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Harvey Monroe Hall, A Botanical Survey of San Jarhilo Mountain.

(Pages 1-140, Plates 1-14.)



-Introduction. page

Selection of Sao Jacinto Mountain 3

Region covered and collections made 3

Collections made by others 5

-General Features of San Jacinto Mountain.

Position 6


Soil and climate


8 10



-Plant Distribution on San Jacinto Mountain.

The life zones 10

The Upper Sonoran Zone 12

The Transition Zone 13

The Canadian and Hudsonian Zones ^. 15

The Alpine Zone 16

The phytogeographic formations 16

The chaparral formations 17

The forests 19

The undergrowth •... -6

The meadows -7

The riparian formation 30

The pond formation 31

The crest formation 32

The factors affecting plant distribution on San Jacinto

Mountain 34

Altitude, temperature, and moisture 34

Slope exposure 34

Desert winds 38

Rock surface, avalanches, and land slides 40

Water courses 41

The battle of the factors 4'2

A comparison of montane and desert conditions 44

-Origin and Affinities of the San Jacinto Flora.

The boreal element 47

The austral element 50

The presence of Arizonan and New Mexican Species 50

-Catalogue of Species Collected In or Above the Ykllow Pine Belt

VI.— Index.

51 133



Minnie Reed, Two Neic Ancomycetons Fuvtji Porasitic on Murine Ahju'.

(Pages 141-164, Plates I'l and Ki.)


I.— Introduction 141

II The L'lva-Composite 142

III. The Prasiola-Composite 151

IV.— Relation op the Fungus to the Ai.ga 157

v.— Geographical Distribution 159

VI. Descriptions Kid

VII. Methods Kid

VIII. Explanation of Plates 102, 164

William Albert Sbtchell and Nathaniel Lyon (tardxer, Ahju' of Northwestern America.

(Pages 165-418, Plates 17-27.)

I. Introduction 167

II.— Geography 167

III. History 171

IV.— Collections \T^

v.— Scope 175

VI.— Citations 176

VII.— Acknowledgments 177

VIII. Cy'anophyce^ 178

IX. Chlorophyce^ 199

X.— Ph.eophyce^ 2HH


XII. List of Geographical Names. 368

XIII.— List of Works Referred to ;>81

XIV.— Index 388

XV. Explanation of Plates 398



Vol. 1. pp. 1-140, Pis. 1-14 June 7, 1902





llARVEy Mq^^roe Ha'jx



PRICE $1.00




The Editorial Committee of the University of California has decided to issue a series of original papers in botany, planned, generally speaking, on somewhat the same lines as the Bulletins of the Department of Geology of the University, which are now well in the third volume. The first number of the series, "A Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain," by Harvey Monroe Hall, M.S., was issued June 7, 1902. It contains 140 pages and fourteen plates two maps, of which one is in colors; seven full -page half-tones, and five photo-lithographs.

Each volume of the series in botany will contain about 350 or 400 pages. No expense will be spared in making the illustrations entirely adequate and even profuse. The numbers composing the series will be issued irregularly; it is intended, however, that the first volume be completed within two years. The price of each volume will be $3.50.

Each volume will contain several papers on general botany and also a number on West Coast botany, in the study of which the investigators of this University have exceptional natural advantages. The series will be under the general management of the Department of Botany of the University, and will be edited by William Albert Setchell, Ph.D., Professor of Botany in the University.

The Editorial Committee desires to distribute the numbers of the series as widely as possible. Subscriptions are accordingly solicited herewith ; in the case of botanical journals, and of botanical societies and institutions that have publications, the courtesy of exchange is respectfully suggested.

AH correspondence relating to the subject should be addressed to

The Editorial Committee^

University of California,

Berkeley, CaL, U. S. A.



Vol. 1, pp. 1-140, Pis. 1-14 June 7, 1902




Harvey Monroe Hall




I.— Introduction. page

Selection of San Jacinto Mountain 3

Eegion covered and collections made 3

Collections made by others 5

II. General Features of San Jacinto Mountain.

Position 6

Topography 7

Soil and climate 8

Geology 10

III.— Plant Distribution on San Jacinto Mountain.

The life zones 10

The Upper Sonoran Zone.. 12

The Transition Zone 13

The Canadian and Hudsonian Zones 15

The Alpine Zone 16

The phytogeographic formations 16

The chaparral formations 17

The forests 19

The undergrowth 20

The meadows 27

The riparian formation 30

The pond formation 31

The crest formation 32


The factors affecting plant distribution on San Jacinto Mountain 34

Altitude, temperature, and moisture 34

Slope exposure 34

Desert winds 38

Rock surface, avalanches, and land slides 40

Water courses 41

The battle of the factors 42

A comparison of montane and desert conditions 44

IV.— Origin and Affinities of the San Jacinto Flora.

The boreal element , 47

The austral element 50

The presence of Arizonan and New Mexican species 50

V. Catalugue of Species Collected in or above the Yellow Pine

Belt 51

VI.— Index 133


1. Map of San Jacinto Mountain.

2. Map of Life Zones and Timber Belts.

3. Lower Edge of Coniferous Forest.

4. Coniferous Forest; Strawberry Valley.

5. A Forest Island; Tahquitz Valley.

6. Summit of San Jacinto Mountain.

7. Chalk Hill and Marion Peak.

8. Sonoran Islands near Chalk Hill.

9. Rock Surface and Forests; Strawberry Valley.

10. MonardeJla macrantha arida.

11. Monardella macrantha tenuiflora.

12. Monardella macrantha pinetorum.

13. Leaf sections of Monardella.

14. Oxytheca emarginuta.




Selection of San Jacinto Mountain.

Extending across Sonthern California in an irregnlar line from the point where the Sierras and the Coast Ranges meet, nearly to the southeastern corner of the state, a series of moun- tain ranges separate the dry interior deserts from a much more moist but still arid region bordering on the Pacific Ocean. Raising their summits above the lesser mountains and ridges of these ranges, a few peaks stand out like sentinels and serve as land-marks for all the surrounding country. The southernmost of these high peaks is San Jacinto Mountain which, with its altitude of 10,805 feet, is separated from all the others by low passes and ridges the highest of which is under 4000 feet in alti- tude.

In considering this mountain as a field for liotanical explora- tion it was noticed that its position at the southern extremity of the higher ranges would make it the southern limit for many boreal species. It was also noted that the proximity of the Col- orado Desert would give to its fiora a strong austral element, and that its isolation from other mountains would render more defi- nite certain problems connected with the geographic distribution of plants. For these reasons, as well as for a number of others of minor importance, San Jacinto Mountain was finally sele(;ted for botanical investigation.

Region Covered and Collections Made.

In the course of this survey practically all parts of the moun- tain, with the exception of a small area in the chaparral belt of

* Presented in partial fulflllraent of the requirements for the degree of M.S., University of California, May, 1902. Prepared under the direction of Professor W. L. Jepson.


4 Universifij of Cdlifornia Puhlicdtions . [botany

the northeast side, were visited, and, although the entire region . is considered in the chapters devoted to plant distribution, it is to be noted that only those species of plants found in or above the Yellow Pine belt are included in the list which closes this report.

Of the visits made to the mountain the first on which any extensive botanical collecting was done was in 1896, when about six weeks during the months of August and September were spent in botanizing principally over the south side, but a trip was also made through some of the higher valleys of the east side to the main peak. During this season the writer was accom- panied by Mr. A. R. Morrison, who rendered valuable assistance in the collection and preparation of specimens. The next year four excursions were made to the mountain, beginning with May 1 and extending to the last of July. The first of these was to Fuller's mill, which has an altitude of 5800 feet, and as snow was then lying on the ground the advisability of confining our early collecting to the lower altitudes became apparent; but in July two visits were made to the region around the highest peaks and collections made. In 1898 a few days in the latter part of June and the first of July were spent l)otanizing along the south side and as far up as Strawberry Valley, and on this trip Toro and Santa Rosa Mountains, the southeastern continuation of San Jacinto, were visited for the second time. Practically the same ground was covered in 1899, but this time during the latter part of May.

From May 15 to June 1, 1901, a collecting trip in company with Professor W. L. Je])son was made to Strawberry Valley, Palm Canon, Santa Rosa Mountain, and other localities to the south. The author of this paper then decided to make as thor- ough an ex])loration of the Flora of San Jacinto Mountain as time would permit. A camp was therefore established in Straw- berry Valley, and between June 19 and August 7 all parts of the mountain above the chaparral belt were again gone over, collec- tions of the flowering plants made, and notes on distribution and abundance taken. The results of this survey are given in the following pages.

Vol.1] Hall. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 5

Collections Made by Others.

A number of other botanists have visited the mountain from time to time and made more or less extensive collections. Mr. S. B. Parish, of San Bernardino, the first of these, made collec- tions there in 1879 and again in 1880, 1881, and 1882; on the first and third trips spending about a week each time and visiting Strawberry and Tahquitz Valleys, the other times passing through Strawberry and Thomas Valleys en route to the regions lying- farther south. On these trips a number of new species of plants were brought to light by this diligent botanist, Euonynms Par- ishii and Eriogonuni apiculatum being the most noteworthy.

Dr. H. E. Hasse, of Soldiers Home, was on the mountain for a week in July of 1894, botanizing from Strawberry Valley at least as far up as the Tahquitz Meadows. In 1896 Dr. A. A. Davidson, of Los Angeles, spent some weeks collecting and tak- ing notes in the vicinity of Strawberry Valley and also along the trail to the summit of the main i)eak, and Mr. George F. Rein- hardt made a collection of San Jacinto plants in June, 1897, for the University of California. Mr. A. W. Anthony has also done some collecting in this region.

In May, 1901, Professor W. L. Jepson spent several days on the mountain botanizing around the south and east sides, and small collections were also made in this year by Mrs. F. C. R. Price and by Mr. O. P. Medsger.

The only papers dealing in any way with the flora of San Jacinto Mountain are two reports on the San Jacinto Forest Reserve,* prepared by Mr. J. B. Leiberg, after having inspected the condition of the forests in 1898. In these reports the prin- cipal trees and shrubs are discussed and estimates of the amount of timber of various sorts on different parts of the mountain given, together with other information bearing upon the forests included in the San Jacinto Reserve.

* U. S. Geol. Surv., Nineteenth Annual Rept. 5, 351-357 (1899), also in the Twentieth Annual Rept. 5, 4.55-478 (1900).

6 University of California Publications. [botany



San Jacinto Mountain lies in latitude 33° 48^ north, and in longitude 116° 41^ west, and, as has already been stated, is the southernmost of a number of high peaks in a series of ranges extending across Southern California. These ranges have been considered by some to be the southern continuation of the Sierra Nevadas, while others speak of them as a part of the Coast Ranges, but that they belong to neither of these becomes evident when it is remembered that they were formed in much later geo- logical times and that they are separated both from the Sierras and the coast mountains by Soledad Pass, the highest point of which has an altitude of only 2678 feet. The most impor- tant of these southern mountains is the San Bernardino Range, which lies in a general east-and-west direction in the southwest- ern part of San Bernardino County and culminates in Grajback Mountain at 11,600 feet altitude.

To the south of Grayback, and just over the line in Riverside County, San Jacinto rises abruptly to an altitude of 10,805 feet and then extends towards the southeast in a series of peaks and broken ridges. San Gorgonio Pass, which lies between these two peaks, is of much interest on account of its being a possible barrier to the migi-ation of species of plants from one mountain to the other. The distance between the two summits, each of which supports an alpine flora, is twenty miles in an ah- line, but in crossing from one to the other it is necessary to descend to an altitude of 2600 feet, where only Sonoran species are found.

From the east base of San Jacinto the Colorado Desert, crossed by many low ranges, extends to the eastern borders of the state, a distance of something like 120 miles. To the south and southeast, the country is broken up by numerous small ranges and peaks, the highest of which, with the exception of Santa Rosa and Toro Mountains which are a part of the San Jacinto Range, are the Palomar and Cuyamaca Mountains, each with an approximate altitude of 6000 feet; while to the west are found open plains and low mountains extending to a distance of sixty miles where they border on the Pacific Ocean.



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Vol.1] Hall. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 7

It is thus seen that the only counection between the montane flora of San Jacinto with that of other mountains must be by way of the San Bernardino Range, from which it is separated by the deep but narrow San Gorgonio Pass.


Coming now to the mountain itself, it is seen that the main body lies in a north-and-south direction, culminating in a high, ridge-like mass, a mile and a half long on the summit, the northern end of which is capped by the main San Jacinto Peak, the other by Marion Peak. On the west side the descent is at first quite rapid, but the slopes, much cut by carious and ridges, soon become less steep and extend to the North Fork of the San Jacinto River, beyond which the numerous foot-hills become graduallj' smaller and smaller until the plains are reached. On the east a rapid descent is made for some 2000 feet, when the slope becomes more gradual and the east-aud-west ridges so round themselves as to enclose two important areas, namely. Round and Tahquitz Valleys, which thus form an immense terrace on the side of the mountain. Below these valleys, and at altitudes of from 6000 to 9000 feet, the slope drops abruptl}^ off to the Colorado Desert, the fault on the northeast side being 8000 to 10,000 feet high.

Even greater than the contrast between the east and west sides is that between the north and south. Standing on the main peak one may look down the steep north slope to the western arm of the desert only a few miles away, while to the south the mountain is continued in a series of irregular ridges with Tahquitz Peak rising to an altitude of 8826 feet as the most prominent feature, and Santa Rosa Peak rising to 8720 feet in the continuation of the range twenty miles to the southeast. At middle altitudes of the south side are numerous valleys of more or less importance, ranging in size from those only a few acres in extent to the Thomas Valley with its area of nearly 4000 acres.

The canons, on account of the changes produced in the climatic and other conditions by their presence, are of consid- erable importance. The south and west sides are much cut by

8 University of California Puhlications . lbotany

transverse cafions. The most important of these is that of the North Fork of the San Jacinto River, the west wall of which rises very rai)idly while the east side is somewhat more gentle but still quite steep. The east arm, known as Dark Canon, is an important branch heading- just below the main peak of the mountain. The canons of the north side are exceedingly steep in their upi)er portions, where the walls are largely of solid granite, but below they descend more gradually and all ulti- mately open into the main Snow Creek Canon. On the east, those of the higher altitudes are of minor importance, but" the lower half of this slope is gashed by steep canons, the walls of which sometimes rise to a height of several thousand feet al)ove the .streams at their bases.

Soil and Climate.

The nature of the soil of any region exerts a profound intiu- ence on the character of the vegetation, but, on account of its uniformity, it plays a minor role in the distribution of plants on San Jacinto Mountain. On examination it is fouud to be composed almost entirel.y of decomposed granite with a small percentage of black mould near the surface, and is chiefly of a loose, gravell.y texture.

But little limestone is found on the mountain proper, although there are several limestone quarries in the low" foot- hills which continue the range to the west. Calciferous rocks are also said to occur along the eastern base, and they are by no means rare at various places along the south side, but the per cent of lime in the soil is nowhere so great as to materially afifect the character of the vegetation. Being derived from granitic rock, in w^hich the feldsjiars form an important ingredient, the soil is particularly rich in potash, while of the essential elements it is probably the most deficient in nitrogen, since the supply of humus, especially on the lower slopes, is very limited.

On account of the aridity of the surrounding regions the amount of humus in the soil of the lower foot-hills is almost imperceptible, but at higher altitudes the ground is constantly receiving deposits of pine needles and other organic matter, and consequently we here find a thin huinus covering. At places

Vol. n Hall. Botanical Survey of San Jacinio Mountain. 9

this becomes six to ten iuclies deep, but it is usually much less as it is destroyed whenever passed over by fire. This layer of organic matter is of importance not only as a source of humus, and therefore of nitrogen, but also because of its service in catching and retaining the water from snow and rains, thus reducing the amount of run- off.

Since the temperature will be considered in connection with the factors affecting plant distribution, and since reliable data concerning this subject are lacking, no thermometrical records ever having been kept on the mountain, the topic is not here discussed.

As the amount of precipitation is largely controlled by the temperature, we find that the higher portions of the mountain are much more freciuently visited by showers and snow storms than the lower, and that the west side is less arid than the eastern. In the foot-hill region the rainfall is quite limited in amount and restricted almost entirely to the winter months, but throughout the belt' of coniferous forest at middle altitudes the precipitation during the fall and s])ring is much more generous, besides which there are occasional thundershowers during the summer and heavy snowfall in winter, the snow often reaching a depth of three or four feet in Strawberry Valley. Where the slopes are covered with chaparral the water is well conserved, being compelled to percolate slowly through the soil, which is held in position hx the numerous roots and acts as a water sponge. Of similar service but less efficient is the layer of decaying vegetable matter in the forested portions; but, wher- ever the slopes are unusually steep, and also where the forests have been removed, the amount of run- off is greatly increased, as is indicated by the numerous ravines and gullies on these areas. ,

On the upper parts of the mountain the rainfall is abundant and it has been reported that snow sometimes falls to a depth of fifteen feet on the higher summits. All the slopes above 9000 feet altitude, with the exception of the most exposed, are covered with snow from December to April, while in the steep canons which descend to the north of the main peak it remains through- out the year. This abundant precipitation at the high altitudes

BOT.— 2.

10 Universiiy of California Fuhlications. [botany

is of great importance, siuce a large percentage of it, percolating throngh the soil and rock strata of the monntain, reappears at lower altitudes, often in the form of springs, thus adding to the supply of moisture for those regions.


Concerning the geology of San Jacinto Mountain hut little is known since, so far as we are able to determine, no geologist has ever visited that region. It is probable, however, that it was formed simultaneously with the San Bernardino and San Gabriel Mountains, that is, during the middle Tertiary. Throughout the Quaternary and early Tertiary a large land mass occupied the region to the north and east of where these ranges now stand, and it was from this that the supply of material for the Southern California mountains was drawn. After these were formed, a series of faulting took place on their east and north sides, as is indicated by the steepness of those slopes facing the Colorado and Mohave Deserts.

The rock formation is almost exclusively granitic. At a few places, notably on portions of Chalk Hill, the rock is largely quartzite, while along some of the crests near Tahquitz Peak and also along the east side a limited amount of volcanic rock is found. Mica schists, gneiss, and some marble occur at a few places, but not in large enough quantities to be of any great importance. No limestone of any importance was found except in the lower foot-hills.


The Life Zones.

Up to the present time the mapping of the life zones of North America has been carried on chiefly by the zoologists, who have considered its utility not only to the naturalist but also to the farmer, since life zones run approximately parallel with croj) zones ^'. It is evident that certain crops are adapted to certain

*cf Merriam, "Life Zones and Crop Zones of the United States," in U. S. Dept. Agr. Bull. Ix. (1898).

voL.i] Hall. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 11

zones and when it is known to what zone any locality belongs the crops which wonld probably best thrive there may be pre- dicited, and much time and money, which would otherwise be spent in experimenting, may thus be saved.

But in the study of plant geography the botanist finds that he can make use of these life zones for another purpose. In giving the range of any species of plant there is, in our opinion, a decided gain in definiteness when it is placed in its proper zone, and we believe that this will lie more and more appreciated as botanists come to give more attention to the subject. The state- ment, for example, that a particular species occurs throughout the Transition Zone is much more definite than the statement that it occurs between 5000 and 7000 feet altitude ; since the belt between 5000 and 7000 feet on one mountain may, on account of its latitude, the proximity of desert areas, etc., be a sweltering, brush-covered slope, while on another it may be a cool, forested area, or, if far north, even a bleak mountaiutop above timber- line. In fact there is usually considerable dififereuce between the climatic conditions of two places of ecjual altitude on the same mountain in case they are on opposite sides. On the other hand, the term ' ' Transition Zone ' ' always refers to a belt which is neither extremely hot nor extremely cold, where such conditions prevail, for example, as would produce forests of Yellow Pine or White Fir. It is chiefly for this purpose that the life zones of San Jacinto Mountain have been w^orked out and mapped (see plate ii), and continual reference to these zones will be found in the last cha])ter of this paper, where the ranges of the species occuring on the mountain are given.

Most botanists apjireciate the need of some such designation of the floral belts which are found on all mountains, but a few have objected to the use of the term " zone " in this connection and would not place the plants of the higher mountains in the same group with those of the Arctic regions, for the reason that certain conditions, such as atmospheric pressure, are not exactly the same in the two places. Although the truth of this is realized still the difference is slight as compared with that between the various life zones themselves and also, since latitude may be taken into consideration when working in the far north or in th<» far

12 UniversHij of California Puhlications. [botany

south, it need not interfere with the use of the life zones as they jir(> now understood, nor with the nse of the terras by which they arc couniionly designated. In working on the flora of California it has bt'cn found tliat the division of the montane region into life zones has been much more satisfactory than the use of the four " i-egions " as i)roposed by Schimper.*

Accepting then this division of the montane flora, we find five j)rimary life zones completely encircling San Jacinto Mountain wliich, given in the order of their occurence as one ascends from the l)ase, are as follows:

Upper Sonoran

I Lower Transition Transition -

( ri)]ier Transition




For the altitudes over which each of these zones extends the reader is referred to the map of life zones (plate ii).

As pointed out l)y Covillet, the plants most valuable in determining floral zones are the perennials. This is not only because they are the most conspicuous and therefore the least likely to be overlooked, but also because annuals represent the conditions of but a single season of growth, the importance of this being clear when we consider that the conditions are likely to undergo considerable change from year to year. In the preparation of the list of species for each zone therefore all annuals have been excluded.

It is furtlici- to be noted that these lists are not intended to be c(mii)lete, only the more characteristic plants being chosen. It is hoped that tliis will not only give an idea of the nature of the vegetation of each of the various zones but that it will also bo an aid in working out the life zones on other mountains.


San Jacinto jNIountain is com])letely (mcircled by the Upper Simorau Zone, wliich extends from its base to altitudes ranging

*A. F. W. Schimper, Pflanzengeographie 7:i7(1901). tContr. U. S. Nat. Ilorl.. iv. 17-18 (lSi):i|.





1 Upper Sonoran Zone ichapnrra/ heUj.

Transition 'one dominant trets .Yellou: Pine rtnd


Canadian and Hudsnntan Zones ( Mtiray and Limber Pme / Irctic A/p/ne Zone (above/oresl beltj.

Coiil-our interval 500 tVet Baseil on IJ.SXi.S ri)n>u\ii mnp


Vol.1] Hnll. Botanical Surrey of San Jacinto Mountain. 13

from 8000 to 7000 feet. At the eastern base it gives waj^ to the Lower Soiioran of the Colorado Desert, but on the other sides it spreads out over an extensive foot-hill region except where bordered by the cultivated areas of the vSan Jacinto plains or of San (xorgonio Pass. The line marking the upper limits is extremely irregular since, by the effect of slope exposure, desert winds, and other factors it is carried well up into the body of the Transition at numerous places, while that zone makes not a few dips along the streams and where protected by ridges. Of the many species of shrulis w^hich are characteristic of this zone the most useful as a zone indicator is the Chamisal {Adenostoma fusciculatum) . The following also belong here:


Adenostoma faseiculatum Esehseholtzia Californica

A. sparsifolium Lathyrus violaceus

Aretostaphylos tomentosa Lotus glaber

Cereocarpus betultefolius Pentstemon antirrhinoides

Dendromeeon rigidum P. spectabilis

Dicentra chrysantha Senecio Douglasii

Diplacus lojigiflorus Solanum Xanti glabrescens

Eehinocystis maerocarpa Umbellularia Californica

Eriodictyon tomentosum Eriogonum faseiculatum


The Transition is the largest and most important of all the zones on the mountain. As shown on the map of life zones (plate ii), it is comparatively wide on the west side, much less so on the east, and extremely narrow on the northeast. This is, of course, due to the peculiar topography. On the west the descent is rather steep, but quite uniform, while on the north- east there is a fault at about the upper limit of the Transition Zone. Round Valley has an altitude which places it in the Canadian, but from its northeast rim there is a sudden almost vertical drop of nearly 8000 feet to the barren Colorado Desert. Consequently it is but a short distance from the Canadian flora of Round Valley to the Sonoran flora of the desert side of the mountain. On the north side of the main peak this is carried to an extreme, there being an abrupt descent from the summit which, as will be shown, is within the Alpine Zone, to the west- ern arm of the Colorado Desert, the flora of which is Lower

14 University of California Publications. [botany

Sonoi-aii. We thus liave the six zones very much crowded together, and the upper four ahnost in superposition. There is probably no place in North America where the alpine and Sonoran floras are in such proximity as they are on San Jacinto Mountain.

Tn working on the flora of the mountain it very early became evident that the vegetation of the lower part of the Transition Zone was quite different from that of the upper part, and that the ranges of many species could be more concisely and definitely given by applying distinctive names to each of these parts. For this purpose the names Lower Transition and Upper Transition have been selected, but this will not preclude the use of the term Transition when it is desired to speak of the two parts taken as a whole. Whether or not this division will be of service in working out the distribution of plants on other mountains remains to be seen.

The line l)etween the Upper and the Lower Transition is naturally not so distinct as those between the primary zones. On San Jacinto they may be distinguished by the presence or absence of certain trees and shrubs, among which the Yellow Pine and the White Fir are the most serviceable, the former being dominant in the Lower and the latter in the Upper Transi- tion. We cannot depend entirely upon these two trees, however, to mark the two zones, since the fir is also present as scattered specimens in the LoM'er Transition, while the pine occurs at some places in the Upper Transition, although not as the dominant tree. While it must be admitted that the moisture conditions affect materially the distribution of these species, the fir requiring a moister soil than the pine, yet this is not an important consider- ation so far as their use as zone indicators on this mountain is concerned, since as the altitude becomes greater the temperature of the ail' is reduced and the moistui'e in the soil increased. More- over the effect of such factors as slope exposure and desert winds is the opposite of that produced by an increase in altitude.

If it is desired to carry this distinction between the Upper and Lower Transition to other mountains it will probably be found necessary to resort to other species to indicate these zones, and it is partly for this purpose that a list of the shrubs charac- teristic of each is here inserted.

Vol.11 Hall. Botaniral Survey of San Jacinto Mountain.



Arctostaphylos Pringlei drupacea Ceanothus integerrimus Convolvulus villosus fulcratus Cornus Xuttallii Eriodietyon Parryi Eriogonum stellatum Euonymus Parishii Fragaria Californica Hypericum formosum Kelloggia galioides

Libocedrus decurrens

Pinus Coulteri

Potentilla glandulosa Nevadensis

Prunus demissa

Pseudotsuga macrocarpa

Quereus Californica

Kibes Nevadense

Rhododendron occidentale

Viola purpurea pinetorum


Aster Andersonii Eulophus Parishii Gilia pungens Hookeri Panicularia nervata

Philadelphus mierophyllus Selinum eryngiifolium Thalictrum Fendleri platyearpum Trifolium Rusbyi


It has seemed best to treat these two zones together since, as a result of the peculiar topogi'aphy of the mountain, they are very narrow, and the line between them cannot be definitely drawn on account of the dearth of those characteristic species by which they are usually distinguished. Taken together they are found spreading out from the main peak over all the higher parts of the mountain, with the exception of a small patch on the very summit, which is occupied hy the Alpine Zone, and extending down all the sides to altitudes of 8500 to 9000 feet, or running even lower on the cold north side and at a few other places. Tahquitz Peak, with its altitude of 8800 feet, bears on its summit a dilute Canadian flora which is connected to the main body only by a narrow band extending along the high ridge of which this peak is the culminating point.

Since the number of species of perennial plants restricted to these zones is somewhat limited, while there are not a few that are common to the Upper Transition and Canadian Zones, a list of those belonging to each of these groups is added.


Agrostis tenuis Antennaria speciosa Dodecatheon alpinum Gilia pungens Monardella odoratissima

Pedicularis semibarbata Polygonum bistortoides Potentilla lactea Symphoricarpos Parishii Veratrum speeiosum

16 UniirrsHi/ of Californiit pHhlicdiions. | botany


Carex Hallii Poa alpina

Carex Nebraskensis Ranunculus alismsefolius alismellus

Montia Chamissonis Silene Parishii

PinuR flexilis Stellaria ei-ispa

P. Murniyana Viola blanda


The most sontlicrii latitude at which the tiora of the Alpine Zone is known to occur in North America is on San Jacinto Mountain, wliere we lind a few characteristic alpine plants growing along the banks of perpetual snow in the cool, shaded canons which descend the north side of the main peak at alti- tudes of between 10, ()()() and 10,800 feet. Since, besides being- very steep, these canons are enclosed by rocky ridges the sides of which are nearly perpendicular, the exact determination of the l)oundaries of this zone was found to be no easy task, and it is not yet known just how far it extends down the north side, l)ut this is probably not more than a few hundred feet. The species restricted to the Alpine Zone are Oxyria digyna, Ranuncu- lus Eschscholtsii , Carex Preslii, and the alpine forms of Spraguea umbellata and Aqnilegia truncata. Growing near these but more common in the lower zones occur Silene Parishii, Draha corrugafa, Heuchera rubescens and a very depauperate form of Holodiscus discolor dumosa.

The Phytogeographic Formations.

It is with great reluctance that the term "formation" is used in this pai)er. It has been applied in such various meanings by different botanists that it has become necessary for each author to state his definition of the term in order that intelligibility may be gained. Where here used it has the meaning as originally given to it l)y (Irisebach in 1838.* He looked upon a phytogeographic formation ( pfianzengeographische formation, vegetationsformation) as including "plants which may be very different, l)nt which have properties and characters in common, which may l)e summed up by pointing out several species which exemplify the special characteristics of the whole."

* A. Grisebach, Ueber den Einfluss des Climas aiif die Bei-jji-onzinif; dev iKit iirlic-lien Floren, Linnffia xii. 160 (1838).

Vol.1] Hall. Boimiical Surrey of San Jacinto Mountain. 17

We now know that these formations are bronght about by a combination of conditions to which each of the formation elements is adapted. Some would use the term in this ecological sense, and Schimper, in his great work on plant geography,* has recently defined it as an assemblage of plants determined by the qualities of the soil. But a formation may be determined by other condi- tions, such, for example, as those controlling the dissemination of seeds. Moreover in making a botanical survey of a region the plant formations first engage our attention and the inciuiry as to the causes which have produced these formations naturally comes up later, and not until their nature is understood. It is therefore necessar}^ to have some term by which to designate them, without any reference to their origin, and this is found in the term formation, used in its original meaning.

Some have limited the meaning of this term by using it to designate an assemblage of plants marked by a dominant species, instead of by a dominant physiognomic t.ype. The value of this is not evident, and the practice of certain recent phytogeog- raphers of dividing and sul)dividing each formation until scarcely more than a single species is left in each division is not followed in this paper. Wherever it has seemed advisable to discuss the individual species of a formation it has been done in the main part of the report, where they will be found arranged according to a well known system. The only departure from this rule is in the case of the Coniferae, the species of which will for evident reasons be taken up in this chapter.


On San Jacinto Mountain are found two distinct chaparral belts, the one belonging to the low, foot-hill region, the other to the higher slopes. These are distinct not only in composition but also in position, the species found growing in the one never occuring in the other, and for this reason it has seemed best to consider them as separate formations and of these the one of the foot-hills, which is indicated on the map of life zones bj' the purple coloring, will be first taken up.

*A. F. W. Schimper, Pflanzengeo^raphie 175 (1898). See also Ch. Flahault on A Project for Phytogeographic Nomenclature, Bull. Torr. Club xxviii. 391 (1901), (translation).

18 Universiiy of California PiihHcdHons. [botany

On aiscendiuj? the iiiouutain from any one of the four sides a dense growth of chaparral is found covering all the lower slopes and completely occupying the Upper Sonoran Zone. On the north this belt is separated from a similar one of the San Bernar- dino Mountains only by a narrow strip, the San Gorgonio Pass, which flares out to the east to unite with the Colorado Desert. On the southeast it connects directly with the chaparral belt of the Toro Mountains, while to the south it spreads over a series of low hills, ultimately reaching the Palomar and Cuyamaca Mountains. On the west it is bounded by the low plains of the San Jacinto Valley. The mountain is thus seen to be completely surrounded by a brush covered area of considerable width, which separates the forests of its higher slopes from those of the other Southern California ranges .

On closer examination of this chaparral belt we find the principal shrul> to be the Chamisal ( Adenostoma fascirulatiimj which covers the hills with almost impenetrable thickets often miles in extent, while growing with it but in less abundance are several species of Manzauita, Ceanothus, Yucca and, on shaded slopes, the Mountain Mahogany f Cercocarpns heUdcefoliusJ, the Tree Poppy ( Dendromecon rigidumj and other species.

Characteristic foot-hill annuals are abundant during the spring and early summer. The majority of these blossom in the shade of the higher bushes, some of them in small clearings, while, by the elongation of their stems and peduncles, a few ambitious species render their flowers conspicuous by carrying them above the sea of chaparral.

The plants of this belt exhibit strong xerophile characters, as, for example, in the reduction of the leaf surface, this being especially noticeable in the case of the Chamisal and of Bebhia juncea, while in the Manzanitas the same end is often attained by a twist in the i)etiole, the leaf being thus brought into a vertical position. Moreover in the shrubby species the leaves are nearly always thick ;ni(l leathery, besides being often covered witli a dense, woolly pubescence, as in SpJueralcia amhigna, Eriodictyon tomentosum, and others, while there is scarcely a glabrous ])l;iti( to be found anywhere in the chaparral region.

An excellent opjwrtunity of studying the root systems

Vol.1] Hall. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 19

was offered wheu, during the earthquake of December, 1900, a slope covered by chaparral and extending over some 600 acres suddenly sank for a depth of six to twelve feet leaving along its edges nearly vertical walls, thus exposing the roots of several species of shrubs while still in position. Here it was found that the roots of the Manzanita and Chamisal penetrated to a depth of from four to six feet, a distance rendered necessary by the small amount of water itresent in the surface soil of these regions. Perhaps the most remarkable case of root development for the purpose of storing moisture is that of Echinocijstis macrocarpa, or "Big-root", the roots of which are sometimes as large as a man's body and completely gorged with water.

The cha])arral of the higher altitudes occurs only in isolated patches. Wherever the slope becomes too steep or the moisture too scant to support a forest formation, we find the chaparral coming in to take its place. By far the most common species in these ])atches is the Shrn1)by Chinquapin, which covers quite consideral>le areas between the 8000 and 10,000-foot contours. Other species more or less common are Ceanothus cordnlatus, Cercocarpt(.s ledifoUus and Arctostaphijlo.^ patula.


While San Jacinto is surrounded on all sides by arid plains and its lower slopes clothed with chaparral the higher portions of the mountain are covered with extensive, somewhat open, forests of pine, fir and cedar. Some idea of the extent of these forests may be had by referring to the map of life zones (plate ii), where the area represented by the red and blue coloring is more or less densely forested, except where meadows occur. This area comprises about 75,000 acres, 70,000 acres being occupied by coniferous forest and the re- mainder chiefly by meadows within the forest belt. In general it may be said that the Transition Zone, colored blue on the may), is forested chiefly with Yellow and Sugar Pine and White Fir ; the principal trees of the boreal region being the Murray and Limber Pines.

The various species of conifers comprising the forests are here taken up in the order of their occurrence on the mountain.

20 University of California rxliUcafions. [botany

beginnino- with those of the h)wei' edge of the tiiiilxn- helt and pi'oeeediug' to those of the siiinmit.

Big-cone Spruce {F^(u<lo1snga macrocarpa .) The Big-cone Spruce, with its slender trunks and long, spreading branches, is found only in a few well watered canons of the west side, below the range of the pines. It is common in the canons of all three forks of the San Jacinto River, running down to an altitude of 8000 feet , but is entirely lacking in those canons Avhich open onto the Colorado Desert. That this species requires considera])le moisture is shown l)y the way in which the individuals are huddled along the streams and on north slopes, often the south side and bottom of a caiion being forested with groves of the Big-cone Spruce, while the north side will support only a chaparral formation, as shown in plate iii, where the abrupt ter- mination of the forest will also be noticed.

Coulter Pine {Pinus Conlieri) . This pine, remarkable for producing the largest cones known, is commonly met with on the south and west sides of the mountain, where it forms small groves and narrow strips along the lower edge of the Yellow Pine belt. It is also found scattered among the other pines up to 6500 feet altitude on south slopes, l)ut not in the higher valleys nor on those sides of the mountain facing the Colorado Desert. It has been reported* that the seeds, being large and rich, were eagerly sought liy the Indians, who prized them as an article of food; but on account of their strong, oily taste, the Saboba and Santa Rosa Indians do not gather them. The nuts of the Pinon Pine (P. monopJiylla) , which is abundant on the desert ranges to the southeast of San Jacinto Mountain, and of the Parry Pinon (P. Parry ana ) , which grows sparingly in the neighborhood of Toro Mountain, are much preferred.

Yellow Pine and Jeffrey Pine {Pinus ponderosa and its variety Jeffrey i) f . This characteristic Transition Zone i)ine is l)y

*Newberry, Pop. 8ci. Mo. xxxii. 35 (1887).

tExplanations of some of the irregularities in the boundaries of the Yellow Pine belt will be given in the discussion of Slope exposure, and desert winds. On the life zone map the blue area corresponds to the region in wliicli either this pine or the White Fir is the dominant tree, except tliat in the canyon of the middle fork of the San Jacinto River the Big-cone Spruce is the principal tree, and that there is a narrow fringe of Coulter Pino along the lower edge on the west side. The Wliite Fir liecomes ddiiiinant only in the tapper Transition Zone.






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Vol.1] HuU . Botcinical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 21

far the most prevalent conifer of Sau Jaeiuto Mountain. It forms the great bulk of the forest first encountered as one ascends from the foot-hills and completely encircles the mountain as a more or less distinct belt of varying width.

Owing to the comparatively gentle slope it forms on the west side a wide and magnificent forest area, the lower edge of which is quite definite and oscillates between the 4500 and 5000-foot contours in conformity with the steepness or direction of the slope, while a few specimens were found in cold, shaded canons as low as 2500 feet. The upper edge is less definite, but lies between 8500 and 9000 feet, with a few patches at higher alti- tudes.

The lower limits of this belt on Fullers Ridge and on the north side of the main mountain have already been discussed. While on the northeast side it is very narrow on account of the sudden dip from the higher valleys to the steep, brushy slopes bordering the Colorado Desert, there is still room for a small grove of Jeffrey Pine in the east end of Round Valley at 8500 feet altitude, and a few scattered trees occur as far up as 9300 feet on south slopes. This is probably the highest recorded station for this pine.

In Taljquitz Valley are found the largest and most sjanmetri- cal specimens that grow on the mountain, extending from the isolated clusters at 9000 feet down through the magnificent gi-oves of the main valley to an altitude of 6000 feet, where they abruptly give way to the chaparral formation of the lower slopes. On the south side the species runs up to 8800 feet on the open ridges. In Onstatt and Strawberry Valleys it forms open forests, in which are also found Sugar Pine, Incense Cedar, White Fir and Kellogg Oak, while the surrounding slopes are similarly forested, except where slope exposure or warm air currents prevent this, or where they have been denuded by man. A narrow fringe also occurs on the south side and around the upper end of Thomas Valley and sends tongues out into the drier parts of the meadow. In many of the trees on the borders of these meadows the trunks divide into two when aliout one hundred feet from the ground, the two branches continuing as erect shafts, but the cause of this unusual branching is not known.

22 University of California Puhlications. [botany

It was first called to our attention by Professor Jepson, who has also noticed it in pines bordering certain meadows in the High Sierras.

The variety Jeffreyi is here -treated with the true P. ponderosa, for the reason that they usually occur togetlier, and the differ- ence is sometimes so slight that it is impossible to distinguish them with certainty. Mature specimens of P. ponderosa are characterised by their large size, by their bark, which is in large plates, the deep-green foliage and the small cones, Init young or half- grown specimens are very much like those of the variety. At the lower edge of the belt only the species occurs, in the great Yellow Pine belt of the middle altitudes we find them growing together, while along the upper limits of its range only the variety is found.

Incense Cedar {Lihocedrus decurrens) . The Cedar was found to be well distributed throughout the Lower Transition Zone, but being always scattered among other trees it nowhere becomes an important element in the forest formation. It requii'es more moisture than the Yellow Pine and is therefore restricted to the larger valleys and to the vicinity of streams, along one of which it was found descending to an altitude of 8500 feet. On the north side it runs down to the ,4000-foot contour and on the east to 6000 feet, near the lower edge of the Transition Zone. It extends to near the upper limits of this zone in Tahquitz Valley, where it was seen growing at 8000 feet altitude.

Sugar Pine {Pinns Lamheriiana) . This pine begins at about 5000 feet altitude and extends from that contour nearly throughout the Transition Zone. It is very common and of large size along the trail that skirts the western side at about 6000 feet, but is less common both above and below that alti- tude, while on the southwest side of the Tahquitz-Strawbeny Divide the Sugar Pine is the most abundant tree; but it is rarely met with in Tahquitz and Round Valleys, except on rocky slopes, which it seems to prefer. It is its frequent occurrence along the two principal trails, perhajis, that has led some to over-estimate the amount of Sugar Pine on the mountain.

On the high ridges that run out from Tahquitz Peak the trees

Vol. n Hall. Boianical Survey of San Jacinto Moimtain. 23

take on some peculiar forms, which are probably best accounted for by the altitude and the strong winds that sometimes sweep over that region. In one of these forms the dense, smooth bark is of a deep red color, the lower branches are given off from near the base and spread out over the rocks, while the leaves are only one and one-half to two inches long, scarcely one-half their usual length; but the cones, many of which ma}' be reached from the ground, are of the usual shape and size. Another form approaches P. nionficola in general appearance and in the char- acters of the cone but is plainly only a form of P. Lamherfiana. It deserves further study in the field.

White Fir {Abies con color) . The White Fir is found throughout the Transition Zone except along its lower border. It begins as scattered individuals in the Lower Transition, be- comes more and more common as the altitude increases, and is the dominant tree in the Upper Transition, where it forms more or less dense forests and even reaches over into the Canadian Zone where a few specimens were found scattered among the Murray Pines. The lowest point at which it was seen was at 4200 feet altitude in a shaded canon; the highest was at 9700 feet on an exposed slope near the main peak. Nearly pure for- ests of this tree are met with in the upper part of the basin formed by Fullers Ridge and the spurs running north from San Jacinto Peak, and also on those slopes that form the south walls of Round and Tahquitz Valleys. There are a number of fir forests similar to these but of less extent. The fir reciuires a moister subsoil than either the Yellow or the Sugar Pine, which accounts for the fact that the forests mentioned above are all on the north sides of well watered ridges. It does not, however, demand so great a supply of moisture as does the Murray Pine.

Murray Pine {Pinus Murray ana) . This species, which is often called the "Lodge-pole" or "Tamarack" Pine, is the domi- nant tree of the boreal region. Its distribution may therefore be most readily learned by reference to the map of life zones (plate ii). The boreal area is not however entirely forested with this species, since a few exposed slopes are too deficient in moisture to favor its growth, and as a result we find in the lower part of the Canadian Zone a few straggling specimens

24 University of California Pnhlieations. [botany

of the White Fir, while on the higher slopes the Limber Pine is very common, as noted below. The Murray Pine reaches its normal development in the well watered valleys of the higher part of the mountain, such, for example, as Round Valley and the small, pocket-like valleys between Deer Springs and the main peak, where this tree, with its straight, thin-barked trunks ris- ing like collonades from the valley floors, forms quite dense for- ests of greater or less extent. Beneath these forests there is but little under-brush and the ground is thickly strewn with . the smp.ll cones. Less symmetrical trees cover the drier slopes at higii altitudes and run out along the north and east sides of the highest ridges. The undulating, rock-strewn plateau between San Jacinto and Marion Peaks, all of which has an altitude of over 10,000 feet, is scantily forested with both the Murray and Limber Pines. Here they take on those characters so common to trees growing under similar conditions, the low, thick trunks, the twisted and gnarled branches reaching far out on the one side and scarcely present on the other, and the general dwarfed appearance always assumed by trees on exposed, wind-swept ridges at high altitudes. (See plate vi) .

It was noticed that on certain slopes many of the trees were branched from near the ground, sometimes as many as six nearly erect trunks arising from a single base. This is probably due to a lack of soil moisture since it occurs only in trees growing along the edges of forests bordering on barren areas, while on the cooler slopes, kept moist by lingering snow-di-ifts, and in the basins and canon bottoms the trunks are undivided.

Limber Pine {Finns ffexilis) . With the exception of the Murray Pine this is the only tree that inhabits the higher slopes and ridges of San Jacinto Mountain. It does not occur in the lower part of the range of that species and may be considered as a Hudsonian Zone species, as far as its distribution on this mountain is concerned, although it occasionally reaches over into the Canadian. It grows on the rocky summits just west of Lake Surprise, at 9200 feet altitude, and extends down the west side of Marion Peak nearly to Deer Springs. The lowest point at which it was found Avas on the ridge between Marion and Tahquitz Peaks, at an altitude of 8200 feet.





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Vol. n Hall. Botanical Surrey of San Jacinto Mountain. 25

It is interesting' to note the stations within the state reported for this species, the home of which is in the Rocky Mountains. It has been found on the Grapevine and Panimint Mountains in the eastern part of California,* on the Inyo Mountains, t in the San Bernardino t and San Jacinto Mountains, and on the very summit of Santa Rosa Peak,§ while in the Sierra Nevadas it has been found only at a few isolated stations, mostly on the eastern side and toward the southern end of the range.t T^ seems prob- able, therefore, that it has entered Southern California by way of the desert ranges, the highest peaks of which served as stepping- stones between the Rocky Mountains and the higher ranges of middle and Southern California.

Forest Fires and Forest Protection. There has been, in recent years, no serious tire wdthin the true forest belt of San Jacinto Mountain, although several thousand a res of chaparral covered slopes of the south side were swept by tire during the summer of 1900, and in July, 1901, another fire burned over some 3000 acres of heavily timbered land on the north slope of Fullers Ridge, which did not, however, kill many of the sound trees and was prevented, by the forest rangers and others, from extending to other parts of the mountain. While evidences of previous fires are present everywhere in the forest belt, but little damage was done to sound timber, and the greatest danger now seems to lie in the killing of young trees and in the destruction of the chaparral of the lower slopes.il

The worst enemy the forests have had has been, not the for- est fire, but the sawmill. Many a pine- clad slope has been stripped of its best trees in order that they might be converted into lumber, and a very inferior quality of lumber at that. In the vicinity of Strawberry Valley about 4000 acres have been lumbered over and perhaps 2500 acres lying in the basin just

* Coville, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. iv. 221 (1893).

t Englemann, Bot. Calif, ii. 124 (1880.)

t Leiberg, in Nineteenth Aumial Rept. U. S. G. S. :Hii (1899).

§ Santa Rosa Peak has an altitude of 8720 ft. and lies 25 miles to the southeast of San Jacinto Peak. Plnus flexilis was first found on its summit by W. L. Jepson, in May, 1901.

II For an account of the San Jacinto Forest Reserve see the Twentieth Annual Report of the U. S. Geological Survey, part 5, p. 455, et. seq. (1900).

Bot— 3.

26 University of California Publications . [botany

south of Fullers Ridge. But this is a mere bagatelle as (•omi)ared with the large forests, estimated at between 35,000 and 40,000 acres, still untouched. The Southern California Health Resort Company has recently acquired some 5000 acres in and around Strawberry Valley, and, being alive to their own interests, will protect not only the forests but also the shrubs, ferns and flow- ers to the best of their ability. The Florida Water Company is also protecting the timber on their holdings on the west side. The gi'eat bulk of the forests, including all those of the higher valleys, is now in the government reserve, but each alternate section of this land has, until recently, been held either liy the Southern Pacific Company or l)y individuals. The United States government is now extending its control by exchanging timber lands in other parts of the West, mostly in Oregon, for these tracts. This is a step in the right dii'ection and would seem to indicate that the authorities realize the value of these forests to Southern California; although the fruit growers of the surrounding region, who are dependent on the mountain forests for theii* supply of water for irrigation purposes, have exhibited no great interest in the matter.


We now come to a class of plants which are characteristic inhabitants of the open coniferous forests. These might have been taken up in connection with the forest formation but they are so distinct from the elements of the forest itself that they are here treated separately. Attention has already been called to the fact that the forests inhabit those slopes having comparatively- little surface moisture. It therefore follows that the species comprising the undergrowth have their roots in di-y soil and, as they are also subjected to the drying effects of the air currents which pass through the open forests, thej- take on a semi-xero- phytic character.

The forests are largely free from undei'brush and the shrubs are not therefore of great importance. In the higher valleys we find only SynipJioricarpos Parishii, Penfstemon Bothrockii and a few less common species, ])ut in the lower part of the pine belt the suffrutescent species are more commonly met with, Arcfosta-

Vol.1] Rail. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 27

pliylos Pringlei drupacea, Ceanothus integerrimus and RJianmus Californica tomentella being the principal ones. In tlie east end of Tahqnitz Valley patches of Amorpha liispidnla and Garrya Fremonti are not rare beneath the pines.

The herbaceous undergrowth is more abundant and varied. The pine benches of the lower altitudes are sometimes red with the blossoms of Pentstemon labrosus, and Monardella lanceolata is scarcely less common. Other species are the following: Strev- tanthus campesiris, Arahis areuata, Euphorbia Palmeri and Frasera Parry i. All of these have tall, erect stems with long internodes and moderately small leaves. Quite different in general appearance are Pedicularis semiharbata and Lotus JSfeda- densis, the former with its elongated leaves spreading out almost in a rosette, the latter with long, prostrate stems. Other species of the open forest will be found listed in the main part of this report.


The chief prerequisite to a meadow formation is an abun- dance of surface moisture, and hence meadows of various sizes are found scattered over San Jacinto Mountain Ijetween the altitudes of 4000 and 10,000 feet wherever the surface soil is sufficiently moist. Where the moisture is principally in the subsoil coniferous forests abound, but wherever it rises nearly to the surface we find the forest giving way to a meadow forma- tion. Sometimes the forest will send arms out into the meadow, but it will be noticed that these always follow strips of slightly greater elevation than the meadow land, the moisture still being, therefore, chiefly in the subsoil. Occasionally small patches of forest occur on knolls which are completely surrounded by meadow, thus giving rise to forest-islands, of which the one shown in plate v is an example.

The rise of soil moisture to the surface is brought about by the position of the underlying strata of the mountain. The position of these may be either of two distinct types, giving rise to two classes of meadow formations, namely, the hillside meadows and the valley meadows.

The hillside meadows receive their moisture from between

28 University of California Publications. [botany

strata which come to the surface on the moimtain side. Water from ineltiug- snow or from rains on the upper slopes percolates slowly through the soil and between the granitic strata of the mountain, to be released during the summer months at points farther down, the strata thus serving as reservoirs. By the crumpling or spreading of the strata it is often allowed to come to the surface, and wherever this occm-s we find the small hillside bogs or the larger meadows so common on San Jacinto. Some- times these are scarcely more than springs with the accompanying fringe of green, l)ut more often they form conspicuous patches on the hillsides. There is one of these on the west side at about 8000 feet altitude that is large enough to be used as a landmark and can be seen for a distance of several miles, while in Tahquitz Valley meadows of this class are sometimes a mile long. The vegetation of the smaller hillside meadows is largely made up of true grasses, Agrostis tenuis and tSporoholus gracillimtis predom- inating, with species of Bromus on the margins. Accompanying these are a number of the higher plants, among the more frequent of which are Sist/rinchium helium, Mimulus primuloides, M. Langsdorfii Tilingi and Rumex salicifolius.

In the valley meadows the rise of moisture is due to the fact that the strata at the lower end of the valley are so placed that the water can escape only after it has risen to the surface. This may be brought about either by the convergence of those strata forming the valley walls, or the underlying strata of the valley floors may be curved upward at the mouth of the valley, thus assuming a transverse position and blocking the further passage of underground water. The soil is in most cases deep and rich since the valley floors have received the deposits brought in from the surrounding hills, and these meadows contain, besides the grasses, a number of important rushes and sedges, these some- times becoming the dominant elements.

Of these meadows there are five which contain over one hundred acres. By far the largest and most valuable is the one occupying the middle portion of the Thomas, or Hemet, Valley at an average altitude of 4400 feet, this including about 2000 acres, all of which is used as pasturage for cattle. The water sup])ly is derived from a high ridge, an ofl'-shoot from Tahquitz







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Vol.1] Hall. Boianical Snrvetj of San Jacinto Mouniain. 29

Peak, on the north, and from the Thomas Mountains on the south, the moisture passing down these slopes through the subsoil and rock strata and rising sufficiently near the surface in the vallej' which thej^ enclose to furnish the conditions favorable to a meadow formation. This meadow is composed largeh- of "wire grass" {Juncus Mexicanus) which is also the charactei'istic component of a number of the lower meadows where there is but a limited supply of moisture. Toward the lower end of the valley the water rises nearer the surface and the wire grass is replaced by true grasses, such as Agropyron caninum, Ehjmns triUcoides, and Polypogon Monspeliensis .

In Onstatt Valley and at a few other places on the south side of the mountain there are meadows similar to the one in Thomas Valley. Besides these there occur at middle altitudes a few in which the gi'asses predominate, but it is not until we ascend to an altitude of about 8000 feet that meadows of any extent other than those composed of wire grass are found.

At this altitude we find, in Tahquitz Valley, a series of meadows ranging from the 9000-foot contour down to 6500 feet. Some of these are half-boggy hillside meadows while others are nearly level, the water being forced to the surface by the con- vergence of the strata forming the valley- walls. Of the grasses, Agrostis tenuis and Plileum alpinum are the most abundant, the loose panicles of the former making large, red patches on the open meadows in August and September. In places where the soil contains but a moderate amount of moisture Elynius glaitcus and Bromus marginatus are important elements, while Panicularia uervata is plentiful along the creeks below 7500 feet altitude.

In Round Valley, at an altitude of 9000 feet, occurs a meadow formation very different from that just described. Although the soil and moisture conditions are apparently the same as those which obtain in Tahquitz Valley', we here find the grasses replaced by Garex Hallii and Carex jSfebraskensis, the meadow being composed almost entirely of these two sedges, while Poa alpina, the only grass which is at all common, grows in a few places. The change is undoubtedly the effect of the increased altitude, this meadow lying from 500 to 1000 feet

30 University of California Puhlications. [botany

higlier than the principal ones of Tahqnitz Valley and well within the Canadian Zone, while the latter l^elong to the Upper Transition Zone.

We also find in Round Valley a number of small meadows which are on somewhat higher and therefore better drained soil than the one just described. These are composed entirely of the true grasses, Ehjnms glaucus, Bromus marginafus seniiiiKdiis and SporohoJns depauperaius being the most important.

There are a number of plants other than grasses, sedges, etc., which find the conditions existing in the wet meadows of the higher valleys favorable to theii* growth. Since the soil in which they grow contains a large percentage of water, the,y take on a somewhat hydrophilous character, notwithstanding the fact that they are subjected to the di-ying effect of the direct rays of the sun. Of these plants the two most characteristic are Polyg- onum historioides and Dodecatheon aljiinum; the former being common around the borders of meadows, where its white heads are quite showy during the flowering season, while the latter often dots the more boggy portions with reddish purple. Other species apparently restricted to this habitat are Enlophns ParisJm, Veronica serpyUi folia, Epilohimn Oregonense gracil- linmm, and Aster Andersonii. Trifolium Rushyi forms a sod in one or two places in Tahqnitz Valley, and T. monantlmm is abundant around the borders of the Carex meadows of Round Valley, and elsewhere.


The riparian formation on San Jacinto Mountain is not a prominent one. The streams usually flow through canons or valleys whose sides rise, either gradually or abruptly, from the very water' s-edge, leaving scarcely room for a strip of saturated soil such as is common along streams of the lowlands. In some of the larger valleys, however, the flora of the stream banks becomes quite conspicuous.

In Strawbeny and Onstatt Valleys the streams are lined with a growth of White Alder ( Alnus rhomhi folia) and two species of willow fSalix lasiolepis and S. laevigata). In the canons the Western Azalea (Rhododendron occidentalej is found adorning

Vol. ii Hall. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 31

the streams and occasionally also the Common Dogwood ( Corntis puhescens), but there are no shrubs or trees common to a majority of the streams.

Of the endogenous species a large percentage may be classed as riparian. The moist soil and the deep shade supply the conditions favorable to their growth, and as a result of these conditions they exhibit a more or less strongly developed hydro- philous character: the stems are often short, and the broad, thin leaves are commonly glabrous and sessile. Given in the order of their relative abundance, a few of the endogens are the following: Lilimn Parryi, Hahenaria leucostachys, Veratrum speciostim, Epipactis gigantea, and Smilacina amplexicauUs.

Growing with the above and scarcely less characteristic of the riparian formation are many annual exogenous plants, the majority of which are quite conspicuous, and of these Aquilegia triincata, CastUleia miniata, EpUohium glaherrinuim , Lotus ohlongifolius, and the different species of Veronica and Thalictrum are the more common and noticeable.

THE POXD for:mation.

Of even less importance than the riparian formation is the pond formation which, on account of the scarcity of bodies of quiet water, is almost lacking on the mountain. Hemet Lake is an artificial reservoir about two miles in length by less than a half mile in width, but the plants commonly inhabiting such places have not yet found their way to this body of water, and the onh- other one is a shallow pond about a quarter of a mile in diameter, known as Lake Surprise. This lies near the summit of a ridge at an altitude of 9000 feet and, being withiu the Canadian Zone, is surrounded with groves of Murray Pine. The somewhat stagnant water is much warmer than one would expect to find at this altitude and here Potamogefon CJaytoni, which has not been found elsewhere in California south of the Yosemite, although it is common in the Atlantic states, grows in abundance, the surface of the water being nearly covered with its leaves in some places. Eleocharis palustris is also plentiful in the shallower portions, while along the edges LimoseUa aquatica is common both in the water and in the damp sand just above the water line.

32 University of California Publications. [botany


Ill examining the flora of any of tlie liigh ridges of San Jacinto Mountain it very soon becomes evident that we are deal- ing with a type of vegetation quite different from that of any of the formations just discussed and, since it cannot be classed with any of these, we have decided to treat it as a distinct group, for which the wmne crest formation has been selected.

By the crest formation is meant that assemblage of plants, other than trees, found growing on the peaks and I'idges- above 7000 feet altitude. The plants of this formation are marked by a strong xerophile tendency brought about by the arid conditions under which they exist, this aridity being due to the low tem- perature, to the rapiditj" with which moisture is conducted to the lower portions of the mountain, to accelerated evaporation caused by diminished atmospheric pressure, and by the drying winds which sweep over those regions.

The shrnbl>y vegetation is most abundant among the rocks, often springing from fissures in their sides, and is therefore obliged to resort to various devices for collecting and retaining the necessary amount of moisture . Cereocarpus ledifolius accomp- lishes this, in part, l)y a decided reduction in leaf surface and also by the thickening of the leaves and the development of a thick cuticular covering. When growing on the ridges the leaf surface in Holodiscus discolor dumosa is also much reduced. Philadelphus serpyllifolius and Ericameria cuneata have their leaves pro- tected by an external covering, those of the former being silvery canescent beneath, of the latter being covered by a balsamic resin exuded by the leaf. In all these species the stems and twigs are exceedingly tough and wiry. Sometimes the shrubs venture out upon the exposed slopes, where thej- form a low, mat- like growth and connect directly with the chaparral formation of the higher altitudes, the principal species being Casta »ea seni- pervirens, Ceanotlius cordulatus and ArctostapJiylos patula.

The herbs of the crest formation are almost entirely peren- nials, not a single annual species being at all common on the higher ridges, and are largely confined to somewhat sheltered positions among the rocks where thej' seldom grow to a height of more than a few inches. The roots are more or less woody



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Vol.1] Hall. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 33

and well developed, as a result of the vigorous winds of these regions and the great depth to which they are obliged to pene- trate in order to secure a sufficient amount of moisture, while the slender stems, which bear leaves provided with some device for the checking of excessive transpiration, die back each winter. Among the commoner species may be mentioned Eriogonum saxatile, Silene ParisJm, Gilia pungens, and Hieraceum horridum.

Following now this formation along the ridges to the highest point on San Jacinto Mountain, we notice that the characters of the vegetation as described above undergo no radical change, but that they become more and more intensified as the altitude increases. As the summit, which has an altitude of 10,805 feet, is neared, it is seen to be covered with large rocks, the soil being scant and composed entirely of decomposed granite; while at places, especially on the north side, it drops off in steep canons, the walls and bottoms of which are of almost solid rock. These canons, continuing to descend very rapidly for over 7000 feet, soon reach altitudes of a more temperate climate, l)ut in their upper portions small banks of snow remain throughout the summer, and along their margins a few alpine species of plants find the conditions favorable to their growth. On the other three sides of the peak the descent is much less rapid and here are found quite a number of boreal plants, the most conspicuous of which are the stunted specimens of the Limber and Murray Pines. Other species grow mainly in sheltered places, often in enclosures which are quite surrounded by rocky walls, and are all hardy, thick-rooted perennial herl^s and shrubs.

Siiice the floras of isolated mountain peaks are always of interest, a list of the species found growing on the summit of San Jacinto Mountain, that is, between 10,700 and 10,805 feet altitude, has been prepared.


Aquilegia truncata (alpine form) Pinus flexilis

Carex Preslii P. Murrayana

Castaneachrysophylla Ranunculus Esehscholtzii

Draba corrugata Ribes cereum

Heuehera rubeseens R. lacustre moUe

Holodiscus discolor dumosa Silene Parishii

Monardella odoratissima Spraguea umbellata (alpine form)

Oxyria digyna Trisetum subspieatum

Pedieularis semibarbata

34 University of California Publications. [botany

The Factors Affecting Plant Distribution on San Jacinto


altitude, temperature, and moisture.

The most potent factor affecting- the distribution of plants on San Jacinto Mountain is altitude. This may be said of all high mountains, since altitude exerts a direct influence on the tem- perature and moisture conditions of any region. On ascending a mountain which rises from an arid plain, as does the one under consideration, we should therefore expect to find a gradual change from a type of vegetation adapted to the hot, dry condi- tions of the lowlands to one suited to the cold, snow-covered slopes of the higher peaks. Thus we might expect to see the chaparral of the lower slopes giving way, at a uniform altitude on all parts of the mountain, to forests of Black Oak, Yellow Pine, and other species of both plants and animals ordinarily associated with these. At a definite altitude this belt would merge into one in which the White Fir would he the dominant tree, and this again into a belt of Murra}' Piue, and so on until the summit were reached.

Something like this is what we should expect to find on a mountain existing under ideal conditions. But other factors come in to mar this orderh^ succession of biological zones and, since the seemingly promiscuous distribution of plants on San Jacinto Mountain is due to these factors, they will be more fully treated in the following pages ; while the more important factors of altitude, temperature, and moisture will not be further discussed, since their influence is more generally understood and since they usually act in the same direction.

SLOPE exposure.

As is well known the inclination of a slope to the sun's rays during the warmest parts of the day may modify largely the amount of heat received and consequently the nature of the veg- etation. As a result of this the life zones are forced up on south and west exposures while they dip down on north and east slopes. Some idea of the extent to which slope ex]30siire may affect the temperature of a surface may be had by calculating the ratio between the number of heat rays received by surfaces equal in

Vol.1] Hall. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 35

area but iueliued at dififerent angles to the direction of the rays. For this purpose a trigonometrical formula may be developed to give the ratio between the amount received by a surface inclined at any given angle to the level and a level surface of equal area, the sun's rays coming at any given angle.

Since the amount of heat received by a surface is proportional to its width we shall, for convenience, select a surface the width of which is equal to the diameter of a ray of heat. Moreover we shall consider only south slopes.

In the diagram let 6 be a surface, as indicated above, inclined at any given angle, £, to the level; let c be the level surface on which the rays would strike if not intercepted by h; ^ is any given angle at which the rays strike the level.

Now since the number of rays striking & is equal to the num- ber that would strike c if not intercepted, we have

Distance between rays on h ])_

Distance between rays on e c

sin P

sm y

sin /3

sin ( 180°— ^—/8),

or, since the amount of heat received by a surface is inversely proportional to the distance between the rays, we have

Heat rec'd bv unit area on h sin (^ + /5)

Heat rec'd by equal area on c



36 Universiiij of C(difornia Puhlicaiions. [botany

Ai)plyiiig this formula to the extirme ease, where the rays strike the level at au angle of 45° and where the slope is inclined at an angle of 45° to the level (the rays thus striking the slope perpendicularly), we have the following:

Heat rec'd by slope at 45° i j.14.

Heat rec'd by equal area of level land

In other words, if the sun is 45° above the southern horizon and a south slope is inclined at an angle of 45°, any area on the latter will receive nearly one and one-half times as much heat as will an equal area of level land.

The other extreme occurs on north slopes which, if inclined at an angle of 45° to the level, will receive no rays whatever as long as the sun is less than 45° above the southern horizon.

We must not, however, expect to find so marked an effect on the position of the life zones as the above figures would seem to indicate, since air currents and other factors are constantly tend- ing to equalize the temperature of adjoining regions. If the two surfaces differ in character this must also l)e taken into consid- eration, since it would, in most cases, be accompanied by a differ- ence in the coefficients of absorption. It is further to be noted that the ratio between the amount of heat absorbed and the amount reflected increases as the sui-face approaches to the nor- mal of the incident rays, and that the absorbed heat affects primarily the temperature of the soil, while reflected heat affects primarily the temperature of the air.

Coming now to a consideration of slope exposure as affecting the distribution of plants on San Jacinto Mountain, we may take as examples a few of the more important cases. On making the . ascent from the south side we pass first through a dense chapar- ral formation until, at about 5000 feet altitude, we come out upon the crests of east-and-west ridges, when the whole scene immediately changes, and we descend the cool north slopes be- neath groves of Yellow Pine and Kellogg Oak. This change, which gives us a coniferous forest at even lower altitudes than the higher portions of the chaparral belt, is evidently due to a corresponding change in slope exposure, the chaparral occurring on slopes exposed to the south, the forest on slopes facing the north.








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Vol.1] Hall. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 37

By reference to the map of life zones it will be seen that a long- arm of the Upper Sonoran Zone, corresponding to the chap- arral belt, enters the main body of the Transition Zone, or Yel- low Pine belt, from the sontheast. This chaparral area is a moderately steep slope facing the southwest, while in the more nearly level valleys below are open groves of Yellow Pine, the crest of the ridge above being also forested with this and other conifers. The raising of the chaparral belt is here due almost entirely to slope exposure, the slope being such as to be nearly at right angles to the incident rays of the sun during the hottest part of the day, while other factors scarcely enter in.

In some of these cases we find that slope exposure not only

carries an arm of one zone well up into a higher one l)ut that

this intruding arm may be entirely cut off from the main body of

the belt to which it belongs. A striking example of this is seen

on Chalk Hill, a prominent south slope crossed by the stage road

just before entering Strawbeny Valley, where we have a case of

a Sonoran, or foot-hill, flora being carried far above its normal

position on the mountain and completely surrounded by a flora

consisting of Transition species, thus producing a veritable

Sonoran island (see plates vii and viii). The elevation of this

slope ranges from 4400 to 5400 feet, and yet the flora is strictly

that of the Upper Sonoran Zone, the most prominent species

being Arctostaphylos tomentosa, Adenostoma fasciculatum, A.

.<<parsi folium, Gastilleia foliolosa, Mimulus hrevipes, Diplacus

longiflorus and CryptantJie Jonesii, all of which are characteristic

of the lower foot-hills. The Transition Zone species from above

creep down along the creeks and in the shade of low ridges to

unite with a large transition area at the foot of Chalk Hill.

The presence of this transition flora is explained in part by the

comparatively level surface and in part by the presence of a ridge

which, rising to the south, intercepts the sun's rays during a

part of the afternoon. This ridge supports on the slope facing

the north, and thus opposite Chalk Hill, a vegetation consisting

of such characteristically transition species as the Coulter and

Yellow Pines. In the valley between this ridge and Chalk Hill

we find the transition area mentioned above sending out arms

38 University of California Puhlications . [botany

which reach up into tlie Souoran Zone, the two floras mixing along the border.

The presence of the Sonoran ishind lying on the southeast slo])e of the ridge running out from Tahquitz Peak is due to a combination of factors. Besides the effect of slope exposure we have here to consider that of desert winds which, gliding over the ridge of which Antsell Rock is the most prominent feature, strike the slope under consideration, giving to it a warmer and drier climate than it would otherwise have.

Besides influencing the distribution of plants by its effect upon temperature, slope exposure may also act in a more indu-ect way by altering the moisture conditions. Toward the summit of San Jacinto Mountain are barren south slopes, to which the altitude gives a temperature sufficiently low to support forests in case the other conditions were favorable. This deficiency in trees can be explained in no other way than by the lack of moisture in the soil, since the only tree that could be expected at that altitude is the Murray Pine, which reciuires a moist sub- soil and which is common on north exposures and on benches both above and below the slopes in question. The deficiency in soil moisture is undoubtedly due to the early melting of the snow on these south slopes from which the water quickly escapes, while on north exposures and on the benches the lingering snowdrifts act as reservoirs, and, by their slow melting, supply the soil with the necessary moisture.

The uniting of slope exposure with other factors to change the position of life zones will be discussed elsewhere.


It is well known that the air currents which ascend a mountain are usually warm and tend to carry the life zones up, but in considering the air currents of San Jacinto Mountain we nuist distinguish between those coming from the west or southwest and those from the east or northeast, between ocean breezes and desert winds. It is true that the former have crossed the warm San Jacinto Plains before reaching the mountain, but they are still much less torrid and di^ying than those ascending the east side from the Colorado Desert.


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Vol.11 HiiJl. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 39

The influence of these desert winds is similar to that of slope exposure and, coming as they do from the east and northeast, they carry the life zones up on those sides of the peaks and ridges where we should naturally expect to find them dipping. That warm winds may be more potent than slope exposure in their effect upon vegetation is shown by the fact that on the south and west slopes of the main mountain the lower limits of the Yellow Pine belt follows rather closely the 5000-foot contour line and dips considerably lower than that along the streams, while on the east side, just below Tahciuitz and Round Valleys, it is carried u]) to al)0ut 6000 feet, and in some places even higher. In Tahquitz Valley the termination of the coniferous forest is exceedingly abrupt. We pass down the valley in the shade of Incense Cedars and Yellow Pines until an altitude of 6000 feet is reached, when the vegetation suddenly changes to that of the Upper Sonoran Zone, the most conspicuous perennials being Aclenostonia fascicnlatum, A. sparsifoUum , Diplacns longi- florus, Eriodictyon tomentosum and Nolina Parryi. The abrupt- ness of this change is due in part to the topography, the slope taking a sudden dip at this place.

A complicated case showing the effect of slope exposure, desert winds and protecting ridges, is the following. On the northwest side of San Jacinto Mountain is a basin known as Hurley Flat (alt. 3500 ft.) surrounded on the north and east by low spurs, on the southeast by considerably higher ridges, and on the south and southwest by a continuation of Fullers Ridge, which maybe designated as Schains Ridge (alt. 5200 ft.). On the eastern wall of this basin (the west side of the low spur) the pine belt extends dow^n nearly to the bottom. Along the south wall it creeps gradually up as we proceed westward, until on the southwest side of the basin (the northeast slope of Schains Ridge) t^ere are no pines whatever. Passing over the summit of this ridge we find a narrow belt of conifers fringing its south- west side.

In searching for the cause of this peculiar distribution we notice the following. The eastern side of the basin is protected from desert winds by the low spur and is therefore able to support a scant coniferous growth; the winds glide over this

40 Universifij of Culifornia PuhJirafions. [botany

spur and strike the south and southwest sides of the basin, carry- ing- the temperature line, and with it the lower edge of the pine belt, up on those slopes; the southwest side of Schains Ridge is again protected from desert winds and, although exposed to the direct rays of the sun during the hottest part of the day, it is fringed by a narrow belt of coniferous forest.

Besides the warm ascending currents we have also to consider the cold descending currents. During the night the cold air from Fullers Ridge and the higher mountains glides down their slopes and settles in the basin known as Hurley Flat, and it is asserted that on some nights there is a heavy frost at this place, while at Schains, 1700 feet above, it remains frostless. The fact that the bed-rock is near the surface at some places on the walls of this basin should perhaps be taken into account in case a detailed examination were to be made, but it does not atfect the general results as noted above.

Numerous cases similar to that just described occur all along those slopes facing the Colorado Desert. It is thus seen that the presence of this hot, arid region exerts no small intluenee on the distribution of plants on San Jacinto Mountain.


But little of the surface of San Jacinto Mountain is devoid of all vegetation. Large areas on the west side of the high ridge connecting the main peak with Marion . Peak are so closely covered with large rocks above the 9000-foot contour that one can scarcely make his w^ay among them, yet wherever there is sufficient moisture we find forests of Abies concolor, Pinus Murray ana, or P. flexiUs, depending on the altitude. There are, however, a few barren cliifs and rocks, some of the latter a thousand feet high, in the vicinity of Tahquitz Peak and along the great fault on the northeast. These stand out in bold relief from the forests which surround them.

Although there is scarcely sufficient snow on the mountain to cause serious avalanches, still the extreme steepness of the north side tends to their production. There have been a few of these which, tearing down the north and northwest faces of the main peak, plunged into the tributaries of Snow Creek Canon, leaving



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Vol. n HaU. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Moimiain. 41

a white trail of bare granite in theii* rear. As the ah'eady too scant soil was carried completely away these areas were never reforested and remain as scars on the mountain side.

Somewhat similar are a few denuded slopes in the chaparral belt. In sjiring'time the streams of the foot-hill caiions, swollen by water from the melting* snow of the higher regions, undermine their banks and thus cause land slides on the steeper hills. The vegetation is carried down into the canons, leaving only ragged areas of bare soil or rock where before were solid thickets of chaparral. Several such denuded areas are shown in the back- ground of plate iii.


As compared with those of more northern latitudes the streams of San Jacinto carry but a small volume of water, and yet, since they are found on all parts of the mountain, their in- fluence on the distribution of plants is one worthy of considera- tion among the other factors. They all have their rise at considerable altitudes, the source of some being the numerous small springs, which open on the mountain sides, while others are fed from the banks of melting snow; but all the larger streams, with the exception of Snow Creek, receive their water from the half -boggy meadows of the higher valleys. The smaller streams soon unite to form about six fan-- sized creeks aud these, following the tortuous canons which they have cut into the mountain side, either find their wav to the main San Jacinto River and thence to the sea, or else, by turning easterly, flow out on the Colorado Desert, in the sands of which they are soon lost to view.

Among the effects produced upon the vegetation by the presence of these brooks the most obvious is that due to the increase of soil moisture along the banks. In rapidly flowing- streams, such as we here have, this influence is not felt for any great distance from the stream, but it is sutflcieut to gather along the watercourses a characteristic riparian formation, quite distinct from the forest formation of the drier slopes.

As affecting the position of the floral belts their influence is quite marked, the water having a cooling effect on the tempera- B0T.-4.

42 University of California Publications. [botany

tiire during the day, while throughout the night time the cohl air of the higher altitudes settles into the canons through which they flow. As a result we find the life zones dij^ping along the streams and sometimes carried several hundred feet below their normal position. It is to be noted, however, that while this effect is nearly always one which may be easily determined, it is scarcely to be compared with that produced by some of the factors mentioned above, some of which are capable of shifting the life zones for a vertical distance of several thousand feet.


Having once determined the factors which affect the distribu- tion of plants in any region, and having received some notion of the relative value of each of these, the next problem is the determination of the result produced by these factors when act- ing in all possible combinations. In attacking a phytogeo- graphic problem there is a strong tendency to select only one or two factors and, centering the attention on these, to attempt the explanation of all phenomena connected with the subject by reference to these alone ; but it is to be remembered that the flora of any region is determined by a number of factors, some of greater importance and some of less, but each to he considered as having its own influence on the common resultant.

A number of these factors often act to produce the same result, and whenever this occurs a marked effect upon the , position of the floral belts is noticed. An instance of this is found along the North Fork of the San Jacinto River, where the effects of slope exposure and of the presence of a mountain stream act in unison against that of altitude. Here, as a result of the cooling effects produced by the stream and by the presence of Indian Hill which, rising on the west for some 2000 feet above the stream banks, shyts off the afternoon sun, we find the lower edge of the Yellow Pine belt dipping to an altitude of 3000 feet, while its normal position on San Jacinto Mountain is about 2000 feet higher.

A fierce battle of this nature is the one waged on the north side of the mountain where, on account of the steep north slopes, we should expect to see the life zones running down to

Vol.1] Hall. Boianicol Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 43

very low altitudes. But opposed to this factor is that of the warm air currents rising from the Colorado Desert. The lower edge of the timber belt, which furnishes a good indication of the results of the sti'uggle, is seen to be extremely sinuous on these slopes, running well out on the protected sides of all ridges and spurs, but immediately retreating to higher altitudes wherever it comes around on those sides exposed to the desert winds. This would seem to indicate that the lower limits of this belt are influenced not so much by the slowly ascending air currents as by the hot winds, since the former would tend to equalize the temperature over all that region, while the latter strike as hot, drying blasts, on all exposed areas.

While the only factor to be considered in the case of the ideal mountain, as pictured in the opening section of this chapter, was that of altitude, it is now seen that in actual cases many other factors demand our consideration, and it is interesting to notice that these may be combined in such a manner that the effect of those acting in one dii-ection will be neutralized by the effect of those acting in an opposite direction, the resultant thus being the same as though altitude were the only acting factor. But the slightest increase in the value of any one factor will immediately destroy the equilibrium and manifest itself in its effect on plant distribution. In this connection we may compare the conditions prevailing on tlie west side of San Jacinto Moun- tain with those of the east side. On the former the desert winds have but little influence, while slope exposure carries the lower edge of the timber belt up to an average altitude of 5000 feet; on the latter slope exposure maybe considered as negative, since the slope is such that during the hottest part of the day the sun's rays strike it at only a very ol^licjue angle, but desert winds here exert a pronounced influence, carrying the life zones even higher than did slope exposure on the west side, the lower edge of the timber belt being at 6000 feet altitude east of Tahquitz Valley and considerably higher on the northeast "side. At a few places, however, a new factor comes in. This is the effect of cold streams, which, opposing that of desert winds, carries the timber belt some 500 feet lower along the creeks than it is on the drier slopes; but even after the north slope and the

44 Cwi versify of Calif ornia Pahlications. ibotaky

streams have combined their forces in an attempt to reduce this line it is still 500 to 1000 feet higher than it is on the south and west sides.

From this we are led to conclude that the prime factor affect- ing the distribution of plants on San Jacinto Mountain is altitude (including with this other conditions produced l)y the altitude), and that second in importance, i)articularl.y on the north and east sides, is the influence of desert winds, while the third factor is slope exposure. We also see that these, together with other factors of less importance, unite in many sets of combinations on different parts of the mountain, thus producing in the floral belts a great diversity of outline and position.


At first thought one might suppose that the conditions existing on high mountains and those prevailing in the desert regions were directly opposite in their nature, but when con- sidered in the light of their effect upon the plants of the two regions it is seen that they are in many respects very similar.

An example of this similarity of characters in plants from the montane and desert regions, as contrasted with those of plants from the intervening slopes, is seen in the three varieties of Monardella macranfha collected in the San Jacinto Mountains and along the desert which skirts their eastern base.

In plate xii is shown a variety (the second one technically described under Moiiardella maeranfJia in the list closing this report) from the Upper Transition Zone. It grows in open pine and fir forests at about 8000 feet altitude, and maybe considered as the high-montane form. Comparing this with the specimen shown in i)late xi it is seen to be much reduced in size owing to the shortened intern odes; the leaf surface is greatl,y reduced, the pubescence close and dense, ami the whole appearance is that of a xerophytic plant.

The specimen shown in i)late xi [M. macranfha fenuif^ora) is from a shaded hillside just below the Lower Transition Zone and therefore in the upi^er part of the chaparral l)elt. This variety grows beneath larger plants by which it is partially shaded. The internodes are seen to lie elongated, tlie leaves are much hirger

Vol.1] Hall. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 45

than iu the other varieties, the pnbescense is sparse and straight, while the general appearance is that of a mesophytie plant. It will also be noticed that the spaces between the larger leaves are filled in by smaller ones borne on short, arrested branches, thns increasing the amonnt of leaf snrface exposed to the snn.

In plate x is represented a specimen (the third variety technically described under M. macranfha) from the borders of the Colorado Desert, to the southeast of San Jacinto Mountain. The plant was in reality collected at a slightly higher altitude than the one figured in plate xi, but the hillside on which it grew opened out directly towards the desert so that it was in the Lower Sonoran Zone, where the conditions are decidedly arid. The characters exhibited liy this jtlant are similar to those of the one figured in i^late xii, from the highest altitudes, but the xerophytic nature is somewhat more pronounced.

On examining the internal structure of these plants we find variations in the histological characters running parallel with those of the external characters. Examinations have been made only of the leaves, cross sections of which are shown in plate xiii. It is seen that in the leaves of plants from the chaparral belt (fig. 1) the epidermis is composed of large cells with walls about one-half as thick as the diameter of the cavity, the loose tissue below the palisade layers of the mesophyll contains large air spaces, and the epidermal hairs are long, straight, and two- celled. In the leaves of plants from high altitudes (fig. 2) the structure is very similar to that found in leaves from the desert region (fig. 3), in each case the epidermal cells being small, with greatly thickened outer walls, the diameter of which is about twice that of the cell cavity, the air spaces being smaller and less common, and the epidermal hairs shorter, often bent or appressed and not infrequently only one-celled.

We find, then, on San Jacinto Mountain three varieties of Monardella macrantJia, two of which are xerophytic and one mesophytie. One of the xerophytic forms comes from the desert region, the other from high altitudes in the montane region, while the mesophytie form occurs only at points between these two regions. From this it is evident that the conditions

46 Universiiy of (Jalifornia Publications. [botany

prevailing on the higher mouutaius produee, to a large degree, characters similar to those which are found on desert plants.

On comparing the climatic conditions prevailing at high altitudes with those of the desert region we at once recall the vast difference in temperature; but it has been demonstrated by a series of experiments carried on by Bonnier* and others that the alpine vegetation is affected not so much by the extreme and continued low temperature as by the the fluctuation between warm days and cold nights. During the day the sun's rays give to the mountain tops a reasonable amount of heat but, as evening draws on, rapid radiation due to the rarified atmosphere sets in, and the temperature is suddenly and very appreciably lowered. Similar conditions prevail on the desert where excessively hot- days are followed by cold nights, while at middle altitudes, especially on the forested areas, radiation is less rapid and the temperature more nearly uniform.

It is also to be noticed that plants of the higher montane regions adopt various devi(;es for the accumulation of moisture and for protection against excessive transpiration. Sometimes the xerophytic characters which they exhibit are quite similar to those of desert plants: the root system is well developed, the stems and leaves are often clothed with a dense pubescence, and the leaf surface is reduced ; while a histological examination shows an increase in schlerenchymatous tissue, a thickening of the outer walls of the epidermal cells and comparatively few air spaces in the leaves. It is difficult to say how much of this is due to the lack of moisture and how much to other conditions, the most important of which are undoubtedly the fluctuation in tempera- ture and the strong insolation.

As to the factors producing the arid conditions found on high mountains, it need merely to be noted that, in addition to the effect of a low temperature, which renders much of the moisture unavailable to the plant, the water early escapes from the surface soil, both as run-off and by percolation, and that as a result of the rarified atmosphere evaporation from the soil and from plants takes place very rapidly, while the constantly shifting- air currents also accelerate evaporation to no small degree.

*Comptes Rendus cxxvii. .'507 (1898).




'I'H ■■Vk '-'T





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Vol. n Hall. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 47



On examining the flora of the San Jacinto Mountains we find it to be composed of two quite distinct elements; the one plainly- boreal in its character, the other austral. In the Transition Zone, which comprises the broad, middle belt on the mountain, these two floras intermingle and often lose something of their distinctive characteristics, so that it becomes difficult to say just where one terminates and the other begins. Since these were evidently derived from two diflPerent sources they are here sep- arately considered .

The Boreal Element.

By taking a list of all the species of plants found growing in the Alpine, Hudsonian and Canadian Zones of San Jacinto Mountain we have a very good representation of the flora of the higher mountains of Southern California. A list of these, which has been prepared but which it is not necessary to repro- duce here, shows that there are 129 such species represented and that of this number 10 species are limited to Southern California, 5 are restricted to Southern California, Arizona, and New Mexico, and 15 are generally distributed over the Northern Hemisphere; while the remaining 99 are common to the mountains of Southern California and the Sierra Nevadas. By adding the 15 species of general distribution to the last number, we have 114 species or about 88% of the flora of the higher portion of San Jacinto Mountain represented in the Sierras. Of these 114 species at least 46 occur also in the Rocky Mountains. It is there- fore evident that the boreal flora of San Jacinto Mountain has its affinities with the flora of the high ranges extending northward throughout the state and, through this, with the flora of the Rock}^ Mountains.

In this connection it is instructive to compare the San Jacinto flora with that of the San Bernardino Mountains, since it would seem probable that any northern species reaching the former would pass by way of the latter. Of the 114 boreal species selected above as being common to the San Jacinto Mountains

48 University of California Puhlications. [botany

and the Sierras, all but 18 have also beeu found in the San Ber- nardino Mountains, and this number is sure to be even farther reduced when that range shall have been more thoroughly ex- plored. But from this it is not to be inferred that there are only 18 species common to San Jacinto and the Sierras which are not represented in the San Bernardino Mountains, for this number is taken from the already small list of those species selected as representing the boreal flora, and not from the entire list of San Jacinto Mountain plants. On the other hand, a much larger number of Sierran species, perhaps about four times as many, have been collected on the San Bernardino Mountains which do not occur on San Jacinto. This would seem to indi- cate that, if the high-montane flora of Southern California has been derived from some northern source, many species were un- able to cross the barrier formed by the San Gorgon io Pass, and therefore found the southern limit of their range in the San Ber- nardino Mountains, or, if they did succeed in crossing over to San Jacinto, that they have become extinct on this mountain.

We have next to consider the probable conditions under which so large a number of boreal species entered Southern Cali- fornia. At the present time we find a series of mountain ranges extending from the High Sierras to San Jacinto Mountain, everywhere high enough to support coniferous forests except where broken through by passes. Of these, three are so low that the montane flora is divided by strips of the Sonoran, this occurring at the San Gorgonio and Cajon Passes and at the low country between the Sierra Madre Mountains and the southern extremity of the Sierras; the last, which includes Soledad and Tehachapi Passes, being the most serious barrier to the south- ward migration of Sierran species.

It is possible that the montane flora has been able to cross these gaps. This, however, seems hardly probable, when we con- sider that alpine conditions are nowhere present between the highest peaks of the San Jacinto and San Bernardino Mountains and the southern High Sierras, a distance of something over one hundred miles. It is also to be noted that this explanation would not account for the presence in Southern California of the large number of Rocky Mountain species, since the Sierras have

Vol.1] Hall. Bofanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 49

had no connectiou with the Rockies by intervening ranges since Triassic times, and therefore not since our present flora was de- veloped.

The presence of the northern forms on the higher mountains of the southwestern part of the United States is probably best accounted for by a theory advanced by Asa Gray in 1878.* ac- cording to which all the species normally occurring in the Arctic regions were compelled to migrate southward during the glacial period, on account of the great reduction in temperature. Geol- ogists tell us that in California extensive glaciers extended at least as far south as the southern High Sierras, and it may well be imagined that the climate in Southern California must then have been much less temperate than at the present time, and therefore better adapted to a boreal flora. At the close of the glacial period the conditions were reversed and the boreal species, now finding the climate gradually growing warmer, were forced to retreat to colder regions and therefore not only migrated to the north but also "took to the mountains," where they found at the higher altitudes a set of conditions somewhat similar to those of their northern home. Here many species have continued to exist up to the present time without undergoing any great change; others, finding the conditions unsuited to their growth, have been forced out, while a few have taken on a more or less modified form, thus adapting themselves to their new environ- ment. This may possibly account for the presence of certain high-mountain species which are found only in Southern Cali- fornia but which are represented in the Sierras by closely re- lated species. Thus it was that certain boreal species of plants were stranded on the highest mountains and that we find many which are common to the higher peaks of Southern California, Arizona, and New Mexico, from which they extend along the crests of the Sierra Nevada and Rocky Mountains to the Arctic regions.

* "Forest Geography and ArchaBology," a lecture delivered before the Har- vard University Natural History Society, Apr. 18, 1878, by Asa Gray. Printed in Am. .Journ. Sci. & Arts, cxvi. 85-94, 183-19« (1878); also in Bull. U. S. G. S. vi.

62 (1882).

50 University of California Piehlieations. [botany

The Austral Element.

Covering all the lower slopes and rnnning well n]) into the Transition Zone is found a flora very different in character and affinities from that just discussed. The i)lants are remarkable in their adaptation to an arid environment, and therefore approach those of the desert regions in this respect. In fact many of the species extend well out along the low ranges of the Colorado Desert, and there can be little doubt that the floras of these two regions are closely related. Since so little is known of the flora of southeastern California and northern Mexico it is impossible to give the actual number of San Jacinto plants occurring in either of these regions, l)ut it is probable that quite a number of species are common to all three.

Besides the strictly austral element, many of the foot-hill species are restricted to Southern California. These are often quite common and well distributed throughout the foot-hill region of the southern part of the state and, although they have probably migrated somewhat in past ages, still we may consider them as native Southern Calif ornian plants.

The Presence of Arizonan and New Mexican Species.

There still remain for consideration a few plants which apparently have no affinity with any other Californian flora, but which occur in the mountains of either Arizona or New Mexico or both. These are PJiiladeJpJius serpijUif alius, Pentstemon Boihrockii, Geranium Fremontii, Trifolium Eushyi and Lilium Parry i, the first three of which have not yet been found else- where in California, while the last two have also been collected in the San Bernardino Mountains. With the exception of the last, which runs down into the Lower Transition, all are restricted in their range to the Canadian and Upper Transition Zones, and therefore cannot possibly connect with those of Arizona and New Mexico by way of the desert ranges. We are then confronted with the question as to the manner in which these entered Southern California or, in case they originated here, by what route they have been able to cross over into Arizona and New Mexico.

Vol.1] Hall. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 51

There are two possible solutions to this problem. The first is that the seeds may have been carried across the desert, in either the one direction or the other, by birds or other animals. It must be remembered, however, that the distance from the San Jacinto Mountains to those of Arizona is something over two hundred miles, that the seeds of these species have no particular devices to aid in theu' dissemination, and that seeds peculiarly adapted to dissemination over large areas have not been able to cross this barrier.

The second and more probable explanation is that we here have the remnants of boreal species which were driven from their northern home during the glacial period and which, being for some reason unable to retreat to the north at the close of that period, became stranded on these widely separated mountains, to which they had flown for protection from a climate gradually increasing in warmth and aridity. It is to be noted that one of these plants, the Geranium, occurs in the Rockj^ Mountains at least as far north as Idaho and further exploration may extend the ranges of all of them along both the Rockies and the Sierras.

We may then conclude that the flora of San Jacinto Mountain is composed of a boreal and an austral element, that the presence of the former is due to the fact that northern species were forced southward along the Sierra Nevada and San Bernardino Moun- tains during the glacial period, while of the species belonging to the latter a part are native to Southern California and a part have been derived from the regions lying to the southeast.


In preparing this list of San Jacinto Mountain plants, it has seemed advisable to exclude the foot-hill flora, since it is so largely composed of species more or less common in similar regions throughout Southern California; therefore only those species occuring in or above the Yellow Pine belt have been listed. It is to be noted, however, that foot-hill species are in- cluded if they occur on any of the "Sonoran islands," that is.

52 University of California Piihlindions. [botany

on slopes covered Ity sliniljs belonging to the chaparral l)elt, or Sonorau Zone, but surrounded by coniferous forests. The distributional notes will, it is hoped, prevent confusing these with the truly montane species.

The generic nomenclature is, with very few exceptions, that of Engier & Prantl's Natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien; for the specific names adopted the wa-iter is alone responsible. No attempt has been made to include an extensive synonomy, only the more important synonyms being admitted. As a rule, neither synonyms nor citations are given when they may l)e readily found by consulting such standard works as the Synoptical Flora'''^ or the Botany of California.!

In the preparation of this catalogue the author is under great obligations to Professor W. L. Jepson, of the University of California, for valuable suggestions and continued help on many difficult problems; to Mr. Joseph Burtt Davy, of the same institution, for the determination of the Graminete and for critical notes on certain species of this family; and to Mr. S. B. Parish, of San Bernardino, whose knowledge of the Southern California Flora has rendered his assistance of particular value. It is a pleasure to also acknowledge the kindness of Dr. A. A. Davidson, of Mrs. Katharine Brandegee, and of Miss Alice Eastwood, in the loan of specimens for examination and in the extension of other courtesies.


Abies concolor Lindley & Gordon, Journ. Hort. Soc. Lond. v. 210 (1850). A. concolor Loiciana Lemmox, West Am. Coneb. ed. 3, 64 (1895). White Fir.

The White Fir is the dominant tree of the Upper Transition Zone, where it occurs in rather dense forests at 7000-8000 ft. alt., and is also found scattered throughout the Lower Transition on the one hand and in the lower part of the Canadian on the other. (Seep. 23.)

* Synoptical Flora of North America, l)y Asa Gray, eontimied liy B. L. Robinson, Vol. i. pt. 1, fascicles 1, 2 (189.5-1897). Vol. i, pt. 2 (1886), and Vol. ii. pt. 1 (188«).

t Geological Survey of California, Botany, by Asa Gray, W. H. Brewer, and Serene Watson, 2 vols. (1880).

Vol.1] Hall. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 53

Libocedrus decurrens Torr. Incense Cedar.

Commonly met with from the lower edge of the pine belt up to about 8000 ft. alt., but it is nowhere abundant. (See p. 22.)

Pinus Coulteri Don. Coulter Pine.

This pine is not rare along the lower edge of the forest belt on the south and west sides and sometimes runs well up into the forests of Yellow Pine, being found as high as 7500 ft. alt., above Strawberry Valley ; but is evidently not suited to the more arid conditions of those slopes which face the desert as it was not found on the north and east sides. (See p. 20.)

Pinus flexilis James. Limber Pine.

The dominant tree on the high slopes and ridges around San Jacinto and Marion Peaks; also plentiful on Tahquitz Peak. It was found as low as 8200 ft. alt., but it is less common in the lower part of its range. (See pp. 24-25.)

Pinus Lambertiana Dougl. Sugar Pine.

The Sugar Pine ranges from an altitude of 5000 ft. to the upper limits of the Transition Zone, usually in scattered patches but occasionally forming small groves. (See p. 22.)

Pinus Murrayana Miirr. P. contorta Murrayana Engelm.

Murray Pine. Lodge Pole Pine.

This is the characteristic pine of the Canadian Zone but also ranges throughout the Hudsonian and is plentiful on the highest ridges. Its altitudinal range on San Jacinto is from 8000 to 10,800 ft. (See pp. 23-24.)

Pinus ponderosa Laws. Yellow Pine.

The Yellow Pine is by far the most abundant and important tree on the mountain, where it occupies the Transition Zone, being the dominant tree in the Lower Transition and exceeded in numbers in the Upper Transition only by the White Fir. (See pp.. 20-22.)

Pinus ponderosa Jeffreyi {Murr.) Vas. U. S. Dept. Agr.

Kept., 1875, 179. P. Jeffreyi Murr., Kept. Oreg. Exped. ii.

t. 1 (1853). Jeffrey Pine.

This variety is usually found at higher altitudes than the last, ranging from 5200 ft. to 9300 ft. alt. (See pp. 20-22.)

54 University of California Puhlications . [botany

Pseudotsuga macrocarpa {Torr.) Lemmon. Big-cone Spruce. Common in well watered canons of the west side just below the Yellow Pine belt. (See p. 20.)


Potamogeton Claytoni Tucl-erm. Pondweed.

Collected only in the quiet waters of Lake Surprise, altitude 9000 ft., where it is abundant. (No. 2490.)


[Note. For the determination of the plants of this difficult order the author is under obligations to Mr. Joseph Burtt Davy, of the University of California. Wherever a ucav species or variety is described, the author of the new name is also author of the description and notes following.]

Agropyron tenerum Vas. Slender Wheat-grass.

Collected in Dark Caiion at 7000 ft. alt. (No. 2569.)

Agropyron caninum L.

Thomas Valley, at 4500 ft. alt.; Fullers Ridge, at 7000 ft. alt. (Nos. 2174, 2555.)

Agropyron Parishii laeve IScrilni. d- Smith, U. S. Dept. Agr.

Agros. Bull. iv. 28 (1897) (?)

A grass which is probably of this variety was collected in imperfect condition on the West Fork of Snow Creek at abovit 5000 ft. alt. (No. 2541.)

Agrostis Diegoensis IV/.s-., P>ull. Torr. Clul) xiii. 55 (bS80) . San

Diego Bent- grass.

On hillsides beneath the pines and also on stream l)anks at 5000-6000 ft. alt. (Nos. 2209, 2375.)

Agrostis tenuis Vas., Bull. Torr. Club x. 21 (1888).

This delicate grass is plentiful in meadows and around springs at 7500-9000 ft. alt., wherever there is abundant moisture. In some of the Tahquitz meadows it is the dominant grass. (Nos. 2363, 2476, 2533, 2570.)


Vol. 11 Hall. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 55

Agrostis verticillata Vill. Water Bent-grass.

Along water courses in the lower part of the pine belt of the south and west sides. (Nos. 2252, 2275.)

Bromus carinatus H. tO A .

Common in all the forests of the south and west sides at 5000- 6000 ft. alt. This is an important grass of the stock ranges of the south side since it matures earlier than the meadow grasses and is much relished by stock. (No. 2226.)

Bromus marginatus Necs.

Collected on wooded slopes of the south side at 4400 ft. alt. and also in Tahquitz Valley at 7000 ft., where it is plentiful near the streams . ( Nos . 2033 , 2462 . )

Bromus marginatus latior Shear, U. S. Dept. Agr. Agros. Bull.

xxiii. 55 (1900).

Found only in the vicinity of Chalk Hill at an altitude of 5000 ft. (No. 2099.)

Bromus marginatus seminudus Shear, U. S. Dept. Agr. Agros.

Bull, xxiii. 55 (1900).

This is by far the most abundant Bromus on the higher parts of the mountain, being common both in the drier portions of the meadows and on rockj^ hillsides. At the eastern base of San Jacinto Peak it reaches at altitude of 9600 ft., the specimens here being less than 16 in. high. (Nos. 785, 2407, 2498, 2408, 2342.)

Bromus Orcuttianus Vas., Bot. Gaz. x. 223(1885).

Not rare in the lower part of the pine belt. (Nos. 2301, 2538.)

Bromus Orcuttianus grandis Shear, U. S. Dept. Agr. Agros.

Bull, xxiii. 43(1900).

Collected at 5300 ft. alt. on Fullers Ridge, in the same general region as the species. (No. 2256.)

Bromus Ported assimilis Davy, var. nov. B. Porteri laiiatipe.s Shear, U. S. Dept. Agr. Agros. Bull, xxiii. 37 (1900). in part. Mountain Brome.

Loosely tufted perennial; stems stout or slender, 7-J to 9 dm. high, puberulent: sheaths densely retrorse-pubescent; ligule 1 to 2 mm. long, truncate, lacerate; blades flat, 10 to 23 cm. long, 5

56 University of California FuhUcations . botany

to 10 mm. wide, pubescent on both surfaces: panicle long- exserted, 1 to 2 or rarely even 3 dm. long, drooping but usually not heavy, the rachis branches and pedicels puberulent through- out; branches mostly in pairs below, long, slender, spreading or reflexed, bearing 1 to 3 or sometimes several spikelets near the end, remote, the lowest 2 J to 8 cm. apart: spikelets 28 to 40 mm. long, narrow, sub-terte, 6- to 11-flowered; empty glumes unequal, acute, 3-nerved, pubescent, the lower 6 mm. the upper 8 mm. long; flowering glume densely pubescent except at the extreme apex with appressed hairs, obtuse, terminating in a short awn 4 to 5 mm. long.

Type locality : " Wooded slopes and benches of the south side of the San Jacinto Mts., at 5300 ft. alt., June, 1901." H. M. Hall, no. 2228. Type specimen in the Herbarium of the University of California.

Range: Canons and wooded slopes of the San Jacinto and San Bernardino Mts.; San Bernardino Mts., Waterman's Canon, May 29, 1888 (S. B. Parish), and mouth of Snow CaiJon, 5500 ft. alt., June 20, 1901 (S. B. Parish, no. 5038).

This is undoubtedly the plant referred to by Shear, under his original description of B. Porteri Janafipes, as not being typical of that variety and as approaching B. Icevipes; he cites S. B. Parish nos. 253 and 2533a, and S. B. and W. F. Parish no. 1535, from the San Bernardino Mts. The Calif ornian plant differs from B. Porteri lanatipes of the Rocky Mt. region in its less densely pubescent sheaths (described as "densely soft-downy or woolly,") and the greater pubescence of the stems, leaf-blades, pedicels, and empty glumes. From B. vul- garis, which ranges from middle California north to British Columbia, it differs in its 3-nerved lower empty glume and more obtuse flowering glume, the longer and more abundant pubesence on both, and the shorter awn. It appears to approach more nearly to B. hpvipes, which ranges from middle California to Oregon, but it is at once distinguishable on account of its more abundant pubescence throughout and its smaller and fewer- nerved empty glumes. It appears to be related also to B. Richardson i of the Rockj- Mountain region, l)ut dift'crs in the much greater pubescence of all of its parts. How long these

Vol.1] Hall. Botanical Survey of Sa7i Jacinto Mountain. 57

several plants can be considered as distinct species seems doubtful, but, for the present at least, it is desirable to maintain them in this rank until we know more about their local variation and distribution; their distribution appears to coincide with well-marked phytogeographic lines.

Distichlis spicata fL.J Greene, Bull. Calif. Acad. ii.4ir).(?) D. marhima Raf., of Bot. Calif.

The salt grass so common in parts of Thomas valley is proba- bly to be referred to this species, but it was not collected in flower.

Elymus glaber {J. G. S^nith) Davy, comb. nov. Sitanion glahrum J. U. Smith, U. S. Dept. Agr. Agros. Bull, xviii. 14 (189}»). Orchard Barley.

This is an important grass of the drier meadows of Round Valley where it was collected at altitudes of 8300-9000 ft. (Nos. 2501, 2601.)

Elymus glaucus Buckl.

This Elymus is very common in the drier meadows and along the streams from 5200 to over 9000 ft. alt. It is exceedingly variable and passes from the tj'pical form, represented by such specimens as nos. 2269 and 2207, through such intermediate forms as nos. 2455 and 2515 directly over into the variety maxinius. The variation is probably due to the effect of the difference in the light and moisture conditions, since the variety and the forms approaching it were collected only along streams and in deep canons, while the species is more common on the open and some- what sandy benches.

Elymus glaucus maximus Bat't/, in Jepson, Fl. Mid. W. Calif. 79 (1901). Dark Canon at 6000 ft. alt. (No. 2246.)

The latitudinal range of this variety has been greatly extended by its recent collection in Alaska, according to Mr. E. D. Merrill.

Elymus multisetus fJ. G. Smith) Bavy, comb. nov. Sitanion multisetum J. G. Smith, U. S. Dept. Agr. Agros. Bull, xviii. 11 (1899).

Bot.— 5.

58 University of Galifornia Publications. ibotany

Found only in a sandy meadow of tlie sonth side at 4500 ft. alt., this being along the lower edge of the pine belt. (No. 2037.)

Elymus Parishii B((V}j & Merrill, sp. nov.

Stems loosely tufted, 7 to 9 dm. high, scabrid: leaves can- escently pubescent with spreading hairs; ligule a mere ring; blades flat or becoming involute, 5 mm. wide, the uppermost 3.5 to 7 cm. long, the lowest 8 to 16 cm. long: spike 10 to 16 em. long, 10 mm. wide, with somewhat divergent spikelets: spikelets in pairs, the lowest 1 to 2 cm. apart, 1 to 1.5 cm. long excluding the awns, 3 to 5 flowered; empty glumes 11 to 16 mm. long, about 1 mm. wide, awn-pointed; internodes of rachilla 2 to 3 mm. long; flowering glumes scabrous, 10 mm. long; awns 2 to 2.5 cm. long, scalu'ous.

Type specimen collected in the San Jacinto Mountains, Southern California, on wooded slopes and benches of the south side, at 1460 meters (4800 ft.) alt., June, 1901, (H. M. Hall, no. 2097). Also collected on the west side of the same range at Box Springs, at 1600 meters (5300 ft.) alt., July, 1901, (H. M. Hall, no. 2253); and at Tahquitz Valley, July, 1881, (S. B. & W. F. Parish, no. 1014).

The type is in the Herbarium of the University of California.

The canescently pubescent sheaths and blades, somewhat divergent spikelets and long awns at once distinguish this plant from the other known species of Elj'mus from this state.

Elymus pubiflorus {J. G. Smith) Bdci/, comb. nov. Sifanion puhiflorum J. G. Smith, U. S. Dept. Agr. Agros. Bull, xviii. 19 (1899).

Common in dry soil and on exposed slopes from the lower edge of the pine belt to an altitude of 9300 ft. (Nos. 2065, 2073, 2177, 2409.)

Elymus triticoides Buckl. Slender Wild-rye.

Collected in Thomas and Strawberry valleys and also along the eastern base of the mountain. (Nos. 2122, 2177b, 2392.)

Epicampes rigens (Bohind.) BentJi. Deer-grass.

The Deer-gi-ass was found growing in dry soil on the West

Vol. ij HaU. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 59

Fork of Snow Creek at 5000 ft. alt., and in Tahquitz Valley at 6200 ft. alt. (Nos. 2427, 2540.)

Holcus lanatus L. Velvet-grass.

Introduced in the meadows of Strawberry Valley, where it was collected by Dr. A. A. Davidson, July, 1896. Also found on Fullers Ridge at 5200 ft. alt.

Koeleria cristata (L.) Pers. Crested Koeler-grass.

Occasional along the lower edge of the pine belt of the south and east sides. (Nos. 2066, 2429.)

Koeleria cristata pubescens Vas.; Davy, in Jepson, Fl. Mid.

W. Calif. 61 (1901). Soft Koeller- grass.

On dry, pine-clad hillsides, with the last, but more common, and also running up to 6000 ft. alt. (Nos. 2031a, 2206, 2376).

Melica imperfecta flexuosa Boland. Limber Melic-grass.

Collected on Chalk Hill at 4800 ft. alt. and on the North Fork of the San Jacinto River, below the pine belt. (Nos. 2079, 2306.)

Panicularia nervata ( Wilhl.J Ktze. Fowl Meadow-grass.

This occurs on all sides of the mountain below the 7000-foot contour, but is nowhere abundant, and is restricted to the wet meadows and stream banks. (Nos. 2244, 2457, 2553.)

Panicum therm ale Boland.

Collected among the rocks on Chalk Hill at 5000 ft. alt., and also on the North Fork of the San Jacinto River at 3000 ft. alt. (No. 2244.)

Mr. E. D. Merrill, of the United States Department of Agriculture, to whom specimens of our no. 2244 were submitted, has kindly furnished the following note: ''I believe all these sheets are referable to Panicum thermale Boland., which cannot be confined to the form growing about hot springs on account of intergrading forms with Panicum uncipJujUum Trin., from which Panicum thermale differs in its softer and more dense pubescence."

Phleum alpinum L. Alpine Timothy.

Abundant in the wet meadows of Tahquitz Valley at 7500- 8500 ft. alt. (No. 2351.)

60 Universiiy of California Publications . [botanv

Poa alpina f L.J Monutaiu Si)eai'-gTass.

Conniion iu the Carex meadows of Round Valley, altitude 9000 ft. (No. 2482.)

Poa Buckleyana Nash, Bull. Ton-. Club xxii. 465 (1895) . Buneh Red-top.

Beneath pines of the south and west sides at 5000-6000 ft. alt. (Xos. 2064, 2257.)

Poa Howellii Chandler! J>anj, var. nov. Chandler's Meadow- fjrass.

Stems 3.5 to o.-^ dm. high: leaves smooth; sheaths some- what inflated; ligule scarious, white, truncate, dentate, 2 to 4 mm. long; blades fiat, acute, 3 to 5 em. long, 5 mm. wide: panicle but little exserted (at least in young plants), 7 to 13 cm. long; branches sparsely scabrid, remote, the lowest in whorls of 3 to 5, the whorls 2.5 to 3.5 cm. apart; lowest branches very unequal, 1.5 to 7 cm. long, spikelet-bearing only on the upper half: spikelets 4.5 to 5 mm. long, 2-flowered; empty glumes minutely puberulent and serrate, broad, the lower 2 mm. long, acute, 1-nerved, upper about 3 mm. long, emarginate, 3-nerved; rachilla smooth, internodes 1.5 mm. long; flowering glumes scabrid, 3 mm. long, acute, sparingly webbed at base with a long thin wel); stamens 3, anthers 1.5 mm. long.

Type specimen collected in Shackleford Canon, near Marble Mt., Siskiyou Co., about 1800 meters (6000 ft.) alt., June, 1901, (Harley P. Chandler, no. 1703). Since collected in the San Jacinto Mts., Southern California, in damp places in the vicinity of Deer Springs, at 2760 meters (9000 ft.) alt., July, 1901 (H. M. Hall, no. 2573.5), and in Round Valley at 2800 meters (9200 ft.) alt. (H. M. Hall, no. 2594).

The type is in the Herbarium of the University of Califoi-nia.

This plant closely resembles the species in aspect, but difi:Vrs in the smaller panicde, longer but fewer-flowered spikelets, and the lack of prominent pubescence.

Polypogon Monspeliensis fL.J Desf. Beard Grass.

This grass has been introduced into Strawberry and Thomas valleys. (No. 2274.)

Vol.11 Hdll . Bofmiical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 61

Sporobolus depauperatus (Torr.) Scrihn., Bull. Torr. Club, ix. 103 (1882). Vilfa depauperafa Torr., of Bot. Calif.

Common and well distribnted l^etween the 5000 and 9200-foot contours. (Nos. 2341, 2428, 2477, 2545.)

Sporobolus gracillimus (Tbnrb.) Scrihn., Bull. Torr. Club ix.

103 (1882). Vilfa gracillima Thurb., of Bot. Calif.

This species requires a moister soil than does the last and it is probably for this reason that it is less common on the moun- tain, the only collections being made in damp meadows and around springs in Strawberry and Tahquitz valleys. (Nos. 2290, 2359.)

Stipa Californica Merrill & Davy, sp. nov.

A rather stout erect c^spitose glabrous perennial, 7 to 10 dm. high, with plane or involute leaves and elongated contracted panicles about 3 dm. in length: culms and nodes glabrous; sheaths shorter than the internodes, glabrous except on the somewhat ciliate margins above; ligule a minute lacerate ring 0.5 mm. long, with a prominent fringe of hairs on the apparently auriculate margins, 1.5 mm. long; blades firm, plane or becoming involute in drying, 2 to 4 mm. wide, 1 to 1.5 dm. long, glabrous beneath, striate and scabrous above: panicles pale, interrupted, the common axis glabrous, branches solitary or in twos or threes at each node, appressed, flower-bearing throughout, the lower ones sometimes 1 dm. long: empty glumes glabrous, hyaline, 3-nerved, about 11 mm. long, sub-equal, with a very slender acuminate apex; flowering glumes about 5 mm. long, excluding the very acute pilose callus which is 1 mm. long, lanceolate, sparingly hairy throughout with appressed stiff white hairs which increase in length toward the apex of the glume: awn slender, 2.5 to 3 cm. long, geniculate, twisted and sparingly pilose below the geniculation with appressed or ascending hairs, scabrous above.

Type specimen collected by H. M. Hall, no. 2556, north side Fullers Ridge, San Jacinto Mountains, Southern California, July, 1901, 2100 meters (7000 ft.) alt.

Other Calif ornian specimens examined:

Soda Springs, Sierra Nevada, Aug. 7, 1901 (P. B. Kennedy

62 University of California Publications. [botany

and S. B. Doten, 247). Wawona, Mariposa Co., June 3, 1897 (J. W. Congdou). No locality (H. N. Bolander) distributed as Stipa viridula Trin. (Three sheets.)

The type is in the U.S. National Herbarium and a co-type in the Herbarium of the University of California.

This species is most closely related to Stipa Scrihneri Vasey, being distinguished by its more interrupted panicles and much longer awns which are pilose below, and in the fewer and shorter hairs at the apex of the flowering glume. Stipa Elmeri Piper tD Brodie, in U. S. Dept. Agr. Agros. Bull.

xi.46 (1898).

Collected only on the north side of the mountain at about 5000 ft. alt. (No. 2537.)

Stipa occidentalis montana Merrill d- Ihiry, var. nov. Stipa Occident all's Thurber, U. S. Geol. Expl. 40th Par. v. 380 (1871), in part.

A slender densely tufted form, 2 to 5 dm. high with strict few-flowered panicles and prominent twice- geniculate awns, 3 to 3.5 cm. long which are ciliate throughont with spreading or ascending white hairs about 1 mm. long.

Specimens examined all from California:

Yosemite Trail, on loose, disintegrated granite, Aug. 20, 1866 (Dr. H. N. Bolander, no. 5038, type); same locality (Bolander, no 29). Summit of Tahqnitz Peak, San Jacinto Mountains, June, July, 1901 (H. M. Hall, no. 2325) ; rocky ridges and peaks, 2700 meters (8800 ft.) alt. Soda Springs, Sierra Nevada, 1881 (M. E. Jones, no. 283). Bear Valley, no date (Dr. H. N. Bolander) . Long Meadow, Tulare County, July 7-14, 1888 (Dr. Ed. Palmer, no. 232). "In dry, sandy soil near Ostranda's. >i< * * Quite common. Yosemite Trail, 8000 ft.," 1866 (Bolander, no. 5920).

The type is in the U.S. National Herbarium, and co-tyi)e in the Herbarium of the University of California.

This variety is at once distinguished from the species by the awn being pilose throughout, while in the species it is pilose below, but only scabrous above the second geniculation. No. 5038 Bolander is the first specimen cited in the original descrip- tion of Stipa occidentalis, but the description calls for a plant

Vol. 1] HaU. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 63

with awn scabrous above, which specification is supplied by the second specimen cited, no. 1296 8. Watson, Pah Ute Mountains, Nevada, June, 1868, and which under these circumstances we consider to be the type of the species. For a discussion of Stipa occidentalis Thurb., see Piper, U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agros. Cir. xxvii. 10 (1900).

"Sheep-men say this grass is much liked by sheep, and that they fatten more on this than any other . " ( Bolander ' s field notes , 1866.)

Stipa Parishii Vas., Bot. Gaz. viii 32 (1882) . Parish's Feather- grass . This grass was found among the rocks at Kenworthy, and

also at 7000 ft. alt. on Tahqnitz Ridge. (No. 2309.)

Stipa Vaseyi Scrihn., U. S. Dei)t. Agr. Agros. Bull. xi. 46 (1898). Sleepy Grass.

Collected in open places on Chalk Hill at 4800 ft. alt. (No. 2078.)

Trisetum nutkaense ( Presl.J Scrihn. t(; Merrill, comb, nov, Avena nutkcensis Presl. Rel. Haenke i. 254 (1830) . Trisetum cernuum Trin., Mem. Acad. St. Peters, vi. Sci. Math. Phys. et Nat. i. 61 (1831). Arena cernua Kunth, Enum. i. 306 (1833). The type locality is of Presl's Avena nutkcensis, viz., "Hab.

in sinu Nootka." His very full description applies exactly to

Trisetum cernuum Trin., which was published one year later.

(Merrill, MS.)

This grass was collected on Strawberry Creek at 5300 ft. alt.

(No. 2514.)

Trisetum subspicatum Beauv.

This is the only grass which grows on San Jacinto Peak, where it was collected by Dr. A. A. Davidson, July 11, 1896.

64 Univfrsify of Calif ovnia Piihlicafions . [botany

CYPERACEJj]. Carex f estiva Dewey.

Collected at 9000 ft. alt. on tlie shoves of Lake Surprise, and also near Fuller's mill. (Nos. 2250, 2492.)

For the determination of this and the following- species of Carex the author is indebted to Professor C. F. Wheeler, of the Michigan Agricultural College.

Carex feta Bailey, Bull. Torr. Club xx. 417 (1893).

This species was collected in Tahquitz Valley, alt. 7000 ft., in Strawberry Valley, alt. 5300 ft., and at Fuller's mill, alt. 5800 ft. At the last mentioned station it forms a small meadow. (Nos. 2459, 2561, 2665.)

Carex Hallii Bailey, Proc. Am. Acad, xxii, 82 (1886).

This is the dominant plant in the wet Carex meadow of Round Valley, 9000 ft. alt., and was also found at Deer Springs, the altitude of which is about the same. It is readily eaten by stock, but Poa alpina and Trifolium monanilmm, which grow in the same meadow, are much preferred. (Nos. 2338, 2483.)

Carex marcida Booit.

West end Fullers Ridge, altitude 5200 ft. (No. 2664.)

Carex Nebraskensis Dewey.

Collected in Round Vallej^ with the last, from which it is readily distinguished in the tield b}^ its ashy-gray color. It is not so abundant as G. Hallii, being restricted to the half -boggy portions of the meadow, but is likewise eaten by stock. (No. 2484.)

Carex nudata W. Boott.

Along Tahquitz Creek at 7000 ft. alt. (No. 2461.)

Carex Preslii mend., PL Cyp. 242 (1885).

Collected only on San Jacinto Peak, where it is quite common among the summit rocks. (No. 2416.)

Cyperus aristatus Eoitl).

Collected along Strawberry Creek. (No. 2663.)

Vol.1] Hall. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 65

Eleocharis acicularis K. Br. Needle Spike-rush.

On moist stream banks in Onstatt and Tahquitz Valleys and on the shores of Lake Surprise. (Nos. 2232, 2366, 2495.)

Eleocharis palustris R. Br. Creeping- Spike-rush.

This grows abundantly in the shallow water of Lake Surprise. (No. 2489.)

Scirpus microcarpus Presl.

Around springy places; Strawberry Valley. (No. 2289.)


Juncus bufonius L. Toad Rush.

Very common in moist soil below the 6000-foot contour. (No. 2076.)

Juncus effusus L. Bog Rush.

In streams near Strawberry Valley. (No. 2390.)

Juncus macrophyllus Goville, nom. nov. Juncus canaliculatus Eugelm., Bot. Gaz. vii. 6 (1882), not Liebmann (1850).

Dr. Engelmann considered this species, when he described it, most nearly related to Juncus marginatus Rostk., but its closest ally is undoubtedly J. longistylis Torr. The red color of the anthers, which was given as a specific character in the first description, and which was the basis of the affinity originally assigned it with marginatus, is not constant, even in the type specimen, a portion of which, through the kindness of Mr. S. B. Parish, I examined several years ago. In open flowers of speci- mens collected by Dr. H. E. Hasse near Los Angeles, California, the anthers are of the pale yellow color usual in the genus, while in a mature fruiting specimen collected by him they vary from a reddish to a blackish brown. Under suspicion of being diseased, some of these red anthers were examined at my request, in 1893, by Mr. D. G. Fairchild, who reported that a Gladosporium was present in abundance and that the reddening of the tissues was undoubtedly caused by this saprophytic fungus.

Juncus macrophyllus may be contrasted with Juncus longistylis by the following characters: rootstock 1.5 to 3 mm. in diameter, stouter and shorter than in J. longistylis; stem stouter than in

66 University of California Publications. [botany

that species ; basal leaves from one-half the height of the stem to fully as high, sometimes reaching a length of 60 cm.; inflores- cence 10 to 25 cm. high, or sometimes in depauperate specimens less, bearing usually 8 to 30 3 to 12-flowered heads; perianth never eastaneous, the inner parts longer than the outer; capsule about three-fourths as long as the perianth, stramineous, nar- rowly oblong, rather abruptly tapering into a short stout beak. No mature seeds have been seen. In longistylis the basal leaves are rarely half as long as the stem; the inflorescence has fewer heads; the perianth parts are commonly of equal length and with eastaneous lateral stripes; and the capsule is usually dark brown, equaling or nearly equaling the perianth, and with a broad truncate or retuse apex and slender mucro.

Juncus macrophijUiis has been collected at various points in Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Bernardino counties, Califor- nia, and in Lower California, by Parish, Hasse, Orcutt, and others, and at Hot Springs, Maricopa County, Arizona, by J. W. Toumey.

The above note has been kindly furnished by Mr. Frederick V. Coville, of the United States National Herbarium.

Juncus macropJiijlliis was collected on the west fork of Snow Creek at 5500 ft. alt. and on Strawberry Creek at 5300 ft. alt. (Nos. 2522, 2536.)

Juncus Mexicanus Willd. Wire-grass. J. compressus HBK.,

of Bot. Calif.

This is the dominant species of the Wire-grass meadows of altitudes less than 6000 ft. In Thomas and Onstatt valleys it forms meadows which cover a total area of over 1600 acres, and supplies feed for thousands of head of cattle. (No. 2031.)

Juncus oxymeris Engelm.

Strawberry Valley, 5400 ft. alt. (No. 837.)

Juncus phaeocephalus paniculatus Engelm.

Collected at various places on the north and west sides at 5500-8500 ft. alt. (Nos. 2248, 2543.) Luzula comosa Meyer. Jimcoides comosum ^UEUioyi. Common


Along streams in Tahquitz Valley, Round Valley, and proba- bly elsewhere. (Nos. 2460, 2606a.)

Vol. n Hall. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 67


Allium haematochiton Wats. Wild Onion.

Along streams of the south side at about 5000 ft. alt. The bulbs and stems are often in pairs and the involucre is composed of three bracts instead of two as usually described. (No. 2096.)

Allium Parryi Wats, (f)

A small onion which probably belongs to this species was collected among the rocks of Tahquitz Ridge at 6500 ft. alt., but in too poor a condition to be definitely determined. (No. 2310.)

Bloomeria aurea KcU. Golden Bloomeria.

Quite connnon in open pine forests on the south and west sides of the mountain up to an altitude of 6000 ft. (No. 2101.)

Brodiaea capitata Bentli. Hoohera capitata Ktze., Rev. Gen.

PI. 712 (181)1). Blue Dicks.

Occasional throughout the Lower Transition Zone but more frequent at lower altitudes.

Brodiaea minor (Benth.) Wats. Hookera minor Britten, Journ. Bot. xxiv. Found only in meadows near Strawberry Valley. (No. 2093. )

Calochortus invenustus Greene, Pitt. ii. 71 (1890).

Very common, usually in meadows but also on shaded hills throughout the Transition and Canadian zones, reaching an altitude of 9400 ft. near Round Valley. This is probably a mere variety of C. splendens, since it exhibits all degrees of gradation from the robust form with well developed l)ul1)lets and umbellate inflorescence to the slender- stemmed form described by. Purdy,* from specimens collected in Strawberry Valley, as C. splendens var. montanus. In fully opened flowers the sepals are always shorter than the petals and the color is much paler than in flowers of G. splendens. (Nos. 2297, 2475.)

Calochortus concolor f BakerJ Purdy, Proc. Calif. Acad. ser. 3 (bot.) ii. 135 (1901). G. lutens concolor Baker, Garden xlviii.103 (t.) (1895). Maldeojo.

*Proc. Calif. Acad. ser. 8, (bot.) ii. 143 (1901).

68 University of California Ptiblications . lbotany

This handsome lily of the Mariposa group, so eommon in the chaparral belt bordering on the desert, does not enter the pine forests but reaches an altitude of 5300 ft. on Chalk Hill, which is surrounded by groves of Yellow Pine. The Indians assert that the juice of the bulb is bad for the eyes, hence the common name as given above. (No. 2285.)

Muilla serotina Greene. Muilla.

This plant grows in the meadows of Thomas Valley, the greenish-white blossoms appearing late in May. (No. 1188.)

Nolina Parry! Wats.

The Nolina l)arely enters our limits, being found at Ken- worthy in blossom in May and beneath the last pines along the edge of the chaparral belt in lower Tahquitz Valley in fruit in the latter part of July. (Nos. 1819, 2423.)

Lilium Parryi ^yats. Parry Lily.

This lily, with its tall, erect stems and conspicuous flowers either clear yellow or peppered with black, is a great favorite with the tourists and campers that annually visit the mountain. It was only a few jears ago that the showy blossoms were very frequently met with along all the streams and bogs from nearly the lower edge of the Transition Zone up to an altitude of 9000 ft., thus reaching into the lower part of the Canadian Zone. While it is now by no means rare, still it is found in profusion only on the more I'emote parts of the mountain. That this is due entirely to the diligence of the bull) hunters is difificult to believe, and yet one party took out over 5000 bulbs in a single season. Perhaps this, in addition to several consecu- tive dry summers, is responsible for the rapid depletion in their numbers .

At the lower altitudes the first blossoms appear about June 20, and by the first of July they may be expected along any of the streams.

The anthers of the Parry Lily appear to })e erect and basi- fixed at first and later to become versatile. This change is brought about as follows: The filament is attached to one side and near the middle of the anther, but the latter, instead of swinging free, is held to the filament b\- the two anther cells

Vol.1] Rail. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 69

which, swollen with pollen, press firmly against its upper part, holding" it as in a vise. As the pollen is shed these cells collapse and the anther is then free to take up a horizontal position on the tip of the filament. (Nos. 695, 798, 963, 2451.)

Smilacina amplexicaulis Ntitt. False Solomon's Seal.

Found only in the upper part of Onstatt Valley and near Deer Springs. (No. 2572.)

Veratrum speciosum Ri/dJ)., Bull. Torr. Club xxvii. 532 and 650 (1901). V. Calif ornicum of Bot. Calif., not of Durand. False Hellebore.

This species borders the streams of the higher valleys, reach- ing 9200 ft. alt. in Round Valley, but does not occur on the west side. (Nos. 781, 2468.)

Yucca Whipplei Torr. Hesperoyucca WMpplei Baker. Yucca.

Spanish Bayonet.

The Yucca is found growing on the chaparral-covered slopes of Chalk Hill and is common over the foot-hills of the south and west sides.


[Iris Hartwegi australis Parish, Erythea vi. 87 (1898).

This has been reported from San Jacinto,* but erroneously, since no species of Iris has yet been collected on the mountain.]

Sisyrinchium helium ^Yats. Blue-eyed-grass.

Not rare throughout the Transition Zone, growing along streams and in meadows. (Nos. 2247, 2340, 2470.)


Corailorhiza multiflora Xidt. Coral-root.

Found only in upper Strawberry Valley and in Tahquitz Valley but to be expected anywhere in the Yellow Pine and Fir forests. (Nos. 2345, 2523.)

* Erythea vi. 87 (1898).

70 University of California Publications. [botany

Epipactis gigantea Domjl. Stream Orchis.

This orchis was collected along streams of the south side between 4200 and 6000 ft. alt. It is plentiful in Lily Canon. (Nos. 668, 2370.)

Habenaria leucostachys Wats. Sierra Rein-orchis.

Much more general in its distribution than the last, lieing- found along streams on all sides of the mountain and up to 9000 ft. alt. (Nos. 729, 961, 2448, 2513.)

Listera convallarioides fSir.J Torr. Broad-lipped Twayblade.

The range of this species was considerably extended by its discovery in cool, shaded caiions on the north side of San Jacinto Mountain at about 7500 ft. alt. (No. 2534.)


Populus trichocarpa T. d- G. Black Cottonwood.

Seen only along Tahquitz Creek at 6000 ft. alt., where there is a small grove. The trees average onlj' 30 ft. in height. (No. 2445.)

Salix cordata Mackenzieana Hook.

Collected only on Tahquitz Creek in the lower part of the pine belt. (No. 2447.)

Mr. Parish has kindly sent us a specimen of a willow collected by himself in the San Bernardino Mts., (no. 1785), wdiich was determined by Mr. Bebb as 8. cordata Watsoni Bebb, and which is exactly the same as our no. 2447 except that the aments are slightly shorter. But both of these seem to be nearer the var. Mackenzieana, into which the var. Wat.soni should probably be merged. The San Jacinto Mt. specimens are 10 ft. high; the leaves 1^-2^ in. long, 7-9 lines wide at the middle and in outline the same as those figured by Sargent* (not oblong and short-acuminate as given for var. Watsoni) ; pistillate aments 15 lines long; capsules on stalks 1 line long.

*Silva ix. t. 479 (1890)

Vol.1] Hall. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 71

Salix laevigata Behh. Willow.

A commou willow of the south and west sides in the Transi- tion Zone and below hut confined to the water courses. (Nos. 2278, 2510.)

Salix lasiolepis Benfh. Arroyo Willow.

Common both along streams and on hillsides on all parts of the mountain up to 9200 ft. alt. The willows are not of much service as zone indicators on account of their great vertical range. The present species ranges from the Upper Sonoran Zone to the Canadian. (Nos. 2350, 2511.)


Alnus rhombifolia Nutt. White Alder.

Fringes all the lower streams of the west and south sides, reaching an altitude of 6500 ft. in Onstatt and Strawberry valleys. (No. 2521.)


Castanea sempervirens KelL, Proc. Calif. Acad. i. 75 (1855,

reprint). Castanopsis chrtjsopliylla, of Bot. Calif., in part,

not of A. De Candolle. Castawrpsis sempervirens Dudley, in

Merriam, N. A. Fauna xvi. 142 (1899). Sierra Chinquapin.

The Chinquapin is the most important shrub of the chaparral

formation of the boreal region, but is also found in the Upper

Transition Zone. Its altitudiual range is from 8000 ft. to the

very summit of the mountain (10,805 ft.). (Nos. 724, 2466.)

Quercus Californica Ooo^^^r. Q. Kelloggii '^kwb. Black Oak.

Kellogg Oak.

Very common in the Transition Zone of the south and west sides, rare in Tahquitz Valley, not seen on the north side; it is thus seen that the Kellogg Oak avoids the desert side of the mountain.

Quercus chrysolepis Liebm. Live Oak.

This tree is not rare all around the mountain up to 6000 ft.

72 University of California Publications. [botaxy

alt. At the head of Strawberry Valley it is reduced to a mere shrub, and at 7000 ft. alt. ou Tahquitz Ridge occurs a form only a few feet high. This dwarf form is not to be confused with the var. vaccinifolia Engelm.* (Nos. 2524, 2466.)

Quercus dumosa Xutt. Scrub Oak.

Abundant in the chaparral belt, and often found l^eueath the pines at considerable altitudes on the south side. (No. 2644.)


Urtica holosericea Xutt. Nettle.

Collected at various places below the 6000-foot contour.


Arceuthobium occidentale Engelm, Pine Mistletoe.

Quite common on Pinus ponderosa and its var. Jeffreiji, on P. Conlteri and on P. Lamheriiana. (Nos. 2100, 2566.)

Phoradendron juniperinum Libocedri Engelm. Not rare on Lihocedrns decurrens. (No. 2565.)

Phoradendron villosum Xtdt. Mistletoe.

Abundant on the two common oaks, Quercus Calif ornica and Q. chrysolepis. (No. 2531.)


Chorizanthe fimbriata Xntt.

Found at 5300 ft. alt. on the west side. (No. 2255.)

Chorizanthe staticoides BeiitJi.

Very common in the lower foot-hills and reaching into the pine forests on the Johnston Ranch.

Eriogonum apiculatum Wats., Proc. Am. Acad. xvii. 379


*Cf. Merriam, in N. A. Fauna xvi. 142 (1899).

Vol.1] Hall. Botanical Stirvey of San Jacinfo Mountain. 73

Considerable time was speut in tracing the limits of the range of this local species, the type locality of which is Straw- berry Valley. It was fonnd to be quite plentiful on gravelly benches in the open pine forests of the south and west sides from the lower edge of the pine belt to 8200 ft. alt., where it was collected on Mistake Creek and near Tahquitz Peak. It is most common on Fullers Ridge from which it reaches to Snow Creek. It occurs only sparingly in Tahquitz Valley but extends down into the upper part of the chaparral belt of the east side, where it is more plentiful. A robust form was collected in 1898 by Dr. C. A. Purpus on Cuyamaca Mt., the only known station outside of the San Jacinto Mts. Its zonal position is Transition, rarely running over the lower border. (Nos. 849, 2364, 2431, 2564.)

The specimens vary from a few inches to 2 ft. or more in height. The following field notes were taken on no. 2431, from the upper part of the chaparral belt of the east side: Obtuse lobes of the involucre equalling the tube, fully equalled by the stipe; outer perianth segments merely obtuse and long-apiculate, inner segments with a truncate tip which is horned from the sides and apiculate from the emarginate center; the red anthers pendulous when j'oung, not exserted.

Eriogonum Baileyi Wats.

Collected on Chalk Hill and near Fuller's mill. (No. 2988.)

Eriogonum fasciculatum Benth. Wild Buckwheat.

Very common throughout the Upper Sonoran Zone and occa- sionally found beneath the pines. (No. 764.)

Eriogonum gracile Benth.

On the south side with the next. (Nos. 860, 2624.)

Eriogonum molestum H7//.s'., Proc. Am. Acad, xvii, 379 (1882).

Common on the south and west sides at 5000-6000 ft. alt. In sandy, open places around Strawberry Valley are found large Eriogonum beds composed of this species intermixed with E. gracile, from which it may be distinguished by its taller, always glabrous branches, its leaves which are more obtuse at base, its long internodes (an inch or more), and larger involucres and flowers. (Nos. 2386, 2624a.)

Box— 6.

74 University of California Publications. [botany

Eriogonum nudum pauciflorum Wats. Naked-stem Eriogoimm. Common throughout the Transition Zone. Robust, involu- cres 3 lines high and many-flowered but alwaj'S solitary or in pairs. (No. 2504.)

Eriogonum saxatile Wats.

This is one of the characteristic xerophytes that inhabit the exposed, gravelly ridges running out from Tahquitz Peak. Not found elsewhere. Its long, tough roots and densely tomentose leaves and stem eminently fit it for the conditions under which it exists. (Nos. 729, 2324.)

Eriogonum stellatum Benth.

Well distributed throughout the Transition Zone, blossoming in August.

Eriogonum Wrightii subscaposum Wats.

Collected at Lake Surprise, Tahquitz Valley, and a few other places above 7500 ft. alt. (No. 816.)

Eriogonum Wrightii taxifolium (Greene) Parish, Erythea vi.

87 (1898). E. taxifolium Greene, Pitt. i. 267 (1889) and ii.

295 (1892).

Common throughout the Lower Transition Zone, mostly below 7000 ft. alt., flowering in Aug. and Sept. (No. 2608.)

Oxyria digyna (L) Gamptd. Alpine Sorrel.

This plant was not known to occur in Southern California until it was discovered by Mr. S. L. Wight in Aug., 1897, on San Jacinto Peak, where, more than any other species, it indi- cates the presence of the Alpine Zone. It grows all along the banks of perpetual snow, which lie just below the main peak on the north side and therefore at the head of SnoAv Creek Canon. It will be surprising if it is not sometime found on the cold north side of Grayback Mt., which lies to the north of San Jacinto, and is separated from it by a deep but narrow pass. (Nos. 794, 2415.)

Oxytheca caryophylloides Parry. Collected at Fuller's mill.

Vol.1] Hall. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 75

Oxytheca emarginata Hall, sp. iiov. Plate XIV.

Slender annual, 2-6 in. high, more or less glandular-pubes- cent up to the involucres, the leaves and bracts sparsely strigose- pubescent, the whole herbage and especially the involucres early turning red: leaves clustered near base of stem, narrow, oblan- ceolate, emarginate, 4-8 lines long: bracts ternate, or the lower rarely 4 or 5 in a whorl, ovate, awned, united at base except on one side of the stem : peduncles 1-4 lines long ; involucres obpyra- midal, 3 lines high, shallowly 5-lobed, each lobe with a narrow white membranous margin and tipped with an awn a line or less in length: flowers usually 4, on short pedicels, slightly exserted, externally pubescent on the lower half : segments 6, distinct to the base, oblanceolate, fimbriate above into slender divisions. If lines long: stamens 9: akene triangular, enclosed by the wither- ing-persistent perianth.

Collected on a gravelly ridge near Tahquitz Peak, San Jacinto Mts., California, at about 7200 ft. alt., July 2, 1901 (H. M. Hall, no. 2331.) The type is in the Herbarium of the University of California.

The organ which immediately engages our attention on exam- iug this species is the conspicuous red involucre, which is formed by the coalescence of the five bracts into a concave disk, thus simulating the disk ])roduced by the union of the bracts around the stem in 0. perfoliata. Tha-fe the disk in the proposed species does not correspond to that in O. perfoliata is made ctear, how- ever, when we consider that in the latter it encloses an inner involucre, which itself surrounds a numl)er of flowers, while within the disk of 0. emarginata we find nothing but flowers, each borne on a short pedicel. Moreover, the disk of 0. perfoliata is made up of but 3 united bracts, as against 5 in 0. emarginata, and the stem in the former is continued through the disk, branching and flowering above it, while in the latter the disk is terminal.

The new species is in reality much nearer to 0. trilohata, although the similarity is at first not apparent. In l)oth species the ternate bracts are united at base and surround the stem except on the one side; while from the axes of tnese bracts arise pedicels several lines long, each of which bears at its end an involucre enclosing a number of flowers. In 0. trilohata this

76 University of Calif ornia Puhlications. [botany

ultimate involucre is composed of small, narrow bracts united only at the base, while in O. emarginafa they are united into a con- spicuous, concave disk.

Explanation of plate xiv. Oxijtheca emarginafa. —Fig. 1. Plant; natural size. Fig. 2. Perianth, spread out; enlarged eight diameters. Fig. 3. Involucre, front folded down, exposing two open flowers and two others with withering corollas; enlarged two diameters. Fig. 4. Pistil; enlarged eight diameters.

Oxytheca trilobata Gnii/.

Not rare in dry soil of the upper part of the chaparral belt. (Nos. 975, 2082.)

Polygonum aviculare L. Yard Grass.

An introduced weed in Strawberry Valley.

Polygonum bistortoides Fursh. P. Bistorta L., of Bot. Calif.


Abundant in bogs and wet meadows of the Canadian Zone as well as of the colder parts of the Transition. (Nos. 726. 2358.)

Polygonum Douglasii Greene, Bull. Calif. Acad. 1. 125 (1885).

P. tenue MiCHX., of Bot. Calif.

Of the same range as the last but in comparatively diy soil and not so common. (No. 2446.)

Polygonum Watsoni Small, Monogr. N. A. Polyg. 138 (1895).

P. imhricatum Nutt., of Bot. Calif.

Collected along a stream in Tahquitz Valley at 8000 ft. alt. (No. 2354.)

Pterostegia drymarioides F. d- M.

Chalk Hill, among rocks. (No. 2080.)

Rumex salicifolius Wei)im. Willow-leaved Dock.

In the Transition Zone, reaching 9000 ft. alt. (Nos. 2474, 2525.)


Chenopodium album L. Pigweed. White Goosefoot.

Collected at various places below 9000 ft. alt. (Nos. 2178, 2473.)



FHDin.-iini.BHrrro!! KirETr. ST.


Vol.1] Hall. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 11


Amarantus albus L. Tumble Weed.

In cultivated fields of Strawberry Valley, etc.


Abronia villosa Wats. Piuk Sand-verbeua.

Common beneath the pines in Thomas Valley, which it enters from the desert region. Here the flowers are large for this species; tube 7-11 lines long, lobes 2-3 lines long. (No. 1109.)


Calyptridium monandrum Kutt.

Beneath chaparral on the south and west sides, scarcely reaching the pine belt. Sepals 2; petals 3, white, nearly orbicular, apiculate, equal, one upper and two lateral thus leaving an opening on the lower side; stamen 1, the yellow anther prominent in the opening between the lateral petals; capsule compressed, much exserted and conspicuous on old stems. (Nos. 1133, 2050.)

Montia Chamissonis {Escli.) Greene, Fl. Fr. 180 (1891). Claytonia Chamissonis Esch.

Plentiful along the stream which flows through the Carex meadow of Round Valley, at 9000 ft. alt. This is probably the southern limit of its range. (No. 2402.)

Montia perfoliata (Don.) Howell, Eryth. i. 38 (1893) . Claytonia perfoliata Don. Indian Lettuce.

Moist places, to 6000 ft. alt.

Montia spathulata (Dougl.) Howell, 1. c. Claytonia perfoliata spatliulata Tore, of Bot. Calif.

Often with the last but not so common. (No. 2218.)

78 University of California Puhlications . [botany

Spraguea umbellata Torr. Pussy-paws.

Common from the upper part of the Transition Zone to the summit. The specimens from the summit approach var. cau- clicifera Gray, while those from lower altitudes might pass for 8. paniculata KelL, since in many cases one or more of the cyme- branches are scattered along- the stem. (Nos. 714, 2352.)


Arenaria Douglasii Fenzl. Sandwort.

Abundant in spring on the south and west sides, below 5300 ft. alt. (No. 1813.)

Silene laciniata Cav. Indian Pink.

Same range as the last, usually Ijeneath chaparral. (Nos. 312, 2019, 2303.)

Silene Parishii Wats., Proc. Am. Acad. xvii. 366 (1882); Robinson, Syn. Fl. i. pt. 1, 218 (1897).

Common on all the rocky and gravelly ridges above 8000 ft. alt. and also found on Santa Rosa Peak. Always limited to the Canadian and Hudsonian Zones. (Nos. 312, 313, 791, 2314, 2549.)

Mj' field notes on this species, the range of which is restricted to the San Jacinto and San Bernardino Mts., read as follows: Viscid pubescent aod strongly scented, calyx greenish yellow; corolla yellow, pubescent, petals attenuate at base, deeply 2-cleft, the lobes variously laciniate, toothed or fimbriate and therefore appearing to be many-cleft, face of each of the two primary lobes with an erose scale at base, petal with long lateral teeth opposite the scales; styles 3.

Silene verecunda Wats.

Everywhere beneath pines in open forests at 5000-9000 ft. alt. (Nos. 2383, 2550, 2591.)

In Round Valley, near the upper limit of its range, was found growing with the ordinary form another with deep purple petals and anthers, the latter being so dark that they were plainly noticeable to one riding by on horseback. In this form

Vol. 1] Hall. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 79

each petal usually bears a pair of short, lacerate scales and has margius either entire or toothed, but some petals are destitute of appendages and entire except for the bifid tip. (No. 2590.)

Stellaria crispa C. d- S.

Collected only in a meadow of Round Valley at 9000 ft. alt., in the Canadian Zone. Not before known from south of the Sierras of Fresno Co. (No. 2481.)


Aquilegia truncata F. d- M. Columbine.

Typical specimens of this species are common along streams on all sides of the mountain up to 8800 ft. alt. They attain a height of 3-4 ft.; leaves averaging 10 in. long, beyond the petiole, which measures 16 in. more, the ultimate segments 2^ in. long. (No. 2374.) Just north of the main peak, growing along banks of perpetual snow, occurs an alpine form quite different in general appearance. It is only 12 in. high from a strong woody root; leaves under 2i in. in length, on petioles over twice as long, the ultimate segments 7 lines long; flowers somewhat smaller than those of the ordinary form, but much larger in proportion to the size of the plant. (No. 2417)

Clematis ligusticifolia Nxtt. Virgin's Bower.

Near water-courses. Strawberry Valley. (No. 2528.)

Delphinium decorum patens (BentJi.J Gray. Larkspur.

Beneath pines of the south side, at higher altitudes than the next. (No. 1804.)

Delphinium Parryi Gray.

Common in the foot-hills and as far up as Chalk Hill. (No.


Ranunculus alismaefolius alismellus Gray. Buttercup.

Found only in the wet meadows of Round Valley at 9000 ft. alt. This station is in the Canadian Zone. The first collection of this species made in Southern California was by Dr. Hasse,* who obtained it in Tahquitz Valley. (No. 2405.)

*Acc. to Parish, Zoe iv. ICl (1893).

80 University of California Puhlications . [botany

Ranunculus Californicus latilobus dray. R. Ludovicianus Greene, Bull. Calif. Acad. ii. 58 (18SG) and Fl. Fr. 300


In meadows on the Johnston Ranch at 4800 ft. alt.

Ranunculus Cymbalaria PursJi.

Along borders of a pond at 4500 ft. alt. in the Thomas Valley. (No. 2169.)

Ranunculus Eschscholtzii Schlechf.

This alpine species is plentiful along snow banks on the north side of the main peak, where it grows with Oxyria digyna. (Nos. 790, 2414.)

Thalictrum Fendleri platycarpum Trelease, Proc. Bost. Soc.

Nat. Hist, xxiii. 304 (1886).

Not rare at 6000-9000 ft. alt., in the neighborhood of streams. Leaves glabrous, as seen under the hand lens, but under the compound microscope the lower surface is seen to be roughened by the convexity of the epidermal cells as described by Coville.* Inflorescence, with the exception of the sepals and bracts, glabrous. (No. 2497.) Thalictrum polycarpum Wats. Meadow Rue.

Found in Strawberry Valley at the lower limits of the last. More common in the cafions of the foot-hills. (No. 644.)


Umbellularia Californica [H. d) A.) Nutt. California Laurel.

Bay Tree.

The California Laurel, which assumes the dimensions of a faii'-sized tree in northern California, grows to a height of only about 15 ft. on San Jacinto Mt., which is probably near its southern limit, and where it is confined to the canons of the west side below 5000 ft. alt. It is not rare there and belongs to the Upper Sonoran Zone.

*Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. iv. 55 (189.3).

Vol.1] Hall. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 81


Argemone platyceras Link tO Otto. Prickly Poppy.

Extending into the pine belt near Kenwortliy, bnt normally confined to the Upper Sonoran Zone.

Dendromecon rigidum Benth. Tree Poppy.

Patches of this elegant shrub are frequently found in the chaparral belt of the west side and on Chalk Hill. It belongs to the Upper Sonoran Zone.

DIcentra chrysantha H. & A. Dutchman's Breeches.

Same range as the last and equally connnon. (No. 2630.)

Eschscholtzia Californica CJumi. "California Poppy." Copa

de Oro.

Yevy typical, perennial specimens of this species were col- lected on Chalk Hill and also on the north-west side, near the lower limit of the pines. (No. 2063.)

Platystemon Californicus Benth. Cream-cups.

This occasionally enters the lower part of the pine belt on the south and west sides. . (Nos. 1144, 2189.)


Arabis arcuata Gray.

Gathered only on the south side where it is occasionally seen below the 8000-foot contour. (Nos. 2981, 2221.)

Arabis perfoliata 7yf/w?. A.^/«Z>n/ (L.) Bernh. Tower Mustard. Strawberry Valley . ( No . 654 . )

Arabis perennans Wats.

On ridges near Tahquitz Peak, above 8000 ft. alt. (No. 2316, 2425.)

Arabis repanda ^yats.

Lower part of Tahquitz Valley. (No. 2449.)

Brassica nigra (Iv.) A'oc/i. Black Mustard.

Introduced in Strawberry Valley. (No. 2282.)

82 University of California Publications. [botany

Capella Bursa-pastoris Moench. Shepherd's Purse. Common in Strawberry Valley.

Caulanthus amplexicaulis Wats.

Onstatt Valley and Chino Creek, at 6500-7500 ft. alt. (Nos. 26G0, 2661.)

Drab a corrugata Wats.

This rare plant was found to be plentiful around the summit of San Jacinto Mt., where it grows among the rocks in loose, gravelly soil kept moist by lingering snowdi'ifts. It ranges along the west side of the mountain as far as Deer Springs, 9500 ft. alt., and was collected in a canon just below Round Valley, of the east side, at 8800 ft. alt.

Considerable variation is exhibited in the vegetative characters. The scape-like peduncles sometimes arise from a rosette of leaves each of which measures only 3 or 4 lines long; in other speci- mens growing in the same locality, but probably in more sheltered positions, the leafy, branching stems are several inches high and the leaves li in. long. In technical characters our specimens agree well with the co-types of D. corrugata with which they were compared. (Nos. 703, 2413, 2499.)

Erysimum asperum DC. Wall Flower.

Common from the lower edge of the pines to 9500 ft. alt. (Nos. 2339, 2479.)

Lepidium medium Greene, Erythea iii. 36 (1895). L. inter- medium Gray, of Bot. Calif., not A. Rich. Pepper-grass. Rare on the south side and found only below 5500 ft. alt.

Nasturtium officinale B. Br. Water-cress.

Naturalized in stagnant water. Strawberry Valley.

Sisymbrium canescens Nutt. S. pinnatum (Walt.) Greene, Bull. Calif. Acad. ii. 390 (1887) , not Barn. Tansy Mustard. Common in Strawberry Valley, Round Valley, etc. (No.


The Santa Rosa Indians mix the seed of this plant with their

corn meal to give it a more agreeable flavor.

Vol. ij Hall. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 83

Streptanthus campestris Wats.

Occasional in the open forests at 5500-6000 ft. alt. (No. 2243.)

Thysanocarpus curvipes Hook. Fringe-pod.

Beneath the pines of the south side this plant was found to occur at a few places, the highest of which was in Onstatt Valley at 6500 ft. alt. (Nos. 2027, 2217.)


Cotyledons laxa B. d- H.

Occasional on open or rocky slopes in the vicinity of Straw- berry Valley. (No. 2526.)

Sedum obtusatum (inty. Stone-crop.

Collected only on the walls of the rocky canon through which Strawberry Creek dashes at 5000 ft. alt. This is along the lower limits of the Transition Zone. (No. 734.)


Heuchera rubescens Torr. Alum Root.

This occurs plentifully with the last; also near the lower end of Hemet Lake (ace. to Mrs. F. C. R. Price), on Tahquitz Peak, and is abundant among the rocks around San Jacinto Peak. Its range is therefore from the Lower Transition to the Hudsonian Zone. (Nos. 702, 2412.)

Philadelphus serpyllifolius Gray, PI. Wright, i. 77 (1852)

andii. 64 (1852).

Very common among rocks in the Upper Transition from Lake Surprise to the head of Round Valley. It is most plentiful on ridges overlooking the Colorado Desert at 8000-9000 ft. alt., where the low bushes, covered with a profusion of white flowers, are very conspicuous on the rocky walls in August and September. (Nos. 800, 2500).

This plant, the type locality of which is New Mexican, was collected on San Jacinto Mt. in 1892 by Mr. F. P. Hosp, and has

84 University of California Puhliraiions. [botant

not yet been found elsewhere in California.* The San Jacinto specimens do not diflfer from those of the type collection, so far as can be made out from Dr. Gray's description, which is here supplemented by the following notes based on our no. 2500: Shrubby, 1-3 ft. high; leaves not fascicled but somewhat crowded on the short rigid branchlets, 4-5 or rarelj' 7 lines long, sparsely pubescent above, densely silky-pubescent beneath; flowers clear white, fragrant, f in. across; calyx-lobes silky- pubescent externally and on the upper third of the inner surface.

Ribes amictum Greene, Pitt. i. 69 (1887) . R. Menziesii Pursh., of Bot. Calif., in part. Gooseberry.

In the Lower Transition Zone. Not common and not found on the east side. (No. 2259.)

Ribes cereum Dongl.

A common shrub from the 8000-foot contour to the summit. (Nos. 2353, 2411.)

Ribes lacustre molle Gran. B. mihigennm McCiatchie, Eryth. ii. 79 (1894).

Common on the summit and also collected at 9200 ft. alt. in Round Valley. Evidently confined to the Hudsonian Zone. (No. 2410.)

Ribes Nevadense KelL, Proc. Calif. Acad. i. 65 (1873, re- print). R. sanguineum variegatum Wats., in part.

Frequeut in moist soil throughout the Lower Transition Zone. (Nos. 2260, 2423.)

Tellima af finis (Gray) Boland. Lithophragma affinis Gray. Star of Bethlehem.

This is a species of the foot-hills, but reaches the pine l)elt on the south and west sides. (No. 2187.)

* This species has been reported from San Pedro Martir, Lower California, by Mr. T. S. Brandegee, Zee iv. 205 (1893).

Vol. n Hall. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 85


Adenostoma fasciculatum H. d- A. Cliamisal.

This, the priucipal shrub of the chaparral belt, sometimes reaches an altitude of 7500 ft. on exposed south slopes. It is present, surrounded by Transition elements, on all the "Sonoran islands," described on page 37.

Adenostoma sparsifolium Torr. Bastard Cedar. Yerba del


Abundant on Chalk Hill and elsewhere in the Upper Sonoran Zone on the south and east sides. (Nos. 776, 2638.)

Amelanchier alnifolia Nutt. Service Berry.

Strawberry Valley ; Tahquitz Valley; near Kenworthy. (No. 2422.)

Cercocarpus betulaefolius Hool-. C. parHfolius glaher Wats.

Mountain Mahogany.

Common in the foot-hills, and occasionally found beneath pines, but only on the south and west sides.

Cercocarpus ledifolius Nutt.

This is a shrub of higher altitudes, being common on ridges above the 7500-foot contour. Near Round Valley it sometimes becomes arboreous with trunks 2 ft. in diameter. It is adapted to the xerophytic conditions prevailing on these ridges by its tough branches and small, leathery leaves. (Nos. 853, 2584.)

Fragaria Californica C. d; S. Wild Strawberry.

The Strawberry is frequently met with in the lower part of the pine belt, but not on the east side. (No. 861.)

Holodiscus discolor dumosa (Nntt.) Maxim. Spircea dumosa

Nutt., T. & G., Fl. i. 416 (1840) as synonym; Wats., Bot.

King 80 (1871). S. ariafolia discolor T. & G., Fl. i. 416

( 1840 ) . Dwarf Meadow Sweet .

Occasional along ridges at 7500-10,800 ft. alt., from Tahquitz Peak and Lake Surprise to San Jacinto Peak, where it was found growing among the summit rocks.

The specimens on the summit (no. 796) are less than 2 ft. high with leaves mostly under 4 lines in length, while the nearly

86 Univer.sify of California Puhlications . [botany

simple racemes are only au inch or two long. At lower altitudes and in better soil (no. 24G5) it becomes more robust with larger leaves, but the inflorescence is scarcely different from that of specimens from the highest altitudes.

Potentilla acuminata Hall, sp. uov.

Perennial from a stout somewhat woody root: stems several, slender, glandular pubescent, 4 in. or less high, not scapose: leaves sparsely pubescent on both sides, the petioles glandular, pinnate with one or two pairs of sessile or short-petiolate leaflets, or all but the terminal sometimes suppressed; stipules lanceolate, acute, entire; leaflets orbicular to cuneiform-obovate, 2-6 lines wide, conspicuously toothed: fi(1wers few; pedicels slender, 5 lines or less long: hypanthium hemispherical, 1 line wide; bractlets linear-lanceolate, acute, half as long as the narrowly ovate acuminate sepals: petals yellow, narrowly ovate, acuminate, equalling the sepals: stamens more than 20, closely inserted about the pistils: akenes 10 or more, slightly incurved at apex, tlie somewhat longer style attached just below the tip.

Growing from the cracks of rocks along Chino Creek, a short distance below Round Valley, San Jacinto Mt., California, at aliout 8000 ft. alt., Aug. 2, 1901 (H. M. Hall, no. 2605). The type is in the Herbarium of the University of California.

Nearest to P. Grayi Wats., from which it differs in being not at all scapose, in the pubescence, and in the shape and arrange- ment of the leaflets, as well as in the smaller flowers, narrower bractlets, etc. It is distinguished from P. hrevifolia by its leafy stem, the longer petioles, the altogether different leaflets, and the much smaller flowers. The cut of the leaflets and the general appearance of this species suggest a reduced form of some member of the giandulosa group (Drymocallis Tourr.), but in technical characters it is al)uudantly distinct, having narrow, acuminate petals and slender styles, each of which is attached to a point near the apex of its akene.

Potentilla callida Hall, sp. nov.

Root thick, somewhat woody: stems several, slender, erect or ascending, 2 in. or less high, villous throughout with long hairs and also bearing some short glandular hairs above: stipules

Vol.1] Hall. Botauical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 87

ovate, the free portion h line long, entire or toothed; leaves villons, pinnate; the lower 6-10 lines long, with about 7 pairs of crowded leaflets; the upper much shorter, bract-like, with 1-5 pairs of leaflets; leaflets 1 line long, divided to the base into 2 or 3 oval segments: flowers sometimes solitary on the ends of the stems but usually 3 to 6 in a simple raceme; pedicels slender, 2-5 lines long: hypanthium saucer-shaped, l|-2j lines wide; bractlets narrow; sepals twice as long, narrowly ovate, acute: petals white, oblong, obtuse or acutish, narrowed at base but not clawed, a little longer than the calyx (about li lines long) : stamens about 20; fllaments filiform: pistils several; style laterally attached, slightly longer than the glabrous akene.

Growing from the cracks of rocks, Tahquitz Peak, San Jacinto Mt., California, at 8000 ft. alt., Aug. 5, 1901 (H. M. Hall, no. 2611). The type is in the Herbarium of the University of Cali- fornia.

Nearest to P. Kingii Greene, from which it is most readily distinguished by its small size, by the villous and glandular pubescence, and by the narrow petals.

Specimens have been distributed under the name of HorkeUa callida Hall, but on more carefully considering the validity of the genus Horkelia we have come to the conclusion that it cannot be satisfactorily separated from Potentilla and have therefore des- cribed our plant under the latter genus.

Potentilla Clevelandi Greene, Pitt. i. 102 (1887). Horkelia Clevelandii Rydb., Bull. Torr. Club xxv. 54 (1889) and Monogr. N. A. Pot. 120 (1898). Rather common throughout the Lower Transition Zone;

usually in meadows. (Nos. 648, 2291.)

Potentilla glandulosa Nevadensis Wats. Bnjmocallis glandulosa

monticola Rydb., 1. c. 199.

Collected in the Lower Transition Zone on all sides of the mountain but the east. (Nos. 2039, 2204, 2546.)

Potentilla gracilis Dougl. P. Blaschkeana Turoz.

Found only in moist soilnear Strawberry Valley. (No. 2296.)

88 University of Cdlifornia Puhlications . [botany

Potentilla gracilis fastigiata (Nuit.) ^Y(^is. P. fastigiaia Nutt. This variety grows sparingly in the meadows of Thomas Valley, at 4500 ft. alt. (No. 2184.)

Potentilla gracilis rigida Wats. P. Nuttallii Leioi.

Collected in Tahqnitz Valley, altitnde 8000 ft. (No. 2356. )

Potentilla lactea Greene, Pitt. iii. 20 (189G). P. (/Idiididosa

lactea Greexe, F1. Fr. 65 (1891).

Plentifnl in some of the meadows of Tahqnitz Valley at abont 8000 ft. alt. (no. 2355, verified by Professor Greene).- Also common at 9200 ft. alt. in Ronnd Valley, where an examination of living specimens showed that the bractlets were sometimes entii'e and acnte bnt nsually toothed or even divided, the stamens 22-24, and the bractlets, sepals, and petals often 6 each in nnmber. (No. 2400.)

Prunus demissa Walp. Western Choke-cherry.

In the Lower Transition on Fullers Ridge and in Onstatt Valley.

Prunus emarginata Walp. Cerasus Californica Greene, F1.

Fr. 50 (1891). Red Cherry.

More plentiful than the last and extending nearly throughout the Transition Zone, forming dense thickets in parts of Tahqnitz Valley. In pubescence this form approaches the variety mollis of Brewer.* The shrubs vary in height from 6 to 12 ft.

Rosa Californica C. tD S. Wild Rose.

Along streams of the south and west sides below 6000 ft. alt.

Rubus parviflorus Xutt. E. NutJianus Mog. Thimble-berry. Common near water-courses throughout the Lower Transition and occasional in the Upper Transition, reaching an altitude of 9000 ft. in Round Valley. (Nos. 318, 782.)


Amorpha Californica Nutt. A. hispidula Greene, F1. Fr. 14


This occurs as a low shrub in the lower part of Tahqnitz Valley, and in Onstatt Valley. (No. 2454.)

*Cf. Parish,-Zoe iv. 342 (1894).

Vol.1] Hall. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 89

Astragalus AntiselH Gray.

Common around Kenworthy, in the lower edge of the pine belt. (Xos. 545, 216-t.)

Astragalus Parishii Graij. Loco-weed.

Common in open pine forests of the south side below the 6000-foot contour, from which it extends down through the Sonoran Zone to the desert.

The pubescence of this species is very variable. At 6700 ft. alt. in the San Antonio Mts. it is early glaln-ate (no. 1248); at 5000-5500 ft. alt. on the San Jacinto Mts. it remains grayish pubescent even during the fruiting period (nos. 971, 1117, 2229) ; while in the lower valleys opening toward the Colorado Desert the leaves are clothed with a dense pubescence, which gives them a silvery sheen and which persists at least during the fi'uiting season, perhaps permanently (no. 1158).

Lathyrus laetiflorus Greene, Erythea i. 105 (1893) (?)

A white-flowered Lathyrus, probably of this species, is common on hillsides in the upper part of the chaparral belt and in the lower part of the pine belt of the south and east sides. It differs from the type in being scarcely at all shrubby, in the less elongated peduucles, and in the broader leaflets. The last character is, however, extremely variable, narrowly lanceolate, acute leaflets and broadly elliptical, obtuse ones occurring on the same plant. In the chaparral the plants climb to a height of several feet, in the open forests they are prostrate. (No. 2308. )

Lathyrus violaceus Greene, 1. c.

The bright, reddish-purple flowers of this species are fre- quently seen adorning the more somber foot-hill shrubs over which it clambers. It reaches our limits in Onstatt Valley but is not found among the pines. Our specimens agree well with the type, with which they were compared, except that the stipules are nearly entii'e and the raceme rather loose. (No. 2222.)

Lotus Americanus Bisch., Hort. Heidelb. (1839). RosacMa Pursliiana Benth. Spanish Clover. Common below the 6000-foot contour. (No. 2387.)

Box.— 7.

90 University of California Publications. [botany

As shown by Prof. Greene* the American genus Hosackia, of Douglas, is not well separated from the Old World genus Lotus, of Tournefort. In this list, therefore, the species are treated under the latter name, that being the older of the two.

Lotus crassifolius (Benth.) Greene, Pitt. ii. 147 (1890).

Hosackia crass i folia Benth.

Common along streams throughout the Lower Transition Zone. (Nos. 826, 967.)

Lotus glaber {Vogel) Greene, 1. e. 148. Syrniatinm gUibrum

Vogel. Hosarl-ia glabra Torr. Deer- weed.

Abundant in the chaparral belt, reaching the base of Chalk Hill, and therefore confined to the Sonoran Zone.

Lotus leucophaeus Greene, 1. c. 145. Hosackia grandiflora (?)

anthylloides Gray.

Also of the chaparral belt but somewhat rare and extending well into the pine belt of the south and west sides, even to 6000 ft. alt. (Nos. 317, 557, 937, 2020.)

Lotus Nevadensis (Wats.) Greene, 1. c. 149. Hosackia deciim-

bens ffj Nevadensis Wats.

Well distributed from the lower edge of the pine belt to 9000 ft. alt. Most common in open forests where the specimens are provided with long internodes and broad leaflets. When grow- ing in exposed places or at high altitudes the internodes are much shorter and the leaflets not one-fourth as large. (Nos. 2337, 2379, 2491.)

Lotus oblongifolius (Benth.) Greene, 1. c. 146. Hosackia oblong-

i folia Benth.

Of the same range as the last but not found above 8200 ft. alt., and confined to the vicinity of streams or wet meadows. (Nos. 2380, 2573.)

Lotus strigosus (Xutt.) Greene, 1. c 141. Hosackia strigosa


Common on the lower slopes of the south and west sides, occasionally extending into the pine belt. (Nos. 2380, 2573.)

*Pitt. ii. 1:53 (1890).

Vol.1] Rail. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 91

Lupinus albifrons Benth. Lupine.

Frequent beneath pines and on open slopes on all sides of the mountain, sometimes reaching an altitude of 8000 ft. (No. 2213. )

Lupinus concinnus Aqardh.

Occasional in diy woods of the lower part of the pine belt. Not seen on the north side. (Nos. 1128, 2067.)

Lupinus cytisoides Agardh. L. rivularis Dougl., of Bot. Calif.

Throughout the Transition Zone; rare in the lower half,

forminglarge patches in the bogs of the upper half. (No. 2554.)

Lupinus formosus Greene, Fl. Fr. 42 (1891).

Very common in diy, open forests from the lower edge of the pine belt to 9400 ft. alt. At the higher altitudes the pubescence is more appressed, the leaflets narrower and more elongated, the peduncles shorter and the looser racemes composed of larger flowers in indistinct verticels. (Nos. 672, 2167, 2214, 2498, 2551.)

Lupinus micranthus Dougl.

Abundant beneath pines on the Johnston Ranch below 4500 ft. alt. (No. 2026.)

Trifolium microcephalum Pursh.

Occasional in meadows below the 9000-foot contour. (No. 650.)

Trifolium monanthum Gray.

Common along streams and around the borders of nearly all the meadows from 5000 to 10,000 ft. alt. (Nos. 710, 1812, 2200, 2463, 2552.)

On San Jacinto Mt. this species varies somewhat from the form usually collected in the Sierras. The plants are always perennial and glabrous throughout, but the leaflets vary from obovate and obtuse to narrowly lanceolate and acute, a wide degree of variation often occurring in leaflets of a single plant. The flower is very typical except for the large size of the corolla which has a length of 6-8 lines; the banner is broad and obtuse, much exceeding the keel and slightly longer than the narrow wings. The corolla often fades to a uniform brown color, but in fresh specimens it is clear white with the black tip of the short

92 University of California Publications . [botany

keel showing as a conspicuous blotch in the center. Pod obtuse, 3-seeded.

Trifolium obtusiflorum Hook.

Strawberry Valley, Shingle Valley, both below 5500 ft. alt.

(No. 2075.)

Trifolium Rusbyi Greene, Erythea i. 5 (1898).

(.'ollected only in the meadows of Tahquitz Valley at 8000 ft. alt., in the Upper Transition Zone. These specimens have the small, narrow leaflets of var. atroruhens Greene.* The flowers are on very short pedicels and the color is intermediate between that of the type and that of the variety. (No. 2365.)

Trifolium tridentatum Lindl.

Beneath pines of the south side at 4500 ft. alt. (No. 2029.)

Trifolium variegatum Nutt.

This species, the stems of which vary from a few inches in length when growing in dry soil to two feet or more when near streams, was found on the south and west sides up to an altitude of 8500 ft. (Nos. 2035, 2273.)

Trifolium Wormskjoldii Lelim. T. involucraium Willd., of Bot. Calif. Found only in meadows below 4500 ft. alt.

Vicia Americana truncata (JSfntt.) Brewer. Vetch.

In the lower part of the pine belt of the south side. (No.



Erodium cicutarium ( L.) L'Her. Filaree.

Commonly introduced on ranches at the lower altitudes.

Geranium Fremontii Torr.

Collected at several places in Tahquitz Valley with the next. (No. 722.1.)

Geranium Richardsonii F. d- T. Wild Geranium.

Quite common in wet meadows, etc., in the Upper Transition Also collected in Strawberry Valley. (Nos. 722, 2336.)

* Erythea iv. OG (18%)

Vol. ij Rail. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 93


Linum Lewisii Pursh. Blue Flax.

Not rare over the south and west sides, flowering in May. Evidently confined to the Lower Transition Zone. (Nos. 554, 1811.)


Euphorbia hirtula Engehn.

Collected in diy, sandy soil; Strawberry Valley. (No. 966.)

Euphorbia Palmeri Engehn.

Common throughout the Transition Zone, but less frequent in the upper portion of its range. (Nos. 970, 1116, 2520.)

Euphorbia serpyllifolia Pers. Rattlesnake Weed.

Plentiful in the lower part of the pine belt and below. (Nos 2183, 2532.)


Rhus trilobata Nutt. Squaw Bush.

Quite rare in the Upper Sonoran. Collected on Chalk Hill and on Thomas Mt.


Euonymus Parishii Trelease, Trans. St. Louis Acad. v. 354 (1899) and Syn. Fl. i pt. 1, 397 (1897). Spindle Tree. Burning Bush. Found only at an altitude of about 6000 ft. in a canon opening

into Strawberry Valley from the east, this probably being the

type locality. The shrubs were few in number, 8-10 ft. high,

and with long, slender branches. (No. 2299.)


Acer glabrum Torr. Sierra Maple.

Only one specimen of this was found and that in a canon of the east side below Round Valley at an estimated altitude of 7500-8000 ft. There is probably more of it in the same or neighboring canons below our limits. (No. 2602.)

94 University of California Puhlicaiions . [botany


Ceanothus cordulatus Kell. Buck-brush.

This is an important shrub of the chaparral formation of the higher altitudes. It is occasionallj' found as low as 5000 ft., but is more characteristic of the Upper Transition Zone and barely enters the Canadian at 9300 ft. alt. On the higher ridges, which receive a large amount of snow in winter, the specimens often become exceedingly depressed and twiggy. Bushes from a single root will sometimes spread out over an area 15 ft. in diameter, meanwhile rising only a couple of feet from the ground. In these cases the small twigs are so numerous that the whole sur- face is smoothed over with the small, gray leaves, giving to the. whole the appearance of an immense sofa pillow. (No. 721.)

Ceanothus cuneatus Nuti. Nuttall's Ceanothus.

Enters the lower part of the pine lielt on the Johnston Ranch, etc.

Ceanothus divaricatus Nuii. Mountain Lilac.

This is a foot-hill species, but is found in the lower part of the pine belt on the south and west sides. On hill-tops near its upper limit it becomes low and scrubby, taking on the habit of normal C. cordulatus. All the flowers seen were blue. (No. 2223.)

Ceanothus integerrimus fl". tf- ^1. Deer Brush.

Of higher range than the last, beginning with the pines and running through the Low^er Transition Zone. (No. 775.)

Ceanothus perplexans Trelease, Syn. Fl. i. pt. 1, 417 (1897). This Sonoran species is very common around the south-east base of the mountain and was found beneath the pines at a few places in Thomas Valley.

Rhamnus Californica tomentalla B. & T^^ Coffee Berry.

Found only on the south and west sides, where it rarely ascends to 8000 ft. alt. (No. 2261.)

Rhamnus crocea ilicifolia (KcU.) Greene, Fl. Fr. 79 (1891).

This foot-hill shrub was found extending into the pine forests of the south side. It was quite rare, however, and did not get above the 6000-foot contour.

Vol. ij Hall. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 95


Sidalcea malvaeflora Gray. Wild Hollyhock.

Collected only in Strawberry Valley, where it is plentiful in meadows. (Nos. 315, 739.)

Sphaeralcea ambigua Gray.

Common at lower altitudes on the south and east sides under the influence of desert conditions, but ranging up to 4500 ft. alt. in Thomas Valley. Usually 2-3 ft. high, the flowers with brick-red petals only a half- inch long and calyx 4 lines or less long. (Nos. 751, 2148.)


Hypericum anagalloides G. d\ S. False Pimpernel.

In moist soil almost throughout the Transition Zone, but not common. (No. 659.)

Hypericum formosum HBK. H. Scouleri Hook. St. pJohn's


Confined to streams of the Lower Transition, where it is fairly common. Not found in valleys opening upon the desert. (Nos. 665, 689, 973.)


Viola blanda Willd. White Violet.

This species was found in nearly all the meadows of the Canadian Zone, from which it rarely follows the creeks down into the Upper Transition, m an exceptional case even to the 6000-foot contour. (Nos. 2239, 2404.)

Viola purpurea pinetorum Greene, Fl. Fr. 243 (1891). V.

pinetorum Greene, Pitt. ii. 14 (1889) and iii. 42 (1896).

Rather common beneath pines of the south side below 6000 ft. alt. (No. 555.)


Fremontia Californica Torr. Fremontodendron GaUfornicum CoviLLE, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. iv. 74 (1893). Collected at 5000-ft. alt. on Bull Creek, in the Upper Sonoran

Zone, scarcely within our limits. (No. 958.)

96 University of California Puhlicafions. [botany


Mentzelia congesta T. d- (}.

This species of the desert region was foiiud in Onstatt Valley. (No. 2225.)

Mentzelia dispersa T. lO G.

Collected only in Strawberry Valley, bnt probably not rare on the lower slopes. (Nos. 657, 2272.)

Mentzelia gracilenta T. d- G.

Plentifnl in Strawberry Valley and elsewhere on the south and west sides, bnt not above 6000 ft. alt. (Nos. 647, 1121.)


Datisca glomerata fPreslJ B. tO R. Durango Root.

Below the 6500-foot contour along streams of the south side. (Nos. 834, 2381.)


Boisduvalia densiflora Wats.

Occasional in meadows etc. of the lower valleys. (No. 2992.)

Clarkia rhomboidea Dough

Common in the Lower Transition, flowering in May and June. On specimens growing beneath shrubs on north slopes the leaves are much wider than on those growing in the open forests. (Nos. 651, 2264, 2270.)

Epilobium adenocaulon (?) perplexans Trelease, Rept. Mo'

Bot. Gard. ii. 96, t. 25 (1891).

Common in moist places throughout the Lower Transition. No. 2589 from the Upper Transition of Round Valley is probably this variety but is somewhat pubescent below while the pedicels and capsules are less pubescent than in the typical form. (Nos. 2378, 2562, 2640.)

Epilobium glaberrimum Barhfij; Trelease, 1. c. 104, t. 38.

This is the most common Epilobium on the mountain and ranges throughout the Lower Transition Zone. (Nos. 2377, 2563.)

Vol.1] HaU. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 97

Epilobium Oregonense (?) gracillimum Trelease,\.G. 109, t.46. This variety was collected iu Tahqiiitz Valley at an altitude of 8000 ft. where the flowers, rather conspicuous for so small a plant, dot the boggy meadows with white in a few places. The plants average only 6 in. high but are otherwise quite typical. (No. 2357.)

Epilobium paniculatum Futt; Trelease, 1. c. 85, t. 8.

Near Strawberry Valley, in the lower part of the pine belt. (Nos. 732, 2627.)

Epilobium spicatum Lam.; Trelease, 1. c. 80, t. 1. Fire- weed. Found only along Tahquitz Creek at 8300 ft. alt. (No. 322.)

Gayophytum lasiospermum Greene, Pitt. ii. 164 (1891); Trelease, Kept. Mo. Bot. Gard. v. 109, t. 17 (1894). Common in the lower part of the pine belt. (No. 2279.)

Gayophytum pumilum Wats; Trelease, 1. c. 114, t. 22.

Common in the upper part of the pine belt and up to 9000 ft. alt. (No. 2347.)

Gayophytum ramosissimum T. tf; G.; Trelease, 1. c. Ill, t. 20. According to Dr. Trelease this species has been collected on San Jacinto Mt. by Mr. Parish (July, 1881, no. 1023). It is probably quite common iu the pine belt, as it is in the San Bernardino Mts., but we did not distinguish it in the field from from G. lasiospermum.

Godetia quadrivulnera Spach.

This foot-hill species is found in the lower part of the pine belt. (No. 2262.)

CEnothera bistorta N^utt. Splucrostigma historta Walp. Sun- cups. Rarely seen; Strawberry Valley, Fuller's mill, etc.

CEnothera Californica Wats. Anogra Californica Small, Bull.

Torr. Club xxiii. 176 (1896). California Evening Primrose.

In sandy soil, lower part of the pine belt of the south side. More frequent at lower altitudes. (No. 771.)

CEnothera hirtella Greene, Fl. Fr. 215 (1891). Spha'rostigma hirtellum Small, 1. c. 190.

98 University of California Puhlications. [botany

Very common on the south and west sides of the mountain l)ut not above the 5500-foot contour. It is probably only a variety of (E. hisforta Nutt., to which it is more closely related than it is to (U. micrantha Hornem., with which it has been con- fused by some . ( No . 2089 . )

CEnothera Hookeri T. d- G. Onagra Hookeri Small, 1. c. 171. ffi". biennis hirsutissima Gray, of Bot. Calif. Common Evening Primrose. Near streams in the vicinity of Strawberry Valley. (No. .2639. )

CEenothera strigulosa ( i^. d-21. ) T. d- G. Sphferostigma sirigulosa F. & M., Ind. Sem. St. Petersb. ii. 50 (1835). Rather common in the lower part of the pine belt but much less so than in the foot-hills. (No. 2179.)

Zauschneria Californica latifolia Rook. California Fuchsia. Occasional throughout the Transition Zone, ascending to 9000 ft. alt. near Lake Surprise. (Nos. 808, 2330, 2503, 2567.)


Angelica tomentosa Wats.; C. d- R. Monogr. N. A. Umbell.

158 (1900.) Angelica.

Frequent along the lower edge of the pine l)elt on the south and west sides. (Nos. 740, 977, 2557.)

Eulophus Parishii C. d- B., Rev. N. A. Umbell. 112 (1888) and

Monogr. N. A. Umbell. Ill (1900).

Not rare in meadows of the Canadian and Transition zones at 5200-8500 ft. alt. (Nos. 851, 2575.)

Heracleum lanatum Miclix.\ G. & B., Monogr. N. A. Umbell. 248 ( 1900 ) . Cow Parsnip . On the northwest side at the lower edge of the pine belt.

Hydrocyotyle ranunculoides L.; C. d- ii., 1. c 29. Floating Marsh Pennywort. Thomas Valley, in quiet water. (2168.)

Osmorhiza nuda Torr. Washingtonia nuda Heller, Cat. N. A. PI. ed. 1, 5 (1898); C. «& R., 1. c. 64. Sweet Cicely.

Vol.1] Hall. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain, 99

Collected only at 9000 ft. alt. in Ronnd Valley. In these specimens, which are immature, the peduncles have 3 or 4 rays and the pedicels are 6-8 lines long. (No. 2592.)

Peucedanum Mohavense C. & R., Rev. N. A. Umbell. 62 (1888). Lomatium Mohavense C. & R., Monogr. N. A. Umbell. 234 (1900). Common to the southeast of San Jacinto Mt., extending

into the coniferous forest on Thomas Mt. (No. 1184.)

Selinum eryngiifolium Greene, Pitt. ii. 102 (1890). Spheno-

sciacUum eryngiifolium C. & R., 1. c. 128.

Rather common along streams of the Upper Transition and Canadian zones. (Nos. 720, 2600.)

Velsea arguta (T. d- G.) C. tfr B., Rev. N. A. Umbell, 120 (1888). Deweya arguta T. & G., Fl. i. 641 (1840); C. & R., Monogr. N. A. Umbell. 79 (1900). Well distributed over south slopes in the Upper Sonoran and

Lower Transition zones. (No. 2083.)

Vel^a Parishii C. d- E., Rev. N. A. Umbell. 121 (1888).

Drudeophytum Parishii C. & R., Monogr. N. A. Umbell.

82 (1900).

Evidently confined to the south side where it is frequent in pine forests of the Lower Transition, reaching its maximum altitude at 7000 ft. (Nos. 2220, 2328, 2508.)


Cornus Nuttallii Auduhon. Nuttall's Dogwood.

Found only at 5700 ft. alt. on the North Fork of the San Jacinto River. This is in the Lower Transition Zone. (No. 2245.)

Cornus pubescens Nutt. Common Dogwood.

In the Lower Transition of the west side; rare. (No. 2236.)

Garrya Fremontii Torr.; C & E., Bot. Gaz. xv. 95 (1890).

The southern limit of this Garrya was considerably extended by its discovery in Tahquitz Valley, where small l)ushes of it are frequently met with on the dry pine benches at 6000-7000 ft. alt.

100 University of California Puhlications . [botany

The leaves are thinner than those of specimens from the northern part of the state, lightly pubescent when young but soon glabrate, as are the branchlets; fruit short-pedicellate, black, early glabrate. (No. 2425.)

Garrya Veatchii KelL, Proc. Calif. Acad. v. 40 (1873); G. & E., Bot. Gaz. XV. 95 (1890); Parish, Zoe v. 73 (1900). Not rare in the Upper Sonoran and Lower Transition zones on the south side. On San Jacinto Mt., at least, this species is very distinct from the last, both in habit and in technical characters. It is a much taller and rigid, upright shrub with coriaceous leaves densely tomentose beneath. (No. 2452.)


Chimaphila Menziesii Spreng. Pipsissewa.

This plant is very rare in Southern California and probably reaches the southern limit of its range on San Jacinto Mt., where it was found beneath the pines at several places between 5300 and 9500 ft. alt. (Nos. 646, 736.)

Pterospora andromedea N^kU. Pinedrops.

Occasional in pine and fir forests. (No. 2467.)

Pyrola aphylla /S'/«.

Collected in Dark Canon and also near Lake Surprise. (No. 811.)

Pyrola picta Sm. White-veined Shin-leaf.

Found only in the pine belt of the west side where it is not common. San Jacinto Mt., is probably the southern limit of the range of both this species and the last.

Sarcodes sanguinea Torr. Snow Plant. With the last, but much more frequent.


Arctostaphylos Manzanita Parry, Bull. Calif. Acad. ii. 491


This species belongs to the chaparral belt but reaches up among the pines of the south side even to the 6500-foot contour.

Vol.1] Hall. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 101

The berries, which have an agreeable acid taste, are much prized by summer campers who utilize them in making a manzanita jelly. (Nos. 2090, 2102.)

Arctostaphylos patula Greene, Pitt. ii. 171 (1891).

Common in the Yellow Pine belt from Tahquitz Peak to Fullers Ridge and also along the upper limits of the chaparral belt of the east side. On these specimens and also on some from the northern Sierras the pubescence of the pedicels and bracts extends down over the younger twigs. Fruit 6 lines in diameter, nutlets irregularly coalescent, some being firmly united, while others are easily separable. (Nos. 2312, 2419.)

Arctostaphylos Pringlei (?) drupacea Parry, Bull. Calif. Acad.

ii. 495 (1887).

Common on all sides of the mountain but confined to open forests of the Lower Transition Zone. The highest point at which it was found was on the south side of Tahquitz Ridge at about 7500 ft. alt. (Nos. 1123, 2092, 2311.)

Arctostaphylos tomentosa Dongl.

Characteristic of the Upper Sonoran Zone where it is an important element of the chaparral formation. Plentiful on Chalk Hill and occasionally running over into the lower part of the pine belt on the south and west sides. (Nos. 2054, 2061.)

Rhododendron occidentale Gray. Western Azalea.

This shrub is plentiful along all the streams of the Lower Tran- sition Zone, where its creamy- white blossoms rival those of the Parry Lily in beauty. The first flowers appear early in June and by the last of July the flowering season is over. (Nos. 041, 964, 2241.)


Dodecatheon alpinum {Gray) Greene, Erythea iii. 39 (1895).

D. Meadia alpinum Gray. Alpine Shooting Star.

Common in all the boggy meadows of the Upper Transition and Canadian Zones. (Nos. 326, 801, 2348.)

Dodecatheon Jeffrey! redolens Hall, Bot. Gaz. xxxi, 392 (1901).

102 University of California Puhliraiions. [botany

This Sierrau Dodecatheou was uiiexpectedly found at a few places on the west side of San Jacinto Mt. along streams and in wet soil at 8500-9200 ft. alt., in the vicinity of Deer Springs, this being near the lower edge of the Canadian Zone. In the specimens here collected the calyx is somewhat longer than the mature capsule. (No. 2335.)


Erythraea venusta (Jnuj. Canchalagua.

Found in a few meadows of the lower part of the pine belt. (Nos. 752, 2094.)

Frasera Parryi Torr.

In open pine forests of the south and west sides below the 6000-foot contour. Here it is quite common and reaches its highest development, being often 4-5 ft. high and having the lower leaves in whorls of three. In the more arid districts to the southeast the specimens are much smaller, the leaves all in pairs, and the narrower inflorescence less branched. (Nos. 698, 2518.)


Apocynum androsaemifolium L. Dogbane.

Collected in flower at 8500 ft. alt. in Round Valley, Aug. 1. (No. 2595.)

Apocynum androsaemifolium pumilum Graij.

Seen at several places on Tahquitz Ridge up to 7500 ft. alt., where it grows to a height of only a few inches and was not yet in bloom on Aug. 5.

Apocynum cannabinum L. Indian Hemp.

Near streams in Strawberry Valley. (No. 846.)


Asclepias Californica Greene, Erythea i. 92 (1893); Hall, Bot. Gaz. xxxi. 389 (1901). Gomphocarpus tomentosus Gray.

Vol. ii Hall. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Moimtain. 103

The mountain form of this species is not rare in the lower part of the pine belt of the sonth side. (No. 2210.)

Asclepias eriocarpa Benth. Milkweed.

General over the sonth and west sides below 5500 ft. alt. and up to about 6700 ft. on the ridges, thus running higher than the last, but, like it, also common in the foot-hills. (Nos. 663, 735, 2505.)

Asclepias Mexicana Cav. A. fascicularis Decaisne, of Bot. Calif. Collected at Kenworthy, altitude 4500 ft. (No. 754.)


Convovulus villosus fulcratus Graij. C. luteolus fulcratus

Gray. Bindweed.

Common in the Lower Transition. Stems a foot or two long, prostrate, not twining.

Cuscuta Californica Glioisy. Dodder.

On low shrubs in Strawberry Valley, where it blossoms in August. (No. 2210.)

Cuscuta subinclusa Bur. & Hilg. Collected on the Johnston Ranch.


Collomia grandiflora Bongl.

Collected on North Fork and near Fuller's mill, but it scarcely enters our limits. (No. 530.)

Gilia achilleaefolia Benth.

Common along the lower edge of the pine belt. (No. 2034.)

Gilia ciliata Benth. Lhumthus ciliatus Greene, Pitt. ii. 260.


With the last and also ranging well up into the pine l)elt. Plentiful in Strawberry Valley where it flowers in May and June. (No. 2231.)

104 University of CaJifor)>ia Piihlirdfions. [botany

Gilia densifolia Benih.

Occasional throughout the Lower Transition Zone. (Nos. 330, 668, 2384.)

Gilia dianthoides EndL Linanilms dianthiflorns Greene, Pitt.

ii. 254 (1892). Fringed Gilia.

This species, so abundant along the foot-hills in early spring, was found blossoming beneath the pines of the Johnston Ranch in May and June.

Gilia glutinosa (Benth.) Gray. CoUomia gilioides Benth.

Collected on all parts of the mountain from 5000 to 9000 ft. alt. (No. 2450.)

Gilia inconspicua sinuata Gray.

In moist soil, Strawberry Valley. (1122, 2281.)

Gilia latiflora exilis Gray.

Common in the upper part of the chaparral belt of the south and west sides and occasionally running over into the open pine forests. (Nos. 2043, 2060, 2212.)

Some forms of this closely resemble forms of G. tenuiflora, l)ut it may always be distinguished from that species by the radical leaves, which are only once-parted into slender divisions, and by the corolla, the tube of which expands abruptly to form the wide throat. At the foot of Chalk Hill, where the variety is abundant under normal conditions, specimens were collected in May, 1897, which exhibited the large flowers and shortened pedicels of typical G. latiflora. This change may have been produced by the fire which passed over that region the preceding autumn; at any rate it would seem to indicate that the two forms were verj- closely related.

Gilia Lemmoni Gray. Linanthns Lemmoni Greene, Pitt. ii.

257 (1892).

Very plentiful in the lower part of the pine belt of the south side, and probably elsewhere, in early spring. (No. 2062.)

Gilia pharnaceoides Bentli. Linanthus pJiamaceoides Greece,

1. c. 254.

Common beneath the pines on the Johnston Ranch and near Fuller's mill. (No. 748.)

Vol. n Hall. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 105

Gilia pungens BentJi.

A small clump of this was found on the very summit of Tahquitz Peak, altitude 8800 ft. It was again found growing in cracks of rocks at about the same altitude on a ridge near Lake Surprise. Nearly all of the flowers found at the latter station, perhaps a hundred in number, were examined and all were al^normal in having 6 calyx-teeth, 6 corolla-lobes, 6 stamens, and a 4-celled ovary. One flower had 6 calyx-lobes, 6 corolla-lobes, one of which was linear and only half as long as the others, and 6 stamens, one of these being sterile. The capsules contained 7-8 ovules. (Nos. 2323, 2596.)

Gilia pungens Hookeri Gray. (?)

A form provisionally placed under this variety is well dis- tributed along all the ridges of the Upper Transition Zone. It differs from the last in being scarcely at all cespitose, with taller, more woody stems and narrower, more rigid leaves. There is, moreover, considerable variation in what is here placed under var. Hookeri and there may be two good varieties on the mountain, besides what is taken for G. pungens. That the number of ovules cannot be used as a distinguishing character in this group was made evident by the examination of capsules from a single clump of plants growing on a peak near Lake Surprise (no. 2597). These plants were apparently all alike, but it was found that in some of the capsules none of the ovules had matured, in others there were 2-3 seeds to each cell, while in one large capsule 25 seeds were counted. A count made on some specimens growing on Tahquitz Ridge showed that some capsules had 2-3 seeds to a cell, while others had 7 to each cell. (Nos. 2329, 2418, 2597.)

Gilia tenuiflora altissima Parish, Eryth. vi. 90 (1898).

Common throughout the Lower Transition. Since neither the species nor the variety occurs on the higher portions of the mountain all the specimens take on the characters of the variety, which are entirely altitudinal. (Nos. 2211, 2305, 2516, 2544.)

Gilia virgata Steud.

Not rare throughout the Lower Transition, flowering in August and September. (Nos. 329, 2635.)

BOT.— 8.

106 University of California Puhlications . [botany

Phlox austro-montana Cocille, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. iv. 151


Collected only in Thomas Valley ; very common on Santa Rosa Mt., the sontheastern continuation of the San Jacinto Range. (No. 553.)


Eriodictyon Parryi {Gray) Greene, Pitt. ii. 22 (ISSO). Noma

Parry i Gray. A good-sized patch of this grows in the upper end of Straw- berry Valley, where it puts out its first blossoms early in July. (Nos. 332, 859, 972, 2502.)

Since no complete description of this species has ever been published the following field notes are added: Perennial and somewhat woody below, where the stems are often 2 in. in diameter and beset with undeveloped branches ; herbaceous above, with numerous ascending branches; viscid-pubescent and ill- scented: leaves 4-8 in. long, passing into bracts above, lanceo- late, remotely sinuate-toothed, acute, tapering to the sessile base, sometimes re volute: inflorescence a scorpoid cyme, varying from a few inches to a foot and a half in length ; pedicels short : calyx densely glandular- pubescent with long hairs; lobes linear from a deltoid base, much longer than the shallow tube: corolla puple, slightly and gradually expanding upward; lobes short and rounded, not widely spreading; tube pubescent externally: stamens inserted on lower half of tube, unequal, two being shorter than the other three, all included: style 2-parted to the hairy base, included; ovary hispid at summit; at maturity there is a splitting of l)oth the valves and the placentae, so that a 4-valved capsule is formed; seeds normalh' 16, ])ut many often fail to develop, black, oval, transversely ridged.

There are specimens of this plant now in the Herbarium of the University of California as follows: San Jacinto Mt., as given above; northern slope San Bernardino Mts., altitude 4000- 6000 ft. (S. B. Parish, no. 3691); Swarthout Cafion, San Antonio Mts., altitude 6000 ft. (H. M. Hall, no. 1258) ; Palomar, San Diego Co., altitude 5000 ft. (W. L. Jepson and H. M. Hall,

Vol.1] Hall. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 107

1901); Kentucky Springs, Sierra Madre Mts. (J. H. Barber, no 209); Pine Canon, Sierra Liebre, 'Los Angeles Co. (H. M. Hall, no. 3088) . The reported range of the species extends from Goodwin, San Lnis Obispo Co., where it was collected by L. Jared,* to San Pedro Martir, Lower California, where it has been fonnd by T. S. Brandegee.t

Nemophila Menziesii H. c(- A., Bot. Beech. Voy. 152 (1833).

Nemophila insignis Dougl., Trans. Hort. Soc. n. ser. i. 479

(1835). Baby-blue-eyes.

Beneath the pines in Strawberry Vallej', etc., but much less common than in the foot-hills. (No. 1806.)

For the determination of the specimens of Nemophila the author is indel)ted to Mr. Harley P. Chandler.

Nemophila Menziesii integrifolia Parish, Eryth. vi. 91 (1898). This variety was collected along the lower edge of the pine belt on both the north and south sides of the mountain. (Nos. 2044, 2266.)

Nemophila spatulata CoHlle, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. iv. 156


Collected only in moist soil near streams in the forests of Round Valley at 9200 ft. alt. (No. 2046.)

Phacelia brachyloba Gray. P. leucantha Lemmon, in Greene,

Pitt. i. 175 (1888).

Common along the upper part of the chaparral belt, Init not on the east side. Abundant on Chalk Hill, especially on burns. (Nos. 1129, 2070.)

Phacelia circinata Jacq. /. ; Parish, Zoe v. 9 (1900). P. Magel- lan ica (Lam.) Coville, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. iv. 159 (1893). This extends in various forms to an altitude of 9400 ft.

(Nos. 1558, 2480.)

Phacelia distans Beuth. Hill Vervenia.

Along the lower edge of the pine belt of the south and west sides. (Nos. 2042, 2227.)

*Acc. to T. S. Brandegee, Zoe iv. 1.51 (189.3). tZoe iv. 208 (1893).

108 University of Cdlifornia Publications . [botany

Phacelia ramosissima Dougl. With the last. (No. 2284.)

Phacelia Whitlavia Gray. California Bluebell.

Very common in the canons of the foot-hills and reaching to Chalk Hill and Strawberry Valley. (Xo. 2280.)


Amsinckia spectabilis F. t(- .1/. Collected in Strawberry Valley.

Cryptanthe ambigua {Gray) Greene, Pitt. i. 113 (1887). Eri- trichium muricu latum amhiguum Gray. Onstatt Valley.

Cryptanthe Jonesii (Gray) Greene, 1. c. 113. Krynifzkia Jonesii Gray. Very common below the 6000-foot contour. (No. 2052.)

Eremocarya lepida {Gray) Greene, 1. c. 59. Eritrichimn

micrantlmm lephlum Gray.

With the last and fully as common. Sometimes ascending to 7000 ft. alt. on exposed ridges. (Nos. 2051, 2487.)

Pectocarya penicillata A. DC.

In gravelly soil, Thomas Valley. (No. 2181.)


Brunella vulgaris L. Self-heal.

Strawberry Valley; not common. (No. 652.)

Mentha Canadensis L. Wild Mint.

Found growing on the south side at 5500 ft. alt. (No. 733.)

Mentha viridis L. M. spicata l. Spearmint. Thomas Valley. (No. 770.)

Monardella lanceolata Gray. Western Pennyroj-al.

Common in open forests of the Lower Transition of the south and west sides, flowering late in summer. (Nos. 340, 2527.)

Vol.11 Hall. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 109

Monardella linoides stricta Parish, Erythea vii. 96 (1899).

Along the lower edge of the pine belt in Tahquitz and Thomas valleys. The variety is an altitndinal form of the species, since in the San Jacinto, San Bernardino, and San Antonio Mts. it is found at 6000-8000 ft. alt., while typical M. linoides belongs to the borders of the Colorado and Mohave deserts.

Monardella macrantha Gray, and Its Allies.

Since the range of all the Monardellas of the macrantha section is restricted to the mountain and foot-hill region extend- ing from the San Jacinto Mts. north to the San Bernardino Mts. and south to San Diego, an attempt has been made to collect specimens of all the species, varieties, and forms belonging to this group. As a result we now have before us an interesting series which throws considerable light on the relations between the different forms. These forms may be so arranged as to exhibit certain lines of variation, the extremes of which are very unlike and might easily be taken for distinct species, as in fact they have been by some, although they are all connected 1\v intermediate forms. The form described below under the name M. macrantha arida, with its almost minute leaves closely arranged on the short stems, and its small, pale flowers, seems so very distinct from the true 31. macrantha, with its tall stems, large leaves, elongated internodes, and deep scarlet flowers an inch and a half long, that one might never think of placing them in the same species if intermediate forms were not present. There is, however, every gradation from the one extreme to the other, and, since similar gradations exist between the other widely separated forms, it has seemed best to consider them all as varieties of a single species, for which the oldest name, viz,, M. macrantha, has been retained.

The different varieties and forms of M. macrantha, as exhib- ited by the material at hand, are described below. For a discussion concerning the conditions which were probably the cause of certain variations in this group see p. 44. Unless otherwise stated the number cited are of the wi-iter's own collecting.

110 University of California Publicafions. [botaxv

MoxARDELLA MACRAXTHA Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. xi. 100 (1876).

Robust, stems 1-2 ft. long; pubescence sparse and spreading; internodes elongated; the larger leaves 9-14 lines long and 8 lines wide; corolla deep red, tube somewhat trumpet-shaped, apparently glabrous but short-pubescent under a strong hand- lens; stamens exserted beyond the corolla- lobes. In our speci- mens the corollas are l5~l4 in. long, but there is figured in Hook. f. Bot. Mag. t. 6270 a form with corolla only an inch long.

Palomar, San Diego Co., on shaded hillsides beneath chap- arral, May, 1901 (W. L. Jepson and H. M. Hall, H. M. H. no. 1936); Mill Creek, San Bernardino Co., July, 1898, (S. B. Parish, no. 4578).


ii. pt. 1, 459 (1886). M. ienuiflora Wats., in Gray, Proc.

Am. Acad., xvii. 230 (1882). Plate XI.

Stems about a foot long, more pubescent than in the last, the pubescence not appressed; internodes long; leaves ovate, the larger 10-14 lines long; corolla pale rose or yellowish, the tube slender and more pubescent, li-1^ in. long; stamens not exserted bej-ond the corolla- lobes.

Caiion of the San Jacinto River at 4400 ft. alt., on shaded hillsides of the chaparral belt, June, 1897 (no. 669), July, 1897 (no. 687), July, 1898 (no. 976); Palomar, San Diego Co., July 5, 1896 (A. J. McClatchie); Palomar, July 3, 1896 (A. J. McClatchie) . The last is intermediate between this form and the next.

Monardella. MACRANTHA pinctorum Hall, var. nov. Plate XII.

Stems shorter than in the last, ashy-pubescent, the hau's short and dense ; internodes sometimes short with as many as five pairs of leaves crowded on a stem only an inch and a half long, sometimes more elongated; leaves ovate to elliptic, much reduced in size, the largest under 6 lines in length; corolla very slender, pale yellow to almost white, l-li in. long, conspicuously pubes- cent; stamens not exserted beyond the corolla-lobes.

In the Yellow Pine belt of San Jacinto Mt., at 6000 to 8000 ft. alt., July, 1897 (no. 725, type), July, 1897 (no. 691), June,

Vol.1] Rail. Botanical Stirvey of San Jacinto Mountain. Ill

1901 (no. 2258), July, 1901 (no. 2559); Saii Jacinto Mt., Jul}-, 1880, (S. B. Parish, no. 327). The last has ascending or erect stems, elongated internodes and leaves 6-9 lines long; while nos. 2258 and 2259, of the author's collecting, connect this variety directly with the last preceding. The type is in the Herbarium of the Universit.v of California.

MoNARDELLA MACRANTHA arida Hall, var. nov. Plate X.

Very similar to the last, the stems always short and the foliage congested; leaves even more reduced, the largest only 5 lines long while the majority are only 1 or 2 lines long; corolla as in the last but still more slender and under an inch in length. In the desert region to the southeast of San Jacinto Mt., along Coyote Creek, at 5000 ft. alt., June, 1901 (no. 2127, type). May, 1899 (no. 1180), May, 1901 (W. L. Jepson and H. M. Hall, H. M. H. no. 1852); near Palm Canon, eastern base of San Jacinto Mt., at 4000 ft. alt., May, 1901 (W. L. Jepson and H. M. Hall, H. M. H. no. 1852) . The type is in the Herbarium of the University of California.

MoNARDELLA MACRANTHA NANA Gratj , Syn. Fl. ii. pt. 1, 459 (1886.) M. nana Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. xi. 101 (1876). This variety differs from 31. macrantha in the pale rose- colored corolla, which is only slightly exserted from the calyx- tube. No intermediate forms between the two are at hand, although they undoubtedly exist. We have it only from near the type locality of M. macrantha.

Cuyamaca Mts., at 4500 ft. alt.. May, 1899 (no. 1202).

Monardella odoratissima BentJi.

Common on hill- sides from 7500 ft. alt. to the very summit of San Jacinto Peak. (Nos. 712, 2486.)

Salvia carnosa compacta H((Il, nom. nov. Audihertia incana pachtfstachya Gray, Syn. Fl. ii. pt. 1,461 (1886). A. pacJiij- stachija Parish, Eryth. vi. 91 (1898). Ramona pachystachya Heller, Muhlenbergia i. 4 (1900).

Since no adequate description of this variety has ever been pulJished the following field notes, taken on specimens found growing in the (ihaparral belt of the southeast side of San Jacinto Mt., are here reproduced (no. 2160): Woody at base,

112 University of California Puhlicafions . [botany

lJ-3 ft. high, minutely puberuleut : leaves obovate to spatulate, 2 in. long including the petiole: inflorescence compact, the verticels usually approximate; bracits highly colored, often nearly an inch in length, broadly oblong, very ol)tuse and frequently cuspidate: flowers short-pediceled, sometimes over an inch long and well exserted from the bracts: middle lobe of lower lip of corolla enlarged and 2-parted, lateral lobes broad, obtuse; upper lip of two short oblong lobes; all the lobes fimbriate margined: lower stamens carried iip to mouth of corolla-tube from which they continue to ascend while the lower lip turns off at right angles, lower branch of connective lacking; upper stamens reduced to mere needle-shaped scales, barely exserted.

A series of twenty-five numbers of 8. carnosa and its varieties from Southern California exhibit all degrees of variation and furnish conclusive evidence that the variety compacia is not deserv- ing of specific rank. The specimens described above are remarkable for their long corollas, but in others from Tahquitz Valley and from the San Bernardino Mts., the corolla is only slightly exserted and in some cases it is shorter than the bracts. On San Jacinto Mt. Salvia carnosa compacia is not rare beneath pines in the lower part of Tahquitz Valley, reaching an altitude of 8500 ft. on the ridges near Tahquitz Peak and Lake Surprise, while it ranges at least as low as 4500 ft. alt. in the chaparral belt of the east side.

This variety has been transferred to a species of Salvia for the following reasons: The name Audibertia was first given by Bentham* in 1829 to a genus of Labiatte which he afterward con- sidered as a mere section of Mentha. But desiring to preserve Audibert's name in botanical literature he in 1831 applied it to the group of plants to which the one here considered belongs, describing Andibertia incana as the fii'st species, t Some botanists, however, still consider the section of Mentha (^Audibertia Benth., 1829) to be of generic rank, and designate it by its original name, that is, Audibertia. It would, therefore, be advis- able to adopt some other name for the group of plants now under

* Edwards Bot. Reg. subt. 1282 (1829) tl. c. t. 1469 (1831).

Vol. 1] Hall. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 113

consideration. Briqnet* has done this by extending the charac- terization of the genus Ramona of Greenet so as to inchide all the species of this group. There is, however, no satisfactory character on which to separate Ramona, as adopted by Briquet, from Salvia. + The chief distinction is in the development of the connective between the anther-cells, but this difference is one of degree, not of kind, as shown by the gradation from the large, spoon- shaped connective, such as we have in S. pratensis L. through the straight, only slightly elongated connective, as in S. officinalis L., and the mere peg, such as occurs in 8. Californica Jepson {Audiherfia polystachya Benth.), to those species in which the lower branch of the connective is wholly suppressed, the junction of the connective with the filament showing as an oblique joint. The last condition is found in such species as ;S. Palmeri Greene {Audibertia Palmeri Gray) . The genus Ramona, as extended by Briquet, is therefore unnecessary and our plant is best disposed of under Salvia. Since the name pachystachya has already been used in the genus another has been selected.

Salvia Columbariae Benth. Chia.

Common along the roads of Strawberry Valley. Also at Ken worthy. (No. 2288.)

Scutellaria angustifolia Pursh. Skull-cap.

Very common throughout the pine belt, beginning to blossom the first of June, but more abundant in August and September. (No. 334.)

Scutellaria Bolanderi Gray.

This species grows sparingly along the creeks at 4000-6000 ft. alt., rarely following them down as low as 2000 ft. alt. (Nos. 667, 696.)

Stachys albens Gray.

This was collected only along Tahquitz Creek in the upper part of the pine belt.

*Bull. Herb. Boiss. ii 439 (1894), and injEngler and Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam.

iv. ab. .3a, 287 (1895).

tPitt. ii. 23.5 (1892) and 301 (1892). tCf. Greene, Pitt. ii. 233 (1892).

114 University of C<difornia Fuhlications. [botany

Stachys bullata Bentlt. Hedge Nettle.

Coiuinou along streams of the Transition Zone. (Xos. 2295, 2385.)

Trichostema micranthum Gray. Small-flowered Blue-curls.

This plant, which possesses the same strong odor as T. lance- olatuni, of which it is possibly only a varietj*, is frequently found throughout the pine belt and up to 8200 ft. alt., where it was collected on the shores of Lake Surprise. (Nos. 822, 2G20.)


Nicotiana attenuata Torr. Wild Tobacco.

This plant was found at Fuller's mill and in Strawberry Valley.

Solanum Xanti Gray; Parish, Proc. Calif. Acad. ser. 3 (bot.)

ii. 167 (1901). Blue Nightshade.

Not rare in the pine belt, up to 8200 ft. alt. (No. 2263; determined by Mr. S. B. Parish.)

Solanum Xanti glabrescens Parish, J. c. 169.

This variety reaches our limits only along the lower borders, where it comes from the foot-hills. The small size and thickness of the leaves are undoubtedly due to the strong light which they receive, since it grows on exposed slopes, while the species is found only beneath shrubs or trees of higher altitudes. (No. 2071; determined by Mr. S. B. Parish.)


Adenostegia Nevinii (Gray) Greene, Pitt. ii. 181 (1891).

Conhjlanihns Nevinii Gray.

This species begins at about 5200 ft. alt. and extends over the south and west sides of the mountain to an altitude of 8500 ft. It was not found on the north or northeast sides. (No. 2619.)

Adenostegia rigida Benth. Coj-dy Ian f h ns filifolins 'Nvtt . Bii-d's Beak.

Vol.1] Rail. Botanical Survey of San Jacinio Mountain. 115

Collected on all sides of the mountain in the lower part of the pine belt. (No. 2621.)

Antirrhinum Coulterianum Benth. Snapdragon.

Reaches to the lower edge of the pine belt on the south and west sides.

Castilleia foliolosa H. d- A. Wooly Painted Cup.

Collected on the exposed slopes of Chalk Hill. (No. 2084.)

Castilleia miniata Douyl.

A tall form of this species is common all over the mountain from 5000 to 9000 ft. alt., limited to streams in the lower part of its range but growing on open hill- sides along its upper limits. (Nos. 2373, 2547, 2582.)

Castilleia parviflora Bong.

Less common than the last and restricted to the higher valleys where it grows in drier soil. In Tahquitz Valley G. miniata is abundant in the wet meadows; G. parviflora on the pine-clad slopes surrounding the meadows. (No. 2580.)

Castilleia stenantha Gray. Painted Cup.

Collected at 6500 ft. alt. in Onstatt Valley; also, at lower altitudes, in Strawberry Valley and on Snow Creek. (No. 2542.)

CoUinsia bicolor Benth. Chinese Houses.

This Collinsia extends into the lower part of the pine belt from the foot-hills, where it is abundant, but was not found on the east side of the mountain. (No. 2052.)

Collinsia parviflora Dougl.

Common in moist soil in the vicinity of Strawberry Valley and perhaps elsewhere, blossoming in May. These specimens are smaller than those usually collected, but they are otherwise very typical. The occurrence of this species elsewhere in Southern California has not yet been reported. (Nos. 1119, 1810.)

Diplacus longiflorus Niitt. Minmlus glutinosus hracJujpus

B. & W.

Not rare along the upper edge of the chaparral belt on all sides of the mountain. (No. 2077.)

116 Universiti/ of California Pnhlications. [botant

Limosella aquatica L. Mudwort.

Very plentiful on the shores of Lake Surprise, 9000 ft. alt. Plants growing in moist sand have spatulate leaves with broad tips; those growing in shallow water have leaves which are filiform, or only slightly dilated at the tip. (No. 2494.)

Mimulus brevipes Benfh.

More common than the last and reaching well into the pine belt, but not seen on the east side. (Nos. 777, 2058.)

Miumlus cardinalis Dougl. Scarlet Monkey-flower. Occasional along streams to 6000 ft. alt. (No. 2382.)

Mimulus exilis B. tO. H. M. pilosus (Benth.) Wats. Plentiful in moist soil up to 9000 ft. alt. (No. 2-586.)

Mimulus floribundus Dougl.

Common in moist places, even to 8500 ft. alt. (Nos. 2186, 2202, 2579.)

Mimulus Fremonti Graij.

This beautiful but malodorous little Mimulus is common, both along water-courses and on open slopes, up to 6000 ft. alt.

(No. 2230.)

Mimulus Langsdorfii nasutus {Greene) Jepson, Fl. W. Mid.

Calif. 407 (1901). M. nasutus Greene, Bull. Calif. Acad. i.

112 (1885).

In moist soil of the south and west sides at the lower altitudes. (Nos. 2190, 2201.)

Mimulus Langsdorfii Tiling! {Kegel) Greene, Lond. Journ. Bot.

xxxiii. 8 (1895); M. Tilingi Eegel, Gartenfl. xviii. 321, t.

631 (1869) and xix. 290, t. 665 (1870) ; not Jf . Tilingi of Bot.

Calif., nor of Greene, Bull. Calif. Acad. i. 110 (1885).

Common along streams and in wet meadows between 7500 and 9500 ft. alt. (Nos. 709, 2403, 2471, 2472.)

At the head of Tahquitz Valley two distinct forms of this variety grow within a short distance of each other. On a rather steep hillside we find a meadow formation, and just above this a formation of shrubby plants. Along the rivulets flowing through the meadow typical specimens of M. Langsdorfii Tilingi

Vol. ij Hall. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 117

are abundant (no. 2471). Only a few feet above, but in the shade of larger plants, occurs a form (no. 2472) in which the stems are twice as high, the internodes elongated, the stems and leaves more nearly glabrous, the upper sessile nearly orbicular leaves much thinner and larger (li in. long), and the peduncles more elongated. No difference in the floral characters could be detected, except that the flowers in the latter form were somewhat larger than in the other.

Mimulus moschatus longiflorus Gray.

Near streams throughout the Transition Zone. (No. 805.)

Mimulus Palmeri Gray.

This species occurs rather rarely in damp sand and along the streams up to an altitude of 6000 ft., often accompanied by M. Fremonti. (No. 2230.)

On examining these specimens it was noticed that in all cases the style was pubescent. This was unexpected, since one of the characters used to distinguish the section Eumimulus, to which the present species belongs, from Eunanus is that of the glabrous style. An examination of all the material at hand (some fifteen sheets) of M. Palmeri was therefore made, with the result that a majority of the specimens were found to have pubescent styles. Certain other characters were found varying somewhat parallel with this. The following forms may be distinguished:

faj Style glabrous, filaments glabrous, anthers ciliate, calyx- lobes acutish and ciliate. The following collections belong here: San Bernardino Mts., June, 1892 (S. B. Parish, no. 2443); San Antonio Mts., June, 1900 (H. M. Hall, no. 1449); Sequoia Mills, Fresno Co. (T. S. Brandegee). In the last, however, the anthers are glabrous.

fbj Style pubescent, filaments pubescent, anthers glabrous, calyx-lobes very obtuse or truncate, cuspidate and not ciliate. The following belong here: San Jacinto Mt., June, 1897 (G. F. Reinhardt); Palomar, May, 1901 (W. L. Jepson and H. M. Hall, H. M. H. no. 1959); San Jacinto Mt., May, 1899 (H. M. Hall, no. 1281); San Jacinto Mt., June, 1901 (H. M. Hall, no. 2230). In the last the calyx-teeth are occasionally beset with a few ciliate hairs.

118 University of California Pahlications. [botanv

(c) Like the last except that the filameuts are often all glabrous. The following exhibit this combination of characters: San Pedro Martir, Lower California (T. S. Brandegee) ; near Elsinore, Riverside Co. (A. J. McClatchie, no. 90).

Mimulus primuloides Benfli.

In moist meadows. Most abundant in the Canadian and Upper Transition Zones, but also found in the Lower Transition of Strawberry Valley. Our specimens fall under M. piloseUus Greene,* bat that can be considered at most as only a variety, since it passes by all gradations into typical primuloides. (Nos. 708, 2349.)

Mimulus rubellus (iraij. Eunanus Breweri Grkk^e, Bull. Calif.

Acad. i. lUl (1885) (?)

In sandy soil near streams or in meadows at 7500-9000 ft. alt. The corolla differs from the usual descriptions, as shown by the field notes taken on no. 2488 collected at Lake Surprise: "Upper lip of corolla of two entire lobes; lower lip of three emarginate lobes, or sometimes only the middle lol)e emarginate." A few yellow-flowered specimens were found growing among the red-flowered ones. (Nos. 2346, 2488.)

Orthocarpus lasiorhynchus Gratj.

Meadows, Strawberry Valley. (No. 649.)

[Orthocarpus Parishii Gray. The type locality of this species as given by Gray is in the San Jacinto Mts., but accord- ing to Parisht the type material came from the Cuyamaea Mts. The northernmost station at which it has yet l)een collected is Palomar Mt., 30 miles southwest of San Jacinto, where it is plentiful in some of the meadows.]

Orthocarpus purpurascens Be)ith. Owl's Clover.

This plant, so abundant on the plains in springtime, forms red patches beneath the pines of the Johnston Ranch, 4400 ft. alt., but it scarcely gets higher. (No. 2928.)

Pedicularis semibarbata Gray.

Fairlv common from the middle of the Transition Zone to the

*Eryth. iv. 42 (18!)() + Zoe V. 118 (1901).

Vol. ij Hall. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 119

very summit of the mountain, where it grows sparingly in the shelter of the large rocks. It prefers, however, the shade of the denser pine and fir forests, and is usually found spreading its rosette of leaves over a dense carpet of pine or fir needles. (Nos. 792, 2593.)

Pentstemon Bridgesii (Jrau.

Occasional from the chaparral belt to an altitude of 8000 ft. (Nos. 2288, 2302, 2333.)

Pentstemon centranthifolius Bentli. Scarlet Bugler.

Very common in the lower part of the pine belt, reaching its highest point on the west side at 8500 ft. alt. (No. 2276.)

Pentstemon labrosus Hooh. Rabbit Ears.

More abundant and of higher range than P. Bridgesii with which it is often associated and which it resembles. In Straw- berry Valley the first blossoms appear late in June and by the middle of July the open forests are aflame with its flowers. It is found on all sides of the mountain and up to 9100 ft. alt., but scarcely enters the Canadian Zone. (Nos. 9G9, 2506.)

Pentstemon Palmeri Gray.

Small patches of this species were seen here and there but it is by no means common. It is confined to the Transition Zone. (Nos. 737, 2271, 2548.)

Pentstemon Parishii Gray.

Along the lower edge of the pine belt on Fullers Ridge, also in the canon of the San Jacinto River. (No. 2267.)

As compared with P. spectahilis the flowers of this species are more slender and less contracted at the tube, the lobes are of the same shape but smaller and the corolla is glabrous ; the filaments are also glabrous, while in P. spectahilis the sterile filament is often, and the others sometimes, more or less pubescent, although not so described. In the color of the corolla it is intermediate between that species and P. centranthifolius, being scarlet with tints of blue on most of the flowers. In the leaf also it is intermed- iate between these, having the shape of P. centranthifolius but with the irregularly toothed margin of P. spectahilis. Since both of these species are common in the region the possibility of a hybrid origin for P. Parishii suggests itself.

120 University of California Publications . [botany

Pentstemon Rothrockii Gray.

The low bushes of this Pentstemon were quite frequent in the open forests from Tahquitz Valley to Fullers Ridge, occupying the upi)er part of the Transition Zone, (Nos. 704, 2588.)

The corolla is not glabrous, as described, but conspicuously though sparsely pubescent externally and is of a dull yellow color veined with purple, never "reddish".

Pentstemon spectabilis Tlmrh.

This foot-hill species is very conspicuous on Chalk Hill and elsewhere on the south and west sides but does not extend into the pine forests. (No. 2069.)

Pentstemon ternatus Torr.

Climbing over bushes along the border between the Sonoran and Transition zones in the vicinity of Strawberry Valley. (Nos. 335, 2G34.)

Scrophularia Californica Cham.. Figwort.

This is also supposed to be a Sonoran plant, but was found to extend to the upper limits of the Transition Zone, where it was observed at 8500 ft. alt. near Deer Springs. It is rare, however, in the pine belt.

Veronica alpina L.

Credited to the San Jacinto Mts. by Mr. Parish,* but not seen by us.

Veronica peregrina L. Neckweed. In meadows, Onstatt Valley,

Veronica serpyllifolia L. Speedwell,

Collected on Squirrel Creek and in Tahquitz and Round valleys. (Nos. 2240, 2361.)


Aphyllon fasciculatum Gray. Cancer-root.

Near Strawberry Valley and also in Round Valley. (No. 2599.)

*Zoe iv. 105 (1893).

Vol.11 Hall. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 121


Plantago Patagonica gnaphaloides {Xntt.) Grmj. ' Collected at Ken worthy. (No. 1921.)


Galium angustifolium Nutt.

Common throughout the Lower Transition Zone. (No. 2509.)

Galium Aparine L. Bed-straw. Cleavers.

Not so common as the last and confined to the neighborhood of streams. Not seen on the east side. (Nos. 2091, 2283.)

Galium Californicum //. & A.

Found only on the west side at the lower edge of the pines. (No. 645.)

Galium multiflorum KelL

Common among and on rocks around Tahquitz and Round valleys, in the Upper Transition Zone, fruiting in August. (Nos. 825, 2424, 2598.)

Kelloggia galioides Torr.

Plentiful in the lower part of Tahquitz Valley; also collected near Strawberry Valley, both localities being in the Lower Tran- sition Zone.


Lonicera hispidula subspicata (E. d- AJ Gray. Wild Honey- suckle. Common, extending up into the pine belt of the west side to

an altitude of 6200 ft. (No. 2529.)

Sambucus Canadensis Mexicana fPresl.J Sargent, Sylva v. 88 (1893). S. Mexicana Presl., in DC. Prodr. iv. 322 (1830). S. velutina D. & H.. Journ. Phil. Acad. n. ser. iii. 39 (1854) and Pac. R. Rept. v. pt. 3, 8 (1855). Mexican Elder.

BoT.— 9.

122 Vniversifij of California Pi(hlicafions. [botany

Upper Onstatt Valley', Strawberry Valley, Mistake Canon (8500 ft. alt.). (Nos. 2216, 2.117.)

The occurrence of this Elder in Southern California renders the identity of the Californian S. velufina with the Mexican variety of S. Canadensis more probable than formerly.*

Symphoricarpos Parishii Ixi/dh., Bull. Torr. Club xxvi. 045


Frequent in Tahquitz and Round valleys in the upper part of the Transition Zone and in the lower part of the Canadian, reach- ing an altitude of 9500 ft. at the head of Round Valley. (No. 2485.)

This has commonly passed for S. oreophilus Gray but is more closely related to S. rotundifolius Gray, as pointed out by Dr. Rydberg. The shrubs are often 3 or 4 ft. high with long spread- ing branches which are not infrequently spread out over large rocks; leaves always narrow at base but variable as to apex, both acute and very obtuse leaves occurring on the same stem ; corolla- lobes obtuse, half as long tube, transparent; tube fully as pubescent within as iu *S\ rotundifolius.


Plectritis macrocera T. tk G. Valerianella macrocera Gray. South side at 5200 ft. alt. (No. 1126.)


Cucurbita foetidissima HBK. C. perennis Gray. Mock- orange. Barely enters the pine belt of the west side.

Echiriocystis macrocarpa Greene, Bull. Calif. Acad. i. 188 (1885). MegarrMza Californica Wats., of Bot. Calif., in part. Chilicothe. Big- root. Same range as the last but usually climbing over shrubs.

(No. 2188.)

*C£. Parish, in Zoe v. 118 (1901).

Vol. ij Hull. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 123


Heterocodon rariflorum Nutt.

Collected along Strawberry Creek and near Fuller's mill. (No. 2205.)

Nemacladus longiflorus Grai/.

Abundant along- the lower edge of the pine belt of the south and west sides. (Nos. 6G1, 2047.)

Since we have no published description of the corolla in Nemacladus the following field notes taken on no. 2047 are here inserted: Corolla white with a yellow spot at base of upper lip, tube inclined to be veined with pink and lobes often tipped with i)ink; tube twice as long as calyx; corolla-lobes abruptly spreading at right- angles to tube, the three upper standing close together, the two lower much smaller, removed from the upper and from each other, all pubescent above; stamineal column exserted, bearded just below the anthers. ^

N. ramosissimus montanus fOrpeiie) Graf/. N. montanus

Greene, Bull. Calif. Acad. i. 197 (1885).

Collected only in loose soil beneath trees of the Coulter Pine on Chalk Hill at 5000 ft. alt. (No. 2046.)

The following field notes were taken on this variety: Corolla white, pubescent within; tube equaling calyx; corolla lobes equal, the three upper straight, the two lower folded obliquely back on themselves like the corners of a collar, thus exposing the stamineal column; filaments slightly pubescent at base and sparsely long-bearded at top.


Achillea millefolium L. Yarrow.

The Yarrow occurs everywhere throughout the Transition Zone. (No. 2507.)

Ambrosia psilostachya DC. Ragweed.

This species, known by the Indians as Yerba Sapo, or Toad Plant, is a wayside weed in Strawberry Valley.

124 Universitij of California Puhlirationfi. [botany

Anisocoma acaulis Gray.

Occasional in the lower part of the Transition Zone and below. The long, prostrate peduncles spread out from the rosette of leaves like the spokes of a weeel and bear on their upturned tips the showy yellow heads, thus giving character to the gravelly hill-sides on which they occur. When growing in partial shade the peduncles are ascending or erect. (No. 1807.)

Antennaria speciosa E. Xelson. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus. xxiii. 705 (1901).

This rare and lieautiful plant forms large mats in the upper end of Round Valley at 9200 ft. alt. and in the south end of Tahquitz Valley at 8500 ft. alt.: it also grows in scattered patches on Fullers Ridge and in Tahquitz Valley at altitudes of 6500-7200 ft. (Nos. 718, 2401.)

Aplopappus interior Coville. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. vii. 65 (1892) and Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. iv. 121 (1893) . ISfenotus interior Greene, Eryth. ii. 72 (1894).

Common along the borders of the Colorado Desert, reaching our limits only along the edge of the chaparral belt of lower Tahquitz Valley and among the rocks at Ken worthy. The plants do not attain a height of more than about three feet in this region. (No. 1140.)

Aplopappus Palmeri Gnnj.

This species was found at a few places in Onstatt and Hemet valleys, below 5500 ft. alt. (No. 2232.5.)

Artemisia dracunculoides Pnrsh.

Occasional along streams \\\) to 8200 ft. alt. (No. 2622.)

Artemisia heterophylla Xiiii. California Mugwort.

This is another rather common weed of the streams but was not found above 6000 ft. alt. (No. 2633.)

Artemisia tridentata Xutt. Sage-brush.

The true Sage-brush covers large areas in the Up])er Sonoran Zone to the southeast of San Jacinto Mt.. and is also com- mon beneath the Yellow Pines of the Transitfon Zone in Thomas Vallev.

Vol.1] Hall. BoianicaJ Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 125

Aster Andersonii Gray. Sierra Aster.

The only kuown station for this Aster in Sontheru California is Tahquitz Valley, where it is very common and couspicnous in the more boggy parts of the meadows between 8000 and 9000 ft. alt., being thus limited to the Upper Transition Zone. In the Sierras it is more common in the Canadian Zone, where it also inhabits moist meadow lands. (Nos. 780, 2574.)

Aster Fremonti Parishii Gray.

Collected only in the meadows of Strawberry Valley; August. (No. 2625.)

Baeria gracilis Gray. Gold Fields.

This Sonoran species was collected in Thomas Valley.

Bigelovia graveolens glabrata Gray.

Common all over the mountain from the lower part of the pine belt up to 9500 ft. alt., blossoming from August to October. (No. 2530.)

Brickellia Californica Gray.

Among the rocks above Strawberry Creek at 5000 ft. alt. (No. 2391.)

Carduus Californicus (Gray) Greene, Proc. Acad. Phila. for 1892, 359 (1893). Cnicus Californicus, Gray. Oirsium Cali- fornicum Gray. Thistle. Scattered throughout the Lower Transition Zone of the south

and west sides. (No. 2286.)

Carduus Drummondii acaulescens Gray. Cirsium acaule

Americanum Gray.

This peculiar thistle, which usually produces several sessile heads of flowers in the center of the rosulate cluster of radical leaves, is quite frequently found in meadows of the south side at 4400-6000 ft. alt. (No. 2421.)

Chaenactis lanosa DC. Pin-cushion.

Very common beneath the pines at Ken worthy. At higher altitudes its place is taken l)y C. tenuifoJia. (No. 2165.)

Chaenactis Parishii Gray.

Collected on Tahquitz Ridge at 7200 ft. alt. and in the lower part of the pine belt of Tahquitz Valley 6000 ft. alt. It has been

126 University of California Publications . [botanv

previously reported only from the arid region southeast of San Jacinto Mt., and from Lower California.

Our plants are from one to one and one-half feet high, scarcely" woody below and well adapted, by their small leaves and tomentose pubescence, to the arid conditions under which they exist. (No. 2326.)

Chaenactis tenuifolia Xidf.

Abundant in open places in the chaparral belt on Chalk Hill and running over into the pine belt on all sides. It also occurs along the lower edge of the pine belt on the west side of the mountain. (Nos. 2036, 2056.)

This species connects by intermediate forms with both C. lanosa DC. and C. glahriuscula DC. but may usually be distin- guished from either of those species l)y the small heads and nari'ow inv(»lucral bracts. The extreme forms are very distinct. Typical C. lanosa, collected at Kenworthy, is floccosely white- tomentose and almost acaulescent even in old plants, the leaves are basal and the scape-like peduncles 5-7 in. h)ng. The speci- mens from Chalk Hill are fairly typical C. tenuifolia. The stems are often over a foot high, early glabrate and branched only above. The marginal corollas are sometimes much enlarged but they are never so ampliate as in the extreme form of C. lanosa.

Chrysopsis fastigiata Greene, Pitt. iii. 296 (1898); Parish

Erythea vii. 97 (1899).

Plentiful beneath the pines in Strawberry Valley and else- where at the lower altitudes. (Xo. 844, 2607.)

Corethrogyne filaginifolia Xuff.

Collected in Strawberry Valley. (No. 2530.)

Ericameria cuneata {Gray) McClatcJiie, Erythea ii. 124 (1894).

Ajilopappus cmieatus Gbay.

This persistent shrub grows from cracks in the rocks on steep slopes facing the Colorado Desert, often at an altitude of 7000 ft. It is not, however, a Transition species, since Sonoran conditions prevail to that altitude on some of these slopes. The thick, leathery leaves, covered with a glutinous balsam, adapt the plants to the strong xerophytic conditions under which they exist; otherwise the dry desert winds passing over that side of the

Vol. ij EaU. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 127

mouutain would soou deprive them of what little moisture the roots are able to extract from the scant soil. (No. 2327.)

Erigeron foliosus Nidt.

Reaches up iuto the piue belt on the south and west sides. (Nos. 2055, 2385.)

Erigeron Jacinteus Hall, sp. nov.

Low, two or three inches high, the monocephalous stems ascending or spreading from slender rootstocks, cinereous with a dense but short almost hirsute pubescence: leaves small but exceeding the internodes, spatulate to obovate, obtuse or acute, the larger 3 lines long by 1 line wide, the upper smaller, all sessile by a narrowed base, one-nerved: heads on short peduncles, hemispherical, 7 lines wide including the rays; involucre 2 lines high; bracts narrow, acute, strongly one-nerved, sparsely pubes- cent at least when young, the margins hyaline: rays about 20, 2 lines long, purple: akene flattened, strigose pubescent: pappus simple, of merely scabrous awns, equalling the corolla.

In gravelly soil on the summit of Tahquitz Peak, San Jacinto Mts., California, altitude 8826 ft., June, 1901 (H. M. Hall, no. 2322). The type is in the Herbarium of the University of California.

The affinities of this species are uncertain. Following the arrangement given in the Synoptical Flora it would seem to belong somewhere near E. c(espitosus, Nutt. if it were not for the broad leaves; in some respects it approaches E. petropJiilus Greene,* lint that and its allies are rayless and have narrower and more elongated leaves than occur in the proposed ppecies; from the members of the E. ursinus group it dififers in having underground stems, in the leafly flowering stems, in the dense, cinereous pubscence, and in other characters.

Eriophyllum confertiflorum laxiflorum Gray. Golden Yarrow. Conspicuous on all sides of the mountain in the Lower Tran- sition Zone. In the foot-hills it is replaced by typical E. con- fertiflormn. (No. 2519.)

Eriophyllum Wallace! (iran.

This species extends up into the pine belt from Chalk Hill where it is common. (No. 2053.)

*Pitt. i. 218 (1888.)

128 Universiiy of California Publications. [botany

Gnaphalium Chilense Spreng. Cotton-battino- Plant.

Only occasional, at altitudes less than GOOO ft. (No. 2609.)

Gnaphalium palustre Mitt. Lowland Cudweed.

This woolly little composite is gregarious along stream-l)anks in Strawberry and Tahquitz valleys and in damp gravel on the shores of Lake Surprise. (No. 2066.)

Helenium Bigelovii Orai/. Sneezeweed.

Near streams throughout the Transition Zone, but by no means common. At the head of Tahquitz Valley, 8700 ft. alt., the large heads form conspicuous yellow patches in the boggy hillside meadows. (Nos. 848, 2467.)

Helianthus Parishii Grai/. Parish Sunflower.

Rare along water courses around Strawberry Valley. (No. 2612.)

Hemizonella minima Graij.

In May this plant is common beneath the pines of the south side at about 5200 ft. alt. It has not been previously reported from Southern California, but was collected by A. J. McClatchie on Wilsons Peak, May, 1896. Perhaps, because of its small size and early flowering period, it has been overlooked. (No. 1802.)

Hemizonia Wrightii Grai/. Tarweed.

Collected only twice; the first time at 4400 ft. alt., the second at 5200 ft., both stations being within the pine belt of the south side of the mountain. (Nos. 2420, 2657.)

Hieracium albiflorum Rool-. Hawkweed.

The long, straggling stems of this weed are occasionally seen in the upper half of the Transition Zone. (No. 817.)

Hieracium horridum Fries.

More common than the last and usually at higher altitudes, reaching into the Canadian Zone at Deer Springs. It was not found except in the cracks of large rocks or in decomposed gTanite at their bases. (Nos. 814, 2560.)

Hulsea heterochroma Gray.

Rare, found only on Chalk Hill, and not more than half a dozen plants in all. These viscid, and exhaling a rank, disagree-

Vol.1] Hall. Botanical Stirvey of San Jacinto Mountain. 129

able odor; robust, the main stem 5 ft. high, the branches simple, ascending-, the lower 1^ ft. long; the larger leaves 7 in. long by 2 in. wide; heads racemosely disposed on the branches, the peduncles sometimes li in. long. (No. 2048.)

Hulsea vestita callicarpha f^Vats.J Hall, comb. nov. H. caUicarplia Wats., in Gray, Syn. Fl. i. pt. 2, 342, as syno- nym. El Caparossa.

Stems several, from an annual or biennial root, branching above, 1^-3 ft. high, woolly below, viscid hirsute above; basal leaves numerous, clothed wdth a dense tomentum, obovate, spatulate; the rameal scattered, broadly oblong, 1-li in. long, passing above into bracts of the much elongated peduncles: involucre 5 lines high; rays yellow, the ligule 3 lines long; otherwise as in the species.

Thomas Valley, San Jacinto Mt., California, at 4550 ft. alt., May 26, 1899 (H. M. Hall, no. 1180.1, type.) The type is in the Herbarium of the University of California.

Not rare in sand washes, on open hillsides, and beneath pines, on the south side, at 4400-9000 ft. alt., varying toward typical H. vestita in the upper part of its range. We have examined the following specimens from this region: July, 1880 (S. B. Parish, nos. 531 and 531a, the latter being a co-type of the undescribed H. callicarpha Wats.) ; June, 1882 (S. B. Parish, no. 531); July 5, 1895 (A. W. Anthony); May, 1901 (W. L. Jepson, no. 1317); May, 1899, and May to Aug., 1901 (H. M. Hall, nos. 1180.1, 1808, 2313, 2334, 2682). It has also been collected on Cuyamaca Peak, July 7, 1894 (T. 8. Brandegee), and on Palomar Mt., Aug. 1, 1898 (T. S. Brandegee).

This variety is intermediate between H. vestita and H. Cali- f arnica, differing from the former mainly in the less-enduring root and in the taller, more branched and somewhat leafy stems, wiiile from the latter it is distinguished by its smaller rameal leaves, elongated peduncles and smaller heads, these bearing shorter and less conspicuous rays. Nos. 2313 and 2334, of the author's collecting from altitudes of about 9000 ft. approach H. vestita in having the leaves much reduced on the scape-like stems.

180 Universif!/ of Cnlifornui PHhlicdiiona. [botany

Layia glandulosa H. & A. Blephitripappus ghoul iilosiis Hook. Plentiful in the ojjen pine forests and meadows of the Johnston Ranch . altitude 4500 f t . ( No . 2 1 85 . )

Layia platyglossa Gray. Tidy Tips. BIfpJidri pappus plafy- glosiis Greene, Pitt. ii. 246 (1892). With the last. (Nos. 2023, 2041.)

Lessingia glandulifera Gray.

Common in the lower i>art of the pine belt, flowering in autumn. (No. 2626.)

Madia dissitiflora T. t(- G.

Barely reaching our limits in the canons of the west side. (No. 2040.)

Madia tenella Greene, Pitt. iii. 167 (1897).

This species occurs sparingly in the lower part of the pine belt of the south and west sides. (Nos. 2268, 2662.)

Malacothrix Californica T)C.

Sandy soil of Thomas Valley. (2182.)

Malacothrix Clevelandi Gray.

This enters our limits from the chaparral belt to the south. It is common beneath the Coulter Pines near Chalk Hill. (No.


Microseris linearifolius {DC.) Gray.

Valleys and meadows of the south side below the 4500-foot contour. (Nos. 2024, 2086.)

Pentachaeta aurea Nutt.

Not seen except on the south side, but there it is abundant, both in the meadows and beneath the pines, from 4000 to 6000 ft. alt. Where it is exposed the stems are either simple or branched from the base and only a few inches high ; in the shade it is sometimes two feet or more high and branched above, the lower leaves fully two inches long. (Nos. 1124, 1136, 2057.)

Rafinesquia Californica Niitf.

Thomas Valley, at 4500 ft. alt. Senecio triangularis HooJ,-.

This Senecio reaches the southern limit of its range on San Jacinto Mt., where it occurs only along the creeks that flow

Vol.1] Hall. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 131

down the north side, and again in the hillside bogs near Deer Springs. These stations have an altitude of 7500-9000 ft. and are along the borderline between the Transition and Canadian zones. The species grows in similar localities in the San Ber- nardino Mts., but no other stations have been reported for Southern California. (Nos. 2535, 2571.)

Solidago Californica Nutt. Golden Rod.

Common over the higher slopes, running down to 5000 ft. alt. along Snow Creek. (Nos. 342, 827.)

Sonchus oleraceus L. Common Sow- Thistle.

Along streams in Strawberry Valley, etc. (No. 2294.)

Stephanomeria virgata Benth. 8. paniculata Nutt.

Plentiful in the lower part of the pine belt. (Nos, 2587, 2631.)

Troximon heterophyllum (Nutt.) Greene, Bull. Torr. Club.

X. 88 (1883). MacrorJiynchus heterophyUus Nutt., Trans.

Am. Philos. Soc. vii. 430 (1841). Agoseris heterophylla

Greene, Pitt. ii. 178 (1891).

Collected in the meadows of Thomas and Shingle valleys and along Squirrel Creek, all within the pine belt of the south and west sides. (No. 2038.)

Troximon retrorsum (BcnfJi.) Gray. Ago.seris retrorsa Gref^^e, Pitt. ii. 178 (1891). Occasional throughout the lower part of the pine belt.

Wyethia coriacea Gray.

On low hills in Thomas Valley. (No. 2170.) These specimens are quite depauperate as compared with the usual form: some are almost acaulescent, the small heads rising from the bases of radical leaves, the latter only 4-5 inches long, often truncate at the broad base; pappus variously cleft, the lobes sometimes awn-like, sometimes broad and fimbriate. There are, however, no constant characters on which to separate this form from the type.


JJniversHy of California Puhlirations .



Abies concolor 23, 52 (40)

Lowiana 52

Abi'onia villosa 77

Acer glabrum 93

Achillea millefolium 123

Acknowledgments 52

Adenostegia Nevinii 114

rigida 114

Adenostoma faseiculatum

85 (13, 18, 37, 39)

sparsifolium 85 (13, 37, 39)

Agoseris retrorsa 131

heterophyUa 131

Agropyron caninum 54, (29)

Parishii laeve 54

tenerum 54

Agrostis Diegoensis 54

tenuis 54(15, 28, 29)

verticillata 55

Air currents, effect of 38, 40

Alder, White 71 (30)

Allium hsematochiton 67

Parryi 67

Alnus rhombifolia 71 (30)

Alpine Zone 12, 16

Altitude, effect of 34, 46

Ahimn Root 83

Amarantus albus 77

Ambrosia psilostaehya 123

Amelanchier alnifolia 85

Amorpha Californica 88

hispiduJa 88

Amsinekia spectabilis 108

Angelica tomentosa 88

Anisoeomaacaulis 124

Anogra Californica 97

Antennaria speciosa 124 (15)

Antirrhinum Coulterianum 115

Aphyllon faseiculatum 120

ApJopappus cuneaius 126

Aplopappus interior 124

Palmeri 124

Apoeynum androsjemifolium ... 102

pumilum 102

cannabinum 102

Aquilegiatruncata... 79 (16, 31, 33)

Arabis arcuata 81, (27)

glabra 81

perennans 81

perfoliata 81

repanda 81


Arceuthobium occidentale 72

Arctic-alpine Zone 12, 16

Arctostaphylos Manzanita.lOO (13)

patula 101 (19, 32)

Pvinglei drupacea..l01 (15, 26)

tomentosa .101 (37)

Arenaria Douglasii 78

Argemone platyeeras 81

Artemisia dracunculoides 124

heterophyUa 124

tridentata 124

Aselepias Californica 102

eriocarpa 103

fascictdaris 103

Mexicana 103

Aster Andersonii 125 (15, 30)

Fremonti Parishii -. 125

Aster, Sierra 125

Astragalus Antiselli 89

Parishii 89

Audibertia incana 112

pachiistachija Ill

pachi/stachya Ill

polystachya 113

Austral element, Origin of 50

Avena ccrnua 63

nittkwnsis 63

Azalea, Western 101 (30)

Baby-blue-eyes 107

Bferia gracilis 125

Barley, Orchard 57

Battle of;;the Factors 42

Bay Tree 80

Beard Grass 60

Bebbia juncea 18

Bed-straw 121

Bent-grass, San Diego 54

Water 55

Bigelovia graveolens glabrata.. 125

Big-root 122 (19)

Bindweed 103

Bird's Beak 114

Blepharipajipus glandulosus 130

plafyglossus 130

Bloomeria aurea 67

Bloomeria, Golden 67

Bluebell, California 108

Blue-curls, Small-flowered 114

Blue Dicks 67

Blue-eyed-grass 69

Boisduvalia densiflora 96

Vol. n Ball. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 133


Boreal element, origin of 47, 50

Brassiea nigra 81

Brickellia Californica 125

Brodiiea capitata 67

minor 67

Bromus carinatus 55

Iffivipes 56

marginatus latior 55, (29)

seminudus 55 (30)

Orcuttianus 55

grandis.. 55

Porteri assimilis 55

lanatipes 55, 56

Richai'dsoni 56

vulgaris 56

Brunella vulgaris 108

Buck -brush 94

Buckwheat, Wild 73

Bugler, Scarlet 119

Burning Bush 93

Buttercup 79

Calochortus concolor 67

invenustus 67

luteus concoJor 67

splendens 67

montanus 67

Calyptridium monandrum 77

Canadian Zone 12, 15

Cancer-root 120

Canchalagua 102

Caparossa, El 129

Capsella Bursa-pastoris 82

Carduus Californicus 125

Drummondiiacaulescens... 125

Carex festiva 64

feta 64

Hallii 64 (15, 29)

marcida 64

Nebraskensis 64 (15, 29)

nudata 64

Preslii 64 (16, 33)

Castanea sempervirens 71 (32)

Castanopsis chrysophylla 71

sempervirens 71

Castilleia foliolosa 115 (37)

miniata 115 (31)

parviflora 115

stenantha 115

Catalogue of species 51

Caulanthus amplexicaulis 82

Ceanothus eordulatus 94 (19, 32)

cuneatus 94

divaricatus 94

integerrimus 94 (15, 27)

perplexans 94

Ceanothus, Nuttall's 94

Cedar, Incense 22, 53

Bastard 85

Cerasus Californica 88

Cercocarpus betulaefolius

85 (13, 18)

ledifolius 85 (19, 32)

parvifolius glaher 85

Chfenactis glabriuscula 126

lanosa 125

Parishii 125

tenuifolia 126

Chamisal 85 (18, 19)

Chaparral formations 17

Chenopodium album 76

Cherry, Red 88

Chia 113

Chilicothe 122

Chimapila Menziesii 100

Chinese Houses 115

Chinquapin, Sierra 71

Choke-cherry, Western 88

Chorizanthe timbriata 72

staticoides 72

Chrysopsis fastigiata 126

Cirsiwm acaule Americamim Californicnm

125 125

Cladosporium 65

Clarkia rhomboidea 96

Claytonia Chamissoms 77

pcrfoliata 77

spathulata 77

Cleavers 121

Clematis ligustifolia .. 79

Climate 8, 34

Cnicus Californicus 125

Coffee Berry 94

Collections made 3, 5

Collinsia bicolor 115

parviflora 115

CoUomia gUioides 104

Collomia grandiflora 103

Columbine 79

Convolvulus I uteolus filler atus... 103 Convolvulus villosus fulcratus..

103 (15)

Copa de Oro 81

Corallorhiza multiflora 69

Coral-root 69

Cordylanthusjilif alius 114

Nevinii 114

Corethrogyne filaginifolia 126

Cornus Nuttallii 99 (15)

pubescens 99 (31)

Cottonbatting Plant 128

Cottonwood, Black 70

Cotyledons laxa 83

Cow Parsnip 98

Cream-cups 81

Crest formation 32

Cryptanthe ambigua 108

Jonesii 108(37)


University of California Publications.



Cucurbita fcetidissima 122

perennis 122

Cudweed, Lowland 128

Cuscuta Californica 103

subinclusa 103

Cyperus aristatus 64

Datisea glomerata 96

Deer Brush 94

Deer-grass 58

Deer-weed 90

Delphinium decorum patens .... 79

Parryi 79

Dendromecon rigidum 81 (13, 18)

Desert winds, effect of 38

Deiceyaarguta 99

Dieentra chrysantha 81 (13)

Diplaeus longiflorus.. 115(13, 37, 39)

Distichlis maritima 57

Distichlis spieata 57

Distribution of plants 10, 34

Dock, Willow-leaved 76

Dodder 103

Dodecatheon alpinum ...101 (15, 30)

Jeffrey! redolens 101

media alpinum 101

Dogbane 102

Dogwood, Common 99 (31)

Nuttall's 99

Draba eorrugata 82 (16, 33)

Drudeophytum Parishii 99

Drymocallis 86

(jhindulosa 87

Duraugo Root 96

Dutchman's Breeches 81

Echinocvstismacrocarpa 112

' 122 (13, 19)

Elder, Mexican 121

Eleoeharis acicularis 65

palustris 65 (31)

Elymus glaber 57

glaucus 57 (29, 30)

maximus 57

multisetus 57

Parishii 58

pubiflorus 58

tritieoides 58 (29)

Epicampes rigens 58

Epilobium adenocaulon per-

plexans 96

glaberrimum 96 (31)

Oregonensegracillimum 97 (30)

paniculatum 97

spicatum 97

Epipactis gigantea 70 (31)

Eremocarya lepida 108

Ericameria cuneata 126 (32)

Erigeron cfespitosus 127

foliosus 127

Jacinteus 127


Erigeron petrophilus 127

ursinus 127

Eriodictyon Parryi 106 (15)

tomentosum (13, 18, 39)

Eriogonum apiculatum 72 (5)

Baileyi 73

fasciculatum 73 (13)

gracile 73

molestum 73

nudum pauciflorum 74

saxatile 74 (33)

stellatum 74 (15)

taxifolium 74

Wrightii subscaposum 74

taxifolium 74

Erigonum, Naked-stem 74

Eriophyllumconfertiflorum 127

Wallacei 127

Eritrichium micranthum lepidum 108

muriculatuni <imhi(juum 108

Erodium cieutarium 92

Erysimum asperum 82

Erythrfea venusta 102

Eschscholtzia Californica ...81, (13)

Eulophus Parishii 98 (15, 30)

Eumimulus 117

Euuanus 117

Breweri 118

Euonymus Parishii 93 (5, 15)

Euphorbia hirtula 93

Palraeri 93 (27)

serpyllifolia 93

Evening Primrose, California.. 97 Factors of plant dirtribution ... 34

Factors, Battle of the - 42

False Hellebore 69

False Solomon's Seal '.. 69

Feather-grass, Parish's 63

Figwort 120

Filaree 92

Fir, White 23, 52 (14)

Fire-weed 97

Flax, Blue 93

Forests 19

Forest fires 25

Forest protection 25

Formations 16

Fragaria Californica 85 (15)

Frasera Parryi 102 (27)

Fremontia Californica 95

Fremotiiodendfon Californicum.. 95

Fringe-pod 83

Fuchsia, California 98

Galium angustifolium 121

Aparine 121

Californicum 121

multiflorum 121

Garrva Fremontii 99 (27)

Veatchii 100

Vol. 1]

Hall. Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain. 135


Gayophytum lasiospermum 97

pumilum 97

ramosissimum 97

Geology 10

Geranium Fremontii 92, (50)

Richardsonii 92

Geranium, Wild 92

Gilia achillea-folia 103

eiliata 103

dianthoides 103

densifolia 104

glutinosa 104

inconspicua sinuata 104

latiflora 104

exilis 104

Lemmoni 104

pharnaceoides 104

pungens 105 (15, 33)

Hookeri 105 (15)

tenuiflora 104

altissima 105

virgata 105

Gilia, Fringed 104

Gnaphalium Chilense 128

palustre 128

Godetia quadrivulnera 97

Golden Bloomeria 67

Golden Rod 131

Gold Fields 125

Gompliocarpus tomentosus 102

Gooseberry 84

Goosefoot, White 76

Habenaria leueostachys 70 (31)

Hawkweed 128

Helenium Bigelovii 128

Helianthus Parishii 128

Hellebore, False 129

H^mizonella minima 128

Hemizonia Wrightii 128

Hemp, Indian 102

Heracleum lanatum 98

Hcsperoyucca JVIiippJei 69

Heterocodon rariflorum 123

Heuchera rubeseens 83 (16,33)

Hieraceum albiliorum 128

horridum 128 (33)

Holcus lanatus 59

Hollyhock, Wild 95

Holodiscus discolor dumosa

85 (16, 32, 33)

Honysuckle, Wild 121

Hookera capltata 67

minor 67

Horkelia callida 87

Clevelandii .• 87

Hosackia crassifolia 90

decumbens 90

glabra 90

grandiHora 90


Hosackia oblongifolia 90

PursJiiana 89

strigosa 90

Hudsonian Zone 12, 15

Hulsea Californica 129

caUicarpha 129

heterochroma.. 128

vestita 129

vestita callicarpha 129

Hydrocotyle ranunculoides 95

Hypericum anagalloides 98

formosum 95 (15)

Scouleri 95

Insolation 46

Iris Hartwegi australis 69

Juncoides comosum 66

Juncus bufonius 65

canaJicidatus 65

compressus 66

effusus 65

longistylis 65

macrophyllus 65

marginatus 65

Mexieanus 66 (29)

oxymeris 66

phipocephalus panieulatus 66

Kelloggia galioides 121 (15)

Koeler-grass, Crested 59

Soft 59

Koeleria eristata 59

pubeseens 59

Krynitzkia Joiiesii 108

Land slides, effect of 40

Larkspur 79

Lathyrus Ifetiflorus 89

violaeeus 89 (13)

Laurel, California 80

Layia glandulosa 130

platyglossa 130

Lepidium intermedium 82

Lepidium medium 82

Lessengia glandulifera 130

Lettuce, Indian 77

Libocedrusdecurrens22, 53(15, 72)

Life zones 10

Lilac, Mountain 94

Lilium Parryi 68 (31, 50)

Lily, Parry 68

Limosella aquatiea 116 (31)

lAnanthus ciliafus 102

dianthiflorus 104

Lemmoni 104

pharnaceoides 104

Linum Lewisii 93

Listera convallarioidos 70

Lithophragma affinis 84

Loco-weed 89

Lomatium Mohavcnse ....:. 99

Lonicera hispidula subspicata.. 121


JJiiiversify of California Puhlicaiions.



Lotus Americanus 89

crassifolius 90

glaber 90 (13)

leucophseus 90

Nevadensis 90 (27)

oblongifolius 90 (31)

strigosus 90

Lower Transition Zone 12, 14

Lupine 91

Lupinus albifrons 91

concinnus 91

cytisoides 91

formosus 91

micranthus 91

rivularis 91

Luzula C'omosa 66

Macrorlnjnclius heteropliyllus 131

Madia dissitiflora 130

tenella 131

Maiiogany, Mountain 85 (18)

Malacothrix Californica 130

Clevelandi 130

Maldeojo 67

Manzauita, Common 100 (18, 19)

Maple, Sierra 93

Meadows 27

Meadow-grass, Chandler's 60

Fowl 59

Meadow Rue 80

Meadow Sweet, Dwarf 85

Mtgarrhiza Californica 122

Meliea imperfecta flexuosa 59

Melic-grass, Limber 59

Mentha Canadensis 108

spicata 108

viridis 108

Mentzelia congesta 96

dispersa 96

gracilenta 96

Microseris linearifolius 130

Milkweed 103

Mimulus brevipes 116 (37)

cardinalis 116

exilis 116

floribundis 116

Fremonti 116

ghitiuosiis brachypus 115

Langsdorfii nasutus 116

Tilingi 116 (28)

moschatus longiflorus 117

nasutus 116

Palmeri 1 17

pilosellus ., 118

pHosus 116

primuloides 118 (28)

rubellus 118

Tilinqi 116

Mint, Wild 108

Mistletoe 72


Mistletoe, Pine 72

Mock-orange 122

Moisture 9, 34

Monardella lanceolata 108 (27)

linoides strieta 109

macrantha 109, 110 (44, 45)

arida Ill

nana Ill

pinetorum 110

tenuitlora 110 (44)

nana ill

odoratissima Ill (15, 33)

tenuiftora 110

Monkey-flower, Scarlet.. .' 116

Montane and desert conditions 44

Montia Chamissonis 77 (15)

perfoliata 77

spathulata 77

Mudwort 116

Mugwort, California 124

Muilla serotina 68

Mustard, Black 81

Tansy 82

Tower 81

Nama Parryi.. 106

Nasturtium officinale _ 82

Neckweed 120

Nemacladus longiflorus 123

montanus 123

ramosissimus montanus .... 123

Nemnphiln insignis lo7

Nemophila Menziesii 107

integrifolia 107

spatulata 107

Nettle 72

Nettle, Hedge -. 114

Nieotiana attenuata 114

Nightshade, Blue 114

Nolina Parryi 68 (39)

Nomenclature 52

Oak, Black 71

Kellogg 71

Live 71

Scrub 72

CEnothera biennis hirsutissima.... 97

Qi^nothera bistorta 97

Californica 97

hirtella 97

Hookeri 98

micrantha 98

strigulosa : 98

Onagra Hookei-i 98

Onion, Wild 67

Orchis, Stream 70

Origin of San Jacinto Flora.. 47, 51

Orthocarpus lasiorhynchus 118

Parishii 118

purpuraseens 118

Osmorhiza nuda 98

Vol.1] Hall. Boianical Sui'vey of San Jacinto Mountain. 137


Owl's Clover 118

Oxyria digyna 74 (16, 33, 80)

Oxytheca caryophylloides 74

emarginata 75

perfoliata 75

trilobata 76 (75)

Painted Cup 115

Woolly 115

Panieularia nervata 59 (15, 29)

Pauicum thermale 59

unciphyUum 59

Parry Pinon 20

Pectocarya penicillata 108

Pedicularis semibarbata

118 (15, 27, 33)

Pennyroyal, Western 108

Pennywort 98

Pentaeha?ta aurea 130

Pentstemon antirrhinoides (13)

Bridgesii 119

centranthifolius 119 (120)

labrosus 119 (27)

Palmeri 119

Parishii 119

Rothroekii 120 (26, 50)

speetabilis 120 (13, 119)

ternatus 120

Pepper-grass 82

Peucedanum Mohavense 99

Phaeelia brachyloba 107

circinata 107

distans 107

leucantha 107

MatjeUaiiica 107

ramosissima 108

Whitlavia 108

Philadelphus serpyllifolius

83 (32, 50)

Phleum alpinum 59 (29)

Phlox austro-moutana 106

Phoradeudron juniperinum Li-

boeedri 72

villosum 72

Phytogeographic formations .... 16

Pigweed 76

Pimpernel, False 95

Pin-cushion 125

Pine, Coulter 20, 53

Jeffrey 20, 53

Limber 24, 53 (33)

Lodge Pole 53

Murray 23, 53 (33)

Parry 20

Pinon 20

Sugar 22, 53

Tamarack 53

Yellow 20, 53 (14)

Pinedrops 100

Pink, Indian 78


Finns contorta Murrayana 53

PinusCoulteri 20, 53 (15, 72)

flexilis 24, 53 (15, 33, 40)

Jeffreyi 53

Lambertiana 22, 53 (72)

monophvlla 20

Murrayana... 23, 53 (15, 33, 40;

Parryana 20

ponderosa 23, 53

Jeffreyi 20, 53 (72)

Pipsissewa 100

Plantago Patagonica gnapha-

loides 121

Platystemon Californicus 81

Pleetritis maeroeera 122

Poa alpina 60 (16, 29)

Buckleyana 60

Howellii Chandler! 60

Polygonum avieulare 76

Bisiorta 76

bistortoides 76 (15, 30)

Douglasii 76

imhricatum 76

tenue 76

Watsoni 76

Polypogon Monspeliensis ....60 (29)

Pond formation 31

Pondweed 54

Poppy, California 81

Prickly 81

Tree 81 (18)

Populus triehoearpa.. 70

Potagometon Claytoni 54 (31)

Potentilla acuminata 86

Blaschkiana 87

brevifolia 86

callida 86

Clevelandi 87

fusticjiata 88

glandnlosa laetea 88

Nevadensis 87 (15)

gracilis 87

fastigiata 88

rigida '88

Grayi 86

Kingii 87

laetea ^ 88 (15)

Xuttallu 88

Primrose, Evening 97

Prunus demissa 88 (15)

emarginata 88

Pseudotsugamacrocarpa..20, 54(15)

Pterospora andromeda 100

Pterostegia drymarioides 76

Pussy-paws 78

Pyrola aphylla 100

picta 100

Quercus Californiea 71 (15, 72)

ehrysolepis 71 (72)



University of California Fublications .



Quercus dumosa 72

EeUoggii 71

Eabbit Ears 119

Rafinesquia Californica 130

Ragweed 123

Bamnyia padujstadnja Ill

Ranunculus alismaefolius alis-

mellus 79 (16)

Californicus latilobus 80

Cymbalaria 80

Eschscholtzii 80 (16, 33)

Ludovicianus 80

Rattlesnake Weed 93

Red-top, Bunch 60

Region covered 3

Rein-orchis, Sierra 70

Rhamnus Californica tomentella

94 (27)

crocea ilicifolia 94

Rhododendron oeeidentale

101 (15, 30)

Rhus trilobata 93

Ribes amietum 84

cereum 84 (33)

lacustre molle 84 (33)

Menziesii 84

Nevadense 84 (15)

nubigenum 84

sanguineum variegatum 84

Riparian formation 30

Rock surface, effect of 40

Rosa Californica 88

Rose, Wild 88

Bubus Nutkanns 88

Rubus parviflorus 88

Rue, Meadow 80

Rumex salicifolius 76 (28)

Rush, Bog 65

Toad 65

Sage-brush 124

Salix eordata Mackenzieana .... 70

Watsoni 70

laevigata 71 (30)

lasiolepis 71 (30)

Salvia Californica 113

carnosa 112

compacta Ill

Columbarise 113

officinalis 113

Palmeri 113

pratensis 113

Sambucus Canadensis Mexi-

eana 121

Mexicana 121

velutina 121

Sand-verbena, Pink 77

Sandwort 78

San Jacinto flora, origin of. ...47, 51


San Jacinto Mt., General feat- ures 6

Selection of 3

San Jacinto Peak, Plants of .... 33

Sarcodes sanguinea 100

Scarlet Bugler 119

Scirpus microearpus 65

Scrophularia Californica 120

Scutellaria augustifolia 113

Bolanderi 113

Sedum obtusatum 83

Self-heal 108

Selinum eryngiifolium 99 (15)

Senecio Douglasii (13)

triangularis 130

Service Berry 85

Shepherd's Purse 82

Shin-leaf, White-veined 100

Shooting Star, Alpine 101

Sidaleea malvsefiora 95

Silene laciniata 78

Parishii 78 (16, 33)

verecunda 78

Sisymbrium canescens 82

jnnnatiim 82

Sisyrinchium bellum 69 (28)

Sitanion glabrum 57

muJtisetum .^ 57

puhifiorum 58

Skull-cap 113

Sleepy Grass 63

Slope exposure, effect of 34

Smilacina amplexicaulis 69 (31)

Snapdragon 115

Sneezeweed 128

Snow Plant 100

Soil 8

Solanum Xanti 114

glabrescens 114 (13)

Solidago Californica 131

Sonchus oleraceus 131

Sonoran islands 37, 38

Sonoran Zone, Upper 12

Sorrel, Alpine 74

Sow-thistle, Common 131

Spanish Bayonet 69

Spanish Clover 89

Spear-grass, Mountain 60

Spearmint 108

Species, Catalogue of 51

Speedwell 120

Sphseraleea ambigua 95 (18)

Spha'rostigma historta 97

hirtellum 97

strigulosa 98

Sphenosciadium eryngiifolium.... 99

Spike-rush, Creeping 65

Needle 65

Vol. 1] HaJl. BofanicaJ Stirvey of San Jacinto Mountain. 139


Spindle Tree 93

Spircea ariafolia discolor 85

dumosa 85

Sporobolus depauperatus 61 (30)

gracillimus 61 (28)

Spraguea paiiieulata 78

umbellata 78 (16, 33)

caudicifera 78

Spruce, Big-cone 53

Squaw Bush 93

Stachvs albens 113

biillata 114

Star of Bethlehem 84

Stellaria crispa 79 (16)

Stenotus interior 124

Stephanomeria paniciilata 131

Stephanomeria virgata 131

Stipa Californica 61

Elmeri 62

occidentalis 62

oecidentalis montana 62

Parishii 63

Scribneri 62

Vaseyi 63

viridula 62

St. John's Wort 95

Stone-crop 83

Strawberry, Wild 85

Streptanthus campestris 83 (27)

Summit, Plants of 33

Sun-cups 97

Sunflower, Parish 128

Sweet Cicely 98

Synonomy 52

Symphoriearpus oreophyllus.... 122

Parishii 122 (15, 26)

rotundifolius 122

Syrmatium glabrum 90

Tarweed 128

Tellima affinis 84

Temperature 9, 34, 46

Thalictrum Fendleri platycar-

pum 80 (15)

polycarpum 80

Thimbleberry 88

Thistle 125

Thysanocarpus eurvipes 83

Tidy Tips 130

Timothy, Alpine 59

Toad Plant 123

Toad Rush 65

Tobacco, Wild 114

Topography 7

Transition Zone 12, 13

Trichostema lanceolatum 114

micranthum 114

Trifoliutu invoJucratum 92

Trifolium microeephalum 91

monanthum 91 (30)


Trifolium obtusiflorum 92

Rusbyi 92 (15, 30, 50)

atrorubens 92

tridentatum 92

variegatum 92

Wormskjoldii 92

Trisetum cernuum 63

Trisetum nutkfense 63

subspieatum 63 (33)

Troximon heterophyllum 131

retrorsum 131

Tumble Weed 77

Twayblade, Broad-lipped 70

Umbelluria Californica 80 (13)

Undergrowth .^ 26

Upper Sonoran Zone 12, 14

Upper Transition Zone 12

Urtica holosericea 72

ValerianeUa macrocera 122

Velfea arguta 99

Parishii 99

Velvet Grass 59

Veratrum Californicum 69

Veratrum speciosum 68 (15, 31)

Veronica alpina 120

peregrina 120

serpyllifolia 120 (30)

Vervenia, Hill 107

Vetch 92

Vieia Americana truncata 92

Vilfa depauperatus 61

graciUima 61

Viola blanda 95 (16)

pinetorum 95

purpurea pinetorum 95 (15)

Violet, White 95

Virgin's Bower 79

Wall Flower 82

WasMngtonia nuda 98

Water Courses, effect of 41

Water-cress 82

Wheat-grass, Slender 54

Wild-rye, Slender 58

Willow 71 (30)

Arroyo 71

Wire-grass 66 (29)

Wood-rush, Common 66

Wyethia coriacea 131

Yard Grass 76

Yarrow 123

Golden 127

Yerba del Pasmo 85

Verba Sapo 124

Yucca 18

Whipplei 69

Zausehneria Californica lati-

folia 98

Zones, Life 10



Page 15, line 12, for Philadelplms microphyllus , read Pliiladelphus serpylU- folins.

Page 27, line 3, for Amorpha hlspidula, read Amorpha Californica.

Page 33, line 35, for Castanea chrysophylla, read Castanea sempervirens .

Page 84, line 18, add as synonym of Rihes lacustre molle Gray, R. monti- genum McClatehie, Erythea v. 38 (1897).





Vol. 1, pp. 141-164, Pis. 15, 16 November 20,. 1902







Editorial Committee of the Academic Senate:








Editor of Botanical Publications :




Vol. 1, pp. 141-164, Pis. 15, 16 November 20, 1902



Minnie Reed.





I. Introduction 141

II.— The Ulva-Composite 142

III. The Prasiola-Composite 151

IV. Relation of the Fungus to the Alga 157

v.— Geographical Distribution , 159

VI. Descriptions 160

VII.— Methods 160

VIII.— Explanation of Plates 162, 164


The association of fungi with marine algae either in a symbiotic or a strictly parasitic relation is not common, as thus far but comparatively few cases have been reported. For some unexplained reason fungi seem to prefer to be associated with fresh water algae, so that nearly all lichen -gonidia are fresh water species.

*Presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of M.S., University of California, December, 1899. Prepared under the direction of Professor W. A. Setchell.

142 Universitu of California Publications. [Botany

It is because of this fact that the two marine species just discovered ou the Pacific Coast of North America (an Ulva- composite collected on the Bay of San Francisco, and a Prasiola-composite collected on the coast of Alaska), are especially noteworthy.


The Ulva-composite is a deep green when young but a dark olive to almost l)lack when old. When dried it becomes a dull dark olive, the older i^lants always being the darker. The stipe and basal portions of the frond are always of a lighter color, and often almost a translucent greenish tan.

The fronds vary greatly in shape, from narrow lanceolate to oblanceolate or even sometimes to oval, but the broad lanceolate is typical. The frond narrows gradually into a short slender stipe growing from a disk-like hold fast. Occasionally a speci- men is found in which all the fronds arise from the tip of a single slender stipe. The old fronds are very seldom regular in outline, as the tips and edges have been torn, broken, or con- tracted and distorted in various ways. Occasionally specimens are collected wdiich send out small fronds and bud-like projec- tions from the edges and surfaces of the main frond, giving it a very shaggy or ragged appearance.

There is a very great variation in the size as well as in the shape of different fronds as they measure from 1 to 2.5 cm. in length and 1 to .">() mm. in width. The average plant is about 1.5 cm. high. The typical plant has one frond always much larger than the others; and all diminishing until the smallest is scarcely visible. (Cf. Fig. 1, PI. 15.)

The surfaces are much roughened by the perithecia, which are dark l)rown or l>lack wart-like eruptions scattered irregularly over the frond from near the base to the tip. The perithecia vary in shape and size, but are usually hemispherical with a concave lighter colored apex, and are scattered over both surfaces of the frond. The surfaces of the frond are also usually corrugated or wrinkled and warped, as if stretched in some parts and con- tracted unequally in otln-rs. Often one or both edges of the

Vol.1] Reed. Two Weiv AscomycetoHs Fungi. 143

frond are drawn in, leaving the center to bulge out, or the oppo- site edges to curl.

When fresh the fronds are thick and cartilaginous, but when drj^ they are leathery. The thickest portions are the stipe and the basal part of the frond. It becomes thinner towards the tip and edges and where no perithecia have developed. The base and stipe are from 150-200 ^ thick, while the thinner portions are only 70-100 h-.

A section shows five distinct layers in the frond. First the gelatinous envelopes (one for each surf ace ) of medium thickness, into which project the tips of the lateral mycelial filaments which branch from the medullary layers. The tips stand up close together between the green cells, perpendicular to the sur- face like the pile of velvet. Only the lateral filaments lie next the cell walls forming a close network about them, but never penetrate withiu. The tips are always thickened and club- shaped, but are more angular and more deeply pigmented around the perithecia and isolated cell groups, and also on the edges of the frond. They have exceedingly thick walls with small lumen, and sometimes the walls appear to be stratified. (Cf. Fig. 2, PL 15.) The diameter of lateral hyphge is 1-5 fj-.

Just inside each outer layer is an "algal" layer of green cells as in ordinarj' Ulva. Every cell or group of cells is enclosed in a capsule formed of a network of lateral mycelial threads with gelatinous matrix between. First a single cell is enclosed and then this divides, grows, and divides again until the resultant cells form isolated groups of diads, tetrads or octads in the same capsule, which must be gradually expanded by the pressure within the surrounding mycelial tips either making them angular or flattening them somewhat. (Cf. Fig. 3, PL 15.)

These groups of isolated cells are most numerous around the perithecia and on old plants much distorted by many perithecia. Often these cell- groups are pushed outwards from the edge or surface of the frond like buds, or gemmules. This is best seen in the cross section, where they stand out more or less distinctly from the cellular layer, and may be analogous to soredia, as Reinseh (Zur Meeres Algen von Siid-Georgien, p. 426-427, 1890) has suggested in the case of his Dermatomeris. It seems from

144 University of California Fuhlications. [botaxv

the cross section that the adventitious frondnles, arising from the surface or edge of the frond, develop from these groups of isolated cells. It may be that these fronds break off occasionally and form new individuals, as their attachment is very slight. The cell groups are doubtless forced outwards by their own ra]>id growth and division, which is usually in the planes at right angles to the surface and l)y the outward pressure of the growing hyi)lup in the medulla and cortex immediately surrounding the capsule.

The algal cells are 6-13 m high and 4-5 yt-t wide. They are from oblong to oval in shape, with the longest diameter at right angles to the surface of the frond, so that the two cell layers appear much like the palisade cells of the higher plants: In the superficial view the cells seem scattered about without any special order, and they appear almost quadrangular with medium spaces between them.

The medulla is about one-third the entire thickness of the frond, that is, 20-50 /* thick. It is composed of innumerable fine mycelial filaments interwoven closely in all directions, though the majority are parallel to the surfaces. A gelatinous coat surrounds each filament and these coats coalesce, filling in all the interspaces. The filaments are cylindrical, hyaline and much finer than those projecting into the cortex, being scarcely 1 ^ in diameter. The walls are thick and the contents granular.

The perithecia appear on the surface of the frond as blackish spherical swellings. They measure in superficial diameter 364- 520 ^ and are usually spherical and mammillate, but are sometimes fiattened oval. Each perithecium consists of a large rounded cavity of aliout the diameter of the normal frond, surrounded by a thick wall. In the cross section (Cf. Fig. 3, PI. 15) the wall is seen to be deeply pigmented about the ostiole, and also on the side of the cavity, opposite the ostiole, that is, the basal wall. The cavity is lined by a colorless thin pseudo- parenchyniatous layer, from which the club-shaped asci originate, and project towards the center. The surface of the perithecium is the outer cortical layer of the frond which is somewhat modi- fied by the growth and expansion of the interior tissues. The algal layer is also consideral)ly modified. There are numerous

Vol.].] Reed. Two New Ascomycetous Fungi. 145

scattered groups of algal cells, also single algal cells somewhat smaller than normal, often flattened and always separated by deeply pigmented mycelial liranches. Just below the algal cell is a dense pseudoparenchyma also deeply pigmented, while beneath this is a thick layer of colorless parenchyma which completely surrounds the cavity on all sides. Within this is the innermost lining of the perithecial cavity, a thin walled proto- plasmic subhymenial layer from which the asci develop. The transition from the mycelial filaments to the pseudoparenchyma layer is almost imperceptible. The mass of mycelial threads in the medulla appear as if they had been divided in the center and pressed outwards to form the sides, where they have fused and interwoven in forming the walls about the asci. On the sides of the perithecium the medullary filaments are again intertwined and follow their normal course until again interrupted by the development of another perithecium. The perithecium projects on both surfaces of the frond, but projects farthest on the ostiole or apical side. The ostiole gradually develops after the perithe- cium begins to mature, and probably is formed by a dissolution of the perithecial walls after their formation, and near the time of the maturity of the spores. There is a small canal from the inner cavity to the outer opening or ostiole. This is lined and surrounded at the inner opening by fine, colorless hairs. The ostioles are on either surface of the frond, as some perithecia open on one side and some on the other.

The inner wall of the perithecium consists of one layer of cells, flattened tangentially, thin walled and protoplasmic. This is the subhymenial layer from which the asci are developed. The layer next to this is five or six cells deep, has thin walls also flattened tangentially and often pointed at the ends. The outer layer of pseudoparenchyma has much larger, thicker walled cells, slightly or not at all flattened, pigmented very deeply for several cells in depth on the upper and lower surfaces, and slightly pigmented on the sides within the medulla. The pigmentation occasionally extends entirely around the perithecium and into the subh.ymenial layer. The pigmentation varies greatly even in the perithecia of the same frond, both in the thickness and regularity of the layer. This layer seems to be formed by the

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coalesceuce and interweavinj? of tlie outer mycelial branches, and seems also to send out hranehes which radiate outwards to the surface of the frond, forming a network between the algal cells. At the upper surface of the perithecium, the mycelial filaments which project close around the ostiole are not so coarse or so deeply pigmented. This explains the pale color of the apex of the perithecium. Just outside this circle of pale hypha? are the coarse, deeply pigmented, and densely packed mycelial tips which form a wider circle about the ostiole, and surround the isolated groups of algal cells, or single cells scattered about irregularly, and fill all the interspaces closely. From the ostiole itself, very fine hyaline hairs project outwards. The developing perithecia show, at first, a small lens-shaped collection of hypha? rich in protoplasm in the center of the medulla. It soon becomes a complex mass with three to five radiating centers from which the protoplasmic ascogenous hyphse develop and are to be distin- guished by their deep staining. The central portions and peri- thecial walls take the stain less readily. Finally the central tissues disappear and a layer of protoplasmic cells is formed on the inside of the perithecial cavity, which later produces the asei. By the expansion of the central cavity and the elongation and increase of the medullary filaments, the outer lateral filaments are pressed outwards, bulging out the cortical layer with its algal cells, which are scattered and flattened in the process. During this period the mycelial threads of the medulla are pressed together, blended and interwoven, to form the pseudoparenchyma of the perithecial walls. Just how the hyphal tissue in the center is absorbed or spreads out to form the perithecial walls of delicate cells surrounding the cavity was not distinctly seen, but probably the fine hypha-like filaments radiating from the central placenta interweave, coalesce, and in some way grow to the perithecial wall as it is developing, and are spread out by their expansion and growth to form this thin subhymenial layer. No doubt the cavity within is greatly increased by the growth and expansion of the developing asei which crowd from all sides toward the center, filling it, forcing out the perithecial walls in every direction, and thus flattening tangentially the cells of the inner walls. Only the innermost layer contains granular protoplasm, which is shown by eosin or hajmatoxylin staining.

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After the asei have formed, a dense fine hair-like hyaline growth develops about the ostiole and projects obliquely down- wards into the perithecial cavit^' between the asci, lining the entire canal and ostiole.

The asei (Cf. Fig. 4, PI. 15) when they first arise from the subhymenial layer appear like club-shaped projections from the perithecial wall. The protoplasm within is one mass at first, but it very soon divides to form the eight ascospores. As the ascospores grow the asci bulge and enlarge like small balloons, forming a distinct stalk, the eight oval spores showing very distinctly through the delicate thin walls of the ascus. There is an enormous number of asci in each perithecium and they are continually forming, as may be seen in the cross section, where they appear in all stages from those just budding to the ripe ascus with its eight spores. Hence, though the asci are con- tinually ripening, the perithecia are always crowded with them and it may be this pressure which assists in bursting the walls of the asci, causing the escape of the ascospores out through the ostiole. The asci are 23-40 /^ long by 10-18 i^ wide.

The ascospores are hyaline, thick-walled, one-celled and 3.5-7 /A wide by 10-13 ^ long. They vary somewhat both in size and shape, some being elliptical and others broadly oval. The spore contents are granular, with a broad Irregular equato- rial band of very refractive liodies, which appear like oil di-ops, yet do not give the ordinary reactions for oil (Cf . Fig. 5, PL 15) . The outer part of this equatorial band lying next the wall is protoplasm which stains deeply with eosin or hfematoxylin.

The spores are discharged in vast numbers, when the fresh fronds with ripe perithecia are placed upon moist glass slides. After a day the slides are covered with whitish dots, one under each perithecium. The spores are surrounded by a whitish gelatinous substance when ejected.

The freshly discharged spores germinate readily in a moist chamber, both in fresh and salt water. In three days they form long germ tubes, especially when only slightly moist. In germ- inating, the spore becomes swollen, the walls appear thinner, the bands of refi-active bodies disappear or grow thinner, and the mycelium projects either from the end or the side adjacent to the

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equatorial l)aiid (Cf. Fig. 6, PI. 15). The protoplasm of the si)ore with the refractive bodies flows into the germinating tube, which grows very long after a few days, branches and becomes septate. After germinating the spores are 10-12 /^ wide and 18 /A long. The young mj-celium is 3-4 fj- in diameter when 10-100 /^ long. After the spore has been germinated several days, the mycelium begins to branch, and often forms either at the tip or back of the tip bulb-like swellings nearly as large as the spore itself. All along the mj-celium the transverse septa occur at frequent intervals and are very distinct.

The Ulva-composite grows just about the upper tide mark on the shady side of the sandstone boulders at the entrance of the Bay of San Francisco. It was first collected at Lauds End by Prof. W. A. Setchell in October, 1898. It has since been collected at Fort Point, and probably occurs all along that shore from Lands End to the Fort. It always seeks the shade and some protection from the full force of the waves, and occurs in patches of various sizes from a few inches to several square feet in extent. It has been collected every month in the year and always with perithecia.

It is always associated with a small Ulva, probably U. Cali- fornica Wille, and almost as frequently with Enteromorplia minima. Sometimes a patch is almost entirely composed of the composite plants, and again, with almost all either Ulva or Entero- morpha and l)ut a few composite plants. Probably it is either this Ulva or this Enteromorplia which forms the algal portion of the composite plant. The general shape and size of the fronds and hold-fast of the composite suggests Enleromorpha Linza, but in the cross section there is a very decided difference. The cells of the Enteromorpha are much smaller, closer, and more quad- rangular, while the long axis is parallel to the surface instead of at right angles, as in the composite plant. There is no E. Linza associated with the composite or on that shore; so probably that is not the algal part of the composite, as the presence of the fungus could hardly explain such a wide difference in the cells.

The composite also has a general superficial resemblance to Enteromorpha minima, but a cross section shows a wide differ- ence in structure, especially in size and shape of the cells. This

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difference is so great that it is not at all probable that it is the algal associate in the composite plant.

Tne Ulva, however, which always grows with the composite is somewhat different in general appearance. It has smaller, broader, and thinner fronds, and is a much lighter green than the composite. The cross sections, however, resemble each other in almost every detail. The size, shape, and arrangement of the cells, and the thickness of the outer gelatinous layer are about the same. The thickness at the base of the frond is 67-100 /a, and the upper part of the frond 33-60 /*, while the ceUs are 10-13 /(A long and 5.5-7 /^ wide. All these measurements correspond quite satisfactorily with the composite plant. The base and stipe of the two fronds are quite different. The composite has a slender stipe gradually widening into the base of the frond, and is brownish to hyaline, with but few small algal cells, which seldom ever elongate into tubes growing down towards the hold-fast. The Ulva, however, has Init little or no stipe, as the frond spreads abruptly from the base into a broad oval. The character of the cells near the base is entirely different, as they become much larger, while the lower cells form long tubes which descend into the hold-fast. Yet these differences might be due to the association of the fungus in the composite plant ; so that it seems that there is very little doubt that this associate Ulva is the algal part of the composite plant. There is also little doubt that this Ulva is U. Calif or nica Wille, as it resembles the authentic specimens published in Phycotheca Boreali- Americana, No. 611. The cells of U. Calif or nica Wille, are more quad- rangular and slightly thinner and smaller, and have less gelatin outside, but these slight differences might be easily explained by the different localities in which they were collected, or the method of preservation and time of collecting. Wille' s specimens were collected at San Diego, but the species is probably common all along the California coast, and like most plants doubtless varies somewhat with the locality.

The algal portion cannot be Enteromorpha Linza or E. mhiima because of their very different structure; nor can it be Ulm Lactiim L. or U. fasciafa Delile, because of the very great difference in size, habit, and general structure. We can there-

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fore conclude from all evidence obtainable that the algal portion of the composite is Viva Galifornica Wille. Thus far no material has been examined that is not completely penetrated by the mycelium, and bearing perithecia. This fact makes it seem probable that the fungus spores germinate and enter the tissues of the young Ulva when it is first germinating from the spore and they continue their development together, either in a sym- biotic or parasitic relation. In this way all the tissues of the Ulva are entirely penetrated by the fungus, and therefore we find no mature Ulvas with the mycelium just penetrating.

The fungus forming this composite with the Ulva is quite certainly a Guignardia of some kind, as it resembles Guignardia _ Prasiolce (Winter)* in habit, development, and general structure. It is probably a new species, as its spores differ from that spe- cies both in shape and size, and likewise the asci and perithecia. It is associated with the Ulva very much as Reinsch's fungus in Dermatomeris and is similar in habit, but the spores are quite different .

The spores are oval, with thick walls and 10-13 /* by 3.5-7 t^, while the asci are 23-40 h- by 10-13 H-. The perithecium measures 364-509 /* on the outside diameter and 120-270 /^ on the internal diameter. Guignardia Prasiolce (Winter) has spores 12-15 /^ by 3.5-4.5 /*, and asci 53-57 h- long by 9 y- wide. The perithecium is 200-220 h- wide. The spores are decidedly longer, narrower, and more pointed than those in the Ulva. The spores of Reinsch's Dermatomeris Georgiea are 5.5 /^ by 2.5-2.8 f^, and asci 33-47 h- by 5.5^7 h-. " Sporocarp 130 /* internal and 148 /«. external diameter." From the above comparison it is conclusive that our fungus is a different species of Guignardia, and perhaps it may be named Guignardia Ulvce, as most fitting and suggestive, because of its association with that alga.

* Lcestadia PrasiolcB'Wmier. The species must be transferred to Guignardia, since the name Lasstadia is preoccupied by a genus of Compositse.

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The seeond algal-composite, when fresh and moist, is a dull olive- green, bnt becomes brownish to leaden olive when dry. The older plants are always the darker.

The fronds are very much broader than long, much curled and crinkled, and often the edges are involute until they meet, so that each frond seems like a little sack. Each plant has three or four fronds arising from a single very short stipe at the center, or separate stipes from a small central hold-fast. The plant is 2-4 em. across, while the fronds are from 2-4 cm. wide and 1-2 cm. in length. (Cf. Fig. 7, PI. 15.)

The fronds are soft, flabby, and easily torn when moist, but become brittle and coriaceous or leathery when dried, especially when old and covered with perithecia. The greater part of the surface of the frond is roughened by the brownish hemispherical elevations of various sizes, 180-454 ^ in diameter by 90-175 /* high. They are scattered over both surfaces irregularly from near the base to the apex of the frond. The cells viewed from the surface are grouped in tetrads, much as in the ordinary Prasiola, and the tetrads are arranged in quadrate or polyg- onal areas, with distinct hyaline spaces between. In the young fronds, having but little or no fungus in the tissues, the tetrads are very regular and the interspaces perfectly hyaline, (Cf. Fig. 13, PI. 16) but in older fronds, completely occupied by the fungus, the interspaces are no longer hyaline but closely packed with pigmented tips of the liyphap. These tips stand up perpendicular to the surface like pile on velvet, and are sometimes between the cells forming the tetrads, as well as the areas between the tetrads. It is these tips which darken the fronds and increase their thickness and toughness. The surface measure of the cells varies from 4 to 10 /^ in different fronds.

In the cross section the outermost gelatinous layer of the frond sometimes shows a slight stratification, especially in the old plants having many perithecia. The outer layer is also denser and the hyphee do not penetrate through it to its surface. Beneath this layer the hyphfP are abundant and evenly dis- tributed in the older specimens, but very much more scattered

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and less abiiiidaiit in the younger plants. Sections were made of fronds in all stages of combination, from those without any or very few hyphal threads, to those completely penetrated with a closely interwoven mycelium. (Of. Figs. 8-12, PI. 16.)

The young fronds, scarcely infected with the fungi, are monostromatic, but the older composites are from eight to six- teen cells thick. This gradual increase in the number of cells and consequently of the thickness of the fronds is shown in the series of sections represented in figures 8 to 12 on i)la.te 16. Soon after the fungus takes possession of the frond, the cells begin to show the same tetrad arrangement in the cross section as seen from the surface, there being one, two, three or four tetrads in the cross section of the oldest fronds. Each tetrad is closely surrounded by the interwoven mycelium which forms a kind of capsule. In the monostromatic stage the cells are oblong to oval or elliptical and often columnar like the palisade cells of the higher plants. After the first division, which is always transverse to the cell, the cells become quadrangular and alw^ays remain so in the later stages. The tetrads are less regular in shape, size, and arrangement near the perithecia, and often are separate or broken up into two or even into single cells more or less flattened. In the early monostromatic stage the cells are 11-14 /A in vertical diameter and 3-9 /* in horizontal diameter; while in the later mature stage of the composite the cells are 5-11 /A square. The immature or monostromatic fronds are 16-45 jtA thick, while the mature fronds are 75-146 /* thick.

The hyphte which invest the algal cells, and are interwoven in all directions around the tetrads are very coarse, somewhat angular, with very thick walls and small lumen. They vary from 1.5 to 3 /A in diameter at the tips. The inner hyph^e are finer, about 1 /* in diameter and colorless, but the lateral branches, projecting out into the cortex, are slightly enlarged, becoming club shaped and also slightly pigmented, especially at the extreme tips around the perithecia and on the surface of the frond. They stand out vertically, embedded just beneath the outermost gelatinous layer. The hyph« do not enter the algal cells, but simply lie close to their walls completely surrounding them, forming a sort of capsule about each tetrad when the frond is mature.

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The penetration of the fungus mycelium into the frond and its contact with the algal cells, seem to act as an irritant or stimulant upon the cells, and cause them to divide in a plane at right angles to the usual division. In this way the frond becomes distromatic or polystromatie. As the mycelial threads increase in number, and the cells are more fully invested and isolated from each other, this division continues until each half has divided two or three times and "tetrads" are finally formed. After the final division the "tetrads" are completely inclosed in their capsules of interlaced mycelial threads.

The perithecia are scattered irregularly over the surface of the frond from the base to the apex and vary both in size and shape. They are usually hemispherical or sometimes slightly mammillate and brown to black when mature. The external diameter of the perithecia varies from 273-450 /*, and the internal diameter from 110-216 h-. In the cross section (cf. Fig. 14, PL 16) the perithecium lies in the center half-way between the upper and lower surfaces of the frond where there are but few scattered algal cells. At the sides of the perithecium the tetrads have been pressed together and In-oken up by the growth and expan- sion of the central nucleus, and the final development of the perithecial wall. The scattered cells on the upper and lower surfaces of the perithecium are flattened slightly and their tetrad arrangement completely destroyed by the expansion of the peri- thecium . The perithecial walls are of medium thickness and are pigmented on the upper part about the ostiole and also at the base opposite. The inner, subhymenial layer is full of proto- plasm and thin walled and is pseudoparenchyma, not well defined. This gradually changes to well defined thick- walled pseudoparen- chyma as it passes outward toward the exterior, the thickest walls and deepest pigmentation being toward the outer surfaces, there being little or no pigmentation at the sides of the perithecium. The thick- walled pseudoparenchyma gradually shades into the interwoven mycelia about the outer perithecial wall, and the mj-celial branches project outward from its surface into the cortex or joins with the medullary threads at the sides continuing the center of the frond until interrupted by another perithecium.

The perithecium first arises from a mass of hyph£e rich in

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protoplasm in the center of the frond. This exi)ands and is exposed in a dense growth of interwoven hyphfe which, as the perithecium increases in size, seem to fuse more or less to form the pseudoparenchyma wall while the upper and lower walls become pigmented. While the perithecial wall is forming the central mass of protoplasm seems to become constricted into sev- eral lobes, then a space appears, and finally a rounded cavity with a lining of protoplasmic thin-walled cells or closely inter- woven mycelial threads, from which the asci are developed, later. It is during this expansion of the perithecium that the walls of the frond are rounded outwards, and the algal cells are flattened and rearranged.

The ostiole is rather small, and very probably is developed by a resorption of the perithecial walls in that region, as there is no indication of either the ostiole or canal in the young immature perithecium. The ostiole is surrounded by a dense growth of slender colorless hyph« which extend into the canal and project into the cavity of the perithecium. The asci develop from the entire inner wall of the perithecium, and from the subhymenial layer, and project into the central cavity. They develop succes- sively, so are found in all stages from the tiny hypha-like projections to the mature ascus with the ripe ascospores. The mature asci are long club-shaped stalked bodies 23-40 /^ long by 7-14 /A wide, and contain eight ascospores. The spores are long and narrow with pointed ends, and walls of medium thick- ness. The spores when stained show a broad equatorial band of protoplasm, within which are numerous granules and oil di'ops. The spores have thin walls, are hyaline and measure from 8.5-13.5 /A in length and 3-4 /«■ in width. When discharged the spores are inclosed in a mucilaginous covering, which causes them to adhere rather closely together in masses.

The Prasiola- composite described above was collected by Prof. W. A. Setchell, in the summer of 1899, in two widely separated localities in Alaska. It was found in great abundance, growing on the rocks near the tide line on the coasts of Unalaska and Kadiak Islands. A Prasiola free from the fungus, and undoubtedly the same species as in the composite, was found on the same rocks.

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There is not the least donbt that the algal portion of this Alaskan composite is a Prasiola, but of just what species it is rather difficult to determine as I have access to but few authentic specimens, and most of the descriptions and figures are inadequate and unsatisfactory. Both the habit of the composite and its association with the fungus suggest Masfodia iessellata Hooker, but Hooker's figures appear to be diagrammatic, while his description does not agree with our Alaskan specimen. Hariot, however, collected the same ^^ Prasiola tessellaia " on the Island of Terra Del Fuego, and carefully describes it in his article on the algfB of the "Mission Scientifique du Cap Horn's" (1882-83). He carefully describes and figures the microscopic structure, and compares his material with Hooker's specimens, finding them to be identical, though his specimens were marine and Hooker's were fresh water. Hariot discovered the composite nature of the Mastodia, which Hooker never suspected, and decided that it was Prasiola tessellaia associated with an ascomycetous fungus, Liesiadia Prasiohe Winter. Since Hooker's first publication of Mastodia tessellaia in the Journal of Botany (1845) it has been republished, figured, and described by several botanists, yet Hariot is the only one who really makes the nature of the composite clear. In 1849, Kiitzing referred Mastodia iessellata. Hook, to the genus Prasiola. He gives a figure in Tabula Phycologicffi (Cf. Vol. 5, PI. 40), which, according to Hariot, resembles the plant described by Hooker and Harvey. Rab- enhorst in 1868 (Fl. Europ. Alg. Ill, p. 311) reproduces Kiitzing' s figures and descriptions, but does not mention the conceptacles which characterize it, or make any comment upon the nature of the plant. J. G. Agardh also discusses the " Viva tessellaia " of Hooker and Harvey, and the Prasiola iessellata of Kiitzing, and decides that they are synonymous; but at the same time he considers Mastodia to be a dis- tinct genus. Bornet likewise studied Hooker's Mastodia and decided that it was a composite consisting of a Prasiola and an ascomycetous fungus. With all these discussions of the Mastodia and Prasiola iessellata, there is no description of the Prasiola any better than Hooker's; hence the difficulty of comparing the Prasiola of the Alaskan composite. The Alaskan

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Prasiola differs from Hooker's Prasiola tesselhda iu the shape and color of the fronds and in the arrangements of the tetrads and areoles. There is not that distinct tessellate arrangement of the tetrads, but the areoles are polygonal or imperfectly quadrate.

This Alaskan Prasiola, as seen from the surface, resembles none of the authentic specimens available for comparison, except Prasiola furfuracea (Mert.) Menegh, collected in Sweden by Nordstedt. The cells of this specimen are smaller and the cells and tetrads and hyaline spaces are not so distinct. The cross sections resemble one another, lint P. furfuracea is thinner than the Alaskan specimen. The frond of P. furfuracea is 20-23 /^ thick, and the cells 10-13 /* vertical diameter and 4-C i^ horizontally. The fronds of the Alaskan Prasiola are 16-45 /a thick and cells 11-14 /^ vertically and 4-9 /^ horizontally. Another specimen of Prasiola furfuracea, collected bj'H. Heiden at Mecklenburg, (lermany, and published in Phykotheka Uni- versalis Fasc. IX No. 438, is quite different from both the Nordstedt specimen and our Alaskan Prasiola. In Heiden 's specimen the tetrad areas are arranged between lines radiating from the base of the frond, but near the outer edge the areas are like those in Norstedt's specimen. The cells and the plants are very much smaller, while the fronds are stipitate instead of sessile as in Nordstedt' s specimen. If both these speci- mens are correctly determined this species must vary greatlj"; yet even then it could scarcely be considered the same species as the Alaskan Prasiola. There is even a wider difference between our Prasiola and P. crispa (Lightf.) Ag., both iu the surface view and in the cross section. The cells of P. crispa are larger, coarser, and stand out more prominently on the surface, while the areas are rather rectangular and very distinctly separated by a hyaline space. The fronds are very thin and flabby and are very broadly reniform with rufQed edges.

Our Prasiola does not agree with any Prasiola described in De Toni's Sylloge Algarum, so is probalily a new species. It seems wise then to give this Prasiola a provisional specific name until more is known about this genus and the species have been carefully revised after a thorough study. In the meantime we suggest the name P. boreaUs as a good name, indicating its

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northern habitat. The description will be given later in the paper.

The fungns associated with the Prasiola horealis is probably a different species from that collected hy Hooker and Hariot, as there is considerable difference in the measnrements of both the asci and ascospores. The Alaskan species has spores 8.5-13.5 /A by 3-4 /* and asci 25-33 /«■ by 7-14 t^, while the spores of Harlot's species, according to Winter, measure 12-15 /^ by 3.5-4-5 /A, and the asci 53-57 /* by 9 or 10 /*. The spores of the Alaskan species are shorter and thicker in proportion than those of Guignardia Prasiohe (Winter), so that both tne shape and size differ from Winter's species. It may be appropriately named Guignardia Ala.skana, and will be described later.


Upon a careful examination of the Ulva-composite, the idea of a symbiotic relation between the alga and fungus, similar to that of the ordinary lichen, is suggested. The outer gelatinous layer with the erect hyphal filaments embedded in it, the layer of green algal cells beneath, which are separated from one another by these upright filaments, and in the center the medullary layer of compactly woven filaments surrounded by gelatin which completely separates the algal cells of the upper and lower surfaces of the frond, all suggest very strongly the lichen structures, while the perithecia, scattered irregularly over the surfaces of the road, and opening on either surface, together with the structure of the perithecia, especially the parenchy- matous layer and its pigmentation, are also very much like certain ascomycetons lichens with heteromerous thalli.

In texture and general superficial appearance, the fronds are also very similar to some lichens. The bud-like projections of the isolated cell groups which form small adventitious fronds, or possibh' soredia, are likewise characteristic of lichens.

On the other hand, the plant retains the general Ulva form and structure, having the usual holdfast, stipe and ordinary shaped fronds with the two layers of cells of nearly normal

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shape, size and interspaces, and also an outer gelatinous envelope of about the ordinary thickness.

Of course there are some alterations in the form and structure of the alga; but this always occurs where a parasite takes com- plete possession of its host and penetrates all its tissues. Under such conditions the alga could not develop normally in every detail. Consequently there is a general thickening of the frond, a deeper coloration, a greater irregularity in shape and surface of frond, with leathery texture, and also less regular and nar- rower cells.

All these changes would naturally result from the growth and development of the mycelium between the cells and in the medulla. The development of the perithecia completes the abnormal growth and change in the form of the frond, by causing the numerous swellings and openings into the medulla. Perhaps instead of being a symbiotic relation, where each is benefited, it may l)e a case of extreme parasitism, where the ascomycete is the aggressor and receives all the benefit at the expense of the alga. In none of the material examined has any alga been found fruiting or showing any signs of fruit. Probably it has not vitality enough to support the funguS/ and also fruit. Yet the plant continues comparatively abundant and persistsnt throughout the year. The ascomycete on the contrary continues producing ascospores throughout the year with undiminished vigor and abundance. The fungus is evidently favorabl}^ situated for growth and reproduction.

It may be after all that the relation of these two plants is symbiotic, and they may be mutually benefited by the union, though there is no doubt that the fungus receives the most, because it cannot exist without a chlorophyllose plant to produce its food, while the alga is able to get its nourishment dire(!tly from inorganic material. It furnishes not only food but also protection to the ascomycete. Possibly the mycelium of the ascomycete toughens and holds the frond together so that it can better resist wind and weather. It is certainly much tougher and better able to resist the waves than an ordinary Ulva.

In the Prasiola-composite the relation of the fungus to the Prasiola is probably much the same as that of the Ulva, though

Vol,. 1] Reed. Two New Ascomycetous Fungi. 159

the transformation of the Prasiola is much more striking, and the structure more closely approaches that of the ordinary lichen Here the relation seems much more like that of a lichen fungus to its gonidial alga, than of an ordinary parasite. The fronds of the Prasiola-composite are entirely different from the normal Prasiola in structure, as well as in general appearance. The peculiar manner in which the cells divide in three planes and form "tetrads," thus enormously thickening the frond, certainly sug- gests the lichen formation. The fact that the "tetrads" are so entirely isolated and so widely scattered also suggests the distribu- tion of lichen gonidia in the thallus. Likewise the density of the interwoven mycelium and the pigmentation of the outer layer with the numerous irregularly scattered perithecia, still further estab- lishes the belief that it is a lichen. It seems very probable that this Prasiola is the gonidia of a lichen fungus, which surrounds it and associates with it very much in the same way as in Reinsch's Dermatomeris and Hooker's Mastodia. The Prasiola-composite resembles both the Mastodia and Dermatomeris in several important details; as the isolated "tetrads," the perithecia, and the dense mycelium separating these cells forming the "tetrads," as well as the general habit of the ])lant. Indeed they are so much alike in both structure and habit, that if Reinsch is correct in his classificatioa of Dermatomeris, this Prasiola-composite should be classed with them as an endocarpous lichen. The Mastodia, which is also a Prasiola-composite, is a fresh water species and differs in several details of structure, if Hooker's figures are correct. They are much alike in surface view, but in cross section Hooker's figures show only a single layer of algal cells. The interweaving mycelium does not show, but only the peri- thecia, while Harlot's figures show all these details and resemble ours quite closely. Perhaps the Ulva composite should also be classed in this same group, though it is much less distorted and transformed by the fungus than the Prasiola, and resembles a lichen much less, both in external appearance and structure. Yet in spite of these differences these four composites are undoubtedly closely related and seem to approach the true lichen structure. It seems best, however, in view of the later ideas concerning lichens, to describe them simply as composites of merely parasitic relationship.

160 Universif!/ of California Publications. [botany


It is a rather interesting fact that the first specimens of such marine composites should have been collected in the Antarctic; regions and the last near the Arctic regions, though not within the Arctic Circle. It is also noteworthy that two composites have algas in the same genus and all have fungi of the same genus, so that they are very closely related in spite of the fact that they come from opposite hemispheres. The Alaskan species, in all proba- bility, is widely distributed along the Northern Pacific shores, and may extend into the Arctic region. The Ulva-composite, thus far collected only in San Francisco Bay, may extend up and down the coast some distance.


Prasiola borealis, sp. nov.

Fronds broad concave cuneate to broadly obovate, with a stipe, or sessile, margins crenulate, crispate, or entire, bright green, thin to medium, flabby and membranaceous; plants sub- erect 0.5-1 cm. high, forming a small rosette of three or four fronds from a small hold-fast. Cells in surface view quadrate medium size, arranged in distinct tetrads with a well marked space. The tetrads are disposed in quadrate or polygonal areas, with wide spaces between them. Cells in cross section oblong to oval or columnar, close together with a thick gelatinous cortex on both surfaces. The cells are 11-14 m- vertical diameter and 4-9 H- horizontal. The frond is 33-4-') /x thick.

Guignardia Ulv3e sp. nov.

Perithecia numerous scattered irregularly over fronds, large, conspicuous, dark brown to black, spherical, immersed in the thallus of Ulva Californica Wille, but prominent on both surfaces, 364-509 /* in diameter, vertex convex, pore simple, pale to hyaline, opening on either side of the frond. Asci balloon shaped, stalked, with eight spores, 53-57 /* long, 9 t^ wide. Spores oblong to oval, thick walled with granular or oily con- tents, hyaline, 10-13 /"• long by 3.5-7 p- wide.

Vol.11 Reed. Tivo New Ascomyeetons Fungi. 161

Guignardia Alaskana sp. nov.

Perithecia dark brown or blackish, numerous, scattered irreg- ularly, large, spherical, immersed in the thalli of Prasiola horealis, projecting on both surfaces, 273-450 /* in diameter, vertex convex, pore simple, opening on either surface of the frond. Asci club-shaped with long stalks, eight spored, 25-33 p- long and 7-14 /* wide. Spores narrowly elliptical, with pointed ends, with medium thin walls, hyaline: 8.5-13.5 /^ long, 3-4 i"- wide.


For the coarser anatomy and general structure, ordinarj^ razor sections were used, but for the more minute study of the mycelium and perithecial walls it was necessary to embed and section with the microtome.

I fixed my material, after soaking in sea water, by boiling in a saturated solution of corrosive sublimate a moment, then running up from 50 per cent, into 100 per cent, alcohol, passing through bergamot oil and into paraffine. The sections were 2-6 /A thick.

A water solution of eosiu proved excellent for bringing out the mycelium and the perithecium with its contents. The proto- plasm in the mycelial threads, and in asci or ascospores stained deeply, leaving the cell walls and mycelial walls in distinct contrast.

The best stain for the finest detail study is the iron ha?ma- toxylin which brings out the mycelia and pseudoparenchyma of the perithecium very distinctly.

Thionin, anilin blue and Congo red were also used for stains, but they were not very satisfactory.

Plate 15. Ulva-composite.

1. Typical group of plants of Ulva Californica Wille, infested with Gnig- nardia Ulvae Reed. (nat. size.)

2. Portion of surface view, showing "capsules" of cells of the Ulva sur- rounded by the tips of the peripheral pigmented hyphee. (B. & L., oc, 2, obj. 1/12.)

3. Cross section through the center of a perithecium. (B. & L. oe. 2, obj. 1/2.)

■i. Three asci from a perithecium. (B. and L. oc. 2, obj. 1/12).

.5. Seven spores, ejected from a perithecium. (B. & L., oc. 2, obj. 1/12.)

6. Spores germinating in water. (B. & L. oe. 2, obj. 1/12.)


7. Typical group of plants of Praslola horeaMs'Reed, infested hy Gu if/ >un-dia Alaskana Reed. (nat. size.)




w ■■^■31


Plate 16. Prasiola-composite.

8. Cross section of Frasioht horeaUs Reed, unaffected by the fungus. (B. L., oc. 2, obj. 1/6.)

9. Cross section of Prasiola composite, showing- slight effect of the fungus upon the alga. (B. & L., oe. 2, obj. 1/6.)

10. Similar section from a composite plant more strongly affected. (B. & L., oc. 2, obj. 1/6.)

11. Similar section from a composite plant still more strongly affected. (B. & L. oc. 2, obj. 1/6.)

12. Similar section from a plant showing nearly if not quite, the maximum effect of the fungus. (B. & L., oc. 2, obj. 1/6.)

13. Portion of surface view of Prasiola horeaUs Reed, showing the arrange- ment of the cells. (B. & L., oc. 2, obj. 1/6.)

14. Cross section through the center of a perithecium. (B. & L., oc. 2,

obj. 1/4.)

Figures 1 and 7 were drawn from nature by Mr. H. N. Bagley. The rest of the figures were drawn with the aid of the camera lucida by the author and prepared for reproduction by Mr. Bagley.









BOTANY.— Bulletin of the Department of Botany. W. A. Setchell, Editor. Price per volume $3.50. Volume I (in progress):

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Vol. 1, pp. 165-418, Pis. 17-27 March 31, 1903






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Editorial Cominittee of the Academic Senate :








Editor of Botanical Puhlications :




Vol. 1, pp. 165-418, Pis. 17-27 March 31, 1903










I. Introduction 167


III. History 171

IV. Collections 173

v.— Scope 175

VI.— Citations 176

VII.— Acknowledgments 177

VIIL— Cyanophyce.e 178

IX.— Chlorophyce^e 199

X.— Ph.eophyce.e 233

XI. Rhodophyce.^e 286

XII.— List of geographical names 368

XIII. List of works referred to 381

XIV.— Index 388

XV.— Explanation of plates 398





No account of any completeness, or of pretension towards com- pleteness, of the alggeof the northwestern coast of North America has ever been published. Various accounts have been written and odd references have been made in general and special works, but nothing- which has Ijrought together all the available mater- ials. We have l^een at work for some time trjdng to obtain such a knowledge as to warrant the attempt, and in the following pages we shall try to bring together all that is known to us, either from specimens or from the literature, of the alg* of the region known as the Northwest Coast. Unfortunately, the spec- imens from which the earlier accounts are drawn, are all pre- served, as many as still survive, in various European herbaria and are, as yet, inaccessible to us. We have tried, however, to make full use of such study as has been made of these in the later days and published or communicated to us. While we have tried to discuss, or at least to mention, every alga credited to our territory, we have laid the greatest stress upon the results of our own studies in the field and upon specimens communicated to us, or otherwise accessible. This account, then, represents largely our own experience in attempting to obtain a knowledge of this algal flora.



The limits set for this account, from the geographical point of view, range from Cape Flattery at the northwest- ern corner of the State of Washington, northward along the coast to the region of Kotzebue Sound on the Arctic coast of Alaska. This general region is chosen for several reasons of algal distribution. The study of the algae of the entire western coast of North America has made it fairly plain that there are four, or possibly five regions of algal growth ou the western


168 Lfniversiiif of California Pnhli cation,^. [botanv

coast of North America, well marked off, viz.; the Boreal, the North Temperate, the North Subtropical, and the Tropical Regions. The Tropical Region is almost unknown as regards its algal inhabitants, but from data existing in our collections, seems to have its northern boundary somewhere in the neigh- borhood of Magdalena Bay, on the coast of Lower California in the Republic of Mexico. It may be characterized roughly by the absence of even the warmer water Laminariacege and the abun- dance of Sargassacete, Dictyotace^, and other tropical. groups. From the northern limit of the Tropical Region, there extends northward a Subtropical Region which has its northern bound- ary fairly sharply mai'ked by Point Conception in Santa Barl.)ara County in the State of California. This region is characterized by the presence of Laminariaceae of the warmer waters, such as species of Eisenia, Pelagophycus, and Egregia {E. la'Hgata Setchell), by certain Dictyotaceae, as well as warmer water Rhodophycete, all of which are either strictly limited to the northward by Point Conception, or else are to he found only in warmer isolated areas above it. On passing to the north of Point Conception, a decided change is experienced in the compo- sition of the algal flora. The groups just mentioned are absent, and certain species characteristic of the colder waters to the north are met with, mingled in certain favored and sheltered localities with species of warmer waters. None of the strictly subtropical Laminariaceae are met with, except occasionally the last one mentioned. No Sargassaceae are found, nor any of the Dictyo- taceaB, at least none have been found growing. In turn, we meet with the Nereocystis of the colder waters, with certain species of Laminaria, with the northern Egregia {E. Meuzicsii (Turner) Areschoug) , and with other colder water forms, less striking, but no less characteristic of this region. The algal flora of the Temperate Region remains fairly unchanged until we come to Puget Sound, when we find many of its characteristic species intermingled with those of the Boreal Region. The species characteristic of the Boreal Region, extend to some extent, at least, into Puget Sound, intermingling there with the species of the warmer waters to the southward and the latter, in turn, in some special cases, extend even farther northward to the- region of

vor.. 11 Setchell-Gardner . AlgcB of N'ortJitvestern America. 169

Sitka, or even to Yakutat Bay or farther west on the shores of the Gulf of Ahiska. When we enter Bering Sea, however, even many species, characteristic of the Boreal Region in its lower part, stop but some continue on even into the northern part. There are some reasons, at present not supported by as strong evidence as may be desired, for believing that it may be neces- sary ultimately to distinguish between an Upper and a Lower Boreal Region. The distribution of Thalassiophyllum, and of a few. other species point toward this. The Boreal Region is to be characterized by the occurrence of Laminaria saccharina in various forms, certain Alarife, certain digitate Laminariae, Chorda, BJiodymenia pertusa (P. & R.) J. Agardh, forms of R. palmata, Agarum etc., to say nothing of the large and con- spicuous Alaria fistnlosa P. & R. which, however, is one of the species which does not extend down into the vicinity of Puget Sound. The Boreal Region has a distinct admixture of Arctic and North Atlantic species, or of species allied to these and dis- tinct in type from those of the North Temperate Region. As we proceed north into the Bering Sea, this Arctic cast becomes more distinct as the number of species becomes less and many of the characteristic species of the Lower Boreal are conspicuous by their absence. Of the Arctic coast of Northwestern America, we know nothing, or practically nothing, of the algal inhabitants.

In this account, we have included such of the Aleutian Is- lands and the islands in Bering Sea as belong to the United States, more for reasons of convenience than any that are purely geographical or floral. An account of the species of Bering Island and of the Ochotsk Sea would come naturally into a con- sideration dealing with the shores of the Bering Sea, but for reasons of lack of opportunity of examining specimens from these shores, must necessarily be omitted.

We have spoken of regions of distribution, as may be i)lain from the text, from the point of view of the marine alga3. We have included in our account the species of the fresh waters and damp places of the coast country also, since the materials have come to us with the other, but as regards distribution, they do not fall into line with the marine species.

The physical geography of the Northwest Coast is, in general,-

n «


Universiiy of California PuhUcations.

I Botany

very different from the coast of North America to the south. In- stead of a bold and even coast, with few deep harbors and few islands, the Northwest Coast is much indented and bordered by -islands, or in fact archipelagoes, thronghout nuich of its extent. This is signiticant when we are considering the question of dis- trilnition, for the greater portion of the collecting has been done in the inner and more sheltered portions of the coast, and may account for the absence of some species considered characteristic of the next lower region.

The temperatures of the surface waters are of extreme inter- est to us, because they are the principal factors concerned in limiting distribution and bringing about the existence of general geographical regions of distribution.

One of us (cf . Setchell, 1893) has already shown that a change in the kelp-flora takes place with the increase of every five de- grees ( C . ) of surface temperature . The present idea of regional dis- tribution on the western coast of North America bears out the same idea. The statement is crude, because the data are not ex- tensive and exact enough. The average difference between the maximum and minimum of temperature for a given region is in the neighborhood of five degrees also. While the isotheres and isocrymes can be plotted only roughly at present, we find reason for believing that the isocryme of C. and the isothere of 10° C. pass just below the Aleutian Islands or about the southern limit of the Upper Boreal Region; that the isocryme of 10° C. and the isothere of 15° C. pass through the Strait of Juan de Fuca or somewhere near there and correspond nearly to the southern limit of the Lower Boreal Region; that the isocryme of 15° C. and the isothere of 20° C. pass through Point Conception or near it and correspond nearly with the southern limit of the North Temperate Region of our coast; and that the isocryme of 20°C. and the isothere of 25° C. pass near Cape San Lucas, or near the southern limit of our Subtropical Region . Although there is need that these isothermal lines be determined as to position on our coast with much greater accuracy, yet the coincidence of the lines mentioned as determined by the temperature of the surface waters and the limits of the geographical regions determined by a study of the distribution of the species of alg£e, is certainly

Vol.1] Setcliell-Gardner. Algce of Norihive stern America. Ill

striking and seemingly of mneli importance in the determining of the laws governing the distribution of these plants as well as of the physiological significance which regulates the whole matter.


The history of the collections of, and publications on, the algfe of the northwestern coast, is inseparably linked, both his- toricalh' and geographically, with those of the Ochotsk Sea and Kamtschatka. These coasts and those of the Bering Sea form the important portion of our Upper Boreal Region of algal dis- tribution. The first collections were made by Steller on the shores of Kamtschatka between the years 1742 and 1745. The algfp collected by this great naturalist were described by Samuel Theophilus Gmelin in his Historia Fucorum, published at St. Petersburg in 1768. This general work, the foundation of algo- logical literature, gives the first mention of a number of our species. The first to collect algae strictly within the limits of our territory was Dr. Archibald Menzies, who visited the Northwest Coast in a trading vessel somewhere between 1779 and 1786, and again in 1792, 1793, and 1794, as a member of the Exploring Expedition in command of Captain George Vancouver. His collections were figured and described by Dawson Turner in his monumental work, Fuci, published from 1808 to 1819, but a few of them were named and imperfectly described by E. J. C. Esper (1802) from fi'agments sent to him by Turner without a suspicion that they were to l)e used in that way. Adelbert von Chamisso, poet and botanist, collected many algee, as well as other plants, in the expedition under Captain Otto von Kotzebue on his first voyage in 1816 and 1817, and these were described chiefly by C. A. Agardh in the years 1821 and 1822. In the years 1826 to 1829, various portions of the coast of Nortliwestern America were visited by the exploring ex])edition under the command of Captain Fred- eric Llitke. In the ship Seniavin with Captain Liitke, were the botanists Alexander Postels and Henry Mertens, the former of whom made the series of magnificent drawings later published in connection with Ruprecht in the lUustrationes Algarum, while

170 University of California PnUicaiions. IBotany

very different from the coast of North America to the south. In- stead of a bold and even coast, with few deep harbors and few islands, the Northwest Coast is much indented and bordered by islands, or in fact archipelagoes, throughout much of its extent. This is signiticant when we are considering the question of dis- tribution, for the greater portion of the collecting has been done in the inner and more sheltered portions of the coast, and may account for the absence of some species considered characteristic of the next lower region.

The temperatures of the surface waters are of extreme inter- est to us, because they are the principal factors concerned in limiting distribution and bringing about the existence of general geogTaphical regions of distribution.

One of us (cf . Setchell, 1893) has already shown that a change in the kelp-tiora takes place with the increase of every five de- grees ( C . ) of surface temperature . The present idea of regional dis- tribution on the western coast of North America bears out the same idea. The statement is crude, because the data are not ex- tensive and exact enough. The average ditference between the maximum and minimum of temperature for a given region is in the neighborhood of five degrees also. While the isotheres and isocrymes can be plotted only roughly at present, we find reason for believing that the isocryme of C. and the isothere of 10° C. pass just below the Aleutian Islands or about the southern limit of the Upper Boreal Region; that the isocryme of 10° C. and the isothere of 15° C. pass through the Strait of Juan de Fuca or somewhere near there and correspond nearly- to the southern limit of the Lower Boreal Region ; that the isocryme of 15° C. and the isothere of 20° C. pass through Point Conception or near it and correspond nearly with the southern limit of the North Temperate Region of our coast; and that the isocryme of 20°C. and the isothere of 25° C. pass near Cape San Lucas, or near the southern limit of our Subtropical Region. Although there is need that these isothermal lines be determined as to position on our coast with much greater accuracy, yet the coincidence of the lines mentioned as determined by the temperature of the surface waters and the limits of the geographical regions determined by a study of the distribution of the species of alga?, is certainly

Vol.1] Setcliell-Gardner. Algw of Js'ortJnvesiern America. 171

striking and seemingly of much importance in the determining of the laws governing the distribution of these plants as well as of the phj'siological significance which regulates the whole matter.


The history of the collections of, and publications on, the alg» of the northwestern coast, is inseparably linked, both his- torically and geographically, with those of the Ochotsk Sea and Kamtschatka. These coasts and those of the Bering Sea form the important portion of our Upper Boreal Region of algal dis- tribution. The first collections were made by Steller on the shores of Kamtschatka between the years 1742 and 1745. The algge collected by this great naturalist were described by Samuel Theophilus Gmelin in his Historia Fucorum, published at St. Petersburg in 17G8. This general work, the foundation of algo- logical literature, gives the first mention of a number of our species. The first to collect algae strictly within the limits of our territory was Dr. Archibald Menzies, who visited the Northwest Coast in a trading vessel somewhere between 1779 and 1786, and again in 1792, 1793, and 1794, as a member of the Exploring Expedition in command of Captain George Vancouver. His collections were figured and described by Dawson Turner in his monumental work, Fuci, published from 1808 to 1819, but a few of them were named and imperfectly described by E. J. C. Esper (1802) from fi-agments sent to him by Turner without a suspicion that they were to be used in that way. Adelbert von Chamisso, poet and botanist, collected many alga?, as well as other plants, in the expedition under Captain Otto von Kotzebue on his first voyage in 1816 and 1817, and these were described chiefly by C. A. Agardh in the years 1821 and 1822. In the years 1826 to 1829, various portions of the coast of Northwestern America were visited by the exploring expedition under the command of Captain Fred- eric Liitke. In the ship Seniavin with Captain Liitke, were the botanists Alexander Postels and Henry Mertens, the former of whom made the series of magnificent drawings later published in connection with Ruprecht in the Ulustrationes Algarum, while

172 University of California Fnhlications . [botany

Mertens collected and made notes, some of which, commnnicated in the form of letters to his father. Professor Mertens in Bremen, were published in 1829 in von Schlechtendal's jonrnal Linnaea. In the ship Moller, one of those of Liitke's expedition, in com- mand of Captain Staninkovitch, was Kastalsky, who collected some fine materials which were pul)lished, with those of Mertens and Postels, in the Illustrationes Algarnm. From these sources, many specimens were carried back to St. Petersburg from Sitka, the Peninsula of Alaska, Unalaska, the Pribilof Islands, and Kamtschatka. The drawings and specimens formed the basis of Postels and Ruprecht's large and splendid work, the Illustra- tiones Algarnm, already referred to. This was published in 1840 and has always been rare. At about the same time that the Liitke Expedition was exploring the shores of Bering Sea, the expedition under the command of Captain Frederick William Beechey was visiting the shores of Port Clarence and Kotzebue Sound. The naturalists of the Blossom, Beechey 's vessel, col- lected many of the higher plants, but apparently only one sea- weed was brought back. This and the alga? of other coasts, collected on this expedition, were described by William Henry Harvey in Hooker and Arnott's Botany of Beechey' s Voyage (between 1839 and 1841). The St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences sent Wosnessenski on a ten years trip of scientific inves- tigation of the shores of Russian America and he collected many alga^ in California and the Ochotsk Sea, possibly also some on the Northwest Coast. Dr. F. J. Ruprecht examined all the col- lections from the Sea of Ochotsk, and especially those brought back by Middendorf , and published the results in his Tange des Ochotskischen Meeres in 1851. This work is full of references to species and specimens from our territory and of notes on their occurrence, comparisons with similar or identical species of other regions and is to be accounted one of the most valuable contri- butions to the algology of the Northwest Coast, although osten- sibly dealing with another region. Another exploring expedition to visit the coast and bring back collections of alga?, was the United States Exploring Expedition, under Commander Charles Wilkes, which visited the region of Puget Sound and adjoin- ing coasts in 1841. The new species of algae were published

Vol. 1] Sefchell-Gardner. Alga' of Northwestern America. 173

by Harvey and Bailey in 1851 and the final ennmeration by the same anthors (cf. Bailey and Harvey) appeared in 1862. Meanwhile more settlements had been made in the terri- tory covered by this acconnt, and odd collections had fonnd their way to varions algologists. One of the most important was the one made by Dr. David Lyall in the region of Esqnimalt, B.C. and in some other portions of Puget Sound, and sent to Pro- fessor William Henry Harvey, at Dublin, who enumerated them and described the new species in 1862. The most recent of ex- ploring expeditions to visit any portion of the coast was that of Nordenskiold in the Vega, w^hich came down through Bering Strait in 1880 and visited Port Clarence and St. Lawrence Island within the limits of our territory. Professor F. R. Kjellman, the botanist of the expedition, collected algfp at these localities and later enumerated them in 1889, in his paper, Om Beringhaf- vets Algflora. A short paper by one of us (cf. Setchell, 1899) on the Algae of the Pribilof Islands was one result of the efforts of the Commission on Fur Seals and Fur Seal Islands to exploit the fauna and flora of those islands and the algte collected by the Harriman Alaskan Expedition of the summer of 1899 were enu- merated and described by DeAlton Saunders in 1901. The Coral- lines with jointed fronds of the region about Port Renfrew by K. Yendo in 1902 and scattered references in the works of J. (1. Agardh and W. G. Farlow represent well all the remaining liter- ature directly dealing with our territory. We have carefully studied all of the literature mentioned above and have attempted to incorporate the references to species and localities in the following account, placing each under its proper species, as we have recognized it, so far as we have been able to do so.


While the collections mentioned in the preceding paragraphs have been for the most part inaccessible to us, a very consider- able amount of material has been brought together from the Northwest Coast, probably the largest collected together in any one place and has formed the basis for the present enumeration.

174 Universitij of California Puhlications< . [botany

It may be described as follows: in Herb. D. C. Eaton, a number of species collected through the courtesy of the Alaska Commercial Company and mostly numbered, named, and the du])licates dis- tributed to Herb. Farlow and to our own collection; in Herb. University of California, a few specimens labelled as being from Bering Sea, collected in 1872, but without farther notes; a col- lection made at the Pribilof Island of St. Paul, in IHO."), by Charles H. Townsend of the U. S. F. C. Str. Albatross, under the directions of the U.S. Commissioner of Fisheries; a collec- tion in the years 1896-97, made also at the Island of St. Paul, by A. W. Greeley and R. E. Snodgrass, by the direction of Pres- ident David Starr Jordan, then acting as head of the U. S. Commission on Fur Seals and Fur Seal Islands; collections made in the summer of 1899, at various points in Norton Sound, Alaska, by H. M. Rhodes and P. M. Newhall, of the U. S. C. & G. S. Str. Patterson, under J. F. Pratt, Assistant U. S. C. & G. S. in charge; collections in various parts of the eastern side of Bering Sea, made in the summer of 1900, by R. C. McGregor of the U. S. C. & G. S. Str. Pathfinder, in charge of J. J. Gil- bert, Assistant U. S. C. & G. S.; collections made in the sum- mer of 1894, by Charles H. Townsend of the U. S. F. C. Str. Albatross, at the Bay of Morozof (Morzhovoi Bay) on the Penin- sula of Alaska and at Agattu and Kyska Islands in the w^estern- most portions of the Aleutian Islands, in accordance with the directions of the U. S. Commissioner of Fisheries; very extensive collections made in the summer of 1899, by an expedition from the University of California, consisting of W. L. Jepson, L. E. Hunt, A. A. Lawson, and W. A. Setchell, with assistance from the Alaska Commercial Company, the Pacific Steam Whaling Company, the Pacific Coast Steamship Company, and Assistant Pratt and officers of the U. S. C. & G. S. Str. Patterson, from the following localities: St. Michael, Cape Nome, Bay of Unalaska, Delarof Harlior on Unga Island, Karluk, Uyak Bay, St. Paul (the last three on Kadiak Island), Orca, Juneau, and Sitka, Alaska, and Departure Bay, B. C; a collection gathered for us in 1899, at Delarof Harbor on Unga Island, Alaska, J. B. Downing, Master of the Pacific Steam Whaling Company's Str. Excelsior; a collection obtained through Rev. Alliin Johnson, a missionary,

Vol.1] Setchell-Gardner. Algce of North ivestern America. 175

gathered at Yakntat Bay, Alaska in 1899; a collection from Sitka, Alaska, forwarded l\y Miss Ida M. Rodgers of the Alaska Historical and Ethnological Society in 1889; a few species, col- lected at Esqnimalt in 1898, by W. A. Setchell at an nnfavor- able tide; many species collected by Miss Josephine E. Tilden at varions points in the region of Puget Sound and distributed in her American Alga^ (1894-1902) ; extensive collections at Whid- bey Island, Orcas Island, San Juan Island, Seattle, Wash., and other localities in Puget Sound, by N. L. Gardner from 1897 to 1901; a collection from Port Renfrew, B. C, by Miss Eloise Butler and Miss Jessie E. Policy, determined by Frank S. Col- lins of Maiden, Mass., and determinations and some of the spec- imens communicated to us; a small collection by G. W. Lichten- thaler, made at Port Angeles, Clallam County, Wash., and on Vancouver Island, B. C, determined by Mr. Collins and the names aud some of the specimens sent to us; and several fresh water species collected in the vicinity of Seattle by Professors H. R. Foster and T. C. D. Kincaid of the University of Wash- ington. Finally, we have to record that various specimens by some of the collectors mentioned above and some of the speci- mens collected by DeAlton Saunders on the Alaskan coast have been distributed in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., and these have been examined by us and the references incorporated into our account.


The aim of the writers of this account, as has been hinted at in the paragraph of the introduction, is to include every alga which is known to them to occur on the coast or in the coast country from the latitude of Cape Flattery northward to the Arctic Ocean. We have included as belonging to the north- western coast of North America, such islands in the region of Bering Sea as belong to American countries. This has caused us to include the Aleutian Islands, the Pribilof Islands, and St. Lawrence Island. We have enumerated all species belonging to the groups of Cyanophyceae, Pha?ophyce£e, Rhodophyceae, and most of the Chlorophycete. We have omitted all account of the Desmidiaceae and the Diatomaceae, since our knowledge of these

176 University of California Publications. [botant

forms is not sufficient to allow us to include them. The species of the fresh waters and of damp localities removed from the im- mediate shores, but only within a few miles of the coast line, have been included, because the materials are available and often come into direct connection with the account of the marine species. Much more work needs to be done upon both classes of algae in this territory and it is our purpose to continue, regard- ing the present account as tentative and prelim inarj'.


In citing, whether it be generic or specific names, localities., or references in the various published writings or published ex- siccate, we have tried to follow a conservative and, as we hope, an intelligible course. We have followed largely the order and nomenclature of the Engler and Prantl System, dei)arting from it only where it seemed absolutely necessary. In the use of generic names, we have followed usage rather than strict priority, holding that a name which has been recognized for a quarter of a century, or thereabouts, is to be considered fixed and not to be unsettled simply because another may have been pro- posed earlier, but hitherto neglected for good or even for no real reason. We have preferred to devote our time to the study of the plant itself. In the case of specific names, we have been unwilling to unsettle a name of this rank, which has been long in use, unless the earlier name is so plainly applicable that there can be absolutely no doubt as to the application. Where it has become necessary to unite a series of proposed species, then the earliest name of undoubted application has been chosen and this has also been done in the case of some species, recently proposed but not yet fixed in the literature. We have not attempted to give a list of citations under each species, but have only cited such references as be- came necessary to indicate what is meant, or to give our author- ity for mentioning it as occuring in certain localities. The list of localities under each species has been made as full as our knowledge has permitted and in each case, the name of the col-

Vol.1] Set ch ell- Gardner. Algct of Nortliwesiern America. Ill

lector, or of the author recording it as from that locality, has been given, following the usual method of citation in each in- stance, to agree with the list of authors and their works appended to this account. In case of the collections which are extensive, only the initials of certain collectors have been printed, but these will be plain from the paragraph entitled "Collections". The names of the localities have been given in accordance with the best authority known to us and have been arranged, in general, from north to south. In some cases, however, this has been de- parted from, but, as we think, without being liable to cause con- fusion. The specimens cited as having lieen examined by us, are, with very few exceptions, preserved in our own collections, at present deposited with the Herbarium of the University of California.


We desire to make acknowledgment of the great assistance we have received from many sources in the prosecution of our work. To all of the collectors, officials, and corporations men- tioned in the paragraph on "Collections", we return our sincerest thanks. Without the aid of these, it would have been impossible to accomplish anything whatsoever, in the large task we had set for ourselves, Some several thousand specimens have been pro- vided through the generosity or personal effort of those men- tioned, which have enabled us to clear up many points which seemed beyond hope. To Mr. Frank Shipley Collins of Maiden, Mass., we are indel)ted for the determination of nearly all of the Chlorophyeeae and for invaluable assistance at many other points. Through Mr. Collins, we are very much indebted, also, to Dr. Tracy Elliot Hazen, for assistance in determining various Chae- tophoracefe and Ulothricace*. We desire to thank Professor F. R. Kjellman of Upsala, Sweden, for examinig a set of our Alariiie and returning specimens and notes for our guidance. We feel very grateful to M. Foslie, Esq., of Trondheim, Norway, for similar services in connection with our crustaeeous Corallinace^. Professor George Davidson, of the University of California, has

178 JJyiiversUy of California Puhlicafio)is. [botany

been of the greatest help in aiding ns in finding the correct geographical names and in fixing doubtfnl localities. To all of these persons, we retnrn onr most sincere thanks.


The members of this group are sometimes placed among the algae, sometimes placed separateh^ in a division with their near relatives the Schizomycetes or Bacteria, which is called Schiz- ophyta. While we believe that this is the proper method of classification, we also feel that the term alg^ is only a general one and the recognition that the Cyanophyceae and Bacteria ai-e phylogenetically distinct from groups, such as theChlorophycese, the Phaeophycege, etc. does not preclude the extension of the term to them. These groups are also distinct from one another in a similar way, but perhaps less pronouncedly. The greater number of the Cyanophyceae enumerated as belonging to our territory are not marine, but are largely cosmopolitan fresh water species, able to endure a considerable range of temperature. In studying the marine species of this group, there seems to be a decided falling off, both in the number of species and abundance of individuals, as we proceed to the northward. This does not hold good for the species of the fresh waters. In studying and arranging our forms, we have followed the works of Bornet and Flahault (1886 1889) as regards the heterocysted forms and the monograph of Gomont (1893) for the homocysted forms. The Chroococcaceae and the ChamaBsiphoniaceae present difficulties hard to overcome. For genera, much help was ol)tf.ined from Kirchner's arrange- ment (1898), also considerable assistance as regards species. The specific determinations of these groups, however, will remain very uncertain until some worker follows the example of the French Algologists mentioned above, and gives us a good prac- tical monograph. At present the student must consult the special papers of Ntegeli (1849), Meneghini (1840), Kirchner (1878), etc.

Vol.1] SetcJiell-Gardner. Algce of Northwestern America. 179


Chroococcus rufescens (Brebisson) Na^geli.

Forming with Stig'onema a reddish coating on a rock five hnndred feet above sea level. Prince William Sonnd, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 396).

Chroococcus turgidus (Knetzing) Napgeli.

Among other alga? in pools of fresh water or on dripping rocks. Glacier Valley, Unalaska, Alaska, A.A.L., No. 5023a!; Jnnean, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p, 39G) ; in brackish water, Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. -172!

Gloeocapsa ambigua f. fuscolutea Nfegeli.

Among other algtP, especially DicJiotlirix Baueriana (Grunow) B. & F. and Schlzothrix Braunii Gomont, in a mountain stream. Orca, Alaska, W. L. Jepson, No. 5175!

The cell walls of this form are thick, opaque and reddish or yellowish brown.

Gloeocapsa ambigua f. violacea Neegeli.

Intermingled with the last.

The only difference between this form and the last is in the color of the cell walls which are distinctly violet and somewhat more opaque.

Glceocapsa atrata Knetzing.

Intermingled with the last two.

The present species differs from the last two in having the walls transparent and either colorless or else very light blue. They all seem to be forms of one species which is variable in this respect.

Gloeocapsa polydermatica Knetzing.

With other Cyanophyceae, forming a yellowish firm jelly on dripping rocks. Near Ilinlink, Unalaska, Alaska 1ir.4.»S'. and A.A.L., No. 4031!

The specimens referred here have blue green cell contents and colorless stratified walls. The families are one or two-celled. The cells measure 21-22 /* in diameter.

180 University of California Publications. [botanv

Aphanocapsa Castagnei (Knetzing) Rabenhorst.

In fresli or sulpliiu' waters. Point Barrow, Alaska, Farlow (1885, p. 192); Ravenna Park, Seattle, Wash., N.L.G., No. 400!

Aphanothece stagnina (Sprengel) A. Brann. Point Barrow, Alaska, Farloiv (1885, p. 192).

Aphanothece microspora Rabenhorst.

On dripping rocks. Juneau, Alaska, Sannders (1901, p. 397).

Aphanothece Castagnei (Brebisson) Rabenhorst.

In a jar of water in the laboratory. University of Washing- ton, Seattle, Wash., N.L.G., No. 590!

The determination is not without some doubt, but the meas- urements seem to coincide with those given for this species.

Microcystis marginata (Meneghini) Knetzing.

Forming slimy coatings on dripping rocks. Glacier Valley, Unalaska, Alaska, A.A.L., No. 5023a!; Juneau, Alaska, Saun- ders (1901, p. 397).

The Unalaska specimen seems to belong here although the cells are often twice as long as broad. A consultation of Mene- ghini's figure (1846, pi, 13, f. 1 and la) will show a similar variation. The habit is very strongly of this species.

Gomphosphaeria aponina Knetzing.

Floating intermingled with other algfe in brackish waters. Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 296!, 301!, 472!

Oncobyrsa Cesatiana Rabenhorst.

Plentiful on water-moss in running fresh water. Near Iliuliuk, Unalaska, Alaska, W.A.S. and A.A.L., No. 5036!

These plants appeared as small, golden yellow, nearly spherical colonies at a place in the rivulet where the water was most rapidly flowing.


Xenococcus Schousbcei Thuret.

On various filamentous Cyanophycea3 and Chlorophycea^' in

Vol.]] Seicliell-Gardner . Algm of North west em America. 181

salt and brackish water. Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 301!, 670!

The i)lants examined inider No. 670 showed fine conidia.

Pleurocapsa fuliginosa Hanek.

On piles of a wharf. Seattle, Wash., N.L.G., No. 306b!

Dermocarpa fucicola Saunders.

On various algcP. On Iridaea, Victoria, B. C, Tildeu, Nos. 328a!, 328c!; west shore of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., 291!; on Gelidiuni, East Sound, Orcas Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 522a! ; on Gigartina, west shore of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 77! ; on Odonthalia, west sJiore of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. i)2! ; on Amphiroa, west shore of Whidbey Island, Wash., K. L.G.I; on Fucus, Seattle, Wash, iSamider.'^ (1901, p. 397) and in Collins, Holden and Setehell, P. B.-A., No. 801!

The present species occurs along the western coast of North America from Puget Sound to Monterey, California, and grows on all sorts of alga?. In its younger and purel.v vegetative con- dition, the patches are small and the cells are long and narrow, 4-S /A broad and u}) to 2S f^ high, of equal breadth throughout. Soon they begin to broaden above, giving them something of a pear-shape. In this condition they correspond closely to the description and figures given by Sauvageau (1895, p. 8, pi. 7, f. 2, 3) of his J>. Biscdi/eiisi.s.

Sauvageau 's specimens, which grew on Sargassum, do not show conidia, but our specimens show that when the cells proceed to this condition, they become still more swollen in the upper part, while the lower part remains narrow, resembling a sort of stii)e. In conidial condition the cells measure 60-65 p- in height and 25-35 /j- in diameter. While we have used the name J). fucicola, we believe that when fruiting specimens can be com- pared, that this species will be found to be identical with D. Bhcayensia Sauvageau. Saunders has quoted Sauvageau as claiming a breadth of 25-30 /^ for his species, but as a matter of fact that is the height, the breadth being given as 4.5-6 /a. Savageau also speaks of the cells of his species as being broader above than below.

BOT.— 13

182 Universif ij of Californui Puhlicaiions . [botanv

Dermocarpa prasina (Reinsch) Bornet.

Abundant on Sphacelaria. From Pni>'et Sound to tlic Shnmag'in Islands, ISuunderH (1901, j). .')i)7).

Chlorogloea tuberculosa (Hansofirg) Wille.

Epiphytic on Cladophora. Port Renfrew, !>. C. Tild('ii, No. 382! (nnder Pringsheimia sciitafd f. Cladophora') .

The plants referred here with some doubt, form irre<4ular, apparently bright green masses on the branches of Cladophora and answer exactly to Wille 's description and plate of the habit (1900, p. 2, pi. 1) as well as to those of Hansgirg (1892, p. 240 pi. 1, f. 9). In every respect these plants agree, with the excep- tion that in the specimens distributed by Miss Tilden, there* are certain large cells, somewhat irregularly placed, which have the appearance of being young conidangia. There is certainly noth- ing looking like Pringsheimia in the specimens distributed.


Spirulina major. Kuetzing.

Pools of slightly brackish water. Monroe's Landing, near Coupeville, Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 411!

Spirulina subsalsa f. Oceanica (Crouan) Gomont.

In mud of pools of brackish water on salt marshes. Wliidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 446!, 471!, 61.")!, and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 954!

Osciliatoria princeps Vaucher.

In a fresh water ])ond. Near Seattle, Wash.. Tihhu. Xo. 296!

Osciliatoria proboscidea (lomont.

In a small pond of fresh water. Glacier Valley, Unalaska, Alaska, A.A.L.. No. r)023a!

Osciliatoria sancta Kuetzing.

In a small pond of fresh water. Port Townscnd, Wash.. X.G.L., No. 444!

Vol.. 1] Sefchell-Gardner. Alga' of Northwestern America. 183

Oscillatoria limosa Agardh.

Floatiug on ditches of slightly brackish water. La Conner, Skagit Connty, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 333!, 334!; Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G. , No. 615!

The determinations given above are not absolntely satisfactory to ns.

Oscillatoria Bonnemaisonii Cronan.

In salt . marshes . Whidbey Island, Wash ., N.L.G.. No . 2.')2 !

The filaments measnre only 12-15 /* which is small for this species. Otherwise, the characters are in agreement with the description .

Oscillatoria nigro-viridis Thwaites.

In salt marshes. Whidbey Island, Wash., A". //.(?., No. 615! ; Seattle, Wash., Professor R. R. Foster, No. 601?

Oscillatoria tenuis var. tergestina (Kuetzing) Rabenhorst.

In pools of fresh or slightly brackish water. Whidl)ey Island, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 470!, 596!; Seattle, Wash., N.L.G., No. 396!

Oscillatoria tenuis var. '!

Floating in slightly brackish water in a ditch. La Conner, Skagit Connty, Wash., N.L.G., No. 333!

Agrees well with 0. ten ids, except that it is hardly at all torulose.

Oscillatoria amphibia Agardh.

In mud at bottoms of ponds. Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 460a!, 470!

Oscillatoria geminata Meneghini.

On mud by the roadside. La Conner, Skagit County, Wash., N.L.G., No. 331!

The determination is not absolutely certain.

Oscillatoria chlorina Kuetzing.

In mud at the bottoms of shallow . ponds of fresh water. Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 460!, and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P.B.-A., No. 901!

184 Universifij of California Publications. [botanv

Oscillatoria splendida Greville.

On imul in fresh water pools. Seattle, Wash., X.L.O., Nos.

578!, 580!

Oscillatoria splendida f. uncinata Setchell and Gardner f. now Plate Id.

Agreein^j' in all respects with the type except that the tip of the filament shows an nnusuallj' long, capitate cell which is very markedly uncinate, and the filaments are flexuoiis and coiled.

On damp mud at the bottom of a i)ool nearly dried up. Oak Harbor, Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.O., No. 574!

Oscillatoria amoena (Knetzing) Gomont.

Lining the bottom of the outlet of a hot si)ring, temperature 80°-120° F. Sitka, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 397); on mud in a ditch of fresh water, Seattle, Wash., N.L.G., No. 580!

Oscillatoria laetevirens Orouau.

In a salt marsh. Head of Penn's Cove, Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 471!

The specimen is referred here with some doubt as the fila- ments are somewhat larger than the measurements given for this species, and the cells are provided with large granules.

Oscillatoria Okeni Agardh.

In pond of brackish water. Monroe's Landing, near Coupe- ville, Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 596!

Phormidium foveolarum (Montague) Gomont.

Mixed with Fh. aidumnalc (Agardh) Gomont, in ditches by the roadside. Pleasant Ridge, near La Conner, Skagit County, Wash., N.L.a., No. 331!

The sheaths of this species are difduent into a very soft jelly much different from that of the species associated with it in this locality.

Phormidium Valderianum (Deli)onte) Gomont.

On di'ipping timber of old mill. Sitka. .Vlaska, H^A.^S. and A.A.L., No. 5204!

The Plioi-niidinm is intermingled with a sterile Zvgnema.

Vol.1] t^ptcliell- Gardner. Alga' of North wesiern America. 185

The filaments of the Phonnidiuui are rather slender, measnriuo- l.o-l.H t*- in diameter.

Phormidium laminosum (Agardh) Gomont.

On dripping rocks or in spring water. Orca, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 398); San Jnan Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 48.1!

Phormidium tenue (Meneghini) Gomont.

In varions sitnations, submerged and emergent, in fresh water. Walls of Amaknak Cave, Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, W.A.8. and A.A.L., No. 3292!; Conpeville, Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. I.IO! ; Oak Harl)or, Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 574!; Seattle, Wash., X.L.G., Nos. 593!, 597!

No. 3292 shows the form with the uncinate tip almost entirely.

Phormidium inundatum Kuetzing.

On a dripi)ing water pipe or in watering troughs. Victoria, B. C, X.L.G., No. 319! ; Seattle, Wash., N.L.G., No. 393!

Phormidium Corium (Agardh) Gomont.

Mixed with other alga:', i)articularly of the same family, either submerged or exposed to the air. Cape Nome, Alaska, W.A.S. ! ; Glacier Valley, Unalaska, Alaska, A.A.L., No. 5029c!; near Iliuliuk, Unalaska, Alaska, W.A.S. and .4. A./.., No. 5045x!

The specimens referred here are not altogether typical, ])ut seem to belong to this species rather than to any other described.

Phormidium papyraceum (Agardh) Gomont.

At the outlet of a lake. Orcas Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 613!

Phormidium Retzii (Agardh) Gomont.

Growing on a su])merged log. Green Lake, Seattle, Wash., N.L.G., No. 369!

Mixed with the following.

Phormidium ambiguum Gomont.

Growing on a sulmierged log. Green Lake, Seattle, Wash., N.L.G., No. 369!

Mixed with the preceding.

18G Universifif of Califoniui PidtJirdfions. i botany

Phormidium favosum (Bory) Goinont.

Floatinji' or attached to Avood in streams or on tlie j»TOiind. Glacier Valley, Unalaska, Alaska, A.A.L., No. r)02()c! ; Juneau, Alaska, W.A.S. and A.A.L., Nos. 5188x!, 5190x!

No. r)020c represents an unusually slender form, No. .")19()x represents a typical form of what Gomont calls var. a. and No. 5188x a typical form of what the same writer calls var. b.

Phormidium Treleasei Gomont.

Mixed with other Cyauophycefe in a scum on sluggish small streams. Glacier Valley, Unalaska, Alaska, A. A. L,, No. r)022c!

This very slender species (0.6-0.8 /a) with elongated cells, has been found hitherto only in thermal waters (Arkansas Hot Springs and Yellowstone National Park), l)ut this specimen seems to belong under it, though of cold waters.

Phormidium uncinatum (Agardh) Gomont.

Forming moi-e or less extended blue-V)lack layers, either sub- merged or on the surface of the ground. St. Michael, Alaska, ir.A.iS'.. No. r)236x! ; near Iliuliuk, Unalaska, lU. A.»S'. (oid A.A.L., No. r)034!; Orca, Alaska, IU.A.aS. (oid A.A.L., No. 5172!; La(\)nner, Skagit County, Wash., X.L.G., No. 381!; Seattle. Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 397!, 400!

This is a very wide-spread species and is frequently so close to the following that it is distinguished with difficulty.

Phormidium autumnale (Agardh) Gomont.

Similar to the last in ai)i)earance and habit. Iliuliuk, Unalaska, ir.A.iS and A.A.L., No. 5034!; Kukak Bay, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 398); Sitka, Alaska, W.A.S. and A.A.X.,No. 5205!; Coupeville, Whidbey Island, Wash., K.L.G., Nos. 450!, 609!; La Conner, Skagit County, Wash., X.L.G., No. 336!; Seattle, Wash., X.L.G., Nos. 394!, 401!, 499!

Lyngbya aestuarii f. limicola Gomont.

On mud in salt marshes. Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 451!, 599!, and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A.. No. 903!

Vol.1] SeirlieU-dardner. Alga of Xorfhiresffrn America. 187

Lyngbya aestuarii L natans (Jomont.

Floating" on pools in salt marshes. West and east shores of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 421!, 571!, 598!, and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 904!

Lyngbya aestuarii f. ferruginea Gomont.

In pools in salt marshes. Near Conpeville, Whidbey Island, Wash.; X.L.G., No. 801!

Intermingled with the next form.

Lyngbya aestuarii f. spectabilis (Tlmret) Gomont. Intermingled with the last.

Lyngbya aestuarii f. aeruginosa (Tomont.

Floating on i)Ools in salt marshes. Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., Nos. 230!, 429!; Port Townsend, Wash., N.L.G., No. 610! , and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 902!

Lyngbya semiplena (Agardh) J. Agardh.

Salt marsh. Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 615!

Lyngbya splrulinoides Gomont.

Floating among varions filamentons algiv. Lake Washington, Seattle, Wash., X.L.G., No. 493!

Lyngbya aerugineo-caerulea (Knetzing) Gomont.

Intermingled with other filamentons algff'. Small i)ond on an island in the Mnir Glacier, Alaska, Saxiiders (1901, p. 398); Junean, Alaska, Sainidprs (1901, p. 398).

Lyngbya versicolor (Wartmann) Gomont.

Floating on a deei) pool of fresh water. Glacier Valley, Unalaska, Alaska, A.A.L., No. 5024!

Lyngbya Lagerheimii (Moebins) Gomont.

Among varions lilamentous alga?. Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 303! ; snlphnr spring, Ravenna Park, Seattle, Wash., X.L.G., No. 400!

Lyngbya ochracea (Knetzing) Thnret.

In gelatinous masses on moist bank of creek. Near Port Renfrejv, B.C., Tildpn, No. 588!

188 Unirersity of (Udifornia Public<iiio)iH. [Botanv

Symploca hydnoides var. genuine (loinout.

Growing' on log's between tide marks. Whidbey Island, Wash., F.L.G., No. 802!, and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. OOo!

Symploca laeteviridis Goniont.

On mud-covered rocks near the upper tide limit. 8t. Michael, Alaska, ir..-l.*^., No. 5248x!

The habit of this plant is slio-htlj- Symplocoid and the color light green. The filaments measure 8 fj- in diameter, are distinctly torulose, and show a terminal cell either blunt or somewhat pointed. It certainly seems strange to find a plant, hitherto known only from the tropical locality of Key West, so far north, but it is perhaps no greater surprise than finding a plant of distinctly thermal waters, in cold waters.

Symploca muscorum (Agardh) Gomont.

Among mosses on damp ground. Newhall, Orcas Island, W^ash., N.L.a., No. 5G4!

If, as seems to be the case, we are right in referring these specimens to this species, they represent a very slender form, as the trichomes are only 8 fj- in diameter.

Plectonema roseolum (Richter) Gomont.

On dripping rocks, intermingled with Rivularia and Hassallia. West shore of Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, ir.A.iS. and A.A.L., No. 4005!

The specimen shows filaments which are only sparingly branched, l)ut with measurements and dotted dissepiments in agreement with No. 191, Phykotheka Universalis. There is no rosy tint perceptible in the composite mass.

Microcoleus chthonoplastes (Flora Danica) Thuret.

On mud in salt marshes. Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.O., Nos. 299!, 451!, 615!, and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 90G!

Microcoleus tenerrimus Gomont.

In a salt marsh. Whidbey Island, Wash., X. L. (i., Nos. 302!, 615!

Vol.. i| Setchell-Gardner. Algw of Nortliivestern America. 189

Microcoleus vaginatus (Vaiicher) Gomont.

On damp gTound. Glacier Bay, Alaska, Smolders (1901, p. 397) : La Conner, Skagit County, Wash., X.L.G., No. 335!

The specimen collected by Gardner lielongs to (lomont's variety nion tico la .

Schizothrix lacustris A. Braun.

In a pool of fresh water, near Prince William Sound, Alaska, Sannders, No. 300! (1901, p. 397).

Schizothrix lardacea (Cesati) Gomont.

Forming bright rose-red tufts on rocks exposed to fresh water spray. Near Iliuliuk, Unalaska, ir. A .*S'. and A.A.L., Nos. 4045 ! , 5038!, and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 955! ; Orea, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 396).

Schizothrix rubra (Meneghini) Gomont.

Forming scum on deep pool of fresh water. Glacier Valley, Unalaska, Alaska, A.A.L., No. 5025!

The spechuens are in-eserved in formalin solution and while the filaments agree, little can he made out of the color.

Schizothrix Braunii Gomont.

On dripping rocks. Near Iliuliuk, Unalaska, Alaska, W.A.S. and A. A. L., No. 4032!; Orca, Alaska, W. L. Jepson,^o. 5175!

Most of the sheaths are colorless, but some are of the char- acteristic blue-black color of this species. The dissepiments are granular.

Family NOSTOCACE.4^:.

Nostoc Linckia (Roth) Bornet.

Floating, intermingled with other alga?, on [jonds of fresh water. Near Coupeville, Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 462!, 594!

Nostoc rivulare Kuetzing.

Forming floating masses of light brown jelly, in springs and pools. Near Huntville, Unalaska, Alaska, ^Y.A.S. and A.A.L., No. 4095! ; near Green Lake, Seattle, Wash., N.LJL, No. 584!

190 Universiti/ of California Publicaiiotis. [botany

Nostoc carneum Agardh.

Forming brown floating masses of jelly on surface of streams. Glaeier Valley, Unalaska, Alaska, A.A.L., Nos. 5020 a and b!, 5026!; Green Lake, Seattle, Wash., N.L.G., No. 587!

Nostoc spongiaeforme Agardh.

Floating in a small pool of fresh water. Edge of Green Lake, Seattle, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 888!, 585!

No. 383, collected in May, 1901, has no spores, but No. 585, collected in the same pool in Jnly, 1901, has an aljundance of young spores.

Nostoc muscorum Agardh.

Forming soft gelatinous lumps and masses of various shapes, on rocks among mosses. Amaknak Cave, Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska. Alaska, W.A.S. and A.A.L., No. 3295!; near Iliuliuk, Unalaska, Alaska, W.A.S. and A.A.L., No. 4085!; moist ground just above high water mark, Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 422?

The last number is young and shows no spores. No. 394, Tilden, American Algfe, collected at Port Renfrew, B. C, is too scanty for determination, but what there is shows a frond too tough to belong to this species, but which, in consistency at least. a]»proaches the following.

Nostoc commune Vaucher.

Assuming various shapes, from discoid tlialli to flat exi)an- sions of considerable extent, on soil or on rocks. St. Michael, Alaska, ir.A.^\, No. 5157y! ; Iliuliuk, Unalaska, W.A.S. and A.A.Jj., No. 4080! ; near Hidden Glacier, Yakutat Bay, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p, 897); near Glacier Bay, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 897); Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G. , Nos. 376!, 611!

Nostoc expansum Harvey and Bailey.

Puget Sound, Harveij and liaihii (1851, \). 372), Baihi/ and Rarrnj (1862, p. 164, pi. 6, f. 1, 2).

This species seems to be unknown, but must be near to. if not identical with the preceding.

Vol.:] Sefchfll-Gdnhier. Alg(e of Northivesiern America. 191

Nostoc sphaericum Vaucher.

On dripping' rocks among mosses. Amakuak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, W.A.S- ami A. A. L., No. 3291?

The habit and arrangement of the trichomes of this specimen resemble the original description and figures. The trichomes are 5.5-G h^ in diameter, which is large for this species. There are no spores.

Nostoc minutum Desmazieres.

On dripping rocks, mnch mixed with other algje of a gela- tinous nature. Iliuliuk, Unalaska, Alaska, ir.A.*S. and A.A.L., No. 4032 f

The thalli are minute and spherical. The trichomes are densely intertwined, and measure 3 /a or less. The periderm is firm. There are no spores.

Nostoc microscopicum Oarmichael.

Floating, intermingled with other algw. Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. ()12?; Seattle, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 352!, 562!, 581!

Nostoc sphaeroides Kuetzing.

Forming a soft l)luish green coating on rocks. Juneau, Alaska, Saunders, No. 75? (1901, p. 398).

Nostoc caeruleum Lyngbye.

In a ditch of fresh water. Near Seattle, Wash., N.L.G., No. 586?

Seems to belong here, l)ut most of the specimens have passed maturity.

Nostoc pruniforme (L.) Agardh.

In ditches of fresh water. Near Seattle, Wash., K.L.G., Nos. 374!, 375!

Nostoc verrucosum (L.) Vaucher?

Fresh water pools at Port Clarence, Alaska, Ildnui/ (1872, p. 463.)

Anabaena variabilis Kuetzing.

In ditches and ponds. Whidbey Island, Wa.sh.,A./>.C/., No. 573!; Seattle, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 588!, 607!

192 Universitij of California Fitblicatioiis. (botany

Anabaena sphaerica B. & F.

Floating' on the surfaces of small ponds. Wliidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G,, No. 462!; Port Townseud, Wash., X.L.G., No. 486!

The filaments are agglutinated together in ])arall('l bunches; the spores are very nearly spherical and 10 i^ broad; they begin to form near one heterocyst and proceed in their formation, toward the other. In general, the plants noted above come very near to this species, at least.

Anabaena Flos-aquae (Lyngbye) Brebisson.

Floating on great abundance on quiet water. Lake Union, Seattle, Wash., X.L.G., No. 387!

The filaments are circinate and agree with those of this species in every way, but the plants are all sterile and consequently the determination cannot be absolutely certain.

Anabaena catenula (Kuetzing) B. & F.

Floating on shallow j^ouds or sluggish streams. Huntville, Unalaska, Alaska, W.A.S. and A.A.L., No. 4095?; Glacier Val- ley, Unalaska, Alaska, A.A.L., Nos. 5022f, 5028?; near Coupe- ville, Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 605!; (^reen Lake, Seattle, Wash., N.L.G., No. 380!

The Unalaska specimens are somewhat doubtful, since they seem to approach too near to the following. ])ut are i)r()balily forms of the present with spores adjacent to the heterocysts.

Anabaena oscillarioides Bory.

Floating on pools and lakes, or on moist ground. Cou])e- ville, Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 462! ; Seattle, Wash., X.L.G. , Nos. 352!, 353!, 372!, and in Collins, Holden and Set- chell, P. B.-A., No. 907!; Port Townsend, Wash., X.L.G.. No. 436!

No. 436 is a slender form with tridiomes not over 4 m in diameter and with spores not over 30 /^ long. i>erhai)s Ix-longing to the var sfenospora.

Nodularia Harveyana (Thwaites) Thuret.

On mud by the roadside. Near LaConner, Skagit County, Wash.. X.L.G., No. 335!

Vol. ij SefcheU-Gardner. Algce of Northivestern America. 19


The filaments are 6 /^ in diameter, and the spores are 8 /^ in diameter. Nodularia armorica Thnret?

Floating on the snrfaces of quiet ponds. Near Coupe ville, Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. G()2!: Port Townsend, Wash., N.L.G., ^0.4361

The specimens referred somewhat doubtfully to this species seem intermediate between it and X. sphccrocarpd B. & F. The filaments are 10 /«• in diameter, while the trichomes are C f^ in diameter. The spores are nearly spherical and show some indi- cations of biconcave dissepiments. They measure, in the riper, l)ut not yet fully mature ones, 9-10 f^ by 6-7 f*-.

Nodularia spumigena f. major (Kuetzing) B. & F.

In a pond of slightly brackish water. Penn's Cove, near Coupeville, Whidliey Island, Wash., X.L.G.. No. 411!

The spores in the number quoted above are scanty and mostly young. Some which are nearly ripe, measure 17-18 m by 7-8 ij-.

Cylindrospermum licheniforme (Bory) Kuetzing.

On mud or moist sand. Near Oak Harbor, Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 600!; near Mt. Vernon, Skagit County, X.L.G., No. 332! ; near Seattle, Wash., X.L.G., Nos. 367! , 391!

The specimens quoted above seem to be typical forms of this species. Gardner has collected a specimen (No. 335, LaConner, Skagit County, Wash.,) which also comes very close to it, but the ripe spores are only 15/* by 7 /*.

Cylindrospermum muscicola Kuetzing.

In a small stream of running water. Orcas Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 47-4!

The ripe spores are 18 /* by 10 /* and arc more oval than oblong.

Cylindrospermum catenatum Kalfs.

Floating in quiet water of a stream. Tracyton. Kitsa]i County. Wash., Tilden, No. 395!

The material in this number is excellent, luit it is difficult to find spores in position. They appear to be in chains and answer to the description of those of this species.

^9■i University of California Publications. [Botany

Cylindrospermum sp. ?

In a specimen colJected floating on a small ])()nd near Coupe- ville, Whidbey Island, Wash., by Gardner (No. 606), the spores are nnripe, but the filaments have heterocysts at both ends. It probably belongs to C. lichpni forme (Bory) Kuetzing.


Microchaete tenera Thuret.

Forming grayish tufts on drii)ping rocks. Walls of Amaknak Cave, Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, Tr.A.*S'. <i)i<J A.A.L., No. 8292!

The heterocysts are chiefly basal, l)ut there are occasional oblong intercalary ones. The general aspect is that of a Calothrix, but it lacks any indication of a terminal hair.

Microchaete robusta Setchell and (lardner sp. nov.

In tufts and stellate clusters on water weeds; filaments elongated and perfectly cylindrical, decumbent at the vei-y ])ase, but scarcely thickened, 16-18 /x in diameter; trichome com])osed of cells which are quadrate or slightly longer than broad in tlie lower portion and which are shortened to one-third as long as broad in the upper ])art, 12 /^ in diameter and the cells 6-16 /^ long, aeruginous and filled with fine granules; sheath thin, at first, but later stratified, hyaline; heterocysts basal and inter- calary, the former lieing spherical or neai'ly so, while the latter are elongated aud rectangular.

Ill ])onds of fresh water. Xenr Seattle. Wash.. Professor T. C. J>. Killed id. Xo. 76S!

Apparently a very distinct species, and referred to this genus rather than to Calotrhix, on account of tlie filaments being of uniform width from base to apex. The terminal cells of tlie filaments are short and torulose, and the ui)i)ermost cells are nearly if not quite colorless, reminding one of the terminal hair of the Rivnlariacea?, but the colorless j^ortion of trichome does not taper at all.

Vol.1] Setchell-Gardner. AJgce of Northimstern America. 195

Scytonema varium Kuetzing.

Ou rocks moistened by spray from a waterfall. Juneau, Alaska, Saunders, No. 76! (1901, p. 39S.)

Scytonema Hofmanni Agardh.

On dripping rocks. Iliuliuk, Unalaska, Alaska, ir.A.^'. and A.A.L., No. 4031!

Scytonema mirabile (Dillwyn) Bornet.

On moist ground or in fresh water streams. Kukak Bay and Glacier Bay, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 898).

This species has not occurred to us, ])ut Saunders has men- tioned it under the synonyms, S. figuratum and S. mirahile. We do not know whether he intended to indicate different species or the same species, hut Bornet has demonstrated that the S. figuralum Agardh is the same as the Conferva m}r<d)ilis Dillwyn (cf. Bornet, 1889, p. 12).

Scytonema Myochrous (Dillwyn) Agardh.

Forming small tufts on rocks in a l)rook. Glacier Bay, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 398).

Hassallia byssoidea f. saxicola Grunow.

Among mosses on dripping rocks. Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, W.A.S. and A.A.L., No. 4005!

Tolypothrix distorta (Fl. Dan.) Kuetzing.

Floating or attached to plants or stones in quiet, fresh waters. Cape Nome, Alaska, ir.A.*S'.! ; Fidalgo Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 604!; Lake Washington, Seattle, Wash., X.L.G., Nos. 352!, 570!

Tolypothrix lanata (Desv.) Wartmann.

Forming dark brown, felt-like layers on rocks or on the bot- tom of shallow fresh waters or di'ied streams. Tliulink, Alaska, ir,.4.*S. and A.A.L., No. 4050!, and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 956!; near Seattle, Wash., Professor T. C. D. Kincaid, No. 766!

All the specimens noted, represent the older stages with deep brown sheaths.

19() JJniversifij <>/ California Puhlicaiions. iuotaxv

Tolypothrix tenuis Kuetzing.

Forming Ijluish green tufts in quiet or flowing fresh water. Popof Island, Alaska, .Saunders, No. 404! (1901, p. :5{)8) ; Glacier Bay, Alaska, Saunders, No. 300! (1901, p. 898); near Newhall, Orcas Island, Wash., K.L.G., No. GIG!; (Ireen Lake, Seattle, Wash., N.L.G., No. 5G2!.

Tolypothrix Setchellii Collins.

On Chara. Near Iliuliuk, Unalaska, Alaska, A.A.L.\ A dwarf species.

Tolypothrix limbata Thuret.

Growing on the side of a jar in the botanical laboratory of the University of Washington . Seattle , Wash .,N.L.G.,^o. 500 !

The sheath in this specimen is very thick and is ocreate above.

Desmonema Wrangelii (Agardh) B. & F.

On stones in lu'ooks or lakes, or even in pools on the tundra. St. Michael, Alaska, ir.A.*S\, No. oloTx! ; near Iliuliuk, Unalaska, ir.A.*S. and A. A. L., Nos. 4008!, 4044!; Popof Island, Alaska, Saunders, No. 404! (1901, p. 398) ; Glacier Bay, Alaska, Saunders, No. 103! (1901, p. 398).


Hapalosiphon fontinalis (Agardh) Bornet.

In a fresh water pond. Seldovia, Cook Inlet, Alaska, Sannders (1901, p. 399, under 77. puniilus) .

Fischerella ambigua (Kuetzing) Gomont.

On vertical rocks, just above the high title mark. Port Renfrew, B.C., TUden, No. 398!. under Hassallia hyssoidea f. cijlindrica Tilden.

Although the basal stratum and fasciculi of branchlets are not well developed, yet the branches seem to indicate this species rather than the one to which Miss Tilden has referred it.

Stigonema ocellatum (Dillwyn) Thuret.

On rocks or floating, in (piiet or running fresh water. Near

Vol.1] Setchell-Gardner. Algw of North wesfern America. 197

Prince William Sound, Alaska, Saunders, No. 800! (1901, p. 399) ; Glacier Bay, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 399).

Stigonema minutum (A^anlh) Hassall.

On dam]) rocks. Prince William Sound, Alaska, SaiDiders (1901, p. 399).


Calothrix consociata (Kuetzing) B. & F.

On grasses, etc., in a salt marsh. Head of Penn's Cove, near Coupeville, Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 'AHl

From its diameter and coloration of sheath, the number quoted above seems to belong here. The species seems to partake of the characters of lioth C. confervicola (Roth) Agardh and C. scopulorinii (\Vel)er et Mohr) Agardh, but with much wider sheaths than either species has according to description.

Calothrix scopulorum (Weber et Mohr) Agardh.

In salt water. Puget Sound, Saunders (1901, p. 399).

Calothrix pulvinata (Mertens) Agardh.

On sticks and old wood, in salt marshes. Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 303!, oGO!, and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A, No. 957!

Calothrix Crustacea Thuret.

Floating, on rocks, clay l)anks, wood, etc., in brackish lagoon. Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., Nos. 302!, 421!, 583!; Key- port, Kitsap County, Wash., X.L.G., No. 494!

This is a very variable species, especially concerning the matter of branching. While most of the filaments are simple and typical, there are intermingled, particularly in No. 583, filaments branched in such a way as to properly come under C. prolifera Flahault, C. jascieuhita Agardh, and even C. vivip(tr(i Harvey. No. 494 grew on a clay bank above liigh water mark, and represents a very depauperate form of the species.

Calothrix fusca (Kuetziug) B. & F.

Occurring singly or few together in the jelly of other species of algae. Near Iliuliuk, Unalaska, Alaska, ir.A.^V. and A.A.L.,


198 Lfniversifi/ of (■alifornia Publications. [botany

No. 4082! ; Kadiak Island and Cook Inlet, Alaska, tSmotders (1901, p. 899).

Calothrix parietina (Na?geli) Thnret.

Forming- reddish brown patches on dripping rocks. Amaknak Cave, Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, ir.^-L.N. and A.A.L., No. 3294!

Calothrix Braunii B. & F.

On pebbles at edge of lake. Lake Union, Seattle, Wash., TiMen, No. 286b!

Miss Tilden has distributed two specimens under this name and number. No. 286a, growing on dead floating stems of Scirpus, has intercalary heteroeysts and false branching. It seems to be a species of Tolypothrix. No. 286b seems to represent a form of G. Braunii with slender trichomes (4-5 i*- in diameter) and sheaths becoming j-ellowish brown.

Dichothrix Baueriana (Grunow) B. & F.

On dripping rocks or stones in running or quiet water. Near Ilinliuk, Unalaska, Alaska, TF.A.*S. and A. A. L., No. 4048!; Orca, Alaska, ir. L. Jepson, ^os. 5178x! , 5175! ; Whatcom, Wash., N.L.G., No. 608!

Isactis plana var. fissurata B. & F.

On stones. Captains Bay, Unalaska, Alaska, A.A.L., No. 5018a!

Rivularia Biasolettiana Meneghini.

On dripping rocks, on roots, etc., in fresh or brackish water. West shore of Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska. Alaska, TV^A.N. and A.A.L., No. 4005!; at month of creek, Ilinliuk, Unalaska, Alaska, ir.^l.N. and A.A.L., No. 4015! ; Glacier Bay, Alaska, Saunders, No. 102! (1901, )). 899); Juneau, Alaska, Saunders, No. 76! (1901, ]). 899); Port Renfrew, Vancouver Island, B.C., Tilden, Nos. 570! , 571! (the latter under R. niiida) East Sound, Orcas Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 496!

Rivularia nitida Agardh.

On nuid near high water mark. St. Michael, Alaska, ir.A.»S\ No. 5249x1

voi>. 1] Seichell-Gardner . Algn of Norihwesiern America. 199

Gloiotrichia Pisum Thuret.

On leaves of Potamogeton, in ponds of fresh water. Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 459! 463!; near Seattle, Wash., Professor T. G. I). Khicaid, No. 767!

The specimens are all j'onng and there are no spores, but there is little doubt as to the determination of the species.


We have used the name Chlorophycege, in the broad sense to include all those algs" which have no coloring matter in addition to the chlorophyll. This includes the group of the Conjugatfe, which differs so much from the others in cell structure and in the possession of non-motile gametes that it is generally separated. Similar opinions may be held as to some other families under the Chlorophycea?, so that it seems best to reserve one term for all the grass-green algae. In the treatment of this group, we have omitted all reference to the Desmidiaceae, since from their number and the difficulties of study, they are not usually taken up by the general student. We have, in general, followed the classification proposed and carried out by Wille (1890-1891) in Engler and Prantl, departing from it only in some minor cases. For species, we have used for reference DeToni's account (1889), and such special papers as were par- ticularly concerned in special cases and mentioned in the body of the text.

In the Chlorophyceae we find that the majority of species are either cosmopolitan, or at least are common to the colder waters of the Northern Hemisphere. We have not constructed a table of species showing comparative distril)uti()n, since in the imper- fection of our knowledge such a taltle would be more or less misleading. We find, however, that we know now that it is quite within the bounds of reason to expect to find any species of this group which occurs in the North Atlantic, also in the North Pacific. There are, probably, some species restricted to each district, Init we are as yet very uncertain whether those which we now consider to be characteristic of the North Pacific, may not later be found also in the North Atlantic and the reverse.

200 Universiiy of ('(difortna Puhliraf'ions. [botany

Although ackuuwledg'inent has been made of the very great assistance given us by Mr. F. S. Collins, yet it should be empha- sized again that he has made the determinations in the genera Chfetomorpha, Cladophora, Enteromorpha, Monostroma, and Urospora, and also scattering determinations in some other genera. He has, beside this, kindly looked over our manuscript and has made corrections and suggestions of great value. In the discussion of the species of Cladophora, a field in which he has gained great proficiency, he has added some notes which will go a long way toward straightening out the confusion hitherto existing. Through him, also. Dr. T. E. Hazen has examined the greater i)art of our Ulothricacea' and Chgetophoracese, and aided us with determinations and critical notes.


Zygnema chalybeospermum Hansgirg.

In waterfalls in a creek. Port Renfrew, B.C., Tilden, No. 392 !

Miss Tilden says that the specimens do not agree with this species, but that the smooth median membrane of the zygote and the apparently scalariform conjugation bring it nearer to this than to any other. In our copy of the American Algsp, little is to l)e determined on account of the poor condition of the specimen distributed.

Spirogyra longata (Vaucher) Kuetzing.

Aliundant in ditches of fresh, or even of slightly brackish water. Near LaConner, Wash., X.L.G., No. 340!; Seattle, Wash., X.L.G., Nos. 664!, 665!

Good fruiting material was gathered in May, and both lateral and scalariform conjugation was observed.

Spirogyra porticaiis (Mueller) Cleve.

In running water. Popof Island, Alaska, StnnKJcr.s (1!)01, p. 409).

Spirogyra catenaeformis (Hassall) Kuetzing.

In a pond of slightly brackish water. Swantown, Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 417!

Vol. 1] Setcliell-Gardner. Alga^ of XortJiicesteni America. 201

This species is mixed with Spirogyra Grevilleana in this locality.

Spirogyra varians (Hassall) Kuetzing.

Ou dripping rocks and in ditches of fresh water. Seldovia, Cook Inlet, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 409); Whidbey Island, Wash., K.L.G., Nos. 233!, 666!, and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 962! ; East Sound, Orcas Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 489!; Seattle, Wash., X.L.G., No. 660!

The gatherings of this species show both lateral and scalari- form conjugation.

Spirogyra nitida (Dillwyn) Link.

In fresh water. Near Coupeville, Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 661!

Spirogyra majuscula Kuetzing.

In a ditch of fresh water. Near the University of Washing- ton, Seattle, Wash., X.L.G., No. 390!

Our specimens seem to belong to the type, but differ from the ordinary plants in having the fertile cells slightly swollen.

Spirogyra majuscula var. brachymeres Stiz.

On shore of Green Lake, near Seattle, Wash., Tilden, No. 285!

Miss Tilden's specimen, in our copy, shows only the prelim- inary stages of conjugation and leaves the species in doubt.

Spirogyra affinis (Hassall) Petit.

In fresh water stream. Near Iliuliuk, Laialaska, Alaska, W.A.8. and A.A.L., No. 5032!, and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 959!

Spirogyra Lutetiana Petit.

Floating in a ditch of fresh water. Ravenna Park, Seattle, Wash., X.L.G., No. 402!

Spirogyra dubia var. longiarticulata Kuetzing.

Pond of fresh water. Near Victoria, B. C, X.L.G., No. 316!, and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 961!

Spirogyra inflata (Vaucher) Rabenhorst.

In a ditch of fresh water. Near Seattle, Wash., X.L.G., Nos. 389!, 659!

202 Universifu of California Publications. [hotany

Spirogyra Spreeiana Rabenhorst.

Floating- in a pond of fresh water. Penn's Cove, Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 629!

Spirogyra Weberi Knetzing.

Fresh water . Seattle , Wash . , X.L.G., No . GG8 !

The specimens are not quite typical Spiroyifva Wehcri, l)ut are intermediate between that species and Spirogj/m (/iKtdrafa (Hassall) Petit.

Spirogyra Grevilleana (Hassall) Knetzing.

In a pond of slightly brackish water. Swantown, Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 417!

Mixed, in the locality mentioned, with 8pirog\jra catenceformis.

Spirogyra iaxa Knetzing.

In a small pond of fresh water. Whidbey Island, Wash., K.L.G., No. 420!


Mougeotia scalaris Hassall.

In a ditch ))y the roadside. Orcas Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 47:J!

Mougeotia genuflexa (Dillwyn) Agardh.

In pools and ditches of freshwater. Victoria, B. C, K.L.G., No. 314! ; Orcas Island, Wash., X.L.G., Nos. 473! , 481! ; Seattle, Wash., X.L.G., Nos. 630!, 662!

All the specimens are in good fruit and collected either in May or July. In No. 481, both lateral and scalariform conjugation occurs.


Chlamydomonas sp.

Under this genus are to lie })laced the several forms, or at least some of them, which were at one time placed under the genus Gloeocystis. Here comes then, temporai'ily , Gloeocysiis Paro-

Vol.1] SetcheJhGdrd Hfr . Ahjd of yotihwestern America. 203

liniana (Menegliiiii) Xtvoeli which foniied soft g-elatinous masses of the color of prune jelly on cliffs near Iliuliuk, Unalaska, Alaska {W.A.8. and A.A.L., No. 4032!) and two others, not readily placed, viz., one forming- yellow green soft gelatinous patches on mosses at Sitka, Alaska ( 1^.a4.^^ and A.A.L., No. 5206!) and the other found on a dripping water pipe at Seattle, Wash., {X.L.G., No. 394!).

Sphaerella nivalis (Bauer) Sommerfelt.

On banks of snow and where snow is melting. Unalaska, Alaska. ir.A.S. and A.A.L., No. 4048! ; Yakutat Bay, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 409).

The so-called red snow is not uncommon in the mountains and even along the shores of the territory included in this paper, but no careful study has been made as to the presence of this species in one or another form. It has seemed best, therefore, to report only these two localities which are represented by actual speci- mens of the algae concerned.

Eudorina elegans Ehrenberg.

Mixed with various confervoid species. Bog Lake, west side of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 456!

Volvox aureus Ehrenberg.

Intermingled with Spirogyra filaments. Near Coupeville, Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 661!

The material of this species was placed in formalin solution and could not be studied in the living condition. The colonies measure about 200 h- in diameter and the cells are 4-6 /^ broad. Consequently, the specimens have been referred to this species rather than to T'. glohator (L.) Ehrenberg.


Tetraspora bullosa (Roth) Agardh.

In small ditches of running fresh water. Seattle, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 381!, 388!

204 Universiiti of Qdifornio Fuhlicafions. [botany

Tetraspora cylindrica (Wahleul).) Agardh.

In rapidly tiowiiifj' mouutaiu stream. Silver Bf)w Basin, Juneau, Alaska, W. L. Jepson, Nos. 5200!, 5201!, and in Col- lins, Holden and Setdiell, P. B.-A., No. 908!

Decidedly firmer in texture than the preceding and provided with a distinct stipe, l)ut it hardlj' seems either necessary or proper to remove it to another genus as Chodat has proposed in creating his Stapfia (1897, p. 9-47). The possession of a solid gelatinous axis is also a character of the proposed genus Stapfia, but hardly characterizes it sufficiently. Nordstedt (1899, p. 267) has discussed the nature of the genus and the identity' of Stapfia cylindrica Chodat and Ulva cylindrica Wahlenb., while Borgesen (1898, p, 135) has described and figured the stipe.

Tetraspora lubrica var. lacunosa Chauv.

In small brooks. Near Iliuliuk, Uualaska, Alaska, Tr.A.;S\ and A.A.L., No. 4094! ; Port Renfrew, Vancouver Island, B. C, Butler and Folley, and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 861 !

CoLLiNSiELLA Sctchell and (lardner gen. no v. Tetrasporacearum.

Fronds globular to irregularly and tuberculately lobed, con- fluent l:)y a thin basal layer, at first solid, later hollow, composed throughout of pear-shaped cells on dichotomously branched, gel- atinous stalks which taper downwards. Chromatophore single, band-shaped, with a single conspicuous pyrenoid.

The genus, here proposed, is most nearh' related to Oocar- dium, but differs from it in the shape of the cells, in the presence of cells throughout the jelly of the frond, and the shape of the gelatinous stalks of the cells. We take pleasure in dedicating this genus to our friend, Frank Shipley Collins of Maiden, Mass., in recognition of his services to American Algology.

Collinsiella tuberculata Setchell and Gardner sp. no v.

Plate 17.

Forming extended layers of a dark green color and firmly

gelatinous consistency on stones and pel)bles. Cells piriform,

12-20 p- !)>■ 9-12 i^-. The l)ranching proceeds from division

in two directions at right angles to one another and to the sur-

Vol.1] Sdcliell-Gardner. AJ(J(b of Northwestern, America. 205

face of the frond. Only one of these resulting cells divides again, the other remains in position and undivided. From this, it happens that the cells are not all in a peripheral layer as Na^geli (1849, p. 7-4, pi. Ill, A.) has. described for his Oocardimn stratum, but are scattered throughout the frond as shown in our figure. The stalks of the cells, also, are different from those of the species just referred to, in that they taper downwards. The stalks take on a deep lilue color immediately upon Ijeing treated with Chloriodide of Zinc.

On stones and pebbles in a shallow pool, middle litoral zone, in a single locality much exposed to heavy seas, on the west coast of Whidbey Island., Wash., N.L.G., No. 408!, and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 909! A few speci- mens of this species have also been collected at the Farallones, near San Francisco, California, by R. A. Harper and W. J. V. Osterhout.


Schizochlamys gelatinosa A. Braun.

Forming light green, lo])ulated masses at the bottom of a small pond of fresh water. Amaknak Island, Alaska, W.A.S. and A.A.L., No. 5046a!

Oocystis solitaria f. major Wille.

On rocks, dripi)ing with fresh water. Near Iliuliuk, Unalaska, Alaska, ir.A.*S'. and A.A.L., No. 4028!

The plant referred to this form of the species measures some- what less than the dimensions given, but is decidedly larger than the typical form.

Oocystis solitaria f. crassa (Wittrock) Hansgirg.

Forming a mucous coating on damp rocks near waterfalls. Juneau, Alaska, Saunders, No. 75! (1901, p. 409).

Selenastrum Bibraianum Reinsch.

Among weeds in ponds of fresh water. Near Seattle, Wash., Professor T. C. T). Kincaid, No. 7G8!

There is an abundance of material of this species in the specimen quoted.

206 University of California Publications. (botany

Scenedesmus denticulatus var. linearis Hansgh-g.

Mixed with other alga? in a pond of slightly brackish water. Near Swantowu, Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 417!

Urococcus insignis Hassall.

Intermixed with other algte on sods of deserted hut. Cape Nome, Alaska, ir.A.^\!; intermixed with other algse on drip- ping rocks, Esquimau, B. C, X.L.G., No. 327!

All stages of this interesting but puzzling organism were found in the collections, from thin-walled cells with green contents, to verv thick-walled cells with golden vellow contents.


Chlorochytrium inciusum Kjellman.

Endophytic in the fronds of various memln-anaceous red algfe. In the fronds of Iridcea lamina rioides Bory, Unga, Alaska, A.A.L., No. 5050!; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 290! ; in the fronds of Calhjmenia Plnjllophora J. Agardh, Harvester Island, UyakBay, Kadiak Island, ir.A.jS. and A.A.L., No. 5119! ; Unga, Alaska, A.A.L., No. 5055! ; in the fronds of Con.stantinea Sitcliensis P. & R., Esquimalt, B. C, Tilden, No. 389!; in the fronds of SarcopJnjllis Californica J. Agardh, X.L.G., in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 514!

This plant is probably very common and careful examination will ])robably show it endophytic on other species of red alga^ from other localities, but enough is recorded to give reason for believing that it is by no means uncommon in the region under discussion. It extends down to Monterey on the coast of Cali- fornia and perhaps even farther southward. The form growing on Constantinea has been investigated and reported upon by E. M. Freeman (1899) who decides that it is a true Chlorochytrium and very probably CJi. inrlusuni Kjellman.

Chlorochytrium Schmitzii Rosenvinge.

In fronds of Petrocelis Middendorfii (Ruprecht) Kjellman, growing in the upper litoral zone. Harvester Island. Uyak Bay.

Vol.1] SetcheU-Gardner. Algce of Northwestern America. 207

Kadiak Island, Alaska, ir-.^.N". (ind A.A.L., No. 5124!; lower litoral zone, west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.U.l

The plants referred under this species agree very well with the description and figure of Rosenvinge, except that some have apical papilltp. Some of them do not have these and agree in this w^ith the original description.


Pediastrum Boryanum (Turpin) Meneghini.

Intermixed with other algfe of fresh water pools. Point Bar- row, Alaska, Farlow (1885, p. 192); Popof Island, Alaska, Samiders, (11)01, p. 409).

Pediastrum angulosum (Ehrenberg) Meneghini.

Intermixed with other algfp in shallow pools and ponds of fresh water. Glacier Valley, Island of Unalaska, Alaska, A.A.L., No. 5023a! ; Popof Island, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 409).

Sorastrum spinulosum Na^geli.

Among water weeds in ponds of fresh water. Near Seattle, Wash., Professor T. C. D. Kincaid, No. 768!

Very scanty, l)ut of undoubted occurrence in the si)ecimen quoted.

Family ULVACE^.

Monostroma lubricum Kjellman.

Sitka, Alaska, Ida M. Eodgers, No. 5722!

Monostroma latissimum (Kuetzing) Wittrock.

On stones and mussels, lower litoral zone, in more or less brackish water. Iliuliuk, Unalaska, Alaska, TF.J^.*S\ and A. A. L., No. 4020! ; on Fucus, litoral zone, Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, ir.A.iS'. ((nd A.A.L., No. 5077! (a younger form); in brackish pools, near LaConner, Skagit County, Wash., N.L.G., No. 567!

Monostroma quaternarium (Kuetzing) Desmazieres.

West coast of Whidbey Island, W^ash., X.L.G., No. 187!

208 Universiiii of California Piihlications. [botany

Monostroma Grevillei (Tlmi-et) Wittrock.

On stones, just above and just below extreme low water mark. Iliuliuk, Unalaska, Alaska, ir.A.S. and A.A.L., No. 4016a!

Mr. Collins in his report on the collections says ^^ Monostroma Grevillei, probably". The species is also taken in a sense some- what narrower than that of Rosen vinge (1893, p. 948, ef seq.), at least not including' M. arcticuin nor M. Valdii (cf. also Roscn- vinge, 1894, pp. 149-155, and 1898. ]>. 117.)

Monostroma arcticum Wittrock.

On stones in shallow pools of the middle litoral zone. West shore of Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, ir.A.«S'. (ind A.A.L.,^0. 3260! , and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 910! ; Karluk, Kadiak Island, Alaska, ir.A./S., No. 5071!

Mr. Collins takes M. arcticum in a sense broad enough to include M. angicavum Kjellman and 31. saccodeum Kjellman, but prefers to keep M. arcticum, itself, as a distinct species, and not unite it with M. Grevillei Wittrock as Rosenvinge has done (cf. Rosenvinge, 1893, p. 946, and 1894, p. 152).

Monstroma GrcEnlandicum J. Agardh.

On small boulders, middle litoral zone. West shore of Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, TF.^4.(S^. and A. A. L., Nos. 3278!, 3299! ; Kukak Bay, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 410).

Monostroma Vahlii J. Agardh.

Kukak Bay, Alaska, Saunders (1901, ]). 410).

Monostroma fuscum (P. & R.) Wittrock.

On stones in the middle litoral zone. North Pacific Ocean, Posfels and Ruprecld (1840, p. 21, under Ulva fusca) \ Kukak Bay and Virgin Bay, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 409); Orca. ' Alaska, ir..4.*S'. atid A.A.L., No. 5159!; Muir Inlet of Glacier Bay and Sitka, Alaska, Saunders, (1901, p. 409); floating in slightly brackish water. Crocket's Lake, Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 531!

Mr. Collins takes this species in the later and broader sense to include also M. splendens (Ruprecht) Wittrock and .1/. Bhjttii (Areschoug) Wittrock. All the above specimens which have

Vol.1] Setckell-Gardiier . Algn' of jSoriJuvedern America. 209

beeu examined belong to Rosenvinge's var. fi/pica. No. 531 is the form known as M. Blyttii.

Monostroma fuscum var. splendens (Rnpreeht) Rosenvinge.

On stones in the middle litoral zone. St. Panl Island, Alaska, I'oii'jhsend , No. 5785!, Greeley and ISnodgrass, No. 5800! (ef. Setehell, 1899, nnderil/. splendens); west shore of Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, ir.A.N. avd A.A.L., No. 8261!, and in Collins, Holden and Setehell, P. B.-A., No. 911! ; Pinnacles, near Snmmer Bay, Unalaska, Alaska, A.A.L., No. 4097! ; Lowe Inlet, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 409, nnderTI/. splendens). The variety, which is the original Ulva or Ulvaria splendens Rnpreeht, is to he distingnished from the var. li/jiica, according to Rosen- vinge, by the thickened external wall.

Monostroma leptodermum Kjellman.

Forming a dense growth on Zostera, in shallow watei-. Between Brown and San Jnan Islands, Wash., Tilden, No. 388!, under Monostroma zostericolnm .

Mr. Collins reports that this is the same plant as found grow- ing on the New England coast and listed by hhn (1900, \^. 44), and that it agrees in all respects with the description and figures of Kjellman (1877. p. 52, fig. 23, 24). Rosenvinge (1893, ]). 944 and 1894, p. 149), however, figures a plant under Kjell- man "s name which has a long tubular stipe which is lacking in the New England specimens, and also in the specimens of Miss Tilden. Kjellman's plants lacked the base. The question is, whether the plant of Rosenvinge or our plant is the plant of Kjellman. Mr. Collins prefers to believe that our i)lants are 71/. leptodermum and that Rosenvinge's belong to another and probably to a new species.

Ulva Lactuca var. rigida (Agardh) LeJolis.

In various situations. St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, Kjell- iiKiii (1889, p. 53, under U. t'igida) ; Pathfinder Rock, Norton Sound, Alaska,'/?. C. McGregor, No. 5080! ; St. Michael, Alaska, ir..4.<S'., No. 5237x!, 5245y!; Shumagin Islands, Alaska, ISauhders (1901, p. 410); Harvester Island, Uyak Bay, Alaska, W.A.8. and A.A.L., No. 5116!; Virgin Bay, Prince William

210 University of California Publications. [botany

Soimd, Alaska. Saunders (1901, p. 410); Sitka, Alaska, LJa M. Badgers, No. 5723! ; Port Renfrew, B. C. Butler and Polleij, No. 14; Esquimalt, B. C, Harvey (1862, ]>. IKi) : Idlcwild, San Juan Island, Wash., Tilden, Nos. 886!, 387!; Tracyton, Kitsap County, Wash., Tilden, No. 200!

Ulva Lactuca var. latissima (L.) LeJolis.

Generally floating when mature, but in the earlier stages attached to rock or wood, usually in muddy situations. Pinnacles, Summer Bay, Unalaska, Alaska, A.A.L., No. 4097a! ;• Sitka, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 410, under U. Lactuca myriotrema) ; Norfolk Sound (near Sitka), Alaska, Fostels and Buprechf (1840, p. 21); Puget Sound, Bailey and Harvey, (1862, p. 163); Esquimalt, B.C., Harvey, (1862, p. 176); Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 112!; East Sound, Orcas Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 529! ; Friday Harbor and Roach Harbor, San Juan Island, Wash., ^^.L.G., No. 667!

It is difficult to determine just what course to take with the vari- ous specimens of Ulva which we have from the region included un- der this account. A very considerable study of the species of Ulva along the entire western coast of North America indicates that , while there may be many forms, there is probably only one species and very few varieties. The habit, size, color, and even the character of cell depends so much on the age and the environment of the specimen, that it is possible to trace a series from the quiet water inside a point of land to the exposed localities outside of it which may include all the forms and intermediate conditions between the most distinct species as yet proposed under the genus. We have, therefore, arranged the forms of the Northwest Coast under two varieties of one species. Var. rigida includes all tlie specimens which are lanceolate in general outline, while var. latissima includes all those which show a tendency to be shorter than broad, and are of general expanded habit at maturity. Under each of these varieties, there are numerous forms to l)e mentioned, due to less conspicuous conditions of growth, but we have decided not to attempt a separation of these in this i)aper. Nos. 260 and 387 of Miss Tilden's American Algae are consi)i('u- ous on account of the long stipes which give them the api)earance

Vol.1] Setchell-Gardner. Algce of NortJiicesiern America. 211

of Enieromorpha Lima. No. 667 of X. L. Gardner covered the quiet bays, lying ou the muddy bottom, or floating in expanded fronds two or three meters square. Young plants were found just starting on the warm mud. In using the names of Le Jolis, the waiters desire to have it understood that they do not accept all of the synonymy of that writer. The Ulva fasciata of Harvey's List (1862, p. 176) is unknown to us, but we presume that it is only a narrow form of var. rigida.

Enteromorpha micrococca Kuetzing.

On rocks, upper or middle litoral zone. Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, ^\.A.8. and A.A.L., No. 4054a! ; Dutch Harbor, Amak- nak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, R. G. McGregor, No. 5695! ; Shumagin Islands and Orca, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 411).

Enteromorpha micrococca f. subsalsa Kjellman.

On drip])ing rocks above high water mark. Chuckanut Quarry, near Fairhaven, Wash., X.L.G., No. 22S!

Enteromorpha fascia P. & R.

In the North Pacific Ocean between Asia and America, Postels and Rupreclit (1840, p. 21).

We know nothing of this species beyond the information in Postels and Ruprecht just cited, and such additional facts as are presented by J. G. Agardh in his revision of the Ulvaceae (1882, p. VI')) where the opinion is expressed that it is very near to E. compressa (L.) (lirev., but differs from that species in having a light brown color. ^Ir. Collins reports that he has examined the specimen labelled Enteromorpha fascia, under No. 1052 of Wittrock and Nordstedt, and finds it different from any species of the genus which he has seen before.

Enteromorpha prolifera (Mueller) J. Agardh.

Usually found floating or cast ashore. Golofnin Bay, Alaska, R. C. McGregor, No. 5687! ; Juneau, Alaska, ir.A.*S'. ajid A.A.L., No. 5195!; Annette Island, Alaska, Sa a nders {1901, p. 411); near Coupe ville, Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 210!, and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 913!; Tracyton, Kitsap County, Wash., Tilden, Nos. 885!, 264! (under E. com-

212 XJniversitii of California PuhJieaiions. [botany

prfssa \i\r. siihsrniplex) , 20")! (niider E. compressa \ar. roni-

plaiKiid) .

Enteromorpha intestinalis (L.) Link.

In all sorts of localities in the upper litoral zone and in tlie brackish waters of nind flats and ditches in salt marshes. Metla- katla, Annette Island, Alaska, Saioiclers (1901, p. 411); Straits of Georgia, Harvey (1862, p. 17(5); Port Renfrew, B. C, IhifJcr and Polley, Nos. 29, 42; Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., Nos. 167!, 229!, 518!, .')19!, r)H2!; East Sound, Orcas Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 568!

This usually very common and somewhat variable species was not detected in the upper portions of our territory, althou<>'h many localities seemed favorable for its growth. There has been no attempt to segregate the numbers given above into forms. Three forms have been separated, however, by others and are quoted below.

Enteromorpha intestinalis f. genuina Hauck.

On the beach at Tracyton, Kitsap County, Wash., Ti/den, No. 263!

Mr. Collins notes (in lit.) that this plant is not exactly like No. 323 of the Phykotheka Universalis, but is fairly near it.

Enteromorpha intestinalis f. cylindracea J. Agardh.

Saunders notes this form (1901, p. 411) from Sand Point, Popof Island, and from Kukak Bay, Alaska.

Enteromorpha intestinalis f. maxima -1. Agardh.

Saunders notes this form (1901, p. 411) from Kukak Bay and Orca in Alaska and from Victoria, B. C.

Enteromorpha Linza (L.) J. Agardh.

Attached to stones in the litoral zone. North Pacific Ocean, Postels and Rirprechf (1840, p. 21) ; Esquimalt, B. C, and Orcas Island, Wash., Harreij (1862, p. 176); Victoria, B. C, Tilden, No. 384!; Friday Harbor, San Juan Island, Wash., N.L.U., Nos. 168!, 213!

Vol. 1] SeicheU- Gardner. Algce of Northwestern America. 213

Enteromorpha Linza f. lanceolata J. Agardh.

Similar places. Orea, Alaska, ir.A.^S'. and A.A.L., No. 5161!; Yakntat Bay, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 411), Rev. Albin Johnson, No. 5702!, and in Collins, Holden and Setc.hell, P. B.-A., No. 967b! ; Wliidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G.l

Some, if not all, of the nnmbers given nnder the species are of this form, while of the second form only one reference is known to us as given below.

Enteromorpha Linza f. crispata .I.Agardh. Sitka, Alaska, Saunders (1901. ]). 411).

Enteromorpha minima Na^geli.

Forming yellowish green silky tnfts and patches in the upper and middle litoral zones. West shore of Amaknak Island, Unalaska Bay, Alaska, ^y.A.S. and A.A.L., No. 3280! ; Iliuliuk, Unalaska, Alaska, ir. .4..S'. and A.A.L., No. 4041!; Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, ir.A.N. and A.A.L., No. 5097!; Orea, Alaska, n'.A.N. and A.A.L., No. 5197!; Port Renfrew, B. C, Butler and Polleyl ; San Juan Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 217!, and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 912!

Enteromorpha minima f. rivularis Collins.

In running fresh water of Iliuliuk Creek, forming elongated, yellow, much entangled masses. Iliuliuk, Unalaska, Alaska, ^Y.A.S. and A.A.L., No. 5048!, and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. xxvi!

"From typical E. minima Naeg., distributed as P. B.-A., No. 468b, this form diifers l)y the lighter color, greater length of filaments, more gelatinous substance, and hy its occurrence in fresh water." Collins, P. B.-A., 1901c, No. xxvi.

Enteromorpha compressa (L.) (Treville.

On rocks, stones, and other alg*, mostly in the upper and middle litoral zones. Golofnin Bay, Alaska, R. C. McGregor, Nos. 5666! and 5667! ; Pathfinder Rock, Norton Sound, Alaska, R. C. McGregor, No. 56(S5! ; P>('sl)<)ro Island. Norton Sound, Alaska, R. G. McGregor, Nos. r^dmi , 5682! ; St. Michael, Alaska, ]\ .A.S., Nos. 5240x!, 5250x! ; North Pacific Ocean, Postels and Riiprecht (1840, \). 21); Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, ir..l.N. (lud BoT.-i:.

214 University of (\ilifornift Puhlieaiions. [botany

A.A.L., No. 4068! ; Harvester Island. Uyak Bay. Kadiak Island. Alaska, ]r..4.N. and A.A.L., No. .HOT!; St. Paul, Kadiak Island, Alaska, ir..4.*S'. und A.A.L., No. 5189!; Yakutat Bay, Alaska, Rev. Alhin Johnson, ^o. 5718! ; Jnnean, Alaska, IT.A.N. and A.A.L., Nos. 5187!, 5193!; Esciuimalt, B. C, Harvey (18G2, p. 176) ; Png-et Sound. Bailey and Harvey (1862, p. 163) ; Snakalum Point, Wliidbey Island, Wash., K.L.G., No. 197!

Enteromorpha compressa f. racemosa a Ahlneri Kjelhnan. Enteromorpha compressa f. racemosa b abbreviata Ejellman. St. Lawrence Island and Port Clarence, Alaska, Kjellman (1889, p. 52).

Enteromorpha crinita (Roth) J. Ag-ardh.

Attached to rocks or floating, in muddy places. St. Michael, Alaska, ir.A.AS'., No. 5250x! ; Prince William Sound, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 412); Valdes, Alaska, W.A.S. and A.A.L., Nos. 5184!, 5185!; Sitka, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 412), Tr.A.*S'. and A.A.L., Nos. 5203a!, 5207a!, and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 965!: Wrangell, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 412.)

Mr. Collins notes that No. 5203a is too near to E. erecta^ (Lyngbye) J. Agardh.

Enteromorpha percursa (Agardh) J. Agardh.

In l)rackish pools and in salt marshes, usually entangled with other filamentous Chlorophyceae. Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, U. .4.N. and A.A.L., No. 4003!, and in CoUius, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A, No. 968!; Whidbey Island, Wash.. X.L.a., Nos. 301!, 414!, 415!

Enteromorpha aureola (Agardh) Kuetzing.

On rocks covered with slight layer of mud. St. ^fichael. Alaska, Tr.A..S., No. 5241x!

The plant refeiTcd htn-e, is mixed with l\h}zorloii'nini ripariutn var. iniplexiini .

Prasiola crispa (Lightfoot) Agardh.

On turf of old bai-i-al)bas. on tussocks in the tundra, on damp ground, etc. Cape Nome, Alaska, ir.A.iS! ; St. Michael, Alaska,

Vol.1] Sffchell-Gardner. Algre of Northtcestern America. 215

L. M. Turner, No. 849 (Herb. U. S. National Museum) ! , ]l'.A..S., Nos. 5235!, 5248x!, and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 969!, under Uoniiidiinii parietinum; St. Paul Island, Alaska, B. ^y. ^(vmr/w !( Setchell, 1889, p. 590) ; Iliuliuk, Unalaska, Alaska, W.A.S. and A.A.L., No. 4010!; St. Paul, Kadiak Island, Alaska, Tl^A.iS'. and A.A.L., No. 5137! , Saunders (1901, p. 412, under Rormidium parietinum) ; Orea, Alaska, .T1^A.^\ and A. A. L., Nos. 5182!, 5183!; Yakutat Bay, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 412); Juneau, Alaska, ir.A./S. and A.A.L., Nos. 5191!, 5192!: Departure Bay, Vancouver Island. B. C, W.A.S.and A.A.L.. No. 5211!; Coupeville, Wliidbey Island, Wash.. X.L.a., (569!

The specimens quoted above include all sorts of conditions from the typical P. rrispa with its broad flat frond, to filamen- tous forms referable to Horniidimn parietinum (Vaucher) Kuetz- ing or even to H. murale (Lyugbye) Kuetzing. In the majority of cases, these forms are mixed in the same collection and often show more or less perfect transitions from the one to the other.

Prasiola calophylla (Carmichael) Meneghini.

In l)rackish water at the head of Penn's Cove, Wliidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 258!

This narrow species contrasts veiy decidedly with P. rrispa as well as with the next two species in the shape of the frond and the arrangement of the cells. W^e have been unable to compare it with authentic specimens but it answers to the descriptions and the figures so exactly that we feel little doubt concerning it.

Prasiola borealis Reed.

On rocks, just above high water mark. Iliuliuk, Unalaska, Alaska. W.A.S. and A.A.L., Nos. 4013!, 4021!; St. Paul, Kadiak Island, Alaska, W.A.S. an -J A.A.L., No. 5138!

This s])ecies comes nearest to P. Anfarcfiea Kuetzing, but dif- fers from it in shape and color of the fronds and in the less regular tetrad arrangement of the cells. The specimens of P. borealis are infested with a fungus {Guignardia Alaskana Reed) just as the Antarctic species is with Guignardia Prasiohe (Winter) Reed, which gave rise to the genera Masfodia Hooker and Harvey and Dermaiomeris Reinsch. For further details

21C University of California Publicaiions . [Botany

consult Miss Reed's paper on the suhjeet (Univ. of Calif. Publi- cations, Botany, Vol. 1).

Prasiola fluviatilis (Sommerfelt ) Aresehoug-.

Point Barrow, Alaska, Farloir (1885, p. 1!)2) !

This is what Farlow refers doubtfully to P. crispa in the refer- ence cited above. A specimen from Herb. Farlow in the U. S. National Herbarium is labelled P. crispa f. maxima'], but a speci- men sent to us from Herb. Farlow, labelled as above, seems to us i)roperly referred.


Ulothrix subtilis Kuetzing.

In slig'htly brackish water, Victoria, B. C, N.L.G.. No. ;S38! ; in fresh water, LaConner, Skagit County, Wash., X.L.d., No. 31.")!

The determination of these specimens is not absolutely cer- tain, but they seem to belong to the typical form (f. genuinn Kirchner) of this species.

Ulothrix zonata (Weber et Mohr) Kuetzing.

Forming yellowish green, almost gelatinous patches on rocks wet with abundant spray. Cascade near Iliuiiuk, Unalaska, Alaska, W.A.8. and A.A.L., No. 4046!, 5033!

The plants listed under this species were most beautiful in their growth and came from the very same spot, the earlier number having been collected on June 30, 1899, and the later numljer on August 10, 1889.

The determination was made by T. E. Hazen through the kiiulness of ^Ir. Collins.

Ulothrix tenuis Kuetzing.

Among the roots and leaves of grasses, slightly inundated, side of a rill. Near Iliuiiuk, Unalaska, ir.A.»S. and A.A.L., No. 5012a!

Determined ])y T. E. Hazen, through the kindness of Mr. Collins.

\<>i- iJ SetcheU-Gardner. Alg(e of Northwestern America.

_i I

Ulothrix implexa Knetzing;.

Forming more or less expanded layers in localities near the mouths of small streams where the water is brackish, or, at times, nearly fresh. On piles of a wharf, Iliulink, Unalaska, Alaska, IF.A.aS". (uul A.A.L., No. 4017!; on Pucus, Orca, Alaska, W.A.8. and A.A.L., No. 5180!

Determined l>y T. E. Hazen, through the kindness of Mr. Collins.

Ulothrix flacca (Engi. Bot.) Thuret.

On rocks, pebbles, old wood, etc. St. Michael, Alaska, ir.A.^S., No. 5251x!; Glacier Bay, Saunders, (1901, p. 412); Fairhaven, Wash., N.L.G.. No. 194!

Ttie determinations are all by Mr. Collins.

Gayella polyrhiza Rosenvinge.

On small boulders, well uj) in the litoral zone. West shore of Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, ]r.A.(S. ami A.A.L., No. 3279a!, and in (V)llins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., 914!

This seems to be the only locality for this species discovered outside of those on the west coast of Greenland and tlie FcProes. Borgesen (1902, p. 482) refers this species to Prasio/a rrispa as sul)Si). marina, (det. F. S. Collins.)

Hormidium sp.

Species formerly referred to this genus, especially H. parietin uni (Vaucher) Kuetzing, have been found either pure or associated with Prasiola-forras in different stages of development. We have referred them all under Prasiola.

Microspora floccosa (Vaucher) Thuret.

In pools above high water mark, Esquimalt, B. C, Harvey (1862, p. 177, under Conferva floccosa) \ in creek, Port Renfi-ew, B. C, TUden, No. 139b!

Conferva bombycina (Agardh) Lagerhcim.

Forming silky, yellow, gelatinous masses on dripping rocks. Amaknak Cave on the west shore of Amaknak Island, Alaska,

218 University of California Publications . . Ibotany

W.A.S. and A.A.L., No. 3297! (det. T. E. Hazen); on drip- ping rock cliff, Esquimault, B. C, X.L.G., No. 827! (probably f. genuina) .

"Conferva rivularis Ag."

Sumas Prairie, B. C. Harvey (1862, p. 177).

We have no knowledt>-e or suspicion as to the identitx <»f this l)lant.


Stigeoclonium lubricum (Dilhvyn) Kuetzing.

In light yellow tufts on grasses, in a small, slow stream in the tundra above the lake. Near Iliuliuk, Unalaska, Alaska, Tl .A. 8. and A.A.L., No. oOS-")! (det. T. E. Hazen).

Draparnaldia glomerata (Vaucher) Agardh.

In small brook, Huutville, Island of Unalaska, Alaska, ir.A.N. (Did A.A.L., No. 4094! ; on damp rocks above tide, Ludlow Bay, .lefferson County, Wash., X.L.G., No. ").')4!

Draparnaldia glomerata var. genuina Kirchner.

In cold water stream. Hazeldene Creek, Port Renfrew, Vancouver Island. B. C. Tildeii. No. 383!

Draparnaldia plumosa (Vaucher) Agardh.

Growing on pebbles along the shore of Green Lake, kSeattle, Wash., X.L.G., No. 498! (det. T. E. Hazen).

Chaetophora pisiformis (Roth) Agardh.

Attached to weeds, grass, dead stems, sticks, etc., in springs and pools of fresh water. Near Coupeville, Whidliey Island, Wash., X.L.G,. No. 461 ! ; Green Lake, Seattle, Wash., X.L.G. , No. 478! ; Seattle, Wash., X.L.G., No. 386!

Chaetophora elegans (Roth) Agardh.

In ])onds of fresh water. Near Coupeville, Wliidbe}' Island, Wash., X.L.G.. No. 461! ; Port Townsend, Wash., X.L.G., No. 434!

Vol. 1] SetcheU-Gardner. Alga of North tvestent America. 219

Chastophora Cornu-Damae var. genuina De Toni.

On sticks, sedges, and grasses, in pool of fresh water. East Sound, Orcas Island, Wash., K.L.G., Nos. 4S4!, 497!

Chaetophora Cornu-Damae var. linearis Knetziug.

Sonth end of Lake Washington, near Renton, King Connty, Wash., Til(le)i, No. 2G7!

Ochlochaete Hystrix Thwaites.

On water weeds in ponds of fresh water. Near Seattle, Wash., Professor T. C. I). Kitu-aid, No. 768!

Trentepohlia lolithus (L.) Wallroth.

On rocks at 1000 feet elevation. Orca, Alaska, Saunders (1901. p. 413).


Pringsheimia scutata f. Cladophorae Tilden.

On Cladophora, in tide pool. Port Renfrew, B. C, Tilden, No. 382!

We have examined the specimen distribnted hy Miss Tilden in our copy of the American Algae and find an epiphyte which, while bearing a certain snperticial resemblance to Pringsheimia scutata Reinke, structurally shows itself clearly a member of the Chamfpsiphoniacefp and probably identical with Wille's Chloro- glopa tuberculosa, under which name it has been mentioned in its proper sequence in this account. We feel that Miss Tilden 's name is fairly properly to be i^laced as a synonym under Wille's.


We have found no species of this family, ourselves, and can only quote those enumerated by Miss Tilden and b.y Saunders, the determinations of all of which are l).y Karl E. Hirn.

CEdogonium concatenatum (Hassall) Wittrock. Popof Island, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 412).

220 University of California Puhli cations. [botany

CEdogonium crispum (Hassall) Wittrock.

In pools, on i-ocks, jnst above hif>li water mark. Port Ren- frew, B. C, Tilde u, No. 543!

Bulbochaete Brebissonii Kuetziug.

In a fresh water pond. Near Seldovia. Cook Inlet, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 412).

Bulbochaete intermedia De Bary.

In a fresh water pond. Seldovia, Cook Inlet, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 412).

Bulbochaete Nordstedtii Wittrock.

In a fresh water ])ond. Seldovia, Cook Inlet, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 413).

Bulbochaete nana Wittrock.

In a fresh water i)ond. Shnmagin Islands, Alaska, Saiindfrs (1901, p. 413).

Bulbochaete insignis Pringsheim.

Saunders (1901, p, 413) gives this species in his Alaskan Algae, bnt does not mention any special locality.

Family C0LE0CH.4^TACE^.

Coleochaete pulvinata A. Braun.

In a glacial pool, growing on Chara. Near Ilinlink, Unalaska,

Alaska , W.A .S. and A .A.L., ^o. 5039 !


Urospora penicilliformis (Roth) Areschong.

On rocks, in the litoral zone, sometimes higher np and some- times very low down. Port Clarence, Alaska, Kjf^lhunn (1S89, p. 55); St. Michael, Alaska, W .A.S., No. 5251! ; west shore of Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, U .^.*S'. <(nd A.A.L., No. 3279!; Knkak Bay, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 413); Strait of Juan deFuca, B. C, Harvey (18G2. p. 177, wudev HorniotrirJium Carntichaelii) ; Port Renfrew, B. C. Butler and Folley, No. 125; Esquimalt, B.C., X.L.G.. No. 514!; west shore of Whidbey Island. Wash., N.L.G.. No. 515!

Vol . n HetcJi ell— Gardner. Algic of Northwestern America. 'I'll

Urospora incrassata Kjellman.

On rocks in the litoi'al zone. Whidbey Island, Wash. , X. L. (r. , No. 185!


The material seems to Mr. Collins to be of this species.

Urospora Wormskioldii (Merteus) Roseuving-e.

On small stones on exposed coasts. Near Victoi'ia, B. C Tilden, No. 381! ; west shore of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., Nos. 671!, 284!, and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A. No. 915! ; San Jnan Island, Wash., X.L.G,, No. 208!

Mr. Collins expresses the opinion that Miss Tilden's speci- mens are too near the type to be separated under the varietal name VdiiroHro'iaiui as she has done, and that Gardner's San Jnan Island specimens represent a rather slender form.

Chaetomorpha cannabina (Areschong) K.jellman.

Lying- loose or entangled among other alg'a\ in pools, litoral zone. Norton Sound, Alaska, R. C. McGregor, No. 5686! ; west shore of Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, ir.A.*S'. (uk] A. A./.., No. 8244! , and in Collins, Holden and Setchell P. B.-A., No. 916! ; St. Paul, Kadiak Island, Alaska, ]] .A.S. and A.A.L., No. 5141!; Seldovia, Cook Inlet, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 418); Orea, Alaska, W.A.H. and A.A.L., No. 5169!; Annette Island, Alaska, Saxnders (1901, p. 418); Friday Harh(n-. San .Inan Island. Wash., X.L.G., No. 219!

Chaetomorpha duriuscula (Ruprecht) De Toni.

Unalaska, Alaska, BuprecJit (1851, p. 404).

De Toni (1889, p. 277) refers the Conferra duriuscula of Ruprecht to the genus Chaetomorpha with more or less doubt. We have not seen any plants attributed to this, but judging from the description and the association, it is more likely to be some fragmentary material of Cladophora, upon which the species was founded.

Chaetomorpha litorea Harvey.

Sitka, Alaska, Ruprecht (1851. p. 899 nnder C/i. iortuosu var. crassior) .

Harvey (1857, \). 87) refers Ruprecht 's variety crassior of

'2'2'2 Universitij of Calif ornia Publications. (botany

Cli. forfKosa to his own Ch. liforea and this is as far as any information concfrnin^- tlic ])lant fi-oni Sitka is known to ns.

Chaetomorpha tortuosa (I)illwyn) Knetzing.

"Parasitic" on Ch. iii<'la(j<nihiiii . Unalaska, Alaska, RnpyccJil (1851, y). 397, nnder Conferva confcrcicola) .

Harvey (18.')7, \). 88) says that he has received a specimen of the Conferva confervicola Rnprecht from Rnprecht himself and cannot distingnish it from the ijrescnt species. It seems, also, that the Conferva Liinnn of Postels and Rnprecht (1840, p. 22) may belong with it, since they mention that the specimens referred to that species and collected at Sitka, are only half as thick as European specimens of Ch. JJinini (Mueller) Kuetzing Another possibility seems likely to ns, and that is that the speci- mens quoted here maj- also be identical with what Mr. Collins and Kjellman have referred, of North Pacific forms, to Ch. can- II ah ill a. mentioned above.

Chaetomorpha melagonium ( Weber et Mohr) Kuetzing.

In tufts over two feet long. Unalaska and Kadiak Islands, Alaska, BxprecJit (1851, p. 397, under Conferva Melagonium) .

Chaetomorpha melagonium f. typica Kjellman.

In the sublitoral zone. St. Lawrence Island and Port Clar- ence, Alaska, Kjellman (1889, p. 55): St. Paul Island, Alaska, (ir^fhii and Siiodgra.s.s, No. 5785a! (Setchell, 1899, p. 590).

Chaetomorpha melagonium f. rupincola (Areschoug) Kjellman. Yakutat Bav, Alaska. Saiindns (1901. p. 413).

Rhizoclonium riparium f. implexum (Dilhvyn) Rosenvinge. On roots, mud, stones, etc., litoral zone. St. Michael, Alaska, ir.A.N., Nos. 5241!, 5244!; east shore of Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, W.A.S. ami A.A.L., No. 4006!; Yakutat Bay, Alaska, Saniahrs (1901, p. 414): Departure Bay, B.C., Tl'.A.^'. and A.A.L., No. 5210!, and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 976!; Peddler Inlet, Strait of Juan De Fuca, Vancouver Island, B. C, Tilden, No. 379! {under Rh . riparium) ; Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., ^os. 2961, 414! ; San Juan Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 205!

Vol.1] SefcheU-Gardiiet'. Ahf(B of Northwestern America. 223

Rhizoclonium tortuosum Kuetzing.

On other alga? in the middle litoral zone. Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island. Alaska, W.A.S. and A.A.L., No. 5095!; Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G.. Nos. 428!, 670!

Cladophora crispata f. vitrea (Kuetzing) Rabenhorst.

Fresh water. University Boat House, Lake Washington, Seattle, Wash., Tilden, No. 277!

This form is quoted as Miss Tilden has given it. There are no authentic specimens accessible, either to Mr. C'ollins or to ourselves, and the specimens must be left for further study.

Cladophora glomerata (L.) Kuetzing.

Lake Scheveltza. Vancouver Island, B.C., Hdrveij (1862, p. 177).

We have no knowledge of the occurrence of this species in our territory except that conveyed l)y the reference quoted.

Cladophora callicoma Kuetzing.

Attached to floating logs. Lake Washington, Seattle, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 507!, 508!, and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 919!. \] .A.S. and A.A.L.. No. 5212!

A fresh water species, determined by Mr. Collins. Dr. Bornet has written that tlu^ specimen distributed under Collins, Holden and Setchell. P. B.-A., No. 919, seems to him to be C. (/lomerafa t. macrogonyd (Lyngliye) Rabenhorst.

Cladophora cartilaginea (Ruprecht) Harvey.

Unalaska, Alaska, Ruprecht (1851, p. 404 under Conferva cartilaginea) .

Cladophora saxatilis (Ruprecht) DeToni.

On rocks in the lower part of the litoral zone. Near Friday Harbor, San Juan Island, Wash., X.L.G., Nos. 207!, 220!, Tilden, No. 279 ! (under C. arcta) ; Channel Rocks, west of Seattle, Wash., X.L.G., Nos. 355!, 309!, and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 921!; Ludlow Bay, Wash., X.L.G., Nos. 440!, 513!

The determination of the al)ove are all ))y Mr. Collins, who adds that Tilden, No, 375, is not C. saxatilis, probably not even

224 University of Cdlifornia Publications. [botanv

of the same section of tlie <4'einis, ])ut the specimen disti-ihuted is not further determinable.

Cladophora flexuosa (Griffiths) Harvey.

Annette Island, Alaska, S((i(ii(h'rs (liJOl, p. 414).

Cladophora Mertensii (Ruprecht) DeToni.

St. Paul Island, Alaska, SefcJiel I {1889, p. 590?); Sitka, Alaska, h'liprcrhf (1S.')1, ]>. 408. under (^oiifcrni }trrfeiisii) .

Cladophora viminea (Ruprecht) DeToni.

Unalaska and Sitka, Alaska, Ruprecht (1851, \). M)'l, under Conffrra viminea) .

Cladophora glaucescens ((liriffiths.) Harvey.

Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, B. C, Hanu'ij (1S()2. p. 19()).

Cladophora laetevirens (Dillwyn) Kuetzing.

"FueaStrait," Vancouver Island, B. Q.^Harrnj {\m-l, )». 177) .

Cladophora Chamissonis (Ruprecht) DeToni.

"Parasitic" on the walls of Halosaccion or Rhodymenia, Unalaska, Alaska, Ruprecht (LS.ll, p. 408); fli^atino', San Juan Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 282!, and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 920!

Determined by Mr. Collins, who notes that the specimens of (lardner are so like the Ruprecht specimen in Herb. Farlow, that it should be noted separately from C. saratilis which it resembles very closely.

Cladophora arcta (Dillwyn) Kuetzing.

On rocks and Fucus, middle and lower litoral zones. West shore of Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, ir.^.N. and A.A.L., No. 82SS!; Sand Point, Popof Island, Alaska, iSamiders (1901, ]>. 414): Cormorant Rocks, Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, W .A.S. and A.A.L., No. .1188!; St. Paul, Kadiak Island, Alaska, ir..4.N. and A.A.L., No. 5140!; Orca, Alaska, ir..4.(S'. and A.A.L., No. 5181!; Ocean Cape, Yakutat Bay, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 414); Glacier Bay, Alaska, Saunders (1901, }). 414); Ks(|ui)nalt, B. C. and Orcas Island, Wash., Harrei/ (18(i2, )). 176).

Vol. ]j Setchell- Gardner. Alga' of Northivesfern America. 225

Mr. Collins has made all the determinations quoted except, of course, those of Harvey. Harvey's specimens may belong- rather under G. scopceformis or G. saxatilis, since his G. (itrta is of the older and broader conception. Mr. Collins also notes that Miss Tilden's G. arcta (No. 373) can belong to this species only in its very broadest sense, but that the specimens distributed are not good enough to ])e determined with accuracy-.

Cladophora arcta f. conglutinata F. 8. Collins f. nov.

Filaments adhering in drying into pointed tufts; descending rhizoids plentiful. In addition to the regular, erect, blunt branches, there are at the base of the older i)lants some patent lateral branches with acute terminal cells.

On stones and rocks, litoral zone. St. Michael, Alaska, ir..-l..V., No. .525r)x! ; near Dutch Harbor, Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, B. G. McGregor, No. 5693!, W.A.S. and A.A.L., No. 40H()!; Karluk, Kadiak Island, Alaska, ir.A.»S'., Nos. 5068!, 5069!; Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, W.A.^S. and A.A.L., No. 5086!; Esquimalt, B. C, N.L.G., No. 329!; Channel Rocks, west of Seattle, Wash., X.L.G., No. 356!; near Deer Harbor, San Juan Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 202! (battered form) .

The typical G. arda shows a fiabellate or nearly circular outline in the mounted specimen, the individual filaments being quite free. The present form has quite a different habit, the filaments uniting in tufts like a magnified Symploca. The acute lateral branches show a tendency toward G. spinesceiis, l)ut are not regularly curved or circinate as in the latter.

Cladophora arcta f. pulvinata (Foslie) F. S. Collins comb.


On mussels and algw, tide ])ools, ui)per litoral zone. West shore of Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, H'.A.N. and A.A.L., No. 4002!, and m Collins. Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 918! Determined by F. S. Collins.

Cladophora lanosa var. uncialis (Mueller) Thurot.

On rocks, ui)pei- litoi-al zone. San •luaii Island, Wash., Tildf),, No. 372!

226 University of California Pnhlications. [botanv

Mr. Collins, after a study of the specimens quoted, says that the plants are certainly not C. lanosa var. nncialis, being very much coarser, but ai-e in too poor condition for determination.

Cladophora cohaerens (Ruprecht) DeToni.

Ruprecht gives this species as occurring in the North Pacific Ocean, and probably from the Ochotsk Sea. Mr. Collins has examined a Ruprecht specimen and notes that he cannot find any ditferences between this species and C. arcfa of the North Atlantic.

Cladophora Hystrix (Stroemfelt) DeToni.

On Fucus, lower litoral zone. Gonzales Point, Victoria, B. C, Tildeii, No. 374! (under C. arcfa form b.)

Mr. Collins notes that this specimen seems to be Stroemfelt' s Spovgomorpha Hystrix.

Cladophora composita Harvey et Hooker.

Forming dense mats on rocks, litoral zone. Port Renfrew, B.C., TiIdni,^o. 376! (under C. cartilnginea) East Sound, Orcas Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 521!

The determinations are by Mr. Collins, who says of Miss Tilden's specimen that it belongs here and that there are no two species of Cladophoi-a more utterly unlike than C. compns'ita and C. cartihigiiipa.

Cladophora Columbiana F. S. Collins sp. no v.

Forming intricate masses about 3 cm. high, filaments some- what prostrate at the 1)ase, then erect, sparingly dichotomous below, densely- di- or trichotoraously branched towards the fastigiate tips, having occasional solitai'v or secund latei'al branches; tilaments l.lO-ioO f^- diam., cells somewhat ])irifonn, 3-6 fJ- diam., long, usually largest at the i)oint of forking, smallest at the base of the cell above; bi-anches and ramuli as large as the main filaments, terminal cell l»lunt, usually some- what clavate. Color deep, ricli green; cell wall thick, i)ellu('id.

Port Renfrew, B. C, Biifler and Polley!

Related to C. patentiranira (Montague) Kuetzing., hut with larger diameter and shorter cells, and moi'c densely mid fastigi-

Vol.1] Setcliell- Gardner. Alga of XortJuvestern America. 'I'l

11 i

ately branched. Also reseml)liug some forms of <\ iifricidosti Kuetzing, but a smaller plant, more matted in growth, and with cells cj'lindrical to i)iriform, rather than ovoid with constricted nodes. G. densa Harvey is looser in growth, with longer cells and subacute tips.

Cladophora coaiita (Ruprecht) DeToni.

Attached to rocks in the lower litoral zone. West shore of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. Or)!

Mr. Collins writes that this species and the next have been con- fused under the name of the latter. They are, however, certainly distinct forms, and he is inclined to think, distinct species. No. 819, Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., collected at San Francisco, California, by R. E. Gibbs, belongs under the present species and not under the next.

Cladophora scopaeformis (Ruprecht) Harvey.

Attached to rocks exposed to considerable wave action. Kukak Bay, Yakutat Bay, and Sitka, Alaska, Sitinnlers (1901, p. 414): Port Renfrew, B. C, Tiidhr aiuJ PoUey, No. 16; Esqui- malt, B. C, N.L.G., Nos. 323!, 512!, 525!; west shore of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 18!, 122!, 203!, 516!, 517!, and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 922!.

This plant which is the most common species in the region of Puget Sound, is closely related to the preceding and the two dif- fer from the other species in our list, with the exception of (\ spinescens, by having the older parts bound together in rope-like masses by curving and hooked branchlets. C. roalifahsis stouter filaments and shorter cells than C. scopceformis. ^Ir. Collins has supi)lied the determinations and the notes.

Cladophora spinescens Kuetzing.

In spongy masses, on the tips of algge and si)onges, upper- most litoral zone in exposed places. West shore of Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, 11 .A.N'. (iikJ A.A.L.. Xo. 3258!

Determined bv F. S. Collins.

228 University of C<diforni<i Piihlications. ibotasv

Cladophora Alaskana F. S. Collins sp. no v.

Tufts 15-25 cm. high, erect, main filaments about ^^00 p- diam., articulations one-half to one and one-half diam., l)rauches similar, erect, scattered or in secund series of two or moi-e, not tapering, terminal cells blunt, wall thick, striate: In-anches near base of the tuft slenderer, 200-250 /* diam., with thinner walls, not striate, with numerous short, patent or i-ecurved ramuli, scattered or in secund series. Color dark green, becoming whit- ish on exposure.

On rocks, forming a distinct belt at the lower tide limit. St. Paul Island. Alaska, Herl). I). C. Eaton, No. 4! ; west shore of Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, ir..4.iS\ (oid A.A.L., Xos. 8259!. 4000!, 5045a!, aud in C<»llins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-xA.., No. 917!

The slender divaricate lower branches resemble somewhat the interlacing branches in the subgenus Spongomorpha, but they are not clearly differentiated, the two forms of l)ranches in this species passing into each other. The tufts are never densely matted as in Spongomorpha.

Cladophora Hutchinsiae var. distans Kuetzing.

Port Renfrew-, B. C, Butler and Polley, No. 127!

Mr. Collins says of this, that it may be the plant called C. Uetevirens by Harvey in his "List" (1862), but that it is not the plant properly to be placed under that name.

The species of Cladophora are always difficult to determine, and this is especially true of the species of the Pacific Coast of North America. All of our material has been sent to Mr. Collins and besides his special reports on each specimen, he has written the following account of the result of his study of the Ruprecht descriptions, su])plemented by a considerable number of Ruprecht specimens in Herb. Farlow. His report reads as follows:

"Rupi'echt gives nine species, all of the Acrosii)honia-group as follows:

1. ('. coliiiM'ens. 4. ('. viiiiiiie:!. 7. (\ cai'tilii^incii .

-. ('. Chamissonis. .">. C. saxntilis. 8. C seopisformis.

;i. ('. .\rtM'tpiisii. <). ('. (lui'iiiscula. !>. C coalita.

Vol.1] Setcliell- Gardner . Algie of Northivestern America. 229

G. coJuerens according to Ruprecht, represents C. arcta of the Atlantic, and is possibly only a form of the latter. I cannot see any differences, and have simply called the specimens G. arcta. The next four species seem to me to be indistinguishable, either by the authentic specimens or by the descriptions. I have used the name G. mxafilis, both as the first name used, and the one having the fullest description. G. duriuscala is not represented in the herbarium and I do not think that it (uin be made out from the description. G. carfilaginea is a well marked species, but is not among the specimens you have sent me; it is in my collection from Montere.w The last two s])ecies have been confused iinder the name G. scopfefomii.s, ])ut are certainly distinct forms, and [ am inclined to think, distinct species. Both are coarse plants, all the oldei- ])arts matted in rope-like masses by curving and hooked l)ranches. G. coaJiia has stouter filaments and shorter cells. The hooked l)ranches are characteristic of these two species, and seldom if ever found in the other species of this list. These two species have very blunt tipped branches, while the Ruprecht specimens of G. Ghamis.sonis, G. viminea, and G. saxa- tilis, all have the tips acute or acuminate. The nuittedness of the lower i)art of the last three species is not due to hooked branchlets, but to descending rhizoid-like branchlets as in G. arcta. G. polaris Harvey, New Algae of Japan, Proc. Amer. Acad., Vol. 4; p. 334, 1859, is the young state of G. scopa'formi.'^."


Gomontia polyrhiza (Lagerheim) B. & F.

In dead shells. Amaknak Island. Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, W.A.S. and A.A.L., No. 3248! ; Popof Island, Alaska, Samiders (1901, p. 41")); Harvester Island, Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska , ^^ \ A . N . and A.A.L.. No . .') 1 1 0 !


Botrydium granulatum (L.) (in-ville.

This species has l)een seen and collected on (-amano and Whidbey Islands ])y one of us {X.L.dr.) but no s])e('imens were preserved. There is, however, no (loul)t as to its occurrence.

Box. -16.

230 Unit'crsifi/ of Cdliforiiid PuhUrdfionf^. [botany


Bryopsis hypnoides Lamouroux.

Urowiiig oil old wood of floats and piles. Victoria, B. ('.. N.L.G., No. 510!; British Camp, San Juan Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 206!

Determined by F. IS. Collins.

Bryopsis corticulans Setehell.

On rocks at low water mark . Sackman ' s Point , near Tracyton » Kitsap County, Wash., Tilden, No. 371! (under B. plumosa) .

This differs from B. plumosa, in being coarser and less regularly distichous, but the corticating filaments are very nearly wanting. It seems best to refer it to B. corticulans , which may, however, only be an extreme form of B. plumosa. Mr. Collins notes that the specimen in the copy of the American Alga? in Herb. Farlow, seems to be good B. corticulans.


Derbesia vaucheriaeformis (Harvey) J. Agardh.

On a sponge. Yakutat Bay, Alaska, Saunders (1901 , j). 41.1) .

Derbesia marina (Lyngbye) Sober.

In quiet water. Sitka, Alaska, Saunders (1901. p. 415).


Vaucheria sessilis (Vaucher) DC.

On a dripping cliff, Juneau, Alaska, Saunders (1901. i>. 415) ; in a small stream of running water, Seattle, Wash., X.L.G.^ No. 384!

Vaucheria geminata v.ir. racemosa Walz. Seattle, Wasli., X.L.d., No. 6(5S!

Vaucheria hamata (Vaucher) Lyngbye.

On moist ground. Near Green Lake, Seattle. Wash. . X.L.G... No. 36S!

vor,. n Setchell-Gardner . Algic of Xorfhwfsteni America. 2:31

Vaucheria terrestris Lyngbye.

In a ditch. Near the University of Washington, Seattle, Wash., N.L.G., No. 892!

Family CODIACE.5^.

Codium adhaerens (Cabr.) Agardh.

Dredged in a depth of 15 meters, Kadiak Ishmd. Alaska, Sdioiders (1901, p. 416); very sparingly on rocks in the npper snlditoral zone, west shore of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 265!

Codium Ritteri Setchell and Gardner sp. no v. Plate 17.

Fr(nid globose to piriform, 3 cm. high, attached by a distinct stipe-like base, solid, the center composed of a felt-like mass of tine fibres. Onter filaments or utricles, free, l)lnnt, 150-400 /^ in diameter, the older ones usually swollen in the middle, and having the membrane at the tip somewhat thickened at the central point projecting inwards. Zoosporangia unknown.

The type of the species proposed here is a single specimen collected at Berg Bay, in two or three fathoms of water, liy Professor W. E. Ritter, of the University of California, while on the Harriman Exi)edition to Alaska. A second specimen, agTce- ing apparently in habit and structure, but not in the description of its habit, is No. 370 of Miss Tilden's American Algae, collected by her at Port Renfrew, Vancouver Island, B. C, and distributed under the name of Codium (ulha'rcnH.

Codium A'^^/^t/ approaches Ijoth C. Bnrsd (Turner) Agardh and C. mamiUosum Harvey, l)ut is distinct from l>oth. From the former it differs in being solid and in having a more distinct stipital poi'tion, while from the latter it differs in having a more distinct stipital portion and the smallness of the utricles as well as the shape of the utricles. The utricles, in a specimen of Mme. Weber van Bosse, kindly loaned h\ F. S. Collins, are balloon-shaped, and measure from 1 to 2 nnn. in diametei-. From C. adhcerens, C. Riiieri is amply distinct, since it has not the firm jelly uniting the utricles, which is so characteristic of that species. It is to be noted that C. nximillosum is credited to

232 Univpraity of California Puhliealions. [botany

Japan by DeToiii (1895, p. 68), but No. 49 of Okainura's Alg-jT Japonicee Exsiccatae, seems to us to be our ('. Bifferi, tliough labelled C. mamillosirm .

Codium mucronatum f. Californicum .1. Agardh.

On rocks and in tide pools, lower litoral and npper snblitoral zones. 8itka, Alaska, J. G. Agardh (1S86, p. 44), Saunders (1001. ]). 416): San Jnan Har))(»r, Strait of Juan de Fuea, Van- couver Island, B. C, Tihicii. Xo. 2S1 ! . under C. fomenfofiuni; Whidbey Island, Port Townsend. and Ludlow Bay, Wash., X. L.G.I

In all probability arc to be included here, the specimens referred to C. toniPhfosum as follows: Norfolk Sound (Sitka Sound) and Nootka Sound, Posiels and Biiprechf (1840, p. 20); Nootka Sound, Turner (1811, ]). 135, under Furiis fomeniosus) \ Esqmmalt, B. C, Earven (1862, p. 176).

Codium mucronatum f. Novae Zelandiae J. Agardh.

Port Renfrew, B. C, Builer and Polleij, No. 5!

A careful study of C. niucronafinn will probably show a very decided variation in the size and occurrence of the mucrouate tip of the utricle. In the plants included under the preceding form, all studied l)y ns have the typical tip of the f. Californicum. In the plant quoted under the present form, the mucrouate tij) to the utricle is to 1)e found only in the very young i)ortions of the frond. Below, in the older portions, the utricles are more or less swollen at the tip, as in C. Muelleri Kuetzing, and while some of them show a very slight a])iculus, the majority of them do not. The ])lant certaiidy differs from the more usiuil foi-m on the Pacific Coast of North America.


Valonia ovalis (Lyngbye) Agardh.

On rocks exposed to the waves at extreme low water mark. Port Renfrew, B. C, liiitler and Pollei/. No. 26!

This northern representative of a tropical genus was first found on the I'acific Coast of North America by Saunders (1899, p. 2) neai- Pacific (xrove, California. It has also ])een collected

Vol.1] Setchell-Gardner. Algce of Northwestern America. 233

at Point Cypress, near Pacific Grove, by Professor Harold Heath, of Stanford University. In both these localities, as well as in the locality quoted above, it was found growing on a substratum of Litliothanmia.

Family CHARACE.4:.

Nitella acuminata subglomerata A. Braun.

In a fresh water pond, near Prince William Sound, Alaska, launders (1901, p. 416).

Nitella opaca Agardhf

In a f)'esh water pond near Kadiak, Alaska, Sounders (1901, p. 416).

Chara contraria A. Braun.

In ponds and streams near Glacier Bay, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 416).

Chara fragilis Desv.

In a fresh water i)()n(l, Shumagin Islands, Alaska, Saunders (1901, 1). 416).


In this group we liave included all aig* with an additional Itrown coloring matter, even taking in Hydrurus, which does not seem to l^elong auywheiv. In the arrangement of genera and in the adoption of generic names, we have followed Kjellman (1891- 1896) in Engier and Prantl, with some exceptions, particularly in the Laminariaceae. As to species, while DeToni (1895) has been of considerable assistance, it has been necessary to rely chiefly upon the special papers for more light to determine doubt- ful points and to make necessary revisions. In this group much help is to be ol)tained from the papers of Mertens (1829), Postels and Ruprecht (1840), Ruprecht (18-31), and Saunders (1901). We have the pleasure of thanking Mr. Collins for some determi- nations, and for looking over our manuscript and making valu- able suggestions. Professor F. R. Kjellman, of Upsala, Sweden, very kindly examined a series of s])eciniens of the very puzzling

234 University of California ruhlications . [botany

genus Alaria and contrilmted determinaions and notes without which onr account would have been extremely meager.

In this group we tind a mixture of forms of North Atlantic affinities mixed with types of Antarctic affinities. The genera Macrocystis, Nereocystis, Lessonia, Postelsia, Dictyoneuron, and Egregia are most closely related to Laminariaceae of the Ant- arctic Ocean, some species of Chorda, Laminaria, Agarum, Alaria, and Fucus are identical with those of the North Atlantic, while others of the same genera are very closely related to the North Atlantic forms. We have selected the species and genera just mentioned, because they are large and typical. A detailed list would only show the same thing and make the proi)ortions plain. The proportions, however, if taken from such a list as could be cominlcd at ]i resent, would probably not hold as soon as we have a little more complete knowledge than we have at i)res- ent. In the group of the Phaeophyceas, too, we see the mingling of the algal flora of the North Temperate Region and the Lower Boreal Region very plainly. The Antarctic tyjies belong properly with the North Temi)erate, although some of them, notably Nereocystis, extend through the Lowei" Boreal, but are wanting, as we have reason for believing, in the Upper Boreal. The North Atlantic types, on the other hand, are characteristic of the Lower Boreal and are represented in the North Temperate by fewer species or mostly l)y species related to, but not identical with, the species of the North Atlantic. A comparison with the Pha^ophycea^ of \\w northeastern coast of Asia, is not possible, at least with the expectation of satisfactory results. The algal flora of Ochotsk Sea, is very similar to that of Bering Sea, and this Upper Boreal flora reaches to the northern extremity of Japan, but beyond that our present knowledge of the flora of Japan in the Lower Boreal Region is not sufficient to allow any very definite statements to be made. A comparison w^tli the coasts of the United States below Cape Flattery might be made, especially with those included in the North Temperate Region, but it is sufficient to say that many of the species of that flora have already been found in tlie lower limits of the Lower Boreal Region and many more will probably be added when our knowl- edge approximates com]ilcteness.

Vol.1] SetcJiell-Gardner. Alga' of J^'orthivf stern America. 235

Family HYDRURACE.4i].

Hydrurus foetidus (Vill.) Kirelmer.

Ou roeks and stones in cold rapid streams. Near Iliuliuk, Unalaska, Alaska, ^^ .A.S. and A.A.L., No. 5042! ; Knkak Bay, Alaska, Sminde rs {1\)()1, \). 400); Juneau, Alaska, ir.A.*S'. and A. A. L., No. 5189!; Vancouver Island, B. C, Harvey, (1862, p. 177).

This species occurs in several of its forms in each Alaskan locality.


Pylaiella litoralis (L.) KjeUman.

Attached to various algae or woodwoi-k. St. Lawrence Island and Port Clarence, Alaska, KjeJhnan (1889, p. 51) ; Norton Sound, Alaska, B. C. iMcGregor, No. 5678!; "Fnca Strait" and Esqui- malt, B. C Harcei/ (1862, p. 167).

This very varial)le sjjecies has been divided into a number of varieties and forms liy Kuckuck, Kjellman, and other writers. The specimens and references given above are not referable easily under their proper forms and are mentioned here. Below are given such as are more or less readily referred under puljlished varietal and form names. It seems that the following two species are probably to be placed under P. litoralis, also: P. atroviolacea Ruprecht (1851, p. 385) from Sitka and perhaps also from Unalaska, collected by Mertens, mid Uctocarpus Aleuticus Kuetz- iug (bS60, p. 1. ]»]. 2, 1) also collected at Unalaska by Mertens.

Pylaiella litoralis vai-. opposita f. typica Kjellman.

On Fucus, St. Michael, Alaska, Tr.A.»S'., Nos. 5238y!, 5247x!

Pylaiella litoralis var. opposita f. rupincola Kjellman.

On piles or floating logs. Iliuliuk, Unalaska, Alaska, ir.A./S'. <i}al A.A.L., No. 4025!; LaConner, Skagit County, Wash., X.L.G., No. 339!

Pylaiella litoralis var. opposita f. acuta Saunders.

On Fucus, Kukak Bay, but generally abundant from Wrangell, Alaska, to the Aleutian Islands, Saunders (1901, p. 418).

236 (Jniversiiy of California Publications. [botany

It has seemed l)est to place Saunders's form under the variety opposifa, as Saunders leaves it indefinite in this case as lie does in the whole treatment of this species as to whether he recognizes any special grouping of the forms or not. The general grouping of Kuckuck and Kjellman seems to us the most convenient and natural arrangement possible and to be followed as nearly as can be done, with the understanding that a study of the life-history ma}' indicate that many of the forms are rather states of devel- opment. Saunders's description of the form does not seem to indicate much diiference between this and f. rtipinroja Kjellman.

Pylaiella litoralis var. opposita f. rectangulans Kuckuck.

Floating in pools in a salt marsh. Orcas Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 627!

Pylaiella litoralis var. firma (Agardh) Kjellman.

On Fucus. Dutch Harbor, Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, R. G. McGregor, No. 5696! ; Iliuliuk, Unalaska, Alaska, ir.^i.AS. ami A.A.L., No. 3271!; Harvester Island, Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, W.A.^. and A.A.L., No. r)103! ; East Sound, Orcas Island, Wash., ^i.L.G., No. 476!

These forms are all lumped under the variety without attempt to separate them. One or two of them ]U'obably belong to f. fypica Kjellman.

Pylaiella litoralis var. firma f. macrocarpa (Foslie) Kjellman. On Fucus. Victoria. B. C, Saaialns (1901, p. 419).

Pylaiella litoralis var. varia (Kjellman) Kuckuck.

Common on rocks and on Fucus. Shumagin Islands, Yakutat, and Juneau, Alaska, and at Victoria, B. C, S(nin<Jerf< (]9()1, p. 419); Port Renfrew, B. C, Tilden, No. 360!

Pylaiella litoralis var. varia f. densa Saunders.

On Fucus or other alga^ occasionally upon rocks. Shumagin Islands, Prince William Sound, and Sitka, Alaska, and Victoria, B. C Saaiulcrs (1901, p. 439) ; Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, IT.A.N. and .4..4./>.. No. olS.la! ; Saunders's f. (lensa seems to come under tlic var. i'ari<i (Kjellman) Kuckuck.

Vol. 1] l^efchell-Gardner. Alga- of Northwestern America. 237

Ectocarpus terminalis Kuetzing.

Ou stipes of Ahirin fistulosa P. &R. Iliiilink, Unalaska, Alaska, W.A.S. and A.A.L., No. 5044a!

Ectocarpus siliculosus t'. typicus Kjelhnan, eniciul. Kuckuck.

On wood. Juneau, Alaska, H .A.*S. and A.A.Ij., No. olOT!

The specimens referred to the species are very typical and with g'ood plurilocular sporangia. Harvey (1862, p. 167) has noted this species from Esquimalt, B. C, growing on Nereo- cystis.

Ectocarpus confervoides (Roth) LeJolis.

On rocks, etc. Yakutat, Alaska, S'lKiuIers (1901, p. 418); Port Renfrew, B. C, Bntley niid Polle)/, No. 24; near Coupe- ville, Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 261!

These may be forms more or less typical, but the information is not exact in this respect.

Ectocarpus confervoides f. typicus Kjellman.

On Alaria. -luneau, Alaska, ir.A.N. and.4.A./7., No. .1196!

Ectocarpus confervoides f. pygmaeus (Areschoug) Kjellman. On various alga'. Shumagin Islands and Yakutat Bay, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 418).

Ectocarpus confervoides f . acuminatus Collins and Setchell

f. nov.

Habit and plurilocular sporangia of E. pf^iiicilhitHs Agardh, but the branches and branchlets .are acuminate instead of ending in a hair.

On algff', particularly Desmarestia. Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 28r)!, 448! ; Victoria, B. C, X.L.G., No. 317!

The type is No. 285 and seems to be the same as the E. penicillatus of Saunders's Phycological Memoirs (1898, p. 155, pi. 21, f. 3, 4). It differs from E. penicillatus as figured and described by Kuckuck (1891, p. 22, f. 5) in the lack of hairs and in the lack of the pseudodichotomous branching. It is to be distinguished from other forms of E. confervoides by the acumi- nate terminal cells of the branches and liranchlets.

238 Universifij of California Puhlications. [botany

Ectocarpus confervoides f. variabilis Saunders.

On larger alg* and on a chiton. West coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 166!, 426!, 454!, 46.",!

The plants phiced nnder this form are referred here with some doubt and need more study, as does the form itself, to determine its autonomy. Some of the plants make it seem likely that E. rliitinicolns Saunders, and perhaps even E. tinicroiKiitis Saunders, are likely to lie found to belong to the form cycle of E. roiifervoides.

Ectocarpus confervoides f. corticulatus Saunders.

On Desmarestia (iculcafa. Popof Island, Alaska, SaiDuho's (1901, p. 418).

Ectocarpus granulosus (Engl. Bot.) Agardh.

Cast ashore. Near Tracyton, Kitsap County, Wash., Tihhn, No. 359a!

A slender form of this species. Mr. F. S. Collins has exam- ined the specimen in Herb. Farlow and agrees in the determina- tion. No. 359b is referred by him to E. mnrronatns Saunders.

Ectocarpus mucronatus Saunders.

In tide ])ool. Port Renfrew, B. C, TiMen, No. 359b! , under E. (/rdindosiis.

Mr. F. S. Collins has determined this specimen as belonging to this species. It seems to us that the species itself may jjrob- ably be referred to some form of E. confervoides, on further study.

Ectocarpus tomentosus (Hudson) Lyngbye.

On Fucus. Harvester Island, Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, W.A.8. and A.A.L., No. 5104!; Sitka, Alaska, and Victoria, B. C, Saioiders (1901, p. 417).

Ectocarpus oviger Harvey.

On stipes of Nereocystis. Esquimalt. B. C, Havre]! (1862, p. 167).

A species unknown to us, said to be near to K. ffv(nnilost(f< (Engl. Bot.) Agardh.

Vol.1] Setchell-Gardner . Algce of Northwestern America. 239

Ectocarpus cylindricus Saunders.

Oil the shell of a chiton. West coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 466!

Determined l)y DeAlton Saunders.

Streblonema minutissimum Sannders.

"In the branches of Liel)inaiiiiia sp." Sitka, Alaska, kSaiiiiders (1901, p. 416).

Streblonema Pacificum Saunders.

Forming- dark l>rown, circular patches on the sporophylls of Alaria. Yakutat Bay, Alaska, S(iini(]('rs (1901, p. 417).

Streblonema irregulare Saunders.

Forming small brown patches on the bulbs of Nereocystis. Sitka, Alaska, Sduiiders (1901, p. 417).

Phycocoelis Baltica (Reinke) DeToni.

On various alga:'. Sitka, Alaska, Stuniders (1901, p. 416); west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 4r)4!

Placed by Foslie under Mtjyiotienid .


Sphacelaria clrrhosa (Roth) Agardh.

Forming small light olive-green tufts on Fucus. Annette Island, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 419).

Sphacelaria racemosa var. arctica (Kjellman) Reinke.

St. Lawerence Island <ind Port Clarence, Alaska, Kjellman (1889, p. 51); Prince William Sound. Yakutat, and Wrangell, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 419) ; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 245!

Chsetopteris plumosa (Lyngbye) Kuetzing.

Snblitoral zone. St. Lawrence Island and Port Clarence, Alaska, Kjellman (1889, p. 51); Alaska, Harrn/ (1S72, p.46o).

Cladostephus verticillatus (Lightfoot) Agardh.

North Pacific Ocean, Posfpls and BiipreeJit (1840, p. 21).

240 Universiiij of California PnbNcations. [botany


Desmotrichum undulatum (-I.Agardh) Keinke.

On Zosieya imiyiiKi. in ;i ((iiiet cove. Near Seldovia, Cook Inlet, Alaska, Sdiiiidos (1!)()1, ]>. 4]i), nnder Honxi'ostronto Kiuhdafioii.)

This seems more like a narrow Punctaria, since according to both the description and tignre of Saunders the plurilocular sporangia hardly project beyond the surface of the frond.

Punctaria latifolia (Treville.

In quiet waters, tioating or attached to other alga^ P()])of Island, Sitka, and Annette Island, Alaska, SdioHlers (1901, p. 420, nndev HonKfosfrotiia httifolliou) ; Penn's Cove, near Coupe- ville, VVhidbey Island. Wash., X.L.O., No. 190!

Homo'ostronHt loJxiium Saunders, from Sitka and Prince William Sound, Alaska, seems from description and figure to be a form of this species or the next with much lobed margins. It reminds us of PhyeoJapatluim criapatum Kuetzing (1856, p. 10, pi. 49, f. I).

No. 190, N.L.Ci., may be a distinct form, since it reaches a diameter of over a meter and seems to increase, in its floating state, indefinitely, in a way similar to that of Ulv(t Luctiica var. lafissimri.

Punctaria plantaginea (Roth) (Ireville.

On ex])osed rocks. Port Clarence, Alaska, KjclhiHiii (1889, p. .■")()); Yakutat Bay. Alaska, SmnuUrs (1901, p. 420).

Coilodesme bulligera Stroemfelt.

On rocks and stones, in quiet coves, in the lower litoral zone. Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, H^A.*S\ (iikJ A .A .L., Nos. 3285! , 4081 ! , and in Collins, Holden and Setchell. P. B.-A.. No. 928b!; Shumagin Islands, Kukak Bay, Prince William Sound, Yakutat Bay, and Wrangell, Alaska. SdinuJcrs (1901. p. 422) , and in Collins, Holden and Setchell. P. B.-A.. No. 92;5a! ; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.d., No. 201!

It is very interesting to note the common occurrence of this species in the Northern Pacific Ocean, at least so far as the North American Coast is concerned, since before the collections

Vol. ij SSetcJiell- Gardner. Alga^ of North western America. 241

noted (made in the .year 1899) it was unknown, except from the Arctic coasts of Norway, Iceland and Greenhmd.

Coilodesme Californica (Rnprecht) Kjelhnan.

Epiphytic on Cystoplnjllum geminatnm. Yakutat Bay, Wran- gell, and Annette Island, Alaska, Staoulers (1901, p. 422); Port Renfrew, B. C, Butler and Pol ley; Esquimalt, B. C, IV.A.aS'., No. 1874!; Victoria, B.C., Sannders (1901, p. 422); west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 679! ; Friday Harbor, San -luan Island, Wash., Tilden, No. 3.'34!

Coilodesme Cystoseirae (Kuprccht) Setchell and Gardner comb. nov.

AsperocorrHs ('i/.sfosf'iro' Rnprecht, Tange Och., \). 'Mi), LS.")!.

CoilodeHtne linearis Sannders, Alaskan Alga?, p. 421, pi. 48, 1901, and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 824, 1901.

On Ci/stoplii/lhini </eHiiii((finu. Popof Island and Knkak Bay, Alaska, S((iinders (1901, p. 421) and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 824!; Yakutat Bay, Alaska, Ker. Alhin Johnson, No. r)698!

Ruprecht's description of this species is very explicit, not only of the habit and habitat, but also of the microscopic struc- ture, so that there can l)e no doubt as to the identity of the two sets of plants. From Ruprecht's account it seems to be abun- dant in the Ochotsk Sea. While the extreme forms of these two species on Cystophyllum are amply distinct, there are narrower forms of C. Californica, ai)proaching to some extent the more robust C. Cystoseine, so that it does not seem impossible that the latter may be only a pronounced geograpliical variety of the former.

Myelophycus intestinalis Saunders.

Attached to rocks in the more quiet waters in the lower litoral and upper sul)litoral zones. Near Iliuliuk, Unalaska, Alaska, ^V.A.S. and A.A.L., Nos. 3287!, 4019!; Popof Island, Alaska, SatoaJers (1901, i). 420) and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 872!; Yakutat Bay, (ilacier Bay, and Sitka, Alaska, Haunders (1901, ]). 420); Fairhaven and Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 188!, 215!

242 University of Californid PiiJilicaiions. ibotanv

While this species seems to be a Mt/flojiJii/rns in Kjelhiian's sense, j'et it seems to us that the whole ((uestion of the relation of this genus to A txilipns and to Cltordarid is very unsatisfactory as yet. Younger plants of this species are needed for study in this connection, so that the region or regions of gi-owth may be more definitely established. Further discussion will be found under Chordaria and Analipus.

Colpomenia sinuosa (Roth) Derbes et Sober.

Growing on other algff', in the lower litoral zone. Prince William Sound and Yakutat Bay, Alaska, Sdunders (1901. p. 421); Port Renfrew, B.C., Tildni, No. .122!, Buihr a„<1 Pollfy, No. 111!

The specimens included here are evidently the thinner forms, or maybe even states due to age, which Saunders has considered the typical form. While we cannot refer to the type to settle the question, we believe that the thinner forms, whether single and more regular in shape (C sinuosa Saunders, 1896, ]). 164, pi. 82. f. 7, 8) or the aggregate expanded forms {C. sinuosa f^.rpansa Saunders, 1898, p. 164, pi. 32, f. 4-6) are merely younger plants which become thicker and darker broAvn as they become older,

Colpomenia sinuosa f. tuberculata (Saunders) Setchell and

Gardner comb, no v.

C. iuherctihifa Saunders, Phycological Memoirs, p. 164, pi. 32, f. 1-3. 1898.

On other algff- in the lower litoral zone. Northeast shore of Captains Bay, Unalaska, Alaska, ir.A.»S'. and A.A.L., No. 4090! ; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash.. ^.L.(i., No. 106!

This plant, as it seems to us from a study not only of material from the northwest coast, but also from a study of Californian specimens, is only a somewhat thicker, more or less distorted form of C. siiiKosa, and we feel that all the autonomy necessary is indicated ])y a different form-name.

Colpomenia sinuosa t. deformans Setchell and Gardner

nom. iiov. Plate 18.

Scytosiphon hullosus Saunders, Phycological Memoirs, p. 163, 1)1. 31, f. 1-7, 1898.

v^oL. 1] Setchell- Gardner. AJgcB of Northwestern Americn. 243

On rocks in the lower litoral zone. Seldovia, Cook Inlet, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 421) and in Tilden, Amerieau Alga?, No. 351b!; Sitka, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 421): all nnder Scijtosipli on b k llosus .

A careful comparison of the specimens of this species of Saunders as to the specimens distributed and as to the plants in the type locality at Pacific Grove, California, has convinced us that everj^ stage can be found, sometimes even in the same bunch of plants, from typical C. sinuosa, as Saunders regards it, to typical ScytosipJion bullosns as Saunders has figured and dis- tributed it. The series of figures (pi. 18, f. 13-15) drawn from Calif oruian material, shows how the lolies of this form take on various shapes, and when we have one or more long finger- shaped lobes far exceeding the others, then, we have a plant ai^proximating very nearly, at least, to the type of ScytosipJion hidlosus. A similar form is described below under Soranthera ulvoidea P. & R.

Scytosiphon lomentarius (Lyngbye) J. Agardh.

On rocks and stones in the litoral zone. Distributed along the whole western coast of North America: Port Clarence, Alaska, Kjellman (1889, p. 50) ; St. Paul Island, Alaska, Greeley and Snodgrass, No. 5808! (Setchell, 1889, p. 591): west shore of Amaknak Island. Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, ir.A.^S'. and A.A.L.. No. 3282! ; Unalaska, Alaska, Postels and Euprecht (1840, p. 19, under Chorda fit nm var. fistulosa) \ Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, TU.A.^S. and A.A.L., No. 5087! ; Shumagin Islands, Kukak Bay, Yakutat Bay, Glacier Bay, Sitka, and Annette Island, Alaska, Saunders {I'dOl, p. 421): Port Renfrew, B. C, Tilden. No. 347b!, under Chordaria attenuata; San Juan Island, Wash., Tilden, No. 347a!, under Chordaria attenuata; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 100!; Friday Harbor, San Juan Island. Wash., Tilden, No. 246!

Scytosiphon lomentarius f. complanatus Rosenvinge.

(ilacier Bay and Juneau, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 421).

Phyllitis fascia (Mueller) Knetzing.

On stones in the lower litoral zone. Iliuliuk, Unalaska, Alaska, ir..4./S'. and A.A.L.. No. 401G! ; Uvak Bav, Kadiak

244 Universitij of Cdlifornia Publications. [botany

Island. Alaska, \V.A.8. and A.A.L., Nos. 5075!, 5098! ; Kukak Bay, Cook Inlet, Yakutat Bay, Glacier Bay, and Annette Island, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 421); Esqnimalt, B. C, Harvey (1862, p. 167); west coast of Wliidbey Island, Wash., JS.L.G., No. 200!

Soranthera ulvoidea P. & R.

On OdoiifJialia jioccosa and RJiodoniela Larix, in the lower litoral zone. Yakntat Bay, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 422); Sitka, Alaska, Post els and RiiprecJif (1840, i). 19); Wrangell, Alaska, and Victoria, B. C, Saunders (1901. )). 422); Port Renfrew, B. C, Butler and Policy, No. 104.

The plants noted here areknown to us only from the refer- ences and are placed nnder the species without comment. The ])lants examined are g'ronped under two forms as given below.

Soranthera ulvoidea f. typica Setchell and Gardner nom. nov.

Habitat same as preceding. West coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 107!; Friday Harbor, San Juan Island. Wash., Tilde n, No. 245!

The typical form of this species as described by Postels and Kuprecht is nearly regular in outline, either oval ellipsoidal, or very nearly globular. This is the plant figured by Kjellman (1889, ])1. 7, f. 4, 5) and also, less typically, by Saunders (1898, pi. 29, f. 4, 5) and distributed by the latter in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 417. The two specimens noted above also belong to the type as it seems tons. The more common northern form is the following.

Soranthera ulvoidea f. difformis Setchell and Gardner f. nov.

Frond variously and deeply lol»ed, sometimes very irreg- ularly so.

On same hosts as the two preceding. East shore of Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, ir.A.iS. and A. A. L., No. 3276! ; near Iliuliuk, Unalaska, Alaska, ir.A.N. and A.A.L., No. 4073! ; Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, ir.A.*S'. and A.A.L., No. 5081!- St. Paul, Kadiak Island, Alaska, W.A.S. and A.A.L., No. 5145!; Yakutat Bay, Alaska, Rei:. Alhin Johnson I

This foi'ui seems to iM'cfer imi)ure water, either brackisli or muddv.

Vol.]) SpfrJipJl-Gardner. Algfc of XorfJiiresferv America. 245


Phloeospora tortilis (Turner) Aresclioiig.

On stones, in quiet and somewhat brackish water. Goh>fniu Bay, Alaska, E. C. McGregor, Nos. 5668!, 5676!; lagoon near Summer Bay, Uualaska, Alaska, Tr.A.^S. and A. A. L., No. 4069! , in Collins, Holdeu and Setchell, No. 987!, under iitictyo siphon tortilis.

No. 5676 has excellent sporangia, the other numbers are largely sterile.

Phloeospora subarticulata Areschoug.

Poi't Clarence, Alaska, Kjellman (1889, p. 50).

By some authors, this species is not considered distinct from the ])receding.

Striaria attenuata (Agardh) Greville.

Oreas Island, Wash., and Vancouver, B. C, Harvey (1862, p. 167).

The reference quoted above is the only reason known to us for including this species in our account.


Desmarestia viridis (Mueller) Lamouroux.

On stones in the upper sublitoral region. Captains Bay, Unalaska, Alaska, A.A.L., No. 5015!; Prince William Sound and Glacier Bay, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 422); Esquimalt, B. C, Harvey (1862, p. 164).

The occurrence of this species in our territory is not altogether satisfactorily known to us. No. 5015 seems to l^e this species rather than I), aculeata f. iitedia (Agardh) J. Agardh, which it resembles in its older states. This resemblance and lack of careful study of the two forms, makes it uncertain at times, to which species the references refer. Saunders says that it is not uncommon, but less abundant than I). acideata. 1). viridis f. major P. & R. (1840, ]). VS) seems from the description to be a form of the following species. It was collected at Unalaska.


246 Universiiij of California pKhlicafiona. [hotany

Desmarestia aculeata (Ij.) Lamomoux.

Floating, or attaclicd to stones in the iii»i)t'r siiblitoral zoiic. St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, Kjelliiion (ISS!), p. .")()); St. Panl Island, Alaska. (Jrcrhi/ dm! Snodgnissl . (Seteliell IS!)!). ]). .l!)]) : Kyska Island, Alaska, TotrtisctuI . No. r)774! : nt^ar Ilinlink. I'n- alaska, Alaska. ir..l .S. <tnd A.A.L., Nos. 4086! , 406.')! ; Slininagin Islands, Alaska, SidouJos (1!)01, j). 42"J); Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, IT. A.N. and A.A.L., No. r)i;}6a! : Knkak Bay, Yakutat Bay, Sitka, and Wrangell, Alaska, and Victoria, B. C, Saunders (1!)01, p. 422) ; Esqnimalt, B. C, Harvey (1862, p. 164. in 8-10 fathoms of water) ; Pnget Sonnd, Bailci/ and Harvey (1862, p. 160): Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 118!; North Bay, San J nan Island, Wash.. Tilden. No. 352!

The specimens from the localities mentioned above, are all, or at least as far as the specimens examined are concerned, of the typical form or very near it. Some of them are rather broad, but, unless we subdivide the species under several forms, they are to be inchided here and not at all under the following form which is decidedly distinct.

Desmarestia aculeata f. media (Agardh) J. Ag-ardh.

Floating, probably coming from the sublitoral zone, where it grows on shells and rocks. Captains Bay, Unalaska, Alaska, ]\ .A.S. an<IA.A.L.,^o. 4087! ; Unalaska, Alaska, Aqardh.i 1821, pi. 16, under SporocIniHs intdiiis) . rost(ls inul Rnjn-i rlit (1840. p. 18, under />. iuiniiK dia) , h'liprecht {\S~)\ , ]). o~'}. luuh'v Sj)i n ii hi ria media): Tuga, Alaska. -/. />. Dmniinyl \ Douglas, Alaska, Eldred Jnuu^l: Sitka, Alaska, Ida M. Rodgns. No. 5728!; Minnesota Reef, San -luan Island. Wash.. Tild<ii. No. 853!, under />. riridis.

The plants considered under this form are so distinct from the oi'dinai'v typical />. (iciilrafa, that we are sorely tem})ted to restore them to specific rank. They lack the tiattened chai-acter of the fronds of the ty})e, the stem and branches being nearly, if not quite, terete. The opposite branches give this form the appearance of />. riridis, but the substance is much more carti- laginous than in that species and the s]unes of />. aculeata are present, although not nearly so ])roiiounced as in that species.

Vol.1] Sefchell-Gardner . Algcc of Northive stern America. 247

(^ross sections of the larger branches show a structure inter- mediate between that of the two species mentioned. The 1). intermedia P. & R. seems to be made up of this form as Agardh pictures it and other forms of 1). (intleata. Postels and Ruprecht (1840, p. 18) mention a variety teretifoUd as occuring- at Sitka and another variety, fuscescens, as occurring on the Ahiskan Peninsuhi. The former seems likely to be the same as our i)lant, but the latter is less likely to be placed here ; probably to be placed rather with the type of T). aculeata. Kuetzing's figures (1859, pi. 96) of 7). intermedia are evidently not of this form, nor is the D. nil-did of the same author (loc. cit., pi. 95), but the I), hijhrida (loc. cit., pi. 9.')) may possibly be. The f. media certainly needs more study and particularly the young plants, none of which are available to us.

Desmarestia ligulata (Lightfoot) Lamouroux.

In ten fathoms of water. Burrard's Inlet, B. C, Havcey (1862, p. 164).

Harvej^ says that the type and var. herhacea were found in the same locality. Very few, if any, of the plants which we have been able to examine correspond to the slender form from Euro- pean localities which may more properly stand for the type, l)ut are to be counted under the following form. The variation of width in this species and the distinctness of the veining, is very great, at least as far as the plants of the Pacific Coast of North America are concerned.

Desmarestia ligulata f. herhacea (Turner) J. Agardh.

Northwest coast of North America, Turner (1809, p. 77, ])1. 99, under Fucus Jierhaceiis) Norfolk Sound (near Sitka), Ahiska, Postels and Ruprecht (1840, p. 18. under Desmia herhacea) ; Bur- rard Inlet, B. C, Harcey (1862, p. 164); Oak Bay, Victoria, B. C, Tilden, No. 244!; Port Renfrew, B. C, Butler and Polley, No. 7; westcoast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 85!, 120!

This form is plentiful in the region of Puget Sound, but is ap- parently rarer to the northward. It varies very much in width. One of us (W.A.S.) has noted it at Esquimalt, B. C, cast ashore in fragments several meters long and full 30 centimeters wide.

248 University of California Puhlications. [Botany

These plants are the widest we have ever seen or found men- tioned. Tliis form grows in abundance on the coast of Central California, but while reaching a considerable width, the ])lants are seldom over 8 or 10 centimeters wide.


Dictyosiphon hippuroides (Lyngbye) Kuetzing.

On rocks, lower litoral zone. St. Paul Island, Alaska, Greeleii and 8nodgrass\ (Setchell, 1889, p. ")9]); near Iliuliuk, Unalaska, Alaska, T^^^l.N. and A. A.L.I

Dictyosiphon foeniculaceus (Hudson) (4reville.

On stones, middle and lower litoral zone. Alaska, Harvey, (1872, p. 463) ; west shore of Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, W.A.8. and A. A. L., No. 3275! ; Unga, Alaska, A.A.L., No. 5049! ; Shumagin Islands, Alaska, Sanndns, (1901, p. 422); Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, ir.A.N. and A.A.L., No. 5091! ; Prince William Sound, Alaska, i^aimders, (1901, p. 422) ; Orca, Alaska, W.A.8. and A.A.L., No. 5163!; Glacier Bay, Juneau, Wrangell, and Annette Island, Alaska, Saunders, (1901, p. 422).

Dictyosiphon fceniculaceus f. Americanus Collins. Golofnin Bay, Alaska, R. C. McGregor, No. 5670!

Dictyosiphon Chordaria f. gelatinosa Stroemfelt.

On rocks or mud, in the middle and lower litoral zone. Dutch Harbor, Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, A.A.L., No. 5008!; Friday Harbor, San Juan Island. Wash., X.L.G., No. 212!


Elachista lubrica Kuprecht.

On Rhodynienia palinaia in the litoral zone. Prince William Sound, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 423); Orca, Alaska, ir.A.N. and A.A.L., No. 5156!; Yakutat Bay, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 423), :iud in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 828! , Ber. .\lhin riohnson. No. 5717! ; Glacier Bay and Wrangell, Alaska, Saunders {\'^m , p. 423).

Vol. ij Sefchell-Gardner. Algce of Norihwestern America. 24!)

Elachista fucicola (Velley) Arescliong-.

On Fiiciis vesiculosus. Sitka, Alaska RuprfcJif, (IS.')!, p. 389).

The only reference is that of Ruprecht, who says in connec- tion with E. Iiihricd : "Ans dem nordlichen stillen Ocean ist niir von dieser Gattung bisher nur E. fucirohi Arfsch. auf HaJhJnjs ('PsintIos(( von Sitcha bekannt."


Myrionema strangulans Greville.

On various membranous alga^. On blades of Nereocystis, Cormorant Rocks, Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, W.A.iS. and A. A. L., No. 5131! , in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 924!, under M. I'ulgare; on Ulva, Sitka, Alaska, Saioiders (1901, p. 423); on Red op Jiy I Ik hi .sessile, Victoria, B. C, Tilden, No. 356! under PJii/cora'lis fecioida; on Nereocystis, west shore of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 546!; on Ulva, East Sound, Orcas Island. Wash.. X.L G., No. .529a!

Eudesme virescens (Carmichael) J. Agardh.

Not uncommon on rocks and eel grass in the litoral and sublitoral zones. Shumagin Islands, Prince William Sound, Glacier Bay, and Sitka, Alaska, Sdiiiiders (1901, p. 423).

Castagnea divaricata (Agardh) J. Agardh.

On mud flat, lower litoral zone. East Sound, Orcas Island, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 483!, 566!

The habit and structure resemble very strongly those of this species as it occurs on the coast of New England, but the para- physes have fewer cells. They do have, however, the much swollen end cell characteristic of this species.

Leathesia difformis (L.) Areschoug.

On algte of various kinds and on rocks, in the litoral zone. Iliuliuk, Unalaska, Alaska, M".A.*S'. and A.A.L.l; Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, ir.A.iS. and A.A.L., No. 5080! ; Yakutat Bay, Sitka, Wrangell, and Annette Island, Alaska, and Victoria,

250 University of California Publications. (botany

B. C, Sainidrrs (1901, p. 42:0; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 284!; Tracy ton, Kitsap County, Wash, TihJcu, No. 243!, I)nt the last specimen is so poor that it is scarcely determinable.

Mesogloia simplex Saunders.

On worn plants of (liordaria ahiefiiKi Ruprecht. Sitka, Alaska, Saunders (1001, p. 423) ; (ionzales Point, Victoria, B. C, Til(le», No. 348 (fide Saunders, 1901. \). 424); Port Kenfrew, B. C, Butler and Pollen, No. 9!

This curious si)ecies needs farther study. We have seen only one specimen, communicated to us by Mr. Collins.

Mesogloia Anderson!! Farlow.

On rocks in the lower litoral or upper sublitoral zone. Port Renfrew, B. C, Butler and Polleij, Nos. 12 and 41; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 116!, 116A!, 468! and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 925! ; San Juan Island, Wash., Tilden. No. 349! , under Chorda ria flagelUformis.

The plants of this species l)ecome very gelatinous very soon after they are taken from the water. Miss Tilden 's plant has been referred here by Farlow and represents the typical structure of this species, Init in our copy of the American Alga^ the habit is dwarfed and somewhat less regularly pinnate than in the more typical specimens. Saunder's '^^ Liehnaninia .s/;." (1901, p. 424, pi. 49) seems to us to belong to this species. His habit- figure resembles the habit of Miss Tilden's ])lant. while the stru(^tare agrees very well with that of the type. It was collected at Sitka, Alaska.

Chordaria flagelliformis f. typica Kjelbnan.

On rocks, u))per sublitoral zt>ne. St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, Kjellman (1889, ]>. 48); St. Paul Island, Alaska, Greeley a )id Snodgrass, Nos. 5797! , 5798! ; near Iliuliuk, Unalaska, Alaska, W.A.S. and A.A.L., Nos. 4027!, 5012! ; Unga, Alaska, A.A.L., Nos. 5048!, 5049!; Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, W.A.S. and A.A.L., Nos. 5101!, 5082!; Yakutat Bay, Alaska, Saunders (1901, )). 424), Rer. Alhin Johnson, No. 5715! ; Glacier Bay and Sitka, Alaska, Saunders (1901. p. 424).

Vol.. ij Seichell-Oardner . Alga> of Norihwe stern America. 251

All the plants mentioued a])Ove which have been seen by ns belong to this form, the only difference between them being in thickness. Some are very much more robust than others. For some unexplained reason this species seems to be restricted, on our coast, to the shores of Alaska, while on the eastern coast of North America it descends into very much warmer waters.

Chordaria flagelliformis f. ramusculifera Kjellman.

In the sublitoral zone. St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, Kjellman (1889, p. 48).

This form is near to, if not identical with, 6'. flagelliformis f . (I e II so Farlow.

Chordaria flagelliformis f. Chordaeformis Kjellman.

Upper sublitoral zone. Konyam Bay, Siberia, Kjellmati (1889, p. 48).

Although this form does not quite enter our limits, it is mentioned here since the species mentioned above as Myelophijcus infestinalis Saunders seems to come very near to it. The rela- tionship at present seeming to exist between Chordaria, Myelo- phycus, and Analipus certainly needs more careful consideration and study, as will be emphasized farther under the next species.

Chordaria abietina Ruprecht. Plate 18.

On rocks, at or just below low water mark. Dutch Harbor, Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, B. G. McGregor, No. 5692 ! ; near Ilinliuk, Unalaska, Alaska, TU.^ .aS'. and A.A.L., No. 4058!; Shumagin Islands, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 424); Cormorant Rocks, Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, W.A.8. and A.A.L., No. 5132!; Prince William Sound and Sitka, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 424) ; Victoria, B.C., Tilden, No. 348! ; Port Renfrew, B. C, Butler and Pollei/, No. 43! ; Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 31!

This species is probably not uncommon on the western coast of North America from just above Point Conception, California, to Unalaska, and even f)n to the Asiatic shores. The description must be amended in one important respect, and that is as regards the base. The base is not made up of a crust formed by the overlapping disks of a group of plants, but there is a distinct,

252 University of California Puhlicafions. [botant

horizontal, lobed and parencliymatons tlialliis, from which many plants arise. The details are well shown in the series of fig'ures of tliis species on plate 18. The figures are draw^n from speci- mens from near Pacific Grove, California, where one of us had the op])ortnnity of studying a very complete series of stages of growth. But evidence that these plants are not exceptional in this respect lias been obtained elsewhere in California and on the Alaskan Coast. The existence of a similar horizontal thallus in Chordaria jiageUiformis is suspected by us, at least in a moi-e or less reduced state (cf., e.g., No. 482, P. B.-A., C. flagelliforniis f . densa Farlow) and likewise in Myelophycus ccespitosiis Kjellman, (according toKjellman's figure, 1893, f. 1, and Okamura's speci- men, 1899, No. 44). The horizontal thallus of Analipiis fiisi- formis Kjellman seems very similar to that of (\ (ihiffiini.

Analipus fusiformis Kjelhnan.

In the lower litoral zone, on rocks. St. Paul Island, Alaska, Greeley and Snodgrass, No. 579.5! , Townsend, No. 5782! (Setcliell, 1899, p. 591).

The plants included under the jn-esent species seem to agree with the description and figures of Kjellman' s i)lant from Bering Island on the other side of the Bering Sea. The basal portion is not very conspicuous, but is as marked as in the type. Kjellman has placed this genus with Ca'pidinm J. Agardh in a special section of the family Chordariaceae on account of the possession of a horizontal thalhis, but, as shown above, this character is found also in Vhordaria ahietina and perhaps in other species as well as in Myelophycus copspitosus Kjellman.


Carpomitra Cabrerae (Clem.) Kuetzing.

"Fuca Strait," B. C, Harcey (1862, p. 164).

Harvey says that Dr. Lyall collected a single specimen of this species in fruit, which agrees well with British specimens. It seems strange that none of the collectors in this region have seen it since.

Vol.1] S<4cli ell- Gardner. Algce of Northwestern America. 25y

Family. RALFSIACE.^i].

Ralfsia verrucosa (Areschoug) J. Agardb.

Ou stones in tlie middle and lower litoral zones. Ilinlink, Unalaska, Alaska, ]r..4.*V. and A.A.L.. No. 4011!; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 192!

Both the plants placed under this species are sterile, Init they seem otherwise to belong with this species rather than under either of the following.

Ralfsia deusta (Agardh) J. Agardh.

On rocks and stones middle and lower litoral zones. St. Lawrence Islaud and Port Clarence, Alaska, Kjelhnan (1889, p. 47); near Iliuliuk, Unalaska, x\laska, ir.A.N. and A.A.L., No. 40.")9! (sterile), Postels and RuprecM (1840, p. 20, under Padina deusta); Kukak Bay, Orca, and Sitka, Alaska, Saunders (1901. p. 424).

Ralfsia clavata (Carmichael) Farlow.

On small stones in the middle litoral zone. Iliuliuk, I^nalaska, Alaska , W. A.S. and A.A.L.^^o. 401 2 !

The specimens noted here have fine unilocular sporangia and seem to agree well with this species.


Lithoderma fatiscens Areschoug.

On stones in the lower litoral and upper sublitoral zones. Port Clarence, Alaska, Kjellnian (1889, p. 49) ; Iliuliuk, Unalaska, Alaska, W.A.8. and A.A.IA

The specimens are all sterile but the determination seems safe.

Lithoderma lignicola Kjelhnan?

On piles in the litoral zone. St. Michael, Alaska. TU.A.N., No. 5245x!

The specimens referred here are sterile, but they agree fairly well with Kjellman's description and figures (1883, p. 256. pi, 26. f. 8-11).

2.'34 University of California Publications. ibotany


Chorda filum (L.) Lamoiiroux.

On stones in the upper sublitoral zone. Safety Harbor, near Cape Nome, Alaska, Newliall and Rhodes, No. 5790! ; Golofnin Bay, Alaska, B. C. McGregor, No. oGGO!; St. Michael, Alaska, Herb. D. C. Eaton, No. 11!; Popof Island and Prinee William Sound, Alaska, Saianlers (1901, p. 424); Sitka, Alaska, Postels and Ruprecht (l<y40, p. 19, under G. filum var. coriacea) ; Strait of Juan de Fuca, B. C, MacMillan (1902, p. 219).

This species, which is commou on the coasts of northern and northwestern Europe aud the northeastern coasts of North America, is not abundant at any locality in our territory, so far as our present information is concerned. Rupreeht (1851, p. 368) says that it is probably plentiful in the Ochotsk Sea. Harvey (1872. p. 4G3) reports it from Alaska without sj^eeific locality. The locality farthest south is the one reported l)y Professor Conway MacMillan in the neighborhood of Puget Sound, but it is not at all plentiful.

Saccorhiza dermatodea (De la Pylaie) J. Agardh.

Although this species has been mentioned several times by the older writers, under the name of Laminaria dermatodea, there seems to he little doul)t, but that some species of digitate Laminaria has lieen confounded with it in every case. It seems doubtful whether Harvey's Laminaria dermatodea (1862, p. 166) from the Strait of Juan de Fuca and from Esquimalt, B. C, can really l)e this species. J. G. Agardh refers Harvey's plant (1867, p. 18) to his L. fissilis.

Laminaria Bongardiana P. & R.

Saunders (1901, p. 429) says of this species, that it is abundant from Sitka to the Shumagin Islands, and gives as special locali- ties, Kukak Bay, Prince William Sound, and Sitka. He does not separate the species into forms as Areschoug and Kjellman have done, and as we have attempted to do below. As we under- stand L. Bongardiana, it is a species with the hal)it and color of Ij. digitata, but with a circle of mucilage ducts in the outer cortex of the stipe, aud with mucilage ducts in the blade just under the outer layers of cells.

Vol.1] Set ch ell- Gardner. Alqm of Northwestern America. 255

Laminaria Bongardiana f. elliptica Kjellman.

Oil rocks, oil exposed coasts, at low water mark. West shore of Amakuak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, W.A.S. and A.A.L., No. 3245! , ill Collins, HoldenandSetcliell, P. B.-A., No. xxvm! ; Orca, Alaska, W.A.S. and A.A.L., No. 5155!; Yakutat Bay, Alaska, Rev. Alh'ni John sou ! ; Sitka, Alaska, ir..4 ./S'. and A. A .L., No. 5203!

Kjellman lias substituted this form name for Areschong's form name normalis, and it has seemed best to follow him in it. Areschong's plant probably came from Sitka (cf. Aresehoug, 1883, p. 5). It is ])rol)ably, also, the pahnaia-iuvm of Postels and Rnprecht (1840, p. 10) from Kamtschatka

Laminaria Bongardiana f. oblonga Setchell and Gardner f. nov.

Differs from the preceding form in the narrower and undivided or only slightly divided blade, and from the f. ticniata in the obtuse or even slightly cordate base.

On timl)ers of a float. Sitka, Alaska, ir.A.N. and A.A.L., No. 5202a!

Laminaria Bongardiana f. bifurcata P. & R.

With the /. elliptica, when found growing. Near Iliuliuk, Alaska, ir. A.S. ! (specimen not preserved); floating, Unga, Alaska, A.A.L., No. 5061a!

This is only a case of regeneration after an unusually deep split passing down from the blade into the stipe.

Laminaria Bongardiana f. taeniata (P. & R.) Kjellman.

With the f. elliptica, on rocks exposed to the waves, forming a fringe at low water mark. West shore of Ainaknak Island, Unalaska, Alaska. W.A.S. and A. A. L., No. 3245a!

This is simply a narrow', more or less undivided form with sharply euneate base.

Laminaria Andersonii Farlow.

On rocks in the upper portion of the sublitoral zone. West coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 110a!, 275!

This species may be told from the other digitate species of our territory by the position of the circle of mucilage ducts which are

250 University of California Puhlicaiions . [botanv

in tlie inner cortex, one-tliird to oue-half way between the i)er- iphery and the medulla. No. 275 is a plant referred to Eisenia arhorea by Saunders, a specdes not seen by us north of the central coast of California.

Laminaria Ruprechti (Areschoug) DeToni.

Sitka, Alaska, Eiiprecht, (fide Areschoug, 188.'J, p. 4j.

The proposer of this species had only a single specimen, and as far as we know, there have been no others found, or at least, identilied. In looking over the description, we feel that it may be that L. Ruprechti is the same as our L. l)uUat<t f. cidieata, ])ut since we have no opportunity of consulting the type-specimen, we must leave the disposition of our forms as given.

Laminaria fissilis J. Agardh.

This species evidently was founded on the L. digitata f . parfita Postels and Ruprecht (1840, p. 10), a Kamtschatkan plant. The proposer says also that it includes the L. deriuatodea of Harvey's List. From this, it appears that it occurs also <>ii the shores of Vancouver Island at the Strait of Juan de Fuca. There seems to be some difference of opinion as to the occurence of mucilage ducts in the stipe. Kjellman says (1883, p. 236) that the stipe lacks these structures, while Rosenvinge (1894, p. 88) says that they are usually present in one or two circles. We have never seen any specimens certainly belonging to this species, but we sus- pect that we have forms of it under L. hit I lata. The latter species, however, has bulla? on the blade, which are not mentioned in any description of L. fissilis.

Laminaria nigripes J. Agardh.

Kjellman (1889, p. 45) has found this species on Bering Island, Siberia, and represented by several forms. We have not been able to determine exactly whether this species occurs in our territory or not, but we suspect that future study and comparison may result in transferring some, if not all, of the forms credited by us, and perhaps also by other authors, to the following species, from it to this one. They all differ from the descriptions of L. nigripes, however, in having bulla^ on the blade.

Vol. ij ISetchell-Gardner. Alga' of North icf stern America. 257

Laminaria bullata Kjellman.

In the sublitoral zone. St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, Kjell- man (1889, p. 46); Prince William Sound and Sitka, Alaska, and Pnget Sound, Saunders, (1901, p. 428).

We have seen no authentic specimen of this species and can (|uote only the published references to it. We have a number of forms, decidedly diverse in habit and somewhat in structure, which we cannot refer elsewhere, and consequently, have placed them provisionally under form names connected with L. hiillata, as follows.

Laminaria bullata f. angusta Setchell and (Tardner f. nov.

Stipe short, 1-2 cm. hmg, terete or slij^Iitly flattened al)ove. Blade 15-45 cm. Ion"', 8-5 cm. wide, cuneate at the base, usually more or less falcate, with a row of deep bulhv within each margin. Mucilage ducts in the stipe in a dense circle close to the periphery, elongated radially and with conspicuous secreting cells; in the blade rather large, about oue-third the way between the surface and the distinctly marked off and wide medulla.

Abundant in the upper sublitoral zone. West coast of Wliid- bey Island, Wash., X.L.G., Nos. 109!, 124!, 158!. 081!

This is the plant figured by Kjellman (1889, pi. 2, f. 5) as an example of a joung specimen from Bering Island. It does not seem to change its character with age and in general habit resembles the similar form of L. saccharind . It is never divided so far as our specimens go. The mucilage ducts in the stipe are sometimes scanty above, but are always more oi' less abundant below. Were it not for the very complete series of connecting forms, it would seem ridiculous to refer this form to a digitate species.

Laminaria bullata f. subsimplex Setchell and (jardner f.

nov .

Stipe short, 4-8 cm. long, terete below, somewhat compressed above, stout. Blade 50-150 cm. long, 10-15 cm. wide, very dark and thick, usually with a more or less distinct row of bull;© within each margin, particularly in younger plants, connnonl}^ entire or split one-third or one-half the way down into two, or at most few and l)road segments. Mucilage ducts in the stipe, forming

258 Unrversif)/ of Californid Puhlicaiions. [BoTAN-y

a dense circle just under the pcrii)hery; in the ])lade rather hi rge, about half way between the surface and the distinctly marked off and wide medulla.

In the sublitoral zone. West coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 157b!, 159!, and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. XXIX!

Near to the preceding, but a larger plant, with bulhp less marked or even absent, marking a transition to the broader and and distinctly digitate forms of the species.

We are inclined to refer Miss Tildeu's No. 239, labelled L. (ligitata, from Port Renfrew, B. C, to this form, although only a portion of the plant is represented by the specimen distributed.

Laminaria bullata f. CUneata Setchell and (Gardner f. nov.

Stipe short, 1-2 cm. long, soon very much flattened. Blade 45-90 cm. long, 10-25 cm. wide, sharply cuneate at the l)ase, broadening out above, split into one to several broader or nar- rower divisions which usuallj' extend to the verj- base, smooth for the most part. Mucilage ducts as in the last.

In the sublitoral zone. West coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.a., Nos. 69!, 110b!

A form usually decidedly distinct from the preceding and approaching the following. This is the only form which practi- cally entirely lacks the bullae in the adult form.

Laminaria bullata f. amplissima Setchell and Gardner f.


Stipe 2-4 cm. long, soon flattened. Blade 100-280 cm. long, 40-150 cm. wide, broadly cuneate to almost cordate at the base, broader above, split more or less deeply into few and broad seg- ments, with a fairly distinct row of large bulla? within each margin. Mucilage ducts in the stipe in usually more or less incomplete cii'cles just within the periphery; in the blade large, with conspicuous masses of secreting cells, one-third to one-half the wa}" between the surface and the wide and distinct medulla.

On piles or floating wood in the u])per sublitoral zone, in (|niet water: Sitka, Alaska, Ida M. Rodgt^rs, No. 5729!; Friday and Roach Harbors, San Juan Island, Wash., X.L.G., Nos. 277!, 680!, 683?

Vol.1] ISetchell- Gardner. Algw of Xorihirestern America. 259

The type of this form is No. 680 mentioned above. The plant is near to the preceding form, hut while that is a i)lant of the exposed shores and conseqnently less ample, the present form is a plant of the more quiet waters where the op])ortunities are given to increase in width with the result that some of the plants are certainly gigantic for this species. In older plants the whole surface is bullate. No. 683 is a shorter, less ample plant with a distinctly cordate base with the mucilage ducts in the ])lade of moderate size and close under the surface, but with the marginal bulla? very distinct. With the exception of the Inillre it might pass very well for a specimen of L. afrofiilra J. Agardh.

Laminaria dentigera f. brevipes Setchell and (larduer f.

no v.

Stipe 10-15 cm. long, nearly cylindrical but somewhat flat- tened above; otherwise similar to the next.

Agattu Island, Alaska, Townsend, No. 5768! ; Kyska Island, Alaska, Townsend, No. 5771!

The form described here agrees fairly well with Kjellman's fig- ure (1889, pi. 2, f. 10) in hahit and is fairly distinct from the fol- lowing form which, however, seems also to belong under Kjellman ' s species. The stipe in f. brevipes is short and stout as compared with f. longipes, and not so noticeably compressed a])ove. The whole plant seems thicker and denser. The mucilage ducts are present in the stipe in a dense circle just under the surface tissues, are elongated radially, and have clumps of secreting cells at the inner end. In the l)lad(% the mucilage ducts are scanty, in fact we supposed at first that there were none present, Imt they are present and answer well to Kjellman's description.

Laminaria dentigera f. longipes Setchell and Gardner f.

no v.

Stipe 25-50 cm. long, soon compressed, and al)ove very decidedly flattened. Otherwise similar to the preceding.

On stones in the lower litoral and upper sublitoral zones. Unga, Alaska, A.A.L., No. 5058!; Karluk, Kadiak Island, Alaska, ir.A.N., No. 5072!

This form looks very much like L. digifafa f . fi/pira with the cuneate base. The mucilage ducts in ^e stipe, however, distin-

2G() Universiii) of California Publications. [botany

guish it. The mucilage ducts in the blade appear to be some- what more abundant than in the preceding form, but are not very common even here.

Laminaria digitata (L.) Lamouroux.

Laminaria stenophylla Harvey.

These species have been credited to our territory by the older writers, Init it seems fairly certain that these species, as under- stood at present, are not known from our limits with any certainty.

Laminaria longicruris De la Pylaie.

This species is mentioned by Postels and Ruprecht (1840, p. 10) as l)eing rare in the Northern Pacific Ocean. It has not lieen met with by any other writer.

Laminaria cuneifolia J. Agardh.

North Pacific Ocean, on the shores of Asia and Amei'ica, '/. G. Agardh (1S67, p. 10); Popof Island, Alaska, Sainidns (1901, p. 429).

We have seen the plant of Saunders, but do not feel certain of the determination. The species seems to be distinguished from L. saccharina chiefly by the mucilage ducts in the stipe, at least as Agardh has described it. From Saunders's description, his L. saccharina forma a (1901, p. 429), since it is said to have mucilage duets in both stipe and blade, should be referred here. It is given a range from the Shumagin Islands to Wrangell, Alaska.

Laminaria solidungula J. Agardh.

In the sublitoral zone. Yakutat Bay, Kukak Bay, and Po])of Island, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 429).

The present species has not occurred to us in the territory covered in this account . We have supposed at several times that we had discovered it, but the specimens have always proved to be young plants of Cymathcere triplicata, whose resemblance to L. solidungula at this stage is often very striking.

Laminaria longipes Bory.

Agattu Island, Alaska, Toirnsend, No. 5761!; Kyska Islniid. Alaska, To/nisnid, No. .IKiS! ; St. Paul Island, Alaska, Kujinr/if

Vol.. ij ISetcheU-Gardner. u\lg(i^ of Xorthicestern America. 261

(ISf)!. \). 282), (ireeh't/ and Snodgrass, No. 5806! (Setchell, 1899, p. 591).

The present species resembles very strongly L. ISinclairii (Harvey) Farlow of the Central Californian coast in its hal)it and in its possession of a creeping rhizome, hut diifers from it in not having mncilage dncts in the stipe.

Laminaria saccharina (L.) Lamom-onx.

Forms of the trne L. sdcchdriiid are fairly abundant on the coast from Puget Sound to the Alaskan Peninsula. It is not known to enter the Bering Sea or to extend to the southward of Cai)e Flactei-y in Washington, a distribution which is puzzling from what we know of the species on th« coasts of Europe or those of Eastern North America. The various older and modern references are fairly readily placed under the forms described, except the plants of Harvey (1862. ]>. 166) collected at Esquimalt, B.C.

Laminaria saccharina f. linearis J. Agardh.

On wood and stones, upper sublitoral zone. Unga, Alaska, J. B. Doiniiiig, No. 5788! ; Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, TF.A.^S. and A.A.L., No. 5136! ; Kukak Bay and Prince William Sound, Alaska, Haiiiiders ( 1901, p. 429, as to forma b only) ; Orca, Alaska, W.A.S. (nid A.A.L., No. 5154!; Sitka, Alaska, Postels (iiid Buprechi (1840, }). 10, as to f. eunedta only), ir J.»S'. mul .A.A.L., No. 5202!; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., Nos., 160!, 805!

Under this name we have included the narrower, thickei', less ruffled form with few or no bulla^. It seems to l)e a form of the colder waters or the colder seasons.

Laminaria saccharina f. membranacea J. Agardh.

On rocks and stones, or at times on other large alg*, in the upper sublitoral zone. Douglas, Alaska, Ehhrd Jfnite, No. 649!; Sitka, Alaska, Fo.stels <iHd RnprH-hi (1840, p. 10, under L. I(ififolia); Fairhaven, Wash., X.L.G., No. 75!; Friday Harbor, San Juan Island, Wash., X.L.d., No. 804!; Port Orchard, Kitsap County, Wash., Tildfii, No. 240!

Both the preceding forms are included undei' the f. iioniidlis


262 Universifij of California Puhlicaiions. [bota.w

Setchell (1900, p. 122) and may pei'ha])s be viewed as .suhtoi-iiis or states iiuder that form. We feel that perhaps it is well to separate and note them separately in this account, but we regard them as colder and warmer water states of the ordinary form of the species. Certainly in some waters the summer form of a plant would be placed under f. inemin-oiKiri'it while the winter form of the same plant would be placed under f . linearis. Where the water is always cold, the species may possibly assume only the latter shape.

Laminaria saccharina f. complanata Setchell and Gardner

t. nov.

Stipe long, up to .lO cm., terete below, soon flattened (20 nnn. wide and 3 mm. thick al)out two-thirds the way up), without mucilage ducts. Blade 80-100 cm. long, 40-50 cm. wide just above the base, ample, ruffled, with base decidedly cordate. Mucilage ducts in the blade large and extremely abundant, just under the surface layer of cells. '

Found in a single locality, growing on piles, in quiet water, just below low water mark. Friday" Harbor, San Juan Island, Wash., N.L.i}., Xo. 682!

A very distinct form, easily recognized h\ its decidedly flat- tened stipe.

Hedophyllum sessile (Agardh) Setchell.

Attached to rocks in the middle and lower literal zones. Yakutat Bay, Alaska. Sanndfrs (1901, p. 429) ; Strait of Juan de Fuca, Harvey (1862. p. 167. under Laminaria apo(lf() ; Victoria. B. C, Tilden, Xo. 3441 under Laminaria sessilis; Esquinialt. B. ('.. ir.A.^\, Xo. 1877!; Port Renfrew, B. C, Bxfhr and Polhij, No. 60! ; west coast of Whidbey Island and of San -luan Island, Wash., X.L.G., Xo. 275!, etc.

The first description of this species was by C. A. Agard (1824, p. 270), as from the southern seas. Xo more definite locality was known, until the identity between this species and the L. apoda of Harvey was established by .1 . (4. Agardh. At present the species is known to range fi-om Fort Hoss, CaliforniM, t(> Yakutat Bay, Alaska. JL sessile is the t \ pc of the genus and not H. subsessile as stated by Saunders (1901, p. 430). The

Vol. n SdcheU-Gardner. AJfj(v o/XorflnrPsfernAmeHcd. 2G8

yoiiug plants have a short stipe, while the older plant becomes cucullate at the base of the blade, which sends out hapteres. This continues as the i)laut "tows older, the blade continuing; to expand at the base, to form new rows of hapteres, thus becoming more sessile and prostrate in this region, wider and more split above, until it forms clumps of sessile fronds sitting upon masses of clustered hapteres. The plants of the lower parts of its haljitat have smooth blades, l)ut those of the upper parts often have the blades Inillate and irregularly rugose. The sori form indefinite patches over the base of the entire frond.

Hedophyllum subsessile (Areschoug) Setchell. Pi^te 20.

On rocks, usually forming a zone in the middle litoral zone. Kyska Island. Alaska, Townsend, No. 5770! ; west shore of Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, ir.A.tS. and A.A.L., No. 3286!, L. E. Hunt, No. 3250!, in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. xxvii! ; UyakBay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, W.A.S. and A.A.L., No. 5078! ; Kukak Bay, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 430); Prince William Sound, x\laska, Saunders, No. 259!; Yakutat Bay, Alaska, Saunders, No. 218!; Puget Sound, Saunders (1901, p. 430).

The present species is widely diverse from any form which can be legitimately reckoned under L. Bongardiana, to which Ares- choug referred it as a form. It comes near to Hedoplnjllmn sessile in its earlier stages of growth. 1)ut soon departs from that species in that the central portion of the Ijlade wears away, leaving the bases of the blade on each side of the original short stipe as thickened, rhizome-like, creeping structures bearing the blades, or half V)lades, at their tii)s (cf. pi. 20). The peculiar dying away of the center of the blade to the very base and the con- sequent thickening of the basal margins, is known in Eisenia (cf. Setchell, 1896) and in Thalassiophyllum as described below. The present species lacks the scrolls or auricles at the base of the blade characteristic of Arthrothamnus. The development of the members of the last genus is not known as yet, and may be quite different from that of Hedophyllum, if one may judge from specimens of the adult i)lants. While we have noted localities

264 Universifi/ of C<tUfornia Puhlirafions. [uotanv

for this species outside of Bering Sea, the plants are all young and do not show the eharacteristio rhizomes, and may lie forms of Jj. Bovgardiand or L. huJIata.

Cymathaere triplicata (P. & K.) J. Agardh.

On rocks and stones in the upper sublitoral zone . North Pacitie Ocean, Postels and BuprecJif (IS-tO, p. 10); Unalaska Alaska, Buprechf (fide Areschoug, 1883, p. 20) : west shore of Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, ll.A.»S'. and A.A.L., No. 3289!, in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. xxxiiia! ; Shumagin Islands to Puget Sound, Saunders (1901, p. 430); Karluk, Kadiak Island, Alaska, ir.A.>S'.. No. .1061!; Har- vester Island. Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, 11 .A.S. (did A.A.L., No. 5118!: Orca, Alaska, W.A.S. and A.A.L.^ No. 5177!; Yakutat Bay, Alaska, Rev. Alhin Johnson. No. 5716!; Dcmglas. Alaska, EJdred Jninf, No. 648! ; Victoria, B. C, Tilden, No. 343!; Esquimalt, B. C. ir.A.iS., No. 1872!; west coast of Whidbey Island. Wash., X.L.G., No. 88! , in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. xxxiiib! ; Gardner also reports it from Port Townsend, liudlow Bay, and Channel Rocks near Seattle, Wash.

A plentiful and very well marked plant when fresh, but not always so characteristic in herliarium specimens. No. 343 of Tilden's American Algie seems to have a broad midrib similar to that of Pleurophycus instead of the usual triple fold, but this may be the result of too much pressure. When young or pressed too much, some plants may readily be taken for forms of Lamina- ria solidungKla. So far as we know, the fruit of this species has never been described. No. 5177 shows an extended sorus at the base of the plant, but confined to one surface.

Pleurophycus Gardner! Setchell and Saunders.

( )n stoues in the upper sublitoral zone. Yakutat Bay, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 427, pi. 52); west coast of Whidbey Island and near Port Townsend, Wash., X.L.G., No. 882! ; North Bay, San Juan Island, Wash., Tilden, No. 346!

The present verj' interesting and distinct genus of kelps has been well described by Saunders (loc. cit.) and by Setchell (1901, 1>. 123), and distributed by Miss Tilden as noted above.

Vol. ij ISetchell-Gardner. Alg(e of ]\,'ortJiwf stern Aiiterica. '26o

Costaria Turneri Greville.

On rocks in the npper part of the sublitoral zone. Unalaska, Alaska. Kxprerhf (ISo^, \). 26, nnder C. ([laKlyiiK rrin) -, Shnma- gin Islands, Kukak Bay, Prince William Souiul. Yakntat Bay, and Sitka. Alaska. Saunders (1901. p. 481); Sitka. Alaska, Postels (Hid Rupreeht (1840, p. 12); Puget Sound, BuiJen and Harveii (18G2. p. IGO) ; Victoria, B. C, Saunders (1901. p. 481) : Esquiraalt, B. C, Harveif {IH62. p. 16G), ir.A.N.. Xo. 1S78! ; Port Renfrew, B. C, Butler and Polley, No. 8; Whidhey Island and elsewhere thronghont Pnget Sound. Wash., X.L.G., No. 87!, in Collins, Holden and Setchell. P. B.-A., No. XXXV!; Tracyton. Kitsap County, Wash., Tilden. Xo. 288! (under C. Merterisii) .

So far as we know, the genus Costaria contains a single species, the differences between C. Turneri and C. Mertensii being unstable. C. quadrinervia Rupreeht is probably to be added, although we searched carefully at Unalaska for such a form without success, and, consequently, must judge from the description alone. It was first collected by Menzies and described by Turner (1819. \)l. 226) as Furus costatus. By a curious slip, Turner says on ]). 72. "on the western coast of South America," while on \). 78, he says, "Habitat in occidentalibus Americse Septentrionalis littoribus".

Agarum Turneri (4rcville.

On rocks in the sublitoral zone, usually found cast ashore. St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, Kjellman (1889, p. 48): St. Paul. Alaska, Rupreeht (18.")1, p. 244), Greeley and Snodgntss, y,o. .■)794!, (Setchell, 1899, p. 592); Captains Bay, Unalaska, Alaska, T^ .A.S. and A.A.L., No. 4088! ; Unalaska, Alaska. Postels and Rupreeht (1840, p. 12. under A. pertusum, p. 11, under A. Gmelini); Popof Island, Kukak Bay, Prince William Sound, and Yakntat Bay, Alaska, Saunders (1901, pp. 480. 481, under A. Turneri and A. Gmelini); Unga, Alaska, A.A.L.. Xo. .")().")7!, J. B. Downing. Xo. r)787! ; Harvester Island in Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, IT. A.N. and A.A.L., X"o. 5111! ; Kadiak Island, Alaska, Postels and Rupreeht (1840, p. 12. under .4. hrassicieforme) \ Y'akatat Bay, Alaska, Rev. Alhin 'lohnsoii. No. 5178!; Sitka, Alaska, Postels and Ruprprht (l^W. \k 12, under .4. platyneuron).

266 Lfnirersiti/ of California Publications . [botasy

A considerable study of various forms of Agaruiii, both on tlie eastern and western coasts of North America, has led us to the conclusion that the five species or forms enumerated and described \>y Postels and Ruprecht all belong to one and the same species as indicated above. They all seem to possess a stipe which is cylindrical or nearly so and scrolls at the l)ase of the blade, two characters which distinguish them from the next species.

Agarum fimbriatum Harvev.

On stones or piles, from just below low water mark into water of 10-16 fathoms depth. Esquimalt, B. C, Harvey (1862. p. 166); west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 84!; Friday Harbor, San Juan Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 678!; Tracyton, Kitsap County, Wash., Tildni, No. 345!

This species seems amply distinct from any other Agarum that has ]:)een described. It has a very much flattened, rather short stipe which becomes fimbriate with haptere-like out- growths. The base of the blade has no scrolls as in the preced- ing species and which we have considered a characteristic of the genus. The margins are peculiarily crispate. It seems to l)e common in Puget Sound, and has not ])een found elsewhere, except three specimens which were found cast ashore at San Pedro, California, by Mrs. H. I). .Tohnston. How it came to be so far south of its hitherto only known district is one of those puzzles of distribution which are extremely difficult to solve.

Thalassiophyllum Clathrus (Gmelin) P. &. K.

On rocks, forming a zone at low water mark. Agattu Island, Alaska, Toimsend, No. 5762!; Kyska Island, Alaska, Toirnsend, No. 5772! ; St. Paul Island, Alaska, Herb. I). ClJafonl (Setchell, 1899, p. 592); Amakuak Island, Bay of Unalaska. Alaska, Posfels and Bi(precht (\8^0, p. 11), ]] .A.S. (i„d A.A.L., No. 3246!, and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. XXXVI!; Sitka, Alaska, Posfels and BuprecJif (ISiO, p. U).

This large and striking plant seems to l)e characteristic of Bering and Ochotsk Seas. The single locality of Sitka, as given by Postels and Ruprecht, exists outside of these, but the locality is doubtful, for Mertens (1829, p. 49) says that he did not see this species until he came to the Bay of Unalaska. It is evidently

Vol.1] Sefchell-Gardner. Alg(e of Nortliwesiem America. 267

a species of the very cold and rough waters. On the Ishmd of Aniaknak, it grows in great abundance and was found in all stages of growth. The earliest fronds are ovate and wdth short stipes. Later they become broadly reniforni and begin to roll in at the edges on both sides of the stipe, looking very much like a young Aganint Turtxri in this stage. The scrolls thus formed become more ])rononnced, perforations appear, and the central portion of the frond begins to erode and wear away, until finally there are left the much enlarged and thickened, perforated scrolls which wear away on one edge (the inner) and continue to uni-oU on the other. As they continue to grow, the ])asal portion of each scroll becomes a sort of stipe and the young plant is plainly dichotomous. As the plant grows on and branches in the irregular manner described by Rosenthal (1890, p. 140, f. 33, 3'1), this basal dichotomy becomes inconspicuous, and does not seem to have attracted attention before. Its peculiar origin is similar to the process which takes place in Eisenia and in HeiloplnjIJutu snhxf^sih as mentioned above.

Arthrothamnus bifidus (Gmelin) Rnprecht.

Aleutian Islands, Alaska, ArescJioHf/ (18S4, j). 14).

We know nothing of the occurrence of tliis species of the Ochotsk Sea and of Bering Island within our territory, farther than the reference quoted above.

Dictyoneuron Californicum Kuprecht.

Port Renfrew, B. C, Tildev, No. .110!

Apparently only just reacliing the coast of Vancouver Island, certainly not abundant in Puget Sound. This is one of the com- mon species at various localities on the central Calif ornian coast.

Lessonia litoralis Farlow and Setchell.

Port Renfrew, B. C, Tilden, No. 342!, Biiflfy and Polley, No. 50.

This species was tirst found on the coast of Oregon by E. Hall, mentioned by Farlow (187.'), p. 3.55), and doubtfully referred to L. fusrescens. Later, the same author referred it to L. liigrescens (1876, j). 708), l)ut on collecting good material at Monterey, California, he recognized it as new, but only gave it

268 Universiiij of Californin I'liblications. (botaxv

a inanuscript uame. Tlu^ species is coiniuoii on exposed points in the vicinity of Monterey, where it lias been collected by nura- erons botanists. The name, as given above, was first published and the species was first described by Miss Tilden in lier Ameri- can Alg-» (Century IV, 1900). A full description and figures have been given l)y MacMillau (1900). The blades are of two sorts, the sterile being narrow and with a distinct niidril). whih^ the fertile are broader, plane, and gladiate. On account of this very marked dimor]diism, Reinke (1903) has just made it the type of a new genus which he has named Lessoniopsis.

Postelsia palmaeformis Ruprecht.

On rocks on exposed points. Strait of .Juan de Fuca, B. C, MacMi]]((ii (1902, p. 213).

This locality marks the most northern limit of this species, which ranges south from this point to Point Sur on the coast of California. It is locally known as the "Sea Palm," and is to be found in small forests or groves, at or near high water mark where the waves are strongest.

Nereocystis Luetkeana (Mertens) P. & R.

On stones, in the sublitoral zone, reaching its full develop- ment in 10-12 fathoms of water. Plentiful in the attached con- dition , from the Shumagin Islands to the region of Santa Barbara Channel on the coast of California. Shumagin Islands, Alaska, iSdxtidfrs (1901, p. 431, under Nereocysfh Priapiis) ; Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, ^^ .A.S. and A.A.L., No. 5093! ; Yakutat Bay, Alaska, Bfr. Alhiii JoJnisori, No. 5720! ; Esquimalt, B. C. Harvey (1862, p. 164); Port Renfrew, B. C, Bttthr aiul Po/h,/, No. 39; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 686! ; Port Orchard, Kitsap County, Wash., Tilden, No. 237!

The distril)ution of this species extends from the neighbor- hood of Point Conception, on the coast of Southern California. to the Shumagin Islands on the coast of Alaska. Beyond tliis point, it seems very unlikely that the species is to be found attached. It is. however, found cast ashore or floating. It comes ashore si)aringly on the shores of the Bay of Unalaska, where one of ns found it in the summer of 1899. It is found floating in masses of several acres in extent in the Bering Sea uj)

Vol. 1] Sftchell-Gardner. Algic of Northwestern America. 269

to the latitude of the Pribihif Islands. It is reported from the Pribilof Islands l)y Dall (1875, \). 1(36), hut whether attached or floating is not stated. All along the Alaskan coast hebnv Bering Sea, it is a very common object floating in the watei' in company with ^-1 1(1 fUi fistiilosd, and one is warned of the approach to land by its appearance. It is said by Postels and Ruprecht ( 1S4(), ]). 9) to be abundant at Sitka, rare at Iliuliuk, Unalaska, and to have been collected on the shores of Kamtschatka by Steller. This last is on the authority of Graelin (1768, \). 281). Ruprecht, however, states (18r)2, p. 21) that Steller found the plant near Unalaska or near the Alaskan Peninsula. It has been credited to the Kurile Islands by Captain J. H. Snow (1897, pp. 42, 55, 60, etc.) but the description accompanying the statement shows that the plant observed was Alttrut fistulo.so. The plant has been used for various pui'])oses, by the natives of the Northwest Coast. Ruprecht (1852. j). 21) says that the natives of Sitka i)lace one end of the tube in the ear and the other against a hot stone to generate steam to cure cases of headache. The long solid and slender portion is used for fishlines, and the tube is used as a worm in the process of distilling "Hoochenoo," a dark and ])oisonous sort of whiskey.

Saunders has Tesurrected the specific name of (xmelin's (Ifo Priapus for this species, stating that "Gmelin's figures and description of Viva Priopiis leave no doubt as to the identity of his plant." We feel that there is very considerable dou))t as to the identity. (Imelin's figure shows nothing characteristic, and while the description is somewhat more explicit, it does not give sutflcient data to determine whether Steller' s plant is to be referred to Nereocystis or Pelagophycus. The locality whence the specimen came is also in doubt as mentioned above. By a process of exclusion, it ma\' be possible to show strong proba- bility that it is this species and not Pelagophycus, which also floats long distances. The doubt is sufficiently great, however, to prevent us from displacing a name which has been in universal use for over seventy years, even did we l)elieve in clioosing names for strict priority.

The histology and develo])ment of the species has been given in detail by MacMillan (1899).

270 University of California Publications. [botany

Macrocystis pirifera (Turner) Agardh.

On stones, usually in from five to ten fathoms of water. Unalaska and Sitka, Alaska, Posfr/s <iii(J Euprecht (1840, \). 9); Sitka, Alaska, Posieh ami Ruprerhf (1S4(), ]>. !), under Lrssoiiia riliafa) , Ida M. Bodgers, No. 5727! ; Juneau, Sitka, and Wrangell, Alaska, SaHiahrs (1901, p. 431); Esqnimalt, B. CHarrei/ (1802, p. 1G4); Port Renfrew, B. C, Tilden, No. 518!; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 86!

The long Bladder Kel]) is not uncommon on the western coast of North America from somewhere in the neighborhood of Magdalena Bay in Lower California up to the Strait of Juan de Fuca. It does not seem to be plentiful in Puget Sound, itself, or to the north, and it is doubtful as to whether it grows beyond Sitka, Alaska. It may have floated into Unalaska, but it seems certain that it does not grow there, at least on the side of the Bering Sea. The species is found floating to the south of Unalaska in the open ocean. Why the s]>ecies does not extend farther to the north is certainly a C[nery. It cannot be a matter of too low temperature, since what appears to be the very same plant grows down into the Antarctic waters of nnich lower temperatures than those of Bering Sea. The sori are supposed to appear only on the bladderless radical leaves, 'but in specimens from Peru, we have seen sori on leaves near the tip and provided with bladders. Saunders (1901, j). 431) speaks of this species as being confined to the elitoral zone, but we have never seen it growing in over 12 or 15 fathoms of water.

Eisenia arborea Areschoug.

"A broken fragment of tliis ])lant was obtained at Wrangell, and several specimens were obtained in Puget Sound," SainaJers (1901, ]). 431).

It certainly seems as if the recording of this plant within our limits must be founded upon an error of determination since the species is not known to grow north of San Pedro, California, and in every way it has the appearance of being a characteristic member of the subtropical region. A plant collected at Whidliey Island was determined by Saunders as being Eisenia, but a careful examination shows it to be Laniiitaria Aiidcrsoiiii .

Vol. n Sefchell-Gardner. AlgiC of Xorfhwestern America. 271

Egregia Menziesii (Turner) Areschoug.

On rocks, lower litoral and upper sublitoral zones. Nootka Sound, Vancouver Island, B. C, Meiizies (Turner, 1808, p. 57, pi. 27, under Fkcks Menziesii); Port Renfrew, B. C, Butler <ni(] Pollen, No. 72: P'.squimalt, B. C, Hurveti (1862, p. 164, under Phijllosponi Menziesii); Victoria, B. C, Tilden, No. 236!; Puget Sound, Hdileii <iii(I Harveij (1862. ]). 160); west coast of Wliidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 48!

These localities probably mark the northern limit of this species. Hence it ranges south to the neighljorhood of Point Conception, below which its place is taken by K. lavigata Setchell.

Pterygophora Californica Ruprecht.

On rocks, upper litoral zone. Port Renfrew, B. C, Tilden, No. r)20!, MacMillan (1902a, p. 726); west coast of VVhidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 70!

This species seems to l)e abundant on exposed coasts on Puget Sound and reaches a considerable size, as indicated by MacMillan. Specimens fully as large, however, have been col- lected at Duxliury Reef in Marin County, at Carmel Bay in Monterey County, and at San Pedro in Los Angeles County, California. It seems, therefore, that MacMillan's assumption that Pterygophora reaches its maximum development along the Brit- ish Columbian coast can hardly l)e substantiated. As to the I'clationship of the genus, we cannot hold with MacMillan that it may belong either to the "Laminarieae or the Alariides"," but must perforce belong to the latter because of the method of formation of the sporophylls. The possession of rings in the stipe and the hapteres and the fact that the sori do hot cover the sporoph.vlls completely, seems to us of little importance in this matter, since in undoubted species of Alaria, there may l)e rings in the stipe, at east, and in many cases, the sori do not cover the sporoi)hylls completely. In Pterygophora the sj)oroph3'lls are less determinate in their growth, Init this is only of generic importance. We find ourselves in agreement with MacMillan as to the absence of mucilage ducts in the stipe and the presence of large ones in the V)lade.

272 Universifi/ of (Udiforn'ui rithlicdlions. ibutany

Alaria esculenta (L.) Greville.

Arctic Coast of Alaska, Ihin'fij (1S72, p. 4(5:}); from Kaintschatka

to Sitka, Alaska, PonieU and Buprechf, (1840, j). 11 ).

The references (|u<)ted refer t(» this species in the old u(Mici-al sense before the majority of the species at present descril)c(l under the j^-enns had been proposed, or, at least, accepted. In all l)robability l)oth these references include several, or, at least, other species than .4. fsciihiifd. Wc have been incliucd to be conservative in reckoning specific distinctions in this gvnus, but find that we must present a very tentative enumeration. Professor Kjellman has very kindly named a selected series of specimens sent to him and we have used his suggestions and notes, even farther than it is possible to state in each particular case.

Alaria Pylaii (Bory) (Treville.

On stones in the lower litoral and upper sublitoral zones. Karlnk, Kadiak Island, Alaska, ir.A.*S'., No. oOTo!-. Orcci, Alaska, TV^A.N. (IikI A.A.L., 5153! ; Esquimalt, B. C, Harvei/ (1862, p. 165).

Kjellman is inclined to refer lioth the Alaskan numbers quoted above, to this species as represented l)y Greenland specimens and they certainly agree with specimens from Elaine which we are disposed to refer to this species. Harvey's specimens are said by Saunders (1901, p. 425) to have been compared liy Kjellman to the A. fragilis Saunders, which, in turn, seems to us to l)e little more than a young, long-stiped form of this species.

Alaria dolichorhachis Kjellman.

Agattu Island, Alaska, Toinisend, No. 5753!

Two specimens, collected at the above mentioned locality, are said by Kjellman, to be near to this species, but still to be sc])- arated from it in all prol)ability, while the s])ecimens referred by one of us (Setchell. in Collins, Ilolden and Setclidl. P. B.-A.. No. XLI) dou])tfully to this species are referred by him to A. lanceolata Kjellman.

Alaria tenuifolia Setchell.

Setchell, in Collins, Holden and Setchell. P. B.-A.. No. XLV, 1901.

Vol.1] Setcl I ell- Gardner. Algie of Northwestern America. 273

Stipe lG-60 em. in length, eylindrieal or nearly so only at the very base, much flattened above, slender and flexible. Rhachis more or less elongated, flattened, with the sporophylls at first remote, later crowded. Sporophylls from narrowly to broadly lanceolate and cuneate at the base, varying to broadly ovate or ol)long and distinctly cordate at the base, with more or less pronounced stipes. Blade elongated, 100-150 cm. long, 10- 35 cm. wide, broadly cuneate at the liase, very thin, collapsing when withdrawn from the water, with i)lentifui cryptostomata of small size. Midrib narrow to fairly broad. o])long in cross sec- tion.

Not uncommon from Unalaska to Pnget Sound.

The description applies to the species, in general, which is better understood if divided into at least two forms, as has been done below. The species is to be distinguished by its very decidedly flattened stipe and thin blade. Specimens from several localities were submitted to Kjellman, who replied that he con- sidered it to be a distinct species l)elonging either to the grou]) represented by A. dolichorhaehis-obloiHja-elliptica of Kjellman or by A. nieiiibniiiacea-Pylari-graiidifolid of -1. (1. Agardh.

We sup])osed at first that some, at least, of our si^ecimens might represent forms of A. graiidifola. This is particular!}' to be suspected as to the broader forms, while the narrower forms approach A. Pylaii and resemble also A. fragilis of Saunders. From both of the latter, our plants differ, as far as descriptions go, ])y the flattened stipe.

Alaria tenuifolia f. typica Setchell f. nov. Plate 22.

The type of the species is No. 3286a of Setchell and Lawson's collection on the west shore of Amaknak Island, Bay of Una- laska, Alaska, where the species formed a distinct zone on rocky shores below that of A. laticeohita and jnst above or just below the limits of extreme low water. The stipe is of modei-ate length, varying from 10 to 15 cm. as a rule, while the blade is compara- tively narrow, 8-15 cm. in width, and cuneate at the base. Tlie sporophylls are narrowly to broadly lanceolate with cuneate l)ase and short stalks. The midrib is not noticeably In-oad.

On rocks and stones at low water mark. Amaknak Island,

274 University of Culifornia Publications. [botany

Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, ir.A.N. (iikJ A.A.L., No. .328Ga!. in Collins. Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. XLVI ; Juneau. Alaska, ir.A.N. ainl A.A.L., No. 5194'; Douglas, Alaska, EldredJenne, No. 646!

Alaria tenuifolia t. amplior Setchell and Gai'dnei' f. nov.

The stipe varies from 10-()() cm. in length, is usually stoutei- than in the last, and is usually as much flattened. The sporo- phylls are broad ovate to oblong and cordate, each with a con- spieuous stalk. They are frequently very large, measuring 4.") cm. in length and 25 cm. in width, with the sorus more or less orbicular and covering only the basal third or fourth. The blade is ample, 20-35 (;m. in width and 100-150 cm. long, with the base generally distinctly cordate.

Attached to piles and boulders near low water mark. Es(iui- malt. B. C, X.L.G., No. 645!, Tl^A.N., No. 1875! ; near Roach Harbor, San Juan Island, Wash., X.L.G., Nos. 650!, 651!

Kjellman seems to think that this is distinct from A. (iriitidi- folia J. Agardh, of which it seemed to us to be possibly a smaller form .

Alaria crispa Kjellman.

Upper sublitoral zone. St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, KjeUnniii (1889, p. 37).

Known to us only from Kjellman's description and figui-es.

Alaria prselonga Kjellman.

On rocks, lower litoral zone. St. Paul Island, Alaska, Toini- seiid, No. 5781!, (Setchell, 1899, p. 592); Harvester Island. Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, W.A.S. <i,ul A.A.L.. No. 5130!

The first number (5781) is referred to this species liy us and seems to l)e fairly typical, judging from specimens and plate. No. 5130 is said l)y Kjellman to belong to the same grou]) of species, biit differs from typical A. prwlonga in the shape of the blade which is more abruptly attenuated toward the base and is broader than in the type. This species continues down to the Calif ornian coast, where it appears in several forms. ^4. c it Hi pes Saunders (1901a, p. 561, ])1. 33) seems to us to belong to the form-cycle of this species.

Vol.1] SetcheU-Gardner. Alg(e of Northwestern America. 275

Alaria laticosta Kjellman.

In the siiblitoral zone in protected coves. Knkak Bay, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 425).

Saunders says that "Kjelhnan referred the jUants sent him to this species with considerable donbt." Quotino' Kjellman, he says:— "The form, color, and consistency of the blade, and the form, width and rigidity of the sporophyll differ somewhat from this species."

Alaria lanceolata Kjellman.

On rocks in the litoral and sublitoral zones. Wi^st shore of Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, ir.A.N. oiid A.A.L., No. 3249!, in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. xli! ; Glacier Bay and Sitka, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 426).

This species is, according to a report from Kjellman, the A. dolicJiorJiarhisf, distributed as No. xli of the P. B.-A., but he adds that the blade is not so dark as in his specimens. We find, however, that in some of the specimens of that collection the blade is much darker than in the one sent for liis inspection.

Alaria marginata P. & R.

Unalaska, Alaska, Fostels and Ruprecht (1840, p. 11).

Besides the reference above, Harvey (18G2, p. 165) has credited this species doubtfully to Esquimalt, B. C. Ruprecht (1851, p. 355) says that the species is rare and had oc(;urred to him lately only from Fort Ross on the Calif ornian coast. It is evidently a species with a broad solid midrili, a short cylindrical stipe, long and rather narrow sporophylls, and in most ways, as far as the incomi)lete description goes, resembling the A. Jafirosfn of Kjellman.

Alaria fistulosa P. & R.

Gregarious, on rocks and stones, in the sul)litoi-al zone. Prom the Kurile Islands and Northern Japan to the southeastern boundary of Alaska. For the species in general the following localities are recorded in our territory: Unalaska Bay and Kadiak Island, Alaska, PosfeJs and BnpreeJit (1840.]). 11); Knkak Bay, Cook Inlet, Prince William Sound, Yakutat Bay, Glacier Bay, Juneau, and Wrangell, Alaska' Saunders (1901, \). 426).

270 iliivcrsiiii of CdJifoniiti I'uhJicdtiotis. ibotany

This species takes tlie plaee of Miicrorijslis along tlie iioi-thern shores of our territory, iu forming beds of kelp off rocky shores in waters of several fathoms depth. Its fronds are anchored and the stipe, bunch of sporophylls and much of the lilade is suit- merged, l)ut the long blade, reaching a length of 10-2.") meters, rises to the surface and. buoyed uj) 1)\' the inflated midrib, generally floats for some distance on the toj) of the water. The plants are gregarious, and often forni belts a longer or shorter distance from the shore as the Macrocystis does farther south. Like the Macroc3-stis and the Nereocystis, it is commoul.N met with floating and often in considerable quantity. While passing through Unimak Pass, between Bering Sea and the Pacific Ocean, the surface of the l)road expanse of waters is commonly seen to be thickly covered with the floating blades of this species, and it was observed in fair abundance all along the coast of Alaska from the latitude of tlie Priltilof Islands in the Bering Sea to Wrangell Narrows in southeastern Alaska. It was carefully watched for to the south of the last mentioned locality, but no trace of it was seen. The species varies much, particularly in the width of the blade and shape of the sporophylls. As these plants are of different habitats, it has seemed best to enumerate the specimens actually examined and observed growing, under the forms described below. The stipe of this species seems to be free from mucilage ducts, but the blade in both forms possesses abundant structures of this kind, just under the outer layer of cells as Guignard has indicated (1892, p. 48).

Alaria fistulosa f. stenophylla Setchell.

Blade narrow, usually not over 80 cm., with narrow midril). Sporophylls usually short and more or less decidedly ()l)ovate.

Forming the greater portion of the growth in belts just off shore and isolated bunches in (piiet waters of 5 to 10 fathoms. Kyska Island, Alaska, Toinismd, No. 37G0! ; i)lentiful in the Bay of Unalaska, both on the shores of the Island of Unalaska and tlie shores of the Island of Amaknak, Alaska, ir.^-l.N., A.A.L., (iinl L. K. fluiif, Nos. 3278! , 4096! , and in Collins. Holden, and Setchell, P. H.-A., No. XLIII!; Harvester Island. Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, ]r..4.N. ^//;'/ .1..!./... Xo.

Vol.1] SetcJieU-Ganhier. Algw of Northwestern America. 211

5117! ; Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, ^Y.A.8. and A.A.L., No. 5102!; Doug-las, Alaska, U hired Jen ne No. 647!

The specimens noted above were all found growing attached except possibly (and probably) the last. The form is found floating along the whole extent of Alaskan coast from near Wrangell to the Pribilof Islands. It is the form commonly observed. Young specimens of this form, collected at Unalaska, show that the fistulose character of the midrib, appears very early in the course of development, since specimens with blades 15 cm., or less long, show it well developed.

Alaria fistulosa f. platyphylla Setchell.

Blade broad, usually 60-90 cm. broad, midrib very much inflated and In-oad. The sporophylls are numerous, often as many as 90 or 100 on each side of the rhachis, are long and narrow, generally being linear-lanceolate in shape, 30-50 cm. long and 3-6 cm. wide.

Growing in deep water, usually found floating or cast ashore. Deeper parts of the Bay of Unalaska, Unalaska, Alaska, W.A.8., A.A.L., (did L. E. Hunt, No. XLII in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A! ; seen floating in a number of localities in the Gulf of Alaska.

The present form seems to be an inhabitant of deep waters and is usually found floating or cast ashore. A single complete specimen cast ashore at Iliuliuk, Unalaska, Alaska, was found to measure somewhat over 25 meters in length, over 1 meter in width, with a large bunch of long sporophylls numbering about 200.

Alaria cordata Tilden.

Attached to rocks, lower litoral and upper sul)litoral zones. Yakutat Bay, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 426); Port Renfrew, B. C, Tilden, No. 241b! ; San Juan Island, Wash., Tilden, No. 241a!

The species noted above is known to us from a \<»ung speci- men (Tilden, No. 241a), a couple of sporophylls (Tilden, No 241V)) and the tigure of Saunders (1901, pi. 56). There seems to be no character to separate it from .1. I'l/dllii.

BOT. I'.l

278 University of California Fuhlications. [botany

Alaria fragilis Saunders.

In the snblitoral zone. Kiikak Bay, Prince William Sound, and Glacier Bay, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 425).

It certainly seems to us that this plant is likely to prove to ])e nothing- more than a variety of A. l*ulaii with a somewhat elongated stalk, such as certainly does occur among plants of that species. The distant sporophylls as well as their shape is due ta the youth of the plant.

Alaria fragilis f. bullata Saunders.

With the last. Glacier Bay, Alaska, Saunders (1901, i). 425). Apparently only a state of the last.

Alaria valida Kjellman and Setchell sp. nov. Plate 21.

Stipe short, 1-5 cm. long, c.ylindrical , at first slender, but at length stout and showing rings of growth, reaching a diameter of 13 mm., showing also a well developed cork layer. Rhachis at first short, becoming very much elongated, up to 15-20 cm., somewhat flattened, obtuse on the edges, stout like the stipe. Sporophylls linear lanceolate, 15-50 em. long and 3-6 cm. wide, with margins undulate and all except the narrow margins and a small portion of the tip occupied by the sorus. Blade long, up to 3-4 meters, 15-25 cm. wide, tapering very gradually to the base, with broad midrib (22 mm. wide) which is little prominent and abruptly narrowing towards each end in cross section.

This belongs to the grouj) of species with l)road midril^s and is fairly nearly related to A. laticosfa Kjellman, l)ut differs from that species chiefly in the stouter stipe and rhachis and the longer and broader sporophylls. Its relation to .1 . mayfirnafa P. & R. is still to be settled.

In the snblitoral zone. Unga, Alaska, A.A.L., No. 5059!: west coast of Whidbej' Island, Wash., X.LJi., No. 111!

Specimens of the above collections were sent to Professor Kjellman, who recognized them as belonging to a new species. We have drawn ii]) the descrii)tion and given the name to tlie plant on account of the broad stipe and rhachis. In the type,, the stipe is short, but in the following form it is mudi longer.

Vol.1] SefcheU-Gardner. Algce of Northwestern America. 279

Alaria valida f. longipes Setchell and Gardner f . uov.

Stipe long, 8-20 cm. in length, not inehiding any of the rhaehis. Otherwise as in the type.

With the typical form on the west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 111!

A few specimens from the west coast of Whidbey Island, growing on the same rocks with the typical form, show snch pronouncedly longer stipes from the majority of the specimens that it seems necessary to call attention to them under a separate form name.

Faaiily DICTYOTACE.9^.

Dilophus flabellatus Collins.

Washed ashore. Sackman's Point, near Tracyton, Kitsap County, Wash., Tihlfii, No. 335!, under Dictyota dicliotoma i. lati folia.

This has been compared with the i)lant of Collins (in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 834, 1901) both by Collins, and ourselves. It seems to certainly be the same. It, as well as the cotype cited, does not show the Dilophus-structure in all parts and it may ])e doubted as to whether Dilophus is really dis- tinct from Dictyota and also as to whether I). flaJjellatns is really distinct from Dictyota Bingliamim of J. G. Agardh. It seems distinct, but farther study and comparison is needed. However, it is a strange matter of distribution to find a ])lant, hitherto known only from Southern California and distinctly subtropical, in this northern locality. It may be that there will be found other warm water species in the inland and shallower portions of Puget Sound. Miss Tilden has kindly informed me that, in her opinion, this plant must have grown near the place where it was fouud, "for it came up in large quantities and at all times on the incoming tide". The only other collection of this species, north of Santa Barbara, California, known to us, was made by one of us at Monterey, California, near the steamboat wharf, shortly after the arrival of a steamer from Southern California.

280 Universiti/ of Culifornia Fuhlicaiions . ibotanv

Family FUCACE.5^.

Fucus inflatus (L.) Vahl.

The present species has been the subject of considerable research on the i)art of the Scandinavian Algologists and the latest study is contained in the very recently issued work of Borgesen (1902, pp. 405-472). The account of Borgesen seems to the writers to deal most satisfactorily with the forms of the west coast of North America usually included under the name of Fhcus furcatus Agardh and will consequently be f-ollowed by us. The form usually classified under Agardh 's name does not agree with the type figure (Agardh, 1821, pi. 14), which is a smaller and less perfectly developed i)lant, as Borgesen has pointed out (loc. cit., p. 46")), and a transitional form between two distinct forms.

Fucus inflatus f . edentatus (De la Pylaie) Rosenvinge.

Attached to rocks at low water mark. Mctoria, B.C., Tildeu , No. 284, under F. fuycdixsl ; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 91!

No. 91 is a large broad typical plant, agreeing well in every character with the F. fdeufntus of the New England coast. No. 234 is still typical but not quite so well developed. The type of F. furcatus seems to represent a dwarfed and not sjTnmetrically developed form and is said by Agardh to have been collected at Unalaska by Chamisso. One of us has searched very carefully in the region of the Bay of Unalaska for it, but has failed to find any trace of it, and Ruprecht (1851, p. 346) says that the origi- nal specimen came, not from Unalaska, but from Fort Ross in California where it is common. Kuetzing's figure (1860, pi. 17, TI), which is seemingly from the original material of F. furcatus, although small, is typical of the f^doitatus form. Harvey (1862, p. 163) refers specimens from Esquimalt doubtfully to F. furcatus.

Fucus inflatus f. linearis TCKder) Rosenvinge.

Fairhaven, Wash., y.L.G., No. 189!

To this form, we have referred some specimens which agree fairly well with the preceding form, l)ut ai-e much narrower. The plants are about 15 cm. high and 3 nun. wide, while the

Vol. 1] Setchell-Ganlner. Algce of Northtvestern America. 281

plants of the precediug form which represent the typical form, are 30-45 cm. high and 6-10 mm wide. The narrowness of the frond and the acute angles between the fairly regularly dichoto- mous branches give it a very distinct appearance. It represents a distinct transition from the preceding to the following.

Fucus inflatus f. filiformis ((Tmelin) Setchell and (irardner f. nov.

This seems to be the F. filiformis of Gmelin, or at least what has passed under that name on the coast of New England. The plants are 8-10 cm., even at times 15 cm., high and seldom over 1-2 mm. wide. While the midrib is distinct in some plants or in some parts of others, as a rule the main i)ortion of the frond is reduced to the thickened midrib portion itself without alae. The receptacles are fairly broad in proportion to the sterile portion of the frond.

On sand rocks, ui)i)erm()st litoral zone. Fairhaven, Wash., X.L.G.\

An extreme form as regards the slender character of the frond, and it also has a tendency to spread out and liecome more flabel- late in its dichotomy. Somewhere under F. iiiffafiis is probably to Ije referred the F. Miclonensis mentioned l)y J. G. Agardh (1870a, p. 35) as occurring at Vancouver Island, B. C.

Fucus evanescens Agardh.

The type of the present species came from Kamtschatka and the species itself is well developed in the region of the North Pacific as well as in the North Atlantic. As a rule it is easily recognized in its broader forms, by its habit, and by the midi-ib vanishing below the tips of the branches. It approaches in some of its forms to F. platycarpus Thuret, and one of us has been inclined to refer some forms which had some indication of a more pinnate method of branching to the latter species. It seems best, however, to refer all the plants not distinctly belong- ing to the preceding species to F. ci'dnesceiis. It is interesting to note that Borgesen (1902, ]). 472) refers Thuret's species to F. spiralis L.

282 Universify of California Pnhlications. [botanv

Fucus evanescens f. typica Kjellman.

Oil roeks, upper litoral zone. Harvester Island, Uyak Bay Kadiak Island, Alaska, W.A.S. <iu<l A.A.L., No. 5122!

The specimens referred here are the only ones we have seen from our territory, which agree thoroughly with the plate of Agardh (1821, pi. 13).

Fucus evanescens f. limitatus Kjellman.

In the sublitoral zone. Port Clarence, Alaska, K-jf^lhiKiii (1889, p. 3-i) ; Besboro Island, Norton Sound, Alaska, A'. C. McGregor, No. '3683!

We refer the plant from Besboro Island to this form with some considerable doubt, since there is only the description to guide us. In general shape and size of the frond, and shape of the receptacles, it seems to agree better than with any other form so far described.

Fucus evanescens f. rudis Kjellman.

On rocks in the sublitoral zone. Harvester Island, Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, W.A.S. aiul A.A.L., No. 5121!

As we understand this form, it dififers from f. t[/pica )»y its narrower, more linear frond, and more pointed receptacles. It grew near the plants referred to the typical form, Init in a dis- tinct patch, with a somewhat different asi)ect.

Fucus evanescens f. macrocephalus Kjellman.

On stones, u])per litoral zone, in quiet waters. Cape Dyer, Alaska, Xeirhall and Bhodcs, Nos. 5791!, 5792!; east shore of Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, R. C. McGregor, No. 5689!, TU.A.^S. and A.A.L., No. 4077!; Shumagin Islands, Kukak Bay, Cook Inlet, Prince William Sound, and Glacier Bay, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 432) ; Skaguay, Alaska, A. L. Bolton ! (young) ; Sitka, Juneau, Wrangell, and Annette Island, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 432) ; Whidbey Island, Wash., A. /^.r;.. No. 89! ; Tracyton, Kitsap County, Wash., Tilden, No. 235!

Some of the specimens quoted above are referred here with doubt, but the greater part of them agree well with Kjellman 's description and with the plate of Saunders (1901, pi. 72, f. 1).

Vol. i| SeicheU-Gardner. Alg(e of Nopiliwestern America. 283

FUCUS evanescens f. robustus Setehell and Gardner f. iiov.

Caulescent with the stipe stout and erect, 15-18 cm. high, broad above, 2-2.5 cm. wide, midrib narrow and distinct to just below the apices, with broad oblong ovate or obcordate, short, flat, margined receptacles.

St. Paul Island, Alaska, Greeley and Snodgrass, No. 5805! (cf. Setehell, 1899, p. 593, under F . platy carpus f) ; Sitka, Alaska, Ida M. Rodger s, No. 5724!

The type is No. 5724, from Sitka. The form resembles the last, but is more robustly caulescent, the foliaceons portion is thicker, while the receptacles resemble those of typical F. platy- carpus Tliuret, from which it is to be distinguished l)y its lack of strongly pronounced pinnate habit. From f . dendroides, which it resembles in its arborescent habit, it is to be distinguished by the l)roader foliaceous frond and the broader receptacles.

Fucus evanescens f. cornutus Kjellman.

On rocks in exposed places, low^er portion of the litoral zone. Popof Island, Kukak Bay, Prince William Sound, Yakutat Bay, and Juneau, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 432); Yakutat Bay, A\Riiksi,Rev.Alhin Jo]inson,^o. 5719! ; Esquimalt, B. C, N.L.G., No. 625!, in Collins, Holden and Setehell, P. B.-A., No. 927!

To be distinguished by its forked, often swollen receptacles whose branches are pointed and horn-shaped. The form varies somewhat. No. 5719 is a very large plant, 30 cm. high and rather broad winged in the upper part for this form.

Fucus evanescens f. longifructus Setehell and Gardner f.

no v.

Somewhat caulescent ])elow, foliaceous above, u]) to 45 cm. high and 1-2 cm. wide, midrib not pronounced. Receptacles of various shapes from short, broad, blunt, and broadly obcordate to elongated and once or twice forked, with the divisions long, curved and pointed. These elongated receptacles give the char- acters of the form and reach a length of 15-18 cm.

On stones, upper and middle litoral zones in waters much mixed with glacial waters. Orca, Alaska, ]r..4.AS'. and A.A.L., No. 5151!, in Collins, Holden and Setehell, P. B.-A., No. 928! ; Juneau, Alaska, W.A.S. and A. A. L., No. 5180!

284 Universifij */ California Publications. [botaxy

Probabh' a state or form produced Ly the admixture of cold milky waters from the glaciers, and possessing characters inter- mediate between tf. m(tcro('ppl)nhii< and riidis, but those of the latter much exaggerated. The receptacles seem to continue gi'owing at the ti])s after they have become more or less disasso- ciated from the rest of the plant at their bases. In the Juneau specimens the receptacles are decidedly swollen.

Fucus evanescens f. contractus Kjellman.

On rocks in the litoral zone. 8t. Lawrence Island, Alaska, Kjellman (1889, p. 34); Golofnin Bay, Alaska, R. C. McGregor, Nos. 5673!, 5679!; St. Michael, Alaska, ir.A.*S'., Nos. 5238!, 52391, 5252!

A narrow plant referred, as to other than Kjellman's plants, with some doubt.

Fucus evanescens f. dendroides Stroemfelt.

Agattu Island, Alaska, Toivnsend, Nos. 5755!, 5756!

The specimens referred here seem to agree well with Stroem- felt's description and figure (1886, p. 35, pi. 3). It is certainly a form of decidedly arborescent appearance, presumably erect in habit.

Fucus evanescens f. pergrandis Kjellman.

On stones near high water mark. Kyska Island. Alaska, Toiriise}Hl, No. 5773! ; east shore of Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska. W.A.S. and A.A.L., Nos. 3284!. 4049!. in Collins, Holdeu and Setchell, P. B.-A.. No. XLYI!, under F. platycar])i(s\ Yakutat Bay, Alaska, Bev. Alhin Johnson, No. 5701! ; Port Renfrew, B. C, Butler aud Policy, No. 20!

A large, broad foi-m with large, broad i-eceptacles which are sometimes very flat or sometimes very considerably swollen.

Fucus evanescens f. angustus Kjellman.

On rocks in the lower litoral zone. Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 76! ; East Sound, Orcas Island, X.L.G., No. 624!, in Collins, Holdeu and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 926!

A narrow form to be compared with/, contractus, froui which it seems to differ in aspect on account of its more regularly branched, linear frond.

Vol. 1] SefcJiell-Ganhier. Algce of Northwestern America. 285

Fucus evanescens f. nanus Kjellman?

Yakutat Bay, Alaska, Bev. Alhrn Johnson, No. 5712! (sterile) .

A dwarf, slender, irregnlarly branched form, referred here doubtfully on aeeount of its sterile condition.

Fucus evanescens f. bursiger (J. Agardh) Kjellman.

On rocks at extreme ujjper tide limit. Summer Bay, Unalaska, Alaska, W.A.S.and A.A.L.,NoA0ry2l ; Dutch Harbor, Unalaska, Alaska, 7?. C. McGregor, l^o. oGSdal ; Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 90!

A depauperate form of the uppermost portion of the litoral zone, agreeing with the description and figure of J. G. Agardh (1870a, p. 35, pi. 3).

Under Fucus t^rdiiescfns are probably to be placed the older references to the occurence of F. vesicidosus, a species lacking, in all probability, on our western coast. Most of the references state that the species is represented by the form without vesicles. The following are to be noted:

F. vesicuJosHS Postels and Ruprecht (1840, p. 12). Sitka, Alaska.

F. vesicnlosus var. minor Harvey (1841, p. 134). Kotze])ue Soimd, Alaska.

F. vesicnlosus Bailey and Harvey (1862, p. 160). Puget Sound.

F. vesicnlosus var. evesiculosus Harvey (1862, p. 163). Esquimalt and Victoria, B.C.

F. vesicnlosus Harvey (1872, p. 463). Kotzebue Sound, Alaska.


Cystophyllum geminatum (Agardh) J. Agardh.

On rocks, in sheltered places, lower litoral aud ui)per sul)- litoral zones. Bay of Morozof (Morzhovoi Bay), Alaska, Toivn- send, No. 5778!; Shumagin Islands and Kukak Bay, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 432, under C. Lepidiuni); Kadiak Island, Alaska, Ruprecht (1851, p. 348, under Cystoseira thfjrsigera); Yakutat Bay, Sitka, and Wrangell, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p.

286 University of California Publications. [botany

432, under C. Lfpidimu); Banks Island, B. C, Harvey (1857, p. 122) ; Victoria, B. C, Saunders (1901, p. 432, under C. Lepidimn) ; in 14 fathoms, Esquinialt, B. C, Harvey (1862, p. 163); Port Renfrew, B. C, Butler and Polley, Nos. 19, 103; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 36! , in Collins, Holden andSetchell, P. B.-A., No. XLVII! , under (\ Lepidiinn- Friday Harbor, San Juan Island, Wash., Tilden, No. 232!, under C. Lepidium.

Five species are quoted from the coasts rang'ing' between the Ochotsk Sea and Puget Sound, viz., Cystoseira genii natum Agardh, G. thyrsigera P. & R., C spicigera Mertens and Agardh, C. Lepidium Ruprecht, and C. Jiypocarpa Kuetzing. It is ques- tionable whether thei-e are characters to separate them from one another and it has seemed necessary to place them all under one name for the present. C. spicigera, however, is said by Ruprecht (1851, p. 348) not to represent without emendation, any certainly known species, and consequently, although this name is the old- est, it seems best not to adopt it because of the uncertainty. From the descriptions and figures it certainly seems that C. thyrsigera, G. Lepidium, and G. liypocarpa, refer at least, to forms of the same species and are to l)e united. The identity of G. thyrsigera and G. gennnaftnu rests on the authority of J. G. Agardh.

Cystoseira osmundacea (Menzies) Agardh.

Sannak Island, Alaska, Turner (1S86, p. 85).

This is the only reference to this common Californian species as occurring within our limits. It is to be questioned as to whether it may not be the preceding species masquerading under this name.


The Rhodophyceee of the Northwest Coast are more numerous than had been supposed until within a few years, and form a group which has taxed our efforts to the utmost. The abundant materials collected in our hands has presented to us a large number of i^roblems of identification which we trust we have

Vol. n SetcJiell-Gardner. Alga' of Northive stern America. 287

either solved, or at least, have not left in such a condition as to confuse others. We have preferred here, as in the fore- going groups, to deal with what seem to be polymorphous species in many cases, and have adopted the method of naming forms to give detiniteness to our ideas of the amplitude of variation. Our studies on the Calif ornian Coast have helped us much in realizing the extreme variation which a specie? of algae may undergo under circumstances of varying environmental conditions and still adhere to the general type. We have fol- lowed in general arrangement and largely in the selection of the generic names and generic distinctions, the work of Schmitz and his collaborators, Haupttleisch and Falkenberg (1S9G-1897) in Engler and Prantl. In some cases, we have departed and have followed J. G. Agardh in his later arrangements of the genera formerly grouped under Delesseria and Callithamnion, and for good reason as it has appeared to us. We have also found much help on many groups from Kjellman's critical notes in the Algae of the Arctic Sea (1888) . For unravelling the difficulties in some genera, Ruin-echt (1851) has been indispensable and Kuetzing's Tabula^ Phycologicee have assisted greatly. In this group, partic- ularly, which has been less thoroughly studied, it has been necessary to examine all the literature available in almost every case. We have derived very considerable information from Yendo's papers on Corallinge Verae (1902 and 1902a), although we cannot agree with him in the closeness of his specific distinc- tions.

We are indel)ted to j\[. Foslie of Trondheim, Norway, for the account of the crustaceous Corallinaceae, and to Mr. F. S. Collins, and through him to Professor W. G. Farlow, for lieli) in many cases of troublesome synonymy. To Mr. H. T. A. Hus, we are desirous of expressing our thanks for examining all of the mate- rial of the genus Porphyra and for the masterly way in which he has unravelled the difficulties of specific distinction in that genus.

As regards comparative distribution of the species of this large group, we are, as yet, hardly in a position to make any very general or explicit statements. A very considerable number of the species found in the North Temperate Region of the Pacific Coast of North America are continued into Puget Sound, and

288 Umversifj/ of California Pi(hlirafio)is. [Botany

even up to Sitka or Yakutat Bay, or farther ou. There are, however, to be found in the vicinity of Puget Sound, many species characteristic of the Boreal Region which are not to be found farther to the south. Many more species of the North Atlantic are to be found in our territory than farther south along* the coast, and, as we i)ro('eed northward, these species and those closely related to them form the characteristic portion of the flora. In the Upper Boreal, the North Atlantic and Arctic character is very pronounced, intermingled with some species characteristic of the Lower Boreal. Very little, however, is known, as yet, of the species of this region.

Family BANGIACE.4^.

Bangia atropurpurea f. fuscopurpurea (I)illwyn) J. Agardh.

On old wood of piles, Hoats, and wharves, in the litoral zone. Dutch Harbor, Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, R. C. McGregor, No. 5691! ; Juneau, Alaska, ir.^'l.^S'. and A.A.L., No. 5199!; Victoria, B. C, ^Saunders (1901, p. 432, under B. atro- purpured Pacifica) ; Port Renfrew, B. C, Tildpn, No. 388! , under B. rprmiciilaris, Butler and PoUey, No. Ill; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 125! ; Orcas Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 684!; Seattle, Wash., X.L.G., Nos. 806!, 806a!; Pleasant Beach, Kitsap, County, Wash.. X.L.G., No. 350!

This seems to be the only species yet collected within the limits of our territory, although we have kept careful watch for the B. vermicularts of the Calif ornian coast. As yet no species has appeared which compares with that in coarseness of filament. The specimen distributed by Miss Tilden under B. vermicularis is slender even for f. fuscopHrpurea. It seems to us some- what doubtful, however, whether B. vt^rtnindaris is, itself, distinct from this species. J. G. Agardh (1882, ]). 87) seems to have been inclined to separate the Calif ornian form of B. atropurpurea as distinct, but evidently decided not to give it a different name, although the plate (loc cit., \)\. 1, f. 34-39) has the legend, B. Pacifica, while the explanation of the figures (loc. cit., p. 179) has the trinomial B. atropur-

Vol.1] SSetchell-Gardner. AJgm of Northwestern America. 289

jmrea Pacified. We hardly think that Ao-ardh intended to use either as a name for the Californian plant, l)ut Saunders (1901' p. 432), however, has used the latter to designate a plant from Victoria, B. C, and without explanation.

Porphyra laciniata (Lightfoot) Agardh.

On roeks or on Fncus evanescens in the litoral zone, or even in the upper sublitoral zone. West shore of Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, W.A.S. and A.A.L., Nos. 3269!, 3270! ; Orca, Alaska, W.A.^. and A.A L., No. 5164! ; Yakutat Bay, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 433), Bev. Alhin Johnson, No. 14! ; Sitka, Alaska, Saanders, No. 136! ; Annette Island, Alaska, Saunders, No. 26!

So far as the datci are accessible to us, the present species seems to be confined to the coasts of Alaska. In this, as in the following species, we have followed the account of Hus (1902) in the citation and distribution. /'. Jaeiniat<t is cooked by the Indians of Yakutat Bay and eaten. This is reported to us by Rev. Albin Johnson, and we have observed Yakutat Indians at Orca drying it, evidently for a food supply.

Porphyra laciniata f. umbilicalis Agardh.

St. Paul Island, Alaska, Townsend, No. 5780! (Setchell, 1889, p. 593).

Differs from the preceding chiefly in its well marked umbili- cate base.

Porphyra perforata J. Agardh.

On rocks in the litoral and upper sublitoral zones. Shumagin Islands, Alaska, Saunders, No. 394! ; (llacier Bay, Alaska, Saunders, No. 100!; Sitka, Alaska, Saunders, No. 130!; Vic- toria, B. C, N.L.G., No. 318!; Bsquimalt, B. C, ^.L.G.. No. 322!; Port Renfrew, B. C, Butler and Pollen, No. 45; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 97! ; Orcas Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 295!; San Juan Ishind, Wash., N.L.G., No. 286!

A very common species in the region of Puget Sound, ])ut less so on the coast to the north. The species has been well defined and described by Hus (1902). As a rule the typical form is a

290 Universiti/ of California Puhlicationa . [Botany

fairly large plant, but No. 322 is nearly 4 meters long and 1.3-2 meters wide, one of the largest of known Porph^i-as.

To this species are probably to be referred the plants men- tioned nnder P. vulgaris, as follows: Esquinialt, B. C, H((rr(-if (18G2. \). 176) and Paget Sound, Raileij dud Harrei/ (lS(i2. j). 163).

Porphyra perforata f . segregata Setchell and Hns.

On rocks. West coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 66! ; Seattle, Wash., Til(hti. No. 228!, under P. lencosticta.

This is a dwarf form, with thickened cell walls and the upper and lower halves of the (contents of the antheridia separated Vty a thick gelatinous wall.


Porphyra Nereocystis C. L. Anderson.

(Jn Xereocystis Liif^fJi'fdtia. Harvester Island, Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island. Alaska, ir.A.N. and A.A.L., No. 3112!: St. Paul, Kadiak Island, Alaska, TK.4.N. and A. A. L., No. 3149!; Whidbey Island, Wash., X. L.G.I

This species may be known from forms of the preceding species by its red color, usually thinner frond, and by the arrangement of the sporocarps and antheridia which do not form the narrow elongated more or less linear patches of P. perforata.

Porphyra naiadum t. minor Hus.

On leaves of Phyllospadix. Port Renfrew, B. C, TUdtn. No. 516!, Buthr and Polley, No. 47.

Porphyra naiadum f. major Hus.

On the leaves of Zostera. West coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., Nos. 182!, 183!, 273! ; Brown Island, San Juan County, Wash., Tildeii, No. 231b!; Seattle, Wash., Tilden, No. 231a! (a very poor specimen.)

P. naiadum is a verj^ distinct species on account of the cushion -shaped parenchymatous prothallus, as has been shown by Hus (1902).

Porphyra amplissima (Kjellman) Setchell and Hus.

On rocks, upper sublitoral zone. Amaknak Island. Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, ir..l.N. ami A.A.L., No. 3268!: Unga,

vui,. 1] Setchell-Gardner. Algm of Northwestern America. 291

Alaska, A.A.L., No. 5047! ; Orca, Alaska, TT^.A.aS?. and A.A.L., No. 5165!, Sannders, No. 259a! and 1901, p. 488, cited as from "Prince William Sound"; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 47! , 199b! , 280! , 688! , and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. XLIX!

P. aniplissinia is very variable as to size, hal)it and tint of red, but it is always distromatic and has the antherozoids in four tiers of four each in the antheridium, as Kjellman has figured them (1883, pi. 18, f. 8).

Porphyra miniata f. cuneiformis Setchell and Hus.

On rocks, on wood, and on other nlgfe. Lowe Inlet, Alaska, Saunders, No. 20!; Victoria, B. C, Tildeii, No. 230!; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 199a!, in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 929! ; Pleasant Beach, Kitsap County, Wash., X.L.G., No. 348!

This species is to l)e distinguished from the two following very nearly related species, by its habit or color, being decidedly darker red and rather thicker than the next, and larger and more completely distromatic than P. ahyssicola.

Porphyra tenuissima (Stroemfelt) Setchell and Hus.

On rocks and other alga^. Shumagin Islands, Alaska, Satmders, No. 384! ; Yakutat Bay, Alaska, Saunders, No. 214!, Ee I' . A lb I n Johnson, No . 5 705 !

Readily recognized, as a rule, liy its thin, light red or i)ink, distromatic frond.

Porphyra ahyssicola Kjellman.

On Zostera. West coast of Whidbey Island, Wash. X.L.G., 273a!

As stated above, this species is not very distinct from P. miniata f. cuneiformis, dilfering from that plant in its smaller size and less distinctly or less completely distromatic frond.

Porphyra variegata Kjellman.

Found floating up from the sublitoral zone where it grows on rocks. West coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 177!, 179!, 279!, 687!, and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 930!

292 Universifj/ of California Puhlications . IBotany

The type is Diploderma variegatuni Kjellman (1889, p. 33, pi. 2, f. 1-4) from Bering Island, Siberia. The species is read- ily recognized by its thick and variegated frond. To this species mnst be joined P. occidentoJis Setchell and Hus (Hus, 1900, p. 69 and 1902, p. 228, pi. 21, f. l.la-lTb), since farther search on the coast of California has brought other more luxuriant, thicker specimens to light and it has been made certain that it is the antheridial plant of P. variegata.

Erythrotrichia ceramicola (Lyngbye) Areschoug.

On Lophosiplionia villuin. St. Paul, Kadiak Island, Alaska, ^Y.A.IS. and A.A.L., No. 5148a!


Batrachospermum monilforme Roth.

Chilukweynk Valley, Vancouver, Island, B. C, Harvey (1862, p. 176).

We know this only from the reference and consequently do not know whether it is B. moniliforme in the sense of Sirodot or not. The species of this genus have not been sufficiently studied as yet, but we shall attempt to refer ours to the species of Sirodot 's monograph, at least provisionally.

Batrachospermum moniliforme f. typicum Sirodot.

In fresh water streams. Baird Creek, Port Renfrew, B. C, Tilden, No. 832!, under B. moniliforme var. Scapula; Port Ren- frew, B. C, Butler and Pol ley and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.- A., No. 876!

The two collections quoted above seem to be typical of this species as we understand it. The cystocarps are of uniform size, not large, and situated in the outer half of the verticil but well included.

Batrachospermum moniliforme f. helminthoideum Sirodot.

In a creek. Orcas Island, Wash., X.Jj.G., No. 702.!

We have some doubt of the determination of this ])lant. Imt it seems to agree with the description of Sirodot. It ditt'ers fi-oiii

Vol.. 1] Set c hell- Gardner. Alga' of Xorlhivesiern America. 293

the last in having the interverticiUary filaments developed to such an extent as to obscure the moniliform habit.

Batrachospermum pyramidale Sirodot.

Attached to boards and stones in a rapidly running stream of fresh water. Newhall, Orcas Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 616!

The verticils are usually globular, distant, and distinct, while the cystocarps vary in size and distance from the center of the verticil, all, however, being included within it.

Batrachospermum densum Sirodot.

On stones in a snuill rill of fresh water. Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, U'.A.N. and A.A.L., No. 3298!

The verticils are discoid and confluent below on account of the growth of the interverticiUary filaments. The whole plant is dark purplish green. The cystocarps are small with relatively large spores included within the inner half of the verticil.

Batrachospermum ectocarpum Sii-odot.

Attached to stones in running fresh water. Near Dexter, Golofniu Bay, Alaska, R. C. McGregor, No. 5664! ; Chambers Creek, near Tacoma, Wash., N.L.G., No. 427!

Distinguished by the large cystocarps which are at the outer edge of the verticil, often more or less exserted, but without con- spicuous bracteoid filaments.

Batrachospermum vagum f. flagelliforme Sirodot.

In ponds, pools, and streams of fresh water. Kadiak Island, Cook Inlet, and Virgin Bay in Prince William Sound, Alaska, Saiaiders (1901, p. 433).

Batrachospermum vagum f. keratophytum Sirodot.

In a stream of fresh water. Near Port Kenfrew, B. C., Tilden, No. T)!,")!, Butler <iiid Pollei/, in Collins, Holden and Setchell. P. B.-A., No. 879a!

Batrachospermum ccerulescens Sirodot.

Xooksjiek Kiver, Whatcom County. Wash., X.L.G.. No. 701!

The material is preserved in formalin, so that the color is no

longer apparent, but the ])lant, when fi-esli. was decidedly blue, and

BOT.— 2(1.

294 Universiiii of Culifoniia rnhlicdfions. [botany

is certainly of the Viridi a -group, dia'cioiis aud at least very near to this species as understood by one of us in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., Fasc. IV, No. 190, 1896.

Chantransia secundata Lyngbye.

On hydroids. 8an Juan Island, Wash., TUden, No. 308!, under CaUiih<nunio)i s<ecund(iitn)i.

The specimen in our copy is sterile and looks more like Ch. Dnripftii (Dillwyn) Thuret.

Family CH.?i:TANGIACE^.

Whidbeyella Setchell and Gardner gen. nov. Cha^tangia-

cearum. Plates 23, 24.

Frond flat, membranaceous, composed of coarse filaments running' longitudinally in the medulla and curving outward to the periphery, which branch di- to trichotomously and whose terminal cells form the single peripheral layer of the frond; rhizoidal filaments abundant, forming the greater portion of the thickness of the frond, slender, with somewhat of a longitudinal course; cystocarps scattered through the substance of the frond, not projecting above the surface, opening l)y small carpo- stomes on either surface, with the procarpic branch remain- ing and forming a distinct pedicel of several cells; fruit cav- ity piriform, enclosed by a wall of several layers of delicate, parallel, concentric bracteoid filaments and lined with the slender gonimoblastic filaments which send out branches into the fruit cavity, which bear the spores singly at the joints; spores ellip- soidal.

The description of this proposed genus, must necessarily remain somewhat imperfect, since we have only a single battered specimen with immature cystocarps. The structure, however, of both frond and cystocarp is so distinct that we feel fully justified in publishing it. It is intermediate between Galaxaura, which it resembles fairly closely in its cystocarp, and Chjetaugium which it resembles in its frond. Its structure is diflfei-ent from the latter in having an external tissue of a single layer of cells

Vol. 1] Sefchell- Gardner. Algce of ]\' art Ji we stern America. "295

and in having the o-oninioblasts uniformly lining the interior of the fruit eavit> , while from the former, it differs in being mem- ln*anaeeous and uncalcified. The name is taken from Whidbey Island, Wash., a locality furnishing us many rare plants.

Whidbeyella cartilaginea Setehell and Gardner gen. et. sp. nov. Plates 2^], 24.

Plant 1.") cm. high, several fronds arising from the same point; holdfast unknown; fronds narrowly cuneate below, gradually widening above and deeply lobed or parted into a few, palmate, lilunt divisions which are somewhat proliferous from the margins.

Cast ashore. West coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. G32!

Only a single battered specimen preserved in formalin solu- tion is available. The color was alight red. The cystocarps are just beginning to form spores. The consistency is very firmly cartilaginous. The figures represent the habit and the structure of the plant much better than it can be described.


Choreocolax Polysiphoniae lleinsch.

On stems of P()lysii)honia. Sitka, Alaska, Sdnnders, (1901, p. 438).

Gelidium corneum var. lepadicola P. & R. Gelidium corneum var. simplex P. & B.

These two jjlants are mentioned by Postels and Ruprecht (1S40, p. IG) as occurring on shells at Sitka, Alaska. We fail to find any farther information concerning them.

Gelidium Amansii Lamouroux.

On rocks, hnver Utural and upper sublitoral zones. Port Renfrew, B.C., Tilden,^o. 513!, under G. latifolimn- East Sound, Orcas Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 522!

We are indebted to Mr. Collins for comparing Miss Tilden's plant with material from the Californian Coast referred to this species by Dr. Bornet. Similar plants have been distributed

296 UniverHity of California Puhlirafions. [botany

from San Diego, Califoniia, under No. .IS.l, Collins, Holden and Setehell, P. B.-A. (lSi)9).

Endocladia muricata (Harvey) J. Agardh.

On stones and rocks in the upper portion of the litoral zone. Unalaska, Alaska, Postels and Eupreclit (18-iO, p. 10); Popof Island, Alaska, Samuhrs (1901, p. 434) ; Harvester Island, Uyak Bay. Kadiak Island, Alaska, ir.A.N. and A.A.L.. No. 0123!; Prince William Sound, Alaska, SaanfJers (1901, p. 434); Orca, Alaska, W.A.S. and A.A.L., No. 5158!; Sitka, Alaska, Po.s/p/.s- avd Bnprfchi (1840. \). l(i. under (iiiiariina uniricafa) \ Wi-angell, Alaska, Saundns (1901. p. 434); Vancouver Island, B. C, J. <i. Agardh (187G. p. '^7)><, under E. )ni(rirafa and p. 559. under f;. haniidosii): Esquimalt, B. C, 7fr/>v^V (1862, p. 173); Port Renfrew, B. C, Butler and Pol lei/, Nos. 25, 32, and 38.

In the present species we have a plant to which the same name was given at about the same time by two different authorities. Harvey gave the name Gigarfina muricata to a foi-m from San Francisco in 1839 or early in 1840 as far as dates may lie settled with any certainty, while Postels and Ruprecht gave the same name to a form of the same species in 1840. It has seemed best to us to take the ])lant of Harvey as the f. fijpica and to consider San Francisco as the type locality. This plant is well described by Harvey in the Nereis Boreali-Americana (1852, ]). 182. ])1. 27, B). It is more or less irregularly branched, cylindrical, and beset with spines which are simple or slightly bifid. The speci- mens quoted above, so far as we have seen them or so far as they are described, seem to belong to the typical form as described l)y Harvey and as we have found it in the neighborhood of San Francisco. The P. hannilosfi (Ruprecht) J. Agardh seems to dilfer fi-oni P. nno'icata onl\ in having the cystocarps at the bases of the ramuli, while in the latter species the^' are simply lateral. We have found lioth sorts on the same ])lant, so it has seemed best to include both under the older name. Harvey states that Ruprecht's Acantlaxladia muricata is more slendei- and less regulai-ly nuiricated than his E. marie (fa and that Ruprecht's .1. Iiamiilosa is identical with his P. muricata {lor. cit., p. 183).

Vol.1] Seichell-<i<(r(h)(r. Ahjce of Xorflncpsffrn Aiiifricd. 297

Endocladia muricata t. compressa Setehell and (Taidner f. nov.

Cylindrical below, but decidedly flattened above. Otherwise as in the typical form.

In rock pools near high water mark. Friday Harl)()r, San Juan Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 216!

This may possibly be the E. rompUtuatu Harvey from Japan, but as we have not seen a specimen of that species and, as it is described as decompositely dichotomons which ours certainly is not, we feel that this may be left with only a form name. F. compressa seems to be a plant of quiet waters while the type grows on exposed coasts.

Endocladia muricata f . inermis Setchell and Gardner f. nov.

A dwarf plant almost or quite destitute of s])ines.

In small tide i)ools at high-water mark, much exposed to sun and rain. Friday Harbor, San Juan Island, Wash., X. L.G.I

A very distinct form growing in short densely interlaced rigid tufts, and striking on account of its smooth or very nearly smooth frond.

Chondrus crispus (L.) Lyngbye.

On rocks in the litoral zone. St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, Kjellman (1889. p. 32. under C. phitytnis) St. Michael. Alaska, Herb. B. C. Eaton. No. 14!, under C. plaiijnus, W.A.S., Nos. 5154x!, 5246y! ; St. Paul Island, Alaska, Greeley and Snodgrass, No. 5807! (Setchell, 1899, p. 593, under C. plati/nnsf) ; near Iliu- liuk, Unalaska, Alaska, W.A.8. and A.A.L., Nos. 8290!, 4034!, 4034a! ; Noi-th Pacific Ocean, Po.'<teh and Buprechf (1840, i). 17).

After a careful study of the forms of Chondrus of both sides of the North American continent from the living specimens and a careful comparison of such European specimens as are avail- able, together with such descriptions, critical notes and figures as have been published, it seems to us that the species described from our territory are better understood if placed under C. crispus and its various forms. It seems to us that No. 4034a, which shows young cystocarps and agrees in lial)it with Kjellman's

298 Univcrsifi/ of Cfiliform'd Piihlirationfi. [Botany

Gnjurtitui Pitcificd is really a C'lioiulnis (since it has the cysto- carpic structure of a Chondrus) and belongs under this species. We cannot feel certain of C. plafi/iius (Agardh) J. Ag-ardh, Init can find no difference between it and the European species. We shall make no attempt to separate the numbers known to us into forms, ])ut if we should do so, they would fall under several form -names.

Chondrus affinis Harvey.

Esquimalt, B. C, Hari'ey (1862, ]). 178).

We have not seen this plant from our territory, but feel that it is probably only another form of the preceding species.

Irid^ea laminarioides Bory.

On rocks in the upper sublitoral zone. Puget Sound, Sainuhrs (1901, p. 434) ; Port Renfrew, B. C, Builer <in<l PoU<^ii, Nos. 44, 76, and 77.

We have not seen these specimens and consecpiently place them under the species without comment. Postels and Ruprecht describe (1840, pp. 17 aud 18) a number of species from the North Pacific Ocean and consequently belonging, in all proba- bility, to our territory, which are possibly forms of this species. They are placed tentatively under the various form-names in the following account according to the descriptions as given l^y the authors mentioned. /. lucera and I. sor'nilh cannot even be guessed at, and 1. (Jornucopiw is referred d()ul)tfully to ^Sarco- phyUh arotica. We have not attempted to refer several of the species noted only from Kamtschatka.

Iridaea laminarioides f. typica Setchell.

This is a form common on the Californian coast, with elongated lanceolate and, for the most part, entire frond, answer- ing well to the description and figure of Bory (1828, p. 105, 1)1. 11, f. 1, especially D). It has been distributed under this name from San Francisco, California, b\ one of us in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. XVI (1899).

On rocks in the lower litoral zone. West coast of Whidbey Island,' Wash., N.LAi., No. 58!

Vol.]] 8etcheU-(j<irdner. AJ(j<v of NorfJiivesfern America. 299

Iridaea laminarioides t. cordata (Tuiiri) Setciiell and Gard- ner comb. nov.

On rocks, up]»er and middle litoral zones. Shnmagin Islands, Yakutat Ba}-, and Sitka, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 434, nnder I. memhranoreal ; Banks Island, B. C, Menzies (cf. Tnrner, 1809, p. 118, pi. IIG, nnder Fncus corihdus); Victoria, B. C, Tilden, Nos. 3281)! (cystocarpic, nnder /. laminarioides) , 328c!, (tetrasporic, nnder 1. himiuarioides) ; Esqnimalt, B. C, Harveij (1862, nnder /. cordaia) : west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 43b! , 102! , 180! ; Channel Rocks, near Port Orchard, Kitsap County, Wash., Tilden, No. 329!, nnder /. heffr(>r((rpa.

We have arranged the plants mentioned above nnder this form only after an extended study of the Irida'as of the western coast of North America in the i)laces where they are to be found grow- ing in abundance. The f . cordata is to be distinguished by its short, broad, cordate, thick, and cartilaginous frond which may be entire or may be much lobed, either in a regular or an irreg- ular way, and by the large (2-3 nun. broad) prominent and irreg- ularly lobed cystocarps. It seems to us that the following species of the North Pacific Ocean may probably be placed here also, viz. : /. heferorarpa P. & R. (1840, p. 18) and /. lilacina P. & R. (loc. cit., p. 17). Saunders's plants are referred here because of his statement that they are the same as No. 329, Tilden. They do not seem to be the same as I. memlrranacea J. Agardh, at least as figured ))y him (1879, pi. 10, f . 1-5) . That is apparently a thin- ner and softer plant and of decidedly dift'erent habit.

Iridaea laminarioides f. parvula Kjellman.

On rocks, on exposed shores, upper and middle litoral zones. St. Paul Island, Alaska, Greeley and Snodgrass, No. 5799! (Setchell, 1899, p. 593) ; west shore of Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, W.A.S. and A.A.L., Nos. 3253!, 4042!; "Pinnacles," Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, Tr..4.N. ((nd A.A.L., No. 500G!, and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 931!; Karluk, Kadiak Island, Alaska, ir.A.N., No. 50GG!; Harvester Island, Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, W.A.S. and A.A.L., No. 5120!

300 University of California Piihlicafions. Ibotany

A dwarf form closely approaehiiio' tlic i)i-ccedin<4' in its larger conditions.

Iridaea laminarioides f. punicea (P. & R.) Setchcll .md (jiardner coml). no v.

On rocks, upper sublitoral zone. Unga, Alaska, A.A.L., No. 5050!; Sitka, Alaska, Pastels and Ruprecht (1840, p. IS); west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., Xos. GO!, 142!, 14:5!, 150!, 154!, 292!, 293!; San Juan Island, Wash., Tildni. No. 328a, under /. layuinarioiihs.

A large form often a meter or two in length and of an exceed- ingly bright red purple color. It has been found with both cystocarps and tetraspores. It is not uncommon in Puget Sound and extends southward to Port Harford, San Luis Obispo County, California.

Iridaea obiongifructa Setchell

Cast ashore and growing on the stipes of Pleurophycus and Pterygophora in the sublitoral zone. West coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 56!, 283!

A large species, reseni])ling jSV/rroyj /;////? .s Califoriiica in appear- ance, l)ut with olilong cystocarps. This may be a species of Callymenia, but the habit does not agree with that genus. It is found l)ut seldom and only a few specimens are accessible to us.

Rhodoglossum latissimum -1. Agardh.

In the sublitoral zone. West shore of Whidl)ey Island, Wash., X.L.G., Nos. 101!, 140!

Only a few specimens have been found and these are cysto- carpic. Consequently, the genus must remain in doubt, since the difference between Iridtea and Rhodoglossum depends upon the character of the tetrasporic sorus. The fronds are thin, the cystocarps regular and circular, and evenly distributed over the frond. It resembles in these respects the plants from the Calif or- nian coast referred to this genus. It has seemed best to us to retain J. O. Agardh's genus Rhodoglossum, since in habit, to some extent, and especially in the structure of the sorus, it is amply distinct from h-ida'a.

vor,. i| ISefcheU-Gardner. Algd- of Xorfhwesfern America. 301

Gigartina Pacifica Kjellman.

On rocks in the npper part of the sublitoral zone. Shnmagin Islands, Akiska, Saunders (1901, p. 485).

The type plant is troni Bering Island where Kjellman says it is fairly common. He says that it has proliferations from the disk as well as from the margins, bnt his figures show those from the disk only sparingly. As has been stated above, we have plants from Unalaska which agree well with Kjellman's descrip- tion and figure, l)ut the cystocarp is decidedly that of C-hondrus and we have referred them to forms of C crispKs. We have not seen the specimens of Saunders. Near this plant, whatever its disposition, are probably to be placed Ruprecht's ('Iimidrus iitiiiinllosKs var. (hdioff-iisis and C. maniillosus var. ITnalaschciisis (1S51, pp. 318 and 319). The description of the latter seems to point directly to Kjellman's plant, while the former is a more slender plant. In both, the papilla" are confined to the margins and ends, and point towards forms of G. rrispiis, to which we feel inclined to refer all three jdants under discussion.

Gigartina mamillosa ((Joodenough and Woodward) J. Agardh. We have long been of the opinion that the forms of Gigartina of the western coasts of North America commonly referred to G. papillata (Agardh) J. Agardh, are merely forms of the species of Europe and it has seemed safe to refer them under it in this paper. The type as outlined by Goodenough and Woodward ( 1795, p. 174) seems to be a form similar if not identical with our f. cristata. This species is given as from Unalaska and Sitka by Postels and Ruin-echt (1S40, p. 17).

Gigartina mamillosa f. cristata Setchell comb. nov.

On rocks in the litoral zone about half way l)etween tide marks. Kukak Bay, Alaska, Satniders (1901, ]). 435, under G. papiUafa f. rrisfafa); Orca, Alaska, ir.A.N. and A.A.L., No. 5157!; Esquimau, B.C., Harrey (1S62, p. 172, under C/. niamiUaris t. latissima) ; west coast of Whidliey Island, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 67!, 77!, 195!; Tracyton, Kitsap County, Wash., Tildeii, No. 219!, under (/. radiiJa and No. 326!, under G. papil- la fa f. cristata.

302 University of California Fablications. [Botany

Gigartina mamillosa t. cristata subf . prolifera Setchell and Gardner snbf. no v.

On rocks in the litoral zone. Oroa, Alaska, ir.A.N. and A.A.L., No. 51G7! ; Yakutat Bay, Alaska, Eev. Albiii Jolnison, No. 5707! ; Trae.yton, Kitsap County, Wash., Tihlen, No. 220!, under (/. hianii/losa.

This differs from the preceding by the papilltp being produced into lanceolate blades. It is merely a sterile foliiferous state of the preceding, but is of common occurrence on the coast of California in waters containing a considerable admixture of fresh water.

Gigartina mamillosa f. dissecta Setehell com]), nov.

Esquimalt, B. L'., H((rt'ei/ (18G2, p. 172, under G. nianii/laris f . vulgaris) .

This seems to be the same as G. papiUata f. dissecta Setchcll.

Gigartina mamillosa f. subsimplex Setchell comb. nov.

On rocks in the upper litoral zone. Captains Bay, Unalaska, Alaska, W.A.S. and A.A.L., No. 5013! ; Shumagin Islands, Alaska, ISannders (1901, p. 434, under G. papillata f. ti/pica); Harvester Island, U.yak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, ir.A.iS'. and A.A.L., No. 5114!; Sitka, Alaska, Ruprechf (1S51. j). 318, under Chondrus mamillosus var. Sitchensis) .

This is the type of C. A. Agardh's G. papillata, the type speci- men of which was collected by Chamisso. Chamisso labelled the plant as coming from Oahu, one of the Hawaiian Islands, but as Ruprecht (1851, p. 318) remarks, it probalily came from Unalaska. It is G. papillata f. snhsiniplfx Setchell.

Gigartina radula f. typica Setchell.

On rocks lower litoral and upper sublitoral zones. Puget Sound, Bailey and Harvey (1862, p. 162); Strait of Juan de Fuca and Victoria, B. C, Harvey (1862, ]). 172) : Port Renfrew, B. C, Butler and Polley, No. 73; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 175!

With the exception of Gardner's specimen, we assume that the references quoted belong to the typical form of this si)ecies. Gardner's specimen is near the type, but not exactly ('oi'rcsi)onding.

Vol.1] SeicJicII-GdnJ Dfr . AJ(/<(' of JS^oriJiiresfer)! Awprira. ^03

Gigartina radula t. microphylla (Harvey) Setcliell.

Floating. West shore of Wliidbey Island, Wash., K.L.G., No. 64!

This i)lant seems to correspond to Harvey's G. mirropJiylla, which one of ns (cf. k^etchell, in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A,, No. XIX, 1899), has already reduced to a form of G. radnhi.

Gigartina radula f. exasperata (Harvey and Bailey) Setchell.

On rocks, lower litoral and upper sul)litoral zones. W^est coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 108!, 10-1!, 105!, 170! , 17'2! , 178! , 174! . 2S2! ; Channel Rocks, near Port Orchard, Kitsap County, Wash., TiUleii, No. 327!, under G. spiiwsa; Tracyton, Kitsap County, Wash., Tihlen, No. 218!; opposite Fort Nisqually, Pierce County. Wash.. H((rrHj <md Bailey (1851, \). 371, under G. exasppraid) , lidihi/ (tud Harvey (1862, p. 162, under G. exasperata) .

The Gkjarihia cxasjxraiti Harvey and Bailey (1851, p. 162, 1)1. 5) was founded on the young tetrasporic plant which is more thin and more ample than the adult. The adult cystocarpic plant of this species is decidedly thick and takes on the form described by Kuetziug as Mastocarpu^ eorynihiferiis {1H61 , \)l. 46) and is well re])resented l»y the specimen (in our copy) iinder No. 327 of Tilden's American Alg'a\ The morphology and histology have been described by Olsen (1899) and l)y Humphrey (1901). Turner's figure (1808, pi. 25) of Fucks hrarteains, credited to the coast of Northwestern America, represents a i)lant inter- mediate between the type and this form. The young plaut of this form is often a very large plant, a meter or two long and broad in i)roportion. As it matures it seems to become smaller and thicker. These observations were made principally on the coast of California, where this form is found in abundance.

Erythrophyllum delesserioides J. Agardh.

On rocks in the upi)er sublitoral zone. Vancouver Island, B. C, Wood in Herb. J. E. Gray (Me J. G. Agardh, 1870, p. 11) ; Port Renfrew, B. C, Tilden, No. 505!, Builer and Polley, No. 2.

.■]()j: Unh'crKiiy of Cdlijoniia FHJ)lic(tli())is. IBotanv

Apparently the novthern limit of tliis species which is ;il)uu(l- aut on the C'alifoi'uian coast. Miss Tilden's plant rciJi-cscnts a young form. As growing on the Californian coast, this species at first forms a frond with smooth, veined surfaces. As the plant matures, i)ai)ilhp appear on the surfaces until they are thickly covered. The tetraspores and cystocarps arc formed in these papilla^ in a fashion similar to the method of formation in Gigartina. Finally the surfaces wear away, leaving the veins as coarse cords covered still with papillae. This final stage might not be recognized as lielonging to the same plant as the earlier ones. The two stages have been distributed in the P. B.-A, under Nos. ")() and -IHS, while very young and depauijerat*^ plants have been distributed in the Phykotheka Universalis, Xo. fiOn.

■J. G. Agardh, in his later work (1899, p]i. .')7-(30), doubts the accuracy of the determination of the plants referred to this species by other algologists and finally proposes the name Poli/iioini Gali- foniira for the one distributed more recently. The two i)lants seem to differ, in sterile condition, by the more denticulate margin, the more simple frond, and the more completely percur- rent midrib of the original plant. Our specimens, of the same age, agree perfectly with the figure given by Agardh (1879, pi. 15, f. 1) and it is possible to find in the same V)unch of i)lants, speci- mens agreeing, equally well with all that he has said of his Pdi/- neura Californird . In view of the Gigartinaceons cystocarp, it is necessary to place this genus here rather than with the Dumon- tiaceee where Schmitz placed it, and on account of the tetraspores and cj'stocarps being borne in pa])ilhf or proliferations, it seems to take a position next to Gigartina.

Phyllophora Brodiaei (Turner) J. Agardh.

Arctic coast of Alaska, Harveij (1872, ]). -IG-'O .

In Rothrock's list, Harvey reports a single specimen of a liroad leaved variety of this species.

Phyllophora interrupta (Greville) -I. Agardh.

Point Barrow, Alaska, Farloir (188."). ]k 192, 188(1. p. 474).

Farlow reports that fine typical specimens of this species were collected bv Mr. John Murdock at this localitv.

Vol.1] iSeirlieU-Gardner. Alqic of Xorilt tee stern America. 805

Ahnfeldtia plicata (Hudson) Fries.

On rocks in the lower literal and uj^per sublitoral zones. Arctic coast of Alaska, Harvey {1ST2, ]). 463); St. Lawrence Island and Port Clarence, Alaska, Kjellniaii (1889, p. 30); St. Michael, Alaska, Herb. J>. C. Eaton, No. IG! ; St. Paul Island, Alaska, RnprecJif (1851, p. 326, under Gynmogongnis fastigiatn.s f. crassiorD ; Unalaska, Alaska, Bnprecht (1851, pp. 251 and 327, under Gijmnogoi^grns fastigiafus) ; Kadiak Island, Alaska, Bnprecht (1851. ]). 326, under Gymnogongrna fastigiatus f. crassior) ; Prince William Sound and Yakutat Bay, Alaska, Saidittfrs (11)01. ]). 435); Sitka, Alaska, Postels and Ruprecht (1840. p. 16. under Gigartina fastiqiata) ; North Pacific Ocean, Posteh and Ruprecht (1840, ]). 16, under Gigartina plicata) \ Es(|uinialt and Fuca Strait, Harrci/ (1862, p. 171) ; Port Renfrew, B.C., Bathrand PoJhij, No. 8 (in part) ; Whidbey Island, X.L.G., No. 30!

While it seems certain that this species is distributed along the whole coast of North America, so far as our own ex]3erience is concerned, it seems to be scarce.

We do not know what to do with Ruprecht's species Gymnogon- i/nis fastigiatiis and its f . crassior, but refer it here with a feeling that perhaps some of it may Itelong with the next. Schmitz (1893, ]). 394) seems inclined to reckon the Ruprecht plant as a variety, at least, of A. plicata.

Ahnfeldtia concinna J. Agardh.

Port Renfrew, B. C, Butler and Polley, No. 27; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 35!

A coarser species and, in No. 35. }>rovided with cystocarps. We have united under this name the .4. concinna and tlu^ .4. (ligtniinnides of .1. ({. Agardh.

Sterrocolax crassior Schmitz.

On Ahnfeldtia plicata, apparently parasitic. St. Michatl. Alaska, Herl». />. C. Eaton, No. 16! ; Unalaska, Alaska, Rnpnchf (1851, ]). 327, as nemathe(da of Gymnogongrns fastigiatiis f. crassior), Schmitz (1877, p. 394): Kadiak Island, Alaska, Ruprecht (1851, ]). 327, as in Unalaska specimen) ; Port Renfrew, B. C, liatlcr and Polley, No. 81 (in inirt).

'ion Univers'it 1/ of California J^iihJicdfioHs. ibotany

It seems that this species must be very near to S. (Icriphiis Sehmitz or at most only a variety of it.

Callophyllis furcata t. dissecta Farlow in Ilcrl).

Cast ashore from rocks in the npper litoral zone. Port Ren- frew, B. C, Tilden, No. 32.')!, under C. ohfusifolia, Htifler ainl Polleij, No. 109; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 63!

The typical form of this species, distributed b}' Farlow in Farlow, Anderson and Eaton, Algae Exsiccatae America? Borealis, No. 127, and by Setchell in Phycotheca Boreali- Americana, No. 883, is a broad, much forked plant with the angles very acute and the lobes approximate. The cystocarps are large and con- fined to the body of the frond. The tips of the lobes are obtuse. The f. dhaeria which grades into f . ft/pica is flabellately much lobed and dissected, but in color, texture, and coarseness resembles very closely the type. It is still to he settled whether C. furcata is to be considered as included under the C. ohfusifolia of J. G. Agardh or not.

Callophyllis laciniata (Hudson) Kuetziug.

Esquimalt, B. C, H<irveij (1862, p. 162); Puget Sound, Bailey and Harvey (1862. p. 162).

Known to us only from the two references quoted above.

Callophyllis flabellulata Harvey.

In the upper sublitoral zone, at a depth of 8-10 feet. Esqui- malt, B. C, Harrey (1862, p. 171).

A species resemblmg Euihora rrisfafa in habit and having- the cystocar])s at or very near the tips of the lobes. We have seen Calif ornian material referred to this species, but no si)e('i- mens from our territory.

Callophyllis rhynchocarpa f. cristata Kuprecht.

On other algiP. Unalaska, Alaska. RiiprerJif (18.')1. ]). 262).

Callophyllis rhynchocarpa f. incisa Ruprecht.

Sitka (or Unalaska?), Alaska, Eiiprec/d (1851, p. 262). We have seen nothing resembling the forms of this species.

Vol. 1] SetcheU-Gardner. A]g(e of Northicestern America. 307

Callophyllis variegata (Bory) Kuetzing.

vSt. Paul Island, Alaska, Ruprechf (1851, p. 263); Esqiiimalt, B. C. Harvey (1862, p. 172).

This species, more or less common on the coast of California, is unknown to us from our territory other than as stated above. Ruprecht says that the St. Paul plant comes nearer to tliis species than to any other.

Callymenia reniformis (Turner) J. Ag-ardh.

In 10 fathoms of water. Esquimalt, B. C, Harvey (1862, p. 172).

The only reference to this species found. It is uncertain whether this means the type of the species or not. The tvpe form is found in some abundance at times, cast ashore at Mon- terey, California.

Callymenia reniformis f. cuneata J. Agardh.

On other algse, in the sublitoral zone (5-10 fathoms), and cast ashore, often in considerable quantity, from deep water. Shores of the Bay of Unalaska, especially in the neighborhood of Ilinliuk, Unalaska, Alaska, Tl^.l.^S. and A.A.L., Nos. 3263!, 4051!, 1089!, 4091!, 4092!, 4098!, 5047a!, and in Collins. Holden and Setchell, P. B.- A., No. 498! ; Bay of Mon.zof (Morz- hovoi Bay), Alaska, Toivnsend, No. 5777!

A fine and large plant, differing from the species in being- cleft palmately into few or many, broader or narrower divisions. Both cystocarpic and tetrasporic specimens were found. In the majority of i)lants the margins are entire, but in some specimens they are very crispate.

Callymenia ornata (P. & R.) J. Agardh.

Yakutat Bay, Alaska, Bev. Alhin JoJuisoit, No. 5703!

The type plant is from Kamtschatka. Ours is not so luxu- riantly developed, but the comparatively long stipe, the cuneate base, the color, thickness, and lobing, point directly toward this species. Some of ours is in cystocarpic condition.

Callymenia Gmelini Orunow.

Agattu Island, Alaska, Toini.seitd, No. 5757!

This plant has a certain resemblance to the last, but is smaller and differs somewhat in the structure of the cross section of the

308 Universilij of California PiihJicdfinns. [botany

blade. It eertaiiilv resembles the figure of Gmeliu (17GS, \)\. 2^0 which Grunow (1868, ]). 72) says represents the habit of the Kiirile plant. Two of our ])lants have cystocarps which are large, projecting more on one surface than on the other, and are in structure distinctly those of a Callymenia. DeToni (1897, p. 30.")) is inclined to refer Grunow' s species to Phi/Uophora ner- vosa (DC.) Greville, but our plant is certainly not a form of that species.

Callymenia Phyllophora J. Agardh.

Cast ashore from deep water. Unga, Alaska, A.A.L., Xos. r)052!, 5055!, 5056b!; Harvester Island, Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska. W.A.S. and A.A.L., No. 5119!; Kukak Bay, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 435, under C. Californica) \ Vancou- ver Island. B. C, J. O. Agardh (1870, p. 9, 1892, p. 72, under Blasiophije PhijUophora) ; Port Renfrew, B. C. Tilden, No. 324! , under C Californica, Butler and PoUeij, No. 79; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash, X.L.G., No. 43!

After a considerable study of the variations of C. Californica Farlow as it occurs on the western coast of North America, it has seemed best to refer it to C. PhyUopJwra. There are two series of variations of this plant, as we understand it. which shade into one another. The one may be characterized l)y the general orbicular shape of the main frond and its proliferations, with the margins entire or slightly ciliate. This is the tyi)e of C. Californica. The other series may l)e characterized by tlie elongated shape of the main frond and its divisions, with the margins, as a rule, long ciliate. This seems to be the type of C. PJn/llopJiora , and is also the Prioniiisf Clevelandii Farlow (1877, p. 242). Both types are represented in our colb'ctions. the type of Agardh from Whidbey Island, which may be distin- guished as f . typica, while the other specimens we have seen all belong to the type of C. Californica, which may he distinguished as f . orbicularis. Some of the specimens reach a verj' consider- able size, one leafiet of f. orhicidaris. e. g., measuring 30 cm. in diameter. The texture of this species is much more firm tlian that of any other of our species of the genus, even exceeding that of C. ornata and forming the greatest contrast to that of C. reniformis.

Vol.1] Set oil dJ- Gardner. Algm of Northwestern America. 309


Cystoclonium gracilarioides Harvey.

Upper sublitoral zone. Esquimalt, B. C, Harveij (1862, p. 171); Port Angeles, Clallam County, Wash., Lichtenthaler!

The type specimen is sterile, but the Port Angeles specimen has cystocarps and is certainly a member of this genus, although we feel somewhat uncertain as to whether it is the species of Harvey or not. It does not seem to differ essentially from the New England forms of C. purpurascens.

Agardhiella tenera (J. Agardh) Schmitz.

On rocks in the upper sublitoral zone. ''North West Coast," Harvey (18r)2, p. 1.14, pi. 23 B, under EliaJjclonia Goulteri) \ Puget Sound, Harven and BaUey (1851, p. 371, under Hi/pixea Coulteri) , Bailey atid Harvey (1862, p. 162, under Rliahdonia Goulteri); Esquimalt, B. C, Harvey (1862, p. 170, under Rlaih- donia Goulteri); west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 130!, 131!; Tracy ton, Kitsap County, Wash., Tilde n, No. 217!, under Rluthdonia Goulteri.

There seems to lie no difference between the species of the eastern and western coasts, and consequently we feel justified in assigning the Rhabdonia Goulteri Harvey (or Agardhiella Goulteri (Harvey) Setchell, in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 333, 1897) to the Agardhiella tenera (J. Agardh) Schmitz.

Turnerella Mertensiana (P. & R.) Schmitz,

Cast ashore, api)arently from deep water. Shumagin Islands, Alaska, Haunders {\S){)1, ^. 435); Unga, Alaska, .4. A. />., No. 5054!; Kukak Bay, Alaska, Saunders, No. 352!; Puget Sound, Bailey and H<( rvey {1S62, p. 163, under Iridcea Mertensiana) : Victoria, B. C, Harvey (1862, p. 174, under Irideea Mertensiana) .

We are very uncertain about the occurrence of this species within the limits of our territory. The type of the Iridaca Mer- tensiana of Poslcls and Ruprecht came from the Ochotsk Sea. Kjellman (1889, [). 32) found it not uncommon on the shores of Bering Island, but stei'ile. The plant of Harvey from \'ictoi-ia was only a fragment. We have been able to examine one of

Box. -21

310 University of California Publications. [botanv

Saunders's specimens (No. 352) and have referred a fragmentary specimen from Unga here, but we suspect that they may be only specimens of Iridcea laminarioides f. punicea. They are both sterile but have a parasite, Ghlorochytrimn inchtsiiin, which may be the " glandular cells " mentioned by Schmitz. The habit picture of Postels and Ruprecht (1<S4(), pi. 33) does not correspond to any plant accessible to us. The figure of Kuetzing (1867, pi. 12) , at least as far as figure (/ is concerned, might well represent the plant we have known under the name of SarcophylUs Californica, infested with the Chlorochytrium. Our SarcophylUs, however, belongs clearly to the Dumontiacefe, certainly not to the Rhodo- phyllidaceae. The description of the cystocarp by Schmitz (1896-1897, p. 372) also does not indicate structure sufficiently distinct from that of SarcophylUs.

Anatheca furcata Setchell and Gardner sp. nov. Plated

23, 24.

Frond arising from a discoid holdfast, cylindrical below (for 1-2 cm.), flattened above, and expanding upward to a length of 20 cm. and a breadth of 2-3 cm., once to thrice forked; substance thick and firm; color dark red; frond possessing a medullary tissue of fine longitudinal hyphal cells, inner cortex of large cells- which suddenly become smaller in the outer cortex, while the epidermis is of small, regular, slightly palisade-like cells. Cys- tocarps scattered over the surfaces of the frond, prominent, hemispherical, with apical carpostome. The placenta is central and composed of large cells; the spores are in gr<)ui)s radiating- from the placenta on all sides, and are separated from one another by strands of medullary tissue. Tetrasporaugia scat- tered in the outer cortex, zonately divided.

Cast ashore from deep water. West coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 633!, and in CoUins, Holden and SetcheU, P. B.-A., No. 932, 1902!

This species might be taken for CaUophyllis fiircata f. typira at first glance, so great is the resemblance in habit, color, size, etc. It seems probably a member of the genus Anatheca, and very closely related to the tyi)e, .1. Montagnei Schmitz, from the coast of Senegambia. We have been unal)le to examine the type

Vol.1] Seich ell- Gardner. Alqce of Northwestern America. 311


specimen, but the chief difference seems to be the more distinctly serrated margins of the Senegambian plant. Schmitz says (1896-1897, J). 874) that the spores are terminal on the sporifer- ons filaments. They are so situated in young specimens of our plant, but, in mature cystocarps, they are seriate.

Euthora cristata (L.) J. Agardh.

Abundant in the sublitoral zone. Shumagin Islands and Seldovia, Cook Inlet, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 485).

We have been unable to examine specimens of the plants mentioned above, but suspect that some of them, at least, may belong rather to what we take to be E. frnticulosa.

Euthora cristata f. typica Kjellman.

On other algte in the upper sublitoral zone. St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, Kjellman (1889, p. 27).

Kjellman finds this variety abundant at St. Lawrence Bay in Siberia, and scarce at Bering Island, Siberia and St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. He also finds a plant scarce at Bering Island which he calls f . pinnata, but which seems to be close to the next species. Euthora fruticuiosa (Ruprecht) J. Agardh.

Bering Sea, Herb. University of California; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 82!

These specimens are distinctly different in hal>it from any specimens of E. cristata from New England seen by us. The frond is more elongated and very distinctly pinnate. The plants are all slender and the structure is very much like that of Cysto- clonium. The medulla is more distinctly filamentous, while the cortex is composed of several series of cells arranged in short filaments at right angles to the surface. The tetrasi)ores are usually zonate, Init some occur which are cruciate, while others are tripartite, and still others are combinations of zonate with either cruciate or tripartite. This occurs also in E. cristata.

Rhodophyllis dichotoma f. typica Kjelhnan,

On other algw, in the sublitoral region. St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, Kjelhnan (1889, p, 27); St. Paul Island, Alaska, Ruprecht (1851, p. 598, under Ciliaria fnsca) .

We have not seen specimens of this plant.

312 TJniversiiy of California Publications; . [botany

Rhodophyllis dichotoma f. setacea Kjellman.

Uualaska, Alaska, Buprechi (1851, p. 593, under Cilidria fiisca ) .

From Riipreeht's description, it seems fairl}' certain tiiat his ]ilaut from Unalaska belongs under this form of Kjellman.


Gracilaria confervoides (L.) Greville.

On rocks in the upper litoral zone. Esquimalt, B. C, Harvey (1862, p. 170); west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 123!; Tracy ton, Kitsap County, Wash , Tilde n, Nos. 215!, 216!, the latter under G. confervoides f. longissima.

A common species of the coast of California, but api)arently not so common on the shores of Puget Sound. We cannot see any difference between the two forms distril)uted by Miss Tilden. Certainly what she indicates under f . longissima is the ordinary form of the species and seems of equally common occurrence in Europe.

Corallopsis Salicornia (Agardh) Greville.

Unalaska, Alaska, C. A. Agardh (1820, pi. 8, under Spha'ro- coccus Salicornia) .

It is generally admitted that Chamisso must have labelled the type specimen of this species wrong. Euprecht (1851, p. 318) makes the statement that Chamisso, himself, was doubtful as to whether he ol)tained the specimen at Unalaska or elsewhere.

Hypnea musciformis (Wulfen) Lamouroux.

C. A. Agardh (1821a, }). 326) gives this species a range in the Pacific Ocean from Unalaska to New Zealand. Turner (1809, p. 146) gives Nootka Sound, B. C, as the locality where Menzies collected the ])lant he describes under the name of Fucw^ nmsei- fonitis var. Xootkainis. These are the sources of all other refer- ences to this plant as an inhabitant of our territory. We believe that the reference to Unalaska may have been made by Agardh under a mistaken geographical impression. Certainly Es])er

Vol.. 1] Sefchell-GanJner. Algce oj Northwestern America. 818

(1802, p. 30) ill giving" the distribution of his Fkciis Xootk((iu(s refers to Nootka Sound as though it were in the southern hemi- sphere. It seems doubtful to us as to whether Turner's phiut maj' really be Hijpnea musciformis and there seems a possibility that it may be Boiniemaisonia iKunifeni.

Family RHO D YMEN I AC E.^ .

Fauchea laciniata J. Agardh. Plate 25.

Rarely cast ashore. West (^oast of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 2-40!

This species, which occurs also on the coast of California, is represented from our territory by both tetrasporic and cystocarpic specimens. The plants have the type of frond characteristic of this species, but it is by the tetrasporic speciineiis that it is the more certainly told from the following.

Fauchea Gardner! Setchell. Plate 19.

C()st ashore from deep water. West coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 45!, and in Collins, Holdeii and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 933!

Readily told from the preceding, especially by the tetrasporic plant, as may be seen by comparing figure 30 on plate 19 with figure 43 on i)late 25.

Rhodymenia pertusa (P. & R.) J. Agardh.

On rocks and stones, upper sublitoral zone. Point Barrow, Alaska, Farloir (1885, p. 192, with some doubt); Amakuak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, Rnprecht (1851, p. 391, under Porphyra pertusa) ; Prince William Sound and Yakutat Bay, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 436) ; Strait of Juan de Fuca, Harveij and Bailey (1851, ]). 371, under B. WilkesH) , Bailey and Harney (1862, p. 61, under the same name); Point Roberts, B. C, Harvey (1862, p. 171); Port Renfrew, B. C, Butler and Polley, No. 17; Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G. , No. 50!, and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, No. L! ; in deep water near Seattle, Wash., X.L.G. , No. 162! ; Port Orchard, Kitsap County, Wash., Tilden, No. A!

314 University of C<(Ufornia Publications. [botany

This is one of the most striking- species of Rhodophyeefe found on our American shores. When of full size, it is 40-60 cm. long-, and 15-20 cm. wide, more or less regularly perforated. The tetrasporic plant is smooth and usually more am])le than the cystocarpic plant, which is covered with the dark, prominent, medium-sized cystocarps. Some plants have peculiar i)rolifera- tions from the margins and surfaces, which look like the stipes of the adult plants. They have rounded tips when younger, l)ut later produce miniature blades. It is probalile that they may, under proper circumstances, grow into new plants. The perfora- tions appear on any portion of the frond, new ones being- formed among the older ones. Their formation seems to he accompanied hy the destruction of tissue, probably much as in Agarum as described by Humphrey (1886) . The morphology and anatomy of this species have been treated somewhat superficially by Butters (1899). He had only the cystocarpic plant. The tetrasporangia are l;)orn in the subepidermal tissues and are tripartite or cruciate. They are scattered irregularly over the ])lant.

Rhodymenia palmata (L.) (Treville.

On rocks in the upper sublitoral zone. Popof Island, Kukak Bay, Prince William Sound, Yakutat Bay, and (ilacier Bay, Alaska, Saiiiidfrs (1901, ]). 486); Esquimalt and the Strait of Juan de Fuca, B. C, Harvfy (1862, p. 171).

These reft^rences are evidently all to the f. ti/pica, that of Harvey probably mostly to subf. iiutht, while those of Saunders refer both to that subform and subf. }it<irgin}ffr<i . The speci- mens examined by us have been referred to their proper suliforms as follows.

Rhodymenia palmata f. typica sul)f. nude Kjellman.

On stones in the lower litoral and upper sublitoral zones. Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, ]r.A.*S'. (ii\<1 A.A.L., Nos. 8264! , 5000! , and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A.. No. 986!; Karluk, Kadiak Island, Alaska, \r.A.*S., No, 5064!; Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, W.A.S. (iikI A.A.L., No. 5079b!

Vol.1] Setchell-Gardner. Alg(e of Norihwesiern America. 315

Apparently perfectly typical of this form. It is a cartilagi- nous, thick, deep red form without marginal proliferations.

Rhodymenia palmata f. typica subf. marginifera Harvey.

On rocks in the middle litoral zone. Near Iliuliuk, Unalaska, Alaska, ir.A.AS. and A.A.L., No. 5007!, Poste]<< and Bupreclit (1840, p. 18).

Similar to the last in texture, usually of a paler color, and with the characteristic proliferations from the margins.

Rhodymenia palmata f. typica suhf. linearis Setchell and Gai'duer subf. nov.

Fronds gregarious, simple, without proliferations, elongated linear-lanceolate, 30-65 cm. long and 1-2 (occasionally up to 3) cm. wide; substance cartilaginous; color deep red.

On rocks in the upper sublitoral zone. Yakutat Bay, Alaska, Rev. AIUh Johiso)!, No. 5709!

An extraordinary variation of this form. Mr. Johnson says that it is eaten by the natives at Yakutat Bay and that the Thlinket name is "Raa-ts."

Rhodymenia palmata f. mollis Setchell and Gardner f . nov.

Fronds gregarious, simi)le or palmately lobed or cleft, more or less linear-lanceolate to broadly ovate in general outline, 20-40 cm. long and 5-15 cm. wide, dull reddish purple in color, and of more or less fleshy consistency. Tetraspores commonly present, cruciate, situated among the filaments of the outer layer.

On rocks, forming a zone at low water mark. Agattu Island, Alaska, Townsend, No. 5759! ; Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, TV.A.yS^. and A. A.L.I (a fragment) ; Esquimalt, B.C., Til den, No. 304!, under Grafeloupia Cufleriw; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 178!, 181!, 623!, and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 934!

This form is very different from f. fifpira in color and con- sistency, but resembles it closely in sha])e. In structure, too, the two forms are very similar, l)ut f. mollis is very commonly tetrasporic, while our specimens of f. fi/pica are largely sterile. The base of f. mollis is more cartilaginous than the portions

.'516 University of California Puhli cations. [botany

above and, consequently, often persists after the npjjer parts are worn away. It is fairly common in various localities in Pnget Sound, for one of us (N.L.G.) has found it on the Washington side of the Strait of Juan de Fuca, near Port Townsend, and on San Juan Island. We have collected specimens which we are inclined to refer to this form on the Californian coast near San Francisco and near Monterey. These more southern forms l)roliferate more commonly than the northern forms. This form is known as "Dulse" to manj^ people in the Puget Sound region and is collected, particularly by the Canadian residents, in some quantity, and used as a relish.

Rhodymenia palmata f. Sarniensis (Mertens) J. Agardh.

On rocks, forming a zone in the middle litoral zone. Karlnk, Kadiak Island, Alaska, ir.A.A^., No. 5065!; Uyak Bay, Kadiak Islaud, Alaska, ir.A.AS'. and A.A.L., No. 5076!, and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 935!; St. Paul, Kadiak Island, Alaska, ir..4.*S'. and A.A.L., No. 5144!; Orca, Alaska, W.A.S. and A.A.L., No. 5166!

The plants placed under this form are ver}^ distinct from the preceding forms of this species, but intergrade with them. It is near to f. soholifera (Fl. Dan.) J. Agardh, which, if distinct from this, may possibly be found among the plants referred here.

Rhodymenia Palmetta (Esper) Greville.

Strait of Juan de Fuca, B. C, Harvfij (1862, p. 171). Known to us only from this reference.

Rhodymenia corallina (Bory) (Ireville.

Reported as growing in 14 fathoms of water in the Strait of Juan de Fuca, on the British Columbia side, by Harvey (1862, p. 171), with some doubt as to the determination.

Lomentaria ovalis f. subarticulata (Turner) Harvey.

Nootka Sound, B. C, Menzies (Turner, 1809, p. 24, pi. 81, \xn({eY Fumis oralis \Av. sulxiHiciiJiifiis) ; Tracyton, Kitsap County, Wash., Tilden, No. 214!, under L. ovalis var. Conlteri; East Sound, Orcas Island, Wash., X. L. G.l

Apparently a rare plant in our territory.

voh.-i] SefcheU-Gardner. Alga' of Northiresfern America. 817

Plocamium violaceum Pai-low.

Port Renfrew, B. C, Bufler atal Pollfi/, No. 33! Determined l)y F. S. Collins.

Plocamium coccineum (Hudson) Lyngbye.

On rocks and algfe in the upper litoral zone. Puget Sound, Bailey and Harrfi/ (1862, p. IGl) ; Strait of Juan de Fuea, B.C., Harvey (18(32, p. 171); Port Renfrew, B. C, Bntler and Polley, Nos. 34, 36, and in Collins, Holden and Setcliell, P. B.-A., No. 994d! ; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 39!, 73!

Plocamium coccineum f. uncinatum J. Agardh.

In the sul)litoral zone. Sitka, Alaska, Saunder.s (1901, p. 436).

Halosaccion glandiforme (Gmelin) Ruprecht.

An extended study of the saccate species of this genus has convinced us that, so far as the North Pacific species are con- cerned, the characters depended upon for separation from one another may be ascribed to difference of age, habitat, etc., and it has seemed best, consequently, to consider t]nm\ all as belong- ing; to one polymorphous species. We are not able even to divide this mass of forms into satisfactory groups and follow Ruprecht in adopting- (xmelin's name as the earliest. We shall not attempt to give any complete view of the synonymy, at this time, l)ut much of it may be found in Ruprecht' s able discussion of the genus (1851, pp. 179-295). We shall arrange the references to locali- ties in our territory under the specific names used as follows:

Halosaccion glandiforme f. coriaceinn. Kadiak Island and Unalaska (?), Alaska, Ruprecht (1851, p. 292).

Halosaccion glandiforme f . gen nin iini . Kadiak Island, Alaska, Ruprecht (1851, p. 293).

Halosaccioit glandiforme f. Menzies'n. Nootka Sound, B. (\, Ruprecht (1851, p. 293).

Halosaccion glandiforme f. soholifertim . Sitka, Alaska, Ruprecht (1851, p. 292).

81 S Vnu'ersity of CaUfornut Publirdiions. [botanv

lliilosdcrloii furiroln. Unalaska and Sitka, Alaska. Rupncld (1851, pp. 289, 293) ; Popof Island, Prince William Sound, Sitka, and Annette Island, Alaska, and Victoria, B. C, Saunders (1901, p. 436).

Halosaccioii fiicicold t'. rodicans. Unalaska, Alaska, Biipredif (1851, p. 293).

Halosaccionfuricobi f . dpcapitafioii. Kadiak Island and Sitka, Alaska, Rnprecld (1851, p. 293).

Fmus saccatns. Nootka Sound, B. C, THrner (1819. p. 104) .

Halosaccion Hydrophora. Puget Sound, Baileij and Hart'ei/ (1862, p. 162); Escjuinialt, B. C, and Strait of Juan de Fuca, Harveij (1862, p. 162).

Halosaccion firmuni. St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, Kjcllinan (1889, p. 29); Cook Inlet, Alaska, Sannders (1901, p. 436).

Dumonfia fifcicoja. Sitka, Alaska, Posfels and Ruprerld (1840, p. 19).

])u)uontia decapiiaia. Sitka, Alaska, Posfels and Pnpjrerld (1840, p. 19).

The specimens examined by us may be reported as follows : On rocks and algap in the litoral zone. Agattu Island, Alaska , Toivnsend. No. 5758!; west shore of Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, ir.^.*S'. and A.A.L., No. 3266!; Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, ir.A.»S'. and A.A.L., Nos 4051!, 4061!; Harvester Island, Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, lU.A.iS^. and A. A. L., No. 5115! ; St. Paul, Kadiak Island, Alaska, ]r.A.*S. and A.A.L., No. 5147! ; Yakutat Bay, Alaska, Kev. Albin John- son. No. 5704!; Port Renfrew, B. C, TUden, No. 511!, under H.fi(cic(da, Bidler and PoUeij,Nos. 10, 105; west coast of Whid- bey Island, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 4!, 285!; San Juan Island, Wash., N.L.G., 108!, Tihhn, No. 242!, under Adenocijstis Les- son It .

Halosaccion glandifornic, in our extended sense, ranges from the Sea of Ochotsk to the east and scnitheast along- the coasts of North America down to tlie northwestern coast of Mexico. The typical form is a large finger-shaped sack filled, when fresh, with water. There are microscopical openings at the ti]) or near it so that when one comj^resses the sack below, the water si)urts out

Vol. 11 SetcheU-Giirilner. Algce of Northwestern America. 319

in a nninber of very fine jets. Tins fact is mentioned by Turner (1819, ]). 104) who quotes from the description of Tilesins of Fucus saccatus, and by Ruprecht (1851, p. 288). This is pos- sible only when the plant is young. As the plant becomes older, the walls of the sack thicken, the color becomes darker, or else fades, and the tip is torn away or eroded, and the whole sack or a portion of it becomes filled with sand. All of these changes due to age, and the variability in color and size have brought about the considerable and vexatious synonymy.

Halosaccion ramentaceum (L.) J. Agardh.

In the litoral and upper sublitoral zones, on rocks and alga?. Sannak Island, Alaska, Turner (1886, p. 85, specimen in Herb. D. C. Eaton!); Kukak Bay, and Cook Inlet, Alaska, S((U)iders (1901. ]). 486) ; Yakutat Bay and Glacier Bay, Alaska, Saunders (1901, \). 486, under H. microsporwn) .

We feel certain that H. microf<poriim is to l)e included under //. rdiiH'iifarfinn and have, in consequence, placed the two sets mentioned ])y Saunders under the one name, although we have not seen any of his H. niirrosporiitn .

Halosaccion Tilesii Kjcllnian.

In the litoral zone. Kukak Bay, Prince William Sound, Yakutat Bay, and Wrangell, Alaska, Saunders (1901, ]). 486).

We have not seen an.v of the plants referred by Saunders to this species. The species occurs in two forms at Bering Island, Siberia, and as Kjellman has defined it, it is to be distinguished from the preceding species by its di- to polychotomous branching. Kjellman's figures (1889, i)l. 1, f, 16-19), however, seem to represent a flat i)lant, tubular only at the base, and resemble very much tlie i)lants we have referred to Bhodtp^Hii'Kt palmata f. Sarniensis.

Halosaccion coronatum (P. & R.) Kuetzing.

The Dumontia coronata and the />. CJaea of Postels and Ruprecht, given as occurring among alga^ of the Russian shores of the North Pacific Ocean, are puzzles. Ruprecht (1851, p. 286) says that they show no algal structure and is inclined to refer them to the animal kingdom, while 1). Jumttit P. & R. is (Th)iopeUis fnrrata.

8'20 Universiiy of Californui Piihlicdfions. i botany


Nitophyllum Harveyanum -T. Agardh.

Puget Sound, Xoit (1900, p. 81).

Known only by a single specimen from our territorj*. The species is Australian, and also occurs locally in several localities on the Central Californian coast.

Nitophyllum latissimum (Harvey) -l. Agardh.

On stones and wood in the lower litoral and upper sublitoral zones. Esquimalt, B. C, Harvey (1862, p. 170, under Hyme- neiia latissima) ; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., ^ .L.G., No. 98! ; Port Orchard, Kitsap County, Wash., Tildeii, No. 212!

A variable species, especially as to outline, prominence or obsolescence of the veins, color, etc. Miss Tilden's specimen is very fragmentary, representing a proliferation of an old plant, but seems to belong here. Harvey's plants, the types, ai-e sep- arated into two species by J. (t. Agardh, the second of which is his N. stfnoglossum (cf. J. Agardh, 1898, p. 92), but which we are inclined to refer to X. vioJ(tceum . Oardner's plant l)elongs to the X. macroglossum of J. Agardh, but, as Nott has already shown, is probaljly only a seasonal variation of X. latissimum (cf. Nott, 1900, pp. 19, 20).

Nitophyllum Ruthenicum (P. & R.) Kjellman.

On various Laminariaces' in the sublitoral zone. St. Paul Island, Alaska, Herb. Farlow, legit WJiifel (Setchell, 1899, p. 594); Sitka, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 487); west coast of Whidbey Island, W^ish., X.L.G., Nos. 114!, 115!, 266!.

This species is intermediate between what passes for X. Fryeannm and X. spectahile D. C. Eaton. The veins are incon- spicuous and often scanty, and confined, as a rule, to the very base of the frond. Saunders (loc. <'it.) speaks of this species as being intermediate between X. hifissimum and X. Fryeannm. We have compared our specimens with specimens kindly sent by Professor Kjellman, and can find nothing in common with X. latissimmn.

Vol.. 1] Seichell-Gardner . Algce of Northwestern America. 321

Nitophyllum violaceum J. Agardh.

Ou rocks in the lower litoral and npi)er sublitoral zones. Vancouver Island (probably at Esqnimalt), B. C, J. G. AgardJi (1898, p. 92, under K. stenoglossuni) ; Port Renfrew, B. C, Tilden, No. 321! under i\^ mnltilohum.

A very variable species as regards hal)it and somewhat as regards color. As the sori appear in almost all younger plants ou the margins and even on the surfaces of the lobes, appearing later on marginal leaflets, it does not seem desirable to remove this species from Nitophyllum and place it '\\\ Botryoglossum as DeToni has done. Miss Tilden's plant, although cystocarpic, seems clearly of this species, and would ]>robably have .been referred to X. stenoglossuDi by J. G. Agardh.

Nitophyllum Ruprechtianum J. Agardh.

On other alga^ in the upper sublitoral zone. St. Paul Island, Alaska, Greeley (iiid Snodgrass, No. :)8()2! (Setchell, 1899, p. 594); Norfolk Sound (near Sitka), Alaska, Postels and Ruprecht (1840, p. 15, under Hymenena fimhriata) ; Victoria and Esqnimalt, B. C, Harvey (1862, p. 170, under Hymenena fim- briata); Port Renfrew, B. C, Butler and Folley, Nos. 22, 108, and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P.B.-A., No. 937! ; Puget Sound, Bailey and Harvey (1862, p. 161, under Hymenena fissa and Botryocarpuni platycarpunt) ; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 267!; Port Orchard, Kitsap County, Wash., Tilden, No. 213!

N. JRuprechtianum is another species, in which the sori are arranged diff:'erently in the younger from what they are in the older plants. At the tips, the sori commonly form flabellate lines along the veins in the substance of the fronds. This is the X. ftaJ)elligerum J. Agardh, and is represented by No. 108 from Port Renfrew. Later, the sori occupy marginal leaflets. Con- sequently, there seems to be no reason for placing this s])ecies under Botryoglossum as DeToni has done.

Delesseria intermedia J. Agardh.

Vancouver Island, B. C, J. G. Agardh (1870, ]>. .").")). Known to us only from Agardh's descri})tion.

322 University of California Publications. [hotanv

Delesseria sinuosa (Goodenough and Woodward) Lainouroux. Arctic coast of Alaska, Harvey (1872, p. 468); Agattn Island, Alaska, Toumsend, No. 5764! ; shores of {\\v Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, Tr.^.*S'. and A.A.L., Nos. 3274!, 4038!, 4()64a!, 5005!; Slnimagin Islands, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 437); Karluk, Kadiak Island, Alaska, ir.A.xS'., No. 5063!; Cormorant Rocks, Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, W.A.S. and A.A.L., No. 5134! ; Kiikak Bay, Prince William Sound, and Sitka, Alaska, /«»V<«/^fZfr6' (1901, p. 437).

The specimens examined by us, of those enumerated above, show more or less proliferation, and in most cases, they are eroded to the costa and ribs which are bare or nearly bare of blade, but covered with smaller or larger proliferous leaflets. Unfortunately, none of the specimens have either tetraspores or cystocarps, and consequently we cannot be so certain as to the specific determination as we desire. Our specimens are placed here on account of the tendency to proliferate. We do not feel certain of Saunders's conception of the species, since he says (loc. cit.) : "a very variable species, some of the forms resem- bling T). quercifolia but with a more distinct midrib and opposite nerves." I), giiercifolia, however, has a fairly distinct midril) and the nerves are opposite.

Deiesseria sinuosa f. lingulata Agardh.

Upper sublitoral zone. St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, Kjelhnan (1889, p. 25).

Kjellman found the f. typica at Bering Island, Siberia, and these specimens bore cystocarps, while the St. Lawrence Island specimens bore tetrasporangia.

Deiesseria crassifolla Ruprecht.

St. Paul Island, Alaska, Buprerhi (1851, p. 232), Farlon- (1886, p. 473), Toumsend, No. 5779!, Greeley and Snodyniss, No. 5803! (Setchell, 1899, p. 594), Saunders (1901, p. 437).

A fine large species and apparently commonly cast ashore at St. Paul Island in the Pribilof grouj). It seems close to D. Middendorfii Ruprec^ht, ))ut is less ])r()]ifVrous from tlie costa.

Vol.1] Sefchell-Gardner. Algce of Koiihicpstern America. 323

Schizoneura quercifolia f. linearis Collins comb. nov.

Ou stipes of Lessouia iu the upper sublitoral zone. Port Renfrew, B. C, Butler and PoUey, in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.- A., No. 938!

Collins has distributed the specimens collected at Port Renfrew under the name of Delesseria quercifoUa f . linearis. The plants look like eroded and less proliferous forms of the Unalaska plants which we have referred to D. sinuosa. In general outline and venation, these several plants resemble S. quercifoUa very much, but that species as found on the coast of California does not show, in the specimens seen by us, any tendency towards prolif- eration. As none of the specimens are in fruit, we must leave them as given here.

Erythroglossum Woodii J. Agardh.

Vancouver Island, B.C., J. G. Agardh (Ih'TU, p. 34, under Delesseria Woodii).

We have not seen any specimen which may be referred to this species. According to the description, it has a narrow, linear frond (2-3 mm. wide), pinnately branched, with inter- rupted, linear, marginal sori.

Apogiossum decipiens J. Agardh.

Upper sublitoral zone. Prince William Sound, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 437, under Delesseria decipiens) ; Vancouver Island, B. C, J. G. Agardh (1870, p. 58, under Delesseria. decipiens) ; Strait of Juan de Fuca, B. C, Harvey (1862, p. 170, under D. Hypofjlossum var. arhorescens) ; Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 6!; San Juan Island, Wash., Tilden, No. 211!, under D. decipiens.

A large and beautiful species with both cystocarps and tetra- spores in abundance, extending southward to the central coast of California.

Pteridium Bserii (Ruprecht) J. Agardh.

In the sublitoral zone. Sitka, Alaska, Saunders (1901 , ]>. 437, under D. Bcerii) .

This species occurs in the Ochotsk Sea, Imt the above is the only locality as yet noted for it on the West American Coast.

324 Universittj of California Puhlications. ibotany

Pteridium Juergensii -J. Agardh.

St. Paul Island, Alaska, BuprerJif (1851, p. 24."), under Deles- seria complanata) , Farloiv (1886, p. 473. under ]). JuerfjcnHii) ; Unalaska, Alaska, KxprecJit (1851, p. 245, under J), compla- iKifa) ; Sannak Island, Alaska, Turner (188G, p. 85, under J). Juergensii) .

We have not seen a specimen.

Pteridium spinulosum (Ruprecht) J. Agardh.

St. Paul Island. Alaska, Rupreclit (1851. p. 244, under I). BeeritigiaiKt f. s})hiul(>sa) \ Bay of Morozof (Morzhovoi Bay), Alaska, Towti.send, No. 5776!

We have ventured to refer here a narrow, sterile plant, hut not without some doubt. J. G. Agardh (1876, p. 483) leaves it to be understood that he knows nothing of the sori of this species and DeToni (1900, ]). 714) says: "fructibus ignotis," but Ruprecht says distinctly (1851, p. 244), that the somewhat young tetraspores, in a specimen from St. Paul form a long line, on each side of the midrib, extending from near the base of a branch very nearly to the tip.

Pteridium a latum (Hudson) J. Agardh.

Victoria, B. C, ISatmders (1901, p. 437, under Delesseria a lata) ; on stems of Nereocystis, probably near Esquimalt (no special locality given). B. C, Harvey (1862, p. 437. under J), alata var. latissima) .

We have seen no specimens of this species from our territory and simply quote the above localities. The narrow Delesseriea^ of our coast need more careful study and revision.

Pteridium? serratum (P. & R.) DeToni.

St. Paul Island, Alaska, RuprecJit (1851, p. 245, under Deles- seria serniid) \ Unalaska, Alaska, Postels and Ruprecht (1840, ]). 15, under D. serrafa) \ Alaska, kSaunders (1901. ]>. 438. undei- 1). serratd) .

Ruprecht states that his plants grew generally on I'tilofa Aspleiiioides. but Saunders gives neither hal)itat nor exact localitv.

V'OL. 1] SetcheU- Gardner. Alga' of J^'orfhwesfern America. 325

Pteridium? serratum t. platyphyllum Setchell and Uaidner f. nov.

Fronds up to 10 em. high, subdichotomous below, regularly alternately pinnate above, rose red, linear, entire, with promi- nent midril) and microscopic lateral veins. The width varies from 5 mm. in the lower part, to '2 mm. jnst ])elow the tips of the branches. Sori on each side of the midril) and ascending along the microscopic veins, continuous from near the l)ase to just below the tips. Cystocarps?.

On a wooden float. Pleasant Beach, Kitsap County, Wash., X.L.G., No. 344!

Answering very well to the description of Pt. .'<errafi(ni, except that the frond is twice as wide and the margins smooth. The plant has the color and consistency of Apoglossnni decipiens, but differs decidedly in its method of branching (we have seen no proliferations of any kind) and the position of the sori. We have seen what appears to be the same form from Santa Cruz, California, collected by Dr. C. L. Anderson. We refer this form to Pteridium serratKiii with considerable doubt, since we have been unable to examine a specimen of that species.


Bonnemaisonia hamifera Harlot.

In the upper sublitoral zone. West coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G,, No. 2.")!, and in Collins, Holden and Hetchell, P. B.-A., No. 939!

This species varies very much in breadth and the frequency of the circinate branchlets. Some specimens are as much as 6 mm. broad, while others are not over 1.5 mm. even in the broadest portions. The Whidbey Island specimens show cystocarps, antheridia, and tetrasporangia. It is to be found fi-om May until August.

BOT.— 22.

326 Universifi/ of (California Piililiraiions. ibotany


Laurencia pinnatifida ((Tincliu) Lanioiiroux.

On rocks in the lower litoral and upper su])litoral zones. Nor- folk Sound (near Sitka), Alaska, Postels and Riiprecht (1840, p. 16, under L. sppciahilis) ; Strait of Juan de Fuca and Victoria, B. C, Harvey (1862, p. 169); Port Renfrew, B. C, Tihlen, No. 320!, Butler and PoUey, No. 116; west coast of Whidljey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 449!

A common species of the coast of California.

Janczewskia verrucaeformis Solms.

Parasitic on the fronds of the preceding- species. West coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 449a! Not uncommon on the coast of California.

Chondria atropurpurea Harvey.

Strait of Juan de Fuca, B. C, Harvey (1862, p. 168). Known from our territory only from this reference.

Polysiphonia atrorubescens (Dillwyn) Ureville.

In the sublitoral zone (10 fathoms). Strait of Juan de Fuca and Esquimalt, B. C, Harvey (1862, p. 168).

We have not seen any specimens referable to this species.

Polysiphonia atrorubescens f. minor Harvey. Orcas Island, Wash., Harvey (1862, p. 168).

Polysiphonia nigrescens f. Fucoides Harvey. Sitka, Alaska, Harvey (18.")2. j). .")()).

Polysiphonia urceolata (Lio'htfoot) Greville.

On boulders near low watei- mark. Strait of Juan de Fuca,, Point Roberts, and Esquimalt, B. C, Harvey (1862, p. 169); west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., Nos. 224!, 3225!, 409! ; Channel Rocks, near Seattle, Wash., X.L.G., No. 349!

The specimens examined have no leaves and seem to corre- spond in every way to the description of this species.

Vol.1] Seich ell- Gardner. Algie of Norfhicestern America. ^27

Polysiphonia senticulosa Harvey.

Orcas Island, Wash., Harvey (1862, p. 169).

This is the type h)eality for this species. We have seen no plants from onr territory which we can refer to it. The species is placed near P. urceolata by J. G. Agardh (1863, p. 974), bnt is to be distinguished by the terminal ])ranchlets being- densely pinnately virgate. If the specimen distributed in Collins, Holden and Setchell's Phycotheca Boreali-Americana (No. 688) is cor- rectly determined, this species ditfers from the last, not only in the last mentioned particulars, but also in having short but well developed leaves towards the tips both of the main shoot and of the lateral axes.

Polysiphonia Californica Harvey.

On rocks and wood, upper sublitoral zone. Esquimalt, B. C, Harreji (1862, p. 168); Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., Nos. 127!, 297!; San Juan Island, Wash., Tilden, No. 316!, under P. airornhescens; Pleasant Beach, Kitsap County, Wash., X.L.G., No. 347!; Tracyton, Kitsap County, Wash., Tilden, No. 210!, under P. hipinnata.

We have made a careful examination of all specimens from our territory with many pericentral cells, accessible to us. of the species of Polysiphonia as limited by Falkenberg (1901). The specimens referred to the present species all agree in having monosiphonous, colorless, simple branchlets (simple leaves?) near the tips of the young axes as Falkenberg has indicated for the type (1901, p. 274). In habit and other details of structure, the plants referred here seem to agree well with the description of Harvey (1852, p. 58) and they also agree well with plants col- lected by us near the type locality and referred here. The rela- tion between this species and P. atroruhescens and P. nigre.scens seem likely to be close, but the simple leaves and some ditferences of habit prevent our referring the specimens to either of these species at present.

Polysiphonia Californica var. plumigera Harvey. Point Roberts, B. C, Harvey (1862, p. 168) .

828 UniverHiiij of Culifornia Puhlicaiions. [botany

Pterosiphonia bipinnata (P. & K.) Falkeuberg.

On rocks and alga? in the litoral and upper sublitoral zones. Cape Nome, Alaska, W.A.tS., No. r)732! (cast ashore) ; St. Michael, Alaska, Tr..4..S., No. 5242x!, in Herb. 1). C. Eaton, No. 18! ; west shore of Aniaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, ir. .4.aS. (Did A.A.L., No. 3257!; near Iliuliuk Unalaska, Alaska, IV.yl.^S'. and A.A.L., Nos. 40r)4b!, oOOD!, 5014!: Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, W. A. H. (md A. A. L., No. 5094!; Harvester Island, Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, IT.A./S'. and A.A.L., Nos. 5108!, 5135!; St. Paul, Kadiak Island, Alaska, W. A.S. and A.A. L., No. 5143!; Orca, Alaska, ir. .4 . N. and A.A.L., No. 5163!; Port Renfrew, B. C, Butln- and PoIJey!; Whidbey Island, Wash.. X.L.G., No. 20!; San Jnan Island, Wash.. X. L. (r., No. 211 ! , Tilden, No. 318! , under P. nigreseens.

Besides the localities given above, from which we have care- fully studied specimens, Saunders has given (1901. ]>. 438) the following localities for P. bipinnata: Yakutat Bay, Glacier Bay, Sitka, and Annette Island, Alaska. We have segregated the last localities, since there has been some confusion as to the real plant of Postels and Rnprecht, but Falkenberg (1901, })p. 273, 274) has indicated the structure and removed from it Polysiphonia Calif ornica Harvej' which has commonly l)een referred to it as a synonym on the authority of J. G. Agardh. The type is a leafless, slightly or not at all flattened species with distichously pinnate branching, at least in the u])per portions. The pericentral cells varj' from 11 to 18.

Pterosiphonia dendroidea (Montague) Falkenberg.

On rocks and alga' in the lower litoral and upper sublitoral zones. Esquimalt, B. C, Harrei/ (1862, p. 168, under Poli/si- phonia dcndroidi^a) \ west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., Nos. 176!, 237!, 238!, 511a!

A very distinct species sometimes placed under Pol . parasitica as a variety, but kept distinct by Falkenberg. What appear to })e N'oungcr si)ecimens have sometimes been referred to PterosipJuaiia ptiiiiata (Hotli) Falkenberg, and Falkenberg (1901, p. 264) has seen a specimen from San Simeon Bay, San Luis Obispo County, Cal., which may be the Peruvian Pol. spinifera Kuetzing.

Vol. 1] Setchell-Gardner. AIg(v of Nortlnvestern America. 829

Pterosiphonia Woodii (Harvey) Falkenberg.

On the stipes of Pleui-ophycus and other kelps in the upper sublitoral zone. Port Renfrew, B. C, Butler and PoIIei/, No. 1! ; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., Xos. 12! , 88!

More or less common on the shores of California.

Pterosiphonia arctica (J. Ag-ardh) Setchell and (Gardner comb, nov. I 'lath li).

On laro-e nh^i^ in the npper snblitoral zone or floating'. Near Iliulink, Unalaska, Alaska. IT.A.N. and A.A.L., No. 0002!; Shnmagin Islands, Alaska, S((inuh'):s (1901, p. 438, nnder Polij- sipJionht arctica); west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., Nos. 09!, 226!, 227!, 418!, 511!

We are nncertain as to the type of Folijsipltoiiia arctica .1. Agardli, bnt we have been able to compare ours with a specimen from Rosen vinge, throngh the kindness of F. S. Collins. This specimen was old and battered and there was difficnlty in ol)tain- ing good tips. Onrs seemed to be very close to it and conse- quently we have placed it nnder this name. Onr plants vary much in coarseness, are plainly distichous near the tips, have con- stantly six or seven pericentral cells, and have the tips mucronate and devoid of hairs. Our figures show the Alaskan specimens which are coarser than those from Puget Sound. We have not seen the plant of Saunders. Our plants are certainly good species of Pterosiphonia as Falkenberg has described the genus.

Lophosiphonia obscura (Agardh) Falkenberg.

On sand covered rocks in the litoral zone. San Juan Island, Wash., Titdcn, No. 817, under Poh/siphoin'a Idp'nntata f. psamm'HoJa .

This species is quite common on the coast of California. It answers well to the descriptions of this species and has been com- pared with European specimens by F. S. Collins.

Lophosiphonia villum (J. Agardh) Setchell and Gardner comh.


On Fucus, lower litoral zone. St. Ptiul, Kadiak Island, Alaska, W.A.ti. and A.A.L., No. 5138!

330 Universifi/ of California PuhUcations. fbotany

A single plant, looking so much like a luxuriant Rhodocliortoii that at first it was taken for one, resembles so closely what we have considered to be PohjsipJiotiia villuni on the Californian coast that it is referred to the same species. The P. villion of J. G. Agardh is undoubtedly a Lophosiphonia as established by Falkenberg, and, consequently, we are compelled to place the species under that genus. Our Alaskan plant is the same as No. 246 of Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., but is not the same as the Pol. viUiiin, No. 134 />/.s- of Farlow, Anderson and Eaton, Alg. Exsiec. Am. Bor. Our plants have no leaves, while the last mentioned plant has well developed leaves at the bases of the secondary branches. We are uncertain as to which, if either, of these plants is the type. Itut believe that ours corre- sponds more nearly to the description. In our plant, the creep- ing, rhizoid-bearing stem bears longer or shorter branches along the upper surface. The branches are sparingly branched, in turn, and are endogenous in origin. The tips are attentuate and slightly recurved, bearing no hair like growths.

Rhodomela Larix (Tui-ner) Agardh.

On rocks, on exposed shores in the litoral zone. St. Paul Island, Alaska. Ruprecld (1851. p. 219. under F^israria Larix); west coast of Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska. TT^A.*S. anil A.A.L., No. 32ol!; Unalaska and Norfolk Sound (Sitka), Alaska, and Nootka Sound. B. C. Posfels and RnprrrJif (1840. p. 14): Nootka Sound, B. C\. rm-nrr (1819. p. 23, pi. 207. under Funis Larix) ; Puget Sound. liaih'// and Hari'Pi/ (1862, p. 160); Point Roberts, Strait of Juan de Fuca, and Esquimalt. B. C, Ha rvf i/ 0SG2. p. 168): Port Renfrew. B. C. Butler and Polleij, No. 4; west coast of Whidbey Island. Wash.. X.L.G., No. 46!: San Juan Island. Wash.. Tildiii. No. 209!

A robust species with the l>ranehlets arising spirall\ on the main axes and to be distinguished from the various forms of OdontliaJia fiocrosa by this character. Turner's figure (1819, i>l. 207, f. a.) of the habit represents a plant ratlier more pinnate than any seen by us, but otherwise our plants are in agreement with it. The figure of Postels and Ruprecht (1840, pi. 38. f. h.) is small but represents a typical plant. Kuetzing's figure (1865,

Vol.1] SefrJieU-Ganlner. Alg(r of XorfJiir est em America. 331

pi. 39, f. a.), however represents, as it seems to us, a form of Odonfhalia floccosa. This species is very common along the coast of California.

Rhodomela Lycopodioides f. Cladostephus (J. Agardh) Kjellman.

On stones in quiet water, upper sulilitoral zone. East shore of Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, T1\A.iS^. and A.A.L., No. 4079! ; Yakutat Bay, Alaska, Rev. Alhin Johnson, No. 5706!

We have found a number of forms of a species which cannot be referred to B. Larix or to Odontitalia floccofta and, after care- ful study, we are convinced that all, oi- perhaps nearly all. are to be referred to E. Lycopodioides. They are puzzling forms and we are occasionally in some considerable doubt about some par- ticular plant. Kjellman's account in the Algae of the Arctic Sea has been of great help and we have referred our forms much as he has done. The present form is a coarse one and may have passed as a slender form of B. Larix. It differs from that species in being more regularly and more ])innately branched and has a much more regular distribution of branchlets.

Rhodomela Lycopodioides f. typica subf. compacta Kjellman.

On stones in the middle litoral zone. St. Paul, Kadiak Island, Alaska, ir..4..S'. and A. A. L., Nos. 5142! ( cystocarpic ! ) , 5146! (tetrasporie!).

This form is less coarse, not so rigid and wiry, and less Cladostephus-like than the last, but it is decidedly more densely provided with liranchlets than the next. It has the intensely black color, when dried, common to all the members of this group of forms.

Rhodomela Lycopodioides f. typica subf. laxa Kjellman.

On rocks in the litoral zone. St. Paul Island, Alaska, Greeleij and Snodgrass, No. 5796a! ; Bay of Unalaska, L^ualaska, Alaska, W.A.8. and A.A.L., No. 5017a!; Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, ir..4.iS'. and A.A.L., No. 5074!; Orca, Alaska, W.A.S. and A.A.L., No. 5162!; Yakutat Bay, Alaska, Bev. Alhin Johnson, No. 5710!; Sitka, Alaska, Ida M. Bodgers, No. 5726!

;]^^2 Univerfiify of California Puhlicdfiona. [botany

This form, and, to some extent, the last, resembles some of the forms of Odonthnlia Aleufica, but are more slender and have the branchlets even from the very first, spirally arranged. However, it is not always easy to determine this from dried specimens. We have examined carefully every specimen referred here and feel fairly certain that all belong- under this name.

Rhodomela Lycopodioides f. typica subf. tenera Kjellman. Golofnin Bay, Alaska, B. C. McGregor, No. 5674!

This plant agrees fairly well with Kjellman 's figure of this form (1883, pi. 9, f. 2).

Rhodomela Lycopodioides f. flagellaris Kjellman.

Golofnin Bay, Alaska, B. C. McGregor, Nos, 5672!, 5677!

We refer here plants which seem to agree well with Kjell- mau's figure of this form (1883, pi. 10, f. 1).

Rhodomela Lycopodioides f. ramentacea Kjellman.

In the upper suhlitoral zone. Port Clarence, Alaska, Kjell- man (1889, p. 24); Golofnin Bay, Alaska, R. C. McGregor, No. 5675!

We refer the Golofnin Bay specimen here very doubtfully, since it is only a fragment, but it has something of the habit of Chorda ria ahiefina described for this form.

Rhodomela Lycopodioides f. tenuissima (Ruprecht) Kjellman.

St. Lawrence Island and Port Clarence, Alaska, Kjellman (1889, p. 24, subf. prolifera) -. Cape Nome, Alaska. ir.A.N., No. 5731! (cast ashore); Golofnin Bay, Alaska, K. C. McGregor, No. 5666a! .

From f. CladostepJiHs to f. ft^niiissinia is a very considerable jump and were it not for the intermediate forms, it would seem absurd to refer them both under one species. We have had little opportunity of studying this species otherwise than from di'ied specimens and can hardly express an opinion on this matter or on the relationship between these various forms and forms of B. snhfusca (Woodward) Agardh.

Vol.. 1] iSefchell-GdnJilP)-. Alga' of Xorthiresiern America. 883

Odonthalia Aleutica (Agardli) J. Agardh.

On rocks and alg'a^ in the lower lit oral and nipper sublitoral zones. Unalaska, Alaska, C. A. Agardh (1820, pi. 3, under Bho- (lomela Aleutica) \ Shnniagin Islands, Alaska, Sautaleri< [\90\. \). 488); St. Paul, Kadiak Island, Alaska, ir..4..y. and A.A.L., No. 5150!; Victoria, B. C, Tihlen, No. 315!, nnder Rhodomda floccosa form 1)); Esqnimalt, B. C, Tilde n, No. 814! under Khodovicla floccosa; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 16!, 92!

This species is probably not uncommon along onr northwest- ern coast from the Strait of Juan de Fuca to Unalaska. It is probably often confused with the next, but it is to be distin- guished from it by the fact that the tetrasporic and cystocarpic branches are not shortened or collected into a glomerule, but are in a loose raceme. It is to be distinguished from coarser forms of the last species by its distichous brauchlets.

Odonthalia floccosa (Esper) Falkenberg.

Unalaska and Sitka, Alaska, Pastels and Rnpreclit (1810, p. 14); Sannak Island, Alaska, Turner (1886, p. 85): Popof Island. Knkak Bay, Yakutat Ba.y, Sitka, Wrangell, and Annette Island, Alaska, Saunders (1901. p. 448); Strait of Juan de Fuca and Point Roberts, B. C, Harreu (1862, p. 167).

There has l)een much confusion in the specimens referred to this species. Postels and Rnprecht (1840, p. 14) include the preceding species and Fucus pilu lifer Turner, l)()th of which seem to us distinct. It has been confused with forms of RJtodontehi Lycopodioides, etc., until it is difificult to determine from the references whether they refer to the species as Falkenberg has defined it or not. We have, therefore, given the references above without comment. We have found three forms standing out fairly distinctly from the mass of forms, viz. f. typica, f. comosa, and f. macracaiitJai, and have noted them below.

Odonthalia floccosa f. typica Setchell and Gardner nom. nox .

The typical form is represented by Esper (1802, pi. 180) and

rather better by Turner (1808, i)l. 8), under the name of Fucus

floceosiis. The type came from Port Trinidad, California,

334 Universiiy of California Fnhlicaiions. [botany

according to Tuiuer, who sent Esper his specimens, although the hitter represents them as having ])een l)ronght from Nootka Sound, B. C, by Cook. They were collected by Menzies accord- ing to Turner. This form is a slender form of the more southern waters, and we have not seen any characteristic specimens of it from our territory. No. 313 of Tilden's American Alga^. from 8an Juan Island, Wash., may represent this form, l)ut the specimen is not very complete. Kuetzing's figure of Lophura ffoccosa (1865, ])1. 38, c-e) may be of this form. ])ut it is- transi- tional to f. )i/arr(iraiif}i(i. Fiicus pihilifer of Turner (1819, pi. 230) seems to us not to he of this species, but proba})ly a much battered plant of (). Ahiitica. It Avas collected at Nootka Sound, B. C, by Menzies.

Odonthalia floccosa f . COmosa Setchell and Gardner f . nov. Plate 27.

A luxuriant form, near f. fi/j)ira, hnt with the lu-anchlets more numerous, longer, slender and recurved so as to give a compact, shaggy appearance to the whole plant. The collecting of the stichidia and cystocarpic branchlets into compact heads with involucre-like outer branchlets characteristic of the species, reaches its extreme in this form as may be seen from the figures on Plate 27. The distichous arrangement of the branchlets is to be seen plainly only at the very ti]i, and even there is often obscure, especially in dried specimens.

On exposed rocks in the lit oral zone. Agattu Island, Alaska, Toii-iisenil. No. 5760! : west shore of Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska. Alaska, ir.A.^V. aiKrA.A.L., No. 3255! ; near Iliuliuk, Unalaska, Alaska, ir.A.N. and A.A.L., No. 4037!: Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, ir..4.*S'. and A.A.L., No. 5090!; Port Renfrew, B. C, Butler atul Polleijl ; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., Nos. 29!, 96!

This form is sufficiently distinct in ai)pearance to l)e told at a glance, but it is really only a more luxuriant form of tlie typical condition. It seems to be confused at times with Rhodomda Larix, but is distichous in its scheme of branchlets, less coarse and less rigid.

Vol. 11 SeicheJl-Gardner. Algn of Nortlucesiern America. 835

Odonthalia floccosa t. macracantha (Kiutzing) Setchell aud Gardner conih. iiov.

Lopluo-ii iii(((nic(ntfh(i Kuetzing, Tabula^ Phjeologioge, Vol. 1.'), \). 14, pi. 89. d-o-, 1865.

On rocks in the litoral zone. St. Paul Island, Alaska, Greeley (iihJ Stiodf/rass, No. 5796! (ef. Setehell, 1899, p. 594, nnder Rhodomeht flocrosd) \ west shore of Amakuak Island, Bay of Uualaska, Alaska, ir.A.*S'. ami A.A.L.\ No. 8254!; Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, W.A.S. and A.A.L., Nos. 5083!, 5085!; Harvester Island, Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, ir.A.*S'. ami A.A.L., No. 5106! ; Port Renfrew, B. C, Ihitler and PoJJeyl

This is a coarser and laxer form than the preceding and is well represented by Kuetzing' s figures. The glonierules of repro- ductive branehlets are distinct l)ut not so dense as in f. roniosa.

Odonthalia Lyallii (Harvey) J. Agardh. Plate 27.

On ditferent algjv, in the ui)per sublitoral zone. Strait of Juan de Fuca, B. C, Harvnj (1862. ]). 168, under Bhodome la Lijallii) west coast of Whidhcy Island. Wash., X.L.G., Nos. 8!, 126!, 161!. 198!, and iu C"(.llins, Holden and Setehell, P. B.-A., No. !»4()!; San Juan Island, Wash., Tilde)), No. 819!, under La II )r)i cia Gre r i Ilea )i a .

We have had considerable trouble in determining with any certainty, or at least satisfaction, the Odonthalias of our coast, and the present arrangement, while it seems to us to re])resent the case fairly well from the species point of view, must neces- sarily be ]>rovisional as far as the exact synonym\- is concerned. The plant included under this name, is, we feel quite certain, the plant of Harvey. Besides the locality of Whidbey Island, Gardner has found it also near Port Townsend. The latter locality must be in the same immediate region whence the type specimen was obtained. The species, as it comes ashore, is frequently long (uj) to 45 cm. and probably even longer), without trace of mid- rib, with the cystocarps alternating and distant on unchanged pinnules, while the stichidia are placed more closely, but the rhachis is not appreciably abbreviated. These are shown in the figures on plate 27. The only species which seems to come near it is the next, but in that, the frond has a distinct midrib and the

;{.'5G Universiti/ of CaJifornia Piihlicaiions. [botany

reproductive organs are more fasciculate. The cystocarps too, in the next species, are cah^arate, while those of 0. Lj/allii are ecal- carate. We have found old and complete specimens of (). Lyallii with a thickened stipe-like portion below, but even here, there is little midrib and the upper portion is entirely plane. Miss Tilden's specimen from San Juan Island pro])al)ly belongs to this species, but may perhaps, judging from its color, more properly be placed iinder the next. Certainly it has nothing in common with Ldio'f'iiria (irevilleand under which she has placed it..

Odonthaiia Kamtschatica (Ruprecht) J. Agardh.

kSt. Paul Island, Alaska, Buprechi (IcSf)!, ]). 214, under Aio- maria Kamtscludica) \ Sannak Island, Alaska, Turner (1886,. p. 85) ; Unga, Alaska, A.A.L., No. oOol! ; Kukak Bay and Yak- ntat Bay, Alaska, SamHlers (1901, p. 438) ; Port Renfrew, B. C, Butler and PolJey, No. 102! ; Vancouver Island, B. C, and Port Angeles, Clallam County, Wash., G. W. Liehtenfhdler.

We have quoted the various published mentions of the occur- rence of this species within our territory and have added two localities whence we have examined s])ecimens. We feel much doubt in referring the specimens to this species; one is a sterile plant and, while the other has stichidia, the chief differences between them and the specimens from Whidbey Island, which we refer fairly confidently to the preceding species, is in the color (these being a dark red and those being a light brownish tint) and a tendency on the part of the specimens we refer to the present species to have a fairly prominent midril) in the lower portion of the frond. The figure of 0. (vngusiifolia Postels and Ruprecht (1840, ])1. 27). which Ruprecht says is of this species and not of 0. angustifolia Suhr, shows a sterile plant with a distinct midrib to very near the tips of the branches.

Odonthaiia semlcostata (Mertens) J. x\gardh. Plates 26, 27.

On rocks in the upper sublitoral zone. Victoria, B. C, Tilden, No. 312!, under Odonthedid deuiidd: west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 61 ! , 161a! , and in Collins, Holden, and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. <)41 !

A common species along the west coast of Whidbey Island and found cast ashore the vear round. It seems to fruit al)ont

Vol.]] Seichdl-Gardricv. Alga of North wesiern America. 337

the inontli of Auj^ust, and bears both eystocarps and tetrasporangia in abundance. It approaches both 0. dentafa and 0. Kamtschat- ica. From the former, it differs in having- the branchlets denti- form to subulate and the cystocarps usually ecalcarate, while from the latter it differs in having the rhachis of the pinnule bearing either cystocarps or stichidia, al:)breviated. Our ])lants differ from the description of J. G. Agardh (1863, p. 898) in being rather thicker in substance and darker in color. It is probable that many changes will l)e made in the names of the species of this genus when an opportunity is given for the study of our northwestern species in their habitats and a comparison with type specimens. Much confusion has already ])een pro- duced, and one has only to compare the accoimts of Ruprecht (1851) and J. G. Agardh (1863) to see how difficult it is likely to be to attempt to unravel completely the synonymy.

Odonthalia dentate (L.) Lyngbye.

Point Barrow, Alaska, Farloir (1885, p. 192); St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, Kj('llnnin (1889, p. 24); Victoria, B.C., FarJoir (1886, p. 470).

We have not seen any specimens referable to this species from our territory.

Odonthalia dentata f. angusta Harvey.

Arctic coast of Alaska, Harvey (1872, p. 463.)

Dasyopsis plumosa (Harvey and Bailey) Schmitz.

On wood and stones in the upper sublitoral zone. Puget Sound, Harvefi (iiid Ha i lei/ (1851, p. 371), BaiJei/ and Harveij, (1862, p. 160), both under Basya {Stichoairpus) plumosa; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., Nos. 17!, 28!, 133!. and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 942! : Friday Harbor, San Juan Island, Wash., X.LJt., No. 4S6!

A beautiful species, apparently not very common and occur- ring as far south as Monterey, California. We have examined both cystocarpic and tetrasixtric plants from our territory.

338 Universitij of California Puhlicatio'us. [botany

Family CERAMIACE.4^].

Griffithsia !

Two different sets of plants are known to us from our t<n'ri- tor3% Init neither possess reproductive organs of any kind, and are, consequently, indeterminable. They are as follows: On rocks, Tracyton, Kitsap County, Wash., Tilde)i, No. 208!, under G. opnntioides, and on piles, Keyport, Kitsap County, Wash., N.L.G., No. 495! We find a species on the coast of California, which has also been referred to G. opnntioides. The Californian specimens are usually sterile, but we have seen some with tetra- sporangia, and although cystocarps and antheridia are needed to complete the diagnosis, it seems to be new, certainly not the species to which it has been referred.

Pleonosporium Vancouverianum J. Agardh.

On stones in the upper sublitoral zone. Vancouver Island, B. C, J. G. Agardh (1876, p. 30, under CaUithaninion Vannm- veriainiiii); Esquimalt, B. C, Harvey (1862, p. 175, under Calliiliamnioii fhiujoideum, fide J. G. Agardh, 1876, p. 80); East Sound, Orcas Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 501!; Friday Harbor, San Juan Island, Wash, N.L.G., No. 506!

We have not been able to examine an authentic or type specimen of this species, but the specimens referred here seem to agree weir with the description. Our plants agree well with the figure of CaJlitlmmnion venusfissiniuni in Kuetzing's Talnila? Phycologicae (1862, pi. 1) which J. G. Agardh quotes under this species with a query. The habit is certainly close. The i)ro- carps in No. 506 are terminal and No. 501 has tetrasporaugia with the contents divided into many spores.

Callithamnion polyspermum Agardh.

On membranous algae. Esquimalt, B. C, Harceij (1862, p. 175); Vancouver Island, B. C, J. G. Agardh (1876, p. 32); west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., Nos. 163!, 619!

The Whidbey Island specimens referred here are done so with doul)t. They are not well developed plants, but seem to liclong here .

vor,. 11 Set chell- Gardner. Algce of Northwestern America. 339

Callithamnion Baileyl Harvey.

On a wooden float, etc. West coast of Whidbey Island, Wash . , N.L.G., No. 221!; Friday Harbor, San Jnan Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 504!

The plants seem to agree in all respects with all the figures, descriptions, and published specimens of this species. They are to be distinguished from the last two by the tapering mucronate tips of the branchlets. The branchlets have elongated cells, thus differing from C. tetragoiuiHi (Withering) Agardh. Our specimens possess tetrasporangia.

Ceratoth amnion Pikeanum f. laxum Setchell and Gardner

f. nov.

On vertical I'oeks exposed to the force of the waves, often under a covering of overhanging Fucus, in the litoral zone. Shumagin Islands, Alaska, Saunders (1901, i>. 439, under the species) ; Harvester Island, Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, ir.A.8. and A.A.L., No. 5127!, and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 943!; Yakutat Bay and Sitka, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 439, under the species); Esquimalt, B. C, Rarcey) 1862, p. 175, under Callithamnion arhuseula var. Pacifinim); Vancouver Island, B. C, ./. G. Agardh (1876, p. 37, under Callithamnion arhnscnla) ; Brown Island, San Juan County, Wash., Tilden, No. 311!, under Callithanniion arhns- cnla; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 231!

Plant smaller and more bushy than the type, main and sec- ondary axes less set off from one another, and the branchlets less dense and less closely applied to the branches. The type of this species, as represented in the type locality at the Golden Gate, San Francisco, is shown in No. 390 of Collins, Holden and Setchell, Phycotheca Boreali- Americana, and the f. laxnm is shown in No. 943 of the same distribution. The differences in habit due to the differences in structure mentioned above bring about a very consideral)ly different aspect in the two sets of plants.

Ptilota Asplenioides (Tiu'ner) Agardh.

On other alga:^ in the upper sublitoral zone. St. Paul Island, Alaska, Etiprechf (1851, p. 232), Farhar, Anderson and Eaton,

340 University of California Puhlications. [botanv

No. 82!, Toivnsend, No. r)784!, Greeley and Snodgrass, No. 5801!; Amaknak Island and Unalaska Island, Alaska, Post els and RiiprccJif (1840, ]). l-')) ; Bay of Morozof (Morzhovoi Bay), Alaska, Toinisend, No. 5775!; Sannak Island, Alaska, Tiinur (1886, p. 85); Unga, Alaska, A.A.L., No. 504G! ; Prince William Sonnd, Alaska, Turner (1808, ]). 189, pi. 62. nnder Fkcms Asplenioides) , Esjjer (1804, p. 78, pi. 147, nnder Fkchs Asplenioides) , Postels and Bwprerht (1840, p. 15), Samider.s (1901, ]). 4:!9): Yakntat Bay, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 439), Rev. Alhin JoJuison, No. 5699!, and in Collins, Holden and Setehell, P. B.-A., No. 999!; Norfolk Sonnd (near Sitka), Alaska, Postels and JRaprerlif (1840. ]». 15): Pnget Sonnd, Bailey and ffarrey (1862, p. 168).

A coarse species easily recognized, confined to the northwest coast of North America and the northeast coast of Asia.

Ptilota Californica Harvey.

Cast ashore. Esqnimalt, B. C, Harvey (1862, p. 175); Port Renfrew, B. C, Tilden, No. 807!, nnder Ptilota serrata.

Coarser forms of this may be taken for the preceding, hnt an examination shows that the pinnules are not at all decurreut . Miss Tilden's specimen is small and imperfect, bnt seems nndonbtedly to belong to this species. Mr. Collins has reported a specimen from Port Renfrew, B.C. (Bntler and Policy, No. 90) as being intermediate between this species and Ptilota Eypn aides Harvey.

Ptilota filicina J. Agardh.

On rocks in the npper snl)litoral zone. St. Panl Island, Alaska, Greeley and Snodgrass, No. 5804a!; Unalaska, Alaska, Postels and h'liptrrht (1840, p. 16, nnder Ptilota plnntoso); near Ilinlink, Unalaska, Alaska, W.A.S. andA.A.L., No. 4099! ; Kyska Island, Alaska, Ton-nsend, No. 5767! ; Sannak Island, Alaska, Turner (1886, p. 85, nnder Ptilota pin nmso var. filicina); Slmma- gin Islands, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 16, under Ptilota plunwsa) ; Unga, Alaska, A.A.L., Nos. 5045!, 5046a!; Karlnk, Kadiak Island, Alaska, ^^ .A.S., No. 5062! ; Harvester Island, Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, W.A.S. and A. A. L., No. 5118!; Sitka, Alaska, I'osiels ond h'upnrJtf (1840, p. 16). S((undn-s (1901. p.

Vol. 1] ^eicheU-Gardner. Alga' of Xorfjitrpsfev)! America. ^41

439, under Pfilota plMmosa); Vancouver Island, B. C, J. G. Agardh (1876, p. 76); Port Renfrew, B. C, BuUer and Polley, No. 91; Brown Island, San Juan County, Wash., Wdeii, No. 306!, under Ptilota plumosa; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., K.L.G., No. 1!

When typical, this species is not difficult to determine by the fact that the opposite pinnules may differ in size and development, but not otherwise, and are corticated to the very tip. In prac- tice, however, it is, at times, somewhat uncertain as to whether a given specimen belongs to this species or to the next. We have taken it somewhat for granted that the plants from our ter- ritory referred to PfUoia pJuiiiosd really ])elong to this species, since we have been unal)le to find any of the former among the specimens we have been able to examine.

Ptilota pectinata (Gunner) Kjellman.

On rocks in the lower litorai and upper sublitoral zones. St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, KjeUmiu (1889, p. 32); St. Paul Island, Alaska, Toirnsend, No. 5783!, Greeley and Snodgrass, Nos. 58041)!, 5809!; Agattu Island, Alaska, Toirnsend, No. 5765! ; Shumagin Islands, Alaska, Sannders (1901, p. 439, under Ptilota serrata)- San Juan Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 218!

In this species, which is, at times, very difficult to make cer- tain of, the opposite pinnules are dififerent, one being pinnately branched while the other remains simple and only serrate.

Antithamnion floccosum f. Pacificum (Harvey) Setchell and Gardner com)), nov.

Most commonly on the stipes of Nereocystis, sometimes on other algff" and on wood, in the upper sublitoral zone. Yakutat Bay and Lowe Inlet, Alaska, and in Puget Sound, Sannders (1901, p. 439, under CallitJiannrion ftorrosinn Pacificinn) ; Esqui- malt, B. C, Harvey (1862, p. 176, under Callithanniion floccosum var. PaciflcHiii), X.L.G., No. 325!; Port Renfrew, B. C, Butler and PolU'ii^ Xo. 21!; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 620!; Orcas Island, Wash., liarreg (1862, p. 176. under Gallitlaintnion floccosum var. I'aciflcun/) ; Friday Harbor, San Juan Island, Wash., Tihlen, No. 309!. under CallifJiau/nion BoT.— 2:i

342 Universal/ of California Puhlicaiioni^. [botany

floccosioii var. Pacificum; Pleasant Beach, Kitsap County, Wash., X.L.G., No. 346!

This form, which is abundant on the western coast of North America, grows in dense tufted masses. It is to be recognized by its long, simple, subulate branchlets.

Antithamnion Americanum (Harvey) Kjellman.

On stems of Nereoc^-stis and on wood, in the upper sulilitoral zone. Esquimalt, B. C, Hdrvei/ (1862, p. 175, under Colli- thamnion America>nnii ) ; Friday Harbor, San Juan Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 502!

The specimen from San Juan Island is referred here with some doubt. The tetrasporaugia are secund on the lu-anchlets, but they are also provided with a unicellular pedicel.

Antithamnion Pylaisaei (Montague) Kjellman.

On Nereocystis and on wood, upper suljlitoral zone. West coast of Whidl)ey Island, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 72! , 447! , 453! ; Friday Harbor, San Juan Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 503!

The specimens referred here have a more verticillate habit than the last, and are more slender than the next. They seem t(^ be distinguished better by habit than hy any microscopical character.

Antithamnion Pylaisaei f. Norvegica Kjellman.

Floating. Ludlow Bay, Jefferson County, Wash., X.L.G., No. 438!

Agrees well with Kjellman's figure (1883, pi. 16, f. 1).

Antithamnion subulatum (Harvey) J. Agardh.

On larger alga'. Esquimalt, B. C, Hurrty (1862, p. 175, under CaUifhamnioii suhuhdum) ; Port Renfrew, B. ('., Huiler and Pollen, No. 40, and in Collins, Holden and Setchell. P. B.-A., No. 944!; Vancouver Island, B. C, G. W. Lichteiithahr (in Herb. P. S. Collins); west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 922!

A coarser species tlian the preceding and with the })innules provided with short subulate lateral branches. The type seems to have disappeared, since Professor W. G. Farlow has searc-hed

Vol. 1] Seich ell- Gar drier. Algw of Northwestern America. 843

for it both at Dul)liu and at Loudon without success. The determination of the P. B.-A. specimen is by Farlow and Collins and may be accepted for the present as representing the species. The specimen distributed Ijy Miss Tilden under the name Cal- litJiamnion svhulatnm (No. 310) is an entirely different plant and will be noted under Platythamnion heteromorpJmm. We append a note kindly furnished us by Mr. F. S. Collins.

"It is doubtful if there are any authentic specimens in existence of Harvey's CaUith'imnion snlndatum; Prof. Farlow states that he looked for the specimens in Harvey's herbarium at Dublin, but without success; the specimens now in question are referred to this species from tlie g-eneral agreemeht with the diagnosis given by Harvey (Proc. Linn. Soc, Bot., Vol. VI, p. 175). While Harvey compares the plant w4th C. Americannm Harv., it seems to be nearer to AntitJuoiiiiion Pi/Iai.sai (Mont.) Kjellman. A. America ini III has l(»ng, slender, loose ramuli, A. Pi/laismi more dense, short and stout, while A. SKhidafiiiii, as here understood, carries these characters to a still greater degree. The articula- tions are shorter, seldom over three diameters in the main branches, while in the lesser ramuli the cells are often broader than long. Every ramulus tapers from the l»;ise to the very acute tip, while in A. Pylaismi the tapering is manifest only near the end, and the terminal cell is not very acute; in New England specimens not so acute as in Harvey's figure (Nereis Bor.-Am., PI. XXXVI B). The main branches are less divided in A. sithiilafiiiii than in A. American iiiii or A. Pi/laisai, resembling leather some forms of A. floci-ttsmii. The tetraspores in the Vancouver specimens are usually cruciate, l)ut sometimes rather irregular, and might at a hasty glance be taken for tripartite, as des(;ribed by Harvey. While the species is evidently nearly related to A. Piflaismi, A. Jioccosiim and A. Americannm, it is as distinct from them as they are from each other; and the specimens examined, nearly one hundred in number, are quite uniform."

Antithamnion Plumula (Ellis) J. Agardh.

Saunders (1!)()1, \). 439) says that this species was collected bv him several times in Puget Sound, but was not seen in Alaskan

344 Universifi/ of California PHhlirafions . [botany

waters. He also says that it is a comparatively eoniDioii plant in Pnget Sound, while on the central Californian coast it is rarely found. We have not seen any specimens referable to the genuine A. Fhinnda from any portion of the western coast of North America.

Antithamnion boreale f. typica Kjellman.

On rocks and wood in the litoral zone. Port Clarence and St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, Kjellnian (1901, p. 33); Cape Den- bigh, Norton Sound, Alaska, R. C. McGregor, No. 5661! ; Friday Harbor, San Juan Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 490!

This form runs into the next and it is often difficult to determine to which form a given plant is to 1>e referred.

Antithamnion boreale f. corallina Kjellman.

On rocks in the middle and lower litoral zones. Besboro Island, Norton Sound, Alaska, R. C. McGregor, No. ,5662!; Cormorant Rocks, Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, W.A.8. and A.A.L., No. 5135! ; Sitka and Wrangell, Alaska, i^aiinders (1901, p. 349, wndev Anf if Jiamnio)! horeale) .

Saunders's specimens are jilaced here because he says that they are very close to this form. All the species of Antithamnion seem to be connected by intermediate forms from the simplest forms of A. horeale up to the most complex forms of A. Pijlaiswi or A. stiiiHlafiiiii. We may well believe with Kjellman (1883, p. 181) that "the genus Antithamnion is a young genus whose species are in course of development, no marked differentiation being as yet established and the transitional forms not having disappeared."

Plat3rthamnion heteromorphum f. typicum Setchell and

Gardner com)), no v.

Cast ashore. West coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., Nos. 164!, 408!; Friday Harbor, San J^^an Island, Wash., Tildeit, No. 310!, under CalHthanniion siihiiJafini/.

The plants referred here seem to agree well with the descrip- tions of J. G. Agardh (1876, p. 23, and 1892, pp. 22, 23.) The pinnules have branchlets distichous and on both sides below, but secund and on the upper side, above.

Vol.1] SetcJiell-Gardner. AlgcB of Northwesiern America. 345

Platythamnion heteromorphum f. reversum Setchell and

Gardner f. no v. Plate 2.").

Cast ashore. West coast of Whidbey Island, Wash. , X. L. (i., Nos. S!, 621!

This form differs from the last in the l)ranchlets of the n])per pinnnles being secnnd and on the lower side, as shown in the figure qnoted above. It may l>e only a casnal variation, bnt it deserves at least a form-name and more stndy in its native waters.

Ceramium rubrum (Hndson) Agardh.

Bering Sea, Herb. Unirersiiij of CdJifonihi (2 specimens withont name of collector, bnt date of 18i)2); 8t. Lawrence Island and Port Clarence, Alaska, KjeUnutn (1889, p. 32); Prince William Sonnd and Sitka, Alaska, SaNiulprs (1901, p. 439); Esqnimalt, B. C, Hunu'ij (1862, p. 175); Vanconver Island, B. C, J. O. Aganlli (1894, ]). 38); Pnget Sonnd, Bdih^i/ (111(1 Rdn'f!/ (1862, p. 163).

We (|uote nnder this name the specimens referred here by others and which we have not been able to examine. We feel certain that a carefnl stndj" will show that more than one species, in the later sense of J. G. Agardh (1894, nnder Ceraminm), has been inclnded. We do not feel at all certain that the Bering- Sea specimens are G. ruhriini in the narrower sense.

Ceramium rubrum var. Pacificum Collins.

Port Renfrew, B. C, Butler and Pollen, No. 30; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 117!; Tracyton, Kit- sap Connty, Wash., Tildeit, No. 207!, nnder Ceraiiihiin diaphauiini.

The. plant referred here is common on the western coasts of North America from Pnget Sonnd to Lower California, bnt the name is merely provisional since it may lie referi-ed later nnder some other of the G. ruhrx t)i -gvoni). The specimen of Miss Tilden's American Algte is a fragment, bnt seems to belong here, certainly not nnder Geramiurn (Uaplianum (Lightfoot) Agardli.

Ceramium cancellatum xVgardh.

Esqnimalt, B. C, Harvey (1862, p. 175). Unknown to ns.

346 Universiiy of California Pnhlications. IBotanv

Ceramium codicola .1. Afjardh.

Oil ('odixiii iinicyoiiatum f. Californicmii . Sitka, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 439) ; Ludlow Bay, JefPerson County, Wasli., X.L.G., No. 439!

The specnmens collected at Ludlow Bay are well developed aud have lioth cystoearps and tetrasporang'ia.

Ceramium tenuissimum (Lyng-bye) J. Agardh.

On sticks and stones in brackish or muddy water, upper sub- litoralzone. Esquimalt, B. C, Harrei/ (1862, p. 17.')); Whidl)ey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 236!

We are indebted to Mr. F. S. Collins for the deterraination of the plant from Whidbey Island.

Ceramium Californicum J. Agardh.

On alga' in the upper sul)litoral zone. Esquimalt and Point Roberts, B. C, Harreij (1862, p. 175, under Ceramium iJia- jiliamiiii) \ west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.Gr., Nos. 617!. 617a!, 618!

We have not seen Harvey's plants, but refer them here because the rest of the west coast ('. (liaphainiiii has l)een placed under this species. The Whidbey Island specimens are typical and show cystoearps, tetrasporangia, and antheridia.

Microcladia borealis Enprecht.

C)n rocks in the lit oral zone. Unalaska, Alaska, Rupreckt (1851, p. 259); "Pinnacles," Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, ir..4.*S\ and A.A.L., No. 5004! ; west shore of Araaknak Island, Bav of Unalaska, Alaska, W.A.S. arid A.A.L.. No. 3256!; "Una Nootka" and Fort Vancouver, B. C, Harreij {\9.sl, p. 210); Strait of Juan de Fuca, B. C, Harven (1862, j). 175); Puget Sound, /Saunders (1901, p. 449); Port Renfrew, B. C, Butler and Polley, No. 18; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 172a!; Friday Harbor, San Juan Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 222!

This species is fairly common on the shores of the Bay of Unalaska, but was not found, nor is it reported, from any of the shores until the region of Puget Sound is reaidied. It is common along the coast of Oregon and on that of Califorui.-i down to the neighborhood of Point Conception.

Vol.11 SetcheU-Gardner. Alg<f of Northwestern America. 347

Microcladia Californica Farlow.

Port Renfrew, B. C, Butler and Polley, No. 35.

The determination is by Mr. F. S. Collins and the specimen is preserved in his herbarium.

Microcladia Coulter! Harvey.

On alga? in the npper sul)litoral zone. Esquimalt, B. C, Harreij (1862, p. 175); Port Renfrew, B. C, Bidler and Polleij, No. 37; Strait of Juan de Fuoa, G. W. Lichtenthaler ; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 26!, 37!, !)9!

The i)lants from Whidbey Island have good involucrate cysto- carps and consequently belong here. Miss Tilden has distributed a specimen (No. 206!) from Tracyton, Kitsap County, Wash., which probably belongs here, l)ut the specimen is fragmentary and sterile and may belong to the preceding species.

Rhodochorton Rothii (Turton) Naegeli.

On rocks in the litoral zone. St. Michael, Alaska, ir.A.iS., Nos. 5244.x!, 5153x!; Prince William Sound, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 440); Victoria, B. C, N.L.G., No. 330! ; Hog Island, near LaConner, Skagit County, Wash., N.L.G., No. 307!

Some of the specimens bear tetrasporangia, notably No. 5244x.

Rhodochorton subimmersum Setchell and Gardner si), nov.

Plate 17.

Prostrate filaments immersed in the cortex of the host ])lant, giving rise to simple erect filaments which project above the surface of the host, and bear the tetrasporangia at the tips. Tetrasporangia one or two at the tip of an erect filament, cruciately divided.

Forming irregular patches in the frond of Grateloupia Cut- leriw. West coast of Wliidl)ey Island, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 289 ! , 289a !

This minute, somewhat immersed species differs from any- thing that has been described, unless it be CallitJianniion IniniUe Kuetzing, figured in the Tabula? Phycologica' (Vol. 11 pi. 58, 1). A careful comparison with the original will be necessary to determine whether they are the same or not.

348 University of California Publications . [botany


Gloiopeltis furcata (P. & R.) J. Agardh.

On rocks in the litoval zone. North Pac^ifie Ocean, Pastels and Rupreclit (18-1-0, p. 19, under Bum onti a furcata) \ Shnmagin Islands, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 440); Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, ir..4.N. and A.A.L., No. 5089!; Yakutat Bay, Sitka, and Annette Island, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 440); Port Renfrew, B. C, Butler and Polletj, No. 28! , and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 945b!; Brown Island, San Jnan Oonnty, Wash., Tilden, No. 805!; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 198!, and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 945a! ; San Jnan Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 198a!

Gloiosiphonia Californica (Farlow) J. Agardh.

On rocks and on wood in the npper sublitoral zone, and even in tide pools in the litoral zone. Prince William Sound, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 440) ; Esqnimalt, B.C., ir.A.N., No. 1869!; Port Angeles, Clallam Connty, Wash., (i. W. LirJitenthaler; Pleasant Beach, Kitsap Connty, Wash., N.L.G., No. 343!

This plant was first described by Farlow nnder Neraastoma, (1877, p. 243), later referred to Gloiosiphonia by J. G. Agardh (1884, p. 10), and still later to Calosiphonia (1899. ]). 83). Probably to be included under this Bitecies -dve Hali/nien i(( ligulata Harvey (1862, p. 173) and Gloiosiphonia capUlaris Ji-dv\ey (1862, p. 174), from Esqnimalt, B. C.

Gloiosiphonia verticillaris Farlow.

On stones in the npper sublitoral zone. Port Renfrew, B. C, Tilden, No. 205!; near Port Townsend, Wash., X. L.G.I: west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 169!

Apparently a very rare species in the region of Puget Sound. It occurs also on the coast of California, but unless it is detected at the period of growth (spring), it might be searched for in vain.

Vol. ]j Sefchell-Ganlnfr. Algn of XortJiiresifvii America. 349


yEodes nitidissima J. Agardh.

Cast ashore, probably growing in tlie sulilitoral zone at a depth of several fathoms. West coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., Nos. Vrll , 4S7!, and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 946!

The discovery of this New Zealand species on the coast of California has been announced by one of ns (cf. Setchell, 1901, p. 126) and now we have the opportunity of recording its occurrence in the region of Puget Sound. The specimens dis- tributed show l)oth cystocarps and tetrasporangia and agree in habit and structure with an authentic specimen distributed by J. (t. Agardh. The shiny appearance of the surface of the frond which is responsible for the specific name seems to depend upon age and ('ir(nimstances of preparation of the specimen, being very pro- nounced in some specimens and absolutely lacking in others.

Grateloupia CutleriiE (Binder) J. Agardh.

Cast ashore from the upper sublitoral zone. West coast of Whidbey Island, Wash.. X.L.G., Nos. 98!, 185!, 148!. 1!»1!

The specimens from Whidl)ey Island are all large and more or less pinnate, and agree well with the figxn-es of this species in Kuetzing's Tabulae Phycologica^ (i)l. 35, 36, and 37, especially with the last). Some of the specimens have the "pinna?" large and again once or twice pinnate. Both cystocarpic and tetra- sporic plants have been found. Older forms are to be distin- guished from some forms of Prionitis Li/alJii chiefly by their softer texture.

Grateloupia pinnata (P. & R.) Setchell.

On rocks in the upper litoral zone. Norfolk Sound (near Sitka), Alaska, Postfls und Riiprecht (1840, p. 18, under Ii-'uhia j)i)niai<i)\ Port Renfrew, B. C. Butler and Polley, No. 87, and in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 947!: Tracyton, Kitsap County, Wash.. TihJen, No. 222!, niidcr aiuari'ma niicrppJu/Ua.

350 Universify of Cdlifornia Piililirdfions. [botany

The speciinens included uuder this name, other than tlie type, have been compared with an authentic specimen in Herb. Farlow by F. S. Collins, who reports that they are of the same general habit as the Euprecht specimens, but that the latter are coarser. We feel that it is reasonably safe to quote them under this species, since there is no doubt but that the Iridaa p'nnuiid P. & R. is a Grateloupia, with Norfolk Sound in the region of Sitka, Alaska, for the type locality. Miss Tilden's specimen is young, but seems certainly to belong here and has nothing in common ^\\{\\■iJi(|((r- tiua microphylla Harvey. The specimens collected at Port Ren- frew have both cystocarps and tetrasporangia. -This species has nothing to do with Grateloupia j)in>^<it<i (Hooker and Harvey) J. Agardh, which, if retained in this genus, may, if we follow priority, need a new specific name.

Prionitis Lyallii Harvey.

We have had the opportunity of examining the cotypes of several of the forms of this species in Herb. Farlow and of com- paring these with considerable material collected on the coasts of Puget Sound and of California. We have come to the conclusion that there exist at least four well marked species on the western coast of North America, viz.: P. LyaUi Harvey, P. lancfolata Harvey, P. angusfa (Harvey) Setchell, and P. decipiexs (Mon- tague) J. Agardh. These have been distributed as follows:

P. Lyallii f. nonnalis Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. -1:48!, Farlow, Anderson and Eaton, Alg. Exsicc. Am. Bor., No. 24! ; P. Lyallii f. gladiafa Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. XXV!; P. la iiceolaf a— Faiiow, Ander- son and Eaton, Alg. Exsicc. Am. Bor., No. 81a! , Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 199a! ; P. angusfa— F-avIow, Ander- son and Eaton, Alg. Exsicc. Am. Bor., No. 81B!, Collins. Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. XXIV ! ; P. dfripiciis—CoWm^, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 199b!

Prionitis Lyallii is to be distinguished l)y having its l)ranches and branchlets decidedly contracted at the base and more or less gladiate. It approaches P. /ay^ffo/r//r/ too closely at times. Har- vey has separated the various forms under a number of form- names which are given below. They pass into one another by insensible gradations.

Vol.1] Set cli ell- Gardner. Algie of Korihwesiern America. 851

Prionitis Lyallii f. lanceolata Harvey.

Esquimalt, B. C, Hari'eij {\^^-2, p. 178).

Prionitis Lyallii f. ornata Harvey.

Esquimalt, B. C, Harvey (1862, p. 178) ; west coast of Whid- bey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 638! , aud in Collins, Holden and Setehell, P. B.-A., No. 949!

The specimen distributed corresponds fairly well to the description of Harvey, except that it is much more branched and of firmer texture. Miss Tilden has distributed a scrap nnder No. 204 of her American Algfe which may ]:)elong- here. It came from Port Orchard, Kitsap County, Wash.

Prionitis Lyallii f. normalis Harvey.

Esquimalt. B. C, Harceij (1862, p. 178); Penn's Cove, near Coupeville, east coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 65!; near Seattle, Wash.. Tilden, No. 802!, under Farloiria foitiprcssa .

We have been able to examine a cotype of this form in Herb. Farlow and can refer the specimens quoted above with confidence.

Prionitis Lyallii f. gladiata Setehell.

Port Renfrew, B. C, Butler and PoUey, No. 75.

Prionitis Lyallii f. densissima Harvey.

On rocks in tide ])ools, njjper litoral zone. Esquimalt, B. C, Harvey I (1862, p. 174), X.L.G., No. 689!, and in Collins, Holden and Setehell, P. B.-A., No. 948!; Port Renfrew, B. C, Butler aiul Polley, No. 119!; Fairhav^n, Wash., N.L.G., No. 78! ; Whidbey Island, Wash., N. L.G.I; San Juan Island, Wash., Tilden, No. 808!, under Prionitis lanceolata.

These plants agree well with a specimen from Harvey in Herb. Farlow.

Prionitis Lyallii f. intermedia Hai-vey. Esquimalt, B. C, Harvey (1862, p. 174).

Prionitis Lyallii f. dilatata Harvey.

Esquimalt, B. C, Harvey (1862, p. 174).

352 Univcrsit)/ of California P^thlicaiions. [botanv

Prionitis Lyallii f. depauperata Harvoy. Esqnimalt, B. C, Harvey (1862, j). 174).

Prionitis lanceolata Harvey.

Puget Sound, Bailey and Harvey (1862, p. 162).

We have never seen a specimen of undoubted P. hmceoJaia from our territory.

Prionitis lanceolata? var. filicina Harvey. Esquimalt, B. C, Harvey (1862, p. 174).

Prionitis jubata J. Agardh.

Sitka, Alaska, "Ex. Herb. A m^/. Pefrop.'' in Herb. Farlow!, under Gelidium crassifolium .

Two specimens are preserved in Herb. Farlow, having come from the Herbarium of the St. Petersburg Academy and bearing the name of Gelidium crassifolium . This is the name, credited to Postels and Ruprecht, given ])y J. G. Agardh (1876, p. 160) under his Prionitis juhafa. The plants seem to belong to a dwarf form of Prionitis lanceolata, but not certainly so.

Cryptonemia obovata J. Agardh.

Attached to pebbles in the upper sublitoral zone. Prince William Sound, Alaska and in Puget Sound, Saunders (1901, p. 440).


Dumontia filiformis (Lyngbye) J. Agardh.

Un stones in the middle litoralzone. Port Clarence, Alaska, Kjellman (1889, p. 30); east shore of Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, W.A.8. and A. A. L., Xo. 32771 ; west shore of Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, ir.A.iS. and A. A. L., Xo. .1001! ; Shumagin Islands, Kukak Bay, Cook Inlet, and Prince William Sound, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 440).

From what Kjellman says (1889, p. 30), it seems that there may be reasons for separating the plant of the Xorth Pacific from that of the Xortli Atlantic. We have had little opportunity for examining tlic plant of the latter region, while the plants of the

Vol.1] ISetchell-Gardiier. Alg<e of XorfJuvesfern America. 353

North Pacifi(3 accessible to us are all tetrasporic. Concerning the synonymy and adoption of the name, we have followed the general usage according to J. G. Agardh (1876, p. 257) even after a careful consideration of the elaborate discussion of Ruprecht (1851, p]j. 295-308, under I), contorta) . Most of the species placed under Dumontia by Postels and Ruprecht are to be referred to Halosaccion or Gloiopeltis, while D. Clara and I), coronaia are, according to Ruprecht (1851, p. 286), of animal rather than of plant nature, although the 'latter has ])een referred to as possibly being a CJia'tangiujii .

Cryptosiphonia Woodii J. Agardh.

On rocks more or less exposed to the waves, in the litoral zone. West shore of Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, ir.A.N. and A.A.L., No. 3267! ; near Iliuliuk. Unalaska, Alaska, W.A.S and A.A.L., Nos. 4039!, 5010!; Sitka, Alaska, }Y.A.S. and A.A.L., No. 5207! ; Vancouver Island, B. C, J. G. Agardh (1870, p. 15, under Pil'ea Woodii): west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., ^.L.G., No. 5!

It seems that the more densely branched, bushy si)ecies which does not collapse when removed from the water, is Cnjpfosi- phonia Woodii and not the slender plant which collapses. The latter has passed among Calif ornian algologists under this name, however, and has been distributed by one of us (in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 449!) under it, but is really to be placed under the next species. It may be doubted whether the two species (as now recognized) represent more than divergent forms of one rather varied species!

Cryptosiphonia Grayana J. Agardh.

On rocks in the litoral zone. Harvester Island, Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, ^r.A.N. and A.A.L., No. 5126!; Kukak Bay, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 441): Orca, Alaska, W.A.S. and A. A. L., No. 5160!; Yakutat Bay, Sitka. :n id Wrangell, Alaska, Saunders (1901. p. 441); Vancouver Island, B.C., J. G. Agardh (1S70. p. 15, under PiJxea Grai/aiia) ; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 5a!

354 University of California Pnhlications. [botaxv

Farlowia mollis (Harvey and Bailey) Farlow and Setcliell.

On rocks in tlie npper i^art of the snLlitoral zone. Puget Sonnd, Harvf^i/ and Bailey (18.11. \). Hl'2) , Bailey and Harvey (1862, p. 1G8, pi. 6, f. 3, 4), hoth nnder Gigarthia mollis- Strait of Jnan de Fnea, Han-fy (1862, ]>. 173, nnder Giytniina mollis) : Port Renfrew, B. C, Bidhr and Polky, Xos. 86! . 122! : west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash.. X.L.G.. Xos. 113!, 214!, 239!

As stated nnder No. 898 of Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., the plant named Gigartina mollis l)y Harvey and Bailey is really a Farlowia and closely related tf). i)erhaps iden- tical with, Farlowia compressa J. Agardh. It is, however, a smaller, thinner, nsnally more pinnate plant than the type of' that species. Californian specimens have been distribnted nnder the nnmber of the P. B.-A. qnoted above.

Sarcophyllis arctica Kjelhnan.

On rocks in tide pools in the litoral zone and in the npper snblitoral zone. Port Clarence, Alaska, Kjellman (1889. p. 28) ; west shore of Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, ir.A.*S. and A.A.L., Xos. 3243! , 5042! ; near Ilinlink, Unalaska, Alaska, "n^A.N. and A.A.L., Xo. 4072!; Shhmagin Islands, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 441. nnder Dilsea ardira) -. Unga, Alaska, A.A.L., Xo. 5053!; Karlnk. Kadiak Island, Alaska, ir..4..S'., Xo. 5067! : Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, ir.^4..S. (ind A.A.L., Xo. 5079a!

We prefer to retain the generic name Sarcophyllis for this genns, in preference to the name Dilsea, since for some twenty- five or more 3'ears it has been nsed, and the name Dilsea, donbtf nl and resnrrected only I'eeently from oblivion, has no rights from usage .

Sarcophyllis Californica J. Agardh.

On rocks in the npper snblitoral zone. Unga, Alaska, '/, />'. Doirniiiij. Xo. 5786!; Orca, Alaska, Saunders, Xo. 313!, (1901, p. 441, nnder Dilsea Californica); Port Renfrew, B. C, Butler and Policy. Xos. 71!, 80!; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash.. X.L.G., Xos. 274!. 283!; San -Tuan Island. Wash., Tilden, Xo. 323!, under Turnerrlla Mfrtcnsiana.

Vol.1] SetcJidl-Gardner. Algte of NortJiwestern America. 355

Whether all the plants placed under this name are to be included in one species maj' perhaps be doubted. Nevertheless, it is our experience with this species on the coast of California, that it varies much in size, color, shape and thickness, according to the season, age, and exposure. The specimen of Miss Tilden is a large fragment with good cystocarpic fruit, which is clearly that of Sarcophyllis.

Sarcophyllis pygmaea Setchell comb. nov. Plate 19.

Port Renfrew, B. C, Builer and FoUnj, No. 46!

The specimens of Misses Butler and Policy agree well with the specimens of this species issued by one of us in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 396, under SinropJn/Uis CnUfoynica f. ]))/{/ mcea, and described later under the name of Dihefi piignmn (cf. Setchell, 1901, p. 126). Very little of the horizontal thallus appears in the specimens, but in every other respect the agreement is perfect.

Constantinea rosa-marina (Gmeliu) P. & R.

On stones and shells in the lower litoral and sublitoral zones, most commonly collected when cast ashore. St. Paul Island, Alaska, Bnprecht (1851, pp. 232, 262), Herb. ]>. C. Eatonl; near Iliuliuk, Unalaska, Alaska, ir..l.N. aud A.A.L., Nos. 4082! , 4086!; Unga, Alaska, yl. A. X., No. 5049a!; Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, W.A.S. and A.A.L., No. 5092! ; Prince William Sound, Alaska, Saiiiidns, No. 298! (1901, p. 441).

Various opinions have l)een held as to whether this plant is to 1)6 considered as being distinct from the next or not. From the materials at present accessible to us, we hold that it is to be distinguished from the next by the manner of the origin of the new l)lades. In this species, as far as we can judge from the figure of Gmeliu (1768, pi. 5, f. 2 and 2a) the new blade appears first as a rosulate or saucer-shaped, nearly sessile structure, and this is farther shown in the description and plate of Postels and Ruprecht (1840, p. 17, pi. 30). In the next species, as shown in plate 18, figure 18, the first appearance of the new proliferation is in the form of a subulate structure which grows to some considerable length before the blade proper makes its ai)p«':ii'an('e.

;j,jG University of California PuJilications. [botanv

In ('(nisf(i)tfiii(ii simplex Setchell (1901, ]). 127). tli(^ i)r()liferati()ii is also rosnlate (cf. Plate 18, f. 19-21). C. yosd-ntariiui is not so ample a plaut as the next. l)ut this may not hold when nioi-f material is available for comparison.

Constantinea Sitchensis P. & R. Plate IS.

On rocks in the upi^er sublitoral zone, frefjuently cast ashore in considerable quantity. Sitka, Alaska, Postels and B\(j)recM (1840, p. 17) ; Victoria, B. C, Harvey (1862, p. 172) ; Esqnimalt. B. C, Tilden, No. 203! : west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash.. X.L.G.. Nos. 94!, 685!; Mats-Mats Bay, Jefferson County, Wash., X.L.G., in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 950 ! ; San Juan Island , Wash . , X. L.G.\

We feel very certain of all the plants referred to this species, but feel, also, that we may have referred some of this species to the preceding, particularly the plaut from Prince William Sound. E. M. Freeman (1899a) has given a very formal account of the structure of this species (under the name of Constantinea ros((- marina) but has neglected to treat of the most important point, viz.: the method of proliferation.


Schizymenia Dubyi J. Agardh.

Esquimalt, B. C, Harvey (1862, p. 174).

We know nothing of this plant, but suspect that we may have included it under SarropJnjllls Californira.

Schizymenia coccinea Harvey.

In 14 fathoms. Griffin Bay, San Juan Island, Wash., Harvey (1862, p. 174).

We have been aT)le to examine a small fragment ot the type preserved in Herb. Farlow, and Avhile we cannot be certain, we think that it is the same as the \Aimt we have placed under j^jodia II ifldissiiiHi .

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Petrocelis Middendorfii (Ruprecht) Kjellman.

Forming a close covering on rocks in the npper litoral zone. Harvester Island, Uyak Bay, Kacliak Island, Alaska, \V.A.S. and A.A.L., No. 5124! ; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., K.L.G., Nos. 74!, 262!, 488!

Our plants are all sterile, l)nt have the pronounced basal portion, branching, etc., characteristic of this species.

Cruoria Pacifica Kjellman.

On stones and mussel shells, in the upper sublitoral zone. Port Clarence, Alaska, Kjellman (1889, p. 26).


The crustaceous forms have all been submitted to M. Foslie, of Trondheim, Norway, who has determined them and examined and approved the following account of the species (under the first four genera) .

Clathromorphum circumscriptum (Stroemfelt) Foslie.

On stones in tide pools in the litoral and sublitoral zones. Port Clarence, Alaska, Kjellman, (1889, ]). 22, under Liiho- fhannnoii (Ixnim); near Iliuliuk, Unalaska, Alaska, W.A.8. and A.A.L., Nos. 4022!, 4081a!; Kukak Bay and Sitka, Alaska, Saandn-s (1901, ]>. 442).

Clathromorphum compactum (Kjellman) Foslie.

On mussel shells, lower litoral zone. St. Michael, Alaska, ir.A.*S'., No. 5156y! ; Prince William Sound, Alaska, ISaanders (1901, p. 422, under Lifhothatnnion conipactnni) .

Clathromorphum loculosum (Kjelhnan) Foslie.

St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, Kjellinan (bssi), p. 21, und^-r LifhotJianinion loeidosHin) .


858 Unrversitj/ of California Publications. [botanv

Lithothamnion glaciale Kjellman.

In the upper elite )ral and lower sublitoral zones. Shumagin Islands, Knkak Bay, and Prince William Sound, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 442).

Lithothamnion glaciale f. Foslie.

West coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 184!

Lithothamnion Sonderi f. Pacifica Foslie.

On rocks, upper sublitoral zone. Channel Rocks, near' Seattle, Wash., N.L.G., No. 654!

Lithothamnion phymatodeum Foslie.

West coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 658!

Lithothamnion laeve (Stroi'mfelt) Foslie.

On rocks in the sublitoral zone. Kukak Bay, Alaska, Saiindcrs- (1901, p. 442).

Lithothamnion Iseve f. tenue (Kjellman) Foslie.

On mussel shells in the upper sublitoral zone. Port Clar- ence, Alaska, Kjellman (1889, p. 22, under rAthoplujllum tenue).

Lithothamnion Californicum Foslie.

Upper sublitoral zone. Port Renfrew, B. C, Yeiido; Channel Rocks, near Seattle, Wash., N.L.G., No. 654! (in part).

Lithothamnion conchatum Setchell and Foslie.

On Amphiroa. Port Renfrew, B. C, Yendo (Foslie, 1902, p. 6); west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 88a!

Probably ^^ Melohesia patens" of Saunders (1901, p. 441) from Prince William Sound, on Amphiroa, belong's here.

Lithophyllum tumidulum Foslie.

On Ahnfeldtia conehnia. West coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 658!

Lithophyllum (Eulithophyllum) incrustansf. orbicularis Foslie. Port Renfrew, B.C., Yendo.

Lithophyllum (Lepidomorphum) Farlowii Foslie. Sitka, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 442).

Vol.1] Sefchell-Gardner. Algce of Northwestern America. 8.19

Lithophyllum Farlowii f.? Foslie.

On limpet shells. West coast of Wbidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 657!

Lithophyllum sp. no v. Foslie.

On limpet shells. West coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., Nos. 655!, 656!

Lithophyllum (Lepidomorphum) Yendoi Foslie.

On rocks in the sublitoral zone. Sitka, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 442).

Foslie remarks (1901, p. 13) that it is a question whether L. Yendoi and L. decipiens must not be considered as forms of one and the same species.

Melobesia Zostericolum f. mediocris Foslie.

On Phyllospadix. Port Renfrew, B. C, Yendo; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.O., No. 271!

Melobesia (Heteroderma) marginata Setchell and Foslie.

On Ldurencia pinnatifida, N.L.G., No. 270! and on Odon- thalia semicostata, X.L.G., No. 269!, both on the west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash.

Amphiroa Aspergillum f . nana Setchell and Gardner f. nov.

In loose and small tufts, among other algae on the rocks. Fronds short, 2-8 cm. high, with branches and branchlets pinnately arranged as in the type. This form differs from the typical form only in its dwarf condition.

Upper sublitoral zone. East Sound, Orcas Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 482! The only occurrence of this species as yet in our territory is this dwarf form from Orcas Island. The typical form is found in abundance on the coast of California, and has been distributed in Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A., No. 498, under Amphiroa nodidosa.

Amphiroa cretacea (P. & R.) Areschoug.

Attached to rocks or even to the spines of sea urchins, in tide pools in the litoral zone and descending to a depth of 10 fathoms or more in the sublitoral zone. St. Lawrence Island

3G0 UniversHii of CnJifornvt Piihlirdfio'Ufi. [botany

and Port Clarence, Alaska, Kjellwan (1889, p. 21) ; St. Paul Island, Alaska, ^etcJipU (1899, p. 595); west shore of Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, W.A.S. and A.A.L., No. 3242!; Unalaska, Alaska, Pastels and Rnprecht (1840, p. 20, under Gorallina cretacea) ; near Iliuliuk, Unalaska, Alaska, W.A.IS. and A.A.L., Nos. 4093!, 4075!; Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, ir.A.*S'. and A.A.L., No. 5088!; Port Renfrew, B. C, Yendo (1902, p. 714).

This species is to be distinguished from the forms of the next by the fact that its joints are always cylindrical and never flat- tened in any portion of the frond. We have not attempted to distinguish between the forms, but we agree with Yendo that Amphiroa Tasmanica Kuetzing is probably but a form of this species and that it, or a similar form, occurs in our territory. Of the ])lants accessible to us and enumerated above, Nos. 3242 and 4075 are the typical form; No. 4093, which is from water of 10 fathoms in depth, agrees with the f. Tasmanica Yendo; while No. 5088 shows specimens of both forms growing inter- mixed.

Amphiroa tuberculosa (P. & R.) Endlicher (in extended .sense).

After a long study of the forms of Amphiroa with flat- tened joints from the western coast of North America, we have come to the conclusion that they are all forms of one polymorphous species, the forms owing their very considerable differences to variations in the environmental conditions under which they may be found growing. It is our experience that all of the jointed Corallinaceas are very susceptible to such condi- ti(ms as greater or less depth of submergence, varying light, temperature, impurity or purity of water, especially the admix- ture, continuous or otherwise, of fresh water, exposure to air and sun when emergent, etc. The grinding of sand in the currents flowing over them or the mutilations by animals, produce vari- ations in habit and the form of the individual joints, sufficient to disturl) the typical aspect of the species. We have preferred to use tlie oldest speciflc name for the group of forms, although it is, perhaps, the least descriptive. We do not understand the reasons f(n* referring some of the forms to the genus CJifilosporidn, as

Vol.1] ;SetcheU-Gar(Itifr. Alg(e of North irestern America. 861

Yendo has done, since that genus, if separable at all from Amphiroa, applies only to a very limited number of species, none of which occur in our territory.

Amphiroa tuberculosa f. typica Setchelland Gardner comb, nov.

On rocks in tide pools in the literal and upper sublitoral zones. Sitka. Alaska, Postels and Ruprecht (1840, p. 20), Saiouhrs (1901, p. W2) ; Port Renfrew, B. C, Yetido (1902, p. 714), Bnt- Ipv and PoUey, Xo. 11! ; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., No. 83!; San Juan Island, Wash., Tilden, No. 801!, under Amphiroa Californica.

What we feel should be included under f. iijpica is well described by Yendo under Amphiroa tnherculosa. It is a plant which seldom, if ever, is emergent at low water and usually occurs in water of considerable depth. In plants of such hal)itat we usually find the joints thicker and less obcordate, though flat- tened, ])ut they also frequently have branches which are cylin- drical and which resemble those of Amphiroa crefacfa. Yendo makes much of tlie branching of this species as being subdich- otomous, but in reality the branching is pinnate, only nuich less so than in some of the forms of this species. The diiference is not ill kind, but in regularity and degree, and, consequently, not a character to separate this form and the next from the rest of the forms and give them specific' rank.

Amphiroa tuberculosa f. Californica (Decaisne) Setchell and (lai'dner comb. nov.

On rocks in the upper sublitoral and in deep tide pools in the litoral zones. Puget Sound, Bailey and Harvey (1862, ]). 162, under Amphiroa Californica); Strait of Juan de Puca, Harvey (1862, p. 169, under Amphiroa Californica); Port Renfrew, B. C, Yendo (1902, \). 715, under Cheilospornm Californicinii) .

We have not seen the type of the species of Decaisne, but if tlie specimen distributed by Farlow and illustrated by Y'endo, rei)re- sents this species, then we feel certain that it is ])ut a form of the polymorphous species, A. tnhercidosa. It should be somewhat extended be.yond Yendo's idea, however, and made to include all the plants which have thick, irregularly triangular joints, with

862 University of California Publications. [botany

small or no i)rojeetiiig upper ang-les, yet usually more pronounced than in the preceding form. In the least development, it is the plant described and figured l)y Yendo, but while this may have the appearance of being di- to trichotomous, the more highly developed plant is more or less regularlj- pinnate and even bipinnate. It ])asses insensibly into the last and iiito the forms which are usually included under Ampliiron Orbigniana, which, in a less than usually slight condition of development, is repre- sented by Harvey in the Nereis Australis (Plate 38) and commonly found on the coast of California.

Amphiroa tuberculosa f. Orbigniana(I)e(aisne) Setchell and (lardner coml). nov.

Although we have not seen a specimen of this form from our territory, it seems best to include a brief discussion of it, because of its relations, as indicated above, to the other forms. In its typical condition it is a long plant, equal in this respect to any plants we have seen of either of the two preceding forms. Its joints are thinner aud more distinctly aurieulate than those of the preceding form, with pinnate branching well marked. It passes into the preceding as the joints become thicker and shorter, with the auricles reduced or lacking. It also passes into a form with lax and apparently subdichotomous branching, and this is represented by the AmpMroa Orbigniana of No. 898 of Collins, Holden and Setchell, P. B.-A. (in our co])y), which is character- istic of warmer waters. In the upper aud more exposed portions ot its habitat, it Ijecomes dwarfed, the branching is more regular and i)ronouncedly i)innate, and it i)asses over into the next two forms. States of this form will probably be found at some time in the warmer waters of the Puget Sound region.

Amphiroa tuberculosa f. frondescens (P. & E.) Setchell and Gardner comb. nov.

On rocks in the litoral zone. West shore of Amaknak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, ir.A.N. aud A.A.L., No. 4004!; Unalaska, Alaska, Postels and Buprecht (1840, p. 20, under Corallina frondescens) ; Harvester Island, Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, W.A.S. ,ind A.A.L., No. r)129a! ; Port Renfrew,

Vol. J Setchell-Gardner. Ahja of Xorihwestern America. 363

B. C, Yendo (1902, pp. 715, 716, under Cheilosporum f)r»i- descens ff.) ; East Sound, Orcas Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 916! ; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., Nos. 80!, 82!

While in some eases, the present form is fairly distinct from the next, in many cases, it is difficult to decide to which form to refer a given specimen. Yendo has recognized this when he says (1902, ]). 717) : "Nevertheless, it would not he an unreasonable supposition that the hybrid between GJml.frondescensa.nd Glieil. planiKSCulum may occur in nature." He also recognizes the variability of the plants placed under each hy the number of forms which he describes or refers to. The stipe, upon whose length and thickness he depends for one essential difference between the two, varies much and at times seems interchanged. We regard this as a very unreliable character. The apical .joints and the thickness or thinness of their external margins do not always lead us safely, and the approximation or non-approxi- mation of the joints seems as little satisfactory. We have retained the two forms and are able to separate them to a certain degree, but not satisfactoril\\

Amphiroa tuberculosa f. planiuscula (Kuetzing) Setchell and Gardner comb, no v.

On rocks in the lower litoral zone, also in shallow pools in the upper litoral zone. Near Iliuliuk, Unalaska, Alaska, W.A .8. and ^.A.L.,No.4057! ; Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, W.A.S.aitd A.A.L., No. 5096! ; Harvester Island, Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, W.A. 8. and A.A.L., No. 5128! ; Prince William Sound and Sitka, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 442, under AmpMroa planiuscula); Port Renfrew, B. C, Yendo (1902, p. 717, under GJieilosporum planiusculum) , Tilden, No. 503!, under Glieilo- sporum planiusculum; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., X.L.G., Nos. 81!, 918!

. We have commented on the relationships of this form and on the difficulty of distinguishing it, under the preceding form. Yendo says (1902, p. 717) that it is difficult to give a sharp defi- nition. In its most characteristic form, it is a thinner species with sharper auricles to the joints in the type of the form, slender stipe, etc., but all these vary and pass directly into the preceding

364 Universiiy of California Publications. [botany

form. Such characters as these vary so much in our Amphiroas, that they are hardly good ones to establish form-characters upon, much less specific.

The AnipJiiroa corymhosa of Harvey's List (1862, p. 169), represented only by fragments in the collection he received, judging from his idea of that species as represented in the Nereis Australis (pi. 38) may also belong to this form. As to the varia- tions of this form as represented l»y Kuetzing (1858, \). 31, pi. 68) they are all represented in our collections and may l)e classed as subforms. The subf. laciniata is especially well shown in specimens under our No. 4057. The subf. antennifera occurs more or less generally, Imt usually not in any considerable quantity. The subforms normalis and polyphora are not well set off from one another, but are both represented in Tilden's No. 503 in our cojty of the American Alg».

Amphiroa epiphlegnoides J. Agardh.

On rocks and other algae. Prince William Sound and Sitka, Alaska, Satdulers (1901, p. 442) ; Strait of Juan de Fuea, Harvey (1862, p. 169).

We do not know this species. Yendo thinks (1902. p. 715) that it is quite similar to Amphiroa fiilx^rcidosa, and places it provisionally under that species (our f. typica) as a synonym.

Corallina officinalis L.

Puget Sound, Bailey and Harvey (1862, ]). 162): Esquimalt, B. C, Harvey (1862. p. 169).

After a careful and extensive consideration of the puzzling forms of Corallina of the western coast of North America, we have decided that the best arrangement, for the present, at least, is to place all the plants which have ecorniculate cystocarps under this species as forms. We have not seen the plants quoted above, and consequently place them under the species without comment.

Corallina officinalis f. typica Setchell and Gardner cornl*.

no v.

The plant, seemingly to be considered as the tyi)e of the species, is to be distinguished ])y its more or less regularly 1)ipin-

Vol. ij SetcheU-GanlHcr. Alga' of Northwesiern Americ((. 36o

iiate branching and the more or less slender ta])ering branehlets. We have not seen a specimen of this from onr territory.

Corallina officinalis f. Chilensis (Decaisne) Knetzing.

On rocks in the ni)per snblitoral and in deep pools in the litoral zone. Port Renfrew, B. C, Yendo (1902, p. 71S).

We have seen no specimens of the type of this form, as represented by Kuetzing (1858, ])1. 66 f. I) from onr territory, bnt it is not nncommon in various localities on the coast of California. The very simple condition represented by Kuetzing and by Yendo (1902, pi. 54, f. 1) is not so abundant as conditions with the branches and l)ranchlets more numerous and passing into states characteristic of the second and third forms below. It seems to ns that it is to be distinguished from the preceding by its less slender and less tapering branehlets.

Corallina officinalis f. robusta Setchell and Gardner f . nov.

The type of the present form is a i)lant of the Califoruian coast which has been distributed under -199 of Collins, Holden and Setchell's Phycotheca Boreali- Americana. It differs from the forms just mentioned in being larger and stouter, the joints being more inclined toward a triangular outline in the main axes, while the pinnules and ultimate branehlets are more or less flattened. The cystocarps and conceptacles are terminal on longer or shorter branehlets, bnt at times the fertile branchlet is so shoi't that it seems sessile on the joint, or upon a ])rojection from it.

In the upper sul)litoral zone and in tide pools in the litoral zone . West coast of Wb idbey Island , Wash ., N.L.G., No . 278 !

As it occurs on the Califoruian coast, this form presents a series of gradations to f. Chilensis, bnt, as it becomes condensed, its aspect is sufficiently changed to give it the appearance of a very distinct plant. We suspect from the figures and descrip- tions of Yendo that it includes his Cheilosporinn MacMiUani (Yendo, 1902, p. 718, \)\. 53, f. 4, 5, ])!. 56, f. 11-14) from Port Renfrew, B.C. That agrees very well with the specimens from Whidbey Island, except that in these we have not found any cystocarps on the faces of the joints. We have seen such sti-uc- tures on the faces of the joints of certain Califoruian forms of

3GG University of California Pnhlications. [botany

Corallina, but they seem to belong to a species of Clioreoueraa. The Cheilosponoii nia.ritiiuiii Yeudo (1902a, p. 22, pi. 2, f. 18, 19, pi. 6, f . 9) seems but a more strongly calcified state of this form, such as we have collected at Monterey, California.

Corallina officinalis f. pilulifera (P. & R.) Setchell antl

Gardner comb. nov.

On rocks in the sublitoral zone. St. Paul Island, Alaska, Greeley and Snodgrass, No. 5805a!; Uualaska, Alaska, Pastels and Ruprecht (1840, p. 20, under Corallina pilulifera) ; east shore of Amakuak Island, Bay of Unalaska, Alaska, ir.A.tS. and A.A.L., No. 4078! ; Shumagin Islands, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 442, under Corallina arhuscula) ; Prince William Sound, Alaska, Saunders (1901, p. 442, under Corallina pilulifera filiforniis) .

A dwarf form including the Corallina arhuscula and C. pilulifera of Postels and Ruprecht. It forms a transition from f . CJiilensis to the next, because in some cases there may be found more than two branchlets springing from one joint. The cristate joints prolonged into filiform prolongations are more or less common on the plants examined. The Corallina pilulifera of Kuetzing (1858, pi. 64, I) may prove to be a different species. The Arthrocardia frondescens of Setcheil (1899, p. 595) was based on a few fragments of the /. fiiiformis of Ruprecht and was recognized later when more perfect material was disco verd among the Greeley and Snodgrass collections.

Corallina officinalis f. multiramosa Setcheil and Gardner

nom. nov.

In the lowermost portion of the litoral zone and on the edges of tide pools farther up, growing on rocks. Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, W.A.S. and A. A. L., No. 5129!; Esquimalt, B. C, N.L.O., No. 919!; Port Renfrew, B. C, Yendo (1902, p. 719, under Corallina Vancouveriensis) ; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 79!

This form is distinguished, as Yendo has pointed out (1902, p. 712, under Corallina Va ncouveriensis) , hy having move tlmn two branchlets springing from an articulus the rule, thus giving the plants a distinct habit. This happens to some extent in the

Vol.1] SeicJieU-Gardner. Algcv of yorthircsfern America. 367

other forms, so that it cannot be considered to l)e a specitic char- acter. The form as we understand it is synonymous with the CoralUna Vnnconveriensh of Yendo, and like that, may be divided into two subforms, as follows: snbf. laxa, equalling C. VaiicoKveriensis f. fi/pira Yendo, and subf. densa equalling C. Vaiiro)(reriensis f. (Jensa Yendo.

Corallina officinalis f . aculeata (Yendo) Setchell and Gardner comb. nov.

In tide pools, uppermost litoral zone. Port Renfrew, B. C, Yendo (1902, p. 720, under CoraUhia aciiJcofd) ; East Sound, Orcas Island , Wash . , Y. L . Cz'. , No . 9 1 7 !

Corallina aciih^aia Yendo is simply the distorted state of the preceding- form and the prickly, confusedly ramulose, and flattened or angled branchlets, imperfectly, or in some cases, unusually much calcified, are all due to unfavorable conditions of environ- ment.

Corallina gracilis Laniouroux.

Mr. F. S. Collins has determined with some doubt, a speci- men collected by Misses Butler and Policy at Poi't Renfrew, B. C, as belonging to this species.

Hildenbrandtia prototypus Nardo.

On rocks in the middle litoral zone. Harvester Island, Uyak Bay, Kadiak Island, Alaska, W.A.^. and A.A.I.., No. .1109!; west coast of Whidbey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 40G! ; Tracyton, Kitsap County, Wash., TUden, No. 201!, under Peysonnellia Dnhyi.

The plants placed under this species are dark blood red and represent what has lieen called H. sanguinea. They ar(? darker and thicker than the next.

Hildenbrandtia prototypus f. rosea Hauck.

On stones in the lower litoral and upper sublitoral zones. Port Clarence, Alaska, Kjellman (1889, p. 26, under Hilden- brandtia rosea); Shumagin Islands to Puget Sound, iSaiiiiders (1901, p. 441, under Hildeiihrfiiidfia rosea) ; west coast of Whid- bey Island, Wash., N.L.G., No. 128!

A much thinner species than the last, of a rose red color, and may represent a distinct species.

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We have given the localities for the different species with as much fulness as possible, in order that the distribution may be made as plain as may be done at present. Since there are many names more or less unusual and some which may not readily be found upon the ordinary maps and charts, we have prepared a list of all the names used, with the geographical positions definitely stated. These notes, and the determinations of the latitudes and longitudes, have been generously iirovided by Professor George Davidson of the University of California.


Agattu Island. The southernmost of the two most western islands of the Aleutian chain. The west point is in Lat. .■>2°5.5' N. and Long. 173°10'E.

Amaknak Island. This is the long, high island, lying broad in the middle of the Bay of I'nalaska, and giving the protection to Captains Harbor (Captains Bay), to Dutch Harbor, and to Iliuliuk. The northernmost part is named Cape Ulakhta, whose position is Lat. .tS";")!)' N. and Long. 166°2S.V W.

Annette Island. This large island lies in the southern part of the Archipelago Alexander, between the channel Revilla Gigedo on the east and Clarence Strait on the west. The position of the village of Metlakatla is Lat. 55°07' N. and Long. L-]l'=3.5' W.

Bay of Morozof. A large bay on the SE. shore of the Peninsula of Alaska. Position of the western point of entrance, Lat. r)4°54' N. and Long. 1(52^54' W. The spelling of the latest charts of the U.S.C. and G. Survey reads Morzhovoi Bay. Other spellings are Marshovo Bay, Morzovia Bay, Bay Morozova, and Morsheovi Bay. Another name is Walrus Bay.

Bay of Unalaska. A very extensive bay on the NE. part of Unalaska Island, broad open to the Bering Sea. The two outer heads are Cape Kalekhta (on the east) and Cape Cheerful (on the west), eight miles apart. It stretches into the mountainous part of the island, 12 n. miles in a general SSW. direction. Inside are several minor bays or anchorages, viz.: Captains Harbor or Bay in the extreme SW., Iliuliuk Harbor, Dutch Harbor, Summer Harbor or Bay, and Constan- tine Anchorage. The position of Cape Kalekhta is Lat. o3^;i9A' N. and Long. 166^20' W.

Berg Bay. A small fiord on the west shore of Glacier Bay of Icy Strait, 12 n. miles inside Points Carolus and Gustavus. The position of a small islet in the entrance is Lat. 58°28' N. and Long. 136°07' W.

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Alask.\ [coniiiiuefl. )

Besboro Island. A small islet, about 4 miles N.&S., in the easternmost part of Norton Sound and within 12 miles of the eastern shore. It is 45 n. miles NE. from St. Michael and 15 n. miles nearly directly south from Cape Denbigh. Its position is Lat. ()4°08' N. and Long.

Cape Denbigh. This is the SE. point of entrance to Norton Bay which, in turn, is the extreme NE. part of Norton Sound. Its position is Lat. 64°16'N. and Long. 161°43' W.

Cape Dyer. There are five capes at the northwestern part of the great delta of the Yukon River, the northern most of which is Cape Dyer. Its position is Lat. 61°51' N. and Long. ICe^OG' W.

Cape Nome. This is the long, low, rounding cape, between Cape Rodney (on the west) and Cape Darby (on the east), called the Middle Cape by the Russians. Its position is Lat. 64°25' N. and Long. 165°05' W.

Cormorant Rocks. A small cluster of rocks, exposed at low tide in Uyak Bay, one-half mile SSE. from the Uyak Anchorage under Harvester Island. Their position is Lat. 57°.37' N. and Long. 153°584' W.

Captains Bay. This is more properly Captains Harbor, the head of the broad and extensive Bay of Unalaska. The NW. point of entrance lies in Lat. 53°53' N. and Long. 166°32' W.

Cook Inlet. This is that great arm of the Pacific waters reaching a higher latitude than any other east of the Peninsula of Alaska. It lies between the mainland volcanic range of Redoubt and Iliamna on the west and the Kenai Peninsula on the east. Its entrance is between Cape Elizabeth on the east and Cape Douglas on the west, where it is 4(5 n. miles wide. Its general direction is NE., and in approaching the head it swings to the east with a mouth 15 miles wide. The position of Cape Elizabeth is Lat. 59°06' N. and Long. ]51°48' W.

Delarof Harbor. A moderately deep harbor on the SE. arm of Unga Island. The position of the entrance is Lat. 55°10' N. and Long. 1(J0°25' W.

Douglas. A small village on Douglas Island, on the south side of Castiiieau Channel, opi)Osite Juneau.

Dutch Harbor. In the deep Bay of Unalaska, there is on the NW. side of the Bay or Harbor of Iliuliuk, a long gravel and boulder ridge that foi'ms a good Harbor. It has been called also Lincoln Harbor, from the U.S. Revenue Cutter Lincoln (in 1867), later Ulakhta Harbor (U.S.C. & G. Survey, 1869), and finally Dutch Harbor. The position of the end of the gravel spit is Lat. 53°53'57" N. and l^ong. 166°- 28'35" W.

Glacier Bay. An extensive fiord, stretching from the nortli shore of Icy Strait of the Russians and C'ross Sound of the Engli.>h, for 40 n. miles to the NW. and receiving the waters from the Muir and (i other glaciers. The entrance is 3i miles wide, l>etween Point (Jiistavus on

370 University of California PubUcations . i botany

Alaska (contmued.)

the east and Point Carolus on the west. The ]iosition of Point Gustavus is Lat. 58°'J4'N. and Lon<;. 185°54' W.

Golofnin Bay. This bay enters Norton Sound just west of the western point, Cape Darby, of Norton Bay. The entrance is broad and open to the south and connects by a narrow shoal channel with a large and shallow inner bay. The whole length towards the NW. is 4(i n. miles. The entrance is 6 or 7 miles wide. The position of Cape Darby is Lat. 64°16' N. and Long. 162°43' W.

Glacier Valley. This is known as Makushin Valley on the U.S.C. & G. Survey chart and report of 1867. It opens upon the extreme western and middle part of Unalaska Bay, 4^ n. miles west of Ulakhta Head. It receives the waters from the ilakiishin Glacier, described by Davidson in Appalachia, vol. 4, pp. l-ll. The position of the mouth of the valley is Lat. .53°55i' N. and Long. 16G°36' W.

Harvester Island. Five miles inside the entrance of Uyak Bay on the XW. shore of Kadiak Island are two small islets; the smaller is Bear Island, the larger, reaching an elevation of 840 feet, is Harvester Island. Tlie position of the SW. point of Harvester Island is Lat.

.i7°3S'N. and Long. 1.53°.i8i'W.

Hidden Glacier. About 1.5 n. miles from the entrance to Disenchantment Bay, the great fiord that enters the head of Yakutat Bay, the shore retreats to the east to a narrow valley, and about H miles up this valley is the foot of the Hidden Glacier which comes from a great icefield lying to the SE. among the high mountains. The position of the mouth of the valley is Lat. 57°47i' N. and Long. 139°15i' W.

Huntville. A location on the beach of Captains Harbor, about a mile south of the point upon which the village of Iliuliuk, Unalaska, is situated. The position is Lat. .53°.'y2' N. and Long. ]66°30'W.

Iliuliuk. The name of a village on the Bay of Iliuliuk, one of the arms of the Bay of Unalaska, on the NE. of the Island of Unalaska. Its position is Lat. .53°.52^' N. and Long. 16(j°2y' W. The name of the village is also spelled Illiouliouk.

Juneau. On the mainland on the north side of Gastineau Channel with Douglas on the south side. The NW. end of the channel leads to the Lynn Canal, the SE. end to the Stephens passage near the Taku Inlet. The position is Lat. 58°18'N. and Long. 134°'23' \V.

Kadiak Island. This may be better called Kadiak Archipelago or Group, since there are several islands. They are 160 n. miles long, X\V. ,nid SW., and 4;i n. miles wide and lie off the SE. face of the Peninsuhi of Alaska, separated by the Shelikof Strait, 21 n. miles wide. The Lat. of the town of St. Paul, often called Kadiak or Kodiak, is ,57°48'N. and the Long, is 152°21' W.

Karluk. On the SW. coast of Kadiak Island, at the narrowest part of the Shelikof Strait. It is a salmon-canning estulilishnient at the mouth of

Vol. n SetcJiell-Ganlner. AIg(e of Norilinestern America. 371

Alaska {continued.)

the Karliik River, which leads to a hirge hike in the interior. Vast numbers of salmon enter the river for spawning. The position of the station is Lat. 57°36' N. and Long. 154°26' W.

Kotzebue Sound. In the Arctic Ocean, just north of Bering Strait, the approaches lying between Cape Prince of Wales and Point Hope. The contracted part lies far to the east of a line joining these two points. The north point of the inner bay is Cape Kruzenstern and the southern point is Cape Espenberg, the distance between them N. and S. being 33 miles. The position of Cape Krvizenstern is Lat. 67°07' N. and Long. 163°36' W.

Kukak Bay. In the Shelikof Strait, on the SE. coast of the Peninsula of Alaska and about 42 n. miles SW. from Cape Douglas and 30 miles WNW. from the strait between Afognak and Kadiak Islands. The position of a native village on the north side of the entrance is Lat. 58°21' N. and Long. 154°05' W.

Kyska Island. One of the westernmost of the Aleutian chain. There are really two islands, the Great Kyska, 28 n. miles long NW. and SE., only 6 n. miles wide and very crooked, with bold rocky shores and only one fair bay. This bay or Kyska Harbor is on the east side, and broad off to the east is the island of Little Kyska. The position of the harbor is Lat. 52°00' N. and Long. 177°30'E. Captain H. E. Nichols, U.S.A., told Professor Davidson that there was much drift wood on this island, but did not mention the exact locality.

Lowe Inlet. This is mentioned in the text as being in Alaska, but as may be seen below, Professor Davidson has informed us that it is in British Columbia.

Muir Glacier. Twenty-five n. miles from the entrance to Glacier Bay. The position of the front of the glacier is Lat. 58°49'N. and Long. 136° 15' W.

Muir Inlet. This is merely the narrowing of the north and short arm of Glacier Bay, at the Muir Glacier.

Metlakatla. The settlement on Annette Island, already described. Its position is Lat. no°07' N. and Long. 131°.35' \Y.

Norfolk Sound. The Norfolk Sound of Dixon (1787) and adopted by Vancouver (1794), is the Sitka Sound of the Russians and now known as such. It is open to the the west with Cape Edgecumbe on the north and Biorka Inlet on the south, 13 n. miles apart. There are many low, rocky islands in the eastern part, and behind them lies Sitka, the capital of Alaska.

Norton Sound. This is the broad northeastern arm of the Bering Sea, lying north of the delta of the Yukon River and on the south side of the Seward Peninsula. The western line of boundary may be con- sidered to be the 166° meridian of West Longitude, where the width across is 80 n. miles. The depth of water throughout is less than 15

372 University of Culifornid Puhlicdfions. [botany

Alaska {continued.)

fathoms, and it is frozen over and full of ice from October to May or June. The middle point of the western boundary (Lonp. 166° W.) is Lat. 63°25' N.

Ocean Cape. The low SE. entrance to Yakutat Bay. Its position is Lat. .•S9°33' N. and Long. 139°48' W.

Orca. A salmon cannery in the easternmost portion of Prince William Sound, with shoal water communication with the Pacific Ocean. Its waters are cold from glacial ice in the Sound and streams from the Snow Mountains to the east. Its position is Lat. ()fl°3G' N. and Long. 145°40'AV.

Pinnacles or Pinnacle Rocks. There are several Pinnacle or Priest Rocks in the neighborhood of Unalaska Bay. Those referred to in the text are on the SW. point of Summer Bay. Their position is Lat. 53°54' N. and Long. 166°27'W.

Point Barrow. On the Arctic Coast of Alaska, 210 geographical miles from Bering Strait, following the coast line from point to point. Its position is Lat. 71°22'N. and Long. 156°]2' W.

Popof Island. The high and rocky island lying east of the NE. point of Unga Island, one of the Shumagin group, the strait between them being not quite a mile wide. Sand Point is the westernmost point. Its position is Lat. 55°20'N. and Long. 160°.33' W.

Port Clarence. A well protected bay of nearly circular form, 10-12 n. miles in diameter, ESE. 35 n. miles from Cape Prince of Wales. A long, low, narrow spit encircles the bay from S. to W., and then N., nearly to the north shore, under which the entrance lies. The position of Cape Spencer, the end of the spit, is Lat. 65°15' N. and Long. 166°52'W.

Prince William Sound. A large area of water and islands in the NW. part of the Gulf of Alaska and 160 n. miles west of Mt. St. Elias. Several large islands protect the seaward part of the sound, but there are three good channels leading into it. From the eastern to the western parts, it is 80 n. miles in breadth, and from the SW. entrance to the mainland west of Port Valdes, it is 70 n. miles. It is notable for many deep fiords, penetrating the mountainous surroundings, and at the heads of most of the fiords, are glaciers, some coming down to the waters edge. Just east of the eastern entrance, the cold waters of the Copper River come down with much detritus in suspension. The waters of this sound are probably much colder than the adjacent waters of the Gulf of Alaska. The towns on the shores of Prince William Sound, at present, are Orca, a canning station in the eastern jiart (cf. al)Ove), Valdes, a mining camp, and Nutchek or Constantin, tlie old Russian trading esta))lishment, near the eastern entrance. The position of the last is Lat. 60''20' N. and Long. ]46°53'W.

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Alaska {continued. )

Safety Harbor. Just east of Cape Nome, on the north shore of Cape Nome, is a small and shoal bay or lagoon, lying between the beach and the foot of the gravel diggings behind it. It is connected directly with the ocean. It is frozen all winter. The entrance is less than 10 miles east of Cape Nome and its position is Lat. G4°27'N. and Long. 164°45'W.

Saldovia. A small settlement on the small Bay of Chesloknn, which is 8 n. miles to the northeast of Port Graham at the SW. point of the entrance to Kochemak Bay, which, in turn, opens broadly upon Cook Inlet. Its position is Lat. 59°27' N. and Long. ]51°39' W. Saunders collected at this locality and has recorded it (1901) as "Seldovia," which we have followed. The correct spelling, according to Professor Davidson, is "Saldovia," as above.

Sand Point. Sand Point stretches out from the NW. part of Popof Island, one of the Shumagin Group, towards the NE. part of Unga Island, and narrows the strait. Its position is Lat. 5.5°20' N. and Long. 160°33'W.

Sannak Island. This is the southwesternmost of the many islands lying off the southeast coast of the Peninsula of Alaska and the outermost one off the Strait of Isanof. It is surrounded by dangerous reefs. The position of Unimak Cove, on the north side, is Lat. 54°27' N. and Long. ]G2°40'W.

Seldovia. See Saldovia.

Shumagin Islands. This group of twelve large, high islands was first visited by Bering in the first week of September, 1741. They are embraced between Latitudes .54°43' N. and 55°34' N. and Longitudes 159°12'W. and 1G0°50' W., the general direction of the group being NW. and SE., but of the individual islands NE. and SW. The collections have been made chiefly, if not entirely, on the islands of Unga and Popof.

:Sitka. The capital of Alaska, on the Island of Baranof, at the eastern- most part of Sitka or Norfolk Sound. Its position is Lat. 57°03' N. and Long. 135°18' W.

Skaguay. A town near ihe head of Taiya Inlet, which is a prolongation of Lynn Canal. Its position is Lat. 59°27' N. and Long. 135'^19' W.

St. Lawrence Island. A large island in the Bering Sea, 150 miles south of Bering Strait. It is 100 statute miles long ESE. to WNW. The position of the NW. cape is Lat. 63°53' N. and Long. 171°30' W.

-St. Michael. An old trading post of the Russian Fur Company, on an island of the same name, close under the mainland, 60 miles north of the Aproon Branch of the Yukon river. Its position is Lat. 63°32'N. and Long. 161°45' W.

BOT.— 25

374 Universiiii of Californid Puhlications. ibotasv

Alaska {cnjiihiited.)

St. Paul. The town of St. Paul and the anehoragre are at the NW. part of Kadiak Island and are protected by the outlying islands, Near, Crooked, Holiday, Wooded, and Long or Bare Island, the last two being large ones. The town is often spoken of and written of, as Kadiak or Kodiak. Its position is Lat. 57°4.S' X. and Long. 1.52°2r W.

St. Paul Island. One of the Pribilof Islands in the southern part of Bering Sea and near the SW. edge of the 100-fathom plateau and in the cold water Yukon region. It is the breeding place of the Alaskan Fur Seal. Its position is Lat. 57°08' N. and Long. 170°20' W.

Summer Bay. This is a slight indentation in the eastern shore of the Bay of Unalaska, 2 miles ENE. from the extremity of the spit of Dutch Harbor (Lincoln Harbor or Ulakhta Harbor) and 3 miles NE. by E. from the village of Iliuliuk. Its position is Lat. 53°54' X. and Long. 166°27' W.

Unalaska. One of the largest of the Aleutian Islands, extending E. and W. through 80 miles, with the shore liroken on all sides by deep fiords, and containing several native villages and good harbors. The principal harbors are in the vicinity of the Bay of L^nalaska, especially Dutch Harbor, Captains Bay, and Iliuliuk. The position of Cape Kalekhta, the NE. point of approach to the bay, is Lat. 53°59'X. and Long. 166°18' W.

Unga Island. One of the Shumagin Islands off the SE. coast of the Peninsula of Alaska, about 20 miles in length. There is a moderately deep harbor at the SE. arm, the Bay or Harbor o'f Delarof, about 2 miles in depth and f of a mile in breadth. The position of the entrance is Lat. 55°10' N. and Long. 160°25' W.

Uyak Bay. On the northwestern shore of Kadiak Island, with the entrance 9 miles open to the north. It is 30 geographical miles deep. Inside the SE. point of entrance are two islands with an anchorage under the inner one, 7 miles from Cape Uyak. The larger one is known as Harvester Island. Its position is Lat. 57'^39'N. and Long. 153°56' W.

Valdes. A mining town on a glacial delta at the head of Port Valdes, an inlet at the extreme northeastern part of Prince William Sound. Its position is Lat. 61°06' N. and Long. 14()^26' W. The postoffice at the town is known as Valdez.

Virgin Bay. At the SE. side of the entrance to Port Valdes, lies Bligh Island (of Vancouver), which is really three islands lying close together, and on the mainland, protected by this group, are three small bays. The middle one has copper works on the south side, and this is the Virgin Bay of the Harriuiau Expedition of the summer of 1899. At the northwestern point of this small bay is the native village of Tatitlack, whose position is Lat. G0°50i'N. and Long. 146°48' W.

Wrangell. On the north point of Wrangell or Etolin Island and 8 miles south from the southern mouth of the Stakheen Kiver. Its position is. Lat. 5G°28' N. and Long. 132°22' W.

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Alaska {continued. )

Yakutat. A town and postofRce, inside of Oeean Cape, on the shores of Yakutat Bay, 4 miles east of the Cape. Its position is Lat. 59°33'N. and Long. 139°40' W.

Yakutat Bay. A broad, open bay about 60 miles ESE. from Mt. St. Elias. The low gravel shores on the west side drain part of the Malaspina Glacier. The southeast point of entrance is Ocean Cape, whose posi- tion is Lat. 59°33' N. and Long. 139°48' W.

British Columbia.

Banks Island. The westernmost of the islands lying oft' the mainland in the latitude of 52°-54°N., and forming in part the eastern shore of Hecate Strait, Queen Charlotte Archipelago forming the western. The island is 41 miles long and 5-10 miles wide, with the shores broken into V)ays and creeks. Calamity Harbor at the soutliern end is in Lat. 5.J°10'N.

Burrards Inlet. Opening into the Gulf of Georgia at the northeastern part and just inside is the town of Vancouver, the terminus of the Cana- dian Pacific railroad. The position of the light-house is Lat. 49°17'14" N. and Long. 123°].5'08" W.

Departure Bay. This is a coal harbor, on the eastern shore of Vancouver Island, and the northern part of Nanaimo Harbor. Its position is Lat. 49°12' X. and Long. 123°58' W.

Esquimau. A small harbor just west of Victoria, on the southeastern coast of Vancouver Island. Its position is Lat. 48°25'50" N. and Long. ]23°2()'4rV'W.

Fort Vancouver. This is a locality given by Harvey (1852, p. 210). We supposed it to refer to Vancouver, B. C, but it probably refers to the Fort Vancouver on the Columbia Eiver in Oregon.

Gonzales Point. Three miles east of Victoria. Position Lat. 48°24'N. and Long. 123"" 18' W.

Lowe Inlet. This small inlet opens on the Grenville Channel about 14 n. miles northwestward from the south entrance to the channel. Its position is Lat. 53°31' N. and Long. 129°33i' W.

Nanaimo. A small town on a small bay opening upon the Gulf of Georgia. Its position is Lat. 49°10' N. and Long. 123°57' W.

Nootka Sound. One of the deep bays or fiords on the western coast of Vancouver Island. The position of Friendly Cove, the old landing place within the Sound, is Lat. 49°3(3' N. and Long. 12()°37i' W.

Oak Bay. A small shoal bay two miles north of Gonzales Point.

Pedder Inlet. A small bay near Cape Church, the southernmost point of Vane uver Island. It is nearly 10 miles SW. of Victoria.

Peddler Inlet. A misprint in the text for Pedder Inlet.

376 Universiiy of California Pnhlicaiions. [botany

British Colvmeia {continued.)

Point Roberts. Extends from the mainland westward into the Gulf of Georgia. The extremity of the point is in the State of Washington. Its position is Lat. 48°58'15"N. and Long. 123°04'16" W.

Port Renfrew. A new name given to the location on San Juan Harbor or Port San Juan, where the University of Minnesota has established a marine laboratory. It is variously mentioned under the names Minne- sota Seaside Station, Baird Creek, Baird Cove, Baird Point, etc., as far as we understand the situation. It is aliout (JO or 70 miles to the west of Victoria.

San Juan Harbor. This is the first bay or harbor on the Vancouver Island side of the Strait of Juan de Fuca in approaching from the sea. 01)servatory Rocks, at the eastern head, are in Lat. 4S°31'30"N. and Long. 12-i°28'l5" W.

Straits of Georgia. The straits or more properly, the Gulf of Georgia, are between the mainland of Washington and British Columbia on the east and Vancouver Island on the west. The position of Point Roberts on the eastern side has already been given.

Strait of Juan de Fuca. This is the first large strait on the NW. coast of North America as one comes from the southward. Its western entrance lies between Cape Flattery in Washington and Cape Bonilla on Vancouver Island. The position of Cape Flattery, as determined at the light-house on Tatoosh Island, off the cape, is Lat. 48°23'15"N. and Long. 123°43'51" AV.

Sumas Prairie. This locality is unknown to us.

Vancouver Island. A large island on the western coast of British Columbia, extending from Lat. 48°18i'N. at the Strait of Juan de Fuca to Cape Scott in Lat. 50°47' N.

Victoria. The capital of the province of British Columbia, situated in the southeastern part of Vancouver Island. Its position is Lat. 48°25'31" N. and Long. 123°23'39"W.

Una Nootita. Probably in the neighborhood of Xootka Sound, but not known definitely.


Bog Lake. A small lake on Whidbey Island.

British Camp. The site of the British Camp is in the NW. part of San Juan Island. Its position is Lat. 48°35' N. and Long. 123°10' W.

Brown Island. This is a small island in Friday Harbor on the eastern shore of San Juan Island. Its position is Lat. 48°32' N. and Long. 123°00' W.

Camano Island. A long narrow island, lying ofi' the eastern and southern part of Whidbey Island and the NW. point or shoulder is just east of

Vol. 1] Setch ell- Gardner. Algm of NoriJnvestern America. ^11

Washington {continued.)

Penus Cove. This point, Point Demock, is in Lat. 48°15' N. and Long. 122°32' W.

Chambers Creek. Near the city of Tacoma, apparently not charted.

Channel Rocks. This name is used by Gardner in liis collections, with the statement that the rocks are near Seattle, and it is also used by Miss Tilden, with the qualifying phrase, near Port Orchard. They are probably the same and lie in the narrow crooked channel leading from Admiralty Inlet to the southern part of Port Orchard. The position of the entrance of the south channel is Lat. 47^34.!' N. and Long. 122°32' W.

Coupeville. A town, situated on the southern shore of Penns Cove, which is on the inside of Whidbey Island. Its position is Lat. 48°13' N. and Long. 122°41i'W.

Crocket's Lake. This is the marshy lagoon just east of Admiralty Head. A low gravelly beach separates it from Admiralty Bay. The position of the light-house on Admiralty Head is Lat. 48°09i' N. and Long. 122°41' W.

Deer Harbor. A small town and bay, not charted, on the SW. side of 8an Juan Island.

East Sound. This is a fine sound nearly cutting Oreas Island in two. At the head of the sound is the village of East Sound. The position of the SE. point is Lat. 48°36' N. and Long. 122°50' W.

Fairhaven. This is a cannery and mill town in the northeastern part of Bellingham Bay, which, in turn, is the northeastern part of Washington Sound. Its position is Lat. 48°43' N. and Long. 122°31' W.

Fidalgo Island. Tliis is a large high island at the northeasternmost part of the Strait of Juan de Fuea and forms the SE. side of Rosario Strait. It is separated from Whidbey Island by a narrow crooked strait called Deception Pass. The position of the SW. point, at Deception Pass, is Lat. 4S''2.-i'N. and Long. 122°4n' W.

Fort Nisqually. This is an old post of the Hudson Bay Company at the mouth of the Nisqually River which empties into Puget Sound at its Great Southern Bend. Its position is Lat. 47°03'N. and Long. 122°39' W.

Friday Harbor. On the eastern shore of San Juan Island, about midway from the SE. and NW. points. The position of Friday Harbor Village is Lat. 48°32'N. and Long. 123°0l' W.

Griffin Bay. The SE. extremity of San Juan Island swings well into the east and on the eastern side, just north of the entrance of San Juan Channel, there is a curve of the shore, 4-.i miles in length called Griffin Bay. The position of the village of San Juan on this sliore is Lat. 48°28' N. and Long. r23°00' W.

Hog Island. A small island, not named on tlie charts, near LaConner.

Idlewild. Not known to us, but probably a summer resort. It is said to be on San Juan Island.

378 Universif)/ of California Puhlirafions. [Botast

Washington— ( cow <?«!<e(?. )

Keyport. A station where experimeut;ition with oysters is being carried on, on the west side of Port Orchard, between the north and south entrances.

LaConner. This town is on the east side of the southern extremity of ISwinomish Slough which forms the eastern boundary of Fidalgo Island. The position of the light-house at LaConner is Lat. ■i8°23' N. and Long. 122°30i'W.

Lake Washington. This lake lies parallel to the Admiralty Inlet and 4-6 miles to the eastward. The position of the southern extrernity of the lake, where the Black River leaves it, is Lat. 47°29' X. and Long. 122°14' W. Seattle lies on the middle part of the western shore.

Ludlow Bay. The more proper designation, geographically, is Port Lud- low. It is on the west side of Admiralty Inlet, 'just at the broad entrance to Hoods Canal. The position is Lat. 47^55^' X. and Long. 122°41' W.

Mats-Mats Bay. This is a very small bay at the northwest entrance to Port Ludlow (Ludlow Bay) and 2 miles north of the town of Port Ludlow. The position of Basalt Point, at the south side of the entrance, is Lat. 47°57i'X. and Long. 122°40i' W.

Minnesota Reef. As far as we can determine, this is a name applied by collectors from Minnesota L^niversity, to a small ledge more or less uncovered at low water, in Friday Harbor, San Juan Island.

Monroe's Landing. A local name for a locality very near Coupeville on "Wliidbey Island.

Mt. Vernon. A RE. town on the Skagit River. Its position is Lat. 48°25'X. and Long. 122°20' W.

Newhall. This village is on the eastei'n shore of East Sound of Orcas Island, 3i miles north of the SE. point of entrance. Its position is Lat. 48°38i'X. and Long. 122°.52' W.

New Whatcom. This is the coal city of Bellingham Bay at the north- eastern part of Washington Sound. Its position is Lat. 48°45' X. and Long. 122°49i' W.

Nooksack River. A moderately large stream, one of whose mouths empties into Bellingham Baj', about 6 miles XW. from the city of Xew Whatcom.

North Bay. A small bay on the eastern shore of San Juan Island about 4i n. miles from the southern entrance to San Juan Channel. The position of the south side of the head forming the north shore of the bay is Lat. 48°31' X. and Long. 128°o8f W.

Oak Harbor. A small bay and village on the eastern shore of Whidbey Island, at the head of Saratoga Passage, about G miles XE. from Coupeville. Its position is Lat. 43°16' X. and Long. 122°42' W.

Vol.1] Setchell-Gardner. Alga of yorilnrfsiern America. 379

Washington {continued.)

Orcas Island. This is the hirgest of the islands lying between Vancouver Island and the mainland. It forms the northwestern shore of the Strait of Rosario. From N. to S., it is about 9 miles wide, and from E. to W., it is about 13 miles long. The position of Point Lawrence, on the eastern side, is Lat. 84°39i' N. and Long. 122°44i' W.

Penns Cove. This is small bay on the eastern side of Whidbey Island. The town of Coupeville is on the south side of the bay.

Pleasant Beach. A summer resort on the north side of Richards Passage, on Bainbridge Island, at the southern entrance to Port Orchard.

Port Angeles. This is also sometimes called False Dungeness and is on the southern shore of the Strait of Juan de Fuca, 55 n. miles inside Tatoosh Island. All the coast is either wooded high bluffs or rocky, but the sand spit, which forms this port is long and narrow, stretching out from the bluff in an EXE. direction. The position of the light- house at the eastern end of the spit is Lat. 48°08'21" N. and Long. 123°23'42"W.

Port Orchard. Port Orchard is on the "Great Peninsula" between Admiralty Inlet on the east and Hoods Canal on the west. It is a long narrow arm of these interior waters 14 n. miles long NNE. and SSW., with two entrances. The southern entrance is by a crooked channel, named Richards Passage, opening upon a western recess of the western shore of Admiralty Inlet, and the SW. tail is the U. S. Navy Yard, called the Puget Sound Naval Station whose position is Lat. 47°33i' N. and Long. 122°39' W.

Port Townsend. At the southeastern extremity of the Strait of Juan de Fuca and at the north entrance to Admiralty Inlet. The position of the light-house is Lat. 48°08'39"N. and Long. 122°45'14" W.

Puget Sound. Legally, all the waters inside the Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington Sound, Admiralty Inlet, Hoods Canal, etc., are known as Puget Sound. Vancouver, however, gave the name to the waters at the southern part of all these channels from Port Defiance in Lat. 47°19' N. to the head of all at Olympia, in Lat. 47°02' N. As a general designation in popular usage, the term is coincident with, or even somewhat more extensive than the legal application.

Renton. This is a town at the southern end of Lake Washington, where the waters drain off into the Black River. Its position is Lat. 47°29' N. and Long. 122°14' W.

Roach Harbor. An incorrect spelling in the text for Roche Harbor, which is a small village and harbor on the northwestern shore of San Juan Island. The position of the village is Lat. 48°36i' N. and Long. 123°09' W. The entrance to the harbor is protected by Henry Island.

Sackmans Point. Not named on the charts, but near Traeyton.

380 Universifi/ of CdJifornia Puhlicafions. [botany

Washington [continued. )

San Juan Island. A large, high island, 15 miles NW. and SE., which forms the S\V. side of the S. entrance of the Canal de Haro and extends to a point near Victoria, B. C. The position of the SE. point is Lat. 48°27'N. and Long. 122°58i' W.

Seattle. A large city, situated on Elliots Bay, which opens on Admiralty Inlet, 45 miles from the Strait of Juan de Fuca. The position of the light-house is Lat. 47°39'4.3"N. and Long. 122°26'03"W.

Snakalum Point. On the east coast of Whidbey Island, about 3 miles east from Coupeville.

Swantown. A local name for a place on the west coast of Whidbey Island, aliout 10 miles north of Coupeville.

Tacoma. This is a city at the SW. angle of Elliot Bay, which opens to the NW. upon Admiralty Inlet. The position of the front of the city is Lat. 47°16'N. and Long. 122°27' W.

Tracyton. This is a village on the western side of the Port Washington Narrows which connect Dyer Inlet on the NW. with Port Orchard. The position is Lat. 47°3B' N. and Long. 122°39'W.

Whidbey Island. A long island forming the eastern extremity of the Strait of .Juan de Fuca. The position of the extreme western point is Lat. 48°12'55"N. and Long. 122°45'31"W.


Bering Island. A large island, the westernmost of the Aleutian Islands, 95 miles from the nearest cape of Kamtschatka. The position of the NW. point is Lat. 55°18' N. and Long. 165°42' E.

Konyam Bay. This bay is the northwesternmost of the bays which open on the Strait of Seniavin. It opens to the SE. upon that strait, but 6 miles in front of it is the island of Ka-y-ne or Arakamtchetehene. Liitke calls the bay Penkegnei and this name is found on the charts. The position of Cape Netchkonome, the N. point of entrance, is Lat. 64°49i'N. and Long. 172°44.V W.

Vol.1] SetcJieJl-G(i)'fJ))fr. Alg(e of Northwestern America. 881


Agardh, C. A.

1820. leoues Algarum Ineditse, Fase. I.

1821. leones Algarum Ineditff', Fase. II. 1821a. Species Aljjanim, Vol. 1, part 1. 182-1. Systema Algarum.

1846. Icones Algariim Inedita-, Fase. duo. Editio nova, curante J. G- Agardh .

Agardh, J. G.

1848. Species, Genera et Ordines Algarum, Vol. 1.

1852. Species, Genera et Ordines Algarum, Vol. 2, part 2 (2).

1863. Species, Genera et Ordines Algarum, Vol. 2, part 3.

1876. Species, Genera et Ordines Algarum, Vol. 3, part 1.

1898. Species, Genera et Ordines Algarum, Vol. 3, part 3. 1867. De Laminarieis. Lunds Univ. Arsskrift., Vol. 4.


1870. Bidrag till Florideernes Systematik. Lunds Univ. Arsskrift.,

Vol. 8. 1870a. Bidrag till Kjinnedomen at" Spetsbergen Alger (Tillfeg). Kongl.

Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl., Vol. 7: No. 8. 1879. Florideernes Morphologi. Kongl. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl., Vol. 1.5: No. 6.

1882. Till Algernes Systematik, Nya Bidrag, part 3, VI, Ulvaeete. Lands

Univ. Arsskrift., Vol. 19. 1884. Till Algernes Systematik, Nya Bidrag, part 4. VII, Florideae.

Lunds Univ. Arsskrift., Vol. 21. 1886. Till Algernes Systematik, Nya Bidrag, part 5, VIII, Siphonete.


Lunds Univ. Arsskrift., Vol. 2'S,


1892. Analecta Algologiea. Lunds Univ. Arsskrift., Vol. 28.

1894. Analecta Algologiea, Cont. II. Lunds Univ. Arsskrift., Vol. 29.

1899. Analecta Algologiea, Cont. V. Acta Reg. Soc. Physiogr. Lund.,

Vol. 10.

Areschoug, J. E.

1883. Observationes Phycologica?, Partieula quarta. Acta Reg. Soe. Sc.

Upsal., Ser. 3, Vol. 11.

1884. Observationes Phycologicae, Partieula quinta. Acta. Reg. Soc. Sc.

Upsal., Ser. 3, Vol. 12.

Bailey, J. W., and Harvey, W. H.

1862. Algfe, in the U. S. Exploring Expedition during the years 1838-1842 under the command of Charles Wilkes, U.S. N., Vol. 13: Botany.

382 Unirersiti/ of California Fiddirafiovs. [botany

Boergesen, F.

1898. Nogle Ferskvandsalger fra Island. Botan. Tidsskrift., Vol. 22. 1902. The Marine Algfe of the Fjeroes, in Warming, Botany of the


Bornet, E.

1889. Les Nostoeac^es Heterocyst6es du Systema Algarum de C. A. Agardh (1824) et leur Synonymie aetuelle (1889). Bull. Soc. Botan. de France, Vol. 36.

Bornet, E., and Flahault, Ch.

1886-1888. Revision des Nostoeacees Heterocystees. Ann. Sei. Nat., Botan., Ser. 7, Vols. 3, 4, 5, and 7.

Bory de Saint Vincent, J. B.

1828. Botany of Voyage autour du Monde sur La Corvette de sa Majesty La Coquille.

Butters, F. K.

1899. Observations on Rhodymenia. Minnesota Botanical Studies, 2d.

Ser., part 3.

Chodat, R.

1897. Stapfia. Un Nouvelle Genre de Palmellaeees. Bull. Herbier Boissier, Vol. 5, No. 11.

Collins, F. S.

1900. Preliminary Lists of New England Plants. V. Marine Alg^.

Rhodora, Vol. 2.

Collins, F. S., Holden, L, and Setchell, W. A.

1895-1902. Phycotheca Boreali-Americana, Fasc. 1-20 and A-C. Fasci- cles specially quoted by dates are as follows: 1898a. Fasc. 9, Nos. 400-450. 1898b. Fasc. 10, Nos. 451-500. 1898c. Fasc. 11, Nos. 501-550. 1901a. Fasc. 17, Nos. 801-850. 1901b. Fasc. 18, Nos. 851-900. 1901c. Fasc. B, Nos. XXVI-L.

Dall, W. H.

1875. Arctic Marine Vegetation. Nature, Vol. 12.

DeToni, G. B.

1889. Sylloge Algarum, Vol. 1, Chlorophyeeje.

1895. Sylloge Algarum, Vol. 3, Fucoidea'.

1900. Sylloge Algarum, Vol. 4, Sec. 2, Floridete.

1895. Phycese Japonicfe Novae addita enumeratione Algarum in ditione

maritima Japonicfe hucusque collectarum. Mem. R. Inst.

Veneto, Vol. 25: No. 25.

Esper, E. J. C.

1797-1802. Icones Fucorum. The fifth part referred to especially in the text was issued in 1802.

Vol.1] SetcheU-Gardner. Alg(e of Northwesiern America. 383

Falkenberg, P.

1901. Die Rhodomelaeeen des Golfes von Neapel iind abgrenzenden Meeresabschnitte. Fauna iind Flora des Golfes von Neapel, Mon. 2G.

Farlow, W. G.

1875. List of the Marine Algje of the United States. Proc. Amer. Aead.,

Vol. 10.

1876. List of the Marine Alga? of the United States. Report U. S. Fish

Commission for 1875.

1877. On Some Algae New to the United States. Proe. Amer. Acad.,

Vol. 12.

1885. Algfe, in the Report of the International Polar Expedition to Point

Barrow under Lieut. P. H. Ray, U. S. A.

1886. Notes on Arctic Algte; based principally on the collections made

at Ungava Bay by Mr. L. M. Turner. Proc. Amer. Acad., Vol. 21.

Farlow, W. G., Anderson, C. L., and Eaton, D. C.

1877-1881. Alga? ExsiceatEe Americfe Borealis, Fasc. 1-4.

Foslie, M.

1901. New Melobesiepe. Kongl. Norske Videnskabers Selskabs Skrifter,

1900: No. 6.

1902. New Species or Forms of Melobesiese. Kongl. Norske Viden-

skabers Selskabs Skrifter, 1902: No. 2.

Freeman, E. M.

1899. Observations on Chloroehytrium. Minnesota Botan. Studies, 2d

Ser., Part 3. 1899a. Observations on Constantinea. Minnesota Botan. Studies, 2d Ser., Part 3.

■Gmelin, S. G.

1768. Historia Fucorum.

•Gomont, M.

1893. Monographie des Oscillariees. Ann. Sci. Nat., Botan., Ser. 7, Vols. 15 and 16.

■Goodenough, S., and Woodward, T. J.

1795. Observations on the British Fuci. Trans. Liuntean Soc, Vol. 3.

•Grunow, A.

1868. Algen von der Weltreise der Novara.

Guignard, L.

1892. Observations sur I'Appareil Mucifere des Laminariac^es. Ann. Sci. Nat., Botan., Ser. 7, Vol. 15.

Hansgirg, A.

1892. Neue Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Meeresalgen uud Bacterien- Flora der CEsterreichische-Ungarischen Kiistenliinder. Sitzungb. d.k. Bohm. Gesell. d. Wiss., 1892.

384 Universifij of California Pi(hliratio7h<i. [botant

Harvey, W. H.

1841. The Alga? of Hooker and Arnott's Botany of Captain Beechey's Voyage. (While the date of 1841 is given on the title page of the complete work, parts were issued at various times preceding that. Cf. Journal of Botany, Vol. 31, p. 298).

1847. Nereis Australis, or Alga^ of the Southern Ocean.

1851. Nereis Boreali-Americana, Part I, Melanospermeae.

1852. Nereis Boreali-Americana, Part II, Rhodospermese. 1857. Nereis Boreali-Americana, Part III, Chlorospermese.

1862. Notice of a collection of Alga^ made on the Northwest Coast of North America, chiefly at Vancouver Island, by David Lyall, in the years 1859-01. Proc. Linnsean Soc, Botany, Vol. 6.'

1872. Determinations of Algse, in Rothrock's Sketch of the Flora of Alaska. Ann. Rept. of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institu tion for 1867. .

Harvey, W. H., and Bailey, J. W.

1851. Descriptions of Seventeen New Species of Algffi collected by the U.S. Exploring Expedition. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. 3.

Humphrey, H. B.

1901. Observations on Gigartina exasperata. Minnesota Botan. Studies,.

2d Ser., Part 5.

Humphrey, J. E.

1886. On tlie Anatomy and Development of Agarum Turneri, P. & R. Proc. Amer. Acad., Vol. 28.

Hus, H. T. A.

1902. An Account of the Species of Porphyra found on the Pacific Coast

of North America. Proc. Calif. Acad., Ser. 3, Vol. 2 (Botany).

Kirchner, O. 1878. Algen, in Cohn's Kryptogamen- Flora von Schlesien, Vol. 2, 1st half^ 1898. Schizophyceas, in Engler und Prantl, Die natiirliehen Pflanzen- farailien, 1 Th., 1 Abth. a.

Kjellman, F. R. 1877. Ueber die Algenvegetation des Murmauschen Meeres und der

westkiiste von Novaja Semlja and Wajgatsch. Nova Acta. Reg.

Soc. Sc. Upsal., Ser. 3. 1883. The Alga? of the Arctic Sea. Kongl. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl., Vol.

20: No. 5. 1889. Om Beringhafvets Algflora. Kongl. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl., Vol.

23: No. 8. 1893. Om Fucoideslagtet Myelophycus Kjellman. Bihang till Kongl. Sv.

Vet.-Akad. Handl., Vol. 18: Part 3, No. 9. 1893-1896. Phfeophycefe, in Engler und Prantl, Die natiirliehen Pflanzen-

familien, 1 Th., 2 Abth.

Vol.1] SefcJiell-Gardner. Algce of Northwestern America. 385

Kuckuck, P.

1891 . Beitrage zur Kenntniss einiger Ectocarpus- Arten der Kieler Fohrde. Botan. Centralblatt, Vol. 48.

Kuetzing, F. J. 1856. Tabulfe Phyeologicfe, Vol. 6.

1858. Tabulfp Phyeologicsp, Vol. 8.

1859. Tabula^ Phyeologicfe, Vol. 9.

1860. Tabulfe Phyeologicfe, Vol. 10. 1862. Tabulfe Phyeologicfe, Vol. 12.

1864. Tabulfe Phyeologicfe, Vol. 14.

1865. Tabulfe Phyeologiea^, Vol. 15.

1866. Tabulfe Phycologica^, A^ol. 16.

1867. Tabulfe Phyeologicfe, Vol. 17.

MacMillan, C.

1899. Observations on Nereoeystis. Bull. Torrey Botan. Club, Vol. 26.

1900. Observations on Lessonia. Botan. Gazette, Vol. 30. 1902. The Kelps of Juan de Fuea. Postelsia.

1902a. Observations on Pterygophora. Minnesota Botan. Studies, 2d Ser., Part 6.

Meneghini, J.

1846. Monographia Nostoehinearum Italicaruiu. Atti R. Actid. d. Sei. di Torino, Ser. 2, Vol. 5.

Mertens, H.

1829. Ueber versehiedene Fucus Arten. Linufea, Vol. 4. Naegeli, C.

1849. Gattungen Einzelligen Algen. Nov. Mem. de la Soe. Helvetique d. Sei. Nat.

Nordstedt, O.

1899. Algologiska Sm&saka, 5. Quelques mots sur la Stapfia, Chodat.

Botaniska Notiser, 1899.

Nott, C. P.

1900. Nitophylla of California. Proe. Calif. Aead., Ser. 3, Vol. 2


Okamura, K.

1899. Algfe Jfiponicfe Exsieeatfe, Fase. 1.

Olsen, Mary.

1899. Observations on Gigartina. Minnesota Botan. Studies, 2d Ser., Part 2.

Postels, A., and Ruprecht, F. J,

1S40. Illustrationes Algarum.

Reed, Minnie.

1902. Two new Aseomyeetous Fungi parasitic on Marine Alga>. Univ. Calif. Pub., Botany, Vol. 1.

386 Universiiy of California rnhlicafiorts. [botany

Reinke, J. 1903. Studien zur vergleiehenden Entwickelungsgesehichte der Lamina - riaeeen .

Rosenthal, O.

1890. Zur kenntniss von Macroeystis nnd Thalassiophyllum. Flora, Vol. 73.

Rosenvinge, L. K.

1893. Groenlands Havalger. Meddelelser om Greenland, III.

1894. Les Algues Marines du Greenland. Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., Ser. 7,

Vol. 19. 1898. Deuxieme Memoir sur les Algues Marines du Greenland. Meddel- elser om Greenland, XX.

Ruprecht, F. J. 18.51. Tange des Ochotskischen Meeres. Middendorf s Sibirische Reise,

Vol. 1, Part 2. 1852. Neue oder unvollstandig bekannte Pflanzen aus dem nordlichen Theile des Stillen Oceans. Mem. Aead. St. Petersburg, Vol. 7.

Saunders, DeA.

1898. Phycological Memoirs. Proe. Calif. Aead., Ser. 3, Vol. 1 (Botany).

1899. Four Siplionaeeous Algae of the Pacific Coast. Bull. Torrey Botan.

Club, Vol. 26. 1901. The Algas, in "Papers from the Harriman .\laska Expedition." Proc. Wash. Acad., Vol. 3.

1901a. A New Species of Alaria. Minnesota Botan. Studies, 2d. Ser., Part 5.

Sauvageau, C.

1895. Sur Deux Nouvelles Espeees de "Dermocarpa." Jour, de Botanique,

Vol. 9.

Schmitz, F.

1893. Die Gattung Actinocoeeus. Flora, Vol. 77.

Schmitz, F., Hauptfleisch, P., and Falkenberg, P.

1896-1897. Kliodophyeese, in Engler und Prantl, Die natiirliehen Pflanzen- familien, 1 Th., 2 Abth.

Setchell, W. A.

1893. On the Classification and Geographical Distribution of the Lamina - riaeeae. Trans. Connecticut Acad., Vol. 9.

1896. Eisenia arborea Aresch. Erythea, Vol. 4.

1899. Alg« of the Pribilof Islands. Fur Seals and Fur- Seal Islands of

the North Pacific Ocean, Vol. 3.

1900. Critical Notes on the New England Species of Laminaria. Rhodora,

Vol. 2.

1901. Notes on Algise, II. Zoe, Vol. 5.

Snow, Captain H. J.

1897. Notes on the Kurile Islands.

Vol.1] Sefchfll-Oardner. Algce of North we stern America. 387

Stroemfelt, H. F. G.

1886. Om Algenvegetationen vid Islands Kuster.

Tilden, Josephine E.

1894-1902. American Algae, Centuries 1-6.

Turner, D.

1808. Fuci, Vol. 1.

1809. Fuci, Vol. 2. 1811. Fuei, Vol. 3. 1819. Fuei, Vol. 4.

Turner, L. M.

1886. Contributions to the Natural History of Alaska, No. II. In the Arctic Series of publications issued in conneetion with the Signal Service, U. S. Army.

Wille, N.

1890-1891. ConjugatEe and Chlorophyeere, in Engler und Prantl, Die

natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien, 1 Th., 2 Abth. 1900. Algologischen Notizen, I[-IV. Nyt Magazin for Naturvidenskb.,

Vol. 38.

Yendo, K.

1902. CorallinfB Verse of Port Renfrew. Minnesota Botan. Studies,

2d Ser., Part 6. 1902a. Corallinse Verse Japonicse. Journal Coll. Science, Imp. Univ.,

Tokyo, Japan, Vol. 16, Part 2.


University of California Publications.




Acanihocladia haniidosa 296

muricata 296

Adenocystis Lessonii 318

^odes nitidissinia 349 (356)

AgardhieUa Coidteri 309

tenera 309

Agaritm hrassicaforme 265

fimbriatum 266

Gmelini 265

jyertusum 265

■platiineuron 265

Turneri 265 (267)

Ahnfeldtia coneinna 305 (358)

Gigartinoides 305

plicata 305

Alaria cordata 277

crispa 274

curtipes 274

dolichorhaehis 272 (273, 275)

elliptica 273

esculenta 272

fistulosa 275 (237, 269)

f. platyphylla 277

f. stenophvlla 276

frasjilis * 278 (272, 273)

f. biillata 278

grandifoUa 273, 274

ianeeolata 275 (272, 273)

laticosta 275 (278)

marginata 275 (278)

vienibranacea 273

ohlnnga 273

prfeloiiga 274

Pylaii 272 (273, 277, 278)

tenuifolia 272

■f. amplior 274

f. typiea 273

valida 278

f. long'ipes 279

Amphiroa Aspergillum 359

f. nana 359

Californica 361

conini'boHU 364

cretaeea .-. 359 (361)

,/'. Tas-nutnica 360

epiphlegnoides 364

vodidnsa 359

Orbigninva 362

}il(()iii(sciila 363

Tamnanica 360


tuberculosa 360 (361, 364)

f . Californica 361

f. frondeseens 362

f. Orbigniana ■... 362

f. planioscula 363

subf. antennifera 364

subf . laciniata 364

subf. normalis 364

subf. polvpliora 364

f. typiea .■ 361 (364)

Anabsena catenula 192

Flosaquse 192

oscillarioides 192

/. stenos2)ora 192

spliserica 192

variabilis ^.. 191

Analipus fusiformis 252 (242)

Anatheea furcata 310

Montagnei 310

Antithamnion Americanum

342 (343)

boreale 344

f . corallina 344

f. typiea 344

floccosum 341 (343)

f. Pacificum 341

Plumula 343 (344)

Pylaisaji 342 (343, 344)

f . Norvegiea 342

subulatum 342 (343, 344)

Aphanocapsa Castagnei 180

Aphauothece Castagnei 180

mierospora 180

stagnina 180

Apoglossum decipiens 323 (325)

Arfhrocardia frondeseens 366

Arthrothanius bifidus 267

Asperocoeeus Cystoseira; 241

Atomaria Eamtschattca 336

Bangia atropurjiurea 288

f. fuscopurpurea 288

f. Pacijica 288

P'acifica 288

vermicidaris 288

Batrachospermum coerulescens 293

densum 293

ectocarpum 293

moniliforme 292

f. helminthoideum 292

var. JScopuJa 292

Vol.1] Seicliell-Ganhier. AlgcB of Northwestern America.



Batrachospermum moniliforme

f. typicum 292

pyramidale 293

vagvim 293

f. flagelliforme 293

f. keratophytum 293

Blastophye Fhi/flopliora 308

Bonnemaisonia hamifera..325 (313)

Botrydium granulatum 229

Biiinjocarpum platycarpum 321

Bryopsis eortieulans 230

hypnoides 230

plumosa 230

Bulbochgete Brebissonii 220

insignis 220

intermedia 220

nana 220

Norstedtii 220

Capidium 252

CaUithamnion Americanum ..342, 343

arhtiscula 339

var. Pacificum 339

Baileyi 339

floccosiun 341

var. Pacificum 341, 342

humile 347

polyspermum 338

seciniflatioii 294

subulatuui 342, 343, 344

tetragonum 339

thvyoideum 338

Vancouverianum 338

venu.stissimKm 338

Callophyllis flabellulata 306

fui'cata 306

f. dissecta 306

/. typica 306, 310

laeiniata 306

ohfitsifoUa 306

rhynchocarpa 306

f. eristata 306

f. incisa 306

variegata 307

Callymcnia Californica 308

Gmelini 307

ornata 307 (308)

Phyllophora 308 (206)

f. orbicularis 308

f. typica 308

reniformis : 307 (308)

f. cuneata 307

Calothrix Braunii 198

confervicola 197

eonsoeiata 197

Crustacea 197

fasciculata 197

fusea 197

parietina 198

proUfera 197


pulvinata 197

scopulorum 197

vivipara 197

Carpomitra Cabrerse. 252

Castagnea divaricata 249

Ceramium Californicum 346

cancellatum 345

codieola 346

diapliannm 345, 346

rubrum 345

var. Pacificum 345

tenuissimum 346

Ceratothamnion Pikeanum 339

f. laxum 339

Chaetomorpha eannabina..221 (222)

duriuseula 221

Limm 222

litorea 221 (222)

melagonium 222

f. rupincola 222

f. typica 222

tortuosa 222 (221)

var. crassior 221

Chsetophora Cornu-damse 219

var. genuina 219

var. linearis 219

elegans 218

pisiformis 218

Cba?topteris plumosa 239

Chantransia Daviesii 294

secundata 294

Chara contraria 233

fragilis 233

Clieilosporum Californicum 361

fyondesccns 363

'MacMillani 365

ma.vimtim 366

planiusc'idum 363

Chlamydomonas sp 202

Chlorocbvtrium inclusum..206 (310)

Schmitzii 206

Chloroglcea tuberculosa. ...182 (219)

Chondria atropurpurea 326

Chondrus affinis 298

crispus 297 (301)

maiiiillosus 301

var. Ochotensis 301

var. Sitchensis 302

var. Unalaschettsis '..... 301

phtlynns 297, 298

Cbordu filum 254

var. coriacea 254

var. fistulosa 243

Chordaria 242

abietina 251 (250, 252, 332)

aiienuaia 243

flagelliformis 250 (252)

f. Ohordajformis 251

/. densa 251, 252

BoT.— 26


(Iniversity of California Puhlicatiovs.


Chordaria flagelliformis

f. ramuseulifera 251

f. typica 250

Choreocolax Polysiphonise 295

Chroococcus rufescens 179

turgidus 179

CiUaria fusca 311, 312

Cladophora Alaskana 228

areta 224 (223, 225, 226, 229)

form b 226

f. eonghitinata 225

f. pulvinata 225

eallieoma 223

cartilaginea....223 (226, 228, 229)

Ckamissonis 224 (228, 229)

coalita 227 (228, 229)

cohffirens 226 (228, 229)

Columbiana 226

composita 226

crispata 223

f. vitrea 223

densa 227

duriuscnia 228 (229)

flexuosa 224

glaueescens 224

glomerata 223

f. macrogomja 223

Hutchinsise 228

var. distans 228

Hystrix 226

IjBtevirens 224 (228)

lanosa 225

var. uneialis 225 (226)

Mertensii 224 (228)

patentiramea 226

polaris 229

saxatilis..223 (224, 225, 228, 229) seopfeformis....227 (225, 228, 229)

spineseens 227 (225,)

utriculosa 227

viminea 224 (228, 229)

Cladostephus vertieillatus 239

Clathromorphum circumscrip- tum 357

eompactum 357

loc'ulosum ; 357

Codium adhterens 231

Bursa 231

mamillosum 231, 232

mucronatum 232

f. Californieum 232 (346)

f. Novag ZelandiaB 232

MueUeri 232

Ritteri 231 (232)

tomentosum 232

Coilodesme bulligera 240

Californica 241

Cystoseirse 241

linearis 241


Coleochsete pulvinata 220

CoUinsiella tuberculata 204

Colpomenia sinuosa 242 (243)

f. deformans 242

/'. ex])(msa 242

■f. tut)erculata 242

tuberculata 242

Conferva bombycina 217

/. gcuuhia 218

cartiUighica 223

couferricola 222

duriuscula 221

Hoccosa 217

Melagonium 222

Mertensii 224

mirahiUs 195

Linum 222

rivularis 218

Constantinea rosamarina..355 (356)

simplex 356

Sitehensis 356 (206)

Corallhia aculeata 367

arbiiscnla 366

cretacea 360

frondescens 362

gracilis .\ 367

officinalis 364

f. aculeata 367

f. Chilensis 365 (366)

f . multiramosa 366

subf. densa 367

subf. laxa 367

f . pilulifera 366

f. robusta 365

f. typica 364

pilulifera 366

/'. fiUformis 366

Vancoureriensis 366, 367

/. densa 367

/. typica 367

Corallopsis Salicornia 312

Costaria Mertensii 265

quadrinervia 265

Turner! 265

Cruoria Pacifica 357

Cryptonemia obovata 352

Cryptosiphonia Grayana 353

Woodii 353

Cvlindrospermum catenatum ... 193

"licheniforrae 193 (194)

museieola 193

sp 194

Cymatheere triplicata .264 (260)

Cystoelonium gracilarioides 309

l>ur]iurusccns .. 309

Cystopliyllum geminatum..285 (241)

Lepidium 285

Cystnseira gcminatum 286

hypocarj)a 286

Vol.1] Seichell- Gardner. Alqm of Northwesterti America. 391

Ci/stoseira Lepidium 286

osmundaeea 286

spicigera 286

ihiirsigera 285, 286

Da^ya pluniosa 337

Dasyopsis plumosa 337

Delesseria (data 324

var. latissima 324

Ba-rii 323

Beeiingiana 324

/. spimtlosa 324

complanata 324

crassifolia 322

(leripiens : 323

Ey))oglossum 323

var. arborescens 323

intermedia 321

Juergensii 324

MuMendorfii 322

rjuercifolia 322

/". linearis 323

serrata 324

sinuosa 322 (323)

f. lingulata 322

f. typica 322

IVondii 323

Derbesia marina 230

vauc'herijeformis 230

Dermatomcris 215

Dermocarpa Biscayensis 181

fueieola 181

prasina 182

Desmarestia aculeata

246 (238, 245, 247)

f. media 246 (245, 247)

hilhrida 247

intermedia 247 (246)

/'. fuscescens 247

/. teretifolia 247

ligulata 247

f. herbaeea 247

media 247

viridis 245 (246)

/. major 245

Desmia herbaeea 247

Desmonema Wrangelii 196

Desmotrichiim undulatum 240

Dic'hothrix Baueriana 198 (179)

Dictyoneiu'on Californicum 267

Dictyosiphon Chordaria 248

f. gelatinosa 248

fcenieulaceus 248

f. Amerieanus 248

hippuroides 248

Dictyota Binghumice 279

diehoioma 279

/. latifolia 279

Dilophiis ifiabellatus 279

Dilsea arctica 354


Californica ,., .,. , 354

pygmeea 355

Diptoderma variegatum 292

Draparnaldia glomerata 218

var. genuina 218

plumosa 218

Dumontla Clava 319 (353)

contorta 353

coronata 319, 353

decapitata 318

filiformis 352

fueieola 318

furcata 319, 348

Ectocarpus Aleuticus 235

ehiti)iicoliis 238

confervoides 237 (238)

f. aciiminatus 237

f. eorticulatus 238

f. pvgmseus 237

f. typicus 237

f. variabilis 238

cylindriciis 239

granulosus 238

mucronatus 238

oviger 238

penieillaius 237

siliculosus 237

f. typicus 237

terminalis 237

tomentosus 238

Egregia Uevigata 271

Menziesii 271

Eiseuiaarborea 270 (256)

Elac'hista fueieola 249

lubriea 248 (249)

Endocladia complanata 297

haniulosa 296

murieata 296

f. eompressa 297

f. inermis 297

/. typiea 296

Enteromorpha aureola 214

eompressa 213 (211)

var. complanata 212

f. raeemosa a Ahlneri ^ 214

f. raeemosa b abbreviata .. 214

var. suhsimplcv 212

erinita 214

ereeta .. 214

fascia 211

intestinalis 212

f. eylindracea 212

f. genuina 212

f. maxima 212

Linza 212 (211)

f. erispata 213

f. laneeolata 213

mierocoeca 211

f. subsalsa 211


University of Californid Publieafions.

I Botany


P'nteromorpha minima 213

f. rivularis 213

percursa 214

prolifera 211

Erythroo-lossiim Woodii 323

Erythrophyllum delesserioides.. 303

Erythrotrichia ceramieola 292

Eudesnie virescens 249

Eudorina elegans 203

Euthora cristata 311 (306)

/. pinnata 311

f. typica 311

fruticulosa 311

Farloiria coniprcssa 351, 354

mollis 354

Fauehea Gardneri 313

laciniata 313

Fischerella ambigua 196

Fucus A.splenioides 340

hrarlaitns 303

cordalHS 299

cosfatus 265

edentutus 280

evanescens 281 (285, 289)

f. angustus 284

f. biu'siger 285

f. contractus 284

f. cornutus 283

f. dendroides 284 (283)

f. limitatus 282

f. longifructus 283

f. maerocephalus 282 (284)

f. nanus 285

f. pergrandis 284

f. robustus 288

f. rudis 282 (284)

f. typica 282

fiUformis 281

floccosus .' 333

'furcatus 280

Iterhaceus 247

inflatus 280 (281)

f. edentatus 280

f. filiformis 281

f. linearis 280

Larix 330

Mevziesii 271

Miclnvensis 281

musciformis 312

vur. J^ootkanus 312

Nootkanus 313

ovalis 316

var. subarticulatiis 316

pilnUfcr 333, 334

plati/cnrpus -. 281, 283

saccatus 318, 319

sj)iralis 281

tomcntosHS 232

vesiculosus 249, 285


var. evesicnlosis 285

var. minor 285

Fuscaria Larix 330

Gayella polyrhiza 217

Gelidium Amansii 295

corueum 295

var. lepadicola 295

var. simplex 295

crassifdliiim 352

latifoUum 295

Gigart'nui exasperata 303

fasligiala 305

Mamillaris 301

/. latissinia 301

/. vulgaris 302

m'amillosa 301 (302)

f. cristata 301

subf. prolifera 302

f. dissecta 302

f. sulisimplex 302

microplujUa 303, 349, 350

■mollis ;, 354

muricaia 296

Pacifica 301 (298)

papillaia 301 (302)

/'. cristata 301

/. typica 302

plicata 305

radula 302 (301, 303)

f. exasperata 303

f. microphylla 303

f, typica 302

spinosa 303

Glceoeapsa ambigua 179

f. fuscolutea 179

f. violacea 179

atrata 179

polydermatica 179

GUcocystis Paroliniana 202

Gloiopeltis furcata 348 (319)

Gloiosiphouia Californiea 348

capillaris 348

verticillaris 348

Gloiotrichia Pisum 199

Gomontia polyrhiza 229

Gomi)liosphaeria aponina 180

Gracilaria confervoides 312

f. lonqissima 312

GrateloupiaCutleri8e..349 (315, 347)

pinnata 349 (350)

Grifflthsia ? 338

opnntoides 338

Guig)i(ir(lia Alaskana 215

Frasiida' _ _ 215

GynuioyoHgrns fastigiatus 305

/. crassior 305

Halidrys vesiculosa 249

Halosaccion coronatum 319

llntnini , 318

Vol.1] Setchell- Gardner. Algce of Northwestern America. 393

Balosaccion fucicola 318

f. decapiiatum 318

f. radicana 318

glandiforme 317 (318)

/. coriaceum r 317

/. genuinum 317

/. Menziesii 317

/. soboJiferum 317

Hydrophora 318

microsporum 319

ramentaceum 319

Tilesii 319

Halymenia Ugulata 348

Hapalosiphon fontinalis 196

piimilHS 196

Hassallia byssoidea 195

/. cylindrica 196

f. saxicola 195

Hedophylhim sessile.. 262 (249, 263)

siibsessile 263 (202, 267)

Hildenbrandtia prototypus 367

f. rosea 367

rosea 367

savgitinea 367

Honioeostroma latifolium 240

Johainm 240

unduJatum 240

Hormldium parietinum 215 (217)

murale 215

sp 217

Hormotrichum Carmichcelii 220

Hydrurus foetidus 235

Hi/meneria fimbriata 321

'fissa 321

Jatissima 320

Hypruea Coulteri 309

Hypnea museifoi'mis 312 (313)

Iridcea cordata 299

Cornucopice 298

heterocarpa 299

lacera 298

laminarioides..298 (206, 299, 300)

f. cordata 299

f. parvula 299

f. punicea 300 (310)

f. tvpiea 298

lilaclva ; 299

menthranacea 299

Mertensiuna 309

oblongifructa 300

pinnata 349, 350

sociaUs 298

Isaetis plana 198

var. fissurata 198

Janczewskia verrueieformis 326

Laminaria Andersonii 255 (270)

apoda 262

atrofulva 259

Bongardiana 254 (263, 264)


f. bifiircata 255

f. elliptica 255

f. normuUs 255

f. oblonga 255

/'. palmata 255

f. tfeniata 255

buUata 257 (256, 264)

f. amplissima 258

f. angusta 257

f. cuneata 258 (256)

f. subsimplex 257

cuneifolia 260

dentigera 259

f. brevipes 259

f. longipes 259

dermatodea 254, 256

digitata 260 (254, 258)

/. partita 256

f. typica 259

fissilis 256 (254)

laiifoUa 261

longieruris 260

longipes 260

nigripes 256

Ruprechti 256

saecharina 261 (257, 260)

forma a 260

f. eomplanata 262

f. cuneata 261

■f. linearis 261 (262)

f. membranacea 261 (262)

/. normahs 261

sessilis 262

Sinclairii 261

solidungula 260 (264)

stenoplnila 260

Laureiicia UreviUeana 335 (336)

pinnatifida 326 (359)

specfahUis 326

Leatliesia diiformis 249

Lessonia ciliata 270

fnscescens 267

Htoralis 267

nigrcscens 267

Liehniannia sp 250

Lithoderma fatiscens 253

lignic'ola 253

Lifhophylhon decipiens 359

Farlowii 358

f. f 359

incrustans 358

f. orbicularis 358

sp. nov 359

tcnue 358

tumiduluni 358

Yendoi 359

Lithothamnion Californieum ... 358

conijKietKDi 357

conchatuni 358


Universily of Californni Puhlicalions.


Lithothanniioii dKnon



f. tenue




f . Paeifica

Lomentaria ovalis

var. Coulteri

f . subartieulata

Lophosiphonia obscura

villum 329 (

Lophura floccosa


LynjCfbya a?TOgineo-c8erulea


f. aeruginosa

f . ferruginea

f. limicola

f . natans

f. spectabilis






Maerocystis pirifera

Mastocarpus corymbiferus


Melobesia marginata



f. medioeris

Mesogloia Andersonii


Microchfete robusta


Microcladia borealis



Microeoleus chthonoplastes



var. monticola

Microcystis marginata

Microspora floccosa

Monostroma angicavum


lUyUU 208


var. splendens

var. typicum








357 saccndcuni 208

358 splendens 208, 209

358 Vahlii 208

358 zosicricolum 209

357 Mougeotia genuflexa 202

358 scalaris 202

358 Myelophycus 242

358 ca'spitosus 252

316 intestinalis 241 (251)

316 Myrionema 239

316 strangulans 249

329 vidgare 249

292) Nereocystis Luetkeana 268 (290)

334 Priapus 268

335 Nitella acuminata subglomerata 233

187 opaca 233

187 Kitnphylluni flahelUgerum 321

187 Fryeamrm 320

187 Harveyanum 320

186 latissimum 320

187 macroglos.mm 320

187 muJiihihum 321

187 Rupreclitiauum 321

187 Ruthenicum 320

187 spectalile 320

187 stenofilossum 320, 321

187 violaceum 321 (320)

270 Nodularia armorica 193

303 Harveyaua 192

215 sphcerocarpa 193

359 spumigena 193

358 f. major 193

359 Nostoc cEeruleum 191

359 carneum 190

250 commune 190

250 expansum 190

194 Linckia 189

194 microscopieum 191

346 minutum 191

347 museorum 190

347 pruniforme 191

188 rivulare 189

188 sphsericum 191

1S9 sph^roides 191

189 spongifeforme 190

180 verrucosum 191

217 Ochlochffite Hystrix 219

208 CEdogonium concatenatum.. 219

208 crispum 220

, 209 Odonthalia Aleutica 333 (332, 334)

208 angustifolia 336

209 dentata 337 (336)

209 f. angusta 337

208 floccosa 333 (244, 330, 331)

208 f. comosa 334 (333, 335)

207 f. macracantha ..335 (333, 334)

209 f. typica 333 (334)

207 Kamtschatica 336(337)

207 Lyallii 335 (336)

Vol.1] SefcheU-Gardner. Algce of Nortluve stern America. 395


Odonthalia semicostata 336 (359)

Oncobyrsa Cesatiana 180

Oocardium stratum 205

Oocystis solitaria 205

f. crassa 205

f. major 205

Oseillatoria amoena 184

amphibia 183

Bonnemaisonii 183

ehloriiia 183

geminata 183

laetevirens 184

limosa 183

nigro-viridis 183

Okeni 184

princeps 182

proboseidea 182

saneta 182

splendida 184

f. uneinata 184

tenuis 183

var. tergestina 183

Padina deiista 253

Pediastrum angulosum 207

Boryanum 207

Petrocelis xMiddendorfii ....357 (206)

PeysonneUia Diiliyl 367

Phloeospora subarticulata 245

tortilis 245

Phormidium ambiguum 185

autumnale 186 (184)

Corium 185

favosum 186

foveolarum 184

inundatum.. 185

laminosum 185

papyraeeum 185

Retzii 185

tenue 185

Treleasei 186

uneinatum 186

Valderianum 184

Phycoeoelis Baltica 239

fecimda 249

Piu/rolapaihum crispatum 240

Phyllitis fascia 243

Phyllophora BrodiaBi 304

interrupta 304

nervosa 308

Pln/llo,spora Menziesii 271

Pikea Grayana 353

Woodii 353

Platythamnion heteromorphum

344 (343)

f. reversum 345

f. typieum 344

Plectonema roseolum 188

Pleonosporium Vancouveria-

num 338


Pleuroeapsa fuliginosa 181

Pleurophyeus Gardneri 264

Plocamium eoceineum 317

f. uneinatum 317

violaeeum 317

Polynenra CaUfornica 304

Polysiphoma arctica 329

atrorubescens 326 (327)

f. minor 326

hipinvata 327

/". psammicola 329

Californica 327 (328)

var. plumigera 327

dendroidea 328

nigrescens 326 (327, 328)

f. Fueoides 326

parasitica 328

sentieulosa 327

spinifera 328

ureeolata 326 (327)

villum 330

Porphyra abyssieola 291

amplissima 290 (291)

laeiniata 289

f . umbilicalis 289

leucosticta 290

miniata 291

f. euneiformis 291

naiadum 290

f. major 290

f. minor 290

Nereoeystis 290

occideiifalis 292

perforata 289 (290)

f. segregata 290

pertusa 313

tenuissima 291

variegata 291 (292)

vulgaris 290

Postelsia palmfeformis 268

Prasiola Antarctica 215

borealis 215

calophylla 215

crispa 214 (215, 216)

suhsp. marina 217

f. maxima 216

iiiiviatilis 216

Pringsheiniia seutata 219

f. Cladophoraj 219 (182)

Prio)rit>s angusta 350

Clevelandii 308

decipiens.. 350

jubata 352

lanceolata 352 (350, 351)

var. filieina 352

Lyallii 350 (349)

f. densissima 351

f. depauperata 352

f. dilatata 351


Universifi/ of California Publications.



Prionitis Lyallii

f. gladiata 351 (350)

f. intermedia 351

f. lanceolata 351

f . normalis 351 (350)

f. ornata 351

Pteridium alatum 324

Baerii 323

Juergensii 324

serratum 324 (325)

f . platyphyllum 325

spinulosum 324

Pterosiplionia arctica 329

bipinnata 328

deiidroidea 328

pennata 328

VVoodii 329

Pterygophora Californiea 271

Ptilota Asplenioides 339 (324)

Californiea 340

filieina 340

Hf/jnioides 340

peetinata 341

plumosa 340, 341

var. filieina 340

serrata 340, 341

Punetaria plantaginea 240

latifolia 240

Pylaiella atroviolacea 235

litoralis 235

f. acuta 235

f. densa 236

var. firma 236

f. macroearpa 236

var. opposita 235 (236)

f. reetangulans 236

f. nipineola 235 (236J

f. typica 235 (236)

var. varia 236

Ralfsia elavata 253

deusta 253

verrucosa 253

EhaMonia Coulteri 309

Rhizoeloninm riparium 222

f. implexum 222 (214)

tortuosiim 223

Rhodoehorton Rothii 347

snbimmersum 347

Rhodoglossum latissimum 300

Rhndomela Aleuiica 333

ftoccosa 333, 335

Larix 330 (244, 331, 334)

Lyallii 335

Lycopodioides 331 (333)

f. Cladostephus 331 (332)

f. flagellaris 332

f. ramentaeea 332

f. tennissima 332

snhf. proli/era 332


f. typica 331

snbf. compacta 331

snbf . laxa 331

subf. tenera 332

suhfusca 332

Rhodophyllis dichotoma 311

f. setacea 312

f. typica 311

Rhodymenia eorallina 316

palmata 314 (248, 316)

f. mollis 315

f. Sarniensis 316 (319)

f. soholifera ,... 316

■f. typica 314 (315)

subf. linearis 315

sul)f. marginifera....315 (314)

subf. nuda 314

Palmetta 316

pertusa 313

Wilkesii 313

Rivularia Biasolettiana 198

nitida 198

Saceorhiza dermatodea 254

Sarcophyllis arctica 354 (298)


.... 354 (206, 300, 310, 356)

/. pygman . 355

pygmfea 355

Scenedesmus denticulatus 206

var. linearis 206

Schizochlamys gelatinosa 205

Schizoneura quercifolia 323

f. linearis 323

Sehizothrix Braunii 189 (179)

lacustris 189

lardacea 189

rubra 189

Schizymenia coccinea 356

Dubyi 356

Scytonema figuratum 195

Hofmanni 195

niirabile 195

Myoehrous 195

varium 195

Scytosiphon hullosus 242, 243

lomentarius 243

f. complanatus 243

Selenastrum Bibraianum 205

Sorantliera ulvoidea .244 (243)

f. difformis 244

f. typica 244

Sorastrum spinulosum 207

Sphacelaria eirrhosa 239



var. arctica 239

Sphterella nivalis 203

Spluvrococcus fialicornia 312

Spinnlaria media 246

Spirogyra affinis 201

Vol.]] Setchell-Gardner. Algce of Northwestern America. 397


Spirogyra caten8efonnis....200 (202)

dubia 201

var. longiartieulata 201

Grevilleana 202

inflata 201

laxa 202

longata 200

Lvitetiana 201

majuscula 201

var. brachymeres 201

nititla 201

porticalis 200

quadrata 202

Spreeiana 202

varians 201

Weberi 202

Spirulina major 182

subsalsa 182

f. Oeeaniea 182

Spongomnrpha Hystrix 226

Sporochnus iiiedius 246

Stapfia cyliudrica.. 204

Sterrocolax crassior 305

decipiens 306

Stictyoslphon tnrtiUs 245

Stigeoelonium lubrieuin 218

Stigonema minutum 3 97

ocellatum 196

Streblonema irregulare 239

miniitissimum 239

Pacificum 239

Striai'ia attenuata 245

Symploca hydnoides 188

var. genuina 188

lagteviridis 188

muscorum 188

Tetraspora bullosa 203

evlindrica 204

lubrica 204

var. laciinosa 204

Thalassiophyllum Clathrus 266

Tolypothrix distorta 195


lanata 195

limbata 196

Setehellii 196

tenuis , 196

Trentepohlia lolithus 219

Turuerella Mertensiana... 309 (354)

Ulothrix flacea 217

implexa 217

subtilis 216

/. genuina 216

tenuis 216

zonatn- 216

Viva cylindrica 204

fasciata 211

fuscu 208

Lactuea 210

var. latissima 210 (240)

myriotrema 210

var. rigida 209 (210, 211)

Priapus 269

rigida 209

splendens 209

Ulvaria splendens 209

Urococeus insignis 206

Urospora inerassata 221

pencilliformis 220

Wormskioldii 221

var. Vancoureriana 221

Valonia ovalis 232

Vaucheria geminata 230

var. racemosa 230

hamata 230

sessilis 230

terrestris 231

Volvox aureus 203

glohator 203

Whidbeyella 294

cartilaginea 295

Xenoeoceus Schousboei '... 180

Zoslera marina 240

Zygnema chalybeospermum 200


Collinsiella tuberculata Setchell and Gardner gen. et sp. nov.

1 . Habit of No. 403, N.L.G., from Whidbey Island. (X 40)

2. Vertical section through one of the fronds. (Zeiss 2 X A)

3. Dissection of a portion of the vertical section which has been treated

with Chloriodide of Zinc, to show the branching. The cell con- tents are much shrunken. (Zeiss 2 X D)

4. Tangential section at the surface to show the division planes.

(Zeiss 2 X D)

5. Young terminal cell, untreated, showing the chromatophore lining

the wall and the solitary pyrenoid. (Zeiss 2 D)

6. Similar view of an older cell, showing the vacuolate appearance of

the chromatophore. (Zeiss 2 X D)

7. Similar view of still older cell, showing the decrease in size of the

chromatophore and a double pyrenoid. (Zeiss 2 X D)

Codium Ritteri Setchell and Gardner sp. nov.

8. Habit of the type specimen, (nat. size)

9. A common shape of the adult utricle. (Zeiss 2 X A)

10. A common shape of the adult utricle. (Zeiss 2 X A)

11. An uncommon, yet not rare, shape of the adult utricle. (Zeiss 2 X A)

Rhodochorton subimmersum Setchell and Gardner sp. nov.

12. A section through the host plant, showing the horizontal immersed

filament of the Rhodochorton and the vertical emergent fila- ments, as well as the terminal tetrasporangia. Specimen No. 289, N.L.G., from Whidbey Island. (Zeiss 2 X D)

All the figures of this plate were drawn under the direction of W. A. Setchell by H. N. Bagley. The size varies proportionally to the original, and in the case of microscopic details we shall mention here, as well as under the remaining figures, only the combination of the lenses used. The drawings have all been reduced to one-half the original diameter, but the magnifica- tions, where given, refer to the figures as reduced.










^4?iJ ©£■>•

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Colpomenia sinuosa f. deformans Setchell and Gardner f. nov.

13. Habit of a plant showing only a comparatively slight and nniform

lobing. Original from Pt. Carmel, Monterey County, California, (nat. size)

14. Habit of a plant from the same spot as the preceding, showing the

tendency towards unequal lobing. (nat. size)

15. Habit of a group of plants of the type of the form. Any one of these

plants may be separated and become the Scyiosiphon hullosus- Saunders, (nat. size)

Chordaria abietina Rupreeht.

16. Habit of a group of very young plants, showing the horizontal lobed

thallus, whence the young vertical thalli are arising. Original material from Point Carmel, Monterey County, California, (a little more than natural size)

17. Habit of a plant just reaching the adult condition, showing the rela-

tion between the horizontal and vertical thalli. From the same place, (nat. size)

Constantinea Sitchensis P. & R.

18. Habit of a young plant, showing the method of producing the new

blade by the appearance, at first, of a subulate projection in the center of the old blade. Original material from Whidbey Island, (about one-half nat. size)

Constantinea simplex Setchell.

19. Habit of a plant from Fort Ross, California, showing the first stages

of the production of the new blade by the rosulate process, (about one-half nat. size)

20. Habit of a plant in which the process of producing the new blade is

farther advanced, (about one-half nat. size)

21. Habit of plant still farther advanced, (about one-half nat. size)

All the figures were drawn under the direction of W. A. Setchell. Figures 13-17 were drawn by H. N. Bagley, and the rest by A. A. Lawson.






Oscillatoria splendida f. uncinata Setchell and Gardner f. nov.

22. Tip of specimen from Oak Harb»r, showing a slight tendency toward

uncinate form, l"*^ 1000-1500)

23. Tip of another specimen from the same locality and of the same

magnification, showing a spiral twist.

24. Tip of another specimen from the same locality and of the same

magnification, showing the extreme bending.

Pterosiphonia arctica (J. Agardh) Setchell and Gardner comb. nov.

25. Habit of portion of robust specimen from Unalaska. (nat. size)

26. Tetrasporic branchlet. (Zeiss 2 X D)


Cross section through the base of a branchlet. (Zeiss 2 X D)

Sarcophyllis pygmaea Setchell comb. nov.

28. Habit of a group of very young plants, showing the horizontal thallus

with the young vertical fronds arising just within the margins, (nat. size)

29. Habit of young plant, showing the symmetrical horizontal thallus

with two erect fronds about half grown, (nat. size)

Fauchea Gardneri Setchell.

30. Habit of a portion of the frond of a tetrasporic plant, showing the

size, shape, and relative arrangement of the sori. (nat-. size)

All the figures were drawn under the direction of W. A. Setchell and N. L. Gardner. Figures 28 and 29 were drawn by A. A. Lawson, the rest by H. N. Bagley.






Hedophyllum subsessile (Aresehoug) Setchell.

31. Habit of a half grown plant, showing the very short and stout stipe with its holdfast, the thickened base of the original blade from which the central portion has worn away, and the two blades borne on either side. The thickened base of the old blade gives off hapteres, some of which are shown in the figure. (about one-half nat. size)

Drawn by A. A. Lawson, under the direction of W. A. Setchell.





HjDTQ-urHBKrrroN & eey. s.t

BoT.— 27


Alaria valida Kjellman and Setehell sp. nov.

32. Habit of No. Ill, N.L.G., from Whidbey Island. (^ ,\)

33. Cross section of the midrib of the same plant. ('< 2i)

Drawn by H. N. Bagley, under the direction of W. A. Setehell.






Alaria tenuifolia Setehell.

34. Habit of the type of the species, No. 3286a, from Amaknak Island.

This is a plant not fully grown. { < i)

35. Cross section of the stipe 15mm. above the base. (^2i)

36. Cross section 10 em. above the base and 5 cm. below the beginning of

the rhachis, to show the flattening. (X 2i)

37. Cross section of the midrib. ( ' 2i)

All the figures were drawn by H. N. Bagley, under the direction of W. A. Setehell.






Whidbeyella cartilaginea Setehell and Gardner gen. et. sp nov.

38. Habit of the type specimen. (X ^)

Anatheca furcata Setehell and Gardner sp. nov.

39. Habit of the type specimen, (nat. size)

Both figures were drawn by H. N. Bagley, under the direction of W. A. Setehell.




PHoia.-UTH.BKrrTaN & hey. s.t.


Whidbeyella cartilaginea Setchell and Gardner gen. et. sp. nov.

40. Cross section through the frond of the type specimen, showing the

the structure of a young cystocarp. (Zeiss 2 X D)

Anatheca furcata Setchell and Gardner sp. nov.

41. Cross section through a cystocarp, showing the placenta, the masses

of spores, and the filaments connecting the placenta with the tissues external to it. (Zeiss 2 X D)

Both figures were drawn by H. N. Bagley, under the direction of W. A. Setchell.




■pHQin.-urH.HHrrTDN & het, s.t.


Platythamnion heteromorphum f. reversum Setehell and Gardner f. nov.

42. Portion of the tip of a plant from Whidbey Island, showing the

arrangement of branches and branehlets. (Zeiss 2 X D)

Fauchea laciniata J. Agardh.

43. Portion of a tetrasporic plant, showing the habit and the arrangement

and shape of the sori. (nat. size)

44. Oiitline of a portion of a cystocarpie plant, showing the extreme of

laciniate margin, (nat. size)

All the figures were drawn by H. N. Bagley, under the direction of W. A. Setehell.




PHDTD .-urH.HRrrroN * HEy, b.t.


Odonthalia semicostata (Mertens) J. Agardh.

45. Habit of sterile but characteristic plant from Whidbey Island, (nat.


Drawn by H. N. Bagley, under the diieetion of W. A. Setehell.




muin.-UTK.HHirraN s bey. b.p.


Odonthalia semicostata (Mertens) J. Agardh.

46. Habit of a pinnule bearing cystocarps. Such pinnules are always

more or less eroded. (X 1^)

47. Portion of a cystoearpic glomerule. {^5)

48. Portion of a cystoearpic glomerule. ('5)

49. Portion of a tetrasporic glomerule. (X 10)

Odonthalia floccosa (Esper) Falkenberg.

50. Pinna of an antheridial plant, showing the aggregation of the

antheridial branehlets in a terminal glomerule. ( < 5)

Odonthalia Lyallii (Harvey) J. Agardh.

51. Portion of a tetrasporic plant, (nat. size)

52. Tetrasporic pinnule. (^ 5)

53. Portion of a cystoearpic pinna. C" 3)

All the figures were drawn by H. N. Bagley, under the direction of W. A. Setchell.







BOTANY.— W. A. Setchell, Editor. Price per volume $3, 50V Volume I (pp. 418^):

No. 1. A Botanical Survey of San Jacinto Mountain,' by H^ivey Monroe

Hall . Price, $1.00

No. 2. Two New Ascomycetous Fungi Parasitic on Marine Algae, by Minnie

Reed ........... Price, .25

No. 3. Algae of Northwestern America, by W. A. Setchell and N. L. Gardner.

- ' , - ' . Price, 2.25

GEOLOGY.— Bulletin of the Department of Geology. Andrew C Lawson, Editor. Price per volume $3.50. Volumes I {pp. 428) and ir(pp- 450 j completed. Volume III (in progress):

No. 1. The Quaternary of Southern California, by Oscar H.Hershey Price, .20

No. 2. Colemanite from Southern California, by Arthur S. Eakle Price, .15

No. 3. The Eparchaean Interval: A criticism -of the . use of the term

Algonkian,. by Andrew G. Lawson . . . . Price, .10

No. 4. Triassic Ichthyopterygiafrow California and Nevada, by John C.

Merriam !• i ^' . > Price, .50

No. 5. A Contribution to the Petrography of the John Day Basin, by Frank

C. Calkins . , Price, .45

No. 6. The Igneous Rocks near Pajaro, by John A, Reid . . Price, .15

No. 7. Minerals from Leona Heights, Alameda County, California, by

Waldemar T. Scholler ...... Price, .15

No. 8. Pluraasite. An Oligpclase-Corundum Rock near Spanish Peak,

California, by Andrew C. Lawson^^- Price, .10

No. 9. Palacheite,- A New Mineral, By Arthur S. Eakie . . Price, .10

EDITCATIOH.— Elmer E. Brown, Editor. ^ \b

Volume I (pp. 424|.- Notes On' the Development of a Child, by Millicent W.

Shinn Price, 1.20

Vol. 11.— No. 1. Origin of American State Universities . . . Price, .50

ZOOLOGY.— W. E. Hitter, Editor. Price per voiume $3.50. Volume I (in progress):

No. 1. The Hydroida of the Pacific Coast of North America, by Harry B.

Torrey Price, 1.00

No. 2. A Case of Physiological Polarization in the Ascidiaa Heart, by

Frank W. Bancroft and C. O. Esterly . .Price, .50


Graeco-Roman.— Volume I, The Tebtunis Papyri, Part I. Edited by Bernard

P. Grenfell, Arthur S. Hunt, and J. Gilbart Srayly . Price, 16.00

Egyptian.— Volume I, The Hearst Medical Papyrus, edtts?d by G. A. Reisner and A. M. Lythgoe (in press K


Publications of the Lick Observatory.— Volumes I-V completed. Volume IV (in progress;)

No. 1. A Shoft Method of Determining Orbits from Three Observations, by A. O. Leuschner.

No. 2. Elements of Asteroid 1900 GA, by A. O. Leuschner and Adelaide M. Hobe.

No. 3. Preliminary Elements of Comet 1900 IIT, by R. H. Curtiss and C. G. Ball.

Contributions of the Lick Observatory .—Nos. I--V .

Lick Observatory BttUetins.— Volume I (pp. 193) completed. Volume II

(in progress).

AGRICULTURE.— Bulletins of the Department of Agriculture. Nos. 1-146. Biennial Reports of the Department of Agriculture.

Publications of this Department are sent gratis to citizens of the State of California. For detailed information regarding them address Professor E. W. Hilgard, University of California, Berkeley.

UNIVERSITY CHRONICLE.— An official record of University life, issued quarterly, edited by a committee of the faculty'. Price, $1.00 per year. Current volume No. VI.

Address all orders, or requests for information concerning the above publications (except Agricultural) to The University Press, Berkeley, California.

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