r^ ■£. ^tou^ Given By US. SUPT. OF DOCUMENTS J-1 05ITORY Vol. Ill - pi. 4 AGRICULTURE, 1954 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY (A Cooperative Report) SPECIAL REPORTS (J. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS 1954 Census Agriculture L & U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE WASHINGTON • T95r«orn IBRVIce Research Service, Production Economics Research Branch, in the United States Department of Agriculture, has collected, in- tegrated, and analyzed data on land not in farms and has re- lated this information to Census statistics for land in farms. This information has been gathered from the records and reports of State and Federal agencies. These records of public land- owning and land-managing agencies, branches of State govern- ments, and other sources were consulted in the preparation of an inventory of major land uses by the Production Economics Research Branch, Agricultural Research Service. Aerial photo- graphs, topographic and other maps, soil surveys, and related materials provided information necessary for the preparation of some of the maps. The Soil Conservation Service supplied information on land clearing and brush control in soil conserva- tion districts for which technical assistance was provided. The Agricultural Conservation Program Service provided county data necessary for preparing maps on farm drainage and the seeding and reseeding of pasture. Scope, definitions, and explanations. — The graphic summary of land utilization focuses attention on the major uses of land. Attention is given to land not in farms as well as to land in farms. Maps and charts showing present distribution and past changes for the major land uses are included along with a brief explanatory text. This report is not concerned primarily with the distribution of crops and livestock and with changes in the production of individual commodities. However, a selected number of maps and charts dealing with some of the principal crops and with the main livestock classes are presented to fa- cilitate the use and interpretation of maps and charts on major land uses. Care has been exercised in the selection of illustra- tions in order to include the most significant changes taking place as well as the present distribution of different land uses. In the maps, charts, and text, terminology consistent with the various definitions contained in the 1950 Census of Agriculture is used. In describing and locating areas, commonly accepted geographical terms are used. In presenting data by States, farm- production regions or divisions are used in order to obtain more agriculturally related combinations of States than the geographic divisions used by the Census. This division permits the presen- tation of significant regional differences in land use which are obscured in Census data. Unless otherwise stated, the farm- production regions are used throughout this graphic summary. In order to avoid confusion, the comparative grouping of Census geographic divisions and farm-production regions is shown by the accompanying two maps. MAP OF THE UNITED STATES. SHOWING GEOGRAPHIC REGIONS AND DIVISIONS 407763 — 57- A GRAPHIC SUMMARY MAJOR USES OF LAND Inventory of land uses. — In a country as large as the United States, land is used for many diverse purposes. In the inventory and study of land, the several uses are commonly grouped into a few major categories designated as major uses. Cropland, pasture and grazing land, forest and woodland, and special-use areas and miscellaneous other laud are discussed as major uses of land in this report. These major uses of land are explained here so that those who use the maps and charts in this report will understand more clearly some basic concepts about land use and how different uses are interrelated. The major uses of land are often separated broadly into land in farms and land not in farms. Land iu farms includes land used chiefly for agricultural purposes under direct, or sole con- trol of the operators. Under this definition, land owned or leased and operated individually for farming by farm operators is con- sidered as land in farms. It includes considerable areas of land not actually under cultivation and some land not used for pasture or grazing that is intermingled with farms or part of tracts used for farming. Large areas of timberland or other npnagricultural land held by farm operators as separate enterprises, and not used for pasture or any other farming purposes generally, are excluded from land in farms. Indian land, whether operated by Indians or leased out to others for agricultural purposes, is classified as farmland. Public land used under permit is not included in land in farms. Nearly all of the cropland is a part of land in farms, although some cropland undoubtedly exists that has not been reported by the Census of Agriculture because of limitations of definition and underenumeration. Pasture refers to land in farms used for pas- turing livestock, except for forage obtained from the aftermath of crops or by pasturing growing crops for short periods of time. Grazing pertains to land not in farms which is grazed. Forest and woodland may be either in farms or outside farm boundaries. Most of the special-use areas, except farmsteads, are not in farms. Miscellaneous unaccounted-for areas may be either a part of land in farms or land not in farms. The major uses of land are also subdivided on the basis of actual vegetative cover on the land at the time of classification. Thus, cropland may be broken down into cropland used for crops, cropland used only for pasture, and cropland idle or used for growing soil-improvement crops. Cropland used for crops in- cludes cropland harvested, cropland on which crops failed, and cropland used for cultivated summer fallow. Cropland used only for pasture may also be considered as a part of the pasture area. For the most part, cropland used only for pasture is pasture that is grown in rotation with crops, although some of it may be crop- land that is no longer used for producing crops and that may eventually become idle cropland or permanent pastureland. Pasture and grazing land has a great variety of vegetative cover and varies widely in the amount of forage furnished to livestock. Pasture in farms consists of open or nonforested pas- ture, including cropland used only for pasture, other open grass- land pasture (not cropland and not woodland), and woodland pastured. Woodland or forest land that is pastured is also con- sidered a part of the forest-land area. In some parts of the country, the woodland in farms that is pastured may be com- mercial forest land while in other areas it has little commercial value. Grazing land may be either forested or nonforested. Non- forested range produces forage suitable for grazing without cul- tivation, including mountain meadow, cutover land, and brush- land on which the number or grouping of any brush and trees is such that the land could not be considered forest land. In the Western States, much of the grazing land not in farms is public land that has never been privately owned. Seasonal use of the nonfarm grazing land furnishes an important complementary source of forage to that produced on farms and ranches. In parts of the South, privately owned nonfarm forest land is ex- tensively grazed, particularly in spring and early summer. Forest and woodland may be considered in several ways. Some forest types may be pastured or grazed ; other types may have little value for forage. The farm and nonfarm breakdown of forest and woodland is significant from the standpoint of forest management. Private or public ownership is also an important separation in any inventory of forest and woodland use. The commercial and noncommercial value of forest and woodland is needed for studies of timber resources. By definition of the United States Forest Service, forest and woodland includes: (1) Land 10 percent or more stocked with trees of any size and capable of producing commercial timber and other valuable wood products and services; (2) land from which trees have been removed to less than 10 percent stocking and which has not been developed for uses other than timber production; (3) afforested areas (planted) ; and (4) arid wood- land with dense cover, such as chaparral. Adherence to this definition means that there may be some overlapping among the major uses of land as cropland and open grassland pastureland as reported by the Census of Agriculture may be included under certain circumstances as forest land under the definition used by the Forest Service in its inventory of forest land. Special uses of land include a wide variety of uses, such as urban sites, highways, railroads, airports, parks, national de- fense areas, wildlife refuges, farmsteads, and farm roads and lanes. For the most part, these uses are largely nonagricultural. Much recent interest in this group of uses centers around the question of whether or not it is desirable to use good agricultural land for urban sites and other similar uses when less desirable agricultural land suitable for such uses is available. The com- peting demands for the use of land are particularly acute in good farming areas where urban and industrial expansion have been rapid. Other miscellaneous unaccounted-for areas include deserts, sand dunes, bare rock areas, and marshes. Some of the land having these physical characteristics is used for military pur- poses or for parks and wildlife refuges. Some land may have two or more uses. When land is used for multiple purposes, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish pri- mary and secondary uses. The extent to which the exact area or closely intermingled areas have more than one use may also be hard to determine. In an inventory of land use, it is not al- ways possible to eliminate completely duplications arising from the multiple uses of land. But despite these difficulties, the pos- sibilities of obtaining closer integration of such uses of land as recreation, watershed uses, forage, timber, and wildlife must be carefully explored in order that these uses may be geographi- cally and economically available to the growing number of people who desire to use them. Contrasts in land quality. — In this report, most of the land-use information is presented in terms of area used for different pur- poses. Data are often not so readily available for certain quali- tative aspects of land use. Considerable variation exists in the quality of land used for different purposes. For example, nearly a tenth of the present, cropland area should be converted to grassland and woodland. Different limitations on use apply to the land that is suitable for cropland. Nearly nine-tenths of the production from pasture and grazing land comes from the 647 million acres of pasture in farms. This means that only a tenth of the forage comes from the 353 million acres of grazing land not in farms. The 66 million acres of crop- laud used only for pasture, which accounts for only about 7 percent of all pasture and grazing land, supplies approximately a third of the total feed production from pasture and grazing land. LAND UTILIZATION Forest land has a similar wide variation in productivity. Of the 64S million acres of forest land in continental United States reported in the recent Timber Resource Review of the United States Forest Service, only 484 million acres are classified as com- mercial forest land. Of the commercial forest land, only 179 mil- lion acres are in sawtimber stands and 42 million acres of the commercial forest land are presently nonstocked. Factors affecting land use. — The question of how land resources are used and how much production comes from different major uses is determined largely by four groups of factors affecting land use : (1) Physical conditions — climate, soil, topography, and vegetative cover; (2) control or ownership of the land; (3) re- quirements for the different commodities produced on the land ; and (4) the status of technology relevant to land use. land use changes. — The historical background of land use must also be studied as a significant part of each of the above factors. For the United States, recognition of two general periods of land- use development are especially significant in acquiring an under- standing of the present land-use situation. Before World War I, while new settlement of the land was still taking place, changes in the major uses of land occurred rapidly. Forests were cleared and the land was converted to cropland and pasture. Native grasslands were plowed and used for crop production for the first time. Mistakes were made in the selection of land suitable for cultivation, but often these appeared to be of little importance while new lands were still available. During the last four decades, total acreages of cropland and pasture and grazing land have not increased or decreased greatly, but significant changes have nonetheless been taking place. Shifts in cropland and pastureland among regions have occurred. Cropland is becoming more concentrated on land with fertile soils and level topography. Land that is rough or otherwise physically ill-suited for crop production is reverting to pasture and forest. Gradual improvement of land being used for cropland and pasture is taking place through irrigation, drainage, clearing^ and flood control. In some areas, urban, industrial, and related nonagri- cultural uses are encroaching on land formerly farmed. The present lack of balance between crops grown and the types of products in strongest demand indicates that future basic ad- justments in land use are likely to occur. Careful study of the present patterns and past shifts of land use as these are affected by different factors or conditions will facilitate future changes that are needed in the major uses of land. LAND USE— 1954 Distribution of the 1,904 million acres of land in the continental United States among the major uses is shown in the accompany- ing chart. The total land in farms reported by the 1954 Census of Agriculture was 1,15S million acres, which is nearly identical with that reported for 1950. However, the distribution of the land in farms among the major uses has changed considerably. The 746 million acres of land not in farms also break down into the various major uses differently in 1954 from the estimates made for 1950 by the former Bureau of Agricultural Economics. Some of these shifts in acreage among the major uses represent actual changes while others are related in part to difficulties in classification and definition. If the division between land in farms and land not in farms is omitted, the total land in each of the five major uses would be allocated as follows : Million acres Cropland (including that used only for pasture) 460 Pasture and grazing land (including woodland and for- est land pastured or grazed) 934 Forest and woodland not pastured or grazed 314 Special-use areas (cities, parks, highways, railroads, airports, wildlife refuges, defense areas, farmsteads, farm lanes, and related uses) 110 Miscellaneous other land (deserts, swamps, sand dunes, bare-rock areas, beaches, etc.) 86 Total 1, 904 MAJOR USES OF LAND, 1954 Total U.S. Acreage = 1,904 Mil. Acres Cropland • 25% Grassland posture and grazing land ■ 33% :iuoes cnopLtHB usee OHLt eon etsrune o Bestir, sutup. ot/*ts, ere t r»»wsre»os. mews, ptnpotos. unstn nets. Pitts, ere A eteiuees rotesr itno in Hues **o orne* eesetree tests Cropland is made up of cropland harvested (333 million acres), cropland used only for pasture (66 million acres), and cropland not harvested and not pastured (61 million acres). Cropland not harvested and not pastured includes cultivated summer fallow, land on which all crops failed, land in soil- improvement crops only, and land seeded to crops for harvest after 1954. Cultivated summer fallow totaled 29 million acres in 1954. This was 3 million acres more than was reported by the 1950 Census of Agriculture. This increase may be attributed principally to acreage allotments on wheat and cotton that were in effect for 1954 but were not applicable for these crops in 1949. Land on which crops failed in 1954 totaled about 13 million acres according to estimates prepared by the Production Economics Research Branch, Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture. In order to obtain the total acreage of all pasture and grazing land, the 66 million acres of cropland used only for pasture can be added to the 934 million acres of other pasture and grazing land. This makes a total of 1 billion acres used for pasture and grazing. Pasture in farms totals 647 million acres and grazing land not in farms accounts for the remaining 353 million acres. Woodland and forest land total 615 million acres. This total is obtained by adding the 301 million acres of woodland and forest pastured or grazed to the 314 million acres not used for that purpose. Woodland and forest land in farms totals 197 million acres, while that not in farms accounts for 418 million acres. The 615 million acres of woodland and forest land does not include 26 million acres of reserved forest land that is set apart in parks, wildlife refuges, and other special uses. Special-use areas in the aggregate occupy only about 5 percent of the total land area, but the competition between such uses and agricultural uses is an important problem in many areas. Frequently, good agricultural land may be diverted to these uses when land of lower agricultural value is available. Whether or not this is in the best interests of the Nation is a question that needs to be answered. The 86 million acres of land classified under miscellaneous other uses is for the most part land that is not used for other purposes. Of this 86 million acres of miscellaneous other land, it is estimated that 20 million acres is wasteland in farms. It does not include all deserts, swamps, sand dunes, beaches, and bare-rock areas. Frequently, such areas are a part of national defense areas, parks, w'ildlife areas, and other related uses. A GRAPHIC SUMMARY THE TREND IN LAND UTILIZATION 1930 1940 I960 CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES EXCLUSIVE OF ALASKA 1 EXCLUDES FORESTED AREAS RESERVED FOR PARKS AND RELATEO USES AND ARID WOODLAND. BRUSHLAND, AND FOREST LAND USEO FOR GRAZING . 2 121 MILLION ACRES WERE REPORTED PASTURED IN 1954. 3 INCLUDES GRASSLAND. ARID WOODLAND. BRUSHLAND, AND FOREST LAND GRAZED 4 OPEN PASTURE IN FARMS, INCLUDING CROPLANO USED ONLY FOR PASTURE AND OTHER PLOWABLE PASTURE. 5 INCLUDES SOIL IMPROVEMENT CROPS. SUMMER FALLOW, AND LAND SEEDED TO CROPS FOR HARVEST THE SUCCEEDING YEAR, CROPLAND ACREAGES ARE FOR THE YEAR PRECEDING THE DATE OF THE CENSUS EXCEPT FOR 1954. CHANGES IN LAND USE The Trend in Land Utilization [Continental United States exclusive of Alaska] Uses of land 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1954 Million acres 319 276 768 191 175 174 Million acres 347 284 739 191 162 180 Million acres 402 328 661 158 160 184 Million acres 413 379 578 150 208 175 Million acres 399 461 504 157 203 181 Million acres 409 485 400 220 201 189 Million acres 394 526 Grazing land not In 358 Farm woodland (pas- tured and not pastures- Forest land not in farms (not grazed) '... __ Farmsteads, roads, rail- roads, urban areas, parks, and other land.. 197 238 196 Total 1,903 1.903 1,903 1,903 1,905 1,904 1,904 1 Includes soil-improvement crops, summer fallow, and land seeded to crops for harvest the succeeding year. Cropland acreages are for the year preceding the date of the Census except for 1954. 1 Open pasture in farms, including cropland used only for pasture and other plowable pasture. » Includes grassland, arid woodland, brushland, and forest land grazed. 4 Excludes forested areas reserved for parks and related uses and arid woodland, brush- land, and forest land used for grazing. Historical changes in the major uses of land in the United States can be grouped into two periods. The first period lasted until about 1920. This was the settlement or pioneer period which came to a close with the expansion of the cropland area into the subhumid parts of the Great Plains during and follow- ing World War I. From 1880 to 1920, the acreage of cropland harvested was more than doubled as it increased from 178 to 362 million acres. This rapid expansion in the acreage of cropland was accompanied by large decreases in the area of native grass- land. Grazing land not in farms, which includes idle grassland and arid woodland and brushland grazed, was reduced by about 380 million acres between 1880 and 1920. Part of this grazing land was converted to cropland and part of it has since been included as land in farms. Clearing of forest land also continued during this period as cropland and open pastureland were added to farms in the 31 Eastern States and in parts of the Pacific Northwest. The forest area was reduced by 50 to 75 million acres between 1880 and 1920. A greater degree of stabilization in the major categories of land use has characterized the period since 1920. Fluctuation rather than a continued increase in acreage of cropland has pre- vailed. But significant regional shifts in distribution of cropland have occurred. Land development and improvement through drainage, irrigation, and clearing of forests has continued to ex- pand the acreage of cropland in some areas bypassed or only partially developed during the settlement period. Reversion to woodland and conversion to such nonagricultural uses as cities, highways, airports, parks, defense areas, and related uses have offset some of the additions to cropland and improved pasture through the development of new land. More of the grazing land not in farms has become a part of the pasture area in farms. This is partly explained by the inclusion of more public land in farms. If the grazing land is leased, it is reported in farms ; but if it is used under permit, it is not included as a part of the land in farms as defined for the Census of Agriculture. LAND UTILIZATION LAND IN FARMS, AGRICULTURAL LAND* AND CROPLAND HARVESTED By Regions 1880-1954 o 500 WES rERN 1 ' ■ : J 1 1 " 1 855888^ 0 I860 1900 I CROPLAND HARVESTED I FARMS EXCLUDING WOODLAND j AGRICULTURAL LAND OTHER THAN CROPLAND HARVESTED 1930 1940 KSSgj! WOOOLANO IN FARMS I960 REGIONAL TRENDS IN LAND USE The general trends of land in farms, agricultural land (ex- cludes woodland), and cropland harvested are shown for the Northern, Southern, and Western States in the accompanying chart. In all three groups of States, land in farms and agricul- tural land increased in nearly all decades until 1940. Cropland harvested reached a peak acreage in the Northern and Southern regions in 1930, while the peak acreage for the Western States was reported by the 1950 Census of Agriculture. Several important contrasts in trends exist among farm-pro- duction regions within these three groups of States. These re- gional changes in land in farms, agricultural land, and cropland harvested are summarized briefly: Northern States: (1) Northeastern States. — Nearly uninterrupted decline since 1900 in land in farms, agricultural land, and cropland har- vested characterizes this region. Abandonment of agricultural land in the face of competition from midwestern agricultural areas and urban and industrial expansion into agricultural areas have contributed greatly to this decline. (2) lake States. — Substantial increase occurred until 1920. Fluctuation in land in farms and agricultural land has pre- vailed since 1920. Cropland harvested more than doubled be- tween 18S0 and 1920. During the last 35 years, it has increased from 35 to 37 million acres. (3) Corn Belt. — Land in farms reached a peak of 147 million acres in 1900 and since then it has fluctuated between 146 and 138 million acres. Agricultural land reached its first peak in 1910 and since has ranged between 119 and 127 million acres. Cropland harvested reached a peak of 80 million acres in 1920. After some decline in intervening years, cropland harvested totaled 77 million acres in 1954. (4) Northern Plains. — Nearly uninterrupted increase of land in farms and agricultural land characterizes this region. Crop- land harvested reached a high point of 85 million acres in 1930. Drought frequently reduced the acreage harvested during the 1930's, but since World War II crops have been harvested from nearly 80 million acres of cropland each year. Southern States: (5) Appalachian. — Land in farms has dropped from a high of 96 million acres in 1900 to 76 million acres in 1954. Agri- cultural land accounted for 50 to 55 million acres between 1900 and 1950. In 1954, it dropped to 46 million acres. Cropland harvested has fluctuated between a high of 25 million acres and a low of 19 million acres in 1954. (6) Southeastern States. — Land in farms reached a peak in 1950 largely because large grazing areas in Florida have been included as land in farms in recent years. Cropland harvested has declined by S million acres from a peak of 24 million acres in 1920. (7) Mississippi Delta. — The highest acreage of 51 million acres of land in farms was reported in 1950. Agricultural land increased from 15 million acres in 1SS0 to 32 million acres in 1940, 1945, and 1950, and then declined slightly in 1954. Cropland harvested has declined 3% million acres from the 1940 peak. (8) Southern Plains. — A fivefold increase in land in farms during the last 75 years characterizes this region. Pronounced fluctuations in the acreage of agricultural land are explained in part by difficulties in applying definitions of open and wood- land pasture in the areas of brush infestation in Texas. Crop- land harvested has declined about 11 million acres from the peak of 46 million acres reached in 1930. Western States: (9) Mountain States. — Land in farms, agricultural land, and cropland harvested have all increased during the 75-year period. The inclusion of more of the grazing area in farms, gains in the acreage irrigated, and development of dry-farming prac- tices are responsible for these increases. (10) Pacific States. — The trend in the three Pacific States has been very similar to that in the Mountain States. Land in farms, agricultural land, and cropland harvested have all more than tripled during the 75-year period covered by the accom- panying chart. 10 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY /VJ^*~ TOTAL CROPLAND* ACREAGE, 1954 UNITED STATES TOTAL 459,648,961 'cropland harvested, cropland used only for pastl plus cropland not harvested and not pastured DOT=25,000 ACRES (COUNTY UNIT BASIS) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE MAP NO A54-I24 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS CROPLAND HARVESTED ACREAGE. 1954 CROPLAND USED ONLY FOR PASTURE ACREAGE. 1954 CROPLAND NOT HARVESTED AND NOT PASTURED ACREAGE. 1954 CULTIVATED SUMMER FALLOW ACREAGE. 1954 LAND UTILIZATION 11 CROPLAND HARVESTED-INCREASE AND DECREASE IN ACREAGE, 1949-1954 CROPLAND HARVESTED*-INCREASE AND DECREASE IN ACREAGE. 1899-1949 CROPLAND Almost three-fourths of the agricultural production of our country is derived from that part of the land resources that are used to produce crops. The total area of cropland contained 460 million acres in 1954, which accounts for a fourth of the total land area. Cropland used only for pasture is included in this total cropland area. The decrease in total acreage of cropland between 1949 and 1954 amounted to 18 million acres. Several different factors ac- count for this change. The decrease in cropland harvested be- tween 1949 and 1954 represents in part an actual decrease in land used for that purpose. Acreage allotments on wheat, cotton, and corn which were in effect in 1954 but not in 1949 encouraged a diversion of part of the acreage used in preceding years to grow these crops to production of nonallotment crops. But part of the acreage was diverted to pasture and part of it remained idle. The decrease in cropland used only for pasture and in idle crop- land may be due partly to the fact that cropland used only for pasture in 1949 which was not actually in rotation with crops was less frequently reported as cropland in 1954. This shift is particularly evident in parts of the South where the seeding of pastures on cropland taken out of crop production proceeded rapidly after World War II. Much of this cropland, which had been seeded for only a short time when the 1950 Census of Agriculture was taken, has remained in pasture and by 1954 it was generally considered as permanent grassland pasture. Looking at a longer period of time, cropland used for crops or idle as reported at 5-year intervals by the 8 Censuses of Agricul- ture from 1920 to 1954 has averaged 403 million acres. The 1954 acreage of cropland used for crops or idle was 2 percent below this average while the 1950 acreage was about 1 percent above the average. This stability in acreage of cropland has been an im- portant characteristic of agricultural land use since the end of World War I. Although the overall changes in cropland area have been comparatively small, a considerable amount of change in distri- bution and kind of land used for crops has taken place. The distribution of total cropland and its component parts are shown by the accompanying maps along with a chart and map showing changes in cropland harvested, which is the most important part of the cropland area. Total cropland. — The heavy concentration of cropland in the Corn Belt and in the eastern part of the Great Plains is a striking characteristic of any map showing the distribution of cropland in the United States. The 11 Corn Belt and Great Plains States have 245 million acres of cropland or more than half of the total acreage of cropland. Yet the land area of these 11 States ac- counts for only a fourth of the total land area of the country. Other concentrations of cropland are less extensive but they are significant and are observable on the accompanying map. The ribbon of concentration along the lower Mississippi River and the extension of the high density cropland area of the Corn Belt into the Lake States are two other areas in the Eastern States. In the 11 Western States, cropland area is closely associated with situations in which irrigation and dry-farming are practiced. Ex- cept for parts of the Pacific Northwest, crops are not widely grown in the Western States without reliance upon either irriga- tion or conservation of moisture by fallowing. Cropland harvested. — The distribution of cropland harvested is very similar to that of total cropland. Parts of the country which have very little cropland include extensive areas in the West that are too dry and areas in the East that are too rough, too wet, or have soils too poor for profitable use. Prominent among these areas are the Southern Appalachian, Adirondack, and Ozark Mountain areas, the Maine woods, the northern part of the Lake States, and the flatwoods of the Southeast. ALL LAN0 IN FARMS AND CROPLAND HARVESTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1850-1954 MILLIONS OF ACRES 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1954 1950 I94S 1940 1933 1930 1925 1920 1910 1900 1890 1880 1870 I860 1850 •^^^^^^^^n^tt_ Ktffi mmmmmmimmillMllirm imimiiMMMMiiMMMrrm mimmiimmiiiMMMMn ^w^^MiimtimirrrMMimMMiiii7\ IIIIIMIM MIM1IIII, ■MM mtmiMMMF\ 222 MMMMiMmMimmwMiM-r* 11II1IIMMM1MMMI -mmmmmli ■zzzzrzz. mmmmllj-rm\ mnmiiMlllll mmmmmrrrr. nmmnmmm\ mmmlllli 54C-002 •NOT AVAILABLE irr7i TOTAL LAND IN FARMS ■M CROPLAND HARVESTED, 1925-1954, ACRES OF CROPS HARVESTED 1880-1920 Cropland used only for pasture. — Included in the total cropland area are 06 million acres of pasture that is for the most part in rotation with crops. Some cropland may be occupied by pasture during the transition period between its use for crops and a state of idleness, which will probably be followed by reversion to permanent pasture or to woodland. From the map it may be ob- served that the highest density of cropland used only for pasture is in Kentucky. There it is associated with limestone soils and moderately sloping land. 12 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY Cropland not harvested and not pastured.— This category of cropland, which totaled 61 million acres in 1954, includes culti- vated summer fallow, cropland on which crops failed, cropland used for soil-improvement crops, and idle cropland. As most of the cultivated summer fallow and much of the crop failure is reported in the 17 Western States, the major concentrations of cropland not harvested and not pastured are nearly all in these States. Cropland used for soil-improvement crops and idle cropland account for most of the cropland not harvested and not pastured in the 31 Eastern States. In 1954, less than a third of the crop failure occurred in the 31 Eastern States. Cultivated summer fallow.— The practice of summer fallowing land is closely associated with growing wheat in the drier parts of the major wheat belts. By letting the land lie fallow for a crop season and by cultivating it to keep it free of weeds, the accumulation of soil moisture is sufficient to result in higher yields per acre. Cultivated summer fallow is widely used in the drier parts of both the spring and winter wheat belts. Cropland harvested — increase and decrease, 1949-54. — Changes in the acreage of cropland harvested were widespread between 1949 and 1954. Counties in which a decrease in acreage occurred are most heavily concentrated in the Southern States. Most of the change that took place in the Northeastern States was a de- cline in acreage. Counties in which increases occurred were located principally in the spring wheat-producing area of North Dakota, South Dakota, and Montana; in the central valley of California ; the Columbia Basin; the rice-producing area of north- eastern Arkansas ; and the Corn Belt. All land in farms and cropland harvested, 1850-1954. — The long- run trend in cropland harvested is compared with that for laud in farms in the accompanying chart. Fluctuation rather than progressive change has characterized the acreage of cropland harvested since about 1920. Before that time the acreage steadily increased during the period of settlement. The high proportion of land in farms that is not used for growing crops is also emphasized by this chart. Cropland harvested — increase and decrease, 1899-1949. — De- creases in cropland harvested that occurred over a 50-year period between 1899 and 1949 are found mainly east of the Great Plains. The decline is associated chiefly with hilly areas in which soil erosion and depletion have taken place. The most extensive areas of decrease are located in the Northeastern States, southern Piedmont, hill-land fringe of the Ohio Valley, eastern Texas, and the Ozark-Ouachita Highlands and adjacent hilly areas. Several small areas of sharp decline are largely associated with the growth of cities, as in northeastern Illinois and parts of southern Michigan. The most widespread and heaviest increase occurred in the Great Plains. In the South, acreage in cropland harvested has expanded mainly in the Mississippi Delta, Coastal Plain, and in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. The Mississippi Delta, with its improved flood protection and drainage, greatly expanded acreage in cotton and other crops. In the Coastal Plain, use of fertilizers ; drainage of land ; suitability of soils for producing bright tobacco in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia ; expansion of peanut acreage in Alabama and Georgia ; increased production of citrus fruits and vegetables ; and additional acreages devoted to rice in Louisiana and Texas, have contributed to the increase in cropland. In the Lower Rio Grande Valley the acre- age of cropland has been greatly expanded through irrigation. In the Corn Belt and Lake States, cropland has been added largely through drainage of wet lands on existing farms. In the 11 Western States, the increase in acreage of cropland harvested is associated chiefly with the development of irrigation and dry- farming. CR0PLAND**AS A PERCENT OF TOTAL LAND AREA, 1954. (COUNTY UNIT BASIS) I I UNDER 20 W//A 20 TO 39 40 TO 59 *N0 FARMS * * CROPLAND HARVESTED. CROPLAND USED ONLY FOR PASTURE AND CROPLAND NOT HARVESTED AND NOT PASTURED u S DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE MAP NO A54- 118 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS LAND UTILIZATION 13 TOTAL CROPLAND**AS A PERCENT OF ALL LAND IN FARMS. 1954 (COUNTY UNIT BASIS) Cropland as a percentage of total land area. — This map shows the proportion of the total land area occupied by cropland. Two extremes stand out. On the one hand, there is the comparatively compact area in the North Central States in which nearly all of the counties have 60 percent or more of their total area in cropland. Counties with less than 20 percent of the total land area are at the other extreme. These counties are more widely scattered than are counties having high proportions of cropland. Very few counties in the Western States have more than a fifth of their total area in cropland. This is partly because of their large size and partly because of the widespread climatic limita- tions to crop production. In the East, counties with a low pro- portion of the total area in cropland are found in most States. The largest areas are associated mainly with rough topography, poor soils, and inadequate natural drainage. In some areas of contiguous counties, such as those in southern New England and in many scattered counties, urbanization has proceeded so far that cropland has become a minor use of land. Since a county-unit basis is used on this map, several important details are obscured. For example, the high proportion of crop- land in irrigated areas in the Western States is not clearly indi- cated. Small areas of rough forested land and poorly drained areas in the Eastern States cannot always be distinctly associated with the physical conditions that limit their use for crop pro- duction. Some of the distinctive physical features that are related to the low proportion of cropland shown by this map are the Sand Hills of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia ; the Sand Hills of Nebraska ; the ridge and valley section of the Appalachian Mountains ; the Adirondack Mountains ; the Cross Timbers of Texas ; the Knobstone Belt in southern Indiana ; unglaciated southeastern Ohio ; and many other areas with relatively little cropland. Many of the unshaded areas in the East are used only to a limited extent for farming. In the West, grazing is the pre- dominant use of the land over extensive areas. Small areas with a high proportion of land used as cropland that do not stand out distinctly on a county-unit basis are the many small irrigated areas in the West, the Black Prairies of Texas, the Inner Bluegrass and the Pennyroyal areas of Ken- tucky, the southern shore of Lake Ontario, and the southern and eastern shores of Lake Okeechobee in Florida. Total cropland as a percentage of all land in farms. — Essentially the same overall pattern is found represented in this map as that for cropland as a percentage of total land area. The map indi- cates the importance of cropland relative to other uses of farm- land. In the West, ranches with large acreages used for pasture tend to obscure the much higher proportions of cropland on most irrigated farms. In the South, Northeast, and Lake States, much land in farms remains in forest. In some type-of-farining situations, the high proportion of forest land is associated with production of crops with high labor requirements, such as tobacco or cotton which are often concentrated on a few acres of the best farmland. In such instances, little attention is given to the rest of the farm. 14 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY *kj^-~ CROPLAND HARVESTED AS A PERCENT OF THE TOTAL LAND AREA. 1954 (COUNTY UNIT BASIS) I I UNDER 10 fc'^3 10 TO 19 ■:': £S 20 TO 39 *N0 FARMS US DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE MAP NO A54-I20 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Cropland harvested as a percentage of the total land area. — Most of the counties with more than 60 percent of the total land area used for harvested cropland are concentrated in the North Central States. Only a few additional counties in Texas and in the Mississippi Delta fall into this category. Immediately sur- rounding this core of high-density counties are found most of the USES OF CROPLAND HARVESTED MIL. ACRES- 400 300 200 _ Crop acres harvested / i 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 IM ANE> HON i. 1. tl'-Bi.l.t ot AGRICULTURE -»•» AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE counties with 40 to 59 percent of the land area in cropland har- vested. Counties with less than 10 percent of the total land area used for cropland harvested are numerous in the Western States, the mountainous and hilly areas of the Eastern States, the Coastal Plain flatwoods, and in the heavily forested counties of northern New England, and the northern parts of the Lake States. Uses of cropland harvested. — Most of the Nation's cropland is now used to produce products for domestic use. From 1950 to 1954, about 85 percent of the acreage of crops harvested was used in domestic consumption. The other 15 percent was used to pro- duce exports and feed for horses and mules. Acreage used for producing exports during this 5-year period averaged 40 million acres and that used for feed for all horses and mules averaged 15 million acres. This represents a significant drop from the 1945—49 period when an average of 46 million acres were used for export production and 27 million acres were needed to feed all horses and mules. From 1910 to 1914 only 60 percent of the acreage was used to produce domestic products. About 44 million acres were used to produce exports in the 1910-14 period. This means that the principal change in the disposition of production from the acre- age of crops harvested has been the marked reduction in the acreage used to produce feed for horses and mules. The acreage used to feed horses and mules has declined by about 76 million acres between the 1910-14 and 1950-54 periods. LAND UTILIZATION 15 TOTAL LAND PASTURED" ACREAGE, 1954 UNITED STATES TOTAL 647,100,398 CROPLAND USED ONLY FOR PASTURE. WOODLAND PASTURED PLUS OTHER PASTURE US. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE MAP NO A54-I6I BUREAU OF THE CENSUS JvJW^ CROPLAND USED ONLY FOR PASTURE ACREAGE. 1954 ■^--Ww^M^w v \ 7 • j — r * . i , ,, _ j&i I ' \ I ^-Y" — ^"~ N. f ^^M^-J / UNITED STATES TOTAL V ^--'■^&^f> 66,069,830 \ -f IQ0T-25.OOO ACRES V '■ J tCOWNr* uwi Basra \^ J lis HHmwiii v couMcnu "" ■« *S« M ■' 4*f*l V " « U-SUl PASTURE OTHER THAN CROPLAND AND WOODLAND ACREAGE, 1954 PASTURELAND Total land pastured. — Nearly every part of the United States has some pastureland. The total acreage of all pasture in farms reported by the 1954 Census of Agriculture was 647 million acres. If the 353 million acres of grazing land not in farms is added to the acreage of pastureland in farms, the total acreage of all pasture and grazing land is about 1 billion acres. If the distribu- tion of the grazing land not in farms were added to the map of total land pastured in farms, many of the areas not occupied by dots would be filled in. This would be particularly true in the Western and Southern States where most of the grazing land not in farms is located. Cropland used only for pasture. — On the whole, cropland used only for pasture constitutes the most productive part of the pastureland area. Generally, it is pasture that is being grown in rotation with crops. As the accompanying map shows, this kind of pasture is especially concentrated in the Corn Belt, Delta, Southern Plains, and the western part of the Appalachian States. The major concentration in the Western States is located in the Central Valley of California. Pasture other than cropland and woodland. — The pastureland included in this category differs widely in quality. Some of it has been improved by liming, fertilizing, and seeding. Extensive areas of the unimproved part of this open permanent pasture are parts of the native rangelands which are now included in the farmland acreage in the Western States. In the Eastern States, a considerable acreage of fairly open land that is gradually re- verting to woodland is probably included. This kind of pasture- land will eventually become woodland pasture. 16 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY Millions of Acres 1200 1000 PASTURE AND GRAZING LAND: 1900-1954 800 600 400 200 1930 CENSUS YEAR 1940 1950 I960 NOTE ! * Includes nonforested grazing land , idle grassland In first decades, forest and arid woodland grazed, and shrub and brush grozing land in all years "■Includes cropland used only for pasture in recent years and plowoble posture in eorlier years. WOODLAND PASTURED ACREAGE. 1954 Pasture and grazing land, 1900-54. — The long-term trend in total pasture and grazing land has been slightly downward. More of the rangeland in the Western and Southern States has been included as land in farms. This partly accounts for the decrease in grazing land not in farms and the increase in farm pasture. Part of the decline in grazing land is explained by the plowing up of native grassland areas for cropland, par- ticularly in the Great Plains. Woodland pastured in farms has changed comparatively little. Several important changes in pasture and grazing land oc- curred between 194!> and 1954. Open grassland pasture in farms which was not cropland and not woodland increased by 44 million acres between 1949 and 1954. This gain is explained by several factors: (1) An actual gain in this type of pasture occurred with additions coming from seeding of idle and other cropland to pasture and the clearing of woodland, particularly in parts of the South. (2) The substantial gain in pasture in farms in the West was accompanied by a reduction of grazing land not in farms. (3) Pastureland in Texas and other parts of the Southwest which was reported as woodland pastured in 1949 was reported as nonwoodland pasture in 1954. This dif- liculty in enumeration is indicated by a comparison of acreages reported in these uses from 1945 to 1954. (4) Cropland which was reported as used for pasture in 1949 appears to have been %si&~- — _ FARM OPERATORS WITH GRAZING PERMITS* 1 ff ^~T7*~~~-— -^ NUMBEF . APRIL 1. 1950 f\ J \ £•*■?•"! T^ / ' ' ■/' ^* ■-'•-■• ■ ii j ^>/^sft"eV\ t \ : / w7ripw~\ < ,\ L^Jjpf UNITED STATES TOTAL V/~~X 24,618 \ jr * fi EPORTEO ONLI IN MOUNTAIN AND PACIFIC STATES N I 1 DOT -25 FARMS 1 \ ICOUNTT UNIT BASIS] * DOMTMNT Of COM.CMC •» m UO-tM ' BUHtHJ Of 'Hf cfJCui reported more frequently as permanent grassland pasture in 1954. Woodland pastured. — The value of woodland areas for pasture depends a great deal on the size and density of the trees, which in turn vary with the age and type of forest. In the Northern States, cutover hardwood forests, abandoned fields reverting to forests, and brush grown areas are often pastured. In the South- ern States, some of the forests have a low tree density which permits a good undergrowth of plants of value for grazing. This is particularly true of the open longleaf-slash pine belt of the Coastal Plain, the Ozarks, and semi-prairie areas in Florida and along the Gulf Coast. In the 17 Western States, the wood- land pastured includes arid woodlands, brush and shrublands, mixed woodland and grassland areas, open forests, and some cutover areas which have grass and other forage growth. Farm operators with grazing permits. — In the Western States, a large acreage of Federal- and State-owned land is used by formers under permits granted by the administering agencies. The land used by permit is complementary to owned or leased land. Much of it is grazed during only a part of the year. The United States Forest Service grants permits for grazing parts of the forest land which it administers. The distribution of farm operators with grazing permits is shown by the accompany- ing map. LAND UTILIZATION 17 WOODLAND AND The forest area of continental United States currently totals 648 million acres according to the preliminary reports of the Timber Resource Review completed by the United States Forest Service in 1955. In arriving at this total forest land area the Forest Service used the following definition of forest land : Forest land area includes (a) lands which are at least 10 percent stocked by trees of any size and capable of pro- ducing timber or other wood products, or of exerting an in- fluence on the climate or the water regime; (5) land from which the trees described in (a) have been removed to less than 10 percent stocking and which have not been developed for other use; (c) afforested areas; and (d) chaparral areas. Does not include orchard land. The minimum area that quali- fies as forest land is one acre in the East and 10 acres in the West. Roadside, streamside, and shelterbelt strips of timber, in addition to meeting above requirements, must be at least 120 feet wide to qualify as forest land. It is important to note that chaparral areas are included under this definition. The chaparral land area is defined by the Forest Service as including "lands supporting heavily branched dwarf trees or shrubs, usually evergreen, the crown canopy of which covers more than 50 percent of the ground and whose primary value is watershed protection." Included in the total forest land area of 648 million acres are 484 million acres of commercial forest land and 164 million acres of noncommercial woodland and forest land. The non- commercial area is made up of 13S million acres of unproductive and unreserved woodland and forest land and 26 million acres (including 11 million unproductive acres) reserved for special purposes such as parks and wildlife refuges. Commercial forest land is made up of all forest land which (1) "is producing, or physically capable of producing, usable crops FOREST LAND of wood (usually sawtimber), (2) economically available now or prospectively, and (3) not withdrawn from timber utiliza- tion." When the present commercial forest area of 484 million acres is broken down into stand-size classes, there are 178 mil- lion acres of sawtimber stands, 169 million acres of pole timber stands, 95 million acres of seedling and sapling stands, and 42 million acres of nonstocked and other forest areas. Some of this 42 million acres of nonstocked forest land is probably re- ported uuder other uses of land in farms by the Census of Agri- culture. Forest Land Area in Continental United States, by Regions, 1953 ' Forest land Commercial J Noncommercial" Total 1,0C0 acres 63,023 30,948 53,272 5,508 67,868 78,135 51,631 18, 210 63,063 62.682 1,000 acres 3,342 281 1,929 244 1,439 1,683 178 29,827 90,435 33,988 1,000 acres 66,365 Corn Belt - 31,229 65, 201 6,752 69, 307 79, 818 Delta States 51,809 48,037 143, 498 96, 670 Total - 484, 340 163, 346 647,686 ' As reported hy the U. S. Forest Service, 1955. ' Forest land which (a) is producing, or physically capable of producing, usable crop; of wood (usually sawtimber), (6) economically available now or prospectively, and (c) not withdrawn from timber utilization. ' Forest land (a) withdrawn from timber utilization through statute, ordinance, or administrative order but which otherwise qualities as commercial forest land, or (6) incepable of yielding usable wood products (usually sawtimber) becauso of adverse site conditions, or so physically inaccessible as to bo unavailable economically in the foreseeable future. 18 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY WOODLAND IN FARMS ACREAGE. 1954 WlV I DOT-25.000 ACRES (COUNTY UNIT 6fiS5) About 358 million acres of the commercial forest land are pri- vately owned and 126 million acres are publicly owned. The publicly owned forest land is held by Federal, State, and county and municipal governments. About 99 million acres are owned by the Federal Government ; 19 million acres, by State govern- ments ; and 8 million acres, by county and municipal governments. Farm forests accounted for 165 million acres of the privately owned commercial forest land in 1950. Distribution of forest land. — The distribution of the total forest area of the United States is shown on the accompanying map. Unproductive as well as productive forest areas are shown. Many of the unproductive areas are valuable for watershed protection purposes. The regional distribution of the total forest land area shown in the accompanying table will assist in locating the major areas of commercial and noncommercial forest land. From the map, the influence of topography on the distribution of forest land may be observed. In the 31 Eastern States, most of which were originally forested, several rough hilly areas have remained largely forested. In the Western States, rainfall has a marked influence upon the distribution of forest land. How- ever, topography is a major factor in determining rainfall dis- tribution and hence the distribution of the major forested areas. In the 11 Western States, the heaviest rainfall occurs on the windward western slopes of mountains. Because of the favorable rainfall conditions, these wet windward slopes in California, Ore- gon, and Washington have some of the most luxuriant forests in the United States. In contrast, many of the leeward mountain slopes and the lower parts of windward slopes are covered with chaparral and other noncommercial forest types. In parts of the Great Plains and 11 Western States, areas that were originally covered by grass vegetation have been invaded by brush-type vegetation which is detrimental to the grazing value of the land. One of the largest brush-invaded areas is in western Texas. The invasion of brush accounts for the relatively high density of woodland in such areas. Woodland in farms.— For the United States as a whole, wood- land in farms accounts for more than a sixth of the farm area. The highest regional proportion is in the Southeastern States where half of the land in farms is woodland. In the Western States, much of the woodland in farms has relatively little com- mercial value except for northern Idaho and western Oregon and Washington and California. In the East, farm woodlands are generally classified as commercial forest land, but the amount of income derived from the woodland part of the farm varies from practically nothing to a substantial part of the total farm income. The increase in total woodland and forest land, which amounted to several million acres, reflects a change taking place over the last two decades, particularly in parts of the Southern, North- eastern, and Lake States. Forest surveys completed since 1950 WOODLAND PASTURED ACREAGE. 1954 WOODLAND NOT PASTURED ACREAGE. 1954 have more fully indicated the gradual reversion of considerable acreages of pastureland and cropland to forest land in these parts of the country. Much of the decline between 1949 and 1954 in woodland in farms occurred in Texas where more of the brushland area was included in other pasture not cropland and not woodland lather than as a part of woodland pastured. The decline in land in farms during the last 5 years in forested regions also accounts for an appreciable transfer of forest land from land in farms to the nonfarm area. Woodland pastured. — This part of the woodland area can either be considered as a part of the total pastureland area or part of the total woodland in farms. Its value as pasture has already been discussed under pastureland. In some areas, such as in the longleaf-slash pine forests of the Southeastern Coastal Plain, it is possible to use the forest for pasture without detracting very much from the timber value of the forest. In other areas such as the hardwood forests of the Northeastern, Lake, and Corn Belt States, the use of woodland for pasture is generally not compatible with good forest management. Woodland not pastured. — The heaviest concentration of non- pastured woodland in farms is located in the Appalachian and Southeastern States. These are also regions with much wood- land used for pasture as is shown by the accompanying map. The dominance of such cash crops as cotton, tobacco, and peanuts over extensive parts of these two regions is an important factor accounting for a high proportion of the farm area remaining in forests. Much woodland in this part of the South is physically suitable for crop production. On the other hand, a considerable acreage of woodland in farms in areas of rough topography is not likely to be used for crops or even pastured. These forest areas are often not operated properly from the standpoint of good forest management. LAND UTILIZATION 19 REGIONAL PATTERNS OF LAND RESOURCES AND USES Land resources differ markedly among the several regions of the United States. Numerous contrasts in the combination of physical conditions give rise to basic differences in the quality of land. These variations in quality in turn have a significant influence on how the land is used. Consequently, regional pat- terns of land use have developed along lines of relatively broad differences in physical conditions existing in different parts of the United States. Localized differences in physical conditions have more direct influences on land use. As a resource used in agricultural production, land is of basic importance. In spite of the large increases in the investment in machinery, buildings, and livestock that have occurred during the last 15 years, in 1949 land still accounted for more than half of the capital investment on commercial farms in the United States. In some areas where only a small proportion of the land resources can be used for crop production, land accounts for less of the total investment than in areas that have a high proportion of land of good quality, including land raised to a high level of productivity by irrigation and drainage. land quality. — Regional contrasts in the quality of land re- sources are mainly explained by the following physical condi- tions: (1) Temperature and the length of the frost-free season; (2) annual amount and seasonal distribution of precipitation ; (3) land relief, including degree and direction of slope; (4) soils; and (5) native vegetation wherever it remains nearly in its natural state. Transitions in climate are generally gradual changes, so that a zone rather than a sharp line of change char- acterizes the separation of one climatic region from another. The principal exception is in mountainous areas where climatic boundaries may be more sharply drawn. Topographic and soil conditions commonly change much more abruptly than climate. Physical conditions have a significant influence upon the de- velopment of general patterns of land use. Thus, grazing of native or improved rangelands is the principal use of millions of acres of land in the Western States which are too dry for crop farming unless irrigated. Rough or mountainous topography relegates large areas to forestry as the main use. The propor- tion of land used for cropland, pasture, and woodland in a region is also markedly affected by soil and topographic characteristics. Since some crops are sharply limited by climate, selective use of land may prevail in areas suitable for production of some crops, for example, citrus fruits. The natural environment may be substantially altered by man- made improvements so that land resources which in their orig- inal condition were considered of poor quality may become highly valuable when improved. Land improved by drainage and irri- gation falls into this category. Other influences on land use. — The influence of physical condi- tions on land quality is only one of several major influences affecting regional patterns of land use. The history of land settlement is often highly significant in determining certain characteristics of land use. Early production of cotton as a cash crop for export led to a pattern of land use in the South that placed the principal emphasis upon the production of row crops. Consequently, a less exploitative pattern of use with greater at- tention given to close-grown crops used to feed livestock has only recently made much progress in areas which from the stand- point of several natural conditions have always been well suited to livestock production. Control or ownership of the land may also affect its use. Large ownership units used for forestry or grazing may have sizable acreages suitable for use as cropland. If this land were in smaller farms, some of it would undoubtedly be used as crop- land. At present, when several farm commodities are in surplus supply, it does not appear probable that much shifting among major uses of land is likely to occur on large ownership units. Distribution of and change in population may have a marked influence on land use, particularly in localized areas within a region. These changes may in turn add up to a significant change in the regional economy. The large increases in population on the west coast offer an example of how suburbanization and in- dustrial expansion may replace existing agricultural uses of the land. In California, about 800,000 acres of cultivable land have been withdrawn from agriculture during the last 15 years. This represents between 5 and 10 percent of the total cropland acreage. At the same time that these agricultural lands are being transferred to nonagricultural uses associated with the expansion of population, the increased demand for agricultural products, particularly perishable commodities such as dairy products, is an inducement to transfer land from grazing and forestry uses to cropland. The physical requirements for using land resources for dif- ferent purposes are not static. They are constantly being changed by the introductiou of new varieties of plants, for example, those which are more resistant to drought or cold or less affected by high humidity and moisture conditions. Improved varieties of grain sorghum for the Great Plains, forage and pas- ture crops for the South, and fast-maturing hybrid corn for Northern States are examples of regional land use changes made possible by applying the results of experimentation. Likewise, experimental work in the breeding of livestock is facilitating changes in land use. The introduction of more heat- and disease-resistant breeds of cattle from southeastern Asia into the hot humid Southern States is a significant inducement to change established patterns of land use. Mechanization of crop production has led to far-reaching changes in the distribution of several crops, especially the small grains and more recently cotton. Less productive but level land on the arid margin of crop production, which is well adapted to the use of mechanized equipment, has been substituted for laud of good quality subdivided into farms too small for the efficient use of large-scale machinery that is now used in growing and harvest- ing wheat in the Great Plains. Regional patterns of land use may also be affected by other conditions, such as the presence of mineral production or in- dustrialization which may affect the labor supply and thus dis- courage use of the land for agricultural purposes. Compara- tively good land cleared and used as cropland may become idle and may gradually revert to forestry or grazing uses in areas where strong competition for labor exists. Shifts in use of land resources. — Regional shifts in the use and productivity of land resources are taking place. Among the most important changes are the following: (1) Shifting of the production of cash crops, particularly cotton, which has been moving from the Southeast to the Mississippi Delta, western Texas, and California. (2) Increased productivity of hay and other feed crops associated with higher yields and better quality in some regions. (3) Continuous increase in the acreage of im- proved pasture, including additions to the fenced acreage in some regions. This increase in pastures of better quality is accom- panied by an increase in livestock numbers, particularly beef and daily cattle. (4) Increases in the forest land area in regions where land formerly used for crop production is reverting to pasture and forest. Maps of regional patterns. — Maps included in this section are intended to give a general understanding of differences in the regional distribution of land resources and how they are used. Two maps present some of the principal geographical aspects of types of farming. Studies of types of farming are carried out iu order to classify the production patterns on individual farms in terms of crops grown, livestock and livestock products pro- duced, methods used in production, and sources of income. 20 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY The map of "Major Land Use Regions" presents a region- alization based on a grouping of major land uses. The associa- tions of major uses are superimposed upon the principal natural land use regions which in turn are based on the differences in physical conditions that are significant determinants of land use. In the next two maps presented in this section, the major uses of all land and nonfarm land are compared with total land area by farm-production regions. Land capability is compared with total land area by farm-pro- duction regions in the last map in the section. This map is based on estimates of land capability compiled in 1948 and 1949 by the United States Soil Conservation Service on the basis of individual farm plans completed at that time and supplemented by estimates for areas where data from farm plans were not available. These land-capability estimates are the result of a program being car- ried out by the Soil Conservation Service to classify different kinds of land systematically on the basis of the characteristics that determine the capability of the land to produce permanently. Eight general classes are used. Land in Classes I, II, and III can be cultivated with differing degrees of attention to conserva- tion practices. Class IV land should generally be used for crops only once in 6 years or more. Land in Classes V, VI, and VII is unsuited for cultivation, but it can be used for pasture and fores- try. Class VIII land is suitable only for wildlife, watersheds, and similar uses. TYPE OF FARMING Early type-of-farming studies in the United States were con- cerned mainly with a geographic regionalization of agriculture. In the 1930 Graphic Summary of American Agriculture, a map was presented which divided the United States into 12 major agricultural regions. The eastern humid area was divided into 8 regions. These regions were based mainly upon the domi- nance of a particular crop or type of farming. In the West, the 4 regions were based on the use of land for grazing or crops. The most recent study of types of farming was completed in 1950. In this study, the United States was divided into 165 generalized type-of-farming areas, 61 subregions, and 9 major agricultural regions. The distribution of farming is closely related to a number of physical, biological, and economic conditions. The type-of-farm- ing pattern reflects the influence of these conditions or forces. Regional divisions show particularly the influence of climate, topography, and soils. In the humid Eastern States, type-of- farming regions tend to have an east-to-west orientation which reflects the significance of temperature. Soils are an important factor influencing the type of farming. This is indicated for example by the close agreement between the prairie soils and the Corn Belt. In the West, rainfall, altitude, and the availability of water for irrigation are the major physical influences upon type of farming. MAJOR TYPES OF FARMING IN THE UNITED STATES r I Range livestock Tobacco and general irming Fruit, truck, and special crops VJ* Feed grains and livestock (Corn Belt S3 General farming EHJ Cotton HWheat and small grains ^i i . \ CH Nonfarming U S DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE NEC 47424 X BUREAU OF AGRICU1TURAL ECONOMICS LAND UTILIZATION 21 TYPE-OF-FARMING AREAS, BASED ON TYPE ACCOUNTING FOR 50 PERCENT OR MORE OF COMMERCIAL FARMS, 1954 (COUNTY UNIT BASIS) LEGEND TYPE-OF-FARMING AREA L33 CASH -GRAIN 3 COTTON W6& OTHER FIELD -CROP tiS-Kjj VEGETABLE \ FRUIT-AND-NUT * NO FARMS ^H LIVESTOCK (OTHER THAN DAIRY AND POULTRY) I I GENERAL (NO ONE TYPE 50 PERCENT OR MORE) US DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE MAP NO A54-2I0 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Biological factors that affect the type of farming include weeds, plant and animal diseases, insect pests, and development of new varieties and strains of crops. The introduction of hybrid corn, for example, has brought about a significant enlargement of the Corn Belt, particularly on the drier and colder margins. The boll weevil has had a striking effect on the area of cotton pro- duction. Several economic forces operate to influence types of farming. The relative ease with which technological improvements can be adapted to regional patterns of farming is an important determi- nant of the type of farming. Distance of potential producing areas from markets may lead to adjustments in farming. Numer- ous changes in the technology of producing and marketing farm products have led to shifts in type of farming among regions. The westward migration of wheat production is an outstanding example of a major regional shift in American agriculture brought about to a marked degree by an improvement in produc- tion technology. Institutional influences such as tariffs, freight rate zones, and local sanitary regulations also play a part in the regionalization of farming. Sanitary regulations on the sale of fresh milk have an influence on milkshed boundaries. Major types of farming. — The accompanying map is based on the more detailed type-of-farming map which shows 165 gen- eralized type-of-farming areas which in turn are grouped into 61 subregions. These 61 subregions have been summarized in the accompanying map in terms of 8 major types of farming. A ninth category shown on the map represents areas in which little or no farming exists. The fruit, truck, and special crops type is the most widely scattered of the major types of farming. Areas of this type are found in nearly every part of the United States. Tobacco and general farming is the most restricted type in terms of area. The feed grains and livestock or Corn Belt type is the most compact area. The cotton and dairy types are found mainly in extensive east-west trending belts in the Eastern States, al- though these types have their respective western counterparts in California and the Pacific Northwest. The biggest area of general farming is a transitional belt between the Cotton and Corn Belt types. The range livestock type is restricted to the 17 Western States, with most of the area in the 11 Western States and the western parts of Texas, South Dakota, and Nebraska. Type-of-farming areas. — The distribution of type-of-farming areas in 1954 is shown on a county-unit basis, in the accompany- ing map. This map is based on type accounting for 50 percent or more of commercial farms. When this map is compared with the map showing major types of farming, which was compiled differently, it may be observed that the overall pattern remains essentially unchanged. The Corn Belt does not appear on this map as a large unbroken type-of-farming area, partly because the type classification has been changed somewhat. Cash grain has been substituted for wheat and small grains so that the cash corn area of Illinois and Indiana becomes a separate area. The increased emphasis on soybean production in the eastern part of the Corn Belt is another significant reason why the Corn Belt is not shown as a separate area. 22 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY MAJOR LAND USE REGIONS REGIONS GROUPED ACCORDING TO MAJOR LAND USES 5 CROPLAND PASTURE FOREST ™ I Central Farm Sell 2 Texas Black Pra>ne 3 Lake Stales Farm Forest Reg.on /3 CROPLAND GRAZING ™ 4 Dakota Plains 5 Oklahoma Kansas Plains 6 Llano Estacado 7 Cenfal Highplams □ FOREST CROPLANO PASTUR S Mississippi Delta 9 Southern Appalachian Mountain Plateaus, Valleys and Basins 10 Piedmont 11 Eastern Forest Farm Urban Reg, 12 Eastern Upper Coastal Plain 13 Western Coastal Plain 14 Ozark and Ouachita Mountains CRAZING CROPLAND WOODLAND 15 Crosstimbers and Flint Hills 16 Gult Coast Prairie GRAZING CROPLAND 17 Redbeds and Gypsum 18 Northern Highplams GRAZING IRRIGATED AND OR* CROPLAND WOODLAND 19 Columbia Basin 20 Pacific Valleys and Southern California Coastal Regions 21 Snake River Plains and Utah Valley (-.■TVyj tOREST PASTURE MATLAND k*^ 22 Northeastern Forest Region 23 Lake States Cut over Region FOREST- GRAZING CROPLAND 24 Atlantic and Gulf Coast Flatwoods 25 Florida Peninsula | FOREST GRAZING MATLAND 26 Southern Rockies 27 Northern Rockies and Utah Mountains 28 Sierra Cascade Forest Belt [-' 1 GRAZING WOODLAND I— 1 IHRIGATEO CROPLAND 29 And Highplams 30 Rio Grande Plateaus and Plains 31 Intermountain Ba,sm 32 Colorado Plateaus 33 Southern Arizona ["""] MOSTLY UNUSED 34 Dei WENT OF AGRICULTURE MAJOR LAND-USE REGIONS In the accompanying map, the United States is divided into regions grouped according to the major uses of land. Eleven major combinations of land use are delineated. The land-use regions that make up the different combinations are to a marked degree based upon contrasts in physical characteristics. Five different combinations of land use are shown in the 31 Eastern States, 6 different ones are located in the Great riains States, and 6 are in the 11 Western States. Three regions are shown with the cropland-pasture-forest com- bination of uses. In each of these three regions, a high pro- portion of the total land area is used as cropland. In several counties in the Central Farm Belt, more than four-fifths of all land is cropland and in most of the remaining counties of this region, more than half of all land is used as cropland. Four land-use regions located in the Great Plains are character- ized by a combination of cropland and grazing. Cropland is the dominant use. More than three-fifths of the land is used for that purpose throughout most of the area included in these four regions. Adjacent to these regions are two other regions grouped under a grazing-cropland category. In these regions, grazing is a more important use of land than cropland. Considerable attention is given to moisture-conserving and wind-erosion control practices on land used for growing crops, for drought is a major threat to agriculture in these regions. In the Cross Timbers and Flint Hills of Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas and in the Gulf Coast Prairie of Texas and Louisiana, the land-use combination is grazing, cropland, and woodland. In these two regions, cropland generally occupies less than half of the land area. Woodland areas are often grazed. Seven regions which comprise much of northeastern and south- ern United States are grouped under the land-use category of forest, cropland, and pasture. For the most part, cropland oc- cupies less than half of the land area over most of these regions. In the Northeastern forest and the Lake States cutover regions, the land-use combination is best described as forest, pasture, and hayland. Over much of the area in these two regions there is little or no cropland or pasture. In the areas where agriculture is carried on, pasture is an important use and much of the crop- land is used for growing hay crops. Most of the forest land is not grazed. Western counterparts of these two eastern regions are found in the southern Rockies, northern Rockies, and Utah Mountains, and in the Sierra-Cascade Forest Belt. Except for irrigated areas, cropland is of little importance in these three regions. A third combination of major land uses found in the south- eastern coastal plain is very similar in some respects to the two combinations just described for the Northern and Western States. A forest-grazing-cropland combination of uses best describes the land-use pattern of the Atlantic and Gulf Coast Flatwoods and the Florida Peninsula. In these two regions, a high proportion of the land is forested. Cropland accounts for loss than a third of the total area with many areas having little or no cropland. The grazing-irrigated and dry cropland-woodland combination of land use characterizes three regions in the Western States. The presence of a considerable acreage of dry cropland is a distinctive aspect of agriculture in these regions. Irrigated cropland is also of major importance. Land used for grazing generally accounts for a higher proportion of the total area than cropland. Woodland areas are widely grazed. The grazing-woodland-irrigated cropland combination of major uses is found over extensive areas in the 11 Western States and extends into the western part of the Great Plains States. The regions characterized by this combination of major uses differ from those of the grazing-irrigated and dry cropland-woodland group mainly in having smaller and more widely scattered areas of irrigated cropland and also in having less dry cropland. The two desert areas are little used for agriculture except where water for irrigation is available, as in the Imperial Valley of California. LAND UTILIZATION 23 MAJOR USES OF ALL LAND AS COMPARED WITH TOTAL LAND AREA By Regions, 1954 Cropland Pasture and grazing land gg£3 Forest land V/A Special use areas [•:■:■] Miscellaneous other land U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE NEC 56(51-2149 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE MAJOR USES OF ALL LAND BY FARM-PRODUCTION REGIONS Major Uses of Land in Continental United States, by Farm-Production Regions, 1954 Region Crop- land ' Pasture and grazing land! Forest and wood- land a Special uses1 Miscel- laneous and other land a Total Northern: 1,000 acres 18, 848 39, 959 80, 343 95, 820 1,000 acres 10,963 11,990 30, 546 82, 354 1,000 acres 63,537 54, 451 31,033 5,428 1,000 acres 11,634 8,931 10,851 7,836 1,000 acres 7,396 7,380 12,610 3,994 1,000 acres 112,378 122,711 Corn Belt 165, 383 195, 432 Total 234, 970 135, 853 154, 449 39, 252 31,380 595, 904 Southern: 22, 870 19, 964 16, 179 41,407 20, 455 14, 594 14, 392 114,076 68, 021 78,114 51,641 43, 099 7,600 8,476 4,371 7,531 5,682 3,094 6,272 6,715 124, 628 Southeastern 124, 242 92, 855 212, 828 Total.. 100, 420 163, 517 240, 875 27, 978 21, 763 554, 553 Western: 36, 462 21,727 334, 821 64, 296 130, 155 89, 905 26, 138 16,830 21,093 11,941 548, 669 Pacific 204, 699 Total 58, 189 399,117 220, 060 42,968 33, 034 753, 368 393, 579 698, 487 615, 384 110,198 86, 177 1, 903, 825 1 Includes cropland harvested (land from which one or more crops wore harvested), crop failure, cropland fallow, cropland used for cover and soil-improvement crops, and cropland temporarily idle. 1 Includes cropland used only for pasture and all nonforested pasture and grazing land. 3 Excludes forest land reserved for use in parks, wildlife areas, and other special uses of land. Includes forest and woodland pastured or grazed. * Includes urban areas, rural highways, rural railroads, rural airports, parks, wildlife areas, national defense areas, flood control areas, Atomic Energy Commission areas, farmsteads, farm roads and lanes, State-owned institutional sites, and miscellaneous other uses. 8 Includes marshes, sand dunes, beaches, bare rock areas, and desert areas not other- wise included under special uses of land. The regional distribution of major uses of laud is shown in the accompanying map and table. In the Corn Belt and Northern Plains States, cropland, excluding cropland used only for pasture, occupies almost half of the total land area of those States. In the Northeastern, Appalachian, and Southeastern regions, forest land accounts for more than half of the area. Nearly half of the total area is in forests iu the Pacific and Lake States. In the Mountain States, pasture and grazing land accounts for well over half the total area. In the Great Plains States, nearly half of the land area is used for pasture aud grazing. Special uses of land occupy the highest proportion of the land area in the Northeastern, Pacific, and Lake States. Some of these uses have expanded rapidly in parts of these and other regions. Urban areas and highways have absorbed an appreciable acreage of good land, particularly in the vicinity of large cities. Reser- voirs are another special use of land but since the total land area is reduced as reservoirs are established, their occupation of land is not reflected in the accompanying map and table. The distribution of such special uses as urban areas, highways, railroads, airports, farmsteads, and farm roads is closely related to the distribution of population and farms. Many of the large areas in other special uses such as parks, wildlife areas, and national defense areas are located in the less populated parts of the country. Miscellaneous unaccounted-for areas occupy from about 2 to 8 percent of the land area in the different regions. In some areas, a considerable acreage of desert land, marshland, sand dunes, and beaches is included in national defense areas, parks, wildlife areas, and similar special uses. Most of this land has little value for agriculture or forestry. Some of it has mineral and other subsurface value. 24 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY MAJOR USES OF NONFARM LAND AS COMPARED WITH TOTAL LAND AREA By Regions, 1954 Glazing Land Forest land not glazed 252 Other land * | | Land in laims U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE OTHER SPECIAL USES, AND MISCELLANEOUS LAND AREAS NOT OTHERWISE ACCOUNTED FOR NEG. 56(51-2150 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE MAJOR USES OF NONFARMLAND BY FARM-PRODUCTION REGIONS Major Uses of Land not in Farms, Continental United States, by Farm-Production Regions, 1954 Region Grazing land' Forest land not grazed ' Other land s Total land not in farms Northern: Northeastern 1,000 acres 2,237 2,934 6,572 4,384 1,000 acres 47, 927 37, 955 6,538 1,525 1,000 acres 16, 484 10, 563 15, 410 5,187 1,000 acres 66,648 Corn Belt 27, 520 11, 096 Northern Plains Total 15, 127 93, 945 47, 644 156, 716 Southern: 9,119 22, 280 25, 389 12,766 29, 504 18, 775 8,583 7,283 10, 018 9,126 8,795 11, 336 48,641 50, 181 42, 767 31, 385 Southeastern Mississippi Delta Southern Plains Total 69, 554 64, 145 39, 275 172, 974 Western: Mountain 211,617 56, 341 34, 212 46, 008 41, 898 25, 867 287, 727 128, 216 Pacific Total 267, 958 80,220 67, 765 415, 943 United States 352, 639 238, 310 154,684 745, 633 i Includes forests and arid woodland grazed. •Excludes forest area reserved for use in parks, wildlife areas, and other special uses of land. ' Includes special uses of land and miscellaneous other land. Most of the grazing land not in farms is located in the Western States. A secondary concentration of nonfarm grazing land is found in parts of the South where extensive areas of relatively open forest land are grazed. The nonfarm grazing land is about equally divided between open grazing land and forest and woodland used for grazing. The open grazing land is almost entirely located in the 17 Western States. Only rough estimates of the total acreage of nonfarm forest and woodland used for grazing can be made from available information. From these estimates it was determined that about two-thirds of the nonfarm forest and woodland grazed is located in the 17 Western States. Much of the remaining nonfarm forest land used for grazing is located in the Southeastern and Delta States. This nonfarm forest land and woodland which is suited for grazing is made up mainly of open woodland and forest, scattered cleared and cutover areas, abandoned fields which are reverting to forests, and grazing land covered with high brush. In the West, much of the woodland grazing is in desert shrublands, and such open woodland types as chaparral, pinon, juniper, aspen groves, and brush. Some cutover areas in the Pacific Northwest are grazed. In the Southern States, the open longleaf-slash pine forests, parts of the Ozark forest land, cutover areas, abandoned fields reverting to forest and semiprairie areas make up most of the nonfarm forest land and woodland used for grazing. In the Northern States, cutover land and abandoned fields account for much of the nonfarm forest and woodland grazed. Nearly three-fourths of the total grazing land not in farms is publicly owned land. In the 11 Western States, about five-sixths of the grazing land not in farms is Federally owned land. In the Southern States, large privately owned forest holdings account for much of the nonfarm grazing land. Other land not in farms includes the special uses of land which are not a part of land in farms and other miscellaneous unac- counted-for areas not in farms. Special uses of land in farms include farmsteads, farm lanes and roads, and a part of the rights-of-way of highways and railroads. Although the rights- of-way for highways and railroads are not really a part of land in farms some of the acreage in these uses is included as land in farms because farmers tend to use round figures in reporting their acreage of land in farms. Frequently, this does not allow actual use of land for roads. This is particularly true in parts of the country that are covered by the rectangular land division of the public domain. LAND UTILIZATION 25 LAND CAPABILITY AS COMPARED WITH TOTAL LAND AREA BY REGIONS, 1950 PACIFIC LAKE STATES* ■NORTHEAST.: •APPALACHIAN LEGEND CLASS I CLASS II CLASS III CLASS IV CLASS V a VI W//\ class vii a viu ~\ miscellaneous a unclassified land SOUTHERN PLAINS SOUTHEAST LAND CAPABILITY BY FARM-PRODUCTION REGIONS The accompanying map and table give a generalized picture of land capability by regions. The land capability inventory currently being made by the Soil Conservation Service eventually will obtain for the whole country the information needed about land conditions. This information will permit better decisions to be made pertaining to the uses most suitable for different kinds of land in order to maintain its productivity. The land-capability classification divides land into eight gen- eral classes which in turn are subdivided into subclasses and units according to more detailed characteristics pertaining to Land Classified According to Capability by Farm- Production Regions1 Region Classes I, II, and III Class IV Classes V and VI Classes VII and VIII Miscel- laneous and un- classified Land area total Million acres 40.7 101.9 53.9 97.1 50.9 56.1 50.1 98.6 30.6 24.2 Million acres 12.1 17.0 10.8 17.6 15.4 13.8 6.1 12.3 13.8 13.0 Million acres 24.6 15.8 10.0 42.5 13.1 20.4 18.6 45.3 177.7 67.8 Million acres 21.8 16.3 24.5 30.1 32.7 17.7 10.6 51.0 296.3 70.8 Million acres 13.1 14.4 23.5 8.1 12.5 16.3 7.5 5.6 30.3 28.9 Million acres 112.3 Corn Belt 165.4 122.7 Northern Plains 195.4 124.6 Southeastern Mississippi Delta Southern Plains 124.3 92.9 212.8 548.7 Pacific 204.7 United States 604.1 131.9 435.8 571.8 160.2 1,903.8 ' Estimates compiled In 1948-49 by Soil Conservation Service. Adjusted slightly on basis of 1950 Census of Agriculture figures. kind of limitations on use and necessary management practices. These land classes indicate the degree of risk involved in using the land for different purposes. Class I land is level and easy to farm with little or no danger from erosion. There are an estimated 72 million acres of Class I land for the country as a whole. More than half of this Class I land is located in the North Central States. Land in capability Classes II and III is also suited to cultivation if certain limitations such as slope, sandy soil, tight subsoil, or other permanent limiting features are kept in mind in using it Class II land needs such easily applied practices as contouring, protective cover crops, and simple water management practices. Class III land can be cultivated safely only if careful attention is given to such conservation measures as terracing and strip- cropping on slopes and good water management on flat areas. The regional distribution of this land in Classes II and III is shown in the accompanying map. The total acreage is about equally divided between Class II and Class III land. Land in capability Class IV must be cultivated with extreme care. It should be used only occasionally for cultivated crops. Its best use is for hay crops or pasture. Land in Classes V, VI, and VII is not suited to cultivation but it may be used for grazing or forestry. Class V land has few restrictions when used for grazing or forestry, while land in Classes VI and VII have moderate to severe limitations when used for these purposes. The land included in Class VIII is extremely arid, rough, steep, stony, sandy, wet, or severely eroded. Some examples of Class VIII land are rocky foothills, rough mountain land, bare rock outcrops, coastal sand dunes, much marsh and swamp land, and very arid land not suited for any grazing. 26 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY CONSERVATION, DEVELOPMENT, AND IMPROVEMENT OF LAND RESOURCES Conservation.— The total land area of the United States is ap- proximately 1,904 million acres. This constitutes the total land- resource base, which is made up of land of differing qualities. Estimates made in conjunction with the laud-capability inven- tory conducted by the United States Soil Conservation Service reveal that only about a third of the total land area is suited to cultivation. Some of this cultivable land has severe limitations when cultivated and some of it should be cultivated only oc- casionally. The remaining acreage can be used for such pur- poses as grazing, forestry, wildlife, and watershed protection. Conservation of all the Nation's land resources for the uses for which they are best suited is needed. Using the land to produce as many of the products that are in demand while exercising care to protect and improve it constitutes the true meaning of conservation. A growing appreciation of the need for the conservation of basic resources such as soil, water, forests, grassland, and wild- life has resulted in the development of programs aimed at the wise use of the natural resources that are a vital part of the Nation's wealth. Past misuse of these resources has occurred and several abuses remain that need correcting before desired goals in conservation can be attained. Land used for cultivated crops creates the greatest opportunity for damage or loss to soil resources. Physical soil deterioration on these lands includes erosion by runoff water, wind erosion, deterioration of structure, alkali accumulation, and waterlogging. Not included are losses of organic matter and plant nutrients which are to be expected in crop production and which may be replaced. While physical soil deterioration is preventable, it continues to occur largely because of existing economic and insti- tutional obstacles to the increased use of conservation measures where they are needed. Through physical soil deterioration of one kind or another, 35 million acres of land originally suited for cultivated crop production are no longer usable under present conditions for that purpose. This does not include 50 to 100 million acres of land that were not originally suited for cultivation, which were cultivated and which following deterioration have been aban- doned for cultivation. Also not included are several million addi- tional acres lost from cultivation through expansion of urban and industrial areas, building of transportation facilities, and the construction of reservoirs. Loss of cropland through soil erosion and other types of de- terioration is continuing at the rate of about one-half million acres a year. If no remedial action is taken, the soil may degrade one capability class within 10 to 15 years on 121 million acres of the 478 million acres of cropland reported by the 1950 Census of Agriculture. This may be considered a critical rate of de- terioration. On another 128 million acres, degrading to the next capability class may take from 15 to 30 years. Little or no deterioration is occurring on the remaining 229 million acres. In order to retard the Nation's loss of vital soil resources on its best land, a concerted effort is underway to carry out such needed soil and water conservation practices as contour farming, cover cropping, stripcropping, terracing, stubble mulching, and soil-conserving crop rotations. The natural grazing lands are another resource to which con- servation measures must be applied if this valuable resource is to be properly maintained. The Soil Conservation Service has estimated that roughly 150 million acres of rangeland are in need of brush control. This is largely in the Southwest where infes- tation of rangeland with undesirable vegetative growth has taken place over extensive areas. Another estimated 96 million acres of rangeland is in need of reseeding. Stock-water development is also needed for approximately 237 million acres of rangeland, if better distribution of grazing is to be attained and overgrazing is to be lessened near existing sources of water. When the forest resources are likewise reviewed, it is apparent that continuing improvement in the conservation of the Nation's forests is desirable. Although a fourth of the total land area of continental United States is in commercial forest land, the Nation does not have an excess of forest land in the light of estimates of future requirements for forest products. There is considerable room for improvement of the existing commercial forest land, which totals 4S4 million acres for continental United States. A fourth of it is poorly stocked or is not stocked at all. About 50 million acres will need to be replanted before this land can become productive forest land. Long-range planning in the field of forest- resource Conservation is needed to provide adequately for future and present requirements. Development and improvement of land. — Present development and improvement of land is not comparable to the large-scale pioneering and homesteading of new areas that were so important during the settlement period in American history. However, considerable development and improvement of land, much of it on existing farms, is still taking place. The development of land includes the preparation of unimproved or presently nonarable land for crops and improved pastures by carrying out such prac- tices as installing drainage, clearing woodland or brush, removal of stones or old stumps, and leveling, ditching, or terracing unim- proved land for irrigation. Improvement of land refers to the application of these various measures to land that is presently used as cropland or improved pasture, but which can be made more productive by carrying out additional land improvement. Many farmers have only limited acreages of cropland avail- able with which to expand the farm business. On many small farms on which capital and land resources are limited, more effective use of existing land resources in the farm unit may be possible by carrying out certain development or improvement measures. Some farmers may be able to obtain more cropland by buying nearby tracts of land, but for many this opportunity may not be available. Operators of large farms may have a choice of making more intensive use of the existing acreage of improved land or of developing additional land in the farm. Development and improvement of land by irrigation continues to expand. During the last decade, the acreage irrigated has increased by 9 million acres. About half of this increase repre- sents the development of new cropland. The remainder is the irrigation of dry cropland in the West and the supplemental irri- gation of cropland in the humid Eastern States. The produc- tivity of some of the land already being irrigated in the West also may be increased by supplementing the existing sources of water with additional water from new irrigation works. Level- ing and releveling of land is an important aspect of development and improvement of land by irrigation in some areas. The drainage of land for agricultural uses has been a major practice in the development and improvement of land for many years. Approximately 65 million acres were in organized drain- age enterprises at the time of the first Census of Drainage taken in 1920. Land in organized drainage enterprises in 1950 totaled 103 million acres, including about 4 million acres of drainage in irrigation districts. Only about 82 million acres of the land in drainage enterprises is improved. The Soil Conservation Serv- ice has estimated that supplemental drainage is needed on 31 million acres presently used for cropland and pasture. An addi- tional 21 million acres are potentially drainable. About 17 mil- lion acres of the potentially drainable land are mainly outside existing organized drainage enterprises. The other 4 million acres are a part of the 21 million acres of unimproved land esti- mated to be a part of the land reported in organized drainage enterprises in 1950. LAND UTILIZATION 27 IRRIGATED LAND IN FARMS ACREAGE. 1954 I D0T=200 ACRES (COUNTY UNIT BASIS) UNITED STATES TOTAL 29,552.155 DOT= 10.000 ACRES (COUNTY UNI I BASIS) + + U S DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE MAP NO A54-200 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS irrigated ACREAGE OF SPECIFIED CHOPS AND PASTURE IN THE 20 STATES: 1954* BE MILLION ACRES -LI*-. mm •"• **""■ ' ■-fEaia ■HHUHLH "ftmJStfH qmBBHov r !«t<'«« ■BtfUHSBBUB ' Sr»M >MI laMMJBm i 1 ...... ■■■■K o.m-*o~.- 4 KM MMm « »<«tt i»i ■MBI ■ %TmhS h i IM ft*. ■ > 1 °- -«ffl 1 o* Ita Of •• c»w baa .MM 1 + + IRRIGATED LAND-INCR IN ACREAGE EASE AND DECREASE 1949-1954 /*~\ Jp' F \ ■■■' Y *' |"5~~~ TT ____ 1 - \\ \ «»»-' , Eg j | k. vs ^^^4*dw > 3.764.700 OR 146 PERCENT "^ IPOT'LOM) INCREASE ^"V IDOT'fpWKCfle/.Sf w n urn »»5i IRRIGATED LAND Distribution, use, and trend in acreage are some of the sig- nificant aspects of irrigation shown by the accompanying maps and charts. Irrigated land in farms. — Most of the irrigated land is con- centrated in the 11 Western States and Texas. Lesser concen- trations are found in Nebraska, Kansas, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Florida. The accompanying map uses two different ratios of dots to acreage in order to show the distribution of irrigated land in Western and Eastern States. In the 2S Eastern States shown as a separate block in the accompanying map, the heaviest con- centrations of irrigated land are associated with the production of such crops as vegetables in New Jersey and Delaware, tobacco and vegetables in Connecticut, rice in the Delta of Mississippi, and fruit on the southeastern shore of Lake Michigan. Irrigated acreage of specified crops and pasture. — Pasture oc- cupies more irrigated land than any one crop. Some of the irrigated pasture is improved but pastures of native grasses ad- jacent to streams are also irrigated under favorable conditions. Alfalfa hay and cotton are the two leading crops on irrigated land. These are followed by rice ; barley ; sorghums ; orchards, vineyards, and nuts ; and wild hay. These crops and pasture account for about two-thirds of the irrigated acreage. Irrigated land, increase and decrease in acreage, 1949-54. — Widespread increases in the acreage of Irrigated land are shown by the accompanying map. Decreases are ruainlj concentrated in Colorado, Wyoming, and Nevada. Many of these areas of decrease are associated with a severe water shortage in 1951 and the decreases are probably only temporary. Smaller areas of decrease near metropolitan areas such as Los Angeles and San Francisco are explained by the suburban spread of population and growing competition between urban and agricultural uses for available water and land. 28 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY AREAS IRRIGATED AND IRRIGABLE *£RTH£RN 1950 ACREAGE I Irrigated ■:£;*:. Potentially irrigable 17 WESTERN STATES lrrigated=24.3mil. acres Potentially irrigable=17.2 mil. acres U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE NEC 55(31-942 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE ACREAGE OF IRRIGATED LAND IN THE UNITED STATES: 1889-1954 25 £ 20 < ° 15 m c I l0 5 5 1 1 1 CENSUS OF IRRIGATION V i__u-^ /* ' „.'■ SPECIAL CENSUS Of. 1902.5' i "•>' *< ^2 CENSU! OF «GR CULTUR i» 1899 1902 1909 1929 1934 1939 1944 1949 1954 54C-033 'Total Irrigated land In faris for 1909, 1919, and 1929, Irrigation census Included the 17 Weatei Arkansas, and Louisiana; for 1939 and 1949, Florida also Included. aTotel Irrigated land, all states. 'For 1889 and 1899, census total for Irrigated land In fame Included tne 17 Western States, Louisiana; for 1929, Irrigated land free uhlch crops wsre harvested, sans 19 States; for 1934, Irrigated crops, sane 19 States; for 1939, Irrigated cropland harvested plus Irrigated pasture, 48 States. For 1944, 1949, end 1954, total Irrigated land 48 States. Data for 1909 and 1919 not available. In the 17 Western States the most pronounced increases oc- curred in the High Plains of Texas, where ground water supplies are being used for irrigation ; in the Central Valley of California ; in southern Arizona ; in the Willamette and Klamath Valleys of Oregon ; in the Columbia Basin of Washington ; along the Snake River in Idaho ; in south-central Nebraska ; and in western Kansas. Increases were also pronounced in the rice growing areas of Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas. In the Delta of Mississippi, irrigated acreage expanded rapidly as rice produc- tion increased in that area. The expansion of irrigation between 1949 and 1954 in the Eastern States was much greater and more widespread than the increases in these States between 1944 and 1949. Areas irrigated and irrigable. — In the above map, the 1950 ir- rigated acreage is compared with the potentially irrigable area by regions for the 17 Western States. Among the 5 regions shown, the 3 Pacific States have both the largest irrigated acreage and the greatest potentially irrigable area. The Northern Plains States have irrigated the smallest proportion of their total irri- gable area. With the available water supply and with present conservation practices and distribution methods only about 3 in each 100 acres in the West can be irrigated for crop production. Nearly a third of the 24 million acres irrigated in the 17 Western States in 1949 needs additional water in order to have a full season's supply for crop production. Acreage of irrigated land in the United States, 1889 to 1954. — The acreage of land irrigated in 1954 totaled 29.6 million acres. This total is 3.8 million acres more than the acreage reported ir- rigated in 1949 and 9 million acres more than was irrigated in 1944. The regional distribution of the net increase between 1949 and 1954 is as follows: 11 Western States 0. 5 million acres. 6 Great Plains States 2. 2 million acres. 31 Eastern States 1. 1 million acres. Decreases were reported for only 6 States ; and of these the amount was significant only in Colorado, Wyoming, and Nevada. The largest increase was reported in Texas. In the Eastern States where the total acreage of land presently irrigated is compara- tively small, large percentage gains in land irrigated were gen- erally characteristic. Some of the gain in the humid States took place in the rice- producing areas of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and south- eastern Texas; but an increasing number of farmers in the East were using irrigation to supplement rainfall, which may be deficient in some years. Supplemental irrigation is being used on a wide variety of crops and on improved pastures. For intensively grown vege- tables and fruits, irrigation in the East is generally accepted as profitable if other conditions are favorable. Tobacco is also a high-value crop for which many growers have successfully used irrigation. For field crops and pastures, fewer data are available on the returns from irrigation in humid areas. The recent widespread interest in irrigation in the humid Eastern States stems from several conditions. For one thing, new lightweight portable equipment for sprinkler irrigation has been developed. This eliminates ditches and leveling and makes it possible to control the application of water. Recent droughts in parts of the Eastern States, which have coincided with periods of higher prices for farm products, have encouraged many farm- ers to make an investment in irrigation equipment. During the years following World War II, farmers were financially able to make this substantial investment necessary to install an irriga- tion system. LAND UTILIZATION 29 FARM DRAINAGE* ACREAGE, 'I 947 "53 UNITED STATES TOTAL 21.329,423 (7-YEAR TOTAL) WITH FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FROM THE AGRICULTURAL CONSERVATION PROGRAM SERVICE US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE NEG 56(3)783 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE DRAINAGE FARM DRAINAGE IN U. S.* THOUS. ACRES 6,000 4,000 2,000 ENCLOSED DRAINS 1944 1946 1948 1950 1952 . DEPARTMENT OF ACRICULTU T, CULTURAL CONSERVATION „Ol«1. SERVICE NEG 5«<*I-I'T» AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE The artificial drainage of land that does not have good natural drainage has brought millions of acres of good land into agricul- tural use. An important part of the Nation's most productive land has been improved by drainage. Organized group drainage enterprises, which are generally responsible for construction of canals and ditches, are frequently necessary prerequisites to the establishment of good farm drain- age works. Cooperative effort among farmers is necessary in order to build these main outlets for field drains. The success of both group and farm drainage enterprises is largely deter- mined by careful planning based on good soil and engineering sur- 407763—57 3 veys, by careful consideration of expected benefits in relation to costs, and by sound financial planning. After an enterprise is established, close cooperation must continue if the project is to be adequately maintained. Farm drainage. — The distribution of the acreage drained during a 7-year period from 1047 to 1953 for which county data were available indicates the chief areas in which farm drainage is being carried out in the United States. The North Central States, Mississippi Delta, and Southeastern Coastal Plain are the prin- cipal regions in which farm drainage has been a significant land- improvement practice. The acreage drained during the 7-year period covered by the map totaled more than a million acres for each of the following States : Michigan, Louisiana, Mississippi, Minnesota, Arkansas, and Wisconsin. Ten other States each had more than one-half million acres drained during the 7-year period. Most of the drainage was by open ditches (18 million acres). Tile drainage totaled approximately 3 million acres. Two-fifths of the tile drainage was installed in Ohio, Iowa, Indi- ana, and Michigan. Farm drainage in United States. — From 1944 to 1953, Agricul- tural Conservation Program assistance was rendered in drain- ing nearly 32 million acres of farmland, or an average of about 3 million acres a year for this 10-year period. Much of this acreage was drained with the technical assistance of the Soil Conservation Service. The amount of farm drainage carried out annually is shown in the accompanying chart. Not all of this acreage is newly drained land. A considerable part of the drain- age carried out under the Agricultural Conservation Program is on land that has previously been improved to some extent by drainage. 30 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY LAND CLEARED* UNITED STATES TOTAL 740.451 IN SOIL CONSERVATION DISTRICTS WITH TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE OF THE SOU CONSERVATION SERVICE US- DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE NEG 56(31 7B4 ' AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE LAND CLEARING AND BRUSH CONTROL Land clearing. — Land is still being developed for crops and pasture by clearing. Although the total acreage cleared for the country as a whole in any one year is relatively small, clearing of land has considerably greater significance in some areas. In recent years, the increased use of large-scale mechanical equipment has made possible rapid and economical clearing operations. Some of the new machinery and techniques were developed during World War II in clearing airfields and camp sites in jungle areas. These new machines and techniques make it possible to clear large tracts in a few weeks in contrast to the few areas that formerly could be cleared each year. The distribution of the acreage cleared in 1954 with technical assistance from the Soil Conservation Service gives a fairly good indication where land is presently being developed by clearing. In some areas, such as in Tennessee, Missouri, and Pennsylvania, the map shows practically no clearing because only a part of these States were included in soil-conservation districts in 1954. Most of the clearing is concentrated in the Southern States. For the most part the land currently being cleared has been previously cutover for timber or cleared for agriculture. Some of the clearing is being carried out in conjunction with drainage and irrigation. Land is being cleared for several different uses and purposes. Some farmers are clearing patches of woodland and brush in order to enlarge, consolidate, or reshape fields in order to make more efficient use of tractor-drawn equipment. For other farm- ers, clearing a few acres of woodland provides an opportunity to expand the cropland base of the farm. Land is also being cleared on farms in order to obtain land best suited for the pro- duction of certain specialized crops such as tobacco, rice, citrus fruit, and some vegetables which require rather specific soil and slope conditions. For example, land cleared in recent years in northeastern Arkansas has been cleared mainly for rice produc- tion. Another impetus to land clearing springs from the need for more improved pastureland on farms in the South which are making basic changes in type of farming. Increased emphasis on beef cattle production in the Black Belt of Alabama and Mis- sissippi and on dairy production in favorably located parts of the Piedmont have led to the clearing of land for improved pas- ture. On the cattle ranches of central Florida, land clearing must frequently precede the seeding of improved pastures which are needed to complement the forage supply from native range- land and woodland. Brush control. — Brush control is considered as a separate prac- tice from land clearing. It is an important practice in the South- west, particularly Texas, where undesirable woody plant species have invaded native rangelands. A wide variety of noxious plants such as mesquite, scrub oak, and creosote have become widespread on these rangelands. The spread of these plants has resulted partly from overgrazing and partly from unfavorable climatic conditions such as drought, flood, and hard winters. Fire and wildlife have also contributed to the spread of brush. I Mechanical and chemical controls of various kinds are being used in an attempt to eradicate or control further spread of these • noxious plants. LAND UTILIZATION 31 SEEDING AND RESEEDING OF PASTURE ACREAGE, 1950 "53 UNITED STATES TOTAL 23,565.303 (4"TEAR TOTAL) WITH FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FROM THE AGRICULTURAL CONSERVATION PROGRAM SERVICE US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE •*|f. t DOT = 2.000 ACRES NEG 56(3)765 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE I PASTURE IMPROVEMENT SEEDING AND RESEEDING OF PASTURE* 3-Yeor Averages, United States THOUS. ACRES 6,000 ■ . 4,000 ■ ■ 1 ■ ■III 2,000 1 1 1 1 1 .11111 0 ■ ■ 11111 1936-38 1939-41 1942-44 1945-47 1948-50 1951-53 ••llli 'IKinriJl AiSISTtHCC 110. lU'i.-'N-.Ui i -.'I r. . . r . ., ,,:.;.■.. U •.,..-. i | 0. 1. OEPAaTMCNT OF AGRICULTURE NEC It 1*)- Hit AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE Considerable progress in the improvement of public and private grasslands has been made in recent years. More farmers are recognizing the importance of having good improved pastures on their farms if they are to make the most efficient use of their land resources. Several different practices are associated with the improvement of pastureland. Application of lime, phosphate, and potash may be required. Weeds need to be mowed and com- petitive plants controlled. Seeding or reseeding of pastures with good seed and with the right kind or mixture of pasture plants for the soil, slope, temperature, and moisture conditions involved is also a major prerequisite to the establishment of an improved high-forage yielding pasture. The Federal Government has taken an active part in helping farmers to improve their pastures. Research has been carried out to develop the best plants and improvement practices. Tech- nical assistance in carrying out pasture-improvement practices is rendered by the Soil Conservation Service and financial assist- ance under the Agricultural Conservation Program benefits farmers in this phase of conservation. Seeding and reseeding of pasture, 1936-53. — Seeding and reseed- ing of pasture has been carried out under the Agricultural Con- servation Program since 1936. The accompanying chart indicates that the acreage of pasture being seeded or reseeded with finan- cial assistance from the Agricultural Conservation Program Service has gradually been increased. Seeding and reseeding of pasture 1950-53. — The distribution of the acreage seeded or reseeded under the Agricultural Conser- vation Program during a 4-year period, 19;")CM53, is shown by the accompanying map. The greatest emphasis on seeding and reseeding of pasture under this program is in the Southern States where cropland diverted from other uses and land re- cently cleared is being seeded to improved pastures. Some States, particularly Kentucky, have placed a strong emphasis on this practice in assigning funds available for payments to farm- ers. In other States, such as West Virginia and the New England States, more emphasis has been placed on using funds for the application of such materials as lime, phosphate, and potash. This means that the amount of seeding and reseeding of pastures in these States is not adequately reflected in the above map, which is based only on the acreage seedeil or reseeded with fi- nancial assistance given for that specific practice. 32 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY \jWLAND IN COVER CROPS TURNED UNDER FOR GREEN MANURE ACREAGE. 1954 * |.;'.^, -.".', • r '•'%--, lib: * i: m& UNITED STATES TOTAL 9,278,572 *NOT REPORTED FOR 17 WESTERN STATES EXCEPT EAST TEXAS I DOT=2.000 ACRES (COUNTY UNIT BASIS) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE MAP NO. A54-I68 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS SOIL-CONSERVING PRACTICES H$~~-— LAND IN ROW CROPS OR CLOSE-SEEDED CROPS r^GROWN IN STRIPS FOR WIND EROSION CONTROL' l~~5m*r—. ACREAGE. 1954 V '^W* •. ^3!%^ S. i'- ■ jifc ' * 1 f^^rs^rs^ ^-^ /~~t ti ~sr\ / / I 11 r ^s Y - — — -f - ' f i ,- "&' UNITED STATES TOTAL \/""~\ 5.216.112 * REPORTED ONLY IN IT CflLlf OWllA. and EAST WSSTEHN ST.TT5 E«£PT ttFHZCWA. IDOT-2,000 ACRES \ | (COUNTY UNIT BASIS, \ 1 M ,..,»..«.• 0' cow. - ( 3 «** * •«■■" " ** .... 1 M » . For the first time, the Census of Agriculture obtained informa- tion in 1954 pertaining to the conservation of land resources. Since the passage of the first National Soil Conservation Act by Congress in 1935, greatly increased attention has been focused on the conservation of land resources throughout the United States. In 1937, States began to pass laws which permitted farmers and ranchers to organize soil-conservation districts for the purpose of carrying out needed soil-conservation measures. The United States Soil Conservation Service has worked in close cooperation with these districts. All States had laws by 194S which made it possible to organize soil-conservation districts. By the end of 1955, the number of soil-conservation districts totaled 2,677. Most of these districts are about the size of a county, and many of them have boundaries that coincide with county boundaries. By the end of 1955, basic conservation plans had been prepared for more than a million farms and ranches in these soil-conservation districts. The land area of these farms and ranches for which basic conservation plans have been prepared totaled more than 298 million acres at the end of 1955. Conservation practices have not yet been established on much of the land for which plans have been prepared because of the short time that has elapsed since the plans were completed. How- ever, much work is in progress, and each year several million acres are receiving the benefit of soil and water conservation practices. The job ahead still remains a big one. Even when all farms and ranches have completed conservation plans, the job of carrying out these plans on a permanent basis lies ahead. Land in cover crops turned under for green manure. — A cover crop is grown in a thick stand as a means of enriching and pro- tecting soil resources. Some cover crops are plowed under while still green which provides green manure. Organic matter and plant food are added in this way. Some cover crops are peren- nials ; and since they occupy the land for a period of years are thought of as a permanent cover crop. Annual crops grown for their cover value are generally planted either in the fall or in spring and early summer. LAND UTILIZATION 33 .CROPLAND USED FOR GRAIN OR ROW CROPS FARMED ON THE CONTOUR * ACREAGE, 1954 W^f .gSf,-. UNITED STATES TOTAL 22,434,812 *NOT REPORTED FOR FLORIDA US DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE I DOT= 10,000 ACRES (COUNTY UNIT BASIS) MAP NO. A54-I77 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Crops planted in the fall are known as winter cover crops. Winter protection of the soil is especially significant in much of the South where clean-cultivated crops, such as cotton, corn, and tobacco, are grown and where relatively high rainfall and the absence of frozen ground are conducive to severe erosion of sloping land left without cover during the winter. Some of the winter cover crops grown in this part of the United States are vetches, Austrian winter field peas, clovers, and abruzzi rye. Sweetclover grown in the northern Corn Belt and crimson clover in the Atlantic Coastal Plain from New Jersey to Georgia are other legumes used as cover crops. Rye, winter oats, and wheat are other nonlegume crops frequently used for their value for cover and green manure. Rye is the most commonly used grass or grain crop for winter cover in the Corn Belt and Cotton Belt. The accompanying map showing the distribution of land in cover crops turned under for green manure shows that such crops are grown widely in the Southern States, Corn Belt, southern parts of the Lake States, and in the Middle Atlantic Coastal Plain. Except for parts of Idaho, Washington, Oregon, and California, cover crops turned under for green manure is not a common practice in the 17 Western States, excluding eastern Texas. Inadequate moisture is a major reason for the infrequent use of cover crops in the 17 Western States. Land in row crops or close-seeded crops grown in strips for wind erosion control. — As indicated by the accompanying map, this conservation practice is concentrated chiefly in the western part of the Great Plains wheat-producing areas. Along this dry margin, wheat is being grown on land that is subject to wind erosion, particularly during the drier years. Wind stripcrop- ping, stubble mulching, and other conservation practices help l.o control soil blowing. The practice of wind stripcropping involves the planting of crops in strips of uniform width which are arranged at right angles to the direction of the prevailing wind. Cultivated summer fallow and small grain crops often occupy alternating strips. Not all land on which wind strip- cropping is a current practice is necessarily best suited to wheat. Some of the land on which wheat is presently produced is best adapted to a permanent cover of grass used for grazing livestock. Cropland used for grain or row crops farmed on the contour. — Crops are planted on the contour when the rows or strips are laid out at right angles to the natural slope of the land. Farm- ing land on the contour generally means that alternating strips or bands of different crops are also used in order to retard soil and water loss. Row crops alternated with close sown crops is a general arrangement. The different crops commonly grown are also rotated among the different strips of land. Farming on the contour is a widespread practice where slop- ing land is used for cropland. As shown by the accompanying map, there is widespread use of contour farming in those areas in the South where cotton is an important crop on sloping land. In some of the more rolling parts of the Corn Belt, a considerable acreage of crops are grown on the contour. In the central and southern Great Plains, growing crops on the contour is a widely used practice. Moisture conservation as well as the control of wind and water erosion is a major incentive to arranging crops on the contour. Yields are increased materially through the ap- plication of this moisture-conserving practice. In some parts of the Great Plains, where there is no dominant prevailing wind direction, strips of crops planted on the contour are likely to give more protection against wind erosion than strips planted at right angles to the prevailing wind. M r\ vji\iT.riii^v OLJiviivii^ivi FARM RESOURCES AND PRODUCTION Remarkable growth in the use of capital in American agricul- ture has been a dominant characteristic of the changes taking place. This has been especially true in the last, 15 to 20 years. Productive farm resources available to each of the 8.5 million farm operators, hired hands, and family workers averaged about $14,400 in 1955. In 1940, the comparable value was $3,500, which after allowance for changes in the price level means approxi- mately a 75 percent increase in capital per worker. For full- time commercial farms, the average investment per worker would be $20,000 or more. These productive resources are made up of land, service build- ings, livestock and feed inventories, machinery and equipment, and cash-on-hand used for operating expenses such as the pur- chase of fertilizer, lime, seed, pesticides, gasoline, oil, livestock feed, repairs for machinery, and other related materials. Other assets owned by farmers which are not among these productive assets are dwellings, household goods, financial savings, and automobiles. The total investment in these additional assets is in the neighborhood of $5,000 per worker. In 1955, the total farm output was nearly 50 percent more than that of 1935-39. This production came from about the same acreage of farmland, and it was produced with 30 percent less labor. However, the amount of investment capital and cash needed for operating expenses increased sharply. Using current dollars in comparing the 1935-39 period with 1955, the amount of investment capital used increased threefold and the cash out- lay for nonfarm goods used in farm production was four times as great. The percentage distribution of the value of inputs on com- mercial farms in 1949 indicates the relative importance of farm resources used in obtaining the present high level of farm pro- duction sold or used in farm households. Purchase of livestock and poultry ; feed for livestock and poultry ; seeds, bulbs, plants, and trees; fertilizer and lime, and gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil constituted 31 percent of the total value of inputs on commercial farms. For tractor and other farm machinery repairs and for machine hire about 0 percent of the inputs were needed. Depreciation on machinery and equipment and buildings accounted for 9 percent of the total inputs. Interest on invest- ment in land, buildings, machinery and equipment, and livestock made up 21 percent. The labor input totaled 33 percent. Changes in agricultural production. — The transformation of production in American agriculture has been nearly complete during the last 50 years. While this transformation started prior to World War I, the outstanding changes have taken place since 1920. During and following World War II the rate of change was greatly accelerated. Production per acre and per animal, as well as the total farm output, has shown pronounced in- creases. Several factors have contributed to these upward changes in production. (1) Mechanization. — The substitution of mechanical power and associated machinery for animal power released about 80 million acres of cropland between 1920 and 1955. This release of cropland and other resources accounted for about half of the total increase in farm output during the interwar years. Since 1940, the acreage released by this substitution of inani- mate for animate power has amounted to 33 million acres, which have accounted for about a fourth of the increase in farm output during this period. (2) Soil conservation and improvement. — The use of lime and fertilizer has expanded greatly in recent years. Four times as much fertilizer is used on farms today compared with the amount used in the years prior to World War II. Introduction of better conservation practices to more farms is also contrib- uting to the increase in farm output. Planting crops on the contour, stripcropping, terracing, better crop rotations, and other soil-conserving practices have also played a part in raising farm output. Altogether, these improvements including the increased application of fertilizer have accounted for about a fourth of the increase in farm output since 1940—11. (3) Improvement in crops. — The most frequently cited ex- ample of increase in ouput attributable to crop improvement has been the introduction of hybrid seed corn. Its use has spread to all of the major corn-producing areas and adoption of this improvement is nearly completed. Other improvements in crop varieties have also had their influence on yields. Use of new chemical and mechanical methods to control weeds, insect pests, and plant diseases have led to increases in yields. About a fifth of the total increase in farm output since 1940-41 can be assigned to improvements in crops. (4) Improvements in livestock breeding, feeding, and disease control. — Artificial insemination and cross breeding have been important factors leading to the genetic improvement of animals. Improvement in feeding methods, including a better balanced and more adequate ration and the use of antibiotics and hormones, have gone hand in hand with breeding im- provements to bring about significant increases in animal pro- duction. (5) Farmstead improvements. — The greatly increased use of electricity in recent years has reduced labor requirements around the farmstead. Pumping water, milking cows, cooling milk, and numerous other chores are rendered comparatively easy tasks through the use of electricity. Many other improve- ments around the farmstead such as the design, construction, and location of farm buildings have led to a large saving in labor on farms where such improvements have been introduced. When these various technological advances and improvements are brought together, there are additional increases in farm output which are attributable to the combined use of the improve- ments. Agricultural losses. — In spite of these many improvements that have led to the marked increases in the farm output, there is still room for further improvement. A summary of annual losses from 1942 to 1951, made by the Agricultural Research Service, reveals that these losses amount to nearly a third of the potential \ alue of our crops, livestock, and forest products. In the production of crops, weather, insects, diseases, mechani- cal damage, weeds, and harvesting waste contribute to a loss in output. After the crops are harvested, other losses in storage, marketing and processing ; disease and death of animals to which crops are fed ; destruction of nutrients in cooking : and waste of edible portions of food in the kitchen add up to a sizable amount. It has been estimated that such losses were equal to the production from 120 million acres of cropland each year between 1942 and 1951. Losses in production also occur in the use of our pasture and range. These include plant diseases, fire, grasshoppers, and weeds. Such losses equal the potential production from about 154 million acres of pasture and grazing land. (Pasture and grazing land totaled a billion acres in 1954.) Forests are also affected by such losses as fire, diseases, insects, and wind. Such losses are estimated as equal to the potential annual growth from 228 million acres of forest land. Not all of these losses are preventable. It is doubtful whether we will be able in the foreseeable future to eliminate many of the losses due to adverse weather, although it may be possible to reduce them. Knowledge of how to control or eliminate other losses may be available, but it may not be economically feasible to apply such knowledge. Still other losses are not preventable with present technological knowledge. However, much reduction in agricultural losses can be attained with present technical know- ledge and under current economic conditions. Further research will be needed to eliminate or reduce other losses. In this section of the graphic summary, maps and charts are presented to illustrate the use and distribution of farm re- sources in the production of the principal crop and livestock products. The principal features of the farm production picture are presented. Other aspects necessarily have not been in- cluded in this summary report. They are covered more com- pletely in other reports being issued in conjunction with the 1954 Census of Agriculture. LAND UTILIZATION 35 NUMBER OF FARMS, 1954 FARMS AND FARMLAND Number of farms. — In 1954, there were 4,782,416 farms reported by the Census of Agriculture. The highest densities of farms per square mile are found in parts of the South. Very low densities are found principally in the areas of eastern United States where much land has never been used for agricul- ture and in the Western States where a large acreage per farm or ranch is needed for the raising of livestock and in dry farming operations. Commercial farms. — A commercial farm is any farm on which the value of farm products sold is $250 or more provided the farm operator works off the farm less than 100 days, or provided the income the farm operator and members of his family receive from nonfarm sources is less than the value of all farm products sold. The number of commercial farms declined by 378,795 farms between 1950 and 1954. The number of large commercial farms increased but a pronounced drop in small commercial farms occurred. The relationship between the number of commercial farms and all farms remained practically the same between 1950 and 1954. Other farms. — The three classes of other farms are part-time, residential, and abnormal. Two-fifths of the 1,455,404 other farms reported in 1954 were classified as part-time farms. On these farms, the value of farm products sold ranged from $250 to $1,199 and the operator either reported 100 days or more of off-farm work or reported other income received by himself or members of his family exceeding the value of agricultural prod- ucts sold. Residential farms, which had less than $250 worth of farm products sold, accounted for practically all of the re- maining other farms. 36 J\ LrKAmiU 5UiMIYl/\KI PERCENT OF TOTAL LAND AREA IN FARMS, 1954 (COUNTY UNIT BASIS) 1 20 TO 39 WM 40 TO 59 US DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE MAP NO A54- 102 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS ALL LAND IN FARMS ACREAGE. 1954 IMTH) STATES T07RL 1,156.191,511 ..**■--. ■. 3f ~-:i DOT -50.000 ACRES ACREAGE OF LAND IN FARMS AND NOT IN FARMS, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1850-1954 BILLIONS OF ACRES 1 ' 1 '.LAND NOT IN FARMS "^^^ . -- *. "-" XLAN > IN FAT MS LAND IN FARMS. BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, FOR THE UNITEO STATES <«« MANAGERS B«%-< M.841MT «£RE5 1850 I860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 I960 54C-035 LAND UTILIZATION 37 LAND IN FARMS ANO NUMBER OF FARMS FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1850 - 1954 MILLIONS Of ACRES 1200 1 ^ -^T- NUMBER OF FARMS „'1 1 1 \«' > *- 50 0 1 y-j/ 250 0 ^^ -'~J 7500 6000 4500 3000 1500 1650 I860 1670 I860 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 I960 54C-034 All land in farms. — The total acreage of land in farms reported in 1954 was nearly the same as that reported by the 1950 Census of Agriculture, but significant regional changes have occurred during the last 5 years. In the Northern States (including Mary- land and Delaware), land in farms declined by nearly 7 million acres. Of the four farm production regions that make up the Northern States, only the Northern Plains had an increase in land in farms between 1950 and 1954. In the Southern States, the decline in land in farms amounted to more than 6 million acres with most of the decrease taking place in the Appalachian States. A slight increase in the Southern Plains was the only regional increase among the four Southern regions. Reversion of farmland to forest land ; encroachment of urban, transportation, and other nonfarm uses of land ; and discon- tinuation of agricultural operations on small farms in favor of industrial and other nonagricultural employment have all con- tributed to the decline in farmland in these regions. Offsetting nearly all of this decrease of more than 13 million acres in the Northern and Southern States was an increase of 13 million acres in the 11 Western States, most of which occurred in the Mountain States. Inclusion of more grazing land formerly not included in farms and the irrigation of previously undeveloped land account for much of this increase in acreage of land in farms. Especially high densities of farmland shown for some counties result from showing the total acreage of large farms in the county in which the farm headquarters is located, even though the farm acreage may extend into other counties. Percentage of total land area in farms. — In the Great Plains, Corn Belt, and Dairy Belt, a high proportion of the counties have 90 percent or more of their total land area in farms. West of the Great Plains, inadequate rainfall and mountainous topogra- phy explain the small proportion of land area that is in farms over extensive areas. Large acreages of land have remained in public ownership in the Western States. A considerable acreage of this public land is grazed by obtaining permits from the Fed- eral and State agencies administering the land. Land grazed under these permits rather than under a leasing arrangement is not included as land in farms. A major limitation upon the use of this western rangeland grazed under permit is the neces- sity of grazing much of it for only part of the year. In some parts of the States east of the Great Plains and Corn Belt, hilly topography, infertile soils, and poor drainage extend over sizable areas. These physical handicaps contribute to the relatively little use made of such land for farming purposes. Land in farms, by tenure of operator. — The tenure status of land in farms is shown by the accompanying chart in terms of the four principal types of tenure as reported by the Census of Agriculture. Operators who own part of their land and rent part of it account for about two-fifths of the land in farms. Full owners have a third of the land in farms in their units. About a sixth of the land in farms is rented out to tenants who rent all of the land that they operate. Less than a tenth of the land in farms is operated by managers. The most significant change in tenure status of land in farms since 1950 is the increase in the proportion of land in farms op- erated by part owners. All other tenure types have some de- crease in the proportion of land in farms that was operated under these types. Land in farms and number of farms. — While the acreage of land in farms remained nearly the same between 1950 and 1954, the n amber of farms reported by the 1954 Census of Agriculture was about 11 percent fewer than the number reported in 1950. This decrease represents extension of the nearly continuous de- cline that started in 1920. Only a brief period of increase (not shown by the accompanying chart, which is plotted at 10-year intervals) occurred between 1930 and 1935 when many persons from urban areas returned to farms. Most of the recent decrease in number of farms has been in the number of small farms. Availability of urban employment has been a major factor ac- counting for the decline in small farm numbers in the areas where industry is well developed. Some of the operators of these small farms have moved off their farms while others have continued to use their farmhouses as residences but have discontinued agricultural operations. In the South, the combination of small farms operated by share tenants and croppers into larger operat- ing units has contributed to the decrease in farm numbers. The increase in the number of farms of 500 acres or more reflects the increased use of machinery in agriculture. As more and more farm operators have increased the size of their farms the number of farms has necessarily declined, since the overall acreage of land in farms has not increased. Land in farms and not in farms, 1850-1954. — Less change in the acreage of land in farms occurred between 1950 and 1954 than for any previous 5-or 10-year Census period since land in farms was first enumerated in 1850. Regional changes that oc- curred between 1950 and 1954 practically offset each other so that the total United States acreage declined by less than half million acres. Most of the increase in land in farms since 1880 has occurred in the 17 Western States, except for an appreciable increase in Florida in recent years. New settlement, which continued until about 1920, accounts for part of the increase. Since 1920, about half of the total net increase has resulted from the addition of about 100 million acres of Federal, State, and Indian reservation land to the area reported as land in farms. Most of the remain- ing net increase of another 100 million acres occurred on privately owned land. Changes in methods of controlling grazing rights and modifications in Census definitions and procedures rather than the expansion of farming into undeveloped areas account for much of this increase on privately owned land since 1920. 407763—57- 38 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY COMMERCIAL FARMS AS A PERCENT OF ALL FARMS, 1954 (COUNTY UNIT BASIS) LEGEND PERCENT I luNnFR 85 E3339 75 TO R9 i^MJ 25 TO 49 IHI LS&J 50 TO 74 FARMS US DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE MAP NO ASA - 058 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS LAND UTILIZATION 39 AVERAGE VALUE OF LAND AND BUILDINGS PER ACRE, 1954 (COUNTY UNIT BASIS) * NO FiRMS US DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE MAP NO A54-222 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Commercial farms as a percentage of all farms. — In 1954, about 70 percent of all farms were classified as commercial farms. The accompanying map shows that more than three-fourths of the farms are commercial farms in most of the Corn Belt, the Great Plains, and the northern Mountain States. The lower Mississippi Valley, parts of the Middle Atlantic and Southeastern Coastal Plain, and some areas in the Northeast also have a high pro- portion of commercial farms. Very few commercial farms are located in parts of several Southern States. Average size of commercial farms. — Marked contrast in the average size of commercial farms between the Western and East- ern States is shown by the accompanying map. Only in Florida among the 31 Eastern States do commercial farms average 500 acres or more in any of the State economic areas. The size of farm is affected by such factors as the type of agricultural operations, size of ownership units, topography, and climatic conditions. Small commercial farms a\eraging less than 100 acres in size for State economic areas are found principally in parts of the South where small cropper-operated farms as- sociated with the growing of cotton and tobacco are numerous. In some areas in the Northeast where vegetable production is of particular importance, the average size of commercial farms is also less than 100 acres. Commercial farms and ranches average 500 acres or more in size over much of the 11 Western States and the western part of the 6 Great Plains States. Land that is suitable only for grazing and has a very low carrying capacity accounts for a considerable acreage in the West. This means that a commercial farm or ranch in that region must comprise a large acreage if it is to be an economic unit. Commercial farms which are lo- cated mainly on irrigated land are not nearly so large as the ranches that depend mainly on nonirrigated grazing land. Average value of land and buildings per acre. — The 1954 Census of Agriculture shows that the value of land and buildings per acre increased 29 percent over the value reported for 1950. Values increased most sharply in Arizona and Florida with In- diana, Georgia, Maryland, Montana, and Washington also show- ing significant increases. Only 8 States had increases of less than 15 percent. Most of these were New England States. The accompanying map shows the distribution of counties ac- cording to the 1954 average value of farmland and buildings per acre. The three largest concentrations of land and buildings having an average value per acre of $200 and over are in the Corn Belt, Northeastern, and Pacific States. The high values in the Northeastern States, which extend from southern' New England to Washington, D. C, reflect the influence of urbaniza- tion on the value of farmland located near large centers of population. A similar influence may be observed in the Pacific States where the highest average per acre values of land and buildings are in part associated with the large metropolitan centers of Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, and Seattle. Increases in the value of irrigated land are also reflected in overall increases in the value of land and buildings in the Pacific States and in some other parts of the Western States. The most extensive contiguous area with high land values per acre is in the Corn Belt States. In this area, high average values may be attributed primarily to the productive capacity of the land. Many scattered counties with high average per acre values for land and buildings can generally be associated with urban centers or with areas having a high proportion of irrigated land in the Western States. 40 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY DISTRIBUTION OF SELECTED RESOURCES FOR THE UNITED STATES BY REGIONS AND BY COMMERCIAL AND OTHER FARMS WITHIN REGIONS' 1954 PERCENT OF UNITED STATES TOTAL THE NORTH THE SOUTH THE WEST 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 ALL FARMS COMMERCIAL FARMS LAND IN FARMS CROPLAND HARVESTED TOTAL LAND PASTURED IRRIGATED LAND IN FARMS CATTLE AND CALVES HOGS AND PIGS CHICKENS, 4 MONTHS OLD AND OVER ON FARMS FARM WORKERSlfomily and hired) VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD OTHER FARMS Distribution of selected resources. — The distribution of some of the principal farm resources among regions and between com- mercial and other farms is shown by the accompanying chart. Several marked contrasts among regions are readily observable. These regional differences are an important and interesting fea- ture of American agriculture. As this chart is studied, it is helpful to keep in mind that the total land area of the northern and southern regions each comprises about three-tenths of the total land area of the United States while the western region accounts for two -fifths of it. The distribution of all farms shows that the South has nearly half of the United States total while less than a tenth of the farms are located in the West. It should also be noted that other farms, which consist of part-time, residential, and abnormal farms, ac- count for a much greater number of the farms in the South than in the other two regions. Thus, about half of the commercial farms are in the North compared with about two-fifths in the South and less than a tenth in the West. Land in farms is more evenly distributed among the three major legions than is the number of farms. The North has 38 percent of the total, the South has 33 percent, and the West has 29 percent. This means that a greater proportion of the total land area in the North and South is in farms than in the West. While nearly a third of all farms are other farms, it should be noted that only about a tenth of the land in farms is in other farms. This means that most of these other farms, except for abnormal farms, have very limited land resources. Cropland harvested, which constitutes the most significant part of the land resources in farms, is strikingly concentrated in the North. More than three-fifths of the total acreage of cropland harvested is in this region. About a fourth of it is in the South and slightly more than a tenth is in the West. Of the total acreage of land pastured, the West accounts for two-fifths of it, the South has about a third of the total, and the North about a fourth. Considerable variation in the quality of pasture exists among these three major regions. Cropland used only for good quality pasture largely grown in rotation with crops is more heavily concentrated in the North than in the other two regions. Woodland pasture in farms is found to a greater extent in the South and West. Although there has been a marked increase in irrigated laud in farms in the North and South in recent years, the 11 Western States still have nearly 70 percent of all irrigated land. The concentration of three of the principal classes of livestock in the North is another significant fact in American agriculture. More than three-fourths of all hogs and pigs, nearly two-thirds of all chickens 4 months old and over on farms, and half of all cattle and calves are found in the North. The number of all farmworkers both family and hired is largest in the South, which has nearly half of the total. Two-fifths of the farmworkers are on farms in the North and a tenth in the West. Workers on commercial farms are also slightly more numerous in the South than in the North. This disparity between the distribution of human resources on American farms and the distribution of land and capital is further emphasized by the contrast in the distribution of the value of farm products sold. More than half of the total value of farm products sold comes from the North where only two-fifths of the farm workers reside. In the West, about a tenth of all farmworkers produced a fifth of the total value of farm products sold in the United States in 1954. On the other hand, the farm- workers of the South, which comprise nearly half of the United States total, produced less than three-tenths of the value of farm products sold in that year. LAND UTILIZATION 41 PERCENT OF TOTAL POPULATION REPRESENTED BY FARM POPULATION, APRIL 1,1950 (COUNTY UNIT BASIS) LEGEND PERCENT I I UNDER 10 fcSga 40 TO 59 ir—a 10 TO 19 888S 60 TO 79 V//M 20 TO 39 ■ 80 AND OVER U S DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AP NO V50-032 BUREAU OF THE FARM POPULATION U. S. FARM POPULATION -y/ 32.0 > f 32.* \ ^_ * V U'L- J 1920 1,, 1933 ^-"V' ^k/juX 1940 ^^T^_|/— \ 1950 v^y 1955 , , 1 . . . . I , , . . 1 , . , . 1 , , , , 1 , , , , 1 , , , , 1 oat * i*RO* THE BUREAU OF 1HE CfNJUJ AND THE AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE U. 1. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE NBC U3S-JMI0) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SER 1 The Nation's farm population continued to dec-line between 1950 and 1955. The decline amounted to nearly 3 million per- sons. During the same period total population increased from 151 million to 165 million persons. This means that the farm population comprised only 13.5 percent of the total population in 1955 compared with 10.6 percent in 1950. Percentage of total population represented by farm population, 1950. — Since the last complete population Census was taken in 1950, the accompanying map shows the percentage of total popu- lation represented by farm population as of 1950. The overall pattern has not changed significantly during the last 5 years. The heaviest concentration of farm population still remains in the South. The proportion is particularly high in areas where small tenant-operated cotton and tobacco farms are numerous and where there are many part-time and residential farms. Counties with a very low proportion of farm population are widely scattered. Highly urbanized counties account for many of the counties with less than 10 percent of the total population living on farms. In some counties with very few farm people, mining and forestry are more important activities than farming. The regional distribution of farm population has changed only slightly during the last 35 years. In 1920, the regional distribu- tion was as follows : Northeast, 8 percent ; North Central, 32 per- cent ; South, 53 percent ; and West, 7 percent. In 1955, the North- east had 9 percent of the total ; the North Central, 32 percent ; the South, 50 percent; and the West, 9 percent. United States farm population. — The peak in farm population since 1920 was reached in 1933 when more than 32 million per- sons were living on farms. Since 1933, a persistent decline has occurred. A pronounced dip in the farm population curve during World War II accelerated this decline. Many who left the farm during the war did not return after its end. Between 1950 and 1955 all regions lost farm population. The decline was below the national average in the Northeastern, North Central, and Western States and above it in the South. A high degree of mobility is characteristic of the farm popula- tion of the United States. More than 2 million persons have moved to and from farms in nearly every year since 1921. Dur- ing most of this period, the movement away from farms has ex- ceeded the movement to farms. Only for a short time during the depression years and immediately after World War II was this trend reversed significantly. Net migration away from farms has been highest during periods of greatest opportunity for off- farm employment. These periods have also coincided with pe- riods when mechanization of farming was progressing rapidly. 42 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY HORSES AND MULES HORSES & MULES, AND TRACTORS ON FARMS JAN. 1 Mil . HEAD MIL. TRACTORS .y^~ s^. Horses and mules 20 \L/ S* 4 ^v. / J.* 0 / ' 1 10 2 ^-i*ii'.i "I'nif.n hied in following tear DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE NEC. ii(Wl-1Sl AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE feed the growing population was coming from the rapid expansion of the cropland acreage. Since 1920, the acreage of cropland has remained nearly stationary. However, farm output continued to increase after 1920 and since 1940 the rise has been very sharp. This means that it has been possible to feed the increasing popu- lation of the Nation and with a substantially improved diet. Acreage on which commercial fertilizer was used, 1954. — Some striking regional changes in the use of fertilizer in the United States have occurred in the last 25 years. In 1929, very little fertilizer was used in the Corn Belt, Great Plains, and Western States. Most of the fertilizer used a quarter of a century ago was used in the following States or areas : North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, southeastern Virginia, southeastern Penn- sylvania, northeastern Maine, the Connecticut River Valley of Connecticut and Massachusetts, and the Los Angeles area of California. In 1954, commercial fertilizer was used on 123 million acres of cropland and pasture. Lime was applied to 11 million acres. The accompanying map shows the distribution of fertilizer use in 1954. When this map is studied against the background of the above statements relative to the use of fertilizer in 1929 the fol- lowing striking changes in the distribution of its use may be noted. Half of the acreage fertilized in 1954 was in the Corn Belt, Great Plains, and Western States. In 1929, these areas accounted for only a sixth of the total expenditure made for com- mercial fertilizer used in the United States. About two-fifths of the expenditure for fertilizer in 1929 was concentrated in the Piedmont and Coastal Plain parts of North Carolina, South Caro- lina, Georgia, and Alabama. Most of the fertilizer used in 1929 was applied to the more intensively cultivated crops, especially to cotton, tobacco, fruit, truck, and potatoes. These crops have continued to absorb an important part of the fertilizer applied, but several other crops and pasture that were not formerly fertilized to any great extent are now widely fertilized. In 1954, commercial fertilizer was applied to IS million acres of hay and pasture, to 47 million acres of corn, to more than 11 million acres of wheat, and to about 3 million acres of oats. Cotton, tobacco, fruits, vegetables, and potatoes, which were widely fertilized in 1929, were other major crops on which fertilizer was extensively used in 1954. About 10 million acres of cotton, more than 1 million acres of tobacco, and 6 million acres of fruit, vegetables, and potatoes were fertilized. This means that nearly all of the tobacco ; two-thirds of the fruit, vegetables, and potatoes ; three-fifths of the corn ; about half of the cotton ; and a fourth of the acreage of wheat had some application of fertilizer in 1954. 46 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY AVERAGE VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD PER ACRE OF ALL LAND IN FARMS, 1954 (COUNTY UNIT BASIS) | | UNDER 5 SSSSj 25 TO 49 E115 TO 9 H50 TO 74 ] 10 TO 14 ' !■ 75 AND OVER II 6 TO 24 * NO FARMS US- DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE MAP NO. A 51- 329 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS VALUE OF ALL CROPS SOLD AS A PERCENT OF ALL FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, 1954 (COUNTY UNIT BASIS) LEGEND PERCENT I I UNDER 20 ',8888 60 TO 79 mffA 20 TO 39 ^H BO AND OVER 8§SH 40 TO 59 X NO FARMS US DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE MAP NO A54- 327 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS LAND UTILIZATION 47 Ufe VALUE OF ALL FARM PRODUCTS SOLD DOLLARS. 1954 •*«=:;■ /'. m&': UNITED STATES TOTAL $24,644,477,087 U.S DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE r+':'i', .;'-i >>&■'■' w DOT = $ 2.000,000 (COUNTY UNIT BASIS) MAP N0A54- 323 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED-- ACREAGE AND VALUE OF PRODUCTION M Tl a 1 MflL '• ■ 1 0, zz ,, ■ I.I " 11 1 " 1 0. ■ 1.1 " FOR THE UNITED STATES! 1984 SPECIFIED CROPS HARVESTED VM.UC OF WWJQUCT10M Changes in use of fertilizer and farm income. — Use of fertilizer has increased sharply in the United States during the last 25 years. Prior to about 194S the curve showing the quantity of fertilizer used coincided closely with the curve showing realized gross income. But during the last few years, the use of ferti- lizer has continued to rise sharply even though gross farm income has declined. This increased use of fertilizer is additional rea- son for the small change in cropland since 1920. Increased ap- plications of fertilizer are enabling farmers to produce more on the present acreage of cropland and pasture. Average value of farm products sold per acre of all land in farms. — The average value of farm products sold per acre of all land in farms is highest in those areas with inherently fertile soils and where a high proportion of the land in farms is used as cropland. Such areas include the Corn Belt and the lower Mississippi Valley. Another group of areas with high average values are those in which high value crops make up an important part of the farm products sold. Areas in which average values of farm products sold per acre are low are most extensive in the Western States, where large acreages of pasture and grazing land are needed for livestock production. In the Eastern States, rough topography and poor soils are commonly associated with a low value of production per acre in numerous areas, Value of all crops sold as a percentage of all farm products sold. — Crops sold in 1954 were valued at $12.2 billion, which ac- counts for half of the total value of all farm products sold. In 1949, crops sold accounted for only 44 percent of this total. Several of the areas in which the value of crop production is high, as shown by the accompanying map, have very little live- stock production. Such areas include the Middle Atlantic and Southeastern Coastal Plain where such crops as tobacco, cotton, vegetables, and fruit are important; the lower Mississippi Valley and the Southern High Plains cotton areas ; and the Columbia River Basin wheat and small grains area. In parts of the Corn Belt and in many of the irrigated valleys of the West, the value of livestock and crop production is more nearly equal. Value of all farm products sold. — The value of all farm products sold totaled !?l!4.U billion in 1954. In California, the value of farm products sold exceeded $2 billion ; and in Iowa, Texas, and Illinois the amount exceeded $1 billion. The Corn Belt has the largest area of contiguous counties with a high value of farm products sold, but some of the heaviest concentrations are in irrigated areas in the West. Similar high-value production areas are as- sociated with such products as tobacco in eastern North Carolina and in the Connecticut River Valley, cotton in the lower Missis- sippi Valley, citrus fruit and vegetables in Florida, and vegetables and broilers in the Delmarva peninsula. Whereas only about two-fifths of the value of all crops sold comes from farms located in the Northern States, about two- 48 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY ACREAGES IN FOOD GRAINS, FEED GRAINS, OIL SEED CROPS, AND COTTON FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1879-1954 Millions of Acres 150 1909 CHANGES IN HARVESTEO ACRES OF PRINCIPAL CROPS, 1949-54 DECREASE INCREASE MILLION ACJ3ES i'OATs'd 1 ft. fffyvi/A f 3 4 MQsSaiJMi i% ffi.'i°i'"i %3t4 3 5 SOYBEANS 'FOR BE ANs'/d t6 3 ^t0.4 ^ FLAXSEEO +0 7 < RICE NET CHANGE * I For Crops Shown thirds of the total value of all livestock and livestock products sold is from the Northern States. Forest products sold from farms, which totaled $130 million in 1954, are concentrated prin- cipally in the Northeast, Southeast, and the Pacific Northwest. Specified crops harvested — acreage and value of production. — Corn is the leading crop in the United States both from the standpoint of acreage harvested and value of production. All hay crops (excluding sorghum hay and specified annual legumes) oc- cupy the next largest acreage but cotton and cottonseed rank second in value of production. Corn, cotton, wheat, hay, and oats account for about three-fourths of the total acreage of specified crops harvested and about two-thirds of the farm value of all crops produced in 1954. Acreages in food grains, feed grains, oilseed crops, and cotton: 1879-1954. — The long-run changes in the acreage used for the production of these different categories of crops are shown in the accompanying chart. Considerable fluctuation in acreage used for the production of food grains has been characteristic. The acreage used for these food grains — wheat, rice, rye, and buck- wheat— dropped by more than 19 million acres between 1949 and 1954. This sharp decline is closely related to the existence of acreage controls on the production of wheat in 1954 and the absence of such controls in 1949. The total acreage of feed grains — corn, oats, barley, grain sorghum, and mixed small grains — occupied about the same acreage in 1954 as in 1949 ; but some important shifts occured within this group of crops. Corn harvested for grain declined while the acreage of sorghum har- vested for grain increased markedly. Acreages of barley and oats also increased. The acreage of cotton declined sharply during this period and the acreage used for oilseed crops continued to increase. The acreage used for oilseed crops has increased in nearly every decade covered by the accompanying chart. The principal oilseed crops other than cotton are soybeans, flax, and peanuts. Expanding use of vegetable oils for food and industrial pur- poses has contributed greatly to the long-run increase in the production of these crops. Between 1949 and 1954 most of the increase in acreage used for oilseed crops was in soybeans, which increased from 10.1 to 16.4 million acres. Diversion of acreage from allotment crops to soybeans is a significant reason for this substantial increase in soybean acreage. Acreage in peanuts was reduced sharply, mainly because of the allotment program. Changes in harvested acres of principal crops, 1949-54. — Major shifts in the acreage used for different crops occurred between 1949 and 1954 mainly because of acreage allotment programs. The acreage of wheat and cotton was reduced by about 28 million acres. Much of the acreage taken out of these crops is used to produce feed grains, soybeans, and hay. The acreage of oats, barley, all sorghums, all hay, and soybeans increased by nearly 24 million acres. Cultivated summer fallow also increased. As acreage allotments for wheat were lowered, many farmers decided to grow a higher proportion of their wheat crop on cropland that had been fallowed in order to increase yields. LAND UTILIZATION 49 is :i*kuX «5S ALL WHEAT ACREAGE .SB THRESHED 1954 ,-W~" i SJPn_ Jrii$gfS&?% ■ ~JZ~\~ V 'v\ L Jan T\v. LAi/^ tlr '.. \r cjtsrjt ..! H, flP UNITED STATES TOTAL 51.361.664 & 1 DOTHO.000 ACRES V (COUNTY UHlT BASrS) KlMMaiMrrarMHwei ~ U* « «. 071 "' "■.■•..,. 0# t-« U-.5U5 OATS THRESHED ACREAGE. 1954 BARLEY THRESHED ACREAGE. 1954 RICE THRESHED ACREAGE. 1954 PRINCIPAL CROPS Wheat. — Wheat threshed in 1954 was 20 million acres less than in 1949. This sharp reduction in wheat acreage reflects largely the existence of an acreage allotment program in 1954 as con- trasted with 1949 when acreage controls did not apply. This large reduction in acreage affected all of the major wheat areas, but the general pattern of wheat distribution remains essentially the same as that for 1949. At present spring wheat is grown chiefly in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Montana. Secondary areas are found in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and western Minnesota. Only very scattered acreage is found elsewhere. Winter wheat is much more widely grown as may be observed by looking at the ac- companying map. In a few instances, spring and winter wheat are grown in the same areas. Oats. — The major concentration of oats is situated just east of the leading wheat-producing areas in the Great Plains States. The major oat-producing area also includes Iowa, southern Min- nesota and Wisconsin, and northern Illinois. In the eastern part of the Corn Belt, oats are a less important crop than in the west- ern part. Winter oats rather than spring-planted oats are grown in the Southern and the Pacific States. Oats rank next to corn as the principal feed grain in the United States. The reliance formerly placed upon horses and mules for farm power and the widespread acceptance of oats as a good nurse crop for clover, timothy, and other tame grasses, along with the tolerance of oats for poor soils, help to explain the present importance of this crop in American agriculture. Barley. — Most of the barley in the United States is produced in the 17 Western States and in Minnesota. The leading barley- producing area is in eastern North Dakota and the adjacent Red River Valley area of Minnesota. Nearly a third of the total United States acreage is found in these two States. California is now second to North Dakota in acreage harvested, having lost its position as the leading State which it held during the last quarter of the 19th century and the first quarter of the present century. Widespread diversion to barley of land taken out of wheat pro- duction in 1954, under the allotment program resulted in a marked increase in acreage of barley for that year. Some of the areas formerly important for their production of barley for malt- ing purposes such as southeastern Wisconsin, southeastern South Dakota, southwestern Minnesota, and northwestern Iowa now grow very little barley. About two-thirds of the barley crop is now used for feed and one-third for malting. The latter use has increased from less than a fourth in 1939 to about a third now. Rice. — The total acreage of rice threshed in 1954 was nearly three times as great as that in 1939. Production was greatly accelerated to accommodate export needs for areas where prewar trade channels had been disrupted by war. The production of rice in the United States is now mainly concentrated in 4 States, although production of rice has increased sharply during the last 5 years in some of the Delta counties of Mississippi. The coastal prairies of Louisiana and Texas, the prairie and lowland areas of eastern Arkansas and the adjacent lowlands of Mississippi, and the Sacramento Valley of California are the present rice- producing areas. All of these areas have heavy subsoils that retain irrigation water well and all areas have climates favorable to rice culture. Highly mechanized methods are now used in producing rice in the United States. 50 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY CORN FOR ALL PURPOSES ACREAGE. 1954 SOYBEANS GROWN FOR ALL PURPOSES' Corn. — The total acreage of corn for all purposes was reduced by about 5 million acres between 1949 and 1954. The 12 North Central States continued to have about seven-tenths of the total acreage in the United States. Corn is more widely grown than wheat in the United States, although very little is raised in the 11 Western States, the western part of the Great Plains States, and the New England States. During the last 50 years, the acreage of corn declined by 20 to 25 million acres. Much of this decline has occurred in Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas where sorghums have replaced corn as an important feed crop. During this period the acreage of corn in southeastern South Dakota and southwestern Minnesota has increased substantially. Hybrid varieties adapted to a shorter growing season have been a factor in this northward shift of corn production. Sorghums. — Nearly all sorghums grown in the United States are grown to feed livestock, either as grain, forage, or fodder. The use of sorghums as a source of livestock feed in the Southern Plains helps account for the major concentration of acreage. As sorghums require less rainfall and withstand drought better than corn, this crop has become an important feed crop in Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. More than four-fifths of the total acreage of sorghums grown for all purposes except sirup is found in these three States. Three heavy concentrations are located in southwestern Kansas and adjacent Oklahoma and Texas, in the high plains of western Texas, and in the Corpus Christi area of Texas. Sorghums are not grown for grain in the Northern Plains be- cause of climatic limitations. For the varieties of grain sorghum now grown in the United States, a frost-free season of 140 days and a mean summer temperature of at least 70° F. is required. Annual rainfall should total 15 inches or more. Some sorghum is grown for forage north of the principal grain-producing areas. SORGHUMS FOR ALL PURPOSES EXCEPT FOR SIRUP ACREAGE. 1954 FLAX THRESHED ACREAGE. 1954 Soybeans. — The acreage of soybeans grown for all purposes iu 1954 totaled 18.2 million acres compared with 12.3 million acres grown in 1949. The diversion of acreage from crops included in the crop-allotment program is important in explaining this sub- stantial increase. Nearly all of the increase occurred in the areas that were growing soybeans in 1949. Three major and two secondary concentrations of soybean production are shown by the accompanying map. The leading area of soybean production is centered in the eastern part of the Corn Belt running from south-central Illinois to northwestern Ohio. The acreage of soybeans in Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio comprises two-fifths of the total United States acreage. Another major concentration is in the Mississippi Delta area stretching from southern Illinois to Louisiana. Northwestern Iowa and southwestern Minnesota is the third major area. The south- western part of the Corn Belt in Missouri and eastern Kansas and the southeastern coastal plain are two secondary areas of soybean production. Flax. — Most of the acreage of flax in the United States is con- centrated in North Dakota, northern and eastern South Dakota, and western Minnesota. Two secondary areas of production are located in the Imperial Valley of California and north of Corpus Christi, Texas. The total acreage in flax in 1954 was greater than that for 1949. This may be attributed mainly to the wheat acreage-allotment program in effect in 1954. The acreage sown to flax has been subject to wide fluctuations from year to year. Nearly all flax in the United States is grown for the seed rather than for the fiber. Peanuts. — The production of peanuts is almost entirely re- stricted to the southeastern coastal plain and to eastern Texas and Oklahoma. From the accompanying map, it may be noted that there are two principal concentrations in the southeastern LAND UTILIZATION 51 PEANUTS GROWN FOR ALL PURPOSES* TOBACCO HARVESTED ACREAGE. 1954 coastal plain — one in northeastern North Carolina and south- eastern Virginia and the other in southwestern Georgia, south- eastern Alabama, and northern Florida. In Texas and Oklahoma, the Cross Timbers area has the largest acreage used for peanuts. Peanuts need summers that are long and warm. The best seasonal distribution of precipitation provides a good moisture supply when nuts are developing, followed by drier weather and plenty of sunshine during the harvest period. Both nuts and hay are subject to considerable damage if wet weather coincides with harvesting. Fine sandy loam soils are preferred for the growing of peanuts. Dark colored soils are avoided where pea- nuts are grown for roasting in the shell, as discoloration of the shell reduces the market value. Cotton. — The acreage from which cotton was harvested dropped sharply in 1954 and 1955 from the high acreages reported har- vested from 1951 to 1953 by the United States Department of Ag- riculture. The existence of an acreage-allotment program dur- ing the last 2 years is mainly responsible for this decline. In 1954, cotton was grown across the entire southern part of the United States from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Nearly all cotton is grown south of latitude 37° N. The two most northern ex- tensions of cotton production are in southeastern Missouri and the southern tip of Illinois and in Merced County, Calif., in the central part of the San Joaquin Valley. In 1909, practically no cotton was grown west of the 101st meridian which passes through the west-central part of Texas. Today, there are major concentrations of cotton production in the High Plains of western Texas, the Phoenix area of Arizona, and the San Joaquin Valley of California. Much of the cotton grown west of the 100th meridian in Texas is now irrigated, while practically all of that grown in New Mexico, Arizona, and California is irrigated. j \ rJ \ — s>. ^ / si ? -■ 1 UNITED STATES TOTAL 16.858.145 COTTON HARVE ACREAGE. 195 STED 4 ~ ^ 1 DOT -10.000 ACRES \ (COUN1T UNIT BASISI S. VJi SUGAR BEETS HARVESTED FOR SUGAR ' : / \ ACREAGE. 1 !54 If -— ^Lc__^y r.7 ~r^l ( FX-jfl p.* \ UNITED STATES TOTAL ~V lir 864.318 \ -f \ DOT- 1.000 ACRES \ I i tXXJHTt UWT BASS \^ 111 to«n» ».«« V -., .*««-„, • - UU..XOX The westward shift of cotton production has been one of the important regional shifts in American agriculture during the last 50 years. In 1909, nearly two-fifths of the acreage of cotton was found in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Ala- bama ; but in 1954 these four States accounted for less than a fifth of the cotton acreage. Tobacco. — The four leading States growing tobacco in 1954 were North Carolina, Kentucky, Virginia, and South Carolina. During the last 15 years, the acreage of tobacco has changed very little mainly because of the acreage-allotment program which is attempting to keep supply in line with demand for dif- ferent types of tobacco. Some regional shifting of production occurred between 1949 and 1954, when the acreage of tobacco grown in Kentucky declined by about 14 percent while that in North Carolina, Virginia, and South Carolina increased by about 11 percent. This shift in acreage reflects some of the continuing changes in demand for different types of tobacco. In 1909, Ken- tucky had twice as much acreage in tobacco as North Carolina, but in 1954 the North Carolina acreage was more than twice that of Kentucky. The two major tobacco-producing areas are in southern Vir- ginia, North Carolina and northeastern South Carolina, central and western Kentucky, and adjacent northern Tennessee. Other smaller concentrations of tobacco are also found in southern Georgia and Northern Florida ; southern Maryland ; Lancaster County, Pa. ; Connecticut Valley of Connecticut and Massachu- setts; eastern Tennessee; and southwestern Wisconsin. Sugar beets. — Sugar beets are grown almost entirely in the Western and North Central States. Most of the acreage is irri- gated, although some of the eastern areas continue to grow beets without irrigating. Sugarcane is the other principal crop from which domestic sugar is refined in the United States. Practically all of the sugarcane grown for sugar is located in southeastern Louisiana and just south of Lake Okeechobee in Florida. 52 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY \AJj-_^LAND IN FRUIT OR 2HARDS. GROVES. VINEYARDS ANO PLANTED NUT TREES ACREAGE. 1954 JH — T * t^L \ r ■ . 1 1 V )/-y^ 1[ y/ ( As y UMTED STATES TOTAL V 4.003,426 \ -f 1 DOT- 1.000 ACRES \T ^ I l (COUNTY UWT BASIS) "\ 1 '.. im*mm « «—«« v «....„. - IPJSH POTATOES ACREAGE. 1954 ■'" mjiui or nc a«*A J ;* / L 1 / ■ J \ 2i ■. >'Y *-*•? UMTED STATES TOTAL \V~~N 1,210.872 1 0OC5 NOT INO.UW ACREAGE FOT fAJJvs WITH LESS •nth 20 BUSHELS HORYESTtD i -. ' 1 DOT-500 A 1 COUNTY UMT CRES \ Land in orchards. — The total acreage reported in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees in 1954 was 4 million acres compared with 4.7 million acres reported in 1950. Part of this decline may be attributed to the fact that the 1950 data include acreage for farms reporting half of an acre or more in this use, whereas in 1954 the acreage is reported only for farms having 20 or more trees or grapevines. California is the leading fruit-growing State, from the stand- point of both total acreage and variety of fruit produced. A third of the total acreage in fruit orchards, groves, vineyards, and planted nut trees is in California. Other major concentra- tions are found in central Florida ; in the Yakima, Wenatchee, and Okanogan Valleys of Washington ; in the Willamette and Hood River Valleys of Oregon ; the lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas ; southwestern Mississippi ; the eastern shore of Lake Michi- gan ; the southern shores of Lake Erie and Ontario ; and the ridge and valley section of the Appalachians in West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland, and south central Pennsylvania. Many lesser concentrations are also indicated on the accompanying map. Climate plays an important role in accounting for the distribu- tion of fruits, nuts, and grapes in the United States. Sometimes striking local differences in temperature and frost hazard asso- ciated with topography and nearness to the influence of water account for concentrations of fruit production. The growing of citrus fruits is limited chiefly to the warmer subtropics in areas where topography and soils are also favorable. Deciduous fruits generally have both a northern limit beyond which the winters become too severe and the hazard of frost too great and a south- ern limit where the period of dormancy becomes too short. Vegetables. — Vegetables were harvested for sale from about 3.7 million acres in 1954. An undetermined part of this acreage grew more than one crop of vegetables during the year. The vegetable crop harvested for sale is appropriately divided into two categories — that harvested for processing and that harvested /* . ■-*'■ M-l VEGETABLES HARVES ACREAGE. TED FOR SALE' 954 Tv~ i $K mC *k r0^- .-• V >> / "'/ j* j n UMTED STATES TOTAL 3.739,994 t-' P^~~~~****rS^> ANO SWEET POTATOES •Y 1 DOT- 1.000 ACRES IT ICOLffTT UMT BASI3 • • «-™ ***** *. utwm >. ... - ..a. u \ UMTED w / STATES 455. 239 DRY FIELD AND S IED BEANS HARVESTED ACREAGE. 1954 FOR BEANS \ i TOTAL V/~~ \ J IDOT-1.000 ACRES \ ) V 1 ICOUMTY UNIT BiSISl *V 1 for the fresh market. In recent years, slightly more than half of the acreage has been harvested for the fresh market. The accompanying map showing the distribution of the acreage of vegetables harvested for sale reveals several major concen- trations and many widely scattered secondary areas in which vegetables are grown for sale. The leading States are California, Texas, Florida, Wisconsin, New York, Georgia, Minnesota, New Jersey, and Illinois. The combined acreage of vegetables har- vested for sale in these nine States accounts for more than three- fifths of the total United States acreage. The five leading vege- tables in terms of acreage harvested were sweet corn, tomatoes, watermelons, green peas, and green snap beans. Irish potatoes. — The commercial crop of Irish potatoes is pro- duced mainly in the Northern States, although several early potato areas in the South and in California account for the wide climatic range of this crop in the United States. Potatoes are best adapted to a fairly humid and cool climate. Five relatively small but especially heavy concentrations of Irish potato acreage are found in Aroostook County, Maine ; Long Island, N. Y. ; the Eastern Shore of Virginia ; the Red River Valley of North Dakota and Minnesota ; and the Snake River Valley of eastern Idaho. These five areas account for about two- fifths of the total commercial acreage shown by the accompanying map which does not include acreage on farms with less than 20 bushels harvested. In 1954, Idaho had the largest acreage of potatoes followed by Maine, North Dakota, California, New York, and Minnesota. Dry beans. — Dry beans are produced in both eastern and west- ern areas. Central Michigan and western New York are the major eastern areas and together these two areas account for about a third of the total acreage. In the Western States, dry field beans are produced both with and without irrigation. Most of the dry beans are produced where the mean August tempera- ture does not exceed 70° F. LAND UTILIZATION 53 LAND FROM WHICH HAY WAS CUT* ACREAGE. 1954 Ui eOMIKUT & h^T ALFALFA CUT FOR HAY >■*£ ? V?.-, _ Ai» *='■... ACREAGE. 954 : J ." :^^b- *« ' ^ < ' ,,, /.« .* - - ^*>W- ---- 1 ^m^^^^M 1 ■ * I, Jt v -.• 3? ■■ :;%« "(pp UNITED STATE V_V > TOTAL 26.007.771 IDOT-2,000 ACRES \ (COUNTY UNIT BfiSKI \_^ J KBHHTMI ..-,... «w> wo«M-*s -*" wiu or r <««« Land from which hay was cut. — The distribution of the acreage of all tame and wild hay except soybean, cowpea, peanut, and sorghum hay is shown for 1954 by the accompanying map. When the distribution of cattle is compared with that of land from which hay was cut, it may be noted that areas growing hay are usually areas where cattle are also reported. But in several areas in which hay is a minor crop considerable numbers of cattle are grown. These are located mainly in the southern third of the country where cool-season temperatures are high enough to permit grazing during most of the year provided moisture is adequate and plants that will yield forage in all seasons are available. In 1954 in the Northeastern States, the land from which hay was cut accounted for half of the cropland harvested. This re- gion, in which dairying is a major type of farming and which has relatively long winters, needs a big hay crop. In the Appa- lachian, Lake States, Northern Plains, Mountain, and Pacific regions, land from which hay was cut accounted for approxi- mately a fifth to a third of the cropland harvested. In the Corn Belt, about a sixth of the cropland harvested was in hay crops ; and in the Southeastern, Delta, and Southern Plains States only about a tenth of the cropland harvested was accounted for by hay crops. The principal tame hay crops are alfalfa, clover, and timothy, small grains cut for hay, and lespedeza. In 1954, alfalfa ac- counted for 45 percent of the total acreage of tame hay. Clover and timothy, which are grown together and separately, accounted for 29 percent of the acreage. Small grains and lespedeza, re- spectively, accounted for S and 6 percent of the tame hay acreage. Wild hay. — Most of the wild hay is cut in the Northern Plains States where selected areas of pasture and grazing land are cut for hay. The principal wild hay area, which is a north-south trending belt in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Nebraska lies N^--r^ WILD HAY CUT* ACREAGE. 1954 !»■ • ~"*-1i!&m! ffifi%M&'" ^~~^^—J^ hkLF ''''"■ A^^Vjp^ ( y V ^"'f 1 1~Tr^'^^ HBjlB 'ifi ? ^^vT'Jii^S ~""%^ ffliii.'- •'■"■ftM W Y — h-&~Jc Ps&"-*>:\ j ^U \j v^U.. 7 UNITED STATES TOTAL I ^^ 12.473,387 * SEPARATE DATA AVAILABLE ONLY FOR PRINCIPAL STATES ^ f ID0T-2.0O0ACRES ', V. 1 (COuhtv uwrr basgi U5 KMMIKHT OF UMMftCC ^3 »,»«*« . ""' ttx.ii or t>e cms* CLOVER OR TIMOTHY CUT FOR HAY' ACREAGE. 1954 LNTED STATES TOTAL 16.930.114 mainly to the west of the areas where nonirrigated alfalfa is most heavily concentrated. In the Western States some of the wild hay is cut from land along streams that can be irrigated by spreading water over bordering rangeland. Alfalfa. — The most widely grown hay crop is alfalfa and alfalfa mixtures. The only major area in which alfalfa is of little im- portance is in the Southeastern States, where a humid climate and sandy soils are not conducive to its production. Soils with adequate lime are the most favorable soils for growing alfalfa. In the Western States, it is a major irrigated crop. It has been widely used in irrigated areas to build up organic matter in soils which under semiarid and arid climates had very little natural organic matter. In the Northern Plains, a considerable acreage of alfalfa is grown without irrigation. It is grown not only for hay but also for seed. Hardy varieties grown in these States are not so easily damaged by winter killing as are varieties grown in warmer areas. The largest concentration of alfalfa acreage is in the southern part of the Lake States and the northern part of the Corn Belt where soils favorable for its production coincide with areas in which dairying is the major type of farming. Clover and timothy. — In 1909, the acreage of clover and timothy hay amounted to nearly 37 million acres. In 1954, only 17 mil- lion acres were cut for hay. Less emphasis on timothy as a hay crop is noticeable. Part of this decline in the acreage of timothy is associated with the decrease in number of horses used as draft animals. Most of the timothy and clover cut for hay is grown in the North Central and Northeastern States. It is still the major hay crop on many soils that are not suited to production of the higher yielding and better quality alfalfa hay. Timothy and clover as a hay crop is not as expensive to seed and is less likely to suffer damage from winter killing than alfalfa. 54 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY FEED FOR ALL LIVESTOCK Percenta ge of All Feed From All Concentrates, 1949-50* ~~~W777^m, lJr" $fe :i*$$m& \ ymflf'-i' -••"> <■ ■: wf ~ ^Mmm v~~~~ - — ^~^wi>y^~ 'Jilll^ \ > f~^^^^^m ^il "~.'~..-.t, ; -...}.. yMMMg PERCENT •r- — ' \y--) ■ \ wizlA □ Und"' " \ r :^|*^«* " ' V E3 25lo49 • MCXUDmC PAITUfiE ^-4 U. S AVERAGE »4* U i. OCPARTMENT OF AGOIC ULTU l»E NEC. U(l|-m AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH iEBYICE FEED FOR ALL LIVESTOCK Percentage of All Feed From Pasture and Grazing, 194950 . Mur.iNt of AGRI ■ I i' "i PERCENT f~1 Under 20 £22 65 & over U S AVERAGE 37S ^3-< NEC SJtl)-S»* AGBICULTUOAL BEKABCH JEBVICE U.S. PIG CROPS MIL. HEAD 100 Total 1940 1945 1950 1955 FEED FOR ALL LIVESTOCK Percentage of All Feed from Hay, 1949-50* • WCLUDJNC P kllUHE ITHtHT Of ASBICULTUIX )• ■__!__! OUnd.rlO Lr-I 1/SE^T~\ Eg 10-19 "%-A l;\ BZ! 20 lover U. S AVERAGE US V NEC. JJ(D-S17 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH 1EBV1C CATTLE ON FARMS JAN. I I960 • minis i c 'nii ndi roi miiii. and am hkh * inns '■■! MS, * oidea not fOi miir HOWS » MtrfEtS J r»S A OlDM FOB Mil* DATA FO* I9JS A*E P»fUMINA»r HMENt OF AGBICULTURE NEC «0A.Jtll| AGRICULTURAL ".ABU E TING SERVICE STOCK SHEEP AND LAMBS ON FARMS JAN. I MILLIONS 1880 960 ' II WESTERN ITATEi 4N0 I. DAK. J.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ata cot; nn tre menimnKT NEC. «JI-SA(11I AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE LIVESTOCK Livestock and livestock products are a major source of food in the American diet. Two-fifths of the total food energy was contributed by these products in 1954. Although this is ap- proximately the same proportion that was contributed by these products during the 1909-13 period, there have been shifts in the quantities of various livestock products used. More dairy products, except for butter, and more eggs were consumed per capita in 1954 compared with 1909-13. Less animal fats and oils, particularly butter, are now consumed per capita than formerly. The high proportion of the total nutrients contributed by live- stock and livestock products has an important bearing on land use in the United States. Many countries of the world with dense populations have inadequate land resources to permit much consumption of animal products, as a greater amount of food energy from a given amount of land can be obtained by \ising crops directly for food. Feed for livestock. — In terms of the relative importance of different feeds for livestock, pasture is the most important feed for all livestock with 37 percent of all feed coming from this source in 1949-50. Corn, which was the next most important feed, supplied 26 percent and hay 14 percent. Oats, barley, and other grains accounted for 9 percent. Animal protein feeds, oilseed LAND UTILIZATION 55 CATTLE NU*ER.t954 f^~~-~- HOGS NUMBER. 1954 '.w&E&'y':j&i ( -&y ^sF* T^^R ^# i\ - '] — ft UNITED STATES TOTAL 57092 J9I9 ~^v \ J^ IDOT-10,00 3 HEAD \ BASIS) *V UIKMtKirVCW J -« « »*«»» " UUJ Of '•* COKU* :als, other high-p roteii i feeds, and otbe r byprodi cts also si plied 9 percent. Silage, beet pulp, skim milk, and seeds made up the remaining 5 percent of the feed for all livestock. The accompanying maps show the relative importance of con- centrates, hay, and pasture and grazing as sources of feed for all livestock by States. Grains and other concentrates are most important as feed for all livestock in the Northern and Southern States except for Texas. Hay accounts for more than 15 percent of all livestock feed in most Northern and Western States. Pas- ture and grazing account for the highest proportions of livestock feed in Florida, Texas, and the Mountain States. Cattle. — The number of cattle reported on farms as of January 1 reached an all-time high of more than 95 million head in 1955. Beef cattle have accounted for most of the increase during the past 5 years. During this period, the total number of cattle has increased by more than 17 million head, of which 16 million were beef cattle. Numbers of dairy cattle have remained fairly stable. The upward trend in cattle numbers has been accompanied by an increase in cattle productivity. This has amounted to a 38 percent gain during the last 30 years. Better animals, better care, more feeding, and greater emphasis on beef types account for this rise in productivity, which has amounted to an average increase of about 5 pounds of live weight of cattle and calves produced per year for each cow on farms at the beginning of the year. As shown by the accompanying map, cattle are widely raised throughout the United States. The heaviest widespread concen- tration located in southern Wisconsin, northern Illinois, Iowa, eastern Nebraska, and southern Minnesota includes both the heavy concentration of dairy cattle in the Dairy Belt and large numbers of beef cattle which are more highly concentrated in the western part of the Corn Belt. In the Western States, where cattle are grazed on the extensive rangelands, the highest densi- ties coincide with areas of irrigated agriculture where cattle are fattened for market or where dairying is important, as it is near main centers of population. The distribution of milk cows is less widespread than that shown for all cattle. The northeastern Dairy Belt centered in Wisconsin and Minnesota in the North Central States and New York in the Northeast is a conspicuous feature. In California, the influence of metropolitan centers of population on dairying MILK COWS NUMBER. (934 f# SHEEP / ' i ' *"""* T~ NUMBER. 19 M -. h //TT^r^r (Ha rT"J^ pi \ L ? 1 ■* ,'kL/ \ ^\, \ / -i_ - ■ > * ' r __i/ - "/ .( ,- ,S' ■■"«-, \ LNTEO STATES TOTAL S r~- 31.618.909 S -J*sv^ \ f IDOT'10,000 HEAD Vi icawr. w «TB*S6I .i ,«caa» ^3 ■Uf - ■" ft. nu » n* cr*M is apparent. Elsewhere, the main concentrations are associated with the distribution of urban population or with physical condi- tions particularly favorable for dairying. Hogs. — The 1955 pig crop was the fourth largest reported during the last 30 years. Only in 1942, 1943, and 1951 were more pigs reported saved than in 1955. About three-fifths of the pig crop is farrowed in the spring. The demand for pork has declined sharply since 1947. In 1955, a smaller percentage of the con- sumer's dollar was spent for pork than in any other year since 1913 except in 1945. Several reasons for this loss of demand for pork are indicated. There is less demand for fat pork cuts as shown by the fact that demand and price for lean cuts have been more favorable than for fat cuts. As a result of regional shifts in population oc- curing during the last decade or two, more people are now living in beef-eating regions than formerly. Increased use of home freezers and new ways of selling meat may be more favorable to consumption of beef. Sheep. — The number of sheep and lambs on farms decreased sharply during the 10 years from 1942 to 1951. A slight rise in numbers in 1951 and 1952 has been followed by subsequent de- cline. Today, only about half as many sheep and lambs are on farms as compared with the number on farms during the early forties or during the earlier peak period of 75 years ago. The decline in the number of sheep and lambs during the last 15 years has been considerably greater than that occurring between 1909 and 1923. Increased use of synthetic fibers and competition from foreign sheep-raising areas have been major reasons for this sharp decline in the number of sheep. In addition to the change in the total number of sheep for the United States that has occurred, there has been a major shift in sheep numbers among regions, as shown by the accompanying chart and map. The long-term decline in sheep numbers in the Eastern or native States had already started before 1870. In that year, the native sheep States still had three-fourths of the total sheep population. Since World War I, these States have had only about a third of the total sheep population. In 1955, the 11 Western States and South Dakota accounted for half of the total sheep population while Texas accounted for the re- maining sixth. 56 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY OUTPUT OF POULTRY AND EGGS COMPARED TO OTHER PRODUCTS % OF 1935-39 ^^— Poultry 4 eggs — — Meat animals Dairy products — — ■ All farm commodities 200 150 100 1940 1945 1950 1955 CEP.OIuEhi OF AGRICULTURE NEC 10*1-11(10) AGRICULTURAL NMHCITMS lEftviCE POULTRY MEAT SUPPLY (READY-TO-COOK BASIS) LB. PER PERSON 1947 1950 1953 IISS DATA fiTIMATEO 1956 CHICKENS SOLD NUMBER. 1954 If ' "7 L 1 - • ."] ^~/S? ' \ J rfJ&X 'Wm ■'- \-*A w\J-~~~4 )-■ L - '^IN r r • JiBrja^K \ ♦ «| * > ^ UNfTEO STATES TOTAL 968.687652 IDOT-100.000 CHICKENS \ \ county uwr basts \.^ i ».. «»—*.*«-«« uu- w in .jj -"' bu^iu or r-« tosui Poultry. — The per capita consumption of poultry and eggs has increased markedly during the last half century. The per capita consumption of chickens and turkeys nearly doubled between 1909 and 1954. Consumption of eggs per person increased by 50 percent during the same period. During the last 15 years, the output of poultry and eggs has risen much more rapidly than that of meat animals and dairy products. Significant gains in the efficiency of poultry production have contributed to this relatively greater output of poultry and eggs. One of the accompanying charts shows the increases in effi- ciency that have occurred. Annual egg production per layer in- creased from 112 to 184 eggs between 1925 and 1954. Broiler meat production per 100 pounds of feed increased by 9 pounds between 1925 and 1952. Adoption of practices that are based on findings in genetics, nutrition, disease control, and poultry INCREASES IN EFFICIENCY IN POULTRY INDUSTRY ANNUAL EGG ||| PRODUCTION ' PER LAYER BROILER MEAT ^ PRODUCTION ( LB.) PER 100 IB FEED* TURKEYS RAISED PER 100 BROODED LL'Nott i iisii *ETINC (EOVICE BROILER CHICK PLACEMENTS For 1954 ond 1955 Production, Selected Reporting Areos* 100 MIL. 200 300 400 S. ATL. A DEL-MAR-VA NE. AND N. CENT." TEXAS PAC. COAST' SHENANDOAH VALLEY ■//////////////////////////////////////////////////// 7m "3 mmma^Bk ^ £22^ .1954 '1955 • AREAI tO* *MIQH COHPAft.lt LE PLACEMENT DATA E0« OCT.-lCPr, l*SI-U AMD l»J«-JI *(»£ AVAlLAtLE * ALA., FLA., CA., Hill. AND N. C. ° CONN., MAIM* AND (NO. I CALIF. ANO OftEC. , I. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE MEG. lflt - ■ ■■ i I" ■ AGRICULTURAL MARKETING IfRVlCE ^&--_ VALUE 0F POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS SOLD DOLLARS. 1954 management have led to more economical egg and poultry meat production. The growing importance of broilers from specialized enter- prises is one of the striking changes that has been taking place in the supply of poultry meat. In 1947, only a fourth of the chicken production was composed of broilers from specialized enterprises. In 1955, three-fifths of the chicken production came from broilers grown on specialized enterprises. Production of broilers on specialized enterprises is concentrated in a relatively few areas. This is indicated by the accompanying chart and maps. The heaviest concentration of broiler produc- tion in a single area is found on the Delmarva peninsula of Dela- ware, Maryland, and Virginia. The Shenandoah Valley is another area in which heavy local concentration exists. Localized areas of concentrated broiler production are found in several of the Southern States where production of broilers has been on the increase. CHAPTER 2 FARM MACHINERY AND FACILITIES CONTENTS 59 INTRODUCTION Page Source and reliability of data 61 Definitions and explanations 61 A farm 62 Farms by size 62 Farms reporting 62 Farms by economic class 62 Farms by type 62 Farms by tenure of operator 63 Farms by class of work power 63 FARM MACHINERY AND FACILITIES Farm power 65 Farm tractors 66 Number of tractors on farms 66 Types of tractors 67 Farms reporting tractors 68 Growth of tractor power 68 Farms reporting one or more field tractors 70 Field tractors by size of farm 71 Field tractors by tenure of operator 71 Farms reporting field tractors, by economic class of farm. 72 Automobiles on farms 75 Farms reporting automobiles 75 Number of automobiles, by size of farm 77 Number of automobiles, by tenure of farm operator 77 Number of automobiles, by economic class of farm 78 Motortrucks on farms 80 Farms reporting motortrucks 80 Motortrucks per farm 80 FARM MACHINERY AND FACILITIES— Continued Page Motortrucks on farms — Continued Number of motortrucks, by size of farm 82 Number of motortrucks, by tenure of farm operator 82 Number of motortrucks, by economic class of farm 82 Electric power on farms 85 Horses and mules 86 Horses and mules by type and economic class of farm_. 87 Displacement of work stock by motor vehicles 89 Harvest machines 91 Grain combines 91 Grain combines by size of farm 92 Corn pickers 93 Number of corn pickers by size of farm 94 Pick-up balers 95 Field forage harvesters 97 Combinations of harvest machines 98 Chore equipment 104 Milking machines 104 Power feed grinders 106 Electric pig brooders 107 Service equipment 109 Telephones 109 Television sets 110 Home freezers 111 Piped running water 111 Combinations of service equipment 112 Some results of farm mechanization 113 More work off the farm 113 Machinery investment costs have increased 115 Purchased machine work has increased 116 Greater dependence on petroleum fuel and oil 116 MAPS AND CHARTS Page Tractors on farms, number, 1954 66 Cropland harvested, acreage, 1954 66 Farms with 200 or more acres of cropland harvested, num- ber, 1954 66 Tractors — increase in number, 1950-1954 67 Crawler tractors, number, 1954 67 Garden tractors, number, 1954 67 Percent of farms reporting tractors, 1954 68 Number of farms reporting field tractors for United States and areas, 1920-1954 69 Crop acres per field tractor on farms, all farms, United States, and areas, 1920 to 1954 69 Number of farms reporting 1, 2, 3, 4 or more field tractors for United States and areas: 1954 70 Number of field tractors on farms by size of farm for the United States and areas, 1954 71 Number of farms reporting field tractors by tenure of operator, for the United States and areas, 1954 72 Number of farms reporting field tractors, by economic class; for United States and areas: 1954 72 Crop acres per tractor, all farms, by economic class; for United States and areas: 1954 73 Automobiles on farms, number, 1954 75 Number of farms reporting automobiles for the United States and areas, 1920-1954 76 Number of farms reporting 0, 1, 2, and 3 or more automo- biles for United States and areas: 1954 76 Number of automobiles on farms by size of farm, for the United States and areas, 1954 77 Number of automobiles on farms by tenure of operator, for the United States and areas, 1954 77 Number of farms reporting 1, 2, and 3 or more autombiles by tenure for United States and areas: 1954 77 Number of farms reporting 1, 2, and 3 or more automobiles by economic class for United States and areas: 1954 78 Motortrucks on farms, number, 1954 80 Motortrucks — increase and decrease in number, 1950-1954. 80 Number of farms reporting motortrucks for United States and areas: 1920-1954 81 Number of farms reporting 1, 2, 3 or more motortrucks for United States and areas, 1954 81 Number of motortrucks on farms by size of farm, for the United States and areas, 1954 82 Number of motortrucks on farms by tenure of operator, for the United States and areas, 1954 82 Number of farms reporting 1, 2, and 3 or more motortrucks by tenure for United States and areas: 1954 83 Number of farms reporting 1, 2, and 3 or more motortrucks by economic class for United States and areas: 1954 83 Page Farms reporting electricity — increase and decrease in number, 1950-1954 85 Percent of farms reporting electricity, 1 954 85 Horses, number, January 1, 1920 86 Mules, number, January 1, 1920 87 Horses and mules, number, 1954 87 Horses and mules — increase and decrease in number, 1950- 1954 87 Number of farms reporting different number of horses and mules by type of farm, for United States and areas, 1954. 88 Number of farms reporting different numbers of horses and mules by economic class; United States and areas: 1954.. 88 Farms with tractor and no horses or mules, number, 1954. 89 Farms with tractor and horses and/or mules, number, 1954. 89 Farms with horses and/or mules and no tractor, number, 1954 89 Farms with no tractor, horses or mules, number, 1954 89 Grain combines, number of farms reporting, 1954 91 Grain combines — increase in number, 1950-1954 91 Number of grain combines on farms, United States and areas, 1945-1954 92 Number of grain combines on farms by size of farm, for the United States and areas, 1954 92 Number of farms reporting 0, 1, 2, and 3 or more combines by acreage of small grain harvested, United States and areas, 1954 93 Corn for all purposes, acreage, 1954 94 Corn pickers, number of farms reporting, 1954 94 Corn pickers — increase in number, 1950-1954 94 Number of mechanical corn pickers on farms by size of farm, for the United States and areas, 1954 94 Number of farms reporting 1, 2, and 3 or more mechanical corn pickers by acres of corn harvested for United States and areas, 1954 95 Land from which hay was cut, acreage, 1954 95 Hay acreage as a percent of cropland harvested, 1954 96 Pick-up hay balers, number of farms reporting, 1954 96 Pick-up hay balers — increase in number, 1950-1954 96 Number of pick-up balers on farms by size of farm for the United States and areas, 1954 96 Number of pick-up balers on farms by acreage of hay harvested, for the United States and areas, 1954 97 Field forage harvesters, number, 1954 97 Number of field forage harvesters on farms by size of farm, for the United States and areas, 1954 97 Number of farms reporting 0, 1, 2, and 3 kinds of field machines by economic class for the United States and areas: 1954". 98 60 CONTENTS MAPS AND CHARTS— Continued Page Milking machines, number of farms reporting, 1954 104 Whole milk sold, number of pounds, 1954 104 Number of farms with milking machines, by type of farm, for the United States and areas: 1954 104 Number of farms reporting milking machines by number of cows milked, for commercial farms for the United States and areas, 1954 106 Power feed grinders, number of farms reporting, 1954 106 Number of farms with power feed grinders by type of farm for United States and areas: 1954 106 Number of dairy farms with power-feed grinders by size of herd for the United States and areas, 1954 Electric pig brooders, number of farms reporting, 1954 Number of farms reporting pig brooders by size of enter- prise, for the United States and areas, 1954 107 Percent of farms reporting telephones, 1954 109 Telephones — increase and decrease in number of farms reporting, 1950-1954 110 Television sets, number of farms reporting, October November 1954 107 107 110 Pago Percent of farms reporting home freezers, 1954 110 Percent of farms reporting piped running water, 1954 111 Piped running water, number of farms reporting, 1954 112 Percent of all farm operators working 100 or more days off their farms, 1954 114 Percent of all farm operators working off their farms in 1954 114 Number of farm operators working off their farms, by number of days worked, for the United States and areas: 1930-1954 Farm operators working off their farms 100 days or more — increase and decrease in number, 1949-1954 Expenditures for machine hire, dollars, 1954 116 Number of farms reporting machine hire, by economic class for the United States and areas, 1954 Expenditures for gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil for the farm business, dollars, 1954 Total cost of petroleum products on farms by economic class; for United States and areas: 1954 Cost of petroleum products per farm by economic class ; for United States and areas: 1954 1954. 115 115 116 117 117 118 TABLES Table- . Paee I Sampling reliability of the estimated number of farms and farms reporting and estimated totals for the United States and 5 areas: Census of 1954 63 2 Number of farms, average size of farm, and farms reporting specified number of tractors, for the United States and areas: 1954. 73 3 Number of farms, and farms reporting and number of field tractors, by size of farm, for the United States: 1954 73 4 Number of farms, and farms reporting and number of field tractors, by tenure of operator, for the United States: 1954 74 5 Number of farms, and farms reporting and number of field tractors, by economic class of farm, for the United States: 1954.. 74 g Percent distribution of all farms, and number of field tractors, by economic class of farm, for the United States and areas: 1954— 74 7 Percent distribution of all farms, and number of field tractors, by tenure of operator, for the United States and areas: 1954.. 74 g Number of farms, and farms reporting and number of automobiles, by size of farm, for the United States: 1954 78 9 Number of farms, and farms reporting and number of automobiles, by tenure of operator, for the United States: 1954 79 10 Number of farms, and farms reporting and number of automobiles, by economic class of farm, for the United States and areas: 1954 79 1 1 Percent distribution of all farms and number of automobiles, by economic class of farm, for the United States and areas: 1954... 12. Percent distribution of all farms and number of automobiles, by tenure of operator, for the United States and areas: 1954... !3 Number of farms, and farms reporting and number of motortrucks by size of farm, for the United States: 1954 14 Number of farms, and farms reporting and number of motortrucks, by tenure of operator, for the United States: 1954 15 Number of farms, and farms reporting and number of motortrucks, by economic class of farm, for the United States: 1954.. lg Percent distribution of all farms, and number of motortrucks, by economic class of farm, for the United States and areas: 1954.. 17 Percent distribution of all farms, and number of motortrucks, by tenure of operator, for the United States and areas: 1954. _ lg Number of farms, and farms reporting by number of horses and mules reported, by economic class of farm, and by type of farm, for the United States and areas: 1954 19 Number of farms, and farms reporting and number of grain combines, by size of farm, for the United States: 1954 2o' Number of farms, and farms reporting and number of grain combines, by tenure of operator, for commercial farms, for the United States: 1954 2i Farms reporting and acreage of small grains harvested, and number of grain combines, by the acreage of small grains harvested, for the United States and areas: 1954 22. Number of farms, farms reporting small grains harvested and farms reporting grain combines, for the United States and areas: 79 79 82 84 84 84 84 90 99 99 99 99 23 Number of farms, and farms reporting and number of corn pickers, by size of farm, for the United States: 1954 100 24 Farms reporting and acres of corn harvested for all purposes, and number of farms reporting corn pickers, for the United States and areas: 1954 1°0 25 Farms reporting and acres of corn harvested for all purposes, and number of farms reporting corn pickers, by acres of corn harvested, for the United States: 1954 100 2g_ Number of farms, and farms reporting and number of pick-up balers, by size of farm, for the United States: 1954 101 27. Number of farms, and farms reporting and number of forage harvesters, by size of farm, for the United States: 1954 101 28^ Number of farms, farms reporting and acres of all hay harvested, and farms reporting pick-up balers, by acres of hay harvested and by size of farm, for the United States and areas: 1954 101 29# Number of farms, and number of farms reporting 1, 2, or 3 kinds of field machines, by economic class of farm, and by type of farm, for the United States and areas: 1954 . • _-- 102 30. Farms reporting milk cows and farms reporting milking machines, by number of milk cows, for all commercial farms and dairy farms, for the United States and areas: 1954 31_ Number of farms, and percent of farms reporting milking machines, by type of farm, for the United States and areas: 1954.. 32. Number of farms, and percent of farms reporting power feed grinders, by type of farm, for the United States and areas: 1954. 33] Number of farms, expenditure, for feed, and farms reporting feed grinders, for dairy farms, classified by size of herd, for the United States: 1954 1°8 34. Farms reporting sows farrowing between December 1, 1953, and June 1, 1954, and farms reporting electric pig brooders, for the United States and areas: 1954 1°8 35 — Number and percent of farms reporting electricity, telephones, and piped running water, for the United States and areas: 1954. 112 3g — Number and percent of farms reporting electricity, telephones, and piped running water, by economic class of farms, for the United States: 1954 n2 105 105 108 61 INTRODUCTION The introduction of mechanical power has brought many striking changes to our farms during the last 3 or 4 decades. The tractor has supplied a major part of this power. Motor- trucks, automobiles, and electricity have also been sources of farm power of growing importance during the last quarter of a century. The increases in these new sources of power have been accompanied by large scale reductions in animal work power on farms. With the increased use of new sources of power, the number of farmworkers required to produce food and fiber for a rapidly increasing population has declined significantly. Farm mechanization has had important influences not only upon the number of farmworkers and the output per worker but also upon the amount of agricultural land used to supply the food and fiber needs of the Nation. This report summarizes the important changes in farm mechanization since 1920, indicates the present status of mechanization, and summarizes the effects of increased use of mechanical power and equipment on farms. Since 1920, the Censuses of Agriculture taken at 5-year intervals have provided information on machinery and facilities on farms. The farm machinery and facility items for which Census statistics have been collected include a considerable number that are used for the farm business, some that are used in the farm operator's home as well as for the farm business and others such as television sets that are used primarily in the farmer's home. Farm machinery was enumerated on the farm on which it was located at the time of the Census. The X's in the following tabular statement indicate the items for which the nationwide Censuses of Agriculture have obtained information during the period, 1920 to 1954. The number of machines as reported by the Census represents the number on farms. It does not include machines not on farms. In the case of automobiles, the number includes automobiles owned by the farm operator and members of his family and also those owned by hired employees living on the farm. Source and reliability of data. — The maps and charts presented in this report are based upon statistical data published in the re- ports of the 1954 and prior Censuses of Agriculture. The data presented in tables 2 to 33 of this chapter and used for the preparation of a number of maps and charts were obtained from a special tabulation of data for a sample of 5 percent of the speci- fied and 1 percent of the remaining farms for the 1954 Census of Agriculture. (For a description of specified farms, reference may be made to the Introduction to Volume II of the reports of the 1954 Census of Agriculture.) As the data given in Tables 2 to 33 are estimates based upon data for a sample of farms, they differ slightly from data for the same items published in other reports of the 1954 Census of Agriculture. The estimates given in these tables are subject to sampling errors. Table 1, page 63, provides measures of the sampling reliability for the data in Tables 2 to 33. DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS The maps, charts, and text employ terminology consistent with the 1954 Census of Agriculture. Definitions and explanations are given for only a few items. For more detailed definitions and explanations of items related to the Census of Agriculture, reference may be made to the Introduction of Volume II of the reports for the 1954 Census of Agriculture. Farm Facility and Equipment Items for Which \n Inquiry Was Included in the Census of Agriculture: 1920 to 1954 Item on Census questionnaire 1954 1950 1945 1940 1935 1930 1925 1920 Item on Census questionnaire 1954 1950 1945 1940 1935 1930 1925 1920 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X (') X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Amount of last monthly bill X X X X X X X Wheel tractors other than gar- den or crawler. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Artificial ponds, reservoirs, and earth tanks. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Value of implements and ma- chinery. X X X X X X X ' Inquiry asked for number of "combines" on this farm. Data requested were for grain combines used for harvesting and threshing grains or seeds in one operation however, many types or combinations of equipment were reported instead of the type desired and the results of this inquiry were considered not satisfactory for publication. 407763—57- 62 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY A farm. — For the 1954 and 1950 Censuses, places of 3 or more acres were counted as farms if the annual value of agricultural products, exclusive of home-garden products, amounted to $150 or more. The agricultural products could have been either for home use or for sale. Places of less than 3 acres were counted as farms only if the annual value of sales of agricultural products amounted to $150 or more. Places for which the value of agricultural products for 1954 was less than these minima because of crop failure or other unusual conditions, and places operated at the time of the Census for the first time, were counted as farms if normally they could be expected to produce these minimum quantities of agricultural products. For the 1945 and earlier Censuses of Agriculture, the definition of a farm was somewhat more inclusive. From 1925 to 1945, farms, for Census purposes, included places of 3 or more acres on which there were agricultural operations, and places of less than 3 acres if the agricultural products for home use or for sale were valued at $250 or more. For places of 3 or more acres, no minimum quantity of agricultural production was required for purposes of enumeration ; for places of under 3 acres, all the agricultural products valued at $250 or more may have been for home use and not for sale. The only reports excluded from the tabulations were those taken in error and those with very limited agricultural production, such as only a small home garden, a few fruit trees, a very small flock of chickens, etc. In 1945, reports for places of 3 acres or more with limited agricultural operations were retained if there were 3 or more acres of cropland and pasture, or if the value of products in 1944 amounted to $150 or more when there were less than 3 acres of cropland and pasture. Farms by size. — Farms have been classified by size on the basis of the total land in the farm. The total land includes cropland, pastureland, woodland, and wasteland. All the land under the control of one person or partnership was included as one farm. Control may have been through ownership, or through lease, rental, or cropping arrangement. Farms reporting. — Farms reporting represent the number of farms with the kind of machinery or facility indicated. Farms by economic class. — Farms have been classified by eco- nomic class for the 1950 and 1954 Censuses of Agriculture. The three criteria used for classifying farms by economic class were: Total value of all farm products sold; number of days the farm operator worked off the farm ; and relationship of the income received from nonfarm sources by the operator and members of his family to the value of all farm products sold. Farms were classified into two broad economic groups, namely, "commercial farms" and "other farms." Each of these major groups was further classified. The "commercial farms" were classified into 6 groups and "other farms," into 3 groups. The following table indicates the criteria for each economic class of farm and the number of farms in each economic class for 1954 and 1950. CRITERIA FOR THE ECONOMIC CLASSES OF FARMS AND NUMBER OF FARMS IN EACH CLASS, FOR THE UNITED STATES: CENSUSES OF 1954 AND 1950 Class Number of farms Criteria Farms excluded 1954 1950 Value of farm products sold Other United States, total... 4. 783. 021 3, 327. 617 134. 003 448, 945 706. 929 811.965 763. 348 462, 427 1, 455. 404 574, 575 878, 136 2,693 5, 379, 250 3, 706, 412 103. 231 381, 151 721.211 882, 302 901, 316 717, 201 1, 672, 838 639, 230 1, 029, 392 4,216 XXX XXX XXX. Commercial farms, total ._ XXX XXX.. _ XXX. Class I. Class II $10,000 to $24,999 do.... Class III $5,000 to $9,999 . . do Class IV.... $2,500 to $4,999 ...do Class V $1,200 to $2,499 . do.... Class VI $250 to $1,199 Less than 100 days of off-farm work by operator, and in- come of operator and members of his family from non- farm sources less than value of all farm products sold. XXX XXX XXX. $250 to $1,199 100 days or more of off-farm work by operator or income of farm operator and members of his family from nonfarm sources greater than value of all farm products sold. Residential ... Less than $250 Abnormal Institutional farms, experimental farms, grazing associa- tions, community-project farms, etc. XXX. Farms by type. — Commercial farms have been classified by type on the same basis for the 1954 and 1950 Censuses of Agriculture. The classification of commercial farms by type was made on the basis of the relationship of the value of sales from a particular source, or sources, to the total value of all farm products sold from the farm. In some cases, the type of farm was determined on the basis of the sale of an individual fami product, such as determined on the basis of sales of a broader group of products, such as dairy products. In other cases, the type of farm was determined on the basis of sales of a broader group of products, such as corn, sorghums, all small grains, field peas, field beans, cowpeas, and soybeans. In order to be classified as a particular type, sales or anticipated sales of a product or group of products had to represent 50 percent or more of the total value of products sold. The types of commercial farms for which data are shown, together with the product or group of products on which the classification is based, are : Type of farm Product or group of products amounting to SO percent or more of the value of all farm products sold Cotton Cotton (lint and seed). Cash-grain Corn, sorghums, small grains, field peas, field beans, cowpeas, and soybeans. Other field-crop Peanuts, Irish potatoes, sweetpotatoes, to- bacco, sugarcane, sugar beets for sugar, • and other miscellaneous crops. Vegetable Vegetables. Fruit-and-nut Berries and other small fruits and tree fruits, nuts, and grapes. FARM MACHINERY AND FACILITIES 63 Type of farm Product or group of products amounting to SO percent or more of the value of all farm products sold Dairy Milk and other dairy products. The cri- terion of 50 percent of the total sales was modified in the case of dairy farms. A farm for which the value of sales of dairy products represented less than 50 percent of the total value of farm products sold was classified as a dairy farm if — (n) Milk and other dairy products ac- counted for 30 percent or more of the total value of products sold ; and (6) Milk cows represented 50 percent or more of all cows ; and (c) Sales of dairy products, together with the sales of cattle and calves, amount to 50 percent or more of the total value of farm products sold. Poultry Chickens, eggs, turkeys, and other poultry products. Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry Cattle, calves, hogs, sheep, goats, wool, and mohair, provided the farm did not qualify as a dairy farm. General Farms were classified as general when the value of products from one source or group of sources did not represent as much as 50 percent of the total value of all farm products sold. Separate figures are given for three kinds of general farms : (a) Primarily crop (6) Primarily livestock (c) Crop and livestock Primarily crop farms are those for which the sale of one of the following crops or groups of crops — vegetables, fruits and nuts, cotton, cash grains, or other field crops — did not amount to 50 percent or more of the value of all farm products sold, hut for which the value of sales for all these groups of crops represented 70 percent or more of the value of all farm products sold. Primarily livestock farms are those which did not qualify as dairy farms, poultry farms, or livestock farms other than dairy and poultry, but for which the sale of livestock and poultry and livestock and poultry products amounted to 70 percent or more of the value of all farm products sold. General crop and livestock farms are those which could not be classified as either crop farms or livestock farms, but for which the sale of all crops amounted to at least 30 percent but less than 70 percent of the total value of all farm products sold. Miscellaneous This group of farms includes those that had 50 percent or more of the total value of products accounted for by sale of horti- cultural products, or sale of horses, or sale of forest products. In 1950, this group of farms also included those that had 50 per- cent or more of the total value of farm products accounted for by the sale of fur animals or the sale of bees, wax, and honey. Farms by tenure of operator. — Farm operators have been classi- fied by tenure on the basis of how they hold the land they operate. Owners are farm operators who own all or part of the land they operate. Full owners own all the land they operate. Part owners own land they operate and rent from others additional land which they operate. Managers operate farms for others and are paid a wage or salary for their services. Farms operated for institutions or corporations are considered managed. Tenants rent from others, or work on shares for others, all the land they operate. Tenants were further classified on the basis of their rental arrangement, as follows: Cash tenants pay a cash rental, such as $10 per acre, or $1,000 for the use of the whole farm. Share-cash tenants pay a part of the rent in cash and a part as a share of either the crops or of the livestock or live- stock products, or both. Share tenants pay a share of either the crops or livestock or livestock products, or a share of both. In the South, share tenants with all work power furnished are not included with share tenants but are classed separately as croppers. Share tenants were further classified as : Crop-share tenants if they paid a share of the crops and no share of the livestock. Livestock-share tenants if they paid a share of the live- stock or livestock products. Livestock-share tenants may or may not also pay a share of the crops. Croppers are crop-share tenants whose landlords furnish all work power. The landlords either furnish all the work animals or furnish tractor power in lieu of work animals. Croppers usually work under the close siipervision of the landlords, or their agents, and the land assigned them is often merely a part of a larger enterprise operated as a single unit. Farms by class of work power. — Farms have been classified ac- cording to kind of work power on the basis of the presence on the farm of horses and/or mules, and tractors. This classifica- tion is based on the presence of the sources of work power on the farm, and not on the use or extent of use of various kinds of work power. Many farms do not need work power. Some of these farms represent rural homes with very limited agricultural production. Others are poultry farms, dairy farms, livestock ranches, greenhouses, etc., with little or no cropland. For some farms, all the work power may be furnished by the landlord. Work power was to be reported on the farm where located at the time of the enumeration regardless of ownership. Some I'arcns classified as having work power may have horses or mules kept only for nonfarm work, or for purposes other than for work power. Some farms may have tractors, work power, etc., only for the purpose of performing custom work or furnishing work power to others. Some farms without work power may hire all or part of their work power from others. Table 1. — Sampling Reliability of the Estimated Number of Farms and Farms Reporting and Estimated Totals for the United States and 5 Areas: Census of 1954 If the estimated number of farms reporting is- 1,000.. 2.500-. 5,000.. 10.000. 25,000. 50,000. 100,000 250,000 600,000 Then the chances are about 2 in 3 that the estimat- ed total would differ from the results of a com- plete tabulation of the items by less than '— Percent 31 20 14 10 6.3 4.4 3.1 2.0 1.4 i For Tables 14 and 15 the percent error may be obtained by dividing the percent error in this table by 5. 65 FARM MACHINERY AND FACILITIES The 168 million people of the United States are better fed and clothed, as a group, than the people of almost any other country. Yet our farm population is only about 22 million, and only 1 worker out of 9 in our entire labor force is engaged chiefly in farming. More than a century ago, in 1830, 7 workers in 10 were engaged in agricultural pursuits. At that time, 1 farm- worker produced enough agricultural products for himself and about 3 others. Now, 1 farmer produces agricultural products for himself or herself and almost 19 other persons. Technological progress has been the compelling force in the large increase in efficiency in agriculture. During the last quarter century physical output in farm production has in- creased by a half. Each hour of farm labor now produces two and a half times as much farm output as it produced at the conclusion of World War I. Several phases of farm technology have worked together to increase farm production and to make each hour of direct farm labor more effective. New and better machines, new production, harvesting and marketing methods, and improved arrangements in and around farm service buildings have operated to reduce labor requirements in the production and marketing of crops and livestock. Improved roads, electricity and running water in the home, and other home facilities, have brought the farm nearer to hospitals and trading centers, and have made the farm a better and more comfortable place for living and rearing a family. On the other side of the productivity picture is in- creased production per acre and per animal because of a host of technical advancements in all of the many phases incident to the raising of crops and livestock. This report is concerned with that side of technological effi- ciency that relates to farm power, machinery, and facilities, as portrayed by data released over the years by the Bureau of the Census. For the most part the report deals with the farm situa- tion as it is today with some indications of the future. In some cases, historical changes since 1920 are indicated. In a way, 1920 may be taken as a starting place from which to measure the beginning of modern farm mechanization. At that time, shortly after the close of World War I, farmers in the United States were just beginning to take the possibilities of using the gas tractor seriously. At the beginning of that year, farmers reported possession of 246,000 tractors (exclusive of steam), compared with 4,692,000 reported on farms in November 1954. Oxen still were being used to some extent in remote areas, and horse and mule numbers had just started their long down- ward trend from a peak of about 27 million head 2 years earlier, or in 1918. Motortrucks on farms were only one-twentieth as numerous as they are today, but the number of automobiles on farms in 1920 was half the number in 1954. Grain combines were being used in a limited way but improve- ments in design and adaptability for smaller farms were yet to come. Mechanical corn pickers were beginning to replace hand picking in the principal corn States. Milking machines were being used in a limited way, primarily by the larger dairymen who had access to electricity. Windmills were being used ex- tensively in the Central and Plains States. Less than 2 percent of the farmers had the benefit of electric power. Today 94 per- cent of the farms have central-station electric service. The windmill, without which early settlements in the barren, dry areas of the Plains would not have been possible, has largely passed out of the picture. Tear by year, with the coming of electricity to the farm, rural people are installing more refrigera- tors, freezers, washing machines, water systems, television sets, and other equipment in their homes. The electric light has largely replaced the coal oil lamp in the home, and the lantern in the barns and other service areas. Only in the last 15 years or so has the automatic tie pick-up baler and modern field forage har- vester been available to farmers. Electric farm shops, and elec- trically operated barn cleaners, elevators, blowers, driers, and lifting devices are relatively new on the farm. The machines and facilities reported on in this report do not cover all details of farm mechanization. Included here are the machines and facilities reported on by the Bureau of the Census — basic machines and facilities around which mechanization has been built. The presentation is organized in five parts, dealing with farm power, harvest machines, farm chore equipment, serv- ice equipment, and some results of mechanization. FARM POWER Use of mechanical power on farms in the United States had its beginning in the 19th century. Adoption of power machines for fieldwork was at first almost entirely limited to steam trac- tors. Internal-combustion engines of small size and largely adapted for stationary work only, were first reported at the end of the 19th century. Use of internal-combustion engines as a source of farm power in tractors, trucks, automobiles, and as stationary engines made little headway until the beginning of World War I. Now internal-combustion engines are used in more than 11 million farm motor vehicles, and to some extent as auxiliary mounted engines on heavy equipment, such as grain combines, hay balers, and forage harvesters. Their use as sta- tionary engines for pumping water, grinding feed, and other chore work about the service buildings has decreased as more farms received central-station electricity. This section of the report contains Census graphic material for tractors, automobiles, motortrucks, horses and mules, and farm electricity. 66 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY FARM TRACTORS The internal-combustion tractor was first used in farming in the United States shortly before 1910. The early tractors were heavy, crude machines compared with later models. For the most part they were used for performing heavy operations, such as threshing, silo filling, plowing, disking, and harrowing. In many cases they were used at first for belt work and to draw horse and mule implements already available on the farm. Gradually, tractor design and adaptability for farm jobs were improved. Following introduction of the general purpose tractor in the 1920's, and rubber-tired wheels in the 1930's, tractor num- bers and uses increased widely. Old style horse-drawn imple- ments were discarded for more suitable and efficient tractor ma- chines and tools. Improvements in tractor design and in tractor- drawn and mounted machines for fitting land, cultivating and harvesting crops, lifting and moving farm materials and sup- plies, followed rapidly and continues even today. Recently, more powerful and versatile tractors with improved power take-off units, and tractor-machines have speeded up farmwork in the fields and service areas. Many farm families are now doing the work formerly done with the aid of one or more hired hands. Generally, all kinds of farmwork are being done better and more in season. In many cases the farmer has reduced the average length of many very long work days during rush sea- sons of the year; he has lessened materially the drudgery which at one time was so evident in farming. NUMBER OF TRACTORS ON FARMS There now are on farms of the United States approximately 4.7 million tractors of all types, sizes, and ages, compared with 246,000 on farms in 1920. And in addition, farmers now have between 150,000 and 200,000 self-propelled machines, most of which are harvest machines. In little more than a third of a century, and in the memory of many farmers of today, mechani- cal power has almost completely displaced animal power for farming purposes. This displacement has resulted in a decrease in horse and mule numbers on farms from 27 million head in 1918 to less than 4 million head at present. Many of the work animals remaining on farms are used little for farmwork. Tractor numbers of all types on farms have almost doubled since the last year of World War II (1945). This large increase TRACTORS ON FARMS NUMBER. 1954 has taken place even though the level of total agricultural pro- duction has increased only moderately. Thus, while total agri- cultural output has increased since the War by 17 percent, tractor numbers have doubled, increasing from about 2.4 million to 4.7 million. Only a small part of the increase in tractor numbers since 1945 has been caused by loss of work animals. The in- crease is a part of the general pattern of more fully mechanizing farming operations in the face of rising farm wages, higher value of farm products per acre, and in the general movement through- out all types of industry to reduce labor inputs and excessive drudgery. CROPLAND HARVESTED ACREAGE. 1954 The country distribution of number of tractors in 1954 fol- lows closely the distribution of cropland harvested in 1954. Naturally, the greatest concentration of tractors is in areas where the greatest concentration of crops occurs, as, for ex- ample, in the Corn Belt, Lake States, Eastern fruit and vege- table areas, the important cotton areas, and the western irrigated and other crop-growing areas. Tractors are relatively less numerous in the eastern Appalachian region where much of the land is in trees and permanent pastures. In the Western States where mountain and arid acreages are large, and where much of the land is in forests and range pastures, tractor numbers per square mile are exceptionally low. FARMS WITH 200 OR MORE ACRES OF CROPLAND HARVESTED NUMBER. 1954 FARM MACHINERY AND FACILITIES 67 Although the number of farms in the United States decreased from April 1950 to November 1954 by about 600,000, numbers of tractors of all types actually increased by more than a million. TRACTORS-INCREASE IN NUMBER. 1950-1954 TYPES OF TRACTORS Of the 4.7 million tractors on farms in November 1954, about 89 percent were field wheel type tractors, 3.5 percent were field crawler type tractors, and 7.5 percent were garden type trac- tors. The field wheel type of tractor so completely dominates the situation so far as numbers are concerned, that the distribu- tion chart for all types gives an equally accurate general view of the distribution of field wheel tractors. The earliest gas tractors were of the wheel type. They were used almost exclusively for land preparation and belt work. Their use was confined largely to the larger farms, primarily in the Great Plains and Western States. Gradually, newer models were developed which were suitable for farms which were smaller than the large sizes, located in most areas of the United States. With the development of the general purpose wheel tractor in the 1920's, use of wheel tractors spread rapidly in all areas, especially in those areas where row crops are grown. The gen- eral purpose tractor, as the name implies, is used for many kinds of farmwork, including crop cultivation and other row crop work. Introduction of rubber tires in the 1930's, and de- velopment of wheel tractors suitable for the smaller family sized farms as well as for the larger farms speeded up the change from animal to mechanical power. The crawler type of tractor has an endless beltlike type of track on which it operates as it moves over the terrain. This type of tractor probably was first used for farmwork along about 1910. Although the number of crawler tractors on farms is small, compared with the number of wheel tractors, it has a distinct place under some farming conditions. It is well suited for pulling heavy loads, especially where the ground is soft or steep. Because of construction some models can be operated under overhanging limbs of trees and close to tree trunks. This feature makes it well suited for cultural operations and other work in commercial orchards. Although crawler tractors are used to some extent in all areas, their number is greatest in the Pacific Coast States and in Idaho. About 55 percent of all crawler tractors on farms in 1954 were in the Mountain and Pacific States. They are used extensively in the principal fruit and truck areas of Washington, Oregon, and California, and in the wheat area of eastern Washington, northern Idaho, and central Oregon. CRAWLER TRACTORS NUMBER. 1954 Garden tractors, as the name implies, generally are used to cultivate small acreages of vegetables and other garden crops. They were first reported by the Census of Agriculture in 1945, although some garden tractors were used on farms as early as 1940 or 1941. Their use has expanded rapidly. The number en farms has increased from 68,000 in 1945 to 347,000 in Novem- ber 1954. Concentration of garden tractors is particularly heavy in the Corn Belt and Eastern States, and in the western part of the Pacific Coast States. More than half of those reported GARDEN TRACTORS NUMBER. 1954 in 1954 were in the Corn Belt and Northeastern States, 10 percent were in the Appalachian States and 11 percent were in the Pacific Coast States. Many commercial farms have garden tractors for cultivating the home garden and truck patch. Numbers of Field Wheel, Crawler, and Garden Tractors on Farms by Farm-Production Areas, November 1954 Field wheel Crawler Garden Area Number (000) Percent distribu- tion Number (000) Percent distribu- tion Number (000) Percent distribu- tion 382.3 1,091.6 619.2 540.8 365.5 219.1 205.8 365.1 214.4 181.5 9.1 26.1 14.8 13.0 8.8 5.2 4.9 8.7 5.1 4.3 16.5 14.0 10.8 9.3 6.4 5.0 3.7 5.5 22.1 66.6 10.3 8.7 6.8 5.8 4.0 3.1 2.3 3.4 13.9 41.7 59.3 118.7 37.4 15.4 34.6 10.3 7.3 12.9 11.9 39.1 17.1 Corn Belt 34.2 10.8 Northern Plains 4.4 10.0 3.0 Delta States 2.0 Southern Plains 3.7 3.4 Pacific 11.3 United States... 4. 185. 0 100.0 159.9 100.0 346.9 100.0 68 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY FARMS REPORTING TRACTORS Although agriculture in the United States is highly mechanized, only about 60 percent of our 4.8 million farms reported tractors in November 1954. For the most part, those reporting tractors are the farms that are most suitable for some degree of modern mechanization and that actually need mechanical field power. They are the farms that produce a very large part of total agri- cultural production. The actual agricultural output on farms not having tractors is not available. Census data for 1954 do show, however, that 40 percent of all farms produced less than $1,200 worth of products for sale in 1954. As a group, this 40 percent of the farms produced only 3.4 percent of the total value of products sold in that year. Less than one-third of these low production farms reported tractors in 1954. The largest percentage of farms that reported tractors In 1954 is in the northern and central farming areas, and the smallest percentage is in the Southeastern States. From 60 to 80 percent houses and some commercial poultry enterprises who cultivate no land may have no reason to own field tractors. On many such farms, motortrucks may represent the important motive power unit. GROWTH OF TRACTOR POWER It is not surprising that in the beginning, farmers' unqualified acceptance of the farm tractor was slow to develop. The limited capacity of the early tractor to do various types of farmwo-rk meant that few work animals were disposed of when a tractor was bought. Even after tractor models and tractor-drawn equip- ment were greatly improved, many jobs still were done by horses and mules. In the severe depression of the 1930's, cash with which to buy gasoline, oil, and repairs was very limited. But farmers could produce their own power in the form of corn, oats, and hay, at little cash cost. In many instances, jobs which had been done with tractor power were again done with animal power PERCENT OF FARMS REPORTING TRACTORS, 1954 (COUNTY UNIT BASIS) LEGEND PERCENT I I UNDER 10 ET3ij 40 TO 59 EMU 10 TO 19 SSS60 TO 79 111120 TO 39 IHsO AND OVER *NO farms US DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE MAP NO A54-OS2 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS of the farm units in most of the northern and central areas apparently are of a size and type suitable for some degree of mechanization, and, therefore, suitable for individual owner- ship of tractor power and equipment. In the Southeastern States less than 40 percent of the farms in many of the counties reported tractors. The fact that a farmer does not have a tractor does not mean that he does not use tractor power. Custom operators, many of whom are farmers, are available in all sections for preparing land, tending crops, and for performing harvesting operations. Sharecropper farms in the South are operated with equipment owned by the "home farm." Many fruit farmers in some areas hire all or a part of their field work done. Operators of green- and equipment and the tractors remained idle. Even after more versatile tractors were developed and farm economic conditions began to improve, many farmers felt obliged to keep a well-shod team or two for work in icy and muddy places. Pioneering farmers led the way in complete displacement of work stock with tractors. The movement grew rapidly from the beginning of World War II. Few commercial farmers now depend on work stock for doing field work. The increase between 1920 and 1954 in number of farms re- porting tractors was 2,648,000. About 24 percent of this increase occurred between 1920 and 1930, 21 percent occurred between 1930 and 1940, 42 percent occurred between 1940 and 1950, and 13 percent since 1950. FARM MACHINERY AND FACILITIES 69 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING FIELD TRACTORS FOR UNITED STATES AND AREAS, 1920-1954 1920 1930 1940 (945 1950 1954 A-54 -SM CROP ACRES PER FIELD TRACTOR ON FARMS, ALL FARMS, UNITED STATES, AND AREAS - 1920 TO 1954 'NORTHEAST -71 I U™^rk&- I9ZO 1930 ©40 I94S 1950 1954 407763—57- 70 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY In 1954, almost 58 percent of all farms reporting field tractors were in the Corn Belt, Lake, and Great Plains States, distributed as follows: Corn Belt, 24.4 percent; Lake States, 14 percent; Northern and Southern Plains States, 19.3 percent. It was in these areas that farmers bought tractors most rapidly in the early days of farm mechanization. It is in these States and in the North- east area where number of farms reporting tractors has increased considerably less than average during the last 10 years. The greatest relative increase in farms reporting tractors during the last 10 years has been in the Appalachian, Southeast, and Missis- sippi Delta areas, where mechanization was relatively slow in getting started. Although the number of field tractors on farms in 1954 is 18 times the number in 1920, the number of crop acres has changed very little. Consequently, total crop acres per field tractor de- creased during the period from 1,417 to 71, or by almost twenty- fold. The downward trend has been pronounced in each of the 10 areas shown in the map. In November 1954, the smallest average crop acres per field tractor was 35.5 in the Northeast and the largest was 140.1 in the Northern Plains States. FARMS REPORTING ONE OR MORE FIELD TRACTORS As farmers became more dependent on tractor power and tractor-drawn and tractor-mounted equipment, many bought a second or a third tractor. Consolidation of farms into larger operating units also helped to increase the average number of tractors per farm. In the early days of tractor use, few farms had more than one tractor. As late as 1940 the average number of field tractors per farm reporting tractors was 1.1. By 1954 the average had risen to 1.6. In November 1954, 61 percent of the 2.8 million farms report- ing field tractors reported one tractor, 28 percent reported 2, 8 percent reported 3, and 3 percent reported having 4 or more tractors. Regionally, the largest percentage of tractor farms reporting 4 or more field tractors per farm in 1954 was in the Western States (7 percent), and the second largest was in the Great Plains 'States (4.4 percent). A relatively large proportion of the farms reporting only one field tractor each was in the Southern States (82 percent), followed in rank by the Eastern States where 69 percent of the tractor farms reported only one tractor each. NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING 1,2,3,4 OR MORE FIELD TRACTORS FOR UNITED STATES AND AREAS: 1954 FARM MACHINERY AND FACILITIES 71 FIELD TRACTORS BY SIZE OF FARM Many farms, small ia terms of acreage, are difficult to mecha- nize economically. This is particularly true of those that are general in type and have low incomes; Many small fruit and vegetable farms, and other types having intensive production enterprises require much field work per acre and are economically suitable for tractor power and tractor equipment. Many small part-time farms are effectively equipped with tractors and tractor equipment. Although the machinery investment per acre for part- time farms may appear unreasonably high, from the standpoint of income both on and off the farm it may be quite reasonable. In 1954 more than a third of all farms in the United States were under 50 acres in size. This group had 11 percent of all the tractors reported that year. At the other end of the scale, farms of 500 or more acres represented 6.7 percent of all farms and had 17.2 percent of the total number of field tractors. Al- most 60 percent of all field tractors reported were on farms having from 100 to 499 acres. Small farmers reported field tractors in all regions. Field tractors were relatively numerous on small farms in the Southern and Western States, and relatively numerous on large farms in the Great Plains and Western States. FIELD TRACTORS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR Farm owners, part owners, and farm managers operated 76 percent of all farms in 1954, and tenants of all classes operated 24 percent. The share tenant and cropper group represented 62 percent of all tenants. Within each tenure group are both small and large farms. Farmers in each group have access to custom operators for major field operations. Number of Farms Reporting Tractors and Average Number of Tractors per Farm, by Tenure, United States: 1954 Farms reporting tenure Percentage reporting tractors Average number of Tenure Number Percent distribution tractors per farm reporting 2, 760, 840 871, 780 22, 220 1,150,860 159, 500 165,000 716, 700 109,660 57.4 18.1 0.5 23.9 3.3 3.4 14.9 2.3 52.7 80.3 80.9 53.1 45.7 92.2 47.9 38.7 1.4 1.8 3.4 1.6 1.6 1.8 Share tenants and croppers. Other and unspecified tenants 1.6 1.5 Total 4, 805, 700 100.0 57.9 1.6 PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF NUMBER OF FARMS AND NUMBER OF FIELD TRACTORS, BY SIZE OF FARM, FOR UNITED STATES AND AREAS: 1954 United States Area Size of farm (total acres) Eastern Southern Central Great Plains Western Farms Tractors Farms Tractors Farms Tractors Farms Tractors Farms Tractors Farms Tractors Percent 38.3 22.2 22.2 8.3 6.9 1.6 0.4 Percent 14.0 18.6 30.8 14.0 15.8 4.6 2.2 Percent 53.0 21.4 13.3 5.2 4.3 1.9 1.0 Percent 18.8 20.7 20.0 10.9 11.8 9.6 8.2 Percent 21.0 18.3 29.5 16.4 12.6 1.9 0.3 Percent 7.9 13.7 31.5 21.3 20.5 4.1 1.0 Percent 18.5 10.5 17.4 11.2 22.0 12.7 7.8 Percent 3.9 5.3 14.2 11.8 28.1 15.8 20.9 Percent 46.4 11.4 12.0 4.4 7.5 6.6 11.7 Percent 35.6 18.0 19.8 9.8 10.1 4.0 2.7 Percent 10.7 13.4 24.3 15.2 19.2 8.2 9.0 Percent 19.6 11.4 100 to 179 acres - 15.4 6.9 260 to 499 acres -- 11.4 500 to 999 acres,. 11.1 24.2 Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 NUMBER OF FIELD TRACTORS ON FARMS BY SIZE OF FARM FOR THE UNITED STATES AND AREAS. 1954 The owner group contains a large number of small farms, many of which are low-income places, and many of which are part-time farms for families who work off the farm. Because of the large number of small units in this group it is not surpris- ing that only 53 percent of such farms reported one or more trac- tors in 1954. Part-owner farms are owned farms with additional rented land. Renting additional land is one way of increasing size of farm and making the unit more suitable for tractor power and tractor equipment. More than 80 percent of the farms in this group reported having tractors in 1954. Full-owner and part- owner farms are important tenure types in all regions of the United States. Manager and share-cash tenant farms are found in a limited way in each of the five areas shown, and tend to be larger than average in size. A high percentage of farms in each of these groups reported tractors in 1954. Share tenants and croppers are important groups in all regions. Many farms of these types of tenure are small in size. In 1954 less than half reported tractors. 72 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY <, yi NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING FIELD TRACTORS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR. FOR THE UNITED STATES AND AREAS. 1954 FARMS REPORTING FIELD TRACTORS, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM Generally, the volume of tractors and other farm machinery bought by farmers is closely related to farm cash receipts and size of farm operation. Individually, and by groups, the larger the cash sales are, the more need farm operators have for the more expensive types of machines and equipment, and the better able they are financially to fully equip their farms. About 85 percent of all commercial farmers in Economic Classes I, II, III, and IV in 1954 reported one or more field tractors. These were the farmers whose products sold ranged from $2,500 to more than $25,000 per farm. This group made up less than half of all farms in 1954. Of the remaining commercial farms, less than half reported tractors in 1954. Many of these low- income operators sold less than $1,000 worth of products in that year. Few of them worked off the farm as much as 100 days. Only 28 percent of the 1.5 million noncommercial farms reported field tractors in 1954. Regionally, a relatively large proportion of the farmers reporting tractors that are in the higher economic classes are in the Western, Central, and Great Plains States. Large proportions of the residential and part-time farmers that reported tractors in 1954 are in the Eastern and Southern States. Farms Reporting Tractors, Average Number of Tractors per Farm Reporting, and Average Crop Acres per Tractor, by Economic Class of Farm: 1954 All farms (000) Farms reporting tractors Average number of trac- tors per farm re- porting Average crop Economic class of farm Number (000) Percent ofaU farms acres per trac- tor Commercial farms: Class I 135.5 442.8 726.3 821.1 769.1 457.7 122.5 409.7 648.4 620.1 430.2 145.7 90.4 92.5 89.3 75.5 55.9 31.8 3.4 2.2 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.2 117.1 Class II 96 4 Class III 83 2 Class IV _ 70.5 Class V. 57.2 Class VI 56 4 Commercial farms, total Other farms: 3, 352. 5 575.6 874.6 3.0 2, 376. 6 241.1 164.4 1.9 70.9 41.9 18.8 61.6 1.6 1.1 1.1 4.3 82.4 30.7 21.2 87. 1 1,453.2 407.4 28.0 1.1 28.0 United States, total 4,805.7 2, 784. 0 57.9 1.6 76.9 ^......UNITED STATES NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING FIELD TRACTORS. BY ECONOMIC CLASS; FOR UNITED STATES AND AREAS: 1954 FARM MACHINERY AND FACILITIES 73 CROP ACRES PER TRACTOR. ALL FARMS. BY ECONOMIC CLASS; FOR UNITED STATES AND AREAS: 1954 CENTRAL Closely related to the proportion of farmers in each economic class that reported tractors, are average number of tractors per farm and average crop acres per tractor. For example, farms with tractors in the Economic Class I group had an average of 3.4 tractors per farm and those in Economic Class VI had an average of only 1.2 tractors per farm reporting tractors. The abnormal farms reporting tractors had the highest average number per farm, and the residential and part-time farms had the lowest average number per farm reporting. Crop acres per tractor, based on all crop acres in each economic class, was highest (117) Table 2. — Number of Farms, Average Size of Farm, and Farms Reporting Specified Number of Tractors, for the United States and Areas: 1954 [Data are estimates based upon reports for only a sample of farms. See text] United States Area Item Eastern South- ern Central Great Plains West- ern 4.806 242.2 2,784 42.1 3S.4 16.1 4.5 1.9 779 110.5 396 49.1 35.1 11.4 3.0 1.3 1,477 109.1 482 67.4 26.7 3.8 1.1 1.0 1.366 153.9 1,088 20.4 43.0 27.6 7.0 1.8 761 482.9 543 28.7 37.0 24.0 7.2 3.2 Average size of farm acres . . Farms reporting tractors farms (000) - . Percentage of farms reporting by number of tractors reported: No tractors .. .percent. . 1 tractor.. percent. . 2 tractors percent.. 3 tractors percent.. 4 or more tractors. ..percent.. 798.2 275 35.0 38.4 16.2 6.1 4.4 in Economic Class I, and lowest (21) in the residential group. Generally, when the farms were grouped by economic class the crop acres per tractor declined as sales per farm decreased. This relationship was less evident in the Eastern and Southern States than it was in the other three regions. Table 3. — Number of Farms, and Farms ReportingJand Number of Field Tractors, by Size of Farm, forithe United States: 1954 37a [Data are estimates based upon reports for only a sample of farms. See text] All farms Field tractors Size of farm Farms reporting Number of tractors Num- ber (000) Percent distri- bution Num- ber (000) Percent of all farms Total (000) Average number per farm (all farms) Average number per farm reporting Total 4,806 100.0 2,784 67.9 4,375 0.9 1 6 Under 10 acres 10 to 29 acres 489 719 497 348 519 492 10.2 15.0 10.4 7.2 10.8 10.2 9.6 5.4 4.4 10.2 4.0 2.7 61 174 190 163 322 358 388 220 183 434 176 115 12.5 24.3 38.2 46.8 62.0 72.8 83.7 84.7 87.2 89.0 92.1 87.7 66 192 212 185 399 487 576 351 314 841 358 394 .1 .3 .4 .5 .8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.9 3.0 1.0 30 to 49 acres 50 to 69 acres... 70 to 99 acres... 100 to 139 acres 1.4 140 to 179 acres 180 to 219 acres 220 to 2S9 acres 260 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over.. 463 259 210 488 191 131 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.9 2.0 3.4 74 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY Table 4. — Number of Farms, and Farms Reporting and Number of Field Tractors, by Tenure of Operator, for the United States: 1954 [Data are estimates based upon reports for only a sample of farms. See text] All farms Field tractors Tenure of operator Farms reporting Number of tractors Num- ber (000) Percent distri- bution Num- ber (000) Percent of all farms Total (000) Average number per farm (all farms) Average number per farm reporting Total 4,806 100.0 2,784 57.9 4,345 0.9 1.6 2,761 872 22 1,151 160 165 717 110 57.4 18.1 .5 23.9 3.3 3.4 14.9 2.3 1,455 700 18 611 73 152 343 42 52.7 80.3 SO. 9 53.1 45.7 92.2 47.9 38.7 2,022 1,269 61 992 114 269 546 64 .7 1.5 2.7 .9 .7 1.6 .8 .6 1.4 1.8 3.4 1.6 Cash tenants Share-cash tenants Shire tenants and croppers.. Other and unspec- ified tenants — 1.6 1.8 1.6 1.5 Table 5. — Number of Farms, and Farms Reporting and Number of Field Tractors, by Economic Class of Farm, for the United States: 1954 [Data are estimates based upon reports for only a sample of farms. See text] All farms Field tractors Economic class of farm Farms reporting Number of tractors Num- ber (000) Percent distri- bution Num- ber (000) Percent of all farms Total (000) Average number per farm (all farms) Average number per farm reporting Total.. 4,806 100.0 2,784 57.9 4,345 0.9 1 6 Commercial farms. . . Class I Class II.. 3,352 136 443 726 821 769 458 1,453 69.8 2.8 9.2 15.1 17.1 16.0 9.5 30.2 2,377 122 410 648 620 430 146 407 70.9 90.4 92.5 89.3 75.5 55.9 31.8 28.0 3,895 418 896 1,059 839 513 169 450 1.2 3.1 2.0 1.5 1.0 .7 .4 .3 1.6 3.4 2 2 Class III. 1 6 Class IV 1.4 Class V... 1.2 Class VI. 1.2 1.1 Table 6.— PERCENT DISTRIBUTION OF ALL FARMS, AND NUMBER OF FIELD TRACTORS, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, FOR THE UNITED STATES AND AREAS: 1954 [Data are estimates based upon reports for only a sample of farms . See text] United States Area Economic class of farm All farms Field tractors Eastern Southern Central Great Plains Western All farms Field tractors All farms Field tractors All farms Field tractors All farms Field tractors A 11 farms Field tractors Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 69.8 2.8 9.2 15.1 17.1 16.0 9.5 30.2 89.6 9.6 20.6 24.4 19.3 11.8 3.9 10.4 61.2 2.2 8.0 12.2 14.1 15.0 9.7 38.8 83.9 7.9 19.9 21.7 18.0 12.2 4.2 16.1 62.2 1.1 2.7 6.7 15.4 21.2 15.0 37.8 82.8 9.7 10.2 14.7 21.1 19.0 8.2 17.2 79.8 2.7 14.1 23.1 20.0 13.7 6.1 20.2 92.0 6.1 24.2 28.9 19.7 10.3 2.8 8.0 75.4 3.5 11.3 19.6 19.4 13.8 7.9 24.6 93.5 8.9 20.7 27.3 21.6 11.4 3.6 6.5 69.2 9.1 14.7 15.7 14.8 10.9 4.0 30.8 89.7 Class I 25.5 Class II 22.5 Class III 18.5 Class IV 12.8 Class V . 8.0 Class VI 2.4 10.3 Table 7— PERCENT DISTRIBUTION OF ALL FARMS, AND NUMBER OF FIELD TRACTORS, BY TENURE OF OPER- ATOR, FOR THE UNITED STATES AND AREAS: 1954 [Data are estimates based upon reports for only a sample of farms. See text] United States Area Tenure of operator All farms Field tractors Eastern Southern Central Great Plains Western All farms Field tractors All farms Field tractors All farms Field tractors All farms Field tractors All farms Field tractors Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 57.4 18.1 0.5 23.9 3.3 3.4 14.9 2.3 46.5 29.2 1.4 22.8 2.6 6.2 12.6 1.5 72.6 14.7 0.5 12.3 2.3 0.4 7.6 2.0 62.3 25.5 1.7 10.5 2.2 0.6 6.2 1.5 52.7 13.2 0.4 33.7 3.7 0.5 26.6 2.9 48.3 26.8 2.9 22.1 2.7 1.0 16.3 2.0 58.8 19.0 0.3 21.9 3.1 6.5 10.3 1.9 48.1 24.8 0.7 26.4 2.8 9.0 13.2 1.4 43.4 28.5 0.5 27.6 4.1 8.0 12.9 2.5 31.7 39.3 0.9 28.2 2.2 10.3 14.4 1.4 67.1 20.2 1.0 11.7 3.2 1.1 5.8 1.6 48.3 33.5 2.9 15.2 3.0 1.9 9.2 1.2 FARM MACHINERY AND FACILITIES 75 AUTOMOBILES ON FARMS The first automobiles used on farms bore little resemblance to those of today. Relatively little horsepower was developed by the engines which were started manually with a crank. Tires consisted of a fabric body covered with a thin layer of rubber. They required frequent repair and had a short life. In many areas, especially in the Northern States, use of early automobiles was confined largely to the summer months because of bad roads and hard starting. Under most conditions, however, travel time was reduced greatly over travel by use of horses or mules. By 1920, there were 2,146,000 automobiles on farms, or an average of 1 car for each 3 farms. Few farmers had trucks at that time and the automobile was used for hauling farm produce and supplies as well as for pleasure. Rural travel by automobile was largely over unsurfaced roads because in 1920 only 13 per- cent of the rural roads were hard-surfaced. By 1930, many improvements had been made in automobiles and automobile tires. The mileage of improved roads had in- creased, and the number of automobiles on farms was nearly double the number reported in 1920. From 1930 to 1954 the number of automobiles on farms in- creased only 12S,000 making a total of 4,263,000 in November 1954. At that time, there was an average of one automobile for each 1.1 farms, but many farms had more than 1. Although the increase in automobile numbers between 1930 and 1954 was small, it did occur while the number of farms was decreasing from 6.3 million to 4.8 million. Rural highway improvement continued steadily and by 1954, 63 percent of the mileage was hard-surfaced. Truck numbers on farms have increased, but automobiles still are used to some extent to pull trailers and for hauling small amounts of produce and supplies. The 4,263,000 automobiles on farms in 1954 were distributed over the country in varying degrees of concentration. Heavy concentrations were evident in States where a high percentage of the land was used for crop production and where farm homes were concentrated. Comparatively few automobiles were re- ported in much of the western Plains and Mountain regions where ranches and farms are large, and in localized eastern and south- ern areas where farm population is sparse. AUTOMOBILES ON FARMS NUMBER. 1954 The four Corn Belt States, Indiana, Iowa, Illinois, and Ohio, have a remarkably even distribution and a heavy concentration of automobiles. In Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico relatively few farm automobiles were reported in 1954. FARMS REPORTING AUTOMOBILES The number of farms in the United States reporting automobiles has increased and declined during several Census periods, due to several factors. The period 1920 to 1930 was the only period in which a really large increase occurred. Farm incomes were good in the latter half of the decade and the number of farms with automobiles increased rapidly. The low-income years in the first half of the decade between 1930 and 1940, along with some re- duction in the number of farms caused a decline during that period in the number of farms with automobiles. With farm incomes rising after 1940, and despite some further reduction in the number of farms, number of farms with automobiles in- creased until in 1945 the number was about the same as in 1930. From 1945 to 1950, the decline in number of farms with auto- mobiles was noteworthy. Contributing to this decline was a further marked reduction in the number of farms. The number of farms with automobiles reported in 1954 is substantially the same as the number reported in 1950. Regional changes during the different periods followed the pat- tern of change for the United States, with the exception of the Corn Belt, where the number of farms reporting automobiles in- creased between 1930 and 1940. More than a fifth of all the farms reporting automobiles in the United States in 1954 were in this area. The greatest reduction between 1945 and 1954 in the number of farms reporting automobiles occurred in the Northeast States where the decrease in the number of all farms was greater than in the remaining States. Farmers in the Appalachian, Southeast, and Delta States did not acquire automobiles as rapidly as those in other areas, but the trend in numbers has been upward since 1940. In the Northern and Southern Plains States, where con- solidation of farms into larger units has been most pronounced, the trend by 10-year intervals in number of farms reporting iiutomobiles has been downward since 1940. Almost a third of the farms in the United States reported no automobiles in 1954. Farms with no automobiles are usually small, low-income places, and sometimes are located in rough places not readily accessible to improved roads. Some of them are operated by elderly folks who no longer drive an automobile. Some are farmers who use a pick-up truck for farm and family transportation. Such farms without automobiles were reported in all five areas shown on the map for 1954. They were espe- cially numerous in the southern area, and considerable numbers were in the eastern area. Of the farms reporting automobiles, more than 80 percent had 1, and the other farms had 2 or more. Farms reporting two or more automobiles are most numerous in the central area, and least numerous in the southern area. 76 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING AUTOMOBILES FOR THE UNITED STATES AND AREAS, 1920-1954 Thousonda 1920 1930 1940 1945 1950 195 A-54 -369 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING 0.1,2. AND 3 OR MORE AUTOMOBILES FOR UNITED STATES AND AREAS: 1954 FARM MACHINERY AND FACILITIES 77 NUMBER OF AUTOMOBILES, BY SIZE OF FARM About 70 percent of all farms in the United States reported one or more automobiles in 1954. Although the larger farms had more automobiles per farm than did the small farms, the distribution of automobiles by size of farm is governed to some extent by the number of farms in each size group. For ex- ample, because of the preponderance of the smaller farms, or those of less than 100 acres, this group had a larger proportion of all automobiles in 1954 than any other size group. Although many small farms of less than 50 acres do not have an auto- mobile, there are so many of them that, as a group, they reported 27 percent of all automobiles on farms in 1954. The eastern and southern areas of the country with many small farms reported more than a third of all of the automo- biles on farms, and the rich agricultural Central States re- ported another third. NsT -^^ NUMBER OF AUTOMOBILES ON FARMS BY SIZE OF FARM. ^~~~Tr——I9f^ THE UNITED STATES AND AREAS , 1954 J 1 f>£j-j/£^ ^X" |grEat| \^ 1 I ^^1 central! /#V~ IPLAI N s\- 0$m \ 1 I J jsM^W /5sy d C~i i ^'" ^' L**~^\*$ ERN^T Sv [740.620 \ If S0UTH,ERJ1^ ? ~~]gr-> '^t «t«» Mwm _e^«__ j^ ', g = -— ■- ^UNITED STATES -,».—..-, MM ^~J wa.at.ni «»« m cm In the western area, farms of less than 30 acres, and those of more than 1,000 acres reported half of all automobiles on farms in that area. This region contains large numbers of fruit and truck farms, many of which are small in acreage, but are inten- sively operated and consistently are well equipped with automo- biles aud some types of farm machinery. NUMBER OF AUTOMOBILES, BY TENURE OF FARM OPERATOR Well over half of the automobiles on farms in the United States in 1954 were on farms operated by full owners, and 80 percent were reported by full owners, part owners, and managers. Tenants of all classes reported 20 percent of the total number. Share tenants and croppers accounted for about half of the automobiles on tenant-operated farms. N3r^ NUMBER OF AUTOMOBILES ON FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR. 7T -^__F0RTHE UNITED STATES AND AREAS. 1954 /~~~~^~y M r r ' 1 G RE4T \ 7 "7 T 1 ^JCENTMU ff , 7 ^ ~J-r L a ' N A— J|\ 7^~^Jt» r / J j*^\ ) 1 l«s.T3^f / -r- ^\\ > / rn^iTi — y^^S^- f ii /-~ 659^9 \0k ms iwj cnornns \ w^ L - UNITED STATES \ 1 4,262,785 V NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING I, 2, AND 3 OR MORE AUTOMOBILES BY TENURE FOR UNITED STATES AND AREAS: 1954 1 AUTOMOBILE 2 AUTOMOBILES 3 OB MORE 78 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY Full-owner and part-owner operated farms are the dominant tenure types in all five regions. Share-tenant and cropper oper- ated farms reporting automobiles are especially numerous in the Southern and Great Plains regions. Only about one-ninth of the automobiles on farms in the western area were on farms operated by tenants. A large share of the farms reporting 1, 2, and 3 or more auto- mobiles were operated by full owners and part owners, the two most important tenure classes in the United States, in 4 of the 5 regions. In the Southern area share-tenant and cropper farms having one automobile each exceed the number of part-owner farms having automobiles. NUMBER OF AUTOMOBILES, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM Of the 4.3 million automobiles on farms in 1954, three-quarters of them were on commercial farms and one-quarter was on non- commercial farms. Economic Classes I to IV contain farms reporting sales of products of $2,500 or more per farm in 1954. This group contains 44 percent of all farms and reported 57 percent of all automobiles on farms. Many of the farms in the lower economic classes reported no automobiles, and relatively few of those reporting automobiles had more than one. Farms in Economic Class I, or those with $25,000 or more in value of products sold in 1954, had the largest proportion of farms reporting 2 and 3 or more automobiles per farm in the United States. As the value of farm products sold declined the proportion of farms having more than one automobile declined. Generally, the farms in the higher economic classes were larger, employed more labor, and had greater need for more than one automobile than did the farms in the lower economic classes. Relatively few of the part-time and residential farms reported more than one automobile. The number of farms with automobiles and the number with 2 and 3 or more per farm are heavily concentrated in the Central States. In all regions a considerable proportion of the farms in the higher economic classes and in the part-time class reported more than one automobile. In all areas very few farms in Economic Class VI, the lowest commercial farm class, reported more than one automobile. Table 8. — Number of Farms, and Farms Reporting and Number of Automobiles, by Size of Farm, for the United States: 1954 [Data are estimates based upon reports for only a sample of farms. See text] All farms Automobiles Num- ber (OOfl) Percent distri- bution Farms reporting Number of automobiles Size of farm Num- ber (000) Percent of all farms Total (000) Average number per farm (all farms) Average number per farm report- ing Total 4,806 100.0 3,396 70.7 4,272 0.9 1.3 tinder 10 acres 10 to 29 acres 30 to 49 acres 4S9 719 497 348 519 492 463 259 210 488 191 131 10.2 15.0 10.4 7.2 10.8 10.2 9.6 5.4 4.4 10.2 4.0 2.7 300 404 300 219 359 359 372 208 174 417 168 116 61.3 66.1 60.3 63.0 69.2 72.9 80.3 80.4 83.2 85.5 87.8 88.6 343 463 344 254 418 430 454 259 222 677 265 243 .7 .6 .7 .7 .8 .9 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.9 1.1 1.1 1.1 50 to 69 acres 1.2 70 to 99 acres 1.2 100 to 139 acres 140 to 179 acres 180 to 219 acres 220 to 259 acres 260 to 499 acres 600 to 999 acres l,000acres and over. __ 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.6 2.1 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING I, 2, AND 3 OR MORE AUTOMOBILES BY ^ ECONOMIC CLASS FOR UNITED STATES AND AREAS: 1954 Thou .on* / l / •V l |\ of farm Num- ber (000) Per- cent of all farms Total (000) Average number per farm (all farms) Average number per farm report- ing Total.. 4,806 100.0 3,396 70.7 4,263 0.9 1.3 Commercial farms Class 1 3,353 136 443 726 821 769 458 1,453 69.8 2.8 9.2 15.1 17.1 16.0 9.5 30.2 2,491 127 413 631 626 486 209 905 74.3 93.9 93.2 86.9 76.2 63.2 45.6 62.3 3,200 305 603 774 730 558 230 1,062 1.0 2.3 1.4 1.1 .9 .7 .5 .7 1.3 2.4 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.2 Class 11 Class III Class IV Class V._ Class VI... ' Estimates are based on a sample of approximately 20 percent of the farms. Table 11.— PERCENT DISTRIBUTION OF ALL FARMS AND NUMBER OF AUTOMOBILES, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, FOR THE UNITED STATES AND AREAS: 1954 [Data are estimates based upon reports for only a sample of farms. See text] United States Area Economic class of farm All farms Automo- biles Eastern Southern Central Great Plains Western All farms Automo- biles All farms Automo- biles All farms Automo- biles All farms Automo- • biles All farms Automo- biles Total.... 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 69.8 2.8 9.2 15.1 17.1 16.0 9.5 30.2 75.1 7.2 14.2 18.2 17.1 13.1 5.4 24.9 61.2 2.2 8.0 12.2 14.1 15.0 9.7 38.8 67.8 6.4 13.1 15.2 15.1 12.7 5.3 32.2 62.2 1.1 2,7 6.7 15.4 21.2 15.0 37.8 62.0 4.6 5.1 8.9 16.1 18.0 9.4 38.0 79.8 2.7 14.1 23.1 20.0 13.7 6.1 20.2 82.8 4.8 18.3 24.0 19.2 12.2 4.3 17.2 75.4 3.5 11.3 19.6 19.4 13.8 7.9 24.6 82.1 6.7 15.8 22.5 19.9 12.3 5.0 17.9 69.2 9.1 14.7 15.7 14.8 10.9 4.0 30.8 74.6 19.9 Class I Class II. Class III Class IV ■Class V Class VI Table 12.— PERCENT DISTRIBUTION OF ALL FARMS AND NUMBER OF AUTOMOBILES, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, FOR THE UNITED STATES AND AREAS: 1954 [Data are estimates based upon reports for only a sample of farms. See text] United States Area Tenure of operator All farms Automo- biles Eastern Southern Central Great Plains Western All farms Automo- biles All farms Automo- biles All farms Automo- biles All farms Automo- biles All farms Automo- biles Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 57.4 18.1 .5 23.9 3.3 3.4 14.9 2.3 56.0 22.0 1.2 20.8 2.9 4.2 11.7 1.9 72.6 14.7 .6 12.3 2.3 .4 7.6 2.0 69.7 18.2 1.5 10.6 2.0 .4 6.3 1.9 62.7 13.2 .4 33.7 3.7 .5 26.6 2.9 55.0 16.3 1.5 27.2 3.2 .6 20.7 2.7 58.8 19.0 .3 21.9 3.1 6.6 10.3 1.9 56.3 21.0 .6 22.0 2.9 6.8 10.7 1.6 43.4 28.5 .5 27.6 4.1 8.0 12.9 2.5 40.0 32.5 .7 26.7 3.3 8.9 12.5 2.1 67.1 20.2 1.0 11.7 3.2 1.1 6.8 1.6 80 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY MOTORTRUCKS ON FARMS Delivery of crops and livestock to market and of supplies to the farm always has been a sizable job. Before the motortruck became available, fat cattle, sheep, and even hogs were often driven on foot to local points of delivery. Horsedrawn wagons and sleds were used to haul crops to market and supplies back home. In the sparsely settled Plains region, it sometimes re- quired more than 1 day to deliver a load of produce. In that region and in other northern agricultural areas, bobsleds were used extensively to haul grain and other produce to market when snow covered the ground. In areas where rainfall was heavy, early dirt roads often became impassable for a team with a load of any size in spring and winter. The motortruck appealed to farmers. Although the mileage of improved roads in 1920 was small, and motortrucks were far from foolproof, there were 139,000 motortrucks on farms. The number continued to increase rapidly, even through the post World War I years of adjustment. Only during the severe depression years of the 1930's did number of motortrucks on farms decrease. In November 1954, farmers reported about 2.7 million trucks on their farms. These were widely distributed throughout the country. They were most numerous in areas where farms are numerous and in areas where a relatively large percentage of the total land area is in harvested crops. In most sections of the Corn Belt and in the southern portion of the Lake States, crop- land accounts for more than half of the total land. In these areas motortrucks are relatively numerous in relation to total land area. This is true also in some areas of the Ap- palachian and Northeast States, and in some of the irrigated and humid areas of the Pacific Coast States where farms tend to be small and where intensive crops are widely gTown. In the more arid areas, where farms are of large size and only a small percentage of the total land is in farms, there are rela- tively few motortrucks. Nevada, Wyoming, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico, together had less than 3 percent of farm motor- trucks reported in November 1954. MOTORTRUCKS ON FARMS NUMBER. 1954 From April 1950 to November 1954 total motortrucks on farms increased from 2.2 million to 2.7 million, or by 23 percent. In- creases were reported in all States except New York, Massa- chusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island, where mod- erate decreases were reported. Counties reporting increases in numbers of motortrucks since the 1950 Census were numerous and widely distributed through- out the country. The pattern of increase by counties followed rather closely the pattern of total distribution of motortrucks. In the Northeast States, total numbers of motortrucks on farms changed but little from April 1950 to November 1954 and relatively few counties in this area reported increases in numbers of motor- trucks. In the more arid areas of the country, and in the north- ern portions of the Lake States truck numbers increased in many counties. Counties reporting declines in the number of motortrucks tend to be concentrated in the Northeast States. Scattering counties in other areas also reported declines in the number of motortrucks. In general the counties in which motortruck numbers declined from April 1950 to November 1954, had relatively large expansion in nonfarm population and farm consolidation. MOTORTRUCKS -INCREASE AND DECREASE IH NUMBER. 1950-1954 FARMS REPORTING MOTORTRUCKS In 1920, only 132,000 of the 6,448,000 farms in the United States reported motortrucks. Since 1920, each Census has shown increases in the number of farms reporting motortrucks. From 1920 to 1930 the increase in number of farms reporting motor- trucks occurred in all areas, and ranged from a low of about 400 percent in the Northeast and Corn Belt States to more than 900 percent in the Mississippi Delta, Southern Plains, and Lake States. During the years of relatively low prices and adjustment from 1930 to 1940, numbers of farms with motortrucks increased mod- erately in all areas, except in the Lake States, Corn Belt, and Northeast. From 1940 to November 1954, farms reporting motor- trucks increased by 1,269,000, or by 134 percent. Of this increase, ■13 percent occurred between 1945 and 1950. The pattern of increase in farms reporting motortrucks since 1940 has varied widely in the different areas. Percentage in- creases in the Southeastern, Appalachian, and Mississippi Delta States, areas in which mechanization lagged for some time, have consistently been substantially above the average since 1940. In the Southern and Corn Belt areas, relative increases in numbers have been above average, and in the Pacific, Mountain, and Lake States increases since 1940 have been less than the average for all areas. In the Northeast States the number of farms reporting motortrucks has declined slightly since 1945. primarily because of large reductions in numbers of farms. MOTORTRUCKS PER FARM In November 1954, about 85 percent of the farms reporting motortrucks had only 1, and about 4 percent reported 3 or more. Number of motortrucks per farm is closely associated with size and type of farm business and distance to markets. In the areas east of the Mississippi River, few farms reported more than one motortruck. But in the Great Plains and Western areas where hauling distances are greater and where considerable quantities of grain, sugar beets, fruits, vegetables, and other cash crops are grown for sale, farms reporting two or more trucks were most numerous. In the western area, a fifth of the farms reporting motortrucks had 2 trucks, and 10 percent had 3 or more. FARM MACHINERY AND FACILITIES 81 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING MOTORTRUCKS FOR UNITED STATES AND AREAS: 1920-1954 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING 1.2.3 OR MORE MOTORTRUCKS FOR UNITED STATES AND AREAS. 1954 82 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY NUMBER OF MOTORTRUCKS, BY SIZE OF FARM About 46 percent of all farms reported one or more motor- trucks in 1954. Roughly, a third of the motortrucks reported were on farms of less than 100 acres in size, another third were on farms of 100 to 259 acres, and the remaining third were on farms of 260 acres or more in size. Almost a fifth of all motor- trucks were reported by farmers who were operating less than 50 acres of land. The large number of farms of the smaller sizes is responsible for this group having such a high proportion of all motortrucks.. Frequency of motortrucks is dh-eetly re- lated to the size of farm. For example, in 1954, there were about 35 motortrucks on each 100 farms of less than 100 acres, 60 motortrucks per hundred farms of 100 to 259 acres, and 120 per 100 farms of 260 or more acres. On a regional basis, motortrucks per 100 farms ranged from 40 in the southern area to 106 in the western area. The numbers reported include trucks of all ages and sizes that are on farms. Probably few of them have a rated capacity of more than 3 tons. Many of them are of 1%-ton rated capacity and some of them, especially those of the pickup type, have a rated capacity of one-half ton. Generally, the trucks of higher capacity are on the larger farms. NUMBER OF MOTORTRUCKS ON FARMS BY SIZE OF FARM. NUMBER OF MOTORTRUCKS, BY TENURE OF FARM OPERATOR In November 1954, farmers who own all the land they operate had half of the farm motortrucks, and full owners and part owners combined had about 80 percent of all motortrucks on farms. Tenants of all classes had 20 percent of the total number of motortrucks on farms. Share tenants and croppers had more than half of all motortrucks reported by tenants of all classes. Full owners and part owners are the dominant tenure classes in each of the five major areas, and, consequently, own a large proportion of farm motortrucks in each area. Motor- trucks owned by share tenants and croppers are especially numerous in the Southern area, although share tenants and croppers represent a significant part of motortruck owners in the other four areas, especially in the Central, Great Plains, and Western areas. Each of the tenure classes shown in the maps contained many small farms, many of which reported no motortrucks in 1954. Of the farms that reported motortrucks the number having only 1 truck ranged from 78 percent for part owners to 89 percent for full owners. About 16 percent of the part owners had 2 trucks each and 0 percent had 3 or more trucks per farm. In the other 3 tenure groups combined, approximately 10 percent reported 2 trucks and 3 percent reported 3 or more. In each of the 5 regions, most of the farms having more than 1 truck were in the owner, part-owner, and share-tenant and cropper tenure groups. NUMBER OF MOTORTRUCKS ON FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR. FOR THE UNITED STATES AND AREAS. 1954 NUMBER OF MOTORTRUCKS, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM Farms with a large volume of sales have substantially more motortrucks per 100 farms than do farms with a lesser volume of sales. For example, 90 percent of the farms in Economic Class I, those with farm sales of $25,000 or more, reported 1 or more motortrucks in 1954, whereas only 30 percent of the com- mercial farms in the lowest economic class reported motortrucks. In between these two extremes, the percentage of farms report- ing motortrucks by economic class declined as volume of sales decreased. This general pattern of relationship between volume of sale and number of farms reporting motortrucks exists for each of the five areas as well as for the United States. Because of the large numbers of small farms in the Southern and East- ern areas, relatively large numbers of commercial farms having sales of less than $1,200, part-time, and residential farms re- ported motortrucks. Many of the farms having motortrucks in these 3 economic classes reported only 1 truck. Most farms that reported 2 or 3 motortrucks were in the higher income economic class groups. Farms having more than one truck were relatively numerous in the Great Plains and Western re- gions, where large quantities of crops per farm and hauled to market. Table 13. — Number of Farms, and Farms Reporting and Number of Motortrucks by Size of Farm, for the United States: 1954 [Data are estimates based upon reports for only a sample of farms. See text] All farms Motortrucks Num- Percent Farms reporting Number of motortrucks Size of farm ber distri- Average Average (000) bution Num- Percent Total number number ber of all (000) per farm per farm (000) farms (all farms) report- ing Total 4,806 100.0 2,217 46.1 2,720 0.6 1.2 4S9 10.2 119 24.2 130 .3 1.1 10 to 29 acres . 719 497 348 15.0 10.4 7.2 184 161 126 25.7 32.4 36.3 202 177 139 .3 .4 .4 1.1 30 to 49 acres .. 1.1 50 to 69 acres.. 1.1 70 to 99 acres.. 519 10.8 219 42.2 240 .5 1.1 100 to 139 acres 492 10.2 238 48.3 266 .5 1.1 140 to 179 acres. 463 9.6 247 53.4 278 .6 1.1 180 to 219 acres _. 259 5.4 151 58.3 169 .6 1.1 220 to 259 acres 210 4.4 132 63.1 155 .7 1.2 260 to 499 acres 488 10.2 353 72.3 439 .9 1.2 500 to 999 acres 191 4.0 166 86.6 247 1.3 1.5 1,000 acres and over. - 131 2.7 120 91.8 278 2.1 2.3 FARM MACHINERY AND FACILITIES 83 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING I, 2. AND 3 OR MORE MOTORTRUCKS BY TENURE FOR UNITED STATES AND AREAS: 1954 EASTERN CENTRAL A B C 0 E F G SHARE-CASH TENANTS SHARE TENANTS AND LEGEHD MOTOR TRUCK 2 MOTOR TRUCKS 3 MOTOR TRUCKS NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING I, 2, AND 3 OR MORE MOTORTRUCKS BY ECONOMIC CLASS FOR UNITED STATES AND AREAS: 1954 LEGEND 1 MOTORTRUCK 2 MOTORTRUCKS 3 OR MORE 84 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY Table 14. — Number of Farms, and Farms Reporting and Number of Motortrucks, by Tenure of Operator, for the United States: 1954 [Data are estimates based upon reports for only a sample of farms. See text] All farms Motortrucks Num- ber (000) Percent distri- bution Farms reporting Number of motortrucks ' Tenure of operator Num- ber (000) Percent of all farms Total (000) Average number pel farm (all farms) Average number per farm report- ing Total 4,806 100.0 2,217 46.1 2,703 0.6 1.2 2,761 872 22 1,151 160 165 717 110 67.4 18.1 .5 23.9 3.3 3.4 14.9 2.3 1,178 571 16 452 67 92 255 38 42.7 65.5 71.0 39.3 41.9 55.7 35.6 34.6 1,364 772 47 519 81 107 286 46 .5 .9 2.1 .5 .5 .6 .4 .4 1.2 1.4 3.0 1.1 Cash tenants Share-cash ten- 1.2 1.2 Share tenants and croppors... Other and un- specified ten- 1.1 1.2 i Estimates are based on a sample of approximately 20 percent of the farms. Table 15. — Number of Farms, and Farms Reporting and Number of Motortrucks, by Economic Class of Farm, for the United States: 1954 [Data are estimates based upon reports for only a sample of farms. See textl All farms Motortrucks Economic class Num- ber (000) Per- cent distri- bution Farms report- ing Number of motortrucks ' of farm Num- ber (000) Per- cent of all farms Total (000) Average number per farm (all farms) Average number per farm report- ing Total 4,806 100.0 2,217 46.1 2,703 0.6 1.2 Commercial farms. - - Class 1 3,353 136 443 726 821 769 458 1,453 69.8 2.8 9.2 15.1 17.1 16.0 9.5 30.2 1,778 121 347 458 410 305 137 438 53.0 89.2 78.4 63.1 50.0 39.6 29.9 30.2 2,223 284 477 530 454 334 144 479 .7 2.1 1.1 .7 .6 .4 .3 .3 1.3 2.3 Class II.. 1.4 Class III 1.2 Class IV 1.1 Class V 1.1 Class VI 1.0 1.1 ' Estimates are based on a sample of approximately 20 percent of the farms. Table 16.— PERCENT DISTRIBUTION OF ALL FARMS, AND NUMBER OF MOTORTRUCKS, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, FOR THE UNITED STATES AND AREAS: 1954 [Data are estimates based upon reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Economic class of farm Total.. Commercial farms Class I. Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI Other farms United States All farms 100.0 69.8 2.8 9.2 15.1 17.1 16.0 9.5 30.2 Motor- trucks 100.0 82.3 10.5 17.7 19.6 16.8 12.4 5.3 17.7 Area Eastern All farms 100.0 61.2 2.2 8.0 12.2 14.1 15.0 9.7 38.8 Motor- trucks 100.0 77.2 9.5 17.2 17.6 15.4 12.3 5.3 22.8 Southern All farms 100.0 62.2 1.1 2.7 6.7 15.4 21.2 15.0 37.8 Motor- trucks 100.0 71.9 6.1 7.2 11.2 17.4 19.2 10.8 28.1 Central All farms 100.0 79.8 2.7 14.1 23.1 20.0 13.7 6.1 20.2 Motor- trucks 100.0 88.2 6.8 23.0 26.2 18.4 10.5 3.3 11.8 Great Plains All farms 100.0 75.4 3.5 11.3 19.6 19.4 13.8 7.9 24.6 Motor- trucks 100.0 87.8 9.1 19.9 24.2 19.2 11.0 4.3 12.2 Western All farms 100.0 69.2 9.1 14.7 15.7 14.8 10.9 4.0 30.8 Motor- trucks loo.o 84.2 24.9 20.7 16.3 11.8 7.9 2.5 15.8 Table" 17.— PERCENT DISTRIBUTION OF ALL FARMS, AND NUMBER OF MOTORTRUCKS, BY OPERATOR, FOR THE UNITED STATES AND AREAS: 1954 [Data are estimates based upon reports for only a sample of farms. See text] TENURE OF United States Area Tenure of operator All farms Motor- trucks Eastern Southern Central Great Plains Western All farms Motor- trucks All farms Motor- trucks All farms Motor- trucks All farms Motor- trucks All farms Motor- trucks Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Full owners 57.4 18.1 .5 23.9 3.3 3.4 14.9 2.3 60.5 28.6 1.7 19.2 3.0 4.0 10.6 1.7 72.6 14.7 .5 12.3 2.3 .4 7.6 2.0 65.6 23.8 1.8 8.8 2.1 .4 4.7 1.5 52.7 13.2 .4 33.7 3.7 .5 26.6 2.9 54.7 22.4 1.8 21.1 3.4 .8 14.6 2.4 58.8 19.0 .3 21.9 3.1 6.5 10.3 1.9 51.2 25.5 .8 22.5 2.8 7.0 11.3 1.5 43.4 28.5 .5 27.6 4.1 8.0 12.9 2.5 35.0 39.0 1.0 25.1 3.1 7.9 12.4 1.7 67.1 20.2 1.0 11.7 3.2 1.1 5.8 1.6 49.8 Part owners 32.3 4.1 AU tenants 13.8 Cash tenants... _ _ 3.4 1.6 7.6 Other and unspecified tenants 1.3 FARM MACHINERY AND FACILITIES 85 ELECTRIC POWER ON FARMS Extension of electric distribution lines to almost every farm in the United States is one of the outstanding achievements in- cident to rural progress and farm mechanization. According to estimates made by Edison Electric Institute, only about 100,000 farmers had central-station electric service in 1920, and these made little use of the power outside of their homes. During the next 15 years electric service was extended to about 644,000 more farms which meant that about 11 percent of the farms had such service. In 1936, the Rural Electrification Administra- tion was formed and distribution systems were extended in rural areas much more rapidly. By 1945 almost half of our farms were electrified and during the next 5 years, electric power suppliers were busy constructing additional facilities to serve the people in rural areas. Almost 1.5 million more farms were connected during these 5 years making a total of 77 percent of the farms with electric service. From 1950 to the present time effort to extend electric service to all farms has continued. Distribution systems have been extended across the Great Plains where the density of con- sumers is low. The service has been expanded in low-income areas so that electric power would be available to all people for electric lights and refrigeration, and other kinds of modern equipment. According to estimates made by Rural Electrifica- tion Administration more than 4.5 million farms, or 94.2 percent of the total had central-station electric service on June 30, 1956. In addition to these there were some farms with home generat- ing plants. Electricity on the farm is used almost exclusively at the farm- stead but it is used for three very important purposes, namely, lights, heat, and motive power. It has revolutionized the farm home and made it possible for the farm family to have as modern a home as urban families. For farmwork it is applied to a wide variety of jobs, especially on dairy and poultry farms. Push- button farming still is a long way off, but electric power has done much to reduce costs and increase labor efficiency in farming and in the home. Electricity is now generally used by farms of all types, sizes, economic classes, and tenures of operator. Almost 90 percent of the share tenants and croppers and about 83 percent of the farms of Economic Class VI reported electric service in 1954. Most of the farms that remain unserved are in parts of the Southern States and in some of the sparsely settled sections of the Mountain area. By 1950 about 90 percent of all the farms in the Northeast, Lake States, Corn Belt, and Pacific States were receiving electric serv- ice. In the Great Plains and Southern States farms receiving electric service continued to increase substantially after 1950. On a county basis, decreases after 1950 in number of farms re- ceiving electric service occurred in widely distributed counties, which were largely concentrated in the Northeast and Central States. These reductions were caused by reductions in the num- ber of farms between the two Census dates, and not by the dis- continuance of service by farmers. In some localities the num- ber of rural consumers has actually increased while the number of farm consumers has decreased. This has come about because many urban workers and others have moved to small rural places in the country which, by definition, are not classified as farms. FARMS REPORTING ELECTRICITY-INCREASE AND DECREASE IN NUMBER. 1950-1954 UNTIED STATES NET INCREASE 235.012 OR 5 6 PERCENT i of«Ti«»t c* mwttcc PERCENT OF FARMS REPORTING ELECTRICITY, 1954 (COUNTY UNIT BASIS) LEGEND PERCENT i 1 UNDER 60 SS3 90 TO 94 ^^60 TO 79 HI 90 AND OVER E£ffij 60 TO 69 • NO FARMS US DEPARTMENT Of COMMERCE MAP MO tMOU BUREAU Of THE CENSUS 86 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY HORSES AND MULES Horses were first brought to this country by early explorers of the 17th century. Their number in the United States increased rapidly and continuously with the growth of the new Nation until 1918 when the number of horses and mules on farms and in cities, mines, and elsewhere reached a peak of about 30 million head. In a way, the most important result of modern mechaniza- tion has been the displacement of about 85 percent of this vast number of horses and mules by mechanical power. The change from animal to mechanical power on farms and elsewhere, in- volving a decrease of more than 25 million head of horses and mules has diverted about 80 million acres of cropland and much pasture from production of horse and mule feed to the production of food and fiber for human use. Crop acreages thus released between 1918 and 1956 now produce a large share of the food and fiber used to feed and clothe our larger population. Eighty million acres is about a fourth of the total acres of crops har- vested in recent years. Annual colt crops, which from 1910 to 1920 usually exceeded 2 million head, have declined to less than 100,000 head. This number is not sufficient to maintain present numbers of horses and mules on farms. However, there are only about 4 million head now on farms, and we can no longer look to disappearance of horses and mules to supply many additional acres for food production. When farming was done with animal power, horses were used primarily in the northern and western farming areas, and mules were used principally in the Southern States. The horse num- bers were most dense in the Central and Lake States where large acreages were in corn and other row crops that required several cultivations during the growing season. The general pattern of horse and mule numbers changed markedly between 1920 and 1954. Density is much thinner throughout the country now than it was in 1920, although numbers of horses and mules still are relatively dense in the Southeastern States. In 1954, about 37 percent of all horses and mules in the United States were in the Appalachian and Southern areas, compared with only 14 percent in 1920. From April 1950 to November 1954, horse and mule numbers decreased throughout the country, although increases were reported in a few counties in Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona. FARM MACHINERY AND FACILITIES 87 MULES (EXCLUDING COLTS AND YEARLINGS. INCLUDING MULES IN CITIES AND VILLAGES) MULES ON FARMS JAN. 1, 1920 (TWO YEARS OLD AND OVCR| fa li... AL, 0U. tutu* 774.517 399,801 288.971 287.939 285.838 26S.133 295.455 N. C K> 5 C U l.o. NUMMR 746.212 245.717 715.712 172.347 IS7.402 113.271 88.042 72.162 NL'MHEA N,6f C.W lo». f. tl. Md Obi. Colo . 69.643 S2.46I 51.205 49.386 40.997 30.033 25.495 23.123 NUMBER JAN. 1. 1920 EACH DOT REPRESENTS 2.000 HEAD ". . • •".'•:S'.'-\.>.>..-v • ••'/.'•: •;•, . MULES ON FARMS— Conllnucd W V. 0rt| NUMBER 19.549 16.104 13.286 11.171 S.1S3| 111 ITiti OK WIS U« 1920 iCnntiniud) STAIE NUN9U IHIIU • 1114 Moil 1.046 SIM II . 6.615 168 N Dili. 6.374 108 U.bo. S.927 III N.J... 5.392 1(0 M.ib .. S.165 117 w„ . . 3.(13 lit w„ . . . 2.578 114 1 'lib . . . 1.740 82 ....... 1.602 83 Conn 129 160 Vl . . . . 544 IS7 Mt 387 1(8 Mui 310 131 N H .. 227 143 11 ... 70 122 U. S . . . . 4.651.694 154 1 HORSES AND MULES NUMBER. 1954 HORSES AND MULES BY TYPE AND ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM Of the 1.8 million farms reporting horses and mules in Novem- ber 1954, 80 percent reported having only 1 or 2 head. These were reported in all five areas, but were especially numerous in the southern area. Certainly the horses and mules on these farms play a very minor role in our present day agricultural production. Farms with three or more horses or mules were rel- atively numerous in the Southern, Great Plains, and Western areas. Large proportions of the farms having two or more head were cotton farms in the southern region, and livestock other than dairy or poultry farms in the Great Plains and Western HORSES AND MULES -INCREASE AND DECREASE IN NUMBER. 1950-1954 regions where forage crops and range lands are prevalent. Many dairy farms in the Central and Eastern States still have one or more horses or mules. Some farms in each economic class, including those with sales of $25,000 or over reported horses and/or mules. Many of these animals are saddle horses, or old animals which will not be re- placed as they die off. This is true in all five areas shown. How- ever, very few farmers in any class group, in any region, reported more than 1 or 2 animals. It is apparent from the wide distribu- tion of the 4 million head of horses and mules among all farm types, economic classes, and size-of-farm groups that few com- mercial farmers depend to any great extent on animal power for farmwork. 88 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING DIFFERENT NUMBER OF HORSES AND MULES BY TYPE OF FARM. FOR UNITED STATES AND AREAS: 1954 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING DIFFERENT NUMBERS OF HORSES AND MULES BY ECONOMIC CLASS; UNITED STATES AND AREAS: 1954 ^^^^" ./-' ^i ^ '25 C— j— «- IOC VI i 1* - B \ 1 2& .il LEGEND 11 1-2 HORSES G MULES |^|| 3-5 MORSES G MULES ] 6<« MORE S *> t> b *i 9 & $ & FARM MACHINERY AND FACILITIES 89 DISPLACEMENT OF WORK STOCK BY MOTOR VEHICLES After the coming of the gas tractor, year after year more and more farmers gradually disposed of all work stock. Yet, as late as 1940, only 4 percent of all farmers reported tractors and no horses or mules. By November 1954, the number of farms re- porting tractors only, had increased to 38 percent of all farms. Another large group of farmers having tractors still retained some horses or mules. This group constituted about one-fifth of all farms in both 1940 and 1954. Together, these 2 groups of what may be called tractor farms comprised 58 percent of all farms in 1954 compared with 23 percent in 1940. The remaining 42 percent were farms with horses or mules only, or farms with- out tractors, or horses or mules, as shown by the following data : 1940 1954 Percentage of all farms reporting tractors and (no horses and/or mules 4 38 Percentage of all farms reporting both tractors and horses and/or mules 19 20 Percentage of all farms reporting horses and/or mules but no tractors 53 17 Percentage of all farms reporting no tractors and no horses and/or mules 24 25 Farms with tractors and no work stock were most heavily con- centrated in the better agricultural areas where much of the land is suited for crop production and where land values per farm are high. Such areas in the Western States predominate in the intensive dairy-, fruit-, and vegetable-producing areas. In the East, tractor farms with no horses or mules are most nu- merous in the Corn Belt and Lake States areas, and in western New York, southeastern Pennsylvania, and the New Jersey, Mary- land, and Virginia vegetable-growing areas. Parts of the Mis- sissippi Delta and eastern Great Plains areas reported large numbers of tractor farms with no horses or mules. Farms with FARMS WITH TRACTOR AND NO HORSES OR MULES NUM3ER. 1954 tractors and work stock in 1954 were well scattered throughout the agricultural areas, but the heaviest concentrations were in portions of the southeastern States, particularly in the tobacco and general farming areas. It is in such areas that animal power still is used to some extent for farmwork. Retention of horses or mules on many of the larger farms in this group is probably a matter of personal likes of the operators, and does not reflect a low degree of mechanization. More than three- quarters of a million farms reported horses or mules and no tractors in 1954. About 62 percent of these were in the 10 Appalachian and Southeastern States, where many of the farms are small commercial, residential, and part-time places. One of the unusual features of agricultural production is that about 1.2 million farms reported no tractors, horses, or mules in 1954. FARMS WITH TRACTOR AND HORSES AND /OR MULES MAeCR. 1934 "u&-_ FARMS WITH HORSES AND /OR MULES AND NO TRACTOR NUWER.1954 These farms are located very largely in the eastern half of the United States, and are most numerous in the Southeastern States. Farms without tractors or work animals were heavily concen- trated in the Mississippi Kiver Delta. Many of these are operated by sharecroppers who own none of the equipment with which the places are operated. Such farmers had use of tractor or animal power, or both, reported by the "home farm." Many other farmers in this class, because of size or type of farm, operated their places without owning either tractors or work animals. Those who needed such power undoubtedly hired their work performed. Operators of greenhouses and some com- mercial poultry enterprises who cultivate little or no land may not need to own tractors or work stock. Fruit farmers in some areas, and other farmers too, hire all of their field work done. FARMS WITH NO TRACTOR. HORSES OR MULES WABER.I954 90 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY Table 18.— NUMBER OF FARMS, AND FARMS REPORTING BY NUMBER OF HORSES AND MULES REPORTED, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, AND BY TYPE OF FARM, FOR THE UNITED STATES AND AREAS: 1954 [Data are estimates based upon reports for only a sample of farms. See text] All farms. number (000) Farms reporting horses and/or mules by number reported Area and item All farms, number (000) Farms reporting horses and/or mules by number reported None (000) lor 2 (000) 3 to 5 (000) 6 or more (000) None (000) 1 or 2 (000) 3 to 5 (000) 6 or more (000) 4,806 4,806 3,352 136 443 726 821 769 458 1,453 4,806 547 528 373 33 86 554 157 694 342 78 65 199 1,491 3,013 3,013 2,034 84 307 482 503 439 218 979 3,013 419 287 154 23 74 348 125 374 203 44 42 118 1,004 1,426 1,426 1,007 26 90 177 243 269 202 419 1,426 98 187 193 9 9 167 29 202 106 27 18 61 427 291 291 245 13 31 53 62 53 33 46 291 25 49 23 1 2 34 3 79 26 6 4 16 49 C) C) 76 76 67 13 15 14 13 8 4 9 76 5 5 3 6 1 39 7 2 1 4 11 1,366 1,366 1,090 37 193 316 273 188 84 276 1,366 269 12 8 8 7 288 38 316 139 10 43 87 282 1,037 1,037 814 27 156 242 199 133 57 223 1,037 228 11 5 6 6 195 33 223 102 8 29 65 228 267 267 223 8 28 60 60 46 22 44 267 34 1 3 1 1 77 5 70 31 2 11 18 44 51 51 45 2 6 12 13 8 4 4 51 5 (■) C) (') C) 14 C) 19 5 C) 2 3 6 11 ECONOMIC CLASS Total. - .- ECONOMIC CLASS Total Commercial farms Class I 11 8 1 Class II 2 Class III Class III 2 Class IV Class IV Class V _. Class VI.... 2 2 Class VI 1 3 TYPE OF FARM TYPE OF FARM Total _. 11 1 Other field-crop farms ... C) 2 (■) 4 Livestock farms other than dairy and Livestock farms other than dairy and 1 (•) 1 1 M iscellaneous and unclassified farms . Miscellaneous and unclassified farms.... 3 779 779 477 17 62 95 110 117 76 302 779 26 1 125 7 11 146 49 58 42 9 7 26 313 481 481 274 14 43 61 61 62 33 207 481 18 (■) 53 5 9 90 41 26 22 6 4 12 216 252 252 165 1 14 25 38 48 38 87 252 6 C) 61 2 2 45 7 24 15 3 2 10 89 37 37 32 1 4 7 10 6 4 6 37 1 9 (•) (•) 9 1 6 4 (') 1 3 6 C) (■) C) C) (') C) (•) (■) (■) 8 8 6 1 1 2 1 1 1 8 1 2 2 1 2 761 761 574 26 86 149 148 105 60 187 761 182 91 6 3 1 31 13 177 68 12 10 45 188 475 475 349 13 50 94 96 66 32 126 475 129 64 4 2 1 18 10 79 42 9 7 26 127 206 206 155 6 25 37 35 31 20 51 206 40 20 2 1 (■) 10 3 60 18 3 2 13 51 62 62 63 3 8 15 13 7 6 9 62 11 6 C) C) C) 3 C) 26 7 1 5 9 18 ECONOMIC CLASS Total ECONOMIC CLASS Total 18 17 Class I ... - - --- --- - Class I 3 Class II - - Class II.. 3 Class III Class III 3 Class IV Class IV 3 ClassV ClassV 2 Class VI Class VI 2 1 TYPE OF FARM Total --- TYPE OF FARM Total 18 1 1 (") (■) C) Livestock farms other than dairy and Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry. _ 12 2 C) (*) 1 Miscellaneous and unclassified farms Miscellaneous and unclassified farms 1 1,477 1,477 918 17 39 99 228 313 222 658 1,477 26 413 222 8 16 47 35 77 61 29 3 29 571 733 733 411 8 18 43 109 148 85 322 733 14 204 85 4 13 16 22 29 19 10 1 9 328 624 624 409 4 13 43 96 135 118 215 624 8 163 124 3 2 26 12 32 33 15 2 16 220 104 104 85 3 6 12 19 27 18 19 104 3 42 13 C) 1 5 1 12 7 3 C) 3 21 (■) C) C) (•) 15 15 13 3 3 2 3 2 1 2 15 1 3 1 1 5 2 1 1 3 423 423 293 38 62 67 63 46 17 130 423 45 11 11 7 50 43 22 66 32 17 2 12 137 286 286 186 23 40 42 39 31 11 100 286 30 8 7 6 45 29 20 17 18 11 1 6 106 77 77 55 6 11 12 14 10 3 21 77 9 2 3 1 4 9 2 16 8 4 1 4 22 36 36 30 4 6 8 7 4 2 6 36 4 C) 1 C) 1 4 (•) 16 3 1 C) 2 7 24 ECONOMIC CLASS Total. ECONOMIC CLASS Total 24 22 Class I Class I . 5 Class II Class II... 5 Class III Class III... 4 Class IV. Class IV 4 ClassV Class V. .. 2 Class VI Class VI 1 Other farms. 2 TYPE OF FARM Total TYPE OF FARM Total 24 Cash-grain farms Cotton farms.. . Cash-grain farms 2 (•) Other field-crop farms _. (•) Vegetable farms (") Fruit-and-nut farms _. (■) Dairy farms 1 Poultry farms ("> Livestock farms other than dairy and Livestock farms other than dairy and • 16 General farms 2 Primarily crop (•) Primarily livestock C) 1 Crop and livestock Miscellaneous and unclassified farms Miscellaneous and unclassified farms 2 ■ Less than 500. FARM MACHINERY AND FACILITIES 91 HARVEST MACHINES Adaptable and versatile tractor power has supplied the real force back of the development and improvement of field ma- chinery suitable for our many types and sizes of farms. The harvest machines discussed in this report are those for which the Bureau of the Census has reported information on numbers and farms reporting. Including are grain combines, corn pickers, pick-up balers, and field forage harvesters. These are timesaving machines which enable the farmers to do better harvest jobs, especially under emergency conditions when time- liness of operation is most essential. Generally, they enable 1 man or a small crew, to do the work done by 2 or more men under harvest conditions prevailing about the time of World War I. They have enabled farmers to reduce the hours of labor used to harvest an acre or ton of product, and to do the work faster and easier. The labor savings of these machines over older harvest methods are indicated by the following data : Item and area WHEAT in the Great Plains. CORN in the Corn Belt. HAY in the Central States. HAY in the Central States. Man-hours used by- Old harvest method 6 hours per acre. Cut with binder, shocked, and threshed from shock. 8.2 hours per acre. Har- vested by hand from standing stalk. 2.8 hours per ton. Handled from windrow to storage with hay loader and pow- er fork. 2.8 hours per ton. Same method as above. New harvest method 1.5 hours per acre. Com- bined from standing grain. 2.8 hours per acre. Harvest- ed with mechanical picker from standing stalk, 2 hours per ton. Handled from windrow to storage with automatic-tie pick-up baler and tractor trailer. 1.1 hours per ton. Handled from windrow to storage with pick-up chopper and motortruck. GRAIN COMBINES The first grain combine was built in Michigan before the middle of the 19th century. After a decade of limited use, it was not considered a success under eastern conditions and it was shipped to California. Its use under California conditions was encouraging and in 1880 factory -production of combines was initiated there. The first combines were of large size, with a cutting width up to 35 feet. They were pulled principally with large teams (as many as 40 horses) and were traction powered. Prior to World War I, combines were used almost exclusively in the Pacific Coast States and Idaho. Smaller combines, adapted for use with gas tractors, and equipped with mounted engines came into use during World War I. With the new combines, the combine method of harvesting small grains soon became pop- ular in the Plains and Mountain States. Gradually, the use of combines spread into the more humid areas of the United States. Small combines, some with a cutting width of about 40 inches, were first developed around 1930. The small combines are usu- ally operated with tractor power take-off. During World War II the self-propelled combine came into use and has proved quite popular. In November 1954, the number of farms reporting grain com- bines and number of combines reported was greater than for nny previous year. The 989,000 combines of that date were located on 934,000 farms. Modern combines are used primarily to harvest small grains, flax, soybeans, sorghums, and grass and legume seeds, and are concentrated in areas where these crops are grown commercially. About half of the farms with combines in 1954 were located in the Central area and about one-fourth were located in the Great Plains area. Together, the Western, Southern and Eastern States had only about a fourth of the farms reporting combines. In the humid areas of the country, combines tend to be smaller in size than they are in the Great Plains and the Western regions where grain fields and grain acreage per farm are large. GRAIN COMBINES NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING. 1954 Between April 1950 and November 1954, the number of com- bines increased from 714,000 to 9S9.000. Although increases occurred throughout the grain areas, almost 80 percent of the total increase was in the Corn Belt, Northern Plains, and Lake States. Increases were greatest in the northern and western areas of the Corn Belt and in the southern portions of the Lake States. It is principally in these areas that the binder-thresher method of harvesting small grain has decreased less rapidly than elsewhere. In many of the areas where combines have shown substantial increases since 1950 a considerable portion of the small grain acreage is combined from the windrow. On a county basis, some localities showed reductions in num- bers of combines between 1950 and 1954. Most of the counties reporting reductions in numbers are in the Southern and Central Plains, where recent small grain production declined because of reduced plantings and severe drought. GRAIN COMBINES-INCREASE IN NUMBER. 1950-1954 92 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY NUMBER OF GRAIN COMBINES ON FARMS UNITED STATES AND AREAS: 1945-1954 LAKE STATES £S» HRLM W Till IUW4> Although factory production of combines started around 1880, the number on farms as late as 1920 probably did not exceed 4,000 and most of these were in the Pacific Coast States. In 1930, the Pacific Coast, Mountain, Northern Plains, and Southern Plains States together had 96 percent of the 61,000 combines then on farms. By 1945 the number in the United States had increased to 375,000 and by November 1954 to 980,000. During this period of approximately 10 years, the number of combines in- creased by about 160 percent. A part of the increase reflected a further rapid spread of the combining method of harvesting small grains and soybeans in the central, eastern and southern areas, where increases in numbers of combines was about 200 percent. Since 1950, increases in numbers has continued rela- tively heavy in the Northern Plains, the Lake States, the Corn Belt, the Northeast and the Mississippi Delta States. In the other regions, the rate of increase has been less in recent years. GRAIN COMBINES BY SIZE OF FARM Although crops suitable for combining are widely produced throughout the United States, the major commercial areas are the important wheat growing areas of the Great Plains and Western States, and the small feed grains, bread grains, and soybean producing areas of the Central States. Smaller com- mercial producing areas of barley, dry beans, dry peas, sorghums, grass and legume seeds, and other crops suitable for combining are located with the limits of 1 or more of these 3 areas. As a group, the farmers in this area had 85 percent of all the combines on farms in November 1954. About three-fourths of the total number were located in the Plains and Central States. In general, grain combines tend to be concentrated on farms in the larger size groups. This is especially true in the Great Plains and Western areas where grain farms are numerous and usually relatively large. The number of combines indicate only a part of the total picture of combine use, for these harvest machines vary greatly in size and harvesting capacity. Many of the combines in the Great Plains and Western regions where acreages per farm are large are more than 10 feet in size. In the irrigated areas, and in the humid areas east of the Great Plains, most combines are 5 and 6 feet in size. H^^- NUMBER OF Tr— -FOR GRAIN COMBINES ON THE UNITED STATES FARMS BY SIZE OF FARM, AND AREAS. 1954 J BREAT 1 irTL N f | cenNral/ ( if \ PUlNsA 1 "j^c T r_ff>\ «74 760 L-* '*fJ^!L-~~L **v i 1 277,000 ~~y south ERN J* TT.4W \ '■■ ■■■."•.: -. / G3 U.OMKX. HI ~-~. V 1 UNITED STATES ■>•'•—*- - — « — - — ■*» FARM MACHINERY AND FACILITIES 93 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING 0, I, 2. AND 3 OR MORE COMBINES BY ACREAGE OF SMALL GRAIN HARVESTED, UNITED STATES AND AREAS. 1954 LEGEHD 0 COMBINES 1 COMBINE '•' t 2 COMBINES lmS\M 3 OB MORE About one-fifth of all farms in the United States reported having one or more combines in 1954. Because of the wide range in size of combines most farmers can buy a size suitable for the work to be done. Few farmers own more than 1 combine. Many of those reporting more than 1 combine were farms having at least 100 acres of small grain, and were located in the Great Plains area. Estimates made by the United States Department of Agri- culture show that grain combines were used to harvest almost 63 percent of the total small grain acreage of 1945, 84 percent of the acreage of 1950, and more than 90 percent of the small grain acreage harvested in 1954. Farmers have bought substantially more combines since World War II. Much of the increase was east of the Great Plains area where many of the combines are of the small sizes, and acreage per combine is less than in the specialized wheat areas. These changes resulted in an average decrease in acres of all small grain per combine from 297 acres in 1945 to 112 acres in 1954. CORN PICKERS Early settlers arriving in the New World soon discovered that for a long time corn had been an important food of the Indians. Since then, corn production has spread into most countries of the world, but so well adapted to its production are our soils and climate that our farmers alone produce about 60 percent of the world crop. Our corn acreage has grown with the growth of the Nation — from 34 million acres in 1866 to a peak of 117 million acres in 1917. Now, about 1 in 4 acres of land planted to crops is in corn. Although the first patents for a field-type corn picker were issued around 1850, it was not until 1910 that pickers on farms reached the 1,000 mark, according to estimates by the United States Department of Agriculture. Ten years later the number had increased to 10,000. All of the early corn pickers were one- row traction-operated machines. Use of pickers made little head- way until about 1928, when the tractor power take-off was first adapted for use with them. Two-row pickers came into use about the same time. With these improvements, farmer's use of the corn picker began to increase. By November 1954, corn pickers were reported by 684,000 farmers. Corn harvest was a long, tiresome job before the mechanical picker came into general use. Estimates of the United States Department of Agriculture show that in 1913, 40 percent of the corn acreage for grain was cut, shocked, and husked, much of it by hand, and nearly all of the remaining 60 percent was harvested by hand from the standing stalk. In recent years, little of the corn acreage is cut, shocked, and husked, and probably as much as three-fourths of the acreage is harvested with mechanical pickers. The mechanical harvester has reduced the time re- quired to harvest and crib an acre of corn in the Corn Belt from about 8 hours when harvested from standing stalk by hand to less than 3 hours when harvested with mechanical picker. 407763—57- 94 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY Much of the total corn acreage is in the Corn Belt, Lake States, and in eastern South Dakota and Nebraska, although some corn Is grown in all areas where the climate is suitable. As the number of corn pickers on farms increased by about 50 percent between 1950 and 1054, many of those reported in 1954 CORN FOR ALL PURPOSES ACREAGE. 1954 sb> CORN PICKERS NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING. 1954 h^~^-~^- CORN PICKERS- INCREASE IN NUMBER. 1950-1954 ^ic I .. U-y, /^N 1~- 'm 1$[J $&% '•i'SSL ■cr"***-' w l v« r ^-r- ■ *'i "**\ \ j ■JS UNITED STATES NET INCREASE /~-- ^^^''^\ 231.947 OR 50 9 PERCENT \ JT 1 DOT ■ 50 INCREASE V^^l 1 COUNTY UNIT BASS) U c«*.»i-t»T » to-«.ra J MM IMI » M tt»U!l were of recent manufacture. Most (70 percent) of the corn pickers are concentrated in the important corn-producing area of the Corn Belt and Lake States. The use of pickers is spread- ing into other areas as the commercial corn acreage increases. In the Southeast area the number of pickers increased by 400 percent between 1950 and 1954, hut the total number in that region in 1954 was less than 10,000. NUMBER OF CORN PICKERS BY SIZE OF FARM The Central States, with 70 percent of the corn pickers in 1954, completely dominate the general pattern of picker distribu- tion. In this important corn-producing region, pickers were re- ported on many small and medium sizes of farms, but the out- standing size group contained farms ranging in size from 100 to 179 acres. In the eastern and southern areas, about half the corn pickers were on farms containing more than 100 acres of land. In the Great Plains and Western regions relatively large proportions of the corn pickers were reported on the larger farms, or those having more than 260 acres. NUMBER OF MECHANICAL CORN PICKERS ON FARMS BY SIZE OF FARM. FOR THE UNITED STATES AND AREAS, 1954 In 1954 more than two-thirds of all farms reporting corn pickers had from 25 to 99 acres of corn. Nearly all of these farms had only one corn picker. In fact, only 2 percent of all farms re- porting corn pickers in 1954 had more than 1 picker. Corn harvest seasons vary in length, primarily because of variations in weather conditions. When corn was picked by hand the harvest season in central Illinois usually extended from about the middle of October to the middle of December. When the first killing frost was late, or fall rains were unusually heavy the season might be so delayed that the corn harvest was extended into January. As mechanical pickers came into use farmers in the Corn Belt were able to shorten the picking season and to complete the job before severe winter weather. Many of the pickers now on farms normally are used a short period on the home farm and then are used to harvest corn for other farmers, some of whom have more corn acreage than can be harvested by their picker during good weather. Under good harvest conditions a 1-row picker can harvest up to 200 acres, and a 2-row picker can harvest up to 400 or 450 acres per season. Many pickers actually are used to harvest only a fourth or a third of these acreages. FARM MACHINERY AND FACILITIES 95 NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING I, 2, AND 3 OR MORE MECHANICAL CORN PICKERS BY ACRES OF CORN HARVESTED FOR UNITED STATES AND AREAS 1954 / UNITED STATES Thouiandi / < B3C 225 f \ 200 175 \~| _\ ISO C\ — 125 — N 100 — 75 50 ■ - - 25 — - - .1 LEGEND 1 MECHANICAL CORN PICKER 2 MECHANICAL CORN PICKERS ^3 OR MORE _ » « a, oi e, C & *■ .op o ^ * " ,r PICK-UP BALERS Hay crops are widely grown and represent one-fifth of all har- vested crop acreage in the United States. This extensive acreage, which normally yields in excess of 100 million tons of hay, pro- vides a big harvesting job. Hay acreage is concentrated mainly in or adjacent to the dairy, beef cattle, and sheep-producing areas of the country. In some areas where the hay acreage is small in relation to land area, it makes up a large part of the total cropland harvested. In these areas, soil and climatic conditions are not suitable for ex- tensive production of crops other than hay and grass. For ex- ample, in eastern Minnesota and northern Wisconsin, SO to 90 percent of the cropland harvested in 1954 was in hay. In the southern parts of these States where corn and small grains are grown extensively, less than 40 percent of the cropland harvested was represented by land from which hay was cut. High pro- portions of the harvested cropland are in hay also in the colder portions of the Northeastern States, and in some of the irrigated areas of the Mountain and Western States. The practice of baling hay began about the middle of the 19th century when a simple press operated by animal power was used. Steam power was first used to operate stationary hay presses, or balers, around 18S5. These early balers were used primarily for baling both hay and straw from stacks and mows for ship- ment to cities and other off-farm places for use as feed for horses and mules, and some cattle. The first baler for picking up and baling hay or straw from the windrow in the field was introduced around 1930. This early pick-up baler required manual tying and required a crew of 3 or 4 men for operation. Its use in the hay field eliminated the handling of loose hay at both harvest and feeding time. The baled hay requires less storage space than loose hay, and the bales facilitate the hauling and stacking in sheds, and in fields where rainfall is not a problem. About 10 years later the auto- matic-tie pick-up baler became a reality. This type of baler used twine for tying and was operated by one man. Savings in man- power was a big factor in the subsequent rapid increase in farms reporting pick-up balers. From 1950 to 1954 the number of farms reporting pick-up balers increased from 192,000 to 443,000. Since some farmers had more than one baler in both years, the increase in number of balers was somewhat greater than the number of farms reporting. LAND FROM WHICH HAY WAS CUT • ACREAGE. raS4 96 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY HAY ACREAGE** AS A PERCENT OF CROPLAND HARVESTED, 1954 I 1 UNDFR 10 I ' I 10 TO 19 W%A 20 TO 39 IS&H 40 TO 59 * NO FARMS *-* EXCLUDING SOYBEAN, COWPEA PEANUT AND SORGHUM MAY U S DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE MAP NO A54-066 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS The nationwide distribution pattern of pick-up balers resembles the distribution pattern of the hay acreage. The greater part of the increase in number of balers between 1950 and 1954 oc- curred in areas of heavy hay concentration. In the area com- prising Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan the increase was nearly 200 percent. PICK-UP HAY BALERS NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING. 1954 The pick-up baler is well adapted for customwork since it can handle a fairly large hay acreage during the haying season. Many owners of balers who have only average tonnages of hay on their farms do some baling for their neighbors. In this way the owner increases the use of and lowers the annual cost of his baling, and enables other small farmers to harvest and feed their hay in baled form. In November 1954, about 11 percent of the pick-up balers were reported by farmers having farms of less than 100 acres. More than half of all farms are in this size PICK-UP HAY BALERS- INCREASE IN NUMBER. 1950-1954 NUMBER OF PICK-UP BALERS ON FARMS BY SIZE OF FARM FARM MACHINERY AND FACILITIES 97 group. Another 46 percent of the pick-up balers were on farms ranging in size from 100 to 260 acres. These farms are most numerous in the Central and Eastern States and many of the livestock farms are in this size group. More than half of the pick-up balers reported in the Southern region were on farms of 260 or more acres in size. In the Great Plains and Western areas, large numbers of balers were reported on ranches and farms with 500 or more acres of land. Harvested hay acreage is a better indicator of need for a baler than is total acres of land in the farm. When the farms are segregated by acres of hay, and numbers of pick-up balers re- ported, the data show that many farmers with 10 to 25 acres of hay have pick-up balers. For example, about S percent of all pick-up balers were reported by farmers who harvested less than 10 acres of hay on their own farms, and more than a third of the balers were owned by farmers who reported less than 25 acres of hay. Undoubtedly many such farmers did custom bal- ing and some of them may have owned their balers jointly with other farmers. About 90 percent of all pick-up balers were re- ported by farmers who had less than 100 acres of hay. This group, of course, includes the majority of farms in the United States. In the Great Plains and Western areas about half of the balers were reported on farms having more than 50 acres of hay. IJi^JJJMBER OF PICK-UP BALERS ON FARMS BY ACREAGE OF HAY HARVESTED. FOR THE UNITED STATES AND AREAS . 1954 Y W^f3 « | G RE AT | \ j 1 ■ s^i CE NT RAlJ \ \ M \ \ L w 1^ 1 C_1^*L ' © ) (S) i K\ > 60,100 ^ i \r* 0Ulii?^-X f \ /^ W720 y mfflk A BE ir maim CJ "■«■ '0 ^S1tn / \ JK~~~a\*& | \ UNITED STATES \ JP^ \ \ 449,440 UMBO* MM ;? — - u. * -"' „,, T« ««* FIELD FORAGE HARVESTERS Harvesting of corn and other green crops for silage is a slow, tiresome job when the crops are cut by hand or with a binder, loaded by hand or elevator, and unloaded into the silage cutter by hand. For many years farmers looked to the time when this heavy job could be made easier. Finally, the field forage har- vester, a machine that cuts and chops green forage crops into desirable lengths as it is driven over the field, brought the long- sought solution of the problem. The first field forage harvesters were used around 1920, almost exclusively for harvesting row crops, mainly corn for silage. In time the field forage harvester was improved and equipped with attachments for doing several jobs. Many of the harvesters on farms in 1954 were equipped to harvest row crops, cut and chop standing grass and legume crops, and to pick up and chop from the windrow such crops as hay and straw. Field chopping as of today is a relatively quick, easy, labor- saving way of harvesting forage crops. The increase in the use of this machine has been rapid since World War II. According to estimates of the United States Department of Agriculture there were about 81,000 field forage harvest- ers on farms in 1950. By November 1954 over 200,000 were reported on farms. Although the field forage harvester is dis- tributed throughout all farming areas, the heavy concentrations are in the principal dairy areas where chopping corn and grass for silage is common. In some areas the machine is used to some extent for chopping grass for green feed and for chopping hay. '%-— - FIELD FORAGE HARVESTERS NUMBER. 1954 r\ pn life^^ ^ J> / ^ / (• ■ /. / ^—r -''m^.f^jr r - \ ' / f 1 • ~\\y<^i UMTED STATES TOTAL 201.605 >^K^ ^ ID0T-25 HARVESTERS V ^ ut CCPU.NCM «f «*«.« Harvest machines, like the field forage harvester, require relatively large investments. Economic use of such machines depends largely on the volume of crops to be harvested year after year. On many of the larger farms there are adequate quanti- ties of crops for their use. But many farmers with limited acreages on their own farm find it desirable to do contract work for others or to own such machines jointly with one or more other farmers. In November 1954, half of all forage harvesters reported by farmers were on farms of less than 260 acres in size. These farms of less than 260 acres represent about 73 per- cent of all farms in the United States. Farms between 260 and 500 acres in size had 28 percent of all forage harvesters in 1954. Geographically, farmers in the central area reported almost half of the forage harvesters in 1954. Concentration was par- ticularly heavy in the eastern dairy area of Wisconsin. More than 80 percent of the forage harvesters reported in the central area were on farms between 100 and 500 acres in size. In the Eastern States many of the smaller dairy farms have a large proportion of their crop acreage in corn and grass for silage. Almost 40 percent of the forage harvesters in this area were reported by farmers having less than 180 acres of land, while in the Great Plains area less than 7 percent of the forage har- vesters were on farms of this size. In both the Great Plains and Western areas almost a fourth of the forage harvesters were on farms of 1.000 or more acres. NUMBER OF FIELD FORAGE HARVESTERS ON FARMS BY SIZE OF FARM. FOR THE UNITED STATES AND AREAS. 1954 98 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY Estimates by the United States Department of Agriculture show the extent to which mechanical harvesting of hay has replaced old hay harvesting methods. In 1944, for example, about 27 percent of the entire hay tonnage was baled, 2 percent was chopped, and 71 percent was handled as long loose hay. Pick-up baling and field chopping increased markedly during the next 10 years. In 1954, about 73 percent of the hay was baled, 7 percent was chopped, and only 20 percent was handled in long loose form. Much of the present long loose hay is in the low rainfall areas of the Great Plains and some Western States where large quantities of wild hay and alfalfa are stacked for cattle and sheep feeding. Only in a few areas is much of the hay chopped. The field forage harvester is used primarily for har- vesting forage crops for silage. Percentage of Hay Harvested by Different Methods, United States For Specified Years ' Year Crop of 1944, Crop of 1948. Crop of 1951. Crop of 1954, Percentage of specified hay crop that was— Baled 26.8 47.5 61.7 72.5 Chopped 1.7 5.6 7.5 7.2 Stored as loose long hay 71.5 46.9 30.8 20.3 1 "Harvesting Hay and Straw and Use of Balers" F. M. 107, United States Depart- ment of Agriculture, June 1953, and "Harvesting Hay and Straw" ARS 43-27, United States Department of Agriculture, May 1956. COMBINATIONS OF HARVEST MACHINES The larger, specialized harvest machines, like pick-up balers, forage harvesters, etc., require a considerable investment, es- pecially on farms where more than one kind of a machine is necessary. High investment and the operating costs for such machines undoubtedly influence many farmers to contract for their use or to arrange with neighbors for exchange of machine work. In 1954, for example, only 157,000 farmers reported hav- ing one or more of each kind of the 3 harvest machines, grain combine, corn picker, and pick-up baler, although many hundreds of thousands of farmers harvested crops which could be harvested by these machines. Nearly all of the farmers (96 percent) who had all 3 kinds of these machines were in 4 type-of-farming groups, namely cash-grain, livestock other than dairy or poultry, dairy, and general farming. These are the types of farms grow- ing relatively large acreages of small grains, corn, and hay. For the most part, the farms of these types are in the higher economic class groups. Seventy percent of all farmers reporting all 3 harvest machines, and 60 percent of those reporting 2 of the 3 machines were located in the important grain and livestock areas of the Corn Belt and Lake States. Most of these farms were in Economic Classes I, II, III, and IV. In all economic classes of farms, in all 5 areas, some farmers did not have any of the 3 machines, grain combines, corn pickers, or pick-up balers. For the United States as a whole, nearly 63 percent of the farmers had none of the machines. These farmers were especially numerous in the Southern area where 90 percent of all farms did not have a grain combine, a corn picker, or a pick-up baler in 1954. Of course, some farms do not have these machines because they are not needed for the type of farming followed. In many other cases, however, the farmer has so little work for them that he cannot afford them. This does not mean necessarily that combines, corn pickers, and pick-up balers tire not used on the smaller farms. Operators of small farms frequently engage a neighboring farmer to combine his small grain, machine pick his corn, or bale his hay. NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING 0, I, 2. AND 3 KINDS OF FIELD MACHINES" BY ECONOMIC CLASS FOR THE UNITED STATES AND AREAS: 1954 FARM MACHINERY AND FACILITIES 99 Table 19. — Number of Farms, and Farms Reporting and Number of Grain Combines, by Size of Farm, for the United States: 1954 [Data are estimates based upon reports for only a sample of farms. See text] All farms Orain combines Size of farm Farms reporting Number of grain combines Num- ber (000) Percent distri- bution Num- ber (000) Percent of all farms Total (000) Average number per farm (all farms) Average number per farm reporting Total 4.806 100.0 934 19.4 989 0.2 1. 1 Under 10 acres. . ... 10 to 29 acres 30 to 49 acres 50 to 69 acres. 70 to 99 acres _._ 100 to 139 acres 140 to 179 acres 180 to 219 acres 220 to 259 acres. _ 260 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over. . 489 719 497 348 519 492 463 259 210 488 191 131 10.2 15.0 10.4 7.2 10.8 10.2 9.6 5.4 4.4 10.2 4.0 2.7 3 8 13 15 56 86 147 96 90 243 111 67 .7 1.1 2.5 4.3 10.8 17.5 31.7 36.9 43.1 49.8 57.9 51.5 3 8 13 15 56 88 148 97 92 254 125 90 C) C) C) (') .1 .2 .3 .4 .4 .5 .7 1. 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.3 ■ Less than 0.05 percent. Table 20. — Number of Farms, and Farms Reporting and Number of Grain Combines, by Tenure of Operator, for Commercial Farms, for the United States: 1954 Data are estimates based upon reports for only a sample, approximately 20 percent of the farms. See text] All farms Grain combines Farms reporting Number of grain combines Tenure of operator Num- ber (000) Percent distri- bution Num- ber (000) Percent of all farms Total (000) Average number per farm (all farms) Average number per farm report- ing Total... 3,328 100.0 896 26.9 950 0.29 1.06 1,594 756 18 960 95 160 642 63 47.9 22.7 0.5 28.8 2.8 4.8 19.3 1.9 326 309 5 255 20 92 132 11 20.5 40.9 30.8 26.6 20.6 57.6 20.6 17.6 339 338 7 267 20 95 140 12 .21 .45 .41 .28 .21 .60 .22 .18 1.04 Part owners 1.09 1.32 1.05 Cash tenants Share-cash ten- 1.04 1.03 Share tenants and croppers... Other and unspec- ified tenants 1.06 1.05 Table 21. — Farms Reporting and Acreage of Small Grains Harvested, and Number of Grain Combines, by the Acreage of Small Grains Harvested, for the United States and Areas: 1954 [Data are estimates based upon reports for only a sample of farms. See textl Area and acres of small grains harvested United States, total. Farms by acres of small grain harvested: Under 10 acres 10 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres.... 200 to 499 acres 500 acres and over Eastern area Farms by acres of small grain harvested: Under 10 acres 10 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres... 200 to 499 acres 500 acres and over Southern area- Farms by acres of small grain harvested: Under 10 acres 10 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to 499 acres 500 acres and over Central area Farms by acres of small grain harvested: Under 10 acres 10 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to 499 acres 500 acres and over Great Plains area Farms by acres of small grain harvested: Under 10 acres 10 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to 499 acres 500 acres and over Western area. Farms by acres of small grain harvested: Under 10 acres 10 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to 499 acres 500 acres and over _. Small grains harvested Farms report- ing (000) 2,010 447 1.054 264 132 91 22 116 133 12 2 (■) 130 74 10 6 4 1 1,024 170 683 137 29 6 1 363 11 106 88 81 65 12 135 Acres (000) 109,158 2,259 25, 184 17,767 18, 081 27. 367 18. 499 4.323 549 2,749 742 252 31 560 1,433 672 781 1,151 416 32. 175 979 16,644 8,885 3,676 1,452 539 49,710 60 3,098 6,248 11,358 19,534 9, 412 17, 938 112 1,260 1,220 2,015 5,198 8,132 Grain combines Farms reporting Num- ber (000) 905 70 464 180 96 76 20 66 (") 13 27 7 4 3 M 102 24 5 1 Percent of farms reporting small grains 45.0 15.6 44.0 68.0 72.4 83.8 90.0 8.2 34.8 67.6 83.5 80.0 10.0 37.2 66.9 63.4 79.2 57.1 P 48.8 24.7 47.7 74.2 84.8 92.4 91.4 61.6 26.3 42.3 61.8 69.6 83.5 89.0 45.8 11.4 33.2 52.6 66.2 82.9 93.6 Number Total (000) 71 474 186 103 90 32 68 (■) 43 332 104 26 Per farm report- ing 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.6 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.3 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.1 1.5 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.2 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.1 1. 1 1.2 1.7 ■ Less than 500. Table 22.— NUMBER OF FARMS, FARMS REPORTING SMALL GRAINS HARVESTED, AND FARMS REPORTING GRAIN COMBINES, FOR THE UNITED STATES AND AREAS: 1954 [Data are estimates based upon reports for only a sample of farms. See text) United States Area Eastern Southern Central Great Plains Western All farms number (000).. 4.806 2,010 905 956 55.0 42.8 2.0 .2 779 263 66 68 75.1 24.0 0.8 ■) 1,477 225 54 59 75.7 22.4 1.6 .2 1.366 1 , 024 499 512 51.2 47.6 1.1 C) 761 363 223 244 38.4 56.8 4.2 .6 423 Farms reporting small grains harvested farms (000).. Farms reporting both small grains harvested and a grain combine. . . farms (000) . . Percentage of farms reporting small grains harvested and reporting — 135 62 73 54.2 39.3 5.4 1.2 " Less than 0.05 percent. 100 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY Table 23.— NUMBER OF FARMS, AND FARMS REPORTING AND NUMBER OF CORN PICKERS, BY SIZE OF FARM, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1954 [Data are estimates based upon reports for only a sample of farms See text] All farms Corn pickers Number (000) Percent distribution Farms reporting Number of corn pickers Number (000) Percent of all farms Total (000) Average number per farm (all farms) Average number per farm re- porting Total 4.806 100.0 684 14.2 694 0.1 1.0 Under 10 acres __- - ... 10to29acres . . ... -- 30to49acres ... ... .-- 489 719 497 348 519 492 463 259 210 488 191 131 10.2 15.0 10.4 7.2 10.8 10.2 9.6 5.4 4.4 10.2 4.0 2.7 2 5 10 11 46 74 133 86 79 176 46 17 .4 .8 1.9 3.1 8.9 15.0 28.7 33.0 37.8 36.0 23.9 12.9 2 5 10 11 47 74 134 86 80 180 48 18 (■) [>) (■) C) .1 .2 .3 .3 .4 .4 .2 .1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 100 to 139 acres . .. .. 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 260 to 499 acres .. .. .. . .. 1.0 500 to 999 acres . . . . . 1.0 1.1 1 Less than 0.05 percent. Table 24.— FARMS REPORTING AND ACRES OF CORN HARVESTED FOR ALL PURPOSES, AND NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING CORN PICKERS, FOR THE UNITED STATES AND AREAS: 1954 [Data are estimates based upon reports for only a sample of farms. See text) Corn harvested Corn pickers Area Com harvested Corn pickers Farms reporting Number Farms reporting Number Farms report- ing (000) Acres (000) Num- ber (000) Percent of farms reporting corn Total (000) Per farm report- ing Farms report- ing (000) Acres (COO) Num- ber (000) Percent of farms reporting com Total (000) Per farm report- ing United States, total.. _ 2,818 1,038 1,282 359 136 3 1 78, 623 4,926 28, 678 24, 363 18, 663 1,029 964 652 12 266 255 115 2 1 231 1.2 20.8 71.2 84.5 74. 1 62.1 662 12 268 258 120 3 1 1.02 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.04 1.36 1.76 1,029 181 535 235 76 1 1 335 65 143 80 46 1 C) 35 14 18 1 (•) (■) 41,513 986 13, 712 15, 895 10. 272 250 397 16, 542 317 3.581 5,512 6, 456 453 224 925 59 392 175 170 40 98 458 194 188 69 1 1 121 1 27 53 38 1 (■) 3 C) 2 1 1 C) (■) 44.6 3.7 36.3 79.9 90.1 88.2 89.3 36.1 1.8 18.7 66.7 83.9 81.0 61.5 8.6 466 195 190 72 1 1 123 1 27 54 39 1 (■) 3 (■) 2 1 1 (■) (■) 1.02 Farms by acres of corn har- vested: Farms by acres of corn har- vested: 1.00 1.01 50 to 99 acres . 50 to 99 acres.... 1.01 100 to 299 acres 100 to 299 acres... 1.05 300 to 499 acres . 300 to 499 acres... 1.70 1.88 Great Plains area Farms by acres of corn har- vested : Under 10 acres 10 to 49 years 457 263 176 14 4 8 962 515 409. 29 9 1 (■) 6,142 1,137 3, 397 873 499 55 181 13,500 2,427 7, 594 1,907 1,267 240 64 46 3 32 8 3 C) C) 23 1 11 6 4 C) C) 10.1 1.0 18.3 56.1 85.3 76.0 35.3 2.4 0.3 2.8 21.0 43.3 52.9 33.3 47 3 32 8 4 (■) C) 24 2 12 6 4 (■) C) 1.02 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.13 1.33 1.33 1.02 1.00 1.03 1.00 1.05 1. 11 1.00 1.02 Farms by acres of corn har- vested: 1.00 1.00 1.01 100 to 299 acres 1.02 300 to 499 acres .... 1.25 300 to 499 acres.... 1.88 1.00 Farms by acres of corn har- vested: Farms by acres of corn har- vested: 9.6 46.3 50.0 25.0 20.0 1.00 50 to 99 acres . .... 1.00 100 to 299 acres 100 to 299 acres 1.00 300 to 499 acres 300 to 499 acres 1.00 1.00 ■ Less than 500. Table 25.— FARMS REPORTING AND ACRES OF CORN HARVESTED FOR ALL PURPOSES, AND NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING CORN PICKERS, BY ACRES OF CORN HARVESTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1954 [Data are estimates based upon reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Corn harvested Farms reporting corn pickers Item Farms reporting Acres (1.000) Total 1 corn picker (1,000 farms) 2 corn pickers (1.000 farms) Number (1,000 farms) Percent distribution Number (1.000 farms) Percent of farms report- ing corn harvested 3 or more corn pickers (1,000 farms) Farms reporting com harvested by acres harvested: Total 2,818 1.038 802 480 359 136 4 100.0 36.8 28.5 17.0 12.7 4.8 1 78,623 4,926 12, 134 16. 543 24,363 18, 663 1,993 652 12 78 189 255 115 3 23.1 1.2 9.7 39.3 71.2 84.5 70.3 641 12 78 188 252 110 2 10 (•) (■) 1 3 5 1 (■) 50 to 99 acres _ C) 100 to 299 acres... (') (•) ■ Less than 500. FARM MACHINERY AND FACILITIES 101 Table 26. — Number of Farms, and Farms Reporting and Number of Pick-up Balers, by Size of Farm, for the United States: 1954 [Data are estimates based upon reports for only a sample of farms. See text] All farms Pick-up balers Num- ber (000) Percent distri- bution Farms reporting Number of pick-up balers Size Of farm Num- ber (000) Percent of all farms Total (000) Average number per farm (all farms) Average number per farm reporting Total. 4.806 100.0 459 9.6 463 0.1 1.0 Under 10 acres 10 to 29 acres... 489 719 497 348 519 492 463 259 210 488 191 131 10.2 15.0 10.4 7.2 10.8 10.2 9.6 5.4 4.4 10.2 4.0 2.7 2 5 8 8 29 50 70 47 42 117 47 34 .4 .6 1.6 2.3 5.6 10.3 15.0 18.2 20.2 24.0 24.4 26.0 2 5 8 8 29 51 70 47 43 118 47 36 («) (•) C) (•) . 1 .1 .2 .2 .2 .2 2 !3 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 100 to 139 acres 140 to 179 acres 180 to 219 acres 220 to 259 acres. 260 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1 .000 acres and over. _ 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1. 1 1 Less than 0.05. Table 27- — Number of Farms, and Farms Reporting and Number of Forage Harvesters, by Size of Farm, for the United States: 1954 [Data are estimates based upon reports for only a sample of farms. See text] All farms Forage harvesters Size of farm Num- ber (000) Per- cent distri- bution Farms report- ing Number of forage har- vesters Num- ber (000) Per- cent of all farms Total (000) Average number per farm (all farms) Average number per farm report- ing Total 4.806 100. 0 203 4.2 205 (') 1.0 Lender 10 acres 489 719 497 348 519 492 463 259 210 488 191 131 10.2 15.0 10.4 7.2 10.8 10.2 9.6 5.4 4.4 10.2 4 0 2.7 1 2 2 2 11 20 27 20 20 57 24 18 .1 .2 .5 .6 2.0 4.0 6.0 7.5 9.4 11.6 12.7 13.8 1 2 2 2 11 20 27 20 20 58 25 19 (■) (") 1.0 1.0 30 to 49 acres 50 to 69 acres 70 to 99 acres 100 to 139 acres 140 to 179 acres 180 to 219 acres 220 to 259 acres.. 260 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over. . C) (■) (■) (■) 0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 " Less than 0.05. Table 28.— NUMBER OF FARMS, FARMS REPORTING AND ACRES OF ALL HAY HARVESTED, AND FARMS REPORTING PICK-UP BALERS, BY ACRES OF HAY HARVESTED AND BY SIZE OF FARM, FOR THE UNITED STATES AND AREAS: 1954 [Data are estimates based upon reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Item All farms number (000). Farms reporting hay harvested farms (000). Acres of hay harvested acres (000). Farms reporting both hay harvested and pick-up balers farms (000). Percent of farms reporting hay harvested Number of pick-up balers (000). Average acres of hay harvested per pick-up baler Percent of farms with specified acres of hay harvested, reporting pick-up balers . Under 10 acres of hay.. _ percent. 10 to 24 acres of hay do... 25 to 49 acres of hay.. do... 50 to 99 acres of hay.. _ do... 100 to 299 acres of hay do... 300 acres of hay and over do... Percent of farms in each size of farm group, reporting pick-up balers: Under 10 acres percent. 10 to 29 acres __ do... 30 to 49 acres do... 50 to 69 acres do... 70 to 99 acres .do.-. 100 to 139 acres do... 140 to 179 acres do... 180 to 219 acres do... 220 to 259 acres do... 260 to 499 acres do... 500 to 999 acres do... 1.000 acres and over do... United States 4.806 2,573 70,017 445 17.3 449 155.8 4.3 15.2 28.5 39.4 42.1 in i; 1.6 2.3 5.6 10.3 15.0 18.2 20.2 24.0 24.4 30.0 era Southern 779 1,477 547 460 11,583 5.438 105 33 19.2 7.3 106 34 109.6 161.3 4.6 1.9 16.2 9.8 34.8 27.2 52.5 46.6 76.4 57.2 72.7 68.8 .6 .2 .5 .4 1.9 .7 3.1 .8 9.0 1.4 15.3 3.1 25.5 4.0 26.1 6.6 35.3 9.1 41.5 13.9 49.0 27.5 55.2 34.3 tral Great Plains Western 1,366 761 423 1,001 356 210 23,069 19, 878 10, 049 204 59 43 20.4 16.7 20.4 206 60 44 112.1 330.7 228.2 7.6 4.8 3.1 17.2 10.1 16.1 29.1 20.8 25.4 41.9 25.7 38.0 55.0 28.1 38.8 53.8 32.4 47.1 .1 .2 .1 1.4 1.3 2.7 1.3 4.6 4.4 .7 6.4 7.0 2.7 14.8 12.6 4.3 20.8 19.2 4.5 16.0 23.1 6.7 20.9 24.4 10.0 22.8 33.6 13.7 15.5 41.1 18.2 16.2 51.5 22.1 24.1 407763—57- 102 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY Table 29.— NUMBER OF FARMS, AND NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING 1, 2, OR 3 KINDS ' OF FIELD MACHINES BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, AND BY TYPE OF FARM, FOR THE UNITED STATES AND AREAS: 1954 [Data are estimates based upon reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Number of ;ili farms (000) Farms reporting, by numbe of 3 kinds r, f field machines Item None I 2 3 Number (000) Percent of all farms Number (000) Percent of all farms Number (000) Percent, of all farms Number (000) Percent of all farms United States, total .. 4. 806 3, 352 136 443 726 821 769 458 1. 453 547 528 373 33 86 554 157 694 342 78 65 199 1,491 3. 504 2,096 51 125 299 544 650 428 1,408 157 481 339 31 82 329 136 341 166 48 30 87 1.443 72.9 62.5 37.8 28.1 41. 1 66.2 84. 5 93.5 96.9 28.6 91.2 90.9 92.5 95.3 59.3 86.7 49.1 48.5 62.0 46.9 43.7 96.7 685 648 39 119 207 176 84 23 37 194 37 24 2 3 129 14 160 85 19 16 49 39 14.3 10.3 28.5 26.9 28.5 21.4 10.9 5.1 2.5 35.4 6.9 6.4 5.8 3.6 23.2 8.7 23.0 24.9 25.0 25.4 24.6 2.0 458 451 28 136 169 83 30 5 7 156 8 8 C) 1 65 5 140 66 8 12 46 8 9.5 13. 5 20.8 30.7 23.3 10.1 3.9 1.1 .5 28.6 1.6 2.3 1.1 .8 11.8 3.4 20.1 19.4 10.5 18.8 23.0 .5 158 157 17 63 51 19 5 1 2 40 2 9 (■) (■) 32 2 54 25 2 6 17 1 Economic claps of farm: 4.7 ClassI Class II Class III... Class IV. . Class V.... Class VI .._ 3 Type of farm: 7.4 Livestock farms other than dairv anrl poultry .. 7.8 Primarily crop _ 2.6 Primarily livestock _ 8 9 Crop and livestock 8 6 Miscellaneous and unclassified farms _ 1.2 Eastern area, total _ _ 779 477 17 62 95 liri 117 76 302 26 125 i 11 146 49 58 42 9 7 26 313 638 345 9 26 52 83 103 72 294 13 1 113 7 10 78 43 41 27 7 4 16 304 82.0 72.3 51.3 41.8 54.2 75.8 88.3 94.9 97.4 52.5 100.0 90.3 94.1 91.5 53.6 87.6 70.7 64.5 71.7 59.5 63.1 97.1 84 78 4 18 25 18 10 3 6 6 10.8 16.3 21.9 28.5 26.5 16.7 8. 1 4.4 2.0 25.3 39 38 2 11 13 4 C) 2 3 5.1 7.9 13.3 18.4 14.0 6.0 3.1 .4 .6 12.9 17 17 2 7 5 2 1 C) C) 2 2 2 Economic class of farm : Commercial farms 3.5 ClassI Class II 11 3 Class III 5 3 Class IV. 1.5 Class V .4 Class VI 3 Other farms C) 9.3 Type of farm: Cash-grain farms. . Other field-crop farms (") 1 40 4 11 8 2 2 4 7 6.7 4.0 4.8 27.4 9.0 18.7 18.2 17.6 22.3 17.3 2.1 4 (0 C) 19 1 4 1 1 3 2 3.2 .3 3.7 13.0 2.6 7.2 12.5 7.9 15.2 13.5 . 7 1 C) .8 Vegetable farms. 1.6 Fniit-and-nut farms Dairy farms. 9 C) 2 2 C) C) 2 C) 6.0 .7 Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry. 3.4 Genera] farms 4.8 Primarily crop 2.8 Primarily livestock 3.0 Crop and livestock 6. 1 Miscellaneous and unclassified farms . 1 Southern area, total .. 1,476 918 17 39 99 228 313 222 558 26 413 222 8 16 47 35 77 61 29 3 29 571 1,377 826 8 22 78 207 297 215 551 14 392 210 8 16 36 32 60 47 23 2 22 562 93.2 90.0 45. 1 56.0 78.0 90.8 94.9 96.9 98.6 52.6 95.0 94.5 97.7 97.4 76.8 92.0 77.7 77.0 77.5 72.3 77.0 98.4 68 61 5 9 14 16 12 5 7 8 14 10 («) (•) 6 2 11 9 4 1 4 8 4.6 6.6 29.3 22.8 13.6 7.1 3.7 2.4 1.2 31. 0 3.3 4.3 1.5 1.7 13.1 6.0 14.0 14.9 14.9 16.9 14.6 1.4 26 25 3 7 7 4 4 1 C) 4 6 3 (') 1.7 2.8 16.7 16.7 7.1 1.9 1.1 .5 (■) 14.3 1.3 1.1 .3 7 6 2 2 1 1 1 C) (') 1 1 C) C) C) 1 (■) 1 1 1 (■ 1 (■) .4 Economic class of farm: Commercial farms .7 ClassI 8.9 Class II 4.6 Class III 1.3 Class IV .3 Class V .2 Class VI Other farms . . 1 Type of farm : Cash-grain farms 2. 1 Cotton farms .3 Other field-crop farms .1 . 5 Fruit-and-nut farms .. . . .9 Dairv farms. 4 1 5 4 2 (') 2 1 7.9 1.7 6.6 6.0 5. 1 6.8 6.7 .1 2 1 Poultry farms .3 Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry 1.8 General farms . 2.2 Primarily crop 2.5 Primarilv livestock 4. 1 Crop and livestock... Miscellaneous and unclassified farms . 1 See footnotes at end of table. FARM MACHINERY AND FACILITIES 103 Table 29.— NUMBER OF FARMS, AND NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING 1, 2, OR 3 KINDS ' OF FIELD MACHINES, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, AND BY TYPE OF FARM, FOR THE UNITED STATES AND AREAS: 1954— Con. [Data are estimates based upon reports for only a sample of farms. See text] 1 1 em Central area, total Economic class of farm: Commercial farms Class I Class II --.. Class III Class IV.... Class V.... Class VI.... Other farms Type of farm : Cash-grain farms Cotton farms Other field-crop farms Vegetable farms .- Fruit-and-nut farms Dairy farms Poultry farms Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry General farms Primarily crop Primarily livestock Crop and livestock Miscellaneous and unclassified farms Great Plains area, total Economic class of farm: Commercial farms. __ Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI Other farms Type of farm: Cash-grain farms Cotton farms Other field-crop farms Vegetable farms Fruit-and-nut farms Dairy farms Poultry farms _ Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry General farms Primarily crop Primarily livestock Crop and livestock Miscellaneous and unclassified farms - Western area, total Economic class of farm: Commercial farms _ Class I Class II Class III Class IV. Class V Class VI Other farms Type of farm: Cash-grain farms Cotton farms Other field-crop farms Vegetable farms Fruit-and-nut farms Dairy farms Poultry farms Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry. General farms Primarily crop Primarily livestock Crop and livestock Miscellaneous and unclassified farms- Number of all farms (000) 1.366 1.00(1 37 193 31fi 273 188 84 276 269 12 8 7 288 38 316 139 10 43 87 282 574 26 86 149 148 105 60 187 182 91 6 3 1 31 13 177 68 12 in 45 188 293 38 62 67 63 46 17 130 45 II 11 7 50 43 22 66 32 17 2 12 137 Farms reporting, by number of 3 kinds of field machines None Number (000) 458 5 19 82 140 138 74 258 165 29 108 50 4 19 27 Percent of all farms 264 271 9 23 45 68 74 53 179 26 6 4 16 181 132 52.4 42.0 14.0 9.9 26.0 51.2 73.5 88.5 93.6 26.9 73.8 70.7 89.1 86.3 57.4 76.9 34.3 35.9 44.7 44.4 93.6 59.2 47.3 34.8 27.0 30.1 45.9 70.2 87.6 95.8 25.1 78.7 60.5 96.5 100.0 59.7 87.3 50.1 38.1 50.7 40.2 34.2 95.8 196 66.8 21 53.8 34 55.0 42 63.8 46 73.1 38 81.6 15 88. 1 126 96.7 12 25.7 8 70.9 7 59.6 6 86.8 48 96.7 30 71.3 20 93.0 43 65.2 16 50. 3 8 48.3 1 53.7 6 52.2 96.3 Numher (0001 248 6 38 93 74 31 7 14 185 11 34 57 53 24 6 7 (■) 80 Percent of all farms 22.8 14.9 19.5 29.4 27.2 16.7 8.0 5.0 24.1 19.9 18.6 6.6 9.7 22.4 12.3 23.5 25.0 32.6 24.0 24.6 5.0 25.2 32.2 40.9 39.3 38.3 35.9 22.9 10.2 3.5 48.0 19.4 34 3 3.5 24.7 9.0 26.3 32.7 31.9 33.8 32. 7 3.5 26.2 35.8 33.8 28.2 22. 5 15.6 II. 1 2.7 60.6 25.4 30.4 12.9 3.2 24.4 5.6 25.7 35.5 36.8 32.5 34.4 3.1 Number (000) Percent of all farms 273 15 89 106 46 15 2 3 (') (') 103 1 1 (■) (■) (■) (■) « (■) (■) 20.2 25. 1 41.0 46.4 33.4 16.8 8.0 2.6 I. 1 38.1 5.3 7.7 4.0 2.7 13.0 6.8 29.1 26.8 18.2 20.2 31.0 1.0 12.6 16.6 15.8 25.4 25.6 15.8 6.3 1.8 .5 22.5 1.8 5.2 11.8 3.8 18.3 23.0 14.2 20.0 26. 1 Numher (000) 110 11 47 35 13 3 1 1 C) (■) (■) C) (■) (') (■) (■) 4.8 6.7 9.7 10.8 7.6 4.0 2.8 .8 .6 13.2 3.5 9.5 .3 .1 4.1 1.4 8.5 13.7 13.9 13.8 13.4 C) C) (■) C) (■) C) C) C) <■) (■) (■)" (■) C) C) Percent of all farms 1 Quantity less than half of the smallest unit: less than 500 or less than 0.05 percent. ' The 3 machines included are grain ombines, corn pickers, and pick-up hay balers. 104 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY CHORE EQUIPMENT Human labor is the oldest form of power in agriculture. Even after a hundred years of the development of labor-saving machines and practices, much farniwork remains to be done by hand or with small hand tools. A large part of this handwork is used for feeding and caring for livestock, although even in this field of work several important labor-saving machines and prac- tices have been put into effect on many farms. The extension of central station electric service to almost 95 percent of the farms has made possible the use of many kinds of electrical equipment in service buildings and service areas. Many of these pieces of equipment, such as tool grinders, portable drills, and circular saws, require little electric power for operation. Other items, such as crop driers, may require motors of 7.5 and even 10 horsepower. The livestock chore equipment discussed here is limited to only three items, namely, milking machines, power feed grinders, and electric pig brooders. These are the items of chore equipment reported for the 1954 Census of Agriculture. MILKING MACHINES Dairy farmers generally have accepted the milking machine as a necessary item in the barn or milking parlor. The number of farms with milking machines almost doubled between 1945 and 1954, increasing from 365,000 to 712,000. Most of this increase came between 1945 and 1950, a period when electric distribution lines were being extended rapidly in rural areas and when many farming areas were experiencing labor shortages. The number of farms reporting milking machines in the south- ern area, where dairying is expanding, increased from 6,000 in 1945 to almost 35,000 in 1954. Although the number of milking machines in the Southern States still is small, the rapid increase does indicate considerable progress in dairying in this part of the country. MILKING MACHINES NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING. 1954 .Milking machines are concentrated in the areas that produce whole milk for sale. Farms of the central and eastern areas produced three-fourths of the milk sold by farmers in 1954 and had three-fourths of the milking machines reported. Wisconsin, the leading dairy State, with 2.2 million milk cows and more than 14 billion pounds of milk sold in 1954, had 100,761 farms with milking machines. Minnesota with 74,000 farms with milking machines and New York with 51,000 followed in order of number of farms reporting. Dairy farms in California fre- quently have large herds of 100 or more cows. Farmers in Cali- fornia sold about 8 percent of the whole milk sold in 1954 and had only 2 percent of the farms with milking machines. Several types of farms other than dairy farms have milk cows varying in number from only a few head to sizable herds. Consequently, milking machines are used by many farmers who are not classified as dairy farmers. Of the 712,000 farms re- porting milking machines in 1954, more than 300,000 or 44 percent were classified as other than dairy farms. Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry farms accounted for 13 percent of all farms with milking machines, and general farms, many of which have milk cows, accounted for another 13 percent. Dairy farms, and other types with milking machines are especially numerous in the central area. In the Great Plains area dairy farms having milk- ing machines are only half as numerous as other types of farms which reported milking machines. WHOLE MILK SOLD NUMBER OF POUNDS. 1954 NUMBER OF FARMS WITH MILAIN0 MACHINES, 8V TYPE OF FARM FOR UNITED STATES AND AREA& 1994 1 Milking machines are now generally used throughout the coun- try on farms with 10 or more milk cows. Seventy percent of the commercial farms with 10 to 19 milk cows in 1954 reported a milking machine while 90 percent of the farms with 20 or more milk cows reported a milking machine. In recent years many farms with small herds of milk cows have turned to machine milking. Estimates made by the United States Department of Agriculture show that only 7 percent of the milking machines on January 1, 1943, were on farms where less than 9 cows were milked. In November 1954 according to the Census, almost one- fourth of all commercial farms reporting milking machines had 1 to 9 milk cows. About a fourth of these were farms having less than live milk cows. Most of the older milking machines on farms are of the two-unit type. The operator carries the milk to the milk room and pours it into a milk can. Recently, however, dairy installations of pipeline milkers and bulk coolers have been increasing rapidly. By this method the milk is handled entirely by mechanical means. It is another step in the mechanization of farm chore operations and has reduced the time used to milk a cow and has made the work much easier. FARM MACHINERY AND FACILITIES 105 Table 30.— FARMS REPORTING MILK COWS, AND FARMS REPORTING MILKING MACHINES, BY NUMBER OF MILK COWS, FOR ALL COMMERCIAL FARMS AND DAIRY FARMS, FOR THE UNITED STATES AND AREAS: 1954 [Data are estimates based upon reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Item Number of farms reporting milk cows by number of cows: All commercial farms - farms (000). 1 to 4 cows do 5 to 9 cows do 10 to 19 cows do 20 to 29 cows do 30 to 49 cows do 50 or more cows do Dairy farms do 1 to 4 cows do 5 to 9 cows do 10 to 19 cows_ do 20 to 29 cows do 30 to 49 cows do 50 or more cows.. do Percent of farms reporting milking machines for farms classified by number of milk cows: All commercial farms percent.. 1 to 4 cows do 5 to 9 cows ^do 10 to 19 cows do 20 to 29 cows do 30 to 49 cows _ _.do 50 or more cows do Dairy farms do 1 to 4 cows __do 5 to 9 cows do 10 to 19 cows _ do 20 to 29 cows _.do 30 to 49 cows do 50 or more cows do United States 2,141 1,066 432 404 151 62 26 537 25 96 219 118 57 22 31.3 3.8 26.1 69.8 90.2 95.4 88.0 73.2 17.1 35.3 77.7 92.0 96.2 94.1 Eastern 336 143 56 67 38 23 138 5 18 51 35 22 39.8 2.9 22.0 73.7 92.1 97.3 95.5 80.6 12.8 44.6 81.3 92.8 97.7 95.4 Southern 497 384 62 30 10 6 5 47 4 6.4 .4 4.5 30.0 74.0 92.1 77.6 52.0 7.1 8.7 48.4 78.7 92.6 93.1 Central il Great Plains Western 785 371 151 247 210 81 197 91 25 233 50 23 81 12 9 22 4 7 4 2 6 280 30 41 11 2 3 55 6 7 131 9 13 60 7 7 19 3 6 3 2 5 48.1 18.2 39.2 7.6 3.9 9.2 34.7 19.1 45.3 77.1 47.6 77.5 93.1 75.2 94.9 95.0 88.9 97.1 95.9 81.1 83.7 73.4 60.4 80.7 19.3 9.5 36.8 35. 3 17.4 62.6 80.6 64.1 78.2 94.1 88.4 91.4 95.3 91.3 100.0 95.6 85.2 94.5 Table 31.— NUMBER OF FARMS, AND PERCENT OF FARMS REPORTING MILKING MACHINES, BY TYPE OF FARM, FOR THE UNITED STATES AND AREAS: 1954 [Data are estimates based upon reports for only a sample of farms. See text] United States Area Item and type of farm United States Area Item and type of farm East- ern South- ern Cen- tral Great Plains West- ern East- ern South- ern Cen- tral Great Plains West- ern Numb( r (000) Percent of all farms reporting by type of farm: Percent 4,806 779 1,477 1,366 761 423 13.8 .8 2.3 3 2 2.8 72.4 5.9 13.1 26.9 7.3 43.4 29.2 1.8 8.0 3.0 4.2 6 0 79.9 6.2 5.7 19.9 9.5 35.6 19. 6 2 2 1.1 .5 .5 .5 .7 49.7 2.8 2. 1 3.4 .8 15.8 4.7 .5 17.8 .6 12.7 4.6 7.4 71.1 9.0 20.9 43.6 15.2 51.5 42.9 3.4 11.7 1.2 2.2 .8 1.0 63.9 3.9 7.9 18.1 4.2 22.4 21.0 1.1 Type of farm: 547 528 373 33 86 554 157 694 342 78 65 199 1,491 26 1 125 7 11 146 49 58 42 9 7 26 313 26 413 222 8 16 47 35 77 61 29 3 29 571 269 12 8 8 7 288 38 316 139 10 43 87 282 182 91 6 3 31 13 177 68 12 10 45 188 45 11 11 7 50 43 22 66 32 17 2 12 137 8.3 22.0 4.8 Fruit-and-nut farms 5.9 Poultry farms.. Livestock farms other than Livestock farms other than General farms . 14.7 45.5 40.3 Primarily livestock-. Miscellaneous and unclassified Miscellaneous and unclassified 106 A GRAPHIC SUMxMARY V IV NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING MILKING MACHINES BY NUMBER OF COWS MILKED. ji ~"^-t-B2LC0MM£RCIAL FARMS FOR THE UNITED STATES AND AREAS. 1954 POWER FEED GRINDERS For many years, some farmers have made a practice of grinding home-grown grains and grains bought from local farmers, for their livestock ; others have followed the practice of hauling their grain to commercial grinding mills. Recent technological de- velopments in power grinders and in power units have encouraged more grinding on the farm. Most of the grinders used today are powered by a farm tractor or an electric motor. Many of the electric powered grinders are relatively small and have auto- matic controls. Power feed grinders on farms are concentrated in the grain- livestock farming areas. Almost half of the farms reporting feed grinders in 19"«4 were in the S States which comprise the Corn Belt and Lake States. About one-ninth of them were in Iowa alone. Another one-fourth were in the 6 Great Plains States, and the remaining one-fourth were scattered over the remaining 34 States. I v ^~tt — -— — POWER FEED GRINDERS NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING. 1954 /■', 4 \ t ... r^*~^-~ ^~*K-< ('^7~---tL^' ' 1\ £ v/~5&*~^&s *"~ i gJS Wm *y? i> Ht > • / *i UNITED STATES TOTAL 707. 088 \ . f IDOT-IOO FARMS 1 "1 ICOUNTY UHn BiSJSI „, ,,.„.,. , .,„-., UMU -'■*««. » r* «-** More than one-third of the livestock farms, other than dairy or poultry farms, reported power feed grinders in 1954. These farms were most numerous in the Central and Great Plains areas where livestock raising and feeding is important. Dairy, cash- grain, and general crop and livestock farms were the other farm types most frequently reporting power feed grinders. A large proportion of these are located in the Central grain and livestock area. Few poultry farmers used this kind of equipment, pri- marily because nutritional requirements for poultry production are so exacting that few farmers decide to grind and mix their poultry feed. Dairy farmers also face the same problem as poultry farmers but to a lesser degree. LUMBER OF FARMS WITH POWER FEED GRINDERS BY TYPE OF FARM FOR UNITED STATES AND AREAS: 1954 WESTERN Th0U»0f>d» / an . . ' EASTERN , \ Trioutondt k UNITED STATES -GREAT PLAINS ThOUlOndl I I Cosh groin [ ';::vj Cotton jjj Other field crops ■|i| Vegetoble §S3 Fruit ond nut HI Demy Bgsj Poultry □ Livestock other than Dairy and Poultry .^Primarily crop ^jprimanly livestock jjjjjjjjjcrop and livestock ■ Miscellaneous and unclassified .j lILJi SOUTHERN \ FARM MACHINERY AND FACILITIES 107 Tower feed grinders were reported on dairy farms regardless of size of herd in 1954, even on many farms with less than 10 cows. Power feed grinders on small dairy farms that grow their own feed is a means of preparing grain for feeding without the time and expense of making numerous trips to the grinding mill. In all areas, except the Southern, a large proportion of the dairy farms with power feed grinders had from 10 to 19 cows, and another large proportion in all regions had from 20 to 29 cows. Dairy farms with herds in these two size groups represented two- thirds of all dairy farms reporting feed grinders in 1954. The cost of feed often represents a substantial part of the cash cost of operating a dairy farm. In the Northeastern region, for ex- ample, expenditures for feed on a typical family sized dairy farm probably represents a third of the total cash cost of operating the farm. In the central corn and livestock areas, expenditures for dairy feed usually represent a smaller proportion of total cash costs. In 1954, the average expenditure for feed by dairy farmers with 20 to 29 milk cows ranged from about $2,500 in the eastern area to $1,400 in the central region. Much of the feed fed to cows in the Eastern area was produced in the Central area. Many of the large dairy farms in California buy all of their concen- trated feed. Dairy farms in the Western region with 50 cows or more spent an average of $16,000 for feed in 1954. It should be pointed out that all of the feed bought by dairy farmers in 1954 was not necessarily for milk cows. Some of it may have been fed to hogs, poultry, or other livestock. M5 NUMBER OF DAIRY FARMS WITH POWER-FEED GRINDERS BY SIZE OF HERD FOR THE UNITE0 STATES AND AREAS. 1954 ELECTRIC PIG BROODERS Traditionally, heavy farrowing in April and May have re- sulted in heavy marketings and seasonally low hog prices in late fall and early winter months. In order to have their hogs ready for an earlier market, many farmers have pushed the farrowing dates ahead to the cold, damp months of late winter and early spring. Providing heat for the new-born pigs then became a problem. Years ago most artificial heat for this purpose was provided by coal, wood, or oil burning stoves, bricks heated on the kitchen range and other methods, none of which were entirely satisfac- tory. During bad weather it was not uncommon for the kitchen to be converted into a pig nursery. As electric service became available, many farmers adopted the electric pig brooder. This equipment requires little attention and is relatively free from lire hazard. During the winter months the electric pig brooder is in oper- ation for an individual litter of pigs for a week or 10 days. Sometimes it is the only source of artificial heat provided but often it is used in conjunction with other sources of heat, es- pecially in central farrowing houses. It is seldom used during the summer months. In November 1954, approximately 117,000 farmers reported elec- tric pig brooders. These farmers were scattered throughout the hog-producing areas of the country, even in some areas of the South. Two-thirds of them were in the important hog pro- ducing Corn Belt and Lake States. Iowa and Illinois alone had a fifth of all the farms reporting electric pig brooders in 1954. Farms with electric pig brooders were also numerous along the eastern border of the Northern Plains where corn and hog production are important farming enterprises. ELECTRIC PIG BROODERS NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING. 1954 Somewhat more than 1 million farms reported sows farrowing between December 1, 1953, and June 1, 1954. More than three- fourths of these had fewer than 10 sows farrowing. About one- third reported between 5 and 14 sows farrowing in the 6-month period. Less than 7 percent of all farms reporting sows far- rowing during this period had 20 or more sows. A close rela- tionship exists between numbers of farms reporting different numbers of sows farrowing and number of farms reporting number of electric pig brooders. More than half of the farms reporting electric pig brooders had 1 to 9 sows farrowing, and many of these had only 1 or 2 sows farrowing. The electric pig brooder is a fairly inexpensive device for saving pigs at far- rowing time. It is an important device for the small hog pro- ducer as well as for the large commercial producer, neither of whom can afford high pig losses. NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING PIG BROODERS BY SIZE OF ENTERPRISE. FOR THE UNITED STATES AN0 AREAS. 1954 108 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY Table 32.— NUMBER OF FARMS, AND PERCENT OF FARMS REPORTING POWER FEED GRINDERS, BY TYPE OF FARM, FOR THE UNITED STATES AND AREAS: 1954 [Data are estimates based upon reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Item and type of farm Number of farms, total _. Type of farm: Cash-grain farms Cotton farms Other field-crop farms.-. . Vegetable farms -~ Fruit-and-nut farms. Dairy farms Poultry farms Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry General farms Primarily crop Primarily livestock Crop and livestock Miscellaneous and unclassified farms United States Area East- ern South- ern Cen- tral Great Plains West- ern Number (000) 4,806 779 1.477 1,366 761 547 26 26 269 182 528 1 413 12 91 373 125 222 8 6 33 7 8 8 3 86 11 16 7 1 554 146 47 288 31 157 49 35 38 13 094 58 77 316 177 342 42 61 139 68 78 9 29 1(1 12 65 7 3 43 10 199 26 29 87 45 1,491 313 571 282 188 Item and type of farm Percent of all farms reporting by type of farm: Cash-grain farms Cotton farms Other field-crop farms Vegetable farms Fruit-and-nut farms Dairy farms Poultry farms Livestock farms other than dairy and poultry General farms Primarily crop Primarily livestock Crop and livestock Miscellaneous and unclassified farms United States East- ern South- ern Cen- tral Great West- Plains ern Percent 22.8 12.5 10. 1 21.6 29. 1 3.8 1.7 2.6 12.5 4.3 6.2 2.2 8.7 14.8 2.9 2.9 3.8 1.6 5.8 2.7 5.8 1.4 4.0 22.9 18.4 24.0 23.8 38.8 6.1 4.9 4. 1 10.8 8.0 34.3 23.0 16.0 40.6 38.4 28.3 24.4 9.9 35 4 36.7 10 9 5.9 4.5 10 3 23.8 36.8 34.5 20.3 39.6 35. 0 32.3 28.5 14.2 36.1 40.6 2.3 2.2 1.4 3.1 4.0 17.8 9.7 15.6 1.7 2.3 19.4 2.3 24.7 19.4 15.5 22.8 24. 1 2.0 Table 33. NUMBER OF FARMS, EXPENDITURES FOR FEED, AND FARMS REPORTING FEED GRINDERS, DAIRY FARMS, CLASSIFIED BY SIZE OF HERD, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1954 [Data are estimates based upon reports for only a sample of farms. See text] FOR Size of herd Dairy farms Expenditures for feed for livestock and poultry Farms reporting feed grinders Num- ber (000) Percent distribu- tion Dollars (000) Per farm reporting (dollars) Num- ber (000) Percent of dairy farms Total _ 537 100.0 873, 409 1,684 129 24.0 lto4milkcows --. ... 5 to 9 milk cows _ _ 10 to 19 milk cows 20 to 29 milk cows . .. __ ... ._ _. . 25 96 219 118 57 22 4.7 17.9 40.8 21.9 10.5 4.1 8,476 49,050 215, 301 218, 929 176, 474 205, 178 376 561 1,039 1,923 3,155 9,455 3 14 51 35 19 7 10.7 15.0 23.5 29.4 30 to 49 milk cows _ _ .. 33.2 29.5 Table 34.— FARMS REPORTING SOWS FARROWING BETWEEN DECEMBER 1, 1953, AND JUNE 1, 1954, AND FARMS REPORTING ELECTRIC PIG BROODERS, FOR THE UNITED STATES AND AREAS: 1954 [Data are estimates based upon reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Item All farms number (000) . Farms reporting sows farrowing between: Dec. 1, 1953, and June 1, 1954 farms (000)- percent ol all (arms. Percent distribution of farms reporting sows farrowing between Dec. 1, 1953, and June 1, 1954, by number of sows farrowing: 1 sow _ .percent- 2 sows .. -. percent. 3 sows _ ___ percent. 4 sows percent. 5 to 9 sows percent. 10 to 14 sows ..percent. 15 to 19 sows _ percent. 20 to 29 sows__ percent . 30 sows and over percent. Percent of farms reporting electric pig brooders, by number of sows farrowing between Dec. 1, 1953, and June 1, 1954: 1 sow.. percent. 2 sows __ _ _ percent. 3 sows -_ .percent . 4 sows... percent. 5 to 9 sows percent. 10 to 14 sows... __ percent- 15 to 19 sows ..percent. 20 to 29 sows ...percent. 30 sows and over percent- United States 4,806 1,004 20.9 22.4 16.1 10.1 7.8 21.1 11.1 4.7 4.4 2.3 1.8 3.8 6.2 6.9 10.8 15.5 14.8 19.1 23.4 Eastern 779 92 11.8 37.6 23.0 11.0 7.3 14.8 3.3 1.2 .9 .8 2.4 5.2 4.1 6.2 8.3 16.3 19.6 12.5 Southern 1,477 221 15.0 47.5 23.0 11.4 5.6 9.4 1.9 .8 .3 .2 1.7 2.4 3.6 7.2 6.4 2.8 4.3 Central 1.366 515 37.7 10.1 11.6 9.1 8.7 26.1 16.3 7.4 7.1 3.8 4.4 5.5 7.3 9.0 12.2 16.6 15.1 20. 9 24.4 Great Plains 150 19.8 16.6 16.8 10.3 8.6 25.7 12.7 3.9 4.2 1.2 1.8 3.7 8.0 4.3 10.0 11.0 13.7 11.8 24.5 Western 34.7 20.6 13.1 8.0 15.6 3.7 1.0 .9 2.4 4.6 8.9 24.5 6.0 18.5 39.1 41.7 18.2 36.7 FARM MACHINERY AND FACILITIES SERVICE EQUIPMENT 109 Farms in some rural areas have had telephone service for a iong time. Now electricity on the farm is supplying the heat and energy long lacking for really modernizing the farm home. Electric toasters, irons, radios, refrigerators, space heaters, and washing machines are commonplace pieces of electrical equip- ment in many farm homes. Television sets, home freezers, and running water in the home are becoming more commonplace, although many farm homes still lack one or more of these items. The discussion in this section deals with four of these service items for which the Census obtains data. These items are tele- phones, television sets, home freezers, and piped running water. TELEPHONES Of all our early technological developments, the telephone was one of the most rapidly accepted and widely distributed on farms. The telephone was invented in 1876 and by 1920 almost 40 per cent of all farms had a telephone. Many of the early telephone lines were inexpensively constructed with the wires strung on fence posts, trees, and small poles. Frequently a dozen or more farms were on one "party line." Exchange service often was un- satisfactory. By 1930, farms with telephones had decreased from the number in 1920 (2,498,000) by more than a third of a million, and by 1940 another decrease of more than a half million had taken place. The depression of the 1930's contributed to the latter decrease. Another important factor, however, was the prevalence of automobiles and hard-surfaced roads which gave the farmer more mobility and greatly reduced his isolation. The radio also helped keep him in contact with the central markets, the weather reports, and other developments. With the increase in commercial farming and in farm incomes after 1940. the percentage of farms with telephone service in- creased. By 1945, 32 percent of the farms had telephone service, and by 1950 about 38 percent had the service. In 1949 the Rural Electrification Administration was authorized by Congress to make loans to expand and improve telephone service in rural areas. By 1954 almost half of the farms had telephones. The Northeastern area, with 77 percent of the farms reporting telephones in November 1954, topped all other farming regions in the proportion of farms with individual phone service. The Pacific area was close behind with 75 percent, and the Corn Belt was next with 71 percent of the farmers reporting telephones. In the Delta States. 17 percent of the farmers had telephones and in the Southeast, 20 percent. Iowa, with 168.000 farms reporting telephones, had more farms with telephones than any other State. The number of farmers with telephone service increased from 1950 to 1954 by almost 13 percent. All 10 areas of the country shared in this increase. The Appalachian area with an increase of 54.000 farms reporting telephones, and the southeastern area with an increase of 49,000 farms reporting telephones lead other areas in the increase. For the Southeastern area, however, the increase amounted to 84 percent compared to an increase of 32 percent in the Appalachian area. Although more farms in all regions had telephones in 1954 than in 1950, some counties, es- pecially in the New England States, had fewer farms with tele- phones at the end of the 5-year period. A large part of this de- crease resulted from decrease in total number of farms rather than from the discontinuation of telephone service. PERCENT OF FARMS REPORTING TELEPHONES, 1954 (COUNTY UNIT BASIS) LE6END PERCENT I I UNDER 10 El&Si 40 TO 59 t&iii 10 TO 19 SS88 60 TO 79 V///A 20 TO 39 Hi e + NO FARMS US DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE P NO AS4-05 3 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS 110 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY TELEPHONES-INCREASE AND DECREASE IN NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING. 1950-1954 Frequency of reporting of telephones is closely related to size of farm business, or to economic class of farm. In 1954, for ex- ample, 22 percent of the farms in Economic Class VI had tele- phones, while 80 percent or more of the farms in Economic Classes I and II reported telephones. Among the tenure groups, almost 70 percent of share-cash tenants had telephones, as compared with 6S percent of managers, 57 percent of part owners, and 51 percent of full owners. Many of the owner-operated farms are small in size and have relatively low farm incomes. Farms of share tenants and croppers as a group had fewer telephones than farms in other economic classes. TELEVISION SETS The most recent development in mass communication is tele- vision. Farmers are rapidly installing television sets as re- ception becomes available to them. In November 1954, about 1.7 million farms, or more than 35 percent of all farms, had tele- vision sets. This number exceeds the number of farms reporting home freezers in 1954, by 10 percent. The range for satisfactory reception of television broadcasts is definitely limited. For this reason, many farmers cannot use re- ception sets until broadcast facilities become available to their area. The percentage of farms reporting television sets in 1954 varied in the different areas from 60 percent in the northeastern area to less than 20 percent in the Delta area. TELEVISION SETS . NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING. OCTOBER NOVEMBER. 1954 PERCENT OF FARMS REPORTING HOME FREEZERS, 1954 (COUNTY UNIT BASIS) *- NO FARMS US DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE MAP NO A34-248 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS FARM MACHINERY AND FACILITIES 111 HOME FREEZERS Farm homemaking has been revolutionized by modern refrig- eration. In a great many eases the mechanical refrigerator was one of the first major pieces of electrical equipment bought after electric service was received at the farm. Many dairy farmers immediately after receiving electric service replaced the old water bath or ice type of refrigeration with an electric cooler. In fact, the old icehouse has about disappeared from farms. More recently the home freezer is providing a much-needed cold storage space on many farms. It will freeze and preserve many kinds of foods for protracted periods, usually ranging from a few days to a year. Home freezing has reduced the amount of can- ning done on many farms. The farm freezer often supplements or surplants the cold storage locker in a local plant. In 1950, about 651,000 farms reported home freezers. By 1954 the number had increased to 1,542,000, an increase of 137 per- cent. In Ihe Northeast, Corn Belt, Lake States, Mountain, and Pacific States more than 40 percent of the farmers reported home freezers in 1954. In the Appalachian, Southeast, and Delta areas, about 20 percent of the farmers had home freezers. However, home freezers have been installed very rapidly on farms in these regions: there were almost 3 times as many farms with them in 1954 as in 1950. PIPED RUNNING WATER By most definitions a "modern home," whether in the city or on a farm must have electric service, central heat, and piped run- ning water. A few farms had running water before they had electric service, often from a spring or reservoir located above the farmstead. On most farms, however, running water was only a dream until electric power made it practicable to install auto- matic pumps and pressure tanks. In 1954, more than 2.81 million farms had piped running water. This is about 59 percent of all farms and 478,000 more than the number of farms with telephone service. The proportion of farms in all areas of the country having this facility ranged from 94 percent of all farms in the Pacific States, and 85 percent in the Northeast area to 36 percent in the Delta area. Piped running water on an individual farm may be used for household purposes, for farm purposes, or for both. On most farms, running water is first installed in the home and later it is extended to the service buildings and service areas. On many farms, however, the order of installation is reversed. The term "piped running water" on some farms means complete plumbing facilities with automatic water heaters, bathroom, and sewage disposal system. On other farms it may mean little more than water in the kitchen. Running water in service buildings is now almost a necessity for the operation of commercial dairy and poultry farms. PERCENT OF FARMS REPORTING PIPED RUNNING WATER, 1954 (COUNTY UNIT BASIS) I lllNRFR 30 W//ft 30 TO 49 [ I 50 TO 69 * NO FARMS US DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE LEGEND PERCENT §S§ 70 T0 89 Hi 90 AND OVER MAP NO A54-249 BUREAU OE THE CENSUS 112 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY PIPED RUNNING WATER NUMBER OF FARMS REPORTING. 1954 A direct relationship exists between level of farm incomes and the use of piped running water. More than 93 percent of Eco- nomic Class I farms but only 33 percent of the Class VI farms reported piped running water in 1954. Among the tenure groups, 64 percent of the full-owner operated farms, 08 percent of the part-owner operated farms, and 40 percent of the tenant-operated farms had piped running water. COMBINATIONS OF SERVICE EQUIPMENT Of the 4.S million farms in November 1954, 1.9 million, or almost 40 percent had electricity, telephone, and piped running water. Prevalence of farms having all three of these items ranged from a high of 65 percent in the Western area to 17 percent in the Southern area. Electricity apparently was first installed by most farmers, as more than 25 percent of the farms had elec- tricity, but neither telephone nor piped running water. Less than 1 percent of the farmers reported having a telephone only or running water only. Table 35.— NUMBER AND PERCENT OF FARMS REPORTING ELECTRICITY, TELEPHONES, AND PIPED RUNNING WATER, FOR THE UNITED STATES AND AREAS: 1954 [Data are estimates based upon reports for only a sample of farms. See text] Item United States Area Eastern Southern Central Great Plains Western All farms ...number (000). Farms reporting: Electricity, telephone, and piped running water.... farms (000). percent of all farms. Electricity, telephone, and no piped running water ..farms (000). percent of all farms. Electricity, no telephone, and piped running water farms (000). percent of all farms. Electricity, no telephone, and no piped running water farms (000). percent of all farms. No electricity, telephone, and piped running water.. farms (000). percent of all farms. No electricity, no telephone, and piped running water ..farms (000). percent of all farms. No electricity, telephone, and no piped running water farms (000). percent of all farms. No electricity, no telephone, and no piped running water farms (000). percent of all farms. ■ Less than 0.1 of 1 percent. 4,806 1.900 39.5 386 8.0 898 18.7 1.224 25.5 4 .1 18 .4 17 .4 359 7.5 351 45.1 52 6.7 121 15.6 196 25.1 1 .1 3 .4 3 .4 52 6.7 C) 1,477 247 16.7 44 3.0 366 24.8 658 44.5 1 4 .3 1 .1 156 10.6 1.366 726 S3. 1 198 14.5 166 12.2 196 14.4 1 .1 4 .3 8 .6 67 4.9 761 302 39.7 81 10.6 158 20.7 149 19.6 1 .1 4 .5 i .5 63 8.2 423 275 65.0 10 2.4 87 20.5 26 6.1 1 .2 1 .2 21 4.9 Table 36.— NUMBER AND PERCENT OF FARMS REPORTING ELECTRICITY, TELEPHONES, AND PIPED RUNNING WATER, BY ECONOMIC CLASS OF FARM, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1954 IData are estimates based upon reports for only a sample of farms . See text) All farms Commercial farms Other Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI farms 4,806 1,900 39.5 386 8.0 898 18.7 1,224 25.5 4 18 .4 17 .4 359 7.5 136 111 81.6 2 1.8 16 11.4 2 1.5 C) .1 (■) .3 C) .1 4 3.2 443 324 73.3 27 6.2 63 14.1 17 3.8 C) .1 2 .3 C) .1 10 2.2 726 411 56.6 76 10.5 128 17.6 82 11.3 1 3 .5 2 .3 23 3.2 821 306 37.2 87 10.6 167 20.4 206 25.1 1 .1 3 .4 4 .5 48 5.8 769 204 26.5 65 8.5 146 19.0 278 36.1 (') .1 3 .4 3 .4 70 9.0 458 69 15.1 30 6.7 81 17.6 200 43.8 («) (') 2 .5 3 .6 72 15.8 1,453 Farms reporting: Electricity, telephone, and piped running water farms (000). percent of all farms. . Electricity, telephone, and no piped running water farms (000).- percent of all farms. Electricity, no telephone, and piped running water farms (000). percent of all farms. . Electricity, no telephone, and no piped running water... farms (000). - percent of all farms. . No electricity, telephone, and piped running water farms (000).. percent of all farms. . No electricity, no telephone, and piped running water farms (000).. percent of all farms. . No electricity, telephone, and no piped running water. farms (000) . . percent of all farms. . No electricity, no telephone, and no piped running water farms (000) .. percent of all farms.. 476 32.7 98 6.7 298 20.5 440 30.3 2 . 1 4 .3 5 .3 132 9.1 • Quantity less than half of the smallest unit: less than 500 or less than 0.05 percent. FARM MACHINERY AND FACILITIES 113 SOME RESULTS OF FARM MECHANIZATION Modern mechanization has made the farm a better place to live and to work. Modern farm and home facilities have im- proved farm sanitation and health conditions of the farm family. They have made farm and home work easier by reducing hand labor and human drudgery. Farm machines and facilities have reduced sizes of crews needed to perform some of the major, labor- consuming farm jobs, and made possible greater use of older and younger workers. Electric lights, piped running water, television, and radio, have provided satisfying influences in keeping good hired hands, and they have aided the farm family in conducting its business, and its educational and social affairs. Tractors, motortrucks, and automobiles are the three power machines basic to modern mechanization of field work and trans- portation. Stationary and mounted internal-combustion engines and electric motors are the power units that have modernized the pumping of water for irrigation and for use in the home and farm service areas. The several items of harvest machines, chore equipment, and service equipment previously discussed are only some of the many items used with modern mechanical power units. However, their effects on production and marketing efficiencies in farming have been significant. Modern mechanization has played an important part in chang- ing production practices, thereby speeding up farming operations and reducing labor requirements. For example, the harvest of small grain is accomplished in a single operation with combine- harvester-thresher and the three tiresome labor-consuming opera- tions involved in the old method of cutting, shocking, and thresh- ing the grain have been eliminated. Timeliness of operation has helped to increase yields and the quality of product, and to reduce waste. The farm machines and equipment discussed in this report along with many others, have played a very important role in reducing total man-hours used directly in farming from about 1!4 billion in 1920 to 14.6 billion in 1955, according to estimates by the United States Department of Agriculture. This decrease of almost 40 percent has been accompanied by an increase of 60 percent in farm output for human use. At the same time, farm employment has decreased from 13.4 million workers to 8.2 million workers. So great has been the increase in output per worker that each farmworker now produces enough food, fiber and tobacco for himself and about 19 other persons, while, in 1920 each worker produced enough for himself and about 7.5 other persons. It should be noted here that a part of this ap- parent increase in farm labor efficiency has resulted from the transfer of some jobs from the farm to off-farm establishments. Mechanical power with its complement of adapted machines has made possible the handling of larger acreages per worker and per family. From 1920 to 1954, a 40-percent decline in the number of farmworkers resulted in a 67-percent increase in acreage handled per worker, or from 30 acres to 50 acres per worker. During this period the average size of farm in the United States increased from about 148 acres to 242 acres. This increase was largely the result of farm consolidations. Number of farms decreased from 6.4 million in 1920 to 4.8 million in 1954. Thus, fewer families now handle more land, and produce much more product for sale than they did in 1920. They do this with fewer workers and with 40 percent fewer farm man-hours. It should be stressed that the increased production per man- hour is not entirely the result of new machines, new tyjies of power, or because of adoption of labor-saving methods. Agri- cultural production per acre increased between 1920 and 1955 by 22 percent, and livestock production per breeding unit in- creased by 68 percent during the same period. Each unit of increased production did not require a corresponding increase in man-hours. In general, crop production has been more highly mechanized than livestock production. Thus, even though the increase in crop production per acre between 1920 and 1955 was only a third of the increase in production per breeding unit, the actual in- crease in crop production per man-hour was double the increase in livestock production per man-hour. The largest increases in production per man-hour during the 35-year period occurred in the production of the highly mechanized grain and oil crops. The actual percentage increases were, feed grains, 260 percent; food grains, 360 percent ; and oil crops, 425 percent. Three other groups of crops had large increases in production per man- hour. These were, hay and forage crops, 138 percent ; sugar crops, 156 percent ; and cotton, 188 percent. Although production per acre of vegetables, fruit-and-nut crops, and tobacco has in- creased markedly, the large amount of handwork in weeding, pruning, picking, etc. has kept increases in production per man- hour relatively lower than for other crops. Decreases since 1920 in production per man-hour have amounted to only 43 percent for tobacco, 52 percent for fruits and nuts, and 65 per- cent for all vegetables. Increases in livestock production per man-hour have been largest for milk cows and poultry, amount- ing to 80 and 90 percent, respectively. The corresponding in- crease for meat animals, primarily hogs and beef cattle, was only 29 percent. Modern mechanization has given many small farmers, and large operators too, an opportunity to add to their farm income by working off the farm for pay. But at the same time mechani- zation has increased the farmer's costs for machinery and power, machine hire, and for petroleum products. Census data bear- ing on these 3 phases of "some results of farm mechanization" are presented in the following discussion. MORE WORK OFF THE FARM The number of farm operators working off the farm 100 days has increased steadily from Census to Census, from about 700,000 in 1930 to 1,334,000 in 1954. This is evidence of the influence of technology — farm and nonfarm — on the off-farm labor market. Mechanization and related developments have paved the way for a significant migration out of agriculture and in a space of 25 years have helped in doubling the number of farm operators working off the farm 100 days or more. However, improved highways and automobiles, and other improvements in transpor- tation and communications have brought farm people closer to industry and other jobs and have created increased nonfarm jobs for farmers and members of their families. Industry has become widely dispersed in many areas that were largely rural a few decades ago. In the Northeast and more recently in the rural areas of the South, increased off-farm employment has l>een brought about largely by new job opportunities in industry. Undoubtedly the increase from 1949 to 1954 of almost 70.000 in the ol>erators of Classes I 'o VI farms I farms with a value of farm products sold of $1,200 or morel working off the farm was influenced greatly bv increases in farm mechanization. 114 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY Wk ^ PERCENT OF ALL FARM OPERATORS WORKING 100 OR MORE DAYS OFF THEIR FARMS, 1954 V^^ll p|3fep--; • u_ (COUNTY UNIT BASIS) Fi° 1 i .SI Kk~\ '/j j^/^Tlj Lr* y r^W^S^'1^ h4m^3S ~Y sti$w&Mr (■■ rK:'! 1 'km -^jj^^jgwr " '"' ■ ''^Mr^^'° ta ^ V^Ljaa ■s^ .:.' r~rirri Bri l^&S^^W *fii?i 'SIS H*_flr""-"'r ■'■■■ ■ i n 1; ; ^i ^ 0 &| 1 C&^'^^vj W J 1111 ^k,5°^^ I ! 1 U J B? gjif ' $'J r:::2fi./::;':V:j '::x--:f:l-,5SSiHs ■t±5£wt ■■■:•:•:•:■ :-$x* ''<"V TBKSgF 1 §8(r~5©53 f§iS i. Jf \ c f: - ^*Pi B|: « LEGEND "^aOQCL^J ^.v.'.Jv ;V'ii r*y^sa>l^j[! EMia Sz^M PERCENT ' r~ "> '-v-g:::Jw^^": - :M BP' - 'ijiK^Spff^'^ 1 """ 1 UNDER 10 ESS 30 TO 39 ^8fc § v.": tX5^WBSv^-x-t-:-i>^ JStewS'B?' •' EH! 10 TO 19 129 40 AND OVER &*SJ!20 TO 29 * NO FARMS UNITED STATES AVERAGE 26.3 PERCENT tb? U S DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE MAP NO A54022 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS PERCENT OF ALL FARM OPERATORS WORKING OFF THEIR FARMS IN 1954 (COUNTY UNIT BASIS) i 30 TO 44 *N0 FARMS US DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE MAP NO A54 060 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS FARM MACHINERY AND FACILITIES 115 JUMBER OF FARM OPERATORS WORKING OFF THEIR FARMS, BY NUMBER OF DAYS WORKED, FOR THE UNITED STATES AND AREAS: 1930-1954 US DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE MAP NO AS4. tJlA NUMBER OF DAYS I TO 49 50 TO 99 100 AND OVER BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Although the number of farms in the aggregate has been de- clining, the number of farm operators working off their farms has been increasing. For example the number of operators work- ing 100 days or more off their farms increased from 944,000 in 1940 to 1,256,000 in 1949 and to 1,334,000 in 1954. More than one-fourth of this increase was realized in the Southeast area where the number of operators who worked off their farms 100 days or more, more than doubled between 1940 and 1954. This is a reflection in a large part of the rapid industrial development in the area. FARM OPERATORS WORKING OFF THEIR FARMS 100 DAYS OR MORE INCREASE ANO DECREASE. IN NUMBER. 1949-1954 In some sections, such as eastern Kentucky, portions of West Virginia and western Pennsylvania, some counties have had a decline in the number of operators working 100 days or more oft their farms. Most of this decline apparently is due to the decrease in number of farms rather than to a decrease in off- farm jobs. MACHINERY INVESTMENT COSTS HAVE INCREASED Modern farm mechanization, reduced labor requirements, and greater opportunities for off-farm employment have been realized through increased investment and operating costs for farm ma- chinery and equipment. In 1956, physical assets of machinery and motor vehicles on farms was valued at 16.6 billion dollars. compared with a value of 3.1 billion dollars in 1940, according to estimates by the United States Department of Agriculture. Partially offsetting this tremendous increase in investment in farm machinery and equipment was a decrease of a billion dollars in value of horses and mules on farms. A part of the increase in value of machinery and equipment is due to increased prices. Increasing inventory values have been accompanied by increasing prices of farm products. In 1951, prices received by farmers were 200 percent above the average for 1940, and in September 1956, they were 136 percent higher than in 1940. There are, of course, many other economic and other factors involved in the progress of farm mechanization and labor productivity. Farm- ers' expenditures for machine hire and petroleum products pro- vide two indicators of the progress of farm mechanization. 116 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY PURCHASED MACHINE WORK HAS INCREASED During early settlement of our country, most farm tools were simple and most farmers owned their own equipment or bor- rowed from their neighbors. Rarely did a farmer pay cash for a machine to work on his farm. With the coming of the grain reaper, the steam-powered thrashing machine, and other kinds of costly machines, it became customary for farmers to hire machines for certain kinds of work. As mechanization pro- gressed and the cost of fully equipping a farm increased, the practice of hiring some machine work became general in prac- tically all farming sections. In 1954, almost two-thirds of the commercial farms and one-third of all other farms reported some expense for machine hire. Heavy concentration of machine hire in 1954 was reported in the Mississippi River Delta and in several important western irrigation farming areas. As machines become more specialized, it is probable that the hiring of machine work by farmers will become even more gen- eral. Frequently a farmer will buy a machine realizing that he does not have enough use for it on his own farm to make it pay and expecting to use it for hire on other farms in the neighbor- hood. Numerous firms that make a business of doing machine work for farmers have been established. Airplanes used for seeding, dusting, and spraying, and earth-moving equipment are examples of machines often provided by nonfarm firms. Hay balers, grain combines, and forage harvesters often used for custom work are usually owned by farmers. Hiring a machine usually involves hiring some labor, too, as it is often customary for the owner of the machine to also pro- vide all or a part of the crew for its operation. Farms reporting machine hire in 1954 ranged from almost 70 percent of all farms in the Lake States to about 45 percent in the Appalachian area. Farms of all economic classes reported some machine hire. Between 60 and 68 percent of the farms of Economic Classes I, II, III, and IV hired some machine work done. These are the farms that, for the most part, are large enough to use machines effectively. Less than 60 percent of the farms of Class V and less than 50 percent of those of Class VI reported any machine hire in 1954. This low rate of ma- chine hire applies to a relatively large number of farms with very small scale of operation. Almost half of the part-time farms hired some machine work. (The small amount of harvest work to be done on many of these places may not justify owning such expensive equipment as hay balers, forage harvesters, or corn pickers.) EXPENDITURES FOR MACHINE HIRE DOLLARS. 1954 NUMBER OF FA FOR REPORTING MACH THE UNITED ST* NE HIRE. BY ECONOMIC CLASS TES AND AREAS. 1954 { I \STBTESJ ) ^rv~^ tC>^ NORTHERN PLAINS f \ 1 1 / • / m -J CORK BELT \. 216. 4SC BM.TM j*T WPALACH1ANJ S95.«T J5 CD <«»' i 1 r.: SOUTHERN PLAINS m *"-\ COT, 961 MISS DELTA JjiT.eMW) " SOUTHEAST. _\ ISO." \ UNITED STATES \ Z.MS.IZI ... — ....... ...- Farmers spent about $638,000,000 for machine hire in 1954, an average of about $135 for every farm in the United States. Most of this expense was incurred in the farming areas where relatively costly and complicated machines are used in field operations. The Corn Belt, with almost $119,000,000, led other areas in total expense for machine hire. The highest costs per farm were in the Pacific and Mountain areas where expenditures for all farms averaged $316 and $308, respectively. More than 80 percent of the total cost of machine hire was for farms of classes I, II, III, and IV. Part-time and residential farms representing 30 percent of all farms accounted for only 5 percent of the total. Average expenditure per fann reporting machine hire was about $250 in 1954, up almost $30 per farm since 1950. For Class I farms the average expenditure for machine hire was $1,676, or almost 4 times as much as for farms of Class II. Al- most one-half of the total expenditure by Class I farms for ma- chine hire was in the Mountain and Pacific areas. Many of these farms are very large and highly specialized. For some farm operations, operators of these farms prefer to use custom- work rather than to own the machines and hire crews to op- erate them. GREATER DEPENDENCE ON PETROLEUM FUEL AND OIL Power for farmwork provided by horses and mules and oxen was farm produced. Now that most of the power is provided by motors, the farmer must buy it. More cash is required to farm now than was required when the farmer produced his own power. It has been estimated that SO million acres of cropland that once produced feed for horses and mules has been released for other purposes by the adoption of tractors, motortrucks, and automo- biles. On the other hand, farmers spent during 1954 about one and a third billion dollars for gasoline and other petroleum fuel and oil used in the farm business. This is for farming purposes only. A part of these expenditures were for petroleum fuels used for such purposes as heating orchards, brooding chicks, and heating water, but most all of the total was used in equipment powered by internal-combustion engines. Thus, farmers have become almost entirely dependent on pe- troleum products for most of their farm operations. They are no longer able to switch from mechanical to animal power in their field and road operations. Although electric motors are helping more and more in the stationary power jobs in the serv- ice areas, full-scale farm production is possible only when the necessary supply of petroleum products is available. FARM MACHINERY AND FACILITIES 117 The geographic distribution of expenditures for petroleum fuel and oil followed, in a general way, the distribution of tractors. There were some exceptions, however, as in the High Plains cot- ton area of Texas where pumping water for irrigation and inten- sive farming may have accounted for part of the concentration of expenditures for petroleum products. The Corn Belt had 26 per- cent of the tractors reported on farms in 1954 and 22 percent of the expenditures for petroleum fuel and oil. The Northern Plains, where many of the tractors are relatively large, had 13 percent of the tractors and 15 percent of the expenditures for petroleum fuel and oil. EXPENDITURES FOR GASOLINE AND OTHER PETROLEUM FUEL AND OIL FOR THE FARM BUSINESS. DOLLARS. 1954 Farms in the higher income economic classes use more equip- ment than do those in the lower income economic classes. Class 1 farms, for example, had 10 percent of the tractors reported in 1054 and bought 19 percent of all petroleum products used on farms, while Class VI farms had 4 percent of the tractors and 2 percent of the expense for petroleum products. Part-time and residential farms reported 11 percent of all tractors and 4 percent of the total expenditure for petroleum products. The overall United States pattern of costs of petroleum products by economic class of farm is similar to the patterns in the Northern Plains, Corn Belt, and Lake States. In other areas the tendency is for larger proportions of the total cost to be borne by farmers in the higher economic clasjs groups. In 1954, farmers spent an average of $418 per farm reporting for gasoline and other petroleum products used in farming operations. This cost ranged from an average of almost $700 per farm in the Mountain States to only $220 in the Appalachian area. Many of the farms in the Mountain area are large, are located considerable distances from trading centers and markets, and are well equipped with tractors, trucks, self-propelled com- bines, and automobiles. On a per-farm basis, Class I farms spent an average of $2,000 per farm for petroleum products in 1954. This was more than double the average expenditure by Class II farms and 15 times the average of Class VI farms. Average expenditures of ab- normal farms was about $1,550 per farm but because of their small number they accounted for less than 1 percent of the total farm costs for petroleum products. ^TOTAL COST OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS ON FARMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS; FOR UNITED STATES AND AREAS: 1954 118 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY COST OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS PER FARM BY ECONOMIC CLASS; FOR UNITED STATES AND AREAS: 1954 LAKE STATES Dollar* 2,000 NORTHEAST Dollart / ISOO CHAPTER 3 FARM TENURE SUMMARY OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 125 DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS 126 SECTION I, LAND 127 SECTION II, PRODUCTION 151 SECTION III, PEOPLE 171 DIRECTORY OF TENURE DATA, 1954 CENSUS 191 121 122 MAPS AND CHARTS WITH ACCOMPANYING DISCUSSION Section I — Land Land in farms: Percent of total land area in farms, 1954 Land in farms as a percent of total land area, United States and regions, 1880-1954 Land ownership: Ownership of land and land in farms, United States, 1954. Tenure of farmland: Land in farms, by tenure of operator, United States, 1954 Land in farms operated by tenants, by class of tenant, United States, 1954 Percent of farms and farmland operated by tenants, and percent of total farmland under lease, United States and regions, 1880-1954 Percent of all land in farms operated under lease, 1954.. Counties in which at least half of the land in farms was under lease to the operator, 1910-1954 Tenure of farms: Number of farms, by tenure of operator, United States and regions, 1880-1954 Number of farms, by tenure of operator, 1954 Comparison of changes in number of farms, by tenure of operator, United States, 1945-1950 and 1950-1954. _. Page 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 Tenure of farms — Continued Changes in number of farms, by color and tenure of operator, South, 1950-1954 Percentage of all farms operated by tenants, 1954 Counties in which at least half the farms were operated by tenants, 1 880-1 954 Most frequent method of renting farms, 1954 Percent of rented farms, by class of tenant, United States and regions, 1950 and 1954 Farms operated by class of tenant, 1954 Value of land and buildings: Value of land and buildings, by tenure of operator, United States and regions, 1900-1954 Average value of land and buildings per acre, 1954 Average value of land and buildings per acre — increase and decrease, 1950-1954 Average value of land and buildings per farm, by tenure of operator, United States and regions, 1950 and 1954. Multiple-unit operations: Subunits in multiple units as a percent of all farms, 1954.. Cotton acreage harvested in multiple units as a percent of total cotton acreage harvested, 1954 Tobacco acreage harvested in multiple units as a percent of total tobacco acreage harvested, 1954 Section II — Production Type of farming: Type-of-farming areas, based on type accounting for 50 percent or more of commercial farms, 1954 153 Percent of farms in each type-of-farm group, by tenure of operator, commercial farms, United States, 1954 154 Crop and livestock output: Percent of value of specified crops and livestock sold, by tenure of operator for commercial farms, United States, 1954 155 Percent of cropland harvested represented by acres harvested of the principal crops, by tenure of operator, for commercial farms, United States and regions, 1954, 156 Percent distribution of acres of the principal crops harvested, by tenure of operator, for commercial farms, United States and regions, 1954 157 Land use: Percent distribution of all land in farms according to major uses, by tenure of operator, United States, 1945-1954 158 Percent distribution of cropland, land pastured, and woodland, by tenure of operator, for commercial farms, United States and regions, 1954 159 Size of farm: Average size of farm, by tenure of operator, United States and regions, 1900-1954 160 Percent distribution of size group of cropland harvested, by tenure of operator, for commercial farms, United States and regions, 1954 161 Irrigation: Irrigated land as a percent of all land in farms for 20 States, 1954 162 Percent distribution of irrigated farms, by tenure of operator, 17 Western States, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Florida, 1954 and 1950 163 Irrigation — Continued Percent distribution of irrigated land in farms, by tenure of operator, 17 Western States, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Florida, 1954 and 1950 Farm labor: Number of family workers (including operator) and hired workers per farm reporting, commercial farms, by tenure of operator, United States and regions, 1954. Expenditure for hired labor per commercial farm, by tenure of operator, United States and regions, 1954 Equipment and fertilizer: Percent of farms reporting tractors (other than garden) by tenure of operator, commercial farms, United States and regions: 1954 and 1950 Number of commercial farms by class of work power and tenure of operator, United States and regions, 1954 Tractors on farms, number, 1954 Percent of commercial farms reporting tractors, com- bines, milking machines, corn pickers, and pick-up balers, by tenure of operator, LJnited States and regions, 1 954 Percent of farms using commercial fertilizer, by tenure, commercial farms, United States and regions, 1954 Average expenditure per acre for commercial fertilizer and fertilizer material, by tenure of operator, com- mercial farms, United States and regions, 1954 Specified farm expenditures: Average expenditure per commercial farm for specified cost items, by tenure of operator, United States and regions, 1954 Page 139 140 141 141 142 143 144 145 145 146 147 148 149 163 164 165 166 167 167 168 169 169 170 MAPS AND CHARTS WITH ACCOMPANYING DISCUSSION 123 Section III — People Farm population: Population: Total, nonfarm, and farm, United States, 1910-1954 Farm population, United States, 1920-1955 Residence of labor force, farm and nonfarm, United States, 1950 _ Migration to and from farms, United States 1920-1953-. Percentage change in the farm population selected periods, United States and regions, 1920-1954 Residence of farm labor force by kind of worker, United States, 1950 Tenure of farm workers, United States, 1954 Farm income and tenure: Agricultural net income and nonagricultural net income, United States, 1910-1954 Net income from farming received by nonfarm popula- tion, United States, 1910-1954 Agricultural net income as percent of total National income, United States, 1910-1954 Net income of the farm population from farming and nonfarm sources, United States, 1934-1954 Percent distribution of commercial farms in each eco- nomic class, by tenure of operator, United States and regions, 1954 Percent of commercial farms in each tenure group reporting a telephone, electricity, and running water, United States and regions, 1954 Off-farm employment and part-time farming: Percent of all farm operators working off their farms, 1954 Farm operators working off their farms 100 days or more — increase and decrease in number, 1949-1954 Page 173 173 173 173 173 173 173 174 174 174 174 175 176 177 177 Off-farm employment and part-time farming — Continued Page Farm operators with other income of family exceeding value of agricultural products sold, 1954 177 Percent of farm operators working off their farms 100 days or more, by tenure, United States and regions, 1954 and 1950 178 Percent of farm operators with other income of family exceeding the value of farm products sold, by tenure, United States and regions, 1950 and 1954 179 Occupancy, mobility, and length of tenure: Average number of years on present farms, by tenure of operator, United States and regions, 1954 and 1950__ 180 Percent distribution of farm operators in each tenure, by years on present farms, United States and regions, 1954 181 Years on farm — number of operators reporting by tenure, United States, 1910-1954 182 Percent of farm operators on present farms 1 year or less, by tenure, United States, 1910-1954 182 Percent of farm operators on present farms 1 year or less by month of occupancy, October to November 1954, United States and regions 183 Age and residence of farm operators: Average age of farm operators, by tenure, United States and regions, 1940-1954 184 Percent of farm operators 55 to 64 years of age, 1954 184 Percent of farm operators 65 years of age and over, 1954. 184 Percent distribution of farm operators in each tenure group, by age, United States and regions, 1954 185 Percent distribution of tenant operators in each tenure group, by age, United States and regions, 1954 186 Percent of farm operators reporting residence off their farms, 1954 187 INTRODUCTION This report on farm tenure consists of three sections entitled, respectively, Land, Production, and People. The first section, Land, deals with how individuals gain access to the services of agricultural land. The second section, Production, relates the tenure system to farm outputs and inputs. Section III, People, shows the tenure system as an instrument for dividing farm in- come among individuals. This portrayal of America's farm tenure structure indicates some of the relationships between tenure arrangements and production and division of farm in- come in our economy. Land tenure can be looked upon as a collection of arrange- ments which, to the individual, may appear to be a scale of degrees of access to land services. At one end of the scale is the fee simple, debt-free ownership which permits maximum access to the services of land subject to rights reserved by the public. At the other end of the scale may be such tenure forms as the temporary leaseholder or sharecropper whose legal rights to land may be quite limited. The means of obtaining or retaining use of, or control over, resources may take many forms. Some of these forms of agri- cultural land tenure are : Individual ownership, debt-free or encumbered ownership ; coownership, such as joint tenancy, ten- ancy in common, or tenancy by entirety ; corporate ownership ; estate ; trust ; public ownership ; cash, standing, share, or cropper leasing arrangements ; life estates ; easements and covenants ; employee ; and public, noncontractual, reservations of property rights such as eminent domain, taxation, and police power. It would, of course, be impractical for a Census of Agriculture to enumerate all the possible relationships in the way persons gain access to land even for agricultural purposes. Tenure is usually specified in terms of the relationship of the person per- forming the farming operation without regard to the degrees of equity. The tenure forms contained in this report represent discrete categories such as full owner, part owner, manager, or tenant. These broad groups of tenure arrangements are neces- sary for purposes of enumeration and simplification. In reality, of course, tenure is a continuum of relationships which provide various degrees of access to resources. Ownership encumbered with a heavy mortgage may require far more stringent restric- tions on land use than debt-free tenancy. Part ownership may consist of many different mixtures of ownership and tenancy. Adjustments in the tenure structure have taken place in recent years to accommodate changes in agricultural production. The number of farm operators has decreased and farms have become larger. The proportion of farms operated by tenants has de- creased and the proportion of part-owner operators has increased. Full owners, although fewer in number, now represent nearly the same proportion of all operators as in 1945. Increasing numbers of farmers are undertaking off-farm employment. The second section of the report, Production, is especially de- voted to the relation of tenure to type of farm, land use, crop and livestock output, size of farm, irrigation, equipment and fertilizer, farm expenditures, and farm labor. Agricultural output has continued to rise while the number of persons employed in agriculture has declined. Production per acre and per animal unit has increased so that, although very little new land was cultivated and relatively small increases took place in livestock numbers, total output increased more than 80 percent from 1910-14 to 1954. Adjustments have been made in the composition of agricultural output and the tenure pattern has changed accordingly. The tenancy pattern, for example, now includes a greater proportion of livestock-share leases partly because of shifts toward expanded livestock enter- prises. Tenure adjustments have taken place to accommodate expansion in farm size. Some farmers wishing to use their limited capital for increased quantities of specialized equipment or fertilizer may prefer to rent rather than buy additional land. The number of part owners has increased. Tenure adjustments are necessary when improved techniques, changes in consumer tastes, and changes in the relative quantities of labor, capital, or land alter the value of the various resources in production. The farm tenure system, through its effects on the return to factors of production, resource mobility, and uncertainty, affects the level and composition of agricultural output. Since every farm operation is, in one way or another, related to tenure ar- rangements between individuals and to individual property rights as governed by our laws, the entire pattern of agricultural pro- duction from the individual farm firm to entire agricultural in- dustry affects and is affected by the tenure structure. 125 407763—57- 126 DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS The terminology used in this report is identical with that used in the reports for the various Censuses of Agriculture. In the several Censuses it has been necessary to make minor adjust- ments in the definition of a farm and in the procedures for enu- meration, but it is believed that these adjustments are not of suf- ficient magnitude to affect tenure trends appreciably. In the Census of 1050, a relatively slight change in the definition of a farm caused a decrease of 150,000 to 170,000 in the number of farms which would have been included if the 1945 definition had been retained. The 1951 definition of a farm coincided with that used in 1950. Most of the places excluded by the 1950 and 1954 definition that would have been counted as farms in earlier Censuses are owner-operated. In all Censuses except 1950, farm operators were classified according to the tenure under which they held their land on the basis of the land they retained. The 1950 procedure, although slightly different, had very Little effect on the tenure distribution. Owners are farm operators who own all or part of the land they operate. Full owners own all of the land they operate. Part owners own land they operate and rent, from others, additional land which they operate. Managers operate farms for others, and are paid a wage or salary for their services. Tenants rent from others (or work on shares for others) all of the land they operate. Cash tenants pay cash and no share of crops or livestock as rent, such as $10 per acre or $1,000 for the use of the entire farm. Share-cash tenants pay a part of the rent in cash and a part as a share of the crops or of the livestock or livestock products, or both. Share tenants pay a share of either the crops or of the live- stock or livestock products, or a share of both. Share tenants were further classified as : Crop-share tenants if they paid a share of the crops and no share of the livestock or livestock products. livestock-share tenants if they paid a share of the livestock or livestock products. They may also have paid a share of the crops. Croppers are tenants to whom all work power is furnished. Other tenants include those who pay a fixed quantity of any product ; those who pay taxes, keep up the land and buildings, or keep the landlord in exchange for the use of the land ; those who have use of the land rent free ; and all others whose rental arrangements require payment other than cash or a share of the products. Unspecified tenants include those tenants whose rental agree- ment was not reported or could not be determined from the information given. GEOGRAPHIC REGIONS AND DIVISIONS THE NORTH THE WEST SOUTH Figure 1 . The four geographic regions used in this report are: (i) The Northeast, including the 9 States in the New England and Middle Atlantic divisions ; (2) The North Central, including the 12 States in the East North Central and West North Central divisions ; (3) The South, including the 16 States in the South Atlantic, East South Central, and West South Central divisions, and (4) The West, including the 11 States in the Mountain and Pacific divisions. Some of the data used herein, particularly those for commercial farms only, are estimates based on reports for a sample of farms. Data that are based on reports for a sample of farms are shown in italics or by a note if the data are presented in tabular form. A description of the sampling technique and the reliability of sample data are given in the Introduction to Volume II, "General Report," of the 1954 Census of Agriculture. Commercial farms are, in general, those with a value of sales of farm products amounting to $1,200 or more. Farms with a value of sales from $250 to $1,199 were also classified as com- mercial if the farm operator worked off the farm less than 100 days and if the income which the operator and other members of his family received from nonfarm sources was less than the total value of farm products sold. SECTION I Land 128 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY PERCENT OF TOTAL LAND AREA IN FARMS, 1954 (COUNTY UNIT BASIS) I I UNDER 10 EIHlOTO 19 WM 20 TO 39 j%%% 40 TO 59 *fO FARMS US DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Figure 2. LAND IN FARMS The principal agricultural uses of land are for crops and for pasture ; however, not all of the land used for agricultural pur- poses is classed as farmland. Although almost all land in crops is considered farmland, millions of acres of land are used for grazing but are not enumerated as "laud in farms." Thus, of the 1,903,824,640 acres of land surface in the United States, 79.4 percent was used for agricultural purposes in 1954, although only 60.8 percent was classified as land in farms. Land not in farms was not used in the tenure classification. The proportion of the land area in farms showed an upward trend to 1950. The farm area in 1954 was almost the same as in 1950. The relatively stable farm area, for the country as a whole, fails to reveal the differences which have been occurring in the States and in larger geographic regions. Decreases in land in farms, between the 1950 and 1954 enumerations, occurred in all States each of the Mississippi River, except Florida. Although decreases also were reported in five States west of the Mississippi River, the combined loss — nearly 18 million acres — was almost offset by increases in the western half of the country and in Florida. In the Northeast the downward trend in the land area devoted to agriculture has been almost continuous since 1880. By 1900, this area had 2% million fewer acres of farmland than at the peak in 1S80. From 1900 to 1954 the Northeastern States, col- lectively, lost another 24 million acres of farmland, or about 3 out of every 8 acres. The North Central Region comprises one-fourth (25.4 percent) of the total land surface in the continental United States and one-third (34.0 percent) of the farmland. The farm area in this region apparently reached its peak about 1945. At that time, 82.5 percent of the laud area was within farm boundaries. Rela- tively small declines in the acreage in farms have been reported in the two intercensal periods since that time. In the period 1945-54, this region lost more than 5 million acres from its farms so that by 1954 the proportion of land in farms had dropped to 81.4 percent. The South, which has 29.5 percent of the total land area in the United States, had, in 1954, only slightly more than two-thirds (68.7 percent) of its area in farms. The other third of the area, representing nonagricultural land, is largely ungrazed wooded tracts held by timber or paper companies or in other private holdings : swamps and tidal marshes ; rugged terrain some of which is in parks : eroded, abandoned lands once in farms but now overgrown with brush and trees ; and, of course, land re- quired by roads, cities, and industrial uses. Although economic forces could bring thousands of acres of these nonagricultural lands into a higher agricultural use through clearing and drain- ing, forestry is the presently preferred use for much of the area. Following the Civil War, acreage of land in farms in the South increased until 1900, after which date each successive Census through 1925 registered a decline. Thereafter, the trend was upward through 1950. Between 1950 and 1954, this region re- corded a loss of nearly 7 million acres from the farm area. This decrease would have been even greater if it had not been for a 1,634,000 increase recorded in Florida. Abandonment of some of the poorer agricultural lands in the South, particularly in the Southern Piedmont and in the more mountainous and hilly areas, has been brought about in part by more attractive opportunities for earning a living through nonfarm employment in industry. The West has continued the expansion of its farmland area, without interruption, since the first Census of land in farms was Percent 100 eo 100 FARM TENURE 129 LAND IN FARMS AS A PERCENT OF TOTAL LAND AREA, FOR THE UNITED STATES AND REGIONS: 1860-1954 1954 1950 1940 1930 1920 Percent 1910 1900 1890 1880 NORTHEAST 100 0 " ^ ™i ■■ ■■ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 0 1954 1950 1940 1930 1920 1910 1900 1890 1880 1954 1950 1940 1930 1920 1910 1900 1890 1880 Percent Percent NORTH CENTRAL 100 80 60 40 20 WEST till. 1954 1950 1940 1930 1920 1910 1900 1890 1880 1954 1950 1940 1930 1920 1910 1900 1890 1880 Figure 3. made in 1S50. This region, which comprises nearly two-fifths (39.6 percent) of the United States laud area, had only 44.S per- cent of its area in farms in 1954. The increase, in the 1950 to 1954 period, approximated 13 million acres or 4.0 percent. Most of the increase in land in farms came about through incorporation of grazing lands into farms. Since about 1920, new lauds used for agriculture represented only a small part of the enlargement of the farm area. Much of the grazing land of the West comprises public domain land grazed under the permit system. This permit land is excluded from enumeration of land in farms, largely because multiple users have access to much of the land. An increasing acreage of the public land has gone over to single users through a leasing arrangement. These leased lands are included in the farmland area. About 17,300,000 acres of land were leased under the Taylor Grazing Act in 1954; this compares with 13 million acres in 1950 and 7,400,000 acres in 1940. (Continued on page 18S) Table 1. — Land in Farms as a Percent of Total Land Area, for the United States and Regions: 1880 to 1954 Region 1954 1950 1940 1930 1920 1910 1900 1890 1880 United States 60.8 39.2 81.4 08.7 44.8 60.9 42.4 82.0 69.9 43.1 55.7 44.9 80.2 65.7 33.9 51.8 47.6 77.8 61.0 28.9 50.2 55.5 77.4 62.3 23.0 46.2 60.7 72.4 63.1 14.7 41. 1 63.1 65.6 64.4 12.4 32.7 60.5 53.0 45.6 6.3 28.2 65.6 North Central South West 12.8 41.8 3.5 130 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY OWNERSHIP OF LAND AND LAND IN FARMS, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1954 INDIAN LANDS. 55 0 MIL ACRES (a 9%) STATE ANO LOCAL 31 2 MIL ACRES (2 7%) INDIAN LANDS _ 40 8 MIL. ACRES (3 5%) CORPORATION S- 57 5 MIL. ACRES (5.0%) FEDERAL 13.6 MIL ACRESO 2%) TOTAL LAND LAND IN FARMS -^INCLUDING CORPORATIONS Figure 4. LAND OWNERSHIP Public and private ownership. — Although title to more than one-fourth of the land area of the United States rests with Fed- eral, State, or local governments, only 3.0 percent of the land in farms is publicly owned. Most of the land in farms owned by government is of low productivity and the acreage that is em- ployed in agricultural production is devoted almost entirely to grazing. Of the total land area of continental United States, 407.0 mil- lion acres, or 21.4 percent, are owned by the Federal Govern- ment ; 80.3 million acres, or 4.2 percent are owned by State gov- ernments ; and an estimated 17 million acres, or 0.0 percent, are owned by local governments. The Federal Government, in addi- tion to the land it owns, also administers 55 million acres of Indian lands. The 11 Western States comprising the Western Region contain 88.5 percent of the Federal land, and the propor- tion of Federal land in some States — such as Nevada, 87.1 per- cent ; and Utah, 70.2 percent — exceeds one-half the total land area of the State. Ownership of land in farms. — The land ownership policy of the United States, after the Preemption Act of 1830, is characterized by its emphasis on the maximization of fee simple ownership by individuals. With the exception of the lands of the 13 original colonies and the present borders of Texas, most of the land in the United States has at some time been owned by the Federal Gov- ernment. To promote the settlement and development of this country the Federal Government disposed of much of its land to States, schools, railroads, and individuals with the result that much of the land now under the direct control of the Federal Government is either in no economic use or in uses of general rather than individual interest. The principal exceptions, of course, are timber and grazing lands. The two principal agencies which deal with the use of Federal grazing lands are the Forest Service, Department of Agriculture, and the Bureau of Land Management, Department of Interior. The Forest Service in 1054 was responsible for permits and leases on 77.1 million acres of grazing land, and the Bureau of Land Management, for 175.7 million acres. Grazing land held by individual ranchers on a permit basis from the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management is not included in "land in farms" as determined by the Censuses of Agriculture. (Continued cm page 188) Table 2. — All Land and Land in Farms By Type of Owner, for the United States: 1954 [Land in farms by type of owner based on a sample of approximately 200,000 farms] All land (farm and nonfirm) Land in farms Percent Type of owner Million acres Percent distribu- tion Million acres Percent distribu- tion in farms Total 1. 903. 8 1. 343. 6 (NA) (NA) 560.2 407.9 97.3 55.0 100.0 70.6 (NA) (NA) 29.4 21.4 5.1 2.9 1. 158. 2 1, 072. 6 1, 015. 1 57.5 85.6 13.6 31.2 40.8 100.0 92.6 87.6 5.0 7.4 1.2 2.7 3.5 60.8 Private, including corporate Private --- 79.8 (NA) (NA) 15.3 Federal .. State and local governments.-. 3.3 32.1 74.2 NA Not available. FARM TENURE LAND IN FARMS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1954 131 ALL TENANTS 16.67, I92,57,,665 ACRES MANAGERS 8.6% -»- 99,845,547 ACRES FULL OWNERS 34.2% 395,544,319 ACRES PART OWNERS 40.6% 470,229,9,80 ACRES Figure 5. TENURE OF FARMLAND Access to farmland. — Farm operators generally gain access to the services of land in two ways ; first, in perpetuity through ownership and second, for a term through lease. About one- half of the farmland in the United States, in 1954, was in farms in which only one general method, either ownership or tenancy, was used by operators. However, part-owner farms, containing both owned land and rented land, occupy a larger portion of the farmland than any other single tenure type. This mixed tenure is currently increasing in importance both in terms of land in farms and in number of farms. Land in farms is not, however, all of the same quality. Pro- portions of the land area alone do not show the relative produc- tivity of the land in the various tenure groups. We find a high rate of tenancy in fertile regions such as the Corn Belt and the Delta. In the less fertile areas we find the more extensive live- stock operations of managers. Some evidence of this quality differential by tenure is seen in the variation in the per-acre value of land. It is estimated that 8.9.0 percent of the 1,160,048,854 acres of farmland is contained in commercial farms and the remainder In other farms. Commercial full-owner farms contained 2S.5 per- cent of the total farmland; part-owner farms, 3.9. 7 percent; manager farms, 5.2 percent ; and tenant farms, 15.6 percent. Since commercial farms produce about 98 percent of the value of farm products sold, they account for a larger proportion of the products sold than of the farmland. 132 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY LAND IN FARMS OPERATED BY TENANTS, BY CLASS OF TENANT, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1954 (DATA ARE BASED ON REPORTS FOR ONLY A SAMPLE OF FARMS) OTHER 2.8% 5,311,200 ACRES •UNSPECIFIED 4.6% CROPPERS SOUTH ONLY 4.9% 9,412,841 ACRES LIVESTOCK-SHARE 15.6% 29,676,080 ACRES CASH 19.4% 36,959,882 ACRES SHARE-CASH 24.3% 46,210,227 ACRES CROP-SHARE 28.4% 53,987,449 ACRES Figure 6. Land farmed by various classes of tenants. — Leasing arrange- ments are characterized by the form of rental payment. Rentals are almost always either a fixed commitment in cash or produce or a share of the produce. Share agreements also frequently contain a provision for the sharing of certain operational expenses. Most of the land in tenant-operated farms is leased under some form of share arrangement. Sharing may be restricted to crop production only, or to livestock and/or livestock products only ; it may include a share of both crops and livestock or livestock products ; or it may include a share of either or both crops and livestock and an additional cash payment for pasture, feed crops, or a dwelling. Crop-share arrangements — those in which land- lord and tenant shared in all crops but in none of the livestock — had the largest share of land in tenant-operated farms. Their holdings amounted to 53,987,449 acres, or 28.4 percent of all tenant-operated farmland, in 1954. The share-cash leases fol- lowed with 46,210,227 acres, or 24-3 percent. Livestock-share tenants had 29,676,080 acres in farms. Sharecropping represents another version of a share arrangement. In this case, the land- lord furnishes all of the workstock or tractor power as a part of his share in the operation of the sharecropper farm. Share- cropper lands in the South, totaling 9,412,841 acres, represented 4.9 percent of the United States total for land in tenant-operated farms. Cash tenants, those paying cash as rent and no share of crops or livestock, operated 19.4 percent of all land in tenant-operated farms in 1954. Other tenants include those who pay a fixed quantity of product, those who maintain the land and buildings in exchange for rent, and those who use the land rent-free. This combined group had 5,311,200 acres or 2.8 percent of the total. (Continued on page 188) FARM TENURE 133 PERCENT OF FARMS AND FARM LAND OPERATED BY TENANTS, AND PERCENT OF TOTAL FARM LAND UNDER LEASE, FOR THE UNITED STATES AND REGIONS: 1880-1954 PERCENT 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 I UNITED STATES Percent of forms operated by tenants Percent of land operated by tenants Percent of all land in farms operated under lease 10 - 0 70 60 1900 70 60 50 40 30 NORT HEAS T - - - - - "•■^^^ 10 '*»-~v - 0 i i i i 1920 1925 PERCENT 70 60 50 1 NORTH 1 CENTRAL - - 30 - —*-*** »*"*^ •Sb— 10 - 0 i 1 1 1 I860 1890 1900 1920 1930 1940 1950 I960 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 I960 - ~~ 1 SOI JTH - - PB - - „-- - — — - — >* - i 1 1 70 60 SO WE :st - - 30 20 ■"■" - IT^*- **""* --- — -. < ' 10 - V , • — 0 i i 1 1 1920 1950 I960 54C-I26 Figure 7- Changes in land under lease. — In 1954, land operated under some form of tenancy arrangement approximated 400 million acres, or about 35 percent of the total farm acreage. Slightly more than one-half of the 400 million acres were operated by part owners and the remainder by tenants. This was the first time that land leased by part owners exceeded that operated by tenants. The 190 million total for tenants in 1954 includes a relatively small acreage (less than 9% million acres) operated by sharecroppers in the South. A decreasing proportion of the land in farms has been under lease (used in its broadest sense) since 1935, when nearly 45 percent of all farmland was in this category. The proportion of the farm area operated by tenants increased steadily from the turn of this century through 1935, at which point tenants op- erated 31.9 percent of the farmland. Thereafter, in each suc- cessive Census both a smaller acreage and a smaller percentage of the farmland have been in the control of tenants. By 1954 407763—57 10 this percentage was down to I6.4. On the other hand, leased land operated by part owners has steadily increased since 1935 both in absolute acreage and in proportion to the total acreage for all farm operators. The percentage leased by part owners in 1935 was 12.7 and by 1954 it exceeded 18 percent. A considerable amount of capital is required by a farm op- erator who gives or contemplates giving his full attention to farm production. With a given amount of capital and available credit, he has some choice as to the amount of land he will farm. He may become a tenant or an operating owner. In order to use an ever-increasing amount of labor-saving, expensive equipment to a fuller capacity, he may elect to be a tenant with more land ; whereas, if he elects to be an owner, he may enlarge his farming operations by becoming a part owner. Thus, for several Censuses, farms of both part owners and tenants have been increasing In {Continued on page 188) 134 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY PERCENT OF ALL LAND IN FARMS OPERATED UNDER LEASE, OCT.-NOV, 1954 LEGEND PERCENT I | UNDER 20 t%%3 20 TO 39 40 TO 59 | 60 AND OVER * NO FARMS JS DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE MAP NO. A54-289 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Figure 8. Geographic distribution of leased land. — In general, there is a higher proportion of tenancy in areas of higher quality land. The Corn Belt, notably northwestern Iowa and northern Illinois, has a relatively high proportion of its farmlands under some form of tenancy. The same may be said of that part of the Great Plains engaged primarily in crop, rather than livestock, produc- tion. The lands in the Delta region of Arkansas and the Coastal Plains of the Carolinas also are rather heavily tenanted. An important exception are the range lands In the West which have a relatively low productivity per acre but yet are leased in large blocks for grazing purposes. The value of land tends to be high in areas in which relatively large quantities of capital and labor per acre are required. If the financial resources of the farm operator are limited, he may choose to rent land in order to obtain a suitably large unit. Thus, the percentage of land under lease tends to be high where land values are high. The highest proportion of land leased. 43.7 per- cent, is found in the West North Central division ; whereas, the lowest proportion of land under lease, 102 percent, is in New England. Although the percent of land under lease has declined from 44.7 in 1!I35 to 35.1 in I'.i54 for the country as a whole, not all areas have changed to the same degree. Since 1'JoO, the South is the only regiou that has experienced a decline in the proportion of farmland rented; the three other regions have had slight in- creases. A tenure pattern which originated in one section of the country may be quite different from that which developed in another section. At the two extremes may be cited (1) the Pilgrims in Massachusetts who divided the land of the colony and established each family on its own farmstead, and (2) in several of the Southern States, large grants of land were made to companies and individuals who brought over indentured individuals for colonization. This was followed by the introduction of slave labor on plantations. After the Civil War, many planters without funds for hiring labor and laborers without management expe- rience or lands joined forces in a landowner-sharecropper arrangement. This resulted in many small holdings in a tenant status. Land ownership was made easier in some States where free or low-cost lands could be acquired for settlement. After settle- ment, alternating periods of high land values and economic de- pressions made it difficult for many beginners or tenants to be- come owners. In some areas droughts and other natural hazards caused a later out-movement of settlers who either maintained ownership or relinquished their rights to the land. This is to say that, through the years, the tenure pattern has been changing and at a different direction or rate of change as between States. Table 3. — Percent of All Land in Farms Operated Under Lease, for the United States and Geographic Divisions: 1930 to 1954 Area 1951 1950 1945 1940 1935 1930 United States .- 35.1 14.5 42.2 32.5 31.9 10.2 16.1 35.4 13.8 42.1 34.5 31.1 9.1 15.6 38.1 43.8 26.9 30.2 39.8 30.2 34.0 37.7 14.4 46.1 35.4 33.6 7.1 17.5 39.4 48.9 30.2 31.6 39.2 33.5 33.7 44.1 17.2 51.6 41.8 40.9 10.4 20.0 40.9 56.0 37.8 38.1 45.1 41.2 40.0 44.7 18.0 50.5 43.9 43.1 10.7 21.2 41.3 53.7 41.3 40.1 46.6 44.5 39.3 43.7 17.2 48.9 South 42.7 West 42.4 Geographic Divisions New England ... Middle Atlantic D. ;i 20.4 40.4 West North Central 43.7 23.4 26.5 39.0 30.7 36. 0 52.4 39.0 39.2 West South Centra! 45.9 Mountain Pacific 43.8 38. S FARM TENURE 135 COUNTIES IN WHICH AT LEAST HALF OF THE LAND IN FARMS WAS UNDER LEASE TO THE OPERATOR, 1910. 1935, 1940. AND 1945 1935 BASE FIGURES ARE FROM THE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS U S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE NEG 46371 BU REAU OF AG RICULTU RAL ECONOMI CS COUNTES W WHICH AT LEAST HALF OF THE LANO IN FARMS WAS <, .^COUNTIES IN WHICH AT LEAST HALF OF THE LANO IN FARMS WAS UNDER LEASE TO THE OPERATOR. p*M~ ~~^_ OCT-NOV. 1954 Figure 9- Concentration of leased land. — The reduction in tenancy since 1935 can be seen in a general way by noting the increase in coun- ties in which less than half of the land in farms is under lease. By 1910 the United States contained all its present States with the exception of Arizona and New Mexico, and yet commercial agriculture in many parts of the country was still maturing. In that year, 403 counties had over half their farmland under lease. As a benchmark, the year 1910 helps to indicate the increase of land under lease to a peak of 471 million acres in 1935 at which time 1,107 counties had at least half of their farmland under lease. Since 1935, the number of counties with over half the land under lease declined to 1,017 in 1940, 592 in 1945, and 510 in 1950. In T.i."V4 there was 482 counties with one-half or more of their land under lease. Certain areas — notably the Mid-Plains, Corn Belt, and Arkansas-Mississippi Delta — continue to have a relatively heavy concentration of land under lease. Since 1950, some slight shifts may be noted in the concentration of leased land. Most of the decrease in the number of counties with 50 percent or more of farmland under lease was in the South. Otherwise, the pattern of leased land concentration remained about the same in 1954 as in 1950, with slight changes accounted for by minor changes in the proportion of land which would move a county from the "less than half" to the "half or greater" cate- gory or vice versa. 136 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY NUMBER OF FARMS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, FOR THE UNITED STATES AND REGIONS, 1880 - 1954 FARMS (thous.) 4,000 2,000 FARMS (Ihous) NORTH CENTRAL - - - - -». - — ■«, ' ' —^ 1 - 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 I960 IB80 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 I960 FARMS " (thous.) FARMS i (thous.) SOI JTH - - - - \ - ■s?Z- - rr<^ ^ *< -» — __.^-' ^ i ^ - - - WE ST - - €. // ^^•~ •^^ 0, — "*^ v>. - / 1 1 1950 I960 54C -132 Figure 10. TENURE OF FARMS Changes in the number of farms. — In 1954, the number of farms in the Nation was nearly 600,000 below the number recorded in 1950. The 1954 total of approximately 4.8 million farms was also the lowest recorded at any Census since 1890, at which time there were about 4.6 million units. The 1954 number of farms also represented a drop of more than 2 million from the peak reached in 1935. The more restrictive definition of a farm used in 1950, and again in 1954, accounted for a small part of the decline in the number of farms for the last two Censuses as compared with earlier years. The change in definition in 1950 accounted for a drop of an estimated 150,000 to 170,000 farms between 1945 and 1950, most of which were owner-operated. Changes in the tenure of farm operators. — In 1954, the Census reported 2,736,951 full owners, 856,933 part owners, 20,647 man- agers, and 1,167,885 tenants in the United States. The number of farms in every tenure category, except part owners, has decreased since 1950. Regional comparisons show that, in varying degrees, the changes in tenure generally have been in the same direction throughout the country since the depression of the 1930's. The number of full owners, managers, and tenants is decreasing and the number of part owners is increasing slightly. Operators who farm only land which they own represent 57.2 percent of all farm operators. The number of full owners in 1954 — 2,736,951 — is the lowest since 1925, when this tenure was first classified separately. From 1SS0 to 1930, both the number of tenants and the per- centage of tenance increased continuously. Since 1930, the per- centage of farms operated by tenants has shown successive de- creases, although the highest number of tenants was not reached until 1935. Tenant-operated farms in 1954 were fewer than for (Continued on pape 188) FARM TENURE 137 NUMBER OF FARMS. 1954 FARMS OPERATED BY FULL OWNERS NUMBER, 1954 J iA&^JARMS OPERATED BY NONWHITE TENANTS (SOUTH ONLY) NUMBER. 1954 FARMS OPERATED BY ALL TENANTS NUMBER. 1954 Figure 11. Geographic distribution of tenure groups. — Tenants have not been so numerous in the Northeast and the West as in the South and in the North Central Region. More than one-half of all tenants are located in the South. Tenant farms are most prevalent in cotton-and-tobacco grow- ing areas. These predominantly southern-grown crops require a large amount of hand labor as measured in hours per acre. Such farms are usually small in total area. Tenant farms are also numerous in areas where the productivity of land is relatively high. Northern Illinois, northwestern Iowa, and the eastern part of the Great Plains are examples of such areas. Part-owner farms, while showing a fairly uniform distribution, are more prevalent in the wheat- and corn-producing areas. Farm (Continued on page 188) Color of farm operators. — The Census classifies farm operators as "white" or "nonwhite." Nonwhite includes Negroes, Indians, Chinese, Japanese, and all other nonwhite races. In 1954, there were 483,650 nonwhite farm operators in the United States. Of these, 465,216, or 96.2 percent, were in the South where the non- white farm operators are predominantly Negro. In the West, most of the nonwhite farm operators are Indians. In the South, nonwhite operators are concentrated in the Coastal Plains and in the Mississippi Delta. There was a loss of 97,269 in the num- ber of nonwhite operators between 1950 and 1954 for the country as a whole and 93,874 for the South. The percentage of farm tenancy among nonwhite operators dropped from 64.0 in 1950 to 59.6 in 1954 for the United States and from 65.4 to 61.0 percent for the South during the same period. COMPARISON OF CHANGES IN NUMBER OF FARMS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, FOR THE UNITED STATES 1945-1950 AND 1950-1954 NUMBER OF FARMS-INCREASE AND DECREASE 1950-1954 NUMBER OF FARMS - INCREASE AND DECREASE JANUARY 1. 1945-APRIL 1.1950 'yV-FARMS OPERATED BY FULL OWNERS-INCREASE AND DECREASE IN NUMBER. JANUARY 1. 1945-APRIL 1.1950 s w>mTi»m o> !U.W- FARMS OPERATED BY PART OWNERS-INCREASE AND DECREASE IN NUMBER. 1950-1954 UNITED STATES NET INCREASE V 32.010, OR 3 9 PERCENT \^4 ICOUNTT UNIT BASK) \Jf ^V-FARMS OPERATED BY PART OWNERS-INCREASE AND DECREASE IN NUMBER. JANUARY 1. 1945-APRIL I. 1950 auttu o- the a*»a k}5-^FARMS OPERATED BY ALL TENANTS - INCREASE AND DECREASE IN NUMBER. 1950-1954 „ FARMS OPERATED BY ALL TENANTS-INCREASE AND DECREASE IN NUMBER, JANUARY I. 1945-APRIL I, 1950 UNITED STATES NET DECREASE 414.292 OR 22 3 PERCENT ' , Af'Ul'MI >.* ■.- .i-JARMS OPERATED BY NONWHITE OPERATORS-INCREASE AND DECREASE IN NUMBER. 1950-1954 WHTE OWNERS(SOUTH ONLY) - INCREASE AND DECREASE IN NUMBER. 1950-1954 NONWHITE OWNERS (SOUTH ONLYI-INCREASE AND DECREASE IN NUMBER. 1950-1954 WHITE TENANTS (SOUTH ONLYI-INCREASE AND DECREASE IN NUMBER. 1950-1954 V FARMS OPERATED BY NONWHITE TENANTS (SOUTH ONLY) INCREASE AND DECREASE IN NUMBER. 1950-1954 ■ '"I *P1VJ1 SJV FARMS OPERATED BY WHITE CROPPERS (SOUTH ONLYI-INCREASE AND DECREASE IN NUMBER. 1950-1954 FARMS OPERATED BY NONWHITE CROPPERS (SOUTH ONLY) INCREASE AND DECREASE IN NUMBER. 1950-1954 Figure 13. 140 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY Ufr PERCENTAGE OF ALL FARMS OPERATED BY TENANTS, (COUNTY UNIT BASIS) 1954 ItA c* X fta J LEGEND PERCENT I I UNDER 20 B59 SO TO 79 i 20 TO 39 H DO ANO OVER £IH!40 TO 59 US DEPARTMENT Of COMMERCE UNITED STATES AVERAGE 24 4 PERCENT MAP NO A54 -02 I BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Figure 14. Farm tenancy. — No agricultural Census since 1880 has reported as few tenants as the 1,167,885 reported in 1954 : this number is 1.7 million less than the peak number in 1935. Operators who own none of the land they cultivate represented, in 1954, a smaller proportion of all farm operators than at any time in the history of the Nation. However, one-fourth of the farms and one-fourth of the cropland are still farmed by tenants. One of the important features of tenancy in agricultural production is that owners of resources (land, capital, and labor) may combine these resources without the necessity of a per- manent transfer. Tenancy is a means for a skilled manager to operate a farm even with limited capital and land. Conversely, it is a convenient arrangement for the owner of resources who cannot, or prefers not to, participate in the actual farming opera- tion. Tenancy has frequently been viewed as part of the course toward ownership through successive steps of farm laborer, tenant, part owner, owner operator, and landlord. It is recog- nized, however, that several of these rungs of the so-called agri- cultural ladder might be bypassed. Census data indicate that many tenants become owners. In 1954, 70.5 percent of the farm operators under 25 years of age were tenants, whereas only 9.3 percent of the operators 65 years or older were tenants. The percentage of tenants was consistently lower as the age of the operator increased. The concentration of tenant farms, while traditionally great in the South, has made certain notable shifts since Census data became available. One of the principal reasons for the relatively large number of tenant farms in the South was the sharecropping system and its association with cotton and tobacco. Since many of these tenant farms in the South are very small, they account for a higher proportion of the farms than the land in farms. In the Plains there is a heavier concentration of land under lease than of the number of tenant farms because of the large acreages operated by tenants and the large leased acreages of part owners. In the high risk Plains area the number of coun- ties in which at least half of the farms are operated by tenants has varied from Census to Census. The Corn Belt has had a relatively heavy concentration of both number of tenant farms and rented land in farms ever since shortly after the beginning of this century. Considerable variation exists in the method of leasing as be- tween different areas and types of farming. Croppers, of course, are reported only in the South. Crop-share rent is found in vary- ing degrees throughout the country, and is common on commer- cial farms. Crop-share arrangements may also be combined with a fixed cash rental — for example, for buildings, pasture, or hay- land — to form the share-cash combination frequently reported by operators in the Eastern Great Plains and Corn Belt. Cash leasing is used less frequently than the other methods of rental except for livestock-share. It is important in many of the graz- ing areas of the West, in the South, and in New England. Table 4. — Percent of all Farms Operated by Tenants, for the United States and Regions: 1880 to 1954 Year United States North- east North Central South West 1954 24.0 26.8 31.7 38.7 42.1 42.4 38.6 38.1 37.0 35.3 28.4 25.6 6.0 6.8 8.6 12.6 13.8 12.5 13.0 17.2 18.2 20.8 18.4 16.0 23.3 24.2 29.1 35.4 36.3 34.1 32 0 31.1 28 9 27.9 23.4 20.5 29.4 34.1 40.4 48.2 53.5 55.5 51.1 49.6 49.6 47.0 38.5 36.2 12. 1 1950 1945 12.9 14.5 1940 1935 1930... 1925 1920 21.3 23.8 20.9 18.7 17.7 1910 1900 14.0 16.6 1890 12.1 1880 - ... 14.0 COUNTIES IN WHICH AT LEAST HALF OF THE FARMS WERE OPERATED BY TENANTS 1880, 1900, 1920, 1930, 1940, 1950, AND 1954 1950 MOST FREQUENT METHOD OF RENTING FARMS, 1954 (COUNTY UNIT BASIS) LEGEND 1 I CASH E-ffvi-l SHARE i i share-cash ^h croppers'1 ♦ includes counties with no tenants or with only other and unspecified tenants u croppers shown separately only for the south and 7 counties in southeastern missouri us department of commerce Figure 15. 142 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY PERCENT OF RENTED FARMS, BY CLASS OF TENANT, FOR THE UNITED STATES AND REGIONS: 1950 8k 1954 CASH TENANTS SHARE- CASH CROP- SHARE LIVESTOCK- OTHER SHARE AND UNSPECIFIED CASH SHARE- TENANTS CASH CROP- LIVESTOCK- OTHER SHARE SHARE AND UNSPECIFIED CASH SHARE- CROP- LIVESTOCK- CROPPERS OTHER TENANTS CASH SHARE SHARE AND UNSPECIFIEO CASH SHARE- TENANTS CASH CROP- LIVESTOCK- OTHER SHARE SHARE AND UNSPECIFIED Figure 16. Changes in class of tenant by regions. — Most tenancy arrange- ments require rental payment in the form of a share of the crops or livestock. For the country as a whole, a slight increase in the proportion of livestock-share leases and a slight decrease in the proportion of cash leases were reported between 1950 and 1954. In 1954, 162,144, or 3.4 percent of all farm operators, were cash tenants and 165,566, or 3.5 percent, were share-cash tenants. In share-cash arrangements the principal market crop is fre- quently under a crop-share rental. Crop-share leases were used on 333,254, or 6.9 percent of all farms, and livestock-share ar- rangements were reported on 109,494, or 2.3 percent of all farms. Sharecroppers numbered 272,572 and accounted for 5.6 percent of all farms. Sharecroppers represented 23.3 percent of all tenants in 1954, a position not greatly different from the one they occupied in 1920 when this group was first separately classified and at which time they comprised 22.9 percent of all tenants. FARMS OPERATED BY CLASS OF TENANT, 1954 FARMS OPERATED BY ALL TENANTS NUMBER. 1954 FARMS OPERATED BY CASH TENANTS NUMBER. 1954 FARMS OPERATED BY SHARE-CASH TENANTS NUMBER. r954 FARMS OPERATED BY CROP-SHARE TENANTS NUMBER. 1954 (EXCUUMG CROPPERS IM Tne SOUTH) 333.734 (LESS CROPPERS IN 7 SOUTKE4STERN COUNTIES IN MISSOURI 3.437 CROP-SHARE TENANTS AS MAPPED 329.797 FARMS OPERATED BY LIVESTOCK-SHARE TENANTS NUMBER. 1954 FARMS OPERATED BY CROPPERS NUMBER. 1954 SOUTHERN STATES J71.37J 7 COUNTIES IN SOUTHEASTERN MISSOURI 3.437 TOTAL 276.029 Figure 17- The number of tenant farms. — With some exceptions, the prin- cipal areas of concentration of tenants, as might be expected, follow the areas of concentration of all farms ; for example, the Great Lakes Region, the Piedmont, and New England. In terms of change, however, it may be noted that, whereas the proportion of all farms operated by tenants in the United States as a whole dropped from 26.8 percent in 1950 to 24.4 percent in 1954, the South showed a greater decline, from 34.1 percent to 30.1 percent. Particular types of rental arrangements are associated with certain areas. These variations can be accounted for, partially at least, by differences in type of farming, climate, technology, population type and concentration, and economic conditions. Crop-share rentals are found in their various forms in many parts of the country. A very high proportion of the leasing of farma growing tobacco is on a share basis. Crop-share rentals are also found with relatively high frequency in the Mississippi Delta area and in the rice-producing portions of Louisiana and Texas. Both ends of the Great Plains — North Dakota and Texas — employ the crop-share lease to a relatively large extent. Livestock-share leases are almost exclusively in the Corn Belt and adjacent States such as Kentucky and Nebraska. Cash leases are used most frequently for part-time or residen- tial farms, for grazing land, and for crops with relatively stable yield patterns or in areas where production contains less risk and uncertainty. Consequently, they are used principally in the South, the Corn Belt, eastern Plains, New England States, and the States along the Pacific Coast. Croppers, of course, are reported only in the South. This par- ticular class of tenant is associated with the cotton and tobacco culture both of which traditionally required intensive cultivation. In the 1950-54 period, the number of croppers declined about 21 percent. 144 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY VALUE OF LAND AND BUILDINGS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, FOR THE UNITED STATES AND REGIONS: 1900-1954 BILLIONS OF DOLLARS 6 BILLIONS OF PERCENT DOLLARS BILLIONS OF DOLLARS 40 1 SOUTH 30 - 20 - h^r- s >• - 10 "****- «...• 1940 VALUE OF LAND AND BUILDINGS 50 40 NORTH CENTRAL PERCENT 100 BILLIONS OF PERCENT DOLLARS 100 30 Figure 18. Total value of farm real estate. — The total value of land and buildings in 1954 was 97.6 billion dollars, almost a six-fold increase over the value reported in 1900. The long-run trend is an increase in land values, with a cyclical peak in 1920 followed by a decline which continued through 1935. Land values of all farms, regardless of tenure of operator, increased since 1940, but full owners showed a more rapid increase than tenants. The data reveal that full owners continue to control the greatest amount of land and buildings, as measured by value. The pro- portion of the total value of land and buildings represented by farms operated by tenants has decreased since 1920 with a more pronounced decrease since 1940. The general decline in the proportion of the value of land and buildings controlled by ten- ants reflects, to an extent, the decrease in the proportion of farms operated by tenants. The proportion of land in farms operated by tenants is also on the decrease, having dropped from 29.4 in 1940 to 16.6 in 1954. In 1954, for the Nation as a whole, and for all regions except the North Central, the total value of farm real estate operated by part owners was greater than that operated by tenants. How- ever, recent trends indicate an increasing importance of farm real estate operated by part owners in the North Central Region. FARM TENURE 145 AVERAGE VALUE OF LAND AND BUILDINGS PER ACRE, 1954 (COUNTY UNIT BASIS) LEGEND DOLLARS 1 1 UNDER 25 ES^ 100 TO 149 f: j 25 TO 49 E&£§3 150 TO 199 E%^ 50 TO 74 H 200 AND OVER i 75 TO 99 ' NO FARMS U S DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AVERAGE VALUE OF LANO AND BUILDINGS PER ACRE -INCREASE AND DECREASE, 1950-1954 (ECONOMIC AREA UNIT BASIS) LEGEND PERCENT INCREASE [^~~ 1 LESS THAN 10 RBJSB 10 TO 49 F-^l 10 TO 19 BQQ *> TO 59 %%%| 20 TO 29 m 60 AND OVER f»] PERCENT jlCREASE 0' IN[ CC»MJi Figure 19- Per acre values of farm real estate. — The highest per-acre values of farmland and buildings, except for isolated cases, were reported in the more urbanized areas of the Northeast, the more productive locations of the Corn Belt area, and the Irrigated and crop- specialty areas of the Far West. In most of these areas of higher land values, particularly the Corn Belt, there is a greater con- centration in the proportion of farmlands operated by full tenants. Changes in the value of farm real estate: 1950-1954. — From 1950 to 1954 the average per-acre value of land and buildings In the United States increased 29.1 percent. The greatest per- centage increases were in the areas with low land values; and, conversely, the smallest increases were in the areas with high values. The must drastics changes (50 percent and over) since 1950 took place in the Columbia River Basin, Central Valley of California, southeast Texas, southern Arizona, and Florida. 146 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY AVERAGE VALUE OF LAND AND BUILDINGS PER FARM, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR. FOR THE UNITED STATES AND REGIONS! 1954 AND 1950 THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS UNITED STATES THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS PART OWNERS ALL TENANTS SHARE CASH CROP SHARE LIVESTOCK CROPPERS OTHER AND SHARE SOUTH ONLY UNSPECIFCO 100 THE NORTHEAST FULL PART ALL OWNERS OWNERS TENANTS CROP LIVESTOCK OTHER AND SHARE SHARE UNSPECIFIED THOUSANDS Of DOLLARS 100 80 60 40 20 THE SOUTH FULL PART ALL CASH SHARE CROP LIVESTOCK CROPPERS OTHER 8 OWNERS OWNERS TENANTS CASH SHARE SHARE UNSPECIFIED THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS 100 80 60 40 20 THE NORTH CENTRAL FULL PART ALL CASH OWNERS OWNERS TENANTS SHARE CASH CROP LIVESTOCK OTHER AND SHARE SHARE UNSPECIFIED THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS 100 FULL PART ALL CASH OWNERS OWNERS TENANTS CROP LIVESTOCK OTHER AND SHARE SHARE UNSPECIFIED 1950 54C-I44- Figure 20. Average value of land and buildings per farm. — Ordinarily the more productive lands are more attractive to tenancy, and farms under tenant operators (sharecroppers excepted) are larger than those under owner operators. Consequently, the value of land and buildings per farm reported for tenants was higher than that for owners. Part-owner farms showed higher per farm values than either full owners or tenants. Farms under share-cash and livestock-share leases continued to show (compared with 1950) the highest per-farm values for fully rented farms for the United States as a whole and for all the regions except the Northeast. The pattern of average values by tenure of operator is quite similar to that for 1950, except that the values under share leases have increased slightly more than those under cash leases. The high value of land and buildings per commercial farm for part owners is due to large size rather than high value per acre. The relatively high value of commercial farms operated by share- cash and livestock-share tenants, however, appears to be due to both large size and a high value per acre compared with lands of other tenure groups. The increases in per-farm values reported in 1954 over those reported in 1950 were most pronounced on part-owner, share-cash, crop-share, livestock-share, and unspec- ified tenant farms. FARM TENURE 147 SUBUNITS IN MULTIPLE UNITS AS A PERCENT OF ALL FARMS. 1954 (COUNTY UNIT BASIS) US DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE PERCENT MULTIPLE- UNIT AREA 22.9 ALABAMA ,5 . ARKANSAS ,. , FLORIDA jj GEORGIA „.„ KENTUCKY , s Z LOUISIANA .53 MISSISSIPPI 3.5 MISSOURI „= '? NORTH CAROLINA ... |q n SOUTH CAROLINA ... „". TENNESSEE ,aQ TEXAS e,2 VIRGINIA. ., |8r 6 0 MULTIPLE UNITS CZD NOT IN MULTIPLE-UNIT AREA MAP NO. M54-009 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Figure 21. MULTIPLE-UNIT OPERATIONS The nature of multiple units. — A classification as broad as that set up by the Census Bureau definition of a farm necessarily in- cludes many different types of agricultural units. Some of these types, because of their distinctive characteristics, are given sep- arate treatment in the Census reports. Multiple-unit operations comprise one such special class. Many landholdings, particularly in the Southern States, con- tain several farms, as farms are defined by the Census Bureau, but in reality these farms belong to one landlord, and in many instances they are managed as a single farm business unit. The listing of these farms only as individual farms gives an in- complete picture of the actual nature of farming in these areas and, for this reason, it has been considered desirable to present statistics for the overall management units as well as for the separate farms. Information has been collected pertaining to such characteristics as the number, size, relative importance, and major crops of certain types of multiple-unit operations. To qualify as a multiple-unit operation, a landholding must consist of two or more farms, one of which may be the "home" farm, and all others must be operated by sharecroppers. Thus, the distinguishing feature of multiple-unit operations, as here defined, is that the landlord provides all of the work power for the farms in the unit. Statistics have been compiled for those counties in which multiple-unit operations form a significant part of the agriculture. In 1954, these counties numbered nearly 900, most of which were in the Southeast. Distribution. — The concentration of multiple units was heaviest in the Mississippi Delta region, with pockets in eastern North Carolina and southwestern Georgia. In Mississippi, more than 35 percent of all farms were in multiple units and these units contained almost half of the cropland harvested in the State in 1954. In the multiple-unit area of Arkansas, the percentages for farms and cropland harvested were 31.2 and 38.6, respectively. At the other extreme, in the newer agricultural regions of the South — Texas and Florida — this type of farm organization is relatively insignificant. For the multiple-unit area as a whole, more than one-fifth of all farms were part of multiple-unit operations. Cotton and tobacco. — The nature of multiple-unit operations becomes clearer when we consider the type of farming that is associated with them. Cotton and tobacco seem to be particularly well adapted to this type of operation. Nearly 35 percent of the total cotton acreage harvested was on multiple-unit farms. The percentage of cotton acreage in multiple-unit farms was 55.8 for Mississippi. The percentages of tobacco grown on multiple-unit farms were smaller. Both of these crops require large amounts of hand labor in planting, growing, and harvesting, and the cropper system provides this labor without large outlays of capital and at the time it is needed. In the production of cotton in particular, the multiple-unit organization permits concentra- tion of managerial functions in the hands of the landlord, en- ables him to supervise closely liis labor force, and makes unneces- sary the risking of the rash outlay that the use of hired labor would involve. Past and future. — The kinship of modern multiple-unit opera- tions with pre-Civil War plantation organization is very clear. During the decades following the War, a number of circum- stances combined to produce the cropper system as we know it today. Cotton and tobacco were even more the staples of the South than they are at present: landowners found themselves 148 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY COTTON ACREAGE HARVESTED IN MULTIPLE UNITS AS A PERCENT OF TOTAL COTTON ACREAGE HARVESTED, 1954 (ECONOMIC AREA UNIT BASIS) U 5 DEPARTMENT Of COMMERCE vtV' LEGEND PERCENT ES3 UNDER 10 K£2lO TO 24 822325 TO 39 BSS40 TO 54 HB 55 AND OVER □ no cotton □ not in MULTIPLE PERCENT MULTIPLE- UNIT AREA.. 34 4 ALABAMA 26 .2 ARKANSAS 46 8 FLORIDA 7.9 GEORGIA 40 7 KENTUCKY 58 7 LOUISIANA--- 36.7 MISSISSIPPI 55 8 MISSOURI 31 .4 NORTH CAROLINA 34 9 SOUTH CAROLINA 39 0 TENNESSEE- 37 9 TEXAS 14 2 VIRGINIA 27 3 UNIT AREA MAP NO. M54-025 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Figure 22. in need of labor to produce these labor-intensive crops, but few had the cash for paying wage hands; and ex-slaves had virtually no alternative but to return to working the land of their former owners. The "furnish" system and the sharing of the crop developed to meet the needs of these groups. Sharecropping and the multiple-unit operations associated with sharecropping, however, have been undergoing rather funda- mental changes for the past several decades. The reasons for these declines are many and varied. Probably the most important force at work is the migration of croppers into nonfann jobs in response to the relative attractiveness of industrial employment. Reinforcing this factor have been the shift westward of our cotton areas, the mechanization of cotton production, and the relatively low income condition of many of the cotton farmers. Perhaps the most basic development has been the rapid and con- tinuous decline in the total number of sharecroppers, noted earlier in this report. The total has dropped from 783,459 in 1930 to 276,029 in 1954, a decrease of nearly two-thirds. As a conse- quence of the decrease in the number of sharecroppers, during this same period there was a substantial decline in the number of farms in multiple-unit operations. Between 1950 and 1954, the two years for which we have comparable statistics, the num- ber of farms in multiple units (in the 1954 multiple-unit area) decreased from 466,273 to 403,186. The decline in the number of multiple-unit farms between 1950 and 1954 has been largely in those farms producing cotton rather than tobacco. FARM TENURE 149 TOBACCO ACREAGE HARVESTED IN MULTIPLE UNITS AS A PERCENT OF TOTAL TOBACCO ACREAGE HARVESTED, 1954 (ECONOMIC AREA UNIT BASIS) U S DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE LEGEND PERCENT 10 24 39 54 OVER □ NO TOBACCO □ NOT IN MULTIPLE-UNIT AREA PERCENT MULTIPLE - UNIT AREA „.3I ALABAMA 19 3 ARKANSAS 1/ FLORIDA 139 GEORGIA 312 KENTUCKY 18.7 LOUISIANA (NA) MISSISSIPPI U. MISSOURI y NORTH CAROLINA 37 6 SOUTH CAROLINA 34.3 TENNESSEE 27 1 TEXAS 1/ VIRGINIA 32 7 U NO TOBACCO (NA) NOT AVAILABLE MAP NO M54-OI2 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Figure 23. SECTION II Production FARM TENURE 153 TYPE- OF- FARMING AREAS, BASED ON TYPE ACCOUNTING FOR 50 PERCENT OR MORE OF COMMERCIAL FARMS, 1954 (COUNTY UNIT BASIS) LEGEND TYPE-OF-FARMING AREA IIM CASH-GRAIN IsESJ COTTON hm2 other field-crop hi] vegetable 3fruit-ano-nut *N0 FARMS ■I LIVESTOCK (OTHER THAN DAIRY AND POULTRY) I I GENERAL (NO ONE TYPE 50 PERCENT OR MORE) US DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE MAP NO AS4 -210 BUREAU OF Tit CENSUS Figure 24. TYPE OF FARMING The vast differences in types of farming in the United States have resulted from a number of important natural economic and cultural conditions. These diverse conditions, through a varied agriculture, have been reflected in the tenure pattern. A complex agriculture. — Such factors as variations in tem- perature, soil, rainfall, and the availability of land for agriculture determine the type of farming in the several areas. The wide variation in temperature has caused such areas as the Dakotas to specialize in spring wheat, barley, and flax to suit their short growing season and, in contrast, permitted the Deep South to become the world's largest cotton-producing area. The high, rugged mountain terrain of the West and the low rainfall have mostly excluded agriculture or confined it to grazing and special crops in a few restricted areas. The western mountain ranges have also been largely responsible for the lack of rainfall in much of the Great Plains area. Rainfall in the eastern one-half of the Nation, however, has been adequate to accommodate whatever the other physical and economic conditions required. Soils vary from the relatively infertile podzols of the Lakes region to the rich alluvium of the Mississippi. These and other physical and biological factors have combined with many important cultural conditions to form a complex agriculture. No less important are the economic forces that have called for increases or decreases in production of particular types and at certain locations. Costs and returns, both in money and in grati- fication, have been basic in the development of agricultural pro- duction and in the ways that people work together to attain this production. Types of farms. — In 1054, farms were classified by type on the basis of the sales of a particular product or group of products that accounted for 50 percent or more of the total value of prod- ucts sold. If the sales from a product or a group of products did not represent 50 percent of the value of all products sold, the farm was called "general." Tenants operated a greater proportion of the field-crop farms than of the livestock farms. Owners and part owners operated most of the livestock farms and almost all of the poultry and fruit-and-nut farms. The "general" farms were divided tenurewise in roughly the same proportions as all commercial farms. Cash-grain farms are found in northern and south-central Plains States and in the region of northeastern Washington. Of course, large quantities of small grains and corn are grown in the Corn Belt region, but much of the grain in this area is marketed through livestock. Of the 537,838 commercial cash-grain farms in 1954, 35.6 percent were operated by owners, 31.5 percent by part owners, and 32.7 percent by tenants. Since 1950, the num- ber of commercial cash-grain farms had increased by 107,449. Fifty-two percent of this increased number were operated by full owners, 36* percent by part owners, and only 13 percent by tenants. Cotton farms, which are traditionally labor-intensive (but are rapidly becoming more mechanized in the commercial areas), are operated mainly under rental arrangements. In 1954, the 525gOS commercial cotton farms were 24.3 percent full owner operated, 16.2 percent part owner operated and 59.3 percent tenant operated. Twenty-eight percent of the commercial cotton farm operators were croppers. There were 84,099 fewer commercial cotton farms in 1954 than in 1950. During this period there was an increase in the mechanization of cotton farming and a heavy migration of labor out of agriculture. 154 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY PERCENT OF FARMS IN EACH TYPE- OF- FARM GROUfJ BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, COMMERCIAL FARMS FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1954 CASH- GRAIN COTTON OTHER FIELD-CROP VEGETABLE FRUIT-AND-NUT DAIRY POULTRY LIVESTOCK OTHER THAN DAIRY AND POULTRY GENERAL MISCELLANEOUS FARMS | FULL OWNERS Y///\ MANAGERS PART OWNERS ALL TENANTS 64C -16 I Figure 25. Other field-crop farms are those growing peanuts, potatoes, tobacco, sugarcane, and sugar beets. Of these crops, tobacco is most significant in Virginia, North Carolina, and Kentucky. Sugarcane predominates in southern Louisiana. Farms classified by type on the basis of potatoes, peanuts, and sugar beets do not predominate in most of the areas where these crops are grown. A much higher proportion of these crops are grown on other types of farms. Tobacco and peanut enterprises are associated with the relatively high rate of tenancy on "other field-crop" farms. Full owners comprised 38.5 percent, part owners, 18.1 percent : and tenants, J/3.3 percent of other field-crop farms in 1954. Vegetable farms, which involve relatively small acreages of highly developed land and require very close supervision and man- agement, are most frequently operated by owners or part owners. In 1904, 52.0 percent of commercial vegetable farms were full- owner-operated, 29.8 percent were part-owner-operated, and only 11.1 percent tenant-operated. {Continued on paye 188) Table 1. — Percent Distribution of Commercial Farms in Each Type-of-Farm Group, by Tenure of Operator, for the United States: 1954 [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms] Type of farm All commercial farms Cash-grain Cotton Other field-crop Vegetable Fruit-and-nut Dairy Poultry Livestock other than dairy and poultry General _ Miscellaneous Tenure of operator Full owners Part owners Managers Tenants Percent Percent Percent Percent 47.9 22.7 0.5 28.8 35.6 31.5 .2 32.7 24.3 16.2 .2 59.3 38.5 18.1 .2 43.3 52.0 29.8 1.1 17.1 81.7 11.5 2.5 4.3 61.6 24.3 .5 13.6 83.0 10.2 .5 6.4 55.3 24.2 1.0 19.6 48.9 27.3 .3 23.5 80.6 12.2 1.9 5.4 All com- mercial farms Percent 100.0 16.2 15.8 11.1 1.0 2.5 16.5 4.6 20.9 10.4 1.1 FARM TENURE 155 PERCENT OF VALUE OF SPECIFIED CROPS ANO LIVESTOCK SOLD, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR FOR COMMERCIAL FARMS, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1954 TENURE OF OPERATOR CLASS OF TENANT cash i-:-::-;:] share -cash V/A. share ■ CROPPER Kggg OTHER Figure 26. CROP AND LIVESTOCK OUTPUT The volume of production. — Estimates made by the United States Department of Agriculture indicate that gross cash marketings in 1954 totaled more than $30 billion, or just $3 bil- lion under the all-time high for cash marketings of $33 billion reached in 1951. As a measure of total physical volume of pro- duction, without effects of price variation, the United States Department of Agriculture's index of farm marketings gives some idea of the growth of farm production. According to this index of farm marketings (based on 1947-49=100), aggregate production rose from 51 in 1910 and 100 in 1950 to 111 in 1954. The index of livestock products (based on 1947—49=100) rose from 50 in 1910 and 103 in 1950 to 117 in 1954. The index of crops grown (based on 1947-49=100) rose from 53 in 1910 and 96 in 1950 to 102 in 1954. The volume of production in terms of the index of farm marketings was, at that time, an all-time high. Crops had fallen off somewhat from previous years, but this was representative of the shifts in type of production toward livestock, not a reduction of overall output. Although total value of all farm products sold by tenure of operator was not available from the 1954 Census of Agriculture, some specified crop and livestock values were reported. The commodities that are classified by tenure of the operator may be used to illustrate the relationship between the production processes and tenure. The different tenure forms, as they are commonly used, have particular characteristics that adapt them to certain types of production. Around each type of agriculture there have evolved tenure arrangements associated with that particular type of agriculture. Some of the factors that might have influenced this are the relative importance of a farm as a home; the relative degree of skill that may be required ; the amount of labor re- quired : the relative importance of investment in buildings, land, livestock, and machinery ; the kind and degree of government controls and incentives ; the risks involved ; and the length of the production cycle. Crops. — Full owners on commercial farms operated 31.1 per- cent of the 78,133,60S acres of cornland; part owners, 29.8 per- cent; managers, O.S percent; and tenants, 33.6 percent. On full- owner farms, 23.7 percent of the cropland harvested was in corn ; on part-owner farms, 19.0 percent ; on manager farms, 11.5 per- cent; and on tenant farms, 2S.7 percent. The tendency for ten- ants to have a large portion of their cropland in corn is slightly more pronounced in the case of corn grown for grain. Acres of corn grown for grain as a percent of all cropland harvested was 19Jt for full owners, 15.6 for part owners, S.8 for managers, and 26.2 for tenants. Virtually all of the corn produced by tenants in the commercial corn area is grown on farms that have crop- share or share-cash leases, and the corn itself is usually grown on a share arrangement. A relatively large percent of the cotton acreage is operated by tenants. In 1954, 43.6 percent of the acreage in cotton was operated by tenants on commercial farms, whereas 20.0, 30.1, and 2.3 percent, respectively, were operated by full owners, part own- ers, aud managers. Sharecropping and crop-share tend to be the most common leasing arrangements. In such arrangements, it is a rather common practice for the landlord to contribute a high degree of supervision. (Continued on pope 1SS) Table 2. — Percent Distribution of the Value of Specified Crops and Livestock Sold, by Tenure of Operator of Commercial Farms, for the United States: 1954 (Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms] All Tenants Item Full Part Man- ten- Crop- Other owners owners agers ants Share- and Crop- and Cash cash live- stock- share pers un- speci- fied Per- Per- Per- Per- Per- Per- Per- Per- Per- cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent Corn 26.1 29.0 0.7 44.2 5.2 46.6 41.9 3.2 3.1 Cotton 21.0 31.1 31.9 18.9 4.3 .6 42.7 49.4 7.2 2.0 6.5 2.3 48.6 40.9 33.4 50.3 4.3 Tobacco 4.4 Cattle and calves 37.5 34.9 6.6 21.0 14.3 29.0 50.9 .9 4.9 Hops and pigs. - - 38.3 26.3 .9 34.4 9.1 32.6 53.2 1.2 3.9 Chickens 72.5 14.7 3.7 9. 1 19.6 12.6 34.4 11.5 21.9 66.8 48.7 18.8 30.7 1.5 1.7 12.9 18.9 15.5 28.3 33.0 17.4 40.5 45.4 1.4 1.2 9.6 Milk 7.6 156 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY PERCENT OF CROPLAND HARVESTED REPRESENTED BY ACRES HARVESTED OF THE PRINCIPAL CROPS. BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, FOR COMMERCIAL FARMS FOR THE UNITED STATES AND REGIONS: 1954 FULL OWNERS PERCENT UNITED STATES PART OWNERS MANAGERS PERCENT PERCENT ALL TENANTS PERCENT 0 10 20 30 40 50 O 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 O 10 20 30 40 50 CORN TOBACCO COTTON NORTHEAST FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS MANAGERS ALL TENANTS PERCENT PERCENT PERCENT PERCENT O 10 20 30 40 50 O 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 50 FULL OWNERS PERCENT 10 20 30 40 50 NORTH CENTRAL PART OWNERS MANAGERS PERCENT PERCENT 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 ALL TENANTS PERCENT 10 20 30 40 50 CORN HAY TOBACCO COTTON NA NO NA NA NA NA NA SOUTH FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS MANAGERS ALL TENANTS PERCENT PERCENT PERCENT PERCENT 0 10 20 30 40 50 O 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 O 10 20 30 40 50 CORN TOBACCO COTTON FULL OWNERS PERCENT WEST PART OWNERS PERCENT MANAGERS PERCENT ALL TENANTS PERCENT O 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 50 CORN TOBACCO NA NA - NOT AVAILABLE Figure 27. FARM TENURE 157 PERCENT DISTRIBUTION OF ACRES OF THE PRINCIPAL CROPS HARVESTED, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, FOR COMMERCIAL FARMS, FOR THE UNITED STATES AND REGIONS: 1954 UNITED STATES FULL OWNERS PERCENT 20 30 40 50 60 0 PART OWNERS PERCENT 10 20 30 40 30 0 MANAGERS PERCENT 10 20 O TENANTS PERCENT 20 30 40 50 CORN HAY TOBBACO-" COTTON II NORTH EAST FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS MANAGERS TENANTS PERCENT PERCENT PERCENT PERCENT 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 O 10 20 0 10 20 30 40 50 NORTH CENTRAL 3 FULL OWNERS PERCENT 0 20 30 40 50 6C PART OWNERS PERCENT 3 10 20 30 40 50 MANAGERS PERCENT 0 10 2C TENANTS PERCENT D 10 20 30 40 50 CORN ^^™ [ HAY TOBBACO-^ COTTON ■" 1 CORN HAY TOBBACO COTTON SOUTH FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS MANAGERS TENANTS PERCENT PERCENT PERCENT PERCENT 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 O 10 20 O 10 20 30 40 50 WEST FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS MANAGERS TENANTS PERCENT PERCENT PERCENT PERCENT 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 0 10 20 30 40 50 CORN HAY TOBBACO-" COTTON -" ^ SOUTH SOUTH ONLY l Figure 28. 407763— r.7 11 158 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY PERCENT DISTRIBUTION OF ALL LAND IN FARMS ACCORDING TO MAJOR USES, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, FOR THE UNITED STATES- 1945-1954 ALU FARM OPERATORS FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS MANAGERS ALL TENANTS SHARE-CASH SHARE (CROP-SHARE AND LIVESTOCK-SHARE) CROP-SHARE LIVESTOCK-SHARE CROPPERS (SOUTH ONLY) OTHER AND UNSPECIFIED 100 I9S4 1950 1945 1954 1950 1945 1954 1950 1945 1954 1950 1945 1954 1950 1945 1954 1950 1945 1954 1950 1945 1954 1950 1945 1954 I960 1945 ••••••v. vc*> ....... ................ ^^yj. 1 N A NOT AVAILABLE IQOfl^M TOTAL CROPLANO KNNKSaa^ TOTAL PASTURE ft^f.V-.V/J TOTAL WOODLAND B33 CROPLAND HARVESTED AND CROPLANO NOT HARVESTED AND NOT PASTURED |>C^i CROPLAND USED ONLY FOR PASTURE 1 OTHER PASTURE (NOT CROPLAND AND NOT WOODLAND) WOODLAND PASTURED Y:::-:yj woodland not pastured 1 I OTHER LAND(HOUSE LOTS, WASTELAND, ETC.) Figure 29. LAND USE Major land uses. — The total acreage of cropland In the United States declined from 479,371,116 acres in 1949 to 461,937,776 acres in 1954. The acreage of pastureland, however, increased from 619,691,813 in 1949 to 647,366,156 in 1954. Although total crop- land declined, the cropland per farm increased from 94.8 acres in 1949 to IO4.3 in 1954. Cropland in commercial farms averaged 122.5 acres in 1949 and 133.9 acres in 1954. The average acreage of cropland increased in all tenures, except for managers, but the average acreage of pasture showed even greater increases. Since tenants tend toward crop production and managers to- ward livestock production, it is not surprising that in 1954 the cropland in commercial tenant-operated farms represented a higher percentage of all land in their farms than for any other tenure, 61.8, and the cropland in commercial manager-operated farms represented the lowest percentage, 13.2. Commercial farms operated by tenants under crop-share lease arrangements tend to have the highest proportion of cropland. In 1954, 74.8 percent of land in commercial crop-share farms was cropland, and 20.0 percent was pastureland. In contrast, crop- land in commercial cash-rented farms was only 27.3 percent of the land in farms and pastureland was 70.9 percent. Cropper farms, of course, contain a very high proportion of cropland since they are associated almost exclusively with cash-crop enterprises, notably cotton and tobacco. In 1954, for commercial cropper FARM TENURE 159 PERCENT DISTRIBUTION OF CROPLAND, LAND PASTURED, AND WOODLAND BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, FOR COMMERCIAL FARMS FOR THE UNITED STATES AND REGIONS: 1954 UNITED STATES PERCENT 60 FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS MANAGERS ALL TENANTS B~"fe^ M-~ffl M-res JBLsOS IT — fvvi . SHARE-CASH CROP- SHARE LIVESTOCK- SHARE CROPPERS OTHER AND (SOUTH ONLY) UNSPECIFIED 50 40 30 20 NORTHEAST NORTH CENTRAL ■affl — -»— - 1 1111 FULL PART MANAGERS ALL CASH SHARE- CROP- LIVE- CROPPERS OTHER OWNERS OWNERS TENANTS CASH SHARE STOCK ANO SHARE UNSPECIFIED FULL PART MANAGERS ALL CASH SHARE CR0P_1 LIVE- CROPPERS OTHER OWNERS OWNERS TENANTS CASH SHARE STOCK- AND SHARE UNSPECIFIED SOUTH I l-ll Jfo m^_ PULL PART MANAGERS ALL CASH OWNERS OWNERS TENANTS E Bag I . PASTURE CROP- LIVE- CROPPERS OTHER SHARE STOCK- ANO SHARE UNSPECIFIED WEST ■ ft FULL PART MANAOERS ALL CASH SHARE OWNERS OWNERS TENANTS CASH 11 " CROP LIVEj^ CROPPERS OJ£ER iHARE STOCK ANO SHARE UNSPECIFIED Figure 30. farms 73.1 percent of the land was cropland and 17.2 percent, pastureland. Much of the woodland and pastureland of multiple- unit operations is retained in the home farm. Regional variations. — In the Northeast, the largest proportion of both cropland and pastureland is operated by full owners. This is in contrast with the West where a major share of each is operated by part owners. In the South and North Central regions, tenants account for a greater share of cropland than in the other two regions. Tenant farms with crop-share leases gen- erally contain a high proportion of cropland in all regions, par- ticularly in the West and South. Livestock-share arrangements are most common in the North Central region. 160 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY ACRES 600 AVERAGE SIZE OF FARM, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, FOR THE UNITED STATES AND REGIONS: 1900-1954 UNITED STATES FULL OWNERS TENANTS PART OWNERS CROPPERS - - — - — _____ r= ""^."— - i i ' 1910 NORTHEAST ACRES 500 1940 I960 NORTH CENTRAL 300 1950 '54 ACRES 400 SOUTH 200 - -\ = __. _*—^. — — — . ,- ■ -•** ^^^^^" " 1 1 ACRES 2500 2000 1500 WEST 500 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 "54 1900 -^^^— r-- 1920 1930 1940 Figure 31. SIZE OF FARM Increases in farm size. — One of the outstanding characteristics of twentieth century agriculture in the United States has been the growth in farm size. Since the total acreage of land in farms has changed little in this period, it follows that most of the in- crease in average farm size has come from the reduction in farm numbers. In 1954, 599,746 fewer farms were recorded than in 1950, while the average size of farm increased from 215.3 acres to 242.2 acres. For the United States as a whole, this trend toward larger and fewer farms is accelerating. The largest increases in average farm size have taken place in part-owner farms. Since 1910, the only reduction in the size of farms operated by part owners occurred in the post World War II period. Part of this reduction may have been due to the re- turn of servicemen whose lands had been operated under lease by other farmers. Between 1950 and 1954, the average size of part-owner farms increased 36.7 acres or 7.2 percent. Part-owner farms have increased in number and in acreage per farm since 1950. Both owner and tenant farms have increased in size since 1935. Acreage is only one measure of farm size. Other factors of production such as labor, capital, and management also must be FARM TENURE 161 taken into account if anything is to be said about the relative productivity of various sizes of farms. Farm size is most im- portant in relation to tenure as tenure affects (1) the total quan- tity and (2) the proportions of various factors used on the farm. Quality of the land, as well as rainfall, soil, temperature, slope, and location, is important in comparisons of farm size in differ- ent regions. To a certain extent, quality of land is associated with tenure. For example, manager-operated farms contain a much higher proportion of uncultivated and low valued land than do tenant farms. For the United States as a whole, in 1954, tenant farms were the only farms on which the average acreage pastured did not exceed the average acreage of cropland. Farm size by regions. — In all regions, with but one exception, average farm size ranged upward from full owners, tenants, part owners to managers. The exception occurred in the South where the average size of farms of full owners was greater than that of tenants. The low average size of tenant farms in the South can be attributed largely to the small acreages operated by (Continued on page 189) Table 3. — Average Size of Farm, by Tenure of Operator, for the United States and Regions, 1954 and 1950 Tenure of operator United States North- east North- west South West All farms: 1954 Acres 242.2 215.3 144.5 135.6 548.7 512.0 4, 835. 8 4, 473. 2 164.9 146.8 Acres 120.9 111.0 102.4 97.6 195.2 179.2 460.7 390.1 124.5 119.1 Acres 230.9 212.2 145.7 137.3 418.1 397.4 1, 187. 5 1. 234. 5 243.1 222.8 Acres 166.7 148.2 132.4 123.2 360.9 332.3 2,941.4 2, 989. 6 95.5 89.7 Acres 798.2 1950 702.9 Full owners: 1954 234.2 1950 _-_ 225.2 Part owners: 1954 . 2, 112. 4 1950 1, 889. 3 Managers: 1954 14, 830. 9 1950 . 13, 168. 2 Tenants: 1954 511.0 1950 449.7 PERCENT DISTRIBUTION OF SIZE GROUP OF CROPLAND HARVESTED, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, FOR COMMERCIAL FARMS, FOR THE UNITED STATES AND REGIONS: 1954 10-19 20-29 30-49 50-99 100-199 200-499 500ondOver Acres 1-9 10-19 20-29 30-49 50-99 100-199 200-499 500ondOwr FULL OWNERS KSSSSS PART OWNERS 407763—57 12 Figure 32. H2 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY \}V^^ IRRIGATED LAND AS A PERCENT OF ALL LAND IN FARMS FOR 20 STATES, 1954 (COUNTY UNIT BASIS) LEGEND PERCENT I UNDER 10 |::::"::j 30 TO 39 I I 10 TO 19 5SSSS 4° TO 49 W'-;\ 20T0 29 H 50 AND OVER * NO FARMS US DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 20 STATES AVERAGE 2.6 _ MAP NO ASA- 267 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Figure 33. IRRIGATION Irrigated farms and acreage. — The United States, in 1954, con- tained 324,437 farms reporting some irrigation. These farms re- ported 29,799,482 acres irrigated or 2.6 percent of all farmland. The farms reporting irrigation represented 6.8 percent of all farms and 8.0 percent of commercial farms. The average size of commercial irrigated farms was 109.7 acres in 1954, an increase of 8.5 acres since 1949. There were 17,820 more irrigated farms in 1954 than in 1949. In 1954, 58.6 percent of all the irrigated farms were full-owner operated and 23.0 percent were part- owner operated. Of all the irrigated land in farms, 34.2 percent was operated by full owners and 3S.5 percent by part owners. Tenants operated 16.8 percent of the irrigated farms and 20.2 per- cent of the irrigated land. Managers operated 1.6 percent of all the irrigated farms and 7.1 percent of all irrigated land. Regional variations. — Irrigation is of considerably greater im- portance in the relatively arid West than in the eastern portions of the country. In the 17 Western States and Arkansas, Florida, and Louisiana, 301,870 farms reported 29,183,428 acres irrigated in 1954. The most extensive areas of irrigation are found in the far western States such as Nevada, Arizona, Idaho, and Cali- fornia. In Nevada, for example, 87.8 percent of the farms re- ported some irrigation, whereas, in North Dakota, only 0.6 per- cent of the farms were irrigated. In the 20 States, the irrigated cropland harvested was reported for 271,160 farms and amounted to 24,419,703 acres or 90.1 acres per farm. The tenure of operators of irrigated farms varied among the States. In Colorado, about one-fourth of the irrigated farms, and 22.4 percent of all farms, were tenant operated. However, in Utah where S5.0 percent of all farms were irrigated, only 5.1 per- cent of the irrigated farms and 5.6 percent of all farms were operated by tenants. In Louisiana and Arkansas a relatively small percent of all farms were irrigated, but all the rice was produced by irrigation ; in these two States, respectively, 30.3 and 43.1 percent of the irrigated farms were tenant operated. The pattern of tenure on irrigated land in farms is similar to that suggested by the number of farms. In Nebraska, in 1954, 42.5 percent of the irrigated land was tenant-operated. Arkan- sas, with 37.7 percent tenant-operated and Louisiana, with 34-8 percent, had relatively larger proportions of their irrigated land in farms operated by tenants. Managers operated 24-1 percent of the irrigated farmland in Florida where a large part of the truck-crop production is irrigated. FARM TENURE 163 PERCENT DISTRIBUTION OF IRRIGATED FARMS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR FOR 17 WESTERN STATES, ARKANSAS, LOUISIANA AND FLORIDA, 1954 AND 1950 PERCENT DISTRIBUTION OF IRRIGATED LAND IN FARMS BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, 17 WESTERN STATES, ARKANSAS, LOUISIANA, AND FLORIDA, 1954 AND 1950 PERCENT •90 60 CALIFORNIA TEXAS IDAHO COLORADO MONTANA OREGON WYOMING NEBRASKA ARIZONA UTAH ARKANSAS WASHINGTON LOUISIANA NEW MEXICO NEVADA FLORIDA KANSAS OKLAHOMA SOUTH DAKOTA NORTH DAKOTA : Hi FULL AND MANAGERS f^\j PART OWNERS \'.:y/:'.\ TENANTS 54C- 122 FULL OWNERS AND MANAGERS PART OWNERS vXv] TENANTS Figure 34- Table 4.— PERCENT DISTRIBUTION OF IRRIGATED FARMS AND LAND IN FARMS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, FOR 17 WESTERN STATES, ARKANSAS, LOUISIANA, AND FLORIDA: 1954 [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms] Irrigated farms Irrigated acres State Irrigated farms Irrigated acres State Full owners and mana- gers Part owners Ten- ants Full owners and mana- gers Part owners Ten- ants Full owners and mana- gers Part owners Ten- ants Full owners and mana- gers Part owners Ten- ants Total, 20 States... California Texas Percent 60.6 71.5 38.7 0?.7 56. 4 52.3 69.9 50.5 29.1 64.3 67.5 Percent 22.8 17.2 32.3 18.8 19.6 34.0 21.0 31.3 30.3 2.3.3 27 '.4 Percent 16.6 11.3 29.0 18.6 24.0 13.7 9.2 18.2 40.7 12.3 5.1 Percent 41.1 43.8 26.8 50.0 44.5 41.2 54.4 42.7 23.6 43.8 54.2 Percent 38.6 40.9 41.4 29.2 29.7 47.(1 35.7 44.0 33.9 41.9 40.5 Percent 20.4 15.3 31.7 20.8 25.8 11.8 9.9 13.3 42.5 14.2 5.2 Arkansas Washington. Louisiana ._. Percent 27.7 73.8 39, 9 us 1 76. 9 74.8 26.7 37.7 40.2 55. 7 Percent 29.1 17.4 29.9 20.8 15 9 16.5 50.2 40.0 43.0 38 5 Percent 43.1 B '.I 31). 3 11. 1 7.3 8.7 23.0 22.4 16.8 7.8 Percent 25.2 52.0 17.3 45.0 72.3 69.4 15.5 28.0 33.9 44.2 Percent 37.1 34.2 47.9 34.5 23.3 24.0 56.4 47.0 46.8 50.1 Percent 37.7 13.9 34.8 20.5 Florida Kansas Oklahoma . 4.4 Colorado Montana Oregon 6.6 28.1 25.1 19.2 5.7 Utah 164 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY NUMBER OF FAMILY WORKERS (INCLUDING OPERATOR) AND HIRED WORKERS PER FARM REPORTING, COMMERCIAL FARMS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, UNITED STATES AND REGIONS: 1954 UNITED STATES t-x-xx^ rw. OOO" !»' sesae w-mu —sm —J$m FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS NORTHEAST Jl JJ. -H NUMBER 25 NORTH CENTRAL ALL FULL PART MANAGERS TENANTS FARMS OWNERS OWNERS ALL FULL PART MANAGERS TENANTS FARMS OWNERS OWNERS SOUTH NUMBER 29 WEST J J ■ ggfl i J|: ALL FARMS FULL PART MANAGERS TENANTS OWNERS OWNERS ALL FULL PART MANAGERS TENANTS FARMS OWNERS OWNERS FAMILY WORKERS HIREO WORKERS Figure 35. FARM LABOR Changes in the use of farm labor. — Labor, measured in terms of total value of production, remains the most important factor in agricultural production. However, the general trend in the pattern of production has been a substitution of capital for labor. Mechanization and other features of the production process bring- ing about a capital-labor substitution have been important in reducing the total man-hours of work on farms by one-fourth since World War II and about 15 percent since 1947-49. Most of this reduction of labor has come about in crop production. The total amount of labor used for farm work, as estimated by the United States Department of Agriculture, has declined from 22,547 million man-hours in 1910 to 14,642 million man-hours in 1954. While these reductions in labor were taking place, sub- stantial increases were being made in total agricultural produc- tion. The result is that the index of output per man-hour (base 1947^19=100) has increased from 46 in 1910 and 112 in 1950, to 126 in 1954. Estimates by the United States Department of Agriculture in- dicate that in 1954 there was an annual average of 8,451,000 per- sons employed on farms, of which 6,521,000 were hired workers. These estimates show that the number of persons employed in agriculture has declined since the end of World War I. The index of farm employment (base 1910-14=100) had de- clined from 69 in 1950 to 62 in 1954. More of the drop in the farm Table 5. — Number of Family (Including Operator) and Hired Workers Per Farm Reporting,1 Commercial Farms, by Tenure of Operator, United States and Regions: 1954 [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms] Area and type of worker All farms Full owners Part owners Mana- gers Tenants United States: Number 1.7 3.8 1.7 3.6 1.7 2.0 1.8 4.8 1.6 6.5 Number 1.6 3.2 1.7 3.4 1.7 2.0 1.6 3.6 1.6 4.5 Number 1.8 4.0 1.8 3.6 1.8 2. 1 1.8 5.3 1.7 5 9 Number 1.3 12.2 1.4 14.7 1.3 6.0 1.3 12.0 1.2 17.5 Number 1.8 3.9 Northeast: 1.0 2.7 North Central: 1.6 1.8 South: 2.0 5.4 West: 1.6 5.6 i For specified dates: September 26-October 3 for 33 States and October 24-30 for 15 States. FARM TENURE 165 EXPENDITURE FOR HIRED LABOR PER COMMERCIAL FARM, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, FOR THE UNITED STATES AND REGIONS: 1954 UNITED STATES At TENANT CASH SHARE- COOP- LIVE- CROP- OTHER AND CASH SHARE STOCK- PER3 UNSPECIFIED SHARE FULL PART Mia*- TENANT CASH SHARE- CROP- LIVE- CROP- OTHER AND OWNERS OWNERS SEWS CASH SHARE STOCK- PCM UNSPECIFIED SHANE SOUTH DOLLARS 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 WEST J 24,564 1 1 ll ■■ ml IhJ lis 1 TENANT CASH Figure 36. employment index in this period appears to be due to the 700,000 decrease in number of family workers than to the 160,000 de- crease in number of hired workers. The index of family workers decreased from 71 in 1950, to 64 in 1954, while the index of hired workers decreased from 61 to 57. Labor as a factor of production. — Labor has certain character- istics distinguishing it from land and capital that are important to farm tenure. Most, and frequently all, of the labor is contrib- uted by the farm operator in all major types of tenure with the exception of manager-operated farms. Even on manager-oper- ated farms the operator generally makes substantial contributions of labor himself in addition to exercising control of the hired labor. This means that, although ownership and control of land and capital may vary by tenure type, the labor input is regulated primarily by the operator in all tenures. Another important characteristic of labor, in its relation to tenure, is that labor services must be used as they become available — they cannot be stored up. The availability of labor during critical periods may be an important element, for example, in setting the terms of a leasing agreement. Another important characteristic of the labor factor is that, since it is attached directly to a person, its mobility and use are partly affected by nonmonetary work preferences, habits, and other values of the individual. Therefore, a farm tenure arrangement usually reflects more than the monetary in- terests of the parties involved. The quantity of labor which the operator combines with other factors of production depends upon the amount of the expected reward and the probability of receipt of the reward. Tenure may affect either. A leasing arrangement, for example, may di- vide the return to several enterprises, each on a different basis. Under such conditions the tenant will tend to devote his labor to those enterprises that yield him the greatest return, neglecting the enterprises favoring the landlord. Uncertainty of the length of tenure may cause tenants to favor the use of their labor for enterprises that yield immediate return. The tenure of owner- operators includes responsibility for mortgages, taxes, and gov- ernment payments, and these conditions may affect the way in which labor is used. Large debt or tax commitments will tend to cause operators, who wish to protect their equity in the farm, to shift their labor into more certain crops even though their long-run average return may be lower. The tenure of the operator also appears to be related to the kind of labor (family or hired) used on the farm. Part of this may be due to the different sizes of units, variations in type of farm, and the financial condition associated with different tenures. Farm workers by tenure of farm operators. — The same major tenure categories of farms that have relatively large acreages also have large numbers of farm workers. In 1954, the average (Continued on page 189) 166 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY PERCENT OF FARMS REPORTING TRACTORS (OTHER THAN GARDEN) BY TENURE OF OPERATOR. COMMERCIAL FARMS UNITED STATES AND REGIONS: 1954 AND 1950 Region and tenure UNITED STATES FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS MANAGERS ALL TENANTS Cosh Share-cosh Crop- share Livestock-share Croppers U Other and unspecified THE NORTH FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS MANAGERS ALL TENANTS Cash Share-cash Crop- share Livestock- shore Other and unspecified THE SOUTH FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS MANAGERS ALL TENANTS Cash Shore-cash Crop- shore Livestock- share Croppers Other and unspecified THE WEST FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS MANAGERS ALL TENANTS Cosh Share-cosh Crop-shore Livestock- share Other and unspecified Percent 30 40 50 Figure 37- EQUIPMENT AND FERTILIZER A dominant characteristic of the recent changes in American agriculture is the rapid mechanization of commercial farms. There have been substantial increases in the number of tractors and also in the number of s|>ecialized machines such as pick-up balers, milking machines, and corn pickers. As farm numbers decrease and labor moves out of agriculture, greater farm production is being made possible partly from increased mechanization. Increase in power. — One index of increased mechanical power applied to agricultural production is the number of tractors. The number of tractors on farms rose from 3,609,281 in 1950 to 4,692,341 in 1954. This 30.0 percent increase in numbers does not represent the only change in work capacity, however, for tractors have increased in horsepower and versatility. Tractor numbers now approximate the number of farms in the United States. Excluding the many small noncommercial units, the ratio of tractors to farms would be approximately 1% to 1. The geo- graphic distribution of tractors, however, is not proportional to the number of farm units. (See figure 38.) The average number of tractors on commercial farms in the North Central Region, for example, is 1.6, whereas in the South the average is O.S per farm. Work power and tenure. — Work power, as represented by the percent of farms reporting tractors (figure 37), is related differently by the form of tenure in different regions. In the North 92.6 percent of the commercial tenant farms and 81.6 per- cent of the commercial full-owner farms reported tractors (other than garden ) in 1954. The percent of tenant farms in the West re- porting tractors was 85.3, whereas 72.3 percent of the full-owner farms reported tractors. In the South, however, 34.3 percent of the tenants reported tractors compared with 53.9 percent reported by full owners. The low percent of tractors on southern tenant farms is perhaps partly a function of the relative difference in financial condition of northern and southern tenants. Many tenants in the North are tenants because they consider it is more profitable to invest in machinery and equipment rather than land, whereas a large proportion of tenants in the South do not have sufficient capital to invest in either equipment or land. This condition of relatively limited capital in the South may also account partially for the fact that between 1950 and 1954 the pro- portion of tenant commercial farms reporting tractors (other than garden) showed an increase of only 38.9 percent in this area, whereas full-owner farms reporting tractors increased 46.5 per- cent and part-owner farms reporting increased 28.8 percent. To a lesser extent, a similar pattern of increase was reported for the North and the West (figure 37). Part-owner and manager farms, as may be expected by their tendency to be larger than tenant or owner-operated farms, re- ported the highest percentage of tractors in 1950 and 1954. An important contribution to the increase of agricultural pro- duction was the substitution of petroleum for feed crops as a source of power. In general, the degree to which this transition has been effected is indicated in a comparison of farms with tractors and no horses or mules and farms with horses or mules and no tractor (figure 38). Specialized machines. — The percent of farms reporting tractors is an indicator of the extensiveness of mechanization ; whereas, the degree of intensity or thoroughness of mechanization may be inferred from the use of specialized machines. Figure 39 shows the percent of commercial farms using some specialized machines in comparison with the percent of farms reporting tractors. FARM TENURE 167 NUMBER OF COMMERCIAL FARMS BY CLASS OF WORK POWER ANO TENURE OF OPERATOR FOR THE UNITED STATES AND REGIONS: 1954 THOUSANDS • 00 | UNITED STATES FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS NORTHFAST H&,vl . 1 « 2 2 9 4 04 2 2 .9 1 THOUSANDS 400 FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS FULL OWNERS THOUSANDS 400 THOUSANDS FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS MANAGERS TENANTS CROPPERS I CLASS I -TRACTOR AND NO HORSE ^ CLASSJH- HORSE AND NO TRACTOR 388 CLASS H- TRACTOR ANO HORSE Kj CLAS5H- NO TRACTOR ANO NO HORSE wm^m. CROPPERS (SOUTH ONLV) PART OWNERS 300 200 WFST 0 IsLra M&- 3 2 i 3 -4 m FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS MANAGERS TENANTS TRACTORS ON FARMS NUMBER, 1954 UNITED STATES TOTAL 4,692.341 US OEPARTMENT OF OOMMER&E MAP NO A54-024 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Figure 38. 168 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY PERCENT OF COMMERCIAL FARMS REPORTING TRACTORS, COMBINES, MILKING MACHINES, CORN PICKERS AND PICKUP BALERS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR; FOR THE UNITED STATES AND REGIONS 1954 FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS MANAGERS TENANTS FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS MANAGERS TENANTS FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS MANAGERS TENANTS CROPPERS E559 TRACTORS RSaSS COMBINES [':.'■';'.] CORN PICKERS FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS MANAGERS W//A MILKING MACHINES | PICK-UP BALERS Figure 39- In 1954, there were 923,709 farms that reported ownership of at least one combine ; this represents an increase of 25S,331 farms over the number that reported combines in 1950. The number of combines also has increased, rising from 713,633 in 1950 to 979,050 in 1954. The proportion of commercial part-owner farms reporting combines was double that of commercial full-owner farms and greater than that of tenants. Part of this differential may be due to the difference in farm size or kind of farm. Part of the differential also may be due to the superior capital posi- tion of part owners. As in the case of tractors, the change in number does not show all of the increased capacity or that, as more combines become self-propelled, they decrease the labor- operator requirements and free tractors for other purposes. Milking machines were reported on 712,022 farms in 1954. This number of farms represents an increase of 11.9 percent over 1950. The number of farms reporting corn pickers in 1954 was 676,088 and the number of corn pickers reported was 687466. This repre- sents an increase of 228,701 farms and 231,947 corn pickers since 1950. The percentage of both part-owner and tenant-operated farms reporting the use of corn pickers is higher than either full-owner or manager farms. This may be accounted for by the large size and high proportion of cropland in part-owner and tenant farms in the principal corn-producing regions and so does not necessarily imply that tenancy is associated with higher mechanization. In 1954, U^,872 farms reported balers and 427,279 of these farms were commercial farms. A higher proportion of manager- operated farms reported pick-up balers than any of the other ten- ures. The widest differentials were found in the South and North Central and were probably associated with greater emphasis on livestock enterprises on manager-operated farms. The number of farms reporting pick-up balers in 1950 was 191,658 and the (Continued on page 1S9) Table 6. — Percent of Commercial Farms Reporting Specified Equipment, by Tenure of Operator, United States, 1954 [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms] Equipment Grain combine... Milking machine Corn picker Pick-up baler Commer- cial farms Full own- Part Mana- report- ers owners gers ing Percent Percent Percent Percent 26.9 20.5 40.9 30.8 20.6 21.6 25.1 19.8 19.9 15.0 25.9 18.4 12.8 11.3 19.5 31.9 Tenants Percent 26.6 15.6 23.5 9.7 FARM TENURE 169 PERCENT OF FARMS USING COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER, BY TENURE, COMMERCIAL FARMS, UNITED STATES AND REGIONS: 1954 AVERAGE EXPENDITURE PER ACRE FOR COMMERCIAL FERTIL- IZER AND FERTILIZER MATERIAL, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, COMMERCIAL FARMS, UNITED STATES AND REGIONS: 1954 Region and Tenure UNITED STATES FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS MANAGERS ALL TENANTS Cosh Shore- cosh Crop-shore Livestock-share Croppers U Others and unspecified THE NORTH FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS MANAGERS ALL TENANTS Cosh Share-cosh Crop- shore Livestock-share Other ond unspecified THE SOUTH FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS MANAGERS ALL TENANTS Cosh Shore-cosh Crop-shore Livestock-shore Croppers Other ond unspecified THE WEST FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS MANAGERS ALL TENANTS Cosh Shore-cosh Crop- share L ivestock Other ond unspecified Percent Region and Tenure UNITED STATES FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS MANAGERS ALL TENANTS Cash Share-cosh Crop-share Livestock-shore Croppers LI Other and unspecified THE NORTH FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS MANAGERS ALL TENANTS Cash Shore- cash Crop- share Livestock-share Other and unspecified THE SOUTH FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS MANAGERS ALL TENANTS Cosh Share-cosh Crop- shore Livestock-shore Croppers Other ond unspecified THE WEST FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS MANAGERS ALL TENANTS Cosh Shore-cosh Crop-shore Livestock- shore Other ond unspecified Dollars per Acre Figure 40. Fertilizer use and tenure. — The increased use of commercial fertilizer also helps to account for the growth of agricultural production. The use of commercial fertilizer has more than trebled in the period 1940-54. In the United States 17,811,999 tons of fertilizer w,ere purchased in 1954 for use on com- mercial farms. For those farms reporting fertilizer, the rate of application was 307 pounds per acre. In all three major areas of the United States (figure 40), a higher proportion of tenant farms reported the use of fertilizer than full owners, while croppers showed the highest percentage of all farms. Differences between tenure groups, however, are slight and perhaps could be explained by the differences in type of farm. There are wider 407763—57 13 differences between areas than between tenure categories. Leasing arrangements, to the extent that they dissociate costs and returns, may affect resource combinations. A tenant or landlord who bears the full cost of fertilizer and receives only a share of the increased productivity, will tend to apply less ferti- lizer, than if the costs were also shared per acre. In 1954, com- mercial cash tenants spent an average of $9.97 per acre for commercial fertilizer and crop-share tenants spent $8.39 per acre. To a certain extent the larger expenditure by cash tenants may be because, in the short run, the cash tenant receives all of the return resulting from increased production. (Continued on page 190) 170 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY AVERAGE EXPENDITURE PER COMMERCIAL FARM FOR SPECIFIED COST ITEMS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, FOR THE UNITED STATES AND REGIONS: 1954 DOLLARS 7,000 UNITED STATES 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 DOLLARS 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 DOLLARS 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 FULL OWNERS NORTHEAST PART OWNERS $&Z2- FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS vm )OLLARS 6,000 NORTH CENTRAL 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 ..*% ES V77!m 777? Mm W/ Wm FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS DOLLARS 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 SOUTH "^ fcrry-Ai ££Z , w FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS MANAGERS fyZA MACHINE HIRE \ j FEED SPECIFIED FARM EXPENDITURES DOLLARS 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 WEST 12,273 _J ['.:: m .-_■■.'..; Wft m™ W< FULL OWNERS [y.y'.j GASOLINE PART OWNERS fy/Jt COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER Figure 41. Changes in costs. — As farms continue to increase in size and total agricultural production continues to increase, expenditures become more important to the individual farm and to the agri- cultural industry. In addition to the general increases in costs attendant to increased production, there have been shifts in combination of production factors which have changed the com- position of farm costs. Many of these changes in farm expendi- tures have been accompanied by adjustments in tenure arrange- ments or even in the form of tenure. One important shift in the production pattern influencing the structure of costs has been the substitution of working capital for labor. In general, there has been an increase of capital and a decrease of labor, in physical terms, per acre of farmland. For example, machine hire on commercial farms increased from $579 million in 1949 to $603 million in 1954 and expenditures for gasoline and petroleum increased from $1,091 million in 1949 to $1,312 million in 1954, while hired labor costs decreased from $2,336 million in 1949 to $2,216 million in 1954. Both the form of tenure and the conditions of a particular tenure arrangement may be affected by the type and level of farm expenditures. Owner-operatorship might be the most ef- ficient tenure form if, for example, relatively large expenditures are required from the operator for repair of fences, buildings, or (Continued on page 190) Table 7- — Average Expenditure per Commercial Farm Reporting Specified Cost Items, by Tenure of Operator, for the United States and Regions: 1954 [Data are based on reports for only a sample of farms] Specified expenditure arid area All com- mercial farms Full owners Part owners Managers Tenants Machine hire: Dollars 291 218 246 259 764 1,444 3,059 1,291 981 2,959 492 432 511 395 778 446 525 430 389 971 Dollars 244 198 213 226 502 1,482 3,018 1,127 1,158 2,785 380 359 384 331 £13 363 414 331 358 616 Dollars 391 254 289 383 1,059 1,560 3,138 1,387 1,156 2,652 686 607 664 580 1,149 633 733 536 582 1,618 Dollars 2,055 501 744 1,570 5,301 9,256 10,044 7,277 5,895 21, 598 1,899 1,373 1,254 1,862 2,895 3,360 2,078 1,703 3,475 6,205 Dollars 258 253 258 South - 210 West - 868 Feed: 1,092 2,576 1,438 South 410 West - 2,864 Gasoline and other petroleum products: 472 448 671 303 West 862 Commercial fertilizer: United States 379 589 488 South -- 283 West . -- -- 1,116 SECTION III People population: total, non-farm, and farm, united states. 1910 to 1954 i960 S4C-43 U.S. FARM POPULATION / 32 0 \ .f!y 324 \ ^J 30 5 \ V mil y^1 ^v""- y 1920 ■ \ 1933 V *"L ylL 1940 ^* 1950 f 22 2 1955 W .: i..,. i . . . , 1.. . . -'. I . , ,1, ,"i,-i ....!.. ■ 1 . ..1 .- M» fflOW TWf BUREAU OF THE CENSUS AND THE AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE MIGRATION TO AND FROM FARMS. U.S. 1920-53 \' /\_ /\-^__ / / "'• f v X W sS > 1 1 > 1 1 1 1 1 * 1 1 ii i i.i i 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 19 SOURCE. ESTIMATES, US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE U S DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE NEG. 56 110*2245 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SEf 60 VICE NET INCOME OF FARM POPULATION From Farming and Nonfarm Sources, U.S. NONFARM SOURCES 1935 1955 1960 SOURCE ESTIMATES, US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE NEG 56 (I I ]- 2244 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE Figure 43. FARM INCOME AND TENURE The 1954 net income originating from agriculture was more than three times that of 1910 according to estimates of the Agri- cultural Marketing Service of the United States Department of Agriculture. The number of persons employed in agriculture in 1954, on the other hand, was less than two-thirds the 1910 farm employment. This agricultural net income includes more than the net income of farm operators from farming. It also includes wages for farm labor, net farm rents, and interest on farm-mortgage debt. Most, but not all, of the total agricultural net income of farm operators from farming goes to farm residents. But nearly one-half of farm wages, about two-thirds of the net farm rents, and practi- cally all of the interest on farm-mortgage debts goes to nonfarm residents. In 1954, 15.1 percent of the total agricultural net income went to nonfarm residents. The income of farm residents, on the other hand, is not limited to income from agriculture. Many persons living on farms re- ceive income from nonfarm sources. In 1954, according to esti- mates of the Agricultural Marketing Service of the United States Department of Agriculture, 28.5 percent of the net income of the farm population was from nonfarm sources. Tenure arrangements, in respect to rights in the use of farm lands and in the division of income from land, are influenced by the whole economy, nonfarm as well as farm. For example, farm tenants who receive much of their income from nonfarm sources may rent the farm primarily as a place to live rather than as a source of livelihood. In bargaining for the use of the farm, its value as a residence may be preeminent in the con- sideration of the would-be tenant. The landlord may consider its rent potential from agricultural use as well as residential use. The agricultural possibilities of many of these places, how- ever, are very limited resulting in paramount consideration being given to their residential potential by both tenants and landlords. Distribution of farm income by tenure. — In the 1954 Census of Agriculture, 69.6 percent of the farms were classed as commercial. The remaining 30. ^ percent, consisting principally of part-time and residential farms, account for a high proportion of the farm population dependent primarily on income from nonfarm sources. The tenure of these noncommercial farms is determined in large part by considerations other than the farm as a business enter- prise. For the most part, they are owner-operated with only 13.0 percent tenancy as compared with 2S.S percent tenancy for commercial farms. A high proportion of the tenants on these noncommercial farms pay cash rent or payments other than share of crops or livestock. For commercial farms, the tenure distributions vary by in- come. In general, the higher the gross farm income the lower the percentage of farms in that income group operated by full owners. The opposite holds for part owners. The proportion of part-owner farms represented in the lower economic classes is low but this ratio increases with each higher economic class of farm. The proportion of farms operated by managers, also, increases with increases in the gross farm income. For tenants, the proportion of tenancy is lower for both the lowest and highest economic classes than for the intermediate classes. Of Class VI farms, the lowest economic class of commercial farms in respect to gross income, 63.6 percent were operated by full owners; 11.5 percent, by part owners; 0.1 percent, by managers; and 24-8 per- (Continued on page 190) FARM TENURE 175 PERCENT DISTRIBUTION OF COMMERCIAL FARMS IN EACH ECONOMIC CLASS, BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, FOR THE UNITED STATES AND REGIONS: 1954 UNITED STATES 10 20 FULL OWNERS PERCENT 30 40 50 60 70 PART OWNERS MANAGERS PERCENT PERCENT 10 20 30 40 50 O 10 O f\ TENANTS PERCENT 10 20 30 40 THE NORTH FULL OWNERS PERCENT 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 PART OWNERS MANAGERS PERCENT PERCENT 10 20 30 40-50 (3 10 O TENANTS PERCENT 10 20 30 40 50 THE SOUTH FULL OWNERS PERCENT 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 9 J CLASS I CLASS n CLASS m class nr CLASS Z CLASS 51 PART OWNERS PERCENT 10 20 30 40 MANAGERS PERCENT 50 0 10 O Fl TENANTS PERCENT 10 20 30 40 50 THE WEST FULL OWNERS PERCENT 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 PART OWNERS PERCENT 10 20 30 40 MANAGERS PERCENT 50 0 10 O TENANTS PERCENT 10 20 30 40 50 Figure 44. 176 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY PERCENT OF COMMERCIAL FARMS IN EACH TENURE GROUP REPORTING A TELEPHONE, ELECTRICITY, AND RUNNING WATER, FOR THE UNITED STATES AND REGIONS; 1954 FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS MANAGERS TENANTS PERCENT 100 iSOUTHl $ \i il FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS MANAGERS TENANTS FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS MANAGERS TENANTS CROPPERS FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS MANAGER TENANTS ELECTRICITY RUNNING WATER 54C-I24 Figure 45. Specified facilities on farms by tenure of operator. — Income in terms of the well-being of the population is reflected by the fa- cilities in the dwelling. In the 1954 Census of Agriculture, elec- tricity was reported on 9,1.0 percent of the farms, telephone on 4S.S percent, and running water on 58.8 percent. For commer- cial farms, the ratios were 93.8 percent reporting electricity, 52.5 percent telephone, and 60.8 percent running water, as compared with !)1.2, J/0.3, and 5 j.O percent, respectively, for noncommercial farms. The proportion of farms reporting each of these specified fa- cilities was generally less for tenants than for owners. This difference was less pronounced for electricity than for telephone or running water, and less in the North and West than in the South. In the North and West, nearly as high a proportion of tenants as owners reported electricity. In the North Central region as high a proportion of tenants reported electricity as full owners. For this region, the proportion of tenants reporting telephones was higher than for either full owners or part owners. In the South, the proportion of farms reporting each of these specified facilities was much less than for other regions and the difference between tenants and owners was more pronounced. The proportion of farms reporting telephone and running water, respectively, was much lower for tenants than for owners, and much lower for croppers than for other tenants. In the South, J,.3 percent of the croppers and 11.3 percent of all tenants on com- mercial farms reported telephone as compared with 33. /f percent of the full owners and 35.1 percent of the part owners. Running water was reported by 13.!) percent of the croppers and Z.'i.l per- cent of all tenants on commercial farms, as compared with 58.1 percent for full owners and 60.2 percent for part owners. The proportion of croppers reporting electricity was as high as that for tenants other than croppers, and the difference in the pro- portion of tenants reporting electricity and owners reporting electricity was much less than for either telephone or running water. The proportion of all tenants reporting electricity was 86.6 percent as compared with 93.1 percent for full owners and 94.5 percent for part owners. (Continued on page 190) FARM TENURE 177 PERCENT OF ALL FARM OPERATORS WORKING OFF THEIR FARMS IN 1954 (COUNTY UNIT BASIS) I liffjnFB 15 ] \S TO 29. Bi ! 30 TO 44 *N0 FARMS U S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE MAP NO A54 060 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS FARM OPERATORS WORKING OFF THEIR FARMS 100 DAYS OR MORE INCREASE AND DECREASE. IN NUMBER. 1949-1954 FARM OPERATORS WITH OTHER INCOME OF FAMILY EXCEEDING VALUE OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS SOLD. 1954 Figure'46. OFF-FARM EMPLOYMENT AND PART-TIME FARMING In the 1954 Census of Agriculture, 60.7 percent of the farm op- erators reported that they or some member of their family living with them received income from sources other than from the farm operated. Of all farm operators, 27.9 percent reported working off their farms 100 or more days during the year, and 29.S percent reported other income of the family greater than value of farm products sold from the farm operated. Considerations in the tenure arrangements of these farm op- erators, partially or primarily dependent on other employment or other income, are quite different from those of operators wholly or primarily dependent on agriculture. Farm operators with other employment and other income in- clude: (1) Farmers who work at nonfami jobs during slack sea- sons; (2) farmers who supplement their farming with part-time work off the farm; (3) persons, employed full time at nonfarm jobs, who live in rural areas convenient to their place of employ- ment and have sufficient agricultural production to qualify as farms; and (4) persons, both farm and nonfarm, who retire on the land and augment their retirement income with some agri- cultural activity. 178 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY PERCENT OF FARM FARMS 100 DAYS UNITED STATES UNITED STATES FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS MANAGERS ALL TENANTS Cosh Share- Cosh Crop -share Livestock- share Croppers! South Only) Other and unspecified THE NORTHEAST FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS MANAGERS ALL TENANTS Cash Share sash Crop-share Live stock -share Other and unspecified THE NORTH CENTRAL FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS MANAGERS ALL TENANTS Cash Share -cash Cfop- shore Livestock-share Other and unspecified THE SOUTH FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS MANAGERS ALL TENANTS Cash Share-cash Crop- share Livestock- share Croppers Other and unspecified THE WEST FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS MANAGERS ALL TENANTS Cash Share -cash Crop-share Livestock -shore Other and unspecified OPERATORS WORKING OFF THEIR OR MORE. BY TENURE, FOR THE AND REGIONS-. 1954 AND 1950 Percent 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 60 90 100 O 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 60 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 K) 20 30 40 SO 60 TO 80 90 100 mm 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 TO 80 90 100 E2 1950 Figure 47- S4CI3I Tenure and off- farm work. — Only one-third (32.5 percent) of the farms operated by persons working off their farms 100 or more days were classed as commercial farms in the 1954 Census. The farms of most operators working off their farms 100 or more days were primarily places of residence. The gross sales of farm products were generally small. The operators of only 13.0 per- cent of all commercial farms reported 100 or more days of off-farm work as compared with 61.8 percent for farms other than com- mercial. A large majority of operators working off their farms 100 or more days were owner operators, mostly full owners. Full owners accounted for 72.3 percent of the total ; part owners, 12.6 percent ; tenants, Ut.9 percent ; and managers, 0.2 percent. The full owners working 100 or more days off their farms accounted for more than one-third (35.1 percent) of all owner operators. Part owners reporting 100 or more days of off-farm work com- prised one-fifth (19.3 percent) of all part owners, and tenants who worked off their farms 100 or more days represented one- sixth (17.3 percent) of all tenants. Among the tenant groups, cash tenants and other and unspec- ified tenants reported nonfarm work in about the same propor- tion as full owners. Possibly this higher proportion of cash and other tenants reporting off-farm work was due to the large num- ber of persons with nonfarm jobs who were renting dwellings pri- marily. A smaller proportion of share-cash and share tenants reported off-farm work than cash or other and unspecified tenants. The percentage of livestock-share tenants reporting off-farm work was smaller than that for any other tenure group, with 7.1 per- cent reporting 100 or more days of work off the farm. This small percentage of livestock-share tenants working off their farms may have been due to the work requirements of their livestock enter- prises. Other income. — The number of farm operators with other in- come greater than their gross income from the operation of their farms overlaps, to a considerable extent, the number of operators who work a considerable portion of the year at jobs off their farms. As might be expected, therefore, the distributions of the two groups are quite similar. The proportion of farm operators reporting other income varied considerably among the tenure groups. Most of the operators reporting other income were full owners. Nearly two-fifths of all the full owners (39.0 percent) reported other income greater than the value of sales of products from the farm operated. These full owners accounted for nearly three-fourths of all full-owner operators (73.2 percent) of farms other than commercial farms and one-seventh of the full-owner operators (lkk percent) of commercial farms. The percentages of part owners and of tenants with other in- come exceeding sale of agricultural products were less than one- half that of full owners. There was considerable variation, how- ever, among the tenant subclasses. The proportions of cash ten- ants and other and unspecified tenants with other income ex- ceeding sales of products from the farm operated were similar to that of full owners. Very few livestock-share (4.9 percent) and share-cash tenants (6.1 percent) reported other income greater than sales of agricultural products. A somewhat higher propor- tion of crop-share tenants and croppers reported other income with 12.9 and 11.2 percent, respectively, reporting other income greater than sales of farm products. FARM TENURE 179 PERCENT OF FARM OPERATORS WITH OTHER INCOME OF FAMILY EXCEEDING THE VALUE OF FARM PRODUCTS SOLD, BY TENURE, FOR THE UNITED STATES AND REGIONS: 1950 AND 1954 FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS MANAGERS ALL TENANTS CASH SHARE- CASH CROP-SHARE LIVESTOCK- CROPPERS OTHER AND SHARE (SOUTH ONLY) UNSPECIFIED FULL MHI MANAGERS ALL CASH SHARE- CROP- LIVESTOCK- OTHER ft OWNERS OWNERS TENANTS CASH SHARE SHARE UNSPEC FULL PART HANAOERS ALL CASH SHARE- CROP- LIVESTOCK- OTHER ft OWNERS OWNERS TENANTS CASH SHARE SHARE UNSPEC SOUTH m J •i;5 am M_ 1 w V 1 i 1 £ 94C- 136 Figure 48. 180 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY AVERAGE NUMBER OF YEARS ON PRESENT FARMS. BY TENURE OF OPERATOR, FOR THE UNITED STATES AND REGIONS: 1954 AND 1950 UNITED STATES 10 ALL OPERATORS FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS ALL TENANTS Cash Share - cash Crop -share Livestock- share Croppers (South only) Other ond unspecified ALL OPERATORS FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS ALL TENANTS Cash Shore - cash Crop- shore Livestock-shore Other ond unspecified 2C //////////SS////////////////S/////////////////////////////////////'/////////, '////////////y///s/////////////////////////////////////////////s//////////////////////////.'// /////////////////////////////////////■//////////////////////////////////////////// '////S////////S//////////////S////S, /S///////////////SS///////////////S///SS* '///////////S//////////S//////S//////SS// ■//////////////S//S/////////////S//J S//S///S////S////////SSSS//SS///SS/ ■////////////////////////////, V//SS/SSS/SS/S/S/S-//S///S/SSS/////S/S////S///S NORTHEAST 5 10 NORTH CENTRAL 10 '///////////s///////////////////////j v//////y///////s//////////////////////. 'SS/SSS/S/SSSSSS/SS/S/S/SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSj r-//////////////////i '/////s/sss/ssssrsss. '/////////////////// //////////////////A '////////////////S/SS/j V//////////////////////S////S. //////////////SS////////S/////////////?. '/////SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SOUTH 10 O'her ond unsptcified Othor and unspecified '////////////////j ////////////////////////S//SS, '///////////////////////////////. ///////////////S///////S////S///// Other ond unspecified VSA 1950 Figure 49. OCCUPANCY, MOBILITY, AND LENGTH OF TENURE Average number of years on present farm. — Farm operators in the United States at the time of the 1054 Census had been on their farms an average of 14 years. At the 1950 and 1045 Censuses, farm operators had occupied their farms an average of 13 years, and at the 1040 Census 12 years. The average period of occu- pancy was slightly higher in the Northeast and North Central regions than in the South and West. Owner operators, on an average, had occupied their farms more than twice as long as tenants. In 1054, owner operators had occupied their present farms an average of 16 years as compared with 7 years for tenants. Much of this difference may be explained by the differential in age of owners and tenants. In 1954, owners averaged 9.8 years older than tenants. Among the younger farm operators, tenants outnumber owners ; among the older operators, owners predomi- nate. (See "Age and Residence of Farm Operators," this sec- tion.) Tracing each age group of farm operators through suc- cessive Censuses, for which tenure data are available by age of operator, shows that the proportion of tenancy has consistently decreased with increases in age. The percentage of tenancy in the higher age groups is small (9.3 percent for farm operators 65 years old and over in 1954). Most tenants move to the ranks of farm owners or cease to operate farms by the time they reach the higher age groups. For owners who were formerly tenants on the farm now occupied, years of occupancy of the present farm include their years of occupancy as tenant. Generally, full owners had occupied their farms longer than part owners, although in the West part owners averaged slightly longer periods of occupancy than full owners. This longer period FARM TENURE 181 PERCENT DISTRIBUTION OF FARM OPERATORS IN EACH TENURE, BY YEARS ON PRESENT FARMS, FOR THE UNITED STATES AND REGIONS-. 1954 LESS THAN 5 YEARS 5 TO 9 YEARS 10 YEARS OR MORE LESS THAN 5 YEARS 5 TO 9 YEARS 10 YEARS OR MORE |FULL OWNERS jggggsJRART OWNERS p^^JALL TENANTS j jCROPPERS (SOUTH ONLY) Figure 50- 182 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY YEARS ON FARM- NUMBER OF OPERATORS REPORTING, BY TENURE, FOR THE UNITED STATES: 1910 TO 1954 Hundreds of Thousands 10 15 UNDER 5 YEARS 1954 1950 1945 1940 1935 1930 1920 1910 5 TO 9 YEARS 1954 1950 1945 1940 1935 1930 1920 1910 10 YEARS ANO 0VE 1954 1950 1945 1940 1935 1930 1920 1910 | FULL OWNERS 1 MANAGERS J PART OWNERS MM TENANTS PERCENT OF FARM OPERATORS ON PRESENT FARMS I YEAR OR LESS, BY TENURE: 1910 TO 1954 Percent 0 5 O 15 20 25 30 35 1954 BMBB 1950 'tuffliutugi/'h 1945 m'mmwtttcmr™™" ^^ 1940 1* 1935 *juwww*jumi 1930 1920 _ 1910 N a Not AvollabJe BB Full Owner ^g Part Owners I I Manager ■ Figure 51. of occupancy for full owners may also be attributable, in part, to age differentials. Part owners include many operators who have taken over additional land during their prime. Full owners include some operators who have semi-retired on the farm. Full owners averaged 5.G years older than part owners. Among the classes of tenants, share-cash tenants and other and unspecified tenants had been on their farms somewhat longer than cash tenants, share tenants, and croppers but this difference was not great and did not hold for all regions. In the North Central region, the period of occupancy of crop-share tenants was less than for livestock-share tenants, but in all other regions there was no appreciable difference. In the South, croppers reported a period of occupancy slightly less than crop-share and livestock- share tenants, who in turn reported shorter periods of occupancy than cash tenants and share-cash tenants. In the West, there was little difference among the tenant classes except for a slightly longer period of occupancy reported by share-cash tenants. Distribution of farms by years on present farm. — More than one-half of all farm operators (5S.8 percent) in 1954 had been operating their present farms 10 or more years, one-fourth {25.1 percent) had occupied their farms 5 to 9 years, and one-fifth (21.6 percent) had been on their farms less than 5 years with 1 in 15 (6.6 percent) reporting 1 year or less. Through the years the proportion of farm operators occupying their farms 10 years or longer and 5 to 9 years has been increasing, and the proportion on their farms less than 5 years decreasing. In 1910, more than one-half (51.S percent) of the farm operators had been on their farms less than 5 years. Most owner-operators have occupied their farms 10 or more years. In 1954, more than three-fifths of the owner-operators re- ported occupancy of their farms for a period of 10 or more years. Only 144 percent had begun operation of their farms within 5 years preceding the Census. The proportions were similar for both part owners and full owners. A high proportion of tenant-operators have accupied their farms only a short period of time. In 1954, of all tenant-operators 44.5 percent had been on their farms less than 5 years and more than one-third of these (16.1 percent of all tenants reporting) had been on their farms 1 year or less. In the Northeast and North Central regions, a substantially smaller proportion of ten- ants than in the South or West had occupied their farms less than 5 years, a higher proportion 10 or more years. In the South, the proportion of croppers who had occupied their farms 10 or more years was lower than for tenants other than croppers. More than one-half of all croppers (54-8 percent) had occupied their farms less than 5 years. The smaller proportion of tenants than owners on present farms 5 or more years may be explained in part by age differen- tials, in part by greater mobility of tenants from farm to farm, and in part by farmers who leave the ranks of tenants to become owners. Operators on present farm 1 year or less. — The greater mobility of tenant ojierators is also shown in the proportion of farmers who reported occupancy of their farms 1 year or less. In 1954, only 1 in 30 owner-operators (3.5 percent of full owners, and 3.1 percent of part owners reporting) had occupied their present farms 1 year or less. Of all tenant-operators reporting year of occupancy 1 in 6 (16.1 percent) had occupied their farms no longer than 1 year. For croppers the ratio was 1 to 4 (24.2 per- cent). Some of these farm operators who had been on their farms only 1 year or less were obviously new operators, but many were operators who had moved from other farms. FARM TENURE 183 PERCENT OF FARM OPERATORS ON PRESENT FARMS I YEAR OR LESS BY MONTH OF OCCUPANCY OCTOBER TO NOVEMBER. 1954, FOR THE UNITED STATES AND REGIONS NORTHEAST ^^ NORTH CENTRAL j Jj in ill. 1 1 JAN-FEB MAR-APR MAY-JUNE JULY-AUG SEPT-OCT NOV-DEC JAN-FEB MAR-APR MAY-JUNE JULY-AUG SEPT-OCT NOV-DEC JAN-FEB MAR-APR MAY-JUNE JULY-AUG SEPT-OCT NOV-OEC JAN-FEB MAR-APR MAY-JUNE JULY-AUG SEPT-OCT NOV-DEC Figure 52. Moving dates. — The time of year farmers move is indicated by the months farm operators reported they began operating their farms. A tabulation for the 1954 Census for those farm operators who began operating their farm within a year preceding the enumeration, by bimonthly periods show that in the North Central region and in the South a high proportion of farmers move at a rather definite time of year while in the Northeast and in the West farmers move throughout the year with less pronounced peak periods. In the North Central region most farmers moved in March-April, with lfi.2 percent of those who moved during the year moving in these months, followed by January-February with 17.4 percent. In the South most farmers moved in January- February, this period accounting for about one-half (.',9.7 per- cent) of those moving during the year, followed by November- December (22.6 percent). In the Northeast most farmers move during the spring and early summer. More than one-fourth (2S.3 percent) of those who moved during the year moved in March-April. Almost one- fifth (1S.9 percent) moved in May-June. In the West most farmers moved in late winter and early spring, with a heavy movement in January-February (1H.2 percent) and reaching a I>eak in March-April (£.5.7 percent). For the United States as a whole, January-February is the period when most farmers move (36.7 percent), followed by March-April (22.6 percent), and No- vember-December (18.5 i>ercent). 184 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY AVERAGE AGE OF FARM OPERATORS, BY TENURE, FOR THE UNITED STATES AND REGIONS: 1940-1954 FULL OWNERS PART OWNERS TENANTS Figure 53. FARM TENURE 185 AGE AND RESIDENCE OF FARM OPERATORS Average age of farm operators. — The average age of farm oper- ators in 1954 was 49.6 years. The high percentages of older farmers were in areas where the rate of tenancy was low and where there were relatively large numbers of residential farms (gross value of sales of farm products under $250). The average age of farm operators increased by 1.6 years from 1940 to 1954. In the South, the average age increased by 3.4 years during this period. Tenants averaged considerably younger than owners. Many tenant-operators become owners, thus reducing the number of older operators among tenants and increasing the number of older operators among owners. Part owners average older than tenants but younger than full owners. Operators who rent land from others to supplement land owned are generally persons who have accumulated sufficient capital and equipment to operate additional land but are young enough to have the stamina and ambition to handle the additional acreage. After passing their prime they may curtail their opera- tions by giving up their rented land. In this instance they pass into the ranks of full owners, thus reducing the number of older operators among part owners. A high proportion of the older farm operators are full owners. Most farm operators who are successful in achieving farm owner- ship, either through inheritance or purchase, do so before middle age. Also, many older owner operators remain on the farm in semiretirement. Added to these semiretired farmers are older persons retired from nonfarm employment who acquire farms and semiretire on the land. Tenants averaged 42.2 years of age as compared with an average of 53.4 for full owners, 47.8 for part owners, and 45.3 for man- agers. Among the several classes of tenants, livestock-share tenants were the youngest (with an average of 38.5 years) and cash and other and unspecified tenants were the oldest (average age of 44.5 years for cash tenants and 45.1 years for other and unspecified tenants). PERCENT DISTRIBUTION OF FARM OPERATORS IN EACH TENURE GROUP, BY AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES AND REGIONS: 1954 Under 25 25-34 3544 Yeors Yean Years 45 54 5564 Years Years 6 5 Yean w Years Under 25 Years 25 34 Years 35-44 Yeors 45 54 Years 5564 Yeors 6 5 Years Yeors ■ ALL OPERATORS B3S FULL OWNERS ESSSSS3 PART OWNERS I'.]'- •-. :i TENANTS 54C-I65 Figure 54- 186 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY PERCENT DISTRIBUTION OF TENANT OPERATORS IN EACH TENURE GROUP, BY AGE, FOR THE UNITED STATES AND REGIONS: 1954 UNITED STATES SOUTH WEST 46" 64 SB -6« 66 TEARS UNOER ZS 23-34 33 " 44 43 ■ 34 SB- 64 65 YEARS YEARS TEARS AMD OVER YEARS YEARS YEARS YEARS YEARS AND OVER Y.y.'.-'A SHARE CASH X/XX CROP-SHARE B3J LIVESTOCK-SHARE R£££j CROPPERS Figure 55. Distribution of farm operators by age groups. — In 1954 nearly one-half of all farm operators (1(8.0 percent) were 35 to 54 years of age, more than one-third (36.9 percent) were 55 years old or older, and only 1 in 7 (15.1 percent) was under 35. One in 6* (16.6 percent) of all farm operators was 65 years old or over. Since 1910 the proportion of operators of intermediate age has remained rather constant, but the proportion of older operators has been increasing and the proportion of younger operators decreasing. In 1910 only 23.6 percent of farm operators were 55 years old and over and 28.9 percent were under 35. By 1954 there were only one-half (50.0 percent) as many farm operators under 35 as in 1930 and only two- fifths (SS.8 percent) as many as in 1910. The total number of all farms in 1954 was about 25 percent lower than in 1930 and 1910. To operate a farm today requires a much greater capital in- vestment for machinery and equipment than a few decades ago. Also, the cost of operation is much higher, requiring large cash outlays for such items as tractor fuel, hybrid seeds, commercial fertilizers, pesticides, etc. Young men have difficulty in com- manding the necessary capital to operate farms on their own account. FARM TENURE 187 .PERCENT OF FARM OPERATORS REPORTING RESIDENCE OFF THEIR FARMS, 1954 (COUNTY UNIT BASIS) I i UNDER 5 MM 5 TO 9 1H1 10 TO 19 •■NO FARMS US DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE MAP NO ASA -049 BUREAU Of THE CENSUS Figure 56. Operators residing off their farms. — In 1954, 6.2 percent of the farm operators reporting as to their residence did not live on the farm operated. Some of these nonresident operators lived in rural areas near the farm operated ; others, as in Utah, lived in nearby villages. In instances where the farming operations can be restricted to very limited periods of time, the operator may live at a great distance. Examples are "suit case" farming in the wheat areas of the Great Plains and fruit and vegetable farming in Florida and Texas. In areas where a large part of the work is done by the family, as in most parts of the South and the Midwest, a very small percentage of farm operators do not live on the farm. All States east of the Mississippi River, except Florida, and those bordering the Mississippi River on the west had a rather low percentage of operators reporting residence off the farm operated. For most of this area the percentage of operators not living on the farm operated was usually less than 5. Only an occasional county had more than 10 percent of their farm oper- ators not living on the farm operated. In Florida and from North Dakota to Texas and westward the proportion of operators not living on their farms was generally higher, with many coun- ties having more than 10 percent of their operators living else- where than on the farm operated. In Florida 18.S percent of the operators who reported as to their residence did not live on the farm they operated. For Utah the percentage was 17.2 percent and for Arizona, 16.6 percent. Texas, North Dakota, California, Montana, Kansas, New Mexico, and Nevada were next in order with 10 percent or more of the farm operators not living on their farms. Of 67 counties with 150 or more nonresident farm operators in 1954 and with these nonresident operators comprising 20 percent or more of all farm operators in the county, 17 were in Texas, 15 in Florida, 11 in Kansas, 6 each in Oklahoma and Utah, 4 in California, 3 each in Colorado and Montana, and 1 each in Ari- zona and Washington. Cash grain, fruit (citrus) , or cotton farms were the predominant types of farms, or comprised a high pro- portion of the farms in most of these counties. Livestock types predominated in the Utah counties. Among the tenure classes, managers were outstanding in re- spect to the percentage of operators residing off the farm op- erated, with 11.1 percent not living on their farms. A somewhat higher proportion of tenants than owners resided off their farms, with 7.6 percent for tenants and 54 percent for owners. A slightly higher proportion of part owners than full owners resided off their farms. Among the tenants, the proportion not residing on their farms was highest for crop-share tenants, (11.8 percent) and lowest for livestock-share tenants (3.2 percent). 188 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY (Continued from page 129) In summary, any future additions to the farmland area prob- ably will occur in the South and the West. Much of the area now remaining in nonagricultural use can be brought into agri- cultural use only through the application of relatively large amounts of capital and labor. Some expansion may be made by irrigating more land in the arid parts of the West ; by draining wet lands, particularly in the coastal area ; and by clearing wooded areas or timber lands. The greater part of any increases in agricultural production, however, will probably come from im- proved management, technological advancement, and greater quantities of fertilizer, water, and improved equipment. As the quantity and variety of factors of production increase per unit of land, the tenure arrangements associated with the land prob- ably will become more complex and more crucial in determining the level of production and the distribution of income. (Continued from paste ISO) Indian tribal and trust-allotted lands used for fanning and grazing total 48 million acres. Of these Indian lands, 3.9 million acres are in farms and 44.1 million acres are in grazing land. With the exception of the Western States, land in farms is held almost exclusively by individual owners. A tabulation based on a sample of approximately 200,000 farms indicated that, for the United States as a whole, 87.6 percent of the land in farms is held by individuals, 5.0 percent is held by corporations, 3.9 percent by Government, and 3.5 percent are Indian lands. The 17 West- ern States account for 56.6 percent of individually owned land in farms and 80.3 percent of corporately owned land. In these States most of the corporation land is used for grazing and orchard or crop-specialty farming. Full ownership provides the maximum in security-of-use ex- pectations and of use control over the farm operation. It pro- vides also old-age security and a stable estate for the farm op- erator. High land values, in many cases, however, have neces- sitated large debts and/or large cash outlays which reduce capital available for equipment and for meeting current operating expenses. As the number of farms decreases and their size increases, new ways of combining resources in production may be necessary. The division of ownership and control of the resources in farm operating units will bring forth increasingly complex tenure arrangements. (Continued from page 132) For a limited number of tenants, the form of rental payment was unspecified. It cannot be said with certainty into which group these would fall, hence their lands are portrayed in the diagram as "unspecified." The most discernible difference shown by the distribution in 1954, as contrasted with the status in 1950, was an increase in the proportion of land in tenant-operated farms which was farmed by livestock-share tenants and a decrease in sharecropper lands. (Continued from page. 183) size. Some of the additional land accumulated by part owners and by tenants represents entire farms grouped with former holdings. This tends to reduce the number of farms reported in a Census. In other cases, the added acreage represents field- rented land owned by someone who may not be able, or may not care, to purchase equipment which he cannot use to capacity. If the owner who rents out his fields retains enough land for his own use for the operation to be classified as a farm, the net effect is to maintain the number of farms but to change the proportion of farmland in the various tenure categories. Tenure changes within a State or geographic region may follow an entirely dif- ferent pattern from that indicated for the United States as a whole. (Continued from page 136) any previous Census since 1890. The rate of tenancy in 1954, at 24-0 percent, was the lowest reported since 1880, the first Census for which tenancy data are available. There has been, however, a faster decline in the percentage of tenancy than in the per- centage of land under lease. Part of this difference is due to the increased number of part owners and the amount of land they rent. Part-owner farms have increased consistently in numbers and in the proportion to all farms since 1940. An all-time high in number of part owners was attained in the 1954 enumeration. (Continued from page 137) units containing both owned and rented land are generally larger than full-owner or tenant farms and are frequently the result of the operator's effort to expand farm size without large immediate outlay or indebtedness. A fairly large proportion of the part- owner farms in the West originated through the leasing of range- lands for more effective operating units. Full-owner farms are also somewhat uniformly distributed, par- ticularly in the eastern part of the United States. There is some concentration in the southern Appalachians where productivity and prices of land are relatively low and in the eastern part of the North Central Region. Except in the South, full-owner farms are, on the average, smaller in area than those of the other tenures. (Continued from page 154) Fruit-and-nut farms require a relatively long waiting period from the time capital is invested in planting until the orchards begin to yield. This may help to explain why such a large pro- portion of fruit-and-nut farms are owner-operated. The 82,064 fruit-and-nut farms in 1954 were 81.7 percent full-owner-operated, 11.5 percent part-owner-operated, and 4.3 percent tenant-operated. More than one-fifth of the commercial farms of the United States are livestock farms (other than dairy and poultry). Most livestock farms are owner-operated. Even in the areas where livestock farms predominate, a high proportion of the tenants occupy crop-share farms. In 1954, 55.3 percent of the livestock farms were run by full owners, 24.2 percent by part owners, and 19.6 percent by tenants. Of the 135,828 tenant-operated livestock farms, 33.5 percent were operated under livestock-share arrange- ments. Similarly, dairy and poultry farms are predominantly owner- operated, particularly poultry farms. Only 6.4 percent of the 154,257 commercial poultry farms and 13.6 percent of the 548,763 commercial dairy farms were tenant-operated. (Continued from page 155) Tobacco was grown on 1,557,039 acres in 1954. Nine Southern States accounted for 94.1 percent of the total tobacco acreage in the United States in 1954. While the acreage has increased only slightly since 1949, the production has increased by more than 150 million pounds. The acreage of tobacco per farm is small and is subject to government controls; consequently, the value of land with a tobacco quota is relatively high. Labor requirements are large. Nearly one-half of the tobacco is grown by tenants and almost all of the tenants are either sharecroppers or crop-share tenants. Poultry and dairy. — Poultry and dairy production tends to be more of an owner operation than does crop production. The cap- ital investment in livestock, equipment, housing, etc., tends to be high in relation to the investment in land. Tenant commercial farms produce less than 17 percent of the chickens, less than 15 percent of the eggs, and slightly more than 20 percent of the milk. FARM TENURE 189 In 1954, 3431,1,91 farms reported 3S3,970,8U chickens 4 months old and over. Compared to other enterprises, the proportion of noncommercial farms reporting chickens is high — about 30 per- cent. Probably a large share of these farms are retirement or part-time farms. The number of commercial poultry farms repre- sents only Jf.5 percent of all farms reporting chickens ; however, these poultry farms accounted for 64-3 percent of the value of all chickens and eggs sold. Chickens and eggs are commonly a supplemental enterprise on other types of farms. Cash leasing is more important in chicken and egg production than it is in either livestock (other than dairy) or crop production, but even so, all types of tenancy combined accounted for but a small per- cent of the total value. The number of farms reporting milk cows has declined from 3,681,627 in 1950 to 2,956,900 in 1954. The number of milk cows reported in 1954 was 20,365,450, about 1 million less than in 1950. Yet total milk production has increased about 4.5 percent in the period 1950-54. Of the farms reporting milk cows, 73.3 percent were commercial farms divided as follows : 36.1 percent, full owners ; 18.7 percent, part owners ; 0.3 percent, managers ; and 18.2 percent, tenants ; the remaining 26.7 percent were noncom- mercial farms. Cattle and hogs.— In 1954, 95,634,676 cattle and 57,912,006 hogs were reported on farms. Cattle numbers had increased by more than 18 million and hog numbers by 1.6 million since 1950. The length of the production process may influence the type of tenure. Although the differences are not large, perhaps the effect of the length of the production cycle may be illustrated by com- paring cattle to hog production. Figure 26 shows, for example, that tenant farms produce a greater share of the value of hogs and pigs than of cattle. In 1954, 32.5 percent of the hogs, but only 17.0 percent of the cattle, were reported on tenant commercial farms. Of the commercial tenant farms 67.9 percent reported cattle and 58.7 percent reported hogs. (Continued from page 161) croppers. Commercial cropper farms in the South averaged 36.9 acres and noncommercial cropper farms averaged 21.0 acres in 1954. With the exception of tenants in the South, the average farm size of any given tenure group is smallest in the Northeast and largest in the West. From the standpoint of production it is useful to separate the commercial farms from other farms. These "other" farms in 1954 numbered 1,455,404 and contained 127,577,554 acres, with an average size of only 87.7 acres, whereas the average commercial farm contained 310.3 acres. By tenure, the average size of com- mercial farms for full owners was 207.3 acres ; part owners, 609.5 acres; managers, 3,436.1 acres; and tenants (excluding croppers) 238.2 acres. Commercial manager-operated farms were smaller than "other" manager farms which averaged 11,958.6 acres in 1954. The "other" manager farms were large because they were predominantly institutional farms such as experiment stations, county farms, grazing associations, etc. The average size of commercial farms increased 34-7 acres or 12.6 percent between 1950 and 1954, whereas the average size of "other" farms In- creased only 4-9 acres or 5.9 percent. Of the tenant-operated commercial farms in 1954, cash tenants had an average farm size of 349.3 acres and tended to be the largest ; and croppers, with an average farm acreage of 36.9, the smallest. Share-cash farms averaged 2S5.6 acres; crop-share, i76.6 acres ; livestock-share, 270.0 acres. All types of tenant farms, with the exception of sharecropper farms, have increased in size since 1950. (Continued from page 165) number of workers on commercial full-owner farms reporting in the United States was 2.3; on tenant farms, 2.5; on part-owner farms, 3.0; and on manager farms, 9.8. For average number of workers on commercial farms see table 5. The labor figures for 1954 relate to September 26-October 2 for 33 States and October 24-30 for 15 States. The specified week represented peak or near-peak period of employment for many areas. Although commercial manager-operated farms employed the largest number of persons per farm, they employed only 2.1 percent of the total workers on commercial farms. In 1954, 42.4 percent of the persons employed on commercial farms were on full-owner farms, 27.3 percent were on part-owner farms, and 2S.2 percent were on tenant farms. On commercial farms the number of family workers, including the farm operator, per farm reporting in 1954 was 1.8 for part owners and tenants and 1.6 for full owners. Manager farms em- ployed an average of only 1.3 family workers per farm reporting. The larger differences between tenures in terms of employment are in number of hired workers. Manager-operated commercial farms hired 12.2 workers per farm. Of these hired workers about one-half were regular workers (employed 150 or more days a year) and one-half were seasonal workers. About 72 percent of the hired workers on full- and part-owner commercial farms and about 86 percent of the hired workers on tenant commercial farms were seasonal employees. Only about one-sixth of the commercial tenant farms — 16.3 percent — reported hired workers in 1954. The average number of hired workers per farm — based on all commercial tenant farms — was 0.6, as compared with an average of 3.9 persons for those tenant farms reporting hired workers. Expenditures for farm labor. — The total outlay for hired farm labor reported by commercial and noncommercial farms for 1954 in the Census of Agriculture was $2,279 million. This is $139 million less than was reported for hired labor in 1949. As may be expected, most of the outlay for hired labor (97.2 percent) was made by commercial farms. Of the total expenditure for farm labor made by commercial farms in 1954, 37.8 percent was spent by full owners, 36.0 percent by part owners, 16.6 percent by tenants, and 9.6 percent by managers. Since manager-operated farms represented less than one-half of one percent of all the farms and accounted for 9.6 percent of the total outlay for hired farm labor, the per farm expenditure was high. As seen in figure 36, manager-operated farms dominate an array of average farm expenditures. The importance of labor expendi- ture by the other tenure groups lies in the aggregated expenditure of many farms with one, two, or three hired workers. (Continued from page 168) number of balers reported was 195,858. The increases between 1950 and 1954, therefore, were 131.1 and 128.7 percent, respec- tively, for farms reporting and numbers of balers. Noticeable differences are reported in proportions of farms reporting the various specialized machines. Much of this dif- ference, of course, is due to the type of farming. The ratio of farms reporting corn pickers, for example, is higher in all tenures in the North Central than in any other region. The dairy-dom- inant Northeast had a much higher proportion of its farms re- porting milking machines. Whether measured extensively in terms of work power or intensively in terms of specialized ma- chines, the South has a smaller degree of mechanization than the other regions. In general, the part-owner and tenant-operated farms have the greatest degree of mechanization. To the extent that tenancy is a means whereby part owners and tenants can expand their operations without investing their limited capital in land, tenure arrangements are conducive to larger, more mechanized farms. Tenants in the South, however, are an exception for they have a smaller proportion of their farms mechanized than any of the other tenures. Only 14.O percent of croppers in the South re- ported a tractor. By definition of croppers, work power is fur- nished by the landlord. 190 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY Part-owner farms tend toward greater mechanization and show the highest proportion of farms reporting most types of ma- chines. The part-owner tenure is characterized by operators who are in a financial position which permits them, within limits, to choose between greater land ownership and expanding their op- erations with more equipment on rented land. (Continued from page 169) Although a smaller proportion of farms in the West reported the use of fertilizer than in the other regions, they reported a larger expenditure per acre. In the West, slightly more than 1,0 percent of the farms reported fertilizer use, compared with almost 70 percent of the farms in the United States reporting fertilizer use. Commercial cash tenants in the West reported the highest average expenditure per acre for fertilizer, $21.39; this compares with $9.97 per acre reported for all cash tenants in the United States. (Continued from page 170) irrigation equipment, or if the supervisory and/or compensation problems are complicated. As an alternative example, if pro- duction expenses are large and sharing arrangements can be de- veloped easily, a share tenancy might be appropriate. Specified cost items. — The four specified expense items shown by tenure in figure 41 illustrate the differences in expenditures associated with various forms of tenure. The differences in type of farm and size of farm related to tenure should be kept in mind, however, so that not all of the variation in expenditure is at- tributed to the form of tenure alone. Two expense items that are relatively important in the budgets of manager farms are, as expected, hired labor and feed for live- stock and poultry. The average expenditure in 1954 for hired labor was $14,071, per farm reporting for commercial manager farms ; part-owner farms were the next highest with an average of $1,565. Full owners and tenants on commercial farms spent only #973 and $657 per farm, respectively, for hired labor. In 1954, managers spent $9,256 per commercial farm reporting for feed ; whereas, full owners spent an average of only $1,1)82; part own- erg, $1,550; and tenants, $1,092. The relative size of farms of the various tenure groups, i. e., from the large manager farms to the small full-owner farms, may account for the array of per farm expenditures for petroleum products. Other factors affecting expenditure that are related to tenure are type of farm and the geographic area. Commercial manager farms reporting in 1954 spent for gasoline an average of $1,899; part owners, $686; tenants, $1,72; and full owners, . (Continued from page 171,) cent, by tenants. Of Class I farms (the class representing the highest gross incomes) , 35.2 percent were operated by full owners ; 38.2 percent, by part owners ; 1,.!, percent, by managers ; and 22.2 percent, by tenants. In each of the intermediate classes, ap- proximately 30 percent of the farms were operated by tenants. These relationships held, in general, for each region. In the South however, there were relatively fewer full owners and more tenants in the lower economic classes than in the North and West. In the South, the proportion of farms operated by full owners was not appreciably higher for economic classes represent- ing intermediate incomes than for economic classes representing higher incomes. In the South, the highest proportion of tenancy was in Economic Class IV farms, with the proportion decreasing with each higher and with each lower class. In the North and West, the situation was almost the opposite with the highest proportion of tenancy in Economic Class II in the North, and Class I in the West, and the proportion decreasing with each lower class. (Continued from page 176) The difference in the proportion of full owners and part owners reporting the specified facilities was not great for any region. For the Northeast, the North Central region, and the South, the percentages were somewhat higher for part owners on commercial farms than for full owners. For the West, the percentages for part owners were slightly less than for full owners. For all regions, the percentage of managers reporting telephone and running water, respectively, was higher than for any other tenure group. In the North Central region and the South, the percentage of managers reporting electricity was higher than for other tenures. In the Northeast, the percentage of managers reporting electricity was less than for part owners and in the West, less than for all owners. FARM TENURE DIRECTORY OF TENURE DATA, 1954 CENSUS 191 Where found Geographic area for which available Period Classification Subjects covered Basis of tabulation of 1954 data Volume I, State Table 3. StateTable4. State Table 5. State Table 9. County Table 2. County Table 2a Economic Area Tables 7, 8, 9. Volume II, Chapter II: Table 6_ . Table 7. - Table S._ Table 9.. Table 10. Table 11- Table 12. Table 13. Table 14. Table 16. Table 17. Table 18- Table 20. Table 22. Table 24. Table 27. Chapter IV: Table 5.. Table 16. T3ble 17. Table 33. Table 34. Table 35. Chapter X: Table 1. Table 2. Tables 3,4.. Tables 5, 6. Tables 7, 8. Tables 9, 10, 11, 12. Tables 13, 14. Table 15.... Tables 16, 17. Tables 18. 19, 20. Tables 21, 22. State.. State., State State County and State County and State (the South only and 7 counties in Southeast Missouri). Economic areas and State United States The South United States, the North, the South, and the West. United States The South United States, the North, the South, and the West. United States, the North, the South, and the West. United States The South United States The South United States, the North, the South, and the West. Divisions and States Divisions and States Divisions and States Divisions and States United States, the North, the South, and the West. United States The South. United States, the North, the South, and the West. Divisions and States Divisions and States. Thc South only, divisions, and States. United States. United States. United States and the South. United States and the South. United States and the South. United States and the South. United States and the South. Summary for 20 States United States and the South. United States and the South. Divisions and States 1920 to 1954. 1954 1920 to 1954... 1954. 1954 and 1950. 1954 1954 and 1950. 1910 to 1954... 1910 to 1954... 1954 and 1950. 1940 to 1054... 1940 to 1954 — 1954 and 1950. 1954 and 1950. 1910 to 1954... 1910 to 1954... 1934 to 1954... 1934 to 1954.. 1954 and 1949 1954 1954 1954 1954. 1954 and 1950. 1930 to 1954... 1954 and 1940- 1954 1930 to 1954- 1954 1950 and 1954- 1954 1954 and 1940 1954 1880 to 1954- - 1900 to 1954 . 1880 to 1954- . 1900 to 1954. - 1900 to 1954 - 1950 and 1954. 1900 to 1945 - 1924 to 1954.. 1900 to 1954 - 1929 to 1954- - 1925 to 1954 - 1950 and 1954 1945 to 1954. Color-tenure Commercial farms by tenure (color-tenure for the South). Race Commercial farms by tenure (color-tenure for the South). (Color.- \Tenure Color-tenure Commercial farms, by tenure. Tenure.- Color-tenure Commercial farms by tenure (color-tenure for the South) . Tenure Color-tenure Commercial farms by tenure (color-tenure for the South). Commercial farms by tenure (color-tenure for the South). Tenure Color- tenure Tenure Color-tenure Commercial farms by tenure (color-tenure for the South). Tenure (color-tenure for the South). Tenure (color-tenure for the South). Tenure (color-tenure for the South). Tenure Tenure (color-tenure for the South). Cash tenants Nonwhite cash tenants. Cash tenants by type of farm. Cash tenants Cash tenantS- Cash tenants by commercial and other. Cash tenants by commercial and other. Cash tenants by color Cash tenants by color, by commercial and other. Tenure Nonwhite by race (Negro and other). Tenure--. Color-tenure.. Color-tenure Tenure (color-tenure for the South). Color-tenure Color-tenure ._ Color-tenure Tenure Tenure (also nonwhite by tenure for the South). Commercial and other farms by tenure (also nonwhite by tenure). Tenure, with nonwhite by tenure for the United States and the South and non- white totals for the North and West. Farms, land in farms, cropland harvested and, for the South, one or more specified crops. Farms, land in farms, land use, value of land and buildings, specified operator charac- teristics, specified facilities and equipment, farm labor, specified farm expenditures, principal livestock, and specified crops. Farm operators Hired labor and wage rates Farms Farms, land in farms, and cropland harvested Farms, land in farms, and cropland harvested Farms, land in farms, land use, value of land and buildings, specified operator charac- teristics, specified facilities and equipment, farm labor, specified farm expenditures, principal livestock, and specified crops. Age of operator Age of operator Age of operator Residence of operator Residence of operator Residence of operator Years on present farm Years on present farm Years on present farm Off-farm work Off-farm work Off-farm work and other income Age of operator Residence of operator Years on present farm... Off-farm work and other income Farm wage rates _. Cash rent paid: also farms, owned and rented land, land in farms, cropland harvested, and value of land and buildings. Cash rent paid; also farms, owned and rented land, land in farms, cropland harvested, and value of land and buildings. Cash rent paid; also farms, owned and rented land, land in farms, cropland harvested, and value of land and buildings. Cash rent paid Farms, rented land, land in farms, value of land and buildings. Cash rent paid Farms, rented land, land in farms, value of land and buildings. Cash rent paid-- -. . Cash rent paid, farms, rented land, land in farms, value of land and buildings. Farms Farms Farms Farms.. Land in farms Value of land and buildings Value of land and buildings Cropland harvested and other specified land- use items. Summary uses of land Irrigated land Owned and rented land... Farms and farm characteristics in considerable detail. Farms, land in farms, land use, value of land and buildings. Sample. Sample. Complete count. Sample. Complete count. Complete count. Complete count. Sample. Sample.' Sample.1 Sample. Sample. Sample. Sample. Sample. Sample.1 Sample.1 Sample. Sample. Sample. Sample.1 Sample. Sample.1 Sample. Sample. Sample. Sample. Sample. Sample. Sample. Sample. Sample. Sample. Sample. Complete count. Complete count. Sample. Sample. Sample. Sample. Sample. Sample. Sample. Sample. Sample. Sample. Sample. See footnote at end of table. 192 A GRAPHIC SUMMARY DIRECTORY OF TENURE DATA, 1954 CENSUS— Continued Where found Geographic area for which available Period Classifi cation Subjects covered Basis of tabulation of 1954 data Volume II, Chapter X— Con. 1880 to 1954... 1900 to 1954... 1950 and 1954- . 1900 to 1954-,. 1950 and 1954.. 1950 and 1954.. 1954 Complete count. 25, 26. 27. Nonwhite by race (Negro and other) . Commercial farms by tenure. . Farms other than commercial by tenure. Part-time and residential farms by tenure. Tenure of multiple units Class of tenants of multiple- unit operators. Farms, land in farms, cropland harvested, value of land and buildings, and other specified farm characteristics, such as facul- ties, equipment, farm labor, expenditures, livestock, and crops. Farms (See Volume II, page 948, for method for obtaining data for additional items). 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35. Table 36. Sample. 38. Vnliimp TTT, Part. 1 Summary for multiple-unit areas and States. United States ,*"di visions, and States. 1954 and 1950.. 1930 to 1954__. Multiple units, subunits (Census farms), land in multiple units, specified crops, horses and mules. Farms Farm-mortage debt. _ Complete count. Part 5 Complete count. 1 Average age and average years from complete count.