tJr%u#»a»ld»M1l^*'**M«^*''»< ^;i|i0:E|lM^ SERIES OF MONOGRAPHS ON U:..;§:pfe^^^^^^^ .^^IfLIED BIOLOGY .;:f "" ; MOB]ErM^TEEN0S IN FHYSIOLO'GICAL SCIENCES !7^?<^^^^T^?j}?^^?'^^^1^T57i^n}?^M7?M^^^^ INTERNATIONAL SERIES OF MONOGRAPHS ON PURE AND APPLIED BIOLOGY Division: MODERN TRENDS IN PHYSIOLOGICAL SCIENCES General Editors : P. Alexander and Z. M, Bacq Volume 1 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY OTHER TITLES IN THE SERIES ON PURE AND APPLIED BIOLOGY Modern Trends in Physiological Sciences Division Vol. 2. BRACKET — The Biochemistry of Development Vol. 3. GEREBTZOFF—Cholinesterases Vol. 4. BROVHA— Physiology in Industry Biochemistry Division Vol. 1. PITT-RIVERS and TATA— The Thyroid Hormones Botany Division Vol. 1. BOR — Grasses of Burma, Ceylon, India and Pakistan Vol. 2. TURRILL (Ed.)— Vistas in Botany Vol. 3. SHULTES— Orchids of Trinidad and Tobago Zoology Division Vol. 1 . RAVEN — An Outline of Developmental Physiology Vol. 2. RAVEN — Morphogenesis: The Analysis of Molluscan Development Vol. 3. SAVORY — Instinctive Living Vol. 4. KERKUT— Implications of Evolution Vol. 5. JENKIN— .<4mma/ Hormones UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY An Introduction to Chemical Biology hy MARCEL FLORKIN University of Liege Translated from the French by T.WOOD University of Sydney PERGAMON PRESS NEW YORK • OXFORD • LONDON • PARIS 1960 PERGAMON PRESS INC. 122 East 55th Street, New York 22, N. Y. P.O. Box 47715, Los Angeles, California PERGAMON PRESS LTD. Headington Hill Hall, Oxford 4 & 5 Fitzroy Square, London W.l. PERGAMON PRESS S.A.R.L. 24 Rue des Ecoles, Paris F« PERGAMON PRESS G.m.b.H. Kaiserstrasse 75, Frankfurt am Main Copyright ® 1960 Marcel Florkin First Published in English 1960 Library of Congress Card Number 58-12669 PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN BY THE BAY TREE PRESS, HERTS. •SS5 Contents PAGE Translator's Preface ix Introduction xi PART ONE Chapter I: The Biosphere 1 Chapter II: Constituents of the Biosphere 7 I. The three principal biochemical structures 8 II. Other chemical structures of general interest 30 Chapter III: Modes of Linkage by Covalent Bonds 57 I. "Oside" Linkage . 57 II. Ester linkage (and anhydride linkage) 61 III. Peptide bond 77 Chapter IV: Macromolecules 83 I. Polysaccharides 85 II. Proteins 93 III. Nucleoproteins 107 IV. Metalloproteins 111 V. Lipoproteins 127 PART TWO— ENZYMES AND BIOCHEMICAL ENERGETICS Chapter I: General Principles of Biochemistry 131 I. Free energy 131 II. Energy coupling 136 III. Energy rich bonds 137 IV. The phosphate cycle 138 V. Biological oxido-reductions and the generation of energ>'-rich bonds 138 VI. The cellular dynamo 145 VII. The pyrophosphate bond and cellular work 146 VIII. Chemical equilibrium and the stationary state 147 Chapter II: Enzymes 151 I. Definition 151 II. Enzymes and activators 152 III. Classification of enzymes 152 IV. Kinetics 166 V. The mechanism of action of enzymes and coenzymes 171 PART THREE— CHEMICAL REACTIONS IN THE BIOSPHERE Introduction 179 Chapter I: Destructive and Non-destructive Methods in Modern Biochemistry 181 I. From the whole organism to the pure enzyme 181 II. Biochemical investigation and the use of isotopes 182 III. The use of mutant strains of micro-organisms 184 vi CONTENTS Chapter II: Priming Reactions 186 I. Glycolysis and the hexosemonophosphate shunt 186 II. Another pathway for the production of acetyl-CoA: the fatty acid cycle 196 III. The tricarboxylic acid cycle 199 IV. Respiratory chains 207 V. Mechanisms for the breakdown of amino acids 209 VI. Interrelations between priming reactions 223 VII. Energetics of the priming reactions 223 Chapter III: Biosyntheses 229 I. The materials for biosyntheses 229 II. Biosynthesis 230 PART FOUR— TOPOBIOCHEMISTRY AND CELLULAR REGULATION Chapter I: Cellular Topochemistry 273 Chapter II: Cellular Regulation 283 I. Factors which determine the velocity and the path of enzymatic reaction chains 283 II. The Pasteur effect 285 III. The genetic control of the relative rates of enzymatic reactions 286 PART FIVE— BIOCHEMICAL DIVERSITY Chapter I: Some Aspects of Biochemical Diversity 289 I. Terpenes 289 II. Porphyrins 291 III. Protein macromolecules 301 Chapter II: The Inheritance of Biochemical Characteristics 304 I. Control of biochemical characteristics by genes 304 II. Biochemical differentiation of cells in a single organism 305 III. Phenotype and "milieu" 315 Chapter III: Biochemisty and Taxonomy 317 I. Biochemical diversity 317 II. Diversity within species 323 III. Diversity between species 323 Chapter IV: Biochemical Evolution 333 I. Definition 333 II. Evolution of biochemical constituents 333 III. Evolution of biochemical systems 333 PART SIX— THE METABOLISM OF THE BIOSPHERE 339 Introduction 349 Chapter I: Entry into the Biosphere 351 I. Carbon and energy 351 II. Phosphorus 361 III. Nitrogen 362 IV. Sulphur 364 Chapter II: Departure from the Biosphere 366 I. Ammonification in the soil 366 II. The exit of carbon from the biosphere 368 Chapter III: The Cycles 371 I. The carbon cycle 371 II. The nitrogen cycle 371 III. The sulphur cycle 376 IV. The circulation of phosphorus 377 V. The metabolism of the biosphere 377 Index 381 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ADP AMP ATP DNA DPN, DPNH DPT FAD FMN FP F-6-P F-i,6-PP Gal-i-P G-i-P G-i,6-PP G-6-P HDP HMP LTPP PGA PGAD PRPP Ru-P Ru-PP TPN, TPNH UDP UDPG UMP UTP Adenosine diphosphate Adenosine monophosphate Adenosine triphosphate Deoxyribonucleic acid Diphosphopyridine nucleotide Diphosphothiamine Flavin adenine dinucleotide Flavin mononucleotide Flavin phosphate Fructose-6-phosphate Fructose- 1, 6-diphosphate Galactose- 1 -phosphate Glucose- 1 -phosphate Glucose- 1, 6-diphosphate Glucose-6-phosphate Heptulose diphosphate Heptulose monophosphate Lipothiamide-pyrophosphate 3-Phosphoglyceric acid Phosphoglyceraldehyde dehydrogenase Phosphoribosylpyrophosphate Ribulose-5-phosphate Ribulose diphosphate Triphosphopyridine nucleotide Uridine diphosphate Uridine diphosphate glucose Uridine monophosphate Uridine triphosphate TR.\NSLATOR'S PREFACE The translation of Professor Florkin's book has been complicated by the rapid progress of biochemistry in the last few years, necessitating many alterations and additions to the original text, to keep it up to date and to include new material. The subject-matter dealt with in these pages covers a very wide field, and I would crave the indulgence of the reader for any errors due to lack of familiarity with some of the topics discussed. Part of this discussion is at a philosophical level and, although not having had the pleasure of meeting Professor Florkin personally, I have tried to convey as faithfully as possible the ideas and concepts set out in the original text. When in doubt, I have stayed as closely as possible to the phrase- ology of the original. I have retained the term "biosphere", for example, to describe the total collection of living organisms. Enzyme nomenclature, too, has been a problem, but when in doubt I have used the terms given in Baldwin's Dynamic Aspects of Biochemistry , or alternatively, the simplest and most descriptive name for the enzyme. I have endeavoured to write in good concise English and I trust that the result is clear and readable. Terry Wood IX INTRODUCTION In these pages, the reader will find neither a treatise nor a textbook on biochemistry, but a number of essays grouped around ideas of the unity and diversity of organisms in the biochemical sphere, "The manifold and the one" are eternal preoccupations of the human intellect, and we must not be surprised that, from the time biochemistry has been able to gather together a sufficient number of facts, the search for the lowest common denominator of all organisms or a "unity of biochemical plan" has been confused in many minds with the idea of a comparative biochemistry. The latter is a problem which is perhaps more relevant to natural philosphy than to scientific investigation, for we are becoming more and more aware of the extreme diversity of biochemical function arising during cellular differentia- tion in a single organism, as well as in the multiplicity of species and even of individuals. The biosphere, by which we understand the total amount of living matter, behaves like a chemist of a very special type. All the organic compounds present in the many regions of the biosphere and re- sulting from its biosynthetic activities have structures lying within certain definite limits. The first part of this book provides a concise catalogue of these structures but is not coincident with the contents of a textbook of organic chemistry provided that the latter is not defined as it was by Berzelius at the beginning of the 19th century, when he wrote that organic chemistry is that section of physiology describing the composition of living things and the chemical reactions going on therein. This defini- tion of organic chemistry is no longer valid today; beginning with the synthesis of a naturally occurring substance, urea, organic chemistry has extended its domain to the synthesis of a tremendous number of non- natural substances. One of the objectives of biochemistry is to define and understand the nature of the collection of compounds composing living matter and to distinguish them from those originating from non- living sources and human inventiveness, all of which are described by the broad generalizations of chemistry. The biosphere is not only a chemist of a special type, but also one of great antiquity whose methods have been developed over a long period of time since long before there were laboratories of organic chemistry, and are of an efficiency far from being paralleled in these laboratories. This point is developed further in the two essays which make up Parts 2 and 3 of this book with the intention of demonstrating the originality of this organic chemist who has laboured since the dawn of time and comparing his methods with those of the laboratory chemist. The essays making up XU UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY Parts 1, 2 and 3 are devoted to general aspects of the biosphere, i.e. to the biochemical facts common to living beings and which constitute their lowest common denominator, or, their "unity of biochemical plan". The cellular theory, as proposed by Theodor Schwann in 1836, taught that organisms are formed not only of cells, of modified cells and cellular products, but that a multicellular organism has two levels of individuality, one on the cellular level and one at the level of the whole organism. In its final perfected form, the cellular theory recognizes that each cell is derived from a pre-exisiting cell. The results of biochemical research have taught us that the manifestations of an underlying biochemical unity are present in each cell, according to a topochemistry briefly described in Part 4. In this context, the "unity of plan" is simply the cellular theory from a biochemical point of view; in the same way as they are units of structure, cells are units of metabolism. The unity of a structure and cellular metabolism is only another expression of cellular continuity and the persistence in this continuity of a definite collection of genes controlling the synthesis of the collection of enzymes present in each cell. However, no cell is limited by the underlying biochemical unity, for this is only the canvas on to which the cell can embroider the numerous variations constituting its own biological nature, the "unity of plan" remaining an abstraction. In Part 5 it is only possible to provide a few very brief examples of bio- chemical variation and biochemical evolution. The few cases quoted will enable the reader to locate some aspects of biochemical variation at the level of cellular diflferentiation and at the taxonomic level in the same organism. These examples show that the biochemical manifestations of variation are founded on the extension of the general processes of cellular biochemistry and constitute atypical expressions of general metabolic systems, variations on each theme being more or less pronounced but fitting in with general ideas of variation of genotype and biochemical adaptation of the organism to its surroundings. Part 6 presents the idea of the metabolism of the biosphere as a whole and illustrates how this metabolism, like that of each organism, consists of an entry and an exit of energy and material, but now situated at the frontier between the biosphere and the inorganic world. The metabolism of the biosphere is conditioned by manifestations of biochemical variation, without which life would disappear. In fact, the unity of the biochemical plan of organisms comes down finally to a continuity of the biosphere in time and space and the accompanying biochemical diversity which has appeared as biochemical evolution has progressed with the extension of the biosphere. This extension has only been possible when, by means of new ecosystems, the exchanges between the inorganic surroundings and the biosphere, which are a condition for the survival of the latter, have been maintained. INTRODUCTION Xlll Biochemistry has provided explanations in many fields of physiology and we can now perceive the preliminary signs of similar progress in a field that up to now has been outside the scope of biochemical explanation — that of electrophysiology. The demystification of biology will be a long and arduous task which is only just beginning. Much work remains to be done before the natural order, natural selection, adaptation, evolutionary tendencies, orthogenesis, morphogenesis, etc., are replaced by a know- ledge of the reality underlying these somewhat poetic terms. The author is conscious of the imperfections of his book and criticisms which could be levelled at it. Nevertheless, perhaps biochemists will find therein reasons for interesting themselves to advantage in biochemical variation and not solely in the unitarian aspects of biochemistry. Perhaps chemists will find reasons for recognizing that although it is true that chemistry' is one, and everywhere obeys the same laws, yet the chemist within the living cell has his own special methods which can only be unravelled by means of the experimental study of living material. Perhaps, also, the essays that follow will assist in convincing certain biologists that they are wrong when they assert that the natural realities which we des- cribe by the concepts of species and taxonomic classes no longer exist at the level of the molecular phenomena which is the study of biochemistry. In addition, perhaps, they will also become convinced that the field of the metaboHsm, of cells, of organisms, and of the biosphere itself, offers a fruitful region for the study of some of the most fundamental problems of biology. Although unable to flatter himself with unqualified success in an under- taking as difficult as this, the author feels confident of the indulgence of the reader for any omissions or errors he may have committed. Marcel Florkin PART ONE CHAPTER I THE BIOSPHERE The terrestrial globe is surrounded by an atmosphere consisting chiefly of nitrogen, oxygen and argon, but containing other elements and such com- pounds as carbon dioxide. The distribution of molecules in the atmosphere is of considerable bio- chemical interest. At altitudes below 20,000 m the average composition shown in Table I is maintained constant by convection currents, but at higher altitudes, due to the difi^erent molecular weights of the gases compos- ing the atmosphere, a separation by sedimentation becomes apparent. Beyond 150,000 m, this separation becomes very marked and progres- sively the atmosphere becomes less dense until finally it fades into the emptiness of interplanetary space. Nearest to the earth is the troposphere, its composition being kept more or less constant at the values shown in Table I, by convection currents. Its thickness varies from 10 to 15,000 m according to the season and the latitude. Above it is the stratosphere, so- called because of the stratification of different gases in order of their molecular weights. The layers of gas are not disturbed by convection currents and there is no appreciable circulation of molecules in a vertical direction. Whilst in the troposphere the temperature decreases with alti- tude, in the stratosphere it is independent of the latter. At around 80,000 m is the start of the ionosphere which takes its name from the fact that it is rendered conducting by the ionization phenomena produced by the sun's ultra-violet radiation. The presence of carbon di- oxide in the troposphere, as we shall see, is very important despite its low concentration. The presence in the stratosphere of a diffuse layer of ozone, the ozonosphere, is not less important for it prevents the greater part of the sun's ultra-violet radiation from reaching the surface of the earth where it would otherwise soon put an end to all life. The earth is also surrounded by a hydrosphere, a discontinuous layer of water in different physical states which separates the lithosphere from the atmosphere and extends into the latter in the form of water vapour. The hydrosphere is made up of oceans, lakes, rivers, streams, water absorbed by the rocks and by snow and ice. Oceans cover 70% of the earth's surface and their average depth is 3,800 m, and sea water represents approximately 98% of the hydrosphere. The composition of the sea water and its dissolved gases is given in Table II. 1 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY Table I Average composition of the troposphere (from Paneth, completed by Mason, 1952) Composition Composition Total mass Partial by volume by weight in geograms pressure (p.p.m.) (p.p.m.) (lO^'Og) (mmHg) N, 780,900 755,100 38-648 593-02 o. 209,500 231,500 11-841 159-52 A 9,300 12,800 0-655 7-144 CO2 300 460 0-0233 0-228 Ne 18 12-5 0-000636 He 5-2 0-72 0-000037 CH4 2-2 1-2 0-000062 Kr 1-0 2-9 0-000146 NaO 1-0 1-5 0-000077 H3 0-5 0-03 0-000002 Xe 0-08 0-36 0-000018 Os(^) 0-01 0-36 0-000031 760-00 (1) Variable, increasing with altitude. Table II Composition of sea water (mM per litre) (after Conway, 1943) Na 478 K 10 Ca 11 Mg 55 CI 559 SO 4 29 HCO3 2 PO4 traces Gas dissolved in sea water (ml/l) (after Mason, 1952) Oxygen 0-9 Nitrogen 8-4-14-5 Total CO J 34-56 Argon 0-2-0-4 THE BIOSPHERE 3 The total of those parts of the lithosphere, the hydrosphere and the atmosphere, in which hfe is present, is called the biosphere. What are its limits ? In the direction of interstellar space it is bounded by the ozono- sphere, at about 20 km from the ground. Towards the earth's core the boundar}' is reached \Q.vy soon at the surface of the continents and is not generally deeper than this by more than 10 m. On the other hand, in the ocean life can be found at depths down to 10,000 m. No matter to which theory of the earth's origin one subscribes, it seems probable that there was a time when the terrestrial atmosphere consisted almost entirely of nitrogen and carbon dioxide. It is probable that at the beginning of the earth's history the atmosphere just described had been rapidly transformed into a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen, for the study of the rocks does not show the existence of any marked variations, which shows that the composition of the atmosphere has been much as it is now throughout a great part of geological time. For instance, the state of oxi- dation of pre-Cambrian rocks is not significantly different from that of more recent rocks. The change from an atmosphere of carbon dioxide and nitrogen to one of oxygen and nitrogen is generally considered to be a result of the process of photosynthesis. In the course of time, considered on a geological timescale, the atmos- phere has had various chemical substances added to it: volcanic gases (chiefly CO2), oxygen resulting from photosynthesis, COo as a result of metabolism and the decay of organic material, helium-4 produced by the radioactivity of uranium and thorium, argon-40 from the decay of potassium- 40. (Natural argon contains the isotopes of mass 36, 38 and 40. Only argon-40 is derived from potassium-40. Argon-40 constitutes 99-63% of natural argon. Similarly for helium : only helium-4 is derived from the a rays emitted by several natural isotopes.) On the other hand, subtraction of certain chemical substances has taken place : loss of oxygen by oxidation of iron, sulphur, manganese, etc., loss of COo through formation of carbon, petroleum and dead organisms, loss of CO2 in the formation of carbonates, loss of nitrogen by fixation, loss of nitrogen by formation of oxides by electrical or photochemical action, loss of hvdrogen and helium due to the weakness of the earth's gravitational field, etc. The equilibrium between losses and gains which has been obtained is witnessed by the constancy of composition of the atmosphere over extended periods of geological time. In the special case of carbon dioxide the regulatory role of the hydrosphere also plays a part. Certain geochemists consider that the hydrosphere remained shallow up to the end of the Paleozoic period, so that the oceans as we know them today have a relatively short histor\\ Others say that the volume of the oceans has not changed much since the pre-Cambrian period. Whichever 4 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY is the case it is generally agreed today that the oceans have not changed appreciably in composition since the Archaean period. Together with Conway (1943) we may advance four hypotheses to account for the chemical evolution of the oceans. 1. The water results from the condensation of water vapour from the primitive atmosphere whilst the chlorides have been added gradually over the ages (constant volume, volcanic chlorides). 2. Both water and chlorides are the result of an initial condensation (constant volume, constant chloride). 3. The water and the chlorides have been progressively accumulated (both oceans and chlorides of volcanic origin). 4. The chlorides were initially present (metallic chlorides in the surface of the earth), the water being gradually added as a result of volcanic action (volcanic oceans, constant chloride). At the present time the third hypothesis is the one favoured by geo- chemists. According to this view the mass of substances dissolved in the sea arises from erosion of the terrestrial crust. The total of these substances is enormous. If all the sea water were evaporated, it would form a layer of salt 153 m thick covering the surface of the continents. Goldschmidt calculates that for each litre of sea water 600 g of igneous rock have been dissolved. In other words, for each square centimetre of the earth's crust, during the formation of the oceans, erosion has removed 160 kg of igneous rock. The greater part of this has gone to form the sedimentary rocks. The biosphere is chronologically after the lithosphere, the hydrosphere and the atmosphere. Although occupying a portion of all three regions, it is discontinuous and comprises the total mass of organisms. This definition is additional to what has already been said about the vital nature of the bio- sphere, its location and its discontinuous character. The mass of the biosphere is much less than that of the hydrosphere or the atmosphere. According to Rankama and Sahama (1950), the relative weights are as follows : Hydrosphere 69,100 Atmosphere 300 Biosphere 1 But if the biosphere is quantitatively insignificant, nevertheless it is the centre of considerable chemical activity and it can be calculated that in the course of the last 500 million years, that is since the appearance of the Trilobites, it has "metabolized" a mass of material equal to the total weight of the globe. One can obtain an idea of the size of the biosphere by calculating the annual production of organically bound carbon per square kilometre of the earth's surface. Riley obtains a figure of 160 metric tons on land and 340 THE BIOSPHERE 5 metric tons in the sea. The total annual production of the continents is 20 ± 5 X W metric tons and that of the sea is 126 ± 82 X 10^ metric tons, a total of 146 i 83 X 10^ metric tons. The predominant chemical elements in the biosphere are hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and phosphorous. Sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium, chlorine, sulphur and iron, in addition, are always present in concentrations ranging from 0-05% to 1%. Further elements, although in smaller quantity, are always found in measurable amounts : boron, alumin- ium, copper, zinc, silicon, gallium, molybdenum, manganese, cobalt and iodine. On occasion other elements may be found in living organisms. The normal constituents of the biosphere are, with the exception of iodine, members of the first four periods of the periodic table. These are the lighter elements. Now, water makes up a large proportion of the biosphere and it is natural that the elements present in living organisms are those most widely distributed in the earth's crust and whose derivatives are most soluble. The electronegativity of the elements also plays an important part. In a biosphere of a predominantly aqueous nature it is natural that elements of weak electronegativity forming soluble cations are easily absorbed and assimilated. The same applies to elements of very strong electronegativity which give readily soluble anions. To characterize the quantitative relations existing between the various elements entering into the composition of living things, one can say that if one adds up the amounts present of the following eleven metals and metalloids : Carbon Sulphur Calcium Hydrogen Phosphorous Magnesium Oxygen Chlorine Potassium Nitrogen Sodium then one accounts for almost the total weight of the organism— 99-9% in the case of a man. This is one way of saying that the major part of any organism is made up of water, lipids, polysaccharides and proteins, and by chlorides, bicarbonates, phosphates, and sulphates of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. The elements making up these compounds are the lighter elements, and, as already stated, are the most common in the surface of the lithosphere and hydrosphere. They include the elements of very weak and very strong electronegativity. It is not unexpected that they should have an important place in the composition of organisms. As far as the minor elements are concerned we must guard against limit- ing the Hst too closely. Provided that there is at least one atom per cell of a trace element, then a function may be assigned to that element. As the methods of detecting trace elements improve, so does the number of trace elements increase. As our knowledge of biochemistry increases so does the 6 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY number of trace elements having a known function increase proportion- ately. All the more reason, therefore, to treat warily any such idea as that of an element of biochemical importance. The lithosphere, the hydrosphere and the biosphere are made up, qualitatively, of the same elements and only differ in the relative proportions of these elements. REFERENCES Conway, E. J. (1943) The chemical evolution of the ocean. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. (B), 48, 161-212. Leuthardt (1941) MineralstoflFwechsel, Erg. d. Physiol., 44, 588-655. Mason, B. (1952) Principles of Geochemistry, Wiley, New York. CHAPTER II CONSTITUENTS OF THE BIOSPHERE As LONG as chemistry retained its aura of secrecy and magic ; that is, up to the seventeenth century, the study of the chemical compounds making up the biosphere had not even been considered. One may attribute the first step to Van Helmont who, in his work Ortus medicinae, pubhshed in 1652, described carbonic anhydride as being present in intestinal gases, separated an alkaline substance from blood and attempted to resolve human urine into its constituents. It was necessary to await the development and elaboration of the idea of chemical compounds before Scheele, in 1775, succeeded in isolating uric acid from urinary' calculi and PouUetier de la Salle, in 1782, extracted cholesterol from gall-stones with the aid of alcohol. Following this came the most spectacular period of organic chemistry which saw the establishment of the idea of "radicals" (groups of atoms in the molecule which can be considered as remaining intact throughout a series of reactions, and which can be transferred from one molecule to another without undergoing disruption) and the idea of chemical type (that two substances which possess similar chemical properties have a similar arrangement of their constituent atoms in the molecule). The application of methods capable of isolating substances present in living things without any gross chemical changes taking place resulted in the identification of a large number of these constituents and the list of these increases daily. In 1862, Ernest Wagner, professor at Leipzig, in his Manual of General Pathology, stated an important generalization — that, of the material of living substances, apart from water, a large percentage can be divided into three simple organic types which we recognize today as fatty acids, sugars and amino acids. - A mushroom, a spinach leaf, a sea urchin egg, the flesh of an oyster, a silk- worm, contain respectively 91*3, 92'3, 77-3, 88*3, and 78-4% of water. The dry residue is made up of these three principal types of compounds to the extent of 94-2% in the mushroom, 72-6% in the spinach leaf, 93-5% in sea urchin egg, 90-5% in oyster flesh and 83-9% in the silk- worm. The spinach leaf contains a somewhat smaller proportion of these organic constituents than the others due to the larger amounts of inorganic material which amounts to 27-2% of the dry weight. The sea urchin egg, on the other hand, contains only 1*5% of inorganic matter, mainly chlorides, sulphates, phosphates and bicarbonates of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. Nevertheless, as stated above, 8 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY the biosphere contains small amounts of a great number of other elements which are used to good effect. Organic chemistry began by the study of certain natural carbon deriva- tives. In the course of its spectacular development during the nineteenth century, it ceased to be a science of naturally occurring compounds and became a science of imaginary molecules in the sense that a molecule not present in nature but synthesized by an organic chemist is a product of his mind and intellect. Nevertheless, a part of organic chemistry forms a whole segment of the natural science of biochemistry- — this is the organic chemistry of naturally occurring substances, a field which depends upon the technical skill of the organic chemist, but whose frontiers and content primarily interest the biochemist. This chapter is only a brief outline, and is not a catalogue of the chemical structures present in the biosphere. In our present state of knowledge it would certainly be premature to think of establishing such a catalogue. It is only necessary for an organic chemist to examine minutely the constituents of such a narrow portion of the biosphere as, for example, the musk gland of the musk-deer (see E. Lederer; Animal odours and perfumes, Fortschr. Chem. org. Naturstqffe, 1950, 6, 87-153), toad parotid gland (V. Deulofeu; The chemistry of the constituents of toad venoms, Fortschr. Chem. org. Naturstojfe, 1948, 5, 241-266), the cell of a myco- bacterium (J. Asselineau and E. Lederer; Chimie des lipides bacteriens, Fortschr. Chem. org. Naturstqffe, 1953, 10, 170-273), or the wood of various conifers (H. Erdtman; Chemistry of some heartwood constituents of conifers and their physiological and taxonomic significance. Prog, org. Chem., 1952, 1, 22-63), for him to obtain an imposing harvest of new molecules. Many molecules among them are merely variations on a general theme and their interest is greater still from the point of view of comparisons between living organisms. At the present time, without stating categorically that they are present in all organisms, we can make a list of types of organic structure most widely and generally distributed. I. THE THREE PRINCIPAL BIOCHEMICAL STRUCTURES A. Aliphatic Acids Aliphatic organic acids are very widely distributed in living things, particularly in the form of fats, hence the name "fatty acids". The first member of the straight chain saturated series is formic acid O H — C corresponding to methane CH4, and the first member \ OH CONSTITUENTS OF THE BIOSPHERE of the unsaturated series is acrylic acid, corresponding to propylene, allyl alcohol and acraldehyde (acrolein). CH2 II CH I CH2OH Allyl alcohol CH. II CH I // O o \ OH Acrylic acid CH2 II CH \ H Acraldehyde (Acrolein) (a) Saturated Fatty Acids These are all members of a homologous series of general formula RCOOH, where R represents an aliphatic chain of the type CH3(CH2)a; or CnH2n+i. The lower members are volatile liquids. Those with six to nine carbon atoms are oily liquids. Above ten carbon atoms these sub- stances are solid. Table III Natural saturated fatty acids Cn^inOz Systematic name Common name Foiiiiula M.W. «-Methanoic Fonnic HCOOH 46 n-Ethanoic Acetic CH3COOH 60 n-Propanoic Propionic C2H5COOH 74 n-Butanoic Butyric C3H7COOH 88 «-Pentanoic Valeric C4H9COOH 102 «-Hexanoic Caproic C5H11COOH 116 n-Octanoic Caprylic C7H15COOH 144 n-Decanoic Capric C9H19COOH 172 «-Dodecanoic Laurie C11H23COOH 200 n-Tetradecanoic Myristic C13H27COOH 228 «-Hexadecanoic Palmitic C15H31COOH 256 n-Octadecanoic Stearic C17H35COOH 284 M-Eicosanoic Arachidic C19H39COOH 312 n-Docosanoic Behenic C21H43COOH 341 «-Tetracosanoic Lignoceric C23H47COOH 369 n-Hexacosanoic Cerotic C25H51COOH 397 n-Octacosanoic Montanic C27H55COOH 425 n-Triacontanoic Mellissic C29H59COOH 453 «-Dotriacontanoic . . . C31H63COOH 481 n-Tetratriacontanoic . . . C33H67COOH 509 «-Hexatriacontanoic C35H71COOH 537 n-Octatriacontanoic ... C37H75COOH 564 10 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY The lower members are very soluble in water and dissociate weakly ; their solubility decreases as the number of carbon atoms increases. Except for formic acid, propionic acid and valeric acid, the saturated fatty acids generally found in nature are those with an even number of carbon atoms from 2 to 38. Table III shows their scientific and common names, their empirical formulae and molecular weights. {b) Unsaturated Fatty Acids The unbranched saturated fatty acids form a perfect homologous series which is represented in nature by the members having an even number of carbon atoms between 2 and 38 (save for formic, propionic and valeric acids) but this is not the case with the unsaturated acids. These acids are made complex by the presence of one or more double bonds which in turn can undergo several types of reaction such as hydrogenation, halogenation, etc. 1. One Double Botid In the same way as the hydrocarbons these acids are named according to the number of carbon atoms they possess, the carboxyl carbon being numbered 1. The presence of a double bond is indicated by the suffix -en, and its position by a numbered prefix, the two numbers indicating which two carbon atoms are joined by the double bond. Thus the acid C18H34O2, commonly known as oleic acid, bears the scientific designation 9 : 10- octadecenoic acid, sometimes abbreviated to 9, octadecenoic acid. It is the most widely distributed in nature, of the monoethenoic acids, but there are several others, all with an even number of carbon atoms. The presence of the double bond admits the existence of a cis and of a trans form. Since nature only contains the cis forms of the aliphatic acids, in the field of biochemistry we may consider the prefix cis as understood, and therefore omit it. 2. Tzco or More Double Bonds Fatty acids having two, three, four, five or six double bonds are not unusual in nature. Two of these are particularly widely distributed, they are, linoleic acid, CigHgjOa, or 9:10:12:13-octadecadienoic acid, and linolenic acid, CigHgoOg or 9:10:12:13:15:16-octadecatrienoic acid. (c) Branched Chaiji Fatty Acids Certain fatty acids do not have a linear chain, for example, isovaleric acid, 3-methyl-butanoic acid CH3.CH(CH3).CH2COOH. This is the only naturally occurring aliphatic acid (besides formic acid, propionic acid and valeric acid) having an odd number of carbon atoms. Nevertheless, the main chain in it has an even number. In the unsaturated series examples of naturally occurring branched chain acids are more common. CONSTITUENTS OF THE BIOSPHERE 11 (d) Dibasic and Polybasic Acids These play an important part in the chemistry of Hfe. Present in small amounts in animal tissues and bacteria they are present in quantity in vegetable tissues. In both cases they have very important functions. Only one 1:2 diacid is possible, oxalic acid COOH.COOH, an acid which is readily oxidized by permanganate to COo and water. The simplest 1:3 diacid is malonic acid COOH.CHg.COOH, which decomposes at 100°C into acetic acid and COo. The 1:4 diacids are represented by succinic acid COOH.CH2.CH2.COOH. Heat causes their dehydration to form an internal anhydride. CH.— COOH CH,— CO ^ H0O + CH2— COOH Succinic acid \ o / CH2— CO Succinic anhydride Fumaric acid COOH.CH : CH.COOH, heated at 140X in a closed vessel with a little water, is changed into its isomer maleic acid. H— C— COOH H— C— COOH I! I! H— C— COOH COOH— CH Maleic acid Fumaric acid {e) Hydroxy-acids Lactic acid CH3CHOH.COOH is one of the acids most commonly found in nature. When a hydroxy-acid is heated it readily loses water, but the course of the reaction differs according to the relative positions of the carboxyl and hydroxyl groups. If the two groups are in the 1, 2 position, as in lactic acid, thev will from a laciide R I CH I COO OH H OOC R 2H2O + CH— O CO H HO HC R CO — O — CH R If the carboxyl and hydroxyl groups are in the 1, 3 position then heating will produce an unsaturated acid : CH2OH— CH2— COOH CHo=CH— COOH+HoO 12 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY If the two functional groups are 1 , 4 or 1 , 5 to each other they will form an internal ester or a lactone. CH,— CH2— CH2— CHa CH,— CH,— CHo— CHo OH COOH O CO 1 . Monohydroxy-monoacids These substances frequently appear during the process of the breaking down of cellular nutrients. The simplest is glycoUic acid CH,OH.COOH. Lactic acid exists as two position isomers, primary or ^-lactic acid CH.OH.CHo.COOH, and secondary or a-lactic acid CH3.CHOH.COOH. This last form possesses an asymmetric carbon atom and therefore exists as a laevo- and a dextro- rotator}' form. Nature does not contain hydroxy derivatives of butyric acid other than j8-hydroxybutyric acid CH3.CHOH.CH2.COOH. Another interesting monohydroxy-monoacid is hydroxylignoceric acid C22H4;.CHOH.COOH, an acid found combined in certain cerebrosides. 2. Polyhydroxy-monoacids The simplest is glyceric acid CH.,OH.CHOH.COOH. IVIany others may be readily prepared by oxidation of sugars, particularly the aldoses, whose aldehyde group is more readily oxidizable than the keto group of the ketoses (see p. 24). 3. Monohydroxy-polyacids The simplest is tartronic acid COOH. CHOH. COOH, which is a product of the oxidation of glycerol CHoOH.CHOH.CHoOH, of malonic acid COOH.CHo.COOH and of tartaric acid. Two other representatives of this group play an important role in the biosphere. They are, malic acid COOH. CHOH. CHo.COOH which yields malonic acid on oxidation and when water is removed is transformed into maleic and fumaric acids, and citric acid COOH. CH2C(0H). (COOH). CH2COOH, which is a monohydrox\'-tribasic acid. Citric acid is trans- formed bv dehvdration at 175° into aconitic acid COOH.CH : C(COOH). CHo.COOH. 4. Polyhydroxy-polyacids A series of these compounds is present in the biosphere ; they are derived from the sugars by oxidation (see p. 24). CONSTITUENTS OF THE BIOSPHERE (/) Acid Aldehydes 13 The simplest is glyoxylic acid COOH.CHO, prepared by reduction of oxalic acid COOH.COOH or oxidation of glycol CHaOH.CHgOH. Uronic acids are derived from the aldoses by oxidation of the primary alcohol group to a carboxyl group. Glucuronic acid is widely distributed in nature, it is the uronic acid derived from glucose. H c=o HCOH HOCH HCOH I HCOH I COOH D-glucuronic acid (g) Keto-acids The monoketo acids are differentiated by the symbols a, /3, y, S, etc., according to the position of the ketone group relative to the carboxyl group. They can be prepared by oxidizing the corresponding keto-acids or by hydration of a keto-nitrile. For example, pyruvic acid CH3.CO.COOH is prepared by hydrating CH3.CO.CN. The most important keto-acids in the cell are pyruvic, oxalacetic, a-ketoglutaric and oxalosuccinic, and their decarboxylation is the major source of respiratory carbon dioxide. O O 0 0 C COOH C COOH C-COOH C— COOH CHo CH, HC COOH CH3 COOH CH2 CH, COOH COOH pyruvic acid oxalacetic acid a-ketoglutaric acid oxalo-succinic acid 14 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY The simplest of the jS-keto-acids is acetoacetic acid. O // CH3— C— CH2— c II \ O OH There are ^-keto-acids corresponding to the different fatty acids as shown below : R— CHo— CH2— COOH -* R— C— CH2— COOH II O The keto-acids can exist in a ketonic or in an enolic form : R— C— CH2— COOH R— C=CH— COOH II I O OH ketonic form enolic form B, The Sugars or "Oses" These are characterized by the presence of the "ose" grouping : O c CHOH I The simplest are those with two carbon atoms, the bioses. For example, glycollic aldehyde, the lowest member of the alcohol-aldehyde series which is obtained by oxidation of glycol : H O \ // CH2OH 9 CH2OH H-C-H OH Glycol Glycollic aldehyde REFERENCES Marklen, K. S. (1947) Fatty Acids. Their Chemistry and Physical Properties. Interscience, New York. Ralston, A. W. (1948) Fatty Acids and their Derivatives. Wiley, New York. CONSTITUENTS OF THE BIOSPHERE 15 (a) Aldoses and Ketoses Sugars are of two types — aldoses, and ketoses. Amongst the C3 sugars, for example, there is one ketose, dihydroxyacetone, and one aldose, gly- ceraldehyde. The latter has an asymmetric carbon atom and exists in two optically active forms. CH.OH CHO (11 CHO c— 0 H C OH (3) HO C H CH2OH CH2OH CH2OH Dihydroxyacetone d( + )-Glyceraldehyde l( — )-GIyceraIdehyde The two forms are designated D and l and the sign inside the parentheses indicates the direction of rotation of the plane of polarized light. By using the procedure of Kiliani (HCN reacts with sugars to form a nitrile-alcohol which on hydrolysis yields an acid having one carbon atom more than the starting material. By reduction of this acid a sugar is obtained having one carbon atom more than the original sugar) one can prepare aldoses higher up the series by inserting between (C-1) and (C-2), either a group of configuration j-j Q OH or of configuration HO — C — H. I I In this way one obtains four tetroses, or C4 sugars : CHO CHO CHO CHO HO-C-H H— C-OH HO— C— H H— C— OH 1 1 I I H— C— OH H— C-OH HO— C— H HO— C— H CH2OH CHoOH CHoOH CH.OH D-Threose D-Erythrose L-Erythrose L-Threose The letter d or l preceding the name of the sugar indicates its relation- ship to one of the parent glyceraldehydes. This is a general rule in sugar terminology. R R I I H— C— OH HO— C— H CH.OH CH2OH n— L— 16 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY 0 X I X I 1 o o o o I X I .. CO ■^ l-H ^ 1-1 W S^ < a H a K 1-i CO CO V 'u u CO I 1-1 O O I X X o o u-u-o ■ X .. X 0 I I I 1 o o o ■ u-u-u— u- X X ~ O XXI X X o o o u-u-u- u-u-u O I I ^. X I 0 X I I I I 1 O C 0 o o u-u-u-u-u-u I I I I - HSOnV-a O X I X X X I o o o o u-u-u- u-u-u O X X X ^. Hso-anv-n CI XII I O X O O 0 u-u-y-u-u-u X ^ X X ^. 3SODmO-o 0 III 1 I I o o o u-u-u-y-u-u I I "^ ^ I 3SONNVl\-o 0 XI 1 I o o u- u-u-u 0 X - 1 X 0 I II 1 O I O O -u-u-u-u-u I O X -. I I 0 II 1 I I o o U-U-U-U-U-U O O X -, XX I HSOmO-a jsoai-a 3SO±DVlVO-o 3S01VX-a Oil I I O O X o r-u— u— u— u-u X X O r. X X M u O I X I O • u-^-u- X X ex X X O X o -u-u-u— u- X o - X I o I I O I J u-u-y-u-u-u O X o -. X XI ^ I 1_ 5 t u-u- I o I X X u-u- O o X X GIG u-u-u X O ^. I I I X q I o -u-u-u X O „ X I OX I X O X X O i->u-u-y-u-u X 5 o ~ XXI 0 I 1 I I O .u-^-c^-u- I I X X X I O ■u-u-u O O -, III 3S01V1-T 3S01DV1V0-T 3Soai-T 3Soino-T 3SONNVN-T OX I I I 0 I I 0 u-u-u-u-u-u G X 2 o ^^ 3S03mD-T 2 § X X X § U-u-U-^-^-U X I I X 3SO\inv-i HOD'H HDOH HDOH HDOH HDOH OHD 3Sonv-i CONSTITUENTS OF THE BIOSPHERE 17 Table V Ketoses {natural and synthetic) CHoOH CHoOH 1 CH2OH 1 c=o 1 1 c=o CHoOH 1 1 c=o HO-C-H H-C-OH 1 1 HO-C-H 1 H-C-OH 1 HO-C-H CHoOH CH2OH CHoOH CH2OH Dihydroxy- L-Erythrulose D-Xyloketose L-Xyloketose acetone D-Xylulose L-Xylulose CH2OH CH2OH CH2OH CH2OH c=o c=o c=o c=o HO— C— H H-C-OH H— C-OH HO-C-H H-C— OH HO-C-H H— C— OH HO— C-H H-C-OH HO-C-H CH2OH CHoOH 1 CH2OH CH2OH D-Riboketose L-Riboketose D-Ribulose L-Ribulose D- Fructose L-Fructose CHoOH CHoOH CH2OH CH2OH c=o c=o 1 c=o c=o H-C-OH 1 HO-C-H HO— C-H HO-C-H HO-C-H 1 H-C-OH HO-C-H HO-C— H 1 1 H-C-OH HO— C— H 1 H— C— OH HO-C-H CH2OH 1 CH2OH CH2OH CH2OH D-Sorbose L-Sorbose D-Tagatose L-Psicose 18 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY Table V {continued) CHoOH CH2OH CH2OH CH2OH CH2OH I ' I I I I C=0 C=0 C=:0 c=o c=o I I I I i HO— C— H HO— C— H HO— C— H H— C— OH HO— C— H I I I I I H-C— OH HO— C— H H— C— OH HO— C— H H— C-OH i I I I ! H— C— OH K— C— OH H— C— OH H— C— OH HO— C— H I I I I I H— C— OH H— C— OH HO— C— H H— C— OH HO— C— H I i I I ! CH2OH CH2OH CHoOH CH2OH CHoOH D-Sedoheptose D-Manno- L-Perseulose D-Gluco- L-GIuco- D-Sedoheptulose ketoheptose L-Galaheptulose ketoheptose ketoheptose D-Manno- heptulose The direction of rotation is indicated by (+) or (— ), as in the following examples : d(— ) ribose, d(+) glucose, l(— ) glucose, d(— ) arabinose. From the four tetroses, by further syntheses it is possible to obtain eight pentoses, which will be aldopentoses, and from these, sixteen aldohexoses (Table IV). The configuration of the ketoses can be deduced from that of the aldoses, according to whether they derive from D-glyceraldehyde or from L-glyceraldehyde. Table V shows a series of known ketoses, both natural and synthetic. (b) Cyclic Formulae In the above, the sugars have been considered as straight chain molecules, but it has been established that in the crystals of sugars containing more than 4 carbon atoms, cyclic tautomeric forms are present. In solution these sugars exist almost completely as cyclic molecules in equilibrium with small amounts of the straight chain form. The fact that aldoses having more than 4 carbon atoms do not give certain reactions given by aldehydes is due to their being predominantly in the cyclic form. On the other hand, when a solution of glucose is prepared, the rotatory power of the solution progressively decreases until it reaches a certain value at which it remains constant (mutarotation). This is due to the fact that glucose exists in the form of two cyclic isomers, and that an equilibrium is set up between these two isomers and small amounts of the straight chain form, as shown in the formulae below : THE CONSTITUENTS OF BIOSPHERE 19 HO H \ / C H— C— OH I HO— C— H I H— C— OH H— C O CH.OH j3-D-glucose H— C=0 H— C— OH I HO— C— H H— C— OH H— C— OH I CH.OH D-glucose chain molecules (traces) H OH \ / C H— C— OH HO— C— H H— C— OH H— C O CHoOH a-D-glucose In the above formulae the ring is made up of five carbon atoms and an oxygen atom, but in addition the presence has been demonstrated in solutions of the sugars of molecules in which the ring is made up of four carbon atoms and one oxygen atom, and derivatives of these forms have been prepared. Because these rings correspond to those of furan and pyran, Haworth has proposed a terminolog}^ in which the sugars are considered as derivatives of these structures. O /\ HC CH II II HC CH \/ C Pyran o / \ HC CH \ // c— c H H Furan The pyranose and furanose formulae are drawn in perspective looking down on the ring, each of the corners representing a carbon atom. The atoms whose symbols are written above the ring are situated above the plane of the ring and those whose symbols are written below are situated below the plane of the ring. These formulae contain an asymmetric carbon atom additional to those present in the linear formulae and this is the one which, in D-glucopyranose, for example, is in position 1. 20 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY HO (6) CH.OH HO a form HO D-glucopyranose CH„OH OH j8 form Although they are both dextrorotatory, the specific rotations of the two forms of D-glucopyranose are different. The unstable form of glucose is glucofuranose. This compound also exists in the two forms a and /3. HOH,C — HOHC '(«) (n H ^(«) OH HOHj C — HOHC HO OH HO D-glucofuranose One can prepare crystals of the a form or of the j8 form of D-gluco- pyranose. The first will be obtained by crystallization from aqueous solution, and the second by crystallization from pyridine. The two forms are distinguishable by a number of properties, as, for example, their melting point and their specific rotation in a freshly made solution. In solution, one form changes into the other, so that the rotation changes until an equilibrium is reached (mutarotation equilibrium). In the formulae of Haworth, the keto and aldehyde groupings are not written as in the linear formula, they are replaced by a potential-aldehyde or a potential-ketone group. Ov OH ■Ov H Potential aldehyde group Oy^ CH^jOH "^ OH OH CHoOH Potential ketone group The sugars are in effect reducing agents, the same as the aldehydes and ketones, but they do not restore the colour to fuchsin bleached by SOg. Haworth's formulae are now generally accepted. They give a clearer idea of the relationship of the various groups than the ordinary cyclic formulae or the linear formulae, although any of the three may be met with. CONSTITUENTS OF THE BIOSPHERE 21 Haworth's formulae take into account certain properties not immediately apparent when the other formulae are used. For example, the a form of H OH \ / C H— C— OH HO— C— H H— C— OH H— C O CHoOH a-D-glucopyranose H OH \ / C H— C— OH HO— C— H H— C H— C— OH O CH2OH a-D-glucofuranose D-glucopyranose when heated yields an anhydride, a glucosan formed by elimination of water between the hydroxyl of C-1 and the hydroxyl of C-2: CH.OH O H OH "N... y^ OH H OH ^-D-glucopyranose CH2OH glucosan On the other hand /S-D-glucopyranose, under the same conditions, gives a different anhydride, levoglucosan, resulting from the elimination of water between the hydroxyl of C-1 and that of C-6, which is explicable from the closeness of the two carbons in the formulae of Haworth. CH2OH H OH j8-D-glucopyranose H OH levoglucosan 22 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY (c) Natural Sugars One finds in Nature a selection of sugars, either free or combined. The lower members of this group are a diose, glycollic aldehyde; two trioses, glyceraldehyde and dihydroxy-acetone, and a tetrose, D-erythrose. The pentoses of the biosphere which have been found up to the present are D-xylose, D-ribose, D-ribulose, D-arabinose and L-arabinose. Among the hexoses the commonest is D-glucose. Other aldohexoses in the biosphere are D-mannose, D-galactose and L-galactose. The ketohexose D-fructose is also very common. Two C7 sugars, sedoheptulose and D-mannoheptulose have also been identified. It is clear that the natural sugars are most often members of the D-series. (d) Amino Sugars Amongst the large number of sjmthetic compounds two are also of natural origin H— C==0 H— C=0 H— C— NH, H— C— NH2 HO— C— H HO— C— H i I H— C— OH HO— C— H H— C— OH H— C— OH CH2OH CH2OH Glucosamine Galactosamine (2-desoxy-2-amino-P-D-glucose) (2-desoxy-2-amino-p-D-galactose) These are aldohexoses aminated in position 2. Glucosamine is a constituent of many polysaccharides and mucopoly- saccharides, and of chitin. Galactosamine is a constituent of cartilage. (e) Desoxy-Sugars or "Desoses" These are the result of the removal of an oxygen atom from a hydroxyl group. There are a certain number of natural desoses, the principal ones being L-rhamnose, L-fucose and 2-desoxyribose or ribodesose. The desoses give most of the reactions of sugars. They are unstable. CONSTITUENTS OF THE BIOSPHERE H-C=0 H— C=0 23 HCOH i HCOH HOCH HOCH CH3 L-rhamnose (6-desoxy-L-mannose) HOCH HCOH HCOH HOCH CH3 L-fucose (6-desoxy-L-galactose) H — C=:0 HCH HCOH HCOH CH2OH 2-desoxyribose (/) Polyhydroxy Compounds Related to Sugars The reduction of ketoses and aldoses produces the corresponding alcohols. The reduction of glyceraldehyde gives glycerol, ribitol arises from ribose and sorbitol is formed from glucose. CH.OH CHoOH H— C— OH H C OH HO C H CHoOH H C OH H C OH CHOH H C OH H C OH CH2OH CHoOH CHoOH Glycerol Ribitol D-sorbitol The carbocylic alcohols like inositol are similar types of polyalcohol. OH C H^ HOCH HCOH HOCH HCOH .H, C OH Inositol 24 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY (g) Oxidation Products of Sugars {Monoacidic Polyalcohols, or Polyacids) Under controlled conditions oxidation of aldoses can give rise either to aldonic acids resulting from oxidation of the aldehyde group to a carboxyl group, or to uronic acids in which the aldehyde group is preserved and the primary hydroxyl is oxidized to carboxyl, or finally to dicarboxylic acids having a carboxyl at each end. In the case of glucose the following com- pounds are obtained : CHO ! (CHOH)4 CHoOH Glucose (aldose) COOH (CHOH)4 CHoOH Gluconic acid (hexonic acid) CHO (CHOH)4 COOH Glucuronic acid (uronic acid) COOH (CHOH)4 COOH Saccharic acid (dicarboxylic acid) Numerous hexonic, uronic and dicarboxylic acids derived from the aldoses are present in nature. C. Amino Acids {a) Definition The amino acids are defined as substances having a carboxyl and an amino group together in the same molecule. The number of substances falling into this category which organic chemists can synthesize is very great but only a limited number of these compounds are present in the biosphere. The amino acids usually have the amino group in a position a to the carboxyl group, so that their general formula is : NHa R— CH— COOH REFERENCES HoNEYMAN, J. (1948) An Introduction to the Chemistry of Carbohydrates. Clarendon Press, Oxford. PiGMAN, W. W. & GoEPP, R. M. (1948) Chemistry of the Carbohydrates. Academic Press, New York. CONSTITUENTS OF THE BIOSPHERE 25 (b) Amino Acids Universally Distributed in Organic Materials In all living things which have been studied in this connection, one finds the twenty amino acids listed in Table VI. The natural amino acids can be considered as derivatives of L-serine, related to L-glyceraldehyde. NH2 OH CH2OH— C— COOH CH.OH— C— COH H H L-serine L-glyceraldehyde (c) Amino Acids Occasionally Found Besides the twenty amino acids which are universally distributed in the living organism one finds, here and there, certain special amino acids. Among these are the following : Hydroxylysine, a, e-diamino-S-hydroxycaproic acid NH2 H2N— CH2— CHOH— CH2— CH2— CH— COOH Ornithine, a, S-diamino- valeric acid NH2 H2N— CH2— CHo— CH2— CH— COOH ^-alanine, /3-amino-propionic acid CH2— CH2— COOH NH2 CitruUine, a-amino-carbamidovaleric acid NH2 H2N— C— NH— CH2— CH2— CH2— C— COOH y-amino-butyric acid H2N—CH2—CH,— CHo— COOH and several others : octopine, a-aminobutyric acid, djenkolic acid, ^- thiolvaline, canavanine, etc. 26 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY Table VI NH2 a-amino acids | (R-CH— COOH) (Symbols indicating the nature of the radical R : aliphatic (Al), aromatic (Ar), heterocyclic (He), acidic (A), basic (B), neutral (N), polar (P), feebly polar (FP), non-polar (NP), ionic (I), feebly ionic (FI), non-ionic (NI).) L (+) Alanine (Ala), a-aminopropionic acid NH2 R = methyl (Al, N, NP, NI) CH3-CH-COOH L (+) Arginine (Arg), a-amino-S-guanido-w-valeric acid R = tu-guanido-n-propyl (Al, B, P, I) NHa 5 Y P «l CH2-CH2-CH2-CH-COOH I NH / C=NH \ NH2 L ( — ) Aspartic acid (Asp), a-aminosuccinic acid NH2 R = carboxymethyl (Al, A, P, I) HOOC— CH2— CH— COOH L (— ) Cysteine (CySH), a-amino-/3-thiolpropionic acid NH2 I R = thiomethyl (Al, N, P, FI) HS-CH2— CH-COOH L (— ) Cystine (CyS), j3, jS'-dithio-bis (a-aminopropionic acid) NH2 R = dimethyldisulphide (Al, N, NP, NI) S-CH2-CH-COOH NH2 S— CH2-CH— COOH L (-|-) Glutamic acid (Glu), a-aminoglutaric acid NH2 I R = carboxyethyl (Al, A, P, I) HOOC— CHo—CHo—CH— COOH CONSTITUENTS OF THE BIOSPHERE 27 Table VI {continued) Glycine (Gly), aminoacetic acid R = H - (Al, N, NP, NI) H-CK-CCOH NHq L (— ) Histidine (His), a-amino-jS(5)-imidazolyIpropionic acid I R = imidazolylmethyl (He, B, P, I) N C-CH2— CH— COOH li 11 HC CH \ / N H L ( — ) Hydroxyproline (Hypro), 4-hydroxypyrrolidine-2-carboxylic acid H R = - (He, N, P, NI) HO— C CH; 1 I HX C— COOH \ /H N H L ( + ) Isoleucine, a-amino-j8-methyl-n-vaIeric acid R = a-methyl-«-propyl (Al, N, NP, NI) NH2 CH3— CH2— CH— CH-COOH CH3 L ( — ) Leucine (Leu), a-amino-isocaproic acid R = isobutyKAl, N, NP, NI) CH3 NH2 \ 1 CH—CH2— CH-COOH / CH3 L (+) Lysine (Lys), a-e-diamino-n-caproic acid R ^ co-amino-n-butvl (Al, B, P, I) NH2 e 6 Y |3 aj CH2—CH2—CH2—CH2— CH-COOH I NH2 L (— ) Methionine (Met), a-amino-methylthiol-w-butyric acid NH. I R = methylthioethyl (Al, N, P, NI) CHa-S-CHo-CH.-CH-COOH 28 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY Table VI {continued) L (+) Phenylalanine (Phe), a-amino-jS-phenylpropionic acid R = benzyl (Ar, N, NP, NI) NHa CH,-CH-COOH L (— ) Proline (Pro), pyrrolidine-2-carboxylic acid R = — (He, N, NP, NI) HoC CHj I I H2C C— COOH \ /H N H L (— ) Serine (Ser), a-amino-j3-hydroxypropionic acid NH2 I • R = hydroxymethyl (Al, N, P, NI) HO— CH2— CH— COOH L (— ) Threonine (Thr), a-amino-jS-hydroxybutyric acid NH2 I R = hydroxyethyl (Al. N. P, NI) CH3-CH-CH-COOH OH L (— ) = Tryptophan'(Try), a-amino-j8(3)-indolepropionic acid NH2 I /\ n -CHa-CH-COOH P a R = skatolyl (He, Ar, N, NP, NI) NA. H L (— ) Tyrosine (Tyr), a-amino-^(p-hydroxyphenyl) propionic acid R = /)-hydroxybenzyl (Ar, N, FP, FI) NH2 HO-C >-CH2-CH-COOH L (— ) Valine (Val), a-aminoisovaleric acid CH3 NHo \ I CH— CH-COOH R = isopropyl (Al, N, NP, NI) ^{^ CH3 CONSTITUENTS OF THE BIOSPHERE 29 There are also many iminoacids, such as pipecolic acid, baikiaine, guvacine, etc. C / \ H2C CH:, H C // \ HC CH2 H2C CH— COOH H2C CH— COOH \ / N H Pipecolic acid \ / N H Baikiaine H C / ^ HjC C— COOH HoC CH2 \ / N H Guvacine (d) Stereoisomerism Whilst the natural sugars are for the most part members of the D-series, the natural amino acids, regardless of their optical activity, belong as a rule to the L-series, Natural L-form D-form In addition there are certain amino acids which, in addition to the a carbon atom, contain a second asymmetric carbon (threonine, hydroxy- proline, isoleucine, hydroxy lysine). These amino acids can theoretically exist in four isomeric forms. 30 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY For example in the case of threonine, the four stereoisomers would have the following formulae : COOH COOH COOH COOH ijNCH HCNH2 H.NCH HCNH, HCOH HOCH HOCH HCOH CHa CH, CH3 CHh L-threonine D-threonine L-allothreonine D-allothreonine The designation L- is reserved for the form found present in proteins, its isomer having opposite configurations on carbon atoms a and j8, is distin- guished by the prefix D-. The other isomers, which also form a pair of optical isomers, but which are diastereoisomers, are denoted by the prefix alio, as shown in the diagram for threonine. (In the case of cystine, there are also two asymmetric carbon atoms, but since cystine is formed by the union of two molecules of cysteine, then, as in tartaric acid, there are only three isomers : ll, dd and meso, the meso form being optically inactive.) Although it is true, in general, that the natural amino acids are a-amino acids of the l- series, it sometimes happens that in organisms one encoun- ters stereoisomers of the d- series, for example, D-^S-thiolvaline, D-leucine, D-alanine, etc. II. OTHER CHEMICAL STRUCTURES OF GENERAL INTEREST A. Terpenes The terpenes and their derivatives are a group of natural substances related to isoprene CgHg. CH3 I CH2=C— CH=CH2 Isoprene Isoprene does not exist as such in nature, but it is found in the biosphere in the form of numerous polyisoprenes. These substances may be divided into three groups : the lower terpenes, the carotenoids and the polyterpenes. REFERENCES DESNtTELLE, P. : The general chemistry of amino acids and peptides, in H. Neurath & K. Bailey, The Proteins, Vol. I, part A, 87-180. Dunn, M. S. & Rockland, L. B. (1947) The preparation and criteria of purity of the amino acids. Advanc. Protein Chem. 3, 295-382. CONSTITUENTS OF THE BIOSPHERE 31 (a) Lower Terpenes These result from the condensation of two (monoterpenes), three (sesquiterpenes), four (diterpenes), six (triterpenes), or eight (tetraterpenes) isoprene residues. The lower terpenes are widely distributed in the essen- tial oils of many plants. Phytol, an unsaturated alcohol present in the chlorophyll molecule, is a diterpene derivative. CH3— CH— (CH2) 3— CH— (CH2) 3— CH— (CH., ) 3— C=CH— CH2OH CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 Phytol (6) Carotenoids 1. Definition One of the groups of natural isoprene derivatives is that of the caroten- oids— aliphatic or alicyclic pigments whose colours range from yellow to red. According to Karrer, they are derivatives of several isoprene units (often eight) joined together in a manner such that the two methyl groups at the centre of the molecule are 1 : 6 to each other, whilst the remaining lateral methyl groups are in the 1 : 5 positions. — C=CH-CH=CH-C=CH— CH=CH-CH=C-CH-CH-CH=C- I I CH3 CH3 I I ©-

OCH3 Hesperidin 50 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY Substances of this nature have a function in the transfer of metabolic hydrogen in plants. In the process, hydrogen peroxide formed by the combination of hydrogen and oxygen oxidizes the flavone derivative in the presence of peroxidase, and in turn the oxidized flavone oxidizes a molecule of ascorbic acid. This function is only possessed by derivatives having two hydroxyls in positions 3 and 4 in ring 3, as is the case for quercetin and its glycoside quercitrine, in which the glucose molecule is combined with the hydroxyl group of ring 1. Hesperidin is inactive. However, in the lemon when it is ripe, a demethylation of hesperidin takes place and eriodictyol is formed and it is the glucoside of this latter substance which is chiefly found in the ripe fruit. OH O /V^CH, OH "'^VAo-""^^^" Eriodictyol The anthocyanins, the blue, red or violet pigments found in many flowers, are glucosides in which there is a six-membered oxygen-containing ring. Their aglucones (non-sugar portion) or anthocyanidins are hydroxy- lated derivatives of a benzopyrilium nucleus : H H C C , HC C CH I II I HC C CH % y ^ <^ C 0_j- H in which oxygen is the central atom of a complex monovalent ion whose coordination number is three. Certain anthocyanidins have a structure similar to that of flavone, for example, this is the case with oenin, the anthocyanidin present in the skin of the black grape. H H HO — C. C^ I II I ^^ ^ — O— CH3 HO— C C C C^ ^C — OH % ^ ^ ^ C=C— OH C 0+ ^ '^ UH H CI- Oenin chloride CONSTITUENTS OF THE BIOSPHERE 51 (h) Pyridine Derivatives The simplest six-membered heterocyclic ring containing nitrogen is that of pyridine. It can be prepared by cyclization of ethylallylamine followed by dehydrogenation. Its formula is : H CH,=CH— CH,— NH— CH,— CH3. C \ ethylallylamine HC5 3CH II I HC 6 2 CH \ ^ ^ N pyridine It is present in the distillation product of bones and coal. It behaves similarly to the benzene ring with regard to halogenation, nitration and sulphonation, but the reactions are considerably slower. It is the ring present in an important group of alkaloids. This group includes nicotine, present in tobacco leaf in combination with malic and citric acids, and which on oxidation yields nicotinic acid. H C^ HiC CHo y % II HC C HC CH2 II I \ / HC CH N— CH3 N Nicotine (Methylpyrrolidine-pyridine) H H y\ c HC C — COOH y^(^ C— CONH2 » ' li I HC CH HC CH Nicotinic acid Amide of nicotinic acid (Nicotinamide) ■n''^ ^n^ The amide of nicotinic acid, or nicotinamide, is a substance of very great biological importance, for it is the active grouping in a whole series of important coenzymes. Another important group of pyridine derivatives comprises pyridoxin (also known as vitamin Bg, being a growth factor for 52 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY the rat and for certain bacteria), pyridoxal and pyridoxamine. These substances are very widely distributed in nature. HOH,C CHoOH OH HOH.C \ /^CH3 CHO OH HOHjC Pyridoxin (vitamin Bg) Pyridoxal CHjNHa OH Pyridoxamine {i) Pyrimidine Derivatives In pyrimidine there is a heterocycHc ring containing two nitrogen atoms. It is one of three isomeric diamines : HC N I I! HC CH ^ / C H Pyridazine HC 6 2 CH HC 5 3 N C H Pyrimidine ^ \ HC CH I II HC CH "^ / N Pyrazine To the organic chemist, pyrimidine derivatives are products of the condensation of urea with certain acids. Barbituric acid or cyclomalonyl- urea is a member of this group. It is prepared by reacting malonic acid with urea in the presence of POCI3. COOH NH— CO o = c< Urea NH. NH, + CHo = OC CHj + 2H2O COOH Malonic acid NH— CO Barbituric acid 1. Pyrimidines Among the oxypyrimidines (their formulae, like those of the oxypurines, may be also written as if they are hydroxyderivatives) are a number of important constituents of nucleic acids, cytosine, uracil and thymine. N = CH HN-C=0 I 0=C C— CH3 0=C C— H 1 HC 2 3 N 6 I 5 CH 4 HN— C=0 N=C— NH2 0=C CH CH Pyrimidine HN— CH Uracil (2, 6-dioxy- pyrimidine) HN— CH Thymine (2, 6-dioxy-5-methyl- pyrimidine) HN— CH Cytosine (2-oxy-6-amino- pyrimidine) CONSTITUENTS OF THE BIOSPHERE S3 2. Thiamine This is the hydrochloride of a molecule formed from a pyrimidine and a thiazole ring. The phosphoric ester of this substance is an important coenzyme. CH3 CH, N=C— NH, -C C CH. N— CH C=C— CH2CH2OH \ S / N=C + H CI- Thiamine hydrochloride (j) Purine Derivatives The purine ring results from the condensation of a pyrimidine ring with another heterocyclic ring, imidazole. N =CH , 1 s, 11 3 J' N CH HC — NH\ HC — N ^ Imidazole CH N=CH I'M H HC: sC — N\ N — G — N '^ Purine Pyrimidine Purine forms salts with acids and compounds with bases, it behaves there- fore both as an acid and as a base. A number of purines are widely utilized in living organisms. / NH, O // N=:C HC C- H -N HN— C I I H NH,— C C— N // CH N— C— N Adenine (6-aminopurine) o // HN— C I I H HC C— N ^ CH II II // N— C— N // Hypoxanthine (6-oxypurine) N— C— N Guanine (2-amino-6-oxypurine) o // HN— C I I H 0=C C— N CH HN— C— N Xanthine (2,6 dioxypurine) \ CH 54 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY (k) Alloxazine Derivatives The double heterocyclic ring of lumazine, /N. NH HC ' C 2 CO HC « C 3 NH ^ N ^ ^ CO condensed with a benzene ring forms the alloxazine nucleus H H HC7 C C 2 CO HC6 /^ rl^ ' HC 6 c C 3 NH CH N this has been known for over half a century and the method of synthesis by condensation of an aromatic o-diamine with alloxan (Kuhling's sythesis) has also been known for a considerable time. NH H N / \ ' OC CO -t- I I alloxazine + 2 H2O NHj OC NH \ / C o It was the great achievement of Richard Kuhn and his fellow workers and then of Karrer and co-workers to show that a very important series of natural substances contained a tautomeric form of alloxazine, isollaoxazine or flavin, a substance which is unstable in the free state. ~ H H CNN HC7 C C 2 CO I 11 I I HC 6 C C 3 NH C N C H O Isoalloxazine or Flavin (unstable) CONSTITUENTS OF THE BIOSPHERE 55 Although unstable in the free state, the ring is present as derivatives in which the hydrogen on the nitrogen atom in position 9 is replaced by a substituent group. The group of these compounds is called "the flavins". One example is lumiflavin (a photoderivate of lactoflavin). H CH3 C N N ^ "- / \ ^ "^_ CH.C C C CO CH3C C C NH C N^ C H O 6,7-dimethyl-9-methyl-isoalIoxazine or lumiflavin (/) Pteridine Derivatives This heterocyclic ring system arises from the condensation of the pyrimi- dine and the pyrazine rings. 6 Pteridine The pteridines are sparingly soluble in water and insoluble in volatile organic solvents. They have a bright fluorescence. 1. Pteri?is The pteridine nucleus is present everywhere in the biosphere, in the form of a number of derivatives : leucopterin, xanthopterin, erythropterin, etc. Pterins are found, especially, in the wings of butterflies. The fluores- cence of tissues is often due to their presence. 2. Folic Acid Also among these derivatives is pteroyl - glutamic acid or folic acid, so called because of its abundant distribution in the leaves of plants. Folic acid is the universal coenzyme for the transfer of C^ fragments and hence is indispensable for the synthesis of purines and nucleic acids. 56 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY 2-amino-4-hydroxy para-aminobenzoic glutamic acid -6-methylpterin acid OH I C N / \ / \ O H H N C C-CH,-N<' ^-C-N-C-CH,-CH,-COOH I I COOH H,N-C C CH y pteroic acid Y pteroylglutamic acid (folic acid) REFERENCES Bendich, a. (1955). Chemistry of purines and pyrimidines, in E. Chargaff et J. N. Davidson The Nucleic Acids, Vol. I, Academic Press, New York. Lemberg, R. (1954). Porphyrins in nature, Fortschr. Chem. org. Naturstqffe, XI, 299-349. Sebrell, W. H. et Harris, R. S. (1954). The Vitamins, Vol. Ill, Academic Press, New York. Wiley, R. H. (1953). Heterocyclic chemistry, in H. Oilman, Organic Chemistry: An Advanced Treatise, Vol. 4, Wiley, New York. CHAPTER III MODES OF LINKAGE BY COVALENT BONDS I. "OSIDE" LINKAGE A. OSIDES On hydrolysis, osides yield one or more sugars or "oses". They are called holosides if the products of hydrolysis are solely sugars, and heterosides if on hydrolysis substances other than sugars are obtained. The holosides are designated di-, tri- or tetraholosides according to the number of sugar molecules obtained on hydrolysis. The heterosides are very abundant in the vegetable kingdom: tannins, rube- rythric acid (from the madder plant, hydrolysis Hberates glucose and the aglucone, alizarin), anthocyanins (colours of many flowers), digitalis gluco- sides (gitine, digitonine, digitaline, gitoxine, etc. . . .) cyanogenetic glucosides (whose hydrolysis liberates hydrogen cyanide in addition to a sugar), etc. . . . The heterosides are called a or jS-heterosides according to whether they contain the a or j8 form of the sugar. The most interesting osides in the biosphere are the diholosides or disaccha- rides which are classed as reducing or as non-reducing disaccharides. (a) Non-Rediichig Diholosides CHjOH a-Glucopyranose HOH.C CH.OH Q^ /3-Fructofuranose [a]^ - + 66,67° sucrose 57 58 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY 1. Sucrose This is the sugar of the sugar-cane and sugar-beet. It is present in the tissues and juices of many plants (carrot, beetroot, sweet fruits, sugar- maple juice, sugar-cane, etc. . . .) In the molecule of sucrose, glucose is present in the a-glucopyranose form and fructose in the /3-fructofuranose form. The two sugars are joined by their two reducing groups and as a result sucrose has no reducing properties. (b) Reducing Diholosides 1. Lactose CH.OH CH,OH OH H OH jS-Galactopyranose H OH ;8-Glucopyranose Lactose (/3 form) This is milk-sugar, it is present in the milk of all mammals (4% in cows milk, 5-7% in human milk). Lactose is dextrorotatory, it exists in an a form and in a ^ form according to the configuration of the remaining free pseudoaldehyde group. 2. Maltose CH.OH CH,.OH o. HO H H HO OH H HO a-Glucopyranose H HO /3-Glucopyranose J Maltose (/3 form) It is obtained when amylase acts on starch or glycogen ; it is dextrorotatory. 3. Cellohiose " CHoOH H OH j3-Glucopyranose H OH |3- Glucopyranose Cellobiose (j8 form) MODES OF LINKAGE BY COVALENT BONDS 59 It is a product of the hydrolysis of cellulose, like lactose and maltose, it exists in an a and ^ form. B. Nucleosides These substances are the result of the combination of a base (most frequently a purine or pyrimidine base) with a sugar (D-ribose) or desoxy- sugar (desoxyribose) by means of an "oside" bond. Since many of these substances occur in nucleic acids, they are called "nucleosides". In these compounds the linkage is probably a /S-glucoside type of linkage. N=C— NH2 HC C— N N— C— N CH CH H— C— Ori H— C— OH O H— C CH2OH Adenosine (adenine nucleoside) HN— CO HoN— C C— N \ CH N— C— N ^ CH H-C-OH O H— C— OH H— C CH2OH Guanosine (guanine nucleoside) Among the flavins, or isoalloxazine derivatives, one finds an important natural derivative of this type, it is lactoflavin — more commonly known as riboflavin. Chemically, it is 6,7-dimethyl-9-D-ribityl-isoalloxazine. It is present in a combined state in a large number of animal and vegetable tissues. Like the flavins in general, riboflavin is soluble in water, giving a 60 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY yellow solution having a yellow-green fluorescence. With heavy metals it forms sparingly soluble salts. When heated, it decomposes at 274°. It is stable to oxidizing agents. Under the influence of light, it is transformed, depending on the conditions, either into lumilactoflavin or lumiflavin (a derivative of isolloxazine, p. 54), or into lumichrome (a derivative of alloxazine). Riboflavin, or vitamin B^^, is not a true nucleoside, since the isoalloxazine in it is not combined with ribose, but with ribitol, the corresponding alcohol. H H I \ CNN <^ \ / ^ / \ H..C— C C C CO I II i I H.C— C C C NH % y ^ ^ \ y C N C I II H O Lumichrome H HO— C— H {">') I H— C— OH (4') H— C-OH (3') H— C— OH (2') I H— C— H (!') H CNN HaC— C 7 C C 2 CO ^ I II I I H3C— C 6 C C 3 NH 6,7-dimethyl-9-D-ribityl-isoalIoxazine or vitamin B2 REFERENCES Baddiley, J. (1955). Chemistry of nucleosides and nucleotides, in E. Chargaff and J. N. Davidson, The Nucleic Acids, Vol. I, pp 137-190 Academic Press, New York. PiGMAN, W. W. & GoEPP, R. M. (1948) Chemistry of the Carbohydrates, Academic Press, New York. MODES OF LINKAGE BY COVALENT BONDS 61 II. ESTER LINKAGE (AND ANHYDRIDE LINKAGE) A. Ternary Lipides Lipides are the esters which constitute fats. A distinction is made be- tween ternary Hpides, containing only carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, and complex lipides containing in addition phosphorous and nitrogen. These latter compounds are better considered with the other natural phosphate esters. The ternary lipides can be divided into several types, among which are : (a) The glycerides, esters of glycerol. (b) The waxes, ester of higher alcohols. (c) The sterides, esters of sterols. (a) Glycerides The simple glycerides are those in which the three molecules of acid, which take the place of the H atom in each of the OH groups of glycerol, are identical. The general formula of the simple glycerides is therefore as follows : CH2— O— OC— R 1 CH — O— OC— R I CH2— O— OC— R In certain other glycerides, the mixed glycerides, the three molecules of fatty acid are not identical, for example in distearopalmitin : CHo- O— OC— CnHa, i CH — O— OC— CoH,, CH,— O— OC— CH,-. Distearopalmitin (1 molecule of glycerol + 2 molecules of stearic acid + 1 molecule of palmitic acid) {b) Waxes These are esters of the higher molecular weight fatty acids and mono- valent higher alcohols. Example : cetyl palmitate, the principal constituent of spermaceti (cetyl alcohol = C16H34O). 62 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY {c) Sterides The sterides are esters of fatty acids and sterols. Lanoline, the fat ob- tained from wool, is a mixture of cholesterol oleate, palmitate, and stearate. B. Natural Phosphoric Esters {a) Phosphoric Acids Orthophosphoric acid, H3PO4, possesses three acid groups which ionize, one after the other, as the pH increases. OH / 0=P— OH \ OH The first ionization corresponds to a pK of 1-97, so that this group is relatively strongly acidic, and the ionization is complete at a very acid pH, well outside the pH range of biochemical interest. The second acid group (pK = 6-82) is comparable to organic acids in strength. It is this group, when combined with a strong base, which acts as a buffer in the acid-base equilibrium of biological environments. The third acid group is only slightly dissociated, only forming salts in very alkaline solution, out- side the biochemical range. Orthophosphoric acid can form phosphoric esters with alcohols. Three types exist : monoesters, diesters and triesters — OR OR OR / / / 0=P— OH 0=P— OR' 0=P— OR' \ \ \ OH OH OR" In the biosphere, triesters of orthophosphoric acid are unknown, however, this does not exclude the possibility that this binding may be present in certain macromolecules. The diesters of orthophosphoric acid which exist in the biosphere are often mixed esters. Acid or alkaline hydrolysis slowly transforms them into monoesters. Most of the complex lipides are diesters and vitamin B^g also falls into this category. The mono- phosphoric esters of alcohols form a very important biochemical group. The two free acid groups are more strongly acidic than when they were REFERENCES Deuel, H. J. Jr. (1951) The Lipids. Their Chemistry and Biochemistry, Vol. I : Chemistry. Inter-science, New York. HiLDiTCH, T. P. (1947). The Chemical Constitution of Natural Fats, 2nd ed., Chapman and Hall, London. LovERN, J. A. (1955). The Chemistry of Lipids of Biochemical Significance. Methuen, London. MODES OF LINKAGE BY COVALENT BONDS 63 present in orthophosphoric acid alone, so that these substances are stronger acids than phosphoric acid itself. When phosphoric acid is liberated from these esters and regains its three acid groups there is no appreciable change in the reaction of the medium. Among the monoesters of orthophosphoric acid, we might mention glucose-6-phosphate, a-glycerophosphoric acid and fructose-6-phosphate. Orthophosphoric acid may be esterified, not only with alcohol groups, but also with the pseudoaldehyde groups of sugars. Aldose derivatives in which the reducing group of the sugar is combined with orthophosphoric acid are very important in cell-chemistry. Sugar- 1 -phosphates are in this category ; their general formula is as follows : PO3H2— O— C— (CHOH) , — CH— Pv / H -0- R=H or CH2OH They are very easily hydrolysed in strongly acid solution. The sugar- 1- phosphates of furanose sugars are more acid-labile than those of the pyranose form. Phosphoric acid also forms esters with enols, the most interesting of these is phosphopyruvic acid, in which the enolized pyruvic acid is combined with H3PO4. Very acid-labile and very alkaline-labile, it is readily split by oxidizing agents liberating phosphoric acid. Phosphoamides are also phosphoric acid esters. Their general formula is : HO R \ / P— N /w \ HO O R' Phosphoamides of the phosphoguanidine type are very acid- and alka- line-labile and their rate of acid hydrolysis is increased by molybdic acid. Phosphoarginine and phosphocreatine are phosphoamides. Orthophosphoric acid can associate with other molecules of the same acid by means of anhydride linkages to form polyphosphoric acids, notably pyrophosphoric and triphosphoric acids. Pyrophosphoric acid is made up of two molecules of ortho-phosphoric acid. HO OH \ / P— O— P /W !l\ HO O O OH 64 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY It is very stable in alkaline solution, but not in acid solution. A large number of important biochemical structures are derived from pyrophos- phate, similarly triphosphoric acid also plays an important role in bio- chemical energetics in the form of its derivatives, adenosinetriphosphate (ATP) and uridinetriphosphate (UTP). (b) Phosphoric Esters of Glycerol and Glyceric Acid The monophosphoric ester of glycerol, or glycero-phosphoric acid, exists in the two isomeric forms a and ^ : CHoOH CHoOH I I CHOH CH— O— PO3H2 I I CH2— O— PO3H2 CHoOH P Glycerophosphoric acids and corresponding to these are the monophosphoric esters of glyceric acid, a and ^ phosphoglyceric acids, CO2H CO2H 1 1 CHOH CH-O-PO3H2 I I CHo— O— PO3H2 CHoOH 3 or j8 2 or a Closely related to the above acids is phosphorylated pyruvic acid (phosphoenolpyruvic acid) : CO2H I C— O— PO3H2 II CH2 (c) Triosephosphates Phosphodihydroxyacetone CH2OH-CO-CH2O-PO3H2 is a triose ester a triosephosphate. Another member of the same class is its isomeric aldehyde, phosphoglyceraldehyde or 3-glyceraldehyde-phosphoric acid : CHO— CHOH— CHo— O— P0(0H)2 These two triosephosphates, unlike the hexose phosphates, are easily hydrolysed by alkali. MODES OF LINKAGE BY COVALENT BONDS 65 (d) Phosphor ylated Sugars 1. Ribose phosphates The ribose phosphate normally present in cells is ^-D-ribose-1 -phosphate; it is very acid-labile. Desoxyribose-1 -phosphate is even more unstable in acid solution; at pH 4-0 at room temperature, it is 50% hydrolysed in 15 minutes. It is hydrolysed in the course of estimations of "inorganic phos- phate" and is consequently often measured as such. \ O H \ / C HC HCOH O HCOH PO3H, \ O H \ / C — CH2 HCOH HC O CH.OH ^-D-ribose-l -phosphate CH2OH Desoxyribose- 1 -phosphate 2. Hexose phosphates (a) oc-D-glucose-\-phosphate [Cori ester) — This ester is reducing and is stable to alkali, on hydrolysis glucose is liberated. CH.OH O H O - PO,H, OH Glucose-1 -phosphate Cori ester CH;,0 - POjH, OH Glucose-6-phosphate Robison ester HiOjP-OHjC CHjOH OH Fructose-6-phosphate Neuberg ester HjOaP - OH;.C CH.OP03H, OH Fructose-1 ,6-diphosphate Harden and Young ester F 66 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY (b) Glucose-6-phosphate {Rohison ester) — Although the existence of this ester had been known since 1914 from experiments on yeast carried out by Harden and Robison, it was not until 1931 that Robison and King suc- ceeded in obtaining it in the pure state. {c) Glucose-l,6-diphosphate — This ester, which is a coenzyme in gly- colysis, was isolated by Leloir from yeast after incubation with phosphate and glucose. (d) Fructose-1 -phosphate (Robison ester) — Hydrolysis of fructose- 1, 6-diphosphate by phosphatases, gives equal amounts of fructose- 1- phosphate and fructose-6-phosphate. Fructose-1 -phosphate has been isolated from liver and been found in the intestine during the intestinal absorption of fructose. (e) Fructose-6-phosphate (Neuberg ester) — Fructofuranose-6-phosphate was first prepared by partial hydrolysis of fructose-1, 6-diphosphate and later isolated from the products of alcoholic fermentation. In normal acid, at 100°, the phosphate group in position 1 is split off about a dozen times more rapidly than the group in position 6. (/) Fructose-l, 6-diphosphate (Harden and Young ester) — Fructofura- nose-1, 6-diphosphate in alkaline solution (0-2N NaOH) at 100° liberates the whole of its phosphate in three minutes. (g) Other phosphorylated sugars and their derivatives present in the biosphere — Such compounds are galactose- 1 -phosphate, ribitol phosphate, sedoheptulose phosphate, gluconic acid phosphoric ester, etc. (e) Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate and Pyridoxamine-5- Phosphate These are important coenzymes, the former in the decarboxylation of amino acids, in transaminations, deamination of hydroxyaminoacids and in the removal of sulphur from amino acids containing sulphur. O I! HO-P-OH 6 c«o H,C OH ^CH3 Pyridoxal-5-phosphate o II HO-P-OH ^ CH.NH, H2C OH l.,^^" Pyridoxamine-5-phosphate MODES OF LENKAGE BY COVALENT BONDS 67 (/) Thiamine Pyrophosphate [Cocarboxylase, Diphosphothiamine, DPT) Thiamine, being basic, gives a series of salts and esters. CHs O- OH ! I I C=C— CHo— CHoO— P— O— P=0 \ II I N=rC— NHo S O OH I I / CH3-C C CH N=C nil + H N-CH The most important ester is the product of the reaction between pyro- phosphoric acid and the hydroxyl of the thiazole ring. This ester is the coenzyme for carboxylase and for the decarboxylation of a series of a-keto- acids. (g) Nucleotides These are the phosphoric esters of nucleosides. 1. Mononucleotides (a) Adenosine mo?io- and poly- phosphates — In most cells these com- pounds act as coenzymes in the transport of phosphate groups. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) was isolated from muscle by Lohmann in 1928. The three terminal phosphate groups of ATP are joined by two anhydride bonds. Removal of the terminal phosphate gives adenosine diphosphate (ADP), and of the next phosphate leaves adenosine mono- phosphate (AMP) or adenylic acid. The adenosine phosphates (AMP, ADP, ATP) are relatively unstable in solution. At 100° in dilute acid the two anhydride bonds of ATP are split but the ester linkage remains intact. In AMP the esterification of the adenosine is on C-5' of the sugar whilst in other nucleotides (coenzyme A, triphosphopyridine-nucleotide) other carbon atoms are involved. In the molecules of adenosine polyphosphates, one of the phosphoric acid residues is linked to the nucleoside by an ester bond but the phos- phoric acid residues among themselves are joined by an anhydride bond much less stable than the ester bond. As we shall see the hydrolysis of anhydride linkages plays an important part in biochemical energetics on account of their strongly exergonic nature. (b) Uridine phosphates— These mononucleotides have been demonstrated in yeast and in animal liver. They are coenzymes for the reaction galac- tose-1-P ±;: glucose- 1-P, and for the formation of sucrose from glucose and fructose. As with the adenosine phosphates, a uridine-5 '-triphosphate 68 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY (UTP), a uridine-5 '-diphosphate (UDP) and a uridine-5 '-monophosphate (UMP), exist. ATP ADP AMP Adenosine Adenine N=C— NH2 HC C— N \ CH N— C— N OH OH C— C- H H -C— C— CH2— O- H H -P— O- II O -P— O- II o OH I -p=o I OH HOC=N I I HC C=0 II I HC— N- OH OH C— C C— C— CH2— O- H H H H Uracil OH I -P— O- II o OH I -P— o- II o OH I -p=o I OH Uridine UMP UDP UTP (c) Uridine diphosphate glucose (UDPG) — This nucleotide is the coen- zyme of the isomerase which transforms galactose- 1-P into glucose- 1 -P. It was discovered by Leloir, and has been isolated both from yeast and from animal tissues so that it appears to be of general importance. A whole MODES OF LINKAGE BY COVALENT BONDS 69 series of compounds exists, with structures similar to UDPG, in which the glucose is replaced by other substances such as acetylglucosamine, for example. HOC=N HC C=0 HC— N CH.,OH HC HCOH HC HCOH O o HCOH HC CH2 o — HOCH OH I -P- O OH I i -P- HCOH I HC — O o UDPG O {d) Flavin monophosphate — This is commonly called flavin mononucleo- tide (FMN) but this is incorrect since it is a compound of phosphoric acid with riboflavin which is not a true nucleotide. The phosphate is attached at the 5' position of the ribityl residue. Flavin mononucleotide is the coenzyme of L-amino oxidase and of the TPNH-^Og transhydrogenase. OH OH OH o III I CH2-C-C-C-CH2-O-P-OH III I H H H OH H3C H3C v ^=o ^ N NH O 70 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY (e) Nicotinamide mononucleotide — CONH, O C- C - CH,- O- P- OH OH H H H H This has been isolated from yeast. 2. Dimicleotides {a) Diphosphopyridine-nucleotide (DPN) and triphosphopyridine-nucleo- tide (TPN) — Diphosphopyridine nucleotide (DPN, coenzyme I, code- hydrogenase I, cozymase), an important coenzyme of general utility, contains the heterocyclic bases adenine and nicotinamide and two mole- cules of D-ribose. The two component nucleotides are joined by a pyro- phosphate bridge. A related compound, also widely distributed in the biosphere, only differs from the above substance by having an additional phosphate residue esterified at C-2' of the ribose molecule attached to adenine. This substance is known as triphosphopyridine nucleotide (TPN, coenzyme II, Co II or codehydrogenase II). ,f^ ^ \ CONH, HC H,NC = N I I /N — C CH + N I HC I HCOH I HCOH i HC I HC- •C-N O CH, OH OH I I I o — p — O— P — II II o o DPN HCOH I HCOH HC — I CH, I — O O CONH, H,NC - N >N^ HC I HCOH I O HCOH HC I CH, 1 O— OH I -P — II O O- TPN The pyridine nucleotides and their barium salts are very soluble in water. The oxidized forms are written DPN+ or TPN+. DPN+ has two phosphate residues bearing two primary acidic groups, whilst TPN+, has three primary acid groups and, in addition, a secondary group. Reversible reduction of the pyridine ring transforms DPN+ into the reduced dinucleotide DPNH and, similarly, for TPN+. MODES OF LINKAGE BY COVALENT BONDS 71 H AH2 + H H A N I R HH CONH, H H A + H \ / N I R CONH2 + H + A stoichiometric transfer of hydrogen takes place, from the substrate to the coenzyme, with the hberation of one equivalent of acid. In effect, a highly basic quaternary nitrogen atom is transformed into a feebly basic ternary nitrogen. The reduction takes place, as can be seen from the for- mula, in the para position of the pyridine ring. (6) Flavin adenine dinucleotide {FAD) — Like FMN, FAD is a pseudo- nucleotide containing adenylic acid joined via a pyrophosphate linkage to FMN. H,NC = N HC ,N-C CH II U N-C — N OHOHOH I I I O o O- OH I CH5-C-C-C-CH,-0-P-0-P-0-CH,-C— C- I I OH OH I I H H OH I -c-c I I H H FAD It is the coenzyme of xanthine oxidase, aldehyde oxidase and other aerobic dehydrogenases. Like riboflavin and FMN, FAD is universally present in the biosphere. It is reddish-yellow in colour but, like FMN and ribo- flavin, its solutions are a yellow-green. The formula above is that of the oxidized dinucleotide, reduction takes place in the isoalloxazine ring as follows : H3C H,C R ! R 1 H f^ f^ = 0 + 2H H5C /\ /N -0 V ^nA^^" - 2H "'^V^ II 0 H 0 72 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY (h) Coenzyme A (Co A) This essential compound is universally distributed. It is formed by the joining of adenosine-3, 5-diphosphate, pantothenic acid-4'-phosphate and thioethanolamine (cysteamine). Cysteamine KC CHj-SH Pantothenic acid-4'- phosphate OH Adenosine-3, 5-diphosphate The hydrogen atom of the -SH group at the cysteamine end of coenzyme A may be substituted by an acetyl group to give "active acetate" or acetyl- Co A. The metabolic role of "active acetate" is a primary one, for it acts as a universal donor of acetyl groups. It contains an acylmercaptan bond, a carboxyl group and a sulphhydryl group being condensed together, with loss of water, in an anhydride linkage. This is a so-called "energy-rich" bond, its hydrolysis setting free about 16,000 calories per mole. Despite this strongly exergonic hydrolysis, the acylmercaptan bond of C0A-S-CO-CH3 is very stable in aqueous solution at physiological pH's. It is only in the presence of specific enzyme catalysts that the bond is hydrolysed. (/) Cyanocohalamin {Vitamin B^^ Cyanocobalamin is widely distributed in living organisms ; it is found in bacteria, in algae and in animal tissues, but it does not appear to be present in the green leaves of plants. For man, it is an important vitamin, being one of the "extrinsic factors" of haemopoiesis. It was crystallized in 1948; the crystals are dark red, melt at 320° and their solution has well pronounced absorption bands at 278, 361 and 550 m/x. It contains cobalt and phos- phorous and the molecular weight is around 1,500. On acid hydrolysis, cyanocobalamin yields 5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole, ribofuranose, phos- phoric acid, l-amino-2-propanol and a cobalt complex in which the metal MODES OF LINKAGE BY COVALENT BONDS 73 is surrounded by a hexacarboxylic acid, formed by the association of four pyrrolidine rings modified by the inclusion of a conjugated system of double bonds. The molecule contains six primary amide groups and one secondary group joining the aminopropanol residue to the propionic acid group of ring D. Cyanocobalamin is a phosphoric diester in which the free acid function is neutralized by the positive charge on the cobalt. Cyanocobalamin, then, is the result of combination of adenosinemono- phosphoric acid with a pyrrolidine chromogen via l-amino-2-propanol. CH2CONH2 :H, H CH3 CH3 cHrCONH, NH.CO-CH, CH3 CH3 NH, CO-CH, CO-CH2-CH CH,-CH3- CONH, CH3 CHoCHoCONH^ HO-CHa Cyanocobalamin (Formula of Todd et al.) 74 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY (j) Complex Lipides Most of the complex lipides are diesters of orthophosphoric acid. Those not belonging to this category will be described with those that do. The fact that the complex lipides described here are extremely widely distributed in the biosphere, confers upon them the status of fundamental cellular constituents. 1 . Glycerophosphatides (a) Lecithins or phosphatidylcholines — Lecithins are esters of phos- phorylcholine with glycerol which is esterified in the remaining two posi- tions by fatty acids. Two isomers are possible according to whether the binding is with the a carbon or the ^ carbon of the glycerol. CH2— O— CO— Ri CH2— O— CO— R, I I CH — O-CO— R2 CH — O— P(0)— O— CH2-CH2— N(CH3)a I CHa— O— P(0) — O— CH2— CH2— N (CH3)3 I + Q- CH2— O— CO— R2 I + o- a-lecithin j8-lecithin Living matter only synthesizes a-lecithins which are to be found in all cells. The existence of so many a-lecithins is due to the diversity of the groups Rj and Rg which may be saturated or unsaturated. Choline, the base present in lecithin, is also widely distributed in the biosphere : (CH3)3N— CH2— CH2OH The lecithins are insoluble in water, in which they swell up, but they are soluble in alcohol and ether although insoluble in acetone. (b) Cephalins or phosphatidylethanolamines — Cephalins are diacylgly- cerylphosphorylethanolamines and they differ from the lecithins by the substitution of choline by another base, aminoethanol. NH2 • CH2— CHoOH In the pure state, cephalins are soluble in methanol, ethanol, ether, petroleum ether, chloroform, glacial acetic acid, and insoluble in acetone, but when mixed with other glycerophosphatides (phosphatidylserine, plasmalogens, etc.) they are insoluble in alcohol. It is likely that the natural cephalins are of the a type, but this has not yet been completely proved. {c) Phosphatidylserine — These glycerophosphatides are soluble in chloro- form but are less soluble in ethanol or methanol and this allows their MODES OF LINKAGE BY COVALENT BONDS 75 isolation. Serine is the base which takes the place of choline, and the phosphatidylserines have the following structure : O li O CH-— O— C— R II I R— C— O— CH O I II CH2— O— P (O)— O— CH2— CH— COH OH NH2 L — phosphatidylserine (d) Plasmalogejis or acetalphosphatides — In the pure state, the acetal- phosphatides are soluble in alcohol, glacial acetic acid and chloroform, sparingly soluble in benzene, and insoluble in acetone and ether. They are derivatives in which an aldehyde group is condensed with two hydroxyls of glycerol to form an acetal (a gem-d\Q\htr). The third glycerol hydroxy 1 is esterified with an aminoethanol-phosphate residue. H H— C— O H -X X \| C— R H— C— O' O H H _. HC— O— P — O— C— C— NHo I OH I I ' --^.IL^-' H H H 2. Phosphoinositides These complex lipides containing inositol are numerous and little is known about them. 3. Sphingolipides In these complex lipides the alcohol is not glycerol but sphingosine, a C18 aminoalcohol. CH3— (CH,)io— CH=CH— CH(OH)— CH(NHo)— CH2OH Sphingosine {a) Sphingomyelins or phosphosphingosides — The pure crystalline sphin- gomyelins are insoluble in ether and acetone, but soluble in benzene, hot ethanol and hot ethyl acetate. They are emulsifiable with water. 76 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY CH3 I (CH,)i2 I CH II CH I CHOH H HC N ^ Sphingosine o _ 11 T> } Fatty acid HC O H O II P O CH2-CH2 -N (CH3): OH OH Phosphorylcholine General formula of the sphingomyelins (b) Cerebrosides — On hydrolysis these substances give sphingosine, fatty acids and galactose. They are essential constituents of all cells (animal, vegetable and fungi). CH, I (CH2)i2 I CH II CH HOCH HC-N— |-C— R H HC— O- I H • Sphingosine o Fatty acid O' OH H H I I I C— C— C— C— C— CH,OH I I I I I H H OH OH H Galactose General formula of the cerebrosides MODES OF LINKAGE BY COVALENT BONDS 77 III. PEPTIDE BOND The peptide bond is an amide linkage resulting from the reaction of a carboxyl group with an amino group, with the elimination of water. Peptides are the result of joining two or more amino acids by the peptide linkage. Example : 2 CH3— CH— COOH > CH3— CH— COOH + H2O NH, NH— CO— CH— CH3 NH2 Alanylalanine (a dipeptide) A. Synthetic Peptides The synthesis of peptides is of great interest, for, as we shall see, the synthesis of an important natural polypeptide has confirmed the structure assigned to it. The most important synthetic method at the present time is that of Bergmann and Zervas. It is based upon the fact that carbobenzoxy- (CeHgCHaOCO-) derivatives of amino acids may be split by catalytic hydrogenation. Among other recent methods, we may quote the conversion of amino acids into mixed anhydrides with carbonic acid; these latter compounds react with an amino group to form a peptide bond. Similarly, carboben- zoxy-amino acid anhydrides react readily with other amino acids. B. Natural Peptides (a) Glutathione, Anserine, Carnosine Glutathione, a tripeptide found in animal and vegetable cells, has been known for a long time. REFERENCES Celmer, W. D. & Carter, H. E. (1952). Chemistry of phosphatides and cere- brosides. PhysioL Rev., 32, 167-196. Kenner, G. W. (1951). The chemistry of nucleotides. Fortschr. Chem. org. Naturstoffe, 8, 96-145. Leloir, L. F. (1951). Sugar phosphates. Fortschr. Chem. org. Naturstoffe, 8, 47-95. Singer, T. P. & Kearney, E. K. (1954). Chemistry, metaboUsm and scope of action of the pyridine nucleotide coenzymes. Advances in Enzymology 15, 79-139. ToDD, A. R. (1953). The nucleotides : Some recent chemical research and its biological implications. Harvey Lectures, 47, 1-20. 78 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY HsC- -SH HC- -CO- -NH ^ O . HN CO CH2 - COOH 0 HgC £ ca 'i 3 H^C 0 HC- -NH2 . COOH I deduced form ol glutathione Glutathione is a tripeptide made up of cysteine, glutamic acid and gly- cine, it exists in two forms, reduced (or thiol form) and oxidized (disul- phide form), or dehydrogenated glutathione. HoC— S S CH2 NH— OC— CH HC— CO— NH CH2 I COOH HN CO H^C ! i H2C NH CO I CH2 CH2 HC— NH2 NH2— CH COOH COOH Oxidized form of glutathione I CH2 I COOH Carnosine or j6-alanyl-L-histidine is another natural peptide, present in vertebrate muscle accompanied by its methyl derivative, anserine. MODES OF LINKAGE BY COVALENT BONDS 79 COOH NH,— CH,-CH,— CO— NH— CH-CHo— C=CH HM Ts^ \// CH Carncsine COOH I NH2-CH,-CH2-CO-NH-CH-CH.-C=CH H3C— N N \// CH Anserine |8-alanine, which is present in carnosine and anserine, is not a consti- tuent of proteins, but one finds it in other natural substances such as panto- thenic acid, which is a dihydroxy-dimethyl-butyryl-/3-alanine. CH3 OH HO-CH2-C CH-CO-NH-CH2-CH2-COOH 1 CH3 Pantothenic acid Interest in natural peptides has greatly increased during the last few years since a great number of antibiotics have been found to be poly- peptides. (b) Antibiotics Many antibiotics are peptides which are produced by microorganisms and possess antibacterial properties. The gramicidines produced by Bacillus brevis, for example, are cyclic peptides having a molecular weight around 400, and containing chiefly L-trytophane and D-leucine together with smaller amounts of D-valine, L-valine, L-alanine, glycine and ethanolamine. One of the characteristics of natural antibiotic peptides is that one finds in their structure amino acids which are never present in proteins, or the D-stereoisomers of the natural L-forms present in proteins. 80 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY The tyrocidines are antibiotic peptides produced at the same time as the gramicidines. Among their amino acids are L-ornithine and D-phenylalan- ine. The penicilUns, produced by moulds of the genus Penicillium, are derived from a dipeptide, a-formylglycyl-D-penicillamine. CH3 CH3 CH3 \ / I C— SH CHO H3C— C— SH HoN— CH— COOH H2N— CH— CO NH— CH— COOH Penicillamine a-formylglycyl-D-penicillamine In penicillin G, for example, the penicillamine is cyclized into a thiazo- lidine ring by reaction of the aldehyde group (formyl radical) with the thiol and NH groups. CHo -CO-NH CH CH C^ I I I OC N CH CHa COOH Penicillin G In Other penicillins the benzene ring of penicillin G is replaced by other groups. (c) Phalloidin The poison present in the fungus most commonly responsible for cases of poisoning, Amanita phalloides, is a peptide known as phalloidin. On hydrolysis, it gives cystine and alanine, but, in addition, allohydroxy-L- proline, a diastereoisomer of the form of proline found in proteins. {d) Peptide Hormones The peptide type of structure is frequently employed for the chemical transmission of messages by means of hormones. An example is provided by the two hormones of the posterior hypophysis of vertebrates, oxytocin and vasopressin. These two polypeptides have been extracted from the gland itself, by rather a drastic treatment such that it still remains debatable MODES OF LINKAGE BY COVALENT BONDS 81 OH < C / \ HC CH II I HC CH CH3 \ / I C H2C CH3 1 \ / CH2 CH NH, O I O I I II I II I CHo-CH-C -NH-CH-C-NH-CH I " Tyr lieu | s c=o I Cys I S Asp (NH2) NH I O O I I II II I CH2-CH— NH— C— CH— NH— C— CH— CH2— CH2— CONH2 I C=0 CH2 Glu (NH2) I I I CONH2 I H2C-N Pro O Leu O Gly (NH2) \ II II ^ CH— C— NH— CH-C-NH-CHa-CONH2 / I H2C — C CH2 Hj I CH / \ H3C CH3 Beef oxytocin whether they circulate in the animal in the free or in the combined states. Oxytocin and vasopressin are both octapeptides whose structures have been confirmed by synthesis — no mean performance for a molecule of this degree of complexity. This magnificent piece of work was carried out in the laboratories of du Vigneaud in New York, Fromageot in Paris and Tuppy in Vienna. 82 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY OH I H c c /\ // \ HC CH HC CH II I I II HC CH HC CH \ // \ / C C I I CH2 CHj NH2 O O I I II II I CH2— CH-C-NH— CH-C— NH-CH I Tyr Phe | s c=o I Cys I S Asp (NH2) NH I O O I II- II CH2-CH— NH-C-CH~NH-C-CH-CH2— CH2— CONH2 I c=o CH2 I CONHa Glu (NH2) Gly (NH2) HaC-N Pro O Arg O \ II II CH— C— NH— CH— C— NH--CH2— CONH, / I H2C— C CH2 H2 I CHa I CHa I NH I C / \ HN NHa Beef vasopressin REFERENCES Bricas, E. and Fromageot, CI. (1953). Naturally occurring peptides, Advances in Protein Chemistry, 8, 1-25. Desnuelle, p. (1953). The general chemistry of amino acids and peptides, in Neurath, H. & Bailey, K., The Proteins, Vol. I, part A, 87-180, Academic Press, New York. FRUTON,J.S.(1949).Thesynthesisofpeptides,^fift>a«cejmPro<«ViC/jewwfry, 5, 1-83. CHAPTER IV MACROMOLECULES The knowledge of the various typical types of chemical structure which have been identified in the biosphere, and of the principal linkages which join them, still leaves us in a region where the essential identity of all organisms may be'distinguished. There is no more difference between a molecule of coenzyme A isolated from a bacterium and one prepared from animal tissue than there is between two molecules of sodium chloride. When covalency forces operate in a volume within the limits of a few cubic angstroms to a few thousand cubic angstroms, we are still in the world of simple molecules, or molecules joined together in the compounds described in Chapter III : this is the region in which organisms are identical. This truth has long intrigued biochemists, whose desire to understand the chemistr}^ of life on a molecular scale has not prevented consideration of the great diversity of living things. The advent of the chemistry of macro- molecules introduced into biochemistry the idea of specificity, which up till then was lacking. Macromolecules are defined as chemical compounds whose molecular weight is above 10,000 and in which covalent forces are effective in all the available space. This more or less arbitrar}^ boundary corresponds approxi- mately to molecular sizes above which the solution of these particles takes on the so-called "colloidal" properties. But we are still dealing with chemical molecules, even though these very large molecules cannot pass through ordinary membranes. Their constituent atoms, like the compounds des- cribed in Chapter III, are united mainly by covalencies. As soon as one arrives in the world of macromolecular chemistry, one must be careful to distinguish between the chemical molecular weight and the physical molecular w^eight. The chemical molecular weight is the sum of the weights of the atoms joined by covalencies, in the smallest particle of that compound. The physical molecular weight is the weight of the particle actually present in a gas or in a solution. An example, taken from Staudin- ger, will illustrate this difference. The chemical molecular weight of stearic acid CigHggOa is 284; the determination of the freezing point depression in benzene reveals a physical molecular weight of 568. This result is explained by the fact that the molecules of stearic acid, in which the atoms are united by covalencies, are associated in pairs by the action of residual valencies. The chemical molecular weight is certainly equal to 83 84 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY 284, for derivatives of stearic acid, such as the esters, contain the radical CiaHggO-. (Radical = residue, group, grouping = aggregate of atoms, which survive from one compound to another = residue of a molecule when one or several atoms are removed. If an H atom is removed from water H — O — H, the hydroxyl radical — OH remains. If an H atom is removed from ammonia H — N — H, the amidogen radical — N — H remains.) The idea of chemical molecular weight is derived from the idea of a radical. When the chemical molecular weight is below 10,000 but is not equal to the physical molecular weight, then one is dealing with molecules associated in "micelles", as is the case with colloidal solutions of soaps. When the chemical molecular weight, being above 10,000, is the same as the physical molecular weight, then we are dealing with a solution of macromolecules. When, however, the chemical molecular weight is above 10,000 but is less than the physical molecular weight then these molecules are associated by residual valencies. In every case, the physical molecular weight is either equal to, or greater than, the chemical molecular weight. These polymers or macromolecules are made up of monomeric residues by covalencies at two or more points. The natural macromolecules are generally made up of long chains of such radicals joined by covalencies; these chains may also be joined by a small number of side-chains, also covalent in nature, such that the resulting structure takes the form of a three-dimensional network. The idea that proteins, cellulose, starch, etc., are polymers, that is that they are made up of smaller units linked by covalencies, is not modern. It dates at least from 1871, when the idea was clearly set out in a paper by Hlaziwetz and Habermann. Unfortunately, these compounds were classed by Graham among his "colloids", and there was for a long time confusion between macromolecules and true colloids, in which the mole- cules are linked by residual valencies. It was Staudinger who was respon- sible for putting biochemists on to the right track once more when he showed that the "colloidal" properties of solutions of macromolecules persisted whatever the solvent, contrary to what is observed with micelles resulting from the association of small molecules by secondary valencies. Staudinger also demonstrated that the transformation of macromolecules into their derivatives does not suppress their "colloidal" properties. Among the macromolecules we find the same classes of organic com- pounds as with simple molecules ; but, particularly important, the number of isomers is very much greater with these larger molecules. The chemical structures described in Chapters II and III have been established by organic chemists, not only by means of analysis, but also with the additional control furnished by synthesis. In the case of naturally occurring macromolecules, synthesis is not yet possible for the chemist (although Fraenkel-Conrat, after separating the nucleic acid from the MACROMOLECULES 85 protein, has succeeded in recombining them to reform the macromolecule of tobacco mosaic virus), so that it is not possible to say that any macro- molecule in the biosphere is known in all its details. Nevertheless, the study of synthetic polymers has greatly aided the understanding of natural polymers. I. POLYSACCHARIDES Polysaccharides are very widely distributed in the biosphere, being employed as a structural material (cellulose, xylan, chitin, etc.) and as a form for storing the monomers (starch, glycogen, inulin, galactogen, etc.). The polysaccharide molecule is formed by the association, by means of oside bonds, of a large number («) of sugar molecules. The uronic acids are associated into polyuronides in the same way as the sugars form polysaccharides. «(CeHi,Oe) - n H,o = (CeH,oO> D-glucose cellulose D-mannuronic acid A. HOLOPOLYSACCHARIDES [a) Polysugars or Polyoses 1. Hexosans (a) Cellulose — The name "cellulose" is given to mixtures of homologous polymers which give a quantitative yield of D-glucopyranose when hydro- lysed in strong acid. Cellulose is the most abundant structural material in plants. It is also found in many bacteria and even in certain groups of animals, such as the Tunicates. Cellulose is present in the pure state in the hairs of the cottonseed. Complete acid hydrolysis of cellulose by strong, concentrated mineral acids gives D-glucopyranose in quantitative amounts. Careful partial hydrolysis in the presence of acetic anhydride and sulphuric acid (acetolysis) gives molecules of cellobiose (4-D-glucopyranose-/3-D-glucopyranoside) and tri- saccharides which can be hydrolysed by the enzyme emulsin. Hence, it REFERENCES Frey-Wyssling, a. 1957. Macromolecules in Cell Structure. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. Meyer, K. H. (1942). Natural and Synthetic High Polymers. Interscience, New York. Staudinger, H. (1947). Makromolekulare Chemie und Biologie. Wepf, Bale. 86 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY ^ ,-^'8,35 Fig. 1 (Meyer and Mark) — The dimensions are shown in Angstrom units. The black dots represent the oxygen atoms of the pyranose rings. seems clear that cellulose contains only l:4-jS-linkages. Hydrolysis of methylated cellulose yields 2:3:4:6-tetramethyl-glucopyranose and 2:3:6- trimethylglucopyranose. Methylation followed by hydrolysis never gives any dimethylglucose, so the chain must be a straight one. The chain differs in length according to the source of the cellulose, and the values obtained range between 1400 and 10,000 glucose units. The lay-out of atoms is such that each cellobiose residue has the dimensions shown in Fig. 5. The cellobiose chains, arranged in the network illustrated by Fig. 1, are grouped in bundles, the cellulose micelles, which are about 50A thick and at least 500A long. The grouping of these micelles as they exist in structures where the crystallites are parallel is shown in Fig. 2. Fig. 2 (Seifriz) — Orientation of the micelles in a block of cellulose MACRO MOLECULES 87 Sometimes, the micelles may be randomly oriented as, for example, in cellophane (Fig. 3). Fig. 3 (Mark) — Orientation of cellulose micelles in cellophane. (b) Starch — The most abundant reserve of carbohydrate in plants and in microorganisms is starch, which on hydrolysis is transformed quantita- tively into D-glucose. In the starch molecule the glucose molecules are associated by l:4-a-glucoside linkages. From most starches two constitu- ents may be isolated : (1) a straight-chain polysaccharide called amy lose which is coloured blue by iodine. It consists of straight chains of variable length in which the glucose units are linked by l:4-linkages and the number of units in each chain varies from 100 to 2000. Fig. 4 (Miller) — Different t>'pes of starch granule. A, from the haricot bean ; B, from maize ; C and Ci, from potatoes (c, simple granule; Ci, composite granule); d and D^, rice grains (d, whole of the composite grain; Dj, one of the constituents of the grain at a higher magnification); E, wheat grain; F, composite grain from oats. Note that each elementary granule (a, b, c, Ci, Dj, e) has a number of concentric striations around an initial point, the hilum. 88 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY (2) a highly branched polysaccharide, amylopectin, which is coloured violet by iodine. The smaller side-chains are attached to the main branches by l:6-a-linkages (isomaltose). The side-chains themselves, like the main chain, are built up of l:4-a-glucoside linkages. Certain starches contain only amylopectin. This is the case for the starches from maize and rice. When a starch is made up of amylopectin and amylose, the proportion of the latter, like the length of its chains, varies according to the source. CH.OH CHtOH CH.OH CH.OH Ot- )H H OH AMYLOSE CH2OH CHiOH ...O- O H O---- Branching by 1 : 6-a-linkages in amylopectin (c) Glycogen — Glycogen, the major carbohydrate reserve in animals, is a branched polysaccharide similar to amylopectin. It is made up of D-glucose units. It is coloured brown by iodine and is water soluble (15 to 20%). Glycogen is more highly branched than amylopectin and, consequently, it contains a greater proportion of l:6-a-glucoside linkages. MACROMOLECULES 89 Fig. 5 (Meyer and Bernfeld) — Structure of amylopectin. o = a glucose residue. A = a reducing group. The dotted line shows the limit of hydrolysis brought about by ^-amylase attacking the macromolecule at its surface. (d) Other polyglucoses — One finds in the biosphere a great variety of these ; a few are given below : Lichenin from Hchens (straight chain; 30% of l:3-a; 70% of l:4-a) Laminarin in the Laminaria (straight chain; l:3-j8; an average of 20 residues) V o\y glwQosts oi Bet abaci erium vermiforme (l:6-a; 25 residues) VoXyghicosts oi Phytomonas tumefaciens (1:2-/3; 22 residues) Polyglucoses of the cellular skeleton of yeast (36 residues) Polyglucoses of Leuconostoc mesenteroides (3-24 residues) Polyglucoses of L6«co«05foc dextranicum (straight chain; l:6-a; 200-500 residues) Fig. 6 (K. H. Meyer) — Structure of glycogen. 90 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY (e) Galactans — They are frequently found in plants ; in the wood, in the seeds and elsewhere. The galactan of lupin seeds is constructed on the 1:4-^ principle, and is made up of about 120 galactose units. (/) Mannans — These are often present in wood, especially of coni- fers, and they are difficult to separate out. The mannans of pine and spruce are built of mannose molecules joined in straight chains of about 200 residues. The mannan of yeast, on the other hand, is highly branched and is not homogeneous. The number of molecules of mannose in these chains varies from 90 to 830. (g) Fructosans (Levans) — The inulin found in the tubers of many of the Compositae is a linear molecule containing about 30 D-fructose residues, interspersed with about 6% of D-glucose units. Plants contain a multitude of other fructosans (asparagosine, graminine, triticine, etc.) and so also do bacteria. Unlike other fructosans, those in bacteria are highly branched molecules. 2. Pentosans (a) Xylans — Xylans are present in the lignified membranes of plants. They are branched molecules made up of D-xylose units. (6) Other pentosans — Plants contain many other types among which araban may be mentioned. {b) Polyuronides The units here are uronic acids. The most numerous group is that of the "pectic substances" or "pectin", in which the principal constituent is pectic acid — a chain of D-galacturonic acid molecules united chiefly by l:4-a-linkages. The pectins are not at all homogeneous and certain of their constituents are still ill-defined. Another polyuronide is alginic acid, present in marine algae and formed of chains of about one hundred units of D-mannuronic acid, joined to- gether by l:4-/8-glucoside linkages. COOH H OH COOM ^ ^^ H OH COOH. H OH COOH. H Pectic acid (polygalacturonic acid) MACROMOLECULES 91 (c) Polyglucosamines Chitin, a constituent of fungi and of the exoskeleton of arthropods, falls into this category. Hydrolysis with boiling acids gives glucosamine and acetic acid in equiva- lent amounts. A more careful hydrolysis with chitinase gives as the sole pro- duct N-acetylglucosamine, that is, glucosamine acetylated at its amino group. It has been possible to isolate from the products of a mild hydrolysis a disaccharide, chitobiose, identical with cellobiose except that C-2 of each glucose unit bears an amino group. (»). (b) (a) Cellulose CHjOH (b) Chitin R = CH3CO— (acetyl) B. Heteropolysaccharides {a) Gums and Mucilages It is difficult to make any definite distinction between these two classes of macromolecules. Gums, which exude from bark in the form of "gum arable", are salts of heteropolyuronides. Mucilages, like that from linseed, swell in water. In both cases we are dealing with highly complex branched molecules containing several sugars. For example, in gum arable, arabinose, galactose, rhamnose, glucuronic acid, etc., are all present, whilst in the mucilage of the plaintain seed the following substances have been detected : galacturonic acid, rhamnose, galactose, arabinose, xylose, etc. (6) Mucopolysaccharides These polysaccharides are invariably associated with amounts of protein which, although they are small, are always present and are by no means negligible. 1. Hyaluronic acid This polysaccharide is very widely distributed, both in the free form and as salt-like compounds with proteins. It is the inter-cellular cement in animals. Hyaluronic acid is a complex polysaccharide containing equivalent amounts of D-glucosamine, D-glucuronic acid and acetic acid combined with glucosamine in the form of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine. 92 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY 2. Bacterial polysaccharides (a) Pneumococcal — These polysaccharides control the immunological type specificity of the pneumococci by their presence in the bacterial capsule. Their constituents are D-glucose, D-glucuronic acid, aldobionic acids and amino sugars. The proportions of each vary from one type to another and certain constituents may be missing. Examples of constituents which have been identified : Type I. Galacturonic acid and an acetylhexosamine. Type II. D-Glucose, D-glucuronic acid, L-rhamnose. Type III. D-Glucose and D-glucuronic acid. Type IV. N-Acetylhexosamine, D-glucose. (b) Of other microorganisms — Mucopolysaccharides of numerous micro- organisms have recently been studied. The luteose of Pencillium luteum, for example, is a poly-D-glucose in which the glucoside bonds are of the 1:6-/3 type. The complex antigen has been isolated from the typhus bacterium, Eberthella typhosa, it is a complex chain of sixty hexose units, with 50% of D-glucose, 25% of D-mannose and 25% of D-galactose. Tuberculin, the medium from the concentrated culture of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, contains a polysaccharide in which there is D-arabinose, d- mannose and D-galactose together with a little D-glucosamine. In the mucopolysaccharide of Corytiebacterium diptheriae there are D-galactose, amino sugars and pentoses. Several mucopolysaccharides have been isolated from Penicillium charlesii cultivated on D-glucose. Mannocarolose, one of these products, is a mannan having a straight chain with 1:6 linkages, whilst galactocarolose, from the same source, is a straight chain galactan containing 1:5 linkages. 3. Blood group polysaccharides These are mostly polysaccharide in nature, but their molecules also contain such substances as amino acids. The substance of Group A, a branched molecule, contains L-fucose, D-glucosamine, D-galactose and D-mannose. Very little is yet known about the polysaccharides of the other blood groups. C. Polysaccharide Sulphuric Esters, or Mucoitinsulphates 1. Heparin Heparin is the sulphuric ester of a polysaccharide containing d- glucuronic acid and D-glucosamine. MACROMOLECULES 93 2. Chondroitin sulphate This is the sulphuric ester of a polysaccharide whose main constituents are D-glucuronic acid and N-acetylchondrosamine. The hyalin cartilage of vertebrates is a compound of chondroitin sulphate and a protein, the binding being between the -COOH and — SO3H groups of the chondroitin sulphate and the -NHo groups of the protein. 3. Mucoitin sulphate It is similar to the above compound except that chondrosamine is replaced by D-glucosamine. It is present in many animal tissues. II. PROTEINS Proteins are macromolecules w^hich on hydrolysis yield a mkture of amino acids. Whatever their origin, they are always made up of a selection of the 20 amino acids described previously (p. 24). These acids are of the L-configuration and joined together chiefly by peptide bonds. The various properties of the proteins depend upon the number of amino acid residues forming the peptide chain, on the nature of the amino acids, the order in which they are assembled, the branching of their chains and on the con- figuration of the folding which results from the free rotation of the parts of the peptide chains about certain bonds. A. Classification Proteins are divided into two main types : fibrous proteins and soluble or globular proteins. Most fibrous proteins are insoluble in aqueous sol- vents. Although they do not crystallize, they contain crystalline regions. They are formed from long molecules arranged more or less rectilinearly REFERENCES Evans, T. H. & Hibbert, H. (1946). Bacterial polysaccharides, Advanc. Carbohyd. Chem., 2, 204-234. Greenwood, C. T. (1952). The size and shape of some polysaccharide molecules, Advanc. Carbohyd. Chem., 7, 290-332. Kabal, E. a. (1956). Blood Group Substances. Academic Press, New York. Manners, D. J. (1957). The molecular structxire of glycogens, Advanc. Carbohyd. Chem., 12, 262-298. McIlroy, R. J. (1948). The Chemistry of Polysaccharides, Arnold, London. Mori, T. (1953). Seaweed polysaccharides, Advanc. Carbohyd. Chem., 8, 316-350. Pigman, W. (1951). The Carbohydrates. Academic Press, New York. Stagey, M. (1946). The chemistry of mucopolysaccharides and mucoproteins, Advanc. Carbohyd. Chem., 2, 162-203. 94 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY and more or less parallel to the axis of the fibre. The structural proteins fall into this class. Their molecular weights are very high but hard to define since they are generally insoluble. By contrast, the molecular weights of the globular proteins are definite (between 10,000 and several million) and their molecules are more or less spherical. Most often they may be crystallized and they are soluble in aqueous solvents (water or aqueous solutions of salts, acids, bases or alcohols, depending on the particular protein). They may be denatured. Active substances like enzymes, hormones, etc., belong to this class. Fig. 7 (Springall) — Polypeptide ribbon in zig-zag form (^ form) The fibrous proteins have many similarities to the synthetic polymers. The latter are not very soluble and give infra-red absorption spectra and X-ray diffraction spectra very similar to those obtained from the fibrous proteins. The globular proteins do not resemble synthetic polypeptides. However, complete denaturation transforms them into substances similar to polypeptides. (a) Fibrous Proteins Organisms often employ fibrous proteins for supporting material. This is most particularly the case in animals, for plants delegate the same function preferentially to polysaccharides. Among the fibrous proteins are MACROMOLECULES 95 the collagen of connective tissue, myosin of muscles, fibrin present in blood clots, keratin and epidermin of vertebrate skin, the gorgonins of coral, the conchiolines of mollusc shells, the sclerotins of the teguments of arthropods, etc. Apart from the determination of their amino acids, fibrous proteins have chiefly been studied by X-ray diffraction methods. Astbury, applying the results obtained by this method, classifies fibrous proteins into two groups : the k-m-e-fgroup(keratin-myosin-epidermin-fibrin) and the collagen group. X-ray diffraction spectra show that stretched fibres of keratin (/S-keratin) are formed by the repetition of units 3-3 A in length, a figure very near the calculated length (3-6 A) for the distance — NHCHCO — . The amino acid R Fig. 8 (Springall) — A sheet of polypeptide ribbons in zig-zag form (P form). side-chains project on alternate sides of the main chain. The peptide chains in j8-keratin are separated by a distance of 9.7 A. This distance is near that calculated for the longest side chain of an amino acid such as arginine (8-4 A). Unstretched keratin (a-keratin) gives a different X-ray pattern. Fibrous proteins of the k-m-e-f group give patterns similar to either that of a- keratin or of /3-keratin, whilst the fibrous proteins of the collagen group give patterns of another type. The most generally (but not unanimously) accepted view is that the /3 form of the k-m-e-f group corresponds to a zig-zag structure (Figs. 7 and 8), and the a form of the k-m-e-f group and the collagen group represents a helical twisting, the axis of this twist corresponding to the fibre axis. The most generally accepted helical structure is that in which there are 3-69 amino acid residues per turn (Fig. 9). In certain fibrous proteins the 96 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY polypeptide chains with the a-helical structure are arranged in parallel with each other. In other proteins they are themselves associated in threads in which the polypeptide chains are twisted together (Fig. 10). (b) Globular Proteins A profound study of the many globular proteins has been carried out over the last few years, information being obtained from the study of osmo- tic pressure, diffusion, viscosity, sedimentation, electrophoresis, light Fig. 9 (Pauling, Corey and Branson) — Portion of a-helix. N = nitrogen atom; R = side chain; black dots = hydrogen atoms ; blank circles = carbon atoms ; dotted circles = oxygen atoms; dotted lines = hydrogen bonds. diffraction, birefringence of flow, dielectric properties, infra-red absorption, X-ray diffraction and by the use of the electron microscope. This imposing array of techniques has provided an immense amount of data the systemiza- tion of which remains almost impossible. Certain general conclusions, however, may be drawn from these results. MACRO MOLECULES 97 (a) Molecular weights The molecular weights of globular proteins lie between 10,000 and several million. Several attempts to arrange these molecular weights into groups (Svedberg; Bergmann and Neumann) have not stood the test of time, and one is forced to admit that the laws governing the molecular weights of proteins are still unknown to us. Fig. 10 (Pauling and Corey) — Forms in which a-helical polypeptide chains may be twisted to- gether. An ABg bundle (six chains rolled around a seventh : this is the structure of the keratin found in hair and nails) or a D3 cord (three rolled chains). 50A (a) (b) (b) Shape This is sometimes visible in the electron microscope, as is the case for haemocyanin (Fig. 11). In other cases, measurement of physical constants permits the dimensions of the protein molecule to be calculated approxi- mately. Thus, beef insulin (M.W. = 12 X 10^) is a right prism 44 A long, 26 A wide and 20 A thick, whilst tobacco mosaic virus (M.W. = 4 X 10') is a rod 2980 A long by 150 A in diameter. (c) Structure From the sum total of the evidence it appears that the globular proteins have a structure similar to the a form of the k-m-e-f group of the fibrous proteins, that is, a helical twist with 3-6 residues per turn or 18 residues per 5 turns. However, this does not explain the compactness of the globular proteins. It appears that the polypeptide ribbons are bunched into compact globules and held by lateral linkages between the chains. H 98 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY The flexibility required for this bunched state, as Neurath has suggested, may be obtained by the presence of an amino acid such as glycine, which is without side chains to prevent free rotation. Or, in Pauling's opinion, proline may be a point of flexibility since, when part of the peptide structure, it does not possess an NH group, does not form hydrogen bonds N-H . . . O, and retains full liberty of bending. H HoC CHo ---N I I \ CH CH2 CO N H I N CO /\/ - - - CO CH I R Diagram showing the possibility of a change in direction of the peptide chain at a proline residue. id) Denaturation The globular proteins can undergo denaturation, a process which is often irreversible, but is not well defined ; it may result from the action of many and diverse agents (urea, alcohol, detergents, ultrasonic vibrations, etc.) and is revealed by a decrease in solubility, an increase in viscosity, the appearance of free — SH groups, etc. Denaturation is characterized by a very high temperature coefficient, which implies a high degree of order in the molecule of native protein. On the other hand, the enthalpy ( — zJH, heat liberated at constant pressure) is low, indicating little change at the level of covalent bonds. Denaturation appears to be a sort of collapse of a highly ordered and specific arrangement. The result is a poorly ordered mixture of polypeptides. All these observations lead us to consider a globular protein as a highly ordered three-dimensional structure of polypeptide layers of the a-k-m-e-f configuration (probably containing 3-6 residues per turn) bunched into a globular mass and maintained thus by linkages between side-chains and by relatively weak hydrogen bonds. In the region of a polar group having a spare hydrogen atom, there is an attraction for the negative charges of neighbouring molecules. In two neighbouring peptide chains, a peptide hydrogen may form a bridge with a pair of electrons on an oxygen atom of the other chain. ri J" 1,.*-^ ■ ^ii'-^ .<*.. ^'■r I- r-; *• • j. <- .4«*. ■ aS • 4 ' .■/.> , l7^ *-•'■'- .^ ' "' ■' ' :^. /.'j! 1 * ^; ■ v*i "^r J- % '^ M . ■■^% t ^ ll— 1 Fig. 11 (Keith R. Porter) — Haemocyanin from Liinulus. The spherical particles are the haemocyanin molecules slightly Hattened by drying. MACROMOLECULES 99 R O H R O H R : i: H I I II H I I C C I N C C I N C \/;\/\l/\/l\/\l/\/\/ CjN C C|N C C N .i H I I II H I 1 II I O H R O H R OH_H HHO R H O R H O I II I H I H II I I H II N C C|N|C C N|C / \l/ \ / \l/ \ / \ /1\ / \|/ \ C N C C N I C C i I II I I H 11 I R H O R H O R • • • • • • • • The formation of hydrogen bridges is an expression of the tendency possessed by hydrogen atoms to share the electrons of an oxygen atom. V • • • • \. • • • • c::o: h:o— -* c:;o:h:o — / ,. .. / •• •• Hydrogen b onds may also be formed between hydrogen and nitrogen atoms between -OH of tyrosine and free -COOH groups, and also between amides \ / N-H H 0=C 0=C 0---H— N N-H \ '^ \ /^ H-C-CH0-CH2-C C-CH2-C— H / ■ \ / \ H— N N— H---0 C=0 \ I / n H-N \ Glutamine Asparagine Other bridges between polypeptides are of the disulphide type (covalent), or of a salt-like nature (non-covalent, electro-valent). We have said that the shape of the globular proteins depends upon relatively weak secondary bonds. On raising the temperature, thermal agitation of the molecules may be sufficient to break these secondary bonds. Mineral salts and urea, by polarizing the water molecules around their molecules or their ions, cause dehydration of the globular macromolecule thus modifying the electrical field of force around it and changes in shape result. Acids and bases, by modifying the ionization of basic and acidic 100 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY groups, also modify the electric field and the shape of the macromolecule. Heavy metals, which form coordination complexes with certain groups, act in the same way. In many cases this denaturation and change in shape is accompanied by a tendency to pass into a fibrous state and at the same time certain functional groups which were hidden in the interior of the molecule are revealed. The uncovering of these groups certainly plays a part in the tendency displayed by denatured proteins to form aggregates. The formation of these aggregates and the accompanying decrease in solubility are facilitated at the isoelectric point since then nothing prevents the molecules from coming together. Denaturation may be irreversible. This is the case when important changes in structure have taken place altering the geometry of the electric field of the globular molecule. / \ o=c C=0 \ / C-CHs- -s -S— CHs-C / \ H-N N-H \ / C=0 0 = 0. / \ R-C~H H-C-R \ / N-H H-N / \ 0=0 C=0 \ / H-C-CHa- -CHs- -coo- .-•NH,- -C- NH- -CH=- -CH2- -CHi-C-H ,,^/ Glutamic acid II Ai'gininc \ HN NH c=o \ / C=0 / Irreversible denaturation may be accompanied by polymerization and a fall in solubility. The appearance of a precipitate is called flocculation; if the precipitate is practically insoluble it is called a coagulum. Denaturation may be reversible, if the changes in structure are slight. When the initial conditions are restored, the electrostatic field reestablishes the original shape of the globular molecule. B. The Nature and Positions of the Constituent Amino Acids in THE Protein {a) Nitrogen and Sulphur Content One of the present tasks of biochemistry is the determination of the order in which the amino acids are assembled in the protein polypeptide chains and the description of the structure of that protein. It is first of all necessary to know the total protein nitrogen (around 16%) and the total MACROMOLECULES 101 sulphur (around 2%); when the different amino acids have been deter- mined these figures allow one to check that the sum of these amino acids accounts completely for the composition of the protein. (b) Titration The reactive groups of the protein may be determined by titration, with acids and dilute alkalies when dealing with acid or basic groups, and by means of silver nitrate, iodine, etc., when dealing with thiol groups. The potentiometric titration of a protein in aqueous solution with an acid or dilute alkali is carried out by measuring the change in pH which results from the addition of a known amount of the acid or base to the isoionic protein. The isoionic state exists when the number of protons attached to the basic groups (e.g. -NHg + H+ -> -NH+g) is equal to the number of protons removed from the acidic groups (e.g. -COOH -^ -COO" + H+). If there are no other ions apart from protons fixed on to the protein, then the isoionic state coincides with the isoelectric state, defined by charge O. The results of the titration are expressed in terms of change in pH/unit of acid added and change in pH/unit of base added. Figure 12 shows the dissociation curve of the protein. There are quite a number of ionizing groups present in proteins : a-COOH the terminal group of polypeptide chains; ^-COOH or y-COOH of aspartic or glutamic acid; n NH of histidine; N H a-NH+3 the terminal group of polypeptide chains; €-NH+3 of lysine; -<^ ^-OH of tyrosine; SH of cysteine ; ---NH \ + . • • C=NHo of argmme. / H2N When the pH is very acid, around 1-0, for example, all these groups are in the undissociated state. At pH 14-0, they are all completely dissociated. As one passes from pH 1-0 to pH 14-0 each ionizing group will dissociate 102 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY over a particular pH range corresponding to its pK value. Figure 13 illustrates this. In Fig. 12, three regions, labelled a, b and c, may be dis- tinguished, in which a slight change in pH has had a marked effect on the number of protons combined with the protein. Referring to Fig. 13, we can see that region a corresponds to the dissociation of terminal free-carboxyl groups, and region h to that of the dissociable groups of histidine and terminal a-amino groups. Region c corresponds to the dissociation of the groups of lysine, tyrosine, cysteine and arginine. To investigate the ques- tion further and resolve the complexities of regions b and c it is necessary pH-* Fig. 12 (Springall) — Titration curve of a protein. Abscissae : pH values. Ordinates : the number h of protons added or subtracted, starting from the isoionic state, to give these pH values in aqueous solution. These values of h are obtained from the number of equiva- lents necessary to bring the solvent to the same pH. to mask one or other of the groups. Thus, free amino groups may be re- acted with formol or removed by enzymatic deamination, etc. The com- plete and often arduous analysis of the titration curve of a protein gives us information about the amount of arginine, histidine and lysine in that protein, and also the total number of free carboxyl and a-amino groups. Knowing the number of primary amide groups (from the amount of ammonia in the hydrolysed protein — see later) and the amount of aspartic and glutamic acids, it is possible to calculate the number of carboxyl groups not involved in peptide bonds. If the number of free carboxyls and the number of free amino groups are known some idea may be obtained of the number of polypeptide chains present in the protein molecule. {c) Composition of the Hydrolysate When the titration of the native protein has been carried out the amino acid composition is determined. Hydrolysis gives a mixture of amino MACRO MOLECULES 103 acids and ammonia. The latter derives from the amide groups of glutamine and asparagine, but it may also be an artefact arising from the breakdown of certain amino acids during the hydrolysis. Since the average molecular weight of the amino acids is 110, then complete hydrolysis of a protein of molecular weight 36,000 will produce around 300 molecules of amino acids of 20 different kinds. It is evident that the analysis of this hydrolysate is a formidable problem whose solution was a notable achievement. The methods used are numerous : specific precipitation of some groups of amino acids (for example by phosphotungstic acid in the case of cystine, arginine, histidine and lysine); precipitation of the amino acid directly pH-* 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 U !2 13 [---R-HF* -COsH(a,p,Y) NH J NH -'^fH3(a) -*NHa (8) -^>0H -SH NH. ^C=*NH, -NH ^^ ^^^^^ b h ^ » ^ ^ [-..R]ln->l*+H* -cor N J NH NH.(a) -NH-le) -s- NHj \irNH -NH Fig. 13 (Springall) — Dissociation constants of the different groups — R-H. The dashed areas indicate the pH range in which dissociation takes place when the pH increases. (proline by ammonium rhodanilate) ; colorimetric methods; isotope dilu- tion methods; enzymatic methods (for example, measurement of COg liberated by a specific decarboxylase); microbiological methods — depend- ing on the fact that for a certain strain a certain amino acid is indispensable for growth, the latter may be measured (for example, in the lactic acid bacteria by the production of acid) and is proportional to the concentration of the amino acid; chromatographic methods, etc. Table IX shows the amino acid composition of a collection of proteins whose analysis is complete or almost complete. As can be seen, such a table does not permit any useful conclusion to be drawn from it. Thus attention is focussed on the sequence of the amino acids in the protein polypeptide chains. 104 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY (d) Determination of the Amino Acid Sequence A number of methods allow the removal of an amino acid residue from the N-terminal end of a polypeptide terminal residue : + I NH,-CH-CO-- R Such a method is that of Edman (1950) in which phenylisothiocyanate in pyridine at pH 9-0 is used. The principle is as follows : NCS NH,CHCO— pept. A R V + Pyridine NHCSNHCHCONH— pept. /\ R V Phenylisothiocyanate Phenylthiocarbamylpeptide (PTC-pept.) Anhydrous HCl V N-CS CO NH \ / CH I R +NH2 — pept. R Alkali - NH,-CH-COOH N-terminal amino acid The phenylthiocarbamyl derivative of the peptide when treated with anhydrous HCl gives the phenylthiohydantoin of the N-terminal amino acid which, when treated with Ba(0H)2 in alkaline solution, liberates this terminal amino acid. This method is applied to the polypeptides obtained from proteins by various means. It is possible to remove the N-terminal amino acids one after the other and identify them while still keeping the rest of the chain intact for a further shortening and further identification of the amino acids obtained. There are also methods which allow amino acid residues to be chopped off from the c-terminal end of the chain. To obtain these polypeptides from the protein, it may be hydrolysed carefully with a 10 n mixture of hydrochloric and acetic acids for several days at 37°, or hydrolysed with alkali or by the action of enzymes. A witness to the success of these methods is the determination, by Sanger, of the amino acid sequence of a part (fraction B, one of the two MACRO MOLECULES 105 S «o St Sf •Ki 's* o >«i ;k O •c^ in ^ o^ ^ R « o O " \ T— 1 cs t^ a "tl ifc yi a S o U4 c; ft: • f*A X c S ►— 1 'ci M ■^ J ^ .S uout x/Cqmofi oo o m o 00 'I- 6 1 ^~' tN NO 1 2 O in o 00 nO (N tN 5^ tN t^ ts 00 t^ in •<*■ m ON tn 9SBIOP1V CO VO 00 o NO ON 00 ON 1 ^ - nO tn tN m NO On NO tN NO On tN O tN On m vO m en ■* t^ nO -. ^ NO t^ 00 tN 1 vO 00 ON r-l in IN tN O X tN NO t^ 1^ in 00 NO 00 o in On NO 00 ro ro nO f-) 00 (N r^ NO tN ^ t r^ rNl nO 00 asBapnuoqry - 1 o n fS m On tN o On ♦• m 00 n ■+ 00 On t^ ^ o tN t^ On tn O •* _ „ ^ NO uptjjaj m « rn o m tn ■+ 1 ^ m CNl in tn in m r^ 1 NO tn tN tN 00 ts 00 o ON NO 00 ■* t^ tn o tN tn On ON o NO t^ uiqoiSouiaEq asJOH t^ 00 i^ o cn NO ■>*■ tn NO NO 00 tN NO in 00 in On in in in NO tn NO On tn 00 EIUI3BU8 l]^^-^I:^^^IS ui uiqoiSoLuaEq uBUin'H ON 00 6 m 4 NO OO in 1 NO 1 ^ On ON in tN NO NO nO CO ON in o in NO NO ON 00 00 vO in » o r^ 00 in o ON o NO o uiumqiBUO^ o nO 00 fn tn tn 1 - •+ m 'I- nO 00 NO o o o 00 o nD On 'J- tN 00 00 O m (N (Nl in m ■* tn tN O o ON *• m O tN NO ON o ON ON i-H tN in tn in tN in ON in t> ■+ NO uqnqojgojDBq-fj O fN 00 00 in nO tn rN) ON ON — tN ON NO o in OO NO 00 tn tn o tN CNl m 00 ^■2 s ■y ►^ 3 X . . m < S. ^i J hJ J J J J J s 2 2 s 2 £ 2 0. 0. 0. a. 0. a. a. i ^ i i 1 i i H H H h h h U fc ^ ^ h h V x: i 0. V V « oj V •d ja ^ J3 ^ CU a. CU a. CU >> >s >. >. >. >, T 4 53 3 5 3 5 < 1 1 4 1 3 2 0 0 3 q 3 0 3 3 3 3 3" 3 ^ >• >. >. _>. >> >> >. >, >. >. 0 0 0 q 0 00 5 3 3 s ffi X ffiK a ad 2 2 2 •0 M «» m t K o o do do d d 0 *t^ w 73 w w tn Cfi CO CO ta ^3 >> >. >. >. >. >t >. >. So >> o u u u u q q u 0 u .*« •a "(3 •a 13 -3 'eS "rt 73 •a 53 .4 >> > > > > > > > > :5 3 3 J i 5 3 3 J j ^ f ^ u ^ Si 05 3 S 3 i 3 J hj _] _) J s a a es ea a s n C9 C9 ^ •- ^^ ^ ^ :5 5 :5 ^ 5 A < X, tt 3 3 3" 3 3 P P a 3* 3 3 3 >J w ? 0 0 0 5 qqqq 3 0 3 0 3 ^ 3 ^ ■a •a :? •a C3 ■a *a "a •a 73 ^ •a ^ >> > > >> t> >> > >• > > 3 3 3 3' 3' 3 D 3 3 3 3 3 3 J V u V V 0) OJ CU OJ OJ « 0) s u '^ ^ H J J J ►J J J J J H H J J 3> GO « 0) GO M CO en « GO 0] 09 2 2 £ £ 222 22 2 2 .s a «P »4 u ^ (^ u u u ^ C t 9) 0) u V t) s s u « ci CO W W OT CO CO CO CO CO CO >. >% >. >t >. >. Ss "St 0 o 3 0 0 3 3 1 ai DC X X m «>„ 2 2 n 2 2 .§ o O 6 0 p 0 d 0 0 d OT c« M w u CO CO CO CO CO CO >. >> >. >. >> >. >< >. >, Sx >» "« u U u 0 u u u 0 0 U U t 3 3 :3 3 3 3 JJ J ^ 'z 3 1 2 •;§ 1 CO 2 2 2 i .2 a: GO 2 "** 3 3 3' 3 3 3 3' 3' 3" a" n^ 0 0 5 5 0 0 0 3 3 a d a a a a & a £L -3^ < < < 03 ^ ^ ^ "rt rt •i -a •a "a :? •a •a fts > > en > s > > 0) > E > 1 0 > > eg 4-t :2 2 1 'o 2 T3 '3 M .s 4-* M >» 2 •a -a 3 1 u •a CO 1 4 1 (4 .s 3 •s & 3 •4-1 '■♦J & =1 & a u •0 u C a) 3 > 0 n a c 0) '♦J 0 CO a m >> "2 •3 >. s s II ■a >. 0) CO a 5 g a § 4) CO « a (2 >» 1" MACROMOLECULES 107 polypeptide chains joined by disulphide bridges) of the insuhn molecule. Table X shows the amino acid sequence, as determined by Sanger, in a series of polypeptides separated from fraction B of insulin. Sanger has demonstrated that the only possible sequence corresponding to these many peptides is that shown at the bottom of the table. III. NUCLEOPROTEINS The nucleoproteins are macromolecules formed by the union of proteins and nucleic acids. The nucleic acids themselves are polymers of nucleo- tides. The complete hydrolysis of the nucleic acids separated from nucleo- proteins gives phosphoric acid, purines and pyrimidines (six members of these two groups have been identified up to the present time), and two furanose sugars. These latter are, either D-ribose (ribonucleic acids) or 2-desoxy-D-ribose (desoxyribonucleic acids). They have either two or three -OH groups available for esterification. The number of possible nucleotides entering into the composition of nucleic acids is, therefore, very great. The purines, adenine and guanine, enter into the composition of all nucleic acids. Among the pyrimidines, cytosine is present in all the nucleic acids. Besides these purines and the pyrimidine which are always present, one finds uracil in ribonucleic acids, and thymine and 5-methylcytosine in desoxyribonucleic acids. Analysis of the nucleic acids reveals that they are polymers of nucleotides. However, we are still far from knowing the nature of the complex mixture of polynucleotides which make up each nucleic acid. The little that is known at the present time is due to a com- bination of the results of chemical hydrolysis and step-wise degradation by means of enzymes. A. Properties of the Two Types of NucLEit Acid (a) Ribonucleic Acids (RNA) These complex mixtures contain only four bases : adenine, guanine, cytosine and uracil. The relative proportion of each of these bases does not differ appreciably from unity. Considering that this is not the case for the REFERENCES Edsall, J. T. (1958). Aspects actuels de la biochimie des acides amins et desprotemes. Masson, Paris. Fox, S. & Foster, J. F. (1957). Protein Chemistry. Wiley, New York. Neuberger, a. (1958). Syjnposiiim on Protein Structure. Methuen, London. Neurath, H. & Bailey, K. (1953-1955) The Proteins. Chemistry, Biological Activity, and Methods. (A collaborative work by many specialists in this field, it is both the most comprehensive and the most modem text book available.) 4 vols. Academic Press, New York. Springall, H. D. (1954). The Structural Chemistry of Proteins. (More concise than the above, it gives a clear and constructive account of the methods and results of the chemical study of protein structure.) Butterworths, London. 108 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY polynucleotide chains isolated from ribonucleic acids, this is an indication of the complexity of what is customarily called a "ribonucleic" acid. The nucleosides entering into the composition of the ribonucleic acid from yeast are /3-D-ribofuranosides in which adenine and guanine are linked at N-9 and cytosine and uracil at N-3. It appears that ribose is always the sugar present in what were formerly known as pentose-nucleic acids and they can, therefore, be named ribonucleic acids. The internucleotide bond which is predominant in the ribonucleic acids is the phosphoric ester bridge between C-3' and C-5' of two adjacent nucleotides. Cs— OH Ca—OH C=— OH C3-OH I I i I Cs.-O OH Cs'-O OH Co— O OH C.—O OH \ / P \ / I \ / I \ / P P P // \ // \ ! // \ I // \ _C,, O O C.. O O C.. O O C5' o o In such a scheme, — C-2' — C-3' — C-5' — represents a nucleotide residue. The presence of an -OH on C-2' explains how, by analogy with the results obtained with mononucleotide esters, the alkaline degradation proceeds through the intermediate formation of a cyclic structure in which nucleo- side-2', -3' cyclic phosphates are formed by cleavage of the C-5' — O — P bond, as shown above. c,' — o •'" o Ca — o ..-■ o Cv — 0 ,0 c,- — 00 ^^£ \ -^ ^ ^r.'^ 1 p / P 1 / X ' y \ Ca- — 0 / 0 c. 0 0 1 \; \ Cv Q. The isolation of ribonucleic acids is difficult which makes the determi- nation of their structure and composition difficult also. However it can be shown that the ribonucleic acid of animals differs from that of yeast, and that the ribonucleic acids from different organs of the same species are less alike than are those from a given organ obtained from several species. Unlike the desoxyribonucleic acids, the ribonucleic acids differ not only from species to species but also from tissue to tissue in the same species. Moreover, the ribonucleic acids of the nucleus differ from that of the cytoplasm, and external conditions also cause variations. (b) Desoxyribonucleic Acids (DNA) The desoxyribonucleic acids which do not have an -OH group on C-2', differ from the ribonucleic acids in possessing a more stable inter- nucleotide bond. Although the linkage is between C-3' and C-5' of adjacent sugar molecules, the cyclization described above for the ribonucleic acids MACRO MOLECULES 109 is impossible, which gives the desoxyribonucleic acids a very great stability. Their general structure is the following : Base i \ \ Base \ P \ \ Base '%' Base ■■z' \ 1 \ p i p \l \ '5' C,/ Q' The concept of the helical structure of the desoxyribonucleic acids was first suggested by Pauling and Corey (1953), following research by the X-ray diffraction method. A helical structure which accounts more fully for the experimental facts has been proposed by Watson and Crick (1953) (Fig. 14). It consists of two helical chains rolled around the same axis. The two chains are twisted in parallel but the order of the atoms is inverse. The purines and pyrimidines are directed to the interior and the phos- phate to the outside. Along the helix a nucleotide occupies a distance of 34 A i 3.4 A Fig. 14 (Watson and Crick) — Helical structure of desoxyribonucleic acid. no UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY 3*4 A, and the repeating unit which is made up of ten nucleotides occupies 34 A. The angle between two adjacent nucleotides in the same chain is 36°. The purine and pyrimidine bases, being directed to the interior, are perpendicular to the axis of the helix. They are associated in pairs, one from each chain by means of hydrogen bonds. As there is' not enough room to allow two purines end to end, and since two pyrimidines would form too short a bridge, the only possible linkages Adenine Thymin* Guanine Crlo« "^'1 (iddy^ffi^pi u ^ Fox)-Crvstals of chlorocruorin, Fig. 18 (Roche and tox) ^r^^ ^,. from Spirographis Spallan^ anil MACROMOLECULES 117 6 coordinate covalent bonds {d~sp^) and the appearance of the octahedral structure. Oxyhaemoglobin and carboxyhaemoglobin are diamagnetic (same structure as that of the ferrocyanide ion). The detachment of one of the imidazole groups from the complex and the transformation of the ionic bond of the other group into a covalent bond, brings about a change in the pK of the two imidazole groups thus explaining the Haldane effect (change in the isoelectric point of haemoglobin at the moment of its oxygenation). I I ;Fe-' N globin Oxyhaemoglobin N globin Carboxyhaemoglobin Haemoglobin can be oxidized to methaemoglobin or ferrihaemoglobin by oxidizing agents other than oxygen. Methaemoglobin is a parahaematin of a special type since it contains 5 unpaired electrons, therefore all the bonds in the complex are electro valent. Haemoglobin possesses the unique property of complexing reversibly with molecular oxygen instead of being oxidized by it to ferrihaemoglobin. It is endowed with this property by the globin which forms with ferro- porphyrin a complex, which is rather unusual since, unlike other haemo- chromogens, it is paramagnetic. The characteristics of the binding of protohaem with a special type of protein confers on haemoglobin the property used by organisms in many ways — that of being reversibly oxygenated and deoxygenated without change in the valency of the iron, which remains in the ferrous state. Oxyhaemoglobin, like the other haemochromogens, has two absorption bands in the visible range, in addition to the Soret band which is situated in the ultra-violet (Fig. 16). Deoxygenation transforms the two-band spectrum into a one-band spectrum. 5. Chlorocriiorin Chlorocruorin, which acts as an oxygen carrier in certain types of Anne- lids, is a derivative of chlorocruorohaem. This latter substance is the haem of chlorocruoroporphyrin or Spirographis-porphyrin (from the name of the worm {Spirographis) whose blood is most commonly used as a source of chlorocruorin) (porphin- 1,3,5, 8-tetramethy 1-2-f ormyl-4- viny 1-6, 7- propi- onic acid). In fact, it is derived from protoporphyrin by oxidation of the vinyl group at position 2. 118 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY log. ^ X 6000 3000 A Fig. 19 (Roche and Fox) — Visible spectrum of oxychlorocruorin. lo6|- I.O 0,5 J. 5000 4000 3000 A Fig. 20 (Roche and Fox) — Ultraviolet spectrum of chlorocruorin. MACRO MOLECULES 119 6. Cytochromes These pigments are haemoproteins and are found in all cells which respire. The form of the haem-protein linkage, in this case, does not allow oxygen to be involved in the complex, but there is a reversible oxidation and reduction of iron. The cytochromes show the typical two-banded absorption spectrum of the haemochromogens when their iron is in the ferrous state. Since each haemochromogen is characterized by a particular position of these bands in the visible region, Keilin has been able to detect (imidazole) N N (imidazole; HN— CH — C HN-CH — C H3C HC HaC- CH -CH» CH2 H CH, CH, CH2 ] COOH COOH Reduced cytochrome-c the presence in cells of three cytochromes which he called a, b and c, and which are characterized by the positions of the absorption bands of their reduced forms. Cytochrome-^ has been isolated. It has been shown to be present in all aerobic cells. The protein part of cytochrome-c is rich in basic amino acids, particularly in lysine. The haem of cytochrome-c is derived from protophorphyrin, two vinyl groups being reduced and bound as thioethers to cysteine residues on the rest of the molecule. The side-chains of the protein are believed to be attached to the /3 carbon of the vinyl groups, but this has not yet been completely proved. But, certainly, the a carbon is the point of binding to 120 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY the sulphur atom. The imidazole nitrogen atoms of the two histidine residues are firmly attached to the iron, they take the place of the two water molecules in the haem complex. Of the a and h cytochromes little is known save that the haem of cyto- chrome-a is similar to that in chlorocruorin and that the haem of cyto- chrome-6 is protohaem, Cytochrome-a is not autoxidizable (modification of the valency of the iron by the action of molecular oxygen) whilst cyto- chrome-6 is. It has been possible to identify three new haemochromogens whose spectra are similar to the spectrum of cytochrome -a ; these are cyto- chromes-^i, -ag and -a^. Cytochromes-ai and -a^ replace cytochrome-a in certain bacteria where this latter substance is missing. Cytochrome-ag is identical with cytochrome-oxidase, otherwise known as Warburg's respira- tory enzyme. In the ferrous state it is autoxidizable, that is, it is oxidized to the ferric state by molecular oxygen. Cytochrome-«, which is not autoxidizable, is oxidized by cytochrome-^g (cytochrome-oxidase). Molecular oxygen oxidizes ferrous cytochrome-flg to the ferric state. An electron is lost by the iron (which becomes trivalent) and passes to oxygen. Then the ferricytochrome-ag receives an electron from ferrocytochrome-a (which becomes ferri-) and is reconverted into ferrocytochrome-^g. 2 Fe++ (cyt. tf ) + 2 Fe+++ (cyt. a^) -^ 2 Fe+++ (cyt. a) ^ 1 Fe++ (cyt. a^) 2 Fe++ (cyt. ^g) + O2 -|- 2 H+ -* 2 Fe+-^^- (cyt. a^) + H2O. 7. Hydroper oxidases In these haemoproteins the iron is in the ferric state and remains in this state. The reaction catalysed by the hydroperoxidase enzymes is the following : AH2 + H2O2 -> A + 2H2O (A — a phenol, ascorbic acid, etc.) These enzymes can be divided into two groups : the peroxidases and the catalases. The peroxidases are principally to be found in plants, but they have been discovered in milk and in leucocytes. The catalytic action of peroxidase has been elucidated by B. Chance. He showed that when H2O2 is added to the peroxidase, a primary addition product is formed which is green. This enzyme-substrate complex is transformed into a pale red compound. MACROMOLECULES 121 Per Fe+++OH + HOOR ^ Per Fe+++OOR + H^O (brown) (green) Per Fe+++OOR ^ Per Fe+++OOR (green) (pale-red) Per Fe+++OOR + AH2 -> Per Fe+++OH + ROH -f A Another hydroperoxidase is catalase. This is a particular type of peroxi- dase which can decompose hydrogen peroxide in the absence of a second substrate : 2 H0O2 -^ 2 H2O + O2 1 li I / 10 k / 1 b " \ ^ L \^ 300 400 500 m a 600 Fig. 21 (H. Theorell) — Absorption spectrum of crystalline peroxidase. (b) Chlorophylls and Chlorophyll-proteijis Chlorophylls-^ and b are extracted from leaves by acetone, along with other pigments. The addition of an equal volume of petroleum ether and a small amount of water, to this extract, removes most of the chlorophyll. From this petroleum ether solution it is possible, by extraction with aqueous methanol, to remove most of the xanthophyll and a little of the chlorophyll-6. Extracting with water several times, in this way, one finishes by precipitating the chlorophyll, which is collected on a filter and its two constituents separated, by utilizing the fact that chlorophyll-fl is more soluble in petroleum ether, and chlorophyll-6 is more soluble in methyl alcohol. The chlorophylls are methylphytol esters of the chlorophyllines, which are the corresponding acids. These are neutral substances containing magnesium in a non-ionic form. A hydrolase, called for this reason chloro- phyllase, splits off from chlorophylls a C-20 (with one double bond) ali- phatic alcohol which is a diterpene derivative named phytol (see p. 31). 122 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY When the phytol is separated from a chlorophyll in acetone solution, the green compound remaining is a chlorophylline. The formula below shows that the chlorophylls are magnesium com- plexes of a modified porphin structure, isomeric with protoporphyrin. Chlorophyll-^ and chlorophyll-6 are present in green plants and the green algae. Chlorophyll-6 differs from chlorophyll-a by replacement of a methyl group in position 3 by a formyl group. The structures of chlorophylls c and d are still not completely known. The brown algae contain chlorophylls a and c, and the red algae chlorophylls a and d. Bacteriochlorophyll, which is present in the purple bacteria, differs from chlorophyll-a in two respects : H CH, \ H I c-c=o HsoQoOOC— CH, I COOCH, Phytol Chlorophyll-a the replacement of a vinyl group by acetyl, and the reduction of ring II to a dihydropyrrol structure. If the magnesium is removed from chlorophyll, a phaeophytin is left, and if, in addition, the phytol is removed then the remaining fragment is named a "phaeophorbide", and has the same structure as porphyrin, apart from the presence of two extra hydrogen atoms and a resulting redistribu- tion of double bonds. In the grana of leaves, the chlorophylls are associated with proteins to form complex macromolecules whose nature is still obscure. {c) Metalloflavoproteins Flavin phosphate (FP) or flavin mononucleotide (FMN) (see p. 69) exist in combination with protein, in a macromolecular form which bears the name "old yellow enzyme", thus called because others have since been MACROMOLECULES 123 isolated from yeast and other types of cell. The "old yellow enzyme" plays a catalytic role in the oxidation of glucose-6-phosphate. Another macromolecule of the same type is the "new yellow enzyme" in which the flavin is flavin-adenine dinucleotide (FAD), and which plays a similar catalytic role to the "old yellow enz}'me", the two being present in the same cells. Corresponding to the flavoproteins there is a whole series of metalloflavoproteins resulting from the chelation of copper, iron or molybdenum. B. Metalloproteins in which the Metal is Bound Directly to THE Protein In proteins, the carboxyl and amino groups are, for the most part, combined in peptide linkages, so that it is chiefly the polar side chains which form complexes with metals. If we refer back to Fig. 13, we have a list of side chains of this type. They are those whose pK is below 10. Those groups whose pK is above 10 are such strong bases that they cannot form bonds with metals. Most protein molecules, then, have many points where complexes may be formed with metals. Among these metals it is worthwhile to distinguish those which appear to be coordinated strongly and by many diflferent polar side-chains : such are mercury, silver, copper and zinc. The alkaline earth metals, like calcium, seem to be bound primarily by free carboxyl groups, or, in the phosphoproteins such as casein, by phosphate groups. The most abundant metals in the biosphere (Na, K, Ca, Mg), which are bound strongly to proteins, are those whose internal electronic levels are full whilst the external ones are not. They have the very stable electronic structure found in the rare gases. They therefore bind to functional groups by electrostatic attraction whilst the transition elements tend to use their incompletely filled inner orbits to form covalent bonds. (a) Proteins Binding Copper As in the case of the association of a haem and a protein, the nature of which association controls the diflFerent properties and functions of the macromolecule, macromolecules of proteins and copper diff^er from each other, both in their properties and in their functions. Examples of this type of association are the phenolases and the haemocyanins. 1. Phenolase {phenol oxidase) This molecule of protein and copper has a double function, as a catalyst in the o-hydroxylation of phenols and in the dehydrogenation of o-diphenols. 124 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY OH OH OH ►/ v (O) Enzyme W/ V OH O ^ (O) Enzyme o V Similarly, phenolase oxidizes o- and p- polyphenols. In the course of these reactions, cupric copper of the phenolase is reduced to cuprous copper which is again oxidized by oxygen. OH O 2Cu^-+ + (j OH 2Cu^ V o 2H+ V 2 Cu+ + 2 H+ -\- 1/2 O,-^ 2 Cu++ + H.O There are many uses made of the properties of the cupriprotein phenolase, both in plants and in animals : respiration, biosynthesis, scelerotization of cuticles, pigmentation, etc. 2. Haemocyanins These cuproproteins are oxygen carriers found in certain animals belonging to the mollusc and arthropod families. They are blue in the oxygenated state and colourless in the reduced state. The spectrum of haemocyanin is very similar to that of any copper-protein in which cupric copper is bound to an -SH group. The absorption spectra of oxyhaemocyanin in the visible and ultraviolet regions (Figs. 23 and 24) can be superimposed on the spectra of copper- serum albumin in which the copper is attached to a sulphhydryl group. {b) Proteins Binding Iron Examples of this widely distributed type of compound are the haemery- thrins, ferritin and transferrin. 1. Haemerythrins These are large molecules of protein and iron in which the iron, according to Klotz and Klotz, appears to be partly ferrous and partly ferric. The haemerythrins which can be oxygenated like the haemoglobins, chloro- cruorins and the haemocyanins, like these substances, function as oxygen Fig. 22 (Dhere) — Crystals of the haemocyanin of spiny lobster. Fig. 25 (Florkin) — Crystals of haenierythrin from Phascolosoma elongatum. MACROMOLECULES 125 700 650 600 550 500 450 mu Fig. 23 (Redfield) — Spectrum of the haemocyanin of a gastropod {Busycon canalicul atiim in the visible region. Upper curve : oxyhaemocyanin. Lower curve : reduced haemocyanin) HEMOCYANIN - - - - OXYHFMOCYANIN. Al r 1 ■J _jj|-^^ '-' X 600C 5000 4000 3000 2000 Fig. 24 (Roche) — Absorption spectrum of the haemocyanin from the snail. 126 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY carriers. This use is characteristic of a group of animals, the sipunculids. The absorption spectra of the haemerythrins are analogous to those of the haemocyanins. Like the latter, they do not show the absorption character- istics of haem derivatives that we have noted in the case of the haemoglobins, cytochromes and hydroperoxidases. Oxyhaemerythrin is wine-red whilst haemerythrin is colourless. The spectrum of oxyhaemerythrin is like that of ferriproteins. The iron of haemerythrin, like the copper of haemocyanin, appears to be attached to an -SH group. 2. Ferritin Ferritin is a compound of a protein with an iron hydroxide whose formula is [(FeOOH)8.(FeOP03H2)]. In certain organisms, and particularly in mammals, it serves as a means of storing iron in organs such as the liver and spleen. 2 5000 4000 3000 2000 .& Fig. 26 (Florkin) — Absorption spectrum of the haemerythrin from Sipunculus nudus. 3. Transferrin (siderophilin) In the blood plasma of mammals there is present a ^-pseudo-globulin called transferrin or siderophilin, and which at a definite point in its mole- cule forms an iron complex. This protein, whose molecular weight is in the region of 90,000, makes up about 3% by weight of the plasma proteins. The iron is complexed by it in the ferric form and only in the presence of CO2. When the level of iron in the plasma is at its normal value, which in man is 129y/100 ml, the transferrin is saturated to the extent of 30% of the maximum amount of iron which it can carr}\ The same protein can also fix copper. MACROMOLECULES 127 V. LIPOPROTEINS The lipoproteins are macromolecules that are complexes of proteins with simple or complex lipides. Complexes of steroids and their esters and carotenoids and their esters with proteins are generally classed under this heading. Lipoproteins are very widely distributed in the biosphere. They are very large and very unstable macromolecules. They are found in all parts of the cell. Certain authors maintain that the chlorophyll-proteins are really chlorophyll-lipoproteins. Whatever the truth of this, the study of lipoproteins has not progressed far. One of these substances, however, has been the subject of much exhaus- tive study; this is the lipoprotein of mammalian blood plasma. It is a very complex macromolecule made up of complex lipides, cholesterol, choles- terol esters and polypeptide chains. REFERENCES GURD, F. R. N. (1954). Chemical Specificity in Biological Interactions. (A collection of papers read by various authors, the principal theme being the formation of complexes of proteins with metals and with other molecules.) Academic Press, New York. Lemberg, R. and Legge, J. W. (1949). Hematin Compounds and Bile Pigments. Inter-science, New York. Wyman, J., Jr. (1948). Heme proteins. Adv. Protein Chem., 4, 407-531. PART TWO ENZYMES AND BIOCHEMICAL ENERGETICS K CHAPTER I GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF BIOCHEMICAL ENERGETICS I. FREE ENERGY A. Free Energy and Work The first law of thermodynamics states that the total amount of energy in a system does not change when the different forms of this energy (chemical, mechanical, thermal, electrical, etc.) are converted from one to the other. If a system receives a certain quantity of energy AE, from outside, then the outside loses the same amount AE' and in all the systems together taking part in the exchange, the total energy change is zero : AE= - AE' Let us consider, for example, a system in the gaseous state. On receiving from its surroundings an amount of heat Q, it will expand and in doing so will perform work W, contributing to the energy of the surroundings : AE=Q-W But if the system we are considering is unable to perform external work, as would be the case in a container of constant volume in which an endo- thermic reaction is occurring whose energy is supplied by the surroundings in the form of heat, then, we have AE=Q The reactions studied in the laboratory are not of the type just described. They generally take place at atmospheric pressure, that is, with a change of volume. Let us consider again the above reaction, only this time allowing the pressure to remain constant, which implies that the volume changes and work is done on the surroundings. The system will receive the heat Q from the outside and whilst the endothermic reaction is taking place the reaction mixture will undergo a change in volume performing positive or negative work. The change in heat content of the whole system under consideration is measured by the amount of heat Q, which is divided into that part which brings about a change in the energy of the reacting system and another part equal to the work which has been performed. AH=Q = AE+ PAV (variation in heat content) 131 132 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY In fact, if the pressure P remains constant, and the increase in volume is A V, then the work which has been done is equal to PA V. Since we have selected an endothermic reaction, AH has a positive value. Its value would have been negative if an exothermic reaction had been chosen. At 20° and 1 atmosphere, AH in the case of the combustion of glucose (CgHiaOe + 60, -> 6H2O + 6CO2) has a value of -673,000 calories per mole of glucose (heat of combustion), whilst in the case of a mole of palmitic acid (C16H32O2 + 23O2 -> I6CO2 + I6H2O) its value is -2,380,000 calories. If we place in a calorimeter, at a temperature of 15° (one calorie = the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a gram of water from 14-5° to 15-5°), zinc, mercurous sulphate and water in the molar proportions in accordance with the following equation : Zn + HggSO^ + 7H2O -> ZuSO^.THgO + 2Hg we obtain the products indicated and we can measure a AH value of —82,000 calories. However, if we assemble the same components into a battery at 15° and 1 atmosphere so that it functions perfectly reversibly, the electrical energy obtained is only equivalent to 66,000 calories. The term free energy (AF) is given to the maximum work which is obtainable from a chemical reaction taking place under completely reversible conditions at constant temperature and pressure. In the case of the reaction between zinc, mercurous sulphate and water, AH — AF = (—82,000) — (-66,000) = -16,000 cal/mole. This represents the energy which is lost (in the form of heat) during the reaction. Although the first law of thermodynamics states that there is a definite relation between work and heat, it says nothing about the work which can be obtained from a given amount of heat. It says only that the total amount of energy does not change. The second law of thermodynamics states that there are definite re- strictions on the transformation of heat into work. The weight which furnishes a clock with its mechanical energy descends by a spontaneous process. It is possible, at constant temperature, by the introduction of external work, to cause the weight to be raised again, but one cannot re- verse this spontaneous process by supplying heat at constant temperature. In natural spontaneous processes, a part of the energy liberated is not used to perform work at constant temperature and pressure. This fraction, which is not used isothermally, divided by the absolute temperature T, is the increase in entropy (AS). All spontaneous processes are accompanied by an increase in entropy. Such a process is the diffusion of a substance iii solution from a concentrated solution to a less concentrated solution. The increase in entropy which accompanies such a process can be considered GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF BIOCHEMICAL ENERGETICS 133 as the result of passing from one state to another with an increase in disorder, or, if one prefers, a decrease of the ordered state. To illustrate more clearly the difference between — AH and — AF, that is, between the heat liberated by a reaction and the maximum possible work which can be done by that reaction, we may consider molecules as con- taining two different types of energy. One is an ordered energy : it unites the atoms to each other by primary or secondary valency bonds. It is this energy which can do work. The other is of a disordered nature (vibra- tional, rotational and translational). What primarily interests the bio- chemist is work, chemical or otherwise, obtainable from a reaction. If the reaction takes place with liberation of a great deal of useful energy, then work may be done. It can be seen that it is AF which we wish to know. But it should be noted that AF does not depend solely on the nature of the chemical re- action. It also depends on the concentrations of the reactants, and the direction of the reaction will also depend on these concentrations. It would not be practicable to compile tables of AF for all concentrations, so its value is determined under defined conditions : liquids or solids in the pure state, gas at a pressure of 1 atmosphere, solutions at 0-lM, temperature 25°. Concentrations thus defined are assigned a value of unity and, from the AF° value thus defined, it is possible to calculate values of AF for other conditions. The use of AF values is limited, as far as the biochemist is concerned. Pardee compares the information they give with that given to a car-driver by a map showing contour lines but no roads. The driver, knowing the power of his engine, can deduce whether he can, or cannot, climb the slope between two points. No information is given him as to the road to take. B. Free Energy and the Equilibrium Constant Under given conditions of temperature, pH, etc., each of the chemical reactions occurring in the organism is in a stationary state of dynamic equilibrium (see later). An organism of a given species, given age, and under specified conditions, has a definite composition. Undoubtedly, in a species, the compositions of two individuals show differences, but these differences are much smaller between individuals of one species than be- tween individuals belonging to different genera, and less still, when different families, classes or orders, are considered. A reversible reaction is usually written thus : A-\- B ^C + D According to the law of mass action, the velocity of the reaction between A and B is proportional to the product of the active masses of these two compounds, and the reaction velocity from left to right is written : 134 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY ., = K,{A) (B) whilst that from right to left is : V, = K,{C) (D) At equilibrium, when v^ = V2, ki{A) (B) is equal to k2{C) (D) and the equilibrium constant of the reversible reaction is written : j^ _ (Q jD) (A) (B) We can represent a reversible reaction by using small letters for the number of moles of each reactant. aA + bB ^cC + dD The relation between the free energy change and the equilibrium constant is given by the equation {CY{DY AF= -RT\nK+ RT In {A)^{Bf K is the equilibrium constant, that is, the ratio between the product {Cy{D)^ and the product {Ay {By under conditions of thermodynamic equilibrium. The second term permits AF to be calculated for different activities. If these latter are equal to unity, the second term disappears and we have AF°= -RTlnK In common logarithms, and replacing the gas constant R by its value (1-987 cal/degree/mole), -AF° = 4-575 T log K C. Free Energy and Electromotive Force It is known that one can obtain work from certain chemical reactions by constructing a cell. The maximum work AF can be obtained from a direct and precise measurement, that of the E.M.F. of the cell. The voltage E is proportional to the work done for each electron transferred and if it is known, AF can be calculated from the equation AF = -nFE in which n represents the number of electrons transported in the reaction and F is the Faraday constant. In oxidation-reduction reactions, as we shall see, the measurement of E.M.F. provides invaluable information about the free energy of numerous biochemical reactions. GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF BIOCHEMICAL ENERGETICS 135 D. Sources of Free Energy The organisms in Nature obtain their vital energy from two main free energy sources. One is situated in the biosphere itself, it is the covalent energy of the organism's food and depends upon the properties of the external electronic orbits of the constituent atoms. The other is outside the biosphere : it is nuclear energy coming into it in the form of light. Ordinary hydrogen has a nucleus made up of a single proton around which a single electron revolves. The atom of ordinary helium has two protons and two neutrons in the nucleus and two external electrons. If we take the exact masses of a proton and a neutron, add them together and multiply by two, we obtain a figure of 4-03304 units. But, if we measure the mass of the helium nucleus, we shall obtain 4'00279. Between the calculated and the measured value there is a difference of 0-03025 units, equivalent to an energy value of 28-2 MeV (millions of electron volts). This is the energy of binding the mass lost in order to keep together such particles as the protons which, because of their extremely small size, develop considerable forces of repulsion. Since this binding energy is 0 in the hydrogen atom and is equal to 28-2 MeV in the helium atom, the transformation of a hydrogen atom into a helium atom will liberate 28'2 MeV. This is what happens in the centre of the sun which, because of its considerable diameter (1,392,000 km or 109 times the diameter of the earth), has a resulting gravitational field strong enough to retain its hydrogen which forms 99% of its weight. The centre of the sun has a temperature of 20,000,000° C and is under a pressure of several tens of thousands of atmospheres, so that the kinetic energy of the hydrogen atoms is sufficient for collisions between them to bring about nuclear reactions. The sun converts hydrogen atoms into helium atoms by means of a cyclic process in which carbon acts as a catalyst. It is this nuclear energy which reaches the biosphere in the form of heat and various forms of radiation, in particular those which are utilized by organisms containing chlorophyll. However, a great many organisms use sources of non-nuclear energy. This energy is derived from the change in energy level of electrons during the atomic rearrangements which accompany the changes in structure of nutrient molecules, and those which accompany oxido-reduction reactions. These changes in potential are expressed in electron-volts (1 electron-volt = the kinetic energy acquired by a particle carrying the charge on an electron when accelerated by a potential of one volt). The commonly used unit is a million times greater (MeV). The energy corresponding to an electron-voh is equal to 1-60207 ± 0.00007 X lO-^^ gj-gs. The energy in calories per mole corresponding to one electron-volt per molecule = 23-05285 ±3-2 cal/mole). 136 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY II ENERGY COUPLING Exergonic reactions are the only reactions which can occur in the bio- sphere. It is, therefore, necessary to explain by what mechanism cells per- form numerous biosyntheses where the resulting molecules have an energy content higher than that of their starting materials. In the cell, the energy of a chemical bond can be transferred to another bond by only one possible mechanism, that in which two separate reactions have one substance common to both. The transfer of energy is accom- plished by utilizing part of the free energy of an exergonic reaction to bring about a reaction which, by itself, would be endergonic and would not, there- fore, otherwise take place. Consider the following endergonic reaction : {K^ - 0-01, AF° = +2,470 cal.) Lt equilibrium ^qq^ ^ B\ We are given the value of the equilibrium constant and the reaction will be at equilibrium when the concentration of ^ is a hundred times that of B, and it will not take place from left to right except when the concentration of B is less than one per cent of that oi A. If the concentration of B is greater than one per cent of that of A, the reaction will take place from right to left. Now, consider the exergonic reaction : (II) B-^C {K^ = 1000, AF° = -4110 cal.) /'at equilibrium ^ It will take place from left to right until C is a 1000 times more con- centrated than B. Now let us suppose that the two reactions occur simultaneously. Re- action II will continuously remove the product of reaction I, and this reaction, endergonic when the ratio [5]/[^] is greater than 1/100, will become exergonic and, consequently, will proceed from left to right, when the concentration of B becomes sufficiently small for the ratio [5]/[^] to fall below 1/100. For the combined reaction, AF = (2470 - 4110) = -1370 cal). The overall reaction is therefore exergonic. The exergonic reaction II causes B to disappear. As B disappears, the AF of reaction II becomes progressively smaller in absolute value, whilst the JF of reaction I approaches zero (the reaction becomes less and less endergonic). When the AF of / becomes negative (because [B] is suffici- GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF BIOCHEMICAL ENERGETICS 137 ently small), the two reactions proceed in the direction A -> B ^- C uip to the time when the two AF values become equal to 0, which is the point of final equilibrium. III. ENERGY-RICH BONDS It is to Lipmann (1941) that we owe the classification of the phosphory- lated compounds which occur in Nature, into two types — those possessing a bond whose hydrolysis is accompanied by a considerable release of free energy, and those which yield much less energy. The bonds which are "energy-rich" from the point of view of the release of free energy by hydrolysis are, in fact, for the physical-chemist, weak bonds, being rapidly and easily broken, whilst those bonds which release little free energy on hydrolysis are stronger and more difficult to hydrolyse. When the different types of phosphoric esters were listed in the first part of this book (p. 62), we noted the existence of bonds of the acid anhydride type, resulting from the union of two molecules of acid with elimination of a molecule of water. These bonds are hydrolysed with the release of large amounts of energy as can be seen, for example, when acetic anhydride is mixed with water : the reaction takes place with a considerable increase in temperature. The most important type of acid anhydride in biochemistry is that between two molecules of phosphoric acid, as exemplified by the two ter- minal bonds of ATP (p. 67), but the pyrophosphate bond is not the only type of energy-rich bond as can be seen from Table XI. Mixed anhydrides of carboxylic and phosphoric acids (acyl-phosphates), phosphondated enol groups (enolphosphates), phosphorylated guanidine groups (guanidine phosphates), compounds of sulphhydryl groups with phosphoric or car- boxylic acids (thioesters or thiophosphates), all these types of compound are energy-rich. How does one explain this release of large amounts of free energy when an energy-rich bond is hydrolysed ? As far as the pyrophosphate linkage is concerned, one of the reasons is that in pyrophosphate the number of resonating structures is much smaller than in inorganic phosphate. Also, in the pyrophosphate molecule there are several Hke charges close to each other and their reciprocal repulsion is balanced by a certain amount of energy which is set free on hydrolysis. Moreover, the neutralization of the acid groups liberated on hydrolysis is also productive of energy. Con- siderations of a like character can explain the liberation of energy which accompanies hydrolysis of the acyl-phosphate and guanidine-phosphate bonds, but they cannot explain this in the case of the phosphoenolpyruvate bond. In this case, one of the sources of the energy is the transformation of the enol form of pyruvic acid into the keto form. The formation of glycogen from glucose is an example of an apparently endergonic reaction which is, in fact, made exergonic by the mediation of a 138 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY molecule having an energy-rich bond, ATP, which acts by phosphorylating one of the reactants : — glucose + (glycogen)^ -^ (glycogen)n+i + HgO AF° = +5,000 cal The reaction can be split up into the following stages : glucose + ATP -^ G-6-P + ADP + H+ AF° = -8,000 cal G-6-P ^ G-l-P AF° = +1,800 cal G-l-P + (glycogen)^ -> (glycogen)„+i + H3PO4 AF° = + 200 cal The sum of these reactions leads to the following : glucose + (glycogen)„ + ATP -> (glycogen)„+i + ADP + H3PO4 + H+ AF° = -6,000 cal IV. THE PHOSPHATE CYCLE Research carried out during recent years has revealed that the energy stored in food which is broken down during cellular metabolism is gradu- ally liberated in "packets" of energy which can be stored and utilized at a later date. The direct oxidation of glucose by oxygen : 6O2 + CeHiaOe -> 6CO2 + 6H2O AF° = -686,000 cal will release a considerable amount of energy in the form of heat, that is to say, in a non-utilizable form. But, as Pardee has remarked, one does not start a car by putting a match to the petrol tank. The energy economy of living organisms rests on the fact that anaerobic and aerobic metabolism can give rise to energy-rich bonds, which can be stored as energy-rich bonds of ATP and this energy can be used by the cell to do various forms of work including the chemical work of biosynthesis. V. BIOLOGICAL OXIDO-REDUCTIONS AND THE GENERATION OF ENERGY-RICH BONDS Energy-rich bonds are generated by the conduction of certain definite electrons along definite channels. During this passage of electrons their energy level is lowered and energy-rich bonds are formed at their expense. So an organism is an electro-chemical machine whose structure is that of a special type of electronic conductor. A. Oxido-Reduction Potentials Consider a solution of ferric chloride. In this solution there are Fe+'*"+ ions, CI- ions and water molecules. The solution is stable, however it is capable of accepting electrons with the conversion of Fe+++ to Fe++ : we can say that it has a certain (negative) electron pressure. We can measure this pressure, provided that we have a reference system which we can place together with the solution in an electric circuit. Let us place in the ferric GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF BIOCHEMICAL ENERGETICS 139 Table XI Free energy liberated in the hydrolysis of various bonds Bonds Oside linkage Peptide linkage O Ester linkage R — C- R-O H O-R' -PO3H2 OR c ^ no, R_CJ-NH-R' Kilocals jmole (negative values) 2.0 - 4.0 4.8 3.0 Pyrophosphate Guanidinephosphate Enolphosphate Acylphosphate Thioester Thiophosphate O II R— P-O I O II ^P— R' I OH OH NH , " I R-NH-C-NH-fPOaH^ R=:C-0~P0aH2 I o II I R-C-O-l-POaHa O R — C4SR R— S- 12.0 PO3H, 14.0 16.0 16 0 16.0 ca. 16.0 140 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY chloride solution an electrode made of a noble metal (platinum, for example) at whose surface no chemical reaction occurs. By means of an agar bridge, we can connect the solution with another solution capable of giving or receiving electrons. In this solution we will also place a platinum electrode and we will join the two electrodes by a wire together with a potentiometer in the circuit. If the electron pressures of the two solutions are different there will be an electron flow which will be revealed by the passage of an electric current. If we know the electron pressure of the reference solution, and measure the potential difference and direction of flow of the current, then we have a basis on which to calculate the electron pressure of the first solution. As a reference solution we may take what is commonly known as the normal hydrogen electrode, that is, a normal solu- tion of hydrochloric acid saturated with hydrogen gas. The e.m.f. of the system is measured with a potentiometer. The electron pressure (which depends upon the ratio between the concentrations of the oxidized and re- duced substance) is called the oxidation-reduction (or redox) potential (E). The relation between E and the concentrations of the oxidized substance and the reduced substance is given by the equation : RT (oxidized form) nF (reduced form) in which, R is the gas constant; T is the absolute temperature ; n is the number of electrons involved when the substance passes from the oxidized to the reduced state (for Fe+++ <^ Fe++, « = 1); Eo is a special constant for each particular system. Furthermore, In signifies log to the base e and F is the Faraday {F = 96,500 J, and since 1 cal = 4-18 ], F= 23,098 cal). If the concentration of the oxidized form (Ox) is equal to the concen- tration of the reduced form (Red), (Ox) {Ox) = {Red) and In -j^^ = 0. RT £:=£„+ -J- XO=Eo. To measure Eo, it is only necessary to measure E when {Ox) = {Red). Eo is termed the standard oxidation-reduction potential, it is the potential which is measured against the hydrogen electrode at the pH of a normal solution of HCl (pH = 0, since log 1 = 0). It has become customary to state the potential at, or around, pH 7-0 and this standard potential is designated by the symbol Eo'. GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF BIOCHEMICAL ENERGETICS 141 In Table XII is listed a series of Eo values for a number of systems important biochemically. If system A is characterized by a higher (or less negative) value of E than system 5, then B can serve as a reducing system for system A, and A as an oxidizing system for B. We have seen (p. 134) that there is a definite relation between the change in free energy AF and electromotive force E, and that by means of the following equation it is possible to calculate the electrical work accompany- ing the formation of a mole of reaction-product. AF ■nFE Let us now consider, inside a cell, the oxidation (or dehydrogenation) of lactate to pyruvate, the proton and the electron of the hydrogen, or the electron alone, being conducted through several intermediates as far as cytochrome-c. Let us also suppose that the pyruvate and lactate are present at equal concentrations and that the cytochrome-c is 50% reduced and 50% oxidized. The number of intermediates does not matter. E' o for the lactate-pyruvate system = 0-180 at pH 7-0; at the same pH, for the system cytochrome-c (Ox)/cytochrome-c (Red), E' o = 0-262. Since both systems are 50% reduced, E = E' o for both, and zl5 = 0-442 volts whence -AF =2x 96,500 x 0-442 = 85,500 J = 20,500 cal. So that the energy liberated by the oxidation of a mole of lactate by a mole of cytochrome-c under the specified conditions is 20,500 calories. Johnson calculates that this amount of energy would be sufficient to keep a 100 W lamp alight for 14 min. Table XII Some oxidation-reduction potentials System Temp. pH Eol (volts) a-ketoglutarate-succinate 7-0 -0-600 Acetaldehyde-acetate 7-0 -0-468 H+-hydrogen All. temps. 0-0 -0-060 Coenzyme I 30 7-0 -0-282 Lactate -pyruvate 35 7-01 -0.180 Malate-oxaloacetate 38 7-0 -0-102 Succinate-maleate 37 7-0 -0-094 Cytochrome-6 20 7-4 -0-04 Succinate-fumarate 7-0 0-00 Cytochrome-c 7-0 + 0-262 Cytochrome-a 20 7-4 + 0-29 142 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY B. Formation of Energy-rich Bonds during Oxidation-reduction Reactions Although the passage of electrons, either from one point to another in the same molecule, or by a conductor made up of a series of systems of higher and higher oxidation potential, is accompanied by a change in free energy, these free energies, like that resulting from the direct oxidation of glucose, are not in a form which can be used by the cell. These free ener- gies will be degraded into heat and lost to the cell unless some mechanism exists to store them in the form of energy-rich bonds of ATP, the universal source of cellular work. It is, therefore, important now to consider this mechanism — the coupling of electron transfer and phosphorylation. There are two aspects to be considered : phosphorylation at substrate level and phosphorylation during the transfer of electrons through a series of intermediates. (a) Phosphorylation at Substrate Level An example of this type of genesis of pyrophosphate linkages is furnished by the oxidation of phosphoglyceraldehyde to 1,3-diphosphoglyceric acid, an oxidation which occurs during glycolysis. Phosphoglyceraldehyde dehydrogenase (PGAD) is the enzyme catalys- ing the oxidation (anaerobic) of phosphoglyceraldehyde which takes place with an internal redistribution of electrons and the accumulation of 16,000 calories in the acyl-phosphate bond. The enzyme, whose coenzyme is C C ^H ^ 0-P0(0H)2 CHOH -t-DPN^ +H3PO4 ^ CHOH +DPNH CH20PO(OH)2 CH,OPO(OH)2 Phosphoglyceryldehyde 1,3-diphosphoglyceric acid DPN, has been crystallized. It is poor in cysteine but rich in basic amino acids. Near to an — SH group on the surface of the enzyme protein molecule there is attached a molecule of the coenzyme DPN+. An addition complex is formed between the — SH grouping and the — N = C — of DPN+. When phosphoglyceraldehyde is added, this bond is broken and an energy rich thioester is formed and at the same time the DPN+ is reduced to DPNH. A phosphate residue which is also attached to the protein molecule takes the place of the thiol group and the energy of the GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF BIOCHEMICAL ENERGETICS 143 thioester bond is transferred to the acyl-phosphate bond. 1,3-diphos- phoglyceric acid subsequently detaches itself from the protein molecule. .O \ — H,0 OH CHOPO(OH), CH.OH 2-phosphoglyceric acid OH CO-PO(OH); CH, phosphoenolpyruvic acid — » o OH ^ O OH CO--PO(OH), +ADP ^ COH -f- ATP CH2 phosphoenolpyruvic acid CH, pyruvic acid (enolic form) ^ -^ V o OH c-=o CH3 pyruvic acid (ketonic form) This reaction can only continue till all the substrate is used up, if the reaction product, which is 1,3-diphosphoglyceric acid, is removed from the solution ; in the cell, this acid then reacts with ADP, converting it into ATP; the energy-rich anhydride bond then disappears 144 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY from the 1,3-diphosphoglyceric acid and reappears in ATP. 1,3-diphosphoglyceric acid + ADP:<^ 3-phosphoglycericid + ATP. This transfer of energy of the energy-rich acyl-phosphate bond to the energy-rich pyrophosphate bond is catalysed by a highly specific enzyme, 3-phosphoglyceric phosphokinase ; this enzyme, also, has been crystallized. An example of the transformation of an ordinary phosphate ester into an energy-rich phosphate is provided by another reaction of the glycolysis chain : the conversion of 2-phosphoglyceric acid into phosphoenolpyruvic acid followed by a transphosphorylation. The reaction (a dehydration), catalysed by enolase, results in the redistribution of the internal energy of the molecule with concentration of around 16,000 calories in the enol- phosphate bond. The rapid transfer of this energy-rich phosphate to ADP with formation of ATP is brought about by pyruvic phosphokinase. (b) Phosphorylation in the Respiratory Chain As we have just seen, the formation of ~P bonds is coupled with oxidation-reductions taking place at substrate level. Others may be formed in a way which depends on the energy liberated by electrons removed from the substrate as they pass along a series of carriers of increasing potential until finally oxygen is reached. Acetyl-CoA resulting from a number of metabolic reactions (see Part 3) is oxidized by a common pathway in the presence of oxygen. Here, unlike the previously cited examples taken from anaerobic glycolysis, the phosphorylations which yield pyrophosphate bonds are not coupled to oxidation-reductions at substrate level. This concept is based on a number of experimental findings. The quantitative study of this process was initiated by Belitzer in 1939. As we shall see, during the respiratory cycle which transforms substrates into COg and HgO, a series of dehydrogenations occur. If each of these dehydrogen- ations was accompanied by a phosphorylation of the substrate, then for each of these a molecule of phosphate would be removed from the solution and an atom of oxygen would be consumed (P/0 would be equal to 1). Now, Belitzer calculated the ratio P/0 and obtained values greater than unity. This expresses the fact that for each pair of electrons (or of electrons accompanied by protons) transferred to oxygen several phosphorylations occur. Theoretically there is nothing very astonishing about this since when we defined oxidation-reduction potentials we showed that when lactate is dehydrogenated to pyruvate, the transfer of electrons or hydrogen atoms (electron + proton) to oxygen liberates much more energy than is required for the formation of an energy-rich pyrophosphate bond. Belitzer put forward the following hypothesis, which has been confirmed by numerous observations : the reaction producing the energy which is coupled to phosphorylation is the oxidation of the carrier, which was re- GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF BIOCHEMICAL ENERGETICS 145 duced directly by the electrons of the substrate by a second carrier of higher oxidation-reduction potential ; the carrier of the highest oxidation- reduction potential is, of course, oxygen itself. This coupling of phosphorylations to oxidation-reduction during respi- ration makes up the dynamo which transforms the energy of electron transfer into energy-rich bonds of ATP. Without this coupling this energy would be lost in the form of heat, and, in fact, a part of it is lost in this way. We shall leave a detailed discussion of this aspect of energy until we come to study the particular reactions involved. VI. THE CELLULAR DYNAMO The preceding has given us some idea of the lay-out of the cellular machine and the function of its "dynamo" (Fig. 27). Details will be studied later. This scheme is of general application for the provision of energy to the living cell from the packets of chemical energy in the form of cellular nutrients. However, there is another way of obtaining energy — by utilizing the energy of the sun to perform biosynthesis. This dynamo functions by coverting electromagnetic energy into chemical energy, but at the present time its mode of operation is not so well understood as the chemical energy dynamo described above. However, even if not generally accepted, the scheme proposed by Calvin is of interest. The first stage of photosynthesis, is the conversion of water into a reducing substance and half a molecule of oxygen : hv Heat HP Biosynthesis 2[H] + JO, Mechanical Work Active Bioluminescence Transport /_ oxido-reduction Fig. 27 — General lay-out of the cellular dynamo (modified from Lipmann) 146 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY In Calvin's view, in the organized and oriented system containing chloro- phyll, absorption of light liberates an electron. As depicted in Fig. 28, water is on one side of the photobattery and the disulphide form of thioctic acid on the other. Electrons move towards the thioctic acid layer and the sites which are left empty are immediately filled up by electrons coming CO2 COj H o— H o— H I H SH SH TPNH 0 • o + + 1 o o o + ■"0 • 2H00 H I O— H O— H I H 1^ 2H- [H2O,] \H20 Fig. 28 (after Calvin) — The role of thioctic acid in the first stage of photosynthesis. from the water molecules. In particular, this photobattery produces a high concentration of TPNH. For the moment, the scheme in Fig. 28 is sufficient to illustrate the fact that the energy-transformer at the primary stage of photosynthesis is different from the chemical type of transformer. Later, we shall return to the question of photosynthesis. VII. THE PYROPHOSPHATE BOND AND CELLULAR WORK The pyrophosphate bonds of ATP are the coins which pay for the performance of cellular work, and there are as many examples of their use in this way as there are types of dynamic biochemical reaction. A very common type of cellular work is the transport of a molecule against the concentration gradient, for example, the transport of glucose from a region where its concentration is low, through a membrane, to a region where the concentration of glucose is higher. Such a case is represented in Fig. 29. On the left-hand side of the membrane, corre- sponding to the low concentration of glucose, the glucose is phosphorylated in the presence of hexokinase at the expense of a molecule of ATP and G-6-P is formed. The presence of this molecule, which diffuses freely in the thickness of the membrane, does not prevent the diffusion of glucose to continue through the left-hand face. On the right-hand side, this ester is hydrolysed in the presence of a phosphatase, regenerating glucose and GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF BIOCHEMICAL ENERGETICS 147 liberating inorganic phosphate ; the concentration of glucose on this side of the membrane is above that existing on the right of the membrane ; so the glucose diffuses to the right of the membrane. The membrane is made up of cells and its thickness is the same as these cells. Thus, the free energy of a pyrophosphate bond is used for each molecule of glucose transported, and it is converted into work done against the concentration gradient. Low concentration ATP ADP Hexokinase G- Membrane ; Phosphatase - G High concentration Fig. 29 (Cantarow and Schepartz)— Transfer of a glucose molecule against the concentration gradient at the price of an ATP pyrophosphate bond. VIII. CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM AND THE STATIONARY STATE Let us recall the definition of a reversible reaction : it is a reaction in which the reacting substances are not completely used up in forming the products of the reaction. If, for example, we mix equimolecular amounts of ethyl alcohol and acetic acid, water and an ester will be formed according to the equation C0H5OH + CH3COOH = CH3COOC2H5 + H2O Whatever the duration of the reaction, at equilibrium a third of the ethyl alcohol and a third of the acid will remain unchanged, in the presence of the reaction products from the other two-thirds. If, on the other hand, we mix equimolecular amounts of the ester and water, ethyl alcohol and acetic acid will be formed CHgCOOCoHg + H2O = C2H5OH + CH3COOH But two-thirds of the reactants will remain unchanged in the presence of the products from the remaining third. So, one can write C2H5OH + CH3COOH ^ CH3COOC2H5 + H2O The reaction is reversible. Whether the reaction begins from the left or the right it will reach equilibrium when there are twice as many ester molecules as there are alcohol molecules. 148 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY In a reversible reaction it is the difference in the reaction velocities in opposing directions which regulates the position of equilibrium. In effect, all reactions are reversible, but if the velocity from left to right is very great and the velocity from right to left very small, then the reaction may be considered as irreversible. However, even though the reaction velocity is appreciable in either direction, one of the reaction products may be constantly removed, and in such a case a reversible reaction can go to completion in one direction. For example, if we react iron and water vapour in a closed vessel we shall have the reversible reaction : 3Fe + 4H2O ^ FegOi + W^ Now, if we pass the water vapour over the iron, the hydrogen will be swept away and the reaction will go to completion from left to right : 3Fe + 4H2O ^ Fe304 + 4H2 If, on the other hand, we pass a stream of hydrogen over the heated iron oxide, it will be the reaction from right to left which will go to completion, the current of gas sweeping away the water vapour : FegO^ + 4H2 -> 3Fe + 4H2O The equilibrium of a reversible reaction is the resultant of velocities in the two directions. Temperature influences these velocities but it does not change them relative to each other, nor consequently the position of equilibrium. The presence of a catalyst will influence the velocities but likewise will not alter the point of equilibrium. It is the concentrations of the substances present which control the direction of a reversible reaction, as stated by the law of mass action. In living organisms, it happens frequently that the products of a rever- sible reaction are used in another reaction, or that they are removed from the site of their formation. Inside the cell, a reversible reaction often goes to completion in one direction and becomes, in effect, an irreversible reaction. A closed system can only do work at the cost of an increase in entropy. And irreversible reactions can only take place in one direction, that of an increase in entropy. The reactions will continue until equilibrium is established. The situation is quite different in an open system or in an assembly of open systems, as is the case for a cell or an organism. In such an open system, the organism takes complex organic molecules from the environ- ment, liberates free energy from these molecules, and rejects the products of the reaction. It can maintain its entropy constant and even decrease it so that its constituents become more ordered. It has been described as GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF BIOCHEMICAL ENERGETICS 149 being nourished by negative entropy (Schrodinger). There is nothing here which contradicts the second law of thermodynamics, for in the total system made up of the organism and its surroundings the entropy increases. An organism is made up of one or more cells ; each cell is itself an assembly of open systems which receive free energy and dispose of it. As Prigogine (1947) has shown, open systems have some very remarkable properties. (1) They tend towards a "stationary state" corresponding to a state of minimum entropy compatible with the conditions of the system. (2) The entropy of the system can decrease when the "stationary state" is established. (3) If one of the components of the system is modified, the system changes in an opposing direction, revealing a capacity for self-regulation. It can be seen that the statiojiary state of "constrained disequilibrium", which is manifest in organisms, with its continual introduction and removal of materials, is quite different from the equilibrium of a reversible reaction. Let us take, for example, the case of a monomolecular reversible reaction k A ^B k' According to the law of mass action, we may write : (^) k ^ ^ ...^ . --J- = -,= K (equilibrmm constant) [A) k When equilibrium is reached, the rates of conversion of A into B, and B into A, are equal. If B is constantly removed to a pool Z and if A is constantly replaced from a source of supply S, the flux will be defined as follows : k« k kz S< >A ^B< >Z k' ks and kz are the diffusion constants (or "permeabilities"). It can be seen that to define the stationary state we must consider not only the size of the source and the pool but also the equilibrium constant of the reaction itself. In order for the stationary state to be maintained, S and Z must remain constant regardless of subtractions or additions. There are many cases in organisms where the equilibrium of a reversible reaction has been upset in one direction or the other. For example, in vertebrates when oxygen is transported, the reversible reaction Hb + 0.2 ^ HbO, takes place from left to right when the blood passes through the lungs and from right to left when the blood reaches the tissues. 150 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY But this is not the case in the reactions of intermediary metaboHsm. When these are under consideration, one must always bear in mind the complex stationary states of open systems, in which the equilibrium is not limited to the consideration of only one reaction and is not controlled solely by the equilibrium constant of a reversible reaction. REFERENCES Bladergroen, W. (1955). Einfuhrung in die Energetik und Kinetik biologischer Vorgdnge. Wepf, Basel. Johnson, M. J. (1949). Oxidation-reduction potentials. Respiratory Enzymes, edited by Lardy, H. A., Burgess, Minneapolis, revised edition, 58-70. Johnson, M. J. (1 949) Energy relations in metabolic reactions. Respiratory Enzymes, edited by Lardy, H. A, Burgess, Minneapolis, revised edition. 255-263. Pardee, A. P. (1954). Free energy and metabolism. Chemical Pathzvays of Metabolism, edited by Greenberg, D. E., vol. I, Academic Press, New York, 1-25. Prigogine, L (1955). Introduction to Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes. Thomas, Springfield. CHAPTER II ENZYMES I. DEFINITION In order for a reaction to take place spontaneously, we have seen that it must have a negative AF. But this condition alone is not sufficient to say that the reaction will take place. The petrol in the tank of a car has a very negative AF for the oxidation reaction, but it remains stable in air. Simi- larly, food in a grocer's shop, in contact with air, is also stable, although this food is destined to provide much energy in the oxidations it will undergo, in the presence of oxygen, in the human body. In order to react, most molecules have to be activated. The act of bringing a lighted match to the surface of the petrol accomplishes the activation. Conforming to the concept of activation introduced by Arrhenius, the energy content of molecules is not constant but is continually changing. Certain molecules, the activated molecules, have an energy higher than the other molecules, and only they are capable of entering into a reaction. In a solution of sucrose, for example, the number of activated molecules is extrem^ely small but if the temperature is increased by 10° their number is increased two or three times. These activated molecules travel faster and are more labile. Uncatalysed reaction Catalysed reaction Reactants Reaction products Fig. 30 When the molecules have absorbed a certain amount of energy {E in Fig. 30), reaction takes place between the reactants and the reaction pro- ducts are formed. Nevertheless, the need for activation can be reduced, to 151 152 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY varying degrees, by the presence of catalysts, which, in effect, lower the activation-energy barrier. In Nature, reactions do not take place at high temperatures, and most of them only occur because of the presence of the organic catalysts which we call enzymes. As we saw in the preceding chapter, one of the characteristics of the biochemical machine is a constant opposition to the establishment of thermodynamic equilibrium. A cell, even if after a given period we do not observe any change in its composition, is not in a state of thermodynamic equilibrium, but is in a stationary state of flux in which the velocities of synthesis and breakdown, for example, are equilibrated. Such an equilibrium is the result of the control of the velocities in question. The control of these velocities is the work of the very many specific catalysts which each cell contains. II. ENZYMES AND ACTIVATORS It was in 1926 that an enzyme, urease, was crystallized for the first time by Sumner. Since then, many other enzymes have been crystallized and the list is constantly increasing. All these purified enzymes are proteins. However, as long ago as 1897, Gabriel Bertrand introduced the name "coenzyme" or "coferment" for those metal ions whose presence was indispensable for the action of certain enzymes. It soon became evident that certain enzymes were heteroproteins in nature, that is that they contained a prosthetic group firmly attached to the protein. For example the haem in catalase. Also there are a number of cofactors in the absence of which biocatalysis does not occur. At the present time the term coenzymes refers to these small organic molecules which are indispensable for the performance of biocatalysis but which are not in- cluded in the enzyme molecule in the state in which it is isolated from the cell. Hence enzymes exist which are inactive in the absence of the co- enzyme. In addition, when an ion, whether attached firmly or not to the protein, is indispensable for its biocatalytic action, it is called an activator. The study of the mechanism of enzyme action, of coenzymes and activators, is in full swing at the present time. We shall, therefore, content ourselves for the time being with the above terminology which covers extremely diverse mechanisms. Some examples of these general biochemical mechanisms will be taken and described in the pages which follow. III. CLASSIFICATION OF ENZYMES A. Hydrolases These catalyse reactions of the type : AB + HgO -^ AGH + HB. These enzymes can be considered as catalysing the transfer of a trans- ferable group with water playing the role of specific acceptor. They can ENZYMES 153 be divided into several types according to the nature of the donor system and the transferable group. The general type of transfer reaction and the particular case where water is the acceptor can be represented by the following two schemes of reaction : R_X+HE ^ R— E+XH R-X+HE ^ R— E+XH f ' \ YH H OH R— Y+HE R— OH+HE in which R — X is the substrate (donor system), R is the transferable group, Y is the acceptor system and E is the enzyme. Hydrolases catalyse the transfer of transferable groups to water. If another acceptor is present, in sufficient quantities and in the presence of the specific enzyme for the activation and transfer of the group to this other acceptor, then this reaction will compete with the hydrolysis. The donor system varies according to the various types of hydrolases and the transferable group may be attached by a peptide bond, oside bond, ester bond, amine linkage, amide bond or an amidine linkage. In all living beings, as a rule, seven types of hydrolases are recognized. O O (a) Peptidases RC— NHR' + H.,0 ^ RC-OH + NH.R (b) Carbohydrases R' — O— R' + HoO ^ R'OH + R'OH (R^ and R^ are sugar residues or osides, they can be identical.) O O II II (c) Esterases R'— C— OR' + H,0 ^ R^C— OH + R'OH (d) Phosphatases R— O— PO3H2 + H2O ^ ROH + H3PO4 (e) Deaminases R— NH2 + H2O ^ ROH + NH3 O O (f) Deamidases R— C— NH^ + H2O ^ R— C— OH + NH3 NH (g) Deamidi- II nases R— NH— C— NHo + H2O ^ R— NHo + H2NCONH2 154 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY When the transferase systems (transphosphorylases, transglycosidases, transpeptidases, transmethylases, transacylases, etc.) which function inside the cell, cease to act and compete with the transfer to water, the hydrolases take over and cause a certain amount of hydrolysis of the cellular contents. (a) Peptidases All cells contain peptidases, and in many specialized cases they secrete enzymes of this type to the exterior ; this is the case, for example, with many bacteria, and with certain cells of the digestive tract of animals, etc. There are many special aspects of this subject which will not be discussed here. The peptidases are divided into endopeptidases and exopeptidases. The endopeptidases (formerly proteinases) are able to attack all the peptide bonds in a molecule, even those which are some distance from terminal groups, whilst the exopeptidases (formerly peptidases) can only hydrolyse peptide bonds at the ends of the chain. Among the exopeptidases, some remove terminal residues having a free carboxyl group (carboxypeptidases) whilst others remove those where the amino group is free (aminopepti- dases). Still little is known about the system of intracellular peptidases. Some studies have been made of the so-called cathepsin, which is the intracellular peptidase system of mammalian kidney and spleen. The studies of Berg- mann and his collaborators have revealed that the system contains endo- peptidases, carboxypeptidases and aminopeptidases. [b) Carbohydrases Like the peptidases, these enzymes are universally found in the bio- sphere. They are considered under two headings, glycosidases which hydrolyse di- and trisaccharides and glycosides, and polysaccharases which hydrolyse macromolecules such as starch or cellulose. The glycosides possessing a free reducing group can exist in the a form or the j8 form. One can also characterize the reducing group involved in the glycoside linkage by referring to a-glycosides and to ^-glycosides. Mal- tose, for example, is an a-glucoside, lactose a j8-galactoside, and sucrose, at the same time, is both an a-glucoside and a ^-fructoside. There are a certain number of glycosidases which are specific for a given linkage regardless of the molecule which contains it : a-glucosidase (formerly maltase), ^-glucosidase (formerly emulsin, cellobiase, gentio- biase), a-galactosidase, /S-galactosidase, j8-fructosidase (formerly invertase, saccharase, etc.), a-mannosidase. In addition, there are a number of gly- cosidases which are specific for a given compound (for example, trehalase which acts only on trehalose and not on other a-glucoside linkages). The glycosidases are without action on polysaccharide macromolecules, although starch and glycogen, for example, consist of chains of glucose ENZYMES 155 molecules joined together by a-glucoside linkages. The hydrolysis of starch only takes place in the presence of amylases, ^-amylase attacks the long chains of amylose and hydrolyses it completely. With amylopectin (or with glycogen), ^-amylase acts on the outer chains but its action is stopped at the point of branching. When acting on amylopectin, j8- amylase hydrolyses it to maltose to the extent of 65% and the residue is attacked by a-amylase. Whilst a-amylase appears to be very widely distributed in living beings, up to the present /3-amylase has not been detected in animals. A whole series of other polyases exists and they are more or less widely distributed in the biosphere : cellulases, dextranases, lichenases, inulinases, pectin-polygalacturonidases, mucopolysaccharases, lysozymes, hyaluroni- dases, etc. (c) Esterases These enzymes hydrolyse esters of organic acids and alcohols. They are widely distributed but, in general, their specificity is of a low order. It is possible to divide them into the true esterases (catalysing the hydro- lysis of all esters of monocarboxylic acids and monohydric alcohols) and the lipases (catalysing the hydrolysis of esters of fatty acids and glycerol). However it is not always easy to make this distinction because of the low specificity of these enzymes. In certain regions of the biosphere are localized esterases possessing a more marked specificity : chlorophyllase, pectin-esterases, cholinesterases, etc. Besides the esterases for esters of organic acids, there are esterases for the esters of inorganic acids. A widely distributed group is that of the sulphatases or esterases for esters of sulphuric acid. (d) Phosphatases Phosphatases are present throughout the biosphere. They can be divided into four groups: — 1 . Phosphomonoesterases O R-O— P— OH + H2O ^ ROH + H3PO4 OH These are of low specificity as far as the alcohol radical R is concerned. In this category are included alkaline phosphatase, acid phosphatase, acetylphosphatase, hexosediphosphatase, etc. 156 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY 2. Phosphodiesterases O Q II II R^— O— P— OR' + H.O ^ R^— O— P— OH + K'OH I I OH OH Likewise their specificity with respect to R^ and R^ is low. In this group are such universally distributed enzymes as ribonuclease and desoxy- ribonuclease. 3. Pyrophosphatases OH OH OH OH 0=P— O— P=0 + H2O -^ 0==P— OH + 0=P— OH II II OR OH OR OH The adenosinetriphosphatases (ATPases), which catalyse the hydrolysis of ATP to ADP and phosphoric acid, fall in this category. 4. Metaphosphatases (HPOg)™ + wHaO-^wHaPOi {e) Deaminases They catalyse the hydrolysis of the C — N bond of amines \ \ — C— NH2 4- H2O -» — C— OH + NHa / / (/) Deamidases They catalyse hydrolysis of the amide bond. -C— NH2 + H2O -^ — COOH + NH3 Examples are urease, asparaginase, and glutaminase. Glutaminase catalyses the hydrolysis of glutamine into glutamic acid and ammonia and asparaginase of asparagine into aspartic acid and ammonia. ENZYMES 157 NHa HOOC— CH— CH2 \ 0==C— NHo + H2O Asparaglne NHo 1 ^ j Asparaginase HOOC— CH— CH2 \ 0=C— OH + NH3 Aspartic acid NHa HOOC— CH— CH2— CH2 -4- H2O \ 0=C— NH2 Glutamine NH, Glutaminase HOOC— CH— CH2— CH2 + NH3 \ 0=C— OH Glutamic acid 158 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY (g) Deamidinases These enzymes catalyse the hydrolysis of amidine bonds. The most well-known of them is arginase catalysing the hydrolysis of arginine to ornithine and urea. Its molecule contains manganese. HoN NHo \ HN— C NH CH. CH2 CHo -CH COOH Arginine + H,0 H,N Arginase NH2 \ HN— C OH+H2N CH., CHo CHo CH COOH Or nithine HoN \ C= =0 / H,N Urea B. Phosphorylases They catalyse the transfer of a transferable group, not to water, but to phosphoric acid. They are transglucosidases whose acceptor is phosphoric acid. The general formula for the transfer reaction is as follows : (C6Hio05)„ + H3PO4 ^ CcHnOs— OPO3H2 + (CeHaoOs)™-! Glucose- 1 -phosphate The phosphorylases are everywhere present in the biosphere. An enzyme of this type (phosphorylase-a) has been obtained crystalline from rabbit muscle. In the presence of an excess of orthophosphate the reaction occurs in the direction of phosphorolysis, whilst in the absence of orthophosphate or in the presence of an excess of glucose- 1 -phosphate, the synthesis of amylose takes place. The enzyme is also called glucose- 1 -phosphate ->- amylose-transglucosidase. From various microbial sources have been isolated a sucrose phos- phorylase (sucrose -> orthophosphate transglucosidase) and a maltose phosphorylase (maltose -> orthophosphate transglucosidase). ENZYMES 159 C. Transferring Enzymes (Transferases) Assembled in this group are the transferring biocatalysts having acceptors other than water or phosphoric acid. They catalyse the transfer of a group from one compound to another, and, in certain cases, they also transfer the energy of the bond to which the group was attached. This point is particularly important in biochemical energetics. D— X + E ?^ D— X— E ^ D + E— X E— X -f A ^ A— E— X ^ A— X + E As the equations show, when the transferred portion X combines with the enzyme E before passing to the acceptor A, the energy of the D — X bond is not dissipated but is also transferred with little energy loss. In such a case the system is a reversible one and there is only a small change in AF. (a) Transphosphorylases ( Transphosphatases, Phosphokinases) These important enzymes are numerous and universally present in the biosphere. The Lohmann enzyme or creatine-phosphokinase has been known for a long time. It catalyses the transfer of a phosphoric acid residue from adenosine triphosphate to creatine (Lohmann reaction). NH il ATP + H2N— C— N— CH2— COOH ^ CH3 Creatine O NH II !i ADP -^ HO— P— NH— C-N— CH— COOH OH CH3 Hexokinase transfers a phosphate group from ATP to glucose with the formation of glucose-6-phosphate, and fructohexokinase performs the same transfer to fructose forming fructose- 1 -phosphate. The trans- phosphorylases can be divided into several types according to the magnitude of AF for the transfer reaction. Two examples will illustrate this. Let us take the case of hexokinase which transfers a phosphate residue from ATP to glucose with the formation of ADP and glucose-6-phosphate. The hydrolysis of the pyrophosphate linkage of ATP gives 12,000 calories and that of glucose-6-phosphate only yields 2,000-4,000 cal. During the 160 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY course of the transfer there will be a AF of the order of 9000 cal. The position of equilibrium is such that there is almost complete conversion of glucose into its phosphate and consequently glucose-6-phosphate is not readily able to give up its phosphate to ADP. The situation is quite different when the transfer takes place with a small value of — AF as is the case in the Lohmann reaction. ATP and phosphocreatine are molecules containing an energy-rich bond and equilibrium between them will be established when their concentrations are of about the same order. Among the transphosphorylase systems in which energy-rich bonds are involved and the —AF is small (so that the reaction is readily reversible) we may list the following : Creatine phosphokinase ATP+creatine ^ ADP+phosphocreatine Arginine phosphokinase ATP + arginine;=±ADP + phosphoarginine Myokinase ATP+AMP ^ 2 ADP Phosphoglyceric phosphokinase ATP + 3-phosphoglyceric acid :^ ADP + 1, 3-diphosphogIyceric acid Conversely, the following systems whose —AF values are high will be practically irreversible : Hexokinase ATP+gIucose^ADP+G-6-P Fructohexokinase ATP-f-f ructose— >ADP+F— i — P Phosphohexokinase ATP+F— 6— P-^ADP+F— l,6-PP Galactohexokinase ATP+galactose-»ADP+Gal.— l — P Glucose- 1 -phosphokinase aTP-|-G— i— P-^ADP+G— 1,6— PP (b) Transaminases These enzymes were discovered in 1930 by D. M. Needham, they catalyse transfers of the following general type : RCH— COOH + R'CO— COOH - RCO— COOH + R'CHCOOH I I I I NHo NH. An example is the glutamate-aspartate transaminase which catalyses the reaction glutamate + oxaloacetate ^ a-ketoglutarate + aspartate, and also glutamate-alanine transaminase glutamate -|- pyruvate r^ a-ketoglutarate + alanine. There also exist transaminases which catalyse the transfer of an amino group from amino-purines to a-ketoglutaric acid. Pyridoxal phosphate is the coenzyme for transaminations between amino acids and keto-acids and also between amino-purines and keto-acids. ENZYMES 161 (c) Transpeptidases The general reaction catalysed by transpeptidases is the following : RCO— HNCHCO— NHR" + NH.X ^ R' RCOHNCHCO— NHX + NH2R" Certain peptidases catalyse these transpeptidations e.g. papain and tryspin. (d) Transmethylases In general, in the biosphere, methyl groups can be transferred from a given donor to a given acceptor in the following way: R— CH3 + R'— H ^ RH + R'— CH3 An example of a catalyst for transmethylation is nicotine-methyl- transferase which catalyses the reaction : active methionine + nicotinamide ■i=i- N-methylnicotinamide {e) Transacylases These are enzymes catalysing the transfer of acyl residues. Certain enzymes catalyse the transfer of the acyl residue from its combination with CoA (cofactor for transacylations) to an acceptor. Example : choline acetylase, catalyses the reaction acteyl-CoA + choline i? acetylcholine + CoA (/) Transadetiylases and Transuridylases These are enzymes which catalyse the transfer from a given donor to a given acceptor of a purine or pyrimidine nucleotide residue. An example is that ATP -^ nicotinamide — mononucleotide — transadenylase, catalysing (in presence of Mg++) the reaction: ATP + nicotinamide mononucleotide ^ DPN + pyrophosphate or UTP + glucose- 1 -phosphate ^ UDP-glucose + pyrophosphate [g) Transketolases {Glycolaldehyde- Transferases) They catalyse the transfer of a glycolaldehyde residue, for example in the reaction : ribulose-5 -phosphate + ribose-5 -phosphate ^ 3-phosphoglyceraldehyde + sedoheptulose-7-phosphate M 162 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY (h) CoA Transferases These catalyse the transfer of CoA from an acyl-CoA to a series of fatty acids e.g. the microbial CoA transferase catalyses the reaction : acetyl-CoA + propionate ^ propionyl-CoA + acetate or the CoA transferase from animals catalyses the reaction : succinyl-CoA + acetoacetate ^ acetoacetyl-CoA + succinate (/) Other Transferases Other groups of transferases, which have been little studied up to the present, are the trans-sulphurases, transglutamases, transaspartases, etc. D. OXIDO-REDUCTION EnZYMES (OXIDOREDUCTASES, ElECTRONTRANSFERASES) These are transferases of a particular type, transferring electrons accompanied by protons (transhydrogenases) or electrons alone (trans- electronases) from a donor to an acceptor. If the acceptor is oxygen the transhydrogenase or transelectronase is called aerobic. If the acceptor is another type of molecule, they are called anaerobic. Here are some examples of these four types : (a) Anaerobic transhydrogenases H H / / R + R' ^ R + R' \ \ H H e.g. DPNH -^ pyruvate transhydrogenase (lactic dehydrogenase) DPNH -^ aldehyde transhydrogenase (alcohol dehydrogenases). {h) Aerobic transhydrogenase H / R + O2 ^ R + H2O2 \ H e.g. j8-glucose -» Oa-transhydrogenase or glucose-oxidase Xanthine -> Og-transhydrogenase or xanthine-oxidase. ENZYMES 163 (c) Anaerobic transelectronases R + R'+ ^ R+ + R' e.g. DPNH -> cytochrome-t-transelectronase or DPN-cytochrome- reductase. (d) Aerobic transelectronases R + O2 ^ R+ + Or e.g. Cytochrome oxidase or cytochrome-^g. (a) Anaerobic Transhydrogenases 1. Enzymes Specific for the Pyridine Nucleotides The reaction which is catalysed is : DPN (or TPN) + RHo^ DPNH (or TPNH) + R or more correctly DPN+ (or TPN+) + RHg^ DPNH (or TPNH) + R + H+ Here are a few examples of reactions catalysed by specific anaerobic transhydrogenases a-glycerophosphate glycerol glucose lactic acid ethanol glucose-6-phosphate 2 SH-glutathione + DPN+ ^ DPNH + phosphodihydroxyacetone glyceraldehyde gluconic acid pyruvic acid acetaldehyde + TPN+ ^ TPNH + 6-phosphogluconic acid glutathione-S-S-glutathione 2. Enzymes of Still Undefined Specificity The nature of the specific acceptor is unknown for choline-dehydro- genase, thiamine-dehydrogenase, and succinic dehydrogenase which is a metalloflavoprotein containing iron. {b) Aerobic Transhydrogenases The transfer of hydrogen takes place, in the presence of these enzymes, to oxygen forming HgOa- The majority of these enzymes contain a flavin prosthetic group (FMN or FAD), but the presence of this grouping in 164 UNITY AND DIVfeRSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY every enzyme of this type has not been proved. In a number of cases, the aerobic transhydrogenases are metalloproteins containing a metal (Fe, Cu or Mo) in addition to the flavin nucleotide. Here is a representative Ust of these enzymes : 1. (with FMN) TPNH -^ Og-transhydrogenase (see "yellow enzyme"); L-amino acids -^ Og-transhydrogenease (L-amino acid oxidase). 2. (with FAD) Aldehyde -^ Og-transhydrogenase (aldehyde — oxidase) ; Xanthine -^ Og-transhydrogenase (xanthine — oxidase). (c) Anaerobic Transelectronases Some enzymes of this type have a flavin prosthetic group, others a haem prosthetic group. In the first category are the metalloflavoproteins (Fe) such as DPN- cytochrome reductase and TPN-cytochrome reductase, enzymes which Hoffmann-Ostenhof suggests should be called DPNH -^ cytochrome- c-transelectronase and TPNH -^ cytochrome-c-transelectronase, respectively. Among the anaerobic transelectronases containing haem derivatives are the cytochromes, described on page 119. {d) Aerobic Transelectronases Cytochrome oxidase or cytochrome-flg is an example of this type of enzyme (see p. 120). It is highly specific for the transport of electrons from cytochrome-c to oxygen. The phenolases (see p. 123) are also aerobic transelectronases, transporting electrons from copper to oxygen. E. Hydroperoxidases (See page 120). F. Lyases and Synthetases This name applies to enzymes catalysing reactions of the type A +B ^C whilst the enzymes of the preceding categories (A, B, C, D, E) catalysed reactions of the type A +B ^C +D Among the lyases and synthetases, some break or form a C — C bond, these are the carboxylases or carbosynthetases, whilst others split or form C — N or C — S bonds. Among the lyases we have the hydrases and de- hydrases, enzymes which add or remove water. ENZYMES 165 Pyruvic carboxylase, whose role in alcoholic fermentation is an important one, contains thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) as its prosthetic group and the presence of Mg++, or in its absence, of Mn++, is necessary for its action. This enzyme catalyses the reaction CH3COCOOH -> CH3CHO + CO2 It is found in vegetable tissues and in bacteria but not in animal tissues. Nevertheless, in animals and in certain micro-organisms, there is a system for the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvic acid which requires a series of cofactors (CoA, DPN, TPP and thioctic acid) ; the initial reaction is as follows : CH3COCOOH + DPN+ -> CH3CHO + DPNH + CO2 The amino acid decarboxylases are universally distributed. They catalyse the general reaction RCH(NH2)C00H -^ RCH^NHa + CO2 Each of these enzymes is specific for a definite amino acid, their coenzyme is pyridoxal phosphate attached to the enzyme protein via its phosphate. The ketonic acid decarboxylases fall into two groups, the a-keto- decarboxylases and the /3-ketodecarboxylases. They catalyse respectively the follovking reactions: RCOCOOH -> RCHO + CO2 RCOCH2COOH -> RCOCH3 + CO2 A further type of carboxylase are the triosephosphate-lyases which, without the intervention of water, decompose hexose phosphates into a molecule of triose phosphate and some other molecule. Such, for example, is aldolase or FDP-triosephosphate-lyase. Universally present in the biosphere, it catalyses the reaction F-1, 6-PP ^ 3-phosphoglyceraldehyde + phosphodihydroxyacetone Enolase is an example of the dehydrase type of enzyme. It is universally distributed and catalyses the reaction H H H I I I — C— C— ^ — C=C h H2O OH OH OH Aconitase is another hydrase, widely distributed, catalysing the reaction - H2O + H2O Citric acid ^ m-aconitic acid ^ L-isocitric acid + H2O - H2O 166 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY G. ISOMERASES AND RaCEMASES Racemases catalyse the conversion of an optically active substance into its racemate. An example is alanine racemase D-alanine ^ L-alanine glutamic racemase D-glutamic acid ^ L-glutamic acid and mutarotase a-glucose ^ ^-glucose Isomerases catalyse molecular rearrangements, either by modifying the structure of part of the molecule, or by displacing a part of it. To the first class belong the following enzymes : Reaction catalysed Galactowaldenase Gal-l-P ^ G-l-P (cofactor : uridine- diphosphate-glucose) Phosphoribose — isomerase Ribose-5-P ^ ribulose -5-P Triosephosphate^ — isomerase Dihydroxyacetone-P ^ 3-phospho- D -gly ceraldehy de To the second class belong : Phosphoribumutase Ribose-1-P ^ ribose-5-P Phosphoglucomutase G-l-P ^ G-6-P (cofactor : G-1, 6-PP) Phosphoglyceromutase 2-phospho-D-glycerate ^ 3-phospho- D-glycerate (2-phospoglyceric acid) (3-phospho- glyceric acid) (cofactor : 2, 3-diphosphoglyceric acid) IV. KINETICS The velocity of an enzymatic reaction can be measured by following the change in concentration (increase or decrease) of one of the substances involved in the catalysed reaction, either a reactant or a product of the reaction. For example, consider the hydrolysis of the amide groups of urea or carbamide CO(NH2)2, a hydrolysis catalysed by a specific enzyme (the amidase named urease) : CO(NH2)2 + H2O -> CO2 + 2NH3 Having fixed the conditions (pH, temperature, urea concentration, urease concentration), we may remove samples of the solution, at definite intervals of time, inactivate the enzyme and determine, say, the ammonia. Now if we plot these quantities of ammonia nitrogen as ordinates against time intervals as abscissae, we shall obtain the graph shown in Fig. 31. From the graph we can obtain the reaction velocity in moles/1. /sec. It is the initial reaction velocity which is of interest, since as the reaction pro- gresses the conditions change as a result of the disappearance of the substrate and the accumulation of the reaction products, etc. ENZYMES 167 Ammonia nitrogen (mg.) Minutes Fig. 31 — Ammonia production during the hydrolysis of urea in the presence of urease. A. Influence of Enzyme Concentration If we vary the concentration of the enzyme present at the beginning of the reaction and measure the initial reaction velocity for each different concentration, we shall find, in general, that the velocity increases linearly with the concentration of the enzyme : the reaction is therefore first order with respect to the enzyme. Units of proteolytic activity 2 00 cc. (volume of solution containing 1ml of trypsin solution.) Fig. 32 (Northrop). — Influence of the enzyme concentration on the speed of hydrolysis. Curve A : pure trypsin, proportionality between hydrolysis and tr>'psin concentration. Curve B : ordinary impure enzyme; the speed of hydrolysis is not proportionately increased as the enzyme concentration is increased. 168 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY In the case of peptidases, doubt has long been cast on the validity of this finding : it appeared that the speed of hydrolysis increased less rapidly than the enzyme concentration. Northrop has provided an explanation of this phenomenon, in the case of pepsin and trypsin, by showing that the effect is due to the presence of impurities exercising an inhibitory action on the enzyme, B. Influence of pH If the pH is varied, one normally observes that the initial velocity passes through a maximum which is called the "optimum pH". This is a con- sequence of the protein nature of the enzyme. The phenomenon is ex- plained by postulating that the active part of the enzyme consists of a — C00~ group and a — HN3+ group associated through their charges. Changes in pH consequently change the concentration of the active form of the enzyme in the solution. H+ OH- NH2— COO-^ NH3+— COO- ^ NH3+— COOH. Inactive enzyme H+ OH- Active enzyme Inactive enzyme Activity 10 n pH Fig. 33 (Michaelis and Davidson) — Activities of j8-fructosidase (invertase) and trypsin at difTerent pH values. ENZYMES 169 C. Influence of Substrate Concentration When the substrate concentration is varied, in general it is found that the initial velocity changes with the concentration of substrate in a linear manner. In other words the reaction is first order with respect to the substrate. However this is no longer the case when the substrate concentration is greater than a certain value : the initial velocity may then become indepen- dent of the substrate concentration. In order to explain this, it is postulated that the reaction takes place in two stages, a combination of the enzyme with the substrate (E + S ^ X), and a decomposition of the enzyme- substrate complex with regeneration of the enzyme (X ^ P + E). ^^-^^ O O^O o OJD O y o%ooOo o qO o o Fig. 34 — Enzyme-substrate relations at a low, and at a high, concentration of substrate. When the amount of substrate is small, a little of the enzyme combines with the substrate but many free enzyme molecules remain. The quantity of the enzyme-substrate complex formed in unit time is proportional to the concentration of the substrate, and the initial velocity, too, is proportional to this concentration. But if, relative to the enzyme, there is plenty of substrate, the enzyme will be present wholly in the form of the complex, such that the addition of further molecules of substrate does not alter the situation as far as the concentration of the enzyme-substrate complex is concerned (Fig. 34). D. The Michaelis Constant ^ Let us represent by [E]q the total concentration of the enzyme and by [E] the concentration of the free enzyme. [S] will represent the concentration 170 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY of the substrate and [X] the concentration of the enzyme-substrate com- plex. When the enzyme-substrate reaction is at equilibrium : \X} = K (equilibrium constant for the enzyme-substrate reaction) (1) [E] [S] Each molecule of the enzyme-substrate complex contains a molecule of enzyme and a molecule of substrate so [E], = [E] + [X] (2) Equation (1) can therefore be written : [X] {[E]o - [X])[S] = K (3) Now, it is the concentration of the complex [X] which governs the velocity of the reaction V = k,[X] (5) The dissociation of the complex X is veiy far from the position of equili- brium and we may neglect the velocity of the reaction S +E-^X From (4) and (5), KKjEUS] '' = TTk[S] ^^^ K (the equilibrium constant of the enzyme-substrate reaction) is often replaced by its reciprocal 1 jK = Km, or the Michaelis constant. If we replace i^ by 1 /Km, equation (6) becomes ^ k,IK„>[EUS] l+{llKm)[S] ^^ It can be shown that Km, the Michaelis constant, which has the dimen- sions of concentration (moles/1.), is in fact the substrate concentration corresponding to a value of half the maximum velocity (Fig. 35). Know- ledge of the Michaelis constant for a given enzymatic reaction, allows v to be calculated for any value of [S], provided that Ag is known. ENZYMES 171 If we compare K = 1 1 Km and K = [X]I[E] [S], we see that Km is the value of [S] for which [X] = [E], that is to say it is the value of [S] at which half the enzyme is combined with the substrate, and at which con- sequently {v = /?2[^]), the reaction velocity is half the maximum velocity for that enzyme concentration (Fig. 35). Km is measured, like S, in moles/1. msx Molar Fig. 35 — Current method of measuring the Michaehs constant, v = reaction velocity in moles per min. Vmax = maximum velocity (the reaction velocity increases with the con- centration of substrate but not proportionately). When all the enzyme molecules have formed the enzyme-substrate complex, a further addition of substrate no longer increases the velocity. The maximum velocity has been reached. [14 6^ 6^ 6^^ e^-' Since the atomic number is the same for the several isotopes of an ele- ment, it is often omitted, and only the number of nucleons is noted. Certain isotopes are stable and occur naturally and they may be concen- trated from these natural sources. The most important as far as the biochemist is concerned, are lH^ qC^^, vN^^ and gO^*. It is also possible to prepare artificial isotopes by bombardment with protons, neutrons, a-particles, etc. These isotopes are radioactive and after varying lengths of time they undergo transmutation accompanied by the emission of electrons. The determination of stable isotopes is carried out with the mass spectrometer and radioactive isotopes are determined by measuring their degree of radioactivity. If we consider a homogeneous population of radioactive atoms, a con- stant proportion of this population will decay in any given period of time. An interesting characteristic of each isotope is its half life, a figure corresponding to the time required for exactly half of the total number of atoms to decay. It is equal to infinity for the stable isotopes. It is twelve years for tritium, 5900 years for eC^^, but only fifteen hours for iiNa24 aj^(i 20*5 minutes for qC^^. One of the most useful applications of isotopes is in the study of meta- bolic problems and the determination of a precursor -product sequence. Suppose that we wish to know whether A is converted to B inside the organism. We synthesize A; introducing atoms of an isotope, we administer it to the organism and then we isolate the compound B after some little time. We degrade this compound and determine the distribution of the isotopic atoms in the molecule. This procedure often casts useful light on the mechanism of the conversion. Isotopes also enable us to measure the speed of synthesis or breakdown 184 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY of a compound. In this way one can measure the turnover of a substance, that is the rate at which its molecules are replaced (although the concen- tration remains the same) when it is in a steady state resulting from an equilibrium between the rate of synthesis on the one hand, and the rate of breakdown or incorporation, on the other. III. THE USE OF MUTANT STRAINS OF MICRO-ORGANISMS The name auxotrophes is given to those mutant forms of a micro- organism which are dependent on the provision of a growth factor not required by the natural form. At the present time, a very large number of mutants are known which are characterized by the loss of a given enzyme, their metabolism is blocked at the stage of a definite chemical reaction. To define the particular reaction which is blocked, two sets of information are required : a knowledge of the substances which the mutant can use as growth factors, and knowledge of the substances which accumulate in the cell. Let us suppose that A and B are two different precursors of X. If we have a mutant which is an auxotrophe for X, which accumulates A, and which responds by growing when B is supplied, we can deduce that the block is situated after A and before B in the series of metabolic reactions. Distinction between a Possible Precursor and an Obligatory Intermediate To show that a given substance can serve as a precursor of a second substance is one thing; to show that it is in fact the normal intermediate in the organism is quite another. The study of mutants of micro-organisms has revealed the existence of auxotrophes for each of the naturall)'^ occurring amino acids. This illustrates very well the idea of an obligatory metabolic pathway, at least in these organisms. Let us once more consider the case of A and B, precursors of X in a micro-organism. The wild strain of this micro-organism is able, as can be demonstrated by the use of isotopes or by means of the purified enzymes, to convert A and B into X. A single enzyme, extracted from the micro- organism and purified, converts A into B. A mutant auxotrophic for X does REFERENCES Calvin, M., HEmELBERCER, Ch., REm, J. C, Tolbert, B. M., Yanknich, P. F. (1949). Isotopic Carbon. Techniques in its measurement and chemical manipulation. Wiley, New York. Kamen, M. D. (1948). Radioactive Tracers in Biology. Academic Press, New York. DESTRUCTIVE AND NON-DESTRUCTIVE METHODS 185 not contain this enzyme. In this way, by association of destructive and non- destructive methods, both of which are indispensable, it is possible to demonstrate with certainty that the metabolic sequence is A-B-X. Nevertheless, it can be objected that a product accumulated by one mutant and utilized by another mutant could very possibly be the product of a side-reaction. For example, consider the reaction scheme t A' It is possible to imagine, if the block is between A and B, that an extract of the wild strain of the micro-organism would covert A' into B whilst an extract of the blocked mutant would not. Is this a reason for placing A' in the direct metabolic sequence to X, that is for writing A ^^ A' -^ B ^' X} No, because the isolation of enzymes enables us to demonstrate that a single enzyme is capable of converting A into B and that, for the conversion of A' into B, two enzymes are necessary; in addition to the first, v/e require an enzyme catalysing the reaction: A' -^ A. This is an illustration of the importance of studies on purified enzymes, alongside experiments using non-destructive methods. REFERENCES Harris, H. (1953). An Introduction to Human Biochemical Genetics. Univ. Press, Cambridge. Wagner, R. P. and Mitchell, H. K. (1955). Genetics and Metabolism. Wiley, New York. CHAPTER II PRIMING REACTIONS I. GLYCOLYSIS AND THE HEXOSEMONOPHOSPHATE SHUNT The name glycolysis is given to the sequence of enzymatic reactions (Embden-Meyerhof scheme) which bring about the fragmentation of carbohydrates by a pathway which does not involve the intervention of oxygen molecules. The enzymatic system for glycolysis is a universal one, at least in its main outlines, although there are numerous variations differ- ing in certain details. The most completely understood system is that of the alcoholic fermen- tation of glucose in the presence of yeast. A. Alcoholic Fermentation The fermentation of grape juice (pH around 5'0) under the influence of yeasts growing on the surface of the grape (especially Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and transported from one to another by insects (in particular wasps), has been known since ancient times. The manufacture of beer and of bread are further well-known examples of alcoholic fermentation, that is the anaerobic breakdown of glucose with production of ethanol and COg. It was Theodor Schwann who first showed, in 1837, that the alcoholic fermentation of grape juice, at that time a phenomenon of some mystery, depended on the introduction of living cells into the sweet solution. He described yeast simultaneously with Cagniard-Latour. This great dis- covery at once encountered the open opposition of the chemists. For them, alcoholic fermentation was a simple chemical process, expressed by the equation CeHiaOe ^ 2C2H5OH + ZCO^ Liebig even went so far as to draw up with Wohler, and to publish anonymously in Annalen der Pharmacie, a facetious article ridiculing Schwann's views and depicting yeast as a sort of infusoria eating sugar, excreting alcohol from the digestive tract and COg from a bladder in the shape of a bottle of champagne. Twenty years later, in 1860, Pasteur confirmed the views of Schwann, and the "vitalist" theory of fermentation triumphed. In 1897 Buchner, whilst preparing extracts of yeast for a therapeutic 186 PRIMING REACTIONS 187 purpose, wished to assure their preservation by the addition of sugar and he made an important observation : the mixture frothed and became rich in alcohol. Alcoholic fermentation without cells had been discovered. Our present knowledge of this phenomenon derives from elaboration of the results of an experiment done by Harden and Young in 1906. Buchner had observed that if one added phosphate to yeast juice, the COg production was increased — for him this was the result of the change in acidity. 130 120 110 100 r — 1 .Cr^ y^ ro _.. iA r) )--Vtr V'-' / c A ^ 80 70 CI ^ J Y \ } c !^ yOr^ H-W f 0 ou ^,.-- ,■■■' A r r 50 V' 40 30 20 10 ) *i— -- -*.- '^ -^<. ; / -r-^ s-*^ , A ^ g^ ' "A 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 ISO TIME IN MINUTES Fig. 36 (Harden and Young) — Production of CO2 with time in yeast juice to which has been added : a. glucose; b. the same mixture (25 ml of yeast juice + 25 mlof water in which 5g of glucose is dissolved) plus 5 ml of a 0-3M mixture of primary and secondary phos- phates; c. a further addition of the same quantity of phosphates after 70 min. Harden and Young observed that after a temporary increase in COg evolution, following the addition of phosphate, the effect died away, only to be renewed on a further addition of phosphate. Moreover, successive additions of phosphate led to a production of one mole of COg for each mole of phosphate added and the increase in the production of alcohol corre- sponded mole for mole to the amount of CO2 produced (Fig. 36). When Harden and Young sought the phosphate which they had added, they found that it was not in its free form but was bound as phosphoric 188 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY esters. They isolated fructofuranose — 1,6 — PP (Harden and Young ester) and later other esters have been isolated from the fermentation liquor : fructofuranose — 6 — P (Neuberg ester); glucose — 6 — P (Robinson ester) and glucose — 1 — P (Cori ester). In 1905, a new fundamental discovery was announced simultaneously by Buchner and by Harden and Young. When a fermenting juice is dia- lysed, fermentation ceases in the dialysate (termed cozymase) and in the residue (termed apoenzyme). In the "cozymase" or "coenzyme" (the name given initially to the dialysate), we find substances of the nature of our "coenzymes", ATP, DPN, DPT. The reducing action of yeast thus became the foremost topic of interest. Neuberg carried out another important experiment by adding bisulphite to the fermenting mixture. A precipitation of the bisulphite complex of acetaldehyde occurs and glycerol accumulates (one mole per mole of the bisulphite compound). Neuberg concluded that fermentation takes place by a decarboxylation of pyruvic acid forming acetaldehyde, and that the glycerol contains the hydrogen which, in fermentation, reduces the acetal- dehyde to alcohol. But what was the substance which on hydrogenation yielded glycerol? This could only be a triose. For a long time it was believed to be methylglyoxal, but we now know that it is an equilibrium mixture of phosphoglyceraldehyde and phosphodihydroxyacetone. We know today how these trioses are produced from glucose. Alcoholic fermentation takes place in the following stages : 1. In the presence of hexokinase, a molecule of ATP reacts with glucose to form G — 6 — P. This reaction is a transphosphorylation having a large negative AF. Equilibrium is as follows : ATP + glucose -> ADP + G— 6— P 1% 99% Hence it is an almost irreversible reaction in which the energy of the ATP bond is lost almost completely. 2. In the presence of phosphoglucoisomerase, G — 6 — P is transformed rapidly into F — 6 — P and the equilibrium of this reversible reaction is : G— 6— P ^ F— 6— P 70% 30% 3. Phosphofructokinase, in the presence of Mg++, and very specifically, catalyses the transfer of the terminal group of ATP to F — 6 — P with formation F — 1, 6 — PP. Here also, as in 1, we have a transphosphorylase PRIMING REACTIONS 189 system of high negative JF, such that the energy of the energy-rich bond of ATP is not conserved and the reaction is irreversible. F— 6— P + ATP -> F— 1,6— PP + ADP 4. The formation of phosphotriose, the substrate for glycolysis, takes place by the splitting, in the presence of aldolase, of F — 1,6 — PP into a mixture of two triosephosphates. Equilibrium between the hexose- phosphate and the mixture of triosephosphates is established in the cell. CH20PO(OH)2 Phosphodihydroxyacecone | CO F - 1,6 - PP;=i + CH2OH aldolase \[ J-phosphoglyceraldchyde CHO I CHOH 96 7o CH20PO(OH)2 } 4 Vo 89 % 11 % 70 5. In the course of reactions 1 to 4, a molecule of glucose has been transformed into a mixture of F — 1,6 — PP and two triosephosphates. Now occurs the first anaerobic oxido-reduction (see p. 142) in which, in the presence of triosephosphate dehydrogenase and its coenzyme DPN, an internal oxido-reduction takes place forming 1,3-diphosphoglyceric acid, a molecule containing an energy-rich acylphosphate bond. H 0-P0(0H)2 / / c=o c=o I + DPN+ + H3PO, - I -\- DPNH +H+ CHOH CHOH CHoOPOCOH), CH20PO(OH)o 3-phosphoglyceraldehyde 1,3-diphosphoglyceric acid 6. This reaction causes the F — 1,6 — PP to dissociate into triose phos- phates, since it uses up one of the products of that reaction. Reaction 5 itself is pushed completely to the right (although it is a reversible reaction) by the fact that, in the presence of the very specific enzyme 3-phospho- glycerate phosphokinase, the energy-rich compound 1,3-diphosphoglyceric acid transfers its energy-rich bond to ADP to form ATP. The phos- phokinase acts almost at equilibrium so that the energy-rich bond is transferred with little loss (1 acylphosphate bond -^ 1 pyrophosphate bond) (low —AF). 190 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY 7. After the first transfer of phosphate described in 6, 3-phospho- glyceric acid is left. In the presence of phosphoglyceromutase and 2,3-diphosphoglyceric acid as coenzyme (see p. 175) an isomerization to 2-phosphoglyceric acid occurs. 8. It is at the level of 2-phosphoglyceric acid that the second internal oxido-reduction appears. In the presence of enolase and Mg++, a molecule of water is removed and a molecular rearrangement generates (see p. 143) an energy-rich bond. CH.OH CH2 I II HC— OPO(OH)2 ^ C— 0'-P0(0H)2 + H2O I I COOH COOH 2-phosphoglyceric acid phosphoenolpyruvic acid 9. The phosphoenolpyruvic acid is the subject of the second transfer of phosphate, in the presence of pyruvic phosphokinase, a phosphokinase acting almost at equilibrium (low AF) the transfer is brought about with conservation of the energy-rich bond. COOH COOH I I COPO(OH)o -f ADP?=^ COH + ATP CHo CH2 phosphoenolpyruvic acid enol-pyruvic acid 11 COOH CO I CH, pyruvic acid 10. The pyruvic acid, in the presence of pyruvic carboxylase (the prosthetic group of which is DPT) and Mg++, is decarboxylated to acetaldehyde. Mg++ CH3— CO— COOH -> CH3— CHO + CO2 DPT 11. When the 1,3-diphosphoglyceric acid is formed, in reaction 5, DPN+ is reduced. The DPNH which results is first of all dehydrogenated by phosphodihydroxyacetone producing 3-phosphoglycerol, which is then hydrolysed by a phosphatase to form glycerol. This is the explanation of PRIMING REACTIONS 191 the production, first noted by Pasteur, of small amounts of glycerol during alcoholic fermentation. But acetaldehyde is more strongly oxidizing than phosphodihydroxyacetone. As long as it is present it will take hydrogen from the DPNH to form ethanol. Glycogen (or starch) phospliorylju- Galactose + ATP gjl.ictokimse Fructose _ _, gjliciowjlJinuc G— 1— P — Galactose— 1—? UDPG G-1,6 — FP Hcxose menophosphate shur.t dipliosphofriictosophosphat.ise F— 1,6— PP I*hosphodih\'clrox)'acetonc Pl-.ospho^lyceraldchydc Fig. 37 — Preludes to glycolysis. B. Preludes to Glycolysis Glycolysis is essentially the passage of F — 1,6 — PP to pyruvic acid by the intermediary of a splitting into two triosephosphates, two oxido- reductions and two transfers of phosphate groups. It is an anaerobic oxido-reduction of trioses, at substrate level, with formation of two energy- rich bonds per molecule of triose. Glycolysis, defined as above, is very common in the biosphere. There are numerous variants of the beginning of the process. The entry into the pathway varies from one carbohydrate to another, as Fig. 37 sufficiently illustrates. C. The Hexosemonophosphate Shunt (Pentose Cycle) Although it is true that the Embden-Meyerhof scheme traces the most general form of the start of carbohydrate catabolism, there exists an alter- native route, oxidative in nature, which with a fragment of the glycolysis 192 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY chain constitutes a cycle resulting from the attachment of a shunt, one end on G — 6 — P and the other on F — 6 — P and the triosephosphates. The multi-enzyme system of the hexosemonophosphate shunt (HMS) is some- times called the pentose cycle because it contains mechanisms for the formation of pentoses either by decarboxylation of hexoses or from phosphoglyceraldehyde. The cycle is quite widely found in the biosphere, but its relative importance compared to glycolysis is extremely variable. The different tissues of an organism differ in this respect. In mammals, for example, glycolysis is predominant in the muscles and the hexosemono- phosphate shunt in the liver. Knowledge of the different reactions which have been carried out in vitro with purified enzymes, reactions which are collected together in the scheme shown in Fig. 38, give experimental confirmation to the ideas summarized in this scheme. It does not exclude the existence of other, as yet unknown, pathways. The cycle contains two oxidations, each coupled with TPN (and not DPN which in general is the coenzyme required in glycolysis). Glycolysis is inhibited by fluoride and iodoacetate or bromacetate, the first affecting enolase and the second triosephosphate-dehydrogenase. In 1936, Lipmann found that an extract of yeast continued to respire in the presence of bromacetate, although fermentation is blocked by this substance. This contradicted the notion that respiration is necessarily an appendix attached to a preceding anaerobic glycolysis leading to pyruvate. The year before, Warburg (1935) had described, at the time he discovered TPN, the oxidative transformation of G — 6 — P into 6-phosphogluconic acid in yeast and erythrocytes, the dehydrogenase being named by him Zwischenferment. The study of these phenomena by Warburg and by Dickens showed that an oxidative decarboxylation with formation of a pentose phosphate was involved. From 1950 onwards, the researches of S. Cohen and Scott on the one hand, and of Horecker and Smyrniotis on the other, provided new information leading to the identification of the pentoses formed. Ribulose-5 -phosphate is first formed in the oxidation followed by decarboxylation of the phosphogluconate brought about by purified preparations of the dehydrogenase. Then the ribulose-5 -phosphate is converted by phosphopentose-isomerase into an equilibrium mixture of two pentose phosphates : ribose-P and xylulose-P. The chain leading from the hexoses to the pentoses is theoretically rever- sible, but this reversal is probably only of biological importance under very special circumstances. It is nonetheless true that in many cases a pentose phosphate can give a hexose. But it is not by a reversal of the hexosemonophosphate oxidative chain. The action in question is a non-oxidative action by transketolase and transaldolase on the pentose phosphates. The demonstration of this PRIMING REACTIONS 193 important metabolic pathway is due to Racker and to Horecker and their co-workers. If ribose-5 -phosphate is present to act as an aldehyde acceptor, the xylulose-5 -phosphate is rapidly converted by an enzyme in the yeast into triose phosphate. By means of the cycle can be explained the formation of sedoheptulose- 7-P (thus named because of its accumulation in the leaves of Sedum which lacks the enzyme system for its further transformation). G-6-P 2H O = C — O I HCOH I Q't-V'dehydrogenose TPN HOCH HCOH H,0 ghtconolactonase COOH I HCOH I HOCH I HCOH — CO, — 2H CHjOH C = O HCOH HCOH H,COPO(OH), S-gIuconolactone-6-P phosphoglyconic , HCOH acid dehydrogenase CH,0 — PO(OH), HsCOPO(OH), Ru-5-P 6-phosphog!uconic acid 3-phosphogIyceraldehyde 1 Fig. 38 — Pentose Cycle Xu = xylulose, the ketose corresponding to xylose. The next step is the action of a transaldolase which transfers the dihydroxyacetone group of sedoheptulose to an acceptor aldehyde (3-phosphoglyceraldehyde) forming fructose-6-P and leaving a phos- photetrose, D-erythrose-4-P. A further molecule of ribulose-5-P furnishes an "active glycolaldehyde" to the tetrose, forming a new molecule of F — 6 — P. The overall reaction is the following : 3G— 6— P + 3O2 -^ 2F— 6— P + 1 Triose-P + 3CO2 + 3H2O Thus in the course of the complete cycle, one molecule of glucose is broken down to 3 molecules of COg, 3 molecules of water and a molecule of triose ; a molecule of triose is oxidized completely. o 194 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY D. The Terminal Stages of Glycolysis The glycolysis process (Embden-Meyerhof pathway) leads, as we have said, to pyruvate. In the case of yeast fermenting glucose, the acetaldehyde resulting from the decarboxylation of pyruvate serves as an acceptor of electrons borne by the DPNH from the dehydrogenation of phospho- glyceraldehyde at the time of the first oxido-reduction. Ethanol is formed. However, the formation of acetaldehyde from pyruvic acid is not a general CHjOH I CO HOCH I HCOH I HCOH I HCOH I CH20P0(0H)j Sedoheptulose — 7 — P transaldolase CH2OH I CO HCOH I HCOH I CH20P0(0H)j Ribulose-J-P CHoOH » I CO I CH20H Dihydroxyacetone + CHO I HCOH S9 I HCOH I CH20PO(OH)2 D-erythose-4-P CHO Diose I CHoOH »— + CHO I CH2OH I ^ CO I HCOH I HCOH I - HCOH I CHaOPO(OH)2 2F-6-P HCOH 1 CH20PO(OH)2 3 -phosphoglyceraldehyde s» Fig. 39 (Dickens) — Formation of F — 6 — P in the hexosemonophosphate shunt. phenomenon. It is a phenomenon peculiar to certain bacteria, yeasts and plants which because of a particular specialization contain carboxylase. The general phenomenon is the presence of a hydrogen acceptor more highly oxidizing than phosphodihydroxyacetone. This oxidizing substance is pyruvic acid in animals and in certain bacteria provided with lactic de- hydrogenase. This enzyme in the presence of DPNH converts pyruvate to lactate, which is the product of anaerobic carbohydrate catabolism in animals and some bacteria. In addition, certain bacteria are specialized to accept the same hydrogen in various other ways, either by organic compounds such as oxalo-acetic acid, or by inorganic substances. PRIMING REACTIONS 195 But the above are all variants operating during the anaerobic state. In the presence of oxygen , pyruvate un dergoes the same fate in all the different organ- is ms. It undergoes oxidative decarboxylation with productionoface^y /-Co^ Glycogen ) I glucose-6-phospliatase P hexokinase Glucose ADP ATP G— 6— P phosphorylate G— 1— P phosphogtucoisomerasc phosphoglucomutase phosphohexokinase Mg" F— 6— P ADP\\ AT? J) d iphosphof mctosephosphatase F_l.6— PP aldolase Phosphodihydroxyacetone ^ 3-Phosphoglyceraldehyde triosephosphate dehydrogenase It °™' ))h.po. ) ♦ '^^ DPNH / / * / / / / 1, 3-diphosphoglyceric acid / / ADP ATP j I phosphoglyeerate-kinaie / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 3-phosphoglyceric acid 2-phosphoglyceric acid phosphoenolpyruic acid phosphoglyceromutai* enolasc L-lactic acid —► DPNH DPN " )) N- // lactic dehydrogenase alcohol dehydrogenase ADP ATP )) Ethanol pyruvic acid ^ Acetaldehyde pyruvate-kinas* carboxylase Mg" Fig. 40 — Scheme to summarize reactions of glycolysis. The entry of glucose and glycogen is shown. For other entries see Fig. 37. Two terminations are shown : that of alcoholic fermentation and that of lactic fermentation. 196 UNITY AND DIVTERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY Pyruvic decarboxylase is a complex enzyme system the coenzymes of which are lipoic (or thioctic) acid, thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP), coenzyme A and DPN. Some workers maintain that a compound of thiamine pyrophosphate and lipoic acid is present, lipothiamide pyrophosphate. The oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate actually occurs in three stages. In the first, pyruvate is condensed with lipothiamide pyrophosphate (LTPP) with loss of CO 2- The accompanying dehydrogenation results in the formation of a thioester link (energy-rich bond). Here the dehydrogenation is not at the start of the respiratory chain but leads to an energy-rich thioester bond. The LTPP which has been acetylated in this first step and contains the thioester bond reacts with the -SH group of coenzyme A an exchange of thioacyl takes place producing a molecule of acetyl-CoA (containing the energy rich thioester bond) and a molecule of LTPP in the sulphy- dryl form. In a third reaction, the sulphydryl form is converted to the disulphide form with loss of two hydrogen to DPN+ with formation of DPNH + H+. The DPNH on entering the respiratory chain gives the usual three ATP's. CH3CO COOH + LTPP CH.CO LTPP + CO. HS CH,CO ~ S HS LTPP + CoA — SH -> LTPP + CH3CO - S — CoA / / HS HS HS LTPP + DPN + HS / LTPP + DPNH + H+ / Fig. 41 — Oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate. II. ANOTHER PATHWAY FOR THE PRODUCTION OF ACETYL-CoA : THE FATTY ACID CYCLE The sulphur of CoA plays the same role for the introduction of fatty acids into the metabolic cycle as inorganic phosphate does for molecules of the sugars. The key to what has long been known as the Knoop PRIMING REACTIONS 197 ^-oxidation has been provided by the fatty acid cycle, the elucidation of which owes much to the researches of Lynen. This cycle is completely reversible and it has been reproduced m vitro, in both directions, using purified enzymes extracted from bacteria or animal tissues. The cycle is made up of four parts. 1. Condensation of acetyl-CoA (active acetate) with a second molecule of acetyl-CoA to give acetoacetyl-CoA and free CoA. CHs— CO— S— CoA .. — CH.— CO— S— CoA HS— CoA A _CH,— CO— CHj— CO-S- CoA 2. Reduction of the acetoacetyl-CoA to j8-hydroxybutyryl-CoA 4-2H — CHo— CO— CHo— CO— S- CoA ^ — 2H -CHo— CH-CH2— CO— S-^ CoA I • OH 3. Dehydration of the /3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA to crotonyl-CoA. — H2O ~CH2-CH— CH2— CO— S— CoA ^ I 4-H,0 OH — CH2— CH=CH— CO— S— CoA 4. Reduction of crotonyi-CoA to butyryl-CoA + 2H — CH2— CH=CH— CO— S— CoA ^ — 2H — CH2— CH.— CH2— CO— S- CoA FADH, ^ FAD We started with acetyl-CoA and we have lengthened the chain by 2 carbon atoms, at the price of one acetyl-CoA molecule and four hydrogen atoms. The breakdown of sugar can give us both of these. If we repeat the REFERENCES Stumpf, p. K. (1954). Glycolysis. Chemical Pathivays of Metabolism, Greenberg (Editor) vol. 1, Academic Press, New York, 67-108. Cohen, S. (1954). Other pathways of carbohydrate metabolism, Che?nical Pathzvays of Metabolism, Greenberg (Editor) vol. 1. Academic Press, 173-233. Dickens, F. (1956). The hexosemonophosphate oxidative pathway of yeast and animal tissues. Proceedings of the 3'"'* Inter Jiational Congress of Biochemistry, Brussels 1955, Academic Press, New York, 170-179. HORECKER, B. L. (1958). Le cycle des pentose et sa signification physiologique. Bull. Sac. Chim. Biol, 40, 555-578. 198 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY operation according to the general equations above, we again lengthen the chain by two carbon atoms. If, for example, we repeat the operation eight times, we shall obtain stearic acid according to the equation : 9CH3— CO— S— CoA + 32H ^ ^ C17H35— CO— S— CoA + 8HS— CoA + SHgO Since the cycle is completely reversible, it also explains j8-oxidation. Starting from a fatty acid, this acid will be activated by conversion to an acyl-CoA derivative, it will be the object of a dehydrogenation, of a hy- dration and a further dehydrogenation to give a ^-ketoacyl-CoA. The thiolysis of this latter substance will give a molecule of acetyl-CoA and the acyl-CoA of the fatty acid containing two less carbon atoms. The overall scheme is summarized in Fig. 42. The different enzyme reactions intervening in the fatty acid cycle are as follows : 1. j3-ketoreductase CH3— CH— CH2— CO— S— CoA + DPN ^ CH3— C— CHj— CO— S— CoA + DPNHj I II OH O 2. Ethylene-reductase CH3— CH = CH— CO— S— CoA + FADHg ^ CH3— CHa- CH2— CO— S— CoA + FAD 3. j8-ketothiolase R— CHa- CO— CH2— CO— S— CoA + HS— enz. ^ R— CHa- CO— S— enz. + CH3— CO— S— CoA R— CH2— CO— S— enz. + HS— CoA ^ R— CHj- CO— S— CoA + HS— enz. The end result being: R— CHa- CO— CH2— CO— S— CoA + HS— CoA ^ R— CHa- CO— S— CoA h CH3— CO— S— CoA Before entering the cycle, a fatty acid must be attached to CoA. This is the general mechanism; it can take several forms : 1. Reaction with CoA and ATP. This is the mechanism occurring in animal tissues. Three enzymes of differing specificity are known, reacting with — acetate and propionate, C4 to Cjg fatty acids, and acids containing longer chains. 2. Transfer of CoA. The transfer takes place from an acylated derivative (for example from acetyl-CoA for the Ci to Cg acids in Clostridium kluyveri). In the heart, and probably also in the kidney in vertebrates, such PRIMING REACTIONS 199 a transfer takes place from succinyl-Cox\ to acetoacetate. Thus the aceto- acetate formed in the Hver is activated, brought to the tissues by the blood and oxidized by way of the tricarboxylic acid cycle. III. THE TRICARBOXYLIC ACID CYCLE Acetyl-CoA is the starting point of a series of transformations known under the name of the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Into this cycle, at various points, are introduced other products of the degradation of cellular nutrients, particularly of the different amino acids. This terminal cycle, common to the main structures forming the organism, is the chief source of the energy-rich bonds required for biosynthesis. Our knowledge of this cycle began with some experiments carried out by Szent-Gyorgyi on a mince of pigeon breast muscle. This mince respires vigorously without producing lactic acid. The respiration, at first intense, diminishes with time. Parallel with the fall in respirator}^ activity, the concentration of succinate in the muscle-mince decreases, but the addition of small amounts of succinate (or of fumarate) brings about an increase in the respiration. Since the respirator}^ quotient is equal to 1, we can conclude that carbohydrate is being broken down. The conclusion therefore is that the oxidation of carbohydrates is catalysed by succinate and fumarate; succinic dehydrogenase must also play an important part because malonate blocks the stimulant effect of succinate. Szent-Gyorgyi having also observed the depressant effect of malonate (an inhibitor of succinic dehydrogenase) on the respiration of the muscle mince, he saw that the malonate must hinder the restoration bv the succinate of the respiratory system which had become completely oxidized. He therefore proposed the following scheme to explain respiration : AHa . , II ». ^ reduced cytochrome >. / H O oxidised cytochrome ' ^ * Succinic acid Dehydrogenas of AH 2 Succinic Cytochrome dehydrogenase oxidase REFERENCES Lynen, F. (1954). Acetylcoenzyme A and the "fatty acid cycle". Harvey Lectures, 48, 210-244. 200 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY -CHj-CHj-CHj-CO-S-CoA * t t I ♦ -CHa— CO— S— CoA CH,~CO-S-CoA HS-CoA §- ketothiolase -CH.-CO-CHi-CO-S- CoA elhylencrcducfaie -CH,-CH =CH-CO-S-CoA - HiO H»0 -CH-CH-CHt-CO-S-CoA (5- ketoreductase 2 H DPN ^DPNH Fig. 42 (after Lynen) — The enzymatic cycle for the fatty acids. (This process can also be considered as a spiral of fatty acids, a Cg fragment being lost or gained at each turn in the form of CH3CO — S — CoA. In Fig. 42, the change from one turn of the spiral to the next, with addition or subtraction of a C2 fragment, is indicated by the dotted arrow.) PRIMING REACTIONS 201 When he found that malate and oxaloacetate had the same action as succinate and fumarate, and that their intervention is aboHshed by malon- ate, Szent-Gyorgyi introduced the oxaloacetate-malate system into his scheme, which became : AH, X CHaCOOH I CO.COOH Oxaloacetic acid CHj COOH I CH(OH)COOH Malic acid COj.CGOH I CHXOOH Succinic acid CH COOH II CH COOH Fumaric acid ox. cytochrome red. cytochrome H,0 1/2 O2 dehydrogenase of AH, malic dehydrogenase succinic dehydrogenase cytochrome oxidase When it was demonstrated that the succinic-fumaric system has no coenzyme whilst the oxaloacetic-mahc system requires the mediation of DPN, the idea of the couphng of the two systems was recognized as impossible and it was abandoned. But it was known that fumarase catalyses the malate-fumarate trans- formation, and that malic dehydrogenase catalyses the oxaloacetate-malate conversion. From which facts sprung a new formulation of the cycle of the dicarboxylic acids. In the new scheme, the system catalysed by fumarase and malic dehydro- genase is a supply system inserted laterally into the first scheme of Szent- Gyorgyi : malic dehydrogenase "chTcooh •CO COOH oxaloacetic acid CH2COOH CH(OH)COOH malic acid DPNH DPN AH fumarase i:H20 CH COOH =^/ ^HCOOH Y '"""^'^ cytochromey y,o, Y fumaric acid I \ A. CHsCOOH^^^j^.^^^ cytochrome^VHp -^ ^ CH2COOH succinic acid -V- "v dehydrogenase of AH2 succinic dehydrogenase Cytochrome oxidase 202 UNITY AND DIV^ERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY This particular form of the system of dicarboxylic acids had to be abandoned when Krebs showed that a-ketoglutarate and citrate, in addition to succinate, fumarate, malate and oxaloacetate, also re-establish the respiration of a muscle pulp. The case of a-ketoglutaric acid, in the scheme of Szent-Gyorgyi, did not present an insurmountable difficulty since the oxidative decarboxylation of a-ketoglutarate yields succinic acid. COOH I CH2 I CO COOH a-ketoglutaric acid + H,0 2H COOH I CHo CH, ■f CO2 COOH succinic acid Apparently the entry of citric acid into the scheme can be explained by the conversion of citrate into a-ketoglutarate under the action of a citric dehydrogenase. But an examination of the formulas of citric acid and a-ketoglutaric acid shows that citric dehydrogenase cannot convert the first into the second in one step. COOH CH. C(OH)COOH I CH2 COOH citric acid COOH CHo I CH2 CO COOH a-ketoglutaric acid It was then that the very important discovery of aconitase (Martius and Knoop) was announced and it was demonstrated that the so-called citric dehydrogenase was in fact a mixture of aconitase, isocitric dehydrogenase, and oxalosuccinic decarboxylase. This multi-enzyme system explained the passage of citrate to succinate. COOH PRIMING REACTIONS COOH COOH CH.. CHo CH, I " itH.O I ±HoO i C( OH) COOH ^ CHCOOH - CHCOOH I aconitase 1| amriitmr \ isocitric | QY\^ CH CHOH dehydrogenase CO 203 COOH I CH. I — CHCOOH ;=i COOH citric acid COOH cis — aconitic acid COOH isocitric acid COOH oxalosuccinic acid ±C02 oxalosuccinic decarboxylase COOH CKj i CH2 [ CO — CO2 COOH + I/202 I ^ CYh oxidative ' decarboxylation ^^2 COOH a-ketoglutaric acid COOH succinic acid Following on these fundamental discoveries, Krebs formulated the cycle in Fig. 43. malic 4C oxaloacetic 4C pyruvic 3C fu marie 4C succinic 4C V 7C?) oc-ketcg'utaric -e--^/ 5C f CO2 citric CO2 6C CO2: Fig. 43 (Krebs) — First formulation of the tricarboxylic acid cycle. The discovery of the mechanism for the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate with formation of acetyl-CoA permitted the filling in of the miss- ing parts of the cycle. The cycle (Fig. 44) begins with acetyl-CoA derived from the fatty acid cycle or from the decarboxylation of pyruvate. The entry into the cycle 204 UNITY AND DIV:ERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY < o O I u O O X u-u- >- DC o + o .. « o o o X i; o u~u-u -u-u O « w o o a: a: o u-u-u-u O '' o O X DC O u-u=u-u o X +1 o ^ o o O I! DC O ■? U-U-U-U E 6 X X n O « O J o x o o g u-u-u-u ^ o X U I o • .. o o O X x o u-u -u-u-u &0 o o u o o o O i d / HS HS \ LTPP + COOH— CH2— CH2— CO - S— CoA / HS HS S \ |\ LTPP + DPN+ -> I LTPP + DPNH + H+ / 1/ H S Fig. 45 — Oxidative decarboxylation of a-ketoglutarate. Succinyl-CoA, in the presence of ADP and inorganic phosphate, under- goes an internal oxido-reduction at substrate level with the formation of succinic acid, CoA and a molecule of ATP whose energy-rich bond arises from the transfer of the energy of the thioester bond (reaction 8). Thus the route from a-ketoglutarate to succinate yields four molecules of ATP. The reaction a-ketoglutarate-succinyl-CoA reaction is reversible, but the pathway from a-ketoglutarate to succinate is not. Reaction 9, the reversible passage of succinate to fumarate in the presence of succinic dehydrogenase, involves the disposal of the resulting hydrogen by a respiratory chain differing from those to be described presently in which DPN+ and TPN+ are the initial receptors. In the case of the removal of two atoms of hydrogen from succinic acid in the presence of succinic dehydrogenase, the electron acceptor is cytochrome-6 followed by cytochrome-c, cytochrome-a, cytochrome-flg and oxygen. This shortened respiratory chain gives only PRIMING REACTIONS 207 two molecules of ATP. Reaction 10 is a reversible hydration of fumarate to malate in the presence of fumarase. Although, in the liver, malate may- give rise to pyruvate, this is not the case in most tissues. The malate is dehydrogenated in the presence of malic dehydrogenase and DPN+ form- ing oxaloacetate and DPNH. This reaction is reversible. The oxaloacetic acid formed can, in its enolic form, react with acetyl-CoA to give citric acid and traverse the cycle once more. IV. RESPIRATORY CHAINS This name is applied to the series of carriers along which pass the protons and electrons liberated in the course of a dehydrogenation in the tricar- boxylic acid cycle or other aerobic dehydrogenation before they reach oxygen and unite with it to form water. As we have seen, it is along the respiratory chain that by a series of phosphor}dations coupled to it by a still unknown mechanism (see p. 144) the main quota of energy-rich bonds is formed and placed at the disposition of the cells. In the course of the successive dehydrogenations of the cycle, the greater part of the protons and electrons liberated pass to the same series of carriers. The first acceptor of the series being most often DPN+, DPNH appears as the principal "fuel" in cells. The successive transfers are the following : Substrate + DPN+ -> oxidized substrate + DPNH + H+ (A/^ variable) DPNH + H+ + Flavopr. -> DNN+ red Flavopr. {AF = — 10 kcal) red. Flavopr. + Ferricytochr. c -> Flavopr. + Ferrocytochr. c {AF = — 16 kcal) Ferrocytochr. c + O2 -> Ferricytochr. c (AF = — 25 kcal) The last reaction can be split up into the following stages : Ferrocytochr. c + Ferricytochr. a -> Ferricytochr. c + Ferrocytochr. a Ferrocytochr. a + Ferrocytochr. a^ -> Ferricytochr. a + Ferrocytochr. ^3 Ferrocytochr. «3 + O -^ Ferricytochr. 03 + O REFERENCES Krebs, H. a. (1954). The tricarboxylic acid cycle. Chemical Pathzvays of Metabolism, Greenberg, D. M. (Editor) vol. I, Academic Press, New York 109-171. OcHOA, S. (1954) Enzymic mechanisms in the citric acid cycle. Advance. EnzymoL, 15, 183-270. 208 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY succinate t succinic dehydrogenase 11 cy tochr. -b ot-ketoglutaric acid (DPT) j (CoA) /3-hydroxybutyric acid (dehydrogenase) (Slater factor) (Slater factor) DPN (or TPN) Flavoprotein I y cy tochr. -c \ cy tochr. -a \ cytochr.-aj I Fig. 46 (Slater) — Forms of the respiratory chain. Although DPN is the first hydrogen acceptor in the dehydrogenation for example, of ^-hydroxybutyric acid, TPN is the primary acceptor in other cases, and where succinic acid is concerned, the primary acceptor is cytochrome-6. In addition, dehydrogenations exist, such as that of a-ketoglutaric acid, where thioctic acid acts as an intermediate between the donor and DPN. All these paths converge at the level of cytochrome-^. The scheme in Fig. 46 summarizes the form of the respiratory chain. In Slater's scheme, a-ketoglutarate and ^-hydroxybutyrate are taken as examples of hydrogen donors typical of the class to which each belongs. The substances shown in parentheses are those which intervene at the stages indicated, but it cannot be stated whether they give or receive protons or electrons. This is especially the case for the Slater factor, coming between cytochrome-6 and cytochrome-c or between flavoprotein and cytochrome-c. In the course of the transfers just described, a series of energy-rich bonds is formed by phosphorylations associated with the respiratory chain. In the scheme reproduced above, a single phosphorylation has been so far identified and this is situated at the level of the reaction between a-keto- glutarate and thioctic acid. However the sum of experimental observations «-ketoglutarate succinate succinic dehydrogenase I 1 or 2 ~ P cyt.-6 P .. V I — *■ thioctic y DPN > Flavoprotein y cyt.-c acid or (Slater j TPN factor) cyt.-a ; cyt.-a, I O. Fig. 47 (Slater) — Phosphorylations tied to the respiratory chain. > -P PRIMING REACTIONS 209 indicates that phosphorylations with formation of energy-rich bonds take place in conjunction with the following links of the respiratory chain : (1) between succinate and cytochrome-c ; (2) between cytochrome-c and oxygen; (3) between DPN and cytochrome-c ; at this point two phos- phorylations appear to occur. This is summarized in Slater's scheme reproduced in Fig. 47. substrate level substrat I 1 DPNH., oxidized substrate (E' between 0 ' and 0.45V.) DPN eye. -reductase FADH2 Fe++ ■ cytochromes • a Fe-H- FAD Fe-^+ Fe++ + J L 0.)2 0.2J V. :\ Fe++ Fe+++ H,0 [oT] 0.0 +0.26 +0.8 oxido-reduction potential scale i-—E; (voIm) h ' AE equivalent to 1~P. 12 Kfoi Fig. 48 (Lehninger) — A type of respiratory chain with a scale of oxido-reduction potentials The sequence of the intermediates, in the case of the chain where a-ketoglutaric acid is the model substrate (in Fig. 46) is represented with the corresponding oxidation-reduction potentials in Fig. 48. V. MECHANISMS FOR THE BREAKDOWN OF AMINO ACIDS A. General Mechanisms (a) Decarboxylation of Amino Acids In the presence of decarboxylases amino acids give COj and an amine according to the general reaction : R R I I NH2— CH— COOH ^ NHo— CH2 -f CO2 this is referred to as "decarboxylation". REFERENCES Lehninger, A. L. (1955). Oxidative phosphorylation. Harvey Lectures, 49, 176-215. Slater, E. C. (1956). Respiratory chain phosphorylation. Proceedings of the 3^'^ International Congress of Biochemistry, Brussels 1955. Academic Press, New York, 264-277. 210 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY The carboxylases have for their coenzyme pyridoxal phosphate which acts according to the mechanism described on p. 174. A whole series of decarboxylases exists, each being specific for the L-form of a given amino acid. Certain of them have been isolated from animal tissues such as liver and kidney, but the majority have been isolated from micro-organisms in which the enzymes appear if their specific substrate is present in the culture medium. In micro-organisms therefore these decarboxylases are adaptive enzymes. The amines produced by the decarboxylation of amino acids (Table XIII) often possess pharmacological activity; this is the case for histamine, the product of the decarboxylation of histidine. Table XIII Amines resulting from the decarboxylation of various amino acids. Amino acid Amine Amino acid Amine L-lysine cadaverine L-phenylalanine phenylethylamine L-arginine agrnatine L-glutamic acid y-aminobutryic acid L-histidine histamine L-aspartic acid fL-alanine \j3-alanine L-omi thine putrescine L-tryptophan /3-indolethyIamine L-tyrosine tyramine L-cysteic acid taurine (b) Deaminations 1. Oxidative deamination Many cells, and in particular those of mammalian tissues can deaminate amino acids to form the corresponding ketonic acids in the presence of the specific enzyme and oxygen, according to the general reaction : R R 111 NH2— CH— COOH + — 02-^0=C— COOH-f-NHa 2 The enzymes catalysing this reaction are the L-amino acid oxidases and the D-amino acid oxidases. The role of the latter in metabolism has not yet been elucidated, for the naturally occurring amino acids are generally of the L-series. The D-amino acid oxidase of sheep kidney has been purified; it is a flavoprotein containing FAD. It is of low specificity and catalyses the oxida- tive deamination of all the amino acids of the D-series with the exception of glutamic acid. It does not act on amino acids of the L-series, or on glycine. The L-amino acid oxidases isolated from various animal cells and micro- organisms are also flavoproteins, containing FMN, but they likewise are not very specific; they act on a number of amino acids, but not on all. Glycine is deaminated neither by D-amino acid oxidases nor by L-amino acid oxidases. Its oxidative deamination is accomplished in the presence of a specific enzyme, glycine-oxidase, in the following manner : NH2CH2COOH + iOa -> NH3 + CHO— COOH glyoxylic acid PRIMING REACTIONS 211 In the presence of the same enzyme, methylglycine or sarcosine is degraded as follows : CH3NHCH2COOH + iO, -^ CH3NH2 + CHO— COOH methylamine glyoxylic acid Another specific enzyme of oxidative deamination is glutamic acid dehydrogenase. This is an anaerobic dehydrogenase: L-glutamic acid Imino acid of glutamic acid DPN TPN DPNH2 TPNH L-glutamic acid dehydrogenase 2H- respiratory chain a — ^ketoglutaric acid spontaneous reaction ^NHa FAD can utilize molecular oxygen as an electron acceptor and hydrogen peroxide is formed. The oxidative deamination of an amino acid in the presence of an amino acid oxidase containing FAD can be written as follows: R R NH2— CH— COOH + F AD->N H=C-COOH + F ADH^ R R NH=C— COOH + H20-*0=C— COOH + NH, FADHo+02-^FAD+H,02 catalase H2O 2^^2 ->HoO+— O2 2 R R NH2-CH-COOH4- — 02-^0=C-COOH+NH3 2 212 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY In the absence of catalase, the hydrogen peroxide oxidizes the ketonic acid with formation of the aUphatic acid having one carbon atom less and the overall reaction becomes R R NH2— CH— COOH+Oo-^COOH+COj+NH, 2. Non-oxidative deaminations Enzymes also exist, in the case of serine, threonine and homoserine, which can catalyse a non-oxidative deamination commencing with a dehydration of the substrate. In the case of serine for example, the mechanism is as follows : — H2O HOCH2CHCOOH > CH2=CCOOH<=^CH3C-COOH ^^^ serine dehydrase ^^^ ^^ serine a — aminoacrylic acid a — iminopropionic acid H2O CH3CCOOH >CH,COCOOH + NH3 II NH hydrolysis a — iminopropionic acid {c) Deamidations The deamidation of glutamine and asparagine have already been con- sidered with the enzymes catalysing the reaction (p. 156). {d) Decarboxylation of the Ketonic Acids formed by Deamination of Amino Acids These reactions are brought about by four types of decarboxylases. 1. a-ketodecarboxylases The a-ketonic acids are decarboxylated in the presence of these enzymes with formation of the aldehyde having one carbon atom less and liberation of CO2. The coenzyme is DPT. The carboxylase is formed by the union of the coenzyme and the specific protein. This protein appears to be present only in plants and micro-organisms, whilst DPT is present in animal tissues also. The decarboxylation of pyruvic acid to form acetaldehyde during alcoholic fermentation is due to an a-ketodecarboxylase. 2. Oxidative a-ketodecarboxylases One example has already been described at the point of entry of pyruvic acid into the tricarboxylic acid cycle. PRIMING REACTIONS 213 3. ^-ketodecarboxylases An example of this type of decarboxylation is the action of oxaloacetic decarboxylase which is present in animal tissues and in many micro- organisms. COOH COOH c=o I CH., I CH, 4- CO, COOH 4. Oxidative ^-decarboxylases The oxidation of a ^-hydroxyacid with decarboxylation of the j8-ketonic acid formed has already been described above in the case of the passage of isocitric acid into oxalosuccinic acid and then to a-ketoglutaric acid during the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Another enzyme of the same type has been discovered by Ochoa in animal tissues : it is known as "malic enzyme" and catalyses the oxidation of malic acid to pyruvic acid and COg. COOH TPN+ + CHOH ^ TPNH + CH^ I COOH malic acid COOH I c=o CH, COOH oxaloacetic acid COOH I ^ C=0 + CO, Mn+ + CH, pyruvic acid The equilibrium constant favours the reaction occurring from left to right but the reverse reaction occurs if the TPN formed is continuously removed. The oxaloacetic acid is shown in brackets because it does not appear in the free form during the reaction. Under the action of the enzyme it is decarboxylated straight away; the enzyme must not be confused with malic dehydrogenase which requires DPN as its coenzyme. {e) Tracts aminations All the naturally occurring amino acids can in vivo participate in trans- amination reactions catalysed by tra?isaminases. The reactions are universal in the biosphere in which they play an important role. They form important metabolic links between aspartate, glutamate and alanine on the one hand, and their corresponding a-keto acids in the tricarboxylic acid cycle on the 214 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY Other, The most active and the most widely distributed transaminase is the glutamic-oxaloacetic enzyme : L-glutamic acid + oxaloacetic acid ^ a-ketoglutaric acid + aspartic acid The following reaction is also very common : amino acid + a-ketoglutaric acid ^ a-ketonic acid + glutamic acid The participation of oxaloacetic acid in transaminations appears to be limited to the glutamic-oxaloacetic system. Another common system is the glutamic-pyruvic one : L-glutamic acid + pyruvic acid ^ a-ketoglutaric acid + L-alanine It has long been thought from our knowledge of these two systems that one of the members of the pair of substrates for a transaminase must be a dicarboxylic acid. Since then, leucine-pyruvate, phenylalanine-pyruvate and ornithine-pyruvate transaminations have been demonstrated. However it is not possible to exclude the presence of a trace of glutamate, thus : pyruvic acid + glutamic acid ^ alanine + a-ketoglutatic acid amino acid + a-ketoglutaric acid ^ a-ketonic acid + glutamic acid Numerous transaminases exist. Their specificity appears to be narrow in some cases and very much wider in others. Each transaminase consists of a specific apoenzyme and a coenzyme which is pyridoxal phosphate. It was long believed that glutamine and asparagine did not take part in transamination reactions except after hydrolysis. In fact enzymatic systems have been demonstrated which catalyse transminations from glutamine and asparagine to many ketonic acids. Glutamine is an even better donor than glutamate but the specificity of glutamine transaminase for the a-ketonic acid is low. (/) Trans deaminations One of the mechanisms which has been proposed to account for the oxidative deamination of amino acids invokes a transamination followed by a deamination. This mechanism appears to be capable of explaining the rapid and reversible deaminations whose character is not in accordance with the properties and action of the L-amino acid oxidases. A transami- nation to a-ketoglutaric acid would remove the amino group from an PRIMING REACTIONS 215 amino acid and the glutamic acid formed would be deaminated by the specific L-glutaminase. In addition this mechanism accounts for the rapid synthesis of amino acids from ammonia and a-keto acids. NH2 — CH-COOH a-ketoglutarate R 0=C— COOH L- glut a mate NH3-h 2H glutamic dehydrogenase B. The Complete Degradation of various Amino Acids [a] Glutamic Acid As we have just seen, L-glutamic acid is not deaminated by the action of the L-amino acid oxidase of animal tissues and bacteria. But, in the presence of a specific enzyme, glutamic dehydrogenase, it undergoes oxidative deamination in the presence of either DPN or TPN. This reversible re- action gives a-iminoglutaric acid. COOH COOH CH. CH, CH, + DPN+ CH2 4- DPNH + H+ NH2— CH— COOH NH=C— COOH L — glutamic acid a — iminoglutaric acid The a-iminoglutaric acid is hydrolysed spontaneously to a-ketoglutaric acid and ammonia. The a-ketoglutaric acid can enter the tricarboxylic acid cycle. (b) Aspartic Acid Aspartic acid, by transamination, gives oxaloacetic acid which then also enters the tricarboxylic acid cycle. (c) Histidine Histidine, besides its connection with the metabolism of pentoses, nucleotides and certain other amino acids, follows a path leading to glutamic acid. In certain bacteria, the enzyme system forms one mole of glutamic acid, one mole of formic acid, and two moles of ammonia from one mole of histidine, whilst in other bacteria one mole of glutamic acid, one 216 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY mole of formamide and one mole of ammonia are produced. The separate steps of this degradation have been worked out from a study of a number of systems and are shown in Fig. 49 (still hypothetical steps are between brackets). H N NH I NH, HC=C — CH,— CH— GOGH 1 histidase, histidine deaminase H N NH II + NH, + H,0 HC=C — CH = CH — COOH^- --?"- urocanic acid I H| ^\ N NH I I o=c CH— CH,— CHj— COOH J H ^\ N NH .HO — CH— C= CHI— CH, — COOH. Hj /% N NH HO— C == C— CH,— CH,— COOH . imidazole propionic acid I I NH II CH NH CHO NH + NH, I + H,0 I HOOC— CH— CH,— CH,— COOH > HOOC— CH— CH,— CH,— COOH formamidinoglutaric acid formylglutamic acid I + H,0 I + H.O i I O NH, HC + HOOC— CH— CH,— CH,- COOH NH, formamide NH, HOOC— CH—CH,—CH,— COOH + HCOOH glutamic acid formic acid glutamic acid Fig. 49 (after Tabor) — Degradation of histidine. The glutamic acid can enter the tricarboxylic acid cycle through a-keto- glutaric acid, so histidine is thus degraded to COg and water. (d) Leucine, Isoleucine, Valine The degradation of leucine, isoleucine and valine operates by oxidative deamination and then decarboxylation of the corresponding keto-acids. Leucine is first transformed into a-ketoisocaproic acid. This latter combines with CoA and is oxidized to senecioyl-CoA, this is followed by a hydration with formation of j8-hydroxyisovaleryl-CoA. Then, in the course of a reaction requiring ATP, COg is attached to the end of the chain and the ^-hydroxy-^-methylglutaryl-CoA formed is split into acetoacetic acid PRIMING REACTIONS 217 CHs CH3 \/ CH CH3 CHs CH3CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 CH2 CHa- I C: I s CH CH CoA I — CO2 I CH2-< C = O- O C = O I COOH COOH CH I -*-c = o I s I CoA CH O + CoA 1 — COa COOH CH3 CH3 CH2 \/ CH I c = o I s I CoA CH3 o CoA isovalers'l- CoA' Ik CH3 CHs \/ C II CH I c = o I s a-ketoiso- a-ketoiso- isobutyryl- caproic acid valeric acid CoA a-keto- j3-methyl,valeric acid L-methyl-butyryl- i CoA CHs CH3 \/ CH I CH2 I CHNH2 I COOH CH3 CHs CHs CH2 CHs CHa — CHs CHs CH2 CH3 CH I CHNH2 I COOH \aline CoA senecioyl-CoA Leucine CHs CHs \/ COH I CH2 I c = o I s I CoA ^-hydroxv-iso\alervl-CoA I COOH I CH2 I CH3COH • I CH2 I c = o CoA ^-hydroxy-;S-methyI-glutary-CoA r CHs CHs I I c = o c = o I I CH2 + s I I COOH CoA acetoacetic acetyl- acid CoA C I c = I s I CoA O CH I CHNH2 I COOH Methacryl-CoA Isoleucine CHs CH2OH \/ CH c = o S I CoA C I c = o I s I CoA tiglyl-CoA ' + H2O >| CHs CHOH — CHs \/ CH 1 c = o I s I CoA a-methyl-j3-hydroxy- butyryl-CoA i^DPN + VDPNH CHs CO — CH3 \/ CH c = o s I CoA a-methyl-acetoacetyl-CoA + CoA CHs 1 > CH3 1 1 C = 1 0 CH2 1 1 s 1 c! = o 1 CoA 1 S 1 CoA acetyl-CoA P ropionyl-CoA Fig. 50 (after Coon) — Degradation of leucine, valine and isoleucine. 218 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY CHaNH2 I (CH2)s I CHNHj I COOH ®i 11® CHjNHAc I (CH2)9 CHNHj I COOH ®\ 1© Lv fumarate 2 malate -> oxaloacetate 3 12 When pyruvate is condensed with oxaloacetate to form citrate, three moles of ATP are formed per mole of pyruvate, or six per mole of glucose. 226 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY amino •cid« glucow pho8phogluconic C-6-P / i[ I pentosephosphates F-«-P P l,< PP 5edoh«ptulose-7-P trioicphosphates 3-phoaphogIyceric add {{ -CHa-CH = CH-CO-S-CoA -CHj-CHj— CH,— CO— S- CoA -CH2-C-CH,-CO-S- CoA OH ■// -CHj-C-CHj-CO-S-CoA HSCoA acccoicetylCoA osuccinate acccoacctaie amino actda fumarate ketoglutaraldehyde + glycine a — ketoglutarate * ' amino acids succinylCoA luccinate ' + acetoacetyl CoA Fig. 56 — Interrelation of the various priming reactions. glycogen PRIMING REACTIONS glucose 227 -56-7 lactate -49-7/ / 2 lactates *^ \-62-2 - 45-8 I - 45-8 alanine > pyruvate CO, ethanol I acetate i - 46-5 / acetaldehyde / +7-4 - 55-0 I / I _ 48 ^ >/ + 6-S acetylcoA + oxaloacetate - 7-8 citrate I +2-04 cis-aconitate 1 -0-45 isocitrate I -47-0 oxalosuccinate I - 8-6 - 45-9 i glutamate >■ a-ketoglutarate + COg I - 69-8 succinate + COg I - 35-7 I fumarate I - 0-88 malate I - 44-8 - 44-7 j aspartate >■ oxaloacetate 2 ethanols + CO, 1 /2 butyrate i -43 1 /2 acetoacetate Fig. 57 (Krebs) — Changes in free energy (^Fo) in kcal. per mole at 25°, pH 7-2, 0-2 atm. 0,, 005 atm. COj. and the other reactants having a concentration of OOIM. The free energy changes include changes due to associated reactions notably reactions with molecular oxygen acting as an acceptor for hydrogen removed at various stages. Consequently, in the overall reaction for the oxidation of glucose, the moles of ATP formed from ADP add up as follows : glucose —*2 pyruvate -{- 2 HoO 8 2 pyruvate + 2 oxaloacetate + Oj -^ 2 citrate + 2 CO2 6 2 citrate + 4 O2 -* 2 oxaloacetate + 4 HjO + 4 CO2 24 Total 38 The overall reaction can thus be written CeHiaOe + 6O2 + 38ADP + 38P -> 6H2O + 6CO2 + 38ATP If glycogen is the starting point, we may add 1 ATP, giving a total of 39 ATP. 228 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY C. The Fatty Acid Cycle Here, the calculation of the energy yield is less certain. It is believed that 5 energy-rich bonds are formed as each acetyl group is split off. Now each of the latter as it traverses the tricarboxylic acid cycle will give twelve energy-rich bonds (one complete turn of the cycle). One mole of palmitic acid gives eight acetyls, so that the production of ATP during the passage of a mole of palmitic acid through the priming reactions will be as follows : palmitic acid + 10^ -> 8 acetyls 7 X 5 = 35 8 acetyls + 16 Og -> I6H2O + I6CO2 8 x 12 = 96 Total 131 The overall reaction can be written : C16H32O2 23O2 + 131ADP + 131? -^ I6H2O + 16COa + 131ATP D. Degradation of Amino Acids Let us take the example of alanine, the heat of combustion of which is 392,000 cal per mole: on deamination it will yield a mole of pyruvate. The latter will be oxidized by the respiratory mechanism yielding energy-rich bonds calculated as follows : pyruvate + oxaloacetate + O -> citrate+C02 3 citrate + 23 O2 -> oxaloacetate + 2 H2O + 2 CO2 12 15 E. Remarks on the Preceding Calculations These calculations must be accepted with caution. In fact they imply values which may in some cases only be approached rather than attained. For example the P/0 ratio in the course of oxidative phosphorylations. Moreover they assume a perfect coupling between phosphorylations and oxido-reductions. In practice numerous factors bring about the uncoupling of these two processes, examples are dinitrophenol and thyroxine. There are good reasons to believe that even in a given species the efficiency of coupling varies from one individual to another. Furthermore, the values used in the above calculations have been obtained from measurements made in vitro on systems of the purified substances. This is not the situation in the cell. Most important is the fact that it contains an enzyme, adenosine triphosphatase, which hydrolyses ATP into ADP and inorganic phosphate, and it is not impossible that in vivo part of the ATP formed is lost through the action of this enzyme, also this enzyme is involved in a specific way in the transformation of ATP bond energy into work. CHAPTER III BIOSYNTHESES I. THE MATERIALS FOR BIOSYNTHESES The priming reactions described in the preceding chapter are the principal sources of the coin which pays for the performance of cellular work : the pyrophosphate bond of ATP. This coin also pays for the energy required in biosyntheses, with the exception of assimilation phenomena whose mechanism will be studied later (see Part Six). But the priming reactions do not furnish only ATP, they also provide a series of construction materials for these biosyntheses. For example two-carbon fragments in the form of "active acetate" or acetyl-CoA are obtained during the priming reactions from glucose, fatty acids, acetoacetic acid and amino acids. There are also one-carbon atom materials, together with CO2 which is liberated at numerous points in the priming system. But the most important material of this type is that referred to as "formate" (Ci) that is CHO- or active formyl, into which can be converted not only formic acid, formal- dehyde and methanol, but also the a-carbon of glycine, the a-carbon of glycollic acid, and a- and ^-carbons of serine, the a-carbon of threonine, the C — 2 of histidine, the C — 2 of tryptophan, the a-C and the C — 6 (or C — 2) of phenylalanine and tyrosine, etc. Acetone can be split into an acetyl fragment and a formyl fragment. CH9 H— C==0 Formyl c=o -* + CH3 C=0 Acetyl Acetone | CH3 In certain bacteria (but not in mammals), pyruvic acid can undergo fission into acetyl phosphate and formic acid (phosphoroclastic reaction), providing Ci units. CH3 I C=0 CH3 I I COOH +H3P04^ 0=C— O— PO,H, H- HCOOH pyruvic acid acetyl phosphate formic acid 229 230 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY One-carbon materials also exist which are not in the oxidized form as in CO2 and Ci, but are in the reduced form of labile methyl groups (CH3-). These labile methyl groups can give Ci units and they originate from Ci units. By oxidation it is possible to pass from Ci to COg, but the reverse reaction is impossible, at least in mammals. Glycine is another material which is used. These molecules of glycine come from the proteins of the diet, from the degradation of serine or threonine, or are provided by synthesis from pyruvic acid. In addition, biosyntheses draw materials of a more complex structure from different points in the priming reactions, and in particular from the tricarboxylic acid cycle. II. BIOSYNTHESIS A. Biosynthesis of Simple Chemical Structures (a) The Utilization of CO 2 to Form — C — C — Bonds {excepting Assimilation by Autotrophes) This is essentially the opposite of the reversible decarboxylations (p. 212) of ketonic acids. We shall therefore consider jS-carboxylation, the inverse of the decarboxylation catalysed by a j8-ketodecarboxylase, and a-carboxy- lation, the inverse of the decarboxylation catalysed by an a-ketodecarboxy- lase (see pp. 212 and 213). 1. fi-carboxylation This process for the fixation of CO2 is very important. Two examples are, fixation by pyruvic acid to form oxaloacetic acid, and fixation of CO2 by a-ketoglutaric acid. The former is the mechanism for the synthesis of dicarboxylic acids and the latter for the synthesis of tricarboxylic acids. {a) Fixation of CO2 by oc-ketoglutaric acid. — The conversion of isocitric acid into a-ketoglutaric acid and COg in the tricarboxylic acid cycle has been shown by Ochoa to take place in two stages : isocitric acid + TPN+ ^ oxalosuccinic acid + TPNH (1) Mn++ oxalosuccinic acid ^ a-ketoglutaric acid + CO2 (2) The sum of (1) and (2) is Mn++ isocitric acid + TPN+ ^ a-ketoglutaric acid + COg + TPNH (3) BIOSYNTHESIS 231 Reaction (3) can be caused by proceeding from right to left by coupling the system to an oxido-reduction system capable of reducing TPN, for example the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase system, and we obtain G— 6— P + TPN+ ^ 6-phosphogluconic acid + TPNH (4) a-ketoglutaric acid + COj -f TPNH ^ isocitric acid + TPN+ (5) The sum of (4) and (5) gives G — 6 — P + a-ketoglutaric acid + COj ^ 6-phosphogluconic acid + isocitric acid (6) If aconitase is added, the equilibrium is shifted still more in favour of COj fixation since 90% of the isocitric acid is continuously removed. Since the enzyme systems here described are universally distributed in cells, both in animals and in plants and in micro-organisms, this means of fixation is an important one. (b) Fixation of CO 2 by pyruvic acid. — The entry of pyruvic acid into the tricarboxylic acid cycle by way of acetyl-CoA, then by formation of citric acid, depends upon there being a sufficiently high concentration of oxaloacetic acid. This concentration is maintained by the fixation of CO, by pyruvate with formation of oxaloacetate. From the moment that the C4 acids are used up, COg becomes essential for the continuation of respiration by means of the cycle. The discovery of the fixation of COg by heterotrophes was first made in the propionic acid bacteria (Wood and Werkmann). In these bacteria when fermenting glycerol the CO2 is utilized for the formation of succinic acid. Elsden has shown that for E. coli the rate of formation of succinate in the presence of pyruvate depends upon the CO2 pressure. The CO2 is incorporated into succinate according to the following reactions : CHs +CO2 COOH +H2 GOGH -H2O COOH -fHa GOGH ► I > I > I > I CO CH2 GH2 GH CH, I I t II I GOOH CO GHOH GH CH2 1 i I I COOH COOH COOH COOH pyruvic acid oxaloacetic acid malic acid fumaric acid succinic acid y Wood-Werkmann Reaction By use of labelled carbon it has been shown that COg fixed by pyruvate contributes to carbohydrate synthesis in heterotrophes. For example, the 232 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHKMISTRY liver glycogen of animals contains carbon atoms derived from COj, (those which occupy the 3 and 4 positions in the hexose molecule). This proves that glycolysis is partially reversible, a COg molecule being introduced into a triosephosphate and passing through 3-phosphoglyceric acid to glycogen. I CH2OPO3H2 I CHOH I *COOH *COOH CHOH CH2OPO3H, 3-phosphoglyceric acid CHaOPO.H, CHOH '^CHO " CH.OH CO CH20P03H2 Triosephosphate CH2OPO3H, I CHOH 1 ■■' CHOH I '■' CHOH I CO I CH20P03H2 Fructose-l, 6-PP 2. (x-carhoxylation This takes place by a reversal of the oxidative decarboxylation catalysed by an a-ketodecarboxylase. a-Carboxylation (giving pyruvic acid or a-ketoglutaric acid, for example), contrary to jS-carboxylation, requires the intervention of ATP, the general reaction being R— C00-+ CO2 + 2H++ 2e + ATP ^ R— CO— COOH + P + ADP The reversibility of the oxidative decarboxylation catalysed by an a-ketodecarboxylase can be considered as possible, but not as established. [b) Transmethylation This is the term describing the transfer of a — CH3 group (a labile methyl group) from one molecule to another. In order to distinguish methyl groups attached by transmethylation from methyl groups originating in other ways, compounds containing such groups which can be added or removed in the presence of transmethylases are described as possessing "labile methyl groups". Such compounds are choline, methionine, betaine, sarcosine, adrenaline, anserine, methyl-nicotinamide, creatine, dimethyl- glycine, etc. A compound containing a labile methyl group is not necessarily capable of giving it up to an acceptor molecule. But, those compounds which can do this are given the name methyl donors. Examples are choline, betaine and methionine. It would be wrong to believe that methyl donors, after activation by BIOSYNTHESIS 233 CH3 CH3— NCH2CH2OH / CHa Choline CH, CHs— NCH2COO- / CHa Glycine-betaine or trimethylglycine CH2SCH3 I CHa I CHNH2 COOH Methionine S-adenosylmcchioninc S-adenosylhomocysteinc '%-CONH2 nicotinamide -CONH2 methylnicotinamide N I CHa HNCH2COOH I C = NH guanidoacetic acid I NHa CHa— NCH2COOH I C = NH I NH2 creatine CH3>. ^N— CH2-CH2OH CH3 dimethylethanolaraine CHj ^N-CHi-CHsOH CHa A^Tj choline t^ria Fig. 58 — Examples of transmethylation. 234 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY transmethylases, form a common pool of methyl groups. On the contrary each donor lies on a definite metabolic pathway : choline -> betaine -> methionine ->■ acceptor demethylation gTycine-betainc methionine <-f I choline s-adenosyimethionine t dimethylglycine Precursors of Cj \ COi serine — —— — ——— ^^ — — — — — — ->^ purin; etc... compourids containing "^ lobile methyls excretion > = transmethylation s z=^ =: activation > = other reactions Fig. 59 (Verly) — The methyl-group cycle. At each cycle, two out of three methyl groups are lost, since the dimethylglycine formed by demethylation of betaine is not a methyl donor. In the last analysis, the labile methyl group always passes to the acceptor from methionine. This is an operation requiring ATP. In fact, the true donor is methionine activated by ATP, or S-adenosyl-methionine. N- :NHa NHs C-N \ CH / + N=C— N— CH— CHOH— CHOH-CH— CHj— S— CH2— CHz— CH— COOH I o I I I CH3 NH2 S-adenosylmethionine o These labile methyl groups cannot originate from COg although their oxidation can yield this substance. The precursors of labile methyl groups are "formates" (Ci) and as in other cases where Ci fragments are required the presence of folic acid and cyanocobalamine is necessary. BIOSYNTHESIS 235 (c) Passage from Free Acetate to Active Acetate We have seen how, in the priming reactions, active acetate or acetyl-CoA is produced starting from various types of nutrient. Acetyl-CoA can also be produced by activation of free acetate and this operation presents certain curious features. In yeast and animal tissues the acetate is activated by ATP and a special type of splitting of the molecule occurs, resulting in the formation of AMP and pyrophosphate. ATP 4- CoA— SH -^ CoA— S-PP + AMP CH3— COOH + CoA— S^PP ^ CoA— S-'COCHs + PP ATP + CoA— SH 4- CH3COOH ^ CoA— S-COCH3 + AMP -f PP {d) Condensation of C^ Fragments to Form Acetoacetate This is a modified Claisen condensation between two molecules of acetyl-CoA resulting in the appearance of acetoacetyl-CoA and separation of CoA. The reaction is reversible and the enzyme catalysing the conden- sation also catalyses the reverse thiolysis. If a specific deacylase is present, the acetoacetate is liberated and the equilibrium is distributed until the acetyl-CoA is completely transformed into acetoacetate. o o II II CH3— C— S— CoA + CH3— C— S— CoA condensation \ \ thiolysis OH O CHs— C— CH2— C— S— CoA S— CoA o jr o II II CH3— C— CH2— C— S— CoA + HS— CoA hydrolysis | -\- HoO CH3— CO— CH2— COOH -f HS— CoA {e) Biosynthesis of Isoprene and Carotenoids Their biosynthesis is from Cg fragments by the intermediary of aceto- acetyl-CoA. In isoprene, two carbon atoms are derived from the carboxy- of acetate and three from its methyl, as shown below. The carotenoids synthesized by plants also derive from acetyl-CoA. 236 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY 2 CH3— COOH -> CH3— CO— CH2— COOH • o«o •©• o CH3— CO— CH2— COOH -> CH3— CO— CH3 + COj H.C H.C sO C=0 + CH3 -COOH H,C H3C C^ CH- -COOH jS-methylcrotonic acid H,C \o e o -> C— CH = CH2 / H2C Isoprene Fig. 60 (Fukushima and Rosenfeld) — The synthesis of isoprene O = carboxyl carbon • = methyl carbon (/) Biosynthesis of the Steroid Ring System The use of isotopes and mutant strains has demonstrated that acetate is the essential starting material for the synthesis of the principal plant sterol, ergosterol. Studies of cholesterol synthesis in animals have also provided evidence of the importance of acetate. Neither formate nor labile methyl groups (of methionine for example) can take part in the reaction, as has been shown by the use of labelled carbon. It is most unlikely that cholesterol obtains any of its carbons from a source other than the acetate molecule. As shown in Fig. 61, by means of a series of chemical degrada- tions it has been possible to demonstrate the origin of most of the atoms in the skeleton either in the methyl or in the carboxyl of acetic acid. HO Fig 61 (Fukushima and Rosenfeld) — Origin of the carbon atoms of cholesterol. # = derived from the methyl of acetate. O = derived from the carboxyl group. The bile acids, the sex hormones, the hormones of the adrenal cortex, in animals, can all be obtained by modifying cholesterol and also directly from BIOSYNTHESIS 237 acetate. In the case of the corticosteroids, experiment has shown that they are formed from cholesterol molecules brought to the gland in the plasma. The formation of cholesterol from acetate takes place through the inter- mediate stage of acetoacetate, as has been shown in numerous experiments. An examination of the distribution in the cholesterol molecule of the carbons from methyl and those from the carboxyl of acetate, does not immediately suggest the mode of synthesis. But it does limit the possibilities. The addition of a further acetic acid residue to the keto-group of aceto- acetic acid, followed by a decarboxylation, yields a Cs branched chain (three carbons arising from methyl groups and two from the carboxyl of acetate) . o -.. COOH '4- o • CH,C + o CH, . OC ^ ^CH, ' ' • o • o ^^ c-c— c ^c It can be seen that this hypothetical C5 compound can be superimposed, with respect to the origin of the carbon atoms, on the terminal part of the side chain of the cholesterol molecule (Fig. 61). If we now consider the distribution in the ring, we see that the latter can also be conceived of as a polymer of the same C5 chain. It has however been objected that this makes isovaleric acid appear to be a possible precursor of cholesterol. In reality, this happens only by way of acetoacetate. Isovaleric acid (and also leucine) gives an isopropyl residue which combines with CO2 to form acetoacetate. What is the nature of the substance with the C5 chain? Let us recall the synthesis of isoprene, the starting point for carotenoids and terpenes, from acetate; we see that this synthesis leads to the C5 arrangement we are seeking. Arguments have been advanced previously to implicate the iso- prenoid, squalene, in the biosynthesis of steroids. Squalene is not limited solely to the tissues of the selachians. Traces have been found everywhere in animal tissues where it has been sought. When we consider that isoprene units, as we have already indicated, are derived from acetate, we may represent squalene as in Fig. 62 and compare it with Fig. 61. 238 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY Fig. 62 (Bloch) — Likely distribution of carbon isotopes in squalene. This hypothesis has been tested using labelled squalene and the results have been favourable. However the ultimate mechanism of sterol formation from squalene still remains undiscovered. The scheme shown in Fig. 63 has been proposed but part of this is still conjecture. (g) Biosynthesis of Porphyrins These substances are synthesized from 8-amino-levulinic acid formed in the Shemin cycle (p. 222). Two molecules of the acid are condensed to porphobilinogen, which is the precursor ring of the porphyrins. COOH I COOH CH, 1 CH, 1 CH, CH, c=o • / CH, c-o • / CH, 1 NH, NH, -2H20 COOH I CH, NHa # = originally C^ of glycine. Several suggestions have been made as to the mode of conversion of the precursor to the different porphyrins. In order to account for the distri- bution of the a-carbon of glycine and the S-carbon of amino-levulinic acid in the porphyrins of series I and II, Shemin has proposed the following : the condensation of three molecules of porphobilinogen forms a tri- pyrrylmethane which is then split into a dipyrrylmethane and a mono- pyrrole. The structure of the dipyrrylmethane will differ depending on the place where scission has occurred. Fission at A or at B will produce the types of dipyrrylmethane indicated by the letters A and B (Fig. 64). J BIOSYNTHESIS 239 The condensation of 2 molecules of dipyrrylmethane A will give a porphyrin I and that of a molecule of A and a molecule of B will give a porphyrin of series III (in this case with the loss of one carbon in the form of formaldehyde) (Fig. 64). d + Cz — CH3COCH2COOH + C2 -CO2 V c=c-c XJ HO HO (fy^(Sj Fig. 63 (Bloch) — Proposed scheme for the synthesis of cholesterol. Ac Pr /\ Ac Pr CH, I NH, H NHjCH, H Pr Ac H ■C- Ac Pr 13 NH CHjNH, A ' Ac Pr Ac Pr CH. fi NH| JLc-O H CH, I NHi H "h, 'CH.NH, Ac Pr Pr Ac Ac = chain of acetic acid Pr = chain of propionic acid Fig. 64 (Shemin) — • = Ca of glycine and Cs of amino-Ievulinic acid. 240 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY (h) Biosynthesis of the Purine Ring The use of radioactive isotopes has allowed the various carbon and nitro- gen atoms in the purine ring to be identified with regard to their origin. The purine ring cannot be formed in the living organism from pyrimidines and as the diagram shows all the contributing fragments are small units. The biosynthesis of the purine ring takes place in the course of the synthesis of the purine nucleotides, (p. 255). C N / \ /'\ HaN C 5 3 CH II / \3 HaN NH 4-aminoimidazole- 5 -carboxamide COa \ NH3 s V. J' y'.N N/ C2 he 4C r^ \^y-\^ NH, Glycine (i) Biosynthesis of Fatty Acids The mechanism has been described together with the "fatty acid cycle" (p. 196)- BIOSYNTHESIS 241 (j) Biosynthesis of Sugars The major process for the synthesis of sugars in Nature is the auto- trophic synthesis which we shall be studying later (Part Six). However, the synthesis of sugar molecules can, in general, be brought about in the cell by a reversal of the priming reactions. In this way, in certain types of cell, a fatty acid may give acetyl-CoA which does not enter the tricarboxylic acid cycle but instead follows the reversed glycolysis chain whose non-reversible stages are replaced by synthetic reactions the enzymes for which are shown in Fig. 40. Amino acids also can give molecules of hexoses and this "glucogenic" property is particularly evident with those amino acids which enter the cycle of priming reactions at the level of a-ketoglutaric acid and pyruvic acid. Amino acids which enter at the level of acetoacetate can also, generally, follow the same path, but they tend to bring about an accumulation of acetoacetic acid and other "ketone bodies". They are therefore termed "ketogenic". As for the biosynthesis of the pentoses, we have already shown that this can take place during the operation of the hexosemonophosphate shunt (p. 193) and we shall return to other aspects of this biosynthesis when we consider the formation of pentose phosphates (p. 253). [k) Biosynthesis of Pyrimidines The origin of the carbon and nitrogen atoms contributing to the structure of the pyrimidine ring is shown in Fig. 65. The biosynthesis of the pyri- midine ring takes place in the course of pyrimidine nucleotide biosynthesis (p. 255). NH, C 6' -^Nl \ 3C \ CO. aspartate ->-C2 4C N Fig. 65 — Origin of the carbon and nitrogen atoms in the pyrimidine ring. 242 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY (/) Biosynthesis of Short Chain Amino Acids Alanine is formed by transamination of pyruvate, and this latter sub- stance is the starting material for the synthesis of other short chain amino acids : glycine, serine, cysteine and cystine. According to Shemin, serine is converted into glycine by way of formylglycine. CHoOH CHO — 2H + H20 NHo— CH— COOH -^ NHo— CH— COOH Serine HCOOH + NH2CH2COOK Formylglycine Glycine The serine is synthesized from "formate" and glycine. If the formate is tagged with C^* and the carboxyl of the glycine with C^^, doubly-labelled serine is obtained : HC^OOH + NHoCH^C^'OOH ^ NH^— CH— C^'OOH The formation of serine from glycine and "formate" implies the partici- pation of folic acid and pyridoxal, and this has been demonstrated by several experiments with bacteria. A number of observations has shown that the serine is derived from the glycolysis pathway and finally yields glycine. The glycine can be formed not only from serine but also from threonine with formation of acetate. The carbon skeleton of cystine is also derived from serine, both in mammals and in micro-organisms, as has been demonstrated by experi- ments carried out with isotopes. Cysteine is actually an intermediate. The sulphur of cysteine and cystine is derived from sulphates in micro- organisms and from methionine in mammals. Cysteine is readily transformed into cystine in the cell, according to the equation r^ OOH 2H COOH COOH 2 HCNH, HCNH2 CHoSH + 2 H Cysteine HCNH2 CH2 — S — S — CH2 Cystine BIOSYNTHESIS 243 The oxidation of cysteine to cystine is catalysed by cytochrome-c and cytochrome-oxidase, whilst the reduction of cystine is accomplished by a number of reducing agents : HgS, glutathione, SH-enzymes, etc. The conversion of serine into cysteine is brought about by conden- sation of the serine with homocysteine, formed by the demethylation of methionine, or more exactly of S-adenosylmethionine, in the course of transmethylation reactions. CH3— S— CH,-CH,— CHNH,— COOH — HS CHj- CH^-CHNH.-COOH methionine homocysteine N CHj - CH, - CHNHi— COOH "^ CH2 — CHNH2 - COOH HOCHj — CH NH, — COOH cystathionine serine HS CH2 - CHNHj - COOH HOCHj — CH,— CH NH, - COOH cysteine homosenne (m) Biosynthesis of Glutamic Acid The chief source of glutamic acid is a-ketoglutaric acid produced in the Krebs cycle. This acid can itself only arise in the oxidative decarboxylation of isocitric acid, for the decarbox}dation of a-ketoglutarate to give succinate is irreversible. This is the sole pathway for the formation of glutamic acid from carbohydrate. In certain micro-organisms like Escherichia colt, it is the only source, whilst in other organisms other substances can contribute to the formation of glutamic acid. These substances are proline, arginine, histidine, glycine and succinic acid, by way of S -aminolevulinic acid. The amino group is derived from ammonia fixed to a-ketoglutaric acid by glutamic dehydrogenase, or from the amino group of another amino acid, transferred by transamination. [n) From Ghitamate to Glutamtne, Proline^ Hydroxyproline and Arginine Here, we have a biosynthetic pathway which, starting from a-keto- glutaric acid in the Krebs cycle, divides at the level of glutamic acid into three branches, one leading to glutamine, a second to proline and hydroxyproline, and the third to ornithine, citruUine and arginine. 1. Ghitamine Starting from glutamic acid and ammonia, in the presence of ATP, glutamine is formed in a reaction whose mechanism is unknown. 244 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN B lOCHEMISTK Y 2. Proline y hydroxyproline The biosynthesis of proHne has been elucidated with the aid of strains of E. coli which are specifically auxotrophic for proline. These strains fall into two groups: those which accumulate glutamic y-semialdehyde and those in which this substance can replace glutamic acid as a growth factor. The reduction of glutamic acid to the semialdehyde is no doubt not so simple as is indicated by the arrow in the scheme set out below. The cyclization of proline would not require enzymic aid since y and S-amino- aldehydes cyclize rapidly in neutral aqueous solution. NH, ^"' ^ NHjCOCHjCHjCHCOOH ATP glutamine CH2 — Coj CH2 — CHa I .11. CHO CHCOOH ^ CH CHCOOH / \/ NHa N glutamic y-semialdehyde J'-pyrroline— S-carboxylic acid \ Cri2 — CHj I I CH2 CHCOOH \/ NH proline Hydroxyproline is notably present in the connective tissue of animals. In the latter, the use of isotopes has enabled it to be demonstrated that it results from a modification of proline, which apparently is already present since labelled hydroxyproline is not readily incorporated into the tissues. 3. Ornithine, citrulline, arginine The formation of arginine from ornithine, via citrulline, has long been known. In fact, the "ornithine cycle" of Krebs and Henseleit was one of the first biosynthetic pathways ever proposed. The sequence ornithine-citrulline-arginine, first shown to occur in mammalian liver, has been found in many other organisms [Neurospora, Penicillium, E. coli, lactobacilli, animal tissues, etc.). The glutamate-ornithine relationship has been confirmed by the use of isotopes and by the discovery of a Penicillium mutant responding to either substance. BIOSYNTHESIS 245 The use of mutants of E. coli has enabled Vogel to identify the three acetylated compounds shown in the scheme. Study of the pathway from ornithine to citrulUne, using mutants of Neurospora, has shown that there are two stages. The first requires ATP; CO2 and NH3 are fixed to form an as yet unidentified compound, which is then transformed into citruUine. GOGH I CH, H.— I COOH CH2 I CHj — CHO CH, I CH, - CHNHs COOH glutamic acid CH,NH, I CH, I CH, CHNH, COOH "cat I L ornithine CHNHCOCHj COOH N-acet}'lglutamic acid NH, \ CHNHCOCH, COOH y-semialdehyde of N-acetylglutamic acid CH.NH, I CH, I CH, V CHNHCOCH, COOH N-2-acetyl ornithine NH COOH NH, CNHCH compound X t I ATP CO, NHa COOH NH I CH, c=o / NH CH, CH, I CH, CHNH. I COOH citrulline aspartic arginosuccinic acid acid CH, I COOH NH I CH, C=NH COOH I + CH CHNH, CH, I CH, COOH 1 CH, CHNH, I COOH CH, I CH, CHNH, I COOH arginine CH I COOH fumaric acid Fig. 66 (Davis) — Biosynthesis of arginine from glutamic acid. The path from citrulHne to arginine is made up of several stages. Citrulline is condensed with aspartate to form argino -succinate. A specific enzyme cleaves the argino-succinate to arginine and fumaric acid. (0) Biosynthesis 0/ C4 Amino Acids [Aspartic Acid, Methionine and Threonine) These molecules are derived from aspartic acid, itself formed from members of the Krebs cycle. In plants and micro-organisms fumaric acid is combined with ammonia in the presence of aspartase, whilst in mammals which do not possess aspartase, aspartic acid is formed by reductive de- amination of oxaloacetate in a reaction of unknown mechanism. Chemical genetic experiments on Neurospora have shown that threonine and methionine have a common precursor. In fact, a mutant requiring both amino acids at once can satisfy this double requirement when L-homoserine is supplied. On the other hand a mutant whose only block is in the synthesis of methionine accumulates threonine and L-homoserine in ts mycelium. The idea of a single precursor has been confirmed with 246 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY E. colt and with yeast in isotopic experiments, and in enzymic experiments. The synthesis of methionine is the reverse of the synthesis of cysteine described previously (p. 243), via homocysteine and with cystathionine as coon I CH. I CHNH. I coon aspartic acid CONH2 I CHa I CHNH2 I COOH a>paragine COOPO3H2 CHO I I CH2 TPN CH, I I CHNHj CHNH2 COOH COOH j5-aspartylphosphate aspartic ^-semialdehyde HO I CH3CH ■ NH, CH-COOrt CH20H I TPN or DPN CHj CHNHj I COOH homoserioe ChreoDinc (?) NHj I CH3-CH2-CH-COOH a — arainobutyric acid CHaSH CHNHj COOH cysteine CHjSCH, I CHi I CHNH, I COOH methionine C, CH2SH I CHj I CHNHj, I COOH CH — S — CHi CH2 I CHNH2 I COOH CHNH2 I COOH homocysteine cystathionine Fig. 67 (Davis) — Biosynthesis of C4 amino acids. an intermediate (Fig. 67). (In micro-organisms cystathionine can be split on either side of the sulphur atom. By contrast, in mammals it can only be cleaved between the sulphur atom and the seryl residue. Hence mammals cannot synthesize homocysteine.) (p) Biosynthesis of Isoleucine, Valine and Leucine The starting point of our knowledge of the mechanism of the biosyn- thesis of these substances is the discovery of a Neurospora mutant requiring both isoleucine and valine. This mutant accumulates the corresponding dihydroxy-derivatives — dihydroxy-methylvaleric and dihydroxy-isovaleric acids. Furthermore, a mutant of E. coli accumulates the corresponding ketonic acids, a-ketomethylvaleric and a-ketoisovaleric acids. The mutants accumulating the ketonic acids respond only to isoleucine and valine whilst the accumulators of dihydroxy-acids respond not only to the amino acids but also the the corresponding keto-acids. In an auxotrophe for isoleucine alone, dihydroxy-methylvaleric acid and dihydroxy-isovaleric acid are active, whilst in an auxotrophe for valine alone, dihydroxy-isovaleric acid and a-ketoisovaleric acid are active. BIOSYNTHESIS 247 methionine CHjOH I CH, CHNHi COOH homoserine CH3 I HOCH ^ CHNHa alanine a,/S-dihydroxy- isovaleric acid COOH L-threonine pyruvic acid CH3 CH3 \ / COH I CHOH I COOH CH3 CH3 \ / CH -CO, CO CH3 CH3 \ / CH CHa^- CO I COOH COOH a-ketoisocaproic a-ketoisovaleric + C2 acid CH3 CH3 \ / CH I CH2 i CHNH2 acid \ CH3 I CHa I CO transaminase CH3 CH3 \ / CH CHNH2 COOH a-ketobutyric acid CH, I CH, I :^ CHNHa I COOH a-aminobutyric acid + CH3 ■ I CO pyruvic I acid COOH CH, CHo-COOH \ COH 1 a,^-dihydroxy-^-methyl- CHOH glutaric acid I COOH CH3 CH2 — CH3 \ / CH I CO COOH a-keto-j3-methylvaleric acid CH3 CHj — CH3 \ / CH CHNH2 COOH leucine COOH COOH valine isoleucine Fig. 68 — Biosynthesis of leucine, isoleucine and valine. 248 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY In addition, the synthesis of isoleucine and valine is blocked by the absence of a single transaminase. The sum total of facts indicates that a-ketoisovaleric acid yields leucine by decarboxylation and condensation with a Cg fragment. For the case of isoleucine and valine, the mode of biosynthesis is indi- cated in Fig. 68, (q) Biosynthesis of Amino Acids Derived from Benzene {Tyrosine, Phenylalanine, Tryptophati) The existence of mutants of E. coli and Aerobacter aerogenes requiring for their growth the three amino acids containing the benzene ring, has greatly aided the elucidation of the biosynthesis of these compounds. These mutants require not only a mixture of the three benzenoid amino acids, but also for the most part they require ^-aminobenzoate, ^-hydroxybenzoate or a sixth factor, still unidentified. A large number of observations have been made on mutants requiring the benzenoid amino acids — determination of the substances accumulating in each case, study of competition between compounds, etc. Further, at the enzyme level, comparative studies have been carried out on vegetable tissues and micro-organisms, which syn- thesize the benzene ring and on animal tissues which do not. The cofactors of each enzyme, etc., have also been studied. All these investigations lead to the conclusion that the intermediates in the synthesis of the benzene ring are 5-dehydroquinic acid, 5-dehydroshikimic acid and shikimic acid. What is the precursor of 5-dehydroquinic acid? On this point, so far, the mutants have told us nothing. But a certain amount of information has been pro- vided by the use of isotopes and from enzyme studies. This work shows that the transformation of glucose into the benzene ring of tyrosine or phenyla- lanine does not operate through the Krebs cycle. With the aid of labelled glucose, using a mutant accumulating shikimic acid, it has been possible to show that the carboxyl of this acid is derived from C-3 and C-4 of glucose, the C-1 from C-2 and C-5 of glucose and C-2 of shikimic acid from C-1 and C-6 of glucose. Hence the C-1 — C-2 — carboxyl portion of shikimic acid comes from a degradation product of glucose, the four other carbon atoms being of a more complex origin. Sedoheptulose-1, 7-diphosphate is an excellent precursor of shikimic acid and there are good reasons to favour the theory which puts sedoheptulose as an intermediate in the synthesis of the benzenoid amino acids. The terminal stage of the synthesis has had some light cast upon it by the results of enzyme studies. It has been shown that prephenic acid is an intermediate in the path from phenylalanine to tyrosine. Moreover, phenylpyruvic acid also lies along the pathway of phenylalanine synthesis. BIOSYNTHESIS 249 a 250 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY When we come to tryptophan, which lies after shikimic acid, anthranilic acid and indole are found to be intermediates in the synthesis. The con- densation of indole with serine to give tryptophan is brought about by the action of a specific enzyme, indole-ligase or tryptophan desmolase, whose coenzyme is pyridoxal phosphate (this enzyme is not to be confused with tryptophanase which splits tryptophan into indole and pyruvic acid). In addition to the pathway just outlined, tryptophan can result from the transamination of indole-pyruvic acid, but it seems unlikely that this reaction makes any important contribution to the biosynthesis, A trypto- phan-kynurenine-anthranilate-indole-tryptophan cycle has also been proposed i.e. the reverse of the catabolic pathway described in Fig. 58. However this sequence of reactions is only traversed if an excess of trypto- phan is present and its function appears to be purely degradative. (r) Biosynthesis of Histidi?ie and the Imidazole Ring CH— NH CH— NH Pentose (?) ^ C -N / CH CH -N / CHOH I CHOH I CHaOPCH, CH, C=0 CH2OPO3H2 Imidazole-glycerolphosphate Imidazole-hydroxyacetonephosphate CH— NH CH— NH CH— NH CH -N / ^C CH -N / CH -N CH, CH. CH, CHNH2 I CHgOPO^H CHNH, 30.12 CH2OH Histidinolphosphate Histidinol CHNHo COOH Histidine Fig. 70 (Davis) — Biosynthesis of histidine. Mutants of E. coli which are auxotrophic for histidine accumulate L-histidinol, the corresponding aminoalcohol. Mutants of Neurospora have been discovered since, which accumulate not only histidinol but also BIOSYNTHESIS 251 imidazole-glycerol, imidazole-hydroxy-acetone and their derivatives phos- phorylated in the terminal position of the side chain. It is these phosphory- lated derivatives and free histidinol that are intermediates in the synthesis whose terminal operation, the conversion of histidinol to histidine, is catalysed by a DPN-containing enzyme which has been isolated from E. colt. When we come to the imidazole ring itself, experiments with sotopes have shown that C-2 is derived from "formate". (s) Biosynthesis of Lysine COOH COOH CH, CHXOOH Aspartic acid + a — ketoadipic acid COOH I CHNH, CH2 CH2 I CH2 *CHNH2 *COOH a — aminoadipic acid (moulds) CH2NH2 CH, CHg (bacteria) CH, CH, CH, CH, CHNH2 COOH lysine CHNH2 COOH a,a'-diaminopimelic acid Fig. 71 (Davis) — Biosynthesis of lysine. The biosynthesis of lysine forms an exception to the general run of biosynthetic processes we have so far considered and which we have been able to assume, at least in general outline, to be the same in all cells. Here the comparative biochemist has found a field of study at the level of a biosynthetic mechanism. The biosynthesis of lysine, in fact, differs in moulds and in bacteria. In the former, the starting materials are acetate and 252 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY succinyl-CoA formed during the Krebs cycle. The intermediate stages are a-ketoadipic acid and a-aminoadipic acid (which have been found in the degradative pathway of lysine in the rat). In bacteria, one of the starting materials is aspartic acid and a,a'-diaminopimelic acid is an intermediate. B. Biosynthesis of Compounds Containing Ester, OsiDE OR Peptide Bonds (a) Biosynthesis of Complex Lipids This subject has been extensively studied in the case of the lecithins (phosphatidylcholines) and it has been shown that, in the presence of certain enzymes of different specificity, the same mechanism is responsible for the synthesis of cephalins (phosphatidylethanolamines). As with the formation of glycerides, the starting point is a phosphatidic acid. The HoCOH (CH3)3 choline' phosphokinase NCHa — CH2OH choline ATP (CH3)3 — NCH2 — CH20PO(OH)2 phosphorylcholine cytidinetri- phosphate CTP cytidinediphosphatecholine HCOH L- a-glycerophosphoric acid H2COPO(OH)2 + 2RC0A-? H2COR I HCOR I HaCOPOCOH)^ diacylphosphatidic acid Fatty Aci monopalmitylphosphatidic acid + CoA palmityl-CoA monopalmitylphosphatic acid -> dipalmitylphosphatidic acid + CoA (b) Biosynthesis of Glycerides It has long been recognized that the biosynthesis of glycerides occurs via the intermediate formation of complex lipids. The 1, 2-diglycerides acting as intermediates in lecithin biosynthesis can also give triglycerides by the operation of an enzyme system present in liver. The following reaction has been observed in vitro in the presence of an enzyme present in liver: 1, 2-diglyceride + palmityl-S-CoA -> triglyceride + Cox\-SH This establishes an intimate relationship between the biosynthesis of complex lipids and that of ternary lipids, in the first case, the reaction being between a 1, 2-diglyceride and cytidinediphosphatecholine and in the second case between the 1, 2-diglyceride and a coenzyme A. activated fatty acid. {c) Biosynthesis of Pentose Phosphates As we have seen, D-ribose-5-phosphate is formed from G — 6 — P in the hexosemonophosphate shunt. 254 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY Another mode of formation is the condensation of C^ and Cg fragments to form phosphoric esters of the pentoses and desoxypentoses, particularly of desoxyribose. This reaction glyceraldehyde-3-P + acetaldehyde ^ desoxyribose-5-P is a reversible aldol condensation, catalysed by desoxyribose-phosphate aldolase. This enz3nne has been prepared from E. colt and numerous animal tissues; the desoxyribose-5-P formed in the reaction is incorporated into nucleosides. As far as the metabolism of the pentose phosphates is concerned, the principal reactions are those of transaldolization and transketolization. A transketolase has been isolated from plant tissues and from animal tissues, it catalyses the follow^ing reaction : ribulose-5-P + ribose-5-P ^ sedoheptulose -7-P + glyceraldehyde-3-P The enzyme is of low^ specificity and it also acts on ribulose-5-P, sedo- heptulose-7-P, L-erythrulose, hydroxypyruvate and fructose-6-P. A rupture of the ketol bond occurs and the "active glycolaldehyde" formed is condensed w^ith an acceptor aldehyde. When the acceptor is glyceralde- hyde 3-P, ribulose-5-P is formed. (d) Biosynthesis of Oside Linkages Although, theoretically, the enzymes catalysing the hydrolysis of oside linkages should be capable of catalysing the reverse reaction of synthesis, this is not considered to occur in practice. In the case of sucrose, for example, the action of invertase causes the reaction to go almost to completion from left to right. One of the substances participating in the reaction, water, being present in overwhelming con- centration, the hydrolysis of sucrose is in practice irreversible. The synthesis of the osides operates, in fact, through their phosphory- lated derivatives. In plants, sucrose results from the condensation and the simultaneous dephosphorylation of a molecule of phosphorylated glucose and a molecule of phosphorylated fructose, in the presence of sucrose phosphorylase. A system exists, and has been isolated from various bacteria, which, in the presence of G — 1 — P and D-fructose, condenses these two molecules to form sucrose vnth the elimination of phosphoric acid. This sucrose phos- phorylase can combine glucose with, say, an aldose such as L-arabinose with formation of a 1-3 oside linkage. Its specificity for the second half of the molecule is hence seen to be of a low order. On the other hand, the sucrose phosphorylase can utilize other sources than G— 1 — P as a donor of glucose for the formation of sucrose. It is therefore also a transglucosidase capable of transferring glucose derived from various donors, to a diversity of acceptors. BIOSYNTHESIS (e) Biosynthesis of Purine Nucleotides 255 The biosynthesis of these nucleotides, and consequently, of the purine ring, begins with the formation of 5 '-phosphoribosyl-1 '-pyrophosphate (phosphoribosylpyrophosphate, PRPP) which is the activated pentose required in purine biosynthesis. Figure 73 shows the various ways in which PRPP can be formed. G-6-P Pentose cycle oxidative path ribose F-6-P non-oxidative path ribose-5-P ATP ATP kinases kinase -^PRPP phosphomutase ribose-1-P nuc phosphorolysis eosides Fig. 73 — Pathways of PRPP formation. Starting with PRPP, in the presence of glutamine, 5'-phophoribosyl- amine is formed. Addition of glycine and then of formate to the molecule leads to formylglycinaminoribotide. The addition of CO 2 and the amino group of aspartate gives the ribotide of aminoimidazolecarboxamide, then an addition of a C^ fragment followed by closing of the ring gives inosinic acid from which can be derived xanthosine-5 '-phosphate by oxidation and guanosine-5 '-phosphate by oxidation and amination(Fig. 58). (/) Biosynthesis of Pyrimidine Nucleotides The carbon in the 1 -position and the nitrogen in the 2-position of the pyrimidine ring are derived from NH3 and CO 2 which react in the presence of ATP to form carbamyl phosphate. 256 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY H2N \^~ CH2— O — PO(OH)2 ^C glycine H H H2C — NH2 I ^0 = C — NH — R— 5' — O — P0(0H)2 C — C H I I H OH OH 5 '-phosphoribosylamine H2C NH \ CHO glutamine ATP glycinamidoribotide H2C — NH \ CHO HN = C— NH— R— 5'— O— P0(0H)2 formylglycinamidinoribotide HC — N 0 = C— NH— R— 5'— O— PO(OH)2 formylglycinamidoribotide \ aspartate, CO2 H2N — C = O CH ATP •N H2N — C — N — R — 5' — O — PO(OH)2 aminoimidazoleribotide \ CH H2N— C— N— R— 5'— O— PO(OH)2 aminoimidazolcarboxamide ribotide xanthosine monophosphate + H0O — 2H HN — C = O HC C — N adenosine ' monophosphate aspartate glutamine or NH3 \- CH guanosme monophosphate N — C — N — R — 5' — O — PO(OH)2 inosine monophosphate Fig. 74. BIOSYNTHESIS 257 O H2N — C ~ O — PO(OH)2 carbamylphosphate HN — C = O I I O = C CH I II HN — C — COOH orotic acid PRPP ^PP HN — C = O I I O =C CH 1 II N — C — COOH R — 5' — O — PO(OH)2 orotidine — 5' — PO4 NHa HN — CNH2 I I O = C CH 1 II N — C — COOH I R — 5' — O — OP(OH)8 aspartate H3PO4 DPN 2H 3^ ^ CO, H2N COOH I I ^ 0 = C CHa I I HN — CH — COOH ureidosuccinic acid (carbamylaspartic acid) — H.O HN — C = O I I O = C CH2 I I HN — CH — COOH dihydroorotic acid HN — C = O I I ^ O = C CH I II N — CH R — 5' — O — PO(OH)3 uridine monophosphate HN — CNH2 I I ->- O = C CH I il N — CH I R — 5 — O — PO(OH), cytidine monophosphate Fig. 75. 258 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY ATP ^^ ^ COj + NHs O ^ ^ ^^ II ADP-f ^HaN — C - O — PO(OH)2 carbamyl phosphate The carbamyl phosphate is condensed with a molecule of aspartate giving ureidosuccinic acid, from which orotic acid is formed by cyclization and oxidation. In the presence of PRPP and a pyrophosphorylase this acid forms a ribotide and decarboxylation yields uridine monophosphate. The decarboxylation of the product of amination of orotidine phosphate gives cytidine monophosphate (Fig. 75). It can be seen that the pentose inter- mediate in pyrimidine nucleotide biosynthesis is PRPP, the same as for purine nucleotide biosynthesis. (^) Biosynthesis of Nucleoside Diphosphates and Triphosphates This biosynthesis operates through the purine and pyrimidine mono- nucleotides as follows: nucleoside-P + nucleoside-PPP ^ nucleoside-PP + nucleoside-PP 2 nucleoside-PP ^ nucleoside-P + nucleoside-PPP 2 nucleoside-PP ^ nucleoside-P + nucleoside-PPP (nucleoside and nucleoside designating nucleosides differing in the nature of the base). (/z) Biosynthesis of Dinucleotides 1. DPNandTPN Nicotinamide can be formed by animal cells from tryptophan but is usually present in the diet. Starting from ribose-1 -phosphate and niacin (nicotinamide), DPN is probably synthesized as shown in Fig. 76. TPN results from the phosphorylation of DPN in the presence of a specific phosphokinase. TPN can be converted to DPN by a phosphatase. 2. FAD Figure 77 depicts the formation of FMN, in the presence of a phos- phokinase, from ATP and riboflavin, the latter a substance which is not synthesized by the cells of the body and consequently must be obtained from the diet. FMN is converted to FAD by stages analogous to those governing the biosynthesis of DPN. BIOSYNTHESIS 259 ribose-1-P ATP PP -* nicotinamide nicotinamide riboside nicotinamide ribotide *-DPN ATP ADP ATP- FiG. 76— Biosynthesis of DPN. -riboflavin ADP-<- -»-FMN- FAD-<- Fig. 77 — Biosynthesis of FAD. -ATP -»-PP pantothenic acid- cysteine- ATP PP-^ pantothenylcysteine CO, pantetheine -phosphopantetheine ATP >^ADP — >- dephospho — CoA (pantetheine — PO4 ~ PO4 — R — adenine) ATP CoA ADP Fig. 78 — Biosynthesis of coenzyme. A 260 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY 3. Coezyme A Pantothenic acid is not synthesized by the body and therefore must be obtained from the diet. It is condensed with a molecule of cysteine and the resulting pseudopeptide is decarboxylated to form a compound of pantothenic acid and thioethanolamine, pantetheine. The latter, in the presence of ATP and a phosphokinase, becomes phosphopantatheine, which, in the presence of ATP and a pyrophosphorylase, is converted to dephospho-CoA, which, in turn, is phosphorylated on the 3' position of ribose in the presence of ATP and a phosphokinase to form CoA (Fig. 78). (/) Biosynthesis of Peptide and Amide Bonds In animals hippuric acid is formed from benzoic acid and glycine which are joined together by a secondary amide linkage similar to a peptide link. The reaction has been well studied, ATP is required as an energy-donor and the benzoic acid must be activated by being first combined with coenzyme A. The stages of the synthesis are as follows: (E = enzyme) (1) E + ATP ^ E— AMP + PP (2) E— AMP + HS— CoA ^ E— S— CoA— AMP (3) E— J— CoA + HOOC— CeHa ^ CoA— S— OC— CeHs + E + H2O (4) CoA— S—OC— CeHs + H2N— CH2— COOH^ CeHs— CONH— CH2— COOH + CoA— SH (1+2+3+4) CeHoCOOH + H2N— CHo— COOH + ATP ^ CeHs— CONH— CH2— COOH + AMP + PP It is clear that during the synthesis ATP is split into AMP and PP. A second type of synthesis of the secondary amide bond is found to occur during the synthesis of pantothenic acid, a constituent of coenzyme A. Here, we likewise have a splitting of ATP into AMP and PP, but not through activation by CoA. In the presence of an enzyme extract of E. coli we get CH3 HO-CH,-C-CHOH-COOH + H2N-CH2-CH2-COOH + ATP I CH3 pantoic acid j3-alanine CH3 -^HO— CH2— C— CHOH— CONH— CH2— CH0-COOH+ AMP + PP I , CH3 pantothenic acid BIOSYNTHESIS 261 In the biosynthesis of glutamine from glutamate and ammonia it is the y-carboxyl of glutamic acid which is activated, and the cleavage of ATP to provide the 2500^000 calories for formation of the amide bond takes place so that ADP and P are formed rather than AMP and PP. Glutamic acid can also form amide bonds with hydroxylamine, hydrazine or methvlamine. The enzyme system responsible for the synthesis catalyses the following series of reactions (E = enzyme) : ATP (1) E + ATP + Glu^E \ Glu ATP / Mg-H- (2) E -f NH3 ^ Glu— NH2 + ADP + P -f E \ Mn+ + Glu According to Bloch and co-workers, the enzymatic synthesis of glu- tathione, requires only ATP E + ATP - E— P + ADP E— P + Glu ^ E— Glu + P E — Glu -f Cys ^ E + Glu — Cys E— P + Glu— Cys ^ E— Glu— Cys + P E— Glu— Cys + Gly ^ Glu— Cys— Gly + E In these four cases of formation of amide or peptide bonds, it is the carboxyl group which is activated at the expense of one or the other of the pyrophosphate linkages of ATP. The syntheses differ from each other in the form of the activated carboxyl : bound to CoA, bound directly to the enzyme or to the phosphorylated enzyme. But in no case has the activated carboxyl itself been phosphorylated. C. Biosynthesis of Macromolecules {a) Polysaccharides 1. Synthesis of Glycogen As already stated, glycogen is a branched polymer made up of D-glucose units. Four enzymes are necessary for the degradation of glycogen to glucose, and for the synthesis of glycogen from glucose. Two of these 262 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY enzymes can act equally well in either direction, but the other two are characteristic of the particular direction in which the reaction is taking place ; this is shown in Fig. 79. The first stage of the synthesis is phosphorylation by ATP, hexokinase being the catalyst. It is here that a major expenditure of energy occurs; a pyrophosphate bond (12,000 calories) forms a glucose-6-phosphate bond (3000 cal) and by means of this reaction, which in practice is irreversible, the glucose molecule is activated and prepared for a variety of metabolic sequels. In the case we are considering, under the influence of phospho- glucomutase an equilibrium is established between G — 6 — P and G — 1 — P, in fact this equilibrium is part of the steady state in the cell and varies from one cell to another as the steady state varies. In the third stage, two enzymes act simultaneously, phosphorylase and the branching enzyme. The glucose portion of a molecule of glucose- 1- phosphate is added to the terminal glucose residue of a chain, with loss of phosphate. The phosphate on Ci is exchanged for a glucoside linkage with the fourth carbon atom of the terminal glucose residue, with little change in free energy. In this synthesis the two substrates therefore are glycogen glycogen + phosphate phosphorylase I phosphorylase amylo-(l ,4-*- 1 ,6)-transglucosidase (branching enzyme) amlyo-1 ,6-glucosidase (unbranching enzyme) G— 1— P (+ glucose) ATP + glucose oxidative phosphorylation phosphoglucomutase hexokinase phosphoglucomutase G — 6 — phosphatase G — 6 — P > glucose + phosphate phosphohexose -isomerase ADP +P \G — 6 — P dehydrogenase \ \ \ 6 — phosphogluconate glycerol >• Fructose — 6 — P lactic acid ?==^ pyruvic acid < amino acids Fig. 79 (G. Cori) — Synthesis and degradation of glycogen in the liver. and glucose -1- phosphate. It is the ratio of the concentrations of inorganic phosphate and glucose- 1 -phosphate which determines the direction of the reaction. Since, at pH 7*0, the equilibrium ratio for the reversible reaction is 3 '2, the synthesis of glycogen will occur if there is more than one mole- cule of glucose- 1 -phosphate for every three molecules of inorganic phos- phate. Hence factors tending to lower the concentration of inorganic phosphate will tend to favour synthesis taking place. When, in the branched structure of the glycogen macromolecule, a side-chain has been formed BIOSYNTHESIS 263 containing eight glucose units, then a new enzyme comes into play: this is the branching enzyme. It is a transglucosidase, amylo-1, 4 -> 1,6-trans- glucosidase, which converts a 1-4 linkage into a 1-6 linkage thus producing a fork in the chain. We see that whereas the concentration of glycogen in a cell can be influenced by the requisite enzymes, by hormones and by other possible regulators, the structure of the glycogen molecule depends on the relation between the respective activities of phosphorylase, the branching enzyme and the unbranching enzyme. 2. Synthesis of amylopectin The so-called "Q-enzyme" is a transglucosidase which converts one in every twenty 1-4 linkages of amy lose into 1-6 linkages to form a branched chain. The enzyme only acts when at least forty-two glucose residues have been united to form amylose. The formation reaction is the following : a-D-glucose-1 -phosphate ^ amylose — ^ amylopectin Like the branching enzyme, the "Q-enzyme" acts like a transglucosidase capable of forming 1-6 bonds. 3. Synthesis of ^ linkages of polysaccharides Fitting and Doudoroff (1952) have described an enzyme which in the course of the synthesis of a glycoside linkage causes inversion of the type of bond. a-D-glucosyl-D-glucose -f P ^ ^-D-glucose-1-P + D-glucose This demonstrates the possibility of the formation of complex poly- saccharides containing /S-linkages by the action of enz^Tnes causing trans- glucosidation. (6) Proteins By analogy with what is observed when amide bonds are synthesized in peptides or amides, Borsook has suggested that during the synthesis of proteins from free amino acids, it is the carboxyl of one of the amino acids which is activated by utilization of a pyrophosphate linkage, the amino group of the other amino acid not needing to be activated before formation of the peptide bond. There are many arguments in favour of the idea that proteins are synthesized from free amino acids. The activated amino acids are transported on to a "template" where they arrange themselves in a definite order. The peptide linkages are established for the price of the energy of the pyrophosphate bonds and the molecule thus formed is detached from the template. 264 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY This mechanism impHes the activation, in the presence of ATP, of the free carboxyl group of the amino acids which go to form the new protein molecule. This idea is supported by a large number of experimental obser- vations. The activation of the carboxyl group is brought about by specific enzyme for a particular amino acid, which first attaches it to AMP. The re- sulting amino acid-AMP-anhydride is then joined to a short soluble piece of an RNA chain, the whole taking place on a complementary sequence of an RNA template. 1. The ijitracellular pool of amino acids The existence of an intracellular pool of amino acids not combined as protein, either free or in the form of amides, etc., is now generally admitted. In vertebrate tissues, the amounts of these non-protein anmino acids, acting as a source for protein synthesis, are small. On the other hand they are much greater in the tissues of such animals as the marine crustaceans, and in plant cells, in yeast cells, or in the cells of certain Gram-positive bacteria. The factors regulating the total amount and composition (which in animals appears to be specific for each tissue of a particular species or, for a given tissue, specific for each species) of the intracellular pool of amino acids, are of special interest. The composition of the pool of non-protein amino acids differs from the overall composition of the proteins in the cell which contain it, and this has been demonstrated in widely different cases, for example in animal cells and in infusoria. A particularly detailed study of the pool of non-protein amino acids in yeast was carried out in Spiegelmann's laboratory and has given some highly interesting results. It is possible to modify the composition and the amount of the intracellular pool by various changes in the culture medium. If the medium contains no nitrogen and contains glucose, the intracellular pool in the yeast decreases in amount and this decrease affects all the constituents. If the cells are then placed in a medium containing both glucose and nitrogen the pool is replenished, but in a manner which differs according to the nature of the source of nitrogen. If the nitrogen is provided by a casein hydrolysate the pool replenishes all its constituents. If ammon- ium chloride is the source the restoration is much slower and certain amino acids such as methionine, threonine, proline, lysine and histidine, only return to their former concentration after some considerable time. On the other hand, irradiation with ultraviolet light increases the amount of the pool in the yeast cell, and a considerable number of observations seem to indicate that in yeast cells there is an internal mechanism for replenishment of the pool which depends upon the degradation of a labile protein compound. In Staphylococcus aureus, which has been studied from this aspect by Gale, the synthesis of a large number of amino acids is not possible and BIOSYNTHESIS 265 they must be obtained from outside the cell. If the medium is rich in amino acids, they accumulate in the cell during the period of growth and the intracellular pool is increased. However, if protein synthesis is rapid and normal, the amino acids do not accumulate. 2. The template A large number of experimental facts and a series of indirect experiments have led Brachet and Caspersson, independently of each other, to the conclusion that nucleic acids are involved in protein synthesis. The con- centration of RNA in the cell is approximately proportional to the growth of Bac. lactic aerogenes, thus leading Caldwell to consider RNA as being the template itself. Jeener has shown for his part that during experimental modifications of the of the nucleus and the cytoplasm of Thermo- bacteriiim acidophilus protein synthesis was quantitatively related to the level of RNA. Finally, direct experiments have shown that in various cells or fragments of cells, treatment with ribonuclease suppresses protein synthesis. HbA Val— His— Leu— Thr— Pro— G/«— Glu— Lys HbS Val— His— Leu— Thr— Pro— Ffl/— Glu— Lys HbC Val— His— Leu— Thr— Pro— Lj'^— Glu— Lys HbG Val— His— Leu— Thr— Pro— Glu— G/j— Lys Fig. 80. (Perutz). Sequence of amino acid residues in a small segment of OHe of the polypeptide chain of haemoglobin. These are the facts which point to RNA being the template on which the synthesis of proteins takes place. Another confirmation has been brought by experiments showing that the isolated nucleic acid of tobacco mosaic virus can introduce the disease into a leaf cell as well as the whole nucleoprotein of the virus. 3. The synthetic process It is now a well established fact that the system of activation of the dif- ferent amino acids in the presence of the specific enz}'Tne for each of them, is the same in all cases of protein synthesis, and that the characteristic structure of the protein synthetized is due to the structure of the RNA template. This template is located in the cytoplasm. It is probably syn- thetized in the nucleus where the coded message for the synthesis of a particular protein is transferred from a section (or gene) of a long DNA macromolecule to a corresponding section of RNA. Each amino acid is brought to the template by a specific carrier. Crick has suggested that this carrier is a short length of RNA chain with a specific sequence of bases coding for the particular amino acid. It has been shown that each specific 266 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY enzyme catalyzing the activation of a particular amino acid in the presence of ATP, with the formation of an amino acid-AMP-anhydride, also catalyzes the fixation of this compound on a short, soluble piece of RNA chain. This carrier brings the amino acid on to the complementary sequence of the template. By this mechanism, the long code represented by numerous genes on a DNA chain, copied on RNA chains, controls the biosynthesis of a number of proteins, among which are numerous enzymes controlling the specific metabolism of the cell. porphyrins serine (C — P) CH3— histidine (C— 7) (methionine) CO2 purines Ci CO. purines oxalosuccinic acid oxaloacetic acid arginine (guanidine C) glucose (C — 3 and 4) histidine (C — 1 and 5) t pentoses < v oxaloacetate -►-pyrimidines methionine (C — 1 and 4) desoxypentoses -^- phosphoglyceraldehyde aspartic->-homoserine acid isoleucine (C — 3 and 4) valine (C— 3 and 4') threonine cysteine \. serine-^ — glycine-*' cystine pyruvic acid / a-aminobutyric acid isoleucine (C— 1,2,5 and 6) alanine tr>-ptophan side -chain valine (C — 1,2 and 4) leucine (C — 3,4,5 and 5') succinyl-CoA a-ketoglutarate steroids, leucine (C — 1 and 2) carotenoids, lysine (C — 1 and 2) terpenes, oxaloacetic acid, fatty acid -►-porphyrins lysine -glutamic acid lysine (C — 3 and 6) proline sedoheptulose i i. hydroxyproline benzene ring of amino acids Fig. 81 — Utilization of various key-materials for biosynthesis. BIOSYNTHESIS 267 4. The transmission of the code We have seen that the macromolecule of DNA is a double hehx in the form of a spiral staircase in which the links between the different nucleic acids form the banisters and the purine and pyrimidine bases form the steps. As we have seen, each step is formed by one of the two combinations adenine-thymine (or thymine-adenine) and guanine-cytosine (or cytosine- guanine). This means that a particular sequence of bases on one of the banisters is paired to one definite complementary' sequence on the other. Now if the chains separate in a medium containing free nucleotides of deoxyribose and one of the bases (adenine, guanine, thymine or cytosine), formic acid formaldehyde methanol glycine (a — C) glycollic acid (a — C) serine (a and /3 — C) threonine (a — C) histidine (C — 2) tryptophan (C — 2) phenylalanine (^ — C and C — 3) tyrosine (j8 — C and C — 6) acetone Cx glycolysis / phosphoglyceraldehyde < \ \ pyruvic acid acetyl-CoA fatty acids pyruvic acid amino acids acetic acid ethanol r^\ \ oxaloacetate '■ 1 \/ succmyl-CoA | f / a — ketoglutarate | / tricarboxylic acid cycle sedoheptulose t hexose monophosphate shunt Fig. 82. The chief sources of the key-materials required for biosyntheses. each of the two chains of the parent double helix will become a template for a complementary chain, the result being the formation of two daughter double helices, carrying an exact copy of the code. How the sequence on 268 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY bases in one of the chains, copied on a RNA chain, is read in terms of amino acid succession, remains to be explained. Crick, Griffith and Orgel have devised a code in which the names of the twenty amino acids are read in terms of twenty triplets of bases, but this ingenious suggestion has not yet been experimentally confirmed. We have said that we know at present a number of mutants of micro- organisms, characterized by the lack of a definite enzyme. Other mutants are characterized by the addition of a new enzyme. In each case we are dealing with changes in structure of protein molecules resulting in the loss or in the acquisition of the enzymatic activity. This leads to the notion that, in certain cases at least, a mutation is primarily a change in the structure of a protein molecule, i.e. an aspect of the molecular evolution (heteromorphic evolution, p. 336) of proteins. Abnormal haemoglobins show that the alteration of a single residue may deeply change the properties of a protein macromolecule. In this case, a single mistake in copying the genetic code during its duplication may lead to a permanent change in the properties of haemoglobin. Each half molecule of haemoglobin is formed by about 300 amino acid residues. Figure 80 shows, in a definite small segment of this unit, the sequence of amino acid residues in normal haemoglobin (HbA), in sickle cell haemoglobin (HbS), in haemoglobin C disease (HbC) and in haemoglobin G disease (HbG). Figure 80 makes it quite clear that, in each of these diseases, only one residue, printed in italics, is altered. D. BlOSYNTHETIC INTERRELATIONS The same remarks which were made about the pathways of complete degradation apply also to the pathways of biosynthesis. The biosynthetic pathways described here are the longest paths it has been possible to trace. These paths are not always traversed from end to end and they can be entered at numerous junctions. The existence of transferring enzymes and the reversibility of many sections of the metabolic routes, both degradative and synthetic, establish multiple interrelations between the routes for biosynthesis and those for degradations. REFERENCES Anfinsen, C. B. (1959) The Molecular Basis of Evolution, John Wiley and Sons, New York. Block, K. (1954). Biological synthesis of cholesterol. Harvey Lectures, 48, 68-88. Davis, B. D. (1955). Intermediates in amino acid biosynthesis. Advanc. EnzymoL, 16, 247-312. Greenberg, D. M. (1954). Chemical Pathways of Metabolism, 2 vol. Academic Press, New York. BIOSYNTHESIS 269 McElroy, W. D., and Bentley Glass, H. (Editors), (1955). A Symposium on Ammo Acid Metabolism, Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore. OcHOA, S. J. B., (1952). Enzymatic mechanisms of carbon dioxide fixation. The Enzymes, Sumner, J. B., and Myrback, K. (Editors), vol. II, part 2. Academic Press, New York. Perutz, M. F. (1959). The molecular basis of life. Research, 12, 326-334. PART FOUR TOPOBIOCHEMISTRY AND CELLULAR REGULATION CHAPTER I CELLULAR TOPOCHEMISTRY It would be a grave mistake to believe, as is often stated, that the cellular theory of life, as proposed by Theodor Schwann, was of a purely morpho- logical character, Schwann not only affirmed that "Everything which lives is made up of cells", but he also pointed out that the individual life of each cell "has its origin in forces which are inherent in each molecule". For his teacher Johannes Muller, the phenomena of life were the result of an idea acting on each tissue producing in it a "vital energy". On the other hand, Theodor Schwann stated that living phenomena are the product of forces which are essentially the same as those present in inorganic nature, forces acting blindly and compulsorily like physical forces. The forces which bring about the formation of organisms, Schwann added, do not act in non-living nature because the combinations of molecules which give rise to them do not occur there. But, he added, it does not follow that it is necessary to distinguish them from ordinary physical or chemical forces. In his work Mikroskopische Untersuchungen, Schwann proposed the classi- fication of tissues which is still to be found, without major alterations, in text books of histology. But he was forced to watch in despair the develop- ment along purely morphological lines of the microscopic anatomy which he had founded. The never-ending controversies among the histologists and cytologists over their artifacts of coloration and fixation were of no interest to him. To Schwann, the pressing problem was the study, by physical and chemical methods, of metabolism (using the word he had created) of units smaller than the cell itself. But, he had arrived too soon, in a world too immature and only capable of producing great numbers of publications illustrated by beautiful colour pictures of tissues. This enormous mass of literature has left us little else than the idea of the presence in the cell of a nucleus containing a nucleolus, and a cytoplasm in which one can distinguish the presence of mitochondria and other in- clusions. Classical histology, as the fruit of a hundred years of tissue-sHcing, fixing and staining, has provided us with a great number of pictures of cells, pleasantly coloured with Janus green or gentian violet. Unfortunately they bear no relation to the complex phenomena described, in an abbre- viated and simplified form, in the preceding pages. One might as well try 273 274 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY to explain a watch to a Martian by drawing him a small circle, even though it have the agreeable brightness of gold. It was necessary to wait until 1940 when Albert Claude had the idea of dissecting the cell into its constituents by means of a centrifugal field applied to a suspension of macerated cells under defined conditions. This mode of penetration into the unexplored world inside the cell gave access to previously recognized organelles and led to the identification of others, as was the case with the microsomes. The parallel use of the electron microscope gave further valuable help in this field. Once more the march of scientific progress continued. Schwann would not have formulated the cellular theory if he had not had the benefit of a microscope incorporating improvements introduced by Amici. Similarly, without the ultracentrifuge and the electron microscope, Claude, and many workers after him, would not have been able to penetrate inside the cell. From a biochemical point of view, a cell can be divided into a nucleus and a cytoplasm containing mitochondria and other inclusions. Even with the or- dinary microscope, and better still with the phase-contrast microscope, it is possible to distinguish granular or fibrillar inclusions in the cytoplasm. In cells which respire, mitochondria are found, and in certain cells there are other specialized structures buried in an apparently structureless cytoplasm. A. Cytoplasm (a) The Fundamental Material The C)rtoplasm has been the subject of numerous theories. The most recent have been thought out with a view to explaining the physical properties of cytoplasm in terms of its structure. The most comprehensive is the theory of bonds, proposed by Frey-Wyssling. During the first quarter of this century, ideas about the structure of protoplasm were dominated by a fallacious conception which sought to interpret the properties of protoplasm according to whether the material was in the sol or the gel state, where these terms have the same significance as in colloidal chemistry. Today, a large number of facts make us consider that the cellular elements are formed from macromolecules and not from small molecules associated together by physical forces to form micelles analogous to those found in soaps. The cell is made up of a number of organelles bathed in a cellular juice. The cytoplasm contains protein filaments which make up a labile frame- work whose structure is due to bridges between the fibres and whose lability is due to the fact that the bridges are easily broken. The filaments themselves vary between 80 and 200 A in thickness. If we consider the number of different amino acids present in proteins, we can understand what a variety of side-chains is possible in a polypep- tide chain. CELLULAR TOPOCHEMISTRY 275 The complex macromolecule represented by the network of protein fibres in the cytoplasm is maintained intact by a series of junctions between polypeptide chains (see p. 99). Certain of these linkages are homopolar in nature, for example the disulphide bonds. Others are joined by heteropolar bonds, or salt linkages. In addition there are cohesive bonds between non- polar groups (for example attraction between CHg groups) and polar groups (for example attraction between groups of a dipole nature). These various linkages are shown in Fig. 83. According to the theory of Frey-Wyssling, the four types of bond occur- ring between the peptide chains can explain the behaviour of cytoplasm. 1 . Cohesive bo?ids between non-polar groups {binding by Van der Waals forces) These are the same forces as are responsible for the cohesion of a crystal of a paraffin. The attraction between non-polar hydrocarbon groupings, feeble as it is, cannot be accounted for by an electric field for such a field is practically non-existent. (In substances containing lipophilic groups it is difficult to explain the attraction of these groups since their electric field of force is negligible when compared with that between polar molecules.) The cohesion between methyl groups, for example, is very small and temperature-sensitive. The change in viscosity of cytoplasm with tempera- ture must be attributed to the presence of these bonds. 2. Cohesive bonds between polar groups These are bonds due to residual or secondary valencies and are caused by dipole interaction. They are semi-chemical in character and they are commonly called hydrogen bonds (Pauling) (see p. 99). When a polar group carr}dng a peripheral hydrogen atom ( — OH, — NHg, etc.) is present, it can be attracted electrostatically by the negative charges located on the polar groups of neighbouring molecules thus uniting them through a hydrogen atom. If the polar groups of the two adjacent molecules cannot approach each other sufficiently, the electric field between them will attract water molecules. In this case the bridge is made up of attracted water molecules and the linkage is sensitive to any swelling of the cell, an action depending on the presence of inorganic ions. Small ions like Li+ or Na+ have a hydration shell thicker than that surrounding larger ions like K"*" or Cs^. As the size of an ion increases with its atomic weight the hydration shell decreases correspondingly. Hence it can be seen that the introduction of various ions can modify the hydration of such structures as cytoplasm. 3. Heteropolar valencies (salt linkages) If the positive and negative ends of two side-chains are in proximity they can enter into a salt linkage, their charges neutralizing each other and the degree of hydration decreasing. To break such linkages it is necessary to change the pH. 276 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY Fig. 83 (Frey-Wyssling) — Types of link between neighbouring polypeptide chains. O = a water molecule. 4. Homopolar valencies These can be formed in a variety of ways : by elimination of water (formation of ester, glucoside or peptide linkages), by removal of hydrogen (formation of disulphide bridges, methylene bridge, etc.), they are in- fluenced by the oxido-reduction potential of the system. The theory of Frey-Wyssling postulates the existence of monomolecular polypeptide filaments which must be about 20 A thick. However the electron microscope has revealed the presence in the cytoplasm of an endoplasmic reticulum made up of trabeculae 30 to 40 vayi in length, hollow tubes joining together vesicles 100 to 300 nijx in diameter. Attached to this system there are basophilic particles. In addition the cytoplasm contains fibres either singly or in bundles, which make up the contractile material of the cell and by means of a slow but continuous motion maintain the various organelles suspended in the cellular fluid. Molecules such as the phosphatides can react with the protein side- chains regardless of whether they are lipophilic or hydrophilic in nature, as shovm in Fig. 84. < ^ O C 0 0 o ■ CH, . CH, CH, V O 0 0 ° 0 > CM, • OH O 0 c ' CH. < Lecithin CH, - Glyceride Lecithia Polypeptide chain Fig. 84 (Frey-Wyssling) — o = a water molecule. CELLULAR TOPOCHEMISTRY 277 As for glycerides, which do not possess a hydrophilic group, they can only attach themselves to lipophilic side-chains and then, as shown in Fig. 88, only by the interposition of a phosphatide or similar molecule. The sterols have a polar structure analogous to that of the phosphatides. But the phos- phatides are more reactive for their hydrophilic end bears an ionized phosphate group (negatively charged) and a positive ammonium group. By contrast the sterols can only form esters. From the point of view of enzymology, cytoplasm is a not highly organ- ized multi-enzyme system containing notably all the enzymes of the glycolysis system and which consequently is qualified for the formation of ATP energy-rich bonds. In addition to the conversion of sugars into pyru- vic acid, cytoplasm can saponify lipides and split proteins into amino acids. In a cell living anaerobically, 80-90% of the glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm. (b) The Outer Region of the Cell In all cells it is possible to distinguish an inner region and an outer region. In certain cases, such as the amoeba, the region of clear ectoplasm is plainly differentiated from the granular endoplasm. The ectoplasm is itself surrounded by a thin layer of polysaccharide and lipide-containing material called the plasmalemma. This portion is elastic and contractile. The difference between the endoplasm and ectoplasm is a result of differences in the shapes of the constituent macromolecules. We may represent the cellular "membrane", from the interior to the exterior, as formed, firstly, of a highly hydrated protein structure consisting of leaflets parallel to the surface, this explains its contractility and elasticity. Beyond this membrane are situated one or two layers of complex lipides, followed by a layer containing polysaccharides. The presence of enzymes in the outer region of the cell has been demon- strated, chiefly with the aid of indirect methods. Thus, a portion of sub- strate can be introduced to see if the requisite enzyme is present ; this has been done for certain esterases, phosphatases, etc. (c) Microsomes There is always present in cytoplasm an important basophilic material which forms the endoplasmic reticulum of vesicules and canaliculi. At least part of this material appears to consist of the particles which we call microsomes. The discovery of microsomes (50-150 ma in diameter) is due to Claude, who isolated them from a mush of cells by prolonged centri- fugation at 20,000 rev/min. The microsomes contain a large part of the nitrogen of the cell and a comparatively (more than the mitochondria) large fraction of the phospholipides and RNA. It was at one time considered that the microsomes consisted of mitochondrial fragments, but this view is no 278 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY longer tenable for it has been shown that they are the exclusive carriers of certain enzymes like glucose-6-phosphatase and they are without the typical enzyme of the mitochondria, cytochrome-oxidase. As already stated, it is believed that protein synthesis takes place under the influence of ribonucleoproteins. The microsomes, amongst the other cellular organites, are the most abundantly provided with these substances, and this is why Brachet considers that the microsome, rich in RNA and incorporating amino acids very rapidly, is the probable site of protein synthesis. The enzymatic composition of microsomes is still obscure. Nevertheless we know that they contain important amounts of cytochrome-reductases. They must therefore presumably play some part somewhere in the stage of electron transfer between DPNH or TPNH and cytochrome-c. In addition, according to Brachet, they contain a number of hydrolases : phosphatases, amylases, cathepsin, and ribonuclease. Several experiments also indicate the presence in microsomes of the enzyme system responsible for the incorporation of alanine into proteins. B. Mitochondria We may say, and rightly, that the mitochondria is the engine which drives the cell. For although the energy-rich bonds of ATP are formed in the cytoplasm during glycolysis, the major production results from oxidative phosphorylations which take place in the mitochondria. We may also liken them to the central bank for the cell for it is from here that the currency in which the cell deals, is issued. The mitochondria are cylindrical particles 1^ [jl in length and 0-3-0 -7 [x thick. They are bounded by a double membrane of protein in the middle of which there is a double layer of complex lipides. In mitochondria from mammalian liver and kidney, each protein layer is 45 A thick and the distance between the two protein layers is 70 A, so that the membrane surrounding the mitochondria is 160 A thick. This membrane is prolonged into the interior of the mitochondria by ridges penetrating into the sub- stratum which appears to consist mainly of soluble proteins. The general features of mitochondria have been found in all the cells of the different and varied organisms in which they have been studied : mammals, birds, batrachians, molluscs, annelids, protozoa, yeasts, plants, etc. In mitochondria from rat liver the greater part (56%) of the organic phosphorous is in the form of complex lipides and 20% is present in RNA, the only nucleic acid they contain. A quarter of the total nitrogen of the liver cell is in the mitochondria and about 15^o of the RNA of the cell is found there. Cytochrome oxidase or cytochrome a^, appears to occur only in the mitochondria. However, this is not the case for the cytochrome-reductases (DPN and TPN specific) which, as stated above, are also found in the CELLULAR TOPOCHEMISTR Y 279 microsomes. Succinic dehydrogenase, fumarase, and the oxido-reduction systems for a-ketoglutarate and oxaloacetate are also found only in the mitochondria, which contain in addition the enzymes of the fatty acid cycle. Their enzymatic equipment shows that the mitochondria are the ex- clusive sites of aerobic oxidation and oxidative phosphorylation. In addition to these heavy mitochondria, the exclusive carriers of cytochrome oxidase, de Duve distinguishes "light mitochondria" or "lysosomes", which contain alkaline phosphatase, ribonuclease, desoxy- ribonuclease, "cathepsin" (i.e. the complete assembly of intracellular peptidases), and most of the ^-glucuronidase. In these intact particles, these hydrolases do not have access to their substrates when the latter are situated in the medium around the particles. C. The Nucleus The cellular nucleus, during interphase, consists principally of a nuclear sap or caryolymph, a nucleolus and certain chromatin filaments or chro- monemata which condense into chromosomes during mitosis. In the nucleus we find a whole series of compounds. The nuclear sap contains proteins not belonging to the histone or protamine families. In addition, we find in the nucleus either protamines or histones, depending on the cell, and also lipides (around 10%). The nucleus contains practically all the DNA in the cell. For a given species, the amount of DNA per nucleus of diploid cells in interphase is constant. Although DNA in each case is a complex mixture of different nucleotides, its composition is the same for all the different cells of the organism, for they are all derived from the same fertilized &gg. It differs from one species to another. Two insect viruses parasitic on the same organism, for example, will have different structures of their DNA. A cell of E. colt and its bacteriophage have DNA of differing structures. The fact that a spermatozoid contains only half the amount of DNA present in normal cells clearly identifies DNA with the chromatin filaments which also contain protamines and histones. However, the nucleus also always contains some RNA located in the nucleolus (which does not contain DNx\) and in the chromatin filaments. The ratio RNA/DNA varies from one species to another and, in the same species, from one organ to another. Unlike DNA whose composition is characteristic of all the cells of a species, the composition of RNA varies in the same cell from one point to another. Thus the RNA of the nucleus, the microsomes, and the mitochondria are all of different composition. Physiological conditions can also modify the composition of the various types of RNA in an organism, although they have no influence on the composition of the DNA. 280 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY The nucleus contains a number of other phosphorylated derivatives and inorganic elements such a K, Ca and Mg. When mitosis occurs, the chromatin filaments combine into chromo- somes which divide longitudinally and then distribute themselves between the two halves of the cell. This process is aided by the aster, a structure formed at the beginning of mitosis and surrounding the centrosome. It has been isolated from sea urchin eggs and shown to be protein in nature. The nucleus is lacking in a number of important enzymes for cellular oxidation such as cytochrome oxidase, succinic dehydrogenase, uricase, D-amino acid oxidase, etc., and so respiration does not occur. However, it does contain a glycolytic system, although of low activity. In the nucleus is concentrated a system of enzymes for the synthesis of nucleic acids and nucleotides. It is found that radioactive phosphorus is always incorporated more rapidly into the RNA of the nucleus than into the RNA of the cyto- plasm. So, there is little doubt that the nucleus contains enzyme systems for the synthesis of the two types of nucleic acid. D. Conclusions It is true that the study of the distribution of enzymes in the cell has only just begun, nevertheless they have brought to our notice several important facts concerning cellular metabolism. From these studies we see that the cytoplasm is the principal region for the performance of anaerobic degradations which provide the mitochondrial machine with fatty acids, amino acids, and pyruvic acid. Since most of the glycolysis occurs in it, the cytoplasm is manufacturing energy-rich bonds by an anaerobic pathway. In addition the cytoplasm, or more particularly the microsomes, appears to be the home of protein synthesis. In the mitochondria is localized the respiratory part of the priming reactions, the fatty acid cycle and the tricarboxylic acid cycle, the chief providers of the ATP required for cellular work. However it appears that the transfer of electrons from DPNH or TPNH to cytochrome-c can also take place apart from the mitochondria. With its enzymes for the synthesis of nucleosides and nucleoproteins, the nucleus appears to be the repository of the specific DNA structure and the apparatus for its transmission. It also has a part to play in the control of the synthesis of the cytoplasmic nucleotides and of protein synthesis in the cytoplasm. Whether the latter is controlled through the synthesis of the microsomes or otherwise, the part played by the nucleus has been demonstrated on numerous occasions although the mechanism still remains to be discovered. REFERENCES Allfrey, V. G., MiRSKY, A. E. and Stern, H. (1955). The chemistry of the cell nucleus. Advanc. EnzymoL, 16, 411-500. CELLULAR TOPOCHEMISTRY 281 Claude, Albert (1947-48). Studies on cells : morphology, chemical constitution, and distribution of biochemical functions. Harvey Lectures, 1950, 43, 121-164. DouNCE, A. L. (1950). Cytochemical fundations of enzyme chemistry. The Enzymes. Chemistry and Mechanism of Action. Sumner, J. B. and Myrback, K. (Editors) vol. I, Part 1. Academic Press, New York. 187-266. DE DuvE, Chr. and Berthet, S. (1954). The use of differential centrifugation in the study of tissue enzymes. Internat. Rev. CytoL, 3, 225-275. HooGEBOOM, G. H. and Kuff, E. L. (1955). Relation between cell structure and cell chemistry. Fed. Proc, 14, 633-638. CHAPTER II CELLULAR REGULATION The complexity of the priming reactions and the reactions which follow, and their interrelations, lead us to ask how the direction of the molecules along the various metabolic paths is controlled. Not only do the directions of these metabolic reactions, all of which are proceeding at the same time, have to be controlled, but also the velocities of these reactions must be regulated. For example, how is it that in a cell liberally provided with substrates and oxygen, respiration during a given period is no greater than the production of utilizable energy ? These are a few of the questions we have to answer when considering the ways in which the metabolism of the cell is regulated, I. FACTORS WHICH DETERMINE THE VELOCITY AND THE PATH OF ENZYMATIC REACTION CHAINS By "reaction chain" the biochemist means a process made up of a series of chemical reactions joined together in a straight or in a branching manner. The idea that in a chain of reactions it is the slowest reaction which deter- mines the overall speed of reaction has often appeared to be self-evident. Hinshelwood illustrates this concept by comparison with the transmission of telegraph messages. The speed of transmission depends upon a certain number of factors — the dexterity of the operator, the speed of the current along the wires, and the rapidity with which the telegraph boy delivers the message. It is undoubtedly, says Hinshelwood, the last factor which is the dominating one. This is no doubt true, but a series of biochemical reactions differs from the sending of a telegram. As pointed out by Burton, the agility of the telegraph boy does not normally depend on the number of telegrams waiting at the post office, whilst the velocity of biochemical reactions is influenced by the concentrations of the reactants, according to the law of mass action. The stationary state for a biochemical reaction chain may perhaps be better compared. Burton points out, to that of the current in a stream. If an obstacle is placed across the stream, there will be a temporary decrease in the amount of water reaching the river mouth, but as soon as the water level has reached the top of the dam, a new steady state will establish itself and in the last analysis the amount of water arriving at the mouth of the stream will depend upon only one factor, the amount of rain falling at the 282 CELLULAR REGULATION 283 source, which surely cannot be considered as the slowest process present. A series of different factors can influence the resuhant of a number of reactions catalysed by a system of enzymes, both their velocity and the direction at alternative pathways and intersections will be affected. A. Enzyme Concentration In a chain of biochemical reactions, the concentration of an enzyme affects the velocity of the metabolic reaction it catalyses. The relative importance of two divergent paths at a fork in the metabolic chain can therefore be influenced by the concentrations of the participating enzymes. However, it is difficult to know with certainty what is the active concen- tration of a given enzyme and there are only a very few measurements of this type. B. Kinetic Characteristics The velocity of an enzyme reaction is defined as the change in substrate concentration per minute. The velocity of the reaction depends not only on the concentration of the enzyme, but also on the turnover number. v=W.Ce V = velocity of the W = turnover number Ce = enzyme reaction (in moles of (in moles of substrate/ concentration substrate/1, per min). min per mole of enzyme). (moles/1.) Under conditions where the enzyme is saturated with substrate, the turnover number is defined as the number of substrate molecules acted upon per minute by one mole of enzyme. The turnover number and the enzyme concentration (see A, above) are therefore to be considered separately as regulating factors rather than their product which is the reaction velocity. However, conditions where the enzyme is saturated with substrate are rarely realized in cells and under actual conditions the Michaelis constant K^i is more useful since it enables us to calculate the reaction velocity for each substrate concentration. C. Relation Between Thermodynamic Equilibrium AND THE Stationary State In the case of a reversible reaction situated in the middle of a chain of reactions, when the stationary state is set up the establishment of equilibrium is only possible if the velocities of the reactions situated on either side of the reversible reaction are sufficiently low. If they are faster than the reaction in the middle, equilibrium will not be attained (see p. 148). There are cases where thermodynamic equilibrium is attained and where the concentrations of certain products (which, under these conditions, depend on equilibrium constants) decide the subsequent course 284 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY of metabolism. Such a case are the stages of glycolysis between phospho- glyceraldehyde and 3-phosphoglyceric acid in the course of which an energy-rich bond is formed (p. 189). 1,3-Diphosphoglyceric acid undergoes a spontaneous hydrolysis into 3-phosphoglyceric acid and inorganic phosphate. The equilibrium constant for the enzymic conversion of phosphoglyceraldehyde into 1,3 -dip hosphogly eerie acid is such that only a small amount of this acid is present at equilibrium. For the step from 1,3 -dip hosphogly eerie acid to 3-phosphoglyceric acid, with the formation of ATP, the equilibrium constant favours the formation of a relatively large amount of the latter. When the two reactions are combined, a stationary state is set up in which the concentration of 1,3-diphosphoglyceric acid is very small. In this way the slow spontaneous hydrolysis of the latter is kept to a point where it is insignificant, D. The Concentration of Coenzymes An example of the importance of this in the regulation of metabolic processes is provided by the antagonistic effect of K+ and Na+ ions on the second transfer of phosphate during fermentation. E. Temperature Since temperature does not affect all enzymes in the same manner its influence is such as to cause changes in biochemical reactions. F. Permeability of the Outer Region of the Cytoplasm This acts as a regulator of metabolism by controlling the passage of substrates or metabolites. An example of the first mode of control is the fact that yeast ferments glucose but does not ferment F-1,6-PP, to which the surface of the cell is impermeable. The second type of effect is illustrated by the ready permeability of the outer region of the yeast cell to ethyl alcohol. But for this ready perme- ability, the accumulation of alcohol inside the cell would soon cause alcoholic fermentation to cease. G. Topobiochemistry The cellular topobiochemistry of enzymes, as it has been described in the preceding chapter, offers numerous possibilities for intracellular regulation of reactions; yet the study of this subject has hardly begun. During alcoholic fermentation, for example, ATP is formed in the cyto- plasm and transferred to cellular particles containing ATP-ase, from whence the molecules return to the cytoplasm to replenish the stock of adenine nucleotides acting as phosphate acceptors (AMP, ADP). The diffusion of ATP away from the cytoplasm and the diffusion of AMP and ADP towards the cytoplasm evidently form one of the regulating processes in glycolysis. CELLULAR REGULATION 285 During mitochondrial respiration, on the other hand, the turnover of phosphate in the adenine nucleotides is more rapid than the diffusion of ATP to the outside of the mitochondria or of phosphate acceptors to the inside. But the concentrations of AMP, ADP and ATP remain constant in the stationary state in mitochondria during active oxidative phosphorylation. So apparently there is a control of oxidative phosphorylation by means of a regulation of the entry of nucleotide phosphate acceptors. According to Siekevitz and Potter, this entry is under the control of an enzyme situated in the outer region of the mitochondria, this enzyme, adenylic kinase, catalyses the establishment of equilibrium between AMP, ADP and ATP. H. Stationary States The intervention of the various factors responsible for intracellular regulation leads to the persistence over an extended period of concen- trations of the various substances which compose the cell. The stationary states themselves also serve to regulate the orientation of a reaction chain where alternative pathways are possible. II. THE PASTEUR EFFECT From the results of experiment it has been possible to deduce that the control of cellular oxidation depends upon two factors : the concentration of inorganic phosphate and the concentration of phosphate acceptors. An example of the regulatory influence of these concentrations is the so-called Pasteur Effect. First observed by Pasteur, as indicated by the name, this phenomenon consists of the fact that when a cell is using oxygen glycolysis proceeds less rapidly than in the absence of oxygen. Although glycolysis is not a process in which oxygen actually plays a part, yet it is partially inhibited by the presence of oxygen. In a cell lacking oxygen a much greater number of sugar molecules undergo glycolysis than in the presence of oxygen. Yet, in the second case, the amount of useful energy, obtained in the form of energy-rich bonds, is much greater. From a fundamental point of view the Pasteur Effect is of great interest, but it is its mechanism, as an example of intracellular regulation, which interests us here. The Pasteur Effect can be described by saying that "aerobic glycolysis" is weaker than "anaerobic glycolysis". Also, in cells during growth and in cancer cells, aerobic glycolysis is greater than in resting cells, hence the statement of Warburg; "No growth without glycolysis". The explanation of the Pasteur Effect has been provided by Lynen who has shown that the intensity of glycolysis depends on the concentration of inorganic phosphate available at the stage of the dehydrogenation of phosphoglyceraldehyde with production of 1,3-diphosphoglyceric acid. When the oxidative phosphorylations of respiration take place, the 286 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY resulting consumption of inorganic phosphate brings about a decrease in the intensity of glycolysis, and inversely. The Pasteur Effect is therefore an example of an autoregulation of all the complex phenomena of the priming reactions. Another factor in the regulation of the intensity of respiratory metabolism is operative in the mitochondria, and this is the supply to the interior of the mitochondria of phosphate acceptors such as AMP and ADP. To the autoregulatory processes of this type can be added the action of specialized regulators such as the hormones which have been developed by organisms in the course of biochemical evolution. III. THE GENETIC CONTROL OF THE RELATIVE RATES OF ENZYMATIC REACTIONS Although it is true that the cells of various organisms all possess meta- bolic systems having the general features described in part three of this book, each species has certain specific peculiarities in the macromolecules of which it is formed, the enzymes included. Heredity transmits to the descendants of an organism the specific type of control of the relative rates of the diverse enzymic reactions which take place in each of its cells. It has now been well established that an alteration in a given gene can bring about definite biochemical changes manifested by the disappearance of one constituent in the organism, or the appearance of a new one, or by an increase or a decrease in the amount of a compound or of a group of compounds. New stationary states are set up resulting from, changes in the speed of this or that metabolic process. For example, in a given organism consider the concentration of a substance A. In the station- ary state in the organism, the concentration of A remains approximately constant as a result of an equilibrium between the production process and its transformation. If the rate of production decreases, even slightly, and if the rate of transformation does not alter, then substance A will disappear. Although the biochemical phenotype, like phenotypes in general, is a product of the interaction of the internal milieu of the cell, and its genotype, the means by which the latter influences the system of macromolecules in the cell and in particular the enzymes still remains a mystery. REFERENCES HoLZER (1953). Tiber Fermentketten und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Regulation des KohlenhydratstoflFwechsels in lebenden Zellen. Biologic und Wirkung der Fermente. 4. Colloquium der Ges. fiir physiol. Chem., Springer, Berlin- Gottingen-Heidelberg. 89-112. Lardy, H. A. (1952). The role of phosphate in metabolic control mechanisms. The Biology of Phosphorus, Wolterink, L. F. (Editor) Michigan State College Press, 131-147. Potter, Van R. (1949). The control of metabolism. Respiratory Enzymes, L,ardy^ H. A. (Editor) Burgess, Minneapolis, revised ed., 264—272. PART FIVE BIOCHEMICAL DIVERSITY 4 CHAPTER I SOME ASPECTS OF BIOCHEMICAL DIVERSITY The chemical processes described in Part Three of this book give an approximate and overall view of the metabolism and biosynthetic mechan- isms in cells. However, numerous variations on these themes are possible and a few examples follow. I. TERPENES We have described (p. 235) the biosynthesis of isoprene from acetyl-CoA as it usually occurs in cells. In the essential oils of plants we find a large number of compounds which demonstrate the large number of possible compounds which can be formed in a similar manner, starting from acetyl- CoA. They are compounds made up of isopentane units. They contain 5, 10, 15, 20 or more carbon atoms and are called respectively, hemiterpenes, mono-, sesqui-, di- or polyterpenes. From the material which is not distill- able in steam, by solvent extraction it is possible to obtain a series of other substances containing 20, 30, 40 carbon atoms or more and belonging to the groups of diterpenes (i.e. the resins), the triterpenes (i.e. the saponins), the tetraterpenes (i.e. the carotenoids) or to the polyterpenes (i.e. rubber). Moreover a whole series of organic compounds synthesized by plants are related to isopentane since they contain such units in their structure. Among these isoprenoids are the irones. There are many monoterpenes in plants and in general, but not always, one can consider their formula as being based on two isopentane units joined in head to tail union. The sesquiterpenes can be considered as formed from three isoprene units in head to tail union. The cyclic monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes can be considered as resulting from the rolling up of the same chains. Certain of the diterpenes can be considered as containing four wopentane units in head to tail union. This is the case of phytol and vitamin A. Others have an irregular arrangement. Among the tetraterpenes, those related to lycopene and called caroten- oids have been described previously). Plants are able to synthesize carotenoid molecules whilst animals are only able to modify them, for example by oxidation. Astaxanthin a carotenoid usually found in crustaceans, is one such oxidation product. In mammals, birds, and certain amphibians, the ingestion of carotenoids in the food results in an absorption of carotene in the intestine, the extent of 289 u 290 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY absorption depending on the greater or lesser activity of the intestinal caro- tenase which converts carotene to vitamin A and as a result the reserve fats be- come more or less saturated w^ith carotene. Man and other Primates absorb carotenoids in general, as does the frog also ; other animals exercise a selective adsorption. For example, the horse and the cow selectively absorb caro- tenoids and store them without alteration, whilst birds and fish show a pre- ference for xanthophylls. However birds and fish modify one of the ingested xanthophylls, lutein, by oxidation, and the products of the oxidation are deposited in the feathers in the case of birds, and in the skin in the case of fish. The carotenoid structure appears to be connected in a general way with the function of photoreception. The most primitive type of photoreception, lacking the presence of any differentiated photoreceptors, is the type called dermatoptic, which is found in primitive types of organisms up to the amphibians and also in plants. The maximum sensitivity of this derma- toptic function is in the ultra-violet part of the spectrum around 365m/u-, and it is the receptor in photokinetic processes involving tropisms towards light. Now, in a number of cases, photoreceptors have evolved secondarily and developed new kinds of receptor molecules adapted to the light from the sun and the sky. All these substances belong to the carotenoid group. In plants, phototropic bending depends on the properties of carotenoids such as xanthophyll in Avena, or /3-carotene in the sporangiophores of Phycomyces. The orientation of an animal depends on visual photoreception and requires the presence of other carotenoids showing the same kind of adaptation to sunlight and having an absorption maximum at around 500m/Li. This development is due to the ability, mentioned above, to change some of the plant carotenoids into vitamin A. There are two types of vitamin A : vitamin A^ and vitamin Ag. Let us first consider the system in the eye of land vertebrates such as mammals or birds. The pigment of their retina is rhodospin, a rose- coloured carotenoid-protein complex. In aqueous solution its absorption spectrum consists of a single broad band with a maximum at 500m/x. In light it is bleached to orange and yellow pigments and in the process the carotenoid retinene I is liberated. The latter substance has never been found anywhere except in the retina. Its spectrum in chloroform consists of a single band with a maximum at about 387m)Lt. In the retina the mxture of retinene I and protein reverts to rhodopsin and in addition retinene I is converted to vitamin Ai, which, in the intact eye, also reunites with protein to form rhodopsin. This system is not only present in the eyes of mammals and birds but also in the eyes of Invertebrates such as the squid, Loligo, and the crayfish Camharus. If we consider the system in the eye of a marine fish we find the rhodopsin system as in birds and mammals and Invertebrates, but this is not the system to be found in the eyes of freshwater fish which contain another system, SOME ASPECTS OF BIOCHEMICAL DIVERSITY 291 the porphyropsin system. Porphyropsin, like rhodopsin, is a carotenoid- protein complex and is purple in colour. Its spectrum resembles that of rhodopsin, but with a maximum at 522m/^. On exposure to light a sub- stance having properties similar to rhodopsin is liberated; it is called retinene II. In chloroform it has an absorption maximum at 405m/x. In the retina it is converted simultaneously to porphyropsin and to vitamin Ag. II. PORPHYRINS We have described the biosynthesis (p. 238) of porphyrins from 8- aminole\ailinic acid via porphobilinogen. On to this basic process are superimposed a considerable number of variations. By insertion of iron into the protoporphyrin nucleus we obtain w^hat Granick has called the "iron branch" of the biosynthetic chain (p. Ill), and a number of other variants have been described in these pages. Protoporphyrin is also the starting point for the biosynthesis of chlorophyll (the "magnesium branch" of Granick) as well as for the biosynthesis of haem. A cell capable of photosynthesis (see p. 354) contains at least one chlorophyll and at least one yellow pigment. In addition it often contains a phycobilin. The chief pigment in photos}^nthesis, both in algae and in the higher plants, is chlorophyll a. In the photosynthetic bacteria, on the other hand, we find a different chlorophyll, bacteriochlorophyll (p. 122). Thus whilst in green plants the chloroplasts contain chlorophyll a and chloro- phyll b, the algae are much more variable and we find in them a number of combinations .a -\- b, a -\- c, a -\- d, a + e. In addition we sometimes find a phycobilin. The phycobilins are soluble in water and are proteins com- bined with a chromophore belonging to the class of bile pigments. The phycoerythrins are predominant in the red algae and the phycocyanins in the blue-green algae. The chromophore of the phycoerythrins, phycoerythrobihn, is identical wuth mesobilierythrin the formula of which is ME MP P M ME HO H CH, H CH N CH N OH (M = methyl group E = ethyl group P = propyl group) The chromophore of the phycocyanins is mesobiliviolin MEMP PMME /\ /\C/\N/\ /\ /\C//\N\\ HO N H H CH N H, H OH Various phycoerythrins are found in algae which differ in the structure of the protein moiety. 2-Phycoerythrin is the most common and is found in the 292 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY Rhodophyceae whilst c-phycoerythrin is present in the Myxophyceae. Among the phycocyanins, r-phycocyanin is present in the Rhodophyceae and c-phycocyanin in the Myxophyceae. The phycobiHns serve to absorb light and transmit energy to other systems, notably the chlorophyll system. Plants are able to continue the synthesis of porphyrins along the "iron branch" and along the "magnesium branch" whilst in animals the latter is lacking. However, animals have particularly developed the "iron branch" as far as the biosynthesis of the compound of haem and globin, haemo- globin, is concerned. The biosynthesis of haemoglobin is sometimes observed in plants, for example in the root nodules of Legumes. In animals, the presence of haemoglobin in tissues other than blood has often been demonstrated. For example, it has been shown to occur in the nervous system of certain worms e.g. in the Annelid Aphrodita and in a number of the Nemertea : Polia, Meckelia and Borlatia. In Insects haemoglobin is found in the Diptera and the Hemiptera. In Gastrophilus intestinalis which, during its larval period, is a parasite in the stomach of the horse, the young larva is a uniform red due to the coloration, by haemoglobin, of the fatty bodies, of the parietal muscles and of the hypodermis. As the larva grows further the haemoglobin becomes localized in special cells, the tracheal cells, forming a red mass localized in the posterior third of the body. In certain of the Hemiptera such as Buenoa margaritacea and Anisops producta, the haemoglobin is similarly localized in masses made up of tracheal cells. In addition in another Hemiptera, Macrocrixa geoffroyi, haemoglobin is present in the accessory glands of the male genital system. Vertebrate muscle contains a haemoglobin known as myoglobin and the respiratory pigment has also been demonstrated in the pharyngeal muscles of a number of gastropod molluscs {Pahidina, Littorina, Limnaea, Patella, Chiton, Aplysia) and also in the body wall of Ascaris lumbricoides. The presence of haemoglobin in the blood is a general characteristic of Ver- tebrates: it is always contained in blood cells, either nucleated or non- nucleated. Nevertheless, some fishes adapted to cold waters have been shown to have no haemoglobin and no er)^hrocytes in their blood whatsoever. The distribution of haemoglobin in the blood of Invertebrates, where it may be present either in cells or dissolved in the blood, defies all systematization. Among the Echinoderms, corpuscles containing haemoglobin have been demonstrated in one, sometimes in two, and occasionally in all three of the body fluids of the Ophiuroidea and in several of the Holothuroidea. Corpuscles have never been found in the Asteroidea, the Echinoidea, nor in those Holothuroidea that possess a test. The presence of a haemoglobin in the blood or coelomic fluid of annelid worms has long been known. In the Polychetes there is generally a cir- culatory system and a red blood containing dissolved haemoglobin SOME ASPECTS OF BIOCHEMICAL DIVERSITY 293 (Arenicola, Eunice, Cirrhatulus, Nephthys, Nereis, Nais, Ophelia, Marphysa, etc.). In the Phyllodocidae, Syllidae and Chaetopteridae, the blood is colourless. No case is known of an Annelid having a blood containing an intracellular oxygen-carrier. Where there is haemoglobin in the coelomic fluid of an Annelid, the oxygen-carrier is always contained in a blood corpuscle. This is the case for a number of Polychetes not possessing a circulatory system, e.g. the Capitellidae, Glyceridae and Terebellidae Polycirrus hematodes. In other Terebellidae such as Travisia forbesii or Terebella lapidaria, there is also dissolved haemoglobin in the coelomic corpuscles. Among the Oligochaeta, we generally find colourless blood in the circulatory system of the Enchytraeides (though some of them, such as Pachydrilus lineatus, have haemoglobin in their blood). In many others of the Oligochaeta it contains dissolved haemoglobin: in Lumbricus, Tubifex, Limnodrilus, Lumbriculus, etc. When we come to the Hirudinea, we find dissolved haemoglobin in the blood of the Gnathobdellides (Hirudo, Aulastoma, Nephelis, etc.) and colourless blood in the Rhynchob- dellides [Pontobdella muricata, Branchiobdella astaci, etc.). In the nemertian or the turbellarian worms, we sometimes find haemo- globin-containing corpuscles in the blood [Derostoma, Syndesmis, Dre- panophorus, Polio). The Echiurioidea are sometimes considered as aberrant worms. They are not segmented and only possess a few chaetae arranged differently from that in the Annelids and their body consists of two parts, a retractile preoral lobe and the body proper. In the coelomic cavity of many Echiurioidea nucleated corpuscles containing haemoglobin are found. Moreover the coelomic fluid of the Echiurioidea is the only fluid in their milieu interieur for they are devoid of a circulatory system. Among the molluscs, we find haemoglobin-containing corpuscles in the blood of numerous Lammellibranchs (belonging to the genera Pectunculus, Glycimeris, Cutellus, Area, Gastrana, Tellina, Solen, Poromya, Capsa, Astarte, etc.) and in the coelomic fluid of certain Amphineura, the Neomen- ians. In a Gastropod, Planorbis, the blood contains dissolved haemoglobin. Only very exceptionally do we find haemoglobin in the Arthropods. Among the Crustacea, many species of small size are without an oxygen carrier whilst others have haemocyanin in the blood. It is only in the group of the Entomostracea [Apus, Branchipus, Artemia, Daphnia, Chirocephalus, Lernanthropus, Clavella, Congericola) that we find bloods containing dis- solved haemoglobin. When we come to the insects, who, in order to bring oxygen to the cells, have had recourse to a direct transfer from the air via the tracheae, we find that their blood is without an oxygen carrier, with the re- markable exception of the blood of the larvae of certain of the Chironomides. The similarity to haemoglobin of the red pigment dissolved in the blood of the larva of the Diptera Chironomus, was demonstrated by Rollet in 1861. 294 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY The term haemoglobin applied to certain molecules implies that they have a number of common characteristics and among them : (a) that they are derived from protohaem; the prosthetic groups of different haemoglobins when combined with a given basic nitrogen com- pound, in general give rise to the same haemochromogen. (b) that of being heteroprotein in nature, the protohaem being united to a holoprotein to which the name globin has been given ; (c) that of giving a characteristic spectrum, two-banded in the oxygen- ated state and one-banded in the reduced state. {d) that of complexing reversibly with molecular oxygen instead of being oxidized by it to a ferrihaemoglobin. (As previously stated (p. 117) this property is due to the globin forming a paramagnetic complex with the ferroporphyrin, whilst the other haemochromogens are diamagnetic). (e) that of combining with carbon monoxide to give carboxyhaemo- globin, whose visible spectrum has two bands in positions different from those of the corresponding oxyhaemoglobin ; (/) that of being, when oxygenated and in pure solution, transformed more or less slowly into methaemoglobin, containing trivalent iron and no longer capable of being oxygenated, the solution of this compound giving an absorption band in the visible region differing from that given by reduced haemoglobin. The relationship implied by use of the term haemoglobin applied to haem-proteins which can be oxygenated and contain the base protohaem, does not preclude them possessing differences which is revealed when a comparison is made. Besides the fact that haemoglobin crystals differ from one animal species to another, the amino acid composition of different haemoglobins show clear-cut differences as the examples in Table XIV indicate. Table XIV (Roche and Jean; Roche and Mourgue) Mean amino acid composition of various haemoglobins Trypto- Tyro- Cys- Argi- Histi- Ly- Leu- Val- Ala- Haemoglobin phane sine tine nme dine sine cine line nine of % % 0/ /o 0/ /o 0/ /o 0/ /O 0/ /o 0/ /o % Lumbricus 4-41 3-47 1-41 10-07 4-68 1-73 Arenicola 1-64 2-52 4-08 1004 4-03 1-85 9.688 6-69 — Horse 2-38 3-38 0-74 3-57 8-13 8-31 1915 9-92 8.93 The haemoglobin of Vertebrates is clearly different from other haemo- globins in containing less arginine and cystine and more histidine, lysine and leucine. SOME ASPECTS OF BIOCHEMICAL DIVERSITY 295 The positions of the a and ^ bands in the spectrum of the oxyhaemo- globins are also different : in the AnneHds the two bands are shifted towards the violet end of the spectrum relative to the positions in the Vertebrates. Conversely, in the Holothuria the two bands are shifted towards the red end. The isoelectric points of the various haemoglobins also show differences (see Table XV). Table XV Isoelectric points of haemoglobins (see Florkin, 1948) Planorbis 4-77 Thyone briareiis 5-80 Nereis virens 5-10 Arenicols marina 4-76 Aphrodite aculeata 5-70 Glycera convoliita 5-60 Haetnopis sanguisuga 5-01 Liimbricus terrestris 5-28 Chironomus plumosiis 5-40 Gastrophilus intestinalis 6-20 Man 6-78 Horse 6-78 Pigeon 7-23 As can be seen from the Table, vertebrate haemoglobin has an iso- electric point around neutrality and differing from that of other types of haemoglobin whose isoelectric points are more acid. The diversity' in the molecular weights of a series of haemoglobins is illustrated by Table XVI. Table XVI The molecular weights of haemoglobins (see Wyman, 1948) Based on sedimentation Basec on equilibrium constant S20 studies in ultracentrifuge Haemoglobins Thyone 23,600 Arenicola 3,000,000 Notomastus 36,400 Liimbricus 3,150,000 2,950,000 Planorbis corneus 1,630,000 1,540,000 Area 17,100 19,100 Myxine 23,100 Chironomus 31,500 Man 63,000 Horse 68,000 68,000 Cytochrome-c 15,600 13,000 Myoglobin (horse) 16,900 17,500 296 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY The behaviour of the various haemoglobins in the course of oxygenation gives us a further means of characterizing them. This is done by plotting a graph showing the degree of oxygenation as a function of the partial pressure of oxygen and is commonly known as the dissociation curve of oxyhaemoglobin. If we represent by T the portion of the haemoglobin molecule corresponding to a group capable of being oxygenated, i.e. an iron atom, then the equilibrium will be represented by TO^^T + Oa (1) K being the equilibrium constant for the oxygenation. Since the concen- tration of oxygen in the solution, [Og], is proportional to the partial pressure of oxygen in accordance with Henry's Law, we can replace it in equation (2) by the partial pressure p. If we represent the concentration of oxygenated haemoglobin by [HbO,^ and that of the non-oxygenated haemoglobin by [Hh\ the equation becomes log i-j^-" = log ^ + log K (4) The logarithmic form is particularly useful since if we plot the values of log [//6O2] / [//6] as ordinates and the values of log p as abscissae, then since i^ is a constant, we shall obtain a straight line inclined at 45° and cutting the ordinate axis at the value of log K. In the usual form where the percentage saturation is plotted on the y axis against partial pressures on the X axis, one obtains a hyperbola. This is the case for the muscle haemo- globin of mammals and the larval haemoglobin of Gastrophilus. In the most general case the dissociation curve is not a hyperbola but a sigmoid-shaped curve whose form can be empirically expressed by the well-known equation : [HbO;\ ,^ [Hb] ^ in which the exponent represents, although rather vaguely, the degree of interdependance or difference of the various groups which are oxygenated. In fact, in solutions of the muscle haemoglobin of Vertebrates and the haemoglobin of Gastrophilus there is only one type of oxygen-binding group. Myoglobin contains only one iron atom, and the larval haemoglobin contains two atoms which are identical in character. In haemoglobins giving a sigmoid curve, either the oxygen-binding groups in the same SOME ASPECTS OF BIOCHEMICAL DIVERSITY 297 molecule have different oxygenation constants or the oxygenation of one modifies the constants of its neighbours. In general, the dissociation curves of Vertebrate haemoglobins have a sigmoid form but the degree of flatten- ing varies from one class to another (Fig. 86). Fig. 85 (Keilin and Wang) — Dissociation curve of a concentrated solution (1 X 10~' g- mols haematin per litre) of a Gastrophilus haemoglobin. Temperature 39°C. One can obtain an idea of the affinity of a particular haemoglobin for oxygen by noting the position of its dissociation curve at the p^Q value, i.e. the partial pressure of oxygen corresponding to 50% oxygenation. However it is necessary to compare values oi p^o obtained under com- parable conditions. Changes in temperature and pH displace the dissocia- tion curve. The combination of molecular oxygen with a carrier being an exothermic process, an increase in temperature will lower the affinity, and a decrease in temperature will increase it. Figure 87 illustrates the shift in the dissociation curve of the oxyhaemoglobin of the ray Rata ocellata with temperature. The influence which changes in the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pco,) have on the affinity of oxygen for haemoglobin is known as the 298 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY "Bohr effect". This influence of changes in the Pqq^ is due to changes in the pH causing changes in the dissociation of the amphoteric haemoglobin and thus ahering the properties of the oxygen -binding groups. When the Pqq^ of an alkaline solution of haemoglobin is increased, the pH approaches 100 Fig. 86 (Morgan and Chichester) — Dissociation curves of haemoglobins of man, dog and pig. the isoelectric point of the carrier and the dissociation of its acidic groups diminishes. The affinity of haemoglobin for oxygen diminishes likewise and the p^o value increases since the dissociation curve is displaced to the right. Figure 88 illustrates this phenomenon for horse haemoglobin. Since the influence and extent of the Bohr effect is very variable, to compare the oxygen affinities of different haemoglobins it is necessary to compare SOME ASPECTS OF BIOCHEMICAL DIVERSITY 299 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 pOg Fig. 87 (Dill, Edwards and Florkin) — Dissociation curves of haemoglobin of Raia ocellata at diflferent temperatures. > V ■■«*'■■ Fig. 88 (Ferry and Green) — Influence of changes in pH on the dissociation curve of horse haemoglobin. 300 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY dissociation curves obtained under similar conditions of pH and tempera- ture. These conditions have not yet been satisfactorily fulfilled, since a change in the ^^Oa alters the pH of the blood and the pH of a solution of haemoglobin in different ways, and the dissociation curve in each case is displaced in a particular manner depending on the pH. The alteration in affinity with temperature also differs, for solutions of haemoglobin, accord- ing to the conditions and the nature of the haemoglobin. Whilst awaiting more precise results it is still possible to arrive at some interesting con- clusions using the results published in the literature. Of the known haemoglobins the one with the greatest affinity for oxygen is certainly that in the perienteric fluid of Ascaris lumbricoides. Ascaris possesses two haemoglobins, one in the body wall and the other in the perienteric fluid. These two haemoglobins differ from each other in their absorption spectra, which are both different from that of pig haemoglobin. The haemoglobins of Ascaris have a great affinity for oxygen : sodium hydrosulphite only reduces them very slowly and exposure to vacuum at 20° does not reduce them completely. The haemoglobin of Gastrophilus larva has a lower affinity for oxygen. At 39° the ^50 of a concentrated solution containing 1 x 10~^g atoms of iron per litre has a value of 4*9mm; whilst the ^50 of a dilute solution containing 0"84 X 10~^g atoms of iron per litre is 0"02mm Hg. The further complication we encounter here, namely the change in affinity with the degree of dilution, also occurs with the different mammalian haemoglobins. Fox has compared the various values of /)5o, at 10° and 17°, and in the absence of COg, for the undiluted bloods of Chironomus larva, of Arenicola and Planorbis, and for the slightly diluted bloods of Tubifex, Daphnia and Ceriodaphnia. He obtained the results collected in Table XVII. Table XVII (H. M. Fox) p50 10° 17° Chironomus riparius Tubifex sp. Ceriodaphnia laticaudata Arenicola marina Planorbis corneus Daphnia magna 0-5 0-5 1-5 1-5 20 0-6 0-6 0-8 1-8 1-9 3-1 In this list, the haemoglobins of the Chironomus and of Tubifex have the highest affinity and that of Daphnia the lowest. We may compare the values in the second column with the p^o value of 27mm for human blood with a SOME ASPECTS OF BIOCHEMICAL DIVERSITY 301 normal haemoglobin concentration and at 20° and pH 7-4. It is clear that the haemoglobin of Invertebrates has a distinctly higher affinity for oxygen than human haemoglobin. The various haemoglobins also differ with respect to the change in their affinity for oxygen with pH (Bohr effect). Some haemoglobins do not show a Bohr effect; e.g. the haemoglobins of Urechis, of ChiroTiomus larva and vertebrate myoglobin. The haemoglobins of Invertebrates other than those quoted above show only a very feeble effect {Ceriodaphnia laticaudata, Thalassema neptuni, Arenicola marina, Planorbis corneas, Daphnia magna). It is present in a more or less marked degree in the various classes of Vertebrates. The haemoglobins also differ from each other in other ways. If for each haemoglobin we measure in angstrom units the span separating the position in the absorption spectra of the a band of oxyhaemoglobin from the a band of carboxyhaemoglobin, we find clear-cut differences. In addition, the auto-oxidation of haemoglobin to methaemoglobin is very slow for vertebrate haemoglobin and more rapid with that of Gastro- philus, mammalian myoglobin, and the haemoglobin found in the roots of legumes. III. PROTEIN MACROMOLECULES We have emphasized the specific character of macromolecules. Even in the arsenal of enzymes common to all cells we find indications of this specificity. The glucose dehydrogenase of vertebrate liver for example, is not inhibited by toluene, whilst that of E. coli is inhibited. Yeast alcohol dehydrogenase is completely inhibited by 0-001 M iodoacetate, whilst even at a concentration of 0-OlM, animal alcohol dehydrogenase remains unaffected. Glutamic acid dehydrogenase of yeast requires TPN as a coenzyme whilst the same enzyme from plants needs DPN. When examining the various characteristics of the haemoglobins we noted a number of differences arising from the different properties of the protein moiety. Another aspect of diversity in macromolecules is provided by the pro- duction, in animals, of protein molecules circulating in the blood in re- sponse to the injection of various substances. These antibodies are specific for the injection antigens (proteins, polysaccharides, etc.) and react vnth. them to produce a precipitate, or agglutination if the antigen is attached to a cell surface. The antibodies circulating in the blood are usually present in the serum y-globulin fraction. The antibody properties of these molecules is due to the special cha- racteristics of a given part of the macromolecule and numerous facts indicate that antibodies of various specificities are very similar to normal globulin except at one very small part of the macromolecule. For example, 302 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY it is possible to split the macromolecule of an antibody with a protease and the antibody activit\^ will remain localized in one of the hydrolysis products. Substances capable of stimulating the production of antibody are called complete antigens and are generally protein in nature. However, a much smaller molecule attached to the antigen molecule may be the site for the specificity of action of the antibody so formed. This small molecule is known as a haptene. An example of this t^'pe is the antigenic activity of ovalbumin coupled to an azobenzoate ion. The antibodies formed will be of several types, certain of them reacting with the protein part of the molecule of antigen and others with its haptene, the azobenzoate ion. The antiserum prepared from a rabbit would precipitate the ovalbumin combined with, the azobenzoate, but not ovalbumin alone. On the other hand, the antibody will combine with the free haptene but without giving rise to a precipitate. But the molecules of antibody which are combined with the free haptene will no longer combine with the antigen carrying the haptene and this competition between antigen and haptene for the site on the antibody molecule which is specific for the haptene will result in a decrease in the amount of precipitate formed by the combination of the antibody and the antigen. The combination of the antigen with the antibody arises from the complementary character of their structures, the two corresponding regions of their molecules fitting each other in such a way that they are bound together without the intervention of strong chemical bonds. The complementary character of antigen and antibody is interpreted as due to the antibody being formed by the folding of its protein chain against the antigen acting as a template. According to Pauling the folding takes place so that hydrogen bonds may be formed and that charge interactions can be effective between the groups on the antigen and on the antibody. Specific antiserums permit various antigens to be distinguished from each other and consequently also the various types of organisms which these antigens characterize. Another aspect of diversity in marco molecules shows itself by the insertion of the same enzyme unit into different systems. The various systems containing the phenolase complex in animals and plants (heterotypical aspects of the same enzyme) are described in an excellent review by H. S. Mason (1955) and it will suffice to quote the conclusion of this review : "At the phylogenetic level of the plants, it appears to catalyze the for- mation of intermediates in biosynthetic systems which produce the flower pigments and related flavonoids, the lacs and lacquers, the simple and polymeric tannins and their esters, the phenolic alkaloids, the quinones, tropolones and simple plant melanins, and the lignins. At higher phylo- genetic levels the phenolase complex catalyzes intermediate phases in the SOME ASPECTS OF BIOCHEMICAL DIVERSITY 303 pigmentation of the teguments, feathers, scales, hair and eyes of the chordates. A vital role for an enzyme of the phenolase type occurs during the biosynthesis of adrenaline and noradrenaline, but this remains to be clarified. "Each of the numerous heterotypic expressions of the phenolase complex is produced by a unique biochemical sequence which is characterized by (1) a phenolase specificity becoming narrower with rise in the phylogenetic scale, (2) a characteristic chemical position in a metabolic network, and (3) a specific physical localization within cell and organ. These variables give ample play to the 'chance combination of genes which results in the development of short reaction chains utilizing substances whose synthesis had been previously acquired' (Horowitz, 1945), and to the states and composition of the environment which determine the extent to which the inherited phenolase complex can carry out its primary reaction. In this manner, the chemical structure of an enzyme and its substrate can be expressed as one of a number of biological characters." REFERENCES Florkin, M. (1948). La biologic des hematinoproteides oxygenables. Experientia, 4, 176-191. Goodwin, T. W. (1952). The Comparative Biochemistry of the Carotenoids, London, Chapman & Hall. Granick, S. (1954). Metabolism of heme and chlorophyll. Chemical Pathivays of Metabolistn, edited by Greenberg, D. PvL, vol. II, New York, Academic Press, 287-342. Haagen-Smith, a. J. (1953). The biogenesis of terpenes. Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol., 4, 305-324. Mason, H. S. (1955). Comparative biochemistry of the phenolase complex. Advanc. EnzymoL, 16, 105-184. Pappenheimer, a. M. (Editor) (1953), The Nature and Significance of the Antibody Response, Columbia University Press, New York. Wyman, J., Jnr. (1948). Heme proteins. Advanc. Protein Chem., 4, 407-531. CHAPTER II THE INHERITANCE OF BIOCHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS I. CONTROL OF BIOCHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS BY GENES Beadle has expressed in the following terms the generally held views today on the transmission of biochemical characteristics : "In order to exist as such, genes obviously must be capable of inducing the formation of exact copies of themselves. ... In addition to catalysing formation of more units like themselves, genes in general have hetero- catalytic properties, that is they catalyse the formation of other substances. ... In determining the specific chemical and perhaps physical configuration of protein molecules, genes directly determine enzyme specificities and thereby control in a primary way enzymatic synthesis and other chemical reactions in the organism. ..." The colour of the fruit of the tomato Lycopersicon esculentum results from the presence of a series of carotenoids whose existence depends on at least three genes (T, R, B,). As far as the two genes T and R are concerned, Table XVIII shows the carotenoid pattern in four pure strains of Lyco- persicon of the four genotypes RT, Rt, rT and rt. Table XVIII The carotene content of four strains of tomato (Mackinney and Jenkins, 1952) Carotene type Micrograms of carotenoid per gramme of fruit RT Red Rt Orange rT Yellow rt Intermediate h\\-trans Lycopene cis Isomers of lycopene j3-carotene {dW-trans) poly-cis-carotene all-^raws-S-carotene Phytofluene 70-130 5-10 0-0-1 3-5 40-55 3-12 8-15 20-15 4-7 0-0-5 1-3 Ca. 0-1 10-15 0-5-1-0 0-01 0-7-1-0 Total 80-150 75-150 3-7 15-20 304 THE INHERITANCE OF BIOCHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS 305 The carotenoid concentration increases in the following order of genotypes rT rt Rt RT and it can be seen that the chief result of substituting R for r is an increase in the amount of carotenoid. The flower pigments, which we described under the name anthocyanins and whose glycones are called anthocyanidins, have been the object of extensive genetic studies carried out at the John Innes Horticultural Institute. The anthoxanthins by their presence can modify the colour of a flower determined by the anthocyanins. A change in a single gene may markedly alter the colour of a flower. For example, in the snapdragon the yellow or white colour depends on particular combinations of the same pair of allelomorphs, Y and y. A yellow colour corresponds to the genot}'pes YY or Yy, whilst the recessive plants yy have white flowers. The reader will find a number of descriptions of biochemical characteristics controlled by genes in the work of Wagner and Mitchell (1955). 11. BIOCHEMICAL DIFFERENTIATION OF CELLS IN A SINGLE ORGANISM In the course of the ontogenesis of a multicellular organism, the various cells, although characterized by having the same genot}^pe, may be different biochemically. The process called "determination" by the embryologists causes one or other set of genes to act, the result being apparent in the differentiation of each class of cell, resulting from the influence of the cytoplasm on the activity of the genes or on the products of genes. The biochemical diversity of organisms is hence in fact a diversit}^ of cell aggregates which are themselves biochemically differentiated. The explanation of how cells coming from the same zygote are differen- tiated biochemically, belongs to the domain of chemical embryology and chemical genetics and is still largely conjectural. In a remarkable series of studies on the content and history of the cell theory, John R. Baker (1948) has provided a modern formulation of the theory in the following seven propositions : "I. Most organisms consist of a large number of microscopic bodies called 'cells', which, in the less differentiated tissues, tend to be polyhedral or nearly spherical. "II. Cells have certain definable characters. These characters show that cells (a) are all of essentially the same nature and (b) are units of structure. "III. Cells always arise, directly or indirectly, from pre-existing cells, usually by binary fission. 306 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY "IV. Cells sometimes become transformed into bodies no longer possessing all the characteristics of a cell. Cells (together with these transformed cells, if present) are the living parts of organisms : that is, the parts which accomplish the synthesis of new material. Cellular organisms consist of nothing except cells, transformed cells, and material extruded by cells and by transformed cells (except that in some cases water, with its dissolved substances, is taken directly from the environment into the coelom or other intercellular space). "V. Cells are to some extent individuals, and there are therefore two grades of individuality in most organisms ; that of the cells, and that of the organism as a whole. "VI. Each cell of a many-celled organism corresponds in certain respects to the whole body of a simple protist. "VII. Many-celled plants and animals probably originated by the adherence of protist individuals after division." The fact that cells are all of essentially the same nature is described in the first part of this book under the heading of the biochemical unity of organ- isms, and this idea implies also for the biochemist the similarity of each cell of a multicellular organism to a monocellular organism. The idea that organisms are made up of cells and transformed cells, for the biochemist, corresponds to the concept of the biochemical diversity of the cells of the same organism, all having however the same genotype. To illustrate the great variety of biochemical differentiation in cells having the same genotype, we shall take as our example an adult mammal such as man. The cells of the ectoderm become differentiated into the cells of the epidermis, of the glands of the skin, of the adenohypophysis, into nerve cells and modified nerve cells such as those of the neurohypophysis or the suprarenal medulla, etc. To the biochemist, the epiderm cell in mammals is characterized par- ticularly by the biosynthesis of keratin, a protein rich in S-S linkages. This type of cell is also one of the sites of synthesis of cholesterol. The cells of the sebaceous glands are notable in bringing about the rapid transformation of the whole of their content into a mixture of many lipides, saturated alcohols, and hydrocarbons, etc. Among the large polyhedral cells of the adenohypophysis we find several types : cells whose cytoplasm is only slightly chromophilic, acidophilic cells or eosinophils (a cells), and basophilic cells (^ cells). The eosinophils are differentiated in that they synthesize two hormones, somatotrophic (growth) hormone, and the lactogenic hormone (luteotrophin). The basophi- lic cells biosynthesize thyrotrophic hormone, adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), follicle stimulating hormone and the luteinizing hormone. It was once believed that the hormones of the anterior hypophysis were all proteins, but this has been shown to be false for ACTH and is very doubtful where the thryotrophic hormone is concerned. THE INHERITANCE OF BIOCHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS 307 The neurones or nerve cells are characterized biochemically by the nature and concentration of the complex lipides they contain and by an exceptionally high concentration of the enzymes of the priming reactions which consume glucose, and notably of hexokinase. Also the concentration of the a-decarboxylase of glutamic acid (coenzyme: pyridoxal-5 -phosphate) is particularly high in neurones. The system for the amidation of glutamic acid is also very abundant. The neurones are of two types. All the pregang- lionic fibres of the autonomic nervous system are cholinergic as also are the postganglionic fibres of the parasympathetic system and certain postgang- lionic fibres of the sympathetic system (those serving the sweat glands for instance). The motor nerves are also cholinergic. Besides the quantitative aspect of acet^'lcholine synthesis, the cholinergic fibres are characterized biochemically by the mechanism of the transport of this substance along the fibre and its liberation at the extremities. The adrener- gic nerv^es synthesize noradrenaline, apparently by decarbox}4ation of dihydroxyphen^'lserine. The cells of the adrenal medulla synthesize noradrenaline and adrenaline, the latter from phenylalanine as has been proved by using phenylalanine marked with ^*C in the a-carbon, the isotope later appearing in the a-carbon of adrenaline. The argentaffin cells of the intestine are differentiated in that they can synthesize 5-hydroxytryptamine, probably via 5-hydroxytryptophane. Another biochemical differentiation of nervx cells is observed in the den- dritic melanocytes which, in the skin and the eye, are specialized for the HO /\ -CHo — CHo — Nrin NH 5 -hydroxy tryptamine biosynthesis of m.elanin. By means of their t^Tosinase these cells transform tyrosine to dihydroxyphenylalanine, or DOPA, a substance similar in structure to noradrenaline. The cells of the neurohypophysis, another type of specialized nerve cell, perform a special synthesis, that of vasopressin and oxytocin. The cells of the endoderm differentiate into the cells of the salivary glands, the mucous cells of the digestive tract, the exocrine pancreas, the hepatic parenchyma, the parathyroid, the insulin-producing tissue, the thyroid and the pulmonary epithelium. The cells of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and its neigh- bouring glands show many types of biochemical differentiation. The cells of the salivary glands are either of the mucous type or of the serous type. 308 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY These latter synthesize ptyalin, an endoamylase which is also an a-amy- lase. When we come to the gastric mucosa, besides mucous cells we find present parietal cells specialized for the secretion of hydrochloric acid by a mechanism of active transport, and peptic cells which can synthesize pepsinogen, from which an endopeptidase, pepsin, is formed. The cells of the exocrine pancreas are remarkably specialized for the production of a whole series of enzyme proteins. Among these proteins we find a lipase, an amylase, a maltase, a lactase, invertases, an exopeptidase (carboxypeptidase) and various proenzymes, notably trypsinogen and chymotrypsinogen. These two latter substances are transformed in the intestinal lumen into two endopeptidases, trypsin and chymotrypsin. The secretory cells of the intestinal mucosa produce a series of exopeptidases : leucine aminopeptidase, glycyl-glycine dipeptidase, aminotripeptidase, glycyl-leucine dipeptidase, prolidase, etc. In addition they synthesize a maltase, an invertase, an enterokinase, nucleotidases and nucleosidases. One of the biochemical characteristics of the cells of the hepatic paren- chyma, in the domain of carbohydrate metabolism, is the presence of glucose-6-phosphatase. Its presence enables the liver cell to liberate glucose from G-6-P. The liver cell is also able to set free glucose from G-l-P and liver glycogen. The cells of the hepatic parenchyma are much more active than other cells in utilizing CO2 for the synthesis of oxaloacetic acid from pyruvic acid and of malic acid from pyruvic acid. The carbohydrate metabolism of the liver cell is much more complex than that of other types of cell for a multiplicity of operations is involved : conversion of glucose into various hexoses, glycogenesis, glucose oxidation, synthesis of amino and fatty acids, glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis. In the degradation of fatty acids, the liver cell is found to possess a special biochemical pecu- liarity; there is a check on the speed of entry of acetyl- Co A into the tri- carboxylic acid cycle. Even under normal conditions, the stationary state of the cell in the hepatic parenchyma is characterized by a certain accumu- lation of acetyl-CoA due to the fact that its entry into the tricarboxylic acid cycle is less rapid than in other tissues. Associated with this peculiarity is another, which is the existence of a side reaction in which two molecules of acetyl-CoA condense together and lose a molecule of CoA to form aceto- acetyl-CoA which is hydrolysed by a deacylase into acetoacetic acid and CoA. This reaction only occurs to a slight degree in most cells and the small amount of acetoacetic acid formed is reconverted into acetoacetyl- CoA, but in the liver cell this reconversion only occurs to a slight extent. The slowness of oxidation of acetyl-CoA, the concentration of which is maintained at a higher level than in other cells, leads to a greater production of acetoacetic acid which is only slightly reconverted to acetyl- CoA, and hence ketone bodies are formed. In fact, in the liver cell, the greater part of the acetoacetic acid formed is reduced to j8-hydroxybutyric acid by THE INHERITANCE OF BIOCHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS 309 butyric dehydrogenase. A small part of the acetoacetic acid decarboxylates spontaneously to form acetone. The name ketone bodies is given to the sum of acetoacetic acid, j8-hydroxybutyric acid and acetone. Ketogenesis, although occurring to a slight extent in cells in general, is not accompanied by an accumulation of ketone bodies as takes place in the liver cell. The stationary state in normal liver is characterized by a higher concentration of these substances which then pass into the circulation. The conglome- ration of cells of the liver parenchyma forms the chief site of synthesis of lipides from carbohydrate and the liver cell is responsible for the synthesis of the phosphohpides of blood plasma. When we come to consider protein metabolism, the cells of the hepatic parenchyma in mammals are seen to possess important biochemical characteristics. They are the principal site of deamination of amino acids due to their high concentration of glutamic dehydrogenase. This process also occurs in the kidney but the liver, which is also the site of ureogenesis, is distinguished by possessing the system of enzymes which operate the "ornithine cycle". In this cycle glutamic acid, ammonia and CO2 combine to form carbamylglutamate, which in the presence of ATP and Mg++ combines with a further molecule of CO2 and a further molecule of ammonia to give an intermediate whose nature is still unknown. This latter compound reacts with ornithine giving citrulline and regenerating car- bamylglutamic acid. HOOC— CH2— CH2— CH— COOH + CO2+NH3 NH2 — H2O glutamic acid ^HOOC— CHa— CH^— CH— COOH NH i carbamylglutamic acid C — NHj II O HOOC— CH2— CH2— CH— COOH NH +NH3 + CO., — — —~> unknown intermediate I C— NH, page 309, line 20 ..." an intermediate whose nature is still unknown," should be replaced by " an inter- mediate which is carbamyl phosphate ". page 309, formulae .... " unknown intermediate " should be replaced by " carbamyl phosphate ". -j-caruaniy igiuLaiiin^ av_nj Under the influence of an enzyme system that functions in the pre- sence of Mg++ and ATP, the citrulline reacts with aspartic acid forming 310 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY arginosuccinic acid which is converted into arginine and fumaric acid in the presence of another enzyme system H H„N— C— N— CHa— CH2— CH2— CH— COOH HOOC— CH^— CH— COOH II I + I O NHa NH, citruUine aspartic acid enzyme H >HN= C N— CHa— CH2— CH2— CH— COOH Mg++,ATP 1 I I HN— H— COOH NHa C I CHa I COOH arginosuccinic acid H2O enzyme H H,N— C—N—CH2—CH2—CH2— CH— COOH H-HOOC—CH=CH— COOH II i NH NH2 arginine fumaric acid The arginine is hydrolysed to urea and ornithine in the presence of arginase H H,N— C— N— CHj— CH2— CH2— CH— COOH 11 I NH NHa arginine NHj arginase / >0=C +NH2— CH2— CHjj— CH2— CH— COOH \ I NH3 NH2 ornithine The fumaric acid passes into the tricarboxyHc acid cycle or in the presence of fumarase it is transformed to malic acid w^hich also enters the Krebs cycle. In mammalian liver parenchyma cells, the synthesis of the steroid skeleton which was described on p. 236 is extended by acquisition of an enzyme system leading to the production of the substances known as bile acids. In man, this synthesis yields cholic acid, desoxycholic acid and chenodesoxycholic acid. The hepatic parenchyma in mammals also con- jugates these bile acids with taurine and with glycine. The pathway from cholesterol to cholic acid implies that there are a number of stages and a number of enzymes involved. Another character- istic of the liver cell is its ability to bring about detoxication reactions, in man the most important being conjugation with glucuronic acid. Liver contains UDP-glucuronate and an enzyme which catalyses its formation fronri glucuronic acid. This UDP-glucuronate appears to be one of the substances involved in the biosynthesis of mucopolysaccharides. In the THE INHERITANCE OF BIOCHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS 311 transamination aspartic acid 4-COs +NH, fumaric acid glutamic acid succinic acid + NH. — malic acid presence of alcohols, phenols, or aromatic acids, the UDP-glucuronate is diverted from its normal function and the foreign substance is excreted as a glucuronate formed in the following type of reaction UDP-glucuronate + ROH > UDP + R-0 -glucuronate Bilirubin resulting from the breakdown of haemoglobin in the cells of the reticulo-endothelial system passes into the blood plasma where it circulates in combination with the a^-globulin fraction ; from there it passes into the cells of the hepatic parenchyma which conjugate the bilirubin with glucuro- nic acid and excrete the product in the bile. Furthermore the hepatic parenchyma is the site of considerable protein synthesis, that of the blood plasma proteins. The cells of the parathyroid gland show a special type of biochemical differentiation in that they are able to synthesize parathyroid hormone, a true protein hormone which has so far not been isolated in a pure state. The pancreatic islets consist of two types of cell differing in their bio- synthetic characteristics : the a-cells which produce glucagon and the page 311, diagram, the zoords "unknown intermedi- ate " should be replaced by " carbamyl phosphate ". 312 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY ^-cells which produce insuhn. The latter hormone is a protein (see p. 107) whilst glucagon is a polypeptide in which the amino acid sequence is the following : His. ser. glu. gly. thr. phe. thr, ser. asp. tyr. ser. lys. tyr. leu. asp. ser. arg. arg. ala. glu. asp. phe. val. glu. try. leu. met. asp. thr. (Brower, Sinn, Staub and Behrens) The cells of the thyroid gland fix I ~ ions and oxidize them enzymically to iodine. They contain the specific enzyme systems for the formation of iodotyrosine and iodohistidine, and for the condensation of the iodotyro- sines into iodothyronines, especially the two thyroid hormones, l-3:5:3'- triiodothyronine and L-3:3'-diiodothyronine. Another thyroid hormone and the most important quantitatively is L-thyroxine, derived from the coupling together of two molecules of L-3:5-diiodotyrosine. From the mesoderm are formed the cells of the muscles, of connective tissue, the cells of the adrenal cortex, of the gonads and the urinary tract. The cell of striated muscle is specialized chiefly for the biosynthesis of myosin, and in the non-myosin fraction of striated muscle fibres we find that the glycolytic enzymes predominate, hence the great importance of aerobic glycolysis in skeletal muscle. The fibres of the myocardium are better provided with mitochondria and the enzyme-systems for respiration and oxidative phosphorylation than those of skeletal muscle. The internal framework in mammals consists of connective tissue, cartilage and bone. These structures contain and bound the groupings of specialized epithelial cells — which are localized into organs which is turn are integrated to form the complete organism. From a biochemical point of view, the body framework is a network of connective tissue modified in certain regions to form cartilage and bone. The connective tissues are made up of three types of constituents : cells, fibres and ground substance. In ordinary connective tissue, the cells are of two types, histiocytes and fibrocytes. The histiocytes are provided with a number of special biochemical properties notably in the possession of a system able to rupture the a-methene bridge in the haemoglobin of senile (120-130 days old) erythrocytes which they have phagocytized. The fibrocytes are differentiated so that they can perform the biosyn- thesis of connective fibres and the ground substance. The collagen fibres, produced by the fibrocytes, differ markedly from the other proteins in the mammalian organism in containing unusually large amounts of glycine and proline, a small amount of histidine and almost undetectable amounts of tryptophane and cystine. Also, collagen contains certain amino acids which are not present in other body proteins (elastin excepted): these are hydroxy- proline and hydroxylysine. Collagen fibres have a special type of physical structure and under the electron microscope a transverse striation can be THE INHERITANCE OF BIOCHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS 313 seen. Elastin fibres, also a product of the fibrocytes, like collagen, contain much glycine and proHne, traces of tyrosine and no tryptophan. But whilst collagen is more or less "normal" in the amounts of arginine, lysine, aspartic acid and glutamic acid which it contains, elastin contains only very small amounts of these polar amino acids. The ground substance, also synthesized by the fibrocytes, consists of mucoproteins the prosthetic groups of which consist of chondroitin sulphate joined to galactosamine by a glycoside linkage. The ground substance also contains free muco- polysaccharides, the chief one being hyaluronic acid (acetylglucosamine -f glucuronic acid). In the type of connective tissue known as cartilage, the ground substance is more dense than that of ordinary connective tissue and besides collagen and elastin fibres it contains a chondromucoid the prosthetic group of which is chondroitin sulphate. In the case of bony tissue, its character is a result of the biochemical differentiation of the large cells of mesench^Tnatous origin, the osteoblasts. The beginning of this differentiation of a mesen- chymatous cell into an osteoblast, depends on the position of the cell in the bone-forming region and is marked by the appearance of alkaline phosphatase in the nucleus and the accumulation of large amounts of glycogen in the cytoplasm. The mitochondria increase in number and the amount of RNA in the cytoplasm also increases. Between the cells, the interstitial substance is made up mainly of reticular fibres. As differentiation continues, phosphatase activity appears in the cytoplasm and finally reaches a maximum and so does the accumulation of glycogen. The number of mitochondria continues to increase. The basophihc character of the cytoplasm also increases. Bundles of osteogenous collagen appear in the inter- stitial substance, distinct from normal collagen in giving a positive reaction for alkaline phosphatase and in being highly metachromatic due to the pre- sence of polysaccharides. The osteoblast having reached its final form the phosphatase activity in the nucleus and cytoplasm decreases sharply and the cytoplasmic glycogen disappears whilst the basophilia attains a maximum. The organic matrix of the bone, strongly metachromatic and later to be filled with bone salts, appears in the region of the non-nucleated extremity of the osteoblast. What we have just described is the most simple type of ossification and is known as the intramembranous type. In most bones, the production by the osteoblasts of the calcifiable matrix of the bone takes place on a cartilaginous former. The bone is constantly eroded and new osseous material laid down. The erosion is due to the activity of the osteo- clasts, mesenchymatic cells differentiated to possess proteolytic activity. In fact, in the case of osteoblasts and osteoclasts, it would be preferable to speak of biochemical modification rather than of biochemical differentia- tion. In reality osteocytes, osteoblasts and osteoclasts are examples of reversible modifications of the same type of connective cell. 314 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY The mesenchymatic cells are not only transformed into fibrocytes, cartilaginous cells, osteoblasts and osteoclasts. They also give rise to the various types of blood cell. An erythrocyte begins as a reticulated cell in the bone marrow, and, from a biochemical point of view, we can recognize three phases in its differentiation. In the first stage, the cell contains a few mitochondria and a nucleus with a very distinct nucleolus. The cytoplasm, rich in RNA, is highly basophilic. The cell multiplies rapidly and an active synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids is going on. In the second stage the nucleus loses its nucleolus and the basophilia of the cytoplasm diminishes. During the third stage, that of the polychromatic erythoblast, we see a fur- ther diminution of RNA and at the same time the cell becomes acidophilic and is coloured by acid stains. This is the result of the biosynthesis of a new relatively basic protein, globin. At the same period, molecules of haem and haemoglobin are rapidly formed. In the orthochromatic erythroblast, or normoblast, cell division does not occur. The mitochondria have disappeared and only traces of RNA remain in the c\i:oplasm. The nucleus is small. On the other hand, the haemoglobin con- centration has increased from 1-2 parts per 100 to 20 parts per 100. The nucleus having disappeared, the cell flattens and becomes biconcave so that the red blood cell is nothing more than a bag of haemoglobin, only the cyto- plasmic enzyme systems having been retained : those for glycolysis and the hexosemonophosphate shunt, reducing systems able to maintain the haemoglobin in the reduced state. The red blood corpuscle contains relatively large amounts of catalase. It protects the haemoglobin by decomposing the hydrogen peroxide which would otherwise form in the corpuscle. The study of leucocytes is still in the hands of histologists. But a few results of a biochemical nature have been obtained and they show some aspects of differentiation. Neutrophil leucocytes, for example, show a high aerobic glycolysis and they contain esters of hyaluronic acid. The granules of the eosinophils are surrounded by an envelope of phospholipides and among their constituents there is an antihistaminic substance. From the megakaryocytes of the bone marrow are derived the blood platelets which are highly specialized biochemically. They contain, and liberate into the blood on clotting, a number of platelet factors, one activating thrombo- plastin, another accelerating the formation of thrombin from prothrombin, yet another accelerating the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin, etc. The most remarkable example of differentiation in cells of mesodermic origin is the metabolic series which continues the process of biosynthesis of the steroid ring (see p. 236). We have already described one of these continuations, the synthesis of bile acids by the liver cell. In the cells of the adrenal cortex and the gonads, other systems continue the biosynthesis of the steroid ring with the formation of steriod hormones. THE INHERITANCE OF BIOCHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS 315 It is generally accepted that the active cells in the adrenal cortex are those of the zona fasciculata, which secrete corticosteroids under the influence of ACTH. The secretion of the various corticosteroid hormones implies that a complex system of enzymes is involved which characterizes the biochemi- cal differentiation of the cells of the zona fasciculata. The reader will find an excellent account of the biology of the adrenal cortex in the recent work of Chester Jones (1957). When we come to consider the biosynthesis of the steroid hormones by the gonads, or by the placenta, here also we have enzyme systems special to these cells. The preceding pages give only a slight idea of the biochemical diversity accompanying cellular differentiation in the organism of a mammal such as man. Also, the description of these differentiations has been made in an altogether too schematic manner without taking into account the variations existing from cell to cell in the framework of the same cellular differentiation. Among the same class of differentiated cells we may also observe an individual biochemical variation depending on time, age and the reproduc- tive cycle, etc. In the water flea Daphnia, for example, the haemoglobin content of the blood varies with the instar. The smallest concentration corresponds to the time when the eggs have reached the development of late-stage embr}'os ready to be released. After this the blood haemoglobin rapidly diminishes, passing from the blood into the ovaries before the eggs are laid. After the laying of the eggs the blood of the female gradually recovers its haemoglobin content (Fox, Hardcastle and Dresel, 1949). III. PHENOTYPE AND ''MILIEU" Under given conditions of the milieu, cellular differentiation controlled by a given genotype can produce an extreme diversity of results in the way of biochemical systems. When to this is added the influence of the milieu even further differences in a given biochemical system may be produced. Grasshoppers which have been raised at an elevated temperature are pale whilst those which have grown at a lower temperature are dark. This is because at temperatures higher than 40° the biosyntheses of m.elanin and of insectorubin are inhibited. Here we have a direct action on an enzymatic component of the existing phenot}^pe, and we may call this a phenotropic action of the milieu. A further example, the green pigment present in the tegument of solitary locusts is not present in the insects of the gregarious type. The haemolymph of the solitar}^ form is a brilliant green whilst that of the gregarious form is a golden-yellow. The characteristic difference here is the production of mesobiliverdin in the solitar\' locust. 316 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY A remarkable example of the influence of the milieu on the biochemical form of the phenotype is provided by the influence of the partial pressure of oxy- gen in the milieu on the biosynthesis of haem derivatives. It has been shown in yeasts that the presence of air stimulates the synthesis of cytochromes a, b and c and that the absence of air inhibits this synthesis. On the other hand, it is vjtW known that a fall in oxygen pressure increases the blood haemo- globin in man at high altitudes and in fishes living in waters poor in oxygen. In mammals, a fall in the external oxygen pressure also increases the cyto- chrome-c and myoglobin concentrations in muscles. Among the Cladocera, a subdivision of the Crustacea, a fall in the oxygen content of the medium increases the haemoglobin concentration in muscles, ganglia and blood. In Daphniapulex, D. magna and D. obtusa, an increase in blood haemoglobin in poorly aerated water has been demonstrated by H. M. Fox. Fox and Phear also observed that the animals lost their blood pigment in well aerated waters. Whatever the type of differences in the biochemical order which can be brought about by the influence of the medium on the biochemical phenotype, it is possible to determine the spectrum of possible phenotypes and so to find the limits set to the organism by its own genetic potential in the realization of the phenotype by the interaction of the environment and the genotype. REFERENCES Baker, J. R. (1948). The cell-theory : a restatement, history and critique. Part I. Quart, y. Micr. Sc, 89, 103-125. Jones, T. Chester (1957). The Adrenal Cortex. Univ. Press, Cambridge. Knox, W. E., Auerbach, V. H. and Lin, E. C. C. (1956). Enzymatic and metabolic adaptations in animals, Physiol. Rev. 36, 164-254. Prosser, C. L. (1955). Physiological variation in animals. Biol. Rev., 30, 229-262. Wagner, R. P. and Mitchell, H. K. (1955). Genetics and Metabolism. Wiley, New York. CHAPTER III BIOCHEMISTRY AND TAXONOMY I. BIOCHEMICAL DIVERSITY "Each species consists of groups of individuals with more or less similar gene combinations, optimally adapted for a given environment" (Mayr, 1949). This definition of species implies the existence of biochemical characters typical of the species and that these specific characters are adapted to the ecological niche in which the species prospers and dominates its competitors. To illustrate this, let us consider the special properties of the haemo- globin in animals. Typically, the respiratory function of the internal environment operates by means of a cycle in which the internal environment circulates around the organism between the various tissues and the point where it is equilibrated with the external environment or a continuation of the latter. At the point of contact with the external environment the blood becomes charged with oxygen and gives up carbon dioxide. On reaching the tissues it loses oxygen and takes up carbon dioxide. This typical respiratory cycle requires the mediation of a physico-chemical system to bring about the transport of oxygen in one direction and of carbon dioxide in the other. There are a number of properties of haemoglobin which are important when it functions as a carrier. It can be oxygenated and the degree of oxygenation is a function of the partial pressure of oxygen. Being a hetero- protein, it bears acid groups which can combine with bases, the dissociation of these groups varies with pH and cations are lost when the pH approaches the isoelectric point. The dissociation does not only vary with the pH but also according to the degree of oxygenation, and inversely, the degree of ox}^'genation at a given partial pressure of oxygen will vary with the disso- ciation of the acid groups in the neighbourhood of the oxygen-bearing groups. On the other hand, the carrier molecule bears free — NHg groups which are able to form compounds of the carbamate type with carbon dioxide. We may plot the amount of absorbed oxygen as a function of its partial pressure for different bloods and coelomic fluids, the temperatures and carbon dioxide partial pressures being those existing in the arterial blood. 317 318 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY If we do this we obtain the series of curves shown in Fig. 89. These curves are very different one from another, one of the reasons for this being that the number of oxygen-binding groups varies from case to case. The oxygen capacity, i.e. the quantity of oxygen in volumes per cent corresponding to complete saturation of the carrier, in effect regulates the level at which the curve flattens out. In order to compare the different curves with profit, it is necessary to consider in each case, for different partial pressures, not only the amount of oxygen combined with the carrier, but also the degree of saturation of the latter. Thus, in Fig. 90 we have a series of curves whose positions can be related to each other by noting the value of the partial pressure of oxygen corresponding to 50% saturation (p^o)- The position Table XIX Rata ocellata Chelydra serpentina Duck Goose Man Oj total transported, vol. % O2 transported in dissolved form, vol. % 3-92 0-22 3-70 0-17 100 0-15 5-14 0-17 5-30 010 P02 = ± 150 (in air, or in water in equilibrium with air) Table XX S Q . Q s f^ Q K S <3 le- to Q a •>-» Q ^ ^ 4 0 0 ^ K S s 0 .a 3 CO 0 0 c 0 CC b cq ^ ct; 0 Q 0 ^ X Hr Hb Hey Hey Hb Hb Hb Hb Hb Hb />Os arterial 32 75 36 115 70 57 102 94 100 78 % sat. arterial blood 90 97 95 97 93 95 98 96 98 96 and the shape of the curves in Fig. 89 correspond, in each case, to the temperature and CO2 partial pressure of the arterial blood. In the case of the ray the temperature is 10° and in man 38°. The partial pressure of CO2 is 8mm in the frog and 43mm in the case of the Urodel Amphiuma. If the curves had been traced at the same^^Q^, and at the same tempera- ture, the ^60 values would not have been those shown in Fig. 90. The particular shape and form which correspond to physiological conditions is BIOCHEMISTRY AND TAXONOMY 319 Fig. 89 — Oxygen absorption curves for various bloods and coelomic fluids con- taining haemoglobin under "arterial" conditions reproduced in vitro. The black circles indicate the value of the arterial poi- 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Fig. 90 — Oxygen absorption curves for a number of "milieux interieurs" con- taining haemoglobin. The temperature is given and the pH except in the case of the Frog and Amphiuma, where the partial pressure of carbon dioxide is listed. 320 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY the result of the action of a muhitude of factors such as the p^^Q and tem- perature of the arterial blood, the affinity of the haemoglobin for oxygen, the intensity of the Bohr effect, etc. Corpuscles containing haemoglobin are found in the blood of all Verte- brates, and since these animals have a well-defined respiratory cycle they are a useful starting-point for the study of the role of haemoglobin in the transport of oxygen by the blood. The important part played by haemoglobin in oxygen transport is clearly shown by the values obtained for different bloods of the "transported oxygen", i.e. the difference in total oxygen between the venous and arterial blood less the difference in dissolved oxygen for these bloods. The part played in oxygen transport by the sigmoid character of the dissociation curve is evident. With the partial pressures of oxygen occurring in arterial and venous blood, a hyperbolic curve would only allow the transport of a much smaller amount of oxygen. When the reduction of the blood is accompanied by acidification the Bohr effect also comes in, since the curve is displaced to the right, so that, at the same pQ^ there is a lower degree of oxygenation of haemoglobin. Does the dissociation curve, as it exists under arterial and under venous conditions, show any characteristics parallel to the physiological or ecolo- gical character of the animal? If, regardless of the particular oxygen carrier they contain, we examine the few animal species whose blood respiratory cycle is known, and if we note the values of the arterial p^^ and the degree of saturation of the arterial blood, we shall find that from one case to another there exists, even for animals living in the same environment, very different gradients of oxygen pressures, contrary to what is found with CO2 which is always, or nearly always, in the arterial blood, in equilibrium, with the external environment. Yet, whatever the p^^ resulting from the particular character of the res- piratory system, the arterial blood is always found to be 90 to 98% saturated. In other words, whatever the difference between the external Pq^ and the />o^, the point on the dissociation curve corresponding to the arterial Pq^ is always found to lie along the top right-hand portion of the curve. Hence the shape and position of the dissociation curve are adapted to the respiratory needs of the organism. The slightest decrease in the />o, would immediately bring about a loss of oxygen from the haemoglobin. The fact that one is not justified in considering, even in aquatic animals, that the arterial /)q, is equal to the external ^q_ has been verified by the observations of H. M. Fox (see Table XVII). Despite the fact that we know little about the respiratory cycle of fish, it is possible to establish a relation between the more or less vertical shape of their dissociation curve and the concentration of oxygen in the external environment. First proposed in 1919 by Krogh and Leitch, this relation has BIOCHEMISTRY AND TAXONOMY 321 been confirmed many times. As these authors pointed out, a strong affinity for oxygen allows a fish hving in badly aerated water to charge its blood with oxygen more easily than could a fish possessing a haemoglobin of low affinity. Moreover, a high affinity, accentuated by a low temperature, would maintain the curve in the left-hand region between the axes, i.e. in the low- pressure region, and consequently the oxygen would be released to the tissues at a low pressure, unless the Bohr effect was to interfere and displace the curve to the right. Several workers have confirmed that in fresh-water fish the Bohr effect is more marked than in those living in deep cold waters and that the blood of these same fish also has a lower affinity for oxygen at low />CQ^ values. These two characteristics, feeble affinity and a relatively powerful Bohr effect, counterbalance the properties imposed on the blood by the low temperature. Various observations reveal the more or less marked "pumping action" due to the Bohr effect, in deep-water fish, in bringing about the liberation of oxygen in the swim-bladder. But if the Bohr effect is more marked in fresh-water Teleosts than in mammals, it is still more pronounced in the marine Teleosts which fits in with a character- istic property of the marine Teleosts, that of having a low arterial ^co,» corresponding to that of sea water. Here, the Bohr effect appears to be an effective correction of the almost hyperbolic character of the dissociation curve, without decreasing the efficiency of the charge mechanism as would be the case in a medium rich in COg. Another example of a relation between the affinity for oxygen of the haemoglobin in the arterial blood and the oxygen level of the environment is provided by mammals living at high altitudes, such as the lama {Lama huanachus), the vicuna [Lama vicugfia) and the viscacha [Lagostoma sp.), the haemoglobins of which have a higher affinity for oxygen than those of other mammals. When the venous blood leaves the tissues on its way to the heart, the partial pressure of oxygen is 40mm Hg for man, 38mm in the horse, 56mm in the goose, 37mm in the duck, 15mm in the turtle Chelydra serpentina, 14mm in the ray Raia ocellata, and the corresponding degrees of saturation are 60%, 70%, 38%, 35% and 33% respectively. Thus, on the one hand a sufficient ox}^gen concentration gradient is assured, this being an important factor in the supply of this element to the cells, and on the other hand, the venous blood carries a reserve of oxygen which can be called upon if the rate of metabolism is increased, or if the supply of oxygen is curtailed. The part played by this reserve is prominent in the seal which, during a dive, uses almost the whole of the oxygen in its blood. The almost total reduction of the venous blood has been reported to occur in other diving animals such as the duck and the musk-rat. The use of haemoglobin to provide a reserve of oxygen can be observed duringperiodsof suspension of the breathing mechanism. In an Invertebrate w 322 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY not provided with a circulation like Urechis, the functioning of this reserve can be clearly seen. The Echurian Urechis caupo is found along the Californian coast living in the mud and sand in a U-shaped tube through which it causes water to circulate during its periods of activity by the peristaltic action of its musculo-cutaneous tube. The continually renewed water brings food and oxygen to it. In fact by a peristaltic movement oppo- site in direction to that of the musculo-cutaneous tube, the animal can "inspire" the circulating water through its anus into its terminal intestine which is highly developed and the thin wall of which is in contact with the haemoglobin-containing corpuscles of the coelomic fluid. After a number of these inspiratory movements, a single expiratory movement follows expelling all the water in the intestine. In well-oxygenated water the haemo- globin of the coelomic fluid is almost completely saturated (97%) although the oxygen partial pressure is only 75mm Hg i.e. much less than in the surrounding water (around 150mm). If the animal is at rest under these conditions its haemoglobin will remain completely saturated and the dissolved oxygen will be sufficient for its needs. As we have said, the animal draws sea-water into its intestine and then expels it after having oxygen- ated its coelomic fluid at the expense of the oxygen in the sea- water. (In the expired water pQ_^ — 100mm approx.) Under these conditions it does not use its haemoglobin at all. The volume of the coelomic fluid is about 20cm^ and its oxygen capacity is 4 volumes per cent, so that the coelomic fluid contains 0*8 cm^ of oxygen. The oxygen consumption of Urechis, on an average, is around O-OlcmYmin. It is clear that only a small part of the oxygen has to be replaced each minute and for this the dissolved oxygen suffices. During its periods of activity which coincide with the periods of elimination of water, Urechis lives on the dissolved oxygen provided by its respiratory system. When the animal retires into the middle horizontal part of its tube after a period of activity, it rem.ains motionless and ceases to cause the water to circulate or to be taken into its digestive tube. The total amount of oxygen in the coelomic fluid and in the water of the intestine corresponds to the amount which it consumed in 70 min; if the coelomic fluid did not contain haemoglobin the oxygen would be used up after 14 min. Thus the presence of haemoglobin enables the animal to have a rest period between its periods of activity five times longer than would otherwise be possible. When Urechis respires, the pQ^ of the water in its intestine is lOOmm when the /)q^ of the outside water is 150mm. Under these conditions the pQ^ of the coelomic fluid is 75mm. These conditions correspond to 97% saturation. The haemoglobin in the cor- puscles remains saturated and the oxygen diffuses from the water in the intestine to the blood plasma and from there to the tissues. There is no evidence of the haemoglobin, which does not circulate, playing any part as BIOCHEMISTRY AND TAXONOMY 323 a carrier. During the periods of rest, the animal stops breathing. The ox}^gen is not replenished from the water in the intestine and consequently the Pq_^ of the coelomic plasma tends to fall, thus bringing about a liberation of oxygen from the haemoglobin because of the particular position of the dissociation curve. II. DIVERSITY WITHIN SPECIES To define a species as consisting of groups of individuals with more or less similar gene combinations m.eans that there are genotype differences within the species itself. In the human species, which has a high variability, we may say that there are no two individuals, even twins, possessing the same assortment of genes. A large amount of data is available on individual variation in humans (see R. J. Williams, 1956). The water concentration in 18 normal men and 11 normal women was found to vary from 45*6% to 70*2%. We also have a number of results on the quantitative pattern of various enzyme systems. The plasma alkaline phosphatase concentration, is a characteristic of the individual and remains constant, but from one individual to another it was found to vary between 1*29 and 14-0 units (of 600 subjects examined by Clark and Beck). The cholinesterase of red blood corpuscles is constant for a given individual but varies considerably from one person to another, etc. III. DIVERSITY BETWEEN SPECIES It is to Aristotle that we owe the invention of the first practical system for the classification of living beings. More than 2000 years ago this natura- list of genius proposed to classify organisms according to the degree of similarity of their morphological and anatomical characteristics. Despite the appearance of other systems claimed to be more natural, but today forgotten, the system of Aristotle has survived and is referred to today as "the natural system". A certain number of species are collected together into a new group, defined by the possession of common characteristics, and several of these groups together form a more general category, etc. By the accumulation of taxonomic data it was possible to formulate a principle which was the subject of much admiration and satisfaction among naturalists; this was, that classification, based upon a few diagnostic characteristics, of a species and the placing of it in a given class enables one to forecast the existence of a whole range of morphological and biological traits in individuals of that same species. This idea, to which we are accustomed today and which appears self-evident and banal, must have stirred those few who glimpsed the possibilities which at that time were still unsuspected by the majority. When finally the merit of this system was admitted, it was recognized that an essential criterion was the existence of a fundamental similarity and not merely a superficial one it also led to the recognition of a common basic plan in the chief natural groups. During 324 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY the first half of the 19th century, this idea appeared in numerous guises depending on the personal preferences of its protagonists. For the most theoretically inclined, like Goethe or Oken "these ideal patterns which the creative principle set before itself were, so to say, Platonic ideas in the mind of the creative spirit" (Sir Charles Sherrington. Goethe on Nature and on Science. Cambridge, 1949, p. 24). The more objective, as Julian Huxley said of Thomas Huxley, "simply assumed that structural homology (or common archetypal plan) was the right key to unlock classificatory secrets" (Julian Huxley. Evolution. The modern synthesis, London, 1942, p. 391). We might as well say that during the first half of the 19th century, the idea of a plan was purely descriptive and had no explanatory basis, and that Schiller was right when he repHed to the exposition of Goethe : "Das ist keine Erfahrung; das ist eine Idee." The publication of the great work by Charles Darwin changed all this. Since the advent and generalization of the Evolution Theory, the basic criterion for natural classification, which up till then was the degree of simi- larity, has become the degree of phylogenetic kinship. The aim of present day taxonomy is to build up a classification consisting of classes based upon phylogenetic relations. As Dobhzansky has pointed out, this new point of view has not led to any fundamental modification of classification. Here is an important point, the consideration of which leads to an increased confidence in the system established by taxonomists, which we shall use as our guide. When discussing the significance of various characteristics of plants useful in their taxonomy at the supraspecific level, Erdtmann (1952) wrote: "Much attention is paid by taxonomists to minor characteristics such as the form, structure and arrangement of epidermal cells because they are essentially indifferent to external factors and consequently conservative. Such proper- ties are therefore handed down from generation to generation and from species without suffering much change. Comparatively recent specializa- tions possess little taxonomic interest." From the biochemical aspect, as with other aspects, if it is true that the characteristics of the species and its sub-divisions are naturally inserted into the physiology of the organism and its relation with its ecological niche, it is to be expected that the biochemical traits which are transmitted from organism to organism and bear witness to a common line of ancestors will not be those of an essential physiological or ecological character. The utility of supraspecific categories is above all to enable us to express our views on the probable nature of phylogeny. As Caiman (1949) says, "the characters most important in taxonomy are those which maintain them- selves unchanged through the greatest range of variation." The higher categories will thus indicate those limits within which characters common to a more or less broad range of species maintain them- selves in spite of great species, physiological and ecological differences. The BIOCHEMISTRY AND TAXONOMY Table XXI The principal pigments of the different classes of algae (compiled by G. E. Fogg, 1952) 325 y >. a 2 u — c o Si a a C '2 W a o V a Oh Bacilliariophyceae u C 0 c ca w u o s: c « X Dinophyceae Rhodophyceae Myxophyceae Chlorophylls Chlorophyll a « • • • 9 ( » • • < 9 4 i Chlorophyll b 3 « o - - - - - - - Chlorophyll c - - - O O - o - - Chlorophyll d - - - - - - - D - Chlorophyll e — — — — — o — - - Carotenes a-carotene o • - - • - ( D • jS-carotene • o • 9 9 < » 9 • < 9 i » E-carotene — o • — O • • Xanthophylls Lutein • o ? - - ( D - - ( ) ? Zeaxanthin o • - - - - » P Violaxanthin o o O - • - Flavoxanthin ? ? O - • • Neoxanthin o a o - - - Siphonein - o - - - - - Siphonoxanthin • o - - - - - Fucoxanthin - - — 3 3 ( D - - Neifucoxanthin - - - O O - - Diatoxanthin - - - ? O - - Diadinoxanthin - - - ? O - o Dinoxanthin - - — ? — - o Neodinoxanthin - - - - - - o Peridinin - - - - - - 3 Myxoxanthin - - - - - - - C > Myxoxanthophyll - - - - - - - ( > Unnamed • • o o [ 3 • ' i > Phycobilins r-phycoerythrin - - - - - r - « > r-phycocyanin - - - - - ? - c :> c-phycoerythrin - - - - - r - - c 5 c-phycocyanin " " " " " ' " ~ " f » 326 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY phylogenetic implications of this concept, or at least, to be more cautious, its importance with respect to classification, is obvious. Even as early as 1854 the Austrian chemist Rochleder clearly stated the taxonomic importance of the biochemical characteristics of plants, where the more general classes were concerned, thus : "Die Familienahnlichkeit Table XXII Biochemical characteristics of the algal classes (compiled by G. E. Fogg, 1952) Class Reserve Cell wall Sterols products constituents Chlorophyceae starch cellulose sitosterol fat pectin fucosterol chondrillasterol ergosterol Xanthophyceae fat pectin silica cellulose chitin (?) sitosterol Chrysophyceae leucosin pectin fucosterol fat silica unidentified sterols Bacillariophyceae leucosin (?) pectin unidentified sterols Cryptophyceae starch cellulose (?) Dinophyceae starch cellulose fat pectin Euglenineae paramylum none Phaeophyceae mannitol algin fucosterol laminarin fucoidin cellulose Rhodophyceae floridoside polygalactose- fucosterol mannoglycerate sulphate esters sitosterol floridean starch cellulose unidentified sterols Myxophyceae myxophycean pectin none starch cellulose cyanophycin Higher plants starch cellulose sitosterol fat pectin chondrillasterol lignin stigmasterol der Pflanzen is bedingt durch das gleichzeitige Vorhandensein mehrerer Stoffreihen". Much information on the relations between the biochemistry and the taxonomy of plants will be found in Molisch's Pflanzenchemie und Pflanzenverwandschaft and also in the Handbuch der Pflanzetia?ialyse. Some very interesting studies have been carried out by Erdtmann on the chemical taxonomy of the heartwood constituents of conifers. BIOCHEMISTRY AND TAXONOMY 327 The biochemical characteristics of various classes of algae are listed in Tables XXI and XXII. We can see that the biochemical diversity of these classes is clearly indicated. Moreover certain of these classes show biochemi- cal similarities confirming the grouping of the Xanthophyceae, Chr}^sophy- ceae and Bacillariophyceae under the heading Chrysophyta while the affinities between the Dinophyceae and the Crj'ptophyceae justify their grouping in the Pyrrophyta. When we come to the higher groups in animal taxonomy, the idea of biochemical character is by no means a new one. For a long time, the taxo- nomists have considered the siliceous skeleton of Radiolaria as a character- istic of that order, and within this order the presence of strontium sulphate in the skeleton as characteristic of the sub-order Acantharia. In the phylum Porifera, the class Calcispongiae have long been distinguished from other sponges by the calcareous nature of their spicules. The phylum Brachio- poda has been divided into the Ecardines, characterized by a calcareous shell, and the Testicardines. Similarly, the presence of chitin in the tegu- ment of Arthropods has been considered as one of the characteristics of that phylum, and the possession of a calcareous shell as characteristic of the Mollusca. Several biochemical characteristics of the sub-phylum Vertebrate can be enumerated : (a) the biochemical system of bone, involving a number of functional subtances such as parathyroid hormone, vitamin D, etc. ; (b) the biochemical system of blood clotting, involving a protein characteristic of Vertebrates, fibrinogen, and a mechanism trans- forming fibrinogen into fibrin by the action of thrombin, resulting from the action on prothrombin of a number of substances present in plasma and blood platelets; (c) the presence of keratin in the skin; (d) the system of digestive enzymes in the form of a series of hydrolases, starting with pepsin and acting at diflFerent points ; (e) the presence in the blood of red cells containing a typical haemo- globin, characterized by its molecular weight and by certain definite proportions of arginine, cystine, histidine and lysine; (/) the presence of a liver secreting a bile containing special steroids, the bile salts; (g) the protein system of blood plasma ; [h) the presence of a carbohydrate metabolism involving insulin and systems sensitive to its action; (/) the presence in the blood plasma of a system of inorganic bases and especially of a high level of sodium; 328 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY Within the sub-phylum Vertebrates each class has its own biochemical peculiarities, some of which are of diagnostic value. The class Cyclostoma is so different from other Vertebrates in some of its biochemical characters that it deserves special mention. The biochemical mechanism for ossifica- tion is completely lacking from the Cyclostomes, and they show no sign of calcification. Another character distinguishing them from Vertebrates in general is the nature of the blood haemoglobin. Like the myoglobin of Vertebrates, the haemoglobin of the lamprey has a molecular weight of 17,000, its arginine and lysine content is similar to that of vertebrate haemoglobins whereas the histidine and cystine content as about the same as that of an invertebrate haemoglobin. The dissociation curve of lamprey haemoglobin is hyperbolic. The blood serum of Cyclostomes on electro- phoresis gives a pattern which is very different from that of the other Vertebrates. But, in spite of the above differences, the Cyclostomes have a number of the biochemical characters of Vertebrates : a keratinized epidermis, a liver secreting a characteristic bile and specialized for the manufacture of glycogen, and their phosphagen is creatine phosphate as is general for Vertebrates. Among Vertebrates, the class of fishes is distinguished by the complexity of their depot fats, the fatty acids in them covering a wide range of homo- logues in 14, 16, 18, 20 and 22 C atoms. The character of the depot fat is not only influenced by the character of the ingested fat, but also by the ability of the particular fish to hydrogenate or dehydrogenate the fatty acids presented to it. In the fishes, as among most aquatic forms, xanthophylls are accumu- lated in preference to carotenes. But among the accumulators of xanthophylls, fishes form a special group since they accumulate only three : lutein, taraxanthin, and astaxanthin. These carotenoids are accumulated particularly in the chromatophores of the skin where they play a part in photo-response. The role of the thryoid secretion in fishes is still unknown, but it can be said that, contrary to the case in the higher Vertebrates, the thyroid secre- tion of fishes has no action on metabolism and, contrary to its action in the Amphibia, it does not appear to influence metamorphosis. Among the fishes, the sub-class Elasmobranchii, to which skates and rays belong, possesses certain special biochemical characters. The skeleton is essentially cartilaginous. It is calcified in some regions but properly speak- ing it is never bone tissue which is found only in the scales and teeth. Like all Vertebrates, the Elasmobranchii possess a liver secreting a bile which contains steroid substances. This bile contains a special bile salt, scymnol sulphate, a C27 steroid which has been detected in all Elasmobranchii studied so far, while in the true fishes cholic acid, a C24 steroid, is present in combination with taurine. BIOCHEMISTRY AND TAXONOMY 329 The organs and blood of the Elasmobranchii contain considerable quantities of urea. In the blood of marine Elasmobranchii, urea may attain a concentration of 26g/l and is never less than 18g/I. Here we are dealing with a case of selective retention of urea since the other nitrogenous com- pounds in Elasmobranch blood are no more concentrated than in the blood of other Vertebrates. As in the case of the Cyclostomes, the biochemical characters of the Elasmobranchii are so clearly different from those of the teleost fishes that they are strong arguments in the support of those zoologists who favour the separation of the class of Elasmobranchii from the class of fishes. Like the Elasmobranchii and unlike teleost fishes, Amphibia have bile salts of the C27 type. While the bile salts of teleost fishes are present in combination with taurine, those of Amphibia are always combined as sulphates as in the Elasmobranchii. Thyroxine has no action of the meta- bolism of Amphibia, as in the fishes, but the thyroid secretion has a very marked effect on their metamorphosis. The Amphibia are uniform in their amino-nitrogen and purine cata- bolism which is always ureotelic. Biochemical support for the separation of the Amphibia into the orders Anura and Urodela is found on comparison of the retinal pigments in the two. While the retina of Urodela contains mostly porphyropsin (p. 291) which is also present in Cyclostomes and is a derivative of vitamin Ag, the retina of the adult Anura contain only rhodopsin, a derivative of vitamin Aj. In this respect the Urodela are nearer to the Dipneusti which have porphyropsin as their retinal pigment. It can be pointed out here, that in the nature of their retinal pigment the class of fishes is very heterogeneous, as is the case for nitrogen metabolism and a number of other characters. The nitrogen metabolism of the class Reptilia differs from that of fishes and Amphibia. They always have a uricotelic amino-nitrogen metabolism, a fact connected, as stated in dementi's law, with the lack of arginase in the liver. Another interesting point is the fact that in terrestrial turtles, such as Testudo graeca, a more or less active system of ureotelic metabolism is present together with the enzyme system for uricotelic metabolism. With regard to their biliar)' steroids, the Reptilia show a systematic variation : among the sub-class Chelonia, the biliary steroids are derivatives of sterocholanic acid, while most of the members of the order Serpentes con- tain chloic acid. Among these, however, the family Boidea is characterized by pythocholic acid. Turtles and snakes contain C24 biliary steroids, while Haslewood has found in the sub -class CrocodiHni that the alligator has a C27 steroid. In all Reptilia examined so far, the biliary steroids are combined with taurine, as is the case with the teleost fishes, while in the Elasmobranchii and Amphibia the steroids are always in the form of sulphates. Reptilia, 330 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY like all Vertebrates, have keratin in their integument, but in addition another keratin is found in their skin which is called "feather keratin" because it is also found in bird's feathers. This is not the only biochemical character that reptiles and birds have in common; both have a uricotelic nitrogen catabolism. Although it is true that Reptilia and birds have many biochemical characters in common, there are also some peculiar to birds alone. Among them is the mechanism for the detoxification of benzoic acid by synthesis of ornithuric acid, a conjugate of benzoic acid and ornithine. The biliary steroids of more than sixty species of mammal have been studied. In general, the characteristic biliary steroid is cholic acid. It is particularly interesting to find in groups of related species certain unique bile salts, although not necessarily as the principal constituents. For instance, in all members of the families Otaridae, Odobenidae and Phocidae (the seals and walruses) so far examined, a special bile acid, ^-phocaecholic acid, has been found in addition to cholic acid. Certain genera too have bile salts of their own, for example the genus Sus which has no cholic acid but hyodesoxycholic acid instead. As already stated, biliary steroids are con- jugated in the form of sulphates in the Elasmobranchii and Amphibia, and with taurine in the teleost fishes and reptiles. In mammals they are con- jugated with taurine and glycine in varying proportions. The presence of glyco-acids is characteristic of mammalian biles. The members of the sub-phylum Urochorda do not show the bio- chemical features we have described as being characteristic of Vertebrates but they have features of their own. They possess a cellulose coat and they accumulate vanadium in their tissues and blood cells. Although there is no thyroid secretion, they are sensitive to thyroxine which activates the development of the larvae. Also, their neural glands contain principles similar to the hypertensive, melanophore-expanding, oxytocic and gona- dotrophic principles of the vertebrate hypophysis. All the facts so far collected pertain to the Chordates, but many facts of a similar nature could be gathered through the study of each of the groups of the Metazoa. In what follows we shall limit our enquiry to just a few examples. One of the oldest identified features of the phylum Arthropoda is the presence in their integument of a polyacetyglucosamine called chitin. In the integument the chitin is combined with protein. Another general character of Arthropods is the peculiar nature of their blood coagulation mechanism. The physiological phenomenon of blood clotting is found in Vertebrates and Arthropods and the two systems show certain similarities. The blood clotting mechanism in Vertebrates is summarized in Fig. 90a. In Arthropods, the phenomenon of plasma coagulation depends upon the action of tissue coagulins on a coagulable protein. In the lobster, which BIOCHEMISTRY AND TAXONOMY 331 Thromboplastin + prothrombin — lateie^acclierator"*' thrombin Plasma Ac-globulin ''''°'"^'" — > serum Ac-globulin Thromboplastin + prothrombin ^"""^ — - — >• thrombin platelet accelerator serum Ac-globulin Fibrinogen _HE£E1^_ fibri rm Fig. 90a (Ware, Fahey and Seegers). Events in clotting of vertebrate blood plasnr A2) \ Anadromous fishes (A2 > Ai) Amphibia (A2 and Ai) Freshwater fishes (A2) Lampreys (A2 and Ai) Ancestral vertebrates {Ao}) Fig. 90b — (Wald). Distribution of vitamins A^ and A2 in vertebrate retinas. from a continuous fine of fresh-water ancestors, possesses the porphyropsin system. The use of vitamin Ag in the retina appears to be universal in fresh-water Vertebrates and to extend as far back to the origin of the Vertebrates as it is possible to penetrate. W. Bergmann has emphasized that a marked difference exists, (which can be seen by reference to Table XXV) in the material extractable with fat-solvents when we compare the Vertebrates and the Invertebrates : there is a greater proportion of unsaponifiable matter in the latter. Moreover, Bergmann noted that if we consider the distribution of sterols in animals, the greatest diversity of sterols is found in the most primitive groups while in the most highly specialized, cholesterol is almost the only one identified (Table XXVI). Among the sterols of the least specialized animals we find Cgg or C29 compounds. Sterols of this type differ in the type and degree of unsatura- tion, and in the nature of the radical attached at C-24, etc. (Bergmann, 1952). On the other hand, from a series of studies by Haslewood and co-workers, we see that in teleost fishes or Elasmobranchs, Amphibians, crocodiles and alligators, in a lizard, in Chelonians (turtles and tortoises) and in some birds, the bile salts contain C27, C28 (or possibly C29) alcohols and acids whilst in snakes and mammals, substances of this type are not found. But the presence of C24 bile acids has been demonstrated in snakes, teleost fishes, mammals and birds, but not in Elasmobranchs, Batracians or reptiles such as the Crocodilians and the Chelonians. In general, the C27, C28 and possibly the C29 bile salts go with a more primitive phylogenic status than with that of the more specialized animals which have C24 bile salts. 340 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY Another example connected with the general idea of phylogeny is one cited by Comfort, who pointed out that the depot uroporphyrin of the shelf occurs chiefly in the less specialized Archaeogastropoda. And it is possible to quote many other examples, III. EVOLUTION OF BIOCHEMICAL SYSTEMS In the preceding, we have considered the constituents of an organism, i.e. from the point of view of the macromolecules and organic molecules contained in it. But these compounds are evidently derived from the opera- tion of biosynthetic systems, and thus, a heteromorphic evolution, such as the replacement of a haemoglobin by a chlorocruorin, occurs in the bio- synthetic mechanism which produces that constituent. Hence this change is in an enzyme system, i.e. in a system of macromolecules the nature of which is controlled in every case by a gene, itself being on occasion the object of a heteromorphic evolution and of a reduction in the isology of its nucleic acids with those of its forbears. If we grant that the photosynthetic pathway (see Part Six) is a metabolic variant of the hexosemonophosphate shunt, then photosynthesis regarded as a reduction of COg will be carried out by a system more specialized than the hexosemonophosphate shunt. On the other hand, if it is true that at the beginning the biosphere was lacking in COg, photosynthesis could only appear after the liberation of this substance from volcanoes and primitive forms of metabolism. If the presence of oxygen in the terrestrial atmosphere has depended on photosynthesis then that part of the overall metabolic schemes which concerns respiration is biochemically more specialized than that con- taining glycolysis and the hexosemonophosphate shunt. But all this lies in the domain of prehistoric biochemistry and consequently is of a highly speculative nature. In the biosphere at the present time we have before us what survives of many diversifications of the general plan of cellular biochemistry described in Part III, and evidently what remains has been preceded by more primitive systems which today have dis- ppeared. (a) Specialization by Quantitative or Topographic Modifications Extracellular digestion compared to intracellular digestion implies that specialization has occurred in the sense of a relatively great biosynthesis of enzymes secreted into the lumen of the digestive tube and constantly renewed. Intracellular digestion is the primitive form. It is the only form of digestion in the Spongiae. As Yonge has emphasized, an example that demonstrates very well the relation between the system of intracellular digestion and that of extra- cellular digestion is the Molluscs : among them we find all stages between an almost complete intracellular digestion and a totally extracellular BIOCHEMICAL EVOLUTION 341 digestion based on the secretion of enzymes into the lumen of the digestive tube. In general, Lamellibranchs feed by a ciliary mechanism which is responsible for the collection of fine particles, mainly of phytoplankton. The only extracellular phase of digestion they have is in the action of an amylase, all the other enzymes acting intracellularly. Among the herbi- vorous Gastropods (the Pulmonata excepted), like Yonge we can distin- guish two groups : those possessing a crystalline style and those which do not. In the former, as for example the Streptoneura, conditions are very similar to those found in the Lamellibranchs, amylase being the only extracellular enzyme, the digestive diverticulae acting as organs of absorp- tion and intracellular digestion, but never of secretion. The second group of herbivorous Gastropods, those not possessing a crj^stalline style, as is the case for the Tectibranchs and the Nudibranchs, show considerable diversity and in certain cases there is a proteinase in the juice in the digestive tube. When we come to the carnivorous Gastropods such as Murex, a proteinase actively secreted by the digestive diverticulae is always found in the digestive tube. Among them, too, there is also intracellular digestion. In addition, the salivary glands secrete amylase. Among the Pulmonata, such as the snail, the hydrolytic processes are almost completely extracellular. Only protein hydrolysis is intracellular. In the Cephalopods, digestion is exclusively extracellular and intra- cellular digestion has disappeared. (b) Specialisation by Acquisition of a New Constituent as a Result of Molecular Evolution During the course of the evolution of the cells that contain it, an enzyme system may become the object of a specialization of a new type. Snakes, for example, do not mix digestive secretions with their prey by a process of mastication. They swallow their prey after having injected it with a secretion which initiates hydrolysis. In the least specialized form, for example in Colubridae opisthoglyphae, a simple secretory tooth appears at the rear of the upper jaw and serves for the injection of a secretion whose function is purely digestive. In more specialized forms, this organ, following a decrease in length of the maxilla, approaches the anterior part of the buccal cavity and becomes an aggressive and defensive organ, as is the case in Colubridae proteroglyphae and even more so in the Viperidae. The digestive origin of the secretion is further borne out by the presence in snake venoms of such hydrolases as proteases, peptidases, phosphatases, sterases, and lecithinases. The new specialization expresses itself by the presence of hyaluronidase, assuring the diffusion of the venom, and by the presence of substances of high toxicity (see Zeller, 1948). Another example of modification of an old system by the addition of a new component is the urea-synthesizing system in the hepatic parenchyma 342 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY HN CO I I H OC C N / HN C NH CO uric acid {uricase) I HjN I O H OC C — N HN— C N / CO H H allantoine I. (allantoinase) I HgN NH2 I I OC COOH CO I I I HN— C NH H allantoic acid i . (allantoicase) COOH NHj / +20=C NH, H Urea I (urease) I 2NH3 + CO2 Ammonia Fig. 91 — The uricolytic enzyme system. BIOCHEMICAL EVOLUTION 343 of ureotelic Vertebrates (p. 309). The new function appears as the result of a speciaHzation in which arginase has been added to the enzyme system bringing about the synthesis of arginine (p. 244). (c) Specialization by Loss of Constituents An enzyme system may be specialized not only by the acquisition of new enzymes, but also by the loss of certain existing ones. An example is the enzyme system of uricolysis. The most complete form of this system is found in marine Crustaceans and is shown in Fig. 91. Most Insects only carry uricolysis to the stage of uric acid. The form of the uricolytic system in Insects compared to the most primitive form of the Crustaceans, is characterized by the disappearance of urease, allan- toicase, allantoinase and uricase. The enzyme system for purine break- down consists of uricase, allantoinase and allantoicase in the Batracians, it consists of only uricase in the Mammals, with the exception of the Primates who have lost the complete system of enzymes as likewise have the terrestrial Reptiles and Birds. {d) Specialization by Introduction of a Constituent of a Primitive System into a more Modern System Rhodopsfn Vitamin Ax + Opsin"^ Vitamin Aj of the pigmented epithelium and of the circulation DPNH -i- H t- \ / Systems of \ y oxidation J DPNH -'- H+ \^ Light \ ^ Lumi-rhodopsin I -20='C. Meta-rhodopsin Retincne -p Opsin Fig. 92 (G. Wald). — The rhodopsin system. A frequent form of evolution of enzyme systems and their associated systems (substrates, enzymes, coenzymes, hormonal regulators, etc.) is by the introduction of one or several of their components into a more specialized system. We have already noted (p. 290) the more specialized nature of rhodopsin, present in the retina of salt-water fish, reptiles, birds and mammals, compared to the more primitive porphyropsin of fresh- water 344 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY Vertebrates. Rhodopsin is a derivative of vitamin Aj and porphyropsin is a derivative of vitamin Ag. The visual function of the A vitamins is the only one it has been possible to demonstrate in animals other than the mammals and birds. In the two latter, it plays the additional role of a vitamin essential for the normal function of epithelial tissue. This last fact shows us the development of a new biochemical system in which has been inserted a biochemical component already utilized in another system. The photoreceptor system of the rods in the retina of animals having a differen- tiated eye furnishes us with another example of this type of evolution in an enzyme system. Figure 92 indicates the changes taking place during photoreception in the rhodopsin of the eye. Retinene is produced by the reduction of vitamin A^. The enzyme catalysing the transformation was first called retinene-reductase. We know today that it is alcohol- dehydrogenase (p. 162) as has been shown by Bliss. This universally distributed enzyme is found to have been inserted here into a new system that is extremely specialized. The mechanisms of hormonal regulation provide us with many instances of insertions into new systems. The secretion of milk, due to the bio- chemical differentiation of one type of Mammalian cell (p. 306) is provoked and controlled by prolactin, resulting from the biochemical specialization of another type of cell, the adenohypophysis. But prolactin is secreted by the adenohypophysis of fish, amphibians and reptiles. Its intervention in the secretion of milk in mammals is thus an insertion into a new bio- chemical system. Another example of the same type is the action of pitocin on the mammalian uterus. This hormone is present in all Vertebrates and acts in the control of water metabolism. Its action on mammalian uterus demonstrates its insertion into a more specialized system. (e) Specialization of a Primitive Biochemical System by the Introduction of a Constituent of another Primitive System One of the important aspects of the biochemical evolution of Vertebrates has been the acquisition by the cells of the mesoderm of enzyme systems for the biosynthesis of new types of steroid (heteromorphic evolution). One of the physiological effects of this evolution is the ionic regulation brought about by the action of the corticosteroid hormones at the urinary tube. In the Amphibiae this action is established in conjunction with a pre-existing system, that of the regulation controlled by the adeno- hypophysis. The adaptation to terrestrial life in certain amphibians, such as the toad, in fact depends on the ability to reabsorb water controlled by the active principles of the hypophysis, and these substances are fundamental con- stituents in these animals (see Jones, 1957). BIOCHEMICAL EVOLUTION 345 In many cases the biochemical systems characteristic of such and such a cellular differentiation appear to be biochemical inventions the past history of which we are so far unable to reconstruct. Such systems are to be found among the many different biochemical modifications in Verte- brates, for example, the complex enzyme systems for the degradation of haemoglobin present in histiocytes, the conversion of cholesterol to bile in the cells of the hepatic parenchyma, etc. The fact that we do not know the systems preceding them in phylogeny does not invalidate the fact that these biochemical inventions have evolved. Scanty as it is at the moment, our knowledge of the biochemical diversity of organisms has indicated that more detailed studies could tell us much about the methods according to which the extension of the biosphere has been accomplished along the lines of biochemical evolution, the bio- chemical diversity being, as we shall see in Part VI, as essential as the biochemical unity, for the maintenance of the metabolism of the whole biosphere in extension. REFERENCES Anfinsen, C. B. (1959) The Molecular Basis of Evolution, John Wiley, New York. Bergmann, W. (1949). Comparative biochemical studies on the lipids of marine invertebrates, with special reference to the sterols. Sears Found. J. Marine Res.,%,Ul-\16. Bergmann, W. (1952). Sterols. Progr. Chem. of Fats and other Lipids, 1, 18-69. Florkin, M. (1944). U evolution biochimique. Masson, Paris. Jones, I. C. (1957). The Adrenal Cortex. Cambridge Univ. Press. Wald, G. 1951. The chemistry of rod in Fish. Science 113, 287-291. YoNGE, C. M. (1937). Evolution and adaptation in the digestive system of Metazoa. Biol. Rev., 12, 87-115. Zeller, E. a. 1948. Enzymes of snake venoms and their biological significance. Advanc. EnzymoL, 8, 459-495. PART SIX THE METABOLISM OF THE BIOSPHERE INTRODUCTION The series of priming reactions and synthetic mechanisms described in Part Three of this book give some idea of the chemical processes occurring in the biosphere. Superimposed on this general background there are many variations, simplifications or amplifications arising from the differen- tiation, adaptation and evolution of both the cells and the organism. Without them life would become extinct. Each organism is a link in a food chain whose beginning varies according to the particular association of living creatures. In a pond, bacteria and other micro-organisms are at the beginning of the chain. Crustaceans feed on the micro-organisms and themselves act as food for aquatic insects that, in turn, are eaten by fish. The dead bodies of the latter serve to nourish bacteria. Animals feeding on plants are the prey of carnivorous animals, that are themselves eaten by other carnivores. This concept of food chains demonstrates how the macromolecules in the cells of an organism can serve as food to other organisms which begin by hydrolysing them with the aid of the arsenal of hydrolases so liberally distributed throughout the biosphere. In this way one part of the biosphere serves to feed the other part. However, if each portion of the biosphere was nourished solely by the consumption of another portion, life would be progressively stifled and would disappear in a very short time. In the same way as for the metabolism of a single organism the metabolism of the biosphere implies an entry and an exit of matter and energy. This continuous exchange with the surroundings constitutes the general metabolism of the biosphere which is dealt with in Part Six. 349 CHAPTER I ENTRY INTO THE BIOSPHERE I. CARBON AND ENERGY In addition to the priming and biosynthetic reactions described in Part Three we mast consider the entry of energy and matter which occurs in certain regions of the biosphere. As we have pointed out, the priming reactions constitute a chemical machine which forms, at the expense of the chemical energy of nutrient molecules, energy-rich bonds of ATP, packets of energy which can be utilized for biosynthesis. Also, during the function- ing of this chemical m.achine construction materials are produced which can be employed for biosynthetic purposes. However organisms exist which are capable, by chemical mechanisms of their own, of introducing into their metabolism a supply of external energy, either chemical or electromagnetic in nature. Traditionally, the name chimiosynthesis is given to the synthesis of carbohydrates from CO2 and chemical energy. In this sense, all organisms are chimiosynthetic. But, certain micro-organisms, during the synthesis of carbohydrates, introduce energy derived from the oxidation by oxygen (auto-oxidation) of a constituent of the external medium. Other organisms are capable of carr}dng out photosynthesis, i.e. synthesis of carbohydrates using electro- magnetic energy derived from light. So, by the terms chimiosynthesis and photosynthesis we understand that sugars are synthesized. The term photometabolism refers to other types of metabolic action accomplished by light. There are some micro-organisms who obtain all their energy and material from outside the biosphere. These are the autotrophes. They build up all their constituent organic material from COg, HgO and other inorganic substances like ammonia, sulphates and phosphates. For energy they use that derived from the oxidation of substances in the surrounding medium. Photosynthesis, another form of autotrophism, occurs in certain bacteria, in algae, in diatoms, in green plants, etc. A. Autotrophic Bacteria These organisms do not obtain their nutrient from some other region of the biosphere: the flow of energy and matter through them is derived from the inorganic world. Examples are: the nitrous and nitric bacteria and the colourless sulphur bacteria. 351 352 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY The autotrophic bacteria are chimiosynthetic, that is, they synthesize sugars using the energy of oxidation of a constituent of the surrounding medium. (a) Nitrous Bacteria These bacteria accomplish a nitrosation (ammonium sahs -> nitrites). These bacteria are numerous and belong to the genera Nitrosomonas (aerobic, widely distributed in the soil of Europe and Asia, ovoid or spherical in shape, able to move in a liquid habitat by means of their flagellae they group themselves in mucilaginous zoogloeae) and Nitro- sococcus, (in American soil, always non-mobile). The chimiosynthesis of carbohydrates in the nitrous bacteria consists of a transfer of hydrogen from ammonia to COg: 2NH3 + 2O2 -> 2NO2H + 2H2 2H2 + CO2 -> CH2O + H2O {b) Nitric Bacteria These oxidize nitrites to nitrates thus performing a nitration. Among the nitric bacteria are the Nitrobacter which are bacilliform, non-mobile, and aerobic (Fig. 93). ^^ 0. ^N / ^.s. ^^ n Fig. 93 (Winogradsky) — Nitrobacter {c) Colourless Sulphur Bacteria Certain of these are aerobic, others anaerobic. Among the aerobes are Thiobacillus thioparus and Thiobacillus thiooxydans. The former is present in soil in the form of small rods. It multiplies when the medium is neutral. It oxidizes thiosulphates (hyposulphites) or sulphides to sulphate and sometimes sulphur is deposited inside the cell. 2Na2S203 + O2 -> 2Na2S04 + 2S Thiobacillus thiooxydans is found in the soil in the vicinity of sulphur deposits. It produces large amounts of H2SO4 and only grows under acid conditions (pH 8 = 2-0-3 -0). It oxidizes sulphur or thiosulphate to sulphuric acid: 2S + 3O2 + 2H2O -> 2H2SO4 Na2S203 + H2O + 2O2 -> Na2S04 + H2SO4 ENTRY INTO THE BIOSPHERE 353 Certain other autotrophes which oxidize sulphur are anaerobic. This is the case with Thiobacillm denitrifians which oxidizes sulphur, HgS, NagSgOg (with formation of H2SO4), at the expense of oxygen derived from nitrates. It is widely distributed, being present in soils, water and muds. SNagSgOg + 8KNO3 + 2NaHC0g ^ eNagSO^ + 4K2SO4 + 4N2 + 2CO2 + H2O In addition to the simple bacteria we have just considered, there are some morphologically more complex, such as Thiothrix and Beggiatoa who oxidize H2S to H2SO4 using part of the energy from this reaction to synthesize carbon chains. They are aerobes containing particles of sulphur in their cells. In addition to COg and oxygen they require the presence of H2S. As long as H2S is present, the sulphur particles remain in the cells. In the absence of HgS, these bacteria can use their reserve of sulphur granules. When this reserve is exhausted, they die. The energy- yielding reactions are as follows: H2S + O -> H2O + S 2S + 3O2 + 2H2O -^ 2H2SO4 {d) The Mechanism of Autotrophy The autotrophic bacteria pose the major problem of how the energy produced by an oxidation reaction is transferred and used for the synthesis of a sugar. In a general way the process can be represented as occurring in the following stages: 1. Activation by an enzyme of the oxidizable substrate (a thiosulphate dehydrogenase in Thiobacillus, an ammonium dehydrogenase in Nitro- somonas). 2. Oxidation by the cytochrome-cytochrome oxidase system. 3. Formation, during this oxidation, of energy-rich phosphate bonds. 4. Fixation of COg by conversion to a carboxyl group, in the usual way. 5. Formation of a carboxyl phosphate. 6. Reduction of the latter by the enzyme of reaction 1, liberation of phosphate. XCO— O - H2PO3 + RHo ^ XCHO + H3PO4 + R However the above is almost entirely hypothetical. B. Photosynthesis in the Green Algae and Green Plants Photosynthesis by green algae and green plants is the major means of introducing carbon into the biosphere. The annual production of organic substances by photosynthesis in the biosphere is 2000 times greater than 354 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY the annual production of steel throughout the world, which is 100 million tons per annum. According to Loomis, photosynthesis produces 270,000,000,000 tons of glucose per annum and consumes 396,000,000,000 tons of carbon dioxide. Statistically, over 2000 years all the COg molecules in the air will have been incorporated into the biosphere at some time or other. In plants and algae, photosynthesis takes place in cytoplasmic inclusions, the chloroplasts. (a) The Chloroplasts The chloroplasts in green algae and plants are the seat of photosynthessi and producers of glucose- 1 -P. They are disc-shaped particles 3 to 10 (x in diameter and 1 to 2 [i, in thickness. It is possible to isolate them from leaves and show that they are bounded by a definite membrane which is semi-permeable. The chloroplasts contain a number of gratia whose diameter varies, according to the type of cell, from 0-2 to 2 [x. A chloroplast contains from 10 to 100 grana imbedded in a protein matrix. The electron microscope reveals that they have a laminar structure. They contain 33 to 50% protein and also contain lipides. The chloroplasts are auto- reproductive and can divide. There are two types of pigments in the chloroplasts, chlorophyll and carotenoids. Besides chlorophyll, the chloroplasts of the red algae contain other tetrapyrrole pigments which are active in photosynthesis, these are the phycobilins. The leaves of green plants often contain in the vacuole (i.e. outside the cytoplasm), pigments such as the anthocyanins which do not play any part in photosynthesis. (b) History of the Ideas Relative to Photosynthesis It was not until 1727 that Stephen Hales expressed doubts about the correctness of the then current view that plants obtained all their nourish- ment from the soil. Hales suggested that air and light also played a part. The next step was due to Priestley who showed, in 1771, that green plants gave out oxygen. The following year Ingenhouz demonstrated the part played by light in this phenomenon. In 1782 Senebier discovered that CO2 was also concerned in the production, in light, of oxygen by green plants. In 1804 quantitative methods of study were applied by Saussure. He showed that the weight gained by a plant over a given period during photosynthesis, plus the weight o:^ oxygen liberated, is greater than the weight of CO2 taken in. He suggested that water played a part. In 1941 Van Niel showed that the photosynthetic purple algae, the Thiorhodaceae, can multiply in an anaerobic inorganic medium provided that the medium contains HgS. It was also shown that the amount of growth is proportional to the HgS concentration. So photosynthesis must be considered as being ENTRY INTO THE BIOSPHERE 355 linked to an oxido-reduction reaction, and in Van Niel's theory, which is generally accepted today, the hydrogen donor is always HgO. Up to about 1935 studies of photosynthesis were concentrated on the effect of various factors on the rate of photosynthesis in the living plant. Much work has been done from this physiological aspect, the main result being only to underline the mystery of photosynthesis. With the advent of methods employing radioactive isotopes and bio- chemical methods for the study of isolated systems, it became possible to penetrate into the intimate mechanism of photosynthesis. In 1940 the reaction of Hill (p. 357) was announced and the first experiment using isotopes (by Ruben, Kamen and Hassid, using ^^C, the only available carbon isotope at that time) was carried out. The presence of magnesium in chlorophyll had led, by a process of reasoning on chemical grounds, to the idea that the first step in biosynthesis was a photochemical reaction involving chlorophyll and COg. This idea stemmed from three observa- tions: the presence of magnesium in chlorophyll, the reduction of COg to formaldehyde by mietallic magnesium in acid solution, and the feeble biochemical reactivity of COg. Today, we know that on the contrary COg is a metabolite of general importance. Facts obtained since 1940 lead us to beheve that photo- synthesis is a process in which the photochemical reaction is a photolysis of water preparatory to the transfer of hydrogen. According to the ideas of Calvin, the priming reaction for photosyn- thesis, that is the transformation of water under the influence of light, furnishes much TPNH and ATP from the electromagnetic energy of the light. Also pyruvic acid is diverted to the photosynthetic cycle as a result of the presence of thioctic acid in its dithiol form. By contrast, in the dark, oxidation takes place and the disulphide form is re-established; the carbon then takes a path required by respiration. (c) The Initial Stage of Photosynthesis The first stage is a process of quantum absorption converting water into a reducing agent and an oxidizing agent. H2O -^ [H] + [OH] In green plants oxygen is liberated during this first stage. In photo- trophic bacteria, the oxidizing radical [OH] must be reduced by a hydrogen donor which is specific in each case. The second stage is a reduction CO2 + [H] -> (CH^O)^ 356 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY @ X X @ O O K O O O S ^ ^ K O o ^ o XI O u •rt o >> J3 u. •a o o w w ju o o o o «< o— o— u— u K ffi ffi K © ^ ffi K ffi © o o K o o o o u — u — o — u — u — o — u 9 ^ X X " « J3 a CO O a £-< B a, 4) „ ffi ffi ffi © o o ffi o o o o u — o — u — o — o — u — u O K K W ffi CO "3 4-1 a 01 ffi ffi K © o o o o o u— u— u— u— u K ffi K ffi a (U o s 0*0000,^ -a o J3 y 4) >' CO o r " U CO i e a o CO CO o — < j: a rc' poo E © o o -u-o PL. 3 2 u >»- O O O O O o— u— u— u— u K K K tq ATP o 3 ja .3 u ll o u u » CO O •w O a o j> > <-> u 3 T3 V u ! ON d phosphopentokinase ENTRY INTO THE BIOSPHERE 357 This division into two stages is confirmed by the Hill reaction, i.e. the production of oxygen by isolated chloroplasts in the presence of a hydrogen acceptor such as benzoquinone or 2,6-dichlorophenol. By means of labelled oxygen it has been proved that the oxygen liberated in the Hill reaction is derived from the water. Fig. 95. — Racker's reaction scheme showing the formation of a molecule of triosephosphate from three molecules of CO2 in the pentose phosphate cycle acting as a reductive cycle during photosynthesis. {d) The Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Secotid Stage of Photosynthesis Carbon dioxide is first fixed in a carboxyl group, in the general way, the reverse of decarboxylation. This CO2 appears in the carboxyl of 3-phosphoglyceric acid. Although the role of 3-phosphoglyceric acid is usually admitted, there is still much discussion as to the nature of the substance which first combines with the COg. Calvin and his school believe that ribulose diphosphate is the immediate precursor of 3-phosphoglyceric acid. Thus the photosynthetic cycle would begin by a carboxylation of Ru-PP with formation (C5 + C = 2C3) of two molecules of phosphoglyceric acid (PGA). Starting with PGA, all 358 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY the separate operations of the pentose cycle, and, according to Calvin (Fig. 94), of the associated photosynthetic cycle, have been reproduced in vitro using purified enzymes. Aldolase catalyses the formation of heptulose diphosphate from a molecule of tetrose phosphate and a molecule of triose phosphate (C4 + C3 = C7). Phosphatase converts the heptulose-PP to heptulose-P which, with a further molecule of triose-P, in the presence of transketolase, forms a molecule of ribose-P and a molecule of ribulose-P (C7 + C3 = 2C5). The isomerase for pentose phosphates converts this mixture to ribulose-P which, in the presence of ATP and phosphopentokinase, gives ribulose-PP. However it still remains, in this enzymatic scheme, to explain the fixation of CO2 when entering this series of reactions, Calvin has isolated from spinach leaves and from ultrasonic macerates of the green alga Chlorella a soluble enzyme which, in the presence of bicarbonate, converts Ru-PP to two molecules of PGA. He has called it carboxydismutase, because the carboxylation depends on the oxidation of C-3 of ribulose to a carboxyl group. The fact that all the necessary enzymatic tools have been isolated does not mean that the cycle actually does function. In fact for the reduction of PGA to a triose, a molecule of ATP and a molecule of TPNH are required. When we get to Ru-P, a further molecule of ATP is necessary for the formation of Ru-PP. The cycle has been completely reconstructed in vitro by Racker (1955), who has thus achieved the reductive synthesis of a sugar from CO2 and plant enzyme extracts. The sequence of reactions is as follows: (1) 3 pentose-P + 3 ATP > 3 Ru-PP + 3 ADP (2) 3 Ru-PP + 3 CO2 + 3 H2O > 6 PGA (3) 6 PGA + 6 ATP > 6 DPGA + 6 ADP (4) 6 DPGA + 6 DPNH + 6 H+ > 6 triose-P + 6 DPN + 6P (5) 4 triose-P > 2 HPP (6) 2 HDP + 2 H2O > 2 HMP + 2 P (7) 1 HMP + 1 triose-P > 1 pentose-P + 1 tetrose-P (8) 1 HMP + 1 tetrose-P > 1 heptulose-P + 1 triose-P (9) 1 heptulose-P + 1 triose-P > 2 pentose-P sum (1-9) 3 CO2 + 9 ATP + 5 HoO + 6 DPNH + 6H+ > 1 triose-P + 9 ADP + 6 DPN -f 8 P (10) 9 H2O + 9 DPN > 9 DPNH + 9 H+ + 9 O (11) 3 DPNH + 9 ADP + 9P + 3H+ + 30 > 3 DPN + 9 ATP + 12 H2O sum (1-11) 3 CO2 + 2 H2O + P > 1 triose-P + 6 O If we ignore equation (10) and (11) for the moment, we see that overall (reactions 1-9), to introduce a CO2 molecule into a triosephosphate, three ENTRY INTO THE BIOSPHERE 359 molecules of ATP and four reduction equivalents (4 electrons) are required. In nature, according to Calvin, they are provided by the conversion of electromagnetic energy. We require nothing more. The dynamo of photo- synthesis (see p. 146) is therefore a means of providing ATP and TPNH. As for the reductive cycle of photosynthesis, according to this scheme it consists of a multienzyme system of which the hexosemonophosphate shunt is another variant. It is only necessary to compare the pentose cycle of photosynthesis (Fig. 94) with the hexosemonophosphate shunt in Fig. 38 for their relation- ship to become apparent. Since the two mechanisms are still partly hypothetical, it is preferable to await further developments in our know- ledge before attempting to establish a definite relation between respiration involving the hexosemonophosphate shunt and photosynthesis. The mode of formation of a triosephosphate molecule from three CO2 molecules is shown graphically in Fig. 95. According to the above views, photosynthesis appears as one aspect of intracellular regulation. A new stationary state is established when particles containing the electromagnetic dynamo are illuminated and a high reduction potential is produced due to a high concentration of TPNH, and there is an accompanying increase in the amount of ATP. In this manner photosynthesis is the opposite to respiration which continues again when illumination is stopped. Thioctic acid, inserted by Calvin into his description of the electromagnetic dynamo, appears to exert an addi- tional regulatory action. Thioctic acid is one of the coenzymes for the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvic acid and it functions thus in the disulphide form. When the photosynthetic cycle is functioning it is con- verted to its sulphhydryl form thus blocking the way to the tricarboxylic acid cycle, to the corresponding respiratory mechanism, and diverting the flow of carbon to photosynthesis. Inversely, in the dark, the disulphide form is re-established and the way is again open for the flow of carbon to the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Thus from the above view-point photosynthesis can be regarded as being simply a special form of the priming reactions set out in Fig. 62. The pentose phosphate cycle is partly reversed and coupled to a reductive stage catalysed by triosephosphate dehydrogenase, thus replacing the oxidation catalysed by glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. In the plant during photosynthesis, the decarbox}4ation of 6-phosphogluconic acid is replaced by the carboxylation of Ru-PP. However many of the ideas expounded in this chapter are hypothetical in nature and other theories of photosynthesis exist. No one theory can explain all the known facts and we must wait until the future for agreement to be reached upon the process which is the principal entry of inorganic carbon and energy into the biosphere. 360 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY C. Photosynthesis in the Purple, Brown, and Green Bacteria The Rhodobacteriaceae are an extensive family of bacteria found in soil and water. Following Van Niel, they can be subdivided into three groups : (a) Chlorobacteriaceae. Green sulphur bacteria not requiring organic growth factors. {h) Thiorhodaceae. Purple sulphur bacteria not requiring organic growth factors but able to utilize as hydrogen donors various inorganic sulphur compounds, organic acids, and in certain cases hydrogen itself. (c) Athiorhodaceae. Non-sulphur bacteria, purple, red or brown in colour, requiring various growth factors. {a) Chlorobacteriaceae These are anaerobic, and according to Van Niel, HgS is the substance which reduces the oxidizing radical liberated by photolysis. Sulphur accumulates in the culture in the form of globules. [b) Thiorhodaceae They are anaerobes which do not grow except in the presence of HgS and light. Like the chlorobacteriaceae they use HgS without oxidizing it since they are anaerobic, and also like them, they are photosynthetic with- out liberating oxygen. They do not release sulphur, but sulphuric acid. light H2S + 2CO2 + 2H2O > H2SO4 + 2(CH20) In the place of HgS, they can also utilize sulphite or thiosulphate. light 4Na2S203 + CO2 + 3H2O > 2Na2S406 + (CH2O) + 4NaOH The mechanism of this curious piece of photosynthesis is unknown. (c) Athiorhodaceae These bacteria assimilate COg in the presence of light, but for this they require certain organic or inorganic compounds. Fatty acids are good substrates for their growth. A number of experimental facts indicate that they act as hydrogen donors, but this idea is still under discussion. The situation is clearer when we consider the utilization of isopropyl alcohol. Here, there is no doubt that the organic compound acts as a hydrogen donor to reduce the [OH] radical leaving acetone behind in the medium. The overall equation for the reaction is: light CO2 + 2CH3CHOH.CH3 > (CH2O) + H2O + 2CH3CO.CH3 ENTRY INTO THE BIOSPHERE 361 (d) The Pigmentary System of the Greefi, Purple, and Brown Bacteria This is very similar to that in the green algae and green plants. The brown or purple colours are due to the presence of various carotenoids. It is likely that as in diatoms and the blue algae, the carotenoids play a part in the absorption of light, and transfer the energy thus accumulated to chlorophyll. The chlorophyll in the Thiorhodaceae and the Athiorhodaceae is bacteriochlorophyll-«, whilst the green bacteria contain a different chlorophyll. Fig. 96 (Errera and Laurent) — Nodules on pea roots. 1 . A young plant which has remained stunted in sterilized sand containing neither combined nitrogen nor thinned with soil on which legumes have been grown; there are no nodules on the roots. 2. A young plant of the same age which has flourished in sterilized sand not containing combined nitrogen but thinned with soil in which peas had formerly grown; nodules are present on the roots. 3. A root bearing nodules. II. PHOSPHORUS The incorporation of phosphorus by green plants is the main means of entry of this element into the biosphere. If we consider a plant, the surroundings in which the roots live are very complex. Phosphorus is present in the form of sparingly, soluble calcium, iron and aluminium salts, as adsorbed anions on the soil particles and as organic compounds derived from the corpses of plants, animals and micro-organisms (iron, calcium or aluminium salts of phytin, and of nucleoproteins). In neutral or calcareous soils, the calcium salts of organic forms of phosphorus are more soluble 362 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY and more available for bacterial decomposition. The soluble phosphates are concentrated by the roots and transported by the xylem in the plant to the active cells. III. NITROGEN In general, plants remove nitrates from the soil. Moreover the other forms of nitrogen in the soil, such as amino nitrogen and ammonia, are rapidly converted to nitrates by the action of numerous heterotrophic bacteria and autotrophic micro-organisms which derive their energy from the conversion of ammonia into nitrite (nitrous bacteria) or nitrite into nitrate (nitric bacteria). The absorbed nitrate can be accumulated by the plant, or reduced to nitrite and then to ammonia which the plant uses, notably for the formation of amino acid amino groups. N End Fig. 97 — (Guilliermond and Mangenot). Structure of a root nodule in a legume {Vicia faba). I. A section along the long axis of the nodule. — R: a transverse section through a root; N : a longitudinal section of the nodule; c.b. : branched bacterial filament having infected the root. II. A transverse section of the nodule. End : endoderm of the root (continuing into the nodule). In addition, a limited number of organisms are able to utilize atmo- spheric nitrogen by reducing it to ammonia or amino groups. The ocean is poor in nitrogen-fixing organisms. It receives its nitrogen from inflowing rivers. The Mississippi alone pours 360,000 tons of nitrogen per annum into the sea in the form of nitrates. The nitrogen of the land is therefore being continuously removed in this way. It is restored by putrefaction, by the conversion of the nitrogen of the air into nitrates by electric discharges during storms, and by the action of nitrogen fixing organisms, free bacteria or bacteria living in symbiosis with plants. In fact, the fixation of nitrogen is a very common and wide-spread phenomenon in the biosphere. Still little is known about its mechanism, but it does not appear to be everywhere the same. ENTRY INTO THE BIOSPHERE A. Fixation in the Root Nodules of Legumes 363 It is to Boussingault that we must give credit for having in 1838 estab- lished that Legumes fix the nitrogen of the air. After a period of great confusion, in 1885 Boussingault's views were confirmed by Atwater in America. Towards the middle of the nineteenth century a relationship was noticed between this phenomenon and the presence in legumes of the root nodules which had first been described by Malpighi in 1679. The presence in the nodules of rod-shaped bacteria associated into filaments had already been described in 1858, but their presence was incorrectly interpreted by the morphologists for over thirty years. It was not until 1888 that Beijerinck isolated these bacteria in a pure culture. The parasitic bacteria on the roots of legumes are very similar and they are collected together in Fig. 98 (Guilliermond and Mangenot) — Contamination of cells in the region of a root nodule, by branches of the bacterial filament (c.b.). Notice the bacteria contained in the mucilaginous mass of the filament whose branches insure the infestation of each cell; N and n, nucleus and nucleolus of the infected cells. he genus Rhizohium. These bacteria do not contain cellulase and they apparently penetrate the plant at the extreme point of the root hairs which seem to be devoid of cellulose. Neither the bacteria nor the plant, considered alone, fix nitrogen. In association, not only do they fix nitrogen but they excrete nitrogen com- pounds into the soil: aspartic acid, glutamic acid, oximino-succinic acid, etc. These lead us to postulate the following mechanism: Na <- NH2OH + CO— COOH I CH,— COOH H2O C = NOH— COOH CHNH2— COOH absorption I "^ I "*■ "ito CH2COOH 4(H)CH2— COOH the plant Oxaloacetic acid oximino-succinic acid aspartic acid There is no accumulation of hydroxylamine, so that it is probably rapidly reduced to ammonia when reacting with the ketonic acid. Alterna- tively, as believed by some workers, ammonia may be the first compound 364 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY to be formed from the nitrogen of the air. The essential fact is the pro- vision of oxaloacetic acid by the host plant. The nodules contain a haemoglobin (leghaemoglobin) of low molecular weight (17,000), but is role in nitrogen fixation is unknown. B. Fixation by Autonomous Organisms In 1883, Berthelot showed that earth became enriched in nitrogen just by contact with the air, even if it was sterilized ; he concluded that micro- organisms capable of fixing nitrogen were present in the soil. (a) Clostridium The first of these micro-organisms was isolated by Winogradsky in 1895, it is Clostridium pasteurianum, sometimes called Amylobacter. In this anaerobe, unlike Rhizohium, fixation is not inhibited in the presence of carbon dioxide. The ability to fix nitrogen is widespread in the Clostridia and it has also been found in another anaerobe, Desulphovibrio, which reduces sulphates. (b) Myxophycae {Blue-green Algae) These algae and especially those of the genus Nostoc and the genus Anabaena, fix nitrogen, but rather slowly. The fixation is inhibited by ammonia and nitrates and is not quantitatively important in soils. (c) The Purple Bacteria Many of the bacteria in the Athiorhodaceae group (non-sulphur purple bacteria) fiix nitrogen. This fixation is coupled to growth and only occurs in the presence of light and oxygen. (d) Azotobacter These bacteria are exceptionally large and resemble the blue-green algae. They easily form gums and they are obligatory aerobes. Fixation of nitrogen only occurs in the presence of a source of carbon and is probably coupled to oxidation. A part of the nitrogen fixed is excreted into the medium in the form of amino acids. Again, ammonia itself or a precursor of it is combined with the dicarboxylic acid. As in the other cases of fixation, the mechanism of the process is shrouded in mystery. IV. SULPHUR Plants absorb and assimilate sulphates. Soil contains a great deal of calcium sulphate. Bacteria exist which reduce sulphates to HgS. Such bacteria live in muds, animal intestines, etc., and everywhere where organic materials are putrefying. SO4- + 4H2 -^ HaS + 2H2O + 20H- ENTRY INTO THE BIOSPHERE 365 The sulphides formed in the soil or in water can be again converted into sulphates, either by a purely chemical action or by the action of various bacteria, colourless sulphur bacteria, purple sulphur bacteria, etc. REFERENCES Hill, R. and Whiltingham, C. P. (1955). Photosynthesis. Methuen, London. Lees, H. (1955). Biochemistry of Autotrophic Bacteria. Butterworth, London. Bassham, J. A. and Calvin, M. (1957). The Path of Carbon in Photosynthesis Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. CHAPTER II DEPARTURE FROM THE BIOSPHERE The earth and the surface waters are the natural tombs of plants and animals. In these regions of the lithosphere and hydrosphere, the materials of the biosphere return to the inorganic world : the nitrogen of proteins becomes ammonia and nitrate, carbon is oxidized to carbonates and the other elements return to their inorganic forms. Elsewhere, too, living organisms are returning these elements by a continual rendering of respira- tory carbon dioxide and metabolic excreta. The excreta and corpses are mineralized in the soil and in water by the action of micro-organisms. The latter, likewise, autolyse when unfavourable conditions interrupt their multiplication. Particularly important are the processes by which nitrogen and carbon leave the biosphere to re-enter the inorganic world. I. AMMONIFICATION IN THE SOIL The dead bodies and excreta of living beings are attacked in the ground by the exoenzymes of many bacteria. For example, the exoenzymes of many Clostridia attack this dead matter and the proteins are converted to amino acids. Many bacteria release ammonia from these amino acids. The most active ammonifying organisms are Bacillus mycoides, Proteus vulgaris and various actinomycetes. Quantitatively the most important process is oxidative deamination (p. 210). The bacteria of the soil can also accomplish a deamination by the removal of ammonia to produce a double bond R_CH2— CHNH2— COOH -^ R— CH = CH— COOH -f NH3 In this way bacteria of the coK-typhosum group can convert histidine to urocanic acid. CH==CH— CH2CHNH2COOH CH=:CH— CH=CHCOOH I I HN N -^ HN N -t-NHs \ / \ // C C H H Histidine Urocanic acid 366 DEPARTURE FROM THE BIOSPHERE 367 In the same way aspartic acid is converted to fumaric acid by E. colt. CHNH2— COOH CH— COOH I ^ II +NH3 CH2— COOH CH— COOH The removal of HgS from cysteine is followed by the same process, which can be accomplished, in part, by Proteus vulgaris. CH2SH CH2 CH3 CH3 1 — H2S II I H2O I CHNH2 -> CNH2 -» Cr^NH -> C=0 H- NH3 COOH COOH COOH COOH Another type of deamination is reductive deamination as carried out anaerobically by the Clostridia. Glycine gives acetic acid, alanine and serine give propionic acid, etc. Although evidently hydrogen plays some part in the reaction, only amino acids are necessary. For example, two moles of glycine are reductively deaminated in the presence of CI. sporo- genes whilst at the same time a mole of alanine is oxidized to acetic acid. CHa— CHNH2— COOH + H2O -^CHa— CO— COOH + NH3 + 2 (H) CH3— CO— COOH + H2O -> CH3— COOH + CO2 + 2 (H) The hydrogen is then accepted by the glycine 2 CH2NH2— COOH + 4 (H) -^ 2 CH3— COOH + 2 NH3 The amino group of amino acids is never hydrolysed directly by bacteria, but the latter can liberate NH3 by hydrolysis of amides such as asparagine and glutamine. R— CONH2 + H2O -> R— COOH + NH3 A source of ammonia in the soil is the urea arising from the hydrolysis of arginine by various micro-organisms to ornithine and urea (micrococci, Bacillus subtilis). Certain bacteria (Streptococcus fecalis, Streptococcus hemolyticus, Micrococcus aureus; these organisms are parasites and play no part in the soil economy) contain an arginine-hydrolase and can perform a double hydrolysis of arginine to produce ornithine, two molecules of ammonia, and COg. Certain other bacteria can form citrulline by a hydrolytic deamination of the =NH of arginine, but the citrulline formed is only metabolized very slowly. Because they contain urease in their cells, many bacteria can hydrolyse urea, either derived as outlined above, or produced as an animal excretory product. 368 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY NH2— CO— NH2 + 2H2O ^ (NH4) 2— CO3 -> 2NH3 + CO2 If these above reactions are the source of ammonia in the soil, the degradation of amino acids and similar substances is complicated by the occurrence of numerous side-reactions which can inhibit ammonia produc- tion and consequently the nitrogen cycle. C^15 ,te U* Citrulline + NH, pco' ilv^ S^v. Arginine hemolyticus aureus >- Ornithine + 2 NH3 + COj o Ornithine + urea Examples are : the uptake of amino acids resulting from the hydrolysis of dead bodies by the protoplasm of bacteria, or by fungi ; and in the soil, the formation of nitrogen-containing humus, by combination of carbo- hydrates and nitrogenous compounds. But the most important side-reaction is bacterial decarboxylation, brought about by organisms of the coli group, by Clostridia, etc. and by fungi. R— CH— COOH > R— CH2NH2 + CO2 NH2 The amines formed are basic, toxic to animals, and resistant to bacterial decomposition. Their oxidation only occurs in an alkaline medium and they are formed in an acid medium, so that the bacteria which produce them do not oxidize them. II. THE EXIT OF CARBON FROM THE BIOSPHERE Carbon disappears from the biosphere chiefly as CO2 formed in the tricarboxylic acid cycle and eliminated by the organism. Equilibrium between this mechanism of loss and entry of carbon due to photosynthesis would not be maintained if there were not other ways in which CO2 is lost. The bacterial mineralization of corpses is partly responsible for filling the gap. DEPARTURE FROM THE BIOSPHERE 369 A. The Loss of Carbon present in Carbohydrate Macromolecules (a) Starch Bacteria and fungi are able to secrete a amylases into the surrounding medium and in particular this can be done by Bac. subtilis, mesentericus, macerans and polymyxa. (h) Pectins As we have already seen these are methylated polymers of D-galacturonic acid (polyuronides and not polysaccharides). The chief organisms attacking pectin are found among the Entero- bacteriaceae and such spore bearers as Bac. macerans and most of the Clostridia. The breakdown of pectin is a complex process and takes place in several stages. 1. Conversion of protopectin to pectin (this occurs during the retting of flax). The enzyme responsible is protopectinase, which is present in Aspergillus, CI. felsineum, etc. 2. Demethylation of pectin to pectin acid. The enzyme is pectase which is found in many bacteria. 3. Hydrolysis of the 1-4 linkage, spHtting the macromolecule. Here the corresponding enzyme is pectinase which is present in Asp. oryzae, Rhizopiis tritici, etc. (c) Cellulose Since cellulose constitutes the major part of the insoluble material in plants, the speed at which it is broken down is one of the important factors in the carbon cycle. A number of micro-organisms capable of decomposing cellulose exist : myxobacteria, Clostridia, Actinomycetes and many fungi. The presence of a soluble cellulose has only been shown in a few cases. In other cases, the way in which the cellulose is broken down has not been decided. B. The Loss of Carbon present in Amino Acids The ketonic acids which result from the action of microbial proteases and the oxidative deamination of the resulting amino acids, can be directly reduced to hydroxy-acids 2H R— CO— COOH > R— CHOH— COOH The ketonic acids can also be decarboxylated with the loss of one carbon atom to form an aldehyde. R— CO— COOH -> COo + R— CHO 370 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY The aldehyde may be dehydrogenated to an acid having one carbon atom less than the starting amino acid, or the aldehyde may be reduced to an alcohol R— CHO + 2H ^ R— CH2OH However most of the ketonic acids are oxidized by micro-organisms and CO2 is formed. Soil consists of particles separated by water or a gaseous atmosphere. This atmosphere contains more COg than the air. When the soil is poorly aerated and there is much organic matter present, bacterial action produces not only COg, but also some methane. The soil of rice- fields contains practically no oxygen but there is much hydrogen and methane present. REFERENCE Thimann, K. V. (1955). The Life of Bacteria. Macmillan, New York. CHAPTER III THE CYCLES I. THE CARBON CYCLE During photosynthesis, COg is removed from the atmosphere and from the hydrosphere. A part of this COg is returned almost immediately during the respiration of plants. The remainder is, for the most part, returned indirectly by the respiration of animals and during the putrefaction of dead plants and animals. This is known as the biological carbon cycle. The CO2 content of the atmosphere hardly varies and this is due to the buffering of drastic fluctuations by the CaC03-Ca(HC03)2-COa system of the ocean. The main path of the carbon cycle is through the biosphere and the ocean. Carbonates are being continually diverted in the form of sediments, and organic carbon is being held up during its series of transformations in the form of fossilized carbon. It is possible to calculate that since the start of the laying down of these two types of sediment, twelve times the total amount of COg in the atmo- sphere has been trapped in the form of sediments. This removal of carbon has taken place gradually and has been compensated by CO2 of volcanic origin. The autoregulation of the carbon cycle, which maintains the COo of the atmosphere at a constant level, depends on the one hand on the COg— bicarbonate-carbonate system of the air, seas and sediments, and on the other hand it depends on photosynthesis, the intensity of which is regulated by the concentration of available COo. The carbon cycle is not at all dependent on the presence of animals or plants. It could continue in the presence of micro-organisms alone and with special intensity in the oceans where the photosynthesis is eight times more intense than that due to land plants. This marine photo- synthesis is due to the presence of Diatoms and the Dinoflagellates of phytoplankton. Figure 100 shows a carbon cycle which is entirely microbial in character. II. THE NITROGEN CYCLE The main stages of this cycle are the fixation of nitrogen or nitrates by plants and certain bacteria, the mineralization of proteins to form ammonia and the conversion of this ammonia into nitrates. Fig. 101 shows the various stages of the cycle. 371 372 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY u a O ^ ^_w. "^ U c o 2 to 'l-i V Oh j: ^L c o 09 c d CO THE CYCLES 373 C02 Air, and dissolved air Respiration Decomposition Organic matter of algae and photoautotrophes in general (chiefly in water) Organic matter of autrotrophic bacteria (chimioautotrophes) (chiefly in soil) Organic matter of saprophytic micro-organisms Fig. 100 (after Butlin andj^Postgate) — A microbiological carbon cycle. 374 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY O Nitrobacter Various organisms g u a CO O o C aldehyde-transhydrogenase, see Alcohol dehydrogenase DPNH-cytochrome c-transelectronase 163 DPNH -^ pyruvate-transhydrogenase, see Lactic dehydrogenase DPT. See Diphosphothiamine Earth 3 Eicosanoic acid 9 Elasmobranchii 328, 329 Electrons 1 1 1 , 1 1 2, 1 1 4, 142, 1 62, 1 74, 211 acceptors 211 liberation 207 transfer 142, 145, 162-164, 174 Elements 5 Embden-Meyerhof, see Glycolysis Endoderm cells 307 Endopeptidases 1 54 Endoplasm 277 Endoplasmic recticulum 276 Energetics, biochemical 131-151 glycolysis 223 Energy 131, 132, 133 activation 151 bonds 137, 138, 139, 142, 144, 159 carbon 351-361 cellular 145 coupling 136 donors 260, 261 electromotive force 134 equilibrium constant 133 food 138 free 131, 133, 135, 227 nuclear 135 Enolase 165, 191, 194 Enolphosphates 137 Entropy 132 negative 149 Enzymes 120,151-171,181,261,277, 278, 280, 301, 303, 308, 309, 312, 323 concentration 1 67 oxido-reduction 162 reaction chains 282-286 substrates 169, 172 systems 341-344 transferring, see Transferases Equilibrium, chemical 147-149 Ergosterol 41, 236 Eriodictyol 50 Erythrocytes 314 D-Erythrose 15, 22 L-Erythrose 1 5 L-Erythrulose 1 7 Escherichia coli 231, 243, 245, 248, 251, 260, 279, 301 Ester link 276 Esterases 153, 155 Ethanoic acid 9 Ethanol 195 Ethanolamine 221 Ethylallylamine 51 Ethylene-reductase 198, 200 Evolution 324 biochemical 333-345 heteromorphic 336 Exopeptidases 154 FAD. see Flavin adenine dinucleotide Fatty acids 8-13, 74, 221, 241, 268, 280 biosynthesis 240 branched chain 10 cycle 196, 197, 198, 200, 203, 223, 228, 252 saturated 9 unsaturated 10 Fermentation 186-190, 195, 284 Ferricytochrome 120, 207 FerrihEemoglobin 117 Ferriporphyrim 114, 115 Ferriproteins 1 26 Ferritin 1 26 Ferrocytochrome 120, 207 Ferroporphyrin 112, 113, 294 Fibrocytes 312 Fish 319, 321, 328, 339 Flavan 47, 48 Flavanone 49 Flavin 54 INDEX 387 Flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) 71 , 123, 163, 176, 197, 209, 211, 258, 259 Flavin mononucleotide (FMN), 69, 70, 122, 163, 176, 258 Flavin monophosphate, see Flavin mono- nucleotide (FMN) Flavin phosphate (FP) 122 Flavins 59 Flavone 49 Flavonol 49 Flavoproteins 207 Flavoxanthin 35, 37 FMN. see Flavin mononucleotide Folic acid 55, 242 Food chains 349 Forces, EMF 134 van der Waal 85, 275 vital 273 Formaldehyde 229, 269 Formamide 216 Formamidinoglutaric acid 216 Formyl reactions 229 Formylglutamic acid 216 Formylglycinaminoribotide 255, 256 Formylglycine 242 a-Formylglycyl-D-penicillamine 79 Formylkynurenine 220 FP. See Flavin phosphate j8-Fructofuranose 57 -1,6-PP, 188 -6-P 188 Fructohexokinase 160 Frxictosans 90 Fructose 17, 22, 58, 67, 89, 159, 161, 191, 232 -1 -phosphate (F-l-P) 66, 159 -1-6-diphosphate (F-1,6-PP) 65, 66, 165, 189, 191, 195, 232, 358 Fructose-6-phosphate (F-6-P) 65, 66, 188, 191, 193, 194, 223, 255, 262 j8-Fructosidase 1 54 L-Fucose 23 Fucosterol 41 Fucoxanthin 37 Fumarase 204 Fumaricacid 12, 199, 201, 207, 219, 224, 231, 245, 310, 311, 366 Fumarylacetoacetic acid 219 Furanose 19 Galactans 90 Galactohexokinese 160 /3-Galactopyranose 58 Galactosamine 22 Galactose 16, 22, 58, 91, 191 -1 -phosphate (Gal-l-P) 160, 166, 191 a-Galactosidase 154 j8-Galactosidase 154, 268 Galactowaldenase 166, 191 Galacturonic acid 92 L-Galaheptulose 18 Gastrophilus 296, 300, 301 Genes 304, 323 Genetic control 286 Genotypes 305, 306, 323 Gentiobiose 154 Globin 155, 293 D-Glucofuranose 20, 21 Glucoketoheptose 18 Gluconic acid 24, 163 D-Glucopyranose 20, 21, 85 a-D-Glucopyranose 20 ^-D-Glucopyranose 20 a-Glucopyranose 57 ^-Glucopyranose 58 Glucosamine 22, 91 D-Glucosamine 22, 91 Glucosan 21 Glucose-1 -6-diphosphate (G-1 ,6-P P) 66, 166, 175, 191 Glucose oxidase 162 Glucose-6-phosphatase 262 Glucose-1 -phosphate (G-l-P), 65, 67, 160, 166, 175, 188, 191, 195, 225, 254, 262, 263 Glucose-6-phosphate (G-6-P) 65, 66, 123, 146, 159, 163, 175, 187, 193, 195, 223, 253, 255, 262, 308, 360 G-6-P-dehydrogenase 262 Glucose-1 -phosphokinase 160 Glucose, transport 146, 147 a-Glucose 166 a-D-Glucose 18 /3-Glucose 166 jS-Glucose -f Oa-transhydrogenase, see Glucose-oxidase /3-D-Glucose 18 L-Glucose 1 5 Glucoses 12, 16, 18, 22, 24, 51, 58, 67, 85, 87, 90, 92, 132, 137, 146, 163, 187, 190, 195, 223, 228, 248, 261, 263 388 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY a-Glucosidase 154 iS-Glucosidase 59, 85, 90, 154 a-D-Glucosyl-D-glucose 263 ^-Glucuronidase 279 Glucuronates 310, 311 Glucuronic acid 24, 66, 163 D-GIucuronic acid 13 Glutamate-alanine transaminase 161 Glutamate-aspartate transaminase 161 D-Glutamic acid 166 L-Glutamic acid 26, 56, 78, 96, 99, 101, 158, 166, 210, 213, 214, 216, 222, 223, 243, 245, 268, 309, 311 Glutamic acid, degradation 215 Glutamic acid dehydrogenase 211, 215 Glutamic-oxaloacetic enzyme 214 Glutamic pyruvic enzyme 214 Glutamic racemase 166 Glutamic y-semialdehyde 244 Glutaminase 157, 214 L-GIutaminase 215 Glutamine 99, 102, 158, 161, 214, 243, 244, 261, 367 Glutathione 78, 164, 261 Glutathione-S-S-glutathione 163 Glycera convoluta 295 D-Glyceraldehyde 15, 16, 163, 254 L-Glyceraldehyde 15, 18, 25 Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate 252, 254 Glyceric acid 12, 64 phosphoric esters 64 Glycerides 61, 252, 253, 277 Glycerol 23, 61, 74, 163, 189, 191 phosphoric esters 64 a-Glycerophosphate 164 Glycerophosphatides 74 Glycinamideribotide 256 Glycine 27, 78, 79, 96, 224, 229, 240, 242, 268, 367 degradation 221, 224 Glycine-betaine 233 Glycoaldehyde, active 193, 254 -phosphate 193 -transferases, see Transketolases Glycogen 58, 85, 88, 138, 190, 195, 225, 227, 232, 261-263 Glycol 14, 15 Glycollic acid 12, 229, 269 Glycolvsis 142, 144, 186, 223-230, 269, 284, 285 aerobic and anaerobic 285 reactions 195 terminal stages 194 Glycosidases 1 54 Glyoxylic acid 13,99,211 Guanidoacetic acid 233 Guanine 53, 107 Guanosine 59, 255 monophosphate 256 D-Gulose 16 L-Gulose 16 Gums 91 Guvacine 29 Gramicidines 79 Grana 122, 354 Growth factors 184 pH 114,168,299,317,336 Hasmatins 114 Haemerythrins 125, 126 Haemochromogens 113, 114, 115, 119 Haemocyamins 120, 124, 125, 126 Haemoglobin 46, 115, 117, 120, 292-301, 311, 315, 316, 317-322, 328, 333, 334, 335, 336 Haemopis sanguisuga 295 Hemopoiesis 72 Haemoproteins 111, 119, 120 Haems 112 Haldane effect 117,336 Haptene 302 Harden and Young ester, see Fructose- 1 -6-diphosphate Heat and energy 131, 132 of combustion 132 Helium 135 Heparin 92 Heptulose diphosphate (HDP), 357 Heptulose monophosphate (HMP) 357 Heredity 286 Hesperidin 49, 50 Heteropolysaccharides 91 Heterosides 57 Heterotrophs 179 Hexacosanoic acid 9 Hexadecanoic acid 9 Hexanoic acid 9 Hexatriacontanoic acid 9 Hexokinases 159, 160, 188, 195, 262 Hexosans 85 Hexosediphosphatase 156 Hexosediphosphates 358 INDEX 389 Hexosemonophosphate shunt, see also Pentose cycle 186, 191, 223, 340, 359 Hexose phosphates 65, 165 Hill reaction 356, 357 Hippuric acid 260 Histamine 210 deaminase 216 Histidine 27, 46, 96, 104, 210, 224, 229, 243, 250, 251, 265, 269, 366 deaminase 216 degradation 215, 216, 224 Histidinol 250, 251 phosphate 250 Histiocytes 312 Histones 96, 111, 279 Holopolysaccharides 85-91 Holosides 57 a-Holosides 154 |8-Holosides 154 Holothuria 294 Homocysteine 243, 245 Homogentisic acid 219, 224 Homogeny 336 Homoserine 243, 245, 246, 247, 268 Hormones 306, 315, 344 peptide 80 Horse 294, 295, 299, 335, 337 Hyaluronic acid 91 Hyaluronidases 155 Hydrogen 5 acceptor 227, 367 atoms 135 bonds 98, 99, 110, 275 isotopes 183 transfer 162, 163, 174, 176, 183 207 Hydrolases 153, 179 Hydrolysis 167, 173 Hydroperoxidases 120, 164 Hydrosphere 1, 3, 4 /S-Hydroxybutyric acid 12 ^-Hydroxybutyryl-CoA 197 ^-Hydroxyglutamate-semialdehyde 222 j8-Hydroxy-isovaleryl-CoA 217 Hydroxykynurenine 220 Hydroxylysine 25 /3-Hydroxy-^-methylglutaryl-CoA 2 1 7 Hydroxyphenylpyruvic acids 219 Hvdroxyproline ' 27, 221, 224, 243, 244, 268 degradation 221, 224 Hypoxanthine 53, 240, 256 D-Idose 16 L-Idose 16 Imidazole 47,53,115,250 -glycerol 251 -glycerophosphate 250 -hydroxyacetone 251 -hydroxyacetonephosphate 250 -propionic acid 216 ring 250 a-Iminoglutaric acid 215, 224 a-Iminopropionic acid 212 Indole 43, 46, 220, 248, 250 derivatives 46 -ligase 250 -pyruvic acid 250 a-Indoyl-acetic acid 46 Inheritance 304-316 Inosine 256 monophosphate 256 Inositol 23, 74 Insects 292, 331, 332, 341 Insulin 97, 104, 106, 312 amino acids 106 Intestine, cells 307 Inulin 85, 90 Inulinases 155 Invertase, see /3-Fructosidase Invertases 58, 154, 169, 254 Invertebrates 290, 292, 321, 338, 339 Ionosphere 1 Iron 111,112,113,117,119,120 protein bound 124 Isoalloxazine, see Flavin Isobutyryl-CoA 217 Isocitric acid 230, 231 Isocitric dehydrogenase 203, 204 Isoelectric points, haemoglobins 295 Isoleucine 27, 218, 224, 246, 247, 268 degradation 216, 217, 224 Isology 333-336 Isomerases 68, 166 Isomerization 204 Isopentane units 289 Isoprene 30, 235, 236, 237 Isotopes 183 lsovaler\'l-CoA 217 Keratin 330 ^-Keratin, X-ray pattern 95 a-Ketoadipic acid 251 a-Ketobutyric acid 247 a-Ketodecarboxylases 165, 212, 232 390 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY ^-Ketodecarboxylases 165, 212 Ketogenesis 309 Ketoglutaraldehyde 222 a-Ketoglutaric acid 13, 214, 218, 202, 203, 204, 208, 211, 215, 218, 222, 224, 230, 231, 243, 267 a-Keto-j8-indolylpyruvic acid 221 a-Ketoisocaproic acid 217, 224, 247 a-Ketoisovaleric acid 217 a-Keto-j8-methylvaleric acid 217, 247 Ketone bodies 241, 308, 309 j8-Ketoreductase 198, 200 Ketoses 15, 17 ^-Ketothiolase 198, 200 Kinetics 166 enzyme reactions 283 Knoop jS-oxidation 197 Kuhling's synthesis 54 Kynurenic acid 220 Kynurenine 220 Lactic acid 11, 12, 141, 163, 173, 195, 223, 225, 262 oxidation 141 Lactic dehydrogenase 162, 173, 174 L-Lactic acid 195 Lactose 58, 154 Lama s.p. 321 Laminaria 89 Laminarin 89 Lanoline 62 Lecithins 74, 252, 253, 276 a and j8 74 Legumes 361-363 Leucocytes 314 D-Leucine 79 L-Leucine 27, 213, 217, 222, 246, 247, 268, 294 degradation 216, 217, 224 Leuconostoc dextranicutn 89 mesenteroides 89 Levans, see Fructosans Levoglucosan 21 Lichenin 89 Licheninase 155 Life 5 Light, see Photoreception Limulus 1 20 Linkage, see also Bonds 110, 139-144, 154, 275 disulphide 276 glycoside 1 54 polypeptide 77-80, 260, 276 salt 84, 276 ^-Linkages 263 Linoleic acid 10 Linolenic acid 10 Lipids 338 complex 61, 74-76, 127, 252, 278 ternary 61 a-Lipoic acid, see Thioctic acid Lipoproteins 127 Lipothiamide pyrophosphate (LTPP) 196, 205 Lithosphere 1, 3, 372 Liver cells, 308, 309, 310 Lobster, spiny 120 Lohmann reaction 159 LTPP. See Lipothiamide pyrophosphate Lumbricus 294 Lumichrome 60 Lumiflavin 55, 60 Lutein 37 Luteose 92 Lycopene 31, 37 trans and cis 304 Lycopyll 33 Lycopersicon escidentiim 304 Lycoxanthin 33 Lysine 27, 96, 102, 210, 219, 224, 251, 252, 265, 268, 294 degradation 218, 224 Lysosomes 279 Macromolecules 61, 83-127, 261-269, 339 proteins 301—303 Magnesium 5 complexes 1 22 Malate-fumarate transformation 201 Malate-oxaloacetate reactions 225 Maleic acid 11 Malelylacetoacetic acid 219 Malic acid 12, 51, 141, 203, 213, 223, 228, 231 Malic dehydrogenase 201, 204 Malic enzyme 213 Malonicacid 11,52,199 Maltase, see a-Glucosidase Maltose 58, 154 phosphorylase 158 Man 296, 298, 299, 318 Mannans 90 D-Mannoheptulose 18 INDEX 391 Mannose 16, 92 D-Mannuronic acid 85 Mass action, law 133 Membranes 146 Mesobilierythrin 291 Mesobiliviolin 291 Metabolism 144, 182, 309 biosphere 349-365, 377-379 cellular 282 Metalloflavoproteins 122 Metalloproteins 111, 123 Metaphosphatases 156 Methacryl-CoA 217 Methaemoglobin 117, 294 Methanoic acid 9 Methionine 232, 233, 243, 245, 246, 247, 265, 268 active 161 Methyl groups 154, 161, 230, 232-235 cycle 234 3-Methylbutanoic acid 10 L-Methylbut^'r>-l-CoA 217 j3-Methylcrotonic acid 236 5-Methylcytosine 107 Methylglyoxal 188 Methylnicotinamide 161, 232 Micrococcus aureus 283, 367 Micelles 84, 86 Michaelis constant 169-171 Micro organisms 184, 185 carbon cycle 371—374 nitrogen cycle 375 sulphur cycle 376 Microsomes 266, 277 Milieu 315-316 Mitochondria, see also Lysosomes 274, 278, 285 Mitosis 280 Molecular weight, chemical and physi- cal 83, 84 globular protein 97 haemoglobins 295 Mononucleotides 67 Moulds 251 Mucilages 91 Mucoitinsulphates, see Polysaccharide sulphuric esters Mucopolysaccharidases 155 Mucopolysaccharides 22, 91 Muscle cells 312 Mutants 184, 185 Mutarotase 1 66 Mutarotation 18, 20 Mutatochrome 32 Mycobacterium tuberculosis 92 Myoglobin 295 Myokinase 160 Myxine 295 Mjrxophycas 364 Myxoxanthin 34 Nereis marina 295 Nervous system 307 Neuberg ester, see Fructose-6-phos- phate Neurones 307 Neurospora 218, 219, 245, 246 Nicotinamide 51, 233, 258, 259 mononucleotide 70, 161, 260 riboside 259 Nicotine 51 methyl transferase 161 Nicotinic acid 51, 220, 221, 260 Nitrates 362 Nitrobacter 352, 375 Nitrogen 2, 3, 5 cycle 372-376, 379 equilibrium 181 fixation 362-363 in proteins 100 Nitrosococais 352 Nitrosomonas 352, 375 Nostoc 364 Normoblasts 314 Notomastus 295 Nucleic acids 107, 265, 266, 267 Nucleons 183 Nucleoproteins 1 07-1 1 1 Nucleoside-phosphorylase 255 Nucleoside-N-transglucosidase 255 Nucleosides 59, 161, 255 Nucleotides 67-72, 110, 255 Nucleus 274, 279-280 Oceans 3, 4, 377, 379 Octacosanoic acid 9 Octadecanoic acid 9 Octanoic acid 9 Octatriacontanoic acid 9 Oenin chloride 50 Oestrane 43 Oestrone 43 Old yellow enzyme 122, 123 Ontogenesis 305-315 Optical activity 166 392 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY Optical isomers 30 Orbitals 112 Organelles 274 Organisms 5, 306 Organs 181 Ornithine 25, 158, 244, 245, 309, 311, 368 cycle 309-311 L-Ornithine 210 Orotic acid 257 Orotidine 241, 257 Orthophosphoric acid, diesters 74 esters 62 Osides 57-59, 152, 161, 254 Osteoblasts 313 Oxaloacetate-malate system 201 Oxaloacetic acid 13, 203, 204, 214, 224, 230, 231, 267, 363, 364 Oxalosuccinic acid 13, 203 Oxalosuccinic decarboxylase 204 jS-Oxidation 196 Oxidoreductases 162-164 Oxido-reduction, potentials 138, 140, 141 reactions 142, 144, 145 Oximino succinic acid 363 Oxychlorocruorin 118 Oxygen 2, 3, 5 transport 320-322 Oxygenation, haemoglobins 296-301, 317-322, 336 Oxyhaemerythrin 1 26 Oxyhsemoglobin 116, 117, 295, 336 Oxytocin 80, 81 Ozonosphere 1, 3 Palmitic acid 228 Palmityl-CoA 253 Pancreas, cells 308 Pantetheine 259, 260 Pantothenic acid 79, 259, 260 4'-phosphate 72 Parahasmatins 114, 115, 117 Paramagnetism 113 Parathyroid gland, cells 311, 312 Pasteur effect 285 Pectic acid 90 Pectins 90, 369 Penicillin G 80 Penicillins 80 Penicilliiirn 80, 244 Penicillum charlesii 92 luteum 92 Pentanoic acid 9 Pentosans 90 Pentose 358 cycle, see also Hexosemonophosphate shunt 191, 193, 255, 356-359 phosphates 226, 253 Pentoses 241, 268 Peptidases 153, 154, 279 Peptides, bonds, see Bonds, peptide natural 77-82 hormones 80 hydrolysis 173 insulin 106 synthetic 77-78 Perhydrophenanthrene 38 Peroxidases 46, 120, 121 PGA. see 3-Phosphoglyceric acid PGAD. see Phosphoglyceraldehyde- dehydrogenase Phasophorbide 122 Phaeophytin 122 Phalloidin 80 Phascolosoma elongatum 120 Phenanthrene, natural derivatives 38 Phenolase 123, 124 complex 302, 303 Phenoloxidases 164 Phenolpyrrol 43 Phenotype 315-316 Phenylalanine 28, 210, 213, 219, 222, 229, 248, 249, 269 degradation 219, 224 L-Phenylalanine 210 Phenylglucosazone 22 Phenylisothiocyanate 104 Phenylpyruvic acid 249 Phenylthiocarbamylpeptide 104 Phosphatases 153, 155-156, 357 Phosphates 187, 377 acceptors 285 cycle 138 group transfer 188-190 Phosphatidic acid 252, 253 Phosphatides 276 Phosphatidylcholines, see Lecithins Phosphatidylethanolamines, see Cepha- lins. L-Phosphatidylserine 74, 75 Phosphoamides 63 Phosphoarginine 63, 159 INDEX 393 Phosphocreatine 63, 159, 160 Phosphodiesterases 156 Phosphodihydroxyacetone, 64, 163, 165, 189, 191, 195 Phosphoenolpyruvic acid 143, 190, 195 Phosphofructokinase 161, 188, 195 Phosphoglucoisomerase 188, 195 Phosphoglucomutase 166, 195, 262 Phosphogluconic acid 163, 192, 226, 360 Phosphoglyceraldehyde 65, 142, 161, 165, 189, 191, 193, 195, 267 oxidation 142 Phosphoglyceraldehyde dehydrogenase (PGAD) 142, 190, 195 2-Phosphoglvceric acid 64, 143, 166, 175, 190, 195 3-Phosphoglyceric acid (PGA) 64, 143 166, 175, 190, 195, 226, 232, 284, 357, 360 3-Phosphoglvceric phosphokinase 144, 190, 195 Phosphoglyceromutase 166, 195 system 175 Phosphohexokinase 160, 195 Phosphoinositides 75 Phosphokinases 159 Phospholipides 309 Phosphomonoesterases 155 Phosphomutase 255 Phosphopentokinase 208 Phosphoribomutase 166 5'-Phosphoribosylamine 256 Phosphoribosylpyrophosphate (PRPP) 255 Phosphoric acid, natural esters 62 Phosphoric ester bridge 108 Phosphoroclastic reaction 229 Phosphorus 5, 361, 377 Phosphorus circulation 377, 379 a-Phosphorylase 158 Phosphorylases 158, 161, 191, 195, 262 Phosphorylated compounds 137 Phosphor>'Iation 142, 144, 207, 208, 225, 228, 262, 285 Phosphorylcholine 252 Phosphorylcytidyl transferase 253 5-Phosphoshikim.ic acid 249 Phosphosphingosides, see Sphingomye- lins Phosphotransferase 266 Phosphotriose 189 Photoreception 290 Photosynthesis 145, 146, 291, 340, 351, 354-361, 371, 377 Phycobilins 291, 325 Phycocyanins 291 Phycoerythrins 291 Phytofluene 304 Phytol 31, 121, 122 Phytonionas tiunefaciens 89 Pig 298 Pigeon 295, 319 Pigments 48, 50, 119 quinoid 38 Pipecolic acid 29, 218, 224 Pitocin 344 Pituitary 306 Planorbis 295, 300, 301 Plants 290, 292, 302, 354, 361 Plasmalemma 277 Plasmalogens 75 Polygalacturonic acid, see Pectic acid Polyglucosamines 91 Polyglucoses 89 Polymers, see Macromolecules Polypeptides, amino acid sequence 104, ' 105 chains 274, 275, 276 a-helical chains 97 hydrogen bridges 99 ribbon 94, 95 Polyphenols 124 Polysaccharases 1 54 Polysaccharide sulphuric esters 92, 93 Polysaccharides 85, 261-263 bacterial 92 blood group 92 pneumonococcal 92 Polyuronides 90 Porphin 43 Porphobilogen 238 Porphyrins 44-46,112,222,238,239, 267, 291-301 Porphyrospin 291, 337, 343 Potassium 5 Precursors 184 Pregnane 42 Prephenic acid 248, 249 Progesterone 42 Proline 28, 46, 96, 97, 104, 222, 243, 265, 268 394 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY degradation 221, 224 Propionyl-CoA 217, 224 Protamine 96, 111 Proteins 83, 93-104, 123, 124, 172, 263-269, 336 amino acid incorporation 267 composition 100, 103, 105 denaturation 98, 100 fibrous 94 globular 96, 97 hydrolysate, analysis 103 macromolecules 301-303 metabolism 309 reactive groups 101 residual 111 structure analysis 93-102 synthesis 263-269 titration 100 Protium 183 Protohsm 113, 293 Protons, see also Transhydrogenases 174, 183, 207 Protoplasm 274 Protoporphyrin 45, 46, 117, 291 Protopteriis 337 PRPP. see Phosphoribosylpyrophos- phate L-Psicose 16 Pteridine derivatives 55-56 Pterins 55 Pteroic acid 56 Pteroyl glutamic acid, see Folic acid Purine 53, 107, 221, 267 derivatives 53 nucleotides 255, 258 ring 240, 255 Putrefaction 46 Putrescine 210 Pyran 47, 48 Pyranose 19 Pyrazine 52 Pyridazine 52 Pyridine 51, 71 Pyridoxal 52, 242 -5 -phosphate 66, 174, 220 Pyridoxamine 52 -5-phosphate 66 Pyridoxine 52 Pyrimidine 52, 55, 107, 221, 241, 268 derivatives 52-54 nucleotides 255, 258 ring 241, 255 Pyrophosphatases 137, 156 Pyrophosphates 137, 161, 235 bonds 179 Pyrrole derivatives 43 Pyrrolidine 46, 72 id'-Pyrroline-5-carboxylic acid 244 Pyruvic acid 13, 137, 141, 143, 159, 163, 190, 194, 196, 212, 221, 222, 224, 226, 228, 229, 230, 231, 247, 262, 267, 269, 280, 355 oxidative decarboxylation 196, 203 Pyruvic carboxylase 165 Pyruvic decarboxylase 196 Pyruvic phosphokinase 144 Q-enzyme 263 Quercetin 49 Quercitrine 50 Quinic acid 249 Quinolinic acid 220 Racemases 166 Rackers reaction 357, 358 Raia ocellata 296, 299, 318, 321 Reaction chains, enzymic 282-285 Reactions, priming 186-228 biosphere 179-228 endothermic and exothermic 131, 132 exergonic 136 metabolic 144, 182, 309, 349-365, 377-379 oxidation-reduction 142, 144, 145 reversible 147-149 Redox potential 140 Regulation, cellular 282-286 Reptiles 318, 319, 329, 330, 337, 339, 340, 341 Resins 289 Respiration 144, 199 Respiratory chains 207, 208, 209 Respiratory cycles 317-322 Retinene 290, 343 Rhamnose 23 Rhizobium 363, 364 Rhizopus tritici 368 Rhodopsin 290, 337, 343 Rhodoviolascin 33 Rhodoxanthin 36, 37 Ribitol 23, 58 phosphate 66 Riboflavin 59, 259 INDEX 395 j8-D-Ribofuranosides 108 Ribonuclease 103, 156 Ribonucleic acid (RNA) 107, 108, 265, 266, 267, 269, 277, 279, 313 Ribose 60, 70, 221 -1 -phosphate 65, 166, 240, 260 -5-phosphate 161, 166, 193, 253, 254, 359 D-Ribose 16, 22, 58, 70, 107, 221 L-Ribose 16 D-Ribulose 17, 22, 358 L-Ribulose 17 Ribulose-5-phosphate (Ru-P) 161, 166, 192, 193, 194, 254, 357 Ribulosediphosphate (RuPP) 357, 358, 359, 360 RNA. see Ribonucleic acid Robinson ester, see Glucose-6-phosphate Rubichrome 34 Rubixanthin 33, 37 Sabellariides 334 Saccharase 154 Saccharic acid 24 Saccharomyces cerevisice 186 Salt linkages, see Linkages, salt Saponins 289 Sarcosine 232 Sea water 2 Sedoheptulose 193, 226, 254, 267, 268 -1,7-diphosphate 248 -7-phosphate 161, 193, 194, 226, 254 D-Sedoheptulose 18 Senecioyl-CoA 217, 222, 224, 226 Serine 25, 28, 75, 212, 220, 221, 224, 229, 241, 243, 268, 269, 367 degradation 221 L-Serine 25 SH-enzymes 243 SH-glutathione 163 Shemin cycle 221 Shikimic acid 248, 249 Siderophilin, see Transferrin Slater factor 208 Snakes, see also Reptiles 341 Sodium 5 Soil, ammonification 366-368 D-Sorbitol 23 D-Sorbose 17 L-Sorbose 17 Specialization 341 Species 317, 334 Spermaceti 61 Sphingolipides 75 Sphingomyelins 75, 76 Sphingosine 75, 76 Spionids 334 Spirographis spallanzanii 1 20 Squalene 237, 238 Staphylococcus aureus 264 Starch 87, 369 Stearic acid 83, 198 Sterane 38 Stereoisomerism 29 Sterides 62 Steroids 267 biliary 330 hormones 315 17-keto 42 natural 42 ring 236 Sterols 40-42, 337, 338 in algas 326 Stratosphere 1 Streptococcus fcecilis 367 hcemolyticus 367 Substrates, enzyme complex 169, 172 Succinate-glycine cycle 223 Succinic acid 11, 140, 160, 161, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 208, 221, 226, 228, 231, 243, 311 Succinic dehydrogenase 163, 199, 201, 204, 208, 279 Succinyl-CoA 160, 161, 206, 221, 223, 224, 225, 251, 252, 267, 268 -transphosphorylase 160 Sucrose 58, 67, 154, 161, 254 phosphorjdase 158 Sugars 7, 14-24, 57 amino 22 biosynthesis 241 deoxy 22 natural 22 oxidation 24 phosphorylated 65 synthesis 351-353 Sulphur 5, 360, 364 bacteria 352, 353 cycle 376 in proteins 101 Sulphuretum 376 Sun, energy 135, 145 396 UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN BIOCHEMISTRY Tagatose 1 7 D-Talose 16 L-Talose 1 6 Taraxanthin 37 Tartronic acid 12 Taurine 223 Taxonomy 317-332 Terpenes 30, 31, 267, 289-291 Tetracosanoic acid 9 Tetradecanoic acid 9 Tetratriacontanoic acid 9 Tetrosephosphates 357-360 Tetroses 1 7 Thalassema neptuni 301 Thermobacteriuni acidophilus 265 Thermodynamics, equilibrium 152 laws 131, 132 Thiamine 53, 66 dehydrogenase 164 pyrophosphate 47, 67 Thiazole 47, 53, 66 derivatives 47 Thiobacillus denitrificans 352, 372 thiooxydans 352 thioparus 352 Thioctic acid 47, 146, 208, 359 Thioesters 137 Thioethanolamine 72 Thiophosphates 137 Thiorhodaceae 360 Threonine 28, 30, 222, 229, 245, 247 265, 269 D-Threose 15 L-Threose 1 5 Thymine 52, 107 Thyone 295 Thy one briar ens 295 Thyroid cells 312 Thyronine 52,107,111,255 Thyroxine 228 Tigyl-CoA 217 Tissue, slices 181 connective 312 Titrations, protein 101, 102 a-Tocopherol 48 /8-Tocopherol 48 Tomato 304 Topobiochemistry 284 Torularhodin 36 TPN, TPNH. See Triphosphopyri- dinenucleotide TPNH->02-transhydrogenase, see yellow enzyme Trace elements 5 Transacylases 154, 161 Transadenylases 161-163 Transaldolase 193, 194 Transaldolization 254 Transaminases 160, 214 Transaminations 213, 311 Transapartases 1 62 Transdeaminations 214 Transdehydrogenases 72 Transelectronases 163, 164 Transferases 159, 162 Transferase systems 154 Transferrin 1 26 Transglucosidase 154, 158, 254, 263 Transglucosidation 255 Transglutamases 1 62 Transhydrogenases, see also Protons 162, 163 Transketolases 161,193,254,357 Transketolization 254 Transmethylases 154, 161 Transmethylations 232-235 Transpeptidases 154, 161 Transphosphatases 159 Transphosphorylases 159, 160, 188 Transport, glucose 146 Transsulphurases 161 Transuridylases 161 Trehalose 154 Triacosanoic acid 9 Tricarboxylic acid cycle 199-207, 215 216, 224, 225, 228, 268, 280, 310, 360 Triglycerides 253 Trimethylglycine, see Glycine-betaine Triosephosphate dehydrogenase 103 isomerase 1 66 lyases 166 Triosephosphates 64, 189, 226, 231, 232, 357 Triphosphopyridinenucleotide (TPN, TPN + ,TPNH) 70,146,163,176, 191, 208, 213, 225, 231, 258, 278, 280, 301, 355, 360 Trisaccharides 1 54 Tritium 1 83 Troposphere 1, 2 Tryptophan 28, 43, 46, 79, 96, 111, 132, 138, 229, 248, 250, 267 INDEX 397 degradation 220, 221 desmolase, see Indole-ligase Tuberculin 92 Tubifex 300 Tyramine 210 Tyrocidines 80 Tyrosine 28, 96, 101, 209, 219, 223, 229, 248, 249 degradation 219, 224 L-Tyrosine 210 UDP. See Uridine diphosphate UDPG. See Uridine diphosphate glu- cose UMP. See Uridine monophosphate Uracil 52, 68, 107, 255 Urea 52, 77, 158, 166, 182, 329, 368 Urease 152, 158, 167, 367 Urechis 300, 319, 322, 336 Ureidosuccinic acid, see Carbamylas- partic acid Uric acid 342 Uricolysis 341, 342 Uricolytic enzyme system 342 Uridine 68, 241, 255 diphosphate (UDP) 68, 161, 311 diphosphate glucose (UDPG) 68, 69, 161, 191 diphosphateglucuronate (UDP-glu- curonate) 310 monophosphate (UMP) 68, 257 phosphates 67 triphosphate (UTP) 64, 68, 161 Urocanic acid 216, 224, 366 UTP. See Uridinetriphosphate Valency, degradation 216 heteropolar 275 homopolar 276 Valine 28, 79, 217, 222, 246, 247, 269 degradation 216, 217, 224 Van der Waal forces 275 Vasopressin 80, 81, 82 Vertebrates 290, 292, 294, 296, 297, 298,321,327,337,338,339,344 Violaxanthin 35, 37 Vision 290 Vitamin A, Aj, A^ 290 Vitamin B. 60 Vitamin Bj,, see also Cyanocobalamin 46, 63 Water 5 Waxes 6 1 Work, and energy 131, 132, 133 cellular 146 Worms 293 X-ray diffraction, fibrous protein 95 Xanthine 53 oxidase 72, 162 — 'Oj-transhydrogenase 162, 163 Xanthophyll 34, 37, 121 Xanthophyllepoxide 35 Xanthophylls 290, 325 Xanthosine monophosphate 256 Xanthurenic acid 220 Xylans 90 Xylulose 17, 193 Yeast 186, 188 Yellow enzyme 69, 164 Zeaxanthin 34, 37 Zona fasciculata 315