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No. 1 North Street.




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A Prepnrnto^-v Department W\\\% atiaclud to the Colleji:e, nil Siudents iibove the age c- twelve years, -svill he aflmitte<l upon ilieir producing evi- dence, satisfactory to the Faculty, of their s^ood moral character and upon their complying with the other requirements of the Insiitution.

Every Studont, upon application for admission, shall be furnished with a c(»py of the laws of the Institution, and before being admitted shall sign the

following pledge: '*!, , having carefully read and

cousiden d the Kules and Regulations for the government of the Maryland Agricultural College, do hereby promise to observe and conform to the same, and to such others as may hereafter be estiiblishedj so long as I remain a metnher of the Institution. '

0lltainte Mmx.


The Collegiate year, AviU be divided into Iwc. term^v— *the first eouimeiicing on the first Wednesday of September and ending on the first Wednesday of March, and the second commencing on the first Wednesday of March and ending on the last Friday of .Inly. All applications for admission should be lod-vd with the Facnlty at least two weeks before commencement day.

•The College will not be opened tlie present year for the reception of Students until :he fnst Wednesday of October, when it will be formally dedicated, and U .s partuu-

for admission should be made as soon as possible.

lovlv rfp«»irable that all applications

laily aesiraoit luaua ff 4>„. thr^ retention of all who d"^iv to enter at

in order that pivparations may be made ioi the reception o. an v.

that time.



p a v||l n n tl M^\ i cii It u v al al 1 n] w


THOMAS CKUKV Vm.k<;anv Countv.



A. 1>(U\ IE 1)A\ IS Mo\r(i()MEuv Countv.

(UIARLES (^VRROLL. H(.wv«n (^HNrv.

S. T. r. r>ROWX, Cahr(»ll CoiNTv.

JOHN (". i)UrxE .r>\iTi.M(»!{K city.

JOIIX M KJi^i^ .M AX, I5Ai/nMO!{K ( Olnty'.

RAMSAY MxIIKXRV. IIauk(ii{i> Coi nty.

(J. M. ELDRTIXiK (ecu. Cointy.

JAMES T. EARLE <^)rEK\ Annk's County'.




R. C. CARTER. Caikh.ink Cou.vty.


CHARLES R. CALVERT. RinNui: Gkoik^k's Couxty.

GEORGE R. DEXXIS. Somehskt Cointy.

WILLIAM H. Rl'RXELL Wojukstki: Couxty.

JOHX H. 80TH0R0X St. Makvs rorNTV.

WALTER MITCHELf Cwaklks County.

THOMAS J. (;RA}L\M, ('ALVKkT County.

N. R. W()RTHIX(rroN. Annk Auundel County.

JOHN O. (JROOME Eastkijn Shouk.

(rrno H. WJLLIAMS Wkstkhn Shoke.

W. W. rORCORAX DisnncT <»F Co;.uvujr.v.









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Thk Board of Trustees, dcemiiio it ri<:ht and proper in the i.»r^unizjitiou of every Institution, i^ockinjj: pui)lic paironago. that its desi;:ns and ohjei-ts should he clearly and distinctly «et forth, het^ leave to refer to tiie follow- in«r Extract from tlie Rejiori of their Reiji^ter. Dr. John (). Wharton, as embodying their yieNys and purposes in the estahlisiiment of this Institution.

'' While the Trustees .ire constrained In the amount of means nt>\v at iheir commaad to limit their oj»erations. thev desire to make knoun distinetlv the ullimate eiids and purposes by \yhich they are governed.

Their scheme then is first, an Educational Institution in its mo^t compre- hensive sense. Its definition of education i^ tiiat it is the united symmetrical development ami instruction of the reli|jiou«, the intellectual and the physical qualities of the man. It recognl-ses the whole man in ali the departments ot his Ijeino as the object of its care. Its aim is not to in&truct merely, not to impart knowledjje merely, but to awaken, to develo[.. to train and discipline all the latent inborn powers and faculties of the man. that he may « oniman<i them for the high and noble uses of which they nui\ be caj»able. or for whicli they were designed.

It is not to be supposed then, that wliat we designate an Agiicultural Col- lege, aims merely at professional instruction in agriculture. The plan un- doubtedly embraces such instruction, but it is far more comprehent^ive. It claims for the farmer or ihe mechanic, or for whomsoever its <are may l>c sought, first, his development as a man, trained and fitted to the full extent of his capacity, for all the duties of a man and a <'ilizen. To this end it otTors Idm the advantage of the most approved systems of moral and intellec- tual cidture : and super-add^ to these for his physical training, moderate and svstematic exercises in the field and in tlie workshop, a.s the best means of laying the foundation of future health and energy, in a w ell developed, ro- bust, physical constitution.

Thus incidentally if not primarily, the sclienio embraces the ljc?t practicnl training in agriculture iind incchiinic arts. The student learns the varions useful details of agriculture and horticiillure and the mechanic arts : he ac- quire!? .skill and handi-craft in the use of tools and implements, from the ham- mer or the hoe, to the scythe or the plou^;h: he learns the construction and management of all such machinery as he may prohably have the future iJse of. These practical exercises are learned simultaneously with his scientihc instruction, in the lecture rt)om. and the valuable mental habit is acquired of referrini: practices to their princii>les. and of watching and noting the facts and circumstances which in practice modify tlie ajjplication of [mrely scienti- fic theories. The well informed mind, and the cunning right hand will learii to work together, and labour ^^ ill be enlightened and dignified by its associ- ation with science.

As regards moral and intellectual culture and instruction, we propose no- thing more, yet nothing less than the system which has approved itself to the wise and learned of many generations. The religious training is more

especially the duty of the parent and the church. It begins at the nu^th(r's knee and its best and most eifeclive lessons are learned I'efore the period of

College life. With strict impartiality as to the various shades of Christian belief, the moral character shall here be guarded by vigilance and discipline from corrupting and immoral intiuences; and by diligent instruction be con- firmed and strengthened in the great principles of faith and well living, which rise above all denominational differences and discussions.

In mental culture we adojit the course of studies of the most approved In- stitution for training and disciplining the intellect and cultivating the taste; embracing the study of languages spoken and unspoken ; the mathematics in its several departments and applications ; moral and intellectual philoso- phy ; the physical sciences those especially more immediately associated with agriculture; also the science of government, political conomy, and })o- litical ethics.

In connection with such, studies, a patriotism which shall embrace his whole country, and a devotion to the Republican principles of the Govern- ment will be faithfully instilled. Its teachings will rise above section and party : will know no diflerence of class, and acknowledge no personal supe- riority but what is due to worth an ^ excellence of character.

The scheme of the Agricultural College, in connection with an Educational InsUtntion such as is here sketched, embraces an experimental and model


farm, with a jjan for the advancement of Agricultural Science, based upon practice. Science in its applications to agriculture is in its infancy. Tts promi^es and professions are many, but they are as yet unfulfilled, h pro- poses theories without number, which want the substantial basis of facts. It is proposed to institute here a system of experiments made under the most intelligent observation of fiicts, with an accurate aiid careful record of ail tlie circumstances attending and bearinof ujfon them. These experiments will be made in the full light of all that Science now professes to teach, but with al>- solute impartiality as to tb.eories already in vogue, and the strictest reserve in adopting conclusions. Their design will be to contribiite in some degree to building up an Agricultural Science on the sure tbundation of well a.scer- tained facts.

The farm, in its general management, it is proposed to make a model and an example of the best modes of culture in the several departments of Agri- culture. It will be stocked with the best breeds of c^ittle. sheep, hogs, ic, and the most approved tools, imjilements and machine^;.

To complete the arrangements whieh a system so comprehensive demands, a commodious Workshop, with motive power sufficient for all its purjjoses, and with space enough for exercise and instruction in most of the Mechanic Arts, at least for those operating in wood, iron, and stone, is indispensable. The motive }»ower we have in the abundant and rapid stream which pas.ses through the farm. Will the means to erect the building and purcha.se the requisite ma(*hinery l>e denied us?''




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\ The farm is abuut uvo iind a half miles north of Bladensburj?, allmitSjiiue

from Wa>hi!ij^toii and tAventv-oioht from IJaltimore. It is traversed by the Turnj>ike RoaJ. betwwMi the two cities, ami is in full view of the Rail Road without touching it at any point, but with the right of way thruugh the ad- joining property to a switch about three-quarters of a mile from the College lUiildiiig.

Tlie College Building ij.- one hundred and twentr feet in length, fiftv-fuur feet in widtli, five stories high, with Kitchen, Dining Room, Pantry, "Waali Room. &V.J in the basementj Avith eight Lecture and Clas? Rooms on the principal lloor, and Dormitories in the upper stories sufficient for the com- fortJ)l>lc accommodation of two hundred students, and is so constructed as to insure the riiost perfect ventilation, and to afford everv faci' tv for heating t* very part of it in the most approved manner, by hot water oi heated air.

There is al^«> a Ijoarding House, or Hotel on the premises, for the acctmi- niodaiion of visitors.

i) ,0 u a t i 0 n ^

In conclusion, the Board of TrusTeos appeal to all Professions to assist iu. putting in full oi>eration au Institution intended to advance the interest of jtll, 'by increasing and diffusing knowledge'' on tho.^^e subjects u]>on which the prosi)erity of the whole is dejicndent. They Avill gratefully receive from Publishers Scieiitilic, Agricultural and Statistical Periodicals and other "Works; from State Boards of Agriculture and Agricultural Societies their Transactions; from Inventors and Mechanics models of their Inventions, Machines and Implements, or the Machines and Implements themselves; and from {:;cientific bodits or men, Geological, Minendogical Botanical, Zoologi- cal. Entomological or Ornithological Specimens.

All donations or communications distinctly marked for Maryland Agricul- I'lral College, can be sent to the ofBce of the ''American Farmer,'' Baltimore; C. B. Calvert, Hrattsville. Prince George's County, or Xational Hotel, ^V ashing ton Citv.

X p t n !!5 1 ^

The entire charge per annum to each pupil, for Board. Tuition, Lodging. Washing, Fuel and Lights, will be two hundred and ^ti/tif Jo//r/r.'— payable one half, at the time of matriculation, and the other half at the end of the fir^t term, on the First Wednesdav of March.

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There will be two vacations during the year. The first will commence on the Third Friday of December, and last three weeks— and the second will commence on the last Friday of July and continue until the first Wednesday of Septendjer.


HnUm^ Juiwl.s.

Even 8tudentj on matriculating, must deposit >\ itli the Patron all the funds which lie shall have in his possession inlcnilrd to defray his expenses while at Collcje, or on his return llunce to his residence, lie must also de- posit with the Patron all such further funds as he may receive for the same purpose. The Patron will disburse the funds, so dej»osited, for all legitimate purposes upon the order of the ^?tudent. No money will l>c advanced to any Studi nt l>e\ ond the actual amount deposited by him in the hands of the Pa- tron ; and Parents and Guardians are parti«'ularly requested not to furni<h Students with any pocket money, as the Patron, out of the funds in his hands, "w ill allow such reasonable amount a«i may be determined upon by the Fiicultv.


