I rF t 'cKo(\!i\'j,S\7^3} 2 a' Vol. Ill - pt. 6 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS A Cooperative Report SPECIAL REPORTS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS 1954 Census Agriculture U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE ( P U B L T " T WASHINGTON • 1956 I U. S. Department of Commerce Sinclair Weeks, Secre/ory Bureau of the Census Robert W. Burgess, Director U. S. Department of Agriculture Ezra Talt Benson, Secretary Agricultural Research Service Byron T. Show, Administrafor United States Census f Agriculture: 1954 Volu me Part 6 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS A Cooperative Report SOURCE OF WATER • METHOD OF APPLICATION NUMBER OF PUMPS • ACRES IRRIGATED • FREQUENCY OF APPLICATION • COST ( PUBLIC BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Robert W. Burgess, Director AGRICULTURE DIVISION Ray Hurley, Chief Warder B. Jenkins, Assistant Chief AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE Byron T. Shaw, Administrator FARM AND LAND MANAGEMENT RESEARCH Sherman E. Johnson, Director PRODUCTION ECONOMICS RESEARCH BRANCH Carl P. Heisig, Chief SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION RESEARCH BRANCH Cecil H. Wadleigh, Chief Boston Public Library Superintcnrlorit r,f Doruments MAR 2 9 1957 l/'S SUGGESTED IDENTIFICATION U. S. Bureau of the Census. U. S. Census of Agriculture: 195J,. Vol. Ill, Special Reports, Part 6, Irrigation in Humid Areas U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C, 1956. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C., or anywf the Field Offices of the Department of Commerce, Price 50(i (paper cover) II PREFACE Volume III, Special Reports, comprises a group of special compilations that present final summaries and results for the 1954 Census of Agriculture. Part 6, Irrigation in Humid Areas, a cooperative report by the Bureau of the Census, U. S. Department of Commerce and the Production Economics Research Branch, Agricultural Research Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, presents data obtained by a mail survey of operators of irrigated farms in 28 Eastern States on acres irrigated in 1954 and 1955; specified irrigation facilities, including pumps; source of water; source of power; method of applying water; largest acreage irrigated in any year; year irrigation began; number of times each crop was irrigated; and cost of irrigation systems. The planning, compilation of statistics, and the preparation of this report were under the supervision of Ray Hurley, Chief of the Agriculture Division, Bureau of the Census, and Elco L. Greenshields, Production Economics Research Branch, Agricultural Re- search Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture. They were assisted by Robert L. Tontz and Marlowe M. Taylor, Production Economics Research Branch, Agricultural Research Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, and Snider W. Skinner, Russell V. Oliver, William F. Kauffman, and Gladys L. Eagle, Bureau of the Census, U. S. Depart- ment of Commerce. Data for the graphs and State maps were compiled by the Production Economics Research Branch, Agricultural Research Service, and the maps and graphs were prepared under the supervision of Clarence E. Batschelet, Chief, Geography Di- vision, Bureau of the Census. December 1956 III UNITED STATES CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE: 1954 REPORTS Volume I. — Counties and State Economic Areas. Statistics for counties include number of farms, acreage, value, and farm opera- tors; farms l)y color and tenure of operator; facilities and equipment; use of commercial fertilizer: farm labor; farm expenditures; livestock and livestock products; specified crops harvested; farms classified by type of farm and by economic class; and value of products sold by source. Data for State economic areas include farms and farm characteristics by tenure of operator, by type of farm, and by economic class. Volume I is published in 33 parts as follows : Part State or States Part State or States Part State or States 1 New England States: West North Central: East South Central — Continued Maine. 8 Minnesota. 21 Alabama. New Hampshire. 9 Iowa. 22 Mississippi. Vermont. 10 Missouri. West South Central: Massachusetts. 11 North Dakota and South 23 Arkansas. Rhode Island. Dakota. 24 Louisiana. Connecticut. 12 Nebraska. 25 Oklahoma. 2 Middle Atlantic States: 13 Kansas. 26 Texas. New York. South Atlantic: Mountain: New Jersey. 14 Delaware and Maryland. 27 Montana. Pennsylvania. 15 Virginia and West Virginia. 28 Idaho. East North Central: 16 North Carolina and South 29 Wyoming and Colorado. 3 Ohio. Indiana. Carolina. 30 New Mexico and Arizona. 4 17 18 Georgia. Florida. 31 Utah and Nevada. Pacific: 5 Illinois. East South Central : 32 Washington and Oregon. 6 Michigan. 19 Kentucky. 33 California. 7 Wisconsin. 20 Tennessee. Volume II. — General Report. Statistics by Subjects, United States Census of Agriculture, 1954. Summary data and analyses of the data for States, for Geographic Divisions, and for the United States by subjects as illustrated by the chapter titles listed below : Chapter Title Chapter Title I Farms and Land in Farms. VII Field Crops and Vegetables. II Age, Residence, \ ears on Farm, Work Off Farm. VIII Fruits and Nuts, Horticultural Specialties, Forest III Farm Facilities, Farm Equipment. Product.". IV Farm Labor. Use of Fertilizer, Farm Expenditures, and IX Value of Farm Products. Cash Rent. X Color, Race^ and Tenure of Farm Operator. Economic Class of Farm. V Size of Farm. XI VI Livestock and Livestock Products. XII Type of Farm. Volume III. — Special Reports Part 1. — Multiple-unit Operations. This report will be similar to Part 2 of Volume V of the reports for the 1950 Census of Agriculture. It will present statistics for approximately 900 counties and State economic areas in 12 Southern States and Missouri for the number and characteristics of multiple-unit operations and farms in multiple units. Part 2. — Ranking Agricultural Counties. This special report will present statistics for selected items of inventory and agricul- tural production for the leading counties in the United States. Part 3. — Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, District of Columbia, and 11. S. Possessions. These areas were not included in the 1954 Census of Agriculture. The available current data from vari- ous Government sources will be compiled and published in this report. Part 4. — Agriculture, 1954, a Graphic Summary. This report will present graphically some of the significant facts regarding agriculture and agricultural production as revealed by the 1954 Census of Agriculture. Part 5. — Farm-mortgage Debt. This will be a cooperative study by the Agricultural Research Service of the U. S. Department of Agriculture and the Bureau of the Census. It will present, by States, data based on the 1954 Census of Agriculture and a special mail survey to be conducted in January 1956, on the number of mortgaged farms, the amount of mortgage debt, and the amount of debt held by principal lending agencies. Part 6. — Irrigation in Humid Areas. This cooperative report by the Agricultural Research Service of the U. S. Department of Agriculture and the Bureau of the Census will present data ob- tained by a mail survey of operators of irrigated farms in 28 States on the source of water, method of applying water, num- ber of pumps used, acres of crops irrigated in 1954 and 1955, the number of times each crop was irrigated, and the cost of irrigation equipment and the irrigation system. Part 7. — Popular Report of the 1954 Census of Agriculture. This report is planned to be a general, easy-to-read publication for the general public on the status and broad characteristics of United States agriculture. It will seek to delineate such as- pects of agriculture as the geographic distribution and dif- ferences by size of farm for such items as farm acreage, principal crops, and important kinds of livestock, farm facili- ties, farm equipment, use of fertilizer, soil conservation prac- tices, farm tenure, and farm income. Part 8. — Size of Operation by Type of Farm. This will be a coop- erative special report to be prepared in cooperation with the Agricultural Research Service of the U. S. Department of Agri- culture. This report will contain data for 119 economic sub- regions, (essentially general type-of-farming areas) showing the general characteristics for each type of farm by economic class. It will provide data for a current analysis of the differences that exist among groups of farms of the .same type. It wUl furnish statistical basis for a realistic examination of produc- tion of such commodities as wheat, cotton, and dairy products in connection with actual or proposed governmental policies and programs. IV INTRODUCTION (V) IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS CONTENTS INTRODUCTION History of the Census of Irrigation. Legal basis for this special report. VII Til DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS VXI VII VII VII VII VII VIII Farms reporting Land irrigated Questionnai re used The enumeration Cost of irrigation systems .• Irrigation facilities Source of water Source of power VIII Method of applying water ' VIII Year irrigation began VIII Legality of water use VIII PRESENTATION OF STATISTICS Organization of tables Vlll Extent of irrigation according to 1955 survey VIII PRESENTATION OF STATISTICS— Continued Page The 1955 survey as compared with the 1954 Census of Agriculture VIII Precipitation in 195i-1955 VIII Farms and acreage irrigated. Year farmers begaji irrigation Source of water Constructed reservoirs for storing irrigation water. Source of power for pumping Method of applying water Pumps used for irrigation Cost of irrigation systems Cost by acreage irrigated Cost by source of water Cost by use of storage facilities Cost by source of power Cost by method of applying water Crops irrigated Number of times crops were irrigated Legality of water rights MAPS AM) CHARTS Irrigated land in farms, acreage, 1954 Irrigated land^increase and decrease in acreage, 1949-1954.... Irrigated land in farms by States, 1954 Census of Agriculture; DC DC DC DC IX IX X X X X XI XI XI XI XII XII XII XIII Arkansas Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts Delaware and Maryland Florida XVIII XV XVT XVII Georgia. Illinois XEC XX Iowa XXII Kentucky XXIII Maine. Michigan. XX\' XXVI Minnesota XXVII Mississippi XXVIII Missouri XXDC New Hsnipshire and Vermont XXX New Jersey XXXI New York XXXII North Carolina XXXIII Pennsylvania XXXV South Carolina XXXVI Tennessee XXXVII Virginia XXXVIII West Virginia XXXDC Wisconsin. XL XII XLI XLI XLI XLII XLII August 1954 XLIII September 1954 XLIII June 1955 XLIV July 1955 XLIV August 1955 XLV September 1955 XLV XLVI Distribution of farms by acres irrigated in 1954, for the 28 States Total cost of irrigation systems per acre irrigated, for farms classified by largest acreage irrigated, for the 28 States. Distribution of farms reporting for selected crops, by number of times irrigated in 1955, for the 28 States Distribution of acreage irrigated in 1954, by principal crops, for the 2? States Percent of normal precipitation for the 31 Eastern States: June 1954. Percent of normal precipitation for the 31 Eastern States: July 1954. Percent of normal precipitation for the 31 Eastern States: Percent of normal precipitation for the 31 Eastern States: Percent of normal precipitation for the 31 Eastern States : Percent of normal precipitation for the 31 Eastern States: Percent of normal precipitation for the 31 Eastern States: Percent of normal precipitation for the 31 Eastern States: Questionnaire (facsimile ) SUmARY TABLES Table 1. — Farms reporting acres irrigated and cost of irrigation systems, for farms reporting cost of irrigation systems by source of water, method of irrigation, and largest acreage Irrigated, for the 28 states: 1955 XLVIII II. — Year irrigation began, source of water, cost of irrigation for farms reporting cost of irrigation systems and use of constructed reservoirs, by largest acreage Irrigated, for the 28 states: 1955 III. — Farms reporting legal right to use of water questioned, by source of water, year irrigation began, use of constructed reservoirs, and. largest acreage irrigated, for the 28 States: 1954 IV. — Farms reporting cost of irrigation systems, classified by total cost and largest acreage irrigated, for the 28 States: 1954 V. — Farms reporting cost of irrigation systems, classified by total cost and source of water, for the 28 States: 1954 VI. — Farms reporting cost of irrigation systems, classified by total cost and source of power, for the 28 States: 1954 VII. — Farms reporting cost of irrigation systems, classified by total cost and method of applying water, for the 28 States: 1954 VIII . — Farms reporting cost of irrigation systems, classified by total cost and use of constructed storage: 1954 TABLES BY STATES Table 1 Survey of irrigation in humid areas: Farms reporting and acres irrigated as compared with 1954 Census of Agriculture 2. — Percent of normal precipitation by months, for the 28 States: 1954 and 1955 3. — Farms reporting, acres irrigated, specified irrigation facilities, by source of water, by States: 1955 4. — Farms reporting, acres irrigated, specified irrigation facilities, and cost of irrigation systems, for farms reporting cost of irrigation systems, by source of water, by States : 1955 5. — Farms reporting, acres Irrigated, and specified irrigation facilities, by source of power, by States: 1955 6. — Farms reporting, acres irrigated, specified irrigation facilities, and cost of irrigation systems, for farms reporting cost of irrigation systems, by source of power, by States: 1955 7. — Farms reporting, acres irrigated, and specified irrigation facilities, by method of applying water, by States: 1955 - . 8. — Farms reporting, acres irrigated, specified irrigation facilities, and cost of irrigation systems, for farms reporting cost of irrigation systems, by method of applying water , by States : 1955 9. — F^^rms reporting, acres irrigated, and specified irrigation facilities, by acres irrigated in 1954, by States: 1955 10. — Farms reporting, acres Irrigated, specified irrigation facilities, and cost of irrigation systems, for farms reporting coat of irrigation systems, by acres irrigated in 1954, by States: 1955 11. — Farms reporting, acres irrigated, and specified irrigation facilities, by largest acreage irrigated in any year, by States: 1955 12. — Farms reporting, acres irrigated, specified irrigation facilities, and cost of irrigation systems, for farms reporting cost of irrigation systems, by largest acreage irrigated in any year, by States: 1955 13. — Farms reporting, acres irrigated, specified irrigation facilities, and cost of irrigation systems, for farms reporting cost of irrigation systems, according to use of constructed facilities for storing water, by States : 1955 14. — Farms reporting, acres Irrigated, and specified irrigation facilities, by year irrigation began, by States: 1955 15. — Farms reporting, acres irrigated, specified irrigation facilities, and cost of irrigation systems, for farms reporting cost of irrigation systems, by year irrigation began , by States : 1955 16 . — Acres of irrigated crops and frequency of irrigation, by States : 1954 and 1955 LI LII LII LII LIII LIII LIII 13 28 32 38 58 62 70 62 86 92 100 (VI) INTRODUCTION History of the Census of Irrigation.— Inquiries relating to irrigation have been included in each decennial Census of Agriculture since 1890. A special Census pertaining to ir- rigation in 32 States and territories was taken in 1902. The 1902 Census included 11 arid States and territories, 6 semiarid States and territories, 8 humid States and 6 rice-growing States, plus the Hawaiian Islands. Beginning in 1910, a special Census of Irrigation has been taken in the United States for States and territories in which irrigation was most extensively practiced. The States included in the Irrigation Census in 1910, 1920, and 1930 were the 17 Western States and Arkansas and Louisiana. Florida was included in 1940 and 1950. In the mid-decennial Censuses of Agriculture in 1935, 1945, and 1954, inquiries were included relating to the acreage irrigated in all States. The special survey of irrigation in 1955 for which data are presented in this report covers the 28 Eastern States which are not included in the regular decennial Censuses of Irrigation. Legal basis for this special report.— Authorization for the 1955 Survey of Irrigation in Humid Areas is covered by Act of Congress (Title 13, U. S. Code) approved August 31, 1954, which includes provisions for the mid-decade Censuses of Agriculture. This report was prepared cooperatively by the Production Economics Research Branch, Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture, and the Bureau of the Census, United States Department of Commerce. DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS Farms reporting.— Farms reporting represent the number of farms for which the particular item was reported. For purposes of tabulation, the questionnaires obtained in the special survey were divided into two groups. The first group comprised all farms for which usable questionnaires were obtained in the special survey. These farms totaled 14,541 for the 28 States. The data given in Tables 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 14 relate to these 14,541 farms. The second group of farms comprised those for which the cost of the irrigation system was represented. These farms totaled 6,414. The data given in Tables 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, and 15 relate to these farms only. In the case of 196 questionnaires, the data obtained for this special survey cover more than one Census farm as the special survey questionnaire was filled out by the landlord of a multiple- unit landholding. The number of multiple-unit operators from whom special questionnaires covering more than one Census farm were obtained are as follows: Connecticut 1 Missouri 2 Virginia 9 North Carolina 86 South Carolina 18 Georgia 20 Kentucky 15 Tennessee 21 Mississippi 24 Total 1% Land irrigated.— Generally, land irrigated represents land to which irrigation water was applied. Data are presented for three categories of irrigated land as follows: (1) Largest acreage irrigated in any one year (2) Acreage irrigated in 1954 (3) Acreage irrigated in 1955 The data on the largest acreage irrigated in any year were ob- tained by asking each farm operator to list the largest acreage irrigated. The number of acres irrigated in 1954 and 1955 were obtained by adding the acreages for the various crops reported as irrigated in each of these years. Thus, the acreage irrigated for 1954 and 1955 may be greater than the total acreage of land to which water was applied, as account was not taken of the dupli- cate counting of acreage on which two different crops were harvested during the same year. For example, if 4 acres of lettuce were irrigated in 1954 and later the same land was planted to string beans which were irrigated, the total acreage of land irrigated for 1954 would be 8 acres. This procedure re- sulted in some overstatement of the acreage of land actually ir- rigated. In comparing the acreage reported as irrigated in 1954 as shown by the special survey with the Census of Agriculture, this overstatement needs to be taken into account. Questionnaire used. -A questionnaire, designated Form A16, "Survey of Irrigation in Humid Areas 1955," was used. (A fac- simile of the questionnaire appears on page XLVI.) The number of questions in the questionnaire was necessarily limited to key items relating to irrigation in humid areas. Ad- ditional information about variation in humid areas had been re- quested by several interested groups, but a pretest of a more extensive questionnaire in 6 selected countywide areas indicated that satisfactory data could not be obtained by mail for many items relating to the operation of irrigation systems. The enumeration.— The questionnaires were mailed in De- cember 1955, to each farm operator in the 28 Eastern States who reported irrigatedacreagein the 1954 Census of Agriculture, except those who irrigated cranberry bogs and a small number for whom complete addresses were not available. Generally, all the data were collected by mail. However, enumerators obtained by personal visit questionnaires for those farm operators with 100 acres or more of irrigated land in 1954 who did not submit a report by mail. Data in Table 1 indicated the completeness of the coverage by the special survey of farms reporting land ir- rigated in the 1954 Census of Agriculture. Cost of irrigation systems.— The questionnaire for the survey specified that the cost of irrigation systems was to be reported only in case irrigation began in 1946 or later. Therefore, the data given on cost of irrigation systems relate only to farms on which irrigation began in 1946 or later. The total number of farms whose operators reported the year in which irrigation was begun as 1946 or later was 9,494. However, only 6,414 of these farms reported complete data on irrigation costs and only these farms were included in the tabulations for farms whose opera- tors reported the cost of irrigation systems. The inquiries re- garding cost of irrigation equipment, cost of land leveling and ditching, cost of construction of reservoirs and dams for storing water and for drilling wells for irrigation purposes, re- late to the original cost without allowance for depreciation or change in price level. Irrigation facilities.— Farm irrigation in the humid areas generally requires the use of pumps, some kind of power, and sprinkler equipment. However, a few farmers who used gravity flow from lakes, streams, and artesian wells, require very little equipment. Also, users of city water usually do not re- quire pumps and power plants for operating their sprinkler systems. The questionnaire did not provide for reporting the number of storage facilities, such as dams and reservoirs, for irrigation water. Also, no provision was made for obtaining the size of the constructed storage facilities. These constructed storage facilities vary greatly in size as well as in cost. VII VIII IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Source of water. --The questionnaire provided for indicating the following sources of water used for irrigation: Wells Natural streams or rivers Natural lakes or ponds Springs, seepage, farm run-off (not streams) City, town, or community water supply Irrigation or drainage district or company Other Some farm operators reported more than one source of water. In making the tabulations, provision was made only for the tabulation of data for the three most important sources for each farm. The questionnaire did not list constructed ponds or reservoirs as sources of water. However, many farm operators indicated ponds or reservoirs as sources on the questionnaire. Unless some other source was indicated, constructed ponds and reservoirs were classified as springs in regard to the source of water. The classification "streams only" used in the statistical tables refers to natural streams and rivers. "Lakes only" refers to natural lakes and ponds. The classification given in the statistical table for springs actually includes springs, seepage, and farm run-off (not streams). In Tables 3 and 4, farms reporting combinations of various sources of water are listed in the same order that water sources are listed on the questionnaire and data for farms whose op- erators reported several sources are included only once in the totals. For example, farms whose operators reported wells and streams as the source of water are included in the grouping of wells, and designated wells and streams. Data for these farms are not included again under streams. Generally, most farms obtained irrigation water from a single source and the significant data in most of the tables may be analyzed by examining the figures for the important sources of water without considering the data for the several groups of farms obtaining water from more than one source. Source of power.— The questionnaire provided for reporting three sources of prawer as follows: Tractor Electric motor Other motors or engines "Other motors or engines" includes internal combustion engines of all types except tractors. Method of applying water.— Six methods of applying water were listed on the questionnaire as follows: Portable pipe and sprinkler Fixed overhead irrigation Portable gated pipe Ditches and furrows Flooding Other More than one method of applying water was reported by many farmers. The tabulation procedure provided for the sum- marizing of data for two methods of applying water for each farm. When more than two methods were reported for a farm, the data were summarized for the two most important methods only. Other methods include applying water with tank trucks, garden or other type of hose, underground pipe, and pumping water by a contractor. Year irrigation began.— The question on this item was intended to obtain the year irrigation began on the farm and not by the 1955 operator of the farm. A farm may have been operated by several persons since irrigation began. Legality of water use. — In general, answers to the question on legality of rights to the water used for irrigation were not restricted to cases of actual legal action. They also in- cluded oral threats of legal action. In a number of cases, users of city water reported that le- gality of their use of water had been challenged. This usually meant that restrictions were placed only on the day or time of watering or the amount of water used. These cases were not considered as challenges to the right to use water. PRESENTATION OF STATISTICS Organization of tables.— Data obtained in the 1955 Survey of Irrigation in Humid Areas are presented in 8 summary tables and in 16 tables giving data for individual States. Both summary and State tables that give data by States contain data for farms reporting, acres irrigated, and specified irrigation facilities, classified according to such items as source of water, source of power, and cost of irrigation systems. The data in Summary Tables I to VIII relate only to the 6,414 farms for which the cost of the irrigation system was com- pletely reported. Extent of irrigation according to 1955 survey. — A total of 14,541 usable questionnaires was received in the 1955 special survey. For 1954, the survey reported 545,671 acres as irri- gated. This acreage exceeded that for 1955 by 12 percent. The largest acreage irrigated in any year was 646,247 acres, or 18 percent more than the 1954 irrigated acreage. This largest acreage probably represents the minimum potential area that could be irrigated in any one year by the farms reporting irrigation in 1954. The 1955 survey as compared with the 1954 Census of Ag- riculture.—A comparison of farms reporting and number of acres irrigated as shown by the 1955 Survey of Irrigation and the 1954 Census of Agriculture, is presented in Table 1. The information on acreage obtained from the 1955 survey equaled 93 percent of the total acreage reported by the 1954 Census of Agriculture. For individual States, the acreage of irrigated land reported by the survey as compared with the 1954 Census ranged from 39 percent for Maine to more than 110 percent for Indiana. The method of obtaining the number of acres irrigated for the special survey by adding the number of acres of crops and pasture irrigated resulted in some overstatement of the actual area irrigated because of the counting more than once of the acreage on which more than one irrigated crop was harvested in 1954. In using the 1955 survey data, two significant qualifications of the data need to be considered. First, the acreage irrigated in the humid area varies appreciably from year to year because of variation in rainfall and, second, the acreage irrigated has increased rapidly during recent years. These two facts make the data from the 1955 survey less representative of the current situation than would otherwise be the case. Precipitation in 1954-1955.— Data on precipitation by months during the growing seasons of 1954 and 1955 are presented in Table 2 and a series of maps on pages XLIL to JILYL. Although these data do not fully indicate the need for moisture by crops as the data relate to entire States and to specific months, they do indicate roughly the relative need for irrigation in 1954 and 1955. In the summer growing months in the humid States, rainfall is quite variable. Crops and pastures frequently suffer from lack of rainfall during crucial growing periods. The data presented inTable 2 and the accompanying maps show the variation of rainfall from normal for 1954 and 1955. In general, precipitation during the 1954 growing season was much less than during the corresponding period of 1955. June of 1954 was especially dry; rainfall was 50 percent below normal in 9 of the 31 States as shown on the precipitation maps. During July 1954, generally improved rainfall conditions prevailed, but in August and September of 1954, rainfall was below normal throughout much of the humid area. INTRODUCTION IX In 1955, rainfall in the New England States, except in Con- necticut, was less adequate than during the preceding year. As a result, the 1955 irrigated acreage exceeded the acreage irrigated in 1954 except in Rhode Island. Farms and acreage irrigated.— In the 28 Eastern States, most farmers irrigated relatively small acreages. Thirty- eight percent irrigated less than 10 acres per farm, and a little more than 18 percent irrigated from 10 to 19 acres. One-third of all farmers reporting irrigated between 20 to 99 acres. Relatively few farmers reported 100 or more acres irrigated. However, more than 80 percent of the total irrigated acreage was on farms reporting 30 or more acres irrigated. Some indication of the total acreage that farmers are equipped to irrigate is shown by the largest acreage irrigated in any one year. The total of the largest acreage irrigated on each farm for any year since irrigation was undertaken was 646,247 acres for the 28 States. This total exceeds the acreage irrigated in 1954 by 18 percent and the 1955 irrigated acreage by 33 percent. An appreciable expansion of irrigated acreage could take place in the humid area on the farms now irrigating. In appraising changes in irrigation in humid areas, allowance must be made for yearly variations. Irrigation in humid areas, unlike that in arid regions, can be expected to vary consider- ably from year to year as a result of variations in rainfall. The acreage irrigated in each State ranged from less than 1,000 acres to more than 150,000 acres. The three leading States were Mississippi, with 151,772 acres, followed by New York and New Jersey, each with more than 60,000 acres. Year farmers began irrigation.— The data indicate a rapid rate of adoption of irrigation farming during recent years. More farmers reported beginning irrigation in 1954 than in any other year during the period 1946-1955. For the 28 States, 29 percent of the 14,541 farms reporting indicated that irriga- tion was started in 1954. Of the 546,000 acres irrigated in the 28 States during 1954, approximately 134,000 acres were in farms on which irrigation was started during 1954. North Carolina, with 789 farms, had a larger number of farms reporting that irrigation began in 1954 than any other of the 28 States. Data given in State tables under column headings 1955 or later as the date of beginning irrigation do not indicate the extent of new irrigation in 1955. The data are only for those farms whose operators reported irrigation in 1954 and no information was obtained for farms whose operators started irrigation in 1955 or for farms whose operators did not report irrigation in 1954. The small amount of irrigation shown for farms starting irrigation in 1955 or later is the result of a few reports that were received from farm operators who obtained questionnaires from neighbors or for whom reports were obtained by enumerators. Source of water. — Water for more than 40 percent of all farms reporting and approximately 37 percent of the irrigated acreage in 1954 was obtained directly from streams (natural streams or rivers). Wells were the second most important source of irrigation water; they were reported by 19 percent of the farms. Springs, seepage, and surface run-off (not streams) were reported by 18 percent. Farms using wells accounted for nearly 24 percent of the irrigated acreage for 1954. Farms using spring, seepage, and farm run-off (not streams) accounted for less than 9 percent of the 1954 irrigated acreage. Farms whose operators reported com- binations of various sources of water represented only 13 percent of all farms, but reported a little more than 25 per- cent of the acreage irrigated in 1954. About 90 percent of the farms whose operators reported the source of water as springs, seepage, and farm run-off had reservoirs for water storage. Farmers who used other sources of irrigation water reported reservoirs or dams infrequently. Farms for which streams were reported as sources of water were widely distributed throughout all of the 28 States. Very few farmers reported that wells were used for irrigation in the New England States. The number of farmers reporting wells outnumbered those reporting streams (natural streams or rivers) as a source in 1954 in New York, Iowa, New Jersey, Indiana, Illinois, and Minnesota. The use of city or municipal sources of irrigation water was concentrated around large centers of population in New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Ohio. These four States accounted for nearly 64 percent of the farmers reporting city, town, or community water supply as the source of irrigation water. Constructed reservoirs for storing irrigation water.— Forty- two percent of all farms reported reservoirs and dams used for storing water. It is likely that as more and more farmers use irrigation, streams and similar sources will become more fully utilized. As a result, farmers will undoubtedly rely to an increasing extent on the use of their own constructed storage facilities. Operators of about a third of the farms with small, and ap- proximately one- half of the farms with large irrigation enter- prises reported water- storage facilities. In general, size of irrigation enterprise, except for extremely small and large units, had little effect on whether water- storage facilities had been constructed. Source of power for pumping.— Most farmers in the humid area reported "other motors or engines" (internal combustion engines of all types except tractors) as the source of power for pumping irrigation water. Sixty-four percent of all farmers listed "other motors or engines" as the source of power. By States, the proportion reporting this source of power ranged from 34 percent of all farmers in Mississippi to 92 percent in Delaware. Electric motors and tractors were of about equal importance as sources of power for pumping. These two sources, however, were of relatively minor importance in terms of farms reporting. Only 12 percent of the farmers reported using electric motors as the source of power; and 11 percent reported tractors. Combinations of tractors, electric motors, and other motors or engines as a source of power were used on 7 percent of the farms. Method of applying water.— Sprinklers (including portable pipe) represented the chief method of applying irrigation water in the humid area. Over 78 percent of the 14,541 farms for which irrigation was reported indicated that this method was used for applying water. Sprinklers are well adapted to irrigation in humid areas. They can be used without extensive land leveling or ditch sys- tems. Portable sprinklers can be easily moved from one field to another as needed in different years or at different times during the growing season. Other methods for applying water, less frequently used than sprinklers, included fixed overhead pipe, ditches, flooding, and portable gated pipe. In some States, methods other than sprinklers were more commonly used. In Mississippi, where rice is the most important irrigated crop, ditches and flooding were used extensively. In this State, ditches and flooding, including combinations with other methods, were repxjrted on 47 percent X IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS of the 909 farms for which irrigation was reported. Fixed overhead pipe was another method used in localized areas. This method of application was used primarily for nursery and flower crops. Pumps used for irrigation.— Operators of a total of 13,662 farms, or 94 percent of all farms, reported the use of pumps in 1955. The widespread use of pumps indicates that only a small number of operators of irrigated farms rely on gravity flow, artesian wells, or city water supply. A total of 17,588 pumps was reported for the 13,662 farms in the humid area. For 29 percent of the farms, more than one pump was reported per farm. In some instances, farmers who reported use of sprinkler irrigation systems required no pumps as their irrigation was done on a rental or contractual basis. No data are available, however, as to the extent of this practice. Cost of irrigation systems.— The data on the cost of the ir- rigation systems were compiled for farms on which irrigation began in 1946 or later (see definitions and explanations). Average cost per farm was determined by dividing the total cost of irrigation systems by the number of farms reporting. The average cost per acre given in the tables presenting data by States was computed by dividing the total cost of irrigation systems by the acreage irrigated in 1954. The 1954 acreage irrigated was used as the best available measure for computing per-acre costs, as the acreage irrigated in 1955 was smaller than the 1954 acreage because ofheavier rainfall and the "largest acreage irrigated in any year" did not always relate to the equip- ment in use at the time of the survey. Although this procedure provides a comparison of various groups of farms, it does not furnish typical per-acre costs for individual farms. For ex- ample, the cost of leveling and ditching is shown in the tables as $3.36 per acre for the 28 States. Actually, the leveling and ditching costs for the 693 farms whose operators reported leveling and ditching would be many times this amount. The total cost reported for irrigation systems in the 28 States for (1) irrigation equipment, (2) leveling and ditching, and (3) constructing reservoirs and drilling wells was $35.5 million. The major cost item in the irrigation systems was the cost of irrigation equipment, which totaled $27.5 million and represented 78 percent of the total cost of irrigation systems. The cost of constructing reservoirs and drilling wells, which was reported for 61 percent of the farms, was second in importance and totaled $7.2 million. It represented 20 percent of the total cost of ir- rigation systems. Costs of leveling and ditching were reported by only 11 percent of farms whose operators reported costs. On many of the farms, the rolling terrain and shallow surface soils preclude land leveling and use of ditches unless the ditches are on the contour. The total of $0.8 million reported as the cost of leveling and ditching was only 2 percent of the total cost of irrigation systems in the 28 States. The cost of irrigation systems averaged $5,542 per farm and $145 per acre. The per farm cost of irrigation equipment alone was $4,305. Constructing reservoirs and drilling wells cost an average of $1,859 per farm. Leveling and ditching costs averaged $1,193 per farm for the farms reporting this cost. The classification of farms by total cost per farm shows a wide range in total cost per farm. Almost two-thirds of the 6,414 farms reporting costs show a total cost of less than $5,000 per farm. A total cost of $50,000 or more was re- ported for a few farms. Cost by acreage irrigated.— The tabulation of data for farms classified by the largest acreage irrigated shows that total cost of the irrigation system per farm increases as the irrigated acreage increases. Operators of farms with irrigated areas ranging in size from 1 to 9 acres reported an average cost of $1,960 per farm. On the other hand, the average cost per farm was $18,133 for farms in the 200 to 499 acre size group. Ninety percent of the farmers who irrigated 1 to 9 acres re- ported a total cost of irrigation systems of less than $4,000 per farm. Seventy-six percent of the farmers with 20 to 29 acres irrigated had costs per farm of $1,000 tD$5, 999. Approximately 50 percent of those with 100 to 199 acres irrigated had a total cost of $10,000 and over, while 70 percent of those with 200 or more acres had a total cost of $10,000 and over. In general, farms with the larger irrigation systems had lower per acre costs regardless of source of water or method of ap- plying water. Costs for farmers who used streams as a source were lower and varied less by size of irrigated acreage, largely because the lower cost of developing this water source. Most farmers reporting springs required the use of a dam or reservoir and had costs somewhat similar to farms reporting wells. For farms with sprinklers and streams or lakes as a source of water, the average cost per largest acreage irrigated was $116. Cost ranged from $48 per acre for farms irrigating 500 to 999 acres to $415 for farms irrigating less than 10 acres. Although 44 percent of the irrigated farms had less than 20 acres under irrigation, only 20 percent of the total cost of the irrigation systems was reported by these farms. Costs of leveling and ditching were more significant on farms irrigating large acreages than on those with small acreages. Operators of farms with 500 to 999 acres irrigated reported that 27 percent of the total costs went for leveling and ditching. The average per acre cost of irrigation systems for farms with 1 to 9 acres irrigated was $482. The cost per acre for farms with more than 1,000 acres irrigated per farm was $56 per acre. Costs were approximately the same per acre for farms with 200 to 499 acres irrigated as for farms with 500 to 999 acres irrigated. Costs per acre of irrigation for the 200 to 499 acre group was $81 and costs per acre for the 500 to 999 acre group was almost the same. The difference in cost per acre for farms with 1 to 9 acres irrigated and farms with 10 to 19 acres irrigated was $160. As the irrigated acreage per farm increased the cost per acre decreased. For example, the cost per acre for farms of 10 to 19 acres irrigated was $322 as compared with $237 for farms with 20 to 29 acres. Cost by source of water.— The average cost of irrigation wells was farm cost Farmers per farm; those with farm was municipal systems per farm for operators who irrigated from approximately $8,000. This was a higher average per than for farms obtaining water from any other source, who reported springs had an average cost of $5,031 those with streams, a cost of $4,679 per farm; and lakes, a cost of $3,933 per farm. The lowest cost per $1,544 for farms with small acreages irrigated from water supplies. Nearly all the costs of irrigation systems for farms using natural lakes and city water supply as water sources were ac- counted for by the cost of irrigation equipment. For farms with other sources— streams, wells, and springs or surface run-off, three- fourths of the total cost was made up by the cost of ir- rigation equipment and one-fourth by the cost of reservoirs and wells. The recent rapid expansion of irrigation in the humid areas in most instances utilized readily accessible supplies of water. More than half of all farmers reporting costs relied on streams and lakes as sources of water. Farmers reporting the larger total costs for irrigation systems, particularly those with $15,000 and over, depended less on streams and lakes than farmers having a total cost of less than $15,000. A larger percentage of the large irrigation enterprises use wells as a source of water than do the smaller farms. Al- though only 10 percent of the operators of all farms reported wells; 25 percent of all those with a cost of more than $15,000 for the irrigation system reported wells as the source of water. INTRODUCTION XI Total costs of irrigation systems per acre according to dif- ferent sources of irrigation water varied only between $129 to $138 except when springs, seepage, or surface run-off were used. Since water storage reservoirs are required to collect spring and run-off water, average per acre costs of $249 were higher for farms with this source of water. Cost by use of storage facilities.— Operators of about 50 per- cent of all farms reported the use of constructed irrigation storage. Seventy-six percent of those reporting costs of irri- gation systems under $1,000 had no constructed storage. Opera- tors of 62 percent of farms with a total cost of irrigation systems of $1,000 to $1,999 reported no constructed storage, while 55 percent of those with a total cost of $2,000 to $2,999 reported no constructed storage. A larger percentage of the operators of farms with a cost of irrigation systems of more than $3,000, reported constructed storage facilities than farms with a smaller cost. Fifty per- cent of the farms with costs of $3,000 to $3,999 had constructed storage. Constructed storage was reported for 73 percent of the farms with irrigation system costs of $50,000 and over. Operators of farms in the 28 States for which constructed storage facilities were reported indicated an average per acre cost of irrigation systems of$184 as compared with $109 per acre for farms with no constructed storage. Cost by source of power. —The total cost of irrigation systems on farms using motors and engines (internal combustion engines other than tractors) as the source of power was $25.7 million out of a total cost of $35.5 million for all farms. The cost per farm for those depending on motors or engines other than electric motors was $5,500. The cost of irrigation systems for farms using tractor to power irrigation pumps averaged $3,640 per farm, or 34 per- cent less than the average for farms repxirting other motors or engines as the source of power. This lower cost per farm was due in large part to the exclusion of all tractor costs from the costs of the irrigation equipment except when the tractors were used only for pumping irrigation water. No attempt was made to obtain and to include the costs of general farm tractors in the cost of irrigation equipment. For farms using electricity as the source of power, the total cost of irrigation equipment per farm was slightly less than farms for which other motors or engines were reported. Of farms for which other motors or engines as a source of power were indicated, 52 percent had costs of irrigation systems of less than $4,000. Fifty-seven percent of the farms using electricity as the source of jxjwer reported the cost of the ir- rigation systems as less than $4,000. Of the farms with tractors as a source of power, 64 percent reported the irrigation system cost as less than $4,000. Cost of irrigation systems per acre was $102 for farms using electric motors and $161 per acre for farms using other motors or engines. The differences in costs per acre between farms using electricity and farms with other motors or engines appears to be related more to the number of acres irrigated than to the source of power. Cost by method of applying water.— Costs per acre of irrigated land for the different methods of applying water ranged from $38 for flooding in combination with other methods to $577 for fixed overhead pipe. These per- acre costs varied not only because of method of applying irrigation water, but also because of the source of water, acreage irrigated, etc. The average cost for farms with sprinklers was $166 per acre. Farms with combinations of sprinklers with other methods had a range in costs from $67 per acre for those using sprinklers and ditches to $289 for those with sprinklers and overhead pipe. The average cost for farms with sprinkler systems was $52o per acre in Maine (average size of enterprise was only about 10 acres) and $89 in Missouri. Of the operators of 132 farms who reported ditches as the method of applying water, fifty-seven percent rejxjrted total costs under $1,000. Another 20 percent had costs of $1,000 to $1,999. Thirty-four percent of the 101 farms for which flooding in combination with other methods was reported has costs under $1,000 per farm for the irrigation systems. Fifteen percent reported a cost of irrigation system of $1,000 to $1,999 per farm. On the farms with sprinklers, nearly 80 percent of the total cost was represented by cost of equipment, about 20 percent by the cost of storage facilities and drilling of wells, and less than 1 percent by the cost of land leveling or ditching. For farms re- porting a fixed overhead pipe system, the cost of equipment amounted to nearly 84 percent of the total cost. For farms with ditch irrigation systems, nearly 50 percent of the total cost was represented by the cost of irrigation equipment, 35 percent by storage facilities and drilling of wells, and 15 percent by leveling and ditching. Crops irrigated.— For the 28 Eastern States, 543,647 acres of crops and pasture were reported as irrigated in 1954. Of this total acreage, approximately three-fifths was used for six crops: Rice, Irish potatoes, pasture, corn, cotton, and tobacco. The 12 major crops on the basis of acreage irrigated comprise 80 percent of the total irrigated acreage for the 28 Eastern States. In addition to the 6 crops listed above, these included hay, "other vegetables," (vegetables other than tomatoes, snap beans, and sweet corn), nursery and flower crops, tomatoes, snapbeans, and sweet corn. The distribution of irrigated acreage by crops in 1955 cor- responds closely to that in 1954. In 1955, the six major crops equaled 56 percent of all land irrigated, and the 12 most im- portant crops represented, 75 percent. More acres of rice than of any other crop were irrigated in 1954. Most of this rice was produced in Mississippi. Missouri ranked second in the acreage of rice irrigated, but it had less than 9 percent of the total irrigated acreage for the 28 States. Almost two- fifths of the irrigated acreage of Irish potatoes in 1954 was in New York. Ten other States— New Jersey, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Indiana, Connecticut, and Virginia— each reported more than 1,000 acres of Irish potatoes irrigated and the 11 States ac- counted for 95 percent of the irrigated potato acreage. The largest acreage of irrigated pasture, 8,373 acres, was reported for Mississippi. Thirteen States, 10 Southern and three Northern, had 92 percent of the irrigated pasture in the 28 States. Irrigated corn was not concentrated in any particular State. Missouri, with 7,339 acres irrigated, reported the largest acreage. Thirteen States reported 1,000 acres or more of ir- rigated corn. Eighty- seven percent of the irrigated cotton acreage was reported for Mississippi. Approximately one-third of the irrigated tobacco acreage was in North Carolina. Eight States— North Carolina, Con- necticut, Kentucky, Georgia, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Vir- ginia, and South Carolina had 98 percent of the irrigated tobacco acreage for the 28 States. New Jersey with 5,159 acres had the largest irrigated acreage of tomatoes. T^e acreage used for cranberry production, all considered as irrigated land, was not included in the survey of irrigation in humid areas. For the 28 States included, the 1954 Census of Agriculture reported that 1,134 farmers harvested cran- XII IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS berries from 22,598 acres of land, were as follows: The figures, by States State Farms reporting Acres 28 States 1,134 22,598 Maine 8 11 New Hampshire 1 1 Massachusetts 817 12,889 Connecticut 4 36 New York 3 101 New Jersey 146 5,727 Wisconsin 150 3.798 Minnesota 5 35 The number of farms reporting and the acreage of cran- berries harvested in 1955 was probably about the same as in 1954. Number of times crops were irrigated.— Operators of ap- proximately one-fourth of the farms reported irrigating two times; a fourth reported irrigating five or more times; 20 percent of the farms reported irrigating three times; 18 per- cent irrigated one time; and 12 percent irrigated four times. Not only the frequency and amount of rainfall, but also the length of growing season, soil type, and root system of crops irrigated influenced significantly the number of times water was applied. Cotton and corn were irrigated fewer times in 1955 than hay, tobacco, pasture, Irish potatoes, nursery and flower crops. On nearly 80 percent of the farms cotton and corn were irrigated only one or two times during 1955. Legality of water rights.— While a challenge regarding the legality of water rights was reported by only 2 percent of the operators of 14,541 farms in the 1955 survey, this aspect of irrigation may be much more significant than is indicated by the small number of farms reporting. Some of the reports on the challenge of the legality of the right to use water, may have in- volved legal action, although no information is available re- garding the exact number of such cases. The reports on water rights were not restricted to cases where legal action had been taken but included oral and other threats of legal action as well. Farmers who used streams for water reported most of the cases involving a question of legal rights. Laws are more restrictive with respect to the use of streams than other sources of water supply in most of the 28 States. Forty-four percent of those reporting a challenge of the legality of water rights re- ported the source of water as "streams only." More than one-fourth of the farmers who reported a challenge of the legality of water rights were operators of farms on which irrigation began in 1954 or later. On approximately one-fourth of the farms reporting a challenge of legality of water rights, irrigation was begun during the period 1951-1953. Almost three- fifths of those reporting the legality of water rights questioned, reported the use of constructed reservoirs. IRRIGATED LAND IN FARMS ACREAGE , 1954 I D0T=200 ACRES (COUNTY UNIT BASIS) UNITED STATES TOTAL 29.552.155 U S DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE I DOT= 10,000 ACRES (COUNTY UlMIl BASIS) MAP NO A54-200 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS XIII XIV IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS ALABAMA ACREAGE IRRIGATED, 1954 ID0T=20 ACRES U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE MAP NO. A54-29I BUREAU OF THE CENSUS IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS XV ARKANSAS ACREAGE IRRIGATED. 1954 ID0T=200 ACRES U S DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE MAP NO. A94-29e BUREAU OF THE CENSUS XVT IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS 3 W o I- I- UJ en o < if) < < ^J- »> ID o 0^ 2 < o _l liJ en 1- < o UJ q: Q (T o ^^" T' ijj cc < UJ 1- q: o < o h- o UJ ^ 2 o o it IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS XVII 10 3 CO z P^a=*^ III ) ^3— '"^^^^^ UJ / / • 1 ^^^^fcv *~ >v ^#^ l*- . * • * * .^*\^ *^ O ^"T"^ * • I ,' •" • . ^^\j~^ , '^^— ^ 3 ;."•" • '»'',"/ ^\. . . • \ /. ' • •"".■ .'.•'• .-l .••'■••••r^^^^ ^"^/^ X ^ ^^^023 ^ 1 ^ — v^ ^ ^ 1 • / a o z < ^ -1 ID >- 2} q: < o o UJ (0 UJ a: o < UJ cr i -I UJ o UJ o < UJ o < o (M O O 412488 0-57-2 XVIII IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS FLORIDA ACREAGE IRRIGATED. 1954 ID0T=200 ACRES .^- U S DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE MAP NO A54-S95 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS XIX GEORGIA ACREAGE IRRIGATED. 1954 I DOT =20 ACRES u s. oepuTuENT or coawme MAP NO A54-CM •UREAU or THE CCHSUS XX IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS ILLINOIS ACREAGE IRRIGATED, 1954 I DOT =20 ACRES U S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE MAP NO. AS4-297 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS XXI INDIANA ACREAGE IRRIGATED. 1954 I DOT= 20 ACRES U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE MAP NO. AS4-Z98 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS XXII IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS XXIII W^/ r I\^ / <^ V / ^. ^s. j^ * \ I v ji^^^^V \ ^xT^ 1^^*''^^-^ •• I >-^-v>— ^ sr - lO > — C » ^ ^/"X/ ^1 ,"t * f^ ^j^ / * • \ 1 /"'^ c^ * Q 1 ^ Iv-» W / ,* k \ J / A^ -.^^ >- UJ •* (^^- \ V^ § o < )[j/^Xl_A/o xi^'- / ^^^ /( ^ O VftK« 1 \^ ' •l>'vJ i/ / ' ^1 \ h- tr ^A •' \ Ji T^-*"-r' ' . ' i z 0£ ^ "V^ ^►' ) \ \ 111 < UJ tr. >T^MK^ o i^ ^_j . *, Cv / • ^^ < 'iC .V r^ *\ CO <;< \V^. \ V"^^-"' .• UJ c^ ^ \^V'^v-L- 1 (T A_^ H jiV*^^^ O V ^-'^-:^^ < o ^^--^ hi /^ ••• CVJ n / , a /^-^ , ' , ^ V 1 J j • s o xy'sAv ^ o /I i C 1 " — ^»0 5 ^i at 3 XXIV IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS LOUISIANA ACREAGE IRRIGATED. 1954 D0T=200 ACRES U S DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE WAP MO. A94-50I BUREAU OF THE CENSUS IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS XXV MAINE ACREAGE IRRIGATED, 1954 I DOT = 20 ACRES U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE MAP NO. A94-302 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS XXVI IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS MICHIGAN ACREAGE IRRIGATED. 1954 I DOT =20 ACRES U S DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE MAP NO *S4- 309 CAU OF THE CENSUS IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS XXVII MINNESOTA ACREAGE IRRIGATED, 1954 I DOT" 20 ACRES U S DEPMTMENT OF COHHERCE y*P NO. A94-504 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS XXVIII IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS MISSISSIPPI ACREAGE IRRIGATED. 1954 ID0T=200 ACRES U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COKMERCE MAP NO. A54-309 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS XXIX MISSOURI ACREAGE IRRIGATEU 1954 I DOT = 20 ACRES U S OEPARTMCNT OF COWUEftCC HAP NO. AM-90* SUREAU OF THE CENSUS XXX IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS NEW HAMPSHIRE AND VERMONT ACREAGE IRRIGATED. 1954 DOT= 20 ACRES U & OEMRTHCNT OF COHHEIICC HAP NO AS*- 907 auKCAU Of THE CENSUS IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS XXXI NEW JERSEY ACREAGE IRRIGATED. 1954 I DOT = 20 ACRES U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE MAP NO. A54-30e BUREAU OF THE CENSUS XXXII IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS NEW YORK ACREAGE IRRIGATED. 1954 DOT =20 ACRES us DCPARTMENT OF COHHEIICe y«P HO *54-S0» BUREAU OF THE CEHSUS IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS XXXIII -=^ ^ IT) < a> 2 Ij o o H cr < < O o (T q: 33 S UJ O UJ z cc o < i a. < UJ a: o < _l o >- rr 6 s.'se'i 133,378 351 1.2,821 272 16,166 111 8,1.93 90 7,229 6S 1,262 70 11., 699 6,198 21.1,052 5,697 202,91.2 166 10,321. lAl 21,81.6 ■16 1,982 3B 3,956 560 19,353 iigit 17,31.0 2,1.62 2,1.11 1.5 6 649 123 18 2,013 1*9,1*88 1*7,028 965 1,1*95 5,694 5,781 255 3,389 2,501 31.1 283 1*2 87 67 68 5,121 1*,1*58 152 1*18 58 35 1*90 1*27 2,21*1* 2,191. 1.5 5 61*3 95 15 210,031* 120,21*2 1*1*, 231* 15,989 9,226 5,965 1,595 12,783 198,272 161,193 10,31.5 20,1.77 2,210 4,01.7 18,822 16,757 2,065 49,191 46,992 1,043 1,156 5,772 4,855 549 260,962 151,362 53,809 19,871 9,945 7,528 2,496 15,951 286,049 240,292 12,674 25,608 2,462 5,013 24,719 22,398 2,321 61,335 58,521 1,257 1,557 6,565 6,374 243 3,657 2,713 369 299 43 95 67 71 6,607 5,873 176 453 64 41 613 544 69 2,580 2,527 47 6 66 124 15 428 9 232 182 161 101 60 458 304 35 104 141 299 263 263 1,054 812 538 48 130 85 167 126 41 956 37 645 400 35 160 321 1 250 250 830 10 707 533 174 1,008 40 652 411 31 160 89 185 438 1 360 360 17,588 5,979 3,863 885 580 147 188 99 217 7,754 6,683 239 648 99 85 726 641 85 2,823 58 7 81 143 17 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 3.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, BY SOURCE OF WATER, BY STATES: 1955— Continued state and source of water (see text) Niimber of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 Area irrigated Farms reporting reporting Largest acreage irrigated in any year (acres) Pumps, 1955 Farms reporting Kaasacbueetts Wells and combinatlona of wells with other sources Wells only Wells and streams only Wells and springs only Wells and lakes only Wells and city only Wells in combinations with other sources Streams and combinations of streams with other sources (except wells ) Stresms only Streams and lakes only Streams and springs only Streams and c Ity only Streams In combination with other sources I^jces and combinations of lakes with other sources (except wells and streams ) Lakes only Lakes and spring and combinations of lakes with other sources Springs and combinations of springs with other sources (except wells, streams, and lakes) Springs only Springs and c Ity only City and combination of city with other sources (except wells, streams, lakes, and springs) Sources not reported Rhode Island Wells and combinations of wells with other sources Wells only Streams and combinations of streams with other sources (except wells ) Streams only Streams and lakes only Lakes and combinations of lakes with other sources (except wells and streams ) Lakes only Springs and combinations of springs with other sources (except wells, streams, and lakes) Springs only City and combination of city with other sources (except wells, streams, lakes, and springs) Connecticut Wells and combinations of wells with other sources Wells only Wells and streams only Wells and springs only Wells , s tream£^ and springs only Wells in combinations with other sources Streams and combinations of streams with other sources (except wells ) Streams only Streams and lakes only Streams and springs only Streams and c ity only Streams in combination with other sources lAkes and combinations of lakes with other sources (except wells and streams ) Lakes only Lakes and springs and combinations of lakes with other sources Springs and combinations of springs with other sources ( except wells , streams , and lakes ) Springs only Springs and city only City and combination of city with other sources (except wells, streams, lakes, and springs) Other sources Soxu-ce not reported 1.78 56 26 9 6 5 It 6 163 119 8 Ik 17 5 117 h 328 185 133 18 23 6 5 26 2k 1.38 52 23 9 5 5 li 6 151 110 8 13 15 5 110 k 301 172 122 17 23 5 5 22 21 9,627 697 170 182 96 57 26 166 k,6k9 2,610 390 2't3 569 837 1,727 1,307 1,398 1,051 3''7 1,122 3k 968 28 571 391 180 163 163 176 96 12,397 2,138 123 12 187 1,255 561 7,'»73 3,967 l,lllt 1,007 251 1,1311 1,067 1,01*0 1,566 l,39i» 132 Ult2 51 25 7 5 5 k 5 150 112 7 13 Ik k 111 3 175 12lt 17 23 6 5 9,895 7ltl 195 213 99 62 1*,1.83 3,152 188 2I1O 553 350 1,717 1,290 1*27 1,682 1,333 3't9 l,2lt8 21* 683 2k 21 1*7 257 190 117 37 13,056 1,702 21 17 214 1,161. 286 8,203 3,812 l,611i l,20l> 331 l,2ll2 1,173 1,131 1,773 l,6oii 129 130 15 60 12,031 892 2i»7 229 113 62 29 212 6,069 3,788 llOlt 31*7 680 850 1,886 1,337 51.9 1,915 1,428 li87 1,230 39 1,201* 689 1*29 260 231* 231* 225 11*5 11*, 579 2,261 125 15 269 1,261* 588 9,065 1*,620 1,601 1,259 338 1,21*7 1,167 1,112 1,921 1,710 171 U6 15 31* 159 117 8 13 16 5 311 21 7 3 5 2 1* 185 133 18 23 6 5 26 21. 212 150 10 9 1.3I. 1*9 7 6 9 18 9 261 150 37 36 10 28 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 3.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, BY SOURCE OF WATER, BY STATES: 1955— Continued state and aource of water (see text) new York Wells and cdnbinationa of wells with other sources Wells only Wells and streams only Wells and springs only Wells , streams . and springs only Wells and lakes only Wells and city only Wells in combinations with other sources Streams and ccmbinations of streams with other sources (except wells } Streams only Streams and lakes only Streams and springs only Stresms and city only Streams in combination with other sources lakes and combinations of lakes with other sources (except wells and streams ) Lakes only Lakes and springs and combinations of lakes with other sources Springs and combinations of springs with other sources (except wells, streams, and lakes) Springs only Springs and city only City and combination of city with other sources (except wells, streams, lakes, and springs) Other sources Source not reported New Jersey Wells and combinations of wells with other sources Wells only Wells and streams only Well£ and springs only Wells, streams, and springs only Wells and lakes only Wells and city only Wells in combinations with other sources Streams snd combinations of Btreams with other sources (except wells ) Streams only Streams and lakes only Streams and springs only Streams and city only Streams in combination with other sources Lakes and combinations of lakes with other sources (except wells and streams ) Lakes only I^kes and springs and combinations of lakes with other sources Springs and combinations of springs with other sources (except wells, streams, and lakes) Springs only City and combination of city with other sources (except wells, streams, lakes, and springs) Other sources Source not reported Pennsylvania Wells and combinations of wells with other sources Wells only Wells and streams only Wells and springs only Wella, streams, and springs only Wells and lakes only Wella and city only Streams and combinations of streams with other sources (except wells) Streams only Streams and lakea only Streams and springs only Streams and city only Streams in combination with other sources lakes and combinations of lakes with other sources (except wells and stresms ) lakes only Springs and combinations of springs with other sources (except wells, streams, and lakes) Springs only Springs and city only City and combination of city with other sources (except wells, streams, lakes, and springs) Other sources Number of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 1,2« 586 1.85 23 111 5 13 10 9 27'' 220 187 183 3 156 26 2 l.ltSS 612 '•53 61 58 5 13 15 lt52 373 223 223 100 6 3 669 81 39 16 13 It 2 6 395 2 38 3 3 110 106 3 Area irrigated Farms reporting 1,191 553 It 56 23 38 5 13 9 9 250 201 11 25 6 7 172 168 3 llt2 2lt 2 559 lil8 55 51 It 12 12 7 ltl7 3lt6 8 53 205 205 52,lt67 31,977 26,3^6 938 2,211l 1*33 935 I188 623 10,808 8,3l»5 7I19 836 368 510 1,752 1,603 llt9 lt,3lt6 65 1,653 1,759 106 50,855 22,883 9,979 7,339 3,060 311 892 175 1,127 18,87lt lit, 288 652 3,269 206 I159 Farms reporting 786 198 6,998 6,998 1,012 T3 31 16,792 78 1,618 38 581* 15 kk9 13 IllO It 87 1 27 6 31. It23 11,666 378 9,9711 2 3lt 37 l,ll2lt 3 lllO 3 94 5 1,526 5 1,526 108 1,779 lOlt 1,650 3 29 27 100 3 103 1,231 176 173 3 1I17 26 2 1,353 587 1'33 59 56 5 13 U 7 lt28 351 8 57 10 2 211 211 569 73 31* 15 12 3 2 6 367 322 2 38 2 3 58,lt7lt 573 3l«,l65 lt77 ?r,896 21 l,l61t 39 2,575 5 472 12 872 10 It86 9 700 257 13,281 205 9,995 12 9lt8 25 1,068 7 lilit 8 856 50 2,ltltll Itl 2,280 1611 It, 707 lt,61i2 65 1,675 2,096 106 57,923 26,it06 10,909 9,151 3,71*5 476 798 205 1,122 21,061t 15,9119 612 3,616 296 591 1,093 907 186 8,165 8,165 1,075 9lt 26 17,52it l,53lt U22 528 399 8li 32 37 12,203 10,282 60 l,6k7 92 122 1,869 1,869 1,759 V567 Its lOll 55 Largest acreage irrigated in any year (acres) 62,lt7lt 35,763 29,188 1,189 2,732 I19O 971 I19I 702 111, 390 11,078 935 1,096 1.25 856 2,562 2,31*5 5,lt88 5,1*02 85 2,032 2,133 106 60,830 26,962 11,129 9,301 3,910 1*92 761 220 1,1A9 22,861i 17,227 690 3,977 379 591 1,31*9 l,lltl 208 8,lt98 8,lt98 1,021 95 Itl 21,567 1,9*2 686 635 1*25 9lt 32 38 lit, 626 12,1*55 51* 1,775 152 190 2,561 2,561 2,178 2,005 23 135 125 Pumps, 1955 Farms reporting 585 lt8it 23 Itl 5 13 10 9 272 219 12 27 7 7 187 183 3 9 26 1 1,336 609 lt51 61 58 5 13 14 7 1*51 372 222 222 629 1*35 389 2 38 3 3 loi* 101 2' 1,533 867 656 58 81* 12 27 lit 16 338 263 lit 37 10 lit Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 331* 225 221 3 997 616 171 130 14 29 15 22 570 1*39 13 97 16 5 269 269 75* 131 51* 32 27 5 3 9 1*95 1*29 2 55 5 It 112 108 3 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 3.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, BY SOURCE OF WATER, BY STATES: 1955— Continued state and Boiirce of water (eee text) Number of farms reporting Irrigation, 1955 Area irrigated Farms reporting Farms reporting Largest acreage irrigated in any year (acres) Pumps, 1955 Farms reporting li'arms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc, for storing water, 1955 Ohio WellB and combinations of welle with other sources WeUs only VellB and streams only Wells and springs only Wells, streams, and springs only Wells and lakes only Wells and city only WellB In combinations with other sources Streams and combinations of streams with other sources (except wells) Streams only Streams and lakes only Streams and springs only Streams and city only Lakes and combinations of lakes with other BourceB (except wells and streams ) I^kes only lAkes and springs and combinations of lakes with other sources Springs and comblnatlonB of springs with other sources (except wellB, streams, and lakes) Springs only City and combination of city with other sources (except wells, streams, lakes, and springs ) Other sources Indiana Wells and combinations of wells with other sources Wells only Wells and streams only Wells, streams, and springs only WellB and city only Streams and combinations of streams with other sources ( except wells ) Streems only Streams and springs only Streams in combination with other sources Springs and combinations of springs with other sources (except wells, streams, and lakes) Springs only City and combination of city with other sourceB (except wells, streams, lakes, and springs) Other sources Illinois Wells and combinations of wells with other sources Wells only WellB and streams only Wells and lakes only WellB in combinations with other sources Streams and combinations of streams with other sources (except wells) Streams only Streams and lakes only Steams and springs only lAkes and combinations of lakes with other sources (except wells and streams ) Lakes only Springs and combinations of springs with other sources (except WellB, streams, and lakes) Springs only City and combination of city with other sources (except wells, streams, lakes, and springs) Other BourceB 21(6 180 2k 22 3 k 6 7 207 179 2 18 7 3it8 ll»5 130 9 S 123 116 li 3 176 1.7 232 170 23 20 3 It 6 6 201 173 2 18 7 Zko 139 125 9 2 1 122 115 k 3 13,786 5,5''9 3,286 1,260 351 1U3 101 37U 5,373 l4,603 60 532 IM 387 337 50 l,52lt 1,520 381 572 5,97lt 2,5W 1,267 2,0l«7 k 5,276 lt,869 363 525 519 16 1,110 5,351 1,716 1,507 86 39 71. 1,630 T19 62 5I19 177 177 1,560 360 26 2ll2 575 232 170 22 21 3 I* 5 7 177 153 1 16 7 262 135 120 9 2 152 12,622 5,900 3,365 1,325 422 193 98 32 lt65 '•,377 3,7M 10 1.85 13l» 12ll 72 1,387 1,383 363 i»71 10,357 5,968 2,193 1,077 2,520 5 2,918 2,618 231* 66 529 529 13 929 li,632 16,132 6,706 3, 71'* 1,762 k26 193 102 1>3 '166 6,283 5,336 60 727 125 373 3li2 1,760 1,760 U60 550 Ik, 999 7,3'tO 3,02lt 1,518 2,520 5 5,821i 5,393 365 66 695 689 18 1,122 6,097 i,8oit l,''73 158 81 92 2,081t 1,735 158 8it 97 1,35't 5W. 72 1*18 1,787 835 107 51.5 210 210 252 252 1,097 297 1,681< it&t 26 lH 25 265 2115 180 2l» 22 3 k 5 7 206 179 2 17 7 338 IW 129 9 2 2 122 115 It 3 7't6 351. 236 36 Uli 6 8 6 18 2lt2 203 2 26 9 lilt 113 I1I15 239 191 27 16 2 128 121 It 3 125 102 8 6 8 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 3.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES. BY SOURCE OF WATER, BY STATES: 1955— Con tin ued state and source of water (aee text) Number of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 Area irrigated Farms reporting Farms reporting Largest acreage Irrigated In any year (acres) Pumps, 1955 Farms reporting Farms reporting reservoirs, dajss, etc., for storing water, 1955 Wisconsin Wells and combinations of wells with other sources Wells only Wells and streams only Wells and springs only Wells, streams, and springs only Wells and lalces only Streams and combinations of streams with other sources (except wells ) Streams only Streams and lakes only Streams and springs only Streams in combination with other sources Lakes and combinations of lakes with other sources (except wells and streams) lakes only Lakes and springs and comhinations of lakes with other sources Springs and ccanblnations of springs with other sources (except wells, streams, and lajces) Springs only City and combination of city with other sources (except wells, streams, lakes, and springs) Other sources Source not reported Michigan Wells and ccmbinatlons of wells with other sources Wells only Wells and streams only Wells and springs only Wells, streams. and springs only Wells and lakes only Wells and city only Wells in combinations with other sources Streams and combinations of streams with other sources (except wells ) Streams only Streams and lakes only Streams and springs only Streams and city only Streams In combination with other sources Lakes and combinations of lakes with other sources (except wells and streams ) Lakes only lakes and springs and combinations of lakes with other sources Springs and combinations of springs with other sources (except wells, streams, and lakes) Springs only Springs and city only City and combination of city with other sources (except wells, streams, lakes, and springs) Other sources Source not reported Minnesota Wells and combinations of wells with other sources Wells only Wells and streams only Wells and springs only Wells and lakes only Wells and city only ■ Wells in canbinations with other sources Streams and combinations of streams with other sources (except wells ) Streams only Streams and springs only Lakes and combinations of lakes with other sources (except wells and streams ) Lakes only Springs and ccmbinatlons of springs with other sources (except wells, streams, and lakes) Springs only City and combination of city with other sources (except wells, streams, lakes, snd springs) Other sources Source not reported 295 66 53 3 3 1 5 121 91. 17 363 271 36 29 3 16 2 6 hhh 380 22 37 3 15* 136 169 165 3 176 150 13 It 3 2 3 266 111 85 16 325 2I12 32 25 3 16 2 5 390 333 20 31* 2 1 138 121 152 li»9 2511 163 lito n It 3 2 3 10,lt90 1,638 1,225 23 60 12 298 5,988 2,509 2,581 688 210 990 938 1,775 1.775 20,605 7,697 l.,83li 1,491 638 127 It79 6 122 7,706 6,639 ltlt7 560 18 lt2 2,lt66 1,9^6 2,WtO 2,280 10 83 208 5 7,1*23 lt,776 It, 057 353 Wi 220 26 76 1,598 1,515 83 700 698 96 96 1.6 20lt 3 61t 51 3 3 1 5 112 85 17 332 2Wt 3l> 29 3 16 2 1. ItOlt 3't3 22 3lt 3 2 llt7 129 18 158 ISk 3 2I16 166 llil 12 It 3 2 3 12,835 2,086 l,ii23 358 111 6 223 6,721 3,130 2,561 701 329 1,330 1,295 35 2,257 2,257 50 71 320 23,931 8,9ltO 5,535 1,683 913 12U 588 6 91 8,922 7,510 550 71*6 I16 70 3,047 2,371 676 2,770 2,593 27 77 170 5 7,392 5,221 4,299 It22 60 200 31 155 1,214 1,138 76 648 636 13,514 2,188 1,715 23 85 15 315 7,623 3,990 2,527 706 400 1,225 1,161 2,347 2,347 54 77 27,768 10,153 6,306 2,237 863 129 465 6 147 10,617 9,018 634 830 53 82 3,483 2,836 45 168 647 3,144 2,967 2? 81 285 5 9,168 5,812 4,761 485 74 240 41 157 2,071 1,987 84 672 660 113 113 121 172 7 65 52 3 3 1 5 121 94 17 1,132 360 269 35 29 3 16 2 6 439 375 22 37 3 2 154 136 167 163 3 264 176 150 13 4 3 2 3 85 64 6 3 1 10 160 111 32 13 4 1,365 520 346 71 48 6 27 2 20 483 404 27 44- 6 2 170 149 179 175 3 382 279 231 26 6 4 3 6 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 3.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED. SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, BY SOURCE OF WATER, BY STATES: 1955— Continued Number of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 Area Irrigated Largest acreage Irrigated in any year (acres) Pumps 1955 Farms reporting 1954 1955 Farms reporting number reservoirs, dams, etc.. Farms reporting Acres Farms reporting Acres for storing water, 1955 ica 70 59 2 5 3 20 16 2 2 1 5 5 5 580 l6k 138 10 5 5 2 k 288 273 13 8 7 55 k9 6 53 12 62 16 12 2 2 31 25 3 3 1^ n U 173 25 ll* k k 2 102 80 13 8 10 8 2 26 28 7 1 83 53 1>3 2 5 3 20 16 2 2 1 5 5 >• 558 155 130 10 it 5 2 k 282 267 13 6 5V 1(8 6 1.9 12 59 15 12 2 1 30 2lt 3 3 1> It 10 10 153 23 12 It It 2 91 69 13 8 9 7 2 2k 2lt 5 1 1,996 l,llt5 811 32 197 105 756 615 38 103 2 76 76 17 33,315 16,038 13,261 1,579 1<3 309 It 81t2 llt,7lt9 lit, 129 559 226 216 1,001 969 32 ito9 892 5,180 1,156 828 208 120 2,807 2,091 263 "■53 1.47 lilt7 770 770 7,2lt7 599 107 2Ult l81t 9 5,970 3,9W 751 1,215 251* 198 56 lt05 I105 16 3 95 69 58 2 5 3 17 11. 1 2 1 It It U 1.18 127 107 8 1. 3 1 1. 181 168 11 5 1. 1.8 1.2 6 51 6 58 16 12 2 2 27 21 3 3 1. 1. 11 n 150 21 u 1. 3 2 91 70 12 8 10 8 2 23 23 5 2,838 1,860 1,181. 30 U77 151 891. 767 60 67 1. 66 66 lit 21,355 10,985 9,291 1,051 60 59 1 523 8,371. 7,686 627 167 157 952 911 1*1 1.85 392 6,31.3 1,988 1,321. 2a 383 2,911 2,078 278 555 1.75 1.75 969 969 8,133 585 113 2lt7 106 9 6,9*5 l.,288 1,301. 1,291 233 197 36 351 351 19 2,912 1,739 1,073 39 1.77 150 1,059 873 80 106 It 78 78 32 35,822 17,689 l'>,775 1,683 71 311. It 81.2 16,01.6 15,268 715 to9 399 1,21.7 1,200 1.7 1.61 970 6,1.67 1,967 1,303 281 383 3,131. 2,1.51 278 1.05 I190 1.90 876 876 9,663 662 125 21.9 181. 9 8,182 5,176 1,1.52 1,U92 306 250 56 1.91. 1.9I1 16 3 96 70 59 2 5 3 20 16 2 2 1 5 5 521 163 138 10 5 5 1 U 281. 269 13 8 7 1.2 6 6 12 62 16 12 2 2 31 25 3 3 1. It 11 11 16I1 25 lit It It 2 100 79 13 7 10 8 2 28 28 "1 lUl m 81 5 12 6 23 19 2 2 2 5 5 639 231 181. 21 10 8 1 7 326 9 8 53 1.5 8 6 ll. 77 25 17 1. 1. 37 28 1. 5 1. It 11 11 199 35 16 8 5 1. 12U 87 18 16 10 S 2 29 29 1 15 1. 1. StreamB and conibliiatlona of streams vlth other Bources 6 5 1 Lakes and combinations of lakes vltta other BOTirces (except Springs and cosibinatlons of springs vlth other sourceB (except wells, streams, and laJtes) 5 5 (except wells, streamB, laJEes, and springs) 115 25 11 5 It Wells and lakes only 3 1 1 Streams and combinations of streams with other sources 52 1.7 5 Springs and combinations of springs with other sources 37 32 5 City and ccBublnatlon of city with other sources (except wells, streams, lakes, and springs) "i 39 8 5 1 2 20 15 Streams and lakes only 2 3 lAkes and combinations of lakes with other sources (except lAkes only u. 11 92 11 It 2 1. Streams and combinaUons of streams with other sources 50 33 Streams and lakes only 9 7 Lakes and combinations of lakes with other sources (except wells and streams) 5 1. 1 Springs and combinations of springs with other sources (except wellB, streams, and lakes) 26 26 City and combination of city with other sources (except wells, streams, lakes, and springs) IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 3.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, BY SOURCE OF WATER, BY STATES: 1955— Con tin ued state and source of water (aee text) Virginia Wells and combinationa of wells with other sources Wells only Wells and streams only Wella and springs only Wella and lakes only Wells and city only Streams and combinations of streams with other sources (except wella ) Streams only Streams and lakes only Streams and springs only Lakes and combinations of lakes with other sources (except wells and streams ) , I^kes only , Lakes and springs and combinations of lakes with other sources , Springs and combinations of springs with other sources (except wella, streams, and lakes) Springs only , City and combination of city with other sources (except wells, streams, lakes, and springs) , West Virginia Wells and combinations of wells with other sources Streams and combinations of streams with other sources (except wells ) , Streams only , Springs and ccmbin&tlons of springs with other sources (except wells, streams, and lakes) , Springs only , North Carolina , Wells and combinations of wells with other sources Wells only Wells and s treama only Wells and springs only Wells and city only Wells in combinations with other soxirces Streaoa and combinations of streams with other sources (except wells) Streams only Streams and lakes only Streams and springs only Streams In combination with other sources lAkes and combinations of lakes with other sources (except wells and streams ) Lakes only Lakes and springs and combinations of lakes with other sources Springs and ccmbinationa of springs with other sources (except wells, stresms, and lakes) Springs only City and combination of city with other sources (except wells, streams, lakes, and springs) Other sources Source not reported South Carolina Wells and combinations of wella with other sources Wells only Wells and streams only Wells and springs only Wells, streams, and springs only Wells and city only Wells in combinationa with other sources Streams and combinations of streams with other sources (except wells ) Streams only Streams and lakes only Streams and springs only Lakes and combinationa of lakes with other sources (except wells and streams ) Lakes only Springs and combinationa of springs with other sources (except wella, streams, and lakes) Springs only City and combination of city with other sources (except wells, streams, lakes, and springs) Other sources Number of farms reporting irrigation J 1955 5^*5 1*8 33 7 315 281 5 29 162 162 1,590 939 87'* 13 50 2 52^ 522 9 2 1 i*9J* 75 kl 6 17 k 3 k 272 230 3 39 135 135 Area irrigated Farms reporting 308 275 5 28 152 152 22,887 961t 222 167 1132 102 Itl 16,770 ll.,633 230 1,907 695 322 373 '•,'>35 ''Mi 29 l.lOll 1 15 21 19 962 919 7 7 127 127 51.7 27, US 96 &> 13 13 2 2 2,li09 1,142 81H 212 3 133 916 852 13 50 1 17,383 is.uee 371 1,530 16 17 12 359 222 137 506 50l> 6,939 6,917 9 2 1 13 30 2 I.T5 21,52lt 72 39 5 17 k 3 It It,lt72 1,681 107 809 lit6 22 1,707 268 226 3 39 13,689 10,361 629 2,699 It 3 65 56 12lt 12ll 2,997 2,997 6 1 2itl 60 Farms reporting 1(26 ItO 27 7 2 2 2 238 210 3 25 132 132 6 6 1,197 88 56 13 13 2 2 6I19 592 U It6 U38 1(36 350 67 35 5 16 It 3 It 170 135 2 33 lOli loll I6,li65 857 158 95 I186 77 Ul 11,081 9,3ltli llto 1,597 662 336 326 3,850 3,850 973 20 826 778 127 127 21,350 2,333 983 990 178 5 108 12,5l»3 11,201 227 1,115 270 199 6,177 6,ll»9 16,50U It, 681. l,73l» 121 652 115 17 2,Olt5 9, 364 7,343 277 1,744 2,346 2,346 Largest acreage Irrigated in any year (acres) 24,738 1,054 211 190 526 86 41 17,926 15,573 214 2,139 750 441 309 4,988 4,988 1,176 20 1,026 978 130 130 30,874 2,653 1,315 864 258 5 133 19,755 17,631 379 1,659 86 365 225 8,056 8,022 13 30 2 25,901 5,583 2,132 139 989 146 22 2,155 15,928 12,275 7U 2,909 208 195 3,880 3,880 242 60 Pumps, 1955 Farms reporting 537 47 32 7 4 2 2 311 277 5 29 16 11 161 161 5 5 1,559 94 61 14 13 2 2 923 859 13 49 2 522 520 1 2 474 74 41 6 17 4 3 3 258 216 3 39 135 135 630 73 44 14 9 2- 4 365 317 6 42 170 170 6 6 1,752 148 89 27 20 3 7 ,013 934 13 64 2 reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 569 566 612 126 65 7 35 5 3 11 309 254 4 51 170 170 10 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 3.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, BY SOURCE OF WATER, BY STATES. 1955— Continued state and soiirce of water (see text) Number of farms reporting Irrigation, 1955 Area Irrigated Farms reporting Farms reporting Largest acreage irrigated in any year (acres) Pumps, 1955 Farms reporting Farma reporting resenroirs, dams, etc* J for storing water, 1955 Georgia Well H and combinations of wells with other aourceB Wells only Wells and streams only Wells and springs only Wells, streams, and springs only Well s and lakes only Wells and city only , Wells In combinations with other sources Streams and combinatlonB of streams with other sources (except wells) Streams only Streams and springs only laJces and coniblnatlons of lakes with other Bources (except well B and streams ) • I^kes only Springs and combinations of springs with other sources (except veils, streams, and lakes) Springs only Springs and city only City and combination of city with other sources (except wells, streams, lakes, and springs) Other sources Kentucky Wells and combinations of wells with other sources We3J.8 only Wells and streams only Wells and springs only Wells and lakes only Streams Anri combinations of streams with other sources ( except wells ) Streams only Streams and lakes only Streams and springs only Streams and city only Lakes emd combinations of lakes with other sources (except wells and streams ) Lakes only Lakes and springs sjid combinations of lakes with other sources Springs and combinations of springs with other sources ( except well s , streams , and lakes ) ■ Springs only Springs and city only ■ City and combination of city with other sources (except wells, streams, lakes, and springs) Other sources Source not reported Tennessee * Wells and combinations of wells with other sources Wells only Wells and strecuns only Wells and springs only Wells and lakes only Streams and combinations of streams with other sources (except wells ) Streams onl y Streams and lakes only Streams and springs only Streams in combination with other sources lAkes and coniblnatlona of lakes with other sources (except wells and streams ) TAkes only Springs and combinations of springs with other sources (except wells, streams, and lakes) Springs only Springs and city only City and combination of city with other sources (except wells, streams, lakes, and springs) Other sources Source not imported 857 127 68 19 28 3 3 k 2 1>38 1*23 15 279 276 3 829 65 50 6 5 It 534 498 24 135 133 591 552 5 30 3 U7 63 6,870 2,405 IH 1,652 24 601 3 815 3 377 k 180 2 840 1*20 l4,o4o 405 12,773 15 1,267 3 19 2 14 253 3,701 251 3,601 2 100 7 k6 1 5 802 127 125 2 712 54 25 13 12 It 548 512 4 28 3 13,351 62 849 48 540 6 215 5 36 3 58 525 10,457 490 9,388 23 826 8 165 It 78 71 419 69 414 1,520 1,495 25 103 2 1 23,000 3,822 1,535 ltlt2 1,384 461 17,933 16,632 210 935 62 103 103 1,034 989 45 734 117 63 15 27 3 3 It 2 357 345 12 249 3 ltlt9 52 40 5 5 2 270 245 15 558 53 28 10 12 3 415 385 3 24 25,271 8,549 3,465 1,968 841t 941 375 206 750 12,545 11,867 678 4,093 3,927 166 6,313 657 410 175 31 41 4,275 3,696 397 138 Itit 196 196 1,121 1,096 25 64 16,819 2,425 1,510 371 369 175 13,342 12,068 201 953 20 874 834 40 32,581 10,047 3,800 2,015 l,04o 1,066 370 1,056 700 17,4l8 16,087 1,331 4,999 4,825 174 15,204 950 589 243 45 73 11,587 10,157 1,148 189 93 532 527 2,026 2,001 25 106 2 1 27,145 4,555 2,009 642 1,429 475 20,904 19,300 312 1,130 62 146 146 1.427 1,382 45 124 66 18 28 3 3 It 2 423 4o8 15 276 273 3 799 63 48 6 5 It 524 489 23 8 4 134 132 2 757 65 33 14 14 4 588 549 5 30 3 1,008 105 30 47 13 5 12 10 485 lt64 21 296 288 8 847 78 57 9 7 5 546 509 25 l4o 138 2 836 90 44 21 19 6 637 589 6 37 3 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS 11 Table 3.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, BY SOURCE OF WATER, BY STATES: 1955— Continued state and source of water (aee text) Number of farms reporting Irrigation^ 1955 Area irrigated Farms reporting Farms reporting Largest acreage Irrigated In any year (acres) PximpB, 1955 Farms reporting Farms reporting reservoirs, dams^ etc.^ for storing water, 1955 Alabama Wells and combinations of wells with other sources Wells only Wells and streams only Wells and springs only Wells, streams, and springs only Streams and combinations of streams with other sources (except wells ) Streams only Streams and springs only Streams In combination with other sources Springs and combinationa of springs with other sources (except wells, streams, and lakes) Springs only City and combination of city with other sources (except wells, streams, lakes, and springs) Other sources Hlsalaalppi Wells and combinations of wells with other sources Wells only Wells and streams only Wella and springs only Wells, streams, and springs only Wella and lakes only Wella In combinations with other sources Streams and combinations of streams with other sources (except wells ) Streams only Streams and lakes only Streams and springs only Lakea and combinations of lakes with other sources (except wella ana streams / - lAkes only Springs and combinations of springs with other sources (except wells, streams, and lakea) Springs only Other sources 19^ 182 8 3 1*01 286 71 18 6 11 396 379 6 188 176 8 3 897 15,^09 ^,576 2,693 1,320 21 537 9,877 9,2i*6 1*29 198 883 883 133,7i*3 195 9l»,liOO 282 53,^75 71 22,605 Itf 5,203 6 2.?n 10 2,7lA 7 7,793 192 33,09^ 175 31,563 6 61*5 11 886 51 ii,76l 53 '•,761 52 l,llio 51 1,128 1U7 139 6 1 638 332 226 66 18 6 9 6 aw 235 5 3M 12,61tl '•.777 2,785 1,228 80 679 6,8't9 6,it92 272 20 963 963 100,835 75,776 39,528 21,573 "•,275 2,395 2,090 5,912 21, '•29 20,262 '•55 712 2,802 2,802 710 688 118 18,353 5,623 3,190 1,65'« 80 69'^ ll,1^8l 10,781 '•37 198 1,160 1,160 151,772 106,2'»1 58,183 28,2'»7 5,802 2,785 3,008 8,213 37,976 36,282 6U6 l,0l^8 1,821 1,799 356 316 192 180 851 385 271 71 18 6 369 353 6 10 l6lt 127 25 2 9 223 209 10 3 1,591 929 '•93 258 50 38 63 535 508 9 18 US 30 u 2 3 72 63 6 2 27 27 265 85 '•S 21 13 3 138 130 1 7 140 '•0 12 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 4.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, AND COST OF IRRIGATION [Data on cost of irrigation systems were reported only for farms State and source of water (see text) Number of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 Area irrigated Farms reporting Farms reporting Largest acreage Irrigated in any year (acres) Punps, 1955 Farms reporting Total, 28 States. 2 Hells and combinations of veils vlth other sources . Wells only Wells and streams only Wells and springs only Wells, streams, end springs only Wells and lakes only. . Wells and city only Wells In combinations with other sources. Streams and combinations of streams with other sources (except wells) Streams only Streams and lakes only Streams and springs only Streams and c Ity only Streams in combination with other sources . . . Lakes and combinations of lakes with other sources (except wells and streams ) Lakes only Lakes and springs and combinations of lakes with other sources Springs onH combinations of springs with other sources (except walls, streams, and lakes).... Springs only Springs and c ity only Springs in combinations with other sources.. 31ty end combination of city with other sources (except wells, streams, lakes, and springs)... Other sources Source not reported Streams and ccnnbinatlons of streams with other sources (except wells) Streams only Streams and springs only Springs and combinations of springs with other sources (except wells, streams, and lakes) Springs only lity and combination of city with other sources (except wells, streams, lakes, and springs) — . New Hampshire Jells and combinations of wells with other sources. 3tresms and combliiations of streams with other sources (except wells) Streams only Streams and lakes only Streams and springs only Ijakes and combinations of lakes with other sources (except wells and streams ) Lakes only Springs and combinatlnns of springs with other sources (except wells, streams, and lakes).... Springs only Ity and combination of city with other sources (except wells, streams, lakes, and springs).... Streams and combinations of streams with other sources (except wells ) Streams only >ke8 and ccmbinations of lakes with other sources (except wells and stresos ) Lakes only Springs and combinations of springs with other sotnrces (except wells, streams, and lakes).... Springs only 6, Ml. l,00lt 650 122 II16 18 36 9 23 3,51*5 3,171 93 252 16 13 301 261 1,319 1,303 15 1 65 6 6,065 245,928 5,5'tl 220,062 295,15'' 6,207 956 622 U7 132 18 35 9 23 3,381. 3,027 89 21)2 13 IJ 275 238 1,238 1,223 lU 1 161* 62 6 16 73,701 38,282 12,035 7,1*75 5,215 1,992 31i 8,391 131,817 111*, 611 3.779 12,01*0 396 991 8,952 7,81*3 1,109 26, 6« 26,31*6 258 1.0 1,95* 2,797 63 91*2 609 113 138 18 32 9 23 2,901* 2,561 81. 235 11. 10 257 221 36 1,216 1,201 lU 1 167 50 5 71,179 36,185 12,661 7,51.0 5,577 1,1.90 338 7,388 108,217 92,292 3,752 10,857 358 958 6,933 7,721* 27,1*33 27,01.5 3I.8 1*0 1,919 2,31.3 58 88,501 1*5,281* 16,633 9,361 6,206 2,201* 31*2 8,1.71 156,838 136,071. l.,828 ll*,22l. 1.99 1,213 11,528 10,252 1,276 32,81*9 32,1*39 370 1*0 2,312 3,089 37 1,002 61*9 122 ll*6 18 36 8 23 3.512 3,139 93 251 16 13 138 100 76 22 11. 510 21. 387 250 18 101. uo 267 232 232 371* 2I.6 128 685 21* 550 322 16 160 1*9 275 206 206 1.83 1.21. 251. 170 718 24 560 332 16 160 31*1 266 266 300 260 1,301* 1,286 15 1 7,530 1,65't 911 2I.7 250 69 61. H 99 3,988 3.1*98 107 329 23 31 31*3 295 1,1*50 1,1*28 21 1 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS 13 SYSTEMS, FOR FARMS REPORTING COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, BY SOURCE OF WATER, BY STATES: 1955 reporting irrigation beginning in 19*16 or later. See text] Cost of irrigation equipiDent Cost of leveling and ditching Cost of constructing reservoirs, etc., for storing water and for drilling wells Per farm (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 195* (dollars) Famis reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars ) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) 35,5*5,680 5,5't2 llt5 6,382 27,ltT7,3W< '•,305 693 826,it88 1,193 3.36 3,696 7,2'H,8'i8 1,859 29. It; 9,6oit,87't 5,212,391 l,601,li92 1,165,709 730,770 292,552 58,000 SI'S, 960 17,518,958 111,836,506 563, S^S 1,800,990 60,502 257,'*15 1,211,091 1,026,631 I81»,li60 6,61*1,6711 6,555,731 81,5113 li,li00 268,719 289,1511 11,210 9,567 8,019 13,127 7,9611 110,598 8,126 6, Will 23,650 li,9li2 11,679 6,060 7,lli7 3,781 19,801 li,02li 3,933 5,035 5,031 5,1136 ll.llOO i,5iiii U,iiii9 1,668 130 136 133 156 liio 1I17 186 65 133 129 1I19 150 153 260 135 131 2ll9 2119 316 110 138 103 178 ,0011 650 122 II16 18 36 9 23 3,522 3,1118 93 252 16 13 301 261 1,310 1,2911 15 1 1711 65 6 6,1176,521 3,6111,236 l,OUO,583 7lili,312 5112,773 191,167 iili,150 299,300 lli,620,97li 12,578,751 1170,670 1,318,538 58,102 1911,913 1,133,226 980,766 152,ltll0 11,705,21111 11,639,366 62,878 3,000 265, nil 267,215 9,050 6,li51 5,560 8,529 5,098 30,1511 5,310 11,906 13,013 11,151 3,996 5,061 5,232 3,631 111, 993 3,765 3,756 3,811 3,592 3,585 11,192 3,000 l,52li ll,lll 1,50a 911 86 100 lOll 96 1112 36 111 110 125 110 1117 197 127 125 137 177 176 2I1J1 75 136 96 llA U9 39 38 9 li 319 27I1 112 111 1165,122 206,851 136,733 117,772 25,300 I186 500 Ii7,li80 264,2115 211,133 16,1150 35,260 500 902 21,107 20,637 I170 68,801i 68,60ii 3,605 3,505 100 2,llll 1,736 3,506 1,257 2,8U 122 500 ii,7li8 828 771 l,li95 1,137 500 I151 681 712 235 61I1 618 721 701 100 6.31 5.110 11.36 6.39 11.85 0.2ll 1.61 5.66 2.00 I.8I1 11.35 2.93 1.26 0.91 2.36 2.63 2.58 2.60 I.8I1 1.25 1.59 1,003 6I19 122 II16 18 36 9 23 l,ii61i 1,179 50 222 li 9 1.319 1,303 15 1 2,663,231 1,391,3011 li2li,176 373,625 162,697 100,899 13,350 197,180 2,633,739 2,0ll6,622 76,li25 1*7,192 1,900 61,600 56,758 25,208 31,550 1,867,626 1,8117,761 18,665 1,200 18,11311 2,060 2,655 2,lllll 3,li77 2,559 9,039 2,803 l,li83 8,573 1,799 1,736 1,528 2,0lll I175 6,81ili 676 1(76 1,018 l,lil« l,lil6 1,2141 1,200 876 I1I2 36. Ill 36.34 35.25 I19.96 31.20 50.65 42.93 23.50 19.96 17.86 20.22 37. 14 4.80 62.16 6.34 3.21 28.45 70.10 70.13 72.34 30.00 6.59 32.70 58,751 37,935 20,816 7,495 7,495 620 1,500 30,008 21,100 21,100 4,500 4,500 4,408 4,406 2,786 3,672 3,l6l 5,204 1,499 1,499 2Crr 88,468 2,854 6,500 3,250 68,016 40,591 3,401 2,706 1,725 20,400 862 10,200 4,215 4,215 1,405 1,405 8,237 8,237 2,059 2,059 750 2,143 2,110 2,110 2,250 2,250 2,204 2,204 465 486 946 312 312 173 271 176 162 96 196 128 128 317 317 38 180 160 441 441 57, OU 51,301 33,285 18,016 5,090 5,090 620 68,898 3,400 55,431 36,906 1,525 13,500 4,215 4,215 4,352 4,352 28,513 20,075 20,075 4,500 4,500 3,938 3,938 2,479 3,206 2,774 4,504 1,272 1,272 207 2,297 1,700 2,917 2,636 762 6,750 1,405 1,405 1,068 1,068 750 2,037 2,008 2,008 2,250 2,250 1,969 1,969 413 513 427 819 212 212 135 142 143 148 85 130 128 128 167 167 38 180 180 394 394 600 600 600 2,081 450 1,550 350 200 1,000 600 600 600 347 450 388 175 200 1,000 81 81 4.35 25.00 25.00 4.08 18.75 4.01 1.40 11.11 9.62 3.12 3.12 9,255 7,450 4,650 2,800 1,605 1,605 17,469 2,650 11,035 3,335 5,900 3,804 3,804 1,495 1,025 1,025 470 470 828 930 700 361 361 1,166 1,325 1,226 556 2,950 951 951 299 342 342 235 235 67.07 74.50 59.62 127.27 75-21 75.21 34.29 110.42 28.51 13-34 56.73 146.31 146.31 5.60 4.42 4.42 47.00 47.00 412488 0-57-5 14 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 4.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, AND COST OF IRRIGATION [Data on cost of Irrigation systems were reported only for farms State and source of water (see text) Number of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 Area irrigated Fanns reporting Largest acreage irrigated in any year (acres) Puii?)S, 1955 Farms reporting Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 Massachuaetts Wells and combinations of wells with other sourcea.. Wells only Wells and streams only Wells and springs only Wells and lajces only WellB in cambinatlons vlth other sources Streams and ccmblnations of streams with other sources (except wells ) Streams only Streams and lalEes only Streams and springs only Streams and city only LaJces and combinations of lakes with other sources (except wells and stresms ) I^Jtee only Lakes and springs and ccoblnatlons of lakes with other sources Springs and combinations of springs with other sources (except wells, streams, and lakes) Springs only Springs and city only City and combination of city with other sources (except wells, streams, lakes, and springs) Source not reported Rhode Island Wells and combinations of wells with other sources.. Streams and ccmblnations of streams with other sources (except wells ) Streams only Lakes and ccnbinations of lakes vlth other sources (except wells and stresms ) Tftkes only Springs and combinations of springs with other sources (except wells, streams, and lakes) Springs only City and combinBtion of city with other sources (except wells, streams, lakes, and springs ) Connecticut Wells and combinations of wells with other sources Wells and springs only Wells , stresms, and springs only Wells in ccmblnations with other sources Streams and combinations of streams with other sources (except wells ) , Streams only , Streams and lakes only , Stresms and springs only , Streams In combination with other sources , lakes and ccnbinations of lakes with other sources (except wells and streams ) Lakes only Springs and ccnibinatlons of springs with other sources (except wells, stresms, and lakes) Springs only City and combination of city with other sources (except wells, streams, lakes, and springs) Other sources Source not reported 199 151 3,982 21i+ ai 36 2 18 127 2,116 1,500 390 97 112 1170 3I.9 630 555 75 535 17 535 6 315 315 11(9 69 19 5,92li 1,329 '•5 1,255 3, I'll 2,11(5 17l> 285 537 369 369 1,023 963 205 15 155 l.,li62 218 21 to 1 23 123 2,286 1,819 168 125 lOlt itrr Sll* 163 819 728 91 6I.5 17 37T 6 189 189 115 35 Ih 6,161 i,2to 1>5 1,161» 26 3,258 2,00lt 172 I150 620 1*65 l,lltl 1,081> 5,3'>3 255 21 liO Ik 23 11(7 2,920 2,190 Uok 150 226 5I48 392 156 895 789 106 703 22 633 6 353 353 198 118 19 6,679 1,362 llO 1,261. 51 3,613 2,399 161» ItlB 620 1*71 471 1,202 IjlliE 158 213 115 80 7 11 16 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS 15 SYSTEMS. FOR FARMS REPORTING COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, BY SOURCE OF WATER, BY STATES: 1955-Continued reporting irrigation beginning in 1946 or later. See text] Cost of Irrigation equipment Cost of leveling and ditching Cost of constructing reservoirs, etc., for storing water and for drilling wells Per farm (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated In 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting ( dollars ) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) 731,9'»1 51, 5n lOiOgli 3.125 I*, 319 18,005 393, 'tis 30k, gW* 22,835 20,800 73,289 lt3,061i 30,225 157,322 l'tO,857 16,U65 51,887 ii,i»50 63, 525 6,000 19,565 19, 565 It, 030 1>,030 32,1*30 17,1*30 1,500 1,279,209 32l*,893 8,650 309,663 3,580 605,561 338,076 31,lK)0 59,500 17l», 585 77,376 77,376 258,629 252,079 I150 6,500 5,800 l81t 3,22U 1,682 2ltl Wl 1,562 2,160 87 2,160 2,017 6,002 22lt lll2 lt,857 It, 918 5,0lt2 3,806 5,200 186 203 103 235 186 3,661t 2,871 156 123 6,0*5 2,760 2,762 2,7ltit 1,266 2,225 3,737 6,000 2,ltJt« 2,Wt6 2,015 2,015 6,lt86 1»,358 1,500 7,9't5 Ii6,lil3 '',325 1511,832 1,790 6,511 It, 508 5,233 6,611 87,292 7, OS* 7,03't 5,878 6,002 225 6,500 1,933 250 25I1 220 97 262 119 1,000 218 253 79 216 2l»4 192 2lt7 llt9 193 158 180 209 325 210 210 253 262 75 it33 lH 160 620,932 3it,051 7,700 2,600 2,569 3,657 9,525 3116,066 280,229 2it,337 18,900 18,600 71,11611 lil,96it 113, li* 99,239 13,875 51,887 11,350 511,0115 5,000 18,315 18,315 11,030 11,030 25,200 13,200 1,500 1,020,923 258,763 6,700 2117,163 3,100 lt81i,967 285,382 26,100 lt7,600 123,885 76,830 76,830 190, 013 185,013 it50 6,000 3,900 2,128 1,283 1,300 l,a81t 1,828 3,175 It, 272 It, 520 3,0lt2 3,150 11,650 3,573 2,798 5,900 2,057 2,025 2,312 1,266 2,175 3,179 5,000 2,289 2,289 2,015 2,015 5,0ltO 3,300 6,381 36,966 3,350 123,582 1,550 5,271 3,857 It, 350 5,289 6l,9li2 6,985 6,985 It, 316 It, So; 225 6,000 1,300 156 159 367 72 l,281t 203 75 164 187 62 195 166 152 120 180 179 185 97 256 833 169 191 195 iit9 197 129 154 133 150 167 231 208 208 186 192 75 liOO 95 21,891 lilil 175 '86 180 13,780 2,930 10,000 350 500 270 270 7,ll00 7,lt00 1,050 1,050 6,850 5,600 800 250 200 500 500 6,500 6,300 500 100 912 XI17 175 '86 iSo l,lli8 326 10,000 350 500 270 270 925 925 738 1,050 1,050 623 1,120 267 125 200 500 500 1,083 1,260 500 100 5.50 2.06 iiise itiis l.lt2 6.51 1.95 25.64 3.61 lt.lt6 0.57 2.23 11.75 13.33 2.62 0.79 23.33 2.18 2.61 I1.6O 0.88 0.37 1.36 1.36 U 33-33 2. lilt 89,118 17,085 2,394 350 1,750 291 8,300 33,570 21,785 6,000 3,585 1,700 1,555 1,100 455 36,808 34,218 2,590 9,480 1,250 1,250 7,230 4,230 242,786 65,080 900 62,500 480 113,744 47,094 4,500 11,650 50,500 62,116 60,766 1,800 796 1,068 399 175 875 146 2,767 959 871 6,000 598 850 518 550 455 646 671 432 1,185 625 625 1,446 1,058 2,404 9,297 450 31,250 240 2,473 1,472 1,500 1,294 25,250 1,412 1,447 22.38 79.84 114.00 9.72 875.00 16.17 65.35 15.86 14.52 15.38 36.96 15.18 3-31 3.15 3.76 58.43 61.65 34.53 5.88 17.72 166.67 3.97 3-97 48.52 61.30 40.98 48.97 20.00 49.80 20.00 36.21 21.96 25.86 40.88 94.04 0.12 0.12 60.72 63.10 43.90 16 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 4.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, AND COST OF IRRIGATION [Data on cost of Irrigation syatema were reported only for farna State aod source of water (aee text) Number of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 Area irrigated Farna reporting Farms reporting Largest acreage irrigated in any year (acres) Punps, 1955 Farms reporting reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 New York Velle and combi nations of wells with other sources . Wells only Wells and streams only Wells and springe only Wells , streams, and springs only Wells and lakes only Wells and c ity only Welle in combinationB with other sources Streams a&d combinations of stresms with other sources (except w' 2 124 124 263 18 6 5 4 3 195 174 17 1 2 18,390 7,862 5,901 154 1,150 77 108 212 260 5,164 4,548 172 363 980 836 2,540 2,540 590 1,254 24,339 5,895 3,178 1,099 1,237 73 191 12,897 10,488 207 2,063 51 371 271 11,867 4,867 229 80 8,398 163 108 58 64 7,107 6,338 660 20 60 800 800 20,078 8,390 6,271 169 1,223 95 158 214 260 5,817 5,173 182 381 1,060 879 2,832 2,892 628 1,291 24,291 5,543 2,870 910 1,301 133 180 12,965 10,375 275 2,193 54 381 271 5,085 5,085 236 81 9,502 499 186 143 78 92 7,969 7,036 734 80 90 933 933 139 105 4 19 2 3 2 4 132 112 6 12 104 104 540 128 80 15 26 3 2 262 221 4 311 2 132 132 204 182 17 2 2 512 199 137 8 31. 4 5 4 7 140 118 6 13 120 120 683 199 111 27 46 6 5 311 250 4 48 7 15* 15l» 304 221 193 23 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS 17 SYSTEMS, FOR FARMS REPORTING COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, BY SOURCE OF WATER, BY STATES: 1955-Continued reporting irrigation beginning in 1946 or later. See text] Cost of irrigation equipment Coat of leveling and ditching Cost of constructing reservoirs, etc., for storing water and for drilling wells Per farm (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 ( dollars ) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per form reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) 2,560,967 5,h6k 1,239,821 8,920 976,952 9,30^ 13,300 3,325 156, U9 8,217 15,900 7,950 22,100 7,367 22,750 11,375 32.700 8,175 577,709 '•,377 509,102 '•,5l^6 19,975 3,329 37, '•32 3,119 12l.,2l46 '•,779 99,0^6 '•,952 25,200 Ii3l»,l81i '•3't,l8^ 73,800 111,207 3.659,9W) 1,108, 3'i5 595,729 201,739 257,902 15,275 28,500 1,630,528 1,311,466 22,550 269,512 11,200 '•5,800 37,800 816,607 816,607 33,260 25,'»00 1,227,710 98,717 39,975 22,650 16,185 19,907 937,590 793,617 109, '•73 7,900 20,200 5,000 5,000 179,627 179,627 2,276 I*, 500 '•,200 '•,175 '•,175 1,570 5,853 6,536 8,659 7,'A7 13, '•'•9 9,919 5,092 111, 250 6,223 5,93'i 5,638 7,927 5,600 3,817 3, '•36 6,186 6,186 1,512 6,350 '•,'•32 5,196 5,711 '•,530 ll,0ll« 6,636 '•,596 '•,361 6,khO 3,950 10,100 2,500 2,500 3,905 3,905 '•55 '•,500 15'^ 169 173 112 178 279 ll*0 106 11^2 126 125 126 118 l61i 158 186 186 138 103 180 226 226 21^5 262 123 15^ 155 82 152 '•31 129 15* 191 191 197 '•31 252 322 19'* 2lt5 2311 ll47 lit2 165 99 367 29'^ 291^ 217 217 190 102 1^67 139 19 2 3 2 I* 132 112 6 12 lOl^ lOit 128 80 15 26 3 2 261 220 '• 3'^ 2 132 132 20U 182 17 2 2 2,099,369 9'^2,128 7'^3 ,'•62 10,1»50 ll'i,3l6 11,800 15,850 20,150 26,100 533,396 '•71,6'A 19,575 32,9rT 121,256 98, '•56 32l^,589 32'*, 589 70,800 107,200 3,000,933 801,318 '•36,21* l'^7,8l6 177,858 11,600 20,000 1, 'A3, 555 1,181,108 20,000 2l6,2l^7 11,200 ll2,250 36,250 661,000 661,000 32,960 19,850 1,058,772 72,960 29,200 17,350 12,700 13,710 8W.,96l 720,761 92,700 7,900 20,200 5,000 5,000 130,575 130,575 2,276 3,000 '•,'•95 6,778 7,081 2,612 6,017 5,900 5,283 10,075 6,525 '1,0111 ll,211 3,262 2,7118 lt,661i '•,923 3,800 3,121 3,121 1,506 5,6^2 5.368 6,260 5, '•53 9,85* 6,8lil 3,867 10,000 5,531 5,369 5,000 6,360 5,600 3,521 3,295 5,008 5,008 l,'i98 '•,962 3,822 3,81i0 li,171 3, '•70 3,175 '•,570 k,lkz 3,960 5, '•53 3,950 10,100 2,500 2,500 2,839 2,839 '•55 3,000 126 129 130 207 100 9't H3 117 1J.6 !£'• lOlt 160 158 139 139 132 99 163 165 179 181 9* 1Q3 137 I'lO 73 122 '•31 119 l'i8 15* 15li 195 336 US 186 235 1I18 192 161 132 129 I'lO 99 367 29'* 29'^ 158 158 190 68 29,961 2'^,358 13,220 1,000 5,938 3,000 1,200 800 800 1,713 1,713 3,000 50 '•8,387 18,98* 5,933 1,'^26 7,575 100 3,500 20,062 18,962 1,106 1,550 1,550 7, '•91 7,'»91 300 3,051 50 2,558 318 7*0 **3 **3 1,152 2,21* 3,305 1,000 1,*8* 3,000 1,200 267 267 21* 21* 3,000 50 605 703 *56 713 9*7 100 1,750 5*2 593 775 775 576 576 277 50 50 365 106 2*7 1*8 1*8 1.81 3.33 8.I1O 6.77 52.63 5.22 0.17 0.20 0.05 0.06 0.73 0.73 5.61 0.05 2.38 3-87 2.25 1-73 7.71 0.81 17.95 1.90 2.25 0.62 *.37 6.33 1.75 1.75 1.78 o.*o 0.13 59 o.*o 0.06 1.12 0.5* 0.5* 301 138 10* * 19 2 3 2 * 10* 10* *09 128 80 15 26 3 2 1*6 11* 3 132 132 1*3 19 7 5 * 3 *31,637 273,335 220,270 1,850 35,865 1,100 6,250 2,600 5,*00 *3,513 36,658 *00 *,*55 2,950 550 2,*00 107,882 107,882 3,957 610,620 288,0*3 153,552 52,*97 72,*69 3,575 5,000 166,911 111,396 2,550 52,165 2,000 1*8,116 1*8,116 165,887 25,707 10,775 5,300 3,*85 6,1*7 90,071 72,538 16,033 *8,609 *8,609 1,*3* 1,981 2,118 *62 1,888 550 2,063 1,300 1,350 926 1,111 200 *05 590 550 600 1,P37 1,037 565 1,*93 2,250 1,919 3,500 2,787 1,192 2,500 1,1*3 977 850 1,863 2,000 1,122 1,122 1,160 1,353 1,539 1,060 8n 2,0*9 1,170 1,229 9*3 1,057 1,057 26.01 37.36 38.90 15-55 *0.90 19 -30 39-56 12.15 23. *8 9.52 9.03 2-53 l*-05 3.89 0.88 *6.2* *6.2* 3.66 30.02 58.70 58.1* 63-63 73. 72 28.83 25-6* 15.79 13.20 9.27 29-*6 5.63 3*. 60 3*-60 9*. 07 21.60 65.58 86.90 *5.30 52.80 72.32 1*.10 13-01 2*. 22 58-78 58.78 3*. 09 18 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 4.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, AND COST OF IRRIGATION [Data on cost of Irrigation systems were reported only for farms State and source of water (see text) Ohio. Wells and combinations of wells with other sources. WellB only Wells and streams only Wells and spring only Wells, streams, and aprings only Streams and combinations of streams with other sources (except wells ) Streams only Streams and springs only Streams and city only TflVpH and combinations of lakes with other sources (except wells and streams ) I^es only Springs and combinations of springs with other sources (except wells, streams, and laJtes).... Springs only City and combination of city with other sources (except wells, streams, lajtes, and aprings).... Other sources Wells and combinations of wells with other sources. Wells only Wells and streams only Streams and combinations of streams with other sources (except wells ) Streams only Streams and aprings only Springs and combinations of aprings with other aoiirces (except wells, streams, and laJies).... Springs only City and combination of city with other sources (except wells, streams, lakes, and springs).... Other eoiirces Wells and ccmbinations of wella with other sources. Wells only Wells and streams only Stresms and ccmbinations of streams with other sources (except wella ) Streams only Streams and lakes only Number of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 iBkes and combinations of lakes with other sources (except wellB and streams ) lAkea only Springs and combinations of springs with other ources (except wells, streams, and lakes).... Springs only City and conbination of city with other sources (except wells, streams, lakes, and springs).... Other sources Wisconsin. Wells and combinations of wells with other sources. Wells only Wells and springs only Wells and lakes only Streams and ccnbinaticms of streams with other sources (except wells ) Streams only Streams and lakes only Streams and springs only 50 lakes and ccsnbinations of lakes vlth other soiirces (except wells and streams ) 51 lakes only Springs and combinations of springs with other sources (except wella, streams, and lakes).... Springs only .' City and combination of city with other sources (except wells, streams, lakes, and springs).... Other sources 109 100 6 2 133 25 17 2 It Area irrigated Farms reporting 216 50 36 k 7 2 106 97 6 2 5,193 1,568 1,020 137 222 lUo 2,562 2,373 11.7 7 266 61t2 61t2 7,283 3,263 836 283 3,377 3.1'»9 213 172 172 9 it62 1*16 351 13 369 317 52 177 177 291 291 lit 137 I»,615 8I.9 51.7 32 238 2,075 1,287 6W. 377 373 1,231 1,231 Farms reporting It, 521 1,711 1,029 180 265 168 2,112 1,953 157 Largest acreage Irrigated In any year (acres) 62I1 624 5,857 3,298 596 69 1,903 1,69'» 18U 216 216 9 1.31 1,258 Uoo 313 30 313 2Wt 69 210 210 253 253 5,072 856 617 35 163 2,387 1,W.6 786 155 Ii20 1.20 1,293 1,293 Farms reporting 5,9W. 1,892 l,lll< 290 250 188 2,836 2,606 186 9 286 286 826 826 8,1*16 3,930 911t 283 3,671. 3,1.31. 215 338 338 10 Irfl. 1,663 30 1.59 362 97 252 252 309 309 ll. 150 6,11.7 1,098 758 35 255 2,91.3 1,901. 850 189 529 525 1,1.65 1,1.65 218 51. 39 1. 8 2 109 100 6 2 132 25 17 2 I. Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 258 78 52 i. 16 1. 119 109 6 2 150 59 30 12 151. 32 19 2 9 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS 19 SYSTEMS, FOR FARMS REPORTING COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, BY SOURCE OF WATER, BY STATES: 1955-Continued reporting irrigation beginning in 1946 or later. See text] Cost of irrigation equipment Coat of leveling and ditching Cost of constructing reservoirs, etc., for storing water and for drilling wells Per farm (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 195-1 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per form reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated In 1954 (dollars) 932,6111 326,1(56 217,526 31.559 38,001 29,700 389,989 325,612 5'*, 675 2,002 16,900 16,900 l81t, 506 l81i, 508 7,078 7,710 763,815 339.881> 105,959 28,500 331,586 309,286 18,000 It0,itl5 1«3,1H5 3,550 W,38o 2714,312 103, W13 82,138 71,961* 58,561. 13,1.00 30,200 30,200 50,705 50,705 l.,200 13,800 702,669 I..1I.5 6,01.5 5,578 7,890 '•,750 ll.,850 3,578 3,256 9,112 1,001 '.,225 1>,225 1*,0U 1*,011 885 6,365 9.997 3,92lt 7,125 5.717 5.728 6,000 2,127 2,127 1,183 8,063 It, 156 l.,926 "•.832 4,61.5 3.271 3.082 l.,U67 7,550 7,550 1.,610 I»,610 2,100 2,300 5,283 ll»3,8l7 84,1.21. 7,250 36,143 5.753 4,966 3.625 9.036 312,304 190,193 98,120 23.991 5.479 4,047 16,353 5,998 70,787 69.237 4,719 4,946 163,014 163,014 5,259 5,259 3,000 9,747 3,000 2,437 208 213 230 171 212 152 137 372 286 287 287 169 83 105 104 127 101 235 235 394 105 195 249 234 357 195 185 258 171 171 174 174 300 101 152 169 154 227 152 151 148 152 167 188 186 132 132 83 207 109 100 6 133 25 17 2 4 729,121 221,181 157,054 20,400 19,427 19,000 353.473 299,971 44,800 2.002 16.900 16,900 123,029 123.029 7,078 7,460 643,216 249,953 78,553 23.900 315,083 294,783 17,500 31,950 31.950 3,550 42,680 227,311 78,197 62,107 4,000 63,064 53,664 9,400 30,200 30,200 37,850 37,850 4,200 13,800 626,048 105,160 63,875 5,800 26,385 306,142 187,548 96,620 21.974 69,387 68,637 133.359 133.359 3,000 9,000 3,241 4,096 4,027 5,100 2,428 9,500 3,243 3,000 7,467 1,001 4,225 4,225 2,675 2,675 885 1,865 5,360 7,352 2,909 5,975 5,432 5,459 5,833 1,682 1,682 1,183 7,113 3,724 3.653 4,000 2,867 2,824 3,133 7,550 7.550 3.441 3.441 2,100 2,300 4,707 4,206 3,757 2,900 6,596 5,371 3,990 16, 103 5,494 4,626 4,903 4,302 4,302 3,000 2,250 l4l 154 149 88 136 138 126 305 286 192 192 169 80 186 186 394 92 162 188 177 171 169 181 171 171 130 130 300 101 136 124 117 Ifll Ul 148 146 150 153 184 184 106 108 83 191 13,280 10,000 4,000 3,000 3,000 2,100 1,850 250 1,180 1,180 5,550 5,500 3,000 2,000 350 300 5,410 1,800 2,280 780 1,500 600 600 730 730 3,333 4,000 3,000 3,000 420 462 250 393 393 1,388 1,833 3,000 2,000 175 300 676 1,800 570 260 1,500 600 600 365 365 2.56 6.38 3.92 13' 51 21.43 0.82 0.78 1.70 1.84 1.84 0.76 1.69 3-59 7.07 0.01 0.02 0.84 0.85 0.17 0.17 1.17 2.12 1.10 0.61 2.33 1.59 1.61 0.59 0.59 190,240 95,275 56,472 11,159 15,574 7,700 34,416 23,791 9,625 60,299 60,299 250 115,049 84,431 24,406 2,600 16,453 14,453 500 8,465 8,465 5,700 24,896 19,731 645 8,900 4,900 4,000 12,805 12,805 71,211 36,857 20, 549 1,450 9,758 3,882 1,865 2,017 800 26,925 28,925 747 1,441 1,764 1,448 2,790 1,947 3,850 1,110 952 1,925 1,311 1,311 250 1,576 2,483 904 650 1,028 1,112 250 446 446 1,425 1,259 1,186 1,161 645 1,780 1,633 2,000 1,164 1,164 1,047 1,474 1,209 725 2,44o 485 466 504 933 933 249 36.63 60.76 55.36 81.45 70.15 55-00 13-43 10.03 65.48 93-92 93-92 2.69 15.80 25-86 29.19 9.19 4.87 4.59 2-35 49.22 49.22 12.34 26 27 33-19 28 59.85 56.21 49.62 29 30 31 24.12 15.46 76-92 12 33 34 35 36 44.00 44.00 37 38 ... 39 40 15.43 41 43.41 37.57 45.31 41.00 42 43 44 45 1.87 1.45 14.01 46 47 48 49 2.12 50 51 23-50 23-50 52 53 15-89 54 55 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 4.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, AND COST OF IRRIGATION [Data on cost of Irrigation systems were reported only for farms State and source of water (see text) Number of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 Area irrigated Farms reporting Farms reporting Largest acreage IjTigated in any year (acres) Punps, 1955 Farms reporting Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 Michigan. Wells and coniblnationB of veils vlth other Bources . Wells only Wells and streams only Wells and springs only Wells, streams, and sprJJigs only Welle and lakes only •"• Streams and combinations of streams with other sources (except wells ) Streams only Streams and lakes only Streams and springs only Lakes and combinations of lakes with other scrurcea (except wells and streams ) Lakes only Lakes and springs and ccanbinatlons of lakes vlth other soiirces Springs and cooiblnations of springs vlth other sources (except wells, streams, and lakes).... Springs only Springs and c Ity only City and eanblnatlon of city with other sources (except wells, streams, lakes, and springs)..-. Other sourc es Source not reported Wells and combinations of veils vlth other sources. Wells only Wells and streams only Streams and combinations of streaotB vlth other sources (except wells ) Streams only Streams and springs only •. Lakes and combinations of lakes with other sources (except wells and streams ) Lakes only Springs and combinations of springs with other sources (except wells, streams, and lakes).... Springs only City and coniblnatlon of city vlth other sources (except wells, streams, lakes, and springs).... Other sources Wells and combinations of veils vlth other sources. Wells only Streams and combinations of streams vlth other sources (except wells ) Streams only Springs and combinations of springs vlth other sources (except wells, streams, and lakes).... Springs only City and combination of city with other sources (except wells, streams, lakes, and springs).... Missouri. Wells and combinations of veils vlth other sources. Wells only Wells and streams only Wells and springs ool^ Wells and lakes only Streams and combinations of streaios vlth other sources (except wells ) Streams only Streams azid springs only Lakes and combinations of lakes vlth other sources (except wells and streams ) Lakes only Springs and coniblnationB of springs with other sources (except veils, streams, and lakes).... Springs only Springs and city only 9>7 97 61 9 lit 2 10 256 £17 17 20 City and ccmblaatlon of city with other Bourcea (except wellB, etreama, lakee, ajid aprlnga ) . . . . Other aourcea 5lt ''3 k 2 3 l8l 171 9 232 196 16 18 271 52 1(2 l» 1 3 176 166 9 9,832 2,381 1,368 513 166 122 210 '•,lt72 3,778 370 271* 1,502 1,109 393 1,1(18 l,lt08 10 2,719 1,32't 1,175 1119 1,025 942 83 303 301 576 1.89 365 15,528 11,667 3,777 292 20 115 9,1*97 9,025 ltl9 201 201 I.3I. 1*26 8 173 556 512 95 60 8 ll* 2 10 233 197 17 17 206 1*7 38 It 1 2 U9 110 11,51*5 2,731* 1,562 1*83 256 119 309 5,270 it,li66 in* 356 1,851 1,31*8 1,666 1,61*9 17 2,509 1,391* 1,225 169 796 720 76 250 238 727 603 1*83 9,818 3,331* 2,701 79 1.0 53 5,509 It, 927 529 157 157 1*96 I189 7 167 155 13,638 3,1*27 1,791 923 251 12I1 333 6,196 5,251 Itfilt 1*33 2,057 1,583 I17I1 1,871* 1,857 17 3,392 1,51*9 1,375 171* 1,328 1,214* 81. 1*36 It2l. 820 710 556 17,31*0 10,1.91. 9,81.6 595 381* 381* 611. 606 539 97 61 9 Ik 2 10 253 211* 17 20 161. 576 261. 53 1*3 1. 179 169 9 138 75 18 22 I. 16 £78 £33 20 23 102 85 17 320 78 59 7 5 1. 205 19I. 10 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS 21 SYSTEMS, FOR FARMS REPORTING COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, BY SOURCE OF WATER, BY STATES: 1955-Continued reporting irrigation beginning in IS'VS or later. See text] Total cost Coat of irrigation equipment Cost of leveling and ditching Cost of constructing reservoirs, etc., for storing water and for drilling wells Dollars Per farm (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated In 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) 2,21*3,235 1*,101 228 51*5 1,921,971* 3,527 195 1*3 1.1,196 958 1*.19 329 280,065 851 28.1*9 1 679,528 1*21*, 937 115,180 66,581 15,500 5l.,830 7,005 6,966 12,798 l*,756 7,750 5,^3 285 311 225 1.01 127 261 97 61 9 11* 2 10 1*95,1*1*2 326,788 73,515 1*7,361. 8,500 37,675 5,108 5,357 8,168 3,383 1*,250 3,768 208 239 11.3 285 70 179 7 2 2 1 1 1 22,335 1.00 20,600 585 700 50 3,191 200 10,300 585 700 50 9.38 0.29 1*0.16 3-52 5.71* 0.21* 97 61 9 ll* 2 10 161,751 97,71.9 21,065 18,632 6,300 17,105 1,668 1,602 2,341 1,331 3,150 1,710 67-93 71.1*5 1*1.06 112.21* 51.61* 81.1.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 881., 1*37 730,007 61,513 87,037 3,1*55 3,361* 3,618 i*,352 198 193 166 318 255 216 17 20 830,l*Ul 690,275 55,788 79,350 3,257 3,196 3,282 3,968 186 183 151 290 21 IS 1 1 l£,57l* 10,832 1,000 1*0 599 602 1,000 1*0 2.81 2.87 2.70 0.15 88 60 9 18 1.1,1.22 28,900 4,725 7,61.7 1*71 1.62 525 1.25 9.26 7-65 12.77 27.91 e 9 10 11 293,938 238,1*13 3,096 196 215 92 77 270,389 222,999 2,939 2,896 180 201 7 6 2,362 2,162 337 360 1.57 1.95 1.9 36 21,187 13,252 1*32 368 14.11 11-95 12 13 55,525 3,702 11*1 15 1.7,390 3,159 121 1 200 200 0.51 13 7,935 610 20.19 14 31*3,762 31*1,737 2,025 3,696 3,755 1,013 21.2 21.3 202 92 90 2 231., 1.52 282,752 1,700 3,092 3,11*2 850 201 201 170 7 7 3,81*5 3,81*5 51*9 51*9 2-71 2.73 93 91 2 55,1.65 55,11*0 325 596 606 162 39.11 39.16 32-50 15 16 17 36,150 i*,i*60 960 7,230 1,1.87 960 2,582 112 192 5 3 1 36,150 i.,300 800 7,230 1,1*33 800 2,582 108 160 i 80 80 2.00 1 1 'so l6o 'so 160 2.00 32.00 18 19 20 520,810. 5,51*1 192 91. 1*51*, 1*55 ■.,835 167 6 5,533 922 2.03 1*1. 60,856 1,383 22.38 21 252,813 198,513 5l.,300 7,023 6,016 18,100 191 169 361. 36 33 3 200,619 158,619 1*2,000 5,573 1*,807 ll*,000 152 135 282 1 1 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 1.89 16 Its 36 33 3 1*9,691* 39,891. 9,800 1,380 1,209 3,267 37-53 33-95 65-77 22 23 24 11.5,896 136,1.30 9,1.66 i*,863 i*,873 ".,733 1I.2 11.5 30 28 2 135,361 126,655 8,706 1*,512 1»,523 i.,353 132 131* 105 3 3 2,275 2,275 758 758 2.22 2.te 3 2 1 8,260 7,500 760 2,753 3,750 760 S.06 7.96 9.16 25 26 27 110,71.9 105,91*9 '.,815 1*,816 366 352 23 22 109,1*71* 105,1*71* l.,760 i*,79l* 361 350 1 1 1*75 1*75 1.75 1.75 1-57 1.58 1 800 800 2.64 28 29 6,186 6,186 3,093 3,093 187 187 2 2 l',l*51 1*,1*51 2,226 2,226 135 135 1 1 283 283 283 283 8.58 8.58 2 2 1,1*52 1,1*52 726 726 44.00 44.00 30 31 200 5,000 200 2,500 200 152 1 2 200 '.,350 200 2,175 200 132 ... 2 650 325 19 '76 32 33 83,107 3,957 IW* 21 71,01.7 3,383 123 2 790 395 1-37 12 11,270 939 19.57 34 20,765 20,765 5,191 5,191 51.6 51.6 1* 1* 16,805 16,805 1*,201 1*,201 10*2 1*1*2 1. 1. 3,960 3,960 990 990 4.21 4.21 35 36 53,571 1*1,871 1*,1£1 3,806 110 115 13 11 1*7,556 36,356 3,658 3,305 97 100 2 2 790 790 395 395 1.62 2.16 5 1. 5,225 '•,725 1,01*5 1,181 10.69 12.95 37 38 8,360 8,360 2,787 2,787 182 182 3 3 6,275 6,275 2,092 2,092 136 136 .'.'. 3 3 2,065 2,085 695 695 45-33 45-33 39 40 Ull 1*11 137 1 1.11 1*U 137 41 1,318,692 l*,710 85 278 1,105,366 3,976 71 39 35,111 900 2.26 96 178,215 1,819 U-48 42 1*18,71*1* 281,789 26,025 19,580 62,900 7,755 6,553 6,506 9,790 20,967 90 75 89 979 5*7 5". 1.3 1. 2 3 311*, 1*67 218,267 20,950 15,000 39,000 5,823 5,076 5,238 7,500 13,000 67 58 72 750 339 15 12 1 1 15,31*1 9,7'<1 600 1,000 1,023 812 600 1,000 3-29 2.58 2.05 50.00 51. 1*3 1. 2 3 88,936 53,781 i*,i»75 3,580 23,900 1,61*7 1,251 1,119 1,790 7,967 19-06 14.24 15-33 179-00 207.83 43 44 45 46 47 771*. 371. 731*, 567 37,007 1*,278 l.,296 l.,np 82 81 88 179 169 9 690,295 652,718 31., 777 3,856 3,862 3,861* 73 72 83 21 20 1 18,995 18,985 10 905 91*9 10 2.00 2.10 0.02 23 19 1. 65, 081* 62,861* 2,220 2,830 3,309 555 6.85 6.97 5.30 48 49 50 13,750 13,750 2,750 2,750 68 68 5 5 13,750 13,750 2,750 2,750 68 68 ... 51 52 63,099 61,01*9 2,050 3,005 3,213 1,025 11*5 1I.3 256 21 19 2 38,829 37,279 1,550 1,81*9 1,962 775 89 88 19I* 2 2 75 75 3? 38 0.17 0.18 21 19 2 21*, 195 23,695 500 1,152 1,21*7 250 55-75 55-62 62.50 53 54 55 21,600 27,125 1,662 ■.,521 125 1.9 13 6 21,600 26,1*25 1,662 U.ltOl* 125 1.8 1 700 706 1^26 56 57 22 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 4.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, AND COST OF IRRIGATION [Data on coat of Irrigation systems were reported only for farms State and source of water (see text) Humber of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 Area irrigated reporting Farms reporting Largest acreage Irrigated in any year ( acres ) Pumps, 1955 Farms reporting Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 Delovare Welle and combinations of wells with other sources. Wells only Streams and combinations of streams with other sources (except wells) Stresms only Stresffis and springs only Lakes and combinations of lalces with other sources (except wells and streams ) Lakes only Springs and combinations of springs with other sources (except wells, streams, and lakes) Springe only Maryland Wells and combinations of wells with other sources. Wells only Wells and streams only Wells and springs only Streams and combinations of streams with other sources (except wells ) Streams only Streens and lakes only Streams and springs only Lakes and combinations of lakes with other sources (except wells and streams ) Lakes only Springs and combinations of springs with other sources (except wells, streams, and lakes) Springs only Other sources Virginia Welle and canblnatlons of wells with other sources. Wells only Streams and combinations of streams with other sources (except wells ) Streams only Streams and lakes only Streams and springs only Lakes and combinations of lakes with other sources (except wells and streams ) Lakes only Lakes and springs and combinations of lakes with other sources Springs and combinations of springs with other sources (except wells, stresms, and lakes) Springs only City and combination of city with other sources (except wells, streams, lakes, and springs) West Virginia Wells and combinations of wells with other sources. Streams and combinations of streams with other sources (except wells) Streams only Springs and combinations of springs with other sources (except wells, streams, and lakes) Springs only 297 6 190 172 2 16 13 32 281* 185 167 2 16 2,600 568 Wt8 1,210 927 218 W.7 Wt7 375 375 5,328 Wi8 52 182 159 lt,l»72 2,996 396 1,078 13'' 128 271 271 11,793 8,652 7,988 83 581 325 106 219 2,782 2,782 736 15 621 61B 100 100 31 155 138 2 15 3,187 910 750 1,203 853 270 1.75 1.75 599 599 6,157 67 182 81 5,33'' 3,378 713 1,2^3 142 136 2l>l 2lH 9,0lt2 6,006 5,464 90 452 449 223 2,571 2,571 671 550 547 101 101 3,359 729 1,384 1,034 270 490 490 596 596 7,068 501 67 180 159 6,058 3,942 771 1,345 180 174 326 326 13,219 9,7ce 8,866 87 749 434 225 3,038 3,(>38 777 656 653 101 101 294 188 170 2 16 209 186 2 21 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS 23 SYSTEMS, FOR FARMS REPORTING COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, BY SOURCE OF WATER, BY STATES: 1955-Continued reporting irrigation beginning in 19^6 or later. See text] Total cost Cost of irrigation equipment Cost of leveling and ditching Cost of constructing reservoirs, etc., for storing water and for drilling wells Dollars Per farm ii (dollars) Ir (c r acre rigated 1954 ollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) 356,853 10,814 137 33 298,567 9,047 115 3 2,500 833 0.96 24 55,786 2,324 21.46 1 109,800 83,800 18,300 16,760 193 187 6 5 87,000 67,000 14,500 13,400 153 150 1 1 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 i-'i 6 5 20,900 14,900 3,483 2,980 36.80 33-26 2 3 130,6'*9 87,l't9 32,000 8,710 7,262 16,000 108 94 147 15 12 2 121,400 81,900 28,500 8,093 6,825 14,250 100 88 131 2 2 600 600 300 300 0.50 0.65 9 6 2 8,649 4,549 3,500 961 775 1,750 7-15 5-02 16.06 4 5 6 1*0,509 ''0,509 10,127 10,127 91 91 4 4 40,434 40,434 10,108 10,108 90 90 1 1 75 75 75 75 0.17 0.17 7 8 75,895 75,895 9,lt87 9,487 202 202 8 8 49,733 49,733 6,217 6,217 133 133 ... 8 8 26,162 26,162 3,270 3,270 69.77 69.77 9 10 687,578 6,808 129 100 534,795 5,348 100 9 8,025 892 1.51 66 144,758 2,193 27.17 11 56,505 6,805 15,000 20,000 7,063 3,1*02 7,500 6,667 126 131 82 126 3 2 2 3 38,675 4,975 13,000 11,000 4,834 2,488 6,500 3,667 86 96 71 69 1 1 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 2.23 6!29 8 2 2 3 16,830 1,830 2,000 3,000 2,104 915 1,000 2,667 37-57 35.19 10.99 50.31 12 13 14 15 jitB.oee 336,515 60,300 ll'6,251 7.986 6,232 7,538 24,375 121 112 152 136 67 53 8 6 434,581 305,380 52,400 76,801 6,466 5,762 6,550 12,800 97 102 132 71 5 3 2 3,300 2,750 550 660 917 275 0.74 0.92 1-39 36 23 7 6 105,185 23,335 7,350 69,450 2,922 1,234 1,050 11,575 23.52 9.47 18.56 64.42 16 17 18 19 28,900 22,U00 4,817 4,480 216 175 6 5 19,500 l4,500 3,250 2,900 146 113 1 1 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 22.39 23.44 4 3 6,400 4,900 1,600 1,633 47.76 38.28 20 21 58,607 58,607 3,256 3,256 216 216 18 18 41,539 41,539 2,303 2,308 153 153 2 2 725 725 362 362 2.68 2.68 18 18 16,343 16,343 903 906 60.31 60.31 22 23 500 500 167 1 500 500 167 24 1,812,U22 6,102 154 296 1,337,113 4,517 113 19 21,420 1,127 1.82 202 453,889 2,247 38.49 25 27,959 ll«,550 4,660 3,638 1,036 606 6 4 12,809 8,000 2,135 2,000 474 333 6 4 15,150 6,550 2,525 1,638 561.11 272.92 26 27 1,115,624 1,011, Wt5 15,000 89,179 5,872 5,880 7,500 5,574 129 127 181 153 189 171 2 16 870,505 798,831 10,500 61,174 4,606 4,672 5,250 3,823 101 100 127 105 8 6 2 3,580 2,180 1,400 446 363 766 0.41 0.27 2'4i 100 86 1 13 241,539 210,434 4,500 26,605 2,415 2,447 4,500 2,047 27. 92 26.34 54.22 45.79 28 29 30 31 56,71*5 31,600 7,093 7,900 175 298 8 4 50,800 31,500 6,350 7,875 156 297 1 1 100 100 100 100 0.31 0.94 4 5,845 1,461 17.96 32 33 25,1'>5 6,286 115 4 19,300 4,825 33 4 5,845 1,461 26.69 34 611,219 611,219 6,644 6,644 220 220 92 92 402,124 402,124 4,371 4,371 l46 146 10 10 17,740 17,740 1,774 1,774 6.38 6.38 92 92 191,355 191,355 2,030 2,060 66.78 66.78 35 36 875 875 125 1 875 875 125 37 89,590 5,599 122 16 67,490 4,218 92 1 200 200 0.27 5 21,900 4,380 29.76 38 3,500 3,500 233 1 2,000 2,000 133 1 1,500 1,500 100.00 39 59,390 58,290 4,568 4,858 96 94 13 12 55,790 55,290 4,292 4,608 90 89 1 200 200 0.32 2 1 3,400 3,000 1,700 3,000 5.48 4.85 40 41 26,700 26,700 13,350 13,350 267 267 2 2 9,700 9,700 4,850 4,850 97 97 2 2 17,000 17,000 3,500 3,500 170.00 170.00 42 43 24 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 4.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, AND COST OF IRRIGATION LData on cost of Irrigation systeina were reported only for farms State and source of water (see text) Number of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 Area irrigated Farms reporting Farms reporting Largest acreage irrigated in any year (acres) Pm^B, 1955 Farms reporting Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 North Carolina. Wells and combinations of wells with other aources.. Wells only. .' Wells and streams only Wells and springs only Wells and city only Streams and combinations of streams with other sources (except wells) Streams only Streams and laites only Streams snd springs only Tflltes and combinations of lakes with other sources (except wells and streams) lAjces only lAites and springs and combinations of lakes with other sources Springs snd combinations of springs with other sources (except wells, streams, and lakes).... Springs only City and combination of city with other sources (except wells, streams, lakee^ and springs) Other sources South Carolina. Wells and combinations of wells with other sources. Wells only Wells and streams only Wells and springs only Wells in combinations with other sources Streams and combinations of streams with other sources (except wells ) Streams only Streams and springs only I^kes and combinations of lakes with other sources (except wells and streams ) Springs and combinations of springs with other sources (except wells, streams, and lakes).... Springs only City and combination of city with other sources (except wells, streams, lakes, and springs).... Other sources Georgia. Wells and combinations of wells with other sources. Wells only Wells and stresms only Wells and springs only Wells, streams, and springs only Wells and lakes only Streams and combinations of streams with other sources (except wells ) Streams only Streams and springs only lakes and combinations of lakes with other sources (except wells and stresms ) I&kes only Springs and combinations of springs with other sources (except wells, stresms, and lakes).... Springs only Springs and city only City and ccaBblnAtion of city with other sources (except wells, streams, lakes, ""i^ springs).... I178 Wtl 5 32 279 279 23'' 131 107 2k 227 216 11 116 2 781 470 "•33 5 32 271 271 223 126 loll 2k 381 219 208 11 103 102 1 15,391 473 150 87 13a 3 10,716 9,289 236 1,191 189 87 3,997 3,997 1,053 1.7I. 93 175 307 6,79't 1>,962 1,832 2,023 2,023 230 60 12,679 1,2'»2 878 500 3l»3 k63 310 7,6to 6,600 l.OllO 1,779 1,729 50 672 371. 338 5 31 259 259 183 2k 10 1. 7 2 370 196 188 113 111 2 12,123 Ml 153 iin 111 5 7,877 6,906 137 831* 107 70 3,65l> 3,65l< 6,956 1,11U k^^ 86 207 345 k,l61t 3,031 1,133 1,605 1,605 k9 12,907 It, 179 1,033 799 6I.7 715 310 6,622 6,166 1*56 2,079 1,955 12k 636 182 192 162 5 12,1»27 10,893 236 1,298 201 99 l4,61tO li,6JtO 11,81.8 1,302 587 103 253 355 7,590 5,716 1,871* 1*3 2,623 2,623 230 60 16,197 U,32l+ 1,205 816 660 715 303 9,586 8,1486 1,100 2,2ll8 2, 12 It 12l» 793 I.7I. 1»37 5 32 279 279 127 103 2k 223 £12 11 115 113 2 528 I178 5 1*5 301* 30I1 153 120 33 1*78 2I1S 235 13 129 122 7 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS 25 SYSTEMS, FOR FARMS REPORTING COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, BY SOURCE OF WATER, BY STATES: 1955-Continued reporting irrigation beginning in 1946 or later. See text] Coat of irrigation equipment Coat of leveling and ditching Cost of constructing reservoirs, etc., for storing water and for drilling wells Per farm (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated In 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting ( dollars ) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) 3,968,395 172,83'' 73,661 35,000 113,923 ii,500 2,305,699 1,961»,502 50, 527 290,670 37,61*0 15,900 21,7lt0 l,li69,217 1,1*69,217 1,005 2,000 1,576,599 195,370 79,095 15,700 i»9,600 1*6,575 860,1*1*2 681,136 179,306 7,61*0 1*92,1*72 1*92,1*72 9,500 11,175 2,9l*l*,255 773,627 213,752 226,700 178,725 50,000 10,750 1,513,802 1,1*06,81*7 106,955 9,751* 8,079 61*6,272 605,772 1*0,500 800 1*,992 5,1*01 1*,911 7,000 5,1*90 2,250 l*,82l* 1*,1*55 10,105 9,083 5,377 3,975 7,21*7 5,266 5,266 502 2,000 6,738 7,511* 7,190 3,925 6,200 23,288 6,568 6,366 7,1*71 3,820 6,81*0 6,81*0 l',750 11,175 7,216 12,682 7,917 22,670 9,1*07 50,000 5,375 6,669 6,513 9,723 3,251 l*,0l*0 5,571 5,311* 20,250 365 1*91 1*02 318 ,500 215 2U 211* 2l*l* 199 183 368 251 167 186 167 169 283 152 127 137 382 21*3 2l*3 1*1 186 239 2l*3 1*53 521 108 35 198 213 103 571* 673 363 350 810 796 1*75 1*38 5 32 279 279 232 129 105 21* 1*03 222 211 11 116 nit 2,832,1*1*1 125,898 53,751 28,600 30,297 3,250 1,692,917 1,1*59,21*0 18,927 211*, 750 25,21*0 12, 300 12,91*0 985,536 985,536 850 2,000 1,059,966 133,735 61*,855 11,050 30,755 25,775 586, 306 *73,975 112,331 6,800 311»,625 311*,625 9,500 9,000 1,970,929 1*89,681 nit, 575 160,100 107,106 1*0,000 2,900 1,036,823 965,708 71,115 9,ooi* 7,501* 1*31*, 621 1*05,621 29,000 3,558 3,931* 3,581* 5,720 3,787 1,625 3,561* 3,332 3,785 6,711 3,606 3,075 "•,313 3,532 3,532 1*25 2,000 1*,569 5,11*1* 5,896 2,763 3,81*1* 12,888 '*,5i*5 '*,511t 1*,680 3,1*00 1*,370 1»,370 1*,750 9,000 i*,891 8,028 l*,2l*J* 16,010 5,637 1*0,000 1,1*50 i*,670 1*,577 6,1*65 3,001 3,752 3,71*7 3,558 11*, 500 800 266 358 329 220 1,083 158 157 80 180 131* 1I.1 21*7 2l*7 212 167 104 127 137 U9 176 81. 31*0 156 156 1.1 150 155 151 130 320 312 86 9 136 ll*6 68 530 625 21*1* 235 580 37,676 6,380 2,180 1,700 2l>,375 22,275 900 1,200 900 900 5,866 5,866 31*, 167 3,050 2,250 300 18,830 12,330 6,500 10,112 10,112 32,001 10,375 1*,800 325 5,000 250 19,750 18,500 1,250 1,876 1,876 639 1,276 1,090 850 697 696 900 600 900 900 367 367 78 1,178 610 750 300 1,1*1*9 1.233 2,167 1,011 1,011 2,175 1,297 1,200 162 5,000 250 859 881 625 375 375 2.1*5 13.1*9 1''.53 19.51* 2.27 2.1*0 3.81 1.01 4.76 10. 31* 1.1*7 1.1*7 38.75 3.36 2.90 12.86 0.98 2.77 2.I18 3-55 5.00 5.00 36.25 2.52 3.20 5.1*7 0.95 10.75 0.81 2.59 2.80 1.20 1.05 1.09 613 297 260 5 32 279 279 191* 339 61 27 10 19 160 150 10 U6 111* 2 1,118,278 1*0, 556 17,730 i*,700 13,626 1,250 588,1*07 1.82,967 30,700 74,720 11,500 2,700 8,800 477,815 477,815 482,466 58,585 l4,24o 4,650 16, 595 20,500 255,306 194,831 60,475 167,735 167,735 941, 325 273,571 94,377 66,600 71,294 5,000 7,600 457,229 422,639 34,590 750 575 209,775 196,275 U,500 1,824 1,267 1,182 940 1,703 625 1,981 1,858 6,l40 2,335 2,300 1,350 2,933 1,713 1,713 2,487 2,253 1,295 1,162 2,074 10,250 2,687 2,744 2,520 840 2,330 2,330 2,777 4,485 3,495 6,660 3,752 5,000 3,800 2,858 2,6l8 3,459 375 575 1,808 1,739 5,750 72.66 85.74 118.20 54.02 98.74 416.67 54.91 52.00 130.08 62.74 60.85 31.03 86.27 119.54 119-54 47.39 55.64 30.04 50.00 94.83 66.78 37-58 39-26 33.01 42.00 82.91 82.91 74.24 84.38 107.49 133.20 207.85 10.75 24-52 59-85 64.04 33-26 44.12 47.92 117.92 114.68 230.00 26 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 4.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED. SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, AND COST OF IRRIGATION [Data on coat of Irrigation systems were reported oT\ly for fai-ms State euad source of water (see text) Number of fonos reporting irrigation^ 1955 Area irrigated Farms reporting Farms reporting Largest acreage irrigated in any year (acres) Punps, 1955 Farms reporting Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 Kentucky Veils and combinations of wells with other Bources. Wella only Wells and streams only Wells and springs only Streams and combinations of streams with other sources (except wells ) Streams only Streams and lakes only Streams and springs only Streams and city only Lalces and combinations of lakes with other sources (except wells and streams ) Lakes only Springs ft^nrt combinations of springs with other sources (except wells, streams, and lakes) Springs only City and ccoibinatlon of city with other sources (except wells, streams, lakes, and springs) Other sources ■ Tennessee Wells and coniblnAtlons of wells with other sources . Wells only ■ Wells and streams only Wells and springs only Wells and lEikee only Streams and combinations of streams vlth other sources (except veils ) Streams only Streams and lakes only Streeuiis and springs only Lakes and combinations of lakes with other sources (except wells and streams) Lakes only Springs and combinations of springs with other sources (except wells, streams, and lakes) Springs only City and combination of city with other sources (except wells, streams, l^es, and springs) Other sources Alabama • Wells and combinations of wells with other sources Welle only Wells and streams only Streams and combinations of streams with other sources (except wells) Streams only Streams and springs only Streams in combination with other sources Springs and combinations of springs with other sources (except wells, streams, and lakes) Springs only City euid combination of city with other sources (except wells, streams, lakes, and springs) Hlseissippi Wells and combinations of veils with other sources Wells only Wells and streams only Wells and springs only Wells , streams, and springs only Wells and lakes only Wells in combinations with other sources Streams and combinations of streams with other sources (except wells ) ^ . . . . Streams only Streams and springs only Lakes and combinations of lakes with other sources (except wells and streams ) Lakes only Springs and combinations of springs with other sources (except veils, streams, and lakes) Springs only Other sources 376 18 12 3 2 282 257 16 7 2 366 25 13 5 5 2 300 281 I. lit 156 32 25 6 109 101 5 37'' 152 95 35 lU 3 2 3 180 174 5 366 17 12 3 2 276 252 15 7 2 3112 23 11 5 5 2 280 263 3 13 106 98 5 366 llt9 92 35 lU 3 2 3 177 171 5 8,3111 330 llt5 156 29 7,033 6,287 511> 163 69 Biio 8iiO 63 12, OW l,6Wi 895 299 389 61 9,918 9,310 209 305 353 338 7,839 1,256 965 269 6,281 5,737 362 178 285 285 55,871 35,950 16,660 7,962 3,6118 977 575 6,126 16,790 16,065 635 2,779 2,779 269 269 83 180 161 11 7 1 29I1 22 12 1. k 2 237 221 3 12 129 31 2I1 6 279 136 82 33 111 3 1 3 115 112 3 ll,221 23 U 97 115 22 3,223 2,7511 296 132 39 705 705 8,605 1,21*2 750 268 1119 75 7,011 6,392 201 318 2ltlt 232 1,809 1,265 5I12 ll,2llJl 3,969 210 31*5 3115 Wi,993 31,283 lll,201 8,115 3,020 728 150 5,069 11,059 10,739 320 2,2lll 2,2lll 319 319 91 9,1*3 368 150 178 30 7,779 6,9111 59I1 187 8I1 1,153 1,153 lli,lil5 1,981 l,0li7 I170 389 75 11,7116 10,9116 309 391 530 515 9,881i l,961i l,ll20 5l«2 7,519 6,906 370 178 38U 38I1 17 65,596 li2,85li 19,951 10,873 li,127 1,185 575 6,lli3 18,862 18,137 635 3,391 3,391 398 398 371 18 12 3 2 280 255 16 7 2 360 25 13 5 5 2 300 281 li 111 155 32 25 6 109 101 5 2 360 151 9^ 35 111 3 2 3 171 165 5 399 2I1 15 5 3 293 268 16 7 393 3I1 19 7 5 3 321 298 5 16 128 119 6 675 37I1 173 96 36 13 3 53 2I16 235 9 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS SYSTEMS, FOR FARMS REPORTING COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, BY SOURCE OF WATER, BY STATES: 1955-Continued reporting irrigation beginning in 194t or later. See text] Total cost Cost of irrigation equipment Cost of leveling and ditching Cost of constructing reservoirs, etc., for storing water and for drilling wells Dollars Per farm (dollars) Per acre irrigated In 195A (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated In 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) 1,376,536 3,661 165 376 1,155,730 3,074. 139 7 1,574 225 0.19 145 219,232 1,512 26.28 1 53,723 25,0^5 17,822 9,1.56 2,985 2,087 5,9^1 ■•,728 163 173 Ul. 326 18 12 3 2 1.1,61.9 20,800 12,093 7,556 2,314 1,733 4,031 3,778 126 11^3 78 261 18 12 3 2 12,074 4,245 5,729 1,900 671 354 1,910 950 36.59 29.28 36.72 65.52 2 3 4 5 935,558 881, OW 6k,dhS 33,962 5,700 3, 1^95 3,it28 It, 053 "•,852 2,850 lltO lUO 126 208 83 282 257 16 7 2 876,793 79lt,933 59,598 16,562 5,700 3,109 3,093 3,725 2,366 2,850 125 126 116 102 83 6 5 1 1,112 1,012 100 185 202 ioo 0.16 0.16 o!6i 69 55 10 4 107,653 85,103 5,250 17,300 1,560 1,547 525 "•,325 15.31 13.5I* 10.21 106.13 6 7 8 9 10 35, 1^00 35,3to 2,212 2,356 W5 512 16 15 34,1.90 3li,lt30 2,156 2,295 472 499 ... 4 4 910 910 228 228 12.47 13-19 11 12 2911,098 29'^,096 5,1*6 5,M.6 350 350 51. 51. 195,041 195,041 3,612 3,612 232 232 1 1 462 462 462 462 0.55 0.55 54 54 98,595 98,595 1,826 1,826 117.38 117.38 13 14 7,557 200 1,511 200 120 100 5 1 7,557 200 1,511 200 120 100 15 16 l,Wl,8l5 It, 01*9 123 366 1,277,314 3,490 106 13 10,755 827 0.89 105 193,746 1,845 16.09 17 272,923 135,038 5^,100 61,785 22,000 10,917 10,388 10,820 12,357 U,000 166 151 181 159 361 25 13 5 5 2 164,277 89,302 34,100 30,875 10,000 6,571 6,869 6,820 6,175 5,000 100 100 114 79 164 4 4 4,415 4,415 1,104 1,104 2.69 4.93 25 13 5 5 2 104,231 41,321 20,000 30,910 12,000 4,169 3,179 4,000 6,182 6,000 63.40 46.17 66.89 79.46 196.72 18 19 20 21 22 1,077,763 955,205 1^5,650 71,858 3,593 3,399 U,ltl2 5,133 109 103 218 236 300 281 k lU 1,007,198 918,005 42,500 41,693 3,357 3,267 10,625 2,978 102 99 203 137 8 7 1 6,320 6,300 '20 790 900 '20 0.64 0.68 0.07 52 36 4 11 64,245 30,900 3,150 30,145 1,235 858 788 2,740 6.48 3-32 15.07 98.84 23 24 25 26 15,320 15,320 2,553 2,553 319 319 6 6 14,200 14,200 2,367 2,367 296 296 1 1 20 20 20 20 0.42 0.42 2 2 1,100 1,100 550 550 22.92 22.92 27 28 102,059 93,706 3,925 3,9lt8 289 292 26 25 77,889 75,136 2,996 3,005 221 222 26 25 24,170 23,570 930 943 68.47 69.73 29 30 2,700 11,050 5^0 2,762 270 156 5 1. 2,700 11,050 540 2,762 270 156 ... 31 32 1,132,779 7,261 145 155 969,877 6,257 124 23 6,752 294 0.86 77 156,150 2,028 19.92 33 387,189 315,736 69,953 12,100 12,629 11,659 308 321 260 32 25 6 298,169 259,572 37,797 9,318 10,383 6,300 237 264 l4l 4 3 2,450 2,400 6l£ 800 1-95 2.44 32 25 6 86,570 53,764 32,156 2,705 2,151 5,359 68.93 54.58 119. 5'^ 34 35 36 687,538 639,023 25, MS 13,800 6,308 6,327 5,083 6,900 109 iia 70 78 109 101 5 2 633,003 591,888 22,815 10,300 5,807 5,860 4,563 5,150 101 103 63 58 13 13 3,550 3,550 273 273 0.57 0.62 31 26 3 1 50,985 43,585 2,600 3,500 1,645 1,676 867 3,500 8.12 7.60 7.18 19.66 37 38 39 40 53,252 53,252 3,80lt 3,80lt 187 187 13 13 31., 055 34,055 2,620 2,620 119 119 5 5 602 602 120 120 2.1i 2.11 14 14 18,595 18,595 1,328 1,328 65-25 65-25 41 42 1<,800 It, 800 282 1 4,650 4,650 274 1 150 150 8.82 43 3,550,909 9,1.91. 61. 365 2,185,188 5,987 39 209 442,677 2,118 7.92 225 923,044 4,102 16.52 44 2,U30,ll^l 1,217,108 66i^,39^ 171,339 97,800 28,600 250,900 15,988 12,812 18,983 12,238 32,600 lit, 300 83,633 68 73 83 1.7 100 50 1.1 152 95 35 ll. 3 2 3 1,283,184 625,932 379,662 90,190 62,500 20,800 104,100 8,442 6,589 10,847 6,442 20,833 10,400 34,700 36 38 48 25 64 36 17 U6 71 28 12 3 2 332,393 154,562 106,732 23,999 13,100 34,000 2,865 2,177 3,812 2,000 4,367 17,000 9.25 9.28 13.41 6.58 13.41 5-55 152 95 35 14 3 2 3 814,564 436,614 178,000 57,150 22,200 7,800 112,800 5,359 4,596 5,086 4,082 7,400 3,900 37,600 22.66 26.21 22.36 15.67 22.72 13-57 18. 41 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 963,070 912, U20 "•5,650 5,350 5,2W. 9,130 57 57 72 175 169 5 766,176 743,926 17,250 4,378 4,4ce 3, '•50 46 46 27 74 70 4 97,964 77,114 20,850 1,324 1,102 5,212 5.83 4.80 32.83 60 56 4 98,930 91,380 7,550 1,649 1,632 1,888 5.89 5.69 11.89 52 53 54 10U,lt03 10U,l403 3,729 3,729 38 38 28 28 93,n3 93,113 3,325 3,325 31. 34 12 12 11,290 11,290 941 941 4.06 4.06 55 56 52,895 52,895 l.,069 4,069 197 197 9 9 42,315 42,315 4,702 4,702 157 157 7 7 1,030 1,030 147 147 3.83 3-83 13 13 9,550 9,550 735 735 35.50 35-50 57 58 ItOO 1.00 5 1 400 400 5 59 28 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 5-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, AND SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, BY SOURCE OF POWER, BY STATES: 1955 Number of farms reporting Irrigation, 1955 Area irrigated Largest acreage irrigated in any year (acres) Pumps 1955 Farms reporting state and source of power 1954 1955 Farms reporting Number reservoirs, dams, etc.. Farms reporting Acres Farms reporting Acres for storing water, 1955 Total, 28 States 14,541 13,664 545,671 11,997 487,495 646,247 13,662 17,588 6,140 1,649 187 417 1,712 463 9,255 808 50 1,535 174 399 1,600 441 8,720 751 44 38,772 26,456 28,929 68,698 47,958 325,793 7,561 1,504 1,183 174 374 1,539 440 7,561 693 33 27,098 21,646 27,595 58,146 47,335 297,825 7,309 541 46,252 29,226 36,173 75,046 59,918 389,109 8,991 1,532 1,643 187 415 1,707 462 9,245 3 1,782 481 821 2,335 1,292 10,873 "4 707 72 208 397 261 4,393 90 Not reported 12 60 1 3 1 46 9 52 3 1 1 34 13 20 1 1 15 3 478 18 6 7 32 11 283 120 1 36 4 1 5 21 5 328 8 5 18 7 273 16 1 1,284 26 7 23 132 26 919 148 1 33 1 3 23 6 48 3 1 1 31 12 17 1 1 14 1 438 15 4 7 29 11 259 112 1 36 4 1 5 21 5 301 7 5 16 6 253 13 1 1,191 23 7 22 119 25 861 133 1 428 11 82 309 26 710 39 9 20 500 142 299 25 1 267 6 9,627 324 37 70 407 269 7,372 1,138 10 968 87 30 47 779 25 12,397 116 248 243 1,562 10,152 74 2 52,467 403 228 1,145 1,453 814 46,809 1,607 8 50 1 3 1 38 7 50 3 1 1 34 11 18 1 1 14 2 442 16 5 5 31 11 261 113 30 4 1 4 16 5 309 7 5 16 7 259 14 1 1,231 25 6 22 126 26 886 139 1 1,054 12 82 50 871 39 956 40 8 20 733 155 321 12 1 276 32 9,895 402 42 56 432 279 7,404 1,280 683 61 30 42 530 20 13,056 115 254 152 1,325 11,077 131 2 58,474 485 215 1,550 1,582 924 52,081 1,629 8 830 12 7 50 732 29 1,008 40 11 20 751 186 438 25 1 343 69 12,031 454 55 77 459 295 9,411 1,270 10 1,204 134 30 43 971 26 14,579 173 319 302 1,598 12,068 U7 2 62,474 555 252 1,630 1,779 1,060 55,206 1,984 8 50 1 3 1 45 39 3 1 1 34 17 1 1 15 357 18 6 7 32 11 283 31 4 1 5 21 311 8 5 18 7 273 1,133 26 7 23 131 28 918 67 1 4 60 42 3 1 2 36 19 1 1 17 464 Si 1; 11 35 27 355 38 5 1 7 25 434 £ 13 21 3C 36i 1,533 30 18 46 'I 1,19; 37 1 2 1 32 1 19 1 18 ... 5 5 188 11 4 4 9 6 151 3 Bhode iBland 15 3 1 1 10 ... 188 3 4 Electricity only 9 7 164 No power required 1 New York 334 Tractor only 13 Tractor and electricity 2 14 Electricity only 20 14 271 ... IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS 29 Table 5-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED. AND SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, BY SOURCE OF POWER, BY STATES. 1955— Continued state and source of power Number of farms reporting Irrigation, 1955 Area Irrigated Farms reporting Farms reporting Largest acreage Irrigated In any year (acres) Pumps, 1955 Farms reporting Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 New Jersey Tractor only Tractor and electricity Tractor and source other than electricity. Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor. Other motors and engines No power required Not reported Pennsylvania Tractor only Tractor and electricity Tractor and source other than electricity. Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor. Other motors and engines No power re(^uired Not reported Ohio Tractor only Tractor and electricity Tractor and source other than electricity. Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor. Other motors and engines No power required Not reported Indiana Tractor only Tractor and electricity Tractor and source other than electricity. Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor. Other motors and engines No power required Illinois Tractor only Tractor and electricity Tractor and source other than electricity. Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor. Other motors and engines No power required Wisconsin Tractor only Tractor and electricity Tractor and source other than electricity Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor Other motors and engines No power required Not reported Michigan Tractor only Tractor and electricity Tractor and source other than electricity Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor Other motors and engines No power required 1,1>28 53 9 111 183 69 981 669 83 8 12 28 li09 61*8 168 39 308 69 1. sw 185 9 178 31 2 12 295 25 11 30 6 213 5 1 1,168 87 13 40 177 39 779 33 1,312 39 6 36 168 67 908 158 37 296 65 3 3lto 181 9 266 29 It 192 l,01tO 72 12 37 156 35 698 30 50,855 1,056 86 l,'t93 2,303 5,959 39,058 870 30 6kh 16,792 80 8 12 l,l't5 21.6 281t 85 26 39* 896 52lt 13,531 38 1 l61t 2 13,786 l,ll»9 302 287 2,098 1,552 7,980 332 86 12,901 1,135 27 182 927 3, Ml. 7,131 15 5.351 721. 31 706 311 153 3,1.01. 10,1.90 1.91 131 912 331. 250 8,307 58 7 20,605 1,101. 281 653 1,702 1,233 15,1.05 227 1,353 1.8 8 1.0 171. 68 930 77 6 569 61. 6 12 26 3W. 575 37 10 7 152 39 267 60 3 262 29 2 2 85 12 22 1. 11 30 5 197 3 1 1,072 73 13 39 156 38 721. 29 57,923 1,652 122 2,162 2,581. 7,276 1*3,179 920 28 17,521. 1,207 79 311 877 656 ll.,230 162 2 839 1.19 213 2,11.9 1,708 6,906 800 15 W. 985 3,933 i.,561. 16 i.,632 622 23 797 336 212 2,620 22 12,835 656 119 906 388 UOl. 10,306 23,931 1,21.3 288 922 1,882 1,511. 17,876 206 60,830 1,687 197 2,090 2,662 7,561 1.5,777 82I. 32 21,567 1,1.01 252 315 1,088 778 17,529 202 2 16,132 1,179 MA 321 2,313 2,103 9,269 1.09 9k 11., 999 1,296 35 170 1,053 i.,267 8,160 18 6,097 8S5 36 1.22 191 3,716 21 13,511. 717 159 976 1.56 51.3 10,586 70 7 27,768 1,553 306 981 2,158 1,570 20,957 21.1 1,336 53 9 1.1 183 69 981 629 83 8 12 89 28 1.09 1.2 10 8 168 39 308 338 1.7 2 3 13 185 171 31 S 12 38 8 289 25 1. 11 30 6 213 1,132 87 13 1.0 176 38 778 1,910 77 220 197 1,31.2 751. 87 19 ll* 118 61 1.55 71.6 1.7 25 16 221. 90 3W. W.5 52 1. 7 139 lA 199 229 33 3 26 1.9 18 370 27 9 20 33 15 266 1,365 95 26 65 231. 92 853 412488 0-57-6 30 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 5-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, AND SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, BY SOURCE OF POWER. BY STATES: 1955— Continued state and source of power Number of farms reporting irrigatiorii 1955 Area irrigated Farma reporting reporting Largest acreage Irrigated in any year (acres) Pumpe^ 1955 Farms reporting Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 Minnesota Tractor only Tractor and electricity Tractor and source other than electricity. Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor. Other motors and engines No power required Not reported Iowa Tractor only Tractor and electricity Tractor and source other than electricity. Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor, Other motors and engines No power required Missouri Tractor only Tractor and electricity Tractor and source other than electricity Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor Other motors and engines No power required Not reported Delaware Tractor and source other than electricity. Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor. Other motors and engines Maryland Tractor only Tractor and source other than electricity- Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor, Other motors and engines No power required Not reported Virginia Tractor only Tractor and electricity Tractor and source other than electricity. Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor. Other motors and engines No power required Not reported West Virginia Tractor only Tractor and source other than electricity. Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor. Other motors and engines No power required Not reported 29 lU 19 kS 16 138 580 118 6 23 68 11 295 58 1 7 120 5I15 71 12 388 6 2 27 12 18 kk 111 131 558 llli 5 23 65 11 285 59 7 107 6 1 371 7, ''23 616 636 709 588 371 U,1.6l 39 3 1,996 220 112 927 17 33,315 5,lt5'i 215 3,79^ It, 669 17,885 37't 5,180 85 5,095 7,2'»7 20l> 5 113 892 5,987 1>5 1 22,887 l,ll20 61 565 1,033 1,627 18,152 17 12 19 10 96 Wo 1*67 13 37 26 12 16 1»3 16 126 6 1 66 5 21 60 11 200 7 105 6 1 It26 1.3 1 7 59 12 297 5 2 7.392 663 638 856 567 Wtl It, 186 38 3 2,838 771 15 105 337 290 1,306 111 21,355 2,917 83 2, '•39 3,1*88 giti 11,127 360 6,3lt3 223 125 5,995 8,133 101 6 550 1,100 6,31*2 33 1 I6,lt65 251 951 1,558 12,71*1+ 20 12 1*60 378 15 8 9,168 785 718 950 61*7 1*90 5,1*61 111* 3 2,912 905 15 187 301 297 1,175 32 36,822 6,253 263 3,952 1*,922 1,096 19,871* 1*61 1 6,1*67 223 5 125 6,111. 9,663 231 5 51*3 1,105 7,723 55 1 2l*,738 1,593 61 580 1,122 1,736 19,616 18 12 1,176 117 1*60 509 15 1*1 261* 29 11. 19 1*8 16 138 U8 6 23 68 11 295 161* 12 1 21. 7 120 71 12 388 382 33 1.2 1.1 62 37 167 639 132 199 13 1 30 21 131. 63c 6C 91 32 1*29 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS 31 Table 5-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, AND SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, BY SOURCE OF POWER, BY STATES. 1955— Continued state and source of power Numter of fanDS reporting Irrigation, 1955 Area irrigated Farms reporting Farms reporting Largest acreage irrigated in any year (acres) Pumps, 1955 Farms reporting reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 North Carolina Tractor only Tractor and electricity Tractor and source other than electricity. Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor. Other motors and engines No power required Not reported South Carolina Tractor only Tractor and electricity Tractor and source other than electricity. Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor. Other motors and engines No power required Not reported Georgia Tractor only Tractor and electricity Tractor and source other than electricity. Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor. Other motors and engines No power required Not reported Kentucky Tractor only Tractor and electricity Tractor and source other than electricity. Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor. Other motors and engines No power required Not reported Tennessee Tractor only Tractor and electricity Tractor and source other than electricity. Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor. Other motors and engines No power required Alabama Tractor only Tractor and electricity Tractor and source other than electricity. Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor. Other motors and engines No power required Not reported Mlss.lBBlppl Tractor only Tractor and electricity Tractor and soxirce other than electricity. Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor. Other motors and engines No power required Not reported 1,590 185 2 22 51. 20 1,277 25 5 kgk 60 7 22 23 12 352 16 2 857 180 7 39 69 27 508 22 5 829 189 It 13 1*2 6 555 13 7 170 11 20 71* 16 466 330 37 8 9 69 Ik 179 13 1 909 161 63 68 183 63 313 52 6 1,5*7 180 2 22 5>> 20 1,242 22 5 475 54 7 22 23 12 339 16 2 166 6 38 65 26 1*73 22 5 180 k 12 39 6 543 12 6 150 10 16 61 15 WtO 37 7 9 67 ll. 174 897 160 63 68 182 62 308 51 3 27,135 2,463 216 728 1,009 528 22,082 84 25 21,524 1,507 288 2,207 453 323 15,543 1,188 15 24,681 2,374 171 1,126 1,339 1,425 17,980 122 144 13,351 2,116 55 313 456 68 10,267 53 23 23,000 2,454 1,370 1,001 1,689 683 15,686 15,409 1,235 521 3S7 1,700 948 10,106 122 450 133,743 10,512 21,514 12,043 44,518 23,692 20,151 664 649 1,197 138 2 20 43 19 958 14 3 45 7 19 20 11 234 12 2 734 152 7 36 57 25 434 19 4 449 106 4 9 29 6 282 12 1 558 122 10 16 64 13 320 25 8 9 64 14 137 638 79 60 56 160 55 198 28 2 21,350 1,869 151 641 978 504 17,136 45 26 16, 504 976 357 2,838 254 258 10,677 1,129 15 25,271 2,165 253 1,250 1,283 1,451 18,615 112 142 6,313 1,146 75 222 344 87 4,389 41 9 16,819 1,676 539 1,159 1,725 528 11,146 12,641 1,055 578 448 2,020 1,091 7,208 66 175 100,835 4,684 17,595 9,918 34,069 20,200 13,923 432 14 30,874 2,953 216 836 1,096 594 25,059 87 31 25,901 1,877 372 3,156 515 408 17,949 1,604 20 32,581 2,985 261 1,467 1,697 1,720 24,178 128 145 15,204 2,368 83 307 495 93 11,778 56 24 27,145 2,917 1,430 1,550 1,815 790 18,527 18,353 1,601 622 450 2,157 1,181 11,758 134 450 151,772 U,66l 23,417 14,783 46,858 29,787 23,912 705 649 1,559 185 2 22 51 20 1,277 474 60 7 22 23 12 350 180 7 38 69 27 507 799 183 4 13 42 6 551 170 11 20 T4 16 466 316 37 8 9 69 14 179 851 la 63 68 183 63 313 1,752 190 5 42 73 53 1,386 612 67 15 47 35 46 402 182 15 64 96 60 591 847 186 7 23 52 10 569 836 171 20 30 83 33 499 427 42 20 21 97 43 204 212 208 174 341 264 392 32 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 6.-FARMS REPORTING. ACRES IRRIGATED. SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, AND COST OF IRRIGATION [Deta on cost of irrigation systema were reported only for farms State and source of power Humber of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 Area irrigated Farms reporting Farina reporting Largest acreage irrigated in any year (acres) Farms reporting reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 Total, 28 States. Tractor only Tractor and electricity Tractor and source other than electricity. Electricity only Electricity and source other 1^an tractor. Other motors and engines No power required Not reported Maine Tractor and source other than electricity. Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor. Other motora and engines No power required New Hampshire. Tractor only Electricity and source other than tractor. Other motora and engines No power required Electricity only Other motors and engines. No power required Massachusetts. Tractor only Tractor and electricity Tractor and source other than electricity. Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor. Other motors and engines No power required Rhode Island. Tractor only Electricity only Other motors and engines . No power required Connecticut. Tractor only Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor. Other motora and engines No power required New York. Tractor only Tractor and source other than electricity. Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor. Other motors and engines No power required New Jersey. Tractor only Tractor and electricity Tractor and source other than electricity. Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor. Other motors and engines No power required Not reported Pennsylvania. Tractor only Tractor and electricity Tractor and source other than electricity. . Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor. Other motors and engines No power required 6,l»lit 6,085 2't5,928 5,5l»l 220,082 295,15't 6,207 71.7 59 l81t 1*09 lii7 ,666 197 5 217 12 1 5 7 3 iitg 1.0 6 7 2 11*3 3 1*67 5 19 5 384 kk 560 2k 3 20 16 13 li6l< 18 2 31 k a 25 5 199 5 703 53 178 385 lltl kM6 185 k 19,26it 12, IW 12,327 22,036 18,391 159,7''2 1,992 32 580 53 166 378 1W» ,038 178 13,366 10,289 11,221 19,730 I8,li75 Ult.ltSg 2,011 31 23, SI'S 13, 428 15,500 2i.,97U 21,950 193,1167 2,lt53 36 7l>6 59 184 km 147 '•,663 30 5 6 3 137 36 5 7 2 13k 3 1.3i» 7 1* 16 5 361 kl 18 1 18 Ik 13 1137 17 2 266 30 1. 8 23 ii 192 5 138 106 lit 510 38 20 1.11 Itl 267 1 266 3,982 268 '60 155 32 2,912 555 535 60 6 I150 19 5,92i» 90 lit 995 It, 817 16, 596 111 51. 182 186 15,550 513 20,343 535 1 l,0lt5 111 768 17,719 158 6 7,681 608 26 196 261 29 6,547 12 5 7 3 139 39 5 7 2 138 3 449 10 4 17 5 369 44 541 3 20 16 13 447 18 2 263 31 3 8 23 5 188 5 7 50 325 685 38 20 578 49 1 274 4,462 56 169 33 ,241 660 377 3lt 6 323 14 6,161 15 1,014 5,032 U 18,390 193 147 157 191 17,145 557 24,339 741 36 1,398 215 715 21,007 222 5 8,398 738 19 226 296 21 7,086 483 12 7 50 392 22 718 38 20 599 61 341 1 340 5,343 330 12 67 175 41 4,001 717 633 107 6 501 19 6,679 147 17 1,014 5,490 11 20,078 210 162 243 246 18,607 610 24,291 739 33 1,219 117 842 21, UO 223 8 9,502 812 31 246 337 34 8,030 12 12 1 5 7 3 149 158 6 7 143 10 5 19 5 383 54o 24 3 20 16 13 464 25 5 199 7,530 802 168 356 540 378 5,286 213 208 6 8 17 177 10 8 25 10 459 683 24 6 39 19 27 568 304 32 9 9 30 10 214 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS 33 SYSTEMS. FOR FARMS REPORTING COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, BY SOURCE OF POWER, BY STATES: 1955 reporting irrigation beginning in 1946 or later. See text] Total cost Cost of irrigation equipment Coat of leveling and ditching Cost of constructing reservoirs, etc., for storing water and for drilling wells Per farm Per acre irrigated Farms Tota Per farm Per acre irrigated Farms Total Per farm Per acre irrigated Farms Total Per farm Per acre irrigated Dollars (dollars) In 1954 (dollars) reporting (dollars) reporting (dollars) in 1954 (dollars) reporting (dollars) reporting (dollars) in 1954 (dollars) reporting (dollars) reporting (dollars) in 1954 (dollars) 35, 5115,680 5,5112 145 6,382 27,477,344 4,305 U2 693 826,488 1,193 3.36 3,896 7,241,848 1,859 29.45 1 2,718,720 3, 640 141 746 2,088,083 2,799 108 73 49,646 1 680 2.58 391 580,991 1,486 30.16 2 703,855 11,930 58 59 364,458 6,177 30 28 95,170 3,399 7.84 52 244,227 4,697 20.11 3 1,1*98,903 8,lli6 122 184 1,130,827 6,146 92 45 48,851 1,086 3.96 128 319,225 2,494 25.90 4 2,424,387 5,928 110 409 1,648,290 4,030 75 92 170,578 1,854 7.74 289 605,519 2,095 27.48 5 2,257,521 15,357 123 147 1,555,746 10,583 85 43 145,495 3,384 7-91 135 556,280 4,121 30.25 6 25,661,717 5,500 161 4,664 20,459,366 4,387 128 374 304,030 813 1.90 2,864 4,898,321 1,710 30.66 7 275,0l»7 1,396 138 170 229,894 1,352 115 35 10,068 288 5.05 35 35,085 1,002 17.61 8 5,530 1,106 173 3 680 227 21 3 2,650 883 82.81 2 2,200 1,100 68.75 9 d6,866 2,786 485 23 57,011 2,479 413 1 600 600 4.35 14 9,255 661 67.07 10 ll.ltOO Ii,li00 400 1 1,900 1,900 173 1 2,500 2,500 227.27 11 1,505 752 215 2 1,205 602 172 1 300 300 42.86 12 5,500 5,500 1 5,000 5,000 1 500 500 13 53,641 3,353 506 16 48,286 3,018 456 10 5,355 536 50.52 14 1,820 455 130 3 620 207 44 1 600 600 42! 86 1 600 600 42.86 15 88,1>68 2,8511 173 30 68,898 2,297 135 6 2,081 347 4.08 15 17,489 1,166 34.29 16 6,000 3,000 158 2 6,000 3,000 158 17 '*,T50 4,750 238 1 2,600 2,600 130 1 2,150 2,150 107.50 18 76,018 3,041 185 25 58,798 2,352 143 5 1,881 376 4:58 14 15,339 1,096 37-32 19 1,700 567 41 2 1,500 750 37 1 200 200 4.88 20 30,008 2,143 112 14 28,513 2,037 107 5 1,495 299 5.60 21 2,500 2,500 2,500 1 2,500 2,500 2,500 22 27,508 2,116 103 13 26,013 2,001 98 5 1,1195 299 5.62 23 24 731,9'tl 3,373 184 215 620,932 2,888 156 24 21,891 912 5.50 112 89,118 796 22.38 25 l<3,51't 3,626 162 12 35,382 2,948 132 8 6,132 1,016 30.34 26 2,529 2,529 1 1,029 1,029 1 1,500 1,500 27 16,071 3,214 268 5 9,250 1,850 154 1 '86 '86 1:43 5 6,735 1,347 112.25 28 21,9'*'* 3,135 142 7 20,650 2,950 133 3 1,294 431 8.35 29 8,580 2,860 268 3 6,500 2,167 203 1 180 iao 5!62 2 1,900 950 59.38 30 587,221 3,941 202 149 499,234 3,351 171 20 19,325 966 6.64 91 66,662 755 23-58 31 52,082 1,302 94 38 48,887 1,286 88 2 2,300 1,150 4.14 2 895 448 1.61 32 63,525 3,737 119 17 54,045 3,179 101 8 9,480 1,185 17-72 33 7,780 3,890 130 2 7,030 3,515 117 1 750 750 12.50 34 6,000 6,000 1,000 1 5,000 5,000 833 1 1,000 1,000 166.67 35 lia,2l»5 3,711 107 13 40,515 3,117 90 6 7,730 1,288 17.18 36 1,500 1,500 79 1 1,500 1,500 79 37 1,279,209 7,945 216 160 1,020,923 6,381 172 21 15,500 738 2.62 101 242,786 2,4o4 40.96 38 21,500 3,583 239 6 14,000 2,333 156 3 3,200 1,067 35.56 3 4,300 1,433 47.78 39 7,096 1,014 507 7 5,400 771 386 5 1,696 339 121.14 40 269,663 134,832 271 2 224,163 112,082 225 2 45,500 22,750 45.73 41 979,100 6,847 203 142 776,510 5,468 161 '18 12,300 683 2.55 90 190,290 2,114 39-50 42 1,850 617 231 3 850 283 106 1 1,000 1,000 125-00 43 2,560,967 5,484 154 467 2,099,369 4,495 126 26 29,961 1,152 1.81 301 431,637 1,434 26-01 44 31,10lt 3,110 280 10 21,518 2,152 194 1 30 30 0.27 7 9,556 1,365 86-09 45 111, 155 2,831 262 5 12,900 2,580 239 1 50 50 0.93 3 1,205 402 22.31 46 68,676 3,615 377 19 44,495 2,342 244 3 5,450 1,817 29-95 14 18,731 1,338 102.92 47 lil,200 8,240 222 5 27,500 5,500 148 5 13,700 2,740 73-66 48 2,336,532 6,085 150 384 1,926,656 5,017 124 20 21,431 1,072 i.'se 272 388,445 1,428 24.98 49 69,300 1,575 135 44 66,300 1,507 129 1 3,000 3,000 5.85 50 3,659,9^0 6,536 180 559 3,000,933 5,368 148 80 48,367 605 2.38 409 610,620 1,493 30.02 51 105,121 4,380 196 24 84,139 3,506 157 5 1,572 3111 2.94 18 19,410 1,078 36.28 52 lit, 000 4,667 14,000 3 9,700 3,233 9,700 3 4,300 1,1133 4,300.00 53 231,397 11,570 221 20 190,061 9,503 182 '3 805 268 O.T! 19 40, 531 2,133 38.79 54 60,990 3,812 549 16 38,644 2,415 348 3 4,000 1,333 36.04 13 18,346 1,411 165.28 511 Ilt7,6l2 11,355 192 13 114,211 8,785 149 3 1,926 642 2.51 13 31.475 2,421 40.98 56 3,068,860 6,614 173 463 2,532,518 5,470 143 65 39,784 612 2.25 343 496,558 1,448 28.02 57 31,380 1,743 199 18 31,080 1,727 197 1 300 300 1.90 58 580 290 97 2 580 290 97 59 1,227,710 4,432 160 277 1,058,772 3,822 138 n 3,051 277 0.4o 143 165,887 1,160 21.60 60 95,110 3,068 156 31 90,952 2,934 150 1 18 18 0.03 B 4,140 518 6.61 51 15,200 3,800 565 4 8,300 2,075 319 3 6,900 2,300 265.38 S2 30,532 3,816 154 8 29,132 3,642 147 4 1,400 350 7.07 53 57,0lili 2,282 219 25 41,048 1,642 157 ' 3 350 U7 1134 18 15,646 869 59-95 54 7,975 1,595 275 5 5,850 1,170 202 1 600 600 20.69 5 1,525 305 52.59 55 1,019,573 5,123 156 199 881,214 4,428 135 6 2,083 347 0.32 105 136,276 1,298 20.62 56 2,276 455 190 5 2,276 455 190 ,7 34 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 6.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, AND COST OF IRRIGATION [Data on cost of irrigation systema were reported only for fanne State and aouree of power Number of farma reporting irrigation, 1955 Area irrigated Farms reporting Farms reporting Largest acreage irrigated in any year (acres) Puii9)3, 1955 Farms reporting Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 Ohio. Tractor only Tractor and electricity Tractor and source other than electricity. Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor. Other motors and engines No power required Indiana. Tractor only Tractor and soiirce other than electricity. Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor. Other motors and engines No power required lUlnola . Tractor only Tractor and source other than electricity. Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor. Other motors and engines No power reqiiired Wisconsin. Tractor only Tractor and source other than electricity. Electricity only Other motors and engines Ho power required Michigan. Tractor only Tractor and electricity Tractor and source other than electricity. Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor. Other motors and engines No power required Minnesota. Tractor only Tractor and source other than electricity. Electricity only Other motors and engines No power required Iowa. Tractor only Electricity only Other motors and engines No power required Missouri . Tractor only Tractor and electricity Tractor and source other than electricity. Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor. Other motors and engines No power required Not reported Delaware Other motors and engines . Maryland. Tractor only Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor. Other motors and engines No power required 18 2 3 9 152 7 133 10 5 6 111 1 5^7 2 19 30 16 l'35 7 280 67 2 13 19 5 158 15 216 17 2 3 31 S 1*9 6 118 18 10 5 k 105 1 32 2 19 28 Ik *00 7 271 66 1 13 19 5 152 15 5,193 707 6 U7 631 221 3,560 21 7,283 1.31 i6o 153 2,359 "•,173 7 l,l»0l> 328 271 62 32 677 lU i»,6l5 133 klk 73 3,959 36 9,832 It52 48 368 302 1*92 8,03't 136 2,719 258 215 2,157 1 576 296 10 267 3 15,528 2,889 ll>7 1,875 855 109 9,539 llh 2,600 2,600 5,328 61 18 820 Ii,lil9 10 lit 2 2 30 9 132 5 6 101 1 512 32 2 19 26 16 ii09 6 39 2 12 17 5 116 15 4,521 78 19 621 275 3,039 17 5,657 136 35 155 2,808 2,715 1,256 316 256 93 51 528 111 5,072 117 379 l»,lil*3 45 11,51*5 539 26 1.97 320 609 9,kkg 105 2,509 2it7 251 85 1,925 1 727 khk 2lt 256 3 9,818 1,580 68 1,01*0 613 lOl* 6,299 111* 3,187 3,187 6,157 1*3 1*1*6 1,020 1>,636 10 5,91*1* 689 77 1.7 659 292 11,156 8,1*16 1*61* 160 165 2,910 4,709 8 1,663 1*07 261* 79 56 823 ll. 6,11*7 193 W16 5,375 45 13,638 fa55 38 529 369 615 11,296 136 3,392 343 327 90 2,631 1 820 1*91* 10 313 3 17,31*0 3,352 193 1,950 922 129 10,591 202 1 3,359 3,359 7,068 61 1*36 1,020 5,521 10 216 16 2 3 34 9 152 U8 19 1 8 4 86 132 5 6 111 36 2 19 29 16 435 67 2 13 19 5 158 258 19 4 5 42 19 169 154 6 130 43 4 32 36 36 470 108 77 23 74 3 30 22 11 180 119 4 10 14 91 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS 35 SYSTEMS, FOR FARMS REPORTING COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, BY SOURCE OF POWER, BY STATES: 1955-Continued reporting irrigation beginning in 1946 or later. See text] Total cost Cost of irrigation equipment Coat of leveling and dltcMi^g Cost of constructing reservoirs, etc., for storing water and for drilling wells Dollars Per farm Per acre irrigated Farms Total Per farm Per acre irrigated Farms Total Per farm Per acre irrigated Farms Total Per farm Per acre irrigated ( dollars ) in 1954 (dollars) reporting (dollars) reporting (dollars) in 1954 (dollars) reporting (dollars) reporting (dollars) in 1954 (dollars) reporting (dollars) reporting (dollars) In 1954 (dollars) 932, 61n l(,ll(5 180 225 729,121 3,241 140 11 13,280 1,207 2.56 132 190,240 1,441 36.63 1 71,267 3,959 101 18 57,672 3,204 82 1 250 250 0.35 9 13,345 1,483 18.88 2 18,1(16 9,208 3,069 2 11,100 5,550 1,850 2 7,316 3,656 1,219.33 3 U,6oo 3,867 247 3 5,600 1,867 119 1 4,000 4,000 85.11 1 2,000 2,000 42.55 4 169,699 1(,991 269 34 121,939 3,586 193 1 60 80 0.13 28 47,680 1,703 75.56 5 70,392 7,821 319 9 46,100 5,122 209 2 6,000 3,000 27.15 8 18,292 2,286 82.77 6 585,589 3,853 164 152 4ai,032 3,165 135 6 2,950 492 0.83 84 101,607 1,210 28.54 7 5,678 811 270 7 5,678 811 270 S 763,815 6,365 105 120 643,216 5,360 88 4 5,550 1,388 0.76 73 115,049 1,576 15.80 9 70,250 3,697 163 19 59,290 3,121 138 1 3,000 3,000 6.96 11 7,960 724 18.47 10 It, 500 li(,500 91 1 12,000 12,000 75 1 2,000 2,000 12.50 1 500 500 3.12 11 16,900 2,112 110 8 14,930 1,866 96 6 1,970 328 12.88 12 228,925 57,231 97 4 175,900 43,975 75 1 500 500 0.21 3 52,525 17,508 22.27 13 430,9*0 5,011 103 86 378,796 4,405 91 1 50 50 0.01 52 52,094 1,002 12.46 14 2,300 1,150 329 2 2,300 1,150 329 15 2711,312 1(,156 195 66 227,311 3,444 162 40O 133 0.28 37 46,601 1,259 33.19 16 30,81(1 2,372 94 13 26,396 2,030 80 50 50 0.15 5 4,395 879 13.40 17 1(6,200 11,550 170 4 37,900 9,475 l4o 4 8,300 2,075 30.63 18 31,81(1( 4,51(9 388 7 24,200 3,457 295 300 300 3)66 7 7,344 1,049 89.56 19 10,61(5 3,51(8 333 3 7,700 2,567 241 3 2,945 962 92.03 20 150,582 4,070 222 37 126,915 3,430 187 '50 '50 0.07 16 23,617 1,312 34.88 21 1(,200 2,100 300 2 4,200 2,100 300 ... 22 702,669 5,263 152 133 626,048 4,707 136 8 5,410 676 1.17 66 71,211 1,047 15.43 23 28,335 2,834 213 10 22,475 2,246 169 2 1,100 550 8.27 7 4,760 680 35.79 24 1(9,861( 9,973 120 5 41,574 8,315 100 1 1,500 1,500 3.62 4 6,790 1,698 l6.4o 25 28,600 4,767 392 6 21,860 3,643 299 2 1,930 965 26.44 4 4,810 1,202 65.89 26 592,870 5,341 150 111 537,139 4,839 136 3 680 293 0.22 53 54,651 1,035 13.85 27 3,000 3,000 83 1 3,000 3,000 63 ... 28 2,21(3,235 4,101 228 545 1,921,974 3,527 195 43 41,196 958 4.19 329 280,065 851 28.49 29 99,593 2,621 220 38 90,455 2,380 200 1 150 150 0.33 19 6,968 473 19.88 30 9,000 4,500 188 2 6,450 3,225 134 2 2,550 1,275 53.12 31 83,825 4,4ia 228 19 67,075 3,530 182 3 550 183 1.49 13 16,200 1,246 44.02 32 89,176 2,973 295 30 70,318 2,344 233 3 2,900 967 9.60 21 15,958 760 52.84 33 108,673 6,792 221 16 92,113 5,757 187 3 1,985 662 4.03 l4 14,575 l,04l 29.62 34 1,797,828 4,133 224 435 1,557,913 3,581 194 31 34,266 1,105 4.27 258 205,649 797 25.60 35 55,11(0 7,877 405 5 37.650 7,530 277 2 1,345 672 9.89 2 16,145 8,072 U8.7I 36 520,81(1( 5,541 192 94 454,455 4,835 167 6 5,533 922 2.03 44 60,856 1,383 22.38 37 1(3,21(5 3,6o4 158 12 37,185 3,099 144 4 6,060 1,515 23.49 38 63.003 10,500 293 6 55,849 9,308 260 3 7,154 2,365 33.27 39 33,298 4,757 378 7 19,658 2,808 223 1 2,500 2,500 28!4i 6 ll,l4o 1,857 126.59 40 381,098 5,6o4 177 68 341,563 5,023 156 5 3,033 607 1.41 31 36,502 1,177 16.92 41 200 200 200 1 200 200 200 ... 42 83,107 3,957 144 21 71,047 3,383 123 2 790 395 1.37 12 11,270 939 19-57 43 38,91(6 4,327 132 9 33,456 3,717 U3 2 790 395 2.67 3 4,700 1,567 15.88 44 13,080 6,540 1,308 2 11,260 5,630 1,126 2 1,820 910 182.00 45 30,670 3,408 115 9 25,920 2,880 97 7 4,750 679 17.79 46 Ml 4U 137 1 4U 411 137 ... 47 1,318,692 4,710 85 278 1,105,366 3,976 71 39 35,111 900 2.26 98 178,215 1,819 11.48 48 211,159 3,152 73 67 185,212 2,764 64 8 2,520 315 0.87 16 23,427 1,464 6.U 49 15,320 7,660 104 2 14,552 7,276 99 1 768 768 5.22 50 9i(,875 7,298 51 13 79,350 6,104 42 3 2,820 940 1.50 7 12,705 1,815 6.78 51 71,230 3,749 83 19 57,650 3,034 67 6 4,765 794 5.57 7 8,815 1,259 10.31 52 1(2,500 8,500 390 5 25,150 5,030 231 2 1,050 525 9.63 5 16,300 3,260 149.54 53 863,738 5,467 91 158 729,707 4,618 76 17 21,331 1,255 2.24 57 112,700 1,977 11.81 54 17,370 1,158 152 14 13,745 962 121 2 125 62 1.10 5 3,500 700 30.70 55 2,500 2,500 ... 1 2,500 2,500 ... ... 56 356,853 10,8l4 137 33 296,567 9,047 115 3 2,500 833 0.96 24 55,786 2,324 21.46 57 356,853 10,8l4 137 33 298,567 9,047 U5 3 2,500 833 0.96 24 55,786 2,324 21.46 58 687,578 6,808 129 100 534,795 5,348 ICO 9 6,025 892 151 66 144,758 2,193 27-17 59 6,170 1,542 101 4 4,820 1,205 79 2 1,350 675 22.13 60 50,579 5,620 2,810 9 46,551 5,172 2,586 5 4,028 606 223.78 61 133,701 33,425 163 4 69,601 17,400 85 3 64,100 21,367 78.17 62 1(96,928 5,987 112 83 413,823 4,986 94 "9 6,025 892 l!82 55 75,080 1,365 16.99 63 200 200 20 ... ... 1 200 200 20.00 64 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 6.-FARMS REPORTING. ACRES IRRIGATED, SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, AND COST OF IRRIGATION fData on cost of irrigation systems were reported only for farms State and source of power htumber of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 Area irrigated Farms reporting Farms reporting Largest acreage Irrigated in any year (acres) F\mf>8, 1955 Farms reporting Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 Virginia Tractor only Tractor and electricity Tractor and source other tban electricity Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor Other motors and engines , No power required West Virginia Tractor only Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor. Other motors and engines No power required North Carolina Tractor only Tractor and source other than electricity. Electricity only , Electricity and source other than tractor, Other motors and engines No power required. . . ; South Carolina Tractor only Tractor and electricity Tractor and source other than electricity Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor Other motors and engines No power required Georgia Tractor only Tractor and electricity Tractor and source other than electricity Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor Other motors and engines No power required Not reported Kentudcy Tractor only Tractor and electricity Tractor and source other than electricity Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor Other motors and engines No power required Tennessee Tractor only Tractor and electricity Tractor and source other than electricity Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor Other motors and ecginee No power required Alabama Tractor only Tractor and electricity Tractor and source other than electricity Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor Other motors and engines No power required Mississippi Tractor only Tractor and electricity Tractor and source other than electricity Electricity only Electricity and source other than tractor Other motors and engines No power required 28 1 It 19 It 238 3 13 Zk 7 663 6 23l> 33 1 9 10 5 172 k 77 2 17 29 15 262 ll 2 376 81 2 7 15 1 267 3 366 81 It 10 18 6 2ltl 6 156 lit 3 2 22 5 109 37'' 69 32 32 69 32 126 lit 96k 27 1 It 19 It 226 3 7B1 85 13 2lt 7 61t7 5 223 30 1 9 10 5 l6lt It 381 73 2 17 27 lit 2lt2 It 2 366 79 2 6 15 1 260 3 3lt2 72 3 9 18 6 226 6 111 2 2 20 5 107 366 68 32 32 67 32 121 111 11,793 575 37 llt9 I198 Uk5 10,078 11 736 15 50 310 358 3 15,391 1,2911 3U 835 182 12,7*9 20 10,180 9ltli 2I17 258 300 nu 8,17it 1I13 12,679 1,267 32 581 611 617 9,531 lit 26 8,3ltl 1,093 I15 278 221 28 6,652 2ll 12,0lllt l,llltO 192 lto8 5118 2511 9,188 lit 7,839 lllO 87 Its 734 268 6,281 lit 55,871 lt,96l 11,276 5,579 15,290 10,110 8,568 87 255 25 "k 19 It 201 2 672 70 12 21 7 558 It 183 27 1 8 9 5 130 3 69 2 15 27 15 237 3 2li6 50 2 5 10 1 175 3 zgk 71 3 9 16 6 185 I, 9,0ll2 1106 173 577 1178 7,398 10 671 20 27 310 311 3 12,123 1,000 209 853 IS* 9,893 lit 6,956 655 295 3lt6 litO nU 5,363 It3 12,907 l,llili 65 629 689 785 9,558 11 26 lt,221 580 65 207 119 20 3,216 111 8,605 1.177 130 236 532 3ltl 6,179 10 6,itio 33lt 187 lUO 1,075 3lt9 4,325 lilt,993 2,520 9,320 ',965 12,li07 9,013 6,726 42 13,219 613 37 166 5lt0 5ltlt 11,311 8 777 20 52 310 392 3 17,920 1,521 325 911 210 14,933 20 11,848 1,187 295 375 342 132 9,374 143 16,197 1,523 65 782 839 800 12,146 15 27 9,443 1,175 73 268 223 28 7,652 24 14,415 1,817 227 440 562 329 11,025 15 9,884 542 187 140 1,171 369 7,465 10 65,596 5,887 12,160 7,555 16,613 11,959 11,323 99 294 28 1 4 19 4 238 793 13 24 7 663 33 1 9 10 5 171 77 2 17 29 15 262 80 2 7 15 1 266 360 81 4 10 18 6 241 155 14 3 2 22 5 109 360 69 32 32 69 32 126 325 29 1 8 19 12 256 882 86 20 31 15 730 35 4 16 16 10 198 478 78 3 32 37 32 296 81 4 14 19 2 279 393 7 15 20 12 257 197 14 8 5 33 9 128 675 95 U3 82 120 102 163 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS 37 SYSTEMS, FOR FARMS REPORTING COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, BY SOURCE OF POWER, BY STATES: 1955-Continued reporting irrigation beginning tn 19-46 or later. See text] Total cost Cost of irrigation equipment Cost of leveling and dltchinff Cost of constructing reservoirs. Btc, for storing water and for drilling wells Dollars Per farm (dollai-s) Per acre Irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) l,ai£,lt22 6,102 151* 296 1,337,113 11,517 113 19 21,1*20 1,127 1.82 202 453,889 2,247 38.49 1 10lt,021 3,715 181 28 71*, 811 2,672 130 1 300 300 0.52 20 28,910 1,446 50.28 2 l.UOO 1,1*00 38 1 1,200 1,200 32 ... 1 200 200 5.41 3 29,500 7,375 198 1* 21*, 000 6,000 161 1 5,500 5,500 36.91 4 107, TS"* 5,671 216 19 72,979 3,81*1 11*7 1 5,000 5,000 10.04 13 29,775 2,290 59.79 5 73,100 18,275 161* 1* 51*, 700 13,675 123 ... 4 i8,4oo 4,600 41.35 6 1, '195,732 6,285 11.8 238 1,108,528 1*,658 110 16 16,100 1,006 lieo 163 371,104 2,277 36.82 7 915 305 83 2 895 1*1*8 81 1 20 20 1.82 3 89,590 5,599 122 16 67,1*90 l*,218 92 1 200 200 0.27 5 21,900 4,380 29.76 9 3,500 3,500 233 1 2,000 2,000 133 1 1,500 1,500 100.00 10 5,100 1,700 102 3 5,100 1,700 102 11 25,000 25,000 81 1 25,000 25,000 81 12 5'*,890 5,1*89 153 10 3'*,890 3,1*89 97 ... 3 20,000 6,667 55.87 13 1,100 1,100 367 1 500 500 167 1 200 200 66!67 1 400 400 133.33 14 3,988,395 1*,992 259 796 2,832,1*1*1 3,558 181* 59 37,676 639 2.45 613 1,U8,278 1,824 72.66 15 396,1*10 1*,609 306 86 272,665 3,171 211 2 1,530 765 1.18 72 122,215 1,697 94.45 16 71,100 5,1*69 229 13 1*5,1150 3,1*96 11*6 1 1,000 1,000 3.22 10 24,650 2,465 79.26 17 167,330 6,972 200 21* 121,1*95 5,062 11*6 6 5,755 959 6.89 21 4o,080 1,909 48.00 18 Ii3,0li8 6,150 237 7 35,397 5,057 191* 7 7,651 1,093 42.04 19 3,309,157 '*,991 260 663 2,356,281* 3,551* 185 '1*5 29,201 649 2!29 502 923,672 1,840 72.45 20 1,350 225 68 3 1,150 383 58 5 190 38 9.50 1 10 10 0.50 21 1,576,599 6,738 155 232 1,059,966 1*,569 lOl* 29 34,167 1,178 3.36 194 482,466 2,487 47.39 22 llt5,ll^ 1*,398 151* 33 92,1*98 2,803 98 2 5,150 2,575 5.46 27 47,498 1,759 50.32 23 1*1,275 1*1,275 167 1 21,775 21,775 88 1 19,500 19,500 78.95 24 67,050 7,450 260 9 1*5,900 5,100 178 ' 1 300 300 i.'ie 9 20,850 2,317 80.81 25 61,1*00 6,11*0 205 10 39,100 3,910 130 1* 5,550 1,388 18.50 10 16,750 1,675 55.83 26 35,'>55 7,091 311 5 2l*,96o 1*,992 219 1 1*00 1*00 3-51 5 10,095 2,019 88.55 27 1,219,'*53 7,090 11*9 172 835,563 1*,858 102 19 21,737 1,11*1* 2.66 138 362,153 2,624 44.31 28 6,820 1,705 1*8 2 170 85 1 2 1,030 515 7.20 4 5,620 1,405 39.30 29 2,91*4,255 7,216 232 1*03 1,970,929 1*,891 155 36 32,001 889 2.52 339 941,325 2,777 74.24 30 378,31*3 1*,911* 299 76 236,533 3,112 187 1* 3,600 900 2.84 69 138,210 2,003 109.08 31 9,297 1*,61*8 291 2 i*,9i*o 2,1*70 151* 1 100 100 3.12 2 4,257 2,128 133-03 32 121,957 7,171* 210 17 71*, 972 1*,1*10 129 2 1,725 862 2.97 14 45,260 3,233 77.90 33 2li8,76o 8,578 1*07 29 175,270 6,01*1* 287 1* 5,1*75 1,369 8.96 26 68,015 2,616 111.32 34 11*8,550 9,903 21*1 15 92,250 6,150 150 14 56,300 4,021 91.25 35 2,033,798 7,763 213 262 1,386,061* 5,290 11*5 20 20,851 1,043 2!i9 210 626,883 2,985 65.77 36 1,100 275 79 1 800 800 57 3 100 33 7.14 2 200 100 14.29 37 2,1*50 1,225 94 1 100 100 1* 2 150 75 5.77 2 2,200 1,100 84.62 38 1,376,536 3,661 165 376 1,155,730 3,071* 139 7 1,571* 225 0.19 145 219,232 1,512 26.28 39 173,922 2,ll«7 159 81 156,075 1,927 11*3 2 522 261 0.4a 31 17,325 559 15.85 40 7,211* 3,607 160 2 It, 500 2,250 100 1 2,714 2,714 60.31 41 69,975 9,996 252 7 1*3,275 6,182 156 4 26,700 6,675 96.04 42 35,931* 2,396 163 15 31,919 2,128 11*1* 6 4,015 669 18.17 43 8,100 8,100 289 1 6,500 6,500 232 1 1,600 1,600 57.14 44 1,079,231* l*,0l*2 162 267 911,30* 3,1*13 137 "5 1,052 210 0.16 102 166,878 1,636 25.09 45 2,157 719 90 3 2,157 719 90 46 1,1*81,815 i*,oi*9 123 366 1,277,311* 3,1*90 106 13 10,755 827 0.89 105 193,746 1,845 16.09 47 221,372 2,733 151* 81 203,572 2,513 11*1 1 25 25 o.oe 22 17,775 808 12.34 48 19,250 I*,812 100 1* 18,700 i*,675 97 3 550 183 2.86 49 Wt,122 1*,1.12 108 10 38,907 3,891 95 2 520 260 1.27 4 4,695 1,174 11.51 50 67,596 3,755 123 18 52,91*6 2,91*2 97 4 14,650 3,662 26.73 51 35,066 5,81*1* 138 6 25,1*1*6 l*,2l*l 100 2 l*,20O 2,100 16^54 6 5,420 903 21.34 52 1,091,089 1*,527 119 21*1 9311,91*3 3,879 102 7 5,990 856 0.65 65 150,156 2,310 16.34 53 3,320 553 237 6 2,800 1*67 200 1 20 20 1.43 1 500 500 35.71 54 1,132,779 7,261 11*5 155 969,877 6,257 121* 23 6,752 294 0.86 77 156,150 2,028 19.92 55 81*,2l*0 6,017 205 11* 51*, 1*1*0 3,889 133 1 150 150 0.37 6 29,650 4,942 72.32 56 23,953 7,984 275 3 20,547 6,849 236 3 3,406 1,135 39.15 37 7,750 3,875 172 2 7,050 3,525 157 2 700 350 15.56 58 287,051 13,01*8 391 22 21*1*, 677 11,122 333 2 900 450 1.23 '16 41,474 2,592 56!50 59 1*0,305 8,061 150 5 30,235 6,01*7 U3 1 200 200 0.75 5 9,870 1,974 36.83 £0 689,178 6,323 110 109 612,928 5,623 98 16 1*,800 '00 0.76 46 71,450 1,553 11.38 61 302 302 22 1 2 2 0.14 1 300 300 21.43 62 3,550,909 9,1*91* 61* 365 2,185,188 5,987 39 209 1*1*2,677 2,U8 7.92 225 923,044 4,102 16.52 63 301,831 l*,37l* 61 69 219,507 3,181 1*1* 31* 25,689 756 5.18 22 56,635 2,574 11.42 64 527,001 16,1*69 1*7 32 21*1,665 7,552 21 27 95,070 3,521 8.43 29 190,266 6,561 16.87 65 1*27,027 13,31*5 77 32 308,682 9,61*6 55 23 32,795 1,426 5.88 21 85,550 4,074 15.33 66 713,301 10,338 1*7 69 357,1*96 5,181 23 52 125,623 2,4l6 8.22 52 230,182 4,427 15.05 67 768,781 21*, 021* 76 32 1*58,870 ll*,3'*0 1*5 26 128,1*51* 4,941 12.71 28 181,457 6,481 17-95 68 805,392 6,392 91* 126 597,71*3 l*,7l.4 70 36 3'*,1*10 956 4.02 60 173,239 2,887 20.22 69 7,576 51*1 87 5 1,225 21*5 ll» 11 636 58 7.31 13 5,715 440 65.69 70 38 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 7.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, AND SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, BY METHOD OF APPLYING WATER, BY STATES: 1955 State and method of applying water (see text) Number of farms reporting Irrigation, 1955 Area irrigated Farms reporting Farms reporting largest acreage Irrigated in any year (acres) PumpB, 1955 Farms reporting Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 Total, aS States. Sprinkler and camblnatlons of eprlnkler with other methoda. Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only Sprinkler and portable gated pipe only Sprinkler and ditch only Sprinkler and flooding only Sprinkler In ccanblnatlon with other methoda Fixed overhead pipe and camblnatione of fixed overtiead pipe with other methods (except aprinkler) Fixed overhead pipe only Canblnatlone of fixed overhead pipe and other methods (except sprinkler ) Portable gated pipe and ccmbinationa of portable gated pipe with other methods (except sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe) Portable gated pipe only Portable gated pipe and ditches Portable gated pipe and flooding Canblnatlona ot portable gated pipe with other methods.... Ditches and camblnatlons of ditches with other methods (except sprinkler, fixed overhead pipe, and portable gated pipe) Ditches only Dltchea and flooding CcBdalnatlon of ditches with other methods Flooding and ccanbination of flooding with other methods. Other methods Method not reported Sprinkler and ccnblnatlon of sprinkler with other methods.. Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only Sprinkler and portable gated pipe only Sprinkler and ditch only Sprinkler and flooding only Fixed overhead pipe and combinations of fixed overtiead pipe with other methoda (except sprinkler ) Fixed overhead pipe only Portable gated pipe and camblnatione of portable gated pipe with other methods (except sprinkler and fixed overhead plpe^ Portable gated pipe only Ditches and camblnatlons of ditches with other methods (except sprinkler, fixed overhead pipe, and portable gated pipe).. Ditches only Flooding and ccnblnatlon of flooding with other niethods. Other methods Method not reported New Han^shlre. Sprinkler and canbinatlons of sprinkler with other methods.. Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only Fixed overheEid pipe and ccnnblnations of fixed overhead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler) Fixed overhead pipe only Canblnatlone of fixed overtiead pipe and other methods (except sprinkler) Ditches and camblnatlons of ditches with other methods (except sprinkler, fixed overhead pipe, and portable gated pipe).. Ditches only Ccmbinatlon of ditches with other methods Venncmt. prlnkler and combinations of sprinkler with other methods. Sprinkler only Sprinkler and flooding only Portable gated pipe and combinations of portable gated pipe with other methods (except sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe) Portable gated pipe only Ik, 51*1 12,U*5 11,33^ 559 89 227 206 28 893 85^ 180 92 61 26 1 5^ 1*12 126 5 279 186 15 Flooding and ccxnblnAtlon of flooding with other methoda. Other methoda 13,66if 51+5,671 11,997 W7A95 6i*6, 2U7 13,662 11,669 10,629 517 86 211 199 27 838 801 1*33,205 36i*,622 20,021 10,5^ 16,695 17,892 3,^9 8,712 7,708 1,OOU 173 86 61 25 1 21,917 4,869 9,888 7,090 70 531 40] 125 5 36,852 15,635 21,200 17 273 167 13 U3,261. 1,580 1I.I 10,387 9,'too 526 75 186 171. 26 823 786 125 52 1.7 25 1 327 231 93 3 1B8 I'll 6 '^,533 520,357 336,800 '•37,311* 22,317 23,6Ji« g,k(A 11,817 13,927 20,oU2 16,085 22,863 4,000 '•,173 8,9lB 10,009 7,916 8,900 17,807 3,032 8,817 5,888 70 27,3l»3 10,758 16,577 29,200 1,582 112 1,109 26,578 5,589 12,171 8,748 70 1*1,132 17,721 23,393 18 li6,08l 2,022 69 ItaS 339 311 7 11 9 1 710 673 612 61 293 293 l.OSlt 964 926 7 18 9 830 816 761 25 18 10 It 956 919 861 58 2 2 321 23 1,OOB 968 890 78 1*38 369 366 1 12,002 10,975 492 85 222 206 22 687 651 173 86 60 26 1 399 295 100 4 251 142 17,588 15,147 13,185 987 164 410 350 51 931 878 321 112 131 77 1 582 357 220 5 417 179 11 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS 39 Table 7.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, AND SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, BY METHOD OF APPLYING WATER, BY STATES: 1955-Continued State and method of applying water (see text) Number of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 Area Irrigated Farms reporting reporting Largest acreage irrigated in any year (acres) Pumps, 1955 Farms reporting Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 Massachueetts Sprinltler and comblnatlonfl of sprinkler with other methods.'. Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only Sprinkler and portable gated pipe only Sprinkler and ditch only Sprinkler and flooding only Sprinkler in combination with other methods Fixed overhead pipe and combinations of fixed overhead pipe vlth other methods (except sprinkler) Fixed overhead pipe only Portable gated pipe and combinations of portable gated pipe with other methods fexcept sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe) Portable gated pipe only Ditches and comblnatlone of ditches with other methods (except sprinkler, fixed overhead pipe^and portable gated pipe) Ditches only noodlng and combination of flooding with other methods Other methods Rhode Island Sprinkler and ccmbinations of sprinkler with other methods... Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only Sprinkler and portable gated pipe only Fixed overhead pipe and combinations of fixed overhead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler) Fixed overhead pipe only Portable gated pipe and combinations of portable gated pipe with other methods (except sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe) Portable gated pipe only Other methods Connecticut Sprinkler and combinations of sprinkler with other methods... Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only SprlnJLLer and portable gated pipe only Sprinkler and ditch only Sprinkler and flooding only Fixed overtiead pipe end camblnatlons of fixed overhead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler) Fixed overhead pipe only Ditches and camblnatlons of ditches with other methods (except sprinkler, fixed overhead pipe* and poi^ble gated pipe) Ditches only noodlng and combination of flooding vlth other methods Other methods New York Sprinkler and canblnations of sprinkler with other methods . . . Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only Sprinkler and portable gated pipe only Sprinkler and ditch only Sprinkler in combination vlth other methods Fixed overhead pipe and ccnbinations of fixed overhead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler ) Fixed overhead pipe only Combinations of fixed overhead pipe and other methods (except sprinkler) Portable gated pipe Eind camblnatlons of portable gated pipe with other methods (except sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe) Portable gated pipe only Portable gated pipe and ditches Ditches and camblnatlons of ditches vlth other methods (except sprinkler, fixed overhead pipe, and portable gated pipe) Ditches only Ditches and flooding Flooding and combination of flooding vlth other methods Other methods Nsthod not reported 478 427 380 27 1 5 U 3 328 309 296 5 1 k 3 1,284 1,186 1,100 65 8 11 2 438 394 350 26 1 4 10 3 301 285 272 5 1 4 3 1,191 9,627 9,362 8,333 850 20 13 101 45 147 147 9,895 12,031 797 779 17 1 12,397 12,310 12,068 74 50 29 89 52,467 1,101 51,502 1,023 118,683 5B 1,839 7 293 11 585 2 102 58 W7 57 1.71 162 159 3 2'»5 230 15 391. 351. 25 "k 8 3 309 293 281 1. 1 U 3 1,231 9,563 11,638 8,556 10, 510 83a 861. 1*0 20 31 92 130 57 63 171. 170 171. 170 25 69 25 69 129 130 129 130 1 1 3 23 1*95 1*77 17 1 13,056 12,925 12,662 70 60 39 9lt 111. IIU 58,1.71. 16 221. 220 1. 585 580 5 1.8 53 2 1,201. l,00lt 986 17 1 100 100 l'.,579 ll*,1.52 ll.,l85 81. 60 36 87 uo 110 62,1.71. l,ll«3 57,091. 61,039 1,057 53,990 57,768 62 1,892 2,051. 8 390 393 11 720 722 2 102 102 59 1.66 1.72 58 1.52 1.57 229 225 b 620 605 15 51 61 2 357 332 299 17 1 1. 9 2 1,133 1,078 1,011. w. 8 n 1 1.38 377 37 1 5 ll. 1. 1.3I* 1.20 IKA 5 1 1. 6 1,533 1,1.58 1,31.7 72 ll. 21. 40 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 7.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, AND SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, BY METHOD OF APPLYING WATER. BY STATES: 1955-Continued State and method of applying water (see text) Number of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 Area irrigated Farms reporting Farms reporting Largest acreage irrigated in any year (acres) Pumps, 1955 Farms reporting New Jersey Sprinkler and comblnationa of sprinkler with other methods... Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only Sprinkler and portable gated pipe only Sprinkler and ditch only Sprinkler and flooding only Sprinkler In combination with other methods Fixed overhead pipe and combinatlonB of fixed overhead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler) Fixed overhead pipe only Combinations of fixed overhead pipe and other methods (except sprinkler) Portable gated pipe and combinations of portable gated pipe with other methods fexcept sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe ) Portable gated pipe only Portable gated pipe and ditches Ditches and comblnationa of ditches with other methods (except sprinkler, fixed overhead pipe^ and portable gated pipe) Ditches only Flooding and combtnation of flooding with other methods Other methods Method not reported Pennsylvania Sprinkler and combinations of sprinkler with other methods... Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only Sprinkler and ditch only Sprinkler and flooding only Sprinkler in ccmbination with other methods Fixed overhead pipe and ccMblnatlone of fixed overhead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler ) Fixed overhead pipe only Combinations of fixed overhead pipe and other methods (except sprinkler) Portable gated pipe and ccniblnatlons of portable gated pipe with other methods (except sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe) Portable gated pipe only Portable gated pipe and ditches Portable gated pipe and flooding Ditches and combinations of ditches with other methods (except sprinkler, fixed overhead pipe^ and portable gated pipe) Ditches only Combination of ditches with other methods Flooding and combination of flooding with other methods Other methods Ohio Sprinkler and combinations of sprinkler with other methods... Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only Sprinkler and portable gated pipe only Sprinkler and ditch only Sprinkler and flooding only Sprinkler in combination with other methods Fixed overhead pipe and ccBnblnations of fixed overtiead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler) Fixed overhead pipe only CombinatlonB of fixed overtiead pipe and other methods (except sprinkler ) Portable gated pipe and combinations of portable gated pipe with other methods fexcept sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe) Portable gated pipe only Ditches and combinations of ditches with other methods (except sprinkler, fixed overhead pipe, and portable gated pipe).. Ditches only Ditches and flooding Flooding and combination of flooding with other iDethoda... Other methods 1,1+28 1,227 1,012 3 18 16 U 172 16U 669 581 5^0 30 5 i* 2 1*85 1*10 60 1 5 7 2 132 130 1,312 1,121 92U 158 2 17 16 k l6i+ 157 616 50,855 1*8,7^6 38,273 9,533 85 2U5 1+38 172 1,981* 1,852 132 16,792 557 16 ,190 519 15 ,it)o 27 B61 5 116 l» 27 2 6 ".■j 275 U 273 87 100 13,786 1<62 12,562 TW 10,506 W 1,880 1 to h 8 7 121. 2 1. 125 903 123 897 IS". 121 13 kg no 1,353 1,166 959 169 2 17 15 1. 161 153 569 lt91 lt52 29 li It 2 1.31 360 58 1 It 6 2 123 122 57,923 55,682 It3,lt29 11,191 76 253 522 211 2,108 l,9't5 163 17,521* 17,097 16,079 937 lt7 28 6 219 217 37 103 12,622 ll,lt71 9,'t37 1,836 38 39 118 3 899 896 101 88 13 60,830 58,620 46,125 11,312 105 304 563 211 2,olt8 1,885 163 21,567 20,913 19,669 1,094 117 27 6 328 326 94 117 16,132 14,629 12,254 2,150 40 40 l4l k 1,081 1,051 138 124 14 64 192 1,336 1,169 967 162 3 18 16 3 142 134 629 562 526 26 5 4 1 458 389 55 1 4 7 1,910 1,701 1,295 354 3 26 20 3 176 163 754 668 606 49 6 5 2 746 588 471 95 2 7 127 124 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS 41 Table 7.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, AND SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES. BY METHOD OF APPLYING WATER, BY STATES: 1955-Continued State and method of applying water (aee text) Indiana SprlnJtler and combinations of sprinkler with other methods... Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only Sprinkler and ditch only Sprinkler and flooding only Sprinkler In ccinbinatlon with other methods Fixed overhead pipe and conibinatlonB of fixed overhead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler ) Fixed overhead pipe only Combinations of fixed overhead pipe and other methods (except sprinkler) Portable gated pipe and combinations of portable gated pipe with other methods Except sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe) Portable gated pipe only Portable gated pipe and ditches Ditches and combinations of ditches with other methods (except sprinkler, fixed overhead pipe, and portable gated pipe) Ditches only Ditches and flooding Flooding and combination of flooding with other methods Other methods IllinolB Sprinkler and combinations of sprinkler with other methods... Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only Sprinkler and ditch only Sprinkler and flooding only Fixed overhead pipe and cambinatlons of fixed overhead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler) Fixed overhead pipe only Ditches and combinations of ditches with other methods (except sprinkler, fixed overhead pipe, and portable gated pipe) Ditches only Flooding and combination of flooding with other methods Other methods Wisconsin Sprinkler and conblnatlons of sprinkler with other methods... Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only Sprinkler and ditch only Sprinkler and flooding only Sprinkler in combination with other methods Fixed overhead pipe and combinations of fixed ovexiiead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler) Fixed overhead pipe only Ditches and combinations of ditches with other methods (except sprinkler, fixed oveiiiead pipe* and portable gated pipe) Ditches only Other methods Michigan Sprinkler and carublnatlons of sprinkler with other methods... Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only Sprinkler and portable gated pipe only Sprinkler and ditch only Sprinkler and flooding only Sprinkler In combination with other methods Fixed overhead pipe and combinations of fixed overhead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler) Fixed overheGid pipe only Combinations of fixed overhead pipe and ether methods (except sprinkler) Portable gated pipe and ccanblnatlonB of portable gated pipe with other methods Except sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe) Portable gated pipe only : CombinationB of portable gated pipe with other methods.... Ditches and cambinatlons of ditches with other methods (except sprinkler, fixed overhead pipe, and portable gated pipe) Ditches only Ditches and flooding Flooding and ccmblnatlon of flooding with other methods Other methods Number of farms reporting irrigation J 1955 31*8 261 Shi 13 3 1 3 178 lUk 12k 5 6 9 295 27k 258 U 2 2 2 5 1,168 1,038 986 30 1 10 100 92 Area irrigated Farms reporting 3^ 255 235 13 3 1 3 168 136 116 5 6 9 266 12,901 12,067 8,850 359 811 U 2,036 648 Sik lUi 135 5,351 5,101 If, 382 37^ 53 292 10, 1+90 2l<8 10,10'« 233 9,767 10 165 2 31* 2 38 1 100 13 58 13 58 2 25 2 25 303 20,605 926 19, 515 aai 18,300 27 733 1 2 8 2M 7 157 2 75 89 60I. 82 571. 7 30 327 Farms reporting 192 17l» 13 2 1 130 111 5 5 9 273 25U 24l 9 1,072 10,357 9,716 14,070 6,218 10,203 31.3 435 685 961 9 9 2,1*61 2,li62 631 743 619 72l» 4,632 4,517 3,673 408 59 377 12,835 12,441 12,068 146 172 55 23,931 961 22 ,682 26,321 910 21 ,300 24,739 29 828 856 1 2 4 10 316 354 a 156 264 3 ao 104 87 687 786 79 650 732" 70 70 148 123 25 38 306 largest acreage Irrigated in any year (acres) 14,999 l4l 135 6 3 10 6,097 5,705 4,850 370 72 413 115 115 176 176 13, 514 13,050 12,512 211 172 55 100 367 27,768 70 70 148 123 25 38 405 Pumps, 1955 Farms reporting 338 253 234 13 3 1 2 171 140 120 5 289 272 256 11 2 1,132 1,028 977 30 10 8 3 445 315 263 27 9 1 15 111 109 Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 229 193 159 370 348 321 19 4 3 1,365 1,220 1,128 62 '16 11 3 118 110 42 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 7.-FARMS REPORTING. ACRES IRRIGATED, AND SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, BY METHOD OF APPLYING WATER, BY STATES: 1955-Continued State and method of applying water (see text) Number of farms reporting irrigation. 1955 Area irrigated Farms reporting Farms reporting Largest acreage Irrigated in any year (acres) Pumps, 1955 Farms reporting Minnesota. prlukler and canblnatlooa of sprinkler vlth other methods... Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only Sprinkler and ditch only Sprinkler and flooding only Fixed overhead pipe and combinations of fixed overhead pipe vltb other methods (except sprinkler) Fixed overhead pipe only Ditches and combinations of ditches with other methods (except sprinkler, fixed overhead pipe^ and portable gated pipe)... Ditches only Other methods. Sprinkler and combinatlona of sprinkler with other methods. Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only Sprinkler and ditch only Sprinkler and flooding only nxed overhead pipe and combinations of fixed overtiead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler) Tlxed overhead pipe only Combinations of fixed overheeid pipe and other methods (except sprinkler ) Portable gated pipe and combinations of portable gated pipe with other methods (except sprinkler and fixed overhead plp^ Portable gated pipe and ditches • Ditches and combinations of ditches with other methods (except sprinkler, fixed overhead pipe, and portable gated pipe) Ditches only Ditches and flooding Other methods. Sprinkler and combinations of sprinkler with other methods... Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only Sprinkler and portable gated pipe only Sprinkler and ditch only ^rlnkler and flooding only Pixed overhead pipe and comhlnations of fixed overhead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler) Fixed overhead pipe only Ccnblnatlons of fixed overhead pipe and other methods (except sprinkler) Portable gated pipe and combinations of portable gated pipe with other methods (except sprinkler and fixed overiiead pipe) Portable gated pipe only Portable gated pipe and ditches Portable gated pipe and flooding Ditches and combinations of ditches with other methods (except sprinkler, fixed overhead pipe, and portable gated pipe) Ditches only Ditches and flooding CoDblnetion of ditches with other methods Flooding and ccsoblnatlon of flooding with other joethods. Other methods Sprinkler and ccmblnatlons of sprinkler with other methods. Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only Sprinkler and portable gated pipe only Sprinkler and ditch only 273 220 21 3 2 580 1*31 389 12 2 16 12 25^ 229 205 20 3 1 83 558 7,^3 7,0Ul 6,529 3^5 162 5 375 375 1,996 1,669 1,251 2lU 188 16 150 150 117 67 50 33,315 m 25,229 Vi 23,059 12 16U S 184 ll. 367 12 1,435 51 477 47 449 28 318 l4l 152 25 2,589 579 2,009 4,684 IB 5,180 5,180 4,985 15 180 222 198 20 3 1 95 307 269 12 2 13 11 7,392 7,000 6,491 342 162 5 386 386 2,838 2,446 1,740 481 194 31 IflO 180 145 65 80 21,355 15,819 13,832 217 195 367 1,208 409 381 28 252 35 142 75 2,098 480 1,617 1 2,757 20 6,343 6,343 5,855 55 210 223 9,168 8,757 8,153 425 171 405 405 2,912 2,497 1,659 481 321 36 IBO 180 178 98 80 36,622 27,914 25,304 252 233 474 1,651 504 477 368 l4l 152 75 3,243 753 2,488 4,767 26 6,467 6,467 5,974 60 210 223 264 242 217 20 3 2 96 415 377 8 2 16 12 382 353 308 36 6 3 l4l 123 85 15 20 3 639 496 438 11 5 21 21 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS 43 Table 7.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, AND SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, BY METHOD OF APPLYING WATER, BY STATES: 1955-Continued State and method of applying water (see text) Number of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 Area irrigated Farms reporting Farms reporting Largest acreage Irrigated in any year (acres) Pumps, 1955 Farms reporting Farms reporting reservoirs, damSj etc., for storing water, 1955 Maryland Sprinkler and combinations of sprlnlder with other methods... Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only Sprinkler and ditch only Sprinkler and flooding only Sprinkler in combination vlth other methods Fixed overhead pipe and combinations of fixed overhead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler) Fixed overhead pipe only Comblnationfl of fixed overhead pipe and other methods (except sprinkler) Ditches and cambinatlons of ditches with other methods (except sprinkler, fixed overhead plpetand portable gated pipe) Ditches only Flooding and combination of flooding vlth other methods Other methods Virginia Sprinkler and comblnationB of sprinkler with other methods... Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only Sprinkler and portable gated pipe only Sprinkler and ditch only Sprinkler and flooding only Fixed overhead pipe and ccBBblnatlons of fixed overhead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler ) Fixed overhead pipe only Ditches and combinatlone of ditches with other methods (except sprinkler, fixed overhead pipe, and portable gated pipe) Ditches only Ditches and flooding Flooding and combination of flooding with other methods Other methods Vest Virginia Sprinkler and combinations of sprinkler vlth other methods... Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overtiead pipe only Fixed overhead pipe and comb inat ions of fixed overhead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler ) Fixed overhead pipe only Ditches ""f^ cambinatlons of ditches with other methods (except sprinkler, fixed overhead pipe* emd portable gated pipe) Ditches only Other methods North Carolina Sprinkler eind combinations of sprinkler with other methods... Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only Sprinkler end portable gated pipe only Sprinkler and ditch only Sprinkler and flooding only Sprinkler In comhlnetion with other methods Fixed overhead pipe and combinatlone of fixed overhead pipe vlth other methods (except sprinkler ) Fixed overhead pipe only Combinations of fixed overhead pipe and other methods (except sprinkler) Portable gated pipe and cambinatlons of portable gated pipe with other methods (except sprinkler and fixed oveiiiead pipe] Portable gated pipe only Ditches and cambinatlons of ditches with other methods (except sprinkler, fixed overhead pipe, and portable gated pipe) Ditches only Ditches and flooding Combination of ditches with other methods Flooding and ccsoblnatlon of flooding vlth other methods Other methods Method aot reported 152 1^2 6 2 1 545 I180 a 1 k 3 1,516 1,1*69 20 10 9 Y 136 126 6 2 1 1 1,5U7 1,^79 l>433 20 9 9 7 1 7,21*7 7,126 6,382 79 27 33 600 22,887 i*75 22,25'' kbO 21,096 ■1 107 1 10 Ii 393 3 6W 23 275 28 275 13 85 10 69 3 16 2 120 It 153 1,065 1,035 50 27,135 26,lt33 2l»,363 1,008 371 l»78 193 20 167 138 329 303 25 1 51 77 35 136 126 6 2 1 1 382 369 8 3 2 28 1,197 1,151 1,113 18 6 7 6 1 8,133 8,060 7,102 92 26 to 800 16,1.65 15,8U9 15,366 213 55 215 250 250 36 20 16 60 270 973 953 898 55 21,350 20,716 18,850 1,062 157 503 131* 10 203 16k 39 30l» 292 12 9,663 9,528 8,572 89 27 to 800 2l»,738 23,936 22,627 258 10 393 61)8 299 299 87 71 16 125 291 1,176 1,155 1,100 55 30,871* 30,060 27,963 965 356 527 199 50 Zk6 206 332 305 26 1 76 82 35 1I48 ito 1* 2 1 1 537 1*91. kje, 8 1 k 3 1,559 1,505 20 9 9 7 1 180 158 9 3 1 9 630 562 532 15 1 10 1. 1,752 1,687 1,610 37 10 17 10 3 44 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 7-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, AND SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES. BY METHOD OF APPLYING WATER, BY STATES: 1955-Continued State and method of afrplylng water (see text) Number of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 Area irrigated Farms reporting Farms reporting largest acreage irrigated in any year (acres) PumpB, 1955 FaJrms reporting South Carolina SprlnJtler and combinationB of sprinkler with other methods... Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only Sprinkler and portable gated pipe only Sprinkler and ditch only Sprinkler and flooding only Sprinkler in comb in at ion with other methods Fixed overhead pipe and cambinatlans of fixed overhead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler) Fixed overhead pipe only Ccmbinatlone of fixed overhead pipe and other methodfi (except sprinkler) Portable gated pipe and combinatlone of portable gated pipe with other methods Except sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe) Portable gated pipe only Ditches and camblnatione of ditches with other methods (except eprinkler, fixed overhead plpe»and portable gated pipe) Ditches only Ditches and flooding Flooding and combination of flooding with other methods Other methods Georgi a Sprinkler and comblnatlonB of sprinkler with other methods... Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only Sprinkler and portable gated pipe only Sprinkler and ditch only Sprinkler and flooding only Sprinkler in combination with other methods Fixed overhead pipe and combinations of fixed overhead pipe with other methods ( except sprinkler ) Fixed overhead pipe only Ccmblnations of fixed overhead pipe and other methods (except sprinkler) Portable gated pipe and canbinatlons of portable gated pipe with other methods -(except sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe) Portable gated pipe only Ditches and combinations of ditches with other methods (except sprinkler, fixed oveiiiead pipe, and portable gated pipe) Ditches only Ditches and flooding Flooding and combination of flooding with other methods Other methods Method not reported Kentucky Sprinkler and ccmblnations of sprinkler with other methods... Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only Sprinkler and portable gated pipe only Sprinkler and ditch only Sprinkler and flooding only Sprinkler in combination with other methods Fixed overhead pipe and combinations of fixed overhead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler) Fixed overhead pipe only Portable gated pipe and combinations of portable gated pipe with other methods (except sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe) Portable gated pipe only Portable gated pipe and ditches Ditches and ocmblnatlons of ditches with other methods (except sprinkler, fixed overhead pipe, and portable gated pipe) Ditches only Flooding etnd ccmbinatlon of flooding with other methods Other methods Method not reported k9k Ui8 8 2 9 15 1 857 785 722 15 2 21 2l* 1 829 781 757 n 2 5 5 1 U75 1^35 UOI 8 2 9 Ik 1 801 21,524 19, Wo 16,931 lOU 121 625 1,696 3 118 116 12k i2k &7k 51 623 966 1U2 2U,68l 732 6T5 2 24,OllO 21.935 373 8 19 22 1 793 930 1 15 13 210 206 331 170 161 13,351 75a 13,156 735 12,713 11 186 2 I48 5 31 U 177 1 1 IS 86 13 86 8 kz 6 35 2 7 321 295 731. 680 626 11 1 21 20 1 Uk9 i+22 liOlt 8 2 It 3 1 l6,50li llt.SlS 12,1(43 91 560 1,717 It 106 99 113 113 377 20 357 986 107 25,271 24,683 22,658 314 3 890 817 1 225 215 284 135 149 6,313 6,172 5,957 124 22 54 14 1 25,901 23,287 20,022 111 121 802 2,227 4 147 l4o l42 142 722 59 663 1,461 142 32,581 31,866 29,430 426 9 954 1,046 1 252 242 356 194 162 15,204 14,991 l4,4l2 214 48 40 275 2 103 103 474 449 4l4 8 2 9 15 1 777 716 14 2 20 24 1 762 739 612 580 509 31 4 13 1,008 951 855 35 2 29 29 1 847 803 776 13 2 7 5 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS 45 Table 7.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, AND SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, BY METHOD OF APPLYING WATER, BY STATES: 1955-Continued State and method of applying water (see text) Tennessee Sprinkler and combinations of sprinkler with other methods... Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overheeid pipe only Sprinkler and portable gated pipe only Sprinkler and ditch only Sprinkler and flooding only Sprinkler in combination with other methods Fixed overhead pipe and combinationa of fixed overhead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler ) Fixed overhead pipe only Portable gated pipe and ccanbinations of portable gated pipe with other methods Except sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe) Portable gated pipe only Portable gated pipe Eind ditches Ditches and ccmblnatlons of ditches with other methods (except sprinkler, fixed overhead pipe, and portable gated pipe) Ditches only Ditches and flooding Combination of ditches with other methods Flooding and combination of flooding with other methods Other methods Alabama Sprinkler eind combinations of sprinkler with other methods... Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only Sprinkler and portable gated pipe only Sprinkler and ditch only Sprinkler and flooding only Sprinkler in combination with other methods Fixed overhead pipe and comblnatlonfl of fixed overhead pipe with other methodfl (except sprinkler) Fixed overheeid pipe only Combinations of fixed overhead pipe and other methods (except sprinkler ) Portable gated pipe and combinations of portable gated pipe with other methods (except sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe) Portable gated pipe only Ditches and combinations of ditches with other methods (except sprinkler, fixed overhead pipe»and portable gated pipe) Ditches only Ditches and flooding Flooding and combination of flooding with other methods Other methods Mississippi Sprinkler and combinations of sprinkler with other methods... Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only Sprinkler and portable gated pipe only Sprinkler end ditch only Sprinkler and flooding only Fixed overhead pipe and combinations of fixed overhead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler) Fixed overhead pipe only Ccanbinations of fixed overhead pipe and other methods (except sprinkler) Portable gated pipe and combinations of portable gated pipe with other methods (except sprinkler and fixed overheadpipe) Portable gated pipe only Portable gated pipe and ditches Portable gated pipe and flooding Ditches and combinations of ditches with other methods (except sprinkler, fixed overhead pipe, and portable gated pipe) Ditches only Ditches and flooding Flooding and combination of flooding with other methods Other methods Method not reported 412488 O -57 - 7 Number of farms reporting Irrigation, 1955 777 71*+ 676 9 6 12 330 265 233 Area irrigated Farms reporting 35a 205 3 i.1 51* 55 Hi* hi 50 23 266 203 65 158 k 712 652 617 7 6 12 9 .1 322 257 ll>,lt83 225 13,02li 8 igk 5 1.69 a 201 9 531 2 &> 25 357 22 176 897 112 50 22 267 202 65 156 I. 1 23,000 22,1.23 20,333 379 801 1.96 212 200 153 153 339 309 22 15,1109 Farnis reporting 160 160 297 161 136 52 60 133, 71.3 351 W.,01.5 202 li»,61i9 2 30 Itl 7,852 51 10,781 55 10,733 6 1,030 5 lt7l» 556 20,531 3,9W. 9,556 7.031 31,161 13,037 18,121. 36,91.8 15 13 558 531 503 7 5 8 7 1 266 225 195 638 270 150 2 38 36 U 162 110 52 111. 2 16,819 16,I»37 15,01.2 1.66 1.65 107 157 200 321 321 12,61.1 12,128 10,31*0 191. 695 283 552 61. 293 167 126 136 51. 82 27 26 100,835 35,257 10,262 1.0 7,072 8,110. 9,739 999 U.2 16,687 2,M.0 8,1.68 5,779 22,81.3 8,633 ll.,210 21., 996 1.0 13 Largest acreage Irrigated in any year (acres) 27,11.5 26, 361 21., 296 1.91 576 537 261 200 352 352 20 5 15 3l»3 313 22 18,353 17,397 15,1.62 206 695 300 670 61. 391 210 160 160 293 157 136 52 60 52, 51.5 17,020 65 8,898 12,1.51* ll.,108 1,161 60I. 557 21., 959 1*,1.89 11,799 8,671 31., 003 11..263 19,7l«3 39,01.7 1*1. 13 Pumps, 1955 Farms reporting 707 669 9 6 12 10 316 263 232 7 5 8 9 2 851 356 20I* 3 1*1 53 55 113 1*0 50 23 222 161 61 150 1. 836 782 727 13 11 19 1.27 361 299 21. 11 10 ll* 3 1,591 660 277 6 95 ll*l* 138 250 58 118 71* 376 206 170 289 5 Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 46 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED. SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES. AND COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS. [Data on cost of irrigation systems were reported only for fanofl Itethod of applying water (see text) Nuniber of forms reporting irrigation, 1955 Area irrigated reporting Farais reporting Largest acreage irrigated in any year (acres) Pun^ia, 1955 Farms reporting Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 Total, 28 States Jprlnkler and ccmbinatlona of sprinkler with other methods Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only SprinJtler and portable gated pipe only Sprinkler and ditch only Sprinkler and flooding only ^rlnkler in ccnbination with other methods. 6,Ull* Fixed overhead pipe and canblnatlonB of fixed overhead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler ) Fixed overhead pipe only Ccanbinations of fixed overhead pipe and other methods (except sprinkler) Portable gated pipe and cdmbinations of portable gated pipe with other methods (except sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe ) Portable gated pipe only Portable gated pipe and ditches Portable gated pipe and flooding Ditches and cambinatlons of dltchee with other methods (except sprinkler, fixed overhead pipe and portable gated pipe ) Ditches only Ditches and flooding Combinations of ditches with other methods... Flooding and combination of flooding with other methods Other methods Method not reported Maine. Sprinkler and canblnatlonB of sprinkler with other methods Sprinkler only Sprinkler and portable gated pipe only Portable gated pipe and combinations of portable gated pipe with other methods (except sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe ) Portable gated pipe only Ditches and combinations of ditches with other methods (except sprinkler, fixed overhead pipe* and portable gated pipe ) Dltchea only Flooding and combination of flooding with other methods Other methods New Han^shlre Sprinkler and ccanbinations of sprinkler with other methods Sprinkler only Fixed overhead pipe and conbinatlons of fixed overhead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler) Fixed overhead pipe only Ditches and ccmbinatlons of ditches with other methods (except sprinkler, fixed overhead pipe, and portable gated pipe ) Ditches only Combinations of ditches with other methods... Vermont Jprlnkler and ccnbinatlone of sprinkler with other methods Sprinkler only Massachusetts . Sprinkler and cdnblnatians of sprinkler with other methods < Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only , Sprinkler and ditch only Sprinkler in ccohlnatlon with other methods.... Fixed overhead pipe and cambinatlons of fixed overhead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler ) Fixed overhead pipe only Portable gated pipe emd cambinatlons of portable gated pipe with other methods (except sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe ) Portable gated pipe only Ditches and canblnatlons of ditches with other methods (except sprinkler, fixed overhead pipe and portable gated pipe ) Ditches only Other methods 5,895 5,680 86 hh ki 29 15 112 109 188 132 53 3 101 58 2 2 1 1 li* ll* lU 217 202 191 9 1 1 6,085 2^5,928 5,5^*1 220,082 295, 15^* 6,207 7,530 5,589 205,881 5,333 183, ii't 81 1,708 '>^ 5,'t21 38 7,090 29 lt,76l 15 3,347 100 1,078 97 1,070 5,151 '•,958 76 41 36 26 lit 104 101 189,358 167,300 1,89't 5,609 2119,795 222,268 2,099 6,861 6,192 lt,lt60 3,903 S,2<3 6,262 It, 062 l,Wt3 1M3 1,51.5 1,535 182 126 53 3 101 56 1 8,281t 1,862 3,282 3,lltO 15,1.91 5,965 9,5lfi 8 llt,135 l,04l 18 117 73 Itl 3 6,978 1,032 2,7li9 3,197 ll,5ltO l.,297 7,235 9,662 1,096 5 10,172 2,lll7 3,960 lt,065 17,105 6,858 10,238 9 15,292 1,222 23 138 133 122 2 1 1 111 111 lit 199 185 175 9 lt87 I187 lilO 392 IB 267 267 267 3.982 3,865 3,693 lltO 205 190 180 685 663 663 2 2 275 275 275 lt,lt62 It, 336 It, 150 151 It 31 I183 1.77 lt59 18 3 1 718 695 695 3I.1 3I.I 3*1 5,31.3 5,178 l.,972 170 It 32 5,767 5,569 72 42 41 29 ll. 151. 103 1.8 3 6,892 6,1.53 121. 85 120 69 Itl 100 98 109 ItO 31 225 125 97 3 11.3 59 2 23 168 161 5 1 1 20lt 191 9 1 3 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS 47 FOR FARMS REPORTING COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, BY METHOD OF APPLYING WATER, BY STATES: 1955 reporting irrigation beginning in 1946 or later. See textj Cost of irrigation equipment Coat of leveling and ditching Cost of constructing reservoirs, etc., for storing water and for drilling wells Per farm { dollars ) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) 35,51*5,680 5,5lt2 11.5 6,382 27, ''77,31* 1»,305 693 826,li88 1,193 3.36 3,896 7,2111,8148 1,859 29- 1*5 32,852,570 30,55l»,219 U93,932 513,672 1(76, 821 398,757 1115,169 618,898 617,078 1,820 1<87,375 1118,852 183,199 155,32'* 876,760 367,785 506,960 2,015 5112,728 158,807 6,51*2 5,573 5,379 5,7'*3 11,671* 11,630 13,750 27,678 5,526 5,661 607 8,1*03 4,802 11,1*50 11*, 120 1*,661* 2,786 9,565 672 5,371* 2,738 1*,271 160 166 289 95 67 81* 12I* 57I* 577 228 5,892 5,677 86 1*1* 1*1 29 15 112 109 25,853,911 21*, 317, 1*01* 369,95'! 1*01,560 235,898 250,650 278,1*1*5 517.211 515,81*1 I*, 388 i*,283 1*,302 9,126 5,751* 8,61*3 18,563 1*,618 1*,732 126 132 217 7'* 33 53 83 1*80 1*82 351 11* ll* 1*1 27 1 57 62 53 252 38 153 1*75 165 112 50 3 1,370 21*0,676 93,1*81 87,275 59,920 1*58,888 181,759 276,201* 925 303,326 9l*,790 8,51*2 1*57 1*,150 3,016 5,1*55 5,1*1*7 2,781 1,623 5,521* 308 3,095 1,723 1*,271 30 30 29 116 21 91 1*71* 123 81* 37 1*76,086 286,711* 12,680 20,61*5 78,350 77,61*7 50 12,505 12,1*55 89,975 16,339 3l*,199 39,1*37 150,216 57,151 92,850 215 85,901 U,805 1,063 817 906 1,1*75 1,911 2,876 50 695 733 2,1*32 1,1*85 2,280 3,585 1,221 680 2,509 106 1,507 1,181 2.31 1.56 7.1*2 3.81 11.05 16.31 0.01 11.60 11.61* 6.25 10.86 8.77 10.1*2 12.56 9.70 9.58 9-76 26.88 6.0B 11.31* 105 69 31* 2 6,522,573 5,950,101 111,298 91,1*67 162, 573 70,1*60 136,671* 89,182 88,782 156,721* 39,032 61,725 55,967 267,656 128,875 137,906 675 153. 501 52,212 1,803 1,717 1,987 3,267 5,21*1* 2,936 11,390 1,1*38 1,1*55 '*,353 3,002 i*,i*09 6,219 2,51*9 1,866 I*, 056 1*38 3,266 1,800 31.68 32.1*2 65.16 16.67 22.93 llt.80 1*0.63 82.73 82.97 50.00 18.92 20.96 18.61 17.82 17.28 21.61 11*. 1*9 109.38 10.86 50.16 66,866 61*, 631 61*, 131 500 915 915 1,200 1,200 50 70 88,1*66 83,068 83,068 '*,750 '•,750 650 200 1*50 30,008 30,008 30,008 731,91*1 712,61*6 666,706 19,100 31*0 6,500 12,225 12,225 3,315 3,315 3,195 3,195 560 2,786 3,232 3,375 500 915 915 1,200 1,200 2,651* 2,967 2,967 1*,750 1*,750 325 200 1*50 2,11*3 2,11*3 2,11*3 3,373 3,528 3,595 2,122 31*0 6,500 1,222 1,222 1,656 1,656 1,598 1.598 560 1*85 1*66 526 1*5 1*58 1*58 173 170 170 238 238 217 200 225 112 112 181* 181* 186 136 3I1O 203 211 211 255 255 73 73 280 202 191 9 1 1 57,011 55,976 55,1*76 500 915 915 50 70 68,896 66,01*8 66,01*8 2,600 2,600 250 250 26,513 28, 513 26, 513 620,932 607,152 583,927 17,925 300 5,000 10,225 10,225 3,000 3,000 2,1*79 2,799 2,920 500 915 915 2,297 2.359 2,359 2,600 2,600 250 250 2,037 2.037 2,037 2,688 3,006 3,057 1,992 300 5,000 1,022 1,022 1,500 1,500 555 1*13 1*21 1*55 1*5 1*56 1*58 600 600 't.35 ll* 136 136 130 130 83 125 107 107 107 156 157 158 128 156 176 176 231 231 278 600 600 1,681 1,681 1*00 200 200 21,691 19,586 19,1*91 75 20 600 600 31*7 1*20 1*20 200 200 200 133-33 200.00 100.00 2,300 2,300 5 933 1,026 75 20 1,150 1,150 5 5.07 5.28 0.51* 52.27 52.27 2.50 101* 100 2 1 9.255 8,655 8.655 600 600 17.1*89 15.339 15.339 2,150 2,150 1,1*95 1,1*95 1,1*95 89.118 85,908 83.268 1.100 20 1,500 2,000 2,000 315 315 695 695 666 666 600 600 1,166 1,096 1,096 2,150 2,150 299 299 796 826 833 550 20 1.500 1*00 UOO 315 315 US l*Jld 67.07 65.08 70.91* 31.. 29 31.50 31.50 107.50 107.50 5.60 5.60 5.60 22.38 22.23 22.55 7.86 1*6!88 31*. W 3U.W 21*. 23 21*. 23 20.31* 20.31* 48 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING. ACRES IRRIGATED, SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES. AND COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS. [Data on cost of irrigation systems were reported only for farma Method of applying water (see text) Number of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 Area irrigated Farms reporting Farms reporting Largest acreage irrigated in any year (acres) Farms reporting Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 Bhode island Sprinkler and combinations of sprinkler with other methods Sprinkler only Other methods . Connecticut Sprinkler and combinations of sprinkler with other methods Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only. . . . Sprinkler and flooding only Fixed overhead pipe and combinations of fixed cfv«rhead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler) Fixed overhead pipe only Flooding and combination of flooding with other methods Other methods New York. Sprinkler and combinations of sprinkler with other methods Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only Sprinkler and portable gated pipe only Sprinkler and ditch only Sprinkler In combination with other methods. Fixed overhead pipe and combinations of fixed overhead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler ) Fixed overhead pipe only Rjrtable gated pipe and combinations of portable gated pipe with other methods (except sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe ) Itortable gated pipe only Flooding and combination of flooding with other methods Other methods New Jersey Sprinkler and combinations of sprinkler with other methods Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only Sprinkler and ditch only Sprinkler and flooding only Sprinkler in combination with other methods . Fixed overhead pipe and combinations of fixed overhead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler) Fixed overhead pipe only Ditches and comblnntlons of ditches with other methods (except sprinkler, fixed overhead pipe* and portable gated pipe ) Ditches only Flooding and combination of flooding with other methods Other methods Pennaylvanla. Sprinkler and combinations of sprinkler with other methods Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only Sprinkler and ditch only Sprinkler and flooding only Sprinkler in combination with other methods. Fixed overhead pipe and combinations of fixed overhead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler) Fixed overhesd pipe only I^srteble gated pipe and coniblnatlons of portable gated pipe with other methods (except sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe ) Fbrtable gated pipe only Ditches and combinations of ditches with other methods (except sprinkler, fixed overhesd pipe* and portable gated pipe ) Combination of ditches with other methods 153 lli9 3 1 1 5 W7 1.36 11 2 2 Flooding and coaablnation of flooding with other methods Other methods 560 5l<2 526 10 1 3 2 2 3 277 257 250 k 1 1 1 11.3 139 3 1 1 5 lt3lt 1*20 I1O6 10 1 502 1(87 9 1 3 2 2I17 2U0 l» 1 535 510 510 5,92'» 5,900 5,808 50 1(2 ll 7 16,596 16,1»76 16,006 273 sk 71 100 7 23 20,198 19,81(0 123 5 66 16J. 131 131 7 5 7,681 7,1A2 7,388 30 16 k k li»7 l'»3 3 1 1 5 1*9 lt3li 1*18 11 2 2 1 5I.I 52'* 509 10 1 2 2 263 21*5 238 k 1 1 1 377 3l'5 32 6,161 6,133 6,016 60 57 5 10 18,390 18,201 17,680 271 32 118 100 153 103 2lt,339 2l»,190 23,71*5 155 5 82 203 136 136 6 It 8,398 8,253 8,206 22 17 1> It 633 601 601 32 6,679 6,652 6,552 60 liO It 10 20,078 19,886 19,3119 283 36 U8 100 103 103 2lt,291 2lt,139 23,688 llt5 5 96 203 136 136 7 6 9,5oe 9,259 9,205 30 17 3 It 16 158 152 ll*9 2 1 ltl3 ItOl 7 2 2 1 5)10 512 2 3 272 25't 250 2 1 1 201 195 It 2 500 1*78 13 2 6 683 667 61.8 13 1 3 S 2 3 30I1 283 276 3 1 1 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS 49 FOR FARMS REPORTING COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, BY METHOD OF APPLYING WATER, BY STATES. 1955-Continued reporting irrigation beginning in 19^6 or later. See text] Total cost Cost of irrigat: on equipment Cost of leveling and ditching Cost of constructing reservoirs, etc., for storing water and for drilling wells Dollars Per farm (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) 63,525 3,737 119 17 5l.,OU5 3,179 101 ... 8 9,480 1,185 17-72 1 60,995 60,995 3,812 3,812 120 120 16 16 51,515 51,515 3,220 3,220 101 101 8 8 9,480 9,480 1,185 1,185 18.59 18.59 2 3 2,530 2,530 101 1 2,530 2,530 101 4 1,279,209 7,9^5 216 160 1,020,923 6,381 172 21 15,500 738 2.62 101 242,786 2,404 40.96 5 1,273,283 1,252,533 15,700 5,050 8,322 8,1.06 5,233 5,050 216 216 311. 120 152 US 3 1 1,016,1.93 1,003,593 8,200 l.,700 6,687 6,781 2,733 4,700 172 173 l64 112 21 20 1 15,500 15,350 150 738 768 156 2.63 2.64 3-57 96 93 2 1 241,290 233,590 7,500 200 2,513 2,512 3,750 200 40.90 40.22 150.00 4.76 6 7 8 9 2,725 2,725 1,362 1,362 210 210 2 2 2,650 2,650 1,325 1,325 204 204 1 1 75 75 75 75 5.77 5.77 10 11 1*80 2,721 1*80 5IU+ 120 389 1 5 1.80 1,300 480 260 120 186 '4 1,421 355 203! 00 12 13 2,560,967 5,1.811 151. 1.67 2,099,369 4,495 126 26 29,961 1,152 1.81 301 431,637 1,434 26.01 14 2,517,293 2,1*26,976 61,700 5,500 7,117 16,000 5,569 5,566 5,609 2,750 3,558 16,000 153 152 226 229 100 160 1.52 1.36 11 2 2 1 2, 071., 521 2,006,692 1.3,100 l.,000 4,729 1U,000 4,590 4,607 3,918 2,000 2,364 14,000 126 125 158 167 67 140 23 20 1 2 24,197 21,952 1,200 1,045 1,052 1,098 1,200 522 1.47 1-37 4.40 14.72 295 284 6 2 2 1 418,575 396,332 17,400 1,500 1,343 2,000 1,419 1,396 2,900 750 672 2,000 25.40 24.76 63.74 62.50 18.92 20.00 15 16 17 18 19 20 11,058 11,058 1,382 1,382 291 291 8 8 9,358 9,358 1,170 1,170 246 246 3 3 1,700 1,700 567 567 44.74 44.74 21 22 9,096 9,096 9,096 9,096 175 175 1 1 6,21.0 6,21.0 6,240 6,240 120 120 1 1 1,714 l,7l4 1,714 1,714 32.96 32.96 1 1 1,142 1,142 1,142 1,142 21.96 21.96 23 24 1,900 21,620 950 5,1.05 271 91.0 2 1. 1,900 7,350 950 1,836 271 320 2 4,050 2,025 176^09 2 10,220 5,110 444;35 25 26 3,659,9^0 6,536 180 559 3,000,933 5,366 148 60 4S,387 605 2.38 409 610,620 1,493 30.02 27 3,619,917 3,5't7,131 30,998 1,100 12,620 28,068 6,679 6,71* 3,100 1,100 It, 207 li.,03l. 179 179 252 220 191 171 51.1 525 10 1 3 2 2,970,273 2,913,300 25,501. 700 6,300 24,1.69 5,490 5,549 2,550 700 2,100 12,234 147 147 207 140 95 149 76 71 2 1 2 45,487 41,832 745 300 2,610 599 569 372 300 1,305 2.25 2.11 6.06 60.00 39.55 400 387 7 1 3 2 604,157 591,999 4,749 100 3,710 3,599 1,510 1,530 678 100 1,237 1,800 29-91 29-84 38.61 20.00 56.21 21.95 28 29 30 31 32 33 37,606 37,608 3,131. 3,131. 287 287 12 12 28,770 26,770 2,398 2,398 220 220 3 3 2,800 2,800 933 933 21.37 21.37 6 6 6,036 6,036 1,006 1,006 46.09 46.09 34 35 550 550 550 550 275 275 1 1 1.50 450 450 450 225 225 100 100 100 100 50.00 50.00 36 37 590 1,275 295 1.25 81. 255 2 3 14.0 1,000 220 333 63 200 1 100 100 14.29 50 275 50 275 7.14 55-00 36 39 1,227,710 l.,1.32 160 277 1,058,772 3,822 138 11 3,051 277 0.40 143 165,887 1,160 21.60 40 1,201,090 l,19't,5l*0 l*,000 850 1,300 It 00 U,67l. l.,778 1,000 850 1,300 1.00 161 162 133 53 325 100 257 250 1. 1 1 1 1,037,51.8 1,031,81.8 3,900 200 1,200 1.00 4,037 4,127 975 200 1,200 400 139 l4o 130 12 300 100 10 8 1 1 2,851 2,701 '50 100 285 338 '50 100 0.38 0.37 3-12 25.00 129 160,691 159,991 100 600 1,227 1,240 100 600 21.59 21.66 3-33 37.50 41 42 43 44 45 46 l'»,39^ 1,799 1,799 152 152 8 8 12,501. 12,504 1,563 1,563 132 132 1,890 1,690 32 378 19.89 19.89 47 48 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050 350 350 1 1 550 550 550 550 183 500 500 500 500 166.67 166.67 49 50 1,200 1,2M 1,200 1,200 21.0 21.0 1 1 600 600 600 600 120 120 600 600 600 600 120.00 120.00 51 52 3,600 6,376 900 1,063 1.8 105 1. 6 3,600 3,970 900 662 46 65 1 200 200 3:28 '5 2,206 441 36! 16 53 54 50 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING. ACRES IRRIGATED, SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, AND COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS. [Data on coat of irrigation systems were reported only for farms Method of applying vater (see text) Number of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 Area Irrigated Farms reporting Largest acreage irrigated in any year (acres) Pumps, 1955 Farms reporting Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 Ohio Sprinkler and combinations of sprinkler with other methods Sprinkler .only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only Sprinkler and ditch only Sprinkler and flooding only Sprinkler In combination with other mettaoda... Fixed overhead pipe and combinations of fljBId overhead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler ) Fixed overhead pipe only Portable gated pipe and combinations of portable gated pipe with other methods (except sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe ) Itortable gated pipe only Other methods Indiana Sprinkler and combinations of sprinkler with other methods Sprinkler only Sprinkler and ditch only Sprinkler in combination with other methods . ■ . Fixed overhead pipe and combinations of fixed overhead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler) Fixed overhead pipe only- Portable gated pipe and combinations of portable gated pipe with other methods (except aprlnkler and fixed overhead pipe ) ftjrtable gated pipe only Ditches and combinations of ditches with other methods (except sprinkler, fixed overhead pipe, and portable gated pipe ) Ditches only Flooding and combination of flooding with other methods nilnola Sprinkler and combinations of sprinkler with other methods Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only Fixed overhead pipe and combinations of fixed overhead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler) Fixed overhead pipe only Ditches and combinations of ditches with other methods (except aprlnkler, fixed overhead pipcp and portable gated pipe ) Ditches only Flooding and combination of flooding with other methods Other methods Wisconsin Sprinkler and combinations of sprinkler with other methods Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only Sprinkler In combination with other methods . . . Fixed overhead pipe and combinations of fixed overhead pipe with other methods (except aprlnkler ) Fixed overhead pipe only Other methods Michigan Sprinkler and combinations of sprinkler with other methods Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only Sprinkler and portable gated pipe only Sprinkler and ditch only Sprinkler and flooding only Sprinkler In combination with other methoda... Fixed overhead pipe and combinations of fixed overhead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler) Fixed overhead pipe only Combinations of fixed overhead pipe and other methods (except sprinkler) Other methods 211 200 113 111 1 1 2 133 130 127 2 1 2 2 1 51.7 535 526 1. 1 1 1 2 203 192 8 1 1 u8 111 109 1 1 2 125 123 120 2 1 1 502 I192 \83 h 1 1 5,193 5, n't 1,865 2lt2 2 k 1 6 6 9 7,283 7,U8 It, 92V 160 2,Ct3l» 125 125 1 l,ltOlt 1,319 1,255 64 30 35 ••.SlS 1»,312 '',195 17 100 3 3 300 9,832 9,532 9,283 161 2 1 10 75 1. 206 195 184 174 7 1 1 1 118 117 1 2 2 1 512 503 494 4 1 1 1 2 4,521 4,440 4,139 292 4 4 1 6 6 10 5,857 5,845 3,350 35 2,460 1,258 1,227 1,159 68 5,072 4,767 4,765 2 5 5 300 11,545 11,216 10,954 170 2 1 13 76 155 150 5 174 5,944 5,856 5,554 293 4 4 1 6 6 10 8,416 8,251 5,631 160 2,460 125 125 1 1,663 1,576 1,526 50 30 35 6,147 5,842 5,724 18 100 5 5 300 13,638 13,273 12,989 170 4 1 15 94 162 157 5 203 218 206 197 118 111 109 1 1 129 126 2 1 2 2 1 539 532 524 4 1 1 2 258 247 228 14 1 3 1 143 124 5 14 1 2 154 149 146 2 1 2 2 3 621 6l4 597 11 2 2 2 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS 51 FOR FARMS REPORTING COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, BY METHOD OF APPLYING WATER, BY STATES: 1955-Continued reporting irrigation beginning in 19'i6 or later. See text] Total cost Cost of irrigation equipment Cost of leveling and ditching Cost of constructing reservoirs, etc., for storing water and for drilling wells Dollars Per farm (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated In 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) 932,641 4,145 180 225 729,121 3,241 140 11 13,280 1,207 2.56 132 190,240 1,441 36.63 1 872,983 804,746 56,037 2,950 8,500 750 4,137 4,024 7,005 2,950 8,500 750 171 165 232 1,475 2,125 750 211 200 8 1 1 1 685,793 647,853 33,115 2,000 2,500 325 3,250 3,239 4,139 2,000 2,500 325 134 133 137 1,000 625 325 10 7 1 1 1 13,200 6,100 3,000 100 4,000 1,320 871 3,000 100 4,000 2.58 1.25 12.40 50.00 1,000.00 126 117 6 1 1 1 173,990 150,793 19,922 850 2,000 425 1,381 1,289 3,320 850 2,000 425 34.02 31.00 82.32 425.00 500.00 425.00 2 3 4 5 6 7 56,958 56,958 5,178 5,178 890 890 11 n 41,678 41,678 3,789 3,789 651 651 1 1 80 80 80 80 1.25 1.25 5 5 15,200 15,200 3,040 3,040 237.50 237.50 8 9 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 200 200 1 1 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 200 200 10 11 1,500 750 167 2 450 225 50 1 1,050 1,050 U6.67 12 763,815 6,365 105 120 643,216 5,360 88 4 5,550 1,388 0.76 73 115,049 1,576 15.80 13 743,165 542,665 14,500 186,000 6,577 4,389 14,500 186,000 104 no 91 91 113 111 1 1 629,016 481,016 12,000 136,000 5,567 4,333 12,000 136,000 88 98 75 67 2 1 1 2,500 500 2,000 1,250 500 2,000 0.35 0.10 12.50 69 67 1 1 111,649 61,149 500 50,000 1,618 913 500 50,000 15.69 12.42 3-12 24.58 U 15 16 17 3,950 3,950 1,975 1,975 494 494 2 2 3,800 3,800 1,900 1,900 475 475 1 1 150 150 150 150 18.75 18.75 IB 19 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 1T7 177 1 1 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 177 177 ... 20 21 10,000 10,000 3,333 3,333 80 80 3 3 3,900 3,900 1,300 1,300 31 31 2 2 3,050 3,050 1,525 1,525 24.40 24.40 2 2 3,050 3,050 1,525 1,525 24.40 24.40 22 23 1,200 1,200 1,200 1 1,000 1,000 1,000 1 200 200 200.00 24 274,312 4,156 195 66 227,311 3,444 162 3 400 133 0.28 37 46,601 1,259 33-19 25 268,222 230,605 37,617 4,625 4,193 12,539 203 184 588 58 55 3 221,741 188,541 33,200 3,823 3,428 11,067 168 150 519 1 1 300 300 300 300 0.23 4!e9 34 32 2 «6,l8l 42,064 4,U.7 1,358 1,314 2,058 35.01 33-52 64.33 26 27 28 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 220 220 1 1 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 220 220 ... 29 30 2,990 2,990 748 748 199 199 4 4 2,470 2,470 618 618 165 165 2 2 100 100 50 50 6.67 6.67 3 3 420 420 140 140 28.00 28.00 31 32 1,300 700 1,300 350 43 20 1 2 1,300 700 1,300 350 43 20 33 34 702,669 5,283 152 133 626,048 4,707 136 8 5,410 676 1.17 68 71,211 1,047 15.43 35 670,169 658,779 1,390 10,000 5,155 5,187 695 10,000 155 157 82 100 130 127 2 1 596,348 585,248 1,100 10,000 4,587 4,608 550 10,000 138 140 65 100 7 6 1 5,210 5,060 130 744 847 130 1.21 1.21 7.65 66 65 1 68,611 68,451 160 1,040 1,053 160 15.91 16.32 9.41 36 37 38 39 5,900 5,900 2,950 2,950 1,967 1,967 2 2 4,700 4,700 2,350 2,350 1,567 1,567 1 1 200 200 200 200 66.67 66.67 1 1 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 333-33 333-33 40 41 26,600 26,600 89 1 25,000 25,000 83 1 1,600 1,600 5.33 42 2,243,235 4,101 228 545 1,921,974 3,527 195 43 41,196 958 4.19 329 280,065 851 28.49 43 2,164,670 2,U4,870 35,910 2,290 1,100 2,950 7,550 4,046 4,021 8,978 2,290 1,100 2,950 3,775 227 228 223 1,145 1,100 295 101 535 526 4 1 1 1 2 1,867,504 1,826,304 30,100 2,000 400 2,500 6,200 3,491 3,472 7,525 2,000 400 2,500 3,100 196 187 1,000 400 250 83 39 36 1 1 1 35,996 35,051 145 600 200 923 974 145 600 200 3.78 3-78 72.50 600.00 20.00 324 316 4 1 1 1 1 261,170 253,515 5,810 145 100 250 1,350 806 802 1,452 145 100 250 1,350 27.40 27.31 36.09 72.50 100.00 25.00 18.00 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 54,365 54,045 9,061 10,809 591 614 6 5 51,120 50,800 8,520 10,160 556 577 2 2 2,300 2,300 1,150 1,150 25.00 26.14 2 2 945 945 472 472 10.27 10.74 51 52 320 320 80 1 320 320 80 ... 53 24,200 4,033 U.6 4 3,350 836 16 2 2,900 1,450 13.94 3 17,950 5,963 86.30 54 52 IRRIGATION IM HUMID AREAS T»hle 8_FARMS REPORTING. ACRES IRRIGATED. SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, AND COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS. '" * [Data on cost of irrigation systems were reported only for farms Method of applying water (see text) Minnesota. Sprinkler and combinations of sprinkler with other methods • Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only.... Fixed overhead pipe and comhinatlons of fixed overhead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler) Fixed overhead pipe only Other methods. Iowa .... Sprinkler and combinations of sprinkler with other methods Sprinkler only Sprinkler and flooding only Fixed overhead pipe and combinations of fixed overhead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler) Fixed overhead pipe only Missouri Sprinkler and combinations of sprinkler with other methods Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only.... Sprinkler and portable gated pipe only. . . . Sprinkler and ditch only Sprinkler and flooding only Fixed overhead pipe and combinations of fixed overhead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler) Fixed overhead pipe only CombinationB of fixed overhead pipe and other methods (except sprinkler ) Ditches and combinations of ditches with other methods (except sprinkler, fixed overhead pipe, and portable gated pipe ) Ditches only Ditches and flooding Combinations of ditches with other methods... Flooding and ccanblnatlon of flooding with other methods Other methods Delaware Sprinkler and combinations of sprinkler with other methods Sprinkler only Sprinkler and portable gated pipe only. . . . Maryland, Sprinkler and combinations of sprinkler with other methods Sprinkler only Sprinkler in ccmbinatlon with other methods* Fixed overhead pipe and combinations of fixed overhead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler) Fixed overhead pipe only Ditches and cdmbinations of ditches with other methods (except sprinkler, fixed overhead pipe, and portable gated pipe ) Ditches only Flooding and combination of flooding with other methods Other methods Virginia. Sprinkler and. combinations of sprinkler with other methods Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only. . . . Fixed overhead pipe and combinations of fixed overhead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler ) Fixed overhead pipe only Ditches and combinations of ditches with other methods (except sprinkler, fixed overhead pipe* and portable gated pipe ) Ditches only Number of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 Flooding and combination of flooding with other methods Other methods 91. 232 223 3 1 2 3 Area irrigated Faring reportijig 285 281 1. 90 225 216 3 1 2 3 272 266 reporting 2,719 2,710 2,709 1 3 576 576 569 7 15,528 13,002 12,536 68 9 67 322 122 119 913 187 725 1,1481. 7 2,600 2,600 2,U20 ISO 5,328 5,295 I*, 695 600 11,793 ll,55l« 11, soil 50 65 ll»5 206 170 161 3 1 2 3 2I15 2ltl h 2,500 2,1*99 1 3 727 Largest acreage irrigated in any year (acres) 713 669 21. ll. ll. 9,818 7,851. 7,321 96 58 71 308 118 115 801 195 605 1 1,039 6 3,187 3,187 2,977 210 6,157 6,139 5,339 800 10 2 9,ote 8,753 8,625 128 265 Pumps, 1955 Farms reporting 3,392 3,383 3,382 1 3 820 820 796 21. 17,31* 111,512 13,903 96 58 76 379 119 116 1,097 260 835 2 3,359 3,359 3,11*9 210 7,0ffl 7,035 6,235 800 13,219 12,81.5 12,702 11.3 65 280 261. 226 218 2 1 2 3 2 29I. 281. 280 1. 106 lOl. 103 1 Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 270 256 3 3 3 5 115 106 9 311 301. 7 IRRIGATION IN HLMID AREAS 53 FOR FARMS REPORTING COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, BY METHOD OF APPLYING WATER, BY STATES: 1955-Continued reporting irrigation beginning in i946 or later. See text] Cost of irrigation equipment Cost of leveling and ditching Cost of constructing reservoirs, etc., for storing water and for drilling wells Per farm (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 195-4 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farni reporting ( dollars ) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) 520, 8Wt 517,717 5nM7 300 2,237 2,237 83,107 70,387 66, M7 3,900 12,720 12,720 1,318,692 l,17't,283 1,118,173 18, too 16,000 5,110 16,600 i»7,900 1»7,200 31.969 13, ''29 18,175 365 57,300 7,2l«D 356,853 356,853 337.853 19,000 687,578 675,1*78 559,227 116,251 6,500 6,500 It, 900 14,900 200 500 1,776,982 l,7l>l,292 35,690 9,350 9.350 350 350 1,600 2lt,lltO 5,5lH 5,817 5,880 300 7l<6 7I46 IA5 3,957 3,519 3,1*99 3,900 12,720 12,720 It, 710 5,062 S.OlIt 6,133 16,000 2,555 5,533 4,790 5,2ltlt 1,683 2,272 365 It, 093 l,ltltfi 10,8lli 10,8Ht 10,558 19,000 7,036 5,887 116,251 6,500 6,500 4,900 4,900 200 250 6,235 6,197 8,922 1,870 1,870 1,600 12,070 192 191 191 300 373 373 297 iWt 122 117 557 85 90 89 271 1,778 76 52 393 397 35 72 25 365 39 1,034 137 iito 106 128 119 194 1,083 1,083 377 377 20 125 154 154 151 714 519 519 25 166 94 278 232 223 3 1 2 3 296 285 281 4 454,455 451.663 451.363 300 1,942 1,942 850 71,047 60,087 58,587 1,500 10,960 10,960 1,105,366 1, 000, 486 957,736 14,500 13,000 5,000 10,250 39,500 39,250 19,515 7,885 11,555 75 41.515 4.350 298,567 298,567 282,067 16,500 534,795 525.695 472,444 53,251 5,000 5,000 3,600 3,600 1,315.083 1,292,983 22,100 7,500 7,500 290 290 200 l4,040 4,835 5.075 5.129 300 647 647 425 3.383 3,004 3,034 1,500 10,960 10,960 3.976 4.312 4,295 4,833 13,000 2.500 3,417 3,950 4,361 1,064 876 1,444 75 2,965 1,088 9,047 9.047 8,815 16,500 5,34a 5.476 4,973 53,251 5.000 5,000 3,600 3,600 4.517 4,614 4,601 5,525 1,500 1,500 200 7,020 167 167 167 300 324 324 283 123 104 103 214 71 77 76 213 1,444 75 32 324 330 83 28 621 115 117 92 99 101 833 833 277 277 125 113 114 112 442 417 417 5.533 5,533 5,533 790 90 700 35.111 17,540 15,030 600 100 110 1,700 850 800 50 6,851 2,366 4,470 15 7.370 2,500 2,500 2,500 8,025 7,425 7,425 600 600 19,680 19,680 700 1,000 922 922 395 395 90 700 900 1,096 1,503 600 100 55 850 283 400 571 394 894 15 1,053 2,500 833 833 833 892 928 600 600 1,312 1,312 700 1.000 2.04 2.04 1-37 1-37 0.16 100.00 1.35 1.20 8.82 11.11 1.64 5.28 6.97 6.72 16.67 7.50 12.65 6.17 15.00 4.97 357.14 0.96 0.96 1.03 1.40 1.58 46.15 46.15 1.70 1.71 3.64 3.64 10.77 6.90 194 190 4 60,856 60, 521 60,521 295 295 40 11,270 9.510 7,810 1.700 1,760 1,760 178,215 156,257 145,407 3,300 2,900 4,650 7.550 7,150 5.603 3.178 2,150 275 8,415 390 55.786 55.786 53.286 2.500 144,758 142, 358 79,358 63,000 1.500 1,500 700 700 453,889 442,219 428,629 13. 590 1,850 1,850 700 9,100 1.383 1,513 1,513 98 98 40 939 865 781 1,700 1,760 1,760 1,819 2.029 2,048 1,650 2,900 1,550 1,888 2,333 700 794 717 275 1,202 195 2,324 2.324 2,317 2,500 2,260 1,280 6,300 1.500 1.500 700 700 2,247 2.279 2,256 3,396 462 462 700 4,550 22.33 22.34 49.17 49.17 13-33 19.57 16.51 13.73 242.86 12.02 11.60 46-53 322.22 14!44 61.89 60.06 6.14 16.99 2-97 275.00 24 25 26 27 5.67 55.71 28 29 21.46 30 21.46 22.02 13-89 31 32 33 27-17 34 26.69 16.90 105.00 35 36 37 250.00 250.00 38 39 53.85 53-85 40 41 20.00 42 43 38.49 44 38.27 37.26 271.80 45 46 47 102.78 102.78 48 49 1.82 1.82 50 51 10.77 62.76 52 53 54 IRRIGATION IN HDMID AREAS Table 8.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED. SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES. AND COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, [^Deta on cost of irrigation aystems were reported only for farms Method of applyljig water (aee text) Number of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 Area irrigated Farms reporting Farms reporting Largest acreage irrigated in any year (acres) Pumps, 1955 Farms reporting Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 West Virginia. Sprinkler and combinations of sprlnlEler with other methods Sprinkler only FiJted overhead pipe and combinations of fljced overhead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler J Fixed overhead pipe only Ditches and combinations of ditches with other methods (except sprinkler, fixed overhead plpe^ and portable gated pipe ) Ditches only North Carolina. Sprinkler and combinations of sprinkler with other methods Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only Sprinkler and portable gated pipe only Sprinkler and ditch only Sprinkler in combination with other methods. Fijced overhead pipe and combinations of fixed overhead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler) Fixed overhead pipe only Fbrtable gated pipe and combinations of portable gated pipe with other methods (except sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe ) Rartable gated pipe only Ditches and combinations of ditches with other methods (except sprinkler, fixed overhead pipe. and portable gated pipe ) Ditches only Ditches and flooding noollng and combination of flooding with other methods Other methods ^fethod not reported South Carolina Sprinkler and combinations of sprinkler with other methods Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only Sprinkler and ditch only Sprinkler in combination with other methods. Fixed overhead pipe and ccanbinations of fixed overhead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler) Fixed overhead pipe only Portable gated pipe and combinations of portable gated pipe with other methods (except sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe ) Portable gated pipe only Ditches and combinations of ditches with other methods (except sprinkler, fixed overhead pipe* and portable gated pipe ) Ditches and flooding Flooding and combination of flooding with other methods Other methods Georgia Sprinkler and combinations of sprinkler with other methods Sprinkler only Sprinkler and fixed overhead pipe only. . . . Sprinkler and ditch only Fixed overhead pipe and combinations of fixed overhead pipe with other methods (except sprinkler ) Fixed overhead pipe only Combinations of fixed overhead pipe and other methods (except sprinkler) Ditches and combinations of ditches with other methods (except sprinkler, fixed overhead plpe> and portable gated pipe ) Ditches only Ditches and flooding 778 760 7 6 1. 1 23 1» 219 215 1 2 1 387 376 5 6 781 762 7W. 7 6 1. 1 208 20U 1 2 1 381 362 353 It 5 736 728 726 15,231* ll*,U27 55 3lt7 385 20 13 58 18 10,180 9,316 9,283 8 22 3 124 12ll '•33 ••as 100 123 12,679 12,5Wt 12,206 109 229 Flooding and combination of flooding with other methods Other methods 672 660 61<6 5 k k 183 170 167 1 370 353 3''3 k 6 671 663 663 12,123 11,983 11,362 Wt 130 U17 10 59 6,956 6,368 6,3711 8 2 1> 111 111 262 262 106 12,765 12,370 125 270 769 769 17,920 17,709 16,850 60 317 lt32 50 16 63 18 ll,81i8 10,858 10,62l» 8 22 It lUO lltO 533 533 100 123 16,197 16,027 15,592 lli2 293 15 776 758 7 6 It 229 218 2llt 1 2 1 387 376 5 6 662 662 832 8 7 12 3 279 261t 258 it78 i»6l Wshlre 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to ^9 acres 50 to 99 acres Not reported Vemont 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to U9 acres 50 to 99 acres Not reported Massachusetts 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to kS acres , . . . 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to U99 acres 500 to 999 acres Not reported Rhode Island 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to U9 acres 50 to 99 acres , 100 to 199 acres 200 to U99 acres Connecticut 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to U9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to lt99 acres 500 to 999 acres Not reported New York 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to U99 acres 500 to 999 acres Not reported Number of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 11^,5^1 5,186 2,520 1,5^*5 1,563 1,56U 792 392 83 19 arr 6 6 2 2 1 3 U78 19^ 122 U6 38 21 12 k 1 1*0 1,261* 329 155 119 189 261 111 26 1 93 Area irrigated FEirms reporting 13,661* 5,186 21,873 2,520 33,306 l,5l>5 35,55'< l.^b'i 57, '•69 1,564 103,967 792 loU, 372 392 no, 215 B^ 51,165 19 27,750 5l»5,671 1.38 19't 122 lt6 301 81 62 53 1.5 36 17 3 It 1,191 1128 85 75 67 30 171 78 2te 106 138 iiA 299 19 80 50 80 70 9,627 857 1,587 1,071 1,'*3'' 1,382 1,509 1,267 520 968 57 87 99 lltO 160 200 225 12,397 339 855 1,211* 1,703 2,385 2,186 1,135 2,580 52,1'67 FarmB reporting 11,997 It, 013 2,129 1,328 1,331 1,381 677 3lt9 77 18 694 329 1,199 155 2,058 119 2,771 lfl9 7,221 261 17,768 111 ll»,179 26 6,771 1 500 lite 183 113 i-s 38 20 309 75 59 51 1*5 36 16 3 It 20 1,231 308 llt5 115 183 256 111 25 1 87 1)87, it95 23,289 3lt,517 311,675 50,653 91,190 8it,89lt 87,221 36,735 23,299 21,022 1,051* 169 82 56 100 75 572 956 95 318 128 167 l61t 81t 321 20 130 26 Itl 80 2lt 9,895 1,037 1,869 1,003 1,1*95 1,318 1,31*9 982 250 592 683 Uk 81 81 57 170 100 150 13,056 lt03 81tO 1,169 1,805 2,621 1,937 1,1»15 2,ltllt lt52 58,1*71* 1,591 2,lt66 3,1*21 7,338 17,993 15,01*0 7,1*53 600 2,572 Largest acreage Irrigated in any year (acres) 61*6,21*7 31,639 1*1*, 051 l*l*,61tO 67,61t6 116,381* 115,301 119,731 52,205 31,507 23,11*3 830 133 69 67 100 113 3ito 127 159 185 81* 1*38 23 iWt 50 80 80 61 12,031 1,329 2,257 1,136 1,609 l,72lt 1,513 1,218 500 7lt5 l,20lt 72 96 110 201 IflO 320 225 ll*,579 lt76 1,102 1,383 1,896 2,683 2,369 l,li55 2,689 526 62,4711 1,975 2,655 3,806 7,975 19,lt95 15,529 7,769 600 2,670 Pumpe, 1955 Farms reporting 13,662 It, 593 2,396 1,508 1,51*2 1,51*9 783 389 80 18 801* 357 119 97 37 36 20 U I* 1 32 311 70 59 53 1*5 36 17 3 1* 2lt 1,133 2lt2 129 112 183 254 110 26 1 76 17,588 5,127 2,792 l,8llt 1,911 2,195 1.279 916 331 202 1,019 Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 lt61t 139 115 1*7 52 38 22 10 3 38 1*311 71* 68 58 58 53 31* 19 lis 283 155 131* 222 386 191 60 8 91* IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 9.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, AND SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, BY ACRES IRRIGATED IN 1954, BY STATES: 1955-Continued 59 state and acres Irrigated in 195I; Nev Jersey 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to i*9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres . 200 to U99 acres 500 to 999 acres 1^000 acres and over. Not reported Pennsylvania. . . 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to U9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to U99 acres IjOOO acres and over. Not reported Ohio 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to k9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to 1+99 acres Not reported Indiana 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to U9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to i+99 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over. Not reported Illinois 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to li9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to 1*99 acres 1,000 acres and over. Not reported Wisconsin 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to 1+9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to 1+99 acres Not reported Michigan 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to 1+9 acres 50 to 99 acres. ...... 100 to 199 acres Not reported Number of farms reporting Irrigation, 1955 1,1+28 379 235 167 192 231 87 18 1 2 116 669 272 132 71 83 63 15 7 1 25 308 106 61 60 59 15 7 32 3I18 175 58 15 33 26 23 7 2 1 8 178 71 37 22 19 10 1+ 1+ 1 10 295 101+ 1+9 27 29 23 22 12 29 1+27 262 155 91 80 25 I2B Area irrigated Farms reporting 1,312 379 235 167 192 231 87 18 1 2 61+J+ 272 132 71 83 63 15 7 616 308 106 61 60 59 15 7 3I+0 175 58 15 33 26 23 7 2 1 168 71 37 22 19 10 1+ 1+ 1 IOI+ 1+9 27 29 23 22 12 1,01+0 1+27 262 155 91 80 25 50,855 1,685 3,191 3,81+6 7,072 15,61+1 10,873 li,8l6 500 3,231 16,792 1,119 1,778 1,620 3,020 3,991 2,005 1,767 1,1+92 13,786 1,233 1,371+ 1,382 2,191 3,91+1* 1,81+7 1,815 12,901 611+ 770 322 1,21+1 1,71+9 3,051 1,920 1,200 2,031+ 5,351 273 1+70 528 69I+ 585 5I+6 1,055 1,200 10,1+90 I+3I+ 591 609 1,01+6 1,1.81+ 2,891+ 3.1+32 20,605 1,880 3,518 3,511+ 3,300 5,161 3,232 Farms reporting 1,353 352 221+ 160 186 22I+ 86 15 1 2 103 569 215 109 66 77 59 11+ 7 1 21 276 95 53 56 120 51 11+ 21 23 19 1+ 2 1 7 273 97 1+3 25 26 23 21 12 26 1,072 398 21.8 150 86 77 25 88 57,923 2,083 3,776 l+,267 8,21+7 16,397 11,131 l+,265 500 l+,239 3,018 17,521+ 1,192 1,861+ 1,707 2,961 3,1+61 1,91+3 2,353 1,815 12,622 1,385 1,233 1,171+ 2,007 3,362 1,61+2 1,558 261 10,357 1+98 81+1+ 310 821 1,1+05 2,091+ 9I+5 850 2,1.60 130 l>,632 281+ 1+08 1+11 511+ 685 1+00 995 800 135 12,835 Largest acreage irrigated in any year (acres) 23,931 2,298 1+,186 3,909 3,271 5,371+ 3,1.69 1,1+21+ 60,830 2,395 l+,030 l+,59l+ 8,1+50 16,818 11,188 5,11+7 500 l+,239 3,1+69 21,567 1,678 2,381+ 2,036 3,585 1+,1+01 2,288 2,1+68 2,500 227 16,132 1,723 1,618 1,693 2,1+95 l+,509 1,821+ 1,988 282 ll+,999 728 1,229 362 1,502 2,020 3,267 1,91+5 1,350 2,1.60 136 6,097 1K)8 551 572 890 lis 51+5 1,055 1,200 131+ 13,511+ Pumps, 1955 Farms reporting 501. 620 891+ 1,103 P3 803 1,01+9 1,1+37 1,61+2 3,122 2,960 1,990 1,783 3,722 3,1+52 535 27,768 2,858 l+,866 l+,33l. 3,936 5,960 3,718 2,096 1,336 318 221 161 188 226 87 18 1 2 112 629 2I+2 126 70 83 63 15 7 1 22 21+8 100 61 60 57 15 7 27 338 166 57 15 33 26 23 7 2 1 8 101 1+9 26 28 23 22 12 1,132 1+02 260 155 88 79 21+ 121+ 376 279 213 253 3I.8 175 67 18 30 151 751+ 285 11+3 81 91+ 79 29 13 5 25 7I.6 315 118 71+ 80 85 20 15 39 1+1+5 195 78 20 1+5 3'' 35 11 1+ 11+ 9 229 61 1+5 29 27 11+ 5 15 2 11 370 loe 56 33 33 31+ 1+0 26 1+0 1,365 1+53 295 193 116 112 1+0 156 Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 576 90 69 58 110 137 59 10 1 1 1+1 296 113 58 27 1+3 35 9 6 229 93 37 26 28 26 7 2 10 1+7 15 6 9 12 a 1 1 1 1 1+1 12 9 1+ 6 2 1 3 99 26 IB 10 13 11+ 5 2 11 1+1+7 1I+9 lU 57 33 37 12 1+8 60 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 9._FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, AND SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, BY ACRES IRRIGATED IN 1954, BY STATES: 1955-Continued State and, acres Irrigated In 195^* Minnesota 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to ^9 acres ^0 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to 499 acres Not reported lova 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to k9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres Not reported Missouri 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to k9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to 1*99 acres 500 to 999 acres Not reported Delaware 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to ^9 acres ^0 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to U99 acres Not reported Maryland 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to U9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to U99 acres 500 to 999 acres Not reported Virginia , 1 to 9 acres 1 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to k9 acres , 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres.. . . 200 to 1*99 acres.... 500 to 999 acres.... 1,000 acres and over Not reported West Virginia. 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to 1*9 acres $0 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres.... 200 to 1*99 acres.... Number of farms reporting irrigationj 1955 273 99 32 35 32 k6 8 2 19 560 11*1 73 71 69 92 73 35 1* 22 173 Area irrigated Farms reporting w ua 18 18 25 25 15 15 2B 28 11 13 5 5 1 1 20 545 23 25'* 99 32 35 32 1*6 558 Al 560 73 902 71 1,621. 69 2,617 92 5,977 73 10,061 35 9,259 It 2,295 L7lt 91 171* 91 50 50 65 65 80 80 W 1*7 13 13 1 1 1 1 7,1*23 IxA 1*37 838 1,165 3,029 1,100 U50 1,996 117 277 322 31*7 513 1(20 33,315 Farms reporting 5,180 22 80 63 256 1,171* 2,71*5 81*0 7,21*7 166 21*9 598 587 1,777 1,605 1,665 600 22,887 783 1,202 1,157 2,381 5,W*0 6,223 1*,091 610 1,000 1,101* 76 20 2r8 232 150 310 113 51 w» 1*7 66 55 28 1> 10 131 75 39 1.8 63 38 13 1 1 17 7,392 1*63 379 890 1,362 2,762 71*6 1.50 31*0 2,838 135 328 376 IA5 635 1*55 1*61. 21,355 Largest acreage irrigated in any year (acres) 6,31*3 111. 169 351 377 1,526 2,678 875 253 8,133 202 257 658 522 1,757 1,780 1,393 800 76* 16,1.65 688 1,081 627 1,1*31 3,922 1*,387 3,301 200 300 528 973 36 85 15 159 218 150 310 9,168 629 575 1,091. 1,523 3,373 1,170 1.60 3IJ. 2,912 192 391 389 1.89 796 530 125 36,822 Pumps, 1955 Farms reporting 580 913 678 1,061 1,238 2,125 1,930 3,169 3,760 6,535 5,911 10,702 5,121. 9,399 1,668 2,295 1.66 623 6,1*67 113 180 351 373 1,591* 2,988 610 258 9,663 257 335 87I* 705 1,989 2,127 1,71*0 800 836 2l*,738 961. 1,1*83 1,298 2,511. 5,765 6,1*20 3,923 610 1,000 761 1,176 51 85 268 150 310 261. 92 32 31* 32 1*6 8 2 18 521 97 66 69 67 92 167 90 50 65 80 1*7 13 1 1 23 26 Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 382 109 1.2 52 80 IB 5 28 639 111 75 78 73 106 97 70 10 19 630 185 100 59 73 97 53 33 2 3 25 23 32 20 19 10 15 7 9 39 3 1. 2 1. 11 10 2 3 92 18 9 16 6 18 11 5 1 322 95 61 32 35 1.7 26 9 16 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS 61 Table 9.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, AND SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, BY ACRES IRRIGATED IN 1954, BY STATES: 1955-Continued state and acres Irrigated In 195^ North Carolina. 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acree ao to 29 acree 30 to U9 acres 30 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to ii99 acres 500 to 999 acree Hot reported South Carolina. 1 to 9 acree 10 to 19 acree 20 to 29 acree 30 to U9 acres 50 to 99 acree 100 to 199 acres..... 200 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acree and over. Not reported Ceorsia 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to k9 acres 50 to 99 acr«s 100 to 199 acres 200 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres Not reported Kentucky 1 to 9 acree 10 to 19 acree 20 to 29 acres 30 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres ....... 100 to 199 acres 200 to 499 acree Not reported Tennessee 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to 499 acres Not reported Alahana 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres Not reported Mississippi. . . . 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to 499 acre 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over. Not reported Number of farms reporting irrigationj 1955 1,590 759 381 169 151 62 14 9 2 43 494 144 99 66 56 53 31 16 4 857 332 164 107 73 72 31 18 4 56 829 459 137 72 76 41 15 2 27 347 78 70 87 68 41 21 65 330 85 63 30 36 64 33 10 1 154 96 82 129 168 57 12 12 Area irrigated Farms reporting 1,547 759 381 169 151 62 14 9 2 475 144 99 66 56 59 31 16 4 1 332 164 107 73 72 31 18 4 459 137 72 76 41 15 712 347 78 70 87 68 41 21 897 27,135 3,594 5,024 3,891 5,396 3,874 1,727 2,437 1,190 21,524 737 1,274 1,511 2,033 3,934 4,168 4,352 2,500 1,015 24,681 1,568 2,132 2,446 2,641 4,613 3,989 5,032 2,260 13,351 1,809 1,829 1,705 2,793 2,686 1,970 559 23,000 1,205 1,067 1,606 3,201 4,535 5,454 5,932 15,409 326 801 685 1,217 4,364 4,371 3,045 600 133,743 154 672 « 1,260 82 1,887 89 3,245 108 7,184 129 17,847 168 48,040 57 35,810 12 17,778 Farms reporting 1,197 502 315 148 122 57 10 9 2 32 350 101 69 47 40 41 19 12 4 1 16 734 273 143 98 62 64 28 15 3 48 449 208 87 42 52 29 11 2 18 558 210 60 59 69 56 32 19 53 638 92 56 45 55 74 93 150 53 11 9 21,350 3,100 4,368 3,380 3,637 2,401 894 2,194 896 480 16,504 1,113 1,239 1,309 1,222 2,432 2,452 2,488 2,625 1,015 609 25,271 2,178 2,954 2,589 2,461 4,161 3,485 4,369 1,570 1,504 6,313 929 963 957 1,046 1,259 781 223 153 16,819 1,019 892 1,324 1,994 2,895 3,341 4,064 1,290 12,641 453 1,002 589 1,125 3,115 3,385 2,548 424 100,835 676 1,405 1,816 3,013 5,600 12,222 36,806 24,362 12,670 2,265 Largest acreage irrigated in any year (acres) 30,874 4,472 5,781 4,522 6,042 4,138 1,757 2,373 1,210 579 25,901 1,498 1,771 1,930 2,249 4,002 4,706 4,859 3,050 1,015 821 32,581 2,572 3,436 3,191 3,332 5,367 5,075 5,624 2,420 1,564 15,204 2,076 2,051 1,939 2,904 2,946 2,106 559 623 27,145 1,645 1,361 1,861 3,674 4,862 5,782 6,149 1,791 16,353 586 1,349 836 1,425 4,879 4,971 3,263 600 424 151,772 1,027 2,048 2,891 4,640 9,270 20,534 53,720 35,581 19,093 2,966 Pumps, 1955 FarTDS reporting 1,559 734 379 168 151 62 14 9 2 40 474 135 96 65 56 57 27 16 2 1 19 310 161 105 73 72 30 18 4 55 799 431 135 72 76 41 15 2 27 757 331 75 70 66 68 41 21 65 316 78 60 28 36 65 33 10 1 5 851 115 89 80 126 165 56 1,752 774 425 210 170 83 19 25 5 4i 157 119 71 78 72 47 36 7 4 21 1,008 338 178 125 93 101 58 38 13 64 647 445 l4o 75 62 52 19 4 30 836 344 81 73 91 78 56 42 71 427 86 76 31 46 101 50 22 1 14 1,591 120 107 97 121 156 216 390 209 144 31 Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing «ater, 1955 412488 0-57-8 62 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table IQ-FARMS REPORTING. ACRES IRRIGATED, SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, AND COST OF IRRIGATION [Data on cost of irrigation systems were reported only for farma State and acres irrigated in 19^k Total, 28 States. 1 to 9 acres . . . 10 to 19 acres. 20 to £9 acres. 30 to kS acres . 50 to 99 acres. 100 to 199 acres 200 to U99 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over. Not reported Hiine. 1 to 9 acres . . . 10 to 19 acres . 20 to 29 acres . 30 to k9 acres. Not reported.. . 57 58 59 60 Nev Hampshire. 1 to 9 acres . . . 10 to 19 acres. 20 to 29 acres . 30 to J*9 acres. 50 to 99 acres. Not reported. .. Vermont. 1 to 9 acres . . . 10 to 19 acres. 20 to 29 acres . 30 to U9 acres. 50 to 99 acres. Itessachusetts . 1 to 9 acres . . . 10 to 19 acres. 20 to 29 acres. 30 to 1*9 acres. 50 to 99 acres. . . 100 to 199 acres. Not reported Rhode Island. 1 to 9 acres. . . 10 to 19 acres. 20 to 29 acres. 30 to J*9 acres . . . 50 to 99 acres . . . 200 to 1*99 acres. Connecti cut . 1 to 9 acres .. . 10 to 19 acres . 20 to 29 acres . 30 to 1+9 acres. 50 to 99 acres. 52 100 to 199 acres. 53 200 to 1*99 acres. 54 500 to 999 acres. 55 Not reported 1 to 9 acres . . . 10 to 19 acres. 20 to 29 acres. 30 to 1+9 acres. 50 to 99 acres . . . 100 to 199 acres. 200 to 1*99 acres . Not reported Number of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 6,1*11+ 1,900 1,171 792 853 812 368 157 28 1* 329 Area irrigated Farms reporting 1*67 103 67 51 76 105 29 3 33 6,085 1,900 1,171 792 853 812 157 28 1+ 199 81 58 22 23 21+5,928 8,687 15,61*1 18,21*5 31,289 51*, 525 1+8,365 1+3,666 17,31+8 6,162 I+31* 103 67 51 76 105 29 3 Farms reporting 5,51*1 1,605 1,01*2 698 73I* 711* 303 137 26 1+ 278 138 39 1*9 20 30 1.0 150 108 68 11+1+ 267 12 80 25 80 70 3,982 380 788 521+ 887 693 710 535 26 i+a 1+6 no 80 225 5,921* 156 1+7I* 660 951+ 1,295 605 300 1,1+ao 16,596 1*01* 853 1,198 2,877 7,169 3,1*70 625 220,082 10,863 17,526 19,363 27,936 1+7,790 35,902 32,692 12,805 7,529 7,676 1*1*9 97 63 51 71+ 100 29 3 32 1+16 77 61* 15 100 160 685 36 21*2 128 68 16I+ 1*7 130 11+ 1+1 80 l+,l+62 Largest acreage irrigated in any year (acres) 295,151+ 13,599 21,736 21*, 21*2 37,1+02 61,305 52,709 1+8,31+8 18,1*1*2 8,603 8,768 1*81* 596 59 935 1,193 50 1+73 511* 19 901 988 21 688 895 10 660 800 1+ 321 357 11* 25 1*2 53 27 80 150 6,161 219 1*89 662 987 1,31+8 1+92 200 1,561+ 200 18,390 628 981+ 1,569 3,010 7,109 3,580 625 885 1.83 97 69 20 100 197 718 51 21+8 127 60 185 1*7 31.1 12 ll*l* 25 80 80 5,31*3 Pun5)S, 1955 Farms reporting 633 1+3 57 57 171 80 225 6,679 21+9 595 777 91+7 1,386 627 300 1,561+ 231+ 20,078 760 1,107 1,698 3,253 7,859 3,865 660 876 ,767 ,138 780 81+6 807 365 157 28 1+ 315 158 31+ 33 29 25 19 79 57 1+7 75 102 29 3 30 7,530 1,936 1,261 895 980 1,033 525 31*1 122 67 370 Fsrms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 81* 61* 56 81* 1*2 3 36 169 37 23 25 23 37 9 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS 63 SYSTEMS, FOR FARMS REPORTING COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, BY ACRES IRRIGATED IN 1954, BY STATES: 1955 reporting irrigation beginning in 1946 or later. See text] Total cost Cost of irrigation equipment Cost of leveling and ditching Coat of constructing reservoirs, etc., for storing water and for drilling wells Dollars Per farm (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) 35,5115,680 5,51*2 1I15 6,382 27,1177,3114 4,305 112 693 826,488 1,193 3.36 3,896 7,241,848 1,859 29.45 1 11,3117,093 11,692,039 3,770,529 li,98lt,2li3 6,797,0911 2,288 11,007 11,761 5,8li3 8,371 500 300 207 159 125 a, 882 1,166 790 851 812 3,371,1139 3,638,649 2,942,872 3,942,953 5,481,360 1,791 3,121 3,725 4,633 6,750 388 233 161 126 101 143 107 87 58 90 45,798 43,608 66,768 43,301 75,906 320 4o8 767 747 843 5.27 2.79 3.66 1.38 1-39 1,107 743 490 484 518 929,856 1,009,782 760,889 997,989 1,239,828 840 1,359 1,553 2,062 2,393 107.04 64.56 41.70 31-90 22.74 2 3 4 5 6 li,61ili,0li9 3,061,879 1,256,985 1136,900 1,5511,869 12,620 19,502 llli,892 109,225 ■1,726 96 70 72 511 366 157 28 k 326 3,596,137 2,222,230 793,791 240,100 1,247,813 9,826 14,154 28,350 60,025 3,828 74 51 46 29 79 73 22 2 32 158,511 218,315 120,412 34,000 19,869 2,006 2,991 5,473 17,000 621 3.28 5.00 6.94 4.17 231 112 22 4 185 889,401 621,334 342,782 162,800 287,187 3,850 5,54a 15,581 40,700 1,552 18.39 14.23 19.76 19-95 7 8 9 10 11 66,866 2,786 m 23 57,011 2,479 413 1 600 600 4.35 14 9,255 661 67.07 12 l6,lilo 10,200 2,516 12,500 25,2ltO l,61il 2,550 2,516 12,500 3,155 1*21 208 126 I1I7 10 ll 1 1 7 15,175 7,200 2,4l6 11,000 21,220 1,518 1,800 2,416 11,000 3,031 389 147 121 367 600 600 5 2 1 1 5 1,235 3,000 100 1,500 3,420 247 1,500 100 1,500 684 31.67 61.22 5.00 50.00 13 U 15 16 17 88,ii68 2,8511 173 30 68,898 2,297 135 6 2,081 347 4.08 15 17,489 1,166 34.29 18 13,230 26,375 19,150 1,203 2,638 3,830 331 176 17T 10 10 5 9,895 21,690 12,500 990 2,169 2,500 247 145 116 4 1 1 931 150 1,000 233 150 1,000 23.28 1.00 9.26 5 3 3 2,4o4 4,535 5,650 461 1,512 1,883 60.10 30.23 52.31 19 20 21 3,600 20,913 5,200 1,800 10,li56 5,200 ^" 2 2 1 2,800 17,013 5,000 1,400 8,506 5,000 41 U8 ■ 1 2 1 800 3,900 200 800 1,950 200 11.76 27.08 22 23 24 30,008 2,l't3 112 111 28,513 2,037 107 5 1,495 299 5.60 25 6,983 15,625 1,200 ii,8oo l,ll00 l,7lt6 2,604 1,200 2,li00 l,ll00 582 195 I18 60 20 ll 6 1 2 1 6,513 14, 600 1,200 4,800 1,400 1,628 2,433 1,200 2,400 1,400 543 182 48 60 20 2 3 470 1,025 235 342 39.17 12.81 26 27 28 29 30 731,9111 3,373 184 215 620,932 2,888 156 24 21,891 912 5.50 112 89,118 796 22.38 31 116,371 166,922 7li,55'i 101,950 1,'»37 2,878 3,389 11,1133 306 212 II12 115 80 58 22 22 94,282 146,232 63,639 86,855 1,179 2,521 2,893 3,948 248 186 121 98 7 7 2 3 1,991 2,155 375 3,050 284 308 188 1,017 5.24 2.73 0.72 3.44 46 31 10 9 20,098 18,535 10,540 12,045 437 598 1,054 1,338 52.89 23.52 20.11 13.58 32 33 34 35 88,329 126,1173 57,3112 8,833 25,295 3,186 127 178 10 5 18 81,379 101,973 46,572 8,138 20,395 2,587 117 144 1 2 2 3,000 11,000 320 3,000 5,500 160 4.33 15.49 3 3 10 3,950 13,500 10,450 1,317 4,500 1,045 5.70 19.01 36 37 38 63,525 3,737 119 17 54,045 3,179 101 8 9,480 1,185 17.72 39 12,155 12,800 11,030 1,736 11,267 2,015 I168 267 88 7 3 2 11,075 9,400 4,030 1,582 3,133 2,015 426 196 88 2 2 1,080 3,400 540 1,700 41.54 70.83 40 41 42 12,000 15,000 7,5110 ll,000 15,000 7,5110 109 188 3l» 3 1 1 10,000 12,000 7,540 3,333 12,000 7,540 91 150 34 3 1 2,000 3,000 667 3,000 18.18 37.50 43 44 45 1,279,209 7,9i»5 216 160 1,020,923 6,381 172 21 15,500 738 2.62 101 242,786 2,404 40.98 46 611,193 127,266 109,1163 lli6,237 2011,300 1,735 3,857 3,775 5,8*9 10,753 lill 268 166 153 158 36 33 29 25 19 50,487 106,817 90,082 126,337 169,250 1,402 3,237 3,106 5,053 8,908 324 225 136 132 131 1 6 4 5 3 100 2,300 2,150 3,700 1,050 100 383 538 740 350 0.64 4.85 3.26 3.88 0.81 22 18 22 15 11 13,606 18,149 17,231 16,200 34,000 618 1,008 783 1,080 3,091 87.22 38.29 26.11 16.98 26.25 47 48 49 50 51 88,500 50,000 li28,5l*8 60,702 17,700 50,000 211l,27ll 6,070 llt6 167 290 5 1 2 10 63,300 30,000 336,048 48,602 12,660 30,000 168,024 4,860 105 100 227 1 1 4,200 2,000 4,200 2,000 6.94 4 1 2 6 21,000 20,000 92,500 10,100 5,250 20,000 46,250 1,683 34.71 66.67 62.50 52 53 54 55 2,560,967 5,li81i 15I1 I167 2,099,369 4,495 126 26 29,961 1,152 1.81 301 431,637 1,434 26.01 56 171,856 211,735 206,6511 1126,785 1,669 3,160 ll,052 5,616 li25 2I18 172 IM 103 67 51 76 137,841 171,168 181,738 346,122 1,338 2,555 3,563 4,554 341 201 152 120 7 6 4 1 3,660 5,568 3,750 420 523 928 938 420 9.06 6.53 3.13 0.15 56 36 32 54 30,355 34,999 21,166 80,243 542 972 661 1,486 75.14 41.03 17.67 27.89 57 58 59 60 9116,167 1108,802 52,000 136,968 9,011 111,097 17,333 "1,151 132 118 83 105 29 3 33 777,076 330,108 49,500 105,816 7,401 11,383 16,500 3,207 108 95 79 4 2 2 3,6l4 12,720 229 904 6,360 114 0.50 3.67 80 22 1 20 165,477 65,974 2,500 30,923 2,068 2,999 2,500 1,546 23.08 19.01 4.00 61 62 63 64 64 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table IQ-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED. SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, AND COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, [Data on cost of irrigation systems were reported only for farms State and acres irrigated in 195^ Number of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 Area irrigated Farms reporting Farms reporting Largest acreage irrigated in any year (acres) Pumps, 1955 Farms reporting reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 1 to 9 acres. . . 10 to 19 acres. 20 to 29 acres. 30 to 1+9 acres. 50 to 99 acres... 100 to 199 acres. 200 to i+99 acres. Not reported Pennsylvania, 1 to 9 acireB. . . 10 to 19 acres. 20 to 29 acres. 30 to i*9 acres . 50 to 99 acres . . . 100 to 199 acres. 200 to 1*99 acres. Not reported 1 to 9 acres , . . 10 to 19 acres. 20 to 29 acres. 30 to ^9 acres. 50 to 99 acres . . . 100 to 199 acres. 200 to 1*99 acres. Not reported 1 to 9 acres... 10 to 19 acres. 20 to 29 acres. 30 to 1+9 acres . 50 to 99 acres. 100 to 199 acres 200 to 1*99 acres 1,000 acres and over. Not reported, to 9 acres . . . 10 to 19 acres. 20 to 29 acres. 30 to 1*9 acres. 50 to 99 acres... 100 to 199 acres. Not reported to 9 acres. . . 10 to 19 acres, 20 to 29 acres . 30 to 1*9 acres. 50 to 99 acres. 100 to 199 acres. 200 to 1*99 acres. Not reported Hi chimin. 1 to 9 acres . . . . 10 to 19 acres. 20 to 29 acres. 30 to 1*9 acres . 50 to 99 acres. . . 100 to 199 acres. Not reported .... 560 117 72 Ik 91 128 1* 1*0 277 71 58 37 55 39 2 k 133 1*3 26 13 19 547 195 129 81 52 us 520 117 72 74 91 216 95 36 28 23 26 7 1 195 129 81 52 20, 343 3k2 991) 1,72't 3, '•22 8,801 lt,135 725 7,681 326 788 81ilt 2,006 2,1483 277 957 5,193 ll09 1(61 623 81>0 ,711 949 200 7,283 160 252 156 623 1,075 1,783 1,200 2,0311 8it 181 191 1*17 155 376 ■1,615 183 306 296 681 510 950 9,832 893 1,733 1,825 1,84.2 2,313 1,226 5IH 109 70 71 90 12l» 'I ItO 263 65 56 37 51 195 82 33 23 20 22 7 512 186 122 78 1.9 35 9 33 2lt,339 711 1,380 2,081l '♦,333 9,733 ii,oi7 790 1,291 1170 l.OllO 1,050 1,966 2,31*9 295 1,123 105 It, 521 564 1176 lt89 709 1,281 923 5,857 165 312 123 275 797 1,059 625 2,lt60 Itl 1,258 96 1T3 llli 239 1I46 395 95 5,072 23'> 276 l|it9 770 572 1,651 1,020 100 1J.,51»5 1,269 2,131 2,101 1,8511 2,llJ42 1,292 1*56 21t,291 79r 1,1H8 2,2l»6 1.,1.16 9,266 '1,309 790 1,059 9,5ce 5lit 1,152 l,lli8 2,3te 2,677 3C7 1,238 104 5,944 619 560 788 9ce 1,831 965 200 79 20>t 5sr 166 669 1,166 1,896 1,225 2,460 41 1,663 117 217 196 427 167 445 94 6,147 36B 394 see 931 615 2,105 1,120 112 13,638 1,475 2,532 2,357 2,219 2,763 1,683 609 540 102 70 74 90 127 34 4 39 272 66 58 37 55 218 90 35 28 23 26 7 1 8 132 l*i 26 13 18 8 12 4 8 191 128 81 51 35 4? 683 117 85 88 109 169 52 11 52 304 78 62 41 60 258 110 37 29 30 32 9 1 150 41 19 Y 22 21 18 6 14 2 154 43 28 14 20 9 23 9 210 139 97 61 47 15 52 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS 65 FOR FARMS REPORTING COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, BY ACRES IRRIGATED IN 1954, BY STATES: 1955-Continued reporting irrigation beginning in 19i6 or later. See text] Cost of irrigation equipment Cost of leveling and ditching Coat of constructing reservoirs, etc, for storing water and for drilling wells Per farm (dollars) 3,659,91*0 209,055 295,257 352,922 67lt,li3li 1,232,086 513,525 115,000 207,661 1,227,710 133,'t90 218,1198 11*1,123 273,165 275,351* 1*6,650 U5,500 23,930 932,61*1 217,1*75 119,592 129,291* 11*0,128 213,316 75,770 8,000 29,066 763,815 61*,913 73,1*25 21,325 71,581 110,735 11*3,550 87,000 186,000 5,286 274,312 29,352 60,508 33,100 73,500 22,077 1*1,500 14,275 702,669 80,302 77,51*8 52,51*5 91,899 67,1*50 20l*,850 105,100 22,975 2,21*3,235 1*52,513 1*1*2,063 ltol*,767 291,598 291,997 221*, 690 135,607 Per acre irrigated in 195-; (dollars) Farms reporting 6,536 1,787 i*,iaL l*,769 7,1*11 9,626 16,868 28,750 5,192 1*,1*32 1,880 3,767 3,811* U,967 7,060 23,325 28,875 2,175 i*,ll*5 2,289 3,322 l*,6lB 6,093 8,201* 10,821* 8,000 3.230 6,365 1,510 4,319 3,ol*6 U,l*7l* 6,921 10,251* 21,750 186,000 2,61*3 1*,156 1,398 l*,03i* 1*,138 6,682 7,359 13,833 2,855 5,283 1,867 2,983 lt,0l*2 1*,837 8,1*31 17,071 26,275 2,872 1*,101 2,321 3,1*27 1*,997 5,608 2lt,966 3,013 180 386 297 205 197 ll*0 139 159 1*09 277 167 136 111 168 121 180 532 259 208 167 125 80 1*0 1*06 291 137 115 103 81 72 91 195 31*9 331* 173 176 11*2 110 1*39 253 178 135 132 121 111 507 255 222 158 126 183 559 117 72 71* 91 128 33 k 1*0 277 71 58 37 55 39 2 I* 11 95 36 28 23 26 7 1 9 1*3 17 7 16 16 11* 1* 1 2 21 15 12 1* 51.5 195 128 81 51 36 9 1*5 Total (dollars) 3,000,933 159,703 235,215 301,906 568,1*1*3 1,018,688 1*1*1,580 100,000 175,398 1,058,772 105,355 185,1*67 122,838 21*2,003 239,101* l*lt,350 97,500 22,155 729,121 157,108 95,259 101,102 110,1*71 178,870 58,970 8,000 19,31*1 61*3,216 5i>,773 61*, 650 17,200 66,51*6 100,155 116,500 83,500 136,000 3,892 227,311 21,580 51,51*9 29,300 57,500 19,257 36,000 12,125 626,01*8 69,320 65,971 M*,015 83,932 52,600 189,650 98,000 22,560 1,921,971* 396,1*25 382,551 31*6,507 21*6,31*3 261*, 021 169,250 116,877 Per farm reporting (dollars) 5,368 1,365 3,267 i*,oeo 6,21*7 7,958 13,381 25,000 1*,385 3,822 1,1*81* 3,198 3,320 1*,1*00 6,131 22,175 21*, 375 2, oil* 3,21*1 1,651* 2,61*6 3,611 1*,803 6,880 8,1*21* 8,000 2,11*9 5,360 Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting 1,271* 31*2 3,803 257 2,1*57 110 1*,159 107 6,260 93 8,321 65 20,875 70 136,000 67 1,91*6 3,1*1*1* 1,028 3,1*37 3,662 5,227 6,1*19 12,000 2,1*25 1*,707 1,612 2,537 3,386 1»,1*17 6,575 15,801* 2lt,500 2,820 3,527 2,033 2,989 1*,278 l*,830 7,331* 18,806 2,597 295 237 175 166 116 107 138 138 323 235 11*6 121 96 160 102 381* 207 162 132 105 62 1*0 257 285 153 138 121* 96 136 379 216 11*9 123 103 U2 103 195 221 190 131* 111. 138 Total (dollars) 1*3 16 1*8,387 1*,685 8,600 7,2lifl 9,586 7,237 9,71*6 1,285 3,051 968 1,808 275 13,280 8,330 1*50 1,000 3,500 5,550 500 50 Per farm reporting (dollars) 50 300 5,1*10 730 600 1,880 500 1,500 200 1*1,196 6,1*15 4,931* 1,1*00 1,992 21*, 600 1,855 605 360 538 518 959 1*26 1,392 21*2 362 138 1,207 1,388 225 1,000 1,388 500 50 Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting 50 300 676 365 600 91*0 500 1,500 200 958 1*01 1*1*9 350 398 6,150 618 2.38 8.61. 8.65 1«.20 2.80 0.82 2.36 0.1*0 2-97 2.29 0.33 2.56 20.37 0.98 1.61 2.05 0.76 1.98 0.32 0.28 0.72 1.17 3-99 1.96 6.35 0.73 1.58 1..19 7.18 2.85 0.77 1.08 20.07 1*09 76 1.9 50 71 105 30 I* 21. 11*3 1*3 32 13 27 22 1 3 2 132 57 21 15 13 11* 7 329 111 76 50 32 26 8 26 Total (dollars) 610,620 1*4,667 51,1*1*2 1*3,768 96,1*05 206,161 122,199 15,000 30,978 165,687 27,167 31,223 18,010 31,162 36,250 2,300 18,000 1,7T5 190,21*0 52,037 23,883 27,192 29,657 30,91*6 16,800 9,725 115,01*9 10,11*0 8,275 4,075 5,035 10, 580 22,050 3,500 50,000 1,394 7,772 8,909 3,800 15,700 2,820 5,500 2,100 71,211 10,252 10,977 6,650 7,467 14,850 15,200 5,600 215 280,065 49,673 54,578 56,860 43,263 27,976 30,840 16.875 Per farm reporting (dollars) 1,493 588 1,050 875 1,358 1,963 4,073 3,750 1,291 1,160 632 976 1,385 1,154 1,648 2,300 6,000 888 913 1,137 1,813 2,281 2,210 2,400 1,945 1,576 390 690 815 719 1,058 2,450 3,500 50,000 697 1,259 598 891 1,267 3,l4o 1,410 2,750 1,050 1,047 488 686 1,108 830 1,856 3,800 2,800 108 851 448 718 1,137 1,352 1,076 Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) 30.02 82.41 51.75 25.39 28.17 23.42 29.55 20.69 21.60 83-33 39.62 21.34 15-53 l4.6o 8.30 18.81 36.63 127.23 51.81 43.65 35.31 18.09 17.70 15.80 28 63-38 32-84 26.12 8.08 9.84 12.37 2.92 24.58 33-19 92.52 49.22 19.90 37-65 18.19 14.63 15.43 56.02 35.87 22.47 10.96 29.12 9.00 5.89 28.49 55.62 31.49 31.16 23.49 12.10 25.15 66 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table IQ-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, AND COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, [Data on cost of irrigation systems were reported only for farms State and acres irrigated in 195^ Niimber of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 Area irrigated Farms reporting reporting Largest acreage Irrigated in any year (acres) Punps, 1955 Farms reporting Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 Minnesota. 1 to 9 acres. . . 10 to 19 acres. 20 to 29 acres. 30 to 49 acres. 50 to 99 acres. .. 100 to 199 acres . Not reported 1 to 9 acres. . . 10 to 19 acres. 20 to 29 acres. 30 to 1*9 acres. 50 to 99 acres. Not reported. . . Missouri . 1 to 9 acres. . . 10 to 19 acres. 20 to 29 acres. 30 to 1*9 acres. 50 to 99 acres. . . 100 to 199 acres. 200 to 1*99 acres. Not reported Delaware . 1 to 9 acres. . . 10 to 19 acres. 20 to 29 acres. 30 to 49 acres. 50 to 99 acres. . . 100 to 199 acres. 200 to 499 acres. Not reported Maryland. 1 to 9 acres. . . 10 to 19 acres. 20 to 29 acres. 30 to 1*9 acres . 50 to 99 acres. 100 to 199 acres. 200 to 1*99 acres . 500 to 999 acres. Not reported Virginia. 1 to 9 acres . . . 10 to 19 acres. 20 to 29 acres. 30 to 1*9 acres. 50 to 99 acres. . . 100 to 199 acres. 200 to 1*99 acres. Not reported West Virginia. 1 to 9 acres. . . 10 to 19 acres. 20 to 29 acres. 30 to 1*9 acres . . . 50 to 99 acres. . . 200 to 1+99 acres. North Carolina. 1 to 9 acres . . . 10 to 19 acres. 20 to 29 acres . 30 to 1*9 acres. 50 to 99 acres. 230 1*6 38 37 1*6 35 15 9 100 to 199 acres. 200 to 1*99 acres. 500 to 999 acres. Not reported 318 211l 102 101 32 10 2 2 18 271 46 38 37 I16 51* 35 15 28i» 82 k6 32 Itl 51 27 5 781 318 21k 102 101 32 10 2 2,719 11*2 163 351 klk 1,209 kko 576 25 35 1.9 203 261* 15,528 209 1(86 846 1,706 3,535 h,^kk 4,002 2,600 3 55 43 ito 682 1,477 200 5,328 60 209 305 423 1,138 1,368 1,225 600 11,793 424 621 742 1,518 3,551 3,505 1,432 736 16 56 20 202 132 310 15,391 1,629 2,824 2,309 3,598 2,023 1,254 564 1,190 4 1 7 255 71 44 28 33 672 247 191 94 85 29 7 2 2 15 2,509 197 87 362 434 947 306 176 727 45 73 120 325 150 14 9,818 243 451 736 1,242 2,178 2,671 2,124 173 3,187 3 53 331 174 874 1,522 200 30 6,157 80 214 459 402 1,169 1,312 1,123 800 598 9,042 433 678 464 1,103 2,738 2,133 1,104 389 671 16 63 15 1C6 161 310 12,123 1,676 2,663 2,117 2,448 1,053 586 410 896 274 3,392 271 222 434 516 l,31-3 460 176 45 73 120 JL8 264 17,340 422 661 1.053 2,170 3,879 4,871 4,032 252 3,359 2 64 331 175 905 1,652 200 30 7,068 106 280 565 532 1,284 1,585 1,300 800 616 13,219 542 794 770 1,648 3,917 3,573 1,371 6o4 777 16 63 20 207 161 JLO 17,920 2,148 3,31-4 2,786 4,049 2,249 1,284 580 1,210 300 264 35 36 36 45 54 35 15 294 79 46 32 41 51 27 5 13 15 793 313 214 102 101 32 10 2 2 17 108 35 12 14 14 21 7 5 320 40 41 41 50 66 46 27 9 119 22 14 14 13 19 14 6 9 8 325 85 51 44 60 29 9 13 324 237 123 113 43 13 7 5 17 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS 67 FOR FARMS REPORTING COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, BY ACRES IRRIGATED IN 1954, BY STATES: 1955-Continued reporting irrigation beginning in 19^6 or later. See text] Total cost Cost of irrigation eqiiipment Cost of leveling and ditching Cost of constructing reservoirs, etc., for storing water and for drilling wells Dollars Per farm (dollars) Per acre irrigated In 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 195-; (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) 520,81il* 5,541 192 94 454,455 4,835 167 6 5,533 922 2.03 44 60,856 1,383 22.38 1 118,626 30,391 6l,2lill 83,007 3,595 2,763 4,375 6,917 835 186 174 200 33 11 14 12 113,076 29,051 45,662 67,565 3,427 2,641 3,262 5,630 796 178 130 163 1 1 2 1 283 200 2,975 2,000 283 200 1,488 2,000 1-99 1.23 8.46 4.83 11 2 11 9 5,267 l,l4o 12,607 13,442 479 570 1,146 1,494 37-09 6.99 35.92 32.47 2 3 4 5 1511,281 58,995 Ik, 300 9,075 19,665 3,575 128 134 17 3 4 131,806 52,995 U,300 7,753 17,665 3,575 109 120 1 75 75 0.06 9 2 22,400 6,000 2,489 3,000 18.53 13.64 6 7 8 83,107 3,957 144 21 71,047 3,383 123 2 790 395 1-37 12 11,270 939 19.57 9 9,796 5,766 11,700 1,959 1,922 5,850 392 165 239 5 3 2 6,956 4,506 7,700 1,391 1,502 3,850 278 129 157 1 1 700 90 700 90 28.00 2.57 3 2 2 2,l4o 1,170 4,000 713 585 2,000 85.60 33.43 a. 63 ID 11 12 20,1125 22,700 12,720 3,4o4 5,675 12,720 101 86 6 4 1 18,725 22,200 10,960 3,121 5,550 10,960 92 84 ... 3 1 1 1,700 500 1,760 567 500 1,760 8.37 1.89 13 14 15 1,318,692 4,710 85 278 1,105,366 3,976 71 39 35,111 900 2.26 98 178,215 1,819 11.48 16 85,110 128,680 121,595 198,989 1,850 3,386 3,286 4,326 407 265 144 117 46 37 37 46 73,395 101,530 100,985 158,992 1,596 2,744 2,729 3,456 351 209 U9 93 6 4 3 2 1,165 1,250 1,070 1,256 194 312 357 628 5.57 2.57 1.26 0.74 15 14 12 12 10,550 25,900 19,540 38,741 703 1,850 1,628 3,228 50.48 53.29 23.10 22.71 17 18 19 20 278,257 278,990 197,691 29,380 5,153 7,971 13,179 3,264 79 59 49 54 35 15 8 236,263 246,490 163,061 24,650 4,375 7,043 10,871 3,081 67 52 41 7 7 9 1 3,920 5,770 18,180 2,500 560 824 2,020 2,500 1.11 1.22 4.54 18 16 8 3 38,074 26,730 16,450 2,230 2,U5 1,671 2,056 743 10.77 5.63 4.11 21 22 23 24 356,853 10,814 137 33 298,567 9,047 115 3 2,500 833 0.96 24 55,786 2,324 21.46 25 1,000 14,177 115,550 28,li75 1,000 3,544 22,775 7,119 333 258 1,059 203 1 4 2 4 800 11,315 42,600 25,900 800 2,829 21,300 6,475 267 206 991 185 ' 1 100 100 l!82 1 3 2 3 200 2,762 2,950 2,575 200 921 1,475 858 66.67 50.22 68.60 18.39 26 27 28 29 81,767 161,884 14,000 10,000 9,085 14,717 14,000 10,000 120 no 70 9 11 1 1 67,068 128,884 14,000 8,000 7,452 11,717 14,000 8,000 98 89 70 1 1 1,900 500 1,900 500 2.79 0.34 7 7 "1 12,799 32,500 2,000 1,828 4,643 2,000 18.77 22.00 30 31 32 33 687,578 6,808 129 100 534,795 5,348 100 9 8,025 892 1.51 66 144,758 2,193 27.17 34 39,229 46,915 59,189 59,400 120,321 1,961 3,128 4,553 5,400 6,684 654 244 194 l4o 106 20 14 13 11 18 25,451 38,652 48,124 53,050 103,031 1,273 2,761 3,702 4,823 5,724 424 185 158 125 91 '3 1 1 1,225 250 3,000 408 250 3,000 5;86 0.'59 2.64 12 9 9 6 12 13,778 7,038 11,065 6,100 14,290 1,148 782 1,229 1,017 1,191 229.63 33.67 36.28 14.42 12.56 35 36 37 33 39 118,800 62,600 116,251 64,873 10,800 156,500 U6,251 8,109 87 51 194 11 4 1 8 101,900 49,500 53,251 61,836 9,264 12,375 53,251 7,730 74 40 89 3 1 3,050 500 1,017 500 2.23 0.41 9 4 1 4 13,850 12,600 63,000 3,037 1,539 3,150 63,000 759 10.12 10.29 105.00 40 41 42 43 1,812,422 6,102 154 296 1,337,U3 4,517 113 19 21,420 1,127 1.82 202 453,889 2,247 38.49 44 230,763 199,027 148,572 225,003 2,8l4 4,327 4,643 5,488 544 320 200 148 a 46 32 41 165,662 137,314 98,947 171,888 2,045 2,985 3,092 4,192 391 224 133 113 4 4 1 2 1,240 1,560 100 4,060 310 390 100 2,030 2.92 2.51 0.13 2.67 57 37 24 25 63,861 60,153 49,525 49,055 1,120 1,626 2,o64 1,962 150.62 96.86 66.75 32.32 45 46 47 48 440,999 330,849 147,000 90,209 8,647 12,254 29,400 6,939 124 94 103 51 27 5 13 330,089 258,054 115,500 59,659 6,472 9,558 23,100 4,589 93 74 81 5 "3 10,860 3,600 2,172 1,200 3.06 30 17 3 9 100,050 72,795 31,500 26,950 3,335 4,282 10,500 2,994 28.18 20.77 22.00 49 50 51 52 89,590 5,599 122 16 67,490 4,218 92 1 200 200 0.27 5 21,900 4,380 29.76 53 5,500 8,100 1,500 1,833 2,025 1,500 344 145 75 3 4 1 4,900 6,600 1,500 1,633 1,650 1,500 306 118 75 1 200 200 12.50 1 1 400 1,500 400 1,500 25.00 26.79 54 55 56 23,090 26,400 25,000 4,618 13,200 25,000 114 200 81 5 2 1 13,090 16, 400 25,000 2,618 8,200 25,000 65 124 81 ... ... 1 2 10,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 49.50 75.76 57 58 59 3,988,395 4,992 259 796 2,832,441 3,558 184 59 37,676 639 2.45 613 1,118,278 1,824 72.66 60 885,276 996,745 612,230 745,292 354,543 2,784 4,658 6,002 7,379 11,079 543 353 265 207 1Y5 316 214 102 101 32 658,475 700,245 4o6,4l9 527,987 254,929 2,084 3,272 3,984 5,228 7,967 4o4 248 176 147 126 17 13 14 7 3 4,660 5,221 15,200 6,640 1,400 274 402 1,086 949 467 2.86 1.85 6.58 1.85 0.69 224 175 89 72 28 222,141 291,279 190,611 210,665 98,214 992 1,664 2,142 2,926 3,508 136.37 103.14 82.55 56.55 48.55 61 62 63 64 65 122,227 73,000 79,000 120,082 12,223 36,500 39,500 6,671 97 129 66 10 2 2 17 80,874 54,000 65,000 84,512 8,087 27,000 32,500 4,9TL 64 96 55 1 1 3 1,000 2,000 1,555 1,000 2,000 518 liff 1.68 8 2 2 13 41,353 18,000 12,000 34,015 5,169 9,000 6,000 2,617 32.98 31.91 10.08 66 67 68 69 68 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table IQ-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, AND COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, [Data on cost of Irrigation systems were reported only for farms State and acres irrl^ted in 1954 Number of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 Area irrigated Farms reporting reporting Largest acreage irrigated in any year (acres) Farms reporting Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 South Carolina. 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acrea 30 to U9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to 1+99 acres Not reported Georgia 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to U9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to 1*99 acres Not reported Kentucky 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to U9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to 1*99 acrea Not reported Tennessee 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to U9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acrea 200 to 1*99 acres Not reported Alabama 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to 1*9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to 1*99 acres 500 to 999 acres Not reported MlBslsalppi . . .. 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 36 to 1*9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres .... 200 to 1*99 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over, Not reported 231* 50 1*6 1*1 23 37 16 10 11 1*08 11*1 82 57 36 1*1 13 11 27 376 158 76 I16 1.6 27 11 2 10 366 122 1*5 1*3 61* 35 2U 9 21* 156 3>> 32 11 16 33 20 1* 1 5 371* 1*9 21 32 1*3 58 67 71 22 3 223 50 1.6 1*1 23 37 16 10 381 11*1 82 57 36 1*1 13 la 366 158 76 1*6 1*6 27 11 31*2 122 1*5 1*3 61* 35 21* 9 151 3"* 32 11 16 33 20 1* 1 366 1*9 21 32 1*3 58 67 71 22 3 279 591 9I.8 81*0 2,51*2 2,167 2,813 12,679 722 1,099 1,297 1,263 2,633 1,613 1*,052 8,31*1 668 1,035 1,097 1,712 1,855 1,1*15 559 12,01*1* 1*95 632 971 2,366 2,375 3,196 2,009 7,839 137 398 269 517 2,311* 2,701* 900 600 55,871 221* 280 758 1,550 3,773 9,262 20,1*18 13,1*78 6,128 183 1*3 1*0 31 17 26 9 7 10 370 125 76 56 31 37 12 21*6 97 52 28 35 19 9 2 1* 291* 91 39 37 51 30 18 279 32 11* 17 30 1*5 1*7 6k SI 3 6 6,956 1.86 767 1,01*2 529 1,526 981* 1,259 363 12,907 1,175 1,697 1,1*83 1,165 2,1*33 1,101 3,1*1'3 1*10 1*55 591 611 715 891* 700 223 32 8,605 503 57I* 903 1,51*2 1,562 1,903 1,220 398 6,1*10 317 567 238 560 1,631* 1,962 708 1*1*, 993 21*6 371* 1,158 1,911 3,682 6,358 16,035 9,51*5 5,069 615 U,81i8 591 923 1,31.8 91*2 2,657 2,021 2,961 1*05 16,197 1,292 1,81*9 1,752 1,1.99 3,011 1,555 l*,8ol* 1*35 9,1*1*3 81*9 1,196 1,253 1,733 2,137 1,381 559 335 11*, 1*15 719 857 1,235 2,868 2,526 3,1*59 2,109 61*2 9,881* 358 671 356 701 2,665 3,196 913 600 1*21* 65,596 31*6 1*96 1,598 2,519 5,367 10,668 23,1*51 ll*,268 6,11*3 71*0 229 1.9 1.5 1*0 23 37 ll* 1*02 136 82 56 36 1*1 13 11 27 151* 75 1*6 1*6 2T 11 2 10 360 116 1*5 1*3 61* 35 21. 9 21* 360 37 20 31 1*3 58 67 71 22 3 8 279 57 50 1*1* 28 1*3 21* 21 12 1*78 ll*8 88 66 1*5 58 16 26 31 399 161 77 1*9 50 35 13 1* 10 120 1*8 1*6 68 39 32 11* 26 197 37 39 ll* 21 ll* 675 1*0 21* 1*1 55 112 I7I* 80 53 187 1*2 37 30 17 30 12 9 10 320 110 66 1*3 31 30 8 10 Ul* 21 6 12 13 15 13 21 7 2 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS 69 FOR FARMS REPORTING COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, BY ACRES IRRIGATED IN 1954, BY STATES: 1955-Continued reporting irrigation beginning in 1946 or later. See text] Total cost Cost of irrigation equipment Coat of leveling and dltchijig Cost of constructing reservoirs, etc., for storing water and for drilling wells ' Dollars Per farm (dollars) Per acre irrigated In 1954 (dollars) Famis reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre Irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) 1,576,599 6,738 155 232 1,059,966 4,569 104 29 34,167 1.178 3.36 194 l4fi2,466 2,487 47.39 1 180,160 208,174 201,590 177,187 3,603 4,526 4,917 7,704 646 352 213 211 50 46 40 23 121,467 137,047 138,440 102,762 2,429 2,979 3.461 4,468 435 232 146 122 6 3 7 1 1,462 1,050 7.130 1.200 244 350 1.019 1.200 5.24 1.76 7.52 1.43 46 38 30 17 57,231 70,077 56,020 73,225 1,244 1,844 1.867 4,307 205.13 118.57 59.09 87.17 2 3 4 5 331,*70 205,985 20li,7l'5 67,288 8,959 12,874 20,474 6,U7 130 95 73 37 15 10 U 235,905 151,100 132,095 41,150 6.376 10,073 13.210 3.741 93 70 47 6 2 1 3 13.575 4,000 5,000 750 2,262 2,000 5.000 250 5.34 1.85 1.78 30 12 10 U 81,990 50,885 67.650 25.388 2,733 4,240 6,765 2,308 32.25 23. 4e 24.05 6 7 8 9 2,9H,255 7,216 232 403 1,970,929 4,891 155 36 32,001 889 2.52 339 941.325 2,777 74.24 10 509,022 1.91,188 l42l.,956 305,024 3,610 5,990 7,455 8,473 705 447 328 242 137 82 56 36 330,202 316,394 294,200 191,472 2,410 3,858 5,254 5,319 457 288 227 152 15 3 6 3 5,200 2,950 6,800 2,250 347 983 1.133 750 7.20 2.68 5.24 1.78 116 72 45 31 173.620 171,844 123,956 111,302 1,497 2,387 2,755 3,590 240.47 156.36 95.57 88.12 11 12 U 14 474,626 182,085 408,800 148,554 11,576 14,007 37,164 5,502 180 113 101 41 13 11 27 316,909 107,685 314,700 99,367 7,729 8,283 28,609 3,680 120 67 78 3 1 2 3 3.451 2,000 6,000 3.350 1,150 2,000 3.000 1.117 1.31 1.24 1.48 32 9 10 24 154,266 72,400 88.100 45.837 4,821 8,044 8,810 1,910 58.59 44.89 21.74 15 16 17 18 1,376,536 3,661 165 376 1,155,730 3,074 139 7 1.574 225 0.19 145 219,232 1,512 26.28 19 329,158 257,488 204,172 197,605 2,083 3,388 4,439 4,296 493 249 186 115 158 76 46 46 288,790 222,263 175,354 161,160 1,828 2,925 3,812 3.503 432 215 160 94 1 2 1 2 22 250 40 962 22 125 40 481 0.03 0.24 0.04 0.56 60 32 17 17 40,346 34,975 28,778 35,483 672 1.093 1,693 2.087 60.40 33.79 26.23 20.73 20 21 22 23 208,342 112,772 21,500 45,499 7,716 10,252 10,750 4,550 112 80 38 27 11 2 10 171,692 81,672 21,500 33,299 6.359 7,425 10.750 3,330 93 58 38 1 300 300 0.16 10 6 3 36.350 31.100 12,200 3,635 5,183 4,067 19.60 21.98 24 25 26 27 1,481,815 4,049 123 366 1,277.314 3,490 106 13 10.755 827 0.89 105 193,746 1,845 16.09 28 198,331 145,397 149,001 300,883 1,626 3,231 3,465 4,701 401 230 153 127 122 45 43 64 181,341 124,187 135,396 264,163 1,486 2,760 3,149 4,128 366 196 139 112 3 2 2 60 220 375 20 no 188 0.12 0.35 oiie 31 20 14 15 16,930 20,990 13,605 36,345 546 1.050 972 2.423 34.20 33.21 14.01 15-36 29 30 31 32 197,176 262, 300 152,780 75,947 5,634 10,929 16,976 3,164 83 82 76 35 24 9 24 177,976 210,200 110,097 73,954 5,085 8,758 12,233 3,081 75 66 55 1 4 1 200 9,700 200 200 2,425 200 0.08 3.04 0.10 8 8 4 5 19.000 42,400 42,483 1,993 2,375 5,300 10,621 399 8.00 13.27 21.15 33 34 35 36 1,132,779 7,261 145 155 969,877 6.257 124 23 6,752 294 0.86 77 156.150 2,028 19.92 37 110,238 253,108 44,875 76,670 264,510 3,242 7,910 4,080 4,792 8,015 805 636 167 148 114 34 31 11 16 33 72,173 218,232 38,450 64,045 232.300 2.123 7.040 3,495 4,003 7,039 527 548 143 124 100 7 9 1 3 2 1,220 1,682 50 2,200 600 174 187 50 733 300 8.91 4.23 0.19 4.26 0.26 20 15 5 7 15 36,845 33,194 6.375 10.425 31,610 1,842 2,213 1.275 1.489 2,107 258.94 83.40 23.70 20.16 13.66 38 39 40 41 42 216,600 44,000 10,000 112,778 10,830 11,000 10,000 22,556 80 49 17 20 4 1 5 182.000 41,200 10,000 111,477 9,100 10,300 10,000 22,295 67 46 17 1 1,000 1,000 0.37 10 2 3 33.600 2.800 1,301 3,360 1,400 434 12.43 3.11 43 44 45 46 3,550,909 9,494 64 365 2,185,188 5,987 39 209 442,677 2,118 7.92 225 923.044 4,102 16.52 47 56,586 49,069 131,712 219,016 352,578 1,155 2,337 4,116 5,093 6,079 253 175 174 l4l 93 41 20 32 43 58 39,219 33.544 90,622 159,002 253,979 957 1,677 2,832 3,698 4,379 175 120 120 103 67 21 4 17 8 32 1,776 695 14,275 2,560 18,224 85 174 840 320 570 7.93 2.48 18.83 1.65 4.83 25 12 20 19 32 15.591 14,830 26,815 57,454 80,375 624 1,236 1,341 3,024 2,512 69.60 52.96 35.38 37.07 21.30 48 49 50 51 52 658,252 1,170,623 623,186 250,900 38,987 9,825 16,488 28,327 83,633 4,874 71 57 46 41 67 71 22 3 8 442,602 707,537 329,492 104,100 25,091 6,606 9.965 14.977 34.700 3,136 48 35 24 17 42 57 21 2 5 65,225 185,935 118,412 34,000 1.575 1.553 3.262 5,639 17,000 315 7.04 9.11 8.79 2.77 37 57 17 3 3 150,425 277.151 175.282 112,800 12,321 4,066 4,862 10,311 37,600 4,107 16.24 13-57 13.00 18.41 53 54 55 56 57 70 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, AND SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, BY LARGEST ACREAGE IRRIGATED IN ANY YEAR.BY STATES: 1955 State and largest acreage Irrigated In any year Number of farms reporting irrigation. 1955 Area irrigated Farms reporting Farms reporting Largest acreage Irrigated in any year (acres) Pumps, 1955 Farms reporting Farms reporting reservoirs, dams , e tc . , for storing water, 1955 Total, 28 States 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to J*9 acres 5D to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to U99 acres ..... 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Not reported Maine 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to 1+99 acres Not reported Nev Hampshire 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to ^9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres Vermont 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to U9 acres 50 to 99 acres Not reported Massachusetts 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to k$ acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to 1*^99 acres 500 to 999 acres Not reported Rhode iBlnnd 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to U9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to 1*99 acres Not reported Connecticut 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to U9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to 1*99 acres 500 to 999 acres Not reported Nev York 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to U9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to i*99 acres 500 to 999 acres Not reported ll*,54l 13,66k 51*5,671 11,997 J*QjM5 61*6,21*7 13,662 l*,7ii9 2,583 1,707 1,790 1,853 952 502 108 23 27I* 1*78 177 129 60 50 35 16 7 1 3 328 315 156 125 202 291* 128 2 19 li,WtO 2,'»23 1,610 17,915 28,00li 32,001 1,703 1,778 53,371 101, U6l 923 108 22 168 101, 9te 115,575 59,196 29,730 6,lt76 3,579 2,159 1,472 1,555 1,61.3 827 1.51 100 23 188 15,053 25,671 29,1*22 1.9,1143 91*, 388 89,226 101,389 1.6,113 27,690 7,U00 20,501. 33,856 39,331. 65,671 123,035 122,376 137,162 67,102 37.207 1*38 160 117 58 1.6 31 15 7 1 3 1*28 32 72 62 30 212 710 59 160 117 161 129 81. 299 19 1.0 60 80 60 9,627 685 1,388 996 1,381 1,685 1,31.2 l,6u 500 39 968 1.6 76 91 130 115 280 225 5 12,377 71. 3U 53 692 55 1,178 1.2 1,1»37 1.3 2,386 22 2,177 5 1,200 5 2,960 2 36 191 52,1.67 282 955 11.3 1,717 112 2,119 188 6,395 279 16,995 126 13,632 1.2 9,070 2 700 17 681. 163 115 57 1.8 35 ll. 6 1 3 30 13 5 It 3 2 2 77 53 51. 1.6 1.6 21 5 5 2 1,231 29I. IW. 122 195 286 126 1.2 2 18 1,051. 1*1. 102 118 50 175 250 315 956 72 160 137 238 201. 125 321 21 35 71 1*1 153 9,895 711 1,1.63 1,081. 1,565 1,980 1,1*72 1,331* 250 36 683 38 71 65 67 82 190 150 13,056 351 712 1,161. 1,582 2,782 2,170 1,065 3,191* 36 58,1.71* 1,062 1,812 2,617 7,030 18,1*31* 15,117 10,577 1,160 665 630 1*5 11*1* 11*1 50 200 250 1,008 75 191 156 2l*l 220 125 1*36 21* 1*1* 100 80 190 12,031 811 1,689 1,351* 1,851 2,176 1,61.2 1,808 500 52 76 U8 158 155 1*20 225 ll*,579 1*09 792 1,285 1,718 2,978 2,638 1,290 3,1*69 62,1*71* 1,181 2,025 2,9W* 7,689 20,155 16,102 11,218 1,160 1*,158 2,1*1*1* 1,662 1,760 1,837 91*2 1*99 103 23 231* 107 98 1*9 1*6 33 15 7 311 71* 56 56 1*5 1.6 22 5 5 1,133 223 125 118 192 288 127 1*2 2 16 17,588 l.,622 2,795 2,015 2,133 2,1.82 1,1.8* 1,102 1.01 238 316 1.64 126 111. 62 62 51* 27 15 3 1 1*31. 78 62 67 52 62 1*3 15 53 1,533 261 131* 156 223 1*18 217 93 10 21 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS 71 Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, AND SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, BY LARGEST ACREAGE IRRIGATED IN ANY YEAR.BY STATES: 1955-Continued State and largest acreage Irrigated in any year Number of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 Area irrigated Farms reporting Farms reporting Largest acreage irrigated in any year (acres) Pumps, 1955 Farms reporting Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 New Jersey 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to U9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to U99 acres 500 to 999 acres 1^000 acres and over. Not reported Pennsylvania. . . 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to ^9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to ^^99 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over. Not reported Ohio 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to ^9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to U99 acres Not reported , liidiana 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres , 30 to U9 acres , 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres.. . . . 200 to i*99 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over Not reported Illinois 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to '+9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to 1^99 acres 1,000 acres and over Not reported Wisconsin 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to U9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to U99 acres Not reported Michigan 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to ^9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to 1*99 acres . . . . 500 to 999 acres Not reported 1,312 50,855 353 Zh6 16T 198 266 12U 23 3 2 k6 669 252 113 92 86 8T 18 9 1 1 10 648 271 131 68 62 66 23 9 18 31*8 167 1*7 25 3^ 28 178 63 1.0 28 20 13 7 k 1 2 295 91 U5 29 3U 33 22 21 20 1,168 378 287 187 11*3 105 1*1 2 1 320 222 1,369 2,666 153 187 251* 3,132 6,095 15,533 115 21 3 2 35 ll,81i2 l.,6l6 1,361 3,231 1,510 237 110 90 85 616 2511 126 67 59 65 23 9 13 31*0 163 1(6 2k ik 27 28 10 2 1 5 168 59 37 27 19 12 7 1. 1 2 l.OliO 336 250 168 128 100 16,792 900 1,282 1,658 2,58* l.,U78 l,9''i 1,955 250 1,1(92 252 13,786 951. 1,351 1,361 1,887 3,719 2,202 2,082 230 12,901 559 522 li3U 1,139 1,555 3,138 2,259 1,200 2,0314 61 5,351 212 396 686 1.99 571 706 1,055 1,200 26 10,1190 327 I16O 1»29 871 l,l<65 2,027 U,666 2l»5 20,605 l.itl6 2,776 3,111 3,563 It, 952 3,9<0 295 176 'tis 1,353 326 235 156 193 259 121 19 3 2 39 569 197 87 86 81 82 17 9 1 1 575 239 117 60 59 115 1.0 21. 22 26 23 7 2 1 2 152 52 35 22 17 13 6 1. 1 2 1,072 3W. 261 175 133 102 1.0 2 1 ll. 57,923 1,1.73 3,022 3,329 6,921. 16,810 ll.,0l.0 l.,6ll. 1,538 '.,239 l,93l» 17, 521. 680 1,038 l,7i>9 2,633 l.,6ll. 1,882 2,1.19 500 1,815 191* 12,622 937 1,261 1,099 1,915 3,209 2,21.5 1,83". 122 10,357 1.20 1.85 603 1,1.16 2,221 1,1. 58 850 2,1.60 9 4,632 183 396 1.78 352 7I.7 650 995 800 31 12,835 327 1.19 1.36 1,013 1,773 2,312 l.,772 1,783 23,931 1,537 3,21.7 3,621. 11,266 5,737 I., 519 515 118 368 60,830 1,1.76 3,189 3,808 7,363 18,064 15,391. 5,759 1,538 4,239 21,567 1,066 1,530 2,103 3,163 5,654 2,387 2,664 500 2,500 16,132 1,099 1,672 1,556 2,269 4,410 2,728 2,398 14,999 622 606 550 1,263 1,831 3,772 2,545 1,350 2,460 6,097 233 508 695 687 804 915 1,055 1,200 13,514 400 590 655 1,235 2,220 2,927 5,487 27,768 1,726 3,811 4,252 5,213 6,590 5,161 515 500 1,336 293 234 160 194 263 124 23 2 2 41 629 220 109 89 86 87 18 9 1 1 9 215 123 65 62 64 23 9 14 338 158 47 25 34 28 28 10 2 1 5 171 58 39 28 20 13 7 4 1 1 1,132 350 286 185 l4l 104 1,910 352 296 218 264 367 237 77 7 30 62 754 256 126 102 97 107 30 19 2 5 10 746 271 150 78 79 445 185 66 33 45 32 42 19 4 14 5 229 72 45 37 27 20 9 15 2 2 370 100 52 32 35 44 39 43 25 1,365 389 331 229 173 151 56 4 3 29 72 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED. AND SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, BY LARGEST ACREAGE IRRIGATED IN ANY YEAR, BY STATES: 1955-Continued state and largeet acreage Irrigated In any year Number of farms reporting Irrlgatlonj 1955 Area Irrigated Farms reporting Farms reporting Largest acreage Irrigated in any year (acres) PumpSj 1955 Farms reporting Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 Minnesota 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to 1*9 acres 50 to 99 acrea 100 to 199 acres 20O to U99 acres Sot reported lova 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to k9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to 1*99 acres Not reported Missouri 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to k9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to '♦99 acres 500 to 999 acres Not reported Delaware 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to U9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to 1*99 acres Not reported Maryland 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to 1+9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to 1+99 acres 500 to 999 acres Not reported Virginia 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to 1+9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to 1+99 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over. Not reported West Virginia. . 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to 1+9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to 1+99 acres 2T3 81+ 37 32 UO 15 2 9 580 129 73 63 67 116 78 39 5 10 173 1+9 18 22 27 28 lU 11 1 3 51+5 165 89 59 71 85 51+ 16 1 1 1. 251+ 77 35 31 38 51 15 2 5 558 122 71 62 63 112 77 39 5 7 153 1+2 16 22 23 26 13 10 1 522 159 86 56 67 80 53 16 1 1 3 7,1+23 286 36I1 606 1,110 2,91+2 1,582 1+50 83 1,996 99 2ll+ 227 591 380 180 £3 33,315 1+66 818 1,292 2,010 6,1+67 9,71+3 9,1+91+ 2,785 2I+0 5,180 11+ 38 37 150 57I+ 2,621+ 1,623 1£0 7,21+7 137 202 1.61 701+ 1,672 1,303 2,168 600 22,887 701 1,092 1,208 2,309 5,120 6,507 l+,333 610 1,000 7 1,101+ 35 61+ 35 278 160 222 310 21+6 71+ 33 31 38 1.9 13 2 6 150 1+2 15 17 21+ 26 13 11 1 1 1£3 71 1+7 53 69 1+3 16 1 263 356 670 1,176 3.191+ 1,228 1+50 55 2,838 109 PIP 228 382 715 375 W+0 377 21,355 6,31+3 lit 28 1+5 192 702 3,121 2,11+1 100 8,133 131+ 193 320 756 1,636 1,190 3,100 800 1+ 16,1+65 516 8l£ 783 1,535 3,71*2 lt,6li+ 3,953 200 300 10 973 33 68 35 159 118 250 310 9,168 3'>9 1+81 758 1,1+77 3,698 1,91+5 1+60 2,912 116 267 289 1+61+ 866 1+50 l+i+O 36,822 353 521 1+83 900 801 1,1+53 1,1+J+O 2,1+77 l+,231 7,661+ 5,861 10,703 5,682 10,239 2,238 2,865 266 ... 6,1+67 18 39 1+5 193 751+ 3,277 2,11+1 9,663 171 21+1 535 1,011+ 1,830 1,652 3,1+20 800 2l+,738 755 1,11+9 1,361+ 2,600 5,652 6,933 l+,675 610 1,000 1,176 36 80 1+0 292 168 250 310 261+ 77 37 32 1+0 51+ 11+ 2 8 86 61+ 61 66 116 77 39 5 7 161+ 1+1+ 17 22 26 28 11+ 11 1 1 537 158 88 59 71 85 5I1 16 1 382 1+9 1+2 60 100 25 5 13 639 91+ 73 68 71+ 131+ 100 72 15 9 199 1*9 19 25 27 31* 16 19 9 1 630 173 93 71 81+ 99 61 38 2 3 6 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS 73 Table ll.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, AND SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, BY LARGEST ACREAGE IRRIGATED IN ANY YEAR,BY STATES: 1955-Continued St&te and largest acrea^ irrigated Iji any year Number of farms reporting Irrigation, 1955 Area irrigated Farms reporting Farma reporting Largest acreage Irrigated In any year (acres) Pumps, 1955 Farms reporting Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc, for storing water, 1955 North Carolina. 1 to 9 acrea 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to 1*9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acras 200 to ^499 acres 500 to 999 acres Hot reported South Carolina. 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres. 20 to 29 acres 30 to kS acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to 1*99 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and ov«r. Not reported Georgia 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres £00 to 1+99 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over. Not reported Kentucky 1 to 9 acree 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to 1*9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acree 200 to 1*99 acres Not reported Tennessee 1 to 9 acrea 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to 1*9 acres 50 to 99 acree 100 to 199 acres 200 to 1*99 acres 500 to 999 acres Not reported Alahajna 1 to 9 scree 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to 1*9 acrea 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to 1*99 acres 500 to 999 acres Not reported Mlaslaslppl 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acree 30 to 1*9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres. ... 200 to 1*99 acres.... 500 to 999 acrea 1,000 acree and over Rot reportad 1.590 691 1*05 193 173 87 17 10 2 12 1*91* 105 100 71* 82 65 31* 20 5 2 7 857 287 170 116 113 93 1*3 23 6 1 5 1*1*5 11*0 81 85 U7 18 5 8 31*1* 87 82 96 83 1*6 26 2 11 330 71* 55 31 1*3 71 37 15 2 909 138 91. 78 80 llU 130 187 69 ll* 5 1,51*7 677 391. 186 171 85 17 10 2 5 1.75 100 95 73 80 63 33 18 5 2 6 265 155 107 109 92 1*1 21 6 1 I* 802 1*32 136 78 81* 1*1* 18 1* 6 313 81 72 90 79 1*2 25 897 27,135 3,098 i*,583 3,829 5,1*21 1*,6C7 1,827 2,518 1,190 62 21,521* I163 1,039 1,367 2,291 3,738 3,898 lt,369 2,169 1,815 355 2l*,68l 1,177 1,689 2,009 2,995 lt,36l 3,91'2 5,025 3,01*0 150 293 13,351 1,676 1,698 1,689 2,816 2,605 2,058 71*7 62 23,000 1,076 876 1,508 2,872 It, 691 i*,9oe 5,890 825 360 15,1*09 288 607 599 1,21*0 l*,ll*2 1*,212 3,283 1,035 3 133,71*3 131* 555 92 1,122 76 1,61.0 80 2,671 111. 6,628 127 15,238 187 1.6,151 69 39,775 13 18,808 5 1,155 1,197 1*31* 31*2 173 ll*8 77 11 9 2 1 350 66 71 56 62 1*6 21 16 5 2 5 731* 225 Ilia 106 Id* 83 39 20 5 1 3 1.1*9 201 87 50 61 31 15 3 1 558 211 67 69 76 69 35 23 2 6 638 77 52 1.0 1*8 80 97 166 63 11* 1 21,350 2,067 It, 023 3,1.31 U,l67 3,1.62 1,069 2,191* 696 21 16,501* 312 865 i.ne 1,877 2,571. 1,871 3,301* 2,150 2,215 208 25,271 1,078 1,788 2,199 3,377 It, 391 l.,270 l.,925 2,805 150 288 6,313 786 838 767 1,315 1,159 996 IA5 5 16,819 756 771. 1,357 1,915 3,313 2,911. i',330 1,120 31.0 12,61.1 213 1.70 505 1,U0 3,127 3,1*30 3,193 590 3 100,835 526 583 697 1,1.93 l.,033 10,919 36,939 29,701* 15,711 230 30,671* 3,1.07 5,352 1«,1.88 6,151. 5,1177 2,1J2 2,651. 1,210 25,901 536 1,336 1,731. 2,960 1*,366 i.,373 5,376 3,000 2,215 32,581 1,1.52 2,235 2,663 i.,05i 5,905 5,U0 6,180 3,655 1,000 15,201. 1,757 1,851 1,861 3,108 3,075 2,271 1,281 27,11*5 1,21*5 1,123 1,886 3,14.9 5,663 5,685 6,971* 1,120 18,353 315 692 702 1,51.1 1*,859 1*,896 i*,158 1,190 151,772 607 1,223 1,799 2,961 7,561 17,753 53,61.0 1.3,635 22,593 1,559 665 1.03 192 173 87 17 10 2 10 I.7I. 265 166 ui* 113 93 1« 23 6 1 5 1.18 136 81 85 1.7 18 5 7 328 81. 82 95 83 1.6 26 2 11 316 70 50 28 1.3 71 37 H. 2 1 851 101 83 77 78 ns 129 186 68 14 2 1,752 699 1*1.3 226 202 113 26 26 5 10 612 106 107 91 104 282 180 131 145 122 72 44 21 5 6 847 432 144 85 90 56 22 11 7 836 344 88 88 101 90 427 78 63 38 53 104 54 33 3 1 1,591 114 92 89 96 153 ear 410 254 170 6 74 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 12.-FARMS REPORTING. ACRES IRRIGATED. SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES. AND COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS fData on cost of Irrigation systems were reported only for farm State and largest acreage irrigated in any year Total, 28 States. 1 to 9 acres . . . 10 to 19 acree. 20 to 29 acrea. 30 to ^9 acres. 50 to 99 acres. 100 to 199 acres 200 to 1+99 acrea 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over. Not reported Maine. 1 to 9 acree 10 to 19 acres . . . 20 to 29 acres .. . 50 to 99 acres... 100 to 199 acres. New Haa^shlre. 1 to 9 acres. . . 10 to 19 acres. 20 to 29 acres. 30 to k9 acres .. . 50 to 99 acres... 100 to 199 acrea. Vermont. 1 to 9 acres. . . 10 to 19 acres. 20 to 29 acres. 30 to U9 acres. 50 to 99 acres. Massachusetts . 1 to 9 acres . . . 10 to 19 acres. 20 to 29 acres. 30 to 1+9 acres. 50 to 99 acres . . . 100 to 199 acres. 200 to U99 acres. Rhode Island. 1 to 9 acres. .. 10 to 19 acres. 20 to 29 acres. 30 to 1+9 acres . . . 50 to 99 acres... 200 to i+99 acres. Connecticut. 1 to 9 acres... 10 to 19 acres. 20 to 29 acres. 30 to 1+9 acres. 50 to 99 acres. 100 to 199 acres. 200 to 1+99 acres. 500 to 999 acres. Not reported New York. 1 to 9 acres.. . 10 to 19 acres. 20 to 29 acres. 30 to 1+9 acrea. 50 to 99 acres . . . 100 to 199 acres. 200 to 1+99 acres. Not reported Number of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 6,1+11+ 1,61+1+ 1,155 866 997 979 1+69 203 39 6 56 217 71 62 31 25 18 8 2 Area irrigated Farms reporting 1+67 93 61+ 52 87 120 1+ 1+ 6,085 l,5l»6 1,087 813 957 91.9 1+56 197 39 6 35 30 21+5,928 6,686 12,1+90 15,951+ 29,706 53,71+2 1+9,896 1+5,283 21,528 9,192 1,1+51 199 61+ 55 30 25 16 7 2 U3I+ 61+ 58 1+5 61 116 1+2 1+ h 138 17 56 35 30 37 68 101 128 92 81+ 267 12 1.0 55 80 80 3,962 reporting 5,51+1 1,351 1,017 762 881 868 399 179 36 6 1+2 20 37 63 75 U5 225 5,921+ 127 350 681+ 891+ 1,301+ 750 300 1,1+80 35 16,596 300 65I+ 800 2,691 6,938 i+,30i 820 92 220,082 6,088 12,359 15,177 27,563 1+9,1+1+2 1+2,288 37,988 18,273 9,070 1,831+ 280 69 310 681 51+ 720 51+1+ 30 577 797 25 855 720 18 902 755 7 828 195 2 270 1+1+9 59 50 85 115 1*3 1+ 1+ Largest acreage irrigated In any year (acres) 295,151+ 7,718 15,331+ 20,000 36,512 65,291+ 60,159 5l+,256 25,278 10,603 28 86 77 50 175 685 33 72 112 199 11+1+ 125 10 35 59 1+1 130 It, 1+62 377 19 32 65 29 82 150 6,161 138 363 703 990 1,1+81 687 200 1,561+ 35 18, 390 353 726 1,052 3,106 7,261 lt,985 Pumps, 1955 Farms reporting 6,207 1+83 30 109 91+ 50 200 718 36 81+ 111 202 160 125 31+1 12 1+4 75 80 130 5,3''3 335 823 703 91+2 1,131 1,009 1+00 633 23 37 97 96 155 225 6,679 173 1+08 737 1,006 1,659 832 300 1,561+ 20,078 373 839 1,202 3,302 8,173 5,321* 865 1,511 1,118 8 51+ 986 973 1+61+ 203 39 6 53 158 33 29 32 27 25 70 52 50 83 117 1+3 1+ 3 7,530 1,639 1,216 976 1,121+ 1,191+ 661 1+17 161 76 66 Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 213 60 56 30 28 27 9 3 206 35 29 1+0 30 31 10 1+ 27 76 60 58 91 151+ 65 5 3 3,165 765 637 1+7I+ U7l« 1+63 21I+ 86 19 3 28 169 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS 75 FOR FARMS REPORTING COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, BY LARGEST ACREAGE IRRIGATED IN ANY YEAR, BY STATES: 195S reporting irrigation beginning in 1946 or later. See text] Cost of irrigation equipment Coat of leveling and ditching Cost of constructing reservoirs, etc., for storing water and for drilling wells Per farm ( dollars ) Per acre irrigated in 195"; ( dollars ) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting ( dollars ) Per acre irrigated in 1954 ( dollars ) 35,51*5,680 5, SI'S ll>5 6,382 27,'*77,3'»'' '',305 693 826,1188 1,193 3.36 3,896 7,2ltl,8l48 1,859 29.1»5 3,222,250 ii,oei4,308 3,780,1*6 5,278,628 7,612,886 5,293,631 3,680,900 1,770,1*55 511,900 370,276 1,960 3,1*81* l',365 5,295 7,776 11,267 18,133 1*5,396 85,317 6,612 1*82 322 237 178 ll*2 106 81 82 56 255 1,625 1,11*9 863 996 979 1*67 203 39 6 55 2,503,083 3,lW»,50l* 2,908,926 1*,127,888 6,167,211* 1*,137,513 2,812,328 1,130,918 255,100 289,870 1,51*0 2,737 3,371 l*,ll*i. 6,300 8,860 13,851* 26,998 1*2,517 5,270 371* 252 182 139 115 83 62 53 28 200 81* 80 101 91 65 28 1* 1. 1*2,121* 3i*,723 1*3,018 53,702 81*, 695 11*4,219 17l*,61*7 185,755 61,000 2,1*05 332 390 512 671 839 1,585 2,057 6,631* 15,250 601 6.30 2.78 2.70 1.81 1.58 2.39 3.86 8.63 6.61. 1.66 912 7W. 51*1 577 602 306 11*3 30 6 35 677,01*3 81*5,081 828,502 1,097,038 1,360,977 1,011,899 693,725 1*53,782 195,600 78,001 71*2 1,136 1,531 1,901 2,261 3,307 i*,851 15,126 32,633 2,229 101.26 67.66 51.93 36.93 25.32 20.26 15.32 21.06 21.30 53-76 66,866 7,015 lfl,735 9,816 5,500 25,800 11,530 11,275 18,500 17,800 16,1.63 12,900 30,008 731,91*1 92,209 136,257 95,727 116,250 118,751* 102,71*1* 66,000 63,525 8,655 6,100 ll.,230 6,750 20,250 7,51*0 1,279,209 57,295 99,021* 129,175 11.8,1*15 227,752 125,500 50,000 1*28,51*8 13,500 2,560,967 132,791* 185,027 186,513 1*1*1,359 998,31*6 51*2,903 65,1*50 8,575 2,766 779 2,31*2 2,1*51* 5,500 12,900 2,851* 1,153 1,879 3,700 2,967 5,1*68 12,900 2,11*3 6,983 1,71*6 7,625 2,51*2 6,200 2,067 1*,800 2,1«)0 1*,1.00 2,200 3,373 1,299 2,198 3,088 4,730 6,597 12,81.3 3l»,000 1,1*1.2 3,050 3,558 3,375 10,125 7,5lM3 7,91*5 1,592 3,1*15 i*,037 5,1.97 9,110 17,929 50,000 214,271. 6,750 5,1*81* 1,1*26 2,691 3,587 5,073 8,320 12,626 16, 362 2,lW. i.85 1*13 335 280 173 312 166 183 139 179 151* 582 191 113 60 55 181. 329 200 176 IW 165 131* 31*9 119 433 165 226 90 176 34 451 283 189 166 175 167 167 290 154 443 283 233 164 144 126 60 93 23 467 93 64 52 87 120 43 4 4 57,011 5,395 15,300 6,616 5,000 22,500 66,898 6,395 ll,o4o 13,150 12,800 13,513 10,000 26,513 6,513 7,600 5,200 4,600 4,400 620,932 74,929 114,544 85,806 96,455 1J.0, 054 77,144 62,000 54,045 7,575 5,700 11,230 5,500 16,500 7,540 1,020,923 ■41,589 83,613 106,586 127,315 191,972 95,300 30,000 336,048 8,500 2,099,369 105,053 146,975 155,841 362,366 815,911 445,573 59,750 7,900 2,479 674 1,912 2,204 5,000 11,250 2,297 933 1,840 2,630 2,133 4,504 10,000 2,037 1,628 2,533 1,733 2,400 2,200 2,888 1,070 1,847 2,766 4,019 6,114 9,643 31,000 1,262 2,650 2,808 2,750 6,250 7,540 6,381 1,188 2,883 3,331 4,715 7,679 13,614 30,000 168,024 4,250 4,495 1,130 2,296 2,99'f 4,165 6,799 10,362 14,936 1,975 413 317 273 252 135 227 162 130 100 147 119 107 543 190 95 60 55 156 268 168 158 121 153 101 316 379 154 178 73 143 34 327 239 156 142 l47 127 100 227 243 350 225 195 135 118 104 73 86 26 600 600 2,081 931 1,000 150 21,891 1,861 2,330 250 3,100 3,350 10,000 1,000 15,500 100 1,950 2,650 4,050 2,550 4,200 29,961 3,660 5,466 979 520 3,900 15,434 600 600 347 233 1,000 150 266 333 125 775 1,675 10,000 1,000 738 100 0.79 390 5.57 442 3.87 810 4.53 850 1.96 4,200 523 1,094 196 260 1,300 3,858 4.35 35.29 4.06 25.16 7.61 1.63 5.50 6.65 3.42 0.46 3.89 4.65 13.07 5-13 5.60 12.20 8.36 1.22 0.19 0.56 3-59 301 49 34 35 59 89 31 2 2 9,255 1,020 3,435 1,000 500 3,300 17,489 2,204 235 5,350 4,000 2,800 2,900 1,495 470 25 1,000 89,118 15,419 19,383 9,671 18,695 5,350 15,600 5,000 9,480 1,080 400 3,000 1,250 3,750 242,786 15,606 13,461 19,939 17,050 33,230 26,000 20,000 92,500 5,000 431,637 24,061 32,564 29,693 78,473 178,535 81,896 5,700 675 661 255 859 333 500 1,650 1,166 551 116 1,783 1,333 1,400 2,900 299 235 25 500 796 376 554 604 2,077 892 3,900 5,000 1,185 540 400 3,000 625 1,875 2,4o4 709 1,035 798 1,066 2,374 4,333 20,000 46,250 2,500 1,434 491 958 848 1,330 2,006 2,642 2,850 338 67.07 60.00 61.34 28.57 34.29 59.57 3.46 52.97 31.25 30.43 34.52 5.60 39.17 0.62 16.18 22.36 31 55.07 32 28.46 17-76 23.46 7.43 20.39 25.64 54.00 10.81 47.62 16.67 32.61 40.96 122.66 36.46 29.15 19.07 25.48 34.67 66.67 62.50 142.86 26.01 80.27 49.82 37.12 29.16 25-73 19-04 6.95 7.34 76 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 12.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, AND COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, BY STATES: [Data on cost of irrigation systems were reported only for farma State and largest acreage Irrigated In any year Number of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 Area irrigated Farms reporting Farms reporting Largest acreage irrigated in any year (acres) Punps, 1955 Farms reporting Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 New Jersey. 1 to 9 acres . . . 10 to 19 acres. 20 to 29 acres. 30 to J*9 acres. 50 to 99 acres. . . 100 to 199 acres. 200 to it99 acres. Not reported Pennsylvania. 1 to 9 acres. . . 10 to 19 acres. 20 to 29 acres. 30 to U9 acres. 50 to 99 acres .. . 100 to 199 acres. 200 to U99 acres. Not reported 1 to 9 acres . . . 10 to 19 acres. 20 to 29 acres. 30 to U9 acres. 50 to 99 acres. . . 100 to 199 acres. 200 to U99 acres. Not reported 1 to 9 acres . . . 10 to 19 acres. 20 to 29 acres. 30 to 49 acres. 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to U99 acres 1,000 acres and over. 1 to 9 acres. .. 10 to 19 acres. 20 to 29 acres. 30 to U9 acres . . 50 to 99 acres . . 100 to 199 acres 1 to 9 acres. .. 10 to 19 acres. 20 to 29 acres. 30 to U9 acres. 50 to 99 acres. .. 100 to 199 acres. 200 to 1*99 acres. Not reported 1 to 9 acres. . . 10 to 19 acres. 20 to 29 acres. 30 to 1*9 acres. 50 to 99 acres. 100 to 199 acres. 200 to 1*99 acres. 500 to 999 acres. Not reported 560 lOlt 68 62 lOlt ito 60 u 18 225 83 Itl 29 27 66 5l»7 156 138 101 78 51 96 60 58 95 136 58 h 13 118 iio 8 12 19 17 17 h 1 ll»2 125 89 T> 51 20,3lt3 1*05 70lt 1,161 2,992 8,OllO 5,713 685 61*3 7,681 260 1<66 835 1,782 2,881t 1*97 957 307 U2 616 813 1,659 937 392 27 7,283 139 102 216 657 1,028 1,907 1,200 2,031* 76 1U6 235 1*30 11*1 376 I»,6l5 127 231 161* 566 731 1,020 1,721* 2 9,832 625 1,360 1,577 2,009 2,399 l,li60 175 176 51 51*1 96 66 59 101* 138 58 1* 16 263 59 39 1.6 55 51* 5 1* 1 ll*l* 132 93 73 1.9 2'>,339 1*30 891* 1,306 3,71*3 9,1*05 6,61*6 910 1,005 8,398 232 1*96 981* 1,728 3,239 595 1,123 1 1*,521 323 1*01 1*63 806 1,338 957 201 32 5,857 132 80 238 317 83I* 1,171 625 2,1.60 1,258 61* 16I* 173 230 232 395 128 260 IW. 590 990 838 2,053 69 11,51.5 720 1,677 1,888 2,336 2,7l«) 1,723 275 118 68 2l*,291 1*60 911 1,1*1*3 3,890 9,1.79 7,196 910 9,502 306 561* 1,076 2,11*1* 3,567 607 1.238 5,91*1* 372 511 659 989 2,013 990 1*10 6,1*16 159 127 291 71*1 1,123 2,290 1,225 2,1*60 1,663 81* 20k 2M. 1.57 229 1*1*5 6,11.7 157 361 251 762 1,166 1,21.5 2,205 13,638 7I.8 1,821* 2,307 2,833 3,256 1,895 275 500 51*0 68 61 103 138 60 1. 18 218 78 1.0 29 27 30 8 2 I. 132 35 27 11 20 17 9 9 1. 539 151 137 100 78 50 15 1 633 99 81 80 123 169 92 11 26 304 72 1.2 52 65 57 7 7 2 258 151. 35 29 11 20 20 17 18 1* 621 16I* 152 115 92 67 20 2 3 6 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS 77 FOR FARMS REPORTING COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, BY LARGEST ACREAGE IRRIGATED IN ANY YEAR, 1955— Continued reporting irrigation beginning in IQ-ie or later. See text] Total cost Cost of irrigation equipment Cost of leveling and ditching Cost of constructing reservoirs, etc., for storing water and for drilling wells ODllars Per farm (dollars) Per acre irrigated In 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) 3,659.9'tO 6,536 180 559 3,000,933 5,368 148 80 48,387 605 2.38 409 610, 620 1,493 30.02 1 160.781 220,929 260, 319 576,671 l,5l*« 3,21*9 1*,199 5,51*5 397 311t 22lt 193 lOl* 68 62 101* 119,872 186, 560 225,118 1*72.600 1.153 2,744 3,631 4,544 296 265 194 158 11 13 8 16 4,265 5,885 2,970 9,813 388 453 371 613 10.53 8.36 2.56 3.28 64 46 38 77 36,644 28,484 32,231 94,258 573 619 848 1,224 90.48 40.46 27.76 31.50 2 3 4 5 l,229,lt67 879,811* 108,599 223,360 8,782 ll*,661* 27,150 12,1*09 154 159 3lt7 ll*0 59 1. 18 1,033,605 700,253 94,61*7 168,278 7,383 11,869 23,662 9.349 129 123 138 262 20 12 12,258 13,196 613 1,100 1.52 2.31 111 52 4 17 183,604 166,365 13.952 55,082 1.654 3,199 3,488 3,240 22.84 29.12 20.37 85.66 6 7 8 9 1,227,710 1*,1*32 160 277 1,058,772 3.822 138 11 3,051 277 0.4o 143 165.887 1,160 21.60 10 106,380 130,569 159. T"** 265,388 1.637 3,185 3.399 '*,576 lt09 280 191 llt9 65 1*1 1*7 58 81,455 111.531 142.653 229,706 1,253 2,720 3,035 3,960 313 239 171 129 4 2 3 2 968 90 1,718 275 242 45 573 138 3.72 0.19 2.06 0.15 39 23 18 29 23,957 18,948 15,375 35,407 6l4 824 854 1,221 92.14 40.66 18.41 19.87 11 12 13 14 359,212 90,1*50 115.500 1*65 6,531 18,090 28,875 232 125 182 121 55 5 1* 2 312,112 83,350 97.500 465 5,675 16, 670 24,375 232 108 168 102 28 3 3 47,100 7,100 18,000 1,682 2,367 6,000 16.33 14.29 18.81 15 16 17 18 932,61*1 l*.ll*5 180 225 729,121 3,241 l4o 11 13,280 1.207 2.56 132 190,240 1,441 36.63 19 156,021* 135,020 91*, 71*1* 176,617 1.880 3,293 3.267 6.51*1 508 305 154 217 P 1*1 29 27 108,017 109.951 76,652 138,771 1,301 2,682 2,643 5,l4o 249 124 171 5 2 1 7,330 450 1,000 1,466 225 1,000 23.88 1.02 1.62 49 25 15 16 40,677 24,619 17,092 37,846 830 985 1,139 2,365 132.50 55.70 27.75 46.55 20 21 22 23 21*5,952 91.370 21,000 11,911* 8,196 11,1*21 10,500 2,383 11*8 98 5"* 1*1*1 30 8 2 5 202,970 63,970 20,000 8,790 6,766 7,996 10,000 1,758 122 69 51 326 1 1 i 500 3,000 1,000 500 3,000 1,000 0.30 3.20 37.04 17 8 1 1 42,482 24,400 1,000 2,124 2,499 3,050 1,000 2,124 25.61 26.04 2.55 78.67 24 25 26 27 763.815 6,365 105 120 643,216 5,360 88 4 5,550 1,388 0.76 73 115.049 1,576 15.80 28 60,863 30,156 1*6,030 81,956 1,522 3,351 3,51*1 It, 313 1*38 296 213 125 1« 9 13 19 50,973 25,692 39,950 75,646 1,274 2,855 3,073 3,981 367 252 185 115 1 50 50 0.23 25 6 9 9 9,890 4,464 6,030 6,310 396 744 670 701 71.15 43.76 27.92 9.60 29 30 31 32 110,1*35 . 161,375 87,000 186,000 6,1*96 9,1*93 21,750 186,000 107 85 72 91 17 17 1* 1 102,155 129,300 83,500 136,000 6,009 7,606 20,875 136,000 99 68 70 67 "3 5,500 1.833 2!88 10 12 1 1 8,280 26,575 3.500 50,000 828 2,215 3,500 50,000 8.05 13.94 2.92 24.58 33 34 35 36 27l*,312 1*,156 195 66 227,311 3,444 162 3 400 133 0.28 37 46,601 1,259 33.19 37 21*, 202 60,538 57,050 1,210 3,781* 5,186 318 1*15 21*3 20 16 11 16,430 53,824 48,800 822 3.364 4,436 216 369 208 1 1 1 50 50 300 50 50 300 0.66 0.34 1.28 13 8 5 7,722 6,664 7,950 594 833 1,590 101.61 45.64 33.83 38 39 40 53,1»1»5 37,577 1*1,500 l*,lt5l* 9,39 1,01*9 1,126 1,608 600 11,793 358 583 777 1,376 3,31*6 3,716 1,632 5 736 16 1*1 35 202 60 72 310 15,391 1,330 2,578 2,231* 3,51*3 2,51*7 1,321* 61*5 1,190 92 672 202 208 105 101 1*1* 81 99 271 1*1*6 1,069 51*3 21 23 59 70 51*0 ll* 9,818 111 259 1*05 1,073 2,1*57 2,856 2,1*57 200 3,187 3 28 25 11*1* 383 1,567 1,037 6,157 1*8 156 132 560 1,119 937 2,1*05 800 9,01*2 311 50I* 51*6 1,101* 2,550 2,1*36 1,581* 7 671 16 1*3 35 106 61 100 310 12,123 1,01*6 2,1*51 2,008 2,698 1,853 761 1*10 696 103 165 316 611 1,1*37 760 21 23 52 70 651* 17,31*0 172 1*17 71*9 1,71*3 '*,505 5,162 1*,592 3,359 2 39 25 11*5 1,733 1,017 7,068 57 173 262 722 1,171* 1,325 2,555 800 13,219 382 608 880 1,591* 3,71*6 1*,158 1,851 16 1*3 1*0 207 61 100 310 17,920 1,1*89 3,053 2,572 3,992 3,181* 1,559 861 1,210 291* 71 46 38 1*3 55 33 7 1 268 232 112 111* 50 12 3 2 108 27 13 11* 18 26 10 320 31 35 34 55 84 49 29 3 119 20 12 12 20 20 13 13 9 277 251 126 133 65 IRRIGATION IN HDMIU AREAS 79 FOR FARMS REPORTING COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, BY LARGEST ACREAGE IRRIGATED IN ANY YEAR, 1955— Continued reporting irr Lgation beginning in 1946 or later. See text] Total cost Cost of irrigation equipment Cost of leveling and ditching Cost of constructing reservoirs, etc., for storing water and for drilling wells Dollars Per farm (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) 520, aw* 5,541 192 94 454,455 4,835 167 6 5,533 922 2.03 44 60,856 1,383 22.38 1 86,083 37,103 57,910 3,311 3,092 4,455 916 273 243 26 12 13 83,713 33,363 1(3,688 3,220 2,780 3,361 891 245 184 1 2 283 2,700 283 1,350 3.01 11.34 8 4 9 2,087 r,74o 11,522 261 935 1,280 22.20 27.50 48.41 2 3 4 9'', 679 156, 57lt 88,1.95 5,569 7,829 14,749 194 142 134 17 20 6 79,386 136, 310 77,995 4,670 6,816 12,999 163 124 118 2 1 2,475 75 1,238 75 5.08 0.07 9 U 3 12,818 20, 189 10,500 1,424 1,835 3,500 26.32 18.32 15.86 5 6 7 83,107 3,957 IW* 21 71,047 3,383 123 2 790 395 1-37 12 11,270 939 19.57 8 5,896 3,770 6,325 1,474 1,885 3,162 328 188 l4l 4 2 2 5,456 2,600 3,900 1,364 1,300 1,950 303 130 87 1 700 700 15^56 2 2 2 440 1,170 1,725 220 585 862 24.44 58.50 38.33 9 10 11 9,150 45,246 12,720 4,575 4,525 12,720 179 102 2 10 1 6,475 41,656 10,960 3,238 4,166 10,960 127 94 1 '90 '90 0.20 2 3 1 2,675 3,500 1,760 1,338 1,167 1,760 52.45 7.92 12 13 14 1,318,692 4,710 85 278 1,105,366 3,976 71 39 35,111 900 2.26 98 178,215 1,819 11.48 15 62,645 98,155 99,825 197,807 1,528 2,974 3,120 4,121 399 251 149 148 40 32 32 48 51,825 84, 1130 79,365 145,769 1,296 2,638 2,430 3,037 330 216 118 109 5 3 1 3 3,465 500 60 1,850 693 167 60 617 22.07 1.28 0.09 1-39 13 10 10 15 7,355 13,225 20,400 50,188 566 1,322 2,040 3,346. 46.85 33-82 30.45 37.62 16 17 18 19 350,945 274, 074 217,191 18,050 5,161 7,028 12,776 9,025 90 60 50 134 68 39 17 2 302,41*2 240,924 182,561 18,050 l.,14.8 6,178 10,739 9,025 78 53 42 134 10 8 9 4,086 6,970 18,180 409 871 2,020 1.05 1.52 4.17 23 19 8 44,417 26,180 16,450 1,931 1,378 2,056 11.40 5.70 3.78 20 21 22 23 356,853 10,814 137 33 298,567 9,047 115 3 2,500 S33 0.96 24 55,786 2,324 21.46 24 1,000 9,527 4,650 25,475 1,000 3,176 4,650 6,369 333 251 274 250 1 3 1 It 800 7,015 4,300 21,900 800 2,338 4,300 5,475 267 185 253 215 1 100 100 5!88 1 2 1 3 200 2,512 250 3,575 200 1,256 250 1,192 66.67 66.11 14.71 35.05 25 26 27 23 43,549 176,352 96,300 8,710 12,597 19,260 136 128 129 5 14 5 41,250 136, 602 86,700 8,250 9,757 17,340 129 99 116 2 2,400 1,200 1.75 4 9 4 2,299 37,350 9,600 575 4,150 2,400 7.16 27.18 12.89 29 30 31 637,578 6,806 129 100 534,795 5,348 100 9 8,025 892 1.51 66 144,758 2,193 27.17 32 30,152 39,045 36,959 94,600 1,587 3,003 3,360 4,979 61*2 237 186 177 19 12 11 19 19,287 28,282 29,794 84,1.50 1,015 2,357 2,709 4,445 410 171 150 158 2 "2 725 750 362 375 4:39 1.4o 10 12 7 9 10,865 10, 038 7,165 9,400 1,086 836 1,024 1,044 231.17 60.84 36.01 17.60 33 34 35 36 118,481 98,440 153,650 116,251 6,582 8,949 17,072 .116,251 113 87 96 194 18 11 9 1 104,331 83,200 132,200 53,251 5,796 7,564 14,689 53,251 99 74 82 89 3 2 4,050 2,500 1,350 1,250 3:^ 1-55 10 9 8 1 14,150 11,190 18,950 63,000 1,415 1,243 2,369 63,000 13.49 9.94 11.78 105.00 37 38 39 40 1,812,1422 6,102 154 296 1,337,113 4,517 113 19 21,420 1,127 1.82 202 453,889 2,247 38.49 41 193,203 179,746 174,962 220,115 2,611 3,908 4,604 5,119 540 308 225 160 u 38 43 142,212 124,423 117,147 167,550 1,948 2,705 3,083 3,897 397 213 151 122 2 1 4 2 40 300 1,360 460 20 300 340 230 0.11 0.51 1.75 0.33 51 35 30 27 50,951 55,023 56,455 52,105 999 1,572 1,882 1,930 142.32 94.38 72.66 37.87 42 43 44 45 484,797 370,949 184,540 4,110 8,8l4 11,241 26,363 4,110 145 100 113 822 55 33 7 1 357,287 281,654 llj.,0l«3 2,800 6,496 8,535 20,577 2,800 107 76 83 560 8 1 1 17,460 1,000 800 2,182 1,000 800 5.22 oiei 160.00 34 20 4 1 110,050 89,295 39,500 510 3,237 4,465 9,875 510 32.89 24.03 24.20 102.00 46 47 48 49 89,590 5,599 122 16 67,490 4,218 92 1 200 200 0.27 5 21,900 4,380 29.76 50 5,500 4,600 5,000 23,090 1,833 1,533 2,500 4,618 3Wt 112 143 114 3 3 2 5 4,900 4,600 3,500 13,090 1,633 1,533 1,750 2,618 306 112 100 65 1 200 200 12.50 1 1 1 400 1,500 10,000 400 1,500 10,000 25.00 42!a6 49.50 51 52 53 54 13,900 12,500 25,000 13,900 12, 500 25,000 232 174 81 1 1 1 6,900 9,500 25,000 6,900 9,500 25,000 115 132 81 1 1 7,000 3,000 7,000 3,000 116.67 41.67 55 56 57 3,988,395 4,992 259 796 2,832,441 3,558 184 59 37,676 639 2.45 613 1,118,278 1,824 72.66 58 654,354 1,021,345 648,332 774,741 572,126 5I789 6,796 11,443 492 396 290 219 225 271 232 112 114 50 Ml., 487 727,245 1.21., 231. 547,474 417,726 1,788 3,135 3,788 4,802 8,355 364 282 190 155 164 17 10 14 11 3 4,660 2,976 13,095 10,340 1,400 274 298 940 467 3-50 1.15 5.86 2.92 0.55 181 192 96 89 41 165,207 291,124 211,003 216,927 153,000 913 1,516 2,198 2,437 3,732 124.22 112.93 94.45 61.23 60.07 59 60 61 62 63 149,999 88,493 79,000 5 12,500 29,498 39,500 5 113 1J7 66 12 3 2 105,446 60,829 65,000 8,787 20,276 32,500 80 94 55 1 1 1 1 2,200 1,000 2,000 5 2,200 1,000 2,000 5 1.66 1.55 1.63 9 3 2 42,353 26,664 12,000 4,706 8,888 6.000 31-99 41.34 10.08 hi. 65 66 ^7 80 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 12.-FARMS REPORTING. ACRES IRRIGATED, SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, AND COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, BY STATES: [Data on cost of irrigation systems were reported only for farms State and largest acreage Irrigated in any year South Carolina 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to ks acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to U99 acres 500 to 999 acres ... . Not reported Georgia 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to 1+9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to U99 acres 500 to 999 acres Not reported Kentucky 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to 1+9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to U99 acres Not reported Tennessee 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to 1+9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to 1+99 acrea Not reported Alabsma 1 to 9 acrea 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to 1+9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acres 200 to 1+99 acres 500 to 999 acres Not reported MisslsBlppl... . 1 to 9 acres 10 to 19 acres 20 to 29 acres 30 to 1+9 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 to 199 acrea 200 to 1+99 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres and over. Number of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 231+ 31 1+4 1+2 1.1 1+3 18 u 1 3 1+08 112 81 6S 65 1+8 20 8 It 2 376 150 Ti. 51 53 29 11+ 1+ 1 366 110 51 U9 62 1+9 26 11+ 3 156 27 25 13 21 37 22 9 1 1 371. Ul 22 27 35 61 73 83 27 5 Area irrigated Fanns reporting 223 29 1+1 1+1 39 1+2 16 10 381 103 73 61 63 1.7 366 1I.6 73 50 52 28 11+ 3 31+2 102 1+6 1.4 61 1+8 25 ll» 2 151 27 25 12 21 36 22 7 366 1+1 21 25 35 61 ^9 82 27 5 10,180 139 '•33 795 1,001 2,598 2,016 2,385 600 213 12,679 1+96 762 1,072 1,785 2,181+ 1,933 2,217 2,020 190 8,3'tl 613 91+1+ 1,070 1,750 1,760 1,587 617 12,01+1+ 1+01 1+91 916 1,959 2,696 2,815 2,708 58 7,839 lOB 269 231 52I+ 2,179 2,1+55 1,473 600 55,871 174 232 569 1,144 3,432 8,387 19,913 14,862 7,158 Farms reporting 183 26 37 33 34 31 11 8 1 370 95 76 65 60 44 19 6 3 2 294 81 45 41 51 42 20 12 2 279 25 14 12 23 46 54 74 26 5 Acres 6,956 131 456 712 1,001 1,741 1,142 1,386 275 112 12,907 507 977 1,349 1,943 2,483 1,817 1,758 1,885 188 362 454 510 896 667 887 445 8,605 313 518 816 1,313 1,938 1,717 1,964 26 6,410 113 226 236 515 1,520 1,957 1,843 44,993 105 159 232 724 2,233 6,443 15,752 12,735 6,610 Largest acreage irrigated in any year (acres) 11,848 162 602 1,004 1,460 2,929 2,328 2,763 600 16,197 628 1,093 1,553 2,314 3,154 2,451 2,369 2,635 9,443 630 998 1,195 1,967 1,946 1,726 981 14,415 469 681 1,108 2,220 3,326 3,448 3,163 9,884 128 310 304 752 2,551 2,961 2,278 600 65,596 191 283 650 1,271 3,938 10,288 23,463 17,36: 8,143 Punps, 1955 Farms reporting 229 30 Its 41 41 43 16 U 1 3 107 81 67 65 48 20 8 4 371 146 73 51 53 29 14 4 1 360 104 51 49 62 49 28 14 3 360 30 20 26 35 61 73 83 27 5 279 34 49 43 49 49 24 26 2 3 478 113 88 78 78 62 28 15 13 3 399 153 73 55 57 35 16 9 1 393 109 53 54 65 52 35 21 4 675 33 22 30 38 79 115 195 101 62 reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS 81 FOR FARMS REPORTING COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, BY LARGEST ACREAGE IRRIGATED IN ANY YEAR, 1955— Continued reporting irrigation beginning in 1946 or later. See text] Total cost Cost of irrigation equipment Cost of leveling and ditching Cost of constructing reservoirs, etc., for storing water and for drilling wells Dollars Per farm (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) 1,576,599 6,738 155 232 1,059,966 1*,569 10* 29 3*,l67 1,178 3.36 19* *a2,*66 2,*87 *7.39 1 93,112 169,281 l81i,507 278,629 359,580 3,0011 3, 81*7 l',393 6,796 8,362 670 391 232 278 138 31 lA 111 'tl ''3 56,75'' 120,070 116,955 166,972 21*7,205 1,831 2,729 2,853 '',072 5,7''9 *08 277 1*7 167 95 5 5 5 2 7 1,300 1,650 1,0*2 3,200 16,575 260 330 208 1,600 2,368 9.35 3.81 1.31 3.20 6.38 28 38 33 30 36 35,058 *7,56l 66,510 108,*57 95,800 1,252 1,252 2,015 3,615 2,661 252.22 109.8* 83.66 108.35 36.87 2 3 4 5 6 221,155 21*2,235 15,000 13,100 12,286 22,021 15,000 11,367 110 102 25 62 17 U 1 3 172,915 161*,595 5,000 9,500 10,171 ll',963 5,000 3,167 86 69 8 *5 3 2 5,200 5,200 1,733 2,600 2.58 2.18 1* 11 1 3 *3,0*0 72,**0 10,000 3,600 3,07* 6,585 10,000 1,200 21.35 30.37 16.67 16.90 7 8 9 10 2,9'tl»,255 7,216 232 1«33 1,970,929 11,891 155 36 32,001 889 2.52 339 9*1,325 2,777 7*. 2* 11 3''7,757 1.06, 63lt '.29,3''9 533,1*6 536,586 3,105 5,020 6,311t 8,207 11,179 701 520 I'Ol 299 21*6 108 81 67 65 1*8 228,957 269,1*30 268,1*57 355,500 353,991* 2,120 3,326 i',007 5,1*69 7,375 *62 3*5 250 199 162 13 3 6 7 * 2,650 2,900 6,375 8,375 3,701 20* 967 1,062 1,196 925 5.3* 3-71 5.95 *.69 1.69 87 73 58 5* *0 116,150 13*,30* 15*,517 169,571 178,891 1,335 1,8*0 2,66* 3,1*0 *,*72 23*. 17 171.7* l**.l* 95.00 81. 91 12 U 14 15 16 216,1.83 170,800 280,000 23,200 10,821' 21,350 70,000 11,600 112 77 139 122 20 8 1' 2 11*5,891 113,700 218,000 17,000 7,295 ll*,212 5i*,500 8,500 75 51 108 89 1 1 1 2,000 1,000 5,000 2,000 1,000 5,000 1.03 o.*5 2.*8 1* 8 3 2 68,592 56,100 57,000 6,200 *,899 7,012 19,000 3,100 35. *8 25.30 28.22 32.63 17 18 19 20 1,376,536 3,661 165 376 1,155,730 3,071* 139 7 1,57* 225 0.19 1*5 219,232 1,512 26.28 21 305,815 2li0,633 186,921 219,099 2,039 3,252 3,665 '',131' 1*99 255 175 125 150 71* 51 53 268,01*7 208,698 171,187 178,390 1,787 2,820 3,357 3,366 *37 221 160 102 1 1 1 3 22 150 *0 1,062 22 150 *0 35* 0.0* 0.16 0.0* 0.61 57 30 18 19 37,7*6 31,785 15,69* 39,61*7 662 1,060 872 2,087 61.58 33-67 1*.67 22.66 22 23 24 25 216,192 132,869 75,000 7 7,1'55 9,1*91 18,750 7 123 122 29 ll* 1* 1 181,292 98,109 50,000 7 6,251 7,008 12,500 7 103 62 81 1 300 300 0.17 11 8 2 3*, 600 3*,76o 25,000 3,1*5 *,3*5 12,500 19.66 21.90 *0.52 26 27 28 29 l,Wl,8l5 i',0i'9 123 366 1,277,311* 3,1*90 106 13 10,755 827 0.89 105 193,7*6 1,8*5 16.09 30 165, 391* 137,173 168,8W 221t,801 1,5011 2,690 3,1*6 3,626 1*12 279 18* 115 110 51 1*9 62 ll»9,51l* 122,525 150,1*98 213,781 1,359 2,1*02 3,0Tl 3,1**8 373 250 16* 109 3 2 2 60 220 375 20 no 188 0.15 o.*5 0.19 27 20 17 15 15,820 1*,*28 18,350 10,6*5 586 721 1,079 710 39. *5 29.38 20.03 5.*3 31 32 33 34 277,891' 272, ''50 227,680 7,575 5,671 9,730 16,263 2,525 103 97 81* 131 1.9 28 ll* 3 255,121' 213,300 161*,997 7,575 5,207 7,618 11,786 2,525 95 76 61 131 1 3 2 200 5,700 *,200 200 1,900 2,100 0.07 2.02 1.55 10 9 7 22,570 53,*50 58,*83 2,257 5,939 8,355 8.37 18.99 21.60 35 36 37 38 1,132,779 7,261 11*5 155 969,877 6,257 12* 23 6,752 29* 0.86 77 156,150 2,028 19.92 39 ''8,393 126,253 ll'3,778 U6,720 257,250 1,792 5,050 11,060 5,558 6,953 ''69 622 223 U8 27 21* 13 21 37 38,023 111,332 12lt,3l'7 78,695 226,250 1,*08 *,639 9,565 3,7*7 6,U5 352 *1* 538 150 10* 5 7 3 2 3 720 1,082 250 1,600 700 1** 155 83 800 233 6.67 *.02 1.08 3.05 0.32 13 12 9 9 16 9,650 13,839 19,181 36,*25 30,300 7*2 1,153 2,131 *,0*7 1,89* 89.35 51 •*5 83-03 69.51 13.91 40 41 42 43 44 205,060 225,010 10,000 315 9,321 25,001 10,000 315 81* 153 17 22 9 1 1 179,350 201,700 10,000 180 8,152 22,*11 10,000 180 73 137 17 3 2,*00 800 0.98 11 6 1 23,310 23,310 135 2,119 3,885 135 9.*9 15-82 45 46 47 43 3.550,909 9,l'9l» 611 365 2,185,188 5,987 39 209 **2,677 2,U8 7.92 225 923,0** *,102 16.52 49 l'lt,126 'A,l89 68,787 95,331 316, '«* 1,076 2,009 2,5''8 2,721' 5,187 251. 190 121 83 92 3'' 20 27 35 61 29,1«)9 33,959 1*9,61*3 7^,092 223,0511 865 1,698 1,839 2,117 3,657 169 1*6 87 65 65 18 * 13 8 30 1,576 1,600 5,625 1,235 16,250 88 *00 *33 15* 5*2 9.06 6.90 9.89 1.08 *.73 21 12 13 13 3* 13,1*1 8,630 13,519 20,00* 77,100 626 719 1,0*0 1,539 2,268 75-52 37.20 23-76 17 -*9 22. *7 50 51 52 53 54 661, 80U 1,200,712 793,656 325,900 9,066 ll',i'66 29,395 65,180 79 60 53 1*6 73 83 27 5 l'36,ll'3 79*, 169 1*25,619 U9,100 5,975 9,568 15,76* 23,820 52 *o 29 17 *3 6* 25 * 59,869 136,767 158,755 61,000 1,392 2,137 6,350 15,250 7.1* 6.87 10.68 8.52 *1 66 20 5 165,792 269,776 209,282 1*5,800 *,0** *,088 10, *6* 29,160 19-77 13-55 l*-06 20.37 55 56 57 58 82 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 13.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, AND COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, WATER, BY [Data on cost of irrigation systems were reported only for farms State and use of constructed storage Number of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 Area irrigated Farms reporting reporting Largest acreage irrigated in any year (acres) Punps, 1955 Farms reporting Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 Total, 28 States. e.lH'i 6,065 aits.gafl S.SM 220,08a 295,15'' 6,207 With constructed storage Without constructed storage Uae of constructed storage not reported. With constructed storage.... Without constructed storage. New Hampsuire . With constructed storage.... Without constructed storage. With constructed storage Without constructed storage Use of constructed storage not reported. Massachusetts . With constructed storage Without constructed storage Use of constructed storage not reported. Rhode island. With constructed storage .... Without constructed storage. Connecticut. With constructed storage.... Without constructed storage. With constructed storage Without constructed storage Use of constructed storage not reported. With constructed storage Without constructed storage Use of constructed storage not reported. Itnnsylvanla . With constructed storage Without constructed storage Use of constructed storage not reported. With constructed storage Without constructed storage Use of constructed storage not reported. With constructed storage Without constructed storage Use of constructed storage not reported. With constructed storage.... Without constructed storage. A9 With constructed storage.... 50 Without constructed storage. With constructed storage Without constructed storage Use of constructed storage not reported. 3,165 3,208 Itl 102 112 3 161 98 63 ItoT 169 293 5 560 328 231 1 13'* Iks 1 97 127 1 5I17 257 281l 6 3,008 3,038 39 116,126 128, 509 1.293 2,861 2,6U 36 112,661 106,31*6 1,075 Hi, 825 151,81(3 1,W6 3,131 3,Olt3 33 30 93 103 3 275 5 308 211 1 132 133 1 95 120 118 39 78 1 61 235 261 6 138 305 205 267 kO 216 11 3,982 1,671 2,288 23 535 221* 311 5,92"* '',319 1,605 16,596 5,622 10,850 12li 20,3'»3 li»,001 6,31*1 1 7,681 3,910. 3,700 37 5,193 2,132 3,000 61 7,283 3,533 3,650 100 l,ll0lt 519 885 1«,615 1,682 2,933 9,832 It, 903 i*,732 197 96 106 3 155 41*9 162 282 5 51<1 318 222 1 263 128 131. 1 195 83 111 1 91* 31 62 1 53 20 33 21(6 260 6 321 95 685 I126 259 42 182 51 14,1*62 1,953 2,1*88 21 11*0 237 6,161 11,511 1,650 18,390 6,616 IJ.,665 109 21*, 339 16,252 8,086 8,398 1*,158 I*, 207 33 li,521 2,065 2,1*W* 12 5,857 3,875 1,819 163 1,258 537 721 5,072 1,71*2 3,330 11,51*5 5,806 5,1*95 21*1* I183 386 97 718 1*50 268 31*1 51* 236 51 5,31*3 2,21*6 3,069 28 633 291* 339 6,679 1*,876 1,803 20,078 7,256 12,675 ll*7 211,291 16,1*66 7,821* 1 9,502 1*,75'* i*,711 37 5,91*1* 2,1*91 3,1*28 25 1*,170 i*,083 163 1,663 598 1,065 6,11*7 2,065 i*,082 13,638 6,902 6,1*91* 21*2 100 76 16 158 169 250 3 51*0 328 212 272 131* 137 1 218 97 120 1 118 1*0 77 1 132 255 278 7,530 3,91*2 3,552 36 121* 88 11*2 66 219 290 3 683 1*37 246 30I* 155 11*8 258 125 132 1 82 151* 51* 100 308 306 7 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS 83 FOR FARMS REPORTING COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, ACCORDING TO USE OF CONSTRUCTED FACILITIES FOR STORING STATES: 1955 reporting irrigation beginning in 19'i6 or later. See text] Total cost Cost of irrigation equipment Cost of leveling and ditching Cost of constructing reservoirs, etc., for storing water and for drilling wells rcllars Per farm (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 195A (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting ( dollars ) Per acre irrigated Ln 1954 (dollars) 35,5'<5,680 5,51.2 11.5 6,382 27,1.77,31.1. 14,305 112 693 826,1.88 1,193 3.36 3,696 7,21.1,6148 1,659 29.1.5 1 21,35it,5't9 13,998,527 i92,6oit 6,71.7 14,361. ".,698 18I4 109 II49 3,11.6 3,197 39 15,107,653 12,216,713 152,778 14,802 3,821 3,917 130 95 118 360 329 1. 397,618 1.27,720 1,150 1,101. 1,300 288 3.I42 3-33 0.89 3,165 717 II4 5,81.9,078 1,351., 091. 38,676 1,81.8 1,889 2,763 50.37 10.51. 29-91 2 3 4 66,866 2,766 1.85 23 57,011 2,1.79 1.13 1 600 600 14.35 II4 9,255 661 67.07 5 55,061 11,805 3,933 1,160 568 288 13 10 1.5,206 11,805 3,1.77 1,180 1.66 288 1 600 600 6.19 1I4 9,255 661 95.1.1 6 7 88,lt68 2,851. 173 30 68,898 2,297 135 6 2,081 3I47 I4.08 15 17,1*89 1,166 314.29 8 62,585 25,883 14,172 1,618 205 126 15 15 1.3,565 25,333 2,901. 1,689 1I43 12l4 3 3 1,531 550 510 183 5.02 2.68 15 17,1.89 1,166 57.31* 9 10 30,008 2,11.3 112 114 28,513 2,037 107 5 1,1*95 299 5.60 11 9,833 llt,675 5,500 2,1.58 1,831. 2,750 21.6 68 500 14 8 2 9,238 13,775 5,500 2,310 1,722 2,750 231 6I4 500 I4 1 595 900 1I49 900 ll*.88 1*.17 12 13 14 731,9''l 3,373 181. 215 620,932 2,888 156 21. 21,891 912 5-50 112 89,U8 796 22.38 15 "•31,791 296,125 ■•,025 1*,233 2,61.1. 1,31.2 258 129 175 100 112 3 326,623 290,281. 14,025 3,266 2,592 1,31.2 195 127 175 16 8 19,820 2,071 1,239 259 11.66 0.91 102 10 85,31*8 3,770 837 377 51.08 1.65 16 17 18 63,525 3,737 119 17 5I..0I.5 3,179 101 6 9,1*80 1,185 17-72 19 39,130 2'>,3li5 5,597 2,1.31. 175 76 7 10 30,700 23,31.5 14,366 2,3314 137 75 7 1 8,1*80 1,000 1,211 1,000 37.66 3.22 20 21 1,279,209 7,9145 216 160 1,020,923 6,381 172 21 15,500 738 2.62 101 21.2,786 2,l40l4 1.0. 98 22 1,019,572 259,637 lo.UoU l.,121 236 162 98 62 7614,116 256,807 7,797 l4,ll42 177 160 16 5 13,900 1,600 869 320 3.22 1.00 98 3 21.1,556 1,230 2,1465 I410 55.93 0.77 23 24 2,560,967 5,1.81. 151. I467 2,099,369 14,1495 126 26 29,961 1,152 1.81 301 1*31,637 1,14314 26.01 25 852,352 l,68U,it37 2lt,178 5,0W. 5,7'49 l.,836 152 155 195 169 293 5 676,636 1,1408,535 114,198 l4,OOl4 14,807 2,8l40 120 130 III4 13 13 8,1.56 21,505 650 1,651. 1.50 1.98 169 130 2 167,260 2514,397 9,980 990 1,957 14,990 29.75 23.1*5 60.1*8 26 27 28 3,659,9'tO 6,536 180 559 3,000,933 5,368 11.8 80 1.8,387 605 2.38 I4O9 610,620 1,1.93 30.02 29 2,591,615 1,068,125 200 7,901 l.,62l. 200 185 168 200 328 230 1 2,067,093 933,61.0 200 6,302 14,059 200 1I.8 11.7 200 51 29 32,1.314 15,953 636 550 2.32 2.52 328 81 1*92,088 118,532 1,500 1,1*63 35.15 18.69 30 31 32 1,227,710 14,1432 160 2n 1,058,772 3,822 136 u 3,051 277 0.I40 1I43 165,887 1,160 21.60 33 705,936 516,029 5,71*5 5,268 3,6314 5,71.5 179 139 155 131. 1142 1 51.8,756 50l.,3l6 5,700 14,095 3,552 5,700 139 136 I5I4 9 2 2,933 U8 326 59 0.7I. 0.03 131. 8 1 1514,2147 11,595 I45 1,151 1,1.1.9 1.5 39-11 3-13 1.22 34 35 36 932, &*1 l.,lli5 160 225 729,121 3,2l4l 1I4O U 13,280 1,207 2.56 132 190,2140 1,1.1.1 36.63 37 1182,077 Itlt6, 561t 14,000 l.,970 3,516 l.,000 226 1I.9 b6 97 127 1 325,1*21 399,700 l.,000 3,355 3,11.7 l.,000 153 133 66 9 2 11,780 1,500 1,309 750 5.53 0.50 97 35 ll4l.,876 1.5,36* 1,14914 1,296 67-95 15.12 38 39 40 763,615 6,365 105 120 61.3,216 5,360 88 I4 5,550 1,388 0.76 73 115,01.9 1,576 15.80 41 366,760 383,055 1U,000 9,169 i.,8i*9 114,000 101. 105 11.0 I40 79 1 267,21.2 31.7,971. 8,000 7,161 l4,l405 8,000 81 95 80 1 3 50 5,500 50 1,833 0.01 1.51 1.0 32 1 79,1.68 29,581 6,000 1,967 92I4 6,000 22.1.9 8.10 60.00 42 43 44 271*, 312 l.,156 195 66 227,311 3,1^.1. 162 3 I400 133 0.28 37 1.6,601 1,259 33-19 45 120,22ll 15lt,088 5,725 3,1.21. 232 171. 21 I45 89,099 138,212 l.,2l*3 3,071 172 156 3 1.00 133 0.77 21 16 30,725 15,876 1,1.63 992 59-20 17-91* 46 47 702,669 5,283 152 133 626,01.8 14,707 136 8 5,1.10 676 1.17 68 71,211 1,01.7 15-I.3 48 1.58,261. 5,091 5,392 11.5 156 I46 85 193,693 1.32,155 l.,039 5,08l4 115 11.7 I4 li 3,030 2,380 758 595 1.80 0.81 1.8 20 1.7,1.62 23,71.9 989 1,187 28.22 8.10 49 50 2,21.3,235 l.,101 228 51.5 1,921,971* 3,527 195 1.3 1.1,196 958 1..19 329 280,065 851 28.1.9 51 1,131., 881. 1,067,669 1.0,662 I.,l4l6 3,759 6,780 231 226 207 256 283 6 9214,255 962,137 35,582 3,610 3.I4OO 5,930 189 203 181 18 25 28,720 12,1.76 1,596 I499 5.66 2.61. 257 70 2 161,909 93,056 5,100 708 1,329 2,550 37.10 19.67 25-89 52 53 54 84 IRRIGATION IN HDMID AREAS Table 13.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, AND COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, WATER, BY STATES: State and use of constructed storage Minnesota With corifltructed storage Without constructed storage Use of constructed storage not reported Iowa With constructed storage Without constructed storage Missouri With constructed storage Without constructed storage Delaware With constructed storage Without constructed storage Maryland With constructed storage Without constructed storage Use of constructed storage not reported Virginia With constructed storage Without constructed storage West Virginia With constructed storage Without constructed storage North Carolina With constructed storage Without constructed storage Use of constructed storage not reported South Carolina With constructed storage Without constructed storage Georgia With constructed storage Without constructed storage Use of constructed storage not reported. Kentucliy With constructed storage ; Without constructed storage Use of constructed storage not reported. Tennessee With constructed storage Without constructed storage Use of constructed storage not reported. Alabama With constructed storage Without constinicted storage Mississippi With constructed storage Without constructed storage Use of constructed storage not reported. [Data on cost of Irrigation syeteins were reported only for farms Number of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 9k Area irrigated Fansa reporting 50 230 192 105 799 588 207 I* 23U 187 1.7 i»o8 320 k 376 122 250 366 97 266 3 156 61 95 37'' llli 256 1. 90 271 ua 223 183 101 781 576 201 1. 177 lt6 381 298 80 3 366 120 21(3 3 31*2 93 2U6 3 151 366 112 250 It 2,719 267 2,382 70 576 180 396 15, 528 1,906 13,622 1,361 1,239 5,328 It, 075 l,2it3 10 7,035 ••,758 736 Farms reporting 190 5lt6 15,391 12, 3W 2,923 120 10,180 8,365 1,815 12,679 10,1113 2,385 151 8,3'tl 2,802 5,395 iWt 12,044 3,344 8,539 161 7,839 3,099 4,740 55,871 18,019 37,769 83 43 163 171 84 672 528 142 183 152 31 300 67 3 246 ,156 2 294 83 208 3 129 279 85 190 4 2,509 170 2,269 70 277 450 9,818 1,612 8,206 3,187 1,861 1,326 6,157 4,538 1,609 10 9,042 5,672 3,370 671 224 447 12,123 10,153 1,919 51 6,956 5,921 1,035 12,907 11,223 1,619 65 4,221 1,792 2,403 26 8,605 2,459 6,014 132 6,410 3,606 2,804 44,993 14,709 30,197 87 Largest acreage Irrigated in any year (acres) 3,392 308 3,014 70 820 270 550 17,340 2,280 15,060 1,976 1,383 7,068 5,156 1,902 7,867 5,352 777 224 553 17,920 14,473 3,322 125 9,883 1,965 16,197 12,904 3,139 154 9,443 3,534 5,725 184 14,415 4,153 10,101 161 9,884 4,506 5,378 65,596 21,283 44,225 Pun?3S, 1955 Farms reporting 264 46 218 294 192 102 588 201 4 229 183 46 316 82 4 122 245 4 360 96 262 2 360 101 256 3 23 320 59 261 119 325 216 109 669 209 4 228 51 478 383 91 4 399 136 259 4 113 278 2 197 89 108 675 227 444 4 Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS 85 FOR FARMS REPORTING COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, ACCORDING TO USE OF CONSTRUCTED FACILITIES FOR STORING 1955-Continued reporting irrigation begiiming in 19«i6 or later. See text] Total cost Cost of irrigation equipment Coat of leveling and ditching Cost of constructing reservoirs, etc., for storing water and for drilling wells Dollars Per fann (dollars) Per acre Irrigated In 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated In 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre Irrigated in 1954 (dollars) Farms reporting Total (dollars) Per farm reporting (dollars) Per acre irrigated In 1954 (dollars) 520,8W. 5,51.1 192 9* *5*,*55 *,835 167 6 5,533 922 2.03 ** 60,856 1,383 22.38 1 5't,8i6 '•56,598 9,iioo 6,856 5,372 9,*00 205 192 13* 8 85 1 37,*01 *10,05* 7,000 *,675 *,82* 7,000 1*0 172 100 2 * 2,783 2,750 1,392 688 10. *2 1.15 8 35 1 1*,662 *3,79* 2,*00 1,833 1,251 2,*00 5*. 91 18.39 3*.29 2 3 4 83,107 3,957 1*1. 21 71,0*7 3,383 123 2 790 395 1-37 12 11,270 939 19-57 5 30,585 52,522 3,823 I.,Ol.0 170 133 8 13 21,075 *9,972 2,63* 3,8** 117 126 1 1 700 90 700 90 3.89 0.23 8 * 8,810 2,*60 1,101 615 *8.9* 6.21 6 7 1,318,692 l.,710 85 278 1,105,366 3,976 71 39 35,111 900 2.26 98 178,215 1,819 11. *8 8 317,772 1,000,920 6,355 '•,352 167 73 *9 229 209,027 896,339 *,266 3,91* 110 66 9 30 *,150 30,961 *61 1,032 2.18 2.27 50 *8 10*, 595 73,620 2,092 1,53* 5*. 88 5.*0 9 10 356,853 10,811. 137 33 298,567 9,0*7 115 3 2,500 833 0.96 2* 55,786 2,32* 21. *6 11 2lt7,7'*'» 109,109 11,797 9,092 182 88 21 12 195,533 103,03* 9,311 8,586 1** 83 3 2,500 833 1.8* 21 3 *9,711 6,075 2,367 2,025 36.53 *.90 12 U 687,578 6,808 129 100 53*, 795 5,3*8 100 9 8,025 892 1-51 66 1**,758 2,193 27.17 14 1.87,262 200,116 200 8,1.01 l.,765 200 120 161 20 58 *2 3*5,259 189,536 5,953 *,513 85 152 7 2 *,525 3,500 6*6 1,750 1.11 2.82 58 7 1 137, *78 7,080 200 2,370 1,011 200 33.7* 5.70 20.00 15 16 17 1,812, 1122 6,102 15* 296 1,337,113 *,517 113 19 21,*20 1,127 1.82 202 *53,889 2,2*7 38.*9 18 1,3W.,779 1*67, 61»3 7,00* *,*5* 191 98 192 10* 886,100 *51,013 *,615 *,337 126 95 15 * 21,0*0 380 i,*03 95 2.99 0.08 192 10 *37,639 16,250 2,279 1,625 62.21 3.*2 19 20 89,590 5,599 122 16 67,*90 *,218 92 1 200 200 0.27 5 21,900 *,380 29.76 21 1(3,800 '♦5,790 8,760 *,163 231 8* 5 11 21,700 *5,790 *,3*o *,163 11* 8* 1 200 200 1.05 5 21,900 *,38o 115.26 22 23 3,988,395 *,992 259 796 2,832, **1 3,558 18* 59 37,676 639 2.*5 613 1,118,278 1,82* 72.66 24 i,k^k,hBk '•83,785 30,126 5,909 2,337 7,532 281 166 251 588 20* * 2,362,857 **6,38* 23,200 *,oi8 2,188 5,800 191 153 193 *0 18 1 27,136 10,2*0 300 678 569 300 2.20 3-50 2.50 588 23 2 1,08*,*91 27,161 6,626 1,8** 1,181 3,313 87.83 9.29 55-22 25 26 27 1,576,599 6,738 155 232 1,059,966 *,569 10* 29 3*,167 1,178 3.36 19* *a2,*66 2,*87 *7-39 28 1,399,327 in, 272 7,*83 3,772 167 98 185 *7 899,869 160,097 *,86* 3,*06 108 88 25 1. 23,3*2 10,825 93* 2,706 2.79 5.96 187 7 *76,U6 6,350 2,5*6 907 56-92 3-50 29 30 2,9W,255 7,216 232 *03 1,970,929 *,891 155 36 32,001 869 2.52 339 9*1,325 2,777 7*. 2* 31 2,567,25'( 356,353 20,61.8 8,023 *,2*2 5,162 253 1*9 137 317 82 I. 1,6*3,528 308,753 18,6*8 5,185 3,765 *,662 162 129 123 30 6 2*, 186 7,815 806 1,302 2.38 3.28 320 18 1 899,5*0 39,785 2,000 2,8U 2,210 2,000 88.69 16.68 13.25 32 33 34 1,376,536 3,661 165 376 1,155,730 3,07* 139 7 1,57* 225 0.19 1*5 219,232 1,512 26.28 35 651,168 Tilt, 768 10,600 5,337 2,851 2,65c 232 132 7* 122 250 * **6,1** 699, *86 10,100 3,657 2,798 2,525 159 130 70 3 3 1 712 362 500 237 121 500 0.25 0.07 3.1.7 122 23 20*, 312 1*,920 1,675 6*9 72.92 2.77 36 37 38 1, 1^81,815 *,0*9 123 366 1,277,31* 3,*90 106 13 10,755 827 0.89 105 193,7*6 1,8*5 16.09 39 617,59* 8*9,621 11,600 6,367 3,19* *,867 185 99 91 97 266 3 **0,875 823,838 12,600 *,5*5 3,097 *,200 132 96 78 6 7 9,265 i,*90 1,5** 213 2.77 0.17 97 7 1 167, *53 2*, 293 2,000 1,726 3,*70 2,000 50.08 2.8* 12. *2 40 41 42 1,132,779 7,261 1*5 155 969,877 6,257 12* 23 6,752 29* 0.86 77 156,150 2,028 19.92 43 571,675 561,101. 9,372 5,906 18* 118 60 95 *35,027 53*, 850 7,250 5,630 1*0 113 13 10 *,052 2,700 312 270 1.31 0.57 61 16 132,596 23,55* 2,17* 1,*72 *2.79 *-97 44 45 3,550,909 9,1.91. 6* 365 2,185,188 5,987 39 209 **2,677 2,U8 7-92 225 923,0** *,102 16.52 46 1,1.30,001. 2,112,205 8,700 12,5** 6,251 2,175 79 56 105 106 256 3 831,61* 1,3*9,5*9 *,025 7,8*5 5,272 1,3*2 *6 36 *8 61 1*6 2 1*9,373 292,95* 350 2,**9 2,007 175 8.29 7.76 *.22 11* 109 2 **9,017 *69,702 *,325 3,939 *,309 2,162 2*. 92 12.** 52. U 47 48 49 86 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 14-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED. AND SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES. BY YEAR IRRIGATION BEGAN, BY STATES: 1955 state and year Irrigation began Number of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 Area irrigated Farms reporting Farms reporting Largest acreage Irrigated in any year (acres) Pumps, 1955 Farms reporting Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 Total, 28 States 1955 and later 195^ 1953 1952 1951 1950 19*9 19'ifl 19'i7 19'i6 19U5 and earlier Year not reported Maine ISS"* 1953 1952 1951 1950 19'»9 19M IS'*! 19W I9U5 and earlier Year not reported New Hampahl re 195* 1953 1952 1951 1950 19*9 19W 19*6 I9U5 and earlier Year not reported Vermont 195* 1953 1952 1951 19'i9 I9'i8 19*6 I9U5 and earlier Year not reported Maesacbusetts 1955 and later 195'' 1953 1952 1951 1950 19*9 I9W WllT 19*6 19*5 and earlier Year not reported l't,5'tl 13,66l» 5*5,671 11,997 *S7,*95 6*6,2*7 13,662 250 *,168 1,577 856 *91 690 *75 **3 261 263 1,932 3,115 1 3 2 *76 6 31 *8 26 26 52 32 19 19 17 109 93 *,168 1,523 813 467 66b kka *16 253 270 1,773 2,867 133,909 71,250 **,621 36,715 28,6*2 22,377 18,66* 10,829 12,005 62,68* 103,975 250 3,118 1,27* 719 *30 628 *35 *08 2*0 266 1,80* 2,*25 5,087 117,687 56,83* 33,637 29,5*7 25,607 21,722 18,569 10,965 12,073 67,851 87,916 5,058 161,972 81,880 50,355 *1,*17 32,780 27,122 22,207 12,899 13,933 76,151 120, *1 3 2** *,100 1,511 821 *6l 651 *55 *2* 250 273 1,617 2,855 *38 *28 3 31 5 18 29 5* 152 110 710 82 102 6* 6 *2 172 *1 26 103 72 5 130 85 50 15 9,627 31 3*6 *5 6*7 22 281 25 566 *9 836 30 612 17 **8 19 361 15 573 103 3,*80 82 1,*77 6 29 *7 23 2* *7 30 17 16 17 102 8* 1,05* 22 106 86 *0 35 *6o n 13 18 93 110 956 131 18* 86 6 50 193 *1 2* 133 108 321 3 81 91 91 1* 830 22 88 117 25 *0 390 25 25 5 58 35 1,008 12* 178 87 18 50 225 *1 25 131 129 5 150 95 90 19 6 1 12 60 9,895 12,031 7* 75 51* 528 7*7 775 356 1(2* *69 676 8*0 1,228 680 767 *2* 580 33* *05 799 805 3,197 3,850 l,*6l 1,918 357 5 31 *2 17 20 *1 27 1* 16 13 72 17,588 272 *,68* 1,823 1,0*6 639 B67 613 585 35* *1* 2,695 3,596 5 3* *8 17 22 53 37 18 20 20 116 7* IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS 87 Table 14.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, AND SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, BY YEAR IRRIGATION BEGAN, BY STATES: 1955-Continued state and year irrigation be^m Number of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 Area irrigated Farms reporting Farms reporting Largest acreage irrigated in any year (acres) Pumps, 1955 Farms reporting Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 Rhode Island. 19511. 1952. 1951. 1950. 191*9. 191(8 19^7 1946 1945 and earlier.. Year not reported. Connecticut. 1955 and later. 195't 1953 1952 1951 1950 19119 19W WltT igW 191*5 and earlier.. Year not reported. Nev York. 1955 and later. 1951* 1953 1952 1951 1950 igiig 1918 191*7 191*6 19I+5 and earlier. . Year not reported. New Jersey. 1955 and later.. . 1951* 1953 1952 1951 1950 191*9 191*8 191*7 191*6 191*5 and earlier.. Year not reported. Pennsylvania . 1955 and later 1951* 1953 1952 1951 1950 191*9 19I18 191*7 191*6 191*5 and earlier... Year not reported . . 2 2 2 J* 5 3 3 1 7 7 328 8 1*6 16 21 ll* 31 37 19 13 11* 1*5 61* 1,281* 28 152 118 75 1*9 106 100 78 33 55 262 228 1,1*28 32 21*8 89 58 57 81 67 1*6 26 38 1*09 277 669 16 237 57 31 11 27 27 12 11 7 101* 129 152 113 72 1*8 105 99 76 31 51* 21*0 201 1,312 2l*8 83 55 52 80 62 1*5 25 37 378 21*7 61*U 237 56 31 10 26 27 11 u 7 101 127 968 9 26 81 81 367 30 61 2 81 230 12,397 838 251 639 171* 820 1,952 1,11*8 51*3 1,702 2,380 1,950 52,1*67 i*,i*95 i*,o6o 3,251 2,528 I*, 673 5,609 3,750 1,572 It, 138 U,120 7,271 60,855 8,081 3,975 1,709 2,125 2,595 3,558 1,991* 1,227 951 16,380 8,260 16,792 5,022 1,91*1 967 21*6 523 1,01*5 160 263 96 3,317 3,212 1 1 2 1* 1* 3 2 1 7 5 309 8 1*5 12 21 13 29 33 17 13 11* 1*3 61 1,231 28 11*5 115 71 1*8 103 95 76 33 51 251 215 1,353 32 237 87 56 53 77 61* 1*6 26 36 391 21*8 569 16 181 1*8 30 11 25 26 10 10 6 100 106 683 1 32 81 33 186 30 26 2 81 211 13,056 161* 888 268 612 292 775 1,1*57 1,169 620 1,61*6 2,671 2,1*91* 58,1*71* 778 5,1*35 i*,598 3,21*7 3,202 5,058 5,829 3,876 1,571 1*,188 12,872 7,820 57,923 700 10,01*6 i*,572 2,035 2,250 2,788 3,870 2,062 1,1*05 1,000 18,501 8,691* 17,521* 206 1*,956 1,782 1,102 268 551 1,260 125 270 107 3,719 3,178 1,201* 9 33 81 129 1*36 1*4 78 5 83 306 ll*,579 16I* 91*1 3I.7 665 287 992 2,082 1,218 735 1,692 2,761 2,695 62,1*71* 739 5,837 It, 970 3,601 3,387 5,21*1* 6,166 1*,282 1,588 1*,1*1*0 13,661 8,559 60,830 TOO 10,51*9 i»,8i*a 1,870 2,251* 2,936 3,789 2,230 1,256 1,225 19,1*11* 9,759 21,567 215 6,ui* 2,367 1,215 296 599 1,1*57 192 331* 11*8 1*,857 3,773 1 2 1 1* 1* 3 3 1 6 6 311 7 1*1* 16 21 ll* 30 37 18 13 ll* 36 61 1,133 25 11*3 109 72 1*1* 91* 71* 32 53 202 188 1,336 31 250 85 51* 50 78 66 1*5 21* 36 360 257 629 16 229 55 31 u 23 25 12 11 7 88 121 1 2 2 I* 6 5 3 1 6 8 1*31* 7 1*6 16 21* 15 1*2 1*8 33 16 32 71* a 1,533 27 157 121* 87 60 118 129 97 1*0 92 351 251 1,910 36 292 109 61 62 101 96 63 37 51 633 369 751. 18 21*1* 61 31* ll* 28 31* 15 15 8 11*2 11*1 88 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 14.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, AND SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, BY YEAR IRRIGATION BEGAN, BY STATES: 1955-Continued state and year irri^tion began Ohio. 1955 and later. igsii 1953 1952 1951 1950 19't9 19'>fl 19^7 19''6 19it5 and earlier. . Year not reported. Indiana . . 1955 and later. WS"! 1953 1952 1951 1950 igW WliT 19^ 19U5 and earlier . . Year not reported. Illinois. 1955 and later. 195'> 1953 1952 1951 1950 19''9 19W 19117 19^6 I9J+5 and earlier. . Year not reported. Wisconsin. . . . 195"* 1953 1952 1951 1950 19^9 I9W 19^7 191*6 1945 and earlier.. Year not reported. Michigan. 1955 and later. I95I1 1953 1952 1951 1950 19^9 19U8 19^7 I9W I9U5 and earlier.. Year not reported. Number of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 Area irrigated Farms reporting 10 106 53 35 13 19 5 17 21 17 221 131 2 106 31 16 u 2 k 67 86 178 6 Ul 13 6 5 7 2 lit 6 7 1«3 31 295 26 16 16 6 26 28 27 16 8 72 5lt 1,168 13 132 90 75 50 lOl* 61. 71 61 53 179 276 106 2,27't 51 1,1183 34 567 13 2lt9 18 368 5 101 17 315 21 6911 17 1.33 216 l.,208 118 3,09l> 3liO 13,786 Itl 13 6 5 7 2 13 6 7 to 28 266 26 15 Ik 6 zit 26 21* 15 8 60 I18 132 87 68 1*6 96 58 60 58 1.5 150 21*0 12,901 106 1*,026 31 1,589 16 339 10 193 12 1*79 11 2,606 2 21* 1* 1*1 63 982 85 2,622 5,351 1,1*85 171 1,289 31* 97 21* 151 71* 170 1,325 531 10,1*90 1,011 1I67 771* 1.7 1,21*5 976 652 550 291 2,619 1,838 20,605 2,255 1,660 1,557 716 1,557 1,065 1,398 1,698 1,327 2,91*8 l*,l*2l* Fanns reporting 575 10 90 1*5 30 10 15 3 16 19 16 209 112 262 2 66 23 13 9 12 10 2 3 61* 58 152 6 32 10 5 5 6 2 9 6 6 39 26 273 23 15 15 5 23 26 26 ll* 8 67 51 1,072 13 119 81 68 1*9 102 59 65 56 1*9 157 251* 56 2,165 1,350 l*0l* 130 36I* 16 31*2 656 1*25 3,916 2,798 10,357 18 2,826 768 2U 187 191* 2,963 21* 30 1,028 2,108 I*, 632 98 1,289 111 871* 50 55 21* 111 122 11*2 1,280 1*76 12,835 871 676 769 1.8 1,265 1,217 772 1*76 1.51 1*,123 2,167 23,931 16I* 3,098 1,71*2 1,761* 901* 1,801 1,31*1 1,706 1,705 1,381 3,363 It, 962 Largest acreage Irrigated in any year (acres) 16,132 56 2,808 1,578 6I.7 262 1*11 131 353 785 519 5,180 3,1*02 ll*,999 18 1*,558 1,710 1.86 202 566 3,125 21. 51. 1,176 3,080 6,097 97 1,636 193 1,291* 51 102 21. 181. 117 187 1,590 622 13,511. 1,231. 755 963 58 1,583 1,522 880 599 1.56 3,371 2,093 27,768 170 3,215 2,062 2,059 977 2,015 1,626 2,009 2,1.58 1,787 3,867 5,523 Pumps, 1955 Farms reporting 10 106 50 33 13 18 1. ll. 21 17 172 117 338 2 104 31 16 10 12 11 63 83 171 6 1*1 13 6 1. 7 2 13 6 7 37 29 289 26 16 16 6 26 28 27 ll* 8 69 53 1,132 13 130 89 71 1*9 103 61* 69 60 53 168 263 Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc . , for storing water, 1955 7I.6 12 119 55 37 17 28 5 17 21. 23 255 151. IA5 2 110 36 18 u 20 27 2 1* 110 105 229 6 1*9 18 8 1* 10 2 ll* 10 11 63 31* 370 27 21 21 6 30 32 30 18 11 106 68 1,365 11* ll*2 99 88 51. 117 75 79 88 67 233 309 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS 89 Table 14-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, AND SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, BY YEAR IRRIGATION BEGAN, BY STATES: 1955-Continued state and year irrigation began Number of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 Area irrigated Farms reporting Farms reporting Largest acreage irrigated in any year (acres) Pumps, 1955 Farms reporting Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 MinneBota. . . 1955 and later. . . . IS^h 1953 1952 1951 1950 19119 igW m? igiifi 191*5 and earlier.. Year not reported. Iowa igsi* 1953 1952 1950 19'>9 19'i8 IS'il 19'»6 I9U5 and earlier.. Year not reported. Missouri. . . . 1955 and later WSl* 1953 1952 1951 1950 1.9^9 19't8 19'>7 W"** 19^5 and earlier.. Year not reported. Delaware . . . . 1955 and later 195lt 1953 1952 191*9 I9't7 19'»6 19^5 and earlier. . Year not reported. Maryland. . . . 1955 and later 19511 1953 1952 1951 1950 191*9 19'ta 191>T 1946 I9U5 and earlier . , Year not reported, 25I) 7,te3 1*5 21 580 2 238 99 37 12 12 It 6 2 5 50 113 23 712 15 361 17 257 11 381* 22 667 18 738 21 68U 6 223 5 iWi 78 2,220 38 1,033 83 1,996 2k 501 2 53 2 96 2 11 1 20 1 20 1 50 30 678 20 567 558 238 97 31* 11 12 I. 6 2 5 1*7 102 28 1,938 U 1,111 2 230 1 125 1 180 1 85 2 195 13 1,316 33,315 15,267 6,681* 1,770 953 51*6 189 71*6 13 1*1* 761 6,31*2 5,180 7,21*7 63 1,962 23 1,180 139 1,257 636 51. 155 621 63 11 130 28 1,050 2 167 70 23 10 n 2 13 150 8 56 20 6 7 5 1 3 3 3 U 27 7,392 166 581 300 276 260 588 587 TL7 163 162 2,393 1,199 2,838 728 55 65 61* 11 20 20 31* 1,331* 507 21,355 88 9,516 3,892 922 939 286 111 609 13 1*1* 51*1 l»,39lt 6,31*3 30 2,750 1,126 270 120 210 95 135 1,607 8,133 229 2,321* 809 51*1 1,271* 1*95 100 65 831 103 158 1,201* 9,168 166 796 1*31* 1*22 1*18 781 827 803 223 165 2,756 1,377 2,912 805 58 98 11 2 50 1,159 729 36,822 88 17,258 7,083 1,951* 1,067 590 193 71*5 15 1*7 959 6,823 6,1*67 30 2,855 1,01*8 270 130 210 120 260 1,51*1* 9,663 229 2,651* 1,316 626 1,339 581 100 155 832 155 189 1,1*87 261* 5 21 15 17 13 23 18 21 6 5 81 39 96 23 2 1 1 2 1*1 21 521 2 233 97 35 9 10 I* 5 1 1* 26 3 11* 16I* 8 62 21. 7 8 5 1 3 3 3 382 7 22 16 19 16 28 23 32 9 9 11*8 11*1 27 1 2 3 3 1 1 2 75 26 639 2 269 118 1.7 ll* 17 1* 9 2 5 31* 118 77 1 32 12 1* 90 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 14.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, AND SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, BY YEAR IRRIGATION BEGAN, BY STATES: 1955-Continued state and year Irrl^tion began Number of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 Area irrigated FannB reporting Farms reporting Largest acreage irrigated in any year (acres) Pumpa, 1955 Farms reporting Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 Virginia. 1955 and later. 195't 1953 1952 1951 1950 19'»9 19W 19''7 19*6 I9U5 and earlier. . Year not reported. West Virginia. 1953- 1952. 1951. 1950 19''9 I9U5 and earlier.. Year not reported. North Carolina . 1955 and later. 1951* 1953 1952 1951 1950 19'>9 I9W 19'»7 19lt6 191*5 and earlier.. Year not reported. South Carolina . 1955 and later. 195't 1953 1952 1951 1950 191*9 19'»8 191*7 191*6 191*5 and earlier. . Year not reported. Georgia. 1955 and later. 1951* 1953 1952 1951 1950 19*9 19I18 191*7 19'*6 191*5 and earlier.. Year not reported. 51*5 11 208 91 30 lU 11* 10 8 1 6 29 6 6 1 1 2 1 3 9 1,590 19 789 195 61* 26 21* 13 11 5 8 31 1*05 U91. 7 168 65 37 13 27 12 U 9 5 18 122 857 32 21*8 123 61 39 1*6 12 32 12 12 38 202 30 13 13 9 8 1 6 38 108 29 6 6 1 1 1,51*7 1*75 168 60 35 13 27 11 11 9 5 18 118 801 21*8 120 61 39 45 36 186 22,887 5,999 '*,583 1,167 808 826 l,lll* 717 62 296 3,373 3,91*2 1,101* 191 1*19 8 60 60 5 23 338 27,135 789 11,799 191* l.,723 63 1,909 25 1*81* 21* 501* 13 527 11 206 5 100 8 277 31 1,016 381* 5,590 21,521* '*,359 3,''85 2,620 715 1,671* 538 608 890 21*0 31*1* 6,051 21*, 681 5,156 3,881. 2,220 2,21*3 1,608 696 580 i,on 558 1,858 1*,801 159 69 28 10 10 16,1*65 373 3,891* 2,791 91I* 668 820 999 711 71 232 2,352 2,61*0 973 169 376 8 61 60 5 25 269 21,350 2i*,738 371 6,396 5,113 1,285 921 835 935 77I* 71 296 3,507 i*,23l* 1,176 221* 1*22 8 61 65 5 37 351* 30,871* 19 290 288 609 10,011* 13,522 11*5 3,200 5,0*5 1*9 915 2,031 20 296 59* 18 393 5*5 11 1*85 63* n 11*0 227 5 93 103 8 285 312 29 901 1,208 273 i*,338. 6,365 350 16,50* 25,901 7 116 116 117 3,327 5,632 M 3,12* *,3*3 21* 1,327 2,920 9 387 87* 21 1,0*5 1,865 11 **5 658 7 **1 680 7 522 730 1* 130 2T5 15 299 383 85 5,3*1 7,*25 73* 25,271 32,581 32 *6* *6* 202 5,*02 6,839 111 2,837 *,66o 52 2,261 2,559 35 1,936 2,3*5 1*3 1,862 2,059 10 7*3 997 29 713 768 10 1,379 1,*9* 12 395 581 3* 1,8*2 1,883 161* 5,*37 7,932 537 11 207 90 30 1* 13 9 8 1 6 37 ni 26 6 5 1 1 2 1 2 8 1,559 19 788 191 63 23 23 13 10 5 8 28 *7* 7 166 59 37 13 27 12 11 9 5 13 115 828 32 2*6 U8 59 39 *6 32 12 12 31 189 630 11 212 105 37 19 13 15 9 3 10 62 13* 19 852 212 7* 25 26 17 16 a 16 58 *29 612 7 189 69 *5 15 *2 13 21 11 8 *o 152 1,008 36 272 130 66 I16 58 16 *9 21 22 62 230 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS 91 Table 14.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, AND SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, BY YEAR IRRIGATION BEGAN, BY STATES: 1955-Continued state and year Irrl^tion be^in Number of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 Area irrigated Farms reporting Farms reporting Largest acreage irrigated In any year (acres) Pumps, 1955 Farms reporting Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etCt, for storing water, 1955 Kentucky .... 1955 and later igs"! 1953 1952 1951 1950 19't9 igiifl 191*7 19ltS 19^5 and earlier.. Year not reported. Tennessee . . . 1955 and later. . . . 195'! 1953 1952 1951 1950 igiig 19't8 19*7 19'46 19*5 and earlier.. Year not reported. Alabama 1955 and later. .. . 195'l 1953 1952 1951 1950 19'>9 igha 19*7 19*6 19*5 and earlier. . Year not reported. Mississippi . 1955 and later 195* 1953 1952 1951 1950 19*9 19*8 19*7 19*6 19^5 and earlier.. Year not reported, 829 10 U32 9* 60 17 12 3 3 1 3 11 183 25 321 99 67 30 13 h 9 3 3 18 185 330 6 103 W» 33 17 11 It 7 1 2 22 80 909 3 381 15* 66 *8 2* 8 7 3 1 17 197 802 13,351 *32 5,701 9* 2,313 59 1,378 16 781 12 28* 2 5* 3 15 1 28 3 179 10 131 170 2,*87 712 322 897 23,000 321 6,378 9* 3,5*5 58 2,67* 29 1,671 13 603 li 166 8 *6* 3 1** 3 257 1* 970 165 6,128 15,*09 103 6,089 *3 1,536 33 1,886 16 573 n 515 * 31* 7 151 1 85 2 35 22 33* 80 3,891 133.7*3 381 37,925 152 20,899 6* 16,757 *8 19,753 22 7,278 7 2,296 7 1,609 3 311 1 18 17 1,5*9 195 25,3*8 ii*9 10 207 71 *1 9 8 2 3 1 3 10 8* 558 6,313 81 2,*6l 1,371 5*7 397 171 *o 18 20 51 99 1,057 16,819 15,20* 81 6,266 2,698 1,585 883 303 150 15 28 13* 136 2,925 27,1*5 25 33* 333 211 5,033 7,60* 67 1,905 3,733 57 1,757 3,252 22 1,116 2,121 10 *96 66* 3 5* IBS 7 3*3 616 3 108 1*1 3 293 396 15 1,199 1,711 135 *,iai 6,386 266 12,641 18,353 6 *08 *o6 85 5,19* 7,382 3* 1,321 1,926 2* 1,125 2,068 17 537 888 10 326 526 1> 285 36* 5 50 167 85 2 35 35 19 352 390 60 3,008 *,11* 638 100,835 151,772 3 250 250 257 3*, 0*9 *6,159 110 16,7*2 2*, 038 51 11,0*0 17,761 39 13,658 21,2*2 20 5,192 7,973 5 1,190 3,296 5 l,0i»* 2,1*6 3 313 563 18 1* 1,233 1,562 131 16,12* 26,76* 10 *25 92 59 16 12 3 3 1 3 7 168 757 8*7 10 *38 103 63 19 15 2 * 8 176 836 25 26 320 333 9* 106 6* 77 30 36 12 15 It 6 9 10 3 3 3 3 18 28 175 193 316 427 6 15 103 128 *o 49 32 36 17 19 11 26 k 8 7 7 1 1 2 2 18 27 75 109 851 1,591 3 3 359 608 14* 258 63 156 *7 1*3 22 56 8 18 7 15 2 5 1 1 1* 21 lai 307 92 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 15.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, AND COST OF IRRIGATION [Data on coat of Irrigation systems were reported only for fanue State and year irrigation began Number of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 Area irrigated Farms reporting Farms reporting Largest acreage irrigated in any year (acres) Pumps, 1955 reporting Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc . , for storing water, 1955 Ibtal, 28 States. 1955. igs*- 1953- 1952. 1951. 1950. 19^9- 19W. 19ltT. 19l<6. 1954. 1953. 1952. 1951. 1950. 19^9. I9l6 H 61 52 3* 19 30 9 llt5 !'> ek 10 18 18 6 8 5 133 17 13 11 5 22 22 Sh 13 6 5I.7 9 99 72 60 38 80 51 lt8 k9 520 188 61> '^3 38 59 I16 33 18 29 266 1*5 3* 2* 9 18 18 5 8 5 216 U8 61 125 17 13 9 5 20 20 22 13 6 5oe 20,3*3 6,206 2,835 1,*17 1,722 2,225 2,902 1,620 721 695 7,681 3,826 1,175 952 225 *79 633 68 236 87 1,931 1,276 *27 238 216 101 2*6 500 258 7,283 2,765 1,033 309 191 *oe 2,536 20 21 1,*0* 811 1*9 53 29 66 5 129 70 92 *,6l5 502 *62 320 38 1,109 781 60* 5*8 251 9,832 1,623 1,330 1,137 57* 1,106 755 1,161 1,350 796 5*1 21 178 67 *5 *1 58 50 3* 19 28 263 9 137 31 2* 10 18 17 5 512 9 89 67 55 37 78 *6 *7 *5 39 2*,339 *06 7,71* 3,8*8 1,665 1,86* 2,3*8 3,213 1,673 886 720 8,398 101 *,137 1,271 1,086 2*3 51* 610 77 261 98 *,521 *2 1,69* 1,180 277 119 232 16 275 *53 233 5,857 16 1,939 *02 189 186 168 2,928 20 9 1,258 95 652 95 61 38 5* 5 87 118 53 5,072 672 517 380 39 1,112 791 676 h^k *u 11,5*5 128 2,171 1,*63 1,37* 718 1,288 953 1,**1 1,220 789 2*, 291 km 8,126 3,36* 1,5*1 1,827 2,*39 3,076 1,8*2 725 9*3 9,502 101 *,695 1,*91 1,193 271 550 691 79 301 130 5,9** *2 2,283 1,368 *77 2*9 252 131 283 558 301 8,*16 1,663 9* 87* 170 62 39 71 5 153 112 83 6,1*7 713 599 *86 *9 1,*25 1,096 781 597 *01 13,638 128 2,2*8 1,713 1,588 775 1,390 1,282 1,*98 1,961 1,055 5*0 20 187 65 *2 37 59 51 3* 17 28 9 1*3 3* 2* 10 16 17 6 8 5 U8 1 63 1* 10 9 8 10 1 2 132 17 13 U 5 22 22 2* 12 6 683 23 218 83 *9 *6 76 77 *6 2* *1 30* 10 155 37 25 13 20 21 8 10 5 258 8 92 *5 26 12 20 5 1* 21 15 15* 18 16 13 5 26 25 26 16 9 621 9 107 82 66 *i 90 60 5* 66 *6 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS 95 FOR FARMS REPORTING COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, BY YEAR IRRIGATION BEGAN, BY STATES: 1955-Continued reporting irrigation beginning in 1946 or later. See text] Total cost Cost of irrigatj on equipment Cost of leveling and ditching Cost of constructing reservoirs, etc., for storing water and for drilling wells Per farm Per acre irrigated Farms Total Per farm Per acre irrigated Farms Total Per farm Per acre irrigated Farms Total Per farm Per acre irrigated Dollars (dollars) in 1954 (dollars) reporting (dollars) reporting (dollars) In 1954 (dollars) reporting (dollars) reporting (dollars) in 1954 (dollars) reporting (dollars) reporting (dollars) in 1954 (dollars) 3,659,9*0 6,536 180 559 3,000,933 5,368 148 80 48,387 605 2.38 409 610,620 1,493 30.02 1 72,061 3,'t31 21 60,598 2,866 1 35 35 11 11,428 1,039 2 1,036,168 5,512 167 188 867,205 4,613 140 29 9,535 329 1^54 138 159,426 1,155 25.69 3 502,266 7,386 177 68 413,391 6,Cfr9 146 9 7,021 780 2.48 51 81,854 1,605 26.87 4 336,136 7,307 237 I16 283,278 6,158 200 9 3,015 335 2.13 37 49,843 1,347 35-16 5 286,526 6,988 166 Ul 239,855 5,850 139 e 4,780 598 2.78 28 41,891 1,496 24.33 6 1»3'»,515 7,123 195 61 321,872 5,277 145 £ 1,750 292 0.79 47 U0,693 2,359 49.84 7 3U.,Zk6 9,832 176 52 417,332 8,026 144 4 4,100 1,025 1.41 40 89,814 2,245 30.95 8 210,578 6,193 130 33 180,175 5,460 111 3 2,200 733 1.36 23 28,203 1,226 17.41 9 l'>2,327 7,it91 197 19 121,101 6,374 168 5 6,076 1,215 8.43 10 15,150 1,515 21.01 10 128,117 4,271 I8I1 30 96,126 3,204 138 6 9,875 1,646 14.21 24 22,116 922 31.62 U 1,227,710 U,li32 160 277 1,058,772 3,822 138 11 3,051 277 0.40 143 165,887 1,160 21.60 12 20,715 2,302 9 18,440 2,049 3 2,275 758 13 606,825 It, 185 159 1I15 537,911 3,710 141 5 68i iii 0.18 71 68,231 961 17-83 14 175,635 5,166 II19 3it 137,210 4,036 117 1 100 100 0.09 21 38,325 1,825 32.62 15 122,373 5,099 129 2I1 104,200 4,342 109 13 18,173 1,398 19.09 16 37,011 3,701 I6I1 10 30,315 3,032 135 1 600 606 2:67 7 6,096 871 27.09 17 91,918 5,l(Tr 192 18 81,836 4,546 171 2 1,550 775 3.24 11 8,532 776 17.81 18 106,238 5,902 168 18 88,915 4,940 140 1 18 18 0.03 11 17,305 1,573 27.34 19 19,375 3,229 285 6 15,875 2,646 233 2 3,500 1,750 51.47 20 23,720 2,965 101 8 23,120 2,890 98 1 ioo 160 0.42 1 500 500 2.12 21 23,900 "•,780 275 5 20,950 4,190 241 3 2,950 983 33-91 22 932,6141 li,lU5 180 225 729,121 3,241 140 11 13,280 1,207 2.56 132 190,240 1,441 36.63 23 17,056 2, 8113 6 10,931 1,822 4 6,125 1,531 24 30l»,9U7 3,719 158 82 226,388 2,761 117 5 5,400 1,C60 2.80 54 73,159 1,355 37^89 25 181,582 It, 223 llt2 lt3 147,781 3,437 116 3 4,300 1,433 3-37 22 29,501 1,341 23.12 26 79,OU2 3,OitO 185 26 66,158 2,545 155 1 500 500 1.17 13 12,364 953 29.00 27 1*0,530 11,053 170 10 30,925 3,092 130 1 80 80 0.34 6 9,525 1,588 40.02 28 63,500 5,292 2911 12 47,950 3,996 222 10 15,550 1,555 71.99 29 20,600 ll,120 20lt 5 19,150 3,830 190 2 1,450 725 14.36 30 6l,9Mt lt,765 252 13 44,650 3,435 182 1 3,000 3,000 12.20 6 14,294 2,382 58.11 31 1011,890 5,827 210 18 87,465 4,859 175 10 17,425 1,742 34.85 32 58,550 5,855 227 10 47,723 4,772 185 5 10,627 2,165 41.97 33 763,815 6,365 105 120 643,216 5,360 88 4 5,550 1,388 0.76 73 115,049 1,576 15.80 34 3,656 3,656 1 2,492 2,492 ... 1 1,164 1,164 35 296,877 11,712 107 64 267,635 4,182 '97 2 3,050 1,525 1 10 38 26,192 689 9'47 36 93,926 6,262 91 111 82,143 5,867 60 7 11,783 1,683 11.41 37 36,780 3,678 119 10 31,775 3,178 103 1 500 500 1 62 6 4,505 751 14.58 38 36,360 li,OliO 190 9 32,125 3,569 168 6 4,235 706 22.17 39 ii8,oiii 5,338 118 9 38,796 4,311 95 1 2,000 2,000 4 90 6 7,245 1,208 17.76 40 23 It, 600 23,li60 93 10 176,350 17,635 70 7 58,250 8,321 22.97 41 3,075 3,075 15I1 1 2,600 2,600 130 1 475 475 23.75 42 10,500 5,250 500 2 9,300 4,650 443 1 1,200 1,200 57.14 43 27l»,312 11,156 195 66 227,311 3,444 162 3 400 133 0.28 37 46,601 1,259 33 19 44 lit, 275 2,855 5 12,125 2,425 1 50 50 2 2,100 1,050 45 103,705 lt,lli8 128 25 82,880 3,315 ice 12 20,825 1,735 25 '68 46 28,237 3,530 190 8 21,947 2,743 147 1 '50 '50 0 34 7 6,240 891 41.88 47 ll»,lt00 7,200 272 2 12,300 6,150 232 2 2,100 1,050 39-62 48 8,880 2,220 306 li 8,000 2,000 276 1 880 860 30.34 49 17,500 3,500 265 5 15,200 3,040 230 2 2,300 1,150 34.85 50 1,617 1,617 323 1 700 700 140 1 917 917 163 .40 51 37,lt00 ■1,156 290 9 35,100 3,900 272 U 2,300 5T5 17.83 52 23,139 5,785 331 It 18,000 4,500 257 It 5,139 1,285 73.41 53 25,159 8,386 273 3 21,059 7,020 229 1 300 300 3.26 2 3,800 1,900 41.30 54 702,669 5,283 152 133 626,048 4,707 136 8 5,410 676 1.17 68 71,211 1,047 15.43 55 78,706 11,630 157 17 68,999 4,059 137 3 1,230 410 2.45 11 8,477 771 16.89 56 76,900 5,915 166 13 61,600 4,738 133 1 1,800 1,800 3-90 8 13,500 1,688 29.22 57 51,621 It, 693 161 11 46,241 4,204 145 5 5,380 1,076 16.81 58 12,950 2,590 3111 5 11,900 2,380 313 1 600 600 15-79 2 450 225 U.84 59 137,7140 6,261 12li 22 127,275 5,785 115 9 10,465 1,163 9.44 60 129,155 5,871 165 22 120,725 5,488 155 2 1,580 790 2!o2 7 6,850 979 8.77 61 109,ltlt2 It, 560 181 2I1 94,333 3,931 156 1 200 200 0.33 15 14,909 994 24.68 62 71,905 5,531 131 13 64,575 4,967 U8 7 7,330 1,047 13.38 63 3it,250 5,706 136 6 30,400 5,067 121 4 3,850 962 15.34 64 2,2113,235 U,101 228 545 1,921,974 3,527 195 43 41,196 958 4.19 329 280,065 851 28.49 65 26,685 2,965 9 22,635 2,515 7 4,050 579 66 3311,7711 3,382 206 98 293,846 2,998 iei 7 3,070 439 i;b9 61 37,858 621 ^'•ii 67 280,508 3,896 211. 72 233,857 3,248 176 8 4,522 565 3.40 44 42,129 957 31.68 68 227,li21 3,790 200 59 192,582 3,264 169 5 3,974 795 3-50 35 30,865 682 27.15 69 115,780 3,Olt7 202 38 106,194 2,795 185 20 9,586 479 16.70 70 257,013 3,213 232 80 221,543 2,769 200 "h 1,100 275 0^99 46 34,370 747 31.06 71 209,996 li,ll8 278 51 179,625 3,522 238 5 2,910 582 3.85 36 27,461 763 36.37 72 300,905 6,269 259 it8 257,475 5,364 222 5 2,000 400 1.72 29 41,430 1,429 35.66 73 321,752 6,566 238 I19 266,263 5,434 197 5 22,500 4,500 16.67 27 32,989 1,222 24.44 74 I68,lt01 11,107 212 111 147,954 3,609 186 li 1,120 280 1.41 24 19,327 8O5 24.28 75 96 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 15.-FARMS REPORTING, ACRES IRRIGATED, SPECIFIED IRRIGATION FACILITIES, AND COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, [Data on cost of Irrigation systems were reported only for fa: State and year irrigation began Number of farms reporting irrigation, 1955 Area irrigated Farms reporting Farms reporting Largest acreage Irrigated in any year (acres) Pumps, 1955 Farms reporting Farms reporting reservoirs, dams, etc., for storing water, 1955 Minnesota 1955 195* 1953 1952 1951 1950 19*9 19*8 19*7 19*6 lova 195* 1952 1950 19*9 19*« Mlseourl 1955 195* 1953 1952 1951 1950 19*9 19*8 19*T 19*6 Delaware 1955 195* 1953 1952 19*7 19*6 Maryland 1955 195* 1953 1952 1951 1950 19*9 19*8 19*7 19*6 Virginia 1955 195* 1953 1952 1951 1950 19*9 19*8 19*7 19*6 West Virginia. . 195* 1953 1952 1951 1950 19*9 North Carolina, 1955 195* 1953 1952 1951 1950 19*9 19*8 19*7 19*6 280 2 150 72 26 8 9 1. * 1 * 8 150 77 23 12 8 6 7 1 5 799 13 530 139 57 20 15 U 8 1 5 90 150 68 23 8 9 * * 1 * 32 28* 150 7* 22 11 8 6 7 1 5 781 530 138 55 19 1* 11 8 1 5 2,719 620 302 175 376 167 500 3** 133 102 576 38* 38 9* 10 50 15,528 8,069 *,807 1,150 699 509 189 36 7 *2 2,600 1,5*9 706 180 85 5,328 1,789 1,131 m 1,213 196 5* 151 620 63 U,793 *,799 3,370 937 27* 626 806 627 62 290 736 191 *12 8 60 60 5 15,391 9,102 3,*72 1,800 307 19* 259 150 16 91 206 2 112 *9 16 7 8 3 * 1 * 8 132 60 22 8 7 5 7 1 5 672 13 *58 106 ** 15 11 9 8 1 5 2,509 151 *69 211 206 2*6 198 *69 36* 73 120 588 35 60 10 3* 9,818 88 5,319 2,735 533 689 2*9 111 ** 8 *2 3,187 30 1,996 736 120 210 95 6,157 109 2,208 763 513 1,2*5 225 100 61 830 103 9,0*2 303 3,28* 2,126 619 223 65* 718 616 71 226 671 169 368 8 61 60 5 12,123 239 8,1*6 2,17* 865 129 1*9 217 83 12 109 3,392 151 68* 3*5 338 *1* 238 573 393 133 123 820 638 26 9* 10 50 17,3*0 88 9,288 5,111 1,253 757 553 193 *5 10 *2 3,359 30 2,106 773 120 210 120 7,068 109 2,*50 1,253 591 1,266 1*1 100 151 830 155 13,219 315 5,190 3,69* 1,002 **1 627 727 67* 71 290 22* *1* 8 61 65 5 17,920 239 10,560 3,905 1,921 *17 227 366 150 16 119 26* 2 1*6 66 23 6 29* 150 76 22 12 7 6 7 1 5 13 529 136 56 19 1* 11 7 1 5 320 2 168 63 27 11 15 * * 2 * 325 13 573 152 67 21 15 1* 13 2 12 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS 97 FOR FARMS REPORTING COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS. BY YEAR IRRIGATION BEGAN, BY STATES: 1955-Continued reporting irrigation beginning in 1946 or later. See text] Total cost Cost of irrigation equipment Cost of leveling and ditching Cost of constructing reservoirs, etc., for storing water and for drilling wells rollars Per farm Per acre irrigated Farms Total Per farm Per acre irrigated Farms Total Per farm Per acre irrigated Farms Total Per farm Per acre irrigated (dollars) in 1954 (dollars) reporting (dollars) reporting (dollars) in 1954 (dollars) reporting (dollars) reporting (dollars) in 1954 (dollars) reporting (dollars) reporting (dollars) in 1954 (dollars) 520,8W» 5,51*1 192 91* 1*51*, 1*5 5 4,835 167 6 5,533 922 2.03 44 60,856 1,383 22.38 1 12,500 I*,l67 3 12,500 4,167 . • . 2 90,73* i*.537 M 20 71., 276 3,Tl4 120 2,500 2,500 4.03 7 13,958 1,994 22.51 3 53,71*2 1*,1.78 178 12 1*2,967 3,581 142 675 338 2.24 6 10,100 1,683 33.44 4 93,558 7,796 535 12 87,858 7,322 502 5 5,700 l,l4o 32.57 5 55,181 5,518 11*7 10 1.6,506 4,651 124 '75 "75 0.20 5 8,600 1,720 22.87 6 31,072 3,107 186 10 26,796 2,680 160 283 283 1.69 7 3,993 570 23.91 7 61,179 5,562 122 11 58,01*3 5,277 116 3 3,136 1,045 6.27 8 61,893 6,189 180 10 52,311* 5,231 152 2,000 2,000 5;ai 7 7,579 1,083 22.03 9 20,9liO 5,235 157 1* 18,150 l',538 136 3 2,790 930 20.98 10 l»0,0li5 20,022 393 2 35,01*5 17,522 344 1 5,000 5,000 49.02 11 83,107 3,957 IM* 21 71,01*7 3,383 123 2 790 395 1.37 12 11,270 939 19.57 12 56,102 3,506 1I.6 16 1*6,387 2,899 121 2 790 395 2.06 8 8,925 1,U6 23.24 13 2,425 2,1*25 61. 1 2,l«)0 2,400 63 1 25 25 0.66 14 8,500 8,500 90 1 8,000 8,000 85 ... 1 500 500 5.32 15 360 360 36 1 300 300 30 1 60 60 6.00 16 15,720 7,860 311* 2 13,960 6,980 279 1 1,760 1,760 35.20 17 1,318,692 i*,7io 85 278 1,105,366 3,976 71 39 • 35,111 900 2.26 98 178,215 1,819 11.48 13 5,150 2,575 2 4,600 2,300 . . . 1 550 550 19 707,521. 1*,717 '87 152 580,188 3,817 72 20 16,591 830 2!o5 60 110,745 1,346 13.69 20 327,731 l*,552 68 70 290,918 4,156 61 10 9,805 980 2.04 14 27,008 1,929 5.62 a 98,697 3,796 86 21. 81*,135 3,506 73 3 1,400 467 1.22 10 13,162 1,316 11.45 22 '•7,850 5,981 68 8 38,950 4,869 56 2 5,000 2,500 7.15 3 3,900 1,300 5.58 23 55,1*00 6,156 109 9 1*5,350 5,039 89 2 2,000 1,000 3.93 4 8,050 2,012 15.82 24 37,1*00 9,350 198 1* 29,500 7,375 156 ... 2 7,900 3,950 41.80 25 11, 31*0 2,835 315 1* 9,925 2,481 276 1 15 '15 0.42 2 1,400 700 38.89 26 1,800 1,800 257 1 1,300 1,300 186 1 500 500 71.43 27 25,800 6,1*50 611* 1. 20,500 5,125 488 1 300 300 7^14 1 5,000 5,000 U9.05 28 356,853 10,811* 137 33 298,567 9,047 115 3 2,500 833 0.96 24 55,786 2,324 21.46 29 10,000 10,000 ... 1 8,000 8,000 1 2,000 2,000 30 215,833 11,360 139 19 192,681. 10,141 124 2 600 300 0I39 14 22,549 1,611 14! 56 31 86,520 8,652 123 10 65,383 6,538 93 7 21,137 3,020 29.94 32 19,500 19,500 2W. 1 10,000 10,000 125 1 1,900 1,900 23.75 1 7,600 7,600 95.00 33 19,000 19,000 106 1 16,500 16,500 92 ... 1 2,500 2,500 13.89 34 6,000 6,000 71 1 6,000 6,000 71 ... ... 35 687,578 6,808 129 100 534,795 5,348 100 9 8,025 692 1.51 66 144,758 2,193 27.17 36 11,873 2,968 1. 9,336 2,334 ... 3 2,537 846 37 255, ui* It, 813 lis 53 214,596 4,049 120 "2 2,500 1,250 1.40 36 38,018 1,056 21.25 38 102,910 5,1*16 91 19 83,010 4,369 73 3 2,100 700 1.86 12 17,800 1,483 15.74 39 51,120 10,221* 1.61 5 50,320 10,064 453 ... 1 800 800 7.21 40 73,1*50 9,181 61 7 58,750 8,393 48 50 50 0.04 7 14,650 2,093 12.08 41 32,1*50 8,U2 166 1* 30,500 7,625 156 250 250 1.28 2 1,700 850 8.67 42 8,000 8,000 1I.8 1 5,000 5,000 93 3,000 3,000 55.56 ... 43 11,300 5,650 75 2 7,800 3,900 52 1 3,500 3,500 23!ie 44 119,051 59,526 192 2 56,051 28,026 90 1 63,000 63,000 101.61 45 22,310 7,1*37 351. 3 19,432 6,477 308 125 125 li98 3 2,753 918 43.70 46 1,812,1*22 6,102 151* 296 1,337,113 4,517 1L3 19 21,420 1,127 1.82 202 453,889 2,247 38.49 47 58,650 7,331 8 42,100 5,262 1 100 100 5 16,450 3,290 AS 775,329 5,169 162 150 559,213 3,728 117 11 7,000 636 l!46 105 209,U6 1,992 43.57 49 1*23,396 5,1*99 126 77 328,021 4,260 97 6 9,320 1,553 2.77 48 86,055 1,793 25.54 50 ll*lt,036 6,262 151* 22 88,100 4,005 94 15 55,936 3,729 59-70 51 78,1*09 6,531* 286 12 53,359 4,447 195 8 25,050 3,131. 91.42 52 91,592 11,1*1*9 IW 8 78,420 9,802 125 6 13,172 2,195 20.97 53 103,750 18,125 135 6 85,000 14,167 105 ... 4 23,750 5,938 29.47 54 92,550 13,221 IW 7 72,200 10,314 115 5,000 5,000 7^97 5 15,350 3,070 24.48 55 7,800 7,800 126 1 6,000 6,000 97 1 1,800 1,800 29.03 56 31,910 6,382 110 5 24,700 4,940 85 5 7,210 1,442 24.86 57 89,590 5,599 122 16 67,490 4,218 92 1 200 200 0.27 5 21,900 4,380 29.76 58 21*, 790 i»,132 130 6 20,290 3,382 106 2 4,500 2,250 23.56 59 1*1,500 8,300 101 5 30,900 6,180 75 200 200 0.49 2 10,400 5,200 25.24 6^ 2,1*00 2,I* 15 10 1 2 1 2 366 12 185 61. 5i> 2l* 12 2 8 2 3 156 5 72 28 23 10 8 3 6 1 37I. 3 20lt 86 38 19 15 2 6 1 223 381 11.8 74 1.3 30 35 8 25 10 8 366 233 63 1.2 13 9 1 2 1 2 3I.2 1B5 62 1.7 23 11 2 7 2 3 151 366 10,180 2,638 1,1.77 2,258 675 1,307 516 379 690 2I.0 12,679 3,262 3,051 1,728 1,1.20 1,1.02 136 535 963 182 8,31.1 4,032 1,988 1,115 736 226 42 13 28 161 12,044 4,883 2,297 1,889 1,549 469 U6 446 138 257 7,839 3,944 1,170 1,314 491 434 264 137 85 55,871 204 21,092 84 11,672 16 U,202 19 6,604 l4 3,163 2 650 6 1,484 1 1. 183 5 76 30 370 21 130 73 39 26 33 7 24 9 8 4 143 49 31 7 6 1 2 1 2 294 12 150 46 46 18 9 2 6 2 3 129 5 60 22 17 10 7 3 5 279 3 152 60 29 16 12 1 5 1 6,956 84 2,235 953 1,052 377 848 V45 326 506 130 12,907 340 3,474 2,166 1,788 1,178 1,531 279 660 1,351 140 4,221 32 1,971 1,179 463 349 130 28 16 20 33 8,605 106 3,913 1,277 1,075 1,072 403 39 325 102 293 6,410 348 3,378 985 730 439 245 235 50 44,993 250 19,196 8,980 7,773 4,996 2,540 206 1,044 6 11,848 84 3,547 1,712 2,273 832 l,4l6 628 451 630 275 16,197 340 4,429 3,706 1,995 1,463 1,691 282 712 1,378 201 9,443 32 4,566 2,306 1,268 828 242 4s 13 28 116 I4,4l5 105 5,717 2,481 2,417 1,921 530 115 598 135 396 9,884 348 4,912 1,531 1,496 650 445 264 153 85 65,596 250 26,344 14,075 11,506 7,501 3,343 650 1,921 6 21 146 75 42 30 35 8 27 10 4 232 63 43 Ik 9 1 2 1 2 360 12 184 63 53 23 10 2 8 2 3 360 3 198 82 36 19 13 2 6 1 279 5 105 45 37 12 32 12 14 9 478 25 162 84 49 32 46 9 41 19 U 399 4 240 71 46 16 12 1 5 2 2 393 13 192 67 62 29 13 4 8 2 3 675 3 322 144 m 48 27 5 14 1 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS 99 FOR FARMS REPORTING COST OF IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, BY YEAR IRRIGATION BEGAN, BY STATES: 1955-Continued reporting irrigation beginning in IWb or later. See text] 1,576,599 2,9W),£55 Per farm (dollars) 1,376,536 U,li92 765,799 281,593 162,206 82,51'* '»1,850 7,000 9,500 8,100 6, Wo 1,1*81,815 1,132,779 129,563 '♦11,915 2l6,li88 189,703 ^9,735 72,700 33,350 25,325 '•,000 3,550,909 17,817 1,552,326 752,1137 617,515 368,211. l'*,725 21,000 69,275 3,600 6,738 36,000 7,200 556,197 5,731. 221,'»95 5,lt02 2ltl»,607 8,'»35 65,375 6,538 198,725 9,W3 53,560 1>,869 105,250 15,036 68,020 8,502 21,370 5,1.71* 7,216 1£0,323 5,730 883,873 5,972 512,589 6,657 370,391* 8,1.18 21.9,676 8,323 357,385 10,2U 71,210 8,901 221,690 8,211 110,815 11,062 1.6,300 5,788 3,661 2,873 3,287 U,1.00 3,687 5,501 '.,185 7,000 '.,750 8,100 3,21.0 l.,0lt9 Per acre irrigated in 1954 ( dollars ) 22,8crf 1,901 662,753 3,582 250,1.95 3,9^ 21.9,1.69 l.,620 179,669 7,1.66 37,550 3,129 13,025 6,512 38,21.7 '.,781 11,300 5,650 16,500 5,500 7,261 25,913 5,721 7,732 6,21.8 U,97l. 9,088 11, U7 l.,221 4,000 9,1.91. 5,939 7,609 8,71.9 16,250 19,380 9,915 10, 500 11,51.6 3,600 Coat of irrigation equipment Farms reporting 211 150 108 97 152 lOk 278 99 111. 232 271 168 211. 176 255 521. lilU 115 251. 165 190 11.2 II.5 U2 185 167 731 289 1.0 123 136 109 132 U6 80 112 86 82 61. 11.5 lOl. 185 Ikk 101 168 126 185 1.7 71. 61. 55 56 1.7 32 1.7 900 Total (dollars) 232 5 95 1.1 29 10 21 11 7 8 5 1.03 21 II.7 76 1.1 30 35 8 27 10 8 376 1. 237 63 '•3 lit 9 1 366 12 189 63 53 23 u 155 71 27 23 10 8 3 6 1 365 3 201 ah 36 19 13 2 6 1 Per farm reporting (dollars) 1,059,966 23,200 352,221. 163,725 l61t,232 1.6,675 126,025 1.0,200 69,750 51,315 20,620 1,970,929 78,011 568,515 35'.,ia6 252,328 160, 556 250,1.00 1.2,095 155,115 79,693 30,100 1,155,730 11,1.92 639,720 231,830 138,639 76,161. 31,200 I., 500 9,500 6,500 6,185 1,277,311. 22,211. 51.8,595 '226,170 216,839 151,27'. 35,000 13,025 36,397 U,30O 16,500 969,877 120,297 31.5,080 178,322 173,103 1.6,200 59,1.00 23,000 20,1.75 k.OOO 2,185,186 10,1.50 1,030,1.57 513,237 300,399 187,290 87,380 13,000 1.0,975 2,000 Per acre irrigated in 195i (dollars) ".,569 '.,6U0 3,708 3,993 5,663 4,868 6,001 3,655 9,961. 6,1.11. l.,12l. 4,891 3,715 3,867 4,659 6,151. 5,352 7,151. 5,262 5,71.5 7,969 3,762 3,071. 2,873 2,699 3,680 3,224 5,440 3,1.67 4,500 4,750 6,500 3,092 3,1.90 1,851 2,903 3,590 4,091 6,577 3,182 6,512 4,550 5,650 5,500 6,257 20,050 4,860 6,605 7,526 4,620 7,1.25 7,667 3,1.12 4,000 5,987 3,1.83 5,127 6,110 8,3"* 9,857 6,722 6,500 6,829 2,000 Cost of leveling and ditching Farms reporting 131. Ill 73 72 96 78 184 74 86 174 U6 146 113 179 310 290 83 165 159 117 124 103 138 107 731 232 38 106 112 98 U5 96 75 112 82 82 64 124 87 152 132 94 137 87 149 1.7 39 49 44 27 28 28 20 26 500 Total (dollars) 2 111 46 20 15 9 34,167 550 11,967 700 5,950 5,000 4,900 5,100 32,001 3,350 6,826 6,750 3,525 1,750 1,000 100 7,500 1,200 1,57". 712 462 100 300 10,755 6,235 500 20 4,000 6,752 3,230 452 320 150 2,600 442,677 1,200 11.3,735 88,315 104,915 69,292 20,420 4,000 10,800 Per farm reporting (dollars) 1,178 275 921 350 1,190 5,000 980 5,100 1,117 488 844 1,175 583 1,000 100 3,750 1,200 Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) 225 178 462 100 300 827 693 250 20 4,000 29'. 2,U8 600 1,295 1,920 5,246 4,619 2,269 2,000 2,700 3.36 4.54 0.47 2.64 7I.I 3-75 9 88 2.52 2.09 2.21 2.04 1.23 0.71 0.19 7-79 6.59 0.19 0.18 0.23 0.09 0.41 0.89 1.28 0.22 0.01 2.58 0.86 Cost of constructing reservoirs, etc., for storing water and for drilling wells Farms reporting 323 0.82 90 0.39 80 0.24 150 0.31 867 5.99 6.81 7-57 9.37 10.49 6.46 6.15 7.28 191. 5 80 32 24 8 20 9 7 5 4 339 19 116 65 37 24 32 8 24 11.5 Total (dollars) 2 120 50 22 15 10 2 3 1 Per farm reporting (dollars ) 482,466 12,250 192,006 57,070 74,425 11,700 67,800 8,260 35,500 16,705 6,750 91.1,325 38,962 308,532 151,723 U4,54l 87,370 105,985 29,115 66,475 23,622 15,000 219,232 125,367 49,301 23,469 6,050 10,650 2,500 1,600 295 193,71.6 593 107,923 23,825 32,610 24,395 2,550 1,850 156,150 9,266 63,605 37,711. 16,280 3,385 10,700 10,350 4,850 923,044 6,167 378,134 150,885 212,201 111,632 40,925 4,000 17,500 1,600 2,487 2,450 2,400 1,783 3,101 1,462 3,390 918 5,071 3,31.1 1,688 2,777 2,051 2,660 2,331. 3,096 3,640 3,312 3,639 2,770 2,953 2,500 1,492 1,590 1,381 1,210 2,130 2,500 1,600 295 1,845 296 2,075 1,191 2,038 2,440 650 925 2,026 2,316 1,871 2,218 1,809 1,692 2,l40 5,175 1,212 4,102 3,084 3,151 3,018 9,646 7,442 4,092 2,000 5,833 1,600 Per acre irrigated in 1954 (dollars) 47.39 72.78 38.64 32.96 17.33 51.87 16.01 93-67 24.21 28.12 74.24 91.. 58 '.9.73 66.29 61.53 75.60 214.06 124.25 24.53 82.42 26.28 23 31.09 24.80 21.05 8.22 47.12 59-52 57. ii 1.83 16.09 22.10 10.37 17.26 15.75 5.44 i.;i5 19.92 16.13 32.23 12-39 6.89 24.65 39.20 35.40 16.52 17.93 12.93 18 .91. 16.90 12.94 6.15 11.79 400.00 100 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 16.-ACRES OF IRRIGATED CROPS AND FREQUENCY state and crop Area irrigated in 195^ Total acres Farms reporting Total number Under 5 acres 5 to 9 acres 10 to 24 acres 25 to V) acres 50 to 99 acres 100 or more acres Total, 28 States. Com Small grains: Wheat Oats Barley Rye Rice Millet Other small grains. Hay, forage, and seeds: Hay Grass silage Alfalfa seed Bermuda grass seed . . . Crimson clover seed.. Ijadlno clover seed . . . Fescue seed Lespedeza seed Sudan grass seed Other grass seeds.... Pasture Other field crops: Soybeans Peanuts Dry field and seed beans Cotton Tobacco Popcorn Sugarcane and/or sorghum for sin^. Sugar beets for sugar Irish potatoes Sweetpotatoes Fennel seed Hops Mint for oil Sorghums, except for sirup. Vegetables: Asparagus Beans, green lima Beans, snap (bush and pole types) . Beets (table) Broccoli Brussels sprouts Cabbage Cantaloups and muskmelons Carrots Cauliflower Celery CoUards Com, sweet Cucumbers and pickles. Dandelions ( greens) . . . Eggplant Endive and escarole... Horseradish Kale Lettuce and romalne . . . Mustard ( greens) Okra Onions Parsley Parsnips Peas, green (English). Peppers 13,122 6,198 2,501 Pumpkins Radishes Rutabagas Spinach Squash Tomatoes Turnips and turnip greens Watermelons Other vegetables (including "miaed vegetables" and "home gardens"). Berries, tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: Blueberries Raspberries Strawberries Apples Cherries Peaches Pears Pecans Other fruits (other berries, other tree fruits, and grapes) Nursery and flower crops. 81 All other crops 48,599 176 1,356 478 456 76,373 376 935 23,973 367 1,447 134 54 179 1,088 331 791 557 63,899 11,487 421 163 46,204 33,274 258 89 548 67,982 4,619 257 60 859 1,641 778 1,840 13,829 1,106 2,922 214 8,118 1,597 1,310 4,556 3,188 536 13,262 5,036 94 399 535 856 106 5,130 249 121 2,771 234 182 481 3,238 102 1,017 190 4,333 1,240 13,980 2,496 517 17,287 1,536 926 6,321 6,331 256 7,481 243 270 2,067 14,511 1,866 13 64 24 26 249 9 28 1,145 14 82 7 4 9 14 18 58 22 2,418 276 29 9 644 3,411 7 22 14 1,611 331 15 1 11 in 99 110 1,008 297 124 50 979 379 230 554 364 99 1,056 811 36 169 122 25 26 646 55 25 391 124 42 85 712 26 164 5 277 325 1,726 241 112 1,886 134 220 1,232 159 38 266 17 2 169 1,374 143 15 2 2 2 5 2 322 26 6 39 1,549 2 20 263 115 5 1 21 61 52 548 248 58 32 531 257 163 208 201 64 462 531 30 148 83 9 22 410 42 20 271 113 28 56 478 17 117 1 163 239 1,003 158 76 1,188 60 160 840 25 19 48 8 252 1 21 4 2 33 6 86 904 1 2 154 66 1 1 24 15 17 165 25 22 14 193 79 32 169 74 18 219 141 5 17 24 1 1 128 6 2 50 7 8 12 1/6 5 15 1 44 59 307 26 18 265 33 195 29 11 56 5 460 8 28 1 1 5 2 6 28 12 890 88 11 4 147 725 320 97 7 1 34 12 19 172 19 20 4 191 41 26 157 62 14 240 m 1 4 13 2 73 5 1 49 4 5 13 71 4 22 2 40 22 279 35 16 285 30 22 161 41 7 89 3 188 2 10 1 1 2 3 6 3 3 478 61 5 3 119 182 3 345 30 1 3 12 9 9 66 3 9 37 2 4 16 17 3 82 15 1 3 258 30 1 1 99 34 1 1 3 354 18 1 3 3 2 8 28 "b 20 "4 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS OF IRRIGATION BY STATES: 1954 AND 1955 101 Area irrigated in 1955 Farms reporting specified nujnber of tijnes irrigated Total acres Farms reporting 1954 19 55 Total Under 5 5 to 9 10 to 24 25 to 49 50 to 99 100 or 1 2 3 4 5 or Not 1 2 3 4 5 or Not number acres acres acres acres acres acres more reported nore reported 485,415 28,067 12,974 4,934 5,538 2,297 1,303 1,021 4,638 6,613 5,405 3,668 5,337 3,402 4,646 5,976 4,993 3,513 6,418 2,521 1 35,627 1,354 271 257 419 213 113 81 633 566 279 113 87 188 613 382 172 54 50 83 2 168 19 4 9 6 9 1 3 13 3 1 2 3 1,310 68 15 14 24 8 4 3 28 16 6 2 2 10 31 21 "s 1 1 6 4 166 14 4 4 4 1 1 7 8 1 2 6 6 2 2 2 2 5 251 19 5 4 7 2 1 10 9 3 2 1 1 3 4 3 1 3 6 ■48,643 219 11 9 22 177 8 13 7 5 54 162 7 13 6 2 50 141 7 250 8 1 4 1 2 5 3 ... 1 3 4 1 8 573 21 3 "6 4 3 5 '15 U 1 1 13 3 "1 1 2 1 9 18,528 870 132 198 319 137 53 31 270 327 203 136 97 107 270 233 155 85 71 56 10 164 11 2 2 5 1 1 2 6 2 4 7 2 1 1 11 2,086 104 18 26 35 15 7 3 22 21 14 12 9 4 34 27 19 '3 12 4 12 179 7 3 3 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 13 51 3 1 "l 1 2 2 1 1 1 14 143 6 2 1 1 1 i 1 3 2 3 2 1 2 1 15 105 4 1 2 1 4 5 4 "i '2 2 16 211 12 1 3 5 3 3 5 2 1 2 8 2 1 1 ... 17 563 49 7 15 24 3 11 13 20 4 4 6 22 10 6 4 1 6 18 371 18 10 5 1 1 1 5 7 4 2 2 2 7 4 4 1 2 19 45,546 1,806 270 260 609 378 182 107 368 531 396 316 516 291 361 430 274 171 415 155 20 13,446 238 22 28 64 49 31 44 118 82 41 10 4 21 124 72 18 8 6 10 21 466 35 4 14 12 1 3 1 10 10 4 2 1 2 19 9 3 2 2 2S 267 19 2 1 8 1 4 3 2 5 2 5 8 2 2 2 23 37,719 462 31 70 92 66 71 132 148 195 iii 47 '37 86 210 127 63 16 9 32 24 30,674 2,694 1,068 713 688 169 38 18 768 757 713 416 408 344 623 739 562 325 289 156 25 302 9 1 3 2 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 5 1 2 1 26 91 la 14 3 1 3 5 6 "3 "1 4 5 4 2 '2 4 1 27 213 9 2 4 "i 2 3 4 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 23 72,538 1,623 283 139 297 331 376 197 144 354 442 309 280 82 170 287 390 310 415 51 29 5,114 353 113 82 96 34 17 6 76 110 69 20 32 24 78 106 80 23 45 16 30 233 15 4 9 1 1 2 1 3 3 6 2 3 2 3 5 31 60 1 1 1 ... 1 32 2,573 12 1 1 2 2 2 4 1 5 "2 1 1 "'i 2 "3 3 2 2 33 1,373 69 14 14 27 6 6 2 24 33 24 5 4 7 31 26 4 2 1 5 34 1,007 1,437 138 87 18 25 6 1 1 26 27 16 12 14 4 43 36 21 15 17 6 35 102 55 9 19 13 1 5 29 32 13 11 14 11 23 30 19 9 11 10 36 15,734 976 508 155 169 73 31 35 162 283 212 113 140 98 138 283 207 121 149 78 37 1,221 312 257 29 19 5 1 1 34 72 46 45 70 30 25 70 57 46 87 27 38 3,488 197 136 63 21 23 10 7 7 21 31 21 18 20 13 23 32 24 lA 26 17 39 46 33 9 4 6 18 14 5 4 3 8 16 10 5 3 4 40 8,304 1,022 564 207 182 '41 '23 5 125 260 206 129 156 103 123 231 235 160 190 83 41 .1,878 1,726 434 294 89 45 6 54 105 67 51 60 42 47 108 95 56 92 36 42 248 168 36 32 6 3 3 34 55 39 35 45 22 32 60 37 35 68 16 43 4,764 589 251 163 144 24 6 1 45 117 161 107 93 26 73 140 130 91 118 32 44 3,484 364 204 66 65 20 5 4 18 49 51 43 150 53 17 30 51 36 183 47 45 910 103 61 18 16 5 2 1 9 20 15 13 30 12 5 23 20 14 29 12 46 14,848 1,130 503 239 227 97 43 21 197 298 224 110 134 93 200 301 253 140 168 68 47 5,553 861 538 156 130 24 9 4 48 132 161 137 266 67 55 135 160 154 289 68 48 92 35 29 5 1 3 5 4 8 9 7 4 2 7 8 8 6 49 441 193 169 19 5 12 33 19 23 65 17 11 27 32 28 78 17 50 572 129 89 24 14 2 16 22 9 25 32 IS 7 18 23 21 39 21 51 844 25 8 4 5 4 3 "i 2 3 6 3 7 4 1 5 6 4 8 1 52 147 32 27 1 2 2 2 9 4 6 5 3 10 5 1 8 5 53 5,677 692 432 133 87 21 11 "s 73 142 133 86 138 69 56 138 127 112 195 64 54 389 58 41 4 9 2 2 4 13 10 9 10 9 2 a 11 8 7 9 55 78 28 24 3 1 1 10 3 9 2 6 6 3 3 7 3 56 3,002 397 265 58 52 11 6 5 47 79 67 52 92 54 47 69 61 56 114 50 57 237 130 120 6 4 4 13 U 26 53 17 5 13 14 16 64 18 58 183 48 35 7 6 11 6 6 3 10 6 6 15 9 3 12 3 59 1,088 113 68 13 IS "s 4 2 36 19 13 5 5 7 49 22 19 11 6 6 60 3,499 775 520 152 35 15 3 59 118 133 126 217 59 54 122 153 146 254 46 61 171 31 19 5 6 1 9 9 4 1 2 1 10 11 7 1 2 62 970 165 112 23 20 9 1 22 39 20 21 36 26 22 34 20 19 46 24 63 18 3 1 1 1 ... 3 1 1 1 1 1 64 4,196 277 160 46 41 18 6 6 50 67 40 '34 47 39 44 '66 42 35 62 28 65 1,441 373 276 62 29 6 54 81 55 34 76 25 51 80 76 53 85 28 66 16,156 1,846 1,046 346 298 105 39 12 212 399 335 212 381 137 186 376 399 298 456 131 67 2,706 239 146 21 44 18 7 3 31 46 47 32 53 32 30 51 63 25 50 20 68 803 148 92 28 24 3 1 16 31 28 18 12 7 19 36 39 15 35 4 69 17,091 1,883 1,167 260 292 101 38 25 103 263 268 281 595 371 144 259 257 295 607 321 70 1,528 133 56 26 37 10 3 1 21 25 a 27 31 9 13 24 26 22 43 5 71 1,092 243 166 47 25 4 1 27 72 33 26 44 18 39 57 41 30 60 16 72 8,122 1,380 913 212 192 47 15 1 87 203 255 211 381 95 86 198 261 206 542 37 73 6,148 168 32 28 46 29 19 14 49 49 18 21 14 S 61 57 19 20 8 3 74 292 40 21 9 9 1 22 6 6 2 1 1 18 13 3 3 1 2 75 4,610 229 63 51 67 26 13 '9 30 90 30 16 16 34 81 84 29 17 15 3 76 536 22 9 7 4 1 1 6 6 2 2 1 6 10 5 1 77 240 1 1 1 "i ... ... 1 78 2,130 180 109 28 28 2 8 5 27 "48 23 17 26 28 47 36 27 '20 32 18 79 15,933 1,392 858 204 190 74 40 26 28 89 106 99 705 347 33 81 94 108 747 329 SO 428 29 11 4 10 1 2 1 1 7, 2 3 4 7 6 6 4 2 6 5 81 102 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 16.-ACRES OF IRRIGATED CROPS AND FREQUENCY state and crop Area Irrigated in 1954 Total acres Farms reporting Total number Under 5 acres 5 to 9 acres 10 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 or more acres Maine Pasture Other field crops: Irish potatoes Vegetables: Corn, sweet Lettuce and romaine Other vegetables (includijig "mixed vegetables" and "home gardens") All other crops New Hampshire Hay, forage, and seeds: Hay Vegetables: Cabbage Com, sweet Squash Other vegetables (including "mixed vegetables" and "home gardens") All other crops Vermont Hay, forage, and seeds: Hay Pasture All other crops Massachusetts Com Hay, forage, and seeds: Hay Alfalfa seed Ladino clover seed Pasture Other field crops: Tobacco Irish potatoes Vegetables : Beans, snap (bush and pole types) Beets ( table) Broccoli Cabbage Carrots Celery Com, sweet Cucumbers and pickles Lettuce and romaine Parsnips Peppers Radishes , Spinach Squash Tomatoes Other vegetables (including "mixed vegetables" and "home gardens") Berries, tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: Strawberries Apples Other fruits (other berries, other tree fruits, and grapes) Nursery and flower crops All other crops Rhode Island Hay Pasture Other field crops: Irish potatoes Vegetables: Com, sweet , Tomatoes Other vegetables (including "mixed vegetables" and "home gardens") All other crops 423 82 23 220 52 167 154 298 125 95 76 9,783 165 672 263 64 1,553 945 139 63 133 350 251 209 1,098 120 294 41 135 149 355 254 356 63 72 283 30 953 10 21 10 72 27 37 6 7 24 1,341 11 44 43 5 72 52 37 138 57 72 40 11 33 64 134 20 898 1 35 41 50 37 25 69 53 55 3 31 7 21 45 111 I 2 189 2 6 1 3 2 10 4 5 1 182 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS OF IRRIGATION BY STATES: 1954 AND 1955-Continued 103 Area irrigated In 1955 Farms reporting specified number of times irrigated Farms reporting Total acres Total number 1,050 160 82 121 450 53 927 67 3U 65 204 154 319 94 97 128 10, 179 190 421 324 5 1,609 1,061 131 70 118 336 270 189 1,356 140 299 51 110 139 331 292 409 92 130 304 253 23 668 37 40 157 5 16 15 90 24 171 14 24 13 86 29 40 5 6 29 1,397 13 43 45 5 71 49 40 152 60 74 11 39 9 32 75 144 Under 5 acres 62 5 57 6 90 22 30 10 22 124 23 94« 2 5 to 9 acres 30 5 21 54 122 3 175 1 10 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres 190 9 50 to 99 acres 100 or more acres 190 3 11 25 9 23 10 14 3 10 1 14 18 2 12 2 2 31 33 7 14 11 11 281 6 223 2 3 5 8 2 2 4 172 3 398 4 2 4 7 3 8 a 13 3 9 19 8 15 6 20 14 29 7 14 11 20 3 3 18 1 3 6 5 4 15 24 57 Not reported 1 2 5 1 5 2 3 199 4 5 5 20 9 13 2 1 10 256 3 2 2 4 240 2 5 or more 1 6 10 26 Not reported 22 11 6 1 1 4 460 2 104 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 16.-ACRES OF IRRIGATED CROPS AND FREQUENCY State and crop Area irrigated in 1954 Total acres Farms reporting Total number Under 5 acres 5 to 9 acres 10 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 or more acres 1 12,390 115 230 70 864 5,852 2,361 119 273 39 93 70 216 54 222 149 159 45 285 648 52 '39 19 359 52 52,116 529 92 593 198 1,872 56 25,634 60 538 3,469 185 660 200 1,280 82 196 3,384 1,037 1,858 508 59 484 288 273 120 205 296 198 1,534 42 2,249 224 1,087 994 79 242 172 1,054 85 700 4 10 3 37 120 48 17 42 7 23 9 33 10 31 37 22 19 57 102 19 "3 6 36 5 3,286 32 16 44 11 290 6 490 1 21 139 56 36 48 160 22 48 348 67 156 103 16 96 61 32 52 28 46 42 184 16 234 26 234 21 12 22 52 5 13 302 1 3 17 6 12 19 4 17 5 14 7 10 23 10 17 28 66 16 "i 4 20 2 1,372 2 4 12 5 49 'si 2 52 42 12 31 83 15 36 87 36 67 63 12 55 43 14 45 17 23 29 98 13 134 11 188 3 4 7 38 4 5 149 1 4 19 3 1 14 1 4 2 14 2 13 11 5 2 22 19 2 2 7 1 548 8 7 6 1 36 '16 4 21 10 9 14 33 6 5 127 14 35 19 2 28 10 7 5 3 13 7 30 3 29 5 12 4 6 5 7 1 143 1 4 2 17 43 14 3 8 2 2 1 3 "s 3 6 "i 11 1 "i 5 2 697 18 4 16 3 110 3 73 8 34 4 5 3 34 1 7 117 7 43 20 2 11 6 8 2 6 7 4 43 44 7 24 4 2 5 6 6 62 3 3 1 9 22 9 1 1 i 2 1 1 "i 4 ' i 2 327 1 7 45 2 150 5 15 "f, "& '13 5 7 1 "2 2 3 1 3 2 9 22 3 8 4 4 1 27 1 4 8 11 2 1 230 2 1 1 2 24 1 159 1 io 3 "4 "3 3 1 1 "4 3 2 3 1 1 17 11 5 1 112 1 2 26 61 2 7 1 i 2 3 2 "s i 2 3 Hay, forage, and seeds: Other field crops: 7 8 9 n Trlah potatoes Vegetables: Beans, snap (bush and pole types) Cabbage 0 Celery 1 U. Cucumbers and pickles , , . ■i (S 17 18 Squash Tomatoes 20 Berries, tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: 22 23 24 Apples ; . . Other fruits (oxner berries. ?f> 97 New York ?R ?9 Small grains 30 31 Hay, forage, and seeds: Hay Alfalfa seed 3? 33 Other field crops: 34 35 36 Beans, green lima 37 38 Beets (table) 39 40 41 42 43 44 Cabbage Cantaloups and muskmelons 45 46 Com, sweet 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Peppers 54 55 56 Spinach Squash Tomatoes 57 58 and "home gardens") 59 60 Berries, tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: Strawberries 61 Apples 6? 63 Peaches 64 Other fruits (other berries, other tree fruits. 65 66 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS OF IRRIGATION BY STATES: 1954 AND 1955-Continued 105 Area irrigated in 1955 Farms reporting specified number of* times irrigated r Total acres Farms reporting 1954 1955 Total number Under 5 acres 5 to 9 acres 10 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres --oA-e acres 1 2 3 4 5 or more Not', reported 1 2 3 4 5 or more Not reported 13,038 752 332 161 140 68 35 16 168 204 121 56 70 81 140 175 171 77 120 69 1 15< 8 1 2 3 1 1 3 1 4 1 2 1 2 239 100 10 5 2 2 4 1 3 2 1 2 4 1 2 1 1 2 4 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 4 728 31 2 2 15 9 3 8 14 5 2 5 3 7 7 8 2 5 2 5 5,939 116 13 22 40 20 11 10 44 37 16 8 5 10 30 36 25 7 10 8 6 2,-122 55 9 6 11 12 12 5 13 20 8 2 4 1 16 14 10 7 8 7 125 245 Hi 103 70 21 41 9 24 9 15 20 5 17 5 2 14 4 2 3 6 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 "i !!! 6 10 3 5 6 14 'io 1 3 8 2 5 3 "6 1 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 7 5 2 7 5 10 3 4 2 5 13 2 7 2 1 3 "2 3 6 2 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 295 56 226 185 41 12 32 40 19 9 10 24 15 2 14 10 3 "■7 5 4 1 1 1 7 3 9 6 7 2 7 13 8 2 7 10 4 2 2 1 2 1 3 4 5 "3 3 6 1 6 4 8 5 8 7 9 2 9 14 7 1 3 7 7 2 5 7 13 14 15 16 177 52 312 23 23 60 11 21 31 5 2 21 5 "7 2 1 8 6 11 7 4 14 2 2 12 2 1 3 2 2 11 1 4 6 4^ 10 8 5 12 6 3 12 4 10 3 4 10 6 17 18 19 750 112 72 21 13 4 2 22 24 16 12 8 20 14 22 29 14 15 18 20 53 84 60 19 2 5 17 "i 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 9 2 4 1 2 "i 2 2 2 8 1 3 1 1 4 1 "i 21 22 23 27 8 5 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 24 451 41 24 7 5 1 3 1 2 3 3 15 13 3 3 4 18 13 25 71 5 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 26 58,210 3,521 1,514 574 676 366 267 124 445 803 750 555 602 131 459 764 728 615 855 100 27 754 121 40 19 4 5 10 8 16 5 7 2 1 1 13 9 10 2 3 1 4 3 1 1 1 16 7 12 8 7 1 2 2 2 1 1 23 29 783 389 45 13 14 3 6 3 19 4 2 1 3 1 1 1 9 6 14 3 11 1 4 2 1 4 15 8 12 3 10 1 6 2 1 30 31 1,915 304 54 39 99 53 32 27 26 40 35 32 137 20 23 34 34 31 170 12 32 92 26,882 60 10 505 1 1 34 1 15 3 75 1 152 3 1 165 64 1 2 24 3 94 176 1 125 1 62 9 2 27 5 70 1 162 1 135 1 101 1 'io ... 33 34 35 627 4,374 296 440 184 1,191 22 164 62 42 44 159 3 67 44 20 32 80 2 23 10 7 9 38 6 34 6 9 3 30 3 16 2 5 "s 1 2 14 10 1 3 11 44 7 7 5 27 7 57 23 15 18 49 2 22 7 5 13 35 1 6 9 5 5 25 4 9 2 4 14 "6 1 2 3 10 7 40 3 10 7 21 9 64 20 14 16 41 3 34 10 5 9 32 1 9 15 6 5 37 1 10 14 4 3 23 1 7 "3 4 5 36 37 38 39 40 41 103 228 3,369 1,114 2,374 526 29 51 356 66 171 101 21 38 107 35 74 64 5 5 124 10 41 15 3 B 101 10 35 20 '14 6 13 2 "6 '"i 3 2 4 4 5 8 34 4 36 11 5 16 79 18 42 27 7 8 113 13 29 29 2 13 72 10 25 14 3 3 42 17 12 17 "e 5 12 5 5 6 63 3 38 5 7 17 96 11 44 23 6 8 92 16 34 22 5 11 55 11 23 21 3 9 40 21 24 28 3 'io 4 8 2 42 43 44 45 46 47 49 594 14 101 11 59 2 24 1 15 2 "i '.'.'. 2 12 3 29 1 23 4 16 4 13 2 3 2 10 2 17 24 4 25 5 22 1 3 48 49 422 529 169 68 44 59 47 20 49 11 6 8 4 9 5 6 1 1 3 1 8 22 8 11 8 7 13 1 12 14 7 13 15 2 1 3 9 24 3 12 8 9 14 6 6 11 3 11 21 2 28 1 1 2 50 51 52 185 298 164 2,329 53 27 50 46 209 22 16 26 31 108 20 5 15 10 37 2 4 6 5 39 2 3 16 "7 "2 3 11 10 17 1 8 13 9 50 4 5 7 4 46 5 6 8 4 27 1 4 7 13 38 5 2 "2 6 4 11 11 13 8 11 9 39 6 3 8 6 49 5 5 11 5 41 3 6 9 14 61 8 1 1 6 53 54 55 56 57 2,794 245 136 38 43 22 4 2 19 43 37 53 73 9 8 39 38 56 104 58 284 1,409 1,133 68 265 34 258 21 11 27 17 200 4 5 13 5 19 3 4 4 9 26 4 2 6 3 8 4 2 5 3 3 "i "i 3 8 6 7 6 8 43 8 2 11 5 68 3 2 3 42 5 i 7 67 2 "2 6 1 12 7 8 8 12 47 7 1 11 6 55 2 1 3 4 45 4 1 2 9 90 1 3 2 9 59 60 61 62 63 355 60 43 8 7 1 1 11 22 6 5 4 4 18 16 13 5 e 64 1,151 5 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 65 137 16 5 2 7 2 2 1 1 2 3 4 3 3 2 2 4 2 66 106 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 16.-ACRES OF IRRIGATED CROPS AND FREQUENCY state and crop Hay, forage, and Hay Alfalfa seed . Pasture . Other field crops: Soybeans Irish potatoes. Sweetpotatoes . . Fennel seed .... Vegetables: Asparagus Beans, green lijiia Beans, snap (bush and pole types). Beets ( table) Broccoli Cabbage Cantaloups and unisloaelona Carrots Cauliflower Celery Collards Com, sweet Cucumbers and pickles . Dandelions (greens) . . . Eggplant Endive and escarole . . . Horseradish Lettuce and romaine . . . Onions Area irrigated in 1954 Parsley Peppers Purnpkins Radishes Spinach Squash Tomatoes Turnips and turnip greens • Other vegetables (including "[iiixed vegetables" and "home gardens"). Berries, tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: Blueberries Strawberries Apples Peaches Other fruits (other berries, other tree fruits, and'grapes) ;., Nursery and flower crops. All other crops Pennsylvania . Hay, forage, and Hay Sudan grass seed Other field crops: Tobacco Irish potatoes '•<• Vegetables: Beans, green lima Beans, snap (bush and pole types) . Beets (table) Broccoli Cabbage Cantaloups and musIUQelons Cauliflower Celery Com, sweet Cucumbers and pickles > Lettuce and romaine Onions Radishes » Spinach Tomatoes Other vegetables (includijig "mixed vegetables" and "home gardens">. Berries, tree fruits, nuta, and grapes: Strawberries > Apples Peaches Other fruits (other berries, otbar tree fruits, and grapes) Nursery and flower crops All other crops Total acres 50,851 1,041 826 269 177 9,009 3,200 94 429 181 2,518 380 917 1,722 299 417 187 258 69 4,530 989 64 255 279 164 2,354 905 87 1,552 53 129 1,355 210 5,159 79 4,021 1,017 483 381 1,421 106 1,655 Ul 16,710 1,399 83 2,452 403 2,760 71 603 54 5U 644 57 66 167 826 362 35 33 88 737 1,283 1,089 89 683 516 208 475 44 Farms reporting Total number 4,052 47 10 196 179 7 31 18 154 90 52 209 72 48 37 57 14 204 192 21 94 62 10 270 106 70 292 12 44 63 61 407 14 284 72 121 13 63 19 196 1,375 86 90 Under 5 acres 10 23 18 6 52 16 79 U 16 11 132 176 33 U 22 31 96 10 2,009 U 75 75 29 104 54 28 23 34 10 55 126 16 80 41 5 158 66 69 159 7 37 31 46 158 24 90 3 8 12 128 2 5 to 9 acres 5 11 16 4 25 12 3 45 42 6 U 9 3 2 54 128 725 5 30 1 10 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres 771 22 2 52 20 1 2 6 3 36 15 1 39 2 3 13 2 U9 3 56 13 2 3 3 21 3 2 1 1 28 20 308 10 50 to 99 acres 182 3 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS OF IRRIGATION BY STATES: 1954 AND 1955-Continued 107 Area irrigated in 1955 Farms reporting specified numter of times irrigated Total Farms reporting 1954 1955 100 acres Total Under 5 5 to 9 10 to 24 25 to 49 50 to 99 or more 5 or Not 5 or Not number acres acres acres acres acres acres 1 2 3 4 more reported 1 2 3 4 more reported 56,417 4,419 2,171 821 831 327 199 70 463 897 680 592 1,024 396 411 306 794 630 1,356 372 1 1,229 60 11 13 17 13 5 1 24 11 7 1 4 31 16 8 2 1 2 2 1,U0 53 5 16 21 6 2 3 11 15 9 6 1 1 11 18 12 7 3 2 3 400 12 2 2 2 3 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 5 4 4 1,396 79 21 12 20 22 4 12 20 17 15 12 5 13 19 12 14 17 4 5 304 11 1 3 3 2 1 1 6 1 1 2 4 4 1 1 1 6 10,286 208 27 14 32 34 74 27 8 29 33 54 63 9 9 19 42 37 96 5 7 3,181 176 37 36 61 26 U 2 53 78 32 3 6 7 46 62 43 10 9 6 3 124 8 2 5 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 3 9 iff? 50 24 4 17 5 11 9 5 3 3 16 15 8 5 5 1 10 62 19 15 2 2 3 6 2 3 3 1 1 6 6 3 3 11 3,301 175 80 34 33 18 3 7 18 41 37 21 20 17 13 41 40 34 28 19 12 482 91 73 10 6 1 1 6 16 13 20 23 12 3 18 12 17 29 12 13 1,244 56 33 8 9 3 1 2 10 n U 7 7 6 6 15 10 7 10 8 U 1,654 219 123 38 47 6 4 1 16 64 37 24 41 27 15 44 45 38 54 23 15 367 89 65 12 12 12 25 13 3 7 7 7 22 25 18 U 6 16 476 52 27 11 12 1 1 8 13 6 7 10 4 3 11 5 9 U 5 17 210 40 27 4 8 1 4 8 4 15 6 2 6 6 5 15 6 18 271 53 34 17 7 ... 2 8 8 8 18 13 2 5 7 6 28 10 19 89 16 U 2 3 ... 2 3 3 1 5 4 3 1 7 1 20 4,640 216 65 39 44 39 24 5 29 62 51 24 21 17 29 iS 57 38 30 u 21 995 203 129 52 20 1 1 2 13 19 36 105 17 11 17 33 122 20 22 66 22 17 4 1 1 3 3 5 5 4 1 2 5 5 5 4 23 285 107 92 12 3 5 14 12 14 41 8 1 10 16 15 55 10 24 317 67 43 15 3 "l 7 15 5 12 15 fl 2 9 U 10 22 10 25 198 U 4 1 4 2 0 1 2 1 3 1 1 3 3 4 26 2,677 291 162 65 41 15 6 2 19 57 54 40 64 36 16 51 53 51 90 "30 27 1,016 UO 62 19 23 1 4 1 8 19 20 14 26 19 6 20 18 18 33 15 23 103 75 72 2 1 1 8 4 11 35 11 1 9 6 6 42 U 29 1,619 312 174 86 46 6 21 54 47 56 96 18 8 42 60 53 127 17 30 80 13 7 3 2 1 3 6 3 5 6 2 31 148 46 37 5 4 5 10 4 7 '10 "s 6 7 5 6 U 8 32 1,537 64 31 12 15 4 i ' 1 9 15 3 11 10 10 7 lA U 9 U 9 33 283 75 60 9 4 2 8 15 13 6 16 3 10 X4 16 9 22 4 34 5,650 463 168 96 133 49 16 i 54 125 102 51 55 20 39 110 121 73 92 23 35 125 17 9 4 3 1 2 6 2 ... 2 2 3 4 4 2 3 1 36 3,650 298 139 56 53 27 17 6 20 44 35 60 84 41 13 38 36 56 UO 45 37 871 70 24 18 21 5 1 1 10 14 4 16 23 5 7 11 10 13 27 2 38 585 146 103 20 20 3 U 21 23 18 35 10 13 21 29 32 46 5 39 379 16 2 2 5 5 2 5 5 1 2 ... 7 6 2 1 40 2,085 77 7 16 27 15 9 3 24 20 7 3 3 6 28 30 "9 3 4 3 41 176 27 16 5 5 1 3 2 3 4 4 3 5 5 3 5 7 2 42 2,046 209 126 39 28 9 4 3 7 10 12 9 130 28 7 8 9 12 U5 28 43 183 12 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 6 3 3 44 17,536 1,345 640 247 299 104 29 26 363 299 201 111 227 174 283 282 224 UO 274 142 45 80O 74 18 21 28 7 46 24 5 1 3 7 34 23 3 4 2 3 46 1,405 95 U 26 42 13 3 37 29 9 6 3 6 43 21 16 4 2 9 47 87 8 1 5 1 1 3 3 1 4 3 1 43 2,363 135 22 24 57 27 4 1 43 35 24 16 23 16 26 34 24 U 27 10 49 350 57 18 23 U. 47 12 2 1 7 27 20 4 2 4 50 2,386 103 23 22 31 14 "a 5 26 27 33 15 11 16 18 18 27 16 '20 4 51 35 7 4 1 2 3 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 52 984 23 13 2 3 4 9 6 5 "i 2 3 12 1 1 2 4 53 51 18 15 1 2 3 4 3 2 5 1 2 2 5 2 5 2 54 822 6 3 2 • • • 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 55 494 54 28 8 13 3 10 U 12 "'5 4 7 7 9 13 3 7 5 56 65 19 15 2 1 3 4 4 4 1 1 4 7 2 4 1 57 67 3 3 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 ... 2 2 1 2 1 58 151 59 51 7 1 2 2 5 4 36 7 2 1 7 2 39 8 59 1,159 92 54 12 14 1 4 13 23 12 2 13 11 23 30 14 8 11 6 60 227 14 8 3 2 1 6 2 1 3 2 2 2 4 2 3 1 61 55 17 13 3 1 6 1 2 2 3 2 4 2 3 1 4 3 62 54 10 8 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 63 85 8 3 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 2 64 941 9 2 1 1 2 2 1 "i 2 2 1 3 ' 1 2 2 65 1,348 126 56 26 33 6 4 1 37 31 29 12 11 12 16 28 32 19 21 10 66 1,264 194 138 22 22 10 1 1 33 36 20 U 44 29 29 35 26 25 49 30 67 US 39 31 6 1 1 4 8 5 10 3 3 5 7 3 5 10 4 68 901 17 2 1 5 3 ' 2 4 8 3 2 1 8 3 1 3 2 69 484 18 5 4 4 2 1 2 6 9 2 2 ... 3 4 7 2 4 1 70 187 27 17 4 5 1 8 3 3 3 2 2 9 5 2 6 5 ... 71 5U 96 75 5 U 4 1 4 8 7 47 30 1 3 7 7 50 23 72 109 12 3 5 4 ... 5 1 I 1 2 9 2 ... 1 73 108 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 16.-ACRES OF IRRIGATED CROPS AND FREQUENCY state and crop Area irrigated in 195^ Total acres Farms repartlng Total number Under S acres 5 to 9 acres 10 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 or more acres Ohio Com Small grains .... Hay, forage, and Hay Alfalfa seed Pasture Other field crops: Sugar beets for sugar Irish potatoes Vegetables : Beans , snap (bush and pole types) , Cabbage Cantaloups and muskmelons Carrots Cauliflower Celery ■ ■ Com , sweet Cucumbers and pickles .....* Lettuce and romalne Onions Peppers Radishes Spinach Tomatoes Turnips and turnip greens • . Other vegjstables (Including "mixed vegetables" and "home gardens") Berries, tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: Raspberries Strawberries Apples Peaches Nursery and flower crops All other crops Indiana Com ' Small grains Hay, forage, and seeds: Hay Pasture Other field crops: Soybeans Tobacco Popcorn Irish potatoes Mint for oil Vegetables : Beans, snap (bush and pole types) Cabbage Cantaloups and muskmelons Com, sweet Onions Radishes Tomatoes Other vegetables (Including "mijced vegetables" and "home gardens") Berries, tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: Strawberries Apples Other fruits (other berries, other tree fruits, and grapes) Nursery and flower crops All other crops lUinols Com Hay, forage, and seeds: Hay Grass seeds Pasture Other field crops: Soybeans Sugar beets for sugar Irish potatoes Vegetables : Beans, snap (bush and pole types) Cabbage Com, sweet Horseradish Onions , Tomatoes Other vegetables (including "mixed vegetables" end "home gardens"). Berries, tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: Strawberries Nursery and flower crops All other crops 1,053 51 834 % 987 103 3,290 315 637 1% 98 14i 368 1,322 219 137 86 246 181 99 456 68 1,045 98 244 277 229 823 102 4,563 87 720 808 274 223 70 2,347 517 175 204 60 322 217 56 193 975 66 113 64 374 51 5,348 2,164 122 306 132 100 56 65 53 112 217 227 78 453 999 58 3 111 60 95 47 20 27 46 85 57 40 25 55 19 24 123 11 200 15 67 15 23 143 29 78 9 30 34 10 85 2 19 4 27 34 U 27 25 7 49 198 19 4 6 71 5 304 27 867 4 44 56 30 IB 16 19 38 44 35 20 40 12 19 38 9 U3 11 55 1 6 98 24 443 7 24 22 8 7 18 5 37 155 144 3 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS OF IRRIGATION BY STATES: 1954 AND 1955- Continued 109 Area irrigated in 1955 Total acres 12, 5U 660 47 613 U7 99 3,164 Farms reporting Total number 1,419 Under 5 acres 3 95 62 92 47 19 30 43 78 58 40 21 55 16 22 123 10 201 16 76 15 23 144 24 55 5 17 27 9 38 2 19 5 24 34 8 20 26 9 47 190 21 7 3 70 6 289 19 5 to 9 acres 21 26 5 8 13 7 40 148 14 2 1 52 2 10 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres 15 1 25 2 50 to 99 acres 24 9 1 1 2 1 • 1 100 or more acres Farms reporting specified number of times irrigated 264 16 9 2 13 3 11 3 8 1 7 3 2 3 4 8 23 3 4 L4 26 271 6 7 1 10 1 28 14 20 9 5 6 3 21 14 4 3 16 1 3 26 1 28 3 21 2 4 L2 2 196 3 5 or more Not reported 1 22 17 19 4 3 11 28 12 23 11 1 15 3 7 36 7 17 3 56 3 10 1 2 41 7 184 7 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 4 4 8 2 15 20 8 38 8 2 239 2 189 2 or more Not reported U 2 36 1 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 70 71 412488 O -57 - 11 no IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 16.-ACRES OF IRRIGATED CROPS AND FREQUENCY state and crop Area Irrigated In 195<4 Total acres Famia reporting Total number Dnder 5 acres 5 to 9 aci*es 10 to 2i acres 25 to A<) acres 50 to 99 acres Wisconsin Com ■Smnll grains Bay, forage, and seeds: Hay Grass seeds Pasture Other field crops: Irish potatoes Vegetables: Beans, snap (bush and pole types) Beets (table) Cabbage Carrots Corn, sweet Cucumbers and pickles Horseradish Onions Peppers Rutabagas Tomatoes Other vegetables (Including "mixed vegetables and "heme gardens"). Berries, tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: Raspberries Strawberries ^>ples Nursery and flower crops * All other crops Michigan Com Hay. forage, and seeds: Hay Pasture Other field crops: Sugar beets for sugar Irish potatoes Mint for ol 1 Vegetables: Asparagus Beans, snap (bush and pole types) Beets (table) Cabbage Cantaloups and muskmelons Carrots Cauliflower Celery Com, sweet Cucumbers and pic]£le8 Lettuce and romaine Onions Peppers , Radishes Spinach Squash Tomatoes Other vegetables (including "mixed vegetables" and "home gardens") Berries, tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: Blueberries Raspberries Strawberries Apples Cherries Peaches Pears Other fruits (other berries, other tree fruits, and 'grapes) Nursery and flower crops All other crops 10,470 117 140 328 57 424 101 137 151 185 90 400 193 91 185 50 355 50 237 33 20,396 825 192 665 90 4,722 341 132 750 53 308 298 75 394 909 561 901 74 434 135 50 76 69 1,050 721 404 429 2,974 646 136 317 56 256 1,219 134 491 10 4 2,294 34 15 51 4 195 29 79 10 63 70 14 54 69 90 155 17 23 53 13 11 22 196 160 30 97 427 38 20 41 12 35 249 3 1,188 5 1 10 19 '32 6 37 48 8 23 19 47 94 10 13 44 U 8 19 117 111 12 64 211 12 11 U 8 24 3 3 482 6 6 10 5 21 113 9 5 U 2 7 443 U 5 21 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS OF IRRIGATION BY STATES: 1954 AND 1955-Continued 111 Area Irrigated in 1955 Fannfl reporting specified number of times Irrigated Total Fajrms reporting 1954 1955 acres Total Under 5 5 to 9 10 to 24 25 to 49 50 to 99 100 1 2 3 4 5 Not reported 1 2 3 4 5 Not miiriYiPT acres acres acres acres acres or more or more or more reported acres 12,826 534 274 66 80 53 23 38 69 98 77 52 U6 49 52 95 79 52 205 51 1 173 10 3 2 1 4 3 4 1 1 1 2 5 1 1 1 2 72 5 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 290 74 15 4 5 1 1 3 2 5 1 1 6 2 7 1 1 1 1 2 4 3 5 3 2 1 1 4 5 122 11 2 9 1 6 2 1 1 5 1 2 2 6 8,914 117 17 5 18 28 18 31 10 26 27 15 29 2 11 25 18 10 52 1 7 443 47 162 376 24 3 16 7 14 2 8 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 5 1 2 8 2 2 3 1 3 2 5 3 1 '"i 4 4 1 7 1 3 1 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 6 1 4 1 2 "i 1 8 9 10 11 190 150 400 206 25 25 1 U 17 15 9 3 6 6 3 2 1 1 "i 1 3 3 4 10 6 1 6 2 1 2 4 1 5 5 2 "i 2 3 5 3 9 3 3 5 3 1 2 3 4 8 6 2 3 1 1 12 13 14 IS 53 13 41 460 10 1 19 88 5 15 64 3 4 14 2 1 8 1 1 1 3 11 1 2 8 1 2 2 10 1 5 9 3 1 5 33 2 5 10 2 1 12 2 5 15 3 2 12 3 1 7 35 2 4 12 16 17 18 19 57 278 82 19 79 5 13 58 4 14 1 2 7 2 "2 1 6 1 3 4 1 2 10 1 9 7 35 2 10 1 2 2 1 4 3 4 8 8 U 48 2 9 ... 20 21 22 71 25 21 2 2 2 3 3 11 6 2 2 2 3 10 6 23 152 11 5 2 1 2 1 3 3 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 2 24 23,917 2,513 1,267 522 504 134 60 26 271 484 424 322 629 164 281 443 434 339 828 188 25 957 46 14 7 U 7 2 2 16 8 6 2 2 16 17 6 3 2 2 26 194 16 4 5 6 1 7 1 1 3 1 2 7 2 1 3 1 2 27 545 39 6 8 15 8 1 1 10 12 9 10 8 2 7 8 7 7 10 28 73 4,884 289 4 198 5 1 49 31 2 54 1 30 1 1 22 2 12 1 12 2 35 4 '45 1 33 1 65 1 5 1 1 8 2 1 25 2 38 35 1 84 1 8 1 29 30 31 177 847 63 399 316 38 88 9 64 73 24 36 5 34 51 10 16 2 19 17 4 26 1 10 3 "9 1 2 "i "i 6 15 3 11 6 9 24 3 11 17 7 18 1 U 9 3 8 9 10 3 U 3 11 23 1 7 5 U 9 2 9 5 7 19 3 10 17 5 20 1 W U 7 U 7 7 4 21 3 18 27 1 8 6 3 32 33 34 35 36 87 490 1,036 539 18 69 67 91 10 38 16 50 5 11 13 22 3 18 28 15 2 8 4 1 1 1 6 10 4 10 13 29 2 17 13 16 '12 10 11 7 U 17 20 "i 10 4 2 2 4 10 2 12 8 16 1 10 11 27 2 9 8 11 10 29 26 22 1 7 10 5 37 38 39 40 1,305 70 500 138 158 18 30 56 76 15 17 47 39 2 4 6 33 1 4 3 8 3 1 1 2 3 2 4 4 25 4 3 9 40 4 4 U 36 1 4 11 37 5 6 17 9 1 2 1 11 1 2 4 16 5 6 10 35 1 4 12 38 4 1 10 52 6 12 17 6 1 5 3 41 42 43 44 78 U7 112 1,217 750 15 u 30 222 164 9 8 21 130 111 4 4 5 54 24 1 1 4 33 28 1 "3 "2 1 1 2 1 6 22 14 6 2 5 43 28 1 4 3 45 23 1 1 26 15 4 1 7 48 61 2 12 19 3 2 4 19 11 2 2 7 40 27 1 3 5 52 21 1 2 3 30 22 6 3 7 68 61 2 2 4 13 22 45 46 47 48 49 540 505 3,734 824 34 102 462 50 11 58 217 16 3 31 114 10 M 12 102 12 4 1 22 8 2 7 4 7 15 28 13 7 34 70 15 7 13 77 4 4 12 73 2 4 13 U8 1 10 31 4 3 26 19 17 7 25 56 21 10 17 79 7 7 12 62 4 6 16 213 1 1 6 33 50 51 52 53 133 806 58 383 24 62 12 43 13 24 8 28 5 15 3 3 5 19 1 3 '2 1 "4 "2 13 13 3 4 2 U 4 7 2 5 2 6 1 3 2 4 1 4 10 1 2 1 4 7 24 5 10 12 22 5 7 1 3 1 6 1 3 1 6 1 5 ii 2 '3 54 55 56 57 1,379 158 103 22 16 10 6 1 3 21 U U 71 25 3 15 13 18 79 30 58 292 X 17 3 12 2 6 3 1 3 12 9 3 4 6 59 112 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS I Table 16.-ACRES OF IRRIGATED CROPS AND FREQUENCY state and crop Area irrigated in 1954 Total Acres Farms reporting Total number Under 5 acres 5 to 9 acres 10 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 or more acres Minnesota Com Small grains: Oats Hay, forage, and seeds: Hay Grass silage Pasture Other field crops: Soybeans Sugar beets for sugar Irish potatoes Vegetables : Beets (table) Cabbage Cantaloups and muslonelons Celery Com, sweet Lettuce and romaine Onions Squash Tomatoes .■ Other vegetables (including "mixed vegetables'* and •*home gardens") Berries, tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: Raspberries Strawberries Nursery and flower crops All other crops Iowa Com Other field crops: Sweetpotatoes. Vegetables : Cabbage Cantaloups and musloiielons Tomatoes Watermelons • Other vegetables (including "mixed vegetables" and "home gardens") Nursery and flower crops All other crops • Missouri Com Small grains: Oats Barley Rye Rice Other small grains Hay, forage, and seeds: Hay Grass silage Fescue seed Lespedeza seed. Sudan grass seed Other grass seeds Pasture Other field crops: Soybeans Cotton Sweetpotatoes. Sorghums, except for simp Vegetables : Beans, snap (bush and pole types) Cabbage , Corn, sweet Cucumbers and pickles Spinach Tomatoes Watermelons Other vegetables (incliiding "mixed vegetables" and "home gardens") Berries, tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: Strawberries Apples Other fruits (other berries, other tree fruits, and grapes) Nursery and flower crops All other crops .' 7,381 608 531 55 70 227 3,157 102 110 92 306 105 169 55 100 684 54 163 395 42 1,957 782 64 152 30 155 179 310 103 33,238 7,339 187 286 307 6,431 2U 3,642 60 136 160 354 149 3,608 2,529 3,300 78 787 65 76 63 84 55 129 60 1,089 95 1,409 252 250 44 577 19 3 23 25 7 31 8 20 14 39 137 160 22 1,294 193 154 1 3 10 26 10 20 29 12 27 22 60 2 229 305 1 451 8 172 22 323 68 157 37 32 3 2 20 116 43 15 1 11 17 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS OF IRRIGATION BY STATES. 1954 AND 1955-Continued 113 Area Irrigated In 1955 Farms reporting specified number of times irrigated Total acres Farms reporting 1954 1955 Total number Under 5 acres 5 to 9 acres 10 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 or more acres 1 2 3 4 5 or more Not reported 1 2 3 4 5 or more Not reported 7382 588 309 86 100 51 35 7 90 145 111 67 116 48 82 87 116 90 171 42 1 507 17 2 3 5 2 4 1 9 6 1 2 1 10 4 1 1 1 2 71 3 ... 2 1 2 ... ... 3 ... 3 416 20 5 2 10 1 1 1 12 6 2 3 1 9 3 4 3 1 4 51 1 1 1 1 ... ... 5 248 9 1 1 3 2 2 ... 4 3 2 2 2 7 ... 6 152 7 1 4 2 1 2 4 1 1 1 7 37 1 ... 1 2 1 1 1 ... 8 3,190 73 7 1 11 28 21 5 9 22 31 5 7 6 7 4 17 26 17 2 9 73 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 10 145 25 13 7 5 ... ... 7 6 6 3 1 2 7 9 2 5 11 98 25 18 4 3 ... 5 9 5 3 3 3 5 6 5 4 2 12 71 5 2 2 1 1 2 4 1 4 13 411 42 13 9 11 3 I 5 14 6 1 2 3 10 10 13 3 4 "2 14 78 8 6 1 1 3 3 2 1 1 2 1 3 15 87 19 11 5 3 5 7 2 2 4 4 5 2 3 4 1 16 57 14 8 5 1 4 6 2 2 3 4 4 2 1 17 108 41 35 5 1 ... 3 10 14 4 8 4 7 11 6 13 ... 18 879 147 92 25 22 7 1 15 26 18 24 39 15 14 22 24 22 50 15 L9 56 27 25 2 2 11 6 7 1 2 3 2 6 12 2 20 193 49 37 7 4 1 1 9 9 13 17 1 6 6 11 24 1 21 403 46 27 5 10 2 2 2 3 4 4 22 13 1 1 3 1 28 12 22 51 6 1 3 2 ... 1 1 2 1 1 ... 2 23 2,800 220 80 56 61 9 10 4 29 30 28 22 34 17 29 33 27 26 93 12 24 330 21 3 1 5 2 9 1 13 6 1 2 5 10 1 1 2 2 25 266 29 6 12 11 ... 1 7 8 1 4 3 22 26 48 4 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 3 27 221 36 14 15 6 1 2 5 7 6 2 1 4 3 3 25 28 51 11 7 2 2 1 4 1 1 1 ... 6 1 2 2 29 290 32 7 10 14 2 5 6 5 1 1 4 6 4 18 30 229 49 34 7 7 9 5 6 6 7 7 8 5 9 9 11 7 31 591 17 5 3 6 1 2 ... 1 1 2 10 2 1 1 2 10 3 32 274 21 3 5 9 2 1 1 2 4 ... 2 8 5 3 2 3 33 21,059 974 405 134 204 1L2 72 47 231 277 208 142 236 200 203 229 127 80 185 150 34 4,460 109 3 9 26 31 26 9 79 62 24 9 5 14 64 30 9 ... 1 5 35 51 5 2 3 3 4 1 1 3 1 36 78 6 3 2 1 2 7 1 ... 2 1 2 1 ... 37 129 4 1 2 1 3 6 1 2 1 1 ... 38 3,947 28 2 3 7 16 3 2 1 1 2 22 1 2 1 2 22 39 71 3 2 1 ... 5 3 1 3 ... 40 2,294 99 4 31 36 15 8 5 26 34 34 24 23 13 20 35 15 15 9 5 41 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... 42 43 114 6 1 3 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 44 236 17 1 3 12 1 2 4 13 4 1 2 5 4 3 2 3 45 151 12 1 4 6 1 4 2 3 1 5 3 3 1 ... 46 2,449 « 4 13 45 21 8 3 21 33 20 18 19 16 21 34 12 7 13 7 47 1,197 35 1 6 10 10 5 3 27 18 11 2 5 22 10 1 1 1 48 1,698 44 1 11 8 13 9 2 14 26 16 8 2 4 19 16 4 1 4 49 77 12 5 5 1 1 2 1 1 2 5 3 1 4 2 2 1 2 50 341 23 2 4 13 3 1 8 15 15 1 2 3 11 7 1 1 1 2 51 70 16 12 3 1 1 3 2 8 6 3 4 1 4 4 52 98 31 27 1 3 ... ... 1 2 5 11 5 2 4 9 3 8 5 53 90 12 8 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 3 3 4 3 1 1 54 75 21 16 3 2 ... 3 2 13 6 3 4 1 7 6 55 88 19 16 2 1 1 6 3 6 3 7 2 3 5 2 56 149 54 40 14 ... 4 2 8 11 23 12 4 2 7 13 18 10 57 43 6 4 2 1 1 3 ... 1 2 58 1,026 214 186 14 11 1 2 9 '28 29 27 79 57 8 32 29 22 72 51 59 147 31 22 3 5 1 2 3 3 5 6 7 3 4 2 4 13 5 60 1,416 13 4 1 3 5 1 2 1 4 5 1 3 3 4 2 61 224 13 8 1 2 1 1 1 4 4 1 4 5 1 4 2 1 5 62 304 37 31 2 2 2 2 4 7 17 11 1 2 4 22 8 63 26 9 7 2 4 3 1 2 1 1 6 1 1 ... 64 114 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 16.-ACRES OF IRRIGATED CROPS AND FREQUENCY state and crop Area Irrigated In 1954 Total acres Farms reporting Total number Under 5 acres 5 to 9 acres 10 to 2A acres 25 to i9 acres 50 to 99 acres Delaware Hay, forage, and seeds: Hay Pasture Other field crops: Irish potatoes Vegetables : Asparagus ••• Beans, green lima Beans, snap (bush and pole types) Cabbage ' Cauliflower Com, sweet Cucumbers and pickles Peppers Tomatoes • ■ Other vegetables (including "mijted vegetables" and "home gardens") Berries, tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: Strawberries Nursery and flower crops All. other crops Maryland Com Hay, forage, and seeds: Hay Pasture Other field crops: Soybeans Tobacco > Irish potatoes Vegetables: Asparagus Beans , green lima *. Beans, snap (hush and pole types) Broccoli Cantaloups and muskmelons Com, sweet Cucumbers and pickles Mustard (greens) Peas , green ( English) Spinach Tomatoes Turnips and turnip greens Other vegetables (including "mijeed vegetables" and "home gardens") Berries, tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: Apples Peaches Pears Other fruits {other berries, other tree frulte, and grapes) Nursery and flower crops All other crops Virginia Com Small grains: Barley Other small grains Hay, forage, and seeds: ' Hay and grass silage Pasture Other field crops: Soybeans Peanuts Tobacco Irish potatoes Sweetpotatoes Fennel seed Vegetables: Beans, 'inwp (bush and pole types) Broccoli Cabbage Com, sweet Cucumbers and pickles Lettuce and romaine Peppers Spinach Tomatoes Turnips and turnip greens Other vegetables (including "mixed vegetables" and "home gardens") Berries, tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: Strawberries Apples Peaches Other fruits (other berries ( other tree fruits, and grapes) Nursery and flower crops All other crops 5,03S UA 395 55 177 556 172 113 99 65 79 427 177 100 55 74 7,333 201 665 1,239 86 UO 167 60 81 1,149 127 27 127 275 55 677 391 60 551 627 229 145 61 158 65 22,707 2,593 72 102 4,173 5,541 94 206 1,347 2,212 105 150 406 315 582 324 275 370 58 232 3U 99 1,330 62 456 214 308 554 216 3 5 6 5 9 6 6 3 17 17 1 5 3 357 17 26 46 4 11 11 1,013 110 3 9 164 177 7 11 170 39 4 1 20 5 27 19 9 3 4 6 28 5 108 284 16 174 14 287 45 152 24 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS OF IRRIGATION BY STATES: 1954 AND 1955-Continued 115 ilrea Irrlgatsd In 1955 Farms reporting specified number of times irrigated Total Farms reporting 1954 1955 acres Total Under 5 5 to 9 10 to 24 25 to 49 50 to 99 100 5 Not 5 Not number acres acres acres acres acres or more acres 1 2 3 4 or more reported 1 2 3 4 or more reported 6,U1 148 17 24 40 28 16 23 18 32 33 14 14 14 29 42 32 16 17 12 1 98 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 420 11 3 6 2 2 3 3 2 3 1 2 3 2 1 2 3 3,107 29 1 1 2 7 18 4 7 6 4 1 1 8 11 7 2 1 4 8<. 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 5 89 5 2 1 "2 1 1 1 2 2 "i 2 6 522 8 "2 2 2 1 2 3 3 3 1 1 7 139 7 3 2 1 '"i 3 2 1 3 2 1 8 113 9 1 2 5 1 2 3 "3 1 5 1 2 1 9 19 3 1 1 "i 5 1 1 1 10 UO 8 2 1 4 'i 2 "2 2 1 2 "3 2 11 42 3 1 1 1 "i 1 "i 1 1 1 12 4B9 20 2 4 "3 8 "3 2 5 6 3 1 "5 8 4 1 2 13 286 23 4 6 10 3 3 2 4 4 2 2 6 4 5 2 3 "3 U 20O 1 1 1 1 15 98 5 1 2 1 4 1 1 3 1 16 325 9 6 1 1 2 1 2 1 4 2 17 8,094 358 133 61 78 42 22 22 65 85 69 38 58 42 81 87 65 29 43 53 18 494 19 4 3 4 2 1 11 4 2 10 1 3 3 2 19 576 18 4 8 2 2 2 4 U 4 2 2 3 4 5 2 1 1 5 20 1,311 37 3 9 11 5 2 4 u 12 10 6 3 7 11 6 6 5 2 21 55 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 22 127 13 5 3 4 1 1 2 1 2 4 1 1 2 1 "7 2 23 314 14 4 2 3 3 "2 3 4 2 1 1 7 4 1 2 24 120 2 1 1 1 1 1 25 55 4 ' 3 1 2 "3 1 "2 1 1 26 1,390 30 7 3 '7 5 5 4 13 7 1 1 2 7 13 5 2 3 27 124 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 "i 28 65 12 5 6 "i "3 2 "i 1 "4 6 2 29 145 20 12 2 5 "3 4 1 2 i 2 3 8 4 1 4 30 258 21 6 4 8 2 2 7 3 9 1 5 5 6 5 31 60 3 1 1 1 1 1 32 181 5 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 33 232 8 4 "2 1 5 1 "2 2 2 "3 1 1 1 34 588 29 8 8 5 5 2 11 10 6 1 1 2 12 10 5 "2 35 78 8 3 1 3 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 "2 36 531 56 37 3 7 2 "2 4 11 13 7 8 10 4 11 15 9 "7 10 37 61A 7 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 2 2 38 417 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 39 140 1 1 1 1 40 33 6 "z 4 1 1 1 '3 2 1 2 1 41 166 31 16 8 3 2 1 1 2 17 11 2 1 3 14 11 42 20 4 3 1 "3 2 1 1 1 "i 2 1 43 16,394 789 245 144 210 96 62 32 136 221 200 136 167 153 194 196 141 60 109 89 44 1,646 76 19 13 24 11 5 4 38 37 13 7 5 10 38 20 6 4 8 45 53 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 46 44 5 2 3 4 2 2 1 1 "2 1 "i 47 2,907 109 11 16 42 28 8 4 20 37 43 30 14 20 29 33 21 13 8 5 48 2,897 103 12 14 40 21 12 4 21 36 41 21 30 28 32 20 9 9 17 16 49 34 4 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 50 48 5 3 1 1 5 4 1 1 1 "i "i 51 1,294 151 52 56 38 3 "2 18 22 32 39 43 16 30 41 '37 16 '26 7 52 2,279 37 4 2 4 6 IJ 8 4 10 14 8 1 2 5 17 10 1 3 1 53 68 3 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 54 100 1 1 1 1 55 390 18 7 5 3 3 5 6 2 1 6 8 3 3 1 3 56 360 6 1 1 2 "2 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 57 542 27 6 8 9 2 1 1 9 U 2 5 1 "s 11 4 "i 2 58 328 19 7 4 3 2 3 "i 6 7 1 1 3 3 9 5 1 1 59 404 15 3 1 5 3 3 2 1 1 3 2 4 2 3 2 1 3 60 466 7 3 1 1 2 2 1 4 1 2 61 36 5 3 2 1 "i 2 1 1 1 2 62 101 5 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 "i 1 63 200 20 9 4 3 4 1 10 6 1 "6 4 2 5 "3 2 '"5 3 64 105 6 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 65 755 93 67 5 16 1 3 1 7 11 16 15 36 23 20 16 14 9 19 15 66 145 11 4 2 3 1 1 5 1 1 4 2 3 1 1 67 12 2 1 1 2 3 3 "i 1 1 "i 68 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 69 202 4 1 1 1 1 5 2 2 ' i "i 70 678 43 24 8 3 5 1 2 1 3 1 3 21 18 1 4 2 1 23 12 71 280 11 1 4 4 1 1 3 2 2 3 5 1 2 72 116 IRRIGATION II\ HUMID AREAS Table 16.-ACRES OF IRRIGATED CROPS AND FREQUENCY state and crop Area irrigated in 195"^ Total acres Farms Reporting Total number Under 5 acres 5 to 9 acres 10 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres West Virginia Hay, forage, and seeds: Hay Pasture Vegetables Berries, tree fruits, nuts, and grapes Nursery and flower crops All other crops North Carolina Corn Small grains Hay, forage, and seeds: Hay Pasture Other field crops: Cotton Tobacco Irish potatoes Sveetpotatoes • Vegetables : Beans , green lima Beans, snap (bush and pole types) Cabbage Collarda Com, sweet Cucumbers and pickles Lettuce and romaine Peppers Tomatoes Turnips and turnip greens Other vegetables ^including "mixed vegetables" and "hoine gardens") Berries, tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: Peaches Other fruits (other berries, other tree fruits, and grapes) Nursery and flower crops All other crops South Carolina Corn Small grains: Rice HiUet Other small grains Hay, forage, and Hay Fescue seed. . Other grass Pasture Other field crops: Soybeans Peanuts Cotton Tobacco Sugarcane and/or sorghum for sirup Irish potatoes Sweetpotatoes Vegetables : Beans, snap (bush and pole types) Cabbage Collards Com, sweet Cucumbers and pickles Lettuce and romaine Peppers Radishes Squash Tomatoes Turnips and turnip greens Watermelons ■ Other vegetables (including "mixed vegetables" and "home gardens") Berries, tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: Peaches Nursery and flower crops All other crops ."'• 1,103 101 110 152 385 279 2,204 57 2,084 5,473 352 U,017 643 195 111 836 524 66 175 215 283 89 296 59 907 736 57 754 120 21,526 3,634 1,270 100 260 526 228 53 155 66 328 1,251 50 90 148 358 95 78 116 582 206 38 50 40 646 142 20 369 2,754 252 47 6 6 24 4 9 7 2,523 224 130 305 22 1,123 28 23 9 109 42 9 21 37 13 27 33 11 221 863 144 9 3 21 123 1 1,061 93 1 5 408 13 lA 3 53 10 256 24 311 4 6 167 32 40 IW 6 312 4 2 4 4 14 2 219 43 164 6 108 19 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS OF IRRIGATION BY STATES. 1954 AND 1955-Continued 117 Araa Irrigated in 1955 Farms reporting specified number of times irrigate! Total acres Farms reporting 1954 1955 Total number Under 5 acres 5 to 9 acres 10 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 or more acres 1 2 3 4 5 or more Not reported 1 2 3 4 5 or more Not reported 972 52 25 9 9 6 1 2 7 17 7 5 13 7 14 10 10 7 3 3 1 82 5 2 2 1 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 59 4 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 3 U6 23 16 2 4 1 5 9 1 2 4 3 5 5 5 4 2 2 4 451 5 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 1 5 234 8 2 3 1 1 1 7 2 1 1 5 1 6 30 7 3 4 2 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 7 21.525 1,896 759 458 484 U3 33 19 355 562 505 332 395 374 405 565 370 207 182 167 8 1,628 40 127 10 55 6 34 4 27 5 3 3 55 4 83 2 33 1 9 30 1 58 3 32 2 16 7 3 11 9 10 1,286 73 17 22 22 8 1 3 18 40 23 15 15 19 22 25 13 4 6 3 11 3,049 156 44 38 39 22 9 4 38 73 42 50 55 47 30 57 18 20 15 16 12 58 10,620 648 178 8 929 23 21 3 252 8 15 4 264 4 4 1 318 3 1 '36 4 9 2 2 1 11 165 3 1 3 223 12 9 4 265 7 4 2 163 2 6 159 1 3 2 148 3 6 186 9 7 1 287 7 7 1 213 3 6 114 3 64 1 1 65 13 U 15 16 13 3 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 17 420 416 66 130 276 43 28 7 19 53 27 13 3 8 29 6 4 1 8 U 6 7 2 2 9 3 1 1 1 1 '2 1 1 18 5 1 3 2 35 11 2 2 6 21 U 5 6 9 5 2 2 6 4 3 2 4 11 22 7 2 5 6 10 8 6 3 17 9 1 7 21 8 5 1 7 2 1 3 3 10 2 2 1 1 7 4 3 2 1 5 18 19 20 21 22 259 189 323 48 938 13 34 30 7 212 4 22 21 4 167 4 6 2 20 1 4 3 18 1 1 1 '5 1 "i 1 1 1 4 2 'l4 4 2 3 1 32 4 5 6 1 51 1 6 6 2 35 "7 lA 4 50 "5 4 3 39 3 6 4 29 4 13 4 3 54 2 5 6 1 54 4 5 3 26 "i 10 3 25 "4 3 24 23 24 25 26 27 99 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 1 "i 1 3 1 1 1 1 28 29 756 85 50 15 13 3 3 1 1 5 8 1 49 28 6 6 7 2 38 26 30 84 L2 8 2 1 1 7 7 4 1 1 4 6 1 1 31 16,467 751 259 U9 193 77 44 29 119 172 175 110 182 105 161 212 158 73 95 52 32 2,133 100 22 21 36 U 7 3 29 41 31 11 U 18 36 35 19 3 2 5 33 1,U0 30 129 3 1 3 1 1 'i 3 "i 1 '3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 ... 1 1 1 34 35 36 254 28 35 11 2 3 2 1 1 1 4 1 2 3 1 2 "1 7 2 3 2 2 5 4 1 3 1 2 1 2 2 1 3 1 3 37 38 39 6,172 98 11 9 27 22 16 13 14 28 33 20 40 17 22 25 20 12 12 7 40 21 6 697 1,710 50 136 268 3 2 31 130 1 12 23 1 1 5 21 5 10 1 1 11 40 4 6 1 "7 51 1 3 "2 17 1 3 ' 5 1 1 1 1 1 2 "s 22 3 1 1 6 20 "2 3 5 1 3 25 "2 7 1 1 2 15 1 1 2 1 31 "i 3 1 10 "2 1 2 1 18 21 5 6 1 7 50 5 9 1 4 38 3 5 2 8 1 i "'2 8 2 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 415 234 150 120 448 229 29 15 12 17 7 10 4 8 8 4 1 4 1 2 5 2 2 2 6 4 6 2 "'i 2 2 1 1 2 1 "2 1 3 3 3 2 7 3 1 5 2 7 2 4 5 1 7 2 3 1 3 6 1 7 1 2 1 1 3 2 3 4 2 10 3 1 3 5 2 9 3 6 3 5 2 6 2 2 1 1 1 1 i 1 2 1 1 48 49 50 51 52 53 113 68 625 111 69 705 16 13 36 23 10 94 8 'io 20 15 4 62 3 4 3 3 21 4 3 7 5 3 6 1 "2 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 6 1 1 2 5 3 3 9 1 "3 5 5 19 4 "3 6 5 1 10 2 2 6 12 1 19 1 "5 1 1 u 3 2 5 2 2 13 2 "3 12 2 5 24 3 "'3 7 7 2 16 5 "i 7 6 16 3 2 3 6 19 ' 2 2 "i 6 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 10 2 1 1 16 13 5 1 3 18 1 1 61 290 71 30 13 17 9 3 7 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 21 3 8 1 2 2 1 1 4 2 21 2 5 2 62 63 118 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 16.-ACRES OF IRRIGATED CROPS AND FREQUENCY state and crop Area Irrigated In 195* Total acres Farms reporting Total number Under 5 acres 5 to 9 acres 10 to 24 acres 25 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres Georgia Com Small grains: Oats Other small grains Hay, forage, and seeds: Hay Bermuda grass seed Pasture > Other field crops: Soybeans Peanuts Cotton Tobacco Irish potatoes Sweetpotatoes SorghumSj except for sirup Vegetables: Beans, snap (bush and pole types) Cabbage Cantaloups and muskmelons Collards Com, sweet Cucumbers and pickles Lettuce and romalne Mustard (greens ) Onions Peppers Squash Tomatoes Turnips and turnip greens Watermelons Other vegetables (including "mljced vegetables" and "home gardens") Berries, tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: Apples Peaches , Nuraery and flower crops All other crops ••■...■... •..■..■••...>•.• Kentucliy Com Small grains Hay, forage, and seeds: Hay and grass silage Lespedeza seed Pasture Other field crops: Soybeans Tobacco Popcorn Irish potatoes Vegetables : Beans, green lima Beans, snap (bush and pole types) Tomatoes Other vegetables (including "mixed vegetables" and "home gardens" ) Nursery and flower crops All other crops Tennessee Com Small grains: Wheat Oats Barley Rice Other small grains Hay, forage, and seeds: Hay Grass silage Alfalfa seed Crimson clover seed Ladlno clover seed Lespedeza seed Sudan grass seed Other grass seeds (including all other grass seeds, such as " red clover seed " ) 24,664 2,649 132 57 620 134 7,501 155 117 309 4,878 64 395 154 379 182 51 155 188 52 366 56 44 113 64 876 500 75 1,313 310 640 2,041 94 13,111 3,017 140 1,871 53 1,670 154 5,097 150 56 51 61 37 509 70 125 22,591 4,556 50 266 53 94 313 1,981 162 422 36 61 206 1,300 130 2 7 24 442 8 16 5 2 5 56 13 1,365 U5 7 120 3 14 741 2 9 2 19 34 146 11 32 1,442 166 424 28 4 139 3 7 1 644 30 6 385 1 16 27 124 6 24 671 32 281 29 6 145 2 3 5 2 315 30 1 2 206 216 27 351 47 6 10 L23 2 3 2 280 54 3 59 23 4 115 286 44 131 13 153 35 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS OF IRRIGATION BY STATES. 1954 AND 1955-Continued 119. Area Irrigated In 1955 Farms reporting specified number of times irrigated ^^ Total Farms reporting 1954 1955 acres Total Under 5 5 to 9 10 to 24 25 to 49 50 to 99 100 1 2 3 4 5 Not 1 2 3 4 5 Not number acres acres acres acres acres or more acres or more reported or more reported 25,259 1,350 438 286 375 136 64 51 162 273 237 167 304 157 223 265 253 216 305 88 1 2,866 122 26 25 42 15 6 8 25 39 25 3 18 15 44 35 21 8 11 3 2 95 6 2 1 1 2 4 3 1 1 1 3 47 3 3 ... ... 1 1 ... 1 1 2 ... 1 4 583 17 4 1 5 4 3 1 4 3 3 5 3 3 3 1 4 5 1 5 139 6 ... 3 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 2 1 6 5,677 ISO 18 22 64 41 21 14 25 42 23 30 53 34 29 48 33 14 36 20 7 19 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 8 325 21 ... 9 9 3 ... 2 4 1 ... 12 5 2 "2 9 509 38 9 11 13 3 1 1 8 10 3 1 1 1 23 9 3 1 1 1 10 5,633 463 131 151 141 29 7 4 59 81 32 71 109 40 42 61 87 109 143 16 11 139 15 7 3 4 1 ... 2 3 1 1 1 ... 4 5 1 4 1 12 763 27 6 6 9 1 2 3 1 4 5 3 3 4 2 9 4 6 ' 2 13 201 7 2 1 2 2 ... ... 1 3 1 ... ... 3 2 1 1 14 409 59 32 12 12 3 ... 2 14 18 12 14 5 4 9 17 10 17 2 15 423 18 5 4 4 2 3 5 2 1 1 1 10 2 2 3 16 115 18 10 2 6 ... 1 5 2 1 "i 3 .9 3 1 2 17 241 20 10 3 3 3 1 ... 4 2 4 4 3 2 3 5 2 3 5 18 342 21 7 3 6 ... 1 "2 5 3 2 2 2 7 7 4 1 2 19 147 15 9 2 2 1 ... 1 3 2 1 2 2 4 1 6 3 1 20 365 3 ... 1 ... ... 2 1 2 1 ... 1 1 1 ... ... 21 111 5 1 3 ... 1 ... ... 2 1 1 2 1 2 22 149 8 5 1 1 1 1 3 ... 1 1 1 4 ... 1 2 23 92 8 5 ... 1 ... 1 1 2 3 1 3 2 1 "2 24 51 9 6 2 ... ... ... 1 3 2 3 1 2 3 2 ... 2 25 1,295 58 30 10 8 4 3 4 12 12 3 7 6 12 14 15 7 4 26 538 36 15 2 10 3 ... 2 5 11 7 7 4 3 6 15 4 5 3 27 181 14 7 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 2 4 4 5 1 28 1,491 83 57 4 13 ... 1 4 7 4 10 1 15 7 35 1 16 1 11 11 8 20 '29 4 29 30 31 2,263 57 27 3 8 4 7 2 2 5 2 26 19 3 4 6 4 25 15 32 50 10 7 1 2 ... 2 2 2 1 3 3 2 2 1 2 1 2 33 6,319 814 467 154 140 35 16 2 441 351 253 107 94 119 333 216 118 42 64 41 34 1,197 70 11 16 28 11 3 1 78 40 8 4 2 U 44 20 ... 1 '• 35 94 5 1 1 2 1 5 1 ... ... ... 1 5 ... ... ... 36 899 57 6 17 25 4 49 43 14 6 2 6 27 15 6 1 3 37 67 3 ... 1 1 ... 3 ... 3 ... 38 344 40 5 6 17 4 1 26 22 14 3 4 6 25 6 1 3 ... 39 50 6 3 3 5 4 4 1 5 40 2,191 383 240 90 44 3 239 188 160 59 27 68 168 109 62 'm 7 17 41 117 4 1 1 1 ... 2 ... ... ... ... ... 4 ... 42 60 9 7 1 2 3 2 1 1 4 4 ... 1 43 42 3 2 2 2 1 44 70 20 15 4 "1 ... 1 4 "3 "4 6 "i 2 5 "2 5 "2' 45 73 28 25 3 ... 3 5 13 4 8 1 5 8 2 5 1 46 423 142 120 10 11 ... ... 21 31 26 17 38 13 29 35 27 8 35 8 47 75 13 8 3 1 ... ... 1 2 4 4 1 1 2 5 4 48 117 31 24 2 5 ... ... 7 9 9 1 1 5 9 13 4 3 1 1 49 16,751 1,205 589 139 232 116 48 31 325 404 301 167 158 87 302 342 241 138 108 74 50 2,384 126 38 24 37 16 5 6 62 1 43 28 17 7 9 54 41 16 8 3 4 51 52 286 5 ... 2 ... 1 1 4 2 1 ... 2 3 1 1 ... 53 10 1 1 ... 2 ... 1 1 ... ... ... ... 1 54 55 336 '12 1 2 2 4 5 5 1 8 2 1 ... ' i ... 56 1,529 95 20 24 30 15 5 1 29 33 15 16 4 4 27 27 20 13 4 4 57 93 3 2 2 3 ... ... 3 ... 1 3 6 1 1 58 438 35 7 10 12 2 9 5 6 2 3 8 10 8 5 2 2 59 51 3 1 1 1 ... ... ... 1 1 1 . . . 60 80 1 ... 1 ... 1 61 23 2 1 1 * 2 ... "2 ... 62 69 3 1 3 4 ... 2 4 1 2 3 4 1 1 1 1 63 62 5 ... 3 1 ... 2 4 ... ... 2 2 1 64 120 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS Table 16.-ACRES OF IRRIGATED CROPS AND FREQUENCY State and crop Area irrigated in 1954 Total acres Farms reporting Total number Under 5 acres 5 to 9 acres 10 to 24 acres 26 to 49 acres 50 to 99 acres 100 or more acres Tennessee — Continued 6,395 571 383 1,464 162 131 27 502 862 131 191 131 20 90 86 197 53 1,054 587 217 194 206 630 18 15,351 2,229 410 201 1,213 703 5,489 125 1,361 419 172 50 206 87 256 146 55 53 192 503 130 1,220 131 133,685 7,156 79 68,540 316 50 8,373 6,809 40, 163 58 487 271 218 151 60 94 346 240 220 52 225 17 21 447 7 19 5 9 48 3 16 10 1 5 5 8 26 23 133 28 3 5 21 5 558 74 8 3 38 4 110 6 32 11 16 1 9 16 9 14 5 13 32 83 2 53 19 1,503 241 6 210 16 1 166 108 452 14 20 40 22 20 1 25 120 1 25 15 20 "8 370 3 11 2 3 24 1 6 4 1 2 2 22 6 104 15 10 4 166 4 4 8 "2 2 12 "3 9 5 5 2 11 22 50 18 9 290 46 13 8 12 9 5 24 6 13 '26 102 19 13 26 5 2 56 2 4 3 5 "2 2 1 "i 4 2 16 5 1 1 6 71 13 6 1 7 2 4 1 "2 4 1 2 2 '4 15 5 2 156 46 3 4 tl5 7 49 3 2 4 5 3 "3 10 1 1 84 5 3 18 1 3 'ii 2 7 3 1 1 1 2 5 10 6 "2 2 1 151 32 2 1 12 28 2 11 3 2 "'2 3 6 "2 5 14 18 3 296 70 2 3 8 43 29 98 2 7 10 10 3 1 7 3 59 3 7 2 1 4 2 2 1 5 1 2 1 1 66 11 3 1 8 1 25 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 "4 3 198 33 1 7 2 39 27 80 3 2 1 i 1 1 26 3 1 1 4 2 "i 1 "2 2 1 r- • 1 68 8 1 6 1 29 1 7 3 i 1 "i "i 2 6 155 26 12 2 1 26 10 72 "2 "i 1 2 10 1 1 2 2 3 1 "i 1 2 36 6 2 1 2 1 13 '4 1 1 1 "i 3 408 20 188 30 27 141 'i 1 Other field crops: f, Vegetables: n ■\i 11 Kale . 1 f 1 '' Olo-a IT 1F* 19 Other vegetables (includljig "mixed vegetables" and "home gardens") Berries, tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: ■'i 22 Other fruits (other berries, other tree fruits, and grapes) '>'> ■37 Small grains: Hay, forage, and seeds: in 11 1? 11 3A 35 36 Irish potatoes Vegetables: 37 3fi 39 /.n 41 Peppers /il 4'i 46 47 All other crops Mississippi. 49 Com 'in Small grains: ■ii Rioe 1? Hay, forage, and seeds: •ii Grass silage •ii Pasture ^•j Other field crops: -ifi Cotton ^7 'ifl 59 Vegetables: 60 61 6? 63 64 6^ Turnips and turnip greens Other vegetables (including "mixed vegetables" and "home gardens").. Berries, tree fruits, nuts, and grapes: 66 67 IRRIGATION IN HUMID AREAS OF IRRIGATION BY STATES: 1954 AND 1955-Continued 121 Area irrigated in 1955 Farms reporting specified number of times irrigated Farms reporting 1954 1955 Total acres Total Under 5 5 to 9 LO to 24 25 to 49 50 to 99 100 1 5 Not 5 Not number acres acres acres acres acres or nore acres 2 3 4 or more reported 1 2 3 4 or more reported 4,i76 170 19 24 62 40 18 7 35 60 44 29 45 12 36 50 32 11 27 14 1 462 9 2 1 4 2 6 7 1 1 1 4 4 1 2 394 13 4 4 1 2 1 6 6 4 3 1 4 4 1 2 3 1,070 339 277 42 17 3 131 124 100 44 22 26 87 103 70 44 '14 21 4 80 7 3 2 1 1 2 3 1 4 2 1 5 76 12 7 2 2 1 7 2 7 1 1 4 3 3 2 6 98 10 3 4 2 1 3 1 1 6 3 1 7 344 6 2 2 2 1 4 3 1 3 1 1 8 808 38 17 3 J 3 3 4 13 '16 7 5 3 13 10 7 4 9 176 3 1 1 1 3 3 10 327 18 6 "4 3 3 1 3 2 6 1 2 "5 "3 "3 "3 1 11 168 9 5 2 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 12 60 2 1 1 1 1 1 13 99 5 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 4 14 20 I T ... 4 1 1 15 194 8 "3 2 1 1 6 "i "2 4 "i 1 10 71 22 IS "2 2 1 10 4 "4 7 4 6 5 "3 2 17 1,152 28 10 1 7 5 "3 1 6 1» 1 3 5 6 7 2 5 18 534 136 109 13 11 2 5 30 37 24 28 9 13 30 38 29 21 19 359 36 17 6 8 5 5 6 4 5 8 3 7 13 5 6 2 20 150 1 "1 1 2 1 21 29 3 "i 2 "i "2 1 1 "2 22 229 22 12 6 2 1 1 6 1 10 3 1 3 1 12 5 23 14 6 5 1 1 3 1 5 1 24 12,598 517 174 72 119 64 60 28 60 85 89 60 150 114 81 90 100 47 112 87 25 1,665 47 2 8 16 12 3 6 14 22 15 6 4 13 18 9 12 2 5 26 324 6 2 1 1 2 4 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 27 155 2 2 2 1 2 28 1,218 29 4 4 7 4 7 3 6 9 9 6 5 3 8 6 5 2 29 62 1 1 1 2 1 1 30 3,227 77 7 4 18 23 19 6 7 16 18 18 25 26 12 17 12 14 17 31 54 4 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 32 1,505 37 "i 9 12 "3 "'s "4 7 4 "a 1 "5 7 12 '16 1 4 33 579 14 2 4 2 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 5 3 1 5 34 136 17 13 3 1 1 4 2 9 2 4 5 35 110 2 2 1 1 1 36 86 7 "3 "i "i "2 "2 "2 1 "2 "2 1 2 37 102 16 9 3 3 1 1 2 10 3 1 2 "7 2 38 U2 5 3 1 "1 1 2 "4 i 1 1 1 39 139 18 7 6 4 1 2 1 2 6 3 6 3 3 40 106 10 5 3 1 "i 1 1 1 2 3 3 41 47 15 14 "i 1 1 i 5 5 "3 6 3 "i 42 167 33 25 2 5 1 5 4 4 "4 13 2 1 9 13 3 43 807 87 52 15 14 5 1 9 13 9 31 21 4 16 13 23 24 44 135 3 1 2 2 45 1,307 56 18 5 17 6 8 2 1 2 4 2 26 18 1 7 29 15 46 535 31 9 7 9 3 3 6 1 2 2 3 5 11 9 2 2 4 47 101,205 1,151 223 119 191 132 120 366 258 382 232 121 167 343 366 278 133 56 120 198 48 6,460 158 19 29 46 26 15 23 43 83 46 18 15 36 73 39 22 7 6 11 49 172 8 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 5 1 2 50 43, 517 186 7 6 15 158 5 10 6 3 '49 137 6 10 5 2 '45 iis 51 334 15 2 3 6 2 2 5 4 1 2 2 3 9 3 1 2 52 53 5,492 103 12 10 24 20 15 22 34 47 21 12 24 28 40 20 11 5 13 14 54 10,306 111 3 2 25 23 21 37 44 38 12 1 1 12 60 39 5 1 6 55 32,853 290 8 19 50 43 47 123 94 138 93 30 27 70 128 82 45 10 6 19 56 66 14 9 3 2 3 3 3 1 4 3 7 2 2 57 250 4 1 1 "2 "4 9 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 58 277 33 16 9 6 1 4 6 10 12 4 4 2 17 5 6 1 2 59 369 35 10 13 8 1 3 9 7 3 4 17 8 1 4 1 60 159 31 23 4 3 1 2 6 ' 6 3 3 6 6 5 7 5 2 61 35 1 1 1 62 83 16 'i2 2 2 '5 4 "i 6 4 5 4 5 "i 6 63 379 109 61 17 "9 2 e 19 20 24 20 2B 16 24 17 ii 19 "17 64 240 I 1 1 1 65 180 24 17 3 2 1 1 1 4 1 2 11 6 3 4 1 10 6 66 33 12 9 3 5 2 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 2 67 U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1957 O -412488 '* r T "