.^ ^^' f^ HARVARD UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. THE Kansas University Science Bulletin. DEVOTED TO THE PUBLICATION OF THE RESULTS OF RESEARCH BY MEMBERS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS. VOL. II. PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY, LAWRENCE, KANSAS. ' 1904. % \ CONTENTS OF VOLUME II. No. 1.— On Monoids, John N. Van der Vries. 2. — Dipterological Contributions, C. F. Adams. 3. — An Ecological Catalogue of the Crayfishes belonging to the Genus Cambarus, J. Arthur Harris. 4. — Lists of Coleoptera and Lepidoptera Collected in Hamil- ton, Morton and Clark Counties, Kansas, in 1902 and 1903, F. H. Snow. r _\^ Preliminary List of the Diptera of Kansas, .... F. IT. Snow. ( Descriptions of Six New Species, C. F. Adams. 6. — Thermal Diagrams and their Practical Use, .... Hugo Diemer. 7. — Some City Water Supplies, E. H. S. Bailey and Edward Bartow. 8. — Some Molecular Weight Determinations, .... Herbert A. Clark. 9. — On the Mouth-parts on the Hemiptera, Walter J. Meek. 10.— The Vitelline Body in Spider Eggs, Nadine Nowlin. 11. — The Functions of the Nervous System, with Special Re- gard to Respiration, in Acrididse, Henry Z. Eiving. 12. — Lists of Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera and Hemiptera Collected in Arizona by the Entomological Expedi- tions of the University of Kansas in 1902 and 1903, F. H. Snow. 13. — Snakes of Kansas, Edwin B. Branson. 14. — Notes on and Descriptions of North American Diptera, C. F. Adams. 15. — Coal Measure Faunal Studies, III. — Lower Coal Meas- ures, J. W. Beede and Austin F. Rogers. VOL. IV. \^,M^SC No. 6. BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS. PUBLISHED BIMONTHLY BY THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS, AT LAWRENCE. Science Bulletin, Vol. II, Nos. 1, 2, and 3. (Continuation of Kansas University Quarterly.) Entered at the Post-ofBce as Second-class Martter. ANNOUNCEMENT. For ten years the University of Kansas has maintained the Kansas University Quarterly, a journal devoted to the publication of the results of research by members of the University of Kansas. At the opening of the second decade of the journal's existence it has been thought best to begin a new series, with some important changes in the name, manner and time of publication. It has been decided to abandon the quarterly form of issue, and instead to publish the sepa- rate papers as soon as they are ready for the printer. By this means the results of research will be more promptly given to the public, and in a form more satisfactory both to the authors and subscribers. Hereafter this journal will be called the Kansas University Science Bulletin, and will be issued at irregular intervals. Each volume will contain from 300 to 400 pages of reading-matter, with the necessary illustrations ; and approximately one volume a year will be issued. The amount of scientific matter thus published will be not less, and probably more, than that formerly appearing in four issues of the Quarterly. The subscription price will be hereafter $3 per volume ; the price of each part will vary with the cost of publication. We hope our present large exchange list will remain intact, and new exchanges are solicited. All exchanges should be addressed to the Library of the University of Kansas. Communications should be addressed to H. B. Newson, Managing Editor of Science Bulletin, Lawrence, Kan. FEB 2 1904 THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vol. II, No. 1— June, 1903. ( Whole Series, Vol. XII, No. 1.) CONTENTS : On Monoids, John N. Van der Vries. PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY, Lawrence, Kan. Entered at the post-office in Lawrence as second-class matter. Kansas University Science Bulletin. Vol. II, No. 1. JUNE, 1903. 1^0^x1'™! ON MONOIDS. BY JOHN N. VAN DER VRIES. ( Continued.) WE shall hereafter consider in each section all monoids that have the same lines of kinds III and IV, and shall subdivide the monoids in these sections according to the lines of kind I and the multiple lines of kind II which are found on them. When we write a line of kind 1(1,2), we mean the particular line of kind I which is a single line on the superior cone and a double line on the inferior cone. Monoids having a douhle point, say the point (0, 0, 1, 0), 07i a line xy of kind III. a). If the monoid has a double line of kind II, say the line xz, its equation will be of the form X-U2 + XZV2 -f Z^W2 + XZSVl + Z'SWl + X^SUl = 0.* Every plane through the double line and one of the seven other lines of the monoid will in general cut a transversal out of the monoid, no two of the seven lines lying in general in one plane with the double line. h). If the monoid has a second double line of kind II, say the line yz, the equation of the monoid will be of the form x^y''^ + xyzui -f z^U2 + z^svi + xyzs =0. The inferior cone breaks up into the plane z and a quadric cone. This monoid has two ordinary lines in addition to the three lines xy, xz, and yz. A plane through either double line and one of the two ordinary lines or the line of kind III cuts out a transversal from the monoid. The monoid thus has in general six transversals in addition to the five lines through the vertex. * Hereafter u, v, w and t with subscripts will denote homogeneous functions of x and y of degrees equal to the subscripts, unless otherwise designated. (3) 4 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. c). If the monoid has a simple line of kind 1(1,2), say the line xz, its equation will be of the form XU3 + ZVg + Z^U2 + X^SUi + XZSVi + Z'SWi = 0. The monoid will have eight ordinary lines in addition; it will not in general have any transversals. d). If the monoid has two single lines of kind 1(1, 2), say xz and yz, the equation of the monoid will be of the form xyu2+zu3+V2Z^+xyzs+Uiz^s = 0. The inferior cone breaks up into a plane and a quadric cone ; the plane meets the monoid in four lines passing through the vertex. There are six ordinary lines on the monoid besides the three lines xy, xz, and yz. In general, there is no case in which three and only three of the nine lines on the monoid lie in one plane, and therefore there is in general no transversal on a monoid of this kind. e). If the monoid has three simple lines of kind 1(1, 2), the in- ferior cone will break up into three planes not passing through one and the same line. The intersections of these three planes are simple lines on the superior cone. The equation of this monoid will then be of the form U4 + UsZ + U2Z''^ + UlVi WiS = 0 ; where Ui, vi and wi are homogeneous functions of x, y and z of degree 1, One of the planes of the inferior cone meets the superior cone in four lines, of which two are lines of kind I, and other two the double line which is the line of kind III on the monoid. The other two planes meet the superior cone in four lines, of which two are lines of kind I and two are ordinary lines on the monoid. This accounts for all twelve lines on the monoid. /'). If the monoid has a simple line of kind 1(1,2), say yz, in ad- dition to a double line, say xz, of kind II, the equation of the monoid will be of the form x^y Ui -f XZU2 + z'^V2 + xy zs + z^svi = 0. The inferior cone breaks up into a plane and a quadric cone. A plane through the double line and the line of kind III cuts out of the mon- oid a transversal which passes through the double point on the line of kind III and intersects the double line at the point at which the scrolar tangent plane coincides with this cutting plane. A plane through the double line and the line of kind I cuts out of the monoid an ordinary line in addition. There are three other ordinary lines on the monoid, and no two of these will in general lie in the same plane with the double line. There are thus in general four transversals on this monoid. VAN DER VRIES : ON MONOIDS. 5 g). If the monoid has two single lines of kind 1(1, 2), in addition to the double line of kind II, the equation of the monoid will be of the form U4 -f U3Z + U2Z^ + UiVi WlS = 0. This monoid differs from case e ) above in the fact that one of the double edges of the inferior cone is also a double edge of the superior cone. Two of the planes of the inferior cone meet the monoid in the double line, a line of kind I, and an ordinary line, whereas the third plane of the inferior cone meets the monoid in the line of kind III counting twice and two lines of kind I. A plane through the double line and either of the ordinary lines or the line of kind III cuts a transversal from the monoid. The monoid can have no third line of kind 1(1,2). A), If the monoid has a line of kind 1(1,2) in addition to two double lines of kind II, the equation will be similar to that in case g) above ; two of the double edges of the inferior cone will however be double edges on the superior cone. One of the planes of the inferior cone meets the monoid in the two double lines, whereas the other two each cuts the monoid in a double line and a line of kind I or a line of kind III, This monoid has no transversals. i). If the monoid has a simple line of kind 1(1,3), say xz, its equation will be of the form XU3 + ZV3 + Z^U2 + X^S + X^ZS + XZ^S = 0. The inferior cone breaks up into three planes having the line xy in common. One of these planes meets the monoid in the line xy count- ing twice, the line xz and an ordinary line through the vertex, whereas the other two planes each cuts out of the monoid three ordinary lines in addition to the lines of kind III. This monoid can only have a transversal if three lines, one in each of the three planes of the in- ferior cone, lie in one plane. j). If the monoid has a double line of kind 1(2,3), say xz, its equation will be of the form X^U2 + XZV2 + Z^W2 + X^S + X^ZS + XZ^S ^0, The inferior cone breaks up into three planes which pass through one line, viz., xz. One of these planes meets the monoid in the lines xy and xz each counting twice, whereas the other two each cuts out the line xz twice and two ordinary lines. If two of these ordinary lines lie in the same plane with the line of kind III, there will be a trans- versal passing through the double point on the line of kind III, k). If the monoid has a line xz of kind 1(1, 3) and a line of kind 1(1,2), its equation will be of the form xyu2 + z^V2 + ZV3 + xz2s=0. 6 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. The inferior cone breaks up into a double plane and a single plane, the triple edge of the inferior cone being an ordinary edge on the su- perior cone, and the double edge of the superior cone being an ordi- nary edge on the inferior cone. The double plane meets the superior cone in the lines xz and yz, and in two additional lines, which are also lines of kind 1(1,2) on the monoid. The single plane meets the monoid in the line xy counting twice, the line xz, and an ordinary line x(ay + bz). This monoid will not have any transversals. Monoids Ixaving two double points, say the points (0, 0, 1, 0) and (0, 1, 0, 0), on the lines xy and xz of kind III. a). If the monoid has a double line of kind II, say the line yz, its equation will be of the form xyzui -|- z^uo + x^y^ + z^uis + yzvis + xy^s = 0. The plane containing the lines of kind III cuts the monoid in addi- tion in a conic which passes through the vertex and the two double points, whereas the planes that pass through the double line and one of the lines of kind III intersect the monoid in addition in a trans- versal. There are four ordinary lines on the monoid in addition to the three lines xy, xz, and yz. There are therefore, in general, six transversals on the monoid ; there will be another when three of the ordinary lines or two of these and a line of kind III lie in one plane. h). If the monoid has a simple line of kind 1(1,2), say yz, the equation of the monoid will be of the form x^yui + XZU2 + zV2 + yzsvi + z'-swi + xy-s =0. The monoid has six ordinary lines on it and will have a transversal whenever three of the nine lines of the monoid lie on one plane. c). If the monoid has two simple lines of kind I( 1, 2), the equa- tion of the monoid will be of the form U3 + U2Vi8 = 0; where us, U2 and vi are homogeneous functions of x, y and z of de- grees equal to their subscripts. This monoid does not in general have any transversals. d). If the monoid has three simple lines of kind 1(1, 2,) the equation of the monoid will be of the form U3 + Uiviwis = 0; where us, ui, vi and wi are homogeneous functions of x, y and z of de- grees equal to their subscripts. Two of the three planes of the in- ferior cone each cuts out a line of kind III twice and two lines of kind I, whereas the third plane cuts out two lines of kind I and two ordi- nary lines, thus making up the twelve lines of the monoid. There are no transversals. VAN DER VRIES : ON MONOIDS. 7 e). If the monoid has a simple line of kind 1(1,2), say yz, and a double line of kind II, say (ax + by, cx-fdz), the equation of the monoid will be of the form z(ax-f by)(exy + fxz + gyz) + (cx + dz)xy + s[z(ax-|-by)2-|-y(cx + dz)2 — (ax + by)(cx+dz)(cy + az)]=0. A plane through the two lines of kind III meets the monoid in addi- tion in a conic which passes through the vertex and the two double points ; a plane through the double line and either of the two lines of kind III meets the monoid in addition in a transversal which passes through the double point on the line of kind III ; and a plane through the double line and either of the two ordinary lines meets the monoid in an additional transversal. If, however, we take the monoid to have for its equation (exy + fxz + gyz) (ax + by ) (ex + dz) + s[(ax+by)z2 + (cx — dz)yz]=0, where xy and (ax + by)(cx-(- dz) are the lines of kind III, xz the line of kind II, and yz the line of kind I, the superior cone breaks up into a quadric cone and two planes. In this case the monoid has an addi- tional transversal, for the plane through the two lines of kind III meets the monoid in addition in an ordinary line through the vertex and a transversal. f). If the monoid has a double line of kind 1(2,3), say the line yz, the equation of the monoid will be of the form x^y^H-U2Z^+xyzui+y^zs + yz^8=0. The inferior cone breaks up into three planes that pass through one line. The superior cone has three double edges, of which two are or- dinary edges and the third a triple edge on the inferior cone. The plane y cuts the line yz twice out of the monoid and touches the mon- oid along the line xy, the plane z cuts the line yz twice out of the monoid and touches the monoid along the line xz, and the third plane of the inferior cone cuts out the line yz twice and two ordinary lines. There are in general no transversals on the monoid. Monoids having three double points on lines of kind III. a). If this monoid has a double line of kind II, the superior cone has four double lines and must break up. If we call the plane x the single component of the superior cone, xy, xz, and xui (where ui is a linear homogeneous function of y and z ), the lines of kind III, and yz the double line of kind II, the equation will be of the form x^U2 + xyzui + XV2S + yzuis = 0 ; where U2 and V2 are homogeneous quadratic functions of y and z. The plane x meets the monoid in the lines xy, xz, xui and a transversal 8 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. xs ; the three planes y, z and ui each intersect the monoid in the line yz twice, a line of kind III, and a transversal. A plane through the double line and either of the two ordinary lines also meets the monoid in a transversal ; the monoid thus has six transversals. h). If the monoid has a line of kind 1(1,2), the superior cone has three double edges which are simple edges on the inferior cone and a simple edge which is a double edge on the inferior cone. The monoid has four ordinary lines on it and has in general no trans- versals. c). If the monoid has two lines of kind 1(1,2), the inferior cone must break up into a quadric cone and a plane. The equation of the monoid will then be of the form U4 + U2U1S = 0 ; where U4, U2 and ui are homogeneous functions of x, y and z of de- grees equal to the subscripts. The single plane of the inferior cone meets the monoid in four lines, of which two are the lines of kind I and two are the two ordinary lines necessary to make up the twelve. This monoid has no transversals. d). If the monoid has three lines of kind 1(1,2), the inferior cone breaks up into three planes not having a line in common. The equation of the monoid will then be of the form U4 -f uiviwis = 0 ; where U4, ui, vi and wi are homogeneous functions of x, y and z of degrees equal to the subscripts. Each plane of the inferior cone in- tersects the monoid in a line of kind III and two lines of kind I. There are no transversals. e). If the monoid has a line of kind 1(1, 3) the equation is of the form U4 + U3Z + U2z"^ + uiz^ + z^ + viWiti s = 0 ; where vi, wi and ti are homogeneous functions of x, y and z of degrees equal to the subscripts. Each of the three planes of the inferior cone meets the monoid in the line of kind I, the line of kind III counting twice and an ordinary line on the monoid. There are no transversals. /). If the monoid has a double line of kind 1(2, 3), the equation of the monoid will be of the form U1V3 + viwitis = 0 ; where ui, vi, wi, vs and ti are homogeneous functions of x, y and z of degrees equal to the subscripts. There are of course no other lines on the monoid passing through the vertex; there is however one transversal, and it passes through all three double points. VAN DER VRIES I ON MONOIDS. 9 Monoids having four lines of hind III. This monoid cannot have a double line of kind II, for this would necessitate the superior cone to break up into components of which two at least are planes. One of these planes would meet the inferior cone in a double line and two single lines, that is, four lines in all, and would therefore form part of it. The monoid would therefore break up, a). If the monoid has a line of kind 1(1,2), the superior cone breaks up into a plane and a cubic cone that has a double edge. The intersections of the cubic component of the superior cone and the plane and the double edge on the cubic component are single edges on the inferior cone ; and an ordinary edge of the cubic component of the superior cone is a double edge on the inferior cone. The plane of the superior cone cuts out of the monoid the three lines of kind III and a transversal which passes through the three double points on these lines. Monoids having a double point, say (0, 0, 1, 0), on a line of kind IV(3,1). a). If it has a double line, say xz, of kind II, its equation will be of the form X^U2 + XZV2 + X^Ui8 + XZViS + Z^WiS = 0. The superior cone breaks up into a cubic cone that has a double edge and a plane that passes through this double edge. The inferior cone has a double edge at the double edge of the superior cone and an ordinary edge at the triple edge of the superior cone. The plane of the superior cone cuts out of the monoid the double line, an ordinary line, and a transversal. There are five ordinary lines on the monoid, and no two of them lie in general in the same plane with the double line ; there are therefore, in general, five transversals, and they all cross the double line. h). If the monoid has a second double line of kind II, say the line yz, the equation of the monoid will be of the form x'^y^ + xyzui + xyzs + z'-^svi = 0. The superior cone breaks up into a quadric cone and two planes pass- ing through the same edge of the quadric cone and the inferior cone into a plane and a quadric cone. Each of the two planes of the su- perior cone cuts out the line xy, a double line, and a transversal. There is one ordinary line on the monoid and therefore two more transversals, each crossing this ordinary line and one of the two double lines. 10 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. c). If the monoid has a line of kind 1(1,2), say the line xz, the equation of the monoid will be of the form XUs -f ZV3 + X^SUi + XZSVi + Z^SWl = 0. There are seven ordinary lines on this monoid and in general no transversals. d). If the monoid has two lines of kind 1(1,2), say xz and yz, the equation of the monoid will be of the form xyu2 + ZU3 + z^sui + xyzs = 0. The inferior cone breaks up into a quadric cone and a plane which meets the monoid in four lines passing through the vertex. There are five ordinary lines on this monoid and in general no transversals. The monoid cannot have three lines of kind 1(1,2), for the inferior cone would then break up into three planes, of which one would have to meet the superior cone in the triple edge and two single edges, and would therefore be a component of it. e). If the monoid has a line of kind 1(1,2), say yz, in addition to a double line of kind II, say xz, the equation will be of the form x^yui + XZU2 + xyzs + z^vis = 0. Both cones of the monoid break up into a plane and a cone of order one less. The plane of the superior cone intersects the monoid in the double line, an ordinary line, and a transversal. There are two addi- tional ordinary lines on the monoid, and a plane through either of them and the double line also cuts a transversal from the monoid. /"). If the monoid has a line of kind 1(1,3), say xz, the equation will be of the form XU3 + ZV3 + x^s + x^zs + xz^s = 0. The inferior cone breaks up into three planes which have a simple edge of the superior cone in common, and one of these three planes also passes through the triple edge of the superior cone. The plane x cuts out the line xy thrice and the line xz once, and the other planes of the inferior cone each cuts out of the monoid three ordinary lines in addition to the line xz. The monoid does not in general have any transversals. g). If the monoid has a line of kind 1(1, 3), say xz, and a line of kind 1(1,2), say the line yz, the equation of the monoid will be of the form XyU2 + ZV3 + xz^s = 0. The inferior cone breaks up into a double plane and a single plane. The double plane meets the monoid in the lines xy, xz, and two other lines, which are also lines of kind 1(1,2). Therefore, if the monoid has one line of kind 1(1, 2) in addition to the line of kind 1(1, 3), it also has two other such lines. This monoid has no transversals. VAN DER VRIES : ON MONOIDS. 11 h). If the monoid has a double line of kind II, say the line xz, and a line of kind 1(1,3), say the line yz, the equation of the mon- oid will be of the form x'-'yui + XZU2 + yz-s = 0. The superior cone breaks up into a cubic cone having a double edge and a plane passing through this double edge and the inferior cone into a double plane and a single plane. The single plane which is a component of the superior cone intersects the monoid in the line xy counted once, the line xz counted twice, and a transversal. The double plane of the inferior cone meets the monoid in the double line xz counted twice, the line yz counted once, and another line which is a line of kind 1(1,2). The monoid has four lines and one trans- versal. Monoids having a double 'point, say (0, 0, 1, 0), on a line of kind IV(3, 1), and a dotible point, say (0, 1, 0, 0), on a line of kind III (2,1). a). If the monoid has a double line of kind II, say the line yz, the equation of the monoid will be of the form x^y^ + xyzui + xy^s + z'svi + yzswi=0. The plane x intersects the monoid in the line xy, the line xz, an or- dinary line through the vertex and a transvercsal ; the plane y cuts out the line xy once, the line yz twice, and a transversal ; and the plane z intersects the monoid in the line xz once, the line yz twice, and a transversal. There are two additional ordinary lines on the monoid ; a plane through the double line and either of these cuts a transversal from the monoid. The monoid has six lines and three transversals. h). If the monoid has a double line of kind II and a single line of kind 1(1, 2), the equation of the monoid will be of the form U1V1W2 + U2Wi8=0; where Ui, vi; wi, U2 and W2 are homogeneous functions of x, y and z of degrees equal to the subscripts. One of the two planes of the su- perior cone intersects the monoid in the line of kind IV and in the double line, and therefore intersects the monoid also in a transversal ; the other plane of the superior cone intersects the monoid in addition to a transversal in the line of kind IV, the single line of kind I, and an ordinary line which is the line necessary to make up the twelve lines on the monoid. c). If the monoid has a line of kind 1(1,3), say the line yz, the equation of the monoid will be of the form x^y Ui + XZU2 + y^zs + yz^s = 0, 12 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. The plane x, which with a cubic cone constitutes the superior cone of the monoid, intersects the monoid in three lines through the vertex and in a transversal. The three planes into which the inferior cone breaks up each meets the monoid in four lines, and therefore touches the monoid at the vertex. The monoid has in general only one trans- versal. The lines of the monoid of course lie in the three planes of the inferior cone. d). If the monoid has a line of kind 1(1,2), say the line yz, the equation of the monoid will be of the form x^y ui + XZU2 + xy^s + yzsvi + z^swi = 0. There are five ordinary lines on the monoid, one of which lies in the same plane as the lines xy and xz ; this plane cuts out a transversal. There is in general no other transversal. e). If the monoid has two lines of kind I( 1, 2 ), the equation of the monoid will be of the form U1V3+U2V1S = 0; where ui, U2, vi and V3 are homogeneous functions of x, y and z of de- grees equal to their subscripts. The double and triple edges of the superior cone are ordinary edges on the inferior cone, and the double edges on the inferior cone are ordinary edges on the superior cone. The plane of the inferior cone meets the monoid in the two lines of kind I and two ordinary lines. The remaining ordinary line neces- sary to make up the twelve lines of the monoid is the remaining in- tersection of the quadric component of the inferior cone and the cubic component of the superior cone. The plane of the superior cone meets the monoid in a transversal ; there is in general no other trans- versal. Monoids having a line of kind IV(3, 1) and tioo lines of hind ni(2,i). This monoid cannot have a double edge of kind II, for the superior cone that has a triple edge and three double edges breaks up into three planes through a line and a fourth plane not through this line ; the inferior cone having one double edge of the superior cone as a double edge and the two other double edges as simple edges, must contain one of the planes of the superior cone as factor. This causes the monoid to break up. a). If the monoid has a line of kind 1(1,2), the superior cone must break up into a quadric cone and two planes that have an edge of the quadric cone in common. The double edge of the inferior cone is an ordinary edge on the quadric cone and the triple edge on the superior cone is an ordinary edge on the quadric cone. These four VAN DKR VRIES : ON MONOIDS. 13 lines count for nine lines of the monoid. Each plane of the superior cone intersects the monoid in the line of kind IV, a line of kind III, an ordinary line on the monoid, and a transversal. The monoid has two transversals, each passing through the double point on the line of kind IV and one of the double points on the lines of kind III. The twelfth line on the monoid is the residual intersection of the quadric cone and the cubic cone. The equation of the monoid will be of the form U1V1W2 4- U3S = 0 ; where ui, us, Vi and W2 are homogeneous functions of x, y and z of de- grees equal to their subscripts. Monoids having two lines_ of hind IV( 3, 1 ), say xy and xz. a). If the monoid has a double line of kind II, say yz, the equa- tion of the monoid will be of the form x^yz + xy^s + yzsui + z-svi = 0. The superior cone breaks up into a double plane and two single jjlanes. The inferior cone has the two triple edges of the superior cone as single edges and the double edge of the superior cone as a double edge. The double i^lane of the superior cone meets the monoid in the two lines of kind IV, a transversal and a line which, being a double line on the sui^erior cone and a single line on the inferior cone, is a line of kind III on the monoid. The single planes of the superior cone intersect the monoid in the double line counted twice, a line of kind IV, and a transversal. This monoid thus has four lines on it and four transver- sals, for a plane through the double line and the line of kind III also cuts a transversal out of a monoid. h). If the monoid has a line of kind 1(1,2), say the line yz, the the equation of the monoid will be of the form x^y + x'-^zui + xy-s + yzsvi + z'^^swi = 0. The superior cone breaks up into a double plane and a quadric cone. The two triple edges on the sujaerior cone are ordinary edges on the inferior cone, and the double edge on the inferior cone is a single edge on the superior cone. The double plane meets the inferior cone in the two lines of kind IV and a line of kind III. The plane x thus cuts out of the monoid three lines to double points and a transversal passing through these double points. There is in general no other transversal. The remaining two lines necessary to make up the twelve lines of the monoid are the residual intersections of the quadric and the cubic cones. c). If the monoid have a line of kind 1(1,3), say the line yz, the equation of the monoid will be of the form x^y + x'-zui -f y^zs + yz-s ^0. — 14 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. The superior cone breaks up into a double plane and a quadric cone and the inferior cone into three planes that have an edge of the quadric cone in common. The double plane of the superior cone intersects the monoid in the two lines of kind IV and a line of kind III, which is therefore a line to a double point. As in the previous cases, there is one transversal, and it passes through all three double points. Two cf the single planes of the inferior cone intersect the monoid in the line of kind IV counted thrice and the line of kind I, whereas the third plane intersects the monoid in the line of kind I, the line of kind III counted twice, and an ordinary line. d). If the monoid has two lines of kind 1(1,2), the equation will be of the form ui'-'va + U2W1S = 0 ; where ui, U2, va and wi are homogeneous functions of x, y and z of de- grees equal to the subscripts. The triple lines on the superior cone are ordinary lines on the inferior cone and the double lines on the inferior cone are ordinary lines on the superior cone. The double plane of the superior cone intersects the monoid in the two lines of kind IV and a line of kind III ; the monoid thus has another double point. As in previous cases, there is a transversal passing through these three double points. The monoid thus has five lines on it and one transversal. Monoids having a line of kind IV (4, 1), say the line xy. a). If the monoid has a double line of kind II, say the line xz, the equation of the monoid will be of the form X^U2 + X^SUi + XZSVi-|- Z^SWl = 0. The superior cone breaks up into a double plane and two single planes, all having the line xy in common. The quadruple line on the superior cone is an ordinary line on the inferior cone, and a double edge on the superior cone is a double edge on the inferior cone. The double plane of the superior cone intersects the monoid in the line xy, the line xz counted twice, and a transversal. Each of the two single planes of the superior cone intersects the monoid in the line xy, two ordinary lines and a transversal. A plane through the double line and each of these four ordinary lines of the monoid also cuts a transversal out of the monoid. The monoid thus has six lines and seven transversals. J), If the monoid has a second double line of kind II, say the line yz, the equation of the monoid will be of the form x^y^ + xy zs + z-sui = 0. The superior cone breaks up into two double planes and the inferior cone into a quadric cone and a plane. The inferior cone has the VRN DER VRIES : ON MONOIDS. 15 quadruple line of the superior cone as an ordinary edge and the double lines as double edges, Each of the double planes of the superior cone cuts out of the monoid a double line, the line of kind IV and a transversal. The monoid has three lines and two transversals. c). If the monoid has a line of kind 1(1,2), say the line xz, the equation of the monoid will be of the form XU3 + X^UiS + XZSVl + wiz-s = 0. The plane x intersects the monoid in the line xy, the line xz counted twice, and a transversal. Each of the other three planes of the su- perior cone intersects the monoid in the line of kind IV and two or- dinary lines (thus making up the twelve lines on the monoid), and also a transversal. There are thus eight lines on the monoid, and in general only four transversals, and each of these four passes through the double point on the line of kind IV. d). If the monoid has a second line of kind 1(1,2), say the line yz, its equation will be of the form xyu2 + z^uis + xyzs =0. The plane x intersects the monoid in the line xy, the line xz counted twice, and a transversal ; the plane y intersects the monoid in the line xy, the line yz counted twice, and a transversal ; and each of the other two planes of the superior cone intersects the monoid in the line xy and two ordinary lines through the vertex in addition to the trans- versal. The monoid thus has seven lines and in general only four transversals. e). If this monoid has a double line of kind II, say the line xz, and a line of kind 1(1,2), say the line yz, its equation will be of the form x^yui + xyzs + viz^s = 0. The double plane of the superior cone intersects the monoid in the line of kind IV, the line of kind II counted twice, and a transversal ; each of the two single planes cut out the line of kind IV, the line of kind I counted twice, and a transversal ; and the other single plane in- tersects the monoid in the line of kind IV, two ordinary lines, and a transversal. A plane through the double line and the ordinary line which does not lie in the plane of the inferior cone also cuts a trans- versal from the monoid. This monoid has five lines on it and four transversals. Mo7ioids having a line of kind IV (4, 1), say xy, and a line of kind III (2, 1), say xz. «). If the monoid has a double line of kind II, say the line yz, its equation will be of the form x2y2 _|_ uiz^s + viyzs + xy^s =0. 16 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. The superior cone breaks up into two double planes. One of these intersects the monoid in the line xy, the line yz counted twice, and a transversal, and the other cuts out the lines xy and xz and a trans- versal, in addition to a line which is a second line of kind III. A plane through the double line and either of the lines of kind III will cut out an additional transversal that passes through the double point on the line of kind III. This monoid has four lines and four transversals. h). If the monoid has a line of kind 1(1,2), say the line yz, its equation will be of the form x^yui + xy%+ viyzs-j- wiz2s=0. The superior cone breaks up into a double plane and two single planes. The double plane intersects the monoid in the lines xy and xz and a transversal in addition to a line which, being double on the superior cone and single on the inferior cone, is a line of kind III. Each of the other two planes of the superior cone intersects the monoid in three lines through the vertex and a transversal. There are thus six lines on the monoid and in general only three transversals. Monoids having a double line of kind 111(2,3), say the line xy. a). If the monoid has a line of kind 1(1,2), say the line xz, its equation will be of the form XUs + ZV3 + UiX^S + VlXZS = 0. The plane x intersects the monoid in the line xy thrice and the line XZ. Each plane through the line xy and one of the four ordinary lines of the monoid cuts out a transversal. The monoid thus has six lines on it and in general just four transversals, and these four all pass through the triple point on the line of kind III. h). If the monoid has a line of kind 1(1,3), say the line xz, its equation will be of the form XU3 + ZV3 + x^s + x-zs = 0. The inferior cone breaks up into a double plane and a single plane. The single plane intersects the monoid in three ordinary lines in ad- dition to the line of kind I. A plane through the double line and either the line of kind I or one of the ordinary lines cuts a transver- sal from the monoid. This monoid thus has six lines and four trans- versals jjassing through the triple point on the line of kind III. Monoids having a double liiie of kind III, say the li?ie xy, and a line of kind 111(2, 1), say the line xz. a). If the monoid has a line of kind 1(1,2), say the line yz, the equation of the monoid will be of the form x^y ui + XZU2 + y zsvi + xy^s = 0. VAN DKR VRIES : ON MONOIDS. 17 The plane x intersects the monoid in the line xy counted twice, the line xz, and a transversal. Each plane through the double line and one of the two ordinary lines on the monoid intersects the monoid in addition in a transversal. The monoid thus has five lines and three transversals. h). If the monoid has a line of kind 1(1,3), say the line yz, its equation will be of the form x^yui + XZU2 + y^zs ^= 0. The plane of the inferior cone intersects the monoid in the line yz, the line xz counted twice, and an ordinary line of the monoid. The plane of the superior cone cuts out of the monoid the line xy twice, the line xz, and a transversal. The double plane of the inferior cone cuts out the line xy thrice and the line yz once. A plane through the double line and the ordinary line also cuts out a transversal. This monoid has four lines and two transversals. Monoids having a triple point on a line of kind III and two double points on lines of kind III. a). If the monoid has a line of kind 1(1,2), its equation will be of the form U2U1V1 -[- V2Wi8 = 0: where U2, ui, V2, vi and wi are homogeneous functions of x, y and z of degrees equal to the subscripts. Here ui and vi have an edge of U2 in common. The triple edge of the superior cone is a double edge on the inferior cone, the two double edges of the superior cone are single edges on the inferior cone, and the second double edge of the inferior cone is a simple edge on the superior cone. There are no other lines on the monoid. Each of the two single planes of the su- perior cone intersects the monoid in a transversal. Monoids having a donhle line of kind III, say the line xy, and a double point on a line of kind IV ( 3, 1 ). «). If the monoid has a line of kind 1(1,2), say the line yz, its equation will be of the form x^y + x'-'zui "1- xy-s + yzsvi = 0. The superior cone breaks up into a double plane and a quadric cone and the inferior cone into a plane and a quadric cone. There is one ordinary line on the monoid. The double plane cuts out the line of kind IV, the double line, and a transversal. A jjlane through the double line and the ordinary line also cuts out a transversal. The monoid thus has four lines and two transversals. 18 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN, h). If the monoid has a line of kind 1(1,3), say the line yz, its equation will be of the form x^y + x^zui -f- y^zs=0. The superior cone breaks up into a double plane and a quadric cone; the inferior cone breaks up into a double plane and a single plane. The double plane of the superior cone intersects the monoid in the double line, the line of kind IV, and a transversal. There are only three lines on the monoid and one transversal. Monoids having a line of kind TV {•i,!), say the line xy,and a line of kind IV(3, I), say the line xz. a). If the monoid has a line of kind 1(1,2), say the line yz, the equation will be of the form x^y + xy^s -f viyzs + wiz'-'s^O. The triple plane of the superior cone intersects the monoid in the line xy, the line xz, and a third line which, being a triple line on the superior cone and an ordinary line on the inferior cone, is also a line of kind IV; this plane also cuts out a transversal. The single plane of the superior cone also cuts a transversal from the monoid. The monoid thus has four lines and two transversals. THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vol. II, No. 2 -June,. 1903. (Whole Series, Vol. XII, No. 2.) CONTENTS: DiPTEROLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS, C. F. Aclams. PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY, Lawrence, Kan. Entered at the post-office in Lawrence as second-class matter. Kansas Dniv Vol. II, No. 2. JUNE, 1903. S Whole Series ( Vol. XII, No 2 DIPTEROLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS. BY C. F. ADAMS. TT^OR the pleasure of studying diptera in the University of Kansas, -*- I have to thank Dr. F. H. Snow, whose interest in things scien- tific is so well known. To Dr. S. W. Williston I am under deep ob- ligations, for the use of his dipterological library and his collection. To Prof. J. M. Aldrich and Mr. D. W. Croquillet thanks are due for looking up references. The material reported in this paper comes principally from two lo- calities, Rhodesia, Africa, and western North America. The Afri- can material was collected by Mr. F. L. Snow, son of Dr. F. H. Snow, while visiting near Salisbury, Rhodesia. This lot is a very important addition to the University collection, and as I get time and literature more at my command I shall report further concerning it. Most of the American species were collected by exjjeditions under the direc- tion of Doctor Snow. I have Doctor Williston's consent for includ- ing his two new species in this paper. I. NORTH A3IERICAN SPECIES. MYCETOPHILID^. Mycetobia marginalis, n. sp. Female : Black, shining ; head black, subshining, tip of palpi yellow; mesonotura black, shining, humeri, lateral and pos- terior margins, and scutellum with a reddish cast, pile yellow, pleurae black, mostly shining, halteres brown ; abdomen light yellow, last segment wholly, and the preceding with the basal half, blackish ; legs light yellow, tips of tarsi fuscous ; wings agree very well with those of 31. palipes Meig., except the aux- iliary vein is a little shorter. Length, 3.5 mm. One specimen ; Atherton, Mo. Collected by the writer, May 3, 1901. (21) 22 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Macrocera diluta, n. sp. Male: Yellow, shining; autennse, except base, two stripes on occiput, three fascia on raesonotum, the central one joining two narrow ones coming from base of wings, three spots on pleurae, lower half of metanotum, base of abdominal segments from the third, with hypopygium wholly, small spot on base of middle and posterior cox£e, tips of femora and tibiae dark brown; wings hyaline, fascia near central part dark brown, a small fuscous spot on anterior margin about midway between tip of anterior branch of third vein and apex of wing, not reach- ing fourth vein. Female : Agrees with the male, except that all of the abdom- inal segments, without the first, have the base dark brown ; the subapical spot of wing is larger, crossing the anterior branch of the fourth vein. Length, 5 mm. ; antenna?, 7 mm. A specimen of each sex ; Arizona, August. Prof. F. H. Snow. Ceroplatus apicalis, n. sp. Male : Head brownish, anterior part of front, two basal joints of antennae, face and mouth-parts yellow ; thorax immaculate, reddish j'ellow, the black pile very short, except on the sides, pleurae light yellow, halteres with knobs slightly infuscated ; abdomen reddish yellow, base of second, third, fourth, and re- mainder of apex w^holly black ; legs light yellow, apical half of tibiae and tarsi wholly blackish ; wings hyaline, smoky towards apex, auxiliary vein ends in the costa about midway between humeral cross-vein and base of third, anterior branch of third ends in costa about midway between tip of first and apex of sec- ond branch of third, furcation of fifth almost opposite base of second. Length, 3.7 mm. One specimen ; Douglas county, Kansas. E. S. Tucker. Sciophila angulata, u. sp. Female: Yellow, subshining ; head black, anterior part of front, base of antennae, face and mouth-parts yellow ; thorax yellow, mesonotum with three subcoalesced fuscous fascia, the middle one abbreviated behind, the lateral ones in front, pile rather long and yellow, large spot on the pleurae above middle coxae brown ; abdomen yellow, base of segments brown, pile black ; legs light yellow, anterior tiba' shorter than their tarsi ; ADAMS : DIPTEROLOGIOAL CONTRIBUTIONS. 23 tips of tarsi fuscous ; wings grayish hyaline, marginal cell twice as long as broad, anterior branch of third vein angulate, its apex turned towards base of wing, auxiliary cross-vein slightly beyond middle of marginal cell. Length, 6 mm. Manitou Park, Colo., August. Prof. F. H. Snow. It is near S. flavohirta Coq., but differs in the markings of the thorax, length of anterior tibiae, and the angulated anterior branch of the third longitudinal vein. Sciophila nigricauda, n. sp. Male : Yellow, subshining ; head black, base of antennae and mouth-parts yellow, sparse pile black ; thorax yellow, in places slightly tinged with brown, viewed from before slightly grayish poUinose, pile black, halteres yellow; abdomen yellow, apices of segments, last one wholly black, hypopygium yellow, pile light brown ; legs yellow, tarsi, except base, fuscous ; wings hyaline, larger veins brov/n, auxiliary cross-vein near apex of auxiliary vein and just before the middle of the marginal cell, first branch of fourth vein about as long as its prefurca, furca- cation of the fifth vein takes place just beyond the small cross- vein. Length, 4 mm. One specimen; Colorado City, Colo., July, 1894. E. S. Tucker. Tetragoneura nitida, n. sp. Female: Black, shining; head black, front bearing yellow pile, antennie dark brown, first two joints and palpi yellowish ; mesonotum black, shining, pile yellow, bristles on margins black, scutellum black, bristles yellow, metanotum and pleurae black, halteres yellow ; abdomen wholly shining black, pile yel- low ; legs yellow, with tip of hind femora, middle and hind tibiae and all tarsi brown ; wings hyaline, tinged with brown on the anterior part, auxiliary vein short, ending free, the fur- cation of the fourth vein is slightly distad to that of the third, the furcation of the fifth is nearly opposite the junction of the small cross- and fourth veins. Length, 2,7 mm. One specimen ; Atherton, Mo. Collected by writer, May 5, 1901. 24 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN, Syntemna mutor, n. sp. Male : Black, subshining ; head black, base of third anten- nal joint and apex of palpi, brownish yellow, antennae sericeous, front with a few yellowish hairs; mesonotum black, subshin- ing, covered with thin, grayish pollen and yellow pile, a few black bristles on lateral margins near base of wings, scutellum black, bristles concolorous, pleurae black, bearing sparse yellow pile above front coxae, metanotum black, hal teres yellowish; abdomen in the majority of specimens fulvous except the last segment and hypopygium, which are black, in other specimens the abdomen is largely black, and in one specimen, it is en- tirely so, pile in all specimens yellow ; legs yellow, middle tibiae on posterior side and tarsi, except base of metatarsi, brown ; wings grayish hyaline, tip with a slight blackish tinge, anterior veins dark brown, others lighter, auxiliary vein joins first nearly opposite the base of the fourth, furcation of the fourth and fifth veins opposite the junction of third and small cross- vein. Female : Agrees with the male, except that the pile of the thorax is almost wholly black, the abdomen is more uniformly fulvous, and the furcation of the fourth vein is a little more proximad than that of the fifth. Length, 3.5 mm. Many specimens of both sexes ; Atherton, Mo. Collected by the writer, during April and May, 1899, 1900, 1901. Boletina abdominalis, n. sp. Male : Black, subshining ; head and members black, except first antennal joint, which is tinged with yellow, middle ocellus very small ; mesonotum black, subshining, covered with yellow pile, which are inclined to arrange themselves into rows, scutel- lum black, pile yellow, pleurae black, without pile, metanotum black, halteres black ; abdomen wholly black, subopaque, hyp- opygium with a yellowish tinge, pile yellow; legs yellowish, trochanters and tarsi, except base, largely fuscous ; wings grayish hyaline, veins fuscous, auxiliary vein joins costa op- posite base of third, auxiliary cross-vein slightly before junction of small cross-vein and the fourth, furcation of fifth vein is just distad to the same, and the furcation of the fourth is distad to the junction of the small cross-vein and the third. Length, 3.5 mm. Atherton, Mo. Collected by the writer, April 13, 1900. ADAMS: DIPTEROLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS. 25 Neoglaphyroptera lineola, n. ep. Female : Differs from N. stiata Will., in the following partic- ulars : The brown of occiput is sharply defined, the center and sides being yellow ; pleunie with a brown spot anterior to and above the middle coxae, metapleur?e above hind coxae brown ; the last two abdominal segments almost wholly yellow ; all trochanters, the posterior coxae and femora black, the latter with a narrow longitudinal line on the inner and outer sides, yellow ; the brown cross-band on outer part of wing is much broader. Length, 4 mm. One specimen ; Kern county, California. Neoglaphyroptera cuneola, n. sp. Female : Yellow, shining ; vertex with a transverse black line, occiput with a reddish cast and sparse yellow pile, anten- nae, except base, dark brown ; mesonotum with three shining black stripes, the two lateral ones nearly as broad as long, the middle one wedge-shaped, scarcely reaching the middle of the dorsum, pile yellow, scutellum yellow, with two long yellow bristles ; pleur^ip black, yellow above anterior coxae, metanotum black, halteres yellow; abdomen shining black, except narrow lateral margins, apex, and venter, which are yellowish, pile very short and yellow ; legs yellow, a small spot on trochanters, extreme tip of posterior femora, tibiae, and tarsi in large part, fuscous ; wings hyaline, a brownish fascia traversing the wing, starting about midway between tip of first vein and apex of wing. Length, 4 mm. One specimen; Colorado Springs, Colo., August, 1894. Col- lected by E. S. Tucker. CULICID^. Culex afl&nis, n. ep. Female : Head and members dark brown, proboscis lighter in the middle; scales of head light brown; thorax brown, meso- notum uniformly covered with brownish yellow scales, pile black, scales of pleurae mostly white, abdomen brownish scaled, a narrow band at bases of segments white, pile pale yellow, venter white-scaled ; coxae and base of femora pale yellow, dis- tal end of latter dark brown, tibia dark brown with extreme apex and base white ; tarsi concolorous with both ends of joints wiiite, which on the front tarsi is indistinct, and the last joint 26 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. of hind tarsi wholly white ; claws small, simple ; veins of wings thinly clothed with light brown scales, petiole of first submarginal cell one-third length of that cell, cross-veins at ends of first and second basal cells the length of the cross-vein at end of second basal cell distant from each other. Length, 3.5 mm. One specimen; Arizona. Prof. F. H. Snow. Culex apicalis, n. sp. Female : Head brown ; scales mostly light yellow, some long brown ones ; palpi and proboscis wholly brown, antennae brown, with base lighter, thorax brown with light brown scales, pile black ; abdomen dark brown, covered with brown- ish scales, except those on the posterior margin, which are white, forming on the second and third segments small tri- angles by projecting forward in the middle, and on the follow- ing segments forming narrow bands, venter covered largely with white scales ; coxse and base of femora pale yellow, rest of legs and tarsi wholly brown, tarsal claws small and simple ; veins of wings sparsely covered with hairs and scales, petiole of first submarginal cell one-half the length of that cell, the cross-veins at ends of first and second basal cells distant from each other. Length, 4i mm. Two specimens; Arizona. Prof. F. H. Snow. Culex particeps, n. sp. Male : Head brown, covered with yellowish scales, among which are some pure white ones, few hairs along eyes black ; proboscis dark brown, bearing a few yellowish scales ; palpi brown, base of each joint white ; antennce brown, lighter at base; thorax brown, bearing yellow and white scales, the latter most prominent on posterior part, pile black ; halteres pale with brown knobs ; abdomen brown, scales at base of segments white, on remaining part of segments the scales are brown, a few scattering ones yellow, venter almost wholly covered with white scales ; fore coxae brown, others rather pale ; femora black, with the posterior side on basal half, and a ring near apex white-scaled ; tibiae black, with a few white scales ; tarsi black, with bases white ; front and middle tarsal claws toothed, hind ones small and simple ; veins of wings ADAMS : DIPTEROLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS. 27 light brown, bearing narrow brown scales, those on the ante- rior part of wing intermixed with white ones ; a spot at the origin of the second vein, the small cross-vein, and a spot be- ginning at the base of first submarginal and crossing the second submarginal and first posterior cells, clouded with brown ; the cross-veins at end of first and second basal cells ap- proximated ; petiole of the first submarginal cell one-half the length of the cell. Female : Agrees with male, except has more long black scales on head, petiole of first submarginal cell one-third the length of that cell ; all tarsal claws simple. Length, 8 mm. One male and six females ; Arizona. Prof. F. H. Snow. CHIRONOMID^. Ceratopogon dimidiatus, n. sp. Female : Head black, occiput and cheeks subopaque, front shining, eyes widely separated, face shining, with a yellowish cast, antennae dark brown, first two joints yellowish, antennal hairs whitish, palpi brown, tip of last joint yellowish ; thorax black, mesonotum subshining, faintly whitish pollinose, pleurae with a longitudinal silvery white pollinose band, halteres light yellow ; abdomen black, subshining, sparse, pile yellowish- white ; coxae black, apices yellow, basal half of femora yellow, apical half black, tibiae wholly black, tarsi yellow, with apices of first, second, third and the last two joints wholly black, meta- tarsi twice the length of the following joint, last joint of fore tarsi swollen, empodia of all tarsi wanting, front tarsal claws rather small but of equal length, middle and hind tarsi each with a single long claw which bears a rather long basal tooth, the last tarsal joints being partly padded beneath with short, dense hairs ; wings hyaline, larger veins dark brown, third vein connected with the first by a cross-vein, the wing in this region with a brown spot ; the third vein ends at about four-fifths of the distance from the tip of the first vein to apex of wing ; at this point is a second brown spot ; fourth and fifth veins furcate opposite the small cross-vein. Length, 3.5 mm. Four specimens ; Grand Canon, Arizona. 28 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. STRATIOMYID^. Euparyphus. — Table to the sj^ecies. 1. Scutellum black, sometimes yellowish at tip ; spines largely yellow 2 Scutellum yellow, or red, at most black at base 7 2. Femora black, except the tip and sometimes the base 3 Femora yellow or testaceous, except posterior pair, which is variously marked with black 5 3. One Bubmarginal cell tetraspilus Loew. Two submarginal cells 4 4. Dorsum of abdomen with yellow spots other than on the lateral mar- gins bellus Loew. Dorsum without yellow spots near the center albipilosus, n. sp. 5. Antennte black 6 First two antennal joints yellow; (third in the type wanting), ornatus Will. 6. Third vein furcate stigmaticalts Loew. Third vein not furcate, discal cell fuscous carbonarius Giglio-Tos. 7. Eyes thickly pubescent; (sparsely in elongatulus, female) 8 Eyes not pubescent; (sparsely in mutabilis, male) ' 10 8. Face reddish yellow clorigatnluH Will. Face largely black, with yellow markings 9 9. Abdomen with ten yellow spots decem-maculatus O. S. Abdomen with seven yellow spots septem-maeulatus, n. sp. 10. Thorax greenish, with black stripes elegans Wied. Thorax red, with black stripes '. tricolor O. S Thorax black, with reddish yellow, or yellow markings 11 11. Markings of abdomen largely green Umbrocutris Will. Markings of abdomen not green 12 12. Third longitudinal vein furcate 13 Third longitudinal vein not furcate 15 13. Face shining black, except lateral, subtriangular, whitish pollinose spots, and in some specimens two narrow lines extending downward from base of antennae mutabilis, n. sp. Face largely yellow 14 14. Apical portion of abdomen reddish yellow apicalis Coq. Apical portion of abdomen not reddish yellow a?nplus Coq. 15. First abdominal segment with a yellow spot in the middle, crucigerus Coq. First abdominal segment without such spot 16 16. Venter of abdomen, except lateral margins, wholly black. . .(itriventris Coq. Venter not so colored 17 17. Abdomen, besides margins, with two yellow spots on either side, brevicornis Loew. Abdomen with the margins, and an interrupted fascia on the posterior part of the fourth segment, yellow iahoensis Coq. The above table is a coutinuation of the one given by Osten Sacken, and is intended for the reception of species since de- ADAMS : DIPTEROLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS. 29 scribed. E. nigra Bigot, from California, is too poorly described to have a place among the known species ; the description is fairly complete as far as it goes, but is silent concerning the legs, and says very little about the wings. A few of the species I have not seen and had to rely upon the descriptions. Euparyphus mutabilis, n. sp. Male : Head black, frontal triangle yellow, face shining black with lateral subtriangular whitish pruinose spots, in some specimens with two narrow yellow lines extending downward from base of antennae ; inferior occipital orbits whitish prui- nose, facial orbits, cheeks and occiput with whitish pile, mouth- parts yellow, antennoe wholly brownish black, eyes sparsely pubescent; thorax black, pile on dorsum pale yellow, on sides almost white, two yellow stripes on each side of middle, which in some specimens meet the broader lateral stripes in front, each of the lateral stripes contains a black spot above base of wing ; a narrow yellow fascia on upper part of pleura between humerus and base of wing, a small spot at lower end of meso- pleural suture, a larger one on metapleurse yellow ; scutellum yellow, sides at base and tips of spine black, halteres yellow; abdomen black with yellow margin, which sends broad projec- tions inward on each segment, venter black with narrow yellow bands on posterior borders of segments, the one on the second segment usually short but broad ; cox?e black, femora black ex- cept apices, tibiae slightly reddish yellow except a narrow brown band near the middle, the tarsi wholly brown, the base of mid- dle and posterior metatarsi testaceous ; wings hyaline, stigma and larger veins yellowish, third vein forked. Female : Front yellow, with a median black line extending from ocellar tubercle to just above base of antennae where it is produced laterad, frontal orbits on upper half black, which color extends from the superior angle of eye diagonally to near middle of vertex, also narrowly along superior occipital orbits, remaining occipital orbits broadly yellow ; the two yellow line of face broader than in the male and slightly divergent below, eyes bare, yellow on sides of thorax more prominent, lateral yellow margin of abdomen more regular in outline, the legs less dark, all metatarsi and base of second tarsal joint yellow-; other- wise same as male. Length, 6 mm. 30 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Many specimens of each sex, Lusk, Wye, collected July, 1895, by W. A. Snow and Hugo Kahl. Two female specimens from Colorado Springs, Colo., collected byE. S. Tucker, during August, 1894, belong to this species, but the yellow abdominal margin is narrower and the black coloring of the front is in predominance. Euparyphus albipilosus, n. sp. Male : Head black, facial orbits broadly and inferior occipital orbits narrowly white pruinose and white pilose, antennee situ- ate on yellow spots, black, first and second joints yellow on their adjacent sides, mouth-parts yellow, eyes sparsely pubescent ; thorax black, pile white, dorsum with two short, narrow, whit- ish yellow lines, lateral lines abbreviated anteriorly and inter- rupted behind the suture so as to form two spots, one just before the suture and the other on the posterior angle of mesonotum, a strip runs from humerus to and under the wing and narrowly onto the sides of the metathorax, an isolated spot low down on the pteropleura ; scutellum black, spines yellowish, with black apices, halteres whitish yellow; abdomen black, yellowish margin narrow., projecting inward from posterior angles of sec- ond, third and fourth segments, venter black tinted with yellow in the middle of the segments ; coxae yellowish, brownish black at base, femora black, with base and apex, tibia? except tinge of brown near middle, fore metatarsi at base, first and second joints of middle and hind tarsi whitish yellow ; wings hyaline, large veins and stigma yellowish, third vein furcate. Female : Front reddish yellow, median black line broadly expanded just above antennae and almost reaching the eyes, frontal orbits on upper half and superior occipital orbits black, the latter slightly tinged with red, area around the antennae, a small spot along the eye opposite antennae, and two small con- ical spots on face above oral margin, yellow ; facial and inferior occipital orbits white pruinose and white pilose ; thorax with- out spot in front of suture ; markings on pleurae almost pure white, hind femora and tibia almost wholly black ; veins and stigma brown ; in other respects similar to male. Length, 5.5 mm. Three specimens : Two females, collected by Prof. F, H. Snow, during August, 1902, near Flagstaff, Ariz. ; and one male, from Colorado Springs, Colo., collected by E. S. Tucker, August, 1894. ADAMS : DIPTEROLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS. 31 Euparyphus septem-maculatus, n. sp. Male : Head black, frontal triangle black with two minute white pruinose spots at apex, face black, with a subtriangular yellow spot on either side, facial and inferior occipital orbits narrowly white pruinose, mouth-parts brown, antennae black, eyes thickly pubescent ; thorax black, pile whitish yellow, two narrow yellow Lines on dorsum do not reach beyond suture, lateral stripes broad, extend onto the humeri and are inter- rupted behind suture, a vertical spot anterior and parallel to and a second spot at inferior end of the mesopleural suture ; scutellum yellow, narrow margin of base and tips of spines black, halteres yellow ; abdomen black with three yellow spots on each margin, the first, on second segment, small, the second and third oblique, broad and narrow, respectively, and on the third and fourth segments, the second projecting onto the ante- rior angles of the fourth segment, a yellow triangular spot on apex of fifth segment and extends onto posterior margin of fourth segment; venter black, except short yellow bands on central portion of segments ; coxae black, femora black, except tips, tibiae, first and second joints of fore tarsi, all joints, except the fourth, of the middle and hind tarsi yellow; wings hya- line, large veins and stigma yellow, basal, discal and submargi- nal cells slightly tinged with yellow, third vein furcate. Length, 8.5 mm. One specimen ; Palo Alto, Cal., September, 22, 1894. Leland Stanford Jr. University. (Lot 25, sub. 8.) Euparyphus limbrocutris Williston. Euparyj)lius, d. sp.? Williston, Canad. Ent., XVII, 7, p. 126. After writing the description of this insect, Doctor Williston must have concluded that it is a good species, for the specimen now appears in the collection of the University of Kansas under the above name in his own writing. I take pleasure in giving the name for publication. Cliry so chroma albipes Town. Chrysonotus albipes, n. ep., Townsend MS. Male : Front green, finely scrobiculate, with yellow pile, that on vertex rather long, tubercle above antennae and ocelli light yellow ; face yellow, with yellow pile and slightly under than front, mouth-parts yellow, cheeks very narrow, black, 32 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. bearing white pile, occiput black with whitish pruinose ; anten- nae yellow, short hairs of first and second joints black, arista black, slightly enlarged at base where it is also sparsely plu- mose ; thorax green, with mesonotum and scutellum finely scrobiculate and covered with yellow pile, very narrow white line along dorsopleural suture, post-alar callosity with a yellow- ish cast, pleura \vith violaceous reflections and white pile, hal teres yellow ; abdomen subshining bronze, wholly covered with yellow pile ; coxte yellow, base of middle and posterior ones shiny green, femora light yellow, middle and posterior ones brownish green near apex, tibi£G and tarsi, except last joint which is brown, light yellow, thickly covered with short white pile ; wings hyaline with a smoky tinge, except extreme base, stigma light greenish yellow. Length, 9.7 mm. One specimen ; Guito, Mexico. This specimen I found in the Townsend material, now form- ing a part of the collection in the University of Kansas, It bore a manuscript label of the above name, and as I have been unable to find a published description of it, I take pleasure in presenting one here. ACROCERID^. Opsebius pterodontinus O. S., Berl. Ent. Zeit., Bd. XXVII, 1883, Heft II. Opsebius agelence Mel., Ent. News, Vol. XIII, No. 6. That Mr. Melander overlooked Osten Sacken's species is evi- dent from the fact that he did not include pterodontinus in his table. CONOPID^. Oncomyia propinqua, n. sp. Male : Black, with uniform grayish pollen, subshining ; face and cheeks yellow, in certain lights silvery, front luteous, black on upper half, with a mixture of black and yellowish pile, occiput black on upper half, antennge rufous, upper border and distal end of third joint black, arista brown, second joint scarcely longer than the third, proboscis and a spot on clypeus black; mesonotum, scutellum and pleurcie uniformly grayish pollinose and yellowish pilose, halteres yellow; abdomen with first and second segments and venter of a reddish cast, remainder uniformly cinerous pollinose and yellowish pilose ; legs wholly blackish, except base of tibse, w^hich are yellowish, pulvilli and ADAMS : DIPTEROLOGICAL CO^JTRIBUTIONS. 33 claws, except apex, yellow ; wings slightly infuscated, yellow- ish towards base, veins brown. Length, 4.5 mm. Habitat ? This species stands between 0. abbreviata Loew. and 0. baroni Will., agreeing with the former in coloration and with the latter in size and length of the antennal joints. It differs from the latter in the femora, being wholly blackish. Zodion.— ^'o&^e to the sjiecles. 1. Scutellum triangular, thorax with opaque and black spots. . .pictulum Will. Scutellum oval 2 2. Very small species, rarely 4 mm. long 3 Larger species 5 3. First posterior cell closed parvus, n. sp. First posterior cell open 4 4. Sixth and seventh abdominal segments reddish nanellum Loew. Sixth and seventh abdominal segments in general color black, pygmceum Will. 5. First posterior cell closed ,. 6 First posterior cell open 9 6. Palpi quite long, clavate palpalis Robt. Palpi not long and clavate 7 7. Petiole at distal end of first posterior cell longer than the small cross- vein scapularis, n. sp. Petiole shorter than the cross- vein 8 8. Abdomen largely rufous bicolor, n. sp. Abdomen largely black abitus, n. sp. 9. Posterior part of abdomen golden yellow auricaudatum Will. Abdomen not so colored 10 10. Thorax with a pair of median pollinose stripes; abdomen with oblique pollinose spots on at least the third segment ohliquefasciata Macq. Thorax pollinose, with at least two slender black stripes; abdomen more uniformly pollinose fulvifrons Say. Zodion obliquefasciata Macq. Myopa ohliquefasciata Macq., Dipt. Exot. ler Suppl., 141, 1. Zodion sjilendens Jaen., Neue Exot. Dipt., 405, Mexico. Zodion leucostoma Will., Trans, Conn. Acad., VI, p. 380. Specimens received through exchange from Prof. C. W. Johnson, and bearing the name Z. obliquefasciata Macq., led me to believe that the above synonymy is correct. Zodi n abitus, n. sp. Female : Black, grayish pollinose ; face and cheeks yellow, in some light silvery, front black on upper part, fulvous near an- tennae, occiput black on upper half, proboscis black, palpi small, 34 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. yellow, antennae rufous, with black hairs, arista black at base ; mesonotum black, gray pollinose, with two short, indistinct black lines, pleurae and scutellum black, gray pollinose, the former devoid of pile except on sterno-pleurse ; abdomen black, subshining, sides of second, middle and sides of third and fol- lowing segments gray pollinose ; legs, except knees, uniformly reddish yellow ; wings slightly infuscate, lighter near base, veins brown,first posterior cell closed andpetiolate, petiole shorter than the small cross-vein. Length, 4.5 mm. Two specimens ; Kansas and Massachusetts. This species is close to Z. fulvifrons Say, but differs from it in size, the subshining abdomen, and closed posterior cell. Zodion scapularis, n. ep. Male : Black, grayish pollinose, pile black ; face and cheeks yellow, latter one-half the height of eye, front narrow, fulvous, with a black line on each side above, antennse red, first joint, distal end of third, and arista, black, occiput, proboscis with a short palpi, black ; thorax black, grayish pollinose, inner half of humeri shining black, scutellum and pleurae black, the lat- ter, except the sternopleurae, devoid of pile, halteres yellow ; second and third segments of abdomen red, subshining, polli- nose on sides, remaining segments black, covered with gray pollen, pile black ; legs, except knees and pulvilli, black ; wings tinged with brown, veins black, first posterior cell closed, petiolate, with the petiole longer than the small cross-vein. Length, 5 mm. One specimen ; Arizona. Prof. F. H. Snow. Near Z. palpalis Robt., but differs in the short palpi, shining spot on humeri, and wholly pollinose fourth abdominal segment. Zodion parvis, n. ep. Male : Black ; face and cheeks yellow, front fulvous, black at vertex and narrow along sides, antennae red, hairs and arista black, occiput and proboscis, with the short palpi, black; me- sonotum, scutellum, pleurae subshining, pollen gray, most prominent on humeri and below base of wings, halteres yellow, pile black ; abdomen black, subshining, the gray pollen seen more distinctly on the sides, pile black ; legs, except basal half of tibiae, metatarsi, and pulvilli, black ; wings, except base, ADAMS : DIPTEROLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS. 35 tinged with browa, veins dark brown, first posterior cell closed and petiolate, the petiole almost as long as the posterior cross- vein. Length, 3.5 mm. Two specimens; Arizona. Prof. F. H. Snow. Zodion bicolor, n. sp. Male : Black, gray pollinose ; face and cheeks yellowish white, front fulvous, darker on upper half, antennte red, hairs and arista black, occiput largely, and proboscis with the small palpi wholly, black; thorax thickly gray pollinose, pile black, halteres yellow ; first segment of abdomen black, remaining segments red, pile black; legs reddish, with front and middle femora on top and hind ones near apex, all tibiiie and tarsi near apices black ; wings, except base, tinged with brown, first pos- terior cell closed and petiolate, petiole shorter than the small cross- vein. Length, 5 mm. Two specimens ; Douglas county, Kansas. Prof. F. H. Snow. Myopa.— Table to the species. 1. Cheeks below very distinctly fringed with pile ; wings with spots 2 Cheeks not fringed with pile below 3 2. Face with black spots inctipennis Will . Face without black spots; pile of abdomen long pilosa Will . 3. Abdomen chiefly black 4 Abdomen red or reddish 5 4. Pile of abdomen light yellow vesiculosa Say . Pile of abdomen black plebeia Will . 5. First posterior cell closed : clausa Loew . First posterior cell open 6 6. Mesonotum, except humeri and sides, black tectura, n sp . Mesonotum with three black spots clausa var. aperta Boeder . The above is a continuation of Doctor Williston's table to re- ceive the new species. Myopa tectura, n. sp. Male : Rufous, opaque ; face and cheeks yellow, front con- colorous, with ocellar spot black, antennae red, shorter than in oj)erta, hairs black, upper half of occiput reddish, proboscis and palpi brown ; thorax red, mesonotum, except sides and humeri, and metanotum black, latter subshining, halteres yellow, knobs reddish ; abdomen opaque, rufous throughout, pile black ; coxae rufous, black at apices, femora and tibiae opaque red, 2-Bull., No. 2. 36 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. knees yellowish, tarsi yellowish, last joint black ; wings, except base, light brown, first posterior cell open. Length, 9 mm. Habitat ? PIPUNCULID^. Pipunculus nigricornis, n. sp. Male : Head black, occiput, front above the antennae, and face silvery pollinose, mouth-parts yellowish brown, antennae black, third joint short acuminate, arista black, swollen at base ; thorax black, mesonotum brownish pollinose, pleurae and meta- notum silvery pollinose, scutellum subopaque, halteres black with base brown ; abdomen black, subopaque, first segment with narrow posterior border, second, third and fourth seg- ments with an interrupted posterior band which widens later- ally, and the fifth segment with a broad posterior band, white pollinose, hypopygium black, with cleft to the right of me- dian line ; coxae black, silvery pollinose, femora, except both ends, tibia? narrowly in the middle, and the last joint of the tarsi, black, other parts yellow, all femora grayish pollinose except the hind ones on inner side ; wings hyaline, stigma fuscous, small cross-vein slightly before the tip of the auxiliary vein and at the junction of the basal and middle thirds of the discal cell. Length, 4.2 mm. ; wings, 5 mm. One specimen. Collected by the writer near Atherton, Mo., May 19, 1901. Pipunculus fuscitarsis, n. sp. Male : Head black, occiput, front near antennae and face sil- very pollinose, mouth-parts brown, antennae black, third joint short acuminate, in certain lights with a whitish reflection, base of arista swollen ; thorax black, mesonotum brown polli- nose, humeri inclined to yellow, pleurae and metauotum silvery pollinose, scutellum concolorous, halteres dark brown; abdo- men black, first segment with a narrow jDOSterior band white pollinose, also a few black bristly hairs on each side, the re- mainder of abdomen uniformly brownish pollinose, hypopygium subshining black, cleft to right of median line ; legs largely black, uniformly gray pollinose except hind femora on inner side, knees and tips of tibiae yellow, tarsi brownish with last joint black ; wings, except base, slightly tinged with fuscous, stigma dark brown, small cross-vein opposite tip of auxiliary ADAMS : DIPTEROLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS. 37 vein and slightly beyond the junction of the basal and middle thirds of the discal cell. Length, 4.5 mm. ; wing, 5.2 mm. One specimen ; New Mexico, August. Collected by Prof. F. H. Snow. SAPROMYZID-ffi. Pachycerina dolorosa Will. Pachycerlna dolorosa, n. sp., Williston MS. Female : Reddish yellow, shining vertical spot, under side of the third joint of the antennae and the abdomen black ; wings brown ; head as in P. verticalis, the ocellar spot larger, the third joint of the antennae longer, and distinctly black on the under side ; the palpi narrower, eyes a little smaller, the cheeks broader, and the face somewhat more receding ; meso- notum with a median black or deep brown stripe ; femora dark brown at the base ; front femora, otherwise, brownish ; front tibise and tarsi, except the immediate base of the former, black, middle tarsi brownish ; wings brown, deeply so along the costa ; penultimate section of the fourth vein nearly as long as the ultimate section. Length, 5 mm. Abdomen shining black. Five specimens ; Colorado. Comstock. No. 241, Morrison. (The above description is Doctor Williston 's.) OSCINID^. Chlorops. — Table to the species. 1. Mesonotum black, at most with sides yellow 2 Mesonotum not so colored 11 2. Legs largely black 3 Legs largely yellow 5 3. Front with a median sulcus fossulata Loew. Front without a median sulcus 4 4. Palpi black pullipes Coq. Palpi yellow bilineata, n. sp. 5. Mesonotum grayish pollinose 6 Mesonotum not grayish pollinose 7 6. Third antennal joint linear nigricans Loew. Third antennal joint ovate pit^c^r/^es Lt ew. 7. Hind tibite brown or black in the middle 8 Hind tibige reddish yellow or yellow 9 8. Scutellum piceous procera Loew. Scutellum yellow scabra Coq. 9. Palpi black abdoniinalis Coq. Palpi yellow 10 38 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. 10. Third longitudinal vein curving forward confluens Loew. Third longitudinal vein straight grata Loew. 11. Antenna;, except sometimes the arista, wholly black 12 Antennte not wholly black 14 12. Legs largely black ap2)ropinqua, n. sp. Legs largely yellow 13 13. Frontal triangle wholly black melanocera Loew. Frontal triangle with two oval spots liturata, n. ep. 14. Palpi largely black 15 Palpi yellow 20 15. Arista black crocota Loew. Arista largely whitish 16 16. Face marked with black 17 Face not marked with black 18 17. Face with two black lines eucera Loew. Face with four black lines sanguinolenta Loew. 18. Clypeus black on sides maculosa Loew. Clypeus yellow 19 19. Third antennal joint wholly black puhescens Loew. Third antennal joint not wholly black palpalis, n. sp. 20. Mesonotum without distinct markings 21 Meeonotum with distinct markings 22 21. Pleurae immaculate unicolor Loew. Pleurje spotted microeera Loew. 22. Mesonotum with three black vittae 23 Mesonotum with five black vittje 27 Meeonotum largely red, with two grayish lines alternata Loew. 23. Third vein curving forward 24 Third vein straight or nearly so 26 24. Third antennal joint wholly black gundlachi Loew. Third antennal joint black at apex 25 25. Arista black p><^'>'^'C'^ d- sp. Arista largely white versicolor Loew. 26. Front with a longitudinal sulcus mellea Loew. Front without such sulcus assimilis Macq. 27. Arista white, at most base yellow 28 Arista not white, at least base brown or black 30 28. Third antennal joint wholly black 29 Third antennal joint with apex black rubicunda, n. sp. 29. Clypeus black aristalis Coq. Clypeus yellow trivittata Will. ."^O. Humeri usually with black spots 31 Humeri not with black spots 38 31. Face much produced below producta Loew. Face not produced below '. 32 32. Clypeus wholly black or brownish black 33 Clypeus black only on the sides 34 ADAMS : DIPTEROLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS. 39 33. Posterior tibiaj wholly yellow. . ohscuricornis Loew. Posterior tibii« brownish annulate sahlbergii Loew. 34. Abdomen largely yellow quinquepunctata Loew. Abdomen largely black 35 35. Second and third veins curved forward recurva, n. ep. Second and third veins straight 36 36. The yellow of abdomen confined to bases of segments ingrata Will. The yellow of abdomen confined to apices and lateral margins of segments, 37 37. Third antennal joint wholly black halteralts, n. sp. Third antennal joint not wholly black varieeps Loew. 38. Third antennal joint wholly black 39 Third antennal joint not wholly black 41 39. Terminal portion of the arista white 40 Terminal portion of arista not white sulphurea Loew. 40. Abdomen largely black graminea Coq. Abdomen largely yellow albifascies, n. sp. 41. Pleurifi spotted rubida Coq. Pleuraj immaculate einerapemiis, n. sp. In the above table no attempt has been made towards a sub- division of the genus, it being intended merely for an easy-dis- position of the known species of Clilorops in its widest sense. Chlorops appropinqua, n. sp. Head yellow, occiput on upper half, frontal triangle, anten- nae, except arista, which is brownish, clypeus wholly, and paljDi, black, third antennal joint rounded, cheeks at least as wide as one-half the eye height, the frontal triangle smooth, except on the sides, and reaches the anterior edge of the front ; thorax yellow, mesonotum with three broad black stripes reaching its entire length, pleura^ with three black spots, scutellum yellow, blackish on sides at base, halteres yellow ; abdomen black, nar- row lateral margins, apex and venter yellow ; legs black, the knees, middle and hind coxse, middle tibiae almost wholly, pos- terior tibiae at extreme tip, and base of middle and hind tarsi yellow ; wings hyaline, second and third veins almost straight, hind cross-vein slightly more than its length from the small. Length, 3.5 mm. Eleven specimens from Hamilton and Morton counties, Kan- sas, collected by Dr. F. H. Snow ; two from Garden City, Kan,, collected by H. W. Menke ; two from Lusk, Wyo., collected by Messrs. W. A. Snow and Hugo Kahl, and two from Colorado. At first I took this to be that form of Chlorops pullipes Coq., 40 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCB BULLETIN. which has two yellow stripes on the mesonotum, but, after more careful study and comparison with specimens of pullipes, I recognized in it a new species. The cheeks are much broader than in pullipes, and the coloration of the legs and abdomen different. Chlorops cinerapennis, n. sp. Head yellow, middle of occiput, frontal triangle narrowly, the rounded third antennal joint, except inner side of base, and base of arista, black, face, cheeks and mouth-parts light yellow ; thorax yellow, mesonotum with the usual three broad black stripes plus the two narrow ones above base of wing, pile yel- lowish brown, dense but extremely short, causing a pollinose appearance on the black parts, pleurae and scutellum immacu- late, halteres yellowish white ; abdomen fuscous, posterior margins of segments and spot on anterior angles of second seg- ment darker, venter yellow, pile black ; legs yellow, with the tip of the tarsi fuscous ; wings intense grayish hyaline, second and third veins about straight, hind cross-vein twice its length from the small. Length, 3.5 mm. Two specimens ; Riley county, Kansas. Marlatt. Chlorops bilineata, n. sp. Head yellow, occiput, except upper and lower angles, frontal triangle, antenna^, with base of arista, and clypeus, black, face on sides with two narrow brown lines, third joint of antennae rounded, arista with terminal portion white ; mesonotum black, lateral margins yellow, humeri each with a black spot, pleura? reddish yellow with four black spots, scutellum brownish, hal- teres yellow ; coxse yellow, femora and tibiae, except each end, black, tarsi fuscous towards tip ; abdomen black, narrow lateral margins and posterior border of last segment yellow ; wings hyaline, second and third veins curving forward, hind cross- vein slightly lesst han its length from the small. Length, 4 ram. One specimen; North Park, Colo. Collected by Dr. F. H. Snow. Chlorops liturata, n. sp. Head yellow, occiput in the middle and narrowly on sides, frontal triangle, except two oval yellow spots, antennae except arista, clypeus on sides, and palpi, black ; third joint of an- ADAMS : DIPTEROLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS. 41 teniiae rounded, arista yellow at base, whitish at tip, frontal triangle does not reach anterior border of front, the latter bear- ing a few black hairs ; mesonotum with the usual three broad, black stripes and the two narrow ones above base of wings, pile black, humeri each with a black dot, pleurae yellow, marked with six black spots, scutellum yellow, blackish on sides at base, halteres yellow ; legs yellow, a spot on base of front coxiv, one on top of each femora, the posterior tibiae near middle, front tarsi wholly, and middle and hind tarsi except base, brownish black ; abdomen brownish black, base of first seg- ment, lateral margins and tip of last segment yellow, venter brown ; wings hyaline, second and third veins straight, hind cross-vein more than its length from the small. Length, 5 mm. Four specimens ; Lusk, Wyo. Collected by W. A. Snow and Hugo Kahl. Chlorops recurva, o. ep. Head yellow, occiput in the middle, and narrowly in the middle of the sides, the short frontal triangle, the rounded third antennal joint, with base of arista, and cypleus, black ; first two antennal joints and terminal portion of arista brown- ish yellow, palpi yellow ; mesonotum yellow, with the usual three broad and two narrow black stripes, humeri each with a black dot, another black dot behind the humeri, and on the ex- treme lateral margin is a brown line running from the humeri to the base of the wing, pleurae yellow, with six black spots, scutellum narrowly yellow in the middle, dark brown on the sides, halteres whitish yellow; legs reddish yellow throughout, tips of tarsi fuscous ; abdomen brownish black, apex and venter yellowish; wings hyaline, second and third veins curved for- ward, cross-veins approximated. Length, 3.4 mm. One specimen ; Lusk, Wyo. Collected by W. A. Snow. Chlorops halteralis, n. Bp. Head yellow, occiput except sides, the narrow, elongate, frontal triangle, the rounded third antennal joint with the arista, and clypeus on the sides, black, face whitish yellow, palpi yellow; thorax yellow, five dorsal vittae, two humeral dots, four spots on pleurae, and metanotum, shining black, halteres whitish ; legs yellow, tips of tarsi fuscous ; abdomen shining brownish black, lateral margins, apices of segments 42 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. and venter yellow ; wings hyaline, second and third veins about straight, hind cross-vein one and a half times its length from the small. Length, 2.5 mm. One specimen; Arizona. Collected by Dr. F. H. Snow, Au- gust, 1902. Chlorops palpalis, n. sp. Head reddish yellow, occiput with two narrow lines above, frontal triangle with ocellar dot, and a spot in each angle, the rounded third antennal joint, except base, and palpi, black, arista whitish with base yellow, face and cheeks light yellow ; mesonotum reddish yellow, shining, with the usual three broad black stripes and two narrow lateral ones, humeri without black dots, pleurae without markings, scutellum reddish yellow, halteres whitish ; legs, except the fuscous tips of the tarsi, yel- low ; abdomen fuscous, posterior margins of segments and venter yellowish ; wings hyaline, second and third veins straight, hind cross-vein twice its length from the small. Length, 3.2 mm. Twospecimens ; Atherton,Mo. Collected by the writer during May and July. Chlorops albifascies, n. sp. Head yellow, center of occiput above, frontal triangle, rounded third antennal joint, with base of arista, black, frontal triangle with a shallow longitudinal sulcus, first two joints of antennae dark brown, distal portion of arista whitish, face whitish, mouth-parts yellow; mesonotum yellow, marked with five opaque black vittse, humeri without dots, pleurae and scutellum yellow, immaculate, halteres whitish'; legs yellow, tips of tarsi black ; abdomen largely obscure yellow, sutures and spot in anterior angle of second segment black, venter yel- low ; wings hyaline, second and third veins straight, hind cross- vein over twice its length from the small. Length, 3,5 mm. Seven specimens ; Atherton, Mo. Collected by the writer during May and June. Chlorops parva, n. sp. Head yellow, occiput except upper and lower parts of sides, the small frontal triangle, distal portion of the rounded third antennal joint, the short pubescent arista, and the clypeus, black, palpi yellow; mesonotum yellow, with three opaque ADAMS : DIPTEROLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS. 43 black vitt?e, humeri each with a black dot, also a spot below- each, pleura3 with three black spots, scutellum and halteres yellow; abdomen light fuscous, blackish towards base, lateral margins yellow ; legs yellow, tarsi fuscous ; wings hyaline, second vein almost straight, the third curving forward, cross- veins approximated. Length, 1.8 mm. One specimen ; Douglas county, Kansas. CMorops rubicunda, n. sp. Head yellow, face and cheeks reddish yellow, occiput, except sides, frontal triangle largely, tip of third antennal joint and clypeus black, third antennal joint slightly longer than wide, base of arista yellow, terminal portion white, short pubescent, palpi yellow, frontal triangle with a shallow median sulcus ; mesonotum yellow, sometimes with a reddish tinge, marked with five opaque black vittie, humeri each with a black dot, pleurae reddish yellow, marked with four black spots, scutellum yellow, halteres whitish ; abdomen brownish black, lateral margins and venter largely black ; legs yellow, femora on up- per side, tibijv near middle, and tip of tarsi, fuscous; wings hyaline, second vein straight, third curving forward, hind cross- vein about twice its length from the small. Length, 4 mm. Three specimens ; Lusk, Wyo. Collected by W. A. Snow and Hugo Kahl. II. AFRICAN SPECIES. CONOPID.S:. Conops fumipennis, n. sp. Male : Front reddish, face velvety yellow, in certain lights of a silvery-yellow reflection, cheeks and occiput reddish, antennae reddish throughout, first and third joints subequal, second about one and one-half times as long as either, proboscis reddish, black at tip ; thorax rufous, the three dorsal vittse confluent, sprinkled with whitish pollen ; pleurae rufous with silvery-white dusted strip, attenuated above ; scutel rufous, metanotum black below, whitish pollinose above ; halteres light yellow, brown at base ; first segment of abdomen black with a narrow red hind border which is sprinkled with a yellowish-white dust ; second, third and fourth segments red, blackish above, with a yellow- dusted posterior border which in some cases extends forwards 44 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. on the sides ; fifth segment red with a narrow anterior border black, the remainder of the dorsum and of the following seg- ment covered with yellow pollen ; legs red, front coxae black at base, tibiae with a silvery reflection exteriorly, front, middle and posterior tarsi, except base, black, pulvilli and tarsal claws, except tips, light yellow ; wings wholly obscure brown, darker along the veins, slightly tinged with yellow at base and near tip of auxiliary vein. Length of body, 14 mm.; wing, 10.5 mm. Seven specimens ; Salisbury, South Africa. Frank L. Snow. Conops bellus, n. sp. Male : Front, occiput and cheeks reddish, face velvety yellow, in certain lights silvery yellow ; proboscis reddish, black at tip ; antennae reddish, third joint brownish underneath, first and third joints equal, second at least twice as long as either; thorax and scutellum red, the three black dorsal vittse coalesced, pollen whitish, most distinct in certain lights on the humeri and pleurae ; metanotum black below, red above, sprinkled with whitish pollen above and on the sides, halteres yellow, brown- ish at base ; abdomen in large part red, black on base of seg- ments, which, on some segments, is continued backwards as a median line or spot ; on posterior margin of first segment whit- ish dust, that of second, third and fourth segments yellow ; fifth and sixth segments nearly wholly covered with yellow pollen ; legs red., front coxae blackish at base, tibiae with silvery reflections exteriorly ; front, middle and hind tarsi at tips black ; wings with costa land subcostal cells yellowish brown, marginal, submarginal, entire base and anterior half of apex of first pos- terior cell dark brown, first basal cell, except a small spot near apex, bases of discal and third posterior cell and the whole of the anal cell light brown. Length of body, 13 mm. ; wing, 9.5 mm. One specimen ; Salisbury, South Africa. Frank L. Snow. Conops semifumosus, n. sp. Male and female: Front, occiput and cheeks brown ; face velvety yellow, in certain lights silvery ; proboscis rufous, black at tip ; antennae rufous, third joint inclining to yellow, first and third joints of equal length, second twice as long as either ; thorax rufous, the three black dorsal vittae coalesced ; pleurae ADAMS : DIPTEROLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS. 45 rufous, black just above the coxae, with a narrow, silvery dusted line near wing ; scutellum rufous ; metanotum almost entirely black, silvery and pollinose above, which extends upon the sides ; halteres yellow ; abdomen red, more or less black on dorsum of first, third, fourth and fifth segments, posterior borders of first five segments and the sixth almost wholly cov- ered with yellow pollen; legs reddish, tibiae with silvery reflections exteriorly, front and middle tarsi dark brown, posterior ones lighter ; wings with costal, subcostal, marginal, submarginal cells, and basal half and anterior part of distal half of first posterior cell brown, which also encroaches upon the proximal portion of basal cells, remainder of wing hyaline. Length of body, 12.5 mm. ; wing, 9 mm. Three specimens; Salisbury, South Africa. Frank L. Snow. DIOPSID^. Diopsis affinis, n. sp. Head light red, ocellar tubercle and an arcuate line on front black, spinate on each side of oral margin ; eyestalks red, black at apex, median bristle small, black, apical spine strong, black; antennae testaceous, arista brown, subdorsal; eyes black, large ; thorax black, dorsum shining, humeri, anterior, lateral and posterior margins grayish pollinose ; pleurae black, grayish pollinose ; scutellum shining black, pollinose on mar- gin ; sj)ines shining testaceous, black at tip ; halteres yellowish white; abdomen shining testaceous, venter obscure yellowish, pile sparse ; legs pale testaceous ; anterior coxae light gray pollinose, front femora thickened, front tibiae and tarsi brown, four hind femora armed with spines at distal end ; wings hya- line, tinged with brown, veins dark brown. Length, body, 7 mm. ; wing, 6 mm. ; eyestalk, 2.5 mm. One specimen ; Salisbury, South Africa. Frank L. Snow. Diopsis pollinosus, n. sp. Head obscure testaceous, two obscure cross-bands on front, lateral spines of oral margin small ; eyestalks reddish brown, expanded ends black; antennae red, arista brown, subdorsal; thorax and scutellum black, wholly gray pollinose ; spines of scutellum brown, yellowish at tip ; halteres pale yellow ; abdo- men black, first segment gray pollinose, second and third seg- ments shining, with lateral gray pollinose spots, remaining seg- 46 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. ments wholly gray pollinose ; legs reddish brown, anterior femora thickened, anterior tibise dark brown, anterior meta- tarsi testaceous, other joints brown ; middle and posterior tarsi pale brown; wings brownish hyaline, a < shaped gray hya- line band with its apex at the tip of anal cell, a transverse gray hyaline band crossing the first posterior cell at about its middle. Length of body, 5.5 mm. ; wing, 4.3 mm. ; eyestalks, 1.5 mm. One specimen ; Salisbury, South Africa. Frank L. Snow. Teleopsis nitidus, n. sp. Head shining brown, with sparse white hairs ; eyestalks reddish brown, short, extremely shining black, median bristle long, black, and situated upon a rather enlarged black tubercle ; antenna? light reddish, arista dark ; thorax and scutellum shining black ; spines of scutellum pale yellow, shining black in the middle ; abdomen shining black throughout, clavate, with sparse white pile ; legs light brown, anterior femora slightly incrassate, other femora toward apex, tibiae near base and last two joints of tarsi dark brown; wings hyaline, with three transverse brown bands, first one narrowed anteriorly and connected with the second near its middle ; second and third connected by a band just the width of the first posterior cell ; the hyaline apex of wing faintly tinged with brown. Length of body, 3.5 mm. ; wing, 2.2 mm. ; eyestalk, 8 mm. One specimen ; Salisbury, South Africa. Frank L. Snow. SCIOMYZID^. Sepedon scapularis, n. ep. Front broader than one of the eyes, excavated, rufous ; face yellow, covered with pale yellow pollen ; cheeks shining yel- low anteriorly, covered with pale yellow pollen posteriorly ; oc- ciput shining, rufous, with an obscure narrow transverse line just above the middle of eye height, another one, arcuate, just above the lower corner of eye ; mouth-parts mainly rufous, palpi clavate, pale yellow, rufous at tip ; first joint of anten- nae rufous, second black, rufous toward base, furnished with black hair, third joint lanceolate, black, arista pubescent, white on distal two-thirds, brown at base ; thorax black, subshining, scutellum concolorous, three black bristles on lateral margins of thorax, two of them near base of wing ; humeri, thorax above front coxse and a small spot below base of wing testace- ADAMS : DIPTEROLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS. 47 ous, pleurae black ; first segment of abdomen black, remain- ing testaceous ; coxae and base of femora testaceous, outer end of latter rufous, hind ones with black ring at base and short dark spines beneath, tip of anterior and posterior tibiae, anterior and posterior tarsi and last two joints of middle tarsi black ; wings hyaline, tinged with fuscous, more so towards apex. Length of body, 7 mm. ; wing, 7 mm. Two specimens ; Salisbury, South Africa. Frank L. Snow. THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vol. II, No. 3— June, 1903. ( Whole Series, Vol. XII, No. 3.) CONTENTS : An Ecological Catalogue of the Crayfishes Belonging to the Genus Cambarus, J. Arthur Harris. PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY, • Lawrence, Kan. Entered at the post-office in Lawrence as second-class matter. NivERSiTY Science Bulletin. Vol. II, No. 3. .JUNE, 1903. } Whole Series, i Vol. XII, No. 3. AN ECOLOQICAL CATALOGUE OF THE CRAYFISHES BE- LONGING TO THE GENUS CAMBARUS. BY .T. ARTHUR HARRIS. With plates I to V. INTRODUCTION. DURING the last few years, much attention has been given to biological or ecological considerations in both botany and zoology, as one may easily convince himself by turning the pages of but a few volumes of current botanical or zoological journals. Concerning the importance of this work opinions are, naturally, greatly at variance. Some, in their enthusiasm, for- get that ecological observations are valuable only as they con- tribute to our knowledge of the causes of the form and structure of the plant or animal body and the nature of its reactions to the conditions under which it exists, and fully merit the criti- cism of some of the older and more conservative morphologists and systematists, that ecology is a very superficial study. Others assign to the newer phase of scientific investigation its more nearly correct value, in regarding it as a very essential aid to an understanding of form and relationship. One can hardly deny the truth of the suggestion which may be offered by some, that ecologists are "making a mess" of the work they are trying to do, but those who have something of an acquaint- ance with the earlier morphological or taxonomic literature may at least suspect that the "ecological mess" is not the first one which has been made since men began recording their observations on plants and animals. There is in ecological work, and here possibly more than in almost any other field, an unfortunate tendency to build large and beautiful theories (51) 52 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. on the smallest amount of data, and this is certainly deserving of criticism, but at the present time there need be offered no excuse for the publication or correlation of data of an ecolog- ical character, and little doubt that eventually, if they be care- fully made, the observations will be of importance in the decision of really fundamental questions. The paper embodied in the following pages has been sent to the press only after considerable hesitation, and since in some respects it is essentially different from the usual type of sci- entific publication, a few words of explanation, though not of apology, seem to be quite in place. In the fall of 1898, at the suggestion of Prof. C. E. McClung, of the department of zoology, University of Kansas, I began studying the crayfishes to be found in the region around the University, and such material as I could obtain from other parts of the state. Being much interested in vegetable ecology at the time, I naturally was interested in the ecological phase of the new work. The most of my own observations have been published, but over two years ago I began to feel the impor- tance of bringing together for a comparative study all that is known of the habits of the North American forms, and work was immediately begun by going through the literature and making abstracts of all parts of a biological nature. More recently I decided that the distribution of all the species should be pre- sented in the same paper. The data are very meager and un- satisfactory, and I fully appreciate the fact that the necessary field-work has been only begun, and if it seemed possible for me to do further field-work I would not publish at the present time ; but there seems little immediate hope of my being able to carry on the work in the way I would desire, and so it is deemed ad- visable to present the material brought together in as convenient a form as possible, in the hope that it may be of use to others more favorably situated for field observations, and perhaps serve as a nucleus or a suggestion for a much more extensive and valu- able piece of biological work on this or some other genus. In explanation of the purpose of portions of the paper, it seems desirable to mention in the briefest way some of the work which has been done on distribution in its more limited sense. In 1850 Agassiz^ noticed that there is a difference between 1, Agassiz, L. Lake Superior. Boston, 1850. HARRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 53 the species of fishes occurring in the upper and lower part of the courses of a stream, and in 1854" he pointed out more fully the importance of such investigations. In 1868 Cope^ studied the distribution of the fishes of the Al- leghany region and arrived at several very important conclu- sions. Since that time various papers containing data and conclusions on the distribution of the fresh-water fishes have appeared/ and Jordan has presented^ in detail the facts as they are known up to the present time. More recently work of much interest has been done in plant and animal ecology. Cowles has published*' a paper of great botanical interest in which he emphasizes the importance of the genetic and dynamic in physiographic ecology. The rela- tion of biology to physiography has been emphasized in papers by Woodworth," Hays and Campbell,- Simpson,^ and Adams. ^^ The results are well summarized by Adams. The conclusions and suggestions in these papers, as well as of some others which have appeared, cannot be given in detail here, but those who are acquainted with them will understand my point of view in the compilation of the data dealing with the distribution by river systems. A single genus of a moder- ately large number of species of diverse habitat and wide dis- tribution obviously offers advantageous material for a study of ecological adaptations — more favorable material for comparison than species taken from different genera. 2. Agassiz, L. Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 2d ser., vol. XVII, p. 25, 1854. I have seen only quo- tations from this paper. 3. Cope, E. D. On the Distribution of the Fresh-water Fishes in the Alleghany Region of Southwestern Virginia. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., n. s., vol. VI, pp. 207-247, lSt58. 4. Jordan, D. S. On the Distribution of Fresh-water Fishes. Am. Nat., vol. XI, pp. 607-613, 1877. Jordan, D. S. On the Distribution of the Fishes of the Alleghany Region of South Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee, with Descriptions of New or Little-known Species. Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. XII, pp. 7-95, 1878. Forbes, S. A. A Catalogue of the Native Fishes of Illinois. Ann. Rep. 111. Fish Com. 1884, pp. 60-89, 1884. Jordan, D. S., and Gilbert, C H. List of Fishes Collected in Arkansas, Indian Territory, and Texas, in September, 1884, with Notes and Descriptions. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1886, pp. 1-25, 1887. 5. Jordan, D. S. Science Sketches, new ed., Chicago, 1896. 6. Cowles, H. C. The Physiographic Ecology of Chicago and Vicinity: A Study of the Origin, Development and Classification of Plant Societies. Bot. Gaz., vol. XXXI, pp. 73-108, 145- 1S2, 1901. 7. Woodworth, J. B. The Relation between Base-leveling and Organic Evolution. Amer. Geologist, vol. XIV, pp. 209-235, 1894. 8. Hays, C. W., and Campbell, M. R. The Relation of Biology to Physiography. Science, n. s., vol. XII, pp. 131-133. 9. Simpson, C. T. On the Evidence of the Unionidse Regarding the Former Courses of the Tennessee and Other Southern Rivers. Science, n. s., vol. XII, pp. 133-136. 10. Adams ('01). 54 KANSAS UNIVEESITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. The habits of any species are necessarily directly dependent, in a great measure at least, upon the physical conditions under which it lives, and a knowledge of habits and habitat are neces- sarily so intimately connected that from a biological or ecolog- ical standpoint they cannot be separated. As our knowledge of the ecological relations of the species of a genus becomes more complete, we will be prepared to consider the structural pecul- iarities or adaptations of the different species, and so to have a much clearer idea of the origin and significance of specific characters. That, in many groups, the time for these considerations, ex- cept in the more specialized cases, is not yet come, is perfectly evident. Furthermore, I am not at all unacquainted with a quite general revulsion to the too nearly universal tend- ency to see in every animal or plant structure some advanta- geous ecological adaptation, and in case direct observations do not furnish proof of such adaptation, either to explain its ab- sence on the ground of insufficient knowledge of the living organism, or, as is too often the case, manufacture a pleasing theory in explanation. With many of the expressions of this feeling I am thoroughly in sympathy, but I cannot feel that the proper way of disposing of the matter is to characterize ecology as superficial or cheap and to ignore it entirely. Systematic work, as the term is too generally interpreted — the description of species, the preparation of manuals with artificial keys, and "a list of species collected" — is certainly indispen- sable, but cannot be regarded as other than preliminary. In its better sense — the determination of the origin and relation- ship of species and groups, great and small — systematic work has an immense and vastly important field for the future. For this work the description and monographing of species and the preparation of faunal lists" is important and must pre- cede other work, but it cannot be considered as the ultimate end of scientific investigation by any means. Much of the eco- logical work which is being done must be regarded in the same way — as preliminary work, the data of which will aid in the so- il. Mr. Adams ('01) has expressed himself as follows: "The time is past when faunal lists should be the aim of faunal studies. The study must not only be comparative, but genetic, and much stress must be laid on the study of the habitat — not in a static, rigid sense, but as a fluc- tnating or periodical medium. The bearing of faunal studies upon the problem of differentia- tion and the origin of species is very close, and in our search for the factors we must not lose the perspective, and overlook those factors which are fundamental and work through long pe- riods of time." HARRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS OAMBARUS. 55 lution of greater problems. A knowledge of the habits or dis- tribution of the species of a genus is not in itself of the greatest importance, but, if it enable us to determine something of the nature of structural adaptations to environment, it is contributing to the data for the solution of some of the problems of fundamen- tal importance. The recognition of the fact that certain work is preliminary in nature, and^that it is merely to furnish data for work of greater importance which would be incomplete or im- possible without it, is not the slightest justification for the neg- lect of any field. Ecological questions are not the only ones, but a thorough knowledge of the ecological relations of the different species of a genus, in connection with a study of structural dif- ferences and a consideration of physiographic changes affecting distribution, will certainly contribute very greatly to a definite knowledge of some phases of evolution. For several reasons Cambarus offers a particularly inviting field for ecological work. A more thorough knowledge of the habits of the animals may, possibly, contribute much to a full understanding of the very remarkable sexual dimorphism occur- ring in the adult males. Individual variation is very great and puzzling — so much so that Professor Stimpson is said to have remarked that either there is only one species of crayfish in eastern North America or each mud puddle has its own. The genus has certainly undergone a remarkable differentiation into species. There are now recognized nearly eighty species and varieties from the range of distribution in North America, as compared with about thirteen species of Astacus, the other genus of the crayfishes of the northern hemisphere, from Europe, Asia, and America. As Faxon has pointed out, this difference is not to be attributed to more thorough exploration of the American territory. The chances for addition of species by further exploration seem to be greatly in favor of Cambarus rather than Astacus. Doctor Faxon ( '90) has said : " I have reason to believe that oftentimes in this genus mere varieties, coming into contact in a given locality, are perpetuated by breeding true, when, by extending our geographical range, every inter- mediate condition connecting the two forms will be found still surviving. Nowhere do we seem to come so near to seeing the process of evolution of species going on under our very eyes as in this genus Cambarus. It seems to me that the only criteria of a 56 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. species must be the amount and character of the variation, and the absence of intermediate forms, not in one locality alone, but over the whole area of distribution," That the conditions of environment under which the different species of Cambarus are found are very diverse is apparent to any one who is acquainted in a general way with the phys- ical features of different regions in which crayfish are known to occur. A study of these conditions and the adaptation of the animals to them may be expected to yield some interesting re- sults. While thoroughly convinced of the importance of an ecological study of the crayfishes, I recognize perfectly that for the ma- jority of species of the genus it is as yet impossible to draw any conclusions at all as to the character of habitat or any adapta- tion to it, but we do know quite definitely in a few cases in what type of locality a given species may be found, and in some cases structural adaptations are very marked, and it is my hope that the arrangement of all the data so far secured in a con- venient form for ecological work will shorten the time till our knowledge of these questions may be much more comprehen- sive than it is at present. In the following pages is given, in as condensed a form as has been considered advisable, abstracts of all that has appeared on the habits of the different species, so far as it was regarded as worthy of notice, and a list of all the known localities of the species of Cambarus, with the drainage basin to which they belong. This has been compiled and presented as necessary data for a consideration of the ecological relations of any spe- cies, or group of species. While I feel that with our present knowledge of the subject generalizations are of little value, and have sought to indulge very temperately in conclusions, I have in some cases expressed my opinion as to the significance of the facts observed. The main purpose of the paper, however, is the compiling and recording in an easily accessible form of such biological data as have been secured up to the present time, in the hope that they may be of use to those who have better op- portunities than I for further work along this line. Of some of the imperfections of the paper as it is here presented I am as fully aware as the most of those who may see it, but the HARRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 57 pressure of other work, as well as some other considerations, makes me feel that publication at the present time is desirable. A few words of explanation of the arrangement of material may be in place here. The purpose of the paper being the pres- entation of data so far secured in easily accessible form, the arrangement is a purely artificial one. For convenience of reference the species are arranged alphabetically. Under each species is given a catalogue of all the localities from which it has been reported. In a catalogue of fresh-water animals pre- pared for ecological work, it is evidently better to have the material reported from streams rather than from cities, and I have given, so far as I have been able to determine from maps, the stream to which each lot of material probably belongs, or which drains the territory from which it was taken. This may seem to some an addition of little importance, since so far as the range of distribution of a species in a broad way is not affected by its occurrence in Nelson's creek or Big river, so long as it is known that it was taken near Pineville, in the eastern part of the state, but those who are acquainted with the aims of some phases of ecological work will fully appreciate the de- sirability of obtaining all bits of data, even though small and unsatisfactory. For the mere purpose of determining the drain- age systems in which each species occurs, it has been necessary to go over the localities carefully, and it has been thought best to record the decision in each case. As a matter of convenience, the county has also been added when possible, all supplied ma- terial being enclosed in brackets. The states are arranged al- phabetically and numbered, and under them the localities are numbered, so that cross-reference is made convenient. (C. diogenes 15.1 referring to the first locality for C. diogenes given under Kansas.) Following the catalogue of localities is given a review of the material of an ecological nature which has appeared on the species under consideration. By means of summaries and tables at the end, it is the intention to bring together and compare points of similarity and dissimilarity in the different species. That the purely artificial arrangement is open to criticism I am fully aware, but it seems to me the best in a paper the object of which is merely the arrangement of data in convenient form 58 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. for future work. The natural arrangement of the species in the genus is as follows : Group I. C. blandingii, Ga., Md., Miss., N. J., N. Y.,N. C, S. C.,Tex.,Va. hlandingii acutus, Ala., Ark., 111., Ind., Ind.Ter., Iowa, La., Miss., Mo., N. C, Ohio, S. C, Tenn., Tex., Wis. fallax, Fla. hayi, Miss. clarkii, Ala., Fla., La., Miss., Ohio, Tex. troglodytes, Ga., 111., S. C. lecontei, Ala., Ga. angustatus , Ga. jnibescens, Ga. spiculifer, Ga. ^'ersM^^^s, Ala,, Fla. alleni, Fla. everinanni, Ala. barbatus, Ala., Ga., Miss., S. C. unegmanni, Mex. pellucidus, Ind., Ky. (caves). pellucidus testa, Ind. (caves). acherontis, Fla. (caves) . Group II. C. simulans, Kan., N. M., Tex. mexicanus, Mex. advena, S. Ga. gracilis. 111., Ind., Iowa, Kan., Mo., Ohio, Wis. carinatus, Mex. cubensis, Cuba. hagenianus, S. C. fclypeatus, S. Miss. Group III. C. bartonii, Can., D. C, Ga., Ind., Ky., Me., Md., Mass., Mo., N. J., N. Y., N. C, Ohio, Pa., R. I., S. C, Tenn., Vt., Va., W. Va. bartonii robustus, Can., 111., Md., N. Y., Pa., Tenn., Va. bartonii longirostris , Ala., Tenn., W. Va. longulus, N. C, Tenn., Va., W. Va. carolinus, I. T., N. C, Pa., Tenn., Va., W. Va. HARRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 59 uhleri, Md. ("eastern shore") , latimanus, Ala., Ga., Miss., S. C, Tenn. acuminatus, N. C, S. C. extraneus, Ala., Ga., Tenn. extraneus girardianus, Ala., Tenn. jordani, N. Ga. argillicola, Can., 111., Ind., La., Mich., Miss,, N. C, Ohio, Tex. diogenes, Ark., Colo., D. C, 111., Ind,, Iowa, Kan., Ky., Md., Mich., Minn.., Miss., Mo., N. Y., N. C, Ohio, Pa., Tenn., Va., Wis., Wyo. diogenes ludovicianus, La. cornutus, Ky. Uamulatus, Tenn. (Nickajack cave) . setosus, S. W. Mo. (caves). Group IV. C. lancifer, Ark., Miss. affinis, Lake Superior, Lake Erie, D. C, Md., N. J., N, Y., Pa., Va. indianensis, S. Ind. sloanii, S. Ind., Ky. propinquus, Can., 111., Ind., Iowa, Mich., N. Y., Ohio, Pa., Wis. o6scwrws, N. Y., Pa. jwopinquus saiibornii, Ky., Ohio. neglectus, Ark., Iowa, Kan,, Mo., Tex. harrisonii, Mo. virilis, Can., Ala., Ark., 111., Ind., I. T., Iowa, Kan., Mich., Minn., Mo., Neb., N. Y., N. Dak., Tenn., Tex., Wis,, Wyo. immunis, Ala., 111., Ind., Iowa, Kan., Mich., Minn., Mo., Neb., N. Y., Ohio, Wis., Wyo., Mex. immunis spinirostris, Ind., Kan., Tenn. hylas, Mo. pilosus, Kan. nais, Kan. mississippiensis , Miss . p>almeri, Ark., Tenn. palmeri longimanus, I. T., Tex. 60 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. longidigitus , Ark. difficilis, I. T., Ark. meekii, Ark. erichsonianus , Ala., Tenn. alabamensis, N. Ala. compressus, N. Ala. medius, Mo. rusticus, Ala., Ark., 111., Ind., Iowa, Kan., Ky., Mich., Mo,, Ohio, Pa., Tenn., Tex., Wis. sjjinosMS, N. Ala., Ga., N. C, S. C, Tenn. putnami, Ind., Ky., Tenn. forceps, N. Ala., Va. Tenn. digueti, Mex. Group V. C. montezumse, Mex. montezumse dugesii, Mex. montezumse areolatus, Mex. moiitezum^x occidentalis, Mex. shufeldtii, La. chapalanus, Mex. PARASITISM IN CAMBARUS. According to Moore ('93), various writers have discussed the Discodrilidne parasitic on the Fiuro-pesin Astacus fiaviatalis, and Whitman has considered those living on the crayfishes of Japan. He finds that our American forms carry about a "heterogeneous burden of leech-like parasites (or messmates?)," C. bartonii being affected by at least four easily distinguishable forms, Avhile other and difi'erent forms have been found on C. afjinis, and on a Cambarus sp. inhabiting the larger mountain streams of North Carolina. He presents descriptions of the species and some notes on their place of occurrence. The species and notes of interest in this place are the following : Branchiobdella illuminata Moore, sp. nov. Very common, being found in the branchial chambers, which it never appears to leave except at the time of molt, during the life of the cray- fish in nearly one-half the larger individuals of C. bartonii ex- amined. Cocoons found throughout the year attached to the branchial filaments, especially the inner ones. Philadelphia, Pa., and Watauga county. North Carolina. B. pulcherrima Moore, sp. nov. Cocoons usually attached to HARRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 61 broader surfaces of body, as sides of carapace, inner faces of an- terior abdominal epimera, and external face of tail fin. Adults found attached almost anywhere on exterior of crayfish, but more especially on the tergal surfaces. On C. bartonii, Watauga county, North Carolina. B. instabilis Moore, sp. nov. Cocoons usually attached to palmar surface of propodite of great chelie. Animals largely restricted in distribution to the same segments of the limb ; usually to be found in numbers clustered at the base of the pinchers, to which position the form of the body particularly adapts them ; frequently wandering to other parts of the same limb, or even to the following pairs of ambulatory limbs. Watauga county, North Carolina, and Delaware county, Penn- sylvania. B. philadelphica Leidy. According to Leidy ('52), this spe- cies is found frequently in numbers from one to several dozen upon any part of the exterior of the body of A. bartonii, but more especially upon the interior surface and the branchiae, but Moore ('93) never found it inhabiting the branchial cham- ber, but principally the sternal surface of the entire body, among the bases of the appendages. Cocoons attached to abdominal sternites, but more frequently to the seta? of pleopods ; found principally in summer, but not entirely absent at any season. Philadelphia, Pa., and Watauga county. North Carolina. Bouvier ('97) states that of the twenty specimens of C. digueti received four were attacked by Temnocephala and two carried a large number of BranchiobdeUa. THE COLORS OF CAMBARUS. Owing largely to the necessary condition of our museum ma- terial, very little is known of the colors of our crayfishes. In the systematic literature there are a few references to this char- acteristic in the descriptions of the species, but with these w^e are not concerned here. Kent ('01) has recently published observations, for the most part on C. immunis, with some work on C. propinquus, C. bartonii, and C. diogenes, in which he concludes that in nearly all cases the color of the animals closely resembles that of the environment, being blue in color in a pond where the bottom was of blue clay, black where there was a muddy, black bot- 62 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. torn, and of different colors in other places. An exception to this was found in those of a red color. These were found en- tirely in the shallow water in small streams, and the writer concludes from this, and from experiments in which crayfishes in black, blue and green colors were changed to brown and red when kept in an aquarium exposed to light,'- that the red color is due to the influence of the light. Specimens of different colors taken from different localities and kept in a zinc tub showed, after several months, in some cases a change of color to that of their surroundings. In April and May the coloration of the young crayfish was studied and the conclusion reached that the red color, due to large, scattered chromatophores of the young crayfish, changed to blue or black or underwent no change, according as the adults were blue, black, or red. C. diogenes, he says, furnishes an excellent example of color change. The individuals of this species which, according to him, may be found in any of the smaller streams, in the early spring show various colors, but later in the year are nearly all red. They burrow during the winter, and come out in the spring much the color of the soil, and these colors are gradu- ally turned to red in the open sunlight. He concludes, then, that the colors of crayfish are due to two causes, the influence of environment and the effect of sunlight, ^^ and that in all cases these colors serve as protection against ene- mies. The question of coloration is by no means a simple one, and without opportunity for an examination of the literature, or more detailed observations than I have been able to make, I do not care to offer explanations, but may call attention to one or two facts which have come to my notice. The colors of a spe- cies are certainly not always the same when found in different localities, but I have never been willing to state that the differ- ence should be regarded as a protective adaptation, although this might be the case. Mr. Kent states that the change in 12. Of this he says: "This is a difficult experiment to carry out. Crayfish which live in deeper water become strongly photopathic and can endure only very weak light. It was neces- sary at first to place the aquarium with the crayfishes in diffused light and to allow them to become accustomed by degrees to the changed conditions." It is unfortunate that he does not give la more detail the injurious effect of the light upon the animals. In nature some of the burrowing forms are exposed to light of considerable intensity upon emerging from their burrows in the spring. So far as has been recorded, the cave forms are not affected by exposure to light. Compare Putnam's observations on C. pelLucidus. Vi. He mentions in the first part of the paper the effect of sunlight in changing the color of pigment when removed from the animal, but, with the exception of heat, does not consider other factors which might produce this change. HARRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 63 color requires some weeks, or possibly months, of time, and that, since many species of crayfish are migratory, especially those living in running water, the color of those seen in small streams may not be at all like their environment, and that the best results may be obtained from a study of those in the small ponds, where migration cannot occur. Until our knowledge of the habits of this genus is much fuller than it is now, one should be careful in stating that many species are migratory in their habits, unless the terms are carefully limited. The point in regard to the colors of C. diogenes is especially interesting. It will be noticed that the habits of the species as observed by Mr, Kent are quite different from those usually attributed to it, for it seems usually to occur in the open water for but a very limited part of the year. My observations on C. diogenes are not extensive, but in C. gracilis the females which are found in the open ponds for some time in the spring are of the same olive-green color during the entire period. In the very large series of material I have collected in open water I have never found an exception, nor did the two or three speci- mens I have taken from burrows late in the summer show any differences, but the four or five males, all first-form — the adult second-form not being known — were all of a beautiful salmon-red color, and in all cases I have every reason to believe they had just come from burrows, a point in which I am certain in two cases. Tlie young of both sexes up to an inch and more in length show a coloration somewhat similar to that of the adult female. It is interesting to notice that, according to Faxon, C. carolinus {C. dubius Fax,), another of the burrowing forms, is known to the Indians in the Territory as "red crayfish," and that, according to Williamson ('01), it has, in Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, a very different color. In this place the colors of the cave species need not be con- sidered, since this is touched upon under the individual species. It would be interesting to examine the young in reference to the development of color, as has been done in the case of some of the cave-inhabiting fishes. For those who have the oppor- tunity, be it for experimental or field observation, the colors of these animals certainly offer an interesting problem. 64 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. THE DIMORPHISM OF CAMBARUS. The consideratioa of the very remarkable condition of a sex- ual dimorphism in the adult males of Cambarus is within the scope of the present paper in so far as it is connected with the breeding habits of the animals. The taxonomic importance of the existence of the two forms was pointed out by Doctor Hagen ('70) and has been since confirmed for every species of which a large series of males has been examined. Doctor Faxon ('846) announced the true nature of the dimorphism as an al- ternation of forms in the individuals. Harris ('01?> and '01c) confirmed Faxon's observations on a much more extensive series of material, finding that there are apparently exceptions to the rule of the alternation of the two forms in the adults, and made a cytological study of testicular material, showing that when the season at which material is secured is taken into consideration no marked difference in the essential reproductive organs of the two forms is observable. In C. immunis, and perhaps in C. virilis as well, the proportion of first-form males gradually increases in late summer and autumn, there being, so far as he could determine, no definite time for exuviation. In the spring the animals appeared in the open water early in March and all males taken up to April 15 were first-form, but in a very short time afterward nearly all the males had assumed the second-form condition. His study of a series of testes led him to the conclusion that so far as the presence of sexual elements is concerned the second-form is as capable of copulation as the first-form, and that in the adult the second-form condition prob- ably represents the period in which the regeneration of the sexual elements for the most part takes place. He also points out the parallel between the alternation of forms in Cambarus as secured by spring and fall exuviation and the spring and au- tumn exuviation in the male of Astacus as described by Euro- pean observers. Hagen and Faxon considered that the second form is prob- ably sterile, and the rudimentary condition of the external male organs, the pleopods and hooks on the legs (for a discussion of the function of these, see the section on conjugation) would certainly suggest this view, but the work on the microscopic structure of the testis leaves no doubt as to the presence of the spermatozoa in the same quantity, and apparently in the same HARRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 65 condition, as in the first-form. In a letter of October 29, 1901, Prof. W. P. Hay, of Washington, whose work on the crayfishes is well known, and whom I have to thank for various courte- sies, says : "I think you are entirely correct in your observa- tions, and have settled some points beyond doubt. I have long been of the opinion that males of the second-form are not sterile, for I have often seen them copulating, and, after the act was completed, have found masses of sperm on the sternites of the female. Of course, the spermatozoa might be inert, but such a condition would, so far as I know, be without parallel." This observation of Professor Hay's I regard as important, considering the highly different physical characteristics of the two forms, their constant occurrence in all the well-known species of the genus, and the absence, so far as we now know, of such in the other genera of this family, unless it be in Cambaroides. THE CONJUGATION OF CAMBARUS. Mr. E. A. Andrews first published observations on this sub- ject. In the American Naturalist he ('95) describes the proc- ess in detail, giving two figures from photographs. In the Zoologischer Anzeiger he gives (956) about the same observa- tions in condensed form. The following is quoted from his paper in the Zoologischer Anzeiger : "Some observations on the breeding habits of Cambarus af- finis show that there are imj)ortant differences between the American crayfish, Cambarus, and the European crayfish, Asta- cus, and that certain structures hitherto known only as specific and generic characters are necessary accessory reproductive organs. "1. When kept in confinement Cambarus o^ms conjugated in November and in February, March, and April. "2. The process lasts several hours. "3. The male exhibits great skilland persistency, and isvisibly excited throughout the process, while the female is from the first passive and inert and shows scarcely any evidence of ex- citement. "4. The sperm is introduced into the cavity in the annulus, which thus serves as a sperm receptacle, as in the lobster, 2-Bull., No. 3, 66 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Homarus americanus , as described by Professor Bumpus. ( Jour- nal of Morphology, V, 1891. ) "5. The well-known hook on the ischiopodite of the third walking leg of the male is used in the process of conjugation to firmly attach the male to the female. The tip of the hook de- presses the membrane between the coxopodite and basiopodite of the fourth walking leg of the female, and the hook catches firmly against a stiff ridge on the basiopodite. *'6. The sperm is conveyed down the groove of the stylet or first pleopod of the male from the penis-like everted end of the vas deferens into the cavity of the annulus of the female. The annulus becomes filled and a plug of sperm and protective se- cretion projects from the orifice after conjugation. "7. At a definite stage in the process, the male always passes either the right or left fifth, or last, walking leg across under the thorax so that it projects horizontally from the other side. The limb then holds the first and second pleopods, the intro- mittent apparatus, depressed at an angle of more than forty-five degrees from the ventral surface of the male, and this insures their entrance into the annulus when the male moves forward over the female. "8. During the process the ventral sides of the two animals are closely applied to one another and the abdomen of the male partly encloses the abdomen of the female. The latter lies on the back or partly on one side and is firmly held by the large chelte of the male which grasps all the chelate appendages of the female. "9. There is no wide distribution of sperm as has been de- scribed for Astacus; it is all placed in the annulus. The ovi- ducts of the female are not concerned in the process of conju- gation. "In the one case in which eggs were laid in captivity, the nervous system of the female was very irritable for several days. During the time, by assiduous labor with both of the fifth walking legs, she carefully removed all foreign matter from the ventral surface of the abdomen and from the pleopods. "The sperm plug remained in the annulus for two days after the eggs were laid and then disappeared. It was probably re- moved by the female. The process was, however, abnormal and the eggs did not develop." HARRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 67 About a dozen cases were observed in the laboratory by Mr. Andrews. The entire process lasted from two to ten hours and might be repeated by either animal with some other. The two were so firmly united that it was perfectly easy to transfer them from one dish of water to another to examine the more minute details of the process with a hand lens. By throwing the ani- mals into actively boiling water for a few moments he found it possible to fix them in their natural position, in which they may then be preserved indefinitely. Shufeldt ('98) gives a figure of a pair of conjugating C. af- finis. The figure much resembles those given by Andrews. Through the courtesy of Doctor Shufeldt, the figure is repro- duced in plate I. LIST OF SPECIES. Cambarus acherontis Lonnberg. 8. Florida. 1, Lake Brantley, Orange county. (Lonnberg, '94.) 2. Gum Cave, Citrus county. (F., '98.) This species was described by Doctor Lonnberg ('94) from Orange county, Florida. In digging a well, a subterranean rivu- let was struck at a depth of about forty-two feet, after passing through sand and clay, and finally five feet of phosphate rock, bones and teeth of sharks, and a thin layer of hard limestone. At first the crayfish were quite numerous, but later, when Doc- tor Lonnberg visited the place, only the two types could be found. Doctor Lonnberg considers that the age of the subterranean rivulet in which the crayfishes were found is probably Post- Pliocene or still younger. He considers the other caves in which blind Cambari have been found comparatively much older, and so thinks it is at least possible that C. pellucidus and C. hamulatus have a much greater phylogenetic age than C. acherontis. The subterranean water-system of Florida must be. Doctor Lonnberg thinks, quite extensive. The ancestors of this spe- cies— probably C. clarkii — may have forced their way into the rivulet from its exterior mouth, or have more probably fallen in when one of the numerous sink-holes of the region was formed. 68 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Cambarus acuminatus Fax. 32. Xorth Carolina. 1. James river [Johns R.], Morganton [Burke county]. (F., '90.) 2. Svcannanoa river, Black mountain [Buncombe county]. (F., '90.) 3. Neuse river, Raleigh [Wake county]. (F., '90.) 4. Reedy fork. Cape Fear river, Greenborough [Guilford county]. (F,, '90.) 5. French Broad river [Madison or Buncombe county]. (F., '85.) 6. [Trib. Catawba R.], Old Fort, McDowell county. (F.. '85.) 39. South Carolina. 1. Saluda river, west of Greenville [Greenville county]. (F., '85.) According to Mr, John Tull, who is acquainted with the ter- ritory, the Johns river at Morgantown is a cold, clear, rocky, mountain stream, narrow and deep, swiftly flowing in most places. The Swaunanoa river (32.2) is about the same in character, being possibly a little more rapid flowing. The Catawba river at Old Fort (32.6) is very similar to the Johns river at Morganton, although the two streams at Morganton, where they are about three miles apart, are very diflerent in character, the Catawba being broader, shallower, more muddy, and not so cold. The localities known, with two exceptions, indicate that this is an inhabitant of mountain streams. Its occurrence in the head waters of streams flowing into the Atlantic ocean and in the head waters of a tributary of the Tennessee river in the same mountains is interesting. Faxon states that the material from the French Broad river and McDowell county differs from the other, and may prove to be a distinct species. Cambarus advena LeC. 9. Georgia. 1. "Habitat in Georgia inferiore. Hyeme vitam degit subterranean, Aestate in fossis invenitur." (LeConte, '56.) Cambarus affinis Say. ? Lake Erie. (F., '85, and '90.) Lake Superior. (F,, '85.) 7. District of Columbia. 1, [Potomac R.], Washington, (F,, '85.) HARRIS: CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 69 19. Maryland. 1. [Potomac R.], Montgomery county. (F., '85.) 2. Potomac river, Charles county. (F., '85.) 3. [Potomac R.], Williamsport, Washington county. (F., '85.) 4. [Potomac R.], Cumberland, Alleghany county. (F., '85.) 5. [Chesapeake bay], Anne Arundel county. (F., '85.) 6. [Patapsco R.], Gaynns Falls, Druid Hill, etc., Baltimore county. (F., '85.) 7. [Chesapeake bay], Cecil county. (F., '85.) 29. New Jersey. 1. [Trib. Delaware R., or Raritan R.], Schooley's Mountain, Morris county. (F., '85.) 2. [Delaware R.], Camden county. (F., '85.) 3. [Delaware R.], Trenton [Mercer county]. (F., '85.) 4. [Delaware R.], Burlington [Burlington county]. (F., '85.) 5. [Navesink R.], Red Bank, Monmouth county. (F. '85.) 31. New York. 1. [Niagara R.], Niagara [Niagara county]. (F., '85.) 37. Peuusylvania. 1. [Schuylkill R.?] [ county]. (F., '85.) 2. [Trib. Delaware R.], Reading [Berks county]. (F., '85.) 3. [Delaware R.], Philadelphia [Philadelphia county]. (F., '85.) 4. [Trib. Susquehanna R.], Carlisle [Cumberland county]. (F., '85.) 5. [Susquehanna R.], Bainbridge [York county]. (F., '85.) 6. Susquehanna river. (F., '85.) 7. [Delaware R.], Bristol [Bucks county]. (F., '85.) 8. Brandy wine creek [Chester county]. (F., '85.) 45. "Virginia. 1. Potomac river, Gunston, Fairfax county. (F., '85.) 2. Shenandoah river, Waynesborough [Waynesboro], [Augusta county]. (F., 90.) 3. Blackwater river, Zuni [Isle of Wight]. (F., '90.) Abbott ('73) characterizes this as "a deep water [as compared with C. acutus] , stone-hunting form." In the neighborhood of Trenton, N. J., he found it usually resting under flat stones well out from the banks of the stream, where the water was of considerable depth, and also in fewer numbers on the mud-bot- tomed portions of the river. He found none among the vege- tation, where C. acutus was abundant. There was nothing to indicate that it is a burrowing species. Smith ('74) takes his material from Abbott ('73). Faxon ('85) states that since Abbott's paper ('73) appeared Doctor Abbott and he have taken C. affinis in great numbers from shallow ditches in the Delaware meadows, near Trenton, N. J., 70 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCB BULLETIN. in company with C. hlandingii, and that, "According to Mr. P. R. Uhler, C. affinis is the common form in the warmer parts of the rivers and creeks of Maryland, underneath the stones. In his collection are specimens from Montgomery county labeled as found in stagnant pools, and specimens from Alleghany county, four miles below Cumberland, were taken from 'holes in the bottom and sides of a canal.' " See, also, parasitism and Faxon ('85), under C. iiellucidus. Oambarus alabamensis Fax. 1. Alabama. 1. Second creek, Waterloo, Lauderdale county. (F.,'85) Oambarus alleni Fax. 8. Florida. 1. St. Johns river, Hawkinsville, Orange county. (F., '85.) 2. [Gulf drainage], Hernando county. (F.,'85.) 3. Caloosahatchee river [Lee or Desoto county]. (F., '90.) 4. A little creek, Hillsborough" county. (Lonnberg, '94.) 5. Small lakes around Apopka and several other places. Orange county. (Lonnberg, '94.) 6. Ditches and small ponds, Arcadia, Desoto county. (Lonnberg, '94.) Lonnberg ('94) expresses the opinion that this is a form widely distributed in south Florida, and that C. alleni and C. fallax, having never been found outside of the state, have prob- ably become differentiated as species there, and that their ex- istence as such can, then, not extend farther back than to the Pliocene. From the catalogue it will be seen that the distribution is quite extensive, and that they are found in the territory drained bv both the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic. Lonnberg ('95) says of C. alleni and C. fallax in Florida: "They lived in creeks, small lakes, and ponds, very often hid- ing in the rich vegetation there, or under logs, boards, and so on. Sometimes I found them digging holes on the shore, at low water, and these holes often went down to such a depth that the water came up into them." C. alleni he took in October in a small creek in Hillsborough county, all the males being second-form. In Orange county, he found this species in small lakes around Apopka "and several other places." At Acadia, Desoto county, he took it in ditches and small ponds. HARRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 71 Cambarus angustatus LeC. 9. Georgia. 1. Le Conte ('56) aays: "Habitat in Georgia inferiore, in aquae purse rivulos qui inter coUeculos arenosus (sand-hills) currunt." Cambarus argillicola Fax. Canada. 1. [Lake Ontario], Toronto, P. O. (F., '85.) 11. Illinois. 1. Lowlands bordering on Wabash river, York, Clark county. (F., '90.) 12. Indiana. 1. [White R.], Irvington, Marion county. (Hay, '96.) 2. [White R.], Bloomington, Monroe county. (Hay, '96.) 3. [Trib. White R.], Wheatland, Knox county. (Hay, '96.) 4. [Trib. Ohio R.], New Albany [Floyd county]. (Hay, '96.) 17. Louisiana. ?1. [Mississippi R.], New Orleans [Orleans county]. (F., '85.) 21. Michigan. 1. [Trib. Lake St. Clair], Detroit [Wayne county]. (F., '85.) 2. [Trib. of Shiawassee R.], East Saginaw [Saginaw county]. (F., '85.) 2.*5. Mississippi. 1. Bay St. Louis, Hancock county. (F., '98.) 32. North Carolina. ?1. [Neuse R.], Kinston, Lenoir county. (F., '85.) 34. Ohio. 1. Kelley's island, Lake Erie. (F., '90.) 2. [Trib. Lake Erie], Oberlin [Lorain county]. (Hay, '96 ) 42. Texas. 1. [Guadalupe R.], Victoria [Victoria county]. (F., '98.) 2. [Brazos R.], Brazoria [Brazoria county]. (F., '98.) Faxon ('84 and '85) says: "The types of this species were dug out of burrows in solid blue clay in Detroit, Mich., by Mr. H. G. Hubbard, in August, 1873. The burrows were three to five feet deep. At the bottom of each burrow was a pocket in a layer of loose gravel and clay, holding water. Just above the water-line an enlargement in the burrow formed a shelf on which the animal rested." Faxon ('90), in reporting this species from the lowlands bordering on the Wabash river, Clark county, Illinois, says : "According to the manuscript label accompanying these speci- 72 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. mens, they were found in burrows from eighteen inches to two feet in depth, containing from six inches to one foot of water. At the mouth of these burrows were mud chimneys five inches high. The soil was blue clay mixed with sand and gravel." According to Hay ('96), C. argillicola, like its near relative C. diogenes, is a burrower and builds mud chimneys over its burrows. He took females with young as early as April 2. Cambarus barbatus LeC.^* 1. Alaljaiiia. 1. Escambia river, at Flomaton, above Peneacola [Escambia county]. (F., '90.) 9. Georgia. 1. Georgia. (F., '85.) 23. Mississippi. ?1. Eastern Mississippi. (F., '85.) 39. South Carolina. ?1. [Atlantic O.], Charleston. (F., '85.) Cambarus bartonii Fabr. Lake Superior. (F., '85.) Canada. ?1. [St. Lawrence R.], Montreal, P. Q. (F., '85.) 2. [St. John R.], St. John, N. B. (F., '85.) 3. St. John river, just above Grand Falls, N, B. (F., '90.) 4. Abundant in valley of St. John, N. B. (Ganong, '98.) 5. Restigouche river, N. B. (Ganong, '98.) 6. Upsalquitch river, N. B. (Ganong, '98.) 7. Micomichi river, N. B. (Ganong, '98.) 7. District of Columbia. 1. Rock creek, Georgetown. (F., '85.) 2. [Potomac R.], above Washington. (F., '85.) 9. Georgia. ?1. Hagen states that he has seen specimens from Georgia. (F., '85.) 12. Indiana. 1. [White R.], Fall creek, Indianapolis, and Irvington, Marion county. (Hay, '96.) 2. [White R. or east fork of White R.], Bloomington, Clear creek, and May's cave, Monroe county. (Hay, '96.) 3. [Ohio R.], New Albany [Floyd county]. (Hay, '96.) 4. [East fork of White R.], Down's cave, and Connelly's care, Lawrence county. (Hay, '96.) 5. [East fork of White R.], cave near Paoli, Orange county. (Hay, '96.) 14. C. barbatus was proposed by Faxon ('90) to replace C. penicillatus LeC, a preoccupied name. 9 HARRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 73 16. Kentucky. 1. [Clinch R.], Cumberland Gap, Josh Bell county. (F., '85.) 2. Smoky creek, Carter county. (F. '85.) 3. Kentucky river. Little Hickman, Jessamine county. (F., '85.) 4. [ R.], Hickman's Landing [ county]. (F. '85.) 5. Bear creek, Grayson springs, Grayson county. (F., '85.) 6. [Green R.], Mammoth cave, Edmonson county. (F., '85.) 7. [Cumberland R.], Albany, Clinton county. (F., '98.) 18. Maine. 1. Head of Kennebec river, outlet of Moosehead lake [Somerset county]. (F., '90.) 2. [Kennebec R.], Madison, Somerset county. (F., '85.) 3. [Trib. St. John R.], Hamilton and Maysville, Aroostook county. (F., '85.) ?4. Moosehead lake and Solon, in the Kennebec valley. (F., '85.) 5. Lobster pond and Patten, in the Penobscot valley. (F., '85.) ?6. Heron lake and Churchill lake, on Allegash river, a tributary of the St. John. (F., '85.) 19. Maryland. 1. [Potomac R.], Cumberland, Alleghany county. (F., '85.) 2. [Youghiougheny R.], Garret county. (F., '85.) .3. [Trib. Potomac R.], Washington county. (F., '85.) 4. [Trib. Potomac R.], Frederick county. (F., '85.) 5. [Potomac R.], Montgomery county. (F., '85.) 6. [Susquehanna R. or Chesapeake bay], Hartford county. (F., '85.) 7. [Patuxent R.], Howard county. (F., '85.) 8. [Potomac R.], Montgomery county. (F., '85.) 20. Massachusetts. 1. [Blackstone R.], North Grafton, Worcester county. (F., '85.) 2. [Hoosac R.], Williamstown, Berkshire county. (F., '85.) 3. [Hoosac R.], North Adams, Berkshire county. (F., '98.) ?4. Tributary of Housatonic river, Berkshire county. (F., '90.) 24. Missouri. ?1. Osage river. (F., '85.) 29. New Jersey. 1. [Delaware R.], Trenton [Mercer county]. (F., '85.) 2. [Trib. Delaware R. or RaritanR.], Schooley's Mountain [ county]. (F.,'85.) 3. [Passiac R.], Orange [Essex county]. (F., '85.) 31. New York. 1. Lake Champlain [Clinton or Essex county]. (F., '85.) 2. [Trib. St. Lawrence R.], Ellenburg, Clinton county. (F., '85.) 3. [Trib. Hudson R.], Westport and Elizabethtown, Essex county. (F., '85.) 4. Fulton lakes, Hamilton and Herkimer counties. (F., 85.) 5. [La Grasse R.], Canton, St. Lawrence county. (F., '85.) 6. [Delaware R.], Port Jervis and Newburgh, Orange county. (F., '85.) 7. [Hudson R.], Fishkill, Duchess county. (F.,'85.) 8. [Delaware R.], Fallsburg, Sullivan county. (F., '85.) 9. [Trib. Susquehanna R.], Sherburne, Chenango county. (F., '85.) 10. [Oneida lake], Cazenovia, Madison county. (F., '85.) 74 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. 11. [Cayuga lake], Ithaca, Tompkins county. (F., '85.) 12. [Trib. Susquehanna R.], Berkshire, Tioga county. (F., '85.) 13. Genesee river, Rochester, Monroe county. (F., '85.) 14. [Niagara R.], Niagara, Niagara county. (F., '85.) 15. [Lake Erie], Forestville, Chautauqua county. (F., '85.) 32. North Carolina. 1. [Big Pigeon R.], Waynesville, Haywood county. (F., '98.) 2. [Trib. French Broad R.], Roan mountain, from an altitude of 6000 feet [Mitchell county]. (F., '98.) 3. Swannanoa river. Black mountain [Bumcombe county]. (F., '90.) 4. Newman's Fork, Blue Ridge, McDowell county. (F., '85.) 5. [Neuse R.], Kinston [Lenoir county]. (F., '85.) 6. [Trib. Holston R., or south fork New R.], Watauga county. (Moore, '93.) 34. Ohio. 1. [Ohio R.], Marietta [Washington county]. (F., '85.) 2. [Ohio R.], Cincinnati [Hamilton county]. (F., '85.) 3. [Trib. Ohio R.], Yellow Springe [Greene county]. (F., '85.) 4. Scioto river, Columbus [Franklin county]. (F., '85.) 5. [Ohio R,], Warren county. (F., '98.) 37. Pennsylvania. 1. [Trib. Ohio R.], Westmoreland county. (F. '98.) 2. [Juniata R.], Bedford and Pattanville, Bedford county. (F. '85.) 3. [Susquehanna R.], Windham, Bradford county. (F. '85.) 4. [Trib. Susquehanna R.], Hummelstown, Dauphin county. (F., '85.) 5. [Trib. Susquehanna R.], Carlisle, Cumberland county. (F., '85.) 6. [Susquehana R.], Berwick, Columbia county. (F., '85.) 7. Schuylkill river, near Philadelphia [Philadelphia county]. (F., '85.) 8. [Trib. Delaware R.]. Chester county. (F., '85.) 9. [Susquehanna R.], Bainbridge, Lancaster county. (F., "85.) 10. [Alleghany R.], McKean county. (F., '85.) 11. [Alleghany R.], Foxburg, Clarion county. (F., '85.) 12. In springs and small brooks, rarely in large streams, Allegheny county. (Williamson, '01.) 13. [Delaware R.], Philadelphia, Montgomery county. (Moore, '93.) 14. [Delaware R.], Delaware county. (Moore, '93.) 38. Rhode Island. ?1. Pawcatuck river, near the border of Connecticut, W^esterly [Washington county]. (F. '85.) 39. South Carolina. ?1. [Atlantic O.], Charleston [Charleston county]. (|F., '85.) 41. Tennes.see. 1. [Tennessee R.], Lineville cave, near Blountsville, Sullivan county. (F., '85.) 2. Doe river, Carter county. (F., '85.) 3. [Tennessee R.], Knoxville, Knox county. (F., '85. ) 4. [Clinch R.], Claiborne county. (F., '98.) 5. [Trib. Tennessee R.], Monroe county. (F., '98.) • 6. [Trib. Tennessee R.], McMinn county. (F., '98.) HARRIS: CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 75 44. Vermont. 1. [Lake Champlain], Burlington, Colchester, and Shelbume, Chittenden county. (F., '85.) 45. Virginia. 1. Peak creek, Pulaski [Pulaski county]. (F., '90.) 2. Shenandoah river, Waynesborough [Augusta county]. (F., '90.) 3. Holston river, Smyth county. (F., '85.) 4. Reed creek, west of Wytheviile, Wythe county. (F., '85.) 5. [Trib. James R.], Bath county. (F., '85.) 6. [Trib. Chowan R.], Lunenberg, Lunenberg county. (F., '85.) 7. Tributaries of James river, Rockbridge county. (F., '85 ) 8. James river. (F. '85.) 9. Tributaries of Rappahannock river, Stafford county. (F., '85.) 10. [Potomac R.], Alexandria county. (F., '85.) 11. [BlackwaterR.], Franklin, Southampton county. (F., '85.) 12. [Shenandoah R.], Clark county. (F., '85.) 47. West Virginia. 1. Branch of Clinch river, northern base of Clinch mountains [ county]. (F., '85.) 2. [Trib. Kanawha R.], near White Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier county. (F., '85.) 3. [Trib. Ohio R.], Petroleum, Ritchie county. (F., '85.) 4. Patterson's creek [Mineral county]. (F., '85.) 5. Glade creek [Randolph or Tucker county?] (F., '85.) 6. South branch of Potomac river. (F., '85.) 7. [Patterson's creek], Williamsport, Grant county. (F., '85.) Cambarus bartonii longirostris Fax. I. Alabama. 1. Will's creek, Pollard, Escambia county. (F., '98.) 41. Tennessee. 1. [Clinch R.], Cumberland Gap [Claiborne county]. (F., '98.) 2. [Holston R.], Blountville [Sullivan county]. (F., '98.) 47. West Virginia. 1. Clinch river. (F., '98.) Cambarus bartonii robustus Gir. Canada. 1. Humber river and Don river, Toronto, P. O. (F., '85.) 2. Indian creek, Weston, P. O. (F., '85.) II. Illinois. 1. [Sangamon R.], Decatur, Macon county. (F., '85.) 19. Maryland. 1. [Potomac R.], Montgomery county. (F., '85.) 76 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. ;jl. New York. 1. [Lake Erie] Forestville, Chautauqua county. (F., '85.) 2. Genesee river, RocheBter, Monroe county. (F., '85.) 3. [Lake Ontario] Sodus, Wayne county. (F., '85.) 4. Tributaries of Racket river, near Tupper's lake, St. Lawrence county. (F., '85.) 5. [St. Lawrence R.], Natural Bridge, Jefferson county. (F., '85.) 6. Fulton lakes, Hamilton and Herkimer counties. (F., '85.) 7. Oneida creek, Peterboro, Madison county. (F., '98.) 8. [Grass R.], Canton, St. Lawrence county. (F., '98.) 37. Penusylvaiiia. 1. Squaw run which empties into the Alleghany river about a mile and a half above Aspinwall, Allegheny county. (Williamson, '01.) 41. Tennessee. ?1. Doubtfully reported by Faxon ('85). 45. Virg-inia. 1. [Rappahannock R.], Fredericksburg, Spottsylvania county. (F., '85.) 2. [Trib. Kanawha R.], Wytheville, Wythe county. (F., '90.) Gould ('41) reports this as an inhabitant of mountain streams, etc. Godman ('42) describes the process of removing a small peb- ble which he had pushed into the small, irregular hole in the bed of a small brook: "He had thrust his broad, lobster-like claws under the stone, and then drawn them near to his mouth, thus making a kind of shelf ; and, as he reached the edge of the hole, he suddenly extended his claws and ejected the encum- brance from the lower side, or down stream." De Kay ('44) reports it as exceedingly common in the moun- tain streams of New York and the adjoining states, and as noc- turnal in habits, hiding during the day under stones. Erichson ('46) says: " Sehr haufig in Nordamerika in Bachen." Abbott ('73) found this the one burrowing species of the region around Trenton, N. J., occurring in deep meadow ditches with muddy banks, in the banks of small streams, and occa- sionally in the river bank a little below the usual water-level. According to Faxon ('85), C. bartonii is not a preeminently burrowing species like its relative, C. diogenes, but prefers the cooler water of the uplands, being found more commonly in clear streams and springs, while the clay bottoms and marshes are inhabited by C. diogenes. He reports young specimens HA.RRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 77 from a spring in Clark county, Virginia, the temperature of which is 67° F. He refers to the association with the cave forms, which has been noticed by various writers. Sloan (Faxon '85) reports this species as found in ponds and still water at New Albany, Ind., C. sloanii being the common form in running streams. Hay ('96) also calls attention to the association with C.pel- Incidus, and says the largest and best-developed specimens he has ever taken came from the limestone caves of southern In- diana. It is to be looked for, however, in almost any spring or stream of clear running water, where it hides under stones or digs short burrows into the banks. Schufeldt ('96) describes and figures a chimney of C. bar- tonii robustus found near the edge of a small stream in Mont- gomery county, Maryland, as about nine inches in height, very smooth inside, and with the pellets distinctly individualized outside. Many of the pellets were piled up at the base, and forty-two of them had rolled out beyond it. At a depth of fif- teen inches water was reached in the burrow, and it was fol- lowed twenty-seven inches further, when it passed between two large stones, rendering further examination impossible. Williamson ( '01 ) states that in Allegheny county, Pennsyl- vania, C. bartonii is the most common species, being found in springs and smaller brooks, but rarely in larger streams. Cambarus blandingii Har. 9. Georgia. 1. [Savannah R.], Richmond county. (F., '85.) 2. [Savannah R.], Savannah [Chatham county]. (Lonnberg, '98.) 19. Maryland. 1. [Patapsco R.], Baltimore county. (F., 85.) 2. [Choptank R.], Caroline county. (F., 85.) 3. [Choptank R.], Dorchester county. (F., '85.) 4. [Tribs. Potomac or Patuxent R.], St. Mary 'a county. (F., '85.) 5. [Chesapeake bay], Somerset county. (F., '85.) 6. [Wicomico or Pocomoke R.], Wicomico county. (F., '85.) 7. In a ditch near Ocean City [Atlantic O.], Worcester county. (F., '85.) 22. Mississippi. 1. [ R.], Root pond [ county]. (F., '85.) 78 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. ' I 1 29. New Jersey. | 1. [Passaic R.], Essex county. (F., '85.) j 2. Delaware river and tributaries, near Trenton [Mercer county]. (P., '85.) ] 51. New York. ; 1. [ R.] (F.,'85.) 32. North Carolina. 1. [Pamlico R.], Tarboro [Edgecombe county]. (F.,'85.) 2. Tributaries of Neuse river, Goldsboro [Wajne county]. (F.,'85.) i 3. [Neuse R.], Kinston [Lenoir county]. (F.,'85.) j 4. [Atlantic O.], Beaufort [Carteret county]. {F.,'85.) I 5. Salmon creek [ county]. (F., '85 ) 6. [Cape Fear R.], Wilmington [New Hanover county]. (F., '85.) 7. Tar river, Rocky Mount [Edgecombe county]. (F., '90.) 8. Neuse river, Raleigh [Wake county]. (F., '90.) 39. South Carolina. 1. [Wateree R.], Camden [Kershaw county]. (F.,'85.) ; 2. Saluda river. (F., '85.) 3. [Congaree R.], Columbia [Richland county ]. {F.,'85.) 42. Texa.s. ? [Trinity R.], Dallas [Dallas county]. {F.,'85.) | 45. Virginia. , 1. James river. (F.,'85.) 2. [Trib. Chowan R.], Lunenberg [Lunenberg county]. {F.,'85.) 3. North river, Lexington [Rockbridge county]. (F., '90.) 1 4. Dismal swamp, outlet of Lake Drummond, Suffolk [Norfolk county]. (F., '90.) ! Cambarus blandingii acutus. I. Alabama. >, 1. [Mobile bay]. Mobile [Mobile county]. (F., '85.) 2. [Trib. Black Warrior R.], Blount Spring, Blount county. (F., '85.) \ 3. [Trib. Black Warrior R.], Cullman, Cullman county. (F.,'85.) ; 4. [Tennessee R.], Decatur, Morgan county. [F., '85.) i 5. In pond formed by overflow of Tennessee river, Bridgeport, Jackson county. i (F., '85.) j 2. Arkan.sas. j 1. [White R.], Batesville [Independence county]. (F., '98.) ' ] 2. [Trib. Black R.], Mammoth Springs [Fulton county]. (F., '98.) j 3. [Washita or Ouachita R.], Camden [Ouachita county]. (F., '85.) 1 II. lllinoi.s. 1. [Illinois R.], Athens, Menard county. {F.,'85.) ' 2. [Illinois R.], Decatur, Macon county. {F.,'85.) | 3. [Illinois R.], Pekin, Tazewell county. (F.,'85.) 4. [Trib. Illinois R.], Normal, McLean county. (F., '85.) I HARRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 79 5. [Mississippi R.], Oquawka, Henderson county. (F., '85.) 6. [Illinois R.], Peoria, Peoria county. (F., '85.) * 7. [Illinois R.], Lawn Ridge, Marshall county. (F., '85.) | 8. [Lake Michigan], Evanston, Cook county. (F., '85.) ; 9. [Wabash R.], York, Clark county. (F., '90.) 12. Indiana. I 1. [Trib. Wabash R.], Vincennes, Knox county. (Hay, '96.) I 2. [Trib. White R. or Wabash R ], Wheatland, Knox county. (Hay, '96.) 3. [Tippecanoe R.?], Turkey lake, Kosciusko county. (Hay, '96.) 4. [Kankakee R.?], Lake Maxinkuckee, Marshall county. (Hay, '96.) 5. Kankakee river. Lake county. (Hay, '96.) ' 6. [Wabash R.], Terre Haute, Vigo county. (Hay, '96.) 13. Indian Territory. 1. [Trib. Kiamichi R.], Good Land [or Goodland], [Choctaw N.] (F., '98.) 2. [Walnut creek], Kainister [Chickasaw N.] (F,, '98.) 3. [Trib. Saines creek], McAlester [Choctaw N.] (F., '98.) 14. To^va. 1. [Iowa R.], West Liberty [Muscatine county]. (F., '85.) 2. [Mississippi R.], Dubuque [Dubuque county]. (F., '85.) 17. Lonisiana. 1. [Mississippi R.], New Orleans [Orleans county]. (F., '85.) i 2. Tangipahoa river, Amite City [Tangipahoa county]. (F., '85.) i 3. [Tangipahoa R], Tickfaw [Tangipahoa county]. (F., '85 ) j I 23. Mississippi. ] 1. Tributary of Tombigbee river, Kemper county. (F., '85.) 2. [Trib. Mississippi R.], near Vicksburg [Warren county]. (F., '85.) i 24. Missouri. ! 1. [Mississippi R.], St. Louis [St. Louis county]. (F., '85.) 32. North Carolina. 1. [Atlantic O.], Beaufort [Carteret county]. (F., '85.) 34. Ohio. 1. Portage river, at Oak Harbor [Ottawa county]. (F., '98.) 39. South Carolina. 1. [Atlantic O.], Charleston [Charlestoo county]. (F,, '85.) 41. Tennessee. i. [Mississippi R.], Memphis [Shelby county]. (F,, '8.5.) 42. Texas. 1. [Red R.], Arthur [Lamar county]. (F., '98.) 2. [Gulf of Mex.], Corpus Christi [Nueces county]. (F., '98.) 80 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. 48. Wisconsin. 1. [Lake Michigan], Racine [Racine county]. (F., '85.) 2. [Wisconsin R.], Sauk City [Sauk county]. (F., '85.) Harlan ('30) says: "Inhabits the Southern states, where it is common in the marshes and rivulets." Erichson ('46) says: "In den sudlichen Staaten von Nord- amerika, haufig in Sumpfen und Bachen." Abbott ('73) found C. acutus frequenting running streams in the neighborhood of Trenton, N. J., having masses of vegeta- tion upon which the animal rested, usually near the surface of the water. They were always observed with the head directed down stream. When disturbed, they darted backward down to the roots, apparently of the same plant upon which they were resting ; after about ten minutes they would creep up the plant to their former resting-place. Abbott characterizes this as "a plant-loving species." Smith ('74) reviews Abbott ( '73) on this species. Bundy ('82) says : "It [C hlandiagii acuta (48.2) fide Faxon '85] occurs also in marsh ditches near Sauk City in company with C. ohesus." According to Faxon ('85), Mr. P. R. Uhler finds that this species belongs to the lowlands at the mouth of sluggish rivers, or near the ocean in muddy and grassy ditches and drains, and even in salt water, in company with C. uhleri. He has speci- mens from near Ocean City, Worcester county, Maryland [19.7] , found in a ditch in holes six to nine inches deep. At Golds- borough, N. C, the same gentleman found it abundant in drains and branches running through cotton-fields, tributaries of the Neuse river [32.2] . The two females from Texas, which agree well with C. hlandingii (42 ?), are labeled "burrowing crabs. Lonnberg ( '98) says : "The late Capt. C. Eckman, at Savan- nah, Ga., collected Cambarus [hlandingii) in the hollow trunk of a fallen tree, two English miles from any open water." See, also, C. affinis, C. uhleri and Faxon ('85), under C. pel- lucidus. Cambarus carinatus Fax. Mexico. 1. [ R.], Guadalajara. (F., '98.) 2. [ R.], Ameca, Jalisco. (F,, '98.) 3. [ R.], Hacienda de Villahuato, Michoacan. (F., '98.) The altitude of Guadalajara is 5200 feet. (F., '98.) HARRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 81 Cambarus carolinus Erichs.^'^ 13. Indian Territory. 1. [Trib. Arkansas R.], "Among the Cherokeea." (F., 90.) 32. North Carolina. 1. [Tar R.], near Greenville [Pitt county]. (F.,85.) 37. Pennsylvania. 1. [Ohio, Alleghany or Monongahela R], Shenley Park, Fern Hollow, and from a spring in Moon township, Allegheny county. (Williamson, '01.) 41. Tennessee. 1. [Clinch R.], Cumberland Gap [Claiborne county]. (F., 8.3.) 45. Virginia. 1. [Trib. Tennessee R.], Pennington's Gap, Lee county. (F., 8.5.) 47. West Virginia. 1. [Cheat R.], Cranberry Summit, Preston county. (F., '85.) A species reported from the widely separated localities of northeastern Indian Territory, Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, and the remote Appalachian mountain region of Virginia and West Virginia. According to Mr. Uhler (Faxon, '84 and '85), this species in the Appalachian region makes mud chimneys, like C. diogenes, which it seems to represent in the mountain regions, C. diogenefi belonging to the lowlands. Williamson ('01) has studied the habits of C. dubivs Fax. in Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, where it is represented by a local variety. The chimneys of C. diogenes are usually con- structed more neatly than those of C. dubius, while the burrows of C. dubius are usually more intricate In both species the bur- rows of younger animals are usually small tunnels, ending in a pocket, placed at such a depth that it is filled with water. Sep- tember 24, one burrow, typical of a large individual of C. dubius, contained an adult female and forty-seven young, ranging from three-fourths to one and one-eighth inches in length. The chimney, about three inches high, broad and flattened, was not composed of compact pellets, as is usually the case with C. di- ogenes, and was sealed at the top. The burrow, circular, about one and one-half inches in diameter, and with smooth sides, ran 15. All the localities except North Carolina are for O. dubius Fax., the name C. carolinus Erichs. being used in view of the recent paper of Hay ('02). 3-Bull., No. 3. 82 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. in a slightly oblique direction, with two or three turns, to a depth of aboui fourteen inches, where it ended in a pocket, with a capacity of over a pint, half filled with water, in which the animals were found. From the main shaft extended a number of passages. One of these branched, one branch ending in a low, closed chimney at the surface, while the other ended about an inch below the surface. The remaining side tunnels, one of which branched, ended in pockets, the capacity of one of which exceeded a quart. The entrance and exit to the pockets was by the same tunnel. That they were not the accidental result of a deepening of the tunnel, on account of the lowering of tlie water, but were constructed for some purpose, was shown by their size and form, and by the fact that in many cases the en- trance was from below, as would not be the case were they tlie result of changes in the depth of the tunnel. At some places in Fern Hollow the ground was honeycombed with burrows, and it was sometimes possible to show that the tunnels of several chimneys were connected. In habits the animals are nocturnal, specimens being found in the traps set for small mammals. Cambarus chaplanus Fax. Mexico. 1. Lake Chapala, state of Jalisco. (F., '98.) Cambarus clarkii Gm. 1. Alabama. 1. [Mobile bay], Mobile [Mobile county]. (F., '85.) 8. Florida. 1. Three miles below Horse Landing, St. Johns river [ county]. (F., '85.) 2. [Pensacola bay], Pensacola [Escambia county]. (F., '85.) 17. Louisiana. 1. Tangipahoa river [Tangipahoa county]. (F., '85.) 2. [Mississippi R.], New Orleans [Orleans county]. (F., '85.) 23. Mississippi. 1. [Gulf of Mexico], Ocean Springe, Jackson county. (F., '85.) 34. Ohio. ?1. [Rocky R.], OlmsteadC?) [Cuyahoga county]. (F., '85.) HARRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 83 42. Texas. 1. Clear creek, Waller county. (F., '85.) 2. [San Antonio R.], San Antonio [Bexar county]. (F., '85.) 3. Between San Antonio and El Paso del Norte. (F., '85.) 4. Las Moras creek, Kinney county. (F., '98.) According to Faxon ( '85 ) , this is the species commonly on sale in the New Orleans markets. Cambarus clypeatus Hay. 23. Mississippi. 1. Bay St. Louis [Hancock or Harrison county]. (Hay, '99.) Cambarus compressus Fax. 1. Alabama. 1. Second creek, Waterloo, and Cypress creek, Lauderdale county. (F., '85.) Cambarus cornutus Fax. 16. Kentucky. 1. Green river, near the Mammoth cave [Edmonson county]. (F., '85.) Cambarus cubensis Erichs. Cuba. 1. In creeks in a little town opposite Havana. (F., '85.) 2. Stagnant ponds in Cuba (fide Saussure, C. consohrinus). (F., '85.) Cambarus difficilis Fax, 2. Arkansas. 1. [Trib. Illinois R.], Prairie Grove, Washington county. (F,, '98.) 13. Indiau Territory. 1. [Trib. Gaines creek], McAlester [Choctaw N.] (F., '98.) Reported from tributaries of the Arkansas river. Cambarus digueti Bouv. Mexico. 1. Affluents of the Rio Santiago, state of Jalisco. (Bouvier, '97.) Cambarus diogenes Gir. 2. Arkansas. 1. [Trib. Illinois R. or White R.], Fayetteville, Washington county. (F,, "98,) 2. [Trib. St. Francis R.], Paragould, Greene county. (F., '98.) 5. Colorado. 1. [ R.], Clear lake [ county]. (F., '85.) 2. [St. Vrain R.], near Boulder [Boulder county]. (Harris, '00.) 84 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. 7. District of Columbia. 1. [Potomac R.], near Washington. {F., '85.) 11. Illinoi.s. 1. [Trib. Illinois R.], Lawn Ridge [Marshall county]. (F., '85.) 2. [Lake Michigan], Evanston [Cook county]. (F., '85.) 3. [Trib. Mississippi R.], Bellville [St. Clair county]. (F., '85.) 4. [Trib. Illinois R.], Decatur [Macon county]. (F,, '85.) 5. [Spoon R], Abingdon [Knox county]. (F., '85.) 6. [Lake Michigan], Chicago [Cook county]. (F., '85.) 12. Indiana. 1. Long lake, Kendallville, Noble county. (F., '85.) 2. [Trib. White R.], Mechanicsburg, Henry county. (F., '85.) 3. [Wabash R.], Knox county. (F., '85.> 4. [Trib. White R.], North Salem, Hendricks county. (Hay, '96.) 5. [White R.], Irvington, Marion county. (Hay, '96.) 6. Kankakee river. Riverside [ county]. (F., '90.) 7. [Trib. Wabash R.], Kokomo [Howard county]. (F., '90.) 14. lOAAJl. 1. [Mississippi R.], Davenport [Scott county]. (F., '85.) 2. [Iowa R.], Belmond, Wright county. (F., '98.) 3. Spring creek, at Delhi, Delaware county. (F., '98.) 15. Kansas. 1. [Missouri R.], Leavenworth [Leavenworth county]. (F., '85.) 2, Kansas river, Lawrence, Douglas county. (Harris, '00.) 10. Kentucky. ?L [Ohio R.], near Louisville [Jefferson county]. (F., '85.) ?2. Mill branch, near Bee Spring, Edmonson county. (F., '85.) 19. Marjlan«l. 1. [Patapeco R ], Baltimore county. (F., '85.) 2. [Chesapeake bay or Potomac R.], St. Mary county. (F., '85.) 3. [Choptank R.], Caroline county. (F., '85.) 4. [Chesapeake bay], Dorchester county. (F., '85.) 5. [A.8sateague bay or Pocomoke R.], Worcester county. (F., '85.) 6. [Youghiougheny R.], Deer Park, Garrett county. (F., '85.) 21. Micliigran. 1. [Lake St. Clair], Detroit [Wayne county]. (F., '85.) 22. Minnesota. 1. Minnesota river, at Fort Snelling [Hennepin county]. (F., '98.) 23. Mississippi. 1. [Pearl R.], Monticello, Lawrence county. (F., '8.5.) 24. Missouri. 1. [Mississippi R.], St. Louis [St. Louis county]. (F., '85.) 2. [Missouri R], Carroll county. (F., '85.) HARRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 85 29. New Jersey. 1. [Delaware R.], Mercer county. (F., '85.) 32. North Carolina. 1. [Cape Fear R.], Wilmington [New Hanover county]. (F., '85.) 2. [Neuse R.], Kinston [Lenoir county]. (F., '85.) ?3. [Atlantic O,], Beaufort [Carteret county]. (F., '85.) 84. Ohio. 1. [Scioto R.], Columbus and Lockbourne, Franklin county. (F., '98.) 2. [Trib. Miami R.], around Oxford [Butler county]. (Hargitt, '90.) 37. Penusjlvauia. 1. [Trib. Alleghany R.], Derry station, Westmoreland county. (F., '85.) 2. Ohio or Alleghany river, Fern Hollow, Pittsburgh, Allegheny county. (Will- iamson, '01.) 41. Tennessee. ?1. Mud chimneys resembling those of C. diogenes are found. (F., '85.) 45. A'irginia. 1. [Potomac R.], Alexandria county. (F., '85.) 2. [Atlantic O.], Accomack county. (F., '85.) .3. [Atlantic O.], Northampton county. (F., '85.) 4. [Rappahannock R.], Fredericksburg [Spottsylvania county]. (F., '85.) . 5. [Trib. James R.], Petersburg [Dinwiddle county]. (F., '85.) 6. [Potomac R.], Prince William county. (F., '90.) 48. Wisconsin. 1. Tributaries of Pecatonica river, Green county. (F., '85.) 2. [Fox R.], Appleton [Outagamie county]. iF., '85.) 3. [Lake Michigan], Racine [Racine county]. (F., 85.) 49. Wyoming-. 1. [Trib. South Platte R.], Cheyenne [Laramie county]. (F., 85.) Cambarus diogenes ludoviciana Fax. 17. Louisiana. 1. [Mississippi R.], New Orleans [Orleans county]. (F., '85.) Audubon ('39) figures the chimney of a crayfish, probably C. diogenes. In describing the food habits of the white ibis, he says: "The crayfish often burrows to a depth of three or four feet in dry weather, for, before it can be comfortable, it must reach the water. This is generally the case during the pro- longed heats of summer, at which time the white ibis is much pushed for food. The bird, to procure the crayfish, walks with remarkable care towards the mounds of mud which the latter throws up while forming its hole, and breaks up the upper part 86 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIBNCK BULLETIN. of the fabric, dropping the fragments into the deep cavity that has been made by the animal. Then the ibis retires a single step and patiently waits the result. The crayfish, encumbered by the load of earth, instantly sets to work anew, and at last reaches the entrance to its burrow ; but the moment it comes in sight the ibis seizes it with its bill." Girard ('52), whose observations were made in the meadows in the vicinit}'- of Washington, published quite extensive notes on the habits of this species. The substance of his observations is given below, quotations being freel}'^ used where condensation seemed inadvisable. Of the burrows, he says : "The holes, as they appear at the surface of the ground, are nearly circular, from seven -tenths of an inch to one inch and one inch and a half in diameter. The depth of the burrows varies according to the locations ; this we generally found to be from sixteen inches to two feet, and some- times three feet and more. The construction of the burrow itself is often exceedingly simple ; from the surface of the ground the excavation exhibits a gradual slope in direction, more or less undulating for a distance of from five to ten inches, when it becomes vertical for six or eight inches, and then terminates in a sudden, bottle-shaped enlargement, in which the animal is found, the bottom of the burrow having no subterranean com- munication, no other issue except towards the surface ; it is en- tirely isolated from its neigh bers, and leaves no chance for escape to its inhabitant. The same burrow may have several external holes connected with it, several inclined channels, which, however, meet at a depth where it becomes vertical. We found constantly the cavity full of water, but this was in March and April ; the bottom, for several inches, was filled with soft and pulpy mud." "There are other instances of burrows somewhat more com- plex. Their direction may be oblique throughout their whole extent, and composed of a series of chambers or ovoid enlarge- ments, succeeding each other at short intervals sometimes, also, and, connected with one of the chambers, a narrow and nearly vertical tubuliform channel extends downward to a much greater depth, and appears to us as a retreat, either dur- ing the cold winters or else during the dryness of the summer, when the water is low. That it is not for the mere purpose of HARRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 87 escaping pursuit, we infer from the fact that we repeatedly- caught the animals in the chambers above, where they re- main quietly instead of attempting to disappear into the apart- ments below." He generally found a single male or female in a burrow, the latter, in March or April, carrying eggs. Sometimes, when very numerous, the windings of the upper part of the burrows would accidentally meet ; each individual, however, seemed to remain in its own apartment. A male and a female were found in one of the burrows. He was inclined to believe that the male goes in search of the female, since one was found "walking over the surface of the ground." "In the spring, and, we are told, in the fall also, the bur- rowing crawfish builds over the holes of its burrow a chimney of the maximum height of one foot, but most generally lower. This chimney is circularly pyramidal in shape, is constructed of lumps of mud varying in size, irregularly rolled up one upon another, and intimately cemented together. Its exte- rior has a rough and irregular appearance, whilst the interior is smooth and as uniform as the subterraneous channel, having the same diameter as the latter. The cementing of the suc- cessive balls of mud is easily accounted for when we bear in mind that the latter are brought up in a very soft state, and that their drainage and subsequent solidification, on their ex- posure to the atmospheric air and rays of the sun, is all that is required to unite these parts." As to the actual method of working he made no observations, except that the work was performed at night, and that the find- ing of the imprint of the second and third pairs of claws indi- cated that after the parcels of mud had been brought to the surface — probably "embraced between the chest and large claws, as suggested by Godman" ('60) — they were arranged and fixed in definite place by means of these organs, "The closing of the aperture," he concluded, "is accom- plished by bringing up several pellets of mud, depositing them temporarily on the edge of the chimney, and then drawing them back into close contiguity." "The number of chimneys, distributed without regularity, in one particular locality, is often very great. We have seen localities where the holes could be traced from the edge of the 88 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. rivulets to the middle of the meadows ; still, there being no subterraneous communication from one burrow to another, the animal, at any rate, would have to crawl out of the water and walk over land. Colonies of burrowing crayfish are found, we are told, in the interior of lands, far away from any rivulets of water, a circumstance which would lead to the supposition that these at least pass their entire lives in such localities, instead of spending one season in the water and another in dry lands. For we learn from Mr. T. R. Peale, of Washington, that chimneys of mud, in all points similar to those just described, were observed by him in New Grenada, along the Rio Mag- dalena, several hundred miles from the seashore, and conse- quently indicating the presence of a species of crawfish which we do not hesitate in pronouncing distinct from C. diogenes." According to Bundy ('77), a female of C. obesus, caught at the mouth of a tile ditch at Mechanicsburg, Ind., on New Year's day, 1876, had her abdominal appendages loaded with eggs nearly ready to hatch. Bundy ( '82 and '83 ) gives C. obesus as one of the largest and most abundant and preeminently the burrowing species of the region, C. gracilis having, according to Doctor Hay, the same habit. Unlike most other species, it prefers stagnant water, frequenting ponds and meadow ditches, often wandering far from bodies of water and burrowing in wet fields and swales. One burrow was followed twelve feet without reaching the end. Tarr ('84) studied the habits of C. diogenes at the head of a small stream on the Virginia side of the Potomac, a few miles above Washington, in May, 1883. Many of his observations confirm those of Girard ('52), with whose work he was not im- probably unacquainted, since he makes no references at all to other writers, while some are slightly different. As to the lo- cality : "It was between two hills, at an elevation of 100 feet above the Potomac, and about a mile from the river. Here I saw many clayey mounds covering burrows scattered over the ground irregularly, both upon the banks of the stream and in the adjacent meadows, even so far as ten yards from the brook." The variation in depth of the burrows mentioned by Girard ('52) seems to be explained by Tarr, who observed that at that time of the year the stream was receding and the meadow was beginning to dry, while not a month previous the meadow, at HARRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 89 least as far back as the burrows were found, had been covered with water. The burrows near the stream were less than six inches in depth, and there was a gradual increase in depth as the distance from the stream became greater. The holes farther from the stream were in nearly every case covered by a mound which, when they were far distant from the stream, was hard and dry, while those nearer had only a very small chimney, or none at all, and subsequent visits proved that at that time of the year the mounds were just being constructed. In the deeper holes, some of which reached a depth of three feet, he invariably found at various points enlargements which, he considers, rep- resent the end of the burrow at some earlier period, the burrow being undoubtedly projected deeper as the water falls in the ground, for all burrows went down to water. "The burrows near the stream were seldom more than six inches deep, being nearly perpendicular, with an enlargement at the base, and always with at least one oblique opening." Tarr's description of the burrows corresponds well with that given by Girard. He also gives a diagram of a section of a typical burrow. "Occasionally the burrows are very tortuous, and there are often two or three extra openings, each sometimes covered by a mound." The burrows have a diameter of one and one-half to two inches, are smooth and of almost uniform diameter for the entire length. Of the chimneys he says : "There is every conceivable shape and size in the chimneys, ranging from a mere ridge of mud, evidently the first foundation, to those with a breadth of one- half the height. . . . The mounds were usually of yellow clay, although in one place the ground was of fine gravel, and there the chimneys were of the same character. They were al- ways circularly pyramidal in shape, the whole inside being very smooth, but the outside was formed of irregular nodules of clay, hardened in the sun, and lying just as they fell when dropped from the top of the mound. A small quantity of grass and leaves was mixed throughout the mound, but this was apparently accidental." In no case did he find the burrows connected. "Both males and females have burrows, but they were never found together, each burrow having but a single individual." Tarr's explanation of the presence of an extra oblique open- ing is as follows : He thinks that tlie crayfish retire to the 90 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN, streams in winter and construct their burrows in the spring for the purpose of rearing their young and escaping the sum- mer droughts. He says : "I found one burrow which, on my first visit, was but six inches deep, and later had been pro- jected to a depth of at least twice as great, and the inhabitant was an old female." He concludes that while the marsh is still covered with water after the winter has passed impregna- tion takes place and the burrows are immediately begun. At first the direction is oblique, and so long as the mouth is cov- ered with water this is satisfactory, but upon .the receding of the water a perpendicular burrow becomes more economical and this direction is maintained with more or less regularity, the perpendicular opening to the surface representing a shorter route for conveying the mud from the deeper excavation, the height of the mound over the vertical shaft depending upon the depth of the latter. "About the middle of May the eggs hatch, and for a time the young cling to the mother. . . . After hatching, they must grow rapidly, and soen the burrow will be too small for them to live in, and they must migrate." Tarr considered that the chimney was not "a necessary part of the nest," but only the mud brought up in digging. He carried away several chimneys, and no attempt was made to replace them but in one case, where, after removing the chim- ney, he partially filled the hole with mud, there was a simple half-rim of dried mud when the place was again visited, indi- cating that the burrow had been cleared soon after the first visit. He says: "There is seldom more than a pint of water in each hole, and this is muddy and hardly suitable to sustain life. . . . How these animals can live for months in the muddy, impure water is to me a puzzle. They are very slug- gish, possessing none of the quick motions of their allied C. bartonii, for, when taken out and placed either in water or on the ground, they move slowly. The power of throwing off their claws when grasped is often exercised." Tarr leaves as a question the method of securing food. Evi- dently they do not "tunnel" for roots. "Food must be se- cured at night or when the sun was not shining brightly. In the spring and fall the tender stalks of meadow grasses would HARRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 91 furnish food, but when these become parched and dry, they must either dig after and eat the roots, or search in the stream." Abbott ('84) does not agree with Tarr's ('84) conclusion that the "chimney" is simply the rejected material, but thinks that it is the product of design on the part of the animal, which "often studies the localities with care, and builds to suit the chosen site." His reasons for the conclusion are that on the sloping side of a ditch, where, had the material been simply rejected, it would have rolled down the bank, artistic towers two inches in diameter and from eight to eleven inches in height were erected. "In several instances the base of the tower was especially prepared for by having the ground leveled and smoothed before the foundation masses of puddled clay were put in position. Of a series of forty towers built by the Camharus diogenes that I observed on the banks of a ditch, not one could have been the result of accident, as suggested by Mr. Tarr." "The towers that were found in meadows at a considerable distance from open water were invariably broader at the base and never so high as those described on the edge of flowing water. These open-meadow towers or chimneys, however, were all found to be composed of pellets of clay so arranged as to render it highly improbable that their positions were fortui- tous. Indeed, in the majority of instances it would have been practicable to have rolled the little balls of clay to a consider- able distance from the opening of the tunnel." Mr. Abbott suggests that the fact that some of the most elaborate structures are the result of the work of half-grown or even smaller crayfish may have a bearing on the question of design in "tower" building. "Some of the most slender and tallest were the work of diminutive little fellows, who certainly could have avoided a deal of labor if the chimneys or towers were not designed." Abbott ('85) gives the results of the observations of his nephew, Mr. Jos. DeB. Abbott, who, by the aid of a candle, observed the crayfish building his "chimney." According to him, the crayfish was seen to partially emerge from its burrow, bearing "on the back of its right claw a ball of clay mud which, by a dextrous tilt of the claw, was placed on the rim of the chimney. Then the crayfish remained perfectly still for a few 92 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. seconds, when it suddenly doubled up and dropped to the bot- tom of its burrow. There elapsed some three or four minutes between each appearance ; but every time it came it brought a ball of clay and deposited it in the manner I have described. About two-fifths of the balls were not placed with sufficient care, and rolled down the outside of the chimney." He believes that the closing of the orifice of the chimney is merely the result of the accidental falling in of pellets from the rim. In some localities where the burrowing crayfish abounds, there is a weather proverb to the effect that, when the crayfish closes the opening of his chimney in dry weather, there will be a rainfall within twenty-four hours. Faxon ('85) characterizes C. diogenes as "preeminently a burrowing species, being found in meadows and clay bottoms, often at a great distance from any permanent stream." He quotes much of Girard ('52), and reviews Tarr ('84), and Ab- bott ('84), and states that he has been informed by Mr. P. R. Uhler that during the period of incubation the female goes into pools, ditches and quiet waters along the margin of overflowing creeks. He reviews Abbott ('85 ) . Holder ('86) discusses some habits of the crayfish, unfortu- nately omitting the name of the species. It was, however, probably C. diogenes or C. gracilis. His observations were made in northern Illinois. Here he saw patches, sometimes several acres in extent, almost com- pletely covered with small mounds eight to twelve inches high and six to twelve inches in diameter, flat on top, and nearly always grassed over the entire surface. So close were they that he could walk for considerable distance by stepping from one to the other. He noticed that in these places the greatest number of mounds were usually close to a sluggish stream or low, damp place, ra- diating up the slope from here, the most distant heaps being perhaps 200 feet away. The animals were discovered by dig- ging. On the bank of a small river that flows through the prairie north of Freeport, he found numerous "heaps" formed in the black, clay mud, about four or five feet above the water-level. Nearly every one of these contained a crayfish living in water that "must have come from above," since the holes had no HARRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 93 connection with the river. The animals were generally found out of the water, just within the hole, and upon being alarmed would dron down. Having no chance to escape, "they were quite savage." He believes that too much water is "disagreeable" to the animal, and that the "mounds," above and away from the streams, are the result of an attempt of the animal to obtain a location where he can safely remain in or out of the water. Since crawling out on an open bank would expose them to many dangers, they burrow in the saturated soil, "and at times penetrating from the stream bed." An opening is usually left on the side or at the top. The "mounds," he concludes, are usually built when the streams rise, the animals leaving the swift current and taking to higher ground for safety. Mr. Holder was informed by a gentleman residing in Free- port that not many months before heavy rains had so greatly increased the volume of the little river that many quite large trees were almost submerged. When the water was at its height it was noticed that above water the trunks were com- pletely covered with crayfish, which crawled up out of the water by hundreds, covering every available space. He states that in certain portions of the Western country the work of the crayfish often greatly increases the difficulty of breaking up new land. Some farmers, however, consider that they enrich the land by keeping it open and in many other ways, and that land with the "crayfish heaps" is worth more per acre from this cause. Hargett ["dO) gives observations on the crayfish in the region around Oxford, Ohio. He mentions C. gracilis and C. ohesus, and his observations probably apply, for the most part at least, to these species, although some may apply to a third form. He found them abounding in the streams of the adjacent country, where they might be observed at any time during at least eight months of the year, leaving the winter quarters at first sight of spring, and returning only with freezing weather in the autumn. According to him, the best time for taking the "larger species of Cambarus, such as gracilis, obesus, etc.," was just at the spring thaw, especially during the usually accompanying period of large rainfall, when they "venture boldly forth" from their hibernating places "in the banks and fields adjoining sluggish 94 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. streams" . . . "for the purpose of foraging, seeking new quarters, or more probably mating." He refers to the question raised by Chaney ('89) about the feeding habits of the crayfish, and states that it will take living prey, as earthworms. In aquaria, they devoured in large quan- tities growing algte and pondweed. During the several weeks he kept in aquaria specimens of C. obesus and C. gracilis taken immediately upon "their first issu- ance from the state of hibernation," upon the breaking up of the severe winter of 1888 ; several pairs were noticed in copula- tion. He never found them mating except in early spring, March and April, and sometimes in May, which is also the season of ovipositing. In only two instances was he able to get reports of females in " berry " at a later period than June ; and in each case' but a single specimen was found. "I have frequently found large males traveling considerable distance overland in the month of March to neighboring streams and ponds, doubt- less in response to the sexual instinct, which is remarkably dominant at that time. In many cases the boldness with which such journeys were prosecuted in open daylight proved a fatal adventure, the daring subject falling a victim to the rapacity of the ubiquitous crow." He had frequently taken specimens which had recently exu- viated, and this was invariably in the spring, chiefly in May arid early June. He also noticed perfect casts, which could not remain in such perfect condition during the winter, very com- monly in the creeks in the spring and early summer. Schufeldt ('96) observed the burrows of crayfish, probably C. diogenes, in southern Louisiana, especially in the vicinity of New Orleans. Some of his observations agree with those of Girard and Tarr, neither of whose writings he mentions. On a. low plain south of New Orleans, he observed a great number of "chimneys" irregularly scattered over the entire meadow, but becoming markedly more numerous as one approached either side of a ditch. Some were short and flattened out; others reached the height of one foot and were uniformly built. In some places they stood in couples, side by side, but were usually separated from each other by eight or ten paces. All were built vertically, even when they stood on the sloping bank HARRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 95 of the ditch. A number of the taller ones, but more usually the lower ones, had their tops sealed over. The "chimneys" were evidently built up of "small pellets of mud laid on in a single course, the fusing together of the pellets depending somewhat upon the dryness of the ground when the structures were erected." Of a burrow of C. diogenes in the neighborhood of Washing- ton, D. C, he says : " Right on the bank of the stream I opened another ; it only passed down eleven inches, when it terminated in a chamber about as big as my two fists, and placed at the side. It was below the water-level, and contained a fine living specimen of C. diogenes.'' The "sealing-in" of the burrow, he found, was very thorough, the top being as thick as the walls, inside passage terminating "in a smooth, concave, hemispherical end." How and why the crayfish seals its burrow, he saj^s, is as yet unexplained. "Possibly it may do this by backing up the burrow, and, by turning round and about, manipulate the moistened clay or mud into place by the use of its lateral tail fins and telson." As to the reason for sealing, he suggests that it may be that the orifice is sealed to prevent the upper rim from falling back into the burrow, to shut out rain or rising w^ater, to prevent the attack of enemies, or while the parent is laying her eggs at the bottom of the burrow. Schufeldt, like Tarr, believes that the chimney is not the re- sult of design on the part of the animal, but is simply the most convenient and safe way of getting rid of the pellets. Hay ('96) , after giving some of the older observations, says : "The subterranean tunnels may sometimes be found to extend for several feet, and, as the animal frequently excavates them at some distance from water, they must reach a depth great enough to supply moisture sufficient for the need of the animal. During the dry months of the summer, however, they seem to lie in the end of their burrows in a sort of stupor. I have seen them fall from the end of an excavation, apparently lifeless, but capable of moving when put into water. In the early spring, when they come forth to breed, is the only season when they are a noticeable member of our fresh-water fauna. They move about chiefly at night, though I have frequently taken numbers of them from ditches and small streams on bright, sunny days. 96 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Of a lot of thirty-five specimens collected on the evening of April 2, 1892, twenty-nine were males and six were females. At this date they were in copulation. Eggs were laid from April 18 to 30. I have frequently found females bearing well- grown young in small streams, and, therefore, do not think the habit of burrowing is adopted as a protection to the young gen- eration, but rather to furnish a retreat during the dry summer months." The portion of Schufeldt ('97) dealing with the crayfish is practically a reprint from his other paper ('96). Harris ('00) reports the taking of a female with swimmerets loaded with eggs in a not very late stage of development May 3. Since, in an examination of the same ditch four days later, he found many burrows in the bank, but no adult individuals in the open water, he considered that there was an indication that the eggs pass through the most of the stages of their de- velopment in the burrow, as is certainly the case with C. gra- cilis. In reporting material from Boulder, Colo. (5.2), he quotes a part of a letter from Francis Ramaley, as follows : "We find crayfish here in ditches and ponds, much as in other localities, but as most of the ditches are dry part of the year, the animals are not abundant. Our streams are mostly swift- running, and crayfish are seldom found in them. I have not noticed the animals at high altitudes, but they may occur there, doubtless up to 8000 feet at any rate." See, also, colors of Cambarus. Cambarus dubius Fax. See C. carolinus Erich. Cambarus erichsonianus Fax. 1. Alabama. 1. Big Cahawba river [Bibb, Perry or Dallas county]. (F. '98). 41. Teiines.see. 1. Rip Roaring fork, five miles northwest of Greeneville [Greene county]. (F., '98.) 2. Estanaula creek, Athens [McMinn county]. (F., '98.) 8. Matlock Spring creek, near Athens [McMinn county]. (F., '98 ) Central Alabama and southeastern Tennessee, in tributaries of the Alabama and Tennessee rivers. HARRIS: CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 97 Cambarus evermanni Fax. 1. Alabama. 1. Escambia river at Flomaton, above Pensacola [Escambia county]. (F., '90.) Cambarus extraneus Hag. 1. Alabama. 1. Big Cahawba river [Bibb, Perry or Dallas county]. (F., '98.) 9. Oeorgia. 1. Etowah river, Rome [Floyd county]. (F., '85.) 41. Tennessee. 1. Tennessee river, near the border of Georgia [ — county]. (F., '85.) Cambarus extraneus girardianus Fax. 1. Alabama. 1. Cypress creek, Lauderdale county. (F., '85.) 41. Tennessee. 1. Eastanaula creek, near Athens [McMinn county]. (F,, '98.) Cambarus fallax Hag. 8. Florida. \ 1. St. Johns river, at Jacksonville [Duval county], Hawkinsville [ county], Orange Bluff [ county]. Horse Landing [ county], Blue Spring [Lake county], and Lake Jessup [Orange county]. (F., '85.) 2. [St. Johns R.?], Magnolia [Magnolia Springs, Clay county?]. (F., '85.) 3. St. Johns river, Orange county. (Lonnberg, '94.) 4. Sulphur springs, at Lake Jessup, Orange county. (Lonnberg, '94.) 5. Lake Eola, Orange county. (Lonnberg, '94.) 6. Fern creek, Orlando, Orange county. (Lonnberg, '94.) 7. Indian river [Brevard county]. (F., '85.) 8. [Indian R.], Titusville, Brevard county. (F., '85.) 9. [Trib. St. Johns R.?], Eustis, Lake county. (F., '98.) 10. [Trib. Suwanee R.], Gainesville, Alachua county. (F., '98.) A species confined to the St. Johns and Indian river systems, except for the three questionable localities, one of which (8.10) seems to be in the territory drained into the Gulf of Mexico in- stead of the Atlantic ocean. Lonnberg ('94) says: "Of this I collected specimens in the sulphur springs at Lake Jessup and in St. Johns river, in Lake Eola, in Fern creek, at Orlando, Orange county [Fla.] " Faxon ('85) says: " Specimens were collected in Blue spring, St. Johns river [Fla.] , a mineral spring impregnated with sul- phur and magnesia — temperature, 70 deg. F, They were cling- ing to the under side of leaves. See, also, C. alleni. 4-Bull., No. 3. 98 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Cambarus forceps Fax. I. Alabama. 1. Cypress creek, Lauderdale county. (F., '85.) • 41. Tennessee. 1. [Trib. Tennessee R.], Knoxville [Knox county]. (F., '85 and '90.) 2. Clinch river, at Walker's Ford, eleven miles northwest of Tazewell [Claiborne county]. (F., '98.) 3. Bull's (or Big Sycamore) creek, tributary of Clinch river, seven miles south of Tazewell [Claiborne county]. (F., '98.) 45. Virginia. 1. Middle fork of Holston river. Glade Spring [Washington county]. {F.,'90.) Cambarus girardianus Fax. See C. extraneus girardianus. Cambarus gracilis Bundy. II. Illinois. 1. [Trib. of Illinois R.], along watercourses, in early spring, in the neighbor- hood of Normal [ McLean county]. (F., '85.) 2. [South fork Sangamon R.], Athens [Menard county]. (F., '85.) 3. [Trib. Illinois R.], Lawn Ridge [ Marshall county]. (F., '85.) 4. [Mill creek or Wabash R.], York [Clark county]. (F., '90.) 5. [ Trib. Illinois R. or Lake Michigan], neighborhood of Chicago [Cook county]. (Hay, '96.) 12. Indiana. ?1. Hay ('96) thinks that there is no doubt that the species will be found in the prairie region in the western portion of the state. 14. Iowa. 1. [Mississippi R.], Davenport, Scott county. (F., '85.) 15. Kansas. 1. [Trib. Verdigris R. or Neosho R.], Labette county. (F., '90.) 2. [Trib. Kansas R.], Douglas county. Stagnant ponds in early spring, and burrows later in summer. (Harris, '00.) 24. Missouri. 1, Tributary Mississippi river. I have found the chelae of crayfish, undoubt- edly this species, around stagnant ponds in St. Louis, St. Louis county. ?2. [ R.], Day Brook, Jasper county. (F., '98.) 34. Ohio. 1. [Trib. Miami R.], region around Oxford [Butler county]. ( Hargitt, '90.) 48. Wisconsin. 1. [Lake Michigan or trib. Illinois R.], prairies near Racine [Racine county]. (F., '85.) Bundy ('82) states that it is found abundantly along water- courses in early spring at Normal, 111., and that Doctor Hay HARRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 99 found it burrowing in the low grounds on the prairies [at Racine, Wis.] , emerging from its holes at nightfall and after rains. Faxon ('85) states that according to Dr. P. R. Hay, C. gracilis burrows in the clay in the prairies near Racine, Wis., and that Professor Forbes reports it as common along the watercourses in early spring in the neighborhood of Normal, 111. Being a burro wer, C. gracilis is one of the species that is hard to obtain, especially the males, and this probably accounts for the meager reports of its distribution. Mr. H. Garman says (Faxon, '85) that he has examined hundreds of specimens taken along watercourses in the neigh- borhood of Normal, 111., and has not found a dozen males. Hay ('95) says: "It is a burrower, coming forth probably only during the breeding season in the early spring, when it in- habits the watercourses." Harris ('01) notes its presence in shallow, stagnant ponds in the neighborhood of Lawrence, Kan., in company with C. virilis and C. immunis. These ponds are usually very muddy, and have usually, in the shallow parts, which are apt to become dry during the summer, a rank growth of Polygonum and plants of like habit. Harris ('00) records material as very plentiful in these stag- nant ponds in early spring, but never knew of material being taken in running creeks. In one pond, which was carefully watched, the females appeared March 13, while the males were not found until April 15, when one was secured, another being taken some days later at the top of its burrow in a pasture not far from the pond. In August two males and one female were taken from the mouths of their burrows in a yard some distance from a running stream, but where the ground was low and in- clined to be somewhat moist. The animal does not seem to be entirely nocturnal in its habits, and is not infrequently found at the top of its burrow in the daytime. The lowlands in which this species lives are frequently flooded at times of great rainfall, in which case the animals leave their burrows, and upon the subsidence of the water may be found wandering over the surface of the ground. The females of the species are olive-green. in color, the males almost a salmon-red. The writer had been told by people from various parts of the state ( Kansas) 100 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. of the numbers of red crayfish seen after a heavy, washing rain, and was inclined to consider the species widely distributed. He considers that individuals of this species must exuviate in their burrows, since the ponds in which the females are found in the early spring were very carefully watched without finding a specimen which was at all soft from exuviation. In the spring females were occasionally found in these ponds with a few young which were nearly old enough to leave the parent. This makes it seem altogether probable that those females without young liave lost them before or immediately upon taking to the open water. In C. immunis, the females exuviate in the spring as soon as the young abandon them, but this would seem to indi- cate that such is not the case with C. gracilis. In the fall of 1900 there were many young crayfishes which seemed to be C. gracilis in the ponds, about October 20 to No- vember 20 appearing in great numbers about the same time that C. immunis disappears. Young of this species were also noticed early in the spring of 1900. These young crayfish, which were from three-fourths to seven-eighths of an inch in length when they disappeared in November, 1900, appeared again about the 1st of March, 1901. They were taken in great numbers. A few days later the ponds froze over, but the animals were still to be found, apparently as plentiful as ever, under a layer of ice about an inch thick. They grew rapidly, and by the 1st of May had attained a length of from one to nearly one and one-half inches. Many smaller animals of five-eighths of an inch in length were found in the ponds and ditches on May 9, probably the young of C. gracilis, which were still carried by the females as late as March 27. In the spring of 1901 the adults did not ap- pear until after the young. He did not succeed in determining the date of copulation or laying of eggs. The eggs in the ovaries of females taken in this way were by no means fully developed. This species, as compared with some others, C. Immunis for instance, he considers shows a very small percentage of mutila- tion, it being very seldom that an individual is found with one of the great claws wanting, or showing any indications of having been regenerated. Harris ('02) records the finding of an adult female in a stag- HARRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 101 nant pond near Lawrence, Kan., in August, 1901, the only time he had ever taken an adult specimen in open water during the summer. The males of this species must spend considerably more of their time in the burrows than do the females, as has been shown by the observation of Garman and Harris, who have seen only three adult males, all first-form, the adult second-form male be- ing as yet unknown. See, also, Hargitt ('90), under C. diogenes, and Holder ('86), under C. diogenes. Cambarus hagenianus Fax.^^ 39. South Carolina. 1. Seaboard of Charleston [Charleeton county]. (F., '85.) Cambarus hamulatus Cope and Pack. 41. Tennessee. 1. [ county], Nickajack cave. (F., '85.) See Faxon ('85), under C. pellucidus. Cambarus harrisonii Fax. 24. Missouri. 1. [Trib. Meramec^R.], Irondale [Washington county]. (F., '85.) Cambarus hayi Fax. 23. Mississippi. 1. Noxubee river [or Oaknoxubee creek], Macoun [Noxubee county]. (F., '85.) 2. [Trib. Tombigbee R,], Artesia [Lowndes county]. (F., '89.) Cambarus hylas Fax. 24. Missouri. 1. West fork of Black river, Reynolds county. (F., '90.) Cambarus immunis Hag. I. Alabama. 1. [Trib. Tennessee R.], Huntsville [Madison county]. (F., '85.) II. Illinois. 1. [Mississippi R.], Oquawka [Henderson county]. (F., '85.) 2. [Trib. Mississippi R.], Bellville [St. Clair county]. (F. '85.) 3. [Trib. Illinois R.], Lawn Ridge [Marshall county]. (F., '85.) 4. [Trib. Illinois R.], Normal [McLean county]. (F., '85.) 5. [ R.], Aux Plains [ county]. (F., '85.) 16. The adoption of the name '^. Juigpnianw^ Fax., proposed by Faxon ('8.'i) for Hapen's ma- terial, in case it should prove to be specifically distinct from Erichson's C. curolinus, has been shown to be necessary by Hay ('02). 102 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. 12. Indiana. 1. White river, Marion county. (Hay, '96.) 2. Fall creek, Marion county. (Hay, '96.) 3. [White R.], Irvington, Marion county. (Hay, '96.) 4. Long Lake, Kendallville, Noble county. (Hay, '96.) 5. Wabash river, Posey county. (Hay, '96.) 6. Twin Lakes, Marshall county. (Hay, '96.) 7. Wabash river. New Harmony [Posey county]. (F., '90.) 8. [Wabash R.], Lafayette [Tippecanoe county]. (F. '90.) 14. Iowa. 1. [Iowa R.], West Liberty, Muscatine county. (F., '85.) 2. [Des Moines R.], Ames, Story county. (F., '98.) 3. Cedar river, Cedar Rapids, Linn county. (F., '98.) 4. Mapleton river, Mapleton, Monona county. (F., '98.) 5. Bryer river, Arion, Crawford county. (F., '98.) 6. [ Iowa R.], Belmond, Wright county. (F., '98.) 15. Kansas. 1. [Trib. Smoky Hill R.], Ellis [Ellis county]. (F., '85.) 2. [Missouri R.], Leavenworth [Leavenworth county]. (F., '85.) 3. [Kansas R.], in stagnant ponds, Douglas county. (Harris, '00.) 4. [Kansas R.], in stagnant ponds on the prairie near Onaga, Pottawatomie county. (Harris, '02.) 21. Michigan. 1. Detroit river, Detroit [Wayne county]. (F., '85.) 22. Minnesota. 1. [Trib. Mississippi R.], Richfield, Hennepin county. (F., '85.) 24. Missouri. 1. [Mississippi R.], St. Louis [ St. Louis county]. (F., '85.) 2. Kentucky. 1. In Kentucky {^fide Bundy). (F. '85.) So far as yet reported, it is confined to southeastern Indiana. Hay ( '96) says : " This species is quite abundant in southern Indiana, frequenting the muddy banks of running streams. Doc- tor Sloan, for whom the species was named, has made observa- tions on its habits as follows : 'He commences on the bank of the stream, burrows below the bed, and has an opening two or more feet out in the stream, where he sits watching for anything that may turn up, w^ith a safe retreat.'" 6-Bull., No. 3. 130 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Cambarus spiculifer LeC. 9. Georgia. 1. Oconee river, at Athena [Clarke county], and Milledgeville [Baldwin county]. (F., '85.) 2. Ocmulgee river, in the neighborhood of Atlanta [Fulton county]. (F., '85.) 3. Chattahoochee river, at Roswell, Cobb county, and near Gainesville [Hall county]. F.,'85.) 4. Etowah river. (F., '85.) Cambarus spinosus Bundy. I. Alabama. 1. Cypress creek, Lauderdale county. (F,, '85.) 2. [Big Nance creek], Courtland [Lawrence county]. (F., '98.) 9. Greorgia. I. [Etowah, Ooetenaula or Coosa R.], neighborhood of Rome [Floyd county]. (F.,'85.) .32. Xorth Carolina. 1. Tar river, Rocky Mount [Nash county]. (F., '90.) ■ 39. South Carolina. 1. Saluda river. (F., '85.) 41. Tennessee. 1. Indian creek, tributary of Powell's river, six miles southeast of Cumberland Gap [Claiborne county]. (F.,'98.) 2. Clinch river, at Walker's Ford, eleven miles southwest of Tazewell [Claiborne county]. (F., '98.) 3. Tennessee river, near border of Georgia [Dode county (?)]. (F., '85 ) Cambarus stygius Bundy. 48. Wisconsin. 1. Shores of Lake Michigan, having been washed up during a storm. (F., '85.) Cambarus troglodytes LeC. 9. Georgia. 1. Lower Georgia. (F., '85.) 2. Savannah river, Richmond county. (F.,'85.) II. Illinois. ?L [Trib. Illinois R.], Lawn Ridge, Marshall county. (F., '85.) 39. South Carolina. 1. [Atlantic O.], Charleston [Charleston county]. (F.,'85.) 2. [Cooper R.], Oakley [Berkley county]. (F.,'85.) 3. [Congaree R.], Columbia [Richland county]. (F.,'85.) LeConte ("56) says of A. troglodytes: "Habitat in Georgise Oryzaceis, ubi spiracula4 unc, alta format" ; and of A. fossorum [or C. troglodytes]: "Habitat in fossis Georgiae inferiores." HARRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 131 Cambarus typhlobius Joseph. Caves at Carniola. A species of especial interest, since it is the only one found outside of America. Cambarus uhleri Fax. 19. Maryland. 1. [Assateague bay and Pocomoke R.], Worcester county. (F., '85.) 2. [Potomac R.], Somerset county. (F., '85.) 3. [Potomac R.], Wicomico county. (F., '85.) 4. [Chesapeake bay or Potomac R.], St, Mary's county. (F., '85.) 5. [Chesapeake bay], Talbot county. (F., '85.) 6. [Chesapeake bay], Dorchester county. (F., '85.) 7. [Choptank R.], Caroline county. (F., '85 ) Faxon ('85) says: "This species was discovered in the' counties of Maryland enumerated above, on the Chesapeake and Atlantic coasts of Maryland. It is found in salt marshes, cov- ered twice daily by the tides, and also in brackish and fresh- water ditches in company with C. hlandingii. In Dorchester county, it is found far back in the lowlands in the neighborhood of Vienna." Cambarus versutus Hag. 1. Alabama. 1. [Mobile bay], neighborhood of Mobile [Mobile county]. (F., '85.) 2. [Escambia R.], Pollard [Escambia county]. (F., '98.) 3. [Trib. Coosa R.], Colora [Shelby county]. (F., '98.) 4. [Trib. Escambia R.], Greenville, Butler county. (F., '98.) ' 5. Escambia river at Flomaton [Escambia county], above Pensacola [Fla.] (F., '85.) 8. Florida. 1. [Pensacola bay ?], Cape Barrancas. (F., '85.) Cambarus virilis Hag. Canada. 1. Lake Winnepeg. (F., '85.) 2. Saskatchewan river. (F., '85.) 3. Red River of the North. (F., '85.) 4. [Lake Ontario], Toronto [York county]. (F., '85.) ?5. [St. Lawrence R.], Montreal. (F., '85.) 1. Alabama. 1. [Tennessee R.], near Bridgeport, Jackson county. (F., '85.) 2. Arkansas. 1. White river, Eureka Springs, Carroll county. (F., '85.) 2. [Trib. Illinois R.], Prairie Grove, Washington county. (F., '90.) 3. [Trib. Illinois R. or of White R.], Fayetteville, Washington county. (F., '90.) 132 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. 11. Illinois. 1. [Illinois R.], Lawn Ridge, Marshall county. (F., '85.) 2. [Sangamon R.], Decatur, Macon county. (F., '85.) 3. [Trib. Illinois R.], Normal, McLean county. (F., '85.) 4. [Illinois R.], Pekin, Tazewell county. (F., '85.) 5. [Illinois R.], Geneva, Kane county. (F., '85.) 6. [Mississippi R.], Quincy, Adams county. (F., '85.) 7. [Mississippi R.], Cairo, Alexander county. (F., '85.) 8. Stillman's creek, Marion, Ogle county. (F., '85.) 12. Indiana. 1. Elkhart river, Goshen, Elkhart county. (Hay, '96.) 2. Twin Lakes, Lima, Lagrange county. (Hay, '96.) 3. Elkhart river, Rome City, Noble county. (F., '85, and Hay, '96.) 4. Lake Michigan, Michigan City, Laporte county. (Hay, '96.) 5. Long lake. Noble county. (Hay, '96.) 6. Turkey lake, Kosciusko county. (Hay, '96.) 7. [Kankakee R.], Shelby, Lake county. (Hay, '96.) 13. Indian Territory. 1. Five Mile creek, tributary of Spring river, one mile south of Kansas line, near Baxter Springs, Kan. (F., '90.) 2. [Trib. Gaines creek], McAlester [Choctaw Nation]. (F., '98.) 14. Iowa. 1. [Mississippi R.], Davenport [Scott county]. (F., '85.) 2. [Mississippi R.], Burlington [Des Moines county]. (F., '85.) 3. [Des Moines R.], Fort Dodge [Webster county]. (F., '85.) 4. Des Moines river. (F., '85.) 5. [Trib. Missouri R], Bedford [Taylor county]. (F., '85.) 6. [Wapsipinicon R.], Springvale [Linn county]. (F., '85.) 7. Spirit lake, Dickinson county. (F., '98.) 8. [Des Moines R.], Ames, Story county. (F., '98.) 9. Storm lake, Bueua Vista county. (F., '98.) 10. [Little Sioux R.], Cherokee, Cherokee county. (F., '98.) 11. Yellow creek, Pottsville, Allamakee county. (F., '98.) 12. Spring creek, Delhi, Delaware county. (F., '98.) 13. Boyer river, Arion, Crawford county. (F., '98.) 14. [Iowa R.], Belmond, Wright county. (F., '98.) 15. Shell Rock river, Waverly, Brenner county. (F. '98.) 15. Kansas. 1. Tributary of Kansas river, Shawnee county. (F., '85 &.) j 2. Ward's creek, Shawnee county. (F., '85 b.) \ 3. [Kansas R.], Wabaunsee county. (F., 85 ?>.) ' 4. [Arkansas R.], Garden City, Finney county. (F., '85 b. > 5. Leavenworth, Leavenworth county. (F., 85 b.) i 6. [Kansas R.], Manhattan, Riley county. (F., '85 b.) j 7. Republican river, northwest of Fort Riley. (F., '85 b. j 8. [Smoky Hill R. or trib.], Ellis county. (F., '85 b.) ! 9. Sappa creek, Oberlin, Decatur county. (F., '90.) ; 10. Osage river. La Cygne, Linn county. (F., '90.) \ 11. [Kansas R.], Topeka, Shawnee county. (F., '90.) ■ HARRIS: CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 133 12. Spring at head of Medicine Lodge river, Kiowa county. (Harris, '00.) 13. Stagnant ponds, Douglas county. (Harris, '00.) 14. Rock creek, Douglas county. (Harris, '00.) 15. Washington creek, Douglas county. (Harris, '00.) 16. Coon creek, Douglas county. (Harris, '00.) 17. Wild Horse creek, Jefferson county. (Harris, '00.) 18. [Trib. Kansas R.], in small stream, Dickinson county. (Harris, '00 and '02.) 19. A small branch of Chikaskia river, six miles northwest of Caldwell, Sumner county. (Harris, '00.) 20. Small stream near Egerton, Wyandotte county. (Harris, '00.) 21. Labette creek, within city limits of Parsons, Labette county. (Harris, '00.) 22. Wakarusa river, Douglas county. (Harris, '02.) 23. Bull Foot creek, Lincoln county. (Harris, '02.) 24. Spillman creek, Lincoln county. (Harris, '02.) 25. Wildcat creek, about two miles west of Manhattan, Riley county. (Harris, '02.) 26. Lower part of Kansas river, near Lawrence [Douglas county]. (Harris, '02.) ?27, Among some of my old notes I find that on March 29 or 30, 1895, I secured, in an irrigating ditch near Atwood, Rawlins county, four or five crayfishes, among which was one large female carrying a large number of eggs. On April 13, 1895, in the same ditch, was secured, hiding under a weed, another female with eggs. These specimens I place with this species, al- though it might just as well be C negleclu>i; C. ticglectus (3) and C virilis (9) having been taken at the same place, and C. negleetus (2) a few miles to the west. The eggs of C. virilis are carried in the spring (Harris, '00), as are also those of C. negleetus (Harris, '02), There is an error in the map given by Harris ('02), in that the 7 and the 10 should both be in Decatur county instead of the 7 in Decatur and the 10 in Rawlins county. 21. Michigan. 1. Spencer creek [ county], (F., '90.) 2. Barnum lake, south of Battle Creek [Calhoun county], (F., '90,) 3. Lake Douglas [Cheboygan county]. (F., '98.) 22. Minnesota. 1. Lake Superior. (F., '8-5.) 2. Mississippi river, (F., '85.) 3. Lake Minnetonka [Hennepin county]. (F., '85.) 4. Minnehaha creek. Cedar Lake [ — -. — county]. (F., '85.) 5. Bassett's creek and Lake Independence [Hennepin county], (F,, '85.) 24. Missouri. 1, [Mississippi R,], St, Louis [St, Louis county], (F., '85.) 2, Osage river, (F,, '85.) 3, Trib, Meramec R ], Irondale, Washington county, (F,, '85.) 4, Bear creek and Hickson creek, Columbia [Boone county], (F., '90.) 5, West fork of Black river, Reynolds county. (F., '90.) 6, [Trib, Neosho R ], Jasper county, (F,, '98.) 7, [Trib, Neosho R,], Neosho, Newton county, (F., '98.) 8, [Missouri R.], Kansas City [Jackson county], (Harris, '02,) ?9. Wells in Jasper county, (F,, '90,) 134 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. 26. Nebraska. 1. [Missouri R.], Omaha [Douglas county]. (F., '85.) 2. Blue river, Crete, Saline county. (F., '98.) 31. NcAV York. ?1. Lake George. (F., '85.) 33. North Dakota. 1. Red River of the North, near Pembina [Pembina county]. (F., '85.) 2. Souris or Mouse river. (F., '85.) 41. Tennessee. ?1. [Tennessee R.], Lebanon [Marion county]. (F., '85.) 42. Texas. 1. Red river, Arthur [Lamar county]. (F., '98.) 48. Wisconsin. 1. [Fox R.], Appleton [Outagamie county]. (F., '85.) 2. Baraboo river, Ironton [Sauk county]. (F., '85.) 3. Wisconsin river, Sauk City [Sauk county]. (F., '85.) 4. Sugar river [Green county]. (F., '85.) 5. Rock river, Rock county. (F., '85 ) 6. [Lake Koshkong], Jefferson [Jefferson county]. (F., '85.) 7. [Lake Michigan], Milwaukee [Milwaukee county]. (F., '85.) 49. Wyoming. 1. [Laramie R.], near Laramie City [Albany county]. (F., '85.) Street's ('77) types of C.cousei, twenty-two in number, were taken from the stomach of a pelican shot in May, 1873, on the Red River, near Pembina (?) . The bird, was sick and not able to fly ; so the crayfish were supposed to have been taken in that vicinity. He quotes Doctor Coues's notes on C.vir His collected in Souris or Mouse river, in Dakota : "In bed of stream among stones, in shallow water. Very abundant." Bundy ('83) says: "One of our most abundant species, fre- quenting running streams." Faxon ('90) reports two small specimens of Cambarus, with well-developed eyes, taken, together with C. setosus, by Miss Ruth Hoppin, in Jasper county, Missouri, as probably belonging to this species. Hay ('96) reports C. virilis as being confined in Indiana to lakes and streams in the northern part of the state, where it is extremely abundant and attains a large size. According to Harris ('00), C. virilis is found principally in running streams, although frequently taken in the same locali- ties as C. immunis. While he never took C. virilis from bur- rows, he has no doubt that the great numbers of burrows which HARRIS: CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 3 35 are seen running back into the banks of the creeks just a little below the water line belong to this species. When living in the same sort of habitat as C. immunis, it doubtless burrows in the same manner. A specimen from Kansas City, Mo. (24, 8) , was found by laborers nine feet under ground and consid- erably over 100 feet from water. C. virilis seems to prefer rocky rather than muddy places. May 5, 1900, he collected this species in Wild Horse creek, Jefferson county, Kansas. At the rocky riffles the crayfish were taken in abundance, but perhaps 150 yards above, where the bottom was composed of soft, deep mud, he did not secure a single specimen. The same thing was noticed in Coon creek, Douglas county, Kansas, and Mr. C. D. Bunker told him that in Rock creek, Douglas county, Kansas, he noticed that the animals are to be found only in the rocky places. Perhaps it finds among the rocks more ready protection from its enemies. So far as could be seen, food would be just as plentiful, if not more so, in the slower running, muddy parts of the stream than at the rocky rifiles. C. virilis can and does live in muddy places. It is sometimes found in muddy ponds and roadside ditches with C. immunis, and he took a great many from Washington creek, Douglas county, Kansas, when the mud was as soft and deep as in either of the creeks mentioned above. In the winter C. virilis may be found under flat stones in the rocky creeks, even when the water is covered with ice. When taken from the water, they are so numb as to be almost incapable of movement, but liven up when held in the hand for a short time, and are as lively as ever after a few hours in the laboratory. The eggs are laid in the spring, none being found on the fe- males collected during the winter. The ovarian eggs of speci- mens taken in January seem to be fully developed, so far as may be seen from examination with the naked eye. Harris ('02) gives two lots of material as taken under stones in shal- low running water. Cambarus weigmanni Erichs. Mexico. 1. Mexico. (F., '85.) ?2. [Gulf of Mexico], Jalapa [Jalapa]. (F., '85.) ?3. [Gulf of Mexico], Isthmus of Tehuantepec. (F., '85.) 136 KANSAS UNIVERSITY. SCIENCE BULLETIN. DISTRIBUTION BY RIVER SYSTEMS. In the following table the distribution of the different species by river systems is shown. The arrangement I have adopted is a simple one, the rivers emptying into the sea being arranged in order, from those of Hudson Bay to the Gulf of Mexico. Under each of these rivers, the tributaries are arranged in order from the mouth towards the source, and the tributaries of these are arranged in the same way. The names of streams flowing into the sea are printed in capitals ; tributaries of the first, sec- ond and third order in small capitals, italics, and lower case, re- spectively. In some cases subdivisions have been made for large bays. In the case of the St. Lawrence river system, sep- arate parts, as the Great Lakes and the Niagara river, have been most conveniently treated as separate tributaries of the St. Lawrence river as the term is generally understood. Under the different streams are given alphabetical lists of the species reported from them, with references to the number of the state and the number of the locality in the state which is re- ferred to this water system; C. carolinus, 41, 1, refers to "1. Clinch R., Cumberland Gap, Claiborne county. (F.,'85)." In assigning certain localities to a drainage system, considerable difficulty has been experienced, especially in swampy regions, as northern Indiana and the most of Florida, but I feel confi- dent that the most of the localities are correctly assigned. In many cases it has not been possible to determine from the lo- calities given to what stream a species really belongs, and in the table it has been placed under both possible systems, the reference to the catalogue number followed by a question mark in parentheses, C.bartonii,2,d,2 (?) , under both Raritan and Dela- ware rivers. The intention of this table is to place each local- ity in its proper drainage system. The species which are given under Atlantic ocean and Gulf of Mexico are from localities which could not well be assigned to any river, and probably all the localities are drained immediately into the ocean or swampy coast region. The arrangement is in the main an artificial one, but it pos- sesses certain advantages, and seems the best, all things consid- HARRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 137 ered. For certain localities it was impossible to determine the drainage system, and others, as those of C. pellucidus, it is not considered advisable to assign to streams. Of these species a list is given at the end of the table. To facilitate use of the table, an index of species, the numbers referring to the numbers of the streams in the table, is given at the beginning : INDEX OF SPECIES. C. acuminatus. 56, 57, 60, 62, 105. C. affinis. 14, 15, 26, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 46, 47, 49, 50, 53. C. alabamensis. 102. 0. alleni. 69, 71, 72, 73. C. argillicola. 10, 15, 20, 23, 56, 71, 89, 101, 107, 109, 147, 148. C. barbatus. 5, 78. C. bartonii. 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 56, 62, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 109, 110, 111, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 121. C. bartonii longirostris. 78, 103, 104. O. bartonii robustus. 6, 10, 11, 13, 15, 36, 49, 51, 115, 116, 132. C. blandingii. 5, 37, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 64, 145. C. blandingii acutus. 5, 24, 71, 79, 81, 82, 886, 89, 90, 91, 93, 98, 99, 102, 107, 131, 134, 136, 144. C. carolinus. 55, 88&, 92, 101, 102, 103, 116, 117. C. clarkii. 69, 71, 77, 79, 89, 146, 148, 149. C. clypeatus. 71. C. compressus. 102. C cornutus. 110. C. difficilis. 93, 94. C. diogenes. 5, 20, 24, 40, 42, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 52, 56, 57, 88, 89, 94, 98, 100, 101, 107, 109, 110, 113, 114, 116, 118, 120, 122, 128, 131, 133, 134, 136, 138, 140, 142. C. erichsonianus. 84, 102, 105. C. evermanni. 78. C. extraneus. 84, 86, 102. C extraneu9 girardianus. 102. C. fallax. 69, /O, 74. C. forceps. 102, 103, 104. C. gracilis. 24, 89, 95, 96, 107, 113, 122, 131, 132. C. hagenianus. 5. C harrisonii. 119. C. hayi. 81. C. hylas. 99. C. immunia. 11, 15, 19, 24, 89, 102, 107, 109, 120, 122, 125, 127, 129, 131, 135, 136, 137. C. immunis spinirostris. 89, 107, 122. C. indianensis. 108. C. jordani. 86. C. laneifer. 88, 100. 138 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. C. latimanus. 59, 60, 67, 71, 76, 82, 102, 106. C. lecontei. 67, 79. C. longidigitus. 98, C. longulus. 50, 52, 102, 103, 104, 105, 115. C. medius. 119. C. meeki. 92, 94. C. mississippiensis. 81. C. nais. 95, 96. C. neglectus. 90, 94, 95, 98, 121, 122, 123, 141. C. obscurus. 13, 116, 118. C. palmeri. 89, 99, 100. C. palmeri longimanus. 90, 93. C. pilosue. 124, 126. C. propinquus. 6, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 89, 107, 109, 112, 116, 117, 131, 134, 135, 138. C. propinquus sanbornii. 15, 101. C. pubescens. 64, 65. C. putnami. 101, 102, 103, 109, 110, 112. C. rueticus. 15, 16, 17, 23, 24, 26, 40, 89, 98, 99, 101, 102, 103, 106, 107, 109, 111, 112, 113, 119, 121, 131, 133, 135, 137, 144. C setosus. 95, 98. C. schufeldtii. 71, 89. C. simulans. 92, 97, 125, 145, 150. O. sloanii. 101. C. spiculifer, 67, 68, 76, 86, C. spinosus. 55, 60, 85, 86, 87, 102, 103. C stygius. 24. C, troglodytes, 5, 59, 63, 64, 131. C. uhleri. 5, 42, 43, 45, 49. C. versutus. 77, 78, 79, 85, C, virilis. 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 22, 24, 25, 26, 89, 90, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97, 98, 99, 102, 107, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 125, 126, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143. C weigmanni. 71, TABLE OF STREAMS. 1. HUDSON BAY. 2. NELSON RIVER. 3. Lake Winnipeg, C. virilis. C, 1, 4. Saskatchewan River, C. virilis. C, 2. 5. ATLANTIC OCEAN. C. barbatus. 39, ? 1. C. bartonii, 39, ? 1, C. blandingii. 19, 7; 32, 4; 45, 4. C. blandingii acutus, 32, 1; 39, 1. C. diogenes, 19, 5(?); 32, ?3; 45, 2, 3. C. hagenianus, 39, 1, C. troglodytes. 39, 1, C. uhleri. 19, 1(?). HARRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 139 6. ST. LAWRENCE RIVER. C. bartonii. C, ?1; 31, 2,5. C. bartonii robustus. 31, 4, 5, 8. C. propinquus. C, 1; 31, 2, 3, 4, 5. C. virilis. C, ?5. 7. Richelieu River. 8. Lake Chamj^laiti. C. bartonii. 31, 1; 44, 1. 9. Lake George. C. virilia. 31, ?1. 10. Lake Ontario. C. argillicola. C, 1. C. bartonii robustus. C, 1, 2; 31, 3. C. propinquus. C, 2; 31, 6, 7, 8, 11, C. virilis. C, 4. 11. Oneida Lake. C. bartonii. 31, 10. C. bartonii robustus. 31, 7. C. immunis. 31, 1, C. propinquus, 31, 9. 12. Cayuga Lake. C. bartonii. 31, 11. C. propinquus. 31, 10. 13. Genesee River. C. bartonii. 31, 13. C. bartonii robustus. 31, 2. C. obscurus. 31, 2. 14. Niagara River. 0. affinis. 31, 1. C. bartonii. 31, 14. C propinquus. 31, 1. 15. Lake Erie. C. affinis. (?). C. argillicola. 34, 1, 2. C. bartonii. 31, 15. C bartonii robustus. 31, 1. C blandingii acutus. 34, 1. C. immunis. 34, 1, 2. C propinquus. 31, 12; 34, 1. C. propinquus saubornii. 34, 1. C rusticus. 34, 1. 16. Sandusky River. C. rusticus. 34, 8, 9. 17. Maumee River. C. rusticus. 34, 5, 6, 7. 18. Huron River. C. propinquus. 21, 4. 19. Detroit River. C immunis. 21, 1. C. propinquus.' 21, 2, 3, 140 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. 6. ST. LAWRENCE 'RIVF.U — continued : 20. Lake St. Clair. C. argillicola. 21, 1. C. diogenes. 21, 1. C propinquus. 21, 7. 21. St. Clair River. C. propinquus. 21, 1. 22. Lake Huron. C. propinquus. 21, 6(?). C. virilis. 21, 3(?). 23. Saginaiv River. C. argillicola. 21, 2. C. propinquus. 21, 5. C. rusticus. 21, 1. 24. Lake Michigan. C. blandingii acutus. 11, 8; 48, 1. C. diogenes. 11, 2, 6; 48, 3. C. gracilis. 11, 5(?); 48, 1(?). C. itnmunis. 48, 1. C. propinquus. 12, 1, 4; 21, 6(?). C. rusticus. 48, 1. C. stygius, 48, 1. C. virilis. 12, 1, 3, 4, 5 (?); 21, 3 (?); 48, 7. 25. Kalamaz'io Biver. C. propinquus. 21, 8, 9, 10. C. virilis, 21, 2. 26. Lake Superior. C. affinis. C. bartonii robustus. C. propinquus. C. rusticus. C. virilis. 22, 1. 27. RESTIGOUCHE RIVER. C. bartonii. C, 5. 28. UPSALQUITCH RIVER. C. bartonii. C, 6. 29. MIRAMICHI RIVER. C. bartonii. C, 7. 30. ST. JOHN RIVER. C. bartonii. C, 2, 3, 4; 18, 3, ? 6. 31. PENOBSCOT RIVER. C. bartonii. 18, ? 5. 32. KENNEBEC RIVER. C. bartonii. 18, 1, 3, ? 4. 33. PROVIDENCE RIVER. C. bartonii. 20, 1. 34. PAWCATUCK RIVER. C. bartonii. 38, ? 1. HARRIS : CRA.YPISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 141 35. HOUSATONIC RIVER. C. bartonii. 20, ? 4. 36. HUDSON RIVER. C. bartonii. 20, 2, 3; 31, 3, 4, 7. C. bartonii robustus. 31, 6. 37. PASSAIC RIVER. C. bartonii. 29, 3. C. blandingii. 29, 1. 38. RARITAN RIVER. C. affinis. 29, 1(?). C. bartonii. 29, 2(?). 39. NAVESINK RIVER. C. affinis. 29, 5. 40. DELAWARE RIVER. C. affinie. 29, 1 (?), 2, 3, 4 ; 37, 2, 3, 7, 8. C. bartonii. 29, 1, 2 (?); 31, 6, 8; 37, 8, 13, 14. C. blandingii. 29, 2. C. diogenes. 29, 1(?). C. rusticus. 37, 2. 41. Schuylkill River. C. affinis. 37, 1(?). C. bartonii. 37, 7. 42. CHESAPEAKE BAY. C. affinis. 19, 5, 7, 8. C. bartonii. 19, 6 (?). C. blandingii. 19, 5. C. diogenes. 19, 2(?), 4, C. uhleri. 19, 4 (?), 5, 6. 43. PocoMOKE River. C. blandingii. 19, 6(?). C. diogenes. 19, 5(?). C. uhleri. 19, 1 {?). 44. Wicomico River. C. blandingii, 19, 6(?). 45. Choptank River. C. blandingii. 19, 1, 2, 3. C. diogenes. 19, 3. C. uhleri. 19, 7. 46. Susquehanna River. C. affinis. 37, 4, 5, 6. C. bartonii. 19, 6 (?); 31, 9, 12; 37, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9. 47. Patapsco River. C. affinis. 19, 6. C. blandingii. 19, 1. i C. diogenes. 19, 1. 48. Patuxent River. C. bartonii. 19, 7. ] C. blandingii. 19, 4 (?). 142 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. ' 42. CHESAPEAKE BAY— continued : 49. Potomac River. C. affinis. 7, 1; 19, 1, 2, 3, 4; 45, 1. C. bartoaii. 7, 1, 2; 19, 1, 3, 4, 5, 8; 45, 10; 47, 4, 6, 7. C bartonii robustus. 19, 1. C. blandingii. 19, 4 (?). : C. diogenes. 7, 1; 19, 2 (?); 45, 1, 6. ; C. uhleri. 19, 2, 3, 4 (?). 50. Shenandoah River. • \ C. affinis. 45,2. \ C. bartonii. 45, 2, 12. C. longulus. 45, 1. _ 1 51. Rappahannock River. j C. bartonii. 45, 9. ; C. bartonii robustus. 45, 1. C diogenes. 45, 4. 52. James River. I C. bartonii. 45, 5, 7, 8. I C. blandingii. 45, 1, 3. '. C, diogenes. 45, 5. \ C. longulus. 45, 2, .3, ?6. ! 53. CHOWAN RIVER. ' C. affinis. 45, 2. C. bartonii. 45, 6, 11. C. blandingii. 45, 2. . 54. PAMLICO RIVER. ; C. blandingii. 32, 1. : 55. Tar River. C. blandingii. 32, 7. C. carolinus. .32, 1. i C. spinosus. 32, 1. 56. NEUSE RIVER. C. acuminatus. 32, 3. C. argillicola. 32, ? 1. C. bartonii. 32, 5. C. blandingii. .32, 2, 3, 8. C. diogenes. 32, 2. 57. CAPE FEAR RIVER. C. acuminatus. 32, 4. C. blandingii. 32, 6. C. diogenes. 32, 1. 58. SANTEE RIVER. 59. Congaree River, C. blandingii. 39, 3. C. latimanus. 39, 2. C. troglodytes. 39, 3. 60. Saluda River. C. acuminatus. 39, 1. C. blandingii. 39, 2. C. latimanus. 39, 1. C. spinosus. 39, 1. HARRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARDS. 143 58. SANTEE RIVER — eoni!mMed ; 61. Wateree River. C. blandingii. 39, 1. 62. Catawba River. C. acuminatua. 32, 1, 6. C. bartonii. 32, 3 (?), 4. 63. COOPER RIVER. C. troglodytes. 39, 2. 64. SAVANNAH RIVER. C. blandingii. 9, 1, 2. C. pubescens. 9, 1, 2. C. troglodytes. 9, 2. 65. OGEECHEE RIVER. C. pubescens. 9, 3. 66. ALLAMAHA RIVER. 67. Oconee River. C. latimanus. 9, 1, 2. C. lecontei. 9, 1. 0. epiculifer. 9, 1. 68. Ocmulgee Biver. C. spiculifer. 9, 2. 69. ST. JOHNS RIVER. C. alleni. 8,1,5. C. clarkil. 8, 1. C. fallax. 8, 1, 2 (?), 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 (?), 10 (?). 70. INDIAN RIVER. C. fallax. 8, 7, 8, 9 (?). 71. GULF OF MEXICO. C. alleni. 8, 2, 4. C. argillicola. 23, 1. C. blandingii acutus. 42, 2. C. clarkii. 23, 1. C. clypeatus. 23, 1. C. latimanus. 23, 1. C. schufeldtii. 17, 1 (?). C. weigmanni. M., ?2, ?3. 72. CALOOSAHATCHEE RIVER. C. alleni. 8, 3. 73. PEACE RIVER. C. alleni. 8, C. 74. SUWANEE RIVER. C. fallax. 8, ]0(?). 75. APPALACHICOLA RIVER. 76. CHATTAHOOCHEE RIVER. C. latimanus. 9, 3. C. spiculifer. 9, 3. 144 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. 1 77. PENSACOLA. BAY. C. clarkii. 8, 2. . j C. vereutus. 8, 1. 1 78. Escambia River. C. barbatus. 1, 1. | C. bartonii longirostris. 1, 1. i C. evermaoni. 1, 1. j C. versutus. 1, 2, 4, 5. ' 79. MOBILE BAY. C. blandingii acutus. 1, 1. i C. clarkii. 1, 1. C. lecontei. 1, 1. C. versutus. 1, 1. \ 80. Mobile Riveb. ' 81. Tomhighee River. j C. blandingii acutus. 23, 1. ' C. hayi. 23, 1, 2. C. mississippiensie. 23, 2. ; 82. Black Warrior River. i C. blandingii acutus. 1,2,3. ! C. latimanus. 1, 1, 3 (?). ! 83. Alabama River. , 84. Cahaba River. C. erichsonianus. 1, 1. C extraneus. 1, 1. ' 85. Coosa River. C. spinosus, 3, 1 (?). C versutus. 1, 3. i 86. Etowah River. " ) C. extraneus. 9, 1. C jordani. 9, 1. C. epiculifer. 9, 4. j C. spinosus. 9, 1 {?). ' 87. Oostanaula River. i C. spinosus. 9, 1 (?). j 88. PEARL RIVER. ; C. diogenes. 23, 1. ] 0. lancifer. 23, 2. i 886. LAKE PONTCHARTRAIN. ] C. clarkii. 17, 1. i C. blandingii acutus. 17, 2, 3. j 89. MISSISSIPPI RIVER. j C. argillicola. 17, ? 1. ' C. blandingii acutus. 11, 5; 14, 2; 17, 1; 23, 2; 24, 1; 41, 1. \ C. clarkii. 17, 2. j C. diogenes. 11, 3; 14, 1; 24, 1. . i C. diogenes ludoviciana. 17, 1. C. gracilis. 14, 1; 24, 1. C. immunis. 11, 1, 2; 22, 1; 24, 1. j C. immunis spinirostris. 41, 1. ! C. palmeri. 41, 1. HARRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 145 89. MISSISSIPPI niVER — continued : C. propinquua. 14, 2. C. rusticus. 11, 2; 16, 4; 48, 2. C. schufeldtii. 17, 1 (?). C. virilis. 11, 6, 7; 14, 1, 2, 11; 22, 2, 3, 4; 24, 1. 90. Red River. C. blandingii acutus. 13, 1; 42, 1. C. neglectus. 42, 1. O. palmeri longimanus. 13, 1; 42, 1. C. simulans. 42, 2 (?). C. virilis. 42, 1. 91. Washita River. C. blandingii acutuB, 2, 3. 92. Arkansas River. C. carolinus. 13, 1. C. meeki. 2, 1. C. simulans. 15, 3, 5. 0. virilis. 15, 4. 93. Canadian River. C. blandingii acutus. 13, 2, 3. C. difficilis. 13, 1. C. palmeri longimanus. 13, 2. C. simulans. 42, 2(?). C. virilis. 13, 2. 94. Illinois River. C. difficilis. 2, 1. C. diogenes. 2, 1 (?). C. meeki. 2, 2(?). C. neglectus. 2, 2(?), 3. C. virilis. 2, 2, 3(?). 95. Neosho or Orand River. C. gracilis. 15, 1(?); 24, ?2, C. naie. 15, 1 (?), 2(?). C. neglectus. 24, 5, 6. C. setosus. 24, 1. C. virilis. 13, 1; 15, 21; 24, 6, 7, ?9. 96. Verdigris River. C. gracilis. 15, 1(?). C. nais. 15, 1 (?), 2(?). 97. Salt Fork Arkansas River. C. simulans. 15, 2, 4, 6. C. virilis. 15, 12, 19. 98. White River. C. blandingii acutus. 2, 1. C. diogenes. 2, 1(?). C. longidigitus. 2, 1. C. meeki. 2, 2(?), C. neglectus. 2, 1, 2(?), 4; 24, 2*, 3, 4. C. rusticus. 2, 1; 24, 2, 3(?), 5. C. setosus. 24, ?2. C. virilis. 2, 1, 3(?). 7-Bull., No. 3. 146 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. 89. MISSISSIPPI UIYER — continued : 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. White River. Black River, C. blandingii acutus. 2, 2. c. hylas. 24, 1. c. palmeri. 2, 2. c. rusticus. 2, 2. c. virilig. 24, 5. St. Francis River. C. diogenes. 2, 2. C. lancifer . 2,1. C. palmeri 2, 1, 3. Ohio River, C. argillicola. 12, 4. 0. bartonii . 12, 3; 16, 2; 34, 1, 2, 3, 5; 37, 1, 12 (?); 47, 3 C. carolinus. 37, 1(?). C. diogenes. 16, ? 1; 37, 2(?). C. propinquus. 37, 1(?). C propinquus sanbornii. 16, 1. C. putnami. 12, ? 1. C. rusticus i. 12, 3; 16, 3; 34, 4; 37, 1, 3. C. sloanii. 12, 1, 2, 3. Tennessee River. C. alabameneis. 1, 1. C. bartonii. 32, 1, 3 (?); 41, 1, 3, 5, 6. c. blandingii acutus. 1, 4, 5. c. carolinus. 45, 1. c. compressus. 1, 1. c. erichsonianus. 41, 2, 3. c. extraneus. 41, 1. c. extraneus girardianus. 1, 1; 41, 1. c. forceps. 1, 1; 41, 1. 0. immunis. 1, 1. c. latimanus. 1, 2, 3 (?). c. longulus. 32, 1; 41, 2. c. putnami. 41, ? 1. c. rusticus. 1, 1. c. spinosus. 1, 1, 2; 41, 3. c. virilis. 1, 1; 41, ?1. Clinch River. C. bartonii. 16, 1; 41, 4. C. bartonii longirostis. 41, 1; 47, 1. C. carolinus. 41, 1. C. forceps. 41, 2, 3. C. longulus. 41, 3, 5. C. putnami. 16, 1. C. rusticus. 41, 2. C. spinosus. 41, 1, 2. Holston River. C. bartonii. 32, 6 (?); 41, 2; 45, 3, 4. C. bartonii longirostris. 41, 2. C. forceps. 45, 1. C. longulus. 41, 1; 45, 5. HARRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 147 89. MISSISSIPPI RIYER — continued: 101. Ohio River. 102. Tennessee River. 105. French Broad River. C. acuminatus. 32, 2 (?), 5. C. bartonii, 32, 2. C. ericheonianus. 41, 1. C. longulus. 41, 4. 106. Cumberland River. C bartonii. 16, 7. C. latimanus. 41, 1. C. rusticus. 41, 1, 3. 107. Wabash River. C. argillicola. 11, 1. C. blandingii acutue. 11, 9 ; 12, 1, 2 (?), 3{?), 6. C. diogenes. 12, 1 (?), 3, 8. C. gracilis. 11, 4. C. immunis. 12, 4 ( ?), 5, 7, 8. C. immunis spinirostris. 12, 1. C. propinquus. 12, 2, 6(?), 7, 8, 9. C. rusticus. 12, 5. C. virilis. 12, 5(?), 6 (?). 108. Patoka River. C. indianensis. 12, 1, 2. 109. White River. C. argillicola. 12, 1, 2, 3. C. bartonii. 12, 1, 2, 4, 5. C. blandingii acutus. 12, 2 (?). C. diogenes. 12, 2, 4, 5, 6. C. immunis. 12, 1, 2, 3. C. propinquus. 12, 3, 10, 11, 13, 14. C. putnami. 12, ?3. C. rusticus. 12, 1, 2, 4. 110. Green River. C. bartonii, 16, 5, 6. C. cornutus. 16, 1. C. diogenes. 16, ?2. C putnami. 16, 2, 3. 111. Kentucky River. C. bartonii. 16, 3. C. rusticus. 16, 1, 2. 112. White Water River. C. propinquus. 12, 12. C putnami. 12, 2. C. rusticus. 12, 6. 113. Miami River. C. diogenes. 34, 2. C. gracilis. 34, 1. C rusticus. 34, 23. 114. Scioto River. C. bartonii. 34, 4. C. diogenes. 34, 1. 148 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. 89. MISSISSIPPI niYER — continued. ■ 101. Ohio River. 102. Tennessee River. 115. Great Kanawha River. C. bartonii. 32, 6(?); 45, 1; 47, 2. C. bartonii robustus. 45, 2. C. longulus. 45, 4; 47, ?1. 116. Alleghany River. C. bartonii. 37, 10, 11, 12(?). C. bartonii robustus. 37, 1. C. carolinus. 37, 11(?). C. diogenes. 37, 1, 2(?). C. obscurus. 37, 1(?). C. propinquus. 37, 1. 117. Monongahela River, C. bartonii. 37, 12(?). C. carolinus. 37, 1(?); 47, 1. C. propinquus. 37, 1. 118. Youghioughany River. C. bartonii. 19, 2. C. diogenes. 19, 6. C. obscurus. 37, 1(?). 119. Meramec River. C. harrisonii. 24, 1. C. medius. 24, 1. C. rusticus. 24, 4. C. virilis. 24, 3. 120. Missouri River. C. diogenes. 15, 1; 24, 2. C. immunis. 14, 4, 5; 15, 2; 26, 2. C. virilis. 14, 5, 13; 15, 5, 20; 24, 4, 8; 26, 1, 2. 121. Osage Biver. C. bartonii. 24, ? 1. C neglectus. 24, 1. C. rusticus. 15, 1; 24, 1,3, ?5. 0. virilis. 15, 10; 24, 2. 122. Kansas River. C. diogenes. 15, 2. O. gracilis. 15, 2. C. immunis. 15, 3, 4. C immunis spinirostris. 15, 1, 2. C. neglectus. 15, 1, 4. C. virilis. 15, 1, 2, 3, 6, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 25, 26. 123. Republican River. C. neglectus. 15, 2, 3, ?5. C. virilis. 15,7,9, ?27. 124. Solomon River. C. pilosus. 15, 1. 125. Smoky Hill River. C immunis. 15, 1. C. simulans. 15, 1. C. virilis. 15, 8. HARRIS : CRAYFISHES — GENUS CAMBARUS. 149 ' 89. MISSISSIPPI RIVER — continued : 120. Missouri River. 122. Kansas River. I 126. Saline River. i C. pilosus. 15, ? 2. C. virilis. 15, 23, 24. 127. Platte River. C. immunis. 26, 1. 128. South Platte River. , C. diogenes. 5, 2; 49, 1. 129. North Platte River. C. immunis. 49, 1. C. virilis. 49, 1. 130. Little Sioux River. C. virilis. 14, 7, 10. 131. Illinois River. | C. blandingii acutue. 11, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7. C. diogenes. 11, 1, 4, 5. C. gracilis. 11, 1, 3, 5 (?); 48, 1 (?). i C. immunis. 11, 34. C. propinquus. 11, 3, 4, 5, 6. C. rusticus. 11, 1. C. troglodytes. 11, ? 1. C. virilis. 11, 1, 3, 4, 5. 132. Sangamon Elver. C. bartonii robustus. 11, 1. C. gracilis. 11, 2. C. virilis. 11, 2. 133. ' Fox River. C. diogenes. 48, 2. C rusticus. 48, 4. C. virilis. 48, 1. 134. Kankakee River. C. blandingii acutus, 12, 4(?), 5. C. diogenes. 12, 7. C. immunis. 12, 6. C. propinquus. 12, 5. C. virilis. 12, 7. 135. Des Moines River, C. immunis. 14, 2. C. propinquus. 14, 1. C. rusticus. 14, 1. C. virilis. 14, 3, 4, 8, 9. 136. Iowa River. C blandingii acutus. 14, 1. C. diogenes. 14, 2. C. immunis. 14, 1, 6, C. virilis. 14, 14. 137. Cedar River. C. immunis. 14, 3. C. rusticus. 14, 2, 3. C. virilis. 14, 15. 150 KANSA.S UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. 89. MISSISSIPPI RIVER — eow^nwed; ^ 138. Rock River. j C. diogenes. 48, 1. ' C. propinquue. 11, 1, 2; 48, 1, 2. C. virilie. 11, 8; 48, 4, 5, 6. 139. Wapsipinicon River. C. virilis. 14, 6. 140. MoQUAKiTA River. I C diogenes. 14, 3. C. virilie. 14, 12. 141. Turkey River. ; C. neglectua. 14, 1, I 142. Red River of the North and Minmesota River. ! C. diogenes. 22, 1. j C. virilis. C, 3; 33, 1. | 143. Souris 01- Mouse River. ; C. virilis. 33, 2. : 144. Wisconsin River. j C. blandingii acutus. 48, 2. 1 C. rusticus. 48, 3. ; 0. virilis. 48, 2, 3. i 145. TRINITY RIVER. I C. blandingii. 42, ? 1. C. simulans. 42, 1. j 146. CLEAR CREEK. i C. clarkii. 42, 1. \ 147. BRAZOS RIVER. j C. argillicola. 42, 2. I 148. GUADALUPE RIVER. C. argillicola. 42, 1. C. clarkii. 42, 2. 149. RIO GRANDE RIVER. C. clarkii. -42, 4. 150. Pecos River. C. simulans. 30, 1, 2, 3. LOCALITIES NOT TABULATED. C. acherontis, 8, 1, 2. C. advena, 9, 1. C. angustatus, 9, 1. C. barbatus, 9, 1; 23, ? 1. C. bartonii, 9, ? 1; 16, 4; 47, 5. C. bartonii robustus, 41, ? 1. C. blandingii, 23, 1; 31, 1; 32, 5. C. carinatus, M., 1, 2, 3. C. chaplanus, M., 1. C. clarkii, 34, ? 1; 42, 3. C. cubensis, Cuba, 1, 2. HARRIS: CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 151 C. digueti, M., 1. C. diogenes, 5, 1; 41 ? 1. C. gracilis, 12, ? 1. C. hamulatus, 41, 1. C. immunis, M., 1; 11, 5. C. lancifer, 23, 1. C. maniculatug, 9, 1. C. mexicanus, M., 1, 2, ? 3, ? 4. C mississippiensis, 23, 1. C. montezumfe, M., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. C. montezumEe areolatug, M., 1. C. montezuma^ dugesii, M., 1. C. montezumfe occidentalie, M., 1. C. nebrascensis, 26, 1. C pellucidus. C. pellucidus testii. C. propinquus, 11, 7; 12, 1. C. rusticus, 21, 2; 42, 1. C. sloanii, 16, 1. 0. troglodytes, 9, 1. C. typhlobius. C. virilis, 12, 2; 21, 1; 22, 4. C. wiegmanni, M., 1. DISTRIBUTION BY STATES. Space need not be devoted to a table of species with the states in which they occur, since that information may be obtained from the systematically arranged list of species of the genus given in the introduction, but for convenience in studying dis- tribution, a list of states, with the species occurring therein, is given. Canada. C. argillicola. C. propinquus. C. bartonii. C. virilis. C. bartonii robustus. Uuitert States. ALABAMA. C. barbatus. C. forceps. C. bartonii longirostris, C immunis. C. blandingii acutu's. C latimanus. C. clarkii. 0. lecontei. C. compressus. C. rusticus. C erichsonianus. C spinosus. C evermanni. C versutus. C. extraneus. C. virilis. C. extraneus girardianus. 152 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. C. blandingii acutus. C. difflcilis. C. diogenes. C. lancifer. C. longidigitus. C, affinis. C. bartonii. C. acherontis. C. alleni. C. clarkii. C. advena. C. angustatus. C. barbatus. C. bartonii. C. blandingii. C. extraneus. C. jordani. C. argillicola. C. bartonii robustus. C. blandingii acutus. C. diogenes. C. gracilis. C. argillicola. C. bartonii. C. blandingii acutus. C. diogenes. C. gracilis. C. immunis. C. immunis spinirostris. C. blandingii acutus. C. carolinus. C. difficilis. C. blandingii acutus. C. diogenes. C. gracilis. C. immunis. ARKANSAS. C. meeki. C. neglectus. C palmeri. C. rusticus. C virilis. COLORADO. C. diogenes. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. C. diogenes. FLORIDA. C. fallax. C versutus. GEORGIA. C. latimanus. » C. lecontei. C. maniculatus. C pubescens. C. spiculifer. C. spinosus. C troglodytes. ILLINOIS. C. immunis. C. propinquus. C. rusticus. C. troglodytes. C virilis. INDIANA. C. pellucidus. C pollucidus testii. C, propinquus. C putnami. C. rusticus. C. sloanii. C virilis. INDIAN TERRITORY. C. palmeri longimanus. 0. virilis. IOWA. C. neglectus. C. propinquus. C. rusticus. C. virilis. HARRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 153 C. diogenes. C. gracilis. C. immunis. C. immunis spinirostris. C. nais. C bartonii. C. cornutus. C. diogenes, C pellucidus. C. argillicola. C. blandingii acutus. C. clarkii. C. afBnis. C. bartonii. C. bartonii robustus. C argillicola. C. diogenes. C. immunig. C. diogenes. C immunie. C. argillicola. C. babatuB. C. blandingii. C clarkii. C. clypeatus. C. bartonii. C. blandingii acutus. C. diogenes. C. gracilis. C. harrieonii. C. hylas, C. immunis. C. nebrascensis. KANSAS. C. neglectus. C. pilosus. C. rusticus. C. simulans. C. virilis. KENTUCKY. C. propinquus. C. putnami. C. rusticus. C. sloanii. LOUISIANA. C. diogenes. C schufeldtii. MAINE. C. bartonii. MARYLAND. C. blandingii. C. diogenes. C uhleri. MASSACHUSETTS. C bartonii. MICHIGAN. C. propinquus. C. rusticus. C. virilis. MINNESOTA. C. virilis. MISSISSIPPI. C. diogenes. C. hayi. C. lancifer. C latimanus. C. mississippiensis. MISSOURI. C. immunis. C. medius. C. neglectus. C. rusticus. C. setosus. C. virilis. NEBRASKA. C. virilis. 154 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. C. affinis. C. bartonii. C affinig. C. bartonii. C. bartonii robustus. C blandingii. C. acuminatus. C. argillicola. C. bartonii. C. blandingii. C. blandingii acutus. C. argillicola. C. bartonii. C. blandingii acutus. C. clarkii. C. diogenes. C. affinig. C. bartonii. C. bartonii robustug. C. carolinus. NEW JERSEY. C. blandingii. C diogenes. NEW MEXICO. C. simulans. NEW YORK. C immunis. C. obacurus. C. propinquug. C. virilis. NORTH CAROLINA. C carolinus. C diogenes. C. longulus. C. spinosus. OHIO. C gracilis. C. immunis. C. propinquug. C. propinquug ganbornii. C rusticug. C. acuminatus. C. barbatus. C bartonii. C. blandingii, C. blandingii acutus. C. bartonii. C. bartonii longirostris. C. bartonii robustus. C. blandingii acutug. C. carolinus. C diogenes. C erichsonianus. C. extraneus. C. extraneus girardianus. C. forceps. PENNSYLVANIA. C. diogenes. C. obgcurug. C propinquus. C. rusticug. RHODE ISLAND. C. bartonii. SOUTH CAROLINA. C. hagenianus. C. latimanus. C. spinosus. C. troglodytes. TENNESSEE. C. hamulatus. C. immunis spinirostris. C. latimanus. C longulus. C. palmeri. C. putnami. C. rusticuB. C. spinosus. C, virilis. HARRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 155 C argillicola. C. blandingii. C. blandingii acutus. C. clarkii. C. neglectus. C. aflBnis. C. bartonii. C. bartonii robustus. C blandingii. C. bartonii. C. bartonii longirostris. C. blandingii acutus. C. diogenes. C. gracilis. C. immunis. C. diogenes. C. immunis. C. carinatus. C. chaplanus. C digueti. C. immunis. C. mexicanus. TEXAS. C. palmeri longimanus. C. rusticus. C simulans. C. virilis. VERMONT. C bartonii. > VIRGINIA. C. carolinus. C. diogenes, C. forceps. C. longulus. WEST VIRGINIA. C carolinus. C. longulus. WISCONSIN. C propinquus. C rusticus. C. stygiue. C. virilis. WYOMING. C virilis. Mexico. . C. montezuma^. C. montezumaj areolatus. C. montezuma? dugesii. C montezuma? occidentalis. C. wiegmanni. Cuba. 0. cubensis. CONCLUSIONS CONCERNING DISTRIBUTION. While working over the data for the catalogue, I sometimes thought that it might be possible to prepare a list of species which occur in mountain streams, or in the lowlands, but I have been convinced of the wisdom of my intention to make the paper mainly a compilation of data, with very few conclu- sions. While many minor conclusions have occurred to me, they will not be suggested without more extensive data. In considering the distribution of individuals and species with 156 KANSAS UNIVEESITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. reference to local factors, as temperature, purity and rapidity of stream, direct and detailed observations are very scanty, while conclusions as to distribution in the broader sense, the range of species, groups, and the genus itself, are limited by the unexplored condition of much of the territory. On the subject of distribution of the crayfishes in its eco- logical phases, very little has appeared. Faxon ('85) observes the occurrence of the same species in the head waters of streams on the opposite side of a watershed, as has been observed in fishes, and gives as examples C. extranevs and • C spinosus in the upper waters of the Santee, Alabama and Tennessee rivers, and also that the forms of the upper and lower part of a river may be different. As illustrations of this, he gives C. bartonii, C. latimanvs, C. acuminatus and C. spinosus in the upper por- tion of the Santee river, while in the lower portion of the same basin live C. hlandirtgii acutus and C. troglodytes. Various minor notes have appeared upon the occurrence of different species in different types of localities, but these are for the most part too meager to be considered in a very general summary. The ob- servations will be found under the species concerned. Ganong ( '87 and '89) has discussed the distribution of C. bartonii, the only species found in New Brunswick. After giving the localities (see catalogue), he says : "The crayfish has probably been in- troduced into this province by way of the AUegash from the head waters of the Penobscot. 'The St. John and Penobscot are connected by a canal from Telos lake to Webster pond, and the divide between the head waters of the Penobscot and the Kenne- bec is so low that it is said that in very wet seasons their waters intermingle.' It has probably spread into the Restigouche by way of Grand river, and into the Miramichi by way either of the Nashwaak or of the Shiktehawk or Beccaguimec. Where the sources of these streams are so near each other, and inter- lock in such a fashion as they do, there would be little difficulty in the animal spreading from one to the other, particularly where the divide is low." A case of direct observation upon the relative distribution of different species is given by Williamson ('01), who says, under C bartonii robustus: "Observations indicate that this variety occurs in streams in which both bartonii and propinquus occur, the variety being found in that part of the stream where the HARRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 357 two species are found. A collector starting at the head waters of Squaw Run [37, 1] would find bartonii; following the stream, he would soon notice robustus among his captures ; then an oc- casional propinquus, till finally bartonii would become more rare and disappear, and near the mouth of the creek he would find only the species 'propinquus. If the collector chose to follow on down the Alleghany river he would still notice only propinquus. After reaching the Ohio, a few specimens from the ripples about Neville island would show him that he had found another species, rusticus." Under the "Summary of Habits" reference was made to the * ' Conclusions Concerning Distribution ' ' for a discussion of char- acter of localities. Crayfishes are found in varied habitats, from burrows in a prairie which is dry for a large part of the year, stagnant ponds, roadside ditches, and salt marshes, to the pure cold water of mountain springs and streams. The differences between the stream which has reached or nearly reached base level and one which is in a younger stage of its life-history, or between the upper and lower portions of a stream which shows many stages of an ideal life-history, are well known and need not be described here. Certain fishes are known to be typical of each class of locality, and it is safe to assume that the rule will to some extent hold good with the crayfishes as well. For some species it is already known and field observation will doubtless show it to be true of others. It is not advisable to attempt a list of forms at present, but much may be learned in regard to any species by consulting the table of distribution by states and especially by river systems. One cannot work in the limited literature on the habits and distribution of the different forms without observing that the same species may be recorded as occurring in, or even typical of, very different conditions of environment. As I have pointed out, C. virilis is found in small streams, occurring almost exclu- sively in the rocky, more rapid portions, and being absent in the muddier, slower portions, though it may be found in very muddy streams or even in stagnant ponds with C. immunis and 0. gracilis, where it must have the same habits. C. bartonii seems to be characteristic of the cooler, purer mountain springs and streams and is found in caves with C. pelhicidus, but it is also found associated with C. diogenes, and with the same 158 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN, habits. C. affinis has been shown to occur in very different habitats. C. hlandingii is by no means confined to one type of locality. The species given are sufficient to illustrate the point in question. The distribution of the fresh-water fishes has been quite care- fully worked up, and they have been in a limited way divided into classes according to the character of the habitat.-* At the present time it is not advisable to attempt to assign the cray- fishes to groups in any but a provisional manner, but the avail- able data for any species may be obtained from the tables of distribution and the catalogue. Certain species it is possible to limit quite definitely to some type of locality. Of species occurring in salt water only one is known : C. uhleri is found in salt marshes and also in brackish and fresh water, where C. hlandingii is sometimes found associated with it. Ac- cording to Faxon ('85), Lake Tezcoco, where C. montezumse is found, is said to be salt. The burrowing species obviously have a great advantage over the other forms in distribution, in that they are able to occupy territory which is not available for others except at certain seasons. I may here call attention to their great range of dis- tribution. C. diogenes is the most widely distributed species of the genus, occurring in Boulder county, Colorado, at the foot of the Rocky Mountains and southeastern Wyoming on the west, in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan on the north, in New Jer- sey, Maryland, Virginia, North and South Carolina on the east, and in Mississippi and southern Louisiana on the south. C. argillicolais found in Canada on Lake Ontario, in Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, North Carolina, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas. C. carolinus, long known from only the Appa- lachian region of Virginia, is now known to occur in north- eastern Indian Territory and western Pennsylvania. In how far this distribution is to be explained by the habits of the ani- 24. Jordan ( Science Sketches ) recognizes the following classes of fresh-water fishes : 1. Lowland fishes. 5. Lake fishes. 2. Channel fishes. 6. Anadroinous fishes. 3. Upland fishes. 7. Catadromous fishes. 4. Mountain fishes. 8. Brackish-water fishes. With the sixth and seventh we have nothing to do in the crayfishes. The fifth group is hardly represented, or at least there are as yet very little data to indicate reasons for such a group as Jordan has defined it. Several species have been reported from lakes, but whether from the lake itself or from small tributaries or bays is not known in many cases. C stpfjius is reported as washed up on the shores of Lake Michigan during a storm. With the first four and the eighth group we may be concerned, but it is impossible at the present time to give a list assigning more than a few of the species to a definite type of locality. HARRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 159 mals it is hardly safe to suggest.-^ Range in altitude as well as in longitude and latitude is to be noticed. Compare the ele- vation of Boulder, Colo., with lower Louisiana. The swamp, stagnant-water and lowland species are many, and it is from these that burrowing species may for the most part be supposed to have originated . Without attempting to pre- sent a list, attention may be called to the forms found along the Atlantic coast plain and the lower parts of the Gulf States — Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and lower Texas. It is very evident, however, that height above the sea is not the only factor determining lowland conditions, and an examination of the streams and species of the Mississippi valley gives some interesting suggestions. Data are entirely too meager to say what forms are character- istic of the larger streams. In most of the material reported, data which would make it of value for any such work as this are absent, and very little can be safely concluded from the general locations given. The small tributaries of a stream may be entirely different from the main stream and the species found in them quite different. Until adequate data are secured by col- lectors and published with catalogues of species little is to be hoped for. Some species seem to be characteristic of mountain streams, and a comparison of the fauna of the upper Appalachian tribu- taries of some of the Atlantic and Gulf rivers offers suggestions of interest. C. extraneus, C. spinosus, C. bartonii, C. acuminatus, C. erichsonianus, C. forceps, C. longulus, and perhaps several others, seem to be confined to mountain streams. That the number of species bears no relation to the area drained by the river is well known, and may be illustrated by the following table : Penobscot, 9000 miles, one species. ^^ Hudson, 13,400 miles, two species. Potomac, 14,500 miles, seven species. Cape Fear, 8,400 miles, three species. Santee, 14,700 miles, six species. Tennessee, 43,900 miles, twenty-one species. 25. The burrowing species are not so easily collected as are some of the others, and our knowledge of their actual distribution is very imperfect. 26. In comparing the number of species found in different streams or states I have counted varieties as species. 160 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Ohio, 201,700 miles, twenty-seven species. Arkansas, 185,700 miles, twelve species. Faxon ('85) says: "The distinction between the species of the upper waters and the lower waters is most marked in rivers that have a heavy fall from their source to their mouth." I have found it interesting to compare the number of species in a stream with its profile. The Mississippi river, exclusive of its tributaries, has a fall of 1462 feet in 2296 miles, and has thirteen species. The Tennessee river, including its principal tributaries, has a fall of 5214 feet in less than half the number of miles, and contains twenty-one species. The Wabash river, in a length of 517 miles, has a fall of 689 feet, and yields twelve species. Of the streams emptying on the south Atlantic coast, the Cape Fear river, with a fall of 130 feet in 172 miles, has three species; the Santee, with its tributaries, a fall of 2658 feet in 479 miles, and six species ; the Savannah river, with a length of 314 miles and a fall of 577 feet, three species. Com- jDaring the distribution by states, we find that in the southern United States, where differentiation into species is the greatest, Florida, with a maximum elevation of 828 feet, has five species ; Louisiana, reaching a height of 362 feet, has five ; Mississippi, 602 feet, has ten ; Georgia, ranging from sea-level to over 5000 feet, has fourteen ; Alabama, sea-level to 2018 feet, has sev- enteen species ; and Texas, sea-level to nearly 8000 feet, has ten species. The range of elevation can give no idea of the profile of a stream or a state, and the reasons for the differences may be much more clearly seen by a glance at a curve plotting the elevation of the stream at different points. In the examples given a profile will show that there is a very great difference in the amount and relative proportion of the mountain, upland and flood-plain portion of the river in each case. Theoretically, other things being equal, the stream offering the most diverse conditions of environment would be expected to have the great- est number of species, and it is evident that even in a river of considerable length a stream with but a small fall can offer comparatively few conditions, while a stream with a heavy fall during the first part of its course may offer a great number. It is very easy to select from the tables illustrations which do not agree with those here given, and I am perfectly aware that the problem is by no means simple or without complications, but HARRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS (iAMBARUS. 161 I think that when proper allowance is made for other factors the suggestion made here of a direct relation between the con- tour of a stream and the number of its species is a helpful one. The occurrence of the same species in the head waters of streams on the opposite sides of a watershed has already been referred to, Adams ('01) calls attention to the occurrence of C. sjrinosus, C. erichsonianus and C. exti-aneus in the Tennessee river, and also in the head waters of the Coosa-Alabama sys- tem, and calls attention to its significance. The occurrence of C. carolinus, apparently an upland species, in northeastern Indian Territory, has been noted." Many cases of apparent iso- lation are doubtless due to our imperfect knowledge of distri- bution. In several cases I have found instances in which upland species occurred in the lower portion of the stream un- der conditions which would seem to be quite different from their usual ones. Whether these isolated localities are merely the edge of the range of the species which is to be found under very diverse conditions, or whether its occurrence there is acci- dental, remains to be seen. Distribution in its broader sense I shall not consider. Faxon ('85) and Ortmann ('02) have discussed the distribution of the groups and the genus, and have advanced theories for the ori- gin of the genus and its groups. Their theories are somewhat at variance with each other, but space cannot be devoted to a discussion of them here. My object has been to consider the ecological factors, and while some interesting points present themselves in connection with the groups the time is not ripe for their discussion. 27. lathis place a statement made by Jordan (Science Sketches) is interesting: "Again, streams of the Ozark mountains, similar in character to the rivers of East Tennessee, have an essentially similar fish fauna, although between the Ozarks and the Cumberland range lies an area of lowland bayous into which such fishes are never known to penetrate. We can, how- ever, imagine that these upland fishes may be sometimes swept down from one side or the other into the Mississippi, from which they might ascend oq the other side. But such transfers cer- tainly do not often happen. This is apparent from the fact that the two faunae are not quite identical, and in some cases the same species are represented by perceptibly diffor?nt varieties on one side and the other. The time of the commingling of these fauiife is perhaps now past, and it may have occurred only when the character of the intervening region was culder than it is at present." 8-Bull., No. 3. 162 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS CONCERNING HABITS. Character of Localities. The character of the waters in which the crayfishes occur has been sufficiently discussed under the conclusions concerning distribution. Summary of Habits by Groups. As already suggested under "Distribution," the time is not come for any generaliza- tions as to the habits of the groups. The most-modified forms — the blind species and the burrowing species — are not confined to a single group. Habits During Winter. Of the habits of the crayfislies during the winter little is definitely recorded. It seems most probable that the stream-inhabiting species pass the winter in burrows in the bank or under stones, etc., in the bed of the streams. The latter is sometimes the case with C. virilis. The burrowing species seem quite generally to spend the winter in burrows, coming out early in the spring, and returning again when the water begins to become low, as the summer progresses. The Blind Species. A summary is unnecessary ; the in- formation at hand may be found under C. acherontis, C. setosus, C. hamulatus, C. pellucidus, and C. 'pellucidus testii. The Burroaving Species. Some of the North American forms have attracted particular attention on account of a pecul- iarity in their mode of life as compared with the better-known Euro|)ean species. While the interest which has been taken in the burrowing forms is a perfectly natural one, it seems that in some ways an entirely too difficult problem has been made of .it, for the origin of the habit seems quite easy of explanation. Cambarus is not the only genus of the family having representa- tives which depend more or less upon this mode of life, at least at certain seasons of the year, or when being in certain locali- ties,-'* and the ultimate adoption of this method of life as the regular one by some species is not at all difficult to conceive, especially in a territory vast areas of which are habitable for the typical members of the genus for a part of the year onl}^. 28. The burrowing habits of Chemps bicarinatus have been described, and the same habit is characteristic of some members of the South American genus Farnslcicus. ( See Faxon, '98, and Lonnberg, '98.) In some localities Astacus is said to burrow extensively in the banks of the streams. (See Huxley, '97.) HARRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 163 Under this head are to be placed only the species which show a more special dependence upon this method of life for their ability to live in a given territory. It seems not unreasonable to suppose that most, if not ail, the stream-inhabiting species dig short burrows into the banks more or less frequently, at least in certain localities. The following species are those which seem to be most de- pendent on the burrowing habit : C. diogenes, C. gracilis, C. carolinus, C. argillicola, C. simulans, and C. immunis. C. diogenes has well been characterized as preeminently a burrowing species, and, owing to its range of distribution and peculiarities of its habits as compared with other species inhabiting the same localities, more observations have been made on this than any other form. Its presence is usually indicated in the low places, where it is most frequently found by the large number of mud "chimneys," sometimes scattered over many acres, about a foot in height, radiating from some sluggish stream, ditch, brook, or lower, moister portion of the area, the animals being often found at a considerable distance from any permanent body of water. Of the other species, C. gracilis seems to be as typically a burrowing species as C. diog- enes, being generally reported as an inhabitant of prairie re- gions. Adults are to be found in stagnant ponds only in early spring, only one exception being noted. While the burrows are frequently found a long distance from any permanent water, C. simulans has been reported from streams and ponds and from burrows in a slough. C. immunis is recorded mostly from stagnant ponds, resorting to burrowing upon the drying up of these. I have never taken it in running streams. For C. argillicola and C. carolinus the character of the habitat has not been described. The chimney of C. diogenes has a maximum height of one foot, but is usually lower, is circularly pyramidal in shape, often somewhat higher than broad, the most remarkable differ- ence being that of chimneys two inches in diameter and eight- to eleven inches in height observed on the sloping side of a ditch, by Abbott, who states that those found in meadows at a distance from running water were invariably broader at the base and not so high as those located near running water. Tarr records exceptional cases where the burrows were in 164 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. gravelly ground and the chimneys were, naturally, of the same material, instead of clay, as is usually the case. The descrip- tion of the exterior of the chimney, composed of irregularly ar- ranged nodules of clay, and the inside a smooth opening of the same diameter as the burrow, is much the same in all the pa- pers. Of the external form of the chimneys of other burrow- ing species little has been written, but so far as essentials of construction and general appearance are concerned they may be assumed to be very similar. It would be useless to go into a detailed enumeration of the different forms of burrows described, since, until by more ex- tensive observations than have yet been made the contrary is shown to be the case, the amount of regularity, beyond the necessary similarity of form which characterizes the simple burrows, may not be supposed to be very great. It seems quite evident that the burrows are made as the level of the water lowers, those near the edge having a depth of but a few inches, while those farther back may be some feet deep. A cistern-shaped opening, containing water, is described at the bottom, while enlargements at various intervals in the burrows have been noted and probably correctly explained as the origi- nal termini of the burrow which has been projected deeper upon the lowering of the water in the soil, but in the case of the burrows of C. carolinus, as observed by Williamson, this interpretation does not seem to hold, and may not in all cases with C. diogenes or the other forms. The burrows have usu- ally been described as separate, but when they are very close together they are not unlikely to become connected. The pres- ence of more than one opening to the same burrow in many cases seems established. Sometimes one and sometimes two individuals are found in a burrow. The purpose and method of construction of the "chimney," as it has been aptly called, have called forth considerable discus- sion, some maintaining that a structure of such regularity of construction must have some purpose ; others concluding that the building of a chimney simply represents the safest and most convenient method of disposing of the material obtained in excavating the burrow. The latter view seems to have by far the greater amount of evidence in its favor. The purpose of sealing the burrows needs more study. The method by HARRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 165 which it is accomplished seems to be simply the filling in of the opening, necessarily kept till the last, through the chim- ney, with material brought from below. That it is brought from below, and that the sealing is not merely the result of an accidental contraction of the upper part of the chimney when in a moist condition, is shown by the fact that in the case of some chimneys (of C. diogewsf) examined the opening was filled with clay of a different color from that of the surface soil or that composing the remainder of tlie chimney. The process of building the chimney has been described from actual ob- servation only once — by Abbott. Concerning the purpose of the burrowing there can now be no question, enabling the animal, as it does, to occupy territory otherwise uninhabitable. Some species of the genus appear never to resort to the habit in its limited interpretation, while others, C. immunis, and to a less extent C. virilis, for example, are inhabitants of ponds or streams and resort to burrowing upon the drying up of the pond or the approach of winter, while C. diogenes and C. gracilis have adopted this mode of life almost entirely, being found in the open water during but a very small part of the year. That the burrows are not for retreats while the eggs are being hatched has been clearly shown. That they serve as a place of protection against enemies has been sug- gested. While this cannot be the primary purpose for which they are formed, it may be that the burrowing species suffer less from animal enemies than do some others. My impression is that the percentage of mutilation in C. gracilis is less than in C. imminiis or C. virilis, which do not spend so much time in burrows. Burrows are almost invariably described as extend- ing to tliR water in the soil,-^ and while the water is often very muddy, ic enables the animal to keep its gills moist, and this seems lo be all that is necessary. There are observations to in- dicate that in the burrows the animals do not spend all the time in the water at the bottom, but are apt to be found above it.^'' The securing of food is a question which has not been 29. I am told that travelers on the plains watch for the crayfish chimneys as the best indica- tion of a suitable locality in which to dig for water. 30. It is by no means necessary for the crayfii-h to spend all the time in water. Some of the burrowing species have sometimes been reported as making long excursions overland. C. blandiiHiii was taken in a log at a considerable distance from water. Astticus is said to make short excursions inland sometimes. I have never been so fortunate as to observe crayfishes climbing trees to escape the rising water, as they were reported by Mr. Holder as doing! Of Para star a\ JiostJeri, Lonuberg ('98) says: "The sides of the carapace covering the branchial chambers are beset with numerous setee, each implanted at the anterior margin of a 166 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. satisfactorily solved, but the observations have indicated that the species are nocturnal in their habits, and in some cases may leave the burrows and forage for food, or wait at the mouth for anything that may come within reach. That the animals may live for long periods with but little food is known. In addition to the above-mentioned species, besides the bur- rowing in the banks or bed of the streams, as has been noted for C. hartonii, C. propinquus , and C. sloanii, there ai'e doubtless others which burrow extensivel}^ when conditions demand it. Lonnberg sometimes found C. fallax and C. allevi "digging holes on the shore at low water." Schufeldt figures the chim- ney of C. bartonii robustus ; C. virilis is reported almost exclu- sively from streams and lakes, but has sometimes been found with C. immunis, almost exclusively a stagnant-pond species, and when in such localities it must burrow, as do forms charac- teristic of such localities. Faxon reports C. blandingii from Texas with the label name of "burrowing crab," a fact which is suggestive at least. From the data now at hand, it certainly seems safe to conclude that the burrowing habit has been adopted as a means of living through an unfavorable period, and that in some species this method of life has been adopted as the almost exclusive one, while all the other advantages of this habit of life, if there are any, are entirely secondary.''^ The burrowing species are to be regarded as the most specialized of the genus. Exuviation. On the process itself nothing of particular value has appeared, and even if observations were complete, granule, and between these granules a large number of tiny grooves are seen. The posterior margin of the cervical groove is armed with a dense row of setae. (See fig. I.) It seems prob- able that these features stand in connection with some biological peculiarities of these cray- fishes. The structure of the carapace on the branchial chamber seems to be apt to retain the humidity longer on this place than if it were smooth, and this might be of use if the crayfishes should make any excursions on dry land. The inner surface of the carapace covering the bran- chial chamber is also very densely hairy, which would also serve the .>-ame purpose — to retain the water. The armature of the cervical groove would help to carry water (rain?) from the back 1o the anterior branchial opening along the cervical groove." Of ('. aNeni and ('.foliar, which he sometimes found burrowing at considerable distance from water, he says: "The inner side of the carapace covering the branchial chamber of these Cambari was also very hairy; so this adaptation seems to be common to several crayfishes with similar habits." Whether the structure of the branchial chamber is to be interpreted as has been done by Lonn- berg is open to doubt. Neither of the species of Cambarim to which he refers is known to be typical burrowing species, and, while I have satis-fied myself of the hairiness of the branchi- ostegite of ( '. cji urilis and ('. h)imu)ns, I am not convinced that it is any more so than in forms which do not live under the same conditions, and, in case the adaptation is of the nature sug- gested, this would be supposed to be the case. The function suggested for the cervical groove requires no comment. 31. This conclusion is supported by what is known concerningthe behavior of the burrowing species of other genera of the Astacidae. The habits of I'limsinruy, as described by Faxon ('98) and Lonnberg ('98) seem very similar to those of certain species of Cnintxirns, and indicate an extension of the territory habitable by the species, just as we find in C. c/iogoics, (\ grncilis, '.'. ?W(/H'/«/s, and others. The similarity of habits of ' '/i^-op.s liicorinottix and its adaptation to life under very adverse conditions of environment are well seen from the description of its habits as quoted by Faxon ('98). HARRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARDS. 167 they would hardly find their proper place in an ecological pa- per. With the frequency and time of the occurrence, how- ever, we are concerned. The rate of growth and frequency of exuviation in the developing Cambarus has not been so care- fully observed as in Astacus, and the few notes which have been made are not of a character to justify any conclusions. As to the time of exuviation in older individuals we know a little more. According to Putnam, a female of C. pellucidus, about two and one-half inches in length, exuviated twice in a period of three months, January 28 to April 20, but another specimen (male or female?) of the same lot, taken in November, had been kept nearly ten months without shedding. Hargitt ('90) took animals of C. diogenes (?) and C. gracilis (?) which had recently exuviated, and also casts in the streams only in early spring. Never finding animals which had recently shed in the open water, Harris ('00) concludes that individuals of C. gra- cilis must exuviate in their burrows. For the observations on the exuviation of C. immunis and C. virilis, see the section on "Dimorphism," where it is considered in connection with the al- ternation of forms. Breeding Habets. Data concerning the reproduction of any group of animals are admitted to be of the greatest importance. While observations are not extensive in the genus under con- sideration some interesting points are recorded. Some of the suggestions made by observers are based on such scanty data that they are ignored here. The observations on conjugation need not be summarized here, since they have been so concisely stated by Mr. Andrews, the only one who has published on this subject. The carrying of the eggs and young by the female i:)arent need not be considered in this place. In C. diogenes, the habits of which have attracted the atten- tion of more observers than those of any other species, conju- gation and the laying of eggs seem to take place in the spring. Girard ('52) found the females in the burrows carrying eggs in March and April. Tarr ('84) gives the middle of May as the approximate time of the hatching of the eggs. Hargitt ('90) observed C. ohesus and C. gracilis kept in aquaria conjugating in the spring. He never found crayfishes (sp.?) mating ex- cept in March, April, and sometimes May, and in only two in- 168 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. stances was he able to get reports of females " in berry" later than June, and then but a single individual in each case. Hay reports C. diogenes as in copulation in the open water April 2, eggs being laid from April 18 to 30. Harris ('02) reports a female with eggs in a not very late stage of development May 3. The taking of a female with eggs nearly ready to hatch on New Year's day, as recorded by Bundy ('77), forms an interesting exception to the above observations and suggests the laying of eggs in the fall, as has been observed in other species. The occurrence of a single individual or of a male and female in a burrow, as has been recorded by different observers, requires careful observation before any significance at all can be attribted to it in this connection. The suggestion which has been made that the burrow is designed as a retreat for the female while the eggs are hatching is no longer tenable, but that much of the period of development may be passed in the burrow is also beyond doubt. Harris ('00 and '02) finds C. gracilis with a few young, about old enough to leave the parent, in the open ponds in early spring, and suggests that those with no young must have lost them before or immediately upon leaving the burrows in the spring. The most of the process of hatching must take place in the bur- rows. Hargitt ('90) noticed crayfish (C. gracilis f) copulating in aquaria in the spring. In C. simulans, another of the burrowing species, Harris ('02) reports females taken from burrows late in August with eggs apparently recently laid. Mrs. Cockerell states that C. gallinas (or C. simulans) taken in May had the swimmerets loaded with eggs. The differences in time are certainly interesting. C. immunis is found in the open ponds with eggs, in the fall, and the females appear in the ponds, where the hatching of the eggs is completed, early in the spring — about March 21. Hay ( '96) reports C. arglllicola with young as early as April 2. Harris ( '02 ) records C. neglectus with eggs and young in early June in the cold water at the mouth of a large cave in the Ozarks, and attributes the absence of eggs or young on other specimens taken in the region to the low temperature of the water at the mouth of the cave, which would retard the hatch- ing of the eggs. Under C. virilis (15, ? 27 ) is noted a speci- men, which may be C. neglectus, with eggs April 13. HARRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 169 In C. virilis eggs are laid in the spring, none being found on females taken during the winter. The ovarian eggs of speci- mens taken in January seem, so far as may be seen from a rough examination, to be fully developed. In connection with a discussion of the breeding habits, it may be well to bring together a few observations which have been made on the habits of the young after leaving the parent. Abbott ('73) says, in speaking of C. affinis, C. acutus, and C. bartonii : "The young Cam6ari, in September, seem to be fully as active as the adults, but do not frequent any given class of localities, as they wander about the beds of streams, creeping forward in a slow, awkward manner, and swimming backwards, when disturbed, with wonderful rapidity." Williamson ('01) notes the presence of forty-seven young, va- rying from three-fourths to one and one-eighth inches in length, in a burrow with an adult female of C. caroliiius on September 24. Young animals about one inch in length were taken in the small pool of water where the adults of C. simulans reported by Harris ('02) were taken in burrows. Harris ('00) notes the occurrence of numbers of young cray- fish, apparently C. f/racilis, in stagnant ponds, where he had noticed young in the spring of the year, about October 20 to November 20, appearing in great numbers at about the time the adults of C. immunis disappeared. They were about three- fourths to seven-eighths of an inch in length. About the 1st of March of the next year they appeared before the adults, and al- though a few days later the pond froze over they were still to be found apparently as plentiful as ever beneath a layer of ice an inch thick. By the 1st of May they had attained a length of from one to one and one-half inches, while May 9 many small animals about five-eighths of an inch in length were ob- served. These were probably the young of C. gracilis, which are carried by the female as late as March 27. It seems, then, that young and adult C. gracilis appear in the ponds early in the spring and that the young again appear in the fall after the other species have gone to their burrows. Abbott ('84) has called attention to the neatness of the cliim- neys constructed by the small individuals of C. diogenes. I have noticed the same thing in C. gracilis and C. immunis {?). As he suggests, it may have some significance. 170 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. REFERENCES TO STREAMS FROM WHICH CRAYFISH HAVE BEEN REPORTED. I have had occasion to consult considerable literature con- cerned with the distribution of fresh-water forms — almost ex- clusively fishes — and have indexed much of what I have examined. The following list includes references to streams from which crayfish have been reported, and while almost none of them are concerned with crayfish they treat of the character of the stream or the distribution of other fresh-water organims. The list makes no pretense of completeness, but is an index to some suggestive literature, and will, I trust, prove helpful. Alabama River: Adams.— Am. Nat., vol. 35, pp. 845, 846, 847. 1901. Faxon. — Rev. Astac, p. 173. Jordan.— Am. Nat., vol. 11, pp. 608, 610, 612. 1877. Jordan.— Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 12, pp. 91, 9.3. 1878. Simpson.— Sci., N. S., vol. 12, pp. 133, 134, 135. 1900. Alleghany River: Cope.— Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ser. 2, vol. G, p. 241. 1869. Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, p. 44. 1901. Altamaha River : Faxon. — Rev. Astac, p. 173. Jordan.— Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 12, p. 91. 1878,. Androscoggin River: Faxon. — Rev. Astac, p. 173. Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, p. 10. 1901. Apalachicola and Chattahoochee Rivers: Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, p. 30. 1901. Arkansas River: Evermann and Kendall.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol 12, pp. 61-65. 1892. Gannett. — Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, pp. 63-65. 1901. Jordan and Gilbert.— Proc U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 9, p. 6. 1886. Jordan.— Sci. Sketches, pp. Ill, 113. 1888. Meek.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 14, pp. 69, 83, 86. 1894. Big Nance Creek : Gilbert.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 9, p. 444. 1889. Big Pigeon River: Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, p. 53. 1901. Black River: Meek.— Bull. U. S. F. C., vol. 14, p. 74. 1894. Blackstone River: Faxon. — Rev. Astac, p. 173. HARRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. , 171 Black Warrior River: Adams.— Am. Nat., vol. 35, p. 845. 1901. Gannett. — Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, p. 32, Gilbert.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 9, p. 145. 1889. Simpson.— Sci., N. S., vol. 12, pp. 134, 135. 1900. Blackwater River: Jordan.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 8, p. 118. 1888. Blue River: Kirech.- Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 14, p. 33. 1894. BoYER River : Meek.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 10, p. 248. 1890. Brazos River : Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv. , No. 44, pp. 33, 34. 1901. Jordan.— Sci. Sketches, p. 113. 1888. Broad River: Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, p. 27. 1901. Jordan.- Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 8, p. 135. 1888. Bull Creek: Woolman.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 10, p. 276. 1890. Cahawba River: Gilbert.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 9, p. 145. 1889. Simpson.— Sci., N. S., vol. 12, p. 135. 1900. Canadian River: Evermann and Kendall.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 12, pp. 61-65. 1892. Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, pp. 65, 66. 1901. (See, also, Cimarron river.) Cape Fear River: Faxon. — Rev. Astac, p. 173. Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, p. 25. 1901. Jordan.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 8, pp. 131-133, 135. 1888. Catawba River : Adams.— Am. Nat., vol. 35, p. 845. 1901. Jordan.— Am. Nat., vol. 11, p. 608. 1877. Jordan.- Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 12, p. 91. 1878. Jordan.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 8, pp. 135, 136. 1888. Jordan.— Sci. Sketches, p. 123. 1888. Cedar River : Meek.— Bull. U. S.F. C, vol. 10, pp. 230, 231. 1890. Lake Champlain: Faxon. — Rev. Astac, p. 174. Jordan. — Am. Nat., vol. 11, p. 611. 1877. Jordan.— Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 12, p. 94. 1878. Jordan.— Sci. Sketches, p. 110. 1888. Chattahoochee River : Adams.— Am. Nat., vol. 35, p. 845. 1901. Faxon. — Rev. Astac, p. 173. Hays and Campbell.— Sci., n. s., vol. 12, pp. 131, 132. 1900. Jordan.— Am. Nat., vol. 11, pp. 608, 610. 1877. Jordan.- Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 12, pp. 91, 93. 1878. Jordan.— Sci. Sketches, pp. 122, 123. 1888. Simpson.— Sci., n. s., vol. 12, pp. 134, 135. 1900. 172 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Chesapeake Bay: Faxon. — Rev. Astac, p. 173. Chowan River : Jordan.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 8, pp. 118-120. 1888. Cimarron River: Mr. C. D. Bunker, of Oklahoma University, writes me: "The Cimarron, Canadian and Red rivers are wide sand flats, with only narrow channels of water, and the Canadian is dry most of the year, the banks are sand, and it is a rare thing to find a crayfish burrow, and rarer still to find a crayfish in the water." Clinch River: Cope.— Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ser. 2, vol. 6, p. 239. 1869. Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, p. 55. 1901. Jordan. — Am. Nat., vol. 11, p. 612. 1877. Jordan.— Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 12, p. 95. 1878. CoNGAREE River: Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, p. 27. 1901. Coosa River : Adams.— Am. Nat., vol. 35, pp. 844, 846, 847, 848, 849. 1901. Faxon. — Rev. Astac, p. 173. Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, pp. 30, 31. 1901. Gilbert.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 9, p. 145. 1889. Hays and Campbell.— Sci., n. s., vol. 12, pp. 131, 133. 1900. Simpson. — Sci., n. s., vol. 12, pp. 134, 135. 1900. Cumberland River: Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, pp. 55-57. 1901. Jordan.— Am. Nat., vol. 11, pp. 612, 613. 1877. Jordan.— Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 12, p. 95. 1878. Jordan.— Sci. Sketches, p. 114. 1888. Kirsch.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 11, pp. 259-270. 1891. Woolman.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 10, pp. 263-268. 1890. Cypress Creek : Meek. — Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 9, p. 144. 1889. Delaware River: Cope.— Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ser. 2, vol. 6, p. 247. 1869. Faxon. — Rev. Astac, p. 173. Gannett. — Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, pp. 15, 16. 1901. Jordan.- Am. Nat, vol. 11, p. 610. 1877. Jordan.— Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 12, p. 93. 1878. Des Moines River: Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, p. 78. 1901. Meek.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 10, pp. 222-225. 1890. Lake Drummond: Jordan.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 8, p. 114. 1888. . Lake Erie: Faxon. — Rev. Astac, p. 174. Jordan.— Am. Nat., vol. 11, pp. 611, 612. 1877. Jordan.— Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 12, pp. 94, 95. 1878. Jordan.— Sci. Sketches, p. 127. 1888. HARRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 173 Escambia River: .Gilbert.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 9, pp. 145, 146. 1889. i Etowah River: Faxon. — Rev. Astac, p. 173. Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, p. 31. 1901. , Hays and Campbell.— Sci., n. s., vol. 12, pp. 131, 132, 133. 1900. j French Broad River: j Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papera, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, p. 52. 1901. i Jordan.— Sci. Sketches, p. 112. 1888. Green River: i Woolman.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 10, pp. 252-260. 1890. Guadalupe River: j Evermann.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 11, p. 72. Crayfish found in considerable numbers. 1891. Evermann and Kendall.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 12, pp. 62-65. 1892. Jordan and Gilbert.— Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 9, p. 23. 1886. Hickory Creek : ; Meek. — Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 9, p. 126. 1889. ' Meek. — Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 10, p. 243. 1890. HoLSTON River: Cope. — Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., eer. 2, vol. 6, pp. 209, 239, 240, 241, 242, 244. 1869. Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papera, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, pp. 54, 55. 1901. Jordan.— Sci. Sketches, pp. 90, 112. 1888. HousATONic River: Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv. , No. 44, pp. 13, 14. 1901. Jordan.— Sci. Sketches, p. 116. 1888. Hudson Bay: Faxon. — Rev. Astac, p. 174. Hudson River: Cope.— Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., eer. 2, vol. 6, pp. 208, 247. 1869. Faxon. — Rev. Astac, p. 173. Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, p. 14. 1901. Illinois River : Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, p. 60. 1901. Jordan.— Am. Nat., vol. 11, pp. 609, 613. 1877. Jordan. — Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 12, pp. 92, 95. 1878. Jordan.— Sci. Sketches, p. 127. 1888. Meek.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 14, pp. 83, 86. 1894. Dr. J. W. Beede writes: "In its lower course, the Illinois is an extremely clear, deep stream, with coarse chert gravel bottom, with narrow to wide, flat, sometimes almost swampy, flood plain. It is full of fine fish. The less swift parts are full of a coarse green plant with circlets of leaves." [Cerotophyllum ?] Indian Creek: Meek.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 10, p. 231. 1890. Iowa River: Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, p. 79. 1901. Meek.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 10, pp. 227-229, 244. 1890. 174 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. James River (Mo.): Meek.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 9, pp. 124, 128. 1889. James River (Va.): Cope.— Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ser, 2, vol. 6, pp. 208, 209, 240, 241, 242, 246. 1869. Faxon. — Rev. Astac, p. 173. Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, pp. 22, 23. 1901. Jordan.— Am. Nat., vol. 11, pp. 612, 613. 1877. Jordan.— Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 12, p. 95. 1878. Jordan.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 8, pp. 107-113. 1888. Jordan.— Sci. Sketches, pp. 90, 123. 1888. Johns River: Jordan.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 8, p. 135. 1888. Juniata River: Gannett.— Water Supp. and Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, p. 19. 1901. Kanawha River: Cope.— Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ser. 2, vol. 6, pp. 209, 240, 241, 242, 243» 244, 245, 246. 1869. Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, pp. 46, 47, 49. 1901. Jordan. — Sci. Sketches, p. 90. 1888. Kansas River: Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, pp. 72, 73. 1901. Kennebec River: Faxon. — Rev. Astac. p. 173. Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, p. 9. 1901. Kentucky River: Gannett. — Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, pp. 57, 58. 1901. Jordan.— Am. Nat., vol. 11, pp. 611, 612. 1877. Jordan. — Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 12, pp. 91, 95. 1878. Woolman.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 10, pp. 275-281. 1890. KiAMicHi River: Meek.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 15, p. 341. 1895. Lizard Creek: Meek.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 10, p. 222. 1890. Maumee River: Jordan.— Am. Nat., vol. 11, p. 609. 1877. Jordan.— Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 12, p. 92. 1878. Kirsch.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 14, pp. 315-337. 1894. Meramec River: Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, p. 68. 1901. Meek.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 9, p. 116. 1889. Miami River: Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, p. 60. 1901. Jordan.— Am. Nat., vol. 11, p. 611. 1877. Jordan.— Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 12, p. 91. 1878. HARRIS: CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 175 Lake Michigan: Faxon. — Rev. Astac, j). 174. Jordan.— Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 12, p. 94. 1878. Jordan.— Sci. Sketches, pp. Ill, 127. 1888. Mill Creek (Kan.): Dr. J. W. Beede writes me: " Mill creek is in the Flint Hills. Most of the course of the larger part of the stream is very muddy in the channel, with strong ripples occasionally. It is a great deal like the Wakarusa — strik- ingly so." Minnesota River : Gannett. — Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, Q. S. G. Surv., No. 44, pp. 79,80. 1901. Mississippi River: Adams.— Am. Nat., vol. 35, pp. 848, 849. 1901. Cope.— Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ser. 2, vol. 6, p. 246. 1869. Eigenmann.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 14, pp. 101, 121. 1894. Faxon. — Rev. Astac, pp. 173, 174. Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, pp. 38-40. 1901. Jordan.- Am. Nat., vol. 11, pp. 612, 613. 1877. Jordan.— Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 12, p. 95. 1878. Jordan.— Sci. Sketches, pp. 110, 115, 130. 1888. Meek.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 10, p. 220. 1890. '^ Simpson.— Sci., N. S., vol. 12, pp. 133, 134. 1900. Missouri River: Cope.- Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ser. 2, vol. 6, p. 246. 1869. Eigenmann.— Bull. U, S. F. C, vol. 14, pp. 101, 102, 106, 120. 1894. Faxon. — Rev. Astac, p. 174. Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, pp. 68-70. 1901. Jordan.— Am. Nat., vol. 11, p. 608. 1877. Jordan.— Sci. Sketches, p. 113. 1888. Meek.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 10, p. 245. 1890. Neosho River: Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, p. 66. 1901. Neuse River: Faxon. — Rev. Astac, p. 173. Jordan.— Am. Nat., vol. 11, p. 610. 1877. Jordan.— Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 12, p. 93. 1878. Jordan.— Bull. U. S. F. C.,vol. 8, pp. 127-131. 1888. Jordan.— Sci. Sketches, p. 123. 1888. North River : Jordan.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 8, pp. 108, 109. 1888. Oconee River: Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, p. 29. 1901. Ohio River: Adams.— Am. Nat., vol. 35, p. 846. 1901. Cope.— Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ser 2, vol. 6, p. 247. 1869. Faxon. — Rev. Astac, p. 174. Gannett. — Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, pp. 41-43. 1901. 176 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Ohio River — continued: Jordan.— Am. Nat., vol. 11, pp. 612, 613. 1877. Jordan.— Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 12, p. 95. 1878. Jordan and Gilbert.— Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 9, p. 25. 1886. Jordan.— Sci. Sketches, pp. 114, 121, 126. 1888. Simpson.- Sci., N. S., vol. 12, p. 134. 1900. Lake Ontario: Faxon.— Rev. Astac, p. 174. Jordan.— Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 12, p. 94. 1878. Smith.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 10, pp. 178, 179. 1890. Osage River: Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, p. 72. 1901. Ouachita River: Gannett. — Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, pp. 62, 63. 1901. Jordan.— Sci. Sketches, p. 114. 1888. Jordan and Gilbert.— Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 9, pp. 9, 25. 1886. Meek.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 9, p. 137. 1889. Meek.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 14, p. 69. 1894. Passaic River: • Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, p. 15. 1901. Peace River: Woolman,— Bull. U. S. F. C, voL 10, pp. 295-297. 1890. Pecos River: Evermann and Kendall.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 12, pp. 64, 65. 1892. Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, p. 37. 1901. Penobscot River : Faxon. — Rev. Astac, p. 173. Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, p. 9. 1901. Platte River : Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, pp. 74-76. 1901. Meek.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 14, p. 135. 1894. Potomac River: Faxon. — Rev. Astac, p. 173. Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, pp. 20, 21. 1901. Jordan.— Am. Nat., vol. 11, pp. 608, 612, 613. 1877. Jordan.— Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 12, p. 95. 1878. Jordan.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 8, pp. 101-107. 1888. Jordan.— Sci. Sketches, p. 122. 1888. Powell River: Cope.— Joarn. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ser. 2, vol. 6, p. 239. 1869. Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, p. 55. 1901. Jordan.— Am. Nat., vol. 11, p. 609. 1877. Jordan. — Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 12, p. 92. 1878. Woolman.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 10, p. 269. Crayfish noticed to be abun- dant. 1890. Rappahannock River : Faxon. — Rev. Astac, p. 173. HARRIS: CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 177 Red River: Evermann and Kendall.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 12, pp. 61-65. 1892. Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, pp. 61, 62, 80. 1901. Jordan and Gilbert.— Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 9, p. 13, 1886. Jordan.— Sci. Sketches, pp. Ill, 113. 1888. Meek.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 14, pp. 69, 70. 1894. Meek.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 15, p. 341. 1895. See, also, Cimarron river. Red River of the North: Eigenmann.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 14, pp. 101, 102, 103, 120. 1894. Jordan.— Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 12, p. 91. 1878. Reedy Fork, Cape Fear River: Jordan.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 8, p. 131. 1888. Republican River: Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, p. 73. 1901. Rio Grande River: Evermann and Kendall.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 12, pp. 61-65. 1892. Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, pp. 36, 37. 1901. Jordan.— Sci. Sketches, p. 109. 1888. Roanoke River: Collins and Smith.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 11, pp. 197-200. 1891. Cope.— Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ser. 2, vol. 6, pp. 209, 240, 241, 242, 243. 1869. Faxon. — Rev. Astac, p. 173. Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, p. 23, 24. 1901. Jordan.— Am. Nat., vol. 11, pp. 611, 613. 1877. Jordan.— Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 12, p. 98. 1878. •; Jordan.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 8, pp. 120-124, 131. 1888. I Jordan.— Sci. Sketches, p. 90. 1888. ' Rock Creek: Kirsch.- Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 11, p. 267. 1891. Saco River: Faxon. — Rev. Astac, p. 173. I Salt River (Ky.): Woolman.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 10, pp. 250, 251. 1890. Saluda River: I Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, p. 27. 1901. Jordan.— Am. Nat., vol. 11, p. 608. 1877. Jordan.— Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 12, p. 91. 1878. ' Jordan.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 8, p. 135. 1888. San Antonio River: Evermann. — Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 11, pp. 71, 72. Crayfish reported as abun- dant. 1891. Evermann and Kendall.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 12, pp. 62-65. 1892. 9-Bull., No. 3. 178 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Santee River: i Faxon.— Rev. Astac, p. 173. j Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, p. 26. 1901. ; Jordan.— Am. Nat., vol. 11, p. 610. 1877. I Jordan.— Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 12, p. 93. 1878. I Jordan.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 8, pp. 131, 135-139. 1888. ] Saskatchewan River: i Eigenmann.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 14, pp. 101, 102, 104, 120, 121. 1894. ^ Faxon.— Rev. Astac, p. 174. i Savannah River: i Faxon. — Rev. Astac, p. 173. [ Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, pp. 27, 28. I 1901. I Jordan.— Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 12, p. 92. 1878. i Jordan.— Sci. Sketches, pp. 122, 123. 1888. Hays and Campbell. — Sci.,n. s., vol. 12, pp. 131, 132, 133. 1900. | Simpson. — Sci., n. s., vol. 12, p. 135. 1900. ] Schuylkill River: \ Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, p. 17. 1901. i Scioto River: j Jordan.— Am. Nat., vol. 11, p. 61.3. 1877. \ Jordan. — Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 12, p. 95. 1878. l Jordan.— Sci. Sketches, p. 120. 1888. « Shenandoah River: Cope.— Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ser. 2, vol. 6, p. 247. 1869. - Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv. , No. 44, pp. 21, 22. 1901. , Jordan.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 8, p. 101. 1888. j Little Sioux River: i Meek.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 14, p. 134. 1894. I Spirit Lake: ^ Meek.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol., 14, pp. 133, 134. Crayfi&h said to be abundant. 1894. Spring Creek (Ark.): Meek.- Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 9, p. 131. 1889. Meek.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 14, p. 74. 1894. Spring Creek (Iowa): Meek.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 10, p. 240. 1890. St. Francis River: Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, p. 68. 1901. Meek.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 14, p. 68. 1894. Meek.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 15, pp. 344-346. 1895. St. John's River (Fla.): Faxon. — Rev. Astac, p. 173. Jordan. — Sci. Sketches, p. 109. 1888. St. John River (Canada): Faxon —Rev. Astac, p. 173. St. Lawrence River: Faxon. — Rev. Astac, p. 174. Jordan.— Am. Nat, vol. 11, p. 611. 1877. i HARKIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 179 Susquehanna River: Cope.— Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ser. 2, vol. 6, pp. 241, 242, 247. 1869. Faxon. — Rev. Astac, p. 173. Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, pp. 17, 18, 19. 1901. Jordan.— Am. Nat., vol. 11, p. 610. 1877. Jordan. — Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 12, p. 93. 1878. Jordan.— Sci. Sketches, p. 90. 1888. Tar River : Faxon. — Rev. Astac, p. 173. Jordan.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 8, p. 125. 1888. Tennessee River: Adams.— Am. Nat., vol. 35, pp. 844, 846, 847, 848, 849, 850. 1901. Cope.— Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ser. 2, vol. 6, pp. 209, 239, 246. 1869. Faxon. — Rev. Astac, pp. 174, 178. Gannett. — Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, pp. 49, 50, 51. 1901. Gilbert. — Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 9, p. 144. 1889. Hays and Campbell.— Sci., n. s., vol. 12, pp. 131, 132. 1900. Jordan.— Am. Nat., vol. 11, pp. 608, 612. 1877. Jordan.— Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 12, p. 92. 1878. Jordan.— Sci. Sketches, pp. 114, 121, 122. 1888. Jordan and Gilbert.— Proc U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 9, pp. 1, 2, 25. 1886. Simpson.— Sci., n. s., vol. 12, pp. 134, 135. 1900. Woolman.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 10, p. 268. 1890. Tippecanoe River: Kirsch.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 14, p. 40. 1894. Trinity River: Evermann.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 11, p. 70. 1891. Evermann and Kendall.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 12, pp. 62-65. 1892. Gannett. -Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, p. 33. 1901. Jordan.— Sci. Sketches, p. 113. 1888. Jordan and Gilbert.— Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 9, p. 16. 1886. Turkey River : Meek.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 10, pp. 241, 242. 1890. Verdigris River: Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, p. 67. 1901. Wabash River: Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, pp. 58, 59. 1901. Jordan. — Am. Nat., vol. 11, pp. 609, 611, 613. 1877. Jordan.— Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 12, pp. 91, 92, 95. 1878. Jordan.— Sci. Sketches, pp. 126, 127. 1888, Walnut Fork of Big Piney : Meek.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 14, p. 83. 1894. Wapsipincon River: Meek.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 10, pp. 238, 239. 1890. Washita. See Ouachita. Wateree River: Jordan.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 8, p. 135. 1888. 180 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. White River (Ark.): - Faxon. — Rev. Astac, p. 174. Gannett.— Water Supp. and Irr. Papers, U. S. G. Surv., No. 44, p. 67. 1901. Jordan and Gilbert.— Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 9, pp. 1, 2. 1886. Meek.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 9, p. 129. 1889. Meek.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 14, pp. 69, 73, 86. 1894, White River (Ind.): Jordan.- Am. Nat., vol. 11, p. 612. 1877. Wills Creek : Gilbert.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 9, p. 145. 1889. Lake Winnipeg: Eigenmann.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 14, pp. 101, 120. 1894. Faxon. — Rev. Astac, p. 174. Jordan.— Sci. Sketches, p. 110. 1888. Wisconsin River: Jordan.— Am. Nat., vol. 11, p. 608. 1877. Jordan.— Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 12, p. 91. 1878. Yellow River : Meek.— Bull. U. S. F. C, vol. 10, p. 243. 1890. Youghiougheny River: Jordan.— Am. Nat., vol. 11, p. 608. 1877. BIBLIOGRAPHY. The following is a list of the papers treating of crayfishes which have been consulted in the preparation of the present paper. This list includes only papers dealing with Cambarus; for the other literature examined foot-note references alone are given. This is not a complete bibliography of Cambarus, but in- cludes such literature as I have examined or have had examined in the preparation of the present paper, which, I think, repre- sents all of importance for our present purpose. Abbott, Dr. C. C, '73. — Notes on the Habits of Certain Crayfish. Am. Nat., vol. 7, pp. 80-84. 1873. Abbott, Dr. C. C, '84. — Are the Chimneys of the Burrowing Crayfish De- signed? Am. Nat., vol. 18, pp. 1157-1158. 1884. Adams, C. C, '01. — Base Leveling and its Faunal Significance, with Illustrations from Southeastern United States. Am. Nat., vol, 35, pp. 839-852. 1901. Adams, C. C, '02. — Southeastern United States p.r a Center of Geographical Dis- tribution of Flora and Fauna. Biological Bulletin, vol. 3, pp. 115-131. 1902. Agassiz, Prof. L., '54.— Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. 6, p. 375. 1854. Audubon, J. J., '39.— The Birds of America, vol. 6, p. 57, pis. 360, 370. 1839. Bell, Robert, jr., '59. — On the Natural History of the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Distribution of the Mollusca of Eastern Canada. Canadian Natural- ist and Geologist, vol. 4, pp. 19 -220. 1859. HARRIS : CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 181 Broadhead, G. C, '74.— Report of the Geological Survey of the State of Mis- souri, 1873-'74, p. 36. 1874. BouviER, E. L., '97.— Sur les Camharus, Recueillies au Mexique par M. Duget Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. 1897, No. 6, pp. 224-228. 1897. Brocchi, M., '75.— Recherches sur les Organes G^nitaux des Crustac^s D6ca- podes. Ann. Sci. Nat. VI. Zool., vol.'2, art. 2. 1875. Bu.xDY, W. F., '76.— See Forbes. Bu^dy, W. F., '77. — On the Camhari. of Northern Indiana. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1877, pp. 171-174. 1877. BuNDY, W. F., '82.— A List of the Crustacea of Wisconsin, with Notes on Some New or Little-known Species. Trans. Wis. Acad. Sci., Arts and Letters, vol. 5, pp. 177-184. 1882. BcNDY, W. F., '83. — The Crustacean Fauna of Wisconsin, with Description of Little-known Species of Camharus. Geology of Wisconsin, Survey of 1873-'79, vol. 1, pp. 402-405. 1883. Chaney,- L. W., jr., '89. — Some Habits of the Crayfish. Am. Mo. Micr. Journ., vol. 10, pp. 86-88. 1889. CocKERELL, T. D. A., '00. — Notes on the Las Vegas Crawfish. The Southwest, vol. 2, p. 133. 1900. CocKERELL, T. D. A., AND PoRTEB, WiLMATTE, '00. — A New Crayfish from New Mexico. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1900, pp. 434, 435. 1900. Cope, E. D., '72. — On the W^yandotte Cave and its Fauna. Am. Nat., vol. 6, pp. 406-422, figs. 109-116. July, 1872. Cope, E. D., '72&. — Report on the Wyandotte Cave and its Fauna. Report of the Geological Survey of Indiana, vol. 4, pp. 157-182. 1872. Cope, E. D., and Packard, A. S., jr., '81. The Fauna of the Nickajack Cave. Am. Nat., vol. 15, pp. 877-882. 1881. Craige, W. F., '43.— [ .] Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. 1, p. 175. 1843. Dana, James D., '54. — Conspectus crustacearitm, etc.; Conspectus of the Crustacea of the Exploring Expedition under Captain Wilkes, U. S. N. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. 6, pp. 6-28. 1854. De Kay, James E., '44.— Zoology of New York. Part VI, Crustacea, pp. iv + 70, pis. 1-13. Albany, 1844. Desmarest, a. G. — Considerations G<^neral es sur la Classe des Crustaccs. 1825. Erichson, W. F., '46.— Uebersicht der Arten der Gattung Astacus. Archiv fiir Naturgeschichte, vol. 12, part 1, pp. 86-103. 1846. Erich on. , W. F. , '46&.— Nachtrag zur Uebersicht der Gattung A stacus. Archiv fiir Naturgeschichte, vol. 12, part 1, pp. 375-377. 1846. Faxon, Walter, '84. — Descriptions of New Species of Cambai-us. Proc. Am. Acad. Arts and Sci., vol. 20, pp. 107-158. 1884. Faxon, Walter, 846.— On the So-called Dimorphism in the genus Camharus. Am. Jour. Sci., vol. 27, pp. 42-44. 1884. Faxon, Walter, '85.— A Revision of the Astacidae. Part I, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard College, vol. 10, part 4, 186 pages, 10 pis. 1885. Faxon, Walter, '856. — Preliminary Catalogue of the Crayfishes of Kansas. Bull. Washburn College Lab. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, pp. 140-142. 1885. 182 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Faxon, Walter, '85c. — A List of the Astacidae in the United States National Museum (corrected to July 1, 1885). Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 8, pp. 356-361. 1885. Faxon, Walter, '90. — Notes on North American Crayfishes. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 12, pp. 619-634. 1890. Faxon, Walter, '98. — Observations on the Astacidaj in the United States Na- tional Museum and in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, with Descrip- tions of New Species. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 20, pp. 643-694, 9 pis. 1898. Forbes, S. A., and Bundy, W. F., '76. — List of Illinois Crustacea, with Descrip- tions of New Species. Bull. 111. Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, pp. 3-25. 1876. Ganong, W. F., '87.— The Crayfish in New Brunswick. Bull. Nat. Hist. Soc. New Brunswick, vol. 6, pp. 74-75. 1887. Ganong, W. F., '89. — The Crayfish in the Atlantic Provinces. Educational Re- view, vol. 3, p. 95. 1889. Ganong, W. F., '98.— The Crayfish in New Brunswick. Bull. Nat. Hist. Soc. New Brunswick, vol. 16, p. 54. 1898. Garman, S., '89. — Cave Animals from Southwestern Missouri. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 17, pp. 225-240. 1889. GiBBES, L. R.,'50. — On the Carcinological Collections of the United States, and an Enumeration of the Species Contained in them, with Notes on the Most Re- markable and Descriptions of New Species. Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci., third meeting. 1850. GiRARD, C, '52. — A Revision of the North American Astaci, with Observations on their Habits and Geographical Distribution. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. 6, pp. 87-91. 1854. GoDMAN, John D., '60. — Rambles of a Naturalist. In Godman's American Nat- ural History, vol. 2, pp. 289-337, 3d ed. 1860. Gould, Augustus A., '41. — Report on the Invertebrata of Massachusetts; Crus- tacea, pp. 321-341. Cambridge, 1841. Hagen, H. a., '70. — Monograph of the North American Astacidte. 111. Cat. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard College, vol. 3, pp. 1-110, 11 pis. 1870. Hagen, H. A., '72.— The Blind Crayfish. Am. Nat., vol. 6, pp. 494, 495. 1872. 1872. Hargitt, C. W., '90. — Some Habits of the Crayfish. Am. Mo. Micr. Journ., vol. 11, pp. 111-114. 1890. Harris, J. Arthur, '00. — Annotated Catalogue of the Crayfishes of Kansas. Kans. Univ. Quart., vol. 9, pp. 263-274. 1900. Harris, J. Arthur, '01. — Notes on the Habits of Cambarus immunis Hagen. Am. Nat., vol. 35, pp. 187-191. 1901. Harris, J. Arthur, '016. — The Dimorphism of Cambarus. Kans. Univ. Quart., vol. 10, pp. 49-59. 1901. Harris, J. Arthur, '01c. — Observations on the So-called Dimorphism in the Males of Cambarus Erichson. Zool. Anzeiger, vol. 34, pp. 683-689, Nov., 1901. Harris, J. Arthur, 'Old.^Annotated Catalogue of the Crayfishes of Kansas. [Abstract.] Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci., vol. 17, p. 115. 1901. Harris, J. Arthur, '02. — Distribution of Kansas Crayfishes. Kans. Univ. Sci. Bull., vol. 1, pp. 1-11. 1902. HARRIS: CRAYFISHES GENUS CAMBARUS. 183 Hay, W. p., '93.— Observations on the Blind Crayfishes of Indiana, with a De- scription of a New Subspecies: Cambarufi pellucldun testii. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 16, pp. 283-286, 2 pis. 1893. Hay, W. p., '96.— The Crayfishes of the State of Indiana. Twentieth Ann. Eept. Ind. Geol. Survey, pp. 475-507. 1896. Hay, W. p., '99.— Description of Two New Species of Crayfish. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 22, pp. 121-123. 1899. Hay, W. p., '996. — The Astacidae of North America. Am. Nat. (Synopsis of North American Invertebrates, VI), vol. 33, pp. 957-966. 1899. Hay, W. p., '02. — On the Proper Application of the Name Cambarus carolinus Erichson. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., vol. 15, p. 38. 1902. Herrick, C. L. '81.— Papers on the Crustacea of the Fresh Waters of Minne- sota, III : On Notadromas and Cambarus. Report of Geol. and Nat. Hist. Surv. of Minn., vol. 10, pp. 252-254. 1881. Herrick, F. H., '96.— The American Lobster; a Study of its Habits and De- velopment. Bull. U. S. Fish Com., vol. 15, pp. 1-252, pis. A-D, 1-54. 1896. Holder, C. F., '86.— Some Peculiar Habits of the Crayfish. Pop. Sci. Mo., vol. 29, pp. 784-787. 1886. Huxley, T. H., '78. On the Classification and Distribution of Crayfishes. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, pp. 752-788. 1878. Huxley, T. H., '97.— An Introduction to the Study of Zoology, Illustrated by the Crayfish, pp. viii-(-371, figs. 1-79. New York, 1897. Kent, W. J., '01.— The Colors of the Crayfish. Am. Nat, vol. .35, pp. 933-936. Nov., 1901. LeConte, John L., '56. — Description of a New Species of Asfaeus from Georgia. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. 7, pp. 400-402. 1856. Leidy, Joseph, '52.— Contributions to Helminthology. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. 5, pp. 205-209. 1852. Lonnberg, Einar, '94. — Cambarids from Florida. Bihang Till K. Sven. Vet.- Akad. Handlingar. Bd. XX, afd. IV, No. 1. 1894. Lonnberg, Einar, '98. — Some Biological and Anatomical Facts Concerning Farastacus. Zool. Anzeiger, 1898, pp. 334-335, 344-352. 1898. v. Martens, E., '72. — Ueber Cubanische Crustaceen. Archiv fiir Naturge- schichte, vol. 38, part 1, pp. 77-147. 1872. Meek, S. E., '94. — A New Cambarus from Arkansas. Am. Nat., vol. 28, pp. 1042, 1043, figs. 1-4. 1894. Miller, W. S., '95. — Anatomy of the Heart of Cambarus. Trans. Wis. Acad., vol. 10, pp. 327-336, 2 pis. 1895. Moore, J. P., '93. — On Some Leech-like Parasites of American Crayfishes. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1893, pp. 419-i28, 1 pi. Newport, Geo., '53. — On the Ocelli in the Genus Anthophorbia. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., vol. 21, pp. 161-165, pi. 10. 1853. Ortmann, a. E., '02. — The Geographical Distribution of Fresh- water Decapods and its Bearing on Ancient Geography. Proc. Am. Philos. Soc, vol. 41, pp. 267-400. 1902. OsBORN, H. L., '87-'89. — Elementary Histological Studies of the Crayfish, I- XIII. Am. Mo. Micr. Journ., I, vol. 8, pp. 81-87; II, vol. 8, pp. 101-105; III, vol. 8, pp. 121-125; IV, vol. 8, pp. 149-152; V, vol. 8, pp. 167-169; VI, vol. 8, pp. 181-185; VII, vol. 8, pp. 201-203; VIII, vol. 9, pp. 21-25; IX, vol. 9, pp. 65-69; X, vol. 9, pp. 139-143; XI, vol. 9, pp. 179-183; XII, vol. 10, pp. 25-29; XIII, vol. 10, pp. 147-149. 1887-1889. 184 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Packard, A. S., '71. — On the Crustaceans and Insects. (In "The Mammoth Cave and its Inhabitants.") Am. Nat., vol. 5, pp. 744-761. 1871. Packard, A. S., '73. — On the Cave Fauna of Indiana. Fifth Ann. Rep. Trustees Peabody Acad. Sci., for the year 1872, pp. 93-97. 1873. Packard, A. S., jr. — See Cope. Parker, G. H., '90.— The Eyes in Blind Crayfishes. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 20, pp. 153-162, pi. 1. 1890. PoRTER» WiLMATTE. — See Cockerell. Putnam, F. W., '75. [Eemarks on the Mammoth Cave and Some of its Inhab- itants.] Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 18, pp. 222-226. 1875. Putnam, F. W., '77. — On Some of the Habits of the Blind Crayfish, C jielluci- dus, and the Reproduction of Lost Parts. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. His., vol. 18, pp. 16-19. 1877. Say, Thomas, '17. — An Account of the Crustacea of the United States. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., vol. 1, part 1, pp. 57-63, 65-80, 97-101, 155-169. 1817. ScHUFELDT, R. W. , '96. — The Chimneys of Burrowing Crayfish. The Observer, vol. 7, pp. 85-89. 1896. ScHUFELDT, R. W., '97. — Chapters on the Natural History of the United States, 472 pp. New York, 1897. ScHUFELDT, R. W., '98.— Some Observations on Crayfish. Shooting and Fish- ing, vol. 25, p. 227. 1898. Shaler, U. S., '75. — On the Antiquity of the Caverns and Cavern Life of the Ohio Valley. Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. His., vol. 2, pp. 362, 363. 1875. Smith, S. I., '74. — The Crustacea of the Freeh Waters of the United States. Rep. U. S. Fish Com. for 1872-'73, pp. 637-665. 1874. Streets, Thomas H., '77. — Description of Cambarns couesi, a New Species of Crayfish from Dakota. Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv. Terr., vol. 3, pp. 803-804. 1877. Tarr, Ralph S., '84. — Habits of Burrowing Crayfish in the United States. Nature, vol. 30, p. 127. 1884. Thompson, W. M 44. — Notice of the Blind Fish, Crayfish and Insects from the Mammoth Cave, Kentucky. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist., vol. 13, p. 111. Feb., 1844. Williamson, E. B., '01. — The Crayfishes of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Ann. Carnegie Museum, vol. 1, pp. 8-13. 1901. Underwood, L. M., '86. — List of the Described Species of Fresh-water Crustacea from America, North of Mexico. Bull. 111. St. Lab. Nat. Hist., vol. 2, pp. 323-386. 1886. Zoological Laboeatoey, University of Kansas, June, 1903. INDEX. SUBJECTS, Blind species, colors of 63 " " habits of 162 Breeding habits 168-169 Burrowing species, colors of 62- 63 " " distribution of 158-159 " " habits of 162-166 Colors of Cambarus 61- 63 Conjugation of Cambarus , 65- 67 Dimorphism of Cambarus 61- 65 Distribution by river systems 136-151, 155-162 " states 151-155 Ecological work 51- 58 Evolution in Cambarus 55- 56 Exuviation 166-167 Groups, distribution of .' 58- 60 " habits of 162 Localities, character of , 162 Parasitism 60- 61 Purpose of present paper 52- 58 Winter habits 162 SPECIES. C. acherontis 58, 67, 150 C. acuminatus 59, G8, 137, 156 C. advena 58, 68, 129 C. afflnis 59, 61, 65, 66, 67, 68-70, 106, 113, 137, 158 C. alabamensis 60, 70 C. alleni 58, 70, 137 C. angustatus 58, 71 C. argillicola 59, 71-72, 105, 137, 158, 163 C. barbatus 58, 72, 137 C. bartonii 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 72-77, 115 119, 137, 150, 156, 157, 159, 166 C. bartonii longirostris 58, 75-77 C. bartonii robustus 58, 75-77, 137, 150, 156, 157 C. blandingii 58, 70, 77-80, 116, 137, 150, 158, 163 C. blandingii acutus 58, 69, 78-80, 137, 156 C. carinatus 58, 89 C. carolinua 58, 63, 81-82, 137, 158, 161, 163, 161 C. chaplanus 60, 82 C. clarkii 58, 67, 82-83, 137 C . clypeatus 58, 83 C. compressus 60, 83 (185) 162 159 150 169^ 137 166 150 168 150 116 169 137 166 166 169 iro 1G9 150 150 137 137 186 INDEX. C. cornutue ' 59, 83, 137 0. cubensis 58, 83, 150 C. difficilis 60, 83, 137 O. digueti 60, 61, 83, 151 O. diogenes 59, 72, 76, 80> 81, 83-96, 137, 151, 157 158, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169 C. diogenes ludoviciana 59, 85 C. dubius 96 C. erichsonianus 60, 96, 137, 159, 16 L C. evermanni 58, 97, 137 C. extraneus 59, 97, 137, 156, 159, 16L C. extraneus girardianus 59, 97, 137 C. fallax 58, 70, 97, 137, 166 C. forceps 60, 98, 137, 159 C. girardianus 98 C. gracilis 58, 63, 88, 92, 93, 94, 98-101, 103, 129, 137 151, 157, 163, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169 C. hagenianus 58, 101, 137 C. hamulatus 59, 67, 101, 116, 151, 162 C. harrisonii ' 59, 101, 137 C. hayi 58, 101, 137 C. hylas 59, 101, 137 C. immunis 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 99, 100, 101-106, 137 151, 157, 163, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169 C. immunis spinirostris 59, 102-106, 133 C. indianensis 59, 106, 137 C. jordani 59, 106, 137 C. lancifer 59, 106, 137, 151 C. latimanus 59, 106-107, 138, 156 C. lecontei 58, 107, 138 C. longidigitus 60, 107, 138 C. longulus 58, 107, 138, 159 C. maniculatus ,. 107, 151 C. medius 60, 107, 138 C. meekii 60, 108, 138 C. mexicanus ...;..... 58, 108, 15 L C. missiesippiensis , 59, 108, 138, 151 C. montezuma? 60, 108, 151, 158 C. montezumffi areolatus 60, 108, 151 C montezumas dugesii 60, 108, 151 C. montezumae occidentalis 60, 108, 151 C. nais 59, 109, 138 C. nebrascensis 109, 151 C. neglectus 59, 109-111, 138, 168 C. obscurus 112, 138 C. palmeri 59, 112, 138 C. palmeri longimanus 59, 112, 138 C. pellucidus 58, 67, 77, 112-118, 151, 157, 162, 167 C. pellucidus testii 58, 112-118, 151, 162 C. penicillatus 118 C. pilosus 59, 118-119, 138 0. propinquus 59, 61, 62, 63, 116, 119-121, 123, 138, 151, 156, 157, 166 INDEX. 187 C. propinquus sanbornii 59, 120-121, 138 C. pubeecens 58, 121, 138 C. putnami 60, 121, 138 C. rusticus 60, 110, 121-123, 138, 151, 157 C. schufeldtii 60, 126, 138 C. setosus 59, 123-126, 138, 162 C. simulana 58, 126-129, 138, 163, 168, 169 C. Bloanii 59, 77, 129, 138, 151, 166 C. spiculifer 58, 130, 138 C. spinosus 60, 130, 138, 156, 159, 161 C. stygius 130, 138 C. troglodytes 58, 130, 138, 151, 156 C. typholobius 131, 151 O. uhleri 59, 131, 138, 158 C. versutus 58, 131, 138 C. virilis 59, 64, 99, 103, 131-135, 138, 151, 162, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169 C. wiegmanni 58, 135, 138, 151, 157 PUBLICATIONS OF THE MVERSITY OF KANSAS. The following publications of the University of Kansas are offered for sale at the prices named below, or in exchange for other publications of like character and of equal value. A few complete copies of early volumes are on hand. KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. Volume I. No, 1, supply large; price, 50 cents. No. 2, supply exhausted. No. 3, supply small; price, 75 cents. No. 4, supply small; price, 75 cents. Price per volume, $3. " II. No. 1, supply exhausted. No. 2, supply small ; price, 75 cents. No. 3, supply exhausted. No. 4, supply exhausted. Price per volume, $3. " III. No. 1, supply exhausted. No. 2, supply exhausted. No. 3, supply small; price, 75 cents. No. 4, supply small; price, 50 cents. Price per volume, $3. " IV. No. 1, supply small; price, 50 cents. No. 2, supply small; price, 75 cents. No. 3, supply small ; price, 75 cents. No. 4, supply small ; price, 75 cents. Price per volume, $3. " V, Nos. 1 and 2, supply exhausted. Price per volume, $2. Volume V consists of only two numbers. " VI, A. Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, supply exhausted. Price per volume, $3. " VI, B. Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, supply large; price per number, 50 cents; price per volume, $2. " VII, A. Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, supply exhausted. Price per volume, $3. " VII, B. Nos. 1 and 2 (double number), 3, and 4, supply large; price per number, 50 cents; price per volume, ^2. " VIII, A. Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, supply large; price per number, 50 cents; price per volume, $2. " VIII, B. No. 1, supply email; price, 50 cents. Publication suspended. " IX, A. Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, supply large; price per number, 50 cents; per volume, $2. " X, A. Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, supply large; price per number, 50 cents; per volume, $2. SCIENCE BULLETIN. Volume I. Nos. 1 to 12, price, $3 ; supply large. UNIVERSITY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OP KANSAS. Volume I, 1896. Report on General Stratigraphy of Eastern Kansas; supply exhausted. " II, 1897. General Geology of Western Kansas; supply large. Postage, 24 cents. III, 1898. Special Report on Coal; supply large. Postage, 28 cents. IV, 1898. On Upper Cretaceous Paleontology ; supply large. Postage, 32 cents. V, 1899. Special Report on Gypsum and Gypsum Cement Plasters; supply large. Postage 16 cents. VI, 1900. Carboniferous Invertebrates and Cretaceous Fishes; supply large. VII, 1902. Special Report on Mineral Waters; supply large. MINERAL RESOURCES OP KANSAS. Report for 1897; supply small. Postage, 4 cents. Report for 1898; supply large. Postage, 8 cents. Report for 1899; supply lar^'e. Postage, 4 cents. BULLETINS OP THE DEPARTMENT OF ENTOMOLOGY. The Honey-bee and its Food-plants in Kansas. Postage, 4 cents. Alfalfa, Grasshoppers, Bees— their Relationship; supply small. Postage, 7 cents. Scale-insects Injurious to Orchards; supply large. Postage, 2 cents. The More Injurious Grasshoppers of Kansas; supply large. Postage, 2 cents. ANNOUNCEMENT. i ' The Kansas University Science Bulletin (continuation of the Kansas University Quarterly) is issued in parts at irregu- lar intervals. One volume, containing from 300 to 400 pages of reading-matter, veith necessary illustrations, is issued each year. The subscription price is $3 per volume. Exchanges with other institutions and learned societies everywhere are solicited. All exchanges should be addressed to the Lirrary of the Univer- y^ siTY OP Kansas. All communications should be addressed to H. B. NEWSON, Managing Editor of Science Bulletin, > Lawrence, Kan. ^'^^ S' 1904 THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vol. II, No. 4— November, 1903. (Whole Series, Vol. XII, No. 4.j CONTENTS : Lists of Coleoptera and Lepidoptera Collected in Hamilton, Morton and Clark Counties, Kansas, by the Entomological Expeditions of the University of Kansas in 1902 and 1903, F. H. Snow, PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY, Lawrence, Kan. Entered at the post-office in Lawrence as second-class matter t. I Kansas DNivERSin Science Bolletin. Vol. II, No. 4. NOVEMBER, 1903. Whole SERiia?. Vol. XII, No. 4. LISTS OF COLEOPTERA AND LEPIDOPTERA COLLECTED IN HAMILTON, MORTON AND CLARK COUNTIES, KANSAS, 1902 AND 1903. BY P. H. SNOW. A combination of two papers, read at the thirty-fifth and thirty-sixth annual tneetings of the- Kansas Academy of Science, January 2, 1903, and November 27, 1903. 'T^^HE following lists represent a portion of the entomological work of the two scientific collecting expeditions to south- western Kansas in charge of the writer in the years above named. His associates in 1902 were his son, Frank L. Snow,. Mr. E. S. Tucker, museum assistant in the University, and Roy Moodie and Will Bailey, students. The duration of the expedition was only three w^eeks, from May 30 to June 20. Two camps were occupied — the first at Shanstrom's grove, a mile and a half east of Coolidge, in Hamilton county, on the banks of the Arkansas river ; the second at Point of Rocks, in Morton county, on the Cimarron river, in the extreme south- western corner of Kansas. The writer had not previously col- lected insects in western Kansas farther south than Wallace county nor earlier in the season than July. In 1903 the party consisted of Dr. C. F. Adams, Eugene Smyth, and Roy Ranch, in addition to the director, and the single camp was located at Englewood, in Clark county, about a mile from Bullard creek, a tributary of the Cimarron river,, and aljout seven miles from the latter stream. This camp was occupied for seven weeks — from May 19 to July 1 — and a care- ful survey was made of the entomological life of the surround- ing country. As might have been expected, the character of this fauna was more Texan than had previously been observed in Kansas, our camp being only about two miles from the Okla- homa line and not more than fifty miles from the northern line of Texas. (191) 192 KA.NSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. I The results of these two expeditions were extremely satisfac- j tory,. adding more than three hundred species to the lists of ' species previously recorded as occurring in Kansas, and fur- j nishing valuable data for a future study of geographical distri- bution. For the identification of species not readily determinable from the University collections, the writer is under obligations to Mr. Charles Liebeck and Mr. H. C. Fall. I A report on the species taken in the other orders of insects I will appear at a later date. \ LIST OF OOLEOPTERA. Henehaw's numbers. Abbreviations: H., for Hamilton county ; M.,forMor- ■ ton county ; C, for Clark county. j 1 Family CiciNDEtiD.E. 19. Cicindela scutellaris Say. H. M. C. 21. pulchra Say. H. M. ■ 25. purpurea Oliv. C. i 25«. audubonii Lee. C. 256. graminea Schaupp. C. 25i. splendida var. denvereusis Casey. H. C. New to Kansas. ■ 26. formosa Say. H. M. C. 26b. venusta Lee. H. C. 28. fulgida Say. H. C. 32. vulgaris Say. H. C. 33. repanda Dej. H. M. C. 33. var. unijuncta Casey. H. M. C. ' \ 35. hirticollis Say. M. j 35. var. ponderosa Thompson. H. M. C. j 40. punctulata Fab. H. M. C. i 40a. micans Fab. H. M. 0. ; 45. cuprascens Lee. C. . 50. nevadica-knausii Leng. H. C. New to Kansas. « 58. circumpicta Laf. C. ^ 59. togata var. apicalis W. Horn. C. Family Carabid^. 124. Calosoma externum Say. C. j 126. protractum Lee. C. New to Kansas. 1 127. scrutator Fab. H. C. | 134. lugubre Lee. H. C. New to Kansas. . 136. triste Leo. C. 137. obsoletum Say. H. C. J 215. Pasimachus duplicatus Lee. C. New to Kansas. • | 217. elongatus Lee. H. M. C. I 220. Scarites subterraneus Fab. C. 1 t SNOW : LIST OP COLKOPTERA. 193 237. Dyschirius sphcericollis Say. H. 259. Clivina impressifrons Lee. H. 273. ferrea Lee. C. 277. postica Lee. C. 285. Schizogenius ferrugineus Putz. O. 311. Bembidium eoxendix Say. H. 316. bifoesulatum Lee. C 366. cordatum Lee. C 381. dorsale Say. H. 387. variegatuin Say. H. 388. intermedium Kirby. C. 394. eonstrictum Lee. H. 397. dejectum Casey. H. New to Kansas. 408. dubitans Lee. H. New to Kansas. 440. Tachys corruscus Lee. H. New to Kansas. 461. incurvus Say. H. 524. Pterostichus eubstriatus Lee. H. M. C. Tal^en also in Ford eounty.* 525. constrictus Say. H. M. C. 555. permundus Say. H. 563. texanus Lee. H. 561. saji Brulk'. H. C. 666. Amara confusa Lee. C New to Kansas. 682. subfenea Lee. C. 683. musculus Say. H. C. • 710. Diplocbila laticollis Lee. H. 713. Dictelus Iffivipennis Lee. H. New to Kansas. 732. Badister pulchellus Lee. H. New to Kansas. 739. flavipes Lee. H. New to Kansas. 772&. Platynus viridis Lee. H. 773. deeorus Say. H. 7746. texanus Lee. H. 815. placidus Say. H. 847. Casnonia pennsylvanica Linn*^. H. 0. 851. Galerita janus Fab. H. C. 872. Lebia grandie Hentz. M. C. 882. viridis Say. H. C. 895. seapularis Dej. C. 926. Philophuga viridicoliis Lee. C. 939. Cymindis laticollis Say. O. 941. planipennis Lee. 960. Helluomorpha texana Lee. 977«. Brachynus similis Lee. H. 983? kansanus Lee. 995. Chla3niu3 fuseicornis Dej. 1018. tricolor Dej. C. 1021. pennsylvanicus Say 10.32. tomentosus Say 1052. Geopinus incraseatus Dej. H. 1054. Nothopus zabroides Lee. M. C. ♦The species credited to Ford county in this list were taken at Dodge City during a deten- tion by washouts on the railroad while the collecting party was en route to Coolidge, in Hamil- ton county, in 1902. H. H. c. New to Kansas New to Kansas. C. C. H. M. c. 194 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIBNCB BULLETIN. 1056. Cratacanthus dubius Beauv. H. M. C 1059. Agonoderus lineola Fab. H. C. 1061. pallipes Fab. H. M. C. 1067. Discoderus parallelus Hald. H. C. 1074. Gynandropus hylacis Say. H. 1083. Harpalus caliginosus Fab. H. C. 1087. pennsylvanicus De G. H. C. 1091. fallax Lee. C. 1110. funestus Lee. H. C. New to Kansas. 1125. Selenophorus pedicularius Dej. C. 1125. var. eemiopacus. C. New to Kansas. 1140. Stenolophus eonjunctus Say. H. C. Taken also in Ford county. 1158. Bradycellus rupestris Say. C. 1177. Anisodactylus harpaloides Laf. C. New to Kansas. 1178. dulcicollis Laf. C. 1179. opaeulus Lee. C. New to Kansas. 1208. lugubris Dej. C. 1209. sericeus Harr. H. Family Haliplid^. 1221. Haliplus triopsis Say. H. • . Family Dytiscid^. 1476. Eretes stieticus Linn(?. O. Family Gyeinid^e. 1536. Dineutes assimilis Aub(?. C. Family Hydrophilid^. 1546. Helophorus linearis Lee. C 1586. Hydrophilus triangularis Say. H. C. 1589. Tropisternus nimbatus Say. C. 1597. Hydrocharis obtusatus Say. H. 1607. Berosus subsignatus Lee. C. New to Kansas. 1613. infuscatus Lee. C 1621. Laecobius agilis Rand. C. 1634. Helochares diflfusus Lee. C. 1635. fuscus Mots. H. Family Silphid^. 1705. Silpha truncata Say. H. Family Staphylinid^. 2119. Creophilus villosus Grav. H. 2164. Philonthus semiruber Horn. C. New to Kansas. 2170. flavolimbatus Er. C. 2182. alumnus Er. C. New to Kansas. 2274. Xantholinus emmesus Grav. C. 2705. Bledius gularia Lee. C. 2712. armatus Er. H. New to Kansas. 2738? suturalie Lee. H. New to Kansas. SNOW : LIST OP COLEOPTERA. 195 -Family Phalacrid^. 2993. Phalacrus politua Melsh. H. 3005. Olibrus consitnilis Marsh. H. Family Coccinellid^. 3046. Hippodamia convergens Gu — c^=AR (7) Substituting this value for AR in equation (4), we have : rf<^ = c,f+(cp-cv)f (8) The general law of expansion of a perfect gas may be expressed by the equation pivi^ ^= piVi"^ ^= pV" (9) or, BincQ pv=RT, we may write equation (9) as: RTv^-^=piVi'^ (10) DIEMER : THERMAL DIAGRAMS. 229 or RTv^~^ — joivi" = 0. Differentiating, we have : {n—l)RTv--Hv = — Rv^-HT, or dv = nv--^dT {n — l)RTv''-^ vdT dv _ 1 dT ,,,v [u — l)T ' °^- V ~ n — 1 T ^^^' dv Substituting this vahie of -^ in equation (8), we have: dT lncy — c^^ \n ^1 \ = c dT , T n-1 j ^^1 ^ T ' integrating between limits T\ and Ti for which the entropies are <^i and ^2, we have : «^i-<^2 = c. ! :i!%e4^ (12) Equation (12) gives a means for determining the linear length of the entrojiy factor. The temperatures T\ and T2 are disclosed by the pv conditions shown by the indicator card. The exponent n is found by taking any two points on the curve, such as pxvx and pivi. Since we have »it'i° =^ »2r2^ we have, also, i ^* i = i — i or, taking their logarithms, log p2 — log pi = ii{ log Vi — log V2 ) . Hence, l"g p2 — lod pi log p\ — Inn p^ n = 7 -. ~, or, 71 = -^^-^ , ^ log I'l — lay V2 (eg V2 — log vi For accurate work, a number of points should be taken, the method of least squares being used if the requirements of the calculation demand it. In the case of vapors such as steam, ether, alcohol, etc., the general case is that in which a part x of original liquid has been converted into vapor, the portion i — x remaining liquid. If a unit weight be con- sidered as raised from the freezing-point to a temperature Ti and the part X is evaporated at that temperature, the increase in entropy takes place in two stages, that of the liquid part and that of the vapor part. If the heat contained in the liquid part be denoted by q, then the entropy of the liquid. dn T rr C^ dT 1 T Owing to the differing of the specific heat at different temperatures, this value for entropy of the liquid should be built up of small values corresponding to small increments of temperature, using the value of the specific heat corresponding to the temperature range taken. In order to determine the entrojDy of the vapor portion, if r repre- sents the latent heat of vaporization at the temperature at which 230 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. vaporization takes place, the entroiay of vaporization will be -^, and the total entropy of the liquid and vapor will be xr . 7 T ^+ CylogeYT, To show the connection between the entropy diagram and the steam-engine-indicator diagram, it is best to consider the thermody- namic action of the whole system — boiler, engine, condenser, and feed- water heater. Although the consecutive operations for turning heat into work take place in different organs of the system, these consecu- tive operations may be considered as the successive phases of a closed cycle in which we have (see fig. 1), first, the line ah, representing evaporation of the liquid in the boiler, at temperature T, into steam of quality of dryness x. Work is done during this process at con- stant pressure on the piston. The volume of the pound of water will • / CL \ ^ / \/t 0 'x V^ \ \ d \ ^c f ■"^ (_ Fig. 1. not vary very much from .017 cubic feet ; h represents the volume of the pound of liquid after it has been expanded into steam. Assuming that evaporation has taken place, suppose the steam to be allowed to expand in such a manner that at all pressures it remains dry ; that is, none of it condenses, and it is not superheated. We may plot these volumes at various pressures by inserting the known specific volumes of steam. The line he is thus plotted. The next process in the sys- tem as a whole is the behavior, after expansion, of this one pound of steam at temperature 212° F. and atmospheric pressure. This step is condensation into feed water. This condensation occurs at constant pressure of the atmosphere, and will consequently be represented by the constant pressure line cd, indicating a diminution in volume from about 26 cubic feet to about .017 cubic feet. The last stage is repre- DIEMER : THERMAL DIAGRAMS. 231 sented by the supplying of heat from the source of heat between tem- peratures Ti and 71, or 212" F., and the temperature corresponding to the initial pressure. The cycle of operations just described is what is known as the Rankine ideal steam-engine cycle, and has been adopted by the British Institute of Civil Engineers as the standard for com- parison of thermodynamic efficiencies of steam-engines. Let us now trace out the corresponding entropy diagram : At state a we have one pound of water whose temperature is known. The entropy of the liquid, c^loQeYZ.^ calculated by the increment method already referred to, may be found in tables prepared by Pea- body and others. i> Plotting a suitable distance on the Y axis to represent the tem- perature, we plot a suitable distance to scale, horizontally to the right to represent the entropy of the liquid, found as above indicated, thus locating the point a (fig. 2) ; h' is located by adding the entropy of vaporization, that is, ^, or, for complete evaporation, ^. If the X axis has been taken as representing 32^ F., the rectangle underneath a'h' will represent to scale the latent heat of vaporization. This gives us the means for determining the area corresponding to one heat unit. Points on the curve h'a are found by calculating the entropy values belonging to the respective temperatures corresponding to selected pressures ; c'cT represents abstraction of heat at constant temperature, and d'a represents supply of heat to the water in the boiler. The area md'rn represents the heat required to heat the feed water from 32" F. 232 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. to the boiling-point ; the area md'a'n represents the heat required to heat the water to the point of vaporization ; na'h'o is the heat taken in during evaporation; pc'd'm is the heat rejected during exhaust ; a'b'c'd' is the heat equivalent of the work done. In actual engines, the expansion, instead of being carried to atmos- pheric pressure, will stop at some point such as e (fig. 1), by the open- ing of the exhaust, and there is a drop in pressure and temperature approaching a constant- volume line, ef. In order to plot ef on the T coordinates, we might find temperatures corresponding to slight drops in pressure, and find the corresponding entropy values from the formula : The curve may also be plotted graphically by making use of the principle that corresponding points in each diagram divide the hori- zontal lines through them in the same proportion. For example, to transfer the point x from the pv diagram to the 7'^ diagram : Draw" a horizontal gh through x, and draw also g^Ii^ at the temperature cor- responding to the pressure at g. Divide g^h^ in a} in the same propor- tion as gh is divided in x. Then we know that the percentage of water evaporated, when x denotes its condition as to quality of dry- ness, will be in the same ratio to gh, denoting complete evaporation, as the heat required for partial evaporation will be to the heat re- quired for complete evaporation; hence, -^ :=^ ~^- In order to apply this principle to transfer the constant-volume line ef to the entropy diagram, we need simply take a number of points on the line ef, pass horizontals through them, and draw the corresponding horizontals on the entropy diagram, dividing the latter set in the same proportion that the horizontals were divided in i\\Q pv diagram by the line ef. It is evident that we may thus transfer any number of constant- volume and constant-pressure lines to the entropy diagram, and that, if a sufficient number are plotted, the diagram becomes a chart which can be prepared in form for blue-printing or other method of duplica- tion, and that any points, piVi, jhv-i, etc., may be exactly transferred onto the chart by finding the intersection of the constant-volume and constant-pressure lines corresijonding to piVi, p-iVi, etc., on the entropy chart. As the chart represents the behavior of one pound of feed, it is necessary, however, to transform an actual indicator diagram into a diagram representing the behavior of one pound of steam before the transfer to the entropy chart is made. This is done by measuring the amount of cylinder feed by a water meter in the feed-water pipe, or DIEMER : THERMAL DIAGRAMS. 233 by using a graduated feed- water supply tank, and obtaining the num- ber of strokes jDer pound of cylinder feed, in case the boiler supplies but the one engine, the necessary deduction being made for the feed pump. In case there are other steam-consuming organs besides the engine under test, the exhaust steam of the engine must be the gauge of the weight of cylinder feed. A Rankine ideal engine cycle is next constructed for one pound of steam. The average indicator card of the engine is next transformed into a pv diagram for one pound of feed and superposed on the Ran- kine diagram, the relative clearance volume being added to the dis- placement volume shown by the indicator card. Or, the indicator card itself may be surrounded by the Rankine ideal cycle for the weight involved in the indicator diagram and a reduction factor em- ployed in the transfer to the entropy chart. Superlieating effects are shown on the T<^ diagram by making use of the fact that entropy of superheating must be equal to specific heat of superheated steam X ^oge-ip—. By taking intermediate tempera- tures between the temperature of the superheating and that of satu- ration, the curve h'k (fig. 2) is obtained. If, in transferring the indicator card to the entropy chart, it is found that the volume is greater than that of saturated steam, use must be made of the rela- tion, experimentally determined, that exists between the pressure, volume and temperature of superheated steam, as expressed by Pea- body, namely : /'^'sl,p = 98.5 Tgup — 911 p^'*, to determine the tempera- ture of superheating. Thermal diagrams constructed in accordance with the above meth- ods, added to the information given by the indicator card and other data usually tc^ken during an engine test, disclose completely all heat interchanges and heat relationships. The degree of refinement to which calculations based u^Don them can safely be carried depends necessarily upon the refinement and accuracy of the observational data from which they have been built. In order to apply the thermal diagram to gas-engines, it is neces- sary to know the specific heats of the mixture used. The relative weights must be known of exhaust products, fuel charge, and air, also the chemical composition of both fuel and exhaust. The specific heats of each part multiplied by the percentage of weight it repre- sents gives its relative specific heat, the total specific heat being the sum of these individual relative heats. S-Bull. No. 6. THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vol. II, No. 7 — November, 1903. ( Whole Series, Vol. XII, No. 7.) CONTENTS: Some City Water-supplies, . . . E. H. S. Bailey and Edivard Barto w. PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY, Lawrence, Kan. Entered at the post-ofiBce in Lawrence as second-class matter. Kansas University Science Bulletin. Vol. II, No. 7. NOVEMBER, 1903. Whole Series, Vol. XII, No. 7. SOME CITY WATER-SUPPLIES. BY E. H. S. BAILEY AND EDWARD BARTOW. 'T^HERE are practically five sources of supply for cities in the Missouri valley, viz. : (1) Rivers; (2) points or wells sunk into the soil near the bank or in the belt of the river ; (3) wells; (4) artesian wells, or those that are bored to great depth; (5) ponds or lakes. Local conditions in each case must determine which shall be the source of supply, but it often happens that from a financial standpoint one source of supply would be selected, while from the standpoint of wholesomeness of water an entirely different w^ater would be used. Rivers are liable to be contaminated from the sewerage of towns, or from the barn-yards, stock pens or hog wallows on their banks ; and the same remark applies to ponds and lakes. The w^ater of a well may or may not be pure, according as the well is or is not properly situated with reference to drainage, sewerage, and other sources of filth. In Kansas and vicinity a large number of cities draw their water-supply from wells, because that is the only feasible source. There are in Kansas the following river systems where the water is abundant enough to be used as a source of public supply, viz. : (1) Missouri, (2) Kaw, (3)Maraisdes Cygnes, (4) Neosho, (5) Verdigris, and (6) Arkansas. On these streams are situated the largest cities and villages, and so on these streams and their larger tributaries are most of the plants for supplying water to the public. Some years ago a thorough analysis was made of the water of the Kaw valley system, during the winter stage, and this (237) 238 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. report was published in the University Quarterly} A series of analyses of the Kaw river at Lawrence has also been made, and a report on the analyses of the water, made during several months of the year 1903, will appear in the Division of Hydrography, United States Geological Survey. During the last year we have made some analyses of the waters of the Neosho river system. There are quite a number of cities on the upper waters of this stream that are dependent on small creeks running into the Neosho for their supply. We refer especially to Florence, Peabody, Marion, Council Grove, White City, and Cottonwood Falls. Beginning with Emporia, the following cities are dependent on the Neosho river directly for their water, viz. : Burlington, lola, Chanute, Parsons, and Oswego. Analyses of Burlington and lola water were made some time ago. The source of the Parsons water is a small stream and pond tributary to the Neosho. The following towns, situated on or near the Neosho river, are not yet supplied by public water- works : LeRoy, Neosho Falls, Yates Center, Hum- boldt, Erie, and Chetopa. We have taken up especially the water-supply of Chanute, Oswego, and Chetopa. THE NEOSHO RIVER SYSTEM. The city of Chanute is one of the largest of those that draw their public water-supply from the Neosho river. On May 1 of this year one of us- visited this city for the purpose of getting samples of the water for analysis. The water-works, which are owned by the city, are about one and a half miles east of the city, on the west bank of the river. Worthington pumps are used to pump the water from the river to the settling-basins during the night, and to force it into the city mains during the day. Although the pump-house is well above the river bank, the pumps are down nearly to the river level, so as to avoid suction as much as possible. There are two settling-basins, which are said to have a ca- pacity of 2,500,000 gallons each. These basins are lined with cement, and are connected through a gallery filled with gravel and sand. The material in the filter is, however, not often changed. The basins are cleaned about once a year, or when- , Kansas University Quarterly , vol. Ill, pp. 1-12. University Science Bulletin, vol. I, pp. 99-111. alley. BAILEY AND BARTOW : CITY WATER-SUPPLIES. 239 ever the mud has accumulated sufficiently. At the time the sample was taken the water in the river was only slightly above medium height, and was clearer than usual for that time of the year, as it had not been rendered turbid by recent rains. The capacity of the pump is 1,000,000 gallons per day, but it is not running up to its maximum. The river is usually much higher in the latter part of May and in June, but gets to the worst and lowest stage in August or September. At the latter date it does not flow rapidly and is covered with a green scum, indicating vegetable growth. When the water is at its flood stage, the river carries a large amount of silt, dead animals, trees and all sorts of floating rubbish. A stream runs into the river some distance north of the city, which in high water is liable to bring considerable contamination to the water, as there are slaughter-houses upon its banks. During the flood stage of the Neosho, the water covers the bottoms and is up around the pump-house, but it has not cov- ered the basins for some years. The city water is not very ex- tensively used for drinking purposes, as many of the people still use wells and cisterns. There were some cases of typhoid fever, but there are not sufficient data to tell whether they are in families using city water or not. The city has a sewer system, which it is rapidly extending. The outlet is into the river, at a point below the w^ater-works. The pipes of the water com- pany are also being extended rapidly into the outlying parts of the city, to accommodate the increasing population. The analysis which is given below, from what has been said, evidently represents the water when in a good condition, better than the average. A sample was taken from the river opposite the pumping station, from the second settling-basin, and from the city mains in Doctor Lardner's office. SANITARY ANALYSIS OF CHANUTE WATER-SUPPLY. Neosho Settling- Service Parts per million. river. basin. pipe. TotalBolide 4U.8 412 457 Lose on ignition 48. 12.8 12.5 Chlorin 9.07 9.21 8.50 Free ammonia Oil .034 .052 Albuminoid ammonia .199 .332 .351 Nitrogen in nitrates 979 .960 .946 Nitrogen in nitrites 000 ' .000 .000 Oxygen consumed 2.58 3.00 2.27 Hardness 207.7 201.2 202.5 240 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. From the analysis the following conclusions are drawn : 1. The amount of total solids, which means the mineral matter left on the evaporation of the water, is not largo, as compared with some of the other streams of the state. The Kaw river above Lawrence is often 760, as compared with 414 in the Neosho. The constituents of this mineral matter will be considered later. 2. The chlorin, which usually represents the amount of salt in the water, is low in the Neosho, as in the drainage basin there are no alkali plains or salt marshes. 3. The free ammonia, which is regarded largely as an index of the animal matter in the water, is not high in any sample. It is, however, not as good in the sample taken from the pipes as in the untreated river water. This would indicate that, on account of the large amount of organic matter in the water, a partial decomposition takes place in the pipes, under some con- ditions, so that more free ammonia is generated. The sample taken from the pipes was not as clear as that taken from the river. 4. The amount of albuminoid ammonia is large ; in fact, it is too high for a good water. Here, also, the river water was bet- ter than that in the pipes. It is probable that this varies with the time allowed for settling and the frequency with which the pipes are flushed out. This part of the analysis shows that the amount of organic matter, particularly that of vegetable origin, is too great. Much of this could be removed by treat- ment with a coagulant and subsequent filtration, as in the case of the Oswego water, which is noticed elsewhere, and which is also taken from the Neosho river. 5. The amount of nitrogen as nitrates is not excessive, and represents the results of oxidation of organic matter in the soil and in the flowing stream. From all the data obtained, then, it is evident that the water- supply is not very satisfactory, even at this stage of the river. A more definite opinion of the water can be given when its composition at the lowest stage and at the flood stage also is known. The last town in the state having a public water-supply from the Neosho river is Oswego, the county-seat of Labette county. The water plant is owned by a private company, and is situ- BAILEY AND BARTOW : CITY WATER-SUPPLIES. 24 1 ated on the border of the city park, in a wooded ravine, above the high-water line, northeast of the city. The Neosho at this point runs nearly east, and the banks are well wooded and high. The water is drawn from the river by a fourteen-inch pipe, and then forced into the city mains through Jackson filters, sometimes after being treated with a little alum to act as a coagu- lant. The amount of alum used depends on the turbidity of the water. The sand in the filters is cleaned by reversing the current of the water as often as the pressure shows that this is necessary. About 250,000 gallons is pumped in twenty-four hours, although the capacity of the plant is four times that amount. As the population of the city is not very large, and so many of the citizens use the water of wells and cisterns, the demand upon the water company is not very great. The experience of the company in regard to purification of the water is, that any amount of coagulant will not clarify the water at certain stages of turbidity. Three samples of water were taken ; the first from the pipe that draws the water from the river, the second from the pipe as it conveys the water to the city, and the third from the service pipe in Kingman's drug store. SANITARY ANALYSIS OF OSWEGO WATER-SUPPLY. Sample taken May 2, 1903. Neosho Filtered Service Parts per million. river. water. pipe. Total solids 430 320.4 312.8 Loss on ignition 18 20.7 15.1 Chlorin 7.23 6.80 7.08 Free ammonia 098 .030 .020 Albuminoid aoimonia .418 .234 .184 Nitrogen in nitrates 415 .881 .314 Nitrogen in nitrites 000 .000 .000 Oxygen consumed 5.67 3.12 2.90 Hardness 164.4 165.8 163.1 A consideration of these analyses shows the following : 1. The total solids or mineral matter is reduced twenty-seven per cent, by the process of filtration. If alum is not used, it is practically the suspended matter which is taken out. It will be noticed that the amount of total solids is not very different from that at Chanute, more than fifty miles further up the stream. 242 KANSAS UNIVfiKSITY SCIBNCE BULLETIN. 2. The amount of chloria or consequently of common salt is small, a little less than at Chanute, which may be due to dilu- tion with pure waters. 3. The free ammonia, though rather high in the unfiltered water, is very materially diminished by filtration, and thus the water is improved. 4. The albuminoid ammonia, which is excessive in the origi- nal water, is very much diminished in the sample supplied to the city, showing that much of the vegetable or organic matter has been removed. Considering the whole analysis, then, it is evident that the water is greatly improved by this kind of filtration, and the water that is furnished is of fair quality. There is no doubt that when the water is at its flood stage, without further treat- ment, it would be difficult to furnish a water that is entirely satisfactory. NEOSHO RIVER AT CHETOPA. Chetopa is situated on the right bank of the Neosho, at a point where there is a sharp curve towards the east. Beyond the city the river runs for six or eight miles before it flows out of the state. As at other points along the river, the difference in the height of the water produces a great difference in its quality and in the rate of flow. During the flood season the river has been twenty-five feet higher than under ordinary con- ditions. There is no public water service here, but water is pumped from the river to a tank in the city to use for sprinkling pur- poses. As this is the last town of any size in the state on the river, the analysis of the water was made, for comparison with others farther up the stream. SANITARY ANALYSIS OF THE NEOSHO RIVER AT CHETOPA. Sample taken May 2, 1903. Parts per million. Total solids 390.4 Loss on ignition .... 18.9 Chlorin 7.60 Free ammonia .060 Albuminoid ammonia .363 Nitrogen in nitrates 1 . 021 Nitrogen in nitrites .000 Oxygen consumed 3 . 82 Hardness 176.2 BAILEY AND BAKTOW : CITY WATER-SUPPLIES. 243 The analysis shows that the untreated water is better at Che- topa than at Oswego. This may be partly due to dilution of the water by Labette creek, and partly to sedimentation and oxidation. In order to more fully understand the water of the Neosho system, a mineral analysis was made by Mr. C. F, Gustafsen of a sample taken in Doctor Lardner's office in Chanute. The following is the resul : Grams per liter. IONS. Calcium (Ca.) 0756 Magnesium (Mg) 0004 Chlorin (CI) 0085 Sulfuric acid ion (SO4) 0491 Silicic acid ion (SiOz) 0796 RADICALS. Calcium oxid (CaO) 1058 Magnesium oxid (MgO) 0007 Ferric oxid (Fe203) / rvoq < Aluminum oxid (A]203j ) Chlorin (CI) 0085 Sulfuric anhydrid (SO3) 0409 Silicic anhydrid (Si02) 0796 The above onstituents may be hypothetically combined as follows : Grams Grains per liter. per gallon. Sodium chlorid (NaCl) 0140 .818 Sodium sulfate (Na2S04) .0577 3.370 Calcium bicarbonate (CaH2(C03)2) 1783 10.414 Calcium sulfate (CaSOj) 0144 .841 Magnesium bicarbonate (MgH2(C03)2) 0015 .088 Oxids of iron and alumina 0294 1.717 Silica (Si02) .0796 4.649 Totals 3749 21.897 This analysis shows the water to be of excellent quality, as far as the mineral matter is concerned. The total solid matter (21.897 grains per gallon) is not as high as that found in many of the other rivers of the state. On this account, then, the water is well adapted to domestic and boiler use. The chief mineral substance present in the water is calcium carbonate, and^that can be readily removed by treatment with a little milk of lime or by the use of washing soda. 2-Bull. No. 7. THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vol. II, No. 8— November, 1903. ( Whole Series, Vol. XII, No. 8.) CONTENTS: Some Molecular Weight Determinations, Herbert A. Clark. PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY, Lawrence, Kan. Entered at the post-office iu Lawrence as second-class matter. Bulletin. Vol. II, No. 8. NOVEMBER, 1903. ( Whole Series, ) Vol. XII, No. 8. SOME MOLECULAR WEIGHT DETERMINATIONS, USING A MODIFIED FORM OF BECKMANN'S BOILING- POINT APPARATUS. BY HERBERT A. CLARK. With plate VI. npHE following work was undertaken to test a modified form of Beckmann's boiling-point apparatus, devised and made by Dr. E. C. Franklin.^ The original intention was to determine the molecular weights of several substances by the boiling-point method, and to compare the results, as well as the accuracy and convenience of manipulation, with corresponding factors for the ordinary Beckmann apparatus, and also to confirm the observations of Frank- lin and Kraus" that the height of the liquid over the bulb of the thermometer has a marked effect on the readings of this instrument. The particular piece of apparatus used in this work is represented by figure 1, which is one-sixth natural size. It con- sists essentially of a Dewar tube, A, with a coil of fine platinum wire, B, in the bot- tom, and a water-jacketed condenser, C, leading up from the top. The side tube, E, allows the insertion of a solute, or of more of the solvent, without disturbing the Fig. i. 1. Franklin and Kraus, Am. Chem. Jour., 20, 836 (1898). 2. Am. Chem. Jour., 20, 839 (1898). (247) kf^ 3, A" '"K 248 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. thermometer. Both walls of the vacuum jacket are silvered from the top to the bottom of the inner tube, to prevent radiation, and so the usual platinum cylinder about the thermometer bulb is unnecessary ; this avoids differences in concentration in the tube, due to water returned from the condenser. There is a question, however, whether the lack of the platinum cylinder does not cause a slight variable depression of the boiling-point, due to the cooler water from the condenser. Heat is supplied by passing an electric current through coil B, which is welded to heavy platinum terminals, HH, KK, passing through both walls of the Dewar tube. The resistance of the coil at 100'" C. is 1.39 ohms. It is a very simple piece of apparatus to handle, as it is all welded into one piece, with the exception of the outer wall of the condenser; this is removable, as in the ordinary Liebig form. An ordinary Beckmann thermometer, graduated in hun- dredths, made by F. 0. R. Goetze, in Leipzig, was used. When in use, the heating coil was covered to a depth of 2.5 cm. with garnets, and the lower end of the thermometer bulb was put about 1 cm. above the garnets. It was found that a current of 3.8 amperes through the cell would cause 10 c.c. of water, just enough to cover the thermometer bulb, to boil ; and that any current from 4.4 to 4.8 amperes (27 to 32 watts) would cause a very steady boiling, with any amount of water in the tube, from 10 c.c. up to 30 c.c. Any greater volume up to 45 c.c, enough to make the water bubble to the top of the Dewar tube, gave a rather variable boiling-point, probably due to the cool- ing effect of the upper part of the tube which was in contact with the outer air. The current was furnished by a storage battery, was measured with a Weston ammeter reading to tenths, and was controlled by a rheostat. In the course of a set of readings, the thermometer was read twice with an interval of five minutes, with the same amount of solute and of the solvent ; and the average of these two read- ings was taken as the correct reading for that condition. When the condition was changed by adding more of either the solute or of the solvent, an interval of ten minutes was allowed to let the thermometer become stationary. It was found that the two readings for the same condition rarely differed more than from .001° to .004"^, unless there were more than 30 c.c. of liquid in CLARK : MOLECULAR WEIGHT DETERMINATIONS. 249 the tube. The barometer was read between the two readings of the Beckmann thermometer for each condition. The tube was carefully cleaned and dried just before each set of readings. The volume of water was measured with a pipette graduated in tenths. No correction was made for the amount of water cling- ing to the sides of the tube or of the condenser while the tube was in use. The water used was double distilled from acid and alkaline permanganate solutions, condensed in a block-tin con- denser, and kept in a rubber-stoppered Jena flask. No test was made of the purity of the water. Cane sugar, common salt, and urea are the only solutes in- vestigated so far. The first was a commercial article ; the last two were chemically pure, the latter having been made by C. A. F. Kaulbaum. The molecular weight was calculated ac- cording to the formula, M = ^ ; in which w is the weight of the solute in grams ; R is the elevation of the boiling-point in degrees ; Wis the weight of the solvent (assumed to be numerically equal to the volume) ; and C is the molecular elevation constant for water, obtained from the equation, C = -j^, but here assumed to be 520 — a value about one per cent, too large at this altitude. The salt and sugar were compressed into pellets to avoid loss in handling, and large crystals of urea were selected for the same reason. As there is about 6.5 volts difference of potential be- tween the ends of the heating coil when the liquid is boiling steadily, the salt was decomposed sufficiently to give a strong odor of chlorine, after the tube and contents were allowed to cool. Thus no dependence is placed on this form of apparatus for work with conducting solutions, and the results obtained with sodium chloride are not here recorded. As will be seen from table A, the calculated molecular weight of cane sugar varies from 314 to 271 with increasing concentra- tion varying from 17.5 g. of sugar per 100 c.c. of water to 82.6 g. per 100 c.c. ; this is much less variation than was obtained by Kahlenberg.^ Table B shows the molecular weight of urea, varying from 66.1 with a concentration of 1.51 g. per 100 c.c. of water, to 63.8 with a concentration of 3.03 g., to 64.8 with a concentra- tion of 7.53, and falling to a minimum of 60.4 with a concen- 3. Jour. Phys. Chem., 5, 339 ( 1901 ). 250 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. TABLE A.— CANE SUGAR. Barometric variation, 1 mm. Variation of room temperature, 3.6^. Amount of Concentra- Boiling- Elevation corrected for Elevation corrected for volume also. Mol. weight Mol. weight sugar in point barometer (from (from 20.27 g. water. per 100 c.c. elevation. and room temp. column 4), column f>). 1.49 g. 7.35 .119" .134" .132" 289 290 3.55 17.5 .286 .298 .290 306 314 5.64 27.9 .459 .475 .465 307 311 7.74 38.1 .653 .669 .657 297 303 10.13 50.1 .868 .884 .869 295 299 12.50 61.8 1.101 1.128 1.108 287 290 14.95 73.8 1.347 1.392 1.368 275 281 16.74 82.6 1.572 1.614 1.586 268 271 TABLE B.— UREA. Barometric variation, .68 mm. Variation of room temperature, 1.3°. Amount of urea in 20.12 g. water. Concentra- tion in grams per 100 c c. Boiling- point elevation. Elevation corrected for barome- ter and room temp. Elevation corrected for volume also. Mol. weight ( from col- umn 4). Mol. weight ( from col- umn 5). ..304 g. 1.51 .130" .119- .119" 66.1 66.1 .609 3.03 .260 .247 .247 63.8 63.8 .892 4.44 .376 .360 .359 64.1 64.3 1.214 6.04 .510 .490 .488 64.1 64.3 1.513 7.53 .634 .617 .615 64.5 64.8 2.1.34 10.60 .914 .896 .893 61.5 61.7 2.929 14.55 1.259 1.234 1.230 61.3 61.5 3.771 18.75 1.619 1.606 1.600 60.6 60.8 4.574 22.75 1.977 1.960 1.952 60.4 60.6 5.389 26.80 2. ,3.35 2.315 2.305 60.2 60.4 tration of 26.8 g. Dieterici/ however, lias concluded from his freezing-point determinations that the molecular lower- ing of the vapor tension of both cane sugar and urea in- creases with the concentration, between 0.1 and 1.0 normal ; while, according to these results, the molecular lowering of the vapor tension in the case of urea decreases from a concentration of 3.03 g. per 100 c.c. to 7.53 per 100 c.c. (from .52 to 1.3 normal ) , and then increases. There is an apparent increase for concentrations less than 3.03 in the case of urea, shown by only two readings ; and an apparent decrease in the case of cane sugar at a corresponding point. The first reading in each set of readings cannot be depended upon, however, as the probable error is large. The first reading, in most cases, seems to be abnormal when compared with the rest of the readings in the same series. 4. Wied. Ann., 62, 616 (1897). CLARK : MOLECULAR WEIGHT DETERMINATIONS. 251 In both tables, two sets of values for the molecular weight are given : one obtained from data in which the boiling-point elevations are corrected for change of barometer, after the barometer readings have been corrected for change of room temperature ; and another in which these two corrections are made, and also another one, depending upon the variation of volume of the liquid, as will be explained farther on. This second set of values is the one referred to in each case in the preceding parts of this paper. None of these corrections are excessive. The first mentioned are so small as to be negligible in the molecular-weight determinations, and the second are not large. According to Landolt and Boernstein, a change of 1 mm. in the height of the barometer causes an appreciable change in .the boiling-point of pure water (0.037°) , and a change of 1° in the temperature of the barometer produces a change of 0.12 mm. in its readings, between the limits of temperature and pressure observed in this work. The maximum variation of barometer and of room temperature during each set of readings is given at the head of the corresponding table. The molecular- weight determinations were made without using the platinum cylinder. I have confirmed the observations of Franklin and Kraus, that the boiling-point of the liquid in the tube increased with the amount of liquid present. To ascertain the volume correc- tion, three determinations of the variation of the boiling-point of pure water with the amount of water (see tables C, D, and E ) were taken without the platinum cylinder, and two with it (see tables F and G), besides several preliminary determina- tions. The separate determinations for the same condition are consistent with one another, as will be seen by comparing tables C, D and E with one another, and F with G. This rise in the boiling-point of a solvent with increasing depth is obviously the effect of the weight of the upper layers of liquid in increasing the temperature of equilibrium between the liquid and vapor phases in the liquid surrounding the ther- mometer bulb. The rise in pressure due to an increase in the height of water in the tube of one centimeter would raise the boiling-point of the liquid surrounding the thermometer bulb by 0.027°, on the assumption that no mixing of the lower, hotter layers with the upper, cooler ones takes place. In practice, of 252 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. course, mixing takes place, with the result that an increase in the height of liquid, while not producing this maximum effect, still brings about a marked rise in the reading of the thermometer. It was assumed that the volume correction would be the same for a solution as for pure water, which cannot be strictly true if the weight of the supernatant liquid has any influence. It was found that the boiling-point correction due to variable volume is practically negligible in the case of urea, and made a difference of from 1 to 3 per cent, only in the case of sugar. In tables C to E, inclusive, all the corrections mentioned in a preceding paragraph have been applied to the "boiling-point elevations" to give the "corrected elevations." The corrected elevations are the ones used in constructing curves. Tables C and G are taken as typical for the construction of curves (see- plate VI). TABLE C— WATER. Barometric variation, .76 mm. Variation of room temperature, l.l'^ Amount of Boiling-point Corrected water. elevation. elevation. 9.15 c.c. • .000" .000^ 11.25 .000 .004 13.84 .005 .009 16.29 .011 .019 19.53 .004 .015 22.16 .006 .019 25.42 .015 .026 28.58 .024 .038 32.39 .037 .051 35.90 .052 .071 39.33 .062 .080 41.93 .061 .089 TABLE D.— WATER Barometric variation, .34 mm. Variation of room temperature, .9°. Amount of Boiling-Doint Corrected water. elevation. elevation. 9.70 C.C. .000° .000° 13.01 .011 .005 16.02 .019 .013 19.40 .024 .016 22.64 .035 .028 25.87 .040 .033 29.11 .051 .040 32.55 .053 .050 36.09 .071 .073 TABLE E.— WATER. Barometric variation, .72 mm. Variation of room temperature, 1.5° Amount of Boiling-point Corrected water. elevation. elevation. 9.86C.C. .000" .000° 13.08 .000 .004 16.13 .001 .012 19.57 .005 .016 22.62 .007 .025 26.10 .013 .034 29.39 .017 .041 32.73 .033 .060 35.89 .041 .067 40.05 .064 .089 43.73 .073 .096 TABLE F. -WATER. Barometric variation, .44 mm. Variation of room temperature, 1.7° Amount of Boiling-point Corrected water. elevation. elevation. 9.63 C.C. .000° .000° 12.77 .009 .010 15.52 .019 .028 18.41 .019 .022 21.60 .029 .034 25.03 .044 .054 28.05 .058 .064 31.55 .072 .086 35.09 .088 .102 38.63 .100 .101 42.33 .117 .134 CLARK : MOLECULAR WEIGHT DETERMINATIONS. 253 TABLE G.— WATER. Barometric variation, .50 mm. Variation of room temperature, 2.1°, TABLE H.— CANE SUGAR. Amount of Boiling point Corrected water. elevation. elevation. 9.74 c.c. .000" .000° 12.69 .012 .010 15.43 .027 .028 18.86 .023 .031 22.05 .031 .045 25.17 .037 .051 28.27 .051 .065 31.42 .074 .085 34.63 .100 .104 37.69 .121 .120 40.75 .136 .132 Amount of sugar in one liter of water. Increase of solution in volume. 75 g. 260 2.5% 14.8 383 21.8 471 27.4 536 32.0 589 35.1 630 38.0 664 40.0 692 41.8 697 42.3 It was found by trial that the volume of a sugar-water solu- tion varies uniformly with concentration, up to an increase of 42.3 per cent, for a concentration of 14 g. of sugar in 20 c.c. of water (700 g. per liter ; see table H) . In the case of urea, 5.4 g. in 20 c.c. causes an increase of 19.6 per cent, in the volume. Column 5, tables A and B, is obtained from column 4 by subtracting from each elevation the elevation due to increase of volume as ascertained from curve 2 and from a straight-line curve showing the increase of volume with concentration, which is obtained from data in the preceding paragraph. The question of the effect of variation of length, shape and size of the tube, and of the nature of the liquid used, upon the elevation of temperature with increase in amount of liquid, is one that the author expects to take up in the near future. Only one tube has been available as yet, and only one solvent has been used. 2-Bull. No. 8. THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vol. II, No. 9— November, 1903. ( Whole Series, Vol. XII, No. 9.) CONTENTS: On the Mouth-parts of the Hemiptera, Walter J. Meek. PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY, Lawrence, Kan. Entered at the post-office in Lawrence as secoad-class matter. Kansas University Science Bulletin. Vol. II, No. 9. NOVEMBER, 1903. Maxillary protractor. mxr Maxillary retractor. p Pharynx. pc (In fig. 14.) The pharyngeal canal. In other figures, the lower lamella of the pharynx. procx Maxillary process. s Stylets. sc Salivary canal. sd Division of salivary duct. sin Salivary injector. t Tentorium. tl Tip of labium. tp Tendons of the pharyngeal muscles. tm.x Tip of maxilla. V Valve in injector. z Muscle for movement of head. Publications of the University of Kansas. The following publications of the University of Kansas are offered for sale at the prices named below, or in exchange for other publications of like character and of equal value. A few complete copies of early volumes are on hand. KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. Volume I. No. 1, supply large; price, 50 cents. No. 2, supply exhausted. No. 3, supply small; price, 75 cents. No. 4, supply small; price, 75 cents. Price per volume, $3. " II. No. 1, supply exhausted. No. 2, supply small ; price, 75 cents. No. 3, supply exhausted. No. 4, supply exhausted. Price per volume, $3. " III. No. 1, supply exhausted. No. 2, supply exhausted. No. 3, supply small; price, 75 cents. No. 4, supply small; price, 50 cents. Price per volume, $3. " IV. No. 1, supply small; price, 50 cents. No. 2, supply small; price, 75 cents. No. 3, supply small ; price, 75 cents. No. 4, supply small ; price, 75 cents. Price per volume, $3. " V. Nos. 1 and 2, supply exhausted. Price per volume, $2. Volume V consists of only two numbers. " VI, A. Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, supply exhausted. Price per volume, $3. " VI, B. Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, supply large; price per number, 50 cents; price per volume, $2. " VII, A. Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, supply exhausted. Price per volume, $3. " VII, B. Nos. 1 and 2 (double number), 3, and 4, supply large; price per number, 50 cents; price per volume, $2. " VIII, A. Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, supply large; price per number, 50 cents; price per volume, $2. " VIII, B. No. 1, supply small; price, 50 cents. Publication suspended. " IX, A. Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, supply large; price per number, 50 cents; per volume, $2. " X, A. Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, supply large; price per number, 50 cents; per volume, $2. SCIENCE BULLETIN. Volume I. Nos. 1 to 12, price, $3; supply large. UNIVERSITY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF KANSAS. Volume I, 1896. Report on General Stratigraphy of Eastern Kansas; supply exhausted. *' II, 1897. General Geology of Western Kansas; supply large. Postage, 24 cents. " III, 1898. Special Report on Coal; supply large. Postage, 28 cents. " IV, 1898. On Upper Cretaceous Paleontology ; supply large. Postage, 32 cents. " V, 1899. Special Report on Gypsum and Gypsum Cement Plasters; supply large. Postage 16 cents. " VI, 1900. Carboniferous Invertebrates and Cretaceous Fishes; supply large. Postage, 20 cents. " VII, 1902. Special Report on Mineral Waters; supply large. Postage, 16 cents. MINERAL RESOURCES OP KANSAS. Report for 1897; supply small. Postage, 4 cents. Report for 1898; supply large. Postage, 8 cents. Report for 1899; supply large. Postage, 4 cents. Report for 1900-1901|; supply small. Postage, 5 cents. Report for 1902; supply small. Postage, 6 cents. BULLETINS OP THE DEPARTMENT OP ENTOMOLOGY. The Honey-bee and its Pood-plants in Kansas. Postage, 4 cents. Alfalfa, Grasshoppers, Bees— their Relationship ; supply small. Postage, 7 cents. Scale-insects Injurious to Orchards; supply large. Postage, 2 cents. The More Injurious Grasshoppers of Kansas; supply large. Postage, 2 cents. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communica- tions strictly confldentlal. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Scientific Hmerican. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- culation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a year ; four months, $1. Sold by all newsdealers. XC0.361Broadway.NewY0rl^ Branch Office, 625 F St., Washington, T>. C. \^.'^'b^ VOL. IV. No. 9. BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS. PUBLISHED BIMONTHLY BY THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS, AT LAWRENCE. Science Bulletin, Vol. II, Nos. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15. (Continuation of Kansas University Quarterly.) JUNE 1904. Entered at the Post-office as Second-class Martter. NOTICE TO EXCHANGES. The attention of learned societies and other institutions which exchange scientific publications with the University of Kansas is called to the list of publications of this University on the third page of the cover of this issue. Those marked "Supply exhausted" cannot be furnished at all; those marked "Supply small" cannot be furnished sepa- rately; those marked "Supply large" will gladly be furnished to any of our exchanges who may need them to complete their files. Back numbers of the Kansas University Quarterly and Geo- logical Survey, as far as possible, will be sent to those of our newer correspondents who are able and willing to reciprocate. ANNOUNCEMENT. The Kansas University Science Bulletin (continuation of the Kansas University Quarterly) is issued in parts at irregu- lar intervals. One volume, containing from 300 to 400 pages of reading-matter, with necessary illustrations, is issued each year. The subscription price is $3 per volume. Exchanges with other institutions and learned societies everywhere are solicited. All exchanges should be addressed to the Library of t" Univer- sity OF Kansas. All communications should be addressed to H. B. NEWSON, Managing Editor of ScicHce Bulletin, Lawrence, Kan. EDITORIAL BOARD. W. C. STEVENS. S. J. HUNTER. E. HA WORTH. E. H. S. BAILEY. H. B. NEWSON. OUI 3 19C4 THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vol. II, No. 10 — February, 1904. ( Whole Series, Vol. XII, No. 10.) CONTENTS: The Vitelline Body in Spider Eggs, Nadine Noirlin. PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY, Lawrence, Kan. Entered at the post-office in Lawrence as second-class matter. : ( Kansas Univehsity Scien Vol. II, No. 10. FEBRUARY. 1904. WiiOLE Series, Vol. XII, No. 10. THE VITELLINE BODY IN SPIDER EGGS. BY NADINE NOWLIN. With plates XII to XV. I. — Introduction. II. — Historical Statement. III. — Nomenclature. IV. — Material and Means of Collecting. V. — Technical Methods. a. Fixation. h. Staining. VI.— The Ovary. VII. — Observations. a. Development of the ovary. 6. Development of the oocytes. c. The vitelline body. d. The vitelline zone. e. The egg-stalk. /. Eggs without the vitelline-body. VIII. — Summary and Interpretation. IX. — Bibliography. X. — Plates and Explanation. I. INTKODUCTIOIV. T^HE object of this work on the spider egg has been to gain some understanding of the peculiar element known as the vitelline body. Only those cell phenomena which in some way concern the origin, destiny and function of the body have been touched upon. I want to express my thanks to Dr. C. E. McClung, who directed the work, and also to Mr. M. W. Blackman, for many helpful suggestions. (281) 282 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. II. HISTORICAL STATEMENT. There has been much confusion regarding the term "yolk nucleus." It has been applied to so many formations in the cytoplasm that its present meaning is very indefinite. Not only have we the one word applied to several different struc- tures, but we are further embarrassed by having several differ- ent names for the same structure. Thus yolk-nucleus, corps vitellin, or vitelline body, and dotterkern are all applied to one structure by some writers, while sharp distinctions are made by others. The tendency now is to separate the terms, and call the peripheral globules, which collect in the early eggs just about the time of the yolk formation, yolk nuclei. Vitelline body is applied to the single large formation near the nucleus, arising also about the time of the collection of yolk. The diffused yolk nuclei are of two kinds. Small bodies oc- curring very near the egg membrane, and staining densely, have been described by both Foot (4) and Calkins (2) in the earth- worm. These occur in the egg of Limulus, as shown by Mun- son (6). The other diffused bodies lying in the cytoplasm, to which the term yolk nuclei has also been applied, are much larger than the peripheral formations, and lie scattered irregu- larly between the nucleus and the cell-wall. Calkins (2) in his work on Lumbricus, shows these bodies first collected in one mass around the nucleus, and later break up into separate spheres. They are homogeneous, and finally disintegrate, aid- ing in someway the yolk formation. Crampton (3) describes in Molgula a similar collection of material around the nucleus, and a subsequent breaking-up and scattering of the mass, though in this case the bodies are not so large or so definite as in Lumbricus ; here the deutoplasm mingles more uniformly with the cytoplasm. We see, therefore, that while members of this class of yolk nuclei correspond to the peripheral ones in being many in number and in being scattered, still their origin is apparently different. The peripheral bodies certainly seem to arise in the cytoplasm ; at least, they are not a direct product of the nucleus. The others appear first close against the nucleus, and, accord- ing to Calkins, are formed from a portion of the chromatin reticulum cast out by the nucleus. NOWLIN : THE VITELLINE BODY IN SPIDER EGGS. 283 The position first occupied by the latter sort of diffused yolk nuclei would connect them with another class, the third and last of the deutoplasmic formations in the egg-cell. This is the single body which first arises as a crescent closely applied to the nucleus and later moves out from this membrane, becoming spherical in shape. Von Wittich was the first to investigate this body. In 1845 he observed it in the spider egg, and made a careful study of it in Tegeneria domestica. Balbiani (1) has perhaps done more work on this structure than any other one man. He made investigations upon both spider and myriapod, eggs and found similar structures in them. In his paper " Centrosome et Dotterkern " he compares and identifies the two bodies. He believed the yolk nucleus or "noyau vitellin" contained at its center the centrosome. In Geophilus (1) he found dis- tinct radiations from that body which convinced him of the nature of the central sphere. In the spider he found no radia- tions, but the two formations agreed in other respects, and he concluded that in this class of animals, too, the yolk nucleus or vitelline body holds the centrosome. Munson (6) has de- scribed in much detail the egg of Limulus. He finds, also, the vitelline body there and compares it with that in Geophilus. Its position against the nuclear membrane, its striated outer wall, and its radiations are all similar. Munson believes the vitelline body of Limulus contains a centrosome. The diffused yolk nuclei have been found by Jordan in am- phibian eggs. Both the diffused and the single body, or vitel- line body of Balbiani, have been found in mammals and birds (Mertens, 7), and in Limulus (Munson, 6). Whether these two apparently different classes of formations are essentially the same is a question to be solved by further investigation and comparison of different forms. The origin of the large vitelline body, as well as its fate, has been so variously given that nothing certain can be deduced. Largely for this reason its exact mission is unknown. Some have given it a very prominent place in the cell, believing it to be coordinate with the nucleus. Henneguy (6) compares it to the macronucleus of the Infusoria. 284 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. III. NOMENCLATURE. The body found in the spider egg corresponds to the large single one in Geophilus and Limulus. For this reason I shall use the term vitelline body to designate it, and vitelline globules for the peripheral or scattered masses of yolk. IV. MATERIAL AND MEANS OF COLLECTING. Spiders are numerous and their eggs are still more so ; for this reason I have been fortunate in not being limited in quan- tity of material. The early appearance of these animals in the spring and late disappearance in the fall is another advantage, as well as their habit of laying three or four times during the year. By or before the middle of March they may be found by turning up stones and old logs or by breaking off the loose bark of trees. The first warm days bring them out in great numbers. For my work, however, I could not go about pick- ing them up indiscriminately, for some of the families do not have their eggs characterized by the vitelline body. The Agelenid?e, fast runners, but very handy to collect on account of their great numbers and showy homes, are among those without the structure. These spiders build the snowy, sheet- like web, so conspicuous on lawns and hedges, which possesses a tube, or funnel, through which the spider makes its retreat. Such spiders can be captured easily, however, by following down the tube, which is deceivingly short and frail at the bottom, and the captive makes little effort to escape when the tube is de- stroyed. Though these spiders have not the vitelline body, they are valuable for studying the form of the ovary ; and in addition the eggs show the behavior of yolk free from the pos- sible influence of a vitelline body. Their eggs are whitish in color, and possess a thinner membrane than those of the Lycosids, which is a favorable condition for fixation and em- bedding. The Epeiridae, that brilliantly colored family of orb-weavers, are, like the Agalenidse, without the structure I sought. For this reason my study has been confined to two other families — Therididse and Lycosidae. Therodion is the small, light brown or tan-colored spider NOWLIN : THE VITELLINE BODY IN SPIDER EGGS. 285 found so abundantly in cellars and other dark places. Mem- bers of this genus build irregular webs, and are convenient for collecting, since they can be found at nearly all times. They disappear very suddenly, however, when they realize an enemy is near ; so I resorted to a means for their capture which proved successful in every case. By striking them slightly with the hard surface of the collecting bottle they drop from their webs upon the ground and feign death. There they lie with their legs drawn up about them, looking so nearly like a clod of dirt that one has difficulty in distinguishing them. They can easily be picked up from this position and placed in a bottle. An important thing in collecting spiders is to have plenty of bottles or other receptacles for them. They are true cannibals, and should you place two together you will find but one in a short time. My investigations have been made mainly on Lycosx. These, on account of their great size and early appearance in spring, are especially desirable. The interest, too, attached to col- lecting them has perhaps caused me to use them. They are the very large, black, running spiders, inhabiting holes in the ground. They measure often one and one-half inches in body length and possess legs quite that long. Their mandibles are powerful and make no slight wound. They are, however, much more often on the defensive than the offensive, and I doubt ex- ceedingly if they would attempt to do harm unless held or pained. They usually pull away from the enemy, even at the sacrifice of a leg. Lycosa tegrina is the spider found about the University of Kansas. It makes its holes especially in the lower and flatter places, where vegetation is not too abundant and does not grow so tall as to hinder it running. I have found these holes most numerous where the land is low, moisture probably be- ing a desired condition. The holes vary from an inch in diam- eter to one and a half or even two inches. They are from seven to nine inches deep, and do not, as some think, run straight down at right angles to the surface of the ground. I doubt if there is much uniformity in their methods or directions of digging, for those which I have examined have taken various turns. The main course is vertical, however. Often the opening runs obliquely for two inches and then turns downward. Classifica- 286 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. tion has at times been partially based on the manner of digging and the kind of hole dug, but it does not seem worthy of reli- ance. This species usually erects around the top of the hole a frail wall of web and grass. Now as to the means for bringing the Lycosidse. from their holes something may be said. This is an easy matter if a little water be carried, and almost an impossibility without it. The water should be poured in slowly and allowed to run down the side of the hole. By this means the bottom begins to fill; as the water rises the spider climbs up to avoid getting wet, and soon appears at the top. If the water is suddenly poured in and strikes the inmate forcibly she becomes frightened and remains in the tube. Drowning her out is quite impossible, for it is well known how spiders can be submerged in water for days and still survive. The males are easily distinguished from the females, not only because, as a rule, they have smaller bodies than the females of their species, and are usually more gaily colored, but because tlie male spider possesses attached to its head a pair of pedipalpi enlarged into bulbs at the ends. The female possesses pedipalpi, but no enlargement exists. The greatest difficulty was experienced in obtaining the eggs in the maturation stages. This is because maturation takes place upon oviposition, and it is almost impossible to find them at just this time. For this reason, toward the close of March, I placed a large Lycosid in a glass jar half filled with well-packed earth. One day, so long after I had begun the experiment that I had decided it a failure, the animal began to dig near the center of the jar. When the hole was a half-inch deep she stopped removing the dirt and began to even the hole until it was very smooth with a gently curving bot- tom. Now she took a new position, with her feet on the edge of the opening and her body directly over it. From this posi- tion she lowered the abdomen until the spinnerets touched the center of the smooth surface beneath her and held them there for a short time. When she lifted the abdomen a small, shining patch of white was deposited on the ground and numerous sil- very threads connected it with the spinnerets. This was the beginning of the cocoon. From this time on she worked industriously. With a move- NOWLIN : THE VITELLINE BODY IN SPIDER EGGS. 287 ment as regular as clockwork the abdomen was raised and lowered — raised to unravel the threads, lowered and pressed firmly against the ground to fasten them. Never moving from the spot, but turning around and around over the hole, the little creature directed her spinnerets to every part of the bot- tom, until at last it was covered with a closely woven sheet. She was not content with the one layer, but spun another, and then touched it carefully here and there, to detect any neglected spots. When she found one, she spun diligently for some time about it, until it was completely remedied. Then began the most interesting part of this queer perform- ance. Placing the spinnerets at the edge of the white mat, she began once more a monotonous turning. So many times she turned and so empty the apparent result, I thought her insane from her previous work. After a long wait, I realized that a wall was growing, and although of such delicate and flimsy ma- terial, it was rising into space, unsupported by anything the eye could see. When completed, it was more remarkable still, for it leaned slightly over the hole, forming a sort of hollow sphere. A large opening was left at the top, however, and after a pause the spider ejected two drops of colorless fluid into the nest. These were soon followed by the eggs, which were a golden yellow, and so numerous and of such semifluid con- stituency that they were oviposited in a continuous stream. When the nest was almost filled, the little animal paused once more, then set about closing the opening. First she pressed the edges of the cocoon carefully over the eggs, but this not covering them, she began spinning once more. In a short time her treasures were sealed tightly within, and pressing the cocoon on all sides with the third pair of legs, she lifted it with the spinnerets and carried it to the edge of the jar. V. TECHNICAL METHODS. a. Fixation. On account of physiological variations in the egg it was nec- essary to employ several fixatives. The very young ova are much more easily preserved than those further advanced ; in fact, after the egg has entirely filled with yolk it is difficult to get a satisfactory fixation at all. The chief cause of the trouble lies in the egg-membrane. In the early follicular ova this is 288 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. very thin and delicate and is easily penetrated ; but it increases in thickness as the cell grows, even adding in final stages new and separate layers, until days are sometimes required for the most penetrating fluid to reach the interior. Occasionally I succeeded in making an opening in the membrane by piercing it with a fine needle, but usually such attempts resulted in com- pletely crushing the egg. One soon learns in working with such delicate material that the less it is handled the better. Even the force required to draw the eggs into a pipette will often break the membrane and allow the contents to flow out. To avoid these difficulties I left them in one vessel through the different processes, carefully drawing off the fluids from them and adding others. Even embedding was managed in this way ; instead of lifting them from the clearing agent and plac- ing them into melted paraffin, thus running the risk of crush- ing them at the very end of the process, I removed the fluid as completely as possible and then poured the paraffin upon them. Of all the fixatives I used, Gilson's aceto-nitric sublimate mix- ture and Merkel's fluid proved most satisfactory'-. These came near working in all stages of the eggs' growth. Gilson's fluid was excellent for the oocytes and even the mature egg, com- pletely filled with yolk. The vitelline body shows at its best with this fixative, there being no shrinkage, and the material staining perfectly. Merkel was used largely for the early stages, before the eggs had left the ovarian sac. The oogonia and young odcytes are well preserved and stain readily with iron-haematoxylin. For this stage the Merkel fluid is better than Gilson, but those eggs in the follicle are not always successfully fixed. Passing this stage, however, Merkel works well once more ; the mature egg is very well fixed by it, and also the segmenting egg. Flemming has been used in preserving the ovary in situ, but not for a study of the finer structures. Kleinberg's picro-sulphuric fixed the mature egg very well, but great care must be exercised in using it. If left in too long, the egg becomes greatly distorted and shrunken. 6. Stains. Eggs fixed in Gilson and stained in Ehrlich's h^ematoxylin and acid fuchsin show the vitelline body very distinctly, but no radiations can be seen. NOWLIN : THE VITELLINE BODY IN SPIDER EGGS. 289 Lyons blue, with Gilson's fixation, makes a beautiful prepa- ration. The eggs at all stages stain equally well with this. I have not found any stain which shows the vitelline body better. The yolk and cytoplasm take up the coloring, to be sure, but the vitelline body is much more deeply stained and stands out prominently. While the central sphere of the vitel- line body is distinct, still the stain is not good for a study of fine structures. For a study of mature eggs, Ehrlich's hsematoxylin alone is very good. The yolk stains a uniform pale brown, while the nucleus and vitelline body are much deeper. The chromatic parts of the nucleus cannot be clearly distinguished, but the form of the nucleus at this stage can be seen. Younger eggs, even the oogonia, can be located clearly, but no careful study can be made. Auerbach's stain, though the result varies with different con- ditions of the egg, differentiates the structures very well indeed. The young eggs color a delicate pink throughout. The yolk is yellow in those eggs where it has begun to accumulate ; the nucleus and cytoplasm, pink. In other cases Auerbach stains all structures a purplish red, but even then the vitelline body is easily distinguished, because it is more densely stained. Heidenhain's iron-hsematoxylin is the best stain for detail work, as it brings out the most minute structures. Then the highest powers of the microscope can be used with this stain, while the diffuseness of the others makes such a thing almost impossible. For a study of karyokinesis I used it exclusively, and it did what the others failed to do ; that is, it showed the pseudo-chromosomes, or small rods at the center of the vitel- line body. It worked fairly well on mature eggs, but has the disadvantage of staining the yolk very densely, which in many cases cannot be bleached sufficiently for study. The thing most in its favor, however, is the uniformity with which it works, so that structures stained with it can readily be recognized at any stage of their development. While I used many other stains, I always verified my observations with this one. 290 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vr. OVARY. The ovaries of the spider are the most prominent organs of the abdomen. They lie completely embedded in a soft brown tissue, the so-called liver, more to the ventral than to the dor- sal side of the body cavity. In the adult they extend from the anterior end of the abdomen to the posterior wall. As the eggs develop and increase in size, the ovary grows in thickness and width, until the entire abdomen becomes much enlarged. The liver grows proportionately thinner as this process continues. By a careful incision of the dorsal integument, and laying back the mass of liver, the numerous eggs may be seen. In Lycosa they are a rich yellow and very large, while in Theridion they are smaller and very white. The ovaries thus filled with eggs have much the appearance of two bunches of grapes lying side by side. The entire mass is very soft, as the eggs have at this time no firm covering, but a most flexible and delicate membrane. Each ovary is con- nected at its anterior end with an oviduct, the ovaries them- selves communicating at no point. Figure 1, plate XII, represents the posterior ends of two ovaries as they lie in the body cavity. VII. OBSERVATIONS. a. Development of the Ovary. The reproductive organs of the spider differentiate at a very early period from the body cells, appearing first as two folds lying parallel to each other along the ventral aspect of the abdominal cavity. These assume a more definite shape as the animal grows, until there are soon two hollow cylindrical organs replacing the folds. The cells composing the ovaries at this early stage are apparently all alike, merely a mass of germinal epithelium surrounding a very small lumen. The outer wall consists of a layer of muscles, and between it and the epithelial lining lies a thin structureless membrane, the peritoneal coat, which cannot be distinguished until the follicles are formed. So far the outer wall has a smooth surface, but very soon a change takes place on the interior of the tube which alters the appearance of the entire ovary. This change is as follows : NOWLIN : THE VITELLINE BODY IN SPIDER EGGS. 291 Certain groups of the cells lining the tube enlarge slightly and in time can be recognized as early oogonia. There are usually ten or twelve of the young germ-cells found clustered together, while around them the epithelium is unchanged. In one ovary such bunches may be very numerous. I shall not here describe the process in detail, but merely show how this change brings about the change in the form of the ovary. As these small germ-cells grow they push out through the muscular wall (PI. XII, fig. 6) , causing numerous diverticula on the outside of the tube. Projecting thus may be found oocytes of nearly all ages, some very young, just pushing to the surface ; others almost mature. By the time several generations of these cells have formed their follicles, the tube has become much distorted in shape. The walls in the old ovary are so convoluted that the lumen is difficult to distinguish. This is due to the great growth of the walls as well as to the distorting influence just mentioned. For a study of the morphology of the ovary a young speci- men is much better than an old one. The ovary has more rigidity at this time and is a straight tube, of which it is very easy to obtain a longitudinal section. A study of the organs in situ is perhaps more satisfactory than any other way, giving us best their relation to each other in the body. Fleming is very good as a fixative for this purpose, since it will penetrate even the tough outer covering of the body. The surest way is, how- ever, to remove this covering before placing the fluid upon it. The fixative will then readily penetrate the tissue of the liver and will fix the ovary perfectly. There is another advantage, too, in working with the young ovary. The ovarian cells and those in the follicles have not differed to any extent physiologically, and all come out equally well preserved. In the mature ovary, those eggs which have becme filled with yolk take the stains so differently from the younger eggs, especially the cells of the ovarian wall, that in preparation one set must be completely sacrificed for the other. It is almost impossible to make longisections of the distorted adult ovary. Cross and oblique sections quite as often occur, producing some very confusing images to one unacquainted with the structure of these organs. 292 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. h. Development of the Oocytes. The spots along the ovarian lining at which a conversioQ from epithelial into germ cells is taking place can easily be distinguished. At such points there is a great thickening of the lining, or, we might say, a great multiplication of epithe- lial cells has taken place, until the new cells project far out into the lumen of the tube (PL XII, fig. 1, c, d, e) , sometimes even filling the opening and crowding against the opposite wall. These cells, at their earliest stage, do not differ in ap- pearance from the epithelial cells around them, unless it be in the nucleus, which seems to be slightly larger and richer in chromatin. The form of both, however, is much the same. Soon the nucleus increases in size until it almost fills the cell, the cytoplasm growing some, though not in pro- portion to the germinal vesicle. Out of the indefinite masses of chromatin a slender spireme is formed, which seems to con- sist of many long threads, crossing and winding among one another. At what appears to be the extremity of each thread is an enlargement which stains very densely. A close exami- nation of these threads shows them to be made up of small seg- ments, placed end to end. (.Figs. 4, 5, 6, pi. XII.) The stages between the spireme and the early oocyte were clearly seen in ovaries fixed in Merkel's fluid, though much material collected was lacking entirely in cells at this stage. Lying embedded in the epithelial lining could be found divi- sion figures at all stages. (PL XII, fig. 2.) The chromosomes were distinct, but much crowded, so that, while I counted nine- teen, I am by no means sure this is the actual number. The cells grow rapidly from this period, and their development is easily traced. They are always distinguishable by their clear appearance ; large nuclei, with scattered patches of dimly stained chromatin, and cytoplasm, thin and lacking in reticular structure. (Fig. 7, pi. XII.) Though in the early oogonial stages the developing germ- cells keep even pace, in their later development one gains de- cided advantage and grows much more rapidly than the others. We seldom find a group of oocytes equally developed, but much more often we see one far advanced lying among many oogonia, probably in the spireme stage. It seems that nat- ural selection has come into play, choosing one from the many NOWLIN : THE VITELLINE BODY IN SPIDER EGGS. 293 of equal age, and if not developing this one at the cost of the others, at least giving it much advantage in point of time. (Fig. 7, pi. XII.) The location of the oocyte changes as it grows, the cell moving more and more to the periphery of the tube, pushing through the epithelial lining, and finally through the muscu- lar coat upon the exterior. (Fig. 6, pi. XII.) Its connection with the tube is not severed, however, for it has not broken the peritoneal coat. It has merely pushed this before it through the opening it has made in the muscular wall. Be- sides this means of preserving its relation to the ovary, it has a more efficient one still : a small mass of epithelial cells seems to follow in the track of the egg and to attach one point of its periphery. These cells are pulled partly out through the opening, causing them to appear as a neck holding the oocyte in place. Their real mission is doubtless to convey nourishment from the interior of the ovary to the growing oocyte, which needs such quantities at this period in its development. The appearance of the nucleus during this progress does not materially change. While the oocyte is in the tube the nucleus contains little chromatin, and this almost immediately begins to collect together. (Fig, 7, pi. XII). The cytoplasm is scanty and is scattered irregularly through the cell. From this time the egg is most interesting in its develop- ment. The wall around it becomes thicker and firmer, yet does not lose its elasticity ; for rapid growth takes place, enlarging and expanding constantly the outer membrane. The cytoplasm of the egg is no longer clear, but there seems to be an inpour of material clouding the cell and forming in certain parts of it a dense zone. There appears about this time, too, the peculiar element known as the vitelline body, the growth and develop- ment of which is unique. These things will be dealt with in detail later, so I merely mention them here. As the cell grows the nucleus increases in size, becoming richer in chromatin. It possesses always one very large nucle- olus, and very often three or four smaller bodies. The nucle- olus is always vacuolated and the small bodies lying near have very much the appearance of being given off from it, as Balbi- ani described in his work on Tegenaria. Occasionally there may be seen inside the nucleolus very dense opaque bodies or 294 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. disks which do not stain, but lie bright and shining, refracting the light to a much greater degree than the surrounding struc- tures. (Fig. 20, pi. XIV.) c. The Vitelline body. Up to the time when the oocyte has left the ovarian sac, there is no trace of a vitelline-body ; but the earliest follicular eggs contain what I take for the beginning of its formation. ( Fig. 1, ^, pi. XII.) Close against the nuclear membrane, and atone side, granules begin to collect, as if the cytoplasm were condensing at this point. The mass is at first scanty and extends only par- tially around the nucleus, forming a thin, crescent-shaped body ; the granules are now very coarse and far apart. But as the crescent widens or increases in size the granules aggregate more closely, becoming quite dense at the point near the nuclear membrane where they first collected. Before this zone of dark granules has extended entirely around the nucleus, careful focusing will show a small sphere at its densest point. ( Fig. 10, a, pi. XIII.) This appears to be a simple capsule ; at least there are no concentric la)'^ers as seen later. I am not certain of the internal structure of the body at this early age, but it is probably even at this time more complex than it appears, as I was able later, when the surrounding granules are less dense, to make out definite granules within. The usual ap- pearance, however, and especially in its early stages, is a clear sphere, with a thin but well-defined surrounding membrane. The crescent increases in size until its horns often meet on the opposite side of the nucleus (Fig. 11, pi. XIII.) This indicates an increasing amount of the granular deposit, which is doubtless a food material. As the mass thickens it forms into layers around the central sphere, the layers varying in number, width, and density. The number indicates to some extent the age of the body, the larger and consequently the older eggs having a greater number of rings than the smaller. ( Fig. 12, pi. XIII.) Fixations and stains have much to do with the appearance of the vitelline body ; some obscure the concentric layers com- pletely and cause the structure to Icok like a homogeneous mass. (PI. XII, fig. 9.) Often, however, in the best-stained material the body varies, and I am inclined to believe that variations in appearance are not always due to stains and fixa- NOWLIN : THE VITELLINE BODY IN SPIDER EGGS. 295 tives, but frequently to the body itself. Very often when the concentrically striated wall is most distinct no central sphere can be seen, and there is a question in my mind whether it is always present. Merkel's fluid is best for showing the central sphere. Stained with iron-hoematoxylin, it appears as a clear, trans- parent body with a definite outline, embedded in a homogene- ous, densely staining mass, which is surrounded by a still denser ring. In some cases the sphere contains granules which stain much like chromatin. Again, in material fixed in Gil- son may be found definite rod-shaped bodies in the central sphere of the vitelline body. ( PI. XIII, fig. 18.) Sometimes, when fixation has proceeded too far, the granules surrounding the central disk will draw together into more compact layers, thus separating slightly from the sphere and also from one another. There can then be seen a network of fibers throughout the vitelline substance, indicating that the latter simply lies em- bedded in the cytoplasmic reticulum. (PI. XIII, fig. 12.) There is at times a suspicion of radially arranged fibers issuing from the central vesicle, but it is by no means distinct, and is probably no more than the network just described. (Fig. 26, pi. XIV.) Later apjjearance of the vitelline body. — The vitelline body lies, first, closely applied to the nucleus, even at times indenting its wall. (Fig. 9, pi. XII.) As the dense zone around it clears up, the body moves out from the nucleus, and for a time gets far- ther and farther away. This is during the period of greatest cytoplasmic growth, and the separation of the two bodies seems to be influenced by it. Its distance from the germinal vesicle varies in different eggs, but usually, during the yolk formation, it lies near the periphery of the cell, separated from the nucleus by the entire radius of the cell. (Fig. 28, pi. XV.) The ap- pearance of the body at this time is often peculiar. The central sphere is not distinguishable, and in many respects the body appears to be disintegrating. Figure 28, plate XV, shows the vitelline body lying near the periphery of the cell ; the outline is definite on all sides but one, and here it fades into the cyto- plasm, as if becoming a part of it. The body is no longer com- posed of concentric layers, but the granules which formerly constituted these seem to have formed into definite small, spher- ical bodies, much resembling the small globules of yolk, or 2-Bull., No. 10. 296 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. yolk nuclei of Foot and others, which are at this time form- ing at the periphery of the egg. These small masses, which Stain a faded brown in iron-hsematoxylin, are bursting from the broken wall of the vitelline body and are becoming scat- tered through the cytoplasm in that neighborhood. The ma- terial which showed this is some of the best preserved that I have, so it would not seem to be due to faulty action of the fixing agent. No central vesicle can be seen ; the entire mass seems simply to be giving way and mingling with the cytoplasm. Figure 29, plate XV, shows another appearance of the body in a late oocyte. Here the concentric layers are disintegrating, only traces of them remaining. The contents have become coarsely granular and show a vacuolated or perforated condi- tion. Figure 30, plate XV, exhibits the vitelline body of another egg, almost ready to leave the follicle. It is surrounded by yolk- spheres and cytoplasm. It shows, also, many vacuoles, and has much the appearance of a disintegrating body. Had I stopped with these observations, I should certainly be- lieve the body completes its mission as a food-producing organ thus early in the egg's history and then disappears. I am not sure but what it does this in some cases, as I can account in no other way for the appearance just described. It may be that the constitution of the egg differs enougli to affect the persist- ence of such a body, causing it to disintegrate sooner in some than in others. However this may be, I found the body in other material, and in eggs much farther advanced than those just mentioned, still quite definite. Figure 31, plate XV, shows an egg entirely filled with yolk. The nucleus lies near the center of the cell, and very close beside it we see the vitelline body. The concentric layers are still present, though not as distinct as at first; the central vesicle is visible. The cytoplasm of the egg is reduced to the space immediately surrounding the vitelline body, and connects the latter with the nucleus. Iron-h?ema- toxylin stains the yolk masses too densely to allow any structure to be distinguished. By much decolorizing the nucleus some- times will give up the stain enough to become visible. The best stain for eggs at this stage, however, is Ehrlich's mixture. We see, then, that the vitelline body, which has been widely separated from the nucleus, is once more drawing toward it, and at the time just previous to maturation. This seems to NOWLIN : THE VITELLINE BODY IN SPIDER EGGS. 297 favor the theory that the central clear vesicle is the centrosome, and approaches the nucleus preparatory to the maturation di- visions. But let us follow the body further. We are able to trace it up to the time the nucleus breaks up for the maturation divisions, and, for a period, nothing is plain ; the great massing of yolk has obscured all other structures. It would be most in- teresting to be able to follow the vitelline body through this stage, though I am convinced it takes no part in division. This being a centrolecithal egg, the nucleus and scanty mass of cyto- plasm surrounding it have moved to the periphery of the cell, and there divide, forming a layer of new cells just inside the old cell-wall. The yolk remains undisturbed at the center. The new cells formed by the first few divisions of the mother nu- cleus contain no trace of anything similar to the vitelline body ; that is, the embryonic cells do not possess the structure. But if we look carefully through the central mass of yolk we shall find the vitelline body almost as perfect as before maturation. This indicates that it played no part in the maturation proc- esses, and especially not that of a centrosome. Its disappearance varies ; usually it is gone before quite all the yolk globules are absorbed by the growing embryo. d. The Vitelline Zone. One of the most noticeable feature of many of these follicular eggs is the granular area, called by Balbiani the vitelline zone. In my material I find zones of two kinds. Always there ap- pears the cloud around the nucleus previous to the vitelline body formation. This grows and spreads out considerably into the egg cytoplasm, usually remaining densest around the nu- clear membrane, and gradually blends with the reticulum. The granules composing this zone, as a rule, stain more deeply than the cytoplasm, though I have sometimes found the very oppo- site true. The other zone is perhaps even more marked than this one. It is not found in all eggs, but chiefly in those of the young ovaries. The egg at this time appears to be composed of two parts, an inner sphere, filling about three-fourths of the egg, and an outer lamella. The former is of closely packed granules, with no reticular structure, and stains densely ; the latter is not greatly different, but is much clearer and thinner, with a suspicion of reticulum. There is no gradual blending 298 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. of these two zones, as in the crescent-shaped one first described. A definite wall separates the inner from the outer layer. There is one feature of this zone that gives us, perhaps, the safest clue to its origin and composition. Plate XIV, figure 22, shows a section through the long axis of the egg and egg-stalk, and we see the inner zone extending into the epithelial cells of the stem, or, more according to my belief, rising from these epi- thelial cells. Now, this zone must be the food supply that is being constantly brought in by these nurse-cells in the egg- stalk, and deposited in the cytoplasmic network so compactly that the latter structure is made invisible. In the neighbor- hood of the vitelline body the mass stains more densely, show- ing a gathering of the metaplasm especially at this point. The vitelline zone of Balbiani, or the dense cloud which col- lects about the vitelline body, and is especially prominent in the later stages of the follicular egg, has its origin also from the food material brought into the oocyte by the nurse-cells, and is probably but a condensed form of the larger zone so con- spicuous in the early eggs. e. The Eggr-stalk. The above leads to a discussion of the function of those cells in the stalk of the follicular egg. AVe saw how the young oocyte lay first among a group of growing oocytes within the wall of the ovary. (Fig. 1, e, pi. XII.) For a time all remained equal in size ; then, from some advantage which one or two gained over the others, they developed much more rapidly and completely outgrew them. As these increase in size they crowd through those around them, press up through the epi- thelial layer, and even separate the muscular covering, to pass through. The egg upon leaving the epithelial layer of cells comes in contact with the peritoneal membrane, which it can- not pierce ; but the membrane, being flexible, is pressed before it through the muscular wall and there holds the egg in place. The epithelial cells, having been displaced, now move back and fill all space made by the departing oocyte, shoving close against the lower wall of that cell. The arrangement of the cells would naturally be altered and they would no longer be so closely packed together, thus explaining the definite outline of the stem or yolk-stalk. (Fig. 1, pi. XII.) NOWLIN : THE VITELLINE BODY IN SPIDER EGGS. 299 These epithelial cells no doubt serve as nurse-cells to the fol- licular egg. The wall is not well defined around those oocytes which have just pushed to the surface, and the nurse-cells press into their cytoplasm for some distance. {G, fig. 1.) We find this in still older eggs. Figure IG, plate XIII, shows the epi- thelial cells of the stalk lying in the cytoplasm of the oocyte, entirely surrounded by it in some cases. Whether this is car- ried to a still greater degree and the cells absorbed by the cyto- plasm, as has been suggested by some authors in other material, I cannot say, but figure 27, plate XIV, shows a gradual fading of these cells, which would indicate that some, at least, are being dissolved. As the egg grows toward maturity, and its food supply is about complete, a definite membrane forms be- tween the neck and the contents of the egg. Figure 24, plate XIV, shows the complete formation of such a membrane, and also the reduced size of the stalk. The epithelial cells have, I believe, completed their mission, and the space which they oc- cupy in the ovarian wall is assuming its former appearance. Figure 32 shows the neck about to disappear. /. Egg"S without the Vitelline Body. Those eggs which do not contain the vitelline body present some differences. The cytoplasm of the young eggs contains much scattered food material. (Fig. 35, pi. XV.) Also the yolk formation begins much earlier than in eggs having the vitelline body. VIII. SUMMARY AND INTERPRETATION. The vitelline body makes its appearance first in the young oocyte. After the last oogonial division the cell membrane is reconstructed, and for a time the cell grows rapidly. When it has attained a certain size it moves to the periphery of the tube preparatory to forming the follicle. The oocyte is occupied for a time in making its way through the ovarian wall. When it is at last upon the exterior, at- tached by a number of nurse-cells to the tube, a small crescent of darkly staining granules can be seen around the nucleus. At a slightly later stage a denser spot in the form of a tiny sphere can be observed in the midst of the granules. Let us try to explain the phenomena thus far observed : the 300 ' KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. dark zone, the denser spot at the center, and, finally, their ap- pearance just at this time. The dark crescent is beyond doubt a collection of food material. Its origin may be, in part, from the nucleus, but mainly, we believe, from the substances brought in by the nurse-cells. Either the chemical composition of this material is such that it is not broken down directly and used, or more food-substance is furnished than the cell can utilize. As new supplies are constantly going in, the pressure becomes greater, and the granular mass grows rnore dense. Finally, close against the nuclear membrane at the widest por- tion of the crescent, and, consequently, at the point of greatest pressure, a spherical mass appears, the vitelline body. I be- lieve the time of appearance of this structure depends upon the supply of food material to the cell. The central clear vesicle is perhaps most perplexing. Bal- biani (1) and Munson (6) believe it either to be, or to contain, the centrosome. The former regards it as a functionless centro- some of the female cell, but the latter considers it the centro- some of the dividing oogonia. True, its appearance is different from the surrounding layers of granules, yet it resembles so little a centrosome that appearance will not help us much in discovering its function. The best evidence that it is not the centrosome is its frequent absence, while all other parts of the structure are perfect. In such cases the central space is merely a loose collection of granules, like those of the con- centric layers. This leads me to believe that this central clear vesicle is the result of great pressure of the metaplasm, which might bring about an extraction of certain constituents of the cytoplasm, and these, pushed thus to the center, form the cen- tral sphere of the vitelline body. The body next moves from the nuclear membrane, which movement is probably due to increase of metaplasm between the two, or else to a growth of the cytoplasm. Yolk now appears in the egg, usually about the periphery, in the form of "yolk-nuclei," described by Foot. In some cases the vitelline body seems to be disintegrating at this stage, breaking up directly into small globules of yolk. This early disappearance is another reason for believing it merely a food body. True, the surrounding metaplasm could disappear at this time and leave the central vesicle to perform its centro- NOWLIN : THE VITELLINE BODY IN SPIDER EGGS. 301 some function unencumbered ; but it is a complete giving way, central vesicle and all. The yolk, pressing more and more to the center, drives the nucleus and vitelline body inward, until we find them again close together, connected by the scanty remnant of cytoplasm which persists. Of course, this could take place only in those eggs where the vitelline body does not disintegrate, and, as a rule, the structure persists very long after this stage. Just before maturation the nucleus moves to the periphery of the cell, leaving the vitelline body at the center. Here the nucleus divides, unaided in any way by tlie structure, which Munson believes to be the "centrosome of the growing oocyte," and, lying undisturbed at the center of the cell, can be seen the vitelline body, even after numerous layers of cells have been formed. Balbiani found the body distinct in embryos two weeks old. The body fades when the yolk is about to be ex- hausted, or, we might say, is finally absorbed along with the yolk by the cells of the developing embryo. This convinces me that the vitelline body contains no centro- some, but is merely a condensation of certain food-substances, which the protoplasm of the cells of certain spiders cannot im- mediately break down and use. Its absence in some families is due to those cells possessing engemes sufficient to dissolve these substances more rapidly. More than this, structures identical with the central vesicle of the vitelline body have been found in eggs which at the same time possess perfectly distinct vitelline bodies. (Fig. 21, pi. XIV, and fig. 27.) BIBLIOGRAPHY. ( 1 ). Balbiani, E. G., 1893. Centrosome et Dotterkern : Journ. de r anat. et de la physiol,, XXIX. (2). Calkins, G. N,, 1895. Observations on the Yolk-nucleus in the Eggs of Lumhrwus : Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., June, 1895. (3). Crampton, H. E., 1899. The Ovarian History of the Egg of ■Molgula: J. M., XV, Suppl. (4). Foot, K., 1896. Yolk-nucleus and Polar Rings: Ibid., J. M., XII, I. (5). Henneguy, L. F., 1893. Le Corps vitellin de Balbiani dans ra3uf des Vertebres : Jour, de 1' anat. et de la physiol., XXIX. 302 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. (6). Munson, J. P., 1898. The Ovarian Egg of Limulus: J. M., XV, 2. (7). Mertens, H., 1893. Recherches sur la signification du corps vitellin de Balbiani dans I'ovule des Mammiferes et des Oiseaux : Archiv. de Biol, XIII. X. PLATES AND EXPLANATION. Drawings were made with a camera lucida. A Bansch & Lomb one-sixth-inch objective and one-inch eyepiece were used, except in figures 2, 6, 7, 8, 17, 29, where a one-twelfth-inch objective was em- ployed. Occasionally a still greater magnification has been obtained with a one-half-inch eyepiece, viz., figures 3, 4, 5, 25, 32. * Zoological Laboeatoey, Univeesity of Kansas, June 1903. THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vol. II, No. 11 — March, 1904. (Whole Series, Vol. XII, No. 11.) CONTENTS: The Functions of the Nervous System, with Special Regard to Respiration, in Acridid^, Henry Z. Ewing. PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY, Lawrence, Kan. Entered at the post-office in Lawrence as second-class matter. I Kansas IInivehsity Science Bolletin. Vol. II, No. 11. MARCH, 1904. I v?L*''^xipNJfT, Vol. XII, No. 11. THE FUNCTIONS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM, WITH SPECIAL REGARD TO RESPIRATION, IN ACRIDID5;. BY HENRY Z. EWING. From the physiological laboratory of the University of Kansas. TN my experiments I have not confined myself to any one species of -■- the Acrididae, but have iised any of the common ones that could be easily obtained, especially different species of the grasshoppers, Melanoplus differ entialis, Dissosteira Carolina, Melanoplus femur rubrum, and Brachystola magna, the latter being an especially good species for experimentation, because of its size. I have not noticed in results of experimentation in the different species any differences that might not have been observed in individuals of the same species. Of the literature bearing upon this subject, Bethe's work^ is per- haps the most important. I was able to corroborate many of his ob- servations on the grasshopper, and with abundant material, while he had but few animals to experiment on. My work is not all new, yet I think those facts which I have been able to add to those previously determined, justify me in offering this paper for the consideration of those interested in insect physiology. Before proceeding with my subject proper, I shall briefly de- scribe the respiratory and nervous systems of the grasshopper, in order to make my paper intelligible to those unacquainted with the anatomy of this insect. The three principal parts of the respiratory apparatus are the spiracles, air-sacs, and tra- cheal tubes. There are twelve spiracles on each side, three tho- racic and nine abdominal. By means of these and the trachea an interchange of air takes place. One very large pair of air- sacs is situated in the thorax and five abdominal pairs arise 1. Bethe, W. Pflugers, Archiv fur die Gesammte Physiologie, 1897, vol. 68, p. 494. (305) 306 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. <---- 0-: /'sT directly from the spiracles. In addition to these superficial air-sacs there are very many, probably several hundred, distri- buted throughout all parts of the body. Of the tracheal tubes there are two main trunks on each side. One is placed above and the other below the plane of the ali- mentary canal. They communicate with each other and with the air-sacs and spir- acles. Besides these large trunks there are countless ramifications to all parts of the body, communicating by their finest twigs with internal cells. The oxygen of the air is thus separated from the fluids of the body by a very delicate endothelial membrane. The respiratory movements in the nor- mal grasshopper consist of an expiratory and an inspiratory phase. During in- spiration the active contraction of the abdominal muscles produces an increase in the breathing space, in that the antero- posterior and dorso-ventral diameters of the abdomen are increased, and air passes in through the open spiracles to fill the air-sacs, since the pressure within, in con- sequence of the formation of a partial vacuum, becomes less than atmospheric. In active or forced inspiration, the abdo- men may be elongated, and by a forward and backward movement of the head, the air-spaces in the abdomen may be still further increased. Expiration is a passive movement ; that is, the muscles relax and the breathing space is decreased as the abodmen relaxes by its own elasticity. At the same time the return of the abdominal segments to closer <^ontact with each other, forces the contents of the air-sacs along the tracheal tubes into their finer ramifications, and also expels air that has been in contact with the fluids of the body into the air-sacs and thus to the exterior of the body. The nervous system of the grasshopper consists of a supra- i V — a. - a. ~~a ~~A -A Nervous System of the Grasshopper. Diagratnatic. a. Abdominal Ganglia. d. Infra-CBsophageal Ganglion. b. Supra-cesophageal Ganglion or Brain. c. Thoracic Ganglia. EWING : OBSERVATIONS ON ACRIDID^. 307 oesophageal ganglion or brain proper, and a double chain of ganglia on the ventral side of the body, composed of one snb- oesophageal, three thoracic and five or six abdominal ganglia connected by a double nerve fibre with each other and with the brain. Each ganglion consists of two halves intimately united by a transverse commissure. The experiments, in the course of which the following notes were made, consisted in removing or severing, by means of fine, sharp, curved or straight scalpels or scissors and hooked for- ceps, different parts of the nervous system of the insect. The nervous system had been carefully studied and outlined in re- lation to definite landmarks on the exterior of the body. During the operation the animal was held in an insect holder, while the parts of the nervous system were exposed and removed with aseptic precautions. The regions from which parts were removed were examined under the microscope, to ascertain whether more or less of the planned lesion had been executed. The chitinous piece was replaced then over the wound and held in place by shellac or wax cement. The insects were kept under fairly constant external conditions throughout the period of observation. A post-mortem was made in most cases. My work was pursued under the supervision of Professor Hyde, of the physiological department, to whom I am indebted for much valuable assistance. I. Extirpation of the Brain. The rate of the respiratory movements was slowed, otherwise this operation has no marked effect upon respiration. Pinch- ing the antennae, which, after the brain is removed, remain mo- tionless in any position in which they are placed, produced no reflex movements. There are evidently no sensations left in these organs, although the grasshopper would still stroke them with his front feet, as the normal animal occasionally does to clean them. Bethe observed this action and thinks that in the operation a stimulus is aroused in the inferior cesophageal ganglion that is similar to a stimulus produced by the antennae in the intact animal. The head is lowered sideways, the fore leg is stretched toward the region where the antenna is nor- mally found. Contact with the antenna causes the foot reflexly to take an increased hold on it and to press it to the ground, as if to prevent the escape of the seemingly foreign body. The 308 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. pull thus executed reflexly causes the head to be raised. When I cut off one antenna from a normal hopper the head was bent, the fore leg extended to where the antenna normally was and the wound rubbed. When the other antenna was removed the insect rubbed first one then the other side of the head where the wound was, going through the different phases of the reflex acts noticed in the case above, first with the front leg of the one side and then with that of the other side. This, in part, proves that Bethe's interpretation of the behavior was correct, and that as the result of the operation a stimulus was created that caused the front legs to remove the irritant. Faivre^ considered thesupra-oesophageal ganglion of the beetle, the seat of spontaneous movements, direction, and will ; and Ward^ that in the crayfish it was comparable to the cerebellum of vertebrates, since its loss is followed by the disappearance of spontaneous activity. Lemoine,^ Trevirauus^ and Burmeister*' regard the supra-cesophageal ganglion of arthropods the seat for spontaneous movements ; and Leidig believes that the supra- and sub-oesophageal ganglia together are analogous to the brain of vertebrates. On the other hand, Yersin^ observed that a cricket occasionally moves spontaneously after its brain or supra-oesophageal ganglion has been destroyed. Bethe affirms that the brain, besides being the seat of peripheral nerves, the centre for inhibitory reflex movements, and for controlling the tonus of the muscles, (each half of the brain exerting its influ- ence over its own side,) is not the special centre for spontaneous movements, inasmuch as spontaneous movements were not lost in those arthropods that had their supra-oesophageal gang- lion extirpated. The spontaneous activity after the loss of the brain was, however, least observed in the grasshopper. Added to this, Faivre, Ward and Bethe noticed that when the brains of the arthropods that they investigated were extirpated or separated from the other parts of the nervous system, the animals lifted their bodies above the normal level by increased contraction of the flexor muscles, whereby the legs were flexed 2. Faivre.— Comptes rendus, 1860, T. 51. 3. Ward, J.— Journal of Physiology, 1879, vol. 2, p. 214. 4. Lemoiue.— Ann. d. scienc. natur., 1868, T. 9, p, 100. 5. Treviranus— Die Erscheinungen des Organischen Lebens, Bremen, 1832. 6. Burmeister.— Handbuch der Entomologie, Berlin, 1832. 7. Yersin. — Bulletin de la Soc. Vaudoise d. sciens. natur, 1856, T. 5, p. 284. EWING : OBSERVATIONS ON ACRIDID^. 309 at the joints and the body raised. Bethe observed this abnor- mal flexed condition of the appendages to pass off in the grass- hopper after twenty-four hours, when the normal position of the body was practically assumed again. I found that brainless grasshoppers continue to move their palps and occasionally wipe or preen the palps with their front legs for apparently no cause. Shortly after the operation they make a few spontaneous walking movements, that gradually become weak and w*avering, so that during twenty-four hours it may be that they have only turned round, or taken one or two steps. During this time, however, they execute peculiar sway- ing movements, whereby the legs of first one side, then the other, are slightly raised from the ground. Similar movements are frequently observed however in the normal hopper. The normal grasshopper stands with its body quite close to the table, the femur of the hind legs obliquely bent upwards, while the brainless animal assumes the position described by Bethe. By close inspection it is seen that, shortly after the loss of the brain, the two pairs of walking legs are flexed at the joints, so that they assume a straighter position, and point to- ward the median plane of the body instead of away from it. Thereby the thorax is elevated, while the jumping-legs are no longer held obliquely with the abdomen but more parallel to it. In addition to this, it is observed, that the head is lowered so that the palps touch the table. During the following hours, however, the flexed condition of the legs gradually disappears, and they assume finally an abducted posture, so that the abdo- men rests on the table and the walking legs are more extended from each other. Usually, when a normal hopper is taken in the hand, the res- piratory movements cease for a few seconds, being inhibited through the stimulus of touch or temperature of the fingers. This inhibition is not observed in the brainless hopper, under this circumstance. I found, moreover, that for about one hour after the brain is destroyed, the slightest touch will often cause the animal to fly or hop, a much stronger touch being normally required to excite this response. It may either jump once for each stimulus, or take one or two steps and then stop. If its wings are held with forceps it makes a weak attempt to walk away, but it does not jump or endeavor to remove the annoying 310 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Stimulus. Upon freeing the wings it takes a step or two, then stops. Though the legs follow their normal order in walking, they may first be lifted and flexed in a peculiar way before they are placed on the ground. It is further shown, that coordina- tion is not destroyed, in that the hopper alights in quite a nor- mal manner after a hop, and when placed on its back turns over in a perfectly coordinated manner, though seemingly ex- hausted from the effort. It must be added that it, as well as the normal hopper and crayfish, will remain on its back, as if hypnotized, if placed there with greatest care and careful handling. If the palps are touched with a blade of grass, the mandibles and maxilhie begin to move, but no grass is bitten off, and sugar-water or soaked raisins, w^hich normally are never re- fused, are no longer tasted or swallowed. Pinching the palps slightly causes them to move, and if acid is put on the palps it is at once rubbed off by the front legs. If the hopper is placed on a blade of grass held vertically, it will attempt to climb upon it by taking one or two steps upwards, and will cling there, but only for a short time, as it soon becomes exhausted from the effort. If one foot is pressed it takes a step in the di- rection of the non-stimulated side. Bethe observed that after the brain was removed these animals fluttered their wings rhythmically, but never rose higher than the level from which they started ; but I have seen them fly much higher shortly after the brain was destroyed. When all but a narrow strip of nerve tissue from which the optic nerves arise is removed from the brain tissue, the insect hops, Hies and walks incessantly for hours, keeping its head close to the table, its abdomen high above it, and when it alights from hopping, it seems to have lost all sense of equilib- rium, or is completely exhausted. In this case the sight may have been destroyed, and this fact may interfere with its equi- librium, while inhibition of motion may be due to a constant stimulus produced by the operation. Muscular weakness or loss of tone may explain the abnormal position of the head re- tained by the animal. Grasshoppers operated on in this way, behave more like those arthropods that Bethe investigated, since extirpation of their entire brain caused spontaneous and prolonged activity. The above observations show that in the EWING : OBSERVATIONS ON ACRIDID.E. 311 brainless grasshopper spontaneity persists only to a slight ex- tent. The preening and palp movements, the occasional lifting of the legs of first one side then the other, and the progressive movements of a step or two during twenty-four hours, are ac- tivities produced without any apparent external cause and may be regarded as spontaneous. Moreover, Bethe has demonstrated that in brainless arthro- pods the power to inhibit reflex movements is lost. They re- spond to stimuli too slight to elicit reflexes in normal animals, and keep up constant preening and masticating movements and varied activities of the legs ; while some, as for instance the water-beetle, not only retains its progressive locomotor move- ments, but walks incessantly. I observed that the brainless hopper has also lost the power to inhibit reflex movements. It also exhibits the palp and preening movements, as well as the restless lifting of the legs, and responds to the slightest touch by hopping, but it does not make progressive locomotor move- ments of more than one or two steps during twenty-four hours, and its respiratory movements are no longer inhibited when it is first taken in the hand. The change in flexion of the legs, followed by the weakened condition of the body, manifested by resting its head against the table, and the quick exhaustion after any effort, indicates, as will be pointed out later, that the brain exercises a control over tension of the voluntary muscles. Coordination, however, as well as direction, still persists with the loss of the brain, since the hoppers in walking move their legs in normal order, turn over if placed on their backs, can hop, fly and alight in a normal manner, and move toward the unstimulated side when a leg is pressed. II. Removal of Half of the Brain. Extirpating half of the brain, by every operative precaution above spoken of, produced no material change in the respira- tory movements, and the spiracles of both sides moved in the normal member. If the right half, for instance, is destroyed, sensation persists in the left, not in the right antenna, and the abdomen is curved toward the left side. The right walking- legs are flexed, so that the animal stands higher on the operated side, while the right jumping-leg is extended and, in walking, seems to propel the right side of the body onward. The wing 312 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. on the injured side is folded ; that on the uninjured is partly spread. The animal may have been sluggish before the opera- tion, but immediately afterward it is very active, moving in a circle toward the uninjured side. If it is placed on a table, with its left side very close to the edge, and stimulated, espe- cially by touching the palps on the operated side, which are now more sensitive and produce more marked reflex responses than those on the unoperated side, it will at once fall from the table. The direction in which the animal hops may be either toward the left or the right, but shortly after the operation it hops usually toward the unoperated side. When placed on its back it turns over, but not so readily as does the normal animal. About five hours after the loss of half of the brain, it is no- ticed that the hopper stands more erect ; that is, inclines less strongly toward the unoperated side, and, by close inspection, it is seen that the legs on the operated side are not flexed so much as they were. Pressing either palps, wings, legs or the irritable antenna now causes the animal to move in a nearly straight line. Yersin and Bethe observed that insects that had half of the brain destroyed would gradually lose the inclined posture and respond finally to a strong stimulus by going either to the right, left or straight forward, depending upon the region stimulated. Bethe believes that the appendages on the oper- ated side are weaker, and their reflexes are less inhibited than those on the unoperated side. His explanation is that the brain exercises a tonus over the muscles and an inhibition over reflex movements. When half of the brain is removed, there- fore, the muscles on the operated side lose their tonus, become weaker, and the reflex responses are no longer inhibited, as they are in the normal animal. This view would explain some of the results of lesion to half the brain, but it does not entirely explain why the flexed position on the injured side gradually disappears. It seems that the flexors of the injured side and the extensors of the uninjured side, are stimulated ; or that the extensors of the operated side and flexors of the unoperated side are inhibited, or have lost their tonus. Moreover, it seems that the same region of the brain controls these muscles which nor- mally act together for a definite movement, and are associated and situated on opposite sides of the body, as, for instance, the flexors of one side and extensors of the other. As a conse- KWING : OBSERVATIONS ON ACRTDIDyE. 313 quence of the unsjmmetrical posture of the appendages, the animal moves in a circle. III. Extirpation of thbc Subcesophageal Ganglion. Removal of the suboesophageal ganglion is attended with much difficulty, but with great care it was removed without loss of much blood. The wound was closed with shellac. The loss of this ganglion does not stop the respiratory movements. The respifatory centre is therefore not located in this part of the nervous system, which is therefore not analogous to the medulla in vertebrates, as Faivre and others maintained. The spiracles of the abdomen and thorax continue their activity at a slower rate, and, as in the normal animal, the abdominal and thoracic spiracles often do not keep the same rhythm. More- over, some of the spiracles on one side of the thorax may be motionless, while those on the opposite side are active. This is explained by the fact that each half of the ganglion inner- vates its own side of the body. The relation, however, between the two halves is so intimate that they usually act together in producing ordinary movements. The palps remained motion- less ; when they were strongly pinched they did not respond. Shortly after the operation the head droops and touches the table, and the antenna may remain in the position in which they are placed, e. g., one pointing anteriorly and the other posteriorly. It hops but does not walk unless it is irritated. It remains for about an hour in any position in which it is placed, after which the shock effect passes off. If any part of the thorax or abdomen is pinched, reflex movements of the different parts posterior to the injury are observed, but no re- flexes of parts anterior to the cut follow. It moves spontane- ously after two hours, dragging its body along as if it were a heavy load. Its first pairs of walking-legs are abnormally flexed, and therefore do not coordinate in a normal manner with the others. This is because their nerve fibers were injured or stimulated by the operation. If it meets an obstacle it may fall over on its side, but immediately, though awkwardly, rights itself. In all the movements there seemsto be a lack of perfect coordination for at least twenty-four hours. Faivre believes, from his experiments on Dytiscvs, and Ward from those on the crayfish, that the suboesophageal ganglion is 314 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. the seat for coordinate movements. Bethe, however, does not regard the subcesophageal ganglion as the centre for coordinate action, since most of the arthropods that he operated on showed few or no disturbances in coordinate movements after its re- moval. In the grasshopper, as we have seen, the subcesoph- ageal ganglion is not the chief centre for coordinate movements. The destruction of the ganglion is followed by a severe shock effect because it is accompanied by a great loss of blood and necessitates a wound in a sensitive area. The insect can still hop, fly, walk, and right itself, but in an awkward manner, and shortly after the operation it seems to have lost its sense of equilibrium. From the fact, however, that decapitation of the grasshopper does not, as shall shortly be pointed out, destroy coordinate progressive activities, it is evident that the ganglion in the grasshopper does not preside over coordination of these movements, though it may exert some influence over the sense of the position of the body in space. IV. Decapitation. The supra and subcesophageal ganglia are removed by cut- ting off the head. Usually a ligature is tied around the neck before the head is cut off to prevent loss of blood. As was to be expected from the foregoing experiments, the respiration was not materially altered by the operation. It was only decreased in rate. The lack of coordination in the rate of the thoracic and abdominal spiracle movements, however, which may be observed, is not due to any operative disturbance, since, as was said before, this irregularity exists in normal insects. If a narrow strip of chiten is removed from the side of the abdomen in a decapitated hopper, it is seen that the air-sacs inflate in the inspiratory phase, and that, when the animal struggles, the spiracle movements increase in frequency with the movements of the abdomen and inflation of the air-sacs. Twenty-four hours after being decapitated, the animal hops and flies four or more feet if it is touched. This depends upon the species ; some normally fly further than others. When it is placed on its back it struggles and turns over, but not so promptly as does the normal one. If, however, it is carefully placed either on its side or back, it will remain so, and, if its feet hold on to a stick, it will not attempt to right itself from any position in which it is placed by changing the EWING : OBSERVATIONS ON ACRIDID^. 315 position of the stick. In standing, it may incline more to one side, and often remains in any position in which it has been placed ; as, for instance, the thorax touching the table and the abdomen and jumping-legs raised far above it. It makes purposive reflex movements, though these are not as strong as in the normal hopper, and the power of localization is still left. If any part of the body easily reached by the feet is touched, they attempt to push away the offending object, for instance, if the posterior part of the abdomen is touched with a pencil, first one then the other leg tries to push away the pencil. If the insect is held with the fingers, it struggles to free itself, and, as in the case in the normal hopper, both the abdominal and thoracic spiracles and the abdominal respiratory movements are increased in rate and force. During the first hours it moves, hops and flies spontaneously ; that is, without any apparent cause. These movements may be due to opera- tive disturbances. The egg depositors open and close rhyth- mically and foeces are often excreted, and it often sways from side to side while standing. The results obtained from this experiment corroborate, in many respects, those already cited. This method of removing the suboesophageal ganglion is very simple and satisfactory, from the fact that all of the ganglion is removed. Y. Removal of Thoracic Ganglia. The thoracic ganglia are easily exposed on the* ventral side. The first is covered by a chitinous plate lying between the first pair of legs. It is successfully destroyed with a hot needle, or can be cut out with a very fine hooked scapel or bent scissors, and the wound covered with shellac. After the shock effect produced by the operation has passed off, the respiratory move- ments of the abdomen and spiracles continue at about half of the rate observed before the operation. There is, however, complete loss of motion of the first thoracic spiracles, as well as loss of motion and sensation in the first pair of legs. It flies, hops and walks with its second and third pairs of legs, and with the aid of these turns over when placed on its back. Evidently the centre for the turnover reflex is not located in the prothoracic ganglion, as Faivre believed it to be in the water- beetle. When the antennae are pinched there are no responses in the walking-appendages, and pinching either the second or 316 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. third leg produces responses only from these, and fluttering of the wings and wing-covers. When the second thoracic ganglion is removed, there is a de- crease in the rate of respiratory movements, loss of motion in the second thoracic spiracle and of sensation and motion in the second pair of legs, and loss of the power of flight. The animal hops and walks, but does not move the second pair of legs. It tries to turn over if placed on its back, but cannot without its front and jumping-legs. If the antennae are pinched it uses its front leg to push away the forceps ; if the hind legs are pinched it does not push away the forceps, but hops away. Faivre found that the respiratory movements in the water- beetle ceased upon removal of the meso-thoracic ganglion, and only reappeared upon stimulation, and then only when the meta-thoracic ganglion was still intact. My results do not agree with this, since I found that respiratory movements con- tinue without stimulation after extirpation of this ganglion, and the respiratory movements of the abdomen are not greatly changed by the simultaneous removal of this and the meta- thoractic ganglion. After extirpation of the third thoracic ganglion, only the rate of respiration is affected. Motion and sensation in the third pair of legs are lost, as is also the power of flight. The third thoracic spiracle is inactive. The insect turns over when placed on its back. When the abdomen is pinched the legs remain inactive. It can still make progressive movements with its two pairs of walking-legs. The air sacs in the thoracic region, even after removal of all the thoracic ganglia, continue to expand and contract with the movements of the abdomen and independently of the thoracic spiracle movements. VI. Removal of Abdominal Ganglia. The abdominal ganglia are extirpated from the ventral side of the body by removing a small piece of chitin that lies di- rectly over the ganglia. They were destroyed with a hot needle or extirpated with bent scissors or hooked scalpel. The wound was covered with shellac. When the first abdominal ganglion is destroyed there is a loss of motion in the first abdominal segment and its spiracles, but all remaining parts of the body continue actively in the EWING : OBSERVATIONS ON ACRIDID^. 317 normal manner after about half an hour following the opera- tion, or until all shock effects have worn off. By the removal of the successive abdominal ganglia of the ventral chain like results were obtained, but in addition to these there is a loss of motion in the ovipositor when the last abdominal ganglion was removed. By severing the longitudinal commissures between different ganglia of the abdominal ventral nerve-cord, or by severing the abdomen from the thorax and cutting it transversely into two or more parts, it is found that the different parts into which the abdomen is divided continue to execute rhythmical respiratory movements, provided the removed piece contains at least three segments. This is in accord with the results obtained by Miss Hyde** in Limulus. The respiratory and spiracle movements in the abdomen may stop for a shorter or longer period of time after the abdomen is cut from the thorax, and then spontaneously begin their move- ments again, or they may continue uninterruptedly but with less frequency and with less force. Moreover, if two drops of a half per cent, curare are injected into the abdomen of a large grasshopper, all voluntary muscles and respiratory movements and spiracles seem paralyzed for from two to six hours. The spiracles are closed, and the abdomen is relaxed in the expira- tory phase. This proves that inspiration is due to an active contraction of certain voluntary abdominal muscles. If a transverse section is made between the third and fourth abdominal segments a small pulsating organ is seen. It is situ- ated close to the ventral side of the body below the alimentary canal and almost directly opposite the heart. I have been un- able to determine from literature what it is. VII. Conclusion. 1. Neither the supraoesophageal ganglia or brain of the grass- hopper nor the suboesophageal ganglion, which has been regarded by some authors as analogous to the medulla of verte- brates, is the centre for respiratory movements. Furthermore, the meso-thoracic and meta-thoracic ganglia, which, according to Faivre, presides over the respiration in the water-beetle, Dytiscus, do not control the mechanism of the respiratory raove- ». Hyde, I. H., Journal of Morphology, 1897, vol. 9, No. 3, p. 431. 318 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. meats in the grasshopper. Each ganglion of the thoracic and abdominal ventral cord is the centre for respiratory movements, and reflex actions of the segment and the appendages to which it belongs. Not only the whole abdomen, but different seg- ments of it will continue their respiratory activity when severed from the body. 2. The posterior part of the brain exerts an inhibitory power over the anterior part of the grasshopper's brain. The anterior part of the brain is the seat for spontaneous progressive loco- motion. If the posterior part of the brain is destroyed, leaving the anterior strip of the brain tissue in tact, the animal mqves incessantly. If, however, the whole brain is destroyed, the grasshopper stops its progressive movements almost entirely ; it takes only a step or two in twenty-four hours. 3. The brain of the grasshopper is the centre for swallowing movements and for inhibiting reflex movements. With the loss of the brain, the animal neither moves its mandibles nor swal- lows food, and it now responds to subnormal stimuli in an ex- aggerated way by hopping or flying. Moreover, the palp and preening movements, as well as the rhythmical lifting of the legs are of frequent occurrence, and for no apparent cause. 4. The grasshopper's brain is not the centre for coordinate movements and direction. Since, when its brain is removed, the insect will respond when stimulated by walking, flying, hopping and righting itself in a normal manner, and will, moreover, move in a direction away from the irritating cause. 5. The brain controls the tonus of the muscles, since after its extirpation, although the grasshopper makes purposive move- ments to defend itself, it does not do so nearly so powerfully as does the normal animal, and it is very soon fatigued. The po- sition of the head and appendages is altered when the brain is destroyed. The head droops, the flexor muscles of the legs con- tract, so that the appendages are at first strongly flexed and then extended beyond the normal, due possibly to the contraction of the extensors or inhibition of the flexors. The influence ex- erted by the brain over the tension of the voluntary muscles is also illustrated by the position of the legs and body, as well as by the direction of progressive movements, when half of the brain is extirpated. During a definite period of time the hopper then inclines more to the side, and moves in a circle toward the un- EWING : OBSERVATIONS ON ACRIDID^" 319 injured side, indicating that the flexors of one side and the ex- tensors of the other are affected, and that each half of the brain, though controlling the reflexes of its own side, also exerts to a certain degree a power over the associated muscles of the oppo- site side. 6. The suboesophageal ganglion is not the center for correla- ted movements in the grasshopper, as Ward found it to be in the crayfish. Since the turn-over, reflex, walking, hopping, flying and alighting persist not only when it is removed, but when the whole head is cut off. The suboesophageal ganglion exerts, however, to a certain degree, an influence over the sense of equilibrium. The preservation of the segmental arrange- ment of the nervous system enables the animals to execute the progressive movements. THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vol. II, No. 12 — May, 1904. ( Whole Series, Vol. XII, No. 12.) CONTENTS: Lists of Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera and Hemiptera Col- lected IN Arizona by the Entomological Expeditions of the University of Kansas in 1902 and 190.3 F. H. Snow. PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY, Lawrence, Kan, Entered at the post-office in Lawrence as second-class matter. Kansas llNiyERSiTY Vol. II, No. 12. MAY, 1904. Bulletin. <, "Whole Series, \ Vol. XII, No. 12. LISTS OF COLEOPTERA, LEPIDOPTEEA, DIPTEEA AND HEMIPTERA COLLECTED IN ARIZONA BY THE ENTOMOLOGICAL EXPEDITIONS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS IN 1902 AND 1903, BY F. H. SNOW. A combination of two papers, read at the thirty-fifth and thirty-sixth annual meetings of the Kansas Academy of Science, January 2, 1903, and November 27, 1903. THE above-named expeditions made insect collections in four localities. First, near Thomas's ranch, in Oak Creek Can- yon, about twenty miles south of Flagstaff, in Coconino county, at an altitude of 6000 feet, August 13 to 25, 1902 ; second, at "Windmill Spring," near Oilman's ranch, on the north side of Humphrey's peak, one of the San Francisco mountains, about fifteen miles north of FagstafF, altitude 9500 feet, August 26 to September 4, 1902 ; third, Martinez, or Congress Junction, in Yavapai county, 125 miles south of Ash Fork, altitude 3000 feet, July 22 to August 1, 1903; fourth, near Tappan's ranch, on the Bill Williams' Fork of the Colorado river, which sepa- rates Mojave and Yuma counties, altitude 1000 feet, August 3 to September 3, 1903. The camps of 1902 were located in a typical mountain environment ; those of 1903 were in the arid, sandy and hot desert region of southwest Arizona. Oak Creek Canyon has precipitous walls from 1200 to 1500 feet high, and is a miniature edition of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado, but with an abundance of stately oaks and pines and beautiful wild flowers, and luxuriant farm crops on the two or three ranches on the narrow floor of the canon. Oak creek is a vigorous mountain stream of clear, cool water, and is well stocked with luscious trout. No wagons can enter this canon, and our baggage, camp equipment and provisions were packed on (323) 324 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. horseback down a zigzag trail, the members of the party carry- ing by hand all articles of a fragile character. A more delight- ful collecting region could not have been selected. "From the second camp, at the base of the highest mountain peak of Arizona, two trips were made to the summit, but with results of an unexpected character. It is a well-known fact that the insect fauna above timber-line in Colorado is of a very different character from that of the region below timber-line. The writer had previously collected insects on Pike's peak, Gray's peak, and Long's peak. Here we found the Parnas.nus butterflies, the White-mountain butterfly (Chionobas semidea), Colias meadii, Syngrapha hochenwarthi and other species not found at the bases of these mountains. But at the summit of Humphrey's peak, in Arizona, 12,800 feet above sea level, no insects were found which did not also occur at the lower alti- tudes. Vanessa californica and Picris occidentalis were common, both at the base and summit, while the common lady-bird Hippodamia lecontei, and the false chinch-bug Nysius californi- cus, were exceedingly abundant, both the latter species occur- ring over the entire region of the plains and mountains west of the Missouri river. The most probable explanation of this notable difference in the high-altitude fauna of Colorado and Arizona appears to be that the glacial ice mass did not extend so far south as the San Francisco mountains, and thus pre- vented the northern species from a more southern extension."* At the third camp, where we left the Ash Fork and Phoenix railroad, about three miles from the famous Congress mine, the insect fauna was conspicuously different from that of the moun- tain camps of 1902. Almost every species was new to our ex- perience as collectors. We were impressed with the profusion of insect life in an environment apparently so unfavorable. At the little town of Martinez every drop of water used by the in- habitants for all purposes is brought by rail from Date creek, sixteen miles to the north. The maximum temperature each day did not fall below 104 degrees (F.) and on one day rose to 116 degrees. On the 1st day of August, 1903, we proceeded by wagon along * This paragraph within quotation marks was read before " Section F," at the fifty-third annual meeting of the .4.merican Association for the Advancement of Science, at St. Louis, December 29, 1903. SNOW : LIST OF COLEOPTERA. 325 the dry bed of Date creek and across the Cactus Plain to our fourth camp, which was located fifty miles west of Martinez and about three miles from Tappan's ranch, ten miles south of Artillery peak, on the left bank of the Bill Williams Fork, at a distance of about twenty-five or thirty miles from the junction of that stream with the Colorado river. Our tents were pitched near a lone cottonwood tree on the bank of the stream about half a mile from its entrance into the so-called "box canyon." There were two or three Mexican ranches within a mile of the camp, where we obtained an abundant supply of the most. de- licious muskmelons, and where the luxuriant alfalfa fields attracted a profusion of insects of all orders. At night we "sugared" for moths on the trunk of our cottonwood tree, se- curing large numbers of individuals, but a small number of species, of Noctuids. The three or four species of Mesquite furnished a considerable variety of coleopterous species, especi- ally of the family Buprestidse. The so-called "poly verde" was notably rich in desirable species. My associates in the Arizona expedition of 1902 were Dr. Chas. F. Adams, Roy L. Moodie, and my son Frank L. Snow; in 1903 they were Doctor Adams, Geo. C. Mackenzie, and Eugene Smyth, and the success of the expeditions was largely due to the energy with which these fellow students devoted their at- tention to the work in hand. I. LIST OF COLEOPTERA. For the Identification of species not readily determinable from the University collection, the writer is under obligations to Mr. Charles Liebeck and Mr. H. C. Fall. Henshaw's numbers are used. Abbreviations for localities: O. for Oak Creek canon ; H. for Humphrey's Peak at base ; M. for Martinez ( Congress Junc- tion ), and B. for Bill Williams Fork. Family Cicindelid^. 12. Tetracha Carolina Linn. B. 20. Cicindela nigrocterulea Lee, var. M. 40. punctulata Fab. O. 57. lemniscata Lee. O. M. Family Carabid^. 73. Omophron obliteratum Horn. O. B. Cychrus van dykei Roetschke. O. n. sp. H. 326 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. 119. Carabus tasdatus Fab. O. H, 140. Calosoma simplex Lee. O. B. 221. Dyschiriue tridentatus Lee. B. 273. Clivina ferrea Lee. M. 283. Schizogenius lineolatus Say. B. 286. amphibius Hald. B. n. sp. B. 309. Bembidium carinatum. B. 330. complanulum Mann. B. 343. transversale Dej. M. B. 345. lugubre Lee. O. 351. lucidum Lee. H. 367. nubiculosum Chd. B. 391. versicolor Lee. B. 408. dubitans Lee. O. 436. Tachys vorax Lee. B. 449. nanus Gyll. O. H. 467. audax Lee. B. 468. rapax Lee. M. 525. Pterostichus constrietus Say. O. 579. lustrans Lee. O. 647. Amara latior Kirby. H. 670. interstitialis Dej. O. H. 670, interstitialis Dej. green var. H. 751. Calathus dubius Leo. O. H. 756. Platynus disseetus Lee. H. 771. brunneomarginatus Mann. var. O. 831. ruficornis Lee. ? O. 842. Laehnophorus elegantulus Mann. B. 864. Ega Iffitula Lee. B. 882. Lebia viridis Say. H. 941. Cymindis planipennis Lee. H. Brachynus sp. O. H. B. 1008. Chlaenius leueoscelis Chev. H. B. 1010. obsoletus Lee. B. 1034. Anomoglossus emarginatus Say. O. 1047. Oodes elegans Lee. B. 1080. Harpalus retractus Lee. O. 1081. amputatus Say. O. H. 1087. pennsylvanicus De G. O. H. B. 1094. herbivagus Say. H. 1099. ellipsis Lee. H. 1109. fraternus Lee. ? H. 1110. funestus Lee. H. 1111. oblitusLec. H. n. sp. H. 1125. Selenophorus pedieularius Dej. M. 1125. semiopaeus, var, O. 1144. Stenolophus flavipes Lee. B. 1158. Bradycellus rupestris Say. B. 1184. Anisodactylus consobrinus Lee, H, 1214, Pseudomorpha angustata Horn. M. SNOW : LIST OP COLEOPTERA. 327 Family HALiPLiDiE. 1229. Cnemidotua simplex Lee. B. - Family Dytiscid^. 1243. Laccophilus decipiens Lee. M. B. 1251. mexicanus Aube. B. Hydroporus undet. sp., near addendus Cr. B. 1389. Ilybius biguttalus Germ. O. 1396. Coptotomus interrogatus Fab. B. 1476. Eretes sticticus Linn. M. 14966. Thermoneetes latecinctus Lee. B. Family Hydrophilid^. 1546. Helophorus linearis Lee. M. 1586. Hydrophilue triangulariB Say. M. 1588. Tropisternus limbalis Lee. B, 1594. eliipticue Lee. M. B. 1600. Berosus punctatissimue Lee. B. 1602. miles Lee. B, 1619. Chaetarthria pallida Leo. B. 1621. Laecobius agilis Rand. B. 1622. ellipticus Lee. M. 1624. Helochares carinatus Lee, B. 1626. nebulosus Say. B. 1634. diff usus Lee. B. Family Silphid^. 1698. Necrophorus marginatus Fab. H. 1700. guttulaMots. H. 1705. Silpha truncata Say. H. 1706. lapponica Hbst. H. Family Staphylinid^. ' Aleochara undet. sp. B. 2098. Quedius explanatus Lee. O. 2119. Creophilus villoeus Grav. O. 2123. Staphylinus nigrellus Horn. O. 2178. Philonthus varians Payk. H. undet. sp. B. 2251. Aetobius psederoides Lee. B. 2778. Apocellus analie Lee. ? B. Family Phalacbid^. 2992. Phalacrus penieillatus Say. O. H. 9874. eonjunetus Casey. B. 2998. Olibrus striatulus Lee. O. 3002. pallipes Say. O. H. Eustilbus sp., near nanulus Casey. B. 328 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Family Coccinellid^. 3041. Hippodamia S-signata Kirby. H. 3043. lecontei Muls. H., summit and base. 3046, convergens Guer. H. B. 3051. parenthesis Say. O. .3064. Cycloneda sanguinea Linn. O. H. 3065a. Olla abdominalis Say. B. Adalia humeralis Say., var. O. 3069. Cleis picta Rand. O. Anatis lecontei Casey. O. H. WTS. Psyllobora 20-maculata Say. O. .3078a. tajdata Lee. O. B. 3101. Hyperaspis fimbriolata Melsh. B. 3103. tasniata Lee. B. 3105. undulata Say. B. 3111. osculans Lee. B. 3142. Scymnus cinctus Lee. B. 3146. hffimorrhous Lee. O. B. ,3157. lacustris Lee. O. ardelis Horn. B. undet. sp. B. Family Ebotylidje. 3240, Erotylus boisduvali Chev. O, Family Dermestid.e, .3418. Dermestes marmoratus Say, O, H, 3423. carnivorus Fab. B. 3440. Trogoderma simplex Jayne, B. undet. sp. B. i 3450. Cryptorhopalum apicale Mann. H. B. 3455. Orphilus glabratus Fab'. H, | Family Histerid.e, 3494, Hister depurator Say. H. 3539, Epierus nasutus Horn. O. I 3582. Saprinus alienus Lee. B. 3583. lugens Er, H, B, ' 3586, oregonensis Lee. O. H, 3607. vitiosus Lee. M. J ,3610, fimbriatus Lee, H. B, 3612, caerulescens Lee, B. i 1 Family Nitidulid^, , 3733, Perthalyera murrayi Horn. O. , I Family Trogositid^, • i 3832, Alindria teres Melsh, B, .3835. Trogosita yuccae Cr. B. 3838, Tenebrioides eorticalis Melsh, O. I 3841a. californica Horn. B. ^ ,3850. Calitys scabra Thunb. O. ] snow: list of coLEOPrERA. 329 ' Family Byrrhid^. i 3903. Limnichus analis Lee. B. I Family Parnid.e. 3920. Dryops productus Lee. O. B. , 3924. Buturalis Lee. B. Family Heterocerid^e. 3965. Heteroeerus collaris Kies. B. ' i Family Elaterid.e. 4089. Chalcolepidius webbii Lee. B. 10035. behrensi Oand. M. B. ! 4128. Horistonotus simplex Lee. M. 4136. Esthesopus parous Horn. M. , 4137. dispersus Horn. M. two undet. sp. B. 10052. Cryptohypnus cucuUatus Horn. B. 4185. Monoerepidius vespertinus Fab. B. 4188. sordidus Lee. M. 4277. Ludius hepaticus Germ. B. 4306. Melanotus maeer Lee. M. . ■ 4402. Athous scissus Lee. O. Corymbites undet. sp. M. 4530. Euthysanius lautus Lee. O. Family Buprestid/e. 4560. Gyascutus planicoeta Lee. M. B. , 4561. obliteratus Lee. M. B. 4564. Hippomelas sphenicus Lee. M. 4565. ctelatus Lee. M. B. 4594. Poecilonota cyanipes Say. O. 4620. Melanophila atropurpurea Say. M. B. 4636. Chrysobothris octocola Lee. M. B. i 4637. atabalipa Lap. M, { = basalis). 4639. femorata Fab., var. B. ' 4650. trinervia Kirby. O. 4653. debilis Lee. M. B. 4654. deleta Lee. M. 10078. mali Horn. O. M. 10085. merkelii Horn. M. nearly related to mexicana, if not that species. O. ' 4667. Actenodes ealcarata Chev. B. 4675. Polyeesta velasco Lap. and Gory. M. B. i 4677. Acmaeodera amplicollis Lee. O. 4679. amabilis Horn. O. [ 4686. miliaris Horn. O. B. 4690. connexa Lee. O. ' alicise Fall. B. ■ 4705. guttifera Lee. B. ' 330 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. 4708. Acmaeodera 4-vittata Horn. O. M. 4710. gibbula Lee. M. 10100. stigmata Horn. B. 10101. bivulnera Horn. B. New genus, n. sp. B. Tyodaris n. sp. B. 4752. Agrilus couesii Lee. O. 10126. blandus Horn. O. Taphroeerus ep. O. • 4764. Paehyscelus purpureus Say. O. Family Lampyrid^. 4767. Rhyncheros sanguinipennis Say. O. 4772. LycoBtomus loripes Chev. O. 4811. Lueidota punctata Lee. O. 4815. Ellyehnia corrueca Linn. O. 4817. Pyropyga fenestralis Melsh. B. 4872. Chauliognathus scutellaris Lee., var. O. 4970. Ditemnus obtusus Lee.? B. Family Malachid^ 5002. Collops bipunetatus Say. O. H. 5004. 4-maculatus Fab., var. O. 5006. pulchellus Horn. B. 5010. laticollis Horn. O. 5023. Malaehius biguttulus Horn. M. 5040. Anthocomus ventralis Horn. O. undet. sp. B. 5055. Attalus morulus Lee. O. 5061. rufiventris Horn. B. n. sp. B. undet. sp., near trimaculatus Mot: 5109. Listrus senilis Lee. O. H. Five undetermined species. O. B. Family Clerid.e. 51.31. 5134. 5151. 5156. 5158. 5173. 5192. 5197. 5223. 52.30. 5232. Cymatodera puncticollis Bland, cylindricollis Ohev. ovipennis Lee. M. n. sp. O. undet. sp. M. Trogodendron edwardsii Horn. Trichodes ornatus Say. O. H. Clerus abruptus Lee. O. Hydnocera subtenea Spin. O. discoidea Lee. B. n. sp. O. Enoplium humerale Horn. O. Neerobia rufipes Fab. B. violaeeus Linn. H. M. O. B. SNOW : LIST OF COLEOPTERA. 331 Family Ptinid^. 5338. Sinoxylon simplex Horn. M. B. 5340. aericans Lee. M. 5354. Amphicerua fortia Lee. M. B. Family Lucanid^. 5419. Platycerua depresaus Lee. H. 5412. 5494. 5497. 5502. 10186. 5529. 5533. 5539. 5556. 5581. 5612. 5616. 5617. 5618. 5620. 5633. 5692. 5697. 5701. 5706. 5721. 5724. 5806. 5809. 5816. 5822. 5842. 5846. 5859. 5865. 5866. 5870. 10276. 5883. 5908. 5911. Family Scarab^eiDjE. Choeridium leeontei Harold. B. Ata3niu8 lobatus Horn. B. hirautus Horn. M. desertus Horn. M. haroldi Steinbeil. M. B. leeviventris Horn. M. Aphodiua vittatua Say. H. lividus Oliv. M. anthracinus Lee. O. H. subtruneatus Lee. H. Ochodgeus biarmatus Lee. M. Trox acutellaris Say. M. suberoaus Fab. M. punctatus Germ. B. tuberculatus De G. O. aonorfe Lee. O. H. M. Glaresis mendica Horn. M. Macrodactylus uniformia Horn. O. Oraonyx anxiua Lee. B. Diplotaxia popino Casey. M. tristis Kirby. M. carbonata Lee. M. punctata Lee. M. four undet. sp. M. Listrochelus disparilia Horn. O. scopariua Lee. M. timidus Horn. M. Polyphylla decemlineata Say. O. Strigoderma arboricola Fab. O. Pelidnota lugubris Lee. M. Cyclocephala longula Lee. M. dimidiata Burm. M. B. manca Lee. O. Ligyrua ruginasua Lee. M. Aphonidea dunniana Rivers. M. Strategua julianua Burm. M. Euphoria faacifera Lee. M. inda Linn. O. Family Spondylid^. 5947. Parandra polita Say. B. 332 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN, Family Cerambycid^. 5952. MallodoQ mandibularis Harold. O. 5957. Derobrachus geminatus Lee. M. B. undet. sp. near Axestinus. M. 6036. Osmidue guttatus Lee. B. 6049. Romaleum simplieieolle Hald. M. 6067. Elaphidion tenue Lee. M. 6076. Aneflus protenaus Lee. M. 6105. Rhopalophora longipes Say. O. 6113. Rosalia funebris Mots. O. 6119. Dendrobias quadrimaeulatus Dup. M. 6122. Stenaspis solitaria Say. M. 6126. Tragidion annulatum Lee. O. 6127a. fulvipenne Say. O. 6135. Aethecerus latecinctus Horn. B. 6158. Sphtenothecus suturalis Lee. B. 6166. Stenosphenus debilis Horn. O. 6249. Pachyta armata Leo. O. 6490. Meeas cana Newm. O. 6513c. Tetraopes oregonensis Lee. O. Two undetermined speeies of uncertain genera. M. B. Family Chrysomelid.^. 6574. Lema nigrovittata Guer. B. 6582. Euryseopa lecontei Cr. M. B. parvula Jae. M. B. 6584. Coscinoptera »neipennis Lee. M. 6588. canella Lee. B. 6589. mueorea Lee. M. 6594. Megalostomis major Cr. M. 65966. Babia tetraapilota Lee. O. 6599. Saxinis saucia Lee. O. B. 10346. sonorensis Jae. O. 6600. Urodera erucifera Lee. O. 6601. Chlamys plieata Fab. B. 6622. Cryptocephalus leucomelas Suflfr. O. n. sp. O. 6653. Paehybrachys xanti Cr. M. B. 6660. abdominalis Say. B. 6690. atomarius Melsh. O. thoracieus Jae. B. two n. sp. B. 6706. Monaehus guerini Perb. B. 6707. Diachus auratus Fab. O. 6754. Metaehroma ealifornica Cr. B. 6796. Chrysomela conjuneta Rog. O. 6800. disrupta Rog. O. 6821. auripennis Say. O. 6881a. Diabrotiea tenella Lee. O. B. 6916a. Monoxia angularis Lee. O. 6916. obtusa Lee., var. O. 10407. debilis Lee. B. SNOW : LIST OF COLEOPTERA. 333 6929. (Edionychis lustrans Cr. M. 6933. lugens Lee. O. 6949. Disonycha 5-vittata Say. O. 10416 crenicollie Say. B. 7001. Systena tajniata Say., var. M. 7001 tasniata, var. mitis Lee. B. 7001. taeniata, var. pallidula Boh. B. 10438. Longitarsus vanus Horn. B. 10452. Glyptina atriventrisHorn. B. 7028. Phyllotreta lewisii Cr. B. 10458. pusilla Horn. 10463. Cha3tocnema ectypa Horn. B. 7068. Microrhopala cyanea Say. O. 7073. Odontota collaris Say. O. 7074. omogera Cr. O. Family Bruchid,^. 7133. Bruchus pruininus Horn. B. 7137. prosopis Lee. B. 7143. bisignatus Horn B. 7149. amicus Horn. B. Family Tenebrionid^. 7168. Edrotes ventricosus Lee. B. 7171. Triorophus tevis Leo. M. 7182. Eurymetopon rufipes Esch. B. 7183. emarginatum Casey. B. 7184. dubium Casey. M 7185. convexicoUe Lee. M. 7189. serratum Lee. B. undet. sp. M. 7191. Emmenastug longulus Lee. M. B. 7193. subopacus Horn. M. 7195. ater Lee. O. H. 7196. acutus Lee. O. convexus Lee., var. O. H. 7302. Epitragus canaliculatus Say. O. 10507. fusiformis Casey, O. M. 7210 Chilometopon abnorme Horn. B. 7238. Cryptoglossa verrucosa Lee. B. 7243. Centrioptera variolosa Horn. M. 7280. Asida consobrina Horn. O. 7284. marginata Lee. M. 7287. maera Horn. H. 10525. wickhami Horn. B. n. sp. O. 7298. Coniontis ovalis Eseh. O. 7316. Eleodes obscura Say. H. 7322. carbonaria Say. O. 7323. obsoleta Say. H. 7324. quadricollis Esch. H. 334 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. 7325. 7327. 7329. 7339. 7351. 7353. 7365. 7379. 10568. 7392. 7394a 73946. 7398. 7431. 7433. 7439. 7440. 7450. 10614. 10617. 7568. Eleodes humeralis Lee. H. extricata Say. O. H. armata Lee. M. B. nigrina Lee. H. undet. sp. near nigriiaa Lee. consobrina Lee. H. planipennis Lee. H. Embaphion eontusum Lee. H. Argoporis costipennis Lee. O. alutaeea Casey. M. Nyctobates subnitens Horn. B. Iphthimus Bubltevis Bland. H. lewisii Horn. H. Ccelocnemis magna Lee. O. H. Blapstinus sulcatue Lee. B. dilatatue Lee. B. vestitus Lee. M. B. longulus Lee. M. Notibius puberulus Lee. B. Ulus elongatulus Casey. M. Tribolium eonfusum Duv. O. H. Platydema n. sp. O. Helops arizonensis Horn. M. H. Family Cistelid^. 7597. Hymenorue, near confertus Lee. B. 7599. punctatissimus Lee B. 10656. spinifer Horn. M. 10659. rufieollis Champ. M. 10673. indutus Casey. M. Family Monommid^e. 7644. Hyporhagus opuntite Horn. M. Family ffiDEMERiD^. 7730. Ditylus obscurus Lee. 7739. Oxacie eana Lee. M. 7749. lucana Lee. B subfusea. B. O. Family Mordellid^. 7771. Anaspis pusio Lee. O. n. sp. B. undet. sp., probably new. B. 7780. Mordella seutellaris Fab. O. 7863. Mordellistena angusta Lee. O. two undet. sp. B. SNOW : LIST OF COLKOPTERA. 335 Family Anthicid^. 7919. Notoxus bifasciatus Lee. M. 7922. calcaratus Horn. O. curvitrichus Caeey. B. 7948. Anthicus confinus Lee. B. 7968. nanus Lee. ? B. 8025. 8038. 8038 y. 8041. 8066. 8067. Family Meloid.e. Nemognatha apicalis Lee. O. punctipennis Lee. B. punetipennis Lee. O. eribricollis Lee. B. Macrobasis lauta Horn. M. tenella Lee. M. Epicauta, n. sp. B. Family Rhipiphorid^e. 8178. Rhipiphorus cruentus Germ. O. 8178. cruentue Germ., var. B. Myodites, sp. M. B. 8248. 8250. 8253. 8262. 8294. 8301. 8314. 8317. 8398. 8500. 10860. 8521. 8558. 8559. 8571. 8669. 11012. 11040. 8701. 8725. 8835. 11090. 8886. 8960. Family Otiorhynchid.e. Eupagoderes deeipiens Lee. B. argentatus Lee. B. varius Lee. B. Orimodema protraeta Horn. O. Thricolepis inornata Horn. O. Eucyllus vagans Horn. M. B, Pandeletejua hilaris Hbet. O. Cyphus lautus Leo. B. Family Curculionid^. Apion ventricosum Lee. B. undet. sp. B. Lixus perforatus Lee. M. Dinocleus denticollis Casey. M. Cleonus virgatus Lee. B. Smicronyx fulvus Lee. O. sordidus Lee. O. Endalus limatulus Gyll. B. Anthonomus canus Lee. B. ornatulus Dietz. B. Elleschus angustatus Dietz, var. B. Sibynes fulvus Lee. ? (very dark form). B. Conotraehelus similis Boh. M. Coeliodes acephalus Say. O. Ban's dilatata Casey. B. Pseudobaris fareta Lee O. Balaninua uniformis Lee. M. 336 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Family Calandrid^e. 9014. Yuccaborus frontalis Lee. M. 9026. Cossonus concinnus Boh. O. H. Family Scolytid^. 9200. Hylurgops rugipennis Mann. O. SUMMARY OF SPECIES OF COLEOPTEBA. Cicindelidaj 4 Carabidse 54 Halipldise 1 DytiecidsB 7 Hydrophilidae 12 Silphidae 4 Staphylinidae 8 Phalacridse 5 Coccinellidae 20 Erotylidae • 1 Dermestidae 6 Histeridae 8 NitidulidcB 1 Trogositidfe 5 Byrrhidae . 1 Parnidae 2 Heteroceridae 1 ElateridtB 15 Buprestidae 33 Lampyridae 7 MalachidaB 17 Cleridae 14 Ptinidae 3 Lucanidae 1 Scarabaeidae 41 Spondylidae 1 CerambycidiB 21 Chrysomelidae 45 Bruchiditi 4 TenebrionidaB 51 Cistelidse 5 Monommidae 1 (Edemeridae 4 Mordellidje 7 Anthicidae 5 Meloidfe 7 Rhipiphoridae 3 Otiorhynchidae 8 Curculionidte 17 Calandridae 2 Scoly tidae 1 Total number of species 453 SNOW : LIST OF LEPIDOPTERA. 337 ir. LIST OF LEPIDOPTERA. The numbers and nomenclature are those of Smith's check-list of 1903. • Abbreviations: O. for Oak Creek Canyon; H. for Humphrey's Peak at base;. M. for Martinez (Congress Junction); and B. for Bill Williams Fork. For valuable aid in the determination of some of the most difficult species, the author is indebted to Professors John B. Smith and C. H. Fernald and Dr. Henry Skinner. Family Nymphalid^e. 1. Oanais plexippus Linn. B. 2a. etrigosa Bates. B. 10. Euptoieta claudia Cram. B. 15. Argynnis nitocris Edw. O. 20. nausicaa Edw. O. 102. Melitasa perse Edw. M. 113. deflnita Aaron. M. 117. nympha Edw. H. 127. Phyciodes camillus Edw. O. H. 128. mylitta Edw. O. H. 137. Synchloe lacinia Geyer. M. 143. Grapta satyrus Edw, O. 144. hylas Edw. O. 148. zephyrus Edw. O. H, 153. Vanessa antiopa Linn. H. 154. californica Bdv. H., base and summit. 158. Pyrameis cardui Linn. B. 159. carya3 Hbn. H. ■ 228e. Satyrus olympus Edw. O, ■■ Family Erycinid^. 256. Lemonias mormo Feld. M. 258. cythera Edw. M. 261. palmerii Edw. M. 265. Calephelis australis Edw. B. Family Lyc.enid.e. 272. Thecla halesus Cram. B. 283. melinus Hbn. B. 375. Lycaena melissa Edw. O. H. 378. acmon Db. and Hew. B. 383e. cinerea Edw. O. 384. amyntula Bdv. O. 387. isola Reak. B. 389. cyna Edw. B. 393. exilis Bdv. B. 394. marina Reak. O. B. 3-Bull., No. 12. 338 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. ' i Family Papilionid^. 406. Pieria occidentalis Reak. H., base and summit. i 407. protodice Bd. & Lee. B, i 411a. Nathalis irene Fitch. B. j 423. Catopsilia eubule Linn. B. ^ 4.S3. Colias cajsonia Stoll. O, B. j 438. eurytheme Bdv. O. B. ! 438a. ariadne Edw. B. i 453. Terias mexicana Bdv. B. ] 454. nicippe Cram. M. B. j 469. Papilio philenor Linn. B. ; 470. acauda Oberth. B. ' 473. bairdii Edw. H. ! 485. daunus Bdv. O. , . j Family Hesperid^. j 506. Pamphila taxiles Edw. O. ; 535. phykvus Dru. B. l 539. sabuleti Bdv. B. 551. vestris Bdv. O. 590. eufala Edw. near B. ; 610. Pyrgus ericetorum Bdv. B. : 613, tessellata Scudd. O. B. ■ 631. Nisoniades petronius Lint. O. ! 632. horatius Scudd. & Burg. O. ; 633. terentius Scudd. O. i 638. pacuviue Lint. O. ' 640. clitus Edw. O. : 641. funeralis Scudd & Burg. B. ' 645. Systasea pulverulenta Feld. M. 654. Pholisora libya Scudd. B. , 661. Eudamus pylades Scudd, O. ; 677. proteus Linn. B, , . 691, Erycides amyntas Fabr. B. j i Family Sphingid^. 702. Hemaris thetie Bdv. O. '\ 729. Deilephila lineata Fabr. O. H, M. B. 737. Pholus achemon Dru. O, 754, Phlegethontius quinquemaculata Haw, O. M. B. 766. Sphinx chersis Hbn. O. Family Syntomid^. 862. Lycomorpha grotei Pack. O. Family Arctiid.e. 926. Eubaphe ostenta Hy. Edw. O. 999. Lerina incarnata Wlk. O. 1028. Halisidota otho Barnes. O. 1031. Hemihyalea labecula Grt. O, snow: list op lepidoptera. 339 Family PERicopiDiE, 10466. Gnophaela vermiculata G. & R. O. Family Noctuid^. 1243. Caradrina meralis Morr. O. 1245. extimia Wlk. O. B. 1247. leucorena Sm. B. 1266. Perigea veterata Sm. O. 1295. Hadena longula Grt. O. 1317. impulsa Gn. O. 1318. devastatrix Brace. O. 1319. exulisLef. O. 1321. arctica Bdv. O. 1342. auranticolor Grt. O. 1359. indirecta Grt. O. 1382. characta Grt. O. 1444. Pyrophila pyramidoides Linn. O. 1452. Laphygma frugiperda S. & A. B. 1453. flavimaculata Harv. B. 1474. Oncocnemis dayi Grt. O. 1560. Rhynchagrotis placida Grt. O. 1563. alternata Grt. O. I 1565. cupidiesima Grt. O. 1566. trigona Sm, O. 1626. Agrotis ypsilon Rott. B, 1639a. Peridroma saucia Hbn. O. 1647. Noctua smithii Snell. O. 1728. Feltia annexa Tr. B. 1783. Euxoa perfusca Grt. O. 1825. sessile Sm. O. I 1831. messoria Har. O. 1888. insulsa Wlk. O. 1900. baaalis Grt. O. I 1948. Ufeus satyricus Grt. O. j 2034. Mamestra noverca Grt. O. 2058a. illaudabilis Grt. O. 2080. Barathra occidenta Grt. O. i 2099. Xylomiges dolosa Grt. O. 2194. Leucania farcta Grt. O. undet. sp. O. 2231. Tfeniocampa incincta Morr. O. I 2504. Heliothis armiger Hbn. O. H. B. 2612. Melicleptria villosa Grt. O. 2812, Pleonectyptera finitima Sm. O. i 2813. incusalis Grt. B. I 2914. Acontia areli Strck. O. 2931. meskei Sm. B. Spragueia urtricina . B. 2991. Cissisa segrotata Hy, Edw. B. 2995. Drasteria crassiuscula Harv. O, 2997. cajrulea Grt, O. 340 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. 3008. Melipotis nigreecens G, ^opinqua Walk. Stigma and cross-veins only clouded 25 25. Thorax brownish, with an obsolete, dorsal stripe of a darker shade, 5-6 mm griffithi John. Mesonotum opaque brown, with lateral margins and three median nar- row stripes lighter colored, 7 mm. (Mexico) laUfrons Will. 26. Wholly yellow flavida Bigot. Not wholly yellow 27 27. Wings wholly or in part fuscous 28 Wings hyaline, apex grayish , 30 28. Wings with central quadrate spot quadrata Say. Wings without such spot 29 29. Wings uniformly infuscated ( Mexico ) plebeia Will. Wings fuscous on distal part (Mexico) nana Will. 30. Wings broad and rounded rotundii^ennis Loew. Wings not broad and rounded (West Indies) ludens Loew. I hesitate in offering the above table, for I realize its defi- ciencies. I have not seen all the species mentioned and had to to depend on the descriptions ; therefore, it should be used as a guide for the study of the genus rather than an implement for the accurate placing of the species. Chrysopila lucifera, n. sp. Male : Head black ; frontal triangle, face and cheeks gray poUinose ; antennse and palpi black, the latter long, subclavate, thickly black pilose ; proboscis with brownish cast ; pile of cheeks black. Thorax black, pollen dark gray on mesonotum, light on pleurae ; mesonotum with golden yellow tomentum, sparse pile dark brown ; scutellum black, golden yellow tomen- tose ; halteres black. Abdomen black, tomentum of dorsum golden yellow ; pile white. Coxae black, with black pile ; femora blackish, tibiae and base of tarsi yellow. Wings subfuscous ; stigma slightly elongate ; bend of anterior branch of third vein rectangular, sometimes furnished with a stump. 438 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Female : Same as male except pile of cheeks and coxae is white, palpi shorter and not so thickly pilose ; front brownish gray pollinose, pile black, tomentum golden yellow. Femora somewhat lighter, and extreme tip of tibiae fuscous. Length, 6-7 mm. Three males from Washington and one female from California. Chrysopila bella, n. sp. Male : Head black ; occiput, frontal triangle, face and cheeks dusted with bluish gray pollen ; pile sparse and white ; antennae dark brown, the third joint lighter than the other two ; proboscis yellowish, palpi brown, pile white ; ocellar tubercle prominent. Thorax black ; mesonotum with grayish brown pollen, that of the humeri and lateral margins gray, tomentum golden yellow ; pleurae light gray pollinose, with light-colored pile above front coxae and behind and below base of wings ; scutellum grayish brown, covered with golden yellow tomentum ; metanotum light gray pollinose ; halteres yellow, knobs brownish black. Abdomen black ; first segment light gray pollinose, remaining segments, in certain lights, grayish brown pollinose, in others, opaque black, and in others still the segments appear to be the former color on the apex and the latter on the base ; pile white, tomentum golden yellow. Coxae blackish, apex with a yellow- ish cast ; pollen light gray ; femora and tibiae light yellow ; tarsi yellowish at base, black at apex. Wings hyaline, anterior branch of third vein without stump. Female : Same as male except the antennae and palpi are darker, the abdomen is uniformly gray pollinose ; knobs of hal- teres yellow, trochanters are blackish, and bend of anterior branch of the third vein is rectangular and with a stump. Length, 5.75-6 mm. Two male specimens from California and one female from Washington. Chrysopila flavibarbis, n. sp. Male and female : Head black, grayish pollinose, front of female brownish pollinose ; pile of occiput, sides of face and of palpi yellow ; antennae black. Thorax black, gray pollinose ; mesonotum, except front, lateral and hind margins in female velvety black ; sparsely covered with yellow tomentum, and on sides having yellow pile ; pleurae bare ; scutellum of a brownish ADAMS : NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA. 439 cast and with yellow pile ; knobs of.halteres blackish, base yel- lowish. Abdomen black, grayish brown pollinose, sparsely covered with yellow tomentum and pile. Coxae black, yellow- ish pollinose, femora except tips piceous, with sparse tomentum, extreme tip of femora, tibia^ and basal half of metatarsi yel- lowish, remainder of tarsi fuscous. Wings subfuscous, stigma brown. Length, 5 mm. Seven specimens ; Colorado and Wyoming. The ones from Colorado were received from C. W. Johnson, to whom they are returned. Symphoromyia flavipalpis, n. sp. Female : General color ash gray ; pile of front and vertex black, of occiput, cheeks and palpi white ; first joint of anten- nae moderately enlarged, brownish yellow, with short black hairs ; second joint small, darker, third joint yellow, one and a half times as broad as the first joint, arista black ; palpi and sides of epistoma yellow. Mesonotum with three indistinct brownish stripes, the central one abbreviated behind and divided longitudinally by a brownish yellow line, lateral or subdorsal stripes abbreviated in front, and divided at the suture; pile mixed white and black; pleurae nearly bare,. pile of scutellum black, hal teres yellow. Abdomen brownish gray pollinose, pile white. Coxae black, pile white, femora except extreme tip of a brownish cast ; tip of femora, tibiae and basal half of metatarsi yellowish ; remainder of tarsi fuscous. Wings hyaline, veins dark brown, stigma yellow. Length, 6 mm. ; wings, 6.25 mm. Very close to S. cinerea Johns. On examination of two type specimens of cinerea, I noticed the palpi of the male to be black, and of the female to be black on the apical half. I wrote to Professor Johnson to examine the remaining type specimens, and he informs me that the tip of the palpi of these also are tinged with black. The third joint of the antennae is broader, and the abdomen is slightly different in color. One specimen, from Wasatch mountains, received from C. W. Johnson ; another one from Colorado. 440 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. . LEPTIS. TABLE TO THE SPECIES. 1. Black, blackish, or fuscous 2 Fiavous, ochraceous, or pale testaceous 12 2. Wings distinctly ornamented 3 Wings hyaline, gray or grayish subfuscous 5 3. Antennse and palpi black 4 AntennjB only partly black, palpi brownish, 8 mm mystaeea Macq. 4. Abdomen pale at base lyunctipenni s Say. Abdomen not pale at base phcmbea Say. 5. Abdomen at least with second, third and posterior margin of fourth seg- ments in part testaceous 6 Abdomen with only the posterior margins of the segments testaceous, incisa Loew. Abdomen wholly black; grayish pruinose pruinosa Bigot. Abdomen with first segment blackish at base, second and third segments with a large sinuous black band at base, following segments black, bordered with brown hoocliana Bigot. Second and third segments with a broad yellow band at base, the pos- terior margins of which are deeply emarginate (Mexico)., .bltceniata Bell. 6. Palpi black pilose 7 Palpi white or yellowish white pilose 8 7. Palpi black in ground color dimidiata Loew. Palpi yellow in ground color 2)alpali8f n. sp. 8. Coxae black 9 CoxEe yellow, or obscurely brownish yellow 10 9. First abdominal segment wholly black maculifera Bigot. First abdominal segment largely yellow albibarbis Bigot. 10. Mesonotum in certain lights subshining ^^ZewraZis, n. sp. Mesonotum opaque 11 11. Second and third segments wholly yellow except a black spot at base (female) albibarbis Bigot. Second and third segments with only the posterior margin yellow ( Mexico ) p>olitainiata Bell. 12. Wings spotted albieornis Say. Wings not spotted or luteous on costal or posterior margin 13 13. Abdomen with a dorsal series of black spots, with bases of segments fasciate black 14 Abdomen without such spots or fasciae 17 14. First antennal joint of the female, first two of male, black, 7.1-7.8 mm , scapularis Loew. Antennae otherwise colored 15 15. Antennae dilute luteous 16 Terminal joints only, of each sex, pale veriebrata Say. ADAMS : NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA. 441 16. Posterior tarsi brownish black, 10.7-13.5 mm eostata Loew. First joint of hind tarsi brownish yellow, 7 mm boscii Macq. Entire tarsi dull ferruginous, 8-9 mm intermedia Walk. 17. Pile of abdomen long, black on dorsum, pale on sides hirta Loew. Pile not long, differently distributed 18 18. First joint of the antennae black tenninalis Loew. First joint of antennae yellow ochrocea Loew. Some of the species in this table were given their position solely by reference to their descriptions ; hence their true loca- tion might have been missed. Leptis pleuralis, n. sp. Female : Head black, grayish pollinose, pile yellowish white, antennae brown, first joint yellowish, proboscis brownish yel- low ; mesonotum black, gray pollinose, viewed from behind SLibshining, except lateral margins and two subdorsal lines, short pile yellowish, longer ones more numerous and black ; humeri and postalar callosities tinged with yellow ; pleurae varie- gated with brown and yellow, almost wholly devoid of pile ; scutellum with a yellowish cast, brownish on top, halteres yel- low ; abdomen testaceous, a spot on the fourth segment, and fifth segment except narrow hind border, piceous, following segments opaque, pile mostly pale yellowish, a few black ones ; coxae and legs yellow, tip of tarsi brown, pile of coxae whitish yellow, those of legs short, yellow and intermixed with black ones ; wings hyaline, tinged with fuscous along anterior mar- gin and base, stigma almost obsolete. Length, 7 mm. One specimen ; Washington. Close to L. albibarbis Bigot, but is smaller, thorax subshiniug, coxae and legs less marked with fuscous. Leptis albibarbis Bigot. Bull. Soc. Zool. de France, xii, p. 18. A male specimen from Seattle, Wash., agrees with the female except that the coxae, femora largely, and scutellum are black ; the abdomen is yellow, a small spot on first, third, fourth and fifth segments, and sixth and seventh, except sides, black. A female specimen from the same source has the anterior coxae largely, and the two posterior pair at base, black, the front femora with an indistinct, subapical band, and the hind pair with the distal half brown. 442 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Leptis palpalis, n. sp, Male : Head black, occiput, frontal triangle, face and cheeks gray pollinose and white pilose ; proboscis and palpi yellow, pile of latter black ; antennae dark fuscous, tip of second joint, and third wholly, yellowish, arista black. Thorax black ; meso- notum brownish pollinose, marked with a hair-like line in the middle, two subdorsal broader ones, and lateral margins gray pollinose, pile black ; humeri testaceous, scutellum likewise, with base and pile black ; plurt^ gray pollinose, pile above front coxse, and on metapleurse white ; halteres yellow. First, second, third and fourth abdominal segments, except in middle and on sides, yellow ; remaining segments, except narrow posterior margins, black ; pile black. Coxae black, with white and black pile, trochanters black, femora, except poorly defined brown- ish ring in middle of the two anterior pair, and apical half of hind pair, yellow ; four front tibiae yellow, hind ones and all tarsi fuscous. Wings hyaline, with a subfuscous tinge, most prominent on anterior half and along veins ; stigma elongate. Length, 10.5 mm. One specimen ; Washington. Chrysops pachycera Will. Numerous specimens of each sex from the Bill Williams Fork, Arizona, compared with the types convince me that the male and female specimens Doctor Wiiliston had before him are, as he then suspected, and as Townsend later believed, of dif- ferent species. Furthermore, it has been pointed out to me (thanks to Prof. Jas. S. Hine)that the male of Doctor Williston's types is the male of C. prodivis O. S. Therefore the name pachycera must stand for the females of that description, to which I will add the following notes : The shining black in- tervals on the mesonotum are, in perfect specimens, covered with pollen which causes an apparent darker ground color on these parts. The pollen on these stripes is very easily dis- lodged, however, and in a large series of specimens one will find a goodly number presenting these vittae shining. The pollen of the scutellum is also easily rubbed off and leaves a shining ground color. The color of the female abdomen is variable. In some specimens the dark markings are very indis- tinct, especially on the first and second segments. In others ADAMS : NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA. 443 the general color is similar to that of the thorax, being darker only on the black markings. The male head agrees with that of the female. The mesonotum, except on sides which are whitish pollinose, is darker and with longer pile. The pleurae are generally largely yellowish pollinose, but often with only a longitudinal stripe above base of coxse. The coloration of the abdomen is not so variable as in the female, being yellow, with a prominent median double row of black spots, which are often broadly coalesced on the first, second and third segments, but do not reach the posterior margin. On the third, fourth, fifth and sixth segments are two lateral rows of black spots not at- taining the posterior margin. Often all the spots on the last segment coalesce and the segment is black, except the very nar- row lateral and posterior borders, and often the pollen is dis- lodged leaving the segment shining black. The wing agrees with the female wing, except the two basal cells are infuscated on their basal two-thirds. Halteres in each sex yellow. Psilocephala occipitalis, n. sp. Male : Occiput black, yellowish in the middle beneath, white pollinose, bristles small and yellowish, vertex yellowish polli- nose, front white pollinose, except upper angles, which are yellowish, face white pollinose, antennae yellow, first joint about twice the length of the second, third slightly longer than the first, its extreme tip and arista black, mouth-parts yellow, sparsely yellow pilose, cheeks yellow pollinose. Thorax yellow, mesnotum and dorsum of scutellum with a coating of yellow pollen, the very small yellow pile few in number, bristles yel- low, four in number on the scutellum, pleurae, under side of scutellum, and metanotum with a coating of white pollen, hal- teres 3'-ellow. Abdomen yellow, under side of first segment, apices of second and third white pollinose, sparse yellow pile scarcely perceptible, venter with first segment, apices of second, third and fourth narrowly white pollinose ; legs and their pile yellow, bristles brownish yellow, coxjie white pollinose. Wings hyaline, with a faint fuscous tinge, fourth posterior cell open. Length, 7.9 mm. One specimen ; Bill Williams Fork, Arizona. Collected by Dr. F. H. Snow. 444 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCJENCE BULLETIN, Psilocephala lateralis, n. sp. Male: Head black, front shiniug, except the lower corners, which are white pollinose, face white pollinose, antenna* black, third joint with a faint reddish cast at base, first and second with black bristles, first and third subequal in length, third broader at middle than at ends, arista small and acute, mouth- parts black, pile of palpi white, at junction of face and cheeks is a deep black spot, bearing short black pile, cheeks and oc- ciput white pollinose, the former with abundant white pile, bristles of latter black. Thorax black, dorsum of mesonotum and scutellum grayish brown pollinose, except broadly on sides, which are shining, pile yellowish white, bristles black, the lat- ter four in number on the scutellum, pleurae white pollinose and pilose, halteres lemon yellow. Abdomen black, shining, the first segment abundantly white pollinose, and pilose, like- wise the apices of the second and third segments, viewed from in front, the dorsum of all segments solid sericeous, which is scarcely visible from rear view, venter with the first and tip of second and third segments white pollinose, all segments sparsely white pilose, tip of hypopygium with a yellowish cast. Legs black, pile white, bristles black, coxa? white pollinose, middle and hind tibise and tarsi reddish yellow. Wings with a yellowish brown tinge, darkest on the anterior half, the fourth posterior cell closed and short petiolate. Length, 7 mm. One specimen; Bill Williams Fork, Arizona. Collected by Dr. F. H. Snow. Thereva anomala, n. ep. Male : Head and members black, front shining, in certain lights a sprinkling of white pollen can be detected along sides, face, cheeks, and occiput white pollinose, pile of vertex, front, face and mouth-parts black, of cheeks and occiput white, bris- tles of latter and of first joint of antennae black, first and third joint of antennae subequal in length, either about four times as long as the second. Thorax black, mesonotum gray pollinose, except broadly on sides which are shining, and with a mid-dor- sal line velvety black, pile and bristles black, scutellum gray pollinose, with four black bristles and rather numerous black pile, pluerae with a thin coating of white pollen, pile white, a rather prominent tuft of white pile before base of halteres, lat- ADAMS : NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA. 445 ter black. Abdomen black, pile \Yhite, dorsum of second and following segments, when viewed from before, solid sericeous, scarcely perceptible from behind, hind border of second seg- ment white pollinose, venter shining, except the narrow hind border of the second segment, pile white, tip of hypopygium yellowish. Cox?e and legs black, pile white, bristles black, front tibise anteriorly, middle and hind tibiae posteriorly, yel- low, and with coating of white pollen, base of middle and hind tarsi yellowish. Wings hyaline, with two brown cross-bands, one from stigma to apex of fourth posterior cell, the second from apex of second vein across submarginal cells to apex of first posterior cell. The female resembles the male except the pile of front and face is not so thick, and the abdomen is not sericeous. Length, male, 9 mm., and female, 10.2 mm. A specimen of each sex from Oak Creek canyon, Arizona. Collected by Dr. F. H. Snow. This species resembles certain forms of Psilocephala, but the pilosity of the face leaves no doubt of the generic position. Scenopinus mirabilis, n. sp. Female : Black, head and thorax subopaque, abdomen shin- ing, with short white pile ; first antennal joint slightly shorter than the second, closely applied to it, their separation difficult to see ; third joint twice as long as the first two together, tapering somewhat from the middle apically ; a small spot on humeri, and halteres yellow, abdomen broad and long, once and a half times as long as the wings, twice as long as the head and thorax together, knees and tarsi, except tips of latter, yellow ; wings hyaline, veins dark brown, width of first posterior cell at margin of wing is scarcely equal to the length of the small cross-vein. Length, 4 mm. One specimen ; Bill Williams Fork, Arizona. Collected by Dr. F. H. Snow. Were it not for the open first posterior cell and short submarginal cell, this species would well be located in PseudotricJiia . Scenopinus electa, n. sp. Male : Black, with very short white pile ; head and thorax subopaque, abdomen shining, hind margins of segments three, four and five white ; lower half of eyes of smaller facets than 446 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. upper half ; first and second joints of antennae of equal length, third two and a half times as long as both together, in certain lights third is of a brownish color, palpi linear, yellow at tip, knob of halteres pure white, knees and basal half of tarsi yel- lowish, all tibiae in certain lights brownish ; wings hyaline, veins brown, width of apex of first posterior cell but little less than the length of the small cross-vein. Female : Agrees with the male, except the palpi are very much enlarged at apex, clavate, tip brownish yellow, and none of the abdominal segments have white posterior borders. Length, 2.5 mm. A specimen of each sex ; Bill Williams Fork, Arizona. Col- lected by Dr. F. H. Snow. Nausigaster scutellaris, n. ep. Male : Black, whitish pollinose and punctulate as in N. jmnctulata Will., short pile of whole body white; occiput, vertex, front, face except tip of tubercle, white pollinose, the lower half of the face reddish brown, mouth-parts retracted, brownish, antennae yellow, base of arista brownish yellow. Dorsum of thorax with five subshining, bare, longitudinal vittEe, which in certain lights are bronze, the central one is straight, the two lateral ones converge and join posteriorly ; pleurtp uniformly pollinose and punctulate ; scutellum sub- shining, red, except extreme lateral angles and minute tubercles on posterior margin, which are black ; halteres yellowish white. Venter and apex of abdomen with a reddish cast, dorsum with five broad, indistinctly defined, subshining vittae, which in certain lights are bronze, the small concave space on base of second segment whitish pollinose, the pollen on either side of the median vittae arranged in crescentric spots, with the con- cavity toward the median line, the fourth segment possessing two pairs of such spots. Legs black, extreme apex of femora, tibiae and tarsi yellowish, a subapical band on hind tibiae, and hind metatarsi brown, claws black. Wings hyaline, with a very minute brown spot at apex of auxiliary vein, spurious vein scarcely perceptible beyond the small cross-vein, first posterior cell closed a very short distance from the wing mar- gin, last section of fourth vein without stump on anterior side, ADAMS : NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA. 447 but a very short one at angle on posterior side, the fifth vein is continued as a short stump beyond the posterior cross-vein. Length, 6 mm. Two specimens ; Congress Junction, Ariz. Collected by Dr. F. H. Snow. Nausigaster geminata Towns. A female specimen from Oak Creek canyon, Arizona, agrees with Townsend's description, except the spurious vein is nar- rowly bordered with brown, there is a small spot on apex of third vein, the third vein emits a stump on posterior side a lit- tle before the middle of the first posterior cell, the last section of the fourth vein has a stump on posterior side at first angle and one on anterior side at second angle, fifth vein is continued as a stump beyond the hind cross-vein. Nausigaster punctulata Will. A male specimen from Oak Creek canyon, Arizona, agrees with the description of this species, except the last section of the fourth vein emits a stump near its middle on the anterior side, the fifth vein is slightly infuscated just beyond the posterior basal cross-vein. Sphyximorpha snowi, n. sp. Female : Head yellow, the front from just above the ocelli to about half-way to antennae, a broad stripe on cheeks, a nar- row line from base of antennal process to mouth, and antennal process light reddish yellow; antennae fuscous, the third joint, except on inner sides at base, black ; mouth-parts fuscous ; occiput at the middle on the sides blackish, covered with whitish pollen ; pile of occiput and vertex white. Thorax red ; humeri, a spot on outer end of suture, a superalar stripe, a large spot on mesopleurcTi extending onto thesternopleuri?e,andpteropleurse, scutellum and hal teres yellow. Abdomen reddish, very little constricted at base, the first segment with a large yellow tri- angle on each anterior angle which reaches to the posterior border, the subtriangular space on dorsum is largely black ; the three following segments with a broad posterior yellow border, the last one of the three being a little over one-half the length of the segment in width. Legs reddish yellow, base of 2— Bull., No. 14. 448 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. all tibiae a shade lighter. Wiags hyaline, fuscous on anterior part, which color follows the spurious vein almost to the cross- vein, thence it borders the third vein posteriorly to the tip, a subhyaline space in each of the marginal and submarginal cells, the third vein bent deeply into the first posterior cell, and at this point bearing a stump posteriorly. Length, 12 mm. Two specimens ; Bill Williams Fork, Arizona. Dedicated to Dr. F. H. Snow, whose untiring energy results in so many good things. Conops gracilis Will. Specimens from Bill Williams Fork, Arizona, agree with this species, except the cheeks are generally blackish or red in color. This color varies in extent and is often resolved into numerous small dots. The attenuated portion of the antennal style is longer than in the type. The female differs from the male only in size, being larger, and the abdomen is more extensively pollinose. Tetanocera inopa, n. gp. Male: Head yellowish, occiput grayish pollinose, with a black spot in center, above which, in certain lights, shows a short whitish pruinose stripe on each side ; front opaque, viewed from behind shows a very narrow silvery stripe along the eyes, a median longitudinal shining stripe passing over the black ocellar tubercle, is excavated in front of it, and attains the anterior margin, where it is tinged with brown, a black spot on each side of the antennae, two more back of these, bear- ing the two lowest orbital bristles ; antennae testaceous, second joint shining, with bristly hairs above and below, slightly in- fuscated on upper side, third joint opaque, about equal to sec- ond in length, slightly excavated above, arista yellow and with white plumosity ; face and cheeks immaculate, yellow, in cer- tain lights whitish, mouth-parts yellow. Thorax testaceous; mesnotum grayish pollinose, bearing two subdorsal and two sublateral brown stripes ; scutellum fuscous in center above, grayish pollinose on sides, with four bristles ; pleurae subshining ; hal teres yellow, knobs slightly infuscated. Abdomen brown- ish yellow, dark brown on dorsum, posterior borders of segments lighter, hyp'opygium sordid yellow. Legs yellow, last three ADAMS : NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA. 449 joints of fore tarsi and last two of both intermediate and hind tarsi blackish. The interrupted brown border of the wings does not reach the third longitudinal vein, the remainder of the wing very indistinctly reticulated, the hyaline spots arrange themselves on each side of the veins and leaves a very narrow brown band in the center of the interval. Length, 4.5 mm. One specimen ; Washington. ICTERICA. TABLE TO THE SPECIES. 1. The brown border at apex of wing contains a hyaline streak following the margin from just beyond the tip of second vein to just before tip of fourth vein fasciata, n. sp. The brown border not interrupted at this point 2 2. Two large brown spots completely surrounding the cross-veins, lichtensteinii Wied. Brown near cross- veins dissolved into smaller reticulations 3 3. The recticulations in the center of wing consist of small angular spots, arranged in double rows between the veins seriata Loew. The reticulations consist of small brown ringlets, either open or closed, circinata Loew. Icterica fasciata, n. sp. Male and female : Head and members yellow, arista, except extreme base, and bristles of front brownish. Thorax yellow, covered with yellow pollen and pile, bristles of mesonotum and scutellum yellowish brown, the latter four in number, halteres yellow. Abdomen yellow, shining, with yellow pile and pollen, ovipositor shining, its tip black. Legs, their bristles and pile, yellow. Wings brownish yellow reticulated, the reticulations, as in I. circinata Loew, consist of brownish ringlets, some open and some closed, but near the center of the wing the ringlets are of bolder face and of a darker shade of brown, causing a distinct band, arising at stigma and passing over both cross- veins to posterior border of wing, it is slightly concave, the concavity toward the base of wing, the costal border before stigma is yellow except for two indistinct brownish spots, and then for two-thirds the distance to tip of second vein is yellow, except for one small spot, the last third of this distance, or just before second vein, is brown save for two, sometimes three, small yellow spots, the first of which attains the costa, from tip of second vein there is a continuous brown band bordering 450 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. the wing around to the third posterior cell, and containing a small yellow dot just after tip of second vein, a narrow hyaline Streak along apex of wing, three hyaline spots on border of wing in second posterior cell, and three in third posterior cell, from here to anal angle the wing border consists of an alterna- tion of indistinct brown and hyaline spots ; otherwise the wing resembles very much that of /. circinata Loew. Length, 4.5 mm. Numerous specimens ; Bill Williams Fork, Arizona. Col- lected by Dr. F. H. Snow. URELLIA. TABLE TO THE SPECIES. 1. Scutellum with two bristles 2 Scutellum with four bristles 11 2. Basal half of wing with faded, but regular, reticulations, which consist principally of short, parallel streaks crossing the cells fiava, n. sp. Basal half not so marked 3 3. The rays on anterior side of large wing spot fused conjuncta, n. sp. These rays not fused 4 ■4. The Y-shaped mark at apex of wing absent or imperfect 5 The Y-shaped mark present 7 5. The anterior branch of the Y-shaped mark present nigrieornis Coq. The anterior branch absent or represented by a dot 6 6. Middle femora without bristles Imperfecta Coq. Middle femora with four or five bristles below femoralis Thom. radifera Coq. 7. Small crosB-vein surrounded by the brown color 8 Small cross-vein partly or wholly surrounded by hyaline 10 8. Fifth vein with a grayish brown spot or streak 9 Fifth vein without any marking biseiosa Coq. 9. Two rays in apex of discal cell occidentalis, n. sp. Only one ray in apex of discal cell vicina Wulp. 10. Fifth ray with a small dot near center of discal cell actinohola Loew. Fifth ray without such dot mevarna Walk. 11. Basal half of wing with regular reticulations of short parallel streaks across the cells nhstetsa Loew. Basal half not so marked 12 12. Apex of discal cell with one ray eugenia Wulp. Apex of discal cell with more than one ray 13 13. Third posterior cell wholly hyaline poly dona Loew Third posterior cell with markings 14 14. Third vein with bristles aldrichii Doane. Third vein without bristles 15 15. Third posterior cell with three rays paoifica Doane. Third posterior cell with two rays stigmatica, Coq. ADAMS: NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA. 451 Of some of the synonymy given by Mr. Coquillett in this group I am not prepared to approve or disapprove. Some of the species removed by hira from this genus, however, I be- lieve belong more properly to it than to any other. Urellia flava, n. ep. Female : Body wholly covered with yellow pollen ; head and members yellow, arista and frontal bristles black, those of the occiput yellow. Thorax yellow, the mesonotum appears through the pollen to be black in ground color, metanotum likewise black, short pile yellow, bristles of mesonotum and scutellum black, latter two in number, halteres yellow. Abdomen yel- low, the last two segments appear through the pollen to be blackish, ovipositor subshining yellow, tip black, pile yellow. Legs wholly yellow, with yellow bristles and pile. Wings very much like those of U. abstersa Loew, but the reticulations on proximal half are yellowish and become uniformly fused along the first ray from the subapical spot, the anterior branch of the Y-shaped mark at tip of wing is not connected with the ray preceding it, between the Y-shaped mark and the third vein is a deej) black spot which on transmitted light is opaque and stands out from the surrounding less dark color, the same color exists in the tip of the small ray ending at the apex of the sec- ond vein, also in the apex of the short but broader ray preced- ing ; otherwise the wing is as in U. abstersa Loew. Length, 3 mm. One specimen ; Bill Williams Fork, Arizona. Collected by Dr. F. H. Snow. Urellia conjuncta, n. ep. Female : Head and members yellow, arista and frontal bristles brownish black, those of the occiput yellow. Thorax black, gray pollinose, humeri, a spot before base of wing, pile and halteres yellow, bristles of mesonotum and scutellum black, the latter two in number. Abdomen black, gray pollinose, sub- shining, pile yellow, ovipositor shining black, with a few yel- low pile at base. Legs yellow. The large spot on the wing has all the rays in front of the fourth vein fused, emitting only five rays on posterior side of this vein, the spot reaches along the costa to a point half-way between a point opposite the small cross-vein and tip of first vein, at which place it possesses a small hyaline dot, in base of first posterior cell is a hyaline spot 452 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. " nearly as long as the width of the cell, another smaller one nearly over the hind cross- vein, besides the two subparallel rays in second posterior cell the large spot projects beyond the fourth vein, forming an irregular border to it, the hind cross- vein possesses one of the rays and the discal cell has two short rays near the apex, one arising under the small cross-vein and the other midway between the two cross-veins, there is a small dot on fifth vein near middle of discal cell, beginning at the small cross-vein and running to the stigma is a subfuscous tinge which proceeds proximad, filling the base of the marginal and submarginal cells, both basal cells, and the basal half of the discal cell. Length, 3.8 mm. One specimen ; Bill Williams Fork, Arizona. Collected by Dr. F. H. Snow. This species may require a new genus, yet I consider it nothing but an Urellia with all the anterior rays of the wing spot fused. Urellia occidentalis, n- sp. Male and female : Head and members yellow, upper part of front and occiput brownish, arista and frontal bristles black, those of the occiput yellow. Thorax black, gray pollinose, short pile, humeri, and spot before base of wings yellow, bris- tles of mesonotum and scutellum black, the latter two in num- ber, halteres yellow. Abdomen black, gray pollinose, pile yellow, ovipositor shining, a few pile at base. Legs reddish yellow, pile and bristles yellow. Wings hyaline, the first ray of the subapical spot passes to stigma and is about as wide as the first posterior cell, its base surrounds the small cross-vein, on each side of which, near the fourth vein, is sometimes a very small hyaline dot, second ray arises half-way between the second and third veins, opposite the posterior cross-vein, and ends in costa opposite the mid-point between the two cross- veins, a hyaline spot at apex of second vein, no ray before the Y-shaped mark, base of latter one-third as wide as the first posterior cell, on under side of subapical spot are five subpar- allel rays, the middle, or third one, is on the hind cross-vein, the last two cross the discal cell to the fifth vein, then the last one borders the fifth vein to the base of discal cell, in the first ADAMS : NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA. 453 posterior cell, and nearly above the hind cross-vein, is a rather large hyaline spot. Length, male, 3.5 mm., and female, 4 mm. Six specimens ; Palo Alto, Cal., and Lance creek, Wyoming. Blachiptera bilineata, n. sp. Female : Head yellow ; frontal triangle, occiput, except on the lower part, tip of third antennal joint, and arista black ; pile yellow. Thorax shining black, pile yellow ; mesonotum sparsely punctured, two subdorsal rows of grayish yellow, mi- croscopic hairs, the rows widen caudad and almost meet in front of the scutellum ; scutellum black, coarsely punctured, apical tubercles small ; halteres light yellow. Abdomen shining black, pile yellow. Coxae and legs yellow, anterior tibiae and all tarsi brownish. Wings hyaline, veins at base of wing yel- lowish, on remaining part brownish, third and fourth veins be- yond discal cell parallel, hind cross- vein more than its length from the small cross-vein. Length, 2.7 mm. One specimen ; Oak Creek canyon, Arizona. Collected by Dr. F. H. Snow. Hippelates splendens, n. sp. Female : Head black ; narrow anterior border of front, face, antennjie except apex, and palpi yellow ; frontal triangle shining. Thorax shining black ; mesonotum and scutellum sparsely punc- tured, each puncture bearing a short whitish hair, scutellum also with an apical pair of bristles ; halteres yellow. Abdomen black; venter yellowish basally, pile yellowish. Coxae black, femora except apex, concolorous, tibiae and tarsi yellow. Wings hyaline, veins yellowish brown. Length, 2.2 mm. One specimen; Lusk, Wyo. Collected by Hugo Kahl. 454 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. LIMOSINA. TABLE TO THE SPECIES. 1. Third section of costal vein longer than the second 2 Third section of the costal vein shorter or equal to the second 6 2. Distal section of second vein longer than the first section of the third. . . 3 Distal section of second vein not longer than the first section of the third luguhris Will. 3. Last section of third vein with a decided curvature forward, ending a considerable distance before apex of wing pe7'2)Cirva Will. Third vein without such curvature, ending near apex of wing 4 4. Wings wholly hyaline exigua, n. sp. Wings at least somewhat inf uscated on anterior portion 5 5. Front shining occidentalis, n. sp. Front largely opaque sordlpes, n. sp. 6. Scutellum deep opaque black, noticeably different from the mesonotum, .Scutellaria Will. Scutellum not noticeablly different from the mesonotum 7 7. Third vein nearly straight, ending at tip of wing 8 Third vein curving forward, ending before apex of wing 9 8. Scutellum shining cequalis Grimshaw. Scutellum opaque 2^'^^'^^^'^ Will. 9. Scutellum with reddish margin dolorosa Will. Scutellum not so marked 10 10. Front marked with red 11 Front not marked with red 12 11. Front also with small silvery spots venalicia O. S. Front without such spots illota Will. 12. Entirely black atra Adams. Not entirely black 13 13. Cheeks and mouth-parts largely yellow aetigera Adams. Cheeks and mouth-parts black 14 14. Scutellum with eight bristles fontinali.s Fall. Scutellum with six bristles aldriehi Will, Limosina exigua, n. sp. Male and female : Front opaque black, with median line shining, occiput black, shining, face, cheeks and mouth-parts dull light colored ; antennae black, arista pubescent. Thorax black, shining, pleurae with a brownish cast, halteres white. Abdomen black, shining, venter brownish. Wings hyaline, third section of costa longer than second, first section with a few long bristly hairs, last section of second vein longer than the first section of the third, joining the costa nearly opposite ADAMS ; NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA. 455 the apex of discal cell, distal portion of third vein nearly- straight, ending slightly before apex of wing. Length, .8-. 9 mm. Numerous specimens; Las Cruces, N. M. Limosina occidentalis, n. sp. Male : Head shining, vertex and lower part of face black, remainder with a brownish cast, antennse dark brown, second joint with a coronet of strong bristles, arista pubescent. Thorax shining dark brown, pleurae obscurely marked with yellow, halteres whitish. Abdomen brownish black, apex black, shining. Coxse and legs brownish yellow, shining, tarsi yellow. Wings hyaline, anterior portion, except a triangular space beyond apex of second longitudinal vein, and narrowly along fifth vein, infuscated, third section of costa longer than second, distal section of second vein longer than first section of third, joining costa slightly beyond the apex of discal cell, third vein straight, ending near apex of wing. Length, 1.75 mm. One specimen; Palo Alto, Cal. Collected by R. W. Doane. Limosina sordipes, n. sp. Male and female : Front opaque black, occiput, vertex, face and cheeks shining black, mouth-parts and antennae black, arista pubescent. Thorax black, mesonotum and scutellum subopaque black, pleurae obscurely marked with yellow, knobs of halteres brownish. Abdomen shining brownish black, pos- terior margins narrowly light brown. Coxae and legs brown- ish, tarsi yellowish. Wings hyaline, subfuscous on anterior portion, most marked on second and third longitudinal veins, third section of costa longer than second, distal section of sec- ond vein longer than the first section of third vein, joining costa slightly beyond apex of discal cell, third vein nearly straight, ending slightly before apex of wing. Length, 1-1.4 mm. Numerous specimens; Brookings, S. Dak. THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vol. II, No. 15-June, 1904. (Whole Series, Vol. XII, No, 15.) CONTENTS: Coal Measure Faunal Studies, III — Lower Coal Measures, J. W, Beede and Austin F. Rogn-s. PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY, Lawrence, Kan. Entered at the post-office in Lawrence as second-class matter. Kansas Dniversit! Science Bulletin. Vol. II, No. 15. JUNE, 1904. l^o'^xV^^^'k COAL MEASURE FAUNAL STUDIES, III. LOWEE GOAL MEASUKES. BY J. W. BEEDE AND AUSTIN F. ROGERS.^ T^HE authors are aware that the term "Coal Measures" is- becoming obsolete, but, for the sake of uniformity, the title will be continued in this and the succeeding papers. This also is true of certain fossils given in the lists, such as the Pleurotomarias and the Bellerophons. In the final paper the terminology of the fossils will be carefully brought up to date. In collecting the material from the Lower Coal Measures the authors, working together, endeavored to collect quantitively the fossils found in the various horizons. The fact that one was interested in the Bryozoa and the smaller Crustacea, while the other was more familiar with the other forms, has, we hope, tended to make the results more complete. Aside from this, every effort was made to eliminate the personal equation so far as possible. Particular care was taken not to overlook the com- moner forms in order to secure the more rare ones. The latter were, however, industriously sought, but every specimen seen was noted and, whenever possible, was taken. However, these lists are not to be looked upon as complete, for the faunas of each horizon will be very materially increased by prolonged and careful collecting. Our collections are sufficiently com- plete, we believe, to show most of the salient features of the faunas as units. The remaining additions will consist largely of extending the known range of the forms in associated rocks* and the discovery of rare and unique species. In the following lists the usual conventional characters in- 1, The work of the authors in this paper was coordinate and the seniority of authors is without significance. (459) 460 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. dicatiag the relative abundance of specimens are employed,' but in the final paper an entirely different and more definite scheme will be followed. The discussion of the range anddistributionof species and other important subjects will be given in the final paper, which will probably follow two other papers on the fauna of the Coal Measures. Doctor Girty^ has published lists of fossils assigned to the rocks here under consideration, but no localities from which they were taken are given. For convenience in comparing our lists with his, the species common to both lists will be followed by an asterisk in our list, and those not represented in our list will be given as foot-notes to the list of each horizon. In no case are his species to be considered as incorporated in our lists. For a synopsis of the literature on the Lower Coal Measures the reader is referred to Adams's recent paper,* which gives a review of the literature and synonomy of the formations. The rocks here included under the term "Lower Coal Meas- ures" are the following: Dudley (Upper Pleasanton) shales. Altamont (Parsons)' limestone. Bandera (Lower Pleasanton) shales. Pawnee limestone. Labette shales. Fort Scott (Oswego) limestone (Lower, Shales, and Upper). Cherokee shales. CHEROKEE SHALES. The Cherokee shales are from 400 to 500 feet in thickness, heavily coal-bearing, and, on the whole, rather arenaceous, though their texture varies from jet black carbonaceous shales through sandstone to limestone at various places and horizons. Fossils are, as a rule, very rare. We were able to discover few save in the calcareous layers of small extent. These were found at Cherokee, Oswego, and Frontenac. In these layers fossils .are abundant. These horizons are all in the upper part of the shales, no fossils having been found in the lower part. 2. aa = very abundant; a = abundant; c = common. The remainder are indicated by x. 3. Bull. 211, U. S. Geol. Surv., pp. 29-34. 1903. 4. Bull. 211, U. S. Geol. Surv., 1903. ,5. The term "Altamont" seems to have been changed arbitrarily to " Parsons," which should not be used. BKEDE AND ROGERS : FAUNAL STUDIES, III. 461 The localities from which our fossils were taken are the fol- lowing, which are briefly indicated in the list : (a) Coal-shaft one mile southwest of Cherokee, Kan. The fossils are from a calcareous and pyritiferous layer some distance above the coal. (6) A limestone lens one-half mile west of Cherokee, northwest of the county high school building and east of the old smelter, on the south (east) bank of the little creek. It is probably four or five feet in thickness, though very poorly exposed, (c) North Leavenworth and Riverside coal-shafts, at Leavenworth, Kan., and the Carr coal-shaft at Richardson. The coal mined in these shafts is in the Cherokee shales, (d) Coal-shaft one and one- half miles northeast of Frontenac, Kan. The fossils occur in a buff earthy limestone above the coal, (e) Strip-pit coal-mine one and one-half miles southeast of Oswego, Kan. Doctor Newlon informed Doctor Rogers when there that this pit was the locality and horizon from which the type specimens of the cephalopods described by Hyatt and listed below were taken. Doctor Newlon collected the cephalopods referred to. Axophyllum sp Axophyllum rude White and St. John, Chfetetes milleporaceous Edwards and Haime Lophophyllum profundum (Edwards and Haitne )* Lophophyllum sp Fistulipora noduiifera Meek Prigmopora triangulata White Rhombopora sp Ambocoelia planoconvexa (Shumard). . . Chonetes granulifer Owen Chonetes flemmingi Norwood and Prat- ten* Chonetes mesolonusJ o a <" °S c S .a-- 0-' cs o o m a s> a o u o a. b. c. d. e. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ? X X X c X X c X X X X X X X X X X X X 462 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN, O (SO M • M*^ ffl 2 ® a S" 5- a, b. Orbiculoidea missouriensis (Shumard), x Productus cora d'Orbigny x x Productus longispinus (Sowerby) c Productus muricatus Norwood and Pratten* a c Productus nebrascensie Owen* x Productus semireticulatus (Martin) x x Pugnax Utah (Marcou) Reticularia perplexa (McChesney) x a Seminula argentia (Shepard)* c c Spirifer cameratus Morton* x x Spiriferina ken tuckiensis (Shumard) Allorisma costatum Meek and Worthen, x AUorisma subcuneatum Meek and Hay- den X Astartella ? sp Astartella varica McChesney? Aviculopecten interlineatus Meek and Worthen x Aviculopecten occiden talis ( Shumard ) ? x Aviculopecten rectilaterarius Cox Aviculopecten sp x Aviculopecten sp Entoliumaviculatum (Swallow)?? x Macrodon ? sp Macrodon tenuistriatus Meek and Worthen ? x Myalina sp Nucula?sp X Nucula ventricosa Hall Nuculana bellistriata attenuata Meek, Pelecypod sp Pelecypod sp Schizodus sp x x Yoldia knoxensis McChesney Aclisina minuta ( Stevens ) c Bellerophon carbonaria Cox ? Bellerophon montfortianum Norwood and Pratten Bulimorpha inornata (Meek and Worthen ) Bulimorpha sp x Dentalium sp Gastropod sp x Gastropod sp x Loxonema sp x . . . . Loxonema sp x . . . . Pleurotomaria brazoeneis Shumard. ... x a A > t- ea 0 a a 2 c ID if 6 c. d. e. c c X X a aa a X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X . BEEDE AND ROGERS : FAUNAL STUDIES, III. 463 o a. a> u (0 a CH 2 S §5 > b flO o 5 a 0 J-S • ^ b CO 0-' b o b. c. d. e. Pleurotomaria ecitula Meek and Wor- then? Pluerotomaria sp Pleurotomaria cf. subBinuatum Meek and Worthen Pleurotomaria sphcerulata Conrad Spha?rodoma intercalaris (Meek and Worthen ) Sphferodoma sp Strophostylus nanus (Meek and Wor- then)? Asymtoceras newloni Hyatt Cephalopod sp Domatoceras umbilicatus Hyatt Orthoceras cribosum Geinitz Orthoceras sp Temnocheilus crassus Hyatt Temnocheilug depressus Hyatt Temnocheilus latus Hyatt X X X X X X X Doctor Girty (op. cit., p. 29) also accredits Lingula carbonaria to this horizon. FORT SCOTT LIMESTONE. This terra includes three strata, the Lower Fort Scott lime- stone, as hale bed about seven or eight feet thick, and the Upper Fort Scott limestone. Each of these three strata will be treated separately, beginning with the Lower Fort Scott Limestone. — A massive, gray, argillaceous limestone about four and one-half feet thick, resting on the Cherokee shales. At Fort Scott it is locally known as the "cement rock," and is extensively used for hydraulic cement. Fossils are fairly well disseminated throughout the mass. Localities : (a) Fort Scott, at the cement works north of the city, across the Marmaton river ; in the city, at the cement works just south of the Frisco railroad station, and at quarries about the town. (6) At Oswego, Kan., in a railroad cut just east of the Frisco station, (c) McCune ; railroad cut just east of town. 464 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. o £ o a a. b. Fusulinella sp c c Aulopora? anna Beede? * x x Campophyllum torquium Owen * x Chaetetes milleporaceous Edwards and Haime x a Lophophyllum prof undum (Edwards and Haime)* x Syringopora sp x x Archaeocidaris sp x Fenestella sp x Fenestella wortheni Ulrich ? x Fistulipora nodulifera Meek x x Poly pora elliptica Rogers x . . . . . Polypora submarginata Meek ? x Prismopora triangulata White * c c Rhombopora lepidodendroides Meek c Rhombopora sp. x Septopora sp x Stenopora carbonaria (Worthen) x Streblotrypa prisca Gabb and Horn x Ambocoelia planoconvexa (Shumard) a Chonetes flemmingi Norwood and Pratten c Chonetes mesolobus Norwood and Pratten* c Chonetes sp Chonetes verneuilianus Norwood and Pratten x .... Derbya crassa (Meek and Hayden) c .... Derbya keokuk Hall ? x .... Hustedia mormoni (Maroou) x Meekella striaticostata (McChesney)* c Productus cora d'Orbigny * , x x Productus costatus (Sowerby) ? x Productus longispinus (Sowerby) a a Productus muricatus Norwood and Pratten a Productus pertenuis Meek x .... Productus punctatus Martin* a a Productus semireticulatus (Martin)* c a Pugnax Utah (Marcou) x Reticularia perplexa (McChesney) x x Seminula argentia (Shepard)* c c Spirifer cameratus Morton* c c Spiriferina kentuckiensis (Shumard) x Allorisma subcuneatum Meek and Hayden c Aviculopecten carboniferus (Stevens) x Aviculopecten providencesis Cox x Aviculopecten sp x Myalina subquadrata Shumard x .... Pelecypod sp x Schizodus harii Miller ? x .... Bellerophon bellus Keyes ? x Bellerophon crassus Meek and Worthen x .... BEEDE AND ROGERS : PAUNAL STUDIES, III. 465 i 6 i o X « En O S a, b. c. Bellerophon sp x Euomphalus sp. cf. subrugosus Meek and Worthen x Gastropod sp x Pleurotomaria sp x Sphterodoma ? sp x , Straparollus sp x , Strophostylus nanus (Meek and Worthen) x ... , Ephippoceras divisum White and St. John x . . . . , Orthoceras sp x Phillipsia major Shumard x Griffithides scitula (Meek and Worthen) x x Fish spine x , Fish tooth X Girty also refers the following fossils to the horizon, without locality : Fusulina cylindrica. Edmondia sp. Sponge. Trepospira sphaerulata. Rhipidomella pecosi. Naticopsis altonensis. Productus nebrascensis. Loxonema ? sp. Allorisma terminale. Reference should be made here to Dr. John Bennett's list of fossils from the vicinity of Fort Scott, the fossils of which were collected during his residence there, and the list compiled, re- ferring the species to their exact horizon, for the University- Geological Survey.*' There are about twenty-eight such species in the list from the Lower Fort Scott limestone.^ Shales bettueen the Fort Scott Limestones. — Seven or eight feet of bituminous shale. The extremely calcareous shales at the top were classed in with the limestone above, which accounts for the very few species given here under this head. The bitu- 6, Vol. I, 1896, pp. 286, 287. 7. In order to naake the information of this paper as complete as possible, these species are quoted here, all from the vicinity of Fort Scott: Axophyllum rudis. Naticopsis ventricosa. Cyathaxonia distorta. Pleurotomaria broadheadi. Cheetetes carbonarias. Pleurotomaria speciosa. Athyris lamellosa. Pleurotomaria sphaerulata. Discina nitida. Pleurotomaria turbiniformis. Orthis (carbonaria) pecosi. Conularia crustula. Productus americana. Qoniatites sp. Productus nebrascensis. Nautilus ferratus. Edmondia aspenwallensis. Nautilus occidentalis. Nucula ventricosa. Orthoceras rushense. Nuculana bellistriata. Orthoceras sp. Bellerophon carbonaria. Dithyrocaris sp. Bellerophon montfortianus. Petrodus occidentalis. Bellerophon percarinatus. Scales and dermal plates of fish. In addition to these, there are several others in his list which may or may not be represented in our list. 466 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. minous shales, where we saw them, were nearly non-fossilifer- ous. The fossils mentioned below were taken from the railroad cut just east of the Frisco depot and at McCune : Orbiculoidea misgouriensis (Shumard)*, common at both localities. Fish tooth ? at Fort Scott. Girty refers the following (all of which, except Spirifer cam- eratus Morton, are included in our list from the upper lime- stone) to this horizon : Axophyllum rude. Marginifera muricata. Rhipidomella pecosi. Spirifer cameratus. Chonetes mesolobus. Spiriferina kentuckiensis. Chonetes flemmingi. Cleiothyris orbiculatus. Doctor Bennett gives the following : Chonetes mesoloba. Goniatites sp. Spirifer planoconvexus. Petrodus occidentalis, Bellerophon percarinatus. Scales and dermal plates of fish. Pleurotomaria broadheadi. Spines of fish. Pleurotomaria sphterulata. Most of these are also included in our list from the limestone which follows. Upper Fort Scott Limestone. — A limestone from ten to fourteen feet thick, weathering gray or buff. It is usually rather thinly bedded, and in the upper part unevenly so. It is quite rich in fossils. Localities at which collections were made : (a) Cement works across the Marmaton river, and at the Minden branch Missouri Pacific railroad crossing in the west part of Fort Scott. (6) Just east of Santa Fe station at Girard. (c) In the road in a ravine two and one-half miles east of Girard. (d) McCune, in the edge of town just west of the creamery, railroad cut just east of the station, and two and one-half miles west of town on Mr. Welsh's place ( quarry in the yard ) . ■a ■ta O m V t4 a. b. Fusulinella sp c x Aulopora sp x Axophyllum rude White and St. John* c x Campophyllum torquium Owen x Chaetetes milleporaceous Edwards and Haime*, aa Lophophyllum profundum (Edwards and Haime) x .... as a a c. d. C C X X . X a a X BEKDE AND ROGERS : FAUNAL STUDIES, III. 467 o u CO c a 3 o o Lophophyllum westii Beede Michejinia eugeneje White x Erisocrinus sp x Areha?ocidariB sp Serpula insista White x Fenestella limbata Foerste {*?) x Fistulipora nodulifera Meek x Pinnatopota whitei Foerste x Polypora sp.* x Prismopora triangulata White c Rhombopora delicata Rogers x Rhombopora lepidodendroides Meek * Stenopora carbonaria Worthen x Thamniscus ? sp x Amboccelia planoconvexa (Shumard)* c Chonetes flemmingi Norwood and Pratten * x Chonetes mesolobus Norwood and Pratten * c Cleiothyris roissyi L'Eveill*?"^ x Crania modesta White and St. John x Derbya bennetti Hall and Clarke x Derbya sp x Dielesma bovidens ( Morton ) x Hustedia mormoni (Marcou)* x Productus auriculatus Swallow ? Productus cora d'Orbigny Productus longispinus Sowerby c Productus muricatus Norwood and Pratten * . . c Productus pertenuis Meek Pugnax Utah ( Marcou ) Reticularia perplexa ( McChesney ) * a Rhipidomella pecosi (Marcou ) x Seminula argentia (Shepard) * c Spirifer sp x Spiriferina kentuckiensis { Shumard ) x Strophalosia spondyliformisWhiteandSt. John, Aviculopecten carboniferus (Stevens) x Aviculopecten interlineatus Meek and Worthen, x Conocardium acadianum Dawson Conocardium parishi Worthen x Edmondia cf. aspenwallensia Meek ( * ? ) x Lima sp x Macrodon sp Macrodon tenuistriata Meek ? Pelecypod sp Pseudomonotis ep Schizodus wheeleri Swallow ? x cS .-CI a b. c. X d. X X X X X X X X c c X X X X X X X X X c ? X X X X X X X X X c c c c c c X X X c c 0 c c c X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 8. The identification of this species in this paper is provisional. 468 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. o OS u o u '6 b. a a B ulimorpha chrysalis ( Meek and Worthen ) ? . Bulimorpha ap Dentalium sp Gastropods 2 or 3 indeterminable species Gastropod sp Platyceras sp Strophostylus nanus (Meek and Worthen).. Cephaiopod sp Gastrioceras ? sp Nautilus planovolvis (Shumard) Cypridella americana Rogers MSS Cypridina sp Cypridinella sp Cyclus sp Cyclus packardi Rogers ' Griffithides scitula (Meek and Worthen) . . . Grifflthides sp Psammodus sp X X X X X X X c X c c X c X X c X X X c c Girty refers the following additional species here without locality : Fusulina cylindrica. Marginifera wabashensis. Syringopora ? sp. Cleiothyris orbicularis. Meekella striaticostata. Aviculopecten occidentalis. Productus semireticulatus. Euchondria neglecta. Productus sp. Ostracoda (probably included in Productus punctatus. above list). Doctor Bennett gives twenty-eight species from the Upper Fort Scott limestone, at Fort Scott, about fifteen of which are not mentioned in our list from this horizon.' LABETTE SHALES. Thirty-five to fifty feet of bituminous, calcareous and arena- ceous shales with, locally, some fossils. Our specimens were taken from practically two localities : (a) At Fort Scott, one mile east of the city and one and one-half miles southwest of the city, near the Minden branch of the Mis- souri Pacific railroad. (/>) One and one-half miles southwest of Laneville, on Alexander Slain's place. 9, Zaphrentis gibsoni ? Discina nitida. Streptorhynchus crassus. Aviculopecten sp. Nncula ventricosa. Nuculana bellistriata. Bellerophon carbonaria. Bellerophon percarinatus. Bellerophon sp. Euomphalus rugosus. Loxonema rngosa ?. Loxonema intercalaris. Naticopsis altonensis. Pleurotomaria sp. Gonialites sp. Scales, dermal plates and spines of fish. BKKDK AND ROGERS : FAUNAL STUDIES, III. 469 Lophophy Hum sp. * Stenopora carbonaria (Worthen ) Amboccelia planoconvexa (Shumard) Chonetes granulifer Owen ? Chonetes mesolobus Norwood and Pratten*. Derbya crassa ( Meek and Hayden ) * Orbiculoidea missouriensis (Shumard ) Productus cora d'Orbigny Productus longispinus Sowerby Productus muricatus Norwood and Pratten. .Productus nebrascensis Owen Rhipidomella pecosi ( Marcou ) Seminula argentia ( Shepard ) Astartella sp Aviculopecten rectilaterarius Cox Edmondia sp Myalina ewallowi McChesney Nucula ventricosa Hall * Nuculana bellistriata attenuata Meek Aclisina minuta ( Stevens ) Pleurotomaria sp o o 00 o a. 0 X c X a a a c c c X >■ o a as b. C X X c X X Girty refers Rhomhopora lejndodendroides to this horizon. 9 0 c X X PAWNEE LIMESTONE. A heavy stratum of limestone thirty-five or more feet in thick- ness, resting on the Labette shales. The base of the limestone is often a dark buff or even a chocolate-brown color, while the stone above is very much lighter. That part of the layer rest- ing on the browner-colored rock is frequently very coarsely brec- ciated, the individual fragments frequently reaching an inch or more in diameter. At Farlington this brecciated portion is about ten feet thick. Over the breccia is another massive limestone. Most of our fossils were taken from the lower part of the forma- tion. The localities were as follows : (a) Just north of the National cemetery, southeast of Fort Scott, (h) Bridge over Marmaton river, one-half mile south and one and one-half miles west of Marmaton station, (c) Farlington, northeast of the station, on the little creek, {d) One and one-half miles northwest of Girard, on S. S. Gruber's place, (e) One mile southwest of Laneville, on Alexander Slain's place. 470 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. o u « o a. Fusulinella sp c Amblysiphonella ? Bryozoan ? x Aulopora sp Axophyllum rude White and St. John, x Axophyllum sp Campophyllum torquium Owen Chaetetee milleporaceous (Edwards and Haime ) * a Lophophyllum profundum (Edwards and Haime)* x Lophopy Hum ? sp * Lophophyllum westii Beede* Michelinia eugene* White Archaeocidaris sp Chainodictyon laxum Foerste x Fenestella limbata Foerste x Fenestella sp Fistulipora nodulifera Meek c Pinnatopora sp c Pinnatopora whitei Foerste c Polypora elliptica Rogers c Polypora sp Prismopora triangulata White -. . . x Rhombocladia delicata Rogers c Rhombopora lepidodendroides Meek Stenopora carbonaria (Worthen) Amboccelia planoconvexa (Shumard)*, c Brachiopod? sp., a bazarre form Brachiopod sp. , perhaps a productoid Chonetes flemmingi Norwood and Prat- ten* c Chonetes mesolobus Norwood and Prat- ten X Cleiothyris roissyi L'Eviell^ (*?) x Crania modesta White and St. John ... x Cryptacanthia compacta White and St. John c Dielasma bovidens ( Morton ) Hustedia mormoni (Marcou )* c Meekella striaticostata (McChesney) Orthotetes sp Productus cora d'Orbigny Productus costatus Sowerby x Productus longispinus Sowerby (*?)... c ProductusmuricatusNorwoodand Prat- ten X Productus pertenuis Meek x Productus semireticulatus (Martin)* a s a u a 3 a ce 1^ 2 ••H £ > a as b. c. d. e. e X C a a X X X X c c X Z a a c X X a a X c X X c X c X X c c X c X c X X X c X X • . • ■ ■ • c 0 c c X X X X X X a X X X X c X X X a c X c X X a X X X c c X c X X c X X c BEEDE AND ROGERS : FAUNAL STUDIES, III. 471 43 O CO t a o ea a ^^ a b. a o 43 u a a X c X X X aa c, c X a '6 d. > a a ce e. a X c c X X X X X X X X X X X Productus sp Proboscidella? sp Reticularia perplexa (McChesney)* Rhipidomella pecosi (Marcou)* Seminula argentia ( Shepard )* Seminula eubquadrata Hall ? Spirifer cameratus Morton Spiriferina kentuckiensis (Shumard). . Strophalosia spondyliformie (White and St. John ) Aviculopecten carboniferus (Stevens), Aviculopecten interlineatus Meek and Worthen Aviculopecten ? sp Clinopistha radiata Hall ? Conocardium parishi Worthen Conocardium sp Macrodon sp Macrodon? sp Myalina swallowi (McChesney) Pelecypod sp Anomphalus sp Bellerophon carbonarius Cox Bellerophon sp Capulus parvus Swallow Euomphalus sp ( * ? ) Gastropod sp Naticopsis ep Pleurotomaria missouriensis Swallow. . Pleurotomaria sp Pleurotomaria tabulata (Conrad) Straparollus ? pp Cephalopod sp Orthoceras sp Cyclus pyrimidatus Rogers Cypridella americana Rogers MSS Cypridina sp Euotmis curvisulcata Rogers MSS Griffithides scitula Meek and Worthen, Fish tooth and spines Peripristis semicircularis x ■ Girty also refers Fusulina cylindrica and Syringopora f sp. to this horizon. Doctor Bennett (loc. cit.) reports the following additional species from the Pawnee limestone, at Fort Scott : Zeacrinus mucrospinus. Naticopsis ventricosa. Discina nitida. Pleurotomaria sphaerulata. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 472 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. BANDERA SHALES. About 100 feet of shales and sandstone flagging. The only fossils seen were crustacean tracks and what appear to be large worm tracks in the flagging in Mr. GilfiUan's quarry west of Redfield. ALTAMONT (parsons) LIMESTONE. A six- or eight-foot stratum of limestone resting on the Bandera shales. This limestone was very poorly fossiliferous at the lo- calities visited. The localities were : (a) Bed of the Marmaton river a mile east of Uniontown and at Gilfillan. {b) Two miles east and a half-mile south of Walnut, in the road by the railroad-crossing. Fusulinella sp Axophyllum rude White and St. John Lophophyllum westii Beede Crinoid sp. ( * ? ) Archseocidaris sp Spirorbis sp Fistulipora nodulifera Meek ( * ? ) Pinnatopora sp Polypora sp Rhombopora delicata Rogers Amboccelia planoconvexa (Shumard) * Cleiothyria roiesyi L'EveilK- * Chonetes mesolobus Norwood and Pratten *. . Cryptacanthia compacta White and St. John Hustedia mormoni ( Marcou ) * Orbiculoidea missouriensis (Shumard ) * Orthotetes sp Productus iongispinus Sowerby (*?) Productus semireticulatus (Martin )* Productus? sp Pugnax Utah ( Marcou )* Reticularia perplexa (McChesney)* Seminula argentia (Shepard)* Spirifer cameratus Morton * Myalina ep Bellerophon sp. (*?) Gastropod sp StrophostyluB sp Fish spines and tooth or tubercle 1 a P a a CD a. b. a X X X X X X X c X X c c c X X X X c X a X a c X X X aa a a c X X X X X X BEKBE AND ROGERS : FAUNAL STUDIES, III. 473 Girty's list contains the following additional species, with no locality given ; Sponge ? Lophophyllum proliferum. Chaetetes milleporaceous. Campophyllum sp. Stenopora sp. Cladopora sp. Pristnopora serrata. Fenestella sp. Chonetes glaber. Chonetes flemmingi. Derbya crassa. Dielasma bovidens. Meekella striaticostata. Productus nebrascensis. Productus punctatus. Spiriferina kentuckiensis. Pugnax rockymontana. Pleurotomaria sp, Pleurophorus sp. Astartella vera. Leda bellistriata. Nucula ventricosa. Orthoceras rushense?. Dentalium? sp. Naticopsis sp. Euomphalus subrugosus. Phanerotrema grayvillensis. Worthenia tabulata. Trepospira sphaerulata. Euphemus carbonarius. Soleniscus sp. Bellerophon crassus?. Doctor Bennett adds Petrodus oocidentalis to the list from this limestone. DUDLEY SHALES. About 159 feet of shales with thin limestones and sandstones. We collected no fossils from these shales. Publications of the University of Kansas. The following publications of the University of Kansas are offered for sale at the prices named below, or in exchange for other publications of like character and of equal value. A few complete copies of early volumes are on hand. KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. Volume I. No. 1, supply large; price, 50 cents. No. 2, supply exhausted. No. 3, supply small; price, 75 cents. No. 4, supply small; price, 75 cents. Price per volume, $3. " II. No. 1, supply exhausted. No. 2, supply small ; price, 75 cents. No. 3, supply exhausted. No. 4, supply exhausted. Price per volume, $3. " III. No. 1, supply exhausted. No. 2, supply exhausted. No. 3, supply small; price, 75 cents. No. 4, supply small; price, 50 cents. Price per volume, $3. " IV. No, 1, supply small; price, 50 cents. No. 2, supply small; price, 75 cents. No. 3, supply small ; price, 75 cents. No. 4, supply small ; price, 75 cents. Price per volume, $3. " V. Nos. 1 and 2, supply exhausted. Price per volume, $2. Volume V consists of only two numbers. *• VI, A. Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, supply exhausted. Price per volume, $3. " VI, B. Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, supply large; price per number, 50 cents; price per volume, $2. *' VII, A. Nos, 1, 2, 3, and 4, supply exhausted. Price per volume, $3. " VII, B. Nos. 1 and 2 (double number), 3, and 4, supply large; price per number, 50 cents; price per volume, $2. " VIII, A. Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, supply large; price per number, 50 cents; price per volume, $2. " VIII, B. No. 1, supply small; price, 50 cents. Publication suspended. " IX, A. Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, supply large; price per number, 50 cents; per volume, $2. *' X, A. Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, supply large; price per number, 50 cents; per volume, $2. SCIENCE BULLETIN. Volume I. Nos. 1 to 12, price, $3 ; supjjly large. " II. Noa. 1 to 12, price, $3; supply large. UNIVERSITY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF KANSAS. Volume I, 1896. Report on General Stratigraphy of Eastern Kansas; supply exhausted, " II, 1897, General Geology of Western Kansas; supply large. Postage, 24 cents. 111,1898. Special Report on Coal ; supply large. Postage, 28 cents. IV, 1898, On Upper Cretaceous Paleontology ; supply large. Postage, 32 cents. V, 1899. Special Report on Gypsum and Gypsum Cement Plasters; supply large. Postage 16 cents, VI, 1900. Carboniferous Invertebrates and Cretaceous Fishes; supply large. Postage, 20 cents. VII, 1902. Special Report on Mineral Waters; supply large. Postage, 16 cents. MINERAL RESOURCES OP KANSAS, Report for 1897; supply small. Postage, 4 cents. Report for 1898; supply large. Postage, 8 cents. Report for 1899; supply large. Postage, 4 cents. Report for 1900-1901 ; supply small. Postage, 5 cents. Report for 1902; supply small. Postage, 6 cents. Report for 1903; supply small. Postage, 5 cents. BULLETINS OF THE DEPARTMENT OP ENTOMOLOGY. The Honey-bee and its Food-plants in Kansas, Postage, 4 cents. Alfalfa, Grasshoppers, Bees— their Relationship; supply small. Postage, 7 cents. Scale-insects Injurious to Orchards; supply large. Postage, 2 cents. The More Injurious Grapshoppers of Kansas; supply large. Postage, 2 cents. 50 YEARS* EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free ■whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communica- tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive apeeial notice, without charge, in the Scientific JImerican. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir- culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, $3 a year ; four months, f 1. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN iCo.36iBroadway. New York Branch Office, 626 F St.. Washington, D. C. PLATE I. Conjugation of Cambarus affinis, from photograph by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt. o CO ■a 50 PLATE II. Distribution of Cambarus virilis. K. U. Sci. Bull. PLATE II, Vol. II, No. 3. PLATE III. Distribution of Cambarus. Fig. 1. — C. affinis. Fig. 2, — C. argilUeola. Fig. 3. — C. bartonii, C. bartonii longirostris, and C. bartonii robustus. Fig. 4. — C. blandingii. o Z o aa o -/: P PLATE IV. Distribution of Cambarus. Fig. 5. — C. hlandingii acutus. Fig. 6. — C carolinus. Fig. 7, — C. diogenes and C. dlogenes ludoviciana. Fig. 8. — C. gracilis. o o > I— I a n O CD PLATE V. Distribution of Cambariis. Fig. 9. — C. immimis and C. immunis spinirostris (excepting questionable Mexican locality). Fig. 10. — C. neglectus. Pig. 11. — C. propinquus and C. p>i'opinquus sanbornii. Fig. 12. — C. rusticus. Fig. 13. — C. slmulans. PLATE VI. K. U. 8ci. Bull. Vol. II, No. K PLATE VII, Fig. 1. — External cephalic aspect of the head. Fig. 2. — Caudal view of the labium. K. U. Sci. BuU. PLATE VII. Vol. II, No. 9. Fig. 1. Fig. 2. PLATE VIII. ; Fig. 3. — Caudal view of the head as it appears when first removed from the body. ; Pig. 4. — Caudal view of the head with the muscles removed to show chitinous structures. - Fig. 5. — Caudal view of the head with muscles and chitin removed to show the j mandibles and maxillte. A mandible with its attachments is shown ' on the left and a maxilla on the right. Fig. 6. — Tips of mandibles and maxillaj. | K, U. Sci. Bull. PLATE VIII. Vol. II. No. 9. Fig. 4. Fig. 3 m^xr CO — ---?nc ---ca Fig. 5. Fig. 6. PLATE IX. Fig. 7. — Under side of clypeus, showing closely lying structures. Fig. 8. — Cross-section of labium. Third segment. Fig. 9. — Cross section through distal part of the clypeus. Fig. 10. — Cross-section through proximal part of the clypeus. K. U. Sci. Bull. Vol.11, No. 9. PLATE IX. Fhj. S. Fig. f>. PLATE X. Fig, 11. — Cross-section through the salivary injector. Fig. 12. — Cross-section from epicranium to third labial segment. K. U. Sci. Bull. Vol. II, No. 9. Fig. 12. m,ct . 6C^ -mx.s PLATE XI. Fig. 13. — Cross-section through head caudad of the injector. Fig. 14i. — Median longitudinal section of entire head. K. U. Sci. Bull. Vol. II, No. 9. PLATE XI. Fig. 13. mds >77 ■xs C/J ^rrv.l PLATE XII. Fig. 1.— a longitudinal section through the ovaries of a young Lycosa, showicg the posterior ends of these organs as they lie in the body cavity. The ovary is a hollow cylinder lined with epithelial cells, a, and covered with a layer of muscular cells, h. At several points along the tube can be seen numerous cells projecting from the wall and almost, or quite, filling the lumen of the tube. These are the germ-cells which have differentiated from the epithelial lining; c, the very early oogonia, as yet scarcely differentiated; d, oogonia in the spireme stage; e, o5gonia in the spireme stage and one oocyte; /, fol- licular oocytes, or those which have pushed through the wall upon the ex- terior of the tube. Fig. 2.— Oogonia dividing to form the oocytes. Though small and embedded in the cells of the ovarian wall, these division figures are easily distinguished by their clearness as compared with the granular appearance of the surround- ing cells. Figs. 3, 4, 5. — Greatly enlarged oogonia, showing the formation of the spireme. Fig. 6.— a small portion of the ovarian wall, showing three oocytes, a, pushing their way through the epithelial lining, h; c, a well-developed oocyte upon exterior of ovary. Fig. 7.— Portion of ovarian wall, showing muscle cells, a, and epithelial cells, b. Numerous oogonia, c, in the spireme stage surround the oocyte, d. It is probable that this cell is no older than the sister cells among which it lies, but on account of some advantage in food supply has developed in advance of them. Fig. 8.— Two oocytes, a and b, lying against the ovarian wall, e, showing the relatively large size of the nucleus at this stage and its scattered masses of chromatin. Fig. 9.— a follicular oocyte, showing the large germinal vesicle, a, and the vitel- line body, 6, indenting its membrane. The fine granular area, c, is the vitel- line zone in which lies much food material. The outer reticular area, d, is the cytoplasm. Comparing this figure with /, figure 1, we see the growth the egg makes as it nears maturity. K. U. Sci. Bull. Vol. II, No. 10 PLATE XII. .■f<^ ■a y .'« i:. ^'■& ■"-5? A ■■-..• v-' ■-'■;•"'.■,-■.■"• .- , . '■ ■' ^^^-f PLATE XIII. Fig. 10.— Young follicular o5cyte in which the vitelline body, o, is developing. Here is seen in this stage scarcely more than the central vesicle, the whole clouded by a zone of darkly staining granules. The body is distinctly a part of this zone, b is the germinal vesicle and c the stem of epithelial cells which attaches the egg to the ovary. Fig. 11.— An oocyte somewhat older than at figure 10, in which the vitelline body ie assuming a concentrically striated wall. The clear central part of the body is the central vesicle, though it possesses no well-defined wall, as in figure 10. Near the periphery is a vacuole, a. Fig. 12.— The vitelline-body has moved out from the nuclear wall. It not only lies in the vitelline-zone, but is closely surrounded by a dense layer of gran- ules. This is probably food material which it ie extracting from the zone and is storing up. Between the periphery of the vitelline body and the central mass is a coarse network, which I take to be no more than the cytoplasmic reticulum made prominent by the deutoplasmic granules which adhere to it. Fig. 13.— The vitelline body is now separated from the germinal vesicle by al- most the diameter of the cell. It here possesses a clearly defined outer edge, which separates it sharply from the surrounding structures. Fig. 14.— Instead of a body formed of concentric layers, there is a collection of large globules which stain very black in iron-htematoxylin. Those at the center are in the shape of rods, and resemble chromosomes. Fig. 15.— a follicular egg, showing the egg-stalk, a, attaching the large oocyte to the ovarian wall. The vitelline body possesses a wall spirally wound about the central vesicle. Fig. 16. — The germinal vesicles of eggs at this stage of development possess very large nucleoli, which are usually vacuolated. The smaller bodies stain darker, and have much the appearance of being cast from the nucleolus. Fig. 17. — A highly magnified vitelline body, showing its well-defined outer edge and the network of fibers within. Fig. 18. — A follicular o5cyte, showing the peritoneal coat, a. Here are found again some new characteristics in the vitelline body. The central vesicle is comparatively large and distinct, and instead of being clear is filled with darkly staining rods, or pseudo-chromosomes. Fig. 19. — There is shown here a condition which is very rare. The cytoplasm surrounding the vitelline body is faintly radially striated. K. U. Sci. Bull. PLATE XTir, Vol. II, No.lO. PLATE XIV. Fig. 20. — The vitelline body shows a distinct central vesicle, and a striated cap- sule, the outermost layer touching the nuclear wall. The cytoplasm seems to be drawn toward the body from all directions. The nucleolus is very char- acteristic of the nucleus just now. The clear vesicle within is filled with very dense bodies, which do not take the stain, but shine with a metallic luster. Fig. 21. — The cytoplasm throughout this egg is clear and uniformly reticular. At a is the vitelline body. At 6 and c are structures identical with the cen- tral vesicle of figure 18, plate XIII; h is especially clear, with a well-defined wall and equally well-defined pseudo-chromosomes within. This multiplica- tion of the structure which we have called the central vesicle seems to show that it is not confined to the vitelline body, and, moreover, seems ample proof that it is not the centrosome of the spider egg. Fig. 22.— The vitelline zone, a, is conspicuous in the early follicular eggs. It ex- tends from the nurse-cells in the stalk almost to the periphery of the egg. Fig. 23. — A peculiar appearance of the oocyte, in which the yolk globules, a, have begun to form about midway between the periphery and the center. Fig. 24. — An oocyte almost ready to leave the follicle. The stalk, a, is very small and the nurse-cells few and reduced in size. A membrane, &, seems to be forming between the nurse-cells and the egg contents. Fig. 25. — Two oocytes just previous to forming the follicle. There is at this time no trace of a vitelline body. Fig. 26.— An oocyte in which the concentrically striated capsule of the vitelline body is very distinct. At the center may be seen a sphere much smaller than any yet found. There seems to be little uniformity in size of this formation , which fact throws doubt upon its being a definite structure. Fig. '27.- Here again, as in figure 21, are two structures, besides the perfectly de- veloped vitelline body, simulating the central vesicle. K. U. Sci. Bull. Vol. II, No. 10. PLATE XIV. ..^-ir«[^r@:^ PLATE XV. Fig. 28. — Yolk is beginning to form at the periphery of the egg. a, yolk glob- ules; b, the yolk-nuclei of Foot; at c we meet with a peculiar condition of the vitelline body. The structure no longer retains its spherical form, but shows one side broken away and the contents scattered. The body has every appearance of disintegrating. Fig. 29. — The vitelline body much vacuolated. There is merely a remnant of the concentric layers left, and the entire structure seems to be dissolving and mingling with the cytoplasm. Fig. 30. — Another vitelline body which shows no central vesicle. The structure has a spongy appearance and no concentrically arranged border, a and 6, yolk globules. Fig. 31. — Oocyte completely filled with yolk. The nucleus and vitelline body are once more close together, connected by the scanty cytoplasm which re- mains in the cell, a, yolk globules; 6, nucleus; e, vitelline body. Fig. 32. — Egg about ready to leave the follicle. The neck is rapidly diminishing and the egg membrance is forming at c. The entire egg is at this time filled with yolk, a, and the nucleus is close against the cell-wall, this being the position of nuclei just before maturation in centrolecithal eggs. Fig. 33. — Portion of another egg preparing for maturation. There is no trace of the vitelline body applied to the nucleus, as was found a little earlier in figure 31. The assumption is that it has been left behind, though at this stage so much yolk obscures it. Fig. 3J:.— The assumption concerning the vitelline body of figure 33 is proven true by this figure. Here is a segmenting egg. The nucleus at the periphery has divided, forming the cells, a. At the center, among the yolk globules, we find the vitelline body, b, unchanged. Fig. 35. — A follicular egg of Epeira, which represents those eggs without the vitelline body formation. Numerous patches of food material cloud the cytoplasm. Fig. 36. — Highly magnified vitelline body, showing the central vesicle, a, and the rod-like structures within. K. O. Sci. Bull. Vol. II, No. 10. PLATE XV. ;rX\ ^_ A_i.''-' ■■■■' >ej? ••A'..' >'^ ^•i::■5-•. X -.*.* ■i^itv;; ;: *'^ V -/.'.%_, -■''''C_'- T ■-. ■ ■■ ■ v -- '■ ' ■■# ■\. . v- ■■..-.■ ',';--.'s s -?.,:. '->■>- ^,/",_'; .■ '"■'' ■'*^" ;'■-,"'!' - ', ' V '-■"."i.V-. -\-:T H^^5> ■ vV-'-.- -^i Jd ft;:,,...,X^):,^ 'J6 /^z- uU.( -^m- . ^ HIP mm