroyd (1927). The following should be added to complete her copy : "Hab. — In sinu Pugetiano specimen unicum legit Kennerley. ".Sr>ecimina Californica, a Jewett Cooperque collecta, C. cyli)idraccac typicae magis con- veniunt." [Carpenter, 1865e, p. 58] GASTROPODA 243 The figure included by Oldroyd does not seem to have the anterior portion of the outer lip elevated so much as C. attonsa does. The discrepancy may be due to the position of the shell in the photograph. The holotype of this species is in the U. S. National Museum. i2'> The holotype bears the label "Puget Sound Kennerley." This label is verified by the original description. As Keen pointed out Dall's distribution of San Diego, California, should be modified. The type locality is Puget Sound. There are microscopic vi'avy spiral lines over the entire surface of the shell. These are not revealed in the photograph of the holotype. The brownish epidermis is lighter in the central area. An elongate light spot is seen in the photograph. This is a glue spot on the shell and not part of the specimen. Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 4495 Distribution.— Recent. Puget Sound, Washington (type) ; Kodiak Island, Alaska, to San Diego, California (Burch). Pleistocene. California (Willett) ; Oregon (Grant and Gale) Family Pvr.'\midellidae Genus Pyramidella Lamarck, 1799 PyramidcUa L.amarck, 1799, Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris, Mem., p. 76 Type species by monotypy, Trochiis dolabratus Lixxaeus, 1767, Syst. Nat., 12 ed., p. 1231. ' Living. Southern Florida and West Indies. Tryox, 1886, Man. Conch., vol. VIII, p. 300, pi. 72, figs. 71-74 Genus Longchaeus Morch, 1875 Longchaeiis Morch, 1875, Alalak, Blatt., vol. 22, p. 158 Type species by subsequent designation, Pyramidella punctata Schubert .axd Wagner in Maktixi axd Chemxitz, 1829, Bd. XII, Abt. 1, p. 152 fide Sherborx, 1929 = Obeliscus punctatus (Chemxitz) in Morch. Living. Polynesia. Bartsch, (1955, p. 9) considered Longchaeus to be of generic rank distinct from Pyramidella. Longchaeus adamsi (Carpenter) Obeliscus Adamsii Carpexter, 1864b, p. 546, 547, 551 ; Reprint, 1872, p. ZZ, 27 = Pyrami- della, sp. ind. C. B. Adams, no. 293_(not 294) =^ Mazatlan Cat. 486. p. 409 Obeliscus conicus jun. Carpenter, 1857, Cat. Mazatlan. Shells, p. 409-10 fide Dall and Bartsch, 1909 Obeliscus variegatus Carpexter, 1864b, p. 613, 618, 658; Reprint, 1872, p. 99, 104 144; 1864. Ann. Alag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3. vol. XIV, p. 46; Reprint. 1872, p. 219; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 2Z ; Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 54, fig. 35 not Pyramidella variegata A. Ad.vms, 1853 Pyramidella conica Ads. var. variegata (Carpenter), Williamsox, 1892, U. S. Nat. IMus., Proc. vol. XV, no. 898, p. 208 by Dall; Arnold. 1903, p. 280? Pyramidella (Longchaeus) adamsi (Carpenter), Dall and B.\rtsch, 1909, U. S. Nat. AIus., Bull. 68, p. 21, pi. 1, figs. 6, 6a [not type] ; Bartsch, 1912, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 42, no. 1906, p. 301, 309; Dall, 1921, p. 120; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. II, p. 85: Baily. 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 182. fig. 155; Keen, 1937, p. 45; Burch, 1946. no. 61, p. 20. 47; Smith and Gordon. 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc., ser. 4. vol. XXVI, p. 192; .Abbott, 1954, fig. 63a same fig. as Dall and Bartsch. 1909 Not Pyramidella (Syrnola) Adamsi Tryon, 1886, Man. Conch., vol. VIII, p. 306 new name for Obeliscus aclis A. Adams (preoccupied) Pyramidella conica C. B. Adams, Trvon, 1886. p. 302 in part The holotype of this species is from Mazatlan, and the discussion of the species belongs in the report of that area. Since the species is reported from San Pedro to Mazatlan, and one specimen from Monterey, a reference is included herein. The holotype is in the British Museum with the Reigen Mazatlan Collection (tablet 1951). Dall and Bartsch published a drawing of a specimen in the U. S. National Museum. On page 21 they stated that the type was in the British Museum. On page 22 tliey stated that the illustration was of a 125 The statement in Oldroyd and Grant and Gale indicating the type depository as the Academy of Natural Sciences at Philadelphia is incorrect. 244 MARTXF. ArOLLT'SCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER specimen in the U. S. National Museum. In the cx])lanatieated it later (1909). In regard to the measurement and category of the specimen figured there is a discrepancy. In the text (1907, p. 527) the specimen figured was said to be one of two specimens from the type locality by the original collector but not the holotype. Its length was given as 5.3 mm. which coincides with that in the explanation of the plate (pi. XLVII, fig. 6). However, the same drawing is included later (1909, pi. 23, fig. 2), but in the explana- tion of the plate it is listed as type with the length 2.3 mm., which is the length of the holo- type (p. 206). Examining the holotype one finds that the drawing of Dall and Bartsch is of the holotype which is no. 15520. It is smaller than another specimen (no. 46483 of Dall and Bartsch, p. 206) which is segregated. Dall and Bartsch, therefore, figured the holotype (1907; 1909, explanation pi. 23, fig. 2, 1909 is correct). A photograph of the holotype is included herein (pi. 21, figs. 9, 10). Dall and Bartsch determined O. straminea Carpenter (described from Cape San Lucas) as a southern smooth form of this species. 248 MARINE MOLLT'SCA DESCRIRKD RV P. P. CARPKXTER Holotypc. — U. S. National Museum no. 15520. (Same number is catalogued also for O. satura Carpenter) Distribution. — Neah Bay, Washington (Swan) (type) ; Barkley Sound, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, to Lower California (l)all) Subgenus Menestho Moller, 1842 Menestho Moller, 1847, Index Moll. Groenlandiae, p. 10 in Naturhist. Tidsskr., 4 (1), 1842, p. 83 Type species by monotypy. Turbo albulus Fabricius, 1780, Fauna Groenlandica, p. 394. Living. Greenland Odostomia (Menestho) aequisculpta (Carpenter) Odostomia (Evalca) aequisculpta Carpenter, 1864, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIV, p. 46,47; Reprint, 1872, p. 219 Odostomia (Oscilla) aequisculpta (Carpenter), Dall and Bartsch in Arnold, 1903, p. 284, pi. I, figs. 3, 3a type Odostomia (Menestho) aequisculpta (Carpenter), Dall and Bartsch, 1909, V. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 68, p. 191, pi. 20, figs. 3, 3a type; Jordan, 1924, So. California Acad. Sci., Bull., vol. 23, pt. 5, p. 145-146; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 874; Keen, 1937, p. 42; BuRCH, 1946, no. 61, p. 47 This species was described from Cape San Lucas. The type was figured by Dall and Bartsch (in Arnold) and in their later monograph (1909). Although Arnold indicated that the species was living from Cape San Lucas north to San Pedro, such distribution appar- ently was not verified. Arnold also included the species in the Pleistocene of San Diego. Jordan (1924) stated that the northern range extended to San Diego. On Jordan's authority. Keen and Burch include the species in the southern California fauna. The discussion and synonymy are not intended to be complete in this report. Subsenus Amaura^-" Moller, 1842 Amaura Moller, 1842, Index Moll. Groenlandiae in Naturh. Tidsskr., vol. 4, (1), p. 80 Type species by monotypy, ^liiniura Candida Moller, 1842. Living. Greenland Odostomia (Amaura) avellana Carpenter Odostomia [nnciformis] ? var. avellana Carpenter, 1864b, p. 658; Reprint, 1872, p. 144; 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XV, p. 30; Reprint, 1872, p. 243; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 33; Tryon, 1886, Man. Conch., vol. VIII, p. 359 list only Odostomia {Amaura) nuciformis avellana (Carpenter), Arnold, 1903, p. 283, pi. I, fig. II Dall and Bartsch ; Dall and Bartsch, 1907, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 33, p. 530, pi. XLVIII, fig. 1, la type Odostomia (Amaura) avellana (Carpenter), Dall and Bartsch, 1909, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 68, p. 4, 5, 218. 225, 228, pi. 28, fig. 3 ; Bartsch, 1912, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 42, no. 1906 p. 307 342; Dall, 1921, p. 136; Oldrovd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Sta- tion, vol. 4, p. 132; 1927, vol. II, pt. II, p. 212. pi. 64, fig. 3 same as Dall and Bartsch, 1907 and 1909; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 876, cf. pi. 32, fig. 20; Keen, 1937, p. 42; Burch, 1946, no. 61, p. 11, 45 "Shape of conoidalis." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 658] "O. testa O. nucijormi indole simili, sed spira valde prolongata. "Long. .32, long. spir. .16, lat. .16, div. 50°. "Hab. Neeah Bay; one specimen (Swan). "Like a gigantic form of O. conoidalis." [Carpenter, 1865a, p. 29] Dall and Bartsch discussed the species in detail and figured the holotype of the species. Dimensions — Length 8.3 mm.; diameter 4.3 mm. (holotype) (Dall and Bartsch) Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 15517b 127 Preoccupied by Amaura Geycr (in Huebncr, 1837, p. 39, for reference see Neave, 1939-40). There is a disagreement as to whetlicr Amaura Candida belongs in the Naticidae (Fischer. 1887 [1885] ; Tryon, 1883) or Euspiridae (Cossmann, 1925) or Pyramidellidae (Dall and Bartsch, 1909; Theile, 1931) GASTRoronx 249 Distribution. — Recent. Neah Bay, Washington (type) ; Neah Bay, Washington, to San Martin Island, Lower California (Burch). Pleistocene. California (Arnold; Grant and Gale) Odostomia (Amaura) gouldii Carpenter Odostomia [satura] var. Gouldii C.arpextek, 1864b, p. 658; Reprint, 1872, p. 144; 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 3, vol. XV, p. 30; Reprint, 1872, p. 243; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 33; Tryon, 1886, Man. Conch., vol. VIII, p. 358 Odostomia Gouldii Carpenter, Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. S3 probably var. O. inflata Carpenter Not Odostomia (Evalea) gouldii (Carpenter), Arnold, 1903, p. 282, pi. I, fig. 15 fide Dall AND Bartsch, 1907, p. 528 Odostomia {Amaura) gouldii (Carpenter"), Dall and Bartscii, 1907, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc. vol. 33, p. 531, pi. XLVIII, fig. 4 type; Dall and Bartsch, 1909, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 68, p. 4, 5, 204, 218, 224, pi. 27, fig. 2 type; Bartsch, 1912, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 42, no. 1906, p. 307, 342; Dall, 1921, p. 136; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Sta., vol. 4, p. 132; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 876, Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 185; Keen, 1937, p. 42; Burch, 1946, no. 61, p. 11, 45 "Taller, base gently rounded." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 658] "O. testa solida, alba, ovoidea, marginibus spirae valde excurvatis ; vert. nucl. deciiviter immerso; anfr. norm, v., subplanatis, suturis valde impressis ; peripheria baud angulata ; basi excurvata, baud tumida ; apertura ovata, postice parum constricta ; labro solido ; labio conspicuo, rimani umbilicalem formante ; plica submediano, solida, extante, baud decHvi. Long. .23, long. spir. .13, lat. .1, div. 30°. "Hah. Neeah Bay; very rare {Szvan) . "Agrees in some respects better with the diagnosis of O. gravida, Gould, than do Col. Jewett's shells, from which it is presumed the species was described. These large forms appear verj' variable." [Carpenter, 1865a, p. 29] Dall and Bartsch (1907; repeated 1909) discussed the species in detail and figured the holotype. Dimensions. — Holotj'pe : Length 6.1 mm., diameter 3.1 mm. (Dall and Bartsch) Holotype.— U. S. National Museum, no. 22821 Distribution. — Neah Bay, Washington (type) ; Neah Bay, Washington south to San Diego, California (Burch) Odostomia (Amaura) nuciformis Carpenter Odostomia nuciformis Carpenter, 1864b, p. 628, 658; Reprint, 1872, p. 114, 144; 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 3, vol. XV, p. 30; Reprint, 1872, p. 243; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 33; Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 53; Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. XV, no. 898, p. 209 Odostomia muciformis [sic] Carpenter, Tryon, 1886, Man. Conch., vol. VIII, p. 358, pi. 78, fig. 46 Odostomia (Amaura) nuciformis (Carpenter), Dall and Bartsch, 1907, U. S Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 33, p. 530. pi. XLVIII, figs. 3, 3a type; 1909, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 68, p. 4, 5, 219, 227, pi. 28 fig. 1, type same fig. as 1907; Bartsch, 1912, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 42, no. 1906, p. 307, 343; Dall, 1921, p. 137; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 133; 1927, vol. II, pt. II, p. 220, pi. 64, fig. 1 same as Dall and Bartsch; Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 185; Keen, 1937, p. 43; Burch, 1946, no. 61, p. 11, 46 "Very large, solid Tornatelloid." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 658] A copy of Carpenter's description (1865) was published by Oldroyd (1927). The fol- lowing changes should be included in her copy : Line 2 : read "vertice" for "vertie ;" last line : delete "poll." Add: ". . . div. 70° "Hob. Neeah Bay; extremely rare {Siijan)." [Carpenter, 1865a, p. 30] Dall and Bartsch (1907; 1909) furnished a detailed description of the species and illus- trated the holotype. Dimensions. — Holotype: length 7.7 mm.; diameter 4.4 mm. (Dall and Bartsch) Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 15517a 250 MARINE MOLLUSCA nKSCRTBED BY P. T. CARPENTER Distribution. — Ncah Bay, Washington (type') ; Noah Bay, Washington, to San Diego, California (Burch) Odostomia (Amaura) satura Carpenter Odostomia satura Carpenter, 1864b, p. 628, 658; Reprint, 1872, p. 114, 144; 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, ser. 3, vol. XV, p. 29; Reprint, 1872, p. 243; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 33; Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 54, ? fig. 34; Tryon, 1886, Man. Conch., vol. VIII, p. 358, pi. 78, fig. 48 Odostomia (Amaura) satura (Carpenter), Dall and Bartsch, 1907, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 33, p. 529, pi. XLVIII, figs. 5, 5a type; 1909, U. S. Nat. Miis., Bull. 68, p. 45, 218, 221, pi. 27, fig. 1 same as 1907 type; Bartsch, 1912, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 42, no. 1906, p. 307, 342; Dall, 1921, p. 136; Oldrovd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 131 ; 1927, vol. II, pt. II, p. 222; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 876; Baily, 1935. West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 185, fig. 161, type saine fig. as Dall and Bartsch, 1907; 1909; Keen, 1937, p. 43; Burch, 1946, no. 61, p. 11, 46 Odostomia satura piipiformis Carpenter, 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XV, p. 30; Reprint, 1872, p. 243; Tryon, 1886, Man. Conch., vol. VIII, p. 358; Dall and Bartsch in Arnold, 1903, p. 283, pi. 1, fig. 13, type, as O. (Amaura) pupiformis; 1907, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 33, p. 529, 530, 1909, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 68, p. 221 under O. satura; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 876, under O. satura "Large, with swollen whirls [sic] like Bithinia similis." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 658] A copy of Carpenter's description (1865) was republished by Oldroyd (1927). The following should be changed in her copy : Delete "poll." Add: ". . . div. 40° "Hab. Neeah Bay; rare (Szi'an) "Var. pupiformis: anfr. primis valdc depressis, planatis; vertice mamniillato; anfr. ult. norniali. Si)ecimen unicum, quasi monstruosnm. Long. .19, long. spir. .1, lat. .12, div. 45°." [Carpenter, 1865a, p. 30] Dall and Bartsch (1907; repeated 1909) presented a detailed description of the species. They included, with good reason, the "var." pupiformis Carpenter as an injured individual of the species. Thev figured the type of O. pupiformis in Arnold (1903) and the type of O. satura (1907; 1909). The same U. S. Nat. Museum catalogue number applies to both O. satura and O. tiviuis- culpta. 0. satura is labelled, "Neah Bay type Swan." Dimensions.— hength 6.4 mm.; diameter 3.5 mm. (holotype) (Dall and Bartsch) Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 15520 (holotype, O. pupiformis, no. 15520a) Distribution. — Recent. Neah Bay, Washington (type). Pleistocene. California (Dall and Bartsch in Arnold ; Grant and Gale) Odostomia (Ivara) terricula Dall and Bartsch Odostomia (Ivara) terricula [turricula] Dall and Bartsch (1909, p. 179) was described by Dall and Bartsch in Arnold (1903, p. 285). The name was a manuscript one of Carpenter, and it was misspelled as terricula. Dall and Bartsch (1909) pointed out the typographical error, so the writer assumes that the corrected form might be authenticated. However, Dall (1921, p. 130) apparently decided that the original misspelling should stand for the specific name he so wrote it. Dall was followed by Oldroyd (1927, p. 173), Burch (1946, no. 61, p. 39), and Abbott (1954, p. 290). Keen (1937, p. 43) and Smith and Gordon (1948, p. 194) used "turricula." Such a dual usage is not a healthy condition in the taxonomy of the species, for error of interpretation and listing of two different species could easily creep into records. The most practical and least involved method of solving the problem is to return to the original spelling of the specific name. This has published sanction of one of the original authors. An original author, of course, has no more right to change his pub- lished name than any other author. However, in this case it does give an authoritative opinion. Odostomia (Idea) eucosmia Dall and Bartsch Oscilla insculpta "Cpr.," Keep, 1887. West Coast Shells, p. 52 Odostomia (lolaca) eucosmia Dail and Bartsch, 1909, U. .S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 68 p. 183, GASTROPODA 251 ])1. 20, figs. 10, 10a. New name for O. insculpta Keep. Not Odostomia inscnlpta I)k Kay, 1843, Zool. New York, pt. V, Mollusca, p. 115 Keep used a manuscript name of Carpenter, so that Carpenter cannot be credited with the name. The above is a new name for that of Keep which was preoccupied when the species was transferred to Odostomia. Dall and Bartsch used specimens other than those of Keep for the type of their new name. They chose a specimen from Lower California. Again, as in the case of O. virginalis, a neotypic choice from the type area of Keep (California) would be more appropriate than from Lower California. The type of Oscilla insculpta Carpenter ms. is in the Redpath Museum, no. 2371. The Carpenter type was discovered by the author in 1951. There are two specimens with the label, "Oscilla insculpta San Diego H H type." Because Carjicnter's name is a nomcn nudtiin and Keep's is preoccupied the species is now known by Dall and Bartsch's appelation. The Carpenter type has no value. Therefore, no figure of it is included in this report. Genus Turbonilla Leach in Risso, 1826 Turhonilla Risso, 1826, Hist. Nat. Europe Merid., vol. 4, p. 224 Type species by subsequent designation, Herrmaxxsen, 1852, Ind. Gen. Malac, Supp. et Corr., p. 136, T. costulata'^'^^ Risso, 1826, Fossil. Saint Jean. Risso, 1826, fig. 72 The type designation of Gray (1847, p. 160) of Turbo elegantissima Aiontagu (1803, pt. II, p. 298) is valid only if that species is proven to be equivalent to T. costulata Risso. T. elcgantissima Montagu is restricted to a northern distribution by modern workers (Winckworth, 1932, p. 227; Palmer, 1947, p. 228). Subgenus Chemnitzia d'Orbigny, 1840 Chemnitsia d'Orbigxy, 1840,^29 in Webb axd Berthei.ot's Hist. Nat. lies Canaries, p. 77 as subgenus of Mclania Type species by monotypy Chcmnitcia canipancllae (Piiilippi), 1836, Enum. Moll. Sicil., vol. I, p. 156, t. 9, fig. 5 as Melania; Recent. Sicily. Tryon, 1886, Man. Conch., vol. VIII, pi. 75, fig. 77 Turbonilla (Chemnitzia) muricata (Carpenter) Chemnitzia muricata Carpexter, 1857, Cat. Mazatlan Shells, p. 428 Turbonilla (Strioturbonilla) muricata Carpenter, Dall and Bartsch in Arxold, 1903, p. 270 Turbonilla (Chemnitsia) muricata Carpenter, Dall axd Bartsch, 1909, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 68, p. 36, pi. 2, fig. 9; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 866 The species was described from IMazatlan by Carpenter and has not been reported in the Recent fauna from the area of the scope of this report. Dall and Bartsch figured the type (1909). The notes herein are not intended to be complete. Arnold stated that the species occurred in the Pleistocene, "rare" in the lower Pleistocene (lower San Pedro) of San Pedro and Deadman Island, and common in the upper Pleistocene (upper San Pedro = Palos Verdes sand) of San Pedro and Los Ccrritos, California. This distribution has been repeated by Grant and Gale. Subgenus Bartschella Tredale, 1916 (Diinkcria Dall and Bartsch, 1909; not Carpenter, 1857) Bartschella Iredale, 1916. Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 12. p. 36 Type species by original designation, Dunkcria subanqulata Carpenter, 1857, Mazatlan Cat., p. 434. Recent. Mazatlan. Dall and Bartsch, 1909, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 68, pi. 12, fig. 11 type i2SNot T. costulata Verrill, 1873, Rep. U. S. Comm. Fish., pt. 1, p. 658 = T. miqhelsi Bartsch, 1909. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Proc, vol. 34. p. 88. 129 See Stearns (1937, p. 54) for dates of publication of Webb and Berthelot. 252 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Turbonilla (Bartschella) laminata (Carpenter) Dunkcna lamiiuifa Carpenter, 1864b, p. 537, 659; Reprint, 1872, p. 23, 145; 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XV, p. 396; Reprint, 1872, p. 286; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 33; Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 52 Turbonilla laminata (Carpenter), Tryon, 1866, Man. Conch., vol. Vlll, p. 338, pi. 76, fig. 51 Turbonilla (Fyrgiscula) laminata (Carpenter), Arnold, 1903, p. 277, pi. II, figs. 8, 8a Dale AND Bartsch Turbonilla (Dunkcria) laimnata (Carpenter) Dale and Bartsch, 1909, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 68, p. 120, 121, 122, pi. 12, figs. 16, 16a; Bartsch, 1912, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 42, no. 1906. p. 303, 326 Turbonilla (Bartschella) laminata (Carpenter), Dale, 1921, p. 127; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. II, p. 150; Grant and Gaee, 1931, p. 872; Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 183, fig. 158 same as Dale and Bartsch; Keen, 1937, p. 48; Burch, 1946, no. 61, p. 34; Abbott, 1954, fig. 631 same fig. as Dale and Bartsch, 1909 "Subgenus of Chcmnitzia, with rounded whirls: typical species. Aspect of Fcnclla, finely cancellated." [Carpenter, 1864, p. 659] Oldroyd (1927) republished a copy of Carpenter's description (1865). The following should be changed in her copy : Delete "poll", last line. Add: ". . . div. 20°. "Hab. Sta. Barbara (Jeivctt) ; San Diego (Cooper). "This beautiful Fenelloid species may be regarded as the type of the group Dunkcria." [Carpenter, 1865h, p. 396] Dall and Bartsch presented a detailed description of the species and figured a specimen collected by Cooper at San Pedro, California, not the type locality. Dimensions. — Length 6.6 mm.; diameter 2.1 mm. (Dall and Bartsch, specimen figured) Type. — Not found Distribution. — Recent. Santa Barbara or San Diego, California (type); Redondo Beach, California, to South Coronado Islands (Burch). Pleistocene. California (Arnold; Oldryod, 1924; WiUett, 1937) ; Mexico (Jordan, 1926) Subgenus Pyrgiscus Philippi. 1841 Pyrgiscus Philippi, Archiv. Naturgesch., 7. Bd. 1. p. 50 Type species by subsequent designation, Dale and Bartsch in Arnold, 1903. California Acad. Sci., Mem., vol. III. p. 274; Mclania rufa Philippi, 1836. Enum. Moll. Sicil.. vol. 1, p. 156. pi. IX, fig. 7. Living. Europe. Tryon, 1886, Man. Conch., vol. VIII, pi. 74, figs. 68-70 Turbonilla (Pyrgiscus) castanea (Keep) Chemnitzia castanea "Cpr.", Keep, 1887. West Coast Shells, p. 52. fig. 33 Not Turbonilla (Pyrgiscus) castanea Dale and Bartsch, 1907. U. S. Nat. Mus.. Proc, 33. no 1574, p. 509, pi. XLVII, fig. 7 - T. castanella Dall, 1908, Nautilus, vol. 21, no. 10. p. 131 Turbonilla ( Pyr(ii.<;cu.'!) castanea (Keep). Dall and Bartsch. 1909, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 68, p. 101. pi." 9, figs. 1, la not type; Bartsch, 1912, U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 42, no. 1906, p. 303, 322 Keep apparently used a manuscript name of Carpenter for this species. But. as Dall and Bartsch have shown. Keep only is responsible for the name. Dall and Bartsch described and illustrated a specimen from San Pedro collected by Oldroyd. This is not the type, as they indicated in the explanation of the plate (pi. 9, figs. 1, la). They explained that Keep's type which they had examined came from San Diego. Bartsch (1912, p. 322) recorded the Keep type in the U. S. National Museum. Curiously Dall and Bartsch (1907) described a Turbonilla (Pyriscus) castanea. There- fore, when Keep's species was transferred to the category of Turbonilla, Dall and Bartsch's name became preoccupied. Dall consequently renamed their specific name, T. castanella. r.ASTRoroDA 2S'S Turbonilla (Pyrgiscus) tenuicula (Gould) Chemnitzia crebrifilata Carpenter (PL 21, fig. 20; Chemnitzia tenuicula Gould, 1853, Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Jour., vol. 6, p. 383-384, pi. 14, fig. 15; Dall and Bartsch. 1909, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 68, p. 92, pi. 8, figs. 3, 7. 7a, 12, 12a, 14, 14a (type of T. cuspidata Cari)enter) including representative figures of Carpenter name; (iRant a\d Gale, 1931, p. 870, see for additional synonymy Chemnitzia terehralis Carpenter, 1857, Mazatlan Shells, p. 432 fide Dall and Bartsch, 1909, p. 92 Chemnitzia unifasciata Carpenter, 1857, Mazatlan Shells, p. 433 fide Dall and Bartsch, 1909, p. 92 Chemnitzia (? tcnuicnla, var.) subcuspidata Carpenter, 1864b, p. 613, 659; Reprint, 1872, p. 99, 145 fide Dall and B.'Vrtsch, 1909; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. AIoll., Geol. Sur. Cali- fornia, p. 22) Chemnitzia subcuspidata Carpenter, 1866, California Acad. Sci., Proc. vol. Ill, p. 220 Chemnitzia crebrifilata Carpenter, 1864b, p. 537, 659; Reprint, 1872, p. 23, 145; 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XV, p. 395 ; Reprint, 1872, p. 285 ; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 33 Turbonilla (Pyrgiscus) crebrifilata (Carpenter), Dall and Bartsch in Arnold, 1903, p. 276. pi. n, figs. 6, 6a fide Dall and Bartsch, 1909 Turbonilla (Pyrgiscus) subcuspidata (Carpenter), Dall and Bartsch in Arnold, 1903, p. 277, pi. II, figs. 2, 2a type fide Dall and Bartsch, 1909; Burch, 1946, no. 61, p. 32 under T. (P.) tcnuicnla Gould Dall and Bartsch indicated in the synonymy of T. tenuicula Gould several Carpenter names. T. terebralis and T. unifasciata are Mazatlan catalogue names, and the figuring of the types of those forms properly belong with the illustration of that catalogue. The holo- type of T. crebrifilata (Santa Barbara) is in the Redpath Museum, no. 2363. That of T. tenuicula subcuspidata Carpenter is in the U. S. National Museum (no. 14829) and was figured by Dall and Bartsch (1903, PI. II, figs. 2, 2a; 1909, pi. 8, figs. 14, Ha)."^ It is a specimen collected by Cooper at San Diego. (See Carpenter, 1864b, p. 613, no. 106.) "Ribs more distant, muricated at sutures." [Carpenter, 1864, p. 659 C. tenuicula var. subcuspidata] "Slender, whitish : with 8 spiral threads passing over 24 ribs, evanescent round base." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 659, C. crebrifilata] "C. testa satis tereti, subalbida, haud regulari ; anfr. nucl. ii., helicoideis, decliviter sitis, margines spirae parum excurvatos paullum superantibus ; norm. VIII, quorum primi subro- tundati, ultimi vix planati, suturis valde distinctis ; cost. rad. circ. XXIV., subrectis, acutiori- bus, angustis, interdum attingentibus, anfr. ultimo crebrioribus minus expressis, circa basim prolongatam haud subito evanescentibus ; lirulis spiralibus, in spira circ. VIII., rotundatis expressis, anfr. ult. supra costas subnodulosis, circa basim crebrioribus ; peritremate con- tinuo ; columella vix torta, haud plicata; labio distincto. Long. .22, long. spir. .17, lat. .07, div. 18°. "Hob. Sta. Barbara, 1 specimen (Jen'Ctt)." [Carpenter, 1865h, p. 395, C. crebrifilata] ". . . State Collection, no. 670 ; a. "Ch. t. parva, minus tereti, cerina seu purpureo-fusca ; anfr. nucl. ii. et. dimidio, valde decliviter sitis, marginibus spirae parum excurvatis superantibus ; norm. viii. planatis, suturis excavatis ; costis radiantibus circ. xviii. acutis, circa basim prolongatam vix continuis, ad suturas valde elevatis, subcuspidatis ; interstitiis latioribus undulatis ; sulcis spiralibus creberrimis, altis, in spira circ. x., costas vix secantibus, circa basim impressis ; peritremati vix continue, labio distincto ; columella vix torta. "Long. 0.23, long. spir. 0.16, lat. 0.06, div. 25°. "Hab. S. Diego ; 25 dredged in shoal water. Cooper. "Differs from the figure of Ch. tenuicula (which represents a shell with more numerous ribs than the diagnosis) in its more distant ribs with broader interstices ; closer and deeper spiral sculpture ; impressed sutures ; and especially by the elegant murication of the tops of the ribs, with projecting, curved lines between. This is best seen in the j-oung shells, when the ribs are distinct over the base." [Carpenter, 1866, p. 220, C. subcuspidata] 12" Substitute Carpenter for Gould in author's name (1909, explanation pi. 8, fig. 14). The same figure is in Arnold (1903, PI. II, figs. 2, 2a labelled type) ; also indicated type in Dall and Bartsch (1909, p. 93) and Bartsch (1912, p. 321). 254 MARINE ^rOLLI'SCA nESCRIRKD P.V P. P. CARPENTER Arnold reported the Carpenter forms 7". crcbrifilata (San Diego) and T. subcuspidata from the Pleistocene of San Pedro and San Diego regions. Turbonilla (Pyrgiscus) virgo (Carpenter) Chemnitcia virgo Carpenter, 1864b, p. 537, 659; Reprint, 1872, p. 23, 145; 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XV, p. 396; Reprint, 1872, p. 286; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 34 TurhoiiiUa virgo Carpenter, Tryon, 1886, Man. Conch., vol. VIII, p. 333 list only Turbonilla (Pyrgiscus) virgo (Carpenter), Dall and Bartsch, 1909, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 68, p." 75, 78, 93, 94, pi. 8, figs. 4, 4a (type ?) ; Bartsch, 1912, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 42, no. 1906, p. 303, 321; Dall, 1921, p. 126; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. II, p. 136; Keen, 1937, p. 49; Burch, 1946, no. 61, p. 7, 33 "Very slender, with short, smooth base; 18 ribs, evanescent at periphery, and 8 spiral grooves." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 659] Oldroyd (1927) republished Carpenter's description (1865). 'J'he following should be changed in her copy : Line 2: For "VII" read "VIII;" last line: delete "poll." Add: ". . . div. 12°. "Hab. Sta. Barbara, 1 specimen {Jczvett)." [Carpenter, 1865h, p. 396] The specimen in the U. S. National Museum, no. 73993, is labelled, "Sta. Barbara Stearns Coll. fig'd type unique". The label in the bottle containing the specimen is "unique type", in Carpenter's handwriting. Hence the specimen is the "holotype". However, Car- penter has a discrepancy in his choosing of the type. His description referred to Jewett as the collector. The writer, therefore, prefers to use the term lectotype in designating the lone type representative of the species. There is a slight and unimportant disagreement between the measurement of lengtli in the te.xt in Dall and Bartsch (1909, p. 94) and that stated in the explanation of the plate. The species has been described in detail by Dall and Bartsch and the lectotype figured. Lectotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 73993 Distribution. — Santa Barbara, California (type) Subgenus Pyrgolampros Sacco, 1892 (Pyrgolainpnts Cossmann, 1921) Pvrgolainpros Sacco, 1892, I Moll, de Piemonte edella Liguria, Reale Accad. Sci. Torino, Mem. (2), 42, p. 667 Type species by original designation, P. mioperpHcatulus Sacco, 1892, p. 669, pi. II, fig. 91. Tortonian, Middle Miocene. Italy Turbonilla (Pyrgolampros) aurantia (Carpenter) Chcmnitzia aurantia Carpenter, 1864b, p. 537, 603, 659 (? var.) ; Reprint, 1872, p. 23, 89, 145; Cooper, 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 66; Smith and Gordon, 1948, p. 102 query Monterey record Chcmnitzia chocolata var. aurantia Carpenter, Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 33 in part Chcmnitcia tridentata (? var.) aurantia Carpenter, 1865, Jour, de Conchyliol., vol. XIII, ser. 3, vol. V, p. 147; Reprint, 1872, p. 315 Turbonilla (Lancca) aurantia (Carpenter), Dall and Bartsch in Arnold, 1903, p. 272 Turbonilla aurantia (Carpenter), Tryon, 1886, Man. Conch., vol. VIII, p. 333 list only; not Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mtis., Proc, vol. 15. no. 898, p. 209 Turbonilla (Pyrgolampros) aurantia (Carpenter), Dall and Bartsch, 1907, U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 33, p. 502, pi. XLV, fig. 5 [lectotype] ; Dall and Bartsch, 1909, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 68, p. 60, 66 (duplicate of 1907). pi. 6. fig. 4 same as 1907; Bartsch, 1912, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 42, no. 1906, p. 302, 317; Dall, 1921, p. 123; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. IT, pt. II, p. 123, pi. 52, fig. 4 [lectotype] ; pi. 54, fig. 5 type, both same as Dall and Bartsch, 1907; 1909; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 869; Keen, 1937, p. 48; Burch, 1946, no. 61, p. 5, 27; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 192 queried Monterey record. GASTROPODA 255 "Intermediate between the above: orange, base round; 26 ribs, striulate between." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 659] Oldroyd (1927) republished a copy of Carpenter's description (1865) of this species. To that copy the following lines should be added : ". . . div. 20°. "Hab. Santa Barbara, Jezvett. — Puget Sound, Kennerley. "II est possible qu'on reconnaisse plus tard que cette espece est le jeune age du Ch. tridentata: elle est intermediaire entre elle et le Ch. chocolata." [Carpenter, 1865g, p. 148] Dall and Bartsch (1907) gave and repeated (1909) a complete discussion of the shell of this species and figured the lectotype. The specimen (no. 4493b) is labelled "Puget Soirnd" and "Santa Barbara." Dall and Bartsch suggested tliat the specimen came from Puget Sound, as the species has not been reported south of there since Carpenter's and Cooper's time. Because of the discrepancy in the label, the writer uses the term lectotype and follows Dall and Bartsch in choosing Puget Sound as the proper locality. Dall and Bartsch referred (1907; 1909) to the specimen mentioned as "type," but it is listed by Bartsch (1912) as specimen. There is still uncertainty, however, regarding this species, because Carpenter (1864b, p. 531, 603, 659; 1865g, p. 148) made particular mention that the species was found by Col. Jewett at Santa Barbara. Dimensions. — Lectotype: length 5.8 mm.; diameter 2.4 mm. (Dall and Bartsch). [Expl. pi. XLV, 1907, length 6.2 mm. corrected elsewhere] Lectotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 4493b Distribution. — Recent. Puget Sound, Washington (type) ; Departure Bay, Victoria, British Columbia and Puget Sound (Dall). Pleistocene. California (Arnold; Grant and Gale) Turbonilla (Pyrgolampros) chocolata (Carpenter) Chcmnitzia chocolata Carpenter, 1864b, p. 613, 659; Reprint, 1872, p. 99, 145; 1866, Cali- fornia Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 220; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. Cali- fornia, p. 2)2i ; 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 66 Turbonilla chocolata Carpenter, Tryox, 1887, Man. Conch., vol. VIII, p. ZZZ list only; Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. AIus., Proc, vol. 15, no. 898, p. 209 Turbonilla {Pyrgolampros) chocolata (Carpenter), Dall and Bartsch, 1909, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull."68, p. 60. 70, pi. 5, figs. 9, 9a; Bartsch, 1912, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 42, no. 1906, p. 302, 317; Dall, 1921, p. 124; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. II, p. 115, pi. 50, figs. 9, 9a same as Dall and Bartsch ; Keen, 1937, p. 48; Burch, 1946, no. 61, p. 4, 27; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 193; Abbott, 1954, fig. 63e same fig. as Dall and Bartsch, 1909 Turbonilla {Pyrgolampros) bcrryi Dall and Bartsch, 1907, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. iZ, no. 1574, p. 500, pi. 44, figs. 10, 10a; Dall and Bartsch, 1909, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 68, p. 69, pi. 6, figs. 5, 5a fide Smith in Burch, p. 27; Smith and Gordon, 1948, p. 193 Turbonilla {Pyrgolampros) painei Dall and Bartsch, 1909, p. 71, pl. 5, figs. 4, 4a fide Smith and Gordon, 1948, p. 193 "Same size and colour : not toothed : base prolonged : crowded ribs minutely striulate between." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 659] Carpenter's description (1866) was republished by Oldroyd (1927). The following should be changed in her copy : Delete "poll." Add: ". . . State Collection, no. 428" ". . . div 17°. "Hab. S. Pedro, S. Diego, Monterey ; rare. Cooper. "One specimen, in Dr. Palmer's consignment, is known from Ch. fridcntata by the very effuse spire, prolonged base, and crowded ribs without waved sculpture between." [Carpenter, 1866a, p. 220] 256 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BV V. P. CARPENTER Dall and Bartsch described the species in detail and illustrated a specimen collected by Cooper from San Pedro that could well be chosen as a lectotype (no. 15315, U. S. National Museum). Dimensions. — Length 14 mm.; diameter 3.6 mm (specimen figured by Dall and Bartsch) Holotype. — Not found Distribution. — Recent. San Pedro, San Diego, or Monterey, California (type) : Monterey to Catalina Island, California (Rurch). Pleistocene. San Diego (Cooper, 1888) Turbonilla (Pyrgolampros) valdezi Dall and Bartsch TurbonUla {P\rqolampros) gibbosa "Carpenter" Dall and Bartsch, 1903, in Arnold, p. 279, pi. 1. figs. 2, 2a = T. valdezi Dall and Bartsch, 1907, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 2)2), no. 1574, p. 502, pi. 44, figs. 3, 3a same figure as in Arnold, 1903 = T. valdcsi Dall and Bartsch, 1909, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 68, p. 62, pi. 6 fig. 8 same figure as in Arnold (1903) and Dall and Bartsch (1907). Not Turbonilla gibbosa Carpenter, 1857, Mazatlan Cat., p. 430 as Chcmnitzia Subgenus Mormula A. Adams, 1864 i^i Monnula A. Adams, 1864, Jour, of Proc. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., vol. 7, p. 1 Type species by subsequent designation, Verrill and Bush, 1909, Connecticut Acad. Arts. Sci., Trans., X, pt. II, p. 531 ; Morunilci rissoina A. Adams, 1864. Living. Japan Turbonilla (Mormula) tridentata (Carpenter) (PI. 21, fig. 19) Chemnitzia tridentata Carpenter, 1864b, p. 537, 603, 659; Reprint, 1872, p. 23, 89, 145; 1865, Jour, de Conchyl., vol. XIII, ser. 3, vol. V, p. 147; Reprint, 1872, p. 315; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 22i; 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 66 Turbonilla tridentata (Carpenter), Tryon, 1886, Man. Conch., vol. VIII, p. 333 list only Turbonilla (Lancea) tridentata (Carpenter), Arnold, 1903, p. 273, pi. II, figs. 1, la identi- fication made by Dall and Bartsch Turbonilla (Mormula) tridentata (Carpenter), Dall and Bartsch, 1907, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 33, no. 1574, p. 511, pi. XLV, fig. 9; 1909, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 68, p. 114, pi. 11, figs. 12, 12a; Bartsch, 1912, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 42, no. 1906, p. 303, 324; Dall, 1921, p. 127. Oldrovd, 1927, vol. II, pt. II, p. 147, pi. 56, figs. 12, 12a same as Dall AND Bartsch, 1909; pi. 54, fig. 9 same as Dall and Bartsch, 1907; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 871 ; Keen, 1937, p. 49; Bt'rch. 1946, no. 61, p. 8, 34; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XVI, p. 193; Abbott, 1954, fig. 63f same fig. as Dall and Bartsch, 1909 "Large, chestnut: 19-24 ribs, evanescent at periphery: waved interspaces with 8-10 spiral grooves : labrum with 3 teeth, hidden as in Obeliscus: base round." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 659] A copy of Carpenter's description (1865) was republished by Oldroyd (1927). The following should be changed in her copy : Line 2, read "pallidioribus" for "pall dioribus;" line 3, read "11" for "ii" ; line 5, read "undatis" for "undates ;" line 7, read "labro" for "labio;" line 8, read ".45" for ".43." Add: ". . . div. 16°. "Hab. Santa Barbara, Jezvett. — Puget Sound, Kennerley. — Monterey, San Pedro, Cooper. "Les trois dents de cette belle espece, cachees tout a fait a I'interieur de I'ouverture, comme dans plusieurs especcs du genre Obeliscus, ont ete, pour la premiere fois, observees sur un individu casse et roule de Santa Barbara. Celui-ci a 22 cotes; celui de Monterey, 20; celui du nord, 19; et ceux de San Diego, 24." [Carpenter, 1865g, p. 147] The type of this species is labelled "Type Monterey, Cal." It is, therefore, the third specimen mentioned by Carpenter and collected by Cooper. Dall and Bartsch gave a complete description of the species and illustrated a shell from San Pedro. The holotype is figured herein. Lectotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 15315b 131 Neave (1940, p. 219) gave the date as 1863. The volume examined is dated 1864. GASTROPODA 257 Distribution. — Recent. Monterey, California (type) ; Alonterey to San Diego, California (Dall). Pleistocene. California (.Arnold; Grant and Gale; Willett, 1937) Subgenus Strioturbonilla Sacco, 1892 Striotiirbonilla Sacco, 1892, I Moll, terr, terz. del Piemonte Liguria, pt. XI, Torino, p. 94; 1892, Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. comp., Torino, vol. VII, no. 121, p. 55 Type species by original designation, S. signwidea (Jeffreys) = Odostomia sigmoidea Jeffreys, 1884, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, p. 354. Recent. Algiers, Palermo; 163;/) fath- oms. Jeffreys, 1884, pi. XXVI, fig. 9 Dall and Bartsch (1904; 1909) stated that the type of Strioturbonilla Sacco is T. alpina Sacco. They have been followed by such students as Cossmann (1921, p. 281) and Thiele (1929). Sacco designated as type S. sigmoidea (Jeffreys) in both his descriptions (1892). Turbonilla (Strioturbonilla) stylina (Carpenter) (PL 22, fig. 16) Chcmnitzia torqu-ata ? var. stylina Carpenter, 1864b p. 537, 659; Reprint, 1872, p. 23, 145; 1865, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XV, p. 396; Reprint, 1872, p. 286; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 34; 1870, Anier. Jour. Conch., vol. \^I, p. 66 Turbonilla torquata stvlina (Carpenter), Tryon, 1886, Man. Conch., vol. VIII, p. 333, pi. 76, fig. 32; Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. XV, no. 898, p. 209 Turbonilla {Strioturbonilla) stylina (Carpenter), Dall and Bartsch, 1907, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 33, no. 1574, p. 497, pi. XLI\', figs. 11, 11a; Dall and Bartsch, 1909, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 68, p. 41. 48, 53. pi. 3, figs. 7, 7a type?; Bartsch, 1912, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 42, no. 1906, p. 302, 313; Dall, 1921, p. 122; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. II, p. 100; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 867; Keen, 1937, p. 49; Burch, 1946, no. 61, p. 3, 26 Turbonilla (Strioturbonilla) torquata stylina Dall and Bartsch in Arnold, 1903, p. 272 in part fide Dall and Bartsch, 1909, pi. 1, figs. 10, 10a Turbonilla (Turbonilla) stvlina (Carpenter), Smith and Gordon, 1948, California .\cad. Sci., Proc ser. 4, vol. XXVI, no. 8, p. 192 "Like torquata, tapering less swollen in front, with more ribs, band less marked." [Car- penter, 1864b, p. 659] Oldroyd (1927) republished Carpenter's (1865) description. The following should be changed in her copy: Line 4: for "fascis" read "fascia;" last line; for "8" read ".8;" delete "poll." Add: ". . . div. 10° "Hab. Sta. Barbara (Jetvctt) ; Monterey (Cooper)." [Carpenter, 1865h, p. 396] There is a discrepancy as to the category of the illustration of this species in Dall and Bartsch. The explanation in the text and of the illustration in regard to the specimen figured by Dall and Bartsch (1907) stipulated that the specimen was collected by Dall at Monterey and did not indicate that the shell w^as the holotype. Under the circumstances it could not be the holotype. The type w^as either collected by Jewett or Cooper. Dall and Bartsch later (1909) duplicated the text and figures of the discussion of this species, except that, in the explanation of Figure 11 of the plate, "type" is inserted. The specimen in the U. S. Na- tional Museum, no. 14829 is indicated as type. This is the specimen catalogued by Carpenter in the U. S. National Museum catalogue. It is labelled "Chemnitzia ( ? torquata var. stylina) type Monterey Cooper." Another specimen in the Redpath ^Museum is labelled by Car- penter, "Chemn. ? var. stylina type St. Barbara." The two syntypes, therefore, of the original description are accounted for. Because each was collected at a different locality, the writer designates no. 14829 U. S. National Museum as the lectotype. Dall and Bartsch discussed the species thoroughly. Lectotype.- — U. S. National Museum, no. 14829 ; paratype, Redpath Museum, no. 5729 Distribution. — Recent. Monterey, California (type). Monterey, California, to Coronado Islands, California (Dall). Pleistocene. California (Cooper, 1888; Arnold; Grant and Gale; Oldroyd, 1937) ; Mexico (Jordan, 1926) 258 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Family Sii'hoxakiidae Gem:s Siphonaria Sowerbj^ 1823 Siphonaria J. de C. Sowerbv, 1823,^32 Genera Recent and Fossil Shells [not dated], pt. XXI Type species by subsequent designation, Gray, 1847, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, p. 181, S. sipho SowERBY, 1823. Recent. Philippines. Sowerby, 1823, fig. 1 Subgenus Liriola Dull, 1870 Liriola Dall, 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 32 as section; Dale, 1878, Jour, cle Conchy!., vol. XXVI, p. 69 Type species by original designation, Siphonaria thersites Carpenter, 1864, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIV, p. 425. Recent. Aleutian Islands to Strait of Juan de Fuca. Dale, 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, pi. 4, fig. 8a, 8b; pi. 5, fig. 2; 1925, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 66, pi. 2)i, figs. 2, 3 ; Hubendick, 1946, Kungl. Sv. Vet. Akademiens, Han- dlingar, ser. 3, Bd. 23, no. 5, pi. 5, figs. 35-38 Siphonaria (Liriola) thersites Carpenter Siphonaria thersites Carpenter, 1864b, p. 561, 627, 647, 676, 684; Reprint, 1872, p. 47, 113, 133, 162, 170; 1864, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, ser. 3, vol. XIV, p. 425; Reprint, 1872. p. 237 S. Thersites; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 21 ; Dall, 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 23, 39, pi. 4, fig. 8; pi. 5, fig. 2, Liriola section; 1921, p. 66; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 75; Dale, 1925, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 66, no. 2554, p. 26, pi. Z2>, figs. 2, 3 subgenus Liriola; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. 1, p. 57; Keen, 1931, p. 46; Burch, 1945, no. 48, p. 15; Hubendick, 1946, Kungl. Sv. Vet. Akademiens, Handlingar, ser. 3, Bd. 23, no. 5, p. 19, pi. 5, figs. 35-38 "Siphonaria Thersites, n.s. Rare, dead. Like tristensis and other Cape Horn and N. Zea- land types. The genus was not known north of Margarita Bay." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 627] "Siphonaria Thersites, n.s. Like lateralis: with strong lung-rib and obsolete sculpture." [Carpenter, 1864, p. 647] Oldroyd (1927) republished Carpenter's descripticjn (1864). To make tiiat cojjy complete the following should be added : "Hah. Neeah Bay {Szvan). "This genus, which culminates in western tropical American and at Cape Horn, is not known in California. The Vancouver species resembles 5". lateralis and its congeners, but differs in having an enormous lung-rib and no colour-rays." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 426] The holotype of this species has not been found. The statement of Oldroyd that the type is in the U. S. National Museum is incorrect. Dall (1870) did not figure Carpenter's type, but a specimen (U. S. National Museum, no. 60412) collected by him from Sitka, Alaska. This specimen does not qualify as lectotype because the type locality is Neah Bay. The speci- men figured by Dall (1925) from Alaska (U. S. National Museum no. 55802) does not qualify for lectotype. So far, as Hubendick points out, this species is the only northern cold-water species in the Siphonariidae. It can be readily distinguished from other members of the family pro- vided the general locality of the specimens are known. Hubendick (1946) described the shell and anatomy. Type. — Not found Distribution. — Neah Bay, Washington (type) ; Aleutian Islands, to Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington (and British Columbia) (Dall) Genus Williamia Monterosato, 1884 Williamia Monterosato, 1884, Nomen. Gen. e Spec, di Alcune Conch. Medit., p. 150 Type species by monotypy Ancylus ? gussonii O. G. Costa, 1829, Oss. Is. Pantelleria e Catal., p. CXX, CXXV, p.. 10, n.21 ; 1829, Cat. test. Sicilie. Recent. Mediterranean. Canary Islands ; Madeira ; Cape Verde Islands. Hubendick, 1946, Kungl. Sv. Vet. Akademiens, Handlingar, ser. 3, Bd. 23, no. 5, pi. 6, figs. 34, 35, 37 i32Sykes (1907, p. 194) gave Dec. 31, 1823. Newton (1891, p. 322) gave 1825. Neave (1940, Q-Z, p. 204) accepted 1823. Hubendick (1946) used January, 1824. GASTROPODA 259 Williamia peltoides (Carpenter) (PI. 25, fig. 15, 16) Nacella peltoides Carpenter, 1864b, p. 545, 618; Reprint, 1872, p. 31, 104; Carpenter, 1864, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIII, p. 474; Reprint, 1872, p. 213 Nacella subspiralis Carpenter, 1864. See synonymy and discussion following. Siphonaria peltoides (Carpenter), Dall, 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. Z7 not pi. 4, 11a, b = W. vernalis (Dall), 1870 p. 37 in part Liriola peltoides (Carpenter), Dall, 1878, Jour, de Conchyl., vol. XXVI, p. 70 in part Sipho>varia (IVilliamia) peltoides (Carpenter), Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 15, no. 898, p. 196 Williamia peltoides (Carpenter), Dall, 1907, Nautilus, vol. 21, no. 8, p. 86; 1921, p. 67, pi. 15, figs. 10, 12 not type as stated by Dall; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. II, p. 58, pi. 2, fig. 17 copy of Dall, 1921. pi. 12; Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 463; Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 277; Keen, 1937, p. 50; Smith, Maxwell, 1944, Panama Marine Shells, p. 44; Burch, 1945, no. 48, p. 16; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 182; Hubendick, 1946, Kungl. Sv. Vet. Akade- miens, Handlingar, ser. 3, Bd. 23, no. 5, p. 72 "262. [of Mazatlan Catalogue] = Nacella peltoides, n.s. (described from Capt St. Lucas specimens)." [Carpenter. 1864b, p. 545] "15. 474. [A.N.H. vol. XIII, Sp. Page.] Nacella peltoides = Nacella, sp. indet., Maz. Cat., no. 262." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 618] Oldroyd (1927) republished Carpenter's description (1864a). The following line should be added to make that copy complete: "= Nacella, sp. ind., Maz. Cat. no. 262, p. 202." Oldroyd, followed by Grant and Gale, stated that the type was in the Liverpool Aluseum which would mean that the shell (no. 262) of the Mazatlan Catalogue was considered the type. Carpenter was explicit in his first notes (1864b, p. 545) that the species was "described from Cape St. Lucas specimens." The syntypes consist of two specimens in the U. S. National Museum, mounted on an original Carpenter glass mount and labelled in Carpenter's handwriting, "Cape St. Lucas Xantus M. Cat. 262," and two specimens in the Redpath Museum marked "type Cape San Lucas." The two specimens in the U. S. National Museum measure: length 4 mm.; 1.5 mm.; greatest diameter 3 mm. ; 1 + mm., respectively. The Redpath Museum specimens measure : 4 mm. by 3.5 mm. by 2 mm. ; 3 + mm. by 2.5 mm. by ? respectively. Regardless of a note with the Carpenter types, "fig'd by Dall." one cannot believe that those were the shells which Dall illustrated. Certainly the shell that he figured (1921, pi. 15, figs. 10, 12), which in the explanation of the plate (p. 216) is labelled as "type", cannot be such a specimen. Dall's measurements of "long. 10 mm., alt. 6.5 mm." are nearly three times the typical measurements. The illustration of Williamia labelled peltoides which Dall included (1870, p. 1. 4, fig. 11a, b) could not be of the Carpenter type. Dall (1921) indicated that the specimen was W. vernalis, which he regarded at the later date as distinct from W. peltoides. The syntypes were young individuals. The measurements which the writer made of the larger of the two approximate those of Carpenter (.14 by 25.3 mm. = 3.54 mm. long.; .11 by 25.3 mm. = 2.78 mm. lat.). The writer, therefore, selects the larger of the two syntypes as the lectotype of this species. The illustration is reserved for a later report. The Redpath paratypes also approach the typical measurements. A figure of the larger of the two speci- mens is included herein. Dall stated (1870) "after a careful study of the types," that Nacella stibspiralis Car- penter belonged to the same species as W. peltoides as well as Nacella ? vernalis. The name of the latter was given in manuscript by Dall (1866), but he later (1878) classified it as a variety of Liriola peltoides. He later separated the two as distinct species (1921). The paratypes in the Redpath Museum are thin-shelled. They have a few faint widely separated radiating ridges. The tip of the shell is white and the remainder brownish. 260 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Types. — Lectotypc and paratype, U. S. National Aluscuni, No. 4023 ; paratypc, Redpath Museum, No. 1156 Distribution. — Recent. Cape San Lucas, Lower California (type), Monterey, California to Gulf of California (Burch). Pleistocene. California (Grant and Gale; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946) Williamia peltoides (Carpenter) Nacelhi subspiralis Carpenter = Williamia peltoides (Carpenter) ? Nacella subspiralis Carpenter, 1864b, p. 612, 650; Reprint, 1872, p. 98, 136; 1866, Califor- nia Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 213; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. Cali- fornia, p. 23; PiLSBRV, 1891, Man. Conch., vol. XIII, p. 154 Siphonariidae. p. 23; Pii.sRRY, 1891, Alan. Conch., vol. XIII, p. 154 Siphonariidae Siphofuiria peltoides (Carpenter), Dall, 1870, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 37, 38, 39 Liriola subspiralis (Carpenter), Dall, 1878, Jour, de Conchyl., vol. XXVI, p. 70 under L. peltoides Not Nacella subspiralis Wimmer, 1879, Sitzb. K. Akad., Wiss. Wien, vol. 80, p. 41 fide Maxwell Smith, 1944, Panamic Marine Shells, p. 44 "? Nacella subspiralis. Cat. Is. 10-20 fm. [May be the young of the long-lost Patella calyptra, Mart. ; unless that be a broken Crepidula adunca] "? Nacella subspiralis, n.s. shaped like limarqinula rosea, and may be a Scutellina. 10-20 fm. Cp." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 650] ". . . State collection, 416b. "? N.t. parva, carnea, laevi, tenuissima ; vertice "Emarginulae" simulante, subspirali, sed apice patelloideo, adunco ; t. adulta valde elevata ; margine laterali antico subrecto, apice projiciente, valde renioto; postico maxima fornicato; aperturae margine antice et posticc prolongate. "Long. 0.26, lat. 0.19, alt. 0.20, div. 80°. "Hab. Catalina Island, 10-20, fm., 4 dead. Cooper. "This may be the young of the long-lost Patella calyptra. Mart. It may be a Scutellina. Even the genus cannot be predicted from the shell alone." [Carpenter, 1866a, b.] Dall stated (1870, p. 38) that the type of this species was in the Smithsonian Institution, No. 11847. He made a careful study of the type and decided that it was an "abnormally elevated, dead and faded" shell of W. peltoides. The type of this form was once in the U. S. National Museum and catalogued as "Cat. Cp. 416a [b in description] Catalina Id. Cooper. Type 1 spec." Harald Rehder (Personal communication) stated that the specimen has since been lost. Family Ellobiidae Genus Melampus Montfort, 1810 Melampus Montfort, 1810, Conchyl. Syst., vol. 2, p. 31&-320 Type species by original designation, Bulimus conijormis Bruguiere = Bulla coffea Lin- naeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., 10th ed. p. 729. Recent. Cedar Keys to West Indies. Perry and Schwengel, 1955, Marine Shells of the Western Coast of Florida, pi. 39, fig. 286 Melampus olivaceus Carpenter Melampus olivaceus Carpenter, 1857, Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 1856, p. 233, 251, 284, 315, 351; 1857, Cat. Reigen Coll. Mazatlan, p. 178 described; 1860, Smith. Misc. Coll., vol. 2, art. 6, p. 5; 1864b. p. 621, 647, 665, 673; Reprint, 1872, p. 107, 133, 151, 159; Binney, 1865, Smith. Misc. Coll., no. 143, pt. II. p. 9; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. Cali- fornia, p. 18; Dall, 1885, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc. vol. 8, no. 18, p. 283, pi. 18, fig. 16; Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 124; Cooper, 1888, 7th Rept. California State Min. Bur., p. 250; Williamson, 1892, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 15, no. 898, p. 196; Arnold, 1903, p. 197; Dall, 1921, p. 66; Oldroyd, 1927. vol. II, pt. 1, p. 54, pi. 1, fig. 16 copy Dall; Grant and Gale. 1931, p. 461, pi. 24, fig. 10; Raily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 277, fig. 293; Keen, 1937, p. 40; Burch, 1945. no. 48, p. 11; Woodring, Bramlette, and Kew, 1946, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 207, p. 78; Smith and Gor- don, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 181 Carpenter described this species from Mazatlan, and therefore the figuring of the type belongs with the illustration of the catalogue of the Mazatlan Mollusca (Carpenter, 1857). The type should be in the British MuseuuL In papers by Carpenter in the same year as the AMPiiiNEtJftA 261 description (1857) Carpenter reported the species from San Diego. Later he listed it from the same area, Santa Barbara group of islands, and Lower California. Distribution. — Recent. Mazatlan, Mexico (type) ; Monterey, California i^s to Mazatlan, Mexico (Dall). Pleistocene. California (Arnold; Grant and Gale; Willett, 1937; Woodring, Branilette, and Kew) Mexico (Jordan, 1926) Class AMPHINEURA Because Carpenter died before his large chiton monograph was completed, various manu- script names of that group crept into literature. Many were first introduced by Dall without proper diagnoses and in some cases with a manuscript name of the type species. Some of those names are now credited to Carpenter and some to Dall. Technically Carpenter should not receive credit, and there is grave doubt that Dall's introduction of the names was ade- quate to establish him as author. See discussion under individual species. Pilsbry carefully and explicitly explained in the "Preface" to the monograph of the Poly- placophora (1892, p. iv) that the types were Carpenterian in cases where the new species were credited to Carpenter, and tlie descriptions were quoted from his manuscript. Where the original description was that of Pilsbry, the types would be those of Pilsbry and would be in the Academy of Natural Sciences at Philadelphia. In the explanation of plates (1892, p. 334), acknowledgment of the work of Foord, Smith, and Emerton, prepared under Car- penter's supervision, is a clue to what figures were of specimens in the Carpenter Collection. Specimens which were utilized by Pilsbry other than Carpenter individuals are indicated as drawn by Pilsbry or Ross. Following the above rule the writer tried to analyze accordingly the matter of author and type credit of the Pilsbry-Carpenter chiton names. In some cases it is difficult to render a strict ruling. But in most cases Dr. Pilsbry's distinction is apparent and defined. However, in no case where Carpenter ms. names are described for the first time in Pilsbry can Car- penter be the sole author as referred in Dall (1921, e.g. p. 190, "StenopJax fallax Carpenter, 1892"). His references are misleading to workers not familiar with the literature and can cause unnecessary labor in hunting for such a reference. If Carpenter is to be credited, the less confusing is "Carpenter in Pilsbry," or a similar modified form. The confusion of Car- penter manuscript names has been continued in recent literature, e.g., "CalUstochiton Car- penter, 1882" (LaRocque, 1953, p. 12), "Nnttalina Carpenter, 1873" (LaRocque, 1953, p. 11), "Stenoradsia Carpenter, 1878," "Placiphorella Carpenter, 1878," and "Nnttalina Carpenter, 1879" (Abbott, 1954, p. 314). For the status of those manuscript names and others of Car- penter, see the list of Carpenter's generic names in this monograph. Many of the chiton types had been preserved for so long in a curved position that the measurement of length implies the dimension of the line which subtends the curva- ture of the specimen. Family Lepidopleuridae Genus Leptochiton Gray, 1847 I.eptocliiton Gray, 1847, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, p. 127 Type species by subsequent designation. Gray, Zool. Soc. London, Proc. 1847, p. 168, Chiton cinereus = i^^ "Montagu = Ch. asellus, Lozve Zool. Jour. var. white. Chiton albus," [not 133 Smith and Gordon do not report it from Monterey. 134 This type designation, specific name without author, cannot be taken without reference to the original description or mention of the generic name. A type species designation must be one that was listed in the original description. Therefore, the authorship of C. cinereus rests upon Gray's mention (p. 127) which is as follows: "Leptochiton cinereus. Chiton cinereus, Montague [sic] = Ch. asellus, Lowe, Zool. Jour. var. white, Chiton albus." The difficulty which has arisen in the pronouncement of the type species of this genus is in the interpreta- tion of the above paragraph. If Gray regarded the first mention of L. cinereus as of Linnaeus (1767, p. 1107) then Linnaeus would be assumed as author (p. 168), and C. cinereus L. would be the type species of Lepidochiton. The genus would be different than that assumed by present West Coast workers. The otlicr interpretation would be as Gray stated in the 262 MARINE MOLLlTSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER C. cinereus Linnaeus]. Recent. Circumboreal. Northern Europe; Greenland to Massachu- setts Bay ; Arctic Ocean to San Diego, Cahfornia For the differences between "Lepidopleitrns asellus (Spengler)" and "Trachydcrmon cinereus (Linnaeus)," see Christiansen (1954). "Leptochiton crassus Carpenter" nomcn nudum There is a specimen in the Redpath Museum (no. 11) labelled by Carpenter "Leptochiton crassus Cpr. 'unique type' S. Diego under rocks in sand extreme low tide Hemphill." The writer has found no reference to such a species in literature. It apparently applied to a species which Carpenter intended to describe. Leptochiton internexus Carpenter in Pilsbry (PL 28, figs. 3-6) Lepidopleurus internexus Carpenter ms., in Pilsbry, 1892 Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 12; Dall, 1921, p. 186 section Lcpidochiton; Oldroyo, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 247 section Leptochiton Leptochiton internexus (Carpenter), Dall, 1878, U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. I, p. 316, 319; Smith in Burch, 1947, no. 66, p. 5 ; BuRcn, 1947, no. 66, p. 17 Lepidopleurus {Leptochiton) internexus ("Carpenter"), Baily, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 28 Pilsbry used Carpenter's ms. name for this species and quoted Carpenter's description. Therefore, the holotype is that of Carpenter. It is in the U. S. National Aluseum and figured herein for the first time. The type has the label, "Cp. 1080 P. P. Carpenter Type." The species, however, should not be credited to Carpenter alone as it has been.^^^ Oldroyd (1927) republished the original description from Pilsbry. Dimensions. — Length (tangent to arc) 4.5 mm.; width 3+ mm. (type) Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 30750 Distribution. — Santa Barbara, California (type) ; Belkoffski, Alaska, to San Diego, California (Dall) Leptochiton nexus Carpenter (PI. 28, fig. 2) Lcpidochiton nexus Carpenter, 1864b, p. 612, 650; Reprint, 1872, p. 98, 136; 1866, Cali- fornia Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 212; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 23; Dall, 1878, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 1, p. 316, 319; Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 11; Smith in Burch, 1947, no. 66, p. 6; Burch, 1947, no. 66, p. 17; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 205 Pacific Grove record needs confirmation Chiton (Leptochiton) nexus Carpenter, Dall in Orcutt, 1886, U. S. Nat. AIus., vol. 8, P- 544 Lepidopleurus nexus (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 187 section Xiphwzona; Oldroyd, 1927. vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 251 section Xiphiozona; Willett, 1935, Nautilus, vol. 49, no. 2, p. 42 includes L. heathi Berry, 1919, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. IX, no. 1, p. 6 and L. ambustus Dall, 1919, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 55, p. 499 as synonymous Lepidopleurus (Xiphozona) nexus Carpenter), Baily, 1935, West Coast Moll. (Keep), p. 28 "Like asellus: scarcely sculptured: mantel-margin with striated chaflfy scales, like Magdalensis, interspersed with transparent needles. 20-80 fni. Cp." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 650] first writing of the name. C. cinereus Montagu [not Linnaeus] = C. albus [Linnaeus, 1767]. This is the interpretation followed herein and by modern West Coast students (not Dall, 1921). 135 It is confusing to use the expressions as in Dall (1921, p. 186, 190, 191. 192, 194, 196) "Carpenter, 1892" and "Carpenter, 1878" meaning "Carpenter in Pilsbry, 1892" and Carpen- ter in Dall, 1878." Since Carpenter died in 1877 there are no publications by him of those dates. To persons not familiar with the history of tlie literature of West Coast chitons such references may entail needless work. AMPHINEURA 263 Pilsbry (reprinted by Oldroyd, 1927) published a translation of Carpenter's detailed Latin description (1866). The lines not included by Pilsbry are: "Long. 0.30, lat. 0.18; div. 90°. "Hab. Catalina Island, 10-20 fm. Cooper. "The appearance of this northern genus among the Alopaliae and Ischnochitons is very remarkable; as is the character of the mantlemargin." [Carpenter, 1866, p. 213] The holotype has a printed label, "Type Cataline Id. Cooper." The posterior and anterior plates (one broken) are separate from the remainder of the specimen which is intact. The surface has fine striae. The sides are mottled, but there is lack of color down the middle. The beaks are slightly pointed. Holotype. — U. S. National Aluscum, no. 16270 Distribution. — Recent. Catalina Island, California (type), Catalina Island, to Gulf of California (Dall). See Table 2 for stratigraphic distribution Leptochiton rugatus (Pilsbry) (PL 28, fig. 7; PI. 35, fig. 3) Lepidopleiinis rugatus "Carpenter," Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 11, pi. 3, figs. 67-70 "Leptochiton (? internexus var.) rugatus Cpr. ms., p. 3"; Thiele, 1909, Zoologica, Bd. 22, Heft S6, p. 12, pi. 1, figs. 41-50; Dall, 1921, p. 186 section Leptochiton; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 247 section Leptochiton Leptochiton rugatus (Pilsbry), Smith in Burch, 1947, no. 66, p. 6; Burch, 1947, no. 66, p. 17; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 205 According to the indication of the original description this species should be credited to Pilsbry, and the types are those (three) in the Academy of Natural Sciences at Philadelphia. The label with the three syntypes reads, "near San Tomas River L. Cal. H. Hemphill" (Pilsbry, May 15, 1951, personal communication). Material consisting of five specimens and an extra plate in the U. S. National Museum is labelled "Type San Diego H. Hemphill (Todos Santos)." The specimen is figured herein. However, the specimens defined as types by Pilsbry in the Academy of Natural Sciences are the true types. The species was figured by Pilsbry. Syntypes. — Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, no. 35586 Distribution. — Near San Tomas River, Lower California (type) ; Monterey, California, to Todos Santos Bay, Lower California (Pilsbry) Family Lepidochitonidae Genus Lepidochitona Gray, 1821 {Craspedochilus Sars, 1878) Lepidochitona Gray, 1821, London Medical Repository, vol. XV, p. 234. Typographical error Leptochitona in Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 150; Iredale, 1914, Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 11, p. 127 Type species by monotypy. Chiton marginatus [Pennant], 1777, British Zool., vol. IV, p. 60, pi. 36, fig. 2. Recent. Northern Europe Pilsbry (1892, p. 69) referred C. marginatus Pennant (and of other British authors) to Ischnochiton (Trachydermon) cinereus Linnaeus (Committee Conch. Soc, 1901, Jour. Conch., vol. X, p. 10). Genus Cyanoplax Pilsbry, 1892 Cyanoplax Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 40 Type species by original designation, Cyanoplax harfzcegii (Carpenter), 1855, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, p. 231. Living. Forrester Island, Alaska, to Gulf of California, (pi. 27, figs. 8-10; pi. 28, figs. 8-15) See discussion of Trachydermon Carpenter, 1864, under Basiliochiton Berry. 264 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY I'. P. CARPENTER Cyanoplax hartwegii (Carpenter) (PL 27, figs. 8-10; PI. 28, figs. 8-15) Chiton liartzi'cgii Carpenter, 1855, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, p. 231 ; 1857, Kept. British Assoc. Adv. Sci. 1856, p. 287, 318, 349 genus iiidet. ; 1860, Smith. Misc. Coll., vol. 2, art. 6, p. 3 Trachydcrmon Harturgii Carpenter, 1864b, p. 649; Rc])rint, 1872, p. 135; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 22; 1871, Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 59; PiLSBUV, 1894, Nautilus, vol. 8, no. 4, p. 45 subgenus Cxanoplax ; Thiele, 1909, Zoologica, Bd. 22, Heft 56, p. 16, pi. II, figs. 26, 27; 1910, Zoologica, Bd. 22, Heft 56, p. 107 Chaetoplcura Harln'cgii (Carpenter), Dall, 1879, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 1, p. 329 copy Cpr. ms. Chiton {Chaetoplcura) hartzvcqii Carpenter, Dall in Orcutt, 1886, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 8, p. 544 ToniccUa (Cxanoplax) hnrtiirqii (Carpenter), Pilshrv, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 45, pi. 14, figs. 81-85; Railv, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 29 Lcpidochitona hartzirt/ii (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 189 section Cyanoplax; Oldruvd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Riol. Station, vol. 4, p. 187; 1927, vol. II, pt! Ill, p. 260 Cyanoplax hartzi'cgii (Carpenter), Thiele, 1909, Zoologica, Bd. 22, Heft 56, p. 4, 7, 16; Bi-:rry, 1922, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XI, p. 435, pi. II, figs. 6-8 see for additional synonymy; Smith and Gordon, 1848, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 205 _ Lepidochiton (Cyanoplax) harfzvegii (Carpenter), Thiele, 1929, Handbuch, Teil I, p. 8 Oldroyd (1927) furnished a copy of the original description as well as the supplementary notes by Pilsbry. The following lines should be added to the copy of Oldroyd to make that copy complete: "Long. 1.26, lat. .76, alt. .18 poll. "Hab. Monterey, cum praecedente: legit idem diligentissimus. AIus. Cuming. "A much smaller shell than the last, almost destitute of sculpture ; with a blackish spot on each side of the jugum, but no radiating lines." [Carpenter, 1855, p. 231] There are three units (1 small complete specimen; 1 of 8 separate plates; 1 of 3 plates ofif + 5 intact) of specimens in the Redpath Museum labelled in Carpenter's handwriting on his glass mount. The label is as follows : " ? C. Hartwegii Cpr. type Monterey H. Cuming." The black or brownish patches on each side of the jugum mentioned by Carpenter are conspicuous on the syntypes. In the small young specimen the blackish patches meet irregu- larly in the center. Syntypes. — Redpath Museum, no. 68 Distribution. — Recent. Monterey, California (type) ; Forrester Island, Alaska, to the Gulf of California (Dall). Pleistocene. California (Berry; Chace and Chace) Cyanoplax hartwegii nuttalli (Carpenter) .Sec C". hartzvcgii (Carpenter) (PI. 27, fig. 11) Chiton nuttalli Carpenter, 1855, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, p. 231 ; 1856, Zool. Soc. I^ondon, Proc, p. 221 ; 1860, Smith. Misc. Coll., vol. 2. art. 6, p. 3 Trachydermon Nuttallii Carpenter, 1864b, p. 627, 649; Reprint, 1872, p. 113, 135 Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 23; 1871, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 59; Pilsbry, 1894, Nautilus, vol. VIII, no. 4, p. 46 subgenus Cxanoplax Chactopleura Nuttallii (Carpenter), Dall, 1879, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 1, p. 330 ToniccUa {Cyanoplax) hartzvegii nuttallii (Carpenter), Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 46 Lcpidochitona hartzvegii nuttalli (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 189; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 188; 1927, vol. II, pt. III. p. 261 Cyanoplax hartzvegii nuttalli (Carpenter), Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci.. Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, no. 8, p. 205 young of C. hartzvegii Part of the original description was republished by Oldroyd (1927). The following lines should be added to make that copy complete : "Hab. Monterey, cum praecedentibus ; legit idem diligentissimus et olim, primus in eas oras perscrutator, clarissimus T. Nuttall. Mus. Cuming ct Nuttali. AMPHINEURA 265 "A small specimen in Mr. Cuming's collection was passed over as the yoiuig of C. Hartwegii; but a fine one in Mr. Nuttall's collection distinctly displays the points of dif- ference above indicated, which at present appear of specific value. This specimen has much the appearance of a young Ch. articulatns, but differs essentially in the character of the ligament." [Carpenter, 1855, p. 232] G. L. Wilkins (personal communication, October 17, 1950) obligingly furnished the fol- lowing information in regard to possible type specimens in the British Museimi : "We have a specimen of Chiton nuttalli Carpenter. Were it not for the fact that it is marked 'Mus. Cuming' it might well have been the small si>ecimen as 'passed over' on p. 232 P.Z.S. 1855. It is too small for the type. The locality is given as 'Santa Barbara' — perhaps a paratype?" Since the small specimen "passed over" should be from "Mus. Cuming," the specimen referred to by Wilkins could possibly be the one mentioned by Carpenter. The locality does not correspond to what might be intimated by Carpenter in the description. The only refer- ence to "Santa Barbara" by Carpenter is to the "Santa Barbara group of islands (1864b, p. 649; 1872, p. 135) Smith and Gordon (1948, p. 205) expressed the opinion that this form is the young of C. hartzvegii. The included photograph of the holotype has been co-operatively furnished by the officials of the British Museum (Natural History), G. L. Wilkins of the Mollusca Section, ferreted out the specimen and described its status and measurements (Personal communication, March 2, 1951 and July 10, 1951). Holotype.— Bv'ithh. Museum (Natural History), Distribution.— ^iontfivty, California (type) Cyanoplax dentiens (Gould) Chiton dentiens Gould, 1846, Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Proc, vol. 2, p. 145 Chiton (Onithochiton) dentiens Gould, 1852, U. S. Expl. Exped., Moll., p. 321, pi. 28, figs. 433-433b Isclmochiton pscudodentiens Carpenter, 1864b, p. 530, 606 = C. dentiens Gould type; Reprint, 1872, p. 16, 92 Ischnochiton (Tracliydcrmon) psendodenticns Carpenter, 1864b, p. 612; Reprint, 1872, p. 98; 1865, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 17, p. 60 Trachydermon pseudodentiens (Carpenter), 1864b, p. 649 = type of C. dentiens; Reprint, 1872, p. 135 ; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 22 Ischnochiton (Trachydermon) dentiens (Gould), Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 73, pi. 8, figs. 61-65 Lepidochitona dentiens (Gould), Dall, 1921, p. 188; Burch, 1947, no. 66, p. 18 Cyanopla.v dentiens (Gould), Berry, 1948, Leaflets in Malacology, vol. 1, no. 4, p. 13, 14 Carpenter was explicit in explaining that his name /. pseudodentiens was created for the type of Gould's Chiton dentiens. Therefore, there is no question as to the synonymy of Carpenter's name with the earlier of Gould. As Pilsbry (1892) explained Gould had mis- taken spots for denticles. Carpenter noted the fact and supposed a new name was required. The type of "Chiton dentiens" Gould is in the U. S. National Museum, no. 5824. Two other suites of supplementary material of the species, which were labelled by Carpenter in connection with his name pseudodentiens, are labelled types in the U. S. National Museum. A complete synonymy or discussion of C. dentiens (Gould) is not intended in this report. Genus Nuttallina Dall, 1871 Nuttal!i)ia Dall, 1871, Amer. Jour. Concii., vol. VII, p. 134 Type species by monotypy, N. scabra (Reeve) Carpenter — Chiton Californicus [Nuttall, ms.] Reeve, 1847, Conch. Icon., vol. 4, Chiton, pi. XVI, fig. 89. Living. Strait of Juan de Fuca to San Diego, California. Pilsry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, pi. 54, figs. 23, 25, pi. 56, figs. 12-18 Nuttallina fluxa (Carpenter) (PI. 28, figs. 16-19) Chiton scaber Ree\'e, 1847, Conch. Icon., vol. IV, Chiton, pi. XVII, fig. 106. Not Chiton scaber Blainville, 1825 266 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Acanthopleura fluxa Carpenter, 1864b, p. 612, 649; Reprint, 1872, p. 98, 135; 1866, Cali- fornia Acad. Sci.. Proc, vol. Ill, p. 211 ; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geo!. Sur. California, p. 22 "Catalina I or Santa Barbara I, Cal." NuttaUna scabra (Reeve), Pilsbry, 1892. Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 281 in part, pi. 54, figs. 21, 22, pi. 56, figs. 19, 20 Nuttalina fluxa (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 190; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 264; Smith in BuRcn, 1947, no. 66, p. 16; Burch, 1947, no. 66, p. 18 "Green, mottled with orange-red ; not beaked ; with only marginal and diagonal ribs." [Carpenter, 1864, p. 649] "A.t. "A scabrae" simili, scd latiore, pallidiore; viridi, rubroaurantio conspersa ; valvis rectangulatis ; suturis marginalibus baud conspicuis ; areis diagonalibus satis distinctis; radiis obtusis fluxis ii., altera diagonali. altera suturali ; tota supcrficie conspicue granulosa; granulis acutioribus praesertim albidus; jugo obtuso, vix vallato : laminis insertionis ut in A. scabra instructis. "Long. 0.60, lat. 0.40, div. 110°. "Hab. Santa Barbara Island, Cooper "Foot, in the only dried specimen seen, extremely thin, flat, and narrow." [Car])enter, 1866a, p. 211] The holotype in the U. S. National Museum consists of one specimen with three plates removed. It is labelled "Nuttalina fluxa Cpr. = N. scabra Rve (Type) Sta. Barbara Cooper." Another label which is crossed off reads, "Acanthopleura fluxa Cpr. Type Sta. Barbara Cooper." Oldroyd republished the parts of the notes by Pilsl)ry in regard to A'', califoniica [Nuttall] (Reeve) and A^. scabra Reeve and this species. Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 15690b Distribution. — Santa Barbara Islands, California (type) ; Point Conception, California, to Gulf of California (Dall) Family Chaetopleiiridae Genus Chaetopleura Shuttlcworth, 185.3 Chaefopleura Shuttlewortii, 1853, Mitt, naturf. Ges. Bern, p. 190 Type species by subsequent designation, Dall, 1879, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 1, p. 296. 329 Chiton peruvianus Lamarck, 1819. An. s. Vert., vol. VI, p. 321. Living. Peru to Cape Horn. Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, pi. 12, figs. 42-46 Chaetopleura beanii (Carpenter) ? Lcpidoplcurus Beanii Carpenter, 1857, Rept. British Assoc. Adv. Sci. 1856, p. 252, 317; 1857, Cat. Mazatlan Shells, p. 197; 1860, Smith. Misc. Coll., vol. 2, art. 6, check list 2, p. 5 Chaetopleura beanii (Carpenter), Pilsbry, 1892. Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 32; Dall, 1921. p. 193; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 286; Burcii, 1947, no. 66, p. 18; 1947, no. 68, p. 4 This species was described by Carpenter from Mazatlan. The types (1 specimen and 2 valves) should be in the British Museum (Natural History). The figuring of the species belongs with the illustration of the types of the Mazatlan Catalogue and is not included herein. The brief discussion is inserted because the range of the species has been extended to Unalaska, Alaska (Dall). Chaetopleura gemma "Dall". Pilsbry (PI. 29, figs. 1-4; PI. 30, fig. 6) Chaetopleura gemma "Cpr.", Dall, 1879. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 1. p. 296, pi. 1, fig. 9; Carpenter ms. in Pilsbry, 1892. TiLin. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 31, pi. 13. figs. 69-74 C. (lemmea; Dall, 1921, p. 193 C. aenimea; Berry, 1922, California Acad. Sci., Proc., Ser. 4, vol. XI, no. 18. p. 460. pi. VIII. figs. 10-12; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 286 C. gemmea; Burch, 1947, no. 66, p. 18; 1947. no. 68, p. 4; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, scr. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 207 This species is another of which the radula only was described first by Dall. He used the manuscript name of Cari>enter as did Tilshry later (1892). Pilsbry, however, gave a AMPniNF.URA 267 complete description and drawing of his own using one of Enierton's illustrations which had been supervised by Carpenter. Whether the specific name dates from Dall (C. gemma) or Pilsbry (C. gemmea), the original Carpenter types can be used as syntypcs. Tlie Emerton drawing was probably of the type. Five specimens in the Carpenter Collection in the Redpath Museum are on the original glass mounts with a Carpenter label, "type Monterey Canfield." There are also in the Redpath Aluseum (no. 71) two specimens labelled "Chaetopleura gemma van limata type Monterey Canfield (comp. lanuginosus)." There is no record of publication of this varietal name. Syn types. — Redpath Museum, no. 49 Distribution. — Recent. Monterey, California (type) ; Monterey, to Magdalena Bay, Lower California (Dall). Pleistocene. California (Berry) Chaetopleura parallela (Carpenter) Ischnochiton parallelus Carpenter, 1864, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIII, p. 314; Reprint, 1872, p. 212; 1864b, p. 618; Reprint, 1872, p. 104 Chaetopleura lurida parallela (Carpenter), Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 34, pi. 12, fig. 50 Chaetopleura parallela (Carpenter), Daix, 1921, p. 193; Oldrovd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 287 ; BuRCH, 1947, no. 66, p. 18; no. 68, p. 4 cf. The original description of this species w'as republished by Oldroyd (1927). Corrections to be made in her copy are: last line: read "disjunctis" for "disjectus"; read .7 for 7; .48 for 48; .16 for 16. Add: "Belongs to the group with minute setose scales." This species was described from Cape San Lucas, Lower California. A specimen (one complete and separate plates) in the U. S. National Museum is labelled "cotype." There is also a specimen in the Carpenter Collection, Redpath Alusuem, on an original glass mount with a Carpenter label, "tyi>e C. S. Lucas Xantus ? = Columbiensis." Since the types belong to the Lower California fauna the illustrations will be included in the report of these types. Syntypes. — U. S. N'ational INIuseum, no. 4017; Redpath Museum, no. 46 Distribution. — Cape San Lucas, Lower California (type) ; San Diego, California, to Cape San Lucas, Lower California (Dall) ; West Colombia (Burch) Chaetopleura prasinata (Carpenter) Ischnochiton (? var.) prasinatus Carpenter, 1864, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIII, p. 315; Reprint, 1872, p. 213; 1864b, p. 618; Reprint, 1872, p. 104 Chaetopleura lurida Sowerby var. prasinata (Carpenter), Pilsbry, 1892, Alan. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 34 Chaetopleura prasinata (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 193; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 287; Burch, 1947, no. 68, p. 4 cf. Oldroyd (1927) furnished a copy of the original. Corrections to be made in her copy are: read .8 for 8; read .4 for 4; add "div. 125°." The holotype has a label "Cape San Lucas type (= lurida Shy var)." It is composed of separate plates. The illustration of the holotype will be included in the report on the types of Carpenter species which occur below San Diego, California. Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 15892 Distribution. — Cape San Lucas, Lower California (type) ; San Diego, California, to Cape San Lucas (Dall) Subgenus Pallochiton Dall, 1879 (Hcmphillia Carpenter, ms.) Pallochiton Dall, 1879, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc. vol. 1, p. 297; 1882, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 4, p. 287 Type species by monotypy, P. lanuginosus [Carpenter, ms.] Dall, 1879, U. S. Nat. Mus., 268 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Proc, vol. I, p. , 297. Recent. San Diego, California, to San Ignacio Lagoon, Lxjwer California, (pi. 27, fig. 7) The authorship and date of the establishment of the above generic name is involved in the same technicality as that of the type species. In the first reference cited Dall used several of Carpenter's manuscript names, both generic and specific. In the case of the specific names he described only the dentition of the radula. If this case can be construed as belonging under Article 27, Int. Rules of Zoological Nomenclature, the names so intro- duced by Dall (1879) are available. Pallochiton would date from Dall, 1879, because the name of its monotype is validated at the same time. Dall, 1882, is usually given for Pal- lochiton. If the validity of Pallochiton and P. lanuginosus is not accepted as of Dall, 1879, then the same names would date from Dall, 1882, the generic and specific description being synonymous. Pallochiton lanuginosus "Dall" Pallochiton lanuginosus Pilsbry (PI. 27, fig. 7) Hemphillia lanuginosa Carpenter, ms. Pallochiton lanuginosus Carpenter, ms., Dall, 1879, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 1, p. 297, pi. Ill, fig. 21, dentition; 1882, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 4, p. 287 Chiton {Pallochiton) lanuginosa Carpenter, ms., Dall in Orcutt, 1886, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 8, p. 544; Carpenter in Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 257, pi. 56, figs. 1-11; Dall, 1921, p. 193; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 291 Chaetopleura {Pallochiton) languinostis [sic] Pilsbry, BuRcn, 1947, no. 66, p. 18; 1947, no. 68, p. 5 If the description and figure of the radula by Dall in 1879 validate the specific name in the case of Ischnochiton cooperi, Chaetopleura gemma, and /. rcgularis, as intimated by authors (Burch, 1947; Smith and Gordon, 1948) then the specific name of this species should date from Dall, 1879, also. In this case Dall used Carpenter's manuscript name and probably studied Carpenter's notes. Dall did not specify a type. Dall (1882), in an indirect description of Pallochiton, presented details of the species, P. lanuginosus. There are in the Carpenter Collection in the Redpath Museum five specimens on original glass mounts with a Carpenter label "Hemphillia lanuginosus Cpr. type Todos Santos Bay Lower California H. Hemphill." An illustration of one of those complete types which re- veals the beautiful sculpture is included herein. The note in Oldroyd that the type is in the U. S. National Museum is incorrect. Pilsbry (1892) presented a complete description of the species and used drawings made by himself as well as drawings which had been supervised by Carpenter. Pilsbry (Personal communication. May 15, 1951) considered that his description was the first and selected the specimen of Figure 4 of Plate 56 of his original illustrations as the lectotype. His types are from Pt. Abreojos, Lower California, and are in the Academy of Natural Sciences. The several species, the names of which were published by Dall (1879) in connection with the dentition only, cannot be identified by Dall's remarks. For value to workers the authority should date with Pilsbry, 1892. 7v/'<'.f.— Syntypes : Redpath Museum, no. 66 (of Dall); lectotypcs and paratypes : Acaemy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, no. 35684 (of Pilsbry). Distribution.— Todos Santos Bay, Lower California (type, Dall) : Pt. Abreojos, Lower California (type, Pilsbry) ; San Diego, California, to San Ignacio Lagoon, Lower Cali- fornia (Dall) It is not correct, as in A. Smith (1955, p. 12) to use the species as of Pilsbry with the type locality of Dall. If the authorship is of Pilsbry the type locality is Pt. Abreojos, Lower California. The type locality of Todos Santos Bay applies only if Dall is used as the author. Family Ischnochitonidae Genus Ischnochiton (iray, 1847 Ischnochiton Gray, 1847, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, p. 126 Type species by subsequent designation, Gray, 1847, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, p. 168, AMPHINEURA 269 Chiton tc.rtilis Gray, 1828, Spicilegia Zoologica, vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 5, pi. 6, fig. 20. Living. Cape of Good Hope. Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 98, 99 Ischnochiton newcombi Carpenter in Pilsbry (PI. 30, figs. 1-5) Ischnochiton nezvcovtbi Carpenter in Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 120; Dall, 1921, p. 191; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 278; Burch, 1947, no. 66, p. 18 Carpenter's manuscript name and description were pubh'shed by Pilsbry. The holotype is figured herein for the first time. The type material consists of two specimens in the Car- penter Collection in the Redpath Museum. They are on an original Carpenter glass mount with his label, "type Catalina Is. Newcomb." There is, however, a mixture of specimens, and the two individuals do not represent the same species. Both have different sculpture. Figures 1-5 represent /. newcombi. There are microscopic granulations present on the central area of the valves which do not appear in the figures. The second specimen (pi. 30, fig. 6) is a worn Chaetoplcura gemma Carpenter in Pilsbry. //o/oh'/'c— Redpath Museum, no. 19 Distribution. — Catalina Island, California (type) Ischnochiton scabricostatus (Carpenter) (PI. 30, figs. 10-12) Ischnochiton (Lepidopleunis) scabricostatus Carpenter, 1864b. p. 612, 649; Reprint, 1872, p. 98, 135; 1866. California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 212; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geo!. Sur. California, p. 22 Ischnochiton scabricostatus Carpenter, Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XI\', p. 121; 1893, Man. Conch., vol. XV, p. 76, pi. 16, figs. 55, 56; 1896. Nautilus, vol. 10, no. 5, p. 49; Dall, 1921, p. 191 ; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 276; Burch, 1947, no. 66, p. 18 The holotype (1 specimen, posterior and anterior plates, free) in the U. S. National Museum is figured herein. Since up to Pilsbry's time only one specimen had been found, his drawings (1893) are presumably of the type plates. Pilsbry published (1892) a translation of Carpenter's (1866) Latin description and presented further details of description and corrections (1893). Oldroyd republished a copy of Carpenter's original description and a copy of Pilsbry's translation. The following should be added to the copies of the description of 1866 to make those notes complete : "Hah. Catalina Island; 10-20 fm.. Cooper." [Carpenter, 1866, p. 212] The specimen (U. S. Nat. Mus.) is labelled "Type Catalina Id. Cooper." Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 16268 Distribtiiion.— Catalina. Island. California (type) ; San Pedro and Catalina Island. Cali- fornia, to Cerros Island, Lower California (Dall) Ischnochiton veredentiens Carpenter (PI. 29, figs. 9-14) I.sThnochiton veredentiens Carpenter. 1864b. p. 612, 649; Reprint, 1872, p. 98, 135; 1866, California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. III. p. 211; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 22; Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 122; Dall, 1921, p. 191; Oldroyd, 1927. vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 277: Burch, 1947, no. 66, p. 18 Ischnochiton {Lepidozona') veredentiens (Carpenter), Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser 4, vol. XXVI, p. 208 records of Point Ano Nuevo need confirming. The original description of this species and the Latin description (1866) as well as Pilsbry's translation of Carpenter's description were republished by Oldroyd. The holotype is figured for the first time herein. It was no. 518a (bis) of the old California State Col- lection. This number was a duplicate number, as Carpenter discovered. Carpenter's label of "Ischnochiton subexpresstis Cpr. type = scabricostatus Cooper no. 518a" was apparently the original 518a of Cooper's numbering. 270 MARINE MOLr.USCA DESCRIBED BY V. V. CARPENTER The following line sliould be added to Oldroyd's copy of Carpenter to make the copy complete : "Hab. Catalina Island, 20-30 fm., Cooper." [Carpenter, 1866a, p. 211] The holotype consists of separate plates. They are labelled "Catalina Id. type Cooper." Ilolotypc. — U. S. National ATuseum, no. 16259 Distribution. — Catalina Island, California (type) Subgenus Stenoplax Dall, 1879 Stcnoplax Dall, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc.. vol. I, p. 296, 330 Type species by original designation, 5". liiiiaciforiiiis (Sowerby), 1832, Zool. Soc. Lx)ndon, Proc, p. 26. Recent. Mazatlan to Lobos Islands, Peru. Florida Keys and West Indies. PiLSBRY, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, pi. 16, f^gs. 9-16 Ischnochiton (Stenoplax) acrior Pilsbry Ischnochitnn (Stcnoplax) acrior Pilsrry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 61, pi. 14, figs. 86-89 section Stcnoradsia: D.w.h, 1921, p. 190 credited to Carpenter; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 268 credited to Carpenter and Pilsbry The specific name in this case was a manuscript name of Carpenter used by Pilsbry, but the description and holotype were of Pilsbry. Credit should be to Pilsbry. It is included herein only for completeness in references to Carpenter ms. names. Holotype. — Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, no. 35702 Distribution. — Recent. Point Abreojos, Lower California (type, from label with type. Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia) ; San Miguel Island, California, to Gulf of California (Dall). Pleistocene. California (Berry, 1922) Ischnochiton (Stenoplax) conspicuus "(Dall)" Pilsbry (PI. 35, figs. 1, 2) Mauqcrclla conspicua "Cpr," Dall, 1879, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 1, p. 296, pi. II, fig. 11 Chiton (Maugerella) conspicua "Cpr.," Dall in Orcutt, 1886, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 8, p. 544 name only Ischnochiton (Stenoplax) conspicuus Pilsbry, 1892, Alan. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 63, section Stcnoradsia, pi. 15, figs. 91-96, Carpenter ms. name and var. solidus, p. 64, pi. 15, fig. 97; Dall, 1921, p. 190 credit to Carpenter (conspicuus) ; Berry, 1922, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XI, p. 465, pi. VIII, figs. 1-9 see for additional references; Dall, 1925, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 66, no. 2554, p. 18, pi. 18. fig. 7 conspicuus; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. IT, pt. Ill, p. 270; BuRCH, 1947, no. 66, p. 18; 1947, no. 68, p. 6; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 207 Dall as author, doubtful record for Monterey Ischnocliiton (Maugerella) conspicuus (Carpenter), Stearns, 1901, Nautilus, vol. 15, no. 5, p. 53 Ischnochiton conspicjius (Carpenter) Chace, 1917, Nautilus, vol. 31, no. 2, p. 37 and forma solidus Cpr. Ischnochiton (Stcnoradsia) conspicuus Carpenter, Batly, 1935, West Coast Shells (Keep), p. 29 "Minor lateral bi-alate. top of inner wing and shaft bent into a twisted cusp with a .small process extending outward from the apex of the shaft ; major lateral tridentate, shaft with a keel and cuspidate process." [Dall, 1879, p. 296 dentition] Whether this species must be credited to Dall or to Pilsbry is a technical question. Cer- tainly Carpenter is not the author, for both Dall and Pilsbry used Carpenter's ms. name. Dall (1879) first used the name as that of the type species of Maugerella, also a ms. name of Carpenter's. Dall described and figured only the dentition of the radula of the species. Pilsbry gave a detailed description of the shell and illustrated the same with several drawings, two of W'hich were made for Carpenter. If Pilsbry is regarded as the author the holotype of the species is no. 35709,^^^ Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, collected by Henry Hemphill from San Diego. It is prob- ably the specimen figured by Pilsbry (pi, 15, figs. 91-93, 96). 136 Not 35704 as in Oldroyd (1927, p. 270). AMPTIINEURA 271 However, if Ball's prior remarks have precedent, a lectotype should be selected. Though Ball used Carpenter's manuscript notes for the major details of his paper (1879), he probably did not have Carpenter's type of the species in his study of the dentition. Carpenter's type remained at the Redpath Museum where it is novi^. There is one specimen of eight separate plates labelled by Carpenter, "original type" of Maugerella conspiciia from La Paz collected by Pease. There are also 11 fine complete specimens labelled "type normal San Biego Hemp- hill Sta. Barbara Cooper (= magdalensis, var. stibobsolefa B.A. Rep.)." Unfortunately the last label is of little value in determining a specific locality. There apparently is no type desig- nated by Ball in existence, so that the Carpenter specimen is the logical shell to become the lectotype for the species of Ball's authorship. This selection would automatically change the type locality from San Biego to La Paz. Illustration of a Carpenter specimen is included herein for completeness. The plates of the specimen are pinkish and purplish beneath the jugum. Pilsbry included the Carpenter ms. description and drawing of a "variety solidus" (1892, p. 64, pi. 15, fig. 97) of a worn specimen which he regarded only as an individual variation. Types. — Redpath Museum, no. 65 (Ball) ; Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, no. 35709 (Pilsbry) Distribution.— Recent. La Paz, Lower California, or Upper California (type. Ball) ; San Biego, California (type, Pilsbry). Monterey, California, to Gulf of California (Ball). Pleistocene. California (Berry; Chace and Chace ; Chace) Ischnochiton (Stenoplax) corrugatus Carpenter in Pilsbry (PL 29, figs. 5-8) Ischnochiton corrugatus Carpenter ms. in Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 123 subgenus Stenoplax; Ball, 1921, p. 192; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 279; Burch, 1947, no. 66, p. 18; Smith in Burch, 1947, no. 68, p. 7 s.g. Stenoplax Carpenter's manuscript name and description were utilized by Pilsbry (1892), who had not at that time seen a specimen of the species. The holotype is figured herein for the first time. It is in the Carpenter Collection in the Redpath Museum and has the following original Carpenter label, "type Catalina Is. 40 fms. 1070 Cooper no. 1068." Holotype. — Redpath Museum, no. 37''-^'' Distribution.— CataVma Island, California (type) ; Catalina Island, to Todos Santos Bay, Lower California (Ball) Ischnochiton (Stenoplax) fallax Carpenter in Pilsbry (PI. 29, fig. 15) Ischnochiton (Stenoplax) fallax Carpenter ms. Pilsbry, 1892, Man Conch., vol. XIV, p. 59, pl. 16, figs. 17, 18; Ball, 1921, p. 190; Berry, 1922, California Acad. Nat. Sci., ser. 4. vol. XI, no. 18, p. 461, pl. VII, figs. 1-3; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 190; 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 267; Burch, 1947, no. 66, p. 18; Smith in Burch, 1947, no. 68, p. 8; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. XXVI, no. 8, 207 Pilsbry, as he stated, used Carpenter's manuscript description and the drawing of the holotype (1892). The holotype is in the Carpenter Collection, Redpath Museum. It bears the label, "Stenoplax fallax type Bodegas i^s Newcomb." The type material consists of one specimen. Stearns (1868, p. 382) described the area of Bodega Bay wliere he and Newcomb made a collecting trip in 1867. No. 34 of the list of species is "Trachydermon fallax, Cpr. (mss.)." Holotype. — Redpath Museum, no. 64 Distribution. — Recent. Bodega [Bay], California (type) ; Vancouver Island, British. Columbia to Todos Santos Bay, Lower California (Ball). Pleistocene. California (Berry) 137 The statement concerning the location of the holotype in Oldroyd (p. 279) is incorrect. 138 Spelling should be corrected in Palmer (1945, p. 101) to read "Bodegas" instead of "Brodegas." 272 AfARIXE ArOLLUSCA DESCRIBRD BY P. P. CARPKNTKR Subgenus Lepidozona Pilsbry, 1892 Lepidocona Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 55, 125 Type species by original designation, Ischnochiton mcrtcnsii Middendorff, 1847 (1846), Acad. Sci. St. Petersburg, Bull., vol. VI, p. 118. Recent. Sitka, Alaska, to San Martin Island, Lower California. Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, pi. 26, figs. 20-26 Ischnochiton (Lepidozona) aureotinctus Carpenter /;; Pilsbry (PI. 31, figs. 1-4) Ischnochiton aureotinctus Carpenter m Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 123 ; Dall, 1921, p. 191 ; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 276; Burch, 1947, no. 66, p. 18 subgenus Lepidozona Carpenter's manuscript name and description were used by Pilsbry (1892). The holotype is in the Carpenter Collection in the Redpath Aluseum. It is on the original Carpenter glass mount and bears the label "type Catalina Is. 80 fms. Cooper 1071a." The 1071a refers to the catalogue number of the old California State Collection. There is a discrepancy in Carpenter's laliel and writings. In the description of " Lcptochiton nexus" Carpenter (1866, p. 212) wrote "State Collection, 1071a," which is the same number he copied on the label of the holotyi)e of Ischnochiton aureotinctus. Tiie holotypes of both species, respectively, are figured herein for the first time. The holotype is a poor specimen and inadequate for identification. It consists of four plates and a bit of the girdle. They are light orange with no sculpture except possibly microscopic pustules. It does not have the coarser striations of /. ne.vits. Holotype. — Redpath Museum, no. 26 Distribution. — Catalina Island, California (type) ; Catalina Island, 80 fathoms, to Cerros Island, Lower California (Dall) Cf. Ischnochiton (Lepidozona) californiensis Berry I. pectinatus Carpenter (PI. 31, figs. 5, 6) ? Ischnochiton (Lcpidopleurus) pectinatus Carpenter, 1864b, p. 612; Reprint, 1872, p. 98. "Cat. Is., beach." Not Chiton pectinatus Sowerby, 1840 = Ischjwchiton ? Lcpidopleurus pectinatus Carpenter, 1864b, p. 649; Reprint, 1872, p. 135; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 22; 1871, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 59 Ischnochiton (Lcpidopleurus) pectinatus Carpenter, 1866, California Acad. Nat. Sci., Proc., ser. 1, vol. Ill, p. 211 "Chiton ( Lcpidopleurus ?) pectinulatus Cpr.," Dall in Orcutt, 1886, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 8, p. 544 nomen nudum Ischnochiton clathratus (Reeve), Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 129 in part, section Lepidozona Lcpidopleurus pectinulatus Carpenter, ms. /;( Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 129 Ischnochiton (Lepidozona) pectinulatus "Carpenter," Berry, 1922, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XI, no. 18, p. 471, pi. X, figs. 4-6 Ischnochiton (Lepidozona) californiensis Berry, 1931, Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 19, pt. V, pi. 29, figs. 1, 2 "Olive: strong sculpture over shagreened surface: side areas ribbed: outer margin and inner sutures pectinated, Bch. Cp." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 649] ". . . State Collection, no. 1073. "Lt. 'L. Mertensii' simili, sed omino olivaceo; areis diagonalibus radiis plerumque IV. dense tuberculiferis, radioque altero suturali tuberculis iiifle.xis, margines valvarum pecti- nantibus ; costis transversis crebris validis; costulis longitudinalis acutis distantibus super- antibus, quarum margines suturas anticas pectinant ; valv. term, ut in areis diag. sculptis, seriebus tuberculorum creberrimis ; tota superficie minutissime tuberculata : intus, valvis centralibus unifissatis, terminalibus XI-XV — fissatis : scabs jjallii irregularibus, confertis, minutissime longitudinaliter striatis. "Long. 0.85, lat. 0.50, div. 110°. "Variat : interdum aurantio nebulosa. "Ilah. Catalina Island, Santa Barbara Island, beach, Cooper." [Carpenter, 1866a, p. 212] AMPHINEURA 273 There are in the Redpath Museum two complete specimens and three separate plates which were labelled by Carpenter, "Type La Paz Pease." One of those specimens is figured herein. In the first mention of /. pectinatus Carpenter (1864b, p. 612) the specimen was reported from Catalina Island. The name in this reference is a nomen nudum. The second brief refer- ence (1864b, p. 649), quoted above, listed specimens only from Santa Barbara Islands. The 1866 description cited Catalina and Santa Barbara Island. Lower California is not included in any of Carpenter's remarks. Therefore, the locality with the type specimens must be in error or a misplacement of labels. As Pilsbry and Berry have pointed out the name /. pectinatus Carpenter is preoccupied. A possible substitute name was /. pcctimdatiis Carpenter ms. However, its introduction by Pilsbry must date the name from 1892 by Pilsbry, and it cannot be credited to Carpenter. The introduction by Pilsbry is somewhat ambiguous in its manner of connection with /. clathratns Reeve, and the writer agrees with Berry that it is not a strict substitute for /. pectinatus Carpenter. Berry (1931) proposed the name /. calijorniensis to cover the "commonest southern Californian Lepidocona," but he doubted that it was a substitute for /. pectinatus Carpenter (1864; 1866). Even though Carpenter's remarks (1864) are brief, his later description (1866) qualifies to validate a specific name. Berry selected a type locality when presenting a new name which is not the same as that of /. pectinatus Carpenter. Unfortunately there is the nonconformity in type locality between the description and the label of the type. Hence there is uncertainty that the specimen labelled tyi^e is an authentic type. It could be compared with specimens from the northern and southern range of species and determined to what it bears the closer resemblance. The problem of whether /. calijorniensis is a substitute name and whether it is equivalent to /. pectinatus Carpenter is still unsettled. Berry (1931) did not give the range of /. cali- forniensis. He (1922) specified Monterey to Todos Santos Bay, Lower California, and stated that it was found in the Pleistocene of California. Types. — Syntypes : /. pectinatus Carpenter, Redpath Museum, no. 70; holotype : /. cali- forniensis Berry, S. S. Berry Collection, no. 1699; paratypes : see Berry (1931, p. 256). Distribution. — Catalina Island or Santa Barbara Island, California (type) /. pectinatus Carpenter; La Jolla, California (type), /. calijorniensis Berry. Ischnochiton (Lepidozona) cooperi "Dall" Pilsbry Ischnochiton cooperi "Cpr.," Dall, 1879, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 1, p. 296, fig. 15 radula; Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 127, pi. 26, figs. 27-30 types, section Lepidoaona; Dall, 1921, p. 192 section Lepidocona; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 281 Ischnochiton {Lepidozona) cooperi "Carpenter," Berry, 1922, California Acad. Sci.. Proc, .ser. 4, vol. XI, p. 473, pi. XI, figs. 1-12; Burch, 1947, no. 66, p. 18; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 207 author "Dall" The autliority for this species is in the same category as /. conspicuus. The radula only was described and figured by Dall (1879). Pilsbry also utilized Carpenter's manuscript name (1892), but he composed his own description and used specimens from the collections of the Academy of Natural Sciences. The specific name, if Dall's description is not validated, should be credited to Pilsbry as has usually been done. Smith and Gordon date the specific name from Dall. Apparently Dall used Carpenter's manuscript notes in identifying the species. No specimen has been found which could be identified as a type for Dall's description. Types. — Dall, not found ; syntypes of Pilsbry, Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, no. 118659 Distribution. — Dall, type locality unknown ; Recent. Bolinas, north of San Francisco, California (type, Pilsbry) ; Mendocino County, to Catalina Island, California (Dall). Pleis- tocene. California (Chace and Chace, 1919; Berry). 274 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER "Ischnochiton cooperi acutior" Dall (PI. 34, figs. 1-6) See /. cooperi Ischnochiton cooperi acutior Carpenter ms., Dall, 1919, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 55, no. 2283, p. 508; 1921, p. 192; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 282; Willett, 1935, Nautilus, vol. 49, no. 2, p. 44 This species was never adequately described by Dall. He used a manuscript name of Carpenter's. At first he did not regard the name as representing more than a color variation of /. cooperi Carpenter. However, he later (1921) listed the form as a bona fide subspecies, from "San Diego to Los Animas Bay, Lower California." The liolotype in the U. S. National Museum is labelled, "Todos Santos Bay Hemphill" and marked in red pencil "type." There are 11 specimens in the Cari)entcr Collection at the Redpath Museum which are labelled "type" by Carpenter. Five of them are from Todos Santos Bay collected by Hemp- hill (Redpath Museum, no. 18). Six others are labelled, "Sta. Cruz Cooper False Bay near S. Diego collected by Hemphill" (Redpath Museum, no. 8). Since the form has not been illustrated previously the illustrations of the McGill speci- mens are included herein. They are not types because the subspecific name would date from Dall or later, depending on the validity of Dall's name. The problem has passed beyond the scope of Carpenter type material. The illustrations may help to determine whether Dall was correct in assigning subspecific rank. The writer includes them under /. cooperi. Holotype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 30734 Distribution. — Todos Santos Bay, Lower California (type) Ischnochiton (Lepidozona) decipiens Carpenter in Pilsbry Ischnochiton decipiens Carpenter ms. in Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 123; Dall, 1921, p. 192; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II. pt. Ill, p. 282; Willett, 1935, Nautilm, vol. 49, no. 2, p. 43; Burch, 1947, no. 66, p. 18; Smith and Gordon, California Acad. Sci., Proc, sen 4, vol. XXVI, p. 207 This species bears a manuscript name of Carpenter which was validated by Pilsbry. Un- fortunately the species was not figured, and the whereabouts of the type does not seem to be known. Pilsbry published Carpenter's manuscript description. That description is also avail- able in Oldroyd who republished a copy of the same. Willett thought he knew what /. de- cipiens was and because of gradation believed that the form named /. (jallina by Berry was merely a color form of /. decipiens. In a list of chitons in Dall's handwriting in the collection in the U. S. National Museum are the following notations : "Not in collection decipiens Cpr. 1892 Monterey." "Not in collections decipiens Cpr. 1892 Catalina Id. to Monterey." Holotype. — Not found Distrihutinn. — Monterey, California (type) ; Catalina Island, to Monterey (Dall) Ischnochiton radians Carpenter in Pilsbry (PI. 30, fig. 13; PI. 31, fig.s. 8-17) Ischnochiton radians Carpenter ms. in Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 121 ; 1893, vol. XV, p. 75, pi. 16, figs. 48. 49; Thiele, 1909, Zoologica, Bd. 22, Heft 56, p. 80, fig. 62; Reurv. 1917, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. VII, p. 235: Dall, 1921, p. 191; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Pugct Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 191; 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 275; BuRCH, 1947, no. 66, p. 18; Satith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. XXVI, no. 8, p. 207 In this case Pilsbry used Carpenter's manuscript name and description, meaning thereby to give partial credit to Carpenter. Pilsbry also mentioned that the specimen figured by him was not Carpenter's type but a secondary specimen from the Smithsonian Institution. Car- penter's original types (mentioned by Pilsbry) are in the Redpath Museum. There are four specimens mounted and labelled by Carpenter, "type Monterey Canfield." Since the McGill specimens are more complete tlian that in the U. S. National Museum (No. 19471), the AMPHINEURA 275 writer chooses the one figured herein as the lectotype, with the remaining three Rcdpath Museum specimens and the U. S. National Museum specimen as paratypes. The U. S. Na- tional Museum specimen is labelled "type San Pedro Cooper." The photographs included of the Redpath Museum specimen have been taken w^ith the specimens blown with ammonium chloride to bring out the details of sculpture; therefore the flecked coloration does not show. Types. — Lectotype: Redpath Museum, no. 25 (figured herein); paratypes: Redpath Mu- seum, no. 25 (three specimens) ; U. S. National Museum, no. 19471 (2 plates figured herein) Distribution. — Monterey, California (type) ; Prince of Wales Island, Alaska to San Pedro, California (Dall) Ischnochiton (Lepidozona) retiporosus (Carpenter) (PI. 30, fig. 7; PI. 35, figs. 4, 5) Ischnochiton {Trachydernwti) retiporosus Carpenter, 1864b, p. 603, 649; Reprint, 1872, p. 89, 135 ; 1865, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 17, p. 59 Trachydermon retiporosus (Carpenter), Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. Cali- fornia, p. 22 Ischnochiton retiporosus Carpenter, Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 75 ; 1893, vol. XV, p. 77, pi. 16, figs. 47 type, 50-53; Dall, 1921, p. 191 ; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 190 ; 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 272 Isclinochiton {Lepidozona) retiporosus (Carpenter), Berry, 1917, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. VII, p. 235; Burch, 1947, no. 66, p. 18; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 208 "... : mantle-scales very small, close, smooth. Sp. like scrobiculatus, central pattern in network, 2-6 side ribs. [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 649] "I.t. parva, subelongata, cinerea, valde elevata, jugo arcuato; valvis subquadratis, apicibus celatis, marginibus suturalibus intus reglicatis ; areis lateralibus parum definitis, costulis iii-vi. obsoletis, rotundatis, hue et illuc granis acutis, expressis, instructis ; areis centralibus omnino scrobiculatis, interstitiis parvis, alte punctatis ; valvis terminalibus costulis crebris, angustis, acutioribus ; mucrone parum conspicuo, antrorsum sito : intus, sinu suturali lato ; laminis, utroque latere semel, valvis terminalibus circ. XII incisis ; limbo pallii granuloso, granulis confertis, minimis, vix elongatis, vix regularibus, baud sculptis. Long. .44, lat. .28, div. 90°. "Hab. — In sinu Pugetiano specimen unicum legit Kennerley. "Forma /. interstincto, Gld. et /. scrobiculafo, Midd. convenit ; indole sculpturae differt." [Carpenter, 1865, p. 59] Pilsbry (1892) presented a translation of Carpenter's (1865) Latin description. He later (1893) included a sketch (Fig. 47) of part of one plate of the type and added a detailed description of the species. In the Carpenter Collection in the Redpath Museum there is a mounted specimen labelled by Carpenter "Ischnochiton subexpressus Cpr. type = scabricostatus Cooper 518a 20 fms. Catalina Is." This is a manuscript name of Carpenter, although it is not so indicated on the label. A photograph of the shell is included herein, so that the record may be clear. The specimen is /. retiporosus Carpenter as may be seen by comparison of Pilsbry (1893, pi. 16, fig. 47) and this report (pi. 30, fig. 7). The Redpath Museum specimen has been coated with ammonium chloride to bring out details of sculpture, but this method obliterates coloration. The note on the label, " = scabricostatus Cooper 518a," has not been explained. The pub- lished number of /. scabricostatus is "1071c" (Cooper's number, California Geological Sur- vey) ; 518a was the number of "Trachydermon gothicus" (Carpenter, 1866a, p. 212). Holotype.—U. S. National Museum, no. 4499 (No. in Pilsbry, 14917) Distribution. — Puget Sound, Washington (type) ; Victoria, British Columbia, to San Pedro, California (Dall) Ischnochiton (Lepidozona) serratus Carpenter (PL 2,2, fig. 5) Ischnochiton serratus Carpenter, 1864b, p. 618; Reprint, 1872, p. 104; 1864, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIII, p. 315; Reprint. 1872. p. 213; Pilsbry, 1892. Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 122; 1893. Man. Conch., vol. XV, p. 78, pi. 16, figs. 42-46; Dall, 1921, p. 192; Oldroyd, 1927. vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 278; Burch, 1947, no. 66, p. 18 subgenus Lepidozona 276 ATARTXE ^roLT.rscA drscrtred by p. p. carpenter Pilsbry (1892) included a translation of Carpenter's original description and later (1893) presented additional notes on the species. Oldroyd (1927) published a copy of both Carpen- ter's description and Pilsbry's translation. The following should be changed in the copy by Oldroyd to make that copy complete. Read .34 for 34 ; .2 for 2 Add : ". . . div. 115°. "Differs from Elcncnsis in tlic sculpture of tiie terminal valves." [Carpenter, 1864, p. 315] The type of this species was in tiie U. S. National Museum, no. 16204, but, although the original glass mount is still present, the specimen is gone and has been for at least 5 years, according to a note with the type. The tablet has a label "type C.S.L. Xantus." A specimen in the Redpath Museum is labelled, "Leptopleurus serratus Cpr. var. C type C. San Lucas Xanthus Pearl Id." Holotype. — Formerly U. S. National Museum, no. 16204 (lost); paratype: Redpath Museum, no. 98 Distribution. — Cape San Lucas, Lower California (type) ; San Diego, California, to Gulf of California (Dall) Ischnochiton (Lepidozona) sinudentatus Carpenter in Pilsbry (PI. 30, figs. 8,9; PI. 2,3, figs. 1-5) Ischnochiton sinudentatus Carpenter, Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 128; D.'VLL, 1921, p. 192; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 283; Burch, 1947, no. 66, p. 18 subgenus Lepidozona; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 208 subgenus Lepidozona Ischnochiton {Lepidozona) cf. sinudentatus "Carpenter," Berry, 1922, California Acad. Sci., Proc., ser. 4, vol. XI, p. 476, pi. XII, figs. 10-17 The name of this species was a manuscript name. The name and manuscript description were utilized by Pilsbry (1892) when the name became valid. The type material consists of four specimens in the Carpenter Collection in the Redpath Museum on the original Carpenter glass mount and latel. The label states, "type California." The types are figured for the first time herein. Syntypes. — Redpath Museum, no. 27 Distribution. — Recent. Alonterey, California (type) ; Pleistocene. California (Berry, "cf.") Subgenus Rhombochiton Berry, 1919 Rhombochiton Berry, 1919, California Acad. Sci., Proc., ser. 4, vol. IX, p. 2 Type species by original designation, Ischnochiton rcgularis (Carpenter), 1855, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, p. 232. Recent. Atcndocino County, California, to Monterey, California. (pl. 31, fig. 7) Ischnochiton (Rhombochiton) regularis (Carpenter) (PI. 31, fig. 7) Chiton regularis Carpenter, 1855, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, p. 232; 1857, Rept. British Assoc. Adv. Sci. 1856, p. 287, 318 genus indet. ; 1860, Smith. Misc. Coll., vol. 2, art. 6, p. 3 ; 1864b, p. 554 Ischnochiton; Reprint, 1872, p. 40 Lepidopleurus regularis (Carpenter), 1864b, p. 649; 1872, Reprint, p. 135 subgenus of Ischnochiton; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 22 Ichnochiton regularis (Carpenter), Dall, 1879, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 1, p. 296, fig. 14; Keep, 1887, West Coast Shells, p. 107, fig. 93; Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 142, pl. 18, figs. 41-46 section Radsiella; Arnold, 1903, p. 342 in part; Dall, 1921, p. 193 Rhombochiton; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 285 Ischnochiton {Rhombochiton) regularis (Carpenter), Berry, 1919, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. IX, no. 1, p. 2; 1922, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XI, p. 470; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Nat. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 207; BiiRCH, 1947, no. 66, p. 18 AMPHINEURA 277 The original description of this species as well as Pilshry's extended notes were repub- lished by Oldroyd (1927). The following should be changed in her copy: Last line, read 25 for 25. Add: "Var. T. cacrulca, strii/is propc manjincni siibgranulosis. "Hab. Monterey; sub saxis legit — Hartwcg. Mus. Cuming. "A very similar species, but with larger scales on the margin, is _f rom New Zealand, and at present undescribed in the Cumingian Collection." [Carpenter, 1855] G. L. Wilkins (British Museum) supplied the following information regarding the holo- type: "There is little doubt that a shell we have labelled 'Monterey' and a reference to the P.Z.D. is the type of this species. Size o.k." The figures of this species by Pilsbry are likely those of the type material, probably from the Carpenter ms. illustrations. The figures were drawn by Emerton under Carpenter's su- pervision. The included illustration was furnished by the authorities of the British Museum (Natural History). Carpenter's references (1864b) are not cross-referenced. Under Chiton regnlaris in the index (1872, p. 35), reference is to page 40 only with the additional reference, 1857, pages 287, 318, and 1855, page 232. In the same publication (1872) index (p. 62) under Lepido- pleurus regularis, page 135 only is indicated. On page 135 Carpenter referred L. rcgularis to "P.Z.S., p. 232", so that he referred to the same species. The following remarks were in- serted : "Subgenus of Ischnochiton: mantle-scales Lophyroid, generally striated. Sp. arched, green shagreened. Side lobes 2-4: eaves spongj', not projecting." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 649: 1872, p. 135] Fortunately this is not Carpenter's original description, for at the later date he indicated the occurrence as "California: or district north of the peninsula, generally." Originally the type locality was stipulated as Monterey. Holo type. —British Museum (Natural History), Department of Zoology, B.M. 1950, 11.9.1 Distribution. — Recent. Monterey, California (type) : Mendocino County, California, to Monterey, California (Dall). Pleistocene. (Arnold; Berry) Subgenus Tripoplax Berry, 1919 Tripoplax Berry, 1919. California Acad. Sci., Proc., ser. 4, vol. IX, no. 1, p. 1 Type species by original designation Ischnochiton trifidns (Carpenter), 1864b, p. 649. Recent. Shumagin Islands, Alaska to Puget Sound, Washington. Pilsbry, 1892, Alan. Conch., vol. XIV, pi. 18, fig. 40 ; 1893, vol. XV, pi. 17, figs. 64-67 type Ischnochiton (Tripoplax) trifidus (Carpenter) Trachydcrmon trifidus Carpenter, 1864b, p. 649; Reprint, 1872, p. 135; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 22 Ischnochiton trifidus (Carpenter), 1865, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 17. p. 60; Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 141, pi. 18, fig. 40 section Radsielh: 1893, Man. Conch., vol. XV, p. 86, pi. 17, figs. 64, 65 type, 66, 67 section Ischnoradsia : Dall. 1921, p. 193. section Tripoplax: Oldroyd. 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 193; 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 285 section Tripoplax Isnoradsia [sic] trifida Carpenter, Dall, 1871. Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VII, p. 135 Ischnoradsia trifida (Carpenter), Dall, 1879, U. S. Nat. Mus.. Proc. vol. 1. p. 331 Ischnochiton (Ischnoradsia) trifidus (Carpenter), Berry, 1917, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. VII, no. 10, p. 238 Ischnochiton (Tripoplax) trifidus (Carpenter). Berry, 1919, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. IX, p. 1 ; Burch. 1947, no. 66, p. 18 "Centre-punctures few, deep: 2-4 blunt ribs: side plates with 2 slits." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 649] "I.t. elevata, ovali, rubida ; valvis latis. subquadratis, apicibus vix intortis ; areis latcralibus subelevatis, costis obsoletis rotundatis ii-iv ; areis centralibus punctis distantibus, valde im- 278 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER pressis ; valvis terminalibus ut in areis lateralibiis costatis ; valva postica mucrone subincdiana, baud elevata : intus albida, subrosacea ; valvis utraque latere macule aurantio elongato ornatis, sinuibus centralibus parvis, expansis; marginibus externis subgrunda typice obtectis ; laminis lateralibus bis, terminalibus circiter xii. incisis: limbo pallii, granuloso, granis ovalibus, vix imbricatis baud striatis. Long. .75, lat. .45, div. 110°. "Hab. — In sinu Pugetiano specimen unicum pisavit Kennerley." [Carpenter, 1865 p. 60] Tbe type of this species is composed of four loose valves in the U. S. National Museum. The illustrations by Pilsbry (1893, PI. 17, figs. 64, 65) are of the type. Holofype. — U. S. National Museum, no. 30946 Distribution. — Puget Sound, Washington (type) ; Shumagin Islands, Alaska, to Puget Sound, Washington (Dall) Genus Callistochiton Dall, 1882 Callistochiton Dai.l, 1882, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 4, p. 283, 289, 290 no species men- tioned Type species by virtue of the first species^^o published in connection with generic name (Opin. 46, Int. Rules Zool. Nomen.), Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 260, Chiton pidchcUus Gray, 1828, Spicilegia Zoologica, vol. 1, p. 1, p. 6, pi. 3, fig. 9. Living. Islay, Peru to Arica, Chile. Pilsbry, 1892, ]\Ian. Conch., vol. XIV, pi. 60, figs. 1-6 Callistochiton decoratus Pilsbry (PI. Z?>, figs. 15-21) Chiton {Callistochiton) decoratus "Carpenter," Dall in Orcutt 1886, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 8, p. 544 not described Callistochiton decoratus Carpenter ms., Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 269, pi. 58, figs. 17-20; 1893, Man. Conch., vol. XV, p. 87, pi. 16, fig. 54; Dall, 1921, p. 194; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 294; Burch, 1947, no. 66, p. 18 Although Pilsbry utilized Carpenter's manuscript name for this species, he did not use Carpenter's description or his type. Pilsbry's type was a specimen in the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. In this case, therefore, the species should be attributed to Pilsbry and not Carpenter. The synonymy, therefore, is not intended to be complete. In the Carpenter Collection in the Redpath Museum, there are 12 fine specimens on Carpenter's glass mounts with a Carpenter label, "type S. Diego Hemphill (Comp. vcredcntiens)." These specimens were evidently Carpenter's ms. types. Pilsbry (1893) de- scribed differences between the typical form from Lower California and an individual from San Diego collected by Henry Hemphill. The specimens which Carpenter had labelled type should fall in the category to which Pilsbry called attention. Five of those specimens are figured herein to define the variation, if an^^ The number of ribs on the head valve varies from 11 to 12. Pilsbry's original description, but not the supplementary notes, was republished by Oldroyd (1927). Holotype. — Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pa., no. 118687 Distrihutinn. — Todos Santos P>ay and near San Tomas River, Lower California (tj'pe) ; Santa Barbara, California, to San Tomas River, Lower California (Dall) "Callistochiton fimbriatus" Carpenter ms. noiiirn nudum Three specimens in the Redpath Museum (no. 41) are labelled by Carpenter, "Cal- listochiton fimbriatus Cpr. type Monterey Canfield." Callistochiton fimbriatus Carpenter is a nomen nudum. The name has been frequently mentioned in literature, but Carpenter never described the species. Pilsbry was aware of the problem in connection with the name and, therefore, did not use the Carpenter name but 139 The first species mentioned in connection with the generic name was Callistochiton decoratus "Carpenter". Dall in Orcutt (1886, p. 544). However, at that time that specific name was a nomen nndmn, and it did not become valid until by Pilsbry, 1892. Therefore, Pilsbry's type designation has priority. AMPITINEURA 279 gave a new designation (C. crassicostatus) to the chiton whicli would liave been described by Carpenter. Pilsbry did not believe that the use of the name by Cooper applied to the same form. The specific name was used for a chiton by Sowerby (1840). The name is thus best dropped from literature of chitons. References to name : "Callochiton fimbriatus Cpr. (AISS.)," Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 23 nomen nudum. Not Chiton fimbriatus Sowerby, 1840 "Chiton (Callochiton) fimbriatus Cpr.," Dall in Orcutt, 1886, U. S. Nat. AIus., Proc, vol. 8, p. 544; Orcutt, 1915, Moll. World, p. 23 nomcn nudum "Callistochiton fimbriatus Cpr. MSS. 1875," Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 265 = C. crassicostatus Pilsbry, 1892. Not C. fimbriatus Cpr. Cooper, see above fide Pilsbry, 1892 Chiton fimbriatus of authors. Berry, 1922, California Acad. Sci., Proc., ser. 4, vol. XI, no. 18, p. 484 = Callistochiton crassicostatus Pilsbry, 1892 Callistochiton palmulatus Carpenter in Pilsbry (PL 32, fig. 1) Callistochiton palmulatus Carpenter ms. in Pilsbry, 1892, Alan. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 262, pi. 58, figs. 12-16 typical; Dall, 1921, p. 193; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 292; BuRCH, 1947, no. 66, p. 18; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc., ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 208 Pilsbry utilized Carpenter's manuscript name, description, and drawings. Part of the figures under the species (pi. 58, figs. 7-11) Pilsbry segregated under a subspecific name, mirabilis Pilsbry. The holotype of the subspecies is in the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. One specimen in the Carpenter Collection in the Redpath Museum is on an original Carpenter glass mount wath original label, "type Sta. Barbara Cooper no. 1077." The number and locality corresponds with that given for the type by Pilsbry (1892, p. 263), which verifies the specimen as type. An illustration of the holotype is figured herein. The specimen was mounted with four plates separate. Holotype. — Redpath Museum, no. 48 Distribution. — Recent. Santa Barbara, California (type) ; Monterey, California, to San Ignacio Lagoon, Lower California (Dall). Pleistocene. California (Berry, 1922, p. 407) Family Chitonidae Genus Placiphorella Dall, 1879 Placiphorella Dall, 1879, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 1, p. 298, 303, 306 Type species by original designation, P. velata "Cpr," Dall, 1879, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. I, pi. IV, figs. 36, 36a dentition. Recent. Vancouver Island, British Columbia, to Todos Santos Bay, California. Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, pi. 66, figs. 6-12 Placiphorella velata Dall Placiphorella velata Carpenter ms., Dall, 1879, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. I, p. 208, 303, 307, pi. IV, fig. 36a dentition; 1887, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 9, p. 210; Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 306, pi. 66, figs. 6-12; Berry, 1917, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. VII, no. 10, p. 241; Dall, 1921, p. 196 Carpenter; Berry, 1922, Cali- fornia Acad. Sci. Proc, ser. 4, vol. XI, no. 18, p. 453, pi. Ill, figs. 13-15; Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 199; 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 315; Burch. 1947. no 66, p. 19 ; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 206; Berry, 1951, Mai. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 28, pt. 6, p. 214, 215, 221 The specific name should not be credited to Carpenter, as only Carpenter's manuscript name was utilized by Dall and by Pilsbry. Dall described the soft anatomy of the animal, and Pilsbry later (1892) described the shell. Dall, therefore, has priority of naming. Refer- ence to the species is included here for the record in regard to names in connection with Carpenter's work. 280 ivfARTNE ^rnrj.rscA described by r. r. carpenter Genus Mopalia Gray, 1847 Mopalia Gray, 1847, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, p. 65, 69, 169 Type species by original designation. Chiton Hindsii Reeve, 1847, Conch. Icon., vol. 4, Chiton, pi. XII, fig. 67a-b. Recent. Alaska, to Gulf of California. Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, pi. 62, figs. 99, 100; pi. 63, fig. 57 Mopalia acuta (Carpenter) (PL 31, fig. 18; Pi. 32, fig. 6) Chiton acutiis Carpenter, 1855, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, p. 232; 1856, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, p. 221; 1857, Rept. British Assoc Adv. Sci. 1856, p. 198, 318; 1860, Smith. Misc Coll., vol. 2, art. 6, p. 3 ; 1864b, p. 527, 648, Reprint, 1872, p. 13, 134 "Chiton (Mopalia) lignosa Gld. var. acuta Cpr.," Dall, /;; Orcutt, 1886, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 8, p. 544 Mopalia )niiscosa acuta (Carpenter), Pilsuuy, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 297, pi. 64, figs. 75-79; Dall, 1921, p. 195; Oldkovd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 306 Mopalia nniscosa phiuwsa Carpenter ms. in Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 298, pi. 64, figs. 80, 81 Mopalia muscosa fissa Carpenter ms. in Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 299 Mopalia acuta (Carpenter), Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 22; 1871, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 59; Berry, 1922, California Acad. Sci., Proc, .ser. 4, vol. XI, p. 446, text fig. 9, pi. V, figs. 10-11; Burch, 1947, no. 66, p. 19; Smith AND Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 206 A copy of the original description was published by Oldroyd (1927). The following should be changed in her copy : Line 2: read "tenebrosioribus" for "tenebrosioibus." Add: "Hah. Sta. Barbara : olim legit T. Nuttall. Mus. suo. "A very sharply angled, thin, delicately marked species, with extremely thin margin, and the edges of the valves deeply cut within." [Carpenter, 1855, p. 232] ".Subgeneric, aberrant form; with small blunt plate, instead of post, sinus, between the two principal lobes." [Carpenter 1864b, p. 648] Three specimens illustrated by Pilsbry ( 1892) were considered by him as the types. He considered one specimen (pi. 64, figs. 76, 77) the "holotype" (Pilsbry, May 15, 1951, per- sonal communication). They were collected by H. Hemphill at San Diego, California. How- ever, the real holotype is in the British Museum. It is in the Nuttall Collection and bears a Nuttall label, "Chiton incisus. Sta. Barbara". There is also in Carpenter's handwriting the following note, "Comp. acutus. Cpr. Probably I found inciscus preoccupied." (Fide G. L. Wilkins, Jan. 1, 1952, personal communication.) A photograph of the type was furnished by the British Museum The type of M. plumosa. Carpenter in Pilsbry is in tiie Newcomb Collection (25530), Geology Department, Cornell University. The drawings made of that type for Carpenter were published by Pilsbry. Pilsbry also included a description of M. fissa Carpenter ms. but did not illustrate the holotype, which he stated was from Monterey. Pilsbry regarded botii M. plitnwsa and M. fissa as synonymous with M. acuta (Carpenter). A specimen in the Redpath Museum is labelled by Carpenter, 'Mopalia filosa Cpr. MS. type St. Barbara Cooper plumosa & acuta." This certainly is the "M. fissa" Carpenter ms. in Pilsbry. M. filosa Carpenter ms. is a namcn nudum and is cither an error for fissa, or the fissa is an error for filosa. They equal the same and are regarded as equivalent to M. acuta Carpenter. The photo of "M. filosa" type is included to illustrate the character of fissa. Photographs of the type A. filosa Carpenter ms. were sent to Allyn Smith in 1945. Mr. Smith (Personal communication) wrote, "The species is undoubtedly what we are now calling Mopalia acuta (Carpenter), whicli Dall i>laces as a subspecies of M. muscosa (jould, which I believe is not justified." "Mopalia filosa Ci)r. MS." is not the Artliuria filosa Cari)entcr ms. in Dall (1882, p. 287) and/or in Pilsbry (1892, p. 258). AMPTTINEURA 281 Dimensions.— Long. 22.77 mm.; lat. 12.65 mm.; alt. 5.06 mm. (holutype) ; original dimensions of Carpenter converted into mm. Types. — Holotype, British Museum (Natural History),, "Chiton incisus" Nuttall ms. = C. acutus Cpr. ; holotype of M. plumosa Carpenter in Pilsbry, Geology De- partment, Cornell University, no. 25530; holotype of M. "filosa" Carpenter ms. = M. fissa Carpenter in Pilsbry, Redpath Museum, no. 9 Distribution.— Recent. San Diego, California (type) ; Santa Barbara to San Diego, Cali- fornia (Dall). Pleistocene. California (Berry) Mopalia imporcata Carpenter (PI. 32, fig. 2) Mopalia imporcata Carpenter, 1864b, p. 603, 648 genus ?; Reprint, 1872, p. 89, 134; 1865, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 17, p. 59; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 22; Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 301, pi. 62, fig. 98; 1896, Nautilus, vol. 10, no. 5, p. 49; Dall, 1921, p. 196; Berry, 1917, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. VII, no. 10, p. 241; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 308; BuRCH, 1947, no. 66, p. 19; Smitfi and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 206 Placiphorella imporcata (Carpenter), Dall, 1879, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 1, p. 306 Osteochiton imporcatus (Carpenter), Dall, 1887, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, 1886, vol. 9, p. 211 "Pale : central area ribbed : post, valve slightly notched. Indications of sutural pores in these two species, if confirmed, will require a new genus." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 648] "? M. t. parva, valde elevata, satis elongata ; jugo acuto, rectangulato ; pallida, rufotincta ; areis lateralibus costa elevata, dense granulosa, definitis ; suturis dense granosis, marginibus intus implicatis ; valva antica circiter octies granoso-costata ; arearum lateralium et valvae an- ticae interstitiis intricatim ruguloso-indentatis ; areis centralibus costis longitudinalibus crebis, validissimis, acutis, subparallelis, interstitiis crenulato-decussatis ; valva postica mucrone hand conspicuo, submarginali, sinu parvo, angusto : intus, sinu laminarum suturalium angusto : valvis centralibus fissura una; valva antica fissuris ? — ; valva postica fissura utraque una, postice sinu parvo, angulato : limbo coriaceo, poris suturalibus aliisque hue et illuc sparsis, minutis, setulis albidis instructis. "Hab. — In sinu Pugetiano specimina duo legit Kennerley. "Ut in ? M. sinuata, a Mopaliis typicis different." [Carpenter, 1865e, p. 59] Pilsbry stated that his description and figures were drawn from Carpenter's type in the U. S. National Museum. There is also a specimen (plates separated) in the Carpenter Collection in the Redpath Museum on an original Carpenter glass mount with Carpenter's label. "Placiphorella imporcata Cpr type Puget Sd. Kennerley." Syntypes. — U. S. National Museum, no. 4499; Redpath Museum, no. 57 Distribution. — Puget Sound, Washington (type) ; Forrester Island, Alaska, to San Pedro, California (Dall) Mopalia lignosa (Gould) (PL 27, fig. 12) Chiton lignosus Gould, 1846, July, Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Proc, vol. II, p. 142 (see Otia, p. 100 for date) ; 1862, Otia Conch., p. 3 Chiton merckii Middendorff, 1847, April, Imp. Acad. Sci. St. Petersburg, Bull., vol. VI, p. 20, fide G. L. Wilkins Mopalia simpsonii Gray, 1847, May, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, p. 69 Chiton monterevensis Carpenter, 1855, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, pt. XXIII, p. 231 ; 1856, Kept. British Assoc. Adv. Sci. 1855. p. 318, 349; 1860, Smith. Misc Coll.. vol. 2, art. 6, no. 1, p. 3; 1864b. p. 530, 554, 648, Reprint, 1872, p. 16, 40, 134 = Mopalia lignosa Gould in part; Dall, 1879, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 1, p. 304 under Mopalia ciliata lignosa Gould; Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 300 under Mopalia lignosa Gould Carpenter described Chiton monterevensis from a specimen in the Cuming Collection. Later (1864b), after examining perfect specimens of the same, he determined the form as equal to Mopalia lignosa (Gould). Authors have continued to agree with Carpenter in that assignment. The type of C. vwntereyensis is in the British Museum. It is one of five specimens on a tablet which has a Cuming label. The original label reads : "Montereyensis Carp. = 2S2 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRTBED BY P. P. CARPENTER simpsonii Grey Monterey." Tlie front of the table has "Vancouver Is." as the locahty (G. L. Wilkins, Sept. 7, 1951, personal communication). "C.t. ovata, subelevata (ad angulum 120°), sublaevi ; olivacea, valva utraque ad jugum rubro-fusco maculate, lineis tenebrosioribus valvis intermediis subradiantibus, valvis ultimis radiantibus ; valvis intermediis lineis diagonalibus subdistinctis, ad marginem subquadratis, suturis conspicuis ; areis lateralibus lineis paucis radiantibus obsoletis; tota superficie punctulis creberrimis conferta, subobsoletis, niaxime ad areas lateralcs ; mucrone vix prominente ; limbo coriaceo, ad marginem et in suturis piloso, setis planatis curtis, incurvatis ; intus valvarum marginibus baud valde arcuatis, sinu parvo, ad jugum subimpresso. "Long. 2.4, lat. 1.42, alt. .45 poll. "Hab. Monterey, rupibus ad undarum tumultum exix)sitis : legit — Hartvveg. Alus. Cuming. "Margin with numerous but not crowded, short, incurved, horny, flattened hairs ; shell very finely sculptured, dark olive, with very dark rays slightly diverging from the summit of each valve, ajid very conspicuous on the terminal one. The jugum is stained in each valve with sienna." [Carpenter, 1855, p. 231] Through the courtesy of the authorities of the British Museum (Natural History) a photograph of the type of C. viontcrcycnsis Carpenter is included. The synonymy of M. lignosa is not intended to be complete. Hototype. — British Museum (Natural History), no. 1951. 9.7.1-5 Distribution. — Recent. Monterey, California (type of M. montereyensis) . For complete distribution see tliat of .1/. lignosa. Pleistocene. (Berry; Chace and Chace) Mopalia muscosa Gould "Chiton ornatus Nutt. MS." Carpenter Mopalia muscosa Gould, 1846, July, Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Proc, vol. II, p. 145; 1852, U. S. Expl. Expcd., Moll., vol. XII, p. 313, Atlas (1856), pi. 28, fig. 436 Chiton ornatus Nutt. ms. Carpenter, 1855, Zool. Soc. London, Proc. pt. XXIII, p. 232; 1856, Zool. Soc. London, Proc, pt. XXIV, p. 221 ; 1857, Kept. British Assoc. Adv. Sci. 1856, p. 198, 229, 318, 349; 1860, Smith. Misc. Coll., vol. 2, art. 6, p. 3 ; 1864b, p. 530; Reprint, 1872, p. 16; Pilsbhv, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 295 as M. muscosa Gould Carpenter used Nuttall's manuscript name of C. ornata and described the San Diego shell, although he suspected that it might have been described by Gould. Cari>enter (1864b) identified the Nuttall specimen as conspecific with M. muscosa Gould. Mopalia muscosa kennerleyi Carpenter Mopalia grayii Carpenter, 1864b, p. 603, 648; Reprint, 1872, p. 89, 134 name preoccupied fide Carpenter Mopalia Kennerleyi Carpenter, 1864b, p. 648; Reprint 1872, p. 134 new name for M. grayi Carpenter, p. 603; 1865, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 17, p. 59; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 21 ; 1871, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 58 Mopalia ciliata Sowerby, Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 303; Berry, 1922, California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. XI, no. 18, p. 449 in part Mopalia muscosa kennerleyi Carpenter, Dall, 1921, p. 195 kennerlyi: Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 197 kennerlyi; 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 306 kennerlyi; BuRCH, 1927, no. 66, p. 19; LaRocque, 1953, Nat. Mus. Canada, Bull. 129, p. 15 kennerlyi Oldroyd (1927) republished the original description, Carpenter's Latin descrijition 1865, and a translation of the latter. There are specimens with labels in the U. S. National Museum from Neah Bay and Vancouver Island, which bear Carpenter's initial, but none has a notation that it is type material. Holotype. — Not found Distribution. — Puget Sound, Washington (type) ; Shumagin Island, Alaska, to Monterey, California (Dall) Mopalia sinuata Carpenter (PI. 33, figs. 6-13) Mopalia sinuata Carpenter, 1864b, p. 603, 648 genus?; Reprint, 1872, p. 89, 134; 1865, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 17, p. 59; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. AMPIIINEURA 283 California, p. 22; Pii.sbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 303, pi. 62, figs. 95-97; Berry, 1917, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. VII, p. 241; Dall, 1921, p. 196; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 309; BuRCH, 1947, no. 66, p. 19; Smith and Gordon, 1948, Cali- fornia Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 206 Mopalia {Placiphorella) sinuata (Carpenter), Dall, 1879, U. S. National Museum, Proc., vol. I, p. 303, 306 Osteochiton sinuata (Carpenter), Dall, 1886, U. S. Nat. Mas., Proc. 1885, vol. 9, p. 211 Mopalia cf. sinuata Carpenter, Berry, 1922, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XI, no. 18, p. 451, pi. VI, figs. 7-8 Pleistocene "Small, raised sharp back, red and blue, engine — turned ; post, valve deeply notched." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 648] "? M. t. parva, subelongata, elevata, jugo angulato ; rubido et caeruleo elegantur macu- lata ; valvis elongatis, subquadratis ; areis lateralibus costa augusta, subelevata, granulosa, utraque definitis ; suturis quoque granulosis ; tota superfice clarissime reticulata, punctis areis centralibus valde, areis lateralibus et valvis terminalibus modice impressis ; valvis terminali- bus ut in areis lateralibus sculptis, costis acutis radiantibus, interstitiis reticulatis ; yalva postica maxime incisa, sinu alto, acuto mucronem tenus hand conspicuam effosa : intus rosacea; marginibus apicinis granulosis tota longitudine intortis ; sinu laminarum saturaliuin parvo, angusto; laminis externis, valvis centralibus semel incisis ; valva antica, fissuris circiter VIII., costis convenientibus ; valva postica, fissura laterali utraque costae conveniente, postice maxime sinuata : limbo pallii coriaceo, pilulis paucis ; poro rotundato parvo suturis utroque latere conveniente. "Hab. — In sinu Pugetiano specimina duo legit Kennerley._ "Mopaliis typicus structura valvae posticae convenit: poris suturalibus vix definitis, dif- fert." [Carpenter, 1865e, p. 59] Pilsbry stated that his description and figures were drawn from the type in the U. S. National Museum. There is also a specimen in the Carpenter Collection in the Redpath Museum on Carpenter's original glass mount with Carpenter's label, "Placiphorella sinuata Cpr. type Puget Sd. Kennerly." That specimen, consisting of eight loose plates, is illustrated herein. Syntypcs. — U. S. National Museum, no. 4473 ; Redpath Museum, no. 58 Distribution.— Fuget Sound, Washington (tj^pe) ; Forrester Island, to San Francisco, California (Dall) Mopalia swanii Carpenter Mopalia (Kennerlevi, var.) Szvanii Carpenter, 1864b (p. 627 szvannii), p. 648; Reprint, 1872, p. 113, 134: 1864, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIV, p._426; Reprint. 1872, p. 238 stvannii; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 21 Mopalia ciliata Sowerby, Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 304 in part Mopalia muscosaszmnil Carpenter, Dall, 1921, p. 195; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 306; Burch, 1947, no. 66, p. 19 Mopalia ciliata f Sowerby, 1840), Berry, 1922, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XI, no. 18, p. 449 in part Mopalia swanii Carpenter, Berry, 1951, Mai. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 28, pt. 6, p. 214-217, 219, pi. 26, fig. 15 ": red, ridge arched; less sculptured.^ ^o [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 648, szvani] "M. testa M. Kenncrleyi typicae simili, sed jugo fornicato, baud carinato; omnino rubida, sculptura multo minus expressa ; areis lateralibus vix definitis; latera versus subgranulata ; dorsum versus lineis jugum versus procedentibus, interstitiis punctatis ; sinu postico latiore ; limbo pallii lato ; coriaceo, vix piluloso. Long. 2.4, lat.. 1., div. 120°. "Ha&.— Tatooche Island {Sa'an)." [Carpenter, 1864d, p. 426, s-Lvannii] Berry (1951) believed this to be a good species on the basis of a series of British Columbia specimens. He included a good illustration in his paper. Holotype. — Not found Distribution. — Tatooclie Island, Washington (type) ; Shumagin Islands, Alaska, to Monterey, California (Dall) 140 If this brief description is considered the original, the spelling of the specific name is spelled with one "n." This is closer to the collector's name, J. G. Swan. Since Dall (1921, reviser) the name has been spelled with one "n." 284 MARINE MOLI.USCA DESCRIBED BY I'. P. CARPENTER Genus Dendrochiton Berry, 1911 Dendrochiton Berry, 1911, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 62>, p. 487 Type species by original designation Mupalia (Dcudrochiton) thamnopora Berry, 1911, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 63, p. 487. Recent. Resurrection Bay, Alaska, to San Martin Island, California (Dall). Berry, 1911, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 63, p. 488, figs. 1-3 Dendrochiton gothicus (Carpenter) (PI. 2,2, fig. 3) Ischnochiton (Trachydermon) gothicus Carpenter, 1864b, p. 612; Reprint, 1872, p. 98, nomen nudum Trachydermon Gothicus Carpenter, 1864b, p. 649; Reprint, 1872, p. 135; 1866, California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 212; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 22 Ischnochiton gothicus Carpenter, Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 74 Trachvdcrmon gothicus Carpenter, Pilsbry, 1893, Man. Conch., vol. XV, p. 65, pi. 15, figs. 28,"29 type plates ? Chaetoplcura gothica Carpenter, Dall, 1921, p. 193 Dendrochiton; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 290 section Dendrochiton Dendrochiton gothicus (Carpenter), Berry, 1919, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. IX, p. 3, 4, figs. 3, 4; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 206 doubts Monterey record Mopalia {Dendrochiton) gothica (Carpenter), Burch, 1947, no. 66, p. 19 "Blunt parallel riblets along very arched back. Sutural lobes united in sinus : eaves not spongy. 8-20 fm. Cp." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 649] ". . . State Collection, 518a. "Tr. t. parva valde elevata, viridi, rosaceo et olivaceo eleganter tincta ; valvis gothice arcuatis, jugo acuto; areis lateralibus parvis, arcuatiin distincte definitis, granulosis; umboni- bus promincntibus ; niarginibus umbonalibus colore tcssellatis, intortis; areis centralibus longitudinaliter costatis, costis rotundatis, crebris, baud valde expressis, interstitiis parvis, vix interdum decussatis ; valv. term, ut in ar. lat. sculptis, postica mucrone mediano, subele- vato : intus, lobis suturalibus hand separatis, medio latissime sinuatis ; laminis insertionis, lat. unifissatis, term. VIII-X. — fissatis, obtusis, subgrundis baud elevatis : limbo pallii minutis- sime squamuloso, granulis confertissimns, subrotundatis, laevibus ; circa marginem pilulis suberectis. "Long. 0.20, lat. 0.10; div. 80°. "Hah. Catalina Island, 8-20 fm.. Cooper." [Carpenter, 1866a, p. 212] A set of types is in the U. S. National Museum, and one is in the Redpath Museum. Both suites are on the original glass mounts of Carpenter with Carpenter's original label. There are five specimens at McGill labelled, "type Catalina Is. St. Barbara Is. Cooper." The specimen in the U. S. National Museum consists of four small plates with a label, "Catalina Id. Cooper type." The photograph of one of the types at McGill is included. It may be verified readily with the original drawings of plates by Carpenter in Pilsbry pi. 15, figs. 28, 29). Berry (1919) pointed out distinguishing features of this species which was then little known. Oldroyd republished Pilsbry's translation of Carpenter's Latin description. Syntypes. — U. S. National Museum, no. 16271, 4 separate plates; Redpath Museum, no. 13 Distribution. — Recent. Catalina Island, California (type) ; Monterey to Catalina Island (Dall) Genus Basiliochiton IScrry, 1918 Basiliochiton Berry. 1918, Nautilus, vol. 32, No. 1. p. 12 Type species by original designation Mopalia hcathii Pilsbry, 1898, Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- delphia, Proc, vol. 50, p. 288. Living. Pacific (irove, California. Berry, 1925, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 77, p. 25, figs. 1, 2 (holotype). (pi. 33, fig. 14, holotype) Trachydermon Carpenter was first mentioned (1864b, p. 612) with two species Ischnochi- ton (Trachydermon) pseudodcntirns Carpenter [= Cyanopla.r dentiens (Gould).] and /. (T.) gotliicns Carpenter, "n.s." A:\rPTTINEURA 285 T. gothicus Carpenter was at the time a manuscript name and, therefore, not eligible to be type species of the genus. /. psetidodentiens Carpenter was a name given by Carpenter for Chiton dentiens Gould (1846). Hence Chiton dentiens Gould is the monotype of Trachyder- mon. Chiton dentiens Gould is a Cyanoplax Pilsbry, 1892 {fide Berry, 1948b, p. 14), which makes Trachydcnnon Carpenter have precedent over the later generic name. In Carpenter's second mention of Trachydermon (1864b, p. 649) he included nine species in the genus. It is this second reference which Pilsbry (1892, p. 67; 1893, p. 62, 63) considered the original reference. Pilsbry designated the last species mentioned, T. flcctcns Carpenter, as the type species of the genus. Dall (1879, p. 295) used Trachydermon Carpenter with "T. cinereiis Lowe" as type species. That designation is not valid, because that species was not included by Carpenter in the original mention of the genus. Berry (1918) proposed the name Basiliochiton for T. flectcns Carpenter, because he had been told that Trachydermon was preoccupied. However, although there are several uses of Trachyderma (Latreille, 1829; Gravenhorst, 1829; Wiegman, 1834) the appellation of Tra- chydermon has not been used other than that of Carpenter. Basiliochiton is not necessary or valid unless the first reference of Carpenter is accepted, whereby Trachydermon, 1864, has precedent over Cyanoplax Pilsbry, 1892. If this condition is not accepted, Trachydermon is a bona fide generic name, and T. flectcns Carpenter is the type species. Prof. Henry Poirier was consulted in regard to the equivalence of Trachyderma and Trachydermon because of similar classical origin. Professor Poirier kindly sent his opinion (Oct. 6, 1955, personal communication) as follows: "They {Trachyderma and Trachydermon) differ only in termination, but Trachydermon introduced in 1863 should not now be rejected because it has the same origin and meaning as Trachyderma." "Basiliochiton" flectcns (Carpenter) Ischnochiton flectcns Carpenter, 1864b, p. 603, 606; Reprint, 1872, p. 89, 92; Pilsbry, 1892, Man. Conch., vol. XIV, p. 75 Trachxdermon flectcns Carpenter, 1864b, p. 649; Reprint, 1872, p. 135; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 23; 1871. Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 59; Pilsbry, 1893, Man. Conch., vol. XV, p. 64, pi. 15, figs. 34-37: Berry, 1917, California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. VII, no. 10, p. 239, 245-248 Ishnochiton (Trachydermon) flectcns Carpenter, 1865, Acad. Xat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc., vol. 17, p. 60 Lepidochito-na flcctcns (Carpenter), Dall, 1918, Nautilus, vol. 32, p. 3; 1921, p. 189 section Basiliochiton: Oldroyd, 1924, Pub. Puget Sound Biol. Station, vol. 4, p. 187; 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 260 section Lcpidochitona: W'illett, 1935, Nautilus, vol. 49, no. 2, p. 42 includes Dendrochiton semiliratus Berry, 1927, as synonymous Basiliochiton flectcns (Carpenter), Berry, 1918, Nautilus, vol. Z2, p. 12; 1925, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 77, p. 23, 24; Burch, 1947, no. 66, p. 19; Smith and Gor- don, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXVI, p. 206 "Mantle-margin scarcely granular. Rosy, very small, scarcely sculptured : valves beaked and waved as in M. Simpsonii: eaves and incisors normal." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 649] Oldroyd (1927) republished Carpenter's Latin description (1866) and Pilsbry's transla- tion. To Oldroyd's copy of Carpenter's description (1865e) the following lines should be added: "Hah. In sinu Pugetiano legit Kennerley : in insula Vancouver legit Lord : prope Mon- terey, Taylor: apud San Diegoncm, Cooper." [Carpenter, 1865e, p. 60] The type of this species has not been found. The statement in Oldroyd (1927) that it is in the U. S. National Museum and her statement regarding type locality are incorrect. The type locality could be one of three locales (see description above), depending on where a syntype may be found. Berry's (1925, p. 24) statement that Puget Sound is the type locality will only prove to be true if a type is eventually found or selected from that area. There are two lots of specimens (not types) in the U. S. National Museum which bear the name "L. flectcns montereyensis Cpr." This is a nomen nudum. Berry (1917, p. 247) 286 MARINE IvrOLT.USCA DESCRIBED BY V. V. CARPENTER referred to the nude name, "Trachydcnnon flcctcns viontcrcycnsis Bartsch," whicli had ap- peared in print but never been described. Berry referred the latter to Mopalia hcathii Pilsbry in Berry (1911, p. 490, figs. 4-7, pi. XI, figs. 1-3, 7) Family Acantuociiitonidae Genus Acanthochitona Gray, 1821 Acanthochltona Gkay, 1821, London Medical Repository, p. 234 Type species by nionotypy Chiton fascicularis Linnaeus, 1767, Syst. Nat., XII ed., p. llOo. Living. Northern Europe, south tlirougli Mediterranean. Pil.shky, 1893, Man. Conch., vol. XV, pi. 4, figs. 77, 78, 79 Acanthochitona avicula (Carpenter) (PI. 32, fig. 4) Acanthuchitcs avicula Carpenter, 1864b, p. 612, 650; Reprint, 1872, p. 98, 136; 1866a, Cali- fornia Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 211; Cooper, 1867, Geog. Cat. Moll., Geol. Sur. California, p. 23; Pii.srry, 1893, Man. Conch., vol. XV, p. 24, Acanthochitona aincula (Carpenter), Dall, 1921, p. 197; Berry, 1922, California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XI, no. 18, p. 456, pi. VI, fig. 9; Oldroyd, 1927, vol. II, pt. Ill, p. 318; Burcii, 1947, no. 66, p. 19; Smith and Gordon, 1948, California Acad. Sci., Proc., vol. Ill, p. 206 "Like arragonites, but valves sculptured in large snake-skin pattern. 8-20 fm. r. Cp." [Carpenter, 1864b, p. 6501 Oldroyd (1927) republished the Latin description (1866a) and Pilsbry (1893) presented a translation of the description which was also copied by Oldroyd. The following lines should be added to make that copy complete : ". . . State Collection, no. 1072 "Hah. Catalina Island, 10-20 fm., rare; Cooper." [Carpenter, 1866a, p. 211[ The holotype of this species is in the Redpath Museum, labelled by Carpenter, "type Catalina Is. Cp. 1072." This label corresponds with Carpenter's (1866a) description. Holotype. — Redpath Museum, no. 72 Distribution. — Recent. Catalina Island, California (type) ; Catalina Island, to Gulf of California (Dall). Pleistocene. California (Berry) BIBLIOGRAPHY Abbott, Robert Tucker 1954. American Scashclls. New York, D. \'an Nostrand Company, Inc., 4to., 541 p., 40 pis. Adams, Arthur [1853]. Descriptions of nczv general and species of gasteropodotis Mullusca. Zool. Soc. London, Proc. 1853, pt. XXI, p. 182-186 1855. Descriptions of tiventy-five neiv species of shells from the collection of Hugh Cum- ing, Esq. Zool. Soc. London, Proc, pt. XXIII, p. 221-226 1860a. On some nczv genera and species of MoUusca from Japan. Ann. Alag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. V, p. 299-303, 405-413 1860b. MoUusca Japonica: nezv species of Chrysallida and Parthcnia. \C\riUa introduced.] Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3. vol. V, p. 477-479 1860c. MoUusca Japonica: neiv species of Odostomia. Ann. Alag. Nat. Hi.st., ser. 3, vol. VI, p. 20-22 1861. On some neiv genera and species of MoUusca from the north of China and Japan. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. VIII, p. 239-246 1864a. On the species of Neaera found in the seas of Japan. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIII, p. 20^209 1864b. On the genera and species of Fossaridae found in Japan. Zool. Soc. London, Proc. 1863, p. 110-113 1864c. On the species of PyraniidcUinae found in Japan. Jour. Proc. Linn. Soc. London (Zool.), vol. VII, p. i-6 1868. Note stir quelqites nouveaux genres dc moUusqucs du Japan. Jour, de Conchyl., vol. XVI, (ser. 3, vol. VIII), p. 40-56 Adams, Arthur, and Adams, Henry 1853-1858. The genera of Recent MoUu.^ca; arranged according to their organisation. Lon- don, John Van Voorst, 8vo., 2 vols, text, 1 vol. plates; vol. 1, 484 p.; vol. 2, 661 p.; vol. 3, CXXXVI pis. Dates of publication by page given on p. 661, vol. 2 Adams, A., and Reeve, Lovell Augustus [1848] 1850. The zoology of the voyage of H. M. S. Samarang : under the command of Captain Sir Edivard Belcher, C. B., F. R. A. S., F. G. S. during the years 1843- 1846. London, Reeve and Benham, 4to. ; no. 7, I-X + 1-87 p., 24 pis., 1848, MoUusca Adams, Charles Baker 1842. See Alighels, Jesse W., and Adams, C. B. 1852. Catalogue of Shells of Panama; tvith notes on their synonymy, station, and geo- graphical distribution. Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist., New York, vol. v. Printed separately. New York, R. Craighead, 4to., viii + 334 p. Adams, John 1797. The specific characters of some minute shells discovered on the coast of Pembroke- shire, with an account of a neiv marine animal. Linncan Soc. London, Trans., vol. Ill, p. 64-69, pi. 13 1800. Descriptions of some minute British .'ihells. Linnean Soc. London, Trans., vol. V, p. 1-6, 1 pi. Addicott, Warren O. 1953. See Emerson, William K., and Addicott, Warren O. Aguayo, Carlos Guillermo 1949. Malacology and the official list of generic names. Nautilus, vol. 63, no. 1, p. 17-19 Aguayo, C. G., and Jaume, Miguel L. 1947- . Catalogo de los Moluscos de Cuba. Nos. 1-725- 287 288 MARIiXE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY I'. P. CARPENTER American Malacological Union 1940. Scientific Contributions made from 1882 to 1939 by Henry A. Pilsbry, Sc.D. Anier. Mai. Union, 63 p. AxGAs, George French 1877. Description of one genus and tiventy-five species of marine shells from Neiv South Wales. Zool. Soc. London, Proc, p. 171-177, pi. XXVI Anold, Delos 1896. An interrogation regarding the fossil s!iells of San Pedro Bay. Nautilus, vol. 10, no. 3, p. 33-34 1897. Fossils of Dead Man's Island. Nautilus, vol. 10, no. 12, p. 140-142 Anonymous 1895a. General note [Carpenter collections purchased by Field Calunibian Museum of Chicago]. Nautilus, vol. 9, no. 3, p. 35 1895b. General note [Carpenter collections purchased by Chicago Academy of Sciences]. Nautilus, vol. 9, no. 5, p. 55 Anton, Hermann Eduard 1839. Verzeichniss der conchylien zvelehe sich in dcr Sammhing von H. E. Anton bcfinden. Halle, Private, folio, XVI + 110 p. Arnold, Ralph 1903. The paleontology and stratigraphy of the marine Pliocene and Pleistocene of San Pedro, Cal. California Acad. Sci., Mem., Ill, 420 p., 27 pis. 1906. The Tertiary and Quaternary peetens of California. U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 47, 264 p., 53 pis., 2 text figs. 1907a. Geology and oil resources of the Summerland District, Santa Barbara County. Cali- fornia. U. S. Geol. Sur., Bull., no. 321, 93 p., figs. 1-3, pis. I-XVII, map 1907b. Nezu and characteristic species of fossil mollusks from the oil-bearing Tertiary for- mations of .wnthern California. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. Z2, 1907, no. 1545, p. 525-546, pis. XXXVIII-LI Bailey, Thomas L. 1935. Lateral change of fauna in the loxvcr Pleistocene. Geol. Soc. Amer., Bull., vol. 46, no. 3. p. 489-502 Baily, Joshua Longstreth, Jr. 1907. Shells of La Jolla, California. Nautilus, vol. 21, no. 8, p. 92-93 1935. West Coast Shells. A description in familiar terms of the principal marine, fresh- zvater, and land mollusks of the United States, British Columbia, and Alaska, found zvest of the Sierra. By Josiah Keep. Revised by Baily. Stanford University Press, I-X + 349 p., 334 text figs. Raird, William 1863. Description of tzco species of shells collected hy Dr. Lyall, of H. .1/. .Ship Plumper, J'ancouz'cr Island. Zool. Soc. London, Proc, 1863, p. 71 1864. Description of some nezi' species of shells collected at I'ancouirr Island and in British Columbia by J. K. Lord, Esq., naturalist to the British North American Boundary Commission, in the years 1858-1862. Zool. Soc. London, Proc. 1863, p. 66-70 Baker, Frederick [Fred] 1902. List of Shells collected on San Martin Island. Lozver California. Nautilus, vol. 16, no. 4, p. 40^3 1927. A nezv name for a California shell. Nautilus, vol. 43, no. 2, p. 72 Baker, Fred, and Hanna, G. Dallas 1927. Expedition of the California Academy of Sciences to the Gulf of California, marine Mollusca of the order Opisthobranehiata. California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XVI, no. 5, p. 123 = 135, pi. 4 BIBLIOGRAPHY 289 Baker, Fred, Hanna, G. Dallas, and Strong, A. M. 1930a. Some rissoid Mollusca jrom the Gulf of California. California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. XIX, no. 4, p. 23-40 1930b. Souie Mollusca of the family Epitoniidae from the Gulf of California. California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. XIX, no. 5, p. 41-56, pis. 2, 3 Bartsch, Paul 1904. See Ball, W. H., and Bartsch, P. 1907. See Ball, W. H., and Bartsch, P. 1909a. See Ball, W. H., and Bartsch, P. 1909b. Pyramidellidae of Nezc Engand and the adjacent region. Boston Soc. Xat. Hist., Proc, vol. 34, no. 4, p. 67-113, pis. 11-14 1911a. The Recent and fossil mollusks of the genus Alabina from the tvest coast of Amer- ica. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 39, no. 1790, p. 409-418, pis. 61, 62 1911b. The Recent and fossil mollusks of the genus Diastema from the west coast of Amer- ica. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 39, no. 1802, p. 581-586, 8 text figs. 1911c. The Recent and fossil mollusks of the genus Bittium from the west coast of America. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 40, no. 1826, p. 383-414, pis. 51-58 191 Id. The Recent and fossil mollusks of the genus Cerithiopsis from the z\.'est coast of America. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 40, no. 1823, p. 327-367, pis. 36-41 1911e. The West American mollusks of the genus Amphithalamus. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 41, no. 1854, p. 263-265, 3 text figs. 191 If. The Recent and fossil mollusks of the genus Alvania from the zcest coast of Amer- ica. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 41, no. 1863, p. 333-362, pis. 29-32 1912. A zoogeographic study based on the pyramidellid mollusks of the zvest coast of America. U. S. Nat. AIus., Proc, vol. 42, no. 1906, p. 297-349 1915. The Recent and fossil mollusks of the genus Rissoina from the zvest coast of Amer- ica. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 49, no. 2094, p. 33-62, pis. 28-33 1917a. Descriptions of nezv zvest American marine mollusks and notes on preznously de- scribed forms. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 52, no. 2193, p. 637-681, pis. 42-47 1917b. A monograph of zvest American vielanellid vwUusks. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 53, no. 2207, p. 295-356, pi. 3-4-49 1920a. The zvest American mollusks of the families Rissoellidae and Synceratidae and the rissoid genus Barleeia. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 58, no. 2331, p. 159-176, pis. 12-13 1920b. The Caecidae and other marine mollusks from the northzvcst coast of America. Washington Acad. Sci., Jour., vol. 10, no. 20, p. 565-572 1931. The zvest American mollusks of the genus Acar. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 80, no. 2909, 4 p., 1 pi. 1938. See Ball, W. H., Bartsch, P., and Rehder, H. A. 1941. The nomenclatorial status of certain northern turrid mollusks. Biol. Soc Washing- ton, Proc, vol. 54, p. 1-13, pi. 1 1944. Some turrid mollusks of Monterey Bay and zicinifv. Biol. Soc. Washington, Proc, vol. 57, p. 57-^8 1955. The pyramidellid mollusks of the Pliocene deposits of North St. Petersburg, Florida. Smith. Misc. Coll., vol. 125, no. 2, 102 p.. 18 pis. Bartsch, P., Rehder, H. A., and Shields, B. E. 1946. A bibliography and short biographical sketch of U^illiam Ilcaley Dall. Smithsonian Misc. Coll., vol. 104, no. 15, 96 p., portrait Bentson, Herdis 1940. A systematic study of the fossil gastropod E.vilia. Univ. California Pub., Bull. Bept. Geol. Sci., vol. 25, no. 5, p. 199-238, pis. 1-3, table 1944. See Keen, A. M., and Bentson, H. Bequaert, Joseph Charles 1942. Random notes on American Potainididne. Nautilus, vol. 56, no. 1, p. 20-30 290 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER 1943. The genus Littori)ia in the western Atlantic. Johnsonia, vol. 1, no. 7, 27 p. 7, pis. Bernard, Felix Edouard 1897. Etudes comparatives sur la coquille des laincUihranchcs. Les genres Philohrya et Hoclistetteria. Jour, de Conchyl., vol. XLV, no. 1, p. 5-47, pi. 1 1898. Sur quelques coquilles de laniellibranchcs de I'ile Saint-Paul. Mus. d'Hist. Nat., Bull., t. 4, p. 78-87, 7 figs. Berry, Samuel Stillmax 1907. MoUuscan jauna of Monterey Bay, California. Nautilus, vol. 21, no. 2, p. 17-22; no. 3, p. 34-35 ; no. 4, p. 39-47 ; no. 5, p. 51-52 1908. Miscellaneous notes on California molliisks. Nautilus, vol. 22, nos. 4-5, p. 37-41 1911. A new California chiton. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 63, p. 487-492, pi. XL, 5 text figs. 1917. Notes on zvest American chitons. I. California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. VII, no. 10, p. 229-248, 4 text figs. 1918. A further note on the genus Trachydermon. Nautilus, vol. 32, no. 1, p. 12 1919. Notes on ivest American chitons. II. California Acad. Sci., Proc., ser. 4, vol. IX, no. 1, p. 1-36, pis. 1-8 1922. Fossil chitons of zvestcrn North America. California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XI, no. 18, p. 399-526, pis. 1-16, 11 text figs. 1925. The species of Basiliochiton. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 77, p. 23-29, pi. II, 2 text figs. 1926. Fossil chitons from the Pleistocene of San Quinton Bay, Lotvcr California. Amer. Jour, Sci., ser. 5, vol. XII, [CCXII] p. 455-456 1927. Notes on some British Columbian chitons. Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 17, pt. IV, p. 159-164, pi. XIII 1931. A redescription, under a new name, of a tvell-knoivn California chiton. Malacol. Soc London, Proc, vol. 19, pt. V, p. 255-258, pi. 29 1948a. On Opalia monfercyensis (Dall). Jour. Ent. and Zool., vol. 40, no. 1, p. 15-19 1948b. Tzuo misunderstood zvest American chitons. Leaflets in Malacology, vol. 1, no. 4, p. 13-16 1951. Notes on some British Columbian chitons. II. Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 28, pt. VI, p. 213-227, pis. 26-27 1954. N^ezu Californian Pleistocene Eulimidae. Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 35, no. 151, 16 p., Ipl. BiNXEY, William Greene 1864. Bibliography of North American conchology. Pt. I. Smithsonian Misc. Coll., vol. V, p. 458-477, Carpenter bibliography Blainville, Henri-Marie Ducrotay de 1825. Manuel de malacologie et de conchyliologic ; Paris, Lihrairie Victor Masson, 8vo., 2 vols, text, 664 p., 1825 ; 87 planches, 1827 1816-1830. Dictionaire des Sci. Naturcllcs. 60 vols., Paris, 8vo. Bolten, Joachim Friedrich 1798. Museum Boltenianum sive catalogus cimeliorum e tribus regnis naturae. Pars 2. Conchylia sice testacea univalvia, bivalvia & multivalvia. Hamburg, 8vo., VIII -f 199 p. Reprint by C. Davies Sherborn and E. R. Sykes, 1906. Index under Dall, W. H. ; credit as to names under Roeding, P. F. See Winckworth, 1945 Bormann, Mary 1946. A survey of some zvest American Ocenebras, with description of a new species. Nautilus, vol. 60, no. 2, p. 37-43, pi. 4 1947. Some zvest American Ocenebras. Minutes Conch. Club So. California, no. 71, p. 7-9 Born, Ignatius 1778. Index Rerum naturalium Musri Cacsarci Vindoboncnsis. Vienna, OfTicina Krausi- ana, 8vo., 458 p. 1 pi. BIBLIOGRAPHY 291 1780. Tcstacca Musci Cacsarci Vindobonensis. Vienna, Joannis Pauli Kraus, folio, 442 p., indices, 18 pis. BouRY, Eugene Aubourg de 1886. Monographie des Scalidae vivants et fossiles. Pt. I. soitsgcnre, Crisposcala. Paris, 4to., I-XXX + 52 p., pis. I-VII 1889. £tud^ critique des Scalidae Miocenes et Pliocenes d'ltalie. Boll. Soc. Mai. Italiana, vol. XIV, p. 161-326, pi. IV 1909. Catalogue des sous-genres de Scalidae. Jour, de Conchyl., vol. LVII, p. 255-258 1918. £.tud^ sure les Scalaires de la cote Pacifique Americane a propos d'un recent travail de M. Ball. Jour, de Conchyl., vol. LXIV, p. 33^0 BowDiCH, Thomas Edward 1822. Elements of Conchology, including the fossil genera and the animals. Pt. I. Uni- valves. 88 p., 19 pis. Pt. II. Bivalves and Multivalves. Tubicolac. Paris and London, 8vo., 46 p., 138 figs. Bramlette, Milton Nunn 1946. See Woodring, W. P., Bramlette, M. N., and Kew, W. S. W. 1950. See Woodring, W. P., and Bramlette, M. N. Brocchi, Giovanni Battista 1814. Conchiologia Fossile Siibapennina con osservacioni geologiche sugli Appennini e sul suolo adjacente con travole. Milan, Dalla Stamperia Reale, 2 vols. (vol. 1 general discussion, p. 1-240; vol. 2 discussion of fossils), p. 241-712, 16 pis. Reprint, Milan, G. Silvestri, 1843 Broderip, W. J. 1835 [1836]. Characters of new genera and species of Molhisca and Conchifera, collected by Mr. Cuming. Zool. Soc. London, Proc. 1835, pt. Ill, p. 192-197 Bronn, Heinrich George 1831. Ergebnisse meiner natnrhisforischoconomischen Reisen. . . . Heidelberg and Leipzig, 8vo. Brown, Thomas 1844. Illustrations of the recent conchology of Great Britain and Ireland. 2d ed., London, Smith, Elder and Co., 4to., XIII + 144 p., 59 pis. Leach ms. names Bruguiere, Jean Guillaume 1789, 1792, 1797. Histoire naturcllc des Vers. Encyclopedic Methodique. Vol. I, pt. 1, p. 1-344, 1789. Vol. I, pt. 2, p. 345-757, 1792. For dates 1791-1797 of pages, plates, and numbers of plates see Sherborn, C. D., and Woodward, B. B., Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 7, vol. XVII, 1906, p. 577-582 BucQuoY, E., Dautzenberg, Ph., and Dollfus, Gustave F. 1882-1898. Les Mollusqiies marins du Roussillon. T. I, fasc. I-XIII, Gasteropodes. Paris, J. B. Bailliere & Fils, 8vo., 570 p., 66 pis. 1882; T. II, Pelecypodes. 884 p., 99 pis. 1887-1898 BuFFON, G.L.L. de 1805. See Roissy, F. Burch, Beatrice L. 1947. Comparison of the molluscs of three Pleistocene beds with the Recent fauna of Los Angeles County, California. Min. Conch. Qub So. California, no. 7Z, p. 1-18, Burch, John Q. 1951. Minutes of the Conchological Club of Southern California. Edited by Burch, vols. 1-110, 4to. Individual articles and authors of minutes not listed in this bibliography. See Index to Minutes 1955. A systematic outline of the Muricacea in the eastern Pacific. Conch. Club, of So. California, Minutes 149, p. 3-13 292 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY T. P. CARPENTER Bush, Katharine Jeaxnette 1884. Catalogue of the Mollusca and Echinodcrmata dredged on the Coast of Laborador by the expedition under the direction of Mr. W. A. Stearns in 1882. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc. 1883, vol. 6, p. 236-247, pi. IX Campbell, Julia Ella 1896. Marine Shells on the southern California coast. Nautilus, vol. 10, no. 5, p. 56-57 Carpenter, Philip Pearsall 1855. Description of (supposed) nezv species and varieties of shells, from the Californian and li'est Mexican Coasts, principally in the collection of Hugh Cuming, Esq. Zool. Soc. London, Proc, pt. XXIII, p. 228-235 1856a. Notes on the species of Hipponyx inhabiting the American Coasts, ivith descrip- tions of new species. Zool. Soc. London, Proc., pt. XXIV, p. 3-5 1856b. Description of nezv species of shells collected by Mr. T. Bridges in the Bay of Panama and its vicinity, in the collection of Hugh Cuming, Esq. Zool. Soc. London, Proc, pt. XXIV, p. 159-166 1856c. Description of new species and varieties of Calyptraeidae, Trochidae and Pyramidel- lidae, principally in the collection of Hugh Cutning, Esq. [From American and other seas.] Zool. Soc. London, Proc, pt. XXIV, p. 166-171 1856d. See Gould, Augustus A., and Carpenter, Philip P. 1856e-1857. Monograph of the shells collected by T. Nuttall, Esq., on the Californian Coast, in the years 1834-5. Zool. Soc. London, Proc, pt. XXIV, p. 209-229 1856f. First steps foicards a monograph of the Recent species of Petaloconchus, a genus of Vermetidac. Zool. Soc. London, Proc, pt. XXIV, p. 313-317, 8 text figs. 1857a. Catalogue of the Reigen Collection of Mazatlan Mollusca in the British Museum. Warrington, England, Oberlin Press, 552 p. 1857b. Report on the present state of our knowledge ivith regard to the Mollusca of the IV est Coast of North America. Rcpt. 26th Meeting British Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1856, 4 + 159-368 p., pis. 6-9 1859. First steps tozvards a monograph of the Caecidac, a family of rosiriferous Gas- teropoda. Zool. Soc. London, Proc, 1858, pt. XXVI, p. 413-443 1860a. Catalogue of the Reigen Collection of Macallan Mollusca presented to the State Cabinet by Philip P. Carpenter, Ph.D., of Warrington, England: being the first duplicate of the collection presented to the British Museum. 13th Ann. Kept. Regents Univ. State of New York, 1860, p. 23-36 1860b. Notice of shells collected by Mr. J. Xantus at Cape St. Lucas. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc. 1859, p. 321-322 1860c. Lectures on shells of the Gulf of California. Ann. Kept. Smithsonian Inst., 1859, p. 195-219 1860d. Check lists of the shells of North America prepared for the Smithsonian Institu- tion, No. 1. West Coast-Oregonian and Californian Province. No. 2. West Coast Mexican and Panamic Province. Smithsonian Misc. Coll. vol. 2, art. 6, p. 1-4; 1-13 1861. Lectures on Mollusca; or "Shell-fish" and their allies. Smithsonian Kept., 1860, p. 151-283 [separate p. 1-140] 1863. Reviezv of Prof. C. B. Adams' "Catalogue of the Shells of Panama," from the type specimens. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 339-369. Reprinted in Carpenter, 1872, p. 173-205 1864a. Diagnoses of nezv forms of mollusks collected at Cape St. Lucas, Lozver California. By Mr. J. Xantus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIII, April, p. 311-315: June, p. 474-479; vol. XIV, July, p. 45-49. Reprinted in Carpenter, 1872, p. 207-221 1864b. Supplementary report on the present state of our knozvledge zvith regard to the Mollusca of the West Coast of North America. Rept. British Assoc. Adv. Sci. 1863, p. 517-686 [1864, Aug.] Reprinted in Carpenter, 1872, p. 1-686 1864c. Contributions tozvard a monograph of the Pandoridae. Zool. Soc. London, Proc, Nov., p. 596-603. Reprinted /;: Carpenter, 1872, p. 223 232 BIBLIOGRArHY 293 1864d-1865a. Diagnoses of new forms of Mollusca from the Vancouver District. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XIV, Dec. 1864, p. 423-429; vol. XV, Jan. 1865, p. 28-32. Reprinted in Carpenter, 1872, p. 233-246 1864e-1865b. Description of new marine shells from the coast of California. Pt. I. California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, Jan. to Dec. [July, fide Dall, 1909] p. 155- 159; pt. III., Dec, p. 175-177, 1864; pt. Ill, Feb. 1865, p. 207-208 1865a. Diagnoses of new forms of Mollusca from the Vancouver District. Zool. Soc. London, Proc, Feb., p. 201-204. Reprinted in Carpenter, 1872, p. 247-252 1865b. Diagnoses of new species and a new genus of mollusks, from the Reigen Mazatlan Collection; rvith an account of additional specimens presented to the British Mu- seum. Zool. Soc. London, Proc, March, p. 268-273. Reprinted in Carpenter, 1872, p. 253-261 1865c. Descriptions of neiv species and varieties of Chitonidae and Acmacidae, from the Panama collection of the late Prof. C. B. Adams. Zool. Soc. London, Proc, March, p. 274-277. Reprinted in Carpenter, 1872, p. 263-268 1865d. Diagnoses of new species of mollusks, from the zvest tropical region of North America, principally collected by the Rev. J. Rowell, of San Francisco. Zool. Soc. London, Proc, March, p. 278-282. Reprinted in Carpenter, 1872, p. 269-275 1865e. Diagnoses Specierum et varietatitm novarum Moluscorum, prope Sinum Puget- ianum a Kennerlio, nuper decesso, collcctorum. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 17, April, p. 54-64 1865f. On the connection bettveen the Crag formation and the Recent north Pacific faunas. Geol. Mag., vol. II, no. 10, April, p. 152-153 1865g. Diagnoses des Molhisqncs nouvean.v provenant de Californie et faisant partie du Musee de I'ltistitution Smithsonienne. Jour. Conchyliol., vol. XIII, ser. 3, vol. 5, .•\pril, p. 129-149. Reprinted in Carpenter, 1872, p. 295-317 1865h. Diagnoses of new forms of Mollusca, from the zvest coast of North America, first collected by Col. E. Jewett. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XV, March, p. 177- 182 ; May, p. 394-399. Reprinted in Carpenter, 1872, p. 277-289 1865i. Diagnoses of new forms of Molhisca, collected by Col. E. Jezvett, on the west tropical shores of North America. Ann. Alag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XV, May, p. 399-400. Reprinted in Carpenter, 1872, p. 291-294 1866a. Descriptions of nezv marine shells from the coast of California. Pt. III. California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, Feb., p. 207-224 1866b. On the Pleistocene fossils collected by Col. E. Jezvett, at Santa Barbara, Cali- fornia; with descriptions of nezv species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. XVII, April, p. 274-278. Reprinted in Carpenter, 1872, p. 319-325. Reprint in Dall, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 59, 1909, App. XII, p. 189-191 1866c On the Acmaeidae of the Vancouver and Californian province. Ainer. Jour. Conch., vol. II, Oct., p. 332-348 1869. Catalogue and synonymy of the genera, species and varieties of Recent Mollusca. Pt. 2. Pandoridae. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Conch. Sec, p. 69-71 1872. The mollusks of zvestern North America. Embracing the second report made to the British Association on this stibject, zmth other papers; reprinted by permission, zvith a general index. Smithsonian Misc. Coll., no. 252, 325 p. ; 121 p. index 1873. On the generic affinities of the Nezv Englatui chitons. Bull. Essex Inst., vol. 5, no. 9, p. 152-155 Carpenter, R. L. 1880. Memoirs of the life and zvorks of P. P. Carpenter . . . chiefly derived from his letters. London, C. Kegan Paul & Co., 8 vo. XIII + 360 p. with portrait Cerulli-Irelli, Sereafino 1911. Fauna Malacologica Mariana. Pt. 5. Palaeontographica Italica, vol. 17, p. 229- 275, pis. XXI-XXVI 294 AtARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Chace, Emery P. 1917. Notes on the variation of Ischnochiton conspiciius. Nautilus, vol. 31, no. 2, p. 37-4d 1918. List of shells collected at Anaheim Bay and vicinity. Nautilus, vol. 31, no. 3, p. 103- 105 1942. Field notes on some JVest Coast mollusks. Nautilus, vol. 56, no. 2, p. 41^3 Chace, E. P., and E. M. 1919. An unreported exposure of the San Pedro Pleistocene. Lorquiana, vol. 2, p. 41-43 1930. Tivo seven-valvcd chitons from Mendocina, California. Nautilus, vol. 44, no. 1, p. 7,8 1933. Field notes on chitons of Crescent City, California. Nautilus, vol. 46, no. 4, p. 123- 124 Chavan, Andre 1937-1938. Essai critique de classification dcs Lucines. Jour, de Conchyl., vol. LXXXI, p. 133-153, 199-216, 237-282; vol. LXXXII, p. 59-97, 105-130, 215-241, text figs., 1938 1951. Denomination supraspccifiques de Mollusqucs modifees on nouvellcs. Compte Rend. Som. Seances, no. 12, p. 210 1952. N omenclatural notes on carditids and Incinids. Jour. Washington Acad. Sci., vol. 42, no. 4, p. 116-122 Chemnitz, Johann Hieronymous 1780-1795. Neus systematischcs Conchylien-Cabinct. Niirnberg. 4to., vols. 4-11. Continued after Martini. See Martini, F. H. W., and Chemnitz, J. H. Chenu, James Charles 1843-1853. Illustrations conchyliologiqiies . . . Paris, folio, 4 vols. 1845. Le Conchyliologiste Universel on Figures des Coquilles jusqu'a present inconnues Recucillies en divers voyages a la mcr du sud dcpuis I'annee 1746. Reprint, Paris. A. Franck, 4to., 32 p., 56 pis. Children, John George 1823. Lamarck's genera of shells, translated from the French, with plates from original drawings by Miss Anna Children. Quarterly Jour. Sci., vol. XIV, p. 64-86, Oct. 1882; vol. XIV, p. 298-322, Jan. 1823; vol. XV, p. 23-52, 2 pis., Apr. 1823; vol. XV, p. 216-258, 2 pis., July 1823; vol. XVI, p. 49-79, 2 pis., Oct. 1823; vol. XVI, p. 241- 264, Jan. 1824. See Kennard, A. S. Salisbury, A. E., and Woodward, B. B., 1931 reprint. Christiansen, Marit Ellen 1954. The life history of Lepidopleurus ascllus (Spengler) (Placophora). Nutt Magasin for Zoologi, V. 2, p. 52-72, text figs. Clark, Alex 1931. The cool-water Timms Point Pleistocene horiaon at San Pedro, California. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., Trans., vol. VII, no. 4, p. 25-42 Clark, Bruce Lawrence 1914. The marine molluscan fauna from the vicinity of Bolinas Bay, California. Nautilus, vol. 28, no. 3, p. 25-28 1915. Fauna of the San Pablo group of middle California. Univ. California Pub., Bull. GeoL, V. 8, no. 22, p. 385-572, pis. 42-71 1938. Fauna from the Markley formation {upper Eocene) on Pleasant Creek, California. Geol. Soc. Amer., Bull., vol. 49, no. 5, p. 683-730, 4 pis. Cl-ARK, WlLI,IAM 1853. On the Rissoa rubra. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, vol. XII, p. 107-110 1855. Mollusca Testacea marium Britannicorum. London, 8vo., IX -f 536 p. Cleghorn, J. D. 1950. McGill University Museums. Nautilus, vol. 64, no. 2, p. 70 BIBLIOGHAI'IIV 295 Clench, William James 1942. The genera Dosinia, Macrocallisla and Aiiiiantis in the zvcstcrn Atlantic. Johnsonia, vol. 1, no. 3, 8 p., 6 pis. Clench, VVm. J., and Turner, Ruth D. 1950a. The zvestern Atlantic marine nwllusks described by C. B. Adams. Occ. Papers on Moll., vol. 1, no. 15, p. 233-404, pis. 29-49 1950b. The genera Sthenorytis, Cirsotrema, Acirsa, Opalia and Amaea in the western Atlantic. Johnsonia, vol. 2, no. 29, p. 221-248 Cockerell, Theodore Dru Alison 1939. Pleistocene shells from San Clonenfe Island, California. Xautilns, vol. 53, no. 1, p. 22, 23 CoE, Wesley, R. 1931. Sexual rhythm in the California oyster Ostrea lurida. Science, vol. 74, no. 1914, p. 247-249 Committee of the Conchological Society 1930. List of British Marine Mollusca and Brachiofoda. Jour. Conch., vol. X, p. 9-27 Conrad, Timothy Abbott 1837. Descriptions of neiv marine shells from upper California, collected by Thomas Nuttall, Esq. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Jour., vol. VII, p. 227-268, pis. 17-20 1847. Observations on the Eocene fornmtion, and descriptions of one hundred and five neiv fossils of that period, from the vicinity of Vickshtirg, Mississippi ivith an ap- pendix. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc., vol. Ill, p. 280-299 1855. Descriptions of eighteen nezv Cretaceous and Tertiary fossils, . . . Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. VII, p. 265-268 1857. Description of the Tertiary fossils collected on the survey. Pacific R. R. Repts., vol. VI, pt. 2, no. 2, p. 69-73, pis. 2-5 1865. Catalogue of the Eocene and Oligocene tcstacca of the United States. Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. I, p. 1-35 1869. Catalogue and synonymy of the genera, species and varieties of Recent Mollusca, described prior to January 18, 1867. Pt. 2. Anatinidae. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Conch. Sec, p. 23-58 CooKE, A. H. 1915. Some points and problems of geographical distribution. Malacol. Soc London, Proc, vol. 11, p. 100-117 Cooper, James Graham 1867. Geographical catalogue of the Mollusca found west of the Rocky Mountains be- tween 33° and 49° north latitude. Geol. Sur. California, San Francisco, 4to., 40 p. 1870-1871. Notes on Mollusca of Monterey Bay, California. Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 42-70 1870-1871. Additions and corrections to the catalogue of Monterey Mollusca. Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 321, 322 1888. Catalogue of California fossils. I-V. Seventh Ann. Rept. State Mining- Bureau, p. 221-308 1894. Catalogue of California fossils. II-V. California State Min. Bur., Bull. no. 4, 65 p., 6 pis. Cooper, William [1860] 1859. Report upon the Mollusca collected by the survey. Repts of Explorations and surveys to ascertain the most practicable and economical route for a railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean made under the direction of the secretary of zvar in 1853-5. [Pacific R. R. Repts.], vol. XII, pt. 2, no. 6, p. 369- 386. Also in Senate Documents, 2d session, 35 Congress, vol. 18, 1858-1859 CossMANN, Alexandre Edouard Maurice 1887-1913. Catalogue illustre des coquilles fossiles de I'Socene des environs de Paris. Pelecypodes. Ann. Soc. Roy. Malac Belg t. XXII, ser. 4, t. II, p. 3-214, pis. 296 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY I'. P. CARPENTER I-\'III, 1887; Scapho/yodes ct Gastropodes, t. XXIII, ser. 4, t. Ill, p. 3-324, pis. I-XII, 1888; t. XXIV, ser. 4, t. IV, p. 3-381, pi. I-XII, 1889; Appcndice no. 1, t. XXVIII, p. 1-18. text figs., 1893; Appcndice no. 2, XXXI, p. 3-94, pis. 1-3, 1896; Appcndice no. 3, t. XXXVI, p. 9-110, pis. II-VII, 1901; Appcndice no. 4, t. XLI, p. 18(^286, pis. V-X, 1906; Appcndice no. 5, t. XLIX, p. 19-238, pis. I- VIII, 1913 1895-1925. Essai'S dc Paleoconclwlogic comparee. Paris, private, 4to. 13 livraisons. For dates and contents of separate livraisons see 13 liv., p. 5, 6 CossMANN, Maurice, and Peyrot, A. 1909-1922. Conchologie Neogenique de rAqmfaine. Pelccypodes. Actes Societe Linneene de Bordeaux, t. LXIII, p. 73-293, VII pis., 1909; t. LXIV, p. 235-445, pis. VIII- XVIII, 1910; t. LXV, p. 51-345, pis. XIX-XXVIII, 1911; t. LXVI, p. 121-324, X pis., 1912; t. LXVIII, p. 1-210, pis. XI-XXII, 1914; p. 361-435, pi. XXIII- XXVI, 1914; Scaplwpodcs ct Gastropodes. t. LXIX, 709 p., 1916; Gastropodes. IV, liv. I., t. LXXIII, 321 p., 1922 CossMANN, Maurice, and Pissarro, Georges 1904-1913. Iconographic complete des coquilles fossilcs de I'Soccne dcs environs de Paris. Paris, G. Pissarro, 4to.. Pelccypodes, t. 1, 1904-1906, 45 pis.; Scaplwpodcs, Brachiopodes, Ccphalopodes et supplement, t. 2, 65 pis., 1910-1913 Costa, Emanuel Mendf.s da 1778. Historia naturalis testaceorum Britanniae, or the British conchology; containing the descriptions and other particulars of natural history of the shells of Great Britain and Ireland: illustrated ivith figures. In English and French. London, Private, 4to., 254 p., index, 17 pis. Costa, Oronzio-Gabriei.e 1829. Catalogo sistcnwlico e ragioiiato dc' Testacci dcllc due Sicilie. Naples, 4to, 8 + CXXXII p., 2 pis. Cotton, Bernard C, and Godfrey, Frank K. 1938. The Mollusca of South Australia. Pt. I. The Pclcypoda. 314 p., 340 figs., Pt. II. Scaphopoda, Cephalopoda, Aplacophora and Crcpipoda Adelaide, South Australian Branch British Science Guild, 8 vo., 600 p., 580 figs. Cox, Leslie Reginald 1927. Neogene and Quaternary Mollusca from the Zanzibar Protectorate. Report on the Palaeontology of the Zanzibar Protectorate. London, Government of Zanzibar, 4to., p. 13-102, pis. III-XIX 1942. Publication dates of Traite ^Icmcntairc de Conchyliologie, by G. P. Deshayes. Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 25, pt. 3, p. 94-95 1955. Proposed use of the Plenary pozvers (1) to validate the generic name "Pleu- rotomaria" Sowerby (J.), 1821 (Class Gastropoda), if it is judged that that name is invalid, (2) to validate the name "anglicus" Soiucrby (J.), 1818, as published in the combination "Trochus anglicus" and (3) to designate the species so named to be the type species of the genus "Pleurotomaria" Soivcrby, 1821. Bull. Zool. Nomen., vol. 11, pt. 1, p. 21-27, pi. 1 Cristokori, Joseph de, and Jan, Georges 1832. Catalogus in IV sectiones divisus vcrum Naturaliuin in musco c.rtantium Josephi de Cristofori et Georgii Jan. . . . Parma and Milan. [Not seen] Crouch, Edmund A. 1826. An illustrated introduction to Lamarck's Conchology, contained in his Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans Vertebres, . . . London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green, 4to., IV + 47p., 22 pis. CuviER, Georges 1834. See Grifiith, Edward, and Pidgcon, Edward BIBLIOGRAPHY 297 Daix, William Healey 1870a. Materials for a monograph of the family Lepctidae. Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. V, p. 140-150, pi. 15 1870b. Remarks on the anatomy of the genus Siphonaria, zinth a description of a neiv species. Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 30-41, pis. 4, 5 1871a. On the limpets; ivith special reference to the species of the west coast of America, and to a more natural classification of the group. Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, p. 227-281, pis. 14-17 1871b. Descriptions of sixty nezv forms of mollusks from the west coast of North America and the north Pacific Ocean, with notes on others already described. Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. VII, p. 93-160, pis. 14-16 1877. Obituary of P. P. Carpenter. Amer. Nat., vol. 11, no. 8, p. 504-505 1878. Notes sur la viachoire ella plaque linguale du Liriola peltoides, Carpenter, var. vernalis. Jour, de Conchyl., vol. XXVI, ser. 3, vol. 18, p. 68-73, pi. II, figs. 6, 6a 1879a. Descriptions of nezv forms of mollusks from Alaska contained in the collection of the National Museum. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc. 1878, vol. 1, p. 1-3 1879b. Distribution of Californian Tertiary fossils. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc. 1878, vol. 1, p. 26-30 1879c. Report on the limpets and chitons of the Alaskan and Arctic regions, with descrip- tions of genera and species believed to be nezv. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc. 1878, vol. 1, p. 281-344, V pis. 1881. Reports on the results of dredging under the supervision of Alexander Agassis, in the Gulf of Mexico and in the Caribbean Sea, 1877-79, by the U. S. Coast Survey Steamer "Blake," Lieutenant Commander C. D. Sigsbee, U. S. N., and Com- mander J. R. Bartlett, U. S. N., commanding. XV. Preliminary report on the Mollusca. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard, Bull., vol. IX, no. 2, p. 33-144 1882. On the genera of chitons. U. S. Nat. AIus., Proc. 1881, vol. 4, p. 279-291 1886a. See Orcutt, Chas. R. 1886b. Reports on the results of dredging, under the supervision of Alexander Agassis, in the Gulf of Mexico (1877-78) and in the Caribbean Sea (1879-80), by the U. S. Coast Survey Steamer "Blake," Lieut. -Commander C. D. Sigsbee, U. S. N. and Commander J. R. Bartlett, U. S. N., commanding. XXIX. Report on the Mollusca. Pt. L Brachiopoda and Pelecypoda. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard, Bull. Vol. XII, no. 6, p. 171-318, pis. 1-19 1887a. Contributions to the natural history of the Commander Islands. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc. 1886, vol. 9, p. 209-219 1887b. Supplementary notes on some species of mollusks of the Bering Sea and vicinity. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 9, p. 297-309, pi. Ill, IV 1888. Some American conchologists. Biol. Soc. Washington, Proc, vol. IV, p. 95-134, 3 portraits 1889. Reports on the results of dredging, under the supervision of Alexander Agassis, in the Gulf of Mexico (1877-78) and in the Caribbean Sea (1879-80), by the U. S. Coast Survey Steamer "Blake," Lieut. -C ommander C. D. Sigsbee, U. S. N., and Commander J. R. Bartlett, U. S. N., commanding. XXIX. Report on the Mollusca. Pt. II. Gastropoda and Scaphopoda. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard, Bull. vol. XVIII, 492 p., X-XL pis. 1890a. Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer Albatross. VII. Preliminary report on the collection of Mollusca and Brachiopoda obtained in 1887-88. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc. 1889, vol. 12, p. 219-362, pis. V-XII 1890b-1895. Contributions to the Tertiary fauna of Florida zmth especial reference to the Miocene Silex-beds of Florida and the Pliocene beds of the Caloosahatchie River. Wagner Free Inst. Sci., Philadelphia. Trans., vol. 3, pt. I, p. 1-200, pis. I-XII, 1890; pt. II, p. 201-473, pis. XIII-XXII, 1892; pt. Ill, p. 475-570, 1895 298 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER 1898-1903. Including in viany cases a complete revision of the generic group treated of and their American Tertiary species, pt. IV, p. 571-947, pis. XXIII-XXXV, 1898; pt. V, p. 948-1218, pis. XXXVI-XLVII, 1909d; pt. VI, p. 1213-1654, pis. XLVIII-LX, 1903 1892. On some nezv or interesting west American shells obtained front the dredgings of the U. S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross in 1888, and from other sources. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc. 1891, vol. 14, p. 173-191, pis. V-VII 1894a. Synopsis of the Mactridae of North America. Nautilus, vol. 8, no. 8, p. 25-28 1894b. //. Synopsis of the Mactridae of northwest America, south to Pattama. Nautilus, vol. 8, no. 4, p. 39-43 1896. A'CT-V species of Leda from the Pacific Coast. Nautilus, vol. 10, no. 1, p. 1-2 1898. Synopsis of the Recent and Tertiary Psammobiidac. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 50, p. 57-62 1899. Synopsis of the Recent and Tertiary Lcptonacca of North America and the West Indies. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc. 1898, vol. 21, no. 1177, p. 873-897, pis. LXXXVII- LXXXVIII 1900a. Synopsis of the Solcnidac of North America and the Antilles. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc. 1899. vol. 22, no. 1185, p. 107-112 1900b. Note on Petricola denticulata Say. Nautilus, vol. 13, no. 11, p. 121, 122 1900c. Synopsis of the family Tellinidae and of the North American species. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc. 1899, vol. 23, no. 1210, p. 285-326, pis. II-IV 1901a. Synopsis of the family Cardiidae and of the North American species. U. S. Nat. AIus., Proc, vol. 23, no. 1214, p. 381-392 1901b. Synopsis of the Lucinacea and of the American species. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc. 1900, vol. 23, no. 1237, p. 779-833, pis. XXXIX-XLII 1902a. Illustrations and descriptions of nezi' unfigured, or imperfectly known shells, chiefly American, in the U. S. National Mu.<;eum. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 24, no. 1264. p. 499-566, pis. XXVII-XL 1902b. Synapsis of the family Astartidae, ivith a reviezv of the American species. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc 1902, vol. 26, no. 1342, p. 933-951, pi. LXII-LXIII 1903a. Synopsis of the Carditacea and of the American species. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- delphia, Proc, vol. 54, p. 695-716 1903b. [A note on the name Miodon]. Nautilus, vol. 16, no. 12, p. 143 1903c. Synopsis of the family Veneridae and of the North American Recent species. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc. 1902, vol. 26, no. 1312, p. 335^12, pis. XII-XVI 1905. Thomas Martyn and the Universal Conchologist. U. S. Nat. Mus.. Proc. 1905, vol. 29. no. 1425. p. 415-432 1907a. On a Cymatium new to the California fauna. Nautilus, vol. 22, no. 8, p. 85, 86 1907b. Supplementary notes on Martyn's "Universal Conchologist." U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. Z2>, p. 185-192 1908a. A revision of the Solenomyacidae. Nautilus, vol. 22, no. 1, p. 1-2 X 1908b. Reports on the dredging operations off the west coast of Central America to the Galapagos, to the west coast of Mexico, and in the Gulf of California in charge of Alexander Agassis, carried on by the U. S. Fish commission steamer "Albatross." during 1891, Lieut. -Commander Z. L. Tanner, U. S. N., commanding. XXXVII. Reports on the scientific results of the expedition to the eastern tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassis, by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer "Albatross," from October, 1904, to March, 1905, Lieut. -Commander L. M. Garrett, U. S. N., commanding. The Mollusca and the Brachiopoda. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard, Bull., vol. XLIII, no. 6, p. 203-487, 22 pis. 1909. Contributions to the Tertiary paleontology of the Pacific Coast. I. The Miocene of Astoria and Coos Bay, Oregon. U. S. Geol. Survey, Prof. Paper 59. 278 p., 23 pis. See for reprints of "rare brief papers on paleontology of Pacific Coast Tertiary" and excellent bibliography igiBLIOGRAPHY 299 1910. Report on a collection of shells from Peru, zvith a summary of the littoral marine Mollusca of the Perin'ian zoological Province. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc. 1909, vol. Z7, no. 1700, p. 147-294, pis. 20-28 1914a. Notes on some west American Pectcns. Nautilus, vol. 27, no. 11, p. 121, 122 1914b. Notes on some Northivest Coast Acmaeas. Nautilus, vol. 28, no. 2, p. 13-15 1914c. Notes on zcest American Emarginulivae. Nautilus, vol. 28, no. 5, p. 62-64 1915a. On some generic names first mentioned in the "Conchological Illustrations." U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 48, no. 2079, p. 437-440 1915b. A review of some bivalve shells of the group Anatinacea from the zvest coast of America. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 49, no. 2116, p. 441-456 1915c. Notes on the species of the molluscan subgenus Niicella inhabiting the northwest coast of America and adjacent regions. U. S. Nat. AIus., Proc, vol. 49, no. 2124, p. 557-572, pis. 74, 75 1915d. Notes on the Semelidae of the zvest Coast of America, including some nezv species. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 67, p. 25-28 1916a. Diagnoses of nezv species of marine bivalve mollusks from the northzvest coast of America in the collection of the United States National Museum. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 52, no. 2183, p. 393-417 1916b. Notes on the West American Columbellidae. Nautilus, vol. 30, no. 3, p. 25-29 1917a. Summary of the mollusks of the family Alectrionidae of the zvest coast of America. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 51, no. 2166, p. 575-579 1917b. A new species of Astarte from Alaska. Nautilus, vol. 31, no. 1, p. 10-12 1917c. Notes on the shells of the genus Epitonium and its allies of the Pacific Coast of America. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 53, no. 2217, p. 471-488 1918a. Description of new species of shells chiefly from Magdalena Bay, Lozver California. Biol. Soc. Washington, Proc, vol. 31, p. 5-8 1918b. Notes on the nomenclature of the mollusks of the family Turritidac. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 54, no. 2233, p. 313-333 1918c. Notes on the genus Trachydermon Cpr. Nautilus, vol. 32, no. 1. p. 1-3 1919a. Descriptions of new species of chitons from the Pacific coast of America. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 55, no. 2283, p. 499-516 1919b. Descriptions of nezv species of mollusks of the family Turritidac from the west coast of America and adjacent regions. U. S. Nat. AIus., Proc, vol. 56, no. 2288, p. 1-86, 24 pis. 1919c. Descriptions of nezv species of Mollusca from the north Pacific Ocean in the col- lection of the United States A^afional Museum. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 56, no. 2295, p. 293-371 1921. Summary of the marine shellbcaring mollusks of the northzvest coast of America, from San Diego, California, to the Polar sea, mostly contained in the collection of the United States National Museum, zvith illustrations of hitherto unfigured species. U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 112, 217 p., 22 pis. 1922. Note on the genera Neptunca and Syncera. Alalacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 15, p. 36 1923. Additions and emendations to United States N^ational Museum Bulletin No. 112. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 63, art. 10, 4 p. 1924. Notes on molluscan nomenclature. Biol. Soc. Washington, Proc, vol. 37, p. 87-90 1925a. Illustrations of unfigured types of shells in the collection of the United States National Museum. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 66, no. 2554, 41 p., 36 pis. 1925b. Azotes on the nomenclature of some of our east American species of Pecten zvith description of nezv species. Nautilus, vol. 38, no. 4, p. 112-120 Dall, W. H., and Bartsch, P. 1904. Synopsis of the genera, subgenera and sections of the family Pyramidellidae. Biol. Soc Washington, Proc, vol. 18, p. 1-16 300 MARINE MOLLITSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER 1907. The pyramidcllid niolliisks of the Oregoiiiun jaunal area. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 32,, no. 1574, p. 491-532, pis. XL1\'-XLV11I 1909. A monograph of west American pyramidellid mollusks. U. S. Nat. AIus., Bull. 68, p. 1-258, pis. 1-30 Dall, W. H., and Simpson, Charles Torrey 1901. The Mollusca of Porto Rico. U. S. Fish Comm., Bull., vol. 20, pt. 1, p. 351-524, pis. 53-58 Dall, W. H., Bartsch, P., and Rehder, H. 1938. A manual of the Recent and fossil marine pelecypod mollusks of the Hazvaiian Islands. Bernice P. Bishop Mus., Bull. 153, 233 p., 58 pis. Dautzenberg, Philippe 1882-1886. See Bucquoy E., Dautzenberg, Ph., and Dollfus, G. F. Dautzenberg, Ph., and Bavary, A. 1912. Siboga-Expeditie. Les lamellibranches de I'expedition du Siboga. Systematique I. Pectinides. Leiden, folio, 41 p., pis. XXVII, XXVI 1 1 Dautzenberg, Philippe, and Fischer, Pierre Marie Henri 1912. M ollusques provenant des compagnes de I'Hirondcllc et de la Princess-Alice dans les Mers du Nord. Resultats des Campagnes Scientifiques accomplies sur son Yacht par Albert I Prince Souverain de Monaco. Monaco, Government of Monaco, folio, fasc. 27, 630 p., 11 pis. Dawson, John William 1872. Tlie Post-Pliocene Geology of Canada. Canadian Naturalist, new ser., vol. 6, p. 19- 42, pi. III-IV, map; p. 166-187, 240-259, 369-416 Dean, J. Davy 1936. Conchological cabinets of the last century. Jour. Conch., vol. 20, no. 8, p. 15-252. [Carpenter, p. 241] Defrance, Marin Jacques Louis 1819. Sur un nouveau genre de Mollusque. Jour. Phys. Chimie, Hist. Nat., t. LXXXVIII, p. 215-219, figs. 1-4 De Kay, James Ellsworth 1843. Zoology of Neiv York, or the New York fauna; comprising detailed description of all the animals hitherto observed within the State of New York ; with brief notices of those occasionally found near its borders; and accompanied by appropriate illus- trations. Pt. V. Mollusca. Albany, Nat. Hist. New York, 4to, 271 p., 40 pis. Demond, Joan 1951. Key to the Nassariidae of the zvest coast of North America. Nautilus, vol. 65, no. 1, p. 15-17 1952. The Nassariidae of the west coast of North America between Cape San Lucas, Lower California, and Cape Flattery, IVa.'iJiington. Pacific Science, vol. VI, p. 300- 317, 2 pis. Deshayes, Gerard Paul 1830. Histoire Naturelle des Vers. Encyclopedic Mctlwdiquc. t. H. See Sherborn, C. D., and Woodward, B. B. 1840. Nouvelles cspeces de Mollusques, proz'cnant des cotes de la Californie, du Mexique, du Kamtschatka, et de la N ouvelle-Zclandc. Revue Zool. par Soc. Curvierienne, 1839, t. II, p. 324, 356-361 1839-1857 [1858]. Traite elementaire de Conchyliologie, avec les applications de cette science a la Geologic. Paris, 8vo., 2 vols, atlas, [unfinished] 1856-1866. Description des animaux satis vertebres decouverts dans le bassin de Paris pour servir de supplement a la description des coquilles fossiles des environs de Paris, comprenant une revue generale de toutes les espdces actuellement connues. Paris, J. B. Bailliere et fils, 4to., 3 vols, text, 2 vol. atlas, t. 1, Mollusques Ace- phales Dimyaires, 912 p., 89 pis., t. 2. M ollusques Acephales Monomyaires et Brachiopodes. Mollusques ccphales. pt. I, 968 p., 64 pis., t. 3, pt. II. Mollusques BIBLIOGRAPHY 301 cephalopodcs. 667 p., 42 pis. Issued in 50 livraisons. For dates according to page see p. 668 of t. 3 or Newton, R. B., 1891, p. 309-310 Deshayes, Gerard Paul, and Milne Edwards, Henri 1835-1843. Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertebres by Lamarck, J. B. P. A. de M. de, 2d ed., Paris, J. B. Bailliere, 8vo., 7 vols. See Lamarck, J. P. A. de M. de, 1818-1822 DiLLWYN, Lewis Weston 1817. A descriptive catalogue of Recent shells arranged according to the Linnacan method; zcith particular attention to the synonymy. 2 vols. London, John and Arthur Arch, 8vo., XII + 1092 + 29 p. Dodge, Henry 1947a. The molhiscan genera of Bruguicre. Jour. Paleont., vol. 21, no. 5, p. 484-492 1947b. Lamarck's Prodrome d'une nouvclle classification des coquilles. Nautilus, vol. 60, no. 1, p. 2(>-31 ; vol. 61, no. 2, p. 60-70; no. 4, p. 134-143 1950. The plate headings of Bruguicre. Nautilus, vol. 64, no. 2, p. 68, 69 1952. A historical review of the molltisks of Linnaeus. Pt. 1. The classes Loricala and Pelecypoda. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., Bull., vol. 100, art. 1., 263 p. 1953. A historical review of the molltisks of Linnaeus. Part 2. The class Cephalopoda and the genera Conus and Cypraea of the class Gastropoda. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., Bull., vol. 103, art. 1, 132 p. 1955. A Historical reviezv of the molliisks of Linnaeus. Pt. 3. The genera Bulla and Valuta of the class Gastropoda. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., Bull. 107, 155 p. DOLLFUS, GUSTAVE F. 1882-1886. See Bucquoy, E., Dautzenberg, Ph., and Dollfus, G. F. DoRE, Harry E. 1891. Molltisks in the Portland, Oregon, market. Nautilus, vol. \^ no. 5, p. 58, 59 DucLOs, p. L. 1835. Histoire naturelle de tous les genres de coquilles tmivalvcs marines a I'etat vivant ef fossile . . . genre Oliva. Paris, folio, p. VIII, 7?> pis. 1843-1853. Oliva in Illustrations conchyliolgiqucs. See Chenu, J. C, 1843-1853 Dumeril, a. M. Constant 1806. Zoologne analytique, ou methods natttrelle de classification des animaux, rendue plus facile a I'aide de tableaux synoptiques. Paris. See Iredale, T., 1916b, p. 79-84 DUNKER, GUILIELMO 1856. Mytilacca nova collcctionis Cuviingianae descripta. Zool. Soc. London, Proc, pt. XXIV, p. 358-366 Dupetit-Thouars, Abel Aubert 1840-1864. Voyage autour du Monde sur la Fregatc La Venus pendant . . . 1S36-39. Text, 11 t. (Zoologie 355 p.), atlas 4 t., 70 pis. Paris, 8 vo. and fol. Durham, John Wyatt 1937. Gastropods of the family Epitoniidae from Mesoznic and Cenozoic rocks of the west coast of North America, including one neiv species by F. E. Turner and one by R. A. Bramkamp. Jour. Paleont., vol. 11, no. 6, p. 479-512, 2 pis. 1950. 1940. E. W. Scripps cruise to the Gulf of California. Pt. II. Megascopic paleon- tology and marine stratigraphy. Geol. Soc. Amer., Mem. 43, VIII + 216 p., 47 pis. Eames, F. E. 1951. A contribution to the study of the Eocene in zcestcrn Pakistan and zvestern India. B. The descriptions of the Lamellibranchia from standard sections in the Rakhi Nala and Zinda Pir areas of the zvestern Ptmiab and in the Kohat District. Roy. Soc. London, Phil. Trans., ser. B., no. 627, vol. 235, p. 311-482 Elsey, C. R. 1935. On the structure and function of the mantle and gill of Ostrea gigas (Tliunberg), and Ostrea lurida (Carpenter). Roy. Soc. Canada. Trans. XXIX, sec. V, p. 131-158 302 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY I'. P. CARPENTER Emerson, William K., and Addicott, Warren O. 1953. A Pleistocene invertebrate fauna from the southwest corner of San Diego County, California. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., Trans., vol. XI, no. 17, p. 429-A44 Etherington, Thomas John 1931. Stratigraphy and fauna of the Astoria Miocene of southivest Washington. Univ. California Pub., Bull. Dcpt. Geol. Sci., vol. 20, no. 5, p. 31-142, 14 pis. EvERDA^^, Walter J. 1938. E.vtended ranges of seventy-five species of north Pacific shells collected by Walter J. Eyerdam and Ingvard Norberg. Nautilus, vol. 51, no. 3, p. 100-104; no. 4, p. 122- 126 Fabricius, Othonis 1780. Fauna Groenlandica, . . . Hafniae ct Lipsiae, 8vo. 452 p., 1 pi. Farfante, Isabel Perez 1946. Adiciones al estudio de la faniilia Fissurcllidae. Rev. Soc. Malacol. "Carlos de la Torre," vol. 4, no. 1, p. 23, 24 1947. The genera Zeidora, Nesta, Emarginula, Riinula and Puncturella in the zuestern Atlantic. Johnsonia, vol. 2, no. 24, p. 93-148, pis. 41-64 Favre, Jules et al. 1918. Catalogue illustrc de la collection Lamarck. AIus. Hist. Nat. Geneve, Geneva, Georg & Cie, 4to., 117 pis. Ferrussac, Andre £tienne Baron de 1822. Tableau systematique des Animaux molhisques . . . terrestres ou fluviatiles, vivants ou fossiles. Paris, J. B. Bailliere, folio, 1821-1822, XLVIII + 114 p. Fischer, H. 1912. See Dautzenberg, Ph., and Fischer, P. M. H. Fischer, Paul 1867. Description d'une nouvclle cspcce de Kellia dcs iners d'Burope. Jour, de Conchyl., vol. XV, p. 194-195 1880-1887. Manuel de conchyliologie et de paleontologie conchyliogue ou histoire naturelle des molhisques vivants et fossiles suivi d'un appendice sur les Brachiopodes par D. P. Ochlert, avcc 23 planches contenant 600 figures dessinces par S. P. Wood- zi'ard. Paris, 8vo., 1369 p., text figures, 23 pis. F. Savy. For dates according to pages, see page before title page or Newton, R. B., 1891, p. 311 Fitch, John E. 1953. Common marine bivalves of California. Dept. of Fish and Game, Marine Fish. Branch, Fish Bull., no. 90, 102 p., 63 figs. Fleming, John 1817. C oneirology. Brewster's Edinburgh Encyclopaedia, vol. VI. For dates, see Sherborn, C. D., 1937 1828. A history of British aniiiwls, . . . Edinburgh, Bell & Bradfute, 8vo., 565 p. Fleurian de Bellevue 1802. Memoire sur quelques nouveaux genres de mollusques et vers lithophages, et sur les faculte qu'ont ces animaux de percer les roches. Jour. Phys. Chimie Hist. Nat., t. LIV, p. 345-355 Forbes, Edward 1850. On the marine Mollusca disco--cred during the 7'oyagcs of the 'Herald' and 'Pan- dora', by Capt. Kellett, R.N. and Lieut. Wood, R.N. Zool. Soc. London, Proc, p. 270-274, pis. IX,-X1 Forbes, Edward, and Hanley, Sylvanus 1848-1853. A history of British Mollusca and their shells, vol. I. Lamellibranchs. 477 p., A-0 + 34 pis. 1848; vol. II. Lamellibranchs, gastropods. 557 p.. P-NN + 35-79 pis. [lacks pis. 75, 761, 1850; vol. III. Gastropods, 616 p., EE-ZZ 75, 76, 80-1 14d pis, 1851; vol. IV. Pulmonifera and Cephalopoda. 301 p.. W-SSS, 114e,-f, 122-133 pis., 1853. London, John VanVoorst, 8vo. See Reynell, A., 1918, for dates BIBLIOGRAPHY 303 Fraser, C. McLean, and Smith, Gertrude M. 1928. Notes on the ecology of the little neck clam, Paphia staminea (Conrad). Roy. Soc. Canada, Trans., ser. 3, vol. 22, sec. 5, p. 249-270, 5 pis. Frizzell, Don L. 1931. The status of Paphia tcncrrima alta Waterfall. Nautilus, vol. 44, no. 2, p. 48-50, fig. 1 1936. Preliminary reclassification of Vcncraccan pelccypods. Musee roy. d'Hist. nat. de Belgigue, t. XII, no. 34, 84 p. 1939. See Keen, Myra A., and Frizzell, D. L. Fulton, Hugh 1930. Notes on nomenclature. Malacol. Soc. London, Proc., vol. 19, p. 16-17, pis. 2, 3 Gabb, William More 1860. Descriptions of some ncic species of Cretaceores fossils. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila- delphia, Jour, new ser., vol. IV, pt. Ill, p. 299-305 1861. Description of nezv species of American Tertiary fossils and a new Carboniferous cephalopod from Texas. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 13, p. 367-372 1865. Description of nezv species of marine shells from the coast of California. California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 182-190 1866-1869. Cretaceous and Tertiary fossils. Paleontology. Geol. Sur. California, vol. II, sec I, pt. 1, p. 1-38, 1866 ; sec. I, pt. 2, p. 39-299, 36 pis., 1869 1877. Description of a collection of fossils, made by Doctor Antonio Raimondi of Peru. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, ser. 2, Jour., vol. VIII, p. 263-336, pis. 35-43 Gale, H. R. 1931. See Grant, U. S. IV, and Gale, H. R. Gardner, Julia Anna 1926. The nomenclature of the superspecific groups of Corbula in the lotver Miocene of Florida. Nautilus, vol. 40, p. 41-47 1928, 1937. The Molluscan fauna of the Alum Bluff group of Florida. Part J\ Tellinacea, Solenacea, Mactracea, Myacea, Molluscoidea. U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 142-E, p. 181-249, pis. XXIX-XXXVI, 1928; Pt. VI. Prof. Paper 142-F, p. 251-435, pis. XXXVII-XLVIII, 1937 1943. Mollusca from the Miocene and lotver Pliocene of Virginia and North Carolina. Pt. I. Pelecypoda. U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 199-A, 178 p., 23 pis. Gmelin, Johann Friedrich 1791. Linnaeus s Systcma Naturae. Ed. 13, t. I, pars VI, Vermes, 2 + 3021-3910 p. For date see Hopkinson, John, 1907 Godfrey, Frank K. 1938. See Cotton, B. C, and Godfrey, F. K. Gordon, Mackenzie, Jr. 1939. A nezv subgenus and species of West Coast "Alvania." Nautilus, vol. 53, no. 1, p. 29-33 1948. See Smith, A. G., and Gordon, M., Jr. Gould, Augustus Addison 1840. On thirteen species of shells. Sillinian's Jour. [Amer. Jour. Sci.], vol. XXXVIII, p. 197 1841. A report on the invertebrata of Massachusetts, comprising the Mollusca, Crustacea, Annelida, and Radiata. Cambridge, 8vo., 373 p., 213 figs. 1846-1847. [On the shells collected by the United States Exploring Expedition.] Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Proc, vol. II, p. 141-145, 148-156, 159-162, 165-167, 170-173, 175- 176, 180-184, 190-192, 196-198, 200-212, 214-215, 218-225, 237-239, 251-252; vol. Ill, p. 73-75, 83-85, 89-92, 106-108, 118-121, 140-144, 151-156, 169-172, 214-218, 252-256, 276-278, 292-296, 309-312, 343-348, 1848-1850 304 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER 1852-1856a. United States Exploring Expedition. During the years 1S3S, 1S39, 1S40, 1841, 1843 under the command of Charles Wilkes, U. S. N., vol. XII. Mollusca and shells, 1852, 4vo. 510 pis., Atlas, Folio, 1856, 16 p., 52 pis. 1855-1856b. Catalogue of the recent shells zvith descriptions of the nciv species. Pacific R. R. Repts., vol. V, pt. 2, app., art. 3, p. 330-336, pi. 11 ; preliminary report, 1855 1859-1861a. [Descriptions of new species of shells.] Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Proc., vol. VII, p. 40-44, 161-166, 323-340, 382-389, 400-409 1861b. Descriptions of shells collected by the North Pacific Exploring Expedition. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Proc, vol. VIII, p. 14-40, 280-284 1862. Otia Conchologica: descriptions of shells and mollusks from 1839 to 1862. Boston, Gould and Lincoln, 8vo., 256 p. See p. 100, 178 for dates of publication of parts published in Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Proc, 1846-1847 1870. Report of the Invertebrata of Massachusetts. Boston, Cambridge University Press, 8vo., 2 ed., v + 524 p., 755 figs., 27 pis. Edited by W. G. Binney Gould, Augustus A., and Carpenter, Philip P. 18S6c [1857]. Description of shells from the Gulf of California, and the Pacific coasts of Mexico and California. Part II. Zool. Soc. London, Proc, pt. XXIV, p. 198-208 Grant, Ulysses Simpson IV, and Gale, Hoyt Rodney 1931. Catalogue of the viarine Pliocene and Pleistocene Mollusca of California and adja- cent regions . . . San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., Mem., vol. I, 1036 p., 32 pis. Gray, John Edward 1808-1856. Synopsis of the contents of the British Museum. Sixty-three editions. Refer- ences herein apply only to the 44th ed. as described by Iredale, 1913, p. 301 1821. A natural arrangement of Mollusca, according to their internal structure. London Aledical Repository, vol. 15, p. 229-239 [1828-1830]. Spicilegia Zoologica; or original figures and short systematic descriptions of neiv and unfigurcd animals. London, 4to., pt. I, II, 12 p., 11 pis. 1834. Alphabetical list of the figures of Mollusca in "Griffith's Cuvier" (which see), p. 595-601 1847a. A list of the genera of Recent Mollusca, their synonyma and types. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, Proc, pt. XV, p. 129-219 1847b. See Leach, W. E. 1852. Molluscorum Britanniac Synopsis, . . . London, XVI, + 376 p., 13 pis. W. E. Leach ms. edited by J. E. Gray 1853. A revision of the genera of some of the families of Conchifera or bivalve shells. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, vol. 11, p. 33-44, 398-402 1855. Catalogue of Pulmonata or airbreathing Mollusca in the . . . Museum. London, British Museum, 12° p. IV + 192 Gray, Marie Emma 1842-1859. Figures of molluscous animals, selected from various authors. London, Long- man, Brown, Green, Longmans, and Roberts, 8vo, vols. I-V Griffen, Francis J., Sherborn, C. Davies, and Marshall, H. S. 1936. A catalogue of papers concerning the dates of publication of natural history books. Jour. Soc. Bib. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, pt. 1, 30 p. Griffith, Edward, and Pidgeon, Edward 1834. The Mollusca and Radiata. Arranged by the Baron Cuvier with supplementary addition to each order. London, Whittakcr and Co., 8vo. 601 p., 43 pis. Gripp, C. W. 1909. Dredging off .^an Diego, California. Nautilus, vol. 22, no. 12, p. 134-137 Haas, Fritz 1942-1943. The habits of life of some ti'est coast bivalves. Nautilus, vol. 55, no. 4, p. 109- 113; vol. 56, no. 1, p. 30-33 1944. [Note from member on Carpenter collection, Chicago Natural History Museum] News Bull., 1943, Amcr. Mai. Union, p. 6 BIBLIOGRAPHY 305 Habe, T. 1952. Genera of Japanese shells. Pclecypoda. no. 3, p. 183-278 1954. See Kuroda, T., and Habe, T. Hanham, a. W. 1911a. A note on Isapis obtusa Cpr. Nautihis, vol. 24, no. 10, p. 112-114 1911b. Notes on a jew British Cohimhia marine shells. Nautilus, vol. 26, no. 12, p. 133-136 Hanley, Sylvanus Charles Thorp 1850-1853. See Forbes, E., and Hanley, S. 1855. Ipsa Linnaei Conchylia. The shells of Linnaeus, determined from his manuscripts and collections . . . also an exact reprint of the Vermes Testacca of the "Systema Naturae" and "Mantissa." London, Williams and Norgate, 8vo., 556 p., 5 pis. Hanna, G. Dallas 1930. See Baker, F., Hanna. G. D., and Strong, A. M. 1933. See Strong, A. M., Hanna, G. D., and Hertlein, L. G. Hanna, G. Dallas, and Hertlein, L. G. 1941. Characteristic fossils of California. State Calif. Dept. Nat. Res., Div. Mines, Bull, no. 118, pt. 2, p. 165-182, figs, [pis.] 60-67 Hanna, G. Dallas, and Smith, Allyn G. 1931. Notes on Acmaea funiculata (Carpenter). Nautilus, vol. 45, no. 1. p. 21-25. pi. 2 1932. Location of the collection of shells assembled by Rev. J. Rozvell, vol. 46, no. 1, p. 70 Harmer, Frederic William 1914-1925. The Pliocene Mollusca of Great Britain being supplementary to S. P. Wood's monograph of the Crag Mollusca. Paleont. Soc., pt. 1, vol. LXVII, 200 p., XXIV pis., 1914; pt. H, vol. LXVIII, p. 201-302, pis. XXV-XXXH, issued for 1914, 1915; pt. Ill, vol. LXX, p. 303-461, pis. XXXIII-XLIV, issued for 1916, 1918; vol. II, pt. I, p. 485-652, vol. LXXII, pis. XLV-LII, issued for 1918, 1920; vol. II, pt. II, vol. LXXIII, p. 653-704, pis. LIII-LVI, issued for 1919, 1921; vol. II. pt. III, vol. LXXV, p. 705-856, pis. LVII-LXIV, issued for 1921, 1923; vol. II, pt. IV, vol. LXXVI, p. 857-900, pi. LXV. issued for 1922, 1925 Harris, Gilbert Dennison 1893. Republication of Conrad's fossil shells of the Tertiary formation of North America. G. D. Harris, Washington, D. C, 8vo., 121 p., 20 pis. Harris, Gilbert Dennison, and Palmer, Katherine V. W. 1946, 1947. The Mollusca of the Jackson Eocene of the Mississippi Embaymcnt (Sabine River to the Alabama River). Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 30, no. 117, pt. I. Bivalves and bibliography to parts I and IL G. D. Harris, 1946, 206 p., 25 pis. ; pt. II. Uni- valves and index. K. V. W. Palmer, p. 207-563, pis. 26-56, 62-64; pis. 57-61 by G. D. Harris Hemming, Francis 1953. Copenhagen Decisions on Zoological Nomenclature. London, International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, 4to., 1935 p. Henderson, Junius 1935. Fossil non-marine Mollusca of North America. Geol. Soc. Amer., Sp. Paper, no. 3, 313 p. Herrmannsen, August Nicolaus 1846-1849. Indicis generum Malacozoorum primordia. Cassell. Theodori Fischeri, 8 vol., vol. 1, 637 p., 1846; vol. 2, XXIX-XLII + 717 p., 1849. 1852. Indicis generum Malacozoorum. Supplemcnta et corrigenda, 140 p. Hertlein, Leo George 1933. See Strong, A. M., Hanna, G. D., and Hertlein, L. G. 1934. Pleistocene mollusks from the Tres Marias Islands, Cedros Island, and San Ignacio Lagoon, Mexico. So. California Acad. Sci., Bull. XXXIII, pt. 2, p. 59-72, pi. 21 306 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER 1935. The Tcmplcton Crocker Expedition of the Calif oruia Academy of Science, 1932. no. 25. The Recent Pectinidae. California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXI, no. 25, p. 301-326 1939. See Strong, A. M., and Hertlein, L. G. Hertlein, L. G., and Strong, A. M. 1940-1949. Eastern Pacific Expeditions of the Nezv York Zoological Society, XXII. Molltisks from the ivest coast of Mexico and Central America. Pts. I-VIII Zoologica, New York Zool. Soc, vol. 25, pt. 4, 1940, p. 369-430, pis. I-II ; vol. 28, pt. 3, 1943, p. 149-168, pi. I; vol. 31, pt. 2, 1946, p. 53-76, pi. I; vol. 31, pt. 3, 1946, p. 93-120, pi. I; vol. 31, pt. 4, 1947, p. 129-150, pi. I; vol. 2>2>, pt. 4, 1948, p. 163-198, pis. I, II; vol. 34, pt. 2, 1949, p. 63-97, pi. I; vol. 34, pt. 4, 1949, p. 239- 258, pi. I 1945. Changes in the nomenclature of tivo west American marine hifalve moUusks. Nauti- lus, vol. 58, no. 3, p. 105 1955. Marine mollusks collected during the "Askoy" expedition to Panama, Colombia, and Ecuador in 1941. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., Bull., vol. 107, art. 2, 317 p. Hinds, Richard Brinsley 1843. Descriptions of new shells from the collection of Captain Sir Edivard Belcher, . . . during the years 1836-42 . . . Zool. Soc. London, Proc, pt. 11, p. 36-49 1844-1845. The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Sulphur under the command of Captain Sir Edzt'ard Belcher, R. N., C. B., F. R. G. S., . . . during the years 1836-42. Mol- lusca. London, Smith, Elder & Co., 4to. pt. I, no. VI, July, 1844, 24 p. ; pt. II, no. VII, Oct. 1844, p. 25^8; pt. Ill, no. VIII, Jan. 1845, p. 49-72, 21 pis. HiRASE, ShINTARO 1936. A collection of Japanese shells with illustrations in natural colours. 5th cd., Tokyo, Matsumura Sanshodo, 8vo, 217 p., 129 pis., frontispiece Hopkinson, John 1907. Dates of publication of the separate parts of Gmclin's edition fl3th) of the "Sys- tema Naturae" of Linnaeus. Zool. Soc. London, Proc. 1907, p. 1035-1037 Howard, Paul J. 1935. Report on Bucna Vista Hills, a portion of the Midzcay-Sunsct oil field. California Oil Fields, vol. 20, no. 4, p. 5-22, 7 pis. Howe, Henry Van Wagenen 1922. Faunal and stratigraphic relationships of the Empire formation, Coos Bay, Oregon. Univ. California Pub., Bull. Geol. Sci., vol. 14, no. 3, p. 85-114, pis. 7-12 Hubendick, Bengt 1946. Systematic monograph of the Patelliformia. Kungl. Svcnska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar, ser. 3, Bd. 23, no. 5, 89 p., VI pis. Tredale, Tom 1912. Nezv generic names and nezv species of marine Mollusca. Malacol. Soc. London, Proc. vol. 10, p. 217-228, pi. IX 1913. A collation of the molhtscan parts of the Synopsis of the Contents of the British Museum. 1838-1845. Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 10, p. 294-309 1914a. Some more notes on Polyplacophora. Pt. I. Malacol. Soc London, Proc, vol. 11, p. 123-131 1914b. On some inzvlid molhtscan generic names. Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 11, p. 170-178 1914c. Some more mi.<;used nwlluscan generic names. Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 11, p. 291-306 1915a. Notes on the names of some Briti.';h marine Mollusca. Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 11, p. 329-342 1915b. A commentary on Sute/s "Manual of the Xczv Zealand Mollusca." New Zealand Inst, Trans., vol. 47, p. 417-497 BIBLTOGRAPTTY 307 1916a. On dates of Mazatlan Catalogue [not title]. Alalacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 12, p. 2>6 1916b. On tzvo editions of Dumcril's Zoologie Analytique. Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 12, p. 79-84 1916c. Solandcr as a conchologist. Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 12, p. 85-93. See in regard to Solander, 1786 1917. More moUuscan nanic-changcs, generic and specific. Alalacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 12, p. 322-330 1922. A reply on the genera Xeptiinea and Syncera. Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 12, p. 37 1924. Results from Roy Bell's molluscan collections. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, Proc, vol. 49, pt. 3, p. 179-278, pi. XXXIII-XXXVI 1929. Mollusca from the continental shelf of eastern Australia. Rec Australian Mus., vol. 17, no. 4, p. 157-189, pis. XXXVIII-XLI Jaume, M. L. 1947. See Aguayo, C. G., and Jaume, M. L. J.AY, John C. 1852. Catalogue of the shells arranged according to the Lamarckian system, and ztnth their authorities, synonymies, and references to zvorks zi'here figured or described, together znth a supplement containing additional species, corrections, and altera- tions contained in the collection of John C. Jay, M.D. 4th ed.. New York. 4to., 479 p. Jeffreys, John Gwyn 1862-1869. British conchology or an account of the Mollusca zvhich nozv inhabit the British Isles and the surrounding seas. 5 vols. London, 8vo., vol. 1. Land and fresh- zcater shells. CXIV + 341 p., 8 pis., 1862; vol. II. Marine shells, comprising the Brachiopoda, and Conchifera from the family of Anomiidae to that of Macfridae. XIV + 465 p., 8 pis., 1863; vol. III. Marine shells, comprising the remaining Con- chifera, the Solenoconchia, and Gasteropoda as far as Littorina. 393 pp., 8 pis., 1865 ; vol. IV. Marine shells, in continuation of the Gastropoda as far as the Bulla family. 486 pp., 8 pis., 1867; vol. V. Marine shells and naked Mollusca to the end of the Gastropoda, the Pteropoda, and Cephalopoda; zvith a supplement and other matter, concluding the work. 258 p., 102 pis., 1869 1884. On the Mollusca procured during the 'Lightning' and 'Porcupine expeditions, 1868-70. (Part VIII). Zool. Soc London, Proc, p. 341-372, pis. XXVI-XXVIII Johnson, Charles Willison 1892. See Pilsbry, H. A., and Johnson, C. W. 1934. List of marine Mollusca of the Atlantic Coast from Labrador to Te.vas. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Proc, vol. 40, no. 1, 203 p. Johnson, Myrtle Elizabeth, and Snook, Harry James 1935. Seashore animals of the Pacific Coast. New York, Macmillan Co., 8to., 659 p., 700 text figures Jordan, Eric Knight 1921. Notes on a collection of shells from Trinidad, California. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 58, no. 2325, 5 p., 1 pi. 1924. Quaternary and Recent molluscan fauna of the zvcst coast of Lozccr California. So. California Acad. Sci., Bull., vol. 23, pt. 5, p. 145-156 1926. Expedition to Guadalupe Island, Mexico, in 1922. No. 4. Molluscan fauna of the Pleistocene of San Quintin Bay, Lozver California. California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XV, no. 7. p. 241-255, pi. 25, text fig. Jordan, Eric Knight, and Hertlein, Leo George 1926. Contribution to the geology and paleontology of the Tertiary of Cedros Island and adjacent parts of Lozver California. California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XV, no. 14, p. 409-464, pis. 27-34 308 MARINE MOLLT'SCA DESCRTBEn RV P. P. CARPENTER Jukes-Browne, Alfred John 1910. On Pctricola, Litcinopsis, and the fa)iiily Pctricolidae. Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 9, p. 214-224 1913a. On the shells knoivn as Gemma, Parastartc, and Psepliidia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, vol. XII, p. 473-480 1913b. On a new species of dementia. .Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, vol. XII, p. 58-62, pi. 1 1914a. A synopsis of the family J'eneridae. Ft. 11. Mahicol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 11, p. 75-94 1914b. Note on dementia suhdiaphana, Carp. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, vol. XIII, p. 338-339 Keen, Angeline Myr.\ 1937a. An abridged check list and bihliof/raphy of u'est American marine Mollusca. Stan- ford Univ. Press, 87 !>. 1937b. N omenclatural units of the pelccypod family Cardiidae. Musee roy. d'Hist. nat. Belgique, Bull., t. XIII, no. 7, 22 p. 1938. Nciu pelccypod species of the genera Lasaea and Crassinella. Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 23, pt. 1, p. 18-32, pi. 2 1941. Molluscan species common to ivestern North .Imerica and Japan. Sixth Pacific Sci. Congress, vol. 3, p. 479-483 1950. Notes on the history of Nemocardiiim (family Cardiidae). Jour, de Conchyl., vol. 90, p. 23-29 1951. The molluscan na)nes in Renier's "Tavole." Nautilus, vol. 65, no. 1, p. 8-15 1954. Five nezv species and a neiv subgenus in the pelccypod family C ardiidae. Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 35, no. 153, 24 p., 1 jil. Keen, A. Myra, and Bentson, Herdis 1944. Checklist of California Tertiary marine Mollusca. Geol. Soc. Amer., Sp. Pai>er, no. 56, 280 p. Keen, A. Myra, and Frizzell, Don L. 1939. Illustrated key to west North America)! pelccypod genera. Stanford Univ. Press, 4to., 28 p. Keen, A. M., and Muller, Siemon William 1948. Procedure in taxonomy. By Edward T. Schenk and John H. McMasters. Revised by Keen and Muller. Stanford Univ. Press, 1948, 8vo., 93 p.; 1956, 8vo., 119 p. Keen, A. Myra, and Pearson, John C. 1952. Illustrated key to west North Ameriacn gastropod genera. Stanford Univ. Press., 4to., 39 p., figs. Keep, Josiah 1887. West Coast shells. San Francisco, Bancroft Brothers aJid Co., 8vo., 230 p., 182 text figs. 1904. West American shells. San Francsico, 8vo., 360 p., 1 pi., 303 text figs. 1911. IV est Coast shells. San Francisco, Whitakcr and Ray-Wiggan Co., 8vo., 346 p., 300 text figs. Ill pis. 1935. See Baily, J., Jr. Kelsey, Frederick Willis 1898. San Diego, California, as a collecting ground. Nautilus, vol. 12, no. 8, p. 88-89 1902. Serridens oblongus Cpr. Nautilus, vol. 15, no. 12, p. 144 1922. Collecting on an abalone. Nautilus, vol. 36, no. 1, p. 17, 18 Kennard, a. S., Salisbury, A. E., and Woodward, B. B. 1931. The types of Lamarck's genera of shells as selected !)y J. G. Children in 1823. Smithsonian Misc. Coll., vol. 82, no. 17, pub. 3112, 39 p. Kew, William Stephen Webster 1946. See Woodring, W. P., P.ramlette, M. N., and Kew, W. S. W. BIBLIOGRAPHY 309 King, Mrs. Ensign H. 1897. Collecting in Monterey Bay. Nautilus, vol. 11, no. 2, p. 23-24 KR)ZfYER, HeNRIK 1837-1849. [Publisher] Naturhistorisk tidsskrift. Kj^benhavn, 8vo, Bd. 1-4, 1837-1843, 8vo. ; Rk II, bd. I, II, 1844-1849 Kruger, Johann Friedrich 1822-1823. Geschiete der Urzvelt, ... 2 Thl. Quedlinburg and Leipzig, 8vo Kuroda, Tokubei, and Habe, Tadashige 1954. On some Japanese Mollusca described by A. Adams whose specimens are deposited in the Redpath Museum of Canada (no. 1). Venus, Japanese Jour. Mai., vol. 18, no. 1, p. 1-16 Lamarck, Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monte de 1799. Prodrome d'une nouvelle classification des coquilles, comprenant une redaction approprice des caractcrcs gcncriqucs, ct /' ctablisscment d'un grand nombre de genres nouveaux. Soc. hist. nat. Paris, Mem., p. 63-90 1801. Systcme des animaux sans vertebres ou tableau general des classes, des orders et des genres de ces animaux; . . . Paris, 8vo, 432 p. 1802-1809. Memoires sur les jossiles des environs de Paris, Comprenant la determination des especes appartiennent anx animaux marine sans vertebres, et dont la phipart sont figures dans la collection des velins du Museum. Ann. mus. nat. Hist, nat., t. 1, p. 299-312, 383-391, 474-478, 1802; t. 2, p. 57-64, 163-169, 217-227, 315-321, 385-391. 1803: t. 3, p. 163-170, 266-274, 343-352, 436-^41, 1804; t. 4, p. 46-55, 105- 115, 212-222, 289-298. 429-436, 1804; t. 5, p. 28-36, 91-98, 179-188, 237-245, 349- 357, 1804: t. 6, p. 117-126, 214-228, pis. I-IV, 337-345, 407-415, 1805; t. 7, p. 53- 62, 130-139, 231-244, pis. V-VII, 419^30, 1806; t. 8, p. 77-79, 156-166, 347-355, 383-388, 461-469, pis. VIII-XIV, 1806; t. 9, p. 236-240, 399-401, pis. XV-XX, 1807; t. 12. p. 456-459, pis. XXI-XXIV, 1808; t. 14, p. 374-375, pis. XXV- XXVIII, 1809 1818-1822. Histoire naturelle des animaux sans 7'ertebres. 7 vols., Paris, 8vo., 1815-1822; t. 5, 612 p., 1818; t. 6, 232 p., 1819; t. 7, 711 p., 1822. Ed. 2 see Deshayes, G. P., and Milne-Edwards, H. Lamy, Edouard 1909. Pelecypodes recuelillis par M. L. Diguct dans le Golfe de California. Jour, de Conchyl., vol. LVII, p. 207-254 1912. Sur le genre Pleurodon ou Nucinclla S. JVond. avcc description d'une espcce nouvelle. Mus. Nat. d'Hist. Nat., Bull. 18. p. 429-433 1914. Revision des Mesodesmatidae vivants du Museum d'llistoirc Naturelle de Paris. Jour, de Conchyl., vol. LXII, no. 1, p. 1-74, text figs. 1917. Revision des Crassatellidae vivants du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris. Jour, de Conchyl., vol. LXII, no. 4, p. 197-270, text figs. 1939. Revision des Plicatula vivants du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris. Jour, de Conchyl.. vol. LXXXIII, no. 1, p. 1-26 La Rocque, Aurele 1953. Catalogue of the Recent Mollusca of Canada. Nat. Mus. Canada, Bull. 129, 406 p. Lea, Henry Carey 1843. Description of some nczv fossil shells from the Tertiary of Virginia. Amer. Phil. Soc, Proc, vol. Ill, p. 162-165 1843. Description of some nczv fossil shells from the Tertiary of Petersburg, Virginia. Amer. Phil. Soc, Trans., vol. IX, new ser., p. 229-274, pis. 34-36 Leach, W. E. 1819. See Ross, Sir C. J. 1825. See Blainville, H.-M. D. de 1826. See Risso, J. A. 1844. See Brown, Thomas 310 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER 1847. Ill Gray, J. E., The classification of the British Molhtsca by W. E. Leach, 1818. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. XX, p. 267-273 1852. See Gray, J. E. Lesson, R. P. [1835]. Illustrations dc coologie on recueil dc fujurcs d'aiiiniaux pcintcs d'aprcs nature. Paris, Arthus Bertrand, 8vo., liv. 17, plates; [not dated]. See Tcgula in text Link, Heinrich Friedrich 1806-1808. Beschreibung der N aturalien-Sainmhing der Universit'dt zu Rostock . . . vol. 1, 6 abt. Rostock, pts. 2-4, 160 + 23 p., 1807; pt. 6, 37 p., 1808, Mollusca pts., 2-4, 1807; pt. 6, 1808, facsimile reproduction of the pages relating to Mollusca, col- laborators J. R. le B. Tomlin, and R. Winckworth. London, 8vo, 1931. See Tomlin, J. R. le B., and Winckworth, R., 1936, for Index. LiNNE, Caroli A [Linnaeus] 1758. Systema Naturae. Regnum Animalc. Holmiae, 8vo, 10 cd., 824 p. 1764. Museum S. R. M. Ludovicae Ulricae Reginae, in quo animalia rariora, exotica, imprimis insecta et conchylia dcscrihuntur et determinantur. Holmiae, 8vo. Testacea. Pars H, p. 463-702 1767. Systema Naturae. Editio diwdecima rcformata. "Vermes Testacea," t. I, pt. 2, p. 533-1327 [26]. p. 1106-1269, Reprinted in "Ipsa Linnaei Conchylia," see Hanley, S. C. T., 1855 1771. Mantissa Plantariim altera, . . . Holmiae, 8vo. [IV], p. 143-510. "Vermes Testacea," p. 544-52. See Hanley, S. C. T., 1855 Loven, Sven Ludvig 1846. Index Molluscorum litora Scandinaviae occidentalia liabitantium. Ofv. K. Svensk. Vet-Akad. Forh., Holmiae, 8vo., 50 p. Lowe, Herbert Nelson 1899. Dredging off San Pedro. Nautilus, vol. 13, no. 3, p. 27-30 1903. Azotes on the mollusk fauna of San Nicholas Island. Nautilus, vol. 17, no. 6, p. 66-69 1904. A dredging trip to Santa Catalina Island. Nautilus, vol. 18, no. 2, p. 18-20 1913. Shell collecting on the west coast of Baja California. Nautilus, vol. 27, no. 3, p. 25-29 1932. See Pilsbry, H. A., and Lowe, H. N. Lowe. Richard Thom.^s 1827. On Balanus punctatiis, Pnncturella Flciningii, . . . ; together itnth some corrections relative to Turbo carneus, and some of the chitons before described. Zool. Jour., vol. III. p. 76-80 Makivama, Jiro 1934. The Asagaian molluscs of Yotukura and Matchgar. Mem. Coll. Sci., Kyoto Imp. Univ., ser. B, vol. X, no. 2, p. 122-167, pis. III-VII Mansfield, Wendell Clay 1930. Miocene gastropods and scaphopods of the Chnctaxvhatchce formation of Florida. Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 3, 134 p., 21 pis. Marrat, Frederick Price 1870-1871. Oliva in Thesaurus Conchyliorum or monographs of genera of shells, by G. B. Sowerby. vol. IV, pt. 29, pis. 328-341 [1870]; p. 1-46, pis. 346-351 [1871]. See catalogue of books, maps . . . Britisli Museum (Natural History), 1915, vol. V, p. 1981 Martini, F. H. W., and Chemnitz, Johann Hieronymlts 1769-1795. Neues systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet . . . Niirnberg, vols. I-XI. Vols. 1-3, 1769-1777 by Martini; vols. 4-11, 1780-1795 by Chemnitz; vols. 1-5, Uni- valves; vols. 6-11, Bivalves and Supplement. For dates of vols, see Newton, R. B., 1891, p. 316. Scries contimied 1838-1920 by numerous writers with 78 Abt., 106 Teilen BIRT.TOGRAPHV 311 Martyn, Thomas 1784. The Universal Conchologist. London, [private], folio, vol. I, 40 pis., 1784; vol. II, 40 pis., 1784; vol. Ill, 40 plates, 1786; vol. IV, 40 pis., 1787. For details and verification of dates of various copies and discussion of the history of this rare and beautiful work see Dall, W. H., 1905, 1907 Marwick, John 1927. The Veneridae of Nezv Zealand. New Zealand Institute, Trans, and Proc, vol. 57, p. 567-635, pis. 34-54 Maton, William George, and Rackett, Thomas 1807. A descriptive catalogue of the British Tcstacca. Linn. Soc. London, Trans., vol. VIII, p. 17-250, pis. 1-5 Maury, Carlotta Joaquin a 1922. The Recent Areas of the Panamic Province. Paleont. Amer., vol. I, no. 4, 46 p., 3 pis. McMasters, John H. 1935. See Schenk, Edward T., and McMasters, John H. Meek, Fielding Bradford 1876. A report on the invertebrate Cretaceous and Tertiary fossils of the upper Missouri country. Rept. U. S. Geol. Sur. Terr., vol. 9, LXIV + 629 p., 45 pis. Melvill, James Cosmo, and Standen, Robert 1914. Notes on Mollusca collected in the north-west Falklands by Mr. Rupert Vallentin, F. L. S., witli descriptions of six new species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, vol. XIII, p. 110-136, pi. VII Menke, Carolo Theodoro 1830. Synopsis methodica molluscorum . . . Ed. altera, Pyrmonti, George Uslar, 8vo. XVI + 168 p. 1844. Zoologischcr Atlas, cnthaltcnd Abbildungen und Beschreibiingcn neurcr Thierarten, xviihrend des Flott Capitains (Otto) von Kotsebue zweiter Reise um die Welt auf der riiss. Kais. Kriegschlupp Predpriaetie (die Unternehmung) in den Jahren 1823- 1826 beobachtet von Dr. Friedr. Eschscholtz, . . . Hft 1-3, 1829. Hft. 4, 1831. Hft. 5, Lerausgegeben von Dr. M. H. Rathke, . . . (jedes Heft mit 5 ilium. Kpfrtfln u. Linzugehorigem Texte, letzteres zugleich mit dem lithogr. Bildnisse des Dr. Eschscholtz). Berlin, bei G. Reimer. Fol. (12j^4), Zeitschrift fiir Malakozoologie, Jahrgang, 1844 MeRGERLE VON MiJHFELD, JOHANN KaRL 1811. Entwurf eines neuen Systems der Schalthiergehiiiise. Gesell. naturf. Freunde Berlin, 5 Jahrgang, p. 38-72 1829. Beschreibung einiger neuen Conchylien. Gesell. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, verhand., Bd. 1, p. 205-221, 3 pis. Merriam, Charles Warren 1941. Fossil Turritellas from the Pacific Coast region of North America. Vm\. Cali- fornia Pub., Bull. Dept. Geol. Sci., vol. 26, no. 1, p. 1-214, pis. 1 41, text figs. Middendorff, Alexander Theodor von 1847-1849. Beitriige zu einer Malacozoologia Rossica. St. Petersburg, 4to., pt. 1, 1847, 151 p., 14 pis., fide Carpenter, 1857b, pt. 2 and 3, 1849 Mighels, Jesse W., and Adams, C. B. 1842. Description of tzventy-four species of the shells of Nezv England. Boston Jour. Nat. Hist., vol. IV, no. 1, p. 37-54, pi. IV Molina, Giovanni Ignazio 1782. Saggio sulla storia naturale del Chile. Bologna, 8vo., 367 p., map Moller, Hans Peter Christian 1842. Index Molluscorum Groenlandiac. 8vo., Hafniae, 24 p. Monks, Sarah Preston 1893. San Pedro as a collecting ground. Nautilus, vol. 7, no. 7, p. 74-77 312 MARINE MOLLl'SCA DESCRIBED RV P. P. CARPENTER Montagu, George 1803. 1808. Tesiacca, or natural history of British shells. Marine, land and freshwater, including the most minute; systematically arranged and embellished with figures. 2 vols., London, 4to, I-XXVI + 1-610 p., pis. I-XVI ; Suppl., 1808, 1-183 p., pis. XVII-XXX MONTERSATO, TOMMASO AlLERY MaRCHESE DI 1883-1884. Conchiglie Littorali Meditcrrancc. II. Naturalista Siciliano, vol. 3, p. 87, 102, 137, 159, 227 1884. Nomenclatura gcncrica e spccifica di alciinc Conchiglie Mcditcrance. Palermo, 152 p. Montfort, Pierre Denys de 1808-1810. Conchyliologic systcinatiqiic ct classification mcthodique des coquillcs; affrant leitrs figures, leur arrangement gcnerique, leiirs descriptions caractcristiqucs, leurs noms ; ainsi que leur synonymic en plusicurs langues. T. 1. Coquilles univalves, cloisonnces. 409 p., figs., 1808; t. 2, Coquillcs iinii'aifcs, non cloisonnees. 676 p., figs., 1810. Paris, F. Schoell, 8vo Moody, Clarence L. 1916. Fauna of the Fernando of Los Angeles. Univ. California Pub., Bull. Geol., v. 10, no. 4, p. 39-62, pis. 1, 2 MoRCH, Otto Andreas Lowson 1852, 1853. Catalogues conchylioruin quae rciiquit D. Alphonso d'Aguirra & Gadea Comes de Yoldi, regis daniae cubiculariorum princcps, ordinis dannebrogici in prima classe & ordinis caroli tertii eques. Hafniae, 8vo., Fasc. I, 1852, 17/p. Ceph- alophora; fasc. II, 1853, 76 p., Acephala. Annulata Cirripedia. Echinodermata 1857. Mollusca Gr^nlandica. p. 75-100, in Cr^nhnid gcographisk og statistiek bcskrevet by H. Rink. Andet Bind. 1860-1862. Review of the Vcrmctidac. Zool. .Soc. London, Proc., p. 14.5-181, 1 pL, 1861; p. 54-83, 1862 1868. Notes on shells. Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. IV, p. 46 1875. Synopsis Molluscorum Marinorum Indiarum occidentaliiim. Malak. Blatter fiir, Bd. 22, p. 142-184, 1874, 1875; Bd. 23, p. 45-58, 87-143, 1876; Bd. 24, p. 14-66, 93-123, 1877 1875. Prodromus Faunae Moluscoruui [sic] Gr0nlandiae. 2d ed., Copenhagen, 8vo. Morse, Edward S. 1913. Observations on living Solcnoniya. Biol. Bull., vol. XXV, no. 4, p. 261-281, 22 text figs. 1919. Observations on living lamcllibranchs of New England. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Proc., vol. 35, no. 5, p. 139-196, 48 text figs. MiJLLER, Othone Friderico 1776. Zoologigiae Danicae Prodromus sen Aninialiuju Daniae et Norvegiae Indigenarum Characters, Nomina et Synony}na Iinpriiiis popularium. Havniae, 8vo., XXXII + 282 p. Mollusca, p. 221-282 MULLER, SiEMON WiLLIAM 1948. 1956. See Keen, A. M., and Muller, S. \V. Nardo, Geo. Domenico 1840. Memoire relatif a une nouveau genre de Coquilles bivalves propre a I'Adriatique. Atti della Prima Riunione degli Scienziati Italiana tenuta in Pisa nell Octobre del 1839, 2d ed., p. 175; Sopra un nuovo generi di Conchiglie del marc Adriatico. Annali delle Scienge del Regno Lombardo-Vcneto, p. 50 Neave, Sheffield Airey 1939-1940. Nomenclator Zoologicus. A list of the name of the genera and subgenera in zoology from the tenth edition of Linnaeus 17.\S to the end of 1935. 4 vols., Zoological Society of London. 8vo., vol. 5, 1950 BIBLIOGRAPHY 313 Newcombe, Charles F. 1896. Nciv or rare species of marine Mollusca recently found in British Columbia. Nau- tilus, vol. 10, no. 2, p. 16-20 Newton, Ricil^rd Bullen 1891. Systematic list of the Frederick E. Edzcards collection of British Oligocene and Eocene Mollusca in the British Museum (Natural History) . . . London, 8vo., British Musuem (Nat. Hist.), 365 p. Excellent bibliography for dates of rare publications NicoL, David 1945. Genera and subgenera of the pelccypod family Glycymcridae. Jour. Paleont., vol. 19. no. 6, p. 61(S-621, 2 text figs. NOMLAND, JORGEN O. 1917. Fauna of the Santa Margarita beds in the north Coalinga Region of California. Univ. California Pub., Bull. Geol., v. 10, no. 18, p. 293-326, pis. 14-20 Nyst, Pierre Henri 1845. Description dcs coquiUcs et des Polypicrs fossiles dcs terrains tcrtiaircs de la Belgique. Mem. Cour. Acad., t. XVH, 697 p., XV pis. Oldroyd, Ida Shephard 1924a. Marine shells of Puget Sound and z'icinify. Pulj. Puget Sound Biol. Station Univ. Washington, vol. 4, 271 p., 49 pis. 1924b-1927. The marine shells of the west coast of North America. Pelecypoda and Brachiopoda, vol. I, 247 p., 57 pis., 1924; Scaphopods and gastropods, vol. II, pt. I, 297 p., 29 pis., 1927; pt. II, 304 p., pis. 30-72, 1927; pt. Ill, 339 p., pis. 73-108, 1927 1929. Description of a nezv Coralliophila. Nautilus, vol. 42, no. 3, p. 98, 99, pi. 5, figs 1-4 Oldroyd, I. S., and Grant, U. S., IV 1931. A Pleistocene molhiscan fauna from near Goleta, Santa Barbara County. California. Nautilus, vol. 44, no. 3, p. 91-94 Oldroyd, Tom Shaw 1918. A summer's collection at Friday Harbor, Washington. Nautilus, vol. 31, no. 3, p. 95-98 1921. Some varieties of zvesfcrn Olivcllas. Nautilus, vol. 34, no. 4, p. 117-118. pi. V 1925. The fossils of the lozver San Pedro fauna of the Nob Hill cut, San Pedro, Cali- fornia. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 65. no. 2535, 36 p., 2 pis. Olivi, Giuseppe 1792. Zoologia Adriatica, ossia catalogo ragionato degli animali del Golfo e delle Lagune di Venesia: . . . Bassano, 4to. [8] 334 + XXXII p., IX pis. d'Orbigny, Alcide Dessalines 1835-1843. Voyage dans I'Amcrique Meridionale, . . . T. 5. MoIIusques. 758 p., 85 pis., 1835-1843 [Newton, 1891, p. 318 gives 1839-1840] 1840. In Webb and Bertholet, Histoire naturcUc dcs lies Canaries . . . T. II, pt. 2, Moll., 152, p., VIII + 13 pis. Orcutt, Charles R. 1886. Notes on the mollusks of the vicinity of San Diego, Cal.. atid Todos Santos Bay, Lozver California, [with comments by W. H. Dall]. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc. 1885, p. 534-552. pi. XXIV 1915. Molluscan World. Vol. I. San Diego. [Private] 8vo., 208 p., index, 62 p. 1919. Shells of La Jolla. California. Nautilus, vol. 33, no. 2, p. 62-67 Orton, J. H. 1928. The dominant species of O.'itrea. Nature, vol. 121, no. 3044, p. 320, 321 Pace, S. 1902. Contributions to the study of the Columbellidac. Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 5, p. 36-154 314 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. I>. CARPENTER Packard, Eakl L. 1918. MoUuscan fauna from San Francisco Bay. Univ. California Pub. Zoul., vol. 14, no. 2, p. 199-452, pis. 14-60 Palmer, Katherixe E. Hilton Vax Winkle 1921. See Van Winkle, Katherine 1927-1929. The Veneridae of eastern America, Ccnozoic and Recent. Palaeont. Amer., vol. 1, no. 5, text, p. 209-522, 1927: plates, pis. 32-76, 1929 1937. The Claibornian Scaphopoda, Gastropoda and dibranchiate Cephalopoda of the southern United States. Bull. Anicr. Paleont., vol. VII, no. 32, pt. I, text, 548 p.; pt. II. plates, p. 549-730, 90 pis. 1945. MoUuscan types in the Carpenter Collection in the Rcdpath Museum. Nautilus, vol. 58. p. 97-102 1946. [Report of Grant No. 788.] Amer. Philos. Soc, Year Book, p. 132-133 1946-1947. The Mollusca of the Jackson Eocene of the Mississippi Emhayment (Sabine River to the Alabama River). Pt. II. Univalves, p. 209-546, pis. 26-56, 62-65, 1947. In Harris, G. D., and Palmer, K. V. W., Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 30. no. 117 1951. Catalog of the first duplicate series of the Reigen Collection of Mazatlan shells in the State Museum at Albany, Nezv York. New York State Mus., Bull. no. 342, 79 p., 1 Pl. Payraudeau, B. C. 1826. Catalogue descriptif ct mcthodique des Annelides ct dcs MoUusques dc File dc Corse, [with a Preface by P. A. Latreille,] p. 7, 218, 8 pis. Pease, W. Harper 1868. Notes on the remarks of Dr. P. P. Carpenter (published in Proc. Zool. Soc. Land., 1865* (*Reprinted in American Journal of Conchology. ii, 379, 1866) on certain species of marine Gastropoda, named. Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. Ill, p. 231-234 Pennant, Tpiomas \776-l777. The British zoology. London, Benjamin Wliite, 8vo., 4 vols., Crustacea. Mol- lusca. Testae ea, vol. 4, 1777, 136 p., 93 pis. Perry, Louise Anderson Merrimon 1940. Marine shells of the southivrst coast of Florida. Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. XXVI, no. 95, p. 1-260, pis. 1-39; 2d printing, 1942, p. 1-40 Petit de la Saussaye, S. 1851. List of living and fossil Margincllas. Jour, dc Conchyliol., vol. 2. p. 38-59 Philippi, Rudolphus Amandus 1836, 1844. Enumcratio Molluscorum Siciliae cum 7'iventimn turn tellure tcrtiaria fos- silium, quae in itinere sua observavit. Vol. I, Berolini, Simonis Schroppii et Soci- orum, 4to., XIV + 267 p., 12 pis., 1836; vol. II, Halis Saxonum, 4to., IV + 303 p., pis. XIII-XVIII. 1844 1846. Kritische Bemcrkungcn iiber die von Eschschollz aufgestelltcn Arten von Acmaea. Zeitschrift fiirAIalakozoologie, July, p. 106-108 1847-1849. Centuria altera Tcstaceonim novarum, . . . Zeitschrift fiir Malakozoologic, 4tli Jahrgang, Aug., p. 113-127, 1847; 5th Jahrgang, JaiL, p. 13-16; Feb., p. 17-27, 1848 (Sept. 1848) ; March. 1849 Phillips, Maurice E. 1948. A brief history of Academy Publicalions. .Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, vol. C. p. i-xl PlITPPS, CONSTANTINE JOIIN 1774. A voyage toivards the North Pole undertaken by his Majesty's command . . . 1773. London, 4to., VIII + 76 p., App. p. 79-253. [Natural History in App., p. 183-204] Pilsbry, Henry .Augustus 1890-1893. Manual of conchology ; . . . Vo]. XII. .'^tomatcllidae ScissurcUidae, Pleuroto- mariidae, Ualiotidae, Scutellinidae, Addisoniidae, Cocculinidae, FissureUidac. Z2Z p., 65 pis.. 1890; vol. XIV, Polyplacophora, Lcpidoplcuridae, Ishnochitonidae, BIBLIOGRAPHY 315 Cliitonidae, Mopaliidae, 350 p., 68 pis., 1892; vol. XV, Polyplacophora, Acantlto- chitidae, Cryptoplacidae and Appendix. Tectihranchiata. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadel- phia, 8vo., 436 p., 61 pis. Continuation of the publication begun by George W. Tryon, Jr. 1891. Acmaea candeana vs. Acviaea antillarum. Nautilus, vol. 5, no. 8, p. 85, 86 1894a. Notices of new chitons, III. Nautilus, vol. 7, no. 12, p. 138, 139 1894b. On Chiton hartivcgii Cpr. and its allies. Nautilus, vol. 8, no. 4; Nautilus, vol. 10, no. 5, p. 49-51 1898. Note on the subgenus Eucosiiiia Cpr. Nautilus, vol. 12, no. 5, p. 60 1905. Nezv Japanese marine Mollusca. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc., vol. LVII, p. 101-122, pis. II-V 1922. Revision of IV. M. Gahh's Tertiary Mollusca of Santo Domingo. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. LXXIII, pt. II, p. 305-435, pis. XVI-XLVII 1933. Notes on the gastropod gemis Liofia and its allies. Acad. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc., vol. LXXXV, p. 375-381, pi. 13 1940. For publications 1882-1939, see American Malacological Union 1945. Otesia H. & A. Adams versus Vitrinula "Gray" Carpenter. Nautilus, vol. 59, no. 2, p. 66, 67 PiLSBRY, Henry A., and Johnson, Charles W. 1892. Catalogue of Fissurellidae of the United States. Nautilus, vol. 5, no. 9, p. 102-107; Additional U. S. Fissurellidae. Nautilus, vol. 5, no. 10, p. 113 Pn,SBRY, H. A., AND Harbison, Anne 1933. Notes on the Miocene of southern Nezv Jersey. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 85, p. 107-120, pis. 3-5 PiLSBRY, H. A., AND LoWE, H. N. 1932. JVest Me.vican and Central American mollusks collected by H. N. Lozve, 1929- 1931. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. LXXXIV, p. 33-144, 17 pis. PiLSBRY, H. A., AND McGlNTY, ThOMAS L. 1945. Cyclostrematidae and Vitrinellidae of Florida — /. Nautilus, vol. 59, no. 1, p. 1-13, pM PiLSBRY, H. A., AND RAYMOND, WiLLIAMS JaMES 1898. Note on Scptifer bifurcatus Conrad. Nautilus, vol. 12, no. 6, p. 69-71 PiLSBRY, Henry, and Sharp, Benjamin 1897-1898. Manual of conchology; . . . Vol. XVII, Scaphopoda, 348 p., 48 pis. PiSSARRO, G. 1904-1913. See Cossmann, M., and Pissarro, G. PoLi, Giuseppe Saverio 1791-1795. Testacea iitritisque Siciliae, eorumque historia et anatomia. Parma, folio, 2 t., atlas ; 3 tomes in all. T. Ill continued by S. della Cliiaje, 1827 Powell, A. W. Baden 1927. The genetic relationships of australa.nan rissiods. Part 1. Descriptions of nezv Re- cent genera and species from Nezv Zealand and Kermadec Islands. New Zealand Inst., Trans, and Proc, vol. 57, p. 534-548, pis. 26-28 1937. The shellfish of Nezv Zealand. An illustrated handbook. Auckland, The Unity Press Ltd., 8vo., 100 p., 18 pis. 2d ed., 1946, 105 p., 26 pis. Recluz, C. a. 1844. Prodome d'une monographic du genre P.rycine. Rev. Zool. Soc Cuvierienne, vol. 7, p. 291-299 ; Sept. p. 325-336 Redfield, John Howard 1870. Catalogue of the knozvn species, Recent and fossil of the family MargineUidae. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Conch. Sec, 325 p. Also pub. in Amcr. Jour. Conch., vol. VI, App., p. 215-325 316 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BV P. P. CARPENTER Reeve, Lovell Augustus 1843-1878. Conchologia Iconica. London, L. Reeve & Co., 4to, 20 vols. For dates of pub- lication of parts see Bibliotheca Zoologica, Bd. 1, p. 806-807; 1861-1880, Bd. 4, 1894, p. 2795-2797 1843-1849. Vol. 1, dated 1843, Conns, Plniroioma, CrassatcUa, Phorus, Pecfunculus, Cardita, Dclphimila, Cypricardia, Harpa 1843-1845. Vol. 2, dated 1843, Corbida, Area, Triton, Glauconome, Myodora, Ranella, Mitra, Cardiion, Isocardia 1846-1848. Vol. 4, dated 1847, Chaina. Chiton, ChitoncUus, Ficiila, Pyrula, TurhincUa, Fasciolaria, Fusus, Paludonnts, Tiirlw 1849-1851. Vol. 6, dated 1851, Valuta, Fissurclla, Parfiila, AchatinrUa Artemis, Lucina, Hcmipectcn, Oliva, Stromhus, Pterocera, Rnstellaria, StrulhioJaria 1860-1862. Vol. 13, dated 1862, Tercbratula, Rhynchonclla, Crania, Orbicula, Lingula, Cymbiiim, Cyclostoma, Cyclophorus, Leptopoma, Vitrina, Simpulopsis, Phasianella, Trochus 1864. Vol. 15, dated 1866, Solarium, Sigaretus, Marginella, Ancillaria, Oimhim, Erato, Carinaria, Tornatella, PyramideUa, Cerithium, Eulima, Vertagus, Tclescopium, Cerithidea, Pyrazus. Lampania, Tympanotonos, Leiostraca, Niso, Pofamidcs 1866-1870. Vol. 17, dated 1870, Anodon, Tellina, Atys, Hyria, Casfalia, Aplysia, Pleiiro- branchus, Cucullaea, Scutus, Tugalia 1870-1872. Vol. 18, dated 1873, Philine, Bullina, Nueula, Ufrieulus, Ostraea, Lintcria, Seaphander, Pholas, Yoldia, Laeda, Plactma, Etheria, Mulleria, Bartelettia, Solcn- ella, Ncilo, Pholadomya, Succinea, Magilus, Clavagella, Limnaea, Lima, Dentalium, Corbis. By G. B. Sowerby 1873-1874. Vol. 19, dated 1874, Helieina, Panopaea, Sealaria, Cumingia, Glycimeris, Cyprina, Anatinella, PUeatnla, Eniarginula, Gnathodon, Cemoria, Rimula, CardiUa, Cranopsis and Zeidora, Typhis, Pleurotomaria, GaJeomnia, Scintella, StomateUa, Stomatia, Gena, Solcn, Adeorbis, Teinostoma, Brodcripia, Cultellus, Cyclostrema, Pharus, Megaspira, Chilina, Physa, Solecurtus, Petrieola, Astarte, Venerupis, Pan- dora, Triehotropis. By G. B. Sowerby Rehder, Harald Alfred 1938. See, Ball, W. H., Bartsch, P., and Rehder, H. 1943. Nczv marine mollnsk from the AntiUean region. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 93, no. 3161, p. 187-203, pis. 19-20 1946. See Bartsch, P., Rehder, H. A., and Shields, B. Reinhardt, Phillip W. 1935. Classification of the pelecypod family Arcidae. Mus. roy. d'Hist. nat. Belgique, Bull., t. XI, no. 13, 68 p. 1939. The holotype of Barbatia (Acar) gradata (Brodcrip and Sowerby). San Diego Soc. Nat. Tlist., Trans., vol. 9, no. 10, p. 39-46 1943. Mesozoic and Cenozoic Arcidae from the Pacific Slope of North America. Geol. Soc. Amer., Sp. Paper, no. 47, 117 p., 15 pis. Revnell, Alexander 1918. On the dates of the parts of Forbes and Hanley's History of British Mollusca. Malacol. Soo. London, Proc, vol. 13, p. 25-26 Rtcit, Jeremiah 1764. The pen's dc.vterity: or, the ingenious and useful art of 7vriting shorl-hand. 18th ed. London, John Beccroft, 8vo., 64 p. Risso, Joseph Antoine 1826. Historic vafurelle des principalcs productions de VEurope meridionale et particuU- erement de celles des Environs de Nice et des Alpes maritimes. 5 vols. Paris, E. G. Levrault, t. 4, Aper(u sur I'histoire des mollu.s-ques qui vivent sitr les lords de la Mediterranee horeale et des coquilles, ferresfres fluviatiles, et marines, subfossiles. BIBLIOGRAPHY 317 fossiles et petrifiees, qui gisent dans les diverses formations des Alpes maritimes. VII + 439 p., 12 pis. W. E. Leach's ms. names included; indicated in Risso by footnote. RoEDiNG, Peter Friedrich 1798. See Bolten, Joa. Friedrich Rogers, Julia Ellen 1908. [1951] The Shell Book. New York, Doubleday Page Co., 4to., 485 p., pis. ; revised ed. Boston, Charles T. Branford Co., 4to., 503 p., 87 pis., List of modern names by H. Rehder [1951] Roissy, Felix 1805 (1806). In Buffon, Ilisfoire Xatiirelle, gencrale et particuliere . . . nonroelle edition, accompaynee de Notes . . . Oiivrage . . . redige par C. S. Sonnini. 8vo. Paris. His- toire naturelle . . . des Mollusqucs. Par Denys-Montjort, cont'd par Roissy. 1805 (an. XIII) Ross, Sir Constantine John (2d Baron Mulgrave) 1819. A voyage of discovery in H.M.S. Isabella and Alexander [in 1818] for purposes of exploring Baffin's Bay and inquiring into the probability of a north-west Passage. App. I, II. (App. II, Zool. Mem. [list by Leach], XXXIX + 252 p., 29 pis., maps, text illust. Sacco, Frederico 1890-1904. / Molhischi dei terreni terziari del Piemonte e della Liguria. (Descritti da Luigi Bellardi. pt. VI.) Pts. VI-XXX, 4to. For dates of each part, contents, num- ber pages, and plates see pt. XXX. Data for pts. VI-XIII, see Palmer, K.V.W., 1937, p. 530; pts. XIX, XX, XXVI, XXX, see Harris, G. D., and Palmer, K.V.W., 1946, p. 198 VON Salis Marschlins, Charles Ulysses 1793. Reise in Koen. Naples. [Travels through various provinces of the Kingdom of Naples in 1798.] Translated from German by Anthony Aufrere. London, VIII + 527 p. App., A catalogue of such shells as came to viy knozvledge out of the sea, that bounds the kingdom of Naples, p. 435-527, pi. VI-IX, 1795 Salisbury, A. E. 1929. A tzvice pre-occupied generic name. Malacol. Soc. London, Proc., vol. 18, pt. V, p. 255 ; Polymetis, pt. VI, p. 258 1934. On the nomenclature of Tellinidae, zvith descriptions of nezv species and some re- marks on distribution. Malacol. Soc. London, Proc., vol. 21, p. 74-91 1931. See Kennard, A. S. Salisbury, A. E., and Woodward, B. B. Sars, Georg Ossian 1878. Bidrag til kundskaben om norges arktiske fauna. I. Mollusca regionis arcticae norvegiae, Oversigt over de I norges arktiske region Christiania. 8vu, 466 p., XVII pis. Schenk, Edward T., and McM asters. John H. 1936. Procedure in taxonomy. Including a reprint of the international rules of zoological nomenclature z^'itJi summaries of opinions rendered to the presoit date. Stanford Univ. Press, 8vo, 72 p. Schenck, Hubert Gregory 1934a. Classification of nuculid pelecypods. Musee roy. d'Hist. nat. Belgique, Bull., t. X, no. 20, 78 p., pis. III-V 1934b. Geologic application of biometrical analysis of molluscan assemblages. Jour. Paleont., vol. 19, no. 5, p. 504, pis. 66, 67 1935. Neotypes of Niicula nucleus (Linne). Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 21, pt. IV, p. 258-261 1939. Revised nomenclature for some nuculid pelecypods. Jour. Paleont., vol. 13, no. 1, p. 21^1 3lS Marine >ror,T,t'sCA descrirkd p.y p. p. carpenter 1945. (u'oloyic application of biometrical analysis of inolluscan assemblages. Jour. Paleont, vol. 19, no. 5, p. 504-521, pis. 66, 67, text figs. Schmidt, Friederich Christian 1818. Vcrsuch iibcr die hestc Einrichtung cur Aufstellung, Behandhmg itnd Aufbezvahrnng der vcrschiedencn Naturkorper und Gegenstande der Kunst, vorauglich der Con- chylien-Sammlungen, ncbst kurzer Beurtheilung der conchyliologischen Systeme und Schriften und einer label larischen Zusammenstellting und Vergleichung der sechs besten und neuesten conchyliologischen Systeme, zvelchen ein Verzcichniss der am meisten bekannten Conchylicn angehangt ist, wie solclie nach dem I.amarck- ischen System geordnet zverden konnen. Gotha, 252 p. Schumacher, Chretien Frederic 1817. Essais d'un nouveau systeme des habitations des vers tcstaces. Copenhagen, 4to, 287 p., 22 pis. ScoPOLi, Johannes Antonius [Giovanni Antonio] 1777. Introductio ad Historiam naturalem sistens genera Lapidiim, Plantarum et Ani- malium hactenus dectecta, caracteribus esscntialibiis donata, in tribiis divisa, subinde ad leges naturae. Prague, 8vo, Mollusca, p. 386-400 Sharp, Benjamin 1897-1898. See Pilsbry, H. A., and Sharp, B. Shepherd, Ida Mary 1895. IVith a dredge. Nautilus, vol. 9, no. 6, p. 71-72 Sherborn, Charles Davies 1937. Breivster's Edinburgh Encyclopedia, Jr. Sci. Bibliography Nat. Hist., vol. 1, pt. 4, p. 112 Sherborn, C. Davies, and Woodward, B. B. 1901. Notes on the dates of publication of the parts of Kiener's Species General et Icono- graphie des coquilles vivantes. . . . 1834-40. Malacol. Soc. London, vol. 4, no. 5, p. 216-219 1906. On the dates of publication of the natural history portions of the 'Encyclopedic Methodique.' Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 7, vol. XVII, p. 577-582 Smith, Allyn G. 1955. Rezneiu of chitons of the West Coast of North America, North of Me.vico. Part 2. Min. Conch. Club So. California, no. 145, pp. 10-18 Smith, Allyn G., and Gordon, Mackenzie, Jr. 1946. The marine mollusks and brachiopods of Monterey Bay, California, and vicinity. California Acad., Sci., Proc., ser. 4, vol. XXVI, no. 8, p. 147-245, 3 pis., 4 text figs. Smith, Edgar Albert 1872. Remarks on several species of BuUidae, zvith description of some hitherto unde- scribed forms, and a nezv species of Plana.vis. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. IX, p. 344-355 1881. Observations on the genus Astarte zvith a list of tlie knozvn Recent species. Jour. Conch., vol. Ill, p. 196-232 1885. Reports on the Lamellibranchiata collected by 1 1. M.S. Challenger during the years IS73-76. Challenger Rcpts., Zool., vol. Xlil, p. 1 341, pis. I X.W 1915. On the genera Eglisia, Callostracum, Mesalia, Turritellopsis, and Tacliyrliynchus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, vol. XV, p. 360-377, 3 figs. S.MiTH, Maxwell 1907. Annotated list of the Mollusca found in the vicinity of La Jolla, San Diego Co., Cal. Nautilus, vol. 21, no. 5, p. 55-59 ; no. 6, p. 65-67, pi. VII 1937. East Coast marine shells. Descriptions of shore mollusks together zvith many living belozv tide mark, from Maine to Texas inclusive, especially Florida. Ann .A.rbor, Mich, [private] 4to, 308 p., 74 pis. text figs. BTBLTOCRAPTTY 319 1944. Panamic marine shells. Synonymy, nomenclature, range and illustrations. Winter Park, Fla., [private], 4to., 127 p., 912 figs. SoLANDER, Daniel Carl 1786. Portland Catalogue, ... See Iredale, T., 1916c. Soot-Ryen, Tron 1955. A retort on the family Mytilidae (Pelecypoda). Allan Hancock Pacific Exped., vol. 20, no. 1, 174 p., 10 pis. SowERBY, George Brettingham ("1st of the name") 1832. [Nezo species of shells collected by Mr. Cuming on the zvestern coast of South America and among the islands of the south Pacific Ocean.] Zool. Soc. London, Proc,. p. 113-120 1835 [1836]. Characters of and observations on new genera and species of Mollusca and Conchifera collected by Mr. Cuming. Zool. Soc. London, Proc, 1835, pt. Ill, p. 4-7; 21-23; 41-47; 49-51 ; 84-85; 93-96; 109-110 1844. Continuation of description of Scalaria. Zool. Soc. London, Proc., pt. XII, p. 26-31 1870-1878. Conch. Icon, by Reeve, vol. XVIII, XIX, and XX by Sowerby, G. B. Sowerby, George Brettingham ("2d of the name") (1842) 1847-1887. Thesaurus Conchyliorum. See British Museum Catalogue of Books, Manuscripts, vol. V, p. 1981 Sowerby, James 1812-1822. The mineral conchology of Great Britain; or coloured figures and descrip- tions of those remains of testaceous animals of shells, zvhich have been preserved at various times and depths in the eartli. London [private], vols. I-IV, nos. 1-65. For complete notation by page and plate, according to date, of the 7 vols., 113 nos. of the complete work see Newton, 1891, p. 323. James Sowerby did nos. 1-65, to 1822; work to 1846 was completed by his son, James de Carle Sowerby 1820-1834. The genera of recent and fossil shells, for the use of sttidents in conchology and geology. Continued by George Brettingham ("1st of the name") London, [private], 8vo. not paged. Not dated. For dates see Newton, 1891, p. 321 Sowerby, James de Carle 1829. The mineral conchology of Great Britain; . . . London, [private], 8vo., vols. V-VII. See Sowerby, James, 1812-1822 Stearns, Mary R. 1911. Bibliography of the scientific zvriting of R.E.C. Stearns with biographical sketch by W. H. Ball. Smith. Misc. Coll., vol. 56, no. 18, 15 p., 1 pi. Stearns, Robert Edwards Carter 1868. List of shells collected at Bodega Bay, Califor)iia, June, 1867. California Acad. Sci., Proc, vol. Ill, p. 382, 383 1877. Remarks on the late . . . Doctor Philip P. Carpenter. Address to the California Academy of Sciences, July 2d. San Francisco, California Academy of Sciences, 8vo., S p. Memorial 1891. Scientific results of explorations by the U. S. Fish Commissions steamer Albatross, A'O. XVII. Descriptions of nezv zvest American land, freshzvater, and marine shells, zvith notes and comments. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. XIII, p. 205-225, pis. XV- XVII 1866-1907. See Stearns, Mary R., 1911 Stearns, W. T. 1937. On the dates of publication of Webb and Berthclot's, "Histoirc Xaturelle dcs lies Canaries." Soc. Bib. Nat. Hist. Jour., vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 54 Stephens, Frank 1929. Notes on the marine Pleistocene deposits of San Diego County, California. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist.. Trans., vol. V, no. 16, p. 245-256, fig. 1 320 MARINE MOLLUSC A DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Stewart, Ralph Bentley 1927. Gabb's Califoniui fossil type gastropods. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc. 1926, vol. LXXVIII, p. 287-447, pis. XX-XXXII 1930. Gabb's California Cretaceous and Tertiary type lamellibranchs. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Special Publ, no. 3, 314 p., 17 pis. Stimpson, William 1865. On certain genera and families of coophagous gasteropods. Amer. Jour. Conch., vol. I, p. 55-64 Stoltczka, Ferdinand 1868-1871. Cretaceous fauna of southern India. Geol. Surv. India, Mem. Paleontologia Indica, vol. 1-4, 203 p., 16 pis., 1867; Gastropoda. Vol. II, p. 204-498, pis. 17-28, 1868. The pelecypods zuith a revieiv of all knoivn genera of this class, fossil and Recent. Vol. Ill, 1870-1871, 537 p., 50 pis. Strong, A. M. 1923. Partial list of the molluscan fauna of Catalina Island. Nautilus, vol. 2)7, no. 2, p. 37-43 1924a. Notes on the Donax of California. Nautilus, vol. 2)7, no. 3, p. 81-84 1924b. Notes on Lacuna from the California coast. Nautilus, vol. 38, no. 3, p. 16-18 1925a. "Acanthina," Nautilus, vol. 38, no. 3, p. 104 1925b. Notes on West Coast Calyptraca. Nautilus, vol. 39, no. 1, p. 9-11 1928a. Notes on microscopic shells from Neivport Bay, California. Nautilus, vol. 42, no. 1, p. 1-4 1928b. IVcst American Mollusca of the genus Phasianella. California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XVII, no. 6, p. 187-202, pi. 10 1930. Notes on some species of Epitonium, subgenus Nitidiscala, from the west Coast of North America. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., Trans., vol. VI, no. 7, p. 183-196, pi. 20 1931. Further notes on Epitonium fallaciosum. Nautilus, vol. 45, no. 2, p. 70, 71 1934. West American species of the genus Liotia. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., Trans., vol. VII, no. 2)7, p. 429-452, pis. 28-31 1937. Notes on West Coast Epitoniidae. Nautilus, vol. 51, no. 1, p. 4-8 1940-1949. See Hertlein, L. G., and Strong, A. M. 1941. Notes on Epitonium (Nitidoscala) tinctum Carpenter. Nautilus, vol. 55, no. 2, p. 46-47 1955. See Hertlein, L. G., and Strong, A. AI. Strong, A. M., Hanna, G. D., and Hertlein, L. G. 1933. The Templeton Crocker Expedition of the California Academy of Sciences, 1932, No. 10. Marine Mollusca from Acapulco, with notes on other species. California Acad. Sci., Proc, ser. 4, vol. XXI, no. 10, p. 117-126, pis. 5, 6 Strong, A. M., and Hertlein, L. G. 1939. Marine mollusks from Panama collected by the Allan Hancock Expedition to the Galapogos Islands, 1931-1932. Allan Hancock Foundation, Pub. Univ. So. Cali- fornia, ser. 1, vol. 2, no. 12, p. 177-245, pi. 18-23 SuTUR, Henry 1913-1915. Manual of the Nezv Zealand Mollusca zvith an atlas of quarto plates. X'^ew Zealand government, Wellington, 8vo, 1120 p. ; plates 4to, 1915, 72 pis. SwAiN.soN, William 1820-1823. Zoological Illustrations, or original figures and descriptions of nezv, rare, or interesting animals, selected chiefly from the classes of ornithology, entomology, and conchology and arranged on the principles of Cuvier and other modern zoolo- gists. Ser. 1, London, Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, and W. Wood, 8vo. vol. 1, 66 pis. with description of each, 1820-1821 ; vol. II, pis. 67-119 with description of each, 1821-1822, vol. Til, pis. 120-182 with description of each, 1822-1823 BIBLIOGRAPHY 321 1840. A treatise on malacology or shells and shell- fish. London, Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longmans and John Taylor, 8vo, 419 p., text figs. Sykes, E. R. 1907. On the dates of publication of Soivcrby's "Mineral Conchology" and "Genera of Recent atid Fossil Shells." Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 7, 1906. p. 191-194 Tate, Ralph 1870. Appendix to the Manual of Mollusca of S. P. Woodward, A. L. S. . . . London, Strahan and Co., 8vo., 86 p., text figs. Taylor, George William 1894. Notes of a collecting trip to Departure Bay, Vancou7rr Island. Nautilus, vol. VII, no. 9, p. 100-102 1895. Preliminary catalogue of the marine Mollusca of the Pacific Coast of Canada, itnth notes upon their distribution. Royal Soc. Canada, Proc. and Trans., ser. 2, vol. 1, p. 17-100 Test, Avery Ransome [Grant] 1945. Ecology of California Acmaea. Ecology, vol. 26, no. 4, p. 395^W5 1946. Speciation in limpets of the genus Acmaea. Cont. Lab. Vert. Biol., Univ. Mich., no. 31, p. 1-24 Thiele, Johannes 1909-1900. Revision dcs Systems der Chitoncn. Zoologica, Teil I, Bd. 22, Heft 56, p. 1-70, pis. I-VI, 1909; Teil II, p. 71-132, pis. VII-X, 1910 1931-1934. Handbuch der Systematischen Weichtierkunde. Jena. Gustav Fischer, 8vo., Bd. 1, teil 1, 2, Loricata and Gastropoda, 77S p., 1931; teil 3, Scaphopoda and Pclccypoda, 244 p., 1934 ToMLiN, J. R. le Brocton 1917. A systematic list of the Marginellidac. Alalacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 12, pt. \'I, p. 242-306 1923. On the identity of Saxidomus brerisiphonatus Carpenter. Nautilus, vol. 37, no. 1, p. 26 1925. Identity of Patella tenuilirata Carpenter. Nautilus, vol. 38, no. 4, p. 121 1927-1928. The Mollusca of the 'St. George' Expedition. (1) The Pacific Coast of S. America. Jour. Conch., vol. 18, no. 6, p. 153-170; no. 7, p. 187-198 1935. Catalogue of Recent Latiaxis. Jour. Conch., vol. 20, no. 6, p. 180-183 ToMLiN, J. R. le B., and Winckworth, R. 1931. Facsimile copy of Mollusca in Beschreibung der N aturalien-Sammlung der Uni- versitdt zu Rostock. See Link, H. F., 1806-1808 1936. An index to the species of Mollusca in the Beschreibung of H. F. Link. Malacol. Soc. London, Proc., vol. 22, pt. I, p. 27-48 1941. Shell sales. Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 24, p. 157-160 Totten, Joseph G. 1834. Description of some new shells, belonging to the coast of New England. Amer. Jour. Sci., vol. XXVI, p. 366-369, 1 pi.; vol. XXVIII, p. 347-353, 1 pi. Tryon, George Washington, Jr. 1861. List of American ivriters on recent conchology zvith the titles of their memoirs and dates of publication. Philadelphia, author, 8vo, 68 p. 1869. Catalogue of synonymy of the genera, species and varieties of Recent Mollusca, described prior to January 1st, 1867 , with dates of publications, references to plates and localities. Pt. 2. Saxicavidae, Myidae, Corbulidae, Tellinidae, Philadelphia, author, 8vo, p. 59-126 1872. Catalogue and synonymy of the Recent species of the Lucinidae. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc, vol. 24, p. 82-96; p. 227-234, Catalogue and synonymy of the family Leptonidae ; p. 229-234, Catalogue and synonymy of the family Leptonidae 322 ^rARIXE >roLLi'scA nEscRip.F.n by p. p. carpenter 1879-1887. Manual of Conchology. Philadelphia, author, 8vo., vol. I, 316 p., 112 pis. Cephalopoda, 1879; vol. II, 289 p., 70 pis., Muricinac, Purpuniiae, 1880; vol. Ill, 310 p., 87 pis. Trifonidae, Fusidae ; Buccinidae, 1881 ; vol. IV, 276 p., 58 pis., Nassidac, Turbincllidac. Volutidac, Mitridae, 276 p., 58 pis., 1882; vol. V, 276 p., 63 pis., MaryincUidac, OUvidac, CohtmbclUdac, 1883 ; vol. VI, 413 p., 34 pis., Coni- dae, Plcurotomidae, 1884; vol. VII, 309 p., 10 pis., Tercbridac, Canccllariidac, Stroiiihidar, Cypraeidae, Ovulidae, Cassididae, Doliidae, 309 p., 10 pis., 1885 ; vol. XT! I, 461 ])., 79 pis., Naticidae, Calyptraeidae, TurritelUdae, l^ermetidae, Caecidac, luiliiiiidac. Tiirbonillidae , Pyramidcllidac, 1886; vol. IX, 488 p., 71 pis., Solariidar. lanthbiidac, Trochotropidae, Scalariidae, Cerithiidac, Rissoidae, Litiorinidac, 1887 1882-1884. Structural and systematic conchology an introduction to the study of the Mol- lusra. Philadelphia, author, 8vo., vol. I, 312 p.. General, 1882; vol. II, 430 p.. Cephalopoda, Pteropoda, Gastropoda, 1883, vol. Ill, 453 p., 140 pis. Pulmonata, Scaphopoda, Pclccypoda, 1884 Trvox, George W., Jr., and Pilsbry, Henry A. 1888. Manual of Conchology. Vol. X. Neritidae, Adcorbiidae, Cyclostrcmatidae, Liotiidae. By Tryon. Phasianellidae Turbinidae, Delphinulinac. By Pilsbry. 323 p., 69 pis. Haliotidae, 519 p., 67 pis.; vol. XI. Trochidae, Stomatiidae, Pleurotomariidae, 1889; vol. XII. Stomatellidae, Scissnrcllidae, Pleurotomariidae, Haliotidae, Scutellinidae, Addisoniidac, CoccuUnidae, Fissurellidac. By Pilsbry. 323 p., 65 pis., 1890 TrRTOX, W'lI.I.IAM 1822. Conchylia dllhyra insxdarum Britannicarum. The bii'alve sliells of the British Islands. London. M. A. Nuttali, 4to ; reprint, 1848, 279 p., 20 pis. 1827. On the genus Lacuna. Zool. Jour., vol. Ill, p. 190-192 [1828]. Valenciennes, Achille 1846. In Abel du Petit-Thouars. See Dupetit-Thouars, Abel Aubert Vanatta. Edward G. 1899. JJ'esf American EiiUmidae. Acad. Nat. Sci. Piiiladelphia, Proc, vol. 51, p. 254- 257, pi. 11 Van Winkle, Katherine E. Hilton [Palmer] 1921. Illustrations and descriptions of fossil Mollusca contained in the paleontological collections at Cornell University. Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 8, no. 2i6, p. 2)-6, pi. 1 Velain, Ch. 1876. Sur la faune malacologiques des iles Saint-Paul ci Amsterdam. Comptes Rendue Acad. Sci. [Paris,] 83, July 24, p. 284-287 1878. Pas.mge de Venus sur le soleil (9 Decembre 1874) Expedition francaise aux iles .Saint-Paul et Amsterdam Zool. Observations generales sur la fauna des deu.v iles suives d'une description des Mollusques. Arch. Zool. exp. gen. Paris, vol. 6, p. 1- 144. pis. I-V, 1877 Verrill, .Addison E., and Bush, K. J. 1897. .'/ study of the family Pectinidac zcith a rci'ision of the genera and subgenera. Connecticut Acad. Sci., Trans., vol. X, pt. 1, p. 41-96, pis. XVI-XXI 1898. Revifion of the deep-tmter Mollusca of the .lllantic Coast of North America. lAth descriptions of new genera and species. V. S. Xat. Mus,. I'rdc. vol. 20. no. 1139. p. 775-901, pis. LXXI XCVII VoKES, Harold Ernest 1936. TJie gastropods fauna of the interfidal .cone at Mo.<:s Beach, .San Mateo County, California. N'autilus, vol. 50, no. 2, p. 46-50 1945. Supraspecific groups of the pelecypod family Corhulidae. .Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., Bull., vol. 86, art. 1, p. 1-32. pis. 1-4 1955. Notes on Tertiary and Recent .Snlemvacidoe. lour. I'aleoTit., vol. 29, no. 3, p. 534- 545 ' Waterfall. Louis N. 1929. A contribution to the paleontology of the Fernando group. J'entura County, Call- BIBLIOGRAPHY 323 fontia. Univ. California Pub., Bull. Dept. Geol. Sci., vol. 18, no. 3, p. 71-92, pis. 5-6, 1 text fig. Watson, Robert Boog 1886. Report on the Scaphopoda and Gasteropoda collected by H. M. S. Challenger . . . 1873-76. Challenger Expedition Reports, vol. XV, p. V + 756, 53 pis. 4to. Weaver, Charles Edward 1943. Paleontology of the marine Tertiary formations of Oregon and JVashington. Seattle, Univ. Washington Pub., Geol. vol. 5; 789 p., 104 pis. Pt. I, p. 1-268, Coelenterata, Vermes, Echinodermata, Molluscoidea, Molhisca; Pclccypoda; Sca- phopoda; pt. II, p. 269-562, Gastropoda; Cephalopoda, Arthropoda; pt. Ill, p. 563-789, pis. 1-104, Bibliography, faunal localities, correlation chart, faunal tables, plates, neiv names, index Webb, Robert W. 1937. Paleontology of the Pleistocene of Point Loma, San Diego County, California. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., Trans., vol. VIII, no. 24, p. 337-348 Wenz, W. 1938-1944. Handbuch der Pallieosoologie. Berlin, Gebriider Borntraeger, 8vo., Bd. 6. Gastropoda. Teil 1, p. I-VIII + 1-240, text figs. Allgemeiner Teil und Proso- branchia, March 1938; teil 2, p. 241^80, text figs. Prosobranchia iind Mesogastro- poda, 1938; teil 3, p. 481-720, text figs, Prosobranchia, July 1939; teil 4, p. 720- 960, text figs., Prosobranchia, Aug. 1940; teil 5, p. %1-1200, Prosobranchia, Oct. 1941; teil 6, p. 1201-1506, Prosobranchia, Oct. 1943; teil 7, p. 1507-1639, Inhalt, literature, index, Nov. 1944 Weymouth, Frank W. 1920. The edible clams, mussels and scallops of California. California Fish and Game Com., Fish Bull., no. 4, 74 p., 19 pis., 26 figs. White, Lettie Hutchins [Mrs. G. W.] 1896. Collecting in southern California. Nautilus, vol. 9, no. 9, p. 102-104 Whiteaves, Joseph Frederick 1880. On some marine Invertebrata from the Queen Charlotte Islands. Rept. Progress, Geol. Sur. Canada, 1878-1879, p. 190B-205B 1887. On some marine Invertebrata, dredged, or othemise collected by. Dr. G. M. Daw- son in 1885, on the coast of British Columbia, . . . Roy. Soc. Canada, Trans., vol. IV, sec. 4, 1886, p. 111-135 WiLLETT, George 1919. Notes on the Mollusca of Forrester Island, Alaska. Nautilus, vol. 32, no. 2, p. 65- 69; vol. 33, no. 1, p. 21-28 1931. Psephia (Petricola) tellimyalis (Cpr.) not the young of Pctricola denticulafa Sby. So. California Acad. Sci. Bull., vol. 30, p. 2, 39, pi. 17 1935. Some superfluous names in West Coast chitons. Nautilus, vol. 49, no. 2, p. 42-44 1937. An upper Pleistocene fauna from the Baldwin Hills, Los Angeles County, Cali- fornia. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., Trans., vol. VIII, no. 30, p. 379-406, pis. 25, 26 1938. Report on Pleistocene molluscan fauna at Capisfrano Beach, Orange County, Calif. So. California Acad. Sci. Bull., vol. XXXVI, pt. 3, p. 105-107 1943. Remarks on some xvest American mollusks. Nautilus, vol. 52, no. 1, p. 10-11 1944. Wortlrwest American species of Glycimeris [Glycymeris]. So. California Acad. Sci., Bull, vol. XLII, pt. 3, p. 107-114, pis. 11, 12 Williamson, Martha Burton 1892. An annotated list of the shells of San Pedro Bay and z'icinity zvith a description of two nezv species by W. H. Dall. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 15, no. 1892, p. 179- 220, pis. XIX-XXIII 1902. A monograph on Pecten aequisulcatus, Cpr. So. California Acad. Sci., Bull., vol. I, no. 5, p. 51-64, pi. IV 324 MARINE :\rOLLrSCA DKSCRIBFn BY p. p. CARPENTER 1905. Some West American shells — including a new variety of Corbula luteola Cpr. and two new varieties of gastropods. So. California Acad. Sci., Bull., vol. IV, pt. 8, p. 118-129 WiNCKWORTH, R. 1922. Nomenclature of British Littorinidae. Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 15, p. 95- 97 1926. Names on British Mollusca — /. Jour. Conch., vol. 18, no. 1, p. 13-15 1929. Notes on nomenclature. 3. The genotypes selected by Fleming in 1818 and 1822. 4. The validity of Martyn. Malacol. Soc. London, Proc., vol. 18, pt. V, p. 224-229 1930. Azotes on nomenclature. Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 19, pt. 1, p. 14-16 1932. The British marine Mollusca. Jour. Conch., vol. 19, no. 7, p. 217-252 1934. Natnes of British Mollusca.— III. Jour. Conch., vol. 20, no. 2, p. 51-53 1936. Journal de Conchyliologic: dates of publication. Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 22, pt. Ill, p. 153-156 1944. Schmidt's Versuch, 1818. Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 26, pt. 1, p. 23-24 1945. The types of the Boltenian genera. Malacol. Soc. London, Proc, vol. 26, pts. 4, 5, p. 136-148 Wood, Searles X'alentine 1841-1942. A catalogue of shells from the Crag [gastropods]. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. VI, p. 243-253 ; vol. IX, p. 455-462 ; p. 527-544, 1 pi. 1848, 1850-1856. Monograph of the Crag Mollusca zvith descriptions of shells from the upper Tertiaries of the British Isles. Paleont. Soc, London, vol. 1, 208 p., 21 pis.. Univalves. Vol. II, 341 p., 31 pis., Bivalves Wood, Willard 1893. On a collecting trip to Monterey Bay. Nautilus, vol. 7, no. 6, p. 70-72 Wood, W'illiam 1818-1828. Index Testaceologicus, . . . London [private], 8vo., 188 p., 8 pis. 1818; 2d ed., London, [private], 8vo., Supplement, 59 p., 8 pis., 1828 1835. General Conchology . . . London, 8vo., 2d issue, 246 p., 60 pis. Woodring, Wendell Phillips 1928. Miocene mollusks from Bozvden, Jamaica. Pt. II. Gastropods and discussion of results. Carnegie Inst. Washington, Pub. no. 385, 564 p., 40 pis. 1931. "Epitonium fallaciosum." Nautilus, vol. 45, no. 1, p. 31 1935. Fossils from the marine Pleistocene terraces of the San Pedro Hills, California. Ainer. Jour. Sci., vol. XXIX, ser. 5, no. 171, p. 292-305 1938. Lower Pliocene mollusks and echinoids from the Los Angeles Basin, California, and their inferred environment. U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 190, 67 p., 9 pis. 1957. Geology and paleontology of Canal Zone and adjoining parts of Panama . . . U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 306-A, 145 p., 23 pis., maps Woodring, W. P., and Bramlette, M. N. 1950. Geology and paleontology of the Sa)ita Maria District, California. U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. J^aper 222, 185 p., 23 pis. text figs., maps W'ooDRiNG, W. P., Bramlette, M. N., and Kew, W. S. W. 1946. Geology and paleontology of Palos Verdes Hills, California. U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 207, V + 145 p., 2)7 pis., text figs., maps Woodring, W. P., Stewart, Ralph, and Richards, R. W. 1940. Geology of the Kettleman Hills oil field California. Stratigraphy, paleontology, and structure. U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 195, 170 p., 57 pis., text figs., inserts Woodward, Bernard Barham 1906. See Sherborn, C. D., and Woodward, B. B. 1931. See Kennard, A. S., Salisbury, A. E., and Woodward. B. B. YocuM, H. B., and Edge, E. R. 1929. The Pelecypoda of the Coos Bay region, Oregon. Nautilus, vol. 43, no. 2, p. 49-51 EXPLANATION OF PLATES 326 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Plate l.—HUXLEVIA, BARB ATI A, NUCULA, GLYCYMERIS, AND PHILOBRYA Figure Page 1-3. Hii.vlcyia munita (Dall) 64 Syntype, U.S.N.M., No. 23243. Length, 2 mm.; width, 1.5 mm. 4, 5. Barbatia pernoidcs (Carpenter) 62 Redpath Mus. Length, 17 mm. ; height, 12 mm. ; thickness, 5 mm. 6, 7. Nucula exiqua Sowerby 61 '"Syntype," MS. A'', suprastriata Cpr., U.S.N.M., No. 23247. Length, 5 mm.; height, 4 mm.; thickness, 1+ mm. 8-10. Glycymeris subobsoleta (Carpenter) 63 Syntypes, U.S.N. M., No. 15594. Fig. 8, lengtli, 34 mm.; height, 31 mm.; thick- ness, 10 mm. Figs. 9, 10, length, 30 mm. ; height, 29 mm. ; thickness, 9 mm. 11-16. Philobrya setosa (Carpenter) 65 Syntype, U.S.N.M., No. 16187; X 8. GEOL. SOC. AM., MEMOIR 76 PALMER, PL. 1 HUXLEYIA, BARBATIA, NUCULA, GLYCYMERIS, AND PHILOBRYA GEOL. SOC. AM., MEMOIR 76 PALMER, PL. 2 PECTEN AND NUCULANA EXPLANATION OF PLATES 327 Plate 2.—PBCTEX AND XCCULAXA Figure Page 1-3. "Pecten (? var.) sqnarrosus" Carpenter 72 Syntypes, Redpath Mus., No. 120. Fig. 1, length, 45 mm.; height, 46 mm.; thickness, 12 mm. Figs. 2, 3, length, 18 mm. ; height, 21 mm. ; thickness, 4.5 mm. 4-6. Nuculana hamata (Carpenter) 61 Fig. 6, lectotype, U.S.N.Al., No. 107420. Figs. 4, 5, length, 9 mm.; height, 5 mm.; thickness (each valve), 1 mm. Fig. 6, length, 10 mm.; height, 5 mm.; thickness, 2.5 mm. 328 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Plate 3.—PECTEN Figure P^ae 1-3. Pcctcn circnlaris aequisulcatus Carpenter 71 Syntypes, U.S.N.M., No. 15645 ; X 1. 4-6. Pecten rubidus Hinds 69 "Pecten Hindsii Cpr. = rubidus, H. C. Sitka." Redpath Mus. Fig. 4, length, 15 mm. ; height, 18 mm. ; thickness, 3 mm. Fig. 5, length, 19 mm. ; height, 22 mm. ; thickness, 3 mm. Fig. 6, length, 29 mm. ; height, 32 mm. ; thickness, 5 mm. y GEOL. SOC. AM., MEMOIR 76 PALMER, PL. 3 PECTEN GEOL. SOC. AM., MEMOIR 76 PALMER, PL. 4 MODIOLUS. ADULA, AND ASTIIEXOTIIAERUS EXPLANATION OF PLATES 329 Plate 4.— MODIOLUS, ADULA, AND ASTHENOTHAERUS Figure Poge 1. Adula calijorniensis (Philippi) '4 Adida stylina Carpenter. San Diego, Hemphill. Redpath Mus., No. 109. Length, 12 mm. ; height, 5.5 mm. ; thickness, 2 mm. 2. Adtila calijorniensis (Philippi) 74 Adula stylina Carpenter. San Diego, Hemphill. Redpath Mus., No. 109. Length, 20 mm. ; height, 6 mm. 3. Adula calijorniensis (Philippi) 74 Adula stylina Carpenter. San Diego, Hemphill. Redpath Mus., No. 109. Length, 23 mm. ; height, 9 mm. 4. Adula calijorniensis (Philippi) 74 Adula stylina Carpenter. San Diego, Hemphill. Redpath Mus., No. 109. Length, 19 inm. ; height, 7 mm. ; thickness, 7 mm. 5. 6. Asthenothaerus villosior Carpenter 75 Holotype, left valve, U.S.N. M., No. 16292. Length, 11 mm.; height, 6+ mm.; thickness, 2 mm. 7. Asthenothaerus villosior Carpenter 75 Holotype, right valve, U.S.N.M., No. 16292. Length, 11 mm.; height, 6+ mm.; thickness, 2 mm. 8, 9. Asthenothaerus villosior Carpenter 75 Enlargement of hinges of holotype. 10-12. Modiolus jornicatus (Carpenter) 7Z Holotype, Redpath Mus., No. 3133. Length, 36 mm. ; height, 20 mm. ; thickness, 12 mm. 330 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Plate 5.— PANDORA AND OSTREA Figure Page 1-3. Pandora bilirata Conrad 76 Holotype, P. bicarinata Carpenter, U.S.N.M., No. 592440; X 21/.. Fig. 8, exterior. 4-6. Ostrea liirida Carpenter 66 Syntype, Redpath Mus., No. 125. Fig. 4, left valve, length, 52 mm. ; height, 60 mm. ; thickness, 17 mm. Figs. 5, 6, right valve, length, 58 mm. ; height, 66 mm. ; thickness, 36 mm. GEOL. SOC. AM., MEMOIR 76 PALMER, PL. 5 PANDORA AND OSTREA GEOL. SOC. AM., MEMOIR 76 PALMER, PL. 6 CLSI'IDAlilA, LEIOMYA, AND PANDORA EXPLANATION OF PLATES 331 Plate 6.— CUSPID ARIA, LEIOMYA, AND PANDORA Figure Page 1-5. Cuspidaria pectinafa (Carpenter) 78 Holotype, U.S.N.M., No. 4506. Length, 6.5 mm.; height, 4 mm.; thickness (double), 3 mm. 6-8. Leiomya scabra (Carpenter) 79 Holotype, U.S.N.M., No. 592441. Length, 16 mm.; height, 9 mm.; thickness, 3 mm. The offset in the hinge line is due to breakage. 9-14. Pandora filosa (Carpenter) 77 Syntype, U. S. N. M., No. 4542. Length, 21 mm.; height, 11.; thickness (double), 4 mm. 332 MARINE MOLLI'SCA DESCRIBED BV P. P. CARPENTER Plate 7.—GLANS, EU CRASS AT ELLA, MY SELLA. AST ARTE, AND AXINOPSIDA Figure P<^9e 1-4. Clans subquadrata (Carpenter) 82 Syntypes, U.S.N.M., No. 15681. Figs. 1, 2, 4, length, 9 mm.; height, 7 mm.; thickness, 5 mm. ; fig. 3, length, 10 mm. ; height, 6 mm. ; thickness, 3 mm. 5-7. Eucrassatella fluctuata (Carpenter) 81 Holotype, U.S.N. M., No. 1060. Length, 8+ mm.; height, 6 mm.; thickness, 1.5 mm. 8-12. Mysella tutnida (Carpenter) 88 Holotype, U.S.N.M., No. 5242. Length, 4 mm. ; height, 3 mm, 13-15A. Astarte compacta Carpenter 80 Holotype, U.S.N.M., No. 4509. Length, 10 mm.; height, 9 mm.; thickness (double), 5 mm. 16-18. Axinopsida serricata (Carpenter) 84 Lectotype, U.S.N.M., No. 5249; x 3. GEOL. SOC. AM., MEMOIR 76 PALMER, PL. 7 GLANS, EUCRASSATELLA, MYSELLA, AST ARTE, AND AXINOPSIDA GEOL. SOC. AM., MEMOIR 76 PALMER, PL. 8 MIODONTISCUS AND LUCINA KXPI.ANATION OF PLATES 333 Plate 8.—MI0D0NTISCUS AND LUCINA Figure Page 1, 4, 5. Miodontiscus prolongatus (Carpenter) 83 Syntype, U.S.N.M., No. 15472; X 8. 2, 3, 6, 7. Miodontiscus prolongatus (Carpenter) 83 Syntypes, Redpath Mus., No. 2377. Figs. 2, 6, length, 4.5 mm. ; height, 5 mm. ; thickness, 2+ mm. ; Figs. 3, 7, length, 5 mm. ; height, 5 mm. ; thickness, 2+ mm. 8-12. Lucina tenuisculpta (Carpenter) 86 Holotype, U.S.N.M., No. 5244. Length, 6 mm.; height, 6 mm.; thickness, 3-|- mm. 334 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Plate 9.—PSEUD0PYTHINA, KELLIA, PRISTES, AND HUMILARIA Figure Page 1, 2. Pscudopythina rugifera (Carpenter) 90 Enlargement of hinge of Fig. 4. 3. Pseudopythum rugifera (Carpenter) 90 Syntype U.S.N.M., No. 4445; X 2. 4, 5. Pseiidopythina rugifera (Carpenter) 90 Syntype, U.S.N.M., No. 4445. Length, 19.5 mm.; height, 11 mm. (from concave margin). 6, 7. Kellia laperousii chironii Carpenter 87 Enlargement of hinges of Figs. 9, 10. 8, 9. Kellia laperousii chironii Carpenter 87 Syntype, U.S.N.M., No. 15460. Length, 19 mm. ; height, 13 mm. ; thickness, 4.5 mm. 10. Kellia laperousii chironii Carpenter 87 Syntype, U.S.N.M., No. 15460. Length, 10 mm. ; height, 9 mm. ; thickness, 4 mm. 11-13. Pristes oblongus Carpenter 89 Lectotype, U.S.N.M., No. 15592. Length, 4 mm. ; height, 2+ mm. 14, IS. Humilaria kennerleyi (Reeve) 95 Holotype, British Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Figured Icon Conch., XIV, PI. 12, fig. 41. "Vancouvers Is. (Mus. Cuming)." Length, 57 mm. ; height, 42 mm. GEOL. SOC. AM., MEMOIR 76 PALMER, PL. 9 PSEUDOPYTHINA, KELLIA, PRISTES, AND HUMILARIA GEOL. SOC. AM., MEMOIR 76 PALMER, PL. 10 fk ^ 10 COMPSOMYAX, NEMOCARDIUM, AND LEPTON EXPLANATION OF PLATES 335 Plate \0.—COMPSOMVAX, NEMOCARDIUM, AND LEPTON Figure Page 1-4. Compsomyax subdiaphana (Carpenter) 93 Holotype, U.S.N.M., No. 4541. Length, 19 mm.; height, 14 mm.; thickness (double) 10 mm. 5, 6. Compsomyax subdiaphana (Carpenter) 93 Enlargement of hinge of Figs. 1-4. 7-11. N emocardium ccntifilosum (Carpenter) 91 Holotype, U.S.N.M., 15262. Length, 12.5 mm.; height, 12 mm.; thickness, 9 mm. 12. Lepton mcroeum Carpenter 91 Enlargement of hinge of Fig. 13. 13. Lepton vierocnm Carpenter 91 Holotype, LT.S.N.M., No. 15591. Length, 3 mm.; height IK- nmi. (fragment). 336 MARINE ^TOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Plate U.—PROTOTHACA, PSEPHIDIA, AND CHIONE Figure Page 1. 4, 5. Protothaca staminea (Conrad) 97 Forma orbella Carpenter, U.S.N.M., No. 15453; X 1. 2. Protothaca staminea (Conrad) 97 Forma orbella Carpenter, U.S.N.M., No. 15453; X 1^. 3. Protothaca staminea (Conrad) 97 Forma orbella Carpenter, U.S.N.M., No. 15453; X 1>4. 6, 7. Pscphidia salmonea (Carpenter) 99 Enlargement of hinges of Figs. 8, 9. 8-10. Pscphidia salmonea (Carpenter) 99 Syntype, U.S.N.M., No. 15578. Length, 4 mm.; height, 2.5 mm. Central large spot is where the specimen was glued to glass. 11, 12. Pscphidia salmonea (Carpenter) 99 Syntype, Redpath Mus., No. 115; X 16. 13. "Venus (Chione) excavata" Carpenter 99 Young, Chione undatella Sowerby; X 2. Holotype, British Mus., (Nat. Hist.) Photo Crown copyright reserve. GEOL. SOC. AM., MEMOIR 76 PALMEB, PL. 11 — 4',> 1%-.. ■■■■■ -^/^rr -",-■■ ■// \'\. PROTOTHACA, PSEPHIDIA, AND CHI ONE GEOL. SOC. AM., MEMOIR 76 PALMER, PL. 12 PETRI COLA AND COOPERELLA EXPLANATION OF PLATES 337 Plate \2.—PETRIC0LA AND COOPERELLA Figure Page 1, 2. Petricola tellimyalis (Carpenter) 100 Enlargement of hinges of Figs. 3-5. 3, 4, 5. Petricola tellimyalis (Carpenter) 100 Holotype, U.S.N.M., No. 15554. Length, 2.5 mm.; height, 2 mm. 6, 7. Cooperella subdiaphana (Carpenter) 101 Enlargement of hinges of Figs. 10-12. 8, 9. Cooperella subdiaphana (Carpenter) 101 Enlargement of hinges of Figs. 13, 14. 10-12. Cooperella subdiaphana (Carpenter) 101 Syntype, C. scintillaeformis (Carpenter). U.S.N.M., No. 15669. Length, 16mm.; height, 12 mm. ; thickness (double), 8 mm. 13, 14. Cooperella subdiaphana (Carpenter) 101 Syntype, C. scintillaeformis (Carpenter). U.S.N.M., No. 15669. Length, 7 mm.; height, 5.5 mm. ; thickness (double)', 3-j- mm. 15, 16. Cooperella subdiaphana (Carpenter) 101 Holotype, U.S.N.M., No. 3563; X 8. 338 MARTXK ArOT.r.rSCA DF.SCRIREn RV p. p. CARPEXTF.R Plate 13.— .U.4C0.UJ AND TEIJ.JNA Figure Page 1. Macouia cxpansa Carpenter 108 Enlargement of hinge. Fig. 3. 2, 3. Macoma expanse Carpenter 108 Syntype, U.S.N.M., No. 3910. Right valve. Length, 39+ mm.; height, 26+ mm. ; thickness, 6 mm. 4, 7. Tellina vwdesta (Carpenter) 103 Syntype, U.S.N.AI., No. 4245. Length, 9+ mm.; height, 5.5+ mm. 5, 6. Tellina vwdesta (Carpenter) 103 Syntype, U.S.N. M., No. 4245. Length, 9+ mm. ; height, 5.5+ mm. 8, 9. Tellina vwdesta (Carpenter) 103 Enlargement of hinges of Figs. 6, 7. 10. 11. Tellina huttoni (Dall) 103 Syntype, Angulus ohtiisns Carpenter. U.S.N.M., No. 19429. Length, 8 mm. ; height, 4.5 mm.; thickness (1 valve), 1+ mm. 12, 13. Tellina carpenteri Dall 104 Syntype, Angulus varieyatns Carpenter. U.S.N.M., No. 15467. Length, 9+ mm. ; height, 5+ mm. 14, 15. Tellina carpenteri Dall .' 104 Enlargement of hinge of Figs. 12, 13. 16. Tellina carpenteri Dall 104 Syntype, Angulus 7e, U.S.N.M., No. 14814. Length, 4.5 nun.; greatest diameter, 3 mm. 31. Phasianella pulloides clatior Carpenter 153 Syntype, U.S.N.M., No. 16287. Length, 5 mm.; greatest diameter, 2.5 mm. GEOL. SOC. AM., MEMOIR 76 PALMER, PL. 19 TEGULA, CYTHNIA, HALISTYLUS, TEINOSTOMA, LIOTIA, ARENE, HOMALOPOMA. ASTRAEA, LACUNA, AND PHASIANELLA GEOL. SOC. AM., MEMOIR 76 PALMER, PL. 20 ..■M/;.. 26 BARLEEIA, TACHYRHYNCHUS, TURRITELLA, CAECUM, MICRANELLUM, ALABINA, PETALOCONCHUS, ALVANIA, CERITHIDEA, DIASTOMA, OPALIA, AND EPITONIUM EXPLAXATIOX OF PLATES 345 Plate 20.— BARLEEIA, TACHVRHVNCHUS, TURRIT ELLA, CAECUM, MICRANELLUM, ALABINA, PETALOCONCHUS, ALBANIA, CERITHIDEA, DIASTOMA, OPALIA, AND EPITONIUM Figure Page 1-3. Barleeia sjibtentiis Carpenter 165 U.S.N.M., No. 32363; X 15. 4. Barleeia subtenuis rimata Carpenter 166 L'.S.N.M., No. 23734. Length, 2.5± mm.; greatest diameter, 1.25 mm. 5. Tachyrhynchus lacteolum (Carpenter) 170 Holotype, U.S.N.M., No. 4195. Length, 10.5 mm. ; greatest diameter, 4 mm. 6. Tachyrhyyichus lacteolum siibplanatxivi Carpenter 171 Holotype, U.S.N.M., No. 4195b. Length, 13 mm. ; greatest diameter, 5 mm. 7. Tiirritella coopcri Carpenter 168 Copy of original drawing of Cooper. Cpr. MS., Redpath Museum. 8. 9. Caecum californiciDu Dall 173 Syntypes, C. cooperi Cpr., U.S.N.M., No. 15719. Fig. 8, length, 2 mm. ; Fig. 9, length, 1.75 mm. 10, 11, 11 A. Micranellum crebricinctum (Carpenter) 174 Syntypes, U.S.N. M.. No. 14930. Fig. 10, X 6. Fig. 10, lOA, same specimen; Fig. 11, X 14. 12. Alabina turrita (Carpenter) 181 Holotype, L'.S.N.M., No. 15566. Length, 1.5 mm.; greatest diameter, .75± mm. 13, 14. Alabina teniiisculpta (Carpenter) 181 Holotype, L'.S.N.M., No. 14933. Length, 6.25 mm.; greatest diameter, 2 mm. 15. Petaloconchus compactus (Carpenter) 172 Holotype, U.S.N.M., No. 13580; X 1. 16, 17. Alvania compacta (Carpenter) 162 Syntype, U.S.N.M., No. 4338. Fig. 17, X 6. Fig. 16, 17, same specimen. 18A, B, C, D, E. Alvania compacta (Carpenter) 162 Syntypes, U.S.N.M., No. 4338. Figs. 18A, C, E. X 6. Fig. 18, 18A, same speci- men; Figs. 18C, 18B, same specimen; Figs. 18D, 18E, same specimen. 19. Ccrithidea hegezvischii albonodosa Carpenter 175 Lectotype, British Mus. (Nat. Hist.) 1950. 11.9.2; X 3. Photo Crown copyright reserve, neg. 5166. 20, 21. Diastoma fastigiatum (Carpenter) 183 L^S.N.M., No. 16256. Fig. 22, length, 6 mm.; Fig. 23, 4 mm.; Fig. 22, greatest diameter, 1.5± mm.; Fig. 23, 1±: mm. 22. Opalia cricta de Boury 190 Syntype, Opalia borealis var. pluricustata Cpr. ms. Dall; U.S.N.M., No. 23397; X 2. 23. Epitonium i)idianornm (Carpenter) 186 Lectotype, U.S.N.M., No. 15521. Length, 21 mm.; greatest diameter, 9 mm. 24. Epitonium indianorum (Carpenter) 186 Paratype, U.S.N.M., No. 15521. Length, 21 mm.; greatest diameter, 9 mm. 25. 26. Epitonium bellistriatum (Carpenter) 189 Lectotype, U.S.N.M., No. 14831b. Length, 9 mm.; greatest diameter, 7 mm. 27, 28. "Epitonium crebricostatuvt" (Carpenter) 184 U.S.N.M., No. 14831. Length, 9 mm.; greatest diameter, 4.5 mm. 346 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Plate 2\.—HIPP0NIX, VELUTINA, ODOSTOMIA, TEREBRA, CALYPTRAEA. ISELICA, AND TURBONILLA Figure Page 1-3. Hipponix tumens Carpenter 199 Syntype, U.S.N.M., No. 14929. See text for dimensions. 4-6. Hipponix antiqtiatus cranioides Carpenter — . 200 Syntype, U.S.N.M., No. 15508. Length, 23 mm.; greatest diameter, 20 mm.; height, 9 mm. 7, 8. Vehdina prolongata Carpenter 202 Syntype, U.S.N.M., No. 11842. See text for measurements. 9, 10. Odostomia tenuisculpta Carpenter 247 Holotype, U.S.N.M., No. 15520; X 6. Fig. 10, enlargement of Fig. 9. 11, 12. Terebra "philippiana" Dall 224 Holotype, U.S.N.M., No. 4943. Length, 25 mm.; greatest diameter, 7 mm. 13, 14. Calyptraea contorta (Carpenter) 201 Lectotype, U.S.N.M., No. 11846. Greatest diameter, 7 mm.; height, 3 mm. 15, 16. Isclica fenesfrafa Carpenter 197 Syntype, U.S.N.M., Nos. 15772, 15775. Length, 5+ mm.; greatest diameter, 3 mm. 17, 18. Iselica ohtma (Carpenter) 198 Syntype, U.S.N.M., No. 14814. Length, 5.5 mm.; greatest diameter, 4 mm. 19. Turbonilla tridentata (Carpenter) 256 Lectotype, U.S.N.M., No. 15315b X 2. 20. Turbonilla tenuicula (Gould) 253 Holotype, Chemnitcia crebrifilata Carpenter. Redpath Mus., No. 2363. Length, 6-}- mm. ; greatest diameter, 2 mm. LIBRARY GEOL. SOC. AM., MEMOIR 76 PALMER, PL. 21 HIPPOSIX., VELUTINA, ODOSTOMIA, TEREBRA, CALYPTRAEA, ISELICA. AND TURBONILLA GEOL. SOC. AM., MEMOIR 76 PALMER, PL. 22 OPALIA, BARLEEIA, BITTIUM, EPITONIUM. ALVANIA, DIALA, AND TURBONILLA EXPLANATION OF PLATES 347 Plate 22.— OPALIA, BARLERIA, BITTIUM, EPITONIUM, ALVANIA, DIALA, AND TURBONILLA Figure Pa^e 1-3. Opalia spongiosa Carpenter 193 Holotype, O. spongiosa Cpr., U.S.N.M., No. 14830. Length, 9.5 mm.; greatest diameter, 3 mm. 4, 5. Opalia insculpta Carpenter 191 Holotype, Paleontological Lab., Cornell University, No. 4950. Length, 14 mm., greatest diameter, 7 mm. 6. Opalia spongiosa Carpenter 192, 193 Holotype, O. bullata Carpenter. Redpath Mus., No. 76. Length, 8.5 mm. ; great- est diameter, 2-|- mm. 7, 8. Opalia spongiosa Carpenter 193 Holotype, O. refiporosa Cpr., U.S.N.M., No. 11843. Length, 7 mm.; greatest diameter, 2.75 mm. 9. Barlecia marmorea (Carpenter) 164 Holotype, U.S.N.M., No. 14821. Length, 5 mm.; greatest diameter, 2 mm. 10. Bittium armillatum (Carpenter) 176 Syntype, Redpath Mus., No. 4851. Length, 11 mm.; greatest diameter, 3 mm. 11. "Epitonium crebricostatum (Carpenter)" 184 British Mus. (Nat. Hist.), No. "B.M. 1950.3.29.1 Mus. Cuming"; X 10. Photo Crown copyright reserve. 12. 13. Epitonium subcoronatum (Carpenter) 187 Holotype, U.S.N.M., No. 14830b (15732). Length, 8 mm.; greatest diameter, 4 mm. 14. Alvania acuteliraia (Carpenter) 161 Holotype, Mus. Paleontology, Univ. California, No. 15572. Length, 2.42 mm. 15. Diala acuta Carpenter 166 Holotype, U.S.N.M., No. 390. Length, 4 mm.; greatest diameter, 2 mm. 16 Turbonilla stylina (Carpenter) 257 Holotype, Redpath Mus., No. 5729. Length, 6 mm. ; greatest diameter, 2 mm. 348 MARINE MOLLTJSCA DESCRIBED BY P. V. CARPENTER Plate 23.—OCENEBRA, ANACHIS, AESOPUS, AND AMPHISSA Figure Page 1. Ocenebra interfossa Carpenter 202 Holotype, U.S.N.M., No. 4636. Length, 20+ mm. ; 10 mm., greatest diameter. 2, 3, 3A, 13. Ocenebra interfossa atropurpurea Carpenter 203 Lectotype, U.S.N.M., No. 15528b. Figs. 2, 3A, X 2. Figs. 3, enlarged Fig. 2; Fig. 13, enlarged Fig. 3 A. 4. Anachis penicillata Carpenter 211 Lectotype, U.S.N.M., No. 15576. Length, 5 mm.; greatest diameter, 2 mm. 5, 6. Anachis penicillata Carpenter 211 Paratype, U.S.N.M., No. 15576. Length, 4 mm.; greatest diameter, 1.5 mm. 7, 8. Anachis subturrita Carpenter 212 Holotype, U.S.N.M., No. 14952. Length, 4 mm.; greatest diameter, 1+ mm. 9-12. Ocenebra tenuisculpta (Carpenter) 207 Syntypes, Paleontological Laboratory, Cornell University, No. 4951. See text for dimensions. 14-17. Aesopus eurytoides (Carpenter) 213 Syntypes, U.S.N.M., No. 4148. See text for dimensions. Figs. 14, 17, enlarge- ments of Figs. 15, 16. 18-20. Aesop^us chrysalloides (Carpenter) 213 Syntypes, U.S.N.M., No. 14953. Length, 10 mm. ; greatest diameter, 4 mm. Figs. 18, 20, enlargements of Figs. 19, 21. 21, 22. Amphissa undata (Carpenter) 211 Holotype, U.S.N.M., No. 23284. Length, 10 mm.; greatest diameter, 5 mm. GEOL. SOC. AM., MEMOIR 76 PALMER, PL. 23 OCENEBRA, ANACHIS, AESOPUS, AND AMPHISSA GEOL. SOC. AM., MEMOIR 76 PALMER, PL. 24 KELLETIA, OLIVELLA. CYSTISCUS, GIBBERULINA. AND ADMETE EXPLANATTOX OF PLATES 349 Plate. 24.— KELLETIA, OLIVELLA, CYSTISCUS. GIBBERULINA, AND ADMETE Figure Page 1. ? KcUetia kcllctii (Forbes) Young 216 Holotype, Siphonalia fuscotincta Cpr. Redpath Mus., No. 3138. Length, 5 mm. 2, 3. Olivella baetica Marrat i>i Sowerby 217 Fig. 2, copy original Tlies. Conch., IV, Fig. 409; Fig. 3, Fig. 410. 4. C£. Olivella baetica Marrat in Sowerby :^ 217 Copy original O. nota Marrat in Sowerby, Thes. Conch., IV', JMg. 428. Length, 14 mm. 5. Olivella intorta Carpenter 219 Holotype, British Mus. (Nat. Hist.), 1950.11.9.2; X 3. Photo Crown copyright reserve, neg. 5167. 6. 7. Olivella baetica Marrat in Sowerby 217 Gould Coll., No. 146350, Catalogue No. 24, New York State Mus. Length, 17 mm.; greatest diameter, 8± mm. 8. Olivella baetica Marrat in Sowerby 217 Gould Coll., No. 146350, Catalogue No. 24, New York State Mus. Length, 18 mm. ; greatest diameter, 8 mm. 9, 10. Cystiscus rcgnlaris (Carpenter) 222 Paratypes, Redpath Mus., No. 82. Length, 11 mm.; greatest diameter, 5 mm. II, 12. Cystiscus rcgnlaris (Carpenter) 222 Lectotype, U.S.N.M., No. 55391. Length, 3.5 mm.; greatest diameter, 2+ mm. 13, 14. Gibbcndina pyrifor>nis (Carpenter) 220 Lectotype, Fig. 13, U.S.N.M., No. 14950; length, 2.5 mm.; greatest diameter, 1.5 mm. Paratype, Fig. 14, length, 1 mm.; greatest diameter, .5± mm. 15, 16. Gibberulina pyrijormis (Carpenter) 220 Paratypes, Redpath Mus., No. 83. Fig. 15, length, 3 mm. ; greatest diameter, 2 mm., Fig. 16, length, 3 mm. ; greatest diameter, 2 mm. 17, 18. Aihnctc modesta (Carpenter) 224 Holotype, U.S.N.M., No. 16238. Length, 16 mm.; greatest diameter, 8 mm. 19-21. Cystiscus jczvcttii (Carpenter) 221 Syntypes, Redpath Mus., No. 80. Figs. 19, 21, same specimen. Figs. 19, 21, length, 6 mm.; Fig. 20, 5 mm.; Figs. 19, 21, greatest diameter, 4 mm.; Fig. 20, 3 mm. 350 MARINE MOLLITSCA DESCRTRED RY R. R. CARRENTER Plate 2S.—V0LVULELLA, MITROMORPHA, PROPEBELA. MANGELIA, WILLIAMIA, CYLICHNA, AND ACTEOCINA Figure Page 1, 2. Volvulella cylindrica (Carpenter) 240 Holotype, Redpath Mus., No. 2364. Length, 5 mm. ; greatest diameter, 2 mm. 3, 4. Mitromorpha aspcra (Carpenter) 235 Holotype, U.S.N.M., No. 22816. Length, 5.5 mm. ; greatest diameter, 2 mm. 5, 6. Mitromorpha filosa (Carpenter) 237 Holotype, Redpath Mus., No. 96. Length, 6.5 mm. ; greatest diameter, 3 mm. Figs. 5, 6, same specimen. 7-11. Propebela tabulata (Carpenter) 234 Syntypes, Redpath Mus., No. 89. Fig. 7, length, 11 mm.; greatest diameter, 5 mm.; Fig. 9, length, 13 mm.; greatest diameter, 5+ mm.; Fig. 11, length, 12 mm.; greatest diameter, 5 mm. 12. Mangelia variegata Carpenter 231 Syntype, Redpath Mus., No. 92. Length, 7 mm. ; greatest diameter, 2.5 mm. 13, 14. Mangelia barbarensis Oldroyd 228 M. angulata Cpr., syntypes, Redpath Mus., No. 90. Fig. 13, length, 8 mm. ; greatest diameter, 3.75 mm.; Fig. 14, length, 6 mm. ; greatest diameter, 3 mm. 15, 16. Willia>nia peltoides (Carpenter) 259 Syntype, Redpath Mus., No. 1156. Length, 4 mm.; greatest diameter, 3.5 mm.; height, 2 mm. 17, 18. Cylichna attonsa Carpenter 242 Holotype, U.S.N.M., No. 4495. Length, 10 mm.; greatest diameter, 4 mm. 19. Actcocina planata (Carpenter) 242 Holotype, Mus. Paleontology, Univ. California, No. 33501 ; X 18. Margin of labrum broken. GEOL. SOC. AM., MEMOIR 76 PALMER, PL. 25 3 .^-:4h ,7 yOLVULELLA, MITROMORPHA, PROPEBELA, MANGE LI A, WILLI AMI A, CYLICHNA, AND ACTEOCINA GEOL. SOC. AM., MEMOIR 76 PALMER, PL. 26 CYSTISCUS, ADMETE, OCENEBRA, AND MITRELLA EXPLANATION OF PLATES 351 Plate 26.— CYSTISCUS, ADMETE, OCENEBRA, AND MITRELLA Figure Page 1, 2. Cystiscus jezuettii (Carpenter) 221 Gould Coll., A4268, New York State Mus. Length, 5 mm. ; greatest diameter, 3+ mm. 3-4. Cystiscus suhtrigona (Carpenter) 222 Holotype. Figs. 3, 4, same specimen ; length, 3.5 mm. ; greatest diameter, 2.5 mm.; Fig. 5, "paratype" [not same species], length, 4 mm.; greatest diam- eter, 3 mm. Redpath Mus., No. 81. 6, 7. Admete gracilior (Carpenter) 223 Holotype, Mus. Paleontology, Univ. California, No. 15530. Fig. 6, length, 8.8 mm. ; greatest diameter, 4.5 mm., Fig. 7, paratype, length, 7.5 mm. ; greatest diameter, 3.8 mm. 8. Ocenebra poulsoni (Carpenter) 205 Holotype, British Mus. (Nat. Hist.) "U. California"; X 2. Photo Crown copyright reserved. 9-12. Mitrella tubcrosa (Carpenter) 210 Syntypes, Redpath Mus., No. 7Z. Fig. 9, length, 9 mm.; Fig. 11, length, 8 mm.; Fig. 12, length, 9 mm.; Fig. 11, greatest diameter, 3 mm.; Fig. 12, greatest diameter, 4-)- mm. 352 MARINE MOLLUSC A DESCRIBED BY T. P. CARPENTER Plate 27.—ATYS, MANGELIA, PALLOCHITON, CYANOPLAX, AND MOPALIA Figure Page 1-4. Atys casta (Carpenter) 239 Figs. 3, 4 (same), lectotype, U.S.N.M., No. 4014; length, 9 mm.; greatest diameter, 4 mm. ; Figs. 1, 2 (same), paratype, same no., length, 2 mm. ; great- est diameter, 1.5 mm. 5, 6. Mangclia interfossa Carpenter 230 Syntypes, Redpath Mus., No. 94. Fig. 15, length, 8 mm.; greatest diameter, 3.5 mm.; Fig. 16, length, 7 mm.; greatest diameter, 2.5 mm. 7. Pallochiton lanitginostis "Dall" 268 "Syntype," Redpath Mus., No. 66. Length, 30 mm.; width, 17 mm. 8-10. Cyanoplax hartzvegii (Carpenter) 264 Syntype, Redpath Mus., No. 68. Length, 15.4-f- (attached plates) ; width, 10.3 mm. 11. Cyanoplax hartwcgii mittalli (Carpenter) 264 Holotype, British Mus. (Nat. Hist.), No. Photo Crown copyright reserve, neg. 6171 ; X 3. 12. Mopalia lignosa (Gould) 281 Holotype of C. montereyensis Carpenter. British Mus. (Nat. Hist.), 1951. 9-7.- 1-5. Photo Crown copyright reserve, neg. 6747; X 1. GEOL. SOC. AM., MEMOIR 76 PALMEE, PL. 27 ATYS, MANGELIA, PALLOCIIITON, CYANOPLAX, AND MOPALIA GEOL. SOC. AM., MEMOIR 76 PALMER, PL. 28 MANGELIA, LEPTOCIIITON, CYANOPLAX, AND NUTTALINA EXPLANATION OF PLATES 353 L Plate 28.—MANGELIA, LEPTOCHITON, CYANOPLAX. AND NUTTALINA Figure Page 1, lA. Mangelia nitens Carpenter 231 Syntypes, Redpath Mus., No. 93. Fig. 1, length, 6.5 mm.; greatest diameter, 2 mm.; Fig. lA, 6.5 mm., length; greatest diameter, 2.5 mm. 2. Leptochiton nexus Carpenter 262 Holotype, U.S.N.M., No. 16270. Length, 7+ mm. ; width, 4.5 mm. 3-6. Leptochiton internexus Carpenter in Pilsbry 262 Holotype, U.S.N.M., No. 30750. Length, 4.5 mm.; width, 3+ mm. 7. Leptochiton rugatits (Pilsbry) 263 U.S.N.M., No. 30739 so labelled but not type. Length, 1.3 mm.; width, 7 mm.; greatest convexity, 3 mm. See enlargement (PI. 35, fig. 3). 8-15. Cyanoplax hartzvegii (Carpenter) 264 Syntype, Redpath Mus., No. 68. Enlarged. 16-19. Nuttaiina flu.va (Carpenter) 265 Holotype, U.S.N.M., No. 15690b. Length, 15 mm.; width, 10 mm.; greatest height of curvature, 3 mm. ^ |Uj I LIBRARY 354 MARIXE AfOI.T.T'SCA DESCRTRED BY P. P. CARPENTER Plate 29.— CHAETOPLFMRA AND ISCHNOCHITON Figure Page 1-4. Chactoplcxira gemma "Dall" Pilsbry 266 Syntypes, Redpath Mus., No. 49, Fig. 2, length, 12.5 mm.; width, 7 mm. 5-8. Ischnochiton corrugatus Carpenter in Pilsbry 271 Holotype, Redpath Mus., No. 37. Length, 22 mm. ± ; width, 5.5 mm. 9-14. Jschnochiton veredentiens Carpenter 269 Holotype, U.S.N.M., No. 16259. Width (plates), 3.5 mm. to 4 mm. 15. Ischnochiton fallax Carpenter in Pilsbry 271 Holotype, Redpath Mus., No. 64. Length, 44.7 mm. ; width, 27 mm. GEOL. SOC. AM., MEMOIR 76 PALMER, PL. 29 CHAETOPLEURA AND ISCHNOCHITON GEOL. SOC. AM., MEMOIR 76 PALMER, PL. 30 ISCIIXOCIIITON AND CIIAETOPLEURA EXPLANATION OF PLATES 355 Plate 30.—ISCHNOCHITON AND CHAETOPLEURA Figure Page 1-5. Ischnochiton nezvcomhi Carpenter in Pilsbry „ 269 Holotype, Redpath Mus., No. 19. Length, 10 mm.; width, 7 mm, 6. Chaetopleura gemma "Dall" Pilsbry 266 Specimen with Figs. 1-5, Redpath Mus., No. 19. 7. Ischnochiton retiporosus Carpenter 275 Holotype, /. subexpressus Cpr. ms., Redpath Mus., No. 28. Length, 8.5 mm. ; width, 5.7 mm. 8. 9. Ischnochiton sinudentatus Carpenter in Pilsbry 276 Syntypes, Redpath Mus., No. 27. Fig. 8, length, 10.7 mm. ; width, 6.8 mm. Fig. 9, photographed in different position to show longitudinal sculpture. 10-12. Ischnochiton scabricostatus (Carpenter) 269 Holotype, U.S.N.M., No. 16268. Length, 6 mm.; width, 4.5 mm. 13. Ischnochiton radians Carpenter in Pilsbry 274 Lectotype, Redpath Mus., No. 25. Length, 18 mm. ; width, 8.5 mm. 356 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Plate 3\.—ISCHN0CHIT0N AND MOP ALIA Figure Page 1-4. Ischnochiton aurcotinctus Carpenter in Pilshry 272 Holotype, Redpath Mus., No. 26. Length, 6 mm.; width, 4 mm. 5, 6. Ischnochiton califoniicnsis Berry 272 "Syntype, /. pectinatus Cpr." Redpatli Mus., No. 70. Length, 25 mm. ; width, 10 mm. 7. Ischnochiton regularis (Carpenter) 276 Holotype, British Mus. (Nat. Hist.), No. 1950. 11.9.1. Photo Crown copyright reserve, neg. 5165 ; X 2. 8, 9. Ischnochiton radians Carpenter in Pilshry 274 Paratype, U.S.N.M., No. 19471. Width, 7 mm. 10-17. Ischnochiton radians Carpenter in Pilshry 274 Paratype, Redpath Mus., No. 25. Enlarged about X 4. 18. Mopalia acuta (Carpenter) 280 Holotype, British Mus. (Nat. Hist.), "B. M. Coll. Nuttall." Photo, British Mus. (Nat. Hist.) ; X 2. Santa Barbara. GEOL. SOC. AM., MEMOIR 76 PALMER, PL. 31 ISCHNOCHITON AND MOPALIA GEOL. SOC. AM., MEMOIR 76 PALMER, PL. 32 CALLlSroCIIITOS, MOPALIA, DEXDROCIIITOS, ACASTUOCIIITOSA, AND ISCIIXOCHITON EXPLANATION OF PLATES 357 Plate 32.—CALLISTOCHITON, MOPALIA, DENDROCHITON. ACANTHO- CHITONA, AND ISCHNOCHITON Figure Page 1. CaUistochiton pahnulatus Carpenter in Pilsbry 279 Holotype, Redpath Mus., No. 48. Length, 8 mm. ; width, 7 mm. Specimen with 3 plates separated. 2. Mopalia imporcata Carpenter 281 Syntype, Redpath Mus., No. 57. Six plates. Length, 18 mm.; width, 5 mm. Six separate plates. 3. Dendrochiton gothicus (Carpenter) 284 Syntype, Redpath Mus., No. 13. Length, 4 mm. ; width, 2 mm. Encrusted with Bryozoa. 4. Acanthochitona avicula (Carpenter) 286 Holotype, Redpath Mus., No. 72. Length, 5 mm. ; width, 2 mm. 5. Ischnochiton serratus Carpenter 275 Paratype, Redpath Mus., No. 98. Length, 8 mm. ; width, 7 mm. 6. Mopalia acuta (Carpenter) 280 Holotype, M. "filosa" Cpr. MS. =. M. fissa Cpr. in Pilsbry, Redpath Mus., No. 9. Length, 10.8 mm. ; width, 9.6 mm. 358 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Plate 33.~ISCHN0CHIT0N. MOP ALIA, BASILIOCHITON , AND CALLISTOCHITON Figure Pa fie 1-5. Ischnochiton sinudentatus Carpenter in Pilsbry 276 Syntype, Redpath Mus., No. 27. Figs. 1, 2, same specimen photographed in dif- ferent positions to bring out different details, length, 14 mm. Figs. 4-6, free plates. 6-13. Mopalia sinuata Carpenter 282 Syntype, Redpath Mus., No. 58. Length, 23 mm.; width, 6.5 mm. (length of series of plates, not intact). 14. Basiliochiton heathii (Pilsbry) 284 Holotype, A.N.S.P., No. 71902. Type species. Length, 25 mm.; width, 12 mm. 15-21. Callistochiton decoratus Pilsbry 278 Redpath Mus., No. 50. Fig. 21, length, 25 mm.; width, 13 mm. GEOL. SOC. AM., MEMOIR 76 PALMER, PL. 33 ISCHNOCHITON, MOPALIA, BASILIOCIIITON. AND CALLISTOCHJTON GEOL. SOC. AM., MEMOIR 76 PALMER, PL. 34 ISCIfXOCIIITON COOPERI EXPLANATION OF PLATES 359 Plate 34.—ISCHNOCHITON COOPERI Figure Page 1-6. Ischnochiton cooperi "Dall," Pilsbry 274 /. cooperi aciitior Cpr. MS. Redpath Mus., No. 8. Figs. 1-5, "types." See text. Fig. 5, length, 20 mm.; width, 11.5 mm. Fig. 6, "type," Redpath Mus., No. 18, Todos Santos Bay, Hemphill. 360 MARINE MOLLUSC A DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER Plate 35.—ISCH.WOCHITON AND LEPTOCHITON Figure Page 1, 2. Ischnochiton conspicuus "(Dall)", Pilsbry 270 "Syntype," Redpath Mus., No. 65. Length, 95 mm. : width, 48 mm. Fig. 2 is a plate of La Paz specimen. 3. Lcptochiton rugatus (Pilsbry) 263 Enlargement of Figure 7 of Plate 28. 4, 5. Ischnochiton rctiporosus (Carpenter) 275 Holotyi>e, U.S.N.M., No. 4499; X 3. Fig. 5, enlargement of Fig. 4. GEOL. SOC. AM., MEMOIR 76 PALMER, PL. 35 ISCHNOCHITON AND LEPTOCHITON INDEX* Acantliochiton, 286 acanthodes, Pecten, 72 aclis, Obeliscus, 243 Acmaca, 122 Acme, 122 acrior, Ischnochiton, 19, 30, 46, 52, 270 acrior, Stcnoplax, 270 Acteocina, 241 Acteon, 237 acnlca, Cytharclla, 46, 227 acuminata. Volvula, 240 acuta, Diala, 17, 23, 29, 40, 50, 166, 22 an<^(7, Mopalia, 20, 31. 32, 43, 52, 280 aciitelirata, Alvania, 20, 29, 39, 49, 161, 22 acntclirata, Rissoa, 16, 20, 161 acuticostata, Arcne, 22, 29, 39, 49, 146, 19 acHficostata, Liotia, 22, 29, 146 acuticostata, Lirularia, 130 acuticostata, Margarita, 16, 22, 33 acuticostatus, Margarites, 30, 38, 49, iJO "acutior," Iscliuochiton, 46, 27'^, 34 arj/2 adamsi, Longchaeus, 243 adamsi, Pyramidella, 45, 243 Adamsii, Obeliscus, 243 Adclaidis, Rhiaorus, 240 Admete, 223 Adula, 74 adunca, Leiomya, 79 acquisculpta, Alvania, 5, 45, 161 aequisculpta, Evalea, 248 acquisculpta, Mcncstho, 248 acquisculpta, Odostoynia, 44, 248 acquisculpta, Oscilla, 248 aequisculpta, Rissoa, 45 aequisulcatus. Pecten, 19, 71 Aesopus, 213 Agathotoma. 227 Alabina. 181 alba, Balcis, 194 alha, Fissurella, 32 alba. Lutricola, 43, 54, 107 albida, Cithna, 197 albida, Cvthna, 17 albida. Cythnia, 22, 39, 50, 197, 19 Albocincta, Terebra, 225 albocincta, Myurella, 33 albocinctatum, Striotcrcbrum, 225 albonodosa, Cerithidea. 175, 20 albulus, Menestho, 248 albulus. Turbo. 248 o/bMj, Cft)7oi!, 261, 262 albus. Strombiformis, 194 Alcock, F. L., 229 Alder. J., 12 aldcri, Barleeia, 45, 26-/ Alderi, Jeffrevsia, 45, 164 ^/r?r^, 53, 172 Algamorda. 158 Alicula. 239 Aliculastrum, 239 Aloides. 116 alpha. Ocenebra. 46 fl/?a, Lutricola. 45. 54, 107 a//a, ;l/£'/rj-, 26, 107 alta, Tellina, 107 alterum. Caecum, 174 altcrum, Micranclhim, 174 Alvania, 161 Amalthea, 199 Amura, 248 ambustus, Lepidopleurus, 262 Amiantis, 53, 92 Amphincura, 261 Amphissa, 211 Amphithalamus, 53, 55, i59 Anachis, 211 ancularia, Buccinum, 214 Andrew, R. M., 12 Anellum, 53 Angas, G. F., 88 Angasia, 53 angulata, Mangelia, 19, 21, 27, 228 Angulus, 105 angnstifrons, "Venus," 95 anomala, Isapis, 197 anomala, Iselica, 197 anomala, Mvsclla, 88 Anthony, J. G., 10 Antimitra, 235 antiquatus cranioides, Hipponix, 24, 29, 41, 50. 200, 21 antiquatus, Hipponyx, 200 antiquatus. Tar as, 85 aperture, Diodora, 120 apcrtura. Patella, 120 Aphrodita, 90 Apolymetis, 106 aratus, Saxidomus, 99 Archer, F.. 12 arcularia, Buccinum, 214 arcularia, Nassarius, 214 arenosa, Pandorclla, 76 armata, Parthenia, 56 armillatum, Bittium, 19, 20, 22, 23, 28, 40, 50, 176 arragonites, Acanthochiles, 286 Arthuria, 53, 280 asellus. Chiton, 261 asellus, Lepidopleurus, 262 aspecta, Minolia, 138 Aspcriscala. 189 aspera, ? Daphnella, 18, 24, 32, 235 aspcra, Mangelia, 24, 235 aj/'^m, Mitromorpha. 25, 27, 42, 51, 230, 255 asperum, Bittium, 178, 179 Assiminea. 137, i67 Astarte, 80 astcriaphila, Cythnia, 56 astcrophila, Cythnia, 197 Asthenothaerus, 53, 75 Astraea, 149 aterrima melchersi. Drillta, 32 atlanfica. Coopcrclla. 101 atrata, Acmaca. 29, 44, 222 atrata, Collisclla, 122 atropurpurea, Ocenebra, 203, 23 atropurpurea, Ocinebra, 18 attemiatum, Bittium. \S, 23, 28, 40, 50, i7(5 atfetntatum. Scmibittium, 176 attonsa. Cylichna. 17, 24. 27. 42. 51, 2'f2, 25 attonsa. Cvlichnclla, 27, 242 /ff.v.f, 259 augusta, Agathotoma, 227 augusta, Mangelia, 227 * Italicized page numbers refer to the page of discussion, bold face numbers following page numbers refer to the plate number. 361 362 INDEX aurmitia, Aplcxa. 32 aurautia, Clienmitsia, 2A, 254 aurantia, Lancea, 254 aurantia, P scudomclatoma, 27, 233 aurantia, Pyrgolampros, 254 aurantia, Turbonilla, 24, 41. 52, 2.v/ anrantiaca, Lacuna, 25, 157 anrcotinctus, Ischnochiton, 21, 30, 43, 52, 272 aureotincfus, Lepido::ona, 21, 272, 31 australc, Bucciniim, 150 aiistralis, Phasianella, 150 ausfralis, Rochcfortia, 88 ax'ellana, Amaura, 248 avcUana, Odostomia, 15, 23, 41, 52, 248 a~'icula, Acanthochitcs, 286 avicula, Acanthochitona, 21, 31, 43, 53, 286, 32 Axinopsida. 84 Axinopsis, 84 B bacnla, Lcptonyx, 16, 22, 147 haciila, Leptothwa, 29, 34, 147 bacuhtm, Homalopoma, 22, 29, 39, 49, iV9, 19 Baden Powell, Prof., 8 bactica. OlivcIIa, 27, 46, 217, 24 Baily, Joshua, 158 bailvi. Area, 5, 63 Baii-d, W., 12 Balcis, 194 barbarensis, Mangelia, 21, 27, 42, 51, 228, 25 barharensis, Mangilia, 228 barbarensis, Oeiucbra, 206 barhata, Barbatia, 62 Barbatia, 62 Barleeia, 163 Bartseh, P., 3, 4. 165 Bartschella, 55. 25Z Basiliochiton, 55. 263. 25-/ basteroti, Terebra. 224 Bar of Caraccas, 61 Bean. W., 12 Bcanella, 53 Beania, 53 beanii, Chacfopleiira, 30, 52. 266 Beanii, ? Lepidopleura, 266 bcUastriata, Sealaria, 17 hellisfriata, Asperiscala, 55, 189 hellistriata, ScaJa. 189 hellistriata, Sealaria, 23, 55. 189 bcUistriatmn. Epitonium, 23, 28, 41, 50 bcrryi, Pyrgolampros, 255 bcrrvi, Turbonilla, 255 5r.f/a, 2.f.^ fcr/a. Occncbra, 46 biangnJaris, Serobienlaria, 107 biangulata, Apolymctis, 26. 45, 48, 1(?7 biangulata. Metis, 107 biangulata, Serobienlaria, 107 biearinata, Kennerlia, 17, 76 bicarinata. Pandora, 21, 37 biearinata, Sealaria, 192 hidentalis, Tellimya, 100 bifaseiata. Jeffrcysia, ?i?> bilirata, Kennerlia, 76 bilirata. Pandora, 21, 48, 76 bilirata, Pandorella, 76 hiplieata, Olivella, 218 biradiata, Corbula, 46, 117 bistorta, Baleis, 196 Bittium. 176 Bivonia. 172 Rlainville. H.. 112 Boca del Rio Negro, Argentina. 121 Bodegas. 271 "boetiea", Olivella, 27, 218 "borealis, Opalia", 15, 190 borealis, Sealaria, 15 borealis, Solcmya, 60 borealis, Triehotropis, 224 borealis pluricostata, Opalia, 190 Boreotrophon, 207 Boyce, Mrs., 5, 18. 73 Braziliensis mutabilis, Modiola, ii hrevis, Solen, 114 brevisiphonata, Callista, 93 brevisiphonata, Macroeallista, 46, 93 brevisiphonata, Saxidomus, 93 "Brodegas", 271 Bruguiera, J. G., 85 Brxophila, 53, 55, 56 Buck-land, W., 8 bnlinwides, Phasianella, 150 /^(///(7, 239 bnllata, Nodiseala, 192, 22 bullata, Opalia, 19, 20, 50, 192, i9^, 22 bullata, Sealaria, 192 Bullinella, 242 Bushia, 75 biitfoni, Oudardia, 103 buttoni, Tellina, 21, 26, 48, 58, iOJ C ad u Ills, 119 eaeea, Lepta, 128 racca. Patella, 128 eaecoides, Cryptobranchia, 17, 22, 29, 38, 49, i25, 18 eaeeoides, Lepta, 128, 18 Caeenm, 173 eaelatus, Donax, 32 ealearea, Macoma, 108 ealearca, Tellina, 108 Calieantharus, 215 ealifornianus, Tageliis, 114 ealiforniea, Gari, 20. 7 72, 16 Calif orniea, Glandinaria, 218 ealiforniea, Gobracus, 112, 16 ealiforniea, Hydrobia, 167 ealiforniea, Natiea, 46 ealiforniea, Nultallina, 266 ealifornieum, Caecum, 23, 50^ 77i, 20 Calif ornieus. Chiton, 265 ealiforniensis, Adula, 25, 7^? ealiforniensis, Botula, 74 ealiforniensis, Ischnochiton, 30, 272, 31 ealiforniensis, Lepidocona, 272, 31 ealiforniensis, Modiola, 74 eallimorpha, Besla, 244 eallimorpha, Odostomia, 51, 24-/ Calliostoma, 139 Callistoehiton, 53, 275 Callistoplax, 53 Callithaea, 55. 96 eallomarginata, Clypidella, 45, 121 eallomarginata, LucapincUa, 30, 45, 121 Callopoma, 148 eallosa, Amiantis, 92 ealvptra. Patella, 260 Calyptraea. 201 eampanellae, Chemnitcia, 251 Canipl)ell. Com. .\., 13, 17 eaneellafa, Pelphinnla, 145 caneellata, Drillia, 18, 25, 27, 225 eaneellata, I.iofia, 145 caneellata, Moniliopsis, 225 caneellata, Ophiodermella, 25. 42, 225 caneellata, Plrurotoma, 226 eaneellatinn. Cerithium, 176 cancellatum , Semihittium, 176 Candida, Amaura, 248 Cnntharus. 21 5 Caoe San Lucas, 18 cnpensis, Cystiscus, 220 Capsa, 106 INDEX 363 Cardiomya, 78 Cardita, 82 carinata, Acteocina, 27, 241 carinata, Coleophysis, 27, 45, 51, 241 carinata, Lacuna, 153, 154, 155 carinata, Retusa, 241 carinata, Tornatina, 45, 241 Carpenter, L., 7 Carpenter, M., 7 Carpenter, W. B., 7, 8 Carpenter Collection 261 carpcntcri, Alvania, 2i, 29, 49, 162 Carpenteri, Cardiamera, 82 Carpcntcri, Cardita, 82 Carpenteri, Glans, 82 carpcntcri, Homalopoma, 29, 49, i47 carpenteri, Leptothyra, 29, 148 carpcntcri, MocrcUa, 104 "carpenteri, Phasianella," 44, i5i carpcntcri, Rissoa, 162 carpenteri, Tellina, 26, 48, iO-/ "carpenteri, Tricolia," 151 Cassidy, A., 18 cassis monticola, Acmaca, 29, 127 casta, Acmaea, 20, 127 casta, Atys, 24, 27, 44, 51, 239, 27 caj^a. Bulla, 239 "castanca, ? Algamorda," 158, 18 castanea, Cliemnitsia, 46, 252 "castanea, Littorina," 23, 28, i55, 18 castanea, ? Paludinella, 15, 158 castanca, Pyrgiscus, 252 castanea, TurboniUa, 46, 252 castancUa, Turbonilla, 252 catalinense, Bittium, 179 catalincnse, Lirobittium, 179 catalinensis, Trophon, 208 ccciliana, Acmaca, 127 centifilosa, Kcenaea, 91 centifilosa, Protocardia, 26, 92 centifilosum, Cardiiim, 16, 21, 91 centifilosum, Laevicardium, 92 centifilosum, Nemocardium, 21, 26, 37, 48, 91 ccntrifiigus, Murex, 208 Ceratophorus, 53 Ccrato::ona, 53, 54 cercadensis, Volviila, 240 Ccrithidca, 175 cerithidioide, Alabina, 181 ccrithidioidc, Bittium, 181 Cerithiopsis, 182 Chaetoplcura, 266 Chavan, A., 85 Chcynnitzia, 251 chinensis, Calyptraea, 201 chincnsis. Patella, 201 chione, Macrocallista, 8 Chironia, 87 chironii, Kellia, 33 chishimana, Macrocallista, 46, 93 Chitoniscus, 53 Chlamys, 69 Chlorostoma, 142 cliocolata aurantia, Chemnitzia, 17, 25, 254 chocolata, Pyrgolampros, 255 cliocolata, TurboniUa, 25, 41, 52, 255 Chonechiton, 53 Choneplax, S3 Choristes, 53. 55 Chrysallida, S3, 2-;<^ chrysalloidea, ? Amycla, 17. 24, 213 chrysalloidea, Columbella, 213 chrysalloidea, Mitrella, 213 chrysaUoides, Aesopus, 24, 28, 42, 51, 27,?, 23 Cidarina. 1 37 cidaris, Cidarina, 17, 22, 29, 39, 49, 55, iJ7, 17 cidaris, Lischkeia, 137 cidaris, Margarita, 15, 22, 137 cidaris, Solariella, 137 cidaris, Turcicula, 137 ciliata, Mopalia, 283 ciliata lignosa, Mopalia, 281 ctwic.r, Alvania, 161 cimex, Rissoa, 161 cimex, Turbo, 161 cincta, Chrysallida, 17, 23, 2'/5 cincta, Mumiola, 245 cincta, Odostomia, 23, 41, 52, 245 cincta, Pyramidella, 245 cinerus. Chiton, 261 cincrus, I schnochiton, 263 cinerus, Lcptochiton, 261 cincrus, Trachydcrmon, 262, 263, 285 Cingulina, 53 circularis, Pcctcn, 21, 70, 7i circularis, Plagioctenium, 71 circularis aequisulcatus, Pcctcn, 21, 26, 37, 48, 7i, 3 circularis aequisulcatus, Plagioctenium, 71, 3 Cirsotrema, 190 clancstina, Gibbcrulina, 219 Clark, W., 12 clarkii. Caecum, 32 clarkii, Fartulnm, 32 clathratus, Ischnochiton, 272 clathratus, Murex, 207 Clathromangilia, 230 Clatluirella, 53, 22^ clausiliformis, Chrysallida, 56 clarata, Martesia, 118 clavata, Pholas, 118 claviculata, Clidiophora, 55 claviculata. Pandora, 53 Clidiophora, 53 Clionella, 226 coarctata. Crenel la, 32 Coelodon, 53 co#ea, 5M//a, 260 coffca, Mclampus, 260 Coleophvsis, 241 Collisclla, 123, i26 Collonista, 147 Columbella, 212 columbella, Erato, 222 Columbiana, Amphissa, 211 columna, Cerithiopsis, 15, 23, 32, 40, 50, 1^2 columna, Halistylus, 142 communis, Chemnitzia, 244 communis, Chrysallida, 244 communis, Turritella, 168 compacta, Alvania, 23, 29, 39, 50, J(52, 20 compacta, Astarte, 17, 21, 26, 37, 48, ^0 compacta, Balcis, 23. 41, 50, 19"^ compacta, Bivonia, 15, 28, 32, 34, 172 compacta, Dofania, 172 compacta, Eulima, 17, 23, 194 compacta. Lacuna, 23. 33, 34, 38, J55, 18 compacta. Melanella, 194 compacta, Rissoa, 18, 33, 34, 162 compacta, Vermetus, 172 compactus, Petaloconchus, 23, 28, 40, SO, 172, 20 . complicatus, Petaloconchus, 173 compressa, Astarte, 17 compressa, Pseudopythina, 90 compressa, Tellina, 103 Compsomyax, 55. 93 compta, Phasianella, 151, 18 compta Tricolia, 151, 18 compta elatior, Phasianella, 33 compta punctata, Phasianella, 151 compta punctulata, Phasianella, 22, 29, 34, 38, 49.752,18 compta punctulata, Tricolia, 151, 18 364 INDEX concentrica, Cryptobranchia, 128 conccntrica, Lepeta, 128 conchaphila, Ostrea, 26, ZZ, 44, 66 Conchological Club of Southern California, 3 Conde, Vicente, 93 conica, Margarita, 18, 132 conica, Pupillaria, 132 coiiica, Pyramidclla, 243 couicus, Margarites, 22, 132 coincus, Obeliscus, 243 coiiiformis, Bulinius, 260 couiforniis, Melampus, 260 conradi, Penitclla, 118 coiispicua, Chiton, 270 couspicua, Mauqcrella, 46, 270 coitspicuus, Ischnochiton, 19, 21, 30, 44, 52, 270, 35 conspicuus, Stenoplax, 270, 35 cotispicHus, Stenoradsia, 270 contorta, Calyptraea, 24, 29, 41, 51, 201, 21 contortus, Galerus, 16, 24, 201 conuhis, Trochxis, 139 co)!t'(?xa, Bcsla, 244 convexa, CItrysallida, 55, 244 convexus, Trochiscus, 19, 25, 143 cookcana, Liotia, 145 Cooper, J. G., 4, 15, 31 Cooperella, 53, 56, 101 Coopcri, Caecum, 16, 23, 32, 40, 173, 174 cooper i, Epitoiiinm, 185 coopcri, Ischnochiton, 30, 35, 46, 52, 268, 273 cooperi, l.epidoaona, 273 cooperi, Puncfurella, 16, 22, 30, 38, 49, 120, 18 cooperi, Rissoa, 165 cooperi, Turritella, 16, 25, 28, 32, 34, 40, 50, 168, 20 cooperi, acutior, Ischnochiton, 30, 35, 44, 274, 34 Corbula, 116 Corbulomya, 117 coronadvensis, Actaeon, 238 cornnbovis, Meioceras. 33 corrngata, Amphissa, 211 corrugatum, Buccinum, 211 corrugatus, Ischnochiton, 21, 30, 43, 52, 27;, 29 corrugatus, Stenoplax, 271, 29 costata hindsii, Latiaxis, 209 costatum, Calliostoma, 45, 139, 140 costatus, CytharcUa. 227 costatus, Murex, 227 costcUata pachydcrma, Anachis, 32 costidata, Diastoma, 183 costulata, Melania, 183 costidata, Turbonilla, 252 couthoueyi gracilior, Admete, 27, 223 cranioides, Amalthea, 200 cranioidcs, Hipponix, 200, 21 cranioides, Hipponyx, 15, 24, 32, 34 Craspcdochilus, 263 Craspedochiton, 53 Crassatella, 80 crassicosta, Tuangia, 96 crassicostatus, Callistochiton , 279 crassus, Leptochiton, 46, 262 crebricincfum. Caecum, 16, 23. 32, 174 crebricinctum, Micranellum, 23, 28, 40, 50, iZ'^, 20 crebncostata, Bela, 229 crcbricostata, Mangelia, 15, 24, 27, 42, 51, 229 crebricostata, Scalaria, 17, 25, 184 "crebricostatum, Epitonium," 25, 28, 40, i^f, 20. 22 "crebricostatum, Nitidxscala." 184. 20. 21 crebrifilata, Chemnitaia, 19, 20, 25 J, 21 crebrifilata, Turbonilla, 41, 253 crenatoides, Dentiscala, 190 crenatoides, Opalia. 19, 20, 191 crenimarginatum, Epitonium, 191 "cribaria, Acmaea," 29, 38, 45, i22 crispa, Admete, 223 Crosseana, Psychrosoma, 192 Cro.y.yeada, Scalaria, 192 crucntatus. Turbo, 146 Cryptobranchia, 128 Cryptoctcnidia, 128 Cryptophila, Vanikoro, 32 crystallina, Merisca, 106 crystallina, Tellina, 106 ctdmiuatus, Donax, 32 Cuming, H.. 4, 10, 12, 13 Cuming Collection, 117 cumingii, Eglesia, 184 cumingii, Epitonium, 184 cumingii, Scala, 184 Cumingii, Scalaria, 184 Cuspidaria, 78 cuspidata, Tellina, 78 cuspidata, 'Turbonilla, 253 Cyanoplax, 56, 26i, 285 Cycladclla, 53 cvclophoreus, Ilaplocochlias, 56 Cylichna, 240, 2^2 cylindracea. Bulla, 242 cylindracea, Cylichna, 24, 242 cyltndrica, Aliculastrum, 239 cylindrica. Bulla, 239 cylindrica, I'olvula, 19, 21, 240 cylindrica, Volvulella, 21, 42, 51, 2^0, 25 Cymatodus, 53 rymbulus, Atys, 239 Cvpraeolina, 56, 219 C'yrilla, 64 Cystiscus, 220 cystiscus, Marginella, 220 Cytharella, 227 Cythnia, 53, 56, 197 C3'f/i)!oa, 197 D Ball, W. H.. 3, 4, 7, 11, Ball, W. H., and Bartsch, P., 244, 245, 246, 247-252 (/a//;, Columbella, 209 rfa///, Nitidella, 209 dama, O lived a, 217 Daphnrlla, 213 Barbishire, R. B., 12 Darina, 115 Baubenv, G. B., 8 Bawson, W., 10 Dazvsonia, 54 decepiens, Ischnochiton, 25, 30, 43, 27-^ decipiens, Lepido::ona, 274 declivis, Darina, 20, 7 75, 14 decorata, Lacuna, 157 decoratus, Callistochiton. 30, 44, 52, 275, 33 decoratus. Chiton, 46, 278 decoratus, Ischnochiton, 46 deflorata, Capsa, 106, 112 deflorata, Venus, 106 Defrancia, 228 dchisccns, Lima, 72 dehiscens, Mantellum, 72 dclcsscrti, Tivela, 96 Dendrochiton, 284 Dentalium, 118 denticulata, Petricola, 26, 100 dentiens. Chiton. 265. 285 dentiens, Cyanoplax, 52, 2(55, 284 dentiens, I.epidochitona, 265 dentiens, Onithochiton , 265 dentiens, Trachydermon, 265 Dentiscala, 191 depressa, Psammocola, 112 depressuvi, Callopoma, 20, 1^5, 16 INDEX 365 Deshayesiclla, 54 dextroversum, Caecum, 32 dextroversum, Fartula, 32 Diadora, 120 Diala, 166 diaphana, Margaritcs, 129 Diastoma, 183 Dinoplax, 54 Diodora, 120 Diplodonta, 85 distorta yod, Leiostraca, 33 divaricata carinala, Lacuna, 153 divaricatus, Lacuna, 29, 153, 155 divaricatns, Trochus, 156 dolabratiis, PyramidcUa, 243 dolabratus, Trochus, 243 dombeii, Venus, 96 Donacilla, 104 donacina, Tellina, 104 dubiosa, "Litiopa," 167 duboisi, Asthenothaerus, 75 Dunkcria, 54, 55, 251 Durham, J. W., 168, 203, 208 eburnea, Drillia, 56 eburneo, Dentalium, 119 edulis, Ostrea, 66 effusa, IDaphnella, 15, 25, 27, 42, 236 effusa. Lacuna, 33, 154, 155, 19 effusa, Mitromorpha, 236 Egila, 56 E lac hist a, 181 f-Zaf/or, Phasianella, 22, 33, 152, i5i, 19 elegans, Asthenothaerus, 75 elegans, Chorites, 55 elegans, Evalea, 246 elegans, Tcgula, 141 elegantissima, Turbo, 251 elegantissimum, Ancllum, 32 elegantissimum. Caecum, 32 Elenensis, Ischnochiton, 276 Elephantaiiellum, 56 elephantinum, Dentalium, 118 Elephantulum, 54 Emerson, Wm. K., 115 Emerton, — , 261, 267, 277 Epitonium, 183 crinacea, Ocenebra, 202 escuriens, Bittium, 32, 177 esuriens, Bittium, 15, 19 Eucosmia, 54, 56, i5() eucostnia, lolea, 250 eucosomia, Odostomia, 46, 25fl Eucrassatella, 80 Eulithidium, 54, i50 Eumargarita, 129 eupleura, Alectrion, 214 curopea, Alvania, 161 Euryta, 213 curytoides, Aesopus, 28, 44, 51, 22 J, 23 eurytoideus, Truncaria, 33, 213 Evalea, 246 evicta, Opalia, 190, 20 evictum, Epitonium, 190 exaecjuata, Lacuna, 154, 19 excavata, Bela, 18 ^.rcoz^afo, Chione, 20, 99 excavata. Here, 86 ^.rcoz'o/a, Lucina, 26, 45, 56, 86 f.rcat'aia, "F^mmj," 20, 99 c.i'CMrt'aia, Alvania, 32 excurvata, Bela, 24, 234 excurvata, Granotoma, 24, 27, 42, 51, 25-^ excurvata, Lora, 27, 234 exigua, Nucula, 61 Exilioidea, 215 cxiqua, Nucula, 45 expansa, Macoma, 17, 22, 27, 38, 48, i(?5 cxpansa, Ostrea, 67 Eabricii, Pecten, 69 faerocnsis, Tellina, 111 faison, 150 c/. falcatus, Lithophagus, 74 fallaciosum, Epitonium, 185 fallaciosum, Nitidiscala, 185 fallax, Ischnochiton, 21, 30, 43, 52, 27i, 29 fallax, Stcnoplax, 271, 29 Farallon Islands, 18 farcimen, Caecutn, 32 farcimen, Fartulum, 32 Farfante, I. P., 121 Fartulum, 54 fasciata, Chrysallida, 32 fascicularis, Acanthochitona, 286 fascicularis. Chiton, 286 fastigiatum, Bittium, 19, 25, 32, 183 fastigiatum, Diastoma, 25, 40, 50, i^J, 20 Fenella, 181, 252 fcnestrata, Acmaca, 122 fenestrata, Fossarus, 198 fcnestrata, Gibbula, 15 fcnestrata Isapis, 24, 33 fenestrata, Iselica, 24, 29, SO, 297, 21 fenestrata, Liotia, 16, 19, 22, 29, 39, 41, 49, 145 feroensis, Tellina, 111 Field Columbian Museum of Chicago, 31 filosa, Alvania, 15, 23, 29, 39, 50, 163 filosa, Arthuria, 280 filosa, barbarensis, Mitromorpha, 21, 230 "filosa, ?Daphnella," 237 filosa, Kennerleyia, 77 filosa, Kennerlia, 17, 21, 26, 56, 76, 77 filosa, Kennerlyia, 77 filosa, Mangelia, 237 filosa, Mitromorpha, 19, 27, 42, 51, 56, 230, 237, 25 filosa, Mopalia, 280 filosa, Pandora, 26, 37, 48, 77 filosa, Pandorella, 77 filosa, Rissoa, 163 filosum esuriens, Bittium, \77 fimbriatus, Callistochiton, 46, 278, 279 fimbriatus. Chiton, 279 Finella, 181 Fissurella, 121 flectens, "Basiliochiton," 25, 30, 53, 285 flectens, Ischnochiton, 17, 285 flectens, Lepidochitona, 30, 285 flectens, Trachydermon, 17, 285 flectens montereyensis, Lepidochitona, 285 flectens montereyensis, Trachydermon, 286 Fleming, J., 8 fluctatum, Callopoma, 20 fluctatum depressum, Callopoma, 148 fiuctum depressum. Turbo, 148, 16 fluctosus, Callopoma, 148, 16 fluctosus. Turbo, 148, 16 fJuctuata, Astarte, 16, 21, 26, 81 fluctuata, Eucrassatella, 21, 26, 37, 48, 81 fluctuatus, Crassatellites, 81 fJuctuosus, Turbo, 148 fluxa, Acanthopleura, 16, 24, 266 fluxa, Nuttallina, 24, 30, 43, 52, 265, 28 Foord, — , 261 formosum, Calliostoma, 16, 22, 25, 139 fornicata, Modiola, 18, 20, 33 fornicata, Volsella, 73 fornicatus. Modiolus, 20, 26, 37, 48, 73 fortior, Cerithiopsis, 19, 179 for lis, Calicantharus, 25, 41, 51, 215 fort is, Cantharus, 215 366 INDEX fortis. Pisauia, 19. 215 fragilis, Spluytiia, 27, 45, 48, 116, 15 Francesia, 54 Fraticisia, 54 Frembleya, 55 frcminvillea, Alvania, 161 frondoso mexicano, Chama, 2)2 fucicola, Bulla, 240 fiinebrale, Mangilia, 231 funebralis, Chlorostoma, 142, 19 funcbralis, Tcgula, 142, 19 ftaiebralis subaperta, Tegula, 22, 29, 39, 49 funiculata, Acumaca, 22, 29, 39, 45, 48, i2i, 17 funiculata, Gibbula, 15, 131 ■'funiculata, Scurria, 16, 22, 123 funiculatus, Margarites, 22, 30, 38, 49, iJi funiculatus, Pupillaria, 131 fusconotata, Agathotoma, 227 jusconotata, Cithara, 227 fusconotata, Cytharella, 27, 44, 51, 227 fusconotata, Mangilia, 227 fuscotincta, Siphonalia, 19, 21, 21<5 Gabb, Wm., 4, 15 galeata, Puncturclla, 120 gallina, Ischnochiton, 274 Gari, 111 gari, Tellina, 111 Gaskoin, J. D., 12 Gastropoda, 120 gemma, Chaetopleura, 21, 29, 30, 35, 43, 46, 52, 266, 268, 269 gemynulatum, Calliostoma, 22, 25, 29, 39, 49, n9, 17 Georgettma, Scalaria, 187 gibberosnm, Pachypoma, 32, 149 Gibberulina, 219 gibbosa, Pyrgolampros, 256 gibbosa, Turbonilla, 256 qibbosus, Saxidomus, 55, 93 Gibbs, G., 13 gibbus, Aequipcctcii, 71 gibbus, Peclen, 71 gibbus, Solcn, 1 14 gigantea, Venus, 93 glabrata, Melarbaphe, 159 Glandinaria , 54 "(/landinaria, Olivclla," 218 Glans, 82 Glycymeris, 63 Glyphis, 54 Gobraeus, III gothica, '^Chaetopleura, 31, 284 gothica, Mopalia. 284 gothicHS, Dcndrochiton, 21, 25, 43, 53, 284, 32 gothicus, Ischnochiton, 284 Gothicus, Trachvdcrmon, 16, 284 Gould, A.. 4, 10, 12, Gould Collection. 218. 221 gouldi, Columbella, 209 gouldi, Mitrella, 25. 41. 51, 209 f/ouldi, INitidella. 33, 209 Gouldiana, Amycla, 209 gouldiana, Cardiomya, 78 gouldii, Amaura, 249 i/ouldii, FTalea, 249 gouldii, Odostomia, 15, 23, 41, 52, 249 gouldii, Tellina, 105 gracilenta, Odostomia, 245 "gracilienta, Hvalea," 46 graciliente, P.valca, 245 gracilior, Admete, 20, 26, 27, 42, 51, 225 gracilior, Cancellaria, 223 gracilior, Massyla, 223 gracilis, Mitromorpha, 46, 235, 237 "gracilis. Tapes," 45, 99 graeca, Fissurella, 120 granoliratus, Leptochiton, 33 Granotoma, 234 granulosa, Opalia, 193 gravida, Odostomia, 249 Gray, J. E.. 8, 9, 12 grayana, Assiminea, 137, 167 Guaymas, 219 Guildingia, 54 Guineensis, Solen, 114 guinensis, Solen, 114 guinensis, Tagelus, 114 Gulf of California, 18 ?gussonii, Ancylus, 258 ?(/ussonii, Williamia, 258 Guthe, Carl, 218 H Haas, F., 31 Habe, T., 79, 139 Haines Collection, 35 Haldra, 56 haliotiphila, Barleeia, 23, 29, 44, 50, i6-^ Haliotis, 136 HalistyluS: 142 hamata, Leda, 16, 26, 61 hamata, Nuculana, 21, 26, 37, 46, 61, 2 hamata, Thcstylcda, 61 Hanley, S., 12 Haplocochlias, 54 Harttvegii, Chaetopleura, 35, 264 hartzvc(iii. Chiton, 56, 264 hartwegii, Cvanoplax, 20, 30, 43, 52, 263, 264, 27.28 hartwegii, Lepidochiton, 30, 264 hartwegii, Tonicella, 264 Hartwegii, Trachydermon, 264 hartwegii nuttalli, Cyanoplax, 21, 264, 27 hartwegii mitt alii, Lepidochitona, 264 hartwegii nuttalli, Tonicella, 264 hastatus, Pecten, 69 hcathii, Rasiliochiton, 284 heathii, Mopalia, 284 hccetac, Mangclia, 229 hecuba, Cymatosyrinx, 46, 22.9 heciiba, Cytharella, 46 hegewischii, Cerithidea, 20 hegcwischii albonodosa, Cerithidea, 28, 40, 50, //5, 20 heliacus, Pecten, 72 helicina, Margarites, 129 lielicinus, Turbo, 129 heliotropium, Trochus, 149 hcUinca, Scalaria, 190 Hemiarthrum, 54, 56 Hemphill, H., 4, 278, 280 Hemphill material, 119 Hcmphillia. 54. 267 Henry, J., 10. 12 hcptagonum. Caecum, 56 f/cr^, 56, 86 hericeus, Pecten, 69 Ileterosona, 54 Hincks, T.. 12 flindsii. Chiton, 280 hindsii, Coralliophila, 28 /i/n(/ji7. Epitonium. 185, 188 hindsii, Latiaxis, 209 Hindsii, Pecten. 25, 26, 69 Hindsii, Scalaria, 185 Hindsii, Terebra, 225 Hindsii, Trophon, 209 Hipponix. 199 Hipponyx. 199 Homalopoma, 54, 7-^7 linl)en(]ick, R.. 258 1 1 umihnia, 95 INDEX 367 Humphrey, G., 183 Huxleya, 64 Huxlcyia, 64 Hyatt, A., 10 Hydrobia, 159 imperialis, Astraea, 149 imperialis, Trochus, 149 imporcata, Mopalia, 17, 21, 25, 31, 43, 52, 281, 32 imporcata, Placiphorclla, 281 imporcatns, Osteochiton, 281 inaequivalvis, Pandora, 76 iitcisa, Clathrodrillia, 27 iiicisa, Drillia, 18, 24, 226 incisa, Moniliopsis, 226 iucisa, Ophiodermclla, 24, 27, 42, 51, 226, 236 incisa, Turris, 226 iiicisus, Chiton, 281 inclusa, Rissoia, 160 inchisus, Amphithalamus, 19, 23, 29, 39, 49, 55, 159, 160 incongrua, Scmclc, 16, 27, 38, 48, 110 inculta, Acteocina, 27, 242, 25 indentata, Maconia, 16, 22, 27, 34, 38, 48, 109 indentata, Re.vithaerus, 109 indentata tenuirostris, Macoma, 110 indianorum, Epitonium, 23, 28, 40, 50, 186, 20 indianorum, Gyroscala, 187 indianorum, Nitidiscala, 186, 20 Indianorum, Scalaria, 15, 23, 2i, 34, 186 inerrnis, Pleurotoma, 225 inflata, Evalca, 246 inflata, Margarita, 17, 22, 30, 39, 131, 134 inflata, Odostomia, 19, 23, 33, 41, 52, 246 Inflatuliim, 54 inflatulus, Margaritas, 22, 30, 38, 49, 131 135, 18 inflatulus, Pupillaria, 131, 18 in flat us, Turbo, 131 inscitlpta, Dcntiscala, 191, 22 insculpta, Nassa, 17, 214 insculpta, Odostomia, 251 insculpta. Opalia, 19, 20, 28, 41, 50, 792, 22 insculpta, Oscilla, 46, 250 inscnlptus, Alectrion, 28, 214 inscnlptus, Nassa, 25, 33 insculptus, Nassarius, 25, 28, 42, 51, ^i'^ inscnlptus, Schizopyga, 214 insculptus, Zeuxis, 214 inscnlptus cuplcura, Alectrion, 214 intercalata, Martesia, 27, 45, ii^ interfossa, Bittium, 23, 28, 40, SO, i79 interfossa, Daphnella, 230 interfossa, I.irobittinm, 179 interfossa, Manqelia, 15, 21, 24, 27, 33 42 51 2i0, 27 interfossa, Mitromorpha, 230 interfossa, Mtirex, 203 interfossa, Ocenebra, 24, 28, 41, 46, 51 interfossa, Ocincbra, 17, 33, 34, 202, 23 interfossa, Rissoina, 16, 179 interfossa, Tritonalia, 28, 203 interfossa alpha, Tritonalia, 28, 204 interfossa atropurpurea, Ocenebra, 24, 41, 51, 202, 23 interfossa atropurpurea, Ocincbra, 34, 35, 203 interfossa atropurpurea, Tritonalia, 28, 203 interfossa beta, Ocenebra, 204 interfossa beta, Tritonalia, 28, 204 internexus, Lepidopleurus, 24, 30, 262 infernexus, Leptochiton, 24, 30, 43, 52, 262, 28 interstincta, Odostomia, 245 intcrstincto, Ischnochiton, 275 intorfa, Olivella. 20, 279, 24 invallata, Ethalia, 16, 22, 144 invallata, Pseudorotella, 144 invallatum, Tciuostoma, 22, 30, 39, 49, 1^/4, 19 lolea, 250 I sap is, 197 Ischnochiton, 268 Ischnoplax, 54 Ischnoradsia, 54, 277 Iselica, 197 islandicus, Ostrea, 69 islandicus, Pecten, 69 I vara, 250 Ividia, 56 J jamaicensis, Lucina, 85 jamaicensis, Venus, 85 japanicus, Aesopus, 213 japonicus, Pomaulax, 149 japonicus, Trochus, 149 M', ■^. C, 201 Jeffreys, J. G., 4 Jewett, E. 4, 10, 18, 31 Jewett Collection, 117 jezvetti, Cystiscus, 21, 27, 42, 51, 220, 221 24, . 26 jezvetti, Evalea, 246 jezvetti, Hyalina, 221 Jezvetti, Marginella, 27, 33, 221 jezvetti, Odostomia, 23, 52, 2^/6 jezvetti, Persicula, 221 jezvetti, Trochiscus," 142 jezvetti. Turrit clla, 19, 25, 28, 34, 40, 169 K Kathcrinella, 93 Keen, M., 129, 139, 172, 216, 243 Keenaea, 91 Keep, J. 245, 251 kelleti, Kelletia, 216 kelleti, Siphonalia, 216 Kelletia, 216 Kellia, 87 Kelsey, F. W., 14 kelsevi, Exilioidea, 216 Kennerley, C. B. R., 13, 17, 76, 95, 113, 131 Kcnncrlcya, 76 kennerleyi, Humilaria, 20, 26, 48, 95 kcnnerleyi, Marcia, 95 Kennerleyi, Mercenaria, 95 kennerleyi, Mopalia, 17 kcnnerleyi, Venus, 17, 95 Kcnnerleyi Szvanii, Mopalia, 283 Kennerleyia, 76 Kcnnerlia, 54, 56, 76 kennerlyi, Marcia, 26 Kcnncrlyia, 76 kingicola, Crassatellites, 80 krausci, Bcla, 234 krausi, Granotoma, 234 laciniata, Callithaca, 96 laciniata, Protothaca, 25, 26, 37, 48, 9(5 laciniata, Tapes, 96, 98 lactca, Turritella, 170 lacteola, Mesalia, 18, 171 lacteolum, Tachyrhynchus, 23, 28, 40, 50, 770, 20 lacteolum subplanatum, Tachyrhynchus, 23 28, 40, 50, i'7, 20 lacteolus, Tachyrhynchus, 28 lacteolus subplanatus, Tachyrhynchus, 28 Lacuna, 153 lacunata, Gibbula, IS. 22, 129 lacunata, Lirularia, 129 lacunata, Rissoia, 160 lacunatus, Amphithalamus, 17, 23, 29, 39, 49, 160 368 INDEX lanniatus, Margarites, 23, 29, 39, 49, 129 17 liu'vigata, Helix, 202 Laevitectum, 56 Lake Nicaragua, 219 lamellata, Arcopagia, 106 lamcllata, Mcrisca, 106 lamellata, Tcllina, 26, 45, 106 laniinata, Bartschella, 252 laminata, Diinkeria, 19, 25, 34, 252 laminata, Pyrgiscula, 252 laminata, Turbonilla, 25, 41, 52, 252 lanuginosa, Chaetoplciira, 31, 268 lanuginosa, Hemphillia, 268 lanuginosus, Pallochiton, 44, 267, 268 laperousii, Kellia, 87 laperousii chironii, Kellia, 21, 34, 37, 48, 87 laqueatum, Calliostoma, 45 Lasaca, 87, 9i lasius, Trophon, 207 lateralis, Siphonaria, 258 Latiaxis, 209 laticaudata, Ostrea, 25, <5S Lecania, 54 Lt'rfa, 61 Leiomya, 78 Lciosolcnus, 54 leithi, Litiopa, 167 Lcntidium, 117 Lepeta, 128 Lcpidochitona, 263 Lepidopleunts, 54 I.epidoradsia, 54 Lepidozona, 272 Leptochiton, 261 Leptochitona, 263 Lepton, 90 Leptonyx, 54, 147 Leptopecten. 71 Leptoplax, 54 l.cptothyra, 147 levidensis, Mangelia, 18, 24, 27, 33, 42, 51, 230 lianosa, Chiton, 280, 281 Vuinosa, Mopalia. 20, 52, 280, 2S2, 27 lilacina, Psamniobia, 113 Lima, 72 limaciformis, Stcnoplax, 270 limans, Clathrodrillia, 46, 225 Umatilla, Acmaca, 25, 29, 38, 48, iZi lineolata, Cerithidea, 175 lingualis, Lucina, 33 Liotia, 145 Liriola, 56, 255 Lirobittium, 179 Lirularia, 136 lirulata, Lirularia, 132 lirnlata, Margarita, 18, 33, 34, 129, 132 lirulata conica, Pupillaria, 132 lirulata obsolcta, Pupillaria, 133, 17 lirulata subelevata, Pupillaria, 133, 17 lirulatus, Margarites, 30, 38, 49, 56, JJ2, ;.?J, 17 lirulatus, Pupillaria, 132, 17 lirulatus conicus, Margarites, 22, 30, 38, 49, 132 lirulatus obsolelus, Margarites, 22, 30, 38, 49, 133. 17 lirulatus subelevatus, Margarites, 22, 30, 38, 49, 133, 17 Lirulia, 56 lithophaga, Rupellaria, 100 lithophaga, Venus, 100 littoreus, Littorina, 15S littoreus, Turbo, 1 58 Littorina, 158 lituella, i^ermetus, 173 li7'idus, Murex, 33 Loniichaeus, 243 lordi, Psephis, 98 Loretto, 219 Loricitcs, 54 /f"cffi, Bo/cw, 196 Lucapinella, 121 Lucina, 85 lurida, Ostrea, 15, 20, 25, 37, 48, 66 lurida forma expansa, Ostrea, 25, 26, 27, 67 lurida forma laticaudata, Ostrea, 25, 26, 68 lurida forma rufoides, Ostrea, 25, 34, 37, 68 lurida munda, Occnebra, 33, 35, 204 lurida munda, Ocinebra, 33, 35 lurida munda, Tritonalia, 28, 204 lurida parallela, Chaetopleura, 267 lurida prasinata, Chaetopleura, 267 luridus tnunda, Murex, 204 luteola, Aloides, 117 luteola, Corbula, 16, 22, 26, 38, 49, 117, 15 luteola, Lentidium, 117, 15 " Lutricola," 54 Lysacme, 56 v M Mac-Andrewi, Pseudopythina, 90 Machaera, 115 Maconia, 107 Macrandrellus, 54 Macrocallista, 92 Macrophragma, 56 macrophragma, Petaloconclms, 28, 33, 45, 56, 172 maculata, Solariella, 138 niaculalum, Lentidium, 117 Maera, 104 Magdalensis, Lepidochiton, 262 magnum, Caecum, 174 mammillata, Alvania, 161 mammillata, Cylichna, 242 Mangelia, 228 Mangilia, 228 Margarita, 129 margarita, Helix, 129 Margarites, 129 inargaritula, Marginella, 33 luargaritula, Volutella, 220 "marginata, Crassatella," 45, 81, 96 marginata, Crassatellites, 81 marginata, Tivela, 45 marginata, "Tivela," 96 inarginatus. Chiton, 263 niarginatus, Lcpidochitona, 263 marginatus, Solen, 114 marmorata. Lacuna, 157 marmorea, Barleeia, 23, 40, 50, i64, 22 marmorea, Diala. 17, 29, 32, 34, 164 marmorea, Litiopa, 164 " TMaroccana California, Natica," 202 fMaroccana, Natica, 46, 202 Marshall, W. B., 123, 221 Martesia, 118 Maugerella, 54 maura, Mitra, 219 maxima, Ostrea, 69 maxima, Pecten, 69 Mayapuez, Puerto Rico, 121 Mazatlan, 114 Mazatlan CataloRue, 3, 9, 11 Mazatlan Collection, 114 Macatlanica, Cerithidea, 32 M 'Andrew, R., 4 mediterranea, Corbula, 117 mediterranea, Solemya, 60 mediterranea, Solenomya, 60 Meioceras, 54, 56 Melampus, 260 Melania, 251 Melarhaphe. 159 mclchcrsi, Drillia, 32 INDEX 369 Meuestho, 248 merckii. Chiton, 281 Alert sea, 106 meroeum, Lepton, 16, 21, 26, 37, 48, 91 mcropsis, Moerella, 105 meropsis, Tcllina, 105 Merovia, 56, 219 mertensii, Ischnochiton, 272 mertensii, Lepidozona, 272 Mesodesma, 1 1 5 Mesopleura, 114 Metis, 106 Metula, 213 nu'xicatia, Cliama, 32 Meyer, M., 7 meycri, Apolyiitctis, 107 meveri, Telliiia, 107 miconj, Balcis, 23, 28, 41, 50, 195, 22 micans, Eulima, 18, 23, 28, 195 micans, Melanclla, 195 Mickles, L., 7 Micrancllum, 174 Middendorfia, 53, 54 mighelsi, Turbonilla, 251 Minolia, 138 minor, Occnehra, 46 minuscula, Glans, 82 Miodon, 54, 83 Miodontiscus, 54, 56, 83 miopcrplicatuhis, Pyrgolampros, 254 Mi raid a, 56 .Ui7ra, 219 tnitra, Acmaea, 122 mitra fiiniculata, Acmaea, 29 mitra tenuisculpta, Acmaea, 38, 45, 12"^ mitra tenuisculpta, Scurria, 22, 123, 124 Mitrella, 209 Mitromorpha, 54, 2i5 modesta, Admete, 24, 42, 51, 22-^, 24 modesta, Angulus, 22 modesta, Cancellaria, 15, 24, 224 modesta, Massyla, 224 modesta, Oudardia, 103 modesta, Sveltia, 224 modesta. Tellina. 22, 26, 38, 48, 70J modesta gracilior, Admete, 51, 223 modestnm, Cardium, 91 fniodestum, Cardium, 16 modestus, Angulus, 103 modestus, Tellina, 17 Modiola, 73 Modiolus, 73 modiolus. Modiolus, 73 modiolus, Mytilns, 73 Morea, 104 Moerella, 104 moesta, Drillia, 19, 24, 232 moesta, Pleurotoma, 232 moesta, Pseudoynelatoma, 24, 27, 42, 51, 232 moiioceros, Murex, 205 Monoeiostrae, 67 monotimeris, Clilamys, 71 monotimeris, Leptopcctcn, 71 monstrosa, Fissurella, 121 Montagu, Chiton, 261 Moutagui, Balcis, 194 Montagui, Gibbula, 131 montcreyense, Epitonium, 190 montereyensis, Chiton, 20, 281 montereyensis, Cirostrema, 190 montereyensis, Mopalia, 52 montereyensis, Opalia, 23 montereyensis, Scala, 190 montereyensis, Scalaria, 190 "monticola, Acmaea," 127 monticola. Patella, 45 "monticula, Acmaea," 127 monticula, Patella, 45 Mopalia. 280 Mopaliopsis, 56 Morch, O. A., 4 Mormula, 256 multiformis, Mytilus, 33, 44 munda, Murex, 204 munda, Ocenebra, 204 "munda Ocinebra," 33, 46 munda, Tritonalia, 204 munita, Cerithiopsis, 15, 23, 32, 34, 180 munita, Cyrilla, 26, 45, 64 munita, Huxleyia, 21, 26, 45, 48, (54 munita, Nucinella, 64 munita, Pleurodon, 64 munitum, Bittium, 23, 28, 40, 50, 150 munitum, Lirobittiiim, 180 muricata, Chemnitsia, 251 muricata, Strioturbonilla, 251 muricata, Turbonilla, 45, 25i muricatus, Murex, 207 muricatus, Trophon, 209 muricatus, Trophonopsis, 207 murina, Diadora, 30, 121 murina, Diodora, 30, 45, 120 murina, Fissurella, 45, 120 murina, Fissuridea, 120 murina, Glyphis, 45, 120 »n«,fCOja acuta, Mopalia, 31, 280 muscosa fissa, Mopalia, 280 muscosa kennerleyi, Mopalia, 25, 31, 43, 53 muscosa plumosa, Mopalia, 280 «n(jC(7ja swanii, Mopalia, 31, 283 mutabilis, Modiola, 33 Mysella, 88 N Narica ?, 197 Nassarius, 213 Natica, 202 naucum. Bulla, 239 navarchus, Pecten, 69 Neah Bay, Washingrton, 14, 109, 113 Neeah [jic] Bay, 14, 35 Nemocardium, 91 neotype, 60 neritoidea. Lacuna, 153 neritoides. Turbo, 159 Netastoma, 54 Nettastomella, 54 Xewcomb, W., 4 newcombei, Mangilia, 229 newcombi, Ischnochiton, 21, 30, 43, 52, 2(59, 30 Neivcombia, 54 newcombiana, Algamorda. 158 vezvcombiana, Littorina, 158 ncwsomi, Pecten, 71 nezi'somi, Plagioctenium, 71 )ir.rMj, Chiton, 262 nexus, Lepidopleurus, 30, 262 M^-rMj, Leptochiton, 16, 24, 30, 43, 52, 2(52, 272, 28 HC-t-Mj, Xiphioaona, 262 Jic.rtw, Xiphoaona [sici, 262 nimhosa, Macrocallista, 93 nimbosa, Venus, 93 KiV^-Hj, Mangelia, 19, 21, 27, 42, 51, 2i2, 28 nitens, "Modiola," 25, 46, 7i, 25 nitentior, Cadulus, 46, 119 Nitidiscala, 184 nitidum, Meioceras, 56 noachina. Patella, 120 voachina, Puncturella, 120 Nodiscala, 192 noctlingi, Pecten, 71 Norrisia, 143 norrisii, Norrisia, 25, 143 370 INDEX Xorth-VVest Boundary Survey, 13, 17 jwta, Olivella, 217 "itotabilis, Alvania," 45, 163 UHciformis, Amaura, 249 miciformis, Odostomia, 15, 23, 33, 41, 52, 248, 249 miciformis avellatia, Amaura, 248 uuciformis avcllana, Odostomia, 248 \'ucinella, 64 vitcleus, Area, 60 nucleus, Nucula, 60 Nuciila, 60 Nuculaua, 61 Xuttall, T.. 113. 121, 201, 205 Xuttall Collection, 112, 121 nuttalli, Chiton, 20, 264, 265 vuttalli, Cyanoplax, 52, 264 Xuttallii, Chaetoplcitra, 264 uu I tall a, Chi ton, 20 uiittallii, Lcptoplcurus, 35 vuttallii, Saxidomus, 99 Nuttallii, Trachydermon, 264 Nuttallina, 54, 265 O Oberlin Press, 9 obliqua, dementia, 93 oblonga, Fristiphora, 16, 56, 89 oblonga, Serridens, 26, 89 oblongus, Pristcs, 20, 21, 26, 37, 48, 89 oblongus, Serridens, 14 obsolcta, Margarita, 18, 132 obsoleta, Piipillaria, 133, 17 obsoletus, Margaritas, 22, iji, 17 obtusa, Cerithidea, 175 obtusa, Isapis, 16, 24, 198 ofc/M,ya, Iselica, 24, 50, 79,^, 21 obtusa, Mera, 103 obtusa, Mocra, 34 obtusa, Tellina, 38, 48 obtusus, Angtilus, 22, 26, 34, 103 obtusus, Fossarus, 29, 198 Ocenebra, 202 Ocincbra, 202 Odostomia, 244 Ocdalia, 54, 101 Oedaliiia, 54, 101 ocnoa, Mangclia, 232 (Jldroyd, Ida, 57 Oldroydi, CoralUophilia, 209 Oliquarca, 63 olivacca, Cyrena, 32 olivaceus, Melampus, 27, 45, 52, 26fl Olivella, 217 omalia, Astarte, 81 omaria, Astarfc, 81 on^j.r, Crepidula, 20, 20i ophioderma, Ophiodermella, 225, 226 ophiodcrma, Surciila, 225 Ophiodermella, 225 optabilis, Gibbula. 16, 133 optabilis, Margarites, 22, 30, 38, 49, 755 optabilis, Fupillaria, 133 orbella, Frotothaea, 25 "oricntalis, Lima," 72 ornata, Fissurella, 20, 121 Ostrea, 66 Otia Conchologica, 153 oudardi, Tellina, 102 Oudardia, 102 ovoidea, Isapis, 198 ovoidea, Sphaenia, 17 ovoidea, Sphenia, 22, 26, 38, 48, 116 ovulum, Chrysallida, 32, 244 ovnlum, Dentalium, 119 o.rybasis, Solariella, 1 37 pachyderma, Anachis, il Fachypoma, 172 painei, Fyrgolampros, 255 painei, Turbonilla, 255 paleacea, Nacella, 16 /paleacea, Nacella, 126 pallidula, Lacuna, 153 pallidula, Nerita, 153 Fallochiton, 53 palmula, Ostrea, 26 palmulatus, Callistochilon, 21, 31, 35, 43, 52, 279, 32 Panama, 15, 18 panamensis, Asthenothaerus, 75 Fandora, 76 Fandorella, 76 parallela, Chaetopleura, 30, 44, 52, 267 parallelus, Ischnochiton, 44, 267 paramabilis, Solariella, 138, 17 parcipicta, Gibbula, 15, 34, 130, 134 parcipicta, Lirularia, 134 parcipicta, Fupillaria, 134, 17 parcipictus, Fossarus, 29 parcipictus, Margarites, 22, 30, 38, 49, iJ-?, 17 Farvilucina, 56, 86 patina, Acmaea, 122 Patterson, R., 8 patula, Machaera, 115 paucicostatus, Leptopecten, 71 paucicostatus, Fee ten, 19, 26, 46, 7i paucicostatus. Turbo, 147 paucilirata, Dunkcria, 55 Peach, C. W., 8 Pease, W. H., 4 Fee ten, 69 pectinata, Cuspidaria, 21, 26, 37, 48, 78 pectiuata, Neaera, 17, 21, 78 peetinatus. Chiton, 272 pectinatus, Ischnochiton, 21, 30, 272, 31 peetinatus, Lepidopleurus, 16, 272 pectinulatus. Chiton, 272 pectinulatus, Lepidozona, 272 Fectuncnlus, 63 pedroana, Olivella, 217 pedroana philippiana, Terebra, 27, 224 pcdroanum philippianum, Striolerebrum, 224 pedroensis, Turritella, 169 Pelecypoda, 60 pellis-serpentis, Trochus, 141 pelta, Acmaea, 126 M'a. Collisella, 126 pcltoides, I.iriola, 259 peltoidcs, Xacclla, 24, 44, 259 peltoidcs, Siphonaria, 259, 260 peltoides, Williamia, 24, 44, 52, 259, 260, 25 penicillata, Anachis, 19, 21, 26, 37, 48, 78, 222, penicdlata, Chauvetia, 212 penicillata, Columbella, 211 penicillata, Drillia, 56 penicillata, Litorina, 33 penicillata, Fleurotoma, 232 penicillata, Seminella, 21 1 Fen it ell a, 118 peramabilis, Solariella, 16, 22, 29, 39, 49 pcregrinus, Boreotrophon, 208 peregrinus, Neptunea, 208 pcregrinus, Trophon, 208 perlaminosa, Venerupis, 95 pcrlaminosa kennerleyi, Hnmilaria, 95 perlaminosa kennerleyi, Venerupis, 95 pernoides. Area, 5, 62 pernoides, Barbatia, 46, 62 pern u la. Area. 61 Feroiiidia, 105 persona, Acmaea, 125 INDEX 371 persona, Patelloidea, 125 persona strirjillata, Acmaca, 29 peruviantis, Chaetopleura, 266 pcruvianus, Chiton, 266 Pctaloconchus, 56 Pctrasma, 60 petravis, Anachis, 212 Fetricola, 100 petriola, Sucula, 64 Pctropoma, 147 Phacelloaona, 53 pharcida, Odostomia, 247 Phasianella, 150 Phasianema, 197 philippi, Litorina, 33 "Philippiana," Striotcrebrum, 224, 21 -Philippiana:' Terebra, 24, 51, 22-1 21 Philohrya, 53, 55, 56, 65 I'hilohryidae, 65 pliotis, Chrysallida, 56 fpileolns, Acmaea, 16, 32, 125 pileolus rosacea, Acmaca, 32, 34 Pilsbry, H. A., 4, 11, 123, 261 Placiphora, 54 Placiphorella, 5 A, 279 Plagioctcnium, 70 planata, Acteocina, 20, 27, 42, 242 planata, Cylichna, 18, 242 planata, Modiola, 45 "planata, Modiola," 73 Playo Maldonado, Uruguay, 121 Plectodon, 54, 79 Plcurodon, 64 Plenrotemaria, 54 Plcurotomaria, 54 Pleiirotomoidea, 228 plicatum, Bittiutn, 177 plicatus, Odostomia, 244 plicatus, Turbo, 244 plumosa, Mopalia, 20, 280 pluricosta, Opalia, 23, 190 pluricostata, Opalia, 190 Poirier, H., 285 ^o//;a, //^/('.r, 194 politum, Tcinostoma, 144 politus, Solecurtus, 114 politus, Taqelus, 27, 45, 27-^ poll., 57 pollex, 57 polychroma, Corbula, 46, 1 1 7 Poly met is, 106 Polyspirella, 54 Pomaulax, 149 porrecta, Lacuna, 28, 33, 34, 38, 45, 49, 153, porrecta effiisa. Lacuna, 23, 29, 34, 39, 155, 19 porrecta exaequata, Lacuna, 23, 29, 34, 39, 155, 19 porrecta puteloides. Lacuna, 29, 155 Poulsoni, Buccinum, 205 Poulsoni, Murex, 205 poulsoni, Ocenebra, 20, 26, 28, 51, 205 Poulsoni, Ocinebra, 205 Powell, A. W. B., 159 prasinata, Chaetopleura, 31, 44, 52, 267 prasinatus, Ischnochiton, 267 pretiosa, Scalaria, 183 pretiosum, Epitonium, 183 Pristes, 55, 89 Pristiphora, 55, 56, 89 Pristis, 55 Probolaeum, 55 producta, Hiilima, 195 producta, Leiostraca, 196 proficua, Semele, 110 proficua, Tellina, 110 prolougata, Cardita, 83 prolongate, Miodon, 56 prolongata, P'elutina, 15, 21, 24, 29, 38, 51, 2^2 prolongatus, Miodon, 15, 20, 83 prolongatus, Miodontiscus, 20, 21, 26, 37, 48, 83 prolongatus, Venericardia, 26, 83 Propebela, 234 propinqua, Cylichna, 242 Protothaca, 96 prototranqueharicus, Pecten, 71 Psammobia, 1 1 1 Psammocola, 111 Pscphidia, 55, '?«, 95 Psephis, 55, 98 pseudodentiens, Cyanoplax, 52 pseudodentiens, Ischnochiton, 17, 265, 284 pseudodentiens, Trachydermon, 17, 265, 284 Pseudomelatoma, 56, 2j2 Pseudopylhina, 90 Pseudorotella, 144 Pterochiton, 55 puella, Callista, 32 Puget Sound, 17 pugettensis, Upogebia, 90 pulchellns, Callistochiton, 278 pulchellus. Chiton, 278 pulchrior, Mangelia, 229 pulchrior, Mangilia, 27, 231 pullata, Litorina, 33 pullata, Littorina, 159 pullata, Melarhaphe, 159 pulloides, Phasianella, 23, 29, 33, 39, 49, 151, i52, 19 pulloides, Tricolia, 152, 153, 19 pulloides elatior, Phasianella, 23, 29, 39, i5J, 19 pulloides elatior, Tricolia, 153, 19 pullus, Tricolia, 151 pullus, Turbo, 151 pumila, Chrysallida, 17, 23, 244 pumila, Odostomia, 41, 51, 244 punctata, Eucosmia, 44, 151 punctata, Longchaetis, 243 punctata, Phasianella, 151 punctata, Pyramidella, 243 punctata, Tricolia, 151 punctato-coclatus, Rictaxis, 238 punctatostriatus callatus, Donax, 32 punctocaelata, Tornatella, 24, 238 punctocaelatus, Acteon, 24, 26, 42, 51, 255 punctocaclatus, Rictaxis, 238 punctocoelata, Rhextaxis, 238 punctocoelata Vancouver cnsis , Acteon, 238 punctocoelata Vancouver ensis , Rictaxis, 238 punctocaelatus coronadvensis, Actaeon, 238 punctulata, Phasianella, 19, i5i, 18 Puncturclla, 120 pupiformis, Odostomia, 23, 250 pupilla, Marqarita, 131, 134 Pnpillaria. 130 pupillus, Margarites, 130 pupillus, Pupillaria, 130 pHpoidea, Fencalla, 17, 22, 142 pupoideus, Cantharidus, 142 pupoidcus, Halistylus, 22, 29, 39, 49, 7^2, 19 purpurata, Oliva, 217 purpurea, Cerithiopsis, 19, 32, 177 purpurea, Rissoina, 1 78 purpureum, Bitfium, 23, 28, 40, 50, 176, 777 pnrpureum, Leptonyx, 16, 148 purptireum. Semibiftium, 177 puteloides. Lacuna, 45 ^_vo!a, Olivella. 219 Pyramidella. 243 Pyrgiscus, 252 Pyrgolampros, 254 Pyrgolamprns, 254 pyriformis, Cypraeolina, 27, 220 372 INDEX piriformis, Gibbcruliua, 21, 24, 27, 42, 51, 219, " 220, 24 pyrifornus, Hyalina, 220 pyriformis, Marginella, 220 pyriformis, Mcrovia, 220 pyriformis, Volutella, 24, 56, 219, 220 Q quadratiim. Caecum, 174 Quadrifilatum, Bittium, 23, 28, 32, 40, 50, 177, 17S qiiadrifilatum, Scmibittium, 178 qnadrifilatum, Stylidium, 178 4-tissatHm, Siphonodcntalinm, 119 quadrifissatHs, Cad ill lis, 46, i29 quadrifissatus, Siphonodcntalinm, 46 R radians, Ccllana, 46 radians, Ischnochiton, 21, 24, 30, 43, 52, 27-/, 30. 31 radiata, Tellina, 102 Radsiclla, 277 ramsayi, Leda, 61 roT'a, Clatliurclla, 228 rava, Claviitula, 228 rcctirostris, Chrysodomns, 18, 24, 215 rectirostris, fE.vilia, 27, 216 rcctirostris, Exilioidca, 24, 27, 42, 51, 215 rectirostris, Plicifusiis, 216 rcctirostris, Sipho, 215 rectirostris, Tritoiwfnsns, 216 r^'c/n(j, Dcntalium, 24, 27, 34, 43, 49, 56, i;^, 17 rectnis, Rhabdus, 118, 17 rccnrvirostris lividus, Murex, Z^ Reeve, L., 12 rcevei, Colinnbclla, 212 regularis, fAmphichaena, 113 rcgularis, Chiton, 20, 56, 276, 277 regularis, Cvstiscus, 21, 24, 27, 42, 51, 220, 222, 24 regularis, Gari, 27, 44, 48, liJ, 15 rcgularis, Gobracus, 27, 113, 15 regularis, Hyalina, 222 regularis, Ischnochiton, 20, 30, 31, 43, 52, 268, 276 regularis, Ischnoradsia, 35 regularis, Lepidopleurus, 276 regularis, Marginella, 19, 24, 27, 222 regularis, Persicula, 222 regularis, Psammobia, 44, 113 regularis, Rhombochiton, 276, 31 Rehder, H.. 6 Reigen, F., 11 reticulata, Alvania, 15, 23, 29, 40, 49, 162 reticulata, Semele, 110 reticulata, Tellina, 110 reticulata, Turritella, 1 70 rcticulatum, Bittium, 176 reticulatus, Murex, 176 rctiporosa, Nodiscala, 193 retiporosa, Opalia, 17, 23, 50, 192, 193 rctiporosuin, F.pitonium, 28, 193 retiporosus, Ischnochiton, 17, 24, 30, 43, 52, 275, 30. 35 retiporosus, l.epidozona, 275, 30. 35 retiporosus, Trachydcrmon, 17, 275 Rexithaerus, 109 Rhabdus. 56, //S rhines, Clathrodrillia, 27, 226 rhines, Moniliopsis, 226 rhines, Ophiodermella, 225 rhines, Surcnla, 225 Rhicorus. 240 rhodia, Margarita, 131 Wiorfia, Margarites, 22, 30, 49, 135 rhodia, Pupillaria, 134 Rhombochiton, 56, 27(5 Rich, Major, 11 richthofeni, Here, 86 richthofeni, Lucina, 56, 86 Rictaxis, 56, 2.?cV rigida, Venus, 98 rimata, Barleeia, 25, 266, 20 Rissoa, 161 Rissoina, 161, i6J rissoina, Mormnla, 256 Rochefortia, 88 rosacea, Acmaca, 16, 22, 29, 32, 38, 49, 225 f rosacea, Collisclla, 125 "rosacea," under Ciiwia/Oij'n'n.r, 225 rosacea, Cytharclla, 46 ro^act'a pileolus, Acmaca, 34 rojac^ju, 6"o/gH, 18, 25, 27, 38, 48, 114 Ross,—, 261 ro strata. Area, 61 rostrata, Nuculana, 61 rostrata, Volvula, 240 rostrata, Volvulclla, 240 rotundata, Kellia, 18, 25, 37, 87, 88 Rowell, J., 18 ruber. Turbo, 163 rubidus, Chlamys, 69 rubidus, Pcctcn, 25, 26, 69 rubra, Barleeia, 163 rubra, Lasaca, 45, 87, 91 rubra, Rissoa, 163 riibrilincata, Eulithidium, 150 rubrilineata, Phasianella, 45, 250 rubrolincata, Gari, 112 rubrolincata, Psammocola, 112 rubroradiata, Gari, 20 riibroradiata, Psammobia, 17, 112 rubro-radiata, Sanquinolaria, 112 r!u/^, Lepton, 90 r!(/a, Melania, 252 n«/a, Pyrgiscus, 252 rufesccns, Haliotis, 246 rufocinera, Terebra, 225 rufoides, Ostrea, 25 ritfotinctus, Omphalius, ?i?i rugatum, Bittium, 23, 28_, 32, 40, 50, 179 rugatum, Scmibittium, 179 rugatus, Lepidopleurus, 30, 263 rugatus, Leptochiton, 19, 28, 30, 35, 46, 52, 263 rugifcra, Erycina, 90 rugifera, Pseudopythina, 21, 26, 37, 48, 9() rugifcra, Pythina, 17, 90 rugosa, Crepidula, 20, 202 rugosus ritfotinctus, Omphalius, 33 Rupellaria, 100 rH/;7a, Sa/c/.f, 41, 50, 295 r;/^//a, E.itlima, 17, 195 r;///7rt, McUinclla, 195 Salmouca, Macra, 15, 22, 105 salmonea, Margarita, 16, 33, 34, 39, 49 salmouca, Moera, 34 salmonea, Moerella, 32, 105 salmouca, Peronidia, 105 salmonea, Psephidia, 20, 22, 37, 99 salmonea, Psephis, 16, 20, 22, 99 salmonea, Tellina, 22, 26, 38, 48, 105 salmoneus, Angulus, 32 salmoneus, Margarites, 22, 30, 2i5 salmoneus, Pupillaria, 135 samarangae, Cardiutn, 91 San Bias, 219 sanguinaeus, Homalopoma, 147 sanguinacus. Turbo, 147 saiiguinea, I.cptonyx, 39, 147 sanguinea, Leptothyra, 29, 34 INDEX 373 sanguinca, Turritdla, 169 sanguineus, Leptonyx, 16 sanguineus, Turbo, 147 San Juan, 219 San Juan, Bay of, 219 Santa Barbara, 19 "santa-barbarensis, Columbella," 212 Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara Channel, 134 satura, Amaura, 250 satura, Odostomia, 15, 23, 41, 52, 250 satura pupiformia, Odostomia, 250 saturalis, Glypliis, 32 scaber, Chiton, 265 scabcr, Lciomva, 26, 79 scaber. Plectodon, 16, 21, 26, 48, 79 scabra, Acmaea, 123 scabra, Leiomya, 21, 37 scabra, Xuttallina, 265, 266 scabricostatus, Ischnochiton, 2A, 30, 43, 52, 269, 275 scabricostatus, Lepidopleurus, 16 Scala, 183 Scalar ia, 183 scalarina, Anachis, 211 scalarina, Columbella, 211 scalaris, Turbo, 183 Scaphopoda, 118 scintillacformis, Coopcrclla, 16, 22 scintillaeformis, Oedalina, 16, 22, 101 Sclerochiton, 55 Scolixedion, 172 scotica. J 'en us, 80 scriptus. Murex, 209 scrobiculatus, Ischnochiton, 275 Scrobs, 159 sculpturatus, Pelaloconchus, 171 scutulata, Melarhaphe, 159 scutulata pullata, Littorina, 28, 44, 259 scutulata pullata, Melarhaphe, 159 scutum, Acmaea, 122 scutum cribaria, Acmaea, 29 sccta, Macoma, 109 j^c^a, Rexithaerus, 109 Semele, 110 semiasperum, Cardium, 91 semiasperum, Nemocardium, 91 Semibittium, 176 scmiliratus, Dendrochiton, 285 semistriata, Diala, 166 semi-striata, Pscudorotella, 144 semi-striata, Rotella, 144 fseptentrionalis, Axinea, 15, 63 septentrionalis, Glycymeris, 64 septentrionalis snbobsoletus, Pectuncidus, 34 serata, fAmalthea. 200 sericata, Axinopsida, 20, 21, 26, 37, 48 sericata, Cryptodon, 20, 21 sericatus, Axinopsis, 26, 84 Serpulorbis, 172 serratus, Hipponix, 29, 33, 45, 2()() serratus, Imperator, 22, 39, 149 serratus, Ischnochiton, 30, 44, 52, 275, 32 serratus, Lepidozona, 275, 32 scrricata, Axinopsida, 84 serricatus, Cryptodon, 84 scrri^atus, Lucina, 17 Serridens, 55, 56, 89 sctosa, Besla, 55 setosa, Bryophila, 21, 32, 65 setosa. Philobrya, 21, 26, 48, 65 setulositm, Hemiarthrum, 56 Shoahvater Bay, 15 shorthand, English Presbyterian, 59 sicarius, Solen, 18 sicarius rosaceus, Solen, 114 sigmoidea, Strioturbonilla, 257 similis, Bithinia, 250 simplex, Acus, 224 simplex, Myurella, 19, 24, 224 simplex, Tcrebra, 27, 42, 51, 224 simpsonii, Mopalia, 281, 285 sinuata, Mopalia, 17, 21, 25, 31, 43, 53, 283 sinuata, Osteochiton, 28,3 sinuata, Placiphorella, 283 sinudentatus, Ischnochiton, 21, 30, 33, 43, 52, 276, 30 sinudentatus, Leptdoaona, 276, 30. 33 sipho, Siphonaria, 258 Siphonaria, 258 Skidegate Inlet, Queen Charlotte Island, B.C., 229 smithii, Volvula, 240 Solar iella, 138 Solemva, 60 Solen, 114 solen, Mytilus, 60 solcniformis, Adula, 74 soleniformis, Mytilus, 74 solcnoides, Darina, 115 solidula. Lacuna, 155, 156, 18 solidula carinafa, Lacuna, 153 solidula compacta. Lacuna, 23, 29, 34, i55, 18 Sowerby, G. B., 8, 12 "spcciosa, Modiola," 73 Sphenia. 116 Spiniscala, 187 splendens, Calliostoma, 16, 17, 22, 29, 39, 49, 140 splendens, Haliotis, 164 Spongiochiton, 55 spongiosa, Nodiscala, 192, 193, 22 spongiosa, Opalia, 17, 20, 23, 28, 41, 50, 192, 193, 22 spongiosum, Epitonium, 28, 193 spongiosum, Scalaria, 193 squamigcrns, Aletes, 25, 28, 50, 172, i/J squamigerus, Serpulorbis, 34, 173 squamigcrns, Thylacodes, 173 squamigerus, Vermetus, 173 Squamopleura, 55 squamosus, Lepton, 90 squamosus, Solen, 90 squamulifera, Ocenebra, 20, 28, 41, 51, 2(?5 squatnulifera, Ocinebra. 35 squamulifera, Tritonalia, 28, 206 squamulifera. Trophon, 20, 205 squarrosns, Pcctcn. 19, 46, 72 Sta.-Barbarensis, Columbella, 32, 209 staminca, Callithaca. 97 staminea, Paphia, 96 staminca, Protothaca, 25, 48, 97 staminea forma orbella, Protothaca, 25, 26 staminca laciniata, Paphia, 96 staminea laciniata, Protothaca, 26, 96 staminea orbella, Callithaca. 97 staminea orbella, Paphia, 97 Stearns. R. E. C, 4 Sfenoplax, 55. 270 Sfcnoradsia, 55, 270 Stereochiton, 55 Stewart, R.. 85, 94 Stimpsoniclla. 55 Stoastoma, 160 Straits of De Fuca._219 straminea. Odostomia, 247 Strebloceras, 55 Streplochiton. 55 striata, Modclia, 153, 155 striata, Pholas. 118 strigatclla, Acmaea, 29, 44, 125 "strigillata, Acmaea, Nuttall," 25, 126 strigillata, Collisella, 125 striolata, Mangelia, 228 374 INDEX Striotcrcbrum, 224 Strioturboiiilla, 257 Stutchburv, S., 8 stylma, Adiila, 15, 25, 31, Z7 , 74 styliva, Chemnitaia, 19, 20, 24 stylina, Striotnrbonilla, 257 stylitia, Tiirbouilla, 24, 52, 257, 22 subangulata, Bartschclla, 251 subangulata, Dunkeria, 55, 251 subapcrta, Chlorostoma, 142, 19 subaperta, Tcgula, 22, 142, 19 subcoronata, Scalaria, 1 7, 23 subcoroiiatum, Epitoniiim, 28, 40, 50, 187, 22 subcoroiiatum, Nitidiscala, 23, i(!f7, 22 subcHspidata, Cliemtiit::ia, 17, 23, 34, 253 subcuspidata, Fyrgiscus, 253 subcnspidata, Turbonilla, 253 subdiaphaua, Callista, 93 subdiaphaiia, dementia, 17, 21, 93 subdiapliana, Compsomvax, 21, 26, 37, 48, 55, 9.? subdiaphaua, Coopcrclla, 26, 37, 48, iOi subdiaphaua, Katheriuella, 93 subdiaphaua, Marcia, 26, 93 subdiaphaua, VeuereUa, 93 subclcvata, Lirularia, 133 subelevata, Margarita, 18, 132 subclcvatHS, Margarites, 22, iJJ, 17 subexpressus. Ischnochitou, 269, 275 sublirulala, Odostoinia, 247 subnodosa, Terebra, 225 subobsolcta, Axinaca, 21, 63 subobsoleta, Axinea, 15 subobsolcta, Glycymcris, 21, 26, 37, 48, 63 suhohsolctus, Fectuiicitliis, 34 suborbicularis, KcUia, 87 subplauata, Mesalia, 18, 171 subplauatuvi, Tachyryuchus, 171, 20 sithpupoidca. FeueHa, 142 subpupoidrKs, Halisfylns, 29, 142 siibpurpurca, J'olsella, 74 subquadrata. Cardita, 26, 82 subqiiadrata, Carditaniera. 82 subquadrata, Diplodonta. 26, 85 subquadrata. Glaus, 21, 26, 37, 48, ^2 subquadrata. Laaaria, 2\. 82 subquadratus, Taras, 26, 45, 55 subrotuudata, Algamorda. 159, 18 subrofnudata, TAssiminca, 15, 23, 159 subrotuudata. Litforina, 28, 39, 759, 18 subrufa?, Hippouix, 199 subspiralis. I.iriola. 260 subspiralis, fNacclla, 16, 24, 43, 259, 260 substriata, PhasiaucUa. 22, 29, 49, J50, 19 substriata. Tricolia. 151 subsfriatum. Eiilithidittm . 150, 151, 19 snbtenuis, Barleeia. 25, 29, 40, 50, 164. 7(55, 20 subtcuuis rimata. Barleeia. 25, 29. 40, 166, 20 subtriqoua. Circe, 32 subtrigona. Cystiscus. 21, 27, 42, 51, 220, 222, subtriqoua. Ilyaliua. 222 subtriqoua. Marqiuclla. 19, 27, 222 subtriqoua, Fersicula. 222 subtiirrita, Auachis, 17, 24, 28, 42, 51, 272, 23 subturrita. ColumbeUa, 212 subturrita, Seminclla, 212 subulatum, Bucciuum. 224 subulatuin, Terebra, 224 subviridis, J.asaea, 45, 97 succiuta, Chiouc, 100 siiccincta, Gibbula, 15, 34, 136 succincta, Lirularia, 136 succinctiis, Margarites, 22, 30, 49, 7J6 sulcata, Astartc, 80 sulcata, Corbula, 116 supragranostivi, Calliostoma, 16, 22, 29, 39, 49, 139, 7-/0, 17 supralirata, Alaba, 32 suprastriata, Nucula, 45, 61 supravallata, Ethalia, 16, 22, 144 supravallainm, Fscudorotella, 144, 19 supravallatum, Teinostoma, 22, 30, 39, 49, 74'^, 19 Swan, J. G., 14, 31, 109 Swanuii, Keunerleyi, 15 S7i'auii, Mopalia, 25, 53, 25i S'ii'anuii, Mopalia, 15, 43, 283 A'.v'Trro, 167 T tahulala, Daphuclla, 234 tabulata, l.ora, 27, 234 tabulata, Maugdia, 24, 33, 35, 234 tabulata, ?Manqclia, 1 5 tabulata, Fropcbcla, 21, 24, 27, 42, 51, 2i-/, 25 tabulata, Turris, 234 Tachyrhynchus , 170 Tagelus, 114 Taras, 85 Taylor, A. S., 18 Tccturclla, 55 Tecturiua, 55 Tcqula, 141 Teiuostoma 144 tclcscopium, Chrvsallida, 32 tcllimvalis, Petricola, 22, 26, 48, 70fl tcllimyalis, Fscphis, 22, 100 tellimvalis, Rupellaria, 100 Tclliua, 102 tenera, Macoma, 108 tcucrrima, Callithaca, 96 teuerrima, Frotothaca, 25, 26, 37, 48, 97 tcucrrima, Tapes, 25, 55, 96, 97 Teng-Chien Yen, 57 tenuicula, Chcmnitcia, 34, 253 tenuicitla, Fyrgiscus, 253, 21 teuuicnia, Turbonilla, 20, 23, 25 J, 21 teuuilirata, Fatella, 46 "tcuuilirata, Fatella." 128 teuuirostris, Macoma, 110 tenuis, Amphithalamus, 160 tenuis, Evalea, 247 tenuis, Mumiola, 247 tenuis, Odostomia, 247 tcnuiscnlpta, Acmaca, 124 tenuisculpta, Alabina, 23, 28, 40, 50 tcnuiscnlpta, Boreotrophon, 207 tenuisculpta, Evalea, 247 , 21 tenuisculpta, Lucina, 17, 26, 33, 37, 48, 56, 5(5 tenuisculpta, Marqarita, 18, 25, 33, 34 tenuisculptus, Margarites, 25, 30, 38, 49, 729 tenuisculpta, f Mesalia, 16, 23 tenuisculpta. Myrtca, 86 tenuisculpta, Neptunea, 207 tenuisculpta, Ocencbra, 20, 28, 41, 51, 207, 23 tenuisculpta, Odostomia, 15. 23, 41, 52, 2-^7, 21 tenuisculpta, Farz'iluciua, 26, 56 tenuisculpta, Fhacoides, 86 tenuisculpta. Scurria. 123 tenuisculpta. Tritonalia. 28 tenuisculptus, Tropbou. 19, 207 tenuisculptus, Trophouopsis, 207 Terebra, 224 terebra. Turbo. 168 terebra. Turrit ella. 168 terebralis, Chcmuitcia, 253 terricula, h'ura. 250 terricula, Odostomia, 46, 250 Test. A. R., 123 textilis. Chiton. 260 textilis, Ischnochitou, 269 thaca, Frothaca, 96 INDEX 375 thaca, Venus, 96 thamnopora, Dendrochiton, 2S4 thamnopora, Mopalia, 284 thersites, Balcis, 23, 28, 41, SO, 196 Thersitcs, Eulima, 19, 23, 28, 196 thersites, Liriola, 258 thersites, MelancUa, 196 Thersites, Siphonaria, 1 5 thersites, Siphonaria, 25, 43, 52, 56, 258 thersites, Vitreolina, 196 Thcstyleda, 61 Thomas, H., 11 tiara, Epitonium, 25, 28, 188 tiara, Scalaria, 25, 188 tincta, Scala, 188 tincta, Scalaria, 15, 23, 1S8 tinctutit, Epitonium, 23, 28, 40, 50, 185, 187, 188 Tinostoma, 144 '•Tivela." 96 togata, Tclliiia. 60 Tomlin, J. R. Le B., 93 ToniccUa, 55 ftoreuma, Patella, 46 "fforcuma, Patella," 128 Tornatella, 237 tornatilis, Actcon, 237 tornatilis. Valuta, 237 foroja, Drillia, 24, 32, 232 torosa, Pseudomelatoma, 24, 27, 42, 51, 2J2 torosa aurantia, Pseudomelatoma, 24, 27, 42, 51, 232 torquata, Chcmnitzia, 24, 257 torquata stylina, Chemnifaia, 257 trachea. Caecum, 173 trachea, Dentalinm, 173 Trachydcrma, 285 Trachydermon, 55, 263, 25-/ Trachyradsia, 55 translucens, Assiminea, 25, 29, 40, 50, i67 translucens, Jeffreysia, 25, 29, 167 translucens, fJeffreysia, 17 trapezia, Glans, 82 triangularis, Acmaea, 18, 20, 22, 29, 38, 49, i2<5 triangularis, Nacclla, 16, 33, 126 triangularis, Trophon, 17, 28 triangularis casta, Acmaea, 127 triangulatns, Austrotrophon, 208 triangulatus, Borcotrophort, 208 triangulatus, Nacclla, 35 triangulatus, Trophon. 20, 24. 207 triangulatus, Trophonopsis, 20, 24, 28, 41, 51, Tricolia, 151 tridcntata, Chcmnitzia, 24, 254, 256 tridentata, Lancea, 256 tridcntata, Mormnla, 256 tridentata, Turhonilla, 24, 41, 52, 25d tridcntata aurantia. Chcmnitzia, 254 trifida, I schnoradsia, 277 trifidus, Ischnochiton, 17, 24. 30, 43, 52, 277 frifidus, Trachydermon, 17, 24, 56, 277 trifidus, Tripoplax. 277 Tripoplax, 56, 277 Tristam, H. B.. 4 trisfensis, Siphonaria, 258 Trochiscus, 143 Trophonopsis, 207 Truncaria, 213 truncata. Bulla. 241 truncatulus. Bulla, 241 truncafulus, Colcophysis, 241 truncatulus, Utriculus, 241 truncatum, Cerithidca, 175 Tuangia, 96 tuhcrcularis, Ccrithiopsis, 182 tuberculosa, Amphiroa, 127 Tuhcria, 55 tubcrosa. Alia, 210 tubcrosa, Amycla, 19, 32, 210 tuberosa, Astyris, 210 tubcrosa, Cohimbclla, 28, 210 tuberosa, Mitrella, 21, 28, 41, 51, 2i0, 26 tumbczcnsis, Acquipccten, 72 tumbezensis, Leptopecten, 72 tumbczcnsis, Pccten, 46, 72 tumens, Amalthea, 199 tumens, Capulus, 199 fMwe)!5-, Hipponix, 24, 29, 41, 50, i99, 21 tumens, Hipponyx, 19 tumens, Planorbis, ZZ tnmida, Mysclla, 21, 26, 37, 48, S5, 7 tumida, Rochcfortia, 26, 88 tumid a. Tapes, 97 tumida, Tellimya, 17, 21, 88 Turbonilla, 251 turricula, Ivara, 250 turricula, Murex, 234 turricula, Odostomia, 46, 250 turricula, Propebela, 234 turrita, Aclis, 182 turrita, Alabina, 23, 40, 50, l^i, 20 turrita, Styliferina, 17, 181 Turritella, 168 typica, Eulithidium, 150, -Z5/ typica, Phasianella, 150, 251 typus, Cuspidaria, 78 U ulvac, Hvdrobia, 165 undata, Amphissa, 24, 28, 41, 51. 2n, 23 undata, Amycla, 16, 24, 211 undata, Columbella, 211 undata, Lucina, 33, 58 undatella, Chione, 20, 99 undatum, Anellum, 32 undatimi. Caecum, 32 undosa, Astraca, 22, i'/9, 19 tiudosus, Trochus, 149 unifasciata, Chcmnitzia, 253 unifasciata, Lacuna, 23, 25. 29, 34, 39, 49, 75(5, 157, 19 unifasciata, h'itidiscala, 184 unifasciata, Sclaria, 184 unifasciata auranfiaca. Lacuna, 25, 29, 39, 49, i57 Upogcbia, 90 Utriculus, 241 V vagina, Solen, 114 Vahlii, Margarita, 25, 30, 129 valdczi, Pyrgolampros, 256 valdesi, Turhonilla, 256 volvulus, Pctrasma, 60 volvulus, Solemya, 26, 44, 48, (50 Vancouver, B. C.. 35 vancouverensis, Acteon, 238 vancouvercnsis, Monocciostrac, 67 varia, Diala, 166 Z'ariabilis, Gari, 111 variabilis, Gobracus, 111 varicosa mazatlanica, Ccrithidea, 32 varicgata, Bcla, 232 variegata, Cythara, 231, 232 variegata, Daphinella, 231, 232 variegata, Eucosmia, 22, 58, 150, 151 varieoata. Lacuna. 15, 23, 29, 33, 34, 39, 49, i57. 19 variegata, Manqclia, 21, 24, 27, 42, 51, 228, 2.? 7, 25 variegata. Phasianella, 150. 151 variegata, Pleurotoma, 232 376 INDEX varicgata, Tfllina, 26, 38, 4S, 104 varicgata, Terebra, 224 varicgatum, Calliostoma, 18, 22, 29, 39, 49, 141, 17 varicgatus, Anguhis, 15, 104 variegalHS, Oheliscus, 243 Velain, Ch., 88 vclata, Placiphorclla, 31, 46, 279 Velutina, 202 relulixa. Bulla. 202 velutina, I'dutiiia, 202 ventricosus. Pecteii, 70, 71 z'cntricosus, Plagioclcnium, 71 i^eredentieus, Isclinocliitoii, 16, 24, 30, 43, 52, 269, 29 veredentteiis, Lepidozotta, 269 vcrnalis, Williamia, 25*5 vesperitinalis. Psaiiivwcola. 112 vcspcrliua, Psammobia, 111 7'espcrtiuus. Soleii, 111 vUlicrsii, Plcurotoma. 228 villosior, Astheiwlhaerus, 26, 44, 48, 55, 75 vincta. Lacuna, 156 t'irginalis, ChrysaUida, 245 virginalis, Odostoinia, 46, 275 virginca. Acmaea, 125 r/rofo, Chcmnitcia, 19, 24, 254 vir(/o, Pvrgiscus, 254 virgo, TurboniUa, 24. 41, 52, 254 viridula, Adinete, 223 viridis, Axinopsida. 85 vitens, MangeUa, 229 vitrcum, Caecum, 32 vitrenm, Fartulnm, 32 vitreum clarkii, Caecum, M VitrincUa, 160 ]' itrinula, 55 '•olcano, Fisstirella, 20, i2i, 18 I'ol sella, 73 I 'olvula, 240 / ■olvnlella, 240 vulgaris, Gari, 111 vulgaris, Velutina, 202 W Webb, Dr., 63 'iVethcrcUii, Acteociiia, 241 wctherellii. Acteon, 241 Whitney, T. D., 4 Wilkins, G. L., 7, 68, 94, 95, 97, 100, 107, 113, 121. 126, 175, 184, 188, 205, 218, 265, 277, 280 Williamia, 258 Woofi, C. W., 8 Woodrinjj. W. P., 94 Woodward, S. P.._ 12 7voodzvardi, Rissoina, Zi, 163 Worsley, S., 8 Xantus, J., 18, 31 Xiphio::ona, 262 Yod. Leiostraca, ZTi voldiformis, Macoma. 17, 22, 27, 34, 38, 48, 108 Zenxis, 214