HARVARD UNIVERSITY. LIB RAR Y OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. ost-offlep iu l.n\vren«K' as second-class matter. THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vol. V, No. 4] OCTOBER, 1909. [^orxV™: A STUDY OF THE RESPIRATORY AND CARDIAC AC- TIVITIES AND BLOOD PRESSURE IN THE SKATE FOLLOWING INTRAVENOUS INJECTIONS OF SALT SOLUTIONS. BY IDA H. HYDE. Plate X, and 49 figures. (From the Marine Biological Laboratories of Woods Hole and Leland Stanford' and the Physiological Laboratory of the University of Kansas. ) ' I '^HE experiments that are recorded in this article were con- ■ ducted on the skate, Raia ennacea and Raia binoculata, during the summers of 1902, 1903, 1906 and 1907. A host of articles have accumulated since Humboldt first studied the action of salt solutions upon the rhythmical changes in the heart's contractions; but with the progress of physical chemistry new problems and different views presented them- selves and left many important questions still unsettled. To aid in solving some of these I undertook the study from a less general standpoint by employing a method and an animal sel- dom heretofore adopted in the solution of the questions. A few experiments were begun on the fresh-water sturgeon and on the frog in order to compare the results with those obtained with the skate. These, however, will be extended and varied before the results are published. It was hoped that simultaneous records and comparisons of the three activities might throw some light upon the factors that influence them and indicate whether their nerve centers are alike stimulated by the same ions. At first the object was also to determine whether it was the anion or cathion that 1. I take this opportunity to express my hearty thanks to the directors for the priv- ilegre of working in these institutions and for the courtesies I receive !!' KCI "X fXTt\r\ r\^^^^/'^^'^A/^^vr\^\^v^^J\A/^AA^\P\/^^ Upper curve, heart and pressure from abscissa. Lower curves, res- piration. Time, five seconds. Records with Hiirthle and lever manometer. HYDE: EXPERIMENTS ON THE SKATE. 43 The results of the experiments with CaCk are briefly tabu- lated in table III and partly shown in curves. It was observed that after an injection of the usual amount of m/32 CaCk solution (curves 15, 16), the blood pressure remained un- changed. Respiratory activity was usually increased for one to three minutes, and the cardiac contractions continued un- changed or did so after about one minute of decreased rate and increased force. Following an injection of an m/8 CaCk solu- tion, the rate of cardiac and respiratory activity is usually de- creased and the force of both increased. The blood pressure rises for about one minute. Often systole and inspiratory phases predominate, and furthermore, the solution proved an- titoxic to many toxic salt solutions. The effect of an m% CaCk was first a decrease in rate of cardiac and respiratory activity, often irregular, with prolonged systole and inspiratory phases. The force of both activities was usually increased, as was also the blood pressure, for from one to three minutes. If the force of the heart-beat was not increased the blood pressure did not rise above normal. Table III. Mean results in respiration, heart action and blood pressure, following injections of different concentrations of CaCls solutions. Salt mol. Heart rate. Heart force. Dura- tion. Respir- atory rate. Respir- atory force. Dura- tion. Pressure. Curves. Nor- mal. Change CaCU m 32 Un- changed or de- creased. Un- changed or in- creased. 1 min. Un- changed or in- creased. Un- changed or in- creased. 3 min. 20 20 15.16 CaCl, m,8 De- creased or un- changed. In- creased or un- changed. 1-3 min. Un- changed or de- creased. Un- changed or in- creased. 1-3 min. 17 18 17,18 CaCl2 m% De- creased or ir- regular. In- creased. 1-3 min. De- creased or ir- regular. In- creased. 1-3 min. 22 24.22 19,20 Curve 15. Following an injection of m/32 CaCl2. ' Curve 15 2-Univ. Sci. Bull.. Vol. V, No. 4. 44 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Rate less and force of heart unchanged; rate of respiratory activity decreased for one minute, then normal, force increased. The upper respiratory and the lower cardiac records were secured with levers directly attached to gill arch and apex of heart. Curve 16. After m/32 CaClo. Curve 16. The upper curve, Hiirthle manometer heart record. Lower curve, gill- arch lever records of respiratory activity. Rate of heart decreased, force unchanged. Respiratory activity and pressure unchanged. Curve 17. Effect of m/8 CaCl2. Currs 17. — > ' — ■—*■-■■ ■ , ■ .. ■ -.1. ■ ■ _ _i 1 III ■ * The upper curve is a record of the cardiac and blood-pressure changes secured with a Hiirthle manometer. The lower respiratory is a gill-arch lever record. Rate decreased, force increased for both activities and blood pressure showed slight rise for a minute or two. Curve 18. Effect of m/8 CaC^. Ourre 10. ^"^^^^ f\{\AAAAM_ Upper, cardiac record secured with lever attached to the heart. Lower, gill-arch record. Respiratory rate unchanged, force increased. Cardiac rate decreased, force increased. Curve 19. Effect of m% CaC^. CUTTB 19. ^'^^^rr^'^^^^fNAf;;^^ HYDE: EXPERIMENTS ON THE SKATE. 45 Hiirthle cardiac records above, gill-arch lever records below. Time, five seconds. Cardiac and respiratory rate decreased, force and blood pressure increased for about three minutes, then quite normal for about thirty minutes. First effect often irregular and spasmodic, especially for cardiac rhythm. Curve 20. Effect of m% CaCla. Curve 20. Upper curve respiratory, lower cardiac. Levers directly attached to heart and gill arch. Cardiac and respiratory rates first decreased, force increased; irregular prolonged diastole and inspiratory phases. The results following injections of MgS04 solutions are summarized in table IV, and illustrated in the curves. It was observed that an m/64 or m/8 MgS04 had a more depressing influence on respiration than on cardiac activity. The rate was either unchanged or less, but force and blood pressure usually sHghtly greater for cardiac, while rate and force of respiratory activity were generally decreased. An m% or m/1 solution produces for about two minutes an increase in blood pressure followed by a decrease. Respiratory and cardiac rate and force both decrease, but occasionally the force of the heart's activity is first increased. Sensory re- flexes are all reduced. With every strength of the solution the force and rate of the respiratory rhythm and the cardiac rate were decreased, but blood pressure and cardiac force were in- creased or decreased after a previous increase. With strong solutions, e. g., m/1, diastole and expiratory phases predomi- nated and the activities may become irregular, but an m/8 CaCl2 overcomes the toxic effect and increases the force of the respiratory phase and blood pressure. 46 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Table IV. Mean results in cardiac and respiratory activity and blood pres- sure following injection of different concentrations of MgS04. Salt mol. Heart rate. Heart force. Dura- tion. Respir- atory rate. Respir- atory force. Dura- tion. Pres- sure. Pressure change. Curves. MgS04 m 64 Less or un- changed. Un- changed or in- creased. 15 min. Less or un- changed. Less. 15 min. 20 21 20 21 MgS04 m/8 Less or un- changed. Increased or un- changed. 6 min. Less or un- changed. Less. 5 min. 18 19 18 22 m5 8 or ml Less or un- changed. De- creased after rise. Rise 2 m. Less. Less. 3 min. 22 23 21 23 Curve 21. Effect of MgS04 m/64. Jiiryo 2' "lormal f-\ArvrvYM\r\r\- Upper curves, cardiac and pressure with Hurthle. Lower, respiratory gill-arch lever. Time, five seconds. At x, injection. Cardiac rate less, force and blood pressure slightly greater; respiratory rate less, force unchanged. Curve 22. Effect of MgS04 m/8. Curve 22. Upper curve, cardiac and blood pressure shows decrease in cardiac rate, slight increase in force and blood pressure, for two minutes. Lower, respiratory gill-arch lever curve; decrease in force, not in rate. Curve 23. Effect of MgS04 m%. Ourre 23. Upper curves, cardiac and blood pressure; rate unchanged, force and blood pressure slightly increase for two minutes, then decrease. Lower, respiratory curve, decrease in rate and force. HYDE: EXPERIMENTS ON THE SKATE. 47 The effects of NaiiCO.-; injections are tabulated in table V. It was observed that Nai^CO.; solutions are most effective in strengthening the force of the cardiac rhythm and thus rais- ing the blood pressure. They do not stimulate respiratory activity except in strong doses, when they may increase the force. Its pronounced influence upon the heart may be due to OH ions that are set free by the dissociation. ^ Table V. Resume of Na^COs injections upon cardiac and respiratory activity and blood pressure. Salt. Heart rate. Heart force. Dura- tion. Respir- atory rate. Respir- atory force. Dura- tion. Pres- sure. Pressure changes. Curves. Na^COa m/32 Un- changed. In- creased. 15 min. Un- changed. Un- changed. 22 24 24 m/'8 Un- changed or less. In- creased. 15 min. Un- changed. Un- changed. 20 23 28 25 m% Un- changed or less. In- creased. 2 min. Un- changed or de- creased. In- creased. 26 26 Curve 24. Effect of Na2C03 m/32. Cuire 24. Upper curves, cardiac and blood pi'essure with Hiirthle. Rate un- changed, force and blood pressure increased. Lower, respiratory; force and rate unchanged. Time, five seconds. Curve 25. Na2C03 m/8. Qam ZS. rNrsiM\r\r\r\r\rMArNrvr\ Upper curves, cardiac and blood pressure. Rate decreased, force greatly increased, pressure rose. Lower curve, respiratorv; force and rate unchanged. Time, five seconds. 48 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE lU 11 FTIN. Curve 26. Na2C03 m/2. Curre 26. Upper, respiratory gill-arch lever records. Increased force, decreased rate. Lower, cardiac lever directly attached to heart. Increased force, decreased rate. Time, five seconds. Na2HP04 solutions are not so stimulating to cardiac rhythm as are Na-CO.-: solutions. This is shown in table VI. More- over, for the same strength they are more toxic. The solutions act like Na2C0n chiefly upon the force of the cardiac action and are indifferent in weak solutions on respiratory movements. Table VI. A summary of experiments of intravenous injections of Na2HP04 relating to cardiac and respiratory activity and blood pressure. Mol. sol. Heart rate. Heart force. Dura- tion. Respir- atory rate. Respir- atory force. Dura- tion. Pres- sure. Change. Curves. HPO4 m 64 Less or un- changed. In- creased or un- changed. 5 min. Un- changed. De creased. 5 min. 23 24 27 m 8 Less or un- changed. In- creased or un- changed. 5 min. In- creased or un- changed. De- creased. 5 min. 24 22 28 m/4 Less. then rapid or stopped. Less. 5 min. Less, then rapid. De- creased. 3 min. 23 18 29 Curve 27. Effect of Na2HP04 m/64. Curre 27. Upper, cardiac and blood-pressure Hiirthle manometer cui'ves; show force of heart action and blood pressuie; slight increase, rate decrease. Lower, respiratory rhythm unaltered. Time, 5 seconds. HYDE: EXPERIMENTS ON THE SKATE. 49 Curve 28. Effect of Na2HP04 m/8. Curra 28. Upper, cardiac and blood-pressure Hiirthle manometer curves. Rate little less, force slight increase. Lower, respiratory record; shows rate unchanged, force decreased, pressure decreased. Curve 29. Na2HP04 m/4. Cnrre 29. Upper, cardiac and blood-pressure Hiirthle curves; show fall in blood pressure and for three minutes almost cessation of cardiac action. Lower, respiratory, force much decreased. Curve 296. tions. Effect of gradually increasing strength of Na2HP04 solu- ^AMAAAA Upper, respiratory gill-arch lever curves show that with increasing strengths from m/64, m/32, m/8, m/4, solutions that the rate increased and force decreased from the normal and that this solution is more favor- able to respiration as stimulating rate. Lower, cardiac apex lever curve shows that the rate remained practically unchanged except in m/4, when it became rapid and force decreased gradually from the normal. The influence of NaOH solutions is briefly tabulated in table VII. It is demonstrated that it acts, augmenting in all concentrations, on the force of the heart-beat and has not the same but rather a depressing effect on the respiratory center. The OH ions here, as in the Na2C03, are the stimulating fac- tors, but act more powerf ally than in Na^COa solutions. The 50 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. respiratory force decreases with increased strength of the so- lution, while the blood pressure rises in all concentrations em- ployed, showing that increase in blood pressure is not neces- sarily associated with rise of respiratory activity but rather with force of heart-beat. Table VII Showing the effect of NaOH so'utions upon respiratory, cardiac and blood- pressure changes. Salt tnol. Heart rate Heart force. Dura- tion. Respir- atory rate. Respir- atory force. Pres- sure. Pres- sure change Curves. NaOH m 64 Un- changed or less. In- creased. 5 min. Un- changed. Un- changed. 25 26 30 m/32 Un- changed or less. Much increased. 15 min. Decreased or un- changed. Decreased or un- changed. 24 29 31 m,8 Un- changed. In- creased. 10 min. In- creased. De- creased. 24 27 32 m 4 Less or un- changed. In- creased. 10 min. Un- changed or increased. De- creased. 26 29 33 Curve 30. Effect of m/64 NaOH injections. curva 30. Upper, Hiirthle curves of cardiac and blood-pressure changes; decrease in rate, increase in force and blood pressure for two minutes. Lower, gill-arch lever curves of respiratory changes unaltered. Curve 31. Effect of m/32 NaOH solutions. Cxirve 31. Upper, Hiirthle curves of cai'diac and blood-pressure changes show a first effect of two minutes of greatly increased force and slight decrease in rate of cardiac rhythm. The blood pressure increased for two minutes, respiratory rhythm decreased very little if at all. Curve 32. Effect of m/8 NaOH solutions. Curre 32, Upper, Hiirthle curves of cardiac and blood-pressure changes show in- creased blood pressure and rhythm. Lower, respiratory curves, mcieased rate but decreased force. HYDE: EXPERIMENTS ON THE SKATE. Curve 33. Effect of m/4 NaOH solutions. 51 Upper curves, blood pressure and force of cardiac rhythm increased. Lovi^er, respiratory activity decreased in force, rate increased. From the series of experiments with different concentra- tions of urea solutions the conclusion is drawn that injection of urea solutions of high concentrations, 2m to 4m, increases force of respiratory and cardiac activity mainly. The rate is practically unchanged, and weaker solutions are quite indiffer- ent on blood pressure, cardiac and respiratory activity. It has been found by Schroder*^^ that selachian's blood normally con- tains 2.6 per cent of urea, and Baglioni" found that the selach- ian's heart beats longer in urea than in NaCl. According to Loeb it is due to the OH ions which are present when the dis- sociation of the urea occurs. A weak solution of m/20 of Na2C03, to which a 2m urea solution has been added, greatly increased the force of cardiac action and blood pressure. Table VIII. Effect of urea solutions. Salt mol. Heart rate. Heart force. Dura- tion. Respir- atory rate. Respir- atory force. Dura- tion. Pres- sure. Pressure changes. Curves. Urea. m/50 Un- changed. Un- changed. 15 min. Un- altered. Un- changed. 15 min. 20 20 ml Un- altered. Un- altered. 15 min. Unal- tered or less. Unal- tered or increase. 1 min. 21 21 34 2m. Slight rise. Slight increase. 2 min. Un- changed. Un- altered. 15 min. 20 20 35 4m. Un- changed. Increase. Un- changed. Increase. 22 21 36 Curve 34. Urea m/1. I u 6. Schroder. V. z,eitschrift fiir Physiologische Chemie, XIV, S. 596. 7. Baglioni. Zentralblatt fur Physiologie, 1905, XXX, No. 12. 52 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Upper, respiratory curve, with lever attached to gill arch, shows first decrease in rate for about one minute, then rate normal, force slightly in- creased. Lowei-, cardiac curve, with lever attached to apex. Cardiac activity unaltered. Curve 35. Urea 2m. Carre 35. Upper, Hiirthle cardiac record shows little increase in force and rate. Lower, respiratory rate and force unaltered. Curve 36. Urea 4m. Curve 36, Upper, Hiirthle cardiac curve; increased in force and pressure, rate unchanged. Lower, respiratory cvirve; force slight rise, rate unchanged. The results obtained with standardized HCl solutions are tabulated in table IX. The weaker solutions, ranging from m/100 to m/64, increase for the first minute or two the force of the cardiac and respiratory and blood-pressure changes, and decrease or act indifferently on the rate of respiratory and car- diac activity. A stronger solution, m/32, for the first minute or two decreases the rate but usually increases the force of both the respiratory and heart action, and the blood pressure usually rises for the first minute ; m /8 is toxic, but the respira- tory rhythm continues several minutes after the heart ceases, or if it continues it is rapid and faint and the respiratory movements are continued with less force and rate. It is sup- posed that the stimulating action is due to the H ions. In all concentrations between m 100 and m 16 there is an initial increase in pressure and force, followed by a decrease in all activities before a return to either normal or less. HYDE: EXPERIMENTS ON THE SKATE. 53 Table IX. Effect of HCl solutions. Salt mol. Heart rate. Heart force. Dura- tion. Respir- atory rate. Respir- atory force. Dura- tion. Pres- sure. Pressure changes. Curves. HCl m/ 64 De- creased. In- creased. 2 min. Un- changed. In- creased or un- chang:ed. 2 min. 19 20 37 m/32 De- creased. In- creased. 1 min. De- creased. Un- changed or in- creased. 1 min. 24 26 38 m/8 Rapid. Weak. 1 min.. then de- creased. In- creased. Un- changed or in- creased. 1 min., then de creased 21 10 0 39 Curve 37. Effect of m/64 HCl on cardiac and respiratory activity and blood pressure. Cur»e 37 Upper, gill-arch lever respiratory curve shows for two minutes in- creased force, rate unchanged. Lower, apex lever cardiac curve for two minutes increased force, decreased rate. Curve 38. m/32 HCl injection. Carre 38. rV\r'Ar~\r~Y--Ar~'Arv^rY Upper, cardiac Hiirthle manometer curve and blood pressure shows de- creased rate and increased force and rise of blood pressure for one minute. Lower, gill-arch lever record of respiratory activity shows rate less, force unchanged for one minute. 54 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Curve 39. Effect of m/8 HCl on cardiac, respiratory and blood pres- sure changes. Upper, gill-arch lever respiratory curve shows increase at first of rate and force, then gradual decrease. Lower, apex lever curve shows at once fall in force and rapid heart-beat that soon becomes irregular and spas- modic before ceasing. Injection of different strengths of NH4CI solutions show that weak solutions are quite indifferent. An m/8 solution increases blood pressure and force of respiratory movements, but an m% depresses cardiac and blood pressure activities and greatly stimulates the expiratory phase of respiration, causing an ir- regular spasmodic rhythm for fifteen minutes, and this is re- placed by a weak but regular activity. Table X. Effect of|NH4Cl!solutions. Salt, mol. Heart rate. Heart force. Dura- tion. Respir- atory rate. Respir- atory force. Dura- tion. Pres- sure. Pressure changes. Curves. NHXl m 64 Un- changed or less. Un- changed. 3 min. Un- changed or in- creased. Un- changed or less. 5 min. 26 26 m 8 Un- changed or less. Un- changed. 15 nnin. Un- changed. Expir- ation in- creased. 15 min. 26 28 40 m% Much less. Much less. 15 Long ex- piratory, irregu- lar. First in- crease, then regular or less. 15 26 22 41 Curve 40. Influence of NH4CI m/8 on cardiac respiratory and blood- jressure changes. CvirTB 40. rxf-xrNTM-srNrxrMNfxr , I I ■ - — 1 — ■ Upper, Hiirthle cardiac and blood-pressure curves show that rate and force are unchanged, blood pressure rose, Lowei', respiratory curve; rate unchanged, force slight increase. HYDE: EXPERIMENTS ON THE SKATE. 55 Curve 41. Effect of m% NH4CI. Cxirvo 41. Upper, Hiirthle cardiac and blood pressure show a decrease in cardiac activity and blood pressure. Lower, i-espiratory curve; for fifteen min- utes prolonged expiratory phase and irregular rhythm, then weak but regular. Effects of dehydrated chemically pure Na2S04 solutions are most pronounced in the strong concentration of m/2 and m/1, both of which increase the force of cardiac, respiratory and blood-pressure activities, leaving the rate unchanged. The effect lasts longer with the weaker solution, and the after- effects are not, as with the saturated m/1 solution, a weaken- ing of the rhythm and fall in pressure. Table XI. Summary of NajS04 effects on respiratory cardiac, and blood- pressure changes. Salt mol. Heart rate. Heart force. Dura- tion. Respira- tory rate. Respira- tory force. Dura- tion. Pres- sure. Pres- sure change Curves. NasSO. m 64 Un- changred. Un- changed. 15 min. Un- changed. Un- changed. 15 min. 26 26 42 in/2 Un- changed. Slight increase. 15 min. Un- changed. Slight increase. 15 min. 26 27 43 ml Un- changed. Slight increase. 5 min. Un- changed. In- creased. 5 min. 27 29 44 Curve 42. Effect of m/64 Na2S04. carve 42. Upper, Hiirthle cardiac and blood-pressure curve, and lower, respira- tory, all show no change after injection of the solution. Curve 43. Effect of m/2 Na2S04. Corra 43. 56 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Uppei', Hiirthle cardiac and blood-pressure curves; rate unchanged, force and pressure slight increase. Lower, respiratory curve; rate un- changed, force increased. Curve 44. Effect of m/1 Na2S04. Curve 44. Upper, cardiac and blood-pressure curves, show slight increase in force and pressure, rate unchanged. Lower, respiratory; rate unchanged, force increased. The effects of intravenous injections of BaCk solutions are increased irritability and increased force and blood pressure, especially with weak solutions. Like most of the other salt solutions, it does not increase the rate of either heart or re- spiratory activity. In strong solutions it is toxic, producing at first irregular spasmodic cardiac and respiratory phases with strong diastolic and expiratory phases and with rise of blood pressure, or cessation of activity. The toxic effects can be avoided if small doses are injected with gradually increasing strengths, and the toxic effect is overcome by injections of CaCk solutions. Table XIL Effect of BaCli on cardiac, respiratory and blood- pressure changes. Salt mol. Heart rate. Heart force. dura- tion. """ Respir- atory rate. Respir- atory force. Dura- tion. Pres- sure. Pres- sure change Curves. BaCU m 64 Un- changed. In- creased diastole. 15 min. Un- changed or slightly less. Expira- tion in- creased. 2 min. 18 mm. 20 mm. 45 m 32 Un- chansred. Un- changed or in- creased. 1 min. 8 min. Un- changed. creased. After 8 min. 16 16 18 14 46 m/8 Un- changed or slow or spas- modic. In- creased irrita- bility. 2-5 min. Stops or rapid spas- modic. 10-20 min. 2 min. 23 25 47 in/4 Toxic. Toxic. HYDE: EXPERIMENTS ON THE SKATE. Curve 45. Effect of m/64 BaCl2. Curve 46. r\r\PvNMVV\rv 1 ■ Upper, cardiac curve; rate unchanged, force and blood pressure slight increase. Lower, respiratory curve; rate unchanged, force increased. Curve 46. Effect of m/32 BaCl2. (Jarve 46. Upper, Hiirthle cardiac curves; after one minute, rate, force and pres- sure unchanged. In five minutes, force and pressure increased. Lower, respiratory curve, shows rate unchanged, force increased. Curve 47. Effect of m/8 BaClo. B half an hour after A. Upper curves of A and B, cardiac and blood- pressure records, show first spasmodic activity, then strong force and in- creased pressure. These activities decrease in half an hour but the rate continues unchanged. Lower, respii'atory curve, shows first spasmodic action, then this stops for twenty minutes. In half an hour it is weak and slower. The effect of distilled water passes off quite rapidly. For the first two minutes the rate of cardiac and respiratory activity is lessened and the force of the heart-beat and blood pressure slightly increased. The blood is rapidly affected and clots easily; soon the equilibrium of salts is again established and the normal action resumed. Table XIII. Showing the effect of distilled water. Distilled H,0. Heart rate. Heart force. Dura- tion. Respir- atory rate. Respir- atory force. Dura- tion. Pres- sure. Pressure changes. Curves. 3-4 cc. Decrease. Slight increase. 2 min. De- creased. Un- changred. 2 min. 24 26 24 48 58 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Curve 48. Effect of distilled water. Curve 48. Upper, Hiirthle cardiac and blood-pressure curves, show decrease in rate, slight rise in force and blood pressure for two minutes, then normal. Lower, respiratory lever, gill-arch curve, shows decrease in rate, force unchanged for two minutes. Acid sodium phosphate solutions cause an increase in force of respiratory and cardiac activity, and for the weaker solu- tions at first also an increase in rate. Diastolic and inspiratory phases are often prolonged and the toxic effect is overcome by an alkali solution of sodium phosphate or one of CaCk. Table XIV. Showing mean results of NaH2P04 solutions. Mol. solution. Heart rate. Heart force. Dura- tion. Respir- atory rate. Respir- atory force. Dura- tion. Pres- sure. Pres- sure changre Curves. m/64 Rapid to normal in two minutes. Weak, increase. 1 min. 2 min. In- creased. Normal. Less increase. 1 min. 2 min 49 m 16 Increase. Increase. Decrease. Normal. 1 min. 2d min. 10 min. Un- chan^red. In- creased. 10 min. 50 m 8 De- creased. Normal. In- creased. Normal. 1 min. 5 min. In- creased. In- creased. 10 min. 51 Curve 49. Effect of m/64 NaH2P04 solutions Upper records of respiratory activity before, during and following for two minutes the injection of an m/64 acid phosphate solution. First minute rate greatly increased, force less; within two minutes force gradu- ally increased to slightly above normal and rate normal. The lower cai-- diac record .shows first rapid contractions that increase during the second minute in force, becoming normal in rate and force in two minutes. HYDE: EXPERIMENTS ON THE SKATE. 5^ Curve 50. Effect of m/16 NaH2P04 solutions. Curve 60. Upper, gill-arch lever records of respiratory activity, show increase in force, rate unchanged. Lower, cardiac lever, records first an increase in rate and force; second, rapid, shallow; in ten minutes quite normal in rate and force. Curve 51. m/8 NaH2Po4 solutions. CurTe 61. Upper, gill-arch lever records of respiration show increase in rate, and after two minutes also in force; inspiration prolonged. Lower, cardiac apex records. First minute prolonged diastole and increased force, fol- lowed by slower rate; in five minutes quite nonnal in i-ate and force. 3-Univ. Sci. Bull.. Vol. V, No. 4. 60 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. a hi at B V n « »• * g 3 2 EoJ ^.^ .hS Se« li .« c rt o -r. a EQ So a) T3 C EO a Q a O. .3 8 -23 m at m E ^ . -;^ o ca 2 08 > MX eg 2ij s ^ 9 ^ I- o w C 4j «X . • O c o t to . S ijvi.s CO .5 M ■SB 00 "W :.J: m 03 Q. 00 to rt «) H) >< I, ft « ^.e1 :^ o jc*e — c CO Qh n WO E-S 5 d .§ * « S *** « I- o 'u ft"" P *• 2 ■♦J .no 03 Q> *^ 1 ^ CO \^E ■o . 'I" •go C4 m E w 3 CO 13 c be > X OQ < .2 >,4; as 5 01 p t- 1) ■ « 01* "Soil ■^ t( « 0} CO 09 §1' k3 00 0] o i* ■a tu P 08 A tf 01 ho •a 13 a) J3 m h 0) J at (» 09 m 00 01 V i-l J EOl 0) £ "d f^? n 00 Ol.-i-- V J ^g >J a bo . .So 0! C 01 c 11 1^ 2^ -E o 08 CO O ^ O E O"^ ^ I U^, i^co e8M 2e ^B ME O s e8 -^ 01 E 5^ as 0£ 08 ?q 2;^ T3 £ 0) .2 Q <-> 08 2e ZiE »- 5 3.2 B B EE: s EE c E a i lO ■O CO »■ O m t. o £ a pga« . 1 (« tf tf « « oi po ,; 0) 34 01 £-2 01 og tf a « 0> 01 ■S.2 '^ >» 0) S o £. *ti o 0O 5: -i'E "s E S 01 ,00 as HYDE: EXPERIMENTS ON THE SKATE, 61 Table XVI. Toxic and Antitoxic Solutions. Toxic. Antitoxic. Curves. 2m NaCl. CaCU m 32 3 tn% KCl. m% NaCl 11 m% KCl. CaClo m 32 12 m*« KCl. CaCl. m 4 13 . m 1 NMgrSO, CaCU m 8 14 NaH2P04 m 4 NaoHP04. or CaCU m 16 m 1 NajSOi CaCU m 16 BaCU m 4 CaClo m 8 BaCl.. m 4 NaOH m 8 NaOH m 16 HCl m 100 The following is a resume of the conclusions drawn from the different experiments : M% NaCl increases the force of cardiac and respiratory- rhythm and blood pressure, but is indifferent to the rate during the first five minutes. Weaker solutions are neutral, and a stronger, m 1, solution is rather depressing except to heart force and blood pressure, while 2m is generally depressing, prolonging systolic and inspiratory phases. The different strengths of KCl solutions proved depressing to the activities under consideration. Diastole and inspiratory changes are prolonged and the toxic effect of an m% solution is counteracted by CaCl m '32 or NaCl m%. CaCk solutions are indifferent or depressing to the rate of both cardiac and respiratory activities, but stimulating to the force and slightly so to the blood pressure. M% solutions pro- long systolic and inspiratory phases. Solutions of MgSOi are depressing to the respiratory mech- anism and cardiac rate, but at first stimulate heart force and blood pressure. Diastole and expiratory phases are prolonged and the toxic effects are neutralized by m/8 CaCh solutions. NaiCOo solutions stimulate heart force and blood pressure and are indifferent to the heart rate and the respiratory mech- anism. Their stimulating effect upon the force of cardiac activity is enhanced when the solution is combined with urea, and like the latter exerts a similar influence upon respiration and heart action. 62 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Na-HP04 solutions stimulate as a rule only the force of heart action. The blood pressure, heart rate, as well as respiratory activities, are generally decreased or unaltered. Solutions of NaOH proved more stimulating to cardiac force and blood pressure than any of the other solutions that were employed. They were depressing to cardiac rate and respira- tory activity, except in strong solutions they increased the rate of respiration. They affect the center that controls the force of the heart-beat oppositely from what they do the center which governs the respiratory force. Like other alkaline solu- tions, they may exert their influence by favoring oxidation. Urea solutions, except the strongest, are quite indifferent to the functions under consideration. A 4m solution increases the force of both the cardiac and respiratory activities; possi- bly through the OH ions that are set free when dissociation oc- curs. Weak HCl solutions produce initial stimulations for a brief period in cardiac and respiratory force and blood pressure, but depress the rate, and a stronger, m 8, solution is toxic for cardiac but less so for respiratory activity. Weak solutions of NH4CI are indifferent. An m 8 has a slight augmenting effect on blood pressure and the expiratory phase, while an m.% solution depresses blood pressure and cardiac rhythm, but heightens the force of the respiratory mechanism for a short time. Following the injection of strong Na-S04 solutions the force of respiration and heart action and height of blood pressure is increased, while the rate is unchanged. The addition of a weak solution of CaCb is favorable. The effect of a weak solution of BaCk' is increased force of cardiac and respiratory rhythm and a rise of blood pressure. Diastolic and expiratory phases are prolonged. The solutions are more toxic than other salts of the same concentration, and the toxicity is overcome by CaCk. Injections of distilled water produce transient stimulating effects in the force of cardiac contractions and blood pressure, and depress the rate'. Weak solutions of NaH-POa accelerate the rate and force of heart and respiratory action. Diastole and inspiration are prolonged and toxic solutions are neutralized by Na2HP04. A consideration of the results tabulated in the foregoing HYDE: EXPERIMENTS ON THE SKATE. 63 pages discloses the fact that increased force of cardiac activity is usually accompanied by increased force of respiratory ac- tion and blood pressure. But NH4CL m/8, urea, and Na2HP04 are exceptions. NH4CI increases blood pressure without in- creasing cardiac force. Urea produced increased force of re- spiratory and cardiac activity without raising blood pressure, and NaiHPOi m/8 increases force of cardiac but decreases force of respiratory action. Moreover, most of the salt solu- tions of a definite concentration that augmented the force of cardiac also increased the force of the respiratory rhythm and proved either indifferent or depressing in their influence upon the rate of both of these activities. The exceptions are MgS04 m/8, which stimulates force of cardiac but not that of respiratory activities and is depressing to rate, and NaOH m/8, that stimulates cardiac force and rate but not the respiratory rhythm. The toxic effect of many solutions at certain concentrations was counteracted by definite strengths of other salts. Of these antagonistic solutions, CaCk m/32 or m/8 proved most ex- tensively favorable. It was interesting to learn that certain concentrations of some salt solutions prolong the cardiac sys- tole and the inspiratory phases, while other solutions favor diastolic and expiratory phases. M '2 NaCl and also m% CaCli' prolong systole and inspiration, while KCl m/8, NaHs PO4 m/8 prolong inspiratory activity and diastole. Moreover, strong solutions of MgS04, NH4CI and BaCL prolong diastole and expiratory activity. The salts that were especially depressing upon the cardiac and respiratory phases were KCl and MgS04. There are cer- tain optimum per cents of salts and acid solutions, below or weaker than which the effect is stimulating or initiates tempo- rarily increased activity, and above or greater concentration than which the solution inhibits or decreases activity or proves toxic. Moreover, increased olood pressure, as a rule, is accom- panied by a decrease in rate of cardiac and respiratory activity. 4-Univ. Sci. Bull . Vol. V, No. 4. THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vol. V, No. 5— October, 1909. (Whole Series, Vol. XV, No. 5.) CONTENTS; The Nutrition of the Embryo Sac and Embryo in Certain Labiate, F. H. Billings. PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY, LAWRENCE, KAN. Entered at the t)ost-offlce iu l.nwreuw :is secondclHss matter. THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. VoL.V, No. 5] OCTOBER, 1909. [™xv'™l THE NUTRITION OF THE EMBRYO SAC AND EMBRYO IN CERTAIN LABIATE. BY F. H. BILLINGS. Plates XI to XIV. ^^OON after the publication of a paper on seed development, ' in which various sympetalous families were considered, Ihe writer began an investigation of embryo-sac nutrition as found in the Labiatse. Literature upon the subject indicated the presence of certain nutritive structures that resembled some of those described in the paper mentioned above. The structures consisted of outgrowths or specialized portions of the embryo sac which by enlargement frequently replaced con- siderable portions of the integument. The position and shape of the structures are characteristic in some instances of the family in which they occur. It is therefore one of the prob- lems of the present investigation to ascertain what degree of uniformity prevails among a number of genera of the Labiatse, and thus determine, if possible, whether any special type of embryonic structure is liable to become characteristic of the family. Though the number of species studied is but a small representation of the total number distributed over the earth, still, as will presently be shown, a great enough similarity ex- ists among them to warrant the supposition that a like re- semblance probably exists among the remainder. It would not be safe to extend such a conclusion to any family taken at random, inasmuch as some families are aggregates of groups, such as subfamilies, which may not be closely allied phylo- genetically but which are associated on account of fulfilling certain taxonomic requirements. (67) 68 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. One of the services that maj' ultimately be performed for taxonomy is that of testing the homogeneity of families. The results could be reached satisfactorily only after all the species of any given family had been examined as to their ontogeny. Taxonomically speaking, the Labiatse are regarded as a fairly homogeneous family with well-marked characteristics. Species whose common ancestors are not remote should show similarity in embryonic particulars, since these are doubtless the ones least influenced by environment. No attempt was made to work out the stages preceding fer- tilization in every instance. Several species were examined, however, and the series of events constituting the earlier his- tory of embryo-sac development were found to be identical. The ovular primordium gives rise to a single megaspore mother cell, from which originates an axial row of four poten- tial megaspores. The most deeply seated of the four develops into the ordinary type of an eight-celled embryo sac. The growth of the embryo was followed in detail in Lamium ample xicaule, and it was found that the various stages in de- velopment correspond closely to the plan observed in most dicotyledonous embryos. However, it is not with the develop- ment of the embryo but with the behavior of the embryo sac that this paper has most to do. Many of the writings of early investigators who worked along embryological lines show that there was little thought of as- signing physiological significance to peculiar shapes assumed by the embryo sac. More recently quite a number of observ- ers have entered the field, and they have shown the wisdom of correlating morphology and physiology. Bibliographies of their papers have been published from time to time, so that only the literature cited in the text, or very recent papers, will be given here. The single and unusually thick integument of many Sym- petalse, including the Labiatse, appear to serve a double func- tion. The outermost layers become transformed into a seed coat, while the inner or remainder, wholly or in part, may be- come a nutritive tissue (Nahrgewebe) which invites, as it seems, the digestive and absorptive activity of the endosperm. Sometimes the nutritive tissue is more or less localized, as can be seen from the deposits of starch in certain regions. In other instances the deposition of food material is general throughout billings: embryo nutrition in labiate. 69 the integument, so that no special part would be likely to be- come a particular point of attack by the endosperm. When the absorptive activity of the endosperm is largely centered in some outgrowth or differentiated portion of the embryo sac, the term "haustorium" is applied to such a por- tion. In instances where haustoria are not developed, the di- gestive and absorptive power is more or less equally distrib- uted over the entire surface of the embryo sac. Where ab- sorption is going on most rapidly, the cells directly concerned in the appropriation of the nutritive material are usually abundantly supplied with plasmatic contents. In case of the presence of a haustorium the endosperm cells lying adjacent to the base of the haustorium show the greatest richness in plasmatic contents. The following genera and species of Labiatje form the bases of the detailed description : Lamium amplexicaule. Mentha cmiadensis. Stachys palustris. Salvia lanceolata. Phrysostcgia virginiana. Salvia azurea. Leonurus cardiaca. Monarda fistulosa. Brunella vulgaris. Nepeta catana. Teucri'iim canadefise. Dracoccphalum sp. Pycnanthemum lanceolatwm. Scidellaria parvula. Lycopus rubelhis. Lamium amplexicaule. This species will be given more detailed consideration than the others, for it will serve in a measure as a type of the fam- ily and also as a basis of comparison for the other species. The embryo sac, at the time fertilization is accomplished, con- tains the usual form of egg apparatus (fig. 1) . The endosperm nucleus is large, spherical in form, and contains a vesicular nucleolus. The nucleus does not lie near the egg apparatus, as is the case in so many plants, but at the opposite end of the sac near the disintegrating antipodals. The contour of the sac shows a constriction which may be used to distinguish a larger upper, or micropylar portion, in which the egg apparatus lies, from a smaller, lower, or antipodal portion, in which the endo- sperm nucleus lies. The endosperm nucleus does not leave the antipodal region, but immediately after fertilization develops a tissue in its end of the sac. Double fertilization probably occurs, though it was not observed. 70 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. The egg responds to fertilization by elongating greatly, and pushing down into the forming endosperm tissue (figs. 2, 3). The elongation is at first due to the growth of the en- tire egg cell. A transverse wall soon separates the suspensor from the proembiyo. It is thus seen that the cell which is to develop into the embryo is removed altogether from the mi- cropylar portion of the sac. For a time this portion contains no active nuclei, the synergids being in a process of disintegra- tion. But endosperm nuclei soon migrate into it through the space lying between the suspensor and the wall of the embryo sac. The nuclei are but few in number and they do not form, tissue (fig. 4). From this time on, the two extremities of the embryo sac are very sharply distinguished. The antipodal end is soon filled with a compact growing tissue that surrounds the embryo. Increase in size of the tissue takes place rapidly, so that the micropylar portion shortly becomes the smaller (fig. 4). A remnant of nucellus can usually be seen as a dis- organized mass of cells lying at one side of the micropylar ex- pansion of the sac. For a considerable length of time the endo- sperm tissue extends only to the constriction, beyond which lies the micropylar region Mdth its wandering endosperm nuclei. An examination of the integument cells surrounding this region shows that dissolution is in progress — due, of course, to the predatory activity of this part of the sac. The antipodal por- tion, with its endosperm tissue, exerts a similar absorptive influence, but the material absorbed by the latter is retained or used up in building more tissue, while that absorbed by the former is not, but is transferred to the endosperm tissue. The micropylar portion of the embryo sac may therefore be re- garded as a haustorium. Evidence of the results of haustorial activity is seen in the unusual richness of plasmatic contents in the endosperm cells bordering on the haustorium. The pres- ence of starch in the basal portion points to the same conclu- sion. The nuclei of the haustorium do not form tissue, as has al- ready been stated. In Lamium ample xicaule they take no definite position. Although they have the same origin as the nuclei of the endosperm tissue they differ considerably from them. The chief difference lies in their much greater size. These may attain a length of over thirty micromillimeters. which is greater than the average diameter of an endosperm billings: embryo nutrition in labiate. 71 cell (fig. 5). The haustorial nuclei vary usually from twenty to thirty micromillimeters in diameter, but the smallest are much larger than any formed in the endosperm tissue, since these average only about five micromillimeters in diameter. Another difference is the much greater size of the nucleoli of the haustorial nuclei. In addition, the nucleoli are not vesicu- lar, as are most of those in the endosperm tissue, but are solid. The large size of the nucleoli would seem to indicate an in- creased nutritive function on the part of the nucleus, especially in light of the theory that nucleoli represent reserve food sub- stance. There is no evidence that the haustorial nuclei undergo division, either in Lamium or in the coenocytic haustoria of any other of the Labiatsg investigated. There is some variance in the explanations of the peculiarity of these nuclei, but dis- cussion of them will be reserved till the close of the paper. The suspensor elongates during the growth of the embryo sac and finally attains an unusual length (fig. 6). Its course is for some time plainly visible in the haustorium and for a longer time in endosperm tissue. The portion nearest the em- bryo persists while the remainder slowly disintegrates. The appearance of the suspensor is such that at no time does it seem to serve as a conductor of food substances to the embryo, at least from any locality other than that of the endosperm tissue immediately surrounding it. It appears to have fulfilled its function when it carried the embryo from the haustorium down into the midst of developing endosperm tissue. While the micropylar haustorium is transferring materials to one end of the endosperm tissue the opposite end is nour- ished by substances conducted through a vascular bundle that passes down the integument and terminates near the chalaza. The little depression or pocket in which the antipodals undergo disintegration is deepened until it forms a short canal, which extends from the endosperm toward the terminus of the vas- cular bundle. It does not merit the name of haustorium to the extent that the micropylar expansion of the sac does, since it exerts little or no absorptive influence ' upon the integument, cells bordering it, but rather seems designed to facilitate con- duction from the bundle. Its increase in length is not accom- panied by a pronounced increase in diameter nor does it contain nuclei. Later stages in ernbryo development show increase of the 72 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. endosperm tissue and a consequent encroachment upon the haustoria. Just when the micropylar haustorium ceases to function is hard to say. Its activity probably does not cease as soon as it begins to be encroached upon by the endosperm tissue. The nuclei in fact remain till late stages in seed de- velopment. Stachys palutris. The embryo sac seen in figure 7 presents markedly differen- tiated portions. The stage shown here is reached in the same manner as a corresponding one in Lamium. While the endo- sperm is beginning its formation in the antipodal end of the sac a number of nuclei migrate into the haustorium. They distribute themselves over the micropylar end of the hausto- rium, where the cytoplasm is chiefly located. The opposite end is distinctly vacuolated. It will be noticed that the constric- tion is very narrow. Through it passes the suspensor with an enveloping layer of cytoplasm. The regions adjacent on each side of the constriction are stored with starch, the result evi- dently of the absorptive activity of the haustorium. As in Lamium, the cells of the endosperm tissue nearest the hausto- rium are richer in plasmatic contents than those at a distance. The canal that conducts from the terminus of the vascular bundle is comparatively long in Stachys. It is sharply bent about midway in its course, one arm running longitudinally to connect with the end of the vascular bundle. Stachys and Lamium vary in the structure of their embryo sacs only in minor details, the main difference being the more definitely placed haustorial nuclei in Stachys. The embryo is nourished in both by the endosperm tissue surrounding it, this in turn being assisted in its growth by the activity of the haustorium. It is probable that the suspensor does not func- tion in the conduction of materials to the embryo, on account of the disorganized condition of its cells. The food materials gathered by the haustorium are transmitted to the endosperm tissue through that part of the constriction lying around the suspensor. Phrysostegia virginica. This species has a peculiar appearing embryo sac when the stage shown in figure 8 is reached. Such difference as may be noted, when it is compared with Lamium and Stachys, is due principally to the direction of growth taken by the endosperm BILLINGS: EMBRYO NUTRITION IN LABIATE. 73 tissue. If the growth had been uniform in all directions the long axes of the haustorium and endosperm tissue would have been approximately parallel. In Phrysostegia the endosperm grows in a one-sided fashion, producing a bend in the embryo sac of about ninety degrees. The haustorium is a club-shaped sac containmg a few large nuclei. Its upper or micropylar end is vacuolated, while its lower end, adjoining the endosperm tissue, is densely protoplasmic. The suspensor is exceedingly long. The position of the antipodal canal is peculiar in this species. It is located near the haustorium — a situation explained by the short length of the vascular bundle, as well as the one-sided growth of the endosperm tissue. The constriction existing be- tween the haustorium and endosperm tissue is comparatively wide, with the result that the cytoplasm of the haustorium comes in contact with the endosperm tissue to a greater extent than in any other species examined. Leonurus cardiaca. Leonurus has a large haustorium with a contour much like that of Stachys (fig. 9) . The haustorial nuclei have a more or less fixed position in that portion lying nearest the endosperm tissue. This is the reverse of the condition in StacJujs, where the nuclei lie in the micropylar region. Their number varies from four to six. The definite position of the haustorial nuclei would suggest the presence of cell walls, but there was no evi- dence of them. Leonurus bears a close resemblance to Phrysostegia in the proximity of the antipodal canal to the haustorium. The canal does not appear in the section shown in figure 9, so its position is indicated by the dotted lines. The lower portion of the endo- sperm tissue and its connection with the vascular bundle through the canal is shown in figure 10. BruneUa vulgm'is. This species possesses a large coenocytic haustorium contain- ing nuclei without definite position. In this respect it is like Lamium. The antipodal haustorial canal becomes laterally placed, but, unlike the two previously described genera, it re- mains near the base of the endosperm tissue. The five genera thus far mentioned belong to the tribe Stachydese. No marked variations occur; in fact, they are 74 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. • much more nearly alike than they are different. Phrysostegia appears to be the most divergent, but such divergence is really trivial. All are characterized by a large micropylar hausto- rium — a feature, however, which it shares with representa- tives of other tribes. Teucrium canadense. A glance at the diagram shown in figure 11 will show the relative position and size of the different portions of the em- bryo sac. The most noticeable difference between this species and those previously described is the relatively small size of the haustorium. The failure of the haustorium to enlarge much is doubtless mainly due to its proxity to the end of the beak-like extremity of the integument. There is but little room for en- largement. The haustorium contains a few nuclei that do not form a tissue. Whether this organ is really functional or not is difficult to determine with certainty. At most its activity can be only very slight, otherwise the extremity of the integu- ment would undergo dissolution. The endosperm nuclei which are found in it do not have the size nor the altered appearance seen so frequently in vigorously acting haustoria. It would ap- pear from this that alteration in the haustorial nuclei is to some extent at least proportional to the activity of the organ to which they belong. Pycnanthemum lanceolatum. The general configuration of the embryo sac is much like that of Laminm (fig. 12). The ccenocytic haustorium attains a large size, with the result that most of the micropylar por- tion of the integument becomes absorbed. The constriction between haustorium and endosperm tissue is soon obliterated, so that the two lie contiguous over a considerable area. The suspensor is long, as in the previously mentioned species, but owing to the size of the haustorium most of its length is found within the limits of this structure. Lycopus riibellus. LycopuH ruhelliis, when contrasted with Pycnanthemum, which belongs to the same tribe, differs in two respects; the haustorium is small, and the constriction lying between it and the endosperm tissue is relatively long (fig. 13). The basal portion of the endosperm tissue extends in a beak-like process to the end of the vascular bundle. This process occupies the BILLINGS: EMBRYO NUTRITION IN LABIATE. 75 position of the antipodal canal of previously described species. Its origin may be explained by a growth of the tissue into the canal, which it thus displaces. The haustorium contains but one or two nuclei with no formation of tissue. Mentha canadensis. The integument in this species is not extensive, yet there is a large cosnocytic haustorium present which closely resembles that of Pijcnayithemiim. Like Pycnanthemiim, there is in Mentha an early obliteration of the canal connecting hausto- rium and endosperm tissue. Lycopus, on the other hand, rep- resents the other extreme, in which the canal persists for a long time. PycnantheTmim, Lycopus and Mentha belong to the tribe Satureinese. Salvia azurea and Salvia lanceolata. These two species will be considered together, as they pre- sent many points in common. As compared with the repre- sentatives of other genera, however, they show marked differ- ences. In the first place, they are unique in having two haus- torial outgrowths, one coenocytic and one composed of ordinary endosperm tissue. In addition, there is a well-developed antip- odal canal. In order to follow better the development of the haustoria, it will be advantageous to examine the definitive embryo sac and consider some of the phenomena immediately following fertili- zation. The definitive embryo sac of Salvia lanceolata is shown in figure 14. It is short, and in comparison with the extensive integument is relatively insignificant (fig. 15). The shortness is the more noticeable when the amount of space occupied by the egg apparatus is taken mto consideration. The embryo sac is filled with a reticulated cytoplasm, which is distinguished from that of Lamium amplexicaule and other species examined by the absence of vacuoles. The antipodals lie in the depression which marks the beginning of the canal to the vascular bundle. The small size of the embryo sac necessitates the proximity of the endosperm nucleus to the egg apparatus. Fertilization is followed by a very slight elongation of the egg cell — a marked variation from the condition found in the species of other genera examined. The explanation for this difference lies in the fact that none of the space occupied by the definitive embryo sac is to be included in haustorium formation, 76 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. since elongation of the egg and suspensor is always for the pur - pose of removing the embryo from the sphere of haustorial activity. In Lamium approximately half of the sac becomes haustorium, and it is in view of this fact that the embryo is transferred for development to the antipodal region. The elongation of the suspensor in the majority of Labiatse exam- ined appears to terminate its function, for disintegration fol- lows. In Salvia, on the contrary, there is reason to believe that it plays an important part in embryo nutrition. The cells com- posing it are short and relatively rich in plasmatic contents. The first division of the endosperm nucleus results in the formation of a cell at the extreme antipodal end of the embryo sac. The wall cutting off this cell lies approximately in a plane at right angles to the long axis of the embryo and suspensor. The separating walls of cells produced in succeeding divisions are at first parallel to the first wall. The embryo is soon sur- rounded by endosperm tissue (fig. 16). One endosperm cell takes a position near the end of the suspensor for the purpose of entering directly into the formation of a haustorium. The growth of the endosperm tissue surrounding the embryo is greatest in a direction toward the upper part of the integument and approximately parallel with the vascular bundle. As a re- sult, an endosperm process, cylindrical in shape, projects into the region where lies the most extensive portion of integument tissue (fig. 17). The outgrowth is evidently designed to reach the nutritive tissue remote from the main mass of endosperm. Functionally, it is a haustorium, differing principally from tissue-containing haustoria of certain other families of plants in the greater number of cells. Figure 17 shows a young haus- torium of Salvia lanceolata. In its maturer stages, seen dia- grammatically in figure 19, it is composed of much elongated cells. Such differentiation suggests conduction as a function. The elongated cells lie principally in the axis of the haustorium with their long axes parallel to that of the haustorium. The peripheral cells serve as digestive and absorptive cells, while those of the interior of the haustorium are conductive. The products of its activity are transferred to the main mass of endosperm which it thus serves as an absorbing organ. The other haustorium is coenocytic, and its activities are directly concerned with embryo nutrition through the suspen- sor. It is not a structure developed from the suspensor, though billings: embryo nutrition in labiate. 77 it continues it, in a way, out into the integument. It recalls some of the haustorial outgrowths in the suspensor cells in certain Orchidacese- and Rubiacese."' In Salvia lanceolata two endosperm nuclei take part in haustorium formation; more than two in Salvia azurea (fig. 18). In both species one end of the haustorium completes the basal or proximal portion of the suspensor. In Salvia lanceolata more of the suspensor is sur- rounded than in Salvia azurea. In the former the suspensor becomes bent while in the latter it remains straight. The haustorium grows outward through the integument, taking a direction nearly at right angles to that taken by the other haustoria. The purpose of the coenocytic haustorium is to dissolve the integument cells surrounding it, but it is unique in communicating the products of its activity to the suspensor. Attention has already been called to the striking- differences between the Salvia suspensors and those of the other Labiatse examined. As the former take part in embryo nutrition their cells present an appearance betokening activity. Instead of losing their protoplasmic contents or undergoing dissolution, as in instances where excessive elongation takes place, the suspensor cells of Salvia are healthy appearing, re- sembling the endosperm cells in this respect not a little. The coenocytic haustorium does not attain the size of the one composed of tissue (fig. 19). As in similar haustoria previ- ously described, the nuclei are larger than those of the endo- sperm tissue. A canal, bent at nearly right angles, is formed between the endosperm and the vascular bundle. There appears to be no nucleus in it, but granular material resembling cytoplasm is found along the side walls and at the end. As the main body of endosperm pushes outward at the expense of the integument cells, the canal does not suflFer for a time (fig. 20). Instead, the endosperm becomes laid down around its proximal end. This gives the appearance of the canal piercing the tissue. The canal forms a direct communication with the vascular bundle, serving probably as a conduction to the endosperm. Monarda flstulosa. This species is patterned after Lamium rather than after Salvia. There is a large coenocytic micropylar haustorium which does not diflfer materially from that of Lamium. A few nuclei are present, though of a relatively smaller size. The 78 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. embryo sac is narrow and the suspensor is very long. There is no antipodal canal, but the endosperm tissue bends toward the terminus of the vascular bundle in the form of a process. Nepeta cata7'ia. The haustorium of Nepeta cataria is coenocytic, and contains four nuclei that occupy a more or less definite position at its base or near the place where the suspensor passes into the con- striction (fig. 21). The haustorium is relatively small, con- taining much less than half the length of the suspensor. Dracocephalum sp. This varies from the other species of Labiatse examined in the character of the outline of the endosperm tissue. In the other species this tissue enlarges quite uniformly, presenting a smooth or entire outline when sectioned. The outgrowths in Dracocephalum have no definite position or form and hence are not to be regarded as other than integral portions of the endosperm tissue and not haustoria (fig. 22). The haustorium is much elongated, as is the endosperm tissue. The embryo lies in the upper portion of the latter, being attached at the end of a very long suspensor. Scutellaria parvula. The bent embryo sac of Scutellaria, resulting in a bent em- bryo in the ripe seed, is of course well known to taxonomists. It conforms to the other species in Labiatse in possessing a haustorium, but located, as it is, at the extreme tip of the ovule, its growth is greatly limited, so that it remains small (fig. 23). The endosperm is elongated and tapers at the base into a hook- like process whose end lies near the terminus of the vascular bundle. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS. In a large number of plants, especially those in which two integuments are present, the embryo sac assumes a somewhat elliptical or oval form in longitudinal section, with an approxi- mately entire outline. The nutrition designed for growth of the endosperm may be absorbed fairly uniformly over the en- tire surface of the sac, or it may be absorbed more rapidly at one point than at other points, but in either case the elliptical or oval outline is maintained. If added organs mean increased specialization, then embryo sacs of the type just mentioned, BILLINGS: EMBRYO NUTRITION IN LABIAT^E. 79 without special absorptive structures, may be regarded as a simpler, less differentiated, perhaps more nearly primitive, sort. In some instances the innermost cell layer of integument, which borders on the nucellus or else on the embryo sac, is specialized into a digestive layer, whose activity is directed against the remaining integument for the benefit of the em- bryo sac. The name "tapetum" has been frequently applied to this layer, but its use is justified only on account of the nutri- tive function it performs. GoebeP proposes the term "epithe- lium" as a substitute. Three characteristics usually pertain to the epithelium: first, it remains intact for a longer period than the integumental layers adjacent; second, its cells be- come differentiated in form or contents from those of the re- maining integument ; third, it apparently exerts a digestive ac- tion. The digestive action is doubted by some, among whom is Schmid," who ascribes a protective function to it. Since the species of Labiatse herein described do not develop an epithe- lium, it is without the province of this discussion to do more than call attention to the fact that Schmid challenges the re- sults obtained by the "Goebelische Schule," thus showing that the problem is open for further investigation. The Labiatse, in common with some other sympetalous fami- lies, depart from the type described for many plants having two integuments by differentiating haustoria. The haustorium implies increased absorptive activity in one portion of the embryo sac, but not necessarily cessation of the function else- where. Among the labiates studied, all (with the single ex- ception of Salvia) have a micropylar haustorium of some sort. In most of the species it is a well-developed structure, exhibit- ing manifest activity as a nutritive organ. But in such species as Scutellaria parvula, Teucnum canadense, and Lycopus ru- bellus, it is of small size, and its usefulness may with safety be said to be either greatly reduced or else obsolete. Whether such a condition really represents actual reduction from a pre- viously more highly developed state, or whether it is primitive in its nature, is a problem yet to be solved. The much elon- gated suspensor is here offered as evidence favoring the former view, since the purpose of elongation is believed to be the re- moval of the embryo from the region of the haustorium. Ex- traordinary length in proportion to the size of the haustorium 80 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. might therefore mean that shortening of the former did not accompany reduction in size of the latter. Conditions external to the embryo sac may have had something to do with hausto- rium reduction in such a species as Scutellaria parvula, where narrowing of the integument to a beak left but little tissue to be exploited. The nuclei in the coenocytic haustorium merit interest on account of the extraordinary size and appearance some of them attain. Such nuclei are found in other families where similar haustoria exist. They have been described by Balicka-Iwanow- ska,'' Schmid'' and others. That they are transformed endo- sperm nuclei is of course easy to observe. Knowing the kind of work the haustorium is called upon to do, one might expect in- crease in size, both of entire nucleus and also of nucleolus, on account of extraordinary nutritive function. The loss of power to divide accompanies the development of this function. Ac- cording to Schmid,^ the nuclei should be considered degenerate structures, whose condition has been produced by excessive nourishment, as is attested by loss of power to divide. In- stances of like nature are not limited to embryo sacs, but occur in mycorrhiza and in animals. There is room for difference of opinion, however, as to the governing principle underlying such nuclear change. It is at least open to investigation whether the increase in size is a direct result of degeneration, due to unusually favorable conditions regarding food supply, or whether it is due to the added functional responsibility de- manded of them by the haustorium. It is questionable whether either failure to undergo division or exceptional abundance of nutriment should be used as a test of degeneracy. As evidence against the latter view, attention is called to the normal ap- pearance of the nuclei in the cellular haustorium in Salvia and those in the endosperm cells adjacent to a coenocytic hausto- rium. Both are in very favorable condition as to food supply, yet there is no nuclear enlargement. It would appear that coenocytic structure is conducive to such enlargement, but it cannot be merely a question of food supply, A difference is to be noted in the lack of cell walls, which in a tissue may pos- sibly exert a limiting influence on increase of size in nuclei. Another difference is seen in the relatively small number of nuclei in a coenocytic haustorium. It might be difficult to prove, however, that for this reason the work demanded of each BILLINGS: EMBRYO NUTRITION IN LABIATE. 81 nucleus would be greater, though of course there is a possi- bility that it might be true. Haustoria have either indefinite or more or less definite positions of their nuclei. Wallc might be expected in instances where the nuclei are definitely placed. Balicka-Iwanowska'' found a very delicate gelatinous membrane present in cer- tain instances of this sort. No walls were evident, however, in any of the micropylar haustoria of the Labiatse. Indefinite location of nuclei are associated with irregular form of haustorium, while those having a more nearly fixed position are found in such as have an approximately symmet- rical form. The Labiatse investigated generally have long suspensors, which are associated with the presence of micropylar haus- toria. An exception is seen in Salvia, which has a short sus- pensor and no micropylar haustorium. The direct results of suspensor elongation are the removal of the embryo from the haustorium and its transfer to the vicinity of the center of the growing endosperm tissue. These results are doubtless suffi- cient to serve as causes for suspensor elongation. It is at least evident that a position within the haustorium would not be as favorable as a position without in so far as the products of haustorial activity are concerned. The endosperm tissue itself exerts a digestive action on the integument, and it also receives the nutriment from the haustorium, hence this tissue is more favorable for embryo development than the haustorium alone. Although integument cells are destroyed by the haustorium, there is no reason for believing that those of the embryo would likewise be, since endosperm tissue bordering on the hausto- rium is in no way affected by its digestive action. There is, therefore, no reason for thinking that suspensor elongation is to remove the embryo from the predatory action of the haus- torium. In general, it does not appear that the suspensor functions as a conductor of nutrition to the embryo. Evidence for this view is found in the collapsed condition of the suspensor through nearly its entire length, especially in that part lying within the haustorium. The greater portion of it is apparently without cell contents of any sort, and may or may not be con- tinuous from the micropylar end of the embryo sac to the embryo. It would be expected of a cell or tissue that is serving 3-Univ.[Sci. Bull., Vol. V, No. 5. 82 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. actively as a means of translocation of food materials that some vestige of life would be discernible. In Salvia, for instance, a healthy, vigorous condition of the suspensor cells accompanies activity in food transmission. In all the species examined (except Salvia), the only suspensor cells that appeared to be living were those immediately adjacent to the embryo. The nutrition of the embryo is accomplished through absorption over its entire surface, whereas in Salvia an added source of nutriment probably lies in the conducting power of the sus- pensor. The length of the suspensor is roughly proportionate to the size of the haustorium through which the embryo has to be transported. Usually the movement is past a coenocytic struc- ture to a tissue. An instance is to be noted, however, in My- oporum^ (Myoporacese) , in which the growth is directly through one portion of the endosperm to another. The beaked portion of the endosperm is apparently a remnant of what may once have been a coenocytic haustorium, but in which the coe- nocytic condition has been lost. The integument varies in thickness and extent in the differ- ent species. Of course, it is in those in which it is most ex- tensive that the largest haustoria are possible. Through the integument in each case there runs a vascular bundle which terminates near the antipodal region. A slight outpocketing of the embryo sac is found extending into the integument to- ward the end of the bundle. Later it may develop into a canal without nuclei, or into a process of the endosperm. Its func- tion in all cases is evident — to facilitate the passage of nutri- ment from the vascular bundle to the endosperm. In summing up the characteristics that are common to the species described in this paper, with the exception of Salvia, they have been found to possess three that in the future may be shown to belong to the family as a whole. They are the micropylar haustorium, the much-elongated suspensor, and the antipodal canal or process. Marked variations from a common type, such as are found in Salvia, suggest a taxonomic re- arrangement, even though the usual macroscopic characteris- tics resemble those of the family in which the varying species is placed. In a previous paper,' for instance, attention was called to the striking difference in the ovular structure of the Menyantheae when compared with the coordinate subfamily BILLINGS: EMBRYO NUTRITION IN LABIATE. 83 Gentianese. The two have since been raised to family rank, probably for other reasons, yet it is interesting to note that the structure of the ovule justified the wisdom of the change. In this way can a study of sporangial, gametophytic and em- bryonic structures be of service in establishing more natural relationships and groupings. LITERATURE CITED. 1. F. H. Billings. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Samenentwickelung. Flora Bd., 88 Heft 3, 1901. 2. M. Treub. Notes sur I'embryogenie de quelques Orchidees, Natur- kund. Verhandl. Konigl. Akad. Deel. 21, 1879. 3. F. E. Lloyd. The comparative embryology of the Rubiaceae. Mem- oirs of the Torrey Botanical Club, vol. VIII, No. 1, Pt. 2, 1902. 4. K. GoEBEL. Organographie der Pflanzen, vol. II, Jena, 1901. 5. E. SCHMID. Beitrage zur Entwickelungs-geschichte der Scrophulari- aceae, Zurich, 1906. 6. G. P. Balicka-Iwanowska. Contribution a I'etude du sac embryon- naire chez certaines Gamopetales, Flora 86, 47-71, 1899. THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vol. V, No. 6— October, 1909. (Whole Series, Vol. XV, No. 6.) CONTENTS: Mitosis in the Root-tip Cells of Podophyllum peltatum, A. Richards. PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY, LAWRENCE, KAN. Entered at the post office in La\vrenc(> as .second-class matter. THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vol. V, No. 6] OCTOBER, 1909. [vJI°xVnT6 MITOSIS IN THE ROOT-TIP CELLS OF PODOPHYLLUM PELTATUM. BY A. RICHARDS. Plates XV and XVI. (Contribution from the Botanical Laboratory of the University of Kansas.) ''pHE work, the results of which are herein presented, was *■ undertaken during the summer of 1907, under the direc- tion of Prof. W. C. Stevens, whom I have to thank for his kind- ness and much helpful advice. My thanks are also due Mr. F. A. Hartman for helpful suggestions. In discussing the root-tip cells of Podophyllum peltatum, 1 shall use the following outline : I. Methods. II. Resting cells. A. Nucleus. 1. Nuclear membrane. 2. Chromatin. 3. Achromatin. 4. Nucleolus. B. Cytosome. 1. Cell wall. 2. Cytoplasm. 3. Archoplasm. III. Dividing cells. A. Prophase. 1. Nucleus. 2. Cytosome. B. Later phases of division. 1. Chromatin. 2. Achromatin and cytoplasm. IV. General considerations. A. Achromatic and archoplasmic structures. B. Individuality of chromosomes. (87) 88 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. METHODS. The root-tips of Podophyllum peltatum are peculiarly fitted for the study of mitosis in the vegetative cells of plants. The cells are larger than those of the onion root-tip, and in properly stained material the cell organs, especially the chromosomes, are to be seen with almost diagrammatic clearness. The material used in this study was collected during the lat- ter part of March and fixed in Flemming. For staining the sections three methods were used : Haidenhain's iron-hsema- toxylin (some sections counterstained with orange G), the safranin-gentian violet-orange G stain, and a combination of these two. Satisfactory results were obtained with slides stained in haematoxylin, both with and without the counter- stain ; the three-color method also gave fair results. Only a few sections were successful with the combination method, but they were promising; without doubt the method will repay careful experiment. It was followed as given by Schaff- ner (2). THE RESTING CELL. The most typical resting cells are not often to be found at the tip of the root, for this, of course, is the region of greatest mitotic activity and the resting stages are very short, but back from the tip as much as two millimeters. Farther from the tip the cells are apt to be plasmolyzed in fixing. The nuclear membrane of the resting cell normally disap- pears as soon as the cell begins division ; it is, however, quite constant in its appearance and staining reaction, and varies only slightly in thickness. It appears to stain very deeply with chromatin stains, a fact which is probably due to the peripheral arrangement of the chromatin granules, as seen in figure 1. These chromatin masses are arranged over the linin network of the nucleus in large or small patches, depending on the age of the cell, i. e., nearness to the tip. In examining the achromatic structures of the cells of P. peltatum I have had considerable difficulty, especially in the stages of mitosis. In some cells they can be seen quite clearly ; in others, which appear to be equally well fixed and have been treated with exactly the same methods, they cannot be seen at all. Owing to this irregularity in their staining capacity, I have not been able to work out their history accurately. The nucleoli of these cells are very interesting. They vary RICHARDS: MITOSIS IN PODOPHYLLUM. 89 in number from one to several — rarely more than four — and in size and shape. In general they are irregular-spherical, but may be compressed into different shapes. The variation in size, which is considerable, depends on the age of the cell. As the time for division approaches they grow smaller, finally disap- pearing about the same time as the nuclear membrane. This last fact sustains the conclusion that the nucleolus is simply a storehouse for food material for the rest of the cell. In most cells up to the time of division there is noticeable a peculiar vacuolated condition of the nucleus, and in these vac- uoles lie the nucleoli. Figure 1 shows two such cells, one of which has a single large nucleolus surrounded by a vacuole and the other three. The term "vacuole" for the clear space surrounding the nucleoli may be misleading. Experiments seem to show that this colorless space contains something more than a watery fluid, which is extracted by dehydration. By sub- jecting the roots of Zea mays, Vicia faba, and other plants to strong centrifugal force, Mottier ( i ) found that the nucleolus with its surrounding clear space was thrown out of the nucleus into the cytoplasm. "The nucleolus was still surrounded by the space, a fact that seems to show that the colorless substance has greater specific gravity than the other contents of the nucleus. The colorless substance may represent the unor- ganized nucleolar material." The cell wall of the resting cells stains much like the nuclear membrane and is only slightly thicker. The cytoplasm stains fairly dark with iron hsematoxylin, and shows its fine reticular structure quite plainly. Scattered uniformly over the threads of the reticulum are large granules. The cytoplasm of the cell stains slightly denser than the nuclear sap. With regard to archoplasmic structures, not the slightest evi- dence was seen to indicate that such structures as have been described by Schaffner are ever present : /. e., centrosomes and centrospheres. DIVIDING CELLS. The plane of division in these cells is mostly at right angles to the axis of the root. This rule, however, is by no means in- variable, for numerous cases have been found with the division planes parallel to, or at an angle of forty-five degrees with, the longitudinal axis (figs. 14, 20). 90 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. When the nucleus begins division the chromatin masses ar- range themselves in a spireme (figs. 2, 3) and the linin reticu- lum can no longer be seen. Perhaps the network has draw^n tighter, the threads stretching out to form a framework for the spireme. This stage has been called "close mother skein" (Schaffner) . In figure 2 the nucleoli are still present, but they are now without the surrounding clear spaces. The spireme soon becomes looped with the heads pointing toward the poles. I have not observed any connection between this fact and the fact that the chromosomes are J- and U- shaped. The segmentation of the spireme does not seem to occur regularly near the equator of the nucleus, as would be necessary to make the heads of the chromosome loops identical with those of the spireme loops. At about this stage the nuclear membrane disappears, as do the nucleoli. There is, of course, variation about the time of disappearance, for the membrane is still present in figure 4, where the granules have split to form a double spireme. This split is very clearly shown in figures 5 and 6. The spireme granules here have segmented to form the chromosomes. Im- mediately after segmentation the chromosome granules con- dense and the segments shorten, thus giving the apparently solid character to the chromosomes. In figure 6 the two lower segments have lagged behind the others in condensation. At this stage or earlier the milage of the spindle should ap- pear, for in the next stage observed the chromosomes were arranged on the bipolar spindle in the metaphase. The origin of the spindle was not observed, however, nor were any traces of a multipolar spindle seen. This may be due to any one of the three causes : the duration of the multipolar spindle may be short ; the spindle substance at this stage may not take the stain readily; or the bipolar spindle may have been formed in the manner usual in the cases of higher plants, but with the omis- sion of the multipolar stage. Of these three hypotheses for the absence of the multipolar stage, the third seems, perhaps, the best from the evidence in hand. The probability of the hy- pothesis decreases when we consider that the central spindle fibers stain more deeply than the traction fibers. No centro- some or centrosphere was seen in these cells, although in one or two cases a massing of protoplasmic granules at the poles of the cells might have been taken on a superficial examination for a centrosphere (figs. 7, 11). It was not difficult to de- RICHARDS: MITOSIS IN PODOPHYLLUM. 91 termine, however, that such was not the case, and it seems quite certain that the spindle is formed without the influence of other archoplasmic structures. In most cells there is no metaphase for the entire chromo- some mass, ?'. e., an equatorial plate, in these cells, but each chromosome passes through the stage without waiting for the others. Figures 7 and 11 are the only approach to such a con- dition, and even here there is some lack of uniformity in the division of the chromosomes. Figures 8, 9 and 10 show the usual condition of the equatorial plate. Figure 10 shows the longitudinal split of the undivided chromosomes very clearly. This cell was crushed, but the crushing served to bring out the split all the better. During the metaphase the first signs are seen of the concen- tration of the cytoplasm at the center of the cell, where the new wall is to be formed, and the consequent vacuolation of the cytoplasm at the poles. (This phenomenon is the usual occur- rence in these cells but there are numerous instances where it is only slightly marked.) This concentration seems to aid in the construction of the new cell plate, for the more marked the concentration the more rapid the cell-plate formation. In regard to the division of the chromosomes nothing un- usual was observed. The chromosomes divide and pass to the poles as in most forms. In passing up to the poles the chromo- somes usually turn with the short arm of the J toward the cen- ter of the spindle. One chromosome seemed to stand out from the rest slightly and was especially marked by its size ; this was the long chromosome m (figs. 9, 14). Polar views of the ana- phase present the best opportunities for counting the chromo- somes, but there is much uncertainty even here, owing to the diflficulty of getting all of the plate in one section or of tracing it through neighboring sections. Fourteen chromosomes were counted in about a dozen cells, but this, of course, is insuffi- cient evidence on which to base a decision. Arrived at the poles the chromosomes fuse end to end and then form a loose daughter "skein." This "skein" becomes a close one and the chromatin forms a dense mass at the poles. The remainder of the nuclear reconstruction consists in the formation of the membrane, the distribution of the chromatin granules in the nuclei, the appearance of the linin network and the formation of new nucleoli. It is a general rule that the nucleoli arise on the side of the cell nearest the new cell wall. 92 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. While the reconstruction of the nuclei has been in progress, several changes have occurred in the spindle and the cytoplasm. As soon as the concentration of the cytoplasm is complete the spindle broadens out somewhat. Figure 23 shows a maximum bulging, while figure 22 is perhaps a minimum. Figure 22 shows an unusual phenomenon in the process; the majority of the central spindle fibers (only the central fibers now remain) seem to have become free at their polar ends and to have short- ened towards the center, staining very darkly in this region. The threads disappear as soon as the cell walls are formed. It is difficult to determine what the bulging out of the spindle and the concentration of the threads and cytoplasm signify, but it seems probable that the threads contain some substance useful in the construction of the new cell wall. This suggestion is in line with the work of Strasburger (4) and Haberlandt (5), who have discussed this phenomenon of the spindle in detail. The rate at which these processes occur varies. One may find a nuclear membrane before the cell plate has started (fig. 20), or he may find the cell plate well started while the chro- matin is still in the loose daughter "skein" (fig. 19). GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. Ach7'omatin and Archoplasm. — In regard to the origin of the spindle Schaff'ner concludes that, in root-tips of the onion and of Sagittaria, at least, the multipolar spindle is due either to pathological causes or to ''improper manipulation in preparing the sections," and that a bipolar spindle is formed not by the transformation of a multipolar stage but under the influence of a centrosome and centrosphere as commonly de- scribed for animals. As previously stated, I find no evidence whatever for concluding that such archoplasmic structures are present. Although no traces of a multipolar spindle have been seen here, it is not necessary to assume that a centrosome is present to guide the formation of the bipolar spindle, as the fibers them- selves may possess sufficient directive energy to bring about the bipolar form. Individuality. — A single bit of evidence was found in support of the theory of individuality of the chromosomes in vegetative cells. In several of the cells there is an unusually long chromo- some, m, in general dividing before the others in the cell. Al- though this meager bit of evidence is by no means conclusive. RICHARDS: MITOSIS IN PODOPHYLLUM. 93 it points toward the view that while the cell is the unit of structure the chromosome is the unit of potentiality, and that the chromosomes themselves may all differ in structure and, if in structure, also in potentiality. An interesting problem concerning these root-tip cells is the relation of the cells to the entire tissue and the cytological processes of later stages of embryonic growth. Material for this study is not at hand at this time, but I hope to be able to trace out these processes at some subsequent period. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1. D. M. MOTTIER. Fecundation in Plants, Carnegie Institute, 1904. 2. J. H. SCHAFFNER. Karyokinesis in Root-tips of Allium cepa, Botanical Gazette, 36:226. 3. Adolph Hof. Botanisches Centralblat, LXXVI, 65, 113, 166, 221. 4. Eduard Strasburger. Ueber Plasmaverbindungen pflanzlicher Zellen, Jahrbiicher fiii- wissenschaftliche Botanik, 1900. 5. Haberlandt. Function und Lage des Zellkernes — Jena, 1887. NOTE. The drawings of the Podophyllum root-tips were all made with the aid of a camera lucida (B. & L.) A C. Reichert Mo objective was used and with it a B. & L. i/^-inch ocular for the larger figures and a %-inch for the smaller, making a magnification of 2466 and 2000 diameters, respectively. Figures 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, were made from material stained with the Flemming three-color method. The others were made from sections stained with the iron-haematoxylin method. 2-Univ. Sci. Bull.. Vol. V. No. 6. THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vol. V, No. 7— October, 1909. (Whole Series, Vol. XV, No. V.) CONTENTS: KOEBERLINIA SPINOSA ZUCC. : AN ECOLOGICAL STUDY OP THE ANATOMY OF THE Stem and some other Parts, .... Miriayn Sheldon. PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY, LAWRENCE, KAN. Entered at the post-oflBoe in Lawrenco as second-class matter. THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vol. V, No. 7] OCTOBER, 1909. [^^o'^xv^Nr? KOEBERLINIA SPINOSA Zucc. : AN ECOLOGICAL STUDY OF THE ANATOMY OF THE STEM AND SOME OTHER PARTS. BY MIRIAM SHELDON. Plates XVII to XXV. INTRODUCTION. SOME plant forms are peculiar and striking. Those of the desert are particularly individual, many being even gro- tesque in their chance variations. The choice of one of these plants for study was suggested by Professor Stevens, of the Botany Department of the University of Kansas. Accord- ingly, after sectioning and examining about fifty or sixty plantsw I selected and studied three more carefully. Of these the subject of this sketch is perhaps the most interesting. The material for this study w^as obtained in the summer of 1908. In July of that year collections of about sixty or seventy diff'erent species were made by Mr. L. M. Peace, of the Uni- versity of Kansas laboratories. These were taken from the region around about Tucson, Ariz., representatives of some species being taken from several habitats, as from mesa, wash, irrigating ditch or hill top. As the short summer season of rains had just begun some of the plants were ob- tainable before the leaves had appeared. Specimens were, of course, also taken after the leaves came out. The jars with their preserving fluid (two per cent formalin) were taken into the field, and the plants put into these as soon as collected. In many instances the whole plant was secured, one jar containing the root, stem, leaves and flower or fruit of the same plant. It will be seen that this collection is particularly valuable because (97) 98 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. of the great care taken in obtaining it. Many thanks are due Mr. Peace on this account, as well as for numerous verbal ex- planations and descriptions of the desert, the vegetation and the individual plants. The literature dealing with the desert plants is, as is well known, somewhat meager. So far very little more than a de- scription or a mere mention of KoeherUyiia has been found. Gray describes it in his Plantse Wrightiana^, and places it with the Rutacese. Engelmann mentions it twice in his works : once in his review of the Wislizenus plants and once as erro- neously numbered by Emory among his Cactacese of the South- west. Bentham and Hooker describe it under the family Simarubacese. The Ailanthus, or "Tree of Heaven," is perhaps the most familiar representative of this family with us north- ern dwellers among mesophytic forms. John Charles Van Dyke alludes to the "crucifixion thorn" in "The Desert." He says he has met with it in several localities although it is reported as "very scarce." Several travelers in Mexico and the Southwest have made collections of this plant or have reported it. Prof. Charles Bessey, of the University of Nebraska, in the "Burro Thorn" (Holocantha emoryi) finds a plant of great interest, if not one wholly as attractive morphologically, if one may judge by the brief account he was able to give for lack of the "oft promised material." A description of the plant as a whole has not been found. We do not know that anyone has ever had the hardihood to dig up a root. It is said to make an impenetrable barrier, so that a plant three feet high is of such dense growth that the main stem is hardly to be seen. Among the earlier collectors of the plant might be mentioned Chas. Wright, Dr. Josiah Gregg, Gen. Wm. H. Emory and Dr. N. Wislizenus. The plant is sometimes called "Junco," It seems as the northern border of Mexico is approached the individual plants become more stunted and less numerous than farther south. The plant is thus described by Sargent: "Leaves, not more than one inch long. Flowers, appearing in May and June, about one-fourth inch in diameter. A bushy tree, rarely twenty to twenty-five feet high, with a short, stout trunk sometimes six to eight feet long and a foot in diameter ; more often a low-branching shrub forming impenetrable thickets, often of considerable extent. Wood very hard, heavy, close-grained, dark brown somewhat streaked with orange; SHELDON: KOEBERLINIA SPINOSA. 99 becomes almost black on exposure, with thin yellow or nearly white sapwood of twelve to fifteen layers of annual growth. Distribution : Dry gravelly mesas and foothills, valley of the Lower Rio Grande, Texas, westward to southern through northern Mexico." The four or five plants seen by Mr. Peace were of various sizes, the largest — the one from which the specimens were taken — being about three feet wide and very compact in growth. The branches were pale green in color, no leaves, the flowers whitish to cream color. This was about three miles southwest of Tucson. As far as observed every branch is a thorn, some of them a little blunt at the end and not tipped with the brownish needle- like point. The thorns vary from 1.5 cm. to 7 cm. in length, being from 1 mm. to 4 mm. in diameter at the base. The largest stem obtainable for study was about 4.5 mm. in diam- eter, and was probably five or six years old, possibly more. To all appearances the bark is smooth, but microscopically it is somewhat rough, the roughness due to the dome-shaped pro- jections which occur over the stomatal chambers. The flowers are borne along the sides of very small sharp thorns. They have the appearance of being in a raceme — an umbel-like raceme, some authors call it. The leaves, said to be scalelike, are soon dropped. INVESTIGATION. The study of the desert plants was taken up in February, 1909, in connection with other graduate work at the University of Kansas, and continued until the middle of August of that year. The methods employed in pursuance of this study were vari- ous. The chlor-zinc-iodide treatment of sections fresh from the formalin or paraffin, or softened from the dried state, proved on the whole the most satisfactory. All the figures, except a few of the flower and some diagram- matic ones, were made by the aid of the camera lucida, the pro- jection lantern or the photographic camera. Stem. — The stem as a whole shows some interesting features in cross section, of which the thick epidermis, deeply sunken stomata, the deep palisade tissue, compact wood and small water tubes are not the least striking. The tissues might be taken in their order, beginning with the innermost one. It has been observed that no generalization 100 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. can be made in regard to the structure of these desert plants, each one having its own pecuHar way of getting on. The pith occupies a sort of triang;ular area. The cells are comparatively large (see table), are heavily lignified, deeply pitted, stored with starchy material, and possessed of — in al- most every case — a small crystal having the form of the cal- cium oxalate crystal. In the younger flower branch we find cells with thick walls, also, but retaining their rounded shape, pitted, and plentifully surrounded with air spaces. No food material was observed stored in this region. In the older stem elongated pit cells next the trachial tubes are densely filled with material that stains blue with c. z. i. This has a fine granular appearance (fig. 2, plate XX). The medullary rays are conspicuously broad in cross section, many being five cells wide. The cells are comparatively large. They have the ordinary cylindrical shape with thick lignified and pitted walls. (Figs. 3 and 5, plate XIX.) Intercellular spaces are frequent. Most of the cells are full of non-nitrog- enous material, while a few narrow and elongated ones appear adapted for quick conduction. Those between the phloem strands show the characteristic proteid reaction with c. z, i. and have the usual unpitted walls. Crystals are often found in these cells. The xylem makes up a great part of the stem. The wood fibers cannot be said to be very numerous. They have the usual shape and are rather short. (See table.) The fiber- tracheids are found quite plentifully and correspond closely to the wood fiber. The bordered pits, however, are very numer- ous, there being at least 200 to a tracheid. (Fig. 15, plate XX.) The pits are small. The spiral tracheids have the single and double spiral threads. These vessels are decidedly small. The tracheids are of three kinds and vary in length and diam- eter. (See table of measurements.) The tracheal tubes have many small bordered pits and have thickenings in ridges in the walls. The whole tube is divided at more or less regular intervals, as from 0.6 to 0.27 mm., by thick rings. Upon in- vestigation these may sometimes be seen to be in the plane of union of neighboring tubes, the walls being so completely fused as to obliterate all trace of joining. It seems that these rin^s are really the borders of an aperture in the ends of tube elements, occurring in the earliest laying down of the tissue. They were observed in the last vessels laid down before col- SHELDON: KOEBERLINIA SPINOSA. 101 lecting in the midst of the rainy season of 1908. (See figs. 5 and 6, plate XX.) These pitted vessels, often with ragged inner thickenings (fig. 6), are found from the spiral vessels next the pith to the latest growth. They are also found in the young thorn which bears the flowers. The end of this division of the tracheal tube is often very much elongated and gradu- ally tapering (figs. 3, 4, 9). Sometimes the long tapering is omitted and we have a peculiar cell ending as in figures 6a and 7. These elements sometimes taper at both ends, but fre- quently and abruptly in horizontal base. (Fig. 3.) Besides the tube elements just described, there are the more or less rectangular tracheids that join their neighbors above or below by horizontal or oblique walls. (Fig. 13.) No means to be had will give an exact account of the age of the stem. This is true of most of the perennials of the desert, we believe. Upon projecting upon the screen by means of the lantern, a cross section of the older stem showed traces of five or six seasons' growth, a slight increase in the size and number of the vessels being noticeable in each successive yearly growth as well as a somewhat greater compactness of growth in the wood itself. Probably for the year 1907 a new set of vessels has been formed. (Fig. 1, plate XVIII.) Outside of these is a second set of larger and unquestionably new water vessels laid down at the beginning of the rainy season of 1908. The width of an annual ring varies somewhat, but on the whole has an average of about 0.2 mm. The entire radial measurement of the wood from pith to phloem is about 1.5 mm. This would make the stem about seven and a half years old. The Phloem region shows the usual storage of nitrogenous materials in the sieve and companion cell portion and in the parenchyma. The elements of the sieve vessels are rather long (see table) and full of fine granular material. The sieve plates are heavy, with very minute perforations on the sides. The phloem parenchyma in my material occurs in a series of five parts, each being about three cells wide. (Fig. 1, plate XXI.) The stone cells and bast make a hard, rigid cylinder around this more delicate portion, the stone cells occurring between the bundles of bast and extending around them. The sclerenchymatous or stone cells are of various shapes : some are squarish, some oblong, and some so elongated as to be confused with the bast as far as shape goes, but possessing the deeply pitted characteristic of the stone cell. This zone 102 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. occupied by the stone cells is broad. Sometimes the cells are found in the region of the palisade cells, in scattered patches, or in many cases filling up air cavities below the stomatal chamber. (Fig. 1, plate XXIII.) The bast appears to be of twofold character — the ordinary long, tapering cells, united by a long splicing, then another kind, shorter and tapering abruptly at one end, while the other end, rather blunt, fits securely into the socket made by the two cells below. (Figs. 8, 9, 10, plate XXI.) These fibers occur in the regular bundles, but they also make a sort of inner bundle, we think ; at least, in all the cases so far examined they appear to occupy that position. They may make a sort of inner sup- porting shaft to the whole group. When separated from the long fibers a bundle of them looks like a barbed shaft. The spoyigy parenchyma tissue takes up the inner collen- chyma region. These are about five or six cells deep radially. The walls of some of the parenchyma of the innermost portion are heavily lignified. Neighboring cells have not so changed materially, but the cellulose wall is thicker in many cases. The walls in all the sponge are about twice as thick as those of the palisade region. The spongy cells are spherical, cuboidal or ovoid in shape, and about twice the diameter of the palisade cells. The numerous and large intercellular spaces in this re- gion are conspicuous. There are besides whole rows of open spaces, seen in either cross- or longi-sections. (Fig. 9, plate XXII.) This will be taken up in a later paragraph, however. The palisade cells lie in characteristic position, two or three deep radially. They are thin walled, cylindrical in shape, with some, but rather small, intercellular spaces. The chloroplasts are of goodly size, and show a deep blue in treating with c. z. i. In this region also are to be found very large aerating chambers, ovoid in shape, connecting directly with the stomatal chamber above, and thence with the outer world. These are not quite so numerous as the smaller cavities mentioned in the sponge. (Figs. 3, 4, plate XXII.) The epidermis is remarkable. The cuticle itself is very heavy, it being 0.015 mm. in thickness in the old stem. The whole epidermis as found in the older stem measures from 0.075 mm. to 0.105 mm. There is but one row of epidermis cells. These are elongated radially, and in the younger parts of the plant are of thin cellulose walls. In the older parts the walls become very much thickened, so much so that in time only SHELDON: KOEBERLINIA SPINOSA. 103 a conical space at the bottom represents the cell cavity. (Figs. 4, 5, plate XXII.) At intervals these picket-like cells give way to large cavities, which they surround and protect by a slight modification at the outer extremity, a curving upward and in- ward, thus making a little dome of from eight to a dozen cell tips. (Figs. 3, 1, plate XXIII.) These, not entirely closing the cavity, leave an aperture allowing of communication between the outer world and the stomatal apparatus within and thence farther beyond to inner tissues. (Fig. 8, plate XXII.) The details of this arrangement, although seemingly complex, are actually simple. The stoma lies at the base of the epidermal air chamber; slight projections of the walls of the guard cells make a shallow stomatal chamber immediately above, and like ones make one below. Beyond the lower lies the large ovoid cavity referred to in the palisade tissue. (Figs. 8, 9, plate XXII, fig. 11, plate XXIII; and for measurements, see table, p. 7.) A curious little Phycomycete makes its home in the out- side stomatal cavities. It occurs in a majority of the stem stomata. (Fig. 7, plate XXII.) There are about 150 stomata to a square millimeter. (Fig. 2, plate XXIII.) In the younger stem a tissue for water storage occurs just outside the peri- cycle. Sometimes this appears to be represented by a single cell only. (Figs. 8, 9, 10, plate XXIII.) The region of spongy parenchyma here stains deep blue with c. z. i., while the pali- sade cells remain yellowish. Flower. — The flow^er, cream color to yellow, shows the four- parted arrangement — four very short triangular sepals, green- ish in color; four long, blunt, prominently veined petals, en- closing eight stamens, which show an inequality in length of filament. The anthers are elongate-ovoid, and open on the side. They are attached to the filament at about one-fourth the distance from the base. The filaments are stout and taper- ing upward. The superior ovary is globose in shape, tapering above into a pillarlike style, which in turn tapers slightly at the apex to form the stigma, which is a plain surface surrounding a circular orifice. Upon sectioning the ovary longitudinally the numerous ovules are noticed in longi-section ; they appear hanging down from the central placenta. In cross section two cells are seen, and in some parts a suggestion of two side partitions. The ovary wall is cutinized heavily without and within, insuring 104 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. protection for the ovules against the intense aridity of the des- ert atmosphere. The mesophyll of the ovary is well supplied with chorophyll bodies and contains numerous mucilage cells, thus assisting in the provision for intensest drought. A resin- ous gum is found in the seed vessel surrounding the ovules and the vascular bundles in the placenta. (Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, plate XXIV.) The resinous gum is not found elsewhere. The contents of the cells of the stomata of the inner wall of the seed vessel stain a deep blue with c. z. i., showing that the guard cells here are living and filled with non-nitrogenous ma- terial. The mucilage cells finally break down, thus forming large mucilage reservoirs. (Figs. 8, 7, 5, plate XXIV.) CONCLUSION. Koeberlinia is what Clements would call a stem xerophyte. The low stature of the plant, its compact habit of growth and the heavily cutinized surface everywhere, reduces evaporation to a minimum. The dead-air spaces furnished by the outer stomatal chambers also contribute toward this end. A supply of moisture is insured for the more strongly growing parts by the storage of water in special reservoirs and by the presence of mucilage in the seed vessel. The resinous gum aids in con- serving moisture. Greater strength is secured, perhaps, through the peculiar splicing of the large tracheids. The stone cells, with their firm adherence to the bast fibers, also give strength. The air spaces in epidermis, palisade tissue, sponge, medullary rays and pith insure a goodly supply of CO2 without much evaporation. These points might be summed up thus : Evaporation minimized by: 1. Dispensing with leaves. 2. Heavy cutinization on all exposed surfaces. 3. Dead-airspaces (outer stomatal chambers). 4. Low stature. 5. Compact growth. 6. Resinous gum surrounding tender growths. Moisture supply provided for by : 1. Special reservoirs for water storage. 2. Mucilage in cells in seed vessel. 3. Tracheal elements. 4. Presence of resinous gum. SHELDON: KOEBERLINIA SPINOSA. 1U5 Strength attained by : 1. Extreme lignification. 2. Long splicing of bast. 3. Long splicing of large tracheids. 4. Heavy zone of stone cells firmly adhering to bast. Supply of air provided for by intercellular spaces in : Epidermis. Palisade. Sponge. Medullary ray. Pith. On the whole, this plant presents a wonderful array of "aids" to getting on in the desert. No other plant examined showed so thick an epidermis and such an aerating system. A few were almost leafless, a few had a heavy epidermis, some were strongly lignified, others showed resinous secretions. Al- most all had larger water-conducting vessels. With all the adaptations that this plant had it seemed strange that it was so rare, but upon investigation we find that by abortion the many seeds are reduced to one, two or three to a berry. We have not yet found out whether the berry is eaten by animals or not. Tables of measurement, rainfall and evaporation are pre- sented for reference ; also, a very superficial table giving some facts in regard to a few other desert plants. I am indebted to Mr. Peace for the tables on rainfall and evaporation. He has also kindly furnished the two photographs as well as much valuable information. Thanks are due to Doctor Trelease. Doctor Land and Doctor Spalding, for kindness in answering inquiries. I also wish to thank Doctor Billings for sugges- tions, and Professor Stevens especially for ever-ready assist- ance. It is a pleasure here to express gratitude to Doctor Mac- Dougal for freely granting the facilities of the desert labora- tory while the materials were being collected. 106 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. TABLE OF MEASUREMENTS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. Structure. Length, Mid pith cell 0.03 to Marginal pith cell 045 Medullary ray cell 05 Wood fiber Fiber tracheid Tracheal tubes 06 Tracheids Sieve cell Phloem parenchyma Stone cell Bast ( long ) Bast ( short ) Spongy parenchyma Palisade cells Epidermis, older stem Cutinized portion epidermis, old stem Epidermis flower branch Cutinized portion epidermis, flower stem Epidermis-ovai-y, outer Cutinized portion epidermis-ovary, outer Epidermis-ovary, inner Cutinizetl portion epidermis-ovary, inner Epidermis of anther Cutinized portion epidermis, antner Epidermis of petal, outer Cutinized portion epidermis-petal, outer Epidermis petal, inner Cutinized portion epidermis-petal, inner Upper stoma tal space Lower stomatal space Outer stomatal aperture Inner stomatal aperture Air space in sponge Mucilage cells Mucilage reservoirs Water storage cells Resinous gum cells Intercellular space, pith Intercellular space, sponge .03 .022 .05 .06 .015 .015 .03 .03 .03 0.045 075 075 24 25 27 114 25 12 12 15 03 03 12 06 045 06 092 Width, mm. 0.03 to 0.075 .01 .015 .012 .014 .01 .015 .015 .01 .075 .03 .01 .02 .025 !06 .03 .015 .007 .003 .015 .03 .025 .015 .015 .06 .013 .007 .02 .012 .105 .075 .06 .013 .065 .015 .045 .01 .02 .0019 .02 .0019 .015 .0019 .04 .03 .008 .015 .032 . 0325 .15 .045 .02 .015 .015 RAINFALL NEAR TUCSON. Jan. Feb. Mar. 3 15 23 30 3 4 7 10 11 13 22 4 19 20 26 2'( With snow. 0.62 inch. Apr. 23 .05 " May 3 trace. " 23 " July 5 0.29 inch. 7 .57 " " 10 ti-ace. •' 13 0.16 inch. •' 15 .47* " " 16 .24t " •• 17 .15 " " 19 •' 23 trace. •• 25 0.38 inch. •• 27 .03 " " 28 .01 " Aug. 2 0.11 inch. .05 " .03 " trace. 0.04 inch. trace. 0.80 inch. 1.00 •• 2.6 .01 •• .61 " 1.81 •' .02 " .42 " .42 '• With sleet and snow. TEMPERATURE AT THE DESERT LABORATORY. Lowest. Highent. July 6 77° F. 99° F. " 7 77 103 " 8 74 99 " 9 78 90 " 10 78 95 " 11 74 101 " 13 71 100 " 15 67 97 •• 16 69 88 " 17 64 82 Lowest. Highest. July 18 65° F. 74° F. •• 19 68 87 " 20 75 95 '• 21 75 99 •' 22 75 94 " 23 62 92 "24 65 90 "25 72 91 "26 62 92 " 27 69 84 SHELDON: KOEBERLINIA SPINOSA. 107 RAINFALL OF TUCSON VICINITY. January .. February . Mai-ch . . . April. . . . May June July August . . . September October . . November December . 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1.91 0.60 2.47 0.67 4.11 1.26 0.08 1.89 4.27 0.31 0.41 0.52 3.11 0.34 0.00 0.11 i.29? 0.03 0.02 0.45 0.08 0.04 0.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.07 1.47 2.07 4.67 5.73 3.00 0.47 1.16 3.66 *0.42 0.61 2.24 0.28 0.28 0.07 0.05 0.01 0.95 . * . < 0.05 4.52 0.66 0.74 1.07 0.90 4.40 0.00 Totals * To August 2. 8.20 23.31 11.10 13.72 9.42 From July 5 to July 31 there were twelve days upon which rain fell. There was rain during one day of each of the months of April, May and June. (These statements apply only to the year 1908.) WEEKLY AVERAGES OF EVAPORATION, In cubic centimeters, from free .surfaces at a height of 25 centimeters above the ground. June. July. Tuscon St. Louis Lincoln Chicago New York Temperatures, July 5, 1908, to August 2, August. September. 1908 338 228 212 278 112 157 140 137 96 90 113 144 93 96 109 95 48 63 35 i : Lowest, 62° F. ; highest. 103° F. 108 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. E V "V V a « 3 ft t IS h ■ax i&^ft 1 *^ o *- c i -^5 X ^* 4J V ft 1 J= 1 X >> V X r " , S- ^ 0} «> 5 > > ■5 2 5 5 22 >> OS b, C< Oi U fc H H a ft -M c Sj3 ■4J S crtj J4 3 s 2ft fa ft c 1: CO « V tKI txi b b rt eg ^ & V V fa fa «' 4> >>V «' i •d fcl 13 > c ■o "O c B 2 CO c B 3 e« V- 3 41 J3 3 3 M Z m w n P3 m' w •o « B ■«-> 3 M lij s 3 .a E u ■6 s C- 41 •a 1 iH IH u lo'd 4> •a '% m u CO . V « tJ rQ ^ g C« « Xi & o *? o '" »H « be c B ■^•+5 K ^ -d .. E . u c» !§£ .SJE S ft o o w o .. to p o ii p ^ s c» S ft o o £ E E E c- eo o 50 t- o p o o ■*-» CO o o o X >^ >> 1 2o X ,e' ■^ u 2 •M B 1 01 g 01 g 11 10 1 2 g« 2 g5 o d 2 S ft s E 2 P o Q Q H fa ^ Q Q H » fa V ,c « g W tJE |e Si ft 8 d .B El a •< 01 > o u > «1 fc o ■*-> s s 01 rH o d 5 5 B 01 ■d > o lO o o o 0) o B d d B CO E 01 B t> "O B _u "ft in <« 3 c 3 O fa CO ft o CO "-J o © o d O o Oi o o o d q o B o 73 C 01 T3 CO O s o ft o u B O CO _B ki 09 « u >' 01 ft o o E m 3 _B 15 U m o d o o d ft OQ o B 3 be 01 Z SHELDON: KOEBERLINIA SPINOSA. 109 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bbntham et Hooker, 1862. Genera Plantarum, vol. I, pt. I, p. 315. Bessey, Chas. E., 1904. The Chimney-shaped Stomata of Holocantha emoriji. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 31, 523-527. Bower, 1908. The Origin of a Land Flora, p. 9, 480 to 494. Cannon, W. A., 1905. Water Conducting Systems of some Desert Plants. Bot. Gaz. 39, 397-408. Clements, F. E., 1905. Research Methods in Ecology, Lincoln, Neb. Coulter, J. M., and Chamberlain, J. C, 1903. Morphology of the Angio- sperms, pp. 24-26. Coulter, J. M., 1891. Botany of Western Texas. Contr. from U. S. Nat. Herb. 11, 55, Wash. Coville, F. v., and MacDougal, D. T., 1903. The Desert Botanical Labo- ratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. Carnegie Inst, of Wash. Publication No. 6. Coville, F. V., 1892. Descriptions of the New Plants from Southwestern California, Nevada, Utah and Arizona. Proc. Biolog. Soc. Wash. 7, 65. Coville, F. V., 1893. Botany of the Death Valley Expedition. Contr. from U. S. Nat. Herb., vol. IV, Wash. CoWLES, H. C, 1899. The Ecological Relation of Sand Dunes of Lake Michigan. Bot. Gaz. 27, 195. Engelmann, George, 1847. Sketch of Doctor Wislezenus's Expedition, also Cactaceae of Emory's Reconnoissance. Engelmann, George, 1848. Botanical Works of George Engelmann. Edr ited by Wm. Trelease and Asa Gray, p. 57; also, 113. Engler und Prantl, 1895-'97. Die Natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien, 6, III, 319-321; 4, III, 95, 230. Gray, Asa, 1850. Plantae Wrightianae, Texano, Neo-Mexicanae. Smith- sonian Contributions to Knowledge, Wash., vol. Ill, pt. I, p. 30. Haberlandt, Dr. G., 1904. Physiologische Pflanzenanatomie, Heller, A. A., 1900. Catalogue of North American Plants, North of Mexico, p. 138. Livingston, B. E., 1905. Relation of Soils to Vegetation. Bot. Gaz., 39, 22-41. Livingston, B. E., 1906. The Relation of Desert Plants to Soil Moisture and to Evaporation. Carnegie Inst, of Wash. Publication No. 50. Lloyd, F. E., 1904. Pop. Sci. Monthly — A Botanical Laboratory in the Desert, 66, 323-342. Lloyd, F. E., 1906. Palo Verde: The Evergreen Tree of the Desert. Plant World, July, pp. 165-171. 110 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Lloyd, F. E., 1908. Physiology of Stomata. Carnegie Inst, of Wash. Publication No. 82. Lloyd, F. E., 1908. Some Features of the Anatomy of Guayule {Par- theninm argevtatnm Gray). Plant World, August, pp. 172-179. MacDougal, D. T., 1904. Delta and Desert Vegetation, Bot. Gaz. 38, 44-63. MacDougal, D. T., 1908. The Vegetation of the Tucson Region, Uni- versity of Arizona Monthly, May, pp. 1-18. MacDougal, D. T., 1908. The course of the Vegetative Season in South- ern Arizona, Plant World, vol. II, pp. 216, 237, 261. Ramaley, Francis, 1909. Wild Flowers and Trees of Colorado. Plants and their Distribution, pp. 11-20. Sargent, C. S., 1905. Manual of the Trees of North America, p. 682. SCHIMPER, A. F. W., 1903-'04. Plant Geography upon a Physiological Basis. Translation, Oxford. Spalding, V. M., 1904. Biological Relation of Certain Desert Plants. Bot. Gaz. 38, 122-138. Stevens, W. C, 1907. Plant Anatomy. Van Dyke, J. C, 1904. The Desert, p. 140. Vassey, Geo., and Rose, J. N., 1890. List of Plants Collected by Dr. Edward Palmer in Lower California, in 1889. Contr. from U. S. Nat. Herb. I, 33, Washington, THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vol. V, No. 8- October, 1909. (Whole Series, Vol. XV. No. 8.) CONTENTS: A Case op Absolute Tone Memory, Archibald Hogg. PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY, LAWRENCE, KAN. Entered at *he post-offlce In Lawrence as second-class matter. THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vol. V, No. 8] OCTOBER, 1909. [^oT xv^no'I A CASE OF ABSOLUTE TONE MEMORY. BY ARCHIBALD HOGG. r?XTRAORDINARY forms of consciousness are necessarily ^ few, otherwise they would not be extraordinary. They are usually worthy of study and report directly by reason of in- herent interest and indirectly through the light they throw on mental process in general. Among the exceptional forms of memory activity we find in hearing what is called by musicians "recollection of absolute pitch," by psychologists "absolute tone memory." A striking instance of the possession of this faculty led the writer, assisted by a friend' who is a skillful amateur violinist, to make the two tests herewith reported. The subject^ is a boy thirteen years of age, a quiet, gentle lad, imaginative, introspective, fond of his music and of long walks, and is perhaps less vigorous than the average child of the same age. He gave early evidence that he possessed unusual musical gifts. One night when he was about four years old, and while lying in bed, he listened to the playing of a wedding march at a marriage ceremony in a neighbor's house. The next morning he climbed on the piano stool at home and reproduced the march — but in a simpler way. At the age of six his musical education began with lessons on the piano, and it has continued ever since except when interrupted by the vacations and ill- nesses incident to childhood. His possession of absolute tone 1. Mr. A. K. Hubbard, assistant professor of civil engineering; in the University at the time. 2. The boy is the son of a professor in our Univei'sity. Both jjarents are musical. One older brother plays the cello, another plays violin. Two younger children cannot be char- acterized with much certainty yet with respect to musical ability. (118) 114 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. memory was so strikingly emphasized as to attract attention one day about three years ago, when he remarked to an older brother who had just tuned a cello that the pitch of the instru- ment differed from that of a few days before — an observation that was verified by appeal to the piano. Since then the boy has been tested, usually for amusement or out of curiosity, some five or six times, but without any records being kept. Composition comes easy to him and he has composed not a few melodious pieces during the last four or five years. The notes given in the tests and the observer's judgment are indicated in accordance with a quite simple plan. The notes from and including middle C to its octave above are left un- marked. A tone in the next higher octave is indicated by a single accent mark above the letter, in the second higher by two accents placed above, and so on ; similarly with the lower octaves, except that the accent marks are placed below the let- ter in such instances. The usual symbols for sharp and flat are used after the prescribed fashion. The note or notes struck are placed first in the record and are followed immediately by the observer's judgment. In both tests the observer himself was seated with back turned at a distance of about eight feet from the instrument and was look- ing away from it. In other and unrecorded tests at home he has been sent at different times to various places about the house within hearing distance of the piano. The results of the unrecorded tests have been practically the same, as conversa- tion with people present on such occasions has revealed. The uniformity of testimony regarding these unrecorded tests is the reason why more tests were not made by the present experi- menters. The first test was made on the observer's piano in April of this year. The results are given in table I. Several times the observer was asked not to name the notes but to come to the piano and point them out without striking the keys. It was doubtless an unnecessary precaution. A few miscellaneous tests were next made. The observer was asked to reproduce, either by whistling or singing, certain notes that were named, and thereupon sang or whistled in correct pitch, as shown by the piano, the following notes, f*', g**, c^/, b^, f. h'" a", d. Following that a simple tune was played on the violin and the key asked for. It was promptly and correctly given. The HOGG: ABSOLUTE TONE MEMORY. 115 Table I. Stimulus. Judement. Stimulus. Judgment. c c D/ D, E E FBi FBi K'" A'" i B/G B/G D" D" GG# A6A B/// B/// E///G/// G' G' B /// F /// B '" F '" F.,, F,,, G// B// D/ G/ G // B // D / G / B'" B'" EA// G// BA / D/ EA// G// B6/ D/ D#/// D#/// CF# CF# G'" Qin E,,,G'" E,,,G'" Ah' Kb' D,C;t D,C# experimenters having an idea as to the method of recognition, parts of three or four tunes were played, care being taken not to stop on the key note. The recognition was again prompt and accurate. Being questioned, the observer said his judg- ment in the first instance was determined by following the general rule that a simple melody ends with the key note. In the subsequent selections the judgment was determined by the sequence of the notes. Then a high note on the violin between b^" and b" was struck. When asked the pitch the observer mentioned b", and upon being told it was not exactly that he named bj^". Next, several double stops were given on the violin, one note being a shade off the key in each case. The note that was in error and the direction in which it should be changed were cor- rectly given. The observer was now asked to direct the opera- tion of tuning the A string of the violin until it corresponded with his own piano. The result, as shown by the piano, proved that the judgment was slightly in error in the flat direction. The same test on the D string gave a correct judgment. Prac- tice with the A string doubtless helped here. Lastly, the opening notes of a piece were sung. They were named correctly by the observer, as appeal to the piano demon- strated. He is ignorant of fingering of the violin. The second test was made one afternoon about a month later with the piano used twice a week by the observer when he 116 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. takes his music lesson. The instrument is tuned to interna- tional pitch and is lower than his own. He said it sounded flat. The results are in table II. TABLE II. Stimulus. Judgment. Stimulus. Judgment. c# c QUI G'" G/// G/// Kb' G' A'" A'" D. D, D" D" Kb' G' Bb/^j Bb ,11 Gff'" G'" G, G. ;i 1 FB6 EA Bb Bh 1 B6,G Aj±,F# W D'" CFtt BF F^'" p/" G// Bi, D/ G/ G// B/^ D; G/ F.,. F.v G# G ' Bit" D#'" Gs'" "Bb" !>"¥'" G"B"D"' g/// B'" ' Fr A"Cr' D*t//, D., EiGB^D DF#AC With the first of the errors it occurred to the experimenters that the judgments were being determined exclusively by simple comparison with the image-standards from the home piano — an hypothesis which would have involved uniformity in the errors. Notes a half tone lower in pitch than those really given should have been named. Later it occurred to us that the observer himself might be trying to correct the difference between the two pianos. That this was usually the case became known from answers to ques- tions asked after the test. The observer arrived at most of his judgments by traveling the following mental highway: The tone was first identified and named by means of the images from his own piano — the instrument on which he daily played and with which his familiarity was great. Having thus iden- tified the tone as nearly as possible (exact correspondence in any instance would be highly improbable), the simple addition of a half tone brought about the judgment announced. In a few cases direct recall of the tone-images from the teach- er's piano rendered any additional mental labor unnecessary to identification. HOGG: ABSOLUTE TONE MEMORY. 117 In closing, a few statements are made by way of addition and partial summary. For our observer the difficulty of iden- tifying a single tone is scarcely harder in one region of the piano scale than another. But there is a decided difference in ease of analysis according as there are high or low complexes of tones. In the third octave below the mental separation of two notes was not attempted, the remark being made, ''It's such a jumble, I can't remember," while in the third above the identification was made with accuracy and without a noticeably great amount of concentration. Images from the organs of utterance seemed to play no part whatever in his recall of tones. Sound images apparently furnished exclusively the ma- terial used in all the judgments. Upon being questioned as to his method of identification and of reproduction the observer said he "just heard the tones in his head and told in that way." Of a piece of music recently purchased for him he said he had played it off "in that way" before touching a finger to the piano. His introspective competency was greater than was expected. THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vol. V, No. 9— April, 1910. (Whole Series, Vol. XV, No. 9.) CONTENTS: The Hackberry Psylla, Pachypsylla celtidis-mamm.e Riley. A Study in Comparative Insect Morphology, . . H. B. Stough. PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY LAWRENCE, KAN. Entered at the post-offce in Lawrence as second-class matter. THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vol. V, No. 9] APRIL, 1910. ['"^Txv'™: THE HACKBERRY PSYLLA, PACHYPSYLLA CELTIDIS-MAMM^ RILEY. A STUDY IN COMPARATIVE MORPHOLOGY. BY H. B. STOUGH. Plates XXVI to XXXV, and three figures. (Contribution from Entomological Laboratory, No. 158.) Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts. OWING to their minute size and obscure life habits, the members of the homopterous family Psyllidse have re- ceived comparatively little attention in North America. In the present paper an endeavor will be made to add to our knowledge of this family, using as a type Pachypsylla celtidis- mammse Riley, the same being a study in comparative mor- phology of mouth parts, thorax, and genitalia, and develop- ment of wing venation and wing pattern. The specimens upon which I have based my studies emerged from their galls upon the hackberry trees during October of 1908, at Lawrence, Kan. I wish to thank Prof. S. J. Hunter, upon whose suggestion the problem was taken up, and under whose guidance and counsel the work was carried on, for his interest in my investigations and for his assistance rendered. In search for literature on the Psyllidse of North America, and especially that dealing with Pachypsylla celtidis-mammai and its genus, I was impressed with the fact that very little of a definite and final treatment has ever been given to these in- sects in this country. A few species have been described, a few figured, and the life histories of a number worked out, while keys for the species of only about one genus can be found. In Europe, on the contrary, the contributions to the knowl- (121) 122 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. edge of this family have been numerous and have added greatly to our information on the subject. The first of these contribu- tions was made by Forster, in 1848. He was followed by Flor, Thomson, and Hartig, but not much of an advance was made upon Forster's work until there appeared in 1879 a treatise, "Zur Systematik der Psylliden," by Low; this, together with other contributions by the same author, has long remained authoritative. The researches of Low in the taxonomy and bi- ology of the Psyllidse, together with the anatomical work of Witlaczil, have much simplified the study of this family in Europe. James Edwards, in "Hemiptera-Homoptera" (1896), treats of four genera of the family, including twenty-eight species of British Psyllidse, with tables for the separation of the genera and species. He also illustrates these forms in color and gives the typical wing venation of each genus. Maskel (1889) lists and describes four species of Psyllidse from New Zealand, giving keys for separating the subfamilies represented in that locality, and figures the larval, pupal and adult stages, and some of their typical anatomical characters. This paper contains more figures of these characters than any other I have been able to find, and was quite useful from that standpoint. This writer also discusses the use and taxonomic importance of the difi'erent characters of the family. Froggatt (1903), in a paper on "Australian Psyllidse" de- scribes eighteen species, mostly of the two genera Aphalaria and Trioza. He figures the galls made by three species of the latter genus. The reasons for the dearth of material in this country may be found in the fact that the family Psyllidse, like some other little- known groups, being composed of small and inconspicuous in- sects, has not been largely collected and studied, two or three species excepted. One of these, the pear Psylla, Psylla pyricola, is of great economic importance in some localities, and has long been known and its life history carefully worked out. The life histories of these insects are very difficult to determine def- initely, and since some of them are gall-formers, the biological side of the work becomes still more complicated. Only about three specialists have ever devoted much time to their study in this country, among whom was C. V. Riley. In an article on "The Psyllidse of the United States" (1883), he gives a resume of the present knowledge of the family and its principal char- stough: the hackberry psylla. 123 acters, habits, life history, etc., listing thirteen species. Un- doubtedly the most important work published so far is that by the same writer entitled "Notes on North American Psyllidse" (1884). This paper lists nineteen North American species, distributed among the following genera: Livia, Aphalara, Psylla, Pachy psylla, Tnoza, Calophyla, Rhinopsylla, and Cera- topsylla, the descriptions of three genera and two species being new. The most important part of this work, from the stand- point of the present paper, is that dealing with the new genus Pachypsijlla. This genus is peculiar to this continent, having no equivalent in Europe, so Riley thinks, and to it belong the hackberry psyllids. Only three species of these are placed in his key. Riley also discusses "hackberry galls," in the Cana- dian Entonfiologist (1883) . An important contribution to the biology of the subject, es- pecially of the gall-making phase, is an article on psyllid gall- making in the fifth report of the United States Entomological Commission, written by A. S. Packard (1887). This gives keys to three species ; descriptions of pupa ; key to, and descrip- tions of, the galls of the following species and varieties of the genus Pachy jDsylla: venusta, gemma, asteriscus, umbilicus, mamma, pubescens, globulus, cucurbita, and cucurbita var. To this is added a detailed description of each gall and a con- densed general life history of a hackberry psyllid. No mention is made of the stimuli causing the gall-formation. Ashmead (1881) describes the life histories and gall-making habits of these insects, and lists nine species, adding three new ones. Two papers by Charles W. Mally, entitled, respectively, "Hackberry Psyllidse Found at Ames, Iowa" (1893), and "Psyllidse Found at Ames" (1894), give a series of observa- tions on the winter habits and spring egg-laying of Pachypsylla celtidis-mammse, with descriptions of the eggs, larvae, pupse, and galls, and record thirty-one species for North America. He describes four new species and figures the early stages and wing venations. Where mention is made of the galls in the papers that I have mentioned, only the gross structure of the gall is treated. Cook, however, in "Galls and Insects Producing Them" (1903-'04), has made a contribution toward the histology of the psyllid gall ; he also discusses mouth parts and ovipositors in their re- lation to gall-formation, but in common with other investiga- 124 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. tors was not able to add much to our knowledge of the gall- producing stimuli. On the mouth parts of Hemiptera, in addition to works of a general nature, I would cite two of importance in throwing light upon the homopterous mouth as seen in the Psyllidse. These are by Charles L. Marlatt (1898) and Walter J. Meek (1903), and deal with the mouth parts of the cicada. Besides these, such works as those of Sanborn on the Aphididse (1905), Berlese on Coccidse (1896), and others, were of use in a comparative study. The best work upon mouth parts of Hemiptera is recorded in the German of Leon (1887), Geise (1883), Wedde (1885), and Heymonds (1899). Dohrn (1865) contributed to the internal anatomy of the Hemiptera, and Witlaczil (1885) worked out the brain, eyes and digestive system. GENERAL CHARACTERS OF THE FAMILY PSYLLID^. The Psyllidse were formerly classified with the Aphididse, to which they are closely related, and are still sometimes known as "the jumping plant lice." These insects are from one-eighth to one-fifth of an inch long and in general appear- ance may be likened to a minute cicada. Their principal char- acters follow: Hind legs developed for jumping; antennae nine- or ten-segmented (in life in constant vibration), last seg- ment bearing two short spines ; tarsi two-segmented ; mouth parts suctorial ; wing venation comparatively simple. Some of the species are of economic interest, being injurious through their feeding habits. A number form galls, notably upon hackberry. A few species secrete "honey dew." According to Mally (1894) there are thirty-nine species and varieties in North America. Only nine species are to be found in the collection of the University of Kansas, four of these hav- ing been taken in Kansas. So far, not many fossil insects of this family are known. Scudder lists in "Tertiary Insects of America" (1890) only two species, Necropsylla Hgida and Catopsylla pHma, the latter being of interest, as its wing venation resembles more closely that of Riley's genus Pachy- psylla than of any other. The species taken for study belongs to this last genus, Pachypsylla. The namer, C. V. Riley, says of it : "There is no genus among those characterized by Dr. Fr. Low with which stough: the hackberry psylla. 125 Pachypsylla can properly be compared. In the convexity of the body it greatly surpasses Psylla, from which it is at once distinguished by the vertical and rugosepunctate head, the quadrate vertex, the short frontal cones, the less filiform and stout antennae." This species was first listed for Kansas by Tucker in 1907. The coloration of Pachypsylla has been well described by Riley. The general color is dark brown, with the abdomen showing pinkish shades along the edges of each segment. The wing pattern is dark brown, and the ocelli are red. This insect is quite short bodied ; the sexes are easily distin- guished, as in all representatives of the family, the end of the abdomen being pointed in the female but blunt and appendage- bearing in the male. The total length of body averages, for the male, 3.2 mm., and for the female, 3.6 mm. HEAD. The head is carried in such a position relative to the re- mainder of the body that the epicranium is in an almost ver- tical position (3J^-4)* the frontal cones pointing downward, with the outer face of the frons in a horizontal position, its distal end projecting caudad. Viewed from the front, the head corresponds roughly, in general shape, to a right triangle, truncate at the vertex, the posterior edge of the epicranium lying on the base of this triangle, and a point somewhat be- yond the frontal cones representing the vertex (28-4). The whole head is rather flat, thin, rectangular, and boxlike, the open side of the box being the caudal side (28-1), against and into which opening fit the anterior part of the prostemum, the procoxse and the mouth parts. The following parts and regions of the head, excluding the frons and clypeus, which will be described under "mouth parts," are to be found : epicranium, gense, frontal cones, an- tennal sockets, compound eyes, and ocelli. The epicranium forms the front wall of the head and is ver- tical in position. Its posterior margin is slightly concave, and curves caudad and ventrad to the opposite side of the head, forming a roll-like edge. This roll-like portion is the dorsal part of the head when the latter is in normal position. This region of the head (28-4, ep) is rectangular, about 0.45 mm. * Read plate XXXIV, fig. 4. 126 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. wide and 0.62 mm. long. Its posterior edge is concave, as are also the lateral edges which border on the compound eyes, while the anterior margin is quite convex and has a somewhat more than semicircular excision at its median point, in which region is located the frontal ocellus, seen in figures 4 and 5, fo, and in 2 in longitudinal section, pi. 28. The epicranium is seen to be flat in surface when the head is viewed in profile. The other two ocelli (25-4, o) are placed at the two posterior angles of the epicranium, near its margin and slightly posterior to the compound eyes. They are about 0.07 mm. in diameter. The epicranium is divided along its median line by a very plainly cut suture into two equal sclerites. This suture is deep, and in making dissections of the head these two sclerites were often separated readily along this line. The anterior, convex suture between the epicranium and the rest of the head was not so apparent in most specimens that I examined, though usually those boiled thoroughly in potassium hydrate and then carefully cleared in xylol showed it more plainly. The surface of the epicranium is rugose-punctate, slightly pubescent. The frontal cones, erroneously called "cones of the clypeus" by Slingerland and "face lobes" by Scott,' are found, one on each side of the median line, below the epicranium {28A, fc). As seen from the front (28-5) they diverge from the vertex just beyond the front ocellus. They are separated from the cheeks or gense by a curved suture, which appears somewhat ovate when the cones are viewed from below. This suture could be made out much more easily on the cephalic than caudal surface of the head. The gense (28-1, 4:,5,g) extend from the cephalic edge of the epicranium down on each side under the compound eyes and fuse with the caudal, folded portion of the epicranium. Be- tween the cones and the compound eyes is the antennal socket (fig. 5, as), which is quadrate in shape, with angles much rounded, and with a blunt projection, p, breaking into it on its caudal edge, which is concerned with the articulation of the basal segment of the antenna. The aperture filled by the prosternum, procoxse, frons and mouth parts is similar in shape to that of the epicranium but narrower. On the edge of the gena, midway between the vertex and the compound eye on each side, is situated a sharp projection (figs. 1 and 1, Insect Life, vol, V, pp. 229-230, STOUGH : THE HACKBERRY PSYLLA. 127 5, ij) , forming the attachment for a membrane which runs caudad between the front coxse, and which will be mentioned more fully later. The outline of the compound eye is somewhat more angular than rounded, viewed from either the front or the rear. In my study of the sclerites of the head I have followed Com- stock and Kochi, and my conclusions for Pacliijpsylla agree largely with the facts recorded by them. ANTENNA. The antennae are filiform, rather stout (a characteristic of the genus Pachypsylla) , and average 0.83 mm. long. They are 10-segmented (28-3). The relative lengths of the ten an- tennal segments on the basis of the length of the first segment may be represented thus: 1, 1, 2, 1.2, 1.1, 1.2, 0.8, 1, 0.7, 0.4; the second segment is wider distally than proximally and is distally notched; the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth segments are constricted proximally ; the tenth segment is the smallest segment and bears at its distal end two stout, blunt, diverging spines (fig. 12), which are about as long as the seg- ment and appear to be hollow. The last few segments are compressed dorsally. The cuticula of the first two segments is very deeply rugose, forming scales, which on the second segment become longer at the distal end (^5-3). The surface of the remaining seg- ments is covered with deep, transverse corrugations (28-6), which give to each segment a sharply serrate lateral edge, the teeth pointing distad. A fringe of sensory hairs is found on the distal ends of the segments, and a few scattered along their surfaces, the tenth segment being without conspicuous hairs. Figure 9, plate XXXIV, shows the last four segments, with their corrugations and the terminal spines, while figure 6, plate XXVIII, is of the articulation of the third and fourth segment, showing the sensory hairs and the cuticular struc- ture. MOUTH PARTS. The suctorial mouth as found in the homoptera, and as de- scribed by Meek (1903) and others, consists of labrum, epi- pharynx, labium, hypopharynx, and setse. These parts are all represented in Pachyvsylla. Closely associated with them are the frons, clypeus, mandibular and maxillary sclerites, and tentorium, corresponding in position to those in the cicada. 128 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. These parts are so closely associated with the mouth parts proper (labium excepted), forming as they do a distinct re- gion of the head, which is torn loose in dissection as a single complex of sclerites (32-1), that they will be described in this connection. On account of the vertical position of the epicranium, the mouth parts assume an orientation by which the frons, clypeus, and labrum are almost horizontal, their distal ends projecting caudad (28-6). The basal portion of the labium has a similar orientation, but distad of its bend (29-2) it observes a general ventral direction, though possessing some latitude of move- ment cephalad and caudad. Frons. — The frons is the largest and heaviest sclerite in this region. Viewed from in front (looking dorsad) it is seen to be obovate in outline (^.9-3). Viewed from the side (fig. 1) its ventral outline is strongly rounded basally, with a dent at about the beginning of the distal third. Its basal edge is thickened (figs. 5 and 1) and continued laterally into proc- esses (figs. 5, 3 and 1) which join the lateral ends of the rod-shaped tentorium, t, and the chitinized rods, cmx. At the place where the rods xijz (fig. 5) above mentioned leave the frons at x, same figure, there springs a ligamentary process (28-h, Ip) , which runs cephalad and dorsad of frons, forming a small plate above the latter, and this plate in turn is con- nected to the vertex by two small ligaments. These are for the attachment of the frons to the head, still leaving some oppor- tunity for motion. The frons is rugose-punctate of surface. Clypeus. — The clypeus (29-1, 3, c) is about one-third as long as the frons. It is more or less rectangular as viewed from the front, broader at proximal end, and its lateral edge is bent dorsad, thus partly enveloping the stylets or setse. The slightly curved suture between this sclerite and the frons was clearly marked in most specimens examined, though in a few it was not readily discerned. Mandibular and Maxillary Sclerites. — Between the lateral edge of the frons and the rod cmx (29-1), and bounded proxi- mally by the arm of the frons which joins cmx, is a more or less circular foramen through which the bases of the setse may be seen (figs. 3 and 1, for). This foramen is bounded dis- tally by two sclerites; the proximal is crescent-shaped and is known as the mandibular sclerite (fig. 1, mds) ; the distal is stough: the hackberry psylla. 129 triangular and extends forward about as far as the end of the labrum and is called the maxillary sclerite (fig. 1, mxs) . The end of this sclerite has a rather slender, curved portion at its apex, called the "maxillary process." These two sclerites are shown in figure 3 in ventral aspect, and in figure 1 in lateral aspect, where the clypeus, labrum, setae, etc., have been bent ventrad in order to show the parts free and not overlapping. The edge of the maxillary sclerite and maxillary process are also shown in figure 5 looking ventrad. According to Smith (1892) these two sclerites represent the true mandibles and maxillae, the setge not being considered as such. Mouth Parts Proper. Labrum. — The labrum {29-S and 1, lab) is only about half as long as the clypeus and differs in shape from the labrum of the cicada in that instead of being a narrow, pointed process, it is, as viewed from in front, rec- tangular in general shape, slightly longer than broad, with distal corners rounded. It is not so flat as in the cicada, but its lateral edges are bent dorsad in the same manner as those of the clypeus, so as to partly surround the setse and the pharyn- geal canal. At the proximal end of the labrum is found a slightly curved suture between it and the clypeus. This suture was very hard to make out, and the two sclerites in some speci- mens appeared almost as if fused. Viewed from one side, the ventral outline of the labrum is seen to be slightly convex, with the distal portion bent somewhat ventrad. Marlatt's nomen- clature makes the frons the clypeus and the clypeus and la- brum a two-piece labrum. Epipharynx. — Situated under the labrum (29-2, 3 and 1, cp), and shorter than the same, is an indistinct organ, the epipharynx. In the psyllid this organ is a delicate, fleshy, tongue-like structure, more or less triangular in shape, with a blunt tip, extending as a sort of outgrowth from, and exten- sion of, the labrum. It appears as if it were a prolongation of the labrum, and it was difficult in most cases to determine where the one ended and the other began. The epipharynx is pressed tightly upon the upper surfaces of the setse, surround- ing them somewhat on the sides, and thus supplements the la- brum in keeping them together to form a tube. Labium. — The labium is attached below the hypopharynx, on the lower side of the head (29-1, labi, and 3J^-6). This at- tachment is by means of a delicate membrane made fast to the 130 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. edge of the foramen next to the frons, which is easily torn away in dissection. At first the labium is merely a mem- branous band with only very slightly raised edges, which in this region of the organ are somewhat chitinized. These edges gradually become more raised and lose their chitinization until finally a little before the bend in the labium these edges be- come broad flaps which come together, and from this point to the tip there is left only a slit (29-4:). The epipharynx lies naturally against the floor of the labium, but it can be lifted clear, together with the remainder of the parts, for some dis- tance from this position. The first or basal segment of the labium is membranous, not chitinized, since it is so well pro- tected between the procoxse in a membranous fold. Each procoxa is placed very close to and almost fits the foramen laterad and dorsad of the frons {29-1, for). The first seg- ment of the labium lies between the front coxae, embedded in a membrane, and these coxae almost meet over (ventrad of) it (29-2 and 31-1). The attachment of the labium to the prothorax, in this case to the region between prothorax and mesothorax, typical of the Homoptera, is very strong as compared with that between labium and head. In fact, in most cases when the head was removed from the rest of the body the labium remained fas- tened to the thorax but tore loose at its base from the head. Meek mentions such a condition as present in the cicada, call- ing the structure on the thorax to which the labium is attached a "collar," describing it in the following words: "A heavy membrane attaches the labium to a chitinized collar of the thorax." In Pachypsijlla this collar is a chitinized process (27-4) embedded in the membranes between the prothorax and mesothorax (29-2, p). This process consists of two heavily chitinized structures, flattened and concave at their distal ends and large and swollen at their proximal ends, which are connected by a curved, chitinous rod as a sort of yoke, which is immediately under or dorsad of, and partly encircles, the labium just cephalad of its bend (29-4, b) . The bases of this process are embedded in the membrane dorsad and some- what caudad of the cephalic margin of the mesothorax, from whence the process projects ventrad and cephalad. The distal, parallel ends of these are roughened on their edges and hol- lowed out to form a groove, which, assisted by membranous STOUGH: THE HACKBERRY PSYLLA. 131 attachment, holds that portion of the labium just beyond the bend. Connected to the distal ends of these processes are mem- branes which run cephalad between the bases of the pro- thoracic coxae, surrounding the labium, to form a sort of fold or groove for the same. This arrangement may be seen in figure 2, plate XXIX, in diagram, m representing the mem- brane surrounding the labium, p the process holding labium to thorax ; the position of the labium and setse may also be seen. Figure 1, plate XXXI, a cross section through the base of the mouth parts and procoxse, corresponds roughly to Meek's "Fig. 13" for Cicada, and shows the great similarity between the two forms. The bases of the membranes surrounding the labium are here illustrated. The labium is slitted throughout its entire length. At its base, where it is almost flat, it has only short, low, lateral edges or flaps, and hence is broadly open, and the upper parts of the mouth fit into this (29-2, 4). The labium, epipharynx and setse all lie on the floor of the labium. Just at, or a little beyond, the end of the epipharynx the lateral flaps become larger and converge, their wavy margins fitting rather closely together. From here on to the end of the labium these flaps do not diverge again. Figure 6, plate XXXI, represents a cross section of the first segment of the labium just beyond its bend. Here the slit is seen to be held together by means of grooves and ridges. There is also a depression on its caudal wall. The lining of the labial canal is somewhat chitinized. On each side of the canal are found two longitudinal muscles, m of the same figure. The first labial segment is much roughened distally; the second is quite short, chitinized, and bears sensory hairs at its distal end ; the third segment is heavily chitinized, with a pointed tip ending in two lateral, tonguelike processes. The lateral outline of these is seen in figure 2, plate XXXI, and in cephalic aspect in figure 3. The most notable feature of these processes is the three large sense organs on each — large spines on pegs. These same three sense organs are found on the labium of Aleurodidse. This segment also bears several large sensory hairs, two of which are much longer than the segment itself. Pharynx. — This is tube-shaped, chitinized, spreading some- what at its cephalic end (29-5, p) . Its ventral surface is supplied with eight pairs of muscles and tendons, which run 132 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. to the inner surface of the frons. At its distal end the pharynx fuses with the hypopharynx and hypopharyngeal lamellae. The organ is heavily chitinized and thick-walled for some distance, but soon becomes narrower and, losing its chitinization, pro- ceeds caudad until about the middle of the back part of the head, where it turns abruptly caudad and enters the thorax to become the oesophagus. Mandibles and Maxlllim. — In dissecting the mouth parts the labium is generally torn loose from its connection below the hypopharynx and other parts and left connected to the thorax, as already mentioned. The setae, however, remain fixed firmly to the upper parts of the mouth {32-1) and can be sepa- rated and torn loose from these parts only with difficulty. They are held together by the labrum and epipharynx above, the maxillary sclerites and maxillary processes on the sides, and by the hypopharynx below. From this point the bases of the mandibles and maxillae diverge cephalad and laterad in a man- ner which has aptly been compared to the form of the letter "Y." The orientation of these parts was best seen in either a lateral view of the frons, clypeus and other parts removed from the head, or by examining the parts in such a position as to look down on the bases of the setae in the direction of their distal ends. In such a position this divergence, which takes place immediately cephalad of the hypopharynx and other closely enveloping parts, can be plainly seen. The bases of these setae (^^-8, 9) are hollow, funnel-shaped, heavily chitinized, and attached to the other parts by tendons and muscles. One pair of these setae, from their cephalic posi- tion, were recognized as the mandibles, and when dissected out were found to surround the other pair of stylets through- out their entire length, their slightly concave inner surfaces fitting closely against them. This latter, inner pair represents the maxillae. On dissection they were found to be held firmly between the mandibles on each side and were difficult to sep- arate. The mandibles are thicker than the maxillae, but not so wide. Their relative shapes can be seen in cross section in 31-^. As in the cicada, the setae shortly after leaving the head begin to curve so that the mandibles are above and below the maxillae instead of laterad of them. This curving was seen in sections distad of the bend of the labium and had begun in the section from which figure 5 was drawn. In this figure the STOUGH: THE HACKBERRY PSYLLA. 133 lumina in each mandible may be seen. These may also be seen running to the tip when the mandibles are viewed extended, as they are generally filled with air, which renders them visible. No indication of lumina could be found in the maxillae. They, however, by their concave surfaces fitting together, form a canal through which the plant juices are sucked. The tip of a mandible is very slender, sharp, and sickle-shaped, the convex side bearing blunt serrations, the teeth pointing proximad {26-1). The tip of a maxilla is of similar shape but with a sharp projection on the convex side some distance from the apex (fig. 6). The apices of these setai are so transparent that the details of their structure were difficult to discern clearly. The homologies of the hemipterous mouth have been much discussed in the past, and the opinions held have been various. 1 have followed the nomenclature used by Meek for Cicada, which seems to be in harmony with late investigations along this line. In their place I have compared the parts of the mouth as seen in Pachypsylla with the corresponding parts in Cicada. I also found in my work that comparison with other homop- terous forms was helpful, showing the close relationship of the Psyllidse to the other families. The labium of the Aphididse is quite similar in general struc- ture to that of Pachypsylla except in relative length and num- ber of segments and in the fact that it does not possess the bend characteristic of the latter insect. The mouth parts, exclusive of the labium, are almost iden- tical with, though larger than, those of the Aleurodidse which I have examined. The same sclerites are present, arranged similarly, though somewhat differently shaped. The labrum is much shorter and smaller proportionately than in this family, and the setae seem to be relatively shorter. The end of the labium has the same lateral processes, but these are relatively smaller. The Aleurodid labium has a bend similar to that of Pachypsylla. The coccid mouth parts also correspond in many ways. Here the labium is very short and the setae are retracted into a special pouch when not in use. The parts exclusive of the labium are similar in general structure to the same parts in Pachypsylla. Berlese's nomenclature and figures in his work on Italian Coccidse were very useful to me. According to this. 134 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. the clypeus or ipostoma (epistoma) corresponds to the frons of Pachijpsijlla, the two terms "ipostoma" and "clypeus" being generally used interchangeably by him. Cmx of my figures is the ipostoma; xyz is the 7od-shaped apophyse of the clypeus; the thickened, basal edge of the frons, z, is the transverse bar of the ipostoma; the opening, for (29-1), is the foramen of the ipostoma. The structure which Meek calls the tentorium is designated by Berlese the transverse branch of the ipostoma. THORAX. The thorax as described by Riley: "Pronotum moderately short, of equal width, slightly emarginate behind, steeply as- cending posteriorly ; lateral impressions sculptured and colored as the head ; well marked. Dorsulum well developed, thrice as long as the pronotum, and about twice as wide as long; poster- ior lobe distinctly longer than the anterior ; hind margin sinuate each side and truncate at middle; surface finely alutaceous; color, light brownish yellow with a large brown apical spot divided by a yellow median line. Mesonotum convex, wider than head, sculptured as dorsulum, with four vittse (longi- tudinal) of brown or greenish-brown color, the outer ones usually wider than the inner ones, all bordered and divided transversely by lines of brighter yellow." Prothorax. — Viewed from above the thorax is seen to be composed of a number of sclerites, as seen in 27-S, A and B, which upon closer examination and dissection may be shown to make up the three typical regions of the thorax. In the prothorax there is only one sclerite composing the tergum — the pronotum (27-3, A and 31, pn) . This is collarlike, steeply ascending, as seen in the longitudinal section (fig. 3 B), some- what wider at the middle than laterad, where an obscure suture divides it from the pleural sclerites. This is shown in plate XXVII, fig. 1, and plate XXXV, fig. 12. The proepi- sternum and sternum are very closely fused and the suture is scarcely evident. The proepimeron (27-1, em i) is a rather wedge-shaped piece, rounded on its ventral end, lying back of the ventral portion of the pronotum and the dorsal portion of the proepisternum. Situated in the pleural membrane beneath the proepimeron is the prothoracic spiracle, sp. As seen in 35-6, the prosternum is only slightly developed, its cephalic edge on each side being produced entad into a slender portion. The prothoracic coxae are large and occupy, together with the stough: the hackberry psylla. 135 labium, which is imbedded in a membranous fold between the former, most of the prosternal region, leaving the prosternum to develop mostly on the sides. The "collar," already described as a chitinized process holding the labium to the thorax, may be of the nature of the apophyse as seen in the endoskeleton of the mesothorax. Mesothorax. — The mesothorax is next in complexity of structure, naturally being larger and more complex than the prothorax, as it bears, besides one pair of legs, the fore wings. The tergum is composed of three sclerites (34-2, and 27-3, A, B), Edwards thus describes the mesotergum of the Psyllidse: "Mesonotum large, generally suborbicular ; a portion of its area in front in the shape of a broadly truncate triangle (the dorsulum) , separated from the remainder by a distinct suture, and a small crescent-shaped piece projecting from the middle of its hind margin (the scutellum) , also marked off by a suture." The dorsulum {27-S A and 1) is in shape an equilateral triangle, truncate at its angles, with the edges of the lateral truncations notched. The posterior margin is not straight, but produced on each side into a small projection midway between the median line and the edge of the sclerite. The anterior third of the dorsulum is covered by the posterior edge of the prono- tum (fig. 3 A). The mesonotum (27-S A and 1, mm) is the largest sclerite of the thorax, ovate, convex, and about twice as wide as long, with anterior margin almost straight and posterior margin deeply convex. The sclerite is laterally narrowed to a blunt, notched point, which is best seen in lateral view (fig. 1). The scutellum (figs. 3 A and B, sen, and 1) is, viewed from above, ovate, twice as wide as long, lateral edges rounded, an- terior margin slightly concave and posterior convex and hol- lowed out at the median line. The structure of the pleurum of the mesothorax is exceedingly complicated and the sutures are all indefinite. The structure of the same is shown (partly diagrammatic) in figure 1. The suture between the meso- sternum and the sclerite just dorsad could generally be made out. This latter sclerite I take to be the mesoepisternum, es 2. The mesoepimeron, es 2, is a very irregular, much folded scle- rite intimately connected with the inwardly extending endoskel- eton (fig. 2, es 2 and eytd) . These pleural sclerites are so folded 2-Univ._Sci. Bull.. Vol. V. No. 9. 136 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. and fused one upon the other that practically only the region ot each could be indicated roughly in figure 1. The origin of the anterior wing may be seen in figure 1, bp. Just cephalad of its base are two fleshy processes — the cephalic, larger and some- what renifoi*m in shape; the articulatory epidemes, artep. Cross sections show the larger epideme to be almost spherical, with a broad, short base or pettiole. The mesosternum is rectangular, wider than long, anterior margin somewhat convex, with corners rounded. The coxal cavities or acetabula are large, ovate, and are situated on the posterior margin (35-11). When the mesothorax is dissected free from the other seg- ments, and viewed from behind, the endoskeleton is plainly seen. I shall not attempt to give the orientation and detailed description of its different parts, which may be seen in 27-2 (partly diagrammatic). This internal skeleton is a complex of plates and rods, braced in all directions, and fused with the outer sclerites of the segment. Three different internal pro- jections may be seen, dorsal, lateral, and ventral. The dorsal piece, the phragma, phrg, is a symmetrical, transverse plate projecting ventrad. A similar structure in the mesothorax of a stag beetle is figured by Packard (Textbook of Entomology) and called "Diaphragm for the attachment of the tergal mus- cles of the metasternum." On each side there is a simple pro- jection which seems to correspond to the apodeme, apod. The lower projection or apophyse ("medifurca," according to Pack- ard) is seen at apoph, and in 55-11, and is shaped like a letter "Y" ; its dorsal edge is hollowed out, this hollow together with a similar one on the lower edge of the phragma above giving passage to the digestive system, etc. (;?7-33, c.) The mesothorax is built for great strength, the sclerites be- ing much fused and the internal structures all large and heavy. Although this segment carries the anterior wings, which are used mainly in flight, I have no evidence that this insect is a very strong flyer ; on one occasion a specimen was captured on the top of a high building, but probably it was carried to such a height independent of its own flying powers, by a strong wind blowing at the time. Metathorax. — This segment is the strongest in structure of the thoracic segments, and the endoskeleton and external scle- rites are so strongly fused that the homologies of this region present a great many perplexing problems. I shall proceed to stough: the hackberry psylla. 137 describe the different parts as I have found them, together with my interpretation as to their homologies. The structure of the notum is not so difficult to determine. Three sclerites are plainly made out (27-3 A). The anterior of these is crescent- shaped, and in life is concealed by the scutellum of the meso- tergum. The dorsal portion of the second sclerite is a small ovate plate, while the third and posterior sclerite is rather broad, its posterior margin somewhat indented and its lateral margins concave. The metasternum (27-5', 30-8; 31-1, sir) is best developed anteriorally where it is connected with a very light, narrow, median portion between the acetabula, which in turn is con- nected with and almost seems to be a part of the metafurca, mf, of the endoskeleton. Closely connected to the internal pieces of the latter, and separated from the sternum by an obscure suture, is a sclerite whose dorsal end fuses with the other parts. This probably represents the reg-'on of the metaepisternum (31-1, es 3). The portion (x) in figure 7 which runs ven- trad and entad to join a part of the metafurca has notches on its ventral edge at x, and with these notches articulates the end of a complex of sclerites extending down the side and across the ventral surface of the segment (27-5 and 31-8). Much difficulty was found in homologizing these sclerites, authorities differing as to the names of some of the parts. Upon tearing loose this complex carrying the metathoracic leg from its at- tachment at X and y (31-8) and examining it under a high power of the microscope, its structure could be made out. It is composed of five sclerites. Entad (somewhat caudad and dorsad) is a more or less crescent-shaped sclerite (fig. 8, str). This I believe to be a part of the sternum. The next sclerite, mer, extad and cephalad, is of a similar shape but bears a blunt projection or tubercle. Authorities differ as to what is the homology of this part. Westwood says : "Beneath, the epimera of the metathorax are singularly produced behind the place of insertion of the hind legs (which are pushed forwards), and terminated by two strong spurs." Edwards states : "Meso- sternum produced behind into two large, sharp spines." Riley states: "Metasternal processes cylindrical, hardly narrower toward the tip, which is obtuse, not pointed." I find a similar structure in all the Cicadidse which I have examined. In "Les Cicadines D'Europe," translated from the German of Fieber by Reiber (1875), in the discussion of the general structure of 138 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. the Cicadidse, under legs, this sclerite is called the "meracan- thus" ("A la base des hanches et specialement aux posterieures, nait, visible chez les Fulgorides et remarquablement developpee chez Cicada, une epine subulee, au lobe triangulaire, lanceolee, cornee, qui est encore assez distincte aux hanches intermedi- aires, Le Dr. Hagen [Die europ. Cicaden, Stett. ent. zeit. 1886] appelle trochanter [Klappe] cet appendice corne qui doit etre designe sons le nom vrai de Meracanthus, pi. 10, fig. 9, b, car le trochanter n'a pas d'apendice"). Focusing upward with the high power, the next sclerite, also crescent-shaped, with parallel edges, which is seen to be the next extad, comes into view (fig. 8, em 3). It is this sclerite which articulates at x and y (figs. 7, 8). This I believe to represent the metaepimeron. Cephalad and laterad of these sclerites is a platelike piece, the cephalic end of which bends dorsad and entad, and forms a ring. This structure is seen in figure 8, cox. On this ring, the trochanter articulates (also upon the end of the episternum), and since this sclerite is the only one which in any degree approaches the tj^ical cylindrical coxal form, being in this case a sort of ring at its end, I take it to be the coxa. Entad (dorsad) of this, and slightly cephalad, is an accessory sclerite (55-8 and 9, scl) , a rod whose caudal end is flattened out into a plate to which are attached muscles that arise from the inner surface of the meracanthus, or epi- meron (which of these two, I am as yet unable to state). The cephalic end is connected to the cephalic edge of the trochanter and serves to pull it towards the body. Its position is shown in figure 8, plate XXXV. Turning now to the internal structure of the metathorax, which is best seen from the front, when this segment is severed from the others the metafurca (50-8; 31-1] 27-5, mf) are the most prominent features. The two large forks which pro- ceed dorsad and caudad are connected with the lower surface of the tergum. The whole endoskeleton is so closely fused with the sclerites of the metathorax that it cannot always be sepa- rated from them. This internal structure is large and heavy, and by bracing all parts makes the segment exceedingly strong and rigid. The structure of the pleural sclerites in a species of Aleuro- did which I examined was also found to be very complex, there being a large number of sclerites homologous to those found in stough: the hackberry psylla. 139 Pachypsylla, and a careful comparison of the two forms would throw much light on the question. • The metathorax is not so heavily braced as in Pachypsylla, but the coxal region is still well developed. A study of the psyllid pupa would probably show much of interest in this con- nection, as these parts above mentioned are all represented there but somewhat simplified. The folding and fusion of parts in the adult, and the presence of a heavy, braced endoskeleton and the complex articulation of the trochanter of the meta- thoracic leg, are all specializations to render possible and in- crease its jumping power. My studies on the thorax of the Psyllidae agree with the recent articles by Snodgrass (1909) , in which the old theory of Audouin making each tergal segment to be composed of four primitive sclerites is discredited; I have been able to find no more than three sclerites composing the mesoterga and meta- terga. WINGS. I. VENATION. The wing venation of the Psyllidse seems never to have been reduced to any uniform system such as that of Comstock and Needham (1898-'99). I find the venation figured by Mally, Edwards, Slingerland (1896) and others, but the nomencla- ture is not uniform and is of a special nature. I have at- tempted to reduce the venation as seen in the insect under dis- cussion to the system of Comstock and Needham, above mentioned. In this study my first conclusions as to the homolo- gies of the veins were arrived at through the study of adult wings alone, but later I have made use of nymphal wings and wings of newly emerged adults. On March 6 a large number of pupae of Pachypsylla celtidis- gemma were procured from their galls on the stems (lateral buds) of the hackberry, some seven or eight being found in each large-sized gall. Their wing pads, after soaking for about a day in dilute formalin, were removed, mounted in dilute glycerine, and studied with special reference to their tracheae. As soon as I had begun this study I found that my conclusions arrived at earlier were borne out in almost every detail by the number, position, character, etc., of the trachese of the nymphal wings, these tracheae corresponding to the veins of the adult wing. 140 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Venation of Nymphal Wing Pads and Wings of Newly Emerged Adults. Fore Wing (26-3 and 32-S). — The costa, C, rises from a large tracheal trunk from the thorax, proximad of the radius and subcosta (fig. 3). It follows the anterior margin, but drops down at the region of the stigma and fuses with the subcosta. The subcosta, Sc, and radius, R, are fused throughout the basal third of the wing, and the free portion of the first-named vein is comparatively short, as it soon fuses with the costa. The radius is represented by a single trachea, and at its base, where it is fused with the base of the subcosta, it rises from the large tracheal trunk, distad of the origin of the costa (fig. 3). Media and cubitus, M, and Cu. The media rises from the main trunk just cephalad of the base of the cubitus and distad of the base of the subcosta (fig. 3). It is two-branched and shows its double structure throughout the distal half of the pad, the two branches being close together and parallel for some distance. The three tracheae, the subcosta plus radius, the media and the cubitus run parallel throughout the basal third of the wing. In normal position, these three tracheae are very close together, as in figure 8, but in the diagram (fig. 3) they are represented more widely separated to show their con- nections with the main tracheal trunk from the thorax. The occurrence and relative positions of these three tracheae are of the greatest importance in correctly determining the homolo- gies of the adult veins, as the upper of these branched veins, formerly called the "upper branch of the cubitus," arises from a trachea distinct from the true cubital trachea, and therefore cannot be a part of the cubitus, while the trachea representing the subcosta plus the radius fused is distinct from those of media and cubitus, though all four veins appear as a single vem in the basal portion of the adult wing. Both media and cubitus are two-branched, their distal ends bending so as to run parallel with the costa for some distance before fusing with it, forming at some places as many as three parallel or more or less intertwining lines of tracheae (fig. 3). The anal fold or "claval suture" (fig. 3, af) is present as a distinct trachea which fuses at its distal end with the second branch of the cubitus and the costa near the posterior margin. Only one anal vein (fig. 3, A) could be made out, but as this STOUGH : THE HACKBERRY PSYLLA. 141 trachea was torn more or less when the fore wing pad and the hind wing pad, which are grown together at this point, were separated, such evidence in itself is not conclusive. However, from my studies I. have every reason to believe that normally only one anal vein is represented. Likewise, the basal connec- tions of the costa of the posterior margin and the trachea of the anal fold to the main trunk from the thorax could not be accurately determined. For the further study of the development of the venation, a number of Pachypsylla celtidis-mammse which had emerged during the fall of 1908 were thrown into weak formalin im- mediately after emergence, before the chitinized veins had been laid down (26-4; 32-9, 10 and 11). In one specimen (26-4 and 32-d) the wing was still delicate and transparent, with its edges crumpled and folded, and the veins still prac- tically in their tracheal condition, while in other specimens the wing membranes had hardened, the pattern gained its pig- ment, though still light, and the veins fully formed but with the tracheae in some cases visible within them (-5^-10 and 11), In the youngest specimen mentioned above the three parallel trachese of the subcosta plus radius, media and cubitus were strictly separate and corresponded in position to those of the nymph of P. c.-gemma. The distal ends of the veins, becoming lost in the folds of the margin of the wing, could not be traced. The position and direction of these trachese here were more closely like the veins found in the adult than were those of the nymphal wing pads. These studies aided me much in studying the development of the trachese into veins, and the coalescence of two or more of the former into one vein, as seen in the case of the sub- costa plus radius, media and cubitus. In some specimens these could be seen to be still single and parallel until they reached the internal trunk (26-4 and 32-9). The radius and subcosta fused (32-10) was on the cephalic margin of the com- pound vein in process of formation, the cubitus (fig. 11) being on the caudal margin. The vein in the anal fold could still be plainly seen (26-4), but its basal connection was not made out. Since there is no thickening of the wing here, as soon as the air leaves this trachea the only suggestion of a vein that is left is the trans- parent "fold," 142 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Since there is so little chitinization and thickening of the membrane around the trachese of the hind wing, these can be studied best in specimens such as the above, where air in the tracheae renders them visible. This is especially true of the costa, subcosta and vein in the anal fold. The subcosta cannot be made out in the adult hind wing, and has not been figured for it, but shows plainly when filled with air. By placing a piece of black paper under the condenser of the microscope the veins appear a glistening white, and under the low powers are much more easily studied in this manner. An interesting point I observed in the hind wing was the presence — in one specimen — of what should probably be re- garded as a "sport" vein (26-2, sv) . It is connected with the anal vein and also fuses with the costa. Since I have found in one hind wing of two specimens, both male and female, the radius forked, as is the case with the normal cubitus, which branch, though a "sport," probably points back to a former two-branched condition of that vein as seen in the fore wing, this vein above mentioned may show the same condition for the anal wing, and represent the second anal vein. I find under "Psyllidse" in the "Zoological Record" for 1867 the fol- lowing: "From the occurrence of irregularities in the vena- tion of the wings of this species, [Amsosiro/j/m ficus Linn.] he [Frauenfeld] takes occasion to remark upon the frequency of such irregularities among the Psyllidse ; the variation is almost always confined to one wing." Adult Venation. Fore Wing (27-6). — The costa can be easily traced around the entire margin of the wing and is very thick at the basal portion of the anterior edge. All the rest of the veins except the anal arise from a single main trunk, which is the main support for the wing. This trunk is composed of the three tracheae mentioned above, fused — the subcosta plus radius, media and cubitus. The subcosta and radius are fused as far as the stigma, s, where the subcosta runs up toward the costal margin, forms the lower margin of the stigma, and meets the costa somewhat proximad of the apex of the wing. The radius is composed of a single vein, probably representing R 4 -f 5. At about the middle of the cell, /, a vein leaves the main trunk which divides into two branches, each of these again dividing once. The two upper branches represent M 1 -|- 2, and M STOUGH : THE HACKBERRY PSYLLA. 143 3 -f- 4. In one specimen of Psylla coryli I found that on one wing the media was single instead of two-branched, but never found such a case in the present species. The two lower branches above mentioned are Cu 1 and Cu 2. Below this is what is called the "claval suture," corresponding to the anal fold (fig. 46, af). The region posterior to the anal fold or claval suture is generally called the "clavus," from the corre- sponding region in heteropterous wings, cl. One anal vein is present; this, by a dorsal and cephalic folding over of the distal half of the margin of the clavus, takes the place of the costa at this point (that is, forms the posterior edge of the wing here), the two veins appearing upon first observation to have crossed. This condition was also observed in the nymphal wing pads and in the wings of newly emerged indi- viduals. Hind Wing (27-7). — This is more simple in venation than the fore wing. The costa soon becomes weak and indefinite. The subcosta is not visible except in newly emerged individ- uals where the tracheae are filled with air, and the radius is seen as in the fore wing, as a single vein. The media is also a single vein, though in two specimens I found it two-branched in one wing after the fashion of that vein in the fore wing. The cubitus has two short branches. The claval suture and anal vein are practically the same as those in the fore wing, only there is no folding over of the posterior margin of the clavus. The adult wings as above described are specialized by re- duction, the coalescence of veins being outward. According to Mally's nomenclature, the common base of the media and cubitus which joins the subcosta plus radius is known as the "Petiolus cubite," Pc; the media and cubitus be- fore branching are known as the "first cubitus" and the "sec- ond cubitus," and their branches the "first, second, third and fourth furcal veins." The presence of a media is not recog- nized by him. Edwards calls the media and cubitus the "upper and lower branches of the cubitus," and the "Petiolus cubite" of Mally the "Stalk of the cubitus." He mentions no media. Woodworth (1906) adheres to a nomenclature somewhat different. According to this, the media and cubitus are called the "independents" which "appear as a twice-forked branch 144 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. from the primary," the fact that these veins are distinct, arising from separate tracheae — as I have shown — not being recognized. The Psyllidae are the highest of the group Phytophthires of the Homoptera. These all have simple wing venations, that of the Coccidse being the simplest, Woodworth says of these : "The venation of the Phj^ophthires has a nomenclature of its own, not relating it to any other groups, the only investigator who has attempted to homologize the veins being Redtenbacher. This author admits to only two branches as belonging to vein V (corresponding to my independents) [vein m] in the Psyl- lidse, and sees none at all in the Aphididse." II. PATTERN. Fore Wing. — I quote Riley's original description of the wing markings of this species : "Front wings narrower and, there- fore, apparently longer than in vemusta, very little wider at terminal third than at basal third; costal margin at base but slightly subhyaline, more or less densely covered with small, brownish, scalelike specks, as follows: an oblique and gradu- ally narrowing band (extending from the tip of the ptero- stigma to near tip of radius), which runs across the wing to the tip of the first furcal, is usually freer from these dots than the rest of the wing, while its edges are usually* more crowded with the dots, so as to bring the pale band into greater relief ; quite frequently there is an intensified patch of brown about discoidal part of subcostal vein and at all vein furcations ; also, the terminal space outside of the pale oblique band is uniformly dark, but with three marginal pale spots (one on each side of the cubital, second marginal and discoidal cells), always more or less evenly speckled; exceptionally, both inside and outside the oblique band, there is a border of variable extent, of a uni- form dark brown color, not composed of small dots." There is great sexual difference in color pattern and in in- tensity of markings, as seen in figures. The dark border of the light band mentioned in Riley's description is generally very weak in the female, sometimes almost obsolete, except where it crosses the veins, as in figure 6, plate XXXIII. In general, the wing of the male is darker and more heavily marked than that of the female. Also, the spring forms of both sexes are said to be darker than those that emerge in the fall and hiber- nate over winter.^ 2. Insect Life, vol. V, p. 227. stough: the hackberry psylla. 145 In the males there is generally a large dark spot between Cu 1 and Cu 2, and on and below the radius proximad of its fusion with the subcosta, this spot tending to spread across cell I. These spots, proximad from the stigma, tend in the female to be reduced to dusky portions only a little darker than the surrounding parts, the former being almost indistin- guishable and the latter confined to a border to the vein. The three marginal spots mentioned by Riley are generally more distinct in the male. There is a great deal of individual varia- tion in the wing markings as to the number and arrangement of the small spots composing the pattern, no two individuals showing precisely the same combinations. Figures 1 and 5, plate XXXIII, show how this pattern is produced, and inci- dentally the difference in shape of the apices of the male and female wings. Figure 4, plate XXXIII, is another view of the pattern at the branching of the median veins, more highly magnified than the two preceding. The upper surface of the wing is entirely covered with disk- like cuticular outgrowths about 0.005 mm. in diameter, best seen in cross section through the wing {30-2, a and h) . These are more or less circular in outline though often very irregular. Some of these, h, are filled with dark brown pigment, the same diffusing slightly into the surrounding cuticula. These pig- mented disks are arranged in groups of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and so on, to form polygons and other figures. These groups form the "spots" which make up the pattern, and are either distinct or banked up together to form a dark spot or band, in which case the polygonal structure is not so apparent. The following elements make up the pattern: (1) The individual pigmented cuticular processes, which I shall designate as "disks"; (2) polygonal and other combinations of these disks — "groups" ; (3) arrangements of these groups making up the large and small spots, bands, etc. — "markings." There are a great many different forms of groups produced by these disks, the principal types of which are seen on pago 146. Polygonal groups predominate, though chainlike, broken, and irregular forms are also found. Groups of "two's" and "three's" arranged lengthwise with the wing are found pre- dominating in the basal cells, while more complex polygonal figures are the rule in the distal regions of the wing. Groups consisting of only one disk were not found. Any difference between the composition of the groups or the 146 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. frequency of certain group types in the male and the female was not found. The polygonal gi'oups are oftener without the central disk dark than with. When this was not pigmented, the space was still clouded the same as the cuticula surround- ing the pigmented disks. I tt ^ ^. A ^ :• 'i ^ :: •' • Fig. 61. — Diagram showing principal forms of groups found in the pattern. The disks were found to be smaller proximad of the base of the wing and near the veins and the anal fold, and consequently the groups there were either of uniformly small disks or of part normal and part small-sized disks. There were no groups on the stigma ; here the disks became reduced to mere low, conical projections. The anal fold was smooth and transparent, with clear-cut edges. Cross section (30-9, c) shows on the lower side of the wing, !»pposite each disk, a small, blunt outgrowth, generally unpig- mented. Hind Wing, — Here the disk structure of the membrane is barely visible under favorable conditions of illumination of the microscope. Only those disks on the clavus are pigmented. stough: the hackberry psylla. 147 The number of groups averages thirty to thirty-five. They tend to be irregular and not polygonal. Groups of "four's" are perhaps the most common, being generally found singly, though sometimes two or three groups are associated together to form a figure, generally a chain. III. STRUCTURE. Fore Wing. — Of the sixty wings that I examined, the fore wings averaged 2.94 mm. long by 1.19 mm. at greatest width in the male, and 3.27 mm. by 1.37 mm. in the female. Varia- tions in outline of the wings and in the shape of the cells were very slight. There was, however, variation noticed in the length and breadth of the wing between rights and lefts in both sexes. In the membrane at the base of the fore wings are found two small sclerites, called by Audouin "articulatory epidemes," already mentioned {27-1, artep). The cephalic of these is seen in cross section to be more or less spherical in outline. On each side of the wing veins is a row of rather stiff, curved hairs in circular pits, seen in 33-1 and 5. On the anterior portion of the costa there are three rows of hairs, the an- terior of which is separated from the others by a central, dorsally projecting ridge of the costa. From a point near the proximal edge of the light band, already referred to under "pattern," these hairs are found in a single row until the place is reached where the anal vein and the posterior costa seem to cross. From here on the costa bears no hairs, but in their place a row of very minute, sharp teeth on its outer edge. These teeth are also found on the edge of the anterior costa below the smooth-edged cuticular margin of the wing ; they are somewhat larger here, but become obsolete a little before the apex of the wing is reached. Upper and lower surfaces of the wing are essentially the same, as regards number and position of hairs. The structure of the membrane has already been treated. It is submem- branaceous in texture. Hind Wing. — The hind wing averages 2.5 mm. long by 0.97 mm. wide. The apical portion is wider than the basal and is well rounded. The anterior margin is fairly straight, though somewhat undulating in outline. No hairs are found on the veins of the hind wing except two or three on the fused portion of the subcosta, radius, media and cubitus, and on the basal 148 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. portion of the anterior costa, where fifteen or more — the num- ber being- variable — long, stiff hairs project cephalad, curving upward {S3-S). The hind wings are very weak and delicate, and these hairs are of use in coordinating the movements of the hind wing with those of the fore wing, resembling some- what the "hamulus" of the Hymenoptera. The anterior margin of the costa is only slightly roughened —covered with low, knob-like processes, distad of the hairs— the basal two-thirds of its length, but from here on as far as the beginning of the clavus these knobs become lengthened out into spine-like scales pointing distad. The margin of the clavus is comparatively smooth except where roughened at the humeral angle. The membranes of this wing are transparent and thin, and were often separated from each other to form a sac, when boiled too long in caustic potash. This is in harmony with the studies of Weismann, Kiinkel d'Herculais, Dewitz, Van Rees and Pratt, which established the fact that insect wings are of hypodermal origin, being evaginations of the integument, and the separation of these membranes through the action of caustic potash shows plainly that the wing membrane is made up of two laminae, an upper and a lower, which are fused to one another between the veins. The veins, except the costa, are almost without chitinization, and the subcosta could be made out only when it was filled with air as in newly emerged specimens. The fore wing is quite flat, except the clavus, which is bent somewhat ventrad, and that portion of the clavus between the anal vein and the costa is bent quite sharply ventrad, so that it is almost horizontal in position when the wings are folded along the side of the body. When the insect is at rest and the wings are in this position the anal angles of the fore wings fit up closely against the edges of the scutellum of the meso- thorax, and their edges are contiguous from the distal end of the clavus to the tip of the wing. Through the gap between the claval portions of the wings can be seen the posterior mar- gins of the hind wings, which are contiguous throughout the claval region, their anal angles fitting against the small oval sclerite of the metathorax (the second tergal sclerite). stough: the hackberry psylla. l4d LEGS. The prothoracic and mesothoracic legs are essentially the same in structure, while the metathoracic leg is greatly spe- cialized. The coxae of the former are not free and movable, as in many insects, but immovably fixed to the thorax, and, according to Witlaczil, coalescing with it. They are greatly produced laterally, this portion being flattened and longer in the mesocoxa than in the procoxa. The trochanters are short, cylindrical sclerites, somewhat constricted proximally. All three pairs are similar. The two anterior pairs of femora are swollen, the outlines of their dorsal surfaces somewhat convex, and the cuticula of ventral surfaces much roughened. The femora of the protho- racic legs are somewhat longer than those of the mesothoracic pair. The distal ends are on their ventral faces deeply gouged out, into which groove, bounded by strong lateral edges, the tibise fit when the leg is flexed. The femora of the metatho- racic legs are similar in structure to those of the other pairs, but longer and relatively more slender. There was very little variation of this part, as may be seen by the following table of measurements : AVERAGE LENGTH. Male. Female. Right. Left. Right. Left. 0.656 mm. 0.654 mm. 0.686 mm. 0.691 mm. The articulation between femur and trochanter of meso- thoracic leg is shown in figure 78, page 150. This is similar in the other pairs. The structure of the tibise is of great interest. The tibise of the prothoracic and mesothoracic legs are about as long as the femora, but those of the metathoracic legs are slightly longer than the femora. The distal ends of the first and second pairs of tibise bear a fringe of long, sharp spines which point distad, those of the prothoracic pair being slightly the weaker. The distal ends of the metatibise are swollen and bear nine short, thick, blunt, black spines (figs 73, 74 and 75). These spines are a part of the scheme of specialization for jumping, pre- venting the foot from slipping in the same way as do the spines on the grasshopper's tibise. The tarsi are two-segmented. In the first two pairs of legs the second segment is larger, but the first is the larger in the metathoracic pair. In all three pairs the segments are much 150 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Pig. 71. > 1H7. Pig. 79. Rloo Pig. 77. » at"* Fig. 72. — First metatarsal segment, c, claw; p, pad. Figs. 73 and 74. — End of metatibia showing spines. Fig. 75.— End of mesotibia. Fig. 77. — Metatrochanter. sh, sensory hairs ; sp, sensory pits. Fig. 78. — Articulation between coxa and trochanter mesothoracic leg. cox, coxa; troc, trochanter; m, membrane. P'ig. 79. — Prothoracic foot, c, claw; s, str, tendons moving claws. constricted proximally. The first segment articulates with the tibia by a joint much like that between femur and trochanter. On the ventral surface of the first tarsal segment of the meta- thoracic leg is a soft, membranous pad, projecting distad be- tween the two stout, laterally placed claws (fig. 72) . This pad is best developed in the metathoracic tarsi and these claws are found only here. The second segment bears the claws, which are similar in all three pairs of legs. These are short, heavy, and rather blunt. stough: the hackberry psylla. 161 with several small sclerites at their bases embedded in the membrane. These are illustrated in figure 79, which shows the tendons controlling their movement, and the two-lobed empodium, one lobe being under each claw. This empodium is functional, as in many insects, and is used in holding the in- sect to a smooth surface, as it can cling readily to a glass sur- face. Femora, tibiae and tarsi of all three pairs of legs are cov- ered with hairs, many of which are probably tactile. Both coxae and trochanters (except of metathoracic legs) bear hairs, the latter with one or two hairs on their distal ends longer than the segments themselves. On the trochanters is a row of oval sensory pits (fig. 77, sp). ABDOMEN. The relative shapes of the abdomen in the sexes can be seen in 35-lS and 14 (figure inverted), also in 34.-4:. The abdomen of the female is larger than that of the male and seems much longer in proportion, as the ninth segment of the male bearing the genitalia is generally carried bent dorsad and cephalad so that the supra-anal plate fits up tightly against the seventh segment, thus making the abdomen appear quite short. In both sexes it is slightly compressed laterally. Ac- cording to Edwards, there are visible five segments above and six below, not counting the genital segment. The first two segments are smaller than those caudad. "The first abdominal somite of both sexes is added to the meta- thorax to enlarge the springing-gear ; the second abdominal somite forms a short stalk for the abdomen. . . ." — (Macloskie.) According to Witlaczil, in the male the supra-anal plate rep- resents the tenth somite, the ninth is not represented above, and below forms the subgenital plate; the eighth is scarcely at all developed above ; in the female, the supra-anal and sub- genital plates or valves represent the tenth segment. In the pleural membrane are found seven spiracles, each surrounded by a wide, chitinized ring. The cuticula of the abdomen is punctate, not so pubescent as that of the thorax, and the membrane between the chitinized plates of each seg- ment is covered with great numbers of minute sensillia stylo- conica. On the posterior edge of each segment is a row of 3-Univ. Sci. Bull., Vol. V, No. 9. 152 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. sensory hairs, in prominent pits, much more evident, however, in the male than in the female. GENITALIA. Male Genitalia. — The genital segment of the male of Pachypsylla celtidis-mammse is described by Riley as follows : "Male genital segment a little longer than the preceding ven- tral segment, brown, shining; plate as high as the length of the segment, lateral lobe barely indicated, anterior margin straight, posterior margin very slightly oblique, i. e., the plate gradually increases in width towards the tip, which is truncate and not arctuate, as in the preceding species. Forceps as in venusta [two-thirds as high as plate, front margin straight, hind margin slightly sinuate at basal half, tip rounded, outer face smooth and very shining]." The genital segment of the male consists of the following parts: Supra-anal plate or "genital plate," subgenital plate, forceps or "posterior processes," and copulatory organ or "sedeagus." The supra-anal plate is a conspicuous fleshy process attached to the anterior edge of the subgenital plate. It is generally carried at about right angles to this plate, and is shown in 55-10 as drawn forward out of normal position. It averages about 0.48 mm. in length (measured on cephalic surface) and its greatest width is 0,19 mm. Looking cephalad at this plate it is seen to taper at top and bottom, and to be convex with rather wide flaps on its lateral edges (30-6, sppfi). At its distal end these flaps recede to the edge, where the organ ceases to be an open trough, and becomes a short, rounded, truncate, cone-shaped structure (30-6 and 7, x) , connected by its cephalic wall to the basal wall of the trough below. This structure ends in a short, flaring, membranous ring (figs. 6 and 7, a), which is the external opening of the anus. The concave face of the plate is lined with a delicate, folded mem- brane, between which and the cephalic wall is situated a tube, the rectum. Almost the entire surface of the plate carries numerous long, stiff hairs. The lower extremity of the supra-anal plate consists of a chitinized ring which expands into a rather broad, two-lobed plate, Ip, on each side. These plates drop ventrad at their inner edges much after the fashion of a funnel, and form the base of the copulatory organ. stough: the hackberry psylla, 15^ Extending ventrad, with its dorsal edges articulating with the lower side of each of the above-mentioned lobed plates, is a chitinized band or loop (figs. 6 and 7, 0 extending down- ward almost to touch the inner surface of the subgenital plate. Between the arms of this loop the proximal portion of the copulatory organ swing, almost entirely concealed within the subgenital plate when the genital segment is telescoped into the next segment cephalad and the supra-anal plate is forced caudad. At emergence, however, the genital organs are ex- tended and not telescoped, and at time of copulation the copula- tory organ is protruded from the cavity of the subgenital plate. Extending ventrad from the lateral plates at the base of the supra-anal plate is the chitinized couplatory organ or extremity of and sheath for the penis — "the sedeagus" of some writers. This organ (figs. 6 and 7, co, and 35-1), soon after it leaves the base of the supra-anal plate, forms a sharp bend, reversing its direction to dorsad. After reaching a position about oppo- site the middle of the supra-anal plate there occurs a conspicu- ous swelling, and beyond that a joint or geniculation {30- Q, g). The proximal portion of the second segment of the organ is also swollen. This segment in normal position drops ventrad. The distal end bends caudad and is swollen greatly, becoming club-shaped (fig. 6, c), convex cephalad, and con- cave caudad, this segment having a vertical orientation. The convex, cephalic face of the club is gouged out to form a deep longitudinal groove running from base to tip. The proximal portion of the first segment of the copulatory organ is not tubular, but slitted on its convex surface, and through this slit the penis enters the sheath, p. The concave surface of this portion is coarsely notched or corrugated trans- versely for some distance beyond the bend. The remainder of the organ is tubular, the canal running through the inner half of the sheath — that is, through the cephalic half of the first segment and through the caudal half of the second segment. This canal runs into the center of the club, makes a sharp turn, and, proceeding back upon itself, curves to the convex side of the club, where it issues at the base of the club in the bottom of the groove above mentioned. The copulatory organ is more strongly chitinized at its distal end than it is in the curved portion of the proximal segment, and along its outer surface, than on its inner. The first seg- ment measures (from base to geniculation, the distance along 154 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. curved side being much greater) 0.81 mm., the distal segment 0.38 mm., and the club 0.12 mm. The subgenital plate has already been mentioned in the quo- tation from Riley. Its measurements are as follows : Depth, 0.37 mm. ; length, 0.40 mm. ; greatest width, 0.26 mm. Situated at the posterior end of the subgenital plate are the forceps (fig. 10, /", and 35-16). These two pieces are some- what swollen at their bases, seem to be articulated one against the other, and are connected to the subgenital plate by means of a long, thin, tendonous strip, which reaches ventrad to the inner surface of the plate, where it is fastened. The forceps are about 0.29 mm. in length, spread at widest 0.29 mm., and project above the subgenital plate 0.20 mm. Female Genitalia. — The genital segment and ovipositor of the female are of great morphological interest. The genital plates have been described by Riley as follows: "Female genital segment a little shorter than the three preceding ven- tral segments together; . . . upper plate a little longer than the lower one, gradually tapering toward the tip, which is straight; . . . lower plate also simple." This is in substance all that I have found in the literature to which I have had access concerning the female genitalia of this family. The genital valves or plates, being of taxonomic value, have gen- erally been included in descriptions of species, but the oviposi- tor remains unmentioned, except in a few cases where it is spoken of as "ending in an acute point" (Edwards). West- wood (1839) mentions it as a "pleurivalve conical ovipositor." I have been unable to find anywhere a treatment of its struc- ture. I shall first treat of the two plates mentioned above, and then consider the structure of the ovipositor proper. Of these plates, the supra-anal is of the greater interest. It is wedge-shaped, with its apex blunt and its i)roximal end three- sided. It averages in length 0.98 mm. and in width 0.42 mm. Its shape is well shown in 55-4, where the ovate openings at its basal angles can be seen. These latter may be of use in attaching the plate to the abdomen. The plate is somewhat convex but not so much so as the subgenital plate. It bears on its upper surface sensory hairs, probably tactile, and is (luite heavily chitinized except for a large oval space, //, about 0.26 mm. long surrounding the anal opening, where the plate is STOUGII : THE HACKBERRY PSYLLA. 155 almost transparent. Along the median line in this space is a slit, into the cephalic end of which the anus opens ; this could be seen in a longitudinal-vertical section, where the rectum was found to run just under the dorsal surface of the posterior end of the abdomen and end at the cephalic end of this slit. About midway between this slit and the edges of the clear space are situated the curiously ornamental openings of the circumanal wax glands, outside of which are rather broken and irregular rows of short, heavy, curved, sensory hairs in pits. The dorsal aspect of this region of the plate is represented in 31-4:. This encircling band of wax glands is double; their openings are ovate to rectangular, with borders measur- ing 0.015 mm. in width, and are seen in the greatly magnified portion shown in 26-5 B. Longitudinal-vertical sections showed the glands themselves. These are of large size, flask- shaped, with long necks, and are closely packed in a double row under the dorsal openings. They are illustrated in section in figure 5 A, irg. Their nuclei, n, could in most cases be made out quite plainly. These glands are of hypodermal origin, and are homologous to the circumgenital glands or spinnerets found in the Coccidse. They are functional in the nymphal stages of most Psyllidse, and in those forming galls the wax enters into the composition of the gall, making an impervious lining for the cavity, while it is found as a stringy, exuvial covering to some of the nongall-formers. These glands are functional in the nymph of Pachypsylla, but I have no evidence that they are so in the adult. The subgenital plate is much broader and more concave than the supra-anal plate, though not so long as the latter. Its shape when flattened out is shown in 27-S. The anterior margin is almost straight, except laterad, where it turns caudad and joins the lateral margin, forming an acute angle. The apex is blunt, as in the supra-anal plate. The approximate measurements of the plate are : Width at base, 0.73 mm. ; median length, 0.63 mm. ; length of lateral margin, 0.67 mm. The plate is covered with rather stiff" hairs, probably tactile, more numerous at the posterior end and wanting at the anterior end; it is almost as heavily chitinized as the supra-anal plate. Ovipositor. — The insects of the suborder Homoptera possess a well-developed ovipositor. This is well preserved and of quite complicated structure in the family Psyllidse. 156 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. The typical structure of an ovipositor is described in the fol- lowing quotation from Packard : "Morphologically, the ovi- positor is composed of three pairs of unjointed styles (rhab- clites of Lacaze-Duthiers, gonapophyses of Huxley), which are closely appressed to or sheathed within each other, the eggs passing out from the end of the oviduct, which lies, as Dewitz states, between the two styles of the lowest or innermost pair and under the cross-bars or at the base of the stylets men- tioned ; the styles or blades spreading to allow of the passage of the es^.'' The structure of this organ I find to be second in interest only to the mouth parts. It is more complicated in structure than those parts in the cicada, but the homologies between the two can be worked out in part, as will be seen later. It is very similar in most points to the ovipositor in the Aleurodidae. Lack of material has confined my work to postembryonic studies. There has been much investigation on the segmental origin of the ovipositor parts, the researches of Wheeler and Heymons being of chief importance. Wheeler (189^), who studied orthopteran embryology, holds for the "direct con- tinuity of the embryonic appendages with the gonapophyses," while Heymons (1899), from studies in Heteroptera and Homoptera, considers these gonapophyses as hypodermal out- growths. However, it is not my purpose to discuss these ques- tions, but to treat of the anatomy and homologies of the parts. A specimen of Pachypsylla female, mounted in balsam after having been thoroughly boiled in caustic potash and cleared, showed, when viewed from the side, the relative position of the ovipositor as regards supra-anal and subgenital plates, and the posterior abdominal segments (30-4). The ovipositor is seen to be an elongate organ with dorsal and ventral outlines about parallel. It measures in length about 0.82 mm., in greatest width about 0.19 mm., and in thickness less than half that of width. The caudal extremity is acutely pointed, this portion bending dorsad, then caudad, with its apex extending caudad even with the tip of the subgenital plate, while the supra-anal plate extends caudad from this apex 0.11 mm. in the specimen described. The proximal or cephalic end of the ovi- positor is composed of several sclerites of irregular form, to be described later, the ends of which project 0.16 mm. beyond a line joining the bases of the enclosing external plates to a stough: the hackberry psylla. 157 position about opposite and above the last spiracle, well into the dorsal portion of the last abdominal segment. Its position relative to the two plates is shown in figure 1 B, plate XXVI, Seven longitudinal rods or valves are to be found running throughout the organ. Six of these are paired, two pairs form- ing the lateral edges of the ventral face of the organ, and a third pair lateral and well towards the dorsal face ; the seventh and unpaired rod is dorsal and median. Each upper and each lower valve of the two ventral pairs are very closely connected, being held together throughout their entire length by means of a tongue on the upper fitting into a groove in the lower, which may be seen in the cross section in 26-1 A, tg. The tips of these valves are very sharp and finely pointed, and come together at their tips, where they are enclosed in a sheath. The cephalic ends of each ventral and inner stylet is connected with a more or less crescent-shaped sclerite (26-1, blv) . The cephalic end of each ventral and outer stylet connects with a sclerite (fig, 1, buv) which runs dorsad and caudad. When this reaches about the dorsal face of the ovipositor it turns caudad and becomes a thin rod, Ir, and at about the middle of the ovipositor becomes compressed laterally to form a wide, thin plate, which gradually loses its chitinization, and is lost in the fleshy tongues on each side of the ovipositor sheath (figs. 1, 2 and 3, stp) . Situated medially and a little dorsad of the above-mentioned rods is a rather thick, cylindrical rod bent at its cephalic end slightly dorsad, then ventrad (fig. 1, mr) . This rod does not project quite as far cephalad as the stylets below. It is greatly swollen at its caudal extremity, with a square end, and its ven- tral portion is continued into a slender process, in shape much like a human femur, procv. This last-named process works against a ventrad-projecting outgrowth of the sheath sur- rounding the stylet tips, which serves to close the oviduct (fig, 1, v) . Lying above this slender sclerite are two pairs of chit- inized sclerites (figs, 1 2 and 3, sc 1 and sc 2), which are connected with and probably serve to bring about lateral ad- justment of the lateral tongues above mentioned. Viewed laterally, these sclerites appear as one pair (fig. 1), but when viewed from above, and pressure was applied to the dissec- tion so as to spread the sides apart, they were seen as two distinct pairs of sclerites. Viewed in this manner, the sclerites 158 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. of the cephalic pair, sc 1, are pointed, with convex inner sur- faces. Their tips have a connection with the lateral plates (figs. 1, 2 and 3, pi), the latter probably serving to spread these sclerites apart. The caudal pair, sc 2, reach almost to the base of the sheath surrounding the stylet tips, are rectan- gular in shape, with rounded ends, and with their inner sur- faces corrugated, the corrugations corresponding to the striations on the surfaces of the lateral tongues of the ovi- positor. The sheath already mentioned (figs. 1, 2 and 3, sh) is slitted on its dorsal surface from near its cephalic edge to the apex of the ovipositor, to allow of the spreading of the stylets and the passage of the egg during oviposition. The cephalic portion of its dorsal face carries the small, valve-like, ventrad- projecting process (fig. 1, v). Fig. 1, pi. 26, shows a cross section about midway through the organ. In this the fleshy structures that were destroyed in boiling in caustic potash can be made out. The grooved and toothed valves, uv and Iv, are seen fitted together, and the chitinized portion, x, which is grooved and forms the sides of the oviduct. Above the oviduct, and forming its roof, is the structure, y, whose ventral surface is covered with minute, soft, hair-like outgrowths, and whose dorsal portion is chitin- ized. The part marked z probably represents the lateral plates, Ipt, of 30-1, 2 and 3. The duct of the cement (?) gland is seen at cmgd in this figure and appears in all sec- tions cephalad of this, and in those caudad up to the point where it turns ventrad and enters the oviduct. The entire course of this duct was best seen in longitudinal-vertical sec- tions, but could be traced well in longitudinal-horizontal sec- tions, where its union with the oviduct was plainly seen, and in the next succeeding sections ventrad the oviduct was laid bare. The cement (?) gland itself, a small sac, was found somewhat cephalad of the base of the ovipositor in most of my dissections. Figure 6, plate XXXI, is of a cross section near the base of the ovipositor sheath. Here the shape of the supra-anal and subgenital plates can be seen, also the position of the oviduct. The lateral tongues or sting-palpi are also represented. I have pointed out the structure of these parts and shall now give my theories as to the homologies. The typical struc- STOUGH: THE HACKBERRY PSYLLA. 159 ture of an ovipositor as being composed of several pairs of stylets has already been mentioned. To homologize the structure of the ovipositor of Pachypsylla with the structure of the typical ovipositor is more difficult than the comparison of it with that as seen in the different families of the Homoptera. I find that it is more specialized than a typical ovipositor such as found in the Orthoptera, though it is possible to show the homologies; but since it re- sembles more closely that found among the Hymenoptera — where it is specialized to form a sting — these homologies can be traced through the latter. Taking the sting of the honey- bee as a type of the hymenopterous ovipositor, since this has been so carefully worked out by Cheshire and others, it can be seen that the lower valves of Pachypsylla (30-1 and 3, Iv) correspond to the lower and outer pair of darts in the honey- bee. The upper valves of Pachypsylla correspond to the inner pair in the bee, where they are fused into one piece to form the sheath. It should be noted here that the sheath does not corre- spond to that part of the ovipositor of Pachypsylla which I have designated by that name. In the honeybee there are two fleshy processes, one on each side of the sting, which are thought to represent the upper pair of stylets and are called the "sting-palpi" or "feelers." These are evidently the same as the lateral tongues found in Pachypsylla. The homologies up to this point are comparatively clear, but as to the remainder of the parts I can only theorize, as their structure is complicated and there are present more pieces than in the typical organ. The lateral tongues evidently are the "sting-palpi" and together with the lateral rods and lateral plates form the upper pair of stylets; but this expla- nation does not account for the median rod with its processes and appendages. There may be three possible explanations for these structures: 1. This median rod might be regarded as a fusion of the dorsal pair of stylets, and the rods and lateral plates only as tendons causing the spreading of the sc 1 and sc 2 and conse- quently the sting-palpi. 2. The rods and lateral plates might be considered as com- posing the dorsal pair of stylets and the median rod as an accessory structure which, moving backward and forward, would spread and close the sting-palpi, for these latter are 160 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. evidently in as intimate a relation to the median rod as the lateral rods. Hence, there is possible a third theory: 3. According to Lacaze-Duthier's view, there are "two pieces forming the outer pair of rhabdites" (after Packard), as seen in the figure illustrating his conception of the ideal ovipositor. In Pachypsylla, one of these "pieces" might be the rod and the lateral plate which connects basally with the lever supporting the base of the upper valve, buv, and distally with the tongues or sting-palpi. The median rod, then, might represent the second of the "pieces," its two parts fused into one. Thus rods and lateral plates, together with the sting- palpi, would form one portion of the upper pair of valves while the median rods represent the other paired portion, fused. The sheath may also belong to the second piece of the upper valves, as do the two pairs of small sclerites, sc 1 and sc 2 (30-2). The levers supporting the bases of the lower valves, blv, find their homologues in similar structures in the honeybee, termed there simply "levers," which are the point of attachment of muscles moving the sting. They have a sim- ilar function here, serving to spread the styles. The ovipositor of the cicada has been described and figured by Marlatt (1895). A rather superficial study of this form from my own dissections has rendered the following facts and hypotheses as to the homologies between this form and Pachypsylla: There are found two pairs of blades, the dorsal pair grown together, and the two pairs sliding on one another by means of tongues and grooves much as I have shown to be the case with Pachypsylla. The tips of the ventral pair of blades are serrated for cutting purposes. These two pairs of blades evidently correspond to the upper and lower valves or styles ot Pachypsylla, though in the latter there is no need for their tips to be modified for cutting, as the eggs are not de- posited within plant tissue. In Cicada there is a very large sheath surrounding the entire ovipositor, except for a slit be- neath, which probably corresponds to the supra-anal plate, Marlatt says, "The ovipositor is protected and covered when at rest by two valves, which form a sort of sheath or scab- bard." These second valves mentioned by Marlatt, which are dorsad of the blades, proximad are broad, and made up of chitinized and more or less membranous portions, and distad are composed of two distinct and distally separable scabbards stough: the hackberry psylla. 161 covering the tips of the blades dorsally and laterally, and open entad and ventrad. The basal portion is evidently a complex made up of parts corresponding perhaps to the median rod, lateral rods and lateral plates, with their processes, append- ages, etc., of Pachypsylla, while the two scabbards may be homologous to the sheath. The sting-palpi are not repre- sented in Cicada. The ovipositor of one species of Aleurodidse which I have examined showed features most similar to those of Pachy- psylla of any other insect, the parts being much more easily compared with those of this insect. The upper and lower pairs of converging blades or styles were found, together with a sheath enclosing their apices, while their bases bore irregu- lar supports as in Pachypsylla. Sting-palpi and sc 1 and sc 2 were also present. GENERAL SUMMARY. 1. The head is made up of the typical sclerites. 2. The mouth parts conform in general to those of other homopterous forms, such as those of the Cicadidse, Aphididse, Aleurodidse, and most closely to those of the Aleurodidse, differ- ing most from those of the Coccidse. 3. The mesoterga and metaterga show three sclerites only. The pleural sclerites are much folded, with their sutures almost obsolete. The internal skeleton of mesothorax and metathorax is large and heavy, making the segments very rigid. 4. The metathoracic legs are greatly specialized for jump- ing, the tibise being provided with heavy spines on their distal ends, and the coxa, epimeron, meracanthus, a part of the sternum, and an accessory sclerite compose a single complex of sclerites which encases powerful jumping muscles. 5. A study of the tracheation of nymphal wing pads and wings of recently emerged adults has shown that there are present in the adult wing the following veins : one costa ; one subcosta ; one radius ; one two-branched media ; one two- branched cubitus ; one anal vein ; and a vein occupying the anal fold, seen only in nymphal wings, being represented only as a fold in the adult wing. Previous writers have not indi- cated the media and cubitus as separate veins, but I have shown them to be represented by separate parallel trachese in the wing pads. The subcosta of the hind wing, previously unfigured, was found in recently emerged specimens. A sport vein, pos- 162 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. sibly representing the second anal vein, was found in one specimen. 6. The color pattern was found to consist of polygonal or irregular groups of pigmented, disklike outgrowths of the cuticula. The manner of producing the pattern is various. 7. The male genitalia were found to consist of supra-anal plate, subgenital plate, couplatory organ and forceps. 8. The female genitalia consist of supra-anal plate (orna- mented with a double row of wax glands, flask-shaped in longi- tudinal section), subgenital plate and ovipositor. The ovi- positor was found to be homologous in many points to a hymenopterous ovipositor as seen in the honeybee (a sting). Comparison with other homopterous forms showed it to be homologous in most points with that of the cicada, but almost identical to that of the Aleurodidse, showing, with the buccal appendages, the close structural relationship of the Psyllidse to that family. TECHNIQUE. My studies have been based upon dissections and serial sec- tions. Dissections were made in three ways: (1) A dissecting stand fitted with an 0.8-inch lens was used in some cases; (2) some of my work was done under a compound microscope (one- inch eye-piece and one-inch objective) on the lower end of whose draw-tube was placed a three-inch objective, thus pro- ducing an erect image. This combination was useful but its disadvantage was that the eye was too far from the specimen being dissected on the microscope stage; (o) the greater part of my dissecting, however, was done under a "Pfeiffer's Erect- vision Dissecting Microscope" using objectives three inch, one inch and two-thirds inch. This was found to be the most con- venient, especially in the more delicate dissections, such as of mouth parts and genitalia. By the use of very fine, sharp- pointed needles, these minute organs could be torn apart with ease. Most of my material was boiled for a short time in caustic potash, and then treated with alcohol and xylol previous to dissections, no fresh specimens being available at the time when this work was done. Xylol was of great use in clearing the parts, but at the same time it rendered them brittle and easily broken. Dissections were made under water, alcohol, xylol and glyc- stough: the iiackberry psylla. 163 erine. Xylol was a very clear medium, having the advantage that uncleared specimens could be dissected in it, soon becoming clear, but it evaporated very quickly, and, lacking viscosity, al- lowed too much movement of the parts being dissected. Glyc- erine was found to possess the necessary viscosity and was the most satisfactory medium in most cases. The nymphal wing pads were removed with fine scissors, holding the nymph the while between the finger-tips ; the pads were mounted in dilute glycerine after being kept in formalin for about twenty-four hours. Serial sections were made through the mouth parts and geni- talia, and cross, longitudinal-horizontal and longitudinal-ver- tical sections through the entire insect. Killing and Fixing. — Live insects were killed by plunging into a boiling saturated solution of corrosive sublimate con- taining about one per cent of acetic acid, and after being punctured with a piece of glass drawn out into a fine point were left in the solution to fix for twenty-four hours. Dehydrating and CleaHng. — The insects were placed in small vials with ends covered with cheesecloth, and run through alcohols of percentages 70, 85 and 95, twenty-four hours in each. They were removed to absolute alcohol for about twelve hours and then run into xylol for about twelve hours. hifiltration and Embedding. — Leaving the specimens still in the vials they were infiltrated in a paraffin oven with paraffin of melting-point 50-55" C. for forty-eight hours. They were then embedded in paraflfin in small paper dishes, being oriented properly as the paraffin hardened when the dish was floated on cold water. Sections. — Serial sections 10-20 microns thick were cut on a sliding microtome. The ribbons were floated onto Mayer's albumen fixative on a clean slide, the excess of fixative drained off" with filter paper, and the slide dried on top of the paraffin oven for twelve or more hours. The slide was then left for ten to fifteen minutes in xylol to remove the paraffin, when it was run through the following grades of alcohol, five to ten minutes in each : 95 per cent, 85 per cent, 70 per cent, 50 per cent, 35 per cent, 25 per cent, and then into water, after which the sections were stained in Mayer's Carmalum, ten to fifteen minutes, washed in water and run back through the alcohols, beginning with twenty-five per cent, into absolute alcohol, five 164 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. to ten minutes in each. They were then cleared in xylol and mounted in balsam. In running the sections into and out of the stain (aqueous) the lower grades of alcohol, 25 per cent and 35 per cent, and then water, were necessary, as without their use the transfer into the stain from 70 per cent alcohol was found to be too sudden, causing currents which tore the sections loose from the slide. Any dirt or grease on the slides made this more cer- tain. However, cleaning the latter in 95 per cent alcohol con- taining a few drops of hydrochloric acid obviated this. BIBLIOGRAPHY. AsHMEAD, W. A., 1881. On the Aphididae of Florida. Can. Ent., vol. XIII, 1881, pp. 220-225. Berlese, a., 1896. Le Cocciniglie Italiane Viventi Sugli Agrumi. Parte II, plate VIII, fig. 1; parte III, figs. 180, 181. COMSTOCK, J. H., and KocHi, C, 1902. The Skeleton of the Head of Insects. Amer. Nat., vol. XXXVI, No. 421. CoMSTOCK, J. H., and Needham, J. G., 1898-'99. The Wings of Insects. Amer. Nat., vols. XXXII and XXXIII. Cook, M. T., 1903-'04. Galls and Insects Producing Them. Parts III, IV and V, Ohio Nat., vol. Ill, pp. 419-436; parts VI-IX, Ohio Nat., vol. IV, pp. 125-147. DoHRN, A., 1865. Quaedam de anatomia hemipterorum. Uratislaviae. Edwards, J., 1896. Hemiptera-Homoptera, pp. 233-261. Froggatt, W. W., 1903. Australian Psyllidae, part III. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W., 1903, part 2. Geise, O., 1883. Die Mundtheile der Rhynchoten, Bonn. Heymons, R., 1899. Beitrage zur Morphologie und Entwicklungsge- schichte der Rhynchoten, Halle. Leon, N., 1887. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Mundtheile der Hemipteren, Jena. Low, Fr., 1879. Zur Systematic der Psylliden. K. K. Zool.-bot. Gesell- schaft in Wien, 1882. Macloskie, G., 1886. Witlaczil on Psyllidae. Amer. Nat., vol. XX, March, 1886. Mally, C. W., 1894. Hackberry Psyllidas found at Ames, Iowa. Proc. la. Acad. Sci., 1893, vol. I, pt. IV, pp. 131-138. STOUGH: THE HACKBERRY PSYLLA. 165 Mally, C. W., 1895. Psyllidas found at Ames. Proc. la. Acad. Sci., 1894, vol. II, pp. 152-171. Marlatt, C. L., 1895. The Hemipterous Mouth. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., vol. Ill, pp. 241-249. Maskel, W. M., 1889. On Some Species of Psyllidae in New Zealand. Trans. N. Z. Inst., vol. XXII, 1889, art. XVII, pis. X-XII, pp. 157-170. Meek, W. J., 1903. On the Mouth Parts of the Hemiptera. Kan. Univ. Sci. Bull., vol. II, No. 9. Packard, A. S., 1887. Hackberry Psyllidae. Fifth Rept. U. S. Ent. Com., pp. 614-622. Reiber, F., 1875. Translation of Dr. Franz-Xavier Fieber's "Les Cica- dines D'Europe." Riley, C. V., 1893. The Pear Tree Psylla. Insect Life, vol. V, pp. 226- 230. Riley, C. V., 1889. Note on work done by Low and his predecessors on the Psyllidae. Insect Life, vol. II, No. 6, p. 196. Riley, C. V., 1883. Hackberry Psyllid Galls. Can. Ent., 1883, vol. 15, pp. 157-159. Riley, C. V., 1883. The Psyllidae of the United States. Science, 1883, vol. 2, p. 337. Riley, C. V., 1884. Notes on North American Psyllidae. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 1884, vol. II, pp. 67-79. Sanborn, C. E., 1906. Kansas Aphididae. Kan. Univ. Sci. Bull., vol. Ill, No. 1. ScuDDER, S. H., 1890. Tertiary Insects of North America. Plate 12, figs. 11 and 21; pp. 276-278. Slingerland, M. v., 1896. The Pear Tree Psylla. Bull. 44, Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta. Smith, J. B., 1892. Structure of the Hemipterous Mouth. Science, vol. 19, No. 478. Snodgrass, R. E., 1909. The Thoracic Tergum of Insects. Ent. News, vol. XV, No. 3, pp. 97-104. Snodgrass, R. E., 1907. A Comparative Study of the Thorax in Orthop- tera, Euplexoptera, and Coleoptera. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., vol. IX, Nos. 1-4. Tucker, E. S., 1907. Some Results of Desultory Collecting of Insects in Kansas and Colorado. Kan. Univ. Sci. Bull., vol. IV, No. 2. Wedde, H., 1885. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Rhynchotenriissels, Berlin. Wheeler, W. M., 1893. A Contribution on Insect Embryology. Journal of Morphology, vol. VIII, No. 1. WiTLACZiL, E., 1885. Die Anatomie der Psylliden. Zeitschrift fiir Wissenschaftlichen Zoologie, vol. XLII, pp. 560-658. WooDWORTH, C. W., 1906. The Wing Veins of Insects. Univ. of Cal. Publications, vol. I, No. 1, pp. 122-125. Zoological Record, 1886. Frauenfeld on Anisostropha ficus Linn, in Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. in Wien, XVII, pp. 801-803. THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vol. V, No. 10 — April, 1910. (Whole Series, Vol. XV, No. 10.) CONTENTS: Investigations Regarding the Phloem and Pood-conduction IN Plants, Frank U. G. Agrelius. PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY LAWRENCE, KAN. Entered at the post-office in Lawrence as second-class matter. THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vol. V, No. 10] APRIL, 1910. [r.'xvSTo INVESTIGATIONS REGARDING THE PHLOEM AND FOOD-CONDUCTION IN PLANTS. BY FRANK U. G. AGRELIUS. Plates XXXVI-XXXVII. THIS work is an inquiry into the special devices for the lateral transfer of food materials in the phloem of vascu- lar plants; to see whether sieve tubes are always present in the higher plants ; and to make some comparative studies of the phloem in stems, petioles and fruitstalks. At first material in the winter condition was tried but did not prove satisfactory, on account of the difficulty of identify- ing the sieve tubes in their winter condition. Material was again collected, this time including stems, petioles and fruit- stalks, from the spring and summer growth, where the sieve tubes were functioning. Vines were selected at first, from the supposition that the conducting elements would be better de- veloped and therefore plainer. This material was preserved in two-per-cent formaldehyde. As shrinkage of the protoplasm would really assist in making the cell walls more distinct, but little attempt was made to prevent it in the various processes of preparation. The celloidin method of imbedding was tried at first but it did not serve the purpose well. It was rather essential in the hard material first collected, but the paraffin method worked better in most cases. By the celloidin method slides having the required large number of sections upon them were difficult to make. If the celloidin were left in the sections it stained too much like the cellulose walls. If dissolved out the cuttings were liable to cupping or to injury in the region of the cam- bium. These facts led to the choice of the paraffin method, (169) 170 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. which was used where possible and which proved quite satis- factory in the majority of cases. The oldest material possible was commonly used. Stains adapted to the work in hand were not found at first. Iodine green and erythrosin were tried, but this method left the phloem red or pink — a poor color for the purpose. Finally fuchsin for the lignified walls and methyl blue for the cellulose ones were found to be quite satisfactory. The latter gave a fairly dark wall and slime body — the one better for making the drawings, the other rendering the identification of the sieve tubes less diflficult. The sections of such varied kind as to subject and age of material stained quite differently under the same treatment, so that each one usually required some variation. The slides were left in the fuchsin from two hours to several days. The excess stain was removed with acid-alcohol, and the slides were then placed in methyl blue for from twenty seconds to three or four minutes. As a rule, cross, radial and tangential sections, with many mounts on each slide, were prepared for each subject — in all, more than 300 slides. These included specimens from young and from somewhat older material. The tangential sections proved the best for demonstrating sieve tubes. The cross sec- tions were best for the measurements of cell walls and cell cavities, and to show the locality of the various tissues, etc. All were used to determine, if possible, the presence of pits, or of any other facts bearing on the problem. PLANTS EXAMINED. The following is a list of the plants examined, arranged ac- cording to the classification of Gray's revised manual : Pinaceae: Pinus laricio Port. Alismaceae: Sagittaria latifolia Willd. Gramineae: Zea Mays Linn. Cyperaceae: Scirpus validus (Vahl.) I Bromeliaceae: Tillandsia usneoides L. Liliaceae: Yucca glauca Nutt. Asparagus officinalis L. Smilax rotundifolia L. Salicaceae: Salix alba, var. vitellina (L.) Koch. Populus alba L. Populus deltoides Marsh. Juglandaceae : Juglans nigra L. Urticaceae: Ulmus fulva Mx. Ulmus americana L. Celtis occidentalis L. Cannabis sativa L. Humulus Lupulus L. Morus rubra L. AGRELIUS: FOOD-CONDUCTION IN PLANTS. 171 Aristolochiaceae: Aristolochia macrophylla Lam. Aristolochia tomentosa Sims. Ranunculaceae: Clematis Pitcheri T. & G. /inonaceae: Asimina triloba Dunal. Menispermaceae : Menispermum canadense L. Saxifragacese : Deutzia Fortunei Hors. Rosaceas : Spiraea japonica L. (?) Pyrus Malus Linn. Fragaria virginiana Deuchesne. Rubus occidentalis L. Rubus cuneifolius Pursh. Rosa pratincola Greene. Prunus americana Marshall. Leguminosge : Gymnocladus dioica (L.) Koch. Gleditsia triacanthos L. Melilotus alba Desr. Amorpha fruticosa L. Desmodium canescens (L.) DC. Rutacese : Zanthoxylum americanum Mill. Simarubacese: Ailanthus glandulosa Desf. Anacardiaceae: Rhus glabra L. Rhus toxicodendron L. Rhus cotinus L. Celastraceae: Celastrus scandens L. Aceraceae : Acer saccharinum L. Acer Negundo L. Rhamnaceae: Rhamnus lanceolata Pursh. Vitaceae : Psedera quinquefolia (L.) Greene. Vitis asstivalis Mx. Tiliaceae: Tilia americana L. Malvaceae : Abutilon Theophrasti Medic. Cactaceae : Opuntia Rafinesquii Engelm. Haloragidaceae : Myriophyllum heterophyllum Mx. Cornaceae : Cornus asperifolia Mx. Oleacese : Fraxinus viridis Mx. (?). Syringa vulgaris L. Asclepiadaceae: Asclepiodora viridis (Walt.) Gray. Asclepias syriaca L. Convolvulaceae: Cuscuta glomerata Choisy. Labiatae : Monarda fistulosa L. Solanaceae : Lycium halimifolium Mill. Scrophulariaceae : Verbascum Thapsus L. Bignoniaceae: Tecoma radicans (L.) Juss. Catalpa speciosa Warder. Plantaginacese : Plantago virginica L. Caprifoliaceae: Symphoricarpos orbiculatus Moench. Triosteum perfoliatum L. Sambucus canadensis L. Cucurbitaceae: Cucurbita pepo L. Compositae : Brauneria pallida (Nutt.) Brit- ton. Gaillardia grandifloi'a ? Arctium Lappa L. Cirsium discolor (Muhl.) Spring. Lepachys pinnata (Vent.) These range from the Pinacese to the Compositse. They in- clude one parasite, one epiphyte, three hydrophytes and two xerophytes. The list embraces twenty-three herbaceous plants (not including vines), five herbaceous vines, ten shrubby vines, thirteen other shrubs and twenty-one trees. These are em- 172 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. braced in thirty-nine families, sixty-five genera, and seventy- two species. DRAWINGS. In general, camera-lucida drawings have been made to show the pits in the phloem when found, to show sieve tubes and some of the adjacent tissues from three points of view. A Bausch and Lomb 1/12 objective was used with but few ex- ceptions, and for measuring a Bausch and Lomb micrometer eyepiece — divisions 1/10 mm. In all about 175 drawings have been prepared for use in evidence. FINDINGS. Problem I. — What special devices occur for the lateral transfer of food materials in the phloem ? After considerable search I have found pits in the lateral walls of the phloem of fourteen plants, as shown, for example, in figures 1 and 2. In figure 1 they are evidently between the medullary ray and the phloem ; in figure 2, between the sieve tubes and the adjoining cells. Frank* seems to imply that there are no pits between the parenchyma cells of the phloem. Figure 1 shows some as they appeared between the parenchyma and the parenchyma, and between the parenchyma and medullary-ray cells of the stem of Popultis alba. He also states that the sieve tubes are the widest phloem elements.- This is hardly true in quite a num- ber of instances, as in Amorpha fruticosa (fig. 6), where the parenchyma is the wider. Quoting from Briosi,^ he states that the slime bodies of the sieve tubes sometimes contain starch granules. Some are shown in figure 7 in Populus alba. They were noted also in Rhus toxicodendron. Frank states also^ that the lateral walls of the sieve tubes are never strength- ened. Figures 4 and 5 show thickenings on the lateral walls of the sieve tubes in the roots of Populus deltoides. It would seem that these are for strengthening the wall. They occur also in the end plates of the sieve tubes of the same plant (figs. 8 and 9) and in Populus alba. Strasburger'^ finds pits between the phloem parenchyma and the medullary rays. Figures 1, 2 and 3 show such. He also states® that the cortical rays are specially adapted by means 1. Frank, A. B. : Lehrbuch der Botanik, 1892, vol. I, p. 184. 2. Loc. cit., p. 183. 3. Loc. cit, p. 183. 4. Loc. cit., p. 183. 5. Strasburprer, Ed., Textbook of Botany, 1897, p. 135. (Trans, by Porter.) 6. Loc. cit., p. 186. AGRELIUS: POOD-CONDUCTION IN PLANTS. 173 of these pits and their contact with the companion cells for taking up and transferring the food materials laterally, espe- cially to the cambium. Figure 6 shows a very common ar- rangement of the medullary rays which bears out the rest of his statement. It may be added to by saying that the medul- lary rays are often close to each other tangentially, and the rays and ray-like cells of the pericycle often sweep around the narrow portions of the phloem, as seen in figure 6 of Amoy^pha fi-uticosa, as though for the special purpose stated above, and in a way especially fitting them for that function. Some re- cent research^ has further verified Strasburger's statements in certain plants.^ One thing to be noted in botanical literature is that work on sieve tubes and sieve plates is usually done with plants from the Vitacese, Cucurbitacese, Tiliacese, and a few others, where, as will be seen by reference to table I, the walls of the phloem are unusually thick. Presumably this is because here the things to be seen are more pronounced, and hence more easily found and studied. Table II shows comparative data collected from the plants having pits in the lateral walls of the phloem as observed in this work and from those in which such pits were not observed. In Equisetum pits are general in the phloem elements and in the rest of the cortical tissues. In others this is not true. In the tables mentioned it will be seen that pits are present in those plants having thicker walls than those in which pits were not observed, and, as a rule, the sec- tions were from actively functioning tissue. It is seen that the phloem walls are as thin in some cases as 0.25 micron, and in many cases 0,35 micron. In fact, in the phloem in many instances there was but little evidence of appreciable addition in thickness to the original vertical wall formed by the cam- bium or procambium. As a result of this, in drawing with the high magnification of 1200 diameters, it was not feasible to use a double line for representing the thickness of the walls, and the attempt to do so was soon abandoned and choice made of the measurement and tabulation method as shown by the tables. It is quite plain that such thin walls could neither have nor require pits. In the xylem I found pits invariably 7. Hill, A. W., Histology of the Sieve Tubes of Angiosperms. Annals of Botany, vol. 22, No. 86, pp. 246-290. 8. Sykes, M. G., Anatomy and Histology of Macrocystis pyrifera and Laminaria sac- charina. Annals of Botany, vol. 22, No. 86, pp. 291-326. 174 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. present, but with the cell walls always much thicker. Even here there are no actual perforations. Plants often adopt the device of obliquely placed end plates, possibly for the purpose of furnishing greater surface for the pits. This is noticeably true in many instances, especially in the Salicacese. As a result it seems necessary to strengthen these walls, and cross banding with thickenings in the walls are seen in figures 2, 8 and 9. The best illustrations (figs. 8 and 9) are from a root of Populus deltoides, taken about eight feet below the surface of the ground. Here there is a much increased sieve-plate surface, with strengthening bands at regular intervals, as seen from two directions. Problem II. — Are sieve tubes always present in the phloem? As to this problem, my data, many of which were obtained only after long search, are quite positive. Plants differ greatly in arrangement, location, number, size, staining qualities, etc., of their sieve tubes in the various specimens. However, one can be reasonably sure of their presence by noting the phloem in cross section. The companion cells and the sieve tubes ad- joining form units in outline, which, together with the proto- plast of the companion cell and the slime body of the sieve tube, assist in the discovery (fig. 6). Sieve plates are not so easily found, unless it may be in those plants where sieve tubes are numerous, or where one happens to get a section through an unusually favorable place. For still better evi- dence the slime body is good, but the perforated sieve plate is best. I was usually not satisfied until all of these requirements were met, and the drawings were then made. Perforations were not found in the end plates in Pinus laricio, Sagittaria, and Aspa)-agus. They were quite numer- ous, although very small, in Opnntia. In Myriophyllum, a hydrophyte, they were evident, as in Cuscuta, a parasite. In this last were found cells of large dimensions, apparently serving especially as conducting cells. One was 0.1 mm. in tangential diameter by 1.62 mm. in axial length. We could not tell how much longer, because of the limits of the section. Sieve tubes are also present in Tillamlfiia, an epiphite. Here there is a cylinder of sclerenchyma inclosing the vascular bun- dles, and probably permitting of but little lateral transfer of foods. Data concerning the sieve tubes are contained in tables I-IV. AGRELIUS: FOOD-CONDUCTION IN PLANTS. 175 It will be seen that the walls are commonly quite thin — those between them and the companion cells being thinnest. Thick- ness of their walls ranges from 0.25 micron to 4.17 microns. Problem III. — The facts observed concerning the third part of the problem are tabulated in table III. The tendency is shown to be toward a reduction of the diameter of the vessels in the fruitstalk and petioles, with an increase in thickness of the walls. RESUME. First. — There are special devices for the better lateral trans- fer of foods present in the phloem and cortex of the plants studied. These are (a) pitted walls; {h) the arrangement of the phloem in narrow wedges with pericycle cells sweeping around these and connecting with the medullary rays, and (c) radially elongated medullary-ray cells adapted readily to conduct the food as stated. It is probable that in many plants the extreme thinness and large area of the phloem walls per- mits a considerable lateral movement of materials without resort to pits, and that no pits are to be found in some (per- haps many) cases. Second. — Sieve tubes with perforated sieve plates were dem- onstrated in all but three of the plants examined, and here I was satisfied of their presence. They often increase the area of their sieve plates by placing them obliquely, and these may require special thickenings to support them. The number of the sieve tubes in various species varies considerably. They are present in some plants when probably almost functionless. Third. — Relatively, the phloem and xylem do not vary greatly in amount in the various parts of the plants, such as the stems, petioles, etc., but the main differences in this respect are in the other tissues. 2-Univ. ScL Bull., Vol. V, No. 10. 176 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Table I. Thickness of cell walls in stems (measurements in microns). 6S 2.!! re 3 Between sieve tubes and com- panion cells Between sieve tubes and med- ullary rays Between tracheal tissues and xyl. parenchyma.. . . Between tracheal tissues and med- ulls^ry rays Pinus laricio Bort Saggittaria latif olia Willd 0.65 0,35 0.50 0.30 0.30 1.00 0.58 0.35 0.40 0.35 1.08 0.50 0.35 0.40 0.35 0.35 0.30 0.35 0.40 1.28 0.45 0.42 0.35 0.50 0.45 1.65 0.60 0.40 0.65 0.40 0.45 0.40 0.55 0".50 0.75 0.40 0.55 0.50 0.68 1.00 0.50 0.70 2.33 0.55 0.65 0.50 0.50 0.45 1.15 0.60 0.42 0.60 0.55 0.45 0.50 0.60 0.60 0.65 0.50 0.32 0.40 0.25 0.65 2.58 1.50 1.65 1.50 1.30 1.65 1.78 2.79 1.85 2.73 2.73 2.80 3.53 3.83 2.31 2.60 3.86 2.75 3.08 3.72 2.48 3.72 1.58 3.11 2.19 3.65 2.43 3.94 2.94 3.93 2.80 2.70 3.37 4.48 2.64 1.85 2.35 3.08 2.35 2.60 2.50 2.20 3.83 2.48 3.25 1.66 3.10 3.50 4.47 2.85 3.40 3.80 3.02 2.46 5.56 4.44 2.78 2.68 3.25 1.60 Zea mays L Scirpus validus L Tillandsia usneoides L Smilax rotundifolia L 6.60 0.40 0.30 0.35 0.30 0.53 0.35 0.30 0.35 0.25 0.25 0.30 0.30 0.35 0.92 0.40 0.40 0.25 0.40 0.45 1.71 0.40 0.30 0.30 0.25 0.35 0.33 0.35 0.35 0.55 0.35 0.55 0.38 0.55 0.45 0.35 0.50 1.72 0.50 0.45 0.38 0.30 0.25 0.75 0.40 0.35 0.35 0.40 0.25 0.30 0.40 0.40 0.35 0.45 "6'.40' 0.35 1.25 0.50 0.35 0.35 0.40 0.35 "0.35 0.55 "o.si" 0.25 0.55 0.35 3.30 0.55 0.45 0.58 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.50 0.45 0.75 0.50 0.90 0.50 1.00 0.85 0.70 0.50 4.17 1.00 0.80 "OAO 1.30 0.80 "6!45" 0.30 0.55 0.50 0.50 Yucca e:lauca Nutt Asparagus officinalis L Salix alba, var. vitelHna (L.) Koch 1 28 J uglans nigra L 1 65 Populus alba L 1 65 Populus deltoides Marsh 1 85 Ulmus Mx f ulva 2.61 Ulmus americana L 1 67 Celtis occiden talis L 1 56 Cannabis sativa L 1.72 Humulus lupulus L Morus rubra L 1 60 Asimina triloba Dunal Clematis pitcheri T. & G 3 50 Menispermum canadense L. Deutzia fortunei Hort 2 78 Spira?a japonica Li.? . . . Pyrus malus L 1 72 Rubus occidentalis L 1 75 Rubus cuneifolius Pursh 1 85 Prunus americana Marshall 1.92 Gymnocladus dioica (L.) Koch 3.16 Gleditsia triacanthos L 2.46 Melilotus alba Desr 1 85 Amorpha f ruticosa L 1 65 Desmodium canescens (L.) DC 2.08 Zanthoxylum americanum Mill 3.25 Ailanthus glandulosa Desf 3.61 2 20 Rhus toxicodendron L 1.35 Rhus cotinus Nutt 1.50 Celastrus scandens L 1.85 Acer saccharinum L 2 00 Acer negundo L 1.87 Rhamnus lanceolata Pursh 1.80 Psedera quinquefolia (L.) Greene 1.8S Vitis aestivalis Mx 1.77 Tilia americana L Abutilon theophrasti Medic Opuntia rafinesquii Engelm Myriophyllum heterophyllum Mx Cornus asperifolia Mx 2.08 Fraxinus viridis Mx.? 2.27 Syringa vulgaris L 2.02 Cuscuta glomerata Choisy Lycium halimifolium Mill Tecoma radicans Juss 2.13 Catalpa speciosa Warder 2.15 Sambucus canadensis L 2.3C Triosteum perfoliatum L Symphoricarpos orbiculatus Moench 1.92 Brauneria pallida ( Nutt) Britton Gaillardia grandiflora Minimum thickness of wall 0.300 2.330 0.250 1.720 0.250 4.170 1.300 5.660 1.280 Maximum thickness of wall 3.610 Average thickness 0.598 0.430 0.715 2.866 2.095 AGRELIUS: FOOD-CONDUCTION IN PLANTS. 177 TABLE II. Pinus laricio Bort Yucca g-lauca Nutt Salix alba, var. vitellina (L.) Koch Populus alba L Populus deltoides Marsh, (stem) Populus deltoides Marsh, (root) Menispermum canadense L Rubus occidentalis L Gymnocladus dioica (L.) Koch Celastrus scandens L Psedera quinquefolia (L.) Greene Vitis aestivalis Mx Abutilon theophrasti Medic Symphoricarpos orbiculatus Moench Average for the above plants with pitted walls Average from plants where pits were not observed Difference (+) or (— ) Thickness in microns of walls between— S. t. and s. t. 0.65 0.58 0.40 1.08 0.50 1.39 0.45 0.45 0.40 0.50 0.70 2.3S 0.65 0.60 0.763 0.549 S. t. and comp. cells. C.40 0.35 0.53 0.35 1.00 0.40 0.45 0.30 0.38 0.50 1.72 0.45 0.40 0.556 0.394 S. t. and m. ray. 0.65 0.40 1 25 0.50 1.22 +0.214 +0.162 0.35 0.45 0.50 0.50 4.17? 0.80 0.50 0.941 0.633 +0.308 Tracheal tissues and xyl. par. 2 58 1.78 1.85 2.73 2 80 4.88 2.48 2.19 3.94 3.08 2.20 3.83 a. 25 2.78 2.884 2.922 -0.038 Tra- cheal tissues and m. ray. 1.60 1.28 1.65 1.85 3.24 1.75 3.16 1.85 1.85 1.77 1.92 1.993 2.133 —0.140 CO <; H W H « Q Z 1^ Petioles •<* 00 00 oi T— 1 Stems CO 00 CO 00 CO 00 04 CO CO d 9 CO CO SI 00 Fruitstalks . . . ; d CO d d d Petioles CO ". d o 1-1 Stems CO U3 CO d d o d d d c1 OS rt a' Fruitstalks.... : g d CO d o CO d o d Petioles CO cm' r-l d Stems. d d eo CO d d CO d Walls between s. t. and s. t. Fruitstalks . . . g d d d d Petioles S SI i-i d Stems S3 1 =-• CO CO d d o d d o d .2 > I ■I > 1 'S 3 u ■ 3 cm 00 3 1 1 0 1 .> '■a CO CO 3 u s 3 E S Q d Q n 5) o m B s s 3 CI J > n 3 tn & 5 1 B 3 B 1 3 5 1 AGRELIUS: FOOD-CONDUCTION IN PLANTS. 179 TABLE IV. Resume. (Measurements in microns.) Walls between sieve tubes and sieve tubes. Walls between sieve tubes and comp. cella. Walls between sieve tubes and med. rays. Diam- eter of sieve tubes. Walls between tra- cheals and xyl. parench. Walls between tra- cheals and med. rays. Diameter of tracheals. Lengrth of sieve tubes. Stems, only. Petioles ' ' 0.598«' 1.317* 0.504" 1.390' 0.430''* 1.093' 0.364' 1.000 0.715" 1.470* 0.528' 1.220 12.193° 13.166= 8.302'° 41.640 2.866«' 3.526= 2.884" 4.880 2.095 2.997' 2.229' 3.240 33.633" 30.612'' 15.830" 206.55 183.608* Fruits talks, only Roots, only. 182.180 Minimum.. . Maximum . . 0.300 2.330 0.250 1.720 0.250 4.170(?) 3.500 41.640 1.300 5.560 1.280 3.610 9.950 206.55 97.600 256.780 Average 0.622 0.471 0.746 12.009 2.936 2.166 32.845 183.608 8-Univ. Sci. Bull., Vol. V. No. 10. THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vol. V, No. 11— April, 1910. (Whole Series. Vol. XV. No. 11.) CONTENTS: Histology of Townsendia exscapa and Lesquerella spathulata, Lilian Biinton. PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY LAWRENCE, KAN. Enteieil at the post-office in Lawrence as second-class matter. THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vol. V, No. II] APRIL, 1910. Whole Skkies Vol. XV, No. 11 HISTOLOGY OF TOWNSENDIA EXSCAPA AND LESQUERELLA SPATHULATA. bY LILIAN BUNTON. Plates XXXVIII to XLV. ''pWO excellent representatives of xerophytic vegetation, ^ Toumsendia exscapa and LesqueveUa spatludata, were col- lected in Gove county, Kansas, at an elevation of 2700 feet. These plants are not common throughout this district and are limited to certain localities. Toivnsimdia was found growing in draws in the immediate vicinity of the town of Gove and also on the flat, open prairie around "Castle Rock," about twenty- five miles southeast of Gove, and in the vicinity of a group of rocks known as the "Pyramids," thirty miles southwest. A general idea of the appearance of the vegetation of this district may be derived from figure 1. My examples of Toivn- sendia, therefore, were growing on the flat, open prairie as well as in the draws, occurring not in clumps or patches, but as isolated individuals within three or four feet of one another. The plants on the open prairie show a more luxuriant growth than those in the draws. The specimens of LesqueveUa were collected about twelve miles southwest of the town of Gove on a rocky, clay bluff". This plant, unlike Toiimsendia, was found growing not as iso- lated individuals but in rather large colonies. Of all the ecological factors influencing the structure, habit and distribution of plants the most potent is the water supply. In Gove county the total precipitation for the year 1904 was 18.10 inches ; the greatest monthly precipitation was 4.13 inches, in May ; the least monthly precipitation was 0 inches in Febru- ary and November, The total snowfall for the year was 5.5 (183) 184 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. inches and the number of rainy days 39*. In the following table is given the monthly and annual precipitation in Gove county for the year 1904, with departures from the normal : January. Precipitation 0.01 Departure — 0.57 February. Precipitation 0.00 Departure — 0 . 72 March. Precipitation 1 . 00 Departure +0.32 April. Precipitation 1 .79 Departure — 0 . 27 May. Precipitation 4.13 Departure +0.89 June. Precipitation 2 . 62 Departure — 1 . 25 July. Precipitation 2 . 18 Departure — 1 . 47 August. Precipitation 2.57 Departure +1.11 Septembei'. Precipitation 1.26 Departure — 1 . 08 October. Precipitation 2 . 00 Departure +0.98 November. Precipitation 0 . 00 Departure — 0 . 51 December. Precipitation 0. 55 Departure • +0.03 Annual. Precipitation 18.10 Departure —2.27 From comparisons with other places in Kansas where weather records have been kept, it is seen that the amount of precipitation of this habitat is remarkably small; in fact, be- ing the least, excepting that of Oberlin, Lakin, and Dodge City; ^A'here the annual precipitation was 15.72 inches. One may acquire a general idea of the temperature of this locality from the following tables : Monthly and annual mean temperature for year 1904, with departure from normal, Fahrenheit. January. Temperature 29 . 0 Departure +0.9 February. Temperature 30 . 6 Departure +1.9 March. Temperature 43 . 8 Departure +6.4 April. Temperature 48 . 6 Departure 0.0 May. Temperature 57.8 Departure — 4 . 6 June. Temperature 67.4 I'eparture — 4.9 July. Temperature 74.8 Departure — 3 . 8 August. Temperature 72 . 6 Departure — 4 . 0 September. Temperature 68 . 3 Departure — 0 . 1 October. Temperatuie 55.3 Departure +1.5 November. Temperature . 44.6 Departure — 0 . 9 December. Temperatuie 30.2 Departure — 2.4 Annual. Temperature 51.9 Departure — 0 . 5 BUNTON: XEROPHYTIC VEGETATION. 185 Monthly maximum temperatures for the year 1904, with dates. January 18 65° February 9 72° March 2 82° April 10 79° May 24 93° June 23 99° July 29 102° August 24 95° September 9 103° October 3 87° November 18 73° December 31 68° Monthly minimum temperatures for year 1904, with dates. January 25 — 2° February 19 3° March 3 6° April 17 25° May 14 34° June 11 50° July 26 54° August 22 50° September 14 41° October 25 25° November 11 11° December 26 4° Another ecological factor which has much to do in shaping plants is the wind. On the prairies the wind has full sweep ; it blows most of the time at a rapid rate and tends to dry up what- ever vegetation there may be in its path. No definite statement can be made as to the velocity of the wind of this special local- ity. In the following table, however, are shown some of the results of observations made by Stevenson, of Edinburgh, upon the increase in velocity of the wind with the height above the ground, as given in Schimper's Plant Geography : Height of instrument al>oveprroun(l, in feet. V2 .... Velocity of wind in miles per hour. 6.83 2% 8.73 41/3 9.77 91/2 10.45 14 10.54 25 11.54 50 12.21 Height of instrument aboveground, in feet. V2 31/2 9 14 25 51 Velocity of wind in miles per hour. .... 9.8 12.4 . ... 13.8 14.3 15.0 16.3 Height of instrument aboveground, in feet. IVs .... 31/2 .... 9 14 25 51 Velocity of wind in miles per hour. .... 22.2 .... 25.6 .... 31.9 33.7 37.1 42 . 7 From the above tabular statement it is quite clear that plants that are only slightly raised aboveground experience the effects of the wind much less than tall plants, and especially trees. 186 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. The action of the wind on plants is partly direct by tensile stresses and partly indirect by increasing transpiration ; both these actions are the more energetic the taller the plants or the higher their location. Where my Townse^idias occurred the soil is a loose, cal- careous deposit, allowing the water quickly to percolate through it. When the character of its habitat is considered, it would be expected that the anatomy of Townsendia must be that of a xerophyte. TOWNSENDIA EXSCAPA. ToivTisendia exscapa is perennial from a woody taproot which averages ten centimeters long and three to four milli- meters in diameter at the thickest portion. The stem grows from one to four inches high. The fact that this plant is low helps it to endure the strong winds prevailing in its locality. The character of the stem varies in different plants. In some, while young, it is quite simple, bearing only a few heads of flowers ; in others it is several-branched, bearing six or more heads. As a rule, however, it gradually becomes more and more branched with age until the whole plant may attain a breadth of ten to twelve inches, bearing about 100 heads of flowers. The leaves are all clustered at the base, narrowly linear or slightly spatulate, and one to two inches long. The flowers are white and are borne in sessile heads one to one and one-half inches broad. In figure 2 is shown a photograph of Townsendia. When the flowers of the larger plants have gone to seed the plants have the appearance seen in figure 3. In the discussion of the histology of Townsendia the stem will be first treated, then the root, and last the leaf, and the diff"erent tissue systems under each will be examined. The stem. Tegiimentary Tissues. — The protection of the mature stem is provided for by a cutinized epidermis and cork tissue. All the walls of the epidermis are cutinized. In figure 4 is shown a small portion of the cutinized epidermis. In the following table is given the average thickness of the walls of the epi- dermal cells and the average length and width of the cavity of BUNTON: TOWNSENDIA EXSCAPA. 187 the epidermal cells of Townsemlia and a few mesophytes and xerophytes : Outer wall. Inner wall. Radial wall. Vertical length. Radial width. Eupatorium altissimum. 0.005 mm. 0.001mm. 0.001mm. 0.022 mm. 0.015 mm. Mesophytes. Salvia azurea. 0.006 mm. Cutinized. portion, 0.005 mm. Cuticle, 0.001 mm. 0.006 mm. 0.003 mm. 0.02 mm. 0.01mm. Hydrophtes. Sagittaria. 0.003 mm. 0.001mm, 0.001mm. 0.02 mm. 0.01 mm. Nelumbo- lutia. 0.006 mm. 0.003 mm 0.003 mm. 0.04 mm. 0.02 mm. TOWNSENDIA. 0.05 mm. 0.02 mm. 0.018 mm. 0.09 mm. 0.068 mm. In the following table is given the average thickness of the layer of cork, the average thickness of the walls of the cork cells, and the average length and width of the cell cavity in Townse7idia: Thickness of cork 4-7 cells. Average thickness of wall 0.004 mm. Average length of cavity 0.14 mm. Average width of cavity 0.087 mm. In figure 5 is shown a small portion of cork tissue in cross section. When compared with the mesophytes and hydrophytes above mentioned, it is seen that Toivnsendia has a well devel- oped protective system, one of the primary requisites of a plant growing in a dry, windy habitat. The Streyigthenmg Tissues. — The strengthening tissues found in ToumseyuHa consist exclusively of collenchyma and short sclerenchyma cells. From figures 6 and 7, collenchyma cells as seen in cross and longitudinal sections, it may be seen that the cells of the collenchyma tissue have remarkably thick walls. The walls of the short sclerenchyma cells also are much thickened, as shown in figures 8 and 9. No true bast fibers are found ; the tissue that in cross section appeared to be bast when examined longitudinally proved not to be bast, but a tissue of short sclerenchyma cells. Wood fibers are also 188 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. wholly lacking. This deficiency, however, is in a measure com- pensated by the modification of other tissues, the walls of the wood parenchyma, cortex, pith and medullary-ray cells being remarkably thickened. The walls of the cortex and pith cells are, on the average, 0.03 mm. thick. In figures 10 and 11 are shown a few cortex cells as seen in cross and longitudinal sections, respectively. In figures 12 and 13 are shown a few pith cells as seen in cross and longitudinal sections, respec- tively. As shown in figure 14, the tr icheids have thick, ligni- fied walls and constitute the smaller portion of the xylem area ; these, together with the wood parenchyma cells, tend to strengthen the plant. A longitudinal section was mounted in a drop of concentrated solution of chromic acid ; in a few min- utes everything had disappeared but the tl^acheids. The chromic acid dissolved the wood parenchyma cells, leaving the tracheids isolated as shown in figure 15. The average length of a tracheid is 0.243 mm. ; the average width, 0.016. mm. Tracheal Tissues. — In the stem the conduction of water is provided for by tracheids varying in length, and in longi- tudinal section having the appearance of typical tracheal tubes. When, however, a longitudinal section was macerated under a cover glass in chromic acid, the tracheids were isolated from the other tissues and stood out prominently as spiral and scalariform tracheids. By computing the number of tracheids in one xylem wedge and multiplying by the number of such wedges, where the cross section of the stem is 19.635 sq. mm. in area, there were found to be 1313 tracheids. The average diameter of these stem tracheids is 0.016 mm. The total water-conducting area of the stem, cross section, is 0.266 sq. mm., which is 1.3 per cent of the whole stem. Of the xylem portion of the stem, 6.6 per cent is given up to tracheids. When compared with the water-conducting tissue of several mesophytic herbaceous plants, that of Toivnsendia seems quite small. In Saponaria officinalis 22.7 per cent of the whole stem is devoted to the conduction of water; of the xylem portion 29 per cent, the average diameter of a tracheal tube being 0.026 mm. Thus it is seen that 17 times as much of the stem of S. officinalis as in Toivnsendia is devoted to the conduction of water. In Verbena stricta there was devoted to the conduction of water 9 per cent of the stem cross section, where the area was BUNTON: TOWNSENDIA EXSCAPA. 189 found to be 3.801 sq, mm. Of the xylem portion, 62 per cent was devoted to the conduction of water. In Verbena, then, there was found devoted to the conduction of water seven times as much of the stem as in Toivnsendia. In Mentzelia oligo- sperma there was devoted to the conduction of water 9 per cent of the stem cross section, where the area was 9.07 sq. mm. Of the xylem poition, 33 per cent was devoted to the conduc- tion of water. In Mentzelia also there was found to be de- voted to the conduction of water nearly seven times as much of the stem as in Townse^idia. In Ambrosia artemisifolia there was found devoted to the conduction of water 21 per cent of the stem cross section, where the area was 13.86 sq. mm. Of the xylem portion 52 per cent was devoted to the conduction of water. In Ambrosia, then, there was devoted to the conduc- tion of water about sixteen times as much of the stem as in Toivnsendia. In Abutilon avicennx there was devoted to the conduction of water 2 per cent of the stem cross section, where the area was 38.48 sq. mm. Of the xylem portion, 6 per cent was devoted to the conduction of water. In Abutilon, accord- ingly, there was devoted to the conduction of water approxi- mately twice as much of the stem as in Toivyisetulia. When compared with the water-conducting tissues of desert plants, which have have been discussed by W. A. Cannon^ in his paper on the ''Water-conducting Systems of Desert Plants," Toumsendia has a relatively large water-conducting area. In the following table is given the number of tracheal ele- ments in 1 sq. mm. of stem, cross section, of Townsendia, and of several mesophytes and xerophytes; the latter cited from Cannon : Townsendia 66 Mesophytes : AbutUon avicennse 33 VerbeiM stricta 734 Mentzelia oligosperma 77 Ambrosia artemisifolia 124 Xerophytes : Celtis pallida 1 Covillea tridentia 2 Fouquieria splendens 7 • Tissues for Food Conduction and Storage. — The medullary ray is composed of two kinds of cells, some with rather thick 1. Bot. Gazette, June, 1905, pp. 396-408. •J-Univ. Sci. BulK. Vol. V. No. 11. 190 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. cellulose walls which measure 0.001 mm. in thickness. The thick-walled medullary-ray cells constitute approximately one- third of the whole area of a medullary ray. An explanation of there being both thick- and thin-walled medullary-ray cells may possibly be that the thick-walled cells have sacrificed their function of conduction and have assumed that of strengthening. The average vertical length of a medullary- ray cell is 0.01 mm. ; the average width 0.008 mm. In figure 16 are shown a few medullary cells as seen in cross section ; in figure 17 as seen in longitudinal section. Very little special provision for the passage of food longi- tudinally seems to have been made by Toivnsendia. The ordi- nary collateral vascular bundles are found. A comparatively small portion of the vascular bundle, however, is devoted to phloem — about 12 per cent; in Verbena stricta 25 per cent of the vascular bundle is devoted to phloem. In Mentzelia oligo- speTTiia there is the same proportion of the vascular bundle de- voted to phloem as in Toivnsendia — 12 per cent. Neither sieve tubes nor sieve parenchyma cells are found in Townsendia. The whole work of conduction of food longitudinally is ap- parently assumed by the cambiform cells and the undivided mother cells of the sieve tubes. Presumably the sieve tubes, when present in a plant, would carry the food more rapidly. The most elaborated sieve tubes are always found in plants of considerable length, especially in trailing, clambering and climbing plants. Toivnsendia, however, is so low that it seems that the food can be conducted longitudinally rapidly enough and in sufficient quantities by the cambiform and undivided ipother cells of the sieve tubes without the aid of sieve tubes. In figure 18 are shown phloem cells as seen in cross section ; in figure 19, as seen in longitudinal section : a, cambiform cell ; h, undivided mother cell of the sieve tubes. The average length of these cells is 0.18 mm; the average width, 0.01 mm. The average thickness of their cell wall is 0.0006 mm. In Toivnsendia, the xylem parenchyma cells and the medul- lary ray, cortex and pith cells afford sufficient means for the storage of food. Upon examination of sections of the stem of the plant collected at the time of flowering and fruiting, there appeared stored up in the tissues of the stem no food what- ever, thus showing that the food must at this time be used BUNTON: TOWNSENDIA EXSCAPA. 191 by Totvnsendia as fast as it is made. No statement, however, can be made of the storage of food in the plant later in the season. The Root. Tracheal Tissues. — As in the stem, the conduction of water in the root is provided for by spiral and scalariform tracheids. By computing- the number of tracheids in a certain portion of a cross section, and multiplying by the number of such por- tions, there were found to be 1271 tracheids in the cross sec- tion of the root. In figure 20 may be seen how these tracheids are distributed throughout the section. The average diame- ter of these tracheids is 0.018 mm. The total water-conduct- ing area in a root, where the cross section area is 7.496 sq. mm., is 0.325 sq. mm., or 4.2 per cent of the whole root area. In structure, the other tissues of the root do not differ es- sentially from those of the stem; hence the discussion of them as found in the stem will suffice for the root. The Leaf. The Tegumentary Tissues. — The outer wall of the epidermis of the leaf is not wholly cutinized ; the inner portion is of cel- lulose and is 0.0108 mm. thick, and the outer portion of the wall is cutinized and is 0.0072 mm. thick. The inner tangential wall is of cellulose and is 0.0036 mm. thick. The radial walls are likewise of cellulose and 0.0036 mm. thick. The average tangential length of the cells of the epidermis is 0.0396 mm. ; the average radial length, 0.025 mm. No difference was found between the upper and lower epidermis, hence the figures given above will suffice for both. In figure 24 is shown a portion of the cutinized epidermis as seen in cross section. Tracheal Tissues. — After a leaf boiled in alcohol had re- mained in a mixture of chloral hydrate and hydrogen peroxide for several days, it had become so well bleached that its vena- tion could be seen easily with the naked eye. There appeared three prominent longitudinal veins, one central and two lat- eral, from which extended other veins branching in every direction and terminating in water-storage tracheids, as shown in figure 21o. In the cross section of the midrib thirough the center of the leaf were found ninety-five tracheids, the average diameter of which was 0.0075 mm., making the 192 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. total water-conducting area there 0.00004 sq. mm. The cross- section area of the midrib was 0.01207 sq. mm., 32 per cent of which was devoted to conduction of water. In figure 21b is shown the midrib as seen in cross section. In the cross sec- tion of each of the lateral veins were found twenty-eight tracheids, the average diameter of which was 0.0059 mm., making the total water-conducting area in each vein 0.00073 sq. mm. The total cross-section area of each vein was 0.003 sq. mm., 24 per cent of which was devoted to the conduction of water. The average distance between the ultimate branches of the veins — a and b, figure 22 — is 0.031 mm. In the leaf, the phloem consists only of cambiform cells and undivided mother cells of the sieve tubes ; the xylem is made up of wood parenchyma cells and spiral and scalariform tracheids. The average diameter of the cavity of the tracheids is 0.006 mm. The walls of the parenchyma cells, however, remain quite thin. In figure 23 are shown the phloem cells as seen in longitudinal section of the midrib : o, cambiform cell ; b, undi- vided mother cell of the sieve tubes. The average length of these cells is 0.14 mm., the average width 0.01 mm., the aver- age thickness of the cell wall 0.0006 mm. The Photosiinthetic Tismie^. — On both sides of the leaf are found palisade cells ; the sportgy parenchyma cells are not very prominent and toM^ards the center of the leaf, in some places in the leaf not really being differentiated from the palisade cells. The explanation of the palisade cells on both sides of Townscndia may be that out on the open prairie the reflected light from below is sufficiently intense to stimulate the forma- tion of palisade tissue on the under side of the leaf. On each side of the leaf there are from two to three layers of palisade cells, the average length of which is 0.14 mm., the average width 0.05 mm. The average number of chloroplasts in a single cell is twenty-nine and the average diameter of a chloroplast is 0.0008 mm. In figure 25 are shown the palisade cells as they appear in surface view; in figure 26 spongy pa- renchyma cells as they appear in surface view. In the following table is shown the number of chloroplast^ BUNTON: TOWNSENDIA EXSCAPA. 193 found in a single mesophyll cell of a number of plants, as given in Haberlant's "Pflanzen-Anatomie" : Spongy Palisade cells, parench. cells. Fragaria elatior 86 14 Pulmonaria officinalis 85 15 Ricinus communis 82 18 Brassica rapa 80 20 Galeopsis tetrahit 79 21 Ft'opaeolum majus 77 23 Helianthus anmms 73 27 Phaseolus vinltiflorus 69 31 Bellis perennis 67 33 When compared with the plants above mentioned, it is seen that in the leaf of Toivnsendia the chloroplastic surface is relatively small. On both sides of the leaf the number of chloroplasts in a single mesophyll cell is approximately twenty-nine, thus giving to both sides of the leaf the same chlorophyll-producing volume. The small number of chloro- plasts found in the mesophyll cells of the upper side allows the sunlight to penetrate to the lower side of the leaf, thus giving to the cells there the power to carry on photosynthesis more effectively. The Water-storage Tissues. — In the leaf of Townsendia there is an admirable arrangement for all the mesophyll cells to have immediate access to water. Throughout the full length of the leaf on both sides are found large cells which are used primarily for the storage of water. These water- storage cells, however, seem to assume other functions; they evidently take part in the conduction of water and aid to a slight degree in photosynthesis. They have very thin walls, which are lined by a few chloroplasts much smaller than those found in the other mesophyll cells. Bordering on these water- storage cells are mesophyll cells which draw upon them for water when there is need. In order to secure the greatest access to water the palisade cells occur in various relations : bordering on veins, on water- storage cells, on spongy parenchyma cells. In the following table is shown the relative frequency of palisade cells bor- dering respectively on water-storage cells, veins and spongy parenchyma cells : Boi'dering on water-storage cells 222 Bordering on veins 81 Bordering on spongy parenchyma cells 42 194 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. From the above figures it is seen that the palisade cells occur most frequently bordering on the water-storage cells, there be- ing nearly three times as many bordering on the water-storage cells as on the veins and twice as many bordering on the veins as on the spongy parenchyma cells. Figure 27 is a diagram- matic drawing, showing the distribution of water-storage cells, b, as seen in a cross section of a leaf. In figure 28 are shown the palisade cells, B, bordering on water-storage cells, A. In figure 29 are shown the palisade cells. A, bordering on the veins, C. Some places in the leaf the palisade cells, D, have still greater access to water, bordering as they do on both water-storage cells. A, and storage tracheids, C. This relation generally occurs at the ends of the leaf. In figure 30 are shown the palisade cells as found in this relation. Sometimes the palisade cells are found bordering on water-storage cells, A, which in turn border on veins, C, as shown in figure 31. Such an arrangement as this is an excellent one; for as fast as the water-storage cells are deprived of the supply of water on hand they can immediately draw on the veins and thereby continue to supply the palisade cells with water as it is needed. In figure 32 are shown palisade cells, A, bordering on spongy parenchyma cells, B. Another means for storage of water is the water-storage tracheids found at the termination of the veins. Palisade cells bordering on these tracheids can obtain water when there is need. In figure 33 are shown these tracheids as they ap- pear at the ultimate ends of the veins ; in figure 34 the water- storage tracheids as they appear in other places in the leaf. The Aerating Spaces. — In Townsendia there were found devoted to aeration only 20 sq. mm. of the surface of a leaf which measured 100 sq. mm. ; or, in other words, the volume of the intercellular spaces and the volume of the whole leaf, roughly estimated, stand in the relation to ' each other as 8:1000. When compared with Pistia texensis, an hydrophyte, whose aerating volume and the volume of the whole leaf stand in the relation to each other as 760 : 1000, the amount of volume devoted to aeration in Townsendia seems quite small. There were found on either side of the leaf an approximate average of 344 stomata to 1 sq. mm., the average number usually found in plants. There was no difference in the char- BUNTON: TOWNSENDIA EXSCAPA. 195 acter of the stomata on either side of the leaf. It seems rather surprising to find in the leaf of a xerophyte the usual number of stomata found in plants and to find them at the surface of the leaf instead of being sunken beneath the epidermis; for, as a rule, in xerophytic plants there are fewer stomata and they are often sunken beneath the epidermis. In figure 35 are shown the stomata as they appear in the surface view of the leaf of Toivnsendia. In figure 36 is shown a stoma as it appears in cross section of the leaf. SUMMARY. 1. Size and Habit of Toivnsendia. — Townsendia is a low plant, growing from one to four inches high; it grows on the flat, open prairie as well as in the draws, and occurs not in clumps but as isolated individuals. The stem is at first rela- tively simple, but, as a rule, it becomes more and more branched with age until the whole plant may attain a breadth of ten to twelve inches. 2. Tegumentary Tissues. — In the mature stem of Town- sendia the cutinized epidermis, whose outer walls measure 0.05 mm., and the cork tissue several layers thick, constitute the tegumentary tissues. In the leaf of Toivnsendia there is found an epidermis whose outer wall measures 0.017 mm. in thickness. The outer portion of the wall is cutinized and measures 0.0072 mm. in thickness ; the inner portion is of cellulose and measures 0.0108 mm. in thickness. 3. Strengthening Tissues. — In Toivnsendia the strengthen- ing tissues of the stem consist of collenchyma and short sclerenchyma cells. True bast fibers and wood fibers are lack- ing. The remarkably thick cell walls, not only of the strength- ening tissues but of nearly all the tissues, make the stem of Toivnsendia strong. 4. Tracheal Tissues. — The area devoted to conduction of water in Townsendia is comparatively small, there being only 1.3 per cent of the stem devoted to that function. Growing as it does in a location where the water supply is poor, Toivn- sendia would not require very extensive water-conducting tissues. 5. Food-conducting Tissues. — Longitudinally there seems to have been made very little provision for the conduction of 196 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. food in the stem. The phloem portion is very little differen- tiated; it consists only of cambiform cells and undivided mother cells of the sieve tubes, there being found neither sieve tubes nor sieve parenchyma cells. 6. Storage Tissues. — Since Toivnsendia grows in a xero- phytic habitat it is not surprising to find in it some provision for the storage of water. In the stem, the cortex, medullary ray and pith cells are well adapted to the storing of water. In the leaf, however, special provision is made: throughout the whole length of the leaf are found large water-storage cells which not only reduce transpiration but also rapidly fill whenever the water supply is increased, and yield their con- tents to the assimilating cells as the supply of water there is reduced. 7. Aerating Spaces. — As would be expected to be found in a xerophyte, the amount of space devoted to aeration is com- paratively small. Only one one hundred and tw^enty-fifth of the volume of the leaf of Toivnsendia is devoted to aeration ; While in Pistia about two-thirds of the volume of the leaf is thus employed. LESQUERELLA SPATULATA. Lesquerella spatulata is perennial by a much branched caudex which varies from one to two inches in length. It has a taproot which measures from one foot to a foot and a half in length and one-fifth of an inch in diameter at its thickest por- tion. The leaves are separated by short internodes and ap- pear tufted. They measure from one-half to one inch in length and one-fifth to one-seventh of an inch in width. They are entire and vary in form from narrowly elliptic to ovate- lanceolate, oblanceolate and spatulate, and they, as well as the pedicels, are beset with stellate hairs. The flowers are yellow and are borne on pubescent scapes which measure from one- half inch to six inches in length. The Stem. The Tegumentary Tissues. — The protection of the mature stem is provided for by a cutinized epidermis and cork. There is, in addition to these tissues, in older portions of the stem, a borke. All of the walls of the epidermis are cutinized. Figure 37 represents a small portion of the epidermis as seen in cross BUNTON: LESQUERELLA SPATHULATA. 197 section ; figure 38a, a small portion of the epidermis as seen in longitudinal section. In the following table is given the average thickness of the cell walls and the average length and width of the epidermal cells : Outer tangential wall 0 . 0U49 mm. Inner tangential wall 0 . 0049 Radial wall 0.003 Vertical diameter of cavity 0.075 Radial diameter of cavity 0.026 Tangential diameter of cavity 0.04 In the following table is given the average radial breadth of the cork zone, the average thickness of the walls of the cork cells, and the vertical, radial, and tangential dimensions of the cell cavity : Average breadth cork zone 15-20 cells. Average thickness of wall 0 . 001 mm. Vertical diameter of cavity 0.025 Radial diameter of cavity 0 . 026 Tangential diameter of cavity 0.036 Figure 386 represents a few cork cells as seen in cross sec- tion. In addition to this large zone of cork there are found in the borke rather large stone cells, which, as shown in figure 39, have relatively thick and pitted walls. The tegumentary tissues are remarkably well developed for such a low, herbaceus plant as Lesquerella. When, however, its xerophytic habitat is taken into consideration, the necessity for this provision is readily seen. The Strengthening Tissues. — The strengthening tissues in the stem consist of collenchyma, bast fibers, stone cells and wood fibers. The radial breadth of the collenchyma zone is 0.093 mm. The average thickness of the walls of the collenchyma cells is 0.006 mm. ; the average tangential breadth of the cell cavity is 0.036 mm. ; the average radial thickness is 0.01 mm. In figure 40 are shown a few collenchyma cells as seen in cross section ; in figure 41 as seen in longitudinal section. The sclerenchyma tissue is made up of cells which vary from stone cells to short bast fibers. As shown in figure 42, the stone cells found here are smaller than those found in the borke. Figure 43 represents the stone cells as they appear in longi- tudinal section. 3-Univ. Sci. Bull. Vol. V. No. 11. 198 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. The bast fibers are 0.11 mm. long and 0.016 mm. wide, the average thickness of the cell wall being 0.006 mm. As may be seen in figure 44, the ends of the fibers overlap but little. In figure 45 are shown a few bast fibers as seen in cross section. The most striking characteristic of the strengthening tissues of the stem is the presence of large zones of thick-walled wood fibers, which constitute 26 per cent of the area of the stem and 78 per cent of the area of the xylem. These wood fibers, as shown in figure 46, occur among spiral tracheal tissues. They average 0.11 mm. in length and 0.01 mm. in width. The walls are remarkably thick — 0.006 mm. ; the cell cavity is exceed- ingly small, in some places being almost entirely obliterated. Figure 47 represents a wood fiber as seen in longitudinal sec- tion. The strengthening system in the stem of Lesquerella is more extensively developed than that in the stem of Toivnsendia, the only strengthening tissues found in the stem of Toivnsendia being collenchyma and short sclerenchyma cells, bast fibers and wood fibers being absent. This deficiency in Townsendia, how- ever, is compensated by remarkably thick cell walls, not only of the strengthening tissues but of nearly all the tissues. The strengthening tissues in the stem of Lesquerella are so well de- veloped that there is no need of the other tissues being modi- fied, as was the case in the stem of Toivnsendia. The Tracheal Tissues. — The tracheal system in the stem of Lesquerella consists of spiral and scalariform tracheal tubes and spiral and scalariform tracheids alone. There was found devoted to the conduction of water 2 per cent of the stem cross section, where the area was 7 sq. mm. ; 4 per cent of the xylem, where the cross section area was 3.46 sq. mm., was devoted to this purpose. In the following table is given the average thickness of the cell wall, and the average tangential and radial dimensions of the cell cavities of the various tracheal elements found in the stem of Lesquerella : Average thickness Radial diametev TanRential di- of cell wall. of cavities. ameter of cavities. Largest tracheal tubes 0.002 mm. 0.016 mm Smallest tracheal tubes 0.003 0.002 Tracheids 0 . 002 0.016 0 . 04 mm. As shown in figure 46 — a small portion of the xylem as seen in cross section — the tracheal elements occur among alter- nating, definite zones of wood fibers, A, and wood parenchyma BUNTON: LESQUERELLA SPATHULATA. 199 cells, B, the largest ones being among the wood fibers and the smallest among wood parenchyma cells. It is generally con- ceded that spiral vessels are formed by the procambium ex- clusively, and wood fibers by the cambium. As the tracheal elements found interspersed among the wood fibers are spiral and scalariform, the activity here must be due either to the cambium or procambium. From the fact that these spiral vessels are found somewhat remote from the pith, there fol- lows a probable conclusion that the cambium, contrary to the general rule, has formed spiral vessels. The tracheal elements found in the stem at the nodes were different from those in the internodes. At the nodes the tracheal tissues consist exclusively of short and peculiarly shaped tracheids. In figure 48, A, are shown the scalariform type of tracheids; B, the spiral type of tracheids as seen in longitudinal section. In the internodes the tracheal elements consist exclusively of spiral and pitted tracheal tubes, with the exception of a few tracheids interspersed here and there. Figure 49, A, illus- trates the spiral tracheal tubes found among the wood fibers, as seen in longitudinal section; figure 49, B, spiral tracheal tube found among the wood parenchyma cells ; figure 49, C, pitted tracheal tubes as seen in longitudinal section. Tissues for the Conduction and Storage of Food. — The med- ullary rays found in the stem of LcsqnereUa present an inter- esting characteristic. Throughout the entire length of the medullary ray are found leaf traces containing spiral tracheal tubes as shown in figure 51, a. These tracheal tubes are much smaller than those found in the xylem area of the stem, the average diameter of the cavity being 0.007 mm. and the aver- age thickness of the cell wall 0.002 mm. Figure 50, a repre- sents a leaf trace. The internodes are so short that it is im- possible to cut a section without having leaf traces traversing the medullary rays. These leaf traces run horizontally into the primary xylem, and when the cambium begins its activity it builds up the medullary rays around them. The average width of a medullary ray is 0.06 mm., and the average vertical length of a medullary-ray cell is 0.03 mm., and its averags width is 0.01 mm. Figure 51, b represents a small portion of the medullary ray as seen in cross section. In the stem, the ordinary collateral vascular bundles are 200 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. found ; 20 per cent of the vascular bundle is devoted to phloem, as in Toivnsendia. Neither seive tubes nor seive parenchyma cells are found. The whole work of conduction is assumed by the undivided mother cells of the sieve tubes. Lesquerclla is a very low plant and it seems that the food can be conducted longitudinally fast enough and in sufficient quantities without the aid of the other phloem elements. In figure 51, c, are shown a few phloem cells as seen in cross section ; in figure 52, as seen in longitudinal section ; at the angles of these cells occur small intercellular spaces. A, In the stem of LesquereUa the storage of food is provided for by means of the thin-walled parenchyma of the cortex and the xylem parenchyma and the medullary rays. Figure 53 repre- sents a few cells of the thin-walled parenchyma of the cortex as seen in cross section. Figure 54 represents a few cells of the xylem parenchyma as seen in longitudinal section. In all of these tissues starch and proteid were found in small quantities, but neither sugar nor oil. Figure 50 is a diagrammatic drawing of the cross section of the stem traced as seen when projected upon a screen. From this may be derived a general idea of the various tissues of the stem, their relation to one another, and the proportion of the stem devoted to each: A, borke; />, collenchyma; C, scleren- chyma; D, phloem; E, xylem; 1, tracheal tissues; 2, wood fibers; 3, xylem parenchyma; F, medullary ray; a, leaf-trace. The Root. The Tegumeyitary Tissues. — The tegumentary tissues of the mature root consist of a cutinized epidermis and cork tissue which are similar to those tissues found in the stem, both in structure and proportion. The Strengtheni7ig Tissues. — The strengthening tissues found in the root of LesquereUa consist of collenchyma, stone cells and wood fibers. These tissues show no difl'erence what- ever from those found in the stem. The Tracheal Tissues. — The tracheal tissues in the root con- sist entirely of scalariform and spiral tracheal tubes. In a root where the cross section area was 18.75 sq. mm., there was found devoted to the conduction of water 4 per cent. Here the cross-section area of the xylem is 6.7 per cent of the entire root. In the following table is given the average diameter and the BUNTON: LESQUERELLA SPATHULATA. 201 average thickness of the cell walls of the tracheal elements in the root: Average diameter of the larger tracheal tubes 0.03 mm. Average diameter of the smaller tracheal tubes 0.007 Average thickness of cell wall 0 . 005 As in the stem the tracheal elements of the root are inter- spersed among definite, alternating layers of wood fibers and wood parenchj'ma cells. Figure 55 represents a few wood fibers and tracheal tubes as found in the outermost layer of xylem (fig. 56a, E) as seen in cross section. Here the tracheal tubes are relatively large and the wood fibers have compara- tively large cavities. The next succeeding layer of xylem (fig. 56a, F) consists of very small, thick-walled tracheal tubes, A, and wood parenchyma cells, B, shown with greater magnifi- cation in figure 57. In figure 58 are shown a few wood paren- chyma cells as seen in longitudinal section. The average length of these cells is 0.07 mm. and the average width 0.015 mm. Figure 59 represents a few wood fibers and tracheal tubes found in the next succeeding layer of xylem (fig, 56a, G) . The average diameter of the tracheal tubes in this layer of xylem is 0.023 mm. ; here the wood fibers have remarkably thickened walls and a smaller cavity than those found in the outermost layer of xylem (fig. 56a, E). Figure 56a, a segment of the cross section of the root, shows the constitution of the xylem: A, wood fibers; B, tracheal ele- ments ; C, wood parenchyma. In figure 56& are shown the tracheal elements found in the root: A and B, scalariform tracheal tubes, C, spiral tracheal tube. Tissues for the Conduction a7id Storage of Food. — In the root are found only secondary medullary rays, which are nar- rower than those found in the stem. In these medullary rays is found no tracheal system as in those of the stem. As in the stem, there seems to have been made very little provision for the passage of food longitudinally. Yet, however, a larger pro- portion (25 per cent) of the vascular bundle of the root is de- voted to phloem than in the stem. The phloem consists ex- clusively of undivided mother cells of the sieve tubes. Starch and proteids in small quantities were found in the medullary rays and phloem-parenchyma cells, but neither glu- cose nor oil. In the root of Toiunsendia there was found glucose, but neither starch, proteid nor oil. 202 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. In figure 60 — a diagrammatic drawing of the cross section of the root traced as seen when projected upon a screen — are shown the different zones of tissues of which the root con- sists and their relation to one another: A, cork; B, collen- chyma ; C, stone cells ; D, thin- walled parenchyma ; E, phloem ; F, wood fibers; G, wood parenchyma; H, tracheal elements; /, medullary ray. The Tegumentary Tissues. — The tegumentary tissues con- sist of an epidermis with trichomes. All the walls of the epi- dermis are cellulose except the outer tangential wall, which has a thin film of cutin on the outer portion. The outer and inner tangential wall each measures in thickness 0.006 mm., and the radial wall 0.003 mm. The average radial diameter of the cell cavity is 0.02 mm., the average tangential diameter 0.016 mm. On both sides of the leaf the epidermis is of the same charac- ter. Figure 61 represents a small portion of the epidermis: a, cutinized portion; b, cellulose portion. The trichomes are thickly distributed over both sides of the leaf, and must be quite effective in giving protection. The discussion of these trichomes will be taken up in connection with the water- storage system. The Tracheal Tissues. — For the study of venation, a leaf was used which had been bleached by standing four or five hours in dilute hydrochloric acid and then two or three days in chloral hydrate. As shown in figure 62, there could be seen in this leaf one large central vein, A, running longitudinally throughout the length of the leaf and sending off near the center of the leaf two large lateral branches, B, and below the center the large branch, G. On either side of the midrib there are two prominent longitudinal veins, C. These primary veins send out other veins which branch in every direction and end abruptly, as shown at D. The average distance between the ultimate branches of the veins, E and F, is 0.16 mm., there being included within this area, on the average, twenty-five mesophyll cells. The phloem consists only of undivided mother cells of the sieve tubes, whose average length is 0.16 mm. and width 0.006 mm. The xylem consists exclusively of spiral tracheary tracheids. The average diameter of the tracheids in the midrib is 0.006 mm., and the average diameter of those in the smaller veins is 0.003 mm. In the midrib, where the cross-section area is 0.015 sq. mm., 20 per cent is devoted to bunton: lesquerella spathulata. 203 the conduction of water. Figure 63 represents a small portion of the midrib as seen in longitudinal section: A, spiral tra- cheary tracheid ; B, undivided mother cell of the sieve tubes. Tlie Photoi^ynthetic Tissues. — The leaf of Draba is bifacial, that is, palisade cells occur on both sides of the leaf, which is from twelve to fifteen layers of cells thick. The average radial length of a palisade cell is 0.027 mm., the average cross diame- ter 0.02 mm. Figure 64 represents a few palisade cells as seen in surface view. The average number of chloroplasts in a single mesophyll cell on either side of the leaf is twenty-seven. The small num- ber of chloroplasts found in the mesophyll cells of the upper side of the leaf allows the sunlight to penetrate to the lower side, thus giving to the cells there the power to carry on photo- synthesis effectively. The Water-storage Tissues. — In the leaf of Lesquerella there are no water-storage cells as are found in that of Townseyidia. The only structures in the leaf that might serve principally as water-storage elements are the large trichomes which occur on both sides of the leaf. These trichomes, as shown in figure 65 (surface view) are quite frequent, and are stellate-peltate in form. These, as a rule, are found above a vein, and, since they are alive even on old leaves, they presumably have some active function to perform. Their basal portion is slightly depressed beneath the lower level of the epidermis, and the wall here is cellulose. The remaining portion of the wall of the trichomes is cellulose, except the very outer portion, which is cutinized. The fact that these trichomes occur above the veins and that their basal portion is cellulose-walled seems to point to the conclusion that when there is plenty of water furnished by the veins they absorb water, store it up, and yield it to the mesophyll cells as it is needed. Figure 66 rep- resents a trichome as seen in a leaf cross section : A, cutinized portion of a wall of trichome; B, cellulose portion of wall of trichome ; C, mesophyll cells ; D, tracheids. The Aerating Spaces of the Leaf. — Mounting the bleached leaf so that it could be looked through from surface to surface, I estimate that approximately 2.7 per cent of the volume of the leaf is devoted to intercellular spaces ; in other words, the vol- ume of the intercellular spaces and the volume of the whole leaf, roughly estimated, stand in relation to each other as 204 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. 27 : 1000, On either side of the leaf are found 640 stomata to 1 sq. mm., a much larger number than was found in the leaf of Townseiulia. The stomata are at the surface of the leaf in- stead of being sunken, as is often the case with xerophytes. In figure 67 are shown a few stomata as seen in surface view. In figure 68 is shown a stoma as seen in cross section. Figure 69 represents a small portion of a leaf as seen in cross section: A, upper epidermis; B, lower epidermis; C, palisade tissue; D, vascular bundle. SUMMARY. 1. Size and Habit of Lesquerella spatJiulata. — Lesquerella spatliulata, a perennial from a branched caudex, is a low plant growing from one to two inches high. It was found growing on a rocky clay bluff, occurring not as isolated individuals, but in colonies. 2. Tegnmentary Tissues. — In the mature stem of Lesque- rella the tegumentary tissues consist of a cutinized epidermis, cork, and borke. In the mature root the tegumentary tissues consist of a cutinized epidermis and cork. The tegumentary tissues of the leaf consist of an epidermis, all the walls of which are cellulose except a thin film of cutin on the outer tangential wall. There is, in addition to the ordi- nary epidermal cells, stellate trichomes on both sides of the leaf, which would be effective in protection against too intense illumination and in the reduction of transpiration, as well as in the storage of water. 3. The Strengthening Tissues. — The strengthening tissues consist of collenchyma, bast fibers, stone cells and wood fibers. The wood fibers constitute a very important part of the strengthening system. These have remarkably thickened walls, the cavities in some cases being almost obliterated. Contrary to the general rule, the wood fibers are found among spiral tracheal tubes, both wood fibers and spiral tracheal tubes having been formed by the cambium. 4. Tracheal Tissues. — The tissues devoted to the conduction of water constitute 2 per cent of the stem and 4 per cent of the root. This seems a comparatively small area devoted to this purpose, but growing, as Lesquerella does, in a location where the water supply is poor, it would not require very extensive BUNTON: LESQUERELLA SPATHULATA. 205 water-conducting tissues. The tracheal tissues consist of spiral and scalariform tracheal tubes and tracheids. 5. Photosynthetic Tissues. — The photosynthetic tissues of the leaf consist exclusively of palisade cells, and there is found in a single palisade cell on either side of the leaf an average of twenty-seven chloroplasts. 6. Food-conducting Tissues. — As in Toivnsendia, the phloem is but little differentiated. It consists exclusively of undivided mother cells of the sieve tubes; sieve tubes and sieve parenchyma cells are wholly lacking. 7. Storage Tissues. — In the stem the phloem cells and medullary-ray cells afford provision for the storage of food. In these tissues starch and proteids were stored up in small quantities. The only storage tissues found in the leaf are the large stellate hairs which, possibly, rapidly fill whenever the water supply is increased, and, being cellulose-walled at their bases, yield their contents to the mesophyll cells as the supply of water is reduced. 8. Aerating Spaces. — As would be expected to be found in a xerophyte, the amount of space devoted to aeration is com- paratively small, there being only 2.7 per cent of the volume of the leaf devoted to this purpose. 4-Univ. Sci. Bull , Vol. V, No. 11. IjI' Publications of the University of Kansas. The following publications of the University of Kansas are offered for sale at the prices named below, or in exchange for other publications of like character and of equal value. A few complete copies of early volumes are on hand. KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. Volume I. No. 1, supply large; price 50 cents. No. 2, supply exhausted. No. 3, supply small; price, 75 cents. No. 4, supply small; price, 75 cents. Price per volume, $3. " II. No. 1, supply exhausted. No. 2, supply small; price, 75 cents. No. 3, supply exhausted. No. 4, supply exhausted. Price per volume, ?3. " III. No. 1, supply exhausted. No. 2, supply exhausted. No. 3, supply small; price, 75 cents. No. 4, supply small; price, 50 cents. Price per volume, $3. " IV. No. 1, supply small; price, 50 cents. No. 2, supply small; price, 75 cents. No. 3, supply small; price, 75 cents. No. 4, supply small; price, 75 cents. Price per volume, $3. " V. Nos. 1 and 2, supply exhausted. Price per volume, $2. Volume V con- sists of only two numbers. " VI, A. Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, supply exhausted. Price per volume, $3. " VI, B. Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, supply large; price per number, 50 cents; price per volume, $2. " VII, A. Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, supply exhausted. Price per volume, $3. " VII, B. Nos. 1 and 2 (double number), 3, and 4, supply large; price per num- ber, 50 cents; price per volume, $2. " VIII, A. Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, supply large; price per number, 50 cents; price per volume, $2. "VIII, B. No. 1, supply small; price 50 cents. PubUcation suspended. " IX, A. Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, supply large; price per number, 50 cents; per volume, $2. " X, A. Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, supply large; price per number, 50 cents; per volume, $2. SCIENCE BULLETIN. 1 to 12, price, $3; supply large. Nos. 1 to 15, price, $3; supply large. 1 to 10, price, $3; supply large. 1 to 20, price, $3; supply large. UNIVERSITY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF KANSAS. General Stratigraphy of Eastern Kansas; exhausted. General Geology of Western Kansas; postage, 24 cents. Special Report on Coal; 28 cents. Upper Cretaceous Paleontology; 32 cents. Gypsum and Gypsum Cement Plasters; 16 cents. Carboniferous Invertebrates and Cretaceous Fishes; 20 cents. Special Report on Mineral Waters; 16 cents. Special Report on Lead and Zinc. Special Report on Oil and Gas. MINERAL RESOURCES OP KANSAS. Report for 1897; supply small. Postage, 4 cents. Report for 1898; supply large. Postage, 8 cents. Report for 1899; supply large. Postage, 4 cents. Report for 1900-1901; supply small. Postage, 5 cents. Report for 1902; supply small. Postage, 6 cents. Report for 1903; supply small. Postage, 5 cents. BULLETINS OP THE DEPARTMENT OP ENTOMOLOGY. The Honey-bee and its Food- plants in Kansas. Postage, 4 cents. Alfalfa, Grasshoppers, Bees— their Relationship; supply small. Postage, 7 cents. Scale-insects Injurious to Orchards; supply large. Postage, 2 cents. The More Injurious Grasshoppers of Kansas; supply large. Postage, 2 cents. The Green Bug. Volume I. Nos. *' II. Nos. " III. Nos. " IV. Nos. Volume I, 1896. " II, 1897. " III, 1898. " IV, 1898. " V, 1899. " VI, 1900. " VII, 1902. " VIII, 1904. " IX. 1909. \. \^.^^^ BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Vol. XIII. NOVEMBER 1, 1911. No. 2. Science Bulletin, Vol. V, Nos. 12, 13, M, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. (Continuation of Kansas University Quarterly.) ZOOLOGY NUMBER. LAWRENCE, KANSAS. Published Semimonthly from January to June and Monthly from July to December, inclusive, by the University of Kansas. Entered as Meond>elua matter December 29, 1010, at the post oflle* at Lawrence, under the act of July 16, 1894. »-3310 J1 NOTICE TO EXCHANGES. The attention of learned societies and other institutions which exchange scientific publications with the University of Kansas is called to the list of publications of this University on the third page of the cover of this issue. Those marked "Supply exhausted" cannot be furnished at all; those marked "Supply small" cannot be furnished sepa- rately; those marked "Supply large" will gladly be furnished to any of our exchanges who may need them to complete their files. Back numbers of the Kansas University Quarterly and Geo- logical Survey, as far as possible, will be sent to those of our newer correspondents who are able and willing to reciprocate. ANNOUNCEMENT. The Kansas University Science Bulletin (continuation of the Kansas University Quarterly^ is issued in parts at irregu- lar intervals. One volume, containing from 300 to 400 pages of reading-matter, with necessary illustrations, is issued each year. The subscription price is $3 per volume. Exchanges with other institutions and learned societies everywhere are solicited. All exchanges should be addressed to the Library of the Univer- sity OF Kansas. All communications should be addressed to The Kansas University Science Bulletin, LAWRENCE, KAN. EDITORIAL BOARD. C. E. McCLUNG, Managing Editor. U. G. MITCHELL, Exchange Editor. W. C. STEVENS. F. E. KESTER. E. H. S. BAILEY. THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vol. V, No. 12— March, 1910. (Whole Series, Vol. XV, No. 12.) CONTENTS: Cell Changes in the Alveoli of a Carcinoma of the Mamma, Earl F. Clark. PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY, LAWRENCE, KAN. October, 1911. Entered at the post-ofRce in Lawrence as second-class matter. 3310 THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vol. V, No. 12] MARCH, 1910. [vo'^xv^noTb CELL CHANGES IN THE ALVEOLI OF A CARCINOMA OF THE MAMMA. BY EARL F. CLARK. (Contribution from the Zoological Laboratory, No. 188.) Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts. Plates XLVI to XLVIII. THE literature upon the pathological new growths of the human body scarcely mentions amitosis as a method of cell increase. It occurred to me to treat in a comparative way the two methods of cell division, mitosis and amitosis, as they are found in neoplastic material. It is not intended to make this paper conclusive, but to make it the first of a series of case studies from the results of which a general conclusion may be deduced as to the relative im- portance of indirect and direct cell division in these new growths. I am indebted to Dr. M. T. Sudler for the following history : "In the first week of October, 1907, she fell, bumping the breast against a hard object. No further notice was taken of the incident, however, until the latter part of November, when she noticed a hard, thin, round lump in the right breast about the size of a silver dollar. It was then freely movable. About the 25th of December she noticed a tingling in the right arm, and on January 1, 1908, the arm began to ache. The original mass increased rapidly in size until the whole breast was in- volved. Its rate of growth seemed intermittent, some weeks being much more rapid than others. Upon examination the entire breast was found to be occupied by a hard, firm mass, which was intimately incorporated in the connective tissue of (209) 210 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. the breast. The nipple was somewhat retracted but not com- pletely. The mass was movable over the muscle. The axillary nodes were enlarged and hard. On February 5 the breast, to- gether with the axillary lymph nodes, was removed. On March 13 a recurrence in the left breast was discovered, which was removed on March 20. Twelve days later metastatic nodules in the neck were removed. The patient died soon afterwards from an apparently general carcinomatous involvement of the body. From the foregoing history it is plain that this was an extreme type of the most rapidly growing and malignant of tumors." This material was not prepared especially for fine cytological work because the discovery of its excellence for investigation was not made until after its fixation. It was fixed in ten-per- cent formalin and remained in a weaker solution until used. I found the cell nests somewhat shrunken away from the sur- rounding stroma and the chromatin either so swollen or so poorly preserved that I was unable to make out details in re- gard to the chromosomes. The fixation otherwise was good. The tissue was mounted in paraffin and cut in sections eight micra thick. Sections were stained in hsematoxylin for twelve hours after being in a mordant of iron-alum for twelve hours. They were then decolorized in the iron-alum solution to the desired extent. The cells studied appeared in variously shaped pockets or alveoli surrounded by dense white fibrous connective tissue. This connective tissue stroma was penetrated more or less by columns of tumor cells, one to three cells in diameter. In short, this specimen in parts conformed to the scirrhus while in others it was more of the medullary type of carcinoma. In this paper I will confine my study to the cell nests or alveoli. In the first four figures I chose a typical field from widely separated parts of the tumor for each drawing, and drew all the structures appearing in that field. I did this to show the similarity of the cell content of the tumor mass throughout. The normal resting cell, with its variation in size, shape and chromatin content, composed the greater number of cells of each group. It was considered the normal resting cell because of its uniform staining quality, its maintenance of cell and nuclear wall, its content of regularly outlined chromatin nu- cleoli within a single nucleus. Marked variation in any of these CLARK: CYTOLOGY OF CARCINOMA. 211 characteristics was considered a cell change having as its ultimate end either the production of new cells or degeneration. Among the resting cells were others which could be easily identified as being in the process of indirect division. Al- though no detail of the chromosomes could be made out, yet the increased amount of chromatin over the resting cell, its affinity for the stain, the irregular outline of the chromosomes, the ab- sence of the nuclear membrane and the shape and position of the chromatin masses identical with those of the prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase leave no doubt as to the identity of such cells. Equally distributed among the resting cells were other cells which were clearly abnormal, owing to their unusual size and their content of two or more nuclei or clefts of greater or less depth which either separated or tended to separate the single nucleus into two or more distinct seg- ments. These separated segments had all the characteristics of the nucleus of the resting cell. I have considered such cells as in the process of direct cell division, although I have been unable to find a single cell showing distinct separation of the cytoplasm. Adami thus describes amitosis : "The nucleus divides without any apparent preliminary rearrangement of its structure. It becomes elongated, then dumb-bell shape (the process can be followed in the amceba), the connecting neci<: becomes broken across and the two daughter nuclei pass apart, their separation being in some cases followed by division of the cell body while in others this further division is wanting and the binucleate cell is produced." Patterson, in "Amitosis in the Pigeon's Egg," says : "In most cases the nucleus elongates in the direction transverse to the plane of the future division, after which a constriction in the nuclear membrane appears about the entire circumference of the nucleus. This con- striction continues to deepen until a complete division is ef- fected. A modified form of this type is found in those cases in which the constriction proceeds from one side." Although the process in this material differs somewhat, I think, from that described by Adami and Patterson for other material, the result is the same. Therefore I feel safe in as- suming that cells with the nucleus wholly or in various degrees of separation are in the process of amitosis. Ziegler and Vom Rath consider such cells as already in the process of de- generation. If so, it will not be out of place to consider along with these division figures structures that appear throughout 212 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. this material and which are plainly cells in varying degrees of degeneration, as evidenced by changes in the chromatin, cy- toplasm and cell wall, and note if there is any similarity be- tween them. Figures 5, 6, 7 and 8 are used to further illustrate these three cell changes as they appear in various parts of the tumor. In these drawings I omitted the greater number of the resting cells. I will supplement this preliminary account by short de- scriptions of individual cells in the several plates with inter- pretations of their variation from the normal. I have used the term "cell nests" to mean the group of cells within the alveoli ; the term "chromatic cells" to mean those cells in that condition in the degeneration process just before the chromatin loses its staining power and when it has swollen so much and become so diffuse as to fill the entire nucleus as a more or less densely staining mass. OBSERVATIONS. The Cells of the Nests Change by Mitosis, Amitosis and Degeneration. In showing the cell changes of these nests I will simply use a number of figures, describing each one with some amount of detail and inserting comments as observations suggest. Figure 1 is drawn from cell nest 2. It includes three cells dividing directly, one dividing indirectly, two cells in the process of degeneration, and a number of resting cells. The resting cell is smaller than the dividing cell, is of poly- hedral shape, has a limiting membrane, and a large, well- marked nucleus. Its cytoplasm is denser than the karyoplasm and is of a reticular appearance. The nucleus has a well- marked nuclear wall and usually contains from one to three regularly round, deeply-stained chromatic bodies which I will call chromatin nucleoli. A directly dividing cell is of much larger size than the resting cell and usually a bit clearer, a condition suggesting that it has included a large amount of fluid preparatory to its division. The nucleus divides by the formation of a groove or cleft on one side. I have not seen a cell where the cleft appeared on the two sides. The cleft deepens and the nuclear substance pulls apart to form the regular outline of the daughter nuclei. The nuclear membrane seems to follow the deepening cleft so that as soon as the seg- ments have separated the karyoplasm is enclosed by its wall. CLARK: CYTOLOGY OF CARCINOMA. 213 In the cells shown I have drawn them as they appeared in out- line in one plane, but included the chromatin through the depth of the cell. Each well-defined segment of the nucleus usually contains a chromatin nucleolus. In cell A the lower nuclear seg- ment has a second cleft appearing upon its inner border. Cell B has two distinct nuclear segments, each one of which has a secondary groove appearing upon its upper surface. The upper segment shows no chromatin at all. Cell C shows two nuclear segments, each containing a chromatin nucleolus. Cell D shows a central constriction of its nucleus with the mother chromatic mass in the plane of constriction, but I do not say it is in the process of division. Cell E is a representation of the typical indirect division figures found in this material. It is in the early anaphase. As I have already said, this material, being fixed in formalin with no particular care regarding its cytological preservation, shows no detail characteristics of the chromosomes. I have used in my counts only the well-marked division figures, from the close spireme stage on. In these indirect divisions the cells are larger than the resting cells, the nuclear membrane had disappeared, and about the chromatic figure the cytoplasm was clear. I was unable to make out the spindle or any of the details farther than shown. Cells F F are two fragments of degenerated cells in each of which the chromatin has swollen and coalesced into one homo- geneous, deeply staining mass. Figure 2. Among the cells of this group there is not the noticeable difference in size usually seen between the dividing cells and the resting ones. Cell A shows an indirect division plainly. Cell B shows the nucleus being divided by a cleft passing in from its upper surface. Each segment contains a chromatin nucleolus. Cell C, an otherwise ordinary resting cell, contains in its cytoplasm, half way from the cell border to the nuclear membrane, a clear vesicle, regular in outline and with a definite limiting border indicating that it is filled with a substance differing from the cytoplasm. Figure 3 shows no new structures, but attention is called to the regularity of the chromatin nucleoli. Cells A and B show the nuclei entirely segmented and each segment containing regular chromatin nucleoli, the lower segment of cell B con- taining two. 214 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Figure 4 is a group of twelve tumor cells drawn from cell nest 1, a small nest of seventy-five cells containing six indirect and no direct divisions. In this group are shown four of the six indirect divisions. Cells A and B are noticeable for their large size, while cells C and D are of the same size as the rest- ing cells. Cell E is a common-sized resting cell, containing one chromatin nucleolus but with a hollow clear vesicle bulging into the wall of its nucleus. Cell F is a common resting cell ex- cept that it has its chromatin diffused through the karyoplasm. Figure 5. In this group and in those following I have not included all the cells that appeared in the field, but simply in- structive ones and enough resting cells to show a comparison. The group was drawn from cell nest 3, of 253 cells, which in- cluded six indirect and five direct divisions. Cell C was in the fourth tier from the edge and on the peripheral side of the group. It was large, being .0125 mm. in its greatest diameter and showing a nucleus in two segments, each segment con- taining a regularly round chromatin nucleolus. The cell was noticeably clearer than the others. Cell B also has a biseg- mented nucleus, but its chromatin was scattered in irregular masses through the karyoplasm. It was also large, being .01 mm. in its greatest diameter. The nucleus of cell A was in three segments, each part having a regularly round chromatin nucleolus, and beside this a certain amount of chromatin scat- tered in clumps through the karyoplasm. It was .0125 mm. in its greatest diameter. In all my cell measurements I used a micrometer scale which I have found by measurement to give the following dimensions : With a drawing board on a level with the object and at the same inclination as the microscope stage, using ^2 oil-immersion objective and a 8X Huyghenian ocular, an object that fills the square of the scale is .0125 mm. in diameter; with the M; objective it is .03 mm. in diameter, and with a % objective it is .15 mm. in diameter. Three-fourths of the square equals .0093 mm. ; one-fourth of the square is equal to .0031 mm. ; one-half of the square is equal to .0062 mm. Cell D is in the indirect division process. Cell £7 is a structure that is common among the tumor cells and I have concluded that it is a degeneration result, although it may occur anywhere in the cell nest among the otherwise vigorous cells. It is characterized by a large amount of deeply staining chromatic material, homogeneous and closely massed, having CLARK: CYTOLOGY OF CARCINOMA. 215 no definite form but with a more or less regular outline. This mass evidently represents the nucleus, which has become filled with a diffused, swollen mass of chromatin. Its cell membrane has broken down, allowing the cytoplasm to flow out into the surrounding intercellular spaces. Notice the regular form of the chromatin nucleoli in this group of cells. Figure 6. This group of eleven cells was drawn from the same cell nest as the previous group. Cell A is a large cell, .0093 mm. in its greatest diameter. In the cytoplasm about the nucleus are four vesicles, similar to those described under figures 2 and 4. The chromatin of its nucleus is of regular outline but is unusual on account of its size, being a trifle over one-half the diameter of the nucleus itself, at least twice the amount found in the ordinary resting cell. I think it is a cell just beginning the degeneration process shown by the swelling of its chromatin. Cell C is undoubtedly in the process of de- generation, for its cell membrane has disappeared, allowing the cytoplasm to flow out uncontrolled. It is a cell almost as large as cell A. Its chromatin, which exists as a deeply stain- ing mass somewhat irregular in outline, was larger in diameter than that of cell A. The nuclear wall could not be made out. Cell B is one farther along in the process of breaking up than cell C, for most of its cytoplasm has gone. The diameter of its chromatic element is not so much larger than that of cell C but it is more condensed and of more regular outline. These three cells, I think, are respectively in advancing stages of dis- integration. Cell Z) is a cell dividing indirectly, having a chro- matic mass larger than that of cell C but of a looser arrange- ment, indicating individual chromosomes. It also maintains its cell borders perfectly. Figure 7. This group of eleven cells was drawn from cell nest 6 in the region of a necrotic area. Cells A and B are in the fifth and sixth tiers respectively from the free edge of the tumor on the peripheral side of the group. I will use this group and the one following it, figure 8, to show changes in the cells passing inward from the free edge of the cell nest to a necrotic area. On the side peripheral to cell A there is a small necrotic spot two or three cells in diameter, which accounts for cells A and B on that side of the group. Cell A is a good specimen of such cells as C and B of figure 6 or cell E of figure 5. It shows the swelling of the chromatin and the disin- 216 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. tegration of the cytoplasm well. While there has been a swelling of the chromatin in each of these cells there has been an equally great shrinkage of the nucleus, so that at this stage there has been a real loss of material to the nucleus. Cell B is peculiar in that its nucleus, while practically the same size as normal, stains very dark; not solid, as in A, but granular. There is also a faint indication of its chromatin nucleolus re- maining, not indicating so much that it has become diffused through the karyoplasm as that the karyoplasm itself assumes a new staining power. The cell wall of cell B is broken down in one place, showing signs of disintegration. Cell C, a directly dividing cell, is .0093 mm. in its greatest diameter, while cell D is just a trifle less than .0125 mm. The average diameter of the resting cells of this group is near .007 mm. So I think that a cell preparing for direct division increases in size to a marked extent. Figure 8. This group of sixteen cells is taken from cell nest 6, the same nest that group 7 is taken from, and drawn from a zone of cells to the inner side of group 7, that is, between group 7 and a necrotic core which lies in the central part of the nest. These two figures show well the transition from the more peripheral nondegenerating cells to the entirely necrotic mass of cell debris which fills the central portion of so many of the cell nests. No dividing cells were shown. Cell A, the most peripheral of the group, is the only one showing a chro- matin nucleolus. It is an ordinary resting cell. In cells B and B', a type of many cells found at this zone about the ne- crotic area, and for that reason described as characteristic, no chromatin nucleolus could be made out through the depth of the cell, but in each of these the chromatin was scattered through the karyoplasm in the form of a loose network, stain- ing lightly. The cell and nuclear membranes were preserved perfectly. Passing inward toward the center of the nest is a field of cells which I have called ''chromatic cells," and which are perfectly characteristic of a zone of cells that immediately surrounds the necrotic core of the cell nest. They are a transition stage between the normal cells and the wholly de- generated ones. They resemble closely the disintegrating cells described in figures 5, 6 and 7, but seem to have another history of formation. As in the other cells, the nucleus is filled with a homogeneous chromatic mass, the outer layers staining darker CLARK: CYTOLOGY OF CARCINOMA. 217 than those farther toward the center. In this field the stain was not as intense as that in the cells of the previous figures but was of a grayish shade, and passing toward the necrotic area the light in the gray increases until in cells D and D' there is just enough black remaining to outline the nucleus well. From this stage it gradually fades out until the cells are entirely ne- crotic and do not stain at all. The cell membrane in this group could not be decided upon satisfactorily. In cells A, B and B' it was perfectly intact, while in cells E it seemed to be entirely gone. In other cells, as C, C, the cell outline was definitely preserved, while yet again in cells D and D' the cell boundary was irregular and indefinite. But I am safe in say- ing that when the cell has so far degenerated that the color has disappeared from the nucleus the cell membrane has also disappeared and disintegration immediately follows. But in many of these cells the cell membrane has at least partially gone while the chromatin stains deeply. The nucleus of cell B' is 0.004 mm. in diameter while the chromatin mass of cell C is near 0.003 mm. in diameter, showing an appreciable shrinkage of this element in the degeneration process. The Mitotic Divisions Occur in General Upon the Periphery of the Alveolus, the Amitotic Nearer the Center. I will use camera lucida drawings, together with tables, to prove this. I counted the number of cells, the number of di- rect divisions and the number of indirect, and also counted the tier of cells from the periphery of the cell nest in which each division occurred. I hoped by this method to arrive at some conclusion as to the rapidity of growth of the tumor, in order to compare it later with the growth of the adult and em- bryonic mammary tissue. I also wished to decide as to the relative frequency in occurrence of the direct and indirect di- visions and to note, if possible, whether there was any com- parison between the relative proportions of these and the sort of nests in which they occurred. I also wished to decide if there was a well-founded relation between either of these methods of cell division and the necrotic areas indicating that one or the other was related to degeneration, or that they occurred equally in the same region showing that they were equally vital methods of cell growth. Cell Nest 2 was the non-necrotic limb of a necrotic body. It was counted up to the beginning of the necrotic area. I can- 218 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. not give the tiers of cells in which the various divisions oc- curred in this nest. No. of cells. Direct divisions. Indirect divisions. 563 9 16 Percentage of cells in divisions 4.42 " of cells in direct divisions 1.50 " of cells in indirect divisions 2.90 " of divisions which ai'e direct 36 " of divisions which are indirect 64 Cell Nest 3. This nest apparently is a small nest in di- ameter but it has four "chromatic cells," which indicates that it is somewhat degenerating. Tier 123^56789 10 11 Av. Total Direct D 2 1 ... 2 ... . 6.2 5 Indirect D 3 1.11 2.3 6 No. of cells. Direct divisions. Indirect divisions. 253 5 6 Percentage of cells in divisions 4.34 " of cells in direct divisions 1.90 " of cells in indirect divisions 2.40 " of divisions which are direct 45.40 " of divisions which are indirect 54.50 Cell Nest 4. This was a nest with a necrotic center .125 mm. to .1125 mm. in diameter, while around this on the edge of the nest was a zone of cells varying in width from .05 mm. to .037 mm. which was undegenerate and which constituted the number of cells counted, so that the total number of cells counted does not show the real size of the nest in point of num- ber of cells, one-half of the area of the nest being degenerate. Tier 123ji.56789 10 11 Av. Total Direct D 1.312111. 1 1 5.5 12 Indirect D 12 11.11. 1 . 5.2 8 No. of cells. Direct divisions. Indirect divisions. 515 12 8 Percentage of cells in divisions 3.88 " of cells in direct divisions 2.30 " of cells in indirect divisions 1.50 " of divisions which are direct 60 " of divisions which are indirect 40 Cell Nest 5. This was one of the smaller sized nests and was quite vigorous, showing no degenerating cells at all. Tier 123^56789 10 11 Av. Total Direct D 00 00 Indirect D 3 . . 1 1.7 4 CLARK: CYTOLOGY OF CARCINOMA. 219 No. of cells. Direct divisions. Indirect divisions. 106 00 4 Pei'centage of cells in divisions 3.77 of cells in direct divisions 0 of cells in indirect divisions 3.77 of divisions which are direct 0 of divisions vi^hich are indirect 100 a II It a Cell Nest 6. This was a cross section of a large alveolus, being .2875 mm. in length and .1758 mm. in width. It was regularly oval in outline. There were two degenerate spots in it at opposite sides, the size of six to eight cells. With these exceptions the cells were all counted. Tier 123^56789 10 11 Av. Total Direct D 14 1.3.21.. . . 5.0 12 Indirect D 1 1 .... 2 5.2 4 No. of cells. Direct divisions. Indirect divisions. 676 12 4 Percentage of cells in divisions 2.36 " of cells in direct divisions 1.70 " of cells in indirect divisions 0.60 " of divisions which are direct 75 " of divisions which are indirect 25 Cell Nest 7. This was a small, oval, non-necrotic nest. Tier 123^56789 10 11 Av. Total Direct D 00 00 Indirect D 14 1.8 5 No. of cells. Direct divisions. Indirect divisions. 123 00 5 Percentage of cells in divisions 4.06 " of cells in direct divisions 0 " of cells in indirect divisions 4.06 " of divisions which are direct 0 " of divisions which are indirect 100 Cell Nest 9. This was a large necrotic nest, .2125 mm. in diameter, with a necrotic center .1125 mm. in diameter, which had a border of vigorous cells .05 mm. wide. Tier 123^56789 10 11 Av. Total Direct D 1 . 4 . 1 1 . . . 1 . . 4.2 8 Indirect D 1.1 2.0 2 No. of cells. Direct divisions. Indirect divisions. 299 8 2 Percentage of cells in divisions 3.34 " of cells in direct divisions 2.60 " of cells in indirect divisions 0.70 " of divisions which are direct 80 " of divisions which are indirect 20 220 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN, In the following cell nests I have taken the serial sections of the same nest and counted them in the same way as I did the single sections of the previously counted nests. I hope in this way to in a manner corroborate my results and also to study the history of the cell nest farther. Cell Nest 10. This nest was .4125 mm. in length, .0875 mm. in width. It was a nest that showed occasional spots of six to eight cells that had broken down, an average of two of these spots in each nest. The direct divisions occurred largely in the upper, wider end, while the indirect occurred largely in the lower, narrower end, but I have not illustrated this by sketches. It was therefore taken as a nest, non-necrotic, but near the stage when it would rapidly have become so, indicated by the degenerate spots. Cell Nest 10, A. Tier. 1 2 8 ^ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Av. D.D. I.D. Cells. Direct D. . . 1 2 1 2 1 . . 1 . . 5.6 8 Indirect D. 1 6 2 3 . 2 3.0 . . 14 532 Cell Nest 10, B. Direct D. 1 1 2 5 1 2 4.2 12 Indirect D. 2 3 3 3 2.6 .. 11 600 Cell Nest 10, C. Direct D. . 3 1 . . 3 3.8 7 Indirect D. 2 2 . 3 2 3.1 . . 9 557 Cell Nest 10, D. Direct D. . 1 1 3 2 2 1 4.6 10 Indirect D. 2 3 2 2 2.4 . . 9 655 Cell Nest 10, E. Direct D. . . 3 2 2 1 1 4.4 9 Indirect D. 1 1 2 1 1 1 3.4 . . 7 654 Cell Nest 10, F. Direct D. . . 4 3 2 2 4.1 11 Indirect D. 2 2 3 4 . 2 1 3.5 . . 14 650 Cell Nest 10, G. Direct D. . . 1 . . 4 2 5.8 7 Indirect D. 3 7 2 1 . 1 1 2.6 . . 15 564 No. of cells. Direct divisions. Indirect divisions. 4212 64 79 Percentage of cells in divisions 3.39 " of cells in direct divisions 1.50 " of cells in indirect divisions 1.80 " of divisions which are direct 44 " of divisions which are indirect 56 The direct divisions averaged 1.68 rows nearer the center than the indirect divisions. CLARK: CYTOLOGY OF CARCINOMA. 22l Cell Nest 11. This nest was probably one-half of a half necrotic alveolus. A sketch of it in cell nest 11 A is given in figure 9. The cross-hatched area shows that part of the nest that is necrotic, while the white border about it is the area of the cells counted. Cell Nest 11, A. Tie7\ 1 2 3 4 5 a 7 8 9 10 11 Av. D.D. I.D. Cells. Direct D. . 2 . 1 2.6 3 Indirect D. . 1 . 2 3.3 . . 3 334 Cell Nest 11, B. Direct D. . 3 . 1 . 3 . 1 . 1 . . 5.1 9 Indirect D. 2 . 1 1.6 . . 3 305 Cell Nest 11, C. Direct D. ... 1 1 3 . 1 5.8 6 Indirect D. 1 4 . 1 . 1 2.7 . . 7 279 Cell Nest 11, D. Direct D. 1 . 2 1 1 2 1 4.3 8 Indirect D. 1 2 1 2.0 . . 4 296 Cell Nest 11, E. Direct D. . 1 1 . 2 . . . 1 ... 4.8 5 Indirect D. 1 1 . 1 1 3.0 . . 4 279 Cell Nest 11, F. Direct D. . . 1 . 1 . 1 . . 1 . . 6.2 4 Indirect D. 2 . 2 . . 3 3.7 . . 7 271 Cell Nest 11, G. Direct D. . 2 1 1 3 . . 1 1 1 . . 5.3 10 Indirect D. 3 1 . . 1 2.0 . . 5 404 Cell Nest 11, H. Direct D. . 2 2 1 . . 1 . 1 . . . . 4.2 7 Indirect D. . 3 1 1 1 3.0 . . 6 391 Cell Nest 11, I. Direct D. . . 2 . 2 2 . . 1 1 . . 5.8 8 Indirect D. . 3 1 2 2 . 1 3.6 . . 9 393 Cell Nest 11, J. Direct D. . 1 .... 2 5.3 3 Indirect D. 1 . 1 3 1 3.5 . . 6 306 No. of cells. Direct divisions. Indirect divisions. 3258 63 54 Percentage of cells in divisions 3.59 " of cells in direct divisions 1.90 " of cells in indirect divisions 1.60 " of divisions which are direct 53.80 " of divisions which are indirect 46.10 The direct divisions in this nest averaged 2.1 rows farther away from the free edge of the nest than the indirect, or 2.1 rows nearer the center of the nest. 222 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Cell Nest 8. The work upon this nest was done with greater care than that upon the previous nests. I first made a camera lucida sketch of the nest in outline, then went over the nest carefully with the high power 8x compensating ocular and marked each division I found upon the outlined sketch. I then used an 8x Huyghenian ocular, upon the diaphragm of which I had placed a micromillimeter scale, and went over the field again, carefully counting the cells by the aid of the mi- crometer scale, and verified the previous locations of the divid- ing cells and located any new ones that I may have missed in the first survey. I thus corroborated my work and made it doubly sure by locating each dividing cell upon an outline sketch. I also used these sketches in the hope that together with the tables I might farther establish the apparent relation of directly dividing cells to the degenerating areas. Where this relation has been especially noticeable I have made high- power camera lucida drawings of the particular field to show some detail about the cells I counted, simply drawing the more important structures in relation to them. Using these large drawings and marking their position upon the smaller sketches one cannot avoid showing in the same way the slide does the real relation of the various dividing cells to these necrotic areas. In these outline sketches I only outlined the nest, tracing into any irregularities among the cells along the edge, so that, un- less otherwise marked, rifts in the nests will mean spaces left where the cells have apparently been pulled apart by external means. The areas that are entirely necrotic will not be dis- tinguished from those that show definite degenerating changes ; cells that are in the "chromatic cell" stage I have counted as ne- crotic. These areas are shown by cross-hatched work. The in- direct divisions are shown by a dot or "X" while the direct divisions are shown by a circle. Starting with figure 10 the sections are in serial arrangement. This cell nest 8 is only a portion of the entire alveolus, showing at the right side of the sketch just the end of a necrotic plug, and leaving the greater part shown in the vigorous condition. I used this nest to con- trast, if possible, the two divisions in these two areas. CLARK: CYTOLOGY OF CARCINOMA. 223 Fig, 10. Cell Nest 8, A. Tier. 1 2 3 A 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Av. D.D. I.D. Cells. Direct D. . 1 . 1 3 . . 2 1 . . . . 5.4 8 Indirect D. 2 4 4 1 2 2 3.2 . . 15 534 Fig. 11. Cell Nest 8, B. Direct D. . 1 2 3 2 . 1 4.1 9 Indirect D. 1 4 4 3 1 2 3.3 . . 15 511 Fig. 12. Cell Nest 8, C. Direct D. . 1 1 1 5 1 3 2 1 .... 5.7 15 Indirect D. 7 3 3 3 2 1 4 1 3.5 . . 24 554 Fig. 14. Cell Nest 8, C. Direct D. . 1 2 2 2 2 . 1 4.6 10 Indirect D. 2 2 2 5 2 1 1 1 4.0 . . 16 555 Cell Nest 8, D. Direct D. 1 2 . 1 2 3 2 5.1 11 Indirect D. 3 1 3 3 4 1 1 3.6 . . 16 626 SUBNEST 8, D. Direct D. ... 1 1 4.5 2 Indirect D. 3 5 1 1.7 .. 9 172 Cell Nest 8, E. Direct D. . 1 2 2 3 2 1 4.9 11 Indirect D. 4 3 7 4 4 3.0 . . 22 869 Cell Nest 8, F. Direct D. . . 3 2 6 2 3 5.0 16 Indirect D. 3 5 3 2 2 2 ........ 3.0 . . 17 745 Fig. 16. Cell Nest 8, G. Direct D. . 2 3 1 3 4 1 1 4.7 15 Indirect D. 2 6 2 1 . 1 1 2.8 . . 13 916 Fig. 18. Cell Nest 8, H. Direct D. 1 2 3 1 . 3 3 4.3 13 ... ... Indirect D. 3 1 7 1 .. 2 . 1 .... 3.5 . . 15 907 Fig. 19. Cell Nest 8, I. Direct D. 1 . 2 1 2 . 1 3 . . . 1 5.7 11 Indirect D. 1 1 7 2 4 1 1 3.8 . . 17 912 No. of cells. Direct divisions. Indirect divisions. 7301 121 179 Percentage of cells in division 4.01 " of cells in direct division 1.60 " of cells in indirect division 2.40 " of divisions which are direct 40.33 " of divisions which are indirect 59.66 The direct divisions of this nest averaged 1.78 rows nearer the center than the indirect. 2-Univ. Sci. Bull., Vol. V, No. 12. 224 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. DESCRIPTION OF OUTLINE SKETCHES AND DRAWINGS. Cell Nest 8, "A" (fig. 10) . The amount of necrotic material in this figure is greater than in the following ones, the necrotic plug showing less and less in each consecutive section. There are no divisions shown in this figure near the necrotic plug, but the nearest two are direct. The greater part of the divid- ing cells are in the limb of the nest. Cell Nest 8, "B" (fig. 11). The number of divisions pres- ent in the distal part of the limb is noticeable. There are three direct divisions immediately adjacent to the necrotic plug and one nearer than the nearest indirect division. Cell Nest 8, "C" (fig. 12). In this nest there was an un- usually large number of dividing cells. At the point of the arrow in figure 12 is the center of the group of cells drawn on a large scale in figure 13. About the arrow point are the four direct divisions and the two indirect divisions shown in the en- larged group. This group of nineteen cells includes a larger area under the lens than any previously drawn. I drew all the cells of importance under the field of the camera lucida, in- cluding a field .05 mm. in diameter, while the previous groups drawn have included an area only .0375 mm. in diameter. It is located on the edge of the necrotic area and includes the whole width of cells lying between this area and the free edge of the cell nest, cell F being in the first row of the nest, while cell B is among the necrotic cells. The direct divisions of this section are deep in the center of the nest, while the indirect are largely very close to the edge, seven cells out of twenty-five dividing indirectly lying in the first row and no directly di- viding cells nearer than the second row, and then only one. A general survey of these sketches together with the tables strongly indicates that the cells on the edge of the tumor increase almost, if not wholly, by indirect divisions, while those deeper away from the edge increase largely by direct divisions but occasionally by indirect. I want to emphasize by the large drawings the intimate association of the directly dividing cells with the degenerate ones. Cells H, H', H" are the "chromatic cells" that I have described previously under figure 13. Sur- rounding these cells closely are cells A, B, C, D and E, plainly in the process of direct division. Cell B is peculiar in that it shows no chromatin nucleolus in either segment of the nucleus. This same occurrence was noticed in numbers CLARK: CYTOLOGY OF CARCINOMA. 225 of resting cells, B, B' , figure 8, etc., just outside the zone of "chromatic cells" H, H', H". Its chromatin had wholly or largely disappeared, and if any remained it was loosely diff'used through the karyoplasm. Cell E is another cell show- ing no chromatin in any of the segments of its nucleus. It evidently was in decay for it was very translucent. The frag- ments of its nucleus showed no chromatin at all. It may be that a cell such as B, which has vigor enough to cause its nucleus to segment but not to cytoplasm, gradually loses its staining ability and its definiteness of outline and later becomes merely a mass of debris through a stage represented in cell E. Cells F and G are two cells in the indirect division process. The di- rectly dividing cells are much larger than the resting cells or those dividing indirectly. Cell A is .0093 mm. in its greatest diameter, cell B is .007 mm., cell C is .0093 mm., cell G is .0062 mm., cell F is .0062 mm., cell E is .0093 mm., cell D is .0085 mm., while cell /, an average resting cell, is .0062 mm. in its greatest diameter. This cell shows the breaking up of the chromatin and its diffusion through the karyoplasm, possibly preceding cells H, H', H". Its nucleus is .005 mm. in diameter, while the diameter of the "chromatic mass" in cells H, H', H" is .0031 mm., showing evidently a shrinkage in the latter. Figure 14, In this section two indirect divisions are shown located on the very edge of the necrotic plug, and two more near. There are also close to the edge of the nest three direct divisions, still showing a greater proportion of direct divisions near the necrotic area than indirect, when compared with the total number of divisions of each in the section. But this shows that indirect division may occur on the very edge of a degenerating area. At the lower extremity of the limb of the regular section following is found a circular group of cells, which in the next section shows a connection with the larger body. This is the first appearance of this group, but in the previous sections there is a circular space indicating where it has been but from which it has in some way been lost. There is a cleft entirely through the regular section, but this was where the cells had pulled apart and not where they had degenerated. The direct divisions are intimately associated with the necrotic spots. In the middle segment there are two indirect divisions on the edge 226 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. of the necrotic area, but usually they are near the free edge of the nest. In the succeeding section the subnest has joined the limb of the main body and it was all counted together. There are three necrotic areas in this section. In the lower one the two directly dividing cells of that region are on the edge of the degenerated area. A later section shows the nest in two segments, broken apart from each other. A pluripolar cell division shows at one place. The group of cells drawn under high power in figure 15 is from this section. Figure 15 shows a group of five directly and one indirectly dividing cells. In this drawing and those made hereafter I shall indicate the segments of the nucleus as they appear through the depth of the cell, demonstrating their over- lapping. The border line used was drawn at the edge of the cells which presented no marked degeneration changes, but it is not a hard, fast line, a few vigorous cells jutting out farther than the line and a few chromatic cells being behind it. Cells A, B, C, D and E show well-marked direct divisions. Cell A is on the necrotic border. Cell B, a very small cell for a di- rectly dividing one, is a half cell width from the necrotic border. Cell C is a trifle closer than B to the border. Cell D is in the third row from the border. It is peculiar in that its chromatin nucleoli in each segment are not staining deeply and the chromatin is diffused through the karyoplasm. Cell E is in the fourth row from the necrotic edge. Cell F is an indirectly dividing cell and is in the same row of cells as cells C and B. Cells G and G' are the "chromatic cells" described under figure 13. They mark the edge of the necrotic plug and are in various stages of degeneration, as indicated by the disintegra- tion of their cytoplasm and the loss of the staining power of their chromatin. This sketch together with the smaller one shows well this collecting of large numbers of the directly di- viding cells about these necrotic areas. There are mitotic cells here, but not in such proportion in comparison to their total number as the amitotic. Figure 16. In this section there are more direct divisions than indirect. There is a noticeable change in the number of indirect divisions in the lower part of the nest, in what was termed a "subnest" in a preceding section. In one section there are nine indirect divisions, two direct. In the next there CLARK: CYTOLOGY OF CARCINOMA. 227 are eight indirect divisions, two direct. In the next there are five indirect divisions, three direct. In a later (fig. 16), there are five indirect divisions, four direct. In another (fig. 19), there are four indirect divisions, three direct. This shows consistently in this case that as the center of the nest is ap- proached in the sections the number of direct divisions increase in proportion while the indirect decrease in proportion. In the region of the arrow point of figure 16 an enlarged drawing was made (figure 17). I used this to show more detail about the cells shown in figure 16. Cell A was on the edge of the necrotic area. Its chromatin was small in amount and gathered in two clumps in one segment and three in the other. Cell C is an ordinary dividing cell. Cell D is in the second row from the necrotic edge. The cross-hatched work shows the necrotic area, this area being entirely necrotic and showing no transi- tion cells along the edge. Figure 18. There are but two dividing cells in the upper segment of this nest, while in an earlier there are fourteen, the number decreasing with each section until this one. They have increased steadily in the middle part of the limb, however, from eleven to nearly twenty in the section shown in figure 18. This carefully worked out will demonstrate that at the same 'time the cells in one part of the nest are rapidly dividing those in another part are not dividing at all. There is either an unequal stimulus to growth in the nest or an unequal negative cause. Figure 19. This nest is the same one as that in the preced- ing figure, but in this section the two parts have been sepa- rated. At the point of the arrow is the location of figure 20, and here are shown the three dividing cells drawn in figure 20. In figure 20, cell A is plainly among the degenerating cells in the necrotic plug, and is surrounded by "chromatic cells," no vigorous cell being near. It is a large clear cell with a biseg- mented nucleus and showing but very little chromatin. Its appearance indicates that it is a degenerating cell. Cell B lies just outside the border of vigorous cells. Its nucleus is bi- segmented and it stains much deeper than the cytoplasm. The chromatin nucleoli stain very faintly. Cell C is a large clear cell lying in the third row of cells from the necrotic edge. It stains lighter than the other cells about it and shows a small amount of chromatin and that stained faintly. Cells A and B 228 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. are noticeable because they have broken off from the vigorous growth and lie among cells that are distinctly necrotic. Out of the 294 direct divisions in all the nests only 7 occurred in the first row on the edge of the nest. Out of the 357 indirectly dividing cells 63 occurred in the first row on the edge of the nest. The direct divisions in all the nests averaged 1.68 rows nearer the center than the indirect divisions. Cell Nest 12. This nest was sketched and counted in forty-two serial sections. It began as three or four groups of cells which were the cross sections of limbs which later fused into a common trunk. It was non-necrotic throughout. Cell Nest 12, I. Tier 12 3 4 5 6 Direct D 1 . . . Indirect D 2 1 4 . . . Cell Nest 12, II. Direct D Indirect D 4 . i i ! '. 2.8 '. 6 140 Direct D Indirect D 1 2.0 . 1 78 Av. D.D. I.D. Cells 3.0 1 2.2 , 7 166 Cell Nest 12, III. .2 2.0 . 1 2.0 Cell Nest 12, IV. . . 1 . . . . 3.0 2 . . 1 . . . 2.0 Direct D Indirect D 2 . . 1 . . . 2.0 . 3 77 Cell Nest 12, V. Direct D Indirect D 2 3 1 . Cell Nest 12 Direct D 1 . Indirect D 1 1 Cell Nest 12 Direct D 1 1 . Indirect D 2 1 Cell Nest 12 Direct D Indirect D 1 3 . 3 Cell Nest 12 Direct D 1 1 Indirect D 1 1 1 VI. VII. VIII. IX. 1.8 . 6 180 3.0 1 2.5 . 2 81 2.5 2 2.3 . 4 85 2.7 . 7 83 3.5 2 2.0 . 3 86 Cell Nest 12, X. Direct D 2 . . . 4.0 2 Indirect D 2 2 1.4 , 4 169 CLARK: CYTOLOGY OF CARCINOMA. 229 Cell Nest 12, XI. Direct D Indirect D 3 3 2 . . . . 1.9 . 8 206 Cell Nest 12, XII. Direct D • Indirect D 2 2 2 . . . . 2.0 . 6 227 Cell Nest 12, XIII. Direct D 1 1 . . 3 . . 3.6 5 Indirect D 6 1 1.1 . 7 235 Cell Nest 12, XIV. Direct D 4 . . . 4.0 1 Indirect D 5.2.... 1.5 . 7 360 Cell Nest 12, XV. Direct D 1 . . 5.0 1 Indirect D 3.2.11. 2.8 . 7 328 Cell Nest 12, XVI. Direct D 1 . . . 4.0 1 Indirect D 3.1121. 3.2 . 8 335 ■ Cell Nest 12, XVII. Direct D 1 1 . . . 3.5 2 Indirect D 4 2 11. . . 1.9 . 8 365 Cell Nest 12, XVIII. Direct D 1 . . . 4.0 1 Indirect D 9 . 2 . 1 . . 1.6 . 12 362 Cell Nest 12, XIX. Direct D 1 1 . 5.5 2 Indirect D 5 . . . . 1 . 1.6 6 . . 309 Cell Nest 12, XX. Direct D 1 . . 1 . 4.5 2 Indirect D 13.1.1. 2.5 . 6 332 Cell Nest 12, XXI. Direct D 2 2.0 1 Indirect D 2 1 1.3 . 3 215 Cell Nest 12, XXII. Direct D . Indirect D 14 11. . . 2.4 . 7 209 Cell Nest 12, XXIII. Direct D 1 1 . 1 1 . . 3.0 4 Indirect D 2 . 2 . . . . 2.0 . 4 254 Cell Nest 12, XXIV. Direct D . 1 2.0 1 Indirect D 6 1 2 . . . . 1.5 . 9 288 Cell Nest 12, XXV. Direct D 1 . . 5.0 1 Indirect D 2 3 1.7 . 5 449 230 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Cell Nest 12, XXVI. Direct D 1 1 . 1 . Indirect D 5 4 Cell Nest 12, XXVII. Direct D 1 2 . . 1 . Indirect D 6 3 2 . . . . Cell Nest 12, XXVIII. Direct D 1 1 2 . . Indirect D 3 2 1 1 1 . Direct D. , Indirect D. Cell Nest 12, XXIX . 1 . . . . 3.22. . Cell Nest 12, XXX. Direct D 2 . . . Indirect D 5 2 1 . . . Cell Nest 12, XXXI Direct D 1 Indirect D 3 2 1 . . . Cell Nest 12, XXXII Direct D 1 . . . 1 Indirect D 1 2 1 . . . Cell Nest 12, XXXIII. Direct D 1 . . . 1 1 . Indirect D 5 1 1 . . . . Cell Nest 12, XXXIV. Direct D 1 1 . . 1 . . Indirect D 2 . 1 . 1 . . Cell Nest 12, XXXV. Direct D 1 . . . 2 . Indirect D 5 2 . . 1 . . Cell Nest 12, XXXVI. Direct D 1 1 . Indirect D 4 3 1 2 . . . Cell Nest 12, XXXVII. Direct D 3 . 1 . . . Indirect D 3 6 1 1 . . . Cell Nest 12, XXXVIII. Direct D 1 . . . 1 . Indirect D 6 2 1 1 . . . Cell Nest 12, XXXIX. Direct D 1 . . 3 . 1 1 Indirect D 5 4 1 1 . . . Cell Nest 12, XL. Direct D 2 , . Indirect D 6 2 2 . . . . 4.3 1.4 3 '9 sie 3.5 1.6 4 ii 230 3.2 2.4 4 '8 334 2.0 2.4 1 '7 293 3.0 1.5 2 "s 307 1.0 1.6 1 6 3'34 4.0 2.0 2 '4 28i 4.0 1.4 3 '7 435 2.6 2.5 3 *4 38i 4.6 1.7 3 "s 43i 5.5 2.1 2 io 479 2.5 2.0 4 ii 537 4.0 1.7 2 io 55i 4.3 1.8 6 ii 498 5.0 1.6 2 io 4i6 CLARK: CYTOLOGY OF CARCINOMA. 231 Cell Nest 12, XLL Direct D 2 2.0 2 Indirect D 2 3 4.6 . 5 371 Cell Nest 12, XLII. Direct D 1 1 . . 2 . 4.2 4 Indirect D. 4 2 3. . 1 . 2.3 . 10 421 No. of cells. Direct divisions. Indirect divisions. 12,228 81 285 Percentage of cells in divisions 2.99 " of cells in direct divisions 6 " of cells in indirect divisions 2.3 " of divisions which are direct 22.1 " of divisions which are indirect 77.9 Table of all the nests counted, showing percentage of cells in division, percentage of cells in direct division, and percent- age of cells in indirect division : Percentage of Percentage of Per •centage of Cell nest. cells in cells in cells in division. direct divisio7i. indirect division 2 4.42 1.5 2.9 3 4.34 1.9 2.4 4 3.88 2.3 1.5 5 3.77 0.0 3.77 6 2.36 1.7 .6 7 4.06 0.0 4.06 8 4.01 1.6 2.4 9 3.34 2.6 .7 10 3.39 1.5 1.8 11 3.59 1.9 1.6 12 2.99 .6 2.3 The writer of this paper wishes here to acknowledge his in- debtedness to Doctor McClung, whose kind suggestions made this work possible, and to Doctor M. T. Sudler for the material and clinical data upon which this study is based. CONCLUSIONS. 1. The percentage of cells in division shows no relation to the percentage of amitoses or mitoses. 2. The percentage of mitoses is high in small non-necrotic nests. 3. The percentage of amitoses is high in large necrotic nests, indicating that it is the division associated with degeneration. 4. Amitosis is the form of division occurring in the necrotic area. 5. The rate of division in the various nests is inconstant. 6. The directly dividing cells lie nearer the center of the cell 3-Univ. Sci. Bull.. Vol. V. No. 12. 232 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. nests and thus nearer the necrotic areas than the indirectly dividing cells. 7. The indirectly dividing cells lie nearer the periphery of the nest than the directly dividing cells. 8. From these observations it may therefore reasonably be concluded that amitosis represents the final effort of the cell at reproduction, and that shortly after its occurrence degenera- tion ensues. 9. Amitosis, mitosis and disintegration comprise the cell changes in the alveoli. 10. Cells in direct and indirect division are larger than the resting cells. 11. In one stage of degeneration of the cells the chromatin becomes diffused through the karyoplasm and so swells that it fills the nucleus as a deeply staining, homogeneous m^ass. In another process of degeneration the chromatin loses its staining power and the cell becomes clear. 12. There is a shrinkage of the nuclear bulk in degeneration. 13. A border of chromatic cells lies between the vigorous cells and the cell debris of the necrotic area and marks the limit of degeneration; such cells are themselves degeneration results. BIBLIOGRAPHY. C. M. Child. Studies on the Relation Between Amitosis and Mitosis. Biological Bulletin, vol. XII, No. 2, January, 1907. J. George Adami. General Pathology. J. E. S. Moore and C. E. Walker. First Report on the Cytological In- vestigation of Cancer, 1906. Alfred Stengel. General Pathology. J. T. Patterson. Amitosis in the Pigeon's Egg. Anatomischer Anzeiger, Bd. 32, 1908. THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vol. V, No. 13 — March, 1910. (Whole Series, Vol. XV. No. l."}.) CONTENTS: The Temnospondylous Amphibia and a New Species op Eryops FROM THE Permian of Oklahoma, . . . Roy L. Moodie. PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY, LAWRENCE, KAN. October, 1911. Entered at the post-office in Lawrence as second-class matter. 3310 THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vol. V, No. .3.] MARCH, 1910. [vorxv.'™! THE TEMNOSPONDYLOUS AMPHIBIA AND A NEW SPECIES OF ERYOPS FROM THE PERMIAN . OF OKLAHOMA. BY ROY L. MOODIE. (Contribution from the Zoological Laboratory, No. 189.) Plates XLIX to LIV. OUR knowledge of the fossil Amphibia begins with Dr. J. J. Scheuczer's discovery of two skeletons in the Miocene of Oeningen, which he referred to as "Homo diluvii testis et Theoskopos," and which later Hermann von Meyer desig- nated "Andrias scheuczeri," thus keeping the same idea in the generic name as Scheuczer had expressed in his letters and descriptions. The discovery was made about 1725, so far as I can ascertain. His letter to Sir Hans Sloane in 1726, which was translated in the republished volume of the early trans- actions of the Royal Society of London, is the first definite mention I find of this discovery in the literature which is ac- cessible to me. Exactly one hundred years elapsed from the time of Scheuc- zer's discovery of the giant salamander skeletons to the time when Dr. Georg Friedrick Jaeger discovered in the Triassic of Germany some labyrinthodont remains which he figured and described in his folio published in 1824 at Stuttgart with the title "De Ichthyosauri sive Proteosauri Fossilis Specimenibus in Agro Bollensi in Wurtembergia." He figured the occipital portion of the skull and teeth of what he, in 1828, called "Mas- todonsaurus." In 1833 Doctor Jaeger pointed out the syn- onymy of Salamandroides with Mastodonsaurus. Previous to (235) 236 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Doctor Jaeger's discovery, however, was that of the form Pygopterus, the history of which is given below. The literature on fossil Amphibia for the next twenty years following Jaeger's last mentioned paper deals almost entirely with the Tertiary Amphibia, although in 1844 and 1845 Her- mann von Meyer published some interesting papers on the more ancient amphibians. It is interesting to note that in von Meyer's "System der fossilen Saurier," 1845, he does not men- tion a single temnospondylous amphibian. Our knowledge of the Temnospondylia dates from the year 1847, in which year Dr. August Goldfuss described Archego- saurus, the first known and for many years the only representa- tive of this order of amphibians. Doctor Goldfuss gave as the title of the paper in which he described Archegosanrus "Ueber das selteste der mit Bestimmtheit erkannten Reptilien." It will thus be noticed from the literature that the early writers re- garded the labyrinthodonts and their allies as reptiles. It was Quenstedt who in 1850 made the first contention that "Die Mastodonsaurier im gruenen Keuper Sandstein Wurtemburgs sind Batrachier," and from that time dates the development of our knowledge of these extinct forms as Amphibia. Three years after Quenstedt's paper appeared, Vogt upheld the same contention in his essay "Archegosaurus und all Labyrintho- donten sind Amphibien nicht Reptilien." In 1850, after the discovery of the Archegosaurus and its identification. Doctor Jaeger published an interesting essay en- titled "Ueber die Uebereinstimmung des Pygopterus liichis Ag. mit dem Archegosaurus dedienii Goldf." In this essay Jaeger brings out the interesting facts of the early discovery of the Archegosaurus. I give the following translation of the first paragraph of Jaeger's essay: "In the collection of the late Professor Storr, of Tubingen, which was received in 1817 at the Imperial Museum of Natural History at Stuttgart, there was found a skull enclosed in a spherosiderite nodule. This skull was listed in 1777 as No. 192, in the printed catalogue of the Pasquay collection (which was the foundation of the Storr col- lection), without giving the locality, as a fish skull which had been discovered in a non-fissile gray shale. Agassiz, at whose disposal the entire collection of fossil fishes was soon after placed, designated this specimen on a label in his own hand- writing at first as Aspidorhynchus nov. sp. On a label written MOODIE: PERMIAN ANPHIBIA. 237 by him later it is designated as Pygopterus lucius. In the first part of the second volume of the Fossil Fishes (Poissons fos- siles) , page 10, Agassiz placed this skull in the family Sauroidse as the second species of the genus Pygopterus, with the short description : 'Pygojjtei^us lucius Ag., une tete seulement, dont la machoire superieure est plus allongee. Houille de Saar- briick.' In the same work, part II, page 78, this specimen is designated as the fifth species of Pygopterus, with the descrip- tion, 'une tete avec des dents tres acerees, de la houille de Saar- briick. L'original se trouve au Musee de Stuttgart.' He re- gards the same specimen as the third species on page 162 in the synoptic table of the family Sauroidse arranged in the order of the formations of the Carboniferous which contained Sauroidse. It is also given this place in the general table of fossil fishes which appeared in 1844, page xxxvi." Jaeger affirmed the supposition of Agassiz that the speci- men was from Saarbriick, from the similarity of the nodule to those found at that place. He then proceeded to show that the skull described by Agassiz as Pygopterus lucius really shows reptilian characters which Jaeger regarded as intermediate between those of a crocodile and an Iguana. He then compared it with the skull of a young crocodile and also with the skulls of various lizards. He found that the measurements and propor- tions of the skull compare favorably with those of the crocodile, and that the teeth have the form and size of those of a newly born crocodile. The position of the orbit is also identical with that of the crocodile. He made the important observation that the nostrils have the lateral position of the lizards. He then compared the specimen with other known fossil forms, i. e., Zygosaurus, RJmiosaurus and the labyrinthodonts, and found considerable differences. He then made the following interest- ing observations regarding Archegosaurus: "At the meeting of naturalists in Aachen in 1847 Goldfuss described the remains in one of the many spherosiderite nodules, which contained a rep- tile skull, to which he gave the name ArcJiegosam-us. He estab- lished three species for the genus, which he described more fully in a later publication. Only one species of this genus, Archegosaurus clecheni, was described and figured in the Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, 1847, Tab. VI, with a line drawing." Jaeger then pointed out in a conclusive manner the identity of Pygopterus lucius with A)-cJiegosau)-us. He re- 238 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. garded Archegosauriis as allied to the Crocodilia but having characters of the Batrachia as were exhibited in the labyrintho- donts, and on account of the geological position of the fossils he supposed that Archegosaurus would really belong with the labyrinthodonts. Huxley in 1862 described Pholidogaste7' pisciformis from the Carboniferous of Scotland. In the next year he distributed the ancient Amphibia into the two groups, the Archegosauria and the Masto(^onsauria of von Meyer. In the former group he placed Pholidogaster, to which it manifestly does not belong. Huxley was himself doubtful as to its location, for he says : "Archegosaurus, of course, takes its place among the Archego- sauria ; and Pholidogaster, I suspect, must go with it, though its vertebra are far better ossified" ; and in a footnote he makes the interesting statement : "It seems to me probable that the verte- bral centra of Archegosaurus may really have been osseous rings, such as are found in embryo frogs and salamanders," which shows that he was on the right track but did not quite comprehend the nature of the vertebrae of Archegosaurus. Our knowledge for the next few years of our history is advanced but little, and that only by sundry discussions on Archegosaurus. In 1866 Owen placed Archegosaurus in his subclass "Dipnoa," under the order "Ganocephala." In the same year Haekel retained Owen's classification, except that he displaced Owen's "Dipnoa" with 'Thractamphibia." Cope, in 1868, retained essentially the same classification as proposed by Owen. In 1874 the committee of the British Association for the Advancement of Science reported on the extinct Am- phibia, and placed Archegosaurus by itself in group VI, the Archegosauria. No further additions were made to our knowledge of the Temnospondylia until 1875 and 1878, when Cope described Cricotus from the Carboniferous of Illinois and T rimer orhachis from the Permian of Texas. In the next year Gaudry described Actinodon from the Permian of France. In 1882 a decided ad- vance was made in the separation by Professor Cope of the rhachitomous forms such as Eryops, Actinodon, Zatrachys, Tri- merorhachis and other genera, which have subsequently proven to be synonyms of the genera mentioned, into a distinct group. Cope proposed the term Rhachitomi for this subordinal group, and designated two families, the Eryopidse and the Trimeror- MOODIE: PERMIAN ANPHIBIA. 239 hachidae as its members. Later in the same year Cope de- scribed Acheloma from Texas. In 1885 Lydekker added other genera and families to the group, notably Gondwanosaurus, which he placed in the family Archegosauridse. In 1884 Cope, and in the following year Fritsch, contributed further to the knowledge of the Temnospondylia by the description of the forms Dijjlospondylus and Cricotus from the Permian of Bo- hemia and Texas. In 1888 Zittel proposed to place all temno- spondylus amphibians under the suborder Temnospondyli in two groups — A, those with rhachitomous vertebrse; B, those with embolomerous vertebrae — for which two groups Cope had previously, 1885, proposed the terms Rhachitomi and Embo- lomeri, but had regarded them as coordinate with the group Stegocephali. Case, Broili, and others have in recent years given additional information on the forms previously described and have de- scribed some new forms. In 1909 Dr. S. W. Williston, in his essay on ''Trematops milleri from the Permian of Texas," was enabled to give a restoration of the skeleton of that form. In the present bulletin the writer will describe an interesting new embolomerous amphibian under the name Spondylerpeton spinatum, from the Coal Measures of Mazon Creek, Illinois. This is the oldest of the known Temnospondylia. We know nothing of the ancestry of the Temnospondylia. They occur in the Carboniferous and Permian, and if the Ster- eospondylia are highly specialized Temnospondylia, as seems probable, they also occur in the Triassic, but this is yet to be proven. The geographical distribution of the Temnospondylia is as follows : In the Carboniferous and Permian of North America ; Europe; and Asia, in the Permocarboniferous of India, Gond- wanosaurus. So far as the writer is aware they occur nowhere else unless some of the little known forms from South Africa will, on further search, reveal temnospondylous characters. It is entirely too soon to arrive at any conclusions as to the paths of migration of this group. They followed the way which was open to other land animals, whatever that may have been. Nor can we say in what region the first of the Temnospondy- lia lived. Judging from the remains so far discovered their place of origin must be located in North America. The an- nouncement of the discovery of the eryopoid form from Pitts- 240 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. burg, Pa., by Case, and the discovery by the writer of the cricotoid form in the Mazon Creek fauna, as well as the pres- ence of Carboniferous Cricotidse in Illinois and Kansas, all point to an origin of the temnospondylous group at an earlier date in North America than in any other region of the globe. The embolomerous forms are by far the older. The species of fossil Amphibia from the Carboniferous, Permian and Triassic are so little known that it is difficult to give a definite list of the species of the Temnospondylia. The list given below is believed to be approximately accurate. It does not differ in essential outlines from that given by Zittel in 1887. The species are distributed in the various groups to which, at the present time, they seem to belong : CLASS— AMPHIBIA, Linne, 1758. Order — Temnospondylia, Zittel, 1887. Suborder — Rhachitomi, Cope, 1885. Family — Eryopid^e Cope, 1882. Eryops megacephalus Cope, 1877. Permian of Texas. " erythrolithicus Cope, 1878. Permian of Texas. " ferricolus Cope, 1878. Permian of Texas. " reticulatus Cope, 1881. Permian of Texas. " ? platypus Cope, 1877. Carboniferous of Ohio. " latus Case, 1905. Permian of Texas. " willistoni Moodie, 1911. Permian of Oklahoma. Trematops milleri Williston, 1909. Permian of Texas. Acheloma cumminsi Cope, 1882. Permian of Texas. Ichthycanthus ohiensis Cope, 1877. Carboniferous of Ohio. Gondwanosaurus bijoriensis Lydekker. Bijori, India. Zatrachys apicalis Cope, 1881. Permian of Texas. " conchigerus Cope, 1896. Permian of Texas. " crucifer Case, 1905. Permian of Texas. " micropthalmus Cope, 1896. Permian of Texas. " serratus Cope, 1878. Pemiian of Texas. Actinodon frossardi Gaudry, 1880. Permian of France. " latirostris Jordan. Permian of France. * (?) Anisodexis enchodus Cope, 1897. Carboniferous of Ohio. * " imbrecarius Cope, 1882, Permian of Texas. *Rhytidosteus capensis Owen, 1884. Karoo Beds, South Africa. (?) *Euchirosaurus rochei Gaudry. Permian of France. Family — Trimerorhachid^ Cope, 1882. Trimerorhachis bilobatus Cope, 1883. Permian of Texas. " conangulus Cope, 1896. Permian of Texas. " insignis Cope, 1878. Permian of Texas. " mesops Cope, 1896. Permian of Texas. " leptorhynchus Case, 1902. Permian of Oklahoma. Cricotillus brachydens Case. Permian of Oklahoma. Archegosaurus austricus Makowsky, 1876. " decheni Goldfuss, 1847. Permian of Germany. " latifrons Gein. & Deich. Permian of Saxony. " ornatus Woodward, 1905. Permian of India, MOODIE: PERMIAN ANPHIBIA. 241 Platypodosaurus ricardi Twelvetrees, 1880. Permian of Russia. " stiickenbergi Trautschold. Zechstein of Russia. Cochleosaurus bohemicus Fritpch, 1876. Permian of Bohemia. Gaudrya latistoma Fritsch, 1885. Permian of Bohemia. Chelyosaurus vranyi Fritsch, 1878. Permian of Bohemia. *Sphenosaurus sternbergi Fitzinger, 1840. Permian of Bohemia. Sparagmites lacertinus Fritsch, 1885. Permian of Bohemia. *Sclerocephalus hauseri Goldfuss. Permian of Germany. *Sclerocephalus credneri Fritsch. Permian of Bohemia. *Sclerosaurus bavaricus Branco. Rothl. Ohmbach. *Melosaurus uralensis H. von Meyer. Kupfersandstein. *Osteophorus roemeri H. von Meyer. Rothl. Schliessen. *Zygosaurus lucius Eichwald. Permian of Russia. Gonioglyptus huxleyi Lydekker from the Gondwana beds of India also possibly belongs in this family. So many genera and species of extinct Amphibia are based on fragments of crania or limbs that an exact diagnosis of the forms is impossible. The species marked with a star (*) are uncertain as to position. Many of the species listed under the Trimerorhachidse are placed in this family on the authority of Lydekker, who included them in his family Archegosauridse, which was preoccupied by Trimerorhachidse. Doctor Williston regards Trematops milleri Will, and Acheloma cumminsi Cope as representatives of a family distinct from the Eryopidse for which in 1910 he proposed the name Trematopsidse. He also regards the species of Zatrachys as entitled to family rank in the Zatrachydidse, Williston, 1910. Euchirosaurus of Gaudry is probably a reptile. Suborder — Embolomeri, Cope, 1881. Family — Cricotid^ Cope, 1884. Cricotus gibsoni Cope, 1877. Carboniferous of Illinois. " crassidiscus Cope, 1884. Permian of Texas. " heteroclitus Cope, 1875. Carboniferous of Illinois. " hypantricus Cope, 1884. Permian of Texas. " sp. indet. Case. Carboniferous of Illinois. Diplospondylus punctatum Fritsch. Permian of Bohemia. Spondylerpeton spinatum Moodie, 1910. Carboniferous of Illinois. ? *Discosaurus permianus Credner. Permian of Saxony. Family — Dissorophid^ Williston, 1910. Dissorophus multicinctus Cope, 1895. Permian of Texas. " mimeticus Cope, 1896. Permian of Texas. " testudineus Cope, 1896. Permian of Texas. Cacops aspidephorus Will. 1910. Permian of Texas. Aspidosaurus chiton Broili, 1904. Permian of Texas. From the foregoing diagnosis is will be seen that about 55 species of the 350 which have been assigned to the fossil Amphibia of the world can be located in the order Temno- 242 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. spondylia. Without doubt some of these species will prove in- valid and there will be others already described which will in time prove to belong to this group, but the above statements represent an approximation of our present knowledge. Since the present essay is to deal especially with a new mem- ber of the genus E^ijojJs, only those groups will be here de- fined to which Eryops and its allies pertain. Order — Temnospondylia, Zittel, 1887. Terrestrial or semiaquatic vertebrata ; skull bones pitted and grooved; lateral line canals present; pineal foramen some- times absent; sclerotic plates present; vertebrae rachitomous or embolomerous ; notochord usually persistent ; one or two sacral vertebra; tail present, short or long; limbs and girdles all well developed ; pectoral and pelvic girdles composed of the usual stegocephalan elements; an osseous pubis present; cleithrum present on the scapula in some forms; limb bones well developed and bones of forearm and leg separate; carpus and tarsus osseous, 12 elements present in tarsus of one form, 11 carpals; five digits in hand and foot; phalangeal formula 2, 3, 3, 4, 2 (?) for the hand and 2-3-3-3-2 (?) for the foot; venter covered with an armature of osseous scutes, sometimes overlapping; skin of back bare or armored; ribs heavy, double- headed, curved, and either moderately long or short. Body short and heavy. As compared to skull, about two to one. Temporal foramina present in a few forms. Range. Pennsylvanian to (Triassic) Upper Permian. Distribution. North America — Illinois, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas. Europe — Germany, Bohemia, France. Asia — India. The suborder Rhachitomi is characterized solely by the na- ture of the vertebral column, which is cut into triangular seg- ments. Family — Eryopid^ Cope, 1882. Large terrestrial or amphibious vertebrata; skull bones deeply marked with pits and grooves which at times take the form of lateral line canals ; carpus and tarsus osseous ; pubis osseous ; pentadactyl fore and hind limbs ; orbits in the typical genus located far back on the skull and near the median line; cleithrum present on the scapula ; vertebrae rachitomous, the intercentrum supporting the arch in the dorsal region; para- MOODIE: PERMIAN ANPHIBIA. 243 sphenoid well developed or reduced ; teeth on pterygoids, pala- tines, prevomers and parasphenoid. Range. Upper Pennsylvanian to Permian. Distribution. America, Europe, Asia, Genus — Eryops Cope, 1877. The following definition of the genus is given by Doctor Branson : "Skull long, comparatively narrow ; proportion of length to breadth about nine to seven. Roof bones coarsely sculptured posteriorly, finely sculptured anteriorly. Nasals and premaxillse very large; f rentals excluded from orbits by junction of pre- and post-frontals. Pterygoids not meeting in the median hne; parasphenoid dagger-shaped, tapering grad- ually to a point just in front of the palatine foramina; pre- vomers large. Orbits subcircular, situated in the posterior half of the skull ; nares subovate, remote, at a considerable distance from the tip of the skull. Many minute denticles on pterygoids, palatines, prevomers and parasphenoid. Teeth circular in cross section, strongly ribbed near base, dentine strongly in- folded. Three large teeth on each palatine. Mandible without postcotyloid process. Vertebrae rachitomous. Ribs double- headed. Pelvic bones coalesced." There have been up to the present five species of Eryops de- scribed, with a doubtful sixth, ? Eryops platypus Cope, from the Carboniferous of Ohio. In 1889 Lydekker described a species of Eryops, E. africanus, from the Karoo beds of South Africa. Broom has subse- quently shown that this species does not belong in this genus and has placed that species with two others in his genus Rhinesuchus, in which he includes R. (Macromerion) gumbeli (v. Ammon), R. (Eryops) africanus (Lydekker), and R. whaitsi Broom. An additional species of Eryops is represented by remains in the collection of the University of Kansas and it is here described as new. Eryops willistoni, new species. Dr. S. W. Williston in 1899 described and partially figured m the Kansas University Quarterly portions of a skeleton of a species of Eryops, which he tentatively referred to the species Eryops megacephalus Cope. He has several times expressed to me the opinion that the form is distinct from E' megacephalus, and a recent careful study of the ma- 244 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. terial has led me to regard the remains as a new species, which may be very appropriately named Enjops ivillistoni as a partial expression of gratitude to my honored preceptor in paleontology. Since, also, several interesting points in anatomy and morphology have come up for consideration the following discussion is presented in the hope of adding some knowledge on this peculiar Permian genus. The material which represents the present species comprises the following portions of the skeleton : Portions of the skull ; several teeth and a nearly entire right mandible; the scapula- coracoid of both sides, incomplete ; the right clavicle ; portion of the interclavicle ; right humerus, radius, ulna and a phalange ; about a dozen vertebrae and the left sacral rib. There are various fragments of the skull preserved. On one of these fragments is observed a portion of the right orbit and a part of the prefontal and frontal bones clearly marked off by sutures. The present form differs in this respect from the known specimens of Erijops megacephahis, in which the sutures remained unknown until they were discovered by Doctor Branson, who was able to trace them with the aid of a lens. On the present specimen the sutures stand out with almost startling distinctness. They do not have the sharply zigzag form assumed in E. megacephalus and other of the larger Amphibia, but the sutures occur in bold curves. I detect a portion of the supraorbital lateral line canal on the 'fragment containing the orbit. The sculpture of the cranial bones in the present form is quite different from that of E. megacephalus. It is much more rugose and the rugosities have a larger form. This holds true for the mandible also (plate XLIX, fig. 1), and it is taken as one of the specific characters. There are preserved in the collection also a single complete tooth and fragments of others. The complete tooth (plate XLIX, fig. 2) is of the typical labyrinthodont form. It is oval in cross section with sides flattened. It arises from a tumid base of cancellated bone as in the mosasaurs. It is recurved and sharply pointed. In 1899 Ludwig Strickler (Paleontographica Bd. XLVI, p. 85, plates XI, XII) investigated the minute structure of the teeth of Eryops megacephalus. The mandible of the present species is preserved in a much broken condition, but its form is nearly complete. The form and ornamentation of the posterior portion were well shown in MOODIE: PERMIAN ANPHIBIA. 245 Williston's figure (Kan. Univ. Quart., Ser. A, vol. VIII, pi. XXX, fig. 1), which is reproduced here with slight changes. The sharp angulation and the posterior position of the angle is a specific character which serves to distinguish this species from Eryops megacephalus Cope, to which the present form is most nearly allied. The jaw (plate XLIX, fig. 1), is heavy and elongate. The portion posterior to the coronoid angle is an acute triangle which ends in the articular. Only a portion of the suture bounding the articular can be distinguished. This is indicated in the figure. The coronoid suture is evident for its entire course. The suture starts from the articular suture, and run- ning directly forwards turns upward just before reaching the teeth, which do not occur on the coronoid. This element is a thin bone superiorly but more thickened below. The sutures separating the angular, surangular and dentary cannot be de- termined. The angular and surangular contain, on their exter- nal surface, the peculiar nodose ornamentations which help to characterize the present species. The sculpture on these elements consists of scrobiculate knobs some 5 to 7 mm. in diameter. This ornamentation ends apparently at the dentary, since the tooth-bearing element, which is quite large, is ornamented only with coarse elevations and pits. The operculo-mandibular lateral line canal can be traced as a depression beginning on the articular and running forward as far as the bone is clearly preserved. It occurs as a shallow groove interrupted by the nodose and scrobiculate sculpturing of the mandibular elements. The internal surface of the man- dible is not preserved in sufficient detail for description. Complete teeth are lacking from the mandible in its present condition. Doctor Williston figured tvv^o of them as complete, and it is quite probable that they have been broken off since he studied the specimen, because the material is excessively fragile. The hollow character holds for all of the tooth bases which are preserved on the mandible. An additional portion of the mandible is shown in figure 5, plate XLIX. Its char- acters do not differ from those described above. In regard to the hollow nature of the teeth. Tomes has the following explanation : "The laminse of pulp, with their several systems of dentinal tubes, instead of passing out in straight 246 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. lines like the spokes of a wheel, pursue a tortuous course as they run from the central small pulp chamber toward the sur- face. Not only do they undulate, but they give off lateral proc- esses, and at their terminations near the surface of the tooth the thin laminae of pulp (so thin that the radiating pulp cham- bers are mere fissures) become dilated; so that on section cir- cular canals are seen at these points, as is also the case at the points where subsidiary processes branch off." (Dental An- atomy, 5th edition, 1898, p. 65.) Measurements of the mandible of Eryops willistoni: Greatest length 48 cm. Length of posterior portion (fig. 1) 33 Greatest width 10 Width of dentary midway from coronoid process 6.5 Width across articular 2.6 Length of tooth 2 , Thickness of same at base 5 The right arm of this species is preserved in an incomplete condition, as may be seen by reference to plate LII. The form, of the humerus is well shown in the figures, plate LIII, fig. 7, and plate LII. It suggests to a certain extent the humerus of a mosasaur. The present element does not have the bizarre appearance which exists with the specimen of that element of Eryops megacephalus figured by Professor Cope in 1890 (Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc, vol. XVI, p. 367, fig. 3). The large projections are wanting entirely from one side and on the other they are not so highly developed, and yet the form of the bone is such that it can be nothing else save a humerus. It is too rugged for a femur. The specimen is abraded to some extent, so that the exact form of the element cannot be determined. It may have had the form suggested by the broken lines in the figures. The humerus is that of the right side. Viewed from in front the element is seen to have a peculiar form (plate LIII, fig. 7). The lower portion of the inner surface is distinctly concave. The inner side of the bone is comparatively smooth. There is a low ridge which runs obliquely across the antero-superior angle of the bone. There is a distinct twist in the inner sur- face, which is continued to such an extent that the inner sur- face is carried around almost parallel with a portion of the outer surface. It then takes another and inward curve and ends in a projection. One of the projections from the outer surface of the humerus MOODIE: PERMIAN ANPHIBIA. 247 is in the form of a hook and strongly suggests the hooklike process which is developed in the quadrate of the mosasaurs. This hook and the other elevations on the edge of the bone without doubt served as points of attachment of the deltoid and pectoralis muscles, which were undoubtedly well developed in the species of Eryops. The outer surface of the bone is exceedingly rough and there are no less than six distinct elevations on this surface. One of these elevations is a ridge which runs at somewhat of an angle across the posterior edge. There is an indication of a foramen opposite the pit which occurs on one side of the bone, which at first was thought to represent the entepicondylar for- amen. This was such an important matter that the bone was cut through at this point by Mr. Martin and fully demonstrated the total absence of this foramen in the element although there is quite a distinct pit at this point. Cope described such a fora- men in Acheloma, but Case, who has recently examined the type, says the foramen is an accidental opening. Gaudry like- wise described such an opening in Actinodo7i. Measurements of the humerus : Length of specimen as preserved 96 mm. Estimated length along same line 110 Width at middle of shaft 50 Width of top of humerus 90 Width at lower end 72 Thickness of head as preserved 23 Diameter of entepicondylar pit 3 The element which is here regarded as a radius is very sim- ilar in form to that described by Cope for Eryops mega- cephalus. Its form is well shown in the figure. The lower end is somewhat larger than the upper, which is abraded and broken. Viewed from the lower surface a cross section of the bone shows a semicircular form. It is hour-glass shaped in its entire length, with a shallow groove near the lower end. Both ends of the bone near the articular surfaces are roughened by vascular pits for muscular attachment or for the union of the cartilaginous tips. Measurement of radius: Actual length of specimen 91 mm. Estimated length of specimen 95 Width of upper end (estimated) 40 Width at middle of shaft 24 Width at lower end 60 Thickness of base 32 248 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. The element here figured as an ulna (plate LII, U) is doubt- fully referred to the arm, since the bones were found disasso- ciated. It may belong to the leg. Its form is specifically difl"er- ent from that which Cope figured as the ulna of Eryops mega- cephalus, although its form is, in general, the same. It does not depart widely, in point of form, from that of the radius, which we should expect to be the case in a generalized verte- brate. It is smaller, somewhat shorter, and the groove on the ventral ( ?) surface is lacking. The radius and ulna are both peculiarly amphibian in the way they have weathered. The ends have assumed the concave form so characteristic of the Branchiosauria and the modern Amphibia, indicating a higher development of the perichondrium than of the endochondrium. Measurements of the ulna : Actual length of specimen 80 mm. Estimated length of specimen 93 Width of shaft at middle 22 Width of upper end (estimated) 47 Width of lower end (estimated) 40 Associated with the limb bones there is a portion of a pha- lange of the hand ( ?) of the specimen. There are no carpals preserved. The element figured (plate LIII, figs. 4 and 5) is probably a metacarpal. Its form is very closely similar to that figured by Cope for the metacarpal element of Eryops mega- cephalus. Its upper end is very broad, with recurving edges and with rugosities for muscular attachment. Its form is crescent shaped and concave. The shaft narrows abruptly from the upper end to the middle and then widens for the lower end, which is lost. Measurements of the metacarpal : Actual length of specimen 23 mm. Estimated length of bone 27 Width of upper end 22 Thickness of upper end v 8 The following description of the coraco-scapula (plates L, LI) is taken from Doctor Williston's paper. The descrip- tion of the cleithrum is appended : "The bone is elongated, and nowhere very thick or massive. The distal part of the scapula is much thinned and considerably expanded; the immediate margin here, however, is wanting, so that the precise outlines cannot be given. "The position of the two bones must have been very oblique, as is evident from the position of the glenoid cavity. The pos- MOODIE: PERMIAN ANPHIBIA. 249 tero-inferior border is moderately thickened, and rounded; gently concave along the proximal part and convex distally. The antero-superior border is much thinner than the opposite one, and is concave throughout the extent of the shaft, except distally, where it is coossified with the procoracoid. The union of these two bones is very close in this region, the sutural line being distinguished with difficulty if at all. The procoriicoid is narrower and more thickened below, reaching to the lower part of the conjoined bone, and lying in close apposition though not suturally united. Both the lateral surfaces of the scapula are nearly flat. A little proximad to the narrowest part of the shaft the bone is much thickened by a stout ridge on the inner side, which includes between it and the remainder of the bone, just back of or above the cotylus, a large, elongated foramen, both of whose orifices can be seen from the inner side of the bone only. "The glenoid surface is elongated and deeply concave in its long diameter. The scapular portion is much smaller than the coracoid, and is partly separated from it by a constriction ; this surface is nearly flat and is placed at right angles to the plane of the coracoid surface, looking directly downward when the bone is lying horizontally. The rest of the cotylus is mod- erately concave and looks outward and somewhat backward and upward with the bone in its former position. Just how much of the conjoined bone is formed of each element it is im- possible to say since the union is so close that no trace of a junction is perceptible. Evidently, however, the coracoid forms only a small part of the whole bone. Its anterior or in- ferior border is gently convex, the posterior one slightly concave. "The anterior end of the superior border of the scapula is gently convex, as is also the broad external surface. On the inner side the foramen described above opens into a deep, elongated, boat-shaped cavity at its distal end, the cavity formed by the upper border of the ridge described. In the lower or anterior end of the cavity there are apparently two smaller foramina, the external orifices of which are just within the anterior margin of the scapular face of the glenoid surface. The proximal surface of the scapula is concave; that of the coracoid, if the bone is limited by the ridge spoken of, is for the most part gently convex and lies in a more mesial plane." a-Univ Sci. Bull.. Vol. V, No. 13. 250 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. The scapula is evidently that of the right side, the same as the humerus described below. On the antero-superior corner of the scapula is a part of a peculiar element — the cleithrum. Its occurrence in the genus Eryops has been noted by Case in two species. In E. latus the cleithrum takes a most peculiar form. The form assumed by the element in the present species is impossible to determine, since the greater part of it has weathered away. The cleithrum is, apparently, simply laid on the upper edge of the scapula, the union being hardly a sutural one. In the present specimen it is represented only by the lower part, but it could not have had the immense expanse superiorly as Case and Williston have figured for the cleithrum in Eryops latus Case. It was probably quite slender, as it is in the dicynodont reptiles. The cleithrum is a thin plate of bone with a ridge running along the interior border. The edge of the scapula is depressed to receive the element. The characters of the scapula which are at variance with the scapulse of the known species are the narrowness of the shaft, the location and size of the cleithrum, and the position of the cotylus. In regard to the three foramina seen and described in the scapula Williston has recently proposed the terms supra-, post- and infra-glenoid or supra-coracoid to designate these open- ings. The foramina occur in all known Temnospondylia, as well as in the Cotylosauria (2) and in the Pelycosauria (2). The writer has recently described a branchiosaurian from the Pennsylvanian of Mazon Creek in which three foramina are visible in the scapula. This was thought to be of interest in connection with the Temnospondylia, but investigation showed that in the temnospondyles the foramina are in no case to be regarded as occurring strictly in the scapula, but rather as be- longing to the coracoid which is united with the scapula. An interesting question of homologies, or it may be parallel development, arises in comparing the present scapula-coracoid with the clavicular apparatus of Portheus. Measurements of scapula-coracoid : Actual length of specimen 33 . 7 cm. Estimated length of element 36 Width of upper end of scapula 15.5 Thickness at upper end 3 mm. Width at middle of shaft 6.6 cm. Width across coracoid portion 17 MOODIE: PERMIAN ANPHIBIA. 251 Length of cotylus 7.2 Width of cotylus 3.8 Diametei" of infraglenoid foramen 5 mm. Thickness of bone at lower edge 7 Thickness of bone through cotylus 4.3 cm. Length of portion of cleithrum preserved 63 mm. Greatest width of cleithrum 22 The clavicle of the right side is preserved almost completely (plate LIII, figs. 1 and 2). The element was figured by Doctor Williston but not described. It is strongly curved and spatulate. Its outer surface is ornamented with longitudinal grooves, which arise near the center of the bone and run each way, thus indicating its ossific center. The inner surface of the bone is smooth excepting for two vascular pits near the center. A prominent ridge runs along the dorsal inner edge of the bone. Measurements of the clavicle : Length along curve 24.7 cm. Length across arc 20 Least width 1.3 Greatest width 4.6 Greatest thickness 1 Least thickness 2 mm. There is a fragment of what I regard as the posterior projection of the interclavicle. If it is such it is either a pathological specimen or there were two projections from the posterior edge of the interclavicle, for the fragment is highly asymmetric. The spine, for such it is, has an irregular nodose surface as if for the attachment of cartilage. It is long, slender and somewhat flattened. (Plate LIII, fig. 3.) Measurements of spine of interclavicle : Length of specimen 13.7 cm. Greatest width 2.2 Least width 75 There are remains of about a dozen vertebrae preserved. Portions of three of these are figured in plate LIV, figures 1 and 2. They all have the characteristic rachitomous form as- sumed by the other species of Eryops. The divisions between the pleurocentra, hypocentra and neurocentra are well marked. The zygapophyses are well formed. The upper part of the neural spines is much thickened, as is the case often in speci- mens of Eryops megacephalus Cope. According to Broili the spines may also be bifurcate, as Cope has described for E. ey^ythrolithicus. The enlarged spine was undoubtedly for the attachment of muscles to sustain the enormous head, and 252 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. spines showing different characters might very easily occur in various portions of the vertebral column. Measurements of vertebrse : Length of centrum 2.5 cm. W^idth of centrum 3.2 Height of vertebras to tip of spine 13.4 Thickness of top of spine 3 Broili (Monatsb. d. Deutsch, Geol. Gesell., Bd. 60, Texttafel p. 236, fig. 2) has figured in Eryops megacephalus a peculiar element which he has identified as the sacral rib, having found it in place with a sacral vertebra. There is no doubt that the present element (plate LIV, figs. 3 and 4) is the same as he has figured. Its interpretation as a sacral rib is somewhat surprising on account of the extreme thinness of the bone. It thins out to less than a millimeter on one edge. Its location any other place in the skeleton is, however, doubtful. The element has a broad base as if for attachment suturally with the vertebral transverse process. The base of the speci- men has been broken transversely and only a portion of the suture remains. The bone is flat immediately from the base and is greatly expanded and thinned distally. It is, for the most part, smooth, though there is a small roughened place on the dorsal (?) surface. The ventral (?) surface is marked by a depression which runs the entire length of the bone. The distal end is lost. Measurements of sacral rib : Actual length of specimen 90 mm. Width at distal end 62 V^idth at middle of blade 32 Width at inner end 55 Eryops ivillistoni differs from E. ferricolus Cope in the absence of a raised rim to the orbits. From E. erythrolithicus Cope it differs in the non-bifurcation of the neural spines. This last is not a well-known species and may be synonymous with E. megacephalus. E. reticulatus is a small species, from which E. willistoni differs in the character of the cranial sculp- ture. It is distinct from E. latus Case on account of the di- mensions of the scapula and the cleithrum. E. megacephalus also shows characters which are divergent from those of the present species. These are the shape and structure of the mandible and its ornamentation, the form of the humerus and MOODIE: PERMIAN ANPHIBIA. 253 the shape and structure of the scapula-coracoid, as well as other structures which are characteristic. The material on which the species Eryops willistoni is based is from the Permian of Oklahoma. It was collected by Prof. C. N. Gould in 1896, in the red sandstone southwest of Black- well, Okla. The specimen is No. 348 of the Kansas University Museum. I am indebted to Mr. G. Dallas Hanna for all of the draw- ings illustrating the present essay, except that on plate XLIX figure 1, which is from the pen of Mr. Sydney Prentice, at present with the Carnegie Museum. 3-Univ. Sci. Bull.. Vol. V, No. 13. THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vol. V, No. 14 — March, 1910. (Whole Series, Vol. XV. No. 14.) CONTENTS: An Armored Dinosaur from the Upper Cretaceous of Wyoming, Roy L. Moodie. 'PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY, LAWRENCE, KAN. October, 1911. Entered at the post-office in Lawrence as second-class matter. 3310 THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vol. V, No. 14 ] MARCH, 1910. [vo"!xv,'.v" u AN ARMORED DINOSAUR FROM THE CRETACEOUS OF WYOMING. BY ROY L. MOODIE. (Contribution from the Zoological Laboratory, No. 190.) Plates LV to LIX, and one text figure. IN Science for October 20, 1905, Dr. S. W. Williston (1) pub- lished a brief account of a remarkable armored dinosaur from the upper Cretaceous of Wyoming. He likewise gave a short sketch of the horizon from which the specimen was obtained, naming the horizon Hailey shales, and suggesting the name Stegopelta landerensis for the dinosaur. During the summer of 1906, while searching these beds for plesiosaur remains for the Carnegie Museum {2) the writer followed the horizon eastward and northward to the southern end of the Big Horn mountains. The beds increase in thick- ness towards the east and the lithological character becomes different, changing from a soft fine shale in the west to a hard sandy rock in the Big Horn region. The Hailey shales lie just above and comformable on the Mowry beds, which Darton {3) describes as follows : "The stratigraphic succession of the formation [Colorado] is uniform throughout. The lowest beds are several hundred feet of dark-colored shale, usually containing toward the base a deposit of sandstone from 2 to 20 feet thick. This is capped by the Mowry beds, consisting of from 100 to 150 feet of hard shales and thin-bedded, fine-grained sandstone of a dark gray color, which on exposure weathers to a characteristic light gray. These rocks are especially characterized by large num- bers of fish scales in nearly every bed. They are often so (257) 258 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. abundant as to number from five to ten on a surface of six inches square. Owing to their hardness the beds give rise to round-topped ridges of considerable prominence." Fig. 1. A typical exposure of the Hailey shales on Connant creek, Wyo- ming. The Mowry beds may be seen on the left in the background. In those parts of Wyoming where I worked, the Mowry beds stand out as prominent ridges of hard whitish shales which can be readily recognized from a long distance, and on that account serve as excellent landmarks for the identification of a region where the Hailey shales may occur. In thickness the Hailey shales vary from a few feet north of Lander, Wyo., to something over 200 feet in the Big Horn region. "Near Soap Creek the dark shales overlying the Mowry beds are about 200 feet thick," etc. (6). In most of their extent the Hailey beds have numerous brown sandy clay concretions which very often contain vertebrate remains. These concretions vary in size from a few inches to many feet in diameter. In the Big Horn region the concretions are stratified into distinct layers, but such is not the case in other places where the horizon was examined. So far as is at present known the Hailey shales outcrop along the eastern flank of the Wind River mountains, in the Shoshone anticline; in the anticline along Beaver creek near Hailey, Wyo., the type locality; in an anticline north and west of the moodie: armored cretaceous dinosaur. 259 Granite mountains, on Connant creek ; in a small anticline west of the Rattlesnake mountains ; along the northern and eastern flanks of the Rattlesnake mountains. There are extensive ex- posures on the eastern slope of the Big Horns, and I do not doubt that they occur also to the west of these mountains. In text-figure 1 is given a view of a typical exposure of the Hailey shales, on Connant creek, north of the Granite moun- tains, Wyoming. On the left of the photograph the Mowry beds stand out in the characteristic ridge. The vertebrate fauna of the Hailey shales still remains to be accurately determined, but so far as known it is represented bj^ large and small fishes, amphicoelian crocodiles with hollow limb bones, turtles with completely ossified carapaces and plastra like Toxochelys and plesiosaurs of two types. The re- mains of plesiosaurs are in places exceedingly abundant, evi- dences of no less than fifty-five individuals having been dis- covered during one summer. Occurring in these deposits, also, have been discovered the remains of three dinosaurs. The re- mains described below represent one of these animals. The other two are known in one case from a single worn dorsal vertebra found in one of the massive shell-concretions con- sisting of myriads of gastropod and lamellibranch shells to- gether with plesiosaur teeth and vertebrae, about ten miles north of where the Stegopelta remains were exhumed ; and in the other case from three caudal vertebrae discovered in the same beds nearly a hundred miles to the east, near the western base of the Rattlesnake mountains. The Stegopelta remains herein described were once encased in one of the brown sandy clay concretions so abundant in this formation, but many years ago it was exposed and by the weathering processes of a long space of time had become re- duced to hundreds of fragments. These fragments had washed and rolled down the slope and had been trodden in the mud by cattle so that when first discovered it was discarded as a worthless plesiosaur specimen. When Doctor Williston, how- ever, in cleaning up some of the fragments came across some typical stegosaurian dinosaur teeth, the whole aspect of the matter was changed and every fragment was carefully col- lected. As boxed the specimen weighed only 450 pounds, of which about two-thirds was bone. It has been a long and tedious task to fit together the scattered and disassociated fragments, but through the combined eff'orts of Doctor Willis- 260 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. ton and myself a number of elements of the skeleton have been reconstructed. The specimen as it now stands consists of the following parts: Fragments of the upper and lower jaws with a dozen or more teeth, most of which are fragmentary; seven frag- mentary dorsal vertebrae; portions of the sacrum; two caudal veitebrse; many fragments of the ribs; a complete ulna be- longing to the left side ; portions of the right ulna ; portions of the radii ; the left ilium nearly entire ; a part of the right ilium, showing the acetabulum ; the right pubis nearly entire ; a por- tion of the left pubis; the lower portion of the right tibia; the upper and lower ends of the right fibula ; many large fragments of the metatarsals ; nearly a hundred small bony scutes ; several large bony plates, girdles and bony spines representing va- rious portions of the dermal armor; together with a great quantity of waterworn fragments which it is impossible to determine. The remains described as Stegopelta landerensis indicate a stegosaurian dinosaur about two-thirds the size of Stegosauiiis ungidatus Marsh. The head was small, as is indicated by the size of the teeth. The fore limbs were not relatively so large as in Stegosaurus. The entire pelvic region was covered with a dorsal shield of rather thick, scrobiculate plates with elevated centers which are asuturally united over the pelvis. On each plate there is found, either on one side or in the central emi- nence, a pit, which possibly supported a more or less elongate horny spine. Anterior to the pelvic shield there were many dermal plates and scutes of various sizes scattered over the dorsal region of the body. The anterior portion of the animal appears not to have been armed. Back of the pelvis there were massive dermal plates, huge bony spines and a bony girdle probably encircling the tail in some such manner as in the glyptodonts. The neural spines of the caudal vertebrae were probably each surmounted by an elongate bony plate which quite possibly bore a horny excrescence of some kind. While closely similar in many respects to Polacanthus, Stcgopelta shows wide structural differences from that form, although it must have had much the .same appearance as Nopsca (5) has figured in Polacanthus. The present dinosaur, in life, may have stood nearly seven feet high at the hips and attained a length of sixteen to eighteen feet. Armed as it was with horns, moodie: armored cretaceous dinosaur. 261 spines and excrescences it must have been a bizarre creature, even in those Cretaceous days. The teeth (plate LVI, figs. 4 and 5) of Stegopelta are typi- cally stegosaurian. There are a dozen of them in more or less perfect state of preservation. They are all of practically the same size and character, showing but little variation among themselves. The crowns of the teeth, which measure 7 mm. in breadth, are subcompressed and narrowly palmate with eight radiating costse, all of which end at the tip in sharp points. The roots of the teeth measure 15 mm. from the base of the crown to the tip of the fang. In point of size and number of costse the present teeth are so closely similar to those described by Leidy (5) as a supposed lacertilian form, Paleoscincus, that had the teeth only been found they would undoubtedly have been referred to that genus. It is possible that Stegopelta may eventually prove to be a Paleoscincus form. This, how- ever, is hardly probable, on account of the great interval of time separating the strata which have yielded the two speci- mens, PaleoscincKS occurring as it does near the top of the Fort Pierre Cretaceous and Stegopelta near the top of the Fort Ben- ton. Were the form one of a stable group this might not be sound reasoning, but in a group of animals which evolved so rapidly as did the dinosaurs one would hardly expect a genus to continue for so long a time. At all events, the name Stegopelta may be retained until more evidence is forthcoming concerning Paleoscincus. If, as Hatcher believed (23), Lambe's Stereo- cephalus is a Paleoscincus form, then Stegopelta is a good genus, since it shows wide structural differences from the form which Lambe has described. The tooth which Lambe (7) has figured on page 57 certainly resembles those of Paleoscincus, and if the tooth really is to be associated with the remains described as Stereo cephalus a question might arise as to whether these remains were not in reality portions of the skele- ton of Paleoscincus as Hatcher intimated. Lambe {8) says the tooth provisionally associated with the Stereocephalus remains "differs from those of the Red Deer river district, re- ferred to the two species of Paleoscincus, and is about twice as large as those of P. costatus." Just how it differs he does not say, and one is at a loss in attempting to separate the forms from his figures. Size alone is usually no safe criterion for the separation of animal forms, and more particularly genera. I 262 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. can but agree with Hatcher that the tooth figured as Stereo- cephalus resembles the teeth of Paleoscincus. The vertebral cohimn is represented by posterior dorsal ver- tebrae, portions of the sacrum and two caudal vertebrae. The remains are more or less fragmentary, but enough is preserved to give a fairly accurate idea of this portion of the animal's anatomy, although it is impossible to determine the vertebral formula. The dorsal vertehrse (plate LVIII, figs. 5 and 6) obtained are twelve in number, for the most part imperfectly preserved. They are cylindroid in form, very slightly amphicoelous, nearly amphiplatyan, and the arches are elevated as in Stegosaurus and Polacanthus. The centra are slightly excavated below the base of the neural arch as in Scelidosaurus. The neural canal is small and is wider in the ventral than in the dorsal portion. The centra measure 60 mm. in width by 70 mm. in length. The sacrum (plate LIX, figs. 6 and 7) as preserved consists of two sections. One includes three firmly coossified vertebrae of the posterior end and the other a part of the anterior end representing two vertebrae. The anterior section measures 120 mm. in length by 70 mm. in width at the widest part. The fragment is very smooth and of a dense bony texture. The neural canal is broad posteriorly but narrows somewhat anteriorly. In plate LIX, figure 2, is represented a cross section through this fragment to show the sacral enlargement at the posterior end. The portion representing the posterior end of the sacrum (plate LIX, figure 7) measures 203 mm. in length by 64 mm. in width at the caudal end. The texture of this part is very fine and compact externally, but internally there is a tendency to a cancellated structure. An interesting characteristic of this element of the skeleton is the high degree of coossification of the various elements composing it. There is not the slightest indication of a suture where the different vertebrae have become joined so that the sacral centra are con- stituted in a solid bony rod tapering somewhat at the anterior end, as do the sacra of Polacanthus (9) and Hyl%osauru>^ (10). The attachments for the sacral ribs are large, and are placed about midway dorso-ventrally of the centra of the sa- crum. While the sacrum of Stegopelta resembles in a great measure that of Polacanthus, yet it varies from it in that the elements composing it are more highly coossified. This condi- moodie: armored cretaceous dinosaur. 263 tion cannot be entirely attributed to the age of the individual but is expressive rather of the higher specialization of the pres- ent form. Attached to the neural spines of the sacral elements was a long, narrow dermal plate (plate LVI, fig. 3), evidently in firm union with them. This plate occupied the mid-dorsal line of the great pelvic shield and lay between the iliac armor of the two sides. The plate, like all the rest of the dermal skeleton, is scrobiculate and somewhat of the texture of woven cloth, as Marsh has described in Nodosauriis textilis (11). It becomes slightly expanded posteriorly, where it measures 30 mm. in width. The caudal vertehrse (plate LIX, fig. 1, and plate LVIII, fig. 3) vary to a remarkable degree from those of the dorsal series. They are greatly compressed dorso-ventrally ; are very short, with the sides much rounded and the centra plano-con- vex. The vertebrae have strong transverse processes. In neither specimen is the neural spine preserved, so it is im- possible to say as to its extent. This, however, may be inferred to have been low and stout, if one may judge from its broken bases. The neural canal is not large, measuring only 14 mm. in diameter. The centra measure 82 mm. in width by 38 mm. in length by 41 mm. in height. It is thus seen that the caudal vertebrae are more than twice as wide as long. This condition is not a unique one, since Hulke {12) has described the same condition in Polacanthus. The rihs are all so fragmentary that no discussion of them can be given. Many of the fragments are triangular in cross section, agreeing in this respect with other armored dinosaurs. Attached to some of the rib fragments are found small bony scutes. The fact is of service in determining the position of these dermal scutes on the body of the animal. The idna (plate LIX, figs. 8 and 9) of the left side is pre- served complete. It shows considerable variation from any- thing hitherto described for any other armored dinosaur. The shaft of the bone is flattened from side to side and is twisted from right to left. It ends in a rather pronounced expansion distally. The coronoid process is quite prominent and is ex- cavated to form a large sigmoid cavity. The olecranon is long, measuring 70 mm. in length from the base of the coronoid process to the proximal end of the bone. It is flattened from 264 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. side to side and ends rather broadly, not in a point as does the ulna of Stegosaurus. Viewed from in front the ulna curves strongly outward, especially toward the distal end. It is not so straight as in Stegosaurus. The articular surface for the humerus is small. The radial articulations are, however, well marked, with the upper one forming a distinct fossa below the coronoid process. The lower articular surface of the ulna is well rounded and is oval in outline. The ulna measures 385 mm. in total length, 106 mm. antero-posteriorly at the widest part, 45 mm. near the middle of the bone and 60 mm. at the proximal end. The radius is represented by fragments only. The head of one of the elements is nearly circular in outline and measures 60 mm. in cross section. The articular surface is so abraded that it is impossible to determine its form. The ilia (plate LV) are both represented in the collection. The left one is preserved nearly entire. Enough is present to determine the total length and breadth of the bone, and the missing parts have been restored, as is evident from the photo- graph. The portion of the right ilium preserved shows the acetabulum. The description of the ilium will, however, be confined to that of the left side. The bone is elongate and slightly convex upwards ; the convexity becoming strongly pronounced on the outer side. It is 50 mm. thick at the acetab- ulum, but thins to 5 mm. on the inner side and at the anterior end. The thinning is gradual in these two directions. On the outer edge, however, the bone remains thick for over three-fourths of its length, when it gradually thins, but not so much as on the inner edge. The entire dorsal surface of the ilium is covered by a mosaic of thick, bony, scrobiculate plates firmly united to it. These plates are more or less pentagonal in shape and are not all of the same size. On nearly all there occurs, on some in the center, on others near the edge of the plate, a pit, which in life may have supported a more or less elongate horny spine. When the pit is central it is located in the top of the central eminence which occurs on all of the plates. The plates were once, apparently, suturally connected, but there is now no indication of a suture. They form one con- tinuous bony mass over the entire dorsal surface of the ilium. The diameter of the individual plates varies from 56 mm. to 105 moodie: armored cretaceous dinosaur. 265 mm., and they are all from 5 mm. to 15 mm. in thickness. A single plate is shown natural size in plate LVI, figure 8. The lower surface of the ilium is nearly smooth. The only irregularities are the acetabulum and small ridges for muscular attachments. It is gently concave, the concavity becoming stronger towards the outer edge. The acetabulum is in the shape of an elongate oval and is defined by a high ridge of bone. The acetabular cavity is rather shallow and is deeper anteriorly than posteriorly. Its length is 190 mm. and the width, as preserved, is 82 mm. It may have had a somewhat greater width, but not to exceed 90 mm. at the most. The entire ilium measures 48I/2 inches in total length, IOI/2 inches at the widest part, and 8I/2 inches near the middle of the bone. The ilium must have had a horizontal position during life, for the position of the acetabulum is such that the femur could not have articulated in it had the bone been in any other position. This condition is not exceptional among dinosaurs, since the ilia of Polacayithiis had a similar position and the ilia of Triceratops are horizontal to a much less extent. The articular surfaces for the pubes and ischia have been broken away and lost, so it is impossible to determine the relations of these elements. However, they must have had much the same relations as Seeley (13), Lydekker (17) and Hulke (li^) have described for Polacanthus. The pubes (plate LVIII, figures 1 and 2) are both repre- sented, the right one nearly complete but lacking the entire post-pubic process. This element resembles more nearly that of Claosauriis (15) than it does that of its nearest allies, Polacanthus (13) and Stegosau7'us (16). In form the bone is elongate, flattened and spatulate. It curves gently inwards and is only slightly twisted. In thickness the pubis is nearly uniform, becoming thickened proximally to support the pec- tineal process (ectopubis of Baur). The pubis measures 300 mm. exclusive of the pectineal process, which is 57 mm. in length. In width the bone measures 112 mm. at the widest part and 86 mm. at the distal end. The external surface of the pubis is crossed by a diagonal ridge for muscular attach- ments. The post-pubis is not represented in the collection save by a fragment which may represent the disal end. The place where the process has been broken from the pubis is large, so the post-pubis may have been of some extent. 266 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. The tibia (plate LVIII, figure 4) is represented bj^ the lower end of the bone belonging to the right side. Firmly coossified with it is the astragalus, which rises into a rather prominent ascending process on the anterior surface. The union of the astragalus with the tibia is so complete that were one to view the specimen from the posterior side its presence would never be suspected. On turning the bone over, however, the astraga- lus is distinctly seen, as is shown in the figure. The spine of the astragalus is broken off, but judging from the groove for its reception it must have been nearly 80 mm. in length. It measures 50 mm. in width at the base. The tibia measures 145 mm. in width distally. The articular surface is broad and pulley-shaped. There is a broad, shallow, trochlear groove which is bounded by two rounded projections. The groove runs up prominently on the posterior surface of the bone but is not so prominent on the anterior surface. From the nar- rowness of the broken surface of the bone, only 50 mm. in diameter, one would judge that the shaft of the tibia was very slender as described by Hulke (18) in Hylseosaunis and in Polacmitlnis (19). It resembles these forms also in that the shaft of the tibia is triangular in cross section, forming in this case a nearly isosceles triangle. The section shows a marked difference between the exterior of the bone, which is smooth and compact, and the interior, which is coarsely can- cellated. The fibula (plate LIX, figures 4 and 5) is represented by the proximal and distal portions of the bone belonging to the right side. The proximal end, which is subtriangular in cross sec- tion, measures 85 mm. in width and is considerably expanded as compared to the shaft. The upper end is so weathered that no traces of the rugose surface for the attachment to the tibia are left. However, one side is flattened as if for such a union. The external side of the head is marked by a rather prominent condyle, which projects some 5 mm. from the surface. The shaft of the bone is very slender. At a distance of five inches from its upper end the fibula measures 20 mm. by 30 mm. in diameter being thicker antero-posteriorly than from side to side. In structure the fibula is much like that of the tibia, already described. The distal end, also, triangular in cross section, is of the same proportions as the proximal end. The metatarsaU (plate LVIII, figure 7) are represented by moodie: armored cretaceous dinosaur. 267 several fragments. The proximal and distal ends of one of them are preserved so that a reconstruction is possible. These fragments represent a rather elongate, slender element with the upper surface rounded and the lower surface somewhat flat- tened. The proximal articular surface is widely concave and the distal end is pulley-shaped. It is thus evident that the meta- tarsal is not different from that of other herbivorous dinosaurs. The length of the bone as restored is 150 mm., the breadth of the proximal end is 80 mm., and the height 60 mm. The dermal armor consists of small bony scutes, large dermal spines and heavy plates, all of various shapes and sizes. Mingled in with the other bones of the skeleton were more than four score small bony scutes (plate LVII), varying in diameter from 15 to 75 mm. and of various thicknesses from 4 to 20 mm. The scutes are all scrobiculate and are for the most part rounded, though some are elongated, one scute be- fore me measuring 60 mm. in length by 30 mm. in breadth. The majority of them possess a ridge asymmetrically placed, which runs nearly the entire length of the scute. Others run up to a point in the center ; others are flat. In structure all of the scutes are of a coarsely cancellated character, such as Hulke has described for the scutes occur- ring in Polacanthus. Associated with them were many frag- ments of heavy triangular ribs with which some of the scutes were firmly united. From this fact it would appear probable that the scutes were scattered along the back of the animal an- terior to the great pelvic shield. The elongated scutes re- ferred to above may possibly have been situated on the neural spines of the vertebrae, as in Scelidosaurus (20). The larger scutes, some of which are as large as the palm of one's hand, were very probably located near and anterior to the great pelvic shield. Scutes very similar to these described for Stegopelta are found in a number of different armored dinosaurs as well as among the crocodiles. There are really no structural differ- ences between the scutes of Stegopelta herein described and those found in the common Mississippi alligators. The pittings on the Stegopelta scutes are, however, smaller than in the latter. Hulke (21) has described a few scutes belonging to Polacan- thus which resemble the present specimens very much. Lambe (22) has figured three scutes associated with the form Stereo- 268 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. cephalus which are almost identical with the scutes of Stego- pelta. Hatcher {23) was certainly in error in criticizing Lambe's association of these scutes with dinosaurian remains and in claiming that they were of a crocodilian nature, since in the present specimen there can be no doubt as to their dinosaurian character. Nopsca (^4) has also fallen into the same error as did Hatcher when he says that crocodilian remains were associated with the Polacanthus specimen. Seeley {25) has described and figured scutes similar to the above in Crateomus. Huxley {26) has described and figured identical scutes in Acan- thopholis. Marsh {27) has figured some small bony scutes in Triceratops. Owen has figured scutes of a like nature in Scelidosatirus {20). Possibly other armored dinosaurs pos- sessed such scutes. The question of the morphological value of these scutes is an interesting one. Judging from the scutes in Stegopelta, one would incline to the opinion that they represent the rudiments of a complete bony armor which in time, had the dinosaurs survived, might have covered the whole dorsum of Stegopelta'. "i descendants. Such a suggestion might apply equally well to our modern crocodiles. It is pretty certain that the scutes in the crocodiles are not vestigial, since it is not now conceded that the modern Crocodilia are descended from the ancient armored teleosaurs {28). The dermal spines (plate LVI, fig. 1, plate LIX, fig. 3) are all of a dense bony texture with the external surface pitted. A portion of a small dermal spine is represented, natural size, in plate LIX, fig. 3. Its base is broken away so it is impossible to determine its extent, but this was, in all probability, not considerable. One of the most peculiar portions of the dermal armor is that represented in plate LVI, fig. 1, which is called a large dermal spine, and which I have provisionally located near the base of the tail. The spine is asymmetrical and is lateral in position, having had a mate on the opposite side of which nothing remains. The spine preserved is much broken and the distal tip is lost. As reconstructed it is of massive proportions in com- parison to the rest of the exoskeleton. In cross section it is for the most part triangular, with two sides of the triangle concave and one convex. It is rounded near the distal end. The spine, unlike most elements of a similar nature, is bifid, as is represented in the figure (plate LVI, fig. 1). The short moodie: armored cretaceous dinosaur. 269 spine measures 80 mm. from the point of its inception to the tip, and the main spine measures 16 inches from tip to tip. At its widest part it is 100 mm. in breadth. The surface of the bone is pitted with irregularly placed cavities as though it were encased with horny substance. The exact position of this large spine on the body of the animal is, of course, largely a matter of conjecture, since it was found broken and disassociated and mingled with various other parts of the skeleton, but it seems best to locate it back of the pelvic shield, since the caudal vertebrae are much stouter than the dorsal ones and since there is no evidence of any armor excepting the small bony scutes anterior to the pelvis. The spine is totally unlike anything described for any other stego- saurian dinosaur. The dermal plates, represented in plate LVI, figs. 2 and 9, are massive and of a compact texture. Their position on the skeleton is a puzzle. The plate represented in plate LVI, fig. 9, is not entire. It is asymmetrical, one side being crossed by a rather high ridge. Its upper surface has pittings and grooves. The under surface is smooth and rounded. It is possible that this is a portion of another girdle similar to the one described below. That it is not a part of that girdle is evident from its proportions. The plate measures 105 mm. in diameter. The other dermal plate (plate LVI, fig. 2) is apparently complete, with a broad surface for articulation with some element which is now lost. This plate is concavo-convex. It measures 140 mm. across in the longest diameter. It is without vascular markings of any kind, but is smooth as though it were entirely embedded in the flesh of the animal. The part of the girdle represented in plate LVI, figs. 6 and 7, is like the last described plate in that it is of a compact texture. In the girdle the upper surface is pitted, and crossed at regular intervals by rather high ridges the sides of which are slightly concave. This bone at once reminds one of the similar ele- ment figured and described by Lambe (29) as occurring in the Stereocephalus form. Lambe (29) however, located the girdle back of the head, and if his interpretation of the large fragment which he calls the skull is correct such a location would be quite plausible. The present girdle differs in a great degree from that described by Lambe, since it is asymmetrical and had a mate on the opposite side, of which there are frag- ments in the collection. It differs further in being a solid mass 270 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. of bone instead of a bony ring to which the scutes are united. The girdle as preserved is in the form of an arch and is com- posed of three plates, only two of which are ridged. The under surface is smooth and longitudinally convex. The part of the girdle preserved measures 320 mm. in length and 110 mm. in width. Stegopelta finds its nearest allies in Polacanthus, from the Wealden of the Isle of Wight; in Paleoscincus, which must, I think, include the Stereocephalus of Lambe, from the Belly river deposits ; and Stegosaurus, from the Lower Cretaceous of Wyoming and Colorado. The characters which separate Steg- opelta from Stegosaurus and Paleoscincus have already been considered. From Polacanthus the present form differs in the whole surface of the ilium being covered in the former animal with a firm mosaic of very small, somewhat rounded, plates, which are scarcely at all sculptured, as I learn from Doctor Williston, who has examined the type specimen. These plates in Stegopelta are relatively quite large and strongly sculptured. The present form differs from Polacanthus also in the diver- gence of the points of the ilium anteriorly. In Polacanthus the iliac region was entirely covered by a bony shield, but in Stegopelta this shield was not continuous, but there was a space between the anterior ends of the ilia which was filled, probably, with small bony scutes. There have been many stegosaurian dinosaurs described from various parts of the world, notably North America and Europe. The group seems to have had a very wide distribution geographically. In conclusion, I wish to express my gratitude to Dr. S. W. Williston, not only for his kindness in turning over the material to me for description but for his kindly interest and help during the entire investigation. The specimen is in the Walker Museum, University of Chi- cago. Since the above was written there have appeared two papers describing two new types of dinosaurian reptiles closely allied to the above-described form. One of these papers,* from the American Museum of Natural History, is of especial interest, since the material supplements in an excellent way that which has just been described. Mr. Brown's restoration of the Ankij- losaurus magniventris, while based in large part on Marsh's * Brown, Barnum, 1908. Bulletin Amer. Mus. of Nat. Hist., vol. XXIV, p. 187. moodie: armored cretaceous dinosaur. 271 drawing of Stegosaurus ungulatus, is not accurate as to the form of the animal. The pelvic region was undoubtedly cov- ered over with a heavy shield as in Stegopelta. Indeed, Doctor Willistonf says, "Ankylosaurus is either very closely allied to or identical with Stegopelta Williston, a genus over- looked by Mr. Brown." The remains described by Mr. Brown consisted of a skull, some small dermal scutes, a few vertebrse, a scapula, a few ribs and other parts, most of which were lacking in the above- described animal. Dr. O. Abel has given (Verhandl. d. k. k. Zool.-bot. Gesell. in Wien, Bd. LVIII, p. 215, fig. 3) a restoration of Ankylosaurus magniventris Brown. It is to be doubted if he has added to our knowledge of dinosaurian attitudes, since the reader is at once struck with the grotesque and impossible attitude which he has caused the animal to assume. It is unfortunate that Brown's ideas of the arrangement of the scutes on the back should have been given by Doctor Abel, since there is not the slightest evi- dence that they assumed anything like the arrangement he has represented. The other dinosaur is from the Niobrara Cretaceous of Kan- sas and was collected by Mr. Charles Sternberg in the Hack- berry creek region. Doctor Wieland$ describes these remains as Hierosaurus sternbergii, new genus and species. This form is also doubt- fully distinct from Stegopelta, unless it be that the skeletal characters were widely at variance to the characters of the der- mal plates. A comparison of figure 9, plate LVI, of the present essay, with Doctor Wieland's figure 6, will show how very closely the dermal elements of the animals resemble each other. Comparisons also of the figures on plate LVII of the present paper with Doctor Wieland's figures 2, 4 and 5 will reveal the close similarity of the small dermal elements. It would, how- ever, be too previous to say certainly that Hierosaurus and Stegopelta are identical. The geological horizon of the two specimens is certainly not far apart, or perhaps identical, since the Hailey shales occupy relatively the same position in Wyom- ing as the Niobrara chalk does in Kansas. t American Naturalist, vol. XLII, No. 501, p. 629. + Wieland, G. R., 1909. Amer. Jour. Sci., March, p. 250. a-Univ. Sci. Bull . Vol. V, No. 14. 272 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1. WiLLlSTON, S. W. A New Armored Dinosaur from the Upper Creta- ceous of Wyoming. Science, N. S., vol. XXII, No. 564, Oct. 20, 1905, p. 503. 2. News item. Science, N. S., vol. XXIV, No. 622, Nov. 30, 1906, p. 711. 3. Darton, N. H. Geology of the Owl Creek Mountains. Senate docu- ment No. 219. Washington, D. C, 1906. Page 22. 4. Leidy, Joseph. Notice of Remains of Extinct Reptiles and Fishes Discovered by Dr. F. V. Hayden in the Bad Lands of the Judith River, Nebraska Territory. Proc. Acad. Nat'l Sci., Phila., vol. VIII, pp. 72-73. 5.- Leidy, Joseph. Extinct Vertebrata from the Judith River and Great Lignite Formations of Nebraska. Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc, vol. XI, pp. 139-154, with plates VIII-XI. 1860. 6. Darton, N. H. Geology of the Big Horn Mountains. Professional Paper No. 51, p. 55. Washington, D. C. 1906. 7. Lambe, L. M. Contributions to Canadian Paleontology, vol. Ill, pt. II : On Vertebrata of the Mid-Cretaceous of the Northwest Territory. Art. No. 2: New Genera and Species from the Belly River Series. Geological Survey of Canada. 1902. 8. Contribution to Canadian Paleontology, vol. Ill, p. 57. 9. HULKE, J. W. Phil. Trans., 1881, p. 654, pj. 71, fig. 1. 10. Owen, Richard. Monograph of the Fossil Reptilia of the Wealden Formation. Paleontographical Society, 1857, pi. V. 11. Marsh, 0. C. The Dinosaurs of North America. 16th Ann. Rep. U. S. G. S., 1896, pi. LXXV, fig. 5. 12. HuLKE, J. W. Phil. Trans., 1881, p. 655. 13. Seeley, H. G. On the Os Pubis of Polacanthus foxii. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc, vol. 48, pp. 81-95, pi. I. 14. HuLKE, J. W. Phil. Trans., 1887, p. 171, pis. 8 and 9. 15. Marsh. Dinosaurs of N. A., 1896, pi. LXXIX, fig. 5. 16. Ibid, fig. 6. 17. Lydekker, Richard. On Part of the Pelvis of Polacanthus. Q. J. G. S., vol. XLVIII, pp. 148-149, with 2 figures. 18. HuLKE, J. W. Q. J. G. S., vol. 30, pp. 516-518, pi. XXXI, figs. 1, 2. 19. HULKB. Phil. Trans., 1881, p. 657. 20. Richard Owen. Monograph on Scelidosaurus, pt. II, Paleonto- graphical Society, 1862, p. 20, pi. IX. 21. HuLKE. 1881. Phil. Trans., p. 657, pi. 75, figs. 5, 6. 22. Lambe. 1902. Contribution to Canadian Paleontology, vol. Ill, p. 56, pi. XXI, figs. 6, 7, 8. MOODIE: ARMORED CRETACEOUS DINOSAUR. 273 23. Hatcher, J. B. 1905. Vertebrate Fauna of the Judith River Beds. Bull. U. S. G. S., pp. 67-103. 24. NOPSCA. 1905. Geol. Mag., N. S., Dec. 5, vol. II, p. 241. 25. Seeley. 1881. Q. J. G. S., p. 653, pi. 31, fig. 3. 26. Huxley. 1867. Geol. Mag., vol. IV, p. 66, pi. V. 27. Marsh. 1896. Dinosaurs of North America, pi. LXX. 28. WiLLiSTON, S. W. American Amphicoelian Crocodiles, Jour. Geol., vol. XIV, No. 1, p. 1, 1906. 29. Lambe. Contribution to Canadian Paleontology, vol. Ill, p. 56, pi. XII, figs. 3, 4, 1902. THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vol. V, No. 15— March, 1910. (Whole Series, Vol. XV, No. 15.) CONTENTS: A Contribution to the Soft Anatomy of Cretaceous Fishes AND A New Primitive Herring-like Fish from the Texas Cretaceous, Roy L. Moodie. PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITV, LAWRENCE, KAN. October, 1911. Entered at the post-office in L.iwi-ence as second-class matter. 3310 THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vol. V, No. 15.] MARCH, 1910. [yjL'xVNo!" A CONTRIBUTION TO THE SOFT ANATOMY OF CRE- TACEOUS FISHES AND A NEW PRIMITIVE HERRING-LIKE FISH FROM THE TEXAS CRETACEOUS. BY ROY L. MOODIE. (Contribution from the Zoological Laboratory, No. 191.) Plates LX to LXII. ''f'^HERE have been, during the past few years, several ad- 1 ditions to our knowledge of the soft parts of extinct animals. This knowledge has to do, in large part, with the firmer tissues, such as the cartilaginous portions of the skeleton, the skin, the muscles, but in some cases the kidneys, oviducts, nervous tissues, blood vessels and alimentary canal are clearly preserved. Dean (1) has been especially fortunate in the discovery of some of these structures in the sharks of the Cleveland shales of Ohio. He has described very fully the preservation of the kidneys, muscles, skin, the cartilaginous elements of the fins and arches and portions of undigested food. So perfectly are the remains preserved that the tissues, in some cases, admit of histological differentiations into the component elements. Eastman (2) has described the preser- vation of the outline of some acanthodians from Mazon Creek. Woodward (3) has contributed to our knowledge of the soft anatomy of fossil fishes in many ways and has added interest- ing information on the anatomy of the lateral line system of Cretaceous selachians. Jaekel (J^), Dean (1, p. 267) and Gill (5) have discussed the anatomy and the significance of Juras- sic and Cretaceous chimseroid egg cases. Otto Reis (6) has written much on the soft anatomy of various fossil fishes, more (277j 278 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. especially the Coelacanthidse, in which he has described the form of the muscle fibers, the swim bladder and other struc- tures. Eastman and Parker (21) have described the preserva- tion of the brain, the internal ear and arterial vessels in Rhadinichthys deani Eastman from the base of the Waverly shales, Kentucky. Dean (20) has mentioned the preservation of the lateral line sensor^' canals of the head, the auditory organ and the rim of the nasal capsule in Acanthodes bronni from the Pe/mian of Lebach, preserved in the Berlin Museum. Fritsch (7) has described very accurately the outlines of the body and fin membranes of Pleur acanthus. Traquair (5), Dean {1) and Sollas {9) have added to our knowledge of the anatomy of Paleospondijlus. Patten (iO), Eastman, Traquair and others have written on various structures of the Ostra- cophores. Other authors have contributed from time to time on the subject, until we have, in some instances, e. g., Bothrio- lepis, Paleospondylus, Cladoselache, a fairly definite idea as to the outward form and internal structure of the creature. Among higher animals something has been done on the soft anatomy of the extinct Amphibia, Ichthyosauria, and Dino- sauria. It is with some degree of pleasure that the w^riter is able to add to the knowledge of the soft anatomy of extinct forms by the discussion of the alimentary canal of two Cretaceous fishes. One is a species of Empo, probably E. nepaholica Cope, from the Niobrara Cretaceous of western Kansas, and the other is a new species of clupeoid fish from the Cretaceous of Texas. The specimen which probably belongs to Empo nepaholica Cope consists of the cast of a large stomach which, in all probability, represents a fish of some ten or twelve feet in length. It is No. 347 of the University of Kansas Paleontologi- cal Collection. The remains were discovered in 1897 by Mr. H. T. Martin in the Niobrara chalk four miles northwest of Elkader, Kan. The specimen has recently been presented to the Museum of the University by Mr. Martin. The specimen consists of a cast of the larger portion of the alimentary canal of a large species of fish. Attached to the matrix of the cast on one side is the major portion of the right pectoral fin, which is described and figured below. So far as the writer is aware, the present specimen is the most perfect example of the pectoral limb of an Empo which has been de- moodie: cretaceous fishes. 279 scribed. Cope (ISa) figured an incomplete one and Hay men- tioned another. Hay (11) has figured a portion of the caudal fin of an Empo showing the extreme character of segmenta- tion of the rays. The same character is shown in the pectoral fin. The stomach is rounded, somewhat laterally compressed, and elongate in a shghtly U-shaped curve. There are eight muscular constrictions on the ventral surface and four on the dorsal. The constrictions, on the ventral surface, occur in groups. Anteriorly there are two close together. This group is separated by a space of an inch and a quarter from the next group, in which there are three, which occur a little over one- half inch apart. The last group, also of three, is separated from the second group by one inch. The surface of the stomach cast is covered with a dark, apparently carbonaceous, ma- terial which may be carbonized muscle, together with a few large scales of the typical Empo form. Running the entire length of the specimen are longitudinal ridges and grooves showing the cast of the muscular walls of the stomach. The interior of the stomach, in cross section, shows no food material, but only chalk. It is possible that the fish, like some of its modern relatives, may have been a bottom feeder and its stomach may have been partly filled with Niobrara mud at the time of its death. There must, however, have been some sedi- ment enter the stomach after death, for the full form of the organ is preserved as though the entire stomach cavity had been packed with mud. Furthermore, the form of the stomach is that of a carnivorous fish, and recalls very strongly the stomach of a mountain trout or of the sunfishes of our inland streams, all carnivorous in habit. The portion of the alimentary canal preserved is in two lobes. The first lobe is undoubtedly the stomach proper, and the constriction between the lobes is the pyloric region. The other lobe is unlike anything among modern fishes with which I am at present acquainted. It is undoubtedly an enlargement of the intestine and possibly served as a secondary stomach. It lacks the muscular constriction and the longitudinal plicse. The plicse are, however, continued well across the pyloric region to the beginning of this second enlargement. The pectoral fin, as preserved, is well characterized in the photograph (plate LXII, figure 2). It is somewhat turned in- 280 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. ward and bent, during interment, back against the stomach. There are eleven rays preserved. The anterior rays are cross segmented with long divisions, which measure 7 mm. in length in the second ray. The square notches mentioned by Hay {11, p. 87) as occurring on the specimen of Em'po nepaho- lica Cope in the United States National Museum, are entirely lacking from that portion of the anterior ray which is pre- served in the present specimen. The teeth on the edge are also absent, nor do I find that they are evident in Cope's figure referred to by Hay. The figure is very indistinct, and if the notches were present they could not, in the nature of the case, be normal, but would represent places where the segments had dropped out. The first ray is not a spine. In other respects the present specimen agrees well with that figured by Cope on plate LU, figure 1 (Cretaceous Vertebrata). The fifth and succeeding rays are segmented like the anterior ones, but the segments are smaller and measure, on the average, only about 2 mm. The seventh ray is especially broad, equaling in its proportions two and one-half of the other rays. All of the rays are split distally. The seventh divides into four second- ary rays and the divisions ascend more and more to the base of the fin posteriorly. The fin supports are obscured by scales and matrix so that their nature cannot be determined. On the opposite side of the specimen, below the pectoral fin, there are large scales and fragments of ribs. The second intestinal enlargement is interesting, entomo- logically, as showing ttie borings of some fossorial hymenop- teron ; possibly some one of the smaller species of the Andrenidse. There are fragments of pupa cases in the burrows, so there is no doubt as to the recent origin of the holes. The present specimen is so far the only remains known of the soft anatomy of the Kansas Cretaceous fishes, and, so far as I can learn, the first indication of the alimentary canal of Cretaceous bony fishes of any region. Whether the stomach and intestines in their various forms will ever be of any help in determining the relationship of the various osseous fishes remains to be determined. It is to be feared, however, thai the fishes have been so diversified according to food habits that these structures will not be of any great phylogenetic value. The remains are interesting, however, as indicating, in a measure, the habits of life of at least one of the Cretaceous fishes. MOODIE: CRETACEOUS FISHES. 281 Measurements of the specimen of Empo nepaholica Cope : Entire length of the alimentary canal as preserved . . 53 . 2 cm. Greatest diameter at anterior end 10 Least diameter, across pyloric region 3 Greatest diameter of posterior enlargement 7.4 Length of pectoral fin as preserved 9 Greatest width of fin 3.7 Length of first ray. 8 Width of first ray 2 mm. Diameter of large scale 15 Thrissopater intestinalis new species. A species of clupeoid fish is represented in the University Museum by the remains here described as a new species. The form is located in Thrissopater of Giinther, described from the Gault of Folkstone in 1872 (12). My thanks are due Dr. A. Smith Woodward for the suggestion of a comparison of the present form with that of Thrissopater. It was thought for a time that the present form represented a genus distinct from Thrissopater. The distinguishing character was thought to be found in the position of the pelvic fins, which has served as a generic character in other fishes. In Thrissopater salmoneus the pelvic fin is opposite the dorsal and in the present form it is distinctly posterior to it. There is, however, a great range of variation in the position of the pelvic fin, especially among the lower osseus fishes. My thanks are due Prof. E. C. Starks for aid in reference to the characters of the modern bony fishes. During the summer of 1909 the writer spent some weeks study- ing with him the fishes of Puget Sound. He first called the writer's attention to the wide variation of the location of the pelvic fin in the clupeoid fishes. This variation is easily un- derstood when it is remembered that the pelvic fin lies free from any firm attachment and hence its variation in location would not mean as much as though it were attached to the scapular arch. Further aid was rendered the writer in de- termining the characters of the clupeoid fishes by Dr. W. G. Ridewood, of London. An examination of the essays of this gentleman has been of great service. The absence of material for direct comparison with the species of Thnssopater makes it best to locate the present form temporarily in that genus. The systematic position of Thrissopater has been the subject of a wide variance of opinion. Dr. Giinther regarded Thrissopater as closely allied to the modern Clupeidse and located it {13) in that family, in which he also included such forms as Spaniodon, Albula, Elops 282 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. and Engraulis, all of which have been regarded by different authors as types of distinct families. Boulenger {H) regards Thnssopater as a member of the subfamily Thrissopatrinae, which is one of his four subfamilies of the Clupeidse. Dr. Jordan (15) located the form in the family Spaniodontidse, which is closely related to the Elopidse, between which and the Clupeidse Boulenger regards Thrissojyater as being interme- diate (I.e., p. 564). Professor Starks writes me that Doctor Jordan now regards the family Spaniodontidse as untenable. Dr. A. Smith Woodward (16) regards Thrissopater as a mem- ber of the Elopidse, which differ from the Clupeidse in the pos- session of a single supramaxillary, the degree of union of the parietals and the gape of the mouth and the presence of a gular plate. The present form presents the characters of the Elopidse in so far as they are preserved. In recent forms, the presence of a gular plate in the Elopidse serves as a convenient landmark for the distinction of the families of the Elopidse and Clupeidse. As a matter of fact, the families are so closely allied that the characters used for their separation must in time be broken down by the discovery of new material. Herrings and herring-like fishes are not at all rare in the Cretaceous deposits of the world. Davis {17) has described many forms of clupeoid fishes from Mount Lebanon. Before him Agassiz advanced the knowledge of these forms, and lat- terly Woodward has described several interesting clupeoids. Cope described several clupeoids from the Eocene of Green River, Wyoming {18), and Jordan has cited the interesting relations of these forms to forms now living in the rivers of Australia and Chili. At the present time herrings form an important item in the economic history of the world. Huxley has dwelt {19) especially on the anatomy and relations of the herring in this connection. The present form adds yet another mite to our knowledge of these interesting fishes. It is believed to be as early as or perhaps somewhat older than many of the described clupeoids. The specimen comes from the Austin shales or limestone, which is a probable equivalent of the Niobrara Cretaceous. It is from near Baylor, Tex., and is No. 300 of the University of Kansas Museum. The remains preserved consist of the nearly complete fish, as may be determined from an examination of the plate. The caudal portion is, unfortunately, lacking. The outer surface of the skull was badly broken and Mr. Martin very kindly ex- MOODIE: CRETACEOUS FISHES. 283 tricated the skull for me from the matrix. It was a difficult task and the results were hardly worth the efforts, for the embedded portion was but little better preserved than the outer. Enough of the skull is preserved, however, to show many of the important characters. The head is naked; the body compressed, but whether the ventral edge was drawn out into a keel or not cannot be determined from the specimen. The mandible is fully as long as the skull. The relations of the articulation to the orbit cannot be determined, nor can the position of these openings be definitely located. The parietal bones are, apparently, small. Certainly the supraoccipital projects forward as in Thrissopater magnus. Maxilla is slender, with a single supramaxillary. The margin of the jaws is provided with a single row of small, recurved, sharply pointed teeth of uniform size throughout the length of the en- tire mandible and maxilla. The quadrate is broadly V-shaped, with a prominent articular surface. Nasal, ethmoid and pre- maxillary bones ornamented with numerous small pits. The same character occurs on the anterior end of the maxilla of the right side. A single, squarish, punctate, thick, pharyngeal bone is present. A very few branchiostegal rays are pre- served; not over ten. From the relationships of the form we would judge there were many in the complete fish. The oper- cular apparatus is smooth. Posterior suborbital plate radiately furrowed; its extent exceeding one-third of the length of the skull; remaining elements indistinct. Greatest depth of the body is slightly greater than the length of the skull from premaxilla to supraoccipital. The length of the body is possibly equal to four times the length of the skull. The fins are relatively small. Dorsal fin median in position. The pectoral fin has sixteen rays, which are cross-segmented but are not divided longitudinally. The rays are supported by five baseosts. The distance between the origins of the pectoral and pelvic fins is equal to nearly four times the length of the pectoral fin. The pelvic fins have nine rays, none of which are cross-segmented. The pelvic bone is large and spatulate. The body scales are small, cycloid, deeply imbricated and marked with fine concentric lines. There is a large, elongated and elegantly sculptured scale at the base of the pectoral fin, as in Thrissojmter salTnoneus; though in the present instance the scale is less than one-half the length of the pectoral fin rays. The vertebrse are preserved to the number of thirty- ?-Univ. Sci. Bull.. Vol. V, No. 15. 284 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. four. There may have been as many as forty-five or fifty in the complete fish. They are fully ossified, slightly constricted and marked with small longitudinal ridges. The length is slightly greater than the depth. The neural spines are long and interlock with the interneurals. Supernumerary ribs present. Six of them occupy the space of a single vertebral centrum. The specimen as preserved is well characterized by the fig- ures. The fish lacks the posterior end of the body back of the anus. It is chiefly remarkable on account of the extraordinary preservation of the casts of the rectum and intestine, of which there are six coils or loops preserved. The remains are em- bedded on the right side in a calcareous, arenaceous, shaley limestone, which also contains remains of some species of Inocey^amus, small fish teeth and the base of a moderately large shark's tooth. Perhaps the most interesting portion of the entire specimen is the intestinal canal, from the presence of which is derived the specific name. In general features the alimentary canal as preserved recalls that of the common fresh-water buffalo fish, Ictiobus bubalus Raf (plate LXII, figure 1). The similarity in form is undoubtedly indicative of similarity of habit, and since we know that the buffalo fishes are bottom feeders we can easily predicate that our ancient Cretaceous fish had similar habits and at the time of its death the alimentary canal was filled with mud mixed with some organic substances ; for the fossil shows a different texture for the cast of the alimentary canal from the matrix, indicating different materials. The intestine as preserved consists of six coils or loops of the very small intestine which immediately precedes the rectum, which is likewise preserved. The rectum is elongate but no more so than is the same structure in the buffalo fish. The essential characters are shown in the illustrations. The distinction of this species from the other three which have been assigned to Thrissopater is to be found, first of all, in the posterior location of the pelvic fin. Its base lies at a distance posterior to the back edge of the dorsal fin, which is equal to its own length. So far as I am aware the large axil- lary scale in other species of Thrissopater is larger and un- ornamented. From T. salmoneus Giinther the present form is to be distinguished by the relative proportions of the head and MOODIE: CRETACEOUS FISHES. 285 body. The head and opercular apparatus is contained only about twice or at most two and one-half times in the body. From T. magnus it is to be differentiated by the relative pro- portions of the opercular and the skull. The former is con- tained twice in the latter in the present form. In T. magnus it is contained three times. The present species is indeed very closely allied to Thrissopater magnus Woodward from the Lower Chalk of Hollingbourn, Kent. It is to be distinguished by the relative dimensions of the vertebrae as well as by the proportions existing between skull and opercular. The verte- brae in T. magnus are higher than long while in T. intestinalis they are slightly longer than high, and the ends are occupied by distinct rims, such as do not occur, apparently, in the English form. The characters which the two species have in common are striking. They both have the same notch in the anterior end of the mandible ; the same finely punctate ethmoid and nasals; the same form and dimensions of mandible and maxilla; the same divided posterior suborbital; and the same relative shape of skull. Many of these are generic characters. The present species can be distinguished from Thrissopater (?) megalops Woodward by the proportions of the head. In T. ( ?) megalops the height of skull from cotylus to supraoc- cipital is equal to the length of the mandible, while in T. ??- testinalis the mandible exceeds the height of the skull from cotylus to supraoccipital by 15 millimeters. It may be further distinguished by the relative proportions of the pectoral arch and skull as well as by the absence of the radiately furrowed suborbital and the notch in the anterior end of the mandible in T. (?) megalops. Measurements of Thrissopater intestinalis Moodie : Length of specimen 29 cm. Greatest depth 9 Length of skull (with opercular apparatus) 9.7 Depth of skull at quadrate 4.8 Length of mandible 6 Depth of mandible at cotylus 1 Diameter of pharyngeal plate 9 mm. Length of tooth 2.5 Width of opercular apparatus 3 cm. Length of clavicle 2.5 Length of pectoral fin 2.5 Width of pecoral fin 1.2 Length of pelvic fin 2.4 Width of pelvic fin 1.2 Length of actinost 3 mm. Length of dorsal fin as preserved. 2.1 cm. 286 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Width of dorsal fin as preserved 1.8 Length of caudal haemapophyses 9 mm. Length of vertebrae 6 Depth of vertebrae 5 Width of small intestine 3 Length of rectum 12 cm. Width of rectum 1.3 Length of interneural 1 BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1. Dean, Bashford, 1909. Studies on Fossil Fishes (Sharks, Chima- roids and Arthrodires) . Memoirs of the American Museum of Nat- ural History, vol. IX, part V, pp. 211-287, with 65 text-figures and plates XXVI-XLI. la. HussAKOF, Louis, has given a very full bibliography of the forms here discussed. Studies on Arthrodira, Memoirs of the American Museum, 1906, vol. IX, part III. 2. Eastman, Charles R., 1902. The Carboniferous Fish Fauna of Mazon Creek, Journal of Geology, vol. X, p. 536. 3. Woodward, A. S., 1888, Paleontological Contributions to Selachian Morphology, I : On the Lateral Line of Cretaceous Species of Scyllidae. Proc. Zool. Society of London, p. 126. 1898. Preliminary Note on a New Specimen of Squatina from the Lithographic Stone of Nusplingen, Wurtemberg. Geo- logical Magazine, December, IV, vol. V, No. 409. 3a. COLLINE, W. E., 1895. The Morphology of the Sensory Canal System in Some Fossil Fishes. Proc. Birmingham Phil. Soc, vol. IX. 4. Jaekel, Otto, 1901. Ueber jurassiche Zahne und Eier von Chimaer- iden. Beilage Band Neues Jahrbuch f. Mineralogie, etc., Bd. 14, pp. 540-564, fig. 3, Tafeln XXII-XXIII. 5. Gill, Theodore, 1905. An Interesting Cretaceous Chimaeroid Egg- case. Science, N. S., vol. XXII, No. 567, p. 601, November 10. 6. Rets, Otto, 1888. Die Ccelacanthiden. Paleontographica, Bd. XXXV, pp. 1-96, Tafeln I-V. Reis, Otto, 1889. Ueber ein Art Fossilization der Muskulatur. Gesellschaft f. Morphologic u. Physiologie in Muenchen, pp. 1-6. Reis, Otto, 1894. Ueber Phosphoritisirung von Cutis der Testikel und des Ruckenmarks bei fossilen Fischen. Archiv f. Mikro. Anatomie, Bd. 44, pp. 87-119. Reis, Otto, 1898. Neues ueber petrificirte Muskulatur. Archiv f. Mikros. Anatomie Bd. 52, pp. 262-268. 7. Fritsch, Anton, 1895. Fauna der Gaskohle und der Kalksteine der Permformation Bohmens, vol. Ill, p. 1. 8. Traquair, R. H. See bibliography in reference No. 9. 9. SOLLAS, W. J. and I. B. J., 1904. An Account of the Devonian Fish, Palieosjwndyhis gunni Traquair. Phil. Trans. Royal Society, London, vol. 196, B, pp. 267-294, plates 16-17. 10. Eastman, Chas. The results of Patten, Traquair, Dean, Eastman and others are very adequately discussed in Eastman's two memoirs : Devonic Fishes of the New York Formations, Memoir No. 10 of the New York State Museum, pp. 24-65; Devonian Fishes of Iowa. Annual Report Iowa Geological Survey, vol. XVIII, pp. 31-291; 41 text-figures, plates I-XVI. 1907. 11. Hay, O. p., 1903. On Certain Genera and Species of North American Cretaceous Actinopterous Fishes. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. History, vol. XIX, p. 88, plate I, fig. 4. MOODIE: CRETACEOUS FISHES. 287 12. GuNTHER, A., 1872. Figures and Descriptions of British Organic Re- mains. December. XIII, Mem. Geol. Survey No. 1, plate I. 13. GuNTHER, A., 1880. The Study of Fishes, p. 656. 14. Cambridge Natural History, vol. 7. Boulenger, Systematic Ac- count of the Teleostei, pp. 562-564. 15. Jordan, D. S. Guide to the Study of Fishes, vol. II, p. 43. 16. Woodward, A. S., 1901. Catalogue of Fossil Fishes of the British Museum, part IV., page 32, plate V, fig. 1, VII, fig. 4. 17. Davis, J. W., 1887. The Fossil Fishes of the Chalk of Mount Leb- anon, in Syria. The Scientific Trans. Roy. Dublin Society, vol. Ill (ser. II), art. XII, p. 567, plates XXXI-XXXIV. 18. Cope, E. D., 1884. Tertiary Vertebrata, book I, p. 77, plate IX. 18a. Cope, E. D., Cretaceous Vertebrata, plate LII, fig. 1. 19. Huxley, T. H., 1881. The Herring, Scientific Memoirs, IV, pp. 473-492. 20. Dean, Bashford, 1907. American Jour. Anatomy, VII, p. 218. 21. Eastman, C. R., 1908. The Devonian Fishes of Iowa, vol. XVIII, Iowa Geol. Survey, pp. 264-272. Article by Dr. G. H. Parker on the "Auditory Organs and Other Soft Farts," on p. 272. 3-Univ. Sci. Bull.. Vol. V. No. 15. THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vol. V, No. 16 — March, 1910. (Whole Series, Vol. XV, No. 16.) CONTENTS: A New Species of Holotrich, By Nadine Nowlin. PUBLISHED BY THE UNlVERSITv, LAWRENCE, KAN. October, 1911. Entered at the post-office in Lawrence as second-class matter. 3310 THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vol. V, No. 16.] MARCH, 1910. [^xv.ToTe A NEW SPECIES OF HOLOTRICH. BY NADINE NOWLIN. (Contribution from the Zoological Laboratory, No. 193.) Two text figures. IN April of 1909 there was brought to my room at the Naples Station a jar of the small barnacle Lepas 'pectiJiata, and in examining microscopically one of the appendages I observed a minute rotifer-like animal creeping along its edge. This animal, after being studied for some time, was found to be an infusorian — a Holotrich, resembling in a general way Huxley's Dysteria armata. Upon careful study, however, it differed in so many ways that I concluded it to be a distinct form. Symbiosis is such an old and well known condition in the organic world that any discussion of it for its own sake is un- necessary here. As in other cases, these two animals live together, deriving mutual benefit from the combination ; the ciliate finding a shelter in the appendages and the barnacle, no doubt, getting a tasty morsel when it succeeds in dislodging the little animal long enough to sweep it into the gullet. It is a question how the protozoon manages to thrive under these con- ditions. We know that the water currents set up by the host are swift and frequent, and life under such tempestuous condi- tions would seem worse even than the chances in the open sea. The structure of the smaller organism partially explains this. It has first of all an armature, a tough siliceous skeleton, cover- ing the body, except a narrow strip on the ventral side. With this protection it is not easily crushed. Then caudally there protrudes a hook-like tail, which not only helps the animal in (291) 292 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. creeping over the rough surface of the appendage, but also serves as an efficient means of attachment. Near the oral opening protrudes a long flagellum which lashes rapidly to and fro and secures food for the animal. The small visitor thus established on the appendage of a barnacle obtains its food from the currents of water which are constantly coming in to the host. When the dangers come and the appendages are enclosed by the calcareous plates of the barnacle, the ciliate still has moisture and some food. One might think that in casting its lot with a sedentary animal the free-swimming protozoon had limited its opportunities. This is not wholly true. Lepas pectinata grows on masses of lava, and during storm these masses become broken and widely scattered. It is only occasionally that the Naples collectors are able to find this barnacle — its appearance in the bay depend- ing upon, first, a storm at sea, and then a strong south wind to sweep it in. During April and part of May I was able to ob- tain this material but twice. This was unfortunate as the nucleus is an interesting one, and promises well for cytological work. The barnacles live less than a week indoors and the ciliates perish with them. Moreover, the ciliates are not nu- merous. As a last resort for material^ I took barnacles from the storeroom, preserved in formalin, and succeeded in find- ing the specimens, but they did not prove satisfactory for nuclear study. DESCRIPTION OF SPECIMEN. The animal is oval in form, being slightly wider cephalically. It is covered with siliceous skeleton, giving the appearance of a bivalve shell, and possesses a caudal appendage. So differ- ent is it from the usual infusor that it is little wonder most zoologists at first glance pronounce it a rotifer, or a mollusk, or a low crustacean. The animal is flattened dorso-ventrally, the dorsal shell being more extensive and bending over the right side. The dorsal is slightly convex ; the ventral is concave and attaches to the dorsal by a deep groove on the left. The right edge of the dorsal shell and the left edge of the ventral do not meet, thus leaving exposed a very narrow strip of protoplasm. This uncovered protoplasm is ciliated and it is by means of these cilia that the animal swims. The surface of both shells is smooth. The crevice between the ventral and dorsal plate lies then nowlin: a new holotrich. 293 on the right ventral area of the animal, and because the animal moves often on the edge we are apt to think of this ciliated region as purely ventral. Lankeste in describing the family Dysterina, to which I believe this specimen belongs, calls this the ventral side. The right ventral groove then extends from the posterior end of the animal completely along the side and rounds across the cephalic end. At its caudal extremity is an appendage, and at the cephalic, a long flagellum. EXPLANATION OF TEXT FIGURES. The figure to the left is a view of the right dorsal side of the animal, showing the flagellum anteriorly and the ventral cilia; the calcareous supporting rods of the mouth, the two contractile vacuoles and the nucleus. The caudal appendage is shown by a continuous line and its range of motion by dotted lines. The middle figure is a view of the animal on edge, showing a convex dorsal side, concave ventral, left dorsal groove and caudal appendage. The right figure is an imaginary cross-section through the nucleus. The tail, like the body, is covered by the silicious skeleton and appears hollow, at least part of the way. Whether the anus lies at its distal end, as is claimed for Onychodactylus, I am unable to say. Its range of movement is nearly 180 degrees in the plane of the right ventral groove. In movement the ani- mal may use this organ as a propeller, shoving itself forward with long strides by placing the end against a solid structure. It is this motion which resembles strongly that of a rotifer. In swimming the tail is usually folded into the groove like a knife- blade closed in its handle, and the animal is carried forward by the vibration of its cilia. The animal when creeping over a solid surface stands on the ciliated edge, much as a mussel when moving through the sand. In swimming it lies slightly on its ventral side and has a swinging motion through the water. The flagellum is located in a deep depression of the cephalic protoplasm. On superficial examination this depression might 294 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. be mistaken for the mouth, but the mouth is just ventral to it and convenient to the currents set up by the flagellum. The gullet is a long, narrow funnel running obliquely up- wards and backwards until it nearly reaches the opposite side of the body. Like other protozoa of this group, it is supported by calcareous rods. These are plainly visible when picro- sulphuric acid is first placed on the specimen, but very soon the acid destroys them and the gullet shows only as a clear place in the protoplasm. Two contractile vacuoles are present, and a very large nu- cleus. The nucleus is especially interesting in these forms be- cause the meganucleus is heterogeneous, the anterior half re- maining almost clear when stained with picro carmine, the posterior half staining densely. The micronucleus may lie quite far to the posterior end of the meganucleus. The fact that the two halves of the nucleus react differently to the same stain suggests a segregation of functions. Since in di- vision the meganucleus breaks transversely, the resulting ani- mals are dimorphic as to meganuclear protoplasm. CLASSIFICATION. According to Lankester's classification the specimen de- scribed above belongs to the sub-order Gymnostomata, that division of the Holotrichs in which the mouth is closed in the intervals between the acts of ingesting food. It belongs to the family Dysterinse (Clap. & Lach.), which corresponds to Calk- ins's sub-family Ervilinse : Cilia confined to ventral surface or a portion of it; caudal end invariably possesses a movable style arising from caudo-ventral surface. Of the various genera grouped under this family, or sub- family, our specimen corresponds most closely to the last of the following list : ^gyria (Clap. & Lach.), 1858. Onychodactylus, Entz, 1884. Trochilia, Duj., 1841. Dysteria, Huxley, 1857. Dysteropsis, Roux, 1902. The only species of this genus, so far as I can learn, is the small one found in the lakes of Geneva and called minuta by Roux, because it measures only 28 micra long and 16 micra wide. The animal described in this paper is marine; the av- nowlin: a new holotrich. 295 erage specimen is 83 micra long and 50 wide. Its habitat in the tentacles of Lepas pectinata suggests the name of Dyster- opsis pectinata for the new specimen. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bronn, H. G. 1880. Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier Reichs, vols. I, II, III. Claparede and Lachmann. 1850-'60. Etudes sur les Infusoires et les Rhizopodes. Mem. Inst. Genevoise, 5, 6, 7. Calkins, G. N. 1902. Marine Protozoa from Woods Hole. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 21, pp. 415-468. Calkins, G. N. 1909. Protozoology. Lea & Febriger. Huxley, Thos. 1857. Mic. Trans. Jour., vol. 5. Lankester, Eray. Protozoology, part 1, fascicle 2. Roux, Jean. 1899. Infusoires cilies des environs de Geneve. Rev. Suisse, Zool. 6. Roux, Jean. 1901. Faunne Infusoirenne des eaux stagnents des en- virons de Geneve. Mem. cour. de I'Universite de Geneve. Roux, Jean. 1901. Faunne Infusoirienne des environs de Geneve. Vehr. Zool. Congr. 5 (Berlin). THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vol. V, No. 17 — March, 1910. (Whole Series, Vol. XV, No. 17.) CONTENTS: Orthoptera from the Santa Rita Mountains, Arizona, Col- lected BY the University of Kansas Expedition, James A. G. Rehn. PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY, LAWRENCE, KAN. October, 1911. Entered at the post-office in Lawrence as second-class matter. 3310 THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vol. V, No. 17.] MARCH, 1910. R^rxv.'No'n ORTHOPTERA FROM THE SANTA RITA MOUNTAINS, ARIZONA, COLLECTED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS EXPEDITION. BY JAMES A. G. REHN. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Plate LXIII. THE collection forming the basis of this paper was made in the Santa Rita range during the summer of 1907 by the University Museum expedition under the late Prof. F. H. Snow. FORFICULID^. SpongopJiora apicidentata Caudell. Santa Rita mountains, 5000 to 8000 feet, July. F. H. Snow. One female. This species has previously been recorded from localities in Arizona ranging from near a hundred feet to about five thousand feet above sea level. Blattid^. Ischnoptera notha Rehn and Hebard. Santa Rita mountains, 5000 to 8000 feet, July. F. H. Snow. One female. This specimen agrees with an individual of the same sex from the Huachuca mountains previously examined by the author.* The measurements of the Santa Rita specimen are as follows : Length of body 14.0 mm. Length of pronotum 4.5 Greatest width of pronotum 5.9 Greatest width of tegmen 4.5 Length of tegmen 10.0 * Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1907, p. 25 (Uhleriana) ; Rehn and Hebard, Ibid. 1910, p. 443. (299) 300 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. In Arizona this species appears to be restricted to certain elevations on mountains of the southern part of the territory, viz., Santa Rita, Huachuca and Patagonia ranges. Blattella dilatafa (Saussure). Santa Rita mountains, 5000 to 8000 feet, July. F. H. Snow. One female, one male. These specimens agree with those recorded by the author* from the Huachuca mountains. Mantid^. Bactromantis virga Scudder. Santa Rita mountains, 5000 to 8000 feet, July. F. H, Snow. One female. This specimen is slightly larger than a Huachuca mountains individual of the same sex. Phasmid^. Pseudoserniyle truncata Caudell. Santa Rita mountains, 5000 to 8000 feet, July. F. H. Snow. One female. Parabacilhis coloradus Scudder. Santa Rita mountains, 5000 to 8000 feet, June. F. H. Snow. Two males, one female. ACRIDIDiE. Telmafettix aztecns Saussure. Santa Rita mountains, 5000 to 8000 feet, June. F. H. Snow. One male. Mermiria texano Bruner. Santa Rita mountains, 5000 to 8000 feet, July. F. H. Snow. One female. Prorocorypha,^ n. gen. Allied to Paropomala Scudder, but differing chiefly in the great development of the cephalic portion of the head, the greatly elongate supra-anal plate of both sexes and the sub- genital plate of the male. Body sub-bacilliform. Head greatly elongate; vertex and pre-ocular region strongly produced into a rostrate process, fastigium lanceolate, tectate, carinate; antennse, at least of male, somewhat triquetrous, subensiform. Cephalic and median limbs very small. Caudal limbs very slender. Pro- * Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1907, p. 26. ' TTpiMi, prow; Kopvfpr), head. REHN: SANTA RITA ORTHOPTERA. 301 sternum with a median compressed protuberance ; mesosternal lobes contiguous. Supra-anal plate aculeate in both sexes ; sub- genital plate of male strongly produced, knife-like. Type: P. snowi, n. sp. Prorocorypha snowi n. sp. (Plate 63.) Types : ^ and 5 (not mature) ; Santa Rita mountains, Pima and Santa Cruz counties, Arizona, 5000 to 8000 feet, June i ^), July ( 2 ), 1907. F. H. Snow. (University of Kansas.) Size medium; form very elongate. Head one and one-half times the dorsal length of the pronotum, occiput with a hardly perceptible longitudinal arcuation ; interocular region but little narrower than the greatest width of the fastigium; rostrum very long and deep, occupying nearly half the length of the head and the greater part of the depth ; outline when seen from the side with fastigium slightly ascending from the interocular region, face nearly horizontal, inter-antennal portion rounded to the acute angulate fronto-fastigial angle ; fastigium lanceo- late, the greatest width contained twice ( ^j ) or more than twice ( $ ) in the length, apex very narrowly rounded, lat- eral margins distinctly carinate, surface tectate, median carina as distinct as the lateral and extending to the inter-antennal region; lateral foveolse very elongate, lanceo- late; frontal costa. narrow, very slightly but regularly expanding ventrad in the male, very narrow dorsad, expanding somewhat in the inter-antennal region and subequal ventrad in the female, in both sexes moderately sulcate and becoming ob- solete before reaching the clypeal margin ; eyes flattened, elongate ovate, not at all prominent; antennae, in the male at least, slightly exceeding the head and entire thorax in length, thick, three-sided, one narrower than the others, ensiform. Pronotum about twice as long as its width, cephalic margin of dorsum truncato-rotundate, caudal margin truncate, median carina distinct ; lateral lobes with the ventral margin truncate. Wings and tegmina undeveloped. Prosternum with a very dis- tinct longitudinal rounded tubercle ; mesosternal foramina con- siderably impressed. Abdomen with the segments considerably elongate; supra-anal plate in both sexes strongly produced, needle-like, its length being but very slightly less than the dorsal length of the pronotum; cerci somewhat compressed, simple, sub-sty] if orm; subgenital plate of male produced into a compressed, slightly arcuate knife-like structure, slightly more than half again as long as the supra-anal plate; ovi- 302 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. positor jaws of the female placed well under the projecting supra-anal plate. Cephalic and median limbs very small; caudal femora reaching to the fifth abdominal segment, very slender, tapering; caudal tibiae equal to the femora in length, armed on the external margin with fourteen to sixteen small spines. General colors of female burnt carmine and apple green, the venter of the body and head ochraceous, the carmine strongest on the dorsum, the green only on the limbs; caudal femora yellowish proximad. Color of male destroyed by im- mersion in liquid preservative. Measurements. Male. Female. Length of body (including subgenital and supra-anal plates) 31.0 mm. 44.0 mm. Length of head 5.5 7.2 Length of f astigium 2.7 3.8 Length of pronotum 3.2 5.0 Length of caudal femur 10.5 13.6 Length of supra-anal plate 3.4 4.4 Length of subgenital plate 5.0 A single pair have been examined. Doctor McClung, of the University of Kansas, who has studied the spermatogenesis of this species and whose assistants collected specimens under Professor Snow, informs me that "specimens such as those you have were constantly caught in copulo, and a microscopical ex- amination of the testes shows the spermatozoa well developed." The specimens in hand have the tegmina and wing pads in the reversed nymphal condition. Eritettix variabilis (Bruner). Santa Rita mountains, 5000 to 8000 feet, June and July. 1907. F. H. Snow. One male, four females. One of the females in this series is in a greenish phase of coloration, while two of the remaining females have a pattern of chiefly solid contrasting colors. The green phase has the greater part of the head, dorsal half of the lateral lobes of the pronotum, the pale stripe on the tegmina and the dorsal face of the caudal femora apple green, while the strongly contrasted phase has broad seal brown postocular bars extending over the head and pronotum and regularly expanding in width, the dorsal aspect much lighter, either ochraceous or rust red, and the usual dark portions of the tegmina also seal brown. The supplementary carinas of the pronotum are distinctly but not strongly indicated in two of the females, represented by the REHN: SANTA RITA ORTHOPTERA. 303 merest traces in the female and completely absent in the two contrasting colored females. The only previous Arizona record of this species is from Douglas, Cochise county. Amphitornus ornatus McNeill. Santa Rita mountains, 5000 to 8000 feet, June and July, 1907. F. H. Snow. One male, one female. Cordillacris pima Rehn. Santa Rita mountains, 5000 to 8000 feet, July, 1907. F. H. Show. One male. This species was known only from the Baboquivari moun- tains, Pima county, Arizona. Psolcessa texana Scudder. Santa Rita mountains, 5000 to 8000 feet, July, 1907. F. H. Snow. One female. This specimen is in the blackish phase of coloration — the typical texayia form. Aulocara fenioratuni Scudder. Santa Rita mountains, 5000 to 8000 feet, July, 1907. F. H. Snow. One male. This species is now known in Arizona from the Huachuca and Santa Rita mountains, and from Phoenix. Arphia aberrans Bruner. Santa Rita mountains, 5000 to 8000 feet, July, 1907. F. H. Snow. One male, one female. This species is now known from localities extending from the Huachuca range to Nogales, Ariz. Hippisciis coralUpes (Haldeman). Santa Rita mountains, 5000 to 8000 feet, June and July, 1907. F. H. Snow. One male, one female. Scirtetica ritensis, n. sp. (Plate 63.) Type: $ ; Santa Rita mountains, Pima and Santa Cruz counties, Arizona. Elevation, 5000 to 8000 feet. July, 1907. F. H. Snow. (University of Kansas.) A very beautiful species of the genus, differing from its allies in the absence of a median band on the wings, the dark color being on the periphery, in the color of the disk and in the heavy, robust build. Size medium; form robust. Head with the extreme width very slightly greater than the greatest width of the cephalic 304 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. margin of the pronotum ; occiput slightly arcuate longitu- dinally, the caudal section of vertex with a pair of distinctly impressed subpyriform areas; interocular region slightly wider than the fastigium, broadly and deeply sulcate ; fastigium very greatly declivent, sulcate as in the interocular space, the sul- cate portion, however, being slightly broader than between the eyes; frontal costa somewhat narrower than the fastigium dorsad, very gradually expanding ventrad to very near the cly- peal suture, where the margins curve strongly laterad, sulcate ventrad to immediately dorsad of the ocellus, where the sulcus terminates abruptly, and from the ocellus ventrad it is present shallower and sub-obsolete as the clypeal suture is approached ; lateral foveolse lanceolate, trigonal, distinctly impressed ; eyes broad, somewhat depressed ovoid in outline, about equal in length to the infra-ocular groove, moderately prominent when viewed from the dorsum; antennae about equal to the dorsal length of the head and pronotum ; ventral portion of head dis- tinctly broader than the dorsal. Pronotum with the length of the disk about half again the dorsal length of the head, and with the greatest width of the disk but slightly shorter than the length; cephalic dorsal margin very slightly obtuse-angulate, caudal margin decidedly obtuse-angulate ; lateral angles of the disk very distinct on the metazona and the cephalic portion of the prozona, broken and sub-obsolete mesad; median carina distinct, moderately elevated, straight, cut by the transverse sulcus very slightly cephalad of the middle; lateral lobes dis- tinctly deeper than long, the cephalic and caudal margins obliquely emarginato-sinuate, ventro-caudal angle broadly rounded. Tegmina exceeding the tips of the caudal femora by slightly more than the length of the pronotum, moderately broad, slightly narrowing distad, the apex obliquely rotundato- truncate; intercalary vein prominent, through the greater part of its length closer to the median than to the ulnar vein. Wing with the greatest width contained one and one-thirds times in the length, apex sub-rectangulate with the distal portion of the costal margin arcuate. Mesosternal lobes with the interspace very strongly transverse; interspace be- tween the metasternal lobes transverse. Caudal femora robust, the ventro-lateral carina distinctly lamellate, reaching its greatest expansion at two-fifths the distance from the apex, pattern of the paginse distinct; caudal tibiae slightly shorter than the femora, armed laterad with seven spines. General colors vandyke brown and pea green, marbled and REHN: SANTA RITA ORTHOPTERA. 305 blotched one over the other, the tegmina, dorsal face of the caudal femora and disk of the pronotum with the green pre- dominating; ventral surface Isabella color. Dorsum of the head and pronotum with a regular figure of green which is margined laterad with clove brown, this figure being con- stricted at the caudal margin of the head and almost severed mesad on the pronotum; antennae clove brown annulate with pea green, their insertion bordered dorsad and ventrad by a pair of transverse lines of clove brown ; eye walnut brown. Wings with the disk orange rufous, the distal and caudal margins with a moderately broad band of vandyke brown which fails to reach the proximal margin, ulnar tsenia extending about half way to the base of the wing ; apex with the smaller areas and a few of the short veins creamy white. Caudal femora with the dorsal face crossed by a median and a disto- median bar of clove brown, while the apex is touched with the same color, ventral sulcus washed with pale blue; caudal tibise turquoise blue with the lateral face of the proximal third green- ish white and the extreme distal portion of the internal face blackish, leaving a pregenicular pale annulus, the apex dark blue, and a dark blue annulus placed next to the pale one; tarsal joints very pale ochraceous. Measurements. Length of body 23 . 8 mm. Length of pronotum 4.5 Length of caudal femur 12 . 0 Length of tegmen 21.0 The type specimen is the only one seen by the author. Tonionotus aztectis (Saussure). Santa Rita mountains, 5000 to 8000 feet, July, 1907. F. H. Snow. One male. Mestohregma rubripeiine (Bruner). Santa Rita mountains, 5000 to 8000 feet, July, 1907. F. H. Snow. One male, one female. Conozoa carinata Rehn. Santa Rita mountains, 5000 to 8000 feet, July, 1907. F. H. Snow. One female. Trimerotropis allicieyis (Scudder). Santa Rita mountains, 5000 to 8000 feet, June and July, 1907. F. H. Snow. Three males. These specimens are somewhat smaller than a female from the Huachuca mountains. 2-Univ Sci. Bull., Vol. V, Nq. 17. 306 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. TrimerofropiFi laficiucta (Saussure). Santa Rita mountains, 5000 to 8000 feet, July, 1907. F. H. Snow. One male, one female. This species has previously been recorded from Nogales, Douglas and the Huachuca mountains in southern Arizona, and Flagstaff in northern Arizona. Tmmerotropis cyaneipennis (Bruner)- Santa Rita mountains, 5000 to 8000 feet, July, 1907. F. H. Snow. One female. Heliastus benjamini Caudell. Santa Rita mountains, 5000 to 8000 feet, July, 1907. F. H. Snow. One female. This specimen has pale interrupted decussate markings on the pronotum. Previous records of this species are from the Huachuca moun- tains, the Baboquivari mountains, and Nogales, Ariz. Heliastus aridus (Brunei") • Santa Rita mountains, 5000 to 8000 feet, July, 1907. F. H. Snow. One male. Dactylotum variegatum (Scudder). Santa Rita mountains, 5000 to 8000 feet, July, 1907. F. H. Snow. Two females. Tettigonid^. Arethsea sellata Rehn. Santa Rita mountains, 5000 to 8000 feet, July, 1907. F. H. Snow. One male. This is the first record of the species outside of the Huachuca mountains. Scudderia furcifera ( Scudder) . Santa Rita mountains, 5000 to 8000 feet, July, 1907. F. H. Snow. One male. GRYLLIDiE. Gryllus alogus Rehn. Santa Rita mountains, 5000 to 8000 feet, July, 1907. F. H. Snow. Two females. These specimens measure as follows : Length of Pronotum. Tegmen. Caudal femur. Ovipositor. 4.0 mm. 9.0 mm. 12 mm. 14.5 mm 3.3 5.5 11 13.8 This species has been recorded from the Huachuca mountains and Phoenix, in addition to Albuquerque, the type locality. THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vol. V, No. 18— March, 1910. (Whole Series. Vol. XV. No. 18.) CONTENTS: Observations on the Gryllid^: III. Notes on the Classification AND on Some Habits of Certain Crickets, W. J. Baumgartner. PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY, LAWRENCE, KAN. October, 1911. Entered at the post-ofHce in Lawrence as second-class matter. 3310 THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Vol. V, No. 18.J MARCH, 1910. [^xv.'no's OBSERVATIONS ON THE GRYLLID^ : III. NOTES ON THE CLASSIFICATION AND ON SOME HABITS OF CERTAIN CRICKETS. BY W. J. BAUMGARTNER. (Contribution from the Zoological Laboratory, No. 195.) Classification. IN the course of collecting material for some cytological studies on the crickets, I was early confronted with the question of what are the true species of Gryllus. The first specimens collected I {2) called Gryllus assimilis, after care- fully comparing them with the labeled specimens in the Uni- versity of Kansas collection, and after reading such descriptions as were then available in the library. Later I collected about Chicago, 111., and Woods Hole, Mass. My attempts at classify ing these specimens led me to the conclusion that the species of Gryllus, the common larger field crickets, are not fixed but grade into each other. I found that in all of these places there were two groups with diflPerent breeding seasons — one that passed the winter in the nymph stage, and another that passed it in the egg. The former matures and breeds around Law- rance, Kan., during June and early July, and the other during the latter part of August and September. This question of the true species in Gryllus was frequently discussed with my fellow student. Dr. F. E. Lutz, now of Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y., during our study at the University of Chicago. I am glad to confirm his recent publication (i^) in which he says that the species of Gryllus as now named do not differ in characters, "but merely in the degree of common characters." My study has not been especially along the line (309) 310 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. of taxonomic characters ; but my attempts at classifying the specimens collected in Douglas and Harvey counties, Kansas, in Chicago, 111., in Woods Hole, Mass., in the Santa Rita moun- tains, Arizona, and in Tarpon, Tex., trying to follow the keys given by Scudder, Blatchley, De Saussure and others, have led me to believe that Lutz is right when he says : "Either we simply name stages in a great continuous mass of variation and call them species or there is but one species of Gryllns in east- ern United States, and the names we give are not the names of species at all, but simply inaccurate, shorthand expressions for recording the approximate size, proportions and color of individuals found." This applies to our common field crickets ; and I do not think that it should be limited to the eastern Uni- ted States, but should include the central portion as well. On a collecting trip to Tarpon, Tex., last summer, I found a color variation which confirms this opinion that all these so- called species grade into each other. On the low sandy islands I found that the crickets were straw yellow. Most of them were in the last or next to the last nymph stage. This was about June 12. At first I thought they were the imported Gryllus domesticus; but later collecting disclosed some with a few, and some with many dark markings. A few of the adults taken subsequently were quite black. These were under the same boards or stones with the straw-colored ones, and were mating with them ; and they probably came from the same mother. A number of nymphs were brought to the laboratory at Law- rence and raised to maturity. All of them turned much darker and some became jet black. As far as I could see these black ones could not be distinguished from our native species. One peculiarity of these crickets on the islands at Tarpon offered an additional reason for thinking they were G. domes- ticus, or a closely allied species; i. e., the young nymphs varied much in their stages of development, a peculiarity I had noticed in the domestic species in the greenhouses in Chicago. This fact must be due to the climatic conditions — both forms de- veloping where there is a long-continued breeding season, with even temperature. In the laboratory I found that these Texas forms mated very readily with our Kansas forms, both the spring-maturing and autumn-maturing broods. Some of the adults I brought with me paired with some tardy spring forms and some of the BAUMGARTNER: OBSERVATIONS ON THE GRYLLID^. 311 smallest nymphs were not matured before autumn adults appeared. In trying to classify these southern forms I finally concluded that they were our common black field crickets, which had lost a little, very much, or nearly all of their pigment. Although Blatchley, Scudder, and De Saussure use the color difference as one of the prominent characters separating species, I do not believe that it can properly be so used. "Black color" and "straw color" do not stand for different species in the crickets of the Texas coast. The black gradually shades off into the straw color ; and a black one and a light one may have the same mother. An examination of the germ cells reveals no differences in cell structure between the southern light-colored specimens and our native black ones. But both differ markedly from that found in Grylhis domesticus, as has been and will be shown by the papers dealing with spermatogenesis. All of the collections made in the various localities show dimorphism as to wing length. The short-winged forms are very much more numerous in all places, but the long-winged forms vary greatly in frequency in the several localities, as Lutz {IJf) has found. Blatchley {6) is correct when he suggests that the failure of past monographers of this genus is in part due to the fact that they have neglected the study of the animals in the field. By using this method he has added some very useful hints on the habits and structure, as they bear on the classification. He has plainly shown that there are in many localities really two broods, one maturing early and the other later. He considers them as belonging to different species. Lutz denies this. In whatever region I have observed the two broods, the autumn specimens are larger and more robust than the earlier ones. They also differ in proportions and color enough to represent two species according to ordinary criteria for species ; but the intergrading of the forms from different localities would re- move all distinctive characteristics. So while Blatchley is ap- parently right, I feel confident that extensive careful collecting will show that Lutz is correct. The earlier brood lives "in burrows singly or in pairs," while the later ones "are more sociable," and there is not much "forsaking of burrows," as Blatchley {6) thinks. My ob- servations have led me to the following conclusions: Of the 312 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. spring brood each individual has a separate well-made burrow, early in the season, usually under some stone or board. The male keeps his as long as he lives, or well through the breeding period at least ; while the female abandons hers when she be- comes an adult, or even before. Thereafter she may be found with the male in his burrow or in any convenient hiding place. The young individuals of the autumn brood never make much of a burrow, but live under bunches of loose, dry grass or old rags, or whatever they find. I have frequently found more than a dozen in an old newspaper in the grass. The adult males sometimes have a sort of burrow, particularly late in the season, but most of the time I find them in any kind of a hiding place. I am quite sure, however, that these creatures, young and old, especially the males, have a selected spot in the grass or paper, which serves as their home, and so the diff'erence between the spring and autumn forms is really this : the former dig a burrow for a home, while the latter simply select some convenient place to stay. Judging from my study of the germ cells of Gryllus domes- ticus, given in a former paper (3) , this species is quite different from the other forms. The diff'erence of chromosome number and shape are such that I should expect the domestic species to be very different in taxonomic characters; but such is not the case. In other genera of the family Gryllidse the species are more distinct and limited. In CEccmthns, following Hart (10), we classify the species largely by the color markings on the basal joints of the antennae, and this seems to be quite constant. I have found that I can separate the nymphs quite readily by means of these markings. Nemobius shows more variation, and probably after large, widespread collecting the species may prove to intergrade. In Gryllotalpa the species are quite distinct. FOOD HABITS. Very many observers have written of the food habits. It is known that the common black field crickets may eat almost anything. In captivity they will sometimes devour each other, the stronger ones feasting on the weaker ones even before they are dead. I have seen a female chew the wing of a male, and I have found a crippled female with her abdomen partly eaten away. In their free life I think this rarely or never occurs. BAUMGARTNER: OBSERVATIONS ON THE GRYLLID^. 313 The females will eat the empty spermatophores whenever they find them. Among the mole crickets I observed this peculiarity between two species. In a box of specimens of Scapteriscus sent me from Porto Rico I never discovered any partially devoured ones among the few dead specimens; but while collecting our own species Grijllotalpa borealis, in northern Indiana, I placed one female adult and six nymphs in a bottle full of sand in the field. When I returned to the laboratory I found but two nymphs, the others having been devoured by the adult. This, with some later experiences, led me to believe that adults will eat the nymphs whenever they find them in their burrowings. However, this cannot be true for the very young nymphs, as the eggs are laid in a mass in a much frequented part of the burrow, and the mother, no doubt, cares for the eggs and young for a while. EGG-LAYING. Blatchley (6) says: "The eggs of most crickets are laid singly in the ground." My observations confirm this as far as Gryllus and Ncmobius are concerned. The large black field cricket selects usually a somewhat barren spot in a grassy field, where she lays her eggs. She will force her ovipositor into the ground and deposit a single egg, then removing the ovipositor partly will put it down at a different angle and plant another egg, and repeating the process will leave a third. On no occasion did I see more than four eggs laid without the ovipositor being completely removed and pushed into the grou'nd at a new place. Nemobius lays its eggs in a similar manner. Two or three, rarely four, eggs are laid almost side by side, and then the next batch are placed a quarter of an inch or more away. In but one instance did I find eggs laid by the mole cricket. They were "in a heap on the floor in the enlarged part of a side gallery," just as Barrett (1) has described. CHIRPING. A peculiar habit of the mole crickets, of which I made brief mention in an abstract (4), is the chirping of the female. A hurried examination of the tegmina of the females will show that the nerves are modified into a rasping and sounding organ, which is not as large or as well developed as that of the male, but well enough to have made thoughtful observers of the past 314 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. suspect that it might function, and that female Gryllotalpa might chirp. As far as I have been able to read the literature no one has observed that they actually do so. Most of our books say that only the males stridulate. LaCordiare (12) says, "The chirping organs of the crickets are simple and limited to the males." Scudder, speaking of the crickets, says, "his egotistic love song." Comstock (7) writes, "the males of the crickets have musical organs." Lang (13) says: "In the Lo- custidse and Gryllidas only the males stridulate, by rubbing the rough basal portions of their wing cases against each other." Packard (15), after speaking of the organs in the males, says : "The females are not invariably dumb, both sexes of the Eu- ropean Ephippigera being able to faintly stridulate." Henne- guy (11), in speaking of the musical organs, writes: "Where they are found they are well developed in the males only; in the females they are more or less rudimentary. Such is the case in the Gryllidse." Barrett (1) describes the stridulating organ in the male "Changa" or Porto Rican mole cricket, Scapteriscus didactylus; but he has completely overlooked the same but less well developed organ in the female. The female mole cricket has quite a loud and distinct chirp. It usually consists of a single note; but there may be several at short intervals. This note is less shrill than the ordinary call of the male. However, the male has a note very similar to that of the female which it uses for the same purposes, namely, as a means of recognition in the dark burrows. The call is al- ways given when one individual is approaching another, es- pecially when digging a new tunnel. Both genera, Gryllotalpa and Scapteriscus, have the stridulating organ on the female elytra, and so both must be able to chirp. I never isolated a Porto Rican female to hear its chirp, but after hearing the call of our native cricket I feel sure that I have heard the insular female's chirp also. This unusual ability possessed by the female is an adaptation to life in underground burrows. It enables the individuals to recognize others which are approaching under conditions where sight cannot be used. Thus enemies and friends can be dis- tinguished; while if the female were dumb, as she is in all other crickets as far as I know, they might often attack even their mates. "^ BAUMGARTNER: OBSERVATIONS ON THE GRYLLID^. 315 PROTECTIVE GLANDS IN THE MOLE CRICKETS. As indicated in an abstract (4) , I have found that the correct interpretation of the function of the anal gland, which has so long puzzled investigators, is protective. Leon Dufour (8), a careful French investigator, first described in the mole crickets in both sexes a pair of azure or skim-milk colored glands con- nected with the rectum. Their secretion he compares in con- sistency with the vitreous humor of the human eye. To this secretion is added some excrement from the rectum, and when this mJxture is expelled it forms a brown liquid of nauseating fetidity. He calls the gland "an organ of excremental se- cretion." Berlese (5) describes the same structure and thinks it is a prostatic gland analogous to that found in the locustids. Al- though he found it in the female also, he does not seem to try to explain it there. Fenard quotes both of the above descriptions and adds a good many observations of his own. He describes the gland from sections and gives the action of certain fixatives and stains upon the tissues of the gland and its contents. He states in detail the macroscopic and microscopic structure. He concludes as follows : "Judging from the position of this organ, from the consistency of the liquid which it contains, and from its points of similarity with the prostatic glands of the locustids, I think that it ought to be considered also as a gland furnishing a mucus destined to lubricate the copulating apparatus. This organ exists in the female, it is true, but in this case it fur- nishes without doubt still a lubricant for the vagina, or a liquid to form the nest of these insects." After describing the details of this gland in the female he says : "I think that these organs can only be some secreting agent of a mucus destined to lubricate the genital organs ; or perhaps they glue together and hold the spermatophores ; or perhaps again they secrete the substance used to form the nests in which are found, as we all know, two to three hundred eggs all massed together and more or less united." It is evident from this uncertainty that Fenard did not know the function of the glands in ques- tion, yet he was inclined to follow Berlese and called them "prostatic glands." Packard, in his work on Entomology, places tke anal odor- iferous glands described by Dufour among the repugnatorial 2-Univ. Sci. Bull , Vol. V, No. 18. 316 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. glands, apparently because he has concluded that all fetid and anal glands are repulsive. As far as the position, size and structure of these glands are concerned, these earlier observers are on the whole correct. They agree, too, in the main points, Dufour has the glands attached to the rectum, while Fenard has them attached to the genital duct. The explanation of this difference of observation is partially suggested by Fenard, when he says: ''En somme ces organes paraissent d'eboucher dans une sorte de cloaque ou arrive I'oviducte." The mole crickets have but a single opening at the posterior end of the abdomen ; and a short common duct carries the genital and excrementary products. This should very properly be called a "cloaca." Into this cavity the short ducts of the anal glands empty. Fenard gives as the sizes of the glands "about six millimeters in length and three millimeters in thickness." I found none as large as that, but the size would depend in part upon the amount of secretion in the gland. Both Dufour and Fenard speak of two lobes and a median constriction. There is some tendency for such a constriction to show, but it is not constant. The shape and position of the organ would depend somewhat on the amount of extension of the abdomen and the full- ness of the rectum. The two lobes when present do not differ in histological structure, and not in function, as Fenard has shown by his careful work by means of sections. The walls are resistant, the cavity large, and the contents appear homogeneous, granular, and they coagulate as a result of fix- ation, and color strongly whenever stained. All these facts Fenard has correctly described. But Fenard must have worked with preserved specimens only, or he would not have made the error concerning the func- tion of the gland. Although he quotes Dufour, he cannot have followed his suggestion when the latter says : "If one seizes a mole cricket of either sex, it squirts from the anus a brown liquid of nauseating fetidity. This liquid is formed in part by excrement from the rectum and is in part the product of a special secretion." I have studied Scapte^iscus didactijlus from Porto Rico and Gryllotalpa borealis taken in northern Indiana and in eastern Kansas. My observations and experiments show that the above quotation is correct in most parts. If the insect is held or irri- tated in the region of the head or thorax, there is no discharge. BAUMGARTNER: OBSERVATIONS ON THE GRYLLID^. 317 But if held or pinched or pricked or chemically irritated on any side of the posterior part of the abdomen, or on the hind legs, there is always ejected from the anus a bluish-white liquid with some excrement. The discharge is directed as nearly as possible to the point of attack, be it above, below, behind, or on either side of the abdomen. It is driven with considerable force, enough in some instances to carry it across an aquarium eight inches in diameter. After several ejections there is less excrement in the liquid, which becomes almost colorless, losing its milkiness. The ejected mass has a very fetid odor and is very sticky, so sticky that a half-grown nymph can readily be suspended by lightly touching a needle to some of the secretion and then to its abdomen. An adult female, in spite of her strong legs, was held for nearly a minute as a result of touching her be- smeared body against the side of the jar. In some breeding experiments reported elsewhere I was able to study the effect of this ejection and the conditions under which it is made. There was no discharge when the male was carefully introduced into the jar with the female, but on one occasion it happened that the male became excited and rushed upon the female in his attempt to get away. He received a discharge upon his head and into his face. He stood for a long time trying to clean this off. He apparently could remove but little of it, and died on the second day thereafter. At another time a female received a lesser discharge from a male. She, too, spent hours trying to scrape off the sticky stuff, but failed, and died on the third day. The other pair lived for many weeks longer. Perfectly calm individuals, when put into a jar in which there had been a discharge a day or so before, became very much agitated and tried hard to escape from the en- closure. This behavior suggests that when these insects get this odor it warns them that an enemy has been or is near, and they try to escape. I repeated this test several times with the same result. I introduced some affected sand into a jar con- taining a calm individual. He became agitated. In every in- stance the crickets became excited when they perceived the odor. The fetidity of the liquid must repel very ardent pursuers, and the stickiness must retard them should they become en- tangled in a discharge. It is, no doubt, for the purpose of so entangling the enemy that the cricket directs its discharge toward the point of attack. 318 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. This defensive organ probably explains the fact that mole crickets have so few natural enemies, as reported by Bar- rett (1). Since the Gryllotalpidae move most of the time in under- ground burrows the discharge from the anus would protect against attacks from the rear. Hence there is no discharge when the irritation is on the anterior half of the body. The head and thorax, besides being very hard, are further pro- tected by the powerful fore legs. The abdomen is compara- tively soft and without other protection than that described above. My observations and experiments prove conclusively that the secretion of the anal glands, or "prostatic glands" of Berlese and Fenard, is preeminently protective, as any one who will take the trouble to secure a live specimen and repeat these tests can see for himself. Neither Berlese nor Fenard can have handled live individuals, or they should have seen the use of the anal secretion. As far as we know no other orthopteran has these protective glands, nor has it the same peculiar habits. The mole crickets running along the narrow underground tunnels have the soft abdomens constantly exposed to the attacks of enemies which they cannot see or perceive, so they have developed a special organ which can instantly repel or retard a pursuer. SUMMARY. 1. The species of Gryllus in eastern and central United States are not distinct, but form one large intergrading series, as Lutz has shown. This is true also for the supposed dis- tinguishing st7'aiv and dark colors as shown by the specimens collected in Texas. 2. The female mole cricket has a partially developed chirp- ing organ on its elytra. With this instrument it produces a single note used as means of recognition in the dark tunnels. 3. The anal gland of Dufour, the prostatic gland of Berlese and Fenard, is protective in function. The secretion operates as a repellant by its fetidity, and as a retardant by its stickiness. 4. Both the female musical organ and the protective gland are adaptations to life in underground tunnels. University of Kansas, May 10, 1909. BAUMGARTNER: OBSERVATIONS ON THE GRYLLID^. 319 BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1. Barrett, O. W., 1902. The Changa or Mole Cricket in Porto Rico. Bulletin No. 2, Porto Rico Agricultural Experiment Station. 2. BAUMGARTNER, W. J., 1902. The Spermatid Transformation in Gryllus assimilis with Special Reference to the Nebenkern. Kan. Univ. Sci. Bui., vol. 1, No. 1. 3. BAUMGARTNER, W. J., 1904. Some New Evidences for the Indvidual- ity of the Chromosomes. Biol. Bui., vol. VIII, No. 1. 4. BAUMGARTNER, W. J., 1905. Some Peculiar Habits of the Mole Crickets. Science, N. S., vol. XXI, No. 544. 5. Berlese, a., 1882. Ricerche sugli organi genitali degli Ortotteri. Atti della R. Accad. dei Lincei. Ser. Ill, vol. XI. 6. Blatchley, W. S., 1902. The Orthoptera of Indiana. Twenty- seventh Annual Report of the Department of Geology and Natural Resources of Indiana. 7. Comstock, J. H. and A. B., 1895. A Manual for the Study of the Insects. Ithaca, N. Y. 8. DUFOUR, Leon, 1841. Recherches anatomiques et physiologiques sur Orthopteres, les Hymenopteres et les Neuropteres. Memoire des Savants etrangers, Paris. 9. Fenard, a., 1897. Recherches sur les organes complementaires in- ternes de I'appariel genital des Orthopteres. Bull. Sc. France- Belg., vol. XXIX. 10. Hart, Chas. A., 1892. On the Species of CEcanthus. Ent. News, vol. III. 11. Henneguy, L. Felix, 1904. Les Insectes, Morphologie, Reproduction, Embryogenie. Paris. 12. Lacordiare, M. Th., 1834. Introduction a L' entomologie. Paris. 13. Lang, A. Textbook of Comparative Anatomy. (Translated by H. M. and M. Bernard.) London. 14. Lutz, F. E., 1908. The Variation and Correlations of Certain Tax- onomic Characters of Gryllus. Carnegie Institution of Washing- ton, Publication No. 101. 15. Packard, A. S., 1893. Textbook of Entomology. London. 16. Saussure, Henri de, 1872-'78. Melanges Orthopterologiques. Geneva. 17. SCUDDER, S. H. Notes on the Stridulation of Some New England Orthoptera. 18. ScUDDER, S. H., 1901. The species of Gryllus on the Pacific Coast. Psyche, vol. IX. 19. ScuDDER, S. H., 1901. The Species of Gryllus Found in the United States East of the Sierra Nevadas. Psyche, vol. IX. a-Univ. Sci. Bull., Vol. V, No. 18. ei8 .a^aiJJYJIO 3TTT VLO 8VrOITAVH3RaO : flayiTJIADMUAa .YH^AiTOOUaia .iniH oic'- r\ i aloM -o i-gn;idD offT .2061 ,.W .0 ,TT3HHAa .t MCi1ri3 incTfi'/eax^r fB'iuJluoJT'gA oaiH oiio*T ,S .oVL niJelluB .nfil'I .rrror-'rof'eVI sn'J ot aDrrsi'^leH fx''29g8 rijfv/' ?."(VsiKia?..o ?n\5^*ix) .1 .o>l ,1 .[ov ,.\uS .io8 .vinU -I.'ubivf nl or'i •o'^ "9:^ft^^iv3 veK '-meg .iOOI ,X .W .s^a'.-iTHAOMUAa .8 .1 .cM ,inV .lov ,.[rja .Ioi9 .^sfroaomofrfD 9rf:^ ^:o yii alcM s-'i Jo aJic'.'H ■fpfluo'^'^ 9rr-o8 .~Q'H ..L .V/ .flaviTviAOMUAa .i- .bh^ .oVL J7.X .!o-/ ,.8 M ,90fi9ro8 .zisiloi-iO .heiicUQ i's9'i il.'iJfrfss inB]§-io ilgrja erb'^^ooiJI .2881 ,.A ,3=23JHaa .5 .IZ .lov ,111 .-198 .ieom.I 19') .knooA .51 isllob i«A -vingv/T ./ ffiiibrrl \c xj-i9iqofi;t-iO 9rfT .20GI ,.8 .Yl ,YP>i?r>TAja .9 Ii:'ujJ/:M hnii ygofceO lo JnsiTijTBqgQ griJ^ lo }'ioqs5l iBunnA ii]n9V98 .R-rfKibnl ^o 399Trf039H 9.IJ ^o vbu+8 offl -fo^ Ifiunj?M A .gGSI ,.3 .A Lnc .H .1 ,>t jotsmoO .T .Y .!/[ ,eocr{^I .3:f09anl asupi-^olc'tzxf' q ^9 aguprmoi^nx; ?:9r['j'i9r[o9H .1^81 .vicaJ .JlUO'^uQ .8 9'iiom?M .so'X9iqoTU9T< 89I io 29'i9iqonsrnYlI eel ,89'i9Jqorii'iO 'lua .^ii/jT ,a'i9^nBii9 8Jni5VB8 a9b -ni s9-ji£ifr9rrf9lqmc9 ggns^-io 89! lua p.-sdyiodoeSi .Y681 ,.A .aaAViaT .C -93fii:-i1 .oS .!fuFI .89'i5iqorii'iO 89b iBJingg bhfiqqu'I 9b Kenigi .XIZX .lov ,.sl9a ,8W9M .:lff5I .surfiffx^oa) io 89i99q8 grfi nO .Srt8I ,.A .rahO .thaH .01 .III .lov .noiiojjLo-fqgJI ,9i^oIor{q-xoM ,a9iD98nl 89 J .bOQt ,xija'5 .J ^YUoaViViall .11 .ai-iB^ .ging^^oY'idrna .8i-xxj^ .'Ji7;oloxrrojri9 'J b noiJ;)ixI o'linl .i-SSI ,.hT .M ,anAianor)Aj .21 .M .H Y'^ koii;lPMfi-iT) .ymoiiinA 9viij>-ix;qmoO "^o jIooJix9T .A ,oviaJ .81 .nobnoJ (.b-ixixrf9a .M bns -xfiT ntKJ-foO 'lo ■r-.tioiinh-myj bnji noiiciiBV 9rfT .8001 ,.3 .'5 ,STtJJ .M -SxtirlrfijY/' ^o noiiufiianl gigynrjjO ,v.nU\iv'D ^o vioi-xivifidO •jimono .101 .oVI nofiBoifduT ,noJ .nobnoJ .vyoIomoMa ^o >!oodix9T .8681 ,.8 .A .asiAHOATJ .31 .x;v9n9D .aovpj-^olo-isiqodfiO sg^nsIoM .8T'-ST81 ,aa laviaH ,3au28UA8 .91 bitxjl^ffa W9]4 9n-o8 lo noiJtlubixJS orfi no ?.9ioM .H .8 ,flaauu'j8 .TI .xri9iqoritrO .irifoD yftioxi-I 9:'.J no v.5y\iNi-vO 1:o a9i99q& 9rIT .1061 ,.H .8 ,aaaauy8 .81 .ZI .lov ,9rf9YaT bs+inlj orf^t ni bnuo'^I ?.!v\i^-b) subject only to the restric- tions that a ) the result of comparison is uniquely determined b ) a < 6 shall exclude a = b but involve b>a c ) it a b' according as a < 6 or a > 6. 4. Definition. An ordered set is said to be well ordered when it has a first element and every subset beginning with the first element has an immediate suc- cessor in the given set. 5. Definition. A procedure whereby to every a, b of a K-class is assigned a definite symbol c= aob will be called a C-rule or rule of combination provided that by this assignment equals with equals give equals. 6. Definition. A K-class is said to possess the fundamental group property with respect to a C-rule when a o 6 also belongs to K. 7. Definition. Modulus of a K-class with regard to a C-rule is a symbol uotK such that aou = a = uoa for every a in K. 8. Proposition I. An ordered set defined by the requirements : a ) it shall contain a given symbol e ; b ) it shall possess the group property for every combi- FRIZELL: FOUNDATIONS OF ARITHMETIC. 385 nation eoa where a denotes a previously defined mem- ber of the set is also well ordered, infinite and forms a K-class with respect to the given rule. Proof : By hypothesis the set is to contain eoe = e', eoe' = e", eoe" = e'", . . . Since it is to be an ordered set no two of its members can be equal .".to every element of the whole set can be assigned some one of the subset e', e'", e", . . . That is, the set is infinite. And byb) every element has an immediate successor. Finally we have a test for equality which satisfies the require- ments of § 1. 9. Scholium. A set defined as in § 8 contains no modulus. In what follows it will be referred to as an e-sei. 10. PosUdates. We postulate an e-set for a lower rule of combination which shall contain a lower symbol u and e-sets for both this and a higher rule which shall both contain a higher symbol w, the definitions of the rules of combination to be completed in §§ 17, 26, 28, 30. 11. The different sets K[uo], K[wo], K[^6'^] are to be so ordered that the lower shall precede the higher. Thus they form together a well ordered set u, uou = u', uou' = u", uou" = n"', .... w, wow = wu', wowu' = wu", wowu" = wu'", . . . wntv = w''\ wnw''' = w''", waW" ^W'", . . . 12. Postulates. We postulate 6-sets for the lower rule which shall contain respectively each of the sym- bols w' , w" , iv^" , ... in succession. Thus corresponding to every a of the set K[i^n] we shall have an e-set K[ao]:a, aoa ^ au' , aoau' = au" , . . . Now taking e. g. a = w'" , by the principle of § 11 every member of K[ii'""'o] precedes ww'" = w^'' and therefore falls between iv'"' and w^\ That is, all these new e-sets are interpolated between successive 386 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. elements of K[?('n]. Hence the totality of symbols forms a well ordered set. 13. Proposition 11. A rule of combination is asso- ciative throughout a given K-class if ao(6oc)= aoboc for every a, b, c in K. 14. Definition. A K-class is said to form a semi- group with regard to a C-rule associative throughout K if by this rule unequals with equals always give une- quals or if from the relation a'oh = aob, resp. aob'= aob we can always infer a ' = a resp. h' = b. 15. Proposition III. No semigroup contains more than one modulus for its defining C-rule. For if u and u' not = u were both moduli, we should have aou' = a = aou contrary to i? 14. 16. Definition. An abelian K-class with reference to a C-rule is one for which the rule is without excep- tion commutative. 17. Proposition IV. Sufficient conditions of an abelian class are the relations ao(6oc) = ao6oc and boa = aob for every a, b, c in the class. 18. Proposition V. A C-rule is distributive over another in a given K-class if the relations (aob)c = acobc and a(boc) = aboac are satisfied by every a, b, c in K. 19. Proposition VI. A necessary and suflficient con- dition of the generating rule of an e-set being associ- ative for the set is the inductive formula of definition. eoaoh = eo{aoh) . Proof. If the relation of ao(hoc) = aoh oc has been established for a certain a and every /> , c of the set, then by hypothesis eoao{hoc) = eo\ao(b oc)\ — eo\aohoc\ = eo{aoh)oc — eoaohoc. FRIZELL: FOUNDATIONS OF ARITHMETIC. 387 But eohoc = eo{boc) by definition. Therefore e'oboc = e'o(boc) and so on. Hence the theorem by strict induction. 20. Corollary. The rule is also commutative. For if eoa = aoe, then by the associative law eoaoe = eo{aoe) = eo(eoa) . But eoe' = e'oe by § 19, there- fore eoe'' = e"oe, and so on. And if /^oa = ao6for a certain a and every h then ho{eoa) = bo{aoe) = i>oaoe = aoboe = eo{aob) = eoaob. Hence the proposition follows by strict induction. 21. Proposition VII . The formula of § 19 is also a sufficient condition of the e-set constituting an abelian semigroup for its generating C-rule. Proof. If aob belongs to the given e-set, then eoaob — eo {aob) also belongs to it. Thus the first group property is es- tablished. We have proved the associative law and by definition no two numbers of the set are equal. There- fore a' o 6 is not =aob when a' is not = a. 22. Postulates. Using capital letters M, N, . . . . to denote elements of the lowest class K[tfo], and italic letters a, /^ . . . for those of the class K[t^n] where a shall precede />, we postulate for every MB = BM 2i set MB o Na for every Na, then using letters a, b, . . . . where a shall precede b to denote the re- sulting symbols we postulate inductively new sets boa where a = Na and b denotes successively the higher ''polynomial" or composite symbols. Every b-set is to be simply ordered and possess the first group property for every boa. 23. Proposition VIII. Every b-set is well ordered, infinite and forms a K-class for the rule denoted by o . For the b-set consists of the combinations b, b o a , b o a li', b o a u", boa u'", .... and the reasoning of Prop. I holds good. 24. Proposition IX. The b-sets belonging to a 388 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. given Mb form together an infinite, well ordered K-class as regards the rule o . For the set of b's : Mb, Mhoiv^^\ ,Mbow^^"''\ .... forms a well ordered K-class between consecutive mem- bers of which the b-sets are interpolated. 25. Proposition X. The totality of the b-sets forms an infinite, well ordered K-class as regards the rule o . For the set of Mb belonging to a given -6 is a well or- dered K-class and so is the whole set of 6's, the latter being simply K[u'n]. 26. New combinations of symbols already defined are defined inductively in accordance with the formulas b o a = a o b and a o (b o c) = a o b o c. This secures the group property for the whole set and the reasom'figof F/and F// establishes Proposition XL The set of symbols generated ac- cording to two rules, a higher and a lower, from a single arbitrary symbol iv by aid of the postulate of order, the restricted form of the group property and the above inducted formulas of definition, is a well ordered, infi- nite set constituting an abelian semigroup with regard to the lower rule. 27. Scholium. The higher rule remains unre- stricted and has not been defined beyond the set K [ w; n ] , therefore is not yet a C-rule for the K-class of § 26. 28. Definition. The higher rule shall be defined inductively throughout K [ 'w; n ] by the formula w ab = w a ab, where a, b are any members of K [ t<; n ] for which a b has already been defined. 29. Proposition XII. The class K [ w u ] forms an abelian semigroup with regard to its generating rule. Proof by Propositions VI and VII, FRIZELL: FOUNDATIONS OF ARITHMETIC. 389 30. Definition. The higher rule shall be defined inductively for the remaining symbols of our abelian semigroup on the lower rule according to the formulas {aob)c = acobc and a{boc) = aboac, where the combinations ab, ac, be shall have been already defined. 31. Proposition XIII. The higher rule is distribu- tive over the lower throughout the class of symbols defined in § 22. Proof. First let a = b = c = l where I is any symbol oi K[iva]. Then II is defined by § 28 and l{lol) =lloll = {lol)l by § 30. Now suppose that the formulas of § 30 have been established for all symbols of K [ ^ o ] up to and including a certain a and for every b and c. Then {loaob)c ^ \ lo{aob) fcby associative law, = lco(aob)c by hypothesis, = lco{acobc) by hypothesis, = lcoacobc by associative law, = (loa)cobc. Similarly in every other case when a, h, c are replaced by^oa, lob, loc respectively. But by definition ^(^oNa) = /^oanNa and so on. Therefore by strict induction the formulas hold for every a, b, c belonging to the same K[^o]. Hence by Prop. V the theorem is true in this case. If h, k, I denote different mem- bers of K [ -w; D ] the definition gives {h o k)l = hi okl Bind h(kol) —hkohl. Then the proof is completed inductively by the same reasoning as above. 32. Corollary 1. The higher rule is a C-rule and by it unequals with equals give unequals. For since our symbols form a well ordered set according to the lower rule, we have a = b o x for any two unequal ele- ments a , b and therefore ac=^bcoxc .". not = b c . 33. Corollary 2. The higher rule is associative. 390 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. For this property has been established for the ele- ments a, 6, .... as members of K [ ^c n ] . Therefore by the distributive law it holds generally. 34. Corollary 3. The higher rule is commutative. For this also has been proved in the class K [ ii? n ] . 35. Corollary U- The set of symbols defined in ij 22 forms an abelian semigroup with reference to the higher rule. 36. Scholium. Beginning with any a> iv we have abelian semigroups with regard to both rules, and so beginning with iv for one or the other rule, but no part beginning with iv forms a semigroup on both rules. 37. Proposition XIV. Necessary and suflficient con- ditions that a set M constitute an abelian semigroup with respect to each of two rules of combination, one distributive over the other, that M contain an arbitrary w and that M be as generated an ordered set, are the rules of combination thus far defined. 38. Corollary. The properties in question may be expressed by the following postulates: A. There shall be a higher and a lower rule of com- bination. B. Combinations of symbols shall be so ordered that those made by the lower rule precede combinations of the same symbols by the higher. C. The higher rule shall be distributive over the lower. D. There shall be a set M containing the symbol lu . E. M shall form an abelian semigroup for the lower rule. F. M shall form an abelian semigroup for the higher rule. G. Every successive set generated according to re- quirements shall be an ordered set. FRIZELL: FOUNDATIONS OF ARITHMETIC. 391 39. Scholium. M is a well ordered set with no modulus. 40. We postulated two rules of combination for the symbol w , but only one for the lower symbol u . If we should postulate a higher rule for u by the same requirements as for iv the resulting set of symbols would not differ as regards any group property from the ^{;-set ; the new abelian semigroups would be re- spectively holoedrically isomorphic with the former. If we postulate no higher rule the set K[iio] still forms an abelian semigroup holoedrically isomorphic with K[i(;o]. 41. Instead let us set up postulates for the u class of symbols differing from those of § 38 only in adding another postulate H. The symbol u shall be a modulus for the higher rule, with the restriction on A-G that they shall not conflict with H. Then the class K [^i^] reduces to the single element u , the abelian semigroup on the two rules reduces to the set K[^to] and postu- late B drops out, since every combination by the higher rule is found among those made according to the lower rule. This new set of postulates may be replaced by the equivalent set. 42. a. There shall be a higher rule defined from a lower by the inductive formulas {uoa)h = uhoah and a(uoh) = auoah. b. There shall be a lower rule defined inductively by the formula uoaob = uo{aoh). c. There shall be a set M containing the symbol u . d. The set M shall possess the group property for every combination uoa. e. M shall be an ordered set. f . There shall be a set M ^ built up by postulates c, d and e on the symbol uu . g. The sets M' and M shall be identical. 392 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. 43. Proposition XV. The set of symbols defined by the above seven postulates constitutes an abelian semigroup for each rule and has a modulus for the higher rule, which is distributive over the lower. Pivof. The abelian semigroup on the lower rule is established by Prop. VII, the distributive law follows from XIII and the other semigroup by § 35. It re- mains to prove the existence of a modulus. Let e = uu. By postulate g, e must occur in the set K[?io] : II, u' , u" , . . . Suppose e = u" . Then every member of K [eo] will be found in K[?/^o] but beyond n' . That is, u and u' are not in K[eo], contrary to g. Therefore the only possibility of satisfying g is e=^u. Since, then, un = u, it follows by the distributive law that u is a modulus. 44. Postulates a . . . g define the natural num- bers as ordinal symbols and by XV contain all the laws of their arithmetic. The cardinal numbers may be de- fined in a manner now familiar as names of classes, e. g., ''five" is the name given to the class of all well ordered sets which are ordinally similar to the set u , u', u" , u'" , u^\ 45. Definition. A group is a semigroup which con- tains, corresponding to every a, l>, in it, symbols p and q such that aop = h = qoa. 46. Proposition XVI. Every group contains a modulus with respect to its defining C-rule. 47. Definition. If a class which has a mod- ulus u for its defining C-rule contains symbols a , a such that aoa = u = aoa then a , a are said to be each the inverse of the other. 48. Proposition XVII. No member of a semigroup can have more than one inverse in the semigroup. For otherwise equals with unequals would give equals. FRIZELL: FOUNDATIONS OF ARITHMETIC. 393 49. Proposition XVIII. Every group contains the inverse of every one of its members. 50. Proposition XIX. A semigroup with modulus is a group if it also contains the inverse of every one of its members. Proof, a o (a o h) — a o a o h = u o h = J)^ and (!) oa) o a = h o (a o a) = h o u = h , that is, § 45 is sat- isfied by p = a o /' and q = hoa. 51. Proposition XX. Given an abelian semigroup G with reference to a rule denoted by o , if in the class [ ( m, n ) ] = C of pairs of elements of G we declare [m,q) = (n,p) when and only when mop = noq and set up a rule defined by the relation {m,q)Q{n,r) = {mon,qor), then 1 ) C will be a K-class, 2 ) o a C-rule, 3 ) C an abelian group as regards the rule denoted by the sign o. Proof. 1) Either mop = nog' or mop is not =noq by hypothesis and §1. Hence either im,q) = (n,p) or(m, g) is not =(n,p). Obviously the assertions {n,p) = {m,q) and {m,q) = {n,p) are identical in meaning, since this is so for Tto ^ and mop. It re- mains to verify the euclidean postulate. Suppose that (m,q) = (l,r) and (^, r) = (?i,p). Then mor = lo q and lop = nor. Hence (mor) o (lop) = (nor) o (loq). But since G is an abelian semigroup (mor)o(^op) = mor o lop = (mop) o (lor) and likewise {nor)o (loq) = (noq)o(lor). Therefore (mop)o(^or) = {noq)o{lor). Whence mop = noq by definition of semigroup and finally i'm,q) = (n,p) by definition of equality. 2) Let (m', q') = (m, q) and (?t', r') = (n, r). There- fore m' oq — moq' and n' or = no r'. Whence as under 1) {m' on') o {qor) = {mon) o {q' or') ^Xidi hence (m' on', q' or' = {mon,qor). That is {m',q')Q 394 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. (n'yr') = (m,q)Q{n,r), or equals by equals give equals and © denotes a C-rule. 3) The fundamental group property is secured by the definition. To prove the associative law we have (m,n)Q \ {p,q)o(r,s) \ = (mopor,noqos) = (m,n)& (p, g)0(r, s). Suppose that {m', q')o{n, r) = (m, g)© ( 7^, r ) . Then (m' on,q' or') = (mon,qor) by defi- nition. Hence {m' on) o {qor) = {mon) o {q' or) and {m' oq)o{nor) = {moq')o{nor). Therefore m' oq = moq' hy %\4:. That is (m', g') = (m, g') and similarly for the other form of this property. Thus C is a semigroup. But the element ( m, m ) is a modulus and to every {n,q) corresponds an inverse {q,n). Therefore by XIX, C is a group, which we will denote byG. Finally {n,r)Q(m,q) = (nom,roq) = {mon,qor) — {m, q) o {n, r) . Therefore by § 16, G is an abelian group. 52. The semigroup C and group G are connected by Proposition XXL If we declare (m o q, q) = m then (mo 7, ) is simply ordered by the above defi- nition. This set, which we will denote by R, may be taken as representative of G since every element of G is equal to some member of R. 61. Definition. The symbols constituting the set R are called absolute, rational numbers. 62. Proposition XXIV. Every two unequal ele- ments of G are connected by a relation h = g ox where h, g denote the given elements, g being that which precedes. For g = (m, q) = (mr, qr) and h = (n, r) = (nq, qr) and mr precedes nq hy hypothesis. Therefore h = gox is satisfied by a? == (d, qr) where nq = mr od. 63. Corollary. The set R is simply ordered accord- ing to the lower rule denoted by o . 64. Proposition XXV. If we exclude the modulus u the remaining symbols of R form a set which is sim- ply ordered according to the higher rule. For let x denote any element of R which precedes and y any one which follows u . Then gx precedes and gy follows g'. That is, the trios u,g,gx and u,g,gy are ordered whether g precedes or follows u . 65. Corollary. The modulus u separates the re- maining symbols of R into two simply ordered classes, neither of which contains either a first or last element. frizell: foundations of arithmetic. 397 66. It is possible to divide R into two ordered classes so that every element of R belongs either to the one or to the other, but neither class has either a first or a last member. For example, the class Ri of all ele- ments whose squares precede 2 and the class Rg of all whose squares follow 2 together exhaust the set R, while neither Ri nor R2 has either a first or a last ele- ment. If we take 4 instead of 2, the element 2 is not included either in R or in Rg ; it separates them. We usually make this separation in practice by selecting a well ordered set, e. g. according to the decimal scale. We take first the highest integer in R^, then the high- est number of tenths, hundredths and so on. Similarly we pick out first the lowest integer in R2 , then the lowest set of tenths, hundredths, etc. 67. Definition. A well ordered set which has no last element is called a series. 68. Definition. The series of all symbols of the well ordered set 1 , 2 , . . . w, w -^1, . . . 2w, . . . Sw, . . . w^, . . . which pre- cede the element a taken in the above order, is said to be a series of type a . 69. Definition. An ordered set which has no first nor last element will be called an unbounded set. 70. Given an unbounded set S ordered according to a rule with respect to which S constitutes an abelian semigroup, suppose that a series K [f ^J of type w has been selected from among the elements of S and let Wi denote the set of all symbols of S which follow, Vg all which precede every fj, let Vi denote the set of all symbols s which precede Wj and Wg the set of all that follow V2 . Then one of the sets W^ , V^ must be unbounded and both may be. So also of V2 and W2 . 3-Univ. Sci. Bull. Vol. V. No. 21. 398 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. 71. In every one of the four cases when Wi has a first element or V^ has a last V2 has a last element or W2 a first this element is called the limit of the set to which it belongs. 72. In case W^ and V^ or V2 and W2 are both un- bounded we will introduce a new symbol f ^ which we will call the limit of K [f ,J . 73. Lemma. If Wi and Vi are both unbounded for the series i^[f„] the same is true for the series K[aof„] where a is any symbol in S. For if either the W or V set corresponding to i^ [a o f „] had a limit I we could write 1 = aox and x would be a limit for the same W or V belonging to K [f ,J contrary to hy- pothesis. 74. Theorem. If the series K[fi\, K[gj] both divide S into two unbounded sets the same is true of the set K [f ^ o gj . Proof. Let hi = f 1 o gi , hg = f 2 o gg , . . . . h^ + i = f2 0gi, h^ + s^faOga, ... Then by the Lemma each of the series K[hj], K[h^+,], K[h2^+,], . . . K[h,,,+J, . . . divides S into two unbounded sets. Hence the same is true of tne set n^ , n^_).2) n2,^+3, . . . n^^.^^^.!. 75. On the basis of the preceding theorem and defi- nitions is built up, by laying down the usual definitions of equality, order and two rules of combination, the set X of limits of series K [ f „ ] selected out of R. The set X forms an abelian group with reference to the higher rule of combination and an abelian semigroup on the lower rule. The higher rule is distributive over the lower and possesses the modulus u. X may be simply ordered according to the lower rule and is di- vided by the modulus u into two unbounded sets each FRIZELL: FOUNDATIONS OF ARITHMETIC. 399 simply ordered according to the higher rule. X is itself an unbounded set and contains a sub set holoedrically isomorphic with R as regards each rule of combination. Thus the whole set of absolute numbers is deduced from the set of absolute rational numbers by using only principles of order. 76. The preceding development does not take ac- count of the possibility that K[f„] may not really di- vide S. There may be no symbol which follows every f,-. Then Wi is an empty class and V^ is taken to coin- cide with S. Thus if K[f„l and K | g„ | are both series of this kind, they both have the same W and V, whence if new symbols t,„ , g,, were to be introduced the principle of definition used in s^ 75 would lead us to. declare f,^ = g,^. Therefore we assign to the totality of the sets K | f „ | for which Wi is an empty class a single symbol Z which is to follow every element of X. Then following ^75, Z o g^ is to be defined as h^ where h„ = f n o gn and f ,„ = Z . But for K [ h^ ] , Wi is empty, therefore Zox — Zog^ = h,„ = Z . That is, Z-\-x = Z = x-\-Z, 7jX = Z^xZ, and similarly Z + Z = Z = ZZ = Z^ = Z^. The associative, commutative and dis- tributive laws still hold as well as the first group prop- erty, but the semigroup is destroyed for both rules by violating the law of equals with unequals. 77. It is also possible that no symbol in S precedes every f^. Then Vg is an empty class and Wg coincides with S. On the same principle as in § 76 we assign to the totality of series of this kind a single symbol v to precede every x and define v o ic = h^ where h„ = f„ o g„, g^ = X, f^ = v. And now the two rules must be dis- tinguished. Since no x precedes every f, the sets K|f„ + g„] and K[g„] separate S into the same V and W. Therefore v + a; = h^ = g,„ = a; + v. And for the same reason no s can precede every f„ g„ .". vo; = (fg)^ = V = xv 400 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. Also in like manner v + v = v = vv . In the set K|h, v| the associative, commutative and distributive lav^s and the first group property are all preserved. The law of equals with unequals is violated for multiplication but still holds for addition, for which v is a modulus. 78. Since the introduction of infinity would destroy both semigroups while zero destroys only that on mul- tiplication, it seems preferable to admit zero to our arithmetic and exclude infinity. But this removes the only objection to enlarging the addition semigroup into a group. This is effected at a stroke by applying Prop. XX to the set X and thus building an abelian group with reference to addition. In this group we then de- fine a higher rule by the formulas aob — ah = a&T> and aeT) = al>. This completes the system of real numbers, forming an abelian group on addition and, when we exclude its modulus, an abelian group on multiplication, which is distributive over addition. The system of real numbers can be simply ordered according to the lower rule, but the abelian group on the higher rule can not be simi- larly treated. 79. We might have proceeded by first applying XX to the natural numbers as a semigroup on addition. This yields the whole set of integers, positive, negative and zero. Omitting zero and defining by the law of signs we should have an abelian semigroup on multi- plication. Applying XX to it, there results an abelian group composed of all rational numbers except zero. Then the introduction of the limits would supply the whole set of irrational numbers and close by reintro- ducing zero. 80. As long as we postulate two rules of combina- tion, one distributive over the other, and demand semi- FRIZELL: FOUNDATIONS OF ARITHMETIC. 401 groups with reference to both, we are led inevitably to the transfinite types in case we impose no restriction on the multiplication table and, if we require a mod- ulus, to the natural numbers, whence the system of real numbers results from the attempt to build groups. The two rules of combination connected by the distrib- utive property may be regarded as defining arithmetic up to date ; it has not yet been found profitable to pos- tulate in any other way. Then transfinite arithmetic is distinguished by postulating the semigroups and finite arithmetic by the postulate of the modulus. 81. The real numbers form the most general finite system with a single unit and must enter into every system with more than one principal unit, one unit must always be the modulus. Systems with two or more principal units have been studied exhaustively by Weierstrass. Here the abelian group on the lower rule is postulated universally. With two principal units, if we exclude the modulus of the lower rule, the necessary and sufficient condition of an abelian semigroup on the higher rule is the exist- ence in the system of a symbol i such that ii = u. Thus the common complex numbers form the most general system with two principal units satisfying the postulates for real members. 82. Within the system of common algebra are dis- tinguished different number bodies each built on a root of a given algebraic equation as a unit. The algebraic numbers of a given body form an abelian group on ad- dition and, excluding zero, an abelian group on multi- plication, and must contain a given symbol, the root of the given algebraic equation. For example the system of common complex numbers is the number body which contains a root of the quadratic x^ -|- 1 = o , 402 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. 83. An integral algebraic number satisfies an equa- tion where every a^ is an integer. A good illustration of the serviceableness of the group theory process for arithmetic is the theorem : The whole numbers of a quadratic number body form an abelian group on addi- tion and, if we exclude zero, an abelian semigroup with regard to multiplication. 84. A more striking illustration is furnished by Dedekinds' ''Ideals." An ideal is defined as a combi- nation of the whole numbers of a number body posses- sing the first group property for both addition and multiplication. The ideals of a given body form an abelian semigroup with respect to multiplication. There is no addition of ideals. 85. Similar applications are found in the expression of an ideal by aid of its basis and in the cognate formu- lation of the transformations of a collineation in space of N dimensions. The latter question resolves itself into that of complex numbers with N principal units. Here it is no longer possible to preserve even the re- stricted abelian semigroup on the higher rule. Not only is the abelian character lost, as in quater- nions, but the semigroup property may be violated on account of the possibility of a combination by the higher rule being zero when none of the factors is zero. 86. It is now possible to describe more concisely the relation of the transfinite arithmetic to common arith- metic. The symbols defined in ^ 22 form a set of num- bers with infinitely many principal units w, w^, w^, . . i. e., the principal units form a series of type w. In finite arithmetic, it is true, the symbols ^t^ u^, ... all belong to the set generated from u as principal unit, but if we allow this analogy in the transfinite system there will be still more new symbols. FRIZELL: FOUNDATIONS OF ARITHMETIC. 403 For just as the removal of restrictions on the higher rule carried our series of symbols beyond the finite set of type w so the introduction of a still higher rule, cor- responding to involution, will extend it beyond the set defined in § 22 if we impose no restrictions on the new rule except that of order and the special form of the group property. 87. Let us postulate a rule expressed by a^ higher than the two preceding, that is, the combination a b shall precede a*'. To distinguish we will now call ab the lower and a o b the lowest rule. The lower rule has been shown to be associative and commutative for the set K [ -m; n J , which forms an abelian semigroup with regard to it. A set of symbols shall be generated from w by the higher rule in accord- ance with the postulate of order and the restricted form of the group property for iv^, where a is a pre- viously defined element. By Prop. I this set forms a series w,^^ = w', iV"' = w" , w'^"w"', . . . and now w' must follow every w^ (N == 2, 3, . . . ) [^(;^ is not a combination by rule, the N is a mere index ] . Then by § 22 we obtain a series holoedrically isomorphic with the set there considered if to the lowest and lower rules respectively we make the lower and higher correspond. 88. The articulation of the two lower rules in ^^ ^^ 28-35 leaves room for much freedom in definition. There we defined the lowest rule first and made the lower de- pend upon it. Here we have already defined the lower rule to the extent implied in the application of § 22. This, however, involves no further restriction than the inductive associative formula of § 19. But the defini- tion from the lowest rule carries this property with it. It is therefore permissible to define the lowest rule so that the lower shall be distributive over it. Then by the process of § 22 new combinations are made by the higher and lowest rule together, from each series 404 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. of type w in the present set of symbols a new set of the same type as that in ):^ 22. And all new series being fitted in by the nature of the process between consecutive elements of the series previously defined we have at every stage a totality of symbols forming a series. 89. The group properties of the two lowest rules are preserved throughout the preceding process. On every new symbol not obtained from the preceding by postulating them is built up a set forming abelian semigroups on both the lower and lowest rules, the new symbol playing the part of a unit precisely like w in the series of ^ 22, and in this set the lower rule is dis- tributive over the lowest. This process is to be con- tinued as long as new symbols can be obtained by it. 90. There remains one more possibility of building new symbols by introducing a combination defined one way of the higher symbols with those of the series K [2^ o] according to the lowest rule. Thus to every a in the higher series will be assigned a ^-series a , slou, Siou', 2ion" , Siou'", . . . This series fits in between a and its next following element in the former set so that we still have a to- tality forming a series. 91. For completeness it is convenient also to define combinations one way of certain symbols with those of K['Zio] according to the other two rules, viz.: those expressions in which the symbols of Kfiio] have already been used as marks or indices, e. g. : u'w, u"w, u"'tv, . . . w' , W"^" , W'" , . . . u'w' , u"w' , u"'w' , . . . w'""' w'""" , w'""'" , . . . Expressions uoa, u'oa, . . . u''" , u"'", . . . u'""', u"'^' , . . . are not defined, neither are there any combinations according to the higher rule except the set w where a belongs to this set. The higher frizell: foundations of arithmetic. 405 rule has not been made a rule of combination for any whole set. This would involve assigning properties to it and completing the arithmetic of the symbols we have defined, which is beyond the present purpose. It is enough to have them in series ; that forms the foun- dation of their arithmetic- 92. The mere existence of the series of symbols de- veloped in the preceding H is enough to solve a great variety of problems arising in analysis, the nature of which will be illustrated by comparing this series with series consisting of absolute numbers. The natural numbers form a series of type iv if they are arranged in the order of their genesis. It is, however, possible to arrange them in series of higher types for e. g. the odd numbers alone form a series of type w. If to this we add on the even numbers successively we obtain series of types 'w-{-l, w-\-2, . . . u'H-N, . . . and thus the whole set is ordered in type 2w . If we order the set R of ^ 60 as follows : (1,1), (2,1), (3,\). (4,1), . . . (1,2), (3,2), (5,2), (7,2), . . . (1,3), (2,3), (5,3), (7,3), . . . we have a series which can be put ordinally into one to one correspondence with the series 1,2, . . . w-\-l, iv-\-2, . . . 2w , 2w-\-l, . . . i.e., is of type ^^^ The same set of numbers (the common fractions) can, however, be arranged in a series of higher type. For every finite, simple, continued fraction is equal to some common fraction and conversely. Now let us order the finite continued fractions according to the values of their successive quotients Thus the continued fractions containing each a single quotient form a series of type w . Then from each 406 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. member of this series by adding a second quotient results again type lu . Therefore the fractions of the form — ^ -~ may be arranged in series ordinally sim- ilar to 1, 2, . . . w-]-l, . . , 2w, . . . 3iv, . . . i. e. of type w^ . Annexing a third quotient replaces each element of this set by a series of type w so that we include types iv'^-\-l, w^-\-2, . . . 2iv^y . . . Sw^, . . . i. e. the class of fractions -^ -^ 4- is ordered in type iv^. Therefore the whole set of simple continued frac- tions, comprehending types 'w , . . . w^, . . . tv^, . . . w^, . . . constitutes, as ordered, a series of type w"' = w'. 93. Now it is easy to arrange the natural numbers also in a series of type iv^ as follows. We know that the class of prime numbers can be put into one to one correspondence with the whole set of natural numbers (the number of primes is infinite). Therefore we can set up a one to one correspondence ordinally between the prime numbers and the simple continued fractions with a single quotient. By the same reasoning the continued fractions with two quotients are shown to be ordinally similar to the class of prod- uct of two primes, i. e., if to every quotient q^ we assign that prime pi for which qi is the ordinal number in sequence (so that e. g. to the quotient 7 we assign 17) and likewise for a second prime pa and quotient qz, and so on. Proceeding in this way the class of all products of N primes is exhibited as ordinally similar to the class of continued fractions -^ -^ ' ' ' —- But the class of all products of primes is the whole set of natural num- bers. Therefore by § 92 the natural numbers may be arranged in series w' . Q. E. D. 94. In other words we have here a method whereby frizell: foundations of arithmetic. 407 the elements of any ii;-series may be rearranged so as to produce a series of type w "' . Applying this method successively to the ^(;-series in the preceding we obtain in place of ?<; , 2w, . . . w', 2w' . . . that is, instead of 2(;^ wegeta type?^i(;'. Thenw^^iv, iv^-\-2tv, . . . are replaced by !(; it'' + ^(;', ivw' -{-2w' , . . . making in all type 2ivw' replacing the former 2w^. Then come in succession types 3ww' , iww' , . . . so that the original iv^ expands into a type w^w' . It is clear that in this way we retrace precisely the steps of the process of § 22, building up on each new symbol the abelian semigroups according to the lower and low- est rules. Therefore by successive applications of the method it will be possible to rearrange the natural numbers in series of types as high as any of the set hitherto de- fined. This result may also be stated. The transfinite ordinal series so far defined may each be put into one to one correspondence with the set of natural numbers. 95. The symbols w, tv-\-l, tv-\-2, . . . i. e., the transfinite symbols, are said to form the second ordinal class, the finite symbols constituting the first class. The latter class was said to be of type w, where w is the symbol following next after all the finite symbols of K[^to]. Likewise we shall say that the first and second ordinal classes together form a series of type W , introducing this new symbol without assigning to it any properties except that it shall follow next after all symbols of the second ordinal class, i. e., after all the setK['M;''] : w, w', w" , . . . 96. We see that the ordinal symbols play a double role. They were defined as symbols forming a well ordered set. But to each symbol which has no imme- diate predecessor corresponds a series of which it is the type, viz.: the series of all its predecessors or any ordinally similar series. The arrangements of the nat- 408 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. ural numbers in § 94 are only a part of these series. But they are also only a part of the permutations of the whole set of natural numbers. Other permutations are obtained by the following Lemma. From any tv series of symbols may be obtained a set of permuta- tions of the symbols forming a series of type tv' = iv"\ Proof. Letai, ag, . . . aN, • . . denote the given symbols in the given order. Without changing the order of the higher a's put ai successively in every sub- sequent place. This set of permutations is obviously of type w . From every one of them by repeating the process on a 2 we obtain again a w;-series .'. in all a series of per- mutations of type td Repeating the process with as, a4, . . . . successively we have a series of permuta- tions whose type is w'. Q. E. D. 97. Thus the arrangements of the natural numbers furnish a series of type not lower than W. For by § 96 we first deduce from the series 1, 2, 3, ... . i. e. , the normal order, a set of permutations forming a series of type w'. That is, to every ordinal symbol preceding iv' is assigned a permutation, and vice versa. Then by >i 94 arrange the natural numbers in series iv' which ob- viously is a different permutation from any of the pre- ceding •.' it can not be obtained by the process of ^ 96. Now repeating the method of ^:J 96 on each ?('-series of this permutation we use up all ordinal symbols between w' and that which results from it by a second applica- tion of § 94. This holds step by step as long as the latter process can be carried on. Thus to every ordinal symbol in succession preceding W is assigned a new permutation. That is, we have a set of permutations of all the natural numbers forming a series whose ordi- nal type is W. 98. The process just described for making permu- tations of all the natural numbers can not yield a series frizell: foundations of arithmetic. 409 of type higher than W since, as we have seen, it gen- erates precisely the series W of ordinal symbols. That there are types higher than W is obvious, for we can proceed with W just as with tv to generate new e-sets and new abelian semigroups, and there is no limit to the possibilities in the way of still higher symbols and rules. Now it is quite conceivable that there may be further permutations of natural numbers not obtainable by the above process. As a first step toward investi- gating this question let us consider the simpler one whether the natural numbers themselves can be ar- ranged in a series of ordinal type higher than W. For this purpose we will establish the following Lemma. Permutations of the natural numbers can be made by the process described and ordered so as to form a series of type higher than any series of all the natural numbers, however arranged. For by the proc- ess in question we can always form a ne w permutation which differs from the first permutation in at least its first element, from the second in at least its second element from the ( i^ + 1 ) st in at least its ( w; + 1 ) st element, and so on, therefore is not included in any set of permutations ordinally similar to any possible arrangement of all the natural numbers. From this Lemma we readily obtain the Theorem. Every possible arrangement of the natural numbers is a series of the second class. For by the Lemma to every such arrangement in series can be as- signed a set of permutations forming a series of higher ordinal type. But by § 97 the process by which this is eflFected yields a set of permutations forming a series of type W. Therefore every possible arrangement of nat- ural numbers in series is of type lower than W, there- fore belongs to the second ordinal class ( being ipso facto >w). q. E. D. 410 KANSAS UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN. 99. The arrangement of the natural numbers in series of type higher than w finds appHcation in the study of infinite continued fractions. By aid of the euclidean algorithm for greatest common divisor every absolute irrational number less than unity can be expressed as an infinite continued fraction _i i_ i_ qi+ q2+ • • • • q^+ • • • • and conversely. The class of infinite simple continued fractions may therefore be taken as the representative of the class of irrational numbers between zero and 1. An infinite continued fraction can not be obtained from a finite one merely by annexing quotients; it can only be described by assigning a law which determines q^ for every value of N. An infinite continued fraction may be formed, e. g., by the law that every quotient shall be 2. It is sufficient, however, to consider the class in which the quotients are all different; this can be put into one to one correspondence with the whole class. Accordingly we are concerned with the class of all possible permutations of all the natural numbers. These permutations may be examined in the same way as the permutations of a finite set by imagining a frame- work of places to be filled, but the number of places is infinite. Moreover, we must provide for the possibility of filling the places in a series of order higher than w. Thus an infinite continued fraction can be formed by filling the even places successively with the odd num- bers in their natural order and the odd numbered places with even numbers in the same way, i, e., J 1 1 1^ 1 1 2+ 1+ 4+ 3+ 6+5+ or by filling the odd numbered places with primes and the even places with composite numbers. Or we can select first the places whose indices are primes, then the indices which are products of two primes, three FRIZELL: FOUNDATIONS OF ARITHMETIC. 411 primes, and so on, and fill these sets with the correspond- ing sets of numbers permuted in any way we please. 100. We have seen that every possible arrangement of all the natural numbers in a series is of type lower than W. Therefore the quotient places of our frame- work m the order in which we propose to fill them (or rather state how they shall be filled ) constitute an or- dinal type of the second class. That is, the numbered places in a permutation of all the natural numbers, ar- ranged, however, in the order in which they are to be filled, form a series obtainable by the process of ^ 97.* Hence there can be no permutation of all the natural numbers not obtainable by this process, since such a permutation would be eo ipso different from all of those hitherto obtained and well ordered in some defi- nite numbered places. In other words, this would mean that the series of the places as they are filled, or the series of numbers with which each place is to be filled, was not obtainable by the process of § 97. Therefore all possible permutations of the natural numbers form a series closely related to the series of type W. BIOGRAPHY. I, Arthur Bowes Frizell, member of the Protestant Episcopal Church, was born in Boston, July 14, 1865. My parents were Joseph Palmer Fes- senden Frizell, civil and hydraulic engineer, and Julia Anna (Bowes) Frizelh My early education was chiefly at home and in a private school in Dorches- ter, Mass. I graduated from the high school in St. Paul, Minn., and spent three years at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where I after- wards served as assistant instructor in mathematics, 1888-'91. I received the degree of Bachelor of Arts from Harvard College in 1893 and that of Master of Arts from Harvard University in 1900. I served as instructor in mathematics at New York University 1895-'96, and at Harvard 1897-1906, when I resigned to study abroad. After three semesters at Gottingen, I returned to America, and was appointed, 1908, Professor of Mathematics in Midland College, Atchison, which position I resigned, 1909, to accept an instructorship in the University of Kansas. *And the preceding statements apply verbatim to every series of values admissible in a given numbered place. Publications of the University of Kansas. The following publications of the University of Kansas are offered for sale at the prices named below, or in exchange for other publications of liice character and of equal value. A few complete copies of early volumes are on hand. KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. No. 1, supply large; price, 50 cents. No. 2, supply exhausted. No. 3, supply exhausted. No. 4, supply small; price, 75 cents. Price per volume, $3. No. 1, supply exhausted. No. 2, supply small; price, 75 cents. No. 3, supply exhausted. No, 4, supply exhausted. Price per volume, $3. No. 1, supply exhausted. No. 2, supply exhausted. No. 3, supply small; price, 75 cents. No. 4, supply small; price, 50 cents. Price per volume, $3. No. 1, supply small; price, 50 cents. No. 2, supply small; price, 75 cents. No. 3, supply exhausted. No. 4, supply exhausted. Price per vol- ume, $3. Nos. 1 and 2, supply exhausted. Price per volume, $2. Volume V con- sists of only two numbers. Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, supply exhausted. Price per volume, $3. Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, supply large; price per number, 50 cents; price per volume, $2. Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, supply exhausted. Price per volume, $3. Nos. 1 and 2 (double number), 3, and 4, supply large; price per num- ber, 50 cents; price per volume, $2. Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, supply large; price per number, 50 cents; price per volume, $2. No. 1, supply small; price, 50 cents. Publication suspended. Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, supply large; price per number, 50 cents; per volume, $2. Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, supply large; price per number, 50 cents; per volume, $2. SCIENCE BULLETIN. Nos. 1 to 12, price, $3; supply large. Nos. 1 to 15, price, $3; supply large. Nos. 1 to 10, price, $3; supply large. Nos. 1 to 20, price, $3; supply large. Nos. 1 to 21, price, $3; supply large. Volume I. " II. " III. " IV. " VI, A. " VI, B. " VII, A. " VII, B. "VIII, A. "VIII, B. " IX, A. " X, A. Volume I. " II. " III. " IV. " V. Volume I, 1896. " II, 1897. " III, 1898. " IV, 1898. " V, 1899. " VI, 1900. " VII, 1902. " VIII, 1904. " IX, 1909. UNIVERSITY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF KANSAS. General Stratigraphy of Eastern Kansas; exhausted. General Geology of Western Kansas; postage, 24 cents. Special Report on Coal; 28 cents. Upper Cretaceous Paleontology; 32 cents. Gypsum and Gypsum Cement Plasters; 16 cents. Carboniferous Invertebrates and Cretaceous Fishes; 20 cents. Special Report on Mineral Waters; 16 cents. Special Report on Lead and Zinc. Special Report on Oil and Gas. MINERAL RESOURCES OP KANSAS. Report for 1897; supply small. Postage, 4 cents. Report for 1898; supply large. Postage, 8 cents. Report for 1899; supply large. Postage, 4 cents. Report for 1900-1901; supply small. Postage, 5 cents. Report for 1902; supply small. Postage, 6 cents. Report for 1903; supply small. Postage, 5 cents. BULLETINS OP THE DEPARTMENT OF ENTOMOLOGY. The Honey-bee and its Food- plants in Kansas, Postage, 4 cents. Alfalfa, Grasshoppers, Bees— their Relationship; supply small. Postage, 7 cents. Scale-insects Injurious to Orchards; supply large. Postage, 2 cents. The More Injurious Grasshoppers of Kansas; supply large. Postage, 2 cents The Green Bug. PLATE I. A. Dakota sandstone resting on Permian shales. Man's head in line w th contact. Spring creek, six miles north of Washington. B. Unconformity of Pleistocene on Permian. Ravine running from It ft to right in Permian shales with thin limestone forming the top cros es a buried gully at right angles to it filled with Pleistocene mater al, which is etching backward. Note the tipping of the limestone i>»to the old gully (undisturbed by recent erosion). About three miles east of Washington. .'Science Bulletin, University of Kansas. Vol. V, No. 1. PLATE I. PLATE 11. .4. Unconformity of Dakota on Permian sandstone at contact projects. Brickyard, east side of Smoky Hill river, Salina. B. Same. South end of same hill bv old mill. Science Bulletin, Univeksity of Kansas. Vol. V, No. 1. PLATE II. ^nS-'i - ^im^^/^ -r^^ ' .*' B PLATE III. -4. Cliff of Dakota sandstone. East side of ]Mill cieek, northeast of Washington. B. Slumping of soft sediments, clays apparently of Dakota age. Three miles east of Washington. Science Bulletin, University of Kansas. Vol. V, No. 1. PLATE III. PLATE IV. A. Slumped soft Dakota clays suriounded by impure sandstone, on Per- mian floor. Three miles east of Washington. B. Alfalfa field on the wide terrace of the Republican liver, west of Clay Center. Science Bulletin, Univerkitv of Kansas. Vol. V, No. 1. PLATE IV. PLATE V. Fig. 1. — View looking southwest from ruins, showing heavy ledges of Loup Fork rock in background, from which the pueblo was built. In the foreground two of the party are shown excavating one of the circular pits which occur about twenty yards north of the main building. Fig. 2. — Ground plan of ruins, showing remains of the division walls, looking west. Remains of the mealing trough shown in the extreme corner of room I, to the left of the observer. To the right, in room V, the small fireplace built into the wall can be seen. Science Bulletin, University of Kansas. Vol. V, No. 2. PLATE V. - •■ ■'^^ ' . ■'"Vt ■'■ " -'S^^^fi^ H^Q ^j MiMI ^SEdKUMPW iiPRga ^^^^^^'^^^H 'y ■ f* ^^d! ^'' "lf-_* 1 •'■■'■■- ■ ;» .''ii 4I» ~**^Oi9t***^t^. 2 "W PLATE VI. Fig. 3. — Typical Pueblo grinding trough, three feet nine inches long by two feet one inch wide and eighteen inches deep. Figs. 4, 5, 6, 7. — Awls or drills, used principally for perforating skins and boring holes into bones, etc. Figure 7 is of a reddish flint, beau- tifully colored, and of fine workmanship. Figs. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. — Bone implements, probably used to enlarge holes in skins. Have been much used. Figs. 13 to 18, inclusive. — Pipes and pipe stems; all are made of native clay. Figure 15 is well made and is decorated with the design shown on plate VIII, figure 62; mouthpiece broken off. Pipe measures two and one-half inches long and seven-eighths inch in diameter at the center. Science Bulletin, University of Kansas. Vol. V, No. 2. PLATE VI. PLATE VII. Figs. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24.— Arrow shaft straighteners. These are made of the Dakota sandstone, and probably came from somewhere in the vicinity of Quivira, for no outcroppings of this material are exposed nearer to Quartelejo than those which occur on the western boundary of Brower's Quivira, about 130 miles east of the Quartelejo pueblo. Fig. 25. — Bone piccolo, made from the wing bone of a large bird, prob- ably a pelican. Fig. 26. — Bone implement, possibly a hoe blade, from shoulder blade of buffalo. Fig. 27. — Tallying implement, made from rib of buflFalo. Fig. 28. — Bone tool with a toothed edge, which may have been used for fleshing skins. Fig. 29. — Bone tool, made from rib of buffalo, worn smooth and flat, spatula-like. Fig. 30. — Bone implement of undetermined use, much worn, with toothed edge. Made from shoulder blade. Figs. 43 to 56, inclusive. — Fleshers or scrapers, of flint. Figures 43, 45, 46, 47, 51, 52, are beautifully made. Figures 46 and 51 show cross sections of Fusilina, a fossil typical of the Carboniferous. The ma- terial of these two, at least, is not found in the vicinity of the ruins, and was probably procured from the eastern part of the state. Science Bulletin, University of Kansas Vol. V, No. 2. PLATE VII. ^ ^ PLATE VIII. Figs. 57, 58. — Knife blades of yellow chert. Fig. 59. — One of the most interesting implements found, consisting of the half of an iron ax head, five and one-half inches long by one and a quarter wide at its greatest width, and five-eighths of an inch thick. This, by some mischance, had been split in two longitudinally, and was arranged with a groove around it instead of an eye like our modern axes have. Fig. 60. — A fine grinder of conglomerate, eleven inches long. Shows much usage. Fig. 61. — The half of a clam shell, plainly showing saw-tooth marks where it was divided. This was found at the bottom of the twelve- inch hole in room V. Fig. 62. — Diagram of pattern on pipe bowl shown on plate VI, figure 15. Impression was made on clay and photographed. Fig. 63. — Base of deer antler, which has evidently been used as some im- plement. Figs. 64 to 69, inclusive. — Specimens of charred corncobs. Figure 59 shows some well-developed kernels on it. Fig. 70. — Bone implement, well worn. Fig. 71. — Portion of 'dobe plastering from walls, showing impressions of finger tips. Fig. 72. — Baked clay marble, evidently used in some game. Figs. 73, 74, 75. — Chert scrapers. Fig. 76. — Hoe blade made from shoulder blade of buffalo. Science Bulletin, University of Kansas Vol. V, No. 2. PLATE VIII. PLATE IX. Fig. 77. — Small metate or grinder, of sandstone. Fig. 78. — Grinder made of clay mortar and coarse sand, and baked as hard as rock itself. Fig. 79. — Hammer worked from a glacial boulder; well made and much worn. Fig. 80. — Grinder, of very fine granite. Fig. 81. — Grinder, of material same as figure 78. Fig. 82. — Grinder, made from glacial boulder. Figs. 83, 85. — Grinders, of fine sandstone. Fig. 84.— Knife blade of chert. Science Bulletin, University of Kansas Vol. V, No. 2. PLATE IX- ""S^T^' >\ 1* , .V •/if y.-U':^-; wy.--^^:-.'^ ■■ ■'-*^J^-'■ ,.- .' - ' ■.< .Jf.-^.- • - ,>- ^ '.V ; ^%''^>; "■A ' . i •"'. ^ ■■ •' V !^>- ii^<^^ .-''■:■ ':^^'??%^ M'-:'.^v?^^ Science Bulletin, University of Kansas. Vol. V, No. 4. PLATE X. SciKNCE Bulletin, Univeksity of Kansas. Vol. V, No. 5. PLATE XI. Science Bulletin, Umveksity of Kansa« Vol. V, No. 5. n-AiNj,*.. PLATE XII. Science Bulletin, University of ICansas. Vol. V, No. 5. PLATE Xllt. SciENcR Bulletin, University op Kansas PLATE XIV. PLATE XV. Fig. 1. Two resting cells, showing chromatin granules, and nucleoli with the surrounding clear space. Fig. 2. Cell beginning mitosis. Close spireme. Nucleoli without the clear space. Fig. 3. A granular spireme. The nuclear membrane has disappeared but the cytoplasm can still be distinguished from the nuclear sap. Fig. 4. The chromatin granules are here arranged in rows. This cell has its nuclear membrane yet and the nucleoli have not disap- peared. Fig. 5. Polar view; spireme segmented to form the chromosomes, has a longitudinal split, and is uniformly granular. Nuclear wall just disappeared. Chromosomes looped to form U and J shapes. Fig. 6. A little later than figure 5. The longitudinal split is very clearly seen. Fig. 7. Late metaphase. Cytoplasm granular in places, may have been slight plasmolysis in this cell. The spindle fibers are stained very lightly here. Fig. 8. Metaphase. Spindle shows marked polarity; chromosomes some- what indefinite. Fig. 9. Metaphase. Cytoplasm at the ends becoming vacuolated and at the center slightly denser. An especially long chromosome {m) is to be noted. Fig. 10. The cytoplasm of this cell was crushed; however, the chromo- somes, which were undivided yet, show the longitudinal split clearly. Fig. 11. Anaphase. Cytoplasm very granular in places (homogeneous portion not shown). The spindle is well stained in this cell, and the chromosomes have their characteristic bent shape. Fig. 12. Anaphase. Spindle not clear in this figure. The amount of cytoplasm is small compared to the amount of chromatin here. Science Bulletin, Univekshy of Kans/s Vol. V, No. 6. PLATE XV. \"\ PLATE XVI. Fig. 13. Anaphase. Massing of the cytoplasm at the center of the cell. Fig. 14. Anaphase. The long chromosomes (m) are to be seen in this figure. Fig. 15. Anaphase. Shows relation of chromosomes to spindle during this period. Fig. 16. Anaphase. Spindle fibers do not show here; reticular cyto- plasm (drawn from a slide loaned by Mr. Alban Stewart) . Fig. 17. Anaphase. Polar view; 14 chromosomes. Fig. 18. Same as 17. Fig. 19. Telophase. Shows the loosening up of the chromosomes. Cell plate beginning to form. Fig. 20. Chromatin has diffused throughout the nucleus ahead of the cell-plate formation. A nuclear membrane has also been formed. Fig. 21. Chromatin a dense mass, very indefinite at the ends of the cell, not shown ; cytoplasm much contracted from the cell wall and concentrated about the spindle. Fig. 22. A very peculiar spindle; cytoplasm much condensed; a second dense spindle formed about the center of the cell where the cell-plate is appearing. Chromatin not shown. Fig. 23. Concentrated cytoplasm at the spindle center; a very broad spindle and the cell plate extends entirely across it. Cytoplasm vacuolated; the daughter nuclei, not shown in this figure, are nearly reconstructed. Fig. 24. Cell plate nearly formed; nuclei reconstructed; cytoplasm con- centrated at the center. (From slide belonging to Mr. Stewart.) Science Bulletin, University of Kansas Vol. V. No. 6. PLATE XVI. T^Z Z^ PLATE XVII. Koeberlinia spinosa. Fig. 1. — Branch of Koeberlinia spinosa. x about %. Fig. 2. — Aspect of vegetation on mesa near Tucson in the neighborhood from which the specimen was taken. Photographs by L. M. Peace. Science Bulletin, University of Kansas. Vol. V, No. 7. PLATE XVII. PLATE XVIII. Koeberlinia spinosa. Fig. 1. Cross section of stem. P, pith; M, medullary ray; W, wood; Tr, tracheal tubes of year '07 (?) ; Ph, phloem; Sa, spongy pa- renchyma air space; Pa, palisade air space; Ea, epidermal air space; B, bast; Scl, sclerenchymatous tissue. Semi-diagrammatic, x 25. Fig. 2. (a) Section from an older stem, showing traces of annual rings, '07, '05. (b) Portion of same stem, opposite side, showing '06 trace. Semi-diagrammatic, x 25. Fig. 3. Cross section of flower branch, showing region of wa, water storage cells, x 283. Fig. 4. (a) Pith from flower branch, showing air spaces, A. Cross, X 283. (b) Single cell from flower-branch pith, showing pits, P; air spaces, A. Cross, x 400. Fig. 5. Pith of old stem, showing pitted conditions and starch bodies. Cross, x 283. Fig. 6. Crystals in old pith cells; longitudinal section, x 283. Fig. 7. Diagrammatic representation of regions of older stem. E, epi- dermis; P, palisade; Sp, sponge; B, bast; S, stone cells; Ph, phloem; W, wood. Enlarged. Science Bulletin, University uk Kansas Vol. V, No. 7. PLATE XVIII. P S p B S 7 ^^ PLATE XIX. Koeherlinia spinosa. Fig. 1. Medullary rays, showing longitudinal extension, longi-tangential section. Semi-diagrammatic, x 55. Fig. 2. Portion of (1) in detail, showing thick walls, some pits, and nu- mei'ous aerating places. Tangential, x 283. Fig. 3. Single medullary ray cell from (2), showing food bodies F, B; pits, P; aerating spaces, A. Longi-tangential. x 636. Fig. 4. Medullary ray cells, showing one elongated and narrow cell e. c, and some more, box-like, for storage, St. Longi-radial, x 283. Fig. 5. Single storage cell from (4), showing food bodies. Longi-radial, X 636. Fig. 6. Portion of medullary ray extension in phloem region, showing- thin, unpitted walls and cells filled with nitrogenous material. Longi- radial, X 283. Fig. 7. Poi-tion of older wood, showing tracheids, Tr; fiber tracheids, Ft, and wood fibers, if/. Cross, x 283. Fig. 8. Detail of (7), showing pitted condition of wood, x 636. Fig. 9. Water vessels bordering pith. Ti-, tracheal tubes; Td, tracheid; P, pith. X 636. Fig. 10. Spiral tracheids, near pith. Semi-tang., X 283. Fig. 11. Portion of wood, showing scattered tracheids, Tr. Cross, x 283. Science Bulletin, University of Kansas Vol. V. No. 7. PLATB XIX. PLATE XX. Koeberlinia spinofin. Fig. 1. Tracheal tube bordering- elong^ated pith cell, on margin of older part of bundle. P, pith cell; Tr, tracheal tube. Longi-radial, x 686. Fig. 2. Elongated pith cells den.sely filled with finely granular food ma- terial. Pits in walls omitted. P, pith; W, wood. Longi-section, X 283. Figs. 3, 4, 5, 6. Different views of tracheal tubes, all showing the cir- cular opening at the end. 6 (a) Third partition in tube 6, showing section of ring bordering aperture. These have become so completely welded as to give the appearance of a continuous tube, as in 6. Longi-section, X 400. Fig. 3 is the cavity outlined. Figs. 7, 8, 9. Sketches showing joining of ends of tracheids. Longi- radial, X 400. Figs. 10, 11, 12. Various odd or malformed tracheids. Longi-radial, X 283. Fig. 13. Regular rectangular tracheids. Longi-radial, X 283. Fig. 14. Single tracheid. Longi-radial, X 283. Fig. 15. Fiber-tracheid with small but numerous pits. X 283. Fig. 16. Wood fiber. Longi-section, x 283. Science Bulletin, University of Kansas Vol. V, No. 7. PLATE XX. PLATE XXI. Koeberlinia spinosa. Fig. 1. Five rows of phloem parenchyma cells p. p., as seen in cross section; m, medullary-ray cells, x 283. Fig. 2. Sketch of portion of phloem, Ph, region bordering stone cells, S, showing various sizes of cells. Longi-section, x 283. Fig. 3. Portion of (2) in detail, sieve tubes, St., and sieve plates, S, and parenchyma cells alongside, p. Longi-section, x 400. Fig. 4. Stone cells bordering spongy parenchyma, showing some cells unlignified, and some but partly lignified, parenchyma cells; s, .stone cells; pc, partly lignified; P, unlignified. Cross .section, x 283. Figs. 5, 6. Different sizes and shapes of stone cells. Longi-section, X 283. Fig. 7. (a) Tapering bast fiber, (b) Portion of long bast fiber, showing tapering part and projections of wall to support neighboring cells, (c) Projections with adjoining cellulose walls in detail, (d) Pits in long fiber. All x 283. Figs. 8, 9, lOo, x 55, 283, 636, respectively. Short bast fibers as they occur securely fastened together. 106, sketch showing pits in short bast fiber, x 636. Science Bulletin. University of Kansas. Vol. V. No. 7. PLATE XXI. PLATE XXII. Koeberlinia spinosa. Fig. 1. Portion of palisade P, and spongy parenchyma, Sp, tissue, from stone cells to epidermis. Numerous intercellular spaces /. S., are found. Cross section, x 283. Fig. 2. End view of palisade cells, showing number and size of chlo- rophyll bodies. Tangential section, x 283. Fig. 3. Epidermis of young stem, showing large cellular space, cs, and thin walls; this also shows frequency of deeply sunken stomata, ss. Cross, X 283. Fig. 4. Portions of older epidermis, showing reduction of cell space by intense cutinization ; cell space, cs; cutinized portion, cp. Cross, X 283. Fig. 5. Tangential view of older epidermal cells, showing thickening of walls. X 283. Fig. 6. Single stoma from young stem, showing large guard cells, Gc. Also, small stomatal chamber proper, above and below, sc. Cross, X 283. Fig. 7. Cuter stomatal chamber invaded by phycomycete, Ph. Cross, X 283. Fig. 8. Stomatal apparatus. OA, outermost aperture; E, epidermal cell space; osc, outer stomatal air chamber; isc, inner stomatal air cham- ber; Pr, projection of thickening, making stomatal spaces propei', ssp; P, palisade cells; AS, air space in sponge. Cross, X 283. Fig. 9. Outline of regions of aerating spaces, showing frequency of spaces. E, epidermal region; p, palisade region; s, sponge region. Enlarged. Science Bulletin, University of Kansas. Vol. V, No. 7. PLATE XXll. AS PLATE XXIII. Koeberlinia spinosa. Fig. 1. S, stone cells filling up lower stomatal chamber; Ph, remains of Phycomycete in outer aperture; d, portion of "dome." Cross section, X 283. Fig. 2. Surface view of outer stomatal aperture and epidermal cells. SA, stomatal aperture; EC, epidermal cells. Tangential section, X 283. Compare with fig. 3, plate XXII. Fig. 3. View toward outer stomatal aperture from within, showing tips of cells making the "dome." Tangential section, x 283. Fig. 4. Section across mid-chamber. Tangential, x 283. Fig. 5. View looking toward stoma, showing shelf, s, made by projecting walls. Tangential, X 283. Fig. 6. Stoma proper, showing guard cells. Tangential, X 283. Com- pare with fig. 6, plate XXII. Fig. 7. Stoma proper, invaded by growth of Phycomycete, Ph. Tan- gential section. Fig. 8. Water-storage cells, W, in flower branch, and aerating space, A. Cross, X 283. Fig. 9. Portion of older stem, showing empty cells, W, probably for water storage. Cross, x 283. Fig. 10. Water-storage cells, W, and aerating space. A, in flower branch. Cross, x 283. Fig. 11. Aerating space, A, in spongy parenchyma. Longi-section, x 283. Science Bulletin, University of Kansas. Vol. V. No. 7. PLATE XXIII. PLATE XXIV. Fig. 1. Resinous-gum cells, RD, surrounding vascular bundles in elon- gated portion of receptacle. Cross, X 283. Fig. 2. Resinous-gum cells in elongated portion of receptacle, RD. Longi- section, x 283. Fig. 3. Resinous-gum cells, RD, surrounding ovule. X 283. Fig. 4. Section of ovary. X, position of structures shown in figs. 1 and 2. Longi-section, x 5. Fig. 5. Section showing position of mucilage reservoirs and other tis- sues in ovary. MR, mucilage reservoirs; MC, mucilage cells; E, epi- dermis; p, palisade tissue; M, mesophyll; vb, vascular bundle. Longi- section, X 55. Fig. 6. Ovary. Reference letters same ais (5). Cross, x 55. Fig. 7. Portions of (6) more in detail. OV, ovule; S, stoma; for the other letters, see (5). Cross, X 283. Fig. 8. Diagrammatic representation of regions in wall of ovary. Ref- erence figures as above. Cross section enlai'ged. Science Bulletin, University of Kansas. Vol. V, No. 7. PLATE XXIV. PLATE XXV. Fig. 1. Portion of ovary wall in detail. OE, outer epidermis; M, me- sophyll; M?% mucilage reservoirs; IE, inner epidermis; IS, inner stoma; VB, vascular bundles. Cross, x 283. Fig. 2. Stoma from inner epideraiis of ovary wall. Gross, x 283. Fig. 3. Outline of portion of ovary wall, showing frequency of inner stomata, S. Cross, enlarged. Fig. 4. Outer stoma, enlarged. Cross, x 283. Fig. 5. Inflorescence, showing fruit. X 1. Fig. 6. Single flower stalk. Sepals and petals dropped. Stamen L longer than stamen S. X 5. Fig. 7. Single flower, x 5. Fig. 8. Section of anther, showing number of locules and thin-walled epidermis. Cross, X 283. Fig. 8a. Pollen grain, x 636. Fig. 9. Sunken stomata on outer epidermis of petals, x 283. Fig. 10. Portion of petal, showinq: thin-walled epidermis. Cross, X 283. Science Bulletin, University of Kansas Vol. V, No. 7. PLATE XXV PLATE XXVI. Fig. 1. — Cross section through ovipositor, about midway: A. cmgd, cement gland duct; ovid, oviduct; uv, upper valve; Iv, lower valve; tg, tongue and groove; spg, subgenital plate. B. Diagram showing position of ovipositor relative to plates. Fig. 2. — Sport anal (?) vein of adult: A, anal vein; C, costa; sv, sport anal (?) vein. Fig. 3. — Diagram of tracheation of nymphal wing pad of P. celtidis- gemma fore wing: C, costa; Sc, subcosta; R, radius; M, media; Cu, cubitus; af, anal fold; A, anal vein. Fig. 4. — Diagram of tracheation of wing of recently emerged adult of P. celtidis-mammse, fore wing. Fig. 5. — Longitudinal-vertical section through wax glands: A. wg, wax glands; 7i, nucleus; cu, cuticula; sh, sense organs; tvgd, wax gland ducts; fb, fat body. B. wgo, openings of wax glands, dorsal aspect. Fig. 6.— Tip of mandible. Fig. 7. — Tip of maxilla. Fig. 8. — Base of mandible: te, tendon. Fig. 9. — Base of maxilla. > < o o > < « El, o >> H n oi > s t3 la o 2 H u m PLATE XXVII. P"'lG. 1. — Lateral aspect of prothorax and mesothorax, diagrammatic: pn, pronotum; es 1, proepisternum; es i, px'oepimeron ; pstr, pro- sternum; pcox, procoxa; up, spiracle; dnr, dorsulum; m?», mesonotum; scu, scutellum; artep, articulatory epidemes; bp, base of primary; ew 2, mesoepimeron ; es 2, mesoepisternum; mstr, mesosternum; end, portion of endoskeleton. Fig. 2. — Caudal aspect of mesothorax, diagrammatic : • ter, tergum ; str, mesosternum; phr, phragma; apoph, apophyse; c, canal; apod, apodeme; es '2, mesoepisternum; em 2, mesoepimeron; end, portion of endoskeleton corresponding to end in fig. 1, plate XXVII. Fig. ."J. — Sclerites forming tergum of thorax: A. pn, pronotum of pro- thorax; dor, dorsulum of mesothorax; mm, mesonotum of mesothorax; scu, scutellum of mesothorax; mett, metathorax. B. median, longi- tudinal section through tergum. Fig. 4. — Chitinized process holding labium to thorax (cephalic aspect) : A. a, lateral arm of process; h, yoke-like piece connecting lateral arms, caudad and dorsad of labium. B, tip of a lateral arm. Fig. 5. — Ventral aspect of metathorax, diagrammatic: sir, meta- stei'num; cox, coxa; em 3, metaepimeron ; mer, meracanthus; troc, trochanter; mf, ventral edge of metafurca. Fig. 6. — Venation of adult of P. celtidis-iimnnnx, fore wing: r, costa; Sc + R, subcostal plus radius; s, stigma; Sc, subcosta; R, radius; M 1 2, media; M 3 If, media; Cu 1, cubitus; Cv, 2, cubitus; af, anal fold or "claval suture"; cl, clavus; A, anal vein; Pr, petiolus cubite. Fig. 7. — Venation of adult of P. celtidis-mammse, hind wing. Fig. 8. — Ventral aspect of subgenital plate of female: h, base of plate; a, apex of plate; sli, sensory hairs. Science Bulletin, University of Kansas. Vol. V, No. 9. PLATE XXVII. PLATE XXVIII. Fig. 1. — Caudal aspect of head: ep, epicranium; e, compound eye; fo, front ocellus; g, gena; fc, frontal cone; a, antennal segments; y, pro- jection from gena; x, portion of membrane forming fold around labium between procoxae. Fig. 2. — Longitudinal section of front ocellus: cu, cuticula; hyp, hypo- dermis; I, lens; ip, iris pigment; v, vitreous body; r, retinal cells; n, nerve. Fig. 3. — Antenna. Fig. 4. — Cephalic aspect of head: ep, epicranium; e, compound eye; o, ocellus; fo, front ocellus; g, gena; fc, frontal cone; a, antennal seg- ments; as, antennal socket. Fig. 5. — Ventral aspect of head: ep, epicranium; e, compound eye; fo, front ocellus; g, gena; fc, frontal cone; as, antennal socket; p, pro- jection from edge of antennal socket; y, projection from gena; f, frons; Ip, ligamentary process of frons. Fig. 6. — Articulation between third and fourth antennal segments: a, third segment; b, fourth segment; cor, coiTUgations; sh, sensory hairs. > X H H < on ' < o X H a. > Z 1-1 s n EQ U Z H 3 PLATE XXIX. Fig. 1. — Lateral aspect of mouth parts, labium excepted: /, frons; c, clypeus; lab, labrum; ep, epipharynx; md, mandible; tux, maxilla; mds, mandibular sclerite; mxs, maxillary sclerite; cmx, chitinized plate for muscular attachment; cp, hypopharyngeal lamella; procx, maxillary process; lahi, labium (base); h, hypopharynx; for, fora- men. Fig. 2. — Lateral aspect of mouth parts (diagrammatic) : /, frons; ep, epipharynx; s, setse; labi 1, lahi 2, lahi 3, three segments of labium; mestr, mesosternum; p, process of thorax for holding labium; m, mem- brane forming fold between procoxae for labium. Fig. 3. — Ventral aspect of mouth parts, labium excepted: /, frons, c, clypeus; lab, labrum; ep, epipharynx; md, mandible; ms, maxillas; cmx, chitinized plate for muscular attachment; cp, hypopharyngeal lamella; mds, mandibular sclerite; mxs, maxillary sclerite; procx, maxillary process. Fig. 4. — Ventral aspect of labium: /, frons; c, clypeus; lab, labrum; ep, epipharynx; labi 1, labi 2, labi 3, three segments of labium; b, point where bend occurs. Fig. 5. — Dorsal aspect of mouth parts, labium excepted: f, frons; lab, labrum; ep, epipharynx; md, mandible; vix, maxillae; cmx, chitinized plate for muscular attachment; cp, hypopharyngeal lamella; procx, maxillary process; h, hypopharynx; t, tentorium; z, proximal edge of frons; p, pharynx. Science Bulletin, University of Kansas. Vol. V, No. y. PLATE XXIX. f P I PLATE XXX. Figs. 1, 2 and 3. — Lateral, dorsal and ventral aspects of ovipositor, diagrammatic: iiv, upper valves; Iv, lower valves; vs, upper and lower valves (fig. 2) ; buv, base or support for uv; blv, base or sup- port for Iv; sh, sheath; v, valve closing oviduct; procv, process of rod for closing v; sc, laterally diverging pairs of sclerites cephalad of sheath (fig. 1) ; sc 1, proximal pair of sclerites; sc 2, distal pair of sclerites; sip, sting-palpi; mr, median rod; Ir, lateral tendenous rod flattening out into lightly chitinized lateral plates, Zpf. Fig. 4. — Diagram showing position of ovipositor: spp, supra-anal plate; a, opening of anus; sgy, subgenital plate; v, valves of ovipositor; sh, sheath of ovipositor tip. Fig. 5. — Lateral aspect of metafurca. Fig. 6.— Caudal aspect of supra-anal plate: s-pp, supra-anal plate; sppfi, inner edges or flaps of supra-anal plate; x, distal portion of plate; a, anal opening; Ip, lateral plate; co, base of copulatory organ; /, loop below copulatory organ. Fig. 7. — Lateral aspect of supra-anal plate and copulatory organ : spp, supra-anal plate; sppfi, inner edges or flaps of supra-anal plate; x, distal portion of plate; a, anal opening; Ip, lateral plate; co, copu- latory organ; g, geniculation; c, club; p, penis; /, loop below copu- latory organ; y, slit in base of copulatory organ. Fig. 8. — Cephalic aspect of metathorax, diagrammatic: str, meta- sternum; nif, metafurca; la, lateral projection of endoskeleton ; mett, metatergum. Fig. 9. — Section through fore wing: wm, wing membrane; b, pigmented disc; a, unpigmented disc; c, cuticular processes on ventral surface of wing. SciEa*cB Bulletin, University of Kansas. Vol. V, No. 9. Pig. 94. PLATE XXXI. Fig. 1. — Cross section through procoxae and mouth parts: cox, coxa; c, clypeus; p and pc, parts of pharyngeal canal; mds, mandibular sclerite; mxs, maxillary sclerite; .s, setae; rp, hypopharyngeal lamella; m, membrane forming fold between procoxae to hold labium. Fig. 2. — Lateral aspect of tip of labium: t, lateral tongue-like processes; sh, sense organs. Fig. 3. — Cephalic aspect of tip of labium: /, lateral tongue-like processes; ah, sense organs; si, slit of labium. Fig. 4. — Base of supra-anal plate of female showing wax glands: a, anal opening; ivgo, openings of ducts of wax glands; .s/?, sense organs; .r, rhitinized portion of plate; y, slightly chitinized, translucent portion of plate. Fig. 5. — Cross section of lain 1 : nicl, mandible; mx, maxilla; »i, longi- tudinal muscles; si, slit of labium; /, lumen in mandible. Fig. 6. — Cross section of ovipositor through base of .sheath : spp, .supra- anal plate; sgp, .subgenital plate; nvid, oviduct; sh, sheath; sfp, sting- palpi. Fig. 7. — Lateral aspect of metathorax, part of metasternum, epimeron, meracrnthus, co>a. <:t?.., veriiov(.d. (li?G:vannmatic : Dicff, meta- tergum; vif, metafurca; bs, region of base of secondary; es 3, region of metaepisternum ; str, part of metasternum; end, a rod connected to metafurca; x, point of articulation of em 3. Fig. 8. — Lateral aspect of metathorax, part of metasternum, episternum and metafuica removed, diagrammatic: mett, metatergum; mf, metafurca; str, part of metasternum; mer, meracanthus; em 3, meta- epimeron; cox, coxa; scl, an accessory sclerite; x and ?/, articulation of em 3; troc, trochanter; fern, femur. Science Bulletin, University of Kansas. Vol. V, No. 9. PLATE XXXI. Fig. 36. %n\ PLATE XXXII. Fig. 1. — Frons and mouth parts, labium excepted, removed from head. (Photo.) Figs. 2, 3 and 4, — Wings of male. (Photos.) Figs. 5, 6 and 7. — Wings of female. (Photos.) Fig. 8. — Tracheation of nymphal wing pad of P. celtidis-gemma, fore wing. (Photo.) C, costa; Sc, subcosta; R, radius; M, M, media; Cu, Cu, cubitus. Fig. 9. — Tracheation of wing of recently emerged adult of P. celtidis- mammse, fore wing. (Photo.) C, costa; Sc + R, radius plus sub- costa; R, radius; M, media; Cu, cubitus. Fig. 10. — Branching of media and cubitus from radius plus subcosta in fore wing of recently emerged P. celtidis-mammse : Sc + Rr radius plus subcosta; M, media; Cii, cubitus. Fig. 11. — Branching of subcosta and radius in fore wing of recently emerged P. celtidis-mammse: Sc, subcosta; R, radius; C, costa. Science Bulletin, University ok Kansas. Vol. V, No. 9. PLATE XXXII. PLATE XXXIII. Fig. 1. — Apex of wing of male, showing pattern. (Photo.) Fig. 2.— Hind wing. (Photo.) Figs. 3 and 6. — Wings of females. (Photos.) Fig. 4. — Highly magnified portion of pattern. (Photo.) Fig. 5. — Apex of wing of female, showing pattern. (Photo./ Fig. 7. — Wing of male. (Photo.) Fig. 8. — Base of hind wing, showing pattern and hairs on costa. (Photo.) Science Bulletin, TTnivrrsity of Kansas. Vol. V, No. 9. PLATE XXXTIT. PLATE XXXIV. Fig. 1. Dorsal aspect of male. (Photo.) Fig. 2. Dorsal aspect of male. (Photo.) Fig. 3. — Ventral aspect of male. (Photo.) Fig. 4. — Lateral aspect of female. (Photo.) Fig. 5. — Pachypsylla on bark of hackberry, showing protective markings. (Photo.) Fig. 6. — Head, antennae, and mouth parts. (Photo.) Fig. 7. — Photograph of head and antennae. Fig. 8. — Lateral aspect of mouth parts, removed from head. (Photo.) Fig. 9. — Last four joints of antenna. Science Bulletin, University of Kansas. Vol. V, No. 9. PLAtE XXXIV. PLATE XXXV. Fig. 1. — Metathoracic tarsi. (Photo.) Fig. 2. — Prothoracic tarsi. (Photo.) Fig. 3. — Mesothoracic tarsi. (Photo.) Fig. 4. — Dorsal aspect of supra-anal plate of female. (Photo.) Fig. 5.— Mesothoracic leg. (Photo.) Fig. 6. — Prothoracic leg. (Photo.) Fig. 7. — Lateral aspect of copulatory organ. (Photo.) Fig. 8. — Metathoracic leg. (Photo.) scl, accessory sclerite. Fig. 9. — Lateral aspect of ovipositor. (Photo.) Fig. 10. — Lateral aspect of male genitalia. (Photo.) spp, supra-anal plate; sgp, subgenital plate; co, copulatory organ; f, forceps. Fig. 11. — Mesothoracic legs with mesosternum. (Photo.) apoph, apophyse. Fig. 12. — Prothoracic legs, pronotum, etc. (Photo.) pn, pronotum; es 1, proepisternum; em 1, proepimeron; cox, coxas. Fig. 13. — Lateral aspect of female abdomen. (Photo.) Fig. 14. — Lateral aspect of male abdomen. (Photo.) (Figure inverted.) Fig. 15. — ^Cephalic aspect of forceps. (Photo.) Science Bulletin, University of Kansas. Vol. V, No. 9. PLATE XXXV. **^^'^' ^r 6 V ..^^■r -■'i »*», ^+i sgp- % ^•^s?^ SPP 10 y 11 / V I ^es 1 12 ««)}j^ 13 14 4 * 15 PLATE XXXVI. Fig. 1. Tangential section of Poptilus alba with pits in wall between medullary ray and phloem parenchyma and between two pa- renchyma cells. Fig. 2. Side view of obliquely placed end sieve plate from Populus alba and with pits between the sieve tubes and the other phloem cells. Tangential section. Fig. 3. A pit in a vertical wall between a medullary ray and the phloem of Popvhis alba. Fig. 4, Transverse or reticulate strengthening bands on the wall of a sieve tube in a root of Populus deltoides. Tangential section. Fig. 5. Transverse bands on the wall of a sieve tube in the root of Populus delfoides, as seen in section. Fig. 6. Transverse section in Amorpha fruticosa, showing the radially elongated medullary-ray cells and others similar to these sweeping around the narrow strip of phloem and arranged to conduct food from these radially, especially to the cambium. DESCEIPTION OF FIGURES. Plates XXXVI and XXXVII. Explanatoi-y notes: Magnification is 600, except in figure 6, where it is 250 approximately. Lettering: st = sieve tube; m = medullary ray; p = parenchyma; camb = cambium; stch = starch; cr = crystal; pt = pit; n = nucleus. Symbols: -^ ) and — > ] = direction toward nearest point of circun^- ference or in the epidermis, Science Bulletin, University of Kansas. Vol. XV. No. 10. PLATE XXXVI. PLATE XXXVII. Fig. 7. Tangential section of Populus alba, showing the "beaded" end plate of a sieve tube and starch granules in the slime body. Fig. 8. Tangential section in the root of Populus deltoides, showing one of the remarkable obliquely placed end plates of a sieve tube in cross section. The strengthening bands here appear as larger beads and the perforation of the wall as spaces between smaller beads. This long plate evidently gives more surface for the distribution of the pits and possibly better communi- cation between the two cells of the sieve tube. Figs. 9 and 10 are from tangential sections of the root of Populus del- toides, and show the reticulated markings caused by the pit- ting and banding of the obliquely placed end plates in the sieve tubes. In figure 10 the sieve tube adjoins a medullary- ray cell. Science Bulletin, University of Kansas. Vol. XV. No. 10. PLATE XXXVII. V^h}i 10 PLATE XXXVIII. Townsendia exscapa. Fig. 1. View from "Castle Rock Bluffs," Gove county, Kansas, showing the habitat of Townsendia in the foreground. > X w o 'A > to <; M z o X H t/J D£ Ixl > t2 H J D u 1-4 u M ^ Jhk|^H^ ^- '^^^- '^7 * ^^^1 ^^^^H^^^^^^K f 6 ' 1^ ^^K^mS^^^^m Ijt^ 1 '^^m . ■^f" PLATE XXXIX. Tuivm^endia exscapa. FlO. 2. Photofjraph nf TDirx^oiiJid in flower, showinj; its habit while young. Vw,. o. Photognipii of 'r()iriif4i>Si -'?^. PLATE XL. Townsendia exscapa. Fig. 4. Cutinized epidermis of stem, cross section. R, outer tangential wall; S, inner tangential wall. X 650. Fig. 5. Coi'k cells, cross section, x 650. Fig. 6. Collenchyma cells, cross section, x 650. Fig. 7. Collenchyma cells, longitudinal section, x 650. Fig. 8. Short sclerenchyma cells, cross section, x 650. Fig. 9. Short sclerenchyma cells, longitudinal section. X 650. Fig. 10. Cortex cells, cross section, x 650. Fig. 11. Cortex cells, longitudinal section. X 650. Fig. 12. Pith cells, cross section, x 650. Fig. 13. Pith cells, longitudinal section. X 650. Fig. 14. Small portion of xylem, cross section, showing: a, tracheids; b, wood parenchyma cells, x 650. Fig. 15. Tracheids, as seen in a longitudinal section, when isolated from the wood parenchyma cells by means of chromic acid. X 650. Science Bulletin, University of Kansas Vol. V. No. 11. ^xH -->«^ Z3^0e)C^ PLATE XL. ■r- ¥oTSS *S1^, 14 r'O 13 PLATE XLI. Townsendia exscapa. Fig. 16. Medullary-ray cells, cross section. X 650. Fig. 17. Medullaiy-ray cells, longitudinal section, x 650. Fig. 18. Phloem cells, cross section. X 650. Fig. 19. Phloem cells, longitudinal section: a, cambiform cell; b, undi- vided mother cell of the sieve tubes, x 650. Fig. 20. Cross section of root, showing the distribution of tracheids. X 115. Fig. 21a. A bleached leaf, showing its method of venation, x 121/4. Fig. 21b. Midrib of leaf, cross section, showing: a, phloem cells; b, tracheids; c, wood parenchyma cells. X 215. Fig. 22. Portion of a bleached leaf, showing the details of venation. X 115. Fig. 2.3. Phloem cells as seen in a longitudinal section of the midrib of a leaf: a, cambiform cell; b, undivided mother cell of the sieve tubes. X 650. Fig. 24. Cutinized epidermis of leaf, cross section: a, cuticle; b, cutin- ized portion of wall. X 650. Fig. 25. Palisade cells, surface view: c, intercellular spaces; d, palisade cell. X 650. Fig. 26. Spongy parenchyma cells, surface view. X 650. SCENCE^BULLEXIN, Univ.«sitv o. KaX..s. PLATE XLI. 2/ a PLATE XLII. Townsendia exscapa. Fig. 27. Diagrammatic drawing showing the distribution of water- storage cells as seen in cross section of a leaf: a, veins; b, water-storage cells. Fig. 28. Palisade cells bordering on water-storage cells: A, water- storage cells; B, palisade cells; a, chloroplasts found in water- storage cells. X 650. Fig. 29. Palisade cells bordering on the veins: A, palisade cells; B, border parenchyma cells; C, tracheids. X 650. Fig. 30. Palisade cells bordering on water-storage cells and storage tracheids: A, water-storage cells; B, chloroplasts found in water-storage cells; C, water-storage tracheids; D, palisade cells. X 650. Fig. 31. Palisade cells bordering on water-storage cells, which in turn border on veins: A, water-stoi'age cell; B, chloroplasts; C, tracheids; D, border parenchyma cells. X 650. Fig. 32. Palisade cells bordering on spongy parenchyma cells: A, pali- sade cell; B, spongy parenchyma cell; C, intercellular spaces. X 650. Fig. 33. Water-storage tracheids as they appear at the ultimate ends of the veins: A, veins; B, water-storage tracheids. X 650. Fig. 34. Water-storage tracheids as they appear in other places in the leaf: .4, ordinary tiacheids; /?, water-storage tracheids. X 650. Fig. 35. Stomata, suiface view, x 650. Fig. 36. Stoma, as seen in cross section of the leaf, x 650. Science Bulletin, University of Kansas Vol. V, No. 11. PLATE XLII. i\ 34 PLATE XLIII. Lesquerella spathulata. Fig. 37. Cutinized epidermis of stem, cross section : S, outer tangential wall ; T, inner tangential wall, x 650. Fig. 38a. Cutinized epidermis of stem, longitudinal section : S, outer tangential wall; T, inner tangential wall, x 650. Cork cells as seen in cross section, x 650. Stone cells found in the boi'ke, cross section. X 650. Collenchyma cells, cross section, x 650. Collenchyma cells, longitudinal section. X 650. Stone cells found in sclerenchyma tissue, cross section. X 650. Stone cells found in sclerenchyma tissue, longitudinal section. X 650. Bast fibers, longitudinal section, x 650. Bast fibers, cross section. X 650. Small portion of xylem, cro.ss section: A, wood fibers; B, wood parenchyma cells; C, tracheal elements. Wood fiber, longitudinal section, x 650. Tracheal elements found in the stem at the nodes as seen in longitudinal section: A, scalariform type of tracheids; B, spiral type of tracheids. X 650. Fig. 49. Trachea] elements found in the internodes of the stem, as seen in longitudinal section: A, spiral tracheal tubes found among the wood fibers; B, spiral tracheal tubes found among the wood parenchyma cells; C, scalariform tracheal tubes. X 650. Fig. 50. Diagrammatic drawing of the cross section of the stem: A, borke; B, collenchyma; C, sclerenchyma; D, phloem; E, xylem; 1, tracheal tissues; 2, wood fibers; 3, xylem pa- renchyma; F, medullary ray; a, leaf trace. X 87%, Fig. 386 Fig. 39. Fig. 40. Fig. 41. Fig. 42. Fig. 43. Fig. 44. Fig. 45. Fig. 46. Fig. 47. Fig. 48. Science Bulletin, University of Kansas Vol. V, No. 11. PLATE XLIII. m PLATE XLIV. Lesquerella spathulata. Fig. 51a. Spiral tracheal tubes found in the leaf trace. X 650. Fig. 516. Small portion of the medullary ray, as seen in cross section. X 650. Fig. 51c. Phloem cells, as seen in cross section: A, intercellular spaces. X 650. Fig. 52. Phloem cells, as seen in longitudinal section: A, intercellular spaces. X 650. Fig. 53. Thin-walled parenchyma cells of the cortex, cross section. X 650. Fig. 54. Xylem parenchyma cells, as .seen in longitudinal section, x 650. Fig. 55. Wood fibers and ti-acheal tubes found in the outermost layer of xylem, cross section. X 650. Fig. 56(1. Segment of the cross section of the root, showing the consti- tution of the xylem: A, wood fibers; /?, tracheal elements; C, wood parenchyma. X 53. Fig. 566. Tracheal elements found in the root: A and B, scalariform tracheal tubes; C, .spiral tracheal tube. X 650. Fig. 57. Tracheal tubes and wood parenchyma cells found in the layer of xylem (fig. 56a., F) : A, tracheal tubes; B, wood pa- renchyma cells. X 650. Fig. 58. Wood parenchyma cells, as seen in longitudinal section, x 650. Fig. 59. Wood fibers and tracheal tubes found in the layer of xylem (fig. 56a, G). X 650. Fig. 60. Diagrammatic drawing of the cross section of the root, show- ing: A, cork; B, collenchyma ; C, .stone cells; D, thin-walled parenchyma; E, phloem; h\ wood fibers; G, wood paren- chyma; H, ti-acheal elements; /, medullary ray. X 65. Fig. 61. Cutinized epidermis of leaf: .1, outer tangential wall; o, cutin- ized portion; b, cellulose portion; B, inner tangential wall. X 650. Fig. 62. A bleached leaf, showing the method of venation: A, central vein; B, lateral branches sent off from the midrib near the center; C, two prominent longitudinal veins found on either side of the midrib; D, E, F, terminations of veins; G, a large lateral vein sent out from below the center of th^ midrib, X 27, Science Bollktin. University of Kansas. Vol. V, No. 11. PLATE XLIV. PLATE XLV. Lesquerella spathulata. Fig. 63. Small portion of midrib of leaf, as seen in longitudinal sec- tion: A, spiral tracheary tracheid; B, undivided mother cell of the sieve tubes. X 650. Fig. 64. Palisade cells, surface view, x 650. Fig. 65. Trichomes, as seen in surface view of the leaf, x 115. Fig. 66. Trichome, as seen in leaf, cross section: A, cutmized portion of wall of trichome; B, cellulose portion of wall of ti-ichome; C, mesophyll cells; D, tracheids. X 250. Fig. 67. Stomata, as seen in surface view. X 650. Fig. 68. Stoma, as seen in cross section, x 650. Fig. 69. Leaf, as seen in cross section: A, upper epidermis; B, lower epidermis; C, palisade tissue; D, vascular bundle, x 250. SciENcK Bulletin, University of Kansas Vol. V, No. 11. PLATE 3JLV. SCIENCE BULLETIN, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS VOL. V, No. I 2 PLATE 46 E ^F F fc "#lh''^'^*^^' SCIENCE BULLETIN, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS VOL. V, No. I 2 PLATE 47 SCIENCE BULLETIN, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS VOL. V, No. I 2 PLATE 48 D 20 . B y PLATE XLIX. Fig. 1. External view of the right mandible of Eryops willistoni. X V2- Drawing by S. Prentice, a = articular; c = coronoid. Fig. 2. Maxillary tooth of Eryops willistoni. X V2. Fig. 3. Fragment of cranium, including portion of right orbit and show- ing very distinctly the suture bounding the anterior border of the right frontal. A portion of the supraorbital lateral line canal may be also detected. X %• O = orbit. Fig. 4. Cross section of mandibular tooth, showing pulp cavity and dental tubules. X 2. Fig. 5. External view of anterior portion of the right mandible, x *^- SCIENCE BULLETIN, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS. Vol. V, No. 13. PLATE XLIX. PLATE L. External view of the right coraco-scapula of Eryops willistoni. x Vz- C = coracoid portion of the coraco-scapula; / = foramen for artery; L = cleithrum ; 0 = humeral cotylus. SCIENCE BULLETIN, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS. Vol. V, No. 13. PLATE L. PLATE LI. Internal view of coraco-scapula. C — coracoid portion; / = foramen; L = cleithrum. x %• SCIENCE BULLETIN, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS. Vol. V, No. 13. PLATE LI. PLATE LII. Arm bones of Eryops tvUUstoiii. X %• H — humerus; R = radius; U = ulna. Cross sections of the various elements are shown at the sides. SCIENCE BULLETIN. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS. Vol. V, No. 13. PLATE Lll. PLATE LIIL Fig. 1. Posterior view of right clavicle of Eryops willistoni. X %■ Fig, 2. Ventral view of right clavicle, x %. Fig. 3. Ventral view of the posterior projection of the interclavicle of Eryops willistoni. X %• Fig. 4. Dorsal view of phalange (metacarpal ?). X %• Fig. 5. End view of same. X %• Fig. 6. Cross section of posterior projection of interclavicle. Fig. 7. Anterior view of the right humerus. X %• / = supracondylar arterial foramen. Fig. 8. Cross section of the clavicle. SCIENCE BULLETIN, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS. Vol. V, No. 13. PLATE LIII. PLATE LIV. Fig. 1. Posterior view of a dorsal vertebral spine, showing apical en- largement. X %. Fig. 2. Lateral view of three consecutive dorsal vertebrae, x %• Fig. 3. Ventral view of left sacral rib. x %• Fig. 4. Dorsal view of the same. SCIENCE BULLETIN, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS. Vol. V, No. 13. PLATE LIV. PLATE LV. The dorsal surface of the left ilium of Stegopelta, showing the dermal plates. X Vi. SCIENCE BULLETIN, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS VOL. V, No. 14 PLATE 65 PLATE LVI. Fig. 1. A large dermal spine which was possibly associated with the heavy bony girdles near the base of the tail. X ^^• Fig. 2. One of the massive dermal plates of Stegopelta, which may have formed part of another girdle like the elem.ents in figs. 6 and 7. X Vz- Fig. 3. The median dorsal scute between the ilia. X Vi- Figs. 4 and 5. The teeth of Stegopelta. x IVz. Figs. 6 and 7. Dorsal and posterior views of large bony girdle, which probably encircled the tail near the base, x Vi- Fig. 8. Detail of the surface of the left ilium; one of the dermal scutes, one-half natural size. Fig. 9. A heavy dermal plate, which may possibly have been associated with the element shown in figure 2 to form another girdle. (See Wieland, 1909, Amer. Jour. Sci., March, p. 251, fig. 6.) X Vi- SCIENCE BULLETIN, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS VOL. V, No. 14 PLATE 56 PLATE LVII. Dorsal view of thirteen small dermal plates of Stegopelta, nearly natural size, showing the various shapes, sizes, and manner of ornamentation SCIENCE BULLETIN, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS VOL. V, No. 14 PLATE 57 PLATE LVIIL Fig. 1. The external surface of the right pubis, x ^A. Fig. 2. The right pubis seen from the edge, x ^/4. Fig. 3. The posterior view of an anterior caudal or a posterior sacral vertebra. X Vi. Fig. 4. The lower portion of the right tibia, showing the firm union of the astragalus. One-half natural size. Fig. 5. Lateral view of one of the dorsal vertebrje. One-half natural size. Fig. 6. Posterior surface of a dorsal vertebra. X Vz- Fig. 7. A metatarsal of Stegopelta seen from above, x V2- SCIENCE BULLETIN, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS. Vol. V, No. 14. PLATE LVin. PLATE LIX. Fig. 1. Dorsal view of an anterior caudal vertebra. X ^/4. Fig. 2. A cross section of the sacrum to show the sacral enlargement. X Vs. Fig. 3. A small dermal spine. X Vz- Figs. 4 and 5. Upper and lower portions of right fibula. X Vi- Figs. 6 and 7. Dorsal surface of posterior and anterior segments of the sacrum. Fig. 8. The left ulna seen from behind. One-tenth natural size. Fig. 9. The left ulna seen from the side. One-tenth natural size. SCIENCE BULLETIN. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS. Vol. V, No. 14. PLATE LIX. I Plate LX. The stomach of Einpo nepaholica Cope from the Niobrara Cretaceous. The longitudinal muscular plicae are indicated by heavy lines. xVz- SCIENCE BULLETIN. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Vol. V, No. 15. PLATE LX. Plate LXI. Tho specimen of Tlni.^fiopater ivtestinalis Moodio. >' %. SCIENCE BULLETIN, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS VOL. V, No. 15 PLATE 6 1 IMS^f Plate LXIL Fig. 1. Photograph of the alimentaiy canal of the Buffalo fish, Icfiobds biibalus Raf., from the Kaw river, showing the similarity in the form of the intestines to that preserved in the fossil Thrissopater intestinalis Moodie. X V2. Fig. 2. Photograph of the right pectoral fin of Empo nepaholica Cope. X%. SCIENCE BULLETIN, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS VOL. V, No. I 5 PLATE 62 2 PLATE LXIIL Upper figure: Lateral view of female of Prorocorypha snowl, new gen. and sp. X 2. Second figure: Lateral view of male of Prorocorypha snowi. x 2. Left of three middle figures: Lateral view of apex of male abdomen of Prorocorypha snowi. X 4. (The supra-anal plate of the specimen from which the artist made the drawing is broken. It is long, as in the female.) Middle of three middle figures: Dorsal view of head and pronotum of female of Prorocorypha snowi. X 2. Right of three middle figures: Lateral view of apex of female abdomen of Prorocorypha snowi. X 4. Next to bottom row, left figure: Dorsal view of head and pronotum of Scirtetica ritensis, new species, x 2. Next to bottom row, right figure: Lateral view of type specimen of Scirtetica ritensis. X 2. Bottom row, left figure: Wing of Scirtetica ritensis. X 2. Bottom row, middle figure: Lateral view of apex of female abdomen of Scirtetica ritensis. X 2. Bottom row, right figure: Lateral view of male abdomen of Scirtetica ritensis. X 2. (This figure was drawn by the artist from a speci- men not studied by the author.) VOL. V, No. I 7 PLATE 63 SCitr'"-' ^ x^, , . Spernatophore Side view DorsalNJvievf Side view ^^ jjemobius Spermatophores of Gryllus Spermatophore Mold Three Dorsal Dissect ions of the Abdomen of Gryllus Inters! ine 140 Rectam Median section of abiomen ^fiio>. Section of sinus and <^ secreting tubules Sperm from spermatophoTe "f^ *■*?.'*' bfoM 4. ^^^t^ '■'/., A. \A? moil sTotiqo itnaqS moiosfl ifi^ fT9mo6d!fi lo nolSa»i n£if>9M SCIENCE BULLETIN, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS VOL. V, No. 19 PLATE 64 PLATE LXV. Figs. 1 to 10, inclusive. — Polar views of the equatorial plate from spermatogonial cells, each showing the entire number of chromosomes. In figs. 1, 2 and 4 the possible pairing of equal elements is shown. There are ten pairs. Nos. 1-1 are the largest two spermatogonial chromo- somes, which form the largest chromosome of the spermatocyte group. No. 11 is unpaired, and is the accessory chromosome. In figs. 5 to 10, in- clusive, the connecting bands of linin are not shown. Fig. 11. — Lateral view of the spindle in metaphase from a young spermatogonial cyst. Fig. 12. — Same from an older spermatogonial cyst. Fig. 13. — Beginning anaphase from an older spermatogonial cyst, showing the usual confluent condition of the chromatin. Fig. 14. — Late spermatogonial anaphase. Fig. 15.— a section of an entire spermatogonial cyst, showing the cells in different stages of division. The polarity shown is typical. Fig. 16.— Early spermatogonial telophase. Fig. 17. — Polar view of the same, in which all twenty-one members of the complex can be distinguished, (x) Accessory chromosome. Fig. 18. — Late telophase, from a young spermatogonial cyst. Figs. 19 and 20. — Nuclei of spermatogonial cells, showing the chro- matin at the point of greatest diffusion. The reticular structure is still evident. Fig. 21. — A typical spermatogonial nucleus, showing the beginnings of the reorganization of the nuclear chromatin. Figs. 22 to 28, inclusive. — Successive stages in the re-formation of the spermatogonial chromosomes. Figs. 29 to 33, inclusive. — Nuclei in the process of synizesis. (x) Ac- cessory chromosome, (t) Nuclear membrane, (c) Chromatin mass. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCIENCE BULLETIN VOL. V, No. 20 PLATE 65 ^^'V PLATE LXVI. Fig. 1. — An early stage of the spermatocyte nucleus, succeeding syni- zesis. (x) Accessory chromosome, (p) Plasmasome. Figs. 2 and 3. — Same as fig. 1. Fig. 4. — Slightly later stage of the spermatocyte nucleus than is shown in figs. 1, 2 and 3. The chromatin is more diffuse and the accessory chromosome (x) is elongated, granular, and stains more deeply than the other chromatin. Fig. 5. — A spermatocyte nucleus at the period of greatest diffusion. The chromatin is reticular, (p) Plasmasome. (x) Accessory chromo- some more condensed than the fonn shown in fig. 4. Fig. 6. — Same as fig. 5. The accessory is a homogeneous chromatin rod and the plasmasome reaches its maximum size in this stage. Fig. 7. — Spermatocyte nucleus in early prophase, showing the first sig-ns of chromosome reorganization. (p) Vacuolated plasmasome. {x) Accessory chromosome. The difference in the consistency of these two bodies is apparent in iron-haematoxylin preparations which were stained for a shorter time, comparatively, or which were subjected to a longer extraction process. Fig. 8. — Spermatocyte nucleus, showing the beginnings of tetrad formation and the accompanying phenomenon, the decrease in size of the plasmasome. Fig. 9. — Later spermatocyte prophase. The plasmasome becomes spherical as it disappears. Figs. 10 and 11. — Two parts of the same nucleus drawn from adjacent sections. There are thirteen bodies, all of which are shown. The plas- masome has diminished greatly in size, (m) The univalent halves of the small chromosome. Figs. 12 and 13. — Spermatocyte cells in early prophase. The nuclear wall in fig. 12 is not shown. The plasmasome is very lightly stained, in marked contrast to the accessory, which holds the stain much longer. Fig. 14. — Accessory chromosomes drawn from spermatogonial cells in metaphase. For the method of identification see text. Fig. 15. — Accessory chromosomes from cells of the same stage and preparation as that of fig. 12, where there is no trouble in identifying this element. Fig. 16. — Tetrads from the same stage and preparations as figs. 12 and 13. (a) Largest form. (6) and (c) Typical forms of the cross. (d) The small chromosome, the halves of which are not usually so close together at this time. Fig. 17. — Portion of a spermatocyte nucleus in late prophase, showing the diminishing plasmasome (p) and the halves of the small chromo- some (m). Figs. 18 and 19. — Portions of the same spermatocyte nucleus appear- ing in adjacent sections, showing thirteen elements — nine tetrads, two ru-chromosome diads, the accessory chromosome, and the plasmasome. The plasmasome has almost entirely disappeared. Figs. 20 and 21. — Same as figs. 18 and 19. Figs. 22 and 23. — Same as the two previous figures. Figs. 24 and 25. — Same as above. The nuclear wall in fig. 25 is not shown. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCIENCE BULLETIN VOL. V, No. 20 PLATE 66 12 13 s U PLATE LXVII. Fig. 1. — Nucleus in the process of synizesis. (x) Accessory chromo- some, la. — Drawings of accessory chromosomes from nuclei similar to fig 1. A, B, C and D indicate the four individuals from which these comparative drawings were made. FiG; 2. — Spermatocyte nucleus, immediately after synizesis, showing both accessory chromosomes and the plasmasome. 2a. — Accessory chro- mosomes from the same stage as is shown in fig. 2. 26. — Plasmasomes from the same nuclei as the accessory chromosomes in 2a. The opposite elements in columns 2a and 26 are from the same nucleus. The same holds true for columns 3a and 36, 4a and 46, 5a and 56. Fig. 3.— Spermatocyte nucleus, showing a later stage than fig. 2. 3a. — Accessory chromosomes from the same stage as fig. 3. 36. — Plas- masomes from the same stage as fig. 3. See explanation of fig. 2, same plate. Fig. 4. — Spermatocyte nucleus at the period of maximum diff'usion and largest plasmasome growth, deeply stained. 4o. — Accessory chro- mosomes from same state as fig. 4. 46. — Plasmasomes from same stage as fig. 4. See explanation of fig. 2, same plate. Fig. 5. — Spermatocyte nucleus, showing the beginning of chromosome reorganization. 5a. — Accessory chromosomes from the same stage as fig. 5. 56. — Plasmasomes from the same stage as fig. 5. See explana- tion of fig. 2, same plate. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCIENCE BULLETIN VOL. V, No. 20 PLATE 67 la la t • f • B % % D % • 0 • 0 t # ♦ f ^ « • I % • I • f ♦ PLATE LXVIII. Figs. 1 to 10, inclusive. — The chromosome complex of the first sperma- tocyte in metaphase. (x) Accessory chi"omosome. Fig. 5. — An unusual condition of the first spermatocyte metaphase, showing twelve elements, a-a. — Probably the disjoined halves of one of the larger chromosomes which normally occurs in the ring. Fig. 11. — -Drawings of the accessory chromosome from cells of the cyst from which fig. 6 was made, showing the constancy in size in this element within a single cyst. Fig. 12. — Drawings of the accessory chi-omosome from cells of the cyst from which fig. 7 was made. Fig. 13. — Drawings of the accessory chromosome from cells of the cyst from which fig. 8 was made. Fig. 14. — Drawings of the accessoiy chromosome from cells of the cyst from which fig. 9 was made. Fig. 15. — Drawings of the accessory chromosome from cells of the cyst from which fig. 10 was made. Fig. 16. — Lateral view of first spermatocyte in beginning anaphase, (x) Accessory chromosome. The cell membrane is shown. Fig. 17. — First spermatocyte spindle, in longitudinal section through the accessory chromosome {x) . (a) and {b) Chromosomes of the ring at equal distances from (?h), the central small chromosome. The acces- sory chromosome lies outside of the ring, causing the asymmetry of the spindle, as drawn. Fig. 18. — Same view of a slightly later stage, showing the typical irregularity in the movements of the accessory chromosome {x) and the central small chromosome {m) with respect to those of the ring (a) and {b) . Fig. 19. — Later anaphase, showing the difference in organization be- tween the accessory chromosome (.r) and the ordinary chromosomes. Figs. 20, 21 and 22. — Later successive stages of the first spermatocyte anaphase, (x) Accessory chromosome. Figs. 23, 25 and 26. — First spermatocyte telophases, in which the acces- sory chromosome (x) may still plainly be identified. Fig. 24. — Telophase of first spermatocyte. (x) Unusual element, which is probably an undivided accessory chromosome or a persistent plasmasome. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCIENCE BULLETIN VOL. V, No. 20 PLATE 68 V* ^•-i? i'A f'-i* 2 3 %# ii i^ • % 13 #« 4 9 -X 10 9 # i5 PLATE LXIX. Figs. 1, 2 and 3. — Polar views of the single daughter groups of chro- mosomes resulting from the first spermatocyte division. This stage is of very brief duration following immediately that in figure 25, plate LXVIII. Fig. 4. — A group of drawings of the accessory chromosome from stages such as are shown in figures 1, 2 and 3. Figs. 5, 6, 7 and 8. — Polar views of the second spermatocyte complex. Note diflTerence in arrangement of the chromosomes compared with those of first spermatocytes. Fig. 9. — Oblique view of a late first spermatocyte telophase. One whole daughter group is shown and part of the other. Figs. 10, 11 and 12. — Lateral view of second spermatocyte spindle in metaphase. (x) Accessory chromosome, (m) Small central chromosome. Fig. 13. — Lateral view of early anaphase, second spermatocyte. Fig. 14. — Later stage of the same, (x) Accessory chromosome. Fig. 15. — Same as figures 13 and 14, showing all of the chromosomes. (x) Accessory chromosome. Fig. 16. — Same as figure 14. Fig. 17. — Slightly later stage, showing the beginnings of the formation of a dividing cell membrane. Note that the daughter gj'oups of chro- mosomes are entirely coalesced. This is typical of these later stages. Fig. 18. — Same as figure 14. Fig. 19. — Group of accessory chromosomes drawn from cells such as are shown in figure 18, showing the constancy in size of the lagging ele- ment (x). Figs. 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25.— Later stages in the second spermatocyte division, showing the behavior of the accessory chromosome (x) . Note the dividing cell wall and persistent spindle fibers which identify beyond a doubt the two cells shown in each figure as daughter cells of the same first spermatocyte. Fics. 26 and 28. — Later stage of the same after the formation of the nuclear membranes, (x) Accessory chromosome. Fig. 27. — Later stage of the same in which the spindle fibers are fading. Fig. 29. — Still later stage in which the two chromatin masses are breaking up and the ordinary chromatin appears granular, (x) Acces- sory chromosome. Fig. 30. — A group of drawings, showing the typical appearance of the daughter nuclei of the second spermatocyte which have received the ac- cessory chromosome in the second maturation division. Fig. 31. — A group of drawings showing the early development of the spermatid which received the accessory chromosome in the second mat- uration division. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCIENCE BULLETIN VOL. V, No. 20 PLATE 69 ®(«^« PLATE LXX. These photomicrographs were made with a Zeiss 2mm., 1.40 N. A. apochromatie objective and No. 4 projection ocular, the camera bellows being extended so as to place the sensitive plate at a distance of thirty- one inches above the object. Illumination was furnished by Welsbach mantle, the light passing through a Watson Parachromatic oil immersion condenser with the diaphragm set at N. A. 1.0. The original magnification is 1500 diameters which, in reproduction, has been reduced to 1000 diameters. Considerable detail has been lost in reproduction, especially in figui-es 3, 7 and 8. Fig. 1. — Polar view of spermatogonial metaphase, showing 21 chro- mosomes. Fig. 2. — Same as figure 1. Fig. 3. — Same as figure 1. Fig. 4. — First spermatocyte prophase, in which the accessory chromo- some is bent in the middle. This is the nearest approach to the spireme condition found in Anasa. Fig. 5. — Later prophase with the accessory extended and showing the longitudinal split. Fig. 6. — Same stage as in figure 5. Fig. 7. — -A portion of three cysts appears in this photograph. In the lower one the last generations of spermatogonial chromosomes are seen in several cells. At the upper right-hand corner are four cells in synizesis. Fig. 8. — Parts of three cysts are included in this picture. The cells in each are in some stage of synizesis. The presence of the accessory chro- mosome on the periphery of the nucleus and of the plasmasome in the synizetic knot is demonstrated in several cells. The stages shown in figures 7 and 8 precede the ones represented in figures 4, 5 and 6. Fig. 9.— Post-synizetic stage, in which the peripheral accessory and the more central plasmasome are shown in several cells. This may be com- pared with a similar condition in cells prepared according to the method of Foot and Strobell, as shown in their figures 11 and 12, in order to judge of the correctness of their belief that the smear method preserves delicate detail better than sections. It may be pointed out also that there is little liability to confuse either of the nucleolar bodies with karyosomes resulting from concentrations of the chromatin elsewhere. Wilson's slide 9496. Photos 1 to 9 from sections. Fig. 10. — Chromosomes of the first spermatocyte metaphase, smear preparation. The lowermost chromosome is the accessory. It is seen to have one plane of division, while the others have more or less distinct second planes indicated. In this cell the five lower chromosomes have dried thinner and spread more than the upper six and show wrinkles and other distortions. Wilson's Woods Hole "x" slide. Figs. 11-15. — Photographs from sections on Wilson's slide 9496, show- ing the accessory chromosome and plasmasome in the first spermatocyte prophase at about the same stage as that of figure 9. It is difficult to get several nuclei close together with the two elements in focus at the same time, but most of these show at least two cells. Figure 11 is in focus at the level of the upper part of the nucleus and shows the ac- cessory extended as in figures 5 and 6. Figs. 16-20. — Photographs from smears on Lefevre's slide 30, showing the late prohases of the first spermatocyte. The accessory is distinguished, as Foot and Strobell point out, by having two halves lying side by side without lateral extensions. There is no indication of a second plane of division, as may easily be seen in figures 16 and 20. In figure 20 there appear thirteen elements. Figs. 21-26. These are from smears, and show the chromosomes of the first spermatocyte in metaphase. The great difference in the size of Lhe chromosomes, due to the variation in the extent of spreading, upon drying may be judged by comparing figure 22 with figures 23 and 10. In figure 23 there are twelve elements, one much lighter than the others, which may be interpreted as an unsually resistant plasmasome which has persisted much longer than common. In all of these the accessory may be identified both by its position and by the single plane of cleavage indicated. It has been injured in the cell represented in figure 23, where it is seen next to the plasmasome with one corner cut sharply off. Figs. 27 and 28. — ^Photographs of the first spermatocyte metaphase, polar view, showing the typical arrangement of the chromosomes. The accessoiy lies without the ring and the ?H-chromosome in the center. These prints are from the same negative and show how it is possible to vary the apparent size of structures even by printing. Wilson's section. Figs. 29-33. — Polar views of first spermatocyte metaphases from sec- tions. In order to get several cells to show together the focus was shifted during exposure in making photograph 31 so that the outlines are not sharp. In figure 29 the accessory does not show, being just out of focus in the lower cell. From these illustrations it may be seen that while there is a general agreement in the arrangement of the chromosomes in the equatorial plate, it may be modified in details. Wilson's sections. SCIENCE BULLETIN, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS VOL. V, NO. 20 PLATE 70 o m ■ ,% ■•'■- ^v 30 V 32 33 McCluno. photo COCKAYNE-BOSTON PLATE LXXI. Fig. 1. — Lateral view of two second spermatocytes in early anaphase. It is apparent in both of these that the accessory chromosome is already in movement to one of the poles, in the upper cell to the right and in the lower to the left. The accessory in the upper cell already has its longer axis parallel to that of the spindle. Smear by Wilson. Fig. 2. — Lateral view of first spermatocyte in metaphase or early ana- phase. The accessory is the lowermost chromosome. All the elements are clearly seen to be divided. This is a slightly earlier stage than the ones of the second spermatocytes in figure 1 and should be compared with them in order to see the ditference in the behavior of the accessory in the two divisions. Smear by Lefevre. Fig. 3. — Mid-anaphase of the first spermatocyte, showing the full com- plex of chromosomes in each daughter cell. The accessory is the lower- most one in each group and is slightly removed from the others. Smear by Wilson. Fig. 4. — Late anaphase of the first spermatocyte mitosis. The acces- sory lies to the right of each daughter group at the same level. Smear by Lefevre. Fig. 5. — Mid-anaphase of the first spermatocyte, oblique view. The accessory to the right of each daughter group. Fig. 6. — Mid-anaphase of the first spermatocyte anaphase,, lateral view. The accessory at the lower end of each daughter group. Fig. 7. — Very late anaphase of the first spermatocyte division, lateral view, with the accessory chromosome of each group proximal to the equatorial plate. Smear by Wilson. Fig. 8. — Late anaphase of the first spermatocyte mitosis, showing the divided accessory accompanying each daughter group of chromosomes. Smear by Lefevre. Fig. 9. — Like figure 8. Smear by Lefevre. Fig. 10. Similar to figures 8 and 9. Smear by Lefevre. This series of anaphases of the first spermatocyte indicate, I think, that the accessory is characterized by an independence of movement and position in the group of chromosomes rather than by a "lagging" tendency. It does not in any case, apparently, anticipate the poleward movement of the other chromosomes, but takes part in the general division. On account of its peripheral position and slighter relation to the plate of chromosomes it is crowded back and therefore lies below the daughter mass of chro- matin. Its position in the metaphase of the second spermatocyte depends upon the degree to which it is crowded aside in the telophase of the first. If it maintains its peripheral position at the level of the other chromo- somes it is then an eccentric element in the metaphase of the second supeimatocyte. If, however, it lies beneath the other chromosomes in the telophase it may become included within the ring of chromosomes in the next metaphase. Fig. 11. — Polar view of second spermatocyte metaphase. In the lower cell three chromosomes are shown in lateral view. The difference in the arrangement of the chromosomes, as compared with the first spermatocyte, is striking and apparent. Section by Wilson. Fig. 12. — Similar to figure 11. Compared with the cell shown in the preceding figure it is seen that the arrangement of the chromosomes is diffei-ent and that both are unlike that of the first spermatocyte where the 7?i-chromosome practically always lies within a ring of larger chromo- somes. The upper cell in figure 11 shows how close the resemblance to the first spermatocyte may be, on the contrary. Section by Wilson. Figs. 13-27. — Photomicrographs of smears, mostly from slides by Wil- son, showing the behavior of the accessory in the second spermatocyte. It will appear from these, I think, that while the accessory may lie near the equatorial plate in the early and mid anaphases, when actual division of the cell has occurred the position of the accessory in only one of the two daughter cells may be determined. Of particular importance in this connection is figure 15 where numerous cells in telophase are in focus at one time. Each one of these demonstrates beyond question the unilateral movement of the accessoiy. This area is but a small part of a much largei one on the slide, where more than a hundred similar cells show, without exception, the same undivided condition of the unpaired element. The lagging chromosome is recognized by all to be the accessory. It is seen here in all the divided cells to pass without division into but one of the two daughter derivatives. In comparing these figures with those of Foot and Strobell it should be borne in mind that these cells are without question completely divided, that numbers of them are shown together, and that the whole cell body is represented, so that there can be no ques- tion of the relation between the members of the pairs of chromosome groups. Their figures, on the contraiy, are of single cells, mostly in early or mid anaphases, in which the cell body does not appear. The con- sistent behavior of the accessory chromosome in the different cell gen- erations is worthy of attention also. Wherever it is found it tends to isolate itself somewhat from the rest of the chromosomes and to behave with some independence. The argument of Foot and Sti'obell is based on conformity to one type on the part of the accessory as well as on that of the ordinary chromosomes. The figures on plate LXXI will demonstrate, I believe, that the accessory does not conform to the processes of the other chromosomes. Its isolated position in one of the two daughter spei-matids shown in figures 26 and 27 is just as apparent as it is in each of the two daughter spermatocytes shown in figures 3-10. This characteristic may also be seen in figures 20, 21 and 25. Certain cells in the stages represented in figures 14, 17, 22, 23 may suggest that the accessory chromosome might later divide, and it is upon such as these that Foot and Strobell base much of their argument, but later and more decisive stages demonstrate that it does not do so and this positive evi- dence has much more value than the presumptive. It is my belief from a careful study of the material and the photographs of Foot and Strobell that not one instance which they figure is an indubitable case of a divide:! accessory in the second spermatocyte. I do not believe that the in- dentations in outline, or the light places in the middle of the accessory, have any value as an indication of probable division, for such effects must inevitably occur to delicate structures like the chromosomes in smearing. I would submit that if such evidence is to be used,, the chromosomes of the upper group in the anaphase of the second spermatocyte represented in figure 37, plate III of Foot and Strobell, are much more certainly divided than are any of the accessories for which they claim divisions in figures 26-46 of the same plate, SCIENCE BULLETIN, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS VOL. V, NO. 20 PLATE 71 t\ ^ J '2\ 7^ ^ :d^.^^- yi * \yi 7\ 8' « • r> ••••, i« .* .; . ' - '^ ^ 4 J ii # / - y •* f . > ' *t ' ■■♦.fl-^ -•* ^^ ^ 1^ " # "•■rr \ ♦ ( % I # V ' 1 1 M 5? 1 v'-. M ;7 .4 %", McClung, Photo Cockayne-Boston ''>.? ^ 3 204 Date Due