Umphrey's McGee 10/31/01 Canopy Club Champaign, IL source: SBD+AKG414's>D7 @ 44.1>PCM-R300>SForge>CDWAV>SHN happy halloween --> disc 1 (56:07) 01 tonight i'm gonna rock (04:06) 02 kabump -> (04:15) 03 jam -> (07:36) 04 out of order (07:14) 05 get in the van (08:14) 06 don't fear the reaper (03:52) 07 pay the snucka (07:25) 08 roulette (05:00) 09 hurt bird bath (08:25) disc 2 (72:01) 01 stonehenge (06:37) 02 prowler (05:33) 03 jazz odysessy -> (07:24) 04 all in time -> (11:36) 05 all things ninja (09:46) 06 got me wrong (04:21) 07 utopian fir (09:20) 08 sociable jimmy (06:47) 09 xxplosive -> (01:50) 10 40's theme (08:47) disc 3 (78:39) 01 phils farm -> (09:25) 02 big bottoms -> (03:24) 03 jimmy stuart -> (13:03) 04 pick your nose -> (01:59) 05 ringo -> (06:23) 06 willie the pimp -> (03:27) 07 jam -> (04:09) 08 n2f (19:16) 09 sex farm -> (02:20) 10 space funk booty (07:01) 11 africa (04:36) 12 tonight i'm gonna rock (03:36)