HARVARD UNIVERSITY LIBRARY OF THE Museum of Comparative Zoology c B^TLLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Voh XX\'III December 1, 1927. No. 18 Science Bulletin Vol. XVII, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 (IN TWO PARTS) (Continuation of Kansas University Quarterly.) PART I LAWRENCE, KANSAS Published Semimonthly from January to June and Monthly from July to December, inclusive, bj' the University of Kansas. Entered &a second-class matter December 29, 1910, at the post oflBce at Lawrence, Kansas, under the act of July 16, 1894. 11-6511 NOTICE TO EXCHANGES. The attention of learned societies and other institutions which exctiange scientific publications with the University of Kansas is called to the list of publications of this University on the third and fourth^ pianos of the cover of this issue. Those marked "Supply exhausted" cannot be furnished at all; aa far as the supply permits the remaining numbers will gladly be fur- nished to any of our exchanges who may need them to complete their files. Back numbers of the Kansas University Quarterly, as far as pos- sible, will be sent to those of our newer correspondents who are able and willing to reciprocate. ANNOUNCEMENT. The Kansas University Science Bulletin (continuation of Kansas University Quarterly) is issued in parts at irregular inte'^' vals. Each volume contains from 300 to 400 pages of reading r- ' ter, with necessary illustrations. Exchanges with other instituti<>i>.- and learned societies everywhere are solicited. All exchanges should be addressed to the Library of the University of Kansas. All communications should be addressed to TjiE Kansas University Science BullStin, Library of the University of Kansas Lawrence, Kan. EDITORIAL BOARD. Raymond C. Moore, Chairman. E. N. Manchester. H. B. HuNGERFORD, Secretary. A. J. Mix. DiNSMORE Alter. Asa A. Schaffer. Ray Q. Brewster. O. 0. Stoland. THE kansas university Science Bulletin DEVOTED TO THE PUBLICATION OF THE RESULTS OF RESEARCH BY MEMBERS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Vol. XVII (IN TWO PARTS) vWhole Series, Vol. XXVIII) PART I I O . V v' l>, . . PUBI ISHED BY THE tJNIVERSITV, LAWRENCE, KANSAS. 1927 11-5511 S~f^fi- CONTENTS OF VOLUME XVII. (IN TWO PARTS) Part I. No. lAOR 1. Studies on the Biology of the Reduviidse of America North of ^Mexico. P. A. Beadio 5 Part II. 2. A New Rhinoceros from Kansas. H. H. Lane 297 3. A New Protypothere from the Santa Cruz Formation of Patagonia. H. H. Lane 313 4. The Extirpation of the Thyroid Gland and Its Effects Upon the Hypophysis in Biifo americanus and Rana pipiens. Mary Elizabeth Larson 319 5. Some Studies on the Structure and Beliavior During Germi- nation of Gymnocladus canade?isis Lam. W. H. Horr. . . . 331 6. Comparative Anatomy of Certain Hybrid Shrubs and Their Parents. P. V. Beck 367 7. On the Occurrence of Bison latifrons in Comanche County, Kansas. H. T. Martin 397 (3) THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCIENCE BULLETIN Vol. XVIL] September. 1927. [No. 1. Studies on the Biology of the Reduviidce of America North of Mexico.* p. A. READIO, Department of Entomology. CONTENTS. PAGR INTRODl'CTION 6 SIZE AND DISTRIBUTION OF FAMILY 7 ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF THE REDUVIID.E 9 Beneficial Reduviidse ; 9 Injurious Reduviidae 12 BIOLOGY OF THE FAMILY 1\ OEXEKAl 17 Habitat 17 Food 18 Feeding Habits 20 Seasonal Life History 21 Habits of Adults 23 Habits of Nymphs 24 Eggs and Oviposition 25 Sound Production 27 Polymorphism 28 Dorsal Stink Glands of Nymphs. ... 29 KEY TO SUBFAMILIES 31 DISCUSSION OF INDIYIDUAL SPECIES 32 Ploiariinse 32 Saicinae 75 StenopodinEP 79 Reduviina' 102 Piratina; 126 EctrichodiiniB. . 143 Hammaceriny 146 Apiomerin:i' lol Harpactorin.-r 167 BIBLIOGRAPHY 236 INDEX '. 243 • Submitted to the Department of Entomology and to the Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Kansas in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. (5) The University Science Bulletin. INTRODUCTION. THE primary purpose of this paper is to present what is known at the present time concerning the life histories and habits of the Reduviidae of North America north of Mexico. It seemed to the writer that the size, economic importance, and interesting habits of this family warranted the study of this rather neglected field. An attempt has been made to assemble the existing material on this subject, and to add to this as much as possible by original investiga- tions. While this study is essentially a biological one, it seems practical, and almost essential, to include enough of the systematic side to enable one to determine our species. Consequently keys to the species and higher groups, as well as descriptions of most of the species, many of which have appeared formerly only in some lan- guage other than English, are included. Although this paper does not present any advances in the taxonomy of the family, it at least assembles the best that has been done previously in one compact work. Judging from the difficulties of the writer in determining many of the species with which he worked this part of the paper should be of value. To the writer's knowledge, no previous work of a similar nature has appeared, and the work of collecting the existing literature on the biology of our species has been considerable. The original life his- toiy studies were made at Lawrence, Kan., and only species found in that vicinity were used in the work. Observations were made on twenty species for at least a part of their life histories, and for most of these the complete details of the life history have been worked out. Practically all of the commoner species occurring in the United States are included among those studied. This study has been completed under the able direction of Dr. H. B. Hungerford, head of the Department of Entomology at the Uni- versity of Kansas, to whom the writer wishes to acknowledge his in- debtedness and express his gratitude. The other associates of the writer at the University of Kansas have also been most helpful. The writer wishes to thank and to express his sincere appreciation to Dr. P. B. Lawson for his help and criticism; to Mr. R. H. Beamer for assistance in collecting material; to Mrs. Lucy Readio for as- sistance in preparing the illustrations which accompany the paper; to Miss Kathleen Doering for advice in connection with, and as- sistance in preparing illustrations, and for assistance with rearing, Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 7 without wiiich several lil'e-history records now complete would be incomplete; to Mr. Robert (luntert for taking over the rearing work for a period during the summer of 1925, and for many helpful sug- gestions in regard to breeding cages and food; to Mr. 11. (1. Barber, of Roselle, N. J., for the determination of material; and to all others who have aided in any way in midving this paper more complete. SIZE AND DISTRIBUTION OF FAMILY. The family Reduviidse is one of the larger and more important of. the families of the order Hemiptera. The Lethierry and Severin (1896) catalogue listed 1,855 species as belonging to this family. Since that date the number has been increased to over three thou- sand. An attempt has been made to determine the world distribution of the family by enumerating the species to be found in each faunal realm. The results of this study are shown in the appended table. Because of the difficulties of solving problems of synonymy these figures are not to be taken as absolutely accurate, but they do give the correct representation of the relative abundance of the different subfamilies in the divisions of the earth enumerated. It will be noticed that the Nearctic realm, which practically co- incides with the territory included in this work, has the poorest repre- sentation of the family, and that the Palaeartic realm also has a rather small number of species represented within its limits. The Neotropical, Oriental and Ethiopian realms are relatively rich in species. The great ^'ariety in sti-uctm-e in this family has necessitated its division into a rather large nmnber of subfamilies, fifteen of these having been described. Of the fifteen, seven are to be found repre- sented in all of the faunal realms. These are the Ploiariinae, Saicinse, Ectrichodiinse, Stenopodinse, Reduviinae, Piratinae and Harpactor- inae. Of the others, the Tribelocephalinae, Holoptilinse, Apiomerina? and Salyavatinae are widely spread but not yet reported from one or more faunal realms. The Hammacerinae are found only in the Nearctic and Neotropical realms. The Bactrodinae, with four species, the Vesciinae, with two species, and the Chryxiinae, with one species, are to be found only in the Neotropical realm. The subfamily Har- pactorinae is by far the largest and most important of the subfamilies, containing well over a thousand species. The subfamily Reduviinae, with over six hundred species, is next in size and importance. 8 The University Science Bulletin. pa CO m > D W O O H « CO fa O w pa «i ! 1 a; 1 CO '}' «c CO CO o — < X c. CI -f r- CO _l h- 05 'o 1 or CO CO C-l CO -t< CO o C CD ffi 1 (N CI o CI CO j~t ,— >, O. ' r • eS 1 CO' 1-^ CO ° 1 _ fH ca 1 ^ 1 1—1 IC o CO t^ c 1^ -r X CI W CI lO o 1 -t< CO ^H X X c< C 1 ■^ OJ O 1 * M 1 Q> tc o CO CO ^ c ^ CO c**^ o »0 ^H o ^ •0 CB *c IM IM 1—1 CO CO ra c (?J ,—4 CI .S a oQ t4 10 o3 1 3 tH i-H c 1—1 1—1 'C c o r»< -f o CI o c o l-H 'f -!^ q; 1 C I o 1 O 1 1—1 1— ( CO t^ ai 1 0; f X ^ to 'C CO . — 1 o o 01 o o 0-. o lO CT. — ri *^ ■* 1 — 1 ■ 0 c-l CI 05 t- o 1— t a »o a- 1—1 Cl X '^ i^ -M 02 *C ci o ^ t/j o -f -f o CO 0 1—1 1— ( o -f l-H m ^ CI ^ CO J S G < ta 7j 't- o "a o c 0 o c c •a > s 0 c a 8j 1 aj c £ s a C 0 8 c 'C o -*^ C3 0. r O 'o PL, 03 '3 CO J2 o "o 0) > s C3 'S < Readio: Biology of REDuviiOiE. 9 THE ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF THE REDUVIID.^. Both beneficial and injurious forms are found in the family Reduviidae. Because of the fact that they are chiefly predacious upon insects it might be thought that the family would be entirely beneficial, but the habit of occasionally using the poisonous bite in self-defense against a human being has given some assassin bugs a rather bad name. Let us consider the beneficial forms first. BENEFICIAL REDIA' IID^. Many rcduviids exist on a diet a large proportion of which is made up of harmful insects, and of course should be considered to be distinctly friendly to man. One of the most important of these species is Sinea diadema (Fabricius), called by Ashmead the "crowned soldier bug." This species, as pointed out by the writer in a previous paper, is widely spread, numerous, common in fields where injurious insects are doing their work, and able to exist upon a wide variety of injurious insects. It has brought a great deal of attention to itself because of its beneficial habits. Ashmead (1895) found it to be common in cotton fields, and of great value in de- stroying cotton aphis, small caterpillars, including the cotton worm, and other injurious insects. Chittenden mentions it as a natural enemy of the Colorado potato beetle (1907) and of the striped cu- cumber beetle (1919). R. C. Smith (1924) reports it as one of the most important of the predacious enemies of the forage looper, Ccenurgia erechtea Cram. The writer has expressed a previous opinion that this species is generally beneficial, of outstanding im- portance as an enemy of no pafticular species, but nevertheless doing a vast amount of good in tlie wide range of its distribution. Another species that has been mentioned quite often as a bene- ficial insect is the conspicuous wheel bug, Arilus cristatus (Lin- naeus). This insect is also of wide distribution and very numerous at times, iJoward (1905) has reported it as a very beneficial insect in southern cities such as Baltimore and Washington, where it is important as a natural enemy of the numerous caterpillars which defoliate shade trees. Watson (1918) reports its presence in citrus groves, where it feeds on "orange dogs, tortricids and other cater- pillars, as well as other bugs, including the pumpkin bug." Garman (1916) reports it as an important natural enemy of the locust borer, Cyllene robinice, since it consumes large numbers of adult beetles. The wheel bug has also been reported as a natural enemy of the 10 The University Science Bulletin. fall webworm, Hyphantrra cunea, by Britton (1917) ; of the cabbage worm, Pontia rapce, bj^ Chittenden (1916) ; and of the southern corn rootworm, Diabrottica 12-punctata, by Chittenden (1905). Morgan (1907) studied a third member of this family, Apiomerus spissipes (Say), with regard to its possibilities as a natural enemy of the cotton boll weevil, but found that the assassin bug was not important in that capacity. Several insects of the genus Zelus have brought attention to them- selves because of their beneficial habits. Kirkland (1896) found that Zelus exsanguis (Stal) was an important enemy of the Gipsy moth, Porthetria dispar. Zelus renardii Kolenati has been recorded as feeding on a variety of injurious insects. Morrill (1910) found that it was the only predacious hemipteron which attacked the con- chuela, Pentotoma ligata, a stink bug which attacks cotton bolls, and that it was of some importance in this respect. Horton (1918a) found that young nymphs of Zelu^ renardii were common on orange trees in California and had been observed to feed upon the larvae of the citrus thrips. He found that it was only when they were in their first and early second instars that they were valuable in this respect, however. He also (19186) records this species as one of the natural enemies of the citrus mealy bug. A third species of the genus, Zelus socius Uhler, is a common and widely distributed insect, and is probably of beneficial habits. The writer has observed the first-mentioned species, Zelus exsanguis, attacking various de- foliating caterpillars in Kansas. A few other species have been reported as feeding on various in- jurious insects, but they may be considered as of less importance than the preceding. Pselliopus cinctus (Fabricius) has been reported as a natural enemy of the chinch bug by Webster, while Chittenden (1907) found the same insect to be one of those attacking the Colorado potato beetle. Acholla midtispinosa (De Geer) has been reported by Felt to be of beneficial habits, and the writer has observed the same insect in such large numbers on walnut trees in Kansas that it cannot but act as an insect police force to keep harmful insects from injuring the trees. Caffrey and Barber (1919) record Sinea spinipes (Herrich-Schaef- fer) as a natural enemy of the grain bug, Chlorochroa sayi. It is interesting to note the number of instances in which redu'S'iids attack repulsive insects, such as stink bugs, which other predacious insects usually shun. Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 11 The masked bedbug hunter, Reduvius personatus (Linnscus), might be considered to be beneficial because of the fact that it dwells in houses and feeds on household pests, but because of its poisonous bite it is not to be desired as a housemate. One other insect, of whose beneficial habits the writer finds no previous record, should be considered. This is the black kissing bug. Melanolestes picipcs (Herrich-Schaeffer). This insect is well known as a fierce biter, but no reference has been made to its good qualities. A study of the feeding habits has shown that this species feeds to a very great extent upon June bugs, or May beetles, and their larvse. As an adult it seems to feed almost exclusively on these insects, not attacking other insects that are found in company with them, such as meadow maggots and cutworms. Just how important a natural enemy of the economically injurious white grubs Melanolestes is has not been detemiined, but it seems probable that it is of consider- able importance. To be sure, Melanolestes is not ordinarily found in the middle of cultivated fields where white grubs are feeding, but nevertheless the total number of white grubs must be greatly reduced by the feeding of such a common insect. The habit of this insect of coming to lights at night is probably for the purpose of catching adult June bugs for food, as well as for mating. It seems to the writer that the relation of this insect to the white grub is worthy of study. To summarize, I might say that the family Reduviidae is one of considerable beneficial effect, but that there are few instances where a particular haniiful insect is entirely controlled by reduviids. How- ever,, the presence of a large number of Sinea diadema nymphs and adults in a field of alfalfa must reduce the insect injury to a very appreciable extent, and the presence of a large number of wheel bugs, or of any of the other tree-inhabiting species of Reduviidae, in groves of trees must act as an important check to the injurious insects of that habitat. The factors which limit their importance are their low rate of reproduction, most having but a single and none more than two generations a year; and the unspecialized feeding habits, most of them feeding on a wide variety of insects, some of which may be beneficial. 12 The University Science Bulletin. INJURIOUS REDUVIID.E. While it is true that at least a part of the diet of some Reduviidse is made up of beneficial insects, their greatest injury to man consists of attacks upon his person. A number of the members of this family- will, when handled, protect themselves by biting, and some few seem to have the well-defined habit of attacking human beings for the purpose of obtaining a meal of blood. One species, at least, has been proven to be the interaiediate host of a trypanosome disease of human beings, and several others have been under suspicion as possi- ble disease transmitters. Reduvius personatus (Linnaeus), the widely spread masked bed- bug hunter, is a species which has caused much comment because of its painful biting. Because of the fact that it is a household species, and is attracted to lights at night, it comes into contact with human beings more often than do the other members of the family. Le Conte (1872) gives one of the earlier American accounts of this insect, and remarks upon the pain caused by its bite, which, he says, is almost equal to that of the bite of a snake, with swelling and irritation sometimes lasting for a week. He also says that in weak and irri- table constitutions the bite may prove fatal. Howard (1899), in his discussion of the kissing-bug scare, discusses this insect as one of those responsible. There are numerous other references to the biting of this insect in American and European literature. There seems to be no doubt that in the case of this insect the natural food consists of other insects, and that the biting is the bug's attempt to protect itself. In the same subfamily with the masked bedbug hunter are found the bugs of the genus Tnatoma, a number of which are also im- plicated as severe biters. These insects are considered by Nieva (1914) to be inhabitants of the nests of certain mammals, such as wood rats and the armadillo, upon the blood of which they normally exist. He believes that some of the species, however, have acquired the habit of infesting human habitations, and substituting the blood of human beings for their normal diet. Several of the South Ameri- can species are said to be common household pests, lurking in cracks of the walls during the day and crawling to the beds and sucking blood at night. It is interesting to note that in these species the biting of the insect and the extraction of blood cause no pain to the victim, which is quite unusual in this family. The most notorious of these species is Tnatoma megista (Burmeister), the Barbeiro, Readio: Biology of Reduviid.k. 13 an insect which not only sucks blood, but also acts as the inter- mediate host for a trypanosome disease organism. The disease pro- duced is referred to as South American trypanosomiasis, Brazilian tiypanosomaisis, or Chagas disease, is said to be more prevalent among children since they are more likely to be bitten by the bug, and to cause a high mortality. The chronic form of the disease is said to produce such symptoms as imperfections of the heart, motor paralysis, and mental weakness. The organism concerned is Try- panosoma {Schizotrypanum) cruzi Chagas. The trypanosomes are said to be injected into the blood of the human being with the saliva of the insect, and to be carried to the capillaries of the lungs, where they are said to become quiescent for a period and to multiply by schizogony, producing merozoites. These enter the circulation, lodge and grow in the red blood cell, which they destroy, and become free in the blood. When taken into the body of the bug it is said that the trypanosomes become pear-shaped, multiply by fission in the stomach, become Crithidiform, again multiply by fission in the intestine, acquire the undulating membrane, and eventually are found as trypanosomes in the body cavity and salivaiy glands, from which point they may be injected into a new human individual. Among our own species of Triatoma we find several which have brought attention to themselves, not because of their activities in disease transmission, but because of their painful bites. Triatoma sangukuga (LeConte), popularly called the blood sucking cone- nose, Mexican bedbug, big bedbug, and several other local names, is the commonest of these. This species is often found in houses and frequently bites human beings, apparently for the purpose of obtain- ing blood as food. In fact, Morrill says that in many parts of Arizona this insect takes the place of the bedbug as a household pest. That its bite is severe is attested by many people. Le Conte (1855) reports, "This insect inflicts a most painful wound. It is remark- able, also, for sucking the blood of mammals, particularly of chil- dren. I have known its bite to be followed by very serious con- sequences, the patient not recovering from its effects for nearly a year." Morrill (1913) reports instances in which the bite of the bug produced "red blotches and welts all over the body and limbs." Marlatt (1902) considered that this insect normally fed on othei insects, and that only a very few of the adults ever made their way into houses. This, however, is contrary to Nieva's opinion, which is that the members of this group feed normally on mammalian l-t The University Science Bulletin. blood taken either from the mammahan host itself or from some ectoparasite such as the bedbug. Another species of the genus which has made itself troublesome is Triatoma protracta (Uhler), a species reported from California, Utah and Mexico. This species is said to inhabit houses and barns, and is considered by some, as is the case in the preceding species, to be an enemy of the bedbug. It is said to attack sleeping individ- uals at night, as does the preceding species. The fact that Kofoid and McCulloch have recently shown that this insect harbors a trypanosome parasite which is closely related to the causative or- ganism of Chagas disease indicates that there is a possibility of this insect, as well as some of our other cone-noses, playing some part in disease transmission. It is probable that all of our species of Tria- toma will bite if carelessly handled, and possibly without provoca- tion when in search of a meal, but the two species mentioned above have been mentioned most often in this connection. Of our other species of Reduviidae, it is those that are attracted to lights, or are occasionally found in houses, that are likely to be troublesome. Among the most important of these is Melanolestes picipes (Herrich-Schaeffer) , the so-called "black kissing bug," or "black corsair." This insect is attracted to lights at night, and is so common that there are numerous reports of its biting. No authentic reports of biting unless handled have come to my attention, and it seems very unlikely that it ever seeks human blood, or bites with- out provocation. Howard (1899) discusses it as one of the insects responsible for the kissing-bug scare of 1899, and describes a num- ber of interesting cases of bites from this insect. The writer has had the experience of having been bitten by this insect, and has ob- served the effects of the bite on several other people. In all cases there has been considerable pain, more than in the case of the av- erage bee sting, swelling of the part bitten, which may last for several days, and soreness of the part bitten for from several days to over a week. In no case observed was there anything of a serious nature connected with the injury. However, the bite is really painful, and the insect quick to attack if molested. The variety abdominalis (Herrich-Schaeffer) of this species has habits essentially like those of typical picipes, and need not be discussed separately. Two other accused species, in the same subfamily with the pre- ceding, are Rasahiis biguttatus (Say), the "two-spotted corsair," wliich is southern and southeastern in distribution, and Rasahiis Readio: Biology of Reduviid.«. 15 thoracicm Stal, sometimes considered a variety of the preceding, which is southwestern and western in distribution. It is claimed by Walsh and Riley (1869) that the former species is to be found frequently in houses in the Southern states, where it preys upon bedbugs. A number of instances of its biting human beings are on record. The second species is said to be a common insect in Cali- fornia, and is responsible for most of the so-called "spider bites" reported to physicians. The wound made by this insect is at times so severe that it has been suggested that the insect not only intro- duces its specific poison, but also certain putrefactive germs which may adhere to its beak. It is also true that the wound may become infected by other agencies, and thus be made more serious. The writer has been bitten several times by biguttatus while collecting in Kansas. In fact, it is very difficult not to be bitten when collect- ing this species on a hot day. The insect is very active, and when exposed in its hiding place under a rock will run swiftly or even fly in its attempts to escape. Forceps become useless in a case of this sort and the hands must be resorted to, especially if, as in the case of the writer, the specimens are desired alive for rearing purposes. The bite is very painful, about equal in severity to that of Melano- lestes picipes, and is marked for several days afterwards by a small reddish spot at the point of insertion of the beak. It is thought that the two species of the genus Rasahus mentioned above are most likely to come into contact with human beings in the same manner as does Melanolestes picipes, by flying to the lights of houses tit night. The other species of the family which have been reported to in- jure are, in the opinion of the writer, not likely to attack any but those who molest them in their natural habitat in the fields and woods. Several of these are well known to collectors, however. Anhis ci'istatus (Linnaeus) , the wheel bug, is one species which under ordinary conditions would have no desire to use its beak on anything but the insects which serve as its food, but will, when care- lessly handled by collector or meddler, inflict a most painful wound. G. W. Barber (1919) reports a most painful experience with this insect, which, in this instance, produced a wound which was very painful for ten days, and demanded lancing for relief. A wound caused by this insect on the hand of a student was considerably worse than any that the writer had ever seen produced by Melanolestes picipes or Rasahus biguttatus. The large size of the bug and the 16 The University Science Bulletin. probably correspondingly large size of the salivary glands account for this. Only a few other species have been reported as biting. Morgan (1907) records an instance of a bite from Apiomerus spissipes (Say) which produced a wound more painful than he had ever experienced from any hymenopteron, tender to the touch for over two weeks. No other records of the bite of this insect have come to our atten- tion, but the writer has observed, when handling this insect with forceps, its apparent willingness to bite, indicated by prodding the forceps with its beak. The writer has been bitten on several occasions by the nymphs of Acholla nmltispinosa (De Geer) . In one case the insect fell onto the body when a walnut tree was being swept, and, as far as he knows, was not squeezed or molested in any other way, apparently biting for the purpose of feeding. This can hardly be the usual habit of the species. Possibly the insect bites through the instinct to feed on whatever is presented to it, as Lygus pratensis (Linnseus) and Empoasca mali (Le Baron) will bite occasionally. In this ease the bite, even though made by a third instar nymph, was rather sharp and lasting. It was about equal in intensity to the bite of Stomoxys calcitrans, the stable fly, but lasted much longer, the place being marked by slight soreness the following day. A slight swelling was produced in the region of the bite, and the point of insertion of the stylets was marked by a red dot. It is extremely doubtful, however, if this species will ever make a nuisance of itself by biting. It might be well to sum up the evidence in regard to the habits of the Reduviidae as inflicters of wounds in human beings. For the United States there are no records of any of the members of the sub- families Ploiariinae, Saicinae, Stenopodinae, Ectrichodiinse, or Ham- macerinae biting. Hoffmann, (1925) has, however, recorded Steno- poda cinerea Laporte as biting, in Cuba. In the subfamily Redu- viinse are three important species, Reduvius personatus, Triatoma sanguisuga, and Triatoma protracta, and it is probable that all of the members of this subfamily will bite if roughly handled, and some may actually seek human blood as food. None of our species have been proven to transmit human disease organisms. In the subfamily Piratinae, our common species, those belonging to the genera Melano- lestes and Rasahiis, are well known as fierce biters, and it is probable that all of the members of that subfamily will bite upon provocation, though there is no evidence to indicate that any of them e^'er seek Readio: Biology of Redlviid.e. 17 human blood. In the subfamily Apiomerinae there is record of one species, Apiomerm spissipes, biting, and it is probable that other members of that subfamily will bite if carelessly handled. Finally, in the subfamily Haipactorinae, we have one very severe biter, Anliis cristatus. The other members of the subfamily, if they bite at all, are probably not important in this respect. • The question is naturally raised as to whether any assassin bug, if improperly handled, or molested, will not bite in self-defense. The writer's experience indicates that some species not only will not attack human beings, but cannot be made to bite by any amount of tormenting. Sinea diadema (Fabricius) has been handled freely, and not only handled but deliberately squeezed, and a finger, the back of the hand, and the soft skin between the fingers presented to it, but it has never bitten under such circumstances. Zelus exsan- guis (Stal) has been subjected to the same torments with the same results. It is probable that in all cases the function of the poison- ous saliva is to kill the prey, rather than to defend against enemies. BIOLOGY OF THE FAMILY IN GENERAL. HABITAT. The Reduviidse are entirely terrestrial insects, living, however, in a wide variety of situations. A large number of the species of this family are ground dwellers, living either on the surface of the ground, under protecting rocks, logs and leaves, or clinging to the undersides of logs and rocks in very close proximity to the ground. To the former group belong the members of the subfamilies Piratinse, Saicinae, some of the Reduviinae, and possibly the nymphs of the Apiomerinae. The Stenopodinae, while always resting very close to the ground, are usually found clinging to the under side of a rock, board, or log. Some of the Ploiariinae may also be found in such situations, very near the ground, but usually supported on grass stems, bits of boards, and leaves. The greater number of the members of the family dwell on various parts of plants. Some may live on the leaves, twigs, or stems of woodland trees. Others are not so desirous of shade and live on the borders of woodlands, while still others are sun lovers and may be found in open fields. The members of the subfamily Harpactorinae, and the adults, at least, of the Apiomerinae, are to be found in such 2—5511 18 The Univkrsity Sciencp: Billetin. places. The members of the subfamily Hammacerinae are recorded as occurring under the bark of dead trees. At least one species of the family is truly domestic in habits, living in the dusty comers of human habitations. This is the widely spread Rediiinus personatus (Linnaeus). Some of the members of the genus Triatoma seem to have acquired domestic habits. Others of the family, such as Melanolestes picipes ( Herrich-Schaeffer) and Ras(f- hus biguttatus (Say), have been mentioned as possible household species, but are instead normally out-of-door species which are occasionally attracted to houses by lights. Still others, such as Emesaya breinpennis (Say) of the subfamily Ploiariinae, inhabit sheds and outhouses not occupied by human beings. The insect mentioned may be found in such places resting either on the rafters of the roof or on the spiders' webs so likely to be found in such places. The last group to be mentioned are those that are to be found in the nests of mammals, such as Triatoina gcniculata (Latreille), which occurs in the nests of the armadillo, Dasypus novenidnctus Linnaeus, and Triatoma neotomce Nieva, which has been found only in the nests of wood rats of the genus Neotoma. Usually the insect will be found in the same situation for the whole of its life cycle, though there are some exceptions to this. For in- stance, Zelus exsanguis (Stal) spends its egg, nymphal and adult life on the leaves of trees, leaving them only at the approach of winter to find a protected place for hibernation among the leaves on the ground. In the case of one species, however, Apiomerus spis- sipes (Say) , the writer has found the nymphs undsr rocks on the sur- face of the ground, and the adults on tlie leaves and flowers of plants. FOOD. Tiie great majority of the members of the family Rcduviidae feed upon other insects. It is probable that insects of all orders are ac- cepted as food by the various species. In most cases there is prob- ably a rather wide range of insects possible as food for each individual species, though in some cases there are evidences of rather narrow limits in the insects serving as food for certain of the bugs. The adults of Melanolestes picipes (Herrich-Schaeffer), for instance, seem to feed almost exclusively upon June bugs, or May beetles, of the family Scarabaeidse. It is natural that individual species should feed on those insects most common in the environment which they occupy. Readio: Biology of Rkdi viid.k. 19 Not all of tiie Roduviidsp feed on insects, however. Those belong- ing to 'the genus Triatoma are considered by Nieva, who is the authority on their biology, to be normally haematophagous, feeding on mammalian blood at first hand, in most cases, though sometimes obtaining their food from other blood-sucking insects such as bed- bugs. Some reports have been made of certain Reduviidae feeding on carrion and upon excrement. It is reported by Mr. J. B. Lembert that the common Pacific Coast species of Triatoma, probably pro- tracta (Uhlerl. is attracted by carrion. It is doubtful if this habit is of very widespread occurrence in the family. Mrs. E. S. Haworth, a public-school teacher of Great Bend, Kan., has reported that slie has fed young nymphs of the wheel bug, Arilus cristatus (Linn.), on finely chopped pieces of meat. The writer has attempted to feed nymphs of Reduvins personatus (Linn.) with small bits of meat, and has observed change in size which must have been due to feeding on the juices of the meat, although none of the insects were actually observed feeding on the meat. It is probable, too, that any meat feeding which members of this family may do is not general, important, nor natural. Several references have been found to some of the members of this family feeding on plant juices. I quote one of the more detailed of these, a statement by ]Mr. R. M. Dixon, of Bombay, India, ap- pearing in Distant's discussion of the Reduviidse in Fauna of Brit- ish India. "They feed chiefly on the mucilaginous juices of plants. The sharp needle-like rostrum of the insects seems to fulfill a very important biliomic function. It generally pierces the inner bark of a plant and discharges into the wound an acrid poisonous fluid, which rarifies the mucilaginous sap and helps the setae to suck the juice with ease and con^'enience, evidently doing no harm to the plant, but, on the contrary, promoting the exudation of the valuable sap. Hence there is reason to believe that the gums, resins, and other resinous vegetable products of commercial value depend largely on the punctures made by the reduviids. The blood-sucking propensities of some of the species are, I believe, due to a habit ac- quired probably for some purpose of self-defense." The above-quoted opinion is not held by hemipterists acquainted with this family. The strong and stout beak, the raptorial front legs, and quickness of movement of the insects in question indicate predaceous rather than phytophagous feeding habits. Spinose front legs might be explained if we considered them to be adaptions for 20 The University Science Bulletin. catching and holding prey, but not if we considered them as aids in self-defense. The writer has observed that several of the species will imbibe water at times. Melanolestes pidpes (Herrich-Schaeffer) is very eager to drink if it has been kept for a time in a cage containing rather dry earth. In summing up the discussion of the food of this family we will say that as far as authentic accounts are concerned the members of the family are for the most part predacious, feeding on other in- sects, and that some of the insects represented are hsematophagous, living in the nests of mammals and feeding on their blood. FEEDING HABITS. The method of obtaining food varies considerably in the family. In general it may be said that the insects possess a strong, short, curved beak, and front, sometimes front and middle, legs fitted for grasping and holding prey. By far the commonest method of ob- taining prey is that followed by the members of the subfamilies Harpactorinse and Apiomerinse. These insects take their position in a situation likely to be frequented by other insects, such as in a flower head, on a leaf, or on the twig or branch of a tree. The usual method of procedure is to wait for the approach of an insect to the vicinity, and then to maneuver in such a way that the insect will ap- proach within grasping distance, or to stalk the insect slowly and cautiously. At the final moment of attack, the insect is grasped by the front legs and pierced by the stylets of the beak at the same in- stant. The poisonous saliva of the reduviid is then injected into the prey until it stops all struggles, and then feeding may proceed at the pleasure of the assailant. Usually the front legs are not used to hold the insect after the struggles are over, but the prey is held dangling from the tip of the beak, evidently held by the barbs of the mandibles. Kershaw and Muir believe that at the moment of the insertion of the stylets, the sides of the labium, at its apex, contract, and hold the stylets firmly so that they may be inserted through the exoskeleton of the prey. In most cases the beak is applied, and the entrance made, in the softer, membranous portions of the exo- skeleton, at the juncture of two sclerites. During the period of feed- ing the hold of the assailant, and the point of insertion of the sty- lets are changed with the assistance of the legs. Feeding is con- tinued until the liquid portions of the body are exhausted, and then the carcass is dropped. Readio: Biology of REDUviiD.y.. 21 Not all of the members of the family obtain their food in this manner, however. The members of the subfamily Piratinse are chasers and pouncers. They have both of the anterior pairs of legs equipped with soft, spong>^ pads covered with short, thickly set hairs, the function of which seems to be to hold onto the smooth bodies of other insects. Instead of actually grasping their prey, and lifting it from its feet, as do the preceding, they are content to pounce upon it, insert their beak, and rely upon their legs to keep the prey from pulling away from them. After the prey has been killed, it is fed upon in the position in which it was killed, its body resting upon the ground. Several of the Ploiariinse have been recorded as frequenting spider webs for the purpose of feeding upon small insects caught in them, as they undoubtedly do. The writer has proven to his own satisfac- tion, however, that Emesaya brevipennis (Say), the commonest of these insects, is not dependent upon the insects trapped in spider webs for food, since it is quite capable of catching its own prey with its very efficient, mantis-like front legs. The method of attack of the common household species, Reduvius personatus (Linnaeus), as described by De Geer, is quoted elsewhere. Those species which feed on mammalian blood have no use for grasping front legs. The method of feeding by one of these insects is described by Darwin as follows: "At night I experienced an attack (for it deserves no less a name) of the Benchuca, a species of Reduvius, the great black bug of the Pampas. It is most disgusting to feel soft, wingless insects about an inch long crawling over one's body. Before sucking thej^ are quite thin, but afterwards they become round and bloated with blood, and in this stage are easily crushed. One which I caught at Iquique (for they are found in Chile and Peru) was very empty. When placed on a table, and though surrounded by people, if a finger was presented, the bold insect would immediately protrude its sucker, make a charge, and, if allowed, draw blood. No pain was caused by the wound. It was curious to watch its body during the act of sucking, as in less than ten minutes it changed from being as flat as a wafer to globular form." SEASONAL LIFE HISTORY. There is no uniformity in the type of seasonal life history to be found in this family. Even members of the same subfamily vary in this respect. The winter may be passed in the egg, nymphal or adult stage. The following table will show the hibernating stage of the species 22 The University Science Bulletin. with which the writer has worked, or concerning which the neces- sary data exist: Hibernating in egg stage. Hibernating as nymphs. Hibernating as adults. Emesaya brevipennis. Oncocephalus genkulatvs. Oncerotrachelus acuminatus. Acholla niultispinosa. Narvesus carolinetish. Triatoma sanguisiiga. Arilus cristatus. Reduvius personatvs. Melaiiolestes picipes. Triatoma sanguisuga. Hammacerus purcis. Rasahus biguttatus. Pselliopiis ci7ictus. Hammacerus purcis. Pselliopiis barberi. Apiomenis spissipes. Sinea diadema. Zelus exsanguis. Sinea spinipes. It will be observed that two species in the above table are listed as hibernating both as nymphs and adults, as records indicate. In the case of those hibernating as nymphs, it is usually the older nymphs, of the fourth and fifth instars, that pass the winter, though in some cases younger nymphs have been found in winter quarters. It is possible that these do not survive the winter. The place of hibernation varies. A number of species, Zelus exsanguis among them, may be found in leaves and other rubbish on forest floors, in company with ladybird beetles, lacewing flies, stink bugs, and other insects which hibernate in such places. Nymphs and adults of ground inhabiting forms may be found in their normal habitat under rocks and logs, usually in somewhat better protected situa- tions than in summer, however. One ground-inhabiting species, Melanolestes picipes (Herrich-Schaeffer) , has been found too often by the writer in hibernation in the wood of old stumps to be con- sidered as normally hibernating in any other place. The eggs of those species which hibernate in that stage may be found during the winter on the twigs of trees in the case of Acholla multispinosa (De Geer), on the trunks and larger branches of trees in the case of Arilus cristatus (Linnaeus), and on the rafters and roofs of sheds and outhouses in the case of Emesaya brevipennis (Say). The time of oviposition is, of course, dependent upon the stage in which the winter is passed. Melanolestes picipes (Herrich-Schaef- fer) deposits its eggs quite early in the spring, as it winters as an adult. Those species which winter as nymphs usually become ma- ture in early summer, and deposit their eggs then, as does Rasahus biguttatus (Say). Those which winter in the egg stage naturally deposit their eggs in the fall, Arilus cristatus (Linnaeus) depositing its eggs in September and October. The usual number of nymphal instars is five, as is to be expected in the Hemiptera. One of the members of the family, however, Reauio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 23 Melanolestes picipes ( Herrich-Schaeffcr) , when reared by the writer, passed through only foui- nymphal instars. In most cases there is a single generation a year. Among the insects that the writer has reared there is a single exception, Sinea diadcma (Fabricius). This insect passes through two generations a season, as the writer has proven by collecting nymphs in Juno, carrying these through to the adult stage, obtaining eggs from them, and then rearing the resulting offspring through to the adult stage again. While it is possible that other species will be shown to have more than one generation a year when further study is given, it is not likely that very many will be found to have more than the one generation. The writer has seen no indications of any species re- quiring more than a year to complete its development. HABITS OF ADULTS. Feeding, mating and oviposition are the chief activities of the adult insects. The feeding habits have already been discussed. There are certain features of the act of mating that seem to be uniform throughout the family. It is usual for the male to approach from behind, sometimes rapidly, as in the case of Melanolestes picipes (Herrich-SchaefTer), and some times very slowly and clumsily, as in the case of Emesaya brevipennis (Say). The male mounts, holding to the female by his legs, and usually supporting himself further by applying the tip of the rostrum at the juncture of the head and thorax. During this time the head of the female will be seen to be bobbing up and down, and a careful ear will de- tect a faint chirping which results from the rubbing of the tip of the beak on the ridged groove of the prosternum. Whether this is a protest or an invitation, it is impossible to say, although the ap- parent attempts to escape seem to indicate that it may be a protest. The male extends the tip of the abdomen, with the copulatory organs extended, along the under side of the female abdomen until the complimentary organs of the female are met and union ac- complished. Copulation may last for several hours. The position assumed by the male of the different species may vary somewhat. It has been noticed, for instance, that the male of Pselliopus barberi Davis rests the tarsi of the front legs on the head of the female di- rectly behind the bases of the antennae; that the male of Apiomerus spissipes (Say), when once having united in copulation with the female, lets go his hold with the two anterior pairs of legs, remain- ing attached only by the hind pair of legs and the sexual organs 24 The University Science Bulletin. themselves ; and in one case it was observed that the male of Emesa brevipennis (Say) had grasped the female around the head, pressing her rostrum close to the underside of her head. The reactions of adults when captured vary. Some will im- mediately protrude the beak and bite if any suitable part of the body is offered. Melanolestes picipes and Rasahm biguttatus are very fierce fighters, and will bite readily, or if held with forceps, will probe the forceps with their beak. Others will threaten with the rostrum, but, either from inability to pierce the skin, which seems unlikely, or disinclination, will not bite. Others seem to be obsessed only with the desire to get away, and make no attempt to bite. Some of the species, when approached or threatened, may draw the legs and antennae close to the body, let go their hold, and roll to the ground. This is the method of escape adopted by many beetles, such as the weevils. The nymphs of Zelus exsanguis in particular have been observed to have this habit. With them, however, the curled-up condition does not last very long, for they soon stretch out their legs and walk away. A careful study of any of these insects will repay one in the dis- covery of interesting habits of minor importance. For instance, it has been observed that adults of Pselliopus barberi Davis clean their antennae by pulling them through a slit made by placing the front tarsi together in front of the body. HABITS OF NYMPHS. The feeding habits of the nymphs are in general similar to those of the adults in each case. Usually the habitat of the two will be found to be the same, and the same structural adaptations for catch- ing prey will be found in each. Several nymphs have the habit of disguising themselves by cover- ing the body with various substances. The masked bedbug hunter, Reduvius persojiatus (Linnaeus), is the best known of these. This insect lives in houses and has the body covered with dust and lint, which conceal its form and color. The disguising material is held in place by sticky hairs which cover the body of the nymph. Some authors consider that the function of the disguise is to enable the insect to waylay its prey without giving warning of its true nature. Others insist that, since the insect is nocturnal in habits, this cannot be the true function of the disguise, which must be considered as a protection from its own enemies. A few of our outdoor species may sometimes be taken with bits Readio: Biology of Redlviid-e. 25 of leaves attached to the surface of the body. Sinea diadema nymphs are sometimes found in such a condition. The nymphs of the ground-inhabiting species, Oncocephalus genicidatus (Stal) , have been taken by the writer when bearing incrustations of dirt on the surface of the body. E. A. Butler described the nymph of an Indian species which bore a variety of small objects on its back. EGGS AND OVIPOSITION. Because of the lack of uniformity in the habitat of the members of this family, we find a corresponding variation in the place and manner of oviposition. In general it may be said that the eggs are usually found in the same situations as are the adults and nymphs. Thus Arlius ciistatus (Linnaeus) deposits its eggs upon the trunks and larger branches of trees; Acholla nudtispinosa (De Geer) places its eggs on twigs; Zelus exsanguis (Stal) on the leaves themselves; Sinea diadema (Fabricius) on the leaves and stems of lower plants to be found in open fields; Melanolestes picipes (Herrich-SchaefTer), and several others, in the ground; Emesaya brevipennis (Say) at- tached to the rafters and roofing boards of outhouses ; and Reduviiis personatus (Linnaeus) in dusty out-of-the-way corners in houses. Some species lay their eggs singly, and these may or may not be attached to some support. In the case of Reduvius personatus, for instance, the eggs are placed in dusty corners without any sign of attachment or arrangement. Others which deposit their eggs singly may place them in the ground, as does Melanolestes picipes (Her- ri ch-Schaeffer) . In this case the egg is inserted into the ground for the greater part of its length, the top alone extruding. We would expect to find the eggs of all members of the subfamilies Piratinae and Stenopodinae deposited in this manner, since they are ground- inhabiting forms. Others may attach a single egg to a plant stem or leaf as does Pselliopus ainctus (Fabricius) ; or to a rafter, as does Emesaya brevipennis (Say). Many of the Harpactorinae and Api- omerinae deposit their eggs in definite groups or masses of different types of arrangement. Sinea diadema (Fabricius) and Sinea spin- ipes (Herrich-Schaeffer) lay their eggs in elongate masses, each the width of two eggs only, attached to a supporting leaf or stem by a cement. Zelus sodus Uhler also lays its eggs in elongate masses, but these are the width of three or four eggs. Other species deposit their eggs in more compact masses. Pselliopus barberi (Davis) deposits a rather small angular mass. Zelus exsanguis (Stal) produces a very compact angular mass of forty to fifty eggs, attached to the leaf 26 The University Science Bulletin. on which it rests, and ahnost entirely surrounded by a large amount of cement. Ariliis cristatvs (Linnaeus) produces one of the largest and most conspicuous egg masses of the family. This is usually six-sided and contains from forty-two eggs, the minimum recorded by Girault, to one hundred eighty-two eggs, the maximum recorded by G. W. Barber. It can be seen from the examples given that there is no uniformity in the grouping and arrangement of the eggs in this family. The structure of the individual eggs is rather uniform throughout the family. The egg is in most cases cylindrical, or elongate-ovate, slightly curved in some cases. One end bears a distinct cap. The eggs are very often ornamented by extensions of the chorion around the region of the cap, or by ornamentations of the cap itself. These ornamentations may consist of elongate spine-like processes, as in Melanolestes picipes (Herrich-Schaeffert ; reticulated membranous structures as in Sinea diadema (Fabricius^ ; rod-shaped structures, as in Pselliopiis cinctus (Fabricius) ; filamentous appendages, as in Ariln^ cristatus (Linnseus), or other structures. It has been noticed several times that the eggs have the appearance of small flowers. The writer, in a previous paper (1926), has made a com- parative study of the eggs of the different subfamilies and genera, and has found that in most cases the eggs of the species of one sub- family resemble one another more closely than they do those of other subfamilies, and that generic resemblance is also shown. Descrip- tions of the eggs of the individual species studied are given elsewhere. The period of incubation varies for each species. It may be from nine or ten days to nearly a month for those species which deposit their eggs in the spring and summer, and, of course, all winter for those which deposit their eggs in the fall. The hatching process has been witnessed for several species, but not for all. In hatching the cap of the egg is gradually lifted by the pressure of the young inside. The insect gradually works its way out of the egg, enveloped at first in a membrane which binds the ap- pendages close to the body. Eventually the body, which is usually bent double in the egg, is straightened out, the legs, antennae, and beak freed from the enveloping membrane by repeated and suc- cessive pulls, and finally the adomen removed from the interior of the egg and the retaining membrane. Fabre gives an account of the hatching process of Reduvius personatus (Linnaeus) which is quoted later. Readio: Biology of Kedvviid.k. 2 J.I SOUND PRODUCTION. One of the structural characteristics peculiar to the Reduviida? is the possession of a transversely ridged longitudinal groove on the prosternuni. It has been observed by several writers that this groove is important in sound production, receiving the tip of the rostrum which rubs back and forth over the ridges, thus making a chirping sound. The first observation of this phenomenon was made by Ray, and published in his "Historia Insectorum" in 1710. Several other ob- servers of sound production in the Reduviidse did not understand the method of sound production as accurately as did Ray. Fa- bricius, Frisch and Goreau had an incorrect idea of the act. Landios, in 1874, gave the correct explanation of the phenomenon, and Hand- lirsch, in 1900, gave a detailed description of the sound-producing organs and a figure of those of Coranus subapterus. He found that the groove in the prosternum bore about 170 chitinous ridges and that these were separated by intervals of 0.005 mm. Handlirsch examined ninety genera of the family, including members of the subfamilies Emesinae, Saicinae, Tribelocephalinae, Phimophorinap, Stenopodina", Salyavatina^, Holoptilinsp, Acanthaspidinse, Piratinse, Ectrichodiinae. Hammacerinae, Apiomerinap, and Harpactorinap, and found that without exception they possessed the longitudinal groove in the prosternum. He also states that the groove is lacking in the Henicocephalidae and Nabidae, but present in the Phymatidae. E. A. Butler states that the prosternal furrow in Reduvius persona- tus (Linnaeus) bears upwards of 220 transverse lines, 0.009 mm. apart. He describes the prosternal furrow in Ploiariala vagabunda (Linnaeus) as follows: "The furrow in the prosternum in which the tip of the rostrum travels is very deep, and is crossed by fovw slightly curved ridges placed at nearly equal intervals, and the whole area, including the ridges, is covered with fine parallel transverse striae. It can scarcely be doubted that this structure, identical in principle with those in Reduvius and Coranus, which are known to have .stridulation for their function, is also stridulatory. but I don't know that any- one has yet heard any sound produced by this particular insect." The writer has found the ridged groove present in all the American species which he has studied, and has found that the sound-produc- ing apparatus is functional in all those which he has reared. In Emesaya brevipennis (Say) the sound produced is very faint indeed, but can be heard. The immature forms, even down to the first instar nymphs, possess the structure. In some cases the young 28 The University Science Bulletin. nymph can be seen to be nodding its head up and down, rubbing the tip of the beak back and forth in the groove, with no sound ap- preciable by the human ear produced. In such cases it is probable that the sound is produced, but is too faint, or too high pitched, for detection. As regards the function of the sound, two views have been expressed. Landois believed that because of the fact that the species which he studied, Reduvius personatus (Linnaeus), lived in houses, and was active only at night, that the sound was necessary for the attraction of the sexes one to the other, and that without it the existence of the species would be threatened. Handlirsch believed that it was a threat for the defense of the insect, arguing that not all of the members of the family live in houses; that in the cases where sexual attraction is the function of the sound produced, as in the crickets, locusts and cicadas, only one sex is capable of producing the sound, while in this case both sexes are equipped equally; that in the cases he had ob- served, the sound was produced only at times when the insects were threatened. The writer agrees with Handlirsh that the sound is for the purpose of warning, or frightening away enemies, rather than for sexual attraction. The fact that the nymphs are capable of pro- ducing sound argues against the latter theory. It has been observed by the writer that during the preliminaries of copulation, and some- times during the act of copulation, the female insect will stridulate. In this case, however, it seems to be a protest, and does not occur until she has been grasped by the male. POLYMORPHISM. . In this family, as in several others of the Hemiptera, occur some instances of polymorphism of adults. The females of Melanolestes picipes (Herrich-Schaeffer), as the species is now considered to in- clude abdominalis, may have long wings which extend to the tip of the abdomen, or very much shortened wings which extend only to the base of the third abdominal segment. In several species of the Ploiariinse, Metapterus fraternus, for example, the wings may be fully developed, or vestigeal. Fitchia aptera Stal may appear in either a completely winged or a wingless form. Uhler states that the northern form of Rhiginia cruciata (Say) has shorter wings than does the southern form. The female Oncocephalus apiculatus Reu- ter has short wings, the length of those of Melanolestes picipes. Very little has been done to clear up the questions which such a condition suggests: In how many cases is the short-winged or ap- Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 29 terous condition confined to one sex and in how many appearing in either sex; just what effect environment has upon the development of wings; whether the long- or short-winged condition is inherited; whether the short- winged or apterous species are not, after all, dis- tinct species in some cases? The writer can make a start at settling the question in one species, but has had no experience with the others. In Melanolestes picipes the males are all long-winged, and the females may be either long- er short-winged. The species also presents color differences. The males may or may not have the abdomen marked with red, partic- ularly along the connexiva; the short-winged females also may or may not show the red color; the long-winged females do not ever show the color, as far as the writer's observations go. The attempt was made to rear the offspring of short-winged black, short-winged reddish, and long-winged females to see if the characters of the par- ents were perpetuated in the offspring. The first observation worthy of mention that was made was that the first instar nymphs of the short-winged adults, both entirely black and reddish, had a yellow prothorax, while those of the long-winged forms had a black pro- thorax. There were found to be no variations to this. Unfortunately only a very few adults resulted from the rearings, seven from the short-winged forms, and three from the long-winged forms. Of the seven reared from the short-winged forms three were short-winged females and four long-winged males, all without traces of red. Of the three reared from the long-winged females, one long-winged fe- male was obtained and two long-winged males, also without any trace of red. The results of these rearings are too meager to be of any practical value, but they indicate the possibility, at least, that in this case the long- and short-winged females may represent two distinct species, the males of which will have to be separated by some other characters. In regard to the other species mentioned, the writer has no more than a guess concerning the true condition of affairs. Careful rear- ings would, however, settle these uncertain points. DORSAL STINK GLANDS OF THE NYMPHS. In common with most terrestrial Hemiptera, the nymphs of the Reduviidae are provided with stink glands opening on the dorsal sur- face of the abdomen. Guide, who made a careful study of the morphology of these organs, as well as a comparative study of their differences in the various families of Hemiptera, found that the 30 The University Science Bulletin. gland itself is a sack-like structure lying under the dorsal surface of the abdomen, its open end directed backward, and its closed end forward. This sack is lined with a chitinous intima, behind which is a layer of cylindrical cells which secrete the odiferous liquid. These are found only on the ventral side of the sack, normal epi- thelial cells taking their place on the dorsal side. The gland has a single duct which leads to the cephalic margin of the segment to which it is attached, and opens in a transverse cleft. Usually a projection of the dorsal plate of the preceding segment extends over the central portion of this cleft so that two small pores alone are left open. Muscles serve for opening and closing the gland and for the emptying of its contents. Guide found these glands present in all the Geocorcorisae ex- cept the Hydrometridse (Limnobattidse). He found that the typical arrangement consisted of three glands, their openings located on the anterior margins of the fourth, fifth and sixtli abdominal seg- ments, and that this arrangement was to be found in the nymphs of Pentatomidae, Lyga'idse, Pyrrhocoridie, Aradidse, Reduviidae, Nabidae and Cimicidae. He found that the first gland was lacking, there be- ing but two, opening in the fifth and sixth segments in the Coreidae, Berytidae, (Neididae), Phymatidae, and some Lygaeidae, and that in the family Tingididae there were only two gland openings, this time located in the fourth and fifth segments. The Saldidae and Capsidae were found to have a single ghmd opening at the anterior margin of the fourth abdominal segment. In speaking of the dorsal glands of the Reduviidae he considers them to be typical, each showing two pores in most cases. He states, and gives Harpactor iracundus and Coranus subapterus as examples, that the pores of the first gland are more widely separated than are those of the other two pairs of glands. In ReduviiLs personatus he states that he finds the three glands, but that the pores are united in this case to form a single circular opening, and that only the opening of the anterior gland is distinct, the others being very difficult to see. In working on the immature stages of the members of this family the writer has made some obser\'ations on the presence of the glands in question. The members of the subfamilies Piratinae, Hamma- cerinae, Apiomerinae, and Harpactorinae which have been studied have shown the glands to be present as stated above. In the only two representative of the family Ploiariinae studied, Emesaya bre- vipennis and Metapterus fraternus, no traces of glands were found, Readio: BioLcH.v of Kedlvhd^. 31 and it is probable tluit they do not exist in this subfamily. In the subfamily Redu\'iina' the nymphs of Rcdui'iux personatus and of a species of Triatoma have been studied, and nothing comparable to the glands found in other divisions of the family is present. This is contrary to what has been reported by Guide, and is rather sur- prising, since the odor of Rediwius ■personatus, at least, has been re- marked upon several times as being stronger than that of the bed- bug. Cimcx lectularius. Nymphs of the subfamily Stenopodinse, in- cluding those of Pygolampis pectoralis, Narvesus carolinensis, and Oncocephalus genicvlatus show the presence of only two glands, these located at the anterior margins of abdominal segments four and five. Material of the other subfamilies is not available at the present time. The appearance of the gland openings varies considerably. It is usual for the pores to be located in chitinized plates, these some- times of the color of the surrounding surface, sometimes of a differ- ent color. In some cases the plates bear spines which appear to guard the pores. The function of the odoriferous secretion produced is, of course, to warn the enemies of the insect. Just how much a predacious insect needs this protection, and just how nmch the glands have degen- erated in predacious bugs, has not been determined. There is a possibility of the odoi- warning prey as well as enemies, which of course would be disadvantageous to the possessor of the odor. KEY TO SUBFAMILIES OF REDUVIID.E OF AMERICA NORTH OF MEXICO. 1. Anterior coxae elongate, at least four times as long as thick, Ploiarhn.e, p. 32 Anterior coxse never more than two or three times as long as wide 2 2. Ocelli present in winged individuals 3 Ocelli absent Saicin.e, p. 75 3. Hemelytra without a quadrangular or discoidal aerole at proximal angle of anal aerole of membrane 4 Hemelytra with a quadrangular or discoidal aerole at proximal angle of anal aerole of membrane (PI. XX. Fig. 6) 7 4. Ocelli not farther cephalad than the caudal margin of the eyes; seg- ment 2 of antennae simple 5 Ocelli cephalad of hind margin of eyes; segment 1 of antennae stout, 2 made up of many small segments (Pl.X, Fig. 4), H.ammacerin.e. p. 146 5. Pronotum constricted caudad of middle Pir.\tix.e, p. 126 Pronotum constricted in middle or cephalad of middle 6 6. Apex of scutellum narrow, without spines or with a single tooth, REDUVnN.E, p. 102 Apex of scutellum broad with two or three spines or teeth, ECTRICHODIIN.E, p. 143 32 ' The University Science Bulletin. 7. Anal aerole of the membrane not extending as far proximad as the costal aerole; basal segment of antennae thickened, porrect; other segments slender, folding back underneath head and segment one, Stenopodin.e, p. 79 Anal aerole of membrane extending farther proximad than costal aerole (PI. XX, Fig. ^) 8 8. Ocelli farther apart than the eyes Apiomerin^, p. 151 •Ocelli not so far apart as the eyes Harpactorin^, p. 167 DISCUSSION OF INDIVIDUAL SPECIES. Subfamily PLOIARIIN^. The members of this subfamily are characterized by the absence of ocelli, the presence of anteriorly opening coxal cavities, and of very elongate front coxae. McAtee and Malloch (1925) have re- cently revised the American forms of this subfamily, and their work is followed exactly for the systematic treatment of this group. AVORLD distribution OF SUBFAMILY^ This subfamily is a large and widely distributed one, being found in all the faunal realms, on all the major land divisions. It is com- posed of about 220 species, distributed as follows: Nearctic, 43 species; Neotropical, 134 species; Palaearctic, 29 species; Ethiopian, 19 species; Oriental, 48 species; Australian, 26 species. The ap- parent predominence of species to be found on the American con- tinents may be due in part to the thoroughness of the recent revision of McAtee and Malloch (1925). It is not likely that the members of the subfamily of other regions have been studied with equal thoroughness. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBFAMILY. The genera of this subfamily represented in North America north of Mexico may be separated by the following key, which has been adapted from the key given by McAtee and Malloch to all Ameri- can genera: 1. Fore tarsi distinctly segmented, sometimes heavily chitinized and the segments subfused, but the dividing sutures always visible under a high-power lens; claws of fore tarsus consisting of an equal-sized pair except in some species of Ploiaria 2 Fore tarsi without distinguishable segmentation under the highest- power lens (even when cleared) consisting of but one heavily chitin- ized segment, with an unequal pair of claws, a single claw, or without distinct claws 7 2. Ventral spines on fore femur commencing at or very close to base; fore tibia very distinctly over half as long as fore femur 3 Ventral spines on fore femur commencing at or very close to middle; fore tibia not over half as long as fore femur 6 Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 33 3. Forewing witli a closed subtriangular cell at basal extremity of large discal cell, which doe^ not touch margin of wing at any part (PI. XXI, Fig. 3); adults always winged; prothorax always with a deep con- striction and distinctly bilobate, often pendunculate, Stenolemus Signorct, p. 44 Forewing lacking a closed subtriangular cell at basal extremity of the large discal cell (PI. II, Fig. 3); adults sometimes apterous; prothorax neither pedunculate nor lobate, never more than slightly constricted, 4 4. Pronotum not extending over mesonotum even in winged forms; fore tarsus long, heavily chitinized, glossy and bare above, the three seg- ments fused so closely that the oblique sutures are visible only under a verj' high power lens; adults often apterous, Ploiaria Scopoli, p.49 Pronotum extending over mesonotum to base of wings; adults never winged; fore tarsus short, not heavily chitinized nor glossy and bare above, the segmentation distinct 5 5. Prothorax slightly constricted near anterior margin; mesonotum, meta- notum, and basal abdominal tergite each with a long, erect median spine ; fore tarsi two-segmented Empicoris Wolff, p. 33 Prothorax slightlj- constricted at or near the middle; mesonotum with- out a spine; fore tarsi three-segmented. . .Luteviopsis Champion, p. 48 6. Fore tibia almost half as long as fore femur; basal ventral spine of fore femur not longer than the longest of the others ; fore tarsus with the segments well defined, not heavily chitinized, hairy above; mesono- tum highlj- glossy Gardena Dohm, p. 55 Fore tibia not nearly half as long as fore femur; basal ventral spine of fore femur very distinctly longer than the longest of the others; fore tarsus with the segments poorly defined, heavily chitinized, bare above; mesothorax sericeous Emesaya McAtee and Malloch, p.57 7. Fore tarsus with two longitudinal series of angularly deflected spines which under high power appear like elongate knifelike teeth on its ventral edge ; head with a more or less pronounced spine or tubercle between bases of antenna?, labrum closely' adherent to base of ro.'^- trum, not projecting spinelike; adult never winged, Ghilianella Spinola, p. 73 Fore tarsus with two series of decumbent setulose hairs on its ventral surface; adults sometimes winged; head normally with two stout tubercles or spines, one between bases of antennae and the other (labrum) above base of proboscis; pronotum in winged form over- lajiping mesonotum to base of wings Metapterns Costa, p. 67 Genus Empicoris. This genus was originally described by Wolff (1811). McAtee and Malloch describe the genus as follows: "All species known to us have the legs and antennae as well as the beak with blackish spots or annuli, and the wings are invariably dark spotted. The head and thorax have silvery hairs, usually arranged in distinct lines, some of these being almost invariably evident on pleura and pectus. The pronotum is more or less distinctly vittate, at least behind the constriction, but there are some differences in this respect which are used in defining a few of the species; the carina on side of pronotum is nearly alwaj^s pale. The abdomen usually is dark, with the spiracles and spots on connexivum pale, the venter finely pubescent, with more or less of the median line, and sometimes spots about bases of certain longer hairs, bare. 3—5511 34 The University Science Bulletin. "The radial vein runs to beyond the middle of the fore wing, ending in the costa, the apical portion of it being what we have called the stigma which offers some good distinguishing characters for the species, both in its shape and color. The pronotum is divided into two parts by a broad constriction, the anterior part being about half as long as the posterior, but there are no species known to us in which the pronotum is at all pedicillate. All species have the mesonotum and metanotum, and usually the basal abdominal tergite with a slender thorn on the middle of the hind margin; the presence or absence of a process on middle of hind margin of the pronotum is a specific character. The spines or bristles on fore femora are sometimes difficult to see even with a high-power lens." DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS. This is a genus composed of 24 described species, distributed as follows: Nearctic, 13 species; Neotropical, 6 species; Palsearctic, 10 species; Oriental, 1 species; Australian, 3 species. CLASSIFICATION OF GENUS. A key to the species of this genus which have been taken in the United States, adapted from that of McAtee and Malloch, is given: 1. Pronotum with the lateral carinse distinguishable only at anterior and posterior extremities, obsolete in middle; eighth sternite in male with a large rounded central incision in posterior margin, rubromaculatus (Blackburn) , p. 35 Pronotum with the lateral carinae complete, pale colored on their en- tire length; eighth sternite in male produced in middle of hind margin 2 2. Pronotum with two dorsal linear yellowish carinae similar to the lateral carinae, extending the entire length of dorsum, barberi (McAtee and Malloch),p.38 Pronotum without sharp dorsal carinae, with two slight rounded longi- tudinal elevations 3 3. Hind wings conspicuously spotted with black apically, or fuscous with white reticulations 4 Hind wings not spotted apically or very faintly so at extreme tip 5 4. Pronotum with a conspicuous tubercle on middle of hind margin; an- terior extremity of lateral carina of pronotum with a small capitate process which projects nearly at right angles to pronotum, errabundus ( Say ) , p . 43 Pronotum without a median tubercle on hind margin; lateral carina of pronotum with at most a slight process at anterior extremity which is not capitate nor at right angles to pronotum, reticulatus McAtee and Malloch,p.39 5. Both veins closing discal cell of hemelytra at apex nearly straight (PI. XXI, Fig. 2) ; posterior lobe of pronotum not narrowed in front, a little broader than long orthoneuron. McAtee and Malloch, p. 37 At least the vein closing posterior half of apex of discal cell conspicu- ously bent or angulated; posterior lobe of pronotum as long or longer than broad, narrowed anteriorlj^, the sides not straight 6 6. The large fuscous spots on forewings irrorated with minute clear dots; one or two of the spines at base of ventral series on fore femur Keadio: Biology of Redwiid-e. 35 about as long as the femoral diameter and quite stout; fore coxae stouter than usual, not longer than distance from coxal cavity to upper margin of pronotum parshleyi (Bergroth), p. 40 The large fuscous spots on forewings not irrorated; fore femoral spines not nearly as long as the femoral diameter; fore coxse longer than the distance from coxal cavity to upper margin of pronotum an- teriorly 7 7. Pronotum with a distinguishable tubercle on middle of hind margin... 8 Pronotum without a distinguishable tubercle on middle of hind margin, 10 8. Tubercle on middle of hind margin of pronotum very small, the linear white vittJE distinct in front of constriction, almost straight, disk almost bare suhparaUelus McAfee and Malloch, p. 39 Tubercle on middle of hind margin of pronotum large 9 9. Pronotum with two conspicuously curved linear pilose white vittse which are distinct in ^ront of constriction; bases of fore wings white nudus McAtee and Malloch, p. 40 Pronotum with two moderately broad whitish vittae which do not ex- tend in front of constriction nor to hind margin, the disk with rather conspicuous white decumbent hairs, armatus (Champion), p. 39 10. Front lobe of pronotum with two raised curv^ed white lines in addition to the lateral carinse; hind lobe of pronotum, costal margin of elytra and front legs with numerous very fine erect hairs in addition to the usual pile; mesonotal spine brown, horizontal. . .paZmerwis Blatchley, p. 44 Front lobe of pronotum without curved white elevated lines; hind lobe of pronotum and costal margin of elytra without erect hairs 11 11. Stigma linear, entirely black, forming a conspicuous costal streak cen- tered on vein closing costal half of discal cell, the latter much longer than that closing the other half; cross veins in middle of hind wing forming a straight line winneviana McAtee and Malloch, p. 38 Stigma widened beyond vein closing costal half of discal cell, the latter not longer than that closing other half ; cross veins in middle of hind wing forming an angulate line 12 12. Stigma with two or three blackish spots be3'ond the cross-vein; male hypop}'gial claspers knobbed, the knob concave at the tip, culiciformis (De Geer),p.41 Stigma without dark spots beyond the cross-vein ; claspers not knobbed. vagabundus (Linnseus),p.36 Eynpicoris ruhromaculatus (Blackburn). Blackburn, Proc. Linn. Soc. New South "Wales, sen 2, 111:349; 1889. Ploiariodes rubromaculatus. Other characteristics of this species mentioned by McAtee and Malloch are as follows: 'Tn some cases the anterior rudiment of the lateral carina is dark in color and therefore inconspicuous. The fore femur is about as long as the prono- tum and the apical antennal segment is not over* one-third as long as the third segment. This species has no round bare spots at bases of the longer hairs on venter as in errabundus and some others." Ploiariodes euryale Kirkaldy, Ploiariodes calif ornica Banks and Ploiariola froggatti Horvath are considered as synonymous with this species. 36 The University Science Bulletin. Biology. A brief note of possible interest concerning this species is contributed by Downes (1924) : "This {'Ploiariola caUjornica) was abundant in an old henhouse in Victoria among the cobwebs. One specimen was taken in flight at Neatings, B. C." From this note we might judge that the species has habits similar to those of Emesaya hrevipennis (Say). Blatchlcy records collect- ing it from dead willow branches, and from Spanish moss and dead leaves of cabbage palmetto. Localities. Hawaii, California, Mississippi, Florida, Indiana, Virginia, British Columbia, Porto Rico, Brazil. Empicoris vagabundus (Linnaeus). Linnaeus, Syst. Naturse, ed. 10:540; 1758. Cimex ragabundus. Two varieties of this species may be keyed out as follows: 1. Antennae and fore femora with very short hairs, those on the former very- little longer than the segmental diameter; general color usually somewhat fuscous vagabundus (Linnaeus) . Antennae and fore femora with veiy long hairs; those on the former about four times as long as the diameter of the segments; general color usually whitish pilosus (Fieber) . Ploiariola canadensis Parshley is considered to be synonymous with the former variety, and Ploiariodes hirtipes Banks with the latter. Biology. Brief notes on the habits of the two varieties of this species are given by Downes. The former (1921) is as follows: "This species {Ploiariola canadcrms) , described in my previous report, has been found again by Downes in moderate numbers, in company with P. hirti- pes. The latter was numerous this year on the under side of a rail on the shady side of a close board fence which separates my garden from the adjoin- ing lot. Here they were found in all stages living among the cobwebs and ap- parently getting their living from the insects caught in them, though I never actually found one feeding." (Parshley, 1921.) Downes (1924) reports again on these two varieties: "This {Ploiariola vagabunda var. pilosa) was originally recorded as P. canadensis, but Mr. McAfee informs me that it is identified with the first- named European species. I have taken it on trees in the city of Vancouver and in Stanley Park, and in Victoria on the shady side of board fences in company with P. hirtipes, but not as commonl.y as the latter." Butler (1923) gives a more complete account of the habits of the insect: "Ova. Not described. "Larva. Last instar, 5^/2 mm. Elongate, similar in form to adult; head and pronotum whitish, a narrow dark streak running from eyes along sides of head and pronottuii; wing-pads with white margins, the rest thickly covered Readio: Biology of REom^iiD.E. 37 with black dots, of which the two central ones are larger and more distinct on the rows at the margins of the segments; whole surface with long, scattered, curved hairs; legs and antenna; barred as in adult, but with bars on antennae smaller, and therefore the white interspaces larger; hairs on legs and antennae curved, and much longer than in adult; tarsi two-segmented; rostrum very stout. "Life Cycle. The imago is found from July to October, and there is a record for March. Both Morely and I have taken the insects in cop. in August. But JMorely also took a nymph in his garden on Geum urhanum, August 15, 1913, which changed to the adult on the 18th, and I have also taken the nymph in August on a spruce fir. These two specimens imply an oviposition period not later than June. ''Habitat, etc. The form of the anterior legs and of the rostrum is sufficient to indicate that the insect is predacious, and Fallen says it has been found sucking Cvlices. Forel also saw it on windows attacking small flies, and Schiodte saw numbers on the trunks of trees pursuing small Lepidoptera. It appears to hunt its prey mainly on trees; thus it has been taken on firs, both Scotch and spruce, yew, ivj-, oak, hazel, holly, apple trees, elder, and furze (Masan), and Sparticum juncerim (Ferrari). I have also taken considerable numbers upon palings. Duda reports finding it in Bohemia on Picea exceha in July and August, always in company with Atractotomus parvulus Reut., and Champion beat it from a stack of cut pine branches. Fieber says it occurs in galls made by Aphides on Ulmus campestris, on walls in the passages of damp houses, and on damp boards in swimming baths. Marshall has recorded it from houses in Britain. It is commonly taken by sweeping. '"According to De Geer it flies easily and takes wing with i)roinptitude. Burmeister states that the larva covers itself with particles of dust and lives on pre}-.'' Localities. The variety ragabundus has been taken in America from British Colmiibia and Washington, D. C; the variety pilosiis has been taken in America from Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Massa- chusetts, Vermont, IMichigan, and British Columbia. Europe. Empicoris orthoneuron McAtee and Malloch. (PI. XXI, Fig. 2.) McAtee and Malloch, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., LXVII:18; 192.5. "Male. Similar to errabundus in color, except that the type shows no distinct spotting at the apices of the hind wings, but these wings in this specimen are in poor condition and it is not possible to be absolutely sure of this character. The venation of apex of the discal cell is as in reticulatus, but the minute honej-comb of lines is absent, the stigma is narrower, fuscous, and there is a more conspicuous blackish mark on middle of veins closing discal cell and the base of the vein that emanates from them. The apical sternite is triangular.'' Length, 4 mm. Locality. California. 38 The University Science Bulletin. Empicoris barberi (McAtee and Malloch). McAtee and Malloch, American Museum Novitates, No. 75, May 11, 1823, pp. 7-8. Ploiariodes. "Male. Head with white pruinosity in front of eyes and a white line from base of each antenna, which connects with another that runs diagonally from lower hind margin of eye to upper occiput; faint lines of pruinosity on lower sides of pronotuiu in front and on iileura, and i)Osterior and lateral margins, and lateral and dor.sal carinse of pronotum white. Abdominal spiracles white; venter mottled, each sternite with a large round bare spot on each side on hind margin. Antennae and legs with narrow annulations, a subapical one on each femur and on first segment of antenna broader. Dark areas on fore wings profusely areolate with minute pale dots; apices of hind wings fuscous with white reticulations. "Pronotum without median tubercle on hind margin; submedian dorsal carinse as sharp as the lateral ones, but little curved; mesonotal and metanotal thorns absent in type, the one at base of abdomen distinct. Apical abdominal sternite not deeply excavated at tip. Fore femur with very weak ventral spinules. Stigma normal, cross-vein closing apex of discal cell on its anterior half straight, the other one curved. "Length (without wings), 3mm." Localities. Florida, Porto Rico. Biology. Blatchley records capturing a specimen from dead leaves of cabbage palmetto. Empicoris winnemana McAtee and Malloch. McAtee and Malloch, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., LXVII:19; 1925. "Male. This species differs from all the others in having the legs and antennae almost entirely brownish fuscous, with but faint annuli except at extreme apices of segments, the fore and middle alone showing distinguishable annuli. The pronotum is always uniformly brownish and the thoracic spines are stramineous. The wings are as in errabimdus, but the linear stigma is entirely black as far befoi-e as beyond the cross-vein. "Antennae with short pubescence, apical segment over one-third as long as the subapical. Lateral carina of pronotum not sharp. Apical abdominal ter- gite subtriangular, hypopygial claspers slender, tapered at apices. Fore femur over twice as long as coxa, rather densely short-haired ventrally, the spines minute. Cross-veins in middle of hind wing forming a straight line. "Female. Similar to male, the abdomen broader. "Length, 4.5 mm." Localities. Maryland, Virginia. Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 39 Evipicoris reticulatus McAtee and Malloch. McAtee and Malloch, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., LXVII :20 ; 1925. "Male and Female. Similar to errabundus in color, the spots at apices of hind wings very distinct. Differs as indicated in the key, the reticulation or honej'combing of forewings only visible under a very high power. The apical abdominal sternite of male is similar to that of orthoiieuron and quite different from that of errabundus. As in errabundus and orthoneuron the cross-veins in middle of hind wings are angulated and the apices of forewings are notched where the vein joins the margin. Apical antennal segment nearly half as long as preapical. Base of abdomen with a much shorter doreal thorn than in errabundus. "Length, 5-6 mm." Biology. A specimen of this species is reported by its authors as having been found on imported orchids from Barrios, Guatemala. Localities. Mississippi, Maryhind, Virginia, Massachusetts, Mex- ico, Guatemala. Empicoris armatus (Champion). Champion, Biol. Centr. Am., Heter., 11:165; 189S. Ploiariodes armafa. The following description is that given by McAtee and Malloch: "Head with white decumbent hairs which form/5 three curved longitudinal lines on each side, one from lower posterior angles of eye, one from just above middle of eye and a third from upper posterior angle of eye, the latter curved inward at middle. Pronotum with two whitish submedian vittse which do not reach anterior or posterior margins, the space between them j^ellowish, laterad of these and across their posterior extremities dark brown, hind margin of pro- notum nari'owly pale yellowish in middle, broadly so on each posterior lateral angle, dorsum with rather dense decumbent white hail's; mesonotal spine dark brown, pale at tip; metanotal spine whitish; basal abdominal spine dark bi'own. Abdomen browTi, venter unspotted, spiracles and a connexival streak in front of them on each segment, whitish. Wing spots not irrorate; stigma from cross- vein to near tip filled with two contiguous brown or fuscous spots. "Lateral pronotal carina complete, without anterior process; on hind mar- gin of pronotum situated a stout, conspicuous, median process. Fore coxa slender, almost as long as pronotum and half as long as femur. Vein closing .posterior half of discal cell much curved. Apical antennal segment fully one- third as long as preapical." Localities. Florida, Canal Zone, Guatemala, Porto Rico, Ja- maica. Empicoris subparallelus McAtee and Malloch. McAtee and Malloch, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., LXVII :21; 1925. "Male. Similar to nudus in color and structtu'e, differing as stated in the key. The black spots on antennae are much smaller than in nudits, and espe- cially apicall}', the last two segments in nudus being almost entirely fuscous 40 The University Science Bulletin. \dieieas in subparallelus they are largely white, the apical segment having a, small black spot at base and a larger one near apex. "Length. 1.5 mm." Localities. Texas, Cuba. Enipicoris midus McAtec and Malloch. Mo.Vtee and Malloch, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., LXVII:22; 1925. "Fonalt . Head marked as in arynatus ; the white lines are not composed of moderately- long ilecumbent hairs, but of microscopic pile or pruinescence, and the two lines on dorsum are regularly arcuate, the anterior and posterior ex- tremities being incurved. The dorsum of pronotum is chocolate brown on disk between the white lines, the latter are very slender, converge from an- terior mai-gin to constriction, and then arcuately diverge, ending a short dis- tance from hind margin of pronotum; laterad of the white lines the posterior half of pronotum is jjaler brown; there is a slender white Y-shaped mark ex- tending from constriction o\'er humerous on eacli side, a white line along the hind margin, antl the lateral carina^ are white. In other respects as in armatus. "Pronotum almost nude, processes and spines as in armatus. Fore coxa stouter than in that species, distinctly shorter than pronotum, and half as long as femur; stigmatal spot farther from apex. Apical antennal segment fully half as long as jireapical. "Length, 4.5 mm." Locality. Paradise Key, Florida. Empicoris -parshleyi (Bergroth). Bergroth, Not. Enl., Il:.50-51, 79; 1922. The fdllowing description is that given by McAtee and Malloch: "Color decidedly more brownish than in crrabuiKhis. Dorsum of pronotum behind suture pale yellow brown, but little darker than the lateral carinse; thoracic spines pale. Venter of abdomen pale brown, spotted. Most of the fuscous siiots on wings and especially those in discal cell with minute, clear dots in them; apices of hind wings not spotted. Legs and antennae ringed and si>otted with fuscous. "Pronotiun with lateral carina, which has a small process at anterior extremity, and with a poorly developed but distinguishable median process on hind margin. Fore legs short and stout, the femur not longer than the pronotum, the coxa about half as long as the femur and not longer than distance from coxal cavity to uj^per anterior margin of pronotum. Stigma noiinal, rather broadly rounded at apex; discal cell produced at apex, both veins closing cell curved. Apical antennal segment fully half as long as preapical. "Length, 5-6 mm." Localities. Virginia, Maryland, New Hampshire, Massachusetts. Readiu: liiOLU(;Y of Reduviiixe. 41 Empicoris culiciformis (De Geer) . De Geer, Mom. Hist. Ins., 111:323-8, pi. 17, figs. 1-8; 1773. Cimex ciiliciforinis. The structural features of this insect are discussed by McAtee and Malloch: "We have before us several European specimens of this species, including one male. A number of North American specimens, comprising males also, agree in every particular with those from Europe so that we have been com- pelled to accept the American species as culiciformis. In color it agrees very closely with errabundus, but is distinguished structurally as indicated in the key, and also by the lateral carina of the pronotum lacking the anterior process. The apical sternite in male is more broadly rounded at apex than in errahundivs, and the hypopygial claspers are knobbed at apex. No other species so far as we know has this last structural peculiarity. The wings are as in errabundus, but the hind pair are not spotted apically. Apical antennal segment about half as long as preapical. One or two of the basal ventral spines of fore femur quite prominent. "Length. 4-4.5 mm." Biology. American accounts of the habits of this species are ap- parently lacking, but I find an excellent account of the biology of the insect given by E. A. Butler (1923), whom I quote: "Ova. Undescribed. "Larva. According to Burmeister, the lar\'a covers itself with dust. '"Life Cycle. The imago has been taken throughout the year except in February and November, so that it no doubt occurs all the year round. This is probably connected with the fact that it is less dependent upon trees than the preceding species (vagabundus) . and hence seasonal changes do not affect it so much. "Habitat, etc. This species occurs in thatch, whether of houses or ricks, and also in faggots. J. Edwards records a few examples crawling on the walls of a countinghouse in Nonvich, and Fieber mentions that it occur.s in arbours. The following interesting account of its habits and feeding is by H. J. Char- bonnier: 'On December 18 a specimen of this curious insect walked across mj- stud}^ table; it looked like a gnat, but on closer examination I saw that what looked like three pairs of legs were in reality two pairs of legs and a pair of slender and elbowed antennae; there was something in front of the head that looked like a pair of spider's falces, and presently these were straightened out and revealed a stout pair of legs that were held in front between the antennae. When the surface was somewhat difficult, these were used for walking, and then the insect looked precisely as though it had four pairs of legs; it aftenvards held up the front pair, Mantis fashion, in front of the head. From its rapacious look and gnatlike appearance I thought it would probably feed on insects. On the 31st. having obtained a Culex, I put it in the box. Ploiariola walked round several times, but returned to the gnat and felt it over very ■carefully with its antennae; after two or three minutes it made a sudden spring forward and seized the gnat's abdomen between its anterior femora and tibiae, inserting its rostrum between the segments; after sucking for five 42 The University Science Bulletin. minutes it shifted its hold, grasping the base of the leg; the gnat offered no resistance, and seemed indeed not to feel the touch of those slender, hairlike limbs, its own being comparatively quite clumsy. After being sucked for another five minutes the gnat collapsed, drawing its legs together and falling to the bottom of the box. Altogether Ploiariola sucked its victim for about forty minutes. Januaiy 5 put another Culex in the box; Ploiariola attacked it like the first one, but sprang upon its back, and having seized the base ot each wing, inserted its rostrum in the gnat's neck, and raising itself on its legs, fairly lifted the insect off its feet. Januaiy 15, tried Ploiariola with a Phora, which was treated like Culex. March 2 tried Ploiariola with a CaUiphora, first alive and then dead, but it remained untouched. March 4 tried to tempt Ploiariola with a Sciara, but in vain. March 13 tried again with a Sciara; after much hesitation, and much feeling with its antennae it seized it and inserted its rostrum, but instantly withdrew it, and would not make a second trial; Sciara is evidently distasteful to it. The front femora of Ploiariola culiciformis have at the back a double row of sharp spines; the anterior tibiae shut down tightly between them.' "The arrangement of the striae in the prosternal furrow is very similar to that in P. vagahunda, but it is more difficult to see. Here again there are no records that any sound may be heard to proceed from the insect. Of course it is conceivable that the sounds may be too high-pitched for the human ear to distinguish. "I can find no reference of its occurrence on trees, except that Reuter, quoting from Reiber and Puton, gives 'quelquefois sur les arbres verts.' " American records concurring with, or disagreeing with, the above accounts are apparently lacking. We can, however, assume that the species would have the same habits in one country as in the other, and these accounts are valuable not only in giving us an idea of the habits of this particular species, but also in showing us what we may expect to find from some of our closely related species. W. E. China reports oviposition of this insect on August 30, and hatching of the eggs the same fall. He describes and figures the egg. His description is quoted: "Shining black, elongated, more or less cylindrical with the base hemispher- ically rounded, and the apex truncate. The greatest diameter is in the middle, and the truncate end is narrower than the rounded base. The apical quarter of the egg is distinctly bent to one side so that, seen from two viewpoints, one side is convex and the other concave. The truncate micropylar end is sunk a little below the circular margin of the shell, and consists of a grayish-white finely reticulated cap with its center conically elevated. The reticulations which comprise a network of elevated ridges on the surface of the micropylar cap are rather coarse around the circumference, but become finer towards the center, until, on the slopes of the conical process, they are almost obsolete. Around but just below the apical margin of the shell on a level with the cir- cumference of the cap are 15 or 16 very minute micropylar processes similar to those found in Pentatomid eggs. On the lateral surfaces of the shell are Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 43 several longitudinal nanow ridges of dried gumlike substance formed during oviposition. "Length 0.785 mm., widest diameter 0.315 mm., diameter of micropylar cap 0.157 mm." Localities. Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia. AVest Virginia, Oregon, Europe. Empicoris errabundus (Say). Say, Heter. N. Hann., 34; 1832. Fitch Rep., 803. Compl. Wr., 1:359. Ploiaria errabunda. The following descriptive notes on this species are given by Mc- Atee and Malloch: "In addition to the characters mentioned in the key, this species has the venter with dense appressed white pile except on numerous small round areas at bases of the longer hairs which give it under a moderate magnification the appearance of being spotted. The fore coxa is nearly as long as the pronotum, the cross-veins in the hind wing form an angulated line, both the veins clos- ing the discal cell are curved so that the apex of the cell is drawn out into a rather long point, the stigma is spotted beyond the cross-vein, and the eighth sternite in the male has an obtusely pointed terminal process. The apical antennal segment is one-third as long as preapical. "Length, 4-4.5 mm." Biology. This is the most common and widely distributed repre- sentative of the genus in the United States. We would expect that at least some of the general features of its life history would be known, but a study of the literature shows an almost total lack of such information. Uhler (1884) says the following in regard to it: "Its delicacy and small size have caused it to be a rare species in collec- tions, but it is no doubt common enough upon the leaves and branches of Cornus florida, where we have found it during the month of June." McAtee and Malloch record the capture of a female by H. S. Barber at Cropley, Maryland, on April 27, 1910, which laid eggs soon after capture. This capture and egg-laying record would indi- cate that the insect spent the winter as an adult or advanced nymph. Another record indicates that this species has been collected at light. Provancher (1888) gives the following discussion concerning the eggs of this insect: "This insect, taken at Trois-Rivieres and sent alive in a small box, de- posited its eggs during the trip. These eggs, ten in number, were in the shape of kidneys, concave on their lower surface, and bearing four or five white lines on the upper surface; one of the extremities ended in a little cap pre- ceded by a slight construction, and bearing at its extremity a projection in the 44 The University Science Bulletin. form of a crown which is supported by braces in the form of squares. They are fixed to the support not by an extremity, but by the dorsal surface, that is to say the pedicle is prolonged on the cardboard and remains attached there in the form of a very dehcate line, bearing each egg attached by its middle by ita dorsal surface. From their external appearance, they might easily be taken for umbelliferous grains, or the anthers of certain flowers. It is only after having submitted them to a microscope that we were able to convince our- selves that they were animal, and not vegetable productions." Localities. Maine, Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, AVest Virginia, Georgia, Michigan, Ontario, Kansas, Texas, Mexico. Empicoris palmensis Blatchley. Blatchley, Heterop. of Eastern N. A., p. 522; 1926. The original description of this insect follows: "Elongate, slender. Head and front lobe of pronotum dull yellow blotched with fuscous; hind lobe of pronotiun a uniform dull yellow; meso- and meta- nota brownish-yellow, their spines dark brown; elytra dull yellow, the costal margin of each with a small fuscous submarginal blotch in front of middle and another at apical fourth; first and second joints of antennae each with about nine pale rings alternating with nine narrower brownish ones; beak yellow, the second joint with two fuscous rings, the third with base tinged with fuscous; front legs yellow, the coxse each w'ith two brownish dots on outer side, the femora with four narrow rings and apical fifth brownish, tibise with two brown- ish rings on basal half and a wider one at apical third; middle and hind legs yellow, alternated with narrow brownish rings; under surface pale brown, the margins yellowish. Joint 2 of antennae one-fifth shorter than 1, 3 one-half the length of 2, twice as long as 4. Both head and eyes small for the genus. Hind lobe of pronotum subquadrate, the usual obtuse discal ridges scarcely evident. Spine of mesonotum almost horizontal, of metanotum suberect. Elytra sur- passing abdomen by one-fifth their length, their tips narrowly rounded. Spines of front femora very short and wholly pale, almost invisible. Length, 4.2-4.7 mm." Biology. Blatchley reports taking specimens of this insect from the dead leaves of a cabbage palmetto. Locality. Florida. Genus Stenolemus. This genus, originally described by Signoret (1858), is character- ized by McAtee and Malloch as follows: "In species of this genus the labrum is closely adherent to base of rostrum and there is no spine between bases of antenna^; the apices of the latter are more or less enlarged, ending in an acute process which may be more or less curved or angled. The prothorax is very variable in structure, but is always carried backward over mesonotum to the bases of wings, and is very notice- ably constricted near middle, or pedicellate; there are great differences in the length of the pedicel connecting the anterior and posterior lobes. Some species Readio: Biology of Reduviid^. 45 have merely a constriction while others have a long pedicel. This difference is, however, not coordinated with an.y other outstanding structural character ex- cept in the case of arizonensis which has the venation of the fore wing differ- ent from that of the other species; we consider this species entitled to sub- generic rank. The mcsonotum and metanotum each have a long spine on middle of hind margin. Fore fenuu- spinose from base, fore tarsus not heavi].v chitinized, short and straight, with two distinct segments, haiiy above and below; claws equal. "With the exception of S. arizonensis members of this genus are whitish to stramineous with brown to black markings of variable extent; their usual pale coloration and the abundance of long hairs on most parts of the body give them a habitus quite distinct among American genera. While the extent to which dark markings prevail is variable, the pattern is nearly the same throughout all of the subgenus Stenolemus. The principal features of these markings are the following: Bands differing in number, width and intensity, and sometimes in character of pubescence, and even of the supporting integu- ment, on antennae and legs; two longitudinal vittse on top of anterior lobe of head; a band on each side of head from neck toward eyes dividing so as to leave the tubercles and a spot behind each eye pale; on prothorax a stripe nearly percurrent on lower surface, embracing most of pedicel, and sending a tongue posteriorly along side of posterior lobe, and anteriorly a band above front coxa, and a broad \itta each side of the median line on the dorsum, these latter vittae interrupted by one or two pale stripes on outer side near base; mesothorax and metathorax largely dark, with pale edgings, and ab- domen the same, more or less marked with pale. In most cases we have figured the fore wings in order to give a clearer idea of their markings." DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS. This genus is composed of 21 described species, distributed as fol- lows: Nearctic, 5 species; Neotropical, 7 species; Palsearctic, 2 species; Ethiopian, 1 species; Oriental, 4 species; Australian, 3 species. CLASSIFICATION OF GENUS. The species of this genus which occur within our limits may be separated as follows: 1. A distinct vein emitted from costal margin of basal discal cell of fore wing (Subgenus Stenolemus) (PI. XXI, Fig. 1) 2 No vein emitted from costal margin of basal discal cell of fore wing; basal stout spine on postero-ventral surface of fore femur directed down- ward, not angling towards base of femur; prothorax hardly peduncu- late, anterior lobe gradually narrowed posteriorly, posterior lobe with- out tubercles on posterior margin; dorsum of head without post- sutural tubercles (Subgenus Stenolemoides) .. .arizonensis Banks, p. 46 2. Basal spine of fore femur directed straight downward, not angling towards base of femur; prothorax deeply constricted but not pedun- culate, anterior lobe quadrate, posterior lobe with four distinct tuber- cles near hind margin ; subapical antennal segment longer than apical ; fore tibia stout, barely longer than fore coxa and hardly as long as head and the anterior lobe of prothorax combined; mesothoracic and metathoracic spines short and stout, tapered apicaUy, pristinus McAtee and Malloch, p. 46 46 The University Science Bulletin. Basal spine of fore femur angling towards base of femur 3 3. Prothorax not distinctly pedunculate, anterior lobe tapered posteriorly, tubercules on posterior lobe nearly obsolete; subapical antennal seg- ment less than half as long as apical; fore tibia slender, about twice as long as fore coxa and as long as head and thorax combined; meso- thoracic and metathoracic spines long and slender, pallidipennis McAtee and Malloch, p. 47 Prothorax pedunculate, the peduncle sharply differentiated from the an- terior and posterior swollen lobes and about as long as or longer than the foi-mer; posterior lobe with four tubercles near hind margin 4 4. Posterior discal cell of fore wing bisected longitudinally by a distinct vein; mesothoracic and metathoracic spines not thickened near apices hirtipes McAtee and Malloch, p. 48 Posterior discal cell of fore wing not bisected by a distinct vein; meso- thoracic and metathoracic spines more or less swollen near apices; tubercles on hind lobe of head prominent, acute, spiniger McAtee and Malloch, p. 48 Stenolemus arizonensis (Banks). (PI. XXI, Fig. 3.) Banks, Psyche, XVI :45; 1909. Luteva arizonensis. Described by McAtee and Malloch as follows: "A pale brownish-yellow species, without distinct markings on fore wings. Basal two antennal segments with a few whitish annuli. Anterior third or more of posterior lobe. of pronotum whitish, posterior margin subfuscous. An- terior femora and tibse faintly whitish annulate, mid and hind femora and tibiae faintly whitish annulate, mid and hind femora each with six whitish annuli. Most of the veins of fore wings paler than the membrane. "Head about as wide as long on dorsum, eyes large, the posterior lobe slightl.v bulbous above and neither tuberculate nor sulcate. Anterior lobe of prothorax about 1.5 as long as wide, much tapered posteriorly, barely half as wide at posterior as at anterior margin, dorsum arched, posterior lobe slightly widened posteriorly, a little longer than anterior lobe, with a broad shallow median depression, posterior width less than greatest length, no tubercles near posterior margin. Legs less elongate than usual in the genus. "Length, 8-9 mm." Localities. Arizona, Nevada, California. Stenolemus pristiniis McAtee and Malloch. McAtee and Malloch, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., LXVII;29; 1925. "Female. Head, anterior lobe of prothorax, and abdomen conspicuously marked and clouded with brownish fuscous and the fore wings almost entirely of that color, with the veins, some reticulating lines, and a few dots, whitish. The antennal, and femoral, and tibial annuli of mid and hind legs are very pale brown and, with the exception of the preapical one on each femur, inconspicuous; front coxa with 2, and front femora and tibiae with 4 rather conspicuous brown bands. "Head rather broader than long, eyes large, covering much more than half Readio: Biology of Reduviid^. 47 the entire length of side of head, transverse suture on dorsum not very deep, posterior lobe with two small but sharp processes on dorsum anteriorly; antennae much stouter than usual, with long hairs, third segment fully as long as fourth. Anterior lobe of prothorax subquadrate, not tapered, separated from posterior lobe by a deep constriction, posterior lobe widened from an- terior to posterior margin, with four distinct but not very large tubercles near posterior margin; mesothoracic and metathoracic spines comparatively short and stout. Spines on fore legs much shorter than in any of the other species, the basal one not bent towards base of femur. Abdomen elongate ovate, third, fourth, and fifth tergites each with an angular projection near posterior lateral angles; venter without submedian spines, spiracles elevated. Posterior discal cell of fore wing with a longitudinal vein bisecting it, vein emitted by basal discal cell not as close to base as in next species, the cell acute at base. '•Length, 7.5 mm." Biology. Blatchley reports beating these from dense hammocks along the margins of tide-water lagoons. Locality. Key West, Fla. Stenolemus pallidipennis McAtee and Malloch. (PI. XXI, Fig. 1.) McAtee and Malloch, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., LXVII:30; 1925. "Male. Much paler than the other species of the gerfus, the general color stramineous, the femoral annuli very indistinct, and the wing markings pale fuscous. "Head as broad as long, arched above, the posterior lobe slightly tumid on each side of median line anteriorly; basal antennal segment and base of second segment above very long-haired, third segment not one-third as long as fourth. Anterior lobe of prothorax not longer than its greatest width, anterior lateral angles tumid, narrowed posteriorly, and separated from pos- terior lobe by a deep constriction, posteriorly gradually widened from anterior to posterior margin, about 1.5 times as long as anterior lobe and as long as wide, the four tubercles before hind margin barely evident; mesothoracic and metathoracic spines slender, curved, the pointed processes directed forward. Venter lacking submedian processes, the spiracles slightly elevated and sit- uated ^•ely close to lateral margins; hypopygium not large, almost covered on dorsum by the broadly rounded posterior projections of the apical tergite, claspers small, slender, curved. Venter and all femora and tibise with very long, fine hairs; fore femur with the postero-ventral spines longer and more widelj' spaced than usual, four or five of them conspicuously longer than the others, the basal one directed somewhat toward the base of femur. "Length, 8.5 mm." Locality. Santa Rita Mountains, Arizona. 48 The University Science Bulletin. Stenolemus hirtipes McAtee and Malloch. McAtee and Malloch, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., LXVII:32; 1925. "Female. Similar to schwarzi in color, rather pale, with the fore wings dif- ferently marked, and the antennal, femoral and tibial annuli much paler. "In addition to the structural character's mentioned in the key the follow- ing are the principal characters possessed by this species: Head as broad as long, bituberculate on dorsum or posterior lobe anteriorly; basal antennal seg- ment and base of second above very long-haired, third segment about three- fifths as long as fourth. Anterior lobe of prothorax as long as peduncle, pos- terior lobe not abmptly widened, the tubercles large and rather sharp; meso- thoracic and metathoracic spines erect and slender. Fore femur with only two of the postero- ventral spines conspicuously longer and stouter than the others; all legs, the prothorax, and venter densety and rather long-haired. "Length, 9-10 mm." Biology. Blatchley reports taking a specimen from buttonwood, Conocarpus erecta L. Localities. Mississippi, Florida, South Carolina. Stenolemus spiniger McAtee and Malloch. McAtee and Malloch, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., LXVII:33; 1925. "Male and female. Similar to hirtipes in color, but rather variable in in- tensity and form of markings. "Besides the characters mentioned in the key, the pedimcle of the pro- thorax is slightly longer than the anterior lobe (on dorsum) and distinctly tapered anteriorly, not equally thick the whole length as in hirtipes; the vein emitted by basal discal cell is longer and nearer base of cell than in that species, and there are three or four out^standing stout spines on the postero- ventral surface of fore femur. "Length, 10-12 mm." Localities. Texas, Mexico, Guatemala. Genus Luteviopsis. This genus was described originally by Champion (1898). It may be recognized from the characters given in the key. distribution of genus. Three species have been described for this genus, all of which are probably typically Neotropical in distribution. Of these one has been recorded from our limit.-?. Readio: Biology of Keduviid.e. 49 Luteviopsis longimanios Champion. Champion, Biol. Centr. Am., Heter., II :16G, pi. 10, fig. 10; 1898. McAtec and Malloch describe the single species of this genus taken from within our limits as follows: "Female. Reddish testaceous, shining, without distinct markings, the venter of the abdomen darkest, and the wings unmarked. Head over 1.5 times as long as wide, much tapered anteriorly, convex above, anterior lobe with a deep, short, central longitudinal cavity at posterior margin, the posterior lobe not sulcate. Anterior lobe of prothorax fully twice as long as its greatest width, gradually tapered from anterior to posterior margin, subopaque, with a slight linear sulcus posteriorh-, posterior lobe subquadrate, about two-thirds as long as anterior, slightly elevated on each lateral angle and in center posteriorly. Abdominal spiracles slightly raised, no protuberances on tergites, the apical sternite con- vex at apex; seventh and eighth tergites polished, moderately convex apically, the former three times as long as the latter. Fore legs rather slender, coxa about five-sixths as long as tibia, the latter slight l.y curved. "Length, 10 mm." Localities. Florida, Mexico. Genus Ploiaria. This genus was originally described by Scopoli (1786). McAfee and Malloch discuss its characteristics as follows: "This genus shows in the structure of the fore tarsi an approach to the form of those of Barce, but in the armature of the fore femora there is a stronger resemblance to Emesa and its allies. In the winged forms of this genus the pronotum does not extend over dorsum of mesonotum except at the extreme anterior margin. The venation of the fore wing is characteristic and in the hind wing there is immediately behind the cross-vein a distinct thickening of the membrane and a slightly denser appearance similar to that of the costa extending almost across the field of the wing which is not found in any other genus in the subfamily so far as we know. That we have Jiere . a -group of closely allied species well regarded as belonging to a single genus is evident from the intergradation observable in what have been considered diagnostic characters." DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS. This genus is composed of nearly forty described species, dis- tributed as follows: Nearctic, 10 species; Neotropical, 14 species; Palsearctic, 7 species; Oriental, 3 species; Australian, 3 species. CLASSIFICATION OF GENUS. The species of this genus which occur within our limits may be separated as follows : 4—5511 50 The University Science Bulletin. 1. Fore trochanters with one or more spines (sometimes merely bristles), usually set on raised bases (the body of trochanter itself often acutely produced), never with numerous setae; fore femur with 4 to 7 stout spines which are always set on more or less distinctly enlarged and elevated bases, standing in line with or almost in line with a larger number of much smaller spines or bristles on the posteroventral surface, the longer spines sometimes with an outward curvature ; api- cal antennal segment longer than subapical, never shorter than it; length of fore coxa variable in relation to length of fore tibia (sub- genus Ploiaria') 2 Fore trochanters nearly bare or with few to numerous fine hairs, one or two of which are sometimes bristle-like ; fore femur with the spines or bristles on the posteroventral surface more uniform in length, the larger bristles lacking enlarged ele\'ated bases, and almost straight; apical antennal segment shorter than subapical, equal to it only in setulifera; fore coxa invariably longer than fore tibia (subgenus Lu- teva) setuHjera McAtee and Malloch, p. 51 2. Posterior lobe of head with a prominent median backwardly projecting spine 3 Posterior lobe of head lacking spine 4 3. Last tergite of male with a slender, obtuse, strap-shaped process extend- ing back over hypopygium and closely adherent to it (PI. XXI, Fig. 4) ; median process of seventh tergite of female extending dis- tinctly farther caudad than the acute lateral angles, denticauda McAtee and Malloch, p. 54 Last tergite of male with a shorter, pointed process (PI. XXI, Fig. 5) ; hind margin of hypopygiimi sinuate; median process of seventh ter- gite of female extending but little farther caudad than the rounded lateral angles hirticonii>^ (Banks), p. 55 4. Posterior lobe of head with an erect spinelet at margin of eye on each side behind constriction retic^data (Baker), p. 53 Posterior lobe of head not so armed 5 5. Fore coxa shorter than fore tibia ; wings entirely absent, aptera McAtee and Malloch, p. 55 Fore coxa as long as, or longer than fore tibia; wings or wing pads present 6 6. Fore coxa nearly twice as long as fore tibia ; anterior lobe of head with a short, deep sulcus posteriorly; spines on fore femur distinctly longer than the femoral diameter 7 Fore coxa but little longer than fore tibia ; anterior lobe of head without sulcus 8 7. Mesonotum rather depressed, with a broad elliptical sulcus extending nearly its entire length; only soft hairs between the strong postero- ventral spines on fore femur; thorax pale above; legs not banded; length 4 mm. ; discal cell of fore wing with inner apical part angulate. xiniseriata McAtee and Malloch, p. 52 Mesonotum well arched both transversely and longitudinally', without median depression ; legs banded ; short .spines between the strong posteroventral spines on fore femur; larger species, darker colored; inner apical part of discal cell of fore wings rounded, similis McAtee and Malloch, p. 53 8. Distance between eyes on dorsum of head greater than the width of one eye; antennae short hispid or microscopically hispid 9 Distance between eyes on dorsum of head not greater than width of one eye; basal two antennal segments distinctly hairy, the hairs longer than the diameter of the segments, pilicornis McAtee and Malloch, p. 52 Rkadio: Biology of Reduviid.*:. 51 9. Fore tarsus fully two-thirds as long as fore tibia; hind border of male hypopygiuiu with slight indentation medially, Carolina (Herrich-Schaeffer), p. 51 Fore tarsus not two-thirds as long as fore tibia; hind border of male liypopygiiiin with no median indentation. . ..^or/r/o/m (Borgroth), p. 52 Ploiaria setulijera McAtee and Mallorli. Mc'Atee and Mallocli, Pioc U. S. Nat. Mus., LXVII :55 ; 192.->. "Female. A pair yellowish hiown species without conspicuous markings, the apices of hind and mid femora whitish. Fore wings with a few brown mark- ings consisting of ]»oorl\- defined si)ots or streaks, the most noticeable situated in middle of discal c(>ll and just behind discal cell on inner side of wing. "Head similar to that of pilicornis; pronotum almost uniform in width to near posterior margm, wheie it is slightly flared, microscopically granulose and not sulcate; mesonotum with a very shallow, broad, central sulcus. Fore coxa about 1.5 as long as ])ronotum; fore trochanter with some fine hairs and one or two distinct, but short bristles; fore femur as in preceding tw^o species {hnoniea and sciaria) ; fore tibia half as long as femur, with a ventral series of decumbent setuhe. which are directed apicad. very minute at base and be- coming gradually longer apically; fore tarsus over three-fourths as long as tibia, extending almo.st to base of femur. "Length. 8 mm." Biology. McAtee and Mallocli describe what is probably the nymph of this species as follows: "There are also three nymjihs from the same localities which agree in most respects with the foregoing description. The wing pads are present, there are only two segments in the tarsi, and the armature of the fore legs is relatively stronger (especially in the bristling of the trochanter), more noticeably so in the younger specimens.'' Blatchley reports taking this insect from dead leaves of cabbage palmetto and of royal palm, and from Spanish moss. Locality. Florida. Ploiaria Carolina (Herrich-SchaefTer). Hei lich-Schaeffer, Wanz. Ins., IX :8. fig. 936: 1853. Ev\esodema Carolina. jMcAtee and Mallocli describe this species as follows: "A dark-brown species with a pale dorsocentral line on head and thorax, the fore femora with fairly prominent pale annuli and the apices of mid and hind femora yellowish. The wings are brown and faintly marbled with darker brown, not distinctly reticulated with fine brown lines as in some species; a darker spot in discal cell. "In the nymph there is a rather noticeable central elevation on anterior margin of posterior lobe of head, but in the mature specimens this is almost or entirely absent. The apterous forms have the pronotum tapered posteriorly and almost without a constriction before the hind margin on top, the sides somewhat flared; in the winged forms the hind margin is noticeably flared 52 The University Science Bulletin. dorsally also. Male hypopygiiim with slight indentation in middle of hind margin. Fore femur stout, with 6 or 7 long posteroventral spines, the longest fully as long as the femoral diameter, the apical one well beyond middle of femur; fore tibia without readily distinguishable setulse, but somewhat densely haired. "Length, 4.5-5.5 mm." Biology. The only reference to the immature stages of this insect is that given in the above description. Blatchley reports taking the insect from flowers of Compositae, and from beneath bark of a pine log. Localities. Georgia, North Carolina, Florida. Ploiaria jioi'idana (Bergroth) . Bergroth, Konowia, 1:218-219; 1922. Liiteva floridana. The following descriptive notes, taken from McAtee and Malloch, will supplement the key: "Male. Very similar to the preceding species, differing as stated in the key. The pronotum is without the slight dorsomedian sulcus of Carolina, the eyes in the winged form are larger, and the longest spines on the posteroventral surface of fore femur are not as long as the femoral diameter; fore tibia not so much expanded distally; central spine on posterior border of hypopyg- ium apparently simple instead of paired. The fore wing has the venation as in denticauda. "Length, 6 mm." Locality. Florida. Ploiaria pilicornis McAtee and Malloch. McAtee and Malloch, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus.. LXVII:61; 1925. "Male. Similar to bispina in color, but the fore femur has a faint subapical fuscous annulus. "The head is slightly broader than in bispina, the pronotum is not sulcate and is more constricted before the hind margin, the fore femora are stouter, the short spines are less numerous, the long spines are longer, the longest fully as long as the femoral diameter, and the apical one is at one-third the length of femur from apex. Hind border of hypopygium slightly concave. "Length, 5.5 mm." Locality. Higley, Ariz. Ploiaria uniseriata McAtee and Malloch. McAtee and Malloch, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., LXVII:61; 1925. "Male. Brownish fuscous, dorsum of mesonotum yellowish-testaceous, antennae and legs brown, not noticeably annulated. Wings with dusky reticulation and a more prominent spot in discal cell and in area of wing just posterior to it on inner side. Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 53 "Eyes large, as high as head and nearly half its length, width of one above equal to space between them; posterior margin of anterior lobe of head and anterior margin of posterior lobe each with a short deep sulcus in the center, on each side of which the surface is shghtly tumid; antennai long-haired. Pronotum not much tapered, very slightly flared posteriorly; mesonotum gradually widened posteriorly, with a shallow median dorsal sulcus ; mesonotum ending in a rounded knob; metanotum with the margin raised and three discal carinae. "Fore coxae slender, about 125 as long as pronotum; trochanter with one long curved spine and one or two shorter bristles; femur curved, a little thicker than the coxa, posteroventral series of spines consisting of about six, their bases slightly swollen, the longest more than twice as long as the femoral diameter, the spines bent outward; ventral surface fine-haired, with a series of short erect setulae on median third; anteroventral spines much shorter than posteroventral, about seven in number, inwardly curved, a wider space in the series near base for the reception of the tai'sus; fore tibia two-thirds as long as coxa, with fine setulse along anteroventral siu-face which are about as long as tibial diameter; tarsus about as long as tibia, basal segment with microscopic setulse posteriorly. Transverse vein at one-third the distance from tip of wing to apex of discal cell, the latter narrowed anteriorly. Hypopygium rather long, black and polished medianly, claspers long and slender, much curved and tapered on apical half; apical tergite convex posteriorly. ^'Female. Similar to male in armature of the fore legs. The eyes are much smaller; there are only small wing pads present; the abdomen is much more robust and there are small but distinct processes on middle of hind margins of tergites; seventh tergite horizontal, with a short, triangular, median process, the margin concave, then angled each side of it; eighth tergite deflexed, narrowed toward apex, which is transverse. "Length, male, 4 mm.; nymph, 3.5 mm." Locality. Brownsville, Tex. Ploiana similis McAtee and Malloch. McAtee and Malloch, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., LXVII:62; 1925. "Male. Similar to the preceding species in color and structure, differing as stated in the key, and in size. "Length, 8 mm." Locality. Brownsville, Tex. Ploiaria reticulata (Baker). Baker, Pomona Jl. Ent., 11:225-6; 1910. Ploiariopsis reticulata. Description given by McAtee and Malloch: "Male. Head and thorax testaceous yellow, mottled with fuscous. An- tennae stramineous, basal segment fuscous at base and apex and with a rather broad subapical and a narrow apical whitish annulus; beak annulate. Meso- notum with two linear submedian brown vittse, laterad of these the disk is graj'ish, each lateral margin broadly brown. Abdomen black, faintly speckled 54 The University Science Bulletin. with yellowish, spiracles white. Legs stramineous, fore jjair mottled with blackish and rather imperfectly annulate, mid and hind femora with faint brownish dots on basal half and each with three broad brown annuli on apical half. Fore wings with brownish fuscous markings, forming reticulations on the greater part of the disk, the most distinct marks being two long blackish streaks, one in apical half of discal cell and the other beyond that cell and behind the longitudinal vein but distinctly clear of it, the hind margin of the vein narrowly brown. "Head about as broad as long, with a small, sharp sjtike at eye margin just behind transverse dorsal constriction, and a small round protuberance behind eye on each side of head; antenna; long-haired, third segment fully as long as fourth. Pronotum slightly flared posteriorly. Hypopygium with a bifid proc- ess projecting upward inside of hind border, the clasjiers not ^'ery long, curved, tapered at apices. "Fore trochanters i)roduced into an acute i)rocess below which is armed with two or three spines. Fore wing with discal cell subequal in length to longitudinal \ein be.vond it, the transverse apical vein faint, situated at nearly three-fourths the distance from apex of discal cell to apex of wing, the longitudinal vein bent down apically. "Length, 9 mm." Biology. The author of this species reports that it is common at Claremont, California. Localitij. California. Floiaria dcnticauda McAtee and Mailoeh. (PI. XXI, Fig. 4.) Mc.\fee and Mulloch, Pruc. U. 8. Nat. Mils., LXVII:63; 192.'-). "Male. This species is colored like (jraindatn. but the femoral and tibial annulation is much less distinct. "In addition to the characters mentioned in the key it differs from gran- iiUita Ha follows: The fore coxsr, fore femora, and the pronotum are not granu- lose and haired as in that sjiecies. the posteroventral sjunes on fore femur are in an almost regular series, the bases of the longer sjjines are pale, but little differentiated from the spines and both combined are but little longer than the femoral diameter; the fore tibia has the series of setulse on posteroventral sui-face ver.v weak and short and that of basal half of anteroventral surface ]>ractically absent ; the fore tarsi are as long as tibia;. The male hypopygium with hind margin sinuate, the tergites are not produced on sides and the ])roc- esses on the middle of hind margins of tergites except the last one are very small. The series of males contains winged and subajjterous specimens. "Female. Similar to male, but the apical tergites are as described in key, and the antennae are very short hispid instead of long-haired. "Length. 5-5.5 mm." Localities. Arizona, California. Readio: Btot.oc.v of Rediviid.^-:. 55 Ploiana hirticornis (Banks). (PI. XXI, Fig. 5.) Banks, Psyclir. XVI :44: 1009. Ploiariopsis hirtirornis. Described as follows by McAtee and Malloch: "This species closely resembles the last in structure of the fore legs, but the coxae are more slender and nearly twice as long as the tibi;e, the fore tarsi are as long as the tibiae, the elevated bases of the long spines of posteroventral series are about as in the last species, white, and the spines are blackish; the pronotum is longer and narrower than in granulosa, the abdomen has no lateral projections on tergites and the dorsal tubercles are small anteriorly, increa.sing in size posteriorly; the seventh tergite of the female has the lateral antrles slightly produced and a longer central process; all our specimens have minute wing pads except one male paratype which is fully winged; the wings are rather closely reticulated with fu.-cou-. the heaviest markings being in discal cell and along hind side of vein emanating from it. "'Length. 5-6 mm." Biology. "An immature female from Shreveport. La., has the abdomen inflated, especially posteriorly, median tubercles on all tergites, that on five most prominent; eighth tergite concave apically, without process." Blatchley reports taking specimens from beneath a board, and from dead leaves of cabbage palmetto. Localities. District of Columbia, North Carolina, Louisiana, Florida. Ploiana aptera McAtee and Malloch. Mc.\tee and MalkK-h, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., LXVII :66 ; 192.5. "Female. Much paler than marginata, the ciorsum of thorax little darker than the venter. ■ "Head as in the preceding species, but the eyes comparatively larger and the subapical antennal segment appreciably longer than the apical. Fore coxae, femora and tibiae similar in lengths to those of marginata, the postero- ventral long and short spines between each pair of the long spines and none opjjosite their bases; there is an isolated spine near base on anteroventral .surface, the anteroventral series of setulie on apical half of tibia is stronger than in marginata. .\bdomen ovate, distorted in type, but evidently lacking well-developed median processes on hind margins of tergites. ■'Length, 5.5 mm." Locality. Galiuro mountains, Arizona. Genus G.\rdexa. ""his genus \vas described originally by Dohrn (1860 1. It is cnaracterized by McAtee and Malloch as follows: "Characters common to all American species besides those mentioned in the generic key are: head lacking spines, prothorax (measurements taken on dorsum) twice or more than twice as long as meso- and meta-thoraces taken together (even in wingless forms) ; the anterior division of prothorax is 56 The University Science Bulletin. trumpet-shaped with a low tubercle each side in front and expands posteriorly in the winged forms into a capacious, inverted, scoop-shaped, highly polished portion which completely covers the mesothorax, hind margin usually somewhat concave with a slight median swelling, but there are notable departures from this character in some species; mesopleura and mesostemum lightly polished, either subnude or with a bare stripe in front of coxa ; hind margins of sternites 2-6 in both sexes more or less emarginate medianly and arcuate laterally, most pronounced so on 6; sixth sternite in males visible from above, forming apparently an almost complete body ring; in most species it is overlaid dorsally by a flaplike process of sixth tergite; the ninth sternite also is largely exposed dorsally, where it is divided by a broad V-shaped cleft open posteriorly; the surface of the hypopygial segments is polished; all of the legs and the antennae exceed the body in length; antennae of males with abundant long hairs decreasing in length and erectness distally, especially from middle of second segment; fore tibia haired. "Coloration in the genus is veiy uniform, the species being cliiefly castaneous, darkest on front legs, prothorax, and genitalia; the mid and hind trochanters and knees are stramineous, the pale base of tibia being more or less interrupted by fuscous; the tegmina and wings in most cases are dusky hyaline, whitish at base." DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS. This genus is coinposed of 17 described species, distributed as follows: Nearctic, 2 species; Neotropical, 10 species; Palaearctic, 1 species; Oriental, 4 species. Gardena messelina McAtee and Malloch. McAtee and Malloch, Proc. U. S. Xat. Mus., LXVII:72; 192.5. "Female. Front femora each with a faint subapical band; mid femora and tibiae each with two pale bands. Seventh tergite very slightly convex on hind margin, eighth moderately long, semi-elliptical; ninth very convex trans- versely, somewhat constricted near middle of exposed portion, rounded api- cally. Sixth tergite with a deep emargination posteriorly, involving the entire hind border; seventh sternite long, with a short, median triangular process posteriorly, sides of hind margin slightly concave; eighth sternite broadly ex- posed on sides, profoundl.y emarginate in middle. "Length, 17 mm." Locality. Victoria, Tex. Gardena poppcea McAtee and Malloch. McAtee and Malloch, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., LXVII:74; 1925. "Male. Posterior margin of hypopygium with two teeth, the superoposterior angles considerably elevated, portion of this sternite visible from above as long as seventh tergite including process, the latter barely lapping base of V- shaped cleft of hypopygium, its length compared to entire tergite as 3 is to 8; claspers retracted, their form vmknown. "Length, 20 mm." Locality. Victoria, Tex. Readio: Biology of Rediviid.e. 57 Genus Emesaya. Tlie authors of this genus, MeAtee and IMalloeh, discuss it as follows: "For Emesa of authors not of Laporte who named E. mantis Fabricius as type. Since this species belongs to the genus subsequently called Westermarv- nms the latter name therefore falls into synonymy, and the insects formerly known as Emesa are left without a distinctive name. "Characters of the genus besides those mentioned in the key to genera are: Mid and hind legs and antennae longer than body; head without frontal spine, the transverse sulcus convex posteriorly, its ends in front of eyes, its middle course between them; prothorax in unwinged forms somewhat shorter than meso- and meta-thoraces together, in winged forms decidedly longer, ex- panded posteriorly and entirely covering dorsum of mesothorax, its hind mar- gin more or less concave medianly; wings extending only to about middle of abdomen; sutures between tergites difficult to distinguish, those seen are straight; sixth tergite of male ending in a long apically rounded flap covering hypopygium; sutures between sternites convex anteriorly, that between 5 and 6 most so; hypopygium of male long, somewhat compressed, hind margin with median process; in females the seventh tergite is approximately semi- circular in outline, the eighth is oblong, somewhat tapering apically, with the apex variously modified, yielding the most valuable characters for the separa- tion of species; the connexivum is more elevated in females than in males. Structure of fore tibia and tarsus and venation of wings as given. "Coloration of genus is simple, the general tone varying from stramineous to reddish (erythrization being especially characteristic of maturity) ; the whole head and body has a fine short sericeous pubescence, bare spots and lines in which accoimt for most of the apparent markings, as a line over anterior half of pronotum and head, forked in front of transverse construction, a straight line under each eye, cirrhose maiculations on pronotum, and dotting over both upper and lower surfaces of abdomen; the mesosternum and meso- pleura are entirely sericeous, not glossy as in Gardena. The front legs are entirely dark-spotted and the spines dark-tipped; at least the knees (femora- tibial joints) of mid and hind legs are pale, often there is another distinct pale band each side of this joint. When the antennae are not pale entirely the first segment is pale apically. The wings varj'^ from stramineous to fuscous- hyaline, often paler at base." DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS. Ten species have been described for this genus, all American. Seven of these are represented in the Neotropical region, and five within our limits. CLASSIFICATION OF GENUS. The species found within our limits may be separated as follows: MALES. 1. Hind margin of hypopygium nearly straight across, bearing on its inner side a process which extends upward and forward between (and usu- ally concealed by) apices of claspers brevipennis (Say), p. 59 58 The University Science Bulletin. Hind margin of hypopygium produced, in the plane of its outer surface, into a i^rocess which is not concealed between apices of claspers, iiicisa McAtee and Malloch,p.58 FEMALES. 1. Seventh tergite with a pair of divergent carinae bounding disk, within and distinct from the ridges which di\ide the upper surface from the down-folded lateral portions of the tergite 2 Seventh tergite without such carinae 3 2. Fore femur about 7.5 mm. long; fore coxa hardly twice as long as head, brevicoxa (Banks) , p. 58 Fore femur about 9 mm. long; fore coxa fully twice as long as head, banksi McAtee and Malloch, p. 58 3. Hind margin of eighth tergite between the processes decidedly concave, the emargination broadly U-shaped; seventh and eighth tergites with a median longitudinal bare and slightly elevated tergite subangulate posteriorly lineata McAtee and Malloch, p. 67 Hind margin of eighth tergite between the processes nearly straight, the emargination nearly rectangular; seventh and eighth tergites lack- ing such a line; side of eighth tergite not at all angulate posteriorly, brevipennis (Say) . p. 59 Emesaya bre vicoxa (Banks ) . Banks, Psyche, XVI :48; 1909. Ettiesn brevkoia. McAtee and Malloch give the following notes on this species: "The carinae of seventh tergite, not mentioned in original description, are very distinctive, grouping the species with the new form bon/csi described below. The coloration is scarcely different from that of E. brevipennis; however, it was noted that the mid and hind tibiae are entirely pale except for a subbasal dusky band on each. Approximate measurements are: Length of head and. body together 29 mm.; of fore coxa, 5 mm.; of fore femur 7.5 mm." Locality. California. Emesaya banksi McAtee and Malloch. McAtee and Malloch. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., LXVII:7T: 1925. "Agrees with E. brevicoxa Banks in carination of seventh tergite but differs in measurement.s of front legs as indicated in key. The posterior lateral angles of eighth tergite are less produced than in E. brevicoxa and much less than in average specimens of E. brevipennis Say. General color pale reddish- brown, short gray pubescence abundant ; leg bands only faintly indicated. "Length about 29 mm." Localities. Texas, California. Emesaya incisa McAtee and Malloch. McAtee and Malloch, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. LXVII:78; 192.5. "Somewhat smaller than E. brevipennis, and most of the species are paler than the average color in the genus, this being especially true of the legs and antennae; the dark annuli therefore unusually prominent. "Male. Ground color stramineous, broad vittse on sides of head and ])Osterior lobe of i)ronotum (sometimes whole of this expansion), dorsum of Readio: Biology of Redi viid.e. 59 abdoiiifii more or les:^. leg bands and dots fuscous. Genitalia as described in key. ''Len^rtli. 24-27 iiini." Localities. California, Arizona, Mexico. Emcsa ya b re i 'ipe nnis ( Say ) . jMcAtee and IMalloi'h divide this species into three subspecies as follows : 1. Processes of eighth terjiite shorter and more rounded as seen from above; disk of tergite stramineous, with more copiiis and longer pubescence, giving it a sericeous appearance occidentalis. Processes of eighth tergite longer, more slender and pointed; disk of tergite darker, pubescence shorter and sparser 2 2. Pale annuli on mid .md liind legs tending to obsolescence, especially in the males, often the knees only pale australis. Full complement of pale leg markings usually evident in both sexes, brevipennis. Emesaya brevipennis brevipennis (Say). (PI. I.) ■'In general color this subspecies varies from rubiginous to fuscous with the pale leg markings distinct; nymphs and teneral specimens redder or darker. Genitalia as described in key. "Length, 28-36 millimeters." Biology. Because of the commonness of this species, there have been numerous observations made on its habits, more, in fact, than in the case of any other member of this subfamily. Accompanying the original description, we find the following obsen^ation by Say (1828) : ■'This is a very common insect, and is often found even in the city of Phila- delphia. It inhabits outhouses, where it may be observed generally motionless on the walls. When disturbed, it moves its body up and down on its legs, and at the same time advances slowly forward.'' Uhler (1884) discusses its life and habits rather fully. Part of this discussion I quote: "When lodged on the twig of a tree or bush it has a curious habit of .■^winging backwards and forwards like some of the long-legged spiders, such as Phalangium. ... In Maryland its ]irinci]ial home is in the young pine trees, where it ma\' be seen with its two fore feet placed close together and stretched out in front, as is the common habit of our common phasmid, Dia- phcromera jemoratn. Occasionally it leaves the trees and takes shelter in sheds, outhouses, and barns, where it ma}- be seen overhead swinging by its long legs from a rafter or the lining of the roof. The immature form maj-^ be found roaming over the trees during early summer, but by the middle of August it acquires the organs of flight and becomes a fully developed insect. We do not yet know where it deposits its eggs; but from analogy we are led to believe that these are glued to the twigs of bushes and trees, just as is the 60 The University Science Bulletin. case with manj' others of the great group to which this species belongs. The fore legs are most formidable instruments in catching and securing the insects upon which it feeds; the long fore coxae project far in front of the head, and furnish a swinging joint for the spined femora, which can be thrown forward like a flail, while at the same time the sharp tibiae are shut back against the acute spines, and the victim is thus irretrievably transfixed." The eggs, which at the time that Uhler wrote had not been found, were first mentioned by Dr. Hagen, who stated that the eggs were of an elongated, conical form. Weed (1899) concluded that Uhler's suspicion that the eggs were glued to the twigs of trees and bushes was probably correct, since specimens which he had in captivity de- posited eggs on the sides of the breeding cage, gluing them to the wood. Weed described and figured the egg. Champion (1899) described and figured a nymph of this species. Wickham (1909 and 1910) made some valuable contributions to our knowledge of the life of this insect. His observations were made on a colony in a shed in his yard. Observations on the flight, feeding habits, copulation and oviposition of this species are partic- ularly valuable-. I ciuote parts of his account: "Unless disturbed, the bugs were not seen to move much during the mid- dle of the day, but towards the end of the afternoon would come out and fly slowly and awkwardly through the lane between the trees, their long legs and slender bodies retarding aerial progress despite the swift beat of the little wings. With the sun glinting against the coating of dust particles they made a curious and interesting sight — like nothing else that I have ever seen. "I was very anxious to see something of their feeding habits, since the pub- Ushed statements are somewhat vague or even contradictory. I did at last find one at rest upon a screen door, sucking a gnat about the size of the com- mon mosquito of these parts, and it is probable that in general only small or fragile insects are attacked. Some of the numerous captive EmesoB were seen to take the juices from the bodies of dead flies and spiders with which they had been provided, but they were not seen to catch nor kill anj' of the living specimens of these insects which were put in with them. Eventually they fed upon their own kind. Eveiy morning I would find one or two dead bugs in the cage, one frequently serving as food to a living individual which was extract- ing the fluids by means of its short, sharp beak. I saw no evidence of attack. It may be that those dying of age or weakness were simply utilized as food by their survivors. Occasionally I saw free specimens of Emesa at rest in spiders' webs, not entangled but ready to move when disturbed; still I never saw any evidence of the spiders being attacked nor of other insects being taken from the webs. Twice, however, I noticed remains of Emesa in webs, one of which belonged to Agalena. The bugs had apparently been sucked dry, one of them chewed as well, the fragments being held together with bits of silk. Living specimens were seen out of doors as late as October 5, up to which date we had no heavy frosts. "The copulating habits of these beasts seem to be undescribed. Just before Readio: Biology of REDivimK. 61 eight o'clock on the morning of September 18 I found a pair of them on the kitchen screen. Union had ah'eady been effected when I came on the scene and lasted only about five minutes afterwards. In the meantime I had made some notes and a sketch which will give some idea of the curious pose as- sumed by the male. He stands upon his hind legs, some little distance behind the female, who is in her resting position, his middle legs cling by their tarsal claws of the hind legs of the female, which are grasped a little below the knee. The male abdomen is bent downwards at a sharp angle with the exterior part of the body, the tip overlapping the apex of the female abdomen on the left side. The front legs in both sexes, are extended forwards, those of the male having the tibia folded back on the femur while in the female it is open. The female started to walk awaj', but the male was equal to the emergency, being able to accompany her and yet to hold his position by tiptoeing on his hind feet and releasing the hind legs of the female alternately or both at once as she moved." McAtee (1911) reports the feeding of this insect on Anopheles mosquitoes on the window screens of a house in Big Lake, Ark. Howes (1919) discusses this insect at some detail, and makes sev- eral statements contrary to those of Wickliam. One of these is that the wings of the species are now degenerate, "scarcely capable of easing her fall when dropped from one's hand." In regard to feed- ing habits, Howes says that flies and bees form the insect's chief article of diet. He considers it the normal thing for this insect to take up its abode in an abandoned spider's web, and there to sub- sist on insects that become entangled in the web, and describes a "stampede" of a large number of thread-legged bugs racing slowly towards an unfortunate insect caught in a spider's web. Wick- ham's opinion that only very small, fragile insects may serve for food is not shared by Howes, who says: "Flies, bugs, and even bees hold no terrors for this insect, who is immune from their bites and stings. From their position in the creature's outstretched arms they can reach no vital spots. A wildly darting sting, a poisoned fang or a tireless set of muscles are of no avail, and the thread-leg feeds at leisure." Howes' excellent photographs which accompany his paper are a valuable part of his contribution. His photographs of the molting and of the oviposition of this insect are particularly good. McAtee and Malloch (1925) figure and describe the egg and de- scribe a six-millimeter nymph, instar undetermined; they also in- clude a note on the number of eggs laid. The writer wishes to summarize the above information, to call at- tention to doubtful points, and to add what he can to what is already known. Habitat. There is no uniformity of opinion in regard to the nor- mal habitat of this insect. Weed speaks of finding it only out of (•o The University Science Bulletin. doors on the trunks of trees; Howes considers it to be typically a shed and outhouse inhabiting species, and Uhler mentions having found it in both situations. The colony upon which the present writer made his observations was located in a carriage shed at Lake View, Kansas, although there are specimens in his collection taken from trunks of trees in Kansas. Probably Wickham's explanation of the habit of flight will solve the problem. He states that during tlio greater part of the day the adults are inactive, but that late in the afternoon they leave their protecting shed, and fly among trees. This, however, would not account for Uhler's finding the immature form's "roaming over the trees in early summer." The writer's opin- icn is that this is not typically an out-of-doors species, but lives for the most part in sheds, outhouses, and deserted houses and barns. Several writers report finding the insect associated with spiders' webs, and Howes considers that insects caught in abandoned spider webs' constitute its main food supply. In regard to whether the in- sect is dependent upon food caught in the spider web, the writer is uncertain, but he is certain that the insect hangs from abandoned webs as well as from rafters, and that it can make its way over a web without any embarrassing entanglements. Food Weed records Emesaya feeding on a small moth, possibly • Spilosoma virginica. Wickham observed one feeding on a gnat and concluded that thev fed only on very small and fragile insects. Howes savs that flies and small bees form their chief articles of diet, and savs that Emesaya is immune to their bites and stings. Wick- ham. in addition to his other observations, reports that they are cannibalistic. Records of the writer report the feeding on a small moth, undertermined. and a small spider, also undetermined. Un- confined individuals have been observed feeding, in one case on a small dipterous insect, undetermined, and in another case on the bit- ing house fly, or stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans. In addition the in'^ect^ have been reared successfully on a diet of the house fly, Musca domestica, and have been observed to feed on this insect very commonlv. In addition, instances of cannibalism, previously re- ported by Wickham, have been observed. In one case a female adult which had recentlv molted was attacked and sucked dry by a male with which she had been confined. Several other cases, which could not be explained by any known weakness of the vic- tims, also occurred. Seasonal Life History. This insect hibernates in the egg stage The eggs hatch in late spring. May in Kansas, and the greater part Readio: liioLociY OF Rkdiviid.e. m of the summer is spent as a nympli, tlie insect becoming adult m late August or early September, and living until the cold weather of late October or early November. The eggs are deposited during the warm days of September and October. Such a life history allows only a single genei-ation a year, and no (>vidence contrary to this has been found. Eggs. (PI. I, Fig. 7. i The eggs have been observed and described by several writers, including Hagen. Weed, Wickham, Howes and McAtee and Malloch. I quote the description given by the last- mentioned writers: -The eso-.. of thi. si.ecie. are about 2 .nillimeters in length, lonji-elliptical in M.thne, the opercle with a large central, trvncately conical tubercle the periphery ot which .. more or les. eroded at the base; the main body of the egg IS black m ground color, somewhat compressed and with longitudinal rows of membranous, saw-toothed-shaped exfoliations, the bases of which are almost contmuous; these lines of projections are arrange.! more or less in concentric ellipses on the flat side of the egg." These eggs are laid singly, attached to the bark of trees partic- ularly evergreens (Weed), or to rafters (Howes). The writer ha<^ collected eggs which were attached to rafters of a shed and ha^ also found them attached to a spider's thread. There is al^o a specmien of a female in my collection with two eggs of her specie^ attached to her hind tibia, probably attached there bv another nidn-idual after she had died. Each egg is attached along one side near the base, held in place by a cement. The egg is inclined and forms an angle with the surface upon which it rests. The number of eggs deposited by a single female was reported by Wickham to be nineteen, these being deposited over a period of three or four days. McAtee and Malloch report having obtained twenty eggs from a female between the dates of October 6 and 11 The details of the act of oviposition have not been reported upon hough Howes gives a very good photograph of the insect showing the position of the body during the act. Mating. The act of copulation of this insect has been described by Wickham, whose description is quoted above. Apparently he saw but a single pair mating, and did not witness the act from the beginning. The writer has had the opportunity to witness mating several times. Previous to the actual coupling, the male approaches the female, not necessarily from behind, but soon maneuver, into a position directly behind her. During this time his abdomen i< bent at the point of its juncture with the thorax so that it extend^ 64 The University Science Bulletin. forward under the thorax. He now attempts to mate with the female, advancing forward and usually resting his middle legs on her body and legs ; however, not necessarily on the tibia of her hind leg just beneath the knee joint, as is described by Wickham. Con- nection is established by the bent abdomen of the male with its copulatory organs extruded and bent upwards first coming in contact with the under side of the female abdomen, and then sliding back- wards until the opening of the genital organs is reached. During the preliminary part, and for a while afterwards, the head of the female can be seen to be bobbing up and down, and a good ear can detect a very faint stridulatory note, which is undoubtedly produced by the rubbing of the tip of the beak in the ridged groove on the prostemum. The female attempts to avoid copulation. In one case a female was seen to grasp the tibia of the middle leg of a male with which she was at the time coupled, and apparently to insert her mouth parts in it. However, the male successfully completed copulation and continued to live. In another case a male was observed to have grasped the female with which he was mating around the head, holding her beak firmly to the under side of her head. Copulation lasted varying lengths of time, from ten minutes in some cases to several hours in others, and the same pair was observed to mate several times. Natural Enemies. Wickham mentions finding remains of this species in spider webs, one of which belonged to Agalena, and assumed that they had served as food for spiders. The writer has also found individuals entangled in webs. No actual observations of spiders feeding on these insects have been recorded, however. A small hymenopterous parasite was observed making its way out of the egg of this insect by the writer, and careful collecting pro- duced several other eggs which showed emergence holes of parasites. The parasite makes its way out through the side of the egg, rather than through the top by pushing the cap off, as does the host insect. DESCRIPTION OF INSTARS. First Instar. (PI. I, Fig. 1.) Length of body, 5.3 mm. to 6.5 mm.; length of front femur, 1.3 mm.; length of first antennal seg- ment, 2.9 mm. General color dirty whitish with fuscous markings along lateral margins of head and thoracic segments; eyes red; location of ab- dominal spiracles marked by fuscous spots; apices of femora and bases of tibiae of mid and hind legs banded with alternate dark and Readio: Biology of Reduviid.b. 65 light; front legs fuscous with whitish markings; spines of femur white, tipped with black; first antennal^segment fuscous with whit- ish apex; second and third segments also with light apices. General shape extremely elongate, with thread-like legs and an-' tennae as is the case in all nymphal instars and adult; head about* twice as long as wide, slightly swollen behind the eyes; first anten-' nal segment longest, second nearly as long, third very short, and fourth nearly half as long as second and sharply pointed; rostrum slender, the tip fitted into groove on under side of prothorax; front legs raptorial, with elongate coxse, femora with two rows of ventral spines, occupying about three-fourths of the basal. length, the basal spine the longest, tibia not more than half the length of the femur. Second Instar. (PI. I, Fig. 2.) Length of body, 10 mm.; length of front femur, 2.1 mm.; length of first antennal segment, 3.3 mm. General color whitish with fuscous vittse on lateral margins of head, thorax and abdomen, also dorsal dark spots on abdomen; eyes red; a faint, often interrupted, median red line running caudad from epicraneal suture to caudal limit of thorax, barely visible in some individuals; markings of legs and antennae as in previous instar; proportionally longer and more slender than preceding; spines on fore femur more numerous; wing pads not visible in this instar. Third Instar. (PL I, Fig. 3.) Length of body, 16.5 mm.; length of front femur, 3.2 mm.; length of first antennal segment, 6 mm. Color as in preceding with increase of dark markings on upper surface of body; similar to preceding in structure with proportional increase in size. Wing pads present, mesothoracic pads arise on dorsum opposite most caudal point in attachment of second pair of legs, about .15 mm. long; metathoracic pads arise at a point about three-fifths the distance from the attachment of the middle legs to the attachment of hind legs, less than one-half as long as mesothoracic pads. Fourth Instar. (PI. I, Fig. 4.) Length of body, 26 mm.; length of front femur, 5.3 mm.; length of first antennal segment, 9.2 mm. Color much as in preceding with an increase in number of dark markings on upper surface of thorax and abdomen. Similar in structure and proportions to preceding; wing pads larger, first pair now a little over a millimeter in length and extended over bases of hind pair, these extended about .7 mm. beyond apices of first pair; both long and slender with pointed apices. 5—5511 66 The University Science Bulletin. Fifth Instar. (PL I, Fig. 5.) Length of body, 34 mm. ; length of front femur, 6.5 mm. ; length of first antennal segment, 12.5 mm. General color whitish, marked with numerous fuscous vittae; up- per surface of head marked with fuscous; eyes red; a median red- dish line from epicraneal suture to the base of head and continued on thorax; antennal segments somewhat fuscous, whitish at apex of each except last segment; prothorax with slender median reddish line; middle region of disk white, margined with fuscous; meso- thoracic pads whitish with longitudinal fuscous vittae; abdominal segments darker than head and thorax, marked with numerous longitudinal vitta^, spiracles black; front legs whitish, marked with fuscous; spines of fore femora white, tipped with black; middle and hind legs light, each femur bearing two dark bands and each tibia one dark band. General shape ^Try narrow and elongate as in other nymphal in- stars and adult. Structural features as in other nymphal instars; wing pads now increased in size ; those of mesothorax extended over those of metathorax for entire length; both extended as far as attachment of hind legs. Localities. Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, North Carolina, Florida, Indiana, Illi- nois, Iowa, Texas, Kansas. Emesaya hrevipennis australis McAtee and Malloch. "From the Gulf states southward to Panama occurs what seems to be a geographical race characterized by a strong tendency, which is almost universal among the males, to lack all pale-leg markings except at the knees. We have not been able to correlate this character with any structural differences, whether of gentalia or otherwise, although it is noticeable that in this form the processes of the eighth tergite often are shorter than in northern specimens." Distribution. Texas, Georgia, Florida, Panama, Guatemala, Costa Rica. Emesaya hrevipennis occidentalis McAtee and Malloch. "The general color is rufo-stramineous with all markings, whether darker or paler, much less noticeable than in E. hrevipennis. "Length, 31-34 mm." Localities. California, Lower California. Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 67 Emesaya lineata McAtee and Malloch. McAtee and Malloch, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., LXVII:81; 1925. "Female. Knees of posterior two pairs of legs pale, the middle legs with, the hind legs without, a faint subbasal pale annulus on femur; legs in general pale, head and body dark reddi.^h-brown. "Length, 31 nun." Locality. Crescent City, Fla. Genus Metapterus. This genus was originally described by Costa (1860). Recently the American members of this genus, which had been previously placed in the genus Barce, were identified as belonging to this genus by McAtee and Malloch (1925). DISTRIBUTIOX OF GENUS. The genus is composed of eight described species, seven of which are Nearctic in distribution, and one Palaearctic. CLASSIFICATION OF GENUS. The species of this genus which occur within our limits may be separated by the following key, that prepared by McAtee and Malloch. MALES. 1. Basal spine of posteroventral series on fore femur less than its own length from base of femur; apical outline of hypopygium from side irregular aberrans McAtee and Malloch, p. 68 Basal spine of posteroventral series on fore femur more than its own length from base of femur; apical outline of hypopygium from side usually regularly rounded 2 2. Head with a pale yellowish stripe along venter which is of about equal width on its entire length, filling the interocular space, and without a dark spot on each side behind eye ; upper margin of hypopygium with a squarish backwardly curved process which is more or less emargi- nate at tip, no erect spine within the upper margin of hypopygium. . 3 Head with a pale yellowish stripe along venter which is narrower than interocular space or has a distinct dark spot on each side behind eye; upper margin of hypopygium not produced backward at apex, with a long spine within upper margin of hypopygium 5 3. Fore coxa about twice as long as fore tibia 4 Fore coxa less than 1.5 as long as fore tibia banksi (Baker), p. 69 4. Mid and hind femora each with more than one brown band; seventh tergite obtusely rounded, projecting little if any beyond hypopygium, annulipes (Stal),p.70 Mid and hind femora each with only one brown band; seventh tergite more acutely rounded and projecting more or less beyond hypo- pygium jralernus (Say), p. 70 68 The University Science Bulletin. 5. Apical spine of hypopygium conspicuously backwardly curved at tip (PL XXI, Fig. 6); general color fuscous; surface ragulse of abdomen both above and below forming a distinct reticulation, .uhleri (Banks), p. 69 Apical hypopygial spine straight or almost so, only slightly curved at tip (PI. XXI, Fig. 7); general color stramineous; surface rugulge of abdomen chiefly longitudinal, not forming a reticulation, neglectus McAtee and Malloch, p.69 FEMALES. 1. Basal posteroventral spine on fore femur less than its own length from base of femur; apical tergite entire, aberrans McAtee and Malloch, p. 68 Basal posteroventral spine on fore femur more than its own length from base of femur 2 2. Head with a pale yellowish stripe on venter which is not decidedly nar- rower than interocular space nor with a dark spot on each side behind the eye 3 Head with a pale yellow stripe on venter which is narrower than inter- ocular space or has a dark spot on each side behind the eye 5 3. Fore coxa only about one-third longer than fore tibia, banksi (Baker), p. 69 Fore coxa nearly or quite twice as long as fore tibia 4 4. Mid and hind femora each with more than one brown band; spines on posteroventral surface of fore femur less elongate, the process between bases of antennae less pronounced, wing pads in apterous forms less developed than in fraternus; notch in apex of apical tergite of an open type, its sides varying from concave to nearly straight, aiiuulipes (Stal),p.70 Mid and hind femora each with one brown band; spines on postero- ventral surface of fore femur more elongate, the process between bases of antennae more pronounced, the wing pads in apterous forms better developed than in annulipes; notch in apical tergite of a nar- rower type, its sides more or less convex, the apex of the notch more acute fraternus (Say) , p. 70 5. Seventh tergite entire or barely emarginate at apex, general color of species fuscous (PI. XXI, Fig. 8) uhleri (Banks), p. 69 Seventh tergite with a short and acute apical incision; general color stramineous (PI. XXI, Fig. 9) . . .neglectus McAtee and Malloch, p.69 Metapterus aberrans McAtee and Malloch. McAtee and Malloch, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., LXVII:86; 1925. "A small, dark, robust species, with characters of male hypopygium and female genital segments similar to those of uhleri. The head lacks the process between the bases of the antennae and the labrum is but little protruded, in one specimen almost imperceptibly so. The pronotum has a very deep con- striction near posterior margin and its hind margin has a short backwardly projecting process in middle. Wing pads small. Apical tergite in female as in uhleri but shorter; male hypopygium as seen from above shows the upper margin with an erect spine. 'Length. 7-8 mm." "1 Locality. Austin, Tex. Readio: Biology of Reduviid^. 69 Metaptenis uhleri (Banks). (PI. XXI, Figs. 6, 8.) Banks. Psy:-he, XVI :47; 1909. Barce uhleri. McAtee and Malloch discuss this species as follows: "This species, aberrans, and neglectus, agree with linearis, the genotA'pe, in having an erect spine inside the hind border of male hypopygium, but like all other American species known to us differs from linearis in that the male claspers are not abruptly bent apically and directed upward on each side of the apical spine. M. aberrans, uhleri, and neglectus have another character also in common with linearis, namely that the pale streak on lower surface of head is narrower than interocular width or is interrupted by a dark spot behind each eye. The external genital characters of both species are illustrated. ■'Length, 7-9 mm. '■Rarely a female specimen of this species has a distinct notch in posterior margin of apical tergite. The color varies somewhat and the varietal name brunnea Banks was applied to specimens with pale spots on the connexivum and pale irrorations on the venter; the color of the dorsum suggests bronzed leather. The proportion of winged specimens in the whole material is small." Biology. Reported by Blatchley to have been taken under stones. Localities. Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Virginia, North Carolina, South Dakota, Saskatchewan, Indiana. Metapterus neglectus McAtee and Malloch. (PI. XXI, Figs. 7, 9.) McAtee and Malloch, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus.. LXVII:87; 1925. "A larger and much paler species than uhleri, the general color being yellowish brown. Male hypopygium similar to that of uhleri, differing in having the apical spine without a conspicuously recurved tip. Female differing as stated in the key. "Length, 11-12 mm." Biology. Reported by Blatchley as having been taken from beneath a pile of bricks. Localities. New Jersey, Massachusetts, New York, Kansas. Metapterus banksi (Baker). Baker, Pomona, Col. Jl. Ent. 11:227; 1910. Barce haiwik-i. McAtee and Malloch discuss this species as follows: "Similar in color to jraternus, differing as stated in key. The fore tibia of male is about three-sevenths as long as fore femur, while in the preceding two species it is but verj' little over one-third as long. The male hj'popj'gimn is very much less keeled on apical half than in jraternus and has the small process at apex above larger, while from the rear view it is much less tapered below. 70 TuE University Science Bulletin. Both sexes have the i)rocess between bases of antennae moderately well developed. "Length, 9-12 mm." Locality. California. Metapterus annulipes (Stal). Stal, Bed. Ent. Zeit., X:168; 1866. Barce annulipes. This species is discussed as follows by McAtee and Malloch: "A brownish fuscous species, varying considerably in intensity of color, the darker specimens having the annulations of the legs most distinct. The broad yellowish stripe on the ventral surface of head is uniform in width throughout and not narrower than interocular space, a character annulipes has in common with banksii and jralernus." Biology. It is found beneath loose bark and on the foliage of shrubs, and hibernates beneath logs and old rails, according to Blatchley. Localities. Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Wis- consin, Iowa, Ontario, Manitoba, Florida. Metapterus fraternus (Say). (PI. 11.) Say, Heter. N. Harm., 33; 1832. Fitch Rep., 803. Compl. Wr., 358. Ploiaria fraterna. McAtee and Malloch discuss this species as follows: "A fairly common species, closely related to the preceding, and with more southern and western distribution. All our specimens from Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi, and one from Missouri, are winged; the others, including one from Missouri, are furnished with minute wing pads only. In the winged forms the fore wings are brownish with upper surface irregularly granulose, the slight elevations or granules darker than the remainder of wing. "Length, 12-13 mm." Habitat. I have found this species in four different localities in the vicinity of Lawrence, Kan. A number of specimens, at different periods of the year, have been taken from a grassy bank near a pool, down among the grass roots. A series of eight nymphs and five adults were taken in October under sticks and boards on a grassy flat at the border of an ox-bow lake. Some of these were within ten yards of the water, and were in company with hibernating Hydrometridse. A single specimen was taken late in October under the leaves of a mullein plant which was situated near a small brook, and another single specimen taken on October 31 under a rock. It Readio: Biology of REorviiD.E. 71 is evident that the species lives in protected phices, and seems to prefer a rather moist environment. Food. I find no records of the feeding habits of this insect, and have, myself, made no observations in the field on this point. It seems quite probable that it feeds on the abundance of small life that inhabits such places as it does. Small leaf hopper nymphs, small spiders, spring tails, caterpillars, and numerous other insects are found in company with this insect and no doubt serve as its food. I have kept an ovipositing adult alive in the laboratory on a diet of common house flies, which were made a little less active than usual by a pinch. These flies were accepted very readily, and several were consumed each day. Seasonal Life History. Conflicting data make the determination of the seasonal life history rather uncertain. Early spring collecting has produced very small nymphs, hatched either from overwintering eggs or from eggs laid early in the spring by overwintering adults. An adult female captured June 18 deposited twenty-four eggs before she died on August 24. These eggs did not hatch, but there was no reason to think that the female had been fertilized. Thirteen indi- viduals were collected on October 10, five of which were adults, and eight fifth-instar nymphs. In the next few days several of the nymphs changed to adults. On October 17 an adult female was col- lected in a different locality and when confined laid eggs freely. In addition to this evidence, there exists the record of McAfee and Malloch who report the oviposition on October 23. The question is, of course, whether the insect winters in the egg stage, or as an adult, and inasmuch as both stages are to be found very late in the season, it is possible that the insect may winter in both stages. Eggs. (PI. II, Fig. 5.) The eggs have been figured by McAfee and Malloch. However, no description accompanies their figures, and a description prepared by the writer is therefore given: Length, 1.4 mm. ; width of top, .3 mm. Color of body of egg dark brown and shining, of flange-like longitudinal ridges whitish, of reticulated area and cone of cap grayish white. Shape rather elongate, cylindrical with axis of cylinder slightly curved; base rounded, apex truncate, surmounted by a cap bearing a central conelike projection; body of egg with a series of longi- tudinal flangelike ridges occupying entire length of egg; these con- fluent in pairs basally on upper side of egg. but extended separately 72 The University Science Bulletin. to, and a little beyond apical end of egg; cap of egg with a periph- eral, sliglitly raised reticulated area and a central conelike struc- ture formed of several ridge-like converging projections arising from reticulated area. Fifth-instar Nijmph. (PL II, Fig. 1, 2.) Length of body, 11.5 mm. to 12.5 mm.; length of front femur, 2.6 mm.; length of first an- tennal segment, 4.1 mm. General color stramineous witli fuscous and reddish markings; head stramineous above, darker along lateral margins, with a red- dish Y-shaped mark in well-marked individuals; antennae a little darker than upper surface of head, becoming darker toward apex; thoracic segments stramineous above with darker lateral margins and median reddish line on dorsum; reddish line faint, interrupted, and sometimes obsolete on meso- and metanota; abdomen some- what darker, segments 3-6 with lateral fuscous vittae, these occupy- ing from one-third to one-fourth the length of the segments; two red lines near lateral margin of abdomen, extended for entire length of abdomen. General shape very elongate and slender, with extremely long and slender appendages; head more than twice as long as Avide, slightly swollen behind the eyes; the two tubercles characteristic of the adults of this genus present also in nymph, the one between the bases of antennae, the other (labrum) above base of rostrum; antennae four- segmented, filiform, first segment longest, second three-fojrths the length of first, fourth about one-half the length of second, and third very short; prothorax elongate, front legs raptorial, in structure and armature similar to those of adult; tarsus consisting of a single seg- ment, with unequal pair of claws at apex; front femur stramineous, mottled fuscous and white below, tibia with alternate bands of fus- cous and white, tarsus whitish at base and fuscous at apex; middle and hind legs very long and slender, clothed with short fine hairs, tarsi two-segmented; femora banded with fuscous at apex, tibiae thrice banded with fuscous at bases, fuscous at apices; tarsi fuscous. Wing pads visible on dorsal surface of meso- and metathorax; in individuals which are to develop into wingless adults the first pair are vQiy short and slender, extended only a short distance over metanotum, not reaching the bases of the second pair by a distance greater than twice their length; second pair projected backwards hardly at all; in those individuals which are to develop into winged adults wing pads well developed; first pair extended completely over metanotum, first abdominal segment, and ir.ost of second ab- Readio: Biolocy of Rediviid.^. 73 dt)iiiinal segment; seroiul j)air hidden under first pair and extended equally far. Abdomen slightly swollen in middle in full-fed indi- viduals, tapered slightly at apex; abdominal spiracles visible, first pair dorsal in position, second to eighth pairs lateral. Localities. New York, New Jersey, Maryland, District of Co- lumbia. Mrginia, North Carolina, Florida, Ohio, Mississippi, Lou- isiana, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas. Metapteriis imibrosus Blatchley. Blalcliley Heterop. of Eastern N. A., p. 535; 192C. 'Elongtce, slender, siibcylindrical. Black, opaque; head, both above and below dark reddish brown, heavily tinged with fuscous; antennae dark brown; beak and front tibiae dark brownish yellow, front tarsi and spines of femora paler; all legs dark fuscous brown without annuli or pale spots. Front legs relatively very long and slender, their coxae slightly longer than head and jironotum united, distinctly thickened from base to apex; front femora one-third longer than coxae and but little if any stouter than apical half of latter, their basal spine at basal two-fifths of under surface, or distinctly farther forward than in our other eastern species; front tarsi about two-thirds the length of tibiae, the latter only one-third the length of femora. Seventh dorsal of male with apex obtusely rounded, projecting beyond the apex of genital, the latter with an erect spine between the tips of the claspers. "Length. 15 mm." Biology. Blatchley reports taking this insect from the fallen leaves of the royal palm. Locality. Florida. Genus Ghilianella. This genus was described originally by Spinola (1852). McAtee and Malloch characterize it as follows: "Characters of the genus besides those mentioned in the key to genera are: The presence between bases of antennae of a projection vaiying from a mere point to a prominent porrect or dccurved spine; head and thorax more or less granulate, the fonner with a profound constriction anterior of eyes ; meso- and metanota each tricarinate (or with a median tubercle and lateral rows of tubercles above) and usually' unincarinate below; front tibia with a patch of short, pale golden haiis on inner side apicallj- and a tuft of longer ones at the apex inferiorly; mid and hind legs and antennae each longer than body. Color varies much according to age, usually the nymphs pale and the color darkens steadily with age until the final stage is dark reddish brown or even blackish; in some species, however, the adults are pale; when the legs have pale markings they are almost invariably as follows: mid and hind femora with two postmedian bands and a subapical spot, and tibiae with a subbasal spot ; in the pale species, dark markings tend to appear at these same places; frontal 74 The University Science Bulletin. and femoral spines mostly pale. The whole head and body of Ghilianella species are sparsely pale haired, the hair tending to aggregate in patches about base of frontal spine, juncture of head and pronotum, and on sides anteriorly of meso- and meta-thoraces." distribution of genus. This genus is composed of 66 described species, all Neotropical with the exception of a single species described from Florida, and a single Oriental species. Ghilianella productilis Barber. Barber, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXXIII -.502-3 ; 1914. McAtee and Malloch describe this species as follows: "Male. General color light reddish brown, more or less variegated with fuscous; the legs and antennae stramineous, punctate but not annulate with the general color. There is a distinct black dot on the upper surface of each fore femur near the apex, a pair of dots about the middle of posterior lobe of head, and another pair sometimes larger than the preceding about middle of pronotum ; each abdominal sternite from 3-6 also bears near its hind margin a pair of black dots which tend to become larger and blotchlike posteriorly. Pilosity fine, short, pale, more abundant toward apices of mid and hind legs and antennae. Abdomen almost parallel-sided, widest at hypopygium, a black wart on middle of hind margin of tergites 2-6, the conne.xivum more or less elevated, the spiracles dark. Seventh tergite somewhat longer than sixth, a little constricted beyond middle, the apical moiety faintly transversely corrugated, lanceolate in outline, with a rounded keel apically, and projecting a little beyond hypopygium. Posterior margins of sternites 2-6, more or less emarginate medianly, and arcuate laterally, most pronounced on 6; 7 a little emarginate, 8 a little convex medianly, both slightly concave laterally; claspers oblong. "Female. Color as in male; form of abdomen much the same, seventh tergite about one-third shorter than sixth, the lateral angles produced distinctly beyond the keeled and slightly tuberculate middle of hind margin; eighth tergite about semi-circular, keeled longitudinally and corrugated transversely; ninth somewhat longer than eighth, keeled, corrugated herringbone fashion, narrowed, rounded, and upturned apically; sutures between sternites less sinu- ate than in male; seventh sternite somewhat shorter than sixth, its hind margin conca\e laterally and forming a distinct rounded process medially; eighth sternite appearing as an elliptical plate on each side, spiracle barely visible. "Length, 23-25 mm." Biology. "In the male nymph the eighth tergite is broadly visible across base of anal tube, the ninth apparently is membranous, the seventh has a large upwardly and backwardly projecting pointed process, and the lateral angles slightly pointed tuberculate; in the female nymph the seventh tergite has a rather prominent erect tubercle, the eighth and ninth are keeled and less rounded apically than in the adult since they form the roof of complete segments inclosing the anal tube." Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 75 Blatt'hlcy reports taking a specimen from the base of dense tufts of grass growing on the beach. Localities. Florida, Cuba. Subfamily SAICIN.E. This subfamily was originally designated by Stal (1859) as the group "Saicida." McAtee and Malloch characterize the subfamily as follows (1923) : "The American foiiuff of this subfamily examined by us agree (aside from ordinal and family characters) in lacking ocelli, in having the fore coxae more or less elongate, the second segment of the beak more or less bulbously ex- panded at the base, the opposed surfaces of beak and head armed with stiff hairs, a few spinelike bristles, or spines, and the lower anterior angles of pro- notum, just above coxal cavity, i)roduced and siu-mounted (except in Oncero- tra-i-hclus) by an anteriorly and downwardly directed spine or bristle." WORLD DISTRIBUTION. This is a small subfamily, of about thirty described species, dis- tributed as follows: Nearctic, 3 species; Neotropical, 15 species; Palsearctic, 2 species; Ethiopian, 6 species; Oriental, 6 species; Australian, 3 species. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBFAMILY. The two genera of this subfamily which occur within our limits may be separated as follows: 1. Mesonotum with a long triangular process terminating in a depressed sjjine extending over the metanotum and basal abdominal tergite, which lack dorsal protuberances; a conspicuous spine on each side of the basal tergite projects outward, appearing to emanate from hind angle of metapleuron ; basal tarsal segment shorter than third and not longer than second; fore femur and tibia without spines, armed with erect stiff hairs only; opposed surfaces of head and beak with rows of stubby bristles Oncerotrachelus Stal, p. 75 Mesonotum not produced posteriorly, metanotum and basal part of first abdominal tergite with dorsal tubercles or spines; no spine on side of basal tergite; basal segment of all tarsi longest; opposed surfaces of beak and head with distinct spines or spinelike bristles; fore tibia, and femur, in part, with stiff, erect hairs, without stout spines; pronotum, mesonotum and basal abdominal tergite each with a prom- inent spine Saica Stal, p. 77 Genus OncerotrachElus. This genus was originally described by Stal (1868). It may be recognized by the characters given in the key, and by the additional characteristics enumerated by McAtee and Malloch (1923). "This genus has verv' distinct hairs on the upper side of basal section of the radius of the fore wings, the thoracic mesosternum and metasternum with 76 The University Science Bulletin. a central carina, and the ventral surface of the head and beak with rather dense stubby hairs, which are not arranged in tufts. The coxae of fore legs are three or four times as long as thick, finely haired, and have two outstand- ing long fine hairs on anterior side; in the two tropical species there is a slight hump on the inner side, which is not visible when the coxa is pressed against the prosternum. Front femora slightly curved. Color testaceous, rather strongly marked with fuscous except on one species (pallidus) ." DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS. This genus is composed of four described species, two from within our Hmits, and two Neotropical. CLASSIFICATION OF GENUS. The two species of this genus which occur within our limits may be separated as follows: 1. Hairs on tibiae decumbent, not longer than the tibial diameter; larger species 7-7.5 mm. in length, paler in color; posterior lateral angles of abdominal tergites not appreciably produced -pallidus Barber. Hairs on tibiae in part erect and very conspicuously longer than tibial diameter on at least the mid and hind legs; smaller species 4-6 mm. in length, darker in color; posterior lateral angles of most of the ab- dominal tergites more or less produced and spinelike, .acuminatus (Say), Oncerotrachehis pallidus Barber. Barber, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., XXIV:10-t; 1922. "Color pale stramineous except outer marginal vein of membrane which is lightly infuscated and the apical portion of the venter which is .slightly em- browned, as in the membrane. "Compared with 0. acuminatus Say the body parts and appendages are less densely pilose, the antennae and legs being almost entirely devoid of long hairs so distinctive of that species. The head is more prolonged before the eyes, these being relatively larger; the posterior lobe of the head being slightly more globose dorsally and laterally. "Size larger measuring from 7-7% mm. long. "Easily distinguished from 0. acuminatum Say by differences in size, colora- tion and pilosity. Say's species is always of a fiavotestaceous color with distinct fuscous markings above and below. Judging from the artist's figures PI. XI, Figs. 8, 8a, Biol. Cent. Amer., the specimens from Mexico and Central America refeiTed to by Champion, p. 180, may in all probability be referred to palliduf;." Locality Texas. Readio: Biology of Redvviid.e. 77 Oncerotrachelus aciimmatus (Say). Say, Heter. N. Harm., 32; 1832. Fitch Rep., 800. Compl. Wr., 356. Reduvius acuminatus. "Yellow, dusky along the middle; head vesicular behind, hairy. "Inhabits Indiana. "Body honey yellow, very shiny; head short, almost rounded, subequally divided bj' a deeply indented line behind the eyes; posterior lobe vesicular, somewhat inflated, short; antenn£B fuscous, pale at base; rostrum, basal joint longer than the second and third together; thorax subequally divided by a deeply indented line; anterior lobe somewhat longer, deeply divided by a longitudinal line; posterior portion with an indented line before, and a blackish disk ; scutel with three elevated lines and terminating in an acuminated spine; hemelytra dusky along middle; anterior tibiae a little dilated at tip; beneath with a broad, piceous vitta each side and a carinate line along the middle. "Length one-fifth of an inch. "When alarmed the basal joint of the antennae, which is nearly as long as the head and thorax, is thrown backward, and the second joint deflected." Biology. This seems to be a common enough species, and several observations on its habits, other than the brief note in the original description, have been made. Uhler (1884) remarks the following concerning its habits: "When pursued it often sets the basal joint of the antennae back, and the following ones are erected, as if in the attitude of listening. Numerous individuals may sometimes be found among rubbish and weeds in low grounds, or on the edges of stubble fields, during late summer or autumn." Tracker and Bruner (1924) record the finding of this species in spider webs in the Experiment Station building at Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba. Other records indicate that it has been taken under stones. The writer has taken it in its hibernating quarters under leaves in woodlands in the adult condition. Localities. McAfee and Malloch record the presence of this insect over a wide range with New York, Indiana, Kansas, Texas and Florida as the extremes. This would indicate its general occurrence east of the Rocky Mountains. Genus Saiga. This genus was originally described by Stal (1868). It may be recognized by the characters given in the key and the additional characters mentioned by McAfee and Malloch (1923) : "Beak with one pair and head with two pairs of spines on their opposed surfaces; fore coxae with one and fore trochanters with two patches of stubby bristles; fore femur with two rows of bristles of uniform length, the degree 78 The University Science Bulletin. of aggregation of which into tufts is fortuitous and has no taxonomic value; front femora and tibiae distinctly curved; species chiefly reddish in color with ochraceous, red veined fore wings, most of them distinctly larger than species of other American genera." DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS. This is a genus of eleven described species, ten of which are Neo- tropical in distribution, and one described from within our limits. Saica fuscovittata Barber. Barber, Hem. Fla., Bui. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXXIII :504; 1914. "Body elongate, narrow. Smooth, shining stramineous in color, dorsally with a broad ill-defined fuscous stripe, beginning on the vertex of the head and running through to the tip of the membrane; on the sides is another poorly defined fuscous stripe beginning back of the eyes and continued along the sides of the sternum, sometimes extended along the sides of the venter to the apex. The femora with a preapical and the tibise with a prebasal and apical fuscous band, with close-set fine hairs underneath on the venter and on the antennae and tibiae, more scattering on the sternum and femora. Head is stramineous, infuscated, swollen behind the eyes. Rostrum stramineous, sometimes apically infuscated, its apex ending between the two anteriorly pro- jecting acute (not spines) prosternal processes; second joint swollen at base. Antennae long, slender, dirty stramineous, with apex of second joint which is about one-third the length of the first, and the remainder infuscated; first two joints with rather close-set fine hairs, the first two with finer, appressed hairs. Pronotum smooth, shining and glabrous, the anterior lobe slightly longer than the posterior, and longitudinally deeply sulcate in the middle, with two tuberosities at each anterior angle and one on each side margin before the transverse furrow which are not so prominent; humeri elevated in a longi- tudinal elongate tuberosity; the anterior part of each is armed with an elongate, straight, acute, outwardly directed spine, infuscated at tip. Ster- num smooth, with a few fine scattered hairs; the prosternal processes diverg- ing, acute. The fore femora are pale with a preapical and the apical band fuscous; the trochanters are armed with a single short blunt spine; these legs are provided with close-set fine hairs and the femora beneath and the tibise have close-set longer and stouter setose hairs; the middle femora have a con- spicuous preapical and a faint median fuscous band; the hind femora have a faint apical and median fuscous band; the middle and hind tibiae have a pre- basal band and apex fuscous; tarsi pale. Scutellum black, elevated at base into a pale backwardly inclined slightly curved spine as long as the pronotal spines; at apex of the scutellum is a short, acutely inclined black spine; mid- way between these two scutellar spines is a very short black blunt tubercle. Corium smooth, duller than the pronotum, glabrous through the center broadly infuscated, some of the stronger nervures faintly rosaceous, the few nervures of the infuscated membrane pale. Venter smooth, shining, finely pubescent, along the sides sometimes with a fuscous stripe; the genital segment of the female infuscated. "Length, 8 mm. Described from a male in the collection of the American Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 79 Museum of Natural History and a female in the collection of Mr. William T. Davis. Both from Everglades, Fla., April, 1912. This species seems to be most closelj- related to Saica erubescens Champ." Biology. Blatchly reports taking two fourth-instar nymphs from the dead leaves of cabbage pahnetto on April 22. Locality. Florida. Subfamily STENOPODIN.E. This subfamily was originally designated as the "Group Steno- podides" by Amyot and Serville (1843). It is distinguished by the following characteristics: Ocelli present; anterior coxae not elon- gate; hemelytra with a discoidal or quadrangular aerole at the base of the membrance; the anal aerole of the membrane not extending as far proximad as the costal aerole; basal segment of the antennae thickened, porrect, the other segments folding back under the head and first segment; hind pair of legs longer than the others, but mod- erately stout; body elongate, but never linear. BIOLOGY. The members of this subfamily whose habits are known are to be found under rocks, and undoubtedly feed on small insects which they find there. WORLD DISTRIBUTION. This subfamily is well represented in all the faunal realms. The distribution by numbers of species is as follows: Nearctic, 15 spe- cies; Neotropical, 50 species; Palaearctic, 47 species; Ethiopian, 48 species; Oriental, 56 species; Australian, 20 species. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBFAMILY. The genera of this subfamily represented by species within our limits may be separated by the following key: 1. Head armed with a ramose or furcate spine below on each side caudad of the eyes 2 Head unarmed below or armed with a simple spine, rarely with a sub- furcate spine at sides of base 4 2. Segment 1 of antennae incrassate, apex produced in a spine beyond in- sertion of segment 2 Pnirontis Stal, p. 80 Segment 1 of antennae not produced beyond the insertion of segment 2. . 3 3. Apex of head at base of rostrum unarmed; segment 1 of rostrum ex- tending caudad of eyes, nearly twice as long as the two apical seg- ments together; fore femora imarmed Pygolampis Germar, p.82 Apex of head produced into a short, porrect obtuse spine on each side at base of rostrum; segment 1 of rostrum extending to caudal mar- gin of eyes, subequal in length to the two apical segments together; fore femora with a double series of short spines below, Gnathobleda Stal, p. 85 80 The University Science Bulletin. 4. Ocelli not at all or only slightly elevated; post ocular part of the head not at all or very slightly and uniformly narrowed caudad, Stenopoda Laporte, p. 88 Ocelli considerably elevated, postocular part of head short, strongly nar- rowed caudad (margins as seen from above curved) 5 5. Segment 1 of rostrum nearly as long as or longer than segments 2 and 3 together 6 Segment 1 of rostrum not longer than segment 2 7 6. Segment 1 of rostrum slightly longer than segments 2 and 3 together; hind femora not reaching apex of abdomen; fore femora armed be- neath ; head produced cephalad from bases of antennae, Schumannia Champion, p. 86 Segment 1 of rostrum slightly shorter than segments 2 and 3 together; fore femora unarmed, shghtly incrassate; hind femora scarcely reach- ing apex of abdomen; head not produced cephalad from bases of antennae Diaditus Stal, p. 101 7. Segments 1 and 2 of rostrum of equal length; fore femora very little thickened, unarmed; hind femora reaching beyond apex of abdomen, Narvesus Stal, p. 99 Segment 1 of rostrum much shorter than segment 2; fore femora in- crassate, with small spines below; hind femora just reaching apex of abdomen Oncocephalns Klug, p. 89 Genus Pnirontis. This genus was described originally by Stal (1859) as follows: "Bodj- elongate, flat. Head cylindrical, base suddenly constricted, armed on either side behind the eyes with a series of branched spines, gena produced into a long foliaceous spine, apices of antenniferous tubercles produced, ap- proximate, narrow space between them armed wth one or two porrect spines. Ocelli distinct. Segment 1 of rostrum scarcely twice as long as apical two, these about equal in length. Antennae abruptly bent, first segment thickened, apex acute; second segment inserted far before apex of fii-st. Anterior angles' of prothorax rather prominently acute, lower anterior angles bispinose. Heme- lytra no shorter than abdomen. Abdomen longitudinally carinate. Legs rather short, anterior femora incrassate, below bearing two rows of spines; tibiae armed with spines on inner side; fore trochanters bearing spines below." distribution of genus. This genus is composed of fourteen described species, all Ameri- can, and mostly occurring south of the limits of the United States. Four species, however, occur within our limits. classification of genus. The species of the genus which occur within our limits may be separated as follows: 1. Front tibiae armed on inner edge only with three or four spines 2 Front tibiae armed on both inner and outer edges, the outer edge with a stout spur and two shorter spines behind it 3 2. Basal segment of antennae unarmed beneath ; genae very prominent, languida Stal, p. 81 Readio: Biology of Rediviilxe. 81 Basal segment of antennae spinose beneath; gense not prominent, iufirma Stal, p. 81 3. Autennifcrous tubercles nearly as long as basal antennal segment and with two slender cylindrical processes between them; front tibiae of males but slightly curved modexta Banks, p. 81 Antenniferous tubercles less than one-fourth the length of basal an- tennal segment, with a single short obtuse spine between them ; front tibije of male stronirly curved brimleyi Blatchley, p. 82 Pnirontis languida Stal. Stal, Of. Vet. Akacl. Forh., XVI:381; 1859. "Pale, 3^ellowish white, upper surface here and there flesh-colored; first segment of antennae, except spine, hardly shorter than head, smooth; head between antennae unispinose (later in key given as bispinose, which is probably correct), subequal in length to thorax. Thorax hardly longer than basal width, anterior femora with manj' long spines, minute spines between them. Anterior tibiae with three long spines on inner margin. " $ . Length, 12 mm.; width, 2 mm. Carolina. Brazil." Localities. Georgia, South Carolina, Florida, Texas, Panama, Brazil, Mexico. Pnirontis infirnia Stal. stal. Of. Vet. Akacl. Forh.. XVI:382; 1859. "Sordid pale yellowish gray, abdomen with small marks on the margin above and below and on posterior coxae dark brown. Segment one of antennae almost one-third shorter than head, spined below. Head slightly shorter than thorax, bispinose between antennae; thorax hardly longer than wide; base of scutellum with light spot on either side; long spines on femora; anterior femora with three long spines. "$ . Length, 10% mm.; width 2 mm. Carolina." Localities. New Jersey, ''Carolina," Georgia, Florida, Texas, Mexico, Panama, Guatemala, Cuba, and Brazil. Pnirontis modesta Banks. Banks, Ent. News, XXI:324; 1910. "Pale greyish-yellow wuth a faint median dark line on the pronotum, four black dots on each lateral margin of the venter and sometimes a black spot in front of each eye. Four large spines under femur I, the basal one short, the next about as long as width of the joint, third still longer, and fourth the longest; the third is a little nearer to the fourth than to the second; tibia I has on the inner side three long spines (closer together than in Pn. languida) and near the last one on the lower side is a long, erect, stout spur or spine. Tip of abdomen forked as in Pn. languida, but the lobes are more divaricate and broader at the tips than in that species. "Length, 11 mm." Localities. Virginia, Florida, Indiana. 6—5511 82 The University Science Bulletin. Pnirontis brimleyi Blatchley. Blatchley, Heterop. of Eastern N. A., p. 545; 1920. "Form and size of modesta. Color much the same; head and basal lobe of pronotum tinged with fuscous; ventrals with a row of small black dots along each side in addition to those on angles of connexivals. Head and pronotum roughly scabrous. Antenniferous tubercles very short, the antenna? inserted beneath them, not apparently on their ends as in our other species; the tylu.s between them single, obtusely pointed. First joint of antennae less than half the length of front lobe of head, its base half swollen, apical half tapering to an obtuse point. Front tibiae of male strongly curved, armed as in modexta. Last dorsal of male broader, with apical notch wider and much more shallow, the lobes scarcely half the length of those of modesta. Characters otherwise much as in that species. "Length, 10.5 mm." Locality. North Carolina. Genus Pygolampis. This genus was described originally by Germar (1824) as follows: "Body elongate. Head extended, cylindrical, base abruptly constricted, armed just before the neck with spines produced backwards, fitted below with forked and branched spines; clypeus distinct, produced into a spine, lateral lobe not elevated toothlike. Ocelli far ai:)art. Basal segment of the rostrum much longer (about twice) than the two apical segments together; apical segment hardly shorter than the second. Thorax longer than wide, slightly narrowed behind, sinuate cephalad, soon after middle bears light transverse imi>ression. Scutellum as long as wide. Hemelytra no shorter than abdomen. Cephalic margin of prosternum bispinose. Legs slender, anterior (especially the first pair) shorter, posterior long, fore femora lightly thickened, unarmed; apical segment of tarsus longest, on. anterior legs segment one shorter than two, on hind legs segment one about equal in length to two." DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS. This is a small, but widely distributed genus, composed of thirteen described species, distributed as follows: Nearctic, 3 species; Neo- tropical, 2 species; Palaearctic, 4 species; Ethiopian, 2 species; Ori- ental, 3 species; Australian, 1 species. classification of GENUS. The species of the genus occurring within our limits may be sep- arated as follows: 1. Head, thorax and scutellum and veins of the hemelytra gray-sericeous; antennae short with the first segment subequal in length to the ante- ocular part of the head sericea StaL Body slightly sericeous above, antennae longer, with the first segment longer than the anteocular part of the head 2 Readid: BiuLotiV ok REDLVuOi*:. 83 2. Pronotuni about one-third longer than the basal width, median lobe of the head rather prominent pectoralis (Say) . Pronotum about one-hah" longer than the basal width, median lobe of head not prominent spurca Stal. Fygolampi.'i spiirca Stal. Stal. Of. Vet. Akiul. loih., XVI::ne; 18.59. "Sparingly sericeous, fusco-testaceous above, below with rostrum and leg.* grayi.sh flavescent; ])Osterioi- femora almost entirel}', and anterior femora to- wards apex infuscate; margm of abdomen with minute pale maculae; segment one of antenme somewhat longer than thorax, variegated with fuscous; two metasternal vitta> nigro-ftiseous; median lobe of the head hardly prominent. "9. Length 16, width 2 nun. "Similar to F. jiroHxa. darker, segment 1 of antenna a little shorter, head proportionally longer, thorax a little shorter. Segment 1 of antennae almost one-half longer than head. Head shorter than thorax. Thorax one-half longer than basal .width." Localities. "S. St.," Panama, Guiana. Fygolainpis sericea Stal. stal. Of. Vet. .Akad. Forh., XVI :378, 380; 18.59. "Blackish or very dark f usco-testaceous ; above rather deep gray sericeous; segment 1 of antenme of equal length with anteocular part of head; median lobe of head not prominent; thorax testaceous, membrane blackish, disk with a little whitish; ventral segments 2-5 bear two flavo-testaceous lines on the lateral disks. "9. Length. 14 mm.; width, 2 mm. America borealis. Pennsylvania." Localities. Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, Indiana. Pygolampis pectoralis (Say). (PI. III.) Say, Ins. of La., 11; 1832. Conip. Wr., I:30(i. Reduvius pectoralis. "A complicated spine beneath the eye.s, and a pro.iecting spine on each side of the pectus before. "Inhabits Indiana, Florida and Louisiana. "Body dark cinereous; head spinase beneath, canaliculate behind; antennae, first joint more robust; second joint a little longer; third shortest; forth nearly as long as the third ; beneath the eye a branched spine, behind which is a smaller one ; base of head with four tubercles above, and spines on each side ; rostrum, first joint much longest; thorax with impressed lines, somewhat caniculate; pectus before with two parallel, prominent, somewhat arquated spines extending on each side of the tip of the rostrum; anterior pair of feet a little more robust; thighs obsoletely .spotted and lineated; tibiae annulated; posterior feet much longest. "Length less than half an inch. 84 The University Science Bulletin. "When at rest the first joint of the antennae is porrect and the remaining joints inflected." Biology. In spite of the fact that this species is relatively com- mon, practically no comments on its life history or habits may be found. Gillette and Baker (1895) mention briefly that they have taken it under a board in April. The writer has made a few observa- tions on its habits which may, when supplemented by observations of others, be valuable. I have taken this species in two places, under boards and rocks, in close contact with the ground, and around lights in the spring. A search through lighting fixtures will often disclose dead specimens of this species. Third- and fourth-instar nymphs have been taken from under rocks and boards in October, and adults have been taken from the same situations in November, not, however, in the same collecting locality, or in the same year. This seems to indicate that they may pass the winter either in the immature or adult condition. However they may pass the winter, they are active as adults rather early in the spring. Records of the:'/ being taken around lights during May and June in Kansas are available. It seems to be clear that the insect spends the greater part of its life hidden under rocks or boards. No observations on tlie feeding habits have been made, but there is no reason to suppose that there is any departure from the usual habits of the family. The third, fourth and fifth nymphal instars have been figured, and descriptions of them are given here : Third Instar. (PI. Ill, Fig. 1.) Length of body, 6.7 mm.; length of front femur 1.7 mm.; length of first antennal segment, 1 mm. General color fuscous, obscurely striped and spotted; head fuscous, epicraneal suture visible, outlined in whitish. Thorax ob- scurely striped; abdomen somewhat mottled and spotted, two rows of black circular spots, one at base of each segment on either side of mid-dorsal line ; hind femora conspicuously darker .than fore and middle femora; tibiae of all legs somewhat lighter than rest of body, banded twice at base, once at apex with fuscous. Body elongate with abdomen slightly swollen. Head rather elongate, cylindrical, antenniferous tubercles prominent; first an- tennal segment long and stout, extended forward, others more slender and folded back under head, second segment subequal to first, third shortest, and fourth more than half as long as first; base of head with four prominent, backwardly directed tubercles, and other less Readio: Biology of Reditviid.e. 85 prominent tubercles; under surface of head with two branched spines on each side, the larger just below the caudal portion of the eye, the smaller near the base of the head; beak three-segmented, first segment longer than second and third together, second longer than third. Prothorax subquadrate, slightly narrower apically than basally, anterior angles produced into broadly rounded lobes, and posterior angles produced backwards and sharply angled; under surface of prothorax with a pair of curved, sharply pointed, forward- projecting processes at its anterior angles. Meso- and meta-thorax with developing wing pads, those of mesonotum projected over metanotum only very slightly, those of metanotum projected back- wards hardly at all. Hind legs much longer than fore or middle legs, these subequal; femora or fore legs slightly thickened. Ab- domen slightly swollen, tapering at apex; openings to dorsal stink glands along mid-dorsal line at base of segments four and five. Fourth Imtar. (PI. Ill, Fig. 2.) Length of body, 8.7 mm.; length of front femur, 2.2 mm.; length of first antennal segment, 1.4 mm. General color somewhat darker than in preceding ; distribution of color similar with increase in number of black spots on dorsum of thorax. Shape and structural details much as in preceding; wing pads more fully developed ; mesothoracic pads extended over metathoracic pads almost to their apices, and metathoracic pads extended to base of second abdominal segment; openings to dorsal stink glands present at bases of abdominal segments four and five. Fifth Instar. (PL III, Fig. 3.) Length of body, 12 mm.; length of front femur 2.7 mm.; length of first antennal segment, 1.9 mm. General color and structure similar to that of preceding; somewhat longer and more slender in proportions; wing pads longer, the mesothoracic pads extended as far caudad as metathoracic pads, both produced to the middle of the third abdominal segment. Localities. This species seems to be of general distribution in the United States, having been reported from all sections except the Northwest. Also reported from Cuba. Genus Gnathobleda. This genus was described originally by Stal (1859) as follows: "Body elongate. Head elongate, subbituberculate behind, with a series of spines on either side below, before the eyes small, behind the eyes large; median lobe not prominent, apex of lobes projecting freely to sides, gense produced backwards. Basal segment of beak subequal in length to two apical 86 The University Science Bulletin. segments, which are subequal in length. Thorax behind the middle slightlj' constricted, anterior margin sinuate, below spined on either side. Scutellum triangular, as wide as long. Hemelytra complete, not shorter than abdomen. Legs medium in length, anterior coxse rather short, width equal to length, trochanters unarmed, femora moderately thickened, below rarely armed with a double series of spines, tibise no shorter than femora. Apical segment of tarsus equal in length to two basal segments together, basal segment less than half as long as second." DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS. This genus is composed of three Neotropical species, one of which occurs within our limits. Gnathobleda tuniidula Stal. Stal, Enum. Hemip., 11:121; 1872. ■'Very closely related and similar to G. litigosu Stal (Mexico), differs in that the head is a little thicker, the anteocular part seen from above distinctly swollen and rounded, thorax narrower towards the back, longer than the width behind, dark marks on posterior jiortion obsolete, median vitta distinct, an- terior femora not thickened. " $ . Length, 11% mm.; width, 2 mm. "9. Length, 14% mm.; width, 2V2 mm. "5. Apex of abdomen rounded; apex of huid ftiiiui- surpassing apex of abdomen a little. "9. Apex of abdomen acute; anal valves united and acutely produced; posterior femora scarcely reaching apex of abdomen." Biology. Blatchley reports sifting last instar nymphs from weed debris along the margins of wet hammocks. Localities, (leorgia, Texas, Cuba, Florida. (ienUS SCHUMANNIA. This genu.>; was originally described by Champion (1899) as fol- lows: "Head subcylindrical, jModuced anterioily beneath the points of insertion of the antennae, the genae each armed with a short porrect spine; the upper anteocular portion of about the same length as the postocular portion, the sides of the latter a little rounded and armed with a row of four laterally pro- jecting stout setiferous spines; frontal spines (jugse) moderately long, porrect, divergent; antenniferous tubercles each armed externally with a short spine; eyes rounded, very prominent; ocelli very prominent; antennae very short, with joint 1 about as long as the entire anterior portion of the head; rostrum short, joint 1 slightly longer than 2 and 3 united, the later equal in length. Prothorax elongate; the propleura dilated anteriorly and extending forwards to bej'ond the base of the head; the prosternal spines very short and scarcely distinguishable from the setiferous spines on the anterior portion of the pleura; the anterior angles of the pronotum imarmed. Scutellum with a prom- inent erect tubercle at the apex, the postscutellum also with a tubercle in Readio: Biology of Reduviid^. 87 front. Elytra ample, nearly reaching the apex of the abdomen, with the in- ner margin strongly sinuate before the apex, the latter pointed. Abdomen ($) elongate, widening to the middle, with narrow conncxivum, the outer apical angles of the terminal segments more or less angularly dilated. An- terior coxae inserted very far forwards. Anterior trochanters spinose and with one longer spine at the apex beneath. Anterior femora strongly inerassate, armed beneath with rows of very short spines and with two or three longer spines at base. Anterior tibiae as long as the femora, and with a short spongy fossa at apex beneath. Anterior tarsi with joints 2 and 3 fused into one, the other tarsi distinctly three-jointed. Posterior femora not reaching the apex of the abdomen. Mesosternum greatly produced anteriorly, rounded in front. Body \ery elongate, naiTOW." DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS. A single specie.s of this genus has been described from a specimen taken in Mexico. This species has since been recorded as occurring in North Carolina. Schumannia mexicana Champion. Champion, Biol. Centr. Am., Heter., 11:185, pi. 11. fig. 18; 1898. " S . Greyish ochreous, mottled with fuscous; the head with a broad blacki?li median vitta; separating into two narrow lines in front; the pronotum with a blackish median line, the anterior lobe in great part fuscous; the scutellum black ; the elytra with a pale-greyish streak extending along the outer cell of the membrane to the apex, an interrupted, oblique fuscous streak, commencing along the inner margin and extending to near the apex, and a row of very small fuscous spots on the outer cell of the membrane; the con- nexivum spotted with black; the antennae and legs ochreous, the femora slightly speckled with fuscous, the anterior and intermediate tibiae with the apex and some spots near the middle nigrofuscous, the long spines on the anterior trochanters and femora black, the tarsi fuscous; beneath orchreous, mottled with fuscous; the body sparcely pubescent, the pronotal margins, the propleura in front, and the anteocular portion of the head beneath, armed with short setiferous spines; the antennae and the rostrum clothed throughout with long projecting hairs; the legs hairy, the anterior femora with two rows of short setiferous spines behind as well as two rows of short spines beneath. Antennae with joint 1 much stouter than 2, 2 slender, nearly twice as long as 1, 3 ver\- slender, short (4 broken off). Prothorax at the sides nearly twice as long as broad, narrowing from the base to the middle, and then becoming subcylindrical ; the pronotum with the posterior lobe much shorter than the anterior lobe, the latter canaliculate down the middle, and with a deep fovea in the center and a sinuous groove on each side behind, the anterior margin thickened, and the hind margin with angles obtuse and a little swollen. Ab- domen gradually widening to about the middle, with the outer apical angles of the segments becoming more and more dilated, that of the fifth segment .strongly so; the fifth segment parallel; the sixth segment triangularly produced on each side posteriorly, the apex appearing deeply arcuate-emarginate. 88 The University Science Bulletin. and not quite covering the terminal genital segment. Ventral segments 1-3 carinate. "Length, 18 mm; breadth of the pronotum, 2^2 mm; of the abdomen, 3V^ mm. "One specimen. The longer spines on the anterior trochanters and femora are black and therefore very conspicuous." Localities. North Carolina, Mexico. Genus Stenopoda. This genus was described originally by Laporte (1832) as follows: "Antennae four-segmented, bent after first; first segment longest; second next in length; last two short. Rostrum short, thickened, apex produced into a prosternal groove. Tarsi three-segmented, segments subequal, claws simple. Body elongate, linear; head produced before the eyes; scutellum coiLspicuous. "Head elongate, eyes globular, prothorax elongate, scutellum small, tri- angular; hemelytra long, covering the abdomen; legs very long, slender, especially the last pair; anterior femora shorter than those of the other legs." DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS. This genus is composed of four Neotropical species, one of which occurs within our limits. Stenopoda cinerea Laporte. Laporte, Essai Classif. Syst. Hemip., 26, pi. 52, fig. 2; 1832. "Dark cinerous; lines on pronotum dark; membranous ])ortion of hemelytra bilineate with black; antenna? and legs yellowish." This insect was described previous to the time of Laporte's de- scription of it by Fabricius (1775), whose name, culiciformis, be- ing preoccupied, has fallen into the synonymy. The description given by Uhler (1884) , being somewhat fuller than that given above, is included here: "A very large species of this group, Stenopoda culiciformis, inhabits the southern United States from North Carolina southward to Cuba and westward to Mexico. It is of a pale, dull, tawny color, with spines, and stiff bristles spread over the surface of the head and thorax, and bristly hairs upon the wing covers, sides of tergum, legs and antennae. The head is nearly cylin- drical, a little flattened on top, very nearly as long as the prothorax, ribbed and grooved lengthwise, having the central ridge forked at tip, with some stripes on the cheeks, the throat, and the raised lines whitish, and the spines and bristles blackish. The antennae are nearly as long as the abdomen, the basal joint is thicker than the others, shorter than the second, and is set with stiff, blackish bristles, while the third, fourth, and intervening jointlets are very slender, delicately hairy, and threadlike. A rather small but character- istic form, with the prothorax of long triangular outline, situated on the sides, Keadiu: Biology of Keduvud.e. 89 having the front angles acuminate and the posterior ones produced into somewhat bkint processes, and with two longitudinal, flat ridges spreading apart behind, ending in prominent tubercles, presents a facies unlike that of any other group of Reduviodea. The discoidal aerole of the corium, and usually two streaks of the membrane are black; and the end of the posterior femora is broadly clouded with brown. Beneath, on the middle of the abdomen, is a strongly elevated keel. The sides of the thorax, and the posterior coxae are striped with brown; several carinate, pale lines man across the pleura of the prothorax, and its lateral margins are ribbed and remotely spinose. It meas- ures about one inch to the tip of the venter, and is nearly one quarter of an inch across the abdomen. The under sides of the fore femora are armed with short, acute spines, which serve to secure the bodies of the insects they seize." Biology. Uhler says: ''It, as well as its young, lurks about the branches of trees, watching for caterpillars and other insects upon which to leap and transfix with the curved, acute rostrum, and, while holding one between the fore femora and tibiae, soon sucks it to death." Dr. W. H. Hoffmann (1925) reports that this species flies to lights quite often on summer evenings and will defend itself with its bite. This is the only record of any of the members of this subfamily found in the United States biting human beings. Dr. Hoffmann also attempted to induce this insect to feed on human blood, but without success, and concluded that it must feed as a predacious insect, and not as a hsematophagous one. The writer's only observations on this species are that it does ap- pear around lights during the summer months in Kansas, and is not an uncommon insect. Blatchley reports taking nymphs in February and March from dead leaves of cabbage and royal palms, and from weed debris. Localities. New Jersey, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Ala- bama, Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Cuba, Mexico, Nica- ragua. Panama, Colombia. Genus Oncocephalus. This genus was described originally by Klug (1830). The descrip- tion given by Reuter (1872), in his monograph of the genus, is more satisfactory than the original description and is given here: "Body elongate or oblong-oval ; first segment of beak not at all longer than the two apical segments together, never extended behind the eyes; apices of gense not at all prominent; eyes of male large or verj' large; hemelytra rarel}' shortened, and pleura complete and the discoidal five-angled aerole produced before the inner aerole of the membrane, this interior aerole shorter than the 90 The University Sciencj: Bulletin. exterior and piodiiced backwards fai- lesj^. Apex of scutellum produced plate- like, occasionally recurved, never armed with a lonfj; erect spine; posterior legs long to medium long; anterior femora distinctly thickened and distinctly spined below; anterior tibiae subequal in length to femora. "Body with short or veiy short, sparse pubescence, smooth above, occa- sionally tibiae and antennae long pilose; head for the most part extended, rarely slightly bent, usually cylindrical, before the eyes produced platelike, rarely the front declines distinctly before the apex, behind the eyes bearing a transverse sulcus above, the part behind the sulcus bearing ocelli in macrop- terous adults, in brachypterus individuals lightly or not at all elevated, usually bearing some small lateral tubercles which are fitted with short hairs; .iuga between the antennae produced or elevated into two prominent spines or teeth; gula Aery long. Eyes of the male always larger and more convex than those of the female, below very close together, sometimes subcontiguous. Antennae situated near the apex of the head far in front of the eyes, four- segmented, second always longer than first (frequently twice the diameter of the last), the apical segments veiy slender, both together much shorter than .second, pilose; second segment of male bears always for its whole length rather long and dense pile, female bearing always much pile towards apex; first segment of male pilose or smooth, of female always smooth. Base of pro- notum widely rounded, trimcate in middle above scutellum and apex usually more than half the width, this subtruncate or rarely lightly sinuate; anterior angles acute or rather acute and projecting laterally; at middle or behind middle lightly contracted at the sides, and the disk transversely impressed, an- terior lobe frequently more strongly convex than posterior, this inclined lightly toward apex, marked by two longitudinal median carinae rather far produced on the posterior lobe, lateral margin a little before the transverse impression frequently produced into an elevated tubercle, sometimes the whole margin lightly serrulate, with short piliferous denticles. Apex of scutellum acu- minately produced, base with a small tubercle on either side at margin. Hemelytra usually folded over the length of the abdomen, sometimes a little shorter, rarely much shortened and without membrane; exterior vein of corium elevated; often the whole area is occupied with fuscous or nigro- fuscous spots and stripes. Prosternum angularly produced between coxae, disk bearing a deep stridulatory sulcus running longitudinally for its length, lateral margins of sulcus frequently crenulate and shortly pilose, anterior margins produced into teeth or spines Cprosternal spines') which are usually quite prominent. Disk of mesosternum flat, anterior margin produced between acetabula, sometimes with delicate, dense pubescence, on either side above the external angles of the acetabula with a denuded spot. Metasternum equal in length to mesosternum, apex subtruncate or lightly emarginate. First ventral abdominal segment only half the length of the second, in the male the first five segments with a longitudinal median carina, in the female the first four segments and frequently likewise the fifth with a median carina to a greater or less degree, this female segment, to be sure, narrowed by a median incision, sometimes cut even to base; last dorsal segment of male lightly rounded at apex. Genital segments of male may be seen only from below, the first short, frequently linear and sinuate behind, second larger, convex, usually almost reaching the apex of the suboval aperture, apex truncate, with Keadio: BioLociV of Reduviid.*:. til rounded or sinuate median portion, and usually bearing two copulatory lobes; female with the dorsal segment long and acuminate toward the apex, second segment ventral, totally incised in middle, composed of two lobes. Legs rather long, anterior femora distinctly swollen and with a series of distinct spines below, of which the larger ones alternate with the smaller; sometimes the interior series the shorter." DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS. This is a very large genus of over eighty described species, dis- tributed as follows: Nearctic, 3 species; Neotropical, 3 species; Palaearctic, 30 species; Ethiopian, 22 species; Oriental, 21 species; Australian, 5 species. CLASSIFICATION OF GENUS. The males of the three species of this genus which occur within our limits may be separated as follows: 1. Basal segment of antenna of male covered on lower and lateral sur- faces with numerous long hairs nubilus Van Duzee, p. 98 Basal segment of antenna of male with only a few, short hairs 2 2. First segment of antenna of male a little longer than the anteocular portion of the head; hind femora practically reaching apex of abdo- men geniculatiis Stal, p. 91 First segment of antenna of male about equal in length to anteocular part of head ; hind femora not reaching apex of abdomen ; hind angles of pronotum long apiculate apiculatus Renter, p. 97 Oncocephalvs geniculatus (Stal.). (PI. V.) Stal, Enuiii. Hemip., 11:123; 1872. Spilolonius geniculatus. Although Stal's original description of this species is available, T prefer to quote that given by Reuter (1872) in his monograph of this genus: "Postocular part of head directly behind the eyes towards the neck strongly narrowed, rounded, a single lateral tubercle distinct ; pronotal margin provided with a tubercle, posterior angles shortly apiculate; antennae, with base and apex of first segment excepted, dark fuscous; eyes of male large. Length, $ 14 mm. "Body elongate, pale grayish yellow or grayish testaceous. Head a little shorter than pronotum, some lines on the anteocular part frequently obso- lete and above on the postocular part and laterally fusconigrous ; gula testa- ceous, interocular space of male equal in width to the basal and third segment of the rostrum. Second segment of antenna twice as long as first. Width of pronotum at posterior margin equal to length, anterior exterior angles pro- duced toothlike, hind angles with fairly prominent apex bearing a small rather acute apiculate tubercle, lobes lightly declined, anterior part with five dark lines, the lateral four shortened forward, the outer curved; posterior lobe obscure fuscous, two discoidal carinae from anterior margin to median region 92 The University Science Bulletin. and on lateral margin testaceous. Scutellum nigrofuscous, entirely subhori- zontal, extreme apex testaceous. Hemelytra reaching apex of abdomen, pale fuscescente, densely and minutely pale variegated and mottled. Venter with elongate black lines. Lateral region of venter with dark oblong fuscous mark- ings; first genital segment of male with apex deeply sinuate, median one the length of the second, this touching the large part of aperture, apex tnmeate in middle and lightly sinuate. Femora of all legs nigrofuscous towards apex, the anterior mottled with fuscous, posterior with dark, wide fascia before the middle; anterior femora of male equal in length to the pronotum and head to the transverse sulcus, and four times, as long as high, below with a series of nine spines. Base and apex of tibiae, and the anterior tarsi with a wide stripe nigrofuscous, this stripe on anterior tibia close after middle, on the hind tiba placed below the basal fourth." In the literature on this species I find no reference to anything but the male sex. Stal described the species from a male, and Renter, in his monograph, mentions only the characters of the male. Re- cently I have come into possession of some wingless females of this genus, and possibly of this species. Renter, in his discussion of 0. apiculatus, describes a brachjpterus female which answers the de- scription of those in my possession. Inasmuch as they have been found to mate with males answering the above description, it seems probable that they should be assigned to this species rather than to apiculatus. That, however, leaves the female of apiculatus un- accounted for. Biology. This is one of the more common species of this sub- family, yet nothing concerning its life history and habits has been recorded. The writer has had the opportunity to make a number of observations on this species, and records them here. Habitat. This species is a resident of the undersides of rocks and boards, both in the immature and adult conditions. There it has been taken frequently by the writer. Seasonal Life History. This insect has been found to hibernate as a nymph, and in several different instars. In one case an over- turned rock yielded second-, third-, fourth- and fifth-instar nymphs on November 24, and the assumption was made that these had de- veloped as far as they would for that season. It may be that the younger insects die off during the winter months and that only the older insects survive, for I have never taken one younger than the fourth instar in the early spring. The fact that no adults have been taken during the winter months, and that no very young individuals have been taken in early spring indicate that the insect must winter as a nymph, and not as an egg or adult insect. Rfadto: Rtology of REDiviin.E. 93 It is usual for the adult insect to appear in late spring and early summer. Adult males arc attracted to lights, or may be collected during the day under the rocks which protect them. The females, being wingless, must be sought under rocks. Collecting records indicate that on June 15, 1924, two nymphs of this species were taken from under rocks on a rather dry, hilly field. One of these had long wing pads and the other short. On June 19 the individual with long wing pads molted and became a long-winged male, and on June 26 the individual with short wing pads molted and became a short-winged female. Other records show the collection of males at lights on June 13, 17 and 19, 1925, and the finding of a wingless female under rocks on June 17, 1925. It is assumed that mating and oviposition follow shortly after the appearance of the adults. Laboratory egg-laying records extend from June 18 to June 24. After a short egg stage the insect spends the rest of the warmer part of the year developing to a size which will be able to withstand the cold of winter. It is quite certain that there is but one generation a season. Food. It has not been determined what the normal food of this insect is. In the laboratory it was given house flies, and was ob- served to feed on them occasionally. However, the failure to keep a large number of these insects alive led the writer to believe that this diet might not be normal for them. It is likely that they feed on small insects that inhabit the same localities that they do. Eggs. The eggs of this species are laid in the ground with only the top of the egg visible. In the laboratory a female was confined in a small tin box of about two inches in diameter and one and a half inch in height, provided with earth which was kept moist, and with a small stone. The act of oviposition was never witnessed, but the eggs were found easily. Each egg is laid singly, inserted into the earth, as is the egg of Melanolestes picipes (Herrich-Schaeffer). The total number of eggs deposited by a single female has not been determined satisfactorily. The writer has had in confinement only a single ovipositing female, whose record is as follows: June 17, collected and placed with a fully winged male which had been collected from a light; these observed mating the same day. June 18, one egg found in container; June 20, 2 eggs; June 21, 2 eggs; June 22, 2 eggs; June 23, 2 eggs. The total number of eggs laid by this female was 12, a much smaller number than one would expect. The description of the egg is given later. 94 The University Science Bulletin. The hatching process was not witnessed. It could bo seen tliat the cap of the egg was pushed off, as is the case in all of the Reduviidae studied, and that the membrane of the postnatal molt was left at- tached to the shell. The cap was not entirely loosened, but re- mained attached by one side. Length of Instars. Only a small amount of material on this sub- ject is available, as rearing records are not complete. The only in- dividual which was reared at all successfully has the following rec- ord: June 20, egg laid; July 5, hatched; July 24, molted to second instar; August 12, molted to third instar; August 27, molted to fourth instar; September 20, molted to fifth instar, dead. It is assumed that normally this insect would have passed through (he winter in the fifth instar and changed to the adult the following spring. Habits. This insect is one of the most sluggish of the Reduviidae. It is normally very inactive, at least during the time of day when one normally observes it, though it may be more active at night. The normal resting position is flattened close down against a rock, the first segment of the antennae extending straight out, and the other segments folded back against the first segment and the head. The protective coloration of the insect is perfect, especially that of the immature stages. The mottling of dull browns and greys makes them practically invisible when resting on a similarly colored rock. When grasped, the insect, in common with all the other Reduviidae that I have worked with, nods its head up and down, sliding the tip of the beak back and forth along the prosternal groove, and pro- ducing the very faint squeak which is its warning note. This species has not been known to offer to use its beak in defense against a human being. It has been observed that the under side of the abdo- men of the nymphs is thrown into a series of supporting ridges, or arches, which seems to be a definite adaption for supporting the body under the weight of a superimposed rock. DESCRIPTION OF INSTARS. Eggs. (PI. IV, Figs. 1-3; PI. V, Fig. 8.) Total length, 1.4 mm.; greatest width, 1 mm.; diameter at cap, .7 mm. Uniform dull white in color, surface reticulated. Body of egg nearly spherical in shape, slightly longer than wide; base smoothly and evenly rounded, apex squarely cut off and with a distinct cap; narrowed in the region of the cap to a distinct collar, above collar chorion extended in an irregular fringe; cap within Readio: Biolocy ok Hkdivud.k. 95 collar, circular in outline, somewhat concavt", periphery of cap with a regular and closely spaced circle of erect appendages of uniform length; convex disk of cap with clothing of rather closely spaced, hairlike appendages. First Instar. (PI. V. Fig. l.l Length of body from 2.4 mm. to 3.4 mm.; length of front femur. 1. mm.; length of first antennal segment, .27 mm. General color dirty greyish and brownish, mottled; dorsum of head, pro-, meso- and lateral margins of metathorax darker, ab- domen and median region of metathorax lighter, antennae rather dark; rostrum dark at base and apex, light in middle; femora dark with lighter bases and median bands; tibiae dark at bases and apices and with a single dark band between these two markings, tarsi dark. Narrowly pear-shaped with abdomen somewhat swollen; head less than twice as long as wide, joined to prothorax by constricted neck; postocular region distinctly wider than anteocular region; apex bluntly rounded; eyes conspicuous; epicraneal suture visible; antennae four-segmented, first and third segments short, second and fourth longer, first segment broadest, curved outwards, with two conspicuous setae on inner margin near base; other segments sparsely hairy. Prothorax subquadrate with concave anterior margin and square posterior margin; meso- and metanota smaller than pro- notum; front femora swollen, with about ten small teeth in a regular row on under side ; tibiae and tarsi of anterior legs noticeably stouter than those of hind legs; mid and hind legs normal walking legs, hind legs longest. Abdomen swollen; openings to dorsal stink glands visible at anterior margins of segments four and five. Second Instar. (PI. V, Fig. 2.) Length of body, 4.3 mm.; length of front femur, 1.17 mm. ; length of first antennal segment, .34 mm. Color similar to preceding, slightly darker with more of a brown- ish tone. Surface of body more gibbous than in preceding instar; first antennal segment now with three conspicuous setae on its inner margin ; margin of head laterad of and very close to base of antenna with a tubercle bearing two setae; ventral surface with sutures making segments V-shaped; openings to dorsal stink glands as before. Third Instar. (PI. V, Fig. 3.) Length of body, 5.8 mm.; length of front femur, 1.53 mm.; length of first antennal segment, .42 mm. Somewhat darker than in preceding with less distinction between color of thorax and abdomen. 96 The University Science Bulletin. Surface of body more gibbous than in preceding; wing pads pres- ent at posterior margins of meso- and metanota, broadly rounded at apices; mesothoracic pads extended backwards about as far as the middle of "that segment, as are metathoracic pads to about middle of that segment. Fourth Instar. (PI. V, Fig. 4.) Length of body, 7.7 mm.; length of front femur, 2.2 mm. ; length of first antennal segment, .6 mm. Body of a general dark-brown color, distribution of color as in preceding. Body very rugose; wing pads more conspicuous, those of meso- thorax extended back over bases of metathoracic pads, and meta- thoracic pads extended over first abdominal segment for about one- half its length; both more sharply pointed in this instar. Fifth Instar. (PI. V, Fig. 5.) Length of body, 10.1 mm. to 11.1 mm. ; length of front femur, 2.7 mm. ; length of first antennal seg- ment, .78 mm. Body mottled with light and dark brown; antennae brown with exception of base of first segment, this light; rostrum with first seg- ment light at base and at extreme apex, second segment light for nearly basal half, third segment entirely dark; legs banded with alternate light and dark ; femora dark at base and apex with median light band; tibiae dark at base and apex with a third dark median band, this in hind tibia very near the base; tarsi dark. Body very rugose, with numerous small tubercles, each sur- mounted by a seta, on surfaces, as well as on femora of fore legs and first antennal segment; head constricted at base, widened abruptly to swollen postocular region, this wider than anteocular region; eyes prominent; epicraneal suture prominent; conspicuous tubercle with two setae at base of antennae; antennae four-segmented, second seg- ment longest and almost equal in length to the other three com- bined; first segment widest, curved outward, with three conspicuous setae on inner margin. Prothorax subquadrate, anterior angles somewhat produced but blunt; posterior angles produced backwards slightly ; posterior margin with two somewhat elevated rugulae near median line; wing pads much longer in this instar; in nymphs of winged adults extended to base of third abdominal segment; in nymphs of short-winged adult extended only to base of second ab- dominal segment; abdominal segments indicated by sutures, these V-shaped in median portion; openings to dorsal stink glands visible at anterior margins of segments four and five; ventral surface of Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 97 abdomen ridged, each segment being thrown into two ridges by a transverse suture, sutures, both between segments and within seg- ments V-shaped, the \ towards the head. Localities. Texas, Colorado, Kansas. Oncocephalus apicidatus Reuter. Reuter, Acta Societ. Scien. Fennica?, XII:728; 1882. "Similar to geniculatus, but shorter and paler, head built differently, eyes less prominent, legs shorter, etc. Body elongate-oval, above jmle lurido-testa- ceous, below pale yellow. Head a little shorter than pronotum, pale, lateral vittse, postocular marks and two anteocular vittee obsolete fuscous; apex of jugae between antennae elevated into two teeth; postocular part before the neck wider than anteocular part. Rostrum jiale yellowish, a narrow median annulus and upper margin of first segment, the apical half of the second, and the third with basal margin excepted piceo-nigris. First segment of antenna (male) ferrugineous, base and apex pale yellow, second twice length of first, pale towards base. Basal width of pronotum about length, base twice wider than apex, lobe towards apex slightly declined; two diverging obsolete carinae on disk of posterior lobe, do not reach middle of this; posterior lobe between the outside of carinae obscure fuscescente; anterior five fuscescente lines obsolete. Scutellum fuscous, densely and minutely pale variegated, outer veins of corium strongly elevated and pale. Prosternum pale, narrowed at sides, and partly fuscous, marginal line outside the anterior acetabula and an oblong mesosternal spot on either side behind the anterior coxae fuscous. Seg- ments of connexivum with small fuscous dots before the apical angles. Lateral region of venter irregularly infuscated, dense fuscedine Avith pale droplike spots; first genital segment of male with apex rather broadly sinuate and one- third the length of the median second segment; the apex of this truncate and slightly sinuate in the middle.- All legs as in preceding. Anterior femora equal in length to the pronotum and the head to the anterior margin of the eyes, and about four timt-s as long as maximum width, above curved, wide at base, below with series of ten spines. "Obs. Short-winged female from boreal America (Missouri). Sent by Ber- groth, similar to this species. Body subelongate. Head rather thick, ante- ocular part parallel to postocular part behind eyes, behind middle suddenly and strongl3' constricted into a neck, three small lateral tubercles on either side, above the base two backwardly directed tubercles; testaceous, lateral vittse on either side, and upper postocular spot and two anteocular vittae to- wards narrowed apex fuscous; interocular gular space a little wider than the eye. Rostrum testaceous, first segment with a wide median annulus, apical half of second and all of third nigrofuscous. Antennae dark fuscous, first seg- ment with base and apex testaceous, about one-fourth shorter than anteocular part of head, glabrous, second segment about two and three-fourths the length of the first, apex short pilose. Pronotum length of head, somewhat longer than basal width, anterior angles slightly extended and produced toothlike, marginal tubercle obsolete, posterior angles acute; testaceous, three median vittae; me- dian one wdde, lateral ones incurved, and a lateral vittula on posterior lobe fuscous. Scutellum with exception of extreme apex nigi-ofuscous, apex hori- 7—5511 98 The University Science Bulletin. zontal. Hemelytra much shortened, longer than scutelhim by half, apex rounded, dark fumed, veins pale, small discoidal area black. Dorsum of ab- domen dark testaceous, and lateral conne.xiva nigiofuscous. with testaceous punctate margin behind middle. Prostemum testaceous, dark lined. Venter testaceous, laterally dark variegated, fifth ventral segment cut to base, sixth almost twice length of fifth in middle, apex widely rounded, genital segments short, together about one-third shorter than fifth ventral segment, the second a little shorter than the fii-st. Anterior trochanters with small, acute spines. Anterior femora equal in length to pronotum and half the head, length three times maximum height, base above lightly sinuate, lower margin with nine to ten large spines, testaceous, irrorate fuscous, apex fuscous, behind the apex nigrofuscous and a band before the middle nigrofuscous. Base of tibia and apical annulus nigrofuscous, median annulus on anterior tibiae, past middle on intermediate tibiae, in four parts on hind tibiae. Tarsi fuscous. "Length, 141/2 mm." Several females answering to the above description have been collected in the vicinity of Lawrence, Kan., and have been discussed under the preceding species, since the male accompanying these fe- males belonged to the species geniculatus. The systematic position of these insects should be more carefully worked out. Biology. This species is so closely related to the preceding that what has been said about the biology of that species will un- doubtedly apply to this species also. It is certain that this insect nor- mally lives under rocks and logs, and probable that it hibernates as a nymph. Locality. Missouri. Oncocephalus nubilus Van Duzee. Van Duzee, Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., 11:12; 1914. "Most nearly allied to cincticrus Rent, from Africa. Basal joint of the an- tennae bald above; testaceous with a dorsal fuscous cloud. Length, 18mm. "Head normal, unarmed beneath; anteocular portion equal to the postocular portion and eyes together; postocular portion gibbous and abrubtlv narrowed behind, strongly elevated about the ocelli; armed beneath on either side be- hind the eyes with three porrect stiff bristles and there are about three on the tubercular antennal sockets. Ba^al joint of the antennae thickened toward the apex, bald above, below and on either side armed with long stiff bristlelike hairs as is the entire second joint, these becoming shorter toward the apex; second joint one-half longer than first; third joint shorter than first. Rostrum with the first joint subequal to the second, the apical only fuscous. Pronotum unarmed on the disk and humeri, the anterior angles with a blunt tubercle; disk with the two median carinae distinct, the humeri prominent, shaiply right-angled; sides obtusely carinate; prosternal tubercles short and blunt. Scutellar spine long as in geniculatus and the characters of the legs and elytra as in that species. Readio: Biolooy of Rediviid.e. 99 "Color pale testaceous; a broad dorsal fuscous cloud is narrowed to a point at the posterior margin of the ])ronotum and is deepened almost to black on the posterior disk of the pronotum, covers the scutellum except the pale apical spine and its basal carina, and is dispersed over the elytra where it omits the broad base of the costa and becomes obscurely dotted with pale posteriorly. Eyes, tinnid base of the head, its lower surface and a line be- hind the antennae, black. Antennae infuscated with the incisures and hairs paler. Legs marked as in geniculatus ; femora fuscous at apex, the posterior with a broad median annulus; tibiae with the base and apex and a median annulus fuscous, the annulus on the posterior displaced to near the base. Margins of the connexivuni with a black line near the base of each segment. "Described from a single male taken by Prof. F. H. Snow on the San Bernardino ranch, Cochise county, Arizona, in August, at the altitude of 3,750 feet. Wiiat I believe to be the immature female of this species occurred in numbers with its dark fuscous larvae under stones on the adobe lands at Alpine, April 2, 1913. The nymphs differ in being darker with the elytra more or less clouded with brown. These, which just pass the middle of the tergum, infuscated and pale irrorate, the antennae want the long hairs." Localities. Arizona, California. Genus N,\kvesus. This genus was described originally by Stal (1859) as follows: "Body subelongate. Head cylindrical, thorax equal in length to head, head bidentate near the apex between the antennae, below armed on either side with obtuse spines. Antennae inserted near apex of head, segment 1 somewhat longer than head. Eyes placed just behind the middle of the head. Ocelli elevated, large. Rostrum with segments one and two equal in length. Thorax transversely impressed midway, anterior angles armed with thick spines, pos- terior angles prominent, subacute. Apex of scutellum reflexly produced. Ab- domen a little wider than hemelytra. Legs long, slender, anterior femora scarcely thicker than posterior; posterior tarsi with first segment slightly the shorter, the apical segments slightly longer." DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS. This genus contains a single species, shared by both the Nearctic and Neotropical regions. Narvesus carolinensis Stal. (PI. VI.) Stal, Of. Vet. Akad. Forh., XVI:385; 1859. "Livid, a mark on the posterior part of the head, a discoidal aerole of the hemelytra, a small oblong almost median membrane, also marginal spots on the abdomen above and below, and a series of small spots situated towards the sides of the venter black; lateral macula of the pectus, legs, and rostrum fuscous; antenniferous tubercles farther apart than the distance from them to the eyes. "$. Length, 13 mm.; width, 2% mm. Carolina." 100 The University Science Bulletin. Habitat. This insect, in common with the members of the genus Oncocephalus , inhabits the under sides of rocks and logs. Both adults and nymphs have been taken from such places. The adults also are attracted to lights. Seasonal Life History. This species is evidently very similar to Oncocephahis geniculatiis in this respect, though records are not so numerous as in the case of that insect. The writer has, however, taken this insect several times in early spring in the nymphal con- dition, the indications being that it hibernates as a nymph, probably in the fourth or fifth instar. In one case a fifth-instar nymph was collected on June 12, and became adult in confinement on June 21. The probable life history would demand that the eggs be deposited in late June and early July. DESCRIPTION OF INSTARS. Fourth Instar. (PL VI, Fig. 1.) Length of body, 7.7 mm.; length of front femur, 1.6 mm.; length of first antennal segment, .51 mm. General color testaceous, obscurely striped and mottled; eyes with faint reddish tinge, dorsum of abdomen with darker median stripe; legs lighter above and darker below, apices of tibiae and all of tarsi darker; under surface of body darker laterally, lighter mediallj'. Surface of body covered with numerous tubercles; head constricted at base, widest behind eyes, region behind eyes provided caudally with two backward-projecting processes; antennae rather short, curved, first segment stout, following segments narrower, second segment longest, first and fourth intermediate, third shortest; beak three-segmented, first and second segments subequal, third segment shorter. Pronotum subquadrate, anterior angles produced forward and armed with a blunt tubercle; posterior angles produced back- wards slightly and bluntly rounded ; presternum with a forward pro- jecting process at each anterior angle, this bearing tubercle, blunt at apex; wing pads present on dorsum of meso- and metathorax, first pair extended over second pair but not to extremities, second pair extended over first abdominal segment almost to its extremity; mesosternum with median ridge. Hind legs longest, fore and middle tibiae subequal, fore femora slightly thickened, unarmed. Abdomen somewhat swollen, hind angles of abdominal segments 2-7 produced into rounded lobes; openings to dorsal stink glands located along middorsal line at base of abdominal segments four and five; ventral surface of abdomen thrown into a series of ridges by the intersegmental sutures and an additional transverse suture which Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 101 divides each segment transversely, sutures V-shaped, the apex of the V toward the head. Fifth hisiar. (PI. VI, Fig. 2.) Length of body, 10.1 mm.; length of front femur, 2.1 nini.; length of first antennal segment, .68 mm. Color as in preceding. Structure similar to that of preceding. Tubercles at anterior angles of pronotum now more distinct; wing pads much larger, of nearly equal length, both reaching the base of the third abdominal segment. Produced posterior angles of abdominal segments 2-7 now less distinct. Localities. New Jersey, ^South Carolina, Florida, Missouri, Texas, Arizona, Kansas, Cuba, Mexico, Guatemala. Genus Diaditus. This genus was described originally by Stal (1859) as follows: '"Body strongly oblong. Head cylindrical, antenniferous tubercles apical, subproduced, between them two porrect spines, extending beyond them. Segment one of rostrum of almost equal length with apical two. Legs slender, rather long, anterior femora hardly thickened, unarmed, posterior femora about equal in length with abdomen; segments one and two of hind tarsi of equal length, together equal in length to third segment."' DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS. This genus is composed of five described species, four of which are Neotropical, and one Oriental in distribution. One of the Neo- tropical species extends its range to come within our limits. Diaditws jnctipes Champion. Champion, Biol. Centr. Am., Heter., 11:189, pi. 11, fig. 21; 1898. "Very like D. hirticornis and similarly colored, but sometimes with the head and the basal joint of the antennae paler; the pronotum with the median space between the two carinee usually infuscate; the femora and tarsi more or less fuscous or blackish, the anterior and intermediate pairs with a fuscous ring about the middle, that on the intermediate pair sometimes obsolete; the antennae with joints 2-4 clothed with short fine projecting hairs. Head with the ocelli in the male moderately large and placed on a slightly raised prominence, smaller in the female; eyes moderately large in the male, smaller in the female, transverse if viewed laterally; frontal spines stout, approximate, blunt at tip; antennae with joint 1 considerably shorter than head, 2 rather slender, about one-fourth longer than 1, 3 and 4 very slender, 4 slightly longer than 3. Pronotum as in Z). hirticornis. Abdomen with the sixth doi-sal segment slightly emarginate in the center at the apex in the male and rounded in the female; the female with two genital segments visible from above— the first broad, declivous, and trapezoidal in shape, the second short and strongly 102 The University Science Bulletin. transverse. Prosternal spines short. Anterior tarsi with the second and third joints almost fused into one. "Length, S-SV- mm; breadth, 2V2-2%o mm. {$ ? )." Localities. Texas, Mexico, Guatemala. Subfamily REDUVIIN^. This subfamily was originally designated as the "Groupe Redu- vides" by Amyot and Serville (1843). The characteristics of the subfamily are as follows: Ocelli present; fore coxae not elongated; anterior and usually middle tibiae with spongy fossa at apex; the transverse furrow of the pronotum midway, or nearer the cephalic than the caudal margin; ocelli not farther cephalad than the caudal margin of the eyes; apex of the scutellum narrow, without spines or with a single spine. BIOLOGY. The subfamily includes household and field species, some forms which feed on insects, others which are typically haematophagous. WORLD DISTRIBUTION. This is the second largest subfamily of the family Reduviidae, be- ing surpassed in number of species only by the subfamily Harpac- torinae. In all, 639 species have been described as belonging to this subfamily. These are distributed as follows: Nearctic, 16 species; Neotropical, 170 species; Palaearctic, 57 species; Ethiopian, 182 spe- cies; Oriental, 192 species; Australian, 33 species. It will be ob- served that by far the larger numbers o.f species are located in the Oriental, Ethiopian and Neotropical realms. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBFAMILY. The four genera of this subfamily which occur within our limits may be separated by the following key: 1. Antennae inserted in lateral or dorsolateral margins of head; anten- niferous tubercles projecting slightly from sides of head; head pro- duced strongly cephalad 2 Antennae inserted on top of head between margins, close to eyes; anten- niferous tubercles not projecting from sides of head 3 2. Body slightly hairy; pronotum distinctly constricted, angles distinct; anterior lobe quadrituberculate with the middle tubercle large and conical Meccus Stal, p. 112 Body glabrous, margins of pronotum sinuous, scarcely constricted; an- terior lobe lined with little tubercles Triatoma Laporte, p. 114 3. Anterior lobe of pronotum with a bispinose or bituberculate disk; femora unarmed Spiniger Burmeister, p. 124 Disk of pronotum unai-med; apex of scutellum produced into a spine, Reduvius Fabricius, p. 103 Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 10J{ Genus Reduvius. This genus was uriginiilly cluiracterized by Fabricius (1775) as follows: "Reduviux. Os rostero arcuato. Antennte supra oculog! insertse." Later descriptions define the genus more closely than this. Her- rich-Schaeffer gives the following satisfactory description of the genus (1848): "Elongate oval, broadest behind the middle, rather flat. The whole body, but especially the antennae and legs, fo\'ered with long and thick hair. The head a little longer than broad, the middle portion longer and narrower than the side portions. The eyes are placed somewhat behind the middle, and are large, kidney-shaped, and approach one another closely below, more so than above, especially in the male, in which they almost touch one another here. The ocelli are very large, are i>laced close behind the eyes and moderately far from one another. Behind them the head narrows gradually. "The antennae are shorter than the body, the antenniferous tubercles stand close before the eyes, over a line drawn from the middle of the eyes to the apex of the middle portion of the head. They are bristle-shaped, four-seg- mented, segment one the shortest and thickest, two and three about the same length, four shorter. "The beak reaches the base of the fore coxae, and is bent. Segment two is the longest, three the shortest, one the thickest. "Thorax with a transverse furrow before its middle and midlongitudinal de- pression not very well defined, which causes the anterior half to appear as two flat half-balls. Scutellum rather large, three-cornered, with a sharp keel- shaped apex. ■'The wing covers hardly expose the margin of the abdomen, their thickened portion is hardly more coriaceous than their membranous, with five closed cells, without adjacent cells. The membranous portion with the customary two cells, a free vein at the inner margin, and a forked vein from the apex of the outer wall. "Legs about the same thickness, the anterior coxae and middle coxae are closer together than the hind coxae, the hind femora a little more slender and about one-fourth longer than the four anterior femora. The hind tibiae are about one-fourth longer than the femora. The four anterior tibiae with elon- gate-oval soles at apex, one-fourth to one-third as long as total length; the free apex of sole not as long as the first tarsal segment. The claws are long and simple, without ]uilvilli. First tarsal segment the shortest, third by far the longest. "The last abdominal segment of the male forms a raised oval, behind with two blunt little knobs, which in the female is a small triangle with a longi- tudinal fissiu'e." BIOLOGY OF GENUS. The habits of one member of this genus, personatus (Linnaeus), are well known, and there is no definite data on the other species of the genus for purposes of comparison. . I . 104 The University Science Bulletin. world distribution of genus. This genus is widely distributed, having representatives in all of the faunal realms excepting the Neotropical. It is composed of 48 described species, distributed as follows: Nearctic, 2 species; Palae- arctic, 27 species; Ethiopian, 14 species; Oriental, 7 species; Aus- tralian, 1 species. This is one of the few genera which have a larger representation in the Palaearctic realm than in any other. CLASSIFICATION OF GENUS. Tliere arc but two species recorded from our limits and they may be separated as follows: 1. Larger, 26 mm. or more m length, piceous personatus (Linnaeus). Smaller, about 17 mm. in length, pale testaceous brown, .senilus Van Duzee. Reduvius personatus (Linnaeus). (PI. VII.) LiiiuKus, Sy.st,. Nat., erln. 10, 1:44(5; 1778. Cimex ver:iounti)x. "Antenn.-B capillar at the tip; body subvillous brown. "Inhabits Europe. "The larva preys upon the common house bug." While the above description is hardly full enough to be satisfac- tory, the insect may be recognized from the generic description and the key to species. Biology. Numerous references to the habits of this species may be found. Because of the fact that it is a household insect and com- mon in Europe it has been referred to many times by European workers. Linnaeus' comments on the habits of the insect are given above, and consist of the brief statement, "The larva preys upon the com- mon house bug." Fabricius (1775 1 , in his first reference to this insect, states, "Larva horrida, personata, consumit A. lectulariiim," which comment he repeats in his later references to this insect. De Geer (1773), in his Memoires, seems to have been the first to ob.serve that its bite was poisonous. A free translation of his ob- servations follows: "It moves just as rapidly, when it wishes to, as the other bugs, but usually its progression is slow, in other words, a pas compte; for, after having placed one foot forward, it stops a little, then advances a second, at each movement leaving the opjiosite foot in repose, and thas continues successively, so that it seem to walk by jerks and by measure, while the other insects advance each pair of legs together, and in tlie same time. It makes an almost similar Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 105 mavement with the antennae, which it moves equally at intervals and as if jerked. All its movements have an aspect more peculiar than one can easily describe. It feeds upon insects of all species so far as I have been able to observe. After it had been presented with May flies and flies which equalled it in size, and it had approached closely, feeling its way without pause with its antennae, it pounced and seized in an instant with one of its anterior legs one of the flies, which then, though in vain, bent all of its energies towards escaping; for the bug. having inserted into the body the point of its beak, occupied itself with sucking. The fly, once pricked, died promptly, which showed clearly that the bug. without doubt, poured into the wound some venom which is very quick in its efTect. It would seem likely that the ornamentation by the peculiar clothing of dust, and the method of progression, as though feeling its way, sen^e onl>- to deceive the other insects which serve as its prey." De Geer also says that the insect passes the winter as an engorged larva without taking food ; and that at that time its body becomes thin and flat; that at the return of wami weather it discards its lethargy and recommences feeding. He has also observed that the adult produces an acute sound by rubbing the head against the prothorax. Burmeister (1835) makes the following comments upon the habits of the insect: "Not infrequently found in houses; however, for the most part one finds this insect hanging dead in spider webs, since it is only at night that it seeks its prey, which consists of all kinds of small vermin. Its bite is very poisonous to them, and for that reason the spiders do not attack it, but let it hang in the web until it starves. The larva may be found in dusty corners, and it is entirely covered with grains of sand and dust by which it is made almost unrecognizable and so may apprehend its prey more surely. Linnaeus and Fabricius maintain that it lies in wait for the bedbug." Amyot and Ser^'ille (1843) review the observations of De Geer and Burmeister and report that it flies to lights, which attract it, and that it may bite one who grasps it. Latreille (1804) reports being bitten on the shoulder by this insect. In this case the whole arm became numb, and this condition lasted several hours. Fabre (1903) studied the habits of this insect and reported rather fully on his studies. He observed the insect feeding, and obtained the eggs. He gave a very interesting account of the hatching process which is cjuoted, translation by Heidemann: "The opening of the cover widens and through the crack I perceive some- thing shining. It is an iridescent skin, globelike, that pushes the cover. Now emerges out of the shell a spherical vesicle, which, by degrees, enlarges itself 106 The University Science Bulletin. like a soap bubble, blown at the end of a straw. More and more, pushed by the enlargement of the bladder, the cover is displaced. Then the bomb explodes, that is to say that, swollen beyond the limits of its resistance, the bubble ruptures at its summit. The envelope membrane of extreme tenuity remains, generally adhering to the brim of the orifice, where it makes a high and white margin. At other times the explosion detaches it and throws it out of the shell. Now the way is free; the little one can come out either by breaking the skin set in the opening or by throwing it over, or else by finding the way out when the bursted bubble has detached itself from the egg. It is simply marvelous! To come out of its coffer the pentatomid has invented the miter and the push of the hydraulic ram. The reduviid has constructed the explosive engine." E. A. Butler (1923), in "Biology of British Hemiptera," gives an excellent account of the life history and habits of this insect. He quotes the description of the egg given by Leuckliart, describes the appearance and habits of the larvae, gives notes on the life cycle, and discusses stridulation and distribution. His discussion of the larva is particularly enlightening and interesting: "The lan'a is somewhat similar in form to the adult, and has the peculiar habit of covering itself, body, legs and basal joint of antennae with fragments of foreign matter, which might perhaps collectively be called 'dust,' its ap- pearance is thereby greatly altered, as is suggested by the name personatus, 'masked.' These particles are attached not so much to the body itself as to the long and fine hairs with which it is covered, and which appear to have some adhesive power. By what means the fragments are placed in position I can- not say, but there seems to be no doubt that the devise is intentional and not accidental, as it occurs in all examples and all stages. The habit is not pe- culiar to Reduviios. I have a large larva of an Indian species of Acanthaspis which can'ies on its back an extraordinary load consisting of numbers of pap- pose flower seeds, a little flower, the skin of a hairy caterpillar, and part of the bleached skeleton of a woodlouse, all these being mixed up with various sand grains. Mr. Champion has shown me a young larva of Reduvius which he took at Guildford; this has no foreign matter on the dorsum of the abdomen, nor on the antennae, except the basal joint, but all the other parts are more or less covered. The fragments are too small to be identifiable, except under the generic name of 'dust.' The insect, so far as can be seen, is of a pale- brown color, and is thickly set with fine hairs, except on the dorsum of the abdomen; that is the tenderest part of the body, and has collapsed in conse- quence of the drying up of the abdominal contents; this elasticity may be one reason for the absence of the cover of dust. The parts most thickly covered are the two front pairs of legs. The hind femora appear to have three parallel transverse dark stripes at the apex, but nothing can be seen of markings elsewhere. Its length is about 3% mm., so that it is probably about half grown." Butler's comments on the possible seasonal life history are as follows: Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 107 "The imago has been found from May to September, but as it is associated more or less with jilaces of human occupation, it probably partakes of the habits of such insects and has no definite seasons for the different stages in its life history." He also describes a rearing conducted by Poujade (1888), who kept a nymph whicli he collected in August, 1887, until it molted and became an adult in June, 1888, thus living ten months without undergoing more than one molt, its final one. This insect remained torpid during the winter and took no food. This seems to agree with De Geer's observations recorded above. There is no definite information as to the time this insect was in- troduced into this country. Walsh and Riley (1869) mentioned the fact that such an insect existed at that time in Europe, but that we had no corresponding insect of similar habits. Previous to this time, however, Le Conte (1855) had rescribed as new Reduvius pungens, an insect which was later identified as being identical with per- sonalis. In 1878 Uhler reports: ''This European species (personatus) is fully established, though not numerous, in the United States. I have examined specimens from Maine, Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Georgia. After a comparison with European specimens I find no difference to separate them as distinct species." Several writers in this country, among them Howard (1899) ; Le Conte (1855) ; Felt (1912) ; Riley and Johannsen (1915) and others have discussed the habits of this insect and particularly its poison- ous bite. Heidemann (1911) has figured and described the egg. A summary of what is known of the life histoiy is given below: Habitat. There seems to be no doubt about the species being normally an inhabitant of houses and other buildings, living in dusty corners and in less used portions of the dwellings as nymphs, and coming to lights at night as adults. Food. Bedbugs, flower beetles, May flies and other insects have been mentioned as food of this insect. The writer has had excellent success in rearing this insect on a diet of house flies, and has also observed them feeding on other insects offered, such as leaf hoppers, Miridffi, small grasshoppers and other insects easily swept from fields. A convenient and satisfactory winter food was the larvae of mud daubers taken from their cells on the insectary wall. One insect which was not accepted as food was the meal worm, Tenebrio molitor. In several cases nearly mature larvae of this insect were offered to fifth-instar assassin-bug nymphs, Avhicji allowed tliem ]08 The University Science Bulletin. to change to the pupa, and then to the adult, without molesting them. An attempt was made to see whether the insect would feed on meat, since that possibility has been suggested with several Reduviidae. Small pieces of fresh beef were put into the containers with the bugs, and allowed to remain there until very putrid. However, the insects were never found to be eating the meat, either in its fresh or putrid condition, though they may have done so unnoticed. Eggs. (PI. IV, Fig. 4; PI. VII, Fig. 7.) The fact that the eggs are deposited singly, without attachment, has been reported upon previously by Fabre, who obtained from thirty to forty eggis from each female. The writer has had the opportunity to obtain what was apparently the full number of eggs from a female kept in captivity, since she had been reared from the egg herself, and appar- ently lived out her full and normal life. On May 29 this insect molted to an adult. There was no adult male available at the time, but on June 6 one became adult and was placed in the cage with the female. Mating was not observed, but undoubtedly occurred. On June 9 twelve eggs were found in the cage, and from that time on eggs were found nearly every day until July 27, when the female died. The number deposited in a day varied from 4 to 12, and the total number deposited during the life of the female 273. The following description of the egg is one prepared by Leuckhart (1855): "The eggs of R. personatus recall by their form those of the Pentatomidae. They are oval and obese, fully 1 mm. long, narrowed towards the base and furnished at the flatter end with a rather flat lid which carries a groove. The brownish-yellow chorion is decidedly hard. The outer surface is quite smooth and shining, the inner, on the contrary, is of finely granulated appearance. No further structure can be seen except here and there a minute canal leading to the under surface of the chorion, and undoubtedly intended to bring air into close contact with the .volk and embiyo. The outer margin of the groove round the lid is lengthened into a thin, projecting, rimlike lamella, on the inner wall of which there are a number of vertical prominences. These are the micropyles, and their number may amount to about eighty. In each of these micropyles can be distinguished two parts, one outer and cup-shaped, the other inner and canal-shaped. The former is attached all along to the inner surface of the lamella; it begins with a transverse opening close beneath the upper margin of the rim, and gradually narrows till it reaches the bottom of the groove. The free, cup-shaped part is continued into a canal which penetrates the chorion. Out of the lower end of the cup there arises .a fine passage, the above-mentioned under segment of the micropyle, which runs down for a space in the substance of the chorion.'" Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 109 Feeding Habits. De Geer, as quoted above, gives an account of an attack of this insect on its prey, and Fabre gives other interesting details on this subject. The writer has not witnessed the attack except in the case of young nymphs, but has witnessed feeding several times. Fabre calls attention to the fact that the assassin bug shifts its position several times while sucking an insect dry. Seasonal Life History. Several writers have reported that this insect passes the winter in the nymphal stage, though Butler thinks it likely that the life history is not seasonal, because of the fact that the species is domestic. However, the writer's experience points to a seasonal life history in which the winter is spent as a nymph, usually in the fourth or fifth instar, though third-instar nymphs have been found during the winter in a few instances. The insect normally becomes an adult in May or June, though some do not undergo the final molt until July and possibly August. The egg and young nymphal stages of course occupy the rest of the warm season of the year. Several observers have reported that the insect becomes torpid and does not feed during the winter. The writer's observations show that the insect does indeed become much less active and fced^; much less during the winter, and that its trans- formations do not ordinarily take place at that time. However, some individuals have been observed to take food rather regularly during that season when kept in a warmed room, and one individual changed from the third to the fourth instar on January 4, and from the fourth to the fifth on January 24, feeding between the molts. This is unusual, however, and those which enter the winter season in the fifth instar usually are much less active and feed much less than this would indicate. In one instance an individual which entered the winter as a fifth-instar nymph changed to the adult after the first few warm days of early spring, on March 3, but in this case also we see the unusual. Length of Stages. There is considerable variation in the length of the stages, especially in the older nymphal stages, since the in- sect may winter either as a fifth, fourth, or possibly third ins car. The length of the egg stage varied from 13 to 16 days. The first instar varied from 11 to 20 days. It undoubtedly may be prolonged still more if food is not abundant. The second instar varied from 11 to 20 days, and also may be much longer. 110 The University Science Bulletin. The third instar lasted from 22 days to as long as 5 months. The fourth instar lasted from 11 to 78 days. The winter, or a large part of it, may be spent in the fourth instar. The fifth instar normally occupies the greater part of the winter, and varied from four to five months in the cases reared. It may last still longer, as it did in the case of the insect reared by Poujade (1888), who kept a fifth-instar nymph ten months before it molted finally to the adult. DESCRIPTION OF INSTARS. First Instar. (PI. VII, Fig. 1.) Length of body from 1.9 mm. in newly hatched individuals to 3.2 mm. in older individuals; length of front femur, .85 mm. ; length of first antennal segment, .34 mm. General color whitish; top of head and thorax somewhat more heavily chitinized than top of abdomen, darker; third, fourth and tip of second antennal segments darker; eyes reddish. Body rather pear-shaped; head narrowed to a neck basally, swol- len to greatest width across eyes, tapered slightly to anterior end, this bluntly rounded. Beak stout, pointed, three-segmented, second and third segments strongly tapered. Antennae filiform, four-seg- mented, first segment shortest, second slightly longer, third and fourth longer and subequal, all with long, fine hairs. Prothorax emarginate at anterior margin, subrectangular in outline; meso- and metanota shorter than pronotum. Abdomen swollen. Fore and middle legs raptorial, femora shorter and stouter than those of hind legs, tibiae with small spongy pads at apex for holding prey. Tarsi of all legs two-segmented, the first segment very small and inconspicuous. Second Instar. (PI. VII, Fig. 2.) Length of body from 3.4 mm. to 4.4 mm.; length of front femur, 1.2 mm.; length of first antennal segment, .47 mm. Slightly darker in color than preceding; dorsum of head and thorax distinctly chitinized, brownish, shining. Antennae darker, more so beyond middle of segment; eyes red; epicraneal suture visi- ble; darker areas present on lateral margins of abdominal segments; darker chitinized plates present at tip of abdomen. Shape of body similar to preceding; structure similar with pro- portional increase in size. Third Instar. (PI. VII, Fig. 3.) Length of body, 7.2 mm. ; length of front femur, 1.87 mm.; length of first antennal segment, .68 mm. Color much darker; abdomen still whitish, head, thorax, legs, and Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. Ill antcnnsp more heavily chitinizcd and darker, brownish; eyes red- dish; dorsum of first segment of abdomen with a pair of dark plates; five pairs of dark spots present on lateral margins of segments 2-6, other smaller spots scattered over abdomen; ventral surface light, darker on under side of head and at points of attachment of the legs; dark median dots present on caudal segments; other dots present in lateral region. Shape somewhat stouter than preceding instars; wing pads present on the caudal margins of the meso- and metathorax, those of meta- thorax barely extended to first abdominal segment ; spongy pads of fore and middle tibiae larger than in preceding instars. Fourth Instar. (PI. VII, Fig. 4.) Length, 9.1 mm.; length of front femur, 2.2 mm.; length of first antennal segment, .85 mm. General shade and distribution of color much as in preceding in- star, with abdomen slightly darker; abdomen with five dark spots on lateral margins of segments 2-6, a second series of smaller dots mesad of these, a third series of five dots, still smaller, mesad and somewhat cephalad of second series, near anterior margins of seg- ments. Ventral surface with row of median dots, and three series of lateral dots, the first series the continuations of lateral dots on dor- sal surface, the second series of two dots to a segment, the caudal dot the heavier, with the abdominal spiracles between the two; the third and innermost series of one dot to a segment, near the cephalic mar- gin of segment. Wing pads now extended barely to second abdom- inal segment. Fifth Instar. (PI. VII, Fig. 5.) Length of body, 14.2 mm.; length of front femur, 3.2 mm.; length of first antennal segment, 1.2 mm. General color darker than in preceding, particularly in the region of abdomen which is now brownish. Abdominal markings as in pre- ceding; median, dark, triangular spot on dorsum of first abdominal segment conspicuous. Head elongate, narrowed to neck basally, widest across eyes, tapered gradually to rounded apex; antenniferous tubercles quite distinct, between these two raised tubercles directed cephalad; epi- craneal suture conspicuous; antenna? four-segmented, filiform, first segment shortest, second segment slightly longer, third and fourth longer than second and subequal, covered with long, fine hairs. Beak short, stout, curved, three-segmented, tapering, the pointed tip fitted into ridged groove of prosternum, third segment very short. 112 The University Science Bulletin. Pronotum narrowed cephalad, with raised cephalic margin; wing pads produced over middle of second abdominal segment. Front and middle legs raptorial, with femora shorter and stouter than those of hind legs; tibiae with spongy fossa beneath; hind legs nor- mal; tarsi of all legs two-segmented, the first segment very short and inconspicuous. Distribution. Probably universally distributed throughout the United States and southern Canada, though not reported from the Pacific coast as yet. Found throughout Europe, on the north coast of Africa, on the Canary and Madeira Islands, and in the Australian region and Asia Minor. Kansas. Reduvius senilus Van Duzee. Van Duzee, Ent. News, XVII:390; 1906. "Much smaller and paler than personatus. Pale testaceous brown inclining to piceous on the head, pronotum and scutellum; hemelytra clouded with brown with an indefinite spot behind the scutellum, the base of the costa and apex of the corium whitish; whole surface covered with rather long hairs. Head more tumid behind the eyes, a little narrower and more deflexed before the eyes than in personatus ; eyes and vertex about the ocelli black; anterior lobe of the pronotum strongly convex and polished, with a deep median sulcus; posterior lobe rather strongly rastrate-punctate, the collar of the an- terior lobe shorter than in personalis. Scutellum shorter with the apical spine less developed than in the allied species. Beneath paler with the sides and apex of the venter in some individuals suffused with blackish; the meta- pleura and venter sharply keeled through their whole length, the extreme edge of this keel piceous. Length, 10 mm. "Described from three specimens taken by Prof. F. H. Snow in the Babo- quivari mountains, Arizona. "Reduvius personatus, the so-called 'kissing bug,' is the only species of this large genus heretofore recorded from America. Most of the known species have their home in the palsearctic region, but a few are found in the tropical portions of Asia and Africa. The species here described is but one of the interesting Hemiptera discovered by Professor Snow in his entomological ex- plorations in the far Southwest." Locality. Reported only from the type locality, as recorded above. Genus Meccus. This genus was originally described by Stal (1859) as follows: "Body pilose. Head produced before the eyes in a long cylinder, antennif- erous tubercles of equal length with the apex of the head and remote from the e3^es. Beak with the basal segment longer than the apical, the second, however, the longest. Ocelli present. Thorax with distinct median con- striction, posterior angles somewhat prominent. Legs slender, rather long. Rkauio: BioLOuY of Redlviid.k. 113 Abdomen (at least of female) much widened on either side, more than twice width of hemelytra." Champion gives the following discussion of the genus: "Meccus is scarcely separable from Conorhinus, merely differing from it in the rather longer postocular portion of the head (exclusive of the neck), and the more prominent tubercles on the anterior lobe of the pronotum. The females (the only sex known to Stal when he described the genus) appear to be more thickly pilose, and more rugose, than the males, and to have the elj'tra relatively shorter than in Conorhinus, extending to about the apex of the fifth segment." DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS. This genus is composed of three described species, all typically Mexican. One of them has been taken in California. Meccus phyllosomus (Burmeister) . Burmeister, Handb. der Ent., 11:246; 1835. Conorhinus phyllosonius. "Possesses an almost keeled, boat-shaped abdomen, and a very long cylindrical head. "Black, abdomen verj^ widely oval, margin of abdomen and base of elytra with sanguineous markings, length 14'". "From Mexico. Anterior portion of the prothorax with obtuse spines; transverse suture definite, wing covers much narrower and shorter than the almost circular, rather thick abdomen." Stal (1859) describes the species a little more fully: "Black, thorax rather long; anteocular part of head almost twice as long as postocular part, lateral lobes equal in length to the median lobe, obtuse, scarcely prominent. Eyes protrude but little. Rostrum with basal segment about twice the length of the apical, with short pile. Anterior lobe of thorax with two discoidal tubercles and posteriorb^ with a lateral tubercle on each side; posterior lobe rugulose, angles somewhat prominent. Scutellum with apex somewhat produced, about one-half as wide as long. Hemelytra much shorter than abdomen, testaceous, a very wide median fascia and horns at apical angle nigro-rufous. Abdomen with disk rather flat, the banded portion of connexivum occupying almost a half of the apical segment, marked with testaceous. Anterior femora armed below, before the apex with two spines. Anterior tibiae without fossa. Tarsi fusco-testaceous." Uhler (1876) reports the taking of a single specimen of this species, which he describes as "deep black, highly polished on the surface of the pronotum, and the only red present is upon the outer edge of the abdomen." Biology. Champion (1899) has figured the nymph of this species and mentions the fact that it has two-segmented tarsi. Localities. California, western Mexico. 8—5511 114 Thk University Science Bllletin. Genus Triatoma. This genus was described originally by Laporte (1832) as follows: "Antennae with three segments; first short; second elongate; third setiform. Rostrum straight, very short, scarcely reaching base of anterior legs. Tarsi with three segments; claws simple. Body elongate-oval, depressed; ocelli far ajjart ; thorax with faint transverse sulcus. "Head elongate; eyes a little jirominent ; jjronotuni fiattt^ned; scutellum triangulai'. ]ininted behind; legs rather long." In his supplement to "Essai d'un Classification Systematique dc L'ordre des Hcmipteres," the work in which the above description appears, Laporte speaks of his mistake in describing the genus as having only three segments to the antennae, and giving it the name ^'Triatoma" descriptive of this condition, and substitutes the name ''Conorhinns' for "Triatoma." This substitution, however, has not been accepted. Biology of Genua. The habits of this genus have received con- siderable attention recently because of the fact that its members are haematophagous, and have been implicated in disease transmis- sion. Nieva, Del Ponte, and Hoffmann have been the most active in the study of the habits of this genus. The habits of this genus as given by Nieva (1914 1, reviewed by Hussey (1922l. are as follows: "Nieva concluded that the species of Triatoma are strictly hsematophagou-s, and take their food either directly from some warm-blooded host or from some other ectoparasites, such as the bedbug or other Redu\iid£e, which have fed recently. Oviposition begins within thirty days after mating; a single female lays from 160 to 220 eggs, which are deposited in small masses contain- ing from 1 to 45 ova. The eggs hatch in from 8 to 16 days, and the nymphs begin to feed three or four days later. The length of the life cycle varies in the different forms. In T. ruhrojasciata it covers 210 days, in T. megisla 260 days, and in T. mfeiiciata, less deeply sinuate on the sides, and having the carinate line closely uniting with the humeral tubercle, coarsely and obsoletely jnmctate. The scutellum moderately granulated on the carinate flai)S. Corium minutely j^ubescent, very finely and closely scabrous. Venter but little wider than the corium, with the notches of the segments marked by a pale streak; under side paler brown, minutely wrinkled. Tarsi and end of tibiae dull pale fulvous. "Length to tip of \ enter, 16-17 mm. Width of iironotum, 3-3Mj mm." Biology. The greater number of articles concerning this species occupy themselves mostly with a discussion of the blood-sucking habits. An early note by Dr. L. O. Howard (1898) is the first that can be found that concerns its habits: "August 15, 1898, Dr. G. W. Harvey, of Salt Lake City, Utah, sent speci- mens of Coiiorhinus protract us Uhler, with the information that the species inhabits houses and barns of the .southern jiart of that state. It is said by some to be an enemy of the bedbug, killing every one that is found, but is not yet \erified, although our correspondent admits that it may be true. The spe- cies closely resembles the so-called blood-sucking cone-nose, or big bedbug, C. snuguisitfjn. of the Middle Western states, and doubtless has very much the same hiibits and life history." Marlatt (1902) probably is referring to this species when he tjuotes J. B. Lembert as observing that the common Pacific coast species of this genus is attracted by carrion. Van Duzee (1914) reported this species as common in the nests of wood rats in San Diego county, California. This may indicate the normal host of the insect. Herms, in "Medical and Veterinary Entomology," gives some of the details of the life history. He describes the bite and mentions the fact that it frequently attacks sleeping individuals during the night, and that injury of this nature seems to occur most commonly Readio: Biology of Rkdi viid.e. 119 (iurino; May and June. Herms fi^urcf^ liie egg, young nympli and adult and gives the following notes on the life histoiy : "Triatonid protracta de])0?its hiifiv whiti.-ih eggs, in small nunibeis (3 to 6) at a laying under laljoratoiy conditions in almost any sort of vial or container in wliicli tlic f(-iiiale may happen to l)o imprisoned. The eggs are deposited during midsununtM- and late summer at least until early September in Berkeley (California) indoors. Hussey, reporting the observations of Nieva of Rio de Janeiro, states that oviposition begins within 30 days after mating and that a female lays about 160 to 220 eggs in masses containing from 1 to 45. Hoffmann reports about 600 eggs from one female Triatoma flavida Nieva. The eggs hatch in from 8 to 16 days. Under cooler climatic conditions (Berkeley) we ha\e fovmd 2 and 3 weeks, the first molt taking i^lace in 7 to 8 days after hatching, the first larval feeding having taken place in from 2 to 5 days after hatching. The larvae are wingless and usually feed on soft- bodied insects, but if opjiortunity is gi\en may suck from warm-blooded animals \ery early. The length of the life cycle of Triatoma rubrofasciala was found by Nieva to require 210 days and for T. megista 260 days, which evidently indicates that as for T. protracta there is but one generation a year." Kofoid and McCulloch have discovered this insect to harbor a trypanosome parasite, Trypanosoma triatomce, so that in tliis respect it is similar to Triatoma megista, which acts as the inteniiediate host of Chagas fever, a trypanosome disease. From the evidence at hand, it would seem logical to consider this a native species which, before the advent of man, fed naturally on the blood of wood i-ats in the nests of which it lived. There seems to be no doubt, however, that at the present time it is a rather troublesome household pest. This insect has been known by the following common names: Big bedbug of the Far West; monitor bug; China bug. Localities. California, Utah, Lower California. Triatoina rubida (Uhler). Vhler. Proc. Cul. .A.rafl. Sci. (2), IV:285; 1894. Conorhinus nibiduf. 'Narrow, a little wider than the preceding species (protracta). with a long narrow head and prominent eyes, dark smoke-brown, with the basal part of pronotum and the outer part of the connexivum more or less widely red, or reddish, and with the costal margin red, but more broadly so at base. Head subc.ylindrical, the anterior jtortion not tapering, rugulose; antennae thick. longer than in the jireceding .species, the basal joint reaching to the apex, second joint longer than in T. protracta, the two apical joints also long, obscurely testaceous, space behind eyes almost smooth, the constricted neck red; rostrum short, chestnut brown, banded with white at the joints, reaching to the middle of the short pro.sternum, ciliated with long hairs. Pronotum short and moderately wide, obsoletely wrinkled and roughened, the anterior 120 The University Science Bulletin. lobe short, simply a little convex on each division separated by the longitudinal deep line, with the carinate longitudinal lines divaricating and subobsolete; lateral margin distinctly constricted and a little sinuated behind the anterior lobe, with the exterior margin carinated and the carinas extending along the outside of the humeral tubercle. Scutellum filled up in the middle, coarsely transversely wrinkled, with the tip acutely protracted, long, and rufous. Corium very minutely scabrous, with a short pale streak on the middle of the posterior border; veins of the membrane blackish on a pale-brown surface. Feet and tip of tibiae dull fulvous. Abdomen broadly bordered with red both above and below, incisures of the tergum more or less red ; the margin not covered by hemelytra narrow. "Length to tip of venter, 19-21 mm. Width of pronotum, 4-4% mm." Localities. Arizona, Lower California. Triatoma sanguisuga (Le Conte). Le Conte, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., VII:404; 1855. Conorhinus sanguisugus. "Black, head and thorax granulate, neck rather long projecting. Antennae slender, first joint much shorter than the head, second, fourth and fifth about the length of the head and subequal, tip of the rostrum brown. Thorax tri- angular, with a tubercle in front on each side, slightly constricted before the middle, in front with two raised lines diverging backwards, and most raised in front, margined with red; scutellum with two raised diverging lines directed forwards and joined at the base. Wings granulate at the base, with two tri- angular red spots on each side, one at the base, the other near the middle on the outside. Abdomen with six red spots on each side, both above and be- neath. "Length, 1 inch. Inhabits Georgia." Biology. Observations on the biology of this insect, which seems to be the most common of the genus in our limits, have been made by several writers. The first to be noted accompanies the descrip- tion, and is as follows: "This insect inflicts a most painful bite. It is remarkable also for sucking the blood of mammals, particularly of children. I have known its bite to be followed by very serious consequences, the patient not recovering from its ef- fects for nearly a year." Walsh and Riley (1869) introduce unquestionable evidence to the effect that the insect is a seeker of human blood, whether that was its original habit or not. The evidence is worth quoting: "This insect belongs to the same extensive group as the two-spotted cor- sair, but to a very different division of it. Like that insect, it insinuates itself into beds, but instead of having the same commendable habits, it sucks human blood at first hand. 'While taking its meal,' we are informed, 'it fairly sprad- dles itself out, and seems to enjoy itself hugely.' In the more southern parts of Illinois, namely in Madison, Jersey and Union counties, we know of no less than eight specimens having been found in beds, and it must also occur as Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 121 far north as Adams county, for we saw it in a collection of insects made at Quincy and exhibited at the state fair in 1868. Mr. Uhler, as he informs us, 'formerly received a specimen from southern Ohio, near Marietta, at which place it was said to be occasionally found in beds and to cause severe inflam- mation by its puncturing.' Dr. E. S. Hull, of Alton, 111., was once, as he tells us, bitten in three places in the arm by one of these creatures; and the arm became so inflamed, in consequence, that for three days afterwards he almost lost the use of it. In the more northerly parts of the United States, so far as we are aware, it does not occur. Like many of its allies, it passes through winter in the perfect state; for we have ourselves captured it in southern Illi- nois under loose bark in November, in company with its pupa. "According to Burmeister (1835), all of the species of this genus fly into houses by night and live upon the blood of mammals, the puncture of their beaks causing great pain. In the larval and pupal states they probably suck the blood of insects; for being wingless in those states, they would have no means of reaching the larger animals. The single pupa that we found under the bark in the winter time occurred in a place about a half mile from the nearest house; so that at all events it certainly could have no chance to suck human blood b}' night." The next eontribution to our knowledge of this insect was made by Miss Bertha Kimball (1894). Miss Kimball describes the species, compares it with the true bedbug, discusses its bite, and mentions the fact that it is often found in henhouses in large num- bers and also infests barns and attacks horses. She says, also, that it has increased in numbers in that vicinity (Manhattan, Kan.) so as to become a common insect, whereas it was formerly rare. The habits of the insect are described in some detail. The bug is nocturnal, is attracted to lights, and may often be found crawling on screens or flying around the room. It finds its way into the sleeping room and enters the bed. There is a difference in the sus- ceptibility of persons to its bite, as some are not molested by it If looked for immediately after the pain of the bite is felt it will be found still among the bed clothes, but soon leaves the bed and hides among clothes or furniture around the room, appearing again in a few days. Miss Kimball attempted to rear this insect. She obtained the eggs by capturing adults and keeping them confined in a bottle, pro- viding them with flies for food. She observed that they were active only at night. Eggs were laid by the insects in late August, though the number laid by each female was not observed. In most cases the eggs were laid loosely in the bottle, though some were attached. The first eggs were laid August 27 and began to hatch on September 18, which gives an egg stage of 22 days. The following description of the egg is given by Miss Kimball: 122 The University Science Bulletin. "The egg, which is about the size of a mustard seed, and of a yellow color, is pecuhar in its shape, resembling that of a bottle with a thickened rim around the top, giving this portion the appearance of a stopper, especially after the egg hatches, as the insect pushes out this tiny saucerlike tip, which falls to the ground. Though yellow when first laid, the egg soon changes in color to pink, and then to red as the insect develojjs within, imtil ju,st before hatching, when the segments of the body can be seen through the transparent shell." Miss Kimball also figures the first instar, and describes it as fol- lows: "The young insects are about one-eighth of an inch in length, very active, of a delicate pink color, the legs and antennae almost transparent. The head, prothorax, mesothorax and a spot on each side of the metathorax soon show a grayish tinge, and in a few days are black, the change taking i)lace without molting." Her observations on the habits of the young insects, and her speculations as to the normal habits of the species are interesting: "The small insects are almost if not quite as troublesome as the adult, and on account of their color and diminutive size are difficult to discover in the evening. Like the adults, they were provided with flies, and killed on an average four or five each night, having excellent appetites until about the middle of No\ember, when they seemed no longer to care for food, and will probably pass the winter in this stage, eating nothing more until spring. Once, when the bugs had been forgotten from Saturday until Monday, and consequently were hungry, fresh flies were given them, the dish was i^artly covered, and the bugs were then watched feeding. One small insect with its extended beak, formidable-looking even in such a little creature, approached a half-dead fiy until it touched it, when, bracing itself firmly, it inished so hard as to roll the fly over, although it was many times larger than the bug. The sense of touch of these small cone-noses seemed not to be veiy delicate, as they prodded alike upon all parts of the fly's body, tiying first the wing, then the eyes, and finally succeeded in i)uncturing the abdomen. To withdraw the beak, the insect, after bracing itself again, gave such a sudden pull back- ward, and if the cover darkening the tUsh was removed they immediately stopped feeding and hid themselves as quickly as possible. Without doubt, the cone-nose preys upon other insects, and, to that extent, is beneficial, but its bad deeds so outweigh its good ones, that it must be classed among the injurious insects. By many it has been credited with infesting dwellings for the purpose of preying upon the common bedbug, but its designs are quite probably of a sinister kind. The conclusion that they prey upon the common bedbug nuist arise from a supposition, as the bugs are nocturnal, feeding at night and hiding if a light is brought into the room, so that such a habit could hardly have been observed." A later contribution is made by Marlatt (1902). He considers that the normal food of the species is other insects, that the habit of molesting human beings has been accjuired only recently, and is Rkadio: Biology of Redi viid.e. 123 limited to the atlult^;, only a few of which ever taste blood. This seems to be eontrary to the opinion of Miss Kimball, who says that the immature insects are almost, if not quite, as troublesome as the adults. Marlatt reports the insect being found in houses with bed- bugs, upon which it unquestionably feeds, and also reports an in- stance of one feeding on a young roach. Marlatt believes that the eggs are normally placed out of doors and that the immature stages are normally passed there also, the food of the young being other insects. He states that the winter is passed both in the nymphal and adult stages under the bark of trees or with other protection. It is only during the spring and early summer that it enters houses and becomes a nuisance to man. Marlatt does not question the fact, however, that it is found in houses at that season, and that it does attack sleeping human beings. He describes several cases where severe injury has been caused by this insect, and suggests that some of the serious results which follow may be due to contamination of the wound by the insect which may have previously fed upon carrion. Xo evidence to show that the insect ever does feed on carrion is introduced, however, although an observation that the common Pacific coast species, probably T. protracta (Uhler), is attracted by carrion is mentioned. ^Vlarlatt figures the egg, four nymphal instars, the adult, and the head and mouth parts of the insect. Heidemann (1911) figures the egg and describes it as follows: "Egg, 1 mm. long; ovate; chorion somewhat flattened near lower end; the inner side of the e.xtension of the rim shows the chorial processes very plainly; outer surface very fine granulate, pearly white." • There are numerous other references to the habits of this insect, most of which refer to its bloodsucking propensities and add nothing to the above material. An important thing which should be settled is just what the natural and original food of this insect consists of. If it is true, as Nieva says, that all of the members of this genus are normally haematophagous and that the habit of feeding on human blood is of recent acquisition, then it should be possible to determine upon what animal the species originally fed. However, if it is true, as Marlatt believes, that the species normally feeds on other insects, no original host animal would be expected. A list of the common names which have been applied to this insect follows: Blood-sucking cone-nose; big bedbug; Mexican bedbug; Texas bedbug; Arizona bedbug; Arizona tiger; bellows bug. 124 The University Science Bulletin. Localities. Maryland, Florida, Texas, Kansas, Illinois, Ohio, New Jersey, Virginia, North Carolina. Triatoma uhleri Nieva. Nieva, Brazil-Medico, XXV, No. 42, p. 4; 1911. Revis. Triatoma, p. 66; 1914. A translation of the original description is given: "General color castaneous, more or less clouded. Rostrum, antennae and head of the same color as the pronotum, the tubercles and lateral margins of which are decidedly lighter; the median region is transversed longitudinally by two protruding, divergent lines. Scutellum of the same color; at times, however, the apex lighter. Hemelytra of more pronounced coloring on the corium; the coloration of the base, however, is identical with that of the lateral region of the pronotum. Connexivum with spots almost black, which do not reach the reddish margins. Venter of the same general color, as are the legs; knees and tarsi lighter. "In the males the spots on the connexivum are less distinct; also the tone of the coloration is paler. In old individuals the discoloration also reaches the connexivum which may lose its reddish color." Biology. Nieva states that this species frequents human habita- tions. Localities. Texas, Arizona, California, New Mexico. Genus Spiniger. This genus was originally described by Burmeister (1835) as follows: "Antennae bristlelike, four-segmented, the first and second segments about the same thickness, the two following, hair-fine, of equal length, the second much longer. Beak far from body, the second segment the longest. Legs thin, lightly haired. Soles of the tibiae very slender, reach almost to the middle of the tibiae. Femora hardly thickened, the first most thorny; tarsi especially long, also the claws and the bristles at the base. Transverse suture of pronotum nearer hind margin, on the anterior half two divergent spines, and two smaller ones on margin. Lateral angles produced into spines; scutellum with a projecting spine. Wing covers dull colored, firmer at base, parchmentlike." DISTRIBUTION. This genus is composed of over 60 described species, for the most part South American. But two species have been recorded from the United States, one of which has been taken only here. Eeadio: Biology of Reduviid.^:. 125 classification of genus. The two species of the genus occurring within our limits may be separated as follows: 1. Disk of anterior lobe of pronotum provided with two tubercles, bicolor Stal. Disk of anterior lobe of pronotum without tubercles, arizonica Banks. Spiniger bicolor Stal. Stal, Stet. Ent. Zeit., XX:396; 1859. "Head oblong. Thorax distinctly constricted directly behind middle, disk of anterior lobe of prothorax provided with two tubercles, posterior lobe with posterior angles rounded, hardly prominent. Apex of scutellum produced backwards in a spine. Anterior femora armed below with a double series of spines. "Rufescent-testaceous, clavus behind middle, corium towards commissures, and membrane nigrofuscous. "$. Length, 15 mm.; width, 3 mm. " $ . Ventral segments 1-6 carinate." Localities. Texas (?), Arizona (?), Brazil. Spiniger arizonica Banks, Banks, Ent. News, XXI:324; 1910. "Shining deep black; the posterior margin of the pronotum narrowly red- dish, broader at the humeri, and from thence extends inwards and forwards a narrow red line to the transverse furrow, lower lateral margin narrowly red- dish; dorsum of abdomen red, a black spot at apex of each segment on the connexivum; venter black, with a broad median red stripe reaching to middle of penultimate segment, and the lateral margins rather broadly red, almost interrupted with black on the apical third of most of the segments. Anterior lobe of the pronotum smooth, a deep median groove, and two grooves each side reaching only one-half way forward. Posterior lobe depressed rugose, growing weaker behind; humeri moderately prominent, right-angled; the scu- tellum margined, spine cylindrical oblique, and nearly as long as the scutel- lum; meso- and metapleura vertically, coarsely striate; in front and rather between base of antennae are two short, slightly divergent ridges; legs and antennae all finely, densely hairy; ventral segments of abdomen finely trans- versely striate; male genital lobe smooth on sides, hairy below and behind, rounded, with a slight apical swelling containing a median depression. Wings reaching beyond tip of abdomen. None of the femora are swollen, and there are no spines on the pronotum. "Length, 22 mm." Locality. Arizona. 1-6 Thf: University Science Bulletin. Subfamily PIRATING. This subfamily was originally designated as "Groupe Piratides" l)y Amyot and Serville (1843). Its members possess the follow- ing characteristics: Fore coxae not elongate; ocelli present and not farther cephalad than the caudal margin of the eyes; anterior and usually middle tibia^ also with a spongy pit below at the apex, and the transverse suture of the pronotum is closer to the caudal than to the cephalic margin." BIOLOGY. The members of this subfamily with which the writer is accjuainted are ground-dwellers, living under rocks and logs and feeding on insects which inhabit such places. There are several references in literature to habits differing from these. Uhler (1884) reports Rasahus biguttatus (Say) as lurking on the branches of trees, and several others have recorded the same species as being some- thing of a household species, possibly with the habits of Reduvius personatus (Linn.). The observations of the writer have con- vinced him that while these insects may have been taken on the branches of trees, and in houses, their normal habitat, however, is that mentioned above. The structure of the insects, as well as actual field observations, confirm thi>; opinion. To be sure, the adults of several of the members of this subfamily, and possibly of all of them, are attracted to lights, and may get into houses in this manner, as they undoubtedly do. WORLD DISTRIBUTION OF SUBFAMILY. This family is of universal distribution, and is composed of about 224 described species. These are distributed as follows: Nearctic, 5 species; Neotropical, 45 species; Palsearctic, 19 species; Ethiopian, 31 species; Oriental, 70 species; Australian, 35 species. It will be observed that our own fauna is the poorest in number of species of this subfamily, while the fauna of the Oriental realm is the richest. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBFAMILY Three genera, containing in all five species and one variety, of this subfamily, are represented in our limits. The genera may be separated by the following key: 1. Middle tibia without spongy fo-ssa; head long, no lateral tubercles on neck Sirthenia Spinola, p. 142 Kkadiu; Biology ok Kkdi \ hd.k. 127 Middle tibia with spongy fossa; fore tibia convex above; neck with a small tubercle on each side 2 2. Apical portion of anterior tibia anfiiilarly dilated beneath, the spongy fossa being preceded by a small prominence. .Melanolcstcs Stal,p. 127 Tibia not dilated; spongy fossa elongate; metapleural sulci close to margin Ra.whus Ainyot and Serville, p. 136 Oeniis jNIelanolestes. Stal (1866) clutracterizes this genus, which he erected, as follows: '"Neck region of head with a more or less elevated tubercle on each side; anteocular jiart of head longer than postocular; l)ody elongate; thorax not granular; ayiices of posterior angles of prothorax rounded; spongy fossa ne\er more than a half, sometimes occupying only a third of tibia; tylus as seen from the side somewhat elevated; apex of scutellum somewhat jiroduced. acute; anterior tibia gradually thickened at the base of the fossa, a third of the length thickened and bearing the spongy fossa; third segment of hind tarsus subequal in length to the two basal segments." DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS. This genus is composed of six described species, all of which may be found within the Neotropical realm, and two, or one and its variety, within our limits. CLASSIFICATION OF GENUS. In North America north of Mexico but one species of this genus, picipes Herrich-Schaeffer, is recognized. At the same time that this species was described, Herrich-Schaeffer described another species of the same genus as abdominalk. Since then, however, it has been decided that the second species is but a color variety of picipes, which it resembles in structural details. The history of abdominalis is interesting. The descriptions of the two forms, as originally described by Herrich-Schaeffer (1848) are as follows: "Pirates picipes — a black insect, antennae and legs black. Appears to be very similar to Reduvius per!iomitu.s, but .still has the generic characters oi' the genus Pirates, stouter form, shorter antennae, thicker femora, and so forth. A male from North America; from Mr. Sturm. "Pirates abdominalis — a very black insect, abdomen scarlet, anal region black. Tlie sole of the tibia bears golden-yellow hairs. A male from Mr. St>irm from North America." Stal (1872) later refers to the second form as a variety of picipes. He adds to the characterization of Herrich-Schaeffer by noting that the hemelytra and wings of the variety are very much shortened. Uhler consistently treated these two forms as distinct, and in at 128 The University Science Bulletin. least two instances he defends this position. His opinion in the matter is given thus (1876) : "The evidence at present in my posses.sion does not warrant the uniting of these two species. Both are quite common in Marjdand, sometimes occurring under the same stone; but while I have seen the sexes united, I have never seen a male of the one caress or unite with a female of the other. The width and proportions of the head and pronotum vary considerably m the specimens of both of these species, so that, in the absence of a long series of theiB, they might be made to constitute a number of species." Provancher (1887), Champion (1899), and Fracker (1913) ap- parently concur with llhler in giving abdominalis the rank of a dis- tinct species, and Bueno (1923) separates the two "species" as follows: 1. Generally apterous; entirely black, with piceous legs and antennas . .picipes. Winged; connexivum and sometimes entire abdomen coral red, abdominalis. Parshley (1918) apparently settles the question in favor of abdominalis being but a color variety of pidpes. "I have in my collection examples showing all gradations from those having only the slightest tinge of red along the connexivum to those having the abdomen entirely red; I have also a pair taken in copulation in which the male is an entirely black long-winged pidpes and the female a short- winged abdominalis, with red connexivum. It would seem, therefore, that the abdominalis form should be ranked as a mere color variety and not as a species distinct from picipes, as I have done in my New England list." Indeed, this does seem to settle the question as far as the color character, which of course was that used originally to differentiate between the forms, and would seem also to indicate that the short- or long-winged condition was not specific, since the two forms were taken mating. However, there is a possibility of separating the two forms on wing characters. I have in my collection five differ- ent kinds of individuals, as regards sex, coloration, and long- or short-winged condition. These are: (1) male, long-winged, entirely black; (2) male, long-winged, reddish abdomen; (3) female, long- winged, entirely black; (4) female, short-winged, entirely black; (5) female, short-winged, reddish abdomen. It will be observed that no short-winged males appear in this list, and it is doubtful that they exist. However, the short-winged and long-winged fe- males may represent the female sex of two distinct species, the males of which will have to be separated, if this supposition is true, by some other character. Some evidence obtained by the writer while studying the biology of these forms suggests the possibility of two distinct species. This evidence will be presented later. Readio: Biology of REDuviiDiE. 129 Melanolestes picipes (Herrich-Schaeffer). (PI. VIII.) Herrich-Schaeffer, Wanz. Ins., VIII :62; 1848. Pirates picipes. The original description of tliis insect has been quoted above. It is one of our most common rechiviids, and is easily recognized. Habitat. This insect is a ground-lover, and may be found in close contact with the earth, beneath rocks and logs. While this is the normal habitat for both young and adults, the latter, at certain times of the year, leave their protecting retreats at night and fly to lights, probably for the purpose of finding mates, though several have been observed to feed on other insects found in the vicinity of the light. It is this habit which has brought this insect its notoriety as a "kissing bug." The flights usually take place in the spring of the year, in May and June in Kansas, though an occasional insect of this species may be taken at light in the fall. Food. The food of this insect is unquestionably other insects. While it may bite human beings when molested by them, it certainly does not attack them for the purpose of feeding on human blood. The writer was interested to know just what insects made up the greater part of this insect's food supply. Several adults were iso- lated in cages of about a square foot of floor space, given plenty of moist earth and a small piece of rock, and provided with the insects and other animals which were found most abundantly under the rocks from which they were collected. These consisted of cut worms (Noctuidae) ; meadow maggots, or crane fly larvae (Tipulidae) ; larvae of the clover-leaf weevil {Phytonomous posticus, Curculioni- dae) ; larvae of soldier beetles (Cantharidae) ; larvae of May beetles (Scarabaeidae) ; grasshopper nymphs (Oedopodinae, Locustidae) ; young harvestmen (Phalangidea) ; and sow bugs (Oniscidae). Of these the only forms accepted were the May beetle larvae. The only exception to this was an instance where one of the assassin bugs was seen to be feeding on a grasshopper nymph, but in most cases the grasshopper nymphs, as well as the other animals mentioned, lived in the same cage, in fact under the same rock, in perfect harmony with the reduviid. White grubs, however, were readily accepted as food and soon sucked dry. Later, the adult May beetles began to make their appearance and thej- were offered to the assassin. Their re- ception left no doubt as to the natural food of the species. The May beetles were readily attacked, at night or during the day, under the rock, or out in the open. The attack on a May beetle by an assassin 9—5511 130 The University Science Bulletin. bug is most interesting. When I wished to witness this, I would first carefully remove the rock, under which the bug was almost sure to be hiding, and place the May beetle somewhere in his vicinity. The moving May beetle almost immediately attracted the attention of the bug, which followed the movements of his intended prey very closely. Sometimes the May beetle was allowed to crawl a short distance, sometimes attacked immediately. In any case, the end was always the same. The assassin bug finally ran to the beetle, mounted it from behind, grasping it firmly with the front, and some- times the front and middle legs, the hind legs usually remaining on the ground and acting as braces, and inserted the stylets at the junc- ture of the head and thorax, on the under side of the body, or at the joint between two of the thoracic segments. A struggle now began. The May beetle turned and twisted, sometimes turning over on its back and actually pinning the assassin bug beneath it. However, the assassin bug always kept its hold, and in a very short time, usually less than a minute, and in some cases in less than half a minute, the May beetle was dead and at the disposal of the assassin bug for feeding purposes. The part that the spongy pads on the tibiae of the front legs of the assassin bug play in this attack is very important. They are admirably adapted for holding on to the smooth and shining wing covers and prothorax of the beetle, and there can be no doubt that this is their intended function. The feed- ing of the bug after the prey is killed continues for an hour or two. The bug shifts his position now and then, and inserts his mouth parts in several different places before discarding the beetle. Dur- ing the process of feeding the abdomen swells noticeably. The beetle, when discarded, is quite empty of liquid material. Four and five May beetles have been killed in a single night by one assassin bug, and in the morning they all seem to be empty, though it seems unreasonable to consider the bug capable of taking so much food. An attempt was made to see whether the bug would accept all kinds of beetles without discrimination as to kind. During the early spring months the only other beetles available were ground beetles, of the genus Galerita, and Passalus cornutus. The assassin bug attacked neither of these, nor was it it turn attacked by the ground beetles. Later, adults of the clover-leaf weevil, Phytonomous posticus, and of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decim- lineata, were introduced, and were fed upon occasionally, but by no means with the greed with which the May beetles were attacked. What the normal feeding habits of the nymphs may be the writer Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 131 is unable to say. It is possible that they confine themselves mostly to the larvae of May beetles, which of course would be abundant in their habitat. The writer reared this species from egg to adult, and fed the nymphs various insects, none of which seemed to be entirely satisfactory, judging from the very high rate of mortality. Among the insects used were plant lice, Macrosiphum pm, for the very small individuals; nymphs and adults of the tarnished plant bug, Lygus pratensis; several species of leaf hoppers; and maggots and adults of the house fly. Adult house flies were at least as satisfactory as any of the other foods used. The nymphs were fed four flies daily, each fly being crushed slightly when introduced so as not to be too active. They were seen to feed quite often, and indeed fed some- what on all the foods used. A supply of small May beetle larvae was not available, or experiments with them as food would have been made. SEASONAL LIFE HISTORY. This species has one generation a year. It winters as an adult, in some cases under the rocks which protect it during the warmer parts of the year, but in other cases in more protected places. For instance, several have been found during the winter in cells in stumps. The cells are not of their own making, but have been appropriated for winter homes. Just how common this habit is the writer does not know. The adult becomes active in the spring, when it may be found more commonly under rocks, and appears at lights during the warm evenings of spring. Mating and ovi- position take place at this time. Eggs have been laid in the lab- oratory as early as April 18, and as late as June 22. It is probable that oviposition in the field does not begin as early as this. The eggs hatch in less than a month and the nymphs spend the rest of the summer in feeding and growing, becoming adults by fall. Eggs. The eggs are placed in the ground, under the same pro- tecting stones which cover the adult. Each egg is inserted into the ground singly with only its starlike top visible. A detailed de- scription of the egg is given later. Eggs have been found in such situations both in the laboratory and in the field. The number of eggs laid by a single female as recorded by the writer is small, probably smaller than is actually the case. The largest number of eggs laid by any female in the laboratory was 21. This is a smaller number than is usual in the Reduviidse, and probably does not indicate the normal fecundity of the insect. 132 The University Science Bulletin. The act of oviposition has not been witnessed. The eggs are deposited onty at night. The hatching process has not been witnessed. It has been ob- served, however, that as incubation progresses, the eyes of the im- mature insect become visible through the shell of the egg, and appear as two red spots. Mating. Mating in this species has been observed in one instance. In this case the female and male were placed together in a small container. The male made several unsuccessful attempts to mate, and was threatened several times by the female, who seemed to use her beak quite carelessly on her mate. Finally the male made a successful attempt by mounting from behind and maintaining his position with the assistance of all six legs and the beak. The beak seemed to be very important, and was placed at the juncture of the head and prothorax. While in this position the male extended the tip of the abdomen bearing the genital organs to the under side of the female abdomen, and accomplished copulation. The act of copulation lasted five minutes in this case. The female was observed to stridulate by rubbing the tip of the beak over the ridged groove in the prosternum several times during the act. Habits of Nymphs. The nymphs are similar to the adults in their habits. They inhabit the same environment, and are very active. They are very secretive by day, which probably indicates that they are most active at night. Length of Stages. The life histories of several individuals of this species have been carried through from adult to adult, and their records will show the length of time spent in the various stages. It is very interesting to note that only four nymphal instars have been found for this insect. This is the only species of the family so far studied where this is the case, all others reported upon having five nymphal instars. "The egg stage, in ten instances where record was kept, varied from seventeen to thirty-one days, with twenty-four days as an average. The first instar lasted from twelve to eighteen days, with sixteen days as the average of ten. The second instar lasted from nine to fifteen days in ten records, with twelve days as the average for the ten. The third instar lasted from eleven to seventeen in ten records, and the average for the ten was fifteen days. Rkadio: Biology of Redo'iid.e. 133 Tlic fourth instar lasted from twenty-six to forty days in eight records, with thirty-one days as the average for the eight. Inheritance of Color. An attempt was made to see whether the red color of the abdomen, characteristic of variety abdominalis, was inherited. The attempt was first made to select both male and female parents, and mate them in various combinations, such as both male and female typical piaipes, male typical picipes and female abdominalis, etc. It was soon found, however, that in most cases tiie females collected in the field had previously mated, as they produced fertile eggs without being mated in the laboratory. The next best thing was to keep track of the offspring from the different types of females, which was done. From short-winged females, of both color varieties, long-winged males and short-winged females only were produced. These were always of the black variety, without respect to the color of the mother. From long-winged females, of the black variety only, since no long-winged abdominalis females could be found, long-winged in- dividuals only were produced. This seems to indicate that while the color character is not inherited, and is probably due to condi- tions of temperature, moisture, etc., under which the insects are reared, that the long- or short-winged condition of the females is inherited. Unfortunately only a few offspring from each type of adult female were carried through to maturity, so these results cannot be considered as conclusive. However, they give some indication of the true nature of things. DESCRIPTION OF INSTARS. Eggs. (PI. lY, Figs. 5-7; PI. VHI, Fig. 6.) Length to extension of chorion 3 mm.; greatest width, 1.7 to 1.9 mm.; diameter of extension of chorion, 2.5 to 2.8 mm. Color entirely dull white when laid, later of darker color with appendages and indications of segmentation visible. Shape elongate-oval; a distinct collar at upper end, beyond this chorion extended in a series of flat, elongate scales; these arranged radially around cap, each scale slightly naiTower towards tip, with many small teeth along margins; scales 40-50 in number. Cap with central, more or less sunken area, margin with a series of flat, radiating scales, these extended over the scales of the extension of the chorion, equal in number to these. 134 The University Science Bulletin. First Instar. (PL VIII, Fig. 1.) Length of body, 3.8 mm. in newly hatched individuals to 5.8 mm. in insect about to molt to the second instar; length of front femur, 1.15 mm.; length of first antennal segment, .44 mm. General color yellowish red and black; head black, eyes with faint reddish tinge, antennae yellowish, beak dark brown; prothorax black in some individuals (those from long-winged females), reddish yellow in others (those from short-winged individuals) ; dorsum of meso- and metathorax yellowish, dorsum of abdomen more reddish with dark markings along median dorsal line ; legs yellowish brown, apex of front and middle tibiae and apex of hind femur and all of hind tibia somewhat darker. Body rather elongate; head less than twice as long as wide, narrowed at juncture with prothorax, widened abruptly to widest point just caudad of eyes, tapered to rounded apex; antennae four- segmented, slender, first segment shortest, second and third subequal, fourth segment longest, almost equal to second and third combined. Prothorax subquadrate, narrower at cephalic margin with small lobes at anterolateral angles; meso- and metanota smaller than pronotum, abdomen very slightly swollen, transverse divisions of segments sinuate, openings to dorsal stink glands visible at anterior margins of segments four, five and six along median dorsal line. Front and middle legs modified for grasping; fore coxae rather long, femora short, stout, much swollen, tibiae more slender but swollen apically and with spongy pad present; middle legs with coxae shorter, femora swollen somewhat, tibiae with spongy fossa present but not so well developed as in fore legs; hind legs normal, more elongate and slender; tarsi of all legs two-segmented, the first segment short and inconspicuous. Second Instar. (PI. VIII, Fig. 2.) Length of body, 9.3 mm.; length of front femur, .73 mm.; length of first antennal segment, .61 mm. Color in general much darker; head black, eyes with reddish tinge, antennae brownish ; dorsum of prothorax black, margined posteriorly by a light line; dorsum of meso- and metathorax very dark brown, nearly black; abdomen reddish marked with dark as follows; a pair of dark plates on dorsum of first segment, three median black plates at anterior margins of segments four, five and six of median dorsal line at opening of stink glands, six pairs of rather small black dots along lateral margins, a pair each on dorsum of segments Readio: Biology of Reduviid^. 135 2-7; a corresponding set of six pairs of black dots on ventral segments; legs very dark brown or black, tarsi slightly lighter. Structure as in preceding instar; wing pads visible at caudal margins of meso- and metanota, barely discernible in this instar. Third Imtar. (PI. VIII, Fig. 3.) Length of body, 10.4 mm.; length of front femur, 2.21; length of first antennal segment, .75 mm. Color practically as in preceding, with red coloration of abdomen deeper. Similar in structure to preceding; small tubercle now visible at lateral margins of neck region of head; tibiae of fore and middle legs more distinctly swollen apically; wing pads increased slightly in size. Fourth Instar. (PI. VIII, Fig. 4.) Length of body, 14.5 mm.; length of front femur, 3 mm., length of first antennal segment, .9 mm. General color black and red; head, antennae, dorsum of thorax, wing pads and legs black or dark brown; abdomen dark reddish marked with black as follows : Three plates along cephalic margins of abdominal segments four, five and six, longitudinal stripes on lateral margins of each segment, circular dots near lateral margins, a pair each on segments 2-7 on both dorsal and ventral surfaces, and entire surfaces of terminal ventral segments. General shape rather elongate, but slightly widened in abdominal region; head less than twice as long as wide, narrowed at junction with prothorax; a lateral tubercle on each side of neck at cephalic limit; head widest immediately behind eyes, tapered thence to rounded apex; eyes protruded but little from margins of head; antennae four-segmented, filiform, with delicate hairs on surface, first segment shortest, each segment in turn longer than preceding; ring segments present between main segments; epicraneal suture a broad, shallow, median U, with lateral arms extended to the eyes; beak rather short, stout, curved, three-segmented; second segment longest, third segment short, tapered, pointed, tip fitted into ridged groove on prosternum. Prothorax subcjuadrate, narrower at cephalic margin with anterolateral angles lobed; mesonotum slightly narrower than pronotum, wing pads extended almost to caudal margin of first abdominal segment (nymph of short-winged female). Ab- domen slightly swollen, smoothly rounded, dorsal stink glands located along median dorsal line at cephalic margins of segments four, five and six; spiracles of first abdominal segment dorsal in position, those of segments 2-8 ventral in position. Front legs with 136 The University Science Bulletin. coxae long, femora short and swollen, with two rows of rather fine ventral bristles, tibiae fit between these when folded; tibiae narrow at base but much widened at apex, with spongy fossa ventrally occupying apical half. Middle legs similar to fore legs, with coxae shorter, femora less swollen, ventral spongy fossa of tibiae less developed. Hind legs normal, longer and more slender; tarsi of all legs two-segmented, the first segment short and inconspicuous. Localities. Probably universally distributed over the United States, southern Canada, and represented by the variety abdo- minali.s, at least, in Mexico. Genus Rasahus. Tliis was originally described by Amyot and Serville as follow's: "Prothorax with ti\e or six longitudinal fvinows on its anterior portion; its posterior portion smooth. Head ])roduced in fiont. Abdomen very elongate. Anterior femora without long and strong spines below."' HABITS OF GENUS. It is the opinion of the writer that the members of this genus nor- mally live out of doors on the ground under protecting rocks, and that the}' feed normally on such insects as are to be found in such situations. This is contrary to the published opinion of some other workers. A further discussion of the habits will be taken up under the discussion of the particular species. DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS. Twenty-four species have been described for this genus, all of which are typically Neotropical. Of the twenty-four, three have been recorded as occurring within our limits. One of the three has since been reduced to varietal rank, and is so considered here. CLASSIFICATION OF GENUS. The species of the genus occurring within our limits may be sep- arated as follows: 1. Costal margin of hemelytra pale at base biguttatus (Say). Costal margin black to base; elytra with narrow ochreous patch on corium and clavus hamatus (Fabricius). Rasahus biguttatus (Say). (PI. IX.) Say, Ins. La., 13; 1832. Compl. Wr.. 1:307. Petalochrirus biyuttatus. "Hemelytra with a yellow spot behind the middle and another at base. In- habits Louisiana. Body black; antcnnse brown; promuscis and feet dull honey yellow; scutel at tip extending into an obtuse sjiine; hemelytra, around the tip of the scutel a j'ellow spot, and an orbicular one on each beyond the Readio: Biology of Reduviid^. 137 middle; abdomen yellowish on the margin. Length seven-tenths of an inch. A fine insect, readily known by the two yellow si)ots on the hemelytra. The disk wiiicli occupies the extremity of the antinior tibia, in this species is not confined to the extremity, but extends up the inner side of the tibia", nor is its limit so definite as in some other species." Stal (1872) described as a distinct species Rasahus thoracicus, which by later writers (Champion 1899) is considered to be only a variety of biguttatm. A translation of Stal's description of thoi'- acicus is given here for purposes of comparison. "Black, shining; antenna', rostrum, jiosterior lobe of prothorax, edge of abdomen, towards apex of coxae, tibiae and tarsi fiavo-testaceous, anterior femora towards base frequently fuscous or black; clavus, excepting a median black macula, a stripe on the corium to the chival suture, and the costal mar- gin beyond the middle, also a rounded discoidal spot of the membrane testa- ceo-flavescent ; apex of membrane sometimes marked with pale obsolete spots; margin of abdomen yellowish, frequently marked with black. $ . 9 . Length, 18 mm.; width, 4% mm. Mexico. Similar to the preceding (higultatus) , dis- tinguLshed by color of rostnmi and posterior lobe of jjrothorax; varying a great deal. Six examples seen. Posterior lobe of thorax granulate at anterior end." Champion comments as follows upon the variation in color in this species : "The head and pronotiuii are sometimes entirely rufous, sometimes entirely black, or, usually, black, with the posterior lobe only of the latter rufous {thoraciciis Stal); the legs are generally rufo-testaceous, with the intermediate and hind femora broadly flavous at the base, but sometimes the reddish por- tions are almost entirely black; the ochreous coloration at the base of the hemelytra varies in extent, usually extending down the outer portion of the corium; the membrane, howe\er, is constantly black or blackish, with a large oval or rounded ochreous patch about the middle, and sometimes with indi- cations of a paler spot at the apex. The pronotum is entirely rufous in the earlier stages of this species. One of Stal's types of R. thnraciciis has been seen." Habitat. Uliler (1884) says that this is one of the forms which lurks on the branches of trees and bushes in search of prey; and Walsh and Riley (1869 » report finding it between the mattresses of a bug-infested bed, and speculate as to whether or not it has the habits of Reduvius personatus (Linnaeus). Lintner considered it to be a natural enemy of the bedbug, while others considered that it entered houses for the purpose of feeding on human beings. The ■writer's opinion is that it is an out-of-doors species and that it is not naturally an enemy of the bedbug, though it probably will feed on it when in a place where bedbugs are to be found; that it does fly to lights at night and may, during these flights, be attracted to the insides of houses; that it will bite human beings for its own pro- 138 The University Science Bulletin. tection, but not if unmolested. The writer has collected so many of these insects in their natural habitat under rocks that his opinion on this subject is quite definite. Food. Just what animals make up the favored food of this insect I am unable to say. I found the insect most abundantly on rocky hillsides, covered with weed and brush plants, and supporting a variety of insect life. The rocks under which the nymphs and adults were found also sheltered numerous ground beetles, scorpions, har- vestmen, etc. It is doubtful if any of these mentioned are used for food by the assassin bugs. In the laboratory they fed on a wide variety of insects, including grasshoppers, mirid nymphs and adults, leaf hoppers, flies, beetles, and other insects, but seemed to show no particular preference, as does Melanolestes picipes, for May beetles. The assassin bug has been observed to pounce on small insects. SEASONAL life HISTORY. As is usual in this family, this insect passes through but a single generation a year. The winter is spent in the nymphal condition, either as a fifth-instar nymph, or, less frequently, as a fourth-instar nymph. It has been found in its hibernating quarters under rocks, but little if any more protected from the weather than during the warmer months. With the coming of spring it completes its de- velopment. Adults have been taken as early as May 24, and as late as July 15 in Kansas, while nymphs have been taken as late as June 14. Oviposition occurs during June and July, and after the short egg stage the nymphs appear in the field and develop to the fourth or fifth instar before the coming of winter. This insect differs from its rather close relative, Melanolestes picipes, in that it spends the winter as a nymph, rather than as an adult. Eggs. The eggs are very similar to those of Melanolestes picipes. They are inserted into the ground singly, the egg being buried with only the top visible. The act of oviposition has not been witnessed. As incubation progresses, parts of the immature nymph are visible through the shell. The red eyes, the darker legs and antennae, and the segmentation of the abdomen can be made out. The hatching process has not been witnessed. The number of eggs laid by a single female has not been deter- mined satisfactorily. The greatest number laid by any female in the laboratory was 63, and it is probable that this does not represent her entire capacity. These eggs were laid over a period of 14 days in July, from one to nine eggs being laid every day during this Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 139 period. It is probable that in the field a single female produces eggs over a period of a month or more, and that the total number laid would be many more than in the case of the female mentioned above. Habits of Nymphs. The nymphs are exceedingly active insects, usually content to remain under their protecting rock during the day time, but very active in escaping when disturbed. In this re- spect they are like the adults, which are most difficult insects to capture alive. On a warm day, particularly, it is almost impossible to catch the adults without being bitten. Length of Stages. Unfortunately I was unable to rear this insect through all the stages of its life history, and consequently the story is incomplete. The egg stage varied from 13 to 15 days in length in the records available. The first instar lasted from 16 to 23 days in the records available. The second instar lasted from 13 to 29 days in four individuals for which records exist. Onl}' one insect completed its development to the fourth instar, and in this insect the third instar lasted 30 days. There seems to be no doubt that there are five nymphal instars in this insect, instead of the four found in Melanolestes picipes. DESCRIPTION OF INSTARS. Eggs. (PL IV, Figs. 8, 9; PI. IX, Fig. 7.) Length to extension of .chorion, 3 mm.; greatest width, 1.7 mm.; length of extension of chorion, .6 mm. Color, dead white, darker later, with red eyes, dark legs, red and white striped abdomen of unhatched insect visible through shell. Shape elongate-ovate, top with extended scales formed by ex- tended chorion, these curving, erect, with no teeth along margins, about forty in number; central area of cap with very distinct, erect spine; margin of cap with radiating scales, produced over scales on extension of chorion, long, slender, extended almost to apices of scales of extension of chorion, equal in nmnber to these. First Instar. (PI. IX, Fig. 1.) Length of body from 3.8 mm. to 5.3 mm.; length of front femur, 1.2 mm.; length of first antennal segment, .44 mm. General color yellowish red ; head light red, antennae pale fuscous, two basal segments lighter; prothorax more yellowish than red, 140 The University Science Bulletin. shining; dorsum of meso- and metathorax fuscous; abdomen reddish marked with dark spots, seven pairs of dark spots, lateral, one each to abdominal segments 2-8; three dark median spots at openings to dorsal stink glands, at cephalic margins of segments four, five and six; median spots on dorsum of terminal abdominal segments. Legs mottled with yellowish red and fuscous, almost white basally. Head narrowed at neck, widest immediately behind eyes, tapered to narrow apex. Epicraneal suture visible. Antennae four seg- mented, filiform, first segment shortest, second and third subequal, fourth longest, about equal to two and three combined. Prothorax large, subquadrate, rounded dorsally, with lobes at anterolateral angles. Mesonotum smaller than pronotum and metanotum smaller than mesonotum. Front legs raptorial with long coxse, com- paratively short, stout femora, and tibise with padded cushions on ventral surface for apical half. Middle legs, coxse normal, femur as long but not so stout as fore femm*, tibia with suggestion of pad ; dorsal surface of tibia at apex with conspicuous brush of hairs. Hind legs normal, femora and tibiae longer and more slender than those of other legs. Tarsi of all legs two-segmented, the first segment very short and inconspicuous. Abdomen slightly swollen ; openings to dorsal stink glands visible along cephalic margins of segments four, five and six. Second Instar. (PI. IX. Fig. 2.) Length of body, 6.3 mm. to 7.2 mm.; length of front femur, 1.6 mm.; length of first antennal seg- ment, .54 mm. General color much as in preceding; antennae somewhat darker; abdomen more fuscous, lateral dark spots larger. Two dark trans- verse bands on abdomen, one near cephalic, the other near caudal end. Plates showing location of dorsal stink glands now lighter in color, yellowish brown. Coxae and trochanters whitish with some fuscous, femora reddish j'ellow except for bases, these whitish, tibiae reddish and fuscous. Head with two tubercles at cephalic limits of neck region; pads on front and middle tibiae proportionally larger ; abdominal spiracles larger; those on first abdominal segment dorsal in position, others lateral. Third Instar. (PI. IX, Fig. 3.) Length of body, 8.2 mm. to 9.5 nun.; length of front femur, 1.6 mm.; length of first antennal seg- ment, .64 mm. General color reddish marked with fuscous and white as in pre- Readio: Biology of Reditv'iid.e. 141 ceding; transverse dark bands across abdomen near cephalic and caudal ends more distinct; pronotum marked with indistinct longitu- dinal reddish stripes. Slightly longer and more slender proportionally than preceding instars; pads on fore and middle tibiae more than proportionally larger; pad on fore tibia much larger that that on middle tibia. Wing pads present as barely discernible outgrowths at caudo-lateral angles of meso- and metanota. Fourth lustar. (PI. IX. Fig. 4.) Length of body, 10.6 mm. to 12.5 mm.; length of front femur, 2.5 mm.; length of first antennal segment, .75 mm. Similar in general color to preceding instars; transverse dark bands across abdomen now very distinct; anterior band occupies second and third abdominal segments; posterior band located on dorsum of sixth and seventh abdominal segments. Shape of body similar to preceding; abdomen swollen slightly. Wing pads larger, the anterior pair extended over posterior pair, and both extended partially over first abdominal segment; spiracles of fii-st abdominal segment not concealed by wing pads. Fifth Instar. (PI. IX, Fig. 5.) Length of body, 17.3 mm. ; length of front femur, 3.3 mm. ; length of first antennal segment, 1.02 mm. General color reddish with black, white and yellow. Head reddish with dark eyes; antennae fuscous, basal half of first segment lighter; dorsum of thorax yellowish red; slightly lighter in shade than head. Legs of a general yellowish red, coxa?, trochanters, and bases of middle and hind femora whitish with fuscous ; tibiae fuscous. Abdo- men much darker than thorax, entire dorsum of segments two and three, and six and seven, as well as lateral spots on the other abdom- inal segments dark; dorsum of terminal segments solid red. Open- ings to dorsal stink glands located in plates slightly darker than surrounding area; white spots alternated with dark along lateral margins. Ventral surface of head reddish, of prothorax fuscous; of meso- and metathorax fuscous with exception of median whitish line; of abdomen dirty whitish with exception of reddish lateral margins. Body rather elongate; head narrow, joining prothorax by narrow neck; this with lateral lobes; head widest caudad of eyes, tapered to narrow apex ; epicraneal suture visible. Antenna^ four-segmented, filiform, first segment shortest, each segment slightly longer than preceding; ring segments present between main segments. Beak 142 The University Science Bulletin. three-segmented, curved, second segment longest, third segment finely pointed. Prothorax subquadrate, narrower cephalad, rounded, with lightly impressed, longitudinal sutures. Meso- and meta- thorax with conspicuous wing pads, now extended to anterior margin of third abdominal segment, hiding spiracles of first abdominal seg- ment. First two pairs of legs raptorial, front legs with coxae long, femora short and very stout, tibiae about equal in length to femora, enlarged apically and with raptorial pads on ventral surfaces, coxae of middle legs normal, femora only slightly swollen, tibiae with ventral pads, not so large as in fore legs. Hind legs normal, with longer and more slender femora and tibiae. Tarsi of all legs two-seg- mented, the first segment short and inconspicuous. Abdomen swollen very little. Openings to dorsal stink glands located at anterior margins of segments four, five and six. Localities. North Carolina, Florida, Louisiana, Texas, Kansas, Arizona, California, Mexico, West Indies. Rasahus hamatus (Fabricius). Fabricius, Spec. Ins. 11:381; 1871. Rediivius hamatus. The original description of this insect not being available, a re- description by Stal (1868) is given: "Black, shining ; a stripe of the corium to claval suture, the basal margin of the membrane to the apex of the corium, spots on margin of abdomen, base of posterior femora, tarsi, sometimes also the coxse towards apex and a stripe on the anterior femora sordid pale flavescent; round spot of the membrane yel- low; impressed lines of the prothorax distinct, rugulose; apex of scutellum produced into a spine. "$. Length 17 mm.; width, 4 mm." Biology. Blatchley reports taking specimens from beneath boards in damp places, and at lights. Localities. Texas, Mexico, South America, Guatemala, Panama, Florida. Genus Sirthenia. This genus, originally described by Spinola (1837), is character- ized by Stal (1872) as follows: "Anterior coxse rather long, produced far behind the posterior margin, of the prosternum; head before the ocelli transversely impressed; posterior coxsb rather far apart ; interior aerole of the membrane noticeably or scarcely notice- ably narrowed behind the middle; intermediate tibiae without spongy fossa; head long, porrect, neck without lateral tubercles; hind legs rather short; spongy fossa of anterior tibia occupying a third to a half of the length." Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 143 distribution of genus. This is one of the few genera of Reduviidae which is of world- wide distribution. It is a genus of fourteen species represented in all but one of the faunal realms. The distribution by species is as follows: Nearctic, 1 species; Neotropical, 4 species; Palaearctic, none; Ethiopian, 1 species; Oriental, 3 species; Australian, 6 species. Sirthenia carinata (Fabricius). Fabricius, Ent. Syst., Suppl., 545; 1798. Reduvius carinatus. "Black with elytra, abdomen at margin and legs reddish. ''Habitat in Carolina. "Large. Head, beak and antennae fuscous. Thorax black, impressed dor- sally with five shining lines; intermediate shortened. Scutellum black; elytra red. Wings black. Abdomen black with margin elevated, carinate, red. Legs red, anterior femora strongly thickened." Biology. The form and structure of this insect is so similar to that of the two preceding that one would expect to find it of the same habits. I have a specimen taken in Kansas which bears a label indicating that it was taken under a rock, which may indicate that its habitat is the same as that of the other members of the sub- family. Data on its life history are lacking. Uhler calls attention to the fact that there is considerable varia- tion in the color of this species. Localities. New^ Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Texas, California, Kansas, Mexico, Costa Rica, Colombia, South America. Subfamily ECTRICHODIIN^. This subfamily was originally designated by Amyot and Serville (1843) as "Groupe Ectrichodides." Its structural peculiarities are as follows: Ocelli present; anterior coxae not greatly elongated; ocelli not farther cephalad than the caudal margin of the eyes ; thorax constricted cephalad of the middle; apex of scutellum broad, with two or three spines; anterior tibiae and usually the middle tibiae also with spongy fossa. WORLD distribution OF SUBFAMILY. This subfamily contains nearly 200 described species. These are distributed as follows: Nearctic, 3 species; Neotropical, 4 species; Palaearctic, 16 species; Ethiopian, 59 species; Oriental, 77 species; Australian, 4 species. 144 The University Science Bulletin. classification of subfamily. The two genera which may be found within our limits may be separated by the following key: 1. First segment of beak more than half as long as head, longer than seg- • ments two and three together; first segment of antennae short, Pothea Amyot and Serville, p. 145 First segment of beak not extending behind eyes, subequal in length to second segment; first segment of antennae about as long as the head, Rhiginia Stal, p. 144 Genus Rhiginia. This genus was originally described by Stal (1859) as follows: "Head oval, behind the eyes rather suddenly narrowed, neck very short. Antennae eight-segmented. Beak with segments one and two of about equal length. Thorax before the middle slightl.y constricted. Scutellum narrowed behind, apex pointed very abruptly. Legs very slender, femora unarmed, an- terior femora hardly thickened ; anterior tibiae with spongy fossa ; first segment of hind tarsus very short, second and third segments longer, of about equal length." DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS. Eight species have been described as belonging to this genus. Of these one is found in the Pala?arctic realm, two in the Nearctic realm, and five in the Neotropical realm. classification OF GENUS. The two species of the genus within our limits may be separated as follows : 1. Legs black or piceous; dorsal surface of head, base of hemelytra, dor- sal disk and margin of the abdomen, sometimes also disk or discoidal spots on the venter, yellowish; eyes of the male prominent; post- ocular portion of head shorter than in other species; tylus somewhat elevated cinctiventris Stal. Legs pale except for apex of femora; elytra short and fuscous; postocu- lar portion of head broad ; eyes small cruciata (Say) . Rhiginia cruciata (Say). Say, Heter. N. Harm., 33; 1832. Fitch Repr., 802. Compl. Wr., 1:358. Petalochirus cruciatus. "Sanguineous, thoracic spot, scutel and hemelytra black; scutel bifid at tip. Inhabits United States. Body sanguineous; head black behind the eyes; an- tennae black; thorax with a longitudinal impressed line extending nearly to the base and forming a cruciate mark with the transverse line; an irregular black spot on disk; scutel rugulose; lip (tip?) orbicularly bifid; hemelytra black; feet whitish; thighs at tip and tibiae at tip and base blackish: tarsi dusky; rostrum pale, second joint blackish. "Length half an inch." Readio: Biology of Reduviid^. 145 Biology. Uhlcr n^ports tliat this is a rare insect in Maryland. Blatchley reports taking it from beneath logs in Indiana, and from vegetation in Florida. Localities. New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Georgia, Flor- ida, Indiana, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Kansas. Rhiginia cinctiventris Stal. Stal, Enum. Hemip., 11:103; 1872. Ectrichodia cinctiventris. "Black; upper surface of head, pi-onotum. base of henielytra, dorsal disk and margin of abdomen, sometimes also a disk or discoidal spot on the venter subsaffron; base of veins and also basal margin of the membrane towards the exterior basal angle saffron. $. 9. Length, 18-20 mm.; width, 5-6 mm. " $ . Antennae for whole length with rather dense and long pile ; head above in the middle distinctly longitudinally trisulcate, rather flat, a little swollen below .and behind the eyes. '"9. Antennae scarcely pilose, smooth towards the base; upper surface of head convex in middle region, median sulcus obsolete, lateral sulci distinct, postocular part below rather swollen. "Similar to the preceding (cruciatu), larger, more variegated, postocular part of head a little shorter, eyes of male more prominent, head of female below and behind more swollen. Thorax with cruciform impression more or less distinctlj' black, two discal spots on or behind transverse impression and the posterior margin of abdomen black. Tylus obtusely elevated. Tubercle bearing ocelli entirely or posterior part black. Wings fuscescent." Localities. Texas, New Mexico, Mexico. Genus Pothea. This genus was described originally by Amyot and Serville (1843) as follows: "Neck long and slender. Antennae with a variable number of segments. Beak long and slender; first segment much longer than the second. Pro- thorax having a very pronoimced longitudinal fuiTow which crosses the trans- verse fun'ow."' Distribution. This genus is composed of thirteen described species, one of which has been described from within our limits, ''America borealis," and twelve from the Neotropical realm. Pothea (Bneo-nitens Stal. Stal, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., Ser. 4, IV:59; 18C4. This species is characterized by Stal as follows: "Hemelytra fuscous or fusco-testaceous, veins pallescent; tylus of the male imarmed; tubercle bearing ocelli ver.y obtuse, lower than the interocular por- tion of the head; anterior femora beyond middle as seen from the side dis- 10—5511 146 The University Science Bulletin. tinctly i^inviate above; differs from jneceding in its slender form. Head slender, postocular portion long, neck long, cylindrical." Localities. Stal reports this insect from "America borealis." Van Dusee (1917) notes that this is probably an error. Fracker (1913) reports it from the "Southern states." Subfamily HAMMACERIN.E. The members of this subfamily possess the following character- istics: Ocelli present and cephalad of the caudal margins of the eyes; the first segment of the antennae stout, the second segment divided into many small divisions; the head not prolonged at all be- hind the prominent eyes. biology. Champion says tiiat the habitat of these insects is under the bark of decaying trees, and that some of them are common in the forest regions of tropical America. WORLD distribution. This subfamily contains only two genera and twelve described species. Eleven species are to be found in the Neotropical realm, and five species in the Nearctic realm, four of the species being common to both. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBFAMILY. Tlu" two genera belonging to this subfamily may be separated as follows: 1. Antennae inserted near the eyes; head in front of the eyes short, subequal to distance between eyes Homalocoris, p. 150 Antennse remote from eyes; head in front of eyes over twice as long as distance between eyes Ham maccrus. p. 146 Genus Hammacerus. Laport 11832) originally described this genus as follows: "Antenna' filiform, of numerous segments, segment one very robust, sub- inflated ; segment two rather elongate, followed by twenty-seven, each provided with two or three rigid hairs; segment twenty-nine long, pubescent. Rostrum very much bent, the length of the head. Tarsi covered with hair, first and intermediate segments short, segment one hardly conspicuous, the second longer; all the claws simple. "Body much depressed, flat ; head very much prolonged before the eyes, these globular and situated behind; ocelli close together, placed on a little transverse elevation situated on the vertex; prothorax almost fiat, narrowed a little in the middle by a transverse furrow; posterior margin rounded: scutellum triangular, bifid behind; hemelytra rather large; abdomen de- Reauio: Biology ok Reduviid.*:. 147 pressed; femora of the anterior legs swollen, bearing a small spine near the insertion of the tibia*; this is short; the posterior legs very long, especially the tibiae." DISTRIBUTION OF GENLS. This genus is composed of six species, one of which has been reported only from within the limits of the United States, one com- mon to this country, Mexico, and Central America, and the other four exclusi\'ely Neotropical. CL.\SSIFICATION OF GENUS. The two species of this genus which may be found within the United States may be separated as follows: 1. Femora entirely black; rod-shaped black spot at base of corium, luctuosus Stal. Posterior femora rufous at base; no rod-shaped spot at base of corium, purcis (Drury). Hamrnacenis purcis (Drury). (PI. X.) Dniry, Illustr. Exot. Ent., III:C3, pi. 4.5, fig. 4; 1872. Chnex purcis. '"Black, entirely granulate, base of elytra white, base of posterior femora sanguineous. (Length of body. 1 unc.) Habitat: Virginia, Georgia. "Head, eyes, and thorax black; the latter rough. Antennae setacious, con- sisting of innumerable articulations. Scutellum triangular and black. Corium white, terminal membrane black. Wings white and transparent. Abdomen black, the edges marked with scarlet and black spots. Rostrum black and short, not reaching to the fore legs. Legs black, the hinder thighs next the body scarlet." Biology. A small amount of data on the biology of this insect is available. Habitat. Several references describing the habitat of this insect as under the bark of trees are to be found. Bueno and Brimley (1907) report finding both adults and nymphs under the bark of dead pine trees in winter. Inasmuch as this coincides with the habits reported by Champion for the subfamily, it seems logical to consider it the normal habitat. Food. No references to the food of this insect are to be found. There can be but little doubt that it is predacious, as are the other members of the family to which it belongs, but just what insects it prefers cannot be stated. Seasonal Life History. No direct study of this subject has been made, but collecting records throw some light on the subject. Bueno and Brimley (1907) report finding both nymphs and adults during 148 The University Science Bulletin. the winter. The writer has a series composed of both nymphs and adults collected by Mrs. Grace Wiley in Colorado county, Texas, on March 7. In this lot there are represented the last three nymphal instars, as well as the adults. The nymphs are apparently much more abundant than the adults at this time of year. It would seem that the insect may overwinter either as a nymph or adult, but more commonly as a nymph, and in several different instars. Though there is no data on the subject, it seems quite probable that there is but a single generation a season. description of instars. The writer has figured and prepared descriptions of the third, fourth and fifth nymphal instars. Third Instar. (PI. X, Fig. 1.) Length of body, 9-10 mm. ; length of front femur, 2.2 mm. ; length of second antennal segment, 2.1. General color rather dark, upper surface of head and thorax darker, piceous; upper surface of abdomen lighter. Antennae some- what lighter in color than head; legs of a uniform dark brown with exception of hind femora which are bright red for about two-thirds their basal length, then dark brown to apex; abdomen with numer- ous dark spines and with dark median dorsal plates at anterior mar- gins of segments four, five and six, at openings of dorsal stink glands. Entire upper and lateral surfaces of body with numerous dark, conspicuous spines. Length of head about equal to width across eyes; postocular portion slightly narrower than anteocular portion; transverse suture broadly U-shaped; antennae slender, first segment shortest and stoutest, hardly exceeding apex of head; second seg- ment longest, composed of 18-19 divisions; third and fourth seg- ments subequal, the two taken together subequal to the second; rostrum stout, curved, first and second segments stoutest, subequal, third segment shorter and more slender. Prothorax narrowed at apex, broader at base, angles rounded; meso- and metanota slightly wider than pronotum, each bearing wing pads; those attached to mesothorax extended only slightly beyond caudal limits of that seg- ment, and those attached to metathorax extended backwards not at all. First two pairs of legs apparently raptorial, with swollen femora and tibiae bearing a hairy pad at apex; pad of middle tibia much less developed than that of fore tibia ; first tarsal segment very short, tarsal claws toothed at base; hind legs normal, with longer and more slender femur and tibia than preceding, first tarsal sag- Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 149 mcnt also longer. Abdomen somewhat swollen, broadly rounded behind. Openings to dorsal stink glands visible at anterior margins of segments four, five and six; location marked by dark plates. Fourth Instar. (PI. X, Fig. 2.) Length of body, 13 mm.; length of front femur, 3 mm. ; length of second antennal segment, 4 mm. Color practically as in preceding instar. General structure similar to preceding; numerous spines present on upper and lateral surfaces of body as in preceding; head now distinctly longer than width across eyes; second antennal segment now composed of 20-21 divisions. Wing pads larger, first pair ex- tended over second pair for more than one-half their length, and second pair extended over first abdominal segment for more than one-half its length; plates marking openings to dorsal stink glands present, and in addition plates present in a corresponding position at the caudal margin of segments six, seven and eight. Fifth Instar. (PI. X, Fig. 3.) Length of body, 16 mm.; length of front femur, 4 mm.; length of second antennal segment, 5.5 mm. Color as in preceding instar. General structure as in preceding; more hairs and spines in this instar; second antennal segment now composed of 26-27 divisions; pads at apices of fore and middle tibiae much better developed in this instar; transverse suture present near the caudal margin of the pronotum; wing pads larger, both extended to the base of the third abdominal segment. Localities. Virginia, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Oklahoma, Texas. Hammacerus luctuosics Stal. Stal, Of. Vet. Akad. Forh., XI:237; 1854. Hammatocerns luctuosus. "Black; large median spots on hemelytra dirty white. Length, 21 mm.; width 5 mm. Mexico." Stal later enlarges somewhat upon this description (Stet. Ent. Zeit., XXIII: 455; 1862): "Black, granulate; coriaceous part of hemelytra, with base and apex excepted, dirty white; legs unmarked. " $ . Length, 20-24 mm.; width, bV2-^y2 mm." Stal designates two varieties of this species, one of which has the connexivum unmarked, the other having the connexivum marked with dirty livid fascia. He states that the males of this genus have the ventral surface bea'ring a flat disk, and that segments 150 The University Science Bulletin. three and four bear in the middle region a very short, dense pile. The writer has observed that in the preceding species the pile is not confined to the male sex, but is present in the females also. Biology. There are practically no data on the biology of this species, though it is assumed that it is similar to the preceding in habits. Champion notes that the nymph has the tarsi two- instead of three-segmented, and that the hind femora to the tip, as well as the others at the base, are rufous. Localities. Texas, Mexico, British Honduras, Guatemala, Panama. Genus Homalocoris. Perty's original description to this genus is not available (1834). In addition to the characters given in the key to the genera, the following characters may be useful in separating this genus from the preceding: Second segment of antennae divided into 8-18 joint- lets, instead of 23-28, as in Hammacerus; second and third ventral segments of abdomen not densely pilose, as is the case in Ham- macerus. DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS. This genus is composed of six described species, all of which are typically Neotropical, although three of them extend their range into southern United States. CLASSIFICATION OF GENUS. The three species of this genus to be found within our limits may be separated by the following key : 1. Coriiim flavoiis or ochreous, with a median black spot, the membrane pale at the apex maculicollis Stal. Cerium with black the predominating color 2 2. Corium and membrane black, the corium with a small spot at the base, and the membrane with a small spot at the base and another about the middle of the basal margin, pale flavous; pronotum with two small ochreous spots on the posterior lobe in front. . . .guttatus (Walker). Corium and membrane black, marked with sanguineous minutus (Mayr). Homalocoris niiniitu.s (Mayr). ]\Ia>r. Vei. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, XV:439; 186G. Haminatoccrus minutus. "Length. 11-7 mm. Tawny black, partly fuscous, two stripes on disk of pronotum and the anterior jiortion of the anterior margin, the hemelytra near the base, quadrangular spots of the connexiva and minute spots on anterior femora, two basal spots on membrane, and discoidal markings before the apex and the tarsi in iiart testaceous." Rkadio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 151 Locality. This species was (l('scril)ecl orij^inally witliout knowl- edge of place of collection, hut was recorded later by Snow from Arizona (1907). Honinlocoris maculicollis Stal. Still, Enum. Hoiuiii., 11:101; 1872. "Black, above witli I'riuora and sides of prothorax beariag setiferous gran- ules; two spots of tlic rather large thoracic lobe converging into two vittae, also the coriaceous ]iart of the heniclytra (lirt>' testaceo-flavescent ; two spots, one basal, the other placed somewhat behind the middle, also the apex of the clavus itself, and a somewhat larger transverse subtriangular basal spot grey; quadrangular marginal spots of the abdomen testaceo-flavescent. "S. Length, 12 mm.; width. 3 mm." Localities. Arizona, Mexico, Guatemala. Homalocoris guttatu^ Walker. Walker, Cat. Heter., VII:181; 1873. Reduvius guttatus. The following descriptive notes taken from Champion (1899) will serve to identify this species: "Legs black; second antenna! joint divided into 13-18 jointlets; corium and membrane black, the coriimi with a small spot at base, and the membrane with a small spot at the base and another about the middle of the basal mar- gin, pale flavous; ]ironotum with two small ochreous spots on the i^osterior lobe in front." Localities. Arizona, Mexico. Subfamily APIOMERIN^E. The following characters will serve to distinguish this subfamily, which was originally designated as the "Groupe Apiomerides" by Amyot and Serville (1843). Ocelli present, very far apart, placed laterally behind the eyes, farther apart than the eyes themselves; anterior and middle tibiae without the spongy fossa found in several of the preceding subfamilies; anterior tarsi very small and received in an indentation of the tibia above; legs noticeably hairy, the an- terior tibi« long and arched. WORLD DISTRIBUTION OF SUBFAMILY. This subfamily is composed of about seventy-five species, the greater number of which are to be found in the Neotropical realm. The species are distributed as follows: Nearctic, 9 species; Neo- tropical, 63 species; Ethiopian, 7 species; Oriental, 15 species. The subfamily is not represented in the Paliearctic and Australian realms. 152 The University Science Bulletin. BIOLOGY. In 11 few species in which the habits are known, the adult insects live on plants and feed on the insects found on plants. The nymphs have been reported as occurring on foliage also, and have been ob- served by the writer, in the case of one species at least, to live on the surface of the ground under rocks. The eggs have been reported as being placed both on foliage and on rocks lying on the surface of the ground. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBFAMILY. Within our limits but one genus of this subfamily, Apiomerus, is represented. Genus Apiomerus. This genus is described by Amyot and Serville (1843) as follows: "Body thick and hairy. Head rather noticeably prolonged into a blunt cone before the eyes; neck very elongate. Eyes large, projecting in a hemisphere, a little flattened. Ocelli far from one another, placed behind, and rather far from the eyes, on a tubercle. Antennae shorter than the body; first segment rather long, a little thickened; the second noticeably shorter than the third, which is very long; the fourth sometime-s almost the length of the preceding. Beak reaching the point of insertion of the anterior legs; the second segment straight, veiy long; the first and third very short. Pro- thorax trapezoidal, without spines on its disk, with a rather large swelling, divided into two lobes on the anterior margin; its pasterior angles hairy; its posterior border truncate, leaving the scutellum uncovered. Scutellum trian- gular, rather short. Elytra at least as long as the abdomen, a little narrower than it; membrane with three large cells formed by some of the large longitu- dinal veins, of which the last only reaches the anterior margin, towards the extremity; the two first cells round and become closed rather far caudad, having the margin internal. Abdomen elongate, flattened on the margin, extending beyond the elytra on each side, and lightly notched; the males showing, at the extremity of the anal plate which is rounded and swollen, two lateral filiform appendages and two other intermediate points, the latter disappearing sometimes, however. Legs rather large and strong, very hairy; the four anterior tibiae are stronger than the others, a little curved and thickened towards the middle or extremity, with an indentation at the tip, above, to receive the tarsus, which is very small ; the posterior tarsi are larger than the others." BIOLOGY. Champion (1899) gives the following discussion of the habits of this genus: "The females have the power of exuding a sticky fluid from the ventral surface, and probably from the tibiae also; the hairs on the venter are matted and stuck together with this substance in nearly all the specimens examined. From what I have observed of the habits of one of the largest species, A. vexil- Readio: Biology of Reduviid^. 153 larim, which is quite common in forest clearings in the 'tierra caliente' of Chirique, this viscous fluid appeared to be used for the purpose of securing a firm grasp of its prey — freshly emerged Longicornia, etc., nearly as large as itself — during the process of suction. Doctor Sharp, however, has recorded a curious fact in connection with the mode of deposition of the eggs of an Amazonian reduviid (possibly a .species of HariDactorinse or Apiomerinse), showing that this fluid is used for gumming them down on a leaf. The foliaceous appendages of the females of A. vexillariiis, etc., are bright san- guineous in life, and very conspicuous, looking like two red flags waving about, as the insect runs over the surface of fallen timber in search of its prey. These appendages, like the more or less expanded and similarly colored sixth doi"sal segment of the males of the same species, often fade after death to flavous or even black. The anterior and intermediate tarsi are short and re- tractile, fitting into a groove along the outer face of the stout, broad tibiae. "Some of the smaller forms are found upon flowei-s or herbage. I am unacciuainted with the larvae or pupae of any of the species of the genus.'' A. C. ]\Iorgan (1907) has worked out the details of the life histoiy of one species of this genus, A. spissipes (Say), and the writer has some additional data on the same species to add to that of Morgan. This material is given under the discussion of that species. WORLD DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS. This genus is entirely American in distribution, the larger number of species, however, being found south of the United States. Of the forty-five species described for this genus, forty-four are repre- sented in the Neotropical realm, and nine in the Nearctic realm, eight of these, of course, being common to both realms. CLASSIFICATION OF GENUS. The species of this genus which occur within our limits may be separated by the following key : 1. Female with foliaceous genital appendages; male with two divergent, upwardly curved spines at apex of the last genital segment, repletus Uhler, p. 156 Female without foliaceous genital appendages 2 2. Female with the sides of the first genital (terminal dorsal) segment forming a continuous outline with the connexival margin 3 Female with the outer apical angles of the first genital (terminal dorsal) segment deflexed and not forming a continuous outline with the con- nexival margin; male with the apex of the last genital segment pro- duced into a short process in the center and armed with two spines. . 6 3. Male with the two spines at the apex of the last genital segment aris- ing from a short broad process, the apical margin of this segment not toothed at the sides above the points of insertion of the claspers, subpiceous Stal, p. 154 Male with the two spines at the apex of the last genital segment not arising from a short process 4 154 The University Science Bulletin. 4. The apical margin of the terminal genital segment toothed or subangu- late at the sides above the points of insertion of the claspers (appear- ing emarginate on each side) ; corium dark, immundus Bergroth,p. 156 The apical margin of the terminal genital segment not toothed or angu- late at the sides above the points of insertion of the claspers 5 5. The spines very long, acuminate, and divergent ; elytra moderately long, the corium and membrane dark; body robust, longispinis Champion, p. 155 The spines very much shorter, divergent; elytra moderately long, the corium with some of the nervures partly ochreous (rarely in great part ochreous), the membrane blackish; legs rather slender; body narrow ( S ), broader ( 9 ) moestus Stal, p. 155 6. Male with two genital spines upwardly curved and obliquely divergent, 7 Male with the genital spines horizontal, rather short and stout, and later- ally extended 8 7. Pronotum partly rufous; the corium rufous or reddish-ochreous, with the apical margins narrowly ochreous; connexival margins, at most, very narrowly pale spissipes (Say), p. 157 Pronotum black, with reddish or pale basal margin; corium obscure rufopiceous; connexival margins more broadly pale, crassipes (Fabricius), p. 156 8. Ventral segments flavous, with the sutures very narrowly black; species larger, more robust, and more brightly colored, flaviverdrii< Herrich-Schaeffer, p. 165 Ventral segments more broadly banded with black; species smaller and less brightly colored pictipes Herrich-Schaeffer, p. 166 Apiomerus subpiccous Stal. Stal, Stet. Ent. Zeit., XXIII :454; 1862. "Dark pilose; black or yellowish black; head, anterior lobe of thorax, and abdomen black, spots on margin of abdomen and the bases of the veins of the membrane pale fuscous; antenna" always yellowish black; posterior lobe of the prothorax rather smooth. S. $. Length, 12-16 mm.; width, 3M!-4% mm. " $ . Apex of anal segment lightly produced, armed in middle with two spines, bent upwards, divaricating. '■ 9 . With anal appendages." Champion gives the following notes on this species: "In this species the corium and the posterior lobe of the pronotum are usually brownish or piceous, rarely black. The legs vary in color from piceous, with tibiae (the base excepted) ferrugineous or testaceous, to entirely black. The antennae in some specimens are ferrugineous, and in others almost en- tirely black. The membrane is uniformly fuscous. The males have the apex of the last genital segment broadly produced in the center and armed with two, moderately long, widely divergent, ujnvardly curved spines; the claspers are long and somewhat abruptly bent inwards towards the apex." Localities. Arizona, Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica. Reauio: Biology ok Redivhu.e. loo Apiomerus moestus Stal. Stal, Stet. Ent. Zeit.. XXI1I:455; 18G2. "Dark pilose, black; nieinbrano fiuscous; the base of the veins of the mem- brane, and also a fascia behind the middle of the corium f uscoflavescent ; thorax smooth. 9. Length. 13 mm.; width. 3% mm. ■'\'ery similar to .4. subpiceous, scarcely- dilTering except in black color and longer hemelytra." Champion gives the following notes on this species: "A rather small species, the nia'.es comparatively narrow, with the elytra extending far beyond the abdomen in both sexes. The corium usually has an irregular narrow transverse fa^'cia towards the apex, and one or two of the inner ner\ures, ochreous, this color sometimes extending over the greater portion, leaving the base and the apex only dark. The basal margin of the- pronotum is sometimes flavescent. The posterior tibia" are in some specimens broadly ferrugineous or testaceous in the middle. The apical joint of the antennae is shorter than the third, and ferrugineous at the tip. The males have two moderately long, divergent, upwardly curved spines at the apex of the terminal genital segment ; the daspers are long, strongly curved, and rather stout." Localities. Arizona, Mexieo, Guatemala. A'piomerus longispinis Champion. Cliainpion, Biol. Centr. Am., Heter., 11:239, pi. 14, fig. 17; 1899. "Moderately robust, shining, black, the corium and posterior lobe of the pronotum sometimes obscure reddish brown, the membrane uniformly fuscous or nigro-fuscous, the nervures of the latter usually ochreous at the base, the connexival sutures indicated laterally by a rufous or ochreous mark, the an- tennae varying in color from black to ferrugineous; the anterior and interme- diate femora, trochanters, and coxae sometimes in great part ferrugineous; the body rather sparsely clothed with erect blackish setae and also with short de- cumbent pallid pubescence; the legs somewhat sparsely setose. Antennae with joints 1 and 2 in equal length, 3 nearly twice as long as 2, 4 slightly longer than 3. Pronotum with the base feebly sinuate on each side near the hind angles.- Elytra longer than the abdomen in both sexes. Legs moderately stout, the femora feebly swollen before the tip. "S. Terminal genital segment armetl with two very long, stout, tapering, upwardly curving divergent spines; the claspers long and stout, and with a dense brush of short bristly hairs on the upjier edge beyond the middle; venter densely pilose. "Length, 15M;-19^/1' mm.; breadth, 5%-7% mm. "Fourteen specimens. Very like A. subpiceous Stal, but usually much darker in color, and with the two spines at the apex of the terminal genital segment of the male much more elongate. These spines are longer than in any other of the species of the genus known to me; they are stout at the base and taper toward the tip. In general shape of the terminal segment the present species agrees with ^4. subpiceo^is. both dilTering from ,4. tristis in this respect. 156 The University Science Bulletin. The specimens belonging to the Vienna Museum were sent to me as A. moes- tus Stal; the one in the Stockholm Museum was separated as a distinct species." Localities. Arizona, Mexico. Apiomerus imniundus Bergroth. Bergroth, Bui. Soc. Ent. Fr. for 1898:307. Inasmuch as the original description of Bergroth is not available, I shall quote Champion's descriptive notes on this species. "Sent in plenty from Teapa. Very like A. subpiceous Stal, and similarly colored; but smaller and less elongate, the membrane in light-colored speci- mens usually with scattered darker spots. "The males have the two spines at the apex of the last genital segment rather short, upwardly curved, moderately divergent, and widely separated at the base, and the apical margin of this segment is subangulate on each side opposite the points of insertion of the claspere; the latter are comparatively short. The genital spines of the male are shorter, less divergent, and more widely separated at the base in the same sex of A. subpiceoiis." Localities. California, Mexico. A'piomerus repletus Uhler. Uhler, Bui. U. S. Geol. Surv., 1:329; 1876. "Black, robust, densely invested with brownish black, erect pubescence. Head and surface of pronotum polished; eyes brown; antennae brownish piceous, excepting the basal joint, which is deep black. Lateral margins and humeral angles of the pronotum densely beset with stiff bristles; the anterior lobe longitudinally, deeply, and widely scooped out, each side with high, oblique ridges, defined by deep furrows. Hemelytra velvety; the dense pile short, black. On the disk of each corium is a crimson-red, large, triangular spot. Abdomen with dense, erect, moderately short pile; the connexivum, both above and below, almost bald, polished, only the base pubescent, the in- cisures pale yellow; anal lobes large, lamellate, circular, pale yellow, the margin thickened. "Length, 21 mm.; width of pronotum, 7 mm." Locality. Calfornia. A'piomerus crassipes (Fabricius). Fabricius, Syst. Rhyng., 273 ; 1803. Reduvius crassipes. "Hairy fuscous, thorax and margin of abdomen ferrugineous, legs thickened. "Habitat in California. "Of medium size. Head hairy, fuscous, unmarked. Thorax villous, fuscous, lateral margin and very slender posterior margin red. Wings black. Breast black spotted on either side, margin of abdomen red. Legs short, thickened, hairy, black with the base a little red." Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 157 Inasmuch as Say, who described the following closely related species, spissipes, includes a description of this species as well, his description should be valuable and is included here: "Specific character. Blackish; thorax and abdomen margined with reddish; feet thick. "Description. Bodj' villous; posterior lobe bituberculate : thorax margined all round with red; anterior lobe with a triangular central indentation; scutel with a red band beyond middle: hemelytra with a reddish humerus; coria- ceous portion with two or three obsolete reddish points at tip; membranaceous portion much deeper black; tergum with red triangular spots on the incisures at the lateral margin; pectus with a red spot above the insertion of each foot, and coxae red; venter margined each side with red. "Obs. This species was collected by Bose, in California, and was described from his collection by Fabricius. I found the specimens in Arkansaw." Biology. An account of the habits of this species has been given by Uhler (1884) in the Standard Natural History. He says that it lays its eggs on twigs and bark of the common pine trees. "These hatch during the early summer, and the young may be seen roaming over the trees in search of plant lice and young caterpillars, which they pierce and suck to death, often holding them out on the tip of the rostrum, while keeping them from getting awaj^ by pressing down with the fore feet. The adult insect may be found in the trees as early as March, and numbers may be beaten therefrom during the summer and autumn. This species inhabits most of the thinh' distributed pine belts, from lower Canada to southern Florida, and varies much in the width of the red markings of the thorax, wing covers, and abdomen." Heidemann (1911) describes the egg of this insect as follows: "Egg, 1.8 mm., oval-elongate; color dark brown; the extension of the chorion at upper egg-pole composed of longitudinal fine scales connecting with each other, yellowish around the rim and white at the edge; the cap rather low, crowned with white scales, of which those on the inside circumference are brown." A figure accompanies this description. Localities. Probably universally distributed over the United States and southern Canada ; Mexico. Apiomerus spissipes (Say). (PI. XII.) Say. JI. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., IV:328; 1825. Compl. Wr., 11:250. Reduvius spUsipes. "Thorax and hemelytra light reddish brown, edged behind with white; venter black, incisures whitish; feet thick. "Inhabits Arkansas. "Head black, posterior lobe with two tubercles; thorax light reddish brown; anterior lobe with dilated, black, or arcuated lines, of which some are con- fluent; posterior lobe hardly more elevated than the preceding, with a black 158 The University Science Bulletin. posterior submarfjin and a. white posterior margin; scutel black, margined with white, and tipped by a few hairs: hemelytra. coriaceous portion hght reddish brown, with a narrow, whitish jwsterior margin, membranaceous i)ortion black or dark fuscous; feet thickened, black, hairy; coxae bright red; abdomen black, margin and band on each segment white. "Length, thirteen-twentieths of an inch. "The feet resemble those of B. cra^sipes Fabr., but it is a \ery distinct species." Champion gives the following descriptive notes concerning this species: "These specimens are extremely like some of the varieties of A. pictipes, and they are only sejiarable therefrom by the \ery different form of the ex- teinal genital armature of the males. They have the venter entirely black, or, rarely, with traces of transverse dirty yellowish lines at the sides; the con- nexivum in some of them is entirely black, or has the outer margin very narrowly pale; the pronotum rufous, with two broad transverse black fasciae, which are sometimes united along the middle of the disk; the corium rufous or reddish ochreous with the apical margin narrowly ochreous. The males have the apex of the terminal genital .segment broadly produced in the center, and armed on each side with a moderately long, divergent, upwardly curved spine, which is distinctly hooked at the tip (the armature resembhng that of A. subpiceou.s and its allies, and very ditTerent from that of A. pictipes); the clasi)ers are comparatively short, very abruiitl.\' bent inwards a little beyond the middle, and strongly curved at the apex. The females have the outer apical angles of the first genital segment defiexed and dilated into a sub- triangular concave plate (this being much larger than in the same sex of A. flaviveritris and .4. pictipes); the terminal genital segment is strongly transverse." Biology. Mr. A. C. Morgan (1907) studied the biology of this insect as a possibly important beneficial predacious enemy of the cotton boll weevil, and has contributed most of what is known con- cerning its biology. Among the points of its life history which he takes up are copulation, oviposition, characters of egg, food, canni- balism, length of life history, natural enemies, distribution, and value as a predacious enemy of the cotton boll weevil. The following account is taken from his work. Morgan observed copulation of this species on May 23, 1925, and describes it as follows: "During the process the female assumes the normal position while the male clings to one side of her, holding on with the fore and hind legs." The act lasted for four hours in one case and for three hours in another case. Eggs were laid in masses of forty to sixty on the under side of a leaf near the top of the plant, placed side by side so that the eggs in the center of the mass are hexagonal. They were collected in this Readio: Biology of Redivud.e. 159 position from Heliatifhus pp.. and Ambrosia sp. He describes the egg as follows: "The egg is cylindrical, finei>- puiu-tured, and varies in color from a bright yellow when fii-st dei)Osited to a light brown just before hatching. The collar is shining white. The dimensions of the egg are as follows: Width at narrow- est part — just below collar — 0.5 mm.; greatest width, 0.64 mm.; length of the collar, 0.26 mm.; total length, 1.77 mm. The width of the collar varies from slightly less to slightly more than the greatest width." The period of incubation varied from 12 to 16 days in May, to 10 to 12 days in midsummer, to 14 to 16 days in the fall. ^Morgan reports that the insect fed upon a wide variety of insects in the laboratory, including Orthoptera. Hemiptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera, and Hymenoptera, but preferred Coleoptera and Diptera. He says: "In general the rediniids lie in wait in an alert attitude for the approach of an insect and then spring upon it. but frequently they take the initiative and fly or run toward an insect. The insect fed upon is not left until all the juices are sucked from its body. Sometimes this takes only half an hour, at other times the reduviid feeds for more than two hours. Boll weevils fed upon by Apiomerus spissipes are often as dry and crush as easily between the fingers as do pinned specimens. The first puncture of the beak of spissipes is gen- erally fatal. In the case of boll weevils, upon which spissipes frequently fed, the weevil made on\y a few si)asniodic movements after the first insertion of its captor's beak, and then ceased to move. The power of the bite of this insect was well illustrated upon the writer while collecting specimens. One adult inserted his bill in the end of the thumb. The pain at first was not so great as that of the sting of a bee or wasp, but in a few minutes it was much greater than the writer has ever experienced from any hymenopteron's sting. It continued unabated for over an hour, and the spot was tender to the touch for over two weeks.'" Morgan gives in some detail the food of individual adult and nymphal spissipes. The food of the adult included the cotton boll weevil, though this was apparently unsatisfactory food for them, the pepper weevil, flies, ladybirds, bees and twelve-spotted cucumber beetles. The insect refused the Colorado potato beetle and its larvae, however, and also the sharpshooter, Homalodisca triquetra Fabr. He considered the diet unsatisfactory, however, since he was unable to keep the insect alive for any length of time. A third- instar nymph ate fifty pepper weevils and three cotton boll weevils during the period from October 16 to November 8, but died during the winter. Morgan had great difficulty in keeping the newly hatched individuals alive, but finally succeeded to a certain extent by offering them a head of Ambrosia broken open, which contained 160 The University Science Bulletin. a variety of insects, including Triphleps insidiosus, a weevil of the genus Apion, thrips, and larvae and pupae of a gall midge. His records on the length of the stages and the length of the total life cycle are inadequate since he had so much difficulty in keeping the insects alive. He gives 4 to 7 days as the length of time between copulation and oviposition; 10 to 16 as the period of incubation; 12 days or much longer as the period between the second and third molts. He says that there can be but a fragment of a second genera- tion in the field. He also speaks of the fact that while the adults are very common in the field, and may be observed frequently in copulation in June and July, later searches for the nymphs reveal only a very small number. One natural enemy has been found, an egg parasite belonging to the genus Hadronotus. The parasitized egg mass had 12 per cent of the eggs parasitized. Morgan does not consider this insect as a beneficial one, in fact, he says that it may be positively harmful since it feeds to such an extent upon ladybirds. He sums up his findings as follows: "Lastly, the great mortality of the young and consequent paucity of adults, the unspecialized food habit*i, the failure to feed to any appreciable extent upon harmful insects, and the practical disappearance of the species from the vicinity of cultivated fields during a part of the summer would unquestionably place Ajnomerus spissipes among insects of economic insignificance." The writer has made observations on this insect for two summers, and can add something to what has previously been recorded. Habitat. The habitat of the adults is unquestionably the foliage and flowers of plants. The normal habitat of the nymphs may possibly be a different one. Morgan assumed that the nymphs lived in the same habitat as did the adults, and sought them there. He remarks that they were not abundant, and concluded that the mortality of the young must be very great. He says : "At no time during the year of 1905 could the young be found in any num- bers. Although adults could be observed frequently in copulation in June and July at Gurley, later observations failed to disclose more than a few young." Inasmuch as the writer has found several nymphs, in several different collecting localities in Kansas, on the ground under rocks, and inasmuch as he has never found them on foliage, it seems logical to suggest, at least, that Morgan may have been looking for the nymphs in the wrong place. Food. The writer has had the same experience that Morgan re- cords in finding that the adults will attack a large variety of insects. Readio: Biology of RedI'Viid-^s. 161 Also, the results agree in showing that the assassin bugs prefer Coleoptera and Diptera. I found that weevils in particular were eaten readily by the adults and larger nymphs. The clover-leaf weevil, Phytonomou^ posticus, was especially favored, and house flies were easily caught and consumed. Other insects fed upon were grasshoppers, leaf hoppers, and stink bugs. The writer did not have the same difliculty in keeping the adults alive that Morgan had. The diet offered the bugs seemed to be perfectly satisfactory to them. The only field observation made on feeding M'as a case w'here an adult was taken in the act of feeding on a bee. The bug was on the head of a flower, and had taken his position there evidently for the purpose of intercepting the insects visiting the flower. The nymphs have been fed on a wide variety of insects, including small beetles, such as tiny flea beetles and weevils, small Miridae, both nymphs and adults, small leaf hoppers, and various other small insects swept from grassy and weedy fields. Later it was found that they would feed on house flies, and as these were more easily ob- tained they were then substituted. Some of the nymphs have been brought from the second to the fifth nymphal instar on a diet of house flies alone. The flies were caught with a net at a near-by stable and crushed slightly before being introduced. Mating. Mating has been observed a number of times. The male mounts from behind and holds on by means of all legs and the beak placed at the juncture of the head and prothorax. The genital organs of the male are extruded, and he attempts to establish con- nection, first on one side, then on the other, eventually establishing connection. Several of the males were observed, after having be- come coupled, to let go witii the beak and the first two pairs of legs, remaining attached only by the hind legs and the genital organs. The body of the male forms an angle with that of the female. The insects may remain coupled in this manner for several hours, and they may mate several times during their lives. Whether several matings are necessary for the fertilization of all of the eggs or not I cannot say. Seasonal Life History. While Morgan does not draw any definite conclusions as to the details of the seasonal life history, yet he pre- sents some material which is useful in determining the normal seasonal life history. He evidently found adults practically all summer, since he gives the incubation period for May, midsummer and fall. He mentions, however, that adults are found most com- 11—5511 162 The University Science Bulletin. monly in the field during June and July. The writer has taken fifth-instar nymphs in the field in the spring of the year. These change to adults, and are found in this condition in June and July in Kansas, as Morgan reports for Texas. The eggs are now laid, and the rest of the summer is spent in the nymphal condition. Thus the insect normally has a single generation a year, and winters in the fourth or fifth nymphal instar. Reared insects have almost exactly this life history. Length of Stages. I have carried this insect through the round of its life cycle, from fifth-instar nymph to fifth-instar nymph. In one case a fifth-instar nymph was collected from under a rock on April 20. This insect was confined in a cage with soil included and a rock under which to hide. It was fed June bugs and weevils, and changed to an adult on June 11. With this insect was placed a male which had been collected as an adult. The insects were put in the same cage on June 22, and were observed to mate the next day. On July 10 the female deposited an egg mass of 32 eggs on a rock in the cage, and on July 24 produced another egg mass of 25 eggs. The male died July 20, and the female August 7. On July 26, 16 days after having been laid, the eggs of the first mass produced hatched. Sev- eral of the nymphs were isolated for rearing purposes, some in small stender dishes, others in tin boxes with dirt in the bottom. Two in- dividuals from that source are now alive in the laboratory (April 20), and their record of development is as follows: 1. July 10, egg laid; July 26, egg hatched; August 22, molted to second instar; September 2, molted to third instar; October 10, molted to fourth instar; March 2, molted to fifth instar. 2. July 10, egg laid; July 26, egg hatched; August 14, molted to second instar; September 9, molted to third instar; October 20, molted to fourth instar; March 5, molted to fifth instar. These insects are at the present time (April 20) alive and healthy. They have been given the same treatment except that one has been kept in a tin box with soil in the bottom, while the other has been kept in a glass stender dish. Both have been fed house flies for the greater part of their lives, though they were fed some small flea beetles, leaf hoppers, etc., while first-instar nymphs. Other records for the length of stages are as follows: The first instar lasted from eight to sixteen days in five indi- viduals, with an average of thirteen days for the five. The second instar lasted from fourteen to twenty days in five in- dividuals, with seventeen days as an average for the five. Reaiho: Biology of Reduviid.e. 163 The third instar lasted from fifteen to thirty-four days in five individuals, with twenty-one days as an average for the five. Eggs. (PI. XI, Figs. 1-3; PI. XII, Fig. 7.) Mr. Morgan gives a very satisfactory description of the eggs, and describes them as being placed on the leaves of Helianthns sp. and Ambrosia sp. The writer has not been able to find the eggs in such situations, but has found them on rocks in the field. In two cases egg masses have been found. In one case the eggs were attached to the upper surface of a rock which was covered by a superimposed rock, and in another case they were attached to the under surface of a rock wiiich was resting on the earth. In the laboratory the eggs were laid sometimes on bits of rock provided, and sometimes on the sides of the cage. DESCRIPTION OF INSTARS. Morgan has not described the immature stages of this insect, with the exception of the egg, so the writer includes here descriptions of the five nymphal instars. First Instar. (PI. XII, Fig. 1.) Length of body from 2 mm. in newly hatched individuals to 2.8 mm. in older individuals; length of front femur, .85 mm. ; length of first antennal segment, .4 mm. General color reddish; dorsum of head and thorax rather dark, abdomen banded with dark; plates which mark openings to dorsal stink glands on cephalic margins of abdominal segments four, five and six light; legs yellowish red, eyes more nearly purely red; under surface reddish. Body rather stout; head a little less than twice as long as width across eyes, somewhat narrower at base, eyes very prominent, apex narrowly rounded; antennae rather short, four-segmented, second segment shortest, fourth segment slightly swollen; white lines of epicraneal suture visible, lateral arms running caudad from eyes extended obliquely mesad, then turned transversely across head to meet; beak rather long, curved, three-segmented, second segment longer than first and third combined, third segment very short, pointed. Pronotum longer than mesonotum, this longer than met- anotum; pronotum narrower cephalad than caudad with suggestion of lobes at cephalolateral angles; legs rather short, first and second pairs modified for grasping, the first pair to a greater degree than the second pair; front femur long, stout; tibia long, curved, stout, and covered with long, stiff, conspicuous bristles, evidently of use in grasping and holding prey; middle legs similar to front legs but noticeably shorter and tibiae with fewer bristles; hind legs normal, 164 The University Science Bulletin. nearly as long as front legs, both femur and tibia more slender than in first two pairs of legs; tarsi of all legs short, two-segmented, first segment very short and inconspicuous. Abdomen short, broad, rounded; plates marking openings of dorsal stink glands visible on median dorsal line along cephalic margins of segments four, five and six; plate on segment four larger than that on segment five, this larger than that on segment six. Second Instar. (PI. XII, Fig. 2.) Length of body, 3.8 mm.; length of front femur, 1.19 mm.; length of first antennal segment, .51 mm. General color much darker than in preceding; reddish tinge still present though obscured by fuscous markings; head and antennae fuscous with exception of red eyes and white epicraneal suture; top of thorax fuscous with median light line; femora fuscous with reddish tinge; tibiie lighter reddish with exception of apex of front tibia, which is fuscous; abdomen somewhat mottled. Of same general shape and structure as preceding instar; dorsal surface of abdomen with many papillae, each terminating in a hair or bristle. Third Instar. (PI. XII, Fig. 3.) Length of body, 5 mm.; length of front femur, 1.63 mm.; length of first antennal segment, .74 mm. Reddish tinge nearly absent in this instar; replaced by a mottled fuscous and dirty white; head mostly fuscous with very little whitish; eyes with very faint reddish tinge, epicraneal suture light; thorax as in preceding; legs entirely fuscous; abdomen mottled, dorsum of segments five and six darker than the rest, anterior dorsal stink gland opening whitish, posterior two openings reddish. Similar in structure to preceding; lateral arms of epicraneal suture now extended straight back from eyes, instead of obliquely; fore tibiae densely hairy, much more so than in preceding instars; wing pads present on caudolateral margins of meso- and metanota, barely discernible in this instar. Fourth Instar. (PI. XII, Fig. 4.) Length of body, 7.7 mm.; length of front femur, 2.72 mm.; length of first antennal segment, .99 mm. General color fuscous, abdomen slightly lighter in color than head and thorax; antennae and legs fuscous. Front and middle tibiae with increased number of hairs ; wing pads now increased in size and extended over one-half the length of the second abdominal segment; body more hairy. Kkadio: BioLCKiY OF Rediiviid.e. 165 Fifth Instar. (PL XII, Fig. 5.) Length of body, 11.3 ram.; length of front femur, 3.4 mm.; length of first antennal segment, 1.19 mm. General color dark with reddish markings; head darker at base, lighter at apex; eyes light in color, antennae rather light; prothorax dark with reddish median line and lateral margins; wing pads red- dish basally and fuscous apically; legs black with exception of cox*, trochanters and bases of tibiae, which are marked with red- dish; abdomen mottled with fuscous, reddish, and whitish, lateral margin reddish interrupted with black dots; terminal segments solid black; ventral surface fuscous and reddish with black terminal seg- ments. Body very stout and short; head rather short, narrowed at base, rounded at apex, eyes conspicuous, antennae short, four-segmented, second segment shortest, beak rather long and straight, three- segmented, second segment longest, third segment very short and sharply pointed. Prothorax subquadrate, narrower cephalad and wider caudad; prosternum with ridged groove between fore coxae into which tip of beak fits ; wing pads larger, extended over cephalic margin of fourth abdominal segment; legs rather short, front and middle legs raptorial, hind legs nonnal; front femur long and stout, covered on all sides with a thick set brush of stiff, long bristles, of assistance in catching and holding prey; middle legs similar to front legs with femur and tibia shorter and a little more slender, bristles on tibia less conspicuous ; hind legs nearly as long as front legs, more slender than either front or middle legs; tarsi of all legs short, two-segmented, first segment very short and inconspicuous. Abdomen very short, broad, rounded, covered with sparse hairs; plates marking openings to dorsal stink glands visible on anterior margins of segments four, five and six. Localities. Colorado, Arizona, Texas, Kansas, Arkansas, Mexico, Florida. Apiomerus fiaviventris Herrich-Schaeffer. Herrich-Schaeffer, Wanz. Ins., Vin:77. fig. 847; 1853. "Black, grey-villou?, thorax with anterior margin and a median fascia, the hemelytra and coxte dark purple; remainder of margin of thorax, scutellum and apical portion of hemelytra, six spots on pectus yellow, the incisures of abdomen narrowly black. '•Very gaily colored, grey-gold, hairy; the fore margin and hind half of the thorax, the inner and outer margins of the wing covers, and also the coxae turbid red; side and hind margins of the thorax, border of the rounded scutel- 166 The University Science Bulletin. lum, hind margin of the wing covers, six spots on the breast and the belly yolk yellow, the incisures of the latter naiTowly black." Champion gives the following descriptive notes on this species: "The pronotum is nifous, and usually has one or two transverse black fasciae, the base being broadly flavous; the apex of the scutellum and the lower part of the propleura are broadly flavous; the corium is rufous, with the apical margin flavous; the connexival segments are flavous, banded with black; the venter (the genital segments excepted) is flavous, with some spots at the sides and the sutures very narrowly black ; the legs are rufous, banded with black, there being usually a conspicuous i-ufous ring near the apices of the interme- diate and hind femora; the head, membrane (when closed), and antennae are black. The males have the apex of the terminal genital segment somewhat broadly produced in the center, and armed on each side with a stout, hori- zontal, laterally extended, hooked spine; the claspers are long and stout, and strongly curved. The females have the outer apical angles of the first genital (terminal dorsal) segment deflexed at the sides, so as to form a triangular plate, and the last segment large and trapezoidal." Localities. Florida, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Arizona, Cal- ifornia, Mexico. Apiomerus pictipes Herrich-Schaeffer. Herrich-Schaeffer, Wanz. Ins. Vlll:75, fig. 843; 1853. "Brick-colored, head with antennae, two bands on the prothorax, apex of the scutellum, the membrane, and marks on the legs black; thorax and posterior margin of scutellum, incisures of abdomen and six marks on the prothorax flavous. "Very similar to flaviventris, smaller, less hairy, the abdomen brown, strongly hairy, with narrow black incisures, the femora with black elongate spots; the tibiae red only at the base." Champion gives the following additional notes on this species: "Some of the Yucatan specimens are only separable from A. flaviventris by their slightly smaller size and the broader black bands across the ventral seg- ments. The genital spines and claspers are similarly formed in the males of each species; the females, however, have the sides of the first genital segment more narrowly deflexed than in the corresponding sex of A. flaviventris. The large number of specimens received from Yucatan have the corium (except at the apex), and the pronotum more or less (except at the base), dark, and the ventral segments broadly banded with pale flavous. Most of the other Mexi- can examples, as well as those from Guatemala, etc., resemble Herrich-Schaef- fer's figure. The Panama specimens have the corium and the posterior lobe of the pronotum sordid ochreous. The ventral segments vary greatly in color, but in the darkest specimens there are traces at the sides of transverse yellow lines. The six males dissected show not the slightest variation in the form of the genital spines or claspers." Localities: Colorado, New Mexico, Mexico, Guatemala, Nica- ragua, Panama, Colombia. Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 167 Subfamily HARPACTORIN^. This group was originally designated as the ''Groupe Harpac- torides," by Amyot and Serville (1843). The members of the sub- family possess the following characteristics: Ocelli present, rather close together, placed on a tubercle on the posterior part of the head; anterior coxa? short; front wings with a quadrangular or discoidal aerole at the proximal angle of the membrane, the latter extending farther proximad than the costal aerole of the membrane; neck somewhat constricted or elongated behind the eyes; anterior and middle legs without spongy fossa ; tarsal claws compressed, with tooth at base. WORLD DISTRIBUTION OF SUBFAMILY. This is the largest subfamily of the family Reduviidie, and is com- posed of over one thousand described species. The subfamily is well represented in all of the faunal realms. The distribution of the subfamily by numbers of species is as follows: Nearctic, 44 species; Neotropical, 269 species; Palaearctic, 90 species; Ethiopian, 301 species; Oriental, 299 species; Australian, 155 species. HABITS OF SUBFAMILY. The members of this subfamily seem to live for the most part on plant structures. They may be found on leaves, twigs and trunks of trees, in grass, and on flowers, in which places they attack the numerous plant-feeding insects which frequent such places. A number of the species are well known; among these are Zelus ex- sanguis (Stal), Arilus cristatus (Linnaeus), and Sinea diadema (Fa- bricius). Several of them have been reported as definitely beneficial insects, because of their predacious habits. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBFAMILY. The genera of this subfamily represented by species found in North America north of IVIexico may be separated by the following key: KEY TO GENERA OF SUBFAMILY HARPACTORIN^. 1. Sides of mesostemum without a tubercle or fold in front 2 Sides of mesostemum with a tubercle or fold in front at the hind angles of the prosternum 10 2. Fore femora as long or longer than hind femora; segment one of beak scarcely, or not at all longer than one-half the length of the second segment Zelus Fabricius, p. 168 Fore femora shorter than hind femora, though sometimes very little shorter; first segment of beak much longer than one-half the length of the second 3 168 The University Science Bulletin. 3. First segment of beak shorter than second segment 4 First segment of beak as long as or longer than second segment 5 4. Scutellum short, broad, with obtuse apex, and without somewhat foliaceous apical lobe Rhynocoris Hahn, p. 182 Scutellum longer, with somewhat foliaceous apical lobe, Pselliopus Bergroth, p. 185 5. Lateral angles of pronotum obtuse, not spinose Fitchia Stal, p. 199 Lateral angles of pronotum spinose or tuberculate 6 6. Apex of femur bispinose Doldina Stal, p. 202 Apex of femur without spines, or with two very short ones 7 7. Pronotum armed with spines on the disk 8 Pronotum unarmed on the disk 9 . 8. Juga when prominent obtuse at apex; eyes full width of head; fore femora not incrassate; pronotum with four spines on posterior lobe, Repipta Stal, p. 197 Juga distinctly prominent at apex and often acute or subacute; fore femora distinctly incrassate; hemelytra usually not reaching apex of abdomen Roccohota Stal, p. 200 9. Apical angles of penultimate segment of abdomen armed with a promi- nent spine; antenna; about three-fourths as long as the body; fifth and sixth segments of abdomen not greatly dilated, Atrachelus Arnj'ot and Sen^ille, p. 202 Apical angles of penultimate segment of abdomen unarmed; femora thickened, body rather stout ; segment one of antennae shorter than head and pronotum together CoHtohis Stal, p. 196 10. Fore femora thickened, spinose, densely granulated 11 Fore femora unarmed, rarely a little thickened, a little granulated.... 12 11. Fore tibiae with three pairs of ventral spines, Sirica Amyot and Sei'ville, p. 216 Fore tibiae unarmed Acholla Stal, p. 211 12. Pronotum iiroduced caudad over scutellum with a high mej^al tuber- culate ridge Arilus Burmeister, p. 205 Caudal lobe of pronotum six sided, not elevated nor produced caudad, Heza Amyot and Serville, p. 204 Genus Zelus. Tliis genus was orginally described by Fabricius (1803) as fol- lows : "Rostrum short and arclud. Antennae 'secasea^,' inserted at the apex of the head at the base of the beak. "Body elongate, filiform, frequently bordered with spines, agile, head elongate, exserted, narrowed po.'^teriorly : with two vertical spines, elevated, eyes large, globose, prominent, inserted on median margin, antennae longer than the body; segments elongate, apex of head inserted, thorax elevated, gibbous, anterior lobe small, distinct, scutellum triangular, acute, elytra in- cumbent, the length of the abdomen, almost entirely membranous, abdomen extended, slender; margin of abdomen slightly elevated, acute, ail legs very long and slender, cylindrical."' Stal (1872) characterizes the genus as follows: "Legs long or lather long, anterior femora equal in length to posterior, or longer than them; first segment of beak much shorter than second, anteoc- Readio: Biology of Reduviid^. 169 iilar part of the head shorter or siihi-qual in length to the latter; first segment of antenniB equal in length or longer than ht>ad and thorax together. Apex of abdom(;n not enlarged." WORLD DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS. This genus is entirely American, and contains about sixty de- scribed species. Ten species have been recorded for the Nearctic realm, and fifty-five for the Neotropical, several being found in both realms. CLASSIFICATION OF GENUS. The species of this genus to be found in North America north of Mexico may be separated by the following key : 1. Lateral angles and disk of pronotum unarmed -: Lateral angles, or both disk and lateral angles of pronotum armed with teeth or spines 4 2. Upper surface of body marked with black, legs and antennae black; head with two longitudinal black stripes on the postocular portion. bilobus Say, p. 169 Entire body, antennae, rostrum and legs, pallid 3 3. Legs speckled or annulate with black pictipes Champion, p. 170 Legs entirely pale cervicalis Stal, p. 171 4. Lateral angles of pronotum armed with a spine or tooth; disk unarmed, 5 Lateral angles of pronotum armed with a spine, the disk with two spines 7 5. Pronotum sulcate down the center, from apex to middle of posterior lobe renardii Kolenati, p. 178 Pronotum with anterior lobe only sulcate 6 6. Lateral angles of pronotum armed with a rather stout acute spine, the posterior lobe nigulose exsongim (Stal), p. 171 Lateral angles of pronotum armed with a short tooth; posterior lobe almost smooth IcevicoUis Champion, p. 177 7. First and third segments of antennae subequal in length, occiduus Bueno, p. 181 First segment of antennae distinctly, though slightly longer than third. . . 8 8. Both lobes of pronotum concolorous angustatus Hussey, p. 182 Front lobe of pronotum piceous ; hind lobe paler 9 9. Brownish yellow in color audax Banks, p. 181 Darker in color, fuscofulvous or fulvotestaceous socius Uhler, p. 179 Zelus bilobus Say. Say, Insects La. :12 ; 18.32. Compl. Wr.. 1:306. ''Yellowish; thoracic spot, feet and base and tip of hemelytra black. "Inhabits Georgia and Louisiana. "Body yellowish, more or less tinged with fulvous; elongated; head elon- gated; immaculate; antennae — ; rostrum piceous on the second and third joints; thorax bilobate; anterior lobe convex, with a longitudinal impressed line; posterior portion with a black disk; hemelytra black, with a yellowish band on the tip of the corium, and humerous yellowish; feet black, long; postpectus with a blackish spot over the intermediate feet; coxae and tro- chanters yellowish. 170 The University Science Bulletin. "Length over seven-tenths of an inch. "This insect was sent me by Oemler, of Savannah, and by Mr. Barabino, of Louisiana. "It is a httle like taurus Fabr., but is much larger and unarmed." Biology. Blatchley reports taking this insect by beating herbs and shrubs along roadsides and in open pine woods; and from be- neath loose bark of dead oaks. Localities. North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Texas. Zelus pictipes Champion. Champion, Biol. C3nt. Am., Heter., 11:255, pi. 15, fig. 14; 1899. "Elongate, narrow, slender, dull, clothed with fine pallid pubescence and scattered erect hairs; stramineous, the head more or less blackish above, with a pale stripe on each side anteriorly and a pale median hne posteriorly; the anterior lobe of the pronotum nigro-fuscous or black, with six small pale spots (four in a transverse row behind and two on, the disk in front of these), the posterior lobe fusco-testaceous, with the sides and basal margin pale; the scutellum and elytra fuscous or fusco-testaceous, the nervures and outer mar- gins of the corium stramineous; the dorsal surface of the abdomen, the con- nexival margins excepted, infuscate or sanguineous; the femora and tibise speckled or annulated throughout with black; the antennae with joints 1 and 2 fuscous and the rest testaceous, sometimes entirely testaceous. Head about as long as pronotum, very gradually narrowing behind the eyes, the postocular portion longer than the anteocular portion; antennae very slender, as long as the body, joint 1 longer than the head and pronotum united. Pronotum longer than broad, depressed along the middle, the anterior lobe with a median sulcus, the hind angles tumid and rounded, the base feebly emarginate in the center and with a narrow reflexed margin, the anterior angles tuberculiform. Elytra reaching beyond the apex of the abdomen, the latter narrow. Legs long and slender, sparsely pilose, the anterior femora as long as the hind femora. " $ Third antennal joint thickened to beyond the middle, and the terminal genital segment armed at the apex with a long, upwardly curved, hooked spine. "Length, 11-13 mm.; breadth, 2-2^2 mm. (<5 9). "This insect is closely allied to Z. oervicalis Stal, but it has the legs annu- lated with black (as in the species of the genus Milyas), the legs less elongate, etc. The second joint of the rostnim is elongate. The head is very little nar- rowed towards the base, with the postocular portion longer than usual. The six small spots on the anterior lobe of the pronotum are glabrous and well defined." Biology. Champion gives a brief note concerning the nymph of this species. He says: "The larva has a long black spine at the sides of each abdominal segment." Localities. Arizona, Mexico, Guatemala. Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 171 Zelus cervicalis Stal. Stal, Enum. Hemip., 11:90; 1872. "Narrow, pale testaceous, scarcely pilose, thorax, scutellum and hemelytra infuscated, lateral margin of thorax and hemelytra pale; dorsum of abdomen tinged with sanguineous; lateral lines on the anteocular part of the head between the antennae and leading to the eyes, the postocular part above, also lateral ventral spots, two or three on single segments black; a longitudinal line running through the middle and lateral anterior lines of the postocular black part of the head testaceo-fiavescent. $. 9. Length, 10-14 mm.; width l%-2 mm. "Head, when viewed from the side, of uniform thickness, postocular part viewed from above gradually more slender behind, longer than anteocular portion. Antennae with first segment subequal in length to head and thorax together. Tubercles at apical angles of thorax very distinct. Legs slender, anterior femora lightly thickened, equal in length to the posterior." Biology. Occurs on weeds and tall grasses (Blatchley). Localities. Southern United States from Virginia south and west to California, including Texas and Arizona; Mexico. Zelus exsanguis (Stal). (PI. XIII.) Stal, Stet. Ent. Zeit., XXIII :452; 1862. Diplodus exsanguis. "Pale subsordid stramineous; narrow vitta on neck region of head on either side behind the eyes fuscescent, frequently obsolete; antennae black, first segment, apex excepted, second segment from the base to well beyond the middle and also the third segment at the base flavo-testaceous ; hemelytra sometimes very obsoletely infuscate, veins pale; veins of the membrane and of the corium beyond the middle infuscate. $. $. Length, IbVi mm.; width, 3 mm." The following description of Zelus luridus Stal, later considered as synonymous with exsanguis, is given by the same author. "Similar to Zelus exsanguis, thorax narrower; sordid stramineous; lateral angles of posterior lobe of prothorax subinfuscate, armed with a moderately long black spine, posterior angles rounded; clavus and membrane at base lightly infuscate; basal segment of antenna equal in length to, or longer than the head and thorax together. $. 9. Length, 16-17 mm.; width, 3 mm. Carolina." Biology. There are various references to the biology of this in- sect under varying combinations of the generic names Zelus, Dip- lodus and Darbanus with the specific names exsanguis, luridus, georgice and palliatus. Uhler, in his "Notices of the Hemiptcra Heteroptera in the Collec- tion of the Late T. W. Harris, M. D.," comments as follows upon the species: 172 The University Science Bulletin. "The description given by Stal applies to the faded female. When alive the insect is apple green with bright-red eyes. The male is almost black on the hemelytra. Specimens of the first-named sex become more or less fusces- cent after death, and such is the type described by Stal. I regret that before meeting with the above description I had sent specimens to various corre- spondents in this country and Europe, labeled Evagoras viridis Uhler. The latter name is the one that I had given it in my MS., and of course it must fall before the published one of Doctor Stal. "In the collection is a cluster of the eggs, arranged in a single tier, forming a globular pellet, from which a lai-va has partly emerged. The species ranges from Canada to Florida, and west to Texas, and is perhaps represented in California by a variety." Van Duzee (1894) in his "List of the Hemiptera of Buffalo and Vicinity," gives the following brief note on this insect under the name Diplodus luridus: ''Not uncommon on small trees in May and June. They reach maturity about June 1." A. H. Kirkland studied this insect in connection with his work on the predacious enemies of the gipsy moth (1896). He described the eggs more fully than did Uhler in the above description, and gave other notes and descriptions. His description of the egg is quoted. (PI. XI, Figs. 4-6; PI. XHI, Fig. 7:) "Length, 1.9 mm.; width at base, .4 mm.; at top, .3 mm.; somewhat curved, widest and rounded at base, truncate at the top. The eggs forming the outer layer are of a burnt sienna color, those on the inside being of a pale amber. The ui^per end of the eggs is of a pale-yellowish color, and bears immediately within the circumference a narrow, circular, dark-brown band, while at the center there is a small dark-brown dot. The areas covered by the circle and dot are depressed." Mr. Kirkland also describes the adult male and female insects, and the first, second and last nymphal instars. Heidemann (1911), in his work on the eggs of the Heteroptera, gives a brief description of the egg: "The sticky secretion the insect uses for protecting the eggs covers some- times also the cap, leaving only in the center a small opening; chorial processes close together, club-shaped." Bueno (1923) says of this species: "This is the common species (of the genus), which may be beaten from almost any hardwood tree." Several others luu'e referred briefly to the habits of this insect, but add nothing to what has been quoted above. The writer has found this species to be very common in the wooded areas around Lawrence, Kan., and has made field observa- tions, as well as conducted rearing experiments with it, and can add Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 173 something to what has been imblishcd previously concerning this insect. Habitat. This species is apparently a shade lover, living on the leaves of trees and woodland shrubbery for the most part. Its normal place of resting or feeding is on a tree leaf, where its green color, common to both nymphs and adults, makes it' inconspicuous. There seems to be no preference in species of tree inhabited. Bucno says "hardwood" trees. The writer has found it most commonly on hickory, pawpaw and basswood, though not confined to these by any means. Food. This species unquestionably feeds on small insects, prob- ably of a number of kinds. Kirkland (1896) reported it as an enemy of the gypsy moth caterpillars. It was found in one instance on basswood trees very thickly infested with Tingidse, which served in that instance as its food. In the laboratorj^ it feeds very readily on any small insects offered it, such as house flies, small leaf hop- pers, Miridae, etc. Seasonal Life History. This insect spends the winter as a nymph, curled up in a leaf on the ground in some protected place. Both fourth- and fifth-instar nymphs have been collected in such situa- tions during the winter. A careful search in the leaves at the base of a large tree, or in a depression in the ground, will reveal their presence a good many times. The writer has taken as many as thirteen curled up in one sycamore leaf. With the coming of warm weather they leave this retreat and are then to be found upon the new leaves of the bushes and trees. Van Duzee reports that they become adult about June 1 in the vicinity of Buffalo, N. Y. This is true for Kansas, also, although some adults have been found as early as the middle of May. Oviposition may begin in the middle of June and may last well into August. One field observation on record notes the fact that a number of egg masses were taken in the field on June 21, and that a female was observed in the act of ovi- position on that date. After a short egg stage the nymphs appear- and require the rest of the summer to become the hibernating fourth- or fifth-instar individuals. There is but a single generation a year. Mating. Mating has been observed and is similar to the process in the other species of the family. In this case the beak again seems to be ver>^ important, and is applied at the juncture of the head with the prothorax to give an additional purchase. The exact 174 The University Science Bulletin. length of time occupied was not determined, though it was over an hour in some cases. Oviposition. Oviposition was observed in one instance when a female in the field was observed to finish the deposition of an egg mass upon which she had evidently been working for some time. As has been mentioned, the eggs are cylindrical, laid in a compact mass with each egg resting upon its broadened base, and covered by a large amount of a sticky material which holds it in place and pro- tects it. In the operation of depositing an egg, the female took great care to first cover the sides of the eggs against which the unlaid egg was to lie, and the portion of the leaf on which the base was to rest, with a cementlike material which comes from certain glands at the tip of the abdomen. The abdomen was moved up and down contin- ually, smearing the surfaces mentioned thoroughly. Finally the egg appeared, base first, and was placed in position easily. The prepa- ration for the egg took much longer than the actual deposition. The entire act took from two to three minutes for each egg, in several cases where it was timed. At this rate of speed it would take a female an hour and a half to deposit an egg mass of forty eggs, which is not an unusual number. It was attempted, by laboratory rearing, to determine how many egg masses and how many individual eggs a single female would lay during her life. The most prolific female gave the following re- sults. This female was paired with a male on May 24, caged, and fed regularly on house flies. Her egg masses appeared as follows: June -11, 45 eggs; June 18, 45 eggs; June 22, 35 eggs; June 27, 45 eggs; July 1, 45 eggs; July 6, 38 eggs; July 12, 42 eggs; July 20, 34 eggs; July 27, 36 eggs; August 8, 40 eggs; August 12, 39 eggs; dead. This female, then, produced eggs over a period of two months from June 11 to August 12. During the two months she deposited eleven egg masses, and a total of 444 eggs. The periods of time between the appearance of egg masses varied from four to nine days, and averaged six days. Habits of Nymphs. The nymphs, and adults also, have the pe- culiar habit of, when disturbed, raising the head and the apex of the abdomen, folding the legs and antennse, and then letting go their hold and rolling to the ground if possible. In movement they are sluggish, apparently waiting for their prey to come to them rather than seeking it by running around over the foliage. The adults are capable of flight, and may be seen in flight occasionally on the Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 175 warmer days. However, their wings do not seem to be essential to their life. No records of their having been taken at lights are available. Length of Stages. The writer has not carried this insect through the complete course of its life history in the laboratory. The indi- viduals hatching from the eggs have, however, been carried through several of their molts, and the length of the early stages can be given. The egg stage lasted from ten to thirteen days. The first instar lasted ten and eleven days in four individuals reared. It is quite likely that it may take much longer in the field under unfavorable conditions. The second instar varied from nine to twenty-one days in the four individuals reared, this probably being the normal range. The third instar lasted from twenty-four to thirty-seven days, and the only insect reared through the fourth instar required twenty- one days. This last-mentioned insect, at least, was ready for hiber- nation at that time. DESCRIPTION OF INSTARS. The eggs are described in the quotations given above. The five nymphal instars have been described by the writer, and these de- scriptions are included here: First Instar. (PI. XIII, Fig. 1.) Length of body from 2.4 mm. in newly hatched individuals to 3.8 mm. in older individuals; length of front femur, 1.7 mm.; length of first antennal segment, 2.1 mm. General color whitish when first hatched, greenish white later. Head light, eyes red, antennse light banded with dark, first and second segments light banded with dark, third segment mostly light, fourth segment almost entirely light; lateral margins of pro-, meso- and metanota dark; legs light, banded and spotted with dark; ab- domen light, three terminal segments each with a pair of dark dots on dorsal surface ; lower surface of body entirely light. Body long and slender; head elongate, constricted at juncture with prothorax to form a neck, from which point it swells to a wide region caudad of eyes, somewhat narrower before eyes, sides par- allel to antenniferous tubercles, then tapers to rounded apex; eyes rounded, prominent; antennae very long, slender, filiform, four- segmented, first segment longest, fourth next in length, third next shortest and second segment the shortest. Pronotum longer than mesonotum, which in turn is longer than metanotum; legs very long. 176 The University Science Bulletin. slender, front legs only very slightly thickened, femora longer than those of other legs, front tibiae long and slender and covered with fine, long, sticky hairs which other tibiae do not have; middle legs shortest; hind legs nearly as long as fore legs. Tarsi of all legs very short, two-segmented, first segment very short -and inconspicuous. Abdomen elongate, slightly swollen, tapering and rather pointed at caudal end ; openings to dorsal stink glands not visible in this instar. Second Instar. (PI. XIII, Fig. 2.) Length of body from 4.8 mm. to 5.8 mm.; length of front femur, 2.3 mm.; length of first antennal segment, 2.5 mm. General color greenish, head margined with fuscous, eyes red, antennae as in preceding instar with dark markings less distinct. Thorax and legs as in preceding instar; abdomen greenish, fuscous dots on terminal segments missing, tinged with reddish on dorsal surface near caudal end. Shape and structure similar to preceding; pronotum narrowed cephalad, with lobes at cephalolateral angles, and widened caudad; openings to dorsal stink glands on anterior margins of abdominal segments four, five and six now faintly visible. Third Instar. (PI. XIII, Fig. 3.) Length of body, 8.2 mm.; length of front femur, 3.2 mm. ; length of first antennal segment, 3.4 mm. Color much as in preceding; darker margins of pro-, meso- and metanota now less conspicuous, reddish coloring on upper surface of abdomen more conspicuous; dark markings of antennae and legs much less conspicuous. Wing pads appear in this instar, arising from the caudal margins of meso- and metanota, very small in this instar; those of metathorax extended but a short distance over first abdominal segment. Ab- domen slightly swollen, tapered caudad. Fourth Instar. (PI. XIII, Fig. 4.) Length of body, 9.1 mm. to 9.6 mm.; length of front femur, 4.1 mm.; length of first antennal segment, 3.8 mm. General color greenish as in preceding instars; fuscous markings of legs and antennae, as well as darkened margins of thoracic seg- ments, now absent. Wing pads increased in size, partially overlapped, those of the mesothorax covering about the basal half of those of the metathorax, extended over greater length of first abdominal segment; meta- thoracic pads slightly larger than mesothoracic pads; both rather elongate, slender, pointed at apex. Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 177 Fifth Instar. (PI. XIII, Fig. 5.) Length of body, 12.5 mm.; length of front femur, 4.8 mm.; length of first antennal segment, 4.4 mm. General color greenish marked with red and yellow. Head green to greenish yellow, eyes red, antennae greenish, beak greenish, slightly darkened at apex. Prothorax greenish with indistinct, light, median line, wing pads greenish with traces of red and yellow; legs green excepting apices of tibae and tarsi, which are brownish. Abdo- men chiefly green with a median yellow line rmming down dorsmn, and median, red, transverse vittae on dorsum at juncture of seg- ments; lateral margins tinged with red. Body elongate; head elongate, slightly narrow^ed at juncture with prothorax, from which point it widens to eyes, cephalad of eyes the sides are parallel to point of attachment of antennae, cephalad of this point head tapers to rather rounded apex; eyes conspicuous, rounded; epicraneal suture runs between eyes; antennae very long, slender, filiform, four-segmented, first segment longest, third seg- ment next in length, second and fourth segments shortest and sub- equal; beak rather long, slender, three-segmented, second segment longest, third segment short, tapering, pointed. Prothorax sub- quadrate, narrowed cephalad, cephalolateral angles with rounded lobes, prosternum with ridged groove. Meso- and metathorax about equal in width to prothorax; wung pads conspicuous, overlap- ping, reaching well over base of third abdominal segment. Legs very long and slender, first and last pairs longer than second pair; first pair fitted for grasping, femora a little thickened, tibiae covered with a large number of sticky, thickly-set hairs; other legs normal walking legs. Abdomen only slightly swollen, tapering to apex; openings to dorsal stink glands visible, though rather inconspicuous, along cephalic margins of abdominal segments four, five and six. Localities. Probably universally distributed over the greater part of the L^nited States and southern Canada. Reported also from Mexico and Guatemala; Kansas. Zelus Icevicollis Champion. Champion, Biol. Centr. Am., Heter. 11:260, pi. 15, fig. 24: 1899. "Elongate, narrow, moderately robust, shining, sparsely pubescent, stra- mineous; the head with the postocular portion black above, a line on each side extending from the eyes to the ocelli, and also one down the middle, stra- mineous, the anterior portion mottled with brownish; the pronotum dilute fuscous, with the lateral and basal margins, and two transverse rows of small 12—5511 178 The University Science Bulletin. spots on the anterior lobe, stramineous ; the elytra fuscous, with the costal and median nervures of the corium, as well as the portion of the latter adjoining the base of the membrane, stramineous, the membrane smoky (antennae broken off). Head elongate, gradually narrowing behind the eyes, the basal portion stout and cylindrical. Pronotum a little longer than the head; the anterior angles armed with a short stout tooth, the lateral angles with a very short tooth; the anterior lobe sulcate down the middle, with sinuous lines of pubescence between the smooth bare spots; the posterior lobe flattened on the disk and with indications of two anteriorly converging carinae in front, appar- ently smooth, but with a close minute punctation showing through from beneath. Scutellum blunt and thickened at the apex. Legs sparsely pilose, moderately elongate ; the anterior femora as long as, but much stouter than the hind femora; the hind tibia? simple. "Length, 13% mm.; breadth of pronotum, 2% mm. "One example. This species is nearest allied to Z. exsanguis, var. luridiis Stal., but it differs from it in having the posterior lobe of the pronotum almost smooth, with the lateral angles armed with a very short tooth, and the legs less elongate. From Z. janus ( ? ), which it resembles in arrangement of .the pubescence on the anterior lobe of the pronotum, it may be separated by the simpler posterior tibiae, the much smaller size, narrower shape, etc." Localities. Texas, Mexico, Kansas. Zelus renardii Kolenati. Kolenati, Melet. Ent., VI:42, pi. 3, fig. 2; 1857. "Reddish or livid, setose, antennae with segment one sanguineous, legs setose, femora at the apex and tibiae at the base intense sanguineous, rest of femur yellowish, tibiae reddish, apex of tarsi fuscous, anterior part of prothorax quadrituberculate and bispinose, posterior part rough, head on either side widely marked with black, hemelytra roughened, membrane rugose, at the apex of the hemelytra the color is brick red or somewhat reddish, abdomen entirely pale yellow. "Length, 5M» lin. Width of anterior part of thorax, %, of posterior part of thorax 1% lin. Width of anterior portion of abdomen IVi, of posterior por- tion 1% lin. "Habitat in California." Biology. The writer has several references to brief accounts of the habits of this insect. Morrill recorded this species as an enemy of the conchuela, Pen- tatoma ligata Say (1910), and found it to be the only predacious hemipteron which would attack this insect. He says: "This reduviid is common in the cotton fields in both Texas and Mexico, and the nymphs not only voraciously attack one another, but any other insect that crosses their path. Nymphs of the reduviid readily attack nymphs of the conchuela, and one specimen of the former was reai'ed to maturity with its diet limited to nymphs of the Pentatomidae. Many other specimens of Reduviidae are commonly found in the cotton fields and doubtless may be relied upon to destroy a small percentage of the nymphs of the injurious Pentatomidae." Readio: Biology of Reduviid^. 179 Another worker, Horton (1918a), has reported that the young nymphs of this species are very common on orange trees in Cali- fornia and have been observed to feed on the larvae of the citrus thrips. However, only the first- and second-instar nymphs are valuable in this work. Horton (19186) also records this species as one of the natural enemies of the citrus mealy bug. Localities. California, Texas, Mexico, Kansas, Zelus socius Uhler. (PI. XIV. Figs. 1, 2, 5.) Uhler, Hayden's Surv. Terr., Kept, for 1871:420. 1872. "Pale fusco-fulvous, or fulvotestaceous, sparsely and slenderly pubescent. Form and aspect of Diplodus luridus Stal. Upper side of head black; the upper cheeks, a slender line along the middle, a shorter one on the impressed line extending from the antennae to the ocelli, a third broader line running from the middle of the eye posteriorly, and the under side of the head pale fulvous or testaceous; the tylus and a streak on the upper line of the lower cheeks blackish; the surface both above and below and the rostrum with minute, grayish pubescence; eyes brown; antennae dull fulvous, fuscous on the upper side and at the base and tip of the first two joints; the second joint about one-third the length of the basal one; third much stouter than the second, fully twice as long as it, tapering toward the tip. Rostrum reaching to the anterior coxae, testaceous at base, becoming darker until finally piceous at tip. Pronotum clothed with dense, minute, hoaiy pubescence; the anterior lobe blackish, with its lateral carina pale fulvous; posterior angles each with a moderately short, smooth subconical, piceous tooth, and the carinas each side terminated behind with a similar tooth; pectus and coxae shining black; the sides usually with a broad, irregular, fulvous stripe along the middle and posterior pleurae. Legs yellow, veiy hairj^; all the femora a little tumid near the tip, sprinkled with fuscous; tip of the tibiae and whole of tarsi, including the nails, blackish piceous. Scutellum piceous, having a V-shaped elevation, which is rufous or yellow; the submargin broadlj^ grooved; the margins and tip yellow. Hemelytra smoke-brown; the principal elevated nervures, the costal margin, and cuneus pale testaceous; membrane pale brown, paler at tip; the nervures dark brown. Tergum rufous, or rufo-flavous; the connexivum yellow, having blackish, subquadrate interruptions; the posterior segment margined behind with blackish; venter minutely scabrous, black, the middle line and sides broadly fulvous; its connexivum yellow, with a black, large spot at the apex of each segment. "Length to tip of abdomen, 10-12 mm.; width across the humeri, 2-2^/^ mm. "Brought from the region of the Snake river, Idaho. It inhabits, also, Kan- sas, Dakota and Arizona." Biology. Practically nothing has been recorded on the biology of this species. The writer has had some limited experience in rear- ing the insect. 180 The University Science Bulletin. On July 8, 1925, I received from the University of Kansas bio- logical survey field force several nymphs of this species, taken at Norton county, Kansas, on grass and other low-growing plants between two railroad embankments. Only one of the insects sur- vived the trip, and this was caged and fed house flies. It fed freely, in the same manner as does Zelus exsanguis, and eight days later, July 16, became an adult, female sex. Inasmuch as no male was available I despaired of obtaining eggs from this individual. How- ever, on August 4 an egg mass was produced, apparently normal for this species. The egg mass was different from that of Z. exsanguis in that it was elongate, with not more than three or four eggs placed side by side in a transverse row, instead of being a compact mass, four- or five-sided, as is the mass of exsanguis. (PI. XIV, Fig. 5.) The individual eggs, however, were very similar to those of exsan- guis, differing only in minor details. The amount of cement used to attach the eggs and to protect them was less in the case of socius than in exsanguis. On August 15 this insect died, and the eggs failed to hatch before winter, as was expected, since it was known that they were not fertilized. Several of the fifth-instar nymphs which were sent still were of good form, though dead, when they arrived, and a figure of one of these, accompanied by a description, is in- cluded here. Fifth Instar. (PI. XIV, Fig. 1.) Length of body, 11-12 mm.; length of front femur, 5 mm. ; length of first antennal segment, 5 mm. General color greenish with darker markings on head and thorax and fuscous markings on abdomen. Apices of wing pads darker than bases. General shape very elongate with long slender legs and antenna) ; head elongate, widest immediately behind eyes, slightly narrowed at junction with thorax, rather pointed at apex; eyes protrude but little from sides of head; antennae elongate, first segment longest, third next in length, second and fourth short, subequal; rostrum long and slender, first and third segments short, subequal, second segment longer than first and third together. Prothorax narrowed cephalad, wider caudad; anterior angles evenly rounded. Wing pads long and slender, the mesothoracic pads overlie the metatho- racic pads and both reach beyond the middle of the third abdominal segment. Legs long and slender; front and hind femora subequal in length, hind tibia exceeds fore tibia in length; middle femur and tibia shorter; front legs raptorial with femur slightly though dis- Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 181 tinctly enlarged, and both femur and tibia covered with numerous sticky hairs; tarsi of all legs small the first segment extremely small; claws toothed at base. Abdomen slender, the posterior angles of the abdominal segments marked with fuscous; openings to dorsal stink glands present at anterior margins of segments four, five and six along median line; rather inconspicuous; guarded on either side by the small, dark, seta-bearing elevation. Localities. Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Dakota, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Idaho, Indiana, New Jersey, North Carolina. Zelus audax Banks. Banks, Ent. News, XXI :325 ; 1910. "Brownish yellow; head with broad black stripe behind each eye, leaving a narrow, median, yellow line, also blackish in front and between eyes; an- terior lobe of pronotum black each side and on the lateral margin, posterior part of the posterior lobe blackish; abdomen reddish above, black on sides at tips of segments. Venter pale, a black spot behind coxa I and also a smaller spot in front, a spot each side at base of each ventral segment, larger near the base of the abdomen; coxae mostly dark; a broad band beyond middle, and one before tip of each femur; also two or three fainter bands on the tibiae; second joint of antennae with broad band near middle, and the tip dark, rest of antennae mostly dark, sometimes pale at base of third joint. Head long and slender, ocelli more than two diameters apart, no tubercles over base of antennae; anterior lobe of the pronotum with a deep median groove; pos- terior lobe with middle and lateral depressions, the ridges terminating behind in four large, subequal conical tubercles, the lateral ones at the humeri. Wings extend beyond tip of abdomen; body slender. Length, 12mm. "Related to Zelus (Pindus) socius, but not as dark, and legs differently marked. "From Sea Cliff, N. Y., in cedar trees; also Falls Church, Va." Localities. Ontario, Maine, New York, Virginia. Zelus occiduus Bueno. Bueno, Ent. News, XXIV :22; 1913. "Belongs in the subgenus Pindvts of Stal, which is characterized by the pos- session of four black spines on the thorax, two lateral, and two on the disk. "Differs from Zelus (Pindus) socius Uhler in having the first and third joints of the antennae subequal, the first a little over three times as long as the sec- ond, and the third somewhat less than the second. Proportion of antennal joints: 1st : 2d : 3d : : 50 : 16 : 44. Third joint in male scarcely stouter than second and of even diameter throughout ; not tapering. "Rostrum reaching to anterior coxae; joint two five times as long as one and more than six times as long as three. Proportions: 1st joint : 2d joint : 3d joint : : 4 : 20 : 3. 182 The University Science Bulletin. "Hemelytra with the main corial vein whitish. "Legs slender, femora thickened and shghtly darker toward the distal end; femora of first pair of legs thickest and longest; of second pair thinnest and shortest; hind femora intermediate in thinness and length. "Proportions: Anterior femora : middle : posterior : : 5.1 mm.-5.6 mm. : 3.6 mm. -4 mm. : 5 mm. -5 .4 mm. "Head, length : 2.6-2.5 mm.; prothorax, 2.4-2.1 mm.; scutellum, 1.2-1 mm.; abdomen, length from tip of scutel : 6.8-6.4 mm.; total length, 13-12 mm.; greatest breadth (abdomen) 2.6-2.4 mm.; length : breadth : : 5 : 1." Locality. California. Zelus angustatus Hussey. Hussey, Joum. N. Y. Ent. Soc, XXXIII, p. 66; 1925. The following description is that given by Blatchley: "Elongate, subparallel. Brownish yellow, more or less tinged with fuscous, sparsely clothed above, thickly beneath, with white scalelike hairs; veins of corium and margins of connexivum dull yellow ; head and outer half of corium fuscous brown; membrane whitish hyaline, feebly iridescent, the veins dull yellow; legs brownish yellow, thickly pilose. Antennal joints 1 and 2 and base of 3 brownish yellow, remainder paler; joint 1 nearly three times as long as head, two and one-half times as long as 2, 3 nearly twice the length of 2, 4 two-thirds as long as 3. Head about as long as pronotum, hind lobe freely and gradually narrowed from eyes to base, transverse interocular groove feebly impressed, median longitudinal carina very fine. Pronotum one-fourth longer than wide at base, hind lobe one-half longer than front one, its spines rather short and blunt. Length, 14 mm." Locality. Florida. Genus Rhynocoris. This genus, originally described by Hahn, is described as follows by Amyot and Serville as Harpactor: "Body large, rather compact. Head with a prolongation in the form of a blunt cone in front of the eyes and between the antennae, with an ordinarily short neck. Eyes rather small and prominent, with a transverse furrow be- hind them. Ocelli placed on a gibbosity which follows the furrow, and are rather far apart. Antennae rather long, with four segments, not counting a rudimentaiy basal segment which is distinct from the antenniferous tubercle which precedes it; first segment the longest; the second ordinarily the shortest; the fourth and the fifth (evidently should be third and fourth) sometimes of equal and sometimes of unequal length. Beak arched, slender, cylindrical, reaching the middle of the prosternum; second segment longer than the first; the third short. Prothorax trapezoidal, lightly inflated; its anterior swelling unequal and more or less large; scarcely a longitudinal furrow on the posterior half; posterior angles blunt; the posterior margin indented in the middle and sinuate. Scutellum rather small. Elytra as long as the abdomen, coriaceous part large; the membrane with the usual three large cells, with a peculiar twist- Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 183 ing of the veins, and an almost metallic sheen to the tissue. Abdomen oval, mai-fiins narrow, a little elevated, boatlike, passing the elytra on each side. Legs rather short, all of about equal length; anterior femora ordinarily a little swollen." WORLD DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS. This genus, usually listed under its synonym, Harpactor, is com- posed of about ninety species so far described. Of these the Nearctic realm contains one species peculiar to it, and a second species typi- cally Palaearctic. The other species of the genus are distributed as follows: Palaearctic, 31 species; Ethiopian, 45 species; Oriental, 16 species; Australian, 1 species. Rhynocoris ventralis (Say). Say, Heter. N. Harm., 31; 1S32. Fitch Rep., 800. Comp. Wr., 1:355. Reduvius ventralis. ''Brown black; posterior margin of the elytra, and abdomen sanguineous, the latter with lateral black spots and lateral vittse beneath. "Inhabits Missouri. "Bodj- brown black, somewhat hairy; thorax transversely impressed before the middle; anterior poi-tion unequal; posterior portion margined each side and behind narrowly with sanguineous: hemelytra with a rufous corium; ab- domen sanguineous, with large marginal quadrate black spots above and be- neath and dilated lateral black vential vittse; coxae sanguineous; not remark- ably distinguished. "Length about two-fifths of an inch. "The feet are not remarkably dilated as in crassipes Fabr.; the species is ako described to have 'elytra fusca basi parum rufa,' 'corpus nigrum pectore utrimque punctis. abdomine margine rubris,' 'pedes incrassati,' etc. I owe it to the kindness of Nuttall." Several varieties of this species have been described. The first, americanus , was described by Bergroth as Harpactor americanus, as follows : "Head hair}', a little shining, black, a spot between the ocelli, a lateral vitta running from the ocelli to the anterior angles of the eyes, anteocular part at least at the sides, and the throat red; anteocular and postocular part of the same length; rostrum red, piceous at apex, first joint hardly longer than the anteocular part of the head, second joint distinctly longer than the first; first joint of the antennae as long as the head, blackish, broadly annulated with rufous in the middle, or sometimes entirely red except apex, second joint con- siderably shorter than the first, entirely fuscous or rufous with apex black (re- maining joints wanting). Pronotum a little longer than the head, smooth, hair\-. subnitid, anterior angles bluntly tuberculate, lateral angles rounded, scarcely tuberculate at the sides of the longitudinal furrow; color of pronotum black, the lateral angles, the po.stero-lateral margin and the basal margin of the hind lobe red, sometimes also a short red streak on the lateral margin of the fore lobe; in fresh specimens some narrow greyish sericeous bands on the 184 The University Science Bulletin. disk of the fore lobe. Breast black, the middle of antepectus and the acetabula red, with the clavus sometimes blackish, membrane shining, more or less in- fuscated. Abdomen entirely red in the male, but in the female there is a quadrate black spot at the basal angles of the abdominal segments; spiracles seated very little before the middle of the segments. Legs red, femora, tibiae and tarsi infuscated at apex, a subbasal ring to the tibiae and sometimes a spot or ring on the middle of the femora fuscous. "Length, 10-10.8 mm." Bergroth adds a few interesting notes: "This is the first American species of the genus Harpactor, as characterized by Stal in Enum, Hem. IV, p. 13, under the name Reduvius. It must be noted, however, that the Siberian H. leucospibis Stal is distributed to Sitka in the East. In Europe the genus is represented by several species. H. americanus is a northern, or mountain species, inhabiting Shasta county, and was com- municated to us many years ago by its discoverer, Mr. James ' Behrens. I have in vain waited to see this conspicuous insect described in one of the numerous writings of Professor Uhler." Van Duzee says of this variety: "Variety americanus Bergroth is very close to the typical ventralis, but has the red a little more ex- tended." Van Duzee describes in addition two other varieties of this species: Rhynocoris ventralis var. jemoralis Van Duzee. Van Duzee, Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., 11:13; 1914. "This variety differs from the typical ventralis in being soiled with testaceous where that is red, although it may become fulvous on the legs and antennae or even tinged with sanguineous. The antennae are of an obscure testaceous; the legs are black with a quadrate spot on the lower surface of the femora, and the tibiae, except at the base, pallid. The coriaceous portion of the corium is a clear testaceous. "Described from three females taken on the dry granite hillsides at Lakeside in May and at Alpine in June." Rhynocoris ventralis var. annulipes Van Duzee. Van Duzee, Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., 11:13; 1914. "Another variety from Felton, California, in my collection is very near jemoralis, having the same testaceous color but in this the anterior lobe of the pronotum and the legs are soiled testaceous, the latter with a subapical annulus on the hind femora black. The single female specimen was taken by Dr. J. C. Bradley in the foothills of the Santa Cruz mountains in March, 1907. It may be called var. annulipes. The typical ventralis seems to be more common in Colorado and Utah, although I have one example taken at Pasadena, Cal., by Mr. Fordyce Grinnell in July." Localities. Maine, Massachusets, Missouri, Nebraska, North Da- kota, Saskatchewan, Colorado, Utah, California, Kansas, Indiana, Illinois. Readio: Biology of Reduviid^. 185 Rhynocoris leucospilus (Stal). Stal, Of. Vet. Akad. Forh., XVI:203; 1859. Reduvius leucospilus. '"Black, pilose, small spots on the posterior part of head above, and a vitta narrowed to the rear on the lower side, marginal triangular spots on abdomen, tiie breast around the coxae, the disk of the mesosternum, the narrow border of the basal ventral segment yellowish white. $ 9 Length, 12 mm.; width, 3 mm. Habitat, Siberia." Distribution. Palaearctic, being typically a Siberian species, but reported from Sitka, Alaska, and hence included here. Genus Pselliopus Bergroth. This genus is characterized by having the apex of the scutellum depressed, more or less distinctly foliaceous, sometimes strongly dilated; the lateral angles of the prothorax armed with a spine; the first segment of the beak distinctly longer than the anteocular part of the head. BIOLOGY. The members of this genus, so far as the writer's acquaintance with them is concerned, live on the foliage and stems of plants both as nymphs and adults, and also attach their eggs to such supports. WORLD DISTRIBUTION. This genus is entirely American in distribution. Of the fourteen species which are included in it, ten have been described from Cen- tral America. Of these, three species, and three other species pecul- iar to the region, have been recorded from the United States. A single additional species has been recorded from Brazil. CLASSIFICATION. The species of this genus which occm- within our limits may be distinguished by the following key, recently arranged by Mr. H. G. Barber (1924): KEY TO U. S. SPECIES OF PSELLIOPUS. (Taken from H. G. Barber.) 1. Femora speckled and annulate with fuscous, tibiae annulate throughout. Anterior lobe of pronotum furnished with rather long, acute spines; posterior lobe with scattered small, black tubercles; the two anterior pronotal spines rather slender, directed forward, spinicollis Champ, p. 193 Femora only annulate with fuscous. Anterior and posterior lobes of pronotum either unarmed or provided with tubercles; the two an- terior pronotal spines stout, directed obliquely forward 2 2. Anterior lobe of pronotum quite setose, furnished with 10-12 prominent rounded tubercles; posterior lobe with numerous small setose tuber- cles or granules. Tibiae annulate toward base only. Conne.xival fascia widely expanded within latija.sciatus Barber, p. 195 Anterior and posterior lobes of the pronotum smooth, unarmed 3 186 The University Science Bulletin. 3. Process of the genital segment of the male sulcata or divided at apex. Head, anterior lobe of pronotum, pleurae and venter strongly fasciate with fuscous ; posterior lobe of pronotum commonly reddish ; anterior median longitudinal sulcus extended past middle of posterior lobe as a shallow groove ; posterior margin before scutellum very feebly sinu- ate, nearly straight; humeral tooth well developed. . .zebra Stal, p. 193 Process of the genital segment of the male entire. Deep median, longi- tudinal groove of the anterior lobe of the pronotum, not at all or only very faintly indicated on the posterior lobe 4 4. Lateral angles of the pronotum unarmed, either nodose or rounded; pos- terior margin before scutellum strongly bisinuate. Genital process stout, not much produced inermis Champion, p. 194 Lateral angles of the pronotum provided with either a subacute black tubercle or a spine ; posterior margin more feebly bisinuate 5 5. Lateral angles of pronotum provided with an obvious, subacute spine which projects beyond humeral angles. Anterior lobe of pronotum strongly trifasciate with black; posterior margin before scutellum quite evidently bisinuate. Genital process of male rather stout and blunt, not spinose cinctus Fabr., p. 186 Lateral angles of pronotum provided with a short, stout, usually acute, black tubercle which does not project beyond the humeral angles. Anterior lobe of pronotum nonfasciate; posterior margin before scutellum quite or very nearly straight. Genital segment of male armed with a rather long, erect, spinose process, .6ar6er^ Davis, p. 190 Pselliopus cinctus (Fabricius). (PI. XV.) Fabricius, Genera Ins., 302; 1776. Reduvms cinctvs. Inasmuch as Fabricius' description does not distinguish between this species and the following it is not quoted here. The species may be identified positively by Barber's key to the species, and by Davis' comparison of cinctus and barberi which is quoted in refer- ence to the following species. Biology. There are several references to the habits of this insect to be found in our literature. Some of these may actually refer to barben, because of the confusion of the two species until recently. Uhler, in the Standard Natural History, gives the following ac- count of the species: "It is quite common, and may be taken singly or in pairs upon a great variety of bushes and trees, from early summer imtil late in autumn. The eggs are often glued to the bark of pine trees, covered by a waterproof gum, which effectually excludes the rain, dries and hardens, and does not incommode the young larvae when they push up the lidlike ends to make their way out. Its color is a wax, or orange yellow in all stages of its existence, and it is made quite conspicuous by the black bands which cross its legs and antennae." The following quotation from Webster concerns the beneficial habits of this insect as a natural enemy of the chinch bug: "Perhaps the worst insect enemies of the chinch bug are to be found among Readio: Biology of Reduviid^. 187 its comparatively near relatives — the insidious flower bug ( Triphleps insidiosus Say), and Milyas cinctus Fabr., the latter being reported by Thomas as the most efficient insect enemy of the pest, while Riley found that the former also attacked it." Chittenden reports this insect as one of the natural enemies of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decimlineata, and Hungerford found that one species of this genus, probably cinctiis or barberi, was the natural enemy of Sciara adults. McAtec reports the finding of sixty specimens of this species in winter quarters together under the bark of a tulip tree. The writer has attempted to sum up what has been found out concerning this species and to add from his own observations. Habitat. During the warm months this species is to be found on the leaves and stems of plants, for the most part forest plants, as far as the writer's observations are concerned, although since the species is reported as a natural enemy of the chinch bug and Colo- rado potato beetle, it must occur in open fields also. Food. The above quotations will give some idea of the food of the species. In general it may be said to feed on any small insects available to it. It has fed in the laboratory on house flies, leaf hoppers, Miridse nymphs and adults, and small caterpillars, and will undoubtedly accept other insects. Feeding habits. This species is one that normally waits for its food to come to it. Its fore legs are not particularly thickened, but it does secrete a sticky material which is to be found on the femora and tibise, as well as on other parts of the body, and this undoubtedly aids it in holding its prey. Seasonal Life History. McAfee reports the hibernation of this insect as an adult. Although the writer has not found this species in hibernation, he has reared it through a part of its life history, and the indications from this rearing are that adult hibernation is the normal thing. The adults emerge from hibernating ciuarters in spring and are soon ready to oviposite. "With the single female which the writer had in captivity, oviposition began, as far as obser- vations were concerned, on June 19. This insect was not captured until June 17, however, and probably had oviposited in the field before being captured. After a short egg stage, the nymphs appear and may be found in the field for the rest of the summer, becoming adult only in late summer and early fall. Tliere is but a single generation a year. 188 The University Science Bulletin. Oviposition. Uhler reports the eggs being laid on the bark of pine trees and covered by a waterproof gum. The writer has not found the eggs in the field, but has obtained them from a female confined in the laboratory. The eggs are laid singly, resting at an angle on the broad curve at the lower end of the egg, and attached to their support by a small amount of cement. In the laboratory they were found attached to the cheesecloth and wire screening of the cage. The female observed produced eighty-two eggs during her period of captivity, from two to nine eggs being taken from her container on most days, though on some days no eggs were laid. . Length of Stages. Only one individual was carried through the complete life history from adult to adult. The record of this indi- vidual is as follows: Egg laid July 7; egg hatched July 18, 11 days; first molt August 1, 14 days; second molt August 14, 13 days; third molt August 23, 9 days; fourth molt September 1, 9 days; fifth molt changing to adult September 20, 19 days. Other records indicate an egg stage lasting from 9 to 13 days; the first instar lasting from 9 to 14 days in eight individuals; the second instar lasting from 6 to 12 days in four individuals; and a third instar lasting 10 days in the only individual, aside from that mentioned above, that passed through that instar. description of instars. The early stages only of this insect are figured and described. Unfortunately the writer did not save material of the fifth instar, since he had collected some fifth-instar nymphs which he thought were of this species. However, these were the closely related bar- beri, and hence must be described as such. Descriptions of the egg and of the first four nymphal instars, however, are given and illus- trated. Egg. (PI. XV, Fig. 6.) Length, 2 mm.; greatest width, 1 mm.; least width, just below the extension of the chorion, .4 mm.; length of extension of chorion, .2 mm. Color brown, excepting the extension of the chorion, this whitish. Somewhat kidney-shaped, wider at base, one side convex, broadly rounded, the other side almost straight though slightly concave; narrowed in region of cap. Cap with a central rodlike structure, this extended above the tubelike extension of the chorion. From the base of rodlike structure rises a reticulated membrane, this radi- ating outward and upward to meet the sides of the tubelike exten- sion of the chorion. Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 189 First In-star. (PL XV, Fig. 1.) Length of body, when newly- hatched 2.2 mm., when older 2.7 mm.; length of front femur, 1 mm.; lengtli of first antennal segment, 1.3 mm. General color orange yellow with black markings. Eyes black, tinged with red; anterior part of head with dark markings; anten- nae, first segment dark, twice banded with light, second segment dark with median light band, third segment entirely dark, fourth segment entirely light; beak dark at base, at juncture of first and second segments, and slightly darker at apex; postocular portion of head unmarked; upper surface of thorax uniform orange yellow; femora of all legs four-banded, the basal band sometimes incom- plete, the apical band broad; basal half of tibiae three times banded with fuscous; tarsi dark at apex; abdomen uniformly orange yellow with exception of two pairs of dark apical spines. Upper surface of body with stiff, erect setae; head distinctly swol- len behind the eyes ; antennae with first segment longest, fourth next in length, second and third shorter, subequal. Beak with second segment longer than first, apical segment shortest. Legs of mod- erate length, fore and hind femora of nearly equal length, fore femora scarcely thickened, unarmed; tarsi two-segmented, second segment much the longer, claws toothed. Abdomen rounded evenly; seventh and eighth abdominal segments each bear a pair of black spines, each surmounted by a seta; openings to dorsal stink glands present at anterior margins of segments 4, 5 and 6, very inconspicu- ous. Second Instar. (PI. XV, Fig. 2.) Length of body, 4 mm.; length of front femur, 1.5 mm. ; length of first antennal segment, 1.6 mm. General color as in preceding instar. First antennal segment with two bands and apex light in color ; femora five-banded, instead of four-banded as in preceding. Similar in structure to preceding. Segments 3-8 of abdomen with conspicuous spines on dorsum, one pair to each segment; those on segments 3-6 orange yellow in color, those on segments 7-8 black, pair of segment 7 longest; smaller spines along lateral margins of posterior abdominal segments. '(PI. XV, Fig. 0.^ Third Instar, (PI. XV, Fig. 3.) Length, 5.5 mm.; length of front femur, 1.7 mm. ; length of first antennal segment, 2 mm. Third antennal segment now with base dark, apex light; two pairs of dark lateral spines near caudal end of abdomen. Setae on upper surface of head and thorax more conspicuous; 190 The University Science Bulletin. wing pads present, dorsal in position, very small, first pair extended but short distance over second pair, and second pair extended over first segment of abdomen hardly at all. Dorsal spines on abdomen as in preceding instars, though more conspicuous; lateral spines more conspicuous, smaller towards base of abdomen, longer cau- dally, segments 6 and 7 bear two pairs each, a darker anterior pair and a lighter caudal pair. Fourth Instar. (PI. XV, Fig. 4.) Length of body, 7 mm.; length of front femur, 2.3 mm. ; length of first antennal segment, 2.5 mm. Similar to preceding in color; dorsal spines on abdominal seg- ments 4-6 now black tipped. Third antennal segment now longer than either second or fourth; wing pads longer, extend to base of second abdominal segment; dorsum of abdomen with spines as before; lateral spines more con- spicuous on segments 5, 6 and 7, where the anterior pair dark, the posterior pair light. Localities. Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Ohio, Illinois, Colorado, Wyoming, Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas, Indiana. Pselliopus barberi Davis. (PI. XIV, Figs. 3, 4.) Davis, Psyche, XIX:20-21; 1912. "The description of cinctus by Frabicius will cover both species, but we may consider it to be the darker and somewhat smaller form. "Color. Anterior lobe of pionotum with black markings usually absent or reduced to two faint oblique streaks at anterior portion. Posterior lobe marked as in cinctus. Scutellum with no prominent black markings, which are either absent entirely or reduced to a small spot or to two faint obUque bands at extreme anterior part between the two whitish pruinose spots. Corium unmarked with black; orange yellow. Connexivum banded with black as in cinctus. Venter with black markings arranged much the same, but con- siderable variation exists in both species. Markings of the legs, rostrum and antennse are similar, but the head has less amount of black maculation in barberi. "Structural differences. In cinctus the short, black-tipped, acute spine, before the rounded humeral angle projects beyond the humeri and is directed slightly backward, while in barberi the black-tipped spine preceding the humeral angle is shorter, more obtuse and directed more laterally. It never extends beyond the humeral angle. Basal margin of the pronotum in front of the scutellum is feebly bisinuate in cinctus, while in barberi it is straight across. Scutellum of barberi is not so foliaceous and flat as in cinctus and a well-defined ridge or keel runs backward from the transverse crescentic ridge. Readio: Biology of Reduviid^. 191 Apex of last genital segment of male in barberi armed with a long very pointed spine, which is directed obliquely forward and somewhat concealed. The inner genital lobes on either side of this are not produced in barberi or in cinctus as in zebra. In zebra the apex of the last genital segment of male is produced in the middle and armed with a sulcate-pointed spine." Biology. Inasmuch as this species has, until recently, been con- fused with cinctus, it is quite likely that observations made upon its habits have been ascribed to cinctus. Davis, in the notes accom- panying his description of the species, describes finding mating adults on September 26, 1911, in Prince George county, Maryland. This species is more common than cinctus in Kansas, and the writer has had the opportunity of making observations on it several times. Habitat. The same as for cinctus. This species is taken fre- quently on sycamore. Food. Apparently a variety of small insects as in cinctus. The writer has fed confined adults house flies with very satisfactory results. Seasonal Life History. These insects winter as adults, as has been reported for the preceding species. They have been found most commonly under leaves at the bases of sycamore trees. There they may occasionally be found in large numbers, usually in a curled sycamore leaf, or occasionally in a roll of sycamore bark. The death rate among hibernating individuals seems to be rather high. In one case I found over twenty dead individuals together at the base of a sycamore, and in numerous other cases occasional dead individuals have been found. From the fact that Davis found mating individuals in September, it might be argued that the eggs are laid in the fall and the winter spent in the egg stage. This, how- ever, does not seem to be the case, since hibernating adults may be found very commonly, and these, when confined and fed in the spring, very readily produce eggs. In short, then, it may be said that the seasonal life history is practically the same as for the pre- ceding species, as would be expected. Mating. Davis reports observing mating in the fall. The writer has collected hibernating individuals of both sexes, paired the indi- viduals, and then observed mating in the warm days of early spring. While mating the male is directly on top of the female, holding to her with all legs. The front femora extend straight out on a con- tinuation of the line of the body, the tibiae bend down at right angles, and the tarsi rest on the head of the female, just behind the 192 The University Science Bulletin. bases of the antennse. Mating may last for several hours, or for less than an hour. Oviposition. The eggs of this species are laid in rather loose clusters of from two or three to as many as fifteen or more eggs. In the laboratory they were placed on the cheesecloth of the cage in which the adults were confined, and in the field are probably deposited on leaves or stems. The period of incubation, the length of the stages and the number of eggs laid by a single female individual have not been determined for this species. The descriptions of the egg and of the fifth-instar nymph follow: Description of Egg. Length, 1.7 mm.; greatest width, 1.67 mm.; least width, just below extension of chorion, 1 mm.; length of ex- tension of chorion, .17 mm. Body of egg chestnut brown, extension of chorion whitish. Cylindrical, slightly curved, not so broad as in cinctus, narrowed at cap; extension of chorion tubelike, reticulate, of smaller circumference at base and apex, somewhat expanded in middle ; cap set within extension of chorion, top of cap with whitish flocculent, almost fungouslike covering, not extended above exten- sion of chorion. This egg may be distinguished easily from that of cinctus by its shape, which is more slender; by the structure of the cap, which bears a central rodlike structure in cinctus, absent in barberi; by the fact that the eggs are laid singly in cinctus and in groups of several eggs in barberi; and by the fact that the egg rests with its main axis at an angle with the surface on which it is placed in cinctus, but is upright in barberi. Description of Fifth-instar Nymph. (PI. XIV, Fig. 3.) Length of body, 9-10 mm.; length of front femur, 3.2 mm.; length of first antennal segment, 3.2 mm. Color yellowish orange and black; eyes, region of transverse suture, a V on anteocular part, and median cephalic lobe of anteoc- ular part of head black ; first antennal segment black, thrice banded with white, second segment black with light median band; third segment with the basal fifth black, the apical four-fifths light. Upper surface of thorax uniformily yellowish orange; legs banded, femora light, five times banded with black, tibise banded with black three times before the middle, and with longitudinal black vittse on apical half. Surface of abdomen yellowish orange except at apex, apex black; abdomen with solid black and orange and black spines. Readio: Biology of Reduviid.k. 193 Head swollen behind the eyes, bearing setae; antennae, first seg- ment longest, third next in length, second and fourth subequal. Anterior angles of pronotuni produced into acute tubercles, upper sui-face of thorax and wing pads clothed with short hairs; legs of moderate length, fore femora not distinctly thickened; wing pads extended beyond middle of third abdominal segment; abdomen rounded, very spiny. Segments 3-8 each with a pair of conspicuous dorsal spines, those on segments 3-6 light at base, dark at apex; those on segments 7 and 8 entirely dark; segments 3-7 also bear on each side two lateral spines, the anterior of these black, the posterior light. Openings to dorsal stink glands at cephalic margins of seg- ments 4, 5 and 6, very inconspicuous. Localities. Maryland, Virginia, Missouri, Kansas, Texas, Ohio, Indiana, North Carolina. Pselliopus zebra (Stal). Stal, Stett. Ent. Zeit., XXni:448; 1862. Milyas zebra. "Pale stramineous, upper surface of head, antenna?, spots on the anterior lobe of the prothorax and prosternum, two annuli on beak and numerous annuli on legs, fasciae on connexiva, narrow ventral incisures or bands, and di- lations near the lateral margins black; four annuli on the basal segment and one on the second segment of the antennae, spots between the antennae and eyes, and also two spots on the head between the eyes pale stramineous; hemelytra smokj^ stramineous; apex of scutellum foliaceous, produced; pos- terior lobe of thorax more or less testaceous, lateral angles emarginate, before the emarginations lightly produced toothlike; in the males this tooth and six stripes between the posterior lateral margins, the hind one shortened, black; posterior angles of the thorax produced, obtusel}' lobate. $ $ . Length, 10-13 mm.; width, 2-3 mm. "Head behind the eyes very obsoletely, scarcely perceivably tuberculate." Localities. Arizona, California, Mexico, Central America. Pselliopus spinicollis (Champion). Champion, Biol. Centr. Amer., Heter., 11:245, pi. 15, fig. 2; 1899. Milyas spinicollis. " 9 . Broad, obovate, finely pubescent and also clothed with long erect hairs; stramineous, the anterior lobe of the pronotum and the base of the scutellum reddish, the dorsal surface of the abdomen tinged with sanguineous; the head in great part black above, with ocular portion stramineous; the pronotum with the inner spines on the anterior lobe black, and the posterior lobe, the basal margin excepted, slightly infuscate, with the tubercles and the lateral teeth infuscated or black; the elytra dilute fuscous; the connexivum broadly banded with black, the mesostemum and the sides of the ventral segment 1-3 also black; the antennae with joints 1 and 2 black, 1 quadriannulated with stramineous, 2 with a stramineous median ring, 3 and 4 obscure femigineous; the basal joint of the rostrum and the tibiae narrowly annulated, the femora 13—5511 194 The University Science Bulletin. speckled and annulated, with black. Head much shorter than the pronotum, armed above with two small conical tubercles on each side before the eyes; jintennaj moderately long, slender, joint 1 about one-half longer than 2, 2 and 3 subequal, 4 shorter than 3. Pronotum moderately constricted at the sides; the anterior lobe armed with six short spines on each side of the median groove and with a rather long spine at the anterior angles ; the posterior lobe studded with scattered conical setiferous tubercles, the base feebly bisinuate in the middle and with a narrow reflexed margin at the sides, the lateral angles armed with a short, stout, blunt, backwardly directed tooth. Scutellum with the apex rounded and foliaceous. Connexivum broad, rounded externally. Venter smooth. Legs rather short. "Length, 9% mm; breadth of the pronotum 2%, of the abdomen 3% mm. "One example. Allied to M. punctipes but much broader; the pronotum with twelve short spines (instead or eight very long ones) on the anterior lobe, a short, blunt, posteriorly directed tooth at the lateral angles, and the basal margins narrowly reflexed ; the scutellum more broadly foliaceous at the apex ; the third antennal joint not longer than the second. The tibiae are annulated with black to the apex." Localities. Idaho, Arizona, California, Mexico. Pselliopus inermis (Champion). Champion, Biol. Centr. Amer., Heter., 11:246, pi. 15, fig. 4; 1899. MUyas inermis. ■ "Rather broad, moderately elongate, sparsely pilose; stramineous, the ab- domen and legs with a reddish tinge in fresh examples; the head black above, with a small spot between the ocelli, an oblique mark on each side before the eyes, and the anterior portion in part, stramineous; the pronotum with the anterior lobe variegated with black leaving a spot at the sides, two vittae on the disc, and the anterior angles pale, the posterior lobe, the basal margin excepted, slightly infuscate, the hind angles with a small black spot; the scutellum blackish at the sides below the base; the elytra fuscous or fusco- testaceous; the connexivum banded with black; the ventral sutures very narrowly, and some small spots on the pleura, black; the antennae with joints 1 and 2 black, 1 triannulated with stramineous, 2 with a stramineous median ring, 3 and 4 f errugineous ; the femora narrowly, and the basal halves of the tibiae and the basal joint of the rostrum more broadly, annulated with black. Head moderately broad; antennae with joint 1 about twice as long as 2, 2 and 4 subequal, 3 much longer than 2. Pronotum smooth, the anterior lobe sul- cate down the middle and with a short stout tooth at the anterior angles, the lateral angles tuberculate or nodose ; the base strongly bisinuate in the middle and also deeply sinuate at the sides, the margin rather broad and reflexed. Scutellum with the apex rounded and strongly foliaceous. Connexivum rather broad. Legs moderately elongate. " S . Terminal genital segment armed with a stout tooth of variable length, the genital lobes long and very slender. "Length, llVo-lSmm.; breadth of the abdomen, AAVi mm. ($9) "Var. The head above, a small spot between the ocelli excepted, the pro- notum and pleura in great part, and the sides of the venter broadly, a row of spots excepted, black, the corium solid ochreous. ( ? ) Readio: Biology of Redvviid.e. 195 "Eight examples of the typical form and one of the variety. Easily separable from all other species of the genus by the simijly tuborculate or nodose lateral angles of the pronotum, the pronotum with its basal margin strongly bisinuate in the middle. "Allied to the North American M. cinctus (Fabr.), but with the tooth at the lateral angles of the pronotum verj' short or obsolete, the base of the latter strongly bisinuate opposite the scutellum, etc." Localities. Arizona, Mexico. Pselliopus latifasciatus Barber. Barber, Proc. Ent Soc. Wash., XXVI :211-212 ; 1924. "Form rather broad. Sordid stramineous. Anterior lobe of head, with tylus, fascia running forward from between two small rounded black tubercles to the base of each antenna, a small spot between the ej'e and base of each antenna, posterior lobe with a broad lateral fascia running back from the eyes and connected near base of head with two broad somewhat crescentic fascia which run forward between the ocelli to connect at the transverse stric- ture, black; a somewhat quadrangular stramineous spot between the ocelli. Antennae colored as in cinctus with the second and fourth segments about equal in length. Pronotum, except for a short median longitudinal black fascia anteriorlj-, unicolorous, sometimes tinted with orange; scutellum sordid stramineous, with the Y-shaped callosed carina paler and with a whitish prui- nose spot at base on either side; corium darker, somewhat ferrugino-f uscous ; connexivum with narrow edge, except at incisures, the transverse fasciae out- wardly narrow widely expanded within, ferrugino-f uscous; legs stramineous, not spotted but banded with black, the femora with six rings, the tibiae with three rings before the middle; sternum and venter not fasciate, the latter with a small round black spot on segments two to six, situated midway between spiracles and middle of venter. Head, antennae and rostrum of the same character as in cinctus, the first-named, however, not so abruptly contracted to form the collum which appears somewhat shorter. Pronotum much more setose than in cinctus; anterior angle with a prominent, bluntly rounded tubercle directed obliquely forward and set with a seta; posterior angle armed with a prominent horizontal subacute tooth or spine which is directed back- wards on a line with the outer margin, sometimes infuscated at tip; anterior lobe with ten to twelve prominently elevated, rounded tubercles, each set with a long seta; posterior lobe on the elevated disk granulate or provided with numerous scattered low tubercles beset with setae; the disk not so sharply de- limited laterally as in cinctus; posterior margin before the scutellum weakly bisinuate. Scutellum a httle more widely foliaceous than in cinctus. Corium with a rather dense coating of fine appressed hairs. Membrane brownish hyaline. Connexivum rather widely expanded and reflexed; extreme edge fuscous except just before incisures which are somewhat callosed; the trans- verse fusco-ferrugineous fascia narrow where it joins the margin just back of the incisures, widely expanded within. Terminal genital segment of male entire, slightly produced at apex in a short, stout, rather obtuse process, the posterior margins either side of process plainly callosed; the projecting genital lobes nearly straight, scarcely clubbed at apex, outwardly black. 196 The University Science Bulletin. "Length, male 11 mm.; width of abdomen, 4.5 mm. "This species is most closely related to tuberculatm Champion, from which it differs much in coloration. The femora are not spotted but only annulate with fuscous. In some specimens the anterior lobe of pronotum is tinted with orange and the connexivum beneath is occasionally transversely fasciate with fuscous." Localities. Louisiana, Virgina, Maryland, Colorado, Texas. Genus Castolus. This genus was described originally by Stal as follows: "Head somewhat shorter than antennae, tuberculate behind the antennae. Rostrum with segments one and two subequal in length. Antennae with segment one the length of the thorax. Thorax long, constricted behind the middle, anterior lobe small, posterior margin of hind portion truncate before scutellum, lateral angles obtuse, subprominent. Membrane with two aeroles, the anterior twice as large as the posterior. Legs medium, anterior longer than intermediate, femora lightly incrassate. "Related to genus Harpactor." WORLD DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS. This is a Neotropical genus of nine described species. One species has been found only in Arizona, and another, while typically Neo- tropical, has also been reported from that state. CLASSIFICATION OF GENUS. The two species of this genus which have been found within the limits of the United States may be separated in the following manner: 1. A distinct black-tipped tubercle over base of each antenna; smaller, length 13 mm ferox (Banks). Tubercle not as above; larger than preceding, female 17 mm. in length, subinermis (Stal). Castolus subinermis (Stal). Stal, Stet. Ent. Zeit., XXIII :447; 1862. Repipta subinermis. "Livid, head with two vittae between the eyes, occasionally running to- gether, annuh on antennae and legs, posterior lobe of thorax, except the pos- terior margin, and the posterior lateral region, incisures and a vitta on either side in the lateral ventral region and the hemelytra fuscous, apex of corium pallid; membrane fusco-hyaline. $. Length, 17 mm.; width, 4 mm. "Short spines on head. Thorax with basal margin of posterior lobe straight, posterior angles scarcely protruded, obtuse, lateral angles emarginate, before the emarginations lightly produced, spinelike." Description from Hemiptera Mexicana. Localities. Arizona, Mexico. Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 197 Castolus ferox (Banks). Banks, Ent. News, XXI:325; 1910. ZehiS ferox. "Pale 3'ellow; sides of head in front and behind the eyes dark; anterior lobe of pronotum with black on sides, and a narrow incurved stripe each side nearlj' connected to each other behind middle; posterior lobe broadly dark on sides, black at humeri ; basal part of wings black ; dorsum of abdomen reddish ; below the prostcrnum is a black spot in front of each coxa I; all femora with a band beyond middle, and one toward tip dark, sometimes a faint band near base of tibia, and sometimes the hind and middle femora have a band before middle. Head short (shorter than in Z. exsanguis) with a distinct black- tipped tubercle over base of each antenna; ocelli not two diameters apart; a broad deep furrow on middle of pronotum, fading out toward hind margin, humeri acute, upturned, but scarcely produced; a faint tubercle each side nearer hind edge of pronotum; pronotum and basal part of wings with many fine, short, yellowish hairs; wings extended beyond tip of the abdomen. Length, 13 mm." Locality. Arizona. Genus Repipta. This genus was described originally by Stal as follows: "Body elongate. Head oblong, bispinose before. Rostrum with segment one a httle longer than two. Antennae very long, segment three in male thickened. Thorax lightly constricted before the middle, posterior lobe quadri- spinose, base truncate. Hemelytra extending beyond abdomen. Abdomen un- armed. Legs long, slender. Apex of femur unarmed, anterior femora lightly thickened. Tarsi with the last two segments of about equal length." Champion gives the following notes on this genus : "Some of these insects are superficialh' ver.y like Zelus, but they may be easilj^ separated therefrom by the comparatively short second joint of the rostrum. The third joint of the antennae is, in most of the species, more or less thickened in the males, this being especially noticeable in R. fitscipes." WORLD DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS. This genus is composed of fourteen described species, and is typically Neotropical in distribution. Of the fourteen, three species have been recorded from the United States. CLASSIFICATION OF GENUS. The three species of this genus to be found in the United States may be separated by the following key: 1. Body moderately elongate, not very slender, not uniformly colored above 2 Body narrow and elongate, obscurely colored above mucosa Champion. 2. Legs black, the femora sometimes pale at the base ; the posterior lobe of the pronotum in great part black or with two black vittae, taurus (Fabricius). 198 The University Science Bulletin. Legs pale; the posterior lobe of the pronotum immaculate or with two faint vittae flavicans ( Amyot and Serville) . Repipta taurus (Fabricius). Fabricius, Syst. Rhyng., 291; 1803. Zelus taurus. "Sanguineous, antennse, elytra and legs black, head with two spines, thorax with four. "Habitat in Carohna." Stal gives a somewhat fuller description than the above original description: "Dilute sanguineous, venter, except for margins, dirty ivory colored; spines on head, tubercles of neck, two lateral vittse of varying width on the posterior lobe of the thorax, near the anterior lobe, the hemelytra, narrow ventral fascia, and legs black; coxae and base of femora sanguineous; costal margin of heme- lytra pale, membrane pale infuscate. "$. $. Length, 11 mm.; width, 2% mm." The above description from Hemiptera Mexicana. Champion gives the following descriptive notes: "In this species the antennae, the posterior lobe of the pronotum (the basal margin excepted), the clavus, the corium (the costal margin excepted), and legs are black or blackish. In light-colored specimens the dark coloration on the posterior lobe of the pronotum is reduced to two vittse, and the femora are pale at the base. The outer margin of the corium is usually pale. The spines on the head and pronotum are very long. The males have the third joint of the antennae thickened for two-thirds of its length, and the terminal genital segment armed with a very short tooth at the apex." Biology. Blatchley reports that it is common on low vegetation in early spring in Florida, and that it hibernates beneath bark, in bunches of Spanish moss and beneath chunks along the margins of ponds. Localities. Pennsylvania, Carolina, Florida, Colorado, Texas, Mexico, Guatemala, Yucatan. Repipta mucosa Champion. Champion, Biol. Cent. Am., Heter., 11:271, pi. 16, fig. 17; 1899. "Moderately elongate, narrow, slender, dull, finely pubescent and also with a few scattered erect hairs, the pleura and the basal margin of the pronotum clothed with an agglutinated whitish tomentum ; rufo- or griseo-fuscous above, paler beneath, the sides of the venter and the dorsal surface of the abdomen sanguineous in fresh specimens, the connexival margins pale; the antennse blackish or fuscous, the first joint usually with a pale ring towards the apex, the third joint flavous at the base; the legs stramineous or testaceous, the apices of the femora and the bases of the tibiae obscurely annulated with fus- cous. Head about as long as pronotum, tumid behind the eyes, and consider- Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 199 ably narrowed posteriorly, armed with two moderately long acute spines, the eyes a little prominent; antennae very slender, longer than the body, the third joint in the male thickened at the base. Pronotum armed with two long slen- der spines on the disk of the posterior lobe and with a similar spine at each of the lateral angles; the posterior lobe flattened along the middle of the disk; the anterior angles tuberculiform, transverse. Scutellum flattened at the apex. Elytra slightly longer than the abdomen, the discoidal area short. Abdomen unarmed at the sides. Legs pilose, slender, the anterior femora thickened towards the base, the hind femora (when extended backwards) reaching very little beyond fourth abdominal segment. "Length, 8-10 mm.; breadth, IV2-2 mm. ($9). "A common insect in Chirqui (Champion). Allied to R. gracilis, but much smaller and less elongate, the legs relatively much shorter, the posterior lobe of the pronotum smoother, the fii-st joint of the rostrum not much longer than the second, the discoidal area of the elytra short. R. mucosa is also very much like Z. nugax and other small species of that genus, but it is easily separable therefrom by the short second joint of the rostrum." Localities. Texas, Panama. Repipta flavicans (Amyot and Serville). Amyot and Serville, Hemip., 374; 1843. Zelus flavicans. "Very close .to Uneatus, but of an indefinite yellowish and uniform brown lines. Eyes black. The base of the elytra rather brown; the two spines on the posterior disk of the prothorax very long and inchned to the rear. Legs and antennae yellowish. Male." Champion discusses this species as follows: "This insect is certainly nothing more than a variety of the variable R. taurus, from which it differs in having the legs pale and the pronotum, at most, faintly streaked with black or fuscous. From Teapa southwards it is much commoner than the dark-legged R. taurus; the latter does not appeat to extend to the South-American continent, and it is therefore perhaps more convenient to treat the two forms as distinct." Localities. Texas, Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, South America. Genus Fitchia. This genus was originally described by Stal as follows: "Bodj' elongate. Head elongate, subequal in length to the thorax, behind the eyes noticeably narrowed, anterior part with two short spines. Segment one of antennae somewhat shorter than head and thorax. Rostrum with first segment a little longer than second. Thorax noticeably narrowed behind, lightly impressed behind the middle, base sinuate, unarmed. Hemelytra rather short, incomplete. Abdomen oblong, margin somewhat flattened. Legs rather long, anterior femora thickened, anterior tibiae equal in length to femora." 200 The University Science Bulletin. world distribution of genus. This genus is composed of two described species, and both of these, so far as present records are concerned, are confined to the United States. CLASSIFICATION OF GENUS. The two species may be separated as follows: 1. Pronotum armed on the posterior lobe with two short spines on the disk and with a spine at each of the lateral angles spinosula Stal. Pronotum unarmed aptera Stal. Fitchia aptera Stal. stal, Of. Vet. Akad. Forh., XVI:371; 1859. "Testaceo-flavescent, thorax rugulose behind the middle; scutellum fuscous; a wide dorsal vitta and also a narrower one on each side of the venter of the abdomen black. $. Length, 15 mm.; width, 2% mm. America boreahs." Biology. Taken from beneath boards (Blatchley). Localities. Maine, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Penn- sylvania, South Carolina, Illinois, Kansas, Colorado, Utah, Okla- homa, Texas. Fitchia spiiiosula Stal. Sta!, Enum. Hemip., 11:79; 1872. "Pale, grayish flavescent, with grayish pile; with three ventral vittae, most narrow medially, extended laterally through the sides of the mesosternum, black; posterior lobe of the thorax quadrispinose ; membrane gray, veins fuscous. 2. Length, 12 mm.; width, 2Vs mm. "Similar to the preceding (aptera), in size somewhat narrower and in all parts of the body somewhat longer, posterior lobe of the thorax with two short spines on the posterior disk and armed at lateral angles with a spine turned upwards and a little inwards, and the area of the membrane distinctly nar- rower." Biology. Taken from bases of clumps of grass (Blatchley). Localities. Georgia, Florida, Texas, Colorado, Indiana. Genus Rocconota. This genus was originally described by Stal as follows : "Body elongate. Head oblong, thorax short, anterior part bispinose, or bituberculate ; apex of gense at forward end somewhat acutely produced. Rostriun with first segment somewhat longer than second. Antennae long, segment one subequal in length or somewhat longer than head and thorax together, the second segment less than half as long as this. Thorax lightly constricted, posterior lobe with four spines or tubercles. Apex of scutellum rather acute. Hemelytra somewhat longer than apex of abdomen. Abdomen hardly as wide as hemelj^tra, segments one to three on either side subspinose. Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 201 Legs long, anterior femora equal in length to posterior, thickened; apical seg- ment of tarsi a little longer than the preceding." Champion gives the following descriptive notes on this genus: "It is doubtful if this Tropical-American genus can be retained as distinct from Repipta Stal. The species here referrd to Rocconota have the anterior femora more or less incrassate, the third antennal joints slender in both sexes, the abdomen with one or more of the basal segments armed with a spine at the outer apical angles, the head and posterior lobe of the pronotum armed with long spines or tubercles, the outer area of the membrane nearly or quite as long as the inner." WORLD DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS. This is a Neotropical genus of ten described species, only one of which extends in range into the United States. Rocconota annulicornis (Stal). Stal, Enum. Hemip., 11:77; 1872. Heza annulicornis. "Pale testaceo-flavescent, with grey pile, head sometimes fuscous; two or three annuli on the first segment, a very wide annulus on, the second segment, and the base of the third segment of the antenna pale; apex of femur dark; spines at base of thorax fuscous ; margin of abdomen pallescent, segments of the border of the abdomen before the middle and the apical margin, except in the dorsal part, fuscous or testaceous. $. 9. Length, 15-16 mm.; width of hemelytra, 3-3% mm. "The size of H. multianmdatoe. scarcely different from this species. First segment of antennae somewhat longer than head and thorax together. Head a little shorter or subequal in length to thorax, the anterior part armed with two medium-sized spines. Thorax with two wrinkled creases, somewhat extended in posterior lobe, interrupted, this lobe with four spines, twice as long as the spines on the head. Costal region sometimes much darkened. Membrane and wings pale dirty wine-colored or dirty hyaline. Mesopleura marked on lateral margins with albosericeous spot or spots. Sixth segment of abdomen on either side slight Ij' but noticeably flattened, apex rounded. "In the example from Texas the spines on the head and thorax are shorter than in the female specimen from Mexico, head likewise appearing a little shorter." Champion makes the following comment on this species: "There is no trace of a tubercle or plica on the mesopleuron in front, the insect cannot therefore belong to Heza. R. annulicornis is closely allied to R. tuberculigera, but differs from it in having the first connexival segment armed with a spine at the apex, and the pronotal spines are fiavous at the apex. The basal joints of the antennse are more or less distinctly annulated with brownish or fuscous, as are also the femora towards the apex and the tibise at the base. The under surface is very finely and closely pubescent, as well as sparsely pilose, the longer hairs arising from small bare spots. "The males have an upwardly curv^ed spine at the apex of the last genital segment, and the third antennal joint slender." 202 The University Science Bulletin. Localities. New Jersey, Texas, Mexico, Guatemala, Alabama, Florida, North Carolina, Maryland. Genus Atrachelus. This genus was described originally by Amyot and Serville as follows : "Body rather rugulose and hairy. Head a little naiTOwed behind, without the neck being slender and elongate. Antennae with their next to last segment hardly twice as long as the second, in the two sexes; notably thickened, a little flattened and hairy in the males. Prothorax with a tubercle on each side at its anterior margin, more or less projecting in the females, spiny in the males. The other characters are those of Zclus." WORLD distribution. This is a Neotropical genus of three described species, one or which extends northward in its range into the United States. Atrachelus cinereus (Fabricius). Fabricius, Ent. Syst. Suppl., 347; 1843. Reduvhis cinereus. "Cinereus, thorax with four spines, margin of abdomen spined. "Habitat in Carolina. "Small. Head with a number of acute, elevated, cinereus spines. Thorax cinereus with four acute spines. Elytra cinereus, unmarked. Wings hyaline. Abdomen cinereus, margins spined. Legs slender, unarmed, cinereus." Champion gives the following descriptive notes on this species: "In both sexes of this species the connexival segments 1-5 are angularly dilated or spinose at their outer apical angles, there being considerable varia- tion in this respect. The third antennal joint of the males is also much more thickened in some examples than in others. The abdomen is subparallel in the males, rounded at the sides in the females." Biology. Taken from foliage of oak and from tall grasses by Blatchley. Localities. Pennsylvania, North Carolina, South Carolina, Flor- ida, Texas, Mexico, Guatemala. Genus Doldina. Described originally by Stal as follows: "Body elongate. Head cylindrical, behind the eyes to the rear noticeably more slender, bispinose anteriorly. Beak with segment one equal in length to the second and third together. Thorax lightly constricted, noticeably nar- rowed before, width about one-half the length, posterior lobe quadrispinose. Apex of scutellum subproduced. Abdomen with segments 1-3 with the apex on either side armed with spines. Legs long, slender, apex of femur bispinose. Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 203 anterior femora slightly thickened, anterior tibiae subequal in length to femora ; second segment of tarsus equal in length to apical segment." WORLD DISTRIBUTION. This genus is composed of five described species, one of which is confined to North America north of Mexico, another found in the southern United States and Central America, and the rest distinctly Neotropical. CLASSIFICATION OF GENUS. Our two species of this genus may be separated in the following manner : 1. Posterior lobe of pronotum unarmed prcetermissa Bergroth. Posterior lobe of pronotum armed at humeral angles with a short, acute .^pine intcrjungens Bergroth. Doldina prcetermissa Bergroth. Bergroth, Ent. News, XXIV :264; 1913. 'Testacecous, shortly pilose above, more longly so on the upper side of the head and on the first two antennal joints, on the under side of the body, along the abdominal margin, and on the legs, head more or less infuscated on the sides, upper side of postocular part sometimes with two narrow ferrugineous vittse behind the ocelli, venter sometimes with a sublateral brown vitta. Head shorter than pronotum, first joint of antennae slightly passing apex of scutel- lum, second joint as long as postocular part of head and eyes together. Pronotum rather more than one-half longer than the width between the humeral angles, anterior lobe smooth, in fresh specimens with some subreticu- lated pubescent lines, posterior lobe imarmed, finely and thickly rugulosely pimctate with five shallow and rather nan'ow longitudinal furrows, the middle furrow being more distinct. Abdomen with a short spine at the apical angles of the first and second segments. Posterior femora reaching or nearly reaching the base of the sixth ventral segment. Length, 9 , 16-17 mm. "Allied to D. lauta Stal, but is somewhat smaller and the posterior lobe of the pronotum is somewhat differently sculptured with the median furrow narrower and less deep." Localities. Florida, British Honduras. Doldina inter jung ens Bergroth. Bergroth, Ent. News, XXIV :263; 1913. "Testaceous, rather sparingly clothed with a white pilosity which is shorter on the upper side and thicker on the apical part of the prosternum and the adjacent part of the head, abdomen piceous-testaceous with the lateral border pale testaceous. Head shorter than pronotum, first antennal joint passing apex of scutellum, second joint a little shorter than the head. Pronotum half as long again as the humeral breadth, the posterior lobe very finely and thickly punctured, the longitudinal median impression rather broad, the in- trahumeral impression evanescent anteriorly, humeral angles armed with a 204 The University Science Bulletin. short acute spine, disk unarmed. Scutellum slightly recurved at apex. Herae- lytra ( 5 ) not reaching middle of last dorsal segment, the prolonged exterior apical part of the corium almost hyaline at and before the apical angle, membrane subhyaline, its exterior basal cell passing apical angle of corium. Abdomen shortly spined at base of sixth abdominal segment. Length, $ , 19 mm. "This very distinct species is described from a single specimen in de la Torre Bueno's collection. It is exactly intermediate in structure between the subgenera Doldina and Hygromystes, agreeing with the former in the unarmed disk of the posterior pronotal lobe, with the latter in the spinose humeral angles." Biology. Taken from tall dead grass along borders of ponds, lakes, and sloughs by Blatchley. Localities. Maryland, North Carolina, Florida. Genus Heza. This genus was characterized originally by Amyot and Serville as follows: "Antennae having very pointed teeth, very pronounced and erected im- mediately behind the base of each of these. Beak having its first two segments of about equal length. Prothorax furnished with four tubercles, of which two are on the anterior lobe and two on the posterior lobe; posterior angles armed with a pointed spine, with a tooth behind it and at its base. Elytra not ex- tending beyond the apex of the abdomen. Anterior femora lightly thickened. The other characters are those of Euagoras." WORLD DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS. This genus is essentially Neotropical. Seventeen species have been described as belonging to it, and of these only one is to be found within our limits. Heza similis Stal. Stal, Of. Vet. Akad. Forh., XVI:199; 1859. "Fusco-testaceous, greyish sericeous, upper surface with small albosericeous macula infrequently scattered; posterior legs olivaceous green, femora and apex of posterior tibi:e with some red. $ . Length, 18 mm.; width, 3 mm. Habitat, Colombia. "Very similar to //. mocilenta, spines on head and posterior lobe of thorax •shorter. Spines on head and anterior lobe of thorax short, subconical, some acute, fuscous, others obtuse, pallid; spines on the posterior lobe of the thorax sHghtly shorter than the median lateral spines." Champion gives the following descriptive notes concerning this species : "Our specimens vary from 15 to 24 mm. in length. Some of them are of an olivaceous or greenish color. In fresh examples the pronotum, scutellum, and Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 205 corium are set with scattered points of whitish tomentum. The third antermal joint is slender in both sexes. H. similis is very like Rocconota rufotestacea and other species of that genus, but it is easily distinguishable from them by the plica on the mesopleura." Biology. Van Duzee reports taking a specimen from an oak tree. Localities. California, Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, Colombia. Genus Arilus. This genus was described originally by Burmeister as follows: "This genus also resembles in superficial characters the preceding (Noto- cyrtus), though the long-extended form of the head distinguishes it, particu- larly the narrowing of the head behind the eyes into the neck. The antennse have the same structure; the first and third segments are sometimes equal, sometimes unequal, the first is particularly large, the much smaller second segment agrees with the fourth in length. The third is commonly larger than the second, seldom equal to it. Tlie long, free, strong beak shows a different structure in its various segments. The pronotum is very broad, extended into a thorn at the humeral angles, on the disk covered mostly with beading, or a comb present. The wing covers at the base are strongly hairy. Abdomen broader than the wings, oval, often lobed on the sides; narrower in the males, hardly broader than the wings. Legs long, lightly haired, the fore femur a little thicker, the tarsi very small." Champion gives the following notes on this genus: "An American genus including several veiy closely allied species of large size, remarkable on account of the greatly developed and peculiarly formed posterior lobe of the pronotum, this latter being more or less cristate down the middle and set with a row of smooth, shining black tubercles, and at the base there are two stout spines." BIOLOGY. Champion says of this genus: "They prey upon small insects which live upon trees and bushes, and are able to inflict a very pain- ful wound." This seems to be true of om- species, at least, numerous references to which may be found. Our common species, Arilus cristatus (Lin- naeus), is discussed in full later, and it is probable that the other species of the genus have similar habits. WORLD DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS. This is a Neotropical genus of seven described species, only one of which may be found north of the Mexican border. 206 The University Science Bulletin. Arilus cristatus (Linnaeus). (PI. XVII.) Linnseus, Cent. Ins. Ran, 16; 1763. Cimex cristatus. Described by Linnaeus in Sy sterna Naturce as follows: "Black; upper wings feiTugineoiis : snout antennae and shanks yellow; scute! crested serrate. Inhabits America. Scutel very large, toothed on the edge, the crest erect and 12-toothed: thorax small, spinose before." Uhler describes the insect as follows in the Standard Natural History : "It is of mouse-grey color, closely invested with short grey hair, and has the knobs of the head, cogwheel crest on the prothorax, eyes and angles black, with the legs and antennae tinged with chestnut reddish. The female often measures more than an inch and a quarter in length, while the male is much smaller." Champion gives the following descriptive notes: "A. cristahis differs from the South-American and Antillean A. carinatus Forst., in having fewer tubercles on the crest of the pronotum (12-14 in A. carinatus, 8-10 in A. cristatus) and the margins not distinctly dilated behind the posterolateral angles. The margins of the abdomen are sinuate in both sexes." Biology. There are numerous references to various phases of the biology of this insect to be found in the literature. Its large size, conspicuous appearance, and abundance have attracted attention. Say (1832) redescribes the insect as Reduvius novenarious, and gives the following notes on its habits : "This large and fine species is not uncommon in various parts of the Union, at least from Pennsylvania to the southern boundary. Its puncture is very painful, benumbing the vicinity of the wounded part for a considerable time." Glover, in his Manuscript Notes on the Hemiptera, gives quite a complete account of the habits and life history of the insect (1876). "Eggs to the number of 79 to 130 deposited in a hexagonal mass, cemented together with a thick brown viscid substance, each egg when separated from the mass presenting the appearance of a somewhat square flask, standing on its own bottom. This mass of eggs is placed on the bark of the tree, a fence rail, under the eaves of outbuildings or wherever the female chances to be at the time of oviposition. The larvae when young, are blood red with black marks, and do not resemble the adult insect at all excepting somewhat in form and habits. The larvae, pupae and perfect insects all feed on other insects they can overcome, not even sparing their own brethren. When very young, they destroy great numbers of plant lice (Aphides), and when older they prey upon caterpillars, or indeed upon any insect they can overpower. They kill their prey by inserting their proboscis into it and which emits a most powerful poisonous fluid into the wound. The victim thus pierced dies in a very short time; they then leisurely suck all the juices out and drop the empty skin. The Readio: Biology of Reduviid^. 207 perfect wheel bug is a large and very singular looking insect of very slow and deliberate motions when undisturbed and stealing up to its prey. It is of a gray color and has a high semicircular ridge or projection on the crest of its thorax, armed with nine perfectly airanged teeth, or coglike protuberances, like very short spokes or cogs of a wheel hence the vulgar name of 'wheel bug.' The j'oung shed their skin several tim&s before attaining their full size. As this insect is constantlj- employed from the moment it hatches in searching for and destrojing noxious insects, it may be considered a friend to the horti- culturist and farmer. A dozen or so of the insects placed near the nest of some of those caterpillars, so destructive to our fruit and forest trees, will destroy almost everj' cateipillar in it in a short time, as the3' are exceedingly voracious, and each insect will kill and destroy several caterpillars daily. Great care must be taken, however, when handling the adult insects, as they are very apt to sting, or rather insert their strong curved beak into the naked flesh, and the poisonous fluid ejected, when the wound is inflicted, is extremely powerful, and is much more painful than the sting of a wasp or hornet. One of these insects having stung the writer, the pain lasted for several hours and was only alleviated by applications of ammonia. Several days afterwards the flesh immediately surrounding the puncture was so much poisoned that it sloughed off, leaving a small hole in the thumb injured." Uhler gives the following discussion, in the Standard Natural History (1884), which gives an idea of the seasonal life history: "Both sexes are formidable blood-sucking insects, able to conquer their neighbors of whatever order, and not at all backward in punishing man for sitting next their favorite trees. Like the foregoing, they glue their eggs to the bark of linden and other trees in our southern parks and gardens, extruding at the same time a gummy cement which keeps the eggs in condition through- out the bad weather of winter imtil the return of warm weather in the spring." Chittenden (1905) reported that this insect is one of the natural enemies of the adult of the southern corn root worm, Diabrotica 12-punctata. Girault (1906) made a very complete study of the number of eggs deposited in a mass by this insect. Out of twenty egg masses which he counted, the largest number of eggs to a mass was 172, the smallest number 42, and the average number 128. His remarks con- cerning this species follow: "The egg masses were collected at Annapolis, Md., in a small peach orchard, where they have been unusually abundant for the past three or four years. In other orchards, in the immediate vicinity, none could be found, nor on trees other than fruit trees, except rarely. The insect apparently shows quite a preference for peach, as a place to deposit its eggs, and it seems to have a tendency to exist in isolated colonies." Chittenden (1916) lists this species as one of the natural enemies of the cabbage worm. Garman (1916 ) gives a discussion of the habits of this insect and 208 The University Science Bulletin. its work as an enemy of the locust borer, Cyllene robinioe. This dis- cussion follows: "A large puncturing insect, the wheel bug, has proved a very effective check on the adult beetles, and where it is sufficiently common destroys them in large numbers. This insect is one of the most formidable of its kind. It is a mem- ber of the order Hemiptera, a group containing such pests as the notorious chinch bug, the squash bug, the bedbug and the kissing bug. It reaches a length of 1.28 inch, is provided with a stout beak, and gets its common name wheel bug from a toothed and arched crest on the back just behind the head Individuals have been observed on the flowers of goldenrod destroying the locust borer adults, and also on the trunks of the locust trees, where they may be observed with the beetles impaled on their beaks. Near McKee, in Wood- ford county, I found an example with a beetle still struggling on its beak. With the wound it inflicts, the bug injects a clear fluid that probably has a paralyzing effect. On one occasion an e.xample taken from a goldenrod, managed while I was engaged momentarily with something else, to prod my finger, causing a sharp pain and subsequent inflammation and swelling, the results being some- what like that of a bee sting. "The females when captured sometimes emit at the hind end of the body a forked, orange-colored, glandular organ with a pungent scent like that of a gland of a celery worm. It is probably protective. The bottle-shaped eggs of this bug are placed in clumps on the twigs, and remain in this condition over winter. They are laid in September. "These wheel bugs are doing a great deal of good in some localities, and should be recognized and protected where this is practicable by those inter- ested in the growing of locusts." The wheel bug is again mentioned as an enemy of the locust borer by Sanborn and Painter (1916). Britton (1917) mentions the wheel bug as a natural enemy of the fall webworm, Hyphantrea cunea. G. W. Barber (1919) gives still another account of a personal ex- perience with the bite of this insect: "On September 22, 1919, the writer was collecting along the banks of the Potomac river at Williamsport, Md. Adults of Ariliis cristatus, the wheel bug, were very numerous, engaged in feeding on a large variety of insects and in mating. "A considerable number of these adults were picked up for life-history studies, a male of which sunk its proboscis into the forefinger of the writer's right hand. The wound was at once very painful and remained so for ten days, at first appearing red, and then the portion adjoining the wound more nearly, becoming hardened and quite white. On the 26th it was necessary to lance the wound and let out considerable bad blood and pus, and the finger was not normal until about the third of October." Later notes given by Barber (1920) are as follows: "During the months of September and October, 1917, the wheel bug Arilus cristatus Linn, was veiy numerous on flowers, especially goldenrod, along the Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 209 Potomac ri\er near Williamsport, Md. Fifty specimens could easily be taken in tlie space of an hour — the females sonunvhat more numerous than the males. "On September 30 it was noticed that the adults were especially active in coiuilation, although thej' were observed thus engaged several weeks previous and somewhat later than this date. "Females oviposited readily and usually deposited all of their eggs at one laying and in one mass. For sixteen females that oviposited in captivity, the largest number of eggs was 182, the smallest 60, and the average was 130.6. The exact number of individual eggs per female was 118, 60, 132, 144, 137, 152, 90, 126, 169. 97, 171, 182. 103, 148. 136 and 126. "Eggs were deposited in rearing cages on the cover of salve boxes and on the sides or top of screen cages. Masses were found in the field only on the trunks and lower limbs of trees. "Adults were found feeding on honey bees and grasshoppers in the field. In cages they readily attacked and devoured katydids, adult Meloidse, adults of Cyllene robinice, Arctiid lar\-8e, Pentatomid adults, and several unknown lepidopterous larvae. In addition, females were found to be very fond of devouring the males soon after copulation was complete." There exist several otlier accounts of some feature of the life his- tory or habits of this insect which add nothing to the above. The writer has made a number of observations on this insect which, how- ever, merely confirm, and in most cases add nothing to what has been quoted above. Although the writer has not reared the insect through the complete life history, he is convinced that it has five nymphal instars. The repugnatorial glands at the extremity of the abdomen of the adults are very interesting and will bear further stud}'. DESCRIPTION OF INSTARS. Descriptions of the eggs, and of four of the five nymphal instars have been prepared by the writer. Egg. (PLXVI, Fig. 1;P1. XVn, Fig6.) Total length, 3.7 mm.; length to extension of chorion, 3.2 mm. ; width, 1.3 mm. ; diameter of extension of chorion from a little less than the greatest width to a little more. Color brown, darker toward upper end, extension of chorion whitish, central area of cap dark brown, appendages of rim of cap buff. Shape subcylindrical, rounded at lower end, somewhat narrowed at upper end; from upper end produced a membranous, reticulated extension of the chorion, somewhat flaring; central disk of cap very slightly raised, from the outer rim produced two sets of filamentous appendages, one set turned outward over the extension of the cho- rion, the other turned inward over the central area of the cap. 14—5511 210 The University Science Bulletin. First In-star. (PL XVII, Fig. 1.) Length of body when newly- hatched, 3.5 mm.; when older, 4 mm.; length of front femur, 1.3 mm. ; length of first antennal segment, 1.3 mm. Head, thorax, antennae, excepting last segment, beak and legs fuscous to piceous; abdomen reddish. Apical segment of antennae yellowish red; eyes tinged with reddish; epicraneal suture and a longitudinal line on postocular part of head continued on thorax light. Body sparsely hairy; head swollen behind the eyes, narrowed to neck, postocular part much longer than anteocular part; first anten- nal segment longest, second shortest, first subequal to second and third together, third and fourth subequal; rostrum with first and second segments subequal, third segment short; head as long as three thoracic segments together; pronotum subequal in length to meso- and metanota together; legs long, rather slender, sparsely hairy, fore femora longest, only slightly thickened, hind tibiae longest; fore tibiae with a preapical spur above; all tarsi two-seg- mented with apical segment much longer than basal, claws toothed. Abdomen somewhat swollen, evenly rounded, openings to dorsal stink glands located at anterior margins of segments four, five and six; spiracles visible laterally, located in small, dark plates. Third Instar. (PI. XVII, Fig. 2.) Length of body, 7 to 10 mm.; length of front femur, 4 mm. ; length of first antennal segment, 4.2 mm. General distribution of color as in first instar. Apical half of third segment of antennae, as well as all of fourth segment of an- tennae, reddish yellow. Abdomen with row of conspicuous dark plates along middorsal line, the first three at openings to dorsal stink glands, broader than long; the fourth much longer than broad; the fifth and sixth very close together, sometimes united to form a dark, apical plate; some specimens with a similar row of mid- ventral dark plates. Similar in structure to first instar with following exception : Head much less swollen behind the eyes; second segment of antennae proportionally shorter, fourth segment much shorter than third seg- ment. Wing pads present, dorsal in position, mesothoracic pads extended backwards for about half the length of the metanotum, metathoracic pads extended backwards hardly at all. Abdomen very much swollen, especially ventrally. Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 211 Fourth Instar. (PI. XVII, Fig. 3.) Length of body, 13 to 15 mm. ; length of front femur, 5.5 mm.; length of first antennal segment, 5.5 mm. First segment of antennae with a broad postmedian annulus, the apical two-thirds of the third segment and all of the fourth segment reddish yellow; rest of antennae black; rostrum reddish yellow; tibia with a broad preapical band of reddish yellow, occupying less than half the length of the first, about half the second, and more than half of the length of the third tibia. Abdomen predominantly reddish, with middorsal and midventral rows of black plates, nu- merous scattered black flecks, and scattered whitish markings. Head more elongate ; first segment of beak distinctly longer than second, hind femora as long as or longer than fore femora; wing pads longer, first pair but little shorter than second pair, extended over second pair, both extended to base of second abdominal segment. Fifth Instar. (PI. XVII. Fig. 4.) Length of body, 19 to 23 mm. ; length of front femur, 8 mm. ; length of first antennal segment, 8 mm. General appearance much more sombre than preceding. Antennae reddish yellow except black base and apex of second segment and base of third segment ; upper surface of head and thorax with cover of greyish pile. Tibiae reddish brown except at bases and apices. Abdomen much duller in color than preceding, dirty whitish with numerous black flecks and occasional reddish markings; black mid- dorsal and midventral plates as in preceding instar. Third antennal segment longer, subecjual to first. Wing pads much longer, of equal length, second pair entirely hidden by first pair, both extended to or beyond middle of third abdominal segment ; abdomen proportionately longer and less swollen than in the pre- ceding instars. Localities. New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Mar>dand, District of Columbia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Mexico, Guatemala, Kansas. Genus Acholla. This genus was described originally by Stal as follows: "Body rather long. Head subcylindrical, spinose. Rostrum with first and second segments subequal in length. Thorax lightly constricted a little before the middle. Anterior femora thicken*>d, below on either side with a few spines, unarmed above. Anterior tibiae unarmed. "Similar to the genus Sinea." 212 The University Science Bulletin. The insects belonging to this genus are, indeed, very similar to those belonging to the genus Sinea, from which they may be distin- guished easily by the unarmed condition of the front tibiae, the tibiae in Sinea being armed with three rows of very conspicuous ventral spines. biology. If we may judge from our common species of this genus, multi- spinosa (De Geer) , the members of this group normally inhabit trees. All stages of the species mentioned, and probably of the other species of the genus as well, are passed on the leaves and twigs of forest trees. The habits of the species mentioned above are quite well known and will be discussed later. WORLD distribution OF GENUS. There are three species described as belonging to this genus, all American, and none reported south of Central America. Of these, one has not been recorded from south of the Mexican border, and the other two have been found both in the United States and south- ward in Mexico and Central America. classification of genus. The three species of the genus may be separated by the follow- ing key: 1. Head longer, spiniform elevations on head and anterior lobe. of prono- tum prominent multispinosa (De Geer), p. 212 Head shorter, spiniform elevations not so prominent 2 2. Postocular portion of head tumid, tubercles on anterior lobe of pro- thorax raised ampliata Stal, p. 216 Postocular portion of head not so tumid, tubercles on pronotum not so raised tabida (Stal) , p. 216 Acholla multispinosa (DeGeer). (PI. XVIII.) DeGeer, Memories, 111:348, pi. 35, fig. 10; 1773. Cimex multispinosa (part). "Oblong, fuscous, rostrum short and arched, head and thorax with many spines, and with anterior femora thickened and bearing many spines. "This bug has been found in Pennsylvania by M. Acrelius. It is elongate and rather large; the venter is convex below, but its upper surface is very concave so that its margins are very much elevated and form a deep trough, in the cavity of which the hemelytra and rather large wings are placed. The antennae, which are a little shorter than the body, are setaceous and are divided into four segments. "Its color is a uniform brownish grey, more or less darkened in different places, and the first segment of the antennae, counting from the head, and the legs, are spotted with dark brown. Readio: Biology of Reduviuxe. 213 "The head, which is elongate and rather large, is furnished above with many small points, short and spined. The beak is curved and bent below the head, of which it has the same length, and rests with its point in a little groove, which may be seen on the under side of the prothorax. The prothorax, which is rugose, is divided into two convex parts, of which the first is entirely cov- ered, above and towards the neck, with a lai'ge number of short spines, similar to those on the head; but the other part has only on each side a single short angular point. The two anterior femora, which are thicker and longer than the others, are furnished below with numerous points, rather long and in the form of spines, of which there are more in some individuals than in others." Stal (1862) describes this species following Wolff's terminology, as sexspinosus. This description is given here to supplement the above : "Dilute cinnamon, darkly infuscated above, annuli on antennae and legs and anterior femora below fuscous; venter infuscate, with scattered pale mark- ings; head slightly shorter than prothorax, before the eyes on either side with a series of three rather large spines, some very small spines interposed, behind the eyes armed with some minute spines; neck scarcely or obsoletely spinose; anterior lobe of prothorax with scattered small tubercles and obtuse spines, posterior lobe rugulose-punctate, lateral angles acutely produced; apex of scutellum subfoliaceous, rather obtuse; abdomen on either side somewhat flat. "?. Length, 14 mm.; wndth, SVi mm. Wisconsin." Biology. Comparatively little has been written about the biology of this species, although it appears to be rather common. Felt (1924) has reported this species to be of beneficial habits. Walden has photographed an egg mass of the insect, which photo- graph appears in the "Hemiptera of Connecticut" (1923), but the eggs have not been described. The writer has made some observa- tions on the insect which may be valuable. Habitat. This species inhabits the twigs and leaves of trees. It has been reported from fruit trees, and I have found one rather large colony on the trees of a walnut grove, and have found other scat- tered specimens on oak. The adults, immature stages, and eggs have been taken from such a habitat. Food. Apparently all kinds of small tree-inhabiting insects are acceptable to this insect as food. In captivity it fed on anything offered it, including house flies, leaf hoppers, Miridae, etc. It seemed to be very similar to the Sinea group in feeding habits. Seasonal Life History. This insect spends the winter in the egg stage on the twigs of trees. In this respect it is similar to Arilus cristatus (Linnseus). These two species, with Emesaya brevipennis (Say), are the only species of Reduviidse so far reported as winter- 214 The University Science Bulletin. ing in the egg stage, though it is possible that Zelus socius Uhler spends the winter in the egg stage also. The eggs hatch out in early spring, during April in Kansas, and the nymphs require the greater part of the remainder of summer to become full grown, adults being found in August and September. There is but a single generation a season. Eggs. The eggs are laid in compact masses, with from 33 to 40 eggs in a mass. The eggs are placed with the base attached to the supporting twig, and closely pressed one to another. The female usually selects for oviposition a place on the twig protected by a projecting bud or small side twig. A cement holds the eggs in place and protects them somewhat. It is not known how many masses a single female will lay during her adult life. One female under ob- servation in the laboratory laid two masses, though it is likely that in the field several more would be laid normally. Mating. Mating has been observed, and is similar to mating in Sinea diadema (Fabricus). Length of Stages. The writer has not reared this insect through all the stages of its life liistory, and has only a small amount of material on this subject. description of instars. Only the third, fourth and fifth nymphal instars and the eggs of this species have been obtained. These are described and figured. Eggs. (PI. XVI. Fig. 2; PI. XVIlI, Fig. 6:) Length, 2.1 mm.; width, .7 mm.; diameter of extension of chorion a little greater than width of egg. Color dark brown, with extension of chorion lighter. Shape elongate-oval, narrowed at top; extension of chorion produced from top of egg, horizontal, reticulate, with crenulate margins; cap composed of an outer, finely and evenly reticulate circular margin, a raised crater, lighter than the rest of the cap, and an inner, darker, flat, central disk. Raised crater composed of scales which incline toward center of egg. Third Instar. (PL XVIII, Fig. 1.) Length of body, 5-6 mm.; length of front femur, 2 mm.; length of first antennal segment, 1.5 mm. General color greyish brown; first antennal segment with two lighter annulations ; front femur with a dark median annulus ; mid and hind femora with dark preapical annuli. Dorsal surface of head and thorax slightly darker than dorsal surface of abdomen; Readto: Biology of Reduviid.e. 215 three dark plates on dorsal surface of abdomen at bases of segments four, five and six conspicuous. Anteocular part of head armed above with three pairs of spines, those nearest eyes longest; postocular portion with two pairs of larger spines and many smaller ones; antenna? with segment one longest, two shortest, four longer than three. Beak with first and second segments subeciual, third shorter. Pronotum with one pair of very prominent spines on disk, and many other smaller dorsal and lateral spines; mesonotum also with one pair of prominent spines. Fore femora longer than and thicker than others, and spinose; with two large preapical dorsal spines, two rows of ventral spines of five spines each, and other smaller spines. Fore tibise unarmed except for very minute toothlike stmctures; tarsi of all legs two-segmented, first segment very small, claws toothed. Wing pads present, dorsal in position, first pair extended backwards for about half the length of the metanotum, second pair extended back hardly at all. Abdo- men wider and deeper than thorax, swollen in full-fed individuals, lateral margins of segments produced into small, spinelike exten- sions; plates at anterior margins of segments four, five and six marking openings of dorsal stink glands, guarded on each side by a spine, the posterior two pairs of spines longer than the first pair. Fourth histar. (PI. XVIII, Fig. 2.) Length of body, 7.2 mm.; length of front femur, 2.5 mm.; length of first antennal segment, 2 mm. Color as in preceding instar; ventral surface of fore femur a little darker, two annuli on mid and hind tibiae, instead of one, as in preceding. An increase in the number of spines on the upper surface of head and thorax; longer spines in position described in preceding instar. Wing pads larger, first pair over second pair, both extended to base of second abdominal segment, margins minutely spinose. Fifth Instar. (PI. XVIII, Fig. 3.) Length of body, 9-11.5 mm.; length of front femur, 3.2-3.8 mm.; length of first antennal segment, 2.5-3 mm. Much variation in color; from light greyish brown to darker chestnut brown; distribution of color much as in preceding instar; wing pads quite conspicuously darker, corium distinctly darker than membrane. Similar to preceding in structure; spines on thorax shorter and those on mesothorax obsolescent. Fore femora thickened and spined as before, with spines proportionately smaller. Wing pads longer, 216 The University Science Bulletin. slender, of equal length; extended to anterior margin of fourth ab- dominal segment; lateral margins of abdomen undulate, the pro- duced portions truncate in segments four, five and six, more acute in other segments. Localities. Ontario, Maine, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Arizona, Michigan, Indiana. Acholla cnnpliata Stal. Stal, Enum. Hemip., 11:72; 1872. "Similar and very closely related to the preceding (multispinosa) , differs in that the head is somewhat shorter, the postocular part is thicker anteriorly, the thorax is wider, the tubercles on the anterior lobe a little higher, and the ab- domen somewhat wider. $. Length, 14 mm.; width of hemelytra, SVj mm. Habitat, Me.xico, Oaxaca." Localities. New Mexico, Arizona, Mexico. Acholla tabida (Stal). stal, Stet. Ent. Zeit., XXIII:446; 1862. Ascra tabida. "Pale cinnamon color; head before the middle armed with a series of spines, the anterior two spines larger, inclined forwards; anterior lobe of thorax be- hind the middle with three longitudinal imi)ressions, posterior lobe rather con- vex, lateral angles projecting, suberect; abdomen rhomboidal, somewhat wider than hemelytra, disk of venter on either side with a series of minute fuscous spots; anterior femora below armed behind the middle on either side with two spines. "5. Length, 12 mm.; width, 3 mm.'' Champion's notes on this species follow: "A. tabida also is very like A. multispinosa (DeG.); but it has a less elon- gate head, and the spiniform elevations on the head and anterior lobe of the pronotum are not nearly so prominent. The males have a narrow abdomen." Localities. California, Mexico, Guatemala. Genus Sine.\ Amyot and Scrville. Originally described by Amyot and Serville as follows: "Head and thorax bristling above, especially forward, with extremely sharp spiny points; posterior angles of prothorax projecting a little, but sharp; the posterior disk more or less tuberculat«. Scutellum not or hardly tuberculate. Elytra very nearly the length of the abdomen. Abdomen ordinarily almost linear, sometimes very much dilated and almost rhomboidal in the females. Legs of about the same size; anterior femora ordinarily larger than the others, and in this case, strongly toothed below. The other characters those of Euagoras." Readio: Biology of Rkdiviid.e. 217 Caudell, wlio monographed this genus of 1901, makes the follow- ing observations concerning the genus : "The species of the genus Sinea vary much both in size and color. In general they are somber-colored and in cabinet specimens they vary many shades, from light cinnamon to almost black. If a specimen is killed soon after transformation the integument will not have become fully hardened and as a result the color is liable to be pale. The width of the abdomen varies con- siderably, especially in the female, where it is often distended with eggs. In short, both size and coloration are so variable as to be usually unreliable as specific characters. "This genus is recognized by the species having the anterior legs with a dorsal spine on the femora and spines below on both the femora and tibiae." BIOLOGY. The members of this genus whose habits are known spend all the stages of their life history on plants, feeding on small insects. Some are kno\^'n to be forest dwellers, and others inhabitants of open, sunny fields. W^ORLD DISTRIBUTIOX. Caudell includes twelve species in his monograph of this genus. Of the twelve, ten are to be found within our limits and of the ten four are recorded only from North America north of Mexico, the others being shared with Mexico and Central America. The two remaining species are exclusively Neotropical according to present records. CLASSIFICATION OF GENUS. The species of this genus to be found within our limits may be separated by the following key, adapted from Caudell. Key to Species of Genus Sinea to be Found in North America North of Mexico. 1. Anterior prothoracic lobe armed on the disk with spines 2 Anterior prothoracic lobe armed on the disk only with tubercles, some- times acuminate but usually blunt 5 2. Posterior prothoracic lobe armed on the disk with sharp spines, cotnplexa Caudell, p. 225 Posterior prothoracic lobe unarmed on the disk 3 3. Gibbosities on the disk of the posterior prothoracic lobe surmounted by a small tubercle. Sides of female abdomen very prominently uiadulate undulata Uliler, p. 224 Gibbosities on the disk of the posterior prothoracic lobe not sur- mounted by a small tubercle 4 4. Margins of the female abdomen prominently undulate, the undulations usually subangulate. Male abdomen vaiying from almost entire to quite prominently undulate. Length, 12-14 mm., diadema (Fabricius), p. 218 218 The University Science Bulletin. Margins of female abdomen usually inconspicuously undulate, some- times more pronounced but rarely so prominent as in diadema; the undulations generally rounded. Abdomen of the male entire, or very slightly rounded. Length, 11-13 mm conjusa Caudell, p. 224 5. A pale fascia at the lateral extremity of each abdominal segment. Membrane of the hemelytra with a longitudinal dusky mark extend- ing to the apex. Anteocular sj^ines generally short and somewhat blunt rileyi Montandon, p. 233 The lateral extremity of the fourth abdominal segment without a pale fascia. Membrane of the hemelytra generally without a longitudinal dusky mark extending to apex. Anteocular spines variable 6 6. Anteocular spines sharp and well defined, the pair next the eyes usually longer than the terminal pair 7 Anteocular spines blunt, short, usually mere tubercles, the pair next the eyes not distinctly longer than the terminal pair, dejecta Stal,p.234 7. Disk of the posterior prothoracic lobe bigibbous. Lateral margins of the abdomen, especially of the female, undulate, scarcely so in the males 8 Disk of the posterior prothoracic lobe transversely convex, not dis- tinctly bigibbous. Lateral margins of the abdomen not undulate in either sex 9 8. Abdomen of both sexes abruptly widened behind. . .coro/^afa Stal, p. 225 Abdomen of neither sex abruptly widened behind. . . .conjusa var., p. 224 9. Abdomen of the male with margins subparallel, of the female widened to the apex of the fourth segment raptoria Stal, p. 226 Abdomen of both sexes directly widened to the apex of the fourth seg- ment, but narrower in the male than in the female 10 10. Abdominal segment four and the basal half of segments five and six generally of the same color as the rest of the abdomen above, or slightly darker. First pair of anteocular spines usually twice as long as tenninal pair. Usually less than 12 mm. in length, sangimuga Stal, p. 226 Abdominal segment four and the basal half of segments five and six generally much darker than the rest of the abdomen. First pair of anteocular spines longer than the terminal pair, but seldom twice as long. Usually more than 12 mm. in length, spinipes Herrich-Schaeffer, p. 227 Sinea diadema (Fabricius). (PI. XIX.) Fabricius, Genera Insectoruni : 302; 1776. Reduvius diadema. Fabricius' original description of this species is hardly adequate, so the description given by Caudell in his monograph of the genus Sinea is included instead: "Length, 12-14 mm. Anterior i^rothoracic lobe armed on the disk with long spines. Posterior prothoracic lobe unarmed, bigibbous on the disk. Margins of the female abdomen prominently imdulate. Abdomen of the male varying from almost entire to quite prominently undulate. "This is our most common and best-known species and is readily separable from all others, except coronata, ■undulata, and conjusa, by the distinctly un- dulated margins of the female abdomen. The spined anterior prothoracic lobe clearly separates it from coronata. but from conjusa it can be distinguished only by comparative differences, aided perhaps in some cases by the habitat. It differs from undulata only in minute details." Readio: Biology of Redia-iid-e. 219 Biology. There have appeared a number of accounts of the habits of this insect, several of them calling attention to its beneficial habits as a predacious insect. A brief account of the more impor- tant of these is given here. Ashmead (1895) discussed this insect under the common name, "Crowned Soldier Bug." He found that it was important as an enemy of plant lice, cotton worms, and other insects in cotton fields, and described the eggs and first-instar nymphs. Chittenden (1907) reported the insect as an enemy of the Colo- rado potato beetle, and later (1919) as an enemy of the striped cucumber beetle. Morgan (1907), while working on Apiomerus spissipes (Say) as a possibly important enemy of the cotton boll weevil, used this insect in some of his feeding experiments for purposes of comparison, and found that it consumed larger numbers of pepper weevils and cotton boll weevils than did Apiomerus spissipes (Say). R. L. Webster (1912) reported this insect as one of the natural enemies of the pear slug. Parker (1916) discusses the feeding habits and economic impor- tance of this insect. He describes in a very interesting manner the feeding of a small nymph. G. W. Barber (1923) discusses the habits of this insect, giving descriptions and figures of eggs and young nymphs. The writer has issued a paper (1924) on the life history of this insect, from which a great deal of the following material on the biology of this insect is taken. Habitat. This insect seems to prefer definitely open, sunny fields as a home. It may be found on leaves, stems and flowers of plants, usually waiting for some insect which will serve as food to come within reaching distance. While it is not so definitely associated with flowers as is the ambush bug, belonging to the family Phyma- tidae, nevertheless, at certain seasons of the year in particular, it is to be found in large numbers in flower heads. The writer has found it very commonly on daisy heads in early June, and also on golden- rod in the fall. Food. A wide variety of insects have been recorded as serving as food for this insect. Among the economic species might be men- tioned cotton aphids, cotton worms, cotton boll weevil, pepper weevil, Colorado potato beetles, striped cucumber beetles, pear slugs, small caterpillars, tarnished plant bugs, and many other in- 220 The University Science Bulletin. sects. It is probable that it will accept any small insect that is not particularly repulsive. Cannibalism occurs to a certain extent, but probably is not important in the life economy of the insect. Seasonal Life History. Sinea diadema winters as an adult, as do so many other Hemiptera. Adults have been taken in late Novem- ber in the winter rosette of common mullein, Verbascum thapsus. There are two generations a season of this insect. The writer proved this by collecting fifth-instar nymphs in June, rearing them through to the adult, mating them, obtaining eggs from them, and then rearing the resulting nymphs through to adults again the same summer. Collecting in the field produced results indicating two generations also. This is the only species of reduviid that we know of for which two generations have been proven. Eggs. The eggs are laid in double rows on stems or leaves of plants, or on other objects, in groups of from 5 to 22, the usual num- ber being from 8 to 12. They are attached by means of a cement. The largest total number of eggs laid by a single female in the lab- oratory was 412 ; these were laid over a period of two months. The eggs have been figured by Heidemann (1911) and Barber (1923), and described by Ashmead (1895), Heidemann and Barber. When the egg leaves the body of the female the fringelike collar is folded up with the scales erect as in the bud of a flower, and forms a buttonlike knob on the top of the egg. Upon drying, however, the collar expands and takes a horizontal position as described later. This process of expansion, at least under the heat of a microscope lamp, required less than a minute. Hatching. In from ten to fourteen days after being laid the eggs hatch. Stages in incubation and appearance of eye spots cannot be determined because of the opaque shell. In hatching, the insect tilts the cap off and emerges slowly, re- quiring about two minutes for the operation. The young insect appears to be folded once upon itself and the top of the thorax ap- pears first. The membrane of the postnatal molt is broken through and the body and appendages slowly freed. The legs, antennae and beak are folded up together and are extricated by repeated pulls, first on the hind legs, then the middle legs, then on the front legs and finally the antennae. At each pull a slight advantage is gained. When nearly cleared, the appendages are bowed out to the sides and a little additional leverage gained in this way. The short middle legs are freed first, the hind legs next, and the long front legs and antennae Readio: Biology of REorviiD.^. 221 last. When the appendages are all free the insect remains for a short time attached to the shell by the tip of the abdomen only, apparently waiting for the legs to become hard enough for use. Then it catches hold with its legs, easily frees the abdomen from the postnatal membrane, and stalks off. The cap of the egg frequently^ catches on one of the spines of the thorax and adds something to the already grotesque appearance. Feeding of Nymphs. After hatching, the nymphs were isolated in stender dishes, given a bit of stick to rest on, and fed daily. The smaller nymphs were fed plant lice, tender leaf-hopper nymphs and very small caterpillars. Older nymphs were fed adult leaf hoppers, larger caterpillars, mirids, house flies, and various other insects. It was observed that ants and ladybird beetles were not attacked if there were other insects present that could be fed on. The nymphs, and adults as well, were cannibalistic to a certain degree, but seemed to prefer other species when they could get them. Length of Stages. The egg stage lasted from 10 to IJ: days, with 12 days as the average and usual length of egg stage. The first stage lasted from 5 to 8 days in the insects reared, 7 days being the average length of time computed from 34 individuals. The second stage lasted from 4 to 9 days, with 7 days as an average for 19 individuals. The third stage lasted from 4 to 8 days, with 6% days as an average for 13 individuals. The fourth stage lasted from 6 to 16 days, with 9 days as the average computed from 9 individuals. The fifth stage lasted from 8 to 15 days, with 12 days as an average for 7 individuals. The complete life histoiy from adult to adult may be passed through in less than two months, and this of course gives ample time for the two generations a season. DESCRIPTION OF INSTARS. The description of the egg given below is that prepared by G. W. Barber. The newly hatched nymphs have been described by Ash- mead (1895) and Barber (1923), but as these descriptions do nof^ fit older individuals in the first stage in all particulars, they have been modified. Former descriptions of the older instars have not been found and are included here. 222 The University Science Bulletin. Egg. (PI. XVL Figs. 3-5; PI. XIX, Figs. 1-3.) "Length, 1.3 mm.; width, .6 mm.; diameter of extension of chorion, .8 mm. Color brown, minutely granulated, somewhat shining; central area of cap brown; outer rim brown with minute, regular, white reticulations; extension of chorion white with dark lines, brown towards the inner edge; shape subellipti- cal, narrowed towards the cap; central area of cap raised, conelike, bluntly rounded at the tip, composed of several scales that fail to meet at the tip; outer rim of the cap flat with minute, regular reticulations; extension of the chorion on the same plane with the outer rim of the cap in new-laid eggs, after hatching or diying bending uinvards or downwards, squamous, minutely so towards the inner border, gradually coarser outwards, edge sinuate; chorial processes numerous, elongate, club-shaped, within the extension of the chorion." First Instar. (PI. XIX, Fig. 4.) Length of body, 1.8 mm. in newly hatched individuals to 2.5 mm. in older individuals; length of front femur, .9 mm. ; length of first antennal segment, .7 mm. General color dark; head, base of antennae, dorsum of thorax, front femur and tibia, and middorsal region of abdomen black; re- mainder of antennae, front tarsi, and entire middle and hind legs brownish; lateral margins of dorsum of abdomen dirty white, espe- cially anteriorly, eyes red. Location of spines as follows: Head, none; prothorax, one erect pair on dorsum, and anterolateral angles pointed; mesothorax, one erect pair on dorsum; abdomen, none; front femur, two ventral rows, one dorsal row, and a single preapical spine on the inner side; front tibia, two ventral rows. Openings to dorsal stink glands located in anterior portion of abdominal segments four, five and six, location marked by dark plates, unarmed in this instar. Second Instar. (PI. XIX, Fig. 5.) Length of body, 2.9 mm. to 3.6 mm.; length of front femur, 1.2 mm.; length of first antennal segment, 1.1 mm. General color dark, though slightly lighter than in the preceding instar, distribution of color as in preceding instar. Location of spines as follows: Head, two large pairs and several smaller pairs; pronotum, one large pair and several smaller pairs, sides spiny; mesonotum, one large pair; metanotum, none; abdomen, one pair on each of the dark plates on abdominal segments three, four and five, and an additional pair in a corresponding position on segment six; femur and tibia as in preceding instar. Openings to dorsal stink glands located in anterior portion of segments four, five and six, location marked by plates on the posterior border of the seg- ment preceding the opening, each plate being armed with a pair of erect spines. Readio: Biology of Reduviid^. 223 rhird Ithstar. (PL XIX, Fig. 6.) Length of body, 4.7 mm. to 5.1 mm.; length of front femur, 1.9 nnn.; length of first antennal seg- ment, 1.5 mm. General eolor much ligiiter than in preceding instar, tawny, mot- tled, fairly uniform, with head, bases of antenna?, top of thorax, front femora and three plates on dorsum of abdomen slightly darker than the other parts. Location of spines as follows: Head, three pairs of large spines and several smaller ones cephalad of transverse suture; one pair of large spines and several smaller ones caudad of transverse suture; pronotum, two pairs of large spines, the anterior one of which is branched at the base, and many smaller spines on top and sides ; mesothorax, one large pair present on dorsum and several smaller spines on pleurae ; abdomen, spines present as in the preceding instar with the addition of small spines on the dorsal surface and at the lateral edges of the abdominal segments. Wing pads present in this instar, extended only to first abdominal segment. Openings to dorsal stink glands as in preceding instar. Fourth Imtar. (PI. XIX, Fig. 7.) Length of body, 6.7 mm. to 7.7 mm. ; length of front femur, 2 mm. ; length of first antennal seg- ment, 2 mm. General color tawny to darker, mottled. Location of spines as follows: Head, three pairs of large spines and several smaller ones cephalad of transverse suture, three pairs of large spines and several smaller ones caudad of transverse suture; prothorax, very spiny, with many large spines on dorsum, and smaller spines on both dor- sum and pleurae; mesothorax, one large pair on dorsum and several smaller spines on pleurae; metathorax as in preceding instar; abdo- men, as in preceding instar with an increase in the number of spines on the dorsal surface; front femur, as in preceding instars except that basal spines in dorsal row are becoming obsolete, the apical spine alone now being well developed. Wing pads now extended over second abdominal segment. Fifth Instar. (PI. XIX, Fig. 8.) Length of body, 8.8 mm. to 10.4 mm.; length of front femur, 4 mm.; length of first antennal segment, 3.3 mm. General color light tawny, mottled. Location of spines as fol- lows: Head, as in the preceding instar but spines longer; protho- rax, spines very numerous, long, conspicuous, present both on dor- sum and pleurae; mesothorax, one large pair, one slightly smaller pair, and several very small pairs present on the dorsum and many 224 The University Science Bulletin. others on the pleurae; metathorax, many spines on the pleurae; abdo- men, as in preceding instar with an increase in the number of spines on dorsal surface. Wing pads now extended over third abdominal segment. Localities. Reported from Quebec south to Florida and west to California. Probably quite uniformly distributed over the United States and southern Canada. Sinea undulata Uhler. Uhler, Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., Ser. 2, IV:282; 1894. "Brownish-cinereous, pale gray, pubescent, similar to S. diadema Fabr., but wider, with a shorter neck and femora, with the spines more numerous and crowded together on the front division of the head, with the carinate lines of the middle of the pronotum prominent and sharply defined, and the knobs each side of the base elevated, and surmounted by a little tubercle; three double series of spinelike, black tubercles on the anterior lobe of the pronotum. Venter with a series of oblique, white spots on each side near the border more prominent and placed further back than in S. diadema; the inner margin of the corium white. "Length to tip of venter, 14-15 mm. Width of pronotum, 3 mm. "This appears to be a common species in southern California and in Lower California. Specimens were collected at San Jose del Cabo, and at the Cal- malli mines by Mr. C. D. Haines." The following notes on this species are given by Caudell: "This species, which will probably prove to be a variety or aberration of diadema, is quite a characteristic-appearing insect. The type has been seen and it seems to agree perfectly with the description. None of the many speci- mens of Sinea examined by me were referable to this species." Localities. California and Lower California. Sinea confusa Caudell. Caudell, Jour. New York Ent. Soc, IX :6; 1901. "Length, 10-13 mm. Prothoracic lobes as in diadema. Abdomen of the female generally inconspicuously undulate, sometimes more pronounced but never as prominent as in the typical diadema. The undulations usually rounded. Abdomen of the male entire, or ver>' slightly undulate. "This species has hitherto been confounded with diadema. The two species do approach each other very closely, but the extremes are conspicuously dis- tinct. Conjusa has also been confounded with undulata, but it is difficult to see how that could occur. The author's description of undulata, it seems, would preclude such a possibility. "Of this species I have seen specimens from California, Arizona and Texas in the United States, and from various localities in Mexico and Central America. Its habitat will aid to an extent in separating it from diadema. Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 225 Specimens sent from Mexico by Mr. Champion have the abdomen of the females very shghtly undulate, while those of the males are practically entire." Localities. Texas, Arizona, California, Mexico, Central America. Sinea coronata Stal. Stal, Stet. Ent. Zeit., XXIII :444; 1862. "Dark cinnamon; head before the eyes with six large spines, behind with two very large spines, some other very small spines interspersed; anterior lobe of thorax with scattered acute protuberances. 2. Length, 15 mm.; width, 3 mm. "Head granulate, before the eyes on either side armed with a series of distinct spines, interposed with other small spines, posterior spines longest; neck scarcely spinose. Antennae pale, first segment dark annulated before apex. Anterior lobe of prothorax rather thickly scattered with small acute grains or tubercles, posterior lobe punctate, disk with two large tubercles, these obtuse, moderately elevated, lateral angles rather acute. Apex of scutellum rounded, attenuate. Segments four, five and six of abdomen flat on either side." The following description is given by Caudell: "Length, 13-15 mm. Anterior prothoracic lobe without spines on the disk, furnished only with conical tubercles. Posterior lobe unarmed, bigibbous on the disk. Abdomen of both sexes abrubtly widened behind. "This characteristic species is readily distinguished from all others by the abrubtly widened abdomen in both sexes, as illustrated. Diadema is its nearest all}% and from it it is distinguished at a glance by the anterior pro- thoracic lobe being without spines on the disk." Localities. Texas, California, Mexico, Guatemala. Sinea complexa Caudell. Caudell, Can. Ent., XXXII :67; 1900. "Length, 8-11 mm. Anterior prothoracic lobe distinctly spined. Posterior lobe with well-defined spines on the disk, which is transversely convex, not bigibbous. Abdomen with well-rounded sides, margins entire. Anterior fem- ora with the last two ventral spines of the inner row out of alignment, the terminal one the more so, being subdorsally located. 'This well-marked little species is at a glance recognized from all the other species, integra alone excepted, by the posterior prothoracic lobe being dis- tinctly spined on the disk. The peculiar armature of the anterior femora serves to separate it from integra." Biology. Van Duzee reports taking this species from San Diego county, California, dm-ing April and May, and that it is apparently rare. Localities. Colorado, Utah, Arizona, California. 15—5511 226 The University Science Bulletin. Sinea raptoria Stal. Stal, Stet. Ent. Zeit.. XXIII:444; 1862. "Dark cinnamon; annulus before middle of basal antennal segment and posterior femora, as also the tibise towards apex pale; anterior lobe of pro- thorax armed with minute rather acute tubercles, posterior lobe with lateral angles acute, turned backwards; abdomen of female rhomboidal, apical angles of segments one, two, three, five and six pale-colored. Female. Length, 9V2 mm.; width, 2 mm. "Very closely related to S. sanguisuga, abdomen a little more flat, lateral angles of posterior lobe of prothorax turned backwards, not turned outwards." Champion gives the following valuable notes on this species: "The male of S. raptoria was unknown to Stal. It is very like that of S. caudate, but the apex of the abdomen is subtnancate and not produced. In this sex the abdomen is long and narrow, subparallel to the apex of the fifth segment and naiTowiug thence to the apex, the outer apical angles of the fourth segment being more or less prominent. The connexival margins are minutely denticulate in both sexes. The third spine of the double series on the anteocular portion of the head is very elongate. The females are only separable from those of S. dejecta by this last-mentioned character; but the males of these two species are very different. The anterior lobe of the pro- notum is set with very short subconical tubercles. In our numerous Mexican and Guatemalan specimens the spiniform lateral angles of the pronotum are directed backwards a little, while in the long series of both sexes from Chiriqui they are directed outwards, but this difference is not constant." Caudell gives the following description and notes: "Length, 8-11 mm. Anterior prothoracic lobe armed with short conical tubercles. Posterior lobe unarmed, convex on the disk. Abdomen entire, not caudate, subtruncate at apex. "This species is closely related to caudata and sanguisuga, but may be sep- arated from them by characters given in the table. The males are necessary for a correct determination." Localities. Arizona, California, Mexico, Guatemala, Panama, Colombia. Sinea sanguisuga Stal. stal, Stet. Ent. Zeit., XXIII :444; 1862. "Fuscous or blackish; annulus before the middle of the basal segment of the antenna, sometimes also an annulus on the posterior femur and on the median tibia pale; anterior lobe of prothorax granulate, lateral angles of posterior lobe acute, produced outwards. 9. Length, 10-11 mm.; width, 2 mm. "Head before the eyes with a series of six spines, the two posterior spines longest, behind the eyes; also on the neck on either side some small spines and near the eyes two larger spines. Anterior thoracic lobe armed with minute tubercles; lateral angles of posterior lobe acute, produced outwardly. Abdo- men of female rhomboidal, medially on either side obtuse-angled and flat, lateral macula at apex of segments two, three and five dirty pale." Readio: Biology of Reduviid.^. 227 Champion gives the following notes: "S. sanguisuga agrees with S. dejecta in having the abdomen somewhat similarly shaped in both sexes, but considerably narrower in the males than in the females: it is widened to the apex of the fourth segment and narrowed thence to the tip, the outer apical angles of the fourth segment, and those of the fifth also, in the males, being sometimes prominent or subdentiform. The connexival margins are crenulate or finely denticulate. I am unable to find any certain character b}' which to distinguish some of the females before me from those of S. raptaria." The following description and notes are given by Caudell: "Length, 10-13 mm. First pair of anteocular spines usually twice as long as the third pair. Thorax as in raptoria. Abdomen entire, outer angles of the fourth segment sometimes prominent or subdentiform, especially in the male, where sometimes the fifth segment is also slightly prominent. Segments four and basal half of segments five and six usually of the same color as the rest of the abdomen, sometimes shghtly darker. "Some difiicultj'- may be experienced in separating it from spinipes as the differences here are but relative. The abdomens of the males are usually sharply angulated on the fourth segment, sometimes also on the fifth." Biology. Blatchley reports that this species occurs in late autumn on flowers of goldenrod, and in the spring on weeds in Florida. Localities. Texas, Mexico, Guatemala, Florida, Indiana. Sinea spinipes (Herrich-Schaeffer). (PI. XX.) Herrich-Schaeffer, Wanz. Ins., VIII :82, fig. 851; 1848. Harpactor spinipes. "Brownish grey, femora nodulose, anterior femora thickened, with apex and anterior part thickened." Caudell's description of the species is fuller and more satisfactory than the above, and is therefore included. "Length, 12-15 mm. First pair of anteocular spines seldom twice as long as third pair. Thorax as in sanguisuga. Abdomen entire. The fourth and basal half of segments five and six of the abdomen generally conspicuously darker than the rest of the body, usually more constant in the females." Biology. A biological note concerning this species has been re- corded by Caffrey and Barber (1919). They have observed that the nymphs of this insect feed upon the nymphs of the grain bug, Chlorochroa sayi Stal, in the field. The writer has made observa- tions on and rearings of this species during two summers and can add something to what is known concerning it. Habitat. This species seems to be more of a shade lover than is Sinea diadema. Instead of being found in open fields and meadows 228 The University Science Bulletin. it is usually taken in woodlands, on the twigs and leaves of forest trees. In Kansas it has been taken from hickory, walnut, pawpaw, various oaks and elm, and it is probable that it may be found on any species of forest tree. Food. A wide variety of insects is accepted by this insect in the laboratory, and it is probable that it feeds on any of the smaller insects that are to be found on the leaves and branches of trees. Adults feed very readily of fall webworm larvse and various other cat- erpillars, and small flies, bees and beetles are also accepted. Young nymphs accepted first-instar walnut Datanas, and fall webworm larvse about one-half inch long. They are apparently very fierce and attack caterpillars much larger than themselves, actually riding the caterpillars, with their beaks inserted, if necessary. In one case observed it took a first-instar Sinea spinipes nymph twenty-five minutes to quiet a half-inch webworm. During most of this time the small assassin bug was riding on the caterpillar with its beak in- serted. In another instance it took from two to five minutes for first-instar nymphs to quiet very small, practically newly hatched walnut Datana larvse. In addition to these insects, the nymphs will feed on leaf hoppers, small flies, nymphs of the tarnished plant bug, and undoubtedly many other small insects. It should not be for- gotten, furthermore, that Caffrey and Barber have reported the insect as a natural enemy of the grain bug, Chlorochroa sayi. Seasonal Life History. From the evidence at hand it seems clear that Sinea spinipes spends the winter as an adult. One specimen in my collection was collected on February 25, 1925, under leaves in woodland, evidently in hibernating quarters. The fact that only adults are to be found when the insect first emerges in the spring supports this conclusion also. This insect, unlike Sinea diadema, has but a single generation a year. Adults emerge from hibernating quarters early in the spring, deposit eggs as early as late April and early May, and the members of this generation may become adult by early July. However, the overwintering adults may continue oviposition until early August, and consequently some of their offspring do not become adults until quite late in the season. Eggs. The eggs are deposited on leaves, or possibly twigs, in a double row, similar to the egg mass of Sinea diadema. There are some distinct differences, however. The eggs of spinipes incHne more from the vertical than do those of diadema, and consequently Readio: Biology of Reduviid.^. 229 the tops arc not in such close juxtaposition. There is less adhesive material used in the case of spinipes, while in the case of diadema the cement used to attach the eggs to their support is rather con- spicuous. The number of eggs to a mass varies considerably, from seven to fifteen being the usual number, though there may be a few more or less than these numbers. It is not the usual thing for the eggs to be deposited singly, however. The total number of eggs deposited by a single female has not been determined to the writer's satisfaction. The greatest number of eggs deposited by any female in the laboratory was 163. These eggs were laid over a period from June 21 to July 28, and included sixteen separate masses. It is probable that this female had de- posited some eggs before she was captured on the earlier date, as other individuals which have been captured earlier have deposited eggs freely. One individual which was taken in late April deposited eggs, but unfortunately died soon after. The act of oviposition has been witnessed. It is similar to that recorded for diadema. As in diadema the ornamented cap of the egg is folded up when the egg leaves the body of the female, and unfolds and becomes rigid during a short drying period. Specimens of this egg are present in the United States National Museum collection of hemipterous eggs, but, so far as the writer has been able to find out, have never been described. Therefore a description is included later with the descriptions of the nymphal instars of the insect. In general it may be said that they are similar to those of diadema, but with some very distinct differences. Hatching has been observed, and is similar to the process in diadema. The head, thorax, antennse and legs are red in the newly hatched insect, and the abdomen pale yellow, but the normal colors soon appear. Nijmphal Habits. The nj^mphs have the habit of taking a posi- tion on a leaf, usually somewhat curled, and waiting for prey to come along. They have been observed in this position on oak trees a number of times. The insect passes through the usual number of five molts before becoming adult. Mating. Mating has been observed and is similar to mating in diadema. In each case the tip of the beak of the male is applied to the point of junction of the head and prothorax of the female, and seems to be used as an additional brace. 230 The University Science Bulletin. Length of Stages. Several individuals have been reared through the whole course of their life history from adult to adult, and the length of the different stages in each case should be valuable. This is given for four individuals in the following table: Stage. Individual No. 1. Individual No. 2. Individual No. 3. Individual No. 4. Date. No. days. Date. No. days. Date. No. days. Date. No. days. Eggs laid June 26 ... . June 28 . . . June 28 June 28 . . Hatched July 11 July 20 July 24 July 31 Aug. 9.... Aug. 24.... 14 9 4 7 9 15 •July 13 July 23 July 29 Aug. 5 Aug. 17.... Sept. 1 15 10 6 7 12 15 July 13 July 23 July 29 Aug. 4 . . . . Aug. 18.... Sept. 4 15 10 6 6 14 17 July 13 July 24 Aug. 1.... Aug. 9 Aug. 19 Sept. 4 15 Second stage 10 Third stage g Fourth stage 8 Fifth stage 10 Adult 16 Totals 58 65 68 68 While the examples given above are uniform in that the eggs in each case were deposited in late June and the insects resulting from them became adult in late August or early September, it should be remembered that this is not the case for all the insects of this species, as the egg-laying period extends from late April to early August, and the yearly brood of insects might become adult anywhere from late May to early October. In a larger series than that given above the following periods were found necessary for the stages given: The egg stage lasted from 12 days, in the warmer days of summer, to as long as 20 days in the cooler parts. The first stage varied from 8 days, which was the usual length of time in hot weather, to 13 days. The second stage varied from 4 to 8 days and was passed through more quickly than any other stage. The third stage was also short and varied from 6 days to 9 days. The average time for 8 individuals was 7 days. The fourth stage lasted from 8 days to 14 days, and the average for 9 individuals which passed through this stage was 10 days. The fifth stage lasted from 12 days to 17 days, and the average for 5 individuals was 15 days. In general it might be said that it takes about two months for the insect to become adult after the eggs have been deposited. Readio: Biology of Reduviid^. 231 DESCRIPTION of INSTARS. Egg. (PI. XX, Fig. 7.) In size, shape and general appearance very similar to that of Sinea diadema. Length, 2.1 mm.; width, .8 mm. ; diameter of extension of chorion, 1.1 mm. Color brown, ex- tension of chorion buff, darker near rim of cap ; central area of cap brown, with central spines darker. Shape elongate-ovate, slightly narrowed towards cap; extension of chorion produced from top of egg, reticulated, margin irregular and much incised. Central area of cap disklike, "unth erect spine in center. Periphery of cap with a dark membrane, divided into many very delicate, filamentous, erect appendages. This egg may be distinguished easily from that of Sinea diadema from the fact that in diadema the extension of the chorion is lighter in color and less deeply incised than in spinipes; the scales of the cap are more numerous and conspicuous, and are inclined toward the center of the egg in diadema, but are less numerous and erect in spinipes. First Instar. (PI. XX, Fig. 1.) Length of body from 1.7 mm. in newly hatched individuals to 2.1 mm. in older individuals; length of front femur, .36 mm. ; length of first antennal segment, .85 mm. General color dark; head, rostrum, basal half of first antennal segment, thorax, legs, with exception of front tarsi and apical half of mid and hind tibise, and median dorsal region of abdomen black; other parts dirty whitish. Head rather elongate, narrower at base, bears no spines in this instar; antennae filiform, four-segmented, first and fourth segments longest, others shorter. Thorax slightly wider than head, dorsum of prothorax with a pair of erect spines, and dorsum of mesothorax with a pair of much smaller spines. Fore legs thickened, especially the' femora; each femur with six rows of spines, two ventral, two dorsal, and two lateral, the two ventral rows of five spines each, the apical dorsal spines the most prominent; tibise with three pairs of well-developed spines. Mid and hind legs much more slender than fore legs, mid legs shortest. Abdomen slightly swollen, openings to stink glands marked by dark plates on dorsal surface. Second Instar. (PL XX, Fig. 2.) Length of body, 3.86 mm.; length of front femur, 1.36 mm.; length of first antennal segment, 1.19 mm. General color somewhat lighter; distribution of color as in pre- ceding ; front tibise now dark only at base, and middle and hind legs 232 The University Science Bulletin. without dark coloration; dark median area on dorsal surface of abdomen now lighter. Head with four pairs of spines in this instar, two anterior to, and two posterior to epicraneal suture. Pronotum with one large and one small pair of spines on disk, the more cephalic pair the larger, and an additional pair at the caudocephalic angles. Meso- and metanota each with a small pair of spines on the disk. Abdomen with three pairs of erect spines guarding the openings of the dorsal stink glands and one pair of spines on the segment immediately following, also very small spines along lateral margins. Front legs with spines in same arrangement as in preceding instar. Third Instar. (PI. XX, Fig. 3.) Length of body, 5.3 mm., length of front femur, 1.87 mm. ; length of first antennal segment, 1.6 mm. Much lighter in general color than preceding; head, thorax and dorsal region of abdomen in region of stink glands now brownish, somewhat mottled; front femora dark, especially apically, marked by a lighter band at about two-thirds the length, front tibiae dark basally, light apically; antennse, except for dark base of first seg- ment, mid and hind legs, and remainder of abdomen dirty white. Head now with six prominent pairs of spines, three before epi- craneal suture, of which the most caudal are the longest, and three behind the epicraneal suture, of which the second pair are the longest. Pronotum with three pairs of conspicuous spines on disk, the anterior pair two-branched; also with spines at anterior and posterior lateral angles. Mesonotum with a pair of erect spines on disk; wing pads also with small lateral spines. Abdomen with spines on the segment containing the openings of the stink glands, and also on the segment immediately following these; spines along lateral margins of abdomen strong in this instar. Front legs spined as in preceding instar. "Wing pads present, very small, apices_ ex- tended only to first abdominal segment. Fourth Instar. (PI. XX, Fig. 4.) Length of body, 6.9 mm.; length of front femur, 2.55 mm.; length of first antennal segment, 1.93 mm. General color more of a uniform mottled greyish brown than in preceding instars, dorsum of head and thorax and dorsal abdominal plates marking openings of stink glands darker. Fore femora mot- tled greyish brown basally with black apex; front tibiae dark basally, light apically; middle and hind legs light, femora with a faintly darker preapical band. Readio: Biology of REDLWiiDiE. 233 Spines on head as in preceding instar with addition of a number of small spines; prothorax with an increased number of spines; in abdominal region spines at openings of stink glands smaller, those along lateral margins of abdomen more distinct. Spines on fore legs as in preceding instars. Wing pads larger, now extended to second abdominal segment. Fijth Instar. (PI. XX, Fig. 5.) Length of body, 9.2 mm. to 10.2 mm.; length of front femur, 3.7 mm.; length of first antennal seg- ment, 2.9 mm. General color mottled greyish brown; head somewhat darker at base and at epicraneal suture; antennae banded with different shades of brown; prothorax wdth caudal margin darkest, cephalic and lateral margins lighter; wing pads rather dark, especially so at apices; abdomen mottled, with dark plates on dorsum at openings of stink glands; front femora mottled, with dark band at apex; of the two ventral rows of spines on front femora the outer row is dark and the inner row light, dorsal apical spine dark at base, light at apex; fore tibiae darker for basal half and at extreme apex; outer row of tibial spines dark, inner row light; mid and hind legs lighter than fore legs, darker at apices of femora, tibiae and tarsi. An increase in the number of spines on the upper surface of the body in this instar; the lateral margins of the abdomen rather deeply notched and with conspicuous spines; spines on fore legs as in preceding instars. Wing pads now extended almost or quite to fourth abdominal segment. Localities. Probably rather widely distributed over the greater part of the United States, at least east of the Rocky Mountains, and in addition recorded from Mexico, Central America and South America. Its occurrence in the last-mentioned locality is questioned. Sinea rileyi Montandon. Montandon, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XVI :51; 1893. "Ferrugineous brownish with a grayish pubescence, veiy short and not so dense upon the elytra, denser beneath, especially on the breast. Posterior and middle femora and all tibiae in the middle paler than the body. Head a Uttle shorter than the pronotum, with a double row of three short spines before the eyes, the anterior spines longer than the posterior, and behind the eyes on each side two tubercles before and behind the ocelli. Neck not spinose. An- terior part of the pronotum covered with small, not very acute tubercles, more robust at the middle, the anterior part one-fourth shorter than the posterior, which is granulose; disk much swollen, with a slight longitudinal impression in the middle; lateral angles slightly acuminated; posterior margin narrowly 234 The University Science Bulletin. pale with two small teeth alongside the scutellum. Elytra paler at the base, the lateral margins and the small quadrangular discoidal cell near the mem- brane; brownish on the disk and at the terminal exterior angle. Membrane pale vitreous with a brownish black spot at the interior angle, divided and continued upon the nervures and reaching to the extremity of the membrane. Abdomen much broader than the elytra ( S and 9 ) , laterally margins largely rounded in the two sexes, especially 2 , with a broad pale fascia at the ex- tremity of each segment. Abdomen beneath ferrugineous, paler in the middle. Anterior femora as in all species of the genus Sinea, with sometimes whitish and very slender hairs. Superior spine at the extremity of the femora robust and pale as the spines of the inferior part. Antennae wanting in the specimen before me. "$ : length, 9% mm; abdominal width, 2% mm. $ : length, 11 mm; ab- dominal width, 4 mm. Panamint Valley, California. Collection of the United States National Museum and my own." The following description and notes are given by Caudell : "Length, 9.5-12 mm. Head with large tubercles or short blunt spines before the eyes instead of well-developed spines. A pale fascia at the lateral ex- tremity of each segment of the abdomen, which is entire and with the margins well rounded, not at all angulated at the sides in either sex. Membrane of the hemelytra with a longitudinal dusky mark extending to the top, rarely obso- lete or not easily seen. "This species is somewhat allied to sanguisuga and related forms, but the short anteocular spines will serve to distingush it from all except dejecta, in which case the characters given in the table will serve to distinguish it. It was described from California and there are specimens in the National Museum from Texas and Arizona. There is also a single specimen labeled 'North Carolina.' This seems quite out of its ordinary range and the specimen may be wrongly labeled. "The antenn£B of this species are obscurely ringed with pale bands on the first segment, in some cases scarcely visible." Biology. Van Duzee reports this species as common from March to October at San Diego county, California, Blatchley reports that it occurs on low shrubs in open pine woods in Florida. Localities. North Carolina, Florida, Texas, Utah, Arizona, Cali- fornia. Sinea dejecta Stal. S^., Stet. Ent. Zeit., XXIII:445; 1862. "Dark cinnamon; head before the eyes on either side with a series of minute, rather acute tubercles, and near the antennae on either side a rather short, obtuse spine, some minute tubercles in the region of the ocelh; anterior lobe of prothorax with small scattered tubercles, lateral angles of posterior lobe straight; apex of scutellum subfohaceous, rounded; dorsum of abdomen black, on either side somewhat rounded and flat, apices of segments two, three Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 235 and five marked with pale on either side; two annuU on the basal segment of the antennce, and an obsolete annulus of the posterior femora pale. $ . Length, 14 mm.; width, 3 mm." Champion gives the following discussion of this species: "Stal's first description appears to have been made from a single imperfect female example, with the long spine near the apex of the upper side of the anterior femora broken off. In some specimens the second and third spines of the series on each side of the anteocular portion of the head are reduced to small rounded tubercles, but in others they are as long as the anterior one. The anterior lobe of the pronotum is set with scattered rounded or short sub- conical tubercles; the posterior lobe is very coarsely rugose, without distinct gibbosities on the disk; the lateral angles are moderately acute. The abdomen is very similarly shaped in both sexes, somewhat rounded at the sides, but narrower in the male than in the female ; it is gradually widened to the apex of the fourth segment and narrowed thence to the apex, the outer apical angles of the fourth segment being more or less prominent in the male; the connexival margins are feebly serrulate. "S. dejecta is very like an insect from the Southern United States sent to me by Prof. Uhler as iS. spini-pes (Herrich-Schaeffer), as a species not identified by Stal; but in the latter the lateral angles of the pronotum are more acute and the spines on the head are longer; S. rileyi Montandon, from California, must also be a nearly allied form. The comparatively short third spine or tubercle of the anteocular series will separate the present species from many of its allies." Caudell's description and notes on this species follow: "Length, 11-13.5 mm. Head and thorax as in rileyi. Abdomen entire, seg- ment four without a pale fascia. The fourth and the basal half of segments five and six of the abdomen usually darker than the rest of the body, generally more constant in the females. Abdomen of the males with the apical angles of the fourth segment sHghtly prominent or subangulate. Membrane of the hemelytra without a longitudinal dusky mark. "This species resembles spinipes in coloration, size and form but is at once distinguished from it, as well as from all others, by having only very short blunt spines or tubercles on the anterior part of the head." Localities. Arizona, Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama. 236 The University Science Bulletin. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Alcock, a. 1911. Entomology for medical officers. Amyot, C. J. B., and Sbrville, J. S. A. 1843. Histoire Naturelle des Insectes. Hemipteres. Ash MEAD, W. H. 1895. Notes on cotton insects found in Mississippi. Insect Life, VII:320. Biological note on Sinea diadema. Baker, C. F. 1910. California Emesidse. Pomona Coll. Journ. Ent., 11:225- 227, Fig. 79. Banks, Nathan. 1909. Notes on our species of Emesidse. Psyche, XVI :43- 48, Figs. 1-2. 1910a. Catalogue of the Nearctic Hemiptera-Heteroptera. Philadelphia. 19106. Four new Reduviidae. Ent. News, XXI:324-325. 1912. A new species of Emesidse from Vermont. Psyche, XIX :97. Barber, G. W. 1919. On the bite of Arilus cristatus. Journ. Ec. Ent., XII: 466. 1920. Note on the oviposition and food of the wheel bug (Arilus cris- tatus Linn.). Ent. News, XXXI: 107. 1923. Notes on Sinea diadema (Fabr.). Psyche, XXX: 74-76, 2 Figs. Barber, H. G. 1906. Heteroptera from southwestern Texas. Mus. Brookl. Inst. Sci. Bull., 1:255-289. 1910. Some Mexican Hemiptera-Heteroptera new to the fauna of the United States. Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc, XVIII :34-49. 1914. Insects of Florida : II. Hemiptera. Bull, Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXXIII :495-535. 1922a. Two new species of Reduviidae from the United States. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., XXIV: 103. 19226. Note on Luteva Carolina H.-S. Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc, XXX: 130. 1924. A new species of Pselliopus. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., XXVI :211- 213. Key to U. S. species of Pselliopus. Bergroth, E. 1897. On two remarkable Californian Hemiptera. Ent. News, VIII: 95-96. 1913. On some North American Hemiptera. Ent. News, XXIV: 263-267. 1922a'. The American species of Ploiariola (Rent.). Not. Ent., II: 49-51, 77-81. 19226. Two new American Ploeariinae. Konowia, 1:218-220. Blatchley, W. S. 1926. Heteroptera of eastern N. A. Nature Pub. Co., 1116 pp., 21 PL, 215 Figs. Britton, W. E., 1917. The fall webwonn. Conn. Bull. 203:323. Attacked by Arilus cristatus. Brxjmpt, E. 1914. Reduvides de I'Amerique du Nord capables de transmitter le Tryp. cruzi. Bull. Soc. Path. Exot., VII: 132-133. Bruner, S. C. 1914. Importance du cannibalisme et de la coprophagie chez les Reduviides hematophages (Rhodnius, Triatoma) pour la conservation des Trypanosomes en dehors I'hote vertebre. Bull. Soc. Path. Exot., VII: 702. 1922. Sobre el "Chinchorro" (Rhodnius prolixus). Hemiptero chupa- dor de sangre. Revista Agr. Com. Trab., V: 13-16, 3 Figs. BuRMBiSTER, H. 1832. Handbuch der Entomologie. Berlin. Reduviidae in Vol. 11:218-248. • Readio: Biology of Reduviid^. 237 BuTLEiR, E. A. 1912. Stridulation in British Reduviidae. Ent. Mo. Mag., (2) XXIII (XLVIII):65. 1923. A biology of the British Hemiptera-Heteroptera. London. Caffrey, D. T., and Barber, G. W. 1919. The grain bug. Bull. U. S. Dept. Agr., 799:35. Attacked by Zelus renardii. Caxjdbll, A. N., 1900. A new species of -Smea. Can. Ent., XXXII :67-68. 1901. The genua Sinea of Amyot and Serville. Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc, IX: 1-11, Pis. 1-2. Champion, G. C. 1898. Reduviidae in Rhj^nchota. Hemip.-Heterop., 11:162- 296. In Biologia CentraU-Americana. Charbonnier, H. J. 1903. On the habits of Ploiaria culicijormis (De G.) . Ent. Mo. Mag., (2) XIV (XXXIX) : 123-124. China, W. E. 1926. The egg of Ploiariola culicijormis De Geer. Ent. Month. Mag., LXn: 265-6, Figs, a, h, c. Chittenden, F. H. 1905. The corn rootworms. U. S. Dept. Agr., Circ. 59:5. Attacked by Arilus cristatus. 1907. The Colorado potato beetle. U. S. Dept. Agr., B. of Ent. Circ. 87:11. Attacked by Sinea diadema and Mihjas ductus. 1916. The common cabbage worm. U. S. D. A. Farmers' Bull. 766:9. Attacked by Arilus cristatus. 1919. The striped cucumber beetle and its control. U. S. D. A. Farm- ers' Bull. 1038:9. Attacked by Sinea diadema. DAvmsoN, A. 1903. "The kis.sing bug." Bull. S. California Acad. Sci., 11:120-122. Davis, W. T. 1912. A new species of PseZZ^opi^^. Psyche, XIX: 20-21. De Geer, Carl. 1773. Memoires pour servir a I'histoire des insects. Redu- viidae in Vol. III. Stockholm. Del Pontb, E. 1920. Contribucion al estudio del gen. Triatoma Lap. Pri- mera parte (Anatomia externa). Revista. Inst. Bact., 11:729-744. 1921. Contribucion al estudio del gen. Triatoma Lap. Segunda parte (Anatomia interna, biologia, sistematica). Revista. Inst. Bact., 111:133-196. Distant, W. 1904. The fauna of British India. Rhynchota. Vol. II, Heterop- tera. Reduviidae, pp. 196-389. London. Douglas, J. W. 1874. On the mode of stridulation of Coranus subapterus. Ent. Mo. Mag., XI: 138. Drury, Drew. 1770-1782. Illustrations of natural history. London. 3 Vols. DowNES, W. 1924. (Notes on Ploiariola vagabundavsiT.pilosaFieher.). Proc. Ent. Soc. Brit. Columbia, 21:28. EssiG, E. O. 1915. Injurious and beneficial insects of California. Month. Bull. Cal. Comm. Hort., Suppl. 1. Fabrb, J. H. 1903. Souvenirs entomologiques. Le Reduve a masque, VIII: 88-100. Fabricius, J. C. 1777. Genera insectorum. 1781. Species insectorum. 1787. Mantissa insectorum. 1794. Entomologica systematica. 1797. Entomologica systematica. Suppl. 1803. Systema rhyngotorum. FiEBER, F. X. 1860-1861. Die Europaischen Hemiptera. Flint, W. P. 1918. Insect enemies of the chinch bug. Journ. Ec. Ent., XI: 415-419. Pselliopus cinctus mentioned. Fracker, S. B. 1913. A systematic outline of the Reduviidae of North Amer- ica. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., XIX: 217-252. 238 The University Science Bulletin. 1924. Notes on some Neotropical ReduviidsB. Ann. Ent. Soc. Am., XVII : 163-174. Subfamily Vesciinae erected. G.\RMAN, H. 1916. The locust borer. Kentucky Bull. 200:121. Attacked by Arilus cristatus. GiLLEiTTB, C. p., and Baker, C. F. 1895. A preliminary list of the Hemiptera of Colorado. Bull. Col. Agr. Coll. Exp. Sta. 31, Teach. Ser. No. 1, 137 pp. GiRAULT, A. 1906. Standards of the number of eggg laid by insects. IV. Ent. News, XVII :6. Arilus cristatus. GuLDE, JoHANN. 1902. Die Dorsaldriisen der larven der Hemipteren. Ber. Senck. Naturf. Ges. Frankfort-am-Main, 1902:85-134, Pis. 7-8. Hahn, C. W. and Herrich-Schaeffer, G. A. W. 1831-1853. Die Wanzen- artigen Insecten. Handlirsch, a. 1900. Zur Kentniss der Stridulationsorgane bie den Rhyn- choten. Ann. Nat. Hofmus. Wien., XV: 127-141. 19006. Neue Bietrage zur Kentniss der Stridulationsorgane bie den Rhynchoten. Verh. Zool-bot. Ges. Wien., L:555-560. Hartem. 1919. Facts about sugar. Zelus socius mentioned. HEroEMANN, O. 1911a. (Notes on Barce, Fitchia, and Podops in D. C.) Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., XIII :71. 19116. Some remarks on the eggs of the North American species of Hemiptera-Heteroptera. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., XIII: 128-140. Herrich-Schaeffek. See Hahn and Herrich-Schaeffer. Herms. 1915. Medical and veterinary entomology. Hoffmann, W. H. 1923. Observations on the occurrence and biology of T. flavida in Cuba. Ent. News, XXXIV: 111-131. 1925. Beobachtungen zur Biologie von T. flavida. Archiv. fiir Schiffs und Tropenhygiene, XXIX: 159-163. HoRTON. 1918a. The citrus thrips. Bull. U. S. D. A., 616:26. Attacked by Zelus renardii. 19186. Argentine ant in relation to citrus groves. U. S. D. A. Bull. 647-30. Citrus mealy bug attacked by Zelus renardii. Howard, L. O. 1895. Northward range of the wheel bug. Insect Life, VII: 279. 1898. Some Misc. results of the work of the Div. of Entomology, III. Bull. U. S. D. A., Div. Ent. (N.S.), 22:101. The big bedbug of the far west. (Triatoma protracta.) 1900. The insects to which the name kissing bug was applied during the summer of 1899. Bull. U. S. D. A., Div. Ent., (N. S.) 22 :24-30. Howes, P. G. 1919. Insect behavior. Life history of Emesaya brevipennis. HuNGERFORD, H. B. 1916. Sciara maggot injurious. Journ. Ec. Ent., IX: 547. Adult attacked by Pselliopus sp. HussET, R. F. 1922. A bibliographical notice on the reduviid genus Triatoma. Psyche, XXIX: 109-123. Reviews the work of Nieva and Del Ponte on this genus. 1925. Some new or little known Hemiptera from Florida and Georgia. Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc, XXXIII :61-69. Jeffrey, W. R. 1909. A note on the life history of Reduvius personatus L. Ent. Mo. Mag., (2) XX, (XLV) :280. Kimball, B. M. 1896. Conorhinus sanguisugus, its habits and life history. Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci., XIV: 128-131. KiRKLAND, A. H. 1896. Rep. Gypsy Moth Com. 1896. Appendix. Habits of Zelus exsanguis. Knab, F. 1911. (Statement of Nieva's work on Triatoma megista.) Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., XIII: 71. Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 239 KoTiNSKY, J. 1902. (Note on hibernation of Milyas cinctus.) Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., V:53. Landois, H. 1867. Die Ton- und Stimmapparate der Insecten. Zeit. f. wiss. ZooL, XVII: 1-82. Latrbille, p. 1806-1809. Genera Ci-ustaceorum et Insectorum. Paris. Redu- viid«, 111:126. Lb Contb, J. L. 1855. (Bite of Conorhinus sanguisugus.) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., VII :404. Leon, Nicu. 1887. Beitriige zur Kentniss der Mundtheile der Hemiptera. Jena. Lethierry and Sea'erin. 1896. Catalogue general des Hemipteres. Redu- viidae in Vol. III. LiNNiEus, C. 1758. Systema naturae. Vol. I. Malloch, J. R. 1920. Addition to the recorded Illinois Reduviidae. Ent. News, XXXI: 240. Marl.\tt, C. L. 1896. The bedbug and cone-nose. Bull. U. S. D. A., Div. Ent. (N. S.) 4:32-42. McAtee, W. L. 1911. (Note on habits of Emesa longipes.) Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., XIII: 192. 1912. (Note on hibernation of Corythuca and Milyas.) Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., XIV: 120. McAtee, W. L., and Malloch, J. R. 1923. Notes on American Bactrodinae and Saicinse. Ann. Ent. Soc. Am., XVI:247-254. 1925. Revision of the American bugs of the subfamily Ploiariinse. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., LXVII: 1-135. Meehan, T. 1870. (Anal secretion in Reduvius novenarius.) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., XXIII: 51-52. 1871. (On Reduviiis novenarius.) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., XXIII: 51-52. Meek, W. J. 1903. On the mouth parts of the Hemiptera. Bull. Kans. Univ. Sci., II, No. 9:257-277. Morgan, A. C. 1907. A predatorv bug reported as an enemy of the cotton boll weevil. Bull. U. S. D. A., Bur. Ent., 63, pa. 4:1-54. Life history of Apiomems spissipes. Morrill, A. W. 1910. Plant bugs injurious to cotton bolls. Bull. U. S. Dept. Agr., B. E., 86:110. Zelus renardii as natural enemy of conchuela. MuiR, F., and Kershaw, J. C. 1911. On the homologies and mechanism of the mouth parts of the Hemiptera. Psyche, XVIII: 1-12. 1911b. On the later embryological stages of the head of Pristhesancus papuensis. Psyche, XVIII: 75-79. NiEVA, A. 1914. Revisao do genero Triatoma Lap. Rio de Janeiro. OsHANiN, B. 1908. Verzeichnis der Palaearctischen Hemipteren. Ann. Mus. Zool. St. Petersbourg, XIII, Lief. II. Reduviidae, 505-562. 1912. Katalog der Palaearctischen Hemipteren. Berlin. Palmer, L. S., and Knight, H. H. 1924. Anthocyanin and flavone-like pig- ments in the hemipterous families Aphididae, Coreidae, Lygaeidae, Miridae and Reduviidae. Joum. Biol. Chem., LIX:451-455. Arilus cristatus. P.\RKER, H. L. 1916. Feeding habits of Sinea diadema. Ent. News, XXVII: 280-281. Parshlet, H. M. 1917. Fauna of New England. 14. List of the Hemiptera- Heteroptera. Occas. Papers Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., VII: 125. 1918. Hemipterological notes. Psyche, XXV:64-65. Melanolestes picipes var. abd. 240 The University Science Bulletin. 1919a. On some Hemiptera from western Canada. Occas. Papers Mus, Zool. Univ. Mich., No. 71. 19196. On the preparation of Hemiptera for the cabinet. Ent. News, XXX: 223-227. 1920o. Hemiptera from Peaks Island, Me. Can. Ent., LII:80-87. 19206. Hemiptera collected from western New England. Psyche, XXVH: 139-143. - — 1921. A report on some Hemiptera from British Columbia. Proc. Ent. Soc. British Columbia (Syst. Ser.), No. 18:13-20. 1923. Key to families of Heteroptera. (Britton, Hemiptera of Con- necticut.) Bull. Conn. Geol. Nat. Hist., Surv., No. 34:383-385. 1925. Bibliography of the North American Hemiptera-Heteroptera. Smith College. Provancher, Abbe Leon. 1885-1890. Petite Faune Entomologique du Canada. Vol. IH, Les Hemipteres. Quebec. PtJTON, A. 1899. Catalogue des Hemipteres de la faune palaearctique. Caen. Rathvon, S. S. 1877. The "wheel bug." {Reduvius novenarius.) Field and Forest, HI: 108-109. Readio, p. a. 1924. Notes on the habits of a beneficial reduviid, Sinea dia- dema (Fabr.). Journ. Ec. Ent., XVII:80-86. 1926. Studies on the eggs of some Reduviidse (Heteroptera). U. of Kansas Sci. Bull., XVI: 157-179. Reuter, 0. D. 1883. Monographia generis Oncocephalus proximeque aflfinis. Acta Soc. Sci. Fennicse, XII:673-758. 1892. Monographia generis Reduvius Fabr. Acta. Soc. Sci. Fennicse, XIX: 1-36, No. 15. Rogers, R. V. Reduvius raptatorius. Can. Ent., V:155. Note on bite and abihty to kill large Dytiscus. Sanborn and Painter. 1916. The locust borer. Okla. Bull. 113:6. Arilus cristatus mentioned. Saunders, E. 1892. The Hemiptera-Heteroptera of the British Isles. London. Say, Thomas. 1825. Descriptions of new Hemipterous insects collected in the expedition to the Rocky Mountains. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., IV: 307-345. 1831. Descriptions of new species of Heteropterous Hemiptera of North America. New Harmony. Also in Fitch reprint. 1832. New species of North American insects found by Joseph Bara- bino, chiefly in Louisiana. New Harmony. 1859. American Entomology. The complete writings of Thomas Say. Sbiss, C. F. 1896. (Note of Prionidus cristatus killing other insects.) Ent. News, VII: 58. Smtth, J. B. 1909. A report on the insects of New Jersey. Ann. Rept. N. J. St. Mus., 1909. Smith, R. C. 1924. Ccenurgm erechtea as an alfalfa pest in Kansas. Jl. Ec. Ent., XVII:312-320. Attacked by Sinea diadema. Stal. 1872. Enumeratio Hemipterorum : 2. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl., X, No. 4, Enumeratio Reduviinorum Americse, pp. 66-128. Torre-Bueno, J. R., de la 1923. Reduviid*. (Britton, Hemiptera of Con- necticut.) Conn. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv., No. 34:674-692. Uhler, p. R. 1876. List of Hemiptera of the region west of the Mississippi river including those collected during the Hayden explorations of 1873. Bull. U. S. Geol. Geog. Surv. Terr., 1:269-361. Readio: Biology of Reduviid^. 241 1877. Report upon the insects collected by P. R. Uhler during the explorations of 1875 including monographs of the families Cydnidse and Saldidae, and the Hemiptera collected by A. S. Packard, Jr., M.D. BulL U. S. Geol. Geog. Surv. Terr., 111:335-475, 765-801. 1878. On the Hemiptera collected by Dr. EUiot Coues, U. S. A., in Dakota and Montana during 1873-74. Bull. U. S. Geol. Geog. Surv. Terr. IV: 503-512. 1884. Order IV: Hemiptera. Standard Natural History-, 11:204-296; and Riverside Natural History, 11:204-296. The most complete discussion of the biology of the Reduviidse. 1886. Check list of Hemiptera-Heteroptera of North America. Brook- b-n. 1894. Observations upon the Heteropterous Hemiptera of Lower Cali- fornia. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. (2), IV: 223-295. 1904. List of the Hemiptera-Heteroptera of Las Vegas, Hot Springs,. New Mexico, collected by Messrs. E. A. Schwarz and Herbert S. Barber. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXVI 1: 349-364. Van Duzeb, E. P., 1889. List of Hemiptera from the Muskota Lake district, Canada. Can. Ent., XXI: 1-11. • 1894. A list of the Hemiptera of Buffalo and vicinity. Bull. Buffalo. Soc. Nat. Sci., V: 167-204. 1903. Hemiptera of Beulah, N. M. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, XXIX: 107-113. 1905. List of Hemiptera taken in the Adirondack Mountains. Fifth: Rep. N. Y. St. Ent., 546-556. 1914. A preliminary list of the Hemiptera of San Diego county, CaL Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., 11:1-57. 1916. Check list of the Hemiptera of America North of Mexico. (N. Y. Ent. Soc.) 1917. Catalogue of the Hemiptera of America North of Mexico. Univ. Cal. Pubs. Ent., II. W.\LKER, F^NCis. 1867-1873. Catalogue of the specimens of Hemiptera- Heteroptera in the collection of the British Museum. London. Walsh, B. D., and Rilet, C. V. 1869. Parasites of the human animal. Amer. Entom., 1:84-88. Several Reduviidse mentioned. Walton, W. R. 1908. Popular fallacies regarding insects, and some insects that are poisonous. Ent. News, XVIII: 467-473. Watson, J. R. 1918. Insects of a citnis grove. U. of Fla. Agr. Exp. Sta. BulL 144:261. Arilus cristat^ls mentioned. Webster, F.M. 1907. The chinch bug. Bull. U. S. D. A., Bur. Ent., 69:95 pp. Fselliopus cinctus as natural enemy. Webster, R. L. 1912. The Pear Slug. Iowa Bull. 130:190. Sinea diadema as natural enemy. Weed, C. M. 1889. 'Notes on E7nesa longipes Be Geer. Psyche, V: 280-281. Wickham, H. F. 1909. Notes on a thread-legged bug. Ottawa Nat., XXII : 255-257. 1910. A note on Emesa longipes. Ent. News, XXI:27-30. Wolff. 1800-1811. Icones Cimicium descriptionibus illustratse. Erlangen. 16—5511 INDEX. PAGE Acholla 168, 211 ampliata • 212, 216 multispinosa 10, 212, 281, 285 tabida 212, 216 Alcock 236 Aniyot and Serville 105 Apiomerinse 32, 151 Apiomcrus 152 crassipes 154, 156 flaviventris 154, 165 immundus 154, 156 longispinis 154, 155 moestus 154, 155 pictipes 154, 166 repletus 153, 156 spissipes 10, 16, 154, 157, 271, 273 subpiceus 153, 154 ArUus 168, 205 cristatiis 9, 15, 206, 281, 283 Atrachelus 168, 202 cinereus 202 Bactrodinae 7, 8 Baker 84 Barber, G. W 10, 15, 208, 221 Barber, H. G 185 Barbiero 12 Beneficial Reduviidse 9 Bibliography 236 Biology- of Reduviidse 17 Britton 10 Bruner 77 Burmeister 105 Butler 27, 36, 106 Caffrey 10 Castolus. 168, 196 ferox 196, 197 subinermis 196 Champion 60, 152 Chittenden 9, 10 Chryxiinae 7, 8 Darwin 21 De Geer 104 Diaditus 80, 101 pictipes 101 Distribution of Reduviidse 7, 8 Dixon 19 (243) 244 Index. PAGE DolcUna 168, 202 interjungens 203 prietermissa 203 Downes 36 Economic Importance of Reduviidse 9 Ectrichodiinse 31 143 Eggs of Reduviidse 25 Emesaya 33, 57 banksi ; 58 brevicoxa 58 brevipennis brevipennis 59, 251 brevipennis australis 59, 66 brevipennis occidentalis 59, 66 incisa 58 lineata 58, 67 Empicoris 33 armatus 35, 39 barberi 34, 38 culiciformis 35, 41 errabundus 34 43 nudus 35^ 40 orthoneuron 34 37 palmensis 35 44 parshleyi 35^ 40 reticnlatus 34 39 rubromaculatus 34 35 subparallelus 35 39 vagabundus pilosus 36 vagabvmdus vagabundus 36 winnemana 35 33 Fabre 105 Fabricius 27 104 Feeding Habits 20 Food 18 Fitchia 168, 199 aptera 200 spinosula 200 Fracker 77 Gardena. 33^ 55 messalina 56 poppaja 56 Garman 9, 207 Ghilianella 33 73 productilis 74 Gillette 34 Girault 26, 207 Glover 206 Gnathobleda , 79 §5 tumidula §6 Guide 29 Habitat of Reduviidse I7 Index. 245 PAGE Habits of adults 23 Habits of nymphs 24 Hainniacerinse 31, 146 Hammacerus 146 luctuosus 147, 149 purcis 147, 269 Handlirsch 27 Harpactorinse 32, 167 Hatching 26 Heidemann 107, 123 Herms 118 Heza 168, 204 simiUs 204 Hibernation 22 Hoffmann 16 Holoptihnse 7, 8 Homalocoris 146, 150 guttatus 146, 151 maculicollis 146, 151 minutus 146 Horton 10 Howard 9, 12, 13, 14 Howes 61 Inim-ious Redu\'iid8e 12 Introduction 6 Kimball 121 Kirkland 10, 172 Landois 27 Latreille 105 Le Conte 13 Linnaeus 104 Lute\'iopsis 33, 48 longimanus 49 Malloch 61 Marlatt 13, 122 Mating 23 McAtee 61 Meccus 102, 112 phyllosomus 113 Melanolestes 127 picipes 11, 14, 129, 257, 265 var. abdominalis 128 Metapterus 33, 67 aberrans 67, 68 annulipes 67, 68, 70 banksi 67, 68, 69 f raternus 67, 68, 70, 253 neglectus 68, 69 uhleri 68, 69 umbrosus 73 Morgan 158 246 Index. PAGE Morrill 10, 13 Narvesus 80, 99 carolinensis 99, 261 Nieva 12, 114 Oncerotrachelus 75 pallidus 76 acuminatus 76, 77 Oncocephalus 80, 89 apiculatus 91, 97 geniculatus 91, 257, 259 nubilus 91, 98 Oviposition 25 Parker 219 Parshley 128 Piratina? 31, 126 Ploiaria 33, 49 aptera 50, 55 Carolina : 51 dent icauda 50, 54 floridana 51, 52 liirticornis 50, 55 pilifornis 50, 52 reticulata 50, 53 setulifera 50, 51 similis 50, 53 uniseriata 50, 52 Ploiariinffi 31, 32 Pnirontis 79, 80 brimleyi 81, 82 infirma 81 languida 80, 81 modesta 81 Polj'morphism 28 Pothea 144, 145 seneo-nitens 145 Provancher 43 Pselliopus 168, 185 barberi 186, 189, 277 cinctus 10, 186, 279 inermis 186, 194 latifasciatus 185, 195 spinicoUis 185, 193 zebra 186, 193 Pygolampis 79, 82 pectoralis 83, 255 sericea 82, 83 spurca 83 Rasahus 127, 136 biguttatus 14, 136, 257, 267 hamatus 136, 142 thoracicus 15, 137 Index. 247 PAGH Ray 27 Reduviina; 31, 102 Rcduviiis 102, 103 personatiis 11, 12, 104, 257, 263 senilus 104, 112 Repipta 168, 197 flavicans 198, 199 mucosa 197, 198 taurus 197, 198 Rhiginia 144 cinctiventris 144, 145 cruciata 144 Rhynocoris 168, 182 leucospilus 185 ventralis 183 var. americanus 183 var. annulipes 184: var. femoralis 184: Riley, C. V 15, 120 Rocconota 168, 20O annulicornis 201 Saica 75, 77 fusco-vittata 78 Saicinaj 31, 75 Say 59 Salyavatinae 7, 8 Schumannia 80, 86 mexicana 87 Seasonal life history 21 Sinea ". 168, 216 complexa 217, 225 confusa 218, 224 coronata -. ■ • 218, 225 defecta 218, 234 diadema 9, 217, 218, 281, 287 raptoria 218, 226 rileyi 218, 233 sanguisuga 218, 226 spinipes 10, 218, 227, 289 undulata 217, 224 Sirthenia 126, 142 carinata 143 Size of family 7 Smith, R. C" 9 Soimd production 27 Spiniger 102, 124 arizonica 125 bicolor 125 248 Index. PAGE Stenolemus 33, 44 arizoniensis 45, 46 hirpipes 46, 48 pallidipennis 46, 47 pristinus 45, 46 spiniger 46, 48 Stenopoda 80, 88 cinerea 88 culiciformis 88 Stenopodinse • 32, 79 Stink glands 29 Subfamilies of Reduviida;: Distril)ution of 7, 8 Key to 31 Torre-Bueno 128 Triatoma 12, 102, 114 gerstseckeri 115 heidemanni 116 indictiva 116 maxima 116 megista 12, 114 neotomae 117 occulta 117 ocellata 118 protracta 14, 118 rubida 119 rubrofasciata 114 sanguisuga 13, 120 uhleri 124 Tribelocephalina> 7, 8 Uhler 59, 157 Van Duzee 118 Vesciinae 7, 8 Walden 213 Walsh 15, 120 Watson 9 Webster, F. M '. 10 Webster, R. L 219 Weed 60 Wickham 60 Zelus 167, 168 angustatus 169, 182 audax 169, 181 bilobus 169 cervicalis 169, 171 exsanguis 10, 169, 171, 271, 275 IffivicoUis 169, 177 occiduus 169, 181 pictipes 169, 170 renardii 10, 169, 178 socius 10, 169, 179, 277 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. (249) 250 The University Science Bulletin. PLATE I. nit 3saya brevipennis (Say). 1. First instar. 2. Second instar. 3. Third instar. 4. Fourth instar. 5. Fifth instar. 6. Adult. 7. Egg, 6 X scale of 1-6. Readio: Biology of Reduviid^., 251 PLATE I. 252 The University Science Bulletin. PLATE II. Metapterus fratemus (Say). 1. Fifth instar of winged individual. 2. Fifth instar of wingless individual. 3. Winged adult, male. 4. Wingless adult, female. 5. Egg, 3 X scale of 1-4. Readio: Biology of Reduviid.e. 253 PLATE II. 254 The University Science Bulletin. PLATE III. Pygolampis pectoralis (Say). 1. Third instar. 2. Fourth instar. 3. Fifth instar. 4. Adult male. Readio: Biology of Reduviid.b. 255 PLATE III. 256 The University Science Bulletin. PLATE IV. 1. Egg of Oncocephalus geniculatus (Stal) in natural position in groun' ; exhausted. V, 1899 Gypsum and Gypsum Cement Plasters; exhausted. VI, 1900 Carboniferous Invertebrates, Cretaceous Fishes; exhausted. VII, 1902 Special Report on Mineral Waters; exhausted. VIH, 1904 Special Report on Lead and Zinc; exhausted. IX, 1909 Special Report on Oil and Gas; exhausted. Bulletin 1, 1913. .Special Report on Well Waters in Kansas; exhausted. Bulletin 2, 1915. .Crystalline Rocks in Kansas; exhausted. Bulletin 3, 1917. .Oil and Gas Resources of Kansas; exhausted. Bulletin 4, 1918. .Environment of Camp Funston. Bulletin 6, 1918, ,Elk City Gas Field. Bulletin 6, 1918, ,Oil and Gas Resources of Kansas. Part 1. General Geology of Oil and Gas. 1920. Part 2. Geology of Kansas, Part 5. Allen and Neosho Counties, Part 6. Wilson and Montgomery Coimties. Bulletin 7, 1921, , Geology of El Dorado Oil and Gas Field, Bulletin 8, 1921, , Economic Geology of the Arkansas City District. Bulletin 9, 1924.. Geology and Invertebrate Paleontology of the Comanchean and "Dakota" Formation of Kansas. Bulletin 10, 1925. .Geology of Russell County, Kansas, with special reference to oil and gas resources. Bulletin 11, 1926. .Geologic Investigations in Western Kansas, with Special Ref- erence to Oil and Gas Possibilities. Bulletin 12, 1927. .Geology of Anderson County. Bulletin 13, 1927. .Underground Resources of Kansas. MINERAL RESOURCES OF KANSAS. Report for 1897, 1898, 1900-'01, 1902; exhausted. Report for 1899, 1903; postage, 4 cents each. The reports and bulletins of the State Geological Sui-vey of Kansas and the reports on the Mineral Resources of Kansas are for free distribution on receipt of the proper postage, or may be sent by express, charges collect. Where weights are given consult your postmaster for parcel-post rates. Applications should be made to the State Geolopst. r-ti i\ I / l>Jtm\J BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Vol. XXVIII December 1, 1927. No. 18 !.^ 9d~'^~ I'O l{ i; Science Bulleti^n T Vol. XVII, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 (IN TWO PARTS) (Continuation of Kansas University Quarterly.) PART II LAWRENCE, KANSAS Published Semimonthly from January to June and Monthly from July to December, inclusive, by the University of Kansas. Entered as second-class matter December 29, 1910, at the post office at Lawrence, Kansas, under the act of July 16, 18»4. 11-6611 NOTICE TO EXCHANGES. The a^tenticm of learned societies and other institutions which exchange scientific publications with the University of Kansas is called to the list of publications of this University on the third and fourth pages of the cover of this issue. . Those marked "Supply exhausted" cannot be furnished at all ; as far as the supply permits the remaining numbers will gladly be fur- nished to any of our exchanges who may need them to complete their files. Back numbers of the Kansas University Quarterly, as far as pos- sible, will be sent to those of our newer correspondents who are able and willing to reciprocate. ANNOUNCEMENT. The Kansas Univer^ty Science Bulletin (continuation of the Kansas University Quarterly) is issued in parts at irregular inter- vals. Each volume contains from 300 to 400 pages of reading mat- ter, with necessary illustrations. Exchanges with other institutions and learned societies everywhere are solicited. All exchanges should be addressed to the Libraey of the University op Kansas. All communications should be addressed to The Kansas University Science Bulletin, Library of the University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan. EDITORIAL BOARD. Raymond C. Mooeb, Chairman. E. N. Manchester. H. B. HuNOEBFORD, Secretary. A. J. Mix. DiNSMORB Alter. Asa A. Schaffer. Ray Q. Brewster. O. 0. Stoland. APR 1 7 1928 THE KANSAS UNIVERSITY Science Bulletin DEVOTED TO THE PUBLICATION OF THE RESULTS OF RESEARCH BY MEMBERS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Vol. XVII (IN TWO PARTS) (Whole Series, Vol. NNVIII) PART II PUBLISHED BY THE VXIVERSITY, LAWREXCE, KANSAS. 1927 11-5511 CONTENTS OF VOLUME XVII. (IN TWO PARTS) Part I. No. PAGE 1. Studies on the Biology of the Reduviidae of America North of Mexico. P. A. Readio 5 Part II. 2. A New Rhinoceros from Kansas. H. H. Lane 297 3. A New Protypothere from the Santa Cruz Formation of Patagonia. H. H. Lane 313 4. The Extirpation of the Thyroid Gland and Its EtTects Upon the Hypophysis in Bujo americanus and Rana pipiens. Mary Elizabeth Larson 319 5. Some Studies on the Structure and Behavior During Germi- nation of Gymnodadiis canadensis Lam. W. H. Hoir. . . . 331 6. Comparative Anatomy of Certain Hybrid Shrubs and Their Parents. P. V. Beck '. 367 7. On the Occurrence of Bison latifrons in Comanche County, Kansas. H. T. Martin 397 (295) THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCIENCE BULLETIN Vol. XVII.] September, 1927. [No. 2. A New Rhinoceros from Kansas/ H. H. LANE, Department of Zoology-. THE Tertiary beds of North America have yielded several inter- esting genera of Rhinocerotida?, among the best known of which are Teleoceras, Aphelops and Peraceras from the Upper Miocene and Lower Pliocene. Among rhinocerotine material in the ]\Iuseum of Vertebrate Pale- ontology at the University of Kansas, there is a practically complete lower jaw of a large individual, probably an old male, of a species not hitherto recognized. It is from the Republican river deposits near Plainville, Rooks county, Kansas, and is likely Upper Miocene, though some consider these deposits as Lower Pliocene. This speci- men was obtained from a gravel pit, and was donated to the museum by Mr. Roy Dial, of Topeka. The size and character of this mandible, together with its age and geographical location, suggested at once the probability that it be- longed to one of the three genera which have been mentioned. Since there is considerable Teleoceras material in- the museum, de- tailed comparison has been made wdth that genus. The following generic characterizations have been drawn from the publications of Osborn and Matthew, and concern only those fea- tures which may be observed or inferred from the mandible. Peraceras: BrachycephaUc ; occiput broad at haf) the Museum of the University of Kansas: Species 7'. fossiger. P. rooksensis. Specimen at . American Museum of Natural History. Skull width across zygomatic arches (6) _ Length of jaw, condyle to tip of tusk (straight line) ... Teeth, grinding series Dentition to tip of tusk Length of condyle (transverse) Length of symphysis Width of postcotyloid process Height of postcotyloid process Distance from M3 to mesial end of condyle Distance from M 3 to posterior margin of ascending ramus . Width of ascending ramus at postcotyloid process Length of diastema Transverse distance between PMj's Transverse distance between hypolophids of M3 Transverse distance between tusks mm. 383 510 260 350 Museum of the University of Kansas. 116 116 128 73 186 167 128 mm. 306(7) 635 260 395 131 173 160 93 227 220 160 65 73 90 62 (6) In other words, in Osborn's specimen the width of the mandible across the condyles (Approx. = width across zygomatic arches) is approximately 74^2 per cent of the total length of the mandible; while in Paraphelops this relation is approximately only 47^2 per cent. Paraphelops, therefore, belongs to a relatively longer-headed species than T. fossiger. • < (7) Estimated. Through the kindness of the authorities of the American Museum of Natural History the writer has had the privilege of examining, among other rhinocerotine material in that institution, specimen No. 10878, which Osborn (New Miocene Rhinoceroses with Revision of Known Species, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., Vol. 20, 1904) has provisionally assigned to Peraceras superciliosus Cope. He says (p. 312-13): "Jaws (Amer. Mus., No. 10878) found in the same region . . . ['Loup Fork, So. Dak., N. E. Rosebud Agency, White River Country'— label, Am. M. N. H.] possibly belong to Lane: A New Rhinoceros. 307 this species; as compared with those of T. fossiger, they exhibit (1) large canines, (2) a wide space between Ms and the coronoid proc- ess, (3) forward pitch or inchnation of the condyle and coronoid region, (4) somewhat less hypsodont molars." Examination of this specimen has convinced me that it belongs to our species Paraphelops rooksensis. The variations between it and the type as described are such as would indicate sex differences. No. 10878 in the American Museum is most probably the female of this species, and not a Peraceras as Osborn was inclined to regard it. Its presence in the Loup Fork would tend to fix the deposit in which the Rooks county specimen was found as Upper Miocene rather than Lower Pliocene. 308 The Uxiversity Science Billetix. PLATE XXII. Lateral aspect of the mandible of Paraphelops rooksensis type. Lane: A New Rhinoceros. 309 PLATE XXIIL Crown view of the same, showing length of symphysis, tooth pattern, etc. 2— 5511— II 310 The University Science Bulletin. PLATE XXIV-.4. Posterior aspect of the same, showing obliquity of the condyle. massi\eness of the postcotyloid process, reflected margin of the ascending ramus, and tips of the coronoid processes. PLATE XXIY-B. Median aspect of the mandible of Teleoceras jussiger with a por- tion removed to show the full extent and character of M2 and M3- subhypsodont instead of hypsodont as usually described. Lane: A New Rhinoceros. 311 PLATI-: XW Compari-son of tooth pattern, size, etc., in Paraphelops rooksensis (left) and Teleoceras jossiger (right). Note the nearly equal length of the tooth row in the two cases; that the .symphysis extends jjosteriorly in Paraphelops to a point opposite the middle of P4, while in Teleoceras it ends opposite the middle of P;^. (The apparent position in the figure is due to angle at which the photo- grai)h was taken.) Note, also, the greater distance between M3 and the ascend- ing ramus (coronoid process) in Paraphelops; than in Teleoceras. Note, too, the difference in the shape, size and projiortions of the condyle and postcotyloid process in the two genera. THE UNIVERSITY OP KANSAS SCIENCE BULLETIN Vol. XVIL] September, 1927. [No. 3. A New Prot3i3othere from the Santa Cruz Formation of Patagonia/ H. H. LANE, Department of Zoologj'. IX THE collection of the Museum of the University of Kansas, among the fossils collected in 1903 by Mr. H. T. Martin from the Santa Cruz beds near the Rio Gallegos, in southern Patagonia, is an apparently undescribed species of Protypotherium. Protypotherium martini, spec, nov. Type. The left premaxilla and maxilla, with premolars 2, 3, 4, and molar 1; incisors, canine, and premolar 1, missing but the alveoli distinct; also a fragment of the left frontal, including the anterodorsal margin of the orbit; No. 19 (collector's No. 69) of the Patagonian collection, Museum of the University of Kansas, De- partment of Vertebrate Paleontology. Collected from the Santa Cruz beds near the Rio Gallegos, by Handel T. Martin, for whom the species is named on account of his indefatigable industry and ingenuity in the discovery of vertebrate remains, and in recogni- tion of his knowledge of vertebrate paleontology. So far as known to the writer, only six well-defined species of the genus Protypotherium have been previously described, and these by Ameghino. Of these, three, viz., P. australe, P. prcerutilum and P. attenuatum, have been redescribed in such detail by Sinclair (see Reports of the Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 1896- 1899, Vol. VI, pt. I) that there is no difficulty in recognizing them, and the University of Kansas Museum has representatives of all three; of P. australe, in fact, the material is abundant. Three other species, P. diversidens, P. diastematmn, and P. clauduni, I have seen 1. Paper read at the seventh annual meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, in Washington, D. C, April 7, 1925. (See Journal of Mammalogy, August, 1925, p. 213.) (313) 314 The University Science Bulletin. only in photographs of Ameghino's types," but, as will appear below, enough is known of them to afford a basis of comparison with Pro- typotheriuni martini. The distinguishing characteristics of P. martini are best indicated by a comparison of the dental index of the three premolars and one molar in the type specimen with that of the corresponding teeth in other species heretofore described. By the term "dental index" is meant the ratio of width to length of a tooth obtained by dividing the maximum breadth of the crown by the maximum length, the quotient expressing the ratio in the form of a percentage. The value of the dental index lies in the fact that it allows direct comparison in a veiy exact way impossible otherwise even when the absolute lengths and breadths are stated, for in Proti/potheriiim it is not af- fected by individual or age differences in size, since in this genus the proportions of a tooth vary less than absolute dimensions. It avoids the annoyances incident to the use of such terms as "slightty longer" or "scarcely as wide," etc., which are the bane of the sys- tematist who may not have access to the identical specimen so de- scribed. In Protypotherium martini, the first upper molar has a maximum length of 8 mm. and a maximum breadth of 4.5 mm., giving a dental index for this tooth of 0.5625. In P. australe, four specimens give an average dental index for the first upper molar of 0.6630, varying in individual cases from a minimum of 0.6250 to a maximum of 0.6930. In P. prcerutilum, the corresponding data are: average den- tal index 0.7038, with a minimum of 0.6818 and a maximum of 0.7258. In P. attenuatum, the average dental index is 0.6872; maxi- mum 0.7077 and minimum 0.6667. In other words, the first upper molar in P. 7nartini is narrower in proportion to its length than the corresponding tooth in the other species mentioned. In P. martini, the fourth upper premolar has a maximum length of 5 mm., and a maximum width also of 5 mm., giving a dental index of 1.0000. In P. au^trale, the fourth upper premolar has an average dental index (four specimens) of 0.8346, with a maximum of 0.9375 and a minimum of 0.7500. In P. prcsrutilum, the average index of the same tooth is 0.8188; maximum 0.8333 and minimum 0.8043. In P. attenuatum, the average index for the corresponding tooth is 0.8546, with a maximum of 0.9091 and a minimum of 0.8000. In 2. The photographs of Ameghino's types were made by Prof. W. B. Scott, of Princeton University, to whom the author is greatly indebted for the loan of them, since otherwise it would have been verj' difficult, if not impossible, to identify some of tly species Ameghino has described. Lane: A New Protypotheke. 315 short, wliile in the other three species the fourth premolar is dis- tinctly longer than wide, in P. martini, the maximal length and breadth are identical. In P. martini, the third upper premolar has a maximum length of 4 mm., and a maximum width of 5 mm., giving a dental index of 1.2500. In P. australe, the third upper premolar has an average dental index of 0.7090, with a maximum of 0.7500 and a minimum of 0.6667. In P. prcendilum, the corresponding tooth has an average dental index of 0.7359, with a maximum of 0.7608 and a minimum of 0.7111. In P. attenuatum, the corresponding data are: average dental index 0.7639 ; maximum 0.7778 and minimum 0.7500. In re- spect, therefore, to the third upper premolar, while in the other three species the maximum breadth is approximately only three-fourths of the maximum length, in P. martini, this premolar is actually one- fourth wider than long. In P. martini, the second upper premolar has a maximum length of 3.5 mm., and a maximum width of 4 mm., giving a dental index of 1.1111. In P. australe, the second upper premolar has an average dental index of only 0.7000, with a maximum of 0.7778 and a mini- mum of 0.6603. In P. proerutilnm, the average index of the same tooth is 0.6861, with a maximum of 0.7143 and a minimum of 0.6579. In P. attenuatum, the average index of the corresponding tooth is 0.7572, with a maximum of 0.7714 and a minimum of 0.7429. In respect, therefore, to the second upper premolar, while in the other species mentioned the width of the tooth is only three-fourths (or even less) of the length, in P. martini, on the other hand, the width of the tooth is over 10 per cent greater than the length. Aside from the dental index, the most striking feature in P. inar- tini, which serves to distinguish it from all the other species of the genus, is to be found in the shape of the posterointernal margin of the crown of the premolars. In the other species this margin of the upper premolars is broadly convex, whereas in P. martini it forms a distinctly acute angle, most noticeable perhaps in premolar 3, where this margin of the tooth tenuinates in a very sharp edge. From the remaining three species of Protypotherium described by Ameghino, P. martini can be recognized by various characters. Thus, from P. diversidens, it may be distinguished first of all by size, since P. martini corresponds in this respect to P. australe, while P. diversidens is "of relatively small size." Furthermore, in P. martini the external vertical groove in the upper premolars runs the whole length of tlie tooth, being, if anything, deeper and more sharply de- 316 The University Science Bulletin. fined at the base of the crown than at the tip, while in P. diversidens, this groove, "broad on the crown but narrowing and suddenly dis- appearing toward the base," is distinctly different in appearance. From P. diastematmn, which has a short diastema between the first and second upper premolars, P. martini is distinguished by the total lack of such a diastema, premolars 1 and 2 evidently touching along their whole adjacent faces. Moreover, P. diastematwn is about the same size as P. prcerutilum, while P. martini is larger, equaling P. au.strale in this respect. From P. claudum, which Ameghino knew only "from a fragment of the right ramus of the mandible," P. martini can be distinguished by size alone, since the mandible of the latter is wholly unknown, as is the premaxilla and maxilla of the former. But P. claudum is "of quite small size," while P. martini compares with the largest known species, so that the two are evidently distinct. No other described species of Protypotheriimi are known to me. It seems, therefore, that P. martini must be recognized as a valid and easily distinguishable species. I have no hesitancy, therefore, in giving it a distinctive name despite the fragmentary nature of the type specimen. Lane: A New Protypothere. 317 PLATE XXYl-A. Lateral view of the type specimen of Protypotherium martini. PLATE XXVI-B. Palatal view of the same. THE UNIVERSITY OE KANSAS SCIENCE BULLETIN Vol. XVTT] Septfaiber. 1927. [No. 4. The Extirpation of the Thyroid Gland and Its Effects upon the Hypophysis in Biifo americanus and Rana pipiens. M.\RY ELIZABETH LARSON, Department of Zoologj'. LITERATURE. DURING the past decade a great amount of literature has ap- peared which has quite conclusively proved that the removal of the thyroid gland causes the hypertrophy of the hypophysis. Most of the work has been done on mammals and the observations have been more or less limited to a study of the anterior lobe. Rogowitsch, in 1886, was the first to show that the removal of the thyroid gland causes the hypophysis to become altered and enlarged. Dcgener, working at about the same time, found that the increase in weight was directly proportional to the time which had elapsed after the removal of the gland, and that this removal affected all parts of the hypophysis, but more especially the parts anterior. This worker also observed the increase of hyaline and granular masses in' the pars intermedia and their passage in large numbers through the pars nervosa into the infundibular extension of the third ventricle. Her- I'ing makes the statement that this denotes an increased activity on the part of the pars intermedia. Rogowitsch. in 1888, removed the thyroid gland in rabbits and dogs and in eight to fourteen days after the operation he found an increase in the size of the hypophysis. Upon a further study of the cells, he found this increase due to an actual increase in the size of the cells, enlargement of the spaces between the nuclei, increase in the number of vacuoles and the amount of colloid in the cell body as well as a marked dilation of the blood vessels. Hofmeister, in 1892, found that the extirpation of the thyroid gland of young rabbits, the external parathyroids left in situ, was (319) 320 The University Science Bulletin. followed by a retardation of growth and the development of a con- dition of chronic cachexia. In the internal organs Hofmeister found a condition similar to that described by Rogowitsch in the case of adult rabbits, namely, enlargement of the glandular portion of the hypophysis cerebri and the appearance of large vacuoles in the protoplasm of the enlarged principal cells. Biedl found an increase of colloid and also that the degree of en- largement varied according to the length of life after the operation. In animals which lived for some time after the removal of the thy- roid glands, the hypophysis frequently became two or three times as large as the control. Allen, Adler and Smith have all shown that only the anterior lobe of the hypophysis and the thyroid gland are necessary for the phenomenon of metamorphosis. Allen, in his work on gland implantation, has shown this very conclusively. He finds that a pituitariless tadpole undergoes metamorphosis when the anterior lobe alone of the hypophysis of a mature frog is implanted subcutaneously. Rodger (1918) found that the removal of the thy- roid gland increases the size of the anterior lobe of the hypophysis in Rana pipiens. Atwell (1918), in describing the development of the hypophysis of the Anura, uses the terms which will be used by the writer of this paper. The same terms are used by Rasmussen (1921) in describ- ing the hypophysis of the woodchuck. The pars intermedia and pars nervosa together are often spoken of as the posterior lobe. The latter term seems a bit unsatisfactory, because the pars nervosa is not of epithelial origin but of neural origin. According to Atwell, the hypophysis of the Anura consists of three epithelial parts and a neural part. The lobes of epithelial origin are the anterior lobe proper, the pars intermedia and the pars tuberalis. The pars inter- media is always conformed to the extent of the neural lobe. In reptiles, birds and mammals the pars intermedia is a thin epi- thelial layer applied to the neural lobe and is derived from the supradorsal wall of Rathkes' pocket. Later in life the pars inter- media in\'ades the tissue of the neural lobe to a considerable extent. In the frog and toad, also, the pars intermedia conforms to the neural lobe in shape and the two protrude in a bulging fashion on either side of the anterior lobe. MATERIAL AND TECHNIQUE. The material used in this experiment was collected near Law- rence, Kan., during the spring and summer of 1918. The writer performed almost all of the operations. The thyroid was removed Larsox: The Thyroid Gland. 321 when the larvd was about five millimeters long. A few thyroidless Bufo americanus and a few control Biifo americanus of an advanced age were secured from Prof. B. M. Allen. He also placed at my disposal several prepared slides of the hypophysis. The thyroidless specimens used varied from five to twenty millimeters in body length. The control specimens varied from five to almost thirty millimeters in body length. The largest control had completely metamorphosed. The specimens used for measuring the hypophysis were chosen in pairs — a control and a thyroidless. The total length and body length were used as the deciding criteria for pairing. The criticism might be made that these measurements vary considerably even in a given number of controls of the same age, but wiien a large num- ber of specimens are used and the averages taken this will not be a great enough factor to afTect results seriously. The metamorphosed and nearly metamorphosed Bujo were compared wdth the largest of the thyroidless specimens. The following measurements were made on all specimens: total length, body length, and leg lengths. They were measured and fixed at different intervals in order to secure a full series from the youngest to the oldest. Bichromate acetic and Zenker's preserving fluids were used. After running the specimens up to 70 per cent alcohol the brains were carefully dissected out and five measure- ments W'ere made on the hypophysis. These measurements will best be understood by referring to figure 1. This phase of the work might be called a gross measurement study and the second phase a microscopic study. For the microscopic study the sections were cut in a saggital plane from five to ten microns thick and stained wdth Heidenhains iron- alum haematoxylin. Hsemalum with an eosin counter stain was also used for a few of the slides. In the microscopic study the three lobes w^ere easily differentiated and every fifth or tenth section projected by a camera lucida on paper ruled into square millimeters. These squares were counted, divided by the magnification and multiplied by the thickness of the section and the number of sections. By this method the volume of each gland was ascertained. This also acted as a check on the gross measurements and shows in a graphic manner the size differences in the different lobes as well as size differences in comparing the con- trols with the operated specimens. This method is the well-known "Hammar paper method." 322 The University Science Bulletin. RESULTS. A. GROSS MEASUREMENT STUDY. Five measurements were made on the hypophysis of eighty-five thyroidectomized Bufo americarms and upon seventy-five control Bufo mnericanus. The removal of the thyroid gland prevents metamorphosis and causes the tadpole to retain its larval characters in spite of the fact that it grows in size. The effects of the extirpation can be detected quite early in the incomplete development of the hind legs as com- pared with those of a control of a corresponding age. In Bujo this Pars Anterior --- A , ' ~~C Pars Intermedia _Pars Anterior .Pars Intermedia Fig. I. Cameria lucida outline drawing of the entire hypophysis of a thyroidectomized tadpole (A), body length 16.2 mm., and a metamorphosed control (B), body length 28.2 mm. Roman numer- als indicate measurements. A Bausch & Lomb 3 mm. objective and ocular 10 were used. difference is not ciuite so pronounced as in Bana. In the former the body factors which have an effect on metamorphosis exert their in- fluence for a greater length of time in the absence of the thyroid (Allen). In five- and six-millimeter operated larvae of Bujo the incomplete development of the hind limbs are -noted. In many cases they were mere buds. Also the measurements of the hypophysis of the same specimens showed a slight increase over the controls. This increased as size increased. The accompanying Figure 1 will serve to illustrate the position of the five measurements made on every hypophysis studied and at the Larsox: 'I'm: Thyroid Gland. 323 same time ^vill show graphically the immense enlarjiemeiit that re- sults from the thyroitleetomy. Figure A is the hypophysis of a thyroidectomized Bufu aiiicricdniis and Figure B of a metamorphosed Bufo americanus. The length of the body of the operated specimen was only 16.2 millimeters as com- pared with the metamorphosed control, whose body length was 28.2 millimeters. In spite of the difference in body size, the hypophysis of tlie thyroidless Bujo amencarms was considerably larger in all of the measurements. TABLE I. — The average body and hypophysis measurements of most of the specimens studied. Each group represents the average measurements of at least ten control Bufo americanus and ten th;.roidectomized Bufo nmericanuf. Body ine;isurements in mm. Hypophysis measurements in mm. P.\iRS OF Specimens. Total length. Body length. Hind leg length. Horizontal measure- ment of anterior lobe. 1 Vertical measure- ment of anterior lobe. 2 Horizontal measure- ment of pars inter- media. 3 Vertical measurements of pars intermedia. 4 5 (\introl , Thyroidless Control .... 12 1 11.0 16.4 13.4 17,1 18.2 18 9 17.7 19.9 19 8 19 3 22 1 22.3 24.4 21.0 25 8 5.5 5.5 6.8 6.8 7 6 7.6 8.2 8.3 9.4 9.4 10 0 10 4 11.2 11 3 12 0 12 4 .2132 .0710 .7579 .2640 .9713 .5774 5.3020 6835 5.9329 1.5370 4 568 1 885 6.7258 1.3390 9.2820 1 54.50 .0792 .0874 .1180 .1173 .1371 .1678 1625 .1968 .1618 1922 1581 .1863 . 1822 .2012 .1541 .2230 0847 0902 .1204 .1246 .1379 .1692 1617 1944 .1752 .1916 .1667 .1901 .1550 .1960 .755 .2676 .1968 .1612 .2861 .2261 .3045 .3087 3564 .3481 .3578 .3429 .3365 .3280 3660 3369 .4182 3552 . 0382 .0464 .0475 .0638 0519 .0745 0627 . 0756 .0738 .0828 0686 .1048 0775 0961 .0803 .1049 .0.382 .0464 0475 Thyroidless 0656 Control Thyroidless Control .0515 .0753 0685 Thvroidless 0857 Control 0688 Thyroidless 0879 Control Thyroidless Control Thyroidless Control Thyroidless .0916 .0879 .0730 .0984 .0803 .0918 As suggested before, the increase in size of the hypophysis is noticeable in the youngest specimens and it becomes more pro- nounced as older and older Bufo americanus are studied. These measurements were all made by means of a micrometer eyepiece at the same magnification. The average lengths of the forelegs were omitted because a very few of even the eleven- and twelve-milli- meter specimens showed the first appearance of a forelimb. Several of the operated specimens lived a few months past the normal time for metamorphosis. In comparing the hypophysis of these with the hypophysis of metamorphosed and nearly meta- morphosed controls, the size differences were so marked that the comparison could readily be made without the aid of a microscope. 324 The University Science Bulletin. T.A.BLE II. — A few representative pairs out of the dozen or more such pairs of the larger specimens measured. Body measurements in mm. Hypophysis measurements in mm. P.^IRS OF Specimens. Total length. Body length. Fore leg length. Hind leg length. Horizontal measure- ment of anterior lobe. 1 Vertical measure- ment of anterior lobe. 2 Horizontal measure- ment of pars inter- media. 3 Vertical measurements of pars intermedia. 4 5 Control 88 Thyroidless41. .. 14.1 37.0 14 1 14.0 5.9231 10 684 9.328 , 1558 .3280 .1394 .4100 .2870 .0984 .0656 .1312 .0656 .1312 Control 44 Thyroidless 2 . . . . 14.0 30.1 14.1 14.2 5.684 10 132 6 000 .1476 .2870 .1394 .2788 .2788 .4100 .0574 .3608 .0574 .3608 Control 81 Thyroidless 107 . . 22.0 41.8 22.0 16.2 15.000 30 200 6.400 .3526 .5740 .4592 .4920 .9348 .6704 ,1722 .1640 .1722 .1640 Control 80 Thyroidless 101. . 19 0 41 8 19.6 19 0 12.500 25 500 4 510 .3198 .7954 .4428 .8528 .9020 .1024 .1640 .3362 .1640 .3562 Control 91 Thyroidless 98 , . . 26.3 43.8 26 3 20.0 18.200 33.900 3.280 .1344 .8282 .3790 .7872 .6642 1.2628 .0984 .4592 .0984 .4920 Control 86 Thyroidless 96 . . . 23.0 42.0 meta 16.4 13.500 25 . 800 5 000 .3280 .5248 .3690 .6150 .7134 .9666 .1640 .20c0 .1804 .2050 In these gross measurements the neural lobe could not be meas- ured except as associated with the pars intermedia. The only suc- cessful way to measure the neural lobe is by means of microscopic sections. As previously explained the neural and intermediate lobes are very closely associated. In Bufo americanus especially, the neural lobe protrudes slightly beyond the intermediate, but it can only be detected upon exceedingly careful differentiation. This lobe is also comparatively late in development. It does not make its appearance in Rana until the larva is about eighteen millimeters in body length (Atwell). It probably develops somewhat earlier in Bujo. The two measurements on the anterior lobe are fairly simple to make, but the measurements on the intermediate lobe offer a more difficult problem. In the averages of the third measurement, namely, across the length of this lobe, a discrepancy often appears. This measurement in the control is sometimes as long as the same meas- urement in the thyroidectomized specimen. This is usually true only in younger specimens and is probably due to the fact that the pars intermedia bulges out beyond the anterior lobe rather irregu- larly. This seems to be especially true in the operated specimens and probably at first the growth increase is more in depth than length. B. microscopic study. Now that it has been shown by gross measurement that the pars anterior and pars intermedia enlarge following the removal of the Larson: The Thyroid Gland. 325 thyroid gland it becomes of interest to test the same point by a study of serial sections of normal and thyroidectomized specimens. As suggested, previously, successful gross measurements of the neural lobe cannot be made and therefore especial attention was given to the study of this lobe in the microscopic sections. The serial sections of twenty-one hypophysis were studied. Of these nine were controls and twelve operated Bufo americanus and Rana pipiens. For the sake of convenient comparisons, these speci- mens were divided into three groups, large, medium and small. The "Hammar paper method" was used for determining the vol- ume of the different lobes. TABLE ni. — Body measurements, volumes of the three lobes of the hypophysis and number of sections in each series of seven control and six thyroidectomized Bufo americanxis. These were chosen from twenty-one hypophyses studied in serial sections. LARGE. Control Bufo 17.15 Control 5u/o 16.17... Control Su/o 17.16 Thyroidless Bufo 19.76 Body measurements in mm. Body length 11.9 Total length 11.9 Body lengtli 11 7 Total length 11.7 Body length 11.0 Totallength 11.0 Body length 21 6 Totallength 43.4 Hind leg length 5.3 MEDIUM. Body length 10.1 Totallength 20.8 Body length 11.6 Totallength 23.5 Body length 18.2 Totallength 23.5 Body length 19.0 Totallength 43.9 Body length 19.1 Totallength 43 0 SMALL. Body length 9 2 Totallength 23.0 Body length 27.0 Totallength 11.0 Body length 9.5 Totallength 22.0 Body length 11.2 Totfil length 27,9 Volume of anterior lobe. .004250 .001510 .00.3400 .198585 Volume of interme- diate lobe. .001420 .000988 .002092 .086750 Volume of neural lobe. 002285 .0008639 .001164 .021180 Number of sections in series. 36 50 37 127 Control 5u/o 17.19.... Control Bu/o 17.18... TyroidlessB»/o 19.86.. Thyroidless Su/o 19.71 Thyroidless Bufo 19.72 Control Bu/o XVIII... Control Bw/o II Thyroidless Bufo XXI Thyroidless Bu/o VI.. .002412 .000954 .001085 .002800 .001600 .001185 .018000 .014607 .003772 .043510 .019025 .002890 .030451 .015839 006693 33 30 63 71 86 .001520 .000885 .001015 .002085 .001255 .001285 .008135 .007985 .001055 .016340 .006185 .000756 45 45 65 ■ 61 3—5511—11 326 The University Science Bulletin. TABLE IV. — Body measurements, volumes of the three lobes of the hypophysis and number of sections in each series of two control and two thyroidectomized Rnna jiipicns. Body measurements n mm. Volume of anterior lobe. Volume ofinterme- diate lobe. Volume of neural lobe. Number of sections in series. Control RanaXl Control Rana B Body length Total length Body length Total length Body length Total length Body length To^nl length . . . 14.0 . 17.2 . 21.8 . 24.3 . 25.0 . 41.2 . 20 1 40 3 .001599 .003950 .0115695 .016100 .001326 .003775 .008269 .018656 .001525 .003795 .0011329 .003275 45 57 106 Thyroidless Rana No. 3 77 In a comparison of control XVIII and thyroidless XXXI the dif- ference in volume of the anterior lobe and pars intermedia is al- ready quite noticeable. These were the youngest specimens studied in microscopic sections. In the older specimens the enlargement of the two lobes was simply enonnous. Plates XXVII and XXVIII are the camera lucida drawings of sections of the hypophysis of a metamorphosed Bufo americanus and a thyroidectomized Bufo americanus. The control is specimen number 17.15 in Table III and the thyroidectomized specimen is number 19.71 in the same table. The body length of the control was 11.9 millimeters and the same measurement for the operated specimen was 19.9 millimeters. These were all drawn at the same magnification and bring out very clearly the size comparisons of the different lobes and especially the en- largement of the lobes in the thyroidectomized Bufo americanus. Every fifth section in the series was drawn. The hypophysis of the control consisted of thirty-six sections and of the operated there were seventy-three sections, each cut ten micra thick. In all sections of the hypophysis of the controls the three lobes were decidedly easy to differentiate. The anterior lobe was the largest in every case. In the majority of sections the pars inter- media was as large as the neural lobe or slightly larger. There is probably very little actual-size difference in the two. In all the serial sections of the operated specimens there were several more sections than in controls of a corresponding age. This shows an actual-size increase. In all but one of the thyroidecto- mized specimens (Rana No. 3) the anterior lobe has a greater vol- ume than the intermediate lobe, but the intermediate lobe is espe- cially large when compared with the same lobe of a control specimen. The neural lobe is very difficult to differentiate in the operated tadpoles. In many sections it was almost impossible to distinguish Larsox: The Thyroid Gland. 327 a trace of neural material. In many sections, if there was such ma- terial it was loose and scattered along the margin of the infundibu- lum and not collected into a mass which could be differentiated as a lobe. The pars intermedia apparently occupies the position of the com- bined intermediate and neural lobe of the control. Undoubtedly the neural lobe, because of its normally late development and because of the interference of this normal development by thyroidectomy, does not develop to any appreciable extent. Conditions comparable to this are noticed in the study of other structures in thyroidless tad- poles. CONCLUSIONS. 1. The extirpation of the thyroid gland causes the hypertrophy of the anterior lobe proper and the pars intermedia of the hypophysis in Bnfo americanus and Rana pipiens. 2. Thyroidectomy causes a continuation of larval characteristics in the amphibia and hence the neural lobe is hindered in its growth because of its normally late development. Probably in the oldest thyroidectomized specimens material from the enlarged intermedi- ate lobe has migrated into the small amount of neural tissue present and for that reason the two appear almost inseparable in many sec- tions. 3. The neural lobe is very distinct in the controls. The pars in- termedia and neural lobe are of about the same size. The inter- mediate lobe may be somewhat larger. The anterior lobe is con- siderably larger than either of these two. 4. The anterior lobe of the thyroidectomized Bufo americanus which has lived past the normal time for metamorphosis is at least twice as large as the pars intermedia, and the pars intermedia sev- eral times larger than the neural lobe. The anterior lobe and pars intermedia of the thyroidectomized Bufo americanus are several times larger than the corresponding lobes of a normal Bufo ameri- canus of the same size. I wish here to express my appreciation to Prof. B. M. Allen, formerly of the University of Kansas, now at the Southern Branch of the University of California, at whose suggestion this problem was undertaken. His help and encouragement made this paper possible. I also wish to thank Dr. H. H. Lane for kindly criticism while wTiting the final draft of this paper. 328 The University Science Bulletin. LITERATURE. Adler, Leo. 1914. Metamoi-phosestudien an Batrachurlaiven : I. Extirpa- tion endocriner Driisen. II. Extirpation der Hypophyse. Arch. f. Entw. mech. d. Orginis Bd. 39. Allen, B. M. 1916. The Results of the E.xtirpation of the Anterior Lobe of the Hypoph3'sis and of the Thyroid of RaTia pipiens Larvse. Science, Nov. 24, 1918. The Results of Thyroid Removal in the Larvse of Rana pipiens. Jour. Exp. Zool., Vol. 24. Extirpation Experiments in Rana pipiens. Science, Nov. 24, 1916. Experiments in the Transplantation of the Hypophysis of Adult Rana pipiens to Tadpoles. Science, Sept. 17, 1920. Smith, P. E. The Effect of Hypophysectomy in the Early Embryo upon the Growth and Development of the Frog. Anatomical Record, Oct., 1916. Atweill, Wayne J. The Development of the Hypophysis of the Anura. Anat. Rec, Vol. 15. 1918. Rogers, J. B. The Effect of the Extirpation of the Thyroid Gland upon the Thymus and Pituitaiy Glands of Rana pipiens. Jour. Exper. Zool., Vol. 24. 1918. Rasmussen, a. T. The Hypophysis Cerebri of the Woodchuck {Marmota monax) with Special Reference to Hibernation and Inanition. Endocri- nology, Vol. 5. Jan., 1921. BiEDL. The Internal Secretoiy Organs. 1913. ScHAFFER. The Endocrine Organs. 1916. PLATES XXVII AND XXVIII. Drawings of every fifth section of the hypophj^sis of a metamorphozed Bujo americanus (17.15 in Table III) and a thyroidectomized Bufo americanus (19.71 in Table III). The odd numbers represent sections of the hypophysis of the control, while the even numbers represent sections of the thyroidecto- mized specimen. This arrangement was thought best in order to show at a glance the comparison between the two. Section XV is the last one for the control, but due to the increase in size of the hypophysis of the thyroidecto- mized Bujo americanus there are several more of the latter. As suggested in the text, the neural lobe is quite difficult to differentiate in a thyroidectomized specimen, and so in the drawings it is always shown in close relationship with the intermediate lobe. In the control the line of demarcation is very distinct. All figures were drawn with the aid of a camera lucida at table level. A Bausch & Lomb 3 mm. objective and ocular 10 were used. Abbreviations : A, anterior lobe; N, neural lobe; I, intermediate lobe. Larson: The Thyroid Gland. 329 PLATE XXVIL ^.Gi> to <3 330 The University Science Bulletin. PLATE XXVIII. &^>.o 26 o„ 26 THE UNIYERSITY OF KANSAS SCIENCE BULLETIN VoL.XVIL] September, 1927. [No. 5. Some Studies on the Structure and Behavior During Germination of Gyinnocladus canadensis Lam. W. H. HORR, Department of Botany. INTRODUCTION. IN THIS paper an attempt was made to determine the source and use of mucilage. Both of these points have been discussed in the literature and various views stated, some of which will be taken up a little later on in this paper. I was especially interested in trying to find whether or not it was used as food in this plant. Some of the drawings included are quite like those published by Pammel (13) and are used here onlj' to help complete the set. Along "wath this study I attempted to find why the percentage of germination of the seeds was so low in nature, and with these studies made a few anatomical observations. SEED PODS. The seeds of Gymocladus canadensis Lam. are borne in a typical leguminosse pod (PL XXIX, Fig. 1), which is from 3 to 7 inches long, to 2 inches wide and about 1 inch thick. The pods mature about the first of October and some may fall then, but the greater part of them hang on the trees well into spring, and it is not unusual to see some still hanging on the trees in midsummer. The seeds, except in rare cases, remain in the pods until they fall and are broken up or decay, which may take two years. The two valves of the pod are composed of a hard tissue which is made of cellulose and lignified cell walls. The very outer layer is cutinized and just under this there is a thin layer which gives a good test for tannin when treated with ferric chloride. In the mature pods microchemical tests failed to show any re- serve food in the form of starch, sugar, protein reserve cellulose, oil, inulin, or mucilage. (331) 332 The University Science Bulletin. Within the two valves and surrounding the seeds is a loose cellular structure made of long cylindrical cells. (PI. XXIX, Figs. 4, 5.) Tliis mass of cells fills in the entire cavity around the seeds until they are nearly mature. Just before maturity these cells have a large amount of starch stored in them. (PI. XXIX, Fig. 5.) About the time of maturity there is a general breaking down of this cellu- lar structure into a brown sticky mass which remains around the seeds. After this disintegration the starch content of the cells dis- appears almost entirely (PI. XXIX, Fig. 4), but for all I can tell from the available material there is no breaking down of the cell walls. Cellulose was the only membrane substance identified in the cell walls, except possibly pentosans, for which I got a slight test with orcin and hydrochloric acid. This substance absorbs water and swells some but not as much as mucilage does. It is sweet and with phenolhydrazine hydrochloric I was able to identify glucose and fuctose, and got two different tests for lactose. The mucic acid test for galactose was negative. Tests for pro- tein, reserve cellulose, oil, inulin and mucilage were all negative. Tannins were not found in this mass. When the pods become moist they are often pushed open by this gummy mass, but if an excess of moisture is present the two valves will usually close tight. Fungi seem to thrive in this gummy mass, which may have some connection with germination of the seeds. I will take this up later. Millspaugh reports this mass of cells, in the unripe fruit, and the green leaves as containing cytisine (C24H27N3O) which is extracted with alcohol and used some in medicine. Millspaugh also reports the crushed green leaves as being an excellent fly poison when sprinkled with water and molasses. (See Millspaugh, 1. c.) Bretschneider (4) reports that the Chinese use this mass from the ripe pods as a soap, and he also lists it as one of the important arti- cles of export from China. It does have a soapy consistency and lathers freely in water. Insects are quite commonly found feeding upon this substance while in the pods. STRUCTURE OF SEEDS. There are from 1 to 7 seeds borne in each pod with an average of 4I/2 seeds in 200 pods examined. These seeds are attached to the pod with a funiculus which is about 9 mm. long and 1 mm. in diameter. When dry the funiculus of mature seeds is very hard. In cross Horr: Studies in Germination. 333 section it has A'ery thick-walled cells with a small cell cavity. (PI. XXXII, Fig. 1.) The cell walls give a good test for cellulose but not test for lignin. After being soaked in water the outer layers of cells start swelling and at six hours they were rounded out as in Plate XXXII, Figure 2. Plate XXXII, Figure 5, shows the condi- tion after 24 hours soaking. Here the cell walls have entirely broken down into a mucilaginous mass, leaving only the small masses of protoplasm intact. Some of the cells do not undergo this change, but only swell slightly and still retain their identity as cells. When these cells are converted into this mucilaginous substance there is a limit as to how far the reaction may go. Never have I found them going into a colloidal solution. After two days, when nearly all of the cells were in that state, the funiculus would still be tough enough to section readily. A good mucilage test was obtained in all stages of the swelling. The only use that I could imagine for this phenomenon in the funiculus is that probably this mucilaginous layer could hold water in contact with the cutinized layer long enough for it to break through into the embryo. I do not have any experimental evidence to base this on. Microchemical tests failed to show any form of stored food in the funiculus. The seeds average about 16 mm. long, 14 mm. wide, and 11 mm. thick. (PL XXXIII, Fig. 1.) The average weight for 100 seeds was 2.3 grams. When mature, and fresh, they are of a glossy dark- brown color. Later, after they have laid on the ground for some time, they lose the glossy finish. This is due to a checking of the very outer layer of the epidermis. (PI. XXX, Fig. 1, A-1.) I have never found the checks extending down through the entire epidermis. The seeds are so hard that the Chinese coolies strung them and used them for armor (5). SEED COATS. The hard seed coats are made up of two distinct layers. (PI. XXX, Fig. 1.) The outer layer is the epidermis and is made up of several layers of very thick-walled, elongated cells, and averages about 0.2 mm. in thickness. (PI. XXX, Fig. 2.) These cells were separated out by boiling in a concentrated solution of potassium hydroxide. This outer layer forms a waterproof coat over the entire seed, there being a like layer laid down with the absciss layer, which cuts the seed off from the funiculus. This coat is so thoroughly water- 334 The University Science Bulletin. proofed that seeds showed no signs of swelling after being soaked in water for nine months. No weights were taken. Seed from the Gleditsia triacanthos L., which are waterproofed with a similar layer, only much thinner, showed no signs of swelling after being soaked for thirteen months. The cells making up the epidermis give a good test for cellulose but not for lignin. In Plate XXX, Figure 1, the area A-1 gave a good test for chitin. This was checked up with insect wing and elm wood, but I still feel that there is possibly some other substance present which gave the reaction. This also dissolved out in boiling concentrated potassium hydroxide, but boiling saturated potassium hydroxide did not affect it. The area A-2 gives a strong test for cutin, and A-3 a much weaker test for cutin. Between the areas A-1 and A-2 (PI. XXX, Fig. 1) there is a clear line which I was un- able to identify. Various explanations of this line have been of- fered, but I did not try to check them up. Pammel (12) states that as far as he knows it is always connected with a reproductive body, and obviously has some function. I was unable to demonstrate any living protoplasm, or any form of storage substances, in fresh sec- tions of the epidermis. It is possible for seeds to be absolutely impervious to water and still carry on respiration, as O2 can pass through a cutinized layer that is absolutely waterproof. A saturated solution of chromic acid and concentrated solutions of nitric, hydrochloric and sulphuric acids make their way through the seed coat after standing for some time. (See germination charts on pages 343 to 346.) The point of attack is usually at the point where the funiculus was attached. In most cases the seed coat was unaffected at any other point. Seeds that were in 20 per cent hydrochloric acid for two hours showed a general breaking down of the outer uncutinized area of the epidermis, but no damage was done to the cutinized part of the epidermis. Seeds soaked two hours in 50 per cent nitric acid were coated with a slimy mass formed by the breaking down of the un- cutinized part of the epidermis. In the tables the seeds which genninated, after being treated with dilute acids, very likely had slight defects in the seed coats. When this epidermal layer is broken the seed takes up water very rapidly and the epidermis cracks and peels off. (PI. XXXIII, Fig. 2.) The inner layer of the seed coat is made up of thick-walled cells (PL XXX, Fig. 1-B) which are very hard. There is no difference in Horr: Studies in Germination. 335 the structure or properties of these cells, except for the very outer layer where the cells are much different in shape (PI. XXX, Fig. 1) but not in other general properties, and are apparently unaffected by the peeling off of the epidermis. These cells are connected to each other by relatively large pits in their walls, but the intercellular spaces are very small and few. Microchemical tests for starch, reserve proteins, reserve or hemi- cellulose, oil, tannins, mucilage, and inulin were all negative. When boiled with Fehling's solution the seed coats gave a good reduction test for sugar. However, I cannot say that it was sugar, because it would not dissolve out in water, even after long soaking. It is evi- dently some carbohydrate which is easily hydrolized, or some other reducing substance, possibly an aldehyde, which is not soluble in water. When the epidermis is cut through and the seeds then put into water for 48 hours there is a large amount of swelling in the seed coat. This swelling increases the thickness of the seed coat and also increases the circumference of the seed coat. The following weights and measurements are very close to an average : Weight of seed drj' 2. 140 grams Weight of seed soaked 7.400 grams Water absorbed 5 . 292 grams The seed coat had not yet broken as it did later. Length of seed dry 18 mm. Width of seed dry- 16 mm. Thickness of seed dry 11.4 mm. Length of seed soaked 26.5 mm. Width of seed soaked 22.7 mm. Thickness of seed soaked 18 mm. Thickness of seed coat dry 6 mm. Thickness of seed coat soaked 1.3 mm. This last measurement was made on sections soaked on a slide, but the increase in thickness averages up pretty well with that which occurs in the whole seeds. The walls of these cells are composed of cellulose and lignin. I was unable to detect any mucilage or other substances that would account for so large an amount of swelling. After swelling, the in- ner layer of the seed coat, which is the only part left, is very tough and pliable and will give to the pressure of the expanding cotyledons and mucilage within. There is an exception to the above description of the inner layer 336 The University Science Bulletin. of the seed coat. At the point just under the absciss layer (PI. XXIX, Fig. 3-H) the cells, when dry, appear just like all of the other cells of the inner layer (PI. XXXII, Fig. 1), but react much differently. These cells give a test for cellulose but not for lignin. When put into water the walls of most of them start swelling, as in Plate XXXII, Figure 5, and continue swelling until they lose their identity as cell walls and become a mass of mucilage. This is a remarkable modification of the seed to aid in germination, as it is at this point that the growing radicle, which is the first part to emerge, must break through the seed coat. (PI. XXIX, Fig. 3-H.) With these cells breaking down into a mucilaginous mass the tender radicle can much more easily force its way through. The swelling at this point is also much greater, the seed coat increasing from 7 mm. to 4 mm. in thickness. This mucilaginous substance, while being softer than that foraied in the funiculus, will not go into a colloidal solution, but does give a good color test for mucilage. MUCILAGE LAYER AROUND EMBRYO. Just outside the seed coat is a hard, dry mass of substance (PI. XXX, Fig. 1-C) which is white in color and composed of cells (PI. XXXI, Fig. 1-A) and an amorphous mass which is made up of empty cell walls embedded in mucilage. Pammel (12) terms this endosperm. This layer is about 1 mm. thick and extends around the entire embryo, with a few exceptions. However, it is always much thicker on the sides than around the edges of the cotyledons. The cells, which remain intact, are covered with mucilage and form a loose cellular structure with large intercellular spaces. (PI. XXXI, Fig. 1-B.) This structure or tissue is usually to the outer side next to the seed coat. This layer absorbs large amounts of water and is capable of swelling from 1 mm., the thickness when dry, up to 18-20 mm. in thickness when soaked over night. (PI. XXXIII, Fig. 4.) The cellular structure usually remains intact and as the mucilage swells it is forced into the intercellular spaces and then on out of the cellular tissue. The cotyplasm of these cells, which are undoubtedly dead, gives only a slight test for proteins and in some cases it seemed to disintegrate and disappear. Very likely it is in a state of decomposition. The walls give a good test for cellu- lose but not for lignin. The empty cell walls, which are in the amorphous mass, are com- posed of cellulose, and may or may not surround some protoplasm, usually not. (PI. XXXI, Fig. 5.) Before maturity these cells and the cells remaining intact contained large amounts of starch which Hork: Studies ix Germination. 337 disappeared during the ripening of the seeds. Whether this starch is converted into mucilage or not I cannot say, but it is quite evi- dent that the mucilage is formed dm-ing the ripening of the seeds, and is not a disintegration product of the cell walls, taking place as the cells absorb water, because there is no reduction in the thickness of the cell wall. (PI. XXXI, Figs. 1-B and 4-B.) The mucilage found here will lose its identity and pass into a colloidal solution. I say colloidal because it will not pass through a celloidon dializing tube and it does not exert any osmotic pressure. The swelling of this mucilage, together with the swelling of the embryo, is often enough to break the seed coat even when the radicle is not trying to break through. (PI. XXXIII, Fig. 3-B.) This mucilage also absorbs water and conducts it to the entire outer surfaces of the cotyledons and in this way hastens germina- tion. Also, the amount of water held by this mucilage is enough to tide the germinating seedlings over a temporaiy dry spell. While it is helping in germination in this way, it is hindering it in an- other because of its excellent ciualities as a culture medium for in- jurious organisms. During germination this mucilage contains con- siderable sugar, which is undoubtedly drawn from the cotyledons. From this we might conclude that the substance previously noted in the seed coat during germination and giving the reducing test for sugar, might be sugar diffusing out from the cotyledons or a hydroli- sis product of the seed coats being conducted inward. However, as before stated, the seedlings grew just as well in the laboratory with this mucilage removed as they did with it present. This was not checked up with field experiments. This was noted in the labora- tory; when the food was all removed from the cotyledons there were no reducing substances left in the mucilage. Experiment in which the seed coats were removed with the muci- lage layer left intact, showed that there was no loss in dry weight, from the mucilage, during gennination and development of the seed- lings as long as they would grow on the food stored in the seeds. In these experiments the mucilage layer was removed and weighed diy. They were then replaced and the seeds put to germinate on cotton, in bottles. When growth had ceased the plants were care- fully removed and all traces of mucilage washed back into the bot- tles. The bottles, with the mucilage and cotton, were dried and weighed but in no case was there any loss in weight. Furthermore, seeds germinated and grew just as well and long without this muci- lage layer as they did with it present. Upon being hydrolized with 4 per cent sulphuric acid and then 338 The University Science Bulletin. neutralized with barium carbonate, there was a good test for glu- cose, fructose and possibly mannose. When soaked over night in 10 per cent lead acetate the mucilage absorbed some water but would not swell any more when put into pure water. With alcohol it re- acts slightly different from the mucilage found in the bark of Ulmus fluva in that it does not absorb water from 60 per cent alcohol and is precipitated by 70 per cent alcohol. The mucilage from Ulrmis fluva absorbs water from 60 per cent alcohol and is not affected by 70 per cent alcohol. In the work done by others there are many theories advanced as to the origin and function of mucilage. Edna L. Smith quotes Czapek's^ summary on the origin and function of mucilage in plants: 1. Secondary thickenings in the cell walls. It may exude from the cell upon the epidermis or into the intercellular spaces. 2. Specialized layer between cell wall and cytoplasm. 3. Arises in the protoplast. Czapek lists the protoplast slime as water holders, and that found within the tubers of orchids and the endosperm of legumes as re- serve carbohydrates. He considers that slime membranes are never used as stored food, but rather as serving to (a) imbibe and hold water during germination and to protect against excessive transpira- tion, (6) anchor seeds to substratum, (c) facilitate gliding of the seeds, and (d) protect water plants from their natural enemies. In summarizing her work. Miss Smith concludes that the mucilage in the floral organs of Aspasia sp. and Oncidmm stipitata must origi- nate in the living protoplasm. Gregory (8) lists the sources of mucilage as (a) the absorption of water by cellulose walls, as in the epidermis of flax, and (6) secre- tion by special glands. She attributes two uses to this mucilage, (a) against excessive water and drouth in the lower members of the HepaticcB, and [h] protection of the embryo within the open arche- gonia of many of the Musci, from the water. No doubt she referred to the mechanical effects of the water currents. Gregory also lists gums as decomposition products of the cell walls, and in Ricciece, she states that the origin of the mucilage is unknown. Pfeffer (9) reports the gelatinous layer of Nostoc as being able to absorb water in the ratio of 200-1. He also states that mucilage may be converted into cellulose by the proper treatment with acid, but he does not explain the reverse reaction. Sachs (10) gives the cellulose walls as the source of mucilage and 1. Die Chemie und Biologie der Planzensekrete, Leipsig, 1903 and 1921. I Horr: Studies in Germination. 339 states that the walls or parts of walls which turn into mucilage are more refractive than the walls which remain intact. In the endo- sperm of Ceratonia siliqua the outer layers of the cell walls become mucilage and the inner layers remain as a highly refractive system. In the linseed and quince seed the inner thickened mass of the epi- dermis changes to mucilage and absorbs enough water to burst the cuticle. Sachs offers no explanation of the chemical changes which take place in the conversion of cellulose to mucilage. In my work I found conclusive evidence that in the funiculus and in the layer of cells in the seed coat just below the funiculus, the mucilage is formed by the absorption of water by the cell walls. That is, these walls when dry gave a reaction for cellulose and then when wet behaved like mucilage. This change may have taken place at some previous time, providing that there is some substance left that will give the cellulose reaction. With the material avail- able it was impossible to determine the source of the mucilage around the embryo, but there was proof that it did not develop from the remaining cell walls by the absorption of water. It probably originated about the time of maturity and it may be, as Pammel (12) suggested, formed by the absorption of water by secondary thickenings in the walls. I feel sure that the large starch content that was present just before maturity played an important part in the formation of this mucilage. EMBRYO. The cotyledons of the embryo are very hard and swell consider- ably when soaked in water. The outer epidermis is covered with a veiy thin film of cutin. (PI. XXXIV, Fig. 3-F.) The inner epi- dermis (PI. XXXIV, Fig. 3-D) is not cutinized, and the two cotyle- dons are grown together for the greater part of the way at the very thick outer walls of the epidermal cells. (PI. XXXIV, Fig. 3-E.) A general drawing (PI. XXIX, Fig. 3) shows the relative size, shape and position of the different parts of the embryo. The cotyledons contain starch, and oil as reserve food, and I got a faint test for inulin with the ^ naphthol-hydrochloric acid test, but was unable to detect any inulin crystals. There was no muci- lage, reserve cellulose or tannin found. GERMINATION OF SEEDS. During the germination the cotyledons remain in the ground and do not separate at all. There is enough food stored within them to support the seedling until it gets its second pair of leaves. The first 340 The University Science Bulletin. leaves developed on the seedlings are once pinnate instead of twice pinnate as they are in mature trees. Plate XXXV, Figures 1, 2 and 4, are drawings of bleached, em- bryonic leaves taken from the buds of mature trees. Figures 1 and 2 show the differentiation of the cells to form the water tubes of the leaf. Figure 1 shows water tubes developing out in the tissue of the leaf without any water tubes connecting back to the main vein al- ready developed. Figure 2 shows the cell elongated to form water tubes but with the thickening of the walls beginning at the pomt farthest from the main vein. This is like the development of the veins making up the circulatory systems of animals. In young seedlings that have developed very rapidly this method of vascular development is veiy pronounced, much more so than in the mature trees. Plate XXXIV, Figure 4,. shows the development of the vascular bundles following closely behind the growing tip of the leaves. Epi- dermal cells were differentiating to form stomata at a point midway between A and B. The leaves on the mature trees are covered with hairs (PI. XXXIV, Fig. 4-C) , but in the young seedling very few are found. (PI. XXXV, Fig. 1.) The bleached, mature leaf, looking up from the bottom, shows epidermis, veins and spongy parenchyna with relatively small intercellular spaces, much smaller than those in the palisade prenchyma. (PL XXXVI, Fig. 2-E.) In cross sec- tions (PI. XXXVI, Figs. 1, 2) the structure is quite like other leaves. The edges of the leaves have a much heavier coat of cutin than is found on the general surface or at the midrib. (PI. XXXVI, Figs. 1-A and E, and Figs. 2-A and E.) The edges of the leaves are also strengthened with a group of thick-walled cells. (PI. XXXVL Fig. 1-F.) The epidermal cells at this point are also much heavier. At the midrib and the larger lateral veins there is a large amount of fibrous tissue developed for strength. (PI. XXXVI, Fig. 2-1.) GERMINATION OF SEEDS IN NATURE. As best I can learn, germination of these seeds is rather uncom- mon in nature. On our home place there were two large and one small Gymocladus canadensis Lam. trees which bore many seeds each year, but during the ten years 1900-1910 only two young trees appeared, and they grew up from the exposed roots of one of the larger trees. In the winters of 1910 and 1911 the timber was burned over, killing many acres of the trees. Now the Gymocladus cana- densis Lam. is the predominating tree, the seeds having been well Horr: Studies in Germination. 341 scattered by the neighborhood children who used them in their sling shots. There is another similar case a few miles northwest of Lawrence where a fence row is well seeded with Gymnocladus canadensis Lam. The farmer owning the land said that they appeared soon after he started bm-ning the fence row to kill the chinch bugs. The fence separated a cultivated field and wooded pasture along a creek. The Gymnocladus canadensis Lam. which furnished the seeds stood about 50 feet from the fence, but there were no young trees except along the fence row where the burning was done. Another still more striking example showed up on the campus in the spring of 1920. While burning the grass on the campus, in early spring, the fire burned around five Gymnocladus canadensis Lam. trees along the north edge of Marvin's grove. When the weather got warm hundreds of seedlings sprang up under these five trees while under the others there would be from none, the usual condition, up to three which were found only under one tree, where the grass was not burned. Attempts to germinate the seeds without some form of special treatment, which will be taken up later, were useless except in the case of some seeds that had defective seed coats. (PI. XXIX, Fig. 2.) In 10,000 seeds examined 30 were found with such coats. Some of these would have a break in the cutinized epidermis only, while in others the break would extend down into or even through the woody tissue which makes up the greater part of the seed coat. The five shown in Plate XXIX, Figure 2, were all taken from one pod. Usually there was but one in a pod. I could not find any cause for these seeds having defective coats. There were no marks on the pod nor any other signs of insects having used the pods as a host plant, it seems to be just a case of the tissue not developing. It was not possible to get enough of these seeds to make any extensive study upon them. With these defective seeds I got 100 per cent germina- tion in the only test I ran, using 20 seeds. (See table 36.) Pam- mel and King (13) reported 80 per cent germination on seeds buried 3^/4 feet under ground for 6i/^ years and about the same percentage of germination with seeds 7 months old. They do not mention any special treatment before planting. Sargent (11) reports that Gymnocladus canadensis Lam. may be propagated from seeds which will germinate in the second or third year. My results with seeds known to be two years old did not 4— 5511— II 342 The University Science Bulletin. show a satisfactory per cent of germination. He gave the best method for propagation to be from root cuttings. The treatment to aid and hasten germination falls under two gen- eral methods, physical and chemical, but the thing accomplished is the same in both cases, namely, to break through the impermeable epidermis of the seed coat and allow water to enter. The first treatment undertaken was chemical and consisted in soaking the seeds in different concentrations of nitric, sulphuric, and hydrochloric acid. With this I got varied results. The tables show that the year-old seeds were much more resistant to the action of acids than the two-year-old seeds. Where the higher concentration of acids was used for a longer period the germination was low on account of the acid getting through to the embryo within and killing it. Where there was some germination with the weaker concentra- tions of acids, it is evident that the seed coats were not so well de- veloped, or else there was some small defect in the waterproof epi- dermis. These experiments, tables 30-49, were carried on indoors where conditions were very unfavorable for plant growth, and a seed was considered as germinated when the radicle had developed enough to break through the seed coat. In this work the seeds were planted in sterilized petri dishes. The physical treatment of the seeds consisted in destroying a part of the epidermis by either filing a hole in it or burning part of it away. The filing was a simple process requiring little time or care in handling. The burning was accomplished by putting the seeds on a coarse heavy screen and passing through the flame until the wires were red hot and then dropping them into water. Considerable overheating was required to kill the embryo, so that this method was very successful and much quicker than filing. Disinfectants were used with these seeds to kill the spores which were always pres- ent in the gummy mass adhering to the seeds. In the acid-treated seeds the disinfectants were not considered necessary. Where dis- infectants were used on seeds either filed or burned there was a higher percentage of germination than with seeds with similar treat- ment but not disinfected. Additional tests were run on these seeds by soaking some of them 48 hours in water before planting. This gave a higher percentage of germination than when the seeds were not soaked. With this type of treatment the results were about the same with seeds filed or burned, and the best results were obtained by those that were soaked for 48 hours and then disinfected before planting. Horr: Studies in Germination. 343 SPRING, 1921. Outdoor Tests — Second-ye.\r Seeds. (1) Bunied, soaked 48 hours in water, treated 15 minutes with 1-1000 HgCb, and washed thoroughly in sterihzed water. Planted April 30 May 20 46 germinated. (2) Burned, soaked 48 hours in water, treated 15 minutes with 20 per cent formaldehyde and washed in sterilized water. Planted April 30 May 20. . . . 39 germinated. (3) Burned, soaked 48 hours in sterilized water. Planted April 30 May 20 37 germinated. (4) Filed, soaked 48 hours in water, treated 15 minutes with 1-1000 HgClo solution and washed with sterilized water. Planted April 30 May 20. . . . 32 germinated. (5) Filed, soaked 48 hours in water, treated 15 minutes with 20 per cent formaldehyde and washed with sterilized water. Planted April 30 May 20 40 germinated. (6) Filed and soaked 48 hours in sterilized water. Planted April 30 May 20 19 germinated. (7) Treated with 50 per cent HCl for 30 minutes and washed in sterilized water. Planted April 30 May 20 17 germinated. May 31 47 germinated. (8) Treated with 50 per cent HCi for 30 minutes and soaked 48 hours in sterilized water. Planted April 30 May 20 13 germinated. (9) Burned, treated with 1-1000 HgClo, and washed in sterilized water. Planted April 30 May 20 23 germinated. May 30 26 germinated. (10) Burned, treated 15 minutes with 20 per cent formaldehyde and washed. Planted April 30 May 20 26 germinated. May 30 35 germinated. (11) Burned. Planted April 30 May 20 2 germinated. May 30 21 germinated. (12) Filed, treated 15 minutes with 1-1000 HgClo and washed in sterilized water. Planted April 30 May 20 17 germinated. May 30 21 germinated. (13) Filed, treated 15 minutes with 20 per cent formaldehyde and washed in sterilized water. Planted April 30 May 20 23 germinated. May 30 30 germinated, (14) Filed. Planted April 30 May 20 12 germinated. May 30 13 germinated. 344 The University Science Bulletin. Outdoor Tests — First-year Seeds. (15) Burned, soaked 48 hours in water, treated 15 minutes with 1-1000 HgCl2 solution and washed thoroughly in sterilized water. Planted May 1 May 2 46 germinated, (16) Burned, soaked 48 hours in water and treated 15 minutes with 20 per cent formaldehyde solution. Planted May 1 May 2 43 germinated. (17) Burned, soaked 48 hours in sterilized water. Planted May 1 May 21 33 germinated. (18) Filed, soaked 48 hours in water, treated 15 minutes with 1-1000 HgCl2 solution and washed with sterilized water. Planted May 1 May 21 47 germinated. (19) Filed, soaked 48 hours in water, treated 15 minutes with 20 per cent formalin and washed in sterilized water. Planted May 1 May 21 38 germinated, (20) Filed, soaked 48 hours in sterilized water. Planted May 1 May 21 21 germinated. (21) Treated with 50 per cent HCl for thirty minutes and washed in steri- lized water. Planted May 1 May 21 None germinated. (22) Treated with 50 per cent HCl for thirty minutes, and soaked 48 hours in sterilized water. Planted May 1 May 21 3 germinated, (23) Burned, treated 15 minutes with 1-10(X) KgClo solution and washed in sterilized water. Planted May 1 May 21 23 germinated. May 31 40 germinated. (24) Burned, treated 15 minutes with 20 per cent formaldehyde solution and washed in sterilized water. Planted May 1 May 21 25 germinated. May 31 27 germinated. (25) Burned and washed in sterilized water. Planted May 1 May 21 3 germinated. May 31 12 germinated. (26) Filed, treated 15 minutes with 1-1000 HgCl2 and washed in sterilized water. Planted May 1 May 21 24 germinated. May 31 29 germinated. (27) Filed, treated 15 minutes with 20 per cent formaldehyde solution and washed in sterilized water. Planted May 1 May 21 11 germinated. May 31.,.. 14 germinated. (28) Filed. Planted May 1 May 21 8 germinated. May 31 21 germinated. Seeds Dug up from Underground. (29) The exact age was unknown, but some of them must have been sev- eral years old. Burned and soaked 48 hours and planted in sterile bottles. 200 seeds planted. Planted March 20 April 1 168 germinated. Horr: Studies in Germination. 345 Indoor Tests — First-year Seeds. (Fifty seeds used in each test.) (30) Treated with 50% HCl for one hour 20 germinated. Treated with 50% HCl for two hours 47 germinated. Treated with 50% HCl for three hours 43 germinated. (31) Treated with 75% HCl for 10 minutes 45 germinated. Treated with 75% HCl for 30 minutes 46 germinated. Treated with 75% HCl for 1 hour 28 germinated. Treated with 75% HCl for 2 hours 20 germinated. (32) Treated with 100% HCl for 5 minutes 3 germinated. Treated with 100% HCl for 20 minutes 30 germinated. Treated with 100% HCl for 45 minutes 1 germinated. (33) Treated with 50% HNO3 for 1 hour 0 germinated. Treated with 50% HNO3 for 2 hours 0 germinated. Treated with 50% HNO3 for 3 hours 0 germinated. (34) Treated with 75% HNO3 for 10 minutes 0 germinated. Treated with 75% HNO3 for 30 minutes 1 germinated. Treated with 75% HNO3 for 1 hour 15 germinated. Treated with 75% HNO3 for 2 hours 0 germinated. (35) Treated with 100%o HNO3 for 5 minutes 1 germinated. Treated with 100% HNO3 for 20 minutes 11 germinated. Treated with 100% HNO3 for 45 minutes 0 germinated. (36) Seed coats filed 48 germinated. Seed coats burned 49 germinated. Seeds with holes in coats (only 20 available) 20 germinated. (PI. XXIX, Fig. 2.) (37) Treated with 50% H2SO4 for 1 hour 1 germinated. Treated with 50% H2SO4 for 2 hours 0 germinated. Treated with 50% H2SO4 for 3 hours 5 germinated. (38) Treated with 75% H2SO4 for 10 minutes 0 germinated. Treated with 75% H2SO4 for 30 minutes 5 germinated. Treated with 75% H2SO4 for 1 hour 10 germinated. Treated with 75% H2SO4 for 2 hours 11 germinated. (39) Treated with 100% H2SO4 for 5 minutes 3 germinated. Treated with 100% H2SO4 for 20 minutes 25 germinated. Treated with 100% H2SO4 for 45 minutes 17 germinated. (40) Treated with 50% HCl for 1 hour 28 germinated. Treated with 50% HCl for 2 hours 45 germinated. Treated ^x-ith 50% HCl for 3 hours 17 germinated. Indoor Tests — Second-year Seeds. (41) Treated with 75% HCl for 10 minutes 36 germinated. Treated with 75% HCl for 30 minutes 38 germinated. Treated with 75% HCl for 1 hour 12 germinated. Treated with 75% HCl for 2 hours 0 germinated. (42) Treated with 100% HCl for 5 minutes 20 germinated. Treated with 100% HCl for 20 minutes 6 germinated. Treated with 100% HCl for 45 minutes 0 germinated. (43) Treated with 50% HNO3 for 1 hour 3 germinated. Treated with 50% HNO3 for 2 hours 5 germinated. Treated with 50% HNO3 for 3 hours 9 germinated. 346 The Uxiversity Science Bulletin. (44) Treated with 75% HNO3 for 10 minutes 1 germinated. Treated with 75% HNO3 for 30 minutes 2 germinated. Treated with 75% HNO3 for 1 hour 12 germinated. Treated with 75% HNO3 for 2 hours 0 germinated. (45) Treated with 100% HNO3 for 5 minutes 5 germinated. Treated with 100% HNO3 for 20 minutes 9 germinated. Treated with 100% HNO3 for 45 minutes 1 germinated. (46) Seed coats filed 47 germinated. Seed* coats burned 41 germinated. (47) Treated with 50% H2SO4 for 1 hour 12 germinated. Treated with 50% H2SO4 for 2 hours 7 germinated. Treated with 50% H2SO4 for 3 hours 9 germinated. (48) Treated with 75% H2SO4 for 10 minutes 8 germinated. Treated with 75% H2SO4 for 30 minutes 27 germinated. Treated with 75% H2SO4 for 1 hour 21 germinated. Treated with 75% H2SO4 for 2 hours 17 germinated. (49) Treated with 100% H2SO4 for 5 minutes 0 germinated. Treated with 100% H2SO4 for 20 minutes 12 germinated. Treated with 100% H2SO4 for 45 minutes 11 germinated. SUMMARY. 1. The mucilage in the funiculus and in the region just below the funiculus is formed by the absorption of water by the cell wall. 2. The mucilaginous mass around the seeds, and around the embryo within the seed, appears to be formed at some time attending the maturity of the seeds and follows closely the disappearance of the starch from these cells. These cells also retain their cell walls. 3. The mucilage formed may go into a colloidal solution as in the eeed pods, surrounding the seeds, or in the region of the seed coat just beneath the funiculus, or in the mass surrounding the embryo. Also it may absorb a limited amount of water as in the funiculus. 4. The mucilage is not used as food. 5. Water tube may form in the developing leaves without being directly connected back to the veins by differentiated cells. REAGENTS AND METHODS. 1. Cellulose. Iodine.^ Place section in a drop of I2KI solution. (Iodine 3 grams, and potassium iodide 1.5 grams in 100 cc. of distilled water.) Cellu- lose membranes swell and turn blue. Chloride of zinc.^ Mount sections in a drop of solution containing 14 grams of zinc chloride, 5 grams of potassium iodide and 0.89 gram of iodine in 20 cc. of water. This turns cellulose walls violet. 2. Hbmicbllulose.2 Mount sections on a slide in 3 per cent H2SO4 and heat on a water bath. From 10 minutes to 2 hours is required to give com- plete hydrolysis. Note thickness of membrane before and after heating. 3. CuTiN. Sudan III. Put sections, over night, in a solution containing 0.01 gram Sudan III, 5 grams of 95 per cent alcohol, and 5 cc. of glycerine. Cutinized and suberized walls are stained red by this solution. Horr: Studies ix Germinatiox. 347 4. Chitosans.- Put sections into boiling saturated solution of potassium hydroxide. Cover with a watch glass and boil for 30 minutes. Cool, neutralize with hydrochloric acid, wash in water and mount in loKI. Chitosans give a violet color. 5. G.\LACTANS. (See galactose.) 6. Glucosides.i General method. If there is no reduction of Fehling's solution, put the sections into fresh Fehling's solution and let stand over night in a 37-50° oven. If glucosides were present, there should be a reduction of Fehling's solution due to the hydrolysis of the glucosides. 7. Inulin. Put sections in 70 per cent alcohol for 2 to 4 days and sphaero crystals of inuhn will separate out. To identify these, locate the crystals under the microscope and add a drop of 15 per cent oc naphthol in alcohol, and then a drop of concentrated sulphuric acid. Inulin crystals become violet and dis- solve, giving a violet color. This must be watched closely as sugars in solution will give the same color. 8. LiGNiN.2 Mount section in a solution of phloroglucin (phloroglucin 0.1 gram in 10 cc. of alcohol) and let stand until the solution is partly evaporated and then add a drop of concentrated hydrochloric acid. Lignin gives a violet color. 9. Mannans.- Put the section in a watch glass containing 2 per cent hydrochloric acid and heat gently, on water bath, for 30 minutes. Neutralize with 2 per cent ammonium hydroxide and test for mannose. (See sugars.) 10. OiLs.i Put sections in Sudan III. (See cutin.) Oil appears as droplets and are stained red. Lipoids give the same reaction but they are insoluble in acetone. 11. Pentosans.- Treat the same as for lignin. Pentosans give a cheiTy-red color. 12. Proteins.- Ii>KI.2 A solution containing 1 gram of iodine, 3 grams potassium iodide, in 100 cc. of water, give a yellow precipitate with protein. Millon's reagent.^ Dissolve 20 grams of mercury in 20 grams of nitric acid and add 40 grams of distilled water. Proteids are colored brick red with this reagent. Xanthoproteic- Mount section in a drop of concentrated nitric acid. Pro- teins turn yellow. Add a drop of ammonium hydroxide and they then turn to a deep orange color. 13. Starch. 2 Starch turns blue when treated with a I2KI solution contain- ing 0.3 gram of iodine and 1.5 grams of potassium iodine in 100 cc. of water. 14. Sugars. Phenylhydrazine hydrochloride, (a) Phenylhydrazine hydro- chloride 1 gram dissolved in 9 grams of glycerine, (b) Sodium acetate 1 gram dissolved in 9 grams of glycerine. Keep both in brown bottles. Mix a drop of each on a slide and mount sec- tion in it. (1) Fructose osazone crj'stals appear after 7 to 13 hours at 20° C. (See accompanj'ing drawing.) 348 The University Science Bulletin. (2) Glucose osazone crystals appear after standing 2 days at 20° C. (See accompanying drawing.) (3) Sucrose osazone crystals, like 1 and 2, appear after standing 2 days at 20° C. and then heating for 30 to 40 minutes. (4) Mannose gives hydrozone crystals in a few minutes. (See accom- panying drawing.) Fructose osazone crystals. Glucose osazone crystals. Hydrozone crystals. (5) Galactose.2 Heat sections in evaporating dish containing 15 cc. con- centrated nitric acid until it is evaporated to about 3 cc. Add 15 cc. of water, set away for 24 hours and mucic acid crystals will appear. 15. Tannins.i Tannins give a blue color when treated with an aqueous solution of ferric chloride. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1. Stevens, W. C. Plant Anatomy. Third edition. 2. EcKERSON, S. H. Laboratory Outline for Plant Microchemistry. 3. MiLLSPAXJGH. American Medicinal Plants. Homeopathic Remedies, i.53, t. 53. 4. Bretschnbidek. Notes on Some Botanical Questions Connected with the Export Trade of China. 14 Hanbury Science Papers. 5. Nicholson, George. The Soap Tree of China. Garden and Forest, Vol. 11, page 139. 6. Livingston, B. E. Palladin's Physiology of Plants. 7. Smith, Edna L. The Histology of Certain Orchids with Reference to Mucilage Secretion and Crystal Formation. Bulletin of Torrey Botani- cal Club. Vol. 50, No. 1, Jan., 1923. 8. Gregory, Emily L. Plant Anatomy. 9. Pfeffer, W. Physiology of Plants. 10. Sachs, Julius. Botany. 11. S.\RGBNT, Charles S. Silva of North America. Vol. HI, page 69. 12. Pammel, L. H. Anatomical Characters of Seeds of Leguminosse. 13. Pammel, L. H. and King, C. M. Germination of Some Trees and Shrubs and Their Juvenile Forms. Pro. Iowa Acad. Sci. 25; 292-340, 1920. 350 The University Science Bulletin PLATE XXIX. 1. Mature seed pod. X '*?4- 2. Seeds with defective seed coats. X %• 3. Cross section through entire seed. X^-/'^. A, Radicle. B, Hypocotyl. C, Epidermal coat. D, Woody layer of seed coat. E, Mucilage layer. F. Cotyledons. G, Veins running from cotyledons to growing points. 4. Cells taken from the gummy mass around the seeds in a mature pod. X 1000. A, Starch. 5. Cells taken from around th*e seed before the cells start disintegrating. X 1000. A, Starch. Horr: Studies in Germination. 351 PLATE XXIX. ^ -'^ W ft .^ °o|o\4 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 M 0 o o 352 The University Science Bulletin. PLATE XXX. 1. Section of a soaked seed coat. X HO. A, Multiple epidermis: (1) area which gives a test for chitin; (2) Area which gives a strong test for cutin; (3) Area which gives a shght test for cutin. B, Woody cells which make up the body of the seed coat. C. Mucilaginous layer. 2. Cells taken from 1-A, 1. X 1000. 3. Cells taken from 1-B, dry. X 520. 4. Cells taken from 1-B, soaked. X 520. Horr: Studies in Germination. 353 PLATE XXX. 1 - % .v^;> ^ ^ '^ ^"? f) ■^^ >■/ v^ a V. 354 The University Science Bulletin. PLATE XXXI. 1. Cells from mucilage layer around the embryo. X 520. A, Cellulose wall, B, Intercellular space. C, Mucilage around cell. D, Space between cell wall and protoplasm. 2. Same section as 1, after soaking 6 hours. X 520. 3. Isolated cells, dry. X 1000. (Indexed as above.) 4. Same cells as in 3, after soaking 24 hours. X 1000. (Indexed as above.) 5. Section from amorphous mass of mucilage. X 520. A, Cellulose cell walls. B, Protoplasm with surrounding membrane. Horr: Studies ix Germination. 355 PLATE XXXI. 356 The University Science Bulletin. PLATE XXXII. 1. Cells from the funiculus. X 460. A, Cell wall. B, Protoplasm. 2. Same as 1, after 6 hours soaking. X460. (Indexed as above.) 5. Same as 1, after 24 hours soaking. X 460. 4. Cells from beneath the funiculus. X 460. 3. Same as 4, after 24 hours soaking. X 460. Horr: Studies in Germination. 357 PLATE XXXII. 5— 5511— II 358 The University Science Bulletin. PLATE XXXIII. 1. Dry seed. X %• 2. Seed soaked 24 hours. X %• A, Epidermal layer peeling off. 3. Seed soaked 48 hours. X %• B, Mucilage mass. 4. Mucilage mass. X %• C, Soaked 24 hours. D, Cellular part. E, Mu- cilage mass dry. 5. First stage in germination. X %• 6. Second stage in germination. X %• Horr: Studies in Germination. 359 PLATE XXXIII. 360 The University Science Bulletin. PLATE XXXIV. 1. Section of young leaflet from mature tree. X 280. A, Undifferentiated cells which later become water tubes. 2. Section of same leaflet. X 280. A, Cells which are differentiated but have not laid down the thickenings in the walls. 3. Section through cotyledon. A, Outer epidermis. F, A very thin cutinized layer. B, Cells. C, Intercellular space. D, Inner epidermis. E, Heavy wall which is not cutinized. 4. Section of a bleached leaflet tip. X 400. A, Epidermis. B, Water tubes. C, Hairs. Horr: Studies in Germination. 361 PLATE XXXIV, I 362 The University Science Bulletin. PLATE XXXV. 1. View of under side of bleached leaf. X 220. A, Hair. B, Vein. C, Spongy parenchyona. D, Stoma and ground cells. E, Cell wall of epidermis indicated with double line to differentiate between spongy parenchyma cell walls. 2. View of same leaf from above. X 220. B, Vein. C, Cell wall of epi- dermis. D, Palisade cells. E, Intercellular space between palisade cells. 3. Strip of lower epidermis with stomata. X 220. 4. Strip of upper epidermis. X 220. (Nos. 3 and 4 were taken from old lea\'es.) Horr: Studies in Germination. 363 PLATE XXXV. 364 The University Science Bulletin. PLATE XXXVI. 1. Cross section of leaf at margin. X 80. A, Ciitinized layer of upper epi- dermis. B, Thick-walled epidermis. C, Palisade cell. D, Spongy parenchj^ora. E, Cutinized layer of lower epidermis. 2. Cross section of midrib. X 80. A, Cutinized layer of epidermis. B, Epidermis. C, Palisade cells. D., Parenchyma. E, Cutinized layer of lower epidermis. F, Water-conducting tissue. G, Food-conducting tissue. H, Lowet epidermis. I, Fiber cells. Horr: Studies in Germination. 365 PLATE XXXVI. 1 THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCIENCE BULLETIN Vol. XVII.] September, 1927. [No. 6. Comparative Anatomj^ of Certain Hybrid Shrubs and Their Parents. PAUL V. BECK, Department of Botany. THE study of transmitted characters in hybrid offspring has be- come the chief method of determining the laws of heredity. Usually, since the rediscovery of Mendel's law, this study has been one of quantitative and qualitative data in plant- and animal-breed- ing where clearly recognized characters were observ^ed for several generations. Many cytological studies have also been made of hy- brids, especially during recent years. Anatomical studies of plant hybrids have not been so common. Henslow ('31) compared a hybrid Digitalis with its parents in a very minute way, considering the knowledge of plant anatomy of the time. He found in the size and shape of the hairs and other structures the hybrid was intermediate between those of its parents. Wettstein ('88) compared the leaves of four coniferous hybrids and found them exactly intemiediate between their parents in num- ber of stomata, depth of epidermal cells, and, number and arrange- ment of the sclerenchyma cells of the bundles. Noble ('88) compared Clematis jackmanni alba with its parents and found it had flowers resembling both parents. He explained that the C. patens, its spring-fiowering parent, and C. jackmanni, its autumn-flowering parent, seem to set up a kind of rivalry to see which is stronger. Old wood of C. jackmanni alba in May, June and July bears double and semidouble solitaiy flowers of a bluish French-grey color, as the C. patens parent does; and then young shoots of the hybrid bear single white flowers in pairs on a long raceme, in August and September, as the C. jackmanni parent does. At one age of the wood it resembles one parent, and at a later age it resembles the other parent. Hildebrand ('89) found in a cross between Oxalis latifolia and 0. tetraphylla that the characteristically distinct hairs of each species (367) 368 The University Science Bulletin. might both arise from a single epidermal cell of the offspring. Both parents seem to be contributing to a single factor. Branza ('90) compared the tissue masses of certain seed hybrids and of Cytisus adami, a graft hybrid, with those of their parents. Since his observations differ in many details from those of Mac- Farlane ('90, '91), they are discredited. The most extensive and intensive study of plant hybrids in rela- tion to their parents was made by MacFariane ('90, '91). He com- pared the minute structure of the following hybrids with that of their parents: Philageria veitchei, Dianthus grievei, Geum inter- medium, Ribes culverwelli, Saxifraga andrewsii, Erica watsoni, Bryanthus erectus, MasdevalUa chelsoni, Cypripedium leeanum, and Cytisus adami (a graft hybrid). His conclusions are summed up in these words: "We may recall the facts advanced as to color, flowering period, chemical combina- tions, growth, and vigor which, though scanty and fragmentary in their nature, all point to the conclusion that hybrids are intermedi- ate between their parents in general life phenomena." On the di- vergence of some hybrids or parts of hybrids toward one parent, he explains it on a purely physical basis of under or overnutrition, or through advantageous or disadvantageous position. With the ex- ception of this conclusion, which is now explained in a very different way, his study constitutes a great contribution to the study of heredity and is so regarded by the editor of the Gardener's Chron- icle ('93). Henslow ('93), in a study of Rhododendron hybrids, found that one parent often impresses some peculiarity which he calls sexual hybridity, but that as a general rule characters are more or less in- termediate between those of their parents. Farmer ('97), in studying a hybrid fern, decided that inheritance is the result of an imaginary struggle between purely hypothetical combatants, and thus accounts for the resemblance of this or that cell to corresponding cells in one or the other parent. The rediscovery of Mendel's law in 1900 explained in a new way the tendency of hybrids to resemble one or the other parent as due to dominance and recessiveness of characters. The studies in this field since that time have been largely of the plant or animal-breed- ing type when characters were traced through several generations. MacDougal ('07), in a study of hybridization of wild plants states that anatomical study of a hybrid and the parents to which it has been referred would be a good method of determining whether Beck: Anatomy of Certain Shrubs. 369 or not it is a true hybrid. He cautions that this may not be decisive because of a tendency toward one parent. De Vries (10) calls those qualities which in crossing conform to Mendel's law bisexual or varietal characters, and those which give intermediates unisexual or specific characters. He states, "The points of difference between parents can be all unisexual or all bi- sexual, or some of them may be unisexual and others bisexual. In the first case the parents are to be considered as elementary species; in the second as varieties; in the third, however, the principle af- fords no decision." (p. 587.) He further states that in experiments in hybridization we must "confine our attention to certain points of difference and leave all the rest out of consideration as of subordi- nate importance. If the character is bisexual and behaves in a Men- delian fashion we may immediately infer that the two parents are to be considered as varieties. If it is unisexual they are elementary species, of which the one must have been derived from the other . . . by modulation." East ('12) chose flowers in Nicotiana. After proving that charac- ters were uninfluenced by environment he found that these char- acters were intermediate in the Fi generation. Among the flowers in the F2 generation he found also flowers identical with those of each parent. IMolloch ('21) found in a cross between Hordeum vulgare and H. murinum, two species which differ in a large number of morphological characters, that the hybrid died, probably due to the failure to • harmonize between the reactive systems of the two species. He states, "There are all degrees of incompatibility of reaction systems in species crosses." Tedin ('23) found that two forms of Camelina, differing from each other in almost every character, had probably two characters that influenced leaf shape. The interpretation was that AABB = pinnatified leaves ; aabb = entire leaves ; AAbb = pinnatified with shorter and broader lobes than aaBB rr deeply denate single leaves. Anyone who has undertaken a comparison of hybrids must agree with MacFarlane in his statement that, "When a hybrid is the prod- uct of parents that are widely divergent in histological details the comparison will be easy, but when we attempt to compare a hybrid with two parents which are regarded as species, but whose chief specific differences are those of coloring and size, it is almost or quite impossible to detect any blending or parent characters even though these may occur." 370 The University Science Bulletin. The histological study of hybrids has generally been considered a good means of verification of doubtful hybrids. It has not al- ways been so fruitful for determining the laws of heredity. Davenport ('07) states that, "The common mistake has been to note a few remarkable individuals and exceptional instances, and from these attempt to deduce the 'laws of descent.' To determine the facts of heredity with any degree of reliability we must study the race as a whole and not simply the separate individuals that compose it. The laws of descent are to be discovered by a critical study, not of individuals but of entire populations sufficiently large to be safely representative. Unfortunately, the application of the statistical method to the study of this subject is comparatively new, and as it is extreme^ laborious, the accumulation of a large mass of material will of necessity be a somewhat slow process." (p. 478.) The study of the detailed anatomy of whole races of hybrids would be quite worth while, and with the advance of our knowledge of minute structure of plants and the perfecting of our methods of studying them it will some day no doubt be attempted. There are certain features which are modified greatly, by differences in en- vironment and the age of the plant. Great care must be exercised in comparing these features. Since shrubs offer good subjects for anatomical study and many hybrids have already been produced among them, I have chosen from them for this comparative study. The following shrubs with their parents were secured for com- parison: Berberis neubertii = B. vulgaris X Mahonia aquifolia. Syringa chinense = S. vulgaris X 'S. persica. Forsyf'hia intermedia = F. suspensa X P'- viridissima. Lonicera bella = L. tatarica X L. morrotd. Lonicera notha = L. ruprechtiana X L. tatarica. Lonicera muendiensis = L. bella X L. ruprechtiana. Lonicera muscaviensis = L. morrowi X L. ruprechtiana. From the cross and longitudinal sections of the stems of these hybrids and their parents it was apparent that Berheris neubertii and its parents offered the most points of difference. It was there- fore selected for the major part of this study. The origin of B. neubertii, which is usually considered an inter- generic hybrid, is described in LTllustration Horticole as follows: "II a ete trouve, en 1850, dans un jeune plant issu de graines re- cueillies sur un Berberis atropurpurea et sur un Berberis (Mahonia) aquifolia, croissant tous deux Tun pres de I'autre, par M. Aug. Nap. Beck: Anatomy of Certain Shrubs. 371 Baumann, horticulteur a Bolwiller (France), et est evidcment le resultat d'un croisement artificiel cntre ces deux cspccies, si diverese par le port; croisement opere par quelque insecte butineur." The B. neubertii plant from which this study was made was se- cured from Farquhar, who secured it from Arnold Arboretum. In general characteristics of leaf and stem it agrees with the descrip- tion and illustration in L'lllustration Horticole, the illustration in Gardener's Chronicle, and the description in Bailey's Encyclopedia of Horticulture, but differs in two very important details. My specimen is spined, but the descriptions and illustrations give it as spineless. The leaves are grouped as those in B. vulgaris in the axils of the spines, while the descriptions give them as somewhat sheathing the stem as described in Mahonia aquifolia. The second difference may be the result of the first, which is probably a rever- sion to one of its parents, B. vulgaris. Farquhar stated in a letter that he did not have a spineless plant but that as far as he knew his plants were true hybrids. The only explanation for the decided change in the hybrid since it was first produced in 1850 would be that it has reverted back in this respect to one of its parents, in this case B. vulgaris. Farmer, in his study of a hybrid fern, found that it had a tendency to revert to one or other of its parents in certain particular char- acteristics, and plants obtained from cuttings of such branches grew and remained true. The reverted branch did not in every particular resemble one parent, but this parent became more strongly pro- nounced. He considered this a striking illustration of the unstable character of a hybrid. The determination of the true hybridity of my specimen was therefore my first problem. As will be observed later, it agrees with what we may expect in a true hybrid. DISCUSSION. Mahonia (sometimes called Berberis) aquifolia is an evergreen, broad-leaved spineless shrub with odd-pinnate leaves. It has mi- nute subulate stipules. The base of the leaf is sheathing, from one- half to completely surrounding the stem. The glossy leaves of firm texture give it a stiff xerophytic appearance. Its habit of growth is by sudden limited, tender, terminal shoots which are later strength- ened. Berberis vulgaris is a deciduous, spined, simple-leaved shrub. The spines are morphologically leaves and the foliage leaves are borne on short branches in their axils. The growth is more gradual and indefinite than that of Mahonia and the branches are more 372 The University Science Bulletin. pendulous and graceful. The texture is less firm and the appearance truly mesophytic. It has very minute subulate stipules, and below them the petiole is flattened and partly sheathed and indistinctly jointed. The hybrid, B. neubertii, is classed as a semi-evergreen in the habitat of Boston. My specimen lost most of its leaves with the first snow, but a few leaves still clung to the branches. The spines are similar to those of B. vulgaris and the foliage leaves are borne on short stems in their axils. The growth is indefinite, resembling that of B. vulgaris, but it has a tendency toward the stiff appearance of Mahonia. It has very minute stipules and jointed petiole, but the petiole is much larger than that of B. vulgaris. The general appear- ance may thus be said to be intermediate between that of its parents. Since Mahonia aquifolia has a compound leaf and Berberis vul- garis a simple leaf, the hybrid would necessarily follow one or the other of these characters. The hybrid has simple leaves showing the dominance in kind of leaf to be that of its parent, B. vulgaris. In many details it is clearly influenced by the leaf of Mahonia. In shape the Mahonia leaflet (PL XXXVII, Fig. 3) is oblong- ovate, sessile, or nearly so, and the sides of the base are unequal. The leaf of B. vulgaris (PI. XXXVII, Fig. 1) is oblong-spatulatc with a petiole 8-10 mm. long and indistinctly jointed near the base. B. neubertii has a leaf (PL XXXVII, Fig. 2) of a similar shape to that of B. vulgaris, but the petiole is intermediate in both breadth and length between the petiolule of M. aquijolia and the petiole of B. vulgaris. The stipules are very similar to those of B. vulgaris. The sheathing base of the petiole below the stipules and joint is much broader in the hybrid than in that of B. vulgaris, showing a tendency toward the base of the leaf of M. aquifolia. The margin of the leaflet of M. aquifolia is spinulose-dentate with lobes 5-10 mm. apart. There is a prominent veinlet for each lobe. B. vulgaris has a setulose-dentate leaf with the lobes 1-1.2 mm. apart, and a small veinlet for each lobe. B. neubertii has a spinulose-dentate leaf and thus clearly follows M. aquifolia, but ex- ceeds it in the size and distance apart of the lobes. On the same branch, the leaves of B. neubertii are quite variable in the size and distance apart of the lobes. They have a prominent veinlet for each lobe. The spines of the margin are very similar in length and texture to those of M. aquifolia, being much more rigid than those of B. vulgaris. The spines in all cases include continuations of the group of schlerenchyma cells which form the margin of the leaves. Beck: Anatomy of Certain Shrubs. 373 Sclerenchyma cells are fewer in number in B. vulgaris and there- fore the spines of the leaf are less rigid. In PI. XXXVII, Figs. 1, 2, 3, the general type of venation of the leaves may be observed. AI. aquifolia (PI. XXXVII, Fig. 3) has 5 to 6 primary lateral veins and between each of these 3 to 6 vein- lets from the midrib. The type of venation agrees with what we might expect from the shape of the leaf. B. vulgaris (PI. XXXVII, Fig. 1) has 3 to 5 primary lateral veins and between each of these as many as 16 small veinlets from the midrib. In venation B. neubertii (PI. XXXVII, Fig. 2) agrees very generally with B. vul- garis, but has fewer veinlets from the midrib, following after M. aquifolia in this respect. The color of the leaf of M. aquifolia is a yellowish green, and lus- trous when young, but dark green and lustrous when mature. The leaf of B. vulgaris is a pale or grayish green beneath but a dark green above. It is dull in appearance. The leaf of the hybrid agrees with that of its B. vulgaris parent in color. Upper epideiTnis cells, as shown in PI. XXXVII, Figs. 4, 5, 6, show the lateral walls in the leaf of B. vulgaris (PI. XXXVII, Fig. 4) to be symmetrical. Corresponding cell walls in the leaf of M. aquifolia are very sinuous or undulated (PI. XXXVII, Fig. 6). The hybrid (PL XXXVII, Fig. 5) has epidennal cells that are very similar in shape to those of B. vulgaris, but the size of the cells is greater than in either parent. The stomata in both parents and the hybrid are found only in the lower epidermis of the leaf. They agree in shape and size but differ in number. In M. aquifolia I found by count the average number to be 260 per sq. mm. In B. vulgaris the average number was only 176. The mean number between these two is 218. The average number in the hybrid was found to be 216 per sq. mm. This agrees with MacFarlane's observation of Philageria Veitchii and other hy- brids, in which the hybrid has an intermediate number of stomata between that of its parents, respectively. The cross section of the leaf cut through the two guard cells of- fers a basis of comparison. The guard cells of B. vulgaris (PL XXXVII, Fig. 10-H) are closely followed by those of B. neubertii (PL XXXVII, Fig. 11-H). The guard cells of M. aquifolia (PL XXXVII, Fig. 12-H) are somewhat external to other epidermal cells. The lower epidermal cells of the leaf and the epidermal cells of the petiole in M. aquifolia show a network of thickenings (PL XXXVII. Figs. 9-F, 12-H, and PL XXXVIII, Fig. 13-F). This net- 6— 5511— II 374 The University Science Bulletin. work was very conspicuous in mature leaves, but was not seen in young leaves. B. vulgaris has no such thickenings in the epidermal cells (PI. XXXVII, Figs. 7 and 10, and PI. XXXVIII, Fig. 15-F). The hybrid has a very indistinct network of thickenings in mature leaves only (PI. XXXVII, Fig. 8-F). This character, which behaves as an intermediate, was one of the most convincing proofs of the true hybridity of my specimen. In the cross section of the leaves (PL XXXVIII) there are two distinct rows of palisade cells in the leaf of M. aquifolia. The third row of cells is apparently intermediate between palisade and spongy parenchyma cells (PL XXXVIII, Fig. 13). B. vulgaris (PL XXXVIII, Fig. 15) has but one row of palisade cells. The environ- mental conditions of the two plants was as nearly the same as could be secured. The hybrid very clearly follows the M. aquifolia parent in the number of rows of palisade cells (PL XXXVIII, Fig. 14) , but follows the B. vulgaris parent in the depth of palisade cells. The greater thickness of the leaf of the hybrid than that of either parent is thus in part accounted for. The number of rows of spongj'' parenchyma cells of the three leaves shows the hybrid to have more rows than either parent. The M. aquifolia parent has from 5 to 6 rows of spongy parenchyma. B. vulgaris has from 4 to 5 rows. The hybrid has from 7 to 9 rows. The size of the cells in the hybrid is also greater than in either par- ent. Since all of tliese plants were growing under similar environ- mental conditions, and the above-described condition appears as a constant characteristic, it may be considered as inherited. Cross sections of the leaves cut through the midrib in various positions in the leaf offers a basis of comparison. In PL XXXVII, Figs. 1, 2, 3, the letter A indicates a position in the midrib in which the bundle is single, with schlerenchyma extending to both the up- per and lower epidermises. At B the bundle has divided into three, at C it has divided into 5, and at D it has divided into 9 bundles (PL XXXVII, Fig. 3 only). By a comparison of the positions of A, B and C in the three figures, it will be observed that the hybrid clearly follows the B. vulgaris parent in this character. From cross sections of the petiole of B. vulgaris and the petiolule of M. aquifolia, the number of rows of thin-walled parenchyma cells surrounding the vascular area fonned a basis of comparison. In the B. vulgaris parent there are from 3 to 5 rows of thin-walled parenchyma cells surrounding the vascular area of the petiole. The petiolule of M. aquifolia has from 4 to 6 rows of cells in this area Beck: Anatomy of Certain Shrubs. 375 The hybrid has from 5 to 7 rows. The hybrid thus exceeds the number of rows of both parents, which partly accounts for the larger petiole than in either parent. The petiole of M. aquifolia differs from the others in that the schlerenchyma cells form a complete ring around the vascular area. Near the base of the petiole the bun- dles again form a semicircle conforming with the sheathing base of the leaf. In B. vulgaris the vascular area never forms a complete ring, but somewhat more than a semicircle. The hybrid follows the B. vulgaris parent in this character. A comparison of the prominence of the midrib below the blade of the leaf shows that in both parents the midrib is very prominent. The hybrid has a relatively thicker blade than either parent, and thus a relatively less conspicuous midrib below the blade of the leaf. The small veins of the leaf in the hybrid scarcely exceed the thickness of the blade, wdiile in both parents they are prominent on the under side of the leaf. Papillose epidermal hairs occur very generally on the lower epi- dermis of the leaf and always on the young stem of the Mahonia aquifolia parent. They average 8\i in height and 12.5pL in diameter. No epidermal hairs were found on the leaves or young stems of B. vulgaris nor on the hybrid. This character behaves in this instance as a recessive, but no conclusion may be drawn from this one hybrid. Epidermal hairs were observed in Lonicera morrowi on leaves and young stems. On the stems they are very irregular as to length varying from .08 mm. to .48 mm. The number counted was 360 per sq. mm. of epidermal surface. In L. tatarica usually no epi- dermal hairs are found, although they were observed on a few young leaves. The hybHd from these parents, L. bella, has epidermal hairs varying in length from .04 mm. to .32 mm., and averaging 120 to the sq. mm. It appears in this that the hybrid has the epidermal hairs of L. morrowi reduced by half in number and size. Further study of the epidermal hairs in the honeysuckle showed for Lonicera muscaviensis, a hybrid of L. ruprechtiana and L. mor- rowi, that epidermal hairs were intermediate in size, shape, and number between those of the parents. L. ruprechtiana has epi- dermal hairs varying in length from .08 mm. to .32 mm. and averag- ing 76 per sq. mm. of surface. The intermediate number between the parents would be 218. The hybrid averaged on several counts 160. The intermediate length between the parents would be from .08 mm. to .8 mm. The length of the epidermal hairs of the hybrid was found to vary from .08 mm. to .32 mm. 376 The University Science Bulletin. « Lonicera notha, a hybrid between the parents L. tatarica and L. niprechtiana, shows also an intermediate number and length. Lo- nicera muendiensis, a hybrid between L. bella and L. niprechtiana, also has hairs showing an intermediate size and number. The shape of the epidermal hairs also shows the influence of both parents. These examples all point to an intermediate inheritance of epi- dermal hairs in Lonicera. Hildebrand found that epidermal hairs in the hybrid of Oxalis latifoliaxO. tetraphylla were inherited from both parents, both kinds being on a single cell of the hybrid. MacFarlane found that in the hybrids Ribes culverwelli, Saxi- fraga andrewsi, and Cardmis caroloruni, distinct types of epidermal hairs were inherited from both parents. These are considered ex- amples of bisexual heredity by MacFarlane. It seems that no general rule obtains in the inheritance of epi- dermal hairs. The number of stomata on the young stems of Berberis neubertii is much less than in either parent. In both parents the number averages about 23 per sq. mm., back where the stem has ceased to elongate. The hybrid averaged but 9 per sq. mm. The size of epidermal cells on young stems showed the hybrid to be intermediate between that of its parents. M. aquifolia has cells averaging .08 mm. in length and .02 mm. in width after the stem has ceased to elongate. B. vulgaris has cells averaging .04 mm. x .02 mm. The hybrid has cells averaging .06 mm, x .02 mm., the in- termediate between the parents. The number of perforations in the lateral cell walls of the epi- dermal cells shows the hybrid to have a number below that of either parent. PI. XL, Fig. 24-A, shows these perforations in the cell walls of B. vulgaris. No drawing was made of the similar cells of M. aquifolia. The drawing in PL XL, Fig. 26-A, shows the perforations in the lateral cell walls of the hybrid, much fewer in number than in either parent. The cortex of the stem in M. aquifolia consists entirely of paren- chyma cells. There is no distinct endodermis separating the cortex from the pericycle. Solereder has considered the primary bast-fiber ring as part of the pericycle. There is no typical collenchyma. The parenchyma cells of the cortex are large, averaging .03 mm. in width and .06 mm. in length. The cell w^alls are irregularly thickened with numerous perforations. The average number of rows of cortex cells was 7.2. The cortex of B. vulgaris also consists entirely of Beck: Anatomy of Certaix Shrubs. 377 parenchyma, but is always thin-walled. The average diameter of these cells was found to be .03 mm. and the length was found to be .13 mm. The walls are not perforated and not thickened as in the M. aquifolia. The cortex cells of young stems in B. vulgaris contain numerous disk-shaped chloroplasts. The number of rows of cells is irregular in conformity with the angled stem and the irregular bast- fiber ring. The number of cells radially may be as small as 2, but where the bast-fiber ring indents it may be 8 cells. The average number of rows was found to be 4.4 radially. The cortex of the stem in the hybrid in some cases follows one parent and in others the other parent. The cell walls in B. neubertii have perforated and irregularly thickened cell walls, thus following the M. aquifolia parent. In size the cells are intermediate between that of the parents, being .1 mm. in length and .03 mm. in width as compared with an intermediate of .095 mm. in length and .03 mm. in width between the two parents. The general arrangement of the cells of the cortex in the hybrid is very similar to that found in the B. vulgaris parent, conforming to the angled stem and the irregular bast-fiber ring. The number of rows of cells radially in the hybrid is less than in either parent. (PI. XXXIX, Figs. 17-B and 20-B for the hybrid, 16 and 19 for M. aquifolia, and 18 and 21 for B. vulgaris.) The primary bast forms the outer part of the pericycle in both parents and the hybrid. In the M. aquifolia parent the bast-fiber ring is usually discontinuous in the stem, as shown in PI. XL, Figs. 22-C and 25-C. The number of fibers may vary from a small num- ber as shown in PI. XXXIX, Fig. 19-C, to many as shown in PI. XL, Fig. 22-C. The primary bast in B. vulgaris forms a continuous ring around the stem until it is broken by the growth of the stem. The number of cells radially may vary from 3 cells in the depres- sions to 12 cells at the angles of the stem. The bast-fiber ring is persistent for a relatively longer time than in M. aquifolia partly because of the continuous ring and partly because of undulations which allow for growth from within by straightening out as the stem increases in size. The hybrid very clearly follows the B. vulgaris parent in the arrangement of the cells of the primary bast of the stem (PI. XXXIX, Fig. 20, PI. XL, Figs. 23-C and 26-C). In num- ber of rows of cells radially the hybrid exceeds that in either parent, showing 7.9 cells average for the hybrid and 6.3 cells in B. vulgaris. The size of the primary bast fibers in the hybrid very closely ap- proaches the intermediate between that of the parents. The length 378 The University Science Bulletin. for M. aquijolia averaged .8 mm, that for B. vulgaris 1.1 mm., the hybrid being 1.0 mm., which closely approaches the mean of .95 mm. For comparative length of bast fibers, see PI. XLI, Figs. 31-E, 31-F, and 31-G, which represent average length of bast fibers in M. aqui- jolia, the hybrid, and B. vulgaris respectively. The diameter of in- dividual bast fibers measured at the widest area shows also an in- termediate size. The M. aquijolia parent averages 22pi, in diameter, B. vulgaris averages 25[x in diameter. The diameter of the bast fibers in the hybrid averages 24ijl, which closely approaches the mean between the parents, 23.5iji-. Macerations were made of primary bast by putting small sections into chromic acid. Other sections were placed in nitric acid and po- tassium chlorate and heated in a test tube, and thrown into water at the proper time to stop action. Individual bast fibers are shown in PI. XLI, Figs. 31, 32, 33. Circular pits are found in the primary bast of M. aquijolia as shown in the surface view by rings and in the side walls as areas not darkened. B. vulgaris primary bast fibers have circular pits and elongated pits running diagonally across the fibers. The hybrid has both the circular pits, as shown in both par- ents, and also the diagonal pits as found in the B. vulgaris parent only. The primary bast of M. aquijolia has irregular thickenings not dissolved by nitric acid as shown in black in PI. XLI, Fig. 31, A and C. Other deposits within the cell are soluble in nitric acid. These deposits were not found in the B. vulgaris parent. The hy- brid has deposits soluble in nitric acid in greater abundance than in the M. aquijolia parent. The irregular thickenings not soluble in nitric acid were not observed in the hybrid. Thus one unisexual character was inherited but the other was not. Cork arises in the outer parenchyma of the pericycle just beneath the primary bast in both parents and the hybrid. In rapidly grow- ing stems of M. aquijolia the cork arises in the seventh internode or thereabout. In B. vulgaris cork arises as early as in the second in- ternode. In the hybrid cork was found in the second internode, thus showing this character to be inherited from the B. vulgaris parefit. The growth of cork in the M. aquijolia parent is irregular because of the discontinuous bast-fiber ring. Cork arises both beneath and between the groups of bast, thus completely cutting them off. The epidermis and cortex of the stem hold several bast groups together, but between these groups they break apart in large longitudinal strips, a fact recognizable at the surface. In the B. vulgaris parent Beck: Anatomy of Cektaix Shrubs. 379 the bast-fiber ring is continiioiis and the cork arises beneath it as a continuous ring, later cutting it off. The bast breaks at the nar- rower places but still persists as narrow longitudinal strips on the outer bark. The hybrid shows a very close resemblance to the B. vulgaris parent in the occurrence and growth of cork and its effect upon the stem. The parenchyma of the pericycle was studied from cross sections of the stems. In M. aquifolia the cell walls of this area are un- evenly thickened and perforated and the cells retain their shape, though flattened somewhat, for many years (PI. XL, Figs. 22-E and 25-E) . I did not find any sections in which these cells were crushed. The cell walls of this area in the stem of B. vulgaris are somewhat thickened, although not as much as in M. aquifolia. The hybrid very closely follows the M. aquifolia parent in the irregularly thick- ened and perforated cell walls. The number of rows of cells radially in the parenchyma of the pericycle shows a very irregular number in the B. vulgaris parent due to the undulations in the bast-fiber ring. Later, as the stem grows and the undulations in the bast-fiber ring become straightened out, the corner areas are flattened and the narrower places in the parenchyma are elongated radially, with many intercellular spaces forming, thus making a somewhat uniform width of parenchyma cells of the pericycle. The M. aquifolia has a fairly uniform area of pericycle and maintains it. The hybrid clearly follows the B. vulgaris parent in the arrangement of cells in the parenchyma of the pericycle (PI. XXXIX, Figs. 17-D and 20-D). In number of rows of cells radially, the hybrid has an average of 6, closely fol- lowing M. aquifolia, which has from 5 to 6 rows. B. vulgaris has an average of 9 rows of these cells radially. The primary phloem of all three consists of sieve tubes and also of septate prosenchyma cells tapering at both ends. These tapering ends overlap and the side walls are pitted or have thin areas. No distinct differences were observed in the primary phloem of the parents or the hybrid except the amount of primary phloem in pro- portion to primary xylem is greater in M. aquifolia than in B. vul- garis or the hybrid. The latter two are very similar. Also numer- ous intercellular spaces are formed in the older phloem by the breaking apart of the cell walls showing in the walls on edge as lenticular intercellular spaces. These intercellular spaces are less frequent in the B. vulgaris parent than in M. aquifolia. The hybrid is very similar to B. vulgaris in the number of intercellular spaces 380 The University Science Bulletin. appearing in the septate prosenchyma of the phloem, but the walls are thickened more nearly like those in M. aquifolia. No secondary bast fibers were observed in M. aquifolia. The cell walls of the septate prosenchyma are perceptibly thickened (PI. XXXVIII, Fig. 35) and serve a similar function of strengthening as is served by secondary bast. In B. vulgaris, secondary bast fibers resembling rod cells occur singly in the outer phloem, but in tan- genital rows in the inner phloem (PI. XL, Fig. 27-D). This may be considered a unisexual character as it occurs in only one parent. In the hybrid secondary bast fibers are found in greater abundance than in B. vulgaris. PI. XL, Fig. 26-E shows these bast fibers just before the walls are thickened. They are completely thickened by the end of the second growing season. PI. XL, Fig. 26-0, shows a cross section of these mature bast fibers. The hybrid is thus domi- nated in the occurrence of secondary bast by the B. vulgaris parent, but exceeds it in amount of bast. No differences were observed in the primary xylem of all three subjects as studied from cross and longitudinal sections and macer- ated sections of stems. It is surrounded toward the pith by paren- chyma with thickened walls, septate prosenchyma, and prosenchyma with pointed ends and thickened walls. There is more of this bundle sheath in B. neubertii than in either parent as shown in PI. XL, Fig. 23-P, as compared with PL XL, Figs. 22 and 27. These cells are usually stored with food and the cell walls are thickened and pitted. In B. vulgaris the amount of thickening of cell walls is less than in M. aquifolia. The hybrid follows the M. aquifolia parent in the thickening but exceeds it in the amount of sclerenchymatous medullary sheath abutting on the primary xylem. Cross, longitudinal, tangenital, and macerated sections were made of the xylem areas of the three subjects. The secondary xylem is made up in all three of tracheal tubes, tracheids, wood fibers, wood parenchyma, and septate prosenchyma. All of these cells have thickened walls and pits. The tracheids have bordered pits, and the tracheal tubes have both elongated pits as shown in PI. XLI, Fig. 28-B, and circular pits as shown in PI. XLI, Fig. 29-B. The circu- lar pits have a narrow slit opening as shown in PI. XLI, Figs. 29-B and 30-B. Many of the smaller tracheal tubes have spiral thick- enings of the wall in addition to bordered pits, which occur in all three subjects, but especially in M. aquifolia. The comparison of the xylem elements is difficult because of the great similarities between the three subjects. Beck: Anatomy of Certain Shrubs. 381 The tracheal tubes of the secondary xylem in M. aquifolia are relatively smaller and fewer than in B. vulgaris. The hybrid has tracheal tubes intermediate in size between those of the parents but more nearly approaching the number of B. vulgaris. Compare PI. XL, Figs. 25-1, 26-1, and 27-1. Wood fibers from macerated tissues of all three subjects show a general similarity in shape and pits. The M. aquifolia parent has wood fibers somewhat longer than those of the B. vulgaris parent. The wood fibers of the hybrid are intermediate in length between those of the parents. The average length of M. aquifolia wood fibers was found to be .38 mm., of B. vulgaris .34 mm., and of the hybrid .36 mm. The tracheids are found in groups bordering either a group of wood fibers or the medullary rays. The average length of tracheids of the M. aquifolia parent was found to be .22 mm., in B. vulgaris average was .27 mm., and in the hybrid .247 mm. This very closely approaches the intermediate length between those of the parent;;;, .254 mm. The wood parenchyma is very little developed in the M. aquifolia parent, is more common in the B. vulgaris parent, and still more com- mon in the hybrid. A definite comparison is difficult to make as to amount of wood parenchyma. The wood prosenchyma with delicate cross walls across the lumen is common to all three subjects, but more common to B. vulgaris than to M. aquifolia. The hybrid follows the B. vulgaris parent in this character. Broad primary medullary rays separate the individual vascular bundles from each other in all three subjects. The cell walls are perforated as shown in PI. XLI, Figs. 28-F, 29-F, and 30-F. As stated by Solereder, the primary medullary rays are not closed by inter-fascicular wood. The length of medullary rays is somewhat greater in B. vulgaris than in M. aquifolia. The hybrid follows the B. vulgaris parent in this character. The vertical distance between rays is greater in M. aquifolia than in the B. vulgaris, and in this character the hybrid follows the B. vulgaris parent. The pith of M. aquifolia is homogeneous and its walls are uni- formly thickened throughout. The pith in M. aquifolia is never crushed, so far as I was able to observe. B. vulgaris, as observed by Solereder, has a heterogeneous pith with two areas, the outer thick- walled and remaining alive, while the inner thin-walled area soon dies (PI. XL, Figs. 24 and 27, K and L). The hybrid has a hetero- 382 The University Science Bulletin. geneoiis pith similar to that found in the B. vulgaris parent, but the thick-walled area which remains alive is wider than in B. vul- garis. Compare PI. XL, Figs. 23 and 26, of the hybrid with Figs. 24 and 27 K and L, of the B. vulgaris parent. The central dead area in the hybrid is. smaller than in the B. vulgaris parent. This may be considered a bisexual inheritance in which the pith of the hybrid inherits characters partly from the M. aquifolia pq^rent and partly from the B. vulgaris parent. CONCLUSION. The Berberis neubertii plant from which this study was made is undoubtedly a true hybrid of the B. vulgaris and M. aquifolia par- ents. It agrees with w^hat we may expect from hybrids from pre- vious studies. No new characters appear in the hybrid which do not occur in the parents. B. neubertii is usually considered a bigeneric hybrid. In some characters it behaves as an interspecific hybrid, in others as an intervarietal hybrid, and in others as neither. It therefore belongs to the group which ''affords no decision." (De Vries.) Those characters common to one parent only, called unisexual by MacFarlane and De Vries, may behave as intermediates. The net- work of thickenings found on the lower epidermis of the M. aquifolia leaf, but not found on the leaf of B. vulgaiis, are found in the hy- brid much reduced. The evergreen leaf of M. aquifolia and the deciduous leaf of B. vulgaris are inherited in the hybrid as semievergreen. The stiff xerophytic appearance of M. aquifolia, differing from the graceful, mesophytic appearance of B. vulgaris, is inherited as a semixero- phytic appearance in the hybrid. Papillose epidermal hairs found on AI. aquifolia stems and lower epidermis of the leaf, but not on B. vulgaris, do not appear in the hybrid. Epidermal hairs in Lonicera in the hybrids studied behave as intermediates. » The amount of secondary bast in Berberis neubertii exceeds that found in the one parent only, the B. vulgaris parent. Characters observed in the B. vulgaris parent only in which the hybrid closely approaches this parent are: spines, which are mor- phologically leaves, with the foliage leaves borne on short stems in their axils; jointed petiole; diagonal pits in the primary bast; the size, shape, and thickness of walls of secondary bast. Characters observed in the M. aquifolia parent only in which the Beck: Anatomy of Certain Shrubs. 383 hybrid closely approaches this parent are: second and third row of palisade cells of the leaf; the perforations and thickened walls of the cortex parenchyma; and certain deposits and longitudinal thick- enings in the primary bast fibers. Cases of bisexual heredity were not common in this hybrid, as they were not in those studied by MacFarlane. The heterogeneous pith of the B. vulgaris parent and the thickened-walled homeogene- ous pith of M. aqidfolia are both partly inherited by the hybrid. Some of the pith area in the hybrid shows thickening of cell walls and the central pith area is thin-walled as in B. vulgaris. Another example of apparent bisexual heredity is in the primary bast. Diagonal long pits are inherited from the B. vulgaris parent, and longitudinal thickenings and soluble deposits in the cell walls from the M. aquifolia parent. Both of these characters appear in the hybrid. Bisexual characters are those common to both parents (Mac- Farlane and De Vries) . Those characters in which the M. aquifolia parent dominates are : textm^e of the leaf, margin of the leaf, num- ber of rows of palisade cells of the leaf, and number of pericycle parenchyma cells radially. Those characters in which the B. vul- garis parent dominates are : habit of indefinite growth ; size of stip- ules; color, shape, and venation of the leaf; shape of guard cells; number of bundles in the midrib; general character of the cortex of the stem ; features in the primary bast, cork, and parenchyma of the pericycle. Many characters common to both parents behave as intermedi- ates. The hybrid has an intennediate number of stomata of the leaf; length of epidermal hairs; length of cortex cells, wood fibers, and tracheids ; amount of thickening of cell walls of parenchyma of the pericycle and septate phloem prosenchyma. There are some characters common to both parents in which the hj^brid exceeds both parents; as, size of the leaf epidermal cells, length of palisade cells of the leaf, number of schlerenchyma cells of the midrib transversely, thickening of the sides of the blade as compared with the midrib, number of primary bast fibers as shown by the number of rows counted radially, amount of wood paren- chyma cells, and amount of sclerenchymatous medullary sheath abutting on the xylem in the stem. A few characters common to both parents in which the hybrid has less than either parent are number of stomata of the stem and number of cells of the cortex radially. 384 The University Science Bulletin. While anatomical study increases greatly the number of charac- ters observable, it also increases the complexity and difficulty of the study in its interpretation of the laws of heredity. It is generally recognized that microscopic details as well as macroscopic char- acters are heritable and it seems well established that they should be considered in any study of the transmission of characters in hybrids. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bailey, L. H. Plant Breeding with Bibliography of Hybrids. Norwood Press, Norwood, Mass. Encyclopedia of Horticulture. Br.\nza, M. M. Comptes Rendus, tome iii. No. 6, 1890; Revue Generale de Botanique, tome i, Nos. 19, 22, 23. Davenport, E. Principles of Breeding. Atheneum Press, Boston, Mass., 1907. Db Vries, Hugo. The Mutation Theory, Vols. I and II. Open Court Pub. Co., Chicago, 111., 1910. East, E. M. Inheritance of Flower Size in Crosses Between Species of Nico- tiana. Botanical Gazette, Vol. 55, No. 3, p. 177; Vol. 53, p. 243. Farmer. On the Structure of a Hybrid Fern. Annals of Botany, Vol. XI, p. 553, 1897. Farquhar, R. and J. Nurseries, Boston, Mass., 6 So. Market street. Gardener's Chronicle. Vol. LX, 3d series, pp. 73, 75. Henslow, J. S. Camb. Phil. Trans., Vol. LV. 1833. HiLDEBRAND, F. Ueber einige Pflanzenbastardierungen. Zen. Zeitscher. Bd. 23, 1893. L 'Illustration Horticole, 1850. Miscellanes, p. III. MacDougle, J. Hybridization of Wild Plants. Botanical Gazette. MacFarlanb, J. Microscopic Structure of Hybrids. Gardener's Chronicle, 3d series 7, 1890. Trans. Royal Soc. Edin., Vol. 37, p. 203, 1891. Molloch, Walter S. An Fi Species — Cross between Hordeum vulgare and H. murinum. American Nat., Vol. 55, pp. 281-285. Noble, Chas. Clematis jackmanni alba. Gardener's Chronicle, Aug. 11, 1888. SoLEREDER, Dr. Hans. Systematic Anatomy of the Dicotyledons. Oxford at Clarendon Press. Tedin, Glof. The Inheritance of Pinnatifid Leaves in Camelina. Hereditas, 4:59-64, 1923. Wettstein. Sitz. der Kaiser. Akad der Wissen, Vol. 96, 1888. 386 The University Science Bulletin. PLATE XXXVII. Fig. 1. Leaf of Berheris vulgaris, showing general type of venation. DrawTi from leaf cleared with chloral hydrate. X 1- Fig. 2. Leaf of Berheris neubertii. X 1- Fig. 3. Leaflet of Mahonia aquijolia. X 1- Fig. 4. Upper epidermis of leaf of B. vulgaris, showing nuclei and upper end of palisade cells. X 312. Fig. 5. Upper epidermal cells of B. neubertii, showing nuclei and upper end of palisade cells. X 312. Fig. 6. Upper epidermis of M. aquijolia leaf. X 312. Fig. 7. Lower epidermis of leaf of B. vulgaris, showing stomata and nuclei. X312. Fig. 8. Lower epidermis of leaf of B. neubertii, showing stomata and nuclei, also network of thickenings. X 312. Fig. 9. Lower epidermis of leaf of M. aquijolia. X 312. Fig. 10. Two stomata of B. vulgaris in cross section, showing guard cells, epidermal cells, and air space. X 312. Fig. U. Two stomata of B. neubertii. X 312. Fig. 12. Two stomata of leaf of M. aquijolia. X 312. Beck: Anatomy of Certain Shrubs. 387 PLATE XXXVII. ^^ n i2 c^ '•^Tvny? 388 The University Science Bulletin. PLATE XXXVIII. Fig. 13. Cross section of leaf of Mahonia aquifolia near center of leaf. X208. Fig. 14. Cross section of leaf of Betberis neubertii, near center of leaf. X208. Fig. 15. Cross section of leaf of B. vulgaris, near center of leaf. X 208. Index of parts of above drawings: A, Upper epidermis. B, Upper row of palisade cells. C, Second row of palisade cells. D, Third row of mesophyll showing gradual transition to spongy parenchyma. E, Spongy parenchyma. F, Lower epidermis. G, Phloem of midrib bundle. H, Xylem of midrib. I, Cortex. J, Air space. K, Sclerenchyma cells forming bundle sheath. Fig. 34. Phloem prosenchyma of M. aquifolia stem showing cell walls just beginning to thicken. Fig. 35. Same as Figure 34, after cell walls have thickened and air spaces have formed between them. Fig. 36. Cork A, phellogen B, parenchyma of pericycle C, all of B. neubertii showing perforations in the cell walls of the pericycle. Fig. 37. Septate phloem prosenchyma of B. neubertii stem. Similar cells are found, also, in the phloem of B. vulgaris. Beck: Anatomy of Certain Shrubs. 389 PLATE XXXVIII. 7_5511_II 390 The University Science Bulletin, PLATE XXXIX. Fig. 16. Cross section of second internode of rapidly growing stem of Mahonia aquijolia. X 115. Fig. 17. Cross section of rapidly growing stem, second internode, of B. neu- bertii. X 115. Fig. 18. Cross section of second internode of rapidly growing stem of B. vulgaris. X 115. Fig. 19. Cross section of fifth internode of rapidly growing stem of M. aquijolia. X 150. Fig. 20. Cross section of rapidly growing stem of B. ■neubertii, third inter- node. X 150. Fig. 21. Cross section of rapidly growing stem of B. vulgaris, third inter- node. X 150. Index for above figures: A, Epidermis. B, Parenchyma of the cortex. C, Bast fibers or sclerenchyma of pericycle. D, Parenchyma of the pericycle. E, Primary and early secondaiy phloem. F, Medullary ray. G, Primary and early secondary xylem. H, Pith. Beck: Anatomy of Certain Shrubs. 391 PLATE XXXIX. 392 • The University Science Bulletin. PLATE XL. Fig. 22. Cross section of one-year-old stem of Mahonia aquifolia. X 75. Fig. 23. Cross section of same age of Berberis neuhertii stem. X 75. Fig. 24. Cross section of same age of stem of B. vulgaris. X 75. Fig. 25. Cross section of two-year-old stem of M. aquifolia. X 75. Fig. 26. Cross section of two-year-old stem of B. neuhertii. X 75. Fig. 27. Cross section of two-year-old stem of B. vulgaris. X 75. Index jor above figures: A, Epidermis. B, Parenchyma of the cortex. C, Bast fibers or sclerenchyma of the pericycle. D, Cork formed by the phellogen of the cork cambium. E, Parenchyma of the pericycle. F, Primary phloem. G, Secondaiy phloem. H, Medullaiy ray. I, Secondary xylem. J, Primary xylem. K, Central pith. (In B. vulgaris and B. neuhertii without thickened cell walls.) L, Outer pith. (In B. vulgaris and B. neuhertii with thick- ened cell walls.) M, Phellogen or cork cambium. N, Secondary bast just beginning to thicken its walls. O, Secondary bast. (In Fig. 26, cross section. Fig. 27, longi- tudinal section.) Beck: Anatomy of Certain Shrubs. 393 PLATE XL. 394 The University Science Bulletin. PLATE XLI. Fig. 28. Tangential section from wood area of Mahonia aquifolia stem X 208. Fig. 29. Tangential section from the wood area of Berberis neubertii. X208. Fig. 30. Tangential section from the wood area of B. vulgaris. X 208. Index for above figures: A, Primary xylem tracheal tube, showing thickening of cell wall. B, Secondary xylem water tube, showing pits. C, Water tubes of secondary xylem, showing pits and spiral thickenings. D, Tracheids, showing bordered pits. E, Wood fibers, showing simple pits. F, Medullary rays in cross section, showing perforations. G, Tracheal tube, showing spiral thickening in one part and simple pits in another. (Not common in this subject.) Fig. 31. Individual primary bast fibers of Mahonia aquijolia, showing longi- tudinal thickenings and soluble deposits. X 208. Fig. 32. Individual primary bast fibers of B. neubertii, showing longitudinal thickenings,, soluble deposits, elongated pits, and circular pits. X 208. Fig. 33. Individual primary bast fibers of B. vulgaris, showing elongated pits and circular pits. X 208. Beck: Anatomy of Certain Shrubs. 395 PLATE XLI. THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCIENCE BULLETIN Vol. XVII.] September, 1927. [No. 7. On the Occurrence of Bison latifrons in Comanche County, Kansas. HANDEL T. MARTIN, Department of Vertebrate Paleontology. FOR two years prior to September, 1925, Mr. James O'Connel, the owner of a large cattle ranch twenty-five miles southeast of Coldwater, Kan., had noticed, projecting from the sandy bank of the creek that flows through his home pasture, an object which looked like the dead root of an old cottonwood tree, both in color and texture. Early in September, 1925, he made a closer examina- tion of the object and found that these appearances had been mis- leading, as the object proved to have a bony structure, though somewhat different and older looking than the old bison bones usually met with in such situations. Mr. O'Connel's interest and curiosity being aroused, he at once commenced digging to unearth the specimen, and, if possible, to find out to what sort of animal it had belonged. The loose, sandy matrix soon yielded to his efforts, and in a short time there was exposed to view the fine pair of horn cores, together with parts of the skull, which have furnished the material for this paper. The resemblance of the specimen to the head of a modern bison was at once noticed and commented upon, and credit must be given to Mr. O'Connel and his family for the ability to recognize in this huge specimen with a spread of horn cores of six feet five inches, a distant relative of our living bison. Credit is also due them for the careful way in which the specimen was removed from the sandy bank. When found this specimen was embedded in a layer of loose, sandy Pleistocene gravel, about fifteen feet above the present bed of the creek, and directly on top of the red beds, where a shallow, basinlike depression had been formed by the previous action of the creek during liigh-water freshets. Into this depression the head and horn cores had been washed, settled to the bottom, and been buried (397) 398 The University Science Bulletin. by the sedimentxary deposits of the stream. At the point where the specimen was deposited, the creek at that time had evidently turned directly west, along what was then the foot of the high bank of red- bed formation, but which now stands about 300 feet to the south of and parallel to the present course of the creek. From the base of this 35-foot bank the present surface slopes rapidly to the north un- til, at the exact point where the skull lay, the sandy material had been reduced by erosion until only a feather edge remains, and the tip of one of the horn cores was fully exposed above the surface. That water had played an important part in the deposition of the matrix surrounding the specimen is evidenced by the many thin lay- ers of fine silty sand, interspersed with other layers of black oxide of manganese, which lie in horizontal bands all through the basin, and the sloping mass of debris from the high bank — the whole tinged a rusty-brown color. Late in September, 1925, the writer paid a short visit to the local- ity, hoping to find other parts of the specimen, as the nature of the broken parts of the skull suggested that some of the missing pieces might possibly be found, either in the talus of the sandy bank, or in the old bed of the creek, but a thorough search of the immediate vicinity disclosed no indications of the missing parts of either the skull or the rest of the skeleton. It is hoped, however, that some- time in the near future a more thorough examination of the expos- ures along the banks of the creek may be made. For, prior to the laying down of this Pleistocene deposit of coarse sandy gravel, the creek had gouged out a deep course in the red beds, which later was filled with Pleistocene material, and this in turn is undergoing a secondary erosion, every freshet exposing to view fresh surfaces of likely fossil-bearing strata. Bison latifrons. Of the ten or more species of fossil bison described from North America, Bison latifrons is the largest and seems to be the rarest, and consequently the least known of all. There appear to be not more than three or four specimens of this species positively known, the finest of which is the pair of magnificent horn cores first de- scribed by Harlan, later by Lucas and Hay, which is in the museum of the State Historical Society at Cincinnati, Ohio. In view of the rarity of this species, the additional information and measurements secured from a study of the Coldwater specimen, together with the figures illustrating it, will, I hope, be received with approval. As will be seen from an examination of the figures, reproduced Martin: Bison Latifrons in Kansas. 399 from photographs of the specimen from different points of view, it consists of a very fine and almost complete pair of horn cores, to- gether with a sufficient amount of the adjoining skull attached to supply several measurements hitherto not recorded, which may be of value in the study of other and less complete material. Apparently the Cincinnati specimen lacks a sufficient amount of the adjoining skull to give a positive determination of the general contour and angle of the horns. On the other Hand, the Coldwater specimen, as shown by the photographs, reveals clearly the exact angle, as there is firm contact of the horn cores with the skull. A comparison of the size and curvature of the horn cores of the Cold- water specimen with the description and figure of the Cincinnati specimen as given in Lucas' Fossil Bison of America, leaves no room to doubt that they belong to the same species. The suggestion of Hay that the skull and horn cores of the American Museum speci- men, described by him as Bison regius, may prove to be those of a female of Bison latifrons, is well worth consideration, since the sharp upward curve of the horn cores is very much like that in the female of Bison bison, where there is a more general inclination towards an upward curve of the horn cores than in the case of the male. Unless later discoveries of the association of horn cores of Bison latifrons, like those of the Cincinnati and Coldwater specimens, with the teeth unlike those of Bison regius, should be made, it seems probable that sex alone is sufficient to account for the differences between the Bison regius of Hay and indubitable Bison latifrons. As shown by the figures, the Coldwater specimen is by no means complete, yet there are sufficient skull parts present to supply ad- ditional measurements of the ventral surface of the preoccipital region, as well as of the upper part of the skull from the occipital crest to the level of the frontonasal sutures. As there is perfect con- tact at the breaks between the horn cores and the skull, there is no doubt as to the correct angle of the horns, whether or not that angle is of any specific value. In all measurements of the horn cores, as well as of the distance across the skull between their bases, the rough ring at the base of the core is used in each case as the starting point. With the exception of the tip of each horn core, no attempt has been made to restore the skull, since it is hoped that eventually the missing parts will be found when the contemplated visit to the lo- cality is made, and more time can be given to a more thorough search of the vicinity of the original find. 400 The University Science Bulletin. There is little to be added to the description of the skull by other authors from data supplied by the Cincinnati specimen, except that as the ventral surface of the Coldwater skull appears to be more complete, it may be worth while to append a series of measurements which may be of value in the study of other material. One noticeable feature of Bison latifrons is the great thickness of the horn cores, together with the intricate network of longitudinal and transverse pillars in the interior of the cores at the base; these result in greater strength for the support of the massive horns which this animal carried. This network of trusses extends for a distance of 15 to 18 inches up the otherwise hollow core. THE FRONTAL PORTION OF THE SKULL. From the frontal eminence to the fronto-nasal sutures the surface of the frontal bone has the form of a rather level plane, with a slight longitudinal elevation along the median line; in this respect Bison latifrons parallels the condition in Bison occidentalis, but has no such prominent eminence as has Bison bison along the center of the frontal in line with the constriction between the bases of the horn cores and the upper rim of the orbital ring. It is unfortunate that^m the Coldwater specimen both of the horn cores were broken and the tips lost. The right core, with a vertical diameter at the distal end of the fragment of 72 mm., and a trans- verse diameter at the same level of 56 mm., has been restored only approximately to its original length with a total of 921 mm. Judg- ing, however, from the taper of the distal ends of the Cincinnati specimen, this is too short, and the restored portion of the Cold- water specimen appears to be too stubby and to end too abruptly', so that the probabilities are that it was several inches longer than as restored. It is likely that the distance from tip to tip of the horn cores was originally not less than 6 feet 8 inches, or 2,000 mm. Martin: Bisox Latifkons in Kansas. 401 Diinensiotis of horn cores: Length of right horn core, upper curve Length of right horn core, as restored Length to end of broken core, lower curve nianieter of core at broken end, vertical Diameter of core at broken end, transverse Diameter of horn core at base, vertical Diameter of horn core at base, transverse Circumference of right core at base Length of restored part of right horn core Length of left horn core to broken end, upper curve. Length of left horn core to broken end, lower curve. . Diameter of left horn core at broken end, vertical. . . Diameter of left horn core at broken end, tran.sverse. Diameter of left core at base, vertical Diameter of left core at ba.se, transverse Circumference of left core at base Length of restored part of left core Tip to tip of cores, as restored Tip to tip along upper curve, as restored . . Width of skull between basal rings of cores From line joining tips, to frontal eminence From same line to condylar foramen Thickness of core wal's at base. . Coldwater specimen. Cincinnati specimen. mm. 810 mm. 921 860 828 72 56 170 155 510 111 167 148 507 730 700 95 SO 170 165 512 192 1,9.30 2,1.30 1,800 360 340 382 480 60 Coldwater B. latifrons. B. occi- dentalis. B. alleni. B. bison. Dimensions of dorsal surface of 1 ead: Occiptal crest to fronto-nasal suture Width of constriction between cores and orbit Width of nasals at widest part . mm. 345 390 100 310 300 270 360 145 185 45 47 40 45 70 25 116 272 308 309 40 mm. 270 302 mm. 287 286 mm. 225 248 Occipital crest to posterior level of orbits 233 232 202 Width at articulation of lower .jaw Width between rings at base of cores Dimensions oj under surface of skull: 258 2.53 225 135 Condylar crotch to basioccipito-sphenoidal suture. . . 145 Diameter of foramen magnum, transverse 44 Diameter of foramen magnum, vertical 50 Width across condylar foramen, vertical I>ength of tympanic bulla Width of tympanic bulla . . 50 21 T'pper border of foramen magnum to supra-occ 90 Width across glenoid foss:e (outside) 230 Width at auditory meatus 240 Width in line with upper margin of foramen magnum. 245 Articular surface of glenoid fossa " . 33 Height of occipital crest above lower lip of foramen maorniim 145 402 The University Science Bulletin. Through the kindness of Earl O'Connel, a son of Mr. James O'Connel, I am able to give the following description of the location of the land on which the specimen was found: On Cottonwood creek, in section 6, township 35, range 17 west, Comanche county, Kansas, IVo miles north of the Kansas-Oklahoma state line. To one of the graduates of the University of Kansas, Mr. Horace Rich, an attorney of Coldwater, I wish here to express my thanks and appreciation of his kindness in generously devoting a whole day to the task of driving me out to the O'Connel ranch and around over the immediately surrounding country, to make an examination of the geological formations in the neighborhood, upon the occasion of the trip to Coldwater made to investigate a newspaper report of the find. In conclusion I should like to add that this specimen was very graciously presented to the writer for friendship's sake by Mr. O'Connel, to be retained as my personal property, and I hereby ex- tend to him publicly my appreciative thanks and acknowledgment of his generosity. 404 The University Science Bulletin. PLATE XLII. Photographs of horn cores and part of skull of Bison latijrons, from Cold- water, Kan. Upper Figure. Full front view showing degree of angle of the horn cores, with the vertical face of the skull. Middle Figure. The horn cores slightly tilted backward to show the ap- proximate curvature of the hora cores, if the animal stood in an attitude of rest. Lower Figure. Part of skull of full-grown Bisoyi bison for comparison. Martin: Bison Latifrons in Kansas. 405 PLATE XLII. S— 5511— II 406 The University Science Bulletin. PLATE XLIII. Upper Figure. Front view of horn cores of Sison latijrons from Coldwater, Kan., in a position to show full curvature of the horns. Lower Figure. Back view of the Coldwater specimen of Bison latijrons, showing the occipital condyle and horn cores. Note the angle of the horn cores with reference to the flattened plane of the frontal bone. IMartix: Bisox Latifrons ix Kansas. 407 PLATE XLIII. D 11-5511 Publications of the University of Kansas. Recently adopted postal regulations reriuire mailing of bulletins weighing over 8 ounces bj' parcel post, with additional charge of two cents for each package. In transmitting postage for mailing of such overweight Science Bulletins, find proper amount of postage for your zone by weight indicated and add 2 cents. KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY. Volume. I No, 1, postage, 6 cents. Nos. 2, 3, supply exhausted. No. 4, post- age, 6 cents. II Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, supply exhausted. Ill Nos. 1, 2, supply exhausted. No. 3, postage, 8 cents. No. 4, weight 12 ounces; parcel-post rate. IV No. 1, weight 9 ounces; parcel-post rate. No. 2, postage, 6 cents. Nos. 3, 4, supply exhausted. 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J. Hunter, A. L. Skoog, W. K. Trimble, N. P. Sherwood. "Orchard Problems and How to Solve Them." H. B. Hungerford. "Studies in Kansas Insects." Bulletin 11. 1. Grasshoppers ; Melanopli of Kansas. P. W. Claassen. 2. Grasshoppers; ffidipodinse of Kansas. R. H. Beamer. 3. Dragonflies of Kansas. C. H. Kennedy. 4. Scale Insects Injurious to Fruit and Shade Trees. P. B. Lawson. 5. Spring Cankerworm and Its Control. W. H. Wellhouse. "Insect Pests About the House," H. B. Hungerford. Applications should be made to the State Entomologist, University of Kansas. STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF KANSAS. Volume. I, 1896 General Stratigraphy of Eastern Kansas; exhausted. II, 1897 General Geology of Western Kansas; exhausted. III, 1898 Special Report on Coal; exhausted. IV, 1898 Upper Cretaceous Paleontology; exhausted. V, 1899 Gypsum and Gypsum Cement Plasters; exhausted. VI, 1900 Carboniferous Invertebrates, Cretaceous Fishes; exhausted. VII, 1902 Special Report on Mineral Waters; exhausted. Vin, 1904 Special Report on Lead and Zinc; exhausted. IX, 1909 Special Report on Oil and Gas; exhausted. Bulletin 1, 1913. .Special Report on Well Waters in Kansas; exhausted. Bulletin 2, 1915. .Crystalline Rocks in Kansas; exhausted. Bulletin 3, 1917. .Oil and Gas Resources of Kansas; exhausted. Bulletin 4. 1918. .Environment of Camp Funston. Bulletin 5, 1918. .Elk City Gas Field. Bulletin 6, 1918. .Oil and Gas Resources of Kansas. Part 1. General Geology of Oil and Gas. 1920. Part 2. Geology of Kansas. Part 5. Allen and Neosho Counties. Part 6. Wilson and Montgomery Counties. Bulletin 7, 1921 .. Geology of El Dorado Oil and Gas Field. Bulletin 8, 1921. .Economic Geology of the Arkansas City District. Bulletin 9, 1924.. Geology and Invertebrate Paleontology of the Comanchean and "Dakota" Formation of Kansas. Bulletin 10, 1925. .Geology of Russell County, Kansas, with special reference to oil and gas resources. Bulletin 11, 1926. .Geologic Investigations in Western Kansas, with Special Ref- erence to Oil and Gas Possibilities. Bulletin 12, 1927. .Geology of Anderson County. Bulletin 13, 1927. .Underground Resources of Kansas. MINERAL RESOURCES OP KANSAS. Report for 1897, 1898, 1900-'01, 1902 ; exhausted. Report for 1899, 1903; postage, 4 cents each. The reports and bulletins of the State Geological Survey of Kansas and the reports on the Mineral Resources of Kansas are for free distribution on receipt of the proper postage, or may be sent by express, charges collect. Where weights are given consult your postmaster for parcel-post rates. Applications should be made to the State Geologist. Date Due I i